Job No. 98-1020
September 12, 2003
Revised: October 24, 2003
Revised: November 21, 2003
Prepared by:
2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100
Carlsbad, Califomia 92008-6603
Tel: (760)931-7700
Fax: (760) 931-8680
Keith W. Hansen
RCE 60223 Exp. 6/30/04
CT W'6l^
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Analysis 3
Conclusion 6
Appendix A - Conveyance System Exhibits
Appendix B - Pipe and Modified Curb Outlet Analysis
W:\MSOFFICE\WINWORD\981020\Hydrology Addendum 3.doc
This report is an addendum to Hydrology Study for Calavera Hills Phase II dated May 3,
This report addresses the stormwater runoff discharge rates out of the two pipes leaving
Node 126 and two pipes leaving Node 130 and pipe characteristics (see Appendix A).
One pipe (E-2) leaving Node 126 slopes southeasterly and into a depoUutant flow-
through basin that acts as a vegetated swale located at the southerly comer ofthe site.
The second pipe (E-l) leaving Node 126 slopes southerly into a storm drainage
conveyance system located along College Boulevard.
One pipe (N) leaving Node 130 slopes easterly and into a depollutant flow-through basin
that acts as a vegetated swale located at the southerly comer of the site. The second pipe
(Ml) leaving Node 130 slopes southeasterly and continues through the storm drainage
conveyance system along College Boulevard.
E-2 and N convey flows that require BMP treatment, and larger flows are conveyed via
E-l and Ml. Flows discharged through E-2 and N flow through the depollutant flow-
through basin that acts as a vegetated swale and then discharged into the storm drainage
conveyance system along College Boulevard.
E-2 and N are sized to convey the peak flows generated by a rainfall intensity (Iavg) of 0.2
inches per hour. This is the rainfall intensity recommended on Table 3. Numeric Sizing
Treatment Standards ofthe Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan Storm Water
Standards for City of Carlsbad Public Work Department.
E-l and Ml are sized to convey the 1 OO-year peak flows generated by the upstream areas.
These flow analysis were addressed on the Hydrology Study for Calavera Hills Phase II
and Drainage Study for Calavera Hills - Village W reports. The peak flows entering E-l
and Ml are approximately 36.19 and 109.12 cfs respectively.
The total area (A) leaving Node 126 is approximately 22.64 acres. The runoff coefficient
(C) used for this site is 0.55. The C and A values are taken from the Drainage Study for
Calavera Hills - Village W report. The required average peak flow to be treated is
determined as follows:
Qave = C*Iave*A
Qave = 0.55*0.2*22.64 = 2.49 cfs
E-2 is an eight-inch diameter pipe with a 7.31 percent slope and is sized to adequately
convey the required peak flow for treatment (see Appendix B). The pipe will be under
pressure flow and the Manning's equation was used to approximate the pipe size required
to convey approximately 2.49 cfs. The Manning's equation is shown below
Q = (1.49/n)*A*(R^0.67)*(S^0.5)
A = Pipe Area (sqft)
R = Hydraulic Radius (ft)
S = Longitudinal Slope of Pipe (ft/ft)
D = ((Q*n)/(0.464*S^0.5))^(l/2.67)
S = ((Q*n)/(0.464*D^2.67))^2
A slope (S) approximated to determine the required pipe diameter for the low flow was
calculated by subtracting the high flow discharge elevation, 167.70 (inlet elevation for E-
1) and low flow outiet elevation, 159.60 (outiet elevation for E-2) and dividing it by the
length ofthe low flow pipe, 99.36. The slope in this case is 8.15 percent and using the
Manning's equation with a peak flow of 2.49 cfs and Manning's "n" of 0.011 yields an
approximate pipe diameter of 6.6 inches. An eight-inch diameter pipe will be used since
a six-inch diameter would yield approximately 173 feet water surface elevation at Node
126. This water surface elevation is greater than the water surface elevation calculated
(169.89) in the Drainage Study for Calavera Hills - Village W dated November 26, 2002.
An eight-inch diameter pipe through the pipe slope of 7.31 percent and a Manning's "n"
of 0.011 will yield approximately 3.86 cfs. The modified curb outiet at the discharge end
of pipe E-2 will be 3 feet wide and 0.2 feet deep. See Appendix B for modified curb
outlet analysis.
The 1 OO-year peak flow out of the low flow pipe (E-2) was then approximately using the
water surface elevation at Node 126. A slope was calculated by taking the water surface
elevation at Node 126 (169.89) during the lOO-year storm and subtracting the low flow
outiet elevation (159.60) and dividing it by the length of the low flow pipe (99.36). The
slope during the 1 OO-year storm is approximately 10.36 percent. The peak flow out of E-
2 during the 1 OO-year storm using the above Manning's equation is approximately 4.60
The total area (A) leaving Node 130 is approximately 45.54 acres. The 45.54 acres is a
combined upsti-eam portions of Village W, U, Y, X and College Boulevard.
An average C value was approximated based on the individual site uses and are indicated
as follows:
Village Area (ac) C C*Area
U 13.50 0.70 9.45
Y(A1) 0.38 0.85 0.32
Y(A2) 0.20 0.98 0.20
X 16.38 0.55 9.01
College Blvd. 15.08 0.98 14.78
Sum 45.54 4.06 33.76
Cavg = 33.76/45.54 = 0.74
The areas are taken from the Hydrology Study for Calavera Hills Phase II report. The
required average peak flow to be freated is detennined as follows:
Qave = Cavg*Iave*A
Qave = 0.74*0.2*45.54 = 6.74 cfs
N is a ten-inch diameter pipe with a 9.70 percent slope and is sized to adequately convey
the required peak flow for treatment (see Appendix B). The pipe will be under pressure
flow and the Manning's equation was used to approximate the pipe size required to
convey approximately 6.74 cfs. The Manning's equation is shown below
Q = (1.49/n)*A*(R^0.67)*(S^0.5)
A = Pipe Area (sqft)
R = Hydraulic Radius (ft)
S = Longitudinal Slope of Pipe (ft/ft)
D = ((Q*n)/(0.464*S^0.5))^(l/2.67)
S = ((Q*n)/(0.464*D^2.67))^2
A slope (S) approximated to determine the required pipe diameter for the low flow was
calculated by subfracting the high flow discharge elevation, 177.87 (inlet elevation for
Ml) and low flow outiet elevation, 159.60 (outiet elevation for N) and dividing it by the
length ofthe low flow pipe, 171.71. The slope in this case is 10.64 percent and using the
Manning's equation with a peak flow of 6.74 cfs and Manning's "n" of 0.011 yields an
approximate pipe diameter of 9.2 inches. A ten-inch diameter pipe will be used. A ten-
inch diameter pipe through the pipe slope of 9.70 percent and a Manning's "n" of 0.011
will yield approximately 8.07 cfs. The modified curb outiet at the discharge end of pipe
N will be 3 feet wide and 0.4 feet deep. See Appendix B for modified curb outiet
The 1 OO-year peak flow out of the low flow pipe (N) was then approximately using the
water surface elevation at Node 130. A slope was calculated by taking the water surface
elevation at Node 130 (180.80) during the lOO-year storm and subfracting the low flow
outiet elevation (159.60) and dividing it by the length of the low flow pipe (171.71). The
slope during the 1 OO-year storm is approximately 12.35 percent. The peak flow out of N
during the 1 OO-year storm using the above Manning's equation is approximately 9.11 cfs.
The permanent depollutant flow-through basin that acts as a vegetated swale discharge
pipe is designed to convey the peak flows entering the permanent pollution basin. The
peak flow that will enter the pennanent depollutant flow-through basin that acts as a
vegetated swale during a 1 OO-year storm is approximately 13.71 cfs. The discharge pipe
will be a 36-inch diameter pipe with a 6.62 percent slope and will adequately convey
13.71 cfs of flow.
The required stormwater mnoff peak flows for BMP freatment will be conveyed to the
permanent depollutant flow-through basin that acts as a vegetated swale located at the
southerly comer of Village W. E-2 and N are sized to convey approximately 3.86 and
8.07 cfs respectively and will convey approximately 4.60 and 9.11 cfs respectively during
the 1 OO-year storm. The modified curb outiets are sized to adequately convey the
upstream 85* percentile stonnwater peak flow. The discharge pipe out of the permanent
depollutant flow-through basin that acts as a vegetated swale is sized to adequately
convey 13.71 cfs.
Low Flow Pipe (PI)
During 85th Percentile Storm
Qwq: 2.49 cfs
Manning's "n": 0.011
High Flow inlet Elevation (El): 167.70 ft
Low Flow Outlet Elevation (E2): 159.60 ft
Length of Low Flow Pipe (L): 99.36 ft
Calculated Slope (Sc): 0.0815 ft/ft
S = (E1-E2)/L
Required Pipe Diameter (D): 0.55 ft = 6.6 in
D = ((Qwq*n)/(0.464*Sc''0.5))''(1/2.67)
Actual Pipe Diameter (Da): 8 in = 0.67 ft
Low Flow Pipe Longitudinal Slope (S): 0.0731 ft/ft
QLFactual: 3.86 cfs
QLFactual = (4.64/n)*(Da^2.67)*(S''0.5)
Pipe Area, Pipe Flowing Full (A): 0.35 ft'^2
A = (3.14*D''2)/4
Velocity (VLF): 11.07 fps
VLF = QLFactual/A
During 100-vear Storm
High Flow Inlet Elevation (El): 169.89 ft
Low Flow Outlet Elevation (E2): 159.60 ft
Length of Low Flow Pipe (L): 99.36 ft
Calculated Slope (Scioo): 0.1036 ft/ft
S = (E1-E2)/L
Qactual (100-yr): 4.60 cfs
Q actual (100-yr) = (4.64/n) *(D a "2.67) *(S c100 '^0.5;
Velocity (VLF): 13.17 fps
VLF = QLFactual/A
Low Flow Pipe (P3)
During 85th Percentile Storm
Qwq: 6.75 cfs
Manning's "n": 0.011
High Flow Inlet Elevation (El): 177.87 ft
Low Flow Outlet Elevation (E2): 159.60 ft
Length of Low Flow Pipe (L): 171.71 ft
Calculated Slope (Sc): 0.1064 ft/ft
S = (E1-E2)/L
Required Pipe Diameter (D): 0.77 ft = 9.2 in
D = ((Qwq*n)/(0.464*Sc^0.5))^(1/2.67)
Actual Pipe Diameter (Da): 10 in = 0.83 ft
Low Flow Pipe Longitudinal Slope (S): 0.097 ft/ft
QLFactual: 8.07 cfs
QLFactual = (4.64/n)*(Da^2.67)*(S^0.5)
Pipe Area, Pipe Flowing Full (A): 0.55 ft'^2
A = (3.14*D''2)/4
Velocity (VLF): 14.80 fps
VLF = QLFactual/A
During 100-vear Storm
High Flow Inlet Elevation (El): 180.80 ft
Low Flow Outlet Elevation (E2): 159.60 ft
Length of Low Flow Pipe (L): 171.71 ft
Calculated Slope (Scioo): 0.1235 ft/ft
S = (E1-E2)/L
Qactual (100-yr): 9.11 cfs
Qactual (100-yr) = (4.64/n)*(Da''2.67)*(Sc100''0.5)
Velocity (VLF): 16.70 fps
VLF = QLFactual/A
O'Day Consultants Inc.
2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100
Carlsbaci, CA 92008
Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680
l<-( 3.00' ->l
^Water Surface ( 0.18')^'""*
* * * + •* * * *
Rectangular Open Channel
Modified Curb Outlet Opening
Downstream of Pipe E-2
Flowrate 2.4 90 CFS
Velocity 4.714 fps
Depth of Flow 0.176 feet
Critical Depth 0.278 feet
Total Depth 0.17 6 feet
Base Width 3.000 feet
Slope of Channel 2.000 %
X-Sectional Area 0.528 sq. ft.
Wetted Perimeter 3.352 feet
AR^{2/3) 0.154
Mannings 'n' 0.013
O'Day Consultants Inc.
2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680
l<-3.00" )• •>l
^•^'^'"Water Surface ( 0.33')^'^'^*
* *
* * *
* * * ******
Rectangular Open Channel
Modified Curb Outlet Opening
Downstream of Pipe N
Flowrate 6.740 CFS
Velocity 6.778 fps
Depth of Flow 0.332 feet
Critical Depth 0.539 feet
Total Depth 0.332 feet
Base Width 3.000 feet
Slope of Channel 2.000 %
X-Sectional Area 0.995 sq. ft.
Wetted Perimeter 3.663 feet
AR^(2/3) 0.417
Mannings 'n' 0.013
O'Day Consultants Inc.
2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680
Inside Diameter
( 36.00 in.)
Water * I
* I
* ( 6.88 in.)
{ 0.574 ft.)
Circular Channel Section
Permanent Pollution Prevention Basin
Discharge Pipe
Depth of Flow During 100-yr Storm
Flowrate 13.720 CFS
Velocity 14.539 fps
Pipe Diameter 36.000 inches
Depth of Flow 6.885 inches
Depth of Flow 0.574 feet
Critical Depth 1.183 feet
Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.191
Slope of Pipe 6.620 %
X-Sectional Area 0.944 sq. ft.
Wetted Perimeter 2.716 feet
AR^(2/3) 0-467
Mannings 'n' 0.013
Min. Fric. Slope, 36 inch
Pipe Flowing Full 0.042 %