HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-04; La Costa Oaks Sourth Neighborhood 3.14; Storm Water Management Plan; 2002-08-18HUNSAKER ^ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING IRVINE LOS ANGELES RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO N C. ADDENDUM TO STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN for LA COSTA OAKS SOUTH NEIGHBORHOODS 3.14 City of Carlsbad, California Prepared for: Real Estate Collateral Management Company c/o Morrow Development 1903 Wright Place, Suite 180 Carlsbad, CA 92008 W.O. 2352-39 August 18, 2003 DAVE HAMMAR LEX WILLIMAN ALISA VIALPANDO 10179 Huennekens St. San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 558-4500 PH (858) 558-1414 FX www.HunsakerSD.com lnfo@HunsakerSD.com Eric Mosolgo, R.C.E. Water Resources Department Manager Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. EM:smm h:\swquality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:49 AM o UJ I o < 0. La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 - Executive Summary 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Summary of Pre-Developed Conditions 1.3 Summary of Proposed Development 1.4 Results and Recommendations CHAPTER 2 - Storm Water Criteria 2.1 Regional Water Quality Control Board Criteria 2.2 City of Carlsbad SUSMP Criteria CHAPTER 3 - Identification of Typical Pollutants 3.1 Anticipated Pollutants from Project Site 3.2 Sediment 3.3 Nutrients 3.4 Trash & Debris 3.5 Oxygen-Demanding Substances 3.6 Oil & Grease CHAPTER 4 - Conditions of Concern 4.1 Receiving Watershed Descriptions 4.2 Pollutants of Concem in Receiving Watersheds 4.3 Peak Flow Attenuation (Regional Detention Facility) CHAPTER 5 - Volume-Based Best Management Practices (BMPs) 5.1 Design Criteria 5.2 Extended Detention Basins 5.3 Pollutant Removal 5.4 Maintenance Requirements CHAPTER 6 - Flow-Based BMPs 6.1 Design Criteria 6.2 Vortechs Treatment Units 6.3 Pollutant Removal Efficiency Table 6.4 Maintenance Requirements EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 7 - Source Control BMPs 7.1 Landscaping 7.2 Urban Housekeeping 7.3 Automobile Use CHAPTER 8 - Site BMP Design (Extended Detention Basin) 8.1 BMP Location 8.2 Determination of Treatment Volume 8.3 Water Quality Basin Design CHAPTER 9 - Site BMP Design (Vortechs Treatment Units) 9.1 BMP Locations 9.2 Determination of Treatment Flows 9.3 Vortechs Treatment Unit Selections CHAPTER 10 - References List of Tables and Figures Chapter 1 - Watershed Map Chapter 1 - BMP Location Map Chapter 3 - Pollutant Category Table Chapter 4 - San Diego Region Hydrologic Divisions Chapter 4 - Combined 1998 and Draft 2002 Section 303(d) Update Chapter 4 - Beneficial Uses of Inland Surface Waters Chapter 4 - Water Quality Objectives Chapter 5 - Pollutant Removal Efficiency Table (Volume-Based BMPs) Chapter 6 - Pollutant Removal Efficiency Table (Flow-Based BMPs) Chapter 8 - Extended Detention Basin Location Map Chapter 8 - Water Quality Basin Schematic (Profile) Chapter 8 - Stage-Storage Data Chapter 8 - Stage-Discharge Data for Water Quality Basin Dewatering Chapter 8 - 85*^ Percentile Rainfall Isopluvial Map Chapter 9 - Neighborhood 3.9 West BMP Location Map Chapter 9 - Neighborhood 3.9 East BMP Location Map Chapter 9 - Neighborhood 3.12 BMP Location Map Chapter 9 - Neighborhood 3.15 BMP Location Map Chapter 9 - Design Runoff Determination Summary Table Chapter 9 - Vortechs Unit Treatment Capacity Table Chapter 9 - Vortechs System Data EM:smm h:\sw quality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is an addendum to the "Storm Water Management Plan for La Costa Oaks South", specifically addressing treatment of 85*^ percentile mnoff from Neighborhood 3.14. All runoff from Neighborhood 3.14 drain to the regional water quality basin located at the downstream end of Neighborhood 3.12 (see Watershed Map on the following page). Per the "Hydrology Study for La Costa Oaks Neighborhoods 3.14", dated January 6, 2003, the storm drain systems from Neighborhood 3.14 had the following total combined drainage parameters upon their discharge to the public storm drain system. Neiqhboriiood 3.14 Drainage Area = 40.5 acres Developed Area = 32.5 acres Impervious Area = 9 acres 85*^ Percentile Runoff Volume = 0.30 acre-feet As shown in the ensuing text from the "Storm Water Management Plan for La Costa Oaks South", the water quality basin at the downstream end of Neighborhood 3.12 has a treatment capacity of 3.0 acre-feet. The combined 85* percentile runoff volume from Neighborhood 3.14 is equal to 0.36 acre-feet, which is less than the 3.0 acre-feet of treatment storage provided in the water quality basin downstream. 85'^ percentile design runoff calculations are provided in Chapter 8 of this report. Since the downstream treatment facility is a volume-based BMP, hydrograph methods were used to determine the corresponding 85*^ percentile mnoff volume from Neighborhood 3.14 EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan 1.1 - Introduction The La Costa Oaks South development is located east of the existing alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road, north of the existing extension of La Costa Avenue, and south of the Stanley Mahr Reservoir in the City of Carlsbad, California (see Watershed Map on the following page). Neighborhoods 3.08 through 3.15 comprise the Oaks South portion of the larger La Costa Oaks development. Per the City of Carlsbad SUSMP, the La Costa Oaks South project is classified as a Priority Project and subject to the City's Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements. This Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) has been prepared pursuant to requirements set forth in the City of Carlsbad's "Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP)." All calculations are consistent with criteria set forth by the Regional Water Quality Control Board's Order No. 2001-01, and the City of Carlsbad SUSMP. This SWMP recommends the location and sizing of site Best Management Practices (BMPs) which include one water quality extended detention basin and four Vortechs treatment units (see BMP Location Map in this chapter). Furthermore, this report determines anticipated project pollutants, pollutants of concern in the receiving watershed, peak flow mitigation, recommended source control BMPs, and methodology used for the design of flow-based and volume- based BMPs. 1.2 - Summary of Pre-Developed Conditions As shown in the watershed map on the following page, the majority of the pre- developed La Costa Oaks South site drained to the Encinitas Creek watershed. The remainder of the site (portions of Neighborhoods 3.08 and 3.09) drained to the San Marcos Creek watershed via an existing inlet to the old Rancho Santa Fe storm drain system. The Regional Water Quality Control Board has identified both Encinitas Creek and San Marcos Creek as part of the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit, San Marcos Hydrologic Area, and the Batiquitos Hydrologic Subarea (basin number 4.51). 1.3 - Summarv of Proposed Development Development of the La Costa Oaks South site will include the constmction of single- family homes as well as the associated streets, sidewalks, landscaping and utilities. As part of the development, a regional detention basin was constructed at the downstream end of the project in Neighborhood 3.12. EM:snim h:\sw quality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM ""^eTrWATERSHED^" < ENCINITAS^^^^g ;jf ^WATERSHfelS^ HYDROLOGY MAP FOR lA COSTA OAKS SOUTH CITY OF CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 35" Wl" SCALE l'>3a0' /VORTECH i UNIT ^VORTECH ) ' UNIT m LEGEND WATERSHED BOUNDARY BASIN WATERSHED BOUNDARY NBGHBCRHOOD BOUNDARY AREA WATER QUAUTY DEVICE HUNSAKER Si ASSOCIATES IAN ailf* !•« BMP LOCATION MAP FOR LA COSTA OAKS SOUTH CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SHEET 1 OF 1 lti\a»9\tHyd\HTll-C0MrosnE-fW-dh..d»9C ai8S3Jul-a3-aiX13iUa7 La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan The "Addendum to Preliminary Hydrology Study for Villages of La Costa - The Ridge & The Oaks", prepared by Hunsaker & Associates and dated October 23, 2001, details the design of the regional detention facility. As shown in the referenced report, the regional detention facility mitigates design peak flow increases below pre-development levels. In addition to peak flow attenuation, this basin also serves as a regional water quality basin. A riser extends from the basin bottom elevation of 285 feet to a top elevation of 293 feet. Storm water treatment occurs in this bottom 8 feet of the basin while peak flow attenuation is provided in the basin above elevation 293 feet. Four flow-based BMPs will be located at other site discharge locations. 85*^ percentile runoff will be treated in the proposed Vortechs systems at Paseo Conifera, Neighborhood 3.09, Avenida Junipero, and La Costa Avenue prior to discharging into the receiving drainage system. 1.4 - Results and Recommendations The water quality / regional detention facility is located at the downstream (south) end of Neighborhood 3.12 (see BMP Location Map on the following page). Runoff from Neighborhoods 3.08, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14 and 3.15 drains to this location. Additionally, runoff from a large offsite area will also drain to the basin area. The combined watershed area draining the basin was determined to be 401 acres. Using the 85**^ percentile rainfall of 0.68 inches (see Isopluvial Map at the end of this chapter) and assuming 20 percent imperviousness in the contributing watershed, HEC-HMS calculations predicted an 85*^ percentile runoff volume of roughly 3.0 acre-feet. The basin's stage-storage data shows that the water quality basin area has a peak storage volume of 3.0 acre-feet at the riser top elevation of 293 feet. The total basin storage volume for detention (above elevation 293 feet) is 7.6 acre-feet. Since the basin storage volume in the water quality portion of the basin equals the projected 85* percentile runoff volume, the BMP meets SUSMP criteria. Each of the proposed Vortechs units is an offline precast treatment unit. The 85"^ percentile design flow rate is forced into the treatment area by a diversion weir built in the upstream junction. Flows in excess of the design flow rate pass over the weir and proceed downstream. Vortechs Model 1000 units, with a treatment flow capacity of 1.6 cfs, are recommended for the treatment units at Neighborhood 3.09, La Costa Avenue and Avenida Junipero while a Model 2000 is recommended at Paseo Conifera. EM:smm h:\swquality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM BASIN WATERSHED BOUNDARY NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARY AREA WATER QUALITY DEVICE 9 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES tAtk •laaa mc wmttmrntrnttttrnm BMP LOCATION MAP FOR LA COSTA OAKS SOUTH NEIGHBORHOOD 3.14 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SHEET 1 OF 1 Ri\027(l\iHyd\aaks-SaMth\H0e-CaMPaSITE-BMP-EXHIBIT.d>eC £03aiAug-ai-Z(»3ilSiS7 La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 2 - STORM WATER CRITERIA 2.1 - Regional Water Qualitv Control Board Criteria All runoff conveyed in the proposed storm drain systems will be treated in compliance with Regional Water Quality Control Board regulations and NPDES criteria prior to discharging to natural watercourses. California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. 2001-01, dated February 21, 2001, sets waste discharge requirements for discharges of urban runoff from municipal storm separate drainage systems draining the watersheds of San Diego County. Per the RWQCB Order, post-development runoff from a site shall not contain pollutant loads which cause or contribute to an exceedance of receiving water quality objectives or which have not been reduced to the maximum extent practicable. Post-construction Best Management Practices (BMPs), which refer to specific storm water management techniques that are applied to manage construction and post-construction site mnoff and minimize erosion, include source control - aimed at reducing the amount of sediment and other pollutants - and treatment controls that keep soil and other pollutants onsite once they have been loosened by storm water erosion. Post construction pollutants are a result of the urban development of the property and the effects of automobile use. Runoff from paved surfaces can contain both sediment (in the form of silt and sand) as well as a variety of pollutants transported by the sediment. Landscape activities by homeowners are an additional source of sediment. All structural BMPs shall be located to infiltrate, filter, or treat the required runoff volume or flow (based on the 85"^ percentile rainfall) prior to its discharge to any receiving watercourse supporting beneficial uses. 2.2 - Citv of Carlsbad SUSMP Criteria Per the City of Carisbad SUSMP, the La Costa Oaks South project is classified as a Priority Project and subject to the City's Pennanent Storm Water BMP Requirements. These requirements required the preparation of this Storm Water Management Plan. The Storm Water Applicability Checklist, which must be included along with Grading Plan applications, is included on the following page. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM storm Water Standards 4/03/03 APPENDIX A STORM WATER REQUIREMENTS APPUCABILITY CHECKLIST Complete Sections 1 and 2 of the following checklist to detennine your project's pennanent and constmction stonn water best management practices requirements. This fonn must be completed and submitted with your permit application. Section 1. Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements: If any answers to Part A are answered Tes," your project is subject to the "Priority Project Permanent Stonn Water BMP Requirements," and "Standard Pennanent Stonn Water BMP Requirements" in Section III, "Pennanent Storm Water BMP Selection Procedure" in the Storm Water Standards manual. If all answers to Part A are "No," and any answers to Part B are "Yes," your project is only subject to the "Standard Pennanent Stonn Water BMP Requirements". If every question in Part A and B is answered "No," your project is exempt ft-om pennanent stonn water requirements. Part A: Determine Priority Project Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements. Does the project meet the definition of one or more of the priority project categories?* Yes No 1. Detached residential development of 10 or more units / 2. Attached residential development of 10 or more units 3. Commercial development greater than 100,000 square feet • 4. Automotive repair shop / 5. Restaurant 6. Steep hillside development greater than 5,000 square feet 7. Proiect discharaing to receiving waters within Environmentally Sensitive /Vreas 8. Parking lots greater than or equal to 5,000 ft' or with at least 15 parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff / 9. Streets, roads, highways, and freeways which would create a new paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or greater / * Refer to the definitions section in the Stonn Water Standards for expanded definitions of the priority proiect categories. Limited Exclusion: Trenching and resur^cing work associated with utility projects are not considered priority projects. Paridng lots, buildings and other structures associated with utility projects are priority projects if one or more of the criteria in Part A is met. If all answers to Part A are "No", continue to Part B. 30 La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water IVianagement Plan CHAPTER 3 - IDENTIFICATION OF TYPICAL POLLUTANTS 3.1 - Anticipated Pollutants from Project Site The following table details typical anticipated and potential pollutants generated by various land use types. The La Costa Oaks South development will consist of detached single-family residences. Thus, the Detached Residential Development category has been highlighted to cleariy illustrate which general pollutant categories are anticipated from the project area. General Pollutant Categories Priority Project Categories Sediments Nutrients Heavy IVIetais Organic Compounds Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides Detached Residential Development X X X X X X X Attached Residential Development X x X p(i) p(2) P X Commercial Development >100,000 ft^ p(1) p(i) p(2) X p{5) X p(3) p(5) Automotive Repair Shops x X(4)(5) X X Restaurants X X X X Hillside Development >5,000 ft^ X x X X X X Parking Lots p(1) p(1) X X p(1) X p{1) Streets, Highways & Freeways X p(1) X X(4) X p(5) X Retail Gas Outlets X X(4) X X X = anticipated P = potential (1) A potential pollutant if landscaping exists on-site. (2) A potential pollutant if the project includes uncovered parking areas. (3) A potential pollutant if land use involves food or animal waste products. (4) Including petroleum hydrocarbons. (5) Including solvents. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan 3.2 - Sediment Soils or other surface materials eroded and then transported or deposited by the action of wind, water, ice, or gravity. Sediments can increase turbidity, clog fish gills, reduce spawning habitat, smother bottom dwelling organisms, and suppress aquatic vegetative growth. 3.3 - Nutrients Inorganic substances, such as nitrogen and phosphorous, that commonly exist in the form of mineral salts that are either dissolved or suspended in water. Primary sources of nutrients in urtDan runoff are fertilizers and eroded soils. Excessive discharge of nutrients to water bodies and streams can cause excessive aquatic algae and plant growth. Such excessive production, referred to as cultural eutrophication, may lead to excessive decay of organic matter in the water body, loss of oxygen in the water, release of toxins in sediment, and the eventual death of aquatic organisms. 3.4 - Trash & Debris Examples include paper, plastic, leaves, grass cuttings, and food waste, which may have a significant impact on the recreational value of a water body and aquatic habitat. Excess organic matter can create a high biochemical oxygen demand in a stream and thereby lower its water quality. In areas where stagnant water is present, the presence of excess organic matter can promote septic conditions resulting in the growth of undesirable organisms and the release of odorous and hazardous compounds such as hydrogen sulfide. 3.5 - Oxvaen-Demandina Substances Biodegradable organic material as well as chemicals that react with dissolved oxygen in water to form other compounds. Compounds such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are examples of oxygen-demanding compounds. The oxygen demand of a substance can lead to depletion of dissolved oxygen in a water body and possibly the development of septic conditions. 3.6 - Oil & Grease Characterized as high high-molecular weight organic compounds. Primary sources of oil and grease are petroleum hydrocarbon products, motor products from leaking vehicles, oils, waxes, and high-molecular weight fatty acids. Elevated oil and grease content can decrease the aesthetic value of the water body, as well as the water quality. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM IV La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 4 - CONDITIONS OF CONCERN 4.1 - Receiving Watershied Descriptions As shown in the watershed map on the following page, the majority of the pre- developed La Costa Oaks South site drained to the Encinitas Creek watershed. In developed conditions, runoff from a 401-acre watershed drains through the regional detention facility near La Costa Avenue (in Neighborhood 3.12) and then discharges to a tributary of Encinitas Creek. Runoff from Neighborhood 3.09 discharges to a storm drain system constructed along with the new alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. This runoff, along with mnoff from Rancho Santa Fe Road confluences with the aforementioned 401-acre watershed around the location of the La Costa Avenue - Camino De Los Coches intersection. At the southeast corner of the Oaks South site, a 5-acre watershed discharges to a side canyon near Avenida Junipero (in the headwater regions of Encinitas Creek). In developed conditions, the total drainage area from the site area (including offsite areas draining through the site) to the Encinitas Creek watershed is roughly 422 acres. Portions of Neighborhood 3.08 drain to the San Marcos Creek watershed via an existing inlet to the old Rancho Santa Fe stonn drain system. In developed conditions, the developed condition drainage area from the site area to the San Marcos Creek watershed is roughly 24 acres. The Regional Water Quality Control Board has identified both Encinitas Creek and San Marcos Creek as part of the Carisbad Hydrologic Unit, San Marcos Hydrologic Area, and the Batiquitos Hydrologic Subarea (basin number 4.51). 4.2 - Pollutants of Concern in Receiving Watersheds Neither Encinitas Creek nor San Marcos Creek are listed on the EPA's 303(d) List of endangered waterways (included in this Chapter). Per the "Water Quality Plan for the San Diego Basin", the beneficial uses for both waterways include agricultural supply, contact water recreation, non-contact recreation, warm freshwater habitat, and wildlife habitat. Table 3-2 from the "Water Quality Plan for the San Diego Basin" (included at the end of this Chapter) lists water quality objectives for a variety of potential pollutants required to sustain the beneficial uses of the San Marcos hydrologic area. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan 4.3 - Peak Flow Attenuation (Regional Detention Facility) The "Addendum to Preliminary Hydrology Study for Villages of La Costa - The Ridge & The Oaks", prepared by Hunsaker & Associates and dated October 23, 2001, details the design of the regional detention facility located near La Costa Avenue in Neighborhood 3.12. As shown in the referenced report, the regional detention facility mitigates design peak flow increases below pre-development levels. In addition to peak flow attenuation, this basin also serves as a regional water quality basin. A riser extends from the basin bottom elevation of 285 feet to a top elevation of 293 feet. Storm water treatment occurs in this bottom 8 feet of the basin while peak flow attenuation is provided in the basin above elevation 293 feet. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM TABLE 1 SAN DIEGO REGION HYDROLOGIC DIVISIONS 1/2/01 BASIN NUMBER HYDROLOGIC BASIM BASIN NUMBER HYDROLOGIC BASIN 1.00 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.2a 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.30 1J1 1.32 1,40 UO 1.51 1.52 1.S3 2.00 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.30 2.31 2.32 2J3 2.34 2J5 2.36 2.40 2.41 2.42 2.43 2.44 2.50 2.51 2.52 2.80 2.61 2.62 2.63 2.70 2.71 2.72 2.73 SAN JUAN HYDROLOGIC UNIT Laguna HA San Joaquin Hills HSA Lagtsia Beach HSA Aliso HSA Oana Point HSA Mission Viejo HA Oso HSA Upper Trabuco HSA Middle Ttabuco HSA GobainadGra HSA Upper San Juan HSA Middle San Jtan HSA Lower San Juan HSA Ortega HSA SanQementa HA Prima Deshecha HSA Segunda Desiiecha HSA San Mateo Canyon HA SanOnofre HA San Onoflra Valley HSA Las Pulgas HSA Stuart HSA SANTA MARGARrrA HYDROLOGIC UNH" Ysidora Lower Ysidora Ctieppo Upper Ysidora DeLuz DeLuz Creek Gavitan Vallecitos Munrieta Wlldomar Murrteta French Lower Oomenigani Domenlgonl Diamond Auld Bachelor Mountain Gertnidls Lower Tucalota Tucalota Pauba Wolf Wilson Lancaster Valley Lewis iteed Valley Cave Rocks Lower Coahuita Upper Coalttiila Araa HA HSA HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HSA HSA HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HSA • 2J* 2.80 2.81 Z.B2 2.83 2.84 2.90 2.91 2.92 2.93 Z94 3.00 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3J0 3.31 X32 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.21 4.22 4J0 4.31 4.32 4.40 rrsr 1 4.51 HisT- - 4.53 4.60 4.61 4.62 4.63 5.00 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 Buns. HSA Aguanga HA Vail HSA-Devils Hole HSA Redec HSA TUIeCreeIc HSA Oakgrove HA • LowM'Culp HSA Pravitt Canyon HSA Dodge HSA Chihuahua HSA SAN LUIS REY HYDROLOGIC UNO" Lower San Luis HA Mission HSA BonsaO HSA -' Moosa HSA. Valley Center .HSA woods HSA RIncon HSA Monserata .HA' Pala . H^A Pauma HSA La Jolla Amago • HSA Wttner Valley HA Warner ..' HSA Combs HSA CARLSBAD HYDROLOGIC UNHT Loma Alta Buena Vista Creek BSalto Vista Agua Hedionda LosMonos Buena Encinas "SanT I Marcos Riehlaiid 1\MinOaks Escondido Creek San EIIJo Escondido LakeWOhlltord HA HA HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HA TW- HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HSA SAN OlEGUrrO HYDROLOGIC UNn* Solana Beach Rancho Santa Fe La Jolla Hodges Del Dios Green Felidta Bear HA HSA HSA HA HSA HSA HSA HSA T-1-1 I I I i I I I Hy*.";^.!"°"ft ^OO^ Section 303(d) Update Descriptor Waterbody 21 Loma Alta HA (904.10) Pacific Ocean Shoreline ^ (904^10^ ^ LomaAlta Slough Segment / Area ^ at Loma Alta Creek Mouth 23 Buena Vista Creek HA (904.20) Pacific Ocean Shoreline 24 El Salto HSA (904.21) 25 Los Monos HSA (904.31) at Buena Vista Creek Carlsbad City Beach at Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad State Beach at Pine Avenue I' ' ^0 Los Monos HSA i (904.31) 27 San Marcos HA [ (904.50) Buena Vista Lagoon Agua Hedionda Lagoon Agua Hedionda Creek lower portion Pacific Ocean Shoreline at Moonlight State Beach ^» Escondido Creek _ HA (904.60) Pacific Ocean Shoreline I I »-> <^out.QUI 29 San Elijo HSA (904.61) I .V, San Dieguito HU I (905.00) Del Dios HSA (905.21) Del Dios HSA (905.21) at San Eiiio Lagoon at Solana Beach San Elijo Lagoon I , 33 Felicita HSA (905.23) Felicita HSA (905.23) 135 Highland HSA (905.31) |36 Sutheriand HSA (905.53) Pa^i- ou .. at San Dieguito Lagoon MoutT Pacific Ocean Shoreline I orrey Pines State Beach at Del Mar (Anderson Canyon) Green Valley Creek Hodges Reservoir Entire Reservoir Felicita Creek Kit Carson Creek Cloverdale Creek Sutheriand Reservoir Entire Reservoir I I lastupdatwl7/22/20Q3 SAVTOS\303dlhftSD Stair Report.20Oa20(a draft 303d M hMp:/W.swrcb.ca.gov/h«qcb9*rog,am.003dli«frabl,4-C^^^ Pollutant / Stressor Bacterial Indicators^ Bacterial Indicators^ Eutrophic -Bacterial Indicators^ Extent of Year Impairment ° LIsfaH 1 mile 8 acres 0.65 miles Bacterial Indicators^ 350 acres Sedimentation / Siltation seres Nutrients Bacterial Indicators^ 150 acres 5 acres Sedimentation / Siltation °!azinon lower 2 miles Total Dissolved Solids Bacterial Indicators^ _ iacteria Indicators^ Bacterial Indicators^ 0.4 miles 0.8 miles 150 acres Eutrophic 330 acres Sulfate Color Nitrogen Phosphorus Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids Total Dissolved Solids Phosphorus 1 mile Entire Reservoir Total Dissolved Solids 1 mile 1 mile Color Entire Reservoir 1998 1998 "iggT 1998 1998 1998 1998 ^2002" lower 8 miles 2002 Sedimentation / Siltation 150 acres -Bacterial 0-8 miles Indicators^ 1998 "Tiir 1998 1998 2002 2002 lower 2 miles 2002 2002 looF 2002 Table 2-2. BENEFICIAL USES OF INLAND SURFACE WATERS BENEFICIAL USE Inland Surface Waters "^'^ Hydrologic M A 1 P G F P R R B W C W R S Unit Basin U G N R W R O E E 1 A O 1 A P Number N R D O R S W C C O R L L R W C H 1 2 L M D D E N San Diego County Coastal Streams -'Continued Buena Vista Lagoon 4.21 See Coastal Waters-Table 2-3 Buena Vista Creek 4.22 + • • • • Buena Vista Creek 4.21 + • • • • • • Agua Hedionda 4.31 See Coastal Waters- Table 2-3 Agua Hedionda Creek 4.32 • • • • • • • Buena Creek 4.32 • • • • • • • Agua Hedionda Creek 4.31 • • • -. • • • • Letterbox canyon 4.31 • • • • • • • Canyon de las Encinas 4.40 + 0 • • • San Marcos Creek Watershed Batiquitos Lagoon 4.51 See Coastal Waters- Table 2-3 San Marcos Creek 4.52 + • • • • • • unnamed Intermittent streams 4.53 + • • • • San Marcos Creek Watershed ^jSan Marcos Creek 4.51 + • • • • • y/^jEncinitas Creek 4.51 r + • -• • • -• • Existing Beneficial Use O Potential Beneficial Use + Excepted From MUN (See Text) 1 Watertjodies are listed multiple times if they cross hydrologic area or sub area boundaries. Beneficial use designations apply to all tributaries to tiie indicated waterbody. if not listed separately. Table 2-2 BENEFICIAL USES 2-27 Septembers, 19S4 J m Table 3-2. WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES Concentrations not to be exceeded more ttian 10% of Uie time during any one one year period. Consfa'tiuent (mg/L or as noted) Inland Surface Waters Hydrologic Unit Basin Number TDS CI SO, %Na 1 N&P Fe Mn MBAS B ODOR Turb NTU Color Units F SAN LUIS REY HYDROLOGIC UNIT 903.00 Lower San Luis HA 3.10 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 Monserat HA 3.20 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 1 Warner Valley HA 3.30 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 1 CARLSBAD HYDROLOGIC UNIT^ 904.00 Loma Alta HA 4.10 none 20 20 1.0 II Buena Vista Creek HA 4.20 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 Agua Hedionda HA 4.30 500 250 250 60 - a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 Encinas HA 4.40 none 20 20 1.0 1 ^an Marcos HA> 4.50 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0J Escondido Creek HA 4.60 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 1 SAN DIEGUITO HYDROLOGIC UNIT 905.00 Solana Beach HA 5.10 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 Hodges HA 5.20 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 1 San Pasqual HA 5.30 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 1 Santa Maria Valley HA 5.40 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 II Santa Ysabel HA 5.50 500 250 250-60 . a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 II PENASQUITOS HYDROLOGIC UNIT 906.00 Miramar Reservoir HA 6.10 500 250 250 60 a :p.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 1 Poway HA 6.20 500 250 250 60 a 0.3 0.05 0.5 0.75 none 20 20 1.0 1 HSA - Hydrologic Sub Area (Lower case letters Indicate endnotes foUowing the table.) Table 3-2 WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES Page 3-23 Septembers, 199^ V La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 5 - VOLUME-BASED BMPS 5.1 - Design Criteria Volume-based BMPs shall be designed to mitigate the volume of runoff produced from a 24-hour 85* percentile storni event, as determined from the local historical rainfall record. The 85^ percentile rainfall for the La Costa Oaks site is 0.68 inches (see figure in Chapter 7). Such facilities are usually designed to store the first flush runoff event below the principle spillway elevation (riser, weir, etc.) while providing a means for low flow dewatering. Outlet structures will be designed to convey runoff from the 100-year frequency storm to the basin. 5.2 - Extended Detention Basin The La Costa Oaks South site contains one volume-based BMP - the bottom portion of the regional detention facility that operates as an extended duration storm water quality basin. This basin will collect the first flush runoff volume and retain it in the basin for a period of 24-48 hours. 85* percentile runoff volume, contained below the overflow elevation of the basin riser, will be slowly discharged from the treatment control basin via low flow orifices in the basin riser. After passing through the riser, an outlet pipe will dewater the basin and discharge runoff to the natural drainage course downstream. Runoff in excess of the first flush runoff volume will bypass the basin via a large diameter riser opening (top elevation = 293 feet). 5.3 - Pollutant Removal As shown in the table (from the City of Carisbad SUSMP) on the following page, extended detention basins provide the following treatment efficiencies: Sediment- High removal efficiency Nutrients - Medium removal efficiency Heavy Metals - Medium removal efficiency Trash & Debris - High removal efficiency Oxygen-Demanding Substances - Medium removal efficiency Oil & Grease - Medium removal efficiency 5.4 - l\/laintenance Requirements Proper maintenance is required to insure optimum performance of the basins. General BMP inspections should check for structural integrity of the riser, debris and litter removai to prevent blockage of outiet orifices, etc. Fencing should be provided at the top of the basins to serve as protection to the public from the safety hazards inherent with standing water in the basin. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM storm Water Standards 4/03/03 Table 4. Structural Treatment Control BIWP Selection Matrbc. Pollutant of Concem Treatment Control BMP Categories Biofiiters Detention Basins infiltration Basinsli) Wet Ponds or Wetlands Drainage inserts Filtration Hydrodynamic Seoarator SvsfemsP) Sediment M H H H L H M Nutrients L M 1^ M L M L Heavy Metals M M H L H L Organic Compounds U U U U . L M L Trash & Debris L H U U M H M Oxygen Demanding Substances L M M M L M L Bacteria U U H U L • M L Oil & Grease M 1^ U U L H L Pesticides U U U U L U L (2) Also known as iiydrodynamic devices and baffle boxes. L: Low removal efficiency M: Medium removai efiidency H: High removal effidency U: Unknown removal effidency Sources: Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources ofNonpoint Polluthn in Coastal Waters (1993) National Stormwater Best Management Practices Database (2001). and Guide for BMP Selection In Urban [)eveioped Areas {2QQ]). La Costa Oaks South (Neighborliood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan Maintenance of the extended detention basin will be the responsibility of the Homeowners Association until the time at which the City of Carisbad assumes maintenance responsibilities. For proper maintenance to be performed, the storm water treatment facility must be accessible to both maintenance personnel and their equipment and materials. Factors that affect the operational performance of a volume-based extended detention ponds include mowing, control of pond vegetation, removal of accumulated bottom sediments, removal of debris from all inflow and outflow stmctures, unclogging of orifice perforations, etc. Periodic inspections should be perfomied following each significant storm. These basins should be inspected at least twice a year to evaluate facility operation. Periodic inspections of both Water Quality Basins should be perfomied at regular intervals throughout the year. Additional inspections will be required after major rainfall events (defined per this Maintenance Plan as 24-hour rainfall events in excess of 1 inch). During the periodic and post-major event rainfall inspections, the inspector must identify any repairs and maintenance activities deemed necessary, including the removal of trash, debris, and sediment from the upper chamber of the basin area. All riser orifices should be unclogged during the periodic and post-rainfall inspections. A Registered Civil Engineer will conduct an annual inspection of each basin. This inspection will include a thorough inspection of the basin area, outlet structure and internal gabion structure. The engineer will identify any required repairs as well as corrective maintenance activity required to maintain the hydraulic performance of the basins. Annual maintenance activities will include the removal of the heavy vegetation that will inevitably grow in the basin. Roughly Vi half of the vegetation should be removed from the basin at each annual maintenance session, including all woody or aquatic vegetation and other obstructions to flow. Ail sediment, trash, and debris should be removed from the upper and lower chambers of the basin at the annual maintenance session. Sediment removed during periodic, post-major rainfall event, and annual maintenance can be placed in a sanitary landfill or used for composting activities. If no basin maintenance takes places for a period of longer than 1 year, then trapped pollutants may be deemed hazardous and special requirements may apply to disposal activities. In such a case, removals would require testing prior to disposal in a sanitary landfill. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM VI La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 6 - FLOW-BASED BMPS 6.1 - Design Criteria Flow-based BMPs shall be designed to mitigate the maximum flowrate of runoff produced from a rainfall intensity of 0.2 inch per hour. Such basins utilize either mechanical devices (such as vaults that produce vort:ex effects) or non-mechanical devices (based on weir hydraulics and specially designed filters) to promote settling and removal of pollutants from the njnoff. Per the request of the City of Carisbad, 85* percentile flow calculations were performed using the Rational Method. The basic Rational Method mnoff procedure is as follows: Design flow (Q) = C * 1* A Runoff Coefficient I - In accordance with the County of San Diego standards, the weighted runoff coefficient for all the areas draining to the treatment unit was determined using the areas analyzed in the final engineering hydrology report:. The runoff coefficient is based on the following characteristics of the watershed: - Land Use - Single Family Residential in Developed Areas - Soil Type - Hydrologic soil group D was assumed for all areas. Group D soils have very slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted. Consisting chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a high permanent water table, soils with clay pan or clay layer at or near the suri'ace, and shallow soils over nearly impervious materials. Group D soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. Rainfall Intensity (I) - Regional Water Quality Control Board regulations and NPDES criteria have established that flow-based BMPs shall be designed to mitigate a rainfall intensity of 0.2 inch per hour. Watershed Area (A) - Corresponds to total area draining to treatment unit. 6.2 - Vortechs Treatment Units The Vortiechs Storm Water Treatment System is designed to efficiently remove grit, contaminated sediments, metals, hydrocarbons and floating contaminants from surface runoff. Combining swiri-concentrator and flow-control technologies to eliminate turbulence within the system, the Vortechs System ensures the effective capture of sediment and oils and prevents resuspension of trapped pollutants for flows up to 25 cfs. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan Other features of the Vortechs Systems include the following: Large capacity system provides an 80 percent net annual Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removai rate - Unit is installed below grade Low pump-out volume and one-point access reduce maintenance costs - Design prevents oils and other floatables from escaping the system during cleanout - Enhanced removal efficiencies of nutrients and heavy metals with offiine configuration The tangential inlet to the system creates a swiriing motion that directs settleable solids into a pile towards the center of the grit chamber. Sediment is caught in the swiriing flow path and settles back onto the pile after the storm event is over. Floatable entrapment is achieved by sizing the low flow control to create a rise in the water level of the vault that is sufficient to just submerge the inlet pipe with the 85*^ percentile flow. 6.3 - Pollutant Removai Efficiency Table Pollutant of Concern BMP Categories Hydrodynamic Separation Devices'^' Vorlechs'^ Stormwater Treatment System Sediment M-H H Nutrients L-M L-M Heavy Metals L-M L-M Organic Compounds L-M L-M Trash & Debris M-H H Oxygen Demanding Substances L L Bacteria L L Oil & Grease L-H H Pesticides L L (1) The County will periodically assess the performance characteristics of these BMPs to update this table. (2) Proprietary Structural BMPs. Not all serve the same function. L (Low): Low removal efficiency (roughly 0-25%) M (Medium): Medium removal efficiency (roughly 25-75%) H (High): High removal efficiency (roughly 75-100%) U: Unknown removal efficiency, applicant must provide evidence supporting use Sources: Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources ofNonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters (1993), National Stormwater Best Management Practices Database (2001), and Guide for BMP Selection in Urban Developed Areas (2001). EM:smm h:\sw quality\2352\39\3.14.cloc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan 6.4 - l\/laintenance Requirements Flow-based stomn water treatment devices should be inspected periodically to assure their condition to treat anticipated runoff. Maintenance of the proposed Vortechnics units includes inspection and maintenance 1 to 4 times per year. Maintenance of the Vortechs units involves the use of a "vactor tmck", which clears the grit chamber of the treatment unit by vacuuming all the grit, oil and grease, and water from the sump. Typically a 3-man crew is required to perform the maintenance of the treatment unit. Property maintained Vortechs Systems will only require evacuation of the grit chamber portion of the system. In some cases, it may be necessary to pump out all chambers. In the event of cleaning other chambers, it is imperative that the grit chamber be drained first. Proper inspection includes a visual observation to ascertain whether the unit is functioning property and measuring the amount of deposition in the unit. Floatables should be removed and sumps cleaned when the sump storage exceeds 85 percent of capacity specifically, or when the sediment depth has accumulated within 6 inches of the dry-weather water level. The rate at which the system collects pollutants will depend more heavily on site activities than the size of the unit. EM:smm h:\sw quality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM Vii La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 7 - SOURCE CONTROL BMPS 7.1 - Landscaping Manufactured slopes shall be landscaped with suitable ground cover or installed with an erosion control system. Homeowners should be educated as to the proper routine maintenance to landscaped areas including trimming, pmning, weeding, mowing, replacement or substitution of vegetation in ornamental and required landscapes. Per the RWQCB Order, the following landscaping activities are deemed unlawful and are thus prohibited: - Discharges of sediment - Discharges of pet waste Discharges of vegetative clippings Discharges of other landscaping or constmction-related wastes. 7.2 - Urban Houselceepinq Fertilizer applied by homeowners, in addition to organic matter such as leaves and lawn clippings, all result in nutrients in storm water runoff. Consumer use of excessive herbicide or pesticide contributes toxic chemicals to runoff. Homeowners should be educated as to the proper application of fertilizers and herbicides to lawns and gardens. The average household contains a wide variety of toxins such as oil/grease, antifreeze, paint, household cleaners and solvents. Homeowners should be educated as to the proper use, storage, and disposal of these potential storni water runoff contaminants. Per the RWQCB Order, the following housekeeping activities are deemed unlawful and are thus prohibited: Discharges of wash water from the cleaning or hosing of impervious surfaces including parking lots, streets, sidewalks, driveways, patios, plazas, and outdoor eating and drinking areas (landscape irrigation and lawn watering, as well as non-commercial washing of vehicles in residential zones, is exempt from this restriction) - Discharges of pool or fountain water containing chloride, biocides, or other chemicals - Discharges or runoff" from material storage areas containing chemicals, fuels, grease, oil, or other hazardous materials - Discharges of food-related wastes (grease, food processing, trash bin wash water, etc.). EM:smm h:\sw quality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan 7.3 - Automobile Use Urban pollutants resulting from automobile use include oil, grease, antifreeze, hydraulic fluids, copper from brakes, and various fuels. Homeowners should be educated as to the proper use, storage, and disposal of these potential stonn water contaminants. Per the RWQCB Order, the following automobile use activities are deemed unlawful and are thus prohibited: - Discharges of wash water from the hosing or cleaning of gas stations, auto repair garages, or other types of automotive service facilities. - Discharges resulting from the cleaning, repair, or maintenance of any type of equipment, machinery, or facility including motor vehicles, cement- related equipment, port-a-potty servicing, etc. - Discharges of wash water from mobile operations such as mobile automobile washing, steam cleaning, power washing, and carpet cleaning. The Homeowners Association should make all homeowners aware of the aforementioned RWQCB regulations through a homeowners' education program. A monitoring program should also be implemented to insure compliance. EM:smm h:\sw quality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM Vill La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 8 - SITE BMP DESIGN EXTENDED DETENTION BASIN 8.1 - BMP Location The water quality / regional detention facility is located at the downstream (south) end of Neighborhood 3.12 (see BMP Location Map on the following page). Runoff from Neighboriioods 3.08, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14 and 3.15 drains to this location. Additionally, runoff from a large offsite area will also drain to the basin area. The combined watershed area draining the basin was determined to be 401 acres. 8.2 - Determination of Treatment Volume Per the "Addendum to Preliminary Hydrology Study for Villages of La Costa - The Ridge and The Oaks (dated October 23, 2001)," HEC-HMS output shows the drainage area to the regional detention / water quality basin is 401 acres. The corresponding time of concentration (from a previous Rational Method analysis contained within the "Preliminary Hydrology Study for Villages of La Costa - The Ridge and The Oaks" is 22.3 minutes. Using the 85*^ percentile rainfall of 0.68 inches (see Isopluvial Map at the end of this chapter) and assuming 20 percent imperviousness in the contributing watershed, HEC-HMS calculations predicted an 85**^ percentile runoff volume of roughly 3.0 acre-feet. 8.3 - Water Quality Basin Design The water quality / detention basin exhibit included in this chapter shows that the riser makes this basin double as a detention and water quality basin. The riser will extend from the basin bottom elevation of 285 feet to a top elevation of 293 feet. Detention basin stage-storage calculations (included in this chapter) show that no storage effects were considered below the riser top elevation of 293 feet. In other words, peak flow attenuation was attained in the basin storage area above the Water Quality Basin (above elevation 293 feet) The stage-storage data shows that the water quality basin area has a peak storage volume of 2.97 acre-feet at the riser top elevation of 293 feet. The total basin storage volume for detention (above elevation 293 feet) is 7.65 acre-feet. Stage-discharge data for the riser dewatering (included in this chapter) shows that the peak outflow from the water quality basin area is 9 cfs at elevation 293 feet. At lower elevations in the Water Quality Basin, the corresponding outflow is less (for instance, the discharge rate at elevation 288 feet is 2.4 cfs). EM:smrn h:\sw quality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM ATTRIBUTING AREA = 401 AC WATER QUALITY & DETENTION BASIN 5^ LEGEND WATERSHED BOUNDARY BASIN WATERSHED BOUNDARY NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARY SCALE l'=40' BMP LOCATION MAP FOB WATER QUALITY BASIN CARLSBAO, CAUFORMA SHEET I 1 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN DIEGO, INC. PROJECT: L.C, OAjiS DES.BY: THVL/ CHECKED BY: DATE: ^/o/ VILLAGES OF LA COSTA STAGE- STORAGE DATA DETENTION BASIN AT NODE 106 without a water quality component 285.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 286.0 0.23 0.12 0.12 287.0 0.35 0.29 0.41 288.0 0.38 0.36 0.77 289.0 0.40 0.39 1.16 290.0 0.43 0.42 1.58 291.0 0.45 0.44 2.02 292.0 0.48 0.47 2.48 293.0 0.50 0.49 2.97 294.0 0.53 0.51 3.49 295.0 0.55 0.54 4.03 296.0 0.69 0.62 4.65 297.0 0.82 0.75 5.40 298.0 0.94 0.88 6.28 299.0 1.02 0.98 726 300.0 1.10 1.06 8.32 301.0 1.16 1.13 9.44 302.0 1.21 1.18 10.63 with a water quality component liili 285.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 286.0 0.23 0.12 0.12 287.0 0J5 0.29 0.41 288.0 0.38 0.36 0.77 289.0 0.40 0.39 1.16' 290.0 0.43 0.42 1.58 291.0 0.45 0.44 2.02 292.0 0.48 0.47 2.48 293.0 0.50 0.49 2.97 for stormwater quality 293.0 0.50 0.00 0.00 293.5 0.51 0.25 0.25. 294.0 0.53 0.51 0.51 295.0 0.55 0.54 1.05 296.0 0.69 0.62 1.67 297.0 0.82 0.75 2.42 298.0 0.94 0.88 3.30 299.0 1.02 0.98 4.28 300.0 1.10 1.06 5.34 301.0 1.16 1.13 6.47 302.0 1.21 1.18 7.65 for detention I a** Ji-iSaB;.-!. VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE OAKS HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS OF RISER SLOTS AT NODE 106 Orifice Equation (for h > M): tO.S Q= Ca(2gh)''"' (Equation 4-10. Kings Handbook) Q = Ca(64.32h)'"'; C « 0.6 from Table 4-4. Kings Handbook Q = 4.812 a(h)°where a s area of orifice opening, h = head (ft) above centeriine of opening. Weir Fonnula (for h < M): Q= CLH*-'' (Equation 5-10. Kings Handboolc) C= 3.2 from Rg. 5-3 V 7.07 sq. ft.. L s 9.42 ft. @ elevation 293.0 ft. (top of riser). 285.0 ft. (floor of basin) For Riser where: d = 36 in., a = and slots where: L = 0.5 in., Ms: 6.0 in.. at 18.80 in. on center, Then area = 0.021 sq.ft., and # of slots per row = 6.0 h t H i • ELEV. (feet) ROW1 ROW 2 ROWS ROW 4 ROWS ROW 6 ROW 7 TOTAL ELEV. (feet) H(ft) Q(cfs) H(ft) Q(cfs) H(ft) Q (cfs) H(ft) Q(cfs) H(ft) Q(cfs) H(ft) Q(cfs) H(ft) Q(cfs) Q (cfs) 0.0 0.6 266.00 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.0 — — —— —-—— —— — — 0.6 266.50 1.50 0.67 0.50 0.57 —_ — — — — — — — — 1.2 287.00 2.00 0.80 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.0 1.4 287.50 2.50 0.90 1.50 0.67 0.50 0.57 — — — — — • — — — 2.1 288.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.80 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.0 — — -—-— — 2.4 288.50 3.50 1.09 2.50 0.90 1.50 0.67 0.50 0.57 3.2 289.00 4.00 1.17 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.80 1,00 0.60 0.00 0.0 —' — — — 3.6 289.50 4.50 1.24 3.50 1.09 2.50 0.90 1.50 0.67 0.50 0.57 — — — — 4.5 290.00 5.00 1.31 4.00 1.17. 3.00 1.00 2,00 0.80 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.0 — — 4.9 290.50 5.50 1.38 4.50 1.24 3.50 1.09 2.50 0.90 1.50 0.67 0.50 0.57 — — 5.9 291,00 6.00 1.45 5.00 1.31 4.00 1.17 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.80 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.0 6.3 291.50 6.50 1.51 5.50 1.38 4.50 1.24 3.50 1.09 2.50 0.90 1.50 0.67 0.50 0.57 7.4 292.00 7.00 1.57 6.00 1.45 5.00 1.31 4.00 1.17 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.80 1.00 0.60 7.9 292.50 7.50 1.62 6.50 1.51 5.50 1.38 4.50 1.24 3.50 1.09 2.50 0.90 1.50 0.67 8.4 293.00 8.00 1.68 7.00 1.57 6.00 1.45 5.00 1.31 4.00 1.17 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.80 g.o slot 8/14/2001 ENCINITAS La Costa Oaks South 3.14 - Storm Water Quality Facility Sizing RUNOFF HYDROGRAPH (SBUH METHOD - 6-Hour Storm Event) Given: Area = 29.3 acres Pt 0.68 inches (Total rainfall for an 85tti percentile - 24 hour storm event) dt 10.0 min. Tc = 10.0 min. (Developed site conditions) % IMP = 25% PERVIOUS Parcel IMPERVIOUS Parcel Area = 22.0 acres Area = 7.3 acres CN 68 CN = 98 (assuming dry antecedent moisture condition) S 4.71 S 0.20 0.2S = 0.94 0.2S = 0.04 Compute: Developed Conditions Runoff hydrograph Column (3) = Rainfall Distribution for San Diego County Column (4) = Col. (3) x Pt = 85th percentile - 6 Hour Hyetograph at this location. Column (5) = Accumulated Sum of Col. (4) Column (6) = [If P <= 0.2S] = 0; use PERVIOUS Area"S" value. [If P > 0.2S] = (Col.(5) - 0.2S)^/(Col.(5) + 0.8S); use PERVIOUS AreaS" value. Column (7) = Col.(6) of present time step - Col.(6) of previous time step Column (8) = Same method as for Col.(6), except use the IMPERVIOUS Area "S" value. Column (9) = Col.(8) of the present time step - Col.(8) of the previous time step. Column (10) = ((PERVIOUS area / Total area) x Col.(7)) + ((IMPERVIOUS area / Total area) x Col.(9)) Column (11) = (60.5 x Col.(IO) x Total Area) /10 (dt = 10 minutes); Routing Constant, w = dt / (2Tc + dt) =0.3333 Column (12) = Col.(12) of previous time step + (w x (Col.(11) of previous time step + Col.(11) of present time step - (2 x Col.(12) of previous time step)]) (1) Time Increment "T" 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (2) Time mm. —W 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 (3) Rainfall distri- bution % of Pt 0.0166 0.0166 0.0166 0.0200 0.0200 0.0200 0.0226 0.0226 0.0226 0.0334 0.0334 0.0334 0.0778 0.0778 0.0778 0.0334 0.0334 (4) Inae- mental Rainfall in. 0.0113 0.0113 0.0113 0.0136 0.0136 0.0136 0.0154 0.0154 0.0154 0.0227 0.0227 0.0227 0.0529 0.0529 0.0529 0.0227 0.0227 (5) Accumu- lated Rainfall in. —jmw 0.0226 0.0339 0.0475 0.0611 0.0747 0.0900 0.1054 0.1208 0.1435 0.1662 0.1889 0.2418 0.2947 0.3476 0.3703 0.3930 Pervious (6) Accumu- lated Runoff in. —ujsm— 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 o.oooa 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Area (7) Incre- mental Runoff in. Impervious Area (8) Accumu- lated Runoff in. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0018 0.0048 0.0096 0.0155 0.0225 0.0344 0.0477 0.0623 0.0997 0.1407 0.1842 0.2034 0.2230 (9) Incre- mental Runoff in. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0016 0.0030 0.0047 0.0060 0.0070 0.0119 0.0134 0.0146 0.0374 0.0410 0.0435 0.0192 0.0195 (10) Total Runoff in. 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0004 0.0007 0.0012 0.0015 0.0017 0.0030 0.0033 0.0036 0.0094 0.0103 0.0109 0.0048 0.0049 (11) Instant hydro- graph cfs —UW 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.13 0.21 0.26 0.31 0.52 0.59 0.64 1.66 1.82 1.92 0.85 0.86 (12) design hydro- graph cfs WW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.14 0.20 0.26 0.36 0.49 0.58 0.96 1.48 1.74 1.51 1.07 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 <«peak 3-14-RWQB-SBUH-CDS-VORTECH xls 1 of 2 La Costa Oaks South 3.14 - Storm Water Quality Facility Sizing (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Time Time Rainfall Incre-Accumu-Accumu-Incre-Accumu-Incre-Total Instant design Increment distri-mental lated lated mental lated mental Runoff hydro-hydro- bution Rainfall Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff graph graph min. %0fPt In. in. in. In. in. in. In. cfs cfs 18 180 0.0334 0.0227 0.4157 0.0000 0.0000 0.2427 0.0198 0.0043 0.66 0.04 19 190 0.0316 0.0215 0.4372 0.0000 0.0000 0.2617 0.0189 0.0047 0.84 0.88 20 200 0.0316 0.0215 0.4587 0.0000 0.0000 0.2808 0.0191 0.0048 0.85 0.86 21 210 0.0316 0.0215 0.4802 0.0000 0.0000 0.3000 0.0193 0.0048 0.85 0.85 22 220 0.0234 0.0159 0.4961 0.0000 0.0000 0.3144 0.0143 0.0036 0.64 0.78 23 230 0.0234 0.0159 0.5120 0.0000 0.0000 0.3288 0.0144 0.0036 0.64 0.68 24 240 0.0233 0.0158 0.5278 0.0000 0.0000 0.3432 0.0144 0.0036 0.64 0.65 25 250 0.0213 0.0145 0.5423 0.0000 0.0000 0.3565 0.0132 0.0033 0.59 0.63 26 260 0.0213 0.0145 0.5568 0.0000 0.0000 0.3698 0.0133 0.0033 0.59 0.60 27 270 0.0213 0.0145 0.5713 0.0000 0.0000 0.3831 0.0133 0.0033 0.59 0.59 28 280 0.0175 0.0119 0.5832 0.0000 0.0000 0.3941 0.0110 0.0027 0.49 0.56 29 290 0.0175 0.0119 0.5951 0.0000 0.0000 0.4051 0.0110 0.0028 0.49 0.51 30 300 0.0175 0.0119 0.6070 0.0000 0.0000 0.4162 0.0111 0.0028 0.49 0.50 31 310 0.0183 0.0124 0.6194 0.0000 0.0000 0.4278 0.0116 0.0029 0.51 0.50 32 320 0.0183 0.0124 0.6319 0.0000 0.0000 0.4394 0.0116 0.0029 0.51 0.51 33 330 0.0183 0.0124 0.6443 0.0000 0.0000 0.4510 0.0116 0.0029 0.52 0.51 34 340 0.0175 0.0119 0.6562 0.0000 0.0000 0.4622 0.0112 0.0028 0.49 0.51 35 350 0.0175 0.0119 0.6681 0.0000 0.0000 0.4733 0.0112 0.0028 0.49 0.50 36 360 0.0175 0.0119 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0112 0.0028 0.50 0.50 37 370 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.33 38 380 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.11 39 390 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.04 40 400 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.01 41 410 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 42 420 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 43 430 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 44 440 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 45 450 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 46 460 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 47 470 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 48 480 0.0000 0.0000 0.6800 0.0000 0.0000 0.4845 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 Time: 8.0 hours (Found by summing this column and multiplying by 600. 600 is the conversion required to convert SUM(Q) in cfs to total volume in cubic feet as follows: V = SUM(Q)xdt (cu.ft.) = (cu.ft/s) x (10 min.) x (60 s/min.) Total Volume of Runoff = Peak Hour Rainfall Intensity = Total Flowrate of Runoff = 12870 cu.ft.' 0.30 ac-ft 0.227 In/hr 1.74 cfs 3-14-RWQB-SBUH-CDS-VORTECH xls 2 of 2 IX La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 9 - SITE BMP DESIGN VORTECHS TREATMENT UNITS 9.1 - BMP Locations The site design includes four Vortechs treatment units (shown on BMP Location Maps located on the following pages. - Portions of Neighborhood 3.08 drain to the San Marcos Creek watershed via an existing inlet to the old Rancho Santa Fe storm drain system. Prior to discharge to the existing storm drain system, 85*^ percentile runoff will be treated in an offline Vortechs Model 2000 (near Paseo Conifera). In developed conditions, the developed condition drainage area from the site area to the San Marcos Creek watershed is roughly 24 acres. Runoff from Neighborhood 3.09 discharges to a storm drain system constructed along with the new alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Prior to discharge to the Rancho Santa Fe storm drain system, 85*^^ percentile flow will be treated in an offline Vortechs Model 1000. In developed conditions, the contributing drainage area to this treatment unit is roughly 14 acres. - At the southeast corner of the Oaks South site, a 5-acre watershed discharges to a side canyon near Avenida Junipero. Prior to discharge to the natural canyon, 85"^ percentile flow will be treated in an offline Vortechs Model 1000. Runoff from street areas not reaching the Water Quality Basin will be treated in an offline Vortechs Model in La Costa Avenue. The developed area from La Costa Oaks South to this treatment unit is 2 acres. 9.2 - Determination of Design Treatment Flows The 85*^ percentile design flow rates have been calculated using the Rational Method. Required data for the Rational Method treatment flow determination include the following: Runoff Coefficient I Rainfall Intensity (I) = 0.20 inches per hour Drainage area to treatment unit (A) Runoff coefficients were derived based upon a weighted average of each area tributary to the treatment unit and the associated runoff coefficient. EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM LEGEND ! WATERSHED BOUNDARY ^ — 'BASIN WATERSHED BOUNDARY I NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARY AREA U-o-^ ^1 BMP LOCATION M*P FOR NEIGHBORHOOD 3.09 VORTECHS UNIT CAflt.SBAD. CALIFORNIA rCJUALITY- ^BASIN; LEGEND WATERSHED BOUNDARY BASIN WATERSHED BOUNDARY . ( NEIGHBORHOOD BOUNDARY AREA BMP LOCATION MAP FOR SHEET LA COSTA AVENUE 1 VORTECHS UNIT La Costa Oaks South (Neighbortiood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan The following table summarizes the parameters used for determination of design flows to each of the Vortechs treatment units. DESIGN RUNOFF DETERMINATION SUMMARY TABLE Treatment Unit Runoff Coefficient (C) Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) Drainage Area (acres) 85"' Pot. Design Flow (cfs) Neigh. 3.08 0.49 0.2 23.9 2.3 Neigh. 3.09 0.49 0.2 13.7 1.3 Avenida Junip 0.49 0.2 5.4 0.5 La Costa Ave 0.85 0.2 2.1* 0.4 Developed area from La Costa Oaks South 9.3 - Vortechs Treatment Unit Selection Each of the proposed Vortechs units is an offline precast treatment unit. The 85'^ percentile design flow rate is forced into the treatment area by a diversion weir built in the upstream junction. Flows in excess of the design flow rate pass over the weir and proceed downstream. The following table shows the treatment capacities of each of the (4) proposed Vortechs units. VORTECHS UNIT TREATMENT CAPACITY TABLE Treatment Unit 85"^ Pet. Design Flow (cfs) Recommended Vortechs Model Treatment Capacity (cfs) Neigh. 3.08 2.3 2000 2.8 Neigh. 3.09 1.3 1000 1.6 Avenida Junip 0.5 1000 1.6 La Costa Ave 0.4 1000 1.6 EM:smm h:\sw quallty\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM ^GiiiChaiabeT ,^„^ t-+,Hjne swirling motion created by the' - |-^,tangential inlet directs settleable i^-^ solids toward the center of this iJ"" 111 i I iJ^'--r'i?!'-y'"'-i:::':': ..w..-..a..,»j.-»^l,v,.,T,.wl-.fc.t.-.3.:;a^^-a; 1) Initial Wet Weather Phase During a twonnonth storm event the water level begins to rise above the top of the inlet pipe. This influent control feature reduces turbulence and avoids resuspension of pollutants. 2) Transition Phase As the inflow rate increases above the controlled outflow rate, the tank fills and the floating contaminant layer acct> mulated from past storms rises. Swirling action increases at this stage, while sediment pile remains stable. 3) Full Capacity Phase When the high-fiow cutlet approaches full discharge, stnmi drains are flowing at peak capacity The Vbrtechs System is designed to match your design storm flow and provide treat- ment throughout the range of storm events without bypass- ing. To accommodate very high flow rates, Vortechnics can assist designers with configuring a peak-flow bypass. 4) Storm Subsidence Phase/Cleaning Treated runoff is decanted at a controlled rate, restoring the water level to a low dryweather volume and revealing a conical pile of sediment The low water level facilitates inspection and cleaning, and significantly reduces maintenance costs. The system's central baffle prevents transfer of floatables to the outlet during cleaning or during the next storm. I Stormwater Treatment System PerfbralBd Covers INV. ffto 9' Typical "7 Seel 3toA! Plan View To begin the design of your Vortechs System, refer to the sizing chart below and com- plete a Specifier's Worksheet to provide details about your site and design flows. Then simply fox or mail the worksheet to Vortechnics with your site plan, and we'll produce detailed Vbrtechs System scale draw- ings free of charge. Bevation View •Vortechs;"".;: • ,: .,Model 'f Gric Chamber • • ' Diameter/Area..'; :\ , ;:v: ft/ft?::/V s'- .; -. '^ Peak : ; ^ • .• Design • ;..: Flow* •:. • Sediment, '- . Storage^ ..• yds^.. : Approx; . Size? - Vi''-. LxW'--H • ft ^iJ; t^:4/13 • l^i 5/20 • 4.5 , 6.0 •::^iifl • • '8.5. />•... • :, ::";^n.a -^^^^ ^^^^^ - ' '-7.0^ ; • A),Fcr lrv!in8 Vbrtechs Systems withcLt a bypass, sizing critBp'a ia baaed an pravicirg ore scjuara fcnt uf jrt ' •//..' .chamber sijrfaca.arBa.for- ;Bach, •too gpr^^ paaK design, sttrtp flew rBiB (B.g.^:10^Bar storml. . For mora . • • ; dBtaila.ahaiit\tonachnic3 sizing cnto^ V iB) Siadirnani; storage yo^ . . / • ';'i;:V.,Q' CoOstruction details, may vary daparding on the specifiaapplicaaon. Any altaratioiis to fe siiing clnart spacifr-<v i:i cations will appear an;\fartachnic3 dimensicnai and shop drawings.: fleasa call: Vbrtachnics.for tha weight of spa- cifiC:.Vbrt8ch^'3ystarna\irneaded;v:.^ .v;;u;?'t^ViiS.\v^?^'S^f ^;'.':;'' ''.:..'li'V''vi[y^i:j''^"-y: <• ;-^#Sp«;ial:N6t8':. m stqraga: .capac'itit When it is naadad to meat .a spacilic raquireniant'for^^^ can ba - i,iiA^Bd tn maatithB storage requirament with tha salecterfiTiodBtVortBchnicsltschnicat statf.will opOmiza system ' ^^'•^Mmatry to meM containrnart re^ ^h'li^rtc SpedficaCim-(^ VortBclmici.at(3l07) ays^BeSSJ^^if^iSii-SrV}:!^^ -' f Vortechs System Inlet/Outlet Configurations Vortechs Systems con be configured to accommo- date various inlet and outlet pipe orientations. The inlet pipe can enter the end or side of the tank at right angles - outlet pipes can exit the end or the side of system at most angles. End Inlet ) 1 Side Inlet Pretreatment Q^^^„ SECTION 02721 STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM PART 1 .on nFMFRAi 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work included: The Contractor, and/or a rnanufacturer selected by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer, shall fumish ail labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required and install all precast concrete stomiwater treatment systems and appurtenances in accordance with the Drawings and these specifications. B. Related work described elsewhere: 1. Unit Masonry 2. Miscellaneous Metals 3. Waterproofing 1-02 QUALITY cnNTRQL INRPFnTinNl A. The quality of materials, the process of manufacture, and the finished sections shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer. Such inspection may be made at me place of manufacture, or on the work site after delivery, or at both places and the sections shall be subject to rejection at any time if material conditions fail'to meet any of the specification requirements, even though sample sections may have been accepted as satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Sections rejected after delivery to the site shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the site at once. All sections which have been damaged beyond repair during delivery will be rejected and. if already installed, shall be repaired to the Engineer's acceptance level, if pemiitted. or removed and replaced, entirely at tiie Contractor's expense. All sections shall be inspected for general appearance, dimensions, soundness etc. The surface shall be dense, close textured and free of blisters cracks roughness and exposure of reinforcement Imperfections may be repaired, subject to the acceptance of the Engineer after demonstration by ttie manufacturer tiiat strong and permanent repairs result Repairs shall be carefully inspected before final acceptance. Cement mortar used for repairs shall have a minimum compressive strengtii of 4 000 psi at ttie end of 7 days and 5.000 psi at the end of 28 days when tested in 3 inch diameter by 6 inch long cylinders stored in ttie standard manner. Epoxy mortar may be utilized for repairs. B. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings The Centimeter shall be provided with dimensional drawings and. when specified, utilize these drawings as tiie basis for preparation of shop drawings showing details for constiuction, reinforcing, joints and any cast-in-place appurtenances. Shop drawings shall be annotated to indicate all materials to be used and all applicable standards for materials, required tests of materials and design assumptions for stiuctural analysis. Design calculations and shop drawings shall be certified by a Professional Engineer retained by tiie system manufacturer or contimctor and licensed in the state where tiie system is to be installed. Shop drawings shall be prepared at a scale of not less tiian 1/4" per foot Six (6) hard copies of said shop drawings shall be submitted to ttie Engineer for review and approval. B. Affidavit on patent Infringement The Contimctor shall submit to tiie Engineer, prior to installation of the stormwater treatinent system, an affidavit regarding patent infringement rights stating ttiat any suit or claim against ttie Owner due to alleged Infringement rights shall be defended by the Contimctor who will bear all ttie costs, expenses and attomey's fees incun-ed ttiereof. PART 2.00 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND DESIGN A. Concrete for precast stomiwater ti-eatment systems shall confomn to ASTM C 857 and C 858 and meet the following additional requirements: 1. The wall thickness shall not be less tiian 6 inches or as shown on the dimensional drawings. In all cases the wall thickness shall be no less tiian the minimum thickness necessary to sustain HS20-44 loading requirements as determined by a Licensed Professional Engineer. 2. Sections shall have tongue and groove or ship-lap joints with a butyl mastic sealant confomning to ASTM C 990. 3. Cement shall be Type III Portland cement conforming to ASTM C 150. 4. Pipe openings shall be sized to accept pipes of tiie specified size(s) and material(s), and shall be sealed by the Contiractor with a hydraulic cement confomning to ASTM C 595M 5. Internal metal components shall be aluminum alloy 5052-H32 In accordance witii ASTM B 209. 6. Brick or masonry used to build tiie manhole frame to grade shall confonn to ASTM C 32 or ASTM C 139 and tiie Masonry Section of these Specifications. \\MDI\SYS\DATA\V0RTECHN\EMA1L\STDETAIL\VCRTSPEC.D0C SECTION 02721 Page 2 7. Casting for manhole frames and covers shall be in accordance witii The Miscellaneous Metals Section of these Specifications. 8. All sections shall be cured by an approved metiiod. Sections shall not be shipped until the concrete has attained a compressive strengtii of 4,000 psi or util 5 days after fabrication and/or repair, whichever is the longer. A butimen sealant in confonnance with ASTM C 990 shall be utilized in affixing the aluminum swiri chamber to tiie concrete vault 2.02 PERFORMANCF Each stormwater treatinent system shall adhere to tiie following perfonnance specifications at the spedfied design flows, as listed below: able 2.02 Vortechs Model Swirl Chamber Diameter (ft) Design Treatment Capacity (cfs) Sediment Storage (yd^) 1000 3.67 2.3 1.00 2000 4 2.8 1.25 3000 5 4.5 1.75 4000 6 6.0 2.50 5000 7 8.5 3.25 7000 8 11.0 4.00 9000 9 14.0 4.75 11000 10 17.5 5.50 16000 12 25.0 7.00 Each stonnwater ti-eatment system shall include a circular aluminum "swiri chamber" (or "grit chamber") with a tangential inlet to induce a swiriing flow pattern that will accumulate and store settieable solids in a manner and a location that will prevent re-suspension of previously captured particulates. Each swiri chamber diameter shall not be less tiian ttie diameter listed in Table 2.02 (neglecting chamber wall ttiickness). Each stonnwater ti^atinent system shall be of a hydraulic design tiiat includes flow conti-ols designed and certified by a professional engineer using accepted principles of fluid mechanics that raise the water surface Inside the tank to a pre-determined level in order to prevent ttie re-entrainment of trapped floating contaminants. Each stormwater tireatinent system shall be capable of removing 80% of tiie net annual Total Suspended Solids (TSS). individual stormwater treatinent systems shall have the Design Treatment Capacity listed in Table 2.02, and shall not resuspend trapped sediments or re- enti-ain floating contaminants at flow rates up to and induding the specified Design Treatment Capacity. Individual stonnwater ti-eatment systems shall have usable sediment storage capacity of not less than ttie con-esponding volume listed in Table 2.02. The systems shall be designed such \\MDI\SYS\DATA\V0RTECHN\EMA1L\STDETA1L\V0RTSPEC.DGC SECTION 02721 Page 3 that ttie pump-out volume is less than Va of ttie total system volume. The systems shall be designed to not allow surcharge of ttie upsti-eam piping network during dry weather conditions. A water-lock feature shall be incorporated into tiie design of the stormwater treatment system to prevent the intinoduction of trapped oil and floatable contaminants to Oie downstream piping during routine maintenance and to ensure that no oil escapes the system during tiie ensuing rain event Direct access shall be provided to the sediment and floatable contaminant storage chambers to fadiitate maintenance. There shall be no appurtenances or restrictions within tiiese chambers. The stonnwater ti-eatinent system manufacturer shall fumish documentation which supports all product perfonnance daims and features, storage capaciti'es and maintenance requirements. Stormwater ti-eatinent systems shall be completely housed within one rectangular stiucture. 2.03 MANUFACTllRFP Each stonnwater ti-eattnent system shall be of a type that has been installed and used successfully for a minimum of 5 years. The manufacturer of said system shall have been regulariy engaged In tiie engineering design and production of systems for the physical ti-eatinent of stomiwater runoff. Each stormwater ti-eatment system shall be a Vortechs™ System as manufactured by Vortechnics, inc.. 41 Evergreen Drive, Portiand, Maine 04103, phone: 207-878-3662 ^ fax: 207-878-8507; and as protected under U.S. Patent #5,759,415. PART3.QQ EXFCIITinM 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Each Stormwater Treatinent System shall be constiucted according to ttie sizes shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. Install at elevations and locations shown on tiie Drawings or as otherwise directed by tiie Engineer. B. Place tiie precast base unit on a granular subbase of minimum tiiickness of six inches after compaction or of greater tiiickness and compaction if specified elsewhere. The granular subbase shall be checked for level prior to setting and tiie precast base section of the tiap shall be checked for level at all four comers after it is set If tiie slope fi-om any comer to any ottier comer exceeds 0.5% the base section shall be removed and ttie granular subbase material re-leveled. C. Prior to setting subsequent sections place butimen sealant in conformance with ASTM C990-91 along the constiuction joint in tiie section that is already in place. D. After setting tiie base and wall or riser sections install tiie circular swiri chamber wall by bolting ttie swiri chamber to tiie side walls at ttie three (3) tangent points and at the 3-inch wide inlet tab using HILTI brand concrete anchors or equivalent 1/2-inch diameter by 2-3/4" minimum length at heights of approximately three inches (3") off ttie floor and at ttie mid-height of tiie completed ti-ap (at locations of pre-drilled holes in aluminum components). Seal the bottom edge of the swiri \\MDI\SYS\DATA\V0RTECHN\EMA1L\STDETA1L\V0RTSPEC.D0C SECTION 02721 Page 4 chamber to the ti-ap floor with tiie supplied aluminum angle flange. Adhere VA thick by 1" wide neoprene sponge material to the flange with half of it's width on the horizontal leg of tiie flange and half of if s widtii on the vertical leg. The aluminum angle flange shall be affixed to tiie floor with a minimum 3/8" diameter by 2-3/4" drop in wedge anchor at tiie location of the predrilled holes. Affix the swiri chamber to ttie flange with hex head V* x 1-1/2" zinc coated self- tapping screws at ttie location of the predrilled holes. Seal ttie vault sidewalls to the outside of ttie swiri chamber from ttie floor to ttie same height as ttie inlet pipe invert using butyl mastic or approved equal. E. Prior to setting ttie precast roof section, butimen sealant equal to ASTM C990 shall be placed along tiie top of tiie baffle wall, using more than one layer of mastic if necessary, to a tiiickness at least one inch (1") greater ttian tiie nominal gap between the top of the baffie and the roof section. The nominal gap shall be detemiined eitiier by fleld measurement or the shop drawings. After placement of ttie roof section has compressed ttie butyl mastic sealant in the gap, finish sealing ttie gap witti an approved non-shrink grout on both sides of tiie gap using the butyl mastic as a backing material to which to apply the grout Also apply non-shrink grout to tiie joints at the side edges of the baffle wall. F. After setting ttie precast roof section of the stonnwater treatment system, set precast concrete manhole riser sections, to the height required to bring the cast iron manhole covers to grade, so tiiat the sedions are vertical and in bue alignment witii a 1/4 inch maximum tolerance allowed. Backfill in a careful manner, bringing the fill up in 6" lifts on all sides. If leaks appear, dean tiie inside joints and caulk with lead wool to the satisfadion of the Engineer. Precast sedions shall be set In a manner that will result in a watertight joint In all instances, installation of Stonnwater Treatinent Systems shall confonn to ASTM specification C891 "Standard Pradice For Installation of Underground Precast Utility Stiudures". G. Plug holes in the concrete sections made for handling or other purposes with a nonshrink grout or by using grout in combination with concrete plugs. H. Where holes must be cut in tiie precast sections to accommodate pipes, do all cutting before setting the sedions in place to prevent any subsequent jarring which may loosen tiie mortar joints. The Contrador shall make all pipe connections. \\MDI\SYS\DATA\V0RTECHN\EMAIL\STDETA1L\V0RTSPEC.D0C SECTION 02721 Page 5 VORTECHS™ STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM DESIGN AND OPERATION Basic Operation fmm^cfl!^^^ f^^^®"" i ^^^"^ °" °^ '•®"'°^'"9 sediment and floating pollutants from stomiwater runoff. When the system is operating at its peak design capadr the m^irnum serv ce rate wiil be appro)dmately 100 gallons-per-minute per square foot ^f grrt charnber area (gpm/sf). The Vortechs System has been tested for flows up to and including rangT rate and has been shown to produce positive removal efficiendes throughout this Tbtel^?M!ntnw^H'?'?-J^" ^'?:!^^ ^ of 80% removal of Thl /f^r o®^ ^^^^ ^P'^"y encountered in runoff from urtjan environments The Vortechs System will also effectively capture and contain floatables in stomiwater mnoff. ' SntiTtJp^iiS'^l''''®?®^ a swiriing motion that directs settleable solids into a pile towards the t?rnL L^r f^"""®'- 5®^""ent IS caught in ttie swiriing flow patti and settles back onto r^ntr!f I ^ f^'o^tabtes entrapment is achieved by sizing ttie low flow "pe in me 2^^^^^^ " '''' ^° ^*"^* '"'^^ The Vortechs System is designed to create a badcwater condition within the system in order to JSiTh^n®^®T« a"^°unt of backwater varies and is detemiined by the conSs "°°'^'"^* °^ ^y^*®"" incorporates all site Design Process Duriiig tiie Vortechs System design process consideration Is given to botti the physical consti-aints of ttie site and the site-specific flows. Each system is designed differently based on ttlfex^dTd Ss"^' ^""^ spedfically designed to accommodate The site engineer provides ttie Vortedis System rim and invert elevations, pipe sizes, design Tiow rate and design stomn recunrence interval Another consideration is whether ttie system is in an on-line or off-line (i.e. bypassed) configuration. If regulatory autiiorities allow ti-eatinent of w conveyance capadty of the piping system, it may be possible to provide a Vortechs System in an off-line configuration which will result in a cost savings witiiout a significant reduction in pollutant removal efficiency. Sizing the Sysfam Each system is custom designed based on the design conditions provided. The weir orifice sump depth, and height of tank will vary depending on ttie site conditions and performance requiremente. The rim and invert elevations will impad the overall height of ttie unit ttie sump aeptti. and the placement of the weir and orifice. Also affecting the placement of the weir and VORTECHS™ STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM orifice is tiie pipe size, the orientation of ttie internal walls, and the potential for tailwater. The flow rates detemiine the size of ttie weir, orifice, and tiie baffle opening. Sj^: The size of the system depends on whether or not the system is on-line or off-line. An on-line system will be chosen such ttiat tiie design flow rate Is equal to or less ttien ttie Vortechs rated design flow. For an off-line system, the 2-month flow rate is determined and ttie model number is chosen based on tiie grit chamber area such tiiat 24 gpm/sf of flow is realized tiirough the chamber. SurnB: Typically a three-foot sump depth is provided In Vortechs Systems. This depth Is most conimon since it provides ample sediment storage and keeps the excavation depth to a minimum. However, because each Vortechs System is custom designed, the individual sump deptiis may vary to balance maintenance costs with capital costs. prffire: The function of tiie orifice is to raise the water level in tiie Vortechs System. This increases tiie area of ttie flow in the pipe, which decreases ttie velodty of tiie water flowing into the system. A reduction in turtDuience is realized at the inlet; ttiis aids in keeping the trapped sediment and floatables contained. In addition, ttie rise in water level causes ttie floatables to rise above the inlet and away from the baffle opening, thus preventing tiie floatables from becoming re-entrained and pulled under the baffle wall. The orifice is designed to pass a flow approximately equal to tiiat of a 2-month stonn event Wei£: Any event greater than ttie 2-montti event causes ttie water level in ttie Vortechs System to rise to ttie upper flow control, submerging ttie inlet The upper flow conti'ol is nonnaily a fl Cippoletti weir. A Cippoletti weir is a ti-apezoidal weir witti 4 to 1 sloping sides. Like ttie orifice, ^ ttie weir also causes tiie water level in tiie system to rise, which promotes sediment and fioatable removal. As the water rises, ttie volume of water in the system increases, ttius stabilizing the detention time and allowing sediment to settle out. The swiri is maintained by allowing continuous flow through ttie system via the weir and orifice. The weir is sized to pass the design fiow rate minus the orifice flow at full head. Baffle: The baffle opening is designed to maintain a velodty such tiiat re-enti-ainment of floatables and re-suspension of sediment is minimized. The baffle opening is at least 6 inches to ensure against dogging. The largest opening of 15 inches is chosen to maximize ttie distance between ttie floatable layer and ttie baffle opening. This keeps ttie floatables ti-apped and maintains ttie oil storage volume. In most applications, tiie flow under ttie baffle wall is approximately 1.0 foot per second. bypass: For systems in an off-line configuration, a weir crest length and elevation is calculated for ttie diversion stiudure tiiat will be installed upstream of the specified Vortechs System. The goal is to achieve a water surface elevation during tiie 100-year storm tiiat is at ttie same elevation as the top of tiie Vortechs Cippoletti weir. The area of fiow over the bypass weir is calculated based on the 100-year flow. From this area, ttie height of flow Is solved for a given weir length. Since ttie area of flow remains constant the height of flow over tiie weir varies with ttie bypass weir length. See Technical Bulletin 3A for more information. VORTECHS STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM FlnwCnntroir^HnthtinnT Vortechs Model 5000 System The Vortechs System W.Q.S. 1 is a Model 5000 with a 7.0-foot diameter grit chamber. In this application, the runoff rate for a rainfall event with a retum frequency of 10 years is 6 13 cubic feet per second (cfs). The system design flow is 2751 gpm (6.13 cfs). The surface area of the grit chamber is 38.5 square feet, ttierefore the peak operating rate is 2751 divided by 38.5 or 72 gpm/sf. The low flow control is a ti-apezoidal orifice (Qoria»). Since the inlet is a 24-inch diameter pipe, ttie orifice must raise the water level 24 inches, or 2.0 feet, in a 2-montti storni to submerge the inlet pipe. Acconding to Vortechnics Technical Bulletin #3, ttie 2-montii stonn flow rate is approximately equal to the 10-year flow rate divided by 7. The orifice calculation based on tiie full design flow is as follows: Q2-mona>s.Qioymu-+7 = 6.13 7 = 0.88 cfs Qortflf s C(A)(2g/J)°» = 0.56(0.14)(2.0 x 32.2 x 2.0) = 0.89 ds 4 Where C = Orifice conti^dion coeffident = 0.56 (based on Vortechnics laboratory testing) A = Orifice flow area, ft' (calculated by Vortechnics technical staff) h = Design head, ft (equal to the inlet pipe diameter) A Cippoletti weir configuration is utilized as the high flow conti-ol (Qw*-) which is conservatively designed for the system design flow (Qdaign) of 6.13 cfs. The weir calculations are as follows: Qwrtir =6.13 cfs Qmir =C{L){H)'^ = 3.37(0.50)(2.42)'-* =6.34 cfs 4 Where C = Cippdetti Weir coeffident = 3.37 (based on Vortechnics laboratory testing) Available head, ft (height of weir) ^ = Design weir crest lengtti, ft (calculated by Vortechnics technical staff) VORTECHS™ STORMWATER TREATMENT sygrEM MAINTENANCE inspection rorSm^ili!!" ."^^ *° maintenance and it is easily performed. Vortedinics recommends ongoing quarteriy Inspedions of ttie accumulated sediment Note thaffe i^t unusual for sediment accumulation to be relatively light in tiie first year Sln Jsed^^^^ .n new stomi drainage systems may be diverted to c^tdi basin sumps ?oIlCtent d^^^^^^^^ S^^AM ^^"^ *° ^"^ ^"^^^'^y ^"^P«^°n« wlirhelp inlrft^at^^^^^^^ deaned out at ttie appropriate time, inspedions should be perfomied more oten In th! wttlr ^^^Z'^"'^'''.:^''' "'"''"9 '^^d *° ^P'd SuTationf o?i?eq^^^^^^^^ so fs PZ^'''- "*° '^'P ''''''' A simple fclTdo^ The Vortechs System only needs to be deaned when inspection reveals ttiat It is neariv full- Sir mi detemiination can be made by taking 2 measurements witti a stadia rod o ton of t^lfoH-"^ devrce: one measurement is the distance from ttie manhole openS^^ to the lurfaL If ^'^^ ^1?^^ ^'^^"^^ '"^"hote opening to ttie water K I?: L*^® difference between ttie two measurements is less ttian six Indies ttie svstem should be deaned out Note: to avoid underestimating ttie volume oTs^mJnt 1^ S^^c^^^^^^ partdes at ttie top of ttie pite typically offer less resistance to ttie end of ttie ^d than I'araer partides toward ttie bottom of ttie pile. ^ m«v°nnf ? ^here ttie risk of large peboteum spills is small, liquid contaminants dean^S o?^^"'"'^i^^? '^''^^ '^^"^®"*- "°^^^«^' °" °^ S^s^'ine ^P"' should be -mnln K ''""^^^'^^^'y- O" that accumulates on a more routine basis should be removed when an appredable layer has been captured. Cleaning ?nn!«nlf ^y^*®"" ^ "^^"""^ ^""^generally ttie most effedive and convenient mettiod. Cleanout should not occur wittiin 6 hours of a rain event to allow ttie entire ^c^tion'S r ^^'^T" 2°^- maintained Vortedis Systems will only require nl!«r. ? *u °' ^ystom. in whldi case only ttie manhole cover rh!mhi« ^ T?'" L"'®*^® °P®"®'' *° '^'"o^® water and contaminants. However, all -ri«mshS.^- i!^ *° ®"^"'® '"*®9^^ °f ^« system. In installations where a nHi!I?,f u ^°''^s P^o*" to removing ttie grit, absorbent pads or ^® placed in the oil chamber to remove floating contaminants. Once ttiis is done, sediment may ttien be easily removed witti ttie clamshell. VORTECHS™ STORMWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM r" ^^^^ - f.!- X La Costa Oaks South (Neighborhood 3.14) Addendum to Storm Water Management Plan CHAPTER 10 - REFERENCES "Standard Urban Stonn Water Mitigation Plan - Storm Water Standards" City of Carisbad, April 2003. "Standards for Design and Construction of Public Works Improvements in the City of Carlsbad", City of Carisbad, California; April 1993. "Master Drainage and Storm Water Quality Management Plan", City of Carisbad, California; March 1994. "Addendum to Preliminary Hydrology Study for Villages of La Costa - 77je Ridge and The Oaks", Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc.; Revised October 23, 2001. "Hydrology Manual", County of San Diego Department of Public Works - Flood Control Division; Updated April 1993. "San Diego County Hydrology Manual- DRAFT', County of San Diego Department of Public Works - Flood Control Section; September 2001. "Order No. 2001-01, NPDES No. CAS0108758- Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Urban Runoff from the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) Draining the Watersheds of the County of San Diego, the Incorporated Cities of San Diego County, and San Diego Unified Port District", California Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Diego Region; February 21, 2001. "Water Quality Plan for the San Diego Basin", California Regional Water Quality Control Board - San Diego Region, Septembers, 1994. "Vortechnics Storm Water Treatment System Manual", Vortechnics- Revised May 2000. EM:smm h:\sw quality\2352\39\3.14.doc W.O. 2352-39 8/20/03 10:50 AM