HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 06-25; Hagey Residence; Storm Water Management Plan; 2009-03-03Storm Water Management Plan
Hagey Residence
Jefferson Street
Carlsbad, CA
APN: 155-140-37 & -38
CDP 06-25
Initial Date
Prepared By:
Sampo Engineering, Inc.
1034 Second Street
Encinitas, CA 92024
This questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application
(subdivision and land use planning approvals and construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine
the level of storm water pollution prevention standards applied to a proposed development or redevelopment
project. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water pollution protection standards
applied to a project.
Applicant responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and
impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development
application. A staff determination that the development application is subject to more stringent storm water
standards, than initially assessed by the applicant, will result in the return of the development application as
If applicants are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or
more of the questions, they are advised to seek assistance from Engineering Department Development Services
A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application
submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for
the same project are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, applicants for construction permits
must also complete, sign and submit a Construction Activity Storm Water Standards Questionnaire.
To address pollutants that may be generated from new development, the City requires that new development and
significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices
(BMPs) into the project design, which are described in Chapter 2 of the City's Storm Water Standards Manual This
questionnaire should be used to categorize new development and significant redevelopment projects as priority or
non-priority, to determine what level of storm water standards are required or if the project is exempt.
| 1. Is your project a significant redevelopment?
Significant redevelopment is defined as the creation, addition or replacement of at least 5,000 square feet of
impervious surface on an already existing developed site.
Significant redevelopment includes, but is not limited to: the expansion of a building footprint; addition to or
replacement of a structure; structural development including an increase in gross floor area and/or exterior
construction remodeling; replacement of an impervious surface that Is not part of a routine maintenance activity;
and land disturbing activities related with structural or impervious surfaces. Replacement of impervious surfaces
includes any activity that is not part of a routine maintenance activity where impervious material(s) are removed,
exposing underlying soil during construction.
Note: If the Significant Redevelopment results in an increase of less than fifty percent of the impervious surfaces of
a previously existing development, and the existing development was not subject to SUSMP requirements, the
numeric sizing criteria discussed in Table 3 of applies only to the addition, and not to the entire
2. If your project IS considered significant redevelopment, then please skip Section 1 and proceed with Section
3. If your project IS NOT considered significant redevelopment, then please proceed to Section 1.
21 SWMP Rev 6/4/08
Does you project meet one or more of the following criteria:
1. Home subdivision of 100 units or more.
Includes SFD, MFD, Condominium and Apartments
2. Residential develooment of 10 units or more.
Includes SFD, MFD, Condominium and Apartments
3. Commercial and industrial development creator than 100.000 sguare feet includina oarkina areas.
Any development on private land that is not for heavy industrial or residential uses. Example: Hospitals,
Hotels, Recreational Facilities, Shopping Malls, etc.
4. Heavy Industrial I Industry greater than 1 acre (NEED SIC CODES FOR PERMIT BUSINESS TYPES)
SIC codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539
5. Automotive repair shoo.
SIC codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539
6. A New Restaurant where the land area of development is 5,000 souare feet or more including parking
SIC code 581 2
7. Hillside development
(1) greater than 5,000 square feet of impervious surface area and (2) development will grade on any
natural slope that is 25% or greater
8. Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA).
Impervious surface of 2,500 square feet or more located within, "directly adjacent"2 to (within 200 feet),
or "discharging directly to"3 receiving water within the ESA1
9. Parking lot.
Area of 5,000 square feet or more, or with 15 or more parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban
10. Retail Gasoline Outlets - serving more than 100 vehicles oer day
Serving more than 100 vehicles per day and greater than 5,000 square feet
11. Streets, roads, driveways, highways, and freeways.
Project would create a new paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or greater.
12. Coastal Development Zone.
Within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates more than 2500 square feet of impermeable
surface or (2) increases impermeable surface on property by more than 10%.
1 Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies;
areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality
Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by
the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments);
areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and Count
of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees.
2 "Directly adjacent" means situated within 200 feet of the environmentally sensitive area.
3 "Discharging directly to" means outflow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the
subject development or redevelopment site, and not commingled with flow from adjacent lands.
Section 1 Results:
If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above you have a PRIORITY project and PRIORITY project requirements DO
apply. A Storm Water Management Plan, prepared in accordance with City Storm Water Standards, must be submitted at
time of application. Please check the "MEETS PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS" box in Section 3.
If you answered NO to ALL of the questions above, then you are a NON-PRIORITY project and STANDARD requirements
apply. Please check the "DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY Requirements" box in Section 3.
SWMP Rev 6/4/08
1. Is the project redeveloping an existing priority project type? (Priority projects
are defined in Section 1)
If you answered YES, please proceed to question 2.
If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and you ARE NOT subject to
PRIORITY project requirements, only STANDARD requirements. Please check the "DOES NOT MEET
PRIORITY Requirements" box in Section 3 below.
2. Is the project solely limited to one of the following:
a. Trenching and resurfacing associated with utility work?
b. Resurfacing and reconfiguring existing surface parking lots?
c. New sidewalk construction, pedestrian ramps, or bike lane on public
and/or private existing roads?
d. Replacement of existing damaged pavement?
If you answered NO to ALL of the questions, then proceed to Question 3.
If you answered YES to ONE OR MORE of the questions then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment
and you ARE NOT subject to PRIORITY project requirements, only STANDARD requirements. Please
the "DOES NOT MEET PRIORITY Requirements" box in Section 3 below.
3. Will the development create, replace, or add at least 5,000 square feet of
impervious surfaces on an existing development or, be located within 200
feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1)create more than 2500 square feet of
impermeable surface or (2) increases impermeable surface on property by
more than 10%?
If you answered YES, you ARE a significant redevelopment, and you ARE subject to PRIORITY project
requirements. Please check the "MEETS PRIORITY REQUIREMENTS" box in Section 3 below.
If you answered NO, you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment, and you ARE NOT subject to
PRIORITY project requirements, only STANDARD requirements. Please check the "DOES NOT MEET
PRIORITY Requirements" box in Section 3 below.
Questionnaire Results:
Applicant Information and Signature Box This Box for City Use Only
City Concurrence:
Project ID:
SWMP Rev 6/4/08
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SWMP Rev 6/4/08
j.n. 03-127
Storm Water Management Plan
Hagey Residence
Jefferson Street
Carlsbad, CA
APN: 155-140-37 & -38
Pollutants of Concern
The primary pollutants of concern, according to the attached table vNo. 2 for detached
residential development, are sediments, nutrients, trash and debris, oxygen demanding
substances, oil and grease, bacteria & viruses and pesticides.
This project has been designed to maximize grass and landscaped areas for BMPs and to
direct storm runoff from the roof to Jefferson Street right-of-way, to the maximum
extents possible. Storm runoff from the roof down drains will be directed to landscaped
areas where possible. The landscaped areas will have vegetated drainage swales to act as
a filter to clean the water of pollutants. Energy dissipaters are to be used to minimize
velocities prior to release into existing native vegetated swales. Numeric sizing will be
included in construction plans and documents. Refer to grading plan and erosion control
plan prepared by Sampo Engineering, Inc. dated November 04, 2008.
This project proposes that the parking areas to be cleaned of trash and debris on a regular
basis by the residents.
The site discharges into the Buena Vista Lagoon Calwater Watershed 904.20. The Buena
Vista Lagoon is impaired by Bacteria indicators, nutrients and sedimentation/siltation.
Site Design BMP's
• The project was designed to maximize the amount of storm water flow to the east to
Jefferson Street public right-of-way in order to reduce flow and pollutants to the west,
the front yard area, driveway, guest parking, and portions of the new roof will drain to
Jefferson Street.
• The project was designed to minimize the amount of grading and area of land
disturbance, to maximize the amount of landscaped areas (i.e. pervious surface area)
outside the building footprint, to the maximum extent practical.
• The project was designed to minimize the use of impervious surfaces, such as
decorative concrete, in the landscape areas.
• The project proposed the use of landscaping that will minimize water usage and
therefore minimize site runoff.
Source Control BMP's
• It is proposed that the project irrigation system employ a rain shutoff device to
prevent irrigation during precipitation consistent with the Carlsbad Landscape
• Post signs and prohibitive language and/or graphical icons, which prohibit illegal
dumping at public access points along channels and creeks within the project area,
trailheads and parks.
BMP's Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories
• The proposed driveway shall have, to the extent practicable: a permeable surface (i.e.
interlocking permeable pavers).
• The proposed uncovered temporary guest parking shall be, to the extent practicable:
a permeable surface (i.e. interlocking permeable pavers).
• The proposed 3.5' wide grass-lined terrace swale is designed for treat 85™ percentile
• The proposed rip-rap energy dissipator is provided to slow the storm water velocity
prior to discharging into the existing on-site vegetation. All proposed BMP's are
private and shall be maintain by the property owner.
85th Percentile Flow and Volume determination
Modified Rational Method-Effective for Watersheds < 1.0 mi2
Project: Hagey Residence
85th Percentile Rainfall= 0.62 inches
(from County Isopluvial Map)
Basin 1
Volume Based
Volume =CPAwhere C=Coefficient for Development area only
P=0.62 inches
A=Area of development only in square feet
C=0.84 see hydrology study
V=CPA C=0.84
A=0.048 ac=2090 sf
V=0.84x0.62x2090 (.84)(.62 in x 1ft) (.048 ac x 43560 fF)=91ft3
12 in 1 ac
V=91 ft3
Flow Based
Q=CIA C=Coefficient for Development area only
1=0.20 inch/hour
A=Area of development only in acres
Q=CIA C=0.84
A=0.048 ac
Q=0.008 cfs
Basin 2
Volume Based
Volume =CPAwhere C=Coefficient for Development area only
P=0.62 inches
A=Area of development only in square feet
C=.35(876 SF) + .95(1521 SF)
V=CPA C=0.73
A=0.055 ac=2397 sf
V=0.73x0.62x2397 (.73)(.62 x L )(2397)=90 ft3
V=90 ft3
Flow Based
Q=CIA C=Coefficient for Development area only
1=0.20 in/hour
A=Area of development only in acres
Q=CIA C=0.73
A=0.055 ac
Q=0.008 cfs
Basin 3
Volume Based
Volume =CPAwhere C=Coefficient for Development area only
P=0.62 inches
A=Area of development only in sqare feet
C=.35(481 SF) + .95r975
V=CPA C=0.75
A=0.034 ac=1456 sf
V=0.75x0.62x0.034 (.75)(.62 x 1_ )(1456 sf)=56 ft3
V=56 ft3
Flow Based
Q=CIA C=Coefficient for Development area only
1=0.20 in/hour
A=Area of development only in acres
Q=CIA C=0.75
A=0.034 ac
Q=0.005 cfs
F f11
VA v
Treatment Control and Maintenance :
1. The subject property is located on the westerly side of Jefferson Street, just south
of the intersection with Las Flores Drive, in the City of Carlsbad. The property is
currently vacant; however there is evidence that a structure occupied the property
in the past. The majority of the property descends from Jefferson Street to the
west and northwest at an approximate grade of 25 percent. A small easterly
portion of the site currently drains to Jefferson Street.
2. The project proposes to redevelop the property by constructing a new residence
and attached garage. The project has been designed to minimize grading and
construction of new impervious surfaces to the maximum extent possible. In
addition, the intent of the design is to maximize the amount of storm water runoff
to Jefferson Street and to minimize storm runoff to the west and northwest. The
project also proposes a grass terraced swale and permeable driveway pavers for
BMP purposes. Refer to the hydrology calculations.
3. The drainage concept maintains the existing drainage patterns, where
approximately 90% of the run-off drains to the west end of property and 10%
drains toward Jefferson Street.
4. The design provides for proper storm water energy dissipation measures by
incorporating a rip-rap energy dissipator, which reduces the water velocity &
associated energy prior to out-letting the storm water on the surface. This is an
improvement over existing conditions, which provides no energy dissipator.
5. The slight increase of discharge (Q) of 0.16 CFS between pre & post condition is
due to the new building, but no significant impact downstream is anticipated
because of the limited amount of disturbance on the upper portion of the lot only.
6. Grass swales and BMP areas are privately maintained by the owner.
1034 Second Street * Encinitas, CA 92024 » phone: 760-436-0660 * fax: 760-436-0659