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CT 01-16; CASA LAGUNA; DRAINAGE; 2004-05-13
05/17/2004 10:48 FAX 760 722 3490 Fraser Cornersto il02 FltASS/R BNQINEBRINO, INC. May 13,2004 avil Englnwifny LowPrmur* Smmar Englnaerfng (LPS) Wei umia (SvtttrMmtr) Slorm Walar Bnglnoaring Storm Wrnir Ouality Sirsel EnginaQrlng Scfiooi Silt Site Englnttfing Propeny Survsyfng Rtdtvilopnmtt Ana Enli»)caimM Con»l'VCI*n Iniptctlon And Adminisnlhn Mtfit Group ATTN.: MR. H. DAVID BUCKMASTER P.O. Boat 4177 Cartsbad. CA 92108-4177 SUBJECT: Dear. David CASA LAQUNA CONDOMINIUMS FIELD SURVEY & DRAINAGE RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon your request, we perfomied a field sun/ey at Casa Laguna CondomlnlumB on May 11. 2004 and May 13. 2004. We have enclosed an exhibit that shows the results of the field survey. We also, met with you at the site and obsen/ed the field conditions. You have requested that we review this Information and make recommendations to you to remedy the drainage problems which are occurring both on your property and the adjacent neighbors to the north. We recommend that a catch batin be mstalled at the northeast comer of the Casa Laguna ll project A pipe should be extended from the catch basin south adjacent to the east property Ifrie and tied into the proposed drainage system ss shown on th© site development plan; SDP 03-15. It is our opinion that this catch basin will solve most of the drainage problem which Is occurring. In our field review, we observed piles of wood on th© 2440 Buena Vista Drive property. We recommend that this proparty owner be contacted and requested to remove this obstruction from the drainage pathway. In addition, we obsen/ed a wood fence adjacent to th© ©xisting power pole in the southwest corner of 2430 Buena Vista Drive. This wood fence Is extended to the existing ground. It appears that the fence Is restrictfng the drainage flows. We recommend that the bottom portion of this fence be removed to pro>^de a minimum 3-Inch gap betweai the fenoe and the ground. The site development plan fbr Casa Laguna II shows a detaB for the north fence to ba provided with a S-lnch gap. We concur with this recommendation. The 2430 Buena Vista Drive property ia undulating in grade along the swale adjacent to the southem fence, A sag exists in the central portion of this swale. Wa anticipate that ponding will occur in this araa. However undesirable this ponding may be. we do not anticipate that flooding of the house will occur as th© depth is approximately one-half foot. You have Indicated that you would be willing to extend tbe drainage pipe fbr C^asa Laguna I to the property llna in the area of this sag A catch basin and pipe could be installed on 2430 Buena Vista Drive which would drain the sag. An alternative would be to lower the grade in the planter bed on the Casa Laguna I side of the fence In the area of the sag and install a catch basin. Another alternative would be to regrade the swale to a on© p©r.c©nt minimum slope and fill in tha holes. This vwjuld allow the drainage to flow to the proposed catch basin at th© northeast comer of Casa Laguna II. Any of these solutions would be feasible from an engineering stand point Th© regrading ofthe swato win require less maintenance. An agreement would be needed between the property owners for the drain to be Installed. The property owners should work together to detennine whwh is the best oourse of action to take. o\Bi'i\ov.iiciminmy6ii«Ai6ner_mefit_OS1304.doc 2191B Camino Real. Suite 208. Oceanslde. dA. 92054-6224 Ts/; 7tf0.722.34W Fax: 760.722.3490 05/17/2004 10:48 FAX 760 722 3490 Fraser Cornersto SlOS ERASER ENGINEERING, INC. In summary we have the fbllowing recommendations to remedy the drainage problems for Casa Laguna: Install a catch basin and pipe at the northeast comer of Casa Laguna II to join the proposed drainage system. This Is the recommended permanent drainage solution. Remove the bottom portton of the fences to provMe a 3-inch gap for drainage flows along Casa Laguna II and the southwest comer of 2430 Buena Vista Drive. Remove the wood piles which are blocking dreinage flows on 2440 Buena Vista Drive. • The property owners may work together to develop an agreement to alkiw a catch basin and drainage pipe to be installed from the sag at 2430 Buena Vista Drtve whk:h should tie into tiie Casa Laguna I drainage system. The catch basin may be located on either side of the fenc©. The property owners should work tog^her to deckJe which is best An altemative to the Installatton of the catch basm would be regrading of the swale at 2430 Buena Vista Drive to a one per-cent minimum slope. This woukl allow tha drainage to flow to the proposed catch basin at the northeast comer of <::asa Laguna 11 and eliminate tiie ponding whk* Is occurrmg. This altemative will require less mamtenance than ttie catch basm. If you have any questions and/or concems m regards to the enclosed Information, please do not healtata to contact me at (760) 722-3495- Slncerely FRASER BmiHBBRiNQ, Inc Steve Barger. P.E. Santor Engmeer Endosuie SJB/gc at8?^\QTa<:/m<>)\t)0\/eapfVo(ror_menL05t30<.(toc 2191B Camino Real. Su/te 20flL Oceanslde. CA. 92054^224 T»l: 760.722.3495 Fax: 760.722.^90 2430 BUENA VISTA CIRCLE CASA LAGUNA II PATIO CASA LUGiUNA I I 2430 BUENA VISTA CIRCLE PATIO CASA LAGUNA I CASALUGUNAI ro o o SD tn (D "S O o B CD <n n o Maa 18 04 OS-.SSp ROSRLIND RICCI EXHIBIT "A B19 296-8180 p.2 .or 15 12407 BUENA ViSTA CIRCLE) UAP 2432 LOT J4 (2409 8UENA VISTA CIRCLE) \ CASA LAQUJN A n PROPOSED UNIT F. F. 44.50 PAD 43.83 s\\l c PROPOSED y \. HEADWALL M L PROPOSED ll 10* RV.C. 4l STORM jl DRAIN 'l U EXISTING 1^ BLOCK p WALL LEGEND: DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED FINISH ELEVATION t4T) DENOTES PROPOSED FINISH CONTOUR DENOTES EARTHEN SWALE SCALE l"-10' Maa 18 04 02:25p ROSRLIND RICCI 619 296-8180 p.3 M A P LOT J5 I (2407 BUENA VISTA) ^ DRIVE Zi 3 < -1 EXHIBIT B 2 4 3 2 LOT )4 12409 BUENA ViSTA CIRCLE) NEW 12 X 12 CATCH BASIN T.G. 41.86 PROPOSED la^X 12" CATCH BASIN EXISTING BUILDING F.F. 43.27 CASA LAQUNA I ,4''RV.C. PIPE SCALE l"-10' LEGEND: (42.10) DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION T.G.41.42 DENOTES TOP OF GRATE ELEVATION . (D> DENOTES EXISTING AREA DRAIN —^DENOTES EXISTING 6" P.V.C STORMDRAIN- I John and Andra Kairath 2450 Buena Vista Circle Carisbad, CA 92008 May 12,2004 City ofCarlsbad Public Worics - Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Mr. Bob Wojcik, Planning Subject: Casa Laguna II, L.L.C. Minor Subdivision No. 04-03 RE: Notice of filing of Tentative Parcel M^, dated March 9,2004 Dear Mr. Wojcik: The reason for this letter are concems that the developer of the above referenced property is not confonning to the grade elevations and drainage design on the site plans submitted. After looking at the previous 12- unit development adjacent to Uie new proposed development we can see tibat the grading did not conform to the plans. This has caused major flooding in our neighbors' backyards east of us. We just want to make sure that die site plans are followed to all the specifications and drainage elevations that are required for proper drainage. In addition, we would like to see the developer correct the existing drainage problems on the completed 12- unit project prior to approvai of the new development. We hope you will take our recommendation into consideration before issuing a building permit so no further action is necessary to the developer or the Homeowner's Association. Thank you for your time conceming this urgent matter. Skcerely, Andra Kairath