HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 01-13; LAGUNA POINT; STORM DRAIN REPORT LAGUNA POINT; 2003-07-21STORM DRAIN REPORT FOR LAGUNA POINT Tentative Tract Map CT 01-13 Carlsbad, California July 21, 2003 DWG No. 409-9A PROJECT No. CT 01-13 RECEIVIED JUL 2 5 2003 l»4QINEERING iSEPARTMENT Prepared By: PARTNERS Planning and Engineering 9988 Hibert Street, Suite 212 San Diego, CA 92131 (858) 695-3344 Andrew J. Kann, \P.E. Registration Expires RCE 50940 9-30-2005 10 J TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Page 1 METHODOLOGY Page 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS page 1 DEVELOPED CONDITIONS page 1 EXISTING RUNOFF ANALYSIS page 1 DEVELOPED RUNOFF ANALYSIS page 1 CULVERT DESIGN AND ANALYIS page 3 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Page 3 UST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: VICINITY MAP page 2 FIGURE 2 A: EXISTING HYDROLOGY MAP attached FIGURE 2B: PROPOSED HYDROLOGY MAP attached LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 A: EXIST HYDROLOGY/INLET SUMMARY page 4 TABLE IB: DEVELOPED HYDROLOGY/INLET SUMMARY page 5 TABLE 2: HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC CALCS page 6 Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 LIST OF APPENDICES RunofF Coefficients Urban areas Overland Time of Flow Curves Intensity - Duration Design Chart Handbook of Hydraulics Tables 7-4 and 7-14 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This storm drain report has been prepared as part of the Grading Permit submittal requirements for the development of Laguna Point. The site currently consists of 1.1 acres of mass graded pad. The site had been previously developed with a single building and associated parking lot. The project site is located north of Carlsbad Village Drive and west of Interstate 5. See Figure No. 1 for Vicinity Map. METHODOLOGY This drainage report has been prepared in accordance with current City of Carlsbad regulations and procedures. The proposed catch basin and existing storm drain culverts were designed to intercept and convey the 50-year storm. The Modified Rational Method was used to compute the anticipated runoff See Tables 1 and 2 for design calculations. The following references have been used in preparation of this report: (1) City of San Diego Drainage Design ManuaL April, 1984. (2) Handbook of Hvdraulics. E.F. Brater & H.W. King, 6* Ed., 1976. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The existing site currently consists of a mass graded pad with an existing curb inlet located adjacent to the site located at the southeast comer of the intersection of Laguna Drive and State Street. The majority of the runoff from the existing site sheet flows towards an existing sump located adjacent to Laguna Drive where it ponds on-site until the water surface elevation reaches approximately 42.5. Once this occurs, the runoff will then follow the path of least resistance towards either State Street or Laguna Drive. The remainder of the site sheet flows towards State Street. DEVELOPED CONDITIONS: The proposed site includes the addition of a single building with associated hardscape, landscaping and parking. The majority of the parking occurs at grade beneath the proposed building. The improvements include twelve (12) area drains, two (2) trench drains, approximately 950 lineal feet of storm drain culvert and one (1) CDS Unit to cleanse the storm water. EXISTING RUNOFF ANALYSIS: There is an existing Type 'B' curb inlet adjacent to the site located at the southeast comer of Laguna Drive and State Street. A mnoflf coefficient of 0.45 would be appropriate for the existing basin in its current condition. See Table 1A Hydrology / Inlet Summary for a breakdown ofthe existing basin. DEVELOPED RUNOFF ANALYSIS: Project site. viciNny MAP NO SCALE flSo^ A/o. X The proposed catch basins and storm drain culverts were designed to intercept and convey the 50-year storm. The mnofif coefiGcients for the site were based on soil group D and the ultimate improvements for the site. A coefificient of 0.95 was used for all impervious areas and a coefificient of 0.45 was used for all landscape areas. Runoflf coeflficients were weighted as necessary for drainage basins. See Table IB, Hydrology / Inlet Summary for a breakdown for each basin. . CULVERT DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: The storm drain culverts were sized using King's handbook (Reference 2) Table 14 to verify capacity. For circular conduits: K' = Qn/[d'^(8/3)s'^(l/2)] where K' = Discharge Factor Q = Runofif Discharge (cfs) n = Manning's Coefficient d = Diameter of Conduit (ft) s = Pipe Slope (ft/ft) See Table 2 for Developed Hydrology and Hydraulic Calcs, for culvert sizing. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The existing site generates 1.2 cfs with a Time of Concentration of 14.6 minutes and 0.4 cfs with a Time of Concentration of 7.0 minutes for basins EX-1 and EX-2 respectively. The developed site generates 3.2 cfs with a Time of Concentration of 6.9 minutes. The increase in site mnoflf is consistent with the zoning for the site. Although the developed condition generates additional mnofif, this increase in flow will not be transferred downstream. The reason for this is due to flood routing. The time of concentration for the developed on-site basins will be much less than the time of concentration for the entire contributing basins. To obtain peak flow in the existing culvert located within State Street, the developed mnofif generated by proposed improvements to Laguna Point will be corrected by a ratio ofthe overall basin intensity versus the on-site intensity as allowed by the Modified Rational Method when a junction is reached per the following equation: Qp = Qa + Qb*(Ia/Ib) where Qp = Peak Runofif in cfs Qa = Runofif upstream of Laguna Point connections Qb = Runofif generated on-site for Laguna Point developed condition la = Rainfall Intensity for basins upstream of the Laguna Point connections Ib = Rainfall Intensity for on-site Laguna Point developed condition The intensity ratio (la/Ib) will reduce the additional flows generated by the developed on-site conditions to the point where the increase in mnofif from this project will not adversely impact the existing system. LAGUNA POINT EXIST HYDROLOGY / INLET SUMMARY 4/22/2003 Basin Area C L H Tc 1 Q Structure Inlet Gutter Flow "A" Inlet Remarks No. (ac) (weighted) (ft) (ft) (min.) (in/hr) No. Type Slope (ft/ft) Depth (ft) Length (open) 50-year storm EXI 0.89 0.48 240 4 14.6 2.80 1.2 ---- EX2 0.25 0.45 110 6.0 7.0 3.70 0.4 1 Exist Inlet ----Exist curb inlet 15220-SDEX LAGUNA POINT HYDROLOGY / INLET SUMMARY 3/4/2003 Basin No. 1 -^"L^ Area (ac) c (weighted) L (ft) H (ft) Tc (min.) 1 (in/hr) Q Structure No. Inlet Type Gutter Slope (ftm) Flow Depth (ft) "A" Inlet Length (open) 50-year storm A 0.09 0.75 5.0 4.20 0.28 1 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain B 0.11 0.78 5.0 4.20 0.36 2 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain C 0.02 0.45 5.0 4,20 0.04 3 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain D 0.08 0.95 5.0 4.20 0.32 4 Trench Drain ----Trench Drain E 0.14 0.95 5.0 4.20 0.56 5 Trench Drain ----Trench Drain F 0.03 0.45 5.0 4.20 0.06 6 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain G 0.03 0.45 5.0 4.20 0.06 7 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain H 0.04 0.70 5.0 4.20 0.12 8 Area Drain ----12" Square Grate 1 0.06 0.83 5.0 4.20 0.21 9 Area Drain ----12" Square Grate J 0.19 0.95 5.0 4.20 0.76 10 Area Drain ----IZ' Square Grate K 0.03 0.88 5.0 4.20 0.11 11 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain L 0.11 0.90 5.0 4.20 0.42 12 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain M 0.05 0.78 5.0 4.20 0.16 13 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain N 0.05 0.78 5.0 4.20 0.16 14 Area Drain ----Landscape Drain 15220-SD .fflRNA^!RNTfl?DRHf)GlfflSD /4/I Confl. Sub-AREA "C" CA Sum L(ft) S (%) Ti Tt Tc I Q L(ft) S (%) Dia. K' D\d Ca V NOTES Point Ac. CA (Ovrlnd) (min) (min) mm. in/hr cfs (Pipe) (Pipe) (in) (fps) 50 - yr event A 0.09 0.75 0.07 0.07 --5.0 0.0 5.0 4.20 0.3 84.00 1.00 6 0.2340 0.50 0.3930 2.9 B 0.11 0.78 0.09 0.15 5.0 0.5 5.5 4.00 0.6 65.00 1.00 8 0.2350 0.50 0.3930 3.5 C 0.02 0.45 0.01 0.16 5.5 0.3 5.8 3.95 0.6 45.00 1.00 8 0.2457 0.52 0.4130 3.5 D 0.08 0.95 0.08 0.24 5.8 0.2 6.0 3.90 0.9 70.00 1.00 8 0.3562 0.66 0.5500 3.8 E 0.14 0.95 0.13 0.37 6.0 0.3 6.3 3.90 1.4 55.00 1.00 12 0.1882 0.45 0.3428 4.2 F 0.03 0.45 0.01 0.38 6.3 0.2 6.5 3.85 1.5 67.00 1.00 12 0.1926 0.45 0.3428 4.3 G 0.03 0.45 0.01 0.40 6.5 0.3 6.8 3.80 1.5 29.00 9.10 12 0.0652 0.26 0.1623 9.3 H 0.04 0.70 0.03 0.03 5.0 0.0 5.0 4.20 0.1 44.00 1.00 4 0.2862 0.57 0.4620 2.3 I 0.06 0.83 0.05 0.08 5.0 0.3 5.3 4.10 0.3 64.00 1.00 6 0.2633 0.54 0.4330 2.9 J 0.19 0.95 0.18 0.26 5.3 0.4 5.7 4.00 1.0 71.00 1.00 8 0.3960 0.71 0.5960 3.9 K 0.03 0.88 0.03 0.28 5.7 0.3 6.0 3.90 1.1 126.00 1.00 8 0.4256 0.76 0.6400 3.9 L 0.11 0.90 0.10 0.38 6.0 0.5 6.5 3.85 1.5 46.00 1.00 12 0.1920 0.45 0.3428 4.3 M 0.05 0.78 0.04 0.42 6.5 0.2 6.7 3.85 1.6 52.00 1.00 12 0.2116 0.48 0.3727 4.4 N 0.05 0.78 0.04 0.46 6.7 0.2 6.9 3.75 1.7 12.00 29.50 12 0.0414 0.20 0.1118 15.5 A 0.86 6.9 0.0 6.9 3.75 3.2 17.00 9.10 12 0.1390 0.38 0.2739 11.8 confluence basins AthruN 1 1 1 15220-sdpipe APPENDIX TABLE 2 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS (RATIONAL METHOD) DEVELOPED AREAS (URBAN) Land Use Coefficient. C Soil Type (1) Residential: D Single Family .55 Multi-Units .70 Mobile Homes .65 Rural (lots greater than 1/2 acre) Commercial (2) 80% Irnpervious .85 Industrial (2) 90% Impervious .95 NOTES: (1) Type D soil to be used for all areas. (2) Where actual _ conditions deviate significantly from the tabulated imperviousness values of 80% or 90%, the values given for coefficient C, may be revised by multiplying 80% or 90% by the ratio of actual imperviousness to the tabulated imperviousness. However, in no case shall the. final coefficient be Jess than 0.50. For example: Consider commercial property on D soil. Actual imperviousness = 50% Tabulated imperviousness = 80% Revised C = |^ x 0.85 = 0.53 Al UtibAM UVLKLANU T\ML OF FLOW CURVES 100 700 MO 300 jiff ^^^'AT-{ FUl-irzr^-. ^ ^2ff r j-| |-*7^r Use Formulo For tT-tii; [F Of 800 Feef. : - 400 2 •< 300 200 too 4f -f--.— -!-rH + rH-r rr- ••!!•! -Hr: H(I.I-C)VD f-Trtqlt If .t • -r I • • r I • f • - - :.i;rf-ti .h-r:: TI-KI,^!-..,. :.L4lu:r I . , J Ll _ 1 [il 80 70 60 50 *0 ± 30 20 10 Surfac* Flow 1\m» CurvM BXAKAPLE. : GDIVEM uBMGTH op FLow ^ Aao FT. 86 ELEV FACTOR 0-1500 100 r500-300O 1.23 3000-4000 1.42 4 000 — 5000 1.60 5 000-6000 1.70 DESERT 1.25 To oblain comet Inlinilly, molllply Int«nii1f on chort bt foctof for dtlign • If V 01l 0n. LP O o c z: H O -< c O < ~n im M I N UT E S 2 0 D URATI.O N 5.0 4 0 > m z o X CO > 2 o m o (/) z H m in H -< I o c 70 > H r 5 ^ 2 I • 7U rn o cz rn 73 > Z 3.0 o o UJ Q z: c < 3 o X >-D: 1.0 (/) 0.9 z O.B -I ^ 0.7 Z u 0.6 — z 0.6 0.5 0.4 0. 3 0.2 lO 2 0 MINUTES DURATION HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULICS for the Solution of Hydraulic Engineering Problems Table 7-14. Vahios of K' for Circular Chaimels in thc: Furnuila 71 D = dcptli of water d = diaiiii-ler of cliaiiuel D d .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .00 .07 .08 .09 .0 .00007 .00031 .00074 .00138 .00222 .00328 .004 55 .00004 .00775 .1 .00907 .0118 .0142 .0107 .0195 .0225 .02.'>7 .0291 .0327 .03C.i; .2 .0400 .0448 .0492 .0037 .0585 .0034 .0080 .0738 .079i$ .0819 .3 .0907 .O'JGG .1027 .1089 .1153 .1218 .1284 .1352 .1420 .1490 .4 .1501 .1033 .1705 .1779 .1854 .1929 .2005 .2082 .2100 .2238 .5 .232 .23'.) .247 .2.->5 .203 .271 .279 .287 .295 .303 .0 .311 .310 .327 .335 .343 .350 .3.08 .300 .373 .380 .7 .388 .305 .402 .409 .410 .422 .429 .435 .111 .447 .8 .453 .4.08 .403 .4 08 .473 .477 .481 .4 85 .4 88 .-191 .y .494 .400 .407 .498 .498 .498 .490 .494 .4 89 .483 1.0 .403 STE.VDV U.NII-OUM FLOW IN OPEN CII.XNXELS Tabic 7-4. For Determining thc Area a of thc Cross Seclion of a Circular Conduit Flowing I'art Full , __il£P_tli^.of :!:jii£I_ _ :5and C = the tubulate.1 value. Then a = Cu-i-. diameter of channel ti D .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 d .0 .OOOO .0013 .0037 .0009 .0105 .1 .0409 .0470 .0534 .0000 .0008 .2 .1118 .1199 .1281 .1305 .1449 .3 .1982 .2074 .2107 .2260 .2355 .4 .2934 .3032 .3130 .3229 .3328 .5 .393 .403 .413 .423 .433 .0 .402 .502 .512 .521 .531 ,7 .587 .590 .005 .014 .023 .8 .674 .081 .089 .0"J7 .704 .9 .745 .750 .750 .701 .700 .05 .0147 .0739 .1535 .2450 .3428 .443 .540 .032 .712 .771 .00 .0192 .08.11 .1023 .254 0 .3527 .4.03 .550 .0-10 .719 .775 .0242 .0885 .1711 .2042 .3027 .402 .559 .049 .725 .779 .08 .0294 .0901 .181.10 .2739 .3727 .472 .509 .057 .732 .782 .00 .03.50 .i039 .1890 .2830 .3827 .4.H2 .578 .OOf. .738 .784 A4