HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 03-49; Brown Residence; Brown Residcence Drainage Study; 2004-07-13DRAINAGE STUDY KECEIVED JUl 2 0 ^^^^ ENGINEERING DEPARTWiEN'i BROWN RESIDENCE LOT 119, MAP NO. 3312 CARLSBAD, CA Report Prepared By: KRH Engineering Inc. 4844 Louise Drive SanDiego, CA92115 Phone: 619-265-9147 Fax: 619-265-9147 DATE: 07/13/04 Overview: This drainage study is for the grading ofa single family lot located on the east side ofCarlsbad Boulevard, two lots south of Cerezo Drive. In the City of Carisbad. The property is currently vacant. The existing topography is flat and sheet grades toward Carlsbad Boulevard at an approximate slope of 2.5%. The property is bounded by single family residences on the north, east and south sides. The properties to the east drain onto and across the site. The proposed development will constmct a single family residence on the property. All drainage patterns will continue as they did prior to development. All onsite and offsite flows will be carried by swales around the residence to Carisbad Boulevard. The west portion ofthe site will be depressed for an entrance to a subterranean garage and storage space. Since this area cannot gravity drain, a sump pump system will be installed to collect and discharge the flow to the swale system on the south side of the residence. The system will have two pumps. Each pump will be capable of pumping the 100 year storm flow to the swale. The pumps will altemate each time they are used. For safety, both pumps will operate together in the case that the water level rises above the 100 year level in the vault. The vault will hold just under 470 gallons of water (volume below the inflow pipe). The time to peak for the 100 year storm is 13.13 minutes, and the peak flow is 28.5 GPM for the area contributing to the pump system. Using the rational hydrograph method, a volume of 374 gallons will be generated during the 100 year storm. Suminary: The development will not cause any diversion of storm flows. The pump system is conservatively designed to: 1 carry the 100 year storm with 1 pump 2 has two pumps that will alternate in use. 3 both pumps will work together in the case that the 100 year storm flow is exceeded 4 the volume ofthe vault is greater than the 100 year storm volume for the local basin AREA CALCULATIONS Calculations are base on the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual. The 100 year P6 = 2.5 Runoff Coefficient (C) = 0.55 (conservative use of soil type "D") Time of Concentration: per County Urban Areas Overiand Time of Flow Chart T = (1.8*(l.l-C)*Length^0.5)/(Slope^(l/3)) Intensity: per San Diego County Appendix XI-B 1= 7.44 * P6 * D ^-.645 100 YEAR STORM ANALYSIS BROWN RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. P-6=2.5 LONGEST PATH IS FROM "FRONT" OF ADJACENT LOT TO THE EAST. FLOW WILL TRAVEL FROM THE ADJACENT LOT INTO THE SWALE ON THE BROWN RESIDENCE AND ULTIMATLY TO CARLSBAD BOULEVARD. TOTAL DRAINAGE BASIN area 0.353145 Acres dist 252 Feet height 4.32 Feet slope 1.714286 % c 0.55 time 13.1313 Minutes intensity 3.533495 In/hr flow 0.68631 CFS Local basin contributing to the pump system area 0.033 Acres c 0.55 intensity 3.533495 In/hr (same as total basin) fiow 0.064133 CFS 28.5 GPM REFERENCE DOCUMENTS HYDROLOGY MAP TOTAL AREA=0.35 AC C=0.55 HIGH PT= 55 LOW PT= 50.68 LENGTH=252' SL0PE=a1.7l% Tc=13.1:3 MIN -100=3.84 IN/HR Q-10040.'^4 CFS AREA iCONTRIBUTING TO SUMP PUMP=0.03 AC C=0.55 1-100=3.82 IN/HR 0-100=0.06 CFS =28.5 GPM <nivA3finoa avasitivo TABLE 2 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS (RATIONAL METHOD) DEVELOPED AREAS (URBAN) ^^"^ Coefficient. C Soil Type (1) Residential: Q Single Family ,55 .Multi-Units ,70 -Mobile Homes .65 Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) A5 Commercial (2) 80% Impervious .85 Industrial (2) 90% Impervious .95 NOTES: (I) Type D soil to be used for all areas. (2) Where actual conditions deviate significantly from the tabulated imperviousness values of 80% or 90%, the values given for coefficient C, may be revised by multiplying 80% or 90% by the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, in no case shall the final coefficient be less than 0.50. For example: Consider commercial property on D soil. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated imperviousness = 80% Revised C = |^ x 0.85 = 0.53 82 URBAM 'AREAS OvtRLAND TIME OF FLOW CURVES O I c — —'-T—I* ^'?-|'t^ l,t(l.i-C)V^ 'Use Formulo For rtu::" Disionces m Eicess:;;7:":::*."T :: 7:.;-:*.:;•: :!.T r.u:;i":i .,. _ — . _ J 1.., r z z Surfoc* Flow Tim* Curvai £XAKA?LE. t GlVEM '. L-BAiGTH FLOW « 4c>0 FT. 86 mmmmmii^l9mmmmmmm ri771"'77riTf/Tf7TTi.7rii i-ii MJH llll.iii.ii.iiimirr:. • . .' i 'i.i.^.i ti iHirr; rlTn i Equation: 7.44 -.645 Intensity (In./Hr.) 6 Hr, Precipitation ^10 15 20 Minutes 30 40 50 1 2 . 3 Hours Directions for Application: \ 1) From precipitation naps detennine 6 hr. and \ 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydrology Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in the Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 5 hr. precipitation on the right side' of the chart. 4) Drav/ a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency yr. 1) ^6 = Jn., P24= 2) Adjusted *Pg= 3) t^ = mm. 4) P24 in. %* I = *Not Applicable to Desert Region APPENDIX XI IV-A-14 Revised 1/85 DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION & FLOOD COrJTROL 100-YEAR B-HOUa PRECIPITATIQ?! ISOPLUVIALS OF lOO-YEAR 6-HOUR priECiPiTATion m unus o? AM I::CII Prepn U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATsJoSPHERlC ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF II 30' 15' 116' Revised 1/85 APPENDIX XI-F. OEPARTMENT OF SANITATION S- FLOOO CONTROL 33' 30' 15' Prep U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND AT SPECIAL STUDIES bKA.NCll, OKFICE OF M 30' ClPlTATlUn 20-/ISOPLUVIALS OF 100 -YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION IM ENTHS OF AN INCH 'l'i' 30' 117° 10' |f;« Iir," Revi.sed 1/85 APPENDIX XI-H EARTHWORK ESTIMATE BROWN RESIDENCE CUT EL FT APPROX AREA = 3130 SF AREA 52.75 52.5 52 51 50 49.5 49.29 49 SF 51 844 1035 2478 1748 575 191 VOL CF 6.375 223.75 939.5 3322 1056.5 243.915 111.07 5903.11 218.6337 TOTAL VOL (CF) TOTAL VOL CY ADDITIONAL CUT VOLUME FOR SLABS PER SOILS REPORT, SLAB SECTION = 6" VOLUME = 1565 CF = 58 CY FILL EL FT 50.5 51 52 53 54 54.5 AREA SF 29 484 290 829 1110 SHRINKAGE PER SOILS REPOR VOL CF -7.25 -256.5 -387 -559.5 -484.75 -1695 -62.7778 GRADING PLAN FOR BROWN RESIDENCE CDP 03-49 DWG NO. 422-5A Estimate Prepared By: KRH Engineering, Inc 4844 Louise Drive San Diego, CA92115 TOTAL VOL (CF) TOTAL VOL CY • BUILDING ENVELOPE PLUS 5' AROUND BUILDING TO BE RECOMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3' BELOW GRADE. BUILDING AREA PLUS 5" AROUND = 4,343 SF VOLUME AT 3' DEPTH = 13029 CF ASSUME 20% SHRINKAGE SHRINKAGE = 2606 CF = 97 CY d z o tu X o EARTHWORK ESTIMATE BROWN RESIDENCE CHI VI: CUT EL AREA VOL U FT SF CF MG 52.75 0 t KI 52.5 51 6.375 52 844 223.75 51 1035 939.5 50 2478 3322 49.5 1748 1056.5 49.29 575 243.915 49 191 111.07 5903.11 TOTAL VOL (CF) 218.6337 TOTAL VOL CY ADDITION AL CUT VOLUME FOR SLABS APPROX AREA = 3130 SF PER SOILS REPORT, SLAB SECTION = 6" VOLUME = 1565 CF = 58 CY FILL EL AREA VOL FT SF CF 50.5 0 51 29 -7.25 52 484 -256.5 53 290 -387 54 829 -559.5 54.5 1110 -484.75 -1695 TOTAL VOL (CF) -62.7778 TOTAL VOL CY SHRINKA GE PFR .«^nil .q RFPORT BUILDING ENVELOPE PLUS 5' AROUND BUILDING Tn RF RFCOMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3' BELOW GRADE. BUILDINC 3 AREA PLUS 5' AROUND = 4,343 SF VOLUME AT 3' DEP TH = 13029 CF ASSUME 20% SHRINKAGE SHRINKA .GE = 2606 CF = 97 CY 1 1 1 z o Ul X o z < Q. DRAINAGE STUDY BROWN RESIDENCE LOT 119, MAP NO. 3312 CARLSBAD, CA Report Prepared By: KRH Engineering Inc. 4844 Louise Drive San Diego, CA92115 Phone: 619-265-9147 Fax: 619-265-9147 DATE: 07/13/04 COP 02' o UJ X o z < -I CL Overview: This drainage study is for the grading ofa single family lot located on the east side ofCarlsbad Boulevard, two lots south of Cerezo Drive. In the City of Carisbad. The property is currently vacant. The existing topography is flat and sheet grades toward Carlsbad Boulevard at an approximate slope of 2.5%. The property is bounded by single family residences on the north, east and south sides. The properties to the east drain onto and across the site. The proposed development will construct a single family residence on the property. All drainage pattems will continue as they did prior to development. All onsite and offsite flows will be carried by swales around the residence to Carisbad Boulevard. The west portion ofthe site will be depressed for an entrance to a subterranean garage and storage space. Since this area cannot gravity drain, a sump pump system will be installed to collect and discharge the flow to the swale system on the south side of the residence. The system will have two pumps. Each pump will be capable of pumping the 100 year storm flow to the swale. The pumps will altemate each time they are used. For safety, both pumps will operate together in the case that the water level rises above the 100 year level in the vault. The vault will hold just under 470 gallons of water (volume below the inflow pipe). The time to peak for the 100 year storm is 13.13 minutes, and the peak flow is 28.5 GPM for the area contributing to the pump system. Using the rational hydrograph method, a volume of 374 gallons will be generated during the 100 year storm. Suminary: The development will not cause any diversion of storm flows. The pump system is conservatively designed to: 1 carry the 100 year storm with 1 pump 2 has two pumps that will altemate in use. 3 both pumps will work together in the case that the 100 year storm flow is exceeded 4 the volume ofthe vault is greater than the 100 year storm volume for the local basin AREA CALCULATIONS Calculations are base on the County of San Diego Design and Procedure Manual. The 100 year P6 = 2.5 Runoff Coefficient (C) = 0.55 (conservative use of soil type "D") Time of Concentration: per County Urban Areas Overiand Time of Flow Chart T = (1.8*(l.l-C)*Length^0.5)/(Slope^(l/3)) Intensity: per San Diego County Appendix XI-B 1= 7 44 * P6 * D ^-.645 100 YEAR STORM ANALYSIS BROWN RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. P-6=2.5 LONGEST PATH IS FROM "FRONT" OF ADJACENT LOT TO THE EAST. FLOW WILL TRAVEL FROM THE ADJACENT LOT INTO THE SWALE ON THE BROWN RESIDENCE AND ULTIMATLY TO CARLSBAD BOULEVARD. TOTAL DRAINAGE BASIN area 0.353145 Acres dist 252 Feet height 4.32 Feet slope 1.714286 % c 0.55 time 13.1313 Minutes intensity 3.533495 In/hr flow 0.68631 CFS Local basin contributing to the pump system area 0.033 Acres c 0.55 intensity 3.533495 In/hr (same as total basin) flow 0.064133 CFS 28.5 GPM REFERENCE DOCUMENTS HYDROLOGY MAP TOTAL AREA=0.35 AC 0=0.55 HIGH PT= 55 LOW PT= 50.68 LENGTH=252' SL0PE=a1.7l% Tc=13.113 MIN 1-100=3.84 IN/HR Q-100=0.7H CFS AREA CONTRIBUTING TO SUMP PUMP=0.03 AC 0=0.55 1-100=3.82 IN/HR 0-100=0.06 CFS =28.5 GPM ouvAsrinoa avasiuvo TABLE 2 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS (RATIONAL METHOD) DEVELOPED AREAS (URBAN) ^^"^ ^se Coefficient. C Soil Type (1) Residential: Q Single Family ,55 .Multi-Units .70 -Mobile Homes .65 Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) A5 Commercial (2) 80% Impervious .85 Industrial (2) 90% Impervious .95 NOTES: (1) Type D soii to be used for all areas. (2) Where actual conditions deviate significantly from the tabulated imperviousness values of 80% or 90%, the values given for coefficient C, may be revised by multiplying 80% or 90% by the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, in no case shall the final coefficient be less than 0.50. For example: Consider commercial property on D soil. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated imperviousness = 80% Revised C = |^ x 0.85 = 0.53 82 URBAM ^ARLAS OvtRLANiD T\ML OF FLOW CURVES s IOO 700 <00 300 -.^V-j^--^.^ r-*— ^ rtl.:-:r~ 0's'o"c«fs i'> £icess:':7:~:*:r."T - 400 300 200 100 • Use Formulo For Z. 80 70 40 50 40 £ Z i 30 2C 10 Svrfac* Flow Tim* Cwrv« £XAK^?LE. t 6>JVEM uE^/^GTH c^F FLOW * 4c>o FT. 86 .Ta.^ - tt-i-j!^ '^^S ' Tl'r 7 pTffTfTTT7.Tr/ i' H I MIM1111.1II. I j. I iitrn rr?! Equation: uiu.i Ll in innhni -.645 I •••= 7.44 P^ D' o I » Intensity (In./Hr.) Pg = 6 Hr, Precipitation D = Duration 15 20 Minutes 40 50 1 nn>'';it'f nn 2 Hours Directions for Application: \ 1) From precipitation naps determine 6 hr. and | 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydrology Manual (10, 50 and 100 yr. maps included in the Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Not applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side^ of the chart. 4) Drav/ a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency yr. 1) ^6 = Jn., P24= 2) Adjusted *Pg= in. %* 3) 4) ^c = I = min. In/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region APPENDIX XI IV-A-14 Revised 1/85 DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION S FLOOD co^rrROL lOO-YEAR 6-HOUll PRECIPITATiQJl ISOPLUVIALS PfiECiFiTATIOn m OF 100-YFAR 6-HOUR em;s G? AH I::CSI 33' U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATuJoSPIlEHIC ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL STUDIES BRANCH, OFFICE OF II Revised 1/85 APPENDIX XI-E DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION S- FLOOD CONTROL ^5 33" 30' 15' ^5' U.S. DEPARTMEN NATIONAL OCtANIC ANO AT\ SPECIAL STUDIES bKANCll, OKKlCli OF 11' [CIPITATIUM "20-^ ISOPLUVIALS OF 100 -YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATIOn IN EMTUS OF AN INCH 30' 'l'i" 30' 11' 117° ''!«' 10' jfj' nr." Revised 1/85 APPENDIX XI-H &OAST GEOTECHNIciP CONSIILTINC F,N(UNEEKS ANU (lEOLOCilSTS June 3, 2003 Laveme and Elaine Brown ^ nu,y 5411 Los Robles Drive JUL 2 U ^JJ^ Carlsbad, CA 92008 ^^o.Kir, HNGINEEWNG DEPARTMENT Subject: RESPONSE TO CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT LETTER Dated May 21, 2002 CDP 02-19-Brown Family Residence Reference: PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed Single Family Residence Lot 119, Map No. 3312 Vacant Lot, Carlsbad Boulevard APN 210-115-24 Carlsbad, Califomia Prepared by Coast Geotechnical Dated April 15, 2002 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown: In reference to the city of Carlsbad subject letter. Item 1, regarding surface drainage directed along the narrow side yard area, the following conclusions and recommendations are presented. y z CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION.S 1) Infiltration of water adjacent to foundations and retaining walls can potentially adversely affect conventional footings and create "damp" conditions in \^ mJkai subterranean structures. The following recommendations are intended to reduce these concems. < 779 ACADEMY DRIVE • SOLANA BEACH. CALIFORNIA 92075 "-"i 755-8(i22 • FAX (858) 7.55-9126 f7U fH Coast Geotechnical June 3, 2003 W.O. P-357032 Page 2 2) The six (6) foot wide northern side yard area will slope to the west at a grade of about three (3) percent. The upper 12 inches of the subgrade deposits in the side yard area should be scarified and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density. 3) A portion of the residence adjacent to the side yard area will be supported on conventional footings. These footings should be deepened an additional six (6) inches. 4) Positive drainage should be maintained along the side yard area. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (858) 755-8622. This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. Respectfully submitted, COAST GEOTECHNICAL Mark Burwell, C.E.G. Engineering Geologist ft)AST GEOTECHNICi^ CONSULTINO ENOINEERS AND OKOLCKHSTS April 15, 2002 Laveme and Elaine Brown 5411 Los Robles Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 -•••AG RE: PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed Single Family Residence Lot 119, Map No. 3312 Vacant Lot, Carlsbad Boulevard APN 210-115-24 Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brown: In response to your request and in accordance with our Proposal and Agreement dated March 14, 2002, we have performed a preliminary geotechnical investigation on the subject site for the proposed residence. The findings of the investigation, laboratory test results and recommendations for foundation design and site development are presented in this report. From a geologic and soils engineering point of view, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed development, provided the recommendations in this report are implemented during the design and constmction phases. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (858) 755-8622. This opportunity to be of service is appreciated. Respectfully submitted, COAST GEOTECHNICAL Mark Burwell, C.E.G. Vithaya Singhanet, P.E. Engineering Geologist Geotechnical Engineer ^79 ACADEMY DRIVI-: • S(.)iANA BEACH. CALIFORNIA 9207 (858) 755-8(22 • I-AX (858) 755-912(i PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Proposed Single Family Residence Lot 119, Map No. 3312 Vacant Lot, Carlsbad Boulevard APN 210-115-24 Carlsbad, Califomia Prepared For: Laverne and Elaine Brown 5411 Los Robles Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 April 15, 2002 * W.O. P-357032 Prepared By: COAST GEOTECHNICAL 779 Academy Drive Solana Beach, Califomia 92075 TABLE OF CONTENTS VICINITY MAP INTRODUCTION 5 SITE CONDITIONS 5 PROPOSED ADDITION 5 SITE INVESTIGATION 6 LABORATORY TESTING 6 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 7 CONCLUSIONS 10 RECOMMENDATIONS 11 A. BUILDING PAD-REMOVALS/RECOMPACTION 11 B. TEMPORARY SLOPES/EXCAVATION CHARACTERISTICS 12 C. FOUNDATIONS 12 D. SLABS ON GRADE (INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR) 13 E. RETAINING WALLS 14 F. SETTLEMENT CHARACTERISTICS 14 G. SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS 14 H. SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS 15 I. UTILITY TRENCH 15 J. DRAINAGE 16 K. GEOTECHNICAL OBSERVATIONS 16 L. PLAN REVIEW 17 LIMITATIONS 17 REFERENCES 19 APPENDICES APPENDIX A LABORATORY TEST RESULTS EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS GRADING PLAN APPENDIX B REGIONAL FAULT MAP SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRUM APPENDIX C GRADING GUIDELINES CTopyrisht ® 2000 [DeLorme. XopoTools AdvAnced Print Kit XE. Scal«: 1 : 7,200 Zoom Level: 14-7 Datum: WGS84 Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 5 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation on the subject property. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the nature and characteristics of the earth materials underlying the property, the engineering properties ofthe surficial deposits and their influence on the proposed residence. SITE CONDITIONS The subject property is located just south of Cerezo Drive, along the east side ofCarlsbad Boulevard, in the city of Carlsbad. The site includes a vacant rectangular lot that slopes very gently to the west. Relief on the site is approximately 3.0 vertical feet. The property is bounded along the north, south and east by developed residential lots. Vegetation includes a sparse to moderate growth of ice plant, shmbs and cactus. Drainage is by sheet flow to the west. PROPOSED ADDITION Preliminary grading and building plans for development of the site were prepared by Grabhorn Engineering and DZN Partners Architecture, respectively. The project includes constmction of a new two story residence over a proposed basement. Grading will include excavation up to 4.0 vertical feet for the basement. Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 7 percentage of the dry unit weight. Both are shown on the enclosed Laboratory Tests Results and Exploratory Logs. Maximum Dry Densitv and Optimum Moisture Content The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were determined for selected samples of earth materials taken from the site. The laboratory standard tests were in accordance with ASTM D-1557-91. The results of the tests are presented in the Laboratory Test Results. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The subject property is located in the Coastal Plains Physiographic Province of San Diego. The property is underlain at relatively shallow depths by Pleistocene terrace deposits. The terrace deposits are underlain at depth by Eocene-age sedimentary rocks which have commonly been designated as the Santiago Formation on published geologic maps. The terrace deposits are covered by thin residual soil deposits. A brief description of the earth materials encountered on the site follows. Artificial Fill No evidence of significant fill deposits were encountered in the exploratory borings. A small mound, approximately 2.0 feet high, of stockpiled sandy deposits with concrete fragments and roots was observed in the northeastem portion of the site. Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 8 Residual Soil Site exploration suggests the underlying terrace deposits are blanketed by approximately 3.0 to 6.0 inches of brown silty sand. The soil is generally dry and loose, as encountered in the exploratory borings. The contact with the underlying terrace deposits is gradational and may vary across the site. Terrace Deposits Underlying the surficial materials, poorly consolidated Pleistocene terrace deposits are present. The sediments are composed of tan to reddish brown fine and medium-grained sand. The terrace deposits are dry to an approximate depth of 12 feet where a slight increase in moisture was observed. Regionally, the Pleistocene sands are considered flat- lying and are underlain at depth by Eocene-age sedimentary rock units. Expansive Soil Based on our experience in the area and previous laboratory testing of selected samples, the residual soil and Pleistocene sands reflect an expansion potential in the low range. Ground Water No evidence of perched or high ground water tables were encountered to the depth explored. However, it should be noted that seepage problems can develop after completion of constmction. These seepage problems most often result from drainage Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 9 alterations, landscaping and over-irrigation. In the event that seepage or saturated ground does occur, it has been our experience that they are most effectively handled on an individual basis. Tectonic Setting The site is located within the seismically active southern California region which is generally characterized by northwest trending Quatemary-age fault zones. Several of these fault zones and fault segments are classified as active by the California Division of Mines and Geology (Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act). Based on a review of published geologic maps, no known faults transverse the site. The nearest active fault is the offshore Rose Canyon Fault Zone located approximately 3.9 miles west ofthe site. It should be noted that the Rose Canyon Fault is not a continuous, well-defined feature but rather a zone of right stepping en echelon faults. The complex series of faults has been referred to as the Offshore Zone of Deformation (Woodward- Clyde, 1979) and is not fully understood. Several studies suggest that the Newport- Inglewood and the Rose Canyon faults are a continuous zone of en echelon faults (Treiman, 1984). Further studies along the complex offshore zone of faulting may indicate a potentially greater seismic risk than current data suggests. Other faults which could affect the site include the Coronado Bank, Elsinore, San Jacinto and San Andreas Faults. The proximity of major faults to the site and site parameters are shown on the enclosed Seismic Design Parameters. Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 10 Liquefaction Potential Liquefaction is a process by which a sand mass loses its shearing strength completely and flows. The temporary transformation of the material into a fluid mass is often associated with ground motion resulting from an earthquake. Owing to the moderately dense nature of the Pleistocene terrace deposits and the anticipated depth to ground water, the potential for seismically induced liquefaction and soil instability is considered low. CONCLUSIONS 1) The subject property is located approximately 300 lateral feet east of the coastal bluffs and is relatively free of potential geologic hazards such as landsliding, Uquefaction, high ground water conditions and seismically induced subsidence. 2) The existing soil and dry terrace deposits are not suitable for the support of proposed footings and concrete flatwork in their present condition. These surficial deposits should be removed in the upper 3 0 feet and replaced as properly compacted fill deposits in areas which will support footings and concrete flatwork outside the proposed basement walls. 3) It is anticipated that the basement excavation will expose terrace deposits. Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 11 However, if dry and loose materials are encountered in the area of the proposed basement slab they should be compacted. All retaining waU footings should be founded the design depth into competent terrace deposits. RECOMMENDATIONS Building Pad-Removals/Recompaction In foundation and slab areas outside the proposed basement walls, the existing soil and weathered terrace deposits should be removed to a minimum depth of 3.0 feet below the existing grade or 18 inches below the base of proposed footings, whichever is greater, and replaced as properly compacted flfl. Removals should include the entire building pad extending a minimum of 5.0 feet beyond the building footprint, where appUcable. Most of the existing earth deposits are generally suitable for reuse, provided they are cleared of afl vegetation, debris and thoroughly mixed. Prior to placement of fifl, the base of the removal should be observed by a representative of this firm. Additional overexcavation and recommendations may be necessary at that time. The exposed bottom should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6.0 inches, moistened as required and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density. Fill should be placed in 6.0 to 8.0 inch Ufts, moistened to approximately 1.0 - 2.0 percent above optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density. Soil and weathered terrace deposits in areas of proposed concrete flatwork and driveways should be removed and replaced as properly Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 13 For design purposes, an allowable bearing value of 1500 pounds per square foot may be used for foundations at the recommended footing depths. The bearing value may be increased to 2000 pounds per square foot for subterranean retaining wall footings. The bearing value indicated above is for the total dead and frequently applied live loads. This value may be increased by 33 percent for short durations of loading, including the effects of wind and seismic forces. Resistance to lateral load may be provided by friction acting at the base of foundations and by passive earth pressure. A coefficient of friction of 0.35 may be used with dead- load forces. A passive earth pressure of 250 pounds per square foot, per foot of depth of fifl penetrated to a maximum of 1500 pounds per square foot may be used. Slabs on Grade (Interior and Exterior) Slabs on grade should be a minimum of 4.0 inches thick and reinforced in both directions with No. 3 bars placed 18 inches on center in both directions. The slab should be underlain by a minimum 2.0-inch sand blanket. Where moisture sensitive floors are used, a minimum 6.0-mil Visqueen or equivalent moisture barrier should be placed over the sand blanket and covered by an additional two inches of sand. Utility trenches underlying the slab may be backfilled with on-site materials, compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density. Slabs including exterior concrete flatwork should be reinforced as indicated above and provided with saw cuts/expansion Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 14 joints, as recommended by the project stmctural engineer. All slabs should be cast over dense compacted subgrades. Retaining Walls Cantilever walls (yielding) retaining nonexpansive granular soils may be designed for an active-equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per cubic foot. Restrained walls (nonyielding) should be designed for an "at-rest" equivalent fluid pressure of 58 pounds per cubic foot. Wall footings should be designed in accordance with the foundation design recommendations. All retaining walls should be provided with an adequate backdrainage system (Miradrain 6000 or equivalent is suggested). The soil parameters assume a level granular backfill compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density. Settlement Characteristics Estimated total and differential settlement is expected to be on the order of 3/4 inch and 1/2 inch, respectively. It should also be noted that long term secondary settlement due to irrigation and loads imposed by stmctures is anticipated to be 1/4 inch. Seismic Considerations Although the Ukelihood of ground mpture on the site is remote, the property wiU be exposed to moderate to high levels of ground motion resulting from the release of energy Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 15 should an earthquake occur along the numerous known and unknown faults in the region. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone is the nearest known active fault and is considered the design earthquake for the site. A maximum probable event along the offshore segment of the Rose Canyon Fault is expected to produce a peak bedrock horizontal acceleration of 0.39g and a repeatable ground acceleration of 0.25g. Seismic Design Parameters (1997 Uniform Building Code) Soil Profile Type - S^ Seismic Zone - 4 Seismic Source - Type B Near Source Factor (NJ - 1.1 Near source Acceleration Factor (NJ - 1.0 Seismic Coefficients C, = 0.40 C, = 0.64 Design Response Spectmm T, = 0.643 T„ = 0.129 Utilitv Trench We recommend that all utilities be bedded in clean sand to at least one foot above the top of the conduit. The bedding should be flooded in place to fill aU the voids around the conduit. Imported or on-site granular material compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction may be utilized for backfill above the bedding. Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 17 Plan Review A copy of the final plans should be submitted to this office for review prior to the initiation of constmction. Additional recommendations may be necessary at that time. LIMITATIONS This report is presented with the provision that it is the responsibiUty of the owner or the owner's representative to bring the information and recommendations given herein to the attention of the project's architects and/or engineers so that they may be incorporated into plans. If conditions encountered during constmction appear to differ from those described in this report, our office should be notified so that we may consider whether modifications are needed. No responsibility for constmction compliance with design concepts, specifications or recommendations given in this report is assumed unless on-site review is performed during the course of constmction. The subsurface conditions, excavation characteristics and geologic stmcture described herein are based on individual exploratory excavations made on the subject property. The subsurface conditions, excavation characteristics and geologic stmcture discussed should in no way be constmed to reflect any variations which may occur among the exploratory excavations. Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 18 Please note that fluctuations in the level of ground water may occur due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors not evident at the time measurements were made and reported herein. Coast Geotechnical assumes no responsibility for variations which may occur across the site. The conclusions and recommendations of this report apply as of the current date. In time, however, changes can occur on a property whether caused by acts of man or nature on this or adjoining properties. Additionally, changes in professional standards may be brought about by legislation or the expansion of knowledge. Consequently, the conclusions and recommendations of this report may be rendered wholly or partially invalid by events beyond our control. This report is therefore subject to review and should not be reUed upon after the passage of two years. The professional judgments presented herein are founded partly on our assessment of the technical data gathered, partly on our understanding of the proposed constmction and partly on our general experience in the geotechnical field. However, in no respect do we guarantee the outcome of the project. Coast Geotechnical April 15, 2002 W.O. P-357032 Page 19 REFERENCES 1. Hays, Walter W., 1980, Procedures for Estimating Earthquake Ground Motions, Geological Survey Professional Paper 1114, 77 pages. 2. Petersen, Mark D. and others (DMG), Frankel, Arthur D. and others (USGS), 1996, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of Califomia, CaUfomia Division of Mines and Geology OFR 96-08, United States Geological Survey OFR 96-706. 3. Seed, H.B., and Idriss, I.M., 1970, A SimpUfied Procedure for Evaluating Soil Liquefaction Potential: Earthquake Engineering Research Center. 4. Tan, S.S., and Giffen, D.G., 1995, LandsUde Hazards in the Northern Part of the San Diego Metropolitan Area, San Diego County, Plate 35A, Open-File Report 95-04, Map Scale 1:24,000. 5. Treiman, J.A., 1984, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, A Review and Analysis, CaUfomia Division of Mines and Geology. MAPS/AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS 1. Aerial Photograph, 1982, Foto-Map D-8, Scale 1"=2000'. 2. California Division of Mines and Geology, 1994, Fault Activity Map of Califomia, Scale 1"=750,000'. 3. Geologic Map of the Oceanside, San Luis Rey and San Marcos 7.5' Quadrangles, 1996, DMG Open File Report 96-02. 4. Grabhorn Engineering, 2002, Concept Grading Plan, Brown Residence, Scale 1"=8'. 5. U.S.G.S., 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Topographic Map, Digitized, Scale Variable. APPENDIX A LABORATORY TEST RESULTS TABLE I Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content (Laboratory Standard ASTM D-1557-91) Sample Max. Dry Optimum Location Density Moisture Content (pcf) B-1 @ 1. 0' -3.0• 128.6 10.1 TABLE II Field Dry Density and Moisture Content Sample Field Dry Field Mois Location Density Content (pcf) % B-1 @ 1.0' 109 .1 3 .6 B-1 @ 2.0' 96.4 3 .3 B-1 @ 3.5' 94 .1 4.1 B-1 @ 8.0' 105.4 4 .4 B-1 @ 11.0' 112 .2 6 . 6 B-1 @ 15.0' Sample Disturbed 7.1 B-2 @ 2.5' 96 .1 3 .4 B-2 @ 3.5' 104 . 8 3 . 5 B-2 @ 7.0' 107 .1 3.2 B-2 @ 9.0' Sample Disturbed 4 . 5 B-3 @ 2.0' 94 .1 3.4 B-3 @ 5.0' Sample Disturbed 4.6 B-3 (37.0' Sample Disturbed 4.5 P-357032 LOG OF EXPLORATORY BOANG NO. 1 DRILL RIG: PORTABLE BUCKET AUGER BORING DIAMETER: 3.5" SURFACE ELEV.: 51.5' & H tn w Q 109.1 96.4 94.1 105.4 112.2 H w H v> O 3,6 3.3 4.1 4.4 6.6 7.1 Pi w H I I .£5 O •T3 O o I I SHEET 1 OF 1 5 LSO 0.00 49.50 2.01 47. V) 4.01 45..V) 6.0( 43.>» 8.00 «lMiriy t,.»,W g rJ jtllHIIHJ r iT ii H IfJ hidTiiiiri' M N) 41.50 10.00 39.50 12.00 37.5 14.00 35.5(1 16.01 ••iiNiiiSA fiitfiiili •IIIMI IK fild^Tlsr] fiiiViii4 HIIHIIM) iiiiiriiiri •IIIHIIHL k ti Ell's 11% 411% 1^ ~4 fil ifll Al r X Mj {•IIMHMO r JT dii <IIMIIMI JusStst ii U c/5 1/3 SM SM PROJECT NO. P-357032 DATE DRILLED: 03-29-02 LOGGED BY: MB GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION SOIL (Qs): Bm.silty and fine-grained sand, dry, loose TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt): Tan to Reddish bm., fine and med.-grained sand, dry, dense From 12', increase in moisture End of Boring @ 16.5' COAST GEOTECHNICAL LOG OF EX«LORATORY BO ANG NO. 2 DRILL RIG: PORTABLE BUCKET AUGER BORING DIAMETER: 3.5" SURFACE ELEV.: 52' H S Q 96.1 104.8 107.1 o H £3 3.4 3.5 3.2 4.5 Pi w u § w l-I w ffi H &< W Q 52.00 T3 (U M O <u •a o O o Z I I 0.00 51.00 :i'Kt'!ICl 1.00 ll iT » H J— 50.00 I 2.00 49.00 3.00 I i 48. HI 4.00 47.1)0 5.0IJ 46.( I 6.01) 45.( 1 7.00 t X lii rniTnL. M IM 'HI t X 'ib M IM iin{ i«pV X r AT » r c as •IttHIINI ffi 44.00 8.0( X X li Ml 43.0 I 9.00 f lfl Tl H il ixi^ ttflMIMIl fiYifiiSn SHEET 1 OF 1 c/3 O 00 I-) o c/3 PROJECT NO. P-357032 DATE DRILLED: 03-29-02 LOGGED BY: MB SM SM GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION SOIL (Qs): Bm.silty and fine-grained sand, dry, loose TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt): Tan to Reddish bm., fine and med.-grained sand, dry, dense EndofBoring@9.5' COAST GEOTECHNICAL LOG OF EXfcORATORY BOANG NO. 3 DRILL RIG: PORTABLE BUCKET AUGER BORING DIAMETER: 3.5" SURFACE ELEV.: 52.5' V ' 00 Q Pi Q Pi w H I w o < g w ffi H IX, W Q 52.50 0.00 :l«l«i iiffio: 00 U c/3 C/3 CO U PROJECT NO. P-357032 DATE DRILLED: 03-29-02 LOGGED BY: MB GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 94.1 3.4 4.6 4.5 I — 1.00 50.50 T3 (U t tn O Ul (U T3 O o o I I SM 51.50 SM 2.00 49.50 3.00 48.50 4.00 47.50 5.00 46.50 — 6.00 45.50 7.00 44.50 8.00 — 43.50 SHEET 1 OF 1 "9W nivjwiRiw r.v»W0M SOIL (Qs): Bm.silty and fme-grained sand, dry, loose TERRACE DEPOSITS (Qt): Tan to Reddish bm., fine and med.-grained sand, dry, dense EndofBoring(@9' COAST GEOTECHNICAL Ed P o ca o < ea tn Ct < u [51.07] 00 -f/- PER DWG NO 3J1--7 [50.58] .S4-f69-t-/- PER DWG NO 331-7 PORTION OF GRADING PLAN LEGEND BORING LOCATION (approx.) 1. COAST GEOTECHNICAL P-357032 GRAPHIC SCALE APPENDIX B CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP BROWN 1100 1000 -100 900 -- 800 -- 700 -- 600 -- 500 400 -- 300 -- 200 -- 100 -- -400 -300 -200 -100 100 200 300 400 500 600 *********************** * * * UBCSEIS * * * * Version 1.03 * * * *********************** COMPUTATION OF 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS JOB NUMBER: P-357032 JOB NAME: BROWN FAULT-DATA-FILE NAME: CDMGUBCR.DAT DATE: 04-12-2002 SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.1284 SITE LONGITUDE: 117.3323 UBC SEISMIC ZONE: 0.4 UBC SOIL PROFILE TYPE: SC NEAREST TYPE A FAULT: NAME: ELSINORE-JULIAN DISTANCE: 40.6 km NEAREST TYPE B FAULT: NAME: ROSE CANYON DISTANCE: 6.3 km NEAREST TYPE C FAULT: NAME: DISTANCE: 99999.0 km SELECTED UBC SEISMIC COEFFICIENTS; Na: 1.0 Nv: 1.1 Ca: 0.40 Cv: 0.64 Ts: 0.643 To: 0.129 SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS Page - APPROX. SOURCE MAX. SLIP FAUL ABBREVIATED DISTANCE TYPE MAG. RATE TYP FAULT NAME (km) (A,B,C) (Mw) (mm/yr) 1(SS,DS,BT) ======= ________ SAN GABRIEL 159.0 B 7.0 1.00 SS IMPERIAL 165.9 A 7.0 20.00 ss PISGAH-BULLION MTN.-MESQUITE LK 166.5 B 7.1 0.60 SS CALICO - HIDALGO 169.2 1 B 7.1 0. 60 ss SANTA SUSANA 171.5 1 B 6.6 5.00 DS HOLSER 180.4 1 B 6.5 0.40 DS SIMI-SANTA ROSA 187.9 1 B 6.7 1.00 DS OAK RIDGE (Onshore) 188.7 1 B 6.9 4.00 DS SAN CAYETANO 197.2 1 B 6.8 6.00 DS GRAVEL HILLS - HARPER LAKE 197.7 1 B 6.9 0.60 SS BLACKWATER 212.8 1 B 6.9 0.60 t SS VENTURA - PITAS POINT 216.1 1 B 6.8 1.00 DS SANTA YNEZ (East) 216.9 1 B 7.0 2.00 SS SANTA CRUZ ISLAND 224.7 1 B 6.8 1.00 DS M.RIDGE-ARROYO PARIDA-SANTA ANA 226.7 1 B 6.7 0.40 1 DS RED MOUNTAIN 230.1 1 B 6.8 2.00 1 DS GARLOCK (West) 233.4 1 A 7.1 6.00 SS PLEITO THRUST 238.6 1 B 6.8 2.00 DS BIG PINE 244.4 1 B 6.7 0.80 1 SS GARLOCK (East) 248.3 1 A 7.3 7.00 1 SS WHITE WOLF 259.3 1 B 7.2 1 2.00 1 DS SANTA ROSA ISLAND 259.6 1 B 1 6.9 1 1.00 1 DS SANTA YNEZ (West) 262.0 1 B 1 6.9 2.00 1 SS So. SIERRA NEVADA 272.7 1 B 1 7.1 1 0.10 1 DS LITTLE LAKE 277.5 1 B 1 6.7 i 0.70 1 SS OWL LAKE 278.8 1 B 1 6.5 1 2.00 1 SS PANAMINT VALLEY | 279.0 1 B 1 7.2 1 2.50 1 SS TANK CANYON j 279.6 1 B 1 6.5 1 1.00 1 DS DEATH VALLEY (South) | 288.2 1 B 1 6.9 1 4. 00 1 SS LOS ALAMOS-W. BASELINE | 304.2 1 B 1 6.8 1 0.70 1 DS LIONS HEAD I 321.7 1 B 1 6.6 1 0.02 1 DS DEATH VALLEY (Graben) | 329.1 1 B 1 6.9 1 4.00 1 DS SAN LUIS RANGE (S. Margin) | 331.4 1 B 1 7.0 1 0.20 1 DS SAN JUAN 1 332.1 1 B 1 7.0 1 1.00 1 SS CASMALIA (Orcutt Frontal Fault) | 339.8 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.25 1 DS OWENS VALLEY | 345.9 1 B 1 7.6 1 1.50 1 SS LOS OSOS 1 361.5 1 B 1 6.8 1 0.50 1 DS HOSGRI 1 367.5 1 B 1 7.3 1 2.50 1 SS HUNTER MTN. - SALINE VALLEY | 372.5 1 B 1 7.0 1 2.50 1 SS INDEPENDENCE | 381.7 1 B 1 6.9 1 0.20 1 DS DEATH VALLEY (Northern) j 382.4 1 A 1 7.2 1 5.00 1 SS RINCONADA j 382.4 1 B 1 7.3 1 1.00 1 SS BIRCH CREEK | 438.0 1 B 1 6.5 1 0.70 1 DS SAN ANDREAS (Creeping) | 438.7 1 B 1 5.0 1 34.00 1 SS WHITE MOUNTAINS I 442.6 1 B 1 7.1 1 1.00 1 SS DEEP SPRINGS I 461.1 1 B 1 6.6 1 0.80 1 DS SUMMARY OF FAULT PARAMETERS Page 1 APPROX. SOURCE MAX. SLIP 1 FAULT ABBREVIATED 1 DISTANCE TYPE MAG. RATE 1 TYPE FAULT NAME 1 (km) (A,B,C) (Mw) (mm/yr) 1(SS,DS,BT) DEATH VALLEY (N. of Cucamongo) 1 466.4 A 7 .0 5.00 1 SS ROUND VALLEY (E. of S.N.Mtns.) 1 473.0 B 6 .8 1.00 1 DS FISH SLOUGH 1 480.9 B 6 . 6 0.20 1 DS HILTON CREEK 1 499.1 B 6 .7 2.50 1 DS ORTIGALITA 1 523.1 B 6 .9 1.00 1 SS HARTLEY SPRINGS 1 523.3 1 B 6 .6 0.50 1 DS CALAVERAS (So.of Calaveras Res) 1 528.6 B 6 .2 15.00 1 SS MONTEREY BAY - TULARCITOS 1 531.3 1 B 7 1 0.50 1 DS PALO COLORADO - SUR 1 532.2 1 B 7 0 3.00 1 SS QUIEN SABE 1 541.9 1 B 6 5 1.00 1 SS MONO LAKE 1 559.3 1 B 6 6 2.50 1 DS ZAYANTE-VERGELES 1 560.4 1 B 6 8 0.10 1 SS SAN ANDREAS (1906) 1 565.6 1 A 7 9 24.00 1 SS SARGENT 1 565.7 1 B 6 8 3.00 1 SS ROBINSON CREEK 1 590.6 1 B 6 5 0.50 1 DS SAN GREGORIO 1 606.6 1 A 7 3 5.00 1 SS GREENVILLE 1 615.5 1 B 6 9 2.00 1 SS MONTE VISTA - SHANNON 1 615.8 1 B 6 5 0.40 1 DS HAYWARD (SE Extension) 1 615.9 1 B 6 5 3.00 1 SS ANTELOPE VALLEY 1 630.9 1 B 6 7 0.80 1 DS HAYWARD (Total Length) 1 635.6 1 A 7 1 1 9.00 1 SS CALAVERAS (No.of Calaveras Res) 1 635.6 1 B 1 6 8 1 6.00 1 SS GENOA 1 656.2 1 B 1 6 9 1.00 1 DS CONCORD - GREEN VALLEY 1 683.4 1 B 1 6 9 6.00 1 SS RODGERS CREEK 1 722.2 1 A 1 7 0 1 9.00 1 SS WEST NAPA 1 723.1 1 B 1 6 5 1 1.00 1 SS POINT REYES 1 741.0 1 B 1 6 8 1 0.30 1 DS HUNTING CREEK - BERRYESSA 1 745.5 1 B 1 6 9 1 6.00 1 SS MAACAMA (South) 1 784.9 1 B 1 6 9 1 9.00 1 SS COLLAYOMI 1 801.8 1 B 1 6 5 1 0.60 1 SS BARTLETT SPRINGS 1 805.3 1 A 1 7 1 1 6.00 1 ss MAACAMA (Central) 1 826.5 1 A 1 7 1 1 9.00 1 ss MAACAMA (North) 1 886.1 1 A 1 7. 1 1 9.00 1 ss ROUND VALLEY (N. S.F.Bay) 1 892.3 1 B 1 6. 8 1 6.00 1 ss BATTLE CREEK 1 915.9 1 B 1 6. 5 i 0.50 1 DS LAKE MOUNTAIN 1 950.7 1 B 1 6. 7 1 6.00 1 ss GARBERVILLE-BRICELAND 1 967.8 1 B 1 6. 9 1 9.00 1 ss MENDOCINO FAULT ZONE 1 1024.1 1 A 1 7. 4 1 35.00 1 DS LITTLE SALMON (Onshore) 1 1030.8 1 A 1 7. 0 1 5.00 1 DS MAD RIVER 1 1033.6 1 B 1 7. 1 1 0.70 1 DS CASCADIA SUBDUCTION ZONE 1 1037.7 1 A 1 8. 3 1 35.00 1 DS McKINLEYVILLE 1 1044.0 1 B 1 7. 0 1 0.60 1 DS TRINIDAD 1 1045.5 1 B 1 7. 3 1 2.50 1 DS FICKLE HILL 1 1046.0 1 B 1 6. 9 1 0.60 1 DS TABLE BLUFF 1 1051.3 1 B 1 7. 0 1 0.60 1 DS LITTLE SALMON (Offshore) 1 1064.7 1 B 1 7. 1 1 1.00 1 DS 3 c o o o < 05 o 0 Q. 0) DESIGN RESPONSE SPECTRUM Seismic Zone: 0.4 Soil Profile: SC 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Period Seconds 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 GRADING GUIDELINES GracJIng shoulcJ be performed to at least the minimum requirements of the governing agencies, Chapter 33 of the Uniform Building Code, the geotechnical report and the guidelines presented below. All of the guidelines may not apply to a specific site and additional recommendations may be necessary during the grading phase. Site Clearing Trees, dense vegetation, and other deleterious materials should be removed from the site. Non-organic debris or concrete may be placed in deeper fill areas under direction of the Soils engineer. Subdrainage 1. During grading, the Geologist and Soils Engineer should evaluate the necessity of placing additional drains (see Plate A). 2. All subdrainage systems should be observed by the Geologist and Soils Engineer during construction and prior to covering with compacted fill. 3. Consideration should be given to having subdrains located by the project surveyors. Outlets should be located and protected. Treatment of Existing Ground 1. All heavy vegetation, rubbish and other deleterious materials should be disposed of off site. 2. All surficial deposits including alluvium and colluvium should be removed unless otherwise indicated in the text of this report. Groundwater existing in the alluvial areas may make excavation difficult. Deeper removals than indicated in the text of the report may be necessary due to saturation during winter months. 3. Subsequent to removals, the natural ground should be processed to a depth of six inches, moistened to near optimum moisture conditions and compacted to fill standards. Fill Placement 1. Most site soil and bedrock may be reused for compacted fill; however, some special processing or handling may be required (see report). Highly organic or contaminated soil should not be used for compacted fill. (1) 2. Material used in the compacting process should be evenly spread, moisture conditioned, processed, and compacted in thin lifts not to exceed six inches in thickness to obtain a uniformly dense layer. The fill should be placed and compacted on a horizontal plane, unless otherwise found acceptable by the Soils Engineer. 3. If the moisture content or relative density varies from that acceptable to the Soils engineer, the Contractor should rework the fill until it is in accordance with the following: a) Moisture content of the fill should be at or above optimum moisture. Moisture should be evenly distributed without wet and dry pockets. Pre- watering of cut or removal areas should be considered in addition to watering during fill placement, particularly in clay or dry surficial soils. b) Each six inch layer should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum density in compliance with the testing method specified by the controlling governmental agency. In this case, the testing method is ASTM Test Designation D-1557-91. 4. Side-hill fills should have a minimum equipment-width key at their toe excavated through all surficial soil and into competent material (see report) and tilted back into the hill (Plate A). As the fill is elevated, it should be benched through surficial deposits and into competent bedrock or other material deemed suitable by the Soils Engineer. 5. Rock fragments less than six inches in diameter may be utilized in the fill, provided: a) They are not placed in concentrated pockets; b) There is a sufficient percentage of fine-grained material to surround the rocks; c) The distribution of the rocks is supervised by the Soils Engineer. 6. Rocks greater than six inches in diameter should be taken off site, or placed in accordance with the recommendations of the Soils Engineer in areas designated as suitable for rock disposal. 7. In clay soil large chunks or blocks are common; if in excess of six (6) inches minimum dimension then they are considered as oversized. Sheepsfoot compactors or other suitable methods should be used to break the up blocks. (2) 8. The Contractor should be required to obtain a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent out to the finished slope face of fill slopes. This may be achieved by either overbuilding the slope and cutting back to the compacted core, or by direct compaction of the slope face with suitable equipment. If fill slopes are built "at grade" using direct compaction methods then the slope construction should be performed so that a constant gradient is maintained throughout construction. Soil should not be "spilled" over the slope face nor should slopes be "pushed out" to obtain grades. Compaction equipment should compact each lift along the immediate top of slope. Slopes should be back rolled approximately every 4 feet vertically as the slope is built. Density tests should be taken periodically during grading on the flat surface of the fill three to five feet horizontally from the face of the slope. In addition, if a method other than over building and cutting back to the compacted core is to be employed, slope compaction testing during construction should include testing the outer six inches to three feet in the slope face to determine if the required compaction is being achieved. Finish grade testing of the slope should be performed after construction is complete. Each day the Contractor should receive a copy ofthe Soils Engineer's "Daily Field Engineering Report" which would indicate the results of field density tests that day. 9. Fill over cut slopes should be constructed in the following manner: a) All surficial soils and weathered rock materials should be removed at the cut-fill interface. b) A key at least 1 equipment width wide (see report) and tipped at least 1 foot into slope should be excavated into competent materials and observed by the Soils Engineer or his representative. c) The cut portion of the slope should be constructed prior to fill placement to evaluate if stabilization is necessary, the contractor should be responsible for any additional earthwork created by placing fill priorto cut excavation. 10. Transition lots (cut and fill) and lots above stabilization fills should be capped with a four foot thick compacted fill blanket (or as indicated in the report). 11. Cut pads should be observed by the Geologist to evaluate the need for overexcavation and replacement with fill. This may be necessary to reduce water infiltration into highly fractured bedrock or other permeable zones,and/or due to differing expansive potential of materials beneath a structure. The overexcavation should be at least three feet. Deeper overexcavation may be recommended in some cases. (3) 12. Exploratory backhoe or dozer trenches still remaining after site removal should be excavated and filled with compacted fill if they can be located. Grading Observation and Testing 1. Obsen/ation of the fill placement should be provided by the Soils Engineer during the progress of grading. 2. In general, density tests would be made at intervals not exceeding two feet of fill height or every 1,000 cubic yards of fill placed. This criteria will vary depending on soil conditions and the size of the fill. In any event, an adequate number of field density tests should be made to evaluate if the required compaction and moisture content is generally being obtained. 3. Density tests may be made on the surface material to receive fill, as required by the Soils Engineer. 4. Cleanouts, processed ground to receive fill, key excavations,subdrains and rock disposal should be observed by the Soils Engineer prior to placing any fill. It will be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the Soils Engineer when such areas are ready for observation. 5. A Geologist should observe subdrain construction. 6. A Geologist should observe benching prior to and during placement of fill. Utilitv Trench Backfill Utility trench backfill should be placed to the following standards: 1. Ninety percent of the laboratory standard if native material is used as backfill. 2. As an alternative, clean sand may be utilized and flooded into place. No specific relative compaction would be required; however, observation, probing, and if deemed necessary, testing may be required. 3. Exterior trenches, paralleling a footing and extending below a 1:1 plane projected from the outside bottom edge of the footing, should be compacted to 90 percent of the laboratory standard. Sand backfill, unless it is similar to the inplace fill, should not be allowed in these trench backfill areas. Density testing along with probing should be accomplished to verify the desired results. (4)