HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 03-49; Brown Residence; Letter Proposed Drainage Swale; 2001-07-2607-26-2001 11:36 FROM-T-598 P.002/003 F-790 < tOtl t, TESTING, INC. i • 6 PHONE (619)280-4321 TOLL F R E 5 (877)215-4321 F A X (619) 280-4717 P.O, Box eooe27 San Diego, CA 92160-0627 &280 Riverdale Street San Diego, CA 92120 www,sctt.com July 26, 2001 SCS&T 9811286 Report No. 12 Mr. Phil Gaitaud Gaitaud Constructlorr Post Office Box 28696 San Diego, Califomia 9:2188 Subject; PRCPOSI:D DRAINAGE SWALE PARCEL:?. MAP 2152 PARK DRIVE CARLSB/sD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Gaitaud: In accordance v/th the your request, Southern Califomia Soil and Testing. Inc., has prepared this letter to express our opinion ragarding a proposed concrete drainage sv/ale to be constructed adjacent to and north ofthe proposed residential structure. The swale willbe 3 feet wide and drain at a 2 percent rate. The proposed structure will be supported on a drilled pier and grade beam foundation system. It is our opinion that the construction of the proposed concrete swale adjacent to the proposed structure will not adversely affect its foundation system. Should ydu have any questions regarding the contents of this report, or if we may be of further assistance, please contact our office si your cbnvenienca Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNI G.INC. D Vice Presi DBAisd (4) Addressee