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STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN CT 02-13 Farber Condominium Project Jefferson St. & Las Flores Dr. Prepared By Piro Engineering 930 Boardwalk, Suite D San Marcos, CA 92069 (760) 744-3700 ^ NO. 24000 w ! w \EXP.12-31-05/ * I RCE 24000 For Farber Family Limited Partnership Suite 104 2235 Encinitas Boulevard Encinitas, CA 92024 • O 'Gary K. Piro ^ O UJ X o < September 2003 Rev. December 2003 CT 02-13 Z:\Docs\Projects\2864\DRAIN&SWMP\2864-SWMP8-13-03.doc 12/3/2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. Proj ect Description 1.1. Hydrologic Unit Contribution 1.2. Beneficial Use 1.2.1 Coastal Waters 2. CHARACTERIZATION OF PROJECT RUNOFF 2.1. Expected Discharges 2.2. Soil Characteristics 3. MITIGATION MEASURES TO PROTECT \WATER QUALITY 3.1. Construction BMP's 3.2. Post-construction BMP's 4. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 5. ATTACHEMENT Project Map INTRODUCTION The Storm water Management Plan (SWMP) is prepared for "Priority Development Projects" as defined by Section F.l.b.(2)(a) of Califomia Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego Region, Order No. 2001-01. The purpose of this SWMP is to address the water quality impacts from the proposed improvements on the Farber Condominium Project. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be utilized to provide a long-term solution to water quality. This SWMP is also intended to ensure the effectiveness ofthe BMPs through proper maintenance that is based on long-term fiscal planning. 1.0 Project Description The 1.15-acre Farber project is located on the Northeast comer at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Las Flores Drive in fhe City of Carlsbad, in the County of San Diego, in the State of Califomia. This project will consist of a residential development comprised of 11 single-family condominium imits. 1.1 Hydrologic Unit Contribution The Farber property is located in the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit in the El Salto Hydrologic Sub-area (904.21). The project area is characterized by flat terrain and gentle natural slopes. The storm drain system for this project will discharge to existing storm drains. The proposed project will not significantly alter drainage pattems on the site. The storm water discharge points will not divert runoff fi"om existing conditions. 1.2 Beneficial Uses The beneficial uses for the hydrologic unit are included in table 1.1. This table has been extracted fi"om the Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin. RECl - Contact Recreation: hicludes uses of water for recreational activities involving body contact v^th water, where ingestion of water is reasonably possible. These uses include, but are not limited to, swimming, wading, water-skiing, skin and SCUBA diving, surfing, white water activities, fishing, or use of natural hot springs. REC2 - Non-Contact Recreation: Includes the uses of water for recreational involving proximity to water, but not normally involving body contact with water, where ingestion of water is reasonably possible. These uses include, but are not limited to, picnicking, simbathing, hiking, camping, boating, tide pool and marine life study, hunting, sightseeing, or aesthetic enjoyment in conjimction with the above activities. BIOL-Preservation of Biological Habitats of Special Significance: Mcludes uses of water that support designated areas or habitats, such as established refuges, parks, sanctuaries, ecological reserves, or Areas of Special Biological Significance (ASBS), where the preservation or enhancement of natural resources requires special protection. EST-Estuarine Habitat: Includes uses of water that support estuarine ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation or enhancement of estuarine habitats, vegetation, fish, shellfish, or wildlife (e.g., estuarine mammals, waterfowl, shorebirds). WILD - Wildlife Habitat: Includes uses of water that support terrestrial ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation and enhancement of terrestrial habitats, vegetation, wildlife, (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates), or wildlife water aid food sources. RARE-Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species: Includes uses of water that support habitats necessary, at least in part, for the survival and successful maintenance of plant or animal species established under state or federal law as rare, threatened or endangered. MAR-Marine Habitat: Includes uses of water that support ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation or enhancements of marine habitats, vegetation such as kelp, fish, shellfish, or wildlife (e.g., marine mammals, shorebirds). WARM - Warm Freshwater Habitat: Includes uses of water that support warm water ecosystems including, but not limited to, preservation or enhancement of aquatic habitats, vegetation, fish or wildlife, including invertebrates. 1.21 Inland Surface & Coastal Waters Inland and Coastal waters have the following beneficial uses as shown on table 1.1 Table 1.1 Beneficial Uses for Buena Vista Lagoon. Hydrologic Unit Number 904.21 z Reel Rec2 Comm "o m +^ c/3 w Wild 1 Pi Aqua Migr Spwn Warm Shell Hydrologic Unit Number 904.21 X X X 0 X X X X * Excepted from Municipal X Existing Beneficial Use O Potential Beneficial Use 2.0 CHARACTERIZATION OF PROJECT RUNOFF According to the Califomia 2002 Update to the 303d list published by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, Buena Vista Lagoon is an impaired water body. Although the Lagoon is only approximately 300' from the project, we have chosen to filter all water before it leaves the site. Therefore, the Lagoon will not be impacted by runoff from this project. • The project location and watersheds have been compared to the current published 303d list of impaired water bodies and the nearest impaired water body is the Buena Vista Lagoon, impaired by Bacterial Indicators, Sedimentation\Siltation and Nutrient. • This project is approximately 300' fi'om Buena Vista Lagoon, separated by Jefferson Street and an existing condominium complex. AU runoff will be collected and channeled into the existing storm drain system in Jefferson Street, which currently carries storm water to the lagoon. 2.1 Expected Discharges There are no sampling data available for the existing site condition. In addition, the project is not expected to generate significant amounts of non-visible pollutants. However, the following constituents are commonly found on similar developments and could affect water quality: • Sediment discharge due to constmction activities and post- constmction areas left bare. • Nutrients fiom fertilizers • Trash and debris deposited in drain inlets. • Hydrocarbons from paved areas. • Pesticides from landscaping and home use. 2.2 Soil Characteristics The project area consists of soil group A with low runoff potential. 2.3 Water Quality Volume The Qwq (85* Percentile) for this project is as follows: 1=7.44(0.62)5 -°=1.6 in./hr. Qwq=(0.53)(1.6)(1.15)=0.98 cfs 3.0 MITIGATION MEASURES TO PROTECT WATER QUALITY To address water quality for the project, BMPs will be implemented during constmction and post- constmction. 3.1 Construction BMPs See Sheet 5 of the grading plan. The following BMP's, which have been selected for use on this site: • Silt Fence Fiber Rolls Street Sweeping and Vacuuming Erosion Control Mats Stockpile Management Solid Waste Management Stabilized Constmction Entrance/Exit • Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Operations Gravel Bag Berm Material Delivery and Storage Spill Prevention and Control Concrete Waste Management Water Conservation Practices Paving and Grinding Constmction BMPs for this project have been selected and will be constmcted and maintained so as to comply with all applicable ordinances and guidance documents. 3.2 Post-construction BMPs (Source Control) The following source control BMPs exist or will be implemented to addressed water quality: Grading: The project is designed to minimize the use of impervious areas. Sixty three percent ofthe property will be landscaped, not including the landscaping on the adjacent Caltrans property along Las Flores Drive. The only slopes on the site are the existing driveway slope along the westem boundary of the site, which will be replanted according to the approved Landscaping Plan, and minor slopes being created at the proposed driveway entrance off of Las Flores Drive, which will also be landscaped. The remainder of the finish-graded site will slope at less than five percent and will be covered with either paving or landscaping. This will limit erosion and sediment discharge. Homeowner Education: We have prepared a Home Owner's Guide to Water Conservation and Pollution Prevention. This manual is to be distributed to the individual owners by the Home Owners Association. (See Attached) Landscaping: Landscaping is incorporated into the plans, which will include the slopes and other non-hardscape areas. As mentioned above, a large percentage of the site will be covered by landscaping, much of which will be lavm area. The goal is to achieve plant establishment rapidly to reduce erosion and discharge of sediment from the site. Covered Parking: All parking for the units is situated in a covered underground parking garage. Storm water flowing down the access driveway is intercepted in a trench drain, which is connected to the storm drain system, before it enters the parking garage. Hence, there will be no contact between storm water and the parking areas. The drain inlets in the parking garage shall have stencils and\or placards waming people not to dump pollutants into the drain system. Dumpster The Trash Dumpster will be situated in the underground parking garage. This will limit the disbursal of trash, with the potential of getting into the storm drain system, throughout the property by separating trash from the landscaping, walkways, etc., and keeping it sheltered from storm water. (Treatment Control) The following treatment control BMPs exist or will be implemented to addressed water quality: Storm Drain Grates All drainage inlets proposed will have grates. These grates will act to intercept trash and debris before entering the storm drain system. Trash passing through the grates will be intercepted at the Baffle Box. (See below) Baffle Box A "Bio Clean" Litter, Nutrient, Separating Baffle Box Model # NSSB-4'8'-84"manufactured by "Suntree Technologies Inc.", and distributed by "Bio Clean Enviroimiental Services" will be installed after the last inlet and prior to the storm water entering the existing curb inlet in Jefferson St. This system will remove litter as well as hydrocarbons and sediments that may be generated on the finished site. See attached data sheets. Bio-filter Strips-Storm Drain Inlets Surface storm water will be captured in storm drain inlets vnth grates most of which are located in lawn areas. Grades over these vegetated areas to the inlets are typically one to two percent. Pollutants including sediment will be removed by filtration through the grass, sedimentation, absorption to soil particles and infiltration through the soil which naturally has a low runoff potential. 4.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM The operation and maintenance requirements for each type of BMP is as follows: Grading: Grading should be stabilized when complete by the landscaping proposed and shown on the plans. Constmction BMPs shall be implemented during the grading operation as discussed in section 3.1. Underground parking: The drain inlets in the Underground Parking Garage should be inspected quarterly, as well as after a storm event. Trash will be removed on an as needed basis. It is anticipated that the maintenance staff hired by the HOA will perform these inspections\repairs. Landscaping: The condominium Home Ovmer's Association will be responsible for maintenance of all landscaping. It is anticipated fhat the HOA will contract with a Landscaping Maintenance contractor to maintain the landscaping. Covered Parking: Will be maintained by Home Owner's Association although it should require little maintenance. Storm Drain Grates Shall be maintained by the Home Owner's Association with weekly inspections to remove trash or debris deposited at grates. Dumpster Shall be rolled up driveway to street and emptied weekly. Bio-filter Strips-Storm Drain Inlets Landscaped areas over the entire site shall be maintained by the Home Owner's Association. It is anticipated that the HOA will contract with a Landscaping Maintenance contractor to maintain the landscaping. Baffle Box Maintenance of this stmcture will be contracted out by the HOA to "Bio Clean Environmental Services, P.O Box 869, Oceanside, CA. 92049. Maintenance can be performed by a vactor track from the manhole openings located in the top of the box. The unit has been situated adjacent to the proposed driveway to provide easy access. The unit can usually be cleaned without any entry into the unit. The top screen is first vacuumed out and then the screen has hatch doors which open to allow removal ofthe sediments. The cost to clean the unit is approximately $1,300.00. Bio Clean will inspect tiie unit 6 months after is has been installed to determine an appropriate cleaning schedule. Bio Clean indicates that for a project such as this, the unit will probably need maintenance once a year. BIO CLEAN BAFFLE BOX DATA SHEETS Functional Description The Inflow pipe is the same size as the outflow. Turbulence deflectors prevent captured sediment from re^suspending. Hydrocarbons collect in front of skimmer and are absorbed by Storm Boom. SteysHnHiqF! Nutrient pollutant load is not lost to static water and flushed out at the next storm event Separating organic matter from the static water prevents bacterial buildup. Hatch Hatch HetCh Nutrient rich vegetation and iittar are captured In filtration screen system. Sediment settles to the bottom. Boom Patented Hatch Hatch Hatch Vegetation and litter is above the stafic vrat»- ^ '^'^ ^ betwfeen stomi events, with ihe organic pollutant load separated from the water, the systein does not go septic -•»>: >X;«r: Dkector Sidminer "^Sjitlf /j! t° ^ to give easy access to the sediment collected in the lowar chambe^ Environmental Services, Inc. PnnnrfifiOOceamirl- CA 92049 Ph- 760^33-7640 Fax: 760-433-317A ^,m.hlo<dcmmyiron,Mnlc>iMCt Nutrient Separating Baffle Box Model NSBB-4-8-84 with risers - Side View Grade 30" Dianneter Riser Non-Shrink Grout Flow L \ 30" manhole cover 30" manhole cover ^sTT jf.\» \ 30" "4--18"-»H 30" • 96" i Non-Shrink y Grout Invert 15" CMP 6" to 12" Gravel base for leveling Environmental Services, Inc. POBOX869 Oceanside, CA 92049 Ph 760M7^ p^. 76n^,,_77^ www. biocleanenvimnmentaLnet Nutrient Separating Baffle Box Model NSBB-4-8-84 with risers Inside dimensions: 4' wide x 8' long x 84" tall Top View Screen System Turbulence Deflector 30" Manhole Non-Shrink Grout Skimmer Non-Shrink Grout Riser Environmental Services, Inc. PO Box 869 Oceanside. CA 92049 Ph: 760-433-7640 Fax: 760-433-3] 76 www.biocleanenvironmental.net Nutrient Separating Baffle Box Model NSBB-4-8-84 with risers - inflow & Outflow End View Grade Shiplap joint between concrete sections Invert Top of Baffle 6" A X 30" manhole cover 6" -30"- 31" -48"- 30" Diameter Riser 42" 42" 6" Inside Surface Round hole in concrete 6" to 12" Gravel base for leveling Bio Clean Environmental Services, Inc. PO ipx 869 Oc^fir.»de. CA 92049 Ph: 760-d.i.'!-7640 Fax: 760-433-5176 www.biocleanenvironmen&Lm Price List Concrete Nutrient Separating Baffle Box EffMtivc March 2003 Product Description Price Modcl#: NSBB 4-6-72, Concrete Nutrient Separating Baffle Box Inside Dimensions: 4' wide x 6' long x 72" tall. Complete with screen system, tuabtilence deficctors-wntTKinancr system ^ with Stonn Boom. $9550(LQQ_^ Model#: NSBB 4-8-84, Concrete Nutrient Separating Baffle Box Inside Dimensions: 4' wide x 8' long x 84'' tall. Compiets with screen system, turbulence deflectors, and skimmer system with Storm Boom. $10,500.00 "^--MedeWLNSBB 5-10-84. Concrete Nutrient Separating Baffle Box Inside Dimensions: 5' wide x 10' long x 84" tall Complete with screen system, turbulence deflectors, and skimmer systera with Storm Boom. $15,500.00 Model#: NSBB 6-12-84, Concrete Nutrient Sqjaratmg Baffle Box Inside Dimensions: 6' wide x 12' long x 84" tall. Complete with screen system, turbulence deflectors, and skimmer system with Stonn Boom. $19,800.00 Model#: NSBB 8-12-96, Concrete Nutrient Separating Baffle Box Inside Dimensions: 8' wide x 12' long x 96" tall. Complete with screen system, turbulence deflectors, and skimmer syst«n with Storm Boom. $23,500.00 ! Model#: NSBB 8- i 4-96, Concrete Nutrient Separating Baffle Box ' " Inside Dimensions: 8' wide x 14' long x 96" tall. Complete with screen system, turbulence deflectors, and skimmer system with Stonn Boom. $25,100.00 ModeI#: NSBB 10-14-96, Concrete Nutrient Sqparating Baffle Box j Inside Dimensions: 10' wide x 14' long x 96" tall, j Complete with screen system, turbulence deflectors, and skimmer system $29,800.00 These prices are approximate costs, not reflecting any custom detaite or risers. Nutrient SeparatiBg Baffle Boxes are pre-assembled prior to delivery to the job site and a Bio Clean Environmental Services, Inc representative is available to oversee tbe installation. BIO CLEAN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES^ INC. October 29,2003 Atto: Ken Molitor Piro Engineering 930 Boardwalk, Suite D San Marcos, CA 92069 Dear Ken, In response to the questions Glen is asking at the City of San Marcos let me address each one. The Baffle Box Model which is specified out for your project is Model # NSSB-4'-8'-84" The same size imit can be used for different CFS treatments depending upon the size pipe you are using. In this case a 12" pipe in this model will treat approximately 5 CFS. These design parameters are for 90% sediment removal based upon 6 Feet per second. This size unit will also address the issue of performing as a detention basin which was Glen's other question. In regard to removing nutrients the unit does that by capturing organics in the upper basket and then being allowed to dry out, I have provided you with a paper that was presented at this year's Storm-Con Conference which shows that when organics are left to sit in water all of their nutrients leach out in 1 to 7 days. This is one ofthe major differences in our design and the design of our competitors in which all of their litter, organics and sediments are mixed together which can create a bio septic tank and can produce high bacteria counts. In regard to Glen's question about pesticides, if they are attached to the organics, yes; if they are already dissolved in the water, no. There is no unit I know of that will treat dissolved pesticides except maybe a very large unit fnat would have a long reiention time and have multi carbon filtration chambers and then it would only treat very small cfs's. Our company has done a lot of research into this issue and with the best carbon available it would take a minimum of 10 minutes retention time to treat less then .005 cfs. In the real world storm water runoff does not provide us with this type of time. The Litter Nutrient Separation Baffle Box will provide the best protection in this area by separating the organics firom the water. For hydrocarbon removal we use Rubberizer product which we feel is the best available product on the market with a long history of use. It will not leach out the oils it captures and is approved in Califomia. Please see the enclosed information I have provided you. P.O. Box 869 Oceanside, CA 92049 (760) 433-7640 • Fax (760) 433-3176 VAAAAW Kinrlpnnpnvimnmpntnl npf Maintenance can be performed by any vactor truck from the manhole openings located in the top ofthe box. The unit can usually be cleaned with out any entry into the unit. The top screen is first vacuumed out and then the screen has hatch doors which open to allow removal ofthe sedunents. The cleaning of a unit is site specific. Bio Clean will inspect the unit 6 months after it has been installed to determine an appropriate cleaning schedule. Approxunate cost to clean a unit is around $1,300.00 Sincerely, Greg B. Kent President Bio Clean Environmental Sendees Inc. I - ' - BIO CLEAN Environmental Services^ Ina Phone: (760) 433-7640 Fax:(760)433-3176 Decomposition Study of Grass and Leaves Infrastructure Stormwater Filtration Systems Decomposition Study of Grass and Leaves Justin Strynchuk and John Royal Brevard County Surface Water Improvement, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FI 32940 And Gordon England, P.E., Creech Engineers, Inc., 4450 West Eau Gallie Blvd, #232, Melboume, Fl. 32934, Phone 321-255-5434 Abstract A significant source of nutrient input to water bodies is from grass clippings and leaves (yard debris) washed into drainage systems during storms. Brevard County Surface Water Improvement conducted a study to determine the nutrient release rates from grass clippings and leaves in order to better understand the chemistry and resultant pollutant loading mechanisms. Sixty-gram samples of mixed freshly cut St. Augustine yard grass {Stenolaphnon secundalum) and oak leaves {Quercus sp.) were placed into opaque containers. Coarsely fdtered storm/ditch water was added to fill the containers to the 8-Iiter marks. Samples were allowed to go anaerobic, typical of wet sump best management practice (BMP) structure conditions, and tested periodically after soaking and processing. At intervals of: 0, 1, 5, 9, 14, 22, 34, 50, 70, 130, and 180 days, triplicate bucket sets were agitated to simulate mixing from stormwater influx, then poured through a Number 35, US Standard Soil Sieve, and the liquid analyzed. The solids that remained in or on the sieve were analyzed, and the results compared to those of the corresponding liquid phase. The results presented depict "typical" east-central Florida lawn and leaf litter decomposition and nutrient release rates. This information may be useful in the selection or site design of BMP's for treating nutrients in stormwater, and determining cleaning frequency. Introduction Sediment carried by stormwater may reduce the ability of light to penetrate water thereby hindering the growth of marine plants; also possibly covering and smothering the plants, resulting in a die off. Leaves, grass clippings and organic matter from yards increase oxygen demands and may contribute nutrients to algae blooms that may result in fish kills. Brevard County has taken a pro-active stance to reduce sediment and nutrient contributions whenever possible through retrofitting areas that currently have little or no stormwater treatment provided. Several treatment methods currently utilized by the County include baffle boxes and stormwater inlet devices that retain these materials before they enter surface waters. Baffle boxes often receive constant groundwater flows and retain standing water in the chambers where the sediment and debris are collected. The question has been posed whether organic constituents may leach out of the collected materials only to be carried to surface waters during the next storm event or by background flows. A significant source of nutrient input to water bodies is from grass clippings and leaves washed into drainage systems during storms. Brevard County Surface Water Improvement conducted this study to determine the nutrient release rates from grass clippings and leaves in order to better understand the chemistry and resultant pollutant loading mechanisms. The goal of this experiment was to identify variations in the concentrations of constituents, with an ultimate goal of determining a timetable for cleanout of applicable BMP structures to prevent the release of targeted pollutants. Materials and Methods As a result of visual inspections of numerous baffle boxes it was determined that the organic yard waste they collect is typically a mixture of grass clippings and leaf litter. Therefore this study was conducted on grass clippings collected from a yard containing oak trees, and included between 31% to 66% oak leaf htter by weight. This yard had never been fertilized or serviced by a sprinkler system. Water was collected from two storm water conveyance canals. Cleaned opaque sample buckets and Uds were rinsed with the filtered water prior to fmal filling with 8 liters of 180 micron (sieve opening or pore size) filtered water. Previously refrigerated, week old, sixty-gram samples of mixed St. Augustine yard grass (Stenolaphntm secundalum) and oak leaves (Quercus sp.) were placed into the containers, and mixed to wet the grass. This was to simulate rainfall washing grass clippings into a retaining BMP sump. The tops of the buckets were loosely fit to allow off-gassing but minimize evaporation. The buckets were allowed to remain undisturbed in a non-climate controlled storage area; subjected to indirect light, and temperature swings between 25 and 37 degrees C. Samples were allowed to go anaerobic, typical of wet sump BMP structure conditions, and tested periodically after soaking and processing. At intervals of: 0, 1, 5, 9, 14, 22, 34, 50, 70, 130, and 180 days, triplicate bucket sets were selected by blind lottery, agitated to simulate mixing from stormwater influx, then sent to the contract laboratory for processing. The sample was poured through a #35, US Standard Soil Sieve. This sieve has a pore opening of 500 microns (0.0197 in). The solids that remained in or on the sieve were analyzed for weight at apparent extemal dryness, total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), biochemical oxygen demand at 5 days (BOD-5), and total phosphorous as P (TP as P). The liquids that passed through the filter were analyzed for: color, BOD-5 Day, TKN, and TP as P. A select group of constituent pollutants is discussed here, a more comprehensive list of analytes are discussed at length in the full report. The residue (solid phase) was weighed, percentage moisture determined, then the residue analyzed. The mass of the mixed grass and oak leaves residue dropped from 28 grams to 16 grams within the first 15 days of saturation, a loss of 43%. The samples then stabilized at weights between 13 and 20 grams for the duration of the 180-day sampling period. No attempt was made to differentiate between percent decomposition of grass to oak leaf ratios, but observations made on the mixture throughout the study revealed almost total solution of the grass, with little obvious physical decomposition evident of the oak leaves, even out to the 180 day mark. In order to allow a more straightforward comparison of concentrations of constituents that leached into the water to the constituent concentrations remaining in the solids, mg/L was correlated to the average dry weight of the grass that was placed in the container for leaching. (28 g grass/8 liters liquid = 3.5 g grass/one liter liquid, producing = x mg/L = x mg/3.5 g grass) A ratio was then applied to determine the constituent level that would have leached from 1000 g (1 kg) of dry solids. This allows direct comparison of mg/kg solids concentration to mg/kg leachate. Six replicate samples of the raw grass and oak leaves were dried to constant weight in a desiccator. The samples averaged a loss of approximately 54% of their weight after the first day of desiccation. The average dried weight of these initial samples was 28 grams, with virtually all of the grass being retained on a U.S. Standard #35 sieve. The numbers retumed upon analysis for chemical and physical characteristics varied with each sample. This was expected due to variation within the small (tripUcate) sample group; particularly when considering the physical characteristics of the grass blades, grass stems and nodes, oak leaves, and oak stems. Virtually all of the weight lost during desiccation was due to water loss from the grass, as the oak leaves had dried out prior to falling. Most of the water released by the oak leaves had been gained through compaction and mixing with the freshly cut grass in the lawn mower grass catch bag. Sample weights for the 6 initial samples used to determine representative yard grass-oak leaf ratios actually decreased during the hour it took to sort out individual grass and oak leave fragments to determine component ratios. Results The weights of the grass and oak leaf samples at initial weighing before immersion were approximately 60 grams. The initial dried weight of these initial samples averaged 28 grams, indicating initial moisture content of 58%. By the end of day 1, the moisture content of the wet samples was up to approximately 85%, indicating that some absorption of water had taken place. Also after one day of immersion and subsequent drying, the grass and leaf mixtures weighed an average of 22 grams. By the end of day 5, the dried weight values averaged 18 grams, a total loss of 10 grams (36%) from the original dry weight. No fiirther change in the moisture content was discemed throughout the 180 days of the experiment. Even though the total weight of the solids reduced by 71% over the course of the study, the ratio of 85% moisture remained constant. These values, combined with laboratory observations, indicate that the majority of the residual components after day 5 may be relatively inert oak leaves. See Table 1. Initial values for TBCN concentrations for the liquid phase raw mixed oak leaf and grass samples averaged 3.4 g/kg. After immersion for one day, the TKN concentrations rose 31%, to 4.9 g/kg (this corresponded with a loss of TKN from the solid phase of only 11%). The total kjeldahl nitrogen concentrations of the liquid portion of each sample fell steadily from that point, to stabilize around 1.4 g/kg by day 50. Approximately 70% of the total loss of TKN from the liquid phase sample took place by the day 50 sample. At the day 180 sample, the liquid TBCN concentrations exhibited a slight increase from the day 130 values. This may have been the result of eventual decomposition of the oak leaves, but the study was halted at day 180 and a definite trend past that point could not be substantiated. See Figure 1. The concentrations depicted a quick leaching of the TKN fractions. The solid phase TKN concentrations began with an initial cut grass and leaf average value of 19.0 g/kg. This value dropped to 17.0 g/kg after one day of immersion; a loss of 11% in a single day. After the second day, concentrations remained somewhat stable until after day 22, whereupon they slowly began to rise. A correlating fluctuation was not observed in the liquid phase. The values for samples analyzed on day 34 averaged approximately 26.0 g/kg, an increase of some 28% over the day 22 values. The solid phase TKN values fell from their peak at day 34 to their lowest points during the study by the day 130 samples. Initially, this reduction corresponds to subsequent peaks in the nitrite and nitrate components of the liquid phase; and indicates ammonia, or some other unmeasured nitrogen fraction, was being released into the water by the solid mass. As TKN analysis can include the ammonia but not nitrite/nitrate fractions of nitrogen, it appears that this was a period of rapid decomposition of the nitrogenous compounds present in the mixed grass and oak leaves. There was a sharp rise in both the liquid and solid fractions of TKN after the day 130 sample; suggesting breakdown of the much tougher oak leaf litter portions of the samples. Perhaps the most dramatic illustration of the effects of leaching on mixed lawn grass and oak leaves was observed in the variations in total phosphorous as phosphorous (P) concentrations. A kilogram of raw mixed grass and oak leaf solids yielded 1.9 grams of total phosphorous as P, prior ro wetting. Analysis of the liquid phase for total phosphorous as P revealed an average raw water composition of approximately 125 mg/kg of total phosphorous as P. When the grass and leaves were added, there was an 89% increase in the liquid phase total phosphorous as P concentrations (to 1,057 mg/kg) within the first day. By day 4, the values in the liquid phase had stabilized around 1,000 mg/kg; remaining there for the course of the study. The solid phase of the total phosphorous as P analysis depicted a very rapid leaching of phosphorous from an initial fresh grass and leaf value of 1,900 mg/kg; to a value of 880 mg/kg after the first day (a reduction of 54%). There is evidence that this leached phosphorous made its way into the water column and increased the liquid phase total phosphorous as P concentrations significantly over the first day, and increased them slightly over the next 22 days. Simply put, for the first week, when the solid phase phosphorous concentrations went down, the liquid phase values went up. However, after day 22 both the liquid and solid phase values and ratios between the respective values fluctuated. This may have been due to phosphorous changing state between solid and liquid phases. See Figure 2. A kilogram of raw mixed grass and oak leaf solids yielded 21.3 grams of BOD, prior to wetting. The hquid phase BOD-5 values immediately rose sharply (700%) from an initial demand of approxmiately 4.5 g/kg to peak at 40.0 g/kg by day 9. This corresponds to the peak in biological activity for the decomposition process. The demand then fell just as rapidly, to stabilize by day 22 at concentrations between 2.5 and 4.0 mg/kg; which it maintained throughout the duration of the experiment. This can be thought of as the bloom and die off phases of aerobic bacteria and other organisms present and active in the liquid phase. Basically, virtually all those nutrients readily available to aerobic organisms were used up within the first 22 days of the study. As the chemistry of the static containers moved from aerobic to anaerobic situations, there was a progression of biological and chemical reactions that occurred to take advantage of the conditions present. The biochemical oxygen demand values for the solid fractions illustrated a progression from an initial value of 21.5 g/kg for the raw grass, which fell 19% in the first day to 17.3 mg/kg. By day 5, the BOD-5 values of the grass and oak leaf solids had fallen by a total of 25% from their initial concentrations. From day 5 on, the BOD values began to rise agam, reaching a maximum value of 33.0 g/kg by day 34. This corresponds to the maximum decomposition rate of the solid phase grass and oak leaf components. By the time day 70 arrived, the samples were essentially biologically "dead," with a steady solid and Hquid phase BOD-5. Some minor biological activity was still taking place, but relatively little more biological breakdown could be expected under continuation of the existmg environmental conditions. See Figure 3. The color of the water prior to mixing in the mixed leaves and grass was 140 PCU. After one day of soaking with the solids, the color then measured 193 PCU in the liquid phase, an increase of 38% percent. By day 22, the color levels had stabilized at 350 PCU, an increase of 150% percent over the original background water. Color is coming under increasing scmtiny as one of the major attenuating agents of sunlight reaching seagrasses and other submerged aquatic plants. In conjunction, color is one of the most expensive pollutant components of surface water to remove. In light of this, it would seem pradent that wet-detention/retention BMPs be cleaned as soon as possible after wash-down of yard debris entering the catch basin. There appears to be real value gained in doing so, up to 22 days after the grass and leaves being submerged. See Figure 4. Discussion and Conclusion The results of this study show that the majority of organic -based pollutants, which leach from grass clippings and leaves into water, will be released within 1 to 22 days, depending on the pollutant. For example, the BOD 5 Day concentrations peaked at 9 days; color was continuously released between 1 and 22 days; and most of the phosphorous was released within the first day of grass immersion. Based on these preliminary results it appears that in order to avoid significant leaching of most "pollutants", it is desirable to quickly remove organic debris from collection devices that retain water. It would be best to design yard debris trap basins which retain the solids in a dry area, rather than dealing with the engineering and economic hardships of removing these released pollutants from the stormwater stream. Even traditional wet detention ponds or wetlands would benefit from upstream, dry, inlet devices to reduce the pollutant loadings by removing them as solids, rather than dealing with the leachate in the liquid form in the ponds. Since particular pollutant concentrations peaked at different times, by matching the clean out schedule to the pollutant it is conceivable one may be able to selectively remove a particular pollutant fraction. If these devices are not regularly cleaned quickly, and there is background flow or a storm event, one would have to conclude that a large percentage of the organic matter previously collected is being released and the component pollutants are actively flushed out to the surface waters. In a prior grass monoculture screening study, significant gas production (hydrogen sulfide and methane) was evident after about 7 days of soaking. This fermentation was not observed in the current mixed grass and oak leaf study, possibly due to a different bacterial flora. The water source for the prior study was primarily groundwater flowing into a baffle box, whereas the water source for the mixed grass and oak leaf study was surface and stormwater. It may be that the bacteria predominating in the groundwater for the prior study were anaerobic and better able to take advantage of the conditions in the sample containers than the aerobic bacteria thought to initially predominate in the present study. The concentrations and trends observed in the prior study were far different (greater concentrations, for longer periods) from those seen in the present study. Recommendations The sample volumes and weights used in the present study were selected to be representative of conditions observed in "typical" stormwater treatment BMPs. The concentrations of the "pollutant" constituents being analyzed during this study were at times very near the minimum detection limits for the contract laboratory. As such, identification of statistically significant trends or day-point values is very difficult at the lower levels. It may be necessary to re-run this experiment with a greater volume of wet grass and leaves in order to more clearly quantify the possible contribution rates to the overlying water. Because of the great differences observed in the concentrations of the pollutants and their respective cycles between the prior and present study, it would be of value to ran this study again with different grass types, or mixtures of grass and leaves. It is also recommended that grass and leaves be tested to determine how the nutrient content in dry grass and leaves changes with time. Table 1 Grass and Leaf Breakdown Raw Grass Raw Oak Leaf Percent Raw Grass Raw Grass Clipping Trial mass (Ktns) mass (ems) by weight % by visual estimate 1 30.70 30.70 50% 67% 2 31.20 25.00 56% 48% 3 39.70 17.70 69% 63% 4 35.89 17.24 68% 63% 5 17.74 34,64 34% 43% 6 22.43 24.73 48% 52% Figure 1 Grass Clipping Wet Decomposition Mixed Leaves and Grass Total Phosphoras as P Mixid Leavts and Grass Total Phosphorous as P 2000 to « « ISOO »S 1000 W S" 500 IL 0 i ot an "IK< > «» i in mmmmm, . -1 Solid Liqiid Totali To*a =*hosF lPho^ >horm ^ 1 iP j i 20 40 00 80 m m im m m Days Immtrstd M £ O S f 30 as 20 15 10 5 0 Figure 2 Grass Clipping Wet Decomposition Mixed Leaves and Grass TKN llrass Olipptng yM OeoomposiOon Mixed Leavtes and Ora^ss Total Kjeldahl Mtrogen (TKN) ^ Solids TKN - - - UqukJ TKN ^ Solids TKN - - - UqukJ TKN M» i. mm « 1 M n o Ml .-JW.I,..— 0 40 60 80 too t20 140 100 180 Days Imimrsed Figure 3 Grass Clipping Wet Decomposition Mixed Grass and Leaves BOD-5 Day Urass doping Wst 'Omotn^msWon UiUmi Leaves and <3rass Blochemicat Oxygen I3emand pOD)>S t^y 1 20.0 10.0 0.0 - - - LiqaaSOD^Oay f" ..ii.,.jjO> - - - LiqaaSOD^Oay 1 j \ J 1 ^ • i mm * 1 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1^ 160 Days Immersed Figure 4 Grass Clipping Wet Decomposition Mixed Grass and Leaves Liquid Phase Color o a. c 3 *j n .o o u E 3 C 400 300 200 ICQ •S 0 • - C olor 1 20 40 60 80 100 120 Days Immersed 140 160 180 0m$s Clipping Wel Deeom positton Mixed Leaves and Orass pH ' """"I""•'"«>'••."'•"•• if. I. li ii. ill, ......|l.r»..„. i|.,..,...y,.»..,.y,||,,,,,,..^),,,,„,,.,„.y..„,.,,..^ 6 to 20 30 40 SO eo TO 80 m 100 110 120 130 140 1$0 160 l?S 1*6 M Otyt Ofttt SiilxiiMiiti @rass Clipping Wtt Oecotnpoidi&ti Residyal Dry Weight iiass Otiif ing lit Otct^np^ion liqiild Ptmm Nitrostn Praellms '^ui^vtmmn I" 156 m Orass Clipping Wet Deeompostion Mixed Leaves and Grass Total Phosphorous as P 2000 m mtm mm P 3 1500 1- O 131 ^ 1000 oi'iaL. £ m 500 0 1 t 4 1 t tl ; Solid Liquid Totali Tc*a =»hosi: XIS IS 1 t —i— __4— 20 40 eo 80 100 120 146 tso \m Days Immersed 12600 4- Grass Clipping Wet Decomposition Mixed Grass and Uaves Liquid Phases TKN vs P "f-UqydTKN j 10 2C. m % m n ^ Days MM Imm.mvSikfm twUMtg vt PricHqphorout llraedont I |i.w^l.y.w....f..»^...."y.......«y.*...».'ny...»^.~^^^ . » > "t j i ' i ii» i i'iii.ij.'..i" •.»t,;.r„„^...y.ww.'^ 0 » » 49 SO SO » w 90 180 tio tso tso m m m m M m • ,n, • &mtMm*SuS«mm'i , Oimt 0fil^ ¥t Mtxut Lt«r«ft mi4 mmm Total Nltrog«n OrBSS Clipping Wet Decompos^tton Orass Only vs Mixed Leaves and Orass Total «i«sphofous as P •a io » » sc 80 wt *l 'W n 'X Orass Only vs Mlb(«d UNIVQS Omm BODS- - I mm I .„.,,.„„.,,.,.,,.. ,..,..i,i.iM,.|.,r..riyi .,i I i, I i .f.mm,,.^ filW^... !9 » » .«6 « IB « •« 10 »08 tlie w m W» l» «» W J« M» • TECHNICAL MANUAL RUBBERIZER* m ms !3 The key advantages ofthe Rubberizer® product Une when compared to many ofthe character- istics of the more conventional products include: * Works on land or water bome spills * Remains buoyant * Incinerates with less than 1% residual ash * Reduces overall clean-up time * Reduces overall costs Rubberizei-® products sorb and transform into a rubber-like material many petroleum products including: * Gasoline * Jet Fuel * Aiomatic Solvents * Diesel Fuels * Transfonner Oils * Hydraulic Oils * Lube Oils * Chlorinated Solvents * Light Crudes and many other compounds as outlined in Table 1 ofthe enclosed laboratory report on page There are many product types with a vaiiety of diameters, lengths, and sizes to fit youi- needs. 3- i- -i-it^^fcL..s=a^2*r^i Haz-I¥Iat Piespome 4626 Santa Fe St SanDiego,Cn 92109 -300=3^2-3036 nTiny -J.ay Q' jjq j|) fSj) @ [J' 0 g (f! P'- @ (5) RjiD HAZ-MAT RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES, INC.\ ® TABT OF rOi¥TFJ¥Tt^ Rubbererizer Product Line (Particulate,Booms, Pillows, Spill Kits, Filter Media, & Mats) 1-5 EPA Letter 6 Landfill Approval by USPCI & Califomia State License for Oil- Clean-Up Agent 7 ODGEN Disposal Information 8-9 Laboratory Report (Solidification capacity for a variety of fuels and liquids) 10-14 Laboratory Reports for Absorption in Contaminated Water 15-16 Laboratory Report by Aquatic Testing Laboratories (Abalone Larval Development) 17-18 Laboratory Report by Foss Environmental (Oil Leachate Test) 19-23 MSDS 24-25 Rubberizer® Rubberizer® Product Line and Performance Specifications ti Rubberizer® Particulate Rubberizer® Particulate is a mixture of hydrocarbon polymers plus additives resulting in a grainy material used primarily for cleanup operations where sweeping and slioveling are involved. It can however, be used for clarification of various emulsions, or solidification and removal of various petroleum-based slicks fmm die surface of water which is in a controlled state. This product, and the booms and pillows in which it is tlie filler, exhibit characteristics that include: Light weight, enabling rapid deployment and retrieval (apparent specific gravity approximately = 0.4) rapid sorption and solidification (measured in minutes). Hydrophobic (no affinity for water), permanently buoyant( both before and after sorption). Extreme stability of soibed solidified liquids (they will not release sorbed solidified liquids under landfill pressures and are extremely resistant to release of sorbed solidified liquids upon aqueous contact) High sorbed liquid to sorbent ratios (nominally 5 parts liquid to 1 part sorbent). Minimal incineration residue Oess than 1%), and little volume increase of sotted liquids (15% in laboratory test, nominally 25% in field aRjlications) One pound of this product will solidify into a rubber-like material up to 2/3 gallon of jet fuel, diesel, gasoline, transfonner oil and other liquids. Tliis product is supplied in 6 gallon plastic pails (ISlbs. Particulate per pail). 7" cubic boxes (50lbs particulate per box) and 55 gallon plastic drums (125lbs. Rubberizer® Booms Rubberizer® Booms are made Avitli Rubberizer® Particulate as a filler and a 100% polypropylene tubular fabric encasement Ribbon connectors are also provided. These booms are multifimctional. Tliey can be used for mitigation (containment) on water while soibing Uie spill, and once fiilly loaded continue To function as containment barriers remaining significantly above water level. Tliey are soft and conform well to textured sufaces enabling them to act as containment barriers on airport ninways or vehicle roadways. Thej' can be used For bulk cleanup opertions also. Once sorbed liquids are solidified (usually witliin 20 minutes) tliey are retrievable without loss of their contents caused by Iiandling and flie consequent dripping associated with many other products. This prouduct is supplied in various lengths, firom one inch in diameter up to five inches in diameter. Five inch diameter booms can sorb and solidify up to one gallon per lineal foot. -1-800-5-0-2-3036 REPORTED MITIGATION AND CLEANUP OPERATIONS USING RUBBERIZER® PRODUCTS SHIP SPILL; KODIAK, ALASKA A ship in Kodiak, Alaska, spilled approximately 150 gallons of lube oil. This water- borne spill was contained with RUBBERIZER® booms (3.25 inch diameter by 20 ft. lengths lapped and lashed together). RUBBERIZER® pillows were tossed into the spill containment area. Polypropylene pads were used until daylight ceased. The RUBBERIZER® booms and pillows remained deployed and continued to sorb and solidify the remaining lube oil until the following morning, at which time the RUBBERIZER® booms and pillows, swollen with solidified lube oil, were removed. It was reported that all the lube oil had been sorbed and solidified, with no remaining sheen. SHIP SPILL, SAN DIEGO, CAUFORNIA A ship in San Diego Bay spilled approximately 800 gallons of propellent (diesel) into a containment area around the ship. RUBBERIZER® booms were used to span gaps in the existing containment boom. Additional RUBBERIZER® booms (5 inch diameter X 10 ft... long) were thrown into the spill area. While some of this spill had already been retrieved with vac-trucks, the remainder was pushed into the RUBBERIZERS booms. A short time afterwards the booms swofien with solidified diesel were retrieved. HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Responding to a highway spill of approximately 30 gallons of diesel fuel, on a rainy day, department employees deployed two 2.2b mch diameter by 20 ft. long RUBBERIZER® booms. These booms were placed on the spill side of a fire department burm containing both diesel and significant quantities of water. RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE was spread onto the diesel floating behind the burm also. The sorbed and solidified diesel was retrieved and filled less than one 55 gallon drum. HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT RUBBERIZER® pillows are being used in sumps in an on-going process to remove hydrocarbon contamination, thereby allowing discharge of sump water without rucking for treatment. ADDITIONAL CITATIONS OF RUBBERIZER® PRODUCT USED BY MILITARY AND COMMERCIAL AIRFIELDS, CITY AND STATE STREET MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENTS, FIRE DEPARTMENTS, UTILITY AND INDUSTRIAL USERS ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. Rubberizer' FLIC ATI RUBBERIZER® PILLOWS RUBBERIZER® PILLOWS are made with particulate as a filler and a 100% poiypropyiene fabric encasement. Thev can be used to catch drips and leaks or for bulk clean-up, and in sumps for emulsion clarification. Pillows are made twelve inches wide by twelve inches iong and will sorb and solidify up to one gallon each. SPILL KITS SPILL KIT # RSK12B6LBK is packaged in 5 gallon plastic pails with removable lids. Each kit contains 3 2.25 Inch diameter x 4 ft. long RUBBERIZER® booms and 6 Ibs. ol RUBBERIZER® particulate. Cleanup capacity of this spill kit can range as high as 8 gallons. SPILL KIT # RSK18B7LBK is packaged In 6 gallon plastic pails with removable lids. Each kit contains 2 2.25 inch diameter x 4 ft. long and 1 2.25 inch diameter by 1 0 ft. long RUBBERIZER® booms. Each kit contains 7 Ibs. of RUBBERIZER® particulate also. Cleanup capacity of this spill kit can range as high as 10 gallons. Custom sizes are available up to 700 gallon clean-up capability. Haz-Mat Response Technologies Inc. RUBBERIZER® FILTER MEDIA PERFORMANCE REPORT A 4 inch diameter by 4 foot length tube with a fine screen across one end was erected vertically. The tube was placed above a catch basin which was filled with tap water. A small pump was used to circulate water firom the catch basin to the top of the tube. A 500 ml. separator funnel was erected above the top of the tube. The separator fimnel was filled with napthenic lubricating oil 30.1/cSt at 40*C viscosity (for diesel performance see note 3 at bottom of page.) The tube was filled on each nm with one of the Rubberizer. Filter Media to a depth of 42 inches. The initial water flow rate was set at approximately 6 liters/ minute. The tests were run until tiie flow rate had been reduced to approximately 2 liters/minute. The input pressure at cessation was approximately .25 psi. The oil input rate was set at 4-5 drops per second (approximately 1/2 liter/hour.) The following table summarizes the results. FLITER MEDIA PERFORMANCE TABLE Media Size Core Saturation Depth Weight Of Media Volume of Oil Absorption Weight Of Oil Absorbed %0f Efficiency 4 to 2 Mesh 16" 793 g. 1160 ml. 1056 g. 133% 8 to 4 Mesh 10" 528 g. 702 mL 640 g. 121% 16 to 8 Mesh 8" 452 g. 538 ml. 490 g. 108% Haz-Mat Response Technologies Inc. rLiDbcrizcr,coiii -8nr!.542-3i ;'0 The Rubberizer Oil Sorbing & Solidifying Mats are designed to be deployed in any situation where covering the surface of a body of water Is desirable (I.e. in sump pumps, oil water separators, etc.) They can be used as sweeps for fuel pits or on puddles, lakes rivers, bays, etc. and areas of pooling water with oil contamination problems. The primary advantages of the Rubberizer mat over a boom or pillow Is the large surface areas which the mat covers. The primary advantage of the Rubberizer mat over the particulate is the control and retie ability of material. They are designed to absorb and solidify up to 3/4 gallon per square ft of fuels, oils, and various solvents. They are constructed from high-strength fiberglass mesh screen with ribbon loops for tethering. They contain Rubberizer Filter Media as an absorbing/solidifying filler These units are low maintenance and can be rapidly retrieved and replaced when loaded with oil They are available In a variety of sizes, which can be combined to fit virtually any situation. f m%. \ UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ^ ^ WASHINGTON, D.C. 20460 OFFICEOF SOLID WASTE AND EMERScNCV RESPONSE Phil Stagg Haz-Mat Re^onse Technologies, Inc. 4626 Santa Fe Street )i/|/\Y { 8 1998 San Diego, Califorma 92109 Dear Mr. Stagg: The puipose ofthis letter is to help your company provide clarification r^arding the vs& of the product "Rubberizer". This letto: can be presented to the United States Coast Guard and any other federal or state agency that may have the opportunity to use Rabberizer on an oil spill. EPA's April 7,1998 letter to your company states that we believe your product is a sorbent based on its apphcation. That letter was a clarification of language used in our November, 1994 letter certifying Rubberizer as a sorbent The clarification was tbat the ingredients in Rubboizer do not consist solely ofthe materials listed in National Contingency Plan (NCP) section 300.915(g)( 1). This does not mean tbat we feel your product is toxic or requires any special ceitification (federal or state) to be used on oil spills. Aiso the "ceitification" ofa soirbent is not an endorsement for the use ofthe producL It is simply an acknowledgment from EPA that the product is a sorbent. Therefore a product can be a soibent without the certification letter. NCP Final Rule states "..JEPA believes that the use of sorbents, by themselves, will not create deleterious effects on the environmont because sorbent materials are essentially inert and insoluble in water and because the basic components of sorbents are non-toxic..." (40CFR 300.910). EPA hopes that this clarifies to all coiK^emed parties that thc use of Rubberizer as a sorbent on oil spills is not subject to restrictions reserved for the use of other chemical oil spill control agents such as dispersants. We encourage any agency or organization that needs further clarification on the use of sorbents or the NCP Product Schedule to contact EPA Oil Program Center directly at 703-603-9918. Sincerely, j - /• 4 William Nichols EPA Oil Program Center (J^ Recycled/Recyclable T\ Primed with Soy/CanolB Ink on paper tl \^\(^ contains at least soil recycled <Ujer May L 1996 DEPARTMENT C ENVIROMMENT,^ QUALITY Don DiLiberto Haz-Mat Response Technologies, Inc. 4626 Santa Fe St. San Diego, CA 92109 EASTERN REGiO^ Re: Disposal of Rubberizer products Dear Mr. DiLiberto: The Department of Environmental Quality (Department) has reviewed your request for approval to dispose of Rubberizer products in solid waste landfills. Hie Department does allow the disposal of Rubberizer products that have been used to clean-up waste imder the follov^dng conditions: 1) Rubberizer products must be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions; 2) no fiee liquids, including water, raay be present during disposal; and 3) disposal must be at a Subtitle D landfiU for non-hazardous waste. If you have any questions please call me at (541) 298-7255 ext. 24. Sincerely,, Ken Lucas, P.E. Enviromnental Specialist Columbia Gorge OUioi 400 E Sceaic Dr., Sai'te 3 The Dalles, OR 9705';- Voice i'503i 29S-725'- FAX (503i'29S-71?>:! m (503) 29.<3-"^S6 OHO • EiE' state of California Department of Fish and Game Office of Spill Prevention and Response LICENSE FOR OIL SPILL CLEANUP AGENT ISSUED TO: HAZ-MAT RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. PROOUCT NAME: PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION: DATE ISSUED: EXPIRATION DATE: RUBBERIZER VasoElastizer JULY 1, 1998 JULY 1, 2003 Tha ipplicant. hiving foNowid tha procadurii aa omllnad tn Gavarnmant Coda Sactiona 8670.13.1 & 8670.13.2., and hiving submittad a proper application which wia raviawad and found in ordar, is haraby issuad this licansa. Usa ot tha product must ba in strict compliances with rafarancad Gavarnmant Code Sections snd subsaquent regulations. Tha term ol ttiis license shall ba for a period of live 15) years unlass revoked prior to that dala for good cause. This licensa does not denote endorsement of the product by the Dapartmant of Fish and Game or any other Stata Agency. Pete Bontadelli Administrator Olfice of Spill Prevention and Response L USPCI LANDFILLAPPROVAL August 21,1991 Stanley Dunn HXZ-HAT Raaponsa Tachnoloqlaa 5141 Box Canyon Road MJolla, Ca. I3307 Dear Hr. Dunn« The USPCI Traatablllty Group has avaluatad your preducta containing RUBaERIZni and thalr ability to •olldlCy organio liqulda. Baaad on tha literature providad by KXt-MXT Raspenaa Technologiea and our teating, RUBBERIZCR appeara to attactlvaly aolldlfy organic liqulda and appear* to aatlafy atata and Cadaral ragulatlonc prohibiting landfill of (raa liqulda. USPCI-eraaay Mountain pay be abla to accept waate organio llquldc Bolldiflad with RUBBERIZEIt producte for landfill based on the following crlteriai • RUBBERIZER products aust be used in accordance with the •anutacturarinstruotiona. • Ho free liquids, including water, nay be preaent In tha waste ahlpaents. • All waste shlpaents aust coaply with USPCI waste acceptance policies and practlcea. Uastca which are banned froa land diapoaal by state and federel regulatlona, such aa apent solvents and other listed organic wastes aay not be accepted for land diapoaal unlasa BOAT raquiraaanta ara aat. • All waste streaas daalgnatad tor a USPCI land till aust b« pre-approved through the uae ot a USPCI Waste Characterisation Fora. If there ara any questions concerning the acceptebility of wastes solidified with RUBBERIZER prixlucts, pleaae consult one ot our cuatoaer service representatives or ay self et BOl-SIS-SVOO. Sincerely, R^hard D. Brialey Jr. Raaaarch and Davelopaant Croup Leader P.O. Box 22750 • Salt Uke City. Utah M122-999B • 801/595-3900 • Fax B01/59S-3990 OGDEN PROJECTS, INC. 40 LANE ROAD. CN 2615 FAIRFIELD. NEI (201) 882-9000 FAIRFIELD. NEW JERSEY 07007-2615 K"*"*"^ April 15,1994 Mr. Stanly Dunn HAZrMAT Response Tedmologies 5841 Box Canyon Road LaJolla,CA 92307 Dear Mr. Dunn: Ogden Projects, Inc (OPI) has evaluated your products containing RUBBERIZER and their ability to solidify certain spill materials. Based on the literature provided hy HAZ-MAT Response Technologies, RUBBERIZER appears to effectively solidify certain spill matoials and appears to qualify as a non-hazardous solid waste according to state and federal regulation, and may therefore be used as a fuel at energy recoveiy &dlities operated by Ogden, such as H-Power in Hawaii or the plant in Stanislaus Couniy Califomia OPI may be able to accept certain spill materials solidified with RUBBERIZER products for energy recoveiy based on the following criterion: • RUBBERIZER products must be nsed in accordance with the manufacturei's instructioiis. • No free liquids, including water, may be present in the waste shipments. • All waste shipments must comply with OPI waste acceptance policies and practices. Wastes which are prohibited by state and federal regulations, fadlity pennits or service agreements can not be accepted. • All waste streams designated for an OPI bdiity must be pre-approved through the use of an OPI Material Characterization Fonn, and the appropriate information to demonstrate that the waste is non-hazardous. If there are any questions conceming the acceptabilify of wastes solidified with RUBBERIZER products, please conuct Joe Hrapdiak at 201-882-2438. Veiy trufy yours. Brian Delle Donne Senior Vice President w/attachment 8 HAZ-MAT RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES. INC ODGEN DISPOSAL INFORMATION If you plan to use Ogden Projects as a diqx>sal option you ^ould contact Patrick Walih, Phone number 973-882-7013. Mr. Patrick Walsh will assist you in opening an account at the Ogden Plant nearest your area. The following list is a few of fhe Ogden Waste &cilities available: Alexandria, VA Babjdon, NY Fairfex, VA Haveriiill, MA Honolulu, HI I^tington, NY Huntsville, AL Indianapolis, IN Lake,FL Lancaster, PA Marian, OR Pasco, FL Stanislaus, CA Tulsa, OK Wallingfoid, CT On FdjTuary 11,1998, Ogdca Projects quoted a price of S160.00 per ton for incineratioD of oily waste impregnated RUBBERIZER® products at tilieir Ogden Facilities. 9 4626 Santa Fe Street • Son Dlego, California 92109 LABORATORY REPORT SOLIDIFICATION CAPACITY OF RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE ON A VARIETY OF FUELS AND INDUSTRIAL UQUIDS AT 65° F PURPOSE The purpose of this experiment is to determine what quantity of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE is needed to solidify various fuels and industrial liquids to that point at which they will pass the'E.P.A. GO PSI landfill pressure tast. EXPEHIMEJTTAL PROCEDURE 8.1 mt. 12.2 mL and 16.3 mL volumes of the liquids to be tested ware transferred by pipette to a 50 ml. Erienmeyer flasks and stoppered with neoprene stoppers. These test samples were allowod to coma to thermal equilibrium at 65 •• F. To eac^ test sample a weighed 3.0 gram sample of RUBBERIZER0 PARTICULATE was added and agitated. The samples were allowed to stand for 21 hours at 65" F. The samples were then subjected to a pressure test in excess of 100 PSL The results of this work are summarized in Table 1. TABLE I POUNDS OF RUBBERIZER* PARTICULATE TO GALLONS OF TEST LIQUIDS NEEDED TO PASS E.P.A. 50 PSI TEST FUELS RESULTS Bunkers 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Jet fue! 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Diesel 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Gasoline 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range OILS RESULTS Light Crudes 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Alphatic 1 pound sorbent to 1/2 gallon range Aromatic 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Napthenic 1 pound sorbent to 1/2 gallon range Cutting i pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Transformer 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Motor (10w/40 unused) 1 pound sorbent to 1/2 galton range CHLORLATED UQUIDS RESULTS Carbon Tetrachloride 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Chloroform 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Trichloroethane 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Tetrachloroethane 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Trichloroetheiene 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range MISCELLANEOUS UQUIDS RESULTS Benzene -1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Toluene 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Xylene 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Hexane's (Mixture) 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Petroleum Ether 1 pound sorbent to 112 gallon range Turpentine 1 pound sorbent to 2/3 gallon range Tricresyl Phosphate poor results, no application Ethyl Alcohol poor results: no application Ethylene Glycol poor results, no application NOTICE: The infarmation contained within this report is believed accurate by HMRT and their chemist. The results contained within this report are to be used as guidelines onty and tha desired stabilization and effactivenass of this sorbent should be confirmed by the user. 10 LABORATORY REPORT LEACH AND EXTRACTION TEST LEACH TEST A solidified sample of diesel fuel representing one pound of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 2/3 gallon of diesel fuel was prepared by transferring 18.3 ml of diesel fuel by pipette Into a 50 ml Erienmeyer flask and adding a weighed 3.0 gram sample of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE. This sample was allowed to stand for four days at 65" F. Twenty-five ml of tap water was then added and the ppm Hydrocarbon In the leachate was periodically determined. The results of this work are presented In Tabie li. TABLE II LEACHATE PPM HYDROCARBON 1 day <5ppm 7 day <5ppm 14 day <5ppm EMULSION CLARIFICATION TEST An approximate 1,000 PPM emuision of diesel fuel and water was prepared by transferring, by pipette 0.55 ml of diesel to 500 ml of tap water that was being agitated in a blender. Forty ml of emulsion were then transferred to a 50 ml Erienmeyer flask* and a weighed, 2.0 gram sample, of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE was added. The sample was briefly agitated three times daily and maintained at 65"F, The ppm hydrocarbon remaining In the emulsion was periodically determined and the results are presented in Table III. TABLE III EMULSION PHASE PPM HYDROCARBON 1 day 100 ppm > emulsion > 50 ppm 2 day 50 ppm >emulsion > 25 ppm 3 day 10 ppm >emulsion > 5 ppm 4-day 5 ppm > emuision > 0 ppm PCB/TCB SOLIDIFICATION. EMULSION EXTRACTION AND LEACH TESTS Tests using the active ingredient polymer of the RUBBERIZER® products on PCB and TCB mixtures have indicated solidification ratios of one pound RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to one gallon PCB/TCB mixtures. Furthermore, two week leach tests using the aforementioned equivalent ratio indicated less than 2 ppm PCB/TCB In the aqueous phase. Additionally, extraction tests from an aqueous emulsion of PCB using the RUBBERIZER® products active ingredient polymer have indicated clarification of the emulsion to less than 2 ppm PCB remaining. NOTICE: The information contained within this report is believed to be accurate by HMRT Inc. and their chemists. The results contained within this report are to be used as guideiines only and desired results should be confirmed by the user. 11 LABORATORY REPORT INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON STABILIZATION RATES OF RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE APPLIED TO JET FUEL. DESEL FUEL, GASOLINE, TRANSFORMER OIL AND HYDRAULIC OIL. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of temperature on the stabilization rates of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE on jet fuel (JP4 and JP5), diesel fuel, gasoline, transformer oil and hydraulic oil. Three experimental temperatures (5" F, 55" F and 105" F) and three experimental ratios of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to test liquid (1 lb. RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 1/3 gallon, 1/2 gallon and 2/3 gallon) were chosen. The samples were examined periodically, observations recorded and the data evaluated. The results of this work are presented herein. For the purpose of this experiment, stabilization is defined as that point which retrieval of the tested liquids in a real cleanup operation could be effected without the release of the same. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 8.1 ml, 12.2 ml and 16.3 ml volumes of the liquids to be.tested were transferred by pipette to 50 ml Erienmeyer flasks and stoppered with neoprene stoppers. One collection of each of the test liquid's volume series was then brought to thermal equilibrium at 5" F, 55" F and 105" F. To each test liquid sample a weighed 3.0 gram sample of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE was added and agitated. An initial observation at 3 minutes and successive observations at 30 minutes, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 16 hours and 24 hours were made on each sample with the samples being maintained at their respective temperatures between observation periods. The data acquired were analyzed and the resultant analysis presented herein. JET FUEL (JP4 AND JP5) Stabilization of both JP4 and JP5 was complete within the 24 hour observation period at all test temperatures and all ratios of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to liquid. Only minor temperature effects on stabilization were observed, with the rates being slightly slower with decreasing temperature. (See Plot I.) As a result of these tests it has been concluded that a ratio of 1 Ib. of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 2/3 gallon of Jet fuel is appropriate for most cleanup operations within the test temperature range. DIESEL FUEL Stabilization of diesel fuel was complete within the 24 hour observation period at all test temperatures and all test ratios of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to liquid. Only minor temperature effects on stabilization rates were observed, with the rates being slightly slower with decreasing temperature. (See Plot 11.) As a result of these tests it has been concluded that a ratio of I Ib. of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 2/3 gallon of diesel fuel is appropriate for most cleanup operations within the test temperature range. 12 HYDRAULIC OIL Stabilization rates of hydraulic oil were found to be influenced by temperature, with high temperature ( 105" F) being rapid in ratios up to I lb. of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 2/3 gallon hydraulic oil. At 55°F rapid stabilization required ratios of 1 ib. of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to i/2 gallon hydraulic oil. At 5" F stabilization was inhibited for the 1 lb. RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 2/3 gallon hydraulic oil ratio within the testing period. (See Plot Itl.) GASOUNE Stabilization of gasoline was complete within the 24 hour test period for all temperatures tested at all RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to gasoline ratios tested. Only minor temperature effects on stabilization rates were observed, with the rates being slightly slower with decreasing temperature. (See Plot i .) As a result of these tests it has been concluded that a ratio of 1 Ib. of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 2/3 gallon of gasoline is appropriate for most cleanup operations within the test temperature range. TRANSFORMER OIL Stabilization rates of transformer oil were found to be Influenced by temperature, with the rates being slightly slower with decreasing temperature. The rate was rapid and complete at 105° F and 55" F within the test period at ratios up to I Ib. of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 2/3 gallon transformer oil. The stabilization rate was significantly Inhibited at the ratio of 1 Ib. of RUBBERIZER® PARTICULATE to 2/3 gallon transformer oil at the 5" F test temperature. NOTICE: The information contained within this report is believed to be accurate by HMRT Inc. and their chemist. The results contained within this report are to be used as guidelines only and the desired stabilization and effectiveness of these sorbents shouid be confirmed by the user. 13 Temperature on Stabilization Rates of Rubberizer Paticulate £ 24 22 io 18 16 1'4 12 10 8 6 4 2 0- Ploti Trencfe in Jet Fuel Stabilizafion Temperature vs. Time r 20 35 50 65 Temperature in F 30 110 3 O X 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 Plot 2 Trends in Diesel Fuel Stabilization Temperature vs. Time 5 2G 35 50 35 8Q TeiT5perature in ? 110 o 7£. 22 20 16 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 0 1 •A Plots Trends in Hycfraulic OII Stabilization Temperature vs. Time 20 35 50 65 go Temperature in F 110 B: Rubberizer Particulate \ o 1/2 gallon C: Rubberizer Particulate To 1/3 gallon 22 20 18 16 14 12 IC S Plot 4 Trends in Gasoline Stabilization Temperature vs. Time 5 2G 35 50 65 80 110 o 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Plots Trends in Transformer Oii Stabilization Temperature vs. Time 5 20 35 65 30 110 iempsrature in I isrnosrature in F 14 HAZ-MAT RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES. INC. Application of RUBBERIZER® In The Treatment of Hydnscarbon Contaminated Water PURPOSE The purpose of these experiments is to determine the viabUity of using RUBBERIZER ® particulate as a filter medium / treatment medium fbr hydrocarbon contaminated water. EXPERIIVIENTAL PROCEDURE: Part/-Benzene An approximale 10.000 PPM emulsion of Benzene and tap water i«fas prepared by pladng 11.4 ml of BemSis and 990 ml of tap water into a Hamilton Beach kitchen blender and agitated at high speed for approx 10 minutes. A ml sample of emulsion and 65 grams of RUBBERIZER ® parttoulate were pteced 'in 8 600 ml beaker. The beaker contents were then agitated with a hand heW Sunbeam egg beater s^ on Mdtx speed Samples of approx. 50 mi each of the Benzene contaminated water were penodlcally taken and sent to Quality Assurance Laboratoiy for PPM Benzene determination. The following data were recorded: R,.sifj«.nceTimei PPM Benzens Initial Sample Approx. 10.000 PPM 1 minute 31.4 PPM 3 minutes 19.7 PPM 5 minutes 12.3 PPM Part//-D/ese/Fue/ An approximate 10,000 PPM eifnulskm of diesel fiiei and tap water was prepared by placing 11.4 ml of diesel fuel and 990 ml of tep water into a Hamilton Beach idtchen blender and agitated at high speed for approx. 10 minutes. A100 gram sample of RUBBERIZER ® particulate was added to the aforementioned emulskm and the blender agitated at high speed. Samples of approx. 50 ml each of the diesel contaminated water were periodicaily taken and the PPM hydrocarbon contemination detennined. The folkiwing date were recorded: R>>sirienr»rimeii PPM Hydrpcafbon Initial Sample Approx. 10,000 PPM 3 minutes 40 PPM 5 minutes 4 PPM Diesel fuel was placed in a burette. The blender, with its remaining contents (approx. 900 ml of > 4 PPM diesel contaminated water and 100 grams RUBBERIZER ® particulate), was mn at high speed. Diesel fuel from the burette was then aUowed to drain into the blender. After approximately 5 minutes, the blender motor began to seriously overioad. The draining dieset was at this point stopped and the blender stopped shortiy thereafter. The PPM hydFOcarix>n was then detennined in the remaining blender water and found to be approximately 250 PPM. The following date was detennined: Diesel from initial sample = 11.4 ml Diesel added fix>m burette = 95.0 ml ml sub-totel in blender = 107.4 ml Less diesel remaining in solution Approx. 900 ml @ 250 PPM hydrocarbon » r2.6 ml Net absorbed = 104.8 ml Density of diesel (.88)x(ml diesel) = 92.2 (approx. grams diesel) Giams diesel/grams RUBBERIZER ® x 100 = 92.2 % by weight 15 DISCUSSION A review of the data acquired in Part I shows a significant reduction in the PPM Benzene contamination (99.7 %) during the first minute of treatment Reduction in PPM Benzene contemination thereafter, while significant, was substantially reduced. Similar resulte were observed in Part 11 while 99.6 % of the contamiitants were removed in the first sample taken at the 3 minute point The overioad of the blender motor in Part II caused an eariy sensatkin of agitation, thereby Interfering with the active treatment process, resulting in a 250 PPM hydrocarbon contamination level in the remaining sample. It is unknown at this time as to what the PPM hydrocarbon level might have been had ttie process gone on unintermpted. CONCLUSiON The experiment established that RUBBERIZER ® may be a very effective replacement for treatment or pretreatment of hydrocarbon conteminated water in place of conventional treatment materials and/or processes (Le. activated carbon). Further experimentation with potential applications is warranted. Intemal Chemist: Philip W. Stegg External Assay: Quality Assurance Laboratory msicw <IISV 4/9fi> efllcer.dac 16 4626 Santa Fe St • San Diego • CA • 92109 • PH: (858) 459-3383 • 800-542-3036 - FAX: (858) 459-3173 LABORATORY REPORT Date: December 28, 1992 Client: Haz-Mat Response Technologies, Inc. 5841 Box Canyon Road La Jolla, CA 92037 Aquatic Testing Laboratories 'dedicated lo providiqg quality aquatic toxicity teriiqg 2810 Bunseo Ave., Unit A Ventura, CA 93003 (805)650-0546 FAX (805) 650-0756 Laboratory No.: A-92122201-001 Date Received: Project Name: Sample LD.: 12/22/92 Haz-Mat Response Technologies, Inc. Rubberizer - OSCA Sample Control: The samples were received by ATL 12/22/92. Sample Analysis: The following analyses were perfonned on your sample: CSWRCB 1990 - Abalone Larval Development Short-Term Toxicity Test for Oil Spill Clean-Up Agents. Attached are the test data generated from the analysis of your sample. Result Summary: ATL Lab No. A-92122201-001 Sample ID. Rubberizer Results NOEC = 100% Quality Control: Reviewed and approved by: Joseph A. LeMay, Laboratory Director Thank you for your business! Thil report pcrtaiu only lo tlie auoplei mvealigaled and doe* not neceaurily ipply lo other apparently identical or limilar materiala. This report i< submitted for the euhiaive use of the client to whom il is addressed. Any reproduction of this report or uae of the Labonloiy's name for advertising or publicity puipose without authorization is prohibited. 17 ABALONE LARVAL DEVELOPHEHT SHORT-TERM TOXICITY TEST for OIL SPILL CLEANUP AGENTS Lab No.: A-92122201-001 Client/ID": Haz-Mat Response Tech. Rubberizer Dats Tested: 12/23/92 - 12/25/92 TEST SUMMARY Species: Haliotis rufescens. Source: McCormick & Assoc. Protocol: CSWRCB 1990. Dilution water: Lab seawater. Test type: Static. Enc%x3ints: NOEC, LOEC at 48 hrs. Test chamber: 100 ml dispo. tissue culture dishes. Test volume: 50 ml. Tonoperature: 15 +/- l°C. Aeration: None. Nuniber of embryos per chamber: 400 (approx.). Number of replicates: 5. QA/QC Balxh No.: Rr-921223 (ran concurrently). RESULTS SUMMARY SAMPLE OONCENTRftnCN FEBCENI OF lAFIUAE WITH N(»MAL DEVEDOHVEtd SAMPLE OC»fCENTRATiaM 1 ll PERCENT OF lARVAE wrm NORMAL DEVEDDFMENT BIANK 94.5% 5.6% Extract 96.8% ocmRoiHJiruricw 96.9% 10.0% Extract 95.6% 0.1% Extxact 98.2% 18.0% Extract 98.4% 1.0% Extract 98.5% 32.0% ExtracA 97.6% 1.8% Extract 98.1% 56.0% Extract 97.3% 3.2% Extract 95.5% 100.0% Extract 96.5% Note: A 1:100 sample extract was made by placing 8 grams of sanple into 800 ml of filtered seawater in a one liter ednracticai vessel and ccaitinuously shaken for 24 hours. Sample extract was then filtered and dilutions made with lab seawater. An extract blaiik was made by follcwing the same protocol (ixtt witlKxit the saitple). * Nb vali:^ statistically significantly less than contxol (P=0.05). CHRONIC TOXICITY 1:100 Extract NOEC 100% LOEC > 100% 18 Rubberizer® is the Polymer Sorbent Referred to in this report as (Stream Guard^w). (Stream Guard^**) is a registered trade mark of Foss Environmental Services. OIL LEACHATE TEST FOR Stream GuardJ^ CO-POLYMER ABSORBENT MEDIA Performed By: Foss Environmental Services INTRODUCTION Various sorption media are available on the market today for the contact removal of hydrocarbons from storm water. Many ofthese materials can subsequently degrade and release hydrocarbons after capture because they don't permanently encapsulate. Foss Environmental Services has infroduced a true hydrocarbon absorbent (Rubberizer®) which will not deteriorate with long-term exposure to oil-contaminated water and will not release captured oil. The absorbent polymer is used in the Stream Guard ™ catch basin insert and Passive Skiirmier for removing oil from storm water. To demonstrate this products hydrocarbon non-release ability, leach tests were performed using a test method developed by King County Surface Water Management Division of Seattle, Washington (see attached test method). LEACH TEST METHOD The method basically consists of saturating the media in a hydrocarbon mixture of 50% diesel and 50% used motor oil for approximately 20 hours. Then clean water is passed through the media at about Yi gallon per a minute (gpm) flow rate with live discrete samples for oil and grease collected at two-minute intervals. A media will pass this test if the leachate water samples contain less than 10 mg/L oil and grease. The Vz gpm water flow used to produce the leachate samples was generated with a small submersible pump in a 5-gallon water reservoir. The flow was moderated with a PVC ball valve attached to the discharge tubing of the pump and the flow was calibrated by observing the time required to fill a Vz gallon volimie. RESULTS The results of the testing are recorded in the following table. The following leach testing was performed in strict accordance with King County Oil Leach Test Methodology, April 1995. The tests were conducted by John McPherson of Foss Environmental Services and supervised by Amy Grey, laboratory manager for Columbia Analytical Services (206) 486-6691 of Bothell, Washington. 19 Parameter Date of Test 10-24-97 Weight Of Media 421 gms Volimie Of Media 1 Liter Volume of Oil Used 300 mL Volume Of Oil Retained In Media 244mL Oil/Media Ratio l.lOmL/gm Observation While Adding The Oil Mixture Oil flowed through media ata moderate rate but absorbed r^idly. GMI dripped into receiver in 68 seconds. Sample 1 Water flow rate 0.5 gpm thru the media. No reduction of flow due to reduced media transmissivity observed tiiroughout the entire test with both media types. Both media could have supported higher flow rates. FES-Al No oil sheen observed on leachate sample. Leacliate clear and colorless. Leachate oil = < 1.0 mg/L Sample 2 Water flow rate 0.5 gpm ttuii the media. No reduction of flow due to reduced media transmissivity observed throughout the entire test with both media types. Both media could have supported higher flow rates. ,,EES-A2 , No oil sheen observed on leachate sample. Leachate clear ahd colorless. Leachate oil = < 1.0 mg/L Sample 3 Water flow rate 0.5 gpm thru the media. No reduction of flow due to reduced media transmissivity observed througout the entire test with both media types. Both media could have supported higher flow rates. • FES-A3 No oil sheen observed on leachate sample. Leachate clear and colorless. Leachate oil = < 1.0 mg/L' Sample 4 Water flow rate 0.5 gpm thru the media. No reduction of flow due to reduced media transmissivity observed throughout the entire test with both media types. Both media could have supported higher flow rates. FES-A4 No oil sheen observed on leachate sample. Leachate clear and colorless. Leachate oil = < 1.2 mg/L Sample 5 Water flow rate 0.5 gpm thru the media. No reduction of flow due to reduced media transmissivity observed throughout the entire test with both media types. Botfi media could have supported higher flow rates. FES-A5 No oil sheen observed on leachate sample. Leachate clear and colorless. Leachate oil = < 1.0 mg/L All aspects of the leach test methodology were perfonned by John Mac Pherson (professional analytical chemist) for Foss Environmental Services of Seattle, Washington. I hereby attest that the procedures performed by me were done in strict accordance with the attached King County Oil Leach Test method. Rubberizer® is the Polymer Sorbent Referred to in this report as (Stream Guard^**). (Stream Guard''''^ is a registered trade mark of Foss Environmental Services. 20 TeitiHg §f Rubberlftr® Iiim fer liydr§§aFb§B AbsiFptias Background Rubberizer® Booms, manufectured by M/S Haz-Mat Response Technologies, Inc. (USA) and marketed has been proposed as a line of defense against leakage of condenses, Oil Based Muds and other hydrocarbons from various BSP fecilities. To test the effectiveness ofthe product for BSPs requirements, tests were conducted in house. Tills note describes the results of the test. Test Procedure In the absence of any standard test procedures, HSE/5 developed its own tests which demonstrate the efficiency of the product for the purposes to which it is intended in BSP. A. Condensate The Rubberizer® boom was inserted inside a 1 L measuring cylinder. Condensate-Water, mixture of varying initial concentrates were poured down through the boom and the filtrate was collected at the bottom (See Pictures 1 and 2). The concentrate of hydrocarbons was measured in the filtrate. B. Oil Based Mud Cuttings Testing of the boom for OBM was done by taking fresh OBM in a 2 liter beaker and dipping the boom in it for 2 minutes. The flow time of the 500 ml OBM through a standard orifice at the bottom of the cone was measured before and after passing it through the boom. Residts A. Condensate Tlie results are presented in Production Chemistry Report # 97E3SRB of 15-04-97 The results indicate that the Rubberizer® boom is extremely effective to absorb hydrocarbons, providing absorption of 99.8 to 99.99 % when influent concentration was ranging from 1,000 to 100,000 ppm. B. Oil Based Mud The flow time for 500 ml changed from 55 seconds (before passing through the boom) to i 10 seconds (after passing tiirough the boom). Conclusion The Rubberizer® boom is an appropriate defense mechanism to absorb hydrocarbons from concentrate-water mixture and oil based muds. 21 PRODUCTION CHEMISTRY LABORATORY TO: HSE/51 FROM: DRO/41 DATE RECEIVED: 14-04-97 DATE TESTED: 14-04-97 REF. I.D.;97E35RB DATE: 15-04-97 PAGE: 1 OF 1 RUBBERIZER® BOOM TEST SAMPLE .Method l.D. P047 Sample Sampling Date Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon ppmv 1000 ppm condensate in tap water after passing through Rubberizer® boom (1^ run) 14-04-97 2 1000 ppm condensate in tap water after passing through Rubberizer® boom 4l*'1im) U-04-97 <1 lOpOt^pm condensate in tap water after passing through Rubberizer® boom (l^'run) 14-04-97 14 lOOp^'pm condensate in tap Rubberizer® boom (l"" run) 14-04-97 78 "These test results relate only to those parameters measured. No inference to the magnitude of other unmeasured parameters shall be made." "This report shall not be reproduced, except in fiill, without the written approval of DRO/4" 22 Rubberizer® is the Polymer Sorbent Referred to in this report as (Stream Guard'*'**) (Stream Guard''^'**) is a registered trade mark of Foss Environmental Services. PRODUCT PERFORMANCE REPORT Stream Guard™ CATCH BASIN INSERT PORT OF SEATTLE 1998 Stream Guard™ CATCH BASIN INSERT PERFORMANCE DATA As reported by Port of Seattle - Health, Safety, & Environmental Services - Seattle, Washington March, 199 In an effort to reduce the amount of oil, grease, and sediment in storm water runoff, the Port of Seattle installee Sfream Guard™ Catch Basin Inserts in several storm drains located in the passenger pickup area at Seattle/Tacoma Intemational Airport. Since early 1996 the port has been sampling the freated water at a point downstream ofthe catch basms. The results are presented on the following two pages but to summarize the average oil & grease concentration in the freated water is 2.6 mg/L and the average total suspended solids concenfration is 24.7 mg/L. These are well within the regulatory levels for storm water discharge. Unfortunately, the Port has not sampled the water before freatment because of obvious hazards associated with sampling in a high trafBc zone. The Port did participate in a recent study, however, where they sampled storm water before treatment at a park-and-ride lot and a arterial site. While this is not the preferred way to compare before and after samples, it represents a very reliable approximation. The following table presents the Averag( Contaminant summerized data from this study: Levels in storm Water Before Stream Guard™ Treatment Contaminate Tested Arterial site Oil & Grease 38 mg/L 42 mg/L Total Suspended Soli 128 mg/L 126 mg/L Levels in storm Water After Stream Guard™ Treatment Contaminant Tested Average Contaminant Oil & Grease 2.6 mg/L Total Suspended Solids 24.7 mg/L 23 Material Data Safety Sheet US Department of :Labor May be used to comply with Occupational Safety and Health OSHA's Hazard Communicatton Standard Administration (Non-Mandatory Form) 29 CFR 1910 1200 Standard Must be Form Approved consulted for specific requirements OMB No. 1218-0072 Section I IDENTITY: Rubberizer® booms, piliows and Emergency Phone Number: particulate 1-800-542-3036 Manufacturer's Name: Telephone Number for Information: Haz-Mat Response Technologies, Inc. 1-800-542-3036 Address: Date Prepared: 4626 Santa Fe St. March 1,1994 San Diego, CA 92109 Signature of Preparer Philip W. Stagg Section II - Hazardous Ingredlente/ldentity Information i-iazardous Components (Specihc Chemical identity. Common Name(s) N/A - there are no chemicals present in this product at a concentration of 0.1% or more classified as a carcinogenic by lARC, NYP. or OSHA. This product is not considered a hazardous substance by the EPA. Section III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point N/A Specific Gravity Apparent - 0.4( (H20-1) Real-0.8< Vapor Pressure N/A Melting Point N/A Vapor Density N/A Evaporation Rate N/A Solubility in Water Insoluble Appearance and Odor White grainy material, mild sweet odor Section IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data Flash Point (Method Used) Flamable Limits: LEL UEL ASTM D 92 325° Cleveland open cup not yet no data no data established Extinguishing Media: C02, water, foam, and dry chemical Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Protect against inhalation of combustion products Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: None known Section V - Reactivity Data Stability Unstable Conditions to Avoid: Ignition sources, excessive heat. Do not Stable X contact with strong oxidization agents Incompatibility (Mateiials to Avoid): Strong oxidizing agents (i.e. concentrated nitric acid) 24 Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: Thermal decomposition/combustion may release hydrocarbons, aldehydes, keystones, alcohols, carboxylic acids, carbon monoxide and unidentified organic compounds Hazardous May Conditions to Avoid: Strong oxidizing agents (i.e. concentrated Polymerization Occur nitric acid) May Not x Occur Section VI - Health Hazard Data Routes of Inhalation: Skin: Ingestion: Entry Primary N/A is possible Health Hazards (Acute & Chronic): None that are known ^ . . ./ K,-rr.o I ARC OSHA Caranogemcity: NTP? Monographs Regulak NO NO No No Signs & Symptoms of Exposure: Respiratory conditions and eye irritation are possible and skin irritation with exposure to any fine or grainy material Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Respiratory conditions and eye irritation are possible and skin irritation as with exposure to any fine or grainy material Emergency & First Aid Procedures: Flush affected areas thoroughly with water and consult physician if irritation persists Section Vll - Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to be Taken in Case Material is Released or SpiUed: If material has not been contaminated it may be swept up and returned to its container. If material is contaminated, dispose accordingly. Waste Disposal Method: Incinerate or landfill according to govemment waste disposal regulations (Local, State and Federal) Precautions to be Taken in Handling & Storing: Product should be stored away from exces; heat and/or ignition source, preferable long term storage should be below 125° F Other Precautions: None Section Vlll - Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): Dust mask for airborne particulate Local Exhaust: Sufficient Special: None Ventilation: Mechanical (General): None Other. None Eye Protection: Protective Gloves: Optional Goggles for dust protection Other Protective Clothing or Equipment: None Work/Hygienic Practices: Working procedures should minimize airborne particles. 25 • Congratulations, you are a C Defense Supply Center Richmond Best Vaiue Gold Medalist HAZ-MAT RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. As Defense Supply Center Richmond's Executive Director for Procurement, I am pleased to inform you that because of your company's exceptional Automated Best Value System score, it will be among those honored as a gold medalist at our annual business conference June 5-B, 2001. This year's conference, "2001 Logistics... Supporting a Woridwide Force Today" be held atthe Holiday Inn Select in Richmond, Va., and will feature workshops on a variety of current issues and topics of interest to you as one of our business partners. We invite you to attend our conference and receive your gold medalist plaque at a special ceremony honoring your organization's commitment to quality performance. To ensure we have the most current and accurate data regarding your organization, please complete the Automated Best Value System information form enclosed with this announcement and return It to Defense Supply Center Richmond by May 10, 2001. Then register soon to attend the conference in Richmond. Congratulatiorfs on being a best value gold medalist. We look forward to seeing you there! A. B. SLlGH. JR. Captain, Supply Corps, U. S. Navy Executive Director for Procurement n HOME OWNER'S GUIDE TO WATER CONSERVATION AND POLLUTION PREVENTION Thiiii^lue: Top Tips • Healthy Yards and I. Healthy Families ^ Before beginning an outdoor praject, locate learest storm drain and take action Co protect m debris. This may require you to sweep the sr between your project and the storm drain, [S starting work. Chemicals, fertilizers, herbicides pesticides can be hannful to you, your family, I: and animal Ufe. Use them sparingly. Read labels carefully and don't apply if the forecast calls for rain. Use mulch Instead of herbicides to prevent weeds from growing and to hdp absorb water Select drought resistant naUve plants that con- serve water and prevent runoff. Don't overwater your lawn. Water during the cooler times of day and don't let it run on into the gutter, rain swimming pools only when chlorine levels are not detected by your swimming poo! test kit. Keep your gutters In front of your house clean of leaves and grass cuttings. Sweep up debris instead of hosing down your driveway. ^ Helpful Habits Around the House Ifyou use hazardous substances such as paints, solvents and cleaners, use them sparingly, accord-ing to directions. Store properly to avokl spilling. If you use water-based paints, rinse paint brushes in the sink. For oil-based paints, filter and reuse paint thinner. Dispose of all used paints and materials through a hazardous waste collection program. Never clean brushes or pour paint in the gutter or storm drain. If you use other hazardous substances such as cleaners and solvents, properly dispose through a hazardous waste collection program. Pick up trash and litter around your yard and home. If you're working on a home improvement project, dispose of drywall, concrete and mortar in the trash. Don't rinse concrete or mortar into the street. Sweep up all project debris. Pick up pet waste and dispose in the toilet or in a bag for the trash. Bacteria from pet waste contains harmful bacteria that pollutes our waterways. Remember "Scoop the Poop!" Vehicle^l^. Garage Safety ® Routinely check your car for leaks and keep it tuned up. Car pooling or using a bicycle for transportation helps reduce pollutants on our streets. ® Never pour any chemtoals or other hazardous substances from cars down a storm drain, on to the ground or leave on driveways or parking lots. & When changing fluids from your car, drain into a clean container and seal completely. Take the oil and the oil filter to a used oil collection site. ® If you spill fluids, contain quickly vyrith rags or kitty litter. Safely dispose at a hazardous waste coUection site. @ If you wash your own car, use a shutoff nozzle on your hose and use detergents and water sparingly. Wash your car on a landscaped surface. Important Resources City of San Diego Household Hazardous Materials Program Information: (619) 235-211? ® Dates and locations of household hazardous waste collections © Locations for recycling motor oil ® Information on safe use and storage and substitutes for commonly used household products Poison Control Center: (800) 876-4768 (caii 9n in an emergency) vWirw.ThinkbIuesd.org Tlw cm' OFSAN DIEGO thanks ihn [allowing pnnneis for their Qcntrous support of dit: Thj/i/c Blue progrmn: San Diego Port District Caitrans Port of San Diego wvvw.|>ortof«andlago.org This in/brmatlon will be made available in alternative formats upon request Primalunnnyduilpaper. TP.I7t (imi) Vl/hesi it rains OT v/aen wa'6sr Sows out of yards, it flows directiy into stomi drains. You've probably seen storm drains on our San Diego streets. Many people think that everything that flows into a storm drain gets treated, just like wastewater in a sewer system, but actually these two systems are wt connected. Everything that flows down into a storm drain goes untreated directly into our creeks, bays, lagoons and ultimately the ocean. Storm water can consist of pesticides, fertilizers, pet waste, Utter, oil and other automobile fluids, soil erosion and household chemicals. Some of these pollutants flow into storm drains unintentionally, but many items are carelessly thrown directly into storm drains. The Clean Water Act prohibits disposal of wastes and pollutants into creeks, bays, lakes and oceans. These pollutants have harmful effects on recreational areas, waterways and vdldlife. Some of San Diego's most popular beaches have been closed because of storm water pollutants. Ultimately, storm water pollution harms all of us because we depend on our waterways for recreation and to support San Diego's tourist industry. By preventing pollution from occurring in our homes, neighborhoods and businesses, we can protect our environment and our families' health and safety. You and 3/our family play an important role in storm water pollution prevention. This brochure provides you with easy and inexpensive tips to prevent pollutants from entering storm drains in the first place. If everyone makes a few simple changes, we can help protect our San Diego lifestyle and environment. "Think Blue" means preventing pollution before it reaches our waterways. Caltrans Port of San Diego vvww.portofsandtego.org vA.VvV.Thinkbius,«;d.orG (token from EPA Joarnal arfirlr. November/Dectmbcr I99I.EP.\-22K-1005) by Robert Goo The importance of education in bringing nonpoint-source pollution under control is a recurring theme in this issue of EPA Joumal. The reason for this is praginatic: What you don't know can hurt the environment. When rain falls or snow melts, the seemingly negligible amounts of chemicals and other pollutants aroimd your home and premises get picked up and canied via storm drains to surface waters. The ramificatiotis include polluted drinking water, beach closings, and endangered wildlife. So what can you do to help protect surface and ground waters from so-called nonpoint-source pollution? You can start at home. Begin by taking a close look at practices around your house that tnight be contributing to polluted runoff: You may need to make some changes. The foliowing are some specific tips to act on~dos and don'ts, organized by categories, to help you become part of the solution rather than part of the problem of nonpoint-source pollution. Household Chemicals • Be aware that many chemicals commonly used around the home are toxic. Select iess toxic altematives. Use non-toxic substitutes wherever possible. • Buy chemicals only in the amount you expect to use, and apply them only as directed. More is not better. • Take unwanted household chemicals to hazardous waste collection centers; do not pour diem down the drain. Pouring chemicals down the drain may disrupt your septic system or else contaminate trealment plant sludge. • Never pour imwanted chendcals on the ground. Soil cannot purify most chemicals, and they may eventually contaminate runoff. • Use low-phosphate or phosphate-free detergents. • Use water-based products wheneve possible. • Leftover household pesticide? Do not indisoriminately spray pesticides, either indoors or outdoors, where a pest problem has not been identifi^. EHspose of excess p^cldes at hazardous waste collection centers. Landscaping and gardening • When landscaping your yard, select plants that have low requirements for water, fertilizers, and pesticides. • Cultivate plants diat discourage pests. Minimize grassed areas which require high maintenance. • Preserve existing trees, and plant trees and shrubs to help prevent erosion and promote infiltration of water into the soil. • Use landscaping techniques such as grass swales (low areas in the lawn) or porous walkways to increase infiltration and decrease nmofif. • Other landscaping tips: http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/dosdont.html 1116/02 o Install wood decking or bricks or interlocking stones instead of impervious cement walkways. o Instail gravel trenches along driveways or patios to collect water and allow it to filter into the ground. o Restore bare patches in your lawn as soon as possible to avoid erosion, o Grade all areas away from your house at a slope of one percent or more. • Leave lawn clippings on your lawn so that nutrients in the clippings are recycled and less yard waste goes to landfills. • If you elect to use a professional lawn care service, select a company that employs trained technicians and follows practices designed to minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides. • Compost your yard trimmings. Compost is a valuable soil conditioner which gradually releases nutrients to your lawn and garden. (Using compost will also decrease the amount of fertilizer you need to apply.) In addition, compost retains moisture in the soil and thus helps you conserve water. • Spread mulch on bare ground to help prevent erosion and runoff. • Test your soil before applying fertilizers. Over- fertilizadon is a common problem, and the excess can leach into ground water or contaminate rivers or lakes. Also, avoid using fertilizers near surface waters. Use slow- release fertilizers on areas \^ere the potential for water contamination is high, such as sandy soils, steep slopes, compacted soils, and verges of water bodies. Select the proper season to apply fertilizers: Incorrect timing may encourage weeds or stress grasses. Do not apply pesticides or fertilizers before or during rain due to the strong likelihood of runo£f. • Calibrate your applicator before applying pesticides or fertilizers. As equipment ages, annual adjustments may be needed. • Keep storm gutters and drains clean of leaves and yard trimmings. (Decomposing vegetative matter leaches nutrients and can clog storm ^stems and result in flooding.) Septic Systems Improperly maintained septic systems can contaminate ground wato: and surface water with nutrients and pathogens. By foUowing the recommendations below, you can help ensure that your system continues to function properly. • Inspect your septic system annually. • Puinp out your septic system regukurty. (Pumping out every three to five years is recommended for a three-bedroom house with a 1,000-gaIlon tank; smaller tanks should be pumped more often.) • Do not use septic system additives. There is no scientific evidence that biological and chemical additives aid or accelerate decomposition in septic tanks; some additives may in fact be detrimental to the septic system or contaminate ground water. • Do not divert stormdrains or basement pumps into sqptic systoms. • Avoid or reduce the use of your garbage disposal. (Garbage disposals contribute unnecessary solids to your septic system and can also increase the frequency your tank needs to be pumped.) • Don't use toilets as trash cans! Excess solids may clog your drainfield and necessitate more frequent pumping. http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/dosdonLhtml 7/16/02 Water Conservation Homeowners can significantly reduce the volume of wastewater discharged to home septic systems and sewage treatment plants by conserving water. If you have a septic system, by decreasing your water usage, you can help prevent your system from overloading and contaminating ground water and surface water. (Seventy-five percent of drainfield failures are due to hydraulic overloading.) • Use low-flow faucets, shower heads, reduced-flow toilet flushing equipment, and water saving appliances such as dish and clothes washers. (See table on water savings possible with conservation devices.) • Repair leaking faucets, toilets, and pumps. • Use dishwashers and clothes washers only when fully loaded. • Take short showers instead of baths and avoid letting faucets run unnecessarily. • Wash your car only when necessary; use a bucket to save water. Alternatively, go to a commercial carwash that uses water efficiently and disposes of runoff properly. • Do not over-water your lawn or garden. Over-watering may increase leaching of fertilizers to ground water. • When your lawn or garden needs watering, use slow-watering techniques such as trickle irrigation or soaker hoses. (Such devices reduce runoff and are 20-percent nrore effective than sprinklers.) Other Areas Where You Can Make a Difference • Clean up after your pets. Pet waste contains nutrients and pathogens that can contaminate surface water. • Drive only when necessaiy. Driving less reduces the amount of pollution your automobile g^mtes. Automobiles onit tremendous amounts of airi}ome pollutants, which inciease acid rain; they also dqposit toxic metals and petroleum {products into the environment. Regular tuneups and inspecfions can help keep automotive waste and bjq^roducts fix>m contaminating runoff Clean up any spilled automobile fluids. • Recycle used oil and antifreeze by takmg them to service stations and otiier recycling centers. Never put used oil or other chemicals down stormdrains or in drainage ditches. (One quart of oil can contaminate up to two million gallons of drinking water!) Community Action • Participate in clean-tqp activities in your neighborhood. • Write or call your elected representatives to inform them about your concems and encourage legislation to protect water resources. • Get involved in local planning and zoning decisions and encourage your local officials to develop erosion and sediment control ordinances. • Promote environmaital education. Help educate people in your community about ways in http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/dosdont.html 7/15/02 which they can help protect water quality. Get your community groups involved. For more information on how you can help, contact your State Water Quality Coordinator or Local Cooperative Extension Officer. # (Goo is an Environmental Protection Specialist in EPA's Nonpoint-Source Control Branch.) Ql.licc iillWcUands, (Iccans A.^yali^rshod.-s I lomc"| Waici^hcdJPnnt^jlion iloino http://www.epa.gov/owow/nps/dosdont.html 7/16/02 I its- I. ... r STORMWATER PROGRAM "ton'iiwafer in-" iiorne Dolfiitecl? Several activities that you do at your home have the potential to pollute runoff. Potential pollutants from homes include oil, grease and otiier petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, litter and debris, animal wastes, soivente, paint and masomy wastes, detergents and otiier cleaning solutions, and pesticides and fertilizers. How you manage your home impacts the ocean, even ifyou live several miles from the beach. Everything that exits your property will eventually run into the ocean. Hie sources of residential poiiutants include household toxics, litter and debris, and runoff from car washing, pool and spa care, lawn maintenance and on-site domestic sewage treatment systems.. It is very important to properly manage and dispose of household toxics to keep your family safe and to prevent pollutants to runoff. Did you know that oil and grease from automotive maintenance; paint, masonry and cleaning wastes from home repairs and maintenance; pesticide and fertilizers from garden care are all considered household toxics? Oil and grease wastes from leaking car engines and maintenance and repair activities may contain a wide variety of toxic hydrocarbon compounds and metals at varying concentrations, and that exposure may be toxic to aquatic plants and organisms. Otiier wastes may be poured into storm drains or pollute runoff from maintenance activities conducted by homeowners, including paint and masonry wastes, solvents, detergents from car wash activities, residues from carpet cleaning and pool and spa care. Call the Household Toxics Hotime, (800) 246-1233, for free disposal options available in your area. Improper disposal of household toxics into stormwater can endanger aquatic habitat. For example, using excessive amounts of pesticides and fertilizers during landscape maintenance can contribute nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and toxic organic substances, such as organophosphates and carbamates, into stormwater. Toxic materials can damage aquatic life and nutrients can result in excessive algae growfli in waterways, leading to cloudiness and a reduced level of dissolved oxygen available to aquatic life. And unionized ammonia (nitrogen form) can kill fish. http://www.co.san-diego.ca.us/cnty/cntydepts/landuse/env_health/stormwater/residential.html 7/16/02 It is also important to properly disposal of litter and debris, including cigarette butts and green waste (leaves and grass clippings from landscape maintenance activities). Decaying organic nmtter reduces the amount of dissolved ojqrgen available to aquatic life. Litter and debris can plug up storm drains and reduce the aesthetic quality ofthe receiving waters Human pathogens (bacteria, parasites and viruses) can also pollute run off! Common sources of human pathogens are improperly managed pet wastes and on-site domestic sewage treatment systems. High levels of coliform bacteria in stormwater, which are used as an indicator of fecal contamination and the potential presence of pathogens, may eventuaUy contaminate waterways and lead to beach closures. Decomposition of pet wastes discharged to receiving waters also demand a high level of oxygen, which reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen available to aquatic life. ':Hii Iielp control rtinorf pollutfor? 03/ Cioing the '?ollo\mna.: Do not dispose of liquids or other materials to the storm drain system Report illegal dumping of any substance (liquids, trash, household toxics) to the County's toll free, 24-hour hotline 1-888-846-0800 Utilize the County Household Toxics Program at (800) 246-1233, for disposal of household toxics Keep lawn clippings and otiier landscaping waste out of gutters and streets by placing it with trash for collection or by composting it Clean up and properly dispose of pet waste. It is best to flush pet vwaste. Altematives to flushing are placing into trash or burying it in your yard (at least 3-ft deep). Observe parking restriction for street sweeping. Wash automobiles at car washes or on pervious surfaces (lawns) to keep wash water out of the storm drain system. Avoid excessive or improper use or dispo^ of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, cleaning solutions, and automotive and paint products. Use biodegradable, non-toxic, and less toxic altemative products to the extent possible. Cover garbage containers and keep them in good repair. Sweep sidewalks instead of hosing down. Water lawn properly to reduce runoff. For more !nf~=rn:"r.:fon, Dfaass call the CQuntsj Stormwater hoillne ^^19) ':^':-20-'3 or coll-uee {888) 846-08C'^ Comments/Suggestions? http://www.co.san-diego.ca.us/cnty/cntydepts/landuse/env_health/stormwater/residentiaI.html 7/16/02 Planning and Design It is important that property owners develop a landscape plan that utilizes the natual conditrons ofthe i»operty. For example, the regional and climatk; condftrons ofthe site, existing v^etation, topography and the groiqni^ of plants by their water needs. This promotes natural vegetation growth while minimizing water toss and contamination- Appropriate Piant Selection Ctoose local or r^kinal plants in devetoping an environmentally friendly landsc^. Indigenous plant species are generally more watw efficient and disease resistant Furthomore, exotic plants can potaotially inqiact local wat^ways. Practical Turf Areas Plant nonrturf areas wiiere possible, because lawns require more water and maintenance ibexi wildflowers. shrabs and trees. If turf is used, it is in^iortant to select alype of grass tiiat can withstand drougjit and that becomes dormant in hot, dry seasons. In addition, when maintammg lawns, flie grass sbouki not be cut shorter flian 3 to 4 mches m height, and mulcl»d clq^ings shoukl be left on the lawn as a natural fertilizer. Efljcient Irrigation l^vegetation does not absocfo much of flie water fliat is ai^fied to lawns and gardens. When wata- is ^fied too quickly, it is tost as runoffatong wfth flie top layers of soiL To preyrart this, it is inqiortant to use tow-volume watmng approaches such as drqi-type or qirmkler syst«ns. In addition, water plants only vrbea needed to promote rot growfli and avoKi runofif problems. Uses of Mniches Mulches help retain water, reduce weed growtii, prevent eroston and inqiro ve flie soil for piant growfli. Mutohes are usuaUy wood baric dh^s, wood grindings, pme straws, nutshells, and small gravel or sirodded landsc^ing dqjpings. Fertilizers iWoid using fertilizers, or if fliey are used, don't over apply fliem. Consider less-toxk; alt«anatnres to coniniraciaIfetiIi2m, such as composted organic materiaL A stow rel^ ot^tac fertilizers are less likely to enter stonnwater. i^licatton techniques such as tillmg the fertilizer iito nwist soil to move the chenticals diiBoUy int^ reduces flie likelihood fliat tiie cheuMcab wiU be nwbilized in Storm water. unportant Warm season grasses shoukl be fetiUzed in flie felL Fertilizer shouM not be ^lied on a wmdy day txr immediately before a forecast tain. Safely diqiose of excess fotilizer and contaiii^s. Pesticides Like fertilizers, pesticides shouki be used on lawns and gard^as only when absolutely necessaiy. Pesticide use can be avoided entirely by selecting hearty plants that are native to Ihs area and by keqping fliem healtlQr. Pests should always be removed by hand if possfl>le-chemical pe^ control shouM only be used if all other apj»oaches feiL If it is necessaiy to use a chemical pesttoide, the least toxic pesttoide4 that targets the ^lecific pest in question should be choseiL If a pesticide is labeled with the word "caution", it is less toxic than one labeled "warning", which is in turn less toxic than one labeled "danger^poison". Wear the ^jHopriate jnotective equipntent when workiiig with oiganoi^osphate imectickies or concoibated sprays or dusts. Foltow all safety precauttons onpesttoide labels and wash your hands and feee before smokii^ creating. Tools or equqnnent that w^ used to apply or incorporate p^ttoides should always be rinsed in a Imcket and the rinse water ^ipltod as if it were foil strength pesttoide. Any unused pesttoide can be stored aiKi diqiosed of at a hous^old hazardous waste collectton. WatM- CoBservatioB Practices Water usage in tte home can easily be reduced by 15 to 20 percent without major discomfort Bvea a leak as small as 1^2-inch opening can waste approximately 6,000 galtons of water per mooth. A contiraioiis drip finHn a feucet wastes about 20 galtons of water pear monfli. Toilet leaks are usually silent but waste p to 200 galtons of wato- each day. To check for undetected feaks,dieck water nietervtdien no wator is being us^ The positton ofthe meter can be maited and checked. Ifthe iteedle moves or flie values diange, thoe k a leak presrait K'leaks are detected, it is inqmrtant to iqiair them immediately. You pav for the water that leaks awav as well as the watCT you need. Here are some recommended water consoTvatton jnactices: Run flie dishwasher and laundry machine only with fiiU toads. Use flie Attest wa^ aiKi rinse cyclss and the towest water tovel setting possible. Avoid the pennanent picss cycle, which uses an addiHonal 10 tn 70 galtons of water. When hand-washing dishes, do not let the wato* run continuously. Avoid using gaibage disposal s^ems. When buying ^pliances, choose nxidels with v/atei saving features. Place two half-galton botttes fiUed with water in each toilet tank to reduce the amomit of water used per flush. Take ^rter ^wers and use a wato'-conserving showerhead. RatKs use "^n tn galtons of water. When shaving, farushmg teeth, washing feee, etc., do not let the water nm continuously. When washing your car, use a bucket and a tow-volume hose with a nozzle. Water your lawn only when necesary. More water is coi^umed using qninkler and irrigatton systems than with a band held hose. Trickle irrigatton systenn and soaker hoses are 20 percent more efiScient than sprinklers. Water lawns only during the coolest time of the day wiU avoid evaporatton ofthe water. HoBsehoM Hazardous Waste Many products found hi the home contain cltemicals that are potentially harm&l to peopte and to the environment Here are some common hazardous products: Oven cleaner, floor wax, iuraitiire polish, drain cleaner and spot remover. Motor oil, battery aci4 gasoline, car wax, engine cleana; antifreeze, degreaser, radiator flush and rust preventative. Paints, preservatives, strqipers, taish cleaners and wlvents. Products labeled toxic, flammable or corrosive. Products containing lye, phenols, petit>Ieum distillates or trichtorobenzraie, shouki also be considoced as hazardous All of tiie above products, as well as any known to be hazardous but not listed above must be disposed of properfy as hazardous waste. It is critical to our watersheds fliat these cteimcals never enter the storm drain system. Pet Waste When pet vraste is not propafy disposed o€ it can wash into neaiby waterbodies or can be earned by nmofif into stonn drains. As pet waste dec^s in a waterbody, it uses up oxygen, sometimes releasing ammonia. Pet waste also ctmtams nutriraits fliat promote weed and algae growfli (eutioiAKatton). Eutrophfc wato^ becomes ctoudy and green, mafang it unattractive orevenprohibMve for swimming and recreation. Also, pet waste cmnes bactma, vinises and parasites fliat can pose risks to hnnm heaWi and flireatCT wiMhfe. To protect against fliese rides, pet waste !a»uW be flushed, bagged disposal or buried a minimum of 3 feet deep. Car Washing When It rains or when water flows out of yards or over pavement, it flows dnectly into storm drains. Many peopie mistakenly believe this water gets "cteaned" before reaching watenvays. The sewer system ami the storm water convince systems (tibains, inl^. and cab^ basins) are separate: they are not conrocted. Sewer water gets freated. txiteveryttimg that wash^ Into the stcvm water conveyance system goes unfreated dkecUy into our riveis, creeks, bays and ocean. Hiis causes beadi d(»ures and postings due to contamination. Releasing (xillLitants Into the storm water coiiection system is a violatton ofthe City Munk^ai Code, (43.0301). Whether you are at home, wwk, w play, there are ways that residents and businesses ^e can ThMk Blue' and prevent poihitants from reachwig our iratenways. Most of us dont think erf our car as a sowce of beach pollutton- ttut tt is. The reality is vehteles are a necessity todsq^. and we dont have a tot of dioice about that. However, we can be more environmental^ respon^ble and dioose tfie method(s) of caring for and washing our vehides in an ocean friendly way. Car washing Is a poRution prcrijiem because many metels and automoHve fhAis are washed off vintti the soapy water, travel down ttie gutter collecting more street poihitants, then errter otr stonn water con^^yanoe ^st^ and spill into our watenways and bays. Rmidential/Non-Commercial Vehicles: Hie Munidpal Code aNows fturthe washing of residential vehfcles for non-commerdal purposes. Whfle washing of your vehide is allowed, washing<]ff pt^utEvits from your vehk:to such as paint, twls. sediment drfwis and such like poUut»it(s) is Ues^. TMs is why we encourage that you wash your personal vehtole widiout creating nuKSf. When washing is ctone at hcrnie, pollutton can be mintoiized by wasMng the vehtole on the lawn w over a landscaped area to absorb the HqukJ and limit mnoff from your rnoperty. Or. Hmit runolf by u^ng a budtet and rag to wash your car and a conbol nozzle on ycHHThosetoriinethecar. By acQvelyredudr^ the amounted water used you are not only pnitecHng otn* ocean, but helpvig to conserve water and redudng your water bill. Charity Washes: may be conducted as tong as they are staged in a manner which avoids or minimizes the discharge of poiiutants- soap, sediment, water that may be conteminated from automotive fluids and readues. Start by tocating aii storm drain intets on, near or downstream of the wash site and svt«ep«ng up all sediment and debris in the area fwior to washing the veNdes. On the day of the event, place sandbags or other bkx^king devnes In front of the inlets to prevent wash water from entering the stomi drain conveyance system. Any remaining standing wash water is to be swept or wet-vacuumed into a landscaped area or Into the sanitary sewer system. We recommend the site and inlets be swept at the end ofthe wash event. Htegal Washing Acfivifies: Car dealerships, auto detailers. rental agendes and other automotive rdated badnesses that wash vehicies for commerdal purpc^es must prevent the dirty water from entering the storm water conveyance system. All washing acthnty fbr commercial purposes must control, contain and capture the wash water befcKO it leaves the site and/tx enters a storm drato or a ccmveyanoe syst^fn. Faiiure to do so i Washing of all veMdes (resktontiai and conrniwdaQ that cany items or substences that have a pc^enflal to discharge the folowing pollulanis: pe^ oSts. sediment, yad waste, constmctton ddbfis, cfiemteals, fiazaittous wastes and other poNutents—» fltos^l. Adopt these behavtors and heip Clean up our beaches and bays. Think Blue. San Diego. For more Informafion, cail (619) 235-1000, or log on to: www.thlnkbluesd.oro (03rt)5/02) Dumpsters & Loading Dock Areas: When tt ranis or when water flows out of yards or over pavement, tt flows directiy into storm drsnns. MBxxy peopte rmstakeniy beleve this water gets "deaned" b^ore readiing watenways. The sewer system and the storm viratter conveyance systems (drains, tolets and catch tiasins) are separate; they are not conneded. Sewer water gets treatisd. but everything that wadies into the stonn water conveyance system goes untreated directiy into our rivers, creete, bays and ocean. This causes tieadi dosures and postings due to contemination. Releasing poHutents into Ifie storm water coiiection system is a violation of the City Munteapal Code (43.0301). Dumpsters. They are useftil disposal contelners we aii use. And, because they are intended to teke-away our discarded trash they can often tie a source of storm water poilution. Similarly, Loading Dodts are a useful, heavily used industrial structural feature ttiaft can be the place wliere fxdlutantswi^nate and acoimulate at a site. Here are some Stonn Water Best Manageinent Practices for using and cteaning-up Dumpsters and Loading Dock Areas: Identity and Locate the storm drains on your premises and ctown the street where pollutants may migrate to from your dumpster or loading dock area(s). Being aware of what you are trying to protect and where tt's kxated is a great start in becoming a "Ciean Water Leader'. Check storm water conveyance systems frequently and clean out the debris. Keep dumpster lids closed to keep ram water and landscape im'gation out Never (riace liquid waste or leaky gathage bags into a dumpster. Routinely check dumpsters for leaks. And, call your frash dt^iosal leasing company to replace iealdng dumpstera and dirty compactors. Never use a hose to keep these areas dean, and do not hosc-€>iit the diMnpsterintefforo^ dock area surfece. Apply absoriaents—cat litter, sand, etc. — on the spilled fluids and sweep them up. Rememlier ttiat itoukls to tfte container wili always spill onto tfie ground viAien ttie dumpstn* is emptied. These spilled flukls are conteminated and must not reach the storm water conveyance system. Posts|MI clean-up procedures near tfte dumpsteror toa(ting dock areas. Be swe to bidude procedures for different types of spills (tfirt oil. grease, automotive fluids, cleaning flukls. yard waste, chemicals, ete). Schedule for training and refresher training for empfoyees atiout the procedures. Create dean-up ktts and ptoce in sveas where sjAWs are likely to occur. Sweep up dumpster and toading dock areas frequentiy to ke^ Ittter from accumulating. An area thafs kept neat and dean encourages ottiers to cto the same. Other Fact sheets that maiy pertain to your acfixritties: V Cleaning lmp«vious Surfaces (high pressure washing) ^ Resteurants ^ Spflls ^ Be A Clean Water Leader Conttol. Conteto& Capture Adopt these tiehavtors and fielp Clean-up our beaches and bays. Think Blue San Dtego. For more infbrmaticm, cail (619) 235-1000, or tog on to: www.thinkbluesd.org (ozozHn) Impervious Surfaces: Cleaning Sidewalks, Pavements, Patios, Parking Lots & Driveways When tt ratos or when water flows out of yards or over pav^nent, tt flows direc% Into stonn drains. Many {tecipte mistakenly belSeve this water gete "deaned" before reaching watenways. The sew«- ^stem and ttie stonn wal^ conv^ance sy^m (drains, intets and catch basins) are separate: they are not oonnected. Sewer water gete treated, but everytiiing tiiat washes into the storm Cbato fmes untreated direcdy into our rivere. crwks. tiays and ocean. This caines b^Kih ctosures and postings due to cxxitemtoaOon. R^easmg pcriiutante toto the storm water conveyance system is a violatton oftfie City Murudpal Cocte (43.0301). We ail like cdean publto areas, but High Pr^ire Washing and Hosir^ Dowffi of sklewalks not only contributes to ocean pdlution, but wastes one of our mc»t vaiuabte rescTurc^ - Water, tt's not the water ttiaf s a proiiiem. It's the pollutentettpteks-up off of surteces ttiat are. In the City of San Diego, High Pressure Washing or Hosb^ Down surfaces to ttte publto right-of-way will only tie altowed when the foHowtog Storm Water Best Management Practices are used: Before i>eginning to wash impervious surfa<:es, sweep and pIcUc up the debris or trash in ttte area tteing washed, and to the c»iii>sMe between the activtty and ctownstream storni drain inlet(s). Roperiy dispose of the debris. Sitmn chain biSetfs) must be protecrlsd finom the water flow and ttie pc^utents tt canies. Lx>catto the nearest ckwvnstrsam storm drain tolet before liegtoning woik. Cover the tolet wtth tetMto cdoth afto we^h tt ctown wtth gravel tiags. The ctebris cxiijgfit to the labrto cdcjtii tte ttirown in ttie trash. Hosing pavement In a pioldi^ tot and letfing it leave file stte is not altowed. Waterused to dean gas stations, atrtomotive r^aahr, driveway, stre^ CNT any sulace where motor vehides are parked or driven must be recaphired (wet-vacuumed or mopped) and properly disposed of. Sweep-up and i^cHieriy dispose of all sediments ttiat acxumutote as a resutt of the activity. DIslnfiBctants, solvents, and other household chemicais used to akl in the deaning process must tie recaptured (mopped up ar wet vacuumed) tiefore hosing ctown. IHy dean up mettiods (vacuwn. swe^. and atisorbente) are recxxnmended for ^Hs and outctocMrcdeanir^. Whore water to needed, use a mop. If fic»ir^ down tecfesired. foltow tlie Best Management Practices listed above. Dispose of mop water into the santtary sewer system. That means down the sink drain, not the storm drain. High pressure washing or hosing of private property must be contained, recaptured and properiy dteposed. Direct ttte water into plants, dont aHow tt to wash toto the stcmn drain inlet Other fact Sheets that may pertain to ycMH* activities: Be A Ctoan Waier Leaden Cmtroi, Conteflrr & Ca/Oiae; Sp^Es; Dumpsters, and Restaurant. Actopt these behai^rs and h^ Clean up our tieaches and bays. Think Blue, San Di^. For more Infonnation, caM (619) 235-1000, or log mi to: www.thinkbluesd.org (oansnz) Spills When tt rains or when water flows out of ywcte or over pavement, tt flows direcfly toto stonn drair». Many peopte mistekenty beitove ttils water gels "c^ned" before reaching watenways. The sewer system and ttte ^cwm water conveyance systems (cfrains. intete, and catch basins) are separate: ttwy are no| connected. Sewer watw gete trea^. but eveiytoing ttiat washes Into ttie stomi water conveyance system goes unheated directty toto our rivers, creeks, bays and ocean. This causes beach desires and postings due to ccmteminafion. Releasing pc^utents toto ttte storm water collection system is a vtolation of tire Oty AAinfeipal Code. (43.0301). Whether you are at home, work, ar ptey, fltere are w^ that r^klents and bustoesses alike can Uiink Blue' and prevent poltotente from reaching our watenways. As hart as we try to prevent tiiem, Spills happen. The primary poHuton concem is to prevent ttte substance—wat^, cheiTHcal. grease, etc—fliom entering tiie City's stomi water conveyance syst«n. A well thought out and rehearsed spill re^xmse pian wHIipeatiy reduce and often eliminate the probat^Rty of the pollutente reachtog the ^^em and pottoting OIA- recreational waters. Here are sonrte Stonn Water Managentent Pracfices for <^ntog-up Spiiis: Esteblish a SpHi Clean-up Plan- eac:h estebiishment shouid have a plan that indudes: ^ Procedures for different types of S|Mite (hazardous materials require special response) ^ Scliedule for ttaining and reAesf^ trainir^ for emptoyees atiout the procedures ^ Create dean-up ktts and place in well-marked areas virtiere spiiis are likely to cx^r • Designate a key emplc^e(s) who wili monttor clean-up ^ Post the plan in a vistole tocatton to the work area Dry Clean-up Mettiods are ttie preferred ways to crfean-up spiils- ^ Dont hose down outskle spiiis ^ Use rags or absorbents - cat litter, sand, etc.— to sop-up liquid substences. And, sweep-up and dispose of absortiefite into tfte ttash c;an. ^ tfa final rinse is necessary for fieatth reasons. cxiHect the rinse water and dispose of tt to a «nk or a santtary sewer drain. If oubtoors, bkx^ the drain before applying water, and mop or wet-vacuum the water. Dispose of the rinse virater toto a sink or sanitery sewer drain. ^ Ifttte substance is a hazantous waste, fdtowfxoperhscaidousdteposal proctedures. When the status ofthe substenca is unknown, please contact sulistencte manulac^rer or one of the fbltowing ag«ic:ies for the fvoper disposal prDcedure(s): City Housetmld Hazardous Wasto Program: (619) 235-2111 HazarcfcHis Mateiials infbrmation (819) 338-2222 Other Fact sheets ttiat msy pertain to your acthdties: Clemmg Impervious Surfaces (t»gh pressure vasNn^; Dtm^sters; Be A Clean Water Leaden CorOmt, Contain & CafOufe; RestaurarOs. Adopt these beha>^ors and help Ctean up our beaches and bays. Think Blue, San Diego, e^,. »w>«» i«fc«T«aUon, tip,n (Bifl) 23S-1Q0Q. or too on to: www.thlnkbluesd.ora (02122m) Water Discharges from Private Property When tt rains or when water ftows out of yarts, over pavement and into streets, tt flows direcfly into storm draiite. Many peopte mistaitenty tieliwe tttis water gete c;ieaned or treated before reaching waterways. The truth is the sewer and water systems are separate frixn the storm water conveyance system. Sewer water gete treated, but everything that washes into the stomn wat«- conveyartee system goes untreated dffecUy into our rivers, creeks, bays and ocean. Hiis causes tieac^h ctosures and postings due to cxmteminatton. Releasing poitotents into the storro water cdlection ^stem is a viototion c^the Ctty Munk^i Code, (43.0301). Discharges ftom water pipes do happen. When tttey cto occur the primary cxmcem to not the water ttself , but the substanctes tt cximes in contad wtth and carries to our storm water conveyance system pollutir^ our beaches and watenways. It to imperative that these pollutente - sediment, leaves, ottier organto or chemtoal matter—are prevented from entaing fhe Ctt/s stonn water conveyance system. Thafs why Hitrerx water breaks occur, tt's important to conttol, contain and capture ttte overflow to prevent cxintemination of our fieac^hes, tiays and reservoirs. Here £Hre scnne storm water Best Management Practices you can ado|rt to keep our water-ways dean and safe: Water Pipe Breal» on your property: • Tum off water As Soon As Possible fASAP) to contixil ths flow. • Provtoe contetoment (gravel and/or sand bags, ete.) fliat win prevent ftow ftnom discharging into ttie Storm Water Conveyance System. You may want to caH a plumbing professtonal for assistence. • Capture and cti^iosec^ tiie remaning debris (sediment, teaves. branches, trash, ete) ttiat may be to the curb, gutterand stteet Be sure to dean ttte cnirtis and guttera beyond your property - all ttie way to ttie nearest storm drain infet. Property owners are respcmsttile for the proper maintenance and repair of the water pipes ttiat extend from the City water meter on to your property. Water Pipe Breaics In the €»yRllHit-of-Wi^ if you beHeve a wa«ermato break to effecting your prc^ierty, or you see water cxizing out of ttie ground through the pavement please call the Water DefKirtnwnt emMgency phone at (619) 515-3525. Flushing Water Lhies: In flushing water lines, you are responsibte to control, contein and capture ali water and ctetms resutttog from the activity. Tips to he^i you |»«|>are for an overflow- • Pro\ncfe routine and regular maintensmcte of your water ptoes • Locate and know how to operate your water sfuitoff valve • Capture raccess water to use on [riants. iawns and shrubs - Use a tiroomarKl dust pan to sweep-up restoue instead of water " Dont use "storni drains" on ycair prop^ or in ttie City R^ht-of-Way to dispose of debris Adopt these behavtors and help Ciean-up our tieadies and bays. Think Blue, San Diego. For more Infonnatton, call (619) 235-1(K)0, or tog on to: iwww.ttirnkbiuesd.oro (03/13/02)