HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-14; Bressi Ranch PA 6 7 8 9 10 12; Storm Water Quality; 2004-05-19STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) VOLUME I BRESSI RANCH PA'S 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 WDID: This development was previously covered by WDID 9 37C310843. Greystone Homes is in the process of submitting an NOI to receive a new WDID number, Carlsbad, CA This SWPPP is for Discharges of Storm Water Runoff Associated with Construction Activity Rain Season 2003/2004 Date of Initial Preparation: March 22, 2004 Prepared For: GREYSTONE HOMES 1525 Faraday, Suite 300 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared By: PROJECTDESIGN CONSULTANTS 701 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA92101 Job No. 2407.40 Date: 5/19/04 CERTIFICATION PAGE 1^1002 CERTIFICATION PAGE SWPPP CERTIFICATION "! certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under niy direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the hformatlon submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the i if srmation, the information submitted Is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, : tie, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for HI emitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for Knowing violations." ririnted Name: Sii()nature: , Title-: Company: Date: TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CERTIFICATION PAGE I TABLE OF CONTENTS II APPENDICES .....IV INTRODUCTION 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 1 SWPPP Implementation 1 SWPPP Amendments 3 SWPPP Termination 3 SWPPP Penalties 3 Project Description 4 Construction Status 5 Report Layout 6 SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 7 1. Objectives 7 2. Implementation Schedule 8 3. Availability 9 4. Required Changes 9 5. Source Identification 10 Existing Site Conditions 10 Developed Conditions 11 Potential Pollutants: Onsite 12 Potential Pollutants: Offsite Runoff (run-on) 12 Pollutant Sources and BMPs 16 Pre-construction BMPs 16 Solvents 17 Plated Products and Metals 18 Petroleum Products 18 Asphalt and Concrete 19 Pesticides 20 Nutrient Application and Control 21 Paints 21 Treated Wood Products 22 Hazardous Substances 23 6. Erosion Control 25 Temporary BMPs 26 Permanent BMPs 27 7. Stabilization 28 8. Sediment Control 29 9. Non-Storm Water Management , 32 10. Post-Construction Storm Water Management 33 11. Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair 34 12. Training 35 13. List of Contractors/Subcontractors 36 14. Other Plans 36 15. Public Access 36 16. Preparer Certification 36 SECTION B: MONITORING PROGRAM AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS37 1. Required Changes 37 2. Implementation 37 3. Site Inspections 38 4. Compliance Certification 38 5. Noncompliance Reporting 39 6. Monitoring Records 39 7. Monitoring Program for Sedimentation/Siltation 40 8. Monitoring Program for Pollutants Not Visually Detectable in Storm Water 41 Source Identification 42 Sampling Frequency 42 Sampling Locations 42 Sampling Procedures and Analysis 44 Documentation 44 Corrective Measures and Notification 44 APPENDICES Appendix 1: References Appendix 2: Receiving Water Information Appendix 3: Drainage Study Appendix 4: Order 99-08-DWQ and Resolution 2001-046 Appendix 5: Copy of Notice of Intent (NOI) Appendix 6: Change of Information Appendix 7: Notice of Termination (NOT) Appendix 8: Notices of Violation and Responses Appendix 9: SWPPP Amendments Appendix 10: Annual Compliance Certification Appendix 11: Contractors/Subcontractors Lists Appendix 12: Training Log Appendix 13: Pollutant Sources Appendix 14: Inspection and Maintenance Forms Appendix 15: BMP Excerpts Appendix 16: Construction and BMP Implementation Schedule Appendix 17: Construction Activity Logs Appendix 18: Wet Weather Action Plan Appendix 19: Post Construction BMPs Appendix 20: Project Maps - iv- NTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) This Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) provides recommendations and procedures to fulfill storm water discharge requirements specified by various federal and state authorities. Site information, description, and responsible parties are provided within. This SWPPP is prepared in accordance with the California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Order No. 99-08-DWQ, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. CAS000002 (Permit). This SWPPP complies with Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) to reduce or eliminate storm water pollution from areas of a construction activity. The SWPPP document is certified in accordance with the signatory requirements of Standard Provisions C.9 of the Permit. This SWPPP has been developed and amended or revised, when necessary, to meet the following objectives: • Identify all pollutant sources including sources of sediment that may affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with construction activity from the construction site. • Identify non-storm water discharges. • Identify, construct, implement in accordance with a timetable and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges from the construction site during construction. • Develop a maintenance schedule for the BMPs installed during construction designed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction is completed (post-construction BMPs). • Identify a sampling and analysis strategy and sampling schedule for discharges that have been discovered through visual monitoring to be potentially contaminated by pollutants not visually detectable in the runoff. SWPPP Implementation This SWPPP and the recommended controls will be implemented concurrently with soil disturbing activities associated with new construction or immediately for ongoing construction. The requirements of the Permit are intended to be implemented on a year-round basis. As stated on the NOI, all conditions of the Permit will be complied with. A copy of the Permit is included in this SWPPP. The SWPPP shall be kept at the construction site during construction and will be made available upon request. -1 - SWPPP IMPLEMENTATION TYPICAL PROGRAM FLOW CHART Implement BMPs n BMP Monitoring Program Inspection Before Storm Inspection During Storm Inspection After Storm 1 Inspection Records NO Ttb Notify Regional Board (Within 30 days) Perform BMP Maintenance NO Annual Compliance Certification Construction Complete Submit Notice of Termination (NOT) Retain Records 3 Years After Construction Is Complete -2- The first element of the SWPPP that must be adhered to is the training or education program. This will ensure that the construction personnel are thoroughly aware of the overall storm water pollution management program. The recommended control measures are then constructed and installed as required, depending on the phasing of the construction. The discharger will administer the program outlined in the SWPPP until construction is complete. If ongoing construction involves a change in ownership, the new owner must accept, maintain, and amend this SWPPP as required. SWPPP Amendments This SWPPP will be amended whenever there is a change in ownership, construction, or operation, which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, groundwater, or a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The SWPPP shall also be amended if it is in violation of any condition of the Permit or has not achieved the general objective of reducing or eliminating pollutants in storm water discharges. If the RWQCB determines that the discharger is in violation of the Permit, the SWPPP shall be amended and implemented in a timely manner, but in no case more than 14 calendar days after notification by the RWQCB. Each amendment will be identified in the Amendments Section of this SWPPP (Appendix 9) with the appropriate information, including a description or discussion of the nature of the revisions. SWPPP Termination The owner or discharger may cancel or terminate coverage under the Permit by submitting to the State Water Board certification that the following has occurred: • The construction activity has been completed. • All elements of the SWPPP have been completed. • Construction and equipment maintenance wastes have been disposed of properly. • The site complies with all local storm water management requirements, including erosion/sediment control requirements, policies, and guidelines. The discharger may also cancel coverage under the Permit when ownership of all or a portion of the project has been transferred. The notice to cancel coverage under the Permit should accompany the NOI from the new owner. SWPPP Penalties Violation of the Permit conditions is covered by Section 309 of the Clean Water Act (CWA). This section provides for significant penalties for any person who violated a permit condition implementing Section 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the CWA or any permit condition or limitation implementing any such section in a permit issued under Section 402. Any person who violates any condition of this permit is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $27,500 per day -3- of such violation, as well as any other appropriate sanction by Section 309 of the CWA. Sanctions are also possible for falsification of reporting information on the inspection records and certifications. Section 309(c)(4) of the CWA provides that any person who knowingly makes any false material statement, representation, or certification in any record of their document submitted or required to be maintained under this Permit, including reports of compliance or noncompliance, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or by both. Project Description This SWPPP has been prepared for the development of Bressi Ranch Planning Areas 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 (Project). The project consists of the construction of single family homes and associated roadways, utilities, recreational areas, and landscaping. The Bressi Ranch development is located in the City of Carlsbad, bound by Palomar Airport Road to the north, El Camino Real to the west, Melrose Drive and existing residential properties to the East, and open space and existing residential properties to the South. The Planning Areas covered by this SWPPP are located within the Bressi Ranch development as follows: • PA 6 is bound by Gateway Road to the north, Alicante Road to the west, Planning Areas 7 and 15a to the east, and Town Garden Road to the south. • PA 7 is an irregular shaped planning area that contains 2 portions. The project site is separated by Town Garden Road and Village Green Drive; the portions are on opposing corners. The northwestern portion (PA7a) is bounded by Gateway Road to the north, Planning Area 6 to the west, Village Green Drive to the east, and Town Garden Road to the south. The southeastern portion (PA7b) is bounded by Planning Area 15 to the north, Village Green Drive to the west, and Gardenlane Way to the east and south. • PA 8 is bound by open space and Gardenlane Way to the north, Planning Area 11 to the west and south, and Planning Area 9 to the east and south. • PA 9 is bound by Planning Area 7 to the north, Planning Area 8 to the west, and open space to the east and south. • PA 10 is bound by Town Garden Road to the north, Alicante Road to the west, Village Green Road to the east, and Planning Area 11 to the south. • PA 12 is bound by Planning Area 9 and La Costa Greens to the west, Poinsettia Lane to the south, El Fuerte Street to the east, and Open Space 3 and Planning Area 13 to the north. All runoff from the project indirectly discharges to San Marcos Creek. Water quality and hydrologic information on San Marcos Creek is in Appendix 2. - 4 - Construction Status The construction status for each Planning Area has been assigned to one of five different phases of construction. Planning Areas in Phase I have been mass grading and are currently idle. Phase II consists of the Planning Areas where fine grading is currently taking place. Phase III includes underground improvements such as installation of utilities. Phase IV consists of those Planning Areas that have structures currently under construction. Phase V Planning Areas are areas where all construction is complete and post- construction BMPs are in place. The projects will be phased and the following is a list of projects covered under this SWPPP plan: /. Mass Graded - Idle: - Planning Area 6 - Planning Area 7 - Planning Area 8 - Planning Area 9 - Planning Area 10 - Planning Area 12 //. Fine Grading: - None at this time ///. Underground Improvements: - None at this time 7V. Building Construction: - None at this time V. Construction Completed: - None at this time -5- Report Layout Sections A and B of this SWPPP present the SWPPP guidance language from the Permit and State Board Resolution 2001-046 in a bold italic font bordered by a [text box}. For each element of the SWPPP, a reply is supplied directly underneath the text box. The text portion (Sections A and B) is provided to address the permit requirements point-by-point indicating how the project is meeting the permit requirements; however, Sections A and B are not the active portions of the SWPPP. The SWPPP is intended to be a living document that is updated at least weekly at the construction site. The active portions of the SWPPP that will be regularly updated throughout the project are the Appendices. The point-by-point responses in Sections A and B provide references to the Appendices where the project-specific information required by the permit is available and will be recorded. -6- SECTION A (2) Show the drainage patterns into each on-site storm water inlet point or receiving water. Show or describe the BMPs that will protect operational storm water inlets or receiving waters from contaminated discharges other than sediment discharges, such as, but not limited to: storm water with elevated pH levels from contact with soil amendments such as lime or gypsum; slurry from saw cutting of concrete or asphalt; washing of exposed aggregate concrete; concrete rinse water; building washing operations; equipment washing operations; minor street washing associated with street delineation; and/or sealing and paving activities occurring during rains. The drainage patterns to the onsite storm water inlet point(s) and receiving water(s) are shown on the maps in Appendix 20. The BMPs that will protect operational storm water inlets or receiving waters from contaminated discharges, other than sediment discharges, are described below in Section A.5.b.(5). (3) Show existing site features that, as a result of known past usage, may contribute pollutants to storm water (e.g., toxic materials that are known to have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled, or leaked onto the construction site). Show or describe the BMPs implemented to minimize the exposure of storm water to contaminated soil or toxic materials. Neither GREYSTONE HOMES nor ProjectDesign Consultants is aware of any significant quantities of toxic materials that may have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled, or leaked onto the construction site. (4) Show areas designated for the (a) storage of soil or waste, (b) vehicle storage and service areas, (c) construction material loading, unloading, and access areas, (d) equipment storage, cleaning, and maintenance areas. The contractor is responsible for indicating items (4) (a-d) on the Project BMP maps (Appendix 20). (5) Describe the BMPs for control of discharges from waste handling and disposal areas and methods of on-site storage and disposal of construction materials and construction waste. Describe the BMPs designed to minimize or eliminate the exposure of storm water to construction materials, equipment, vehicles, waste storage areas, or service areas. The BMPs described - 13- shall be in compliance with Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances. The lists below describe BMPs for the control of discharges from waste handling and storage disposal areas, as well as BMPs to eliminate exposure of storm water to construction materials, vehicles, waste storage areas or service areas. The BMPs were acquired from: • Building Industry Association (BIA) of San Diego, "New Homebuilding Best Management Practices for Trade Subcontractors," dated March 2003. • San Diego County Association of Resource Conservation Districts, "Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control & Storm Water Retention/Detention," dated Spring 1998. • California Stormwater Quality Association, "Storm Water Best Management Practice (BMP) Handbooks, Construction Handbook," dated January 2003. BMPs protecting operational storm water inlets or receiving waters from contaminated discharges, other than sediment discharges, are listed below. These BMPs address: • Concrete and pavement management; • Equipment storage, cleaning, and maintenance; • Soil additives or treatment; • Construction chemicals, materials, and wastes; and • Construction site loading, unloading, and access areas. The BMP excerpts and design details are included in Appendix 15 and listed below by title and reference number. It is anticipated that the location of the control practices will change over the lifetime of the project; therefore, the contractor should identify the project BMPs on the Project BMP Maps (Appendix 20), as required by the Permit. • Concrete and Pavement Management o Concrete Waste Management (WM-8) o Material Use (WM-2) o Stockpile Management (WM-3) o Solid Waste Management (WM-5) o Paving and Grinding Operations (NS-3) The contractor will be responsible for designating the concrete washout areas and stockpile areas on the maps in Appendix 20. • Equipment Storage, Cleaning, and Maintenance -14- o Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning (NS-8) o Vehicle and Equipment Fueling (NS-9) o Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance (NS-10) o Spill Prevention and Control (WM-4) The contractor will be responsible for designating the equipment storage, cleaning, and maintenance areas on Appendix 20. Soil Additives or Treatment o Hydroseeding (EC-4) o Contaminated Soil Management (WM-7) o Spill Prevention and Control (WM-4) Additional Construction Chemicals, Materials, and Wastes o Material Delivery and Storage (WM-1) o Material Use (WM-2) o Spill Prevention and Control (WM-4) o Hazardous Waste Management (WM-6) o Sanitary/Septic Waste Management (WM-9) Construction Site Loading, Unloading, and Access Areas o Material Delivery and Storage (WM-1) o Stockpile Management (WM-3) o Spill Prevention and Control (WM-4) o Hazardous Waste Management (WM-6) (6) Describe all post-construction BMPs for the project, and show the location of each BMP on the map. (Post- construction BMPs consist of permanent features designed to minimize pollutant discharges, including sediment, from the site after construction has been completed.) Also, describe the agency or parties to be the responsible party for long-term maintenance of these BMPs. Post construction BMPs are addressed in Appendix 19. (7) Show the locations of direct discharge from the construction site into a Section 303(d) listed water body. Show the designated sampling locations in the receiving waters, which represent the prevailing conditions of the water bodies upstream of the construction site - 15- discharge and immediately downstream from the last point of discharge. The proposed project is not directly tributary to a 303(d) listed water body. The closest impaired water body is the Pacific Ocean Shoreline, San Marcos HA, which is 303(d) listed for bacteria. (8) Show the locations designated for sampling the discharge from areas identified in Section A.5.b.(2), (3), and (4) and Section A.5.c.(1) and (2). Samples shall be taken should visual monitoring indicate that there has been a breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill from a BMP which could result in the discharge in storm water of pollutants that would not be visually detectable, or if storm water comes into contact with soil amendments or other exposed materials or contamination and is allowed to be discharged. Describe the sampling procedure, location, and rationale for obtaining the uncontaminated sample of storm water. See Section B.8. c. Additional Information (1) The SWPPP shall include a narrative description of pollutant sources and BMPs that cannot be adequately communicated or identified on the site map. In addition, a narrative description of preconstruction control practices (if any) to reduce sediment and other pollutants in storm water discharges shall be included. Pollutant Sources and BMPs All pollutant sources and BMPs are adequately communicated and identified on the site maps (Appendix 20) and in Appendix 13: Pollutant Sources. Pre-construction BMPs The most economical and effective controls for pollutants generated on construction sites are the exercise of good housekeeping practices and an awareness by construction workers, planners, engineers, and developers of the need and purpose of compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. The following is a summary of recommended pre-construction BMPs: • Restrict the entry to and exit from the site to proposed accesses to mitigate the transport of sediment and other pollutants in storm water discharge. -16- • Maintain existing erosion control practices in areas without active construction. • Install perimeter controls and stabilized construction entrances first. • Walk the site prior to construction to identify potential problems not anticipated in the SWPPP. (2) The SWPPP shall include an inventory of all materials used and activities performed during construction that have the potential to contribute to the discharge of pollutants other than sediment in storm water. Describe the BMPs selected and the basis for their selection to eliminate or reduce these pollutants in the storm water discharges. See Appendix 13 for the site-specific list of potential pollutant sources and potential pollutants. Potential pollutants associated with general construction activities, other than sediment, include solvents, metals, petroleum products, plated products, asphalt/concrete, hazardous substances, paints, treated wood products, and other miscellaneous construction materials. These materials can be classified into hazardous, solid, and liquid wastes. Hazardous wastes include solvents, metals, petrochemicals (oils, gasoline, asphalt degreaser, etc.) pesticides, (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, rodenticides, etc.), and other construction chemicals such as concrete products, sealer, paints, and wash water associated with these products. Other wastes include paper, wood, garbage, sanitary wastes, and fertilizer. The following information summarizes the nature and control of various construction-related pollutants, other than sediment. Solvents Construction activity often uses solvents for degreasing as well as cleaning machinery and machinery parts. For roofing activity, residual tars and sealing compounds, spent solvents, kerosene, and soap cleaners may be produced. For sheet metal activity, small quantities of acid and solvent cleaners such as kerosene, metal shavings, adhesive residues, and enamel coatings may be produced. Solvents that become waste material are classified as dangerous waste. The following BMPs are recommended for solvent storage and use: • Solvents and solvent-associated wastes should be stored in containers. • If waste container drums are kept outside, they should be stored in a lean- to type structure or in covered drums to prevent rainfall contact. • Dumpsters used to store items awaiting transfer to a landfill should be covered. Dumpsters should be in good condition without corrosion or leaking seams. -17- • Non-caustic detergents should be used for parts cleaning. • Detergent-based or water-based cleaning systems should be used in place of organic solvent degreasers. • Wash water may require treatment before it can be discharged to the sewer. • Chlorinated organic solvents (1,1,1-trichloroethane, methylene chloride, etc.) should be replaced with nonchlorinated solvents. Nonchlorinated solvents, such as kerosene or mineral spirits, are less toxic and less expensive to dispose of. • When available, cleaning agents that can be recycled should be used. Plated Products and Metals Plated products used on a construction site include galvanized material and other metal-plated products. Various other types of metals are also used on construction sites. The following BMPs are recommended for the temporary storage of metals and plated products: • Where metals and plated products are temporarily stored outside, plastic sheeting should be placed over the stockpile. • Metals and plated products should be stored, where possible, on a paved or impervious surface. • Curbing should be placed along the perimeter of the area to prevent the run-on of uncontaminated storm water from adjacent areas, as well as runoff from the storage area. Petroleum Products Petroleum products are widely used during construction activities. These products are used as fuels and lubricants for vehicular operations, power tools, and general equipment maintenance. The pollutants include oils; fuels such as gasoline, diesel oil and kerosene; lubricating oils; and grease. Asphalt paving can be a pollutant source as it continues to release various oils for a considerable length of time. Most of these pollutants adhere to soil particles and other surfaces easily. The following BMPs are recommended control practices for petroleum products: • Sediments containing oil should be retained on the construction site through soil erosion and sediment control practices. • Improved maintenance and safe storage facilities will reduce the potential for contaminating runoff from the construction site. • Oil and oily wastes such as crankcase oil, cans, rags, and paper dropped in oils and lubricants should be disposed of in proper receptacles or recycled. -18- • Waste oil for recycling should not be mixed with degreasers, solvents, and anti-freeze or brake fluid. The dumping of these wastes in sewers and other drainage channels is illegal and could result in fines or job shutdown. • Proper maintenance of equipment can reduce pollution from leaking vehicles. • Products should be stored in weather-resistant sheds, where possible. • The storage area should be lined with a double layer of plastic sheeting or similar material. • The storage area should have an impervious berm around the perimeter. • The capacity of the bermed area should be 110% of the largest container. • All products should be clearly labeled. • Tanks should be kept off the ground and on wooden pallets. • Lids should be securely fastened. • Information for spill response procedures should be posted. • Persons trained in handling spills should be onsite or on-call at all times. • Materials for cleaning up spills should be kept onsite and easily available. • Spills should be cleaned up immediately and the contaminated material properly disposed of. Asphalt and Concrete Asphalt paving requires dump trucks, pavers, tack coat tankers, and pavement rollers. Therefore, petroleum products may contaminate storm water passing near this equipment. Storm water from parking areas may contain undesirable concentrations of oil and grease, suspended particulates, and metals such as lead, cadmium and zinc. It may also contain the organic by-products of engine combustion. Additionally, concrete may be pumped or transferred from trucks into the required area (i.e., slab and footing foundation). Cement (in bags) may be stored onsite, and concrete wash-water from concrete trucks and mixers is a pollutant. The following BMPs are recommended to address potential pollution from asphalt and concrete at a construction site: • Fractures in the bedrock should be sealed with grout and bentonite to reduce the amount of concrete wash seepage. • Transfer of concrete/cement/asphalt from vehicles to the site should be located so leaks can be confined in the existing containment. • Plastic sheeting should be placed over stored concrete and asphalt materials. -19- • Where possible, material should be stored on a paved area sloped in a manner that minimizes the pooling of water. • Curbing should be placed along the perimeter of the area to prevent run- on of uncontaminated storm water from adjacent areas as well as runoff from the material storage area. Pesticides Although the word "pesticide" has come to mean only those chemicals, which attack insect populations, here the word is used to include herbicides and rodenticides, as well as chemicals commonly known as pesticides. Insecticides, rodenticides, and herbicides have historically been used on construction sites to increase health and safety, maintain a pleasant environment, and reduce maintenance and fire hazards. If pesticides must be used, clearance for use of any of these chemicals is often required by restrictive federal and state regulations. Additionally, pesticides should only be used in conjunction with Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM utilizes a needs assessment that determines which method to use and the necessity of controlling a pest population. Pesticides should be the tools of last resort; methods that are the least disruptive to the environment and to human health should be used first. The following BMPs are recommended when pesticides are used: • All pesticides should be stored and applied accordingly to manufacturers' recommendations, including the dosages, type of application equipment, time of application, cleaning of application equipment and safe disposal of the chemicals. • Application rates should conform to registered label direction. Many of these compounds are considered "dangerous wastes" and must be disposed of properly. • Disposal of excess pesticides and pesticide-related wastes should conform to registered label directions for the disposal and storage of pesticides and pesticide containers set forth in applicable federal, state, and local regulations. General BMP disposal and handling procedures are: o Dispose of the chemicals through a licensed waste management firm or treatment, storage, and disposal company (TSD). o Use the entire product or give the remainder away to a garden center, landscape service, etc. o Triple-rinse containers before disposal. o Place warning signs in areas recently sprayed or treated with the most dangerous pesticides. o Wear suitable protective clothing when mixing or applying these chemicals, as required by law. -20- o Set aside a locked, weather-resistant storage area for the chemicals. o Lids should be tightly closed. o Keep the chemicals in a cool, dry place. Many pesticides rapidly lose their effectiveness if stored in areas exposed to heat. o In case of a leak, put the original container into a larger container and label it properly. o Check containers periodically for leaks or deterioration, o Keep a list of products in storage. o The applicator must follow the notification requirements of the state. Neighbors on properties adjacent to the one being sprayed should also be notified prior to spraying. o All storage sheds, dumpsters, or other storage facilities should be regularly monitored for leaks and repaired as necessary. o Remind workers during subcontractor or safety meetings about proper storage and handling of materials. Nutrient Application and Control Fertilizers used in revegetating graded areas most often cause inorganic nutrient pollution. Only small amounts of inorganic nutrients are beneficial to the productivity of waterways, while excess amounts result in over-enrichment (eutrophication). The use of proper soil-stabilization measures, sediment control, and storm water detention structures can be effective means of keeping these materials out of waterways. The following BMPs address nutrient application and control: • Nutrient pollution can be minimized by working fertilizers and liming materials into the soil to depths of four to six inches, and by proper timing of the application. • Hydroseeding operations, in which seed, fertilizers, and lime are applied to the ground surface in a one-step operation, are more conducive to nutrient pollution than are conventional seedbed preparation operations, where the fertilizers and lime are tilled into the soil. • In the case of surface dressings, control can be achieved by applying the required quantity of fertilizer in more than one operation. For example, an area requiring an application of 500 pounds per acre of fertilizer could be dressed with about 125 pounds per acre at four separate times over the growing season. Paints Painting contractors will generate paint and other finishing residues, spent thinners, and paint containers. Paint is a chemical pollutant containing hazardous -21 - metallic pigments or biocides, and may be carried by sediment and runoff from construction sites. A large percentage of this pollutant can be effectively controlled through implementation of source control soil erosion and sedimentation control practices. As in the case of other pollutants, good housekeeping is the most important means of preventing pollution. The following BMPs are recommended for using and disposing of paints: • The correct method of waste disposal should be used. Wash-up wastes from water-based paints may go into a sanitary sewer, but wastes from oil- based paints, cleaning solvents, thinners, and mineral spirits must be disposed of through a licensed waste management firm. • Tarps and vacuums should be used to collect solid wastes produced by sanding or painting. • Tarps, drip pans, or other spill collection devices should be used to collect spills of paints, solvents, or other liquid materials. • Spray equipment that delivers more paint to the target and less overspray should be used (e.g., electrostatic spray equipment, atomized spray guns, high-volume/low-pressure spray guns, and gravity- feed guns). Treated Wood Products This group includes wood products such as cut wood, treated wood, and, where cutting equipment is employed, chips and sawdust. The timber is typically moved by hand after being deposited by truck. Other wastes include wood and paper from packaging arid building materials. The following BMPs are recommended for treated wood products: • Collected wood waste should be removed and disposed of at authorized disposal areas. Frequent garbage removal helps maintain construction sites in a clean and attractive manner. • Source control BMPs such as good housekeeping should always be used to control storm water pollution. Outside areas where treated wood products are stored should be located where storm runoff through the area is minimal. • Where possible, pooling of water along the work area should be prevented or minimized by sloping the surrounding area to drain away. • Soils with visible contamination should be removed and properly disposed of to decrease the spread of chemicals to ground water and surface water. • Treated wood should be kept out of areas where surface drainage is apparent. Curbing may be constructed along the perimeter of the area to prevent run-on of the uncontaminated storm water from adjacent areas, as well as runoff from stockpile areas. -22- Hazardous Substances Various other hazardous substances may be used, store, and handled at the construction site. The most economical and effective controls for potential pollutants, other than sediment, generated on the construction site are the exercise of good housekeeping practices and an awareness of the need for compliance with regulatory requirements. The following BMP procedures are recommended for all materials with the potential to pollute storm water runoff: • Storage containers should be located in a covered designated area. • The designated area should be paved, free of cracks and gaps, and impervious in order to contain leaks and spills. • Containers with berms/curbs should be sloped to an approved collection system. If the material being stored is controlled by the Uniform Fire Code or is used oil or dangerous waste, a dead-end sump should be installed, per the manufacturer's recommendations. • If roll-containers are used (i.e., dumpsters) and are picked up directly by the collection truck, a fillet may be placed on both sides of the curb to facilitate moving the dumpster. • Drums stored in an area where unauthorized persons may gain access should be secured in a manner that prevents accidental spillage, pilferage or any unauthorized use. • An employee trained in emergency spill cleanup procedures should be present when dangerous wastes, liquid chemicals or other wastes are loaded or unloaded. (3) The SWPPP shall include the following information regarding the construction site surface area: the size (in acres or square feet), the runoff coefficient before and after construction, and the percentage that is impervious (e.g., paved, roofed, etc.) before and after construction. The construction site surface area is 120 acres. Runoff Coefficient % Impervious Before Construction 0.45 Less than 5% After Construction 0.55 60% (4) The SWPPP shall include a copy of the NOI, and the Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) number. Should a WDID number not be received from the SWRCB at the -23- time construction commences, the discharger shall include proof of mailing of the NOI, e.g., certified mail receipt, copy of check, express mail receipt, etc. A copy of the NOI will be inserted into Appendix 5. (5) The SWPPP shall include a construction activity schedule which describes all major activities such as mass grading, paving, lot or parcel improvements at the site and the proposed time frame to conduct those activities. Appendix 16 presents the construction activity schedule that has been inserted by the contractor or owner prior to the onset of construction. The schedule describes all phases associated with the major activities such as mass grading, paving, and the proposed time frame to complete the work. Events occur throughout the life of the project, which may alter the schedule. As a result, the schedule may be amended or revised by the contractor or owner as appropriate. All amendments will be dated and attached. Superceded schedules will be marked as superceded and will continue to be a part of this SWPPP. (6) The SWPPP shall list the name and telephone number of the qualified person(s) who have been assigned responsibility for prestorm, poststorm, and storm event BMP inspections; and the qualified person(s) assigned responsibility to ensure full compliance with the permit and implementation of all elements of the SWPPP, including the preparation of the annual compliance evaluation and the elimination of all unauthorized discharges. See Appendix 11. -24- 6.Erosion Control Erosion control, also referred to as "soil stabilization," is the most effective way to retain soil and sediment on the construction site. The most efficient way to address erosion control is to preserve existing vegetation where feasible, to limit disturbance, and to stabilize and revegetate disturbed areas as soon as possible after grading or construction. Particular attention must be paid to large mass-graded sites where the potential for soil exposure to the erosive effects of rainfall and the wind is great. Mass graded construction sites may be exposed for several years while the project is being built out. Thus, there is potential for significant sediment discharge from the site to surface waters. At a minimum, the discharger/operator must implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment control on all disturbed areas during the rainy season. These disturbed areas include rough graded roadways, slopes, and building pads. Until permanent vegetation is established, soil cover is the most cost-effective and expeditious method to protect soil particles from detachment and transport by rainfall. Temporary soil stabilization can be the single-most important factor in reducing erosion ad construction sites. The discharger shall consider measures such as: covering with mulch, temporary seeding, soil stabilizers, binders, fiber rolls or blankets, temporary vegetation, permanent seeding, and a variety of other measures. The SWPPP shall include a description of the erosion control practices, including a time schedule, to be implemented during construction to minimize erosion on disturbed areas of a construction site. The discharger must consider the full range of erosion control BMPs. The discharger must consider any additional site-specific and seasonal conditions when selecting and implementing appropriate BMPs. The above listed erosion control measures are examples of what should be considered and are not exclusive of new or innovative approaches currently available or being developed. a. The SWPPP shall include: (1) An outline of the areas of vegetative soil cover or native vegetation onsite, which will remain undisturbed during the construction project. Areas of vegetative soil cover are shown on the maps in Appendix 20. There are no areas of native vegetation that will remain undisturbed during this construction project. -25- (2) An outline of all areas of soil disturbance including cut or fill areas which will be stabilized during the rainy season by temporary or permanent erosion control measures, such as seeding, mulch, or blankets, etc. (3) An outline of the areas of soil disturbance, cut, or fill, which will be left exposed during any part of the rainy season, representing areas of potential soil erosion where sediment control BMPs are required to be used during construction. Soil disturbance will be confined to the Project limits. As the construction project commences, the maps in Appendix 20 will be updated by the contractor with outlines of the areas of soil disturbance, cut, or fill, which are stabilized and the areas of soil disturbance, cut, or fill, which will be left exposed during any part of the rainy season. Every effort will be made to stabilize all areas of the construction site. (4) A proposed schedule for the implementation of erosion control measures. Appendix 16 presents the erosion control schedule that has been inserted by the contractor or owner prior to the onset of construction. Events occur throughout the life of the project that may alter the schedule. As a result, this schedule will be revised/amended by the contractor or owner when appropriate. b. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs and control practices to be used for both temporary and permanent erosion control measures. Temporary BMPs The BMPs that will be used for this project are shown on the maps in Appendix 20. Additionally, Appendix 15 includes BMPs from: • Building Industry Association (BIA) of San Diego, "New Homebuilding Best Management Practices for Trade Subcontractors," dated March 2003. • San Diego County Association of Resource Conservation Districts, "Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control & Storm Water Retention/Detention," dated Spring 1998. • California Stormwater Quality Association, "Storm Water Best Management Practice (BMP) Handbooks, Construction Handbook," dated January 2003. These excerpts are examples of BMPs that can be used for this project. The BMP titles and reference identification numbers are listed below:. -26- Erosion Control • Scheduling (EC-1) • Velocity Dissipation Devices (EC-10) • Slope Drains (EC-11) • Hydraulic Mulch (EC-3) • Hydroseeding (EC-4) • Soil Binders (EC-5) • Geotextiles and Mats (EC-7) • Wood Mulching (EC-8) • Earth Dikes/ Drainage Swales (EC-9) Erosion Control as Diversion from Slopes • Sand Bag Barrier (Cty 4.5.3 and SE-8) • Fiber Rolls (SE-5) Permanent BMPs After construction is completed, there will be no areas susceptible to erosion. c. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs to reduce wind erosion at all times, with particular attention paid to stockpiled materials. Wind erosion (dust control) may be controlled through water application on main driving areas, construction of gravel road entrance, and the covering of inactive stockpile areas with tarps. Appendix 15 presents excerpts from: • San Diego County Association of Resource Conservation Districts, "Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control & Storm Water Retention/Detention," dated Spring 1998. • California Stormwater Quality Association, "Storm Water Best Management Practice (BMP) Handbooks, Construction Handbook," dated January 2003. -27- 7. Stabilization (1) All disturbed areas of the construction site must be stabilized. Final stabilization for the purposes of submitting a NOT is satisfied when: -All soil disturbing activities are completed AND EITHER OF THE TWO FOLLOWING CRITERIA ARE MET: -A uniform vegetative cover with 70 percent coverage has been established OR: -equivalent stabilization measures have been employed. These measures include the use of such BMPs as blankets, reinforced channel liners, soil cement, fiber matrices, geotextiles, or other erosion resistant soil coverings or treatments. (2) Where background native vegetation covers less than 100 percent of the surface, such as in arid areas, the 70 percent coverage criteria is adjusted as follows: If the native vegetation covers 50 percent of the ground surface, 70 percent of 50 percent (.70 X .50=.35) would require 35 percent total uniform surface coverage. Through the construction of the project, the entire area will be stabilized as required by the permit. -28- 8. Sediment Control The SWPPP shall include a description or illustration of BMPs which will be implemented to prevent a net increase of sediment load in storm water discharge relative to preconstruction levels. Sediment control BMPs are required at appropriate locations along the site perimeter and at all operational internal inlets to the storm drain system at all times during the rainy season. Sediment control practices may include filtration devices and barriers (such as fiber rolls, silt fence, straw bale barriers, and gravel inlet filters) and/or settling devices (such as sediment traps or basins). Effective filtration devices, barriers, and settling devices shall be selected, installed and maintained properly. A proposed schedule for deployment of sediment control BMPs shall be included in the SWPPP. These are the most basic measures to prevent sediment from leaving the project site and moving into receiving waters. Limited exemptions may be authorized by the RWQCB when work on active areas precludes the use of sediment control BMPs temporarily. Under these conditions, the SWPPP must describe a plan to establish perimeter controls prior to the onset of rain. During the nonrainy season, the discharger is responsible for ensuring that adequate sediment control materials are available to control sediment discharges at the downgrade perimeter and operational inlets in the event of a predicted storm. The discharger shall consider a full range of sediment controls, in addition to the controls listed above, such as straw bale dikes, earth dikes, brush barriers, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drain, sandbag dikes, fiber rolls, or other controls. At a minimum, the discharger/operator must implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment control on all disturbed areas during the rainy season. If the discharger chooses to rely on sediment basins for treatment purposes, sediment basins shall, at a minimum, be designed and maintained as follows: Option 1: Pursuant to local ordinance for sediment basin design and maintenance, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. OR Option 2: Sediment basin(s), as measured from the bottom of the basin to the principal outlet, shall have at least a capacity equivalent to 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre draining into the sediment basin. The length of the basin shall be more than twice the width of the basin. -29- The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; and the depth must not be less than three feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency. OR Option 3: Sediment basin(s) shall be designed using the standard equation: As=1.2Q/Vs Where: As is the minimum surface area for trapping soil particles of a certain size; Vs is the settling velocity of the design particle size chosen; and Q=C x I x A where Q is the discharge rate measured in cubic feet per second; C is the runoff coefficient; I is the precipitation intensity for the 10-year, 6-hour rain event and A is the area draining into the sediment basin in acres. The design particle size shall be the smallest soil grain size determined by wet sieve analysis, or the fine silt sized (0.01mm) particle, and the Vs used shall be 100 percent of the calculated settling velocity. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; the length shall be more than twice the dimension as the width; the depth shall not be less than three feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency (two feet of storage, two feet of capacity). The basin(s) shall be located on the site where it can be maintained on a year- round basis and shall be maintained on a schedule to retain the two feet of capacity; OR Option 4: The use of an equivalent surface area design or equation, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. A sediment basin shall have a means for dewatering within 7- calendar days following a storm event. Sediment basins may be fenced if safety (worker or public) is a concern. The outflow from a sediment basin that discharges into a natural drainage shall be provided with outlet protection to prevent erosion and scour of the embankment and channel. The discharger must consider any additional site-specific and seasonal conditions when selecting and designing sediment control BMPs. The above listed sediment control measures are examples of -30- what should be considered and are not exclusive of new or innovative approaches currently available or being developed. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs to reduce the tracking of sediment onto public or private roads at all times. These public and private roads shall be inspected and cleaned as necessary. Road cleaning BMPs shall be discussed in the SWPPP and will not rely on the washing of accumulated sediment or silt into the storm drain system. Appendix 15 presents excerpts from: • Building Industry Association (BIA) of San Diego, "New Homebuilding Best Management Practices for Trade Subcontractors," dated March 2003. • San Diego County Association of Resource Conservation Districts, "Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control & Storm Water Retention/Detention," dated Spring 1998. • California Stormwater Quality Association, "Storm Water Best Management Practice (BMP) Handbooks, Construction Handbook," dated January 2003. These excerpts are examples of BMPs that may be used for this project. The BMP titles and reference identification numbers are listed below. • Silt Fence (SE-1) • Sand Bag Barrier (Cty 4.5.3 and SE-8) • Storm Drain Inlet Protection (SE-10) • Sediment Trap (SE-3) • Sediment Basin (Cty 4.5.7) and Desilting Basin (SE-2) • Semi-pervious Sediment Barrier (Cty 4.5.8) • Check Dam (SE-4) • Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit (TC-1) • Fiber Rolls (SE-5) • Gravel Bag Berm (SE-6) • Street Sweeping and Vacuuming (SE-7) Appendix 16 presents the BMP implementation and construction schedule that has been inserted by the contractor or owner prior to the onset of construction. Events occur throughout the life of the project that may alter the schedule. As a result, this schedule will be revised/amended by the contractor or owner when appropriate. All revisions and/or amendments will be dated and attached. Superceded schedules will be marked as superceded and continue to be part of this SWPPP. -31 - 9. Non-Storm Water Management Describe all non-storm water discharges to receiving waters that are proposed for the construction project Non-storm water discharges should be eliminated or reduced to the extent feasible. Include the locations of such discharges and descriptions of all BMPs assigned for the control of pollutants in such discharges. Onetime dischargers shall be monitored during the time that such discharges are occurring. A qualified person should be assigned the responsibility for ensuring that no materials other than storm water are discharged in quantities which will have an adverse effect on receiving waters or storm drain systems (consistent with BAC/BCT), and the name and contact number of that person should be included in the SWPPP document. Discharging sediment-laden water that will cause or contribute to an exceedance of the applicable RWQCB's Basin Plan from a dewatering site or sediment basin into any receiving water or storm drain without filtration or equivalent treatment is prohibited. Non-storm water discharges may include: • Dewatering, • Paving and grinding operations, • Irrigation, • Vehicle and equipment operations, and • Concrete curing and finishing. Appendix 15 presents excerpts from: • Building Industry Association (BIA) of San Diego, "New Homebuilding Best Management Practices for Trade Subcontractors," dated March 2003. • San Diego County Association of Resource Conservation Districts, "Best Management Practices for Erosion and Sediment Control & Storm Water Retention/Detention," dated Spring 1998. • California Stormwater Quality Association, "Storm Water Best Management Practice (BMP) Handbooks, Construction Handbook," dated January 2003. These excerpts are examples of BMPs that may be used for this project. The BMP titles and reference identification numbers are listed below: • Water Conservation Practices (NS-1) • Dewatering Operations (NS-2) • Paving and Grinding Operations (NS-3) -32- • Potable Water/Irrigation (NS-7) • Vehicle and Equipment Cleaning (NS-8) • Vehicle and Equipment Fueling (NS-9) • Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance (NS-10) • Concrete Curing (NS-12) • Concrete Finishing (NS-13) 10. Post-Construction Storm Water Management The SWPPP shall include descriptions of the BMPs to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges after all construction phases have been completed at the site (Post-Construction BMPs). Post- Construction BMPs include the minimization of land disturbance, the minimization of impervious surfaces, treatment of storm water runoff using infiltration, detention/retention, biofilter BMPs, use of efficient irrigation systems, ensuring that interior drains are not connected to a storm sewer system, and appropriately designed and constructed energy dissipation devices. These must be consistent with all local post-construction storm water management requirements, policies, and guidelines. The discharger must consider site-specific and seasonal conditions when designing the control practices. Operation and maintenance of control practices after construction is completed shall be addressed, including short- and long-term funding sources and the responsible party. Post-construction storm water management is addressed in Appendix 19. -33- 11. Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair The SWPPP shall include a discussion of the program to inspect and maintain all BMPs as identified in the site plan or other narrative documents throughout the entire duration of the project. A qualified person will be assigned the responsibility to conduct inspections. The name and telephone number of that person shall be listed in the SWPPP document. Inspections will be performed before and after storm events and once each 24-hour period during extended storm events to identify BMP effectiveness and implement repairs or design changes as soon as feasible depending upon field conditions. Equipment, materials, and workers must be available for rapid response to failures and emergencies. All corrective maintenance to BMPs shall be performed as soon as possible after the conclusion of each storm depending upon worker safety. For each inspection required above, the discharger shall complete an inspection checklist. At a minimum, an inspection checklist shall include: a. Inspection date. b. Weather information: best estimate of beginning of storm event, duration of event, time elapsed since last storm, and approximate amount of rainfall (inches). c. A description of any inadequate BMPs. d. If it is possible to safely access during inclement weather, list observations of all BMPs: erosion controls, sediment controls, chemical and waste controls, and non-storm water controls. Otherwise, list result of visual inspection at relevant outfall, discharge point, or downstream location and projected required maintenance activities. e. Corrective actions required, including any changes to SWPPP necessary and implementation dates. f. Inspectors name, title, and signature. The dischargers shall prepare their inspection checklists using the inspection checklist form provided by the SWRCB or RWQCB or on forms that contain the equivalent information. See Appendix 11 for the responsible contact person for inspections and maintenance. The most important aspects of maintenance, inspection, and repair are record keeping and documentation practices. The project will be inspected weekly during the rainy season and monthly during the non-rainy season to make certain that the BMPs are correctly installed and maintained. Inspections also will be -34- performed before and after storm events and once each 24-hour period during extended storm events. An inspection checklist with guidelines is presented in Appendix 14. The checklist describes the protective devices and troubleshoots where maintenance may be needed on existing controls or where additional/alternative BMPs may be needed. 12. Training Individuals responsible for SWPPP preparation, implementation, and permit compliance shall be appropriately trained, and the SWPPP shall document all training. This includes those personnel responsible for installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of BMPs. Those responsible for overseeing, revising, and amending the SWPPP shall also document their training. Training should be both formal and informal, occur on an ongoing basis when it is appropriate and convenient, and should include training/workshops offered by the SWRCB, RWQCB, or other locally recognized agencies or professional organizations. The goal of the SWPPP program is to inform employees, contractors, and subcontractors of their levels of responsibility for components and goals of the SWPPP. This training program is a preventive maintenance BMP because when properly informed, these individuals have increased awareness and are more capable of preventing spills, responding safely and effectively to accidents, and recognizing situations that could lead to storm water contamination. GREYSTONE HOMES and/or the contractor should provide SWPPP training regularly. One training session should be held just prior to the start of the rainy season. Topics can include, but are not limited to: • Spill prevention and response; • Inspection records; • Annual reporting; • Locations and functions of sediment control devices; • Good housekeeping; and • Material practices. Additionally, attendance should be kept for each training session, and inspection logs and checklists should be distributed to all personnel who will be performing the monitoring and reporting. A training log is located in Appendix 12. Records generated from inspections, maintenance operations, compliance certifications, and non-compliance reporting should be retained for a period of at least three years from the date generated. These records do not have to be submitted with the exception of non-compliance reporting. The project records for the monitoring and reporting in accordance with the SWPPP will be maintained at the construction site office. -35- 13. List of Contractors/Subcontractors The SWPPP shall include a list of names of all contractors, (or subcontractors) and the individuals responsible for implementation of the SWPPP. This list should include telephone numbers and addresses. Specific areas of responsibility of each subcontractor and emergency contact numbers should also be included. A list of contractors and subcontractors responsible for implementation of the SWPPP at the site and their involvement is provided in Appendix 11. The owner/contractor will complete the list at the onset of construction activities. The list will be amended periodically as additional contractors and subcontractors have completed the training program and been informed of good housekeeping and erosion control practices as outlined in the training procedures in this SWPPP. 14. Other Plans This SWPPP may incorporate by reference the appropriate elements of other plans required by local, State, or Federal agencies. A copy of any requirements incorporated by reference shall be kept at the construction site. See Appendix 1 - References. 15. Public Access The SWPPP shall be provided, upon request, to the RWQCB. The SWPPP is considered a report that shall be available to the public by the RWQCB under Section 308(b) of the Clean Water Act. 16. Preparer Certification The SWPPP and each amendment shall be signed by the landowner (discharger) or his representative and include the date of initial preparation and the date of each amendment. Certification is provided before the Table of Contents, on page i. -36- SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN Objectives A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be developed and implemented to address the specific circumstances for each construction site covered by this General Permit. The SWPPP shall be certified in accordance with the signatory requirements of Section C, Standard Provision for Construction Activities (9). The SWPPP shall be developed and amended or revised, when necessary, to meet the following objectives: a. Identify all pollutant sources including sources of sediment that may affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with construction activity (storm water discharges) from the construction site, and b. Identify non-storm water discharges, and c. Identify, construct, implement in accordance with a time schedule, and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized non-storm water discharges from the construction site during construction, and d. Develop a maintenance schedule for BMPs installed during construction designed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction is completed (post-construction BMPs), and e. Identify a sampling and analysis strategy and sampling schedule for discharges from construction activity which discharge directly into water bodies listed on Attachment 3 [of the Permit], and f. For all construction activity, identify a sampling and analysis strategy and sampling schedule for discharges that have been discovered through visual monitoring to be potentially contaminated by pollutants not visually detectable in the runoff. a. See Section A.5.a.c.(2) for a detailed description of general construction pollutants and Appendix 13 for a list of potential pollutants onsite. b. See Section A.9 for description of non-storm water discharges and Appendix 13 for Non-Storm Water Discharge Logs. c. See Sections A.5.b.(5), A.5.c.(1), A.5.c.(2), A.6, A.8, A.9, and Appendices 15 and 20 for BMPs selected for the Project. See Appendix 16 for the BMP implementation schedule. d. See Appendix 19. -7- e. See Section B.7. f. See Section B.8 and Appendix 14. 2. Implementation Schedule a. For construction activity commencing on or after adoption of this General Permit, the SWPPP shall be developed prior to the start of soil-disturbing activity in accordance with this Section and shall be implemented concurrently with commencement of soil-disturbing activities. b. Existing permittees engaging in construction activities covered under the terms of the previous General Construction Permit (WQ Order No. 92-08-DWQ) shall continue to implement their existing SWPPP and shall implement any necessary revisions to their SWPPP in accordance with this Section of the General Permit in an timely manner, but in no case more than 90-calendar days from the date of adoption of this General Permit. c. For ongoing construction activity involving a change of ownership or property, the new owner shall review the existing SWPPP and amend if necessary, or develop a new SWPPP within 45-calendar days. d. Existing permittees shall revise their SWPPP in accordance with the sampling and analysis modifications prior to August 1, 2001. For ongoing construction activity involving a change of ownership the new owner shall review the existing SWPPP and amend the sampling and analysis strategy, if required, within 45 days. For construction activity commencing after the date of adoption, the SWPPP shall be developed in accordance with the modification language adopted. b. c. The construction schedule is available in Appendix 16. A previous SWPPP (WDID No. 9 37S310843) was implemented during the mass grading operations at the Bressi Ranch Development. This SWPPP document shall be implemented once ownership of the planning areas has been transferred. There shall be no time lapse between the implementation of the previous SWPPP and this SWPPP. Not applicable to this project. This SWPPP was developed to replace the SWPPP previously prepared for WDID No. 9 37S310843. This SWPPP was developed in accordance with the modifications adopted in Resolution 2001-046. -8- 3. Availability The SWPPP shall remain on the construction site while the site is under construction during working hours, commencing with the initial construction activity and ending with termination of coverage under the General Permit. The construction schedule is available in Appendix 16. The SWPPP shall remain on the construction site from the beginning construction date until a Notice of Termination (NOT) has been approved by the RWQCB. See Appendix 7 for the NOT. 4. Required Changes a. The discharger shall amend the SWPPP whenever there is a change in construction of operations which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, groundwaters, or a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The SWPPP shall also be amended if the discharger violates any condition of this General Permit or has not achieved the general objective of reducing or eliminating pollutants in storm water discharges. If the RWQCB determines that the discharger is in violation of this General Permit, the SWPPP shall be amended and implemented in a timely manner, but after notification by the RWQCB. All amendments should be dated and directly attached to the SWPPP. b. The RWQCB or local agency with the concurrence of the RWQCB may required the discharger to amend the SWPPP. See Appendix 8 for the Notices of Violation and Responses and Appendix 9 for the SWPPP Amendments. -9- 5. Source Identification The SWPPP shall include: (a) project information and (b) pollutant source identification combined with an itemization of those BMPs specifically chosen to control the pollutants listed. a. Project Information (1) The SWPPP shall include a vicinity map locating the project site with respect to easily identifiable major roadways, geographic features, of landmarks. At a minimum, the map must show the construction site perimeter, the geographic features surrounding the site, and the general topography. The project site with respect to easily identifiable major roadways, geographic features, or landmarks is shown on the Vicinity Map (Appendix 20). (2) The SWPPP shall include a site map(s), which shows the construction project in detail, including the existing and planned paved areas and buildings. (a) At a minimum, the map must show the construction site perimeter; existing and proposed buildings, lots, roadways, storm water collection and discharge points; general topography both before and after construction; and the anticipated discharge location(s) where the storm water from the construction site discharges to a municipal separate storm water system (MS4) or other water body. (b) The drainage patterns across the project area must clearly be shown on the map, and the map must extend as far outside the site perimeter as necessary to illustrate the relevant drainage areas. Where relevant drainage areas are too large to depict on the map, map notes or inserts illustrating the upstream drainage areas are sufficient. Existing Site Conditions The project area currently consists of mass graded pads with a backbone storm drain in place to convey flow from existing desilting basins. The mass grading of the site was covered under a separate NOI and SWPPP (WDID 9 37S310843). Under existing conditions, storm water runoff from the project area enters desilting basins (per the Drainage Report for Bressi Ranch Mass-Graded Condition, February 2003, prepared by ProjectDesign Consultants), is collected -10- by the backbone storm drain system, enters detention basins on the southwest and southern corners of the Bressi Ranch development, and is discharged to an unnamed creek which carries the storm water flows to San Marcos Creek. Developed Conditions Under proposed conditions, PA's 6, 7, 8, 9,10, and 12 will consist of single-family residences and associated roadways, utilities, recreational areas, and landscaping. Under proposed conditions, storm water runoff from the project area will be collected by onsite storm drain systems, enter the existing detention basins, and then follow the existing drainage patterns. The existing site conditions and proposed site conditions are shown on the maps in Appendix 20. (c) Temporary on-site drainages to carry concentrated flow shall be selected to comply with local ordinances, to control erosion, to return flows to their natural drainage courses, and to prevent damage to downstream properties. Temporary drainage ditches, swales, and culverts will be used to convey unpolluted storm water runoff to the MS4 during the various phases of construction. Downstream properties will not be affected by storm water runoff due to: • The construction of temporary drainage improvements that maintain existing drainage patterns; and • The incorporation of BMPs that minimize erosion and sediment accumulation. Temporary BMPs for the project consist of gravel bags, silt fences, and fiber rolls. Training and good housekeeping practices will also be implemented as non- structural BMPs to protect storm water from contacting potential pollutant sources. See Appendix 20 for project BMPs. (3) Information presented in the SWPPP may be represented either by narrative or by graphics. Where possible, narrative descriptions should be plan notes. Narrative descriptions that do not lend themselves to plan notes can be contained in a separate document, which must be referenced on the plan. All SWPPP information is presented either by narrative or by graphics within this SWPPP document. All information that is not graphically represented on the SWPPP maps in Appendix 20 is referenced on the maps to the appropriate section in the SWPPP document. -11 - b. Pollutant Source and BMP Identification The SWPPP shall include a description of potential sources which are likely to add pollutants to storm water discharges or which may result in non-storm water discharges from the construction site. Discharges originating from off-site which flow across or through areas disturbed by construction that may contain pollutants should be reported to the RWQCB. Potential Pollutants: Onsite The potential pollutant sources and potential pollutants are provided in Appendix 13. See Section A.5.a.c.(2) for a detailed description of general construction pollutants and recommended BMPs. Potential Pollutants: Offsite Runoff (run-on) There is a potential for run-on from Bressi Ranch Planning Area 15. This run-on may enter at the northern boundary of PA-7. Bressi Ranch Planning Area 15 is expected to have the same potential pollutants as the single family residential planning areas covered by this SWPPP since both projects involve house construction, utilities, paving, and landscaping. The SWPPP shall: (1) Show drainage patterns and slopes anticipated after major grading activities are completed. Runoff from off- site areas should be prevented from flowing through areas that have been disturbed by construction unless appropriate conveyance systems are in place. The amount of anticipated storm water run-on must be considered to determine the appropriateness of the BMPs chosen. Show all calculations for anticipated storm water run-on, and describe all BMPs implemented to divert off-site drainage described in Section A.5.a.(2)(c) around or through the construction project. See the drainage report prepared by ProjectDesign Consultants titled, Drainage Report for Bressi Ranch Residential Planning Areas 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12, September 2003, and Drainage Report for Bressi Ranch Mass-Graded Condition, February 2003 (excerpts in Appendix 3). At the mass grading stage of the Bressi Ranch development, the desilting basin for PA-7 is designed to include the potential run-on from PA-15. As construction on PA-7 progresses, the potential run-on from PA-15 will be eliminated through the use of desilting basins and diversion dikes to re-direct the PA-15 runoff directly to the backbone storm drain system. -12- SECTION B SECTION B: MONITORING PROGRAM AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Required Changes The RWQCB may require the discharger to conduct additional site inspections, to submit reports and certifications, or perform sampling and analysis. 2. Implementation a. The requirements of this Section shall be implemented at the time of commencement of construction activity (see also Section A.2. Implementation Schedule), The discharger is responsible for implementing these requirements until construction activity is complete and the site is stabilized. b. For ongoing construction activity involving a change in ownership or property covered by this General Permit, the new owner must complete an NOI and implement the requirements of this Section concurrent with the change of ownership. For changes of information, the owner must follow instructions in C.7. Special Provisions of Construction Activity of the General Permit. The General Contractor and the Owner shall be responsible to the implementation of the SWPPP and shall incorporate a regular monitoring program within the guidelines of this plan and all federal, state, and local regulations. Personnel responsible for the monitoring of the performance of the SWPPP shall be trained in water quality control practices and are familiar with the plan and its intent. The plan is intended to be a "living" document, and those personnel who are responsible for its implementation and monitoring should at all times try to correct any deficiencies in the report or its implementation to avoid non-storm water discharges or hazardous spills. -37- 3. Site Inspections Qualified personnel shall conduct inspections of the construction site prior to anticipated storm events, during extended storm events, and after actual storm events to identify areas contributing to a discharge of storm water associated with construction activity. The name(s) and contact number(s) of the assigned inspection personnel shall be listed in the SWPPP. Pre-storm inspections are to ensure that BMPs are properly installed and maintained; post-storm inspections are to assure that the BMPs have functioned adequately. During extended storm events, inspections shall be required each 24-hour period. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be evaluated for adequacy and proper implementation and whether additional BMPs are required in accordance with the terms of the General Permit (See language in Section A.11. Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair). Implementation of non-storm water discharge BMPs shall be verified and their effectiveness evaluated. One time discharges of non-storm water shall be inspected when such discharges occur. Site inspections shall be made before anticipated storms, during storms, after storms, and at other times specified in this SWPPP to determine if pollution controls are in place and in working order. The results of the inspection and assessment must be recorded, and should include the date of the inspection, name(s) of inspector(s), and the observations. The inspection should also describe the tracking or follow-up procedures to address deficiencies in control practices or in the SWPPP implementation process. See Appendix 14 for forms related to these inspections. Note: The Regional Water Quality Control Board and other governing agencies may require the discharger to conduct additional site inspections, submit reports and certifications, or perform sampling and analysis. 4. Compliance Certification Each discharger or qualified assigned personnel listed by name and contact number in the SWPPP must certify annually that construction activities are in compliance with the requirements of this General Permit and the SWPPP. This certification shall be based upon the site inspections required in Item 3 of this Section. The certification must be completed by July 1 of each year. The permittee shall certify annually that the construction activity complies with the requirements of the SWPPP and the Permit. This certification shall be made by July 1 each year. See Appendix 10 for copies of the Annual Compliance Certification Form. -38- 5. Noncompliance Reporting Dischargers who cannot certify compliance, in accordance with Item 4 of this Section, and/or who have had other instances of noncompliance excluding exceedances of water quality standards as defined in Section B.3. Receiving Water Limitations Language, shall notify the appropriate RWQCB within 30 days. Corrective measures should be implemented immediately following discovery that water quality standards were exceeded. The notifications shall identify the noncompliance event, including an initial assessment of any impact caused by the event; describe the actions necessary to achieve compliance; and include a time schedule subject to modifications by the RWQCB indicating when compliance will be achieved. Noncompliance notifications must be submitted within 30-calendar days of identification of noncompliance. The contractor shall implement corrective measures immediately following the discovery that water quality standards were exceeded. Within 30 days of the discovery of noncompliance, the San Diego RWQCB shall be notified of the noncompliance, including identification of the noncompliance event, initial assessment of any impact caused by the event, description of corrective actions necessary to achieve compliance, and a time schedule for the corrective actions. The San Diego RWQCB may review and modify the time schedule and corrective actions provided. California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region 9174 Sky Park Court, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92123-4340 858-467-2952 6. Monitoring Records Records of all inspections, compliance certification, and noncompliance reporting must be retained for a period of at least three years from the date generated. With the exception of noncompliance reporting, dischargers are not required to submit these records. The project records for monitoring and reporting in accordance with the SWPPP will be maintained at the construction manager's office. -39- 7. Monitoring Program for Sedimentation/Siltation Dischargers of storm water associated with construction activity that directly enters a water body listed in Attachment 3 [of the Permit] shall conduct a sampling and analysis program for the pollutants (sedimentation/siltation or turbidity) causing the impairment. The discharger shall monitor for the applicable parameter. If the water body is listed for sedimentation or siltation, samples should be analyzed for Settleable Solids (ml/1) and Total Suspended Solids (mg/l). Alternatively or in addition, samples may be analyzed for suspended sediment concentration according to ASTM D3977-97. If the water body is listed for turbidity, samples should be analyzed for turbidity (NTU). Discharges that flow through tributaries that are not listed in Attachment 3 or that flow into Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) are not subject to these sampling and analysis requirements. The sampling and analysis parameters and procedures must be designed to determine whether the BMPs installed and maintained prevent discharges of sediment from contributing to impairment in receiving waters. Samples shall be collected during the first two hours of discharge from rain events which result in a direct discharge to any water body listed in Attachment 3. Samples shall be collected during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset). Dischargers need not collect more than four (4) samples per month. All samples shall be taken in the receiving waters and shall be representative of the prevailing conditions of the water bodies. Samples shall be collected from safely accessible locations upstream of the construction site discharge and immediately downstream from the last point of discharge. For laboratory analysis, all sampling, sample preservation, and analyses must be conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136. Field samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the specifications of manufacturer of the sampling devices employed. Portable meters shall be calibrated according to manufacturer's specification. All field and/or laboratory analytical data shall be kept in the SWPPP document, which is to remain at the construction site at all times until a Notice of Termination has been submitted and approved. The storm water runoff from the Project does not discharge directly into a water body listed in Attachment 3 of the Permit. Therefore, this SWPPP does not include sampling procedures for the sedimentation/siltation or turbidity in the storm water discharges and is not subject to these sampling and analysis requirements. -40- 8. Monitoring Program for Pollutants Not Visually Detectable in Storm Water A sampling and analysis program shall be developed and conducted for pollutants which are not visually detectable in storm water discharges, which are or should be known to occur on the construction site, and which could cause or contribute to an exceedance of water quality objectives in the receiving water. Pollutants that should be considered for inclusion in this sampling and analysis program are those identified in Sections A.S.b. and A.S.c. Construction materials and compounds that are not stored in water- tight containers under a water-tight roof or inside a building are examples of materials for which the discharger may have to implement sampling and analysis procedures. The goal of the sampling and analysis is to determine whether the BMPs employed and maintained on site are effective in preventing the potential pollutants from coming in contact with storm water and causing or contributing to an exceedance of water quality objectives in the receiving waters. Examples of construction sites that may require sampling and analysis include: sites that are known to have contaminants spilled or spread on the ground; sites where construction practices include the application of soil amendments, such as gypsum, which can increase the pH of the runoff; or sites having uncovered stockpiles of material exposed to storm water. Visual observations before, during, and after storm events may trigger the requirement to collect samples. Any breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill observed which could result in the discharge of pollutants to surface waters that would not be visually detectable in storm water shall trigger the collection of a sample of discharge. Samples shall be collected at all discharge locations which drain the areas identified by the visual observations and which can be safely accessed. For sites where sampling and analysis is required, personnel trained in water quality sampling procedures shall collect storm water samples. A sufficiently large sample of storm water that has not come in contact with the disturbed soil or the materials stored or used on-site (uncontaminated sample) shall be collected for comparison with the discharge sample. Samples shall be collected during the first two hours of discharge from rain events that occur during daylight hours and which generate runoff. The uncontaminated sample shall be compared to the samples o/ discharge using field analysis or through laboratory analysis. Analyses may include, but are not limited to, indicator parameters such as: pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, salinity, and TDS. -41 - For laboratory analysis, all sampling, sample preservation, and analyses must be conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136. Field discharge samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the specifications of the manufacturer of the sampling devices employed. Portable meters shall be calibrated according to manufacturer's specification. All field and/or analytical data shall be kept in the SWPPP document, which is to remain at the construction site at all times until a Notice of Termination has been submitted and approved. Source Identification GREYSTONE HOMES has developed a contingency sampling and analysis program for this project for pollutants that are not visually detectable in storm water runoff. Appendix 13 details the potential pollutants at this construction site. Sampling Frequency Samples shall be collected during the first two hours of discharge from rain events that occur during daylight hours and that generate runoff: • When visual inspection indicates there has been a breach, malfunction, leakage or spill from any installed BMPs which results in discharge with runoff; or • If storm water runoff comes into contact with exposed stored materials of spilled materials, and is allowed to be discharged. Sampling Locations All samples shall be taken near each discharge point from the project site down gradient from the area that was identified by visual observation that potential pollutants are either present or detected in the storm water. In addition, a sufficiently large control sample will also be collected in areas where storm water has not come in contact with any stored materials for comparison with the potential pollutant sample. The exact sampling locations will be dependent on field conditions during the storm. These locations will be identified during pre- storm inspections and subsequently designated on the site map. -42- MONITORING FOR NON-VISUALLY DETECTABLE POLLUTANTS Review Pollutants of Concern in your SWPPP (per General Permit Sections A.S.b & A.5.C) Any known historic contaminants or applied soil amendments on site? Are historic contaminants or applied soil amendments exposed to Storm Water runoff on site? Any pollutant present that would not be visually detectable in storm water discharge? No monitoring required for these pollutants Monitoring Required: 1) at a discharge point that drains the contact area 2) at a reference point (background) 3) within first two hours of discharge; and 4) during daylight hours Add pollutant to list of potential pollutants to be monitored Does Visual Monitoring indicate breach^ malfunction, leakage, or a spill, resulting in release of pollutant so that it could be discharged in storm water runoff? Is pollutant stored in a watertight container in a building or under a watertight roof? -43 Sampling Procedures and Analysis Sampling and analysis will be performed by personnel trained in water quality sampling procedures. The samples will be analyzed both in the field for indicator parameters and through laboratory analysis if warranted. Alternately a certified contractor will perform sampling for laboratory and field tests. Analyses may include, but are not limited to, indicator parameters such as: pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, salinity, and total dissolved solids (TDS). For laboratory analysis, all sampling, sample preservation, and analyses must be conducted according to the test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136 and/or in accordance with Method 1060 of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water, 20th Edition. Field samples will consist of grab samples with a sampling device obtained from a local certified laboratory, such as clean sample bottles. Field discharge samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the specifications of the manufacturer of the sampling devices employed. Portable meters shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer's specification prior to sampling. Mobilization of sampling will be initiated at least 72 hours prior to any predictable rain events. A supply of sampling equipment, materials, field calibration solutions, and containers will be at the site at all times and will be maintained at the site superintendent's office. All field and/or laboratory analytical data will be kept with the SWPPP document, which will remain at the site at all times until an NOT has been filed and approved for the project. Documentation All field and/or laboratory analytical data, chain-of-custody forms, and other sampling-related information will be kept with the SWPPP document, which will remain at the site at all times until termination of the project. Sampling information will be entered on the Storm Water Sampling Log and Observations Form located in Appendix 14. Corrective Measures and Notification As required by the Permit, should the sampling program indicate the presence of pollutants in exceedance of the water quality objectives for the San Marcos Creek (Appendix 2), GREYSTONE HOMES will immediately initiate corrective measures to identify the source and eliminate or control it. In addition, the RWQCB will be notified by telephone as soon as possible, but no later that 48 hours after the problem is discovered. This notification will be followed by a written report within 14 calendar days, unless otherwise directed by the RWQCB, describing the source(s) or pollutant(s) and corrective actions(s) taken with a time schedule, if necessary. -44- , , ,. Category ;.. - Cleaning Products Portland Concrete Cement & Masonry Products Products Line Flushing Products Adhesives Painting Products Soil Amendment or Stabilization Products Dust Palliative Products Treated Wood Products Vehicles Pollutant Testing Guidance Table Construction Site Material•',•-,", Acids Bleaches TSP Solvents Sealant (Methyl Methacrylate - MMA) Incinerator Bottom Ash, Bottom Ash, Steel Slag, Foundry Sand, Fly Ash, Municipal Solid Waste Ash Non-Pigmented Curing Compounds, Masonry Products Aluminum Sulfate Sulfur - Elemental Fertilizers Herbicide or Pesticide Lime Chlorinated Water Adhesives Paint Strippers Resins, Sealants, Solvents, Lacquers, Varnish, Enamels, Turpentine, Thinners Polymer/Copolymer Lignin Sulfonate Psyllium, Guar/Plant Gums Gypsum Salts (Magnesium Chloride, Calcium Chloride, and Natural Brines) Ammoniacal-Copper-Zinc-Arsenate (ACZA), Copper-Chromium-Arsenic (CCA), Ammoniacal- Copper-Arsenate (ACA), Copper Napththenate Batteries •-* / .. . - A Indicator Analyte• , ..-„ , • . . PH Residual Chlorine Phosphate VOC MMA Aluminum, Calcium, Vanadium, Zinc PH TDS Sulfate Nitrate Specific herbicide or pesticide PH Total Chlorine Phenols VOC COD Organic Nitrogen TDS TOC Sulfate TDS Copper pH -45- APPENDICES 1.References 2. Receiving Water nformation APPENDIX 2: RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION This project is located within the Carlsbad Watershed and discharges indirectly to San Marcos Creek. Beneficial Uses The tables on the following pages list the beneficial uses and water quality objectives for San Marcos Creek. Impaired Waters The proposed project is not directly tributary to a 303(d) listed water body. The closest impaired water body is the Pacific Ocean Shoreline, San Marcos HA, which is 303(d) listed for bacteria. Pollutants of Concern From the Watershed Urban Runoff Management Plan (WURMP), constituents and/or stressors of concern for the Carlsbad Watershed are bacteria, diazinon, sediment, total dissolved soilds, and nutrients. jnuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. ;Color Waters shall be free of coloration that causes nuisance or adversely affects beneficial uses.The natural color of fish, shellfish or other resources in inland surface waters, coastal lagoon or bay and estuary shall not be impaired. •DO The dissolved oxygen concentration in ocean waters shall not at any time be depressed more than 10 percent from that which occurs naturally, as the result of the discharge of oxygen demanding waste materials. IFloating Material Waters shall not contain floating material, including solids, liquids, foams, and scum in concentrations which cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. Oil and Grease Waters shall not contain oils, greases, waxes, or other materials in concentrations which result in a visible film or coating on the surface of the water or on objects in the water, or which cause nuisance or which otherwise adversely affect beneficial uses. pH The pH value shall not be changed at any time more than 0.2 pH units from that which occurs j naturally.Changes in normal ambient pH levels shall not exceed 0.2 units in waters with designated i marine (MAR), or estuarine (EST), or saline (SAL) beneficial uses. Changes in normal ambient pH I levels shall not exceed 0.5 units in fresh waters with designated cold freshwater habitat (COLD) or ! warm freshwater habitat (WARM) beneficial uses. In bays and estuaries the pH shall not be depressed; below 7.0 nor raised above 9.0. In inland surface waters the pH shall not be depressed below 6.5 nor j raised above 8.5. ! Radioactivity Radionuclides shall not be present in concentrations that are deleterious to human, plant, animal, or aquatic life nor that result in the accumulation of radionuclides in the food web to an extent that presents a hazard to human, plant, animal or aquatic life. Sediment jThe suspended sediment load and suspended sediment discharge rate of surface waters shall not be (altered in such a manner as to cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. Suspended Solids Waters shall not contain suspended and settlable solids in concentrations of solids that cause nuisances or adversely affect beneficial uses. i Toxicity j All waters shall be maintained free of toxic substances in concentrations that are toxic to, or that I jproduce detrimental physiological responses in human, plant, animal, or aquatic life. Compliance with! jthis objective will be determined by use of indicator organisms, analyses of species diversity, i (population density, growth anomalies, bioassays of appropriate duration, or other appropriate ] jmethods as specified by the Regional Board. The survival of aquatic life in surface waters subjected ; to a waste discharge or other controllable water quality factors, shall not be less than that for the same j water body in areas unaffected by the waste discharge or, when necessary, for other control water that! is consistent with requirements specified in US EPA, State Water Resources Control Board. As a j minimum, compliance with this objective as stated in the previous sentence shall be evaluated with a I 96-hour acute bioassay. In addition, effluent limits based upon acute bioassays of effluents will be ! prescribed where appropriate, additional numerical receiving water objectives for specific toxicants \ will be established as sufficient data become available, and source control of toxic substances will be j encouraged. I Temperature The natural receiving water temperature of intrastate waters shall not be altered unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Regional Board that such alteration in temperature does not jadversely affect beneficial uses. At no time or place shall the temperature of any COLD water be 'increased more than 5F above the natural receiving water temperature. Taste and Odor Waters shall not contain taste or odor producing substances at concentrations which cause a nuisance i or adversely affect beneficial uses. The natural taste and odor offish, shellfish or other Regional i water resources used for human consumption Shall not be impaired in inland surface waters and bays j and estuaries. > Turbidity jWaters shall be free of changes in turbidity that cause nuisance or adversely affect beneficial uses. San Marcos Creek (Hydrologic Unit 904.51) jMliiiiHnii&Kjlfett AlWlllila llBMui 1 W " *» mmm^mSHUiitiillUUM \ mmh\ > 1 jvSlBffiFiii W.nKuti mtmu&mimSKiStUKi. iHaiiM 1 1 faMiiM i<i*jrtiiUiml»Mffli«*Micnilai BaTBiSli JiltelliBi'lSilTBTlSarBn imlt \\ j|ijiau*y iUliiW mMunii klUilULuiliyul RWQCB Beneficial Use Agricultural Supply Water Contact Recreation Non-Contact Water Recreation [Warm Freshwater Habitat Wildlife Habitat Use Status jExisting jExisting [Existing : JExisting jExisting IWaterbody Beneficial Reach Use iNA ALL „ . (ConstituentConstituent!^,i Concentration Boron NA ALL "^Chloride NA ALL i iNA ALL Color F NA "JALL [iron ;NA ALL :. 1 ;NA ;ALL ;NA JALL : i \NA ]ALL NA JALL NA ALL : j Manganese MBAS Sodium Sulfate TDS Turbidity • • j •Constituent JConstituent Units Details 0.75 mg/L .1 250 ]mg/L 20 Units 1 1 Constituent Comments | mg/L 0.3 rmg/L 0.05 0.5 60 250 500 mg/L mg/L j ) mg/L j- 1 mg/L mg/L 20 INTU i I - - i ! Constituent Name S^^^^'i^^i^<|!|$li^^ Constituent Description Biostimulatory Inland surface waters, bays and estuaries and coastal lagoon waters shall not contain biostimulatory Substances substances in concentrations that promote aquatic growth to the extent that such growths cause IliiPSiP^a^ , iI Beneficial j Use ; Numeric Constituent Name WARM JDissolved ; jOxygen ;AGRi] ; ;; '• Boron Numeric Constituent Detail - Numeric Constituent Maximum -5 0.75 Numeric Constituent Units mg/L mg/L | ! 'I , Numeric Constituent Comments } 1C;\ £ Numeric Constituent Reference Duality Criteria for Vater, 1986 -Gold iook. ; Beneficial ! Use !AGR •REC1 ;REC2 iWARM "WILD Constituent Name lAmmonia as N JAmmonia as N JAmmonia as N j Constituent j pH j ij- r Constituent Temperature Constituent Tim Duration e Constituent 1 Constituent Concentration j Units J0.025 - - Ammonia as N - j- |- JAmmonia as N j.- J0.025 0.025 ~]0.025 Jo.025 mg/L |mg/L mg/L jmg/L |mg/L Beneficial ; Use REC1 REC) REC2 REC2 ! Constituent j Name 1 |Fecal jColiform iFecal JColiform ] Ipecal Col i formj jFecal i Col i form Constituent ',-..-*_ . i ConstituentConcentration I __ ., ConcentrationDetails j Log Mean- 10% of Samples for 30 day Log Mean-5 Samples for 30 day Average- 10% of Samples for 30 day Average-for 30 day 400 200 4000 2000 Constituent Units Count per 100ml Count per 100ml Count per 100ml Count per 100ml i j•\ |' i ^ ... t ~ . \ Constituentj Constituent Comments _,'. 1 Reference! 1 ILog mean value. Based j |on more than 10 percent j j of total samples during j jany 30-day period. j |Log mean value. Based 1 ion a minimum of not less j khan five samples for any j J30-day period. j lAverage value. Based on ] pnore than 10 percent of 1 jtotal samples during any j ]30-day period. j jAverage value. Based on 1 jsamples for a 30-day j •period. j 3. Drainage Study APPENDIX 3: DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS DRAINAGE REPORT FOR BRESSI RANCH MASS GRADING CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CT 00-06 Dwg 400-8A, 400-8C, 400-8D FEBRUARY 2003VOLUME in Prepared for LENNAR COMMUNITIES c/o LENNAR BRESSI VENTURE, LLC 5780 Fleet Street, Suite 320 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Prepared By: PROJECTDESIGN CONSULTANTS 701 'B' Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 (619)235-6471 Job No. 2244.00 RCE 50998 Registration Expires 09/30/05 APPENDIX 5 TEMPORARY DESILTING BASIN CALCULATIONS APPENDIX 5.1 SUMMARY TABLE BREP RISER DESIGN TABLE 1 ^< ^ •>_ Basin 100 106 ' 107 108 111 — 206 207 408 411 808 -" 1 200 2001 2011 4000 •• 5025 ' 5036 ^ 5037 5050 5074 5086 6000 900.5 901,5 902.5 903.5 Area (acres) 17.7 20.8 11.9 15 5.2 25 9.3 28.5 8.6 2.2 13 12.2 10.6 15.5 10.1 19.3 27.7 2.5 6.5 7.3 27.4 25.3 5.2 12 4.5 6.3 Ultimate Q,oo (cfs) 72.4 79.2 49.9 69.6 24.5 N/A 17.5 49.1 41.4 11.8 48.9 30 44.2 55.4 26.3 N/A N/A N/A 13.6 N/A N/A 58 N/A N/A N/A 22.2 Riser Q,oo (cfs) 27.3 29.7 18.1 24.6 9 48 18.6 38.8 17.3 5.1 20.5 22.2 15.7 20.9 16.6 35.2 44.3 4 12.3 14.3 52 41.9 17.9 20.3 7.4 10.7 Debris Volume (yd3) 492 589 329 404 148 944 264 695 248 73 344 336 298 420 286 534 785 71 184 207 111 896 261 332 128' 122 Surface Area (ft2) 6642 7951.5 4441.5 5454 1998 12744 3525 9382.5 3348 985 4644 4536 4023 5670 3861 7209 10597.5 960 2484 2794.5 10489.5 12096 3523.5 4482 1728 1647 Outlet Pipe (inches) 36 36 30 36 24 36 24 30 30 24 30 24 30 30 24 30 30 18 18 18 30 30 24 24 18 24 Riser Pipe Size (inches) 48 48 42 48 36 72 36 42 42 30 42 36 42 42 36 42 72 30 30 30 72 72 36 36 30 36 Ho (feet) 0.75 0.8 0.57 0.65 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.1 0.55 0.5 0.65 0.8 0.55 0.65 0.65 1.05 1 0.5 0.6 0.7 1 1 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.5 Weir Width (feet) 10 12 6 10 6 16 6 13 6 6 8 8 6 8 6 12 20 6 6 6 18 18 6 8 6 6 P/v-U* V ID P/Y-l -i Notes For Table Ir 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Basin Number shown on Mass Grading Hydrology Exhibit. Area is tributary acreage to desilting basin per Moss Grading Plan. Ultimate QIOO based upon ultimate conditionQ)0o rational calculations. Riser Q10Q based on a cleared and mass graded site using C = 0.55, Debris volume is from City of Carlsbad Capacity Table as shown supplement to DWG No. DS-3 (Temporary Desilting Busin Outlet and Capacity Table). The capacities are more conservative than the 2-year sediment yield calculate using MUSLE. 6. Surface urea is desilting basin area assuming 2 feet of sediment deposition. 7. Outlet pipe size based on normal depth calculation using Ultimate Qoo for permanent pipes in industrial areas and Riser Q for temporary pipes in residential areas. S. Riser pipe size calculated using weir equation with the sheet flow QM discharge {see sample calculations for riser pipe sizing). 9. Ho is the height of ponding above tlie top of Uie riser. 10. Basin depth assumes 2' sediment depth, 2' settling depth, Ho= 1,0', freeboard = 1.0*. See Riser Design, Table 2 on following page regarding settling depth. 11. Weir width calculated assuming H = 1.0' (Q = 3.0 LHV1). where Q = QR|SER. L = 6* mill. T:\WaterResources\2244.00BressiMassGrading\DESILT_VOL\desilting_basin.xls . .lANCH RISER DESIGN TABLE 2 Basin Riser Design Surface Provided Settling Volume Required Settling Volume Q10o Area per Capacity Table per Settling Depth Calc (cfs) (ft2) (yd3)1 (yd3)2 100 106 107 108 111 206 300 408 411 808 1200 2001 2011 4000 5025 5036 5037 5050 5074 5086 6000 900.5 901.5 902.5 903.5 27.3 29.7 18.1 24.6 9 48 38.8 17.3 5.1 20.5 22.2 15.7 20.9 16.6 35.2 44.3 4 12.3 14.3 52 52.5 17.9 20.3 7.4 10.7 6642 7952 4442 5454 1998 12744 9383 3348 843 4644 4536 4023 5670 3861 7209 10598 960 2484 2795 10490 12096 3524 4482 1728 1647 492 589 329 404 148 944 695 248 62 344 336 298 420 286 534 785 71 184 207 777 896 261 332 128 122 391 426 259 353 129 688 556 248 73 (Use 73) 294 318 225 300 238 505 635 57 176 205 746 753 257 291 106 153 1 Provided Settling Volume based upon 2 feet of sediment storage depth. 2 Required Settling Volume per the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual, Sediment Basin Design, page 80, herein referred to as settling depth calculation. Required Settling Volume = 1.2 * Sediment Storage Depth * Qoo/ Settling Velocity, where... Settling Velocity assumed 0.0062 fps based upon 0.05 mm particle size, coarse silt, per Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual. Sediment Storage Depth = 2 feet per Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual. Qioo based upon 100-year, 6-hour storm event design flow. T:\WaterResources\2244.00BressiMassGrading\DESILT_VOL\desilting_basin.xls Circular Report Label Basin 01 00 Basin 01 06 Basin 01 07 Basin 01 08 Basin 01 11 Basin 0206 Basin 0300 Basin 0408 Basin 0411 Basin 0808 Basin 1200 Basin 2001 Basin 201 1 Basin 4000 Basin 5025 Basin 5036 Basin 5037 Basin 5050 Basin 5074 Basin 5086 Basin 6000 Basin 900.5 Basin 901 .5 ~^asin 902.5 Mannings Coefficient 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.013 Slope (ft/ft) 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.136000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.025000 0.286000 0.210000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 0.020000 Depth («) 1.97 2.10 1.79 1.92 1.31 1.09 1.50 1.56 0.84 1.76 1.54 1.63 1.96 1.67 1.61 0.87 0.27 1.13 1.18 1.85 2.05 1.07 1.16 0.75 Diameter (in) 36 36 30 36 24 24 30 30 24 30 24 30 30 24 24 30 24 18 18 30 30 24 24 18 Discharge (cfs) 72.40 79.20 49.90 69.60 24.50 48.00 38.80 41.40 11.80 48.90 30.00 44.20 55.40 32.50 35.20 56.60 4.00 13.60 14.30 52:00 57.90 17.90 20.30 7.40 Velocity (ftfs) 14.71 14.95 13.29 14.60 11.22 27.48 12.66 12.84 9.41 13.25 11.58 13.01 13.45 11.60 12.98 37.47 15.92 9.53 9.57 13.37 13.47 10.47 10.78 8.40 Discharge Full (cfs) 94.32 94.32 58.00 94.32 31.99 83.42 58.00 58.00 31.99 58.00 31.99 58.00 58.00 31.99 35.77 219.34 103.66 14.85 14.85 58.00 58.00 31.99 31.99 14.85 Project Engineer: Adolph Lugo c:\haestad\fmw\2244-desilt.tm2 Project Design Consultants FlowMaster v6.1 [614o] 09/06/02 10:57:17AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203)755-1666 Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX 5.2 SAMPLE RISER PIPE CALCULATIONS -acaQ- ria. i °*- O . CD ) C: LU LU 15 '\o u 4c f i jk \ 410 DESIGN OF SMALL DAMS s \ \ = 0.15 NOTE: Dashed lines are based on extrapolation of doto. \\ Figure 9-57.—Relationship of circular crest coefficient C0 to Ht>/Kl for different approach depths (aerated nappe). 288-D-2441.TIO OF COEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGf0 COEFFICIENT FOR H, / R, -0.30» b ifr x ^-i ^ -" ^— . — Figure 9-58.—Circular crest discharge coefficient for other than design head. 288-D-2442. R = QaI/2/5//a 1/'1; where Ha is equal to the distance between the water surface and the elevation under consideration. The diameter of the jet thus de- creases with the distance of the free vertical fall for normal design applications. If an assumed total loss (including jet contrac- tion losses, friction losses, velocity losses from di- rection changes, etc.) is taken as 0.1 Ha, the equa- tion for determining the approximate required shaft radius may be written: 1/2 R = 0.204 (29) Because this equation is for the shape of the jet, 05CL CL Oo _cn 'encLU e H u n 4, p- /(/. b&\n fay jtw fc f 410 DESIGN OF SMALL DAMS It, -•? a c 1 ' : I1 << VT £--'•?, •/ ' >-,' • 3.8 3.< •> o 3.0 a: Vr eg ? 2.6 zij J 4_ | M j> 1.6 1.4 1.00. !j ,_ :^iK ! s.^ \\\^ \ \ ^K I p V\\ sV \ y = 2.0 --'' ! t! | 1 | 0 / 0.4 !'-/ i.;,- '/r^:; •--.-' 1 Avv\\\s\ k-™ V~-\\ \^\\ P Rs OJ ^ k\ \\\\x \ 5 \ \\ \\ \\ \\ N^X \^ \\ \\V ^\^\\^- "^ NOTE1 Dashed lines are based on exirapolaf ion of data. ^\_ 's\^ - ^~ ^^-, ^ ^£;^$ 0-8 IS l( ?.0Ho'^M Rs Figure 9-57.—Relationship of circular crest coefficient C0 to H0/RS for different approach depths (aerated noppe). 288-D-2441. L. UJ o5o.e R = Q0 1/2/5Ha 1/4; where Ha is equal to the distance between the water surface and the elevation under consideration. The diameter of the jet thus de- creases with the distance of the free vertical fall for normal design applications. If an assumed total loss (including jet contrac- tion losses, friction losses, velocity losses from di- rection changes, etc.) is taken as 0.1 Ha, the equa- tion for determining the approximate required shaft radius may be written: R = 0.204 (29) Figure 9-58.—Circular crest discharge coefficient for other than design head. 288-D-2442.Because this equation is for the shape of the jet, D- g 3=jG. i 5! o CD; oj! .£ra> c. UJ 5 410 DESIGN OF SMALL DAMS 7j.|3.l */• 1 3"' « o 3-0x: V)or OJ $ 2.6 r— UJ L> i.»_ U f.8 - « ^ ^i^ N/^ ii ! i \ s \ \'^N. S \ \ »s " V N\ sV\\ 0-'' \ _VC- \v\\ \ k"OJ V"% Y\ \\\\\ P Q,RS °-' V k\ s!^N \^\ 5 N \\\\ \\\N X VN \\>N \^^\X^"^ "" NOTE- Dashed lines ore based on extrapolation of doto. ^\ ^^ • ^i=^ ^^^^^ •C^. ^~^^T: "" ;-^_ — ^"V0.0 1 \ I 0.4 OJ 1.2 1.6 2.0v.».-. */„.„ i. Figure 9-57.—Relotionship of circulor crest coefficient C0 to H0/Rf for different approach depths (derated nappe). 288-D-2441.RATIO OF COEFFICIENT OF DISCHARGfTO COEFFICIENT FDR H,/ R, .0.3P ° -„"" » b k^ ^, S* •^ .— "— ~~•— O.I 0.2 0.3 0.1 0. R = Qa l/2/5Ha l/<; where Ha is equal to the distance between the water surface and the elevation under consideration. The diameter of the jet thus de- creases with the distance of the free vertical fall for normal design applications. If an assumed total loss (including jet contrac- tion losses, friction losses, velocity losses from di- rection changes, etc.) is taken as 0.1 Ha, the equa- tion for determining the approximate required shaft radius may be written: 1/2 R = 0.204 (29) Figure 9-58.—Circular crest discharge coefficient for other than design head. 288-D-2442.Because this equation is for the shape of the jet, CO O- o 75r? O-eoO CO- C- ~OTcLU P/A- -aCOQ. co Q. EoO 0) 'c LU JLS5:rtifr 9ft/ ,'11 £, /If/, W^O !,(? Q hi-'vw-v >p * / a- n,c\ * 5.1 ' "*s-~ '> /? £{'• fy , r I 3,1\~1 s- ^ tf.K^ ,. f ,„ ff.^-/M / I ' • '7 £MM ''r^ <-1\ / -I-- .5 ,r hi • l/o" rf?-' a ** & _g 53Q. , a : O UJ- • c: LU isiu 32 //if- ^^ ( . o . -if' '•''/* r f>. co O. co 5"3 CL EoO C/3~i_ CD QJ '5)C UJ u ^fl N!P * v.rA -areD- _5 S3a. <D; a) ! "5> : LU a5n •o£0CL co Q. O Q)Q> &) IU , I p/'A^/H j-^i -o(3 CL C_g 3DQ- OO to CD 0) cLU 5 35n 0, i i s G( APPENDIX 5.3 SAMPLE DEBRIS VOLUME CALCULATION COD. CDiS i U I \Q \t? \0.\f 1 (9 to -a CS _g 3"3 Q. i 5! o • c/3' "v_tD i I. CDi C: LU DC in DK f ^. V Q. c_o o CD ' E! ~5)) C -acCa. o 5 a. i 51 O 0); as ' P : uD '•id.,'^.1} '- '-• ! T3CO Q. g ba. oO _00 QJ 0 'cb ui ^J1n g Q. O O cuO3 UJ 3 u fyt&M l/ ID us -J -aCOQ_ _g 5±iQ. Eo O CDO) '05c:UJ I i MS /w 7 ! y£n g 3"3ex oO O)c: c.LLI s u n COO- 5 3"3a. EoO CO 05CD li •U A -aC3D. g 3 a. £ 6 _ as . 'en i C: LLI 71 -amCL o a. £ o CD : LOJ D UJ I Guidelines:~* Basin should be located: (1) where a low embankment can be constructed across a swale or exca- vation (2) where post-construction (permanent) detention basins will be con- structed (3) where failure would nor cause loss of life or property damage (4) in areas accessible for maintenance work, including sediment removal and sediment stockpiling in a protected area. ™* Use the following equations when sizing the sediment basin: I) Q=CiA Where: Q — Flow expected from the site, in cubic feet per second C = Coefficient of runoff (typicaJly between 0.4 to 0.7), depending on imperviousncss of contributing area i = Expected rainfall, in indies per hour A = Contributing area, in acres 2) Where: Ac!v Surface area of settling basin with 2-foot of minimum depth Flow as calculated above Settling velocity of particles, in feet per second Particle Size (mm) 0.5 02 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.005 Particle Description coarse sand Medium sand fine sand coarse silt medium silt fine silt clay Settling Velocity V, (fps) 0.19 0.067 0.023 0.0062 0.000% 0.00024 0.00006 pagr 80 Purpose: Application: Limitations: A sediment basin is a controlled storm water release structure, formed by excavation or bv construction of an earthen embankment across a waterway or low drainage area. Sediment basins collect and temporarily detain storm water runoff to provide ample settling lime before runoff is discharged. ^" On all construction projects with disturbed areas during the wet season. ^" To prevent the sediment-laden storm water from entering streams, lakes, or drainage ways. ^ At outlets of disturbed areas. X" Where practical, contributing drainage areas should be subdivided into smaller areas, and multiple sediment basins installed. n Alternative measures must be thoroughly investigated for erosion control berore selecting a sediment basin. n Require large surface areas to permit settling of sediment. A For drainage areas greater than 40 ha (100 ac), use multiple basins. A Must be designed by a registered professional civil engineer with review or approval by the overseeing agency. n Require regular maintenance to remove silt deposits. n Not to be located in live streams. LENGTH PER PLAN MIN 18"« C S P -12 GA TYPICAL THROUGHOUT /PER PLAN. 6' MINIMUM — /\ , WIDTH. LENGTH. RIP-RAP SIZE AND RLTER ROCK SIZE PER PLAN ' 'X, --V _STANOPIPE-18"« PIPE.MINIMUM WITH NO PERFORATIONS PLAN VIEW #6 REBAR.SPACED 6"O.C. AROUND RISER CIRCUMFERENCE 4- RED PAINT STRIPE ALL AROUND RISER NTS SLOPE FACES SHALL BE HYDROSEEDED SIMILAR TO SDRS D-70 2:1 OR FLATTER IF so SPECIFIED ON PLANS TYPICAL THROUGHOUT SEE SECTION 300-6 STD. SPECS. T SLOPE PER PLAN. 17. MINIMUM —7 ^ *_. COARSE AGGRECRATE .560-C-3250 CONCRETE ANCHORS PER PLAN -SEE DETAIL A NTS -SIMILAR TO SDRS D-72 SDRS 0-70 CHANNEL OR, RIP RAP PER STD. D-40 3'+O.D- OF DRAIN PIPE SEE DETAIL B NTS DETAIL A NTS BASIN CAPACITY TABLE ( IN CUBIC YARDS) DETAIL B NTS 1 1/2"x 2" A-36 STL ANGLE 4 LOCATIONS 1/2"e UB */ NUT k WASHER NOTES: 1) DESILTAT10N BASINS BUILT ON LOTS ADJACENT TO DWELLINGS SHALL BE COMPLETELY LINED WTH 3" GUNITE. 2) ALL STEEL PIPE AND HARDWARE TO BE HOT DIP GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION. TRACTAREA (ACRES) 10 15 20 40 80 100 150 200 ' AVERAGE SLOPES 2% 270 400 540 1080 2160 2700n 4000 5400 5% 350 420 700 1400 2800 3500 4200 7000 8% 370 450 740 1480 2960 3700 4600 7400 10% 400 600 800 1600 3200 4000 6000 8000 12% 450 675 900 1800 3600 4500 6750 9000 15% 500 750 1000 2000 4000 5000 7500 10000 "V. I APPROVED IOAT£CITI TEMPORARY DESOAT10N BASIN OUTLET AND CAPACITY TABLE SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARD NO. APPENDIX 5.4 SAMPLE MUSLE DEBRIS VOLUME CALCULATION 3Q. P 03 1.1. cn5 c: R (, A, - ff- •-y • I/ Iff f fc^f-^* 4. Order 99-08- DWQWith Amendments APPENDIX 4: ORDER 99-08-DWQ AND RESOLUTION 2001-046 '• Terry Tamminen •cretaryfor .vironmenlal Protection State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality 1001 1 Street • Sacramento, California 95814 • (916) 341-5537 Mailing Address: P.O. Box J977 • Sacramento, California • 95812-1977 FAX (916) 341-5543 • Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov Arnold Schwarzengger Governor To:CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER DISCHARGER SUBJECT: CHECKLIST FOR SUBMITTING A NOTICE OF INTENT In order for the State Water Resources Control Board to expeditiously process your Notice of Intent (NOI), the following items must be submitted to either of the addresses indicated below: 1. 2. NOI (please keep a copy for your files) with all applicable sections completed and original signature of the landowner or signatory agent; Check made out to the "State Water Resources Control Board" Fee is ($200 + $20/acre) plus 18.5% surcharge. See reverse for listing of fees by acre. 3.Site Map of the facility (see NOI instructions). DO NOT SEND BLUEPRINTS U.S. Postal Service Address State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality Attn: Storm Water Section P.O.Box 1977 Sacramento, CA 95812-1977 Overnight Mailing Address State Water Resources Control Board Division Of Water Quality Attn: Storm Water, 15 1001 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Floor NOIs are processed in the order they are received. A NOI receipt letter will be mailed to the land owner within approximately two weeks. Incomplete NOI submittals will be returned to the landowner's address within the same timeframe and will specify the reason(s) for return. If you need a receipt letter by a specific date (for example, to provide to a local agency), we advise that you submit your NOI thirty (30) days prior to the date the receipt letter is needed. Please do not call us to verify your NOI status. A copy of your NOI receipt letter will be available on our web page within twenty-four (24) hours of processing. Go to: http://esmr.swrcb.ca.gov:7778/dwq/ConReceiptLetter.asp to retrieve an electronic copy of your NOI receipt letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact us at (916) 341- 5537. 18.5% Acres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Fee $200.00 $220.00 $240.00 $260.00 $280.00 $300.00 $320.00 $340.00 $360.00 $380.00 $400.00 $420.00 $440.00 $460.00 $480.00 $500.00 $520.00 $540.00 $560.00 $580.00 $600.00 $620.00 $640.00 $660.00 $680.00 $700.00 $720.00 $740.00 $760.00 $780.00 $800.00 $820.00 $840.00 $860.00 $880.00 $900.00 $920.00 $940.00 $960.00 $980.00 $1 ,000.00 $1 ,020.00 $1 ,040.00 $1 ,060.00 $1 ,080.00 $1,100.00 $1,120.00 $1,140.00 $1,160.00 $1,180.00 $1 ,200.00 Surcharge $37 $41 $44 $48 $52 $56 $59 $63 $67 $70 $74 $78 $81 $85 $89 $93 $96 $100 $104 $107 $111 $115 $118 $122 $126 $130 $133 $137 $141 $144 $148 $152 $155 $159 $163 $167 $170 $174 $178 $181 $185 $189 $192 $196 $200 $204 $207 $211 $215 $218 $222 Total Fee $237 $261 $284 $308 $332 $356 $379 $403 $427 $450 $474 $498 $521 $545 $569 $593 $616 $640 $664 $687 $711 $735 $758 $782 $806 $830 $853 $877 $901 $924 $948 $972 $995 $1,019 $1,043 $1 ,067 $1 ,090 $1,114 $1,138 $1,161 $1,185 $1 ,209 $1 ,232 $1,256 $1,280 $1,304 $1 ,327 $1,351 $1 ,375 $1,398 $1 ,422 Acres 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 >100 Fee $1 ,220.00 $1 ,240.00 $1 ,260.00 $1 ,280.00 $1 ,300.00 $1 ,320.00 $1 ,340.00 $1 ,360.00 $1 ,380.00 $1 ,400.00 $1,420.00 $1,440.00 $1 ,460.00 $1 ,480.00 $1,500.00 $1 ,520.00 $1,540.00 $1 ,560.00 $1 ,580.00 $1,600.00 $1 ,620.00 $1 ,640.00 $1 ,660.00 $1 ,680.00 $1 ,700.00 $1 ,720.00 $1 ,740.00 $1 ,760.00 $1 ,780.00 $1 ,800.00 $1,820.00 $1 ,840.00 $1 ,860.00 $1,880.00 $1 ,900.00 $1 ,920.00 $1 ,940.00 $1 ,960.00 $1 ,980.00 $2,000.00 $2,020.00 $2,040.00 $2,060.00 $2,080.00 $2,100.00 $2,120.00 $2,140.00 $2,160.00 $2,180.00 $2,200.00 18.5% Surcharge $226 $229 $233 $237 $241 $244 $248 $252 $255 $259 $263 $266 $270 $274 $278 $281 $285 $289 $292 $296 $300 $303 $307 $311 $315 $318 $322 $326 $329 $333 $337 $340 $344 $348 $352 $355 $359 $363 $366 $370 $374 $377 $381 $385 $389 $392 $396 $400 $403 $407 Total Fee $1,446 $1,469 $1,493 $1,517 $1,541 $1,564 $1,588 $1,612 $1 ,635 $1 ,659 $1 ,683 $1 ,706 $1 ,730 $1 ,754 $1 ,778 $1,801 $1 ,825 $1,849 $1 ,872 $1 ,896 $1,920 $1,943 $1 ,967 $1,991 $2,015 $2,038 $2,062 $2,086 $2,109 $2,133 $2,157 $2,180 $2,204 $2,228 $2,252 $2,275 $2,299 $2,323 $2,346 $2,370 $2,394 $2,417 $2,441 $2,465 $2,489 $2,512 $2,536 $2,560 $2,583 $2,607 FACT SHEET FOR WATER QUALITY ORDER 99-08-DWQ STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB) 901 P STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORM WATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (GENERAL PERMIT) BACKGROUND In 1972, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (also referred to as the Clean Water Act [CWA]) was amended to provide that the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States from any point source is unlawful unless the discharge is in compliance with an NPDES permit. The 1987 amendments to the CWA added Section 402(p) which establishes a framework for regulating municipal and industrial storm water discharges under the NPDES Program. On November 16, 1990, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) published final regulations that establish storm water permit application requirements for specified categories of industries. The regulations provide that discharges of storm water to waters of the United States from construction projects that encompass five (5) or more acres of soil disturbance are effectively prohibited unless the discharge is in compliance with an NPDES Permit. Regulations (Phase II Rule) that became final on December 8, 1999 expand the existing NPDES program to address storm water discharges from construction sites that disturb land equal to or greater than one (1) acre and less than five (5) acres (small construction activity). The regulations require that small construction activity, other than those regulated under an individual or Regional Water Quality Control Board General Permit, must be permitted no later than March 10,2003. While federal regulations allow two permitting options for storm water discharges (individual permits and General Permits), the SWRCB has elected to adopt only one statewide General Permit at this time that will apply to all storm water discharges associated with construction activity, except from those on Tribal Lands, in the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit, and those performed by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Construction on Tribal Lands is regulated by an USEPA permit, the Lahontan Regional Water Control Board adopted a separate NPDES permit for the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit, and the SWRCB adopted a separate NPDES permit for Caltrans projects. This General Permit requires all dischargers where construction activity disturbs one acre or more, to: 1. Develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which specifies Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will prevent all construction pollutants from contacting storm water and with the intent of keeping all products of erosion from moving off site into receiving waters. 2. Eliminate or reduce nonstorm water discharges to storm sewer systems and other waters of the nation. 3. Perform inspections of all BMPs. This General Permit shall be implemented and enforced by the nine California Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs). The Genera] Permit accompanying this fact sheet regulates storm water runoff from construction sites. Regulating many storm water discharges under one permit will greatly reduce the otherwise overwhelming administrative burden associated with permitting individual storm water discharges. Dischargers shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to obtain coverage under this General Permit. It is expected that as the storm water program develops, the RWQCBs may issue General Permits or individual permits containing more specific permit provisions. When this occurs, those dischargers will no longer be regulated by this Genera] Permit. On August 19, 1999, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) reissued the General Construction Storm Water Permit (Water Quality Order 99-08-DWQ referred to as "General Permit"). The San Francisco BayKeeper, Santa Monica BayKeeper, San Diego BayKeeper, and Orange Coast Keeper filed a petition for writ of mandate challenging the General Permit in the Superior Court, County of Sacramento. The Court issued a judgment and writ of mandate on September 15, 2000. The Court directed the SWRCB to modify the provisions of the General Permit to require permittees to implement specific sampling and analytical procedures to determine whether Best Management Practices (BMPs) implemented on a construction site are: (1) preventing further impairment by sediment in storm waters discharged directly into waters listed as impaired for sediment or silt, and (2 ) preventing other pollutants, that are known or should be known by permittees to occur on construction sites and that are not visually detectable in storm water discharges, from causing or contributing to exceedances of water quality objectives. The monitoring provisions in the General Permit have been modified pursuant to the court order. TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY COVERED BY THIS GENERAL PERMIT Construction activity subject to this General Permit includes clearing, grading, disturbances to the ground such as stockpiling, or excavation that results in soil disturbances of at least one acre of total land area. Construction activity that results in soil disturbances of less than one acre is subject to this General Permit if the construction activity is part of a larger common plan of development that encompasses one or more acres of soil disturbance or if there is significant water quality impairment resulting from the activity. Construction activity does not include routine maintenance to maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the facility, nor does it include emergency construction activities required to protect public health and safety. Dischargers should confirm with the local RWQCB whether or not a particular routine maintenance activity is subject to this General Permit. A construction project which includes a dredge and/or fill discharge to any jurisdictional surface water (e.g., wetland, channel, pond, or marine water) will also need a CWA Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a CWA Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the RWQCB/SWRCB. Storm water discharges from dredge spoil placement which occurs outside of Corps jurisdiction (upland sites) and are part of construction activity which disturbs one or more acres of land are covered by this general permit. Proponents of construction projects which disturb one or more acres of land within the jurisdictional boundaries of a CWA Section 404 permit should contact the local RWQCB to determine the applicability of this permit to the project. NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS It is the responsibility of the landowner to obtain coverage under this General Permit prior to commencement of construction activities. To obtain coverage, the landowner must file an NOI with a vicinity map and the appropriate fee with the SWRCB. In addition, coverage under this permit shall not occur until the applicant develops an adequate SWPPP for the project. Section A of the Genera] Permit outlines the required contents of a SWPPP. For proposed construction activity on easements or on nearby property by agreement or permission, the entity responsible for the construction activity shall file an NOI and filing fee and shall be responsible for development of the SWPPP, all of which must occur prior to commencement of construction activities. A separate NOI shall be submitted to the SWRCB for each construction site. Owners of new construction shall file an NOI prior to the commencement of construction. Owners of an ongoing construction site that is covered under the previous General Construction Permit (WQ Order No.92-08-DWQ) (1) shall continue to implement their existing SWPPP and monitoring program and (2) shall implement any necessary revisions to their SWPPP in a timely manner but in no case later than 90-calender days from adoption of this General Permit in accordance with Section A of this General Permit. The NOI requirements of the Genera] Permit are intended to establish a mechanism which can be used to clearly identify the responsible parties, locations, and scope of operations of dischargers covered by the General Permit and to document the discharger's knowledge of the requirements for a SWPPP. The NOI must be sent to the following address: State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality Storm Water Permit Unit P.O.Box 1977 Sacramento, CA 95812-1977 The total annual fee is the current base fee plus applicable surcharges. When construction is complete or ownership has been transferred, dischargers shall file a Notice of Termination with the RWQCB certifying that all State and local requirements have been met in accordance with Special Provisions for Construction Activity, C.7, of the Genera] Permit. Dischargers who fail to obtain coverage under this General Permit for storm water discharges to surface waters will be in violation of the CWA and the California Water Code. CONSTRUCTION ACTrVITY NOT COVERED BY THIS GENERAL PERMIT This General Permit does not apply to storm water discharges from (1) those areas on Tribal Lands; (2) the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit; (3) construction under one acre, unless part of a larger common plan of development or sale; (4) projects covered by an individual NPDES Permit for storm water discharges associated with construction activity; and (5) landfill construction that is subject to the genera] industrial permit. Storm water discharges in the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit are regulated by a separate permit(s) adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region (LRWQCB). USEPA regulates storm water discharges on Tribal Lands. Permit applications for storm water discharges that will be conducted in the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit must be submitted directly to the LRWQCB. DESCRIPTION OF GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS The following is a brief description of the major provisions of the General Permit and the basis for the General Permit. Prohibitions This General Permit authorizes the discharge of storm water to surface waters from construction activities that result in the disturbance of one or more acres of land. It prohibits the discharge of materials other than storm water and authorized non-storm water discharges and all discharges which contain a hazardous substance in excess of reportable quantities established at 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 117.3 or 40 CFR 302.4 unless a separate NPDES Permit has been issued to regulate those discharges. In addition, this General Permit contains provisions that uphold discharge prohibitions contained in water quality control plans, as implemented through the nine RWQCBs. Effluent Limitations Permits for storm water discharges associated with construction activity shall meet all applicable provisions of Sections 301 and 402 of the CWA. These provisions require controls of pollutant discharges that utilize best available technology economically achievable (BAT) and best conventional pollutant control technology (BCT) to reduce pollutants and any more stringent controls necessary to meet water quality standards. It is not feasible at this time for the SWRCB to establish numeric effluent limitations. The reasons why it is not feasible to establish numeric effluent limitations are discussed in detail in SWRCB Order Nos. WQ 91-03 and WQ 91-04. Therefore, the effluent limitations contained in this General Permit are narrative and include the requirement to implement appropriate BMPs. The BMPs shall primarily emphasize source controls such as erosion control and pollution prevention methods. The discharger shall also install structural controls, as necessary, such as sediment control which will constitute BAT and BCT and will achieve compliance with water quality standards. The narrative effluent limitations constitute compliance with the requirements oftheCWA. Elimination or reduction of nonstorm water discharges is a major goal of this General Permit. Nonstorm water discharges include a wide variety of sources, including improper dumping, spills, or leakage from storage tanks or transfer areas. Nonstorm water discharges may contribute a significant pollutant load to receiving waters. Measures to control spills, leakage, and dumping and to prevent illicit connections during construction shall be addressed through structural as well as non-structural BMPs. This General Permit prohibits the discharge of materials other than storm water and authorized nonstorm water discharges. It is recognized that certain nonstorm water discharges may be necessary for the completion of construction projects. Such discharges include, but are not limited to irrigation of vegetative erosion control measures, pipe flushing and testing, street cleaning, and dewatering. Such discharges are allowed by this General Permit provided they are not relied upon to clean up failed or inadequate construction or post-construction BMPs designed to keep materials onsite. These authorized nonstorm water discharges shall (1) be infeasible to eliminate, (2) comply with BMPs as described in the SWPPP, and (3) not cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards. Additionally, these discharges may be required to be permitted by the local RWQCB (e.g., some RWQCBs have adopted General Permits for dewatering discharges). This General Permit is performance-based to the extent that it prohibits the discharge of storm water that causes or threatens to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance; but it also allows the owner/developer to determine the most economical, effective, and possibly innovative BMPs. The requirements of this General Permit are intended to be implemented on a year-round basis, not just during the part of the year when there is a high probability of a precipitation event which results in storm water runoff. The permit should be implemented at the appropriate level and in a proactive manner during all seasons while construction is ongoing. Weather and storm predictions or weather information concerning the 10-year, 6-hour storm event and mean annual rainfall can be obtained by calling the Western Regional Climate Center at 775-674-7010 or via the internet at www.wrcc.dri.edu/precip.html and/or www.wrcc.dri.edu/pcpnfreq.html. Receiving Water Limitations Language The receiving water limitations language is fundamentally different from the language adopted in the SWRCB General Industrial Activities Storm Water Permit on April 17, 1997. Construction related activities which cause or contribute to an exceedance of water quality standards must be corrected immediately and cannot wait for the RWQCB to approve a plan of action to correct. The dynamic nature of construction activity allows the discharger the ability to more quickly identify and correct the source of the exceedances. Therefore, the owner is required to take immediate corrective action and to provide a report to the appropriate RWQCB within 14-calendar days of the violation describing the corrective action. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) This Genera] Permit requires development and implementation of a SWPPP. This document emphasizes the use of appropriately selected, correctly installed and maintained pollution reduction BMPs. This approach provides the flexibility necessary to establish BMPs which can effectively address source control of pollutants during changing construction activities. All dischargers shall prepare and implement a SWPPP prior to disturbing a site. The SWPPP must be implemented at the appropriate level to protect water quality at all times throughout the life of the project. Nonstorm water BMPs must be implemented year round. The SWPPP shall remain on the site while the site is under construction, commencing with the initial mobilization and ending with the termination of coverage under the permit. The SWPPP has two major objectives: (1) to help identify the sources of sediment and other pollutants that affect the quality of storm water discharges and (2) to describe and ensure the implementation of BMPs to reduce or eliminate sediment and other pollutants in storm water as well as nonstorm water discharges. The SWPPP shall include BMPs which address source control and, if necessary, shall also include BMPs which address pollutant control. Required elements of a SWPPP include: (1) site description addressing the elements and characteristics specific to the site, (2) descriptions of BMPs for erosion and sediment controls, (3) BMPs for construction waste handling and disposal, (4) implementation of approved local plans, (5) proposed post-construction controls, including description of local post-construction erosion and sediment control requirements, and (6) nonstorm water management. To ensure that the preparation, implementation, and oversight of the SWPPP is sufficient for effective pollution prevention, individuals responsible for creating, revising, overseeing, and implementing the SWPPP should participate in applicable training programs and document such training in the SWPPP. SWPPPs are reports that are available to the public under Section 308(b) of the CWA and will be made available by the RWQCB upon request. Monitoring Program Another major feature of the General Permit is the development and implementation of a monitoring program. All dischargers are required to conduct inspections of the construction site prior to anticipated storm events and after actual storm events. During extended storm events, inspections must be made during each 24-hour period. The goals of these inspections are (1) to identify areas contributing to a storm water discharge; (2) to evaluate whether measures to reduce pollutant loadings identified in the SWPPP are adequate and properly installed and functioning in accordance with the terms of the General Permit; and (3) whether additional control practices or corrective maintenance activities are needed. Equipment, materials, and workers must be available for rapid response to failures and emergencies. All corrective maintenance to BMPs shall be performed as soon as possible, depending upon worker safety. Each discharger shall certify annually that the construction activities are in compliance with the requirements of this General Permit. Dischargers who cannot certify annual compliance shall notify the appropriate RWQCB. A well-developed monitoring program will provide a good method for checking the effectiveness of the SWPPP. Retention of Records The discharger is required to retain records of all monitoring information, copies of all reports required by this General Permit, and records of all data used to complete the NOI for all construction activities to be covered by the General Permit for a period of at least three years from the date generated. This period may be extended by request of the SWRCB and/or RWQCB. With the exception of reporting noncompliance to the appropriate RWQCB, dischargers are not required to submit the records, except upon specific request by the RWQCB. STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB ) ORDER NO. 99 - 08 - DWQ NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) GENERAL PERMIT NO. CAS000002 WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS (WDRS) FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER RUNOFF ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY The State Water Resources Control Board finds that: 1. Federal regulations for controlling pollutants in storm water runoff discharges were promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) on November 16, 1990 (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 122, 123, and 124). The regulations require discharges of storm water to surface waters associated with construction activity including clearing, grading, and excavation activities (except operations that result in disturbance of less than five acres of total land area and which are not part of a larger common plan of development or sale) to obtain an NPDES permit and to implement Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology (BCT) to reduce or eliminate storm water pollution. On December 8, 1999 federal regulations promulgated by USEPA (40CFR Parts 9, 122, 123, and 124) expanded the NPDES storm water program to include storm water discharges from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) and construction sites that were smaller than those previously included in the program. Federal regulation 40 CFR § 122.26(b)(15) defines small construction activity as including clearing, grading, and excavating that result in land disturbance of equal to or greater than one acre or less than five acres or is part of a larger common plan of development or sale. Permit applications for small construction activities are due by March 10, 2003. 2. This General Permit regulates pollutants in discharges of storm water associated with construction activity (storm water discharges) to surface waters, except from those areas on Tribal Lands; Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit; construction projects which disturb less than one acre, unless part of a larger common plan of development or sale; and storm water discharges which are determined ineligible for coverage under this General Permit by the California Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs). Attachment 1 contains addresses and telephone numbers of each RWQCB office. 3. This Genera] Permit does not preempt or supersede the authority of local storm water management agencies to prohibit, restrict, or control storm water discharges to separate storm sewer systems or other watercourses within their jurisdiction, as allowed by State and Federal law. 4. To obtain authorization for proposed storm water discharges to surface waters, pursuant to this General Permit, the landowner (discharger) must submit a Notice of Intent (NOT) with a vicinity map and the appropriate fee to the SWRCB prior to commencement of construction activities. In addition, coverage under this General Permit shall not occur until the applicant develops a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the requirements of Section A of this permit for the project. For proposed construction activity conducted on easements or on nearby property by agreement or permission, or by an owner or lessee of a mineral estate (oil, gas, geothermal, aggregate, precious metals, and/or industrial minerals) entitled to conduct the activities, the entity responsible for the construction activity must submit the NOI and filing fee and shall be responsible for development of the SWPPP. 5. If an individual NPDES Permit is issued to a discharger otherwise subject to this General Permit or if an alternative General Permit is subsequently adopted which covers storm water discharges regulated by this Genera] Permit, the applicability of this General Permit to such discharges is automatically terminated on the effective date of the individual permit or the date of approval for coverage under the subsequent General Permit. 6. This action to adopt an NPDES permit is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21100, et seq.) in accordance with section 13389 of the California Water Code. 7. The SWRCB adopted the California Ocean Plan, and the RWQCBs have adopted and the SWRCB has approved Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans). Dischargers regulated by this General Permit must comply with the water quality standards in these Basin Plans and subsequent amendments thereto. 8. The SWRCB finds storm water discharges associated with construction activity to be a potential significant sources of pollutants. Furthermore, the SWRCB finds that storm water discharges associated with construction activities have the reasonable potential to cause or contribute to an excursion above water quality standards for sediment in the water bodies listed in Attachment 3 to this permit. 9. It is not feasible at this time to establish numeric effluent limitations for pollutants in storm water discharges from construction activities. Instead, the provisions of this General Permit require implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to control and abate the discharge of pollutants in storm water discharges. 10. Discharges of non-storm water may be necessary for the completion of certain construction projects. Such discharges include, but are not limited to: irrigation of vegetative erosion control measures, pipe flushing and testing, street cleaning, and dewatering. Such discharges are authorized by this General Permit as long as they (a) do comply with Section A.9 of this General Permit, (b) do not cause or contribute to violation of any water quality standard, (c) do not violate any other provision of this General Permit, (d) do not require a non-storm water permit as issued by some RWQCBs, and (e) are not prohibited by a Basin Plan. If a non-storm water discharge is subject to a separate permit adopted by a RWQCB, the discharge must additionally be authorized by the RWQCB permit. 11. Following adoption of this General Permit, the RWQCBs shall enforce the provisions herein including the monitoring and reporting requirements. 12. Following public notice in accordance with State and Federal laws and regulations, the SWRCB in a public meeting on June 8, 1998, heard and considered all comments. The SWRCB has prepared written responses to all significant comments. 13. This Order is an NPDES permit in compliance with section 402 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and shall take effect upon adoption by the SWRCB provided the Regional Administrator of the USEPA has no objection. If the USEPA Regional Administrator objects to its issuance, the General Permit shall not become effective until such objection is withdrawn. 14. This Genera] Permit does not authorize discharges of fill or dredged material regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under CWA section 404 and does not constitute a waiver of water quality certification under CWA section 401. 15 The Monitoring Program and Reporting Requirements are modified in compliance with a judgment in the case of San Francisco BayKeeper, et al. v. State Water Resources Control Board. The modifications include sampling and analysis requirements for direct discharges of sediment to waters impaired due to sediment and for pollutants that are not visually detectable in runoff that may cause or contribute to an exceedance of water quality objectives. 16 Storm water discharges associated with industrial activity that are owned or operated by municipalities serving populations less than 100,000 people are no longer exempt from the need to apply for or obtain a storm water discharge permit. A temporary exemption, which was later extended by USEPA, was provided under section 1068(c) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. Federal regulation 40 CFR § 122.26(e)(l)(ii) requires the above municipalities to submit permit application by March 10, 2003. 17 This permit may be reopened and modified to include different monitoring requirements for small construction activity than for construction activity over five (5) acres. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that all dischargers who file an NOI indicating their intention to be regulated under the provisions of this General Permit shall comply with the following: A. DISCHARGE PROHIBITIONS: 1. Authorization pursuant to this General Permit does not constitute an exemption to applicable discharge prohibitions prescribed in Basin Plans, as implemented by the nine RWQCBs. 2. Discharges of material other than storm water which are not otherwise authorized by an NPDES permit to a separate storm sewer system (MS4) or waters of the nation are prohibited, except as allowed in Special Provisions for Construction Activity, C.3. 3. Storm water discharges shall not cause or threaten to cause pollution, contamination, or nuisance. 4. Storm water discharges regulated by this General Permit shall not contain a hazardous substance equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity listed in 40 CFR Part 117 and/or 40 CFR Part 302. B. RECEIVING WATER LIMITATIONS: 1. Storm water discharges and authorized nonstorm water discharges to any surface or ground water shall not adversely impact human health or the environment. 2. The SWPPP developed for the construction activity covered by this General Permit shall be designed and implemented such that storm water discharges and authorized nonstorm water discharges shall not cause or contribute to an exceedance of any applicable water quality standards contained in a Statewide Water Quality Control Plan and/or the applicable RWQCB's Basin Plan. 3. Should it be determined by the discharger, SWRCB, or RWQCB that storm water discharges and/or authorized nonstorm water discharges are causing or contributing to an exceedance of an applicable water quality standard, the discharger shall: a. Implement corrective measures immediately following discovery that water quality standards were exceeded, followed by notification to the RWQCB by telephone as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours after the discharge has been discovered. This notification shall be followed by a report within 14-calender days to the appropriate RWQCB, unless otherwise directed by the RWQCB, describing (1) the nature and cause of the water quality standard exceedance; (2) the BMPs currently being implemented; (3) any additional BMPs which will be implemented to prevent or reduce pollutants that are causing or contributing to the exceedance of water quality standards; and (4) any maintenance or repair of BMPs. This report shall include an implementation schedule for corrective actions and shall describe the actions taken to reduce the pollutants causing or contributing to the exceedance. b. The discharger shall revise its SWPPP and monitoring program immediately after the report to the RWQCB to incorporate the additional BMPs that have been and will be implemented, the implementation schedule, and any additional monitoring needed. c. Nothing in this section shall prevent the appropriate RWQCB from enforcing any provisions of this General Permit while the discharger prepares and implements the above report. C. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY: 1. All dischargers shall fale an NOI and pay the appropriate fee for construction activities conducted at each site as required by Attachment 2: Notice of Intent- General Instructions. 2. All dischargers shall develop and implement a SWPPP in accordance with Section A: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. The discharger shall implement controls to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges from their construction sites to the BAT/BCT performance standard. 3. Discharges of non-storm water are authorized only where they do not cause or contribute to a violation of any water quality standard and are controlled through implementation of appropriate BMPs for elimination or reduction of pollutants. Implementation of appropriate BMPs is a condition for authorization of non-storm water discharges. Non-storm water discharges and the BMPs appropriate for their control must be described in the SWPPP. Wherever feasible, alternatives which do not result in discharge of nonstorm water shall be implemented in accordance with Section A.9. of the SWPPP requirements. 4. All dischargers shall develop and implement a monitoring program and reporting plan in accordance with Section B: Monitoring Program and Reporting Requirements. 5. All dischargers shall comply with the lawful requirements of municipalities, counties, drainage districts, and other local agencies regarding discharges of storm water to separate storm sewer systems or other watercourses under their jurisdiction, including applicable requirements in municipal storm water management programs developed to comply with NPDES permits issued by the RWQCBs to local agencies. 6. All dischargers shall comply with the standard provisions and reporting requirements contained in Section C: Standard Provisions. 7. The discharger may terminate coverage for a portion of the project under this General Permit when ownership of a portion of this project has been transferred or when a phase within this multi-phase project has been completed. When ownership has transferred, the discharger must submit to its RWQCB a Change of Information Form (COI) Attachment 4 with revised site map and the name, address and telephone number of the new owner(s). Upon transfer of title, the discharger should notify the new owner(s) of the need to obtain coverage under this General Permit. The new owner must comply with provisions of Sections A. 2. (c) and B. 2. (b) of this Genera] Permit. To terminate coverage for a portion of the project when a phase has been completed, the discharger must submit to its RWQCB a COI with a revised map that identifies the newly delineated site. 8. The discharger may terminate coverage under this General Permit for a complete project by submitting to its RWQCB a Notice of Termination Form (NOT), and the post-construction BMPs plan according to Section A. 10 of this General Permit. Note that a construction project is considered complete only when all portions of the site have been transferred to a new owner; or the following conditions have been met: a. There is no potential for construction related storm water pollution, b. All elements of the SWPPP have been completed, c. Construction materials and waste have been disposed of properly, d. The site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements, and e. A post-construction storm water management plan is in place as described in the site's SWPPP. 9. This General Permit expires five years from the date of adoption. D. REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD (RWQCB) AUTHORITIES: 1. RWQCBs shall: a. Implement the provisions of this General Permit. Implementation of this General Permit may include, but is not limited to requesting the submittal of SWPPPS, reviewing SWPPPs, reviewing monitoring reports, conducting compliance inspections, and taking enforcement actions. b. Issue permits as they deem appropriate to individual dischargers, categories of dischargers, or dischargers in a geographic area. Upon issuance of such permits by a RWQCB, the affected dischargers shall no longer be regulated by this General Permit. 2. RWQCBs may require, on a case-by-case basis, the inclusion of an analysis of potential downstream impacts on receiving waterways due to the permitted construction. 3. RWQCBs may provide information to dischargers on the development and implementation of SWPPPs and monitoring programs and may require revisions to SWPPPs and monitoring programs. 4. RWQCBs may require dischargers to retain records for more than three years. 5. RWQCBs may require additional monitoring and reporting program requirements including sampling and analysis of discharges to water bodies listed in Attachment 3 to this permit. Additional requirements imposed by the RWQCB should be consistent with the overall monitoring effort in the receiving waters. 6. RWQCBs may issue individual NPDES permits for those construction activities found to be ineligible for coverage under this permit. CERTIFICATION The undersigned, Administrative Assistant to the Board, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an order duly and regularly adopted at a meeting of the State Water Resources Control Board held on August 19, 1999. AYE: James M. Stubchaer Mary Jane Forster John W. Brown Arthur G. Baggett, Jr. NO: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None /s/ Maureen Marche Administrative Assistant to the Board SECTION A: STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN 1. Objectives A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be developed and implemented to address the specific circumstances for each construction site covered by this General Permit. The SWPPP shall be certified in accordance with the signatory requirements of section C, Standard Provision for Construction Activities (9). The SWPPP shall be developed and amended or revised, when necessary, to meet the following objectives: a. Identify all pollutant sources including sources of sediment that may affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with construction activity (storm water discharges) from the construction site, and b. Identify non-storm water discharges, and c. Identify, construct, implement in accordance with a time schedule, and maintain Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce or eliminate pollutants in storm water discharges and authorized nonstorm water discharges from the construction site during construction, and d. Develop a maintenance schedule for BMPs installed during construction designed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after construction is completed (post- construction BMPs). e. Identify a sampling and analysis strategy and sampling schedule for discharges from construction activity which discharge directly into water bodies listed on Attachment 3. (Clean Water Act Section 303(d) [303(d)] Water Bodies listed for Sedimentation). f. For all construction activity, identify a sampling and analysis strategy and •sampling schedule for discharges that have been discovered through visual monitoring to be potentially contaminated by pollutants not visually detectable in the runoff. 2. Implementation Schedule a. For construction activity commencing on or after adoption of this General Permit, the SWPPP shall be developed prior to the start of soil-disturbing activity in accordance with this Section and shall be implemented concurrently with commencement of soil-disturbing activities. b. Existing permittees engaging in construction activities covered under the terms of the previous General Construction Permit SWPPP (WQ Order No.92-08-DWQ) shall continue to implement their existing SWPPP and shall implement any necessary revisions to their SWPPP in accordance with this Section of the General Permit in a timely manner, but in no case more than 90-calender days from the date of adoption of this General Permit. c. For ongoing construction activity involving a change of ownership of property, the new owner shall review the existing SWPPP and amend if necessary, or develop a new SWPPP within 45-calender days. d. Existing permittees shall revise their SWPPP in accordance with the sampling and analysis modifications prior to August 1, 2001. For ongoing construction activity involving a change of ownership the new owner shall review the existing SWPPP and amend the sampling and analysis strategy, if required, within 45 days. For construction activity commencing after the date of adoption, the SWPPP shall be developed in accordance with the modification language adopted. 3. Availability The SWPPP shall remain on the construction site while the site is under construction during working hours, commencing with the initial construction activity and ending with termination of coverage under the General Permit. 4. Required Changes a. The discharger shall amend the SWPPP whenever there is a change in construction or operations which may affect the discharge of pollutants to surface waters, ground waters, or a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The SWPPP shall also be amended if the discharger violates any condition of this General Permit or has not achieved the general objective of reducing or eliminating pollutants in storm water discharges. If the RWQCB determines that the discharger is in violation of this General Permit, the SWPPP shall be amended and implemented in a timely manner, but in no case more than 14-calendar days after notification by the RWQCB. All amendments should be dated and directly attached to the SWPPP. b. The RWQCB or local agency with the concurrence of the RWQCB may require the discharger to amend the SWPPP. 5. Source Identification The SWPPP shall include: (a) project information and (b) pollutant source identification combined with an itemization of those BMPs specifically chosen to control the pollutants listed. 10 a. Project Information (1) The SWPPP shall include a vicinity map locating the project site with respect to easily identifiable major roadways, geographic features, or landmarks. At a minimum, the map must show the construction site perimeter, the geographic features surrounding the site, and the general topography. (2) The SWPPP shall include a site map(s) which shows the construction project in detail, including the existing and planned paved areas and buildings. (a) At a minimum, the map must show the construction site perimeter; existing and proposed buildings, lots, roadways, storm water collection and discharge points; general topography both before and after construction; and the anticipated discharge location(s) where the storm water from the construction site discharges to a municipal storm sewer system or other water body. (b) The drainage patterns across the project area must clearly be shown on the map, and the map must extend as far outside the site perimeter as necessary to illustrate the relevant drainage areas. Where relevant drainage areas are too large to depict on the map, map notes or inserts illustrating the upstream drainage areas are sufficient. (c) Temporary on-site drainages to carry concentrated flow shall be selected to comply with local ordinances, to control erosion, to return flows to their natural drainage courses, and to prevent damage to downstream properties. 3. Information presented in the SWPPP may be represented either by narrative or by graphics. Where possible, narrative descriptions should be plan notes. Narrative descriptions which do not lend themselves to plan notes can be contained in a separate document which must be referenced on the plan. b. Pollutant Source and BMP Identification The SWPPP shall include a description of potential sources which are likely to add pollutants to storm water discharges or which may result in nonstorm water discharges from the construction site. Discharges originating from off-site which flow across or through areas disturbed by construction that may contain pollutants should be reported to the RWQCB. 11 The SWPPP shall: (1) Show drainage patterns and slopes anticipated after major grading activities are completed. Runoff from off-site areas should be prevented from flowing through areas that have been disturbed by construction unless appropriate conveyance systems are in place. The amount of anticipated storm water run-on must be considered to determine the appropriateness of the BMPs chosen. Show all calculations for anticipated storm water run-on, and describe all BMPs implemented to divert off-site drainage described in section A. 5 a. (2) (c) around or through the construction project. (2) Show the drainage patterns into each on-site storm water inlet point or receiving water. Show or describe the BMPs that will protect operational storm water inlets or receiving waters from contaminated discharges other than sediment discharges, such as, but not limited to: storm water with elevated pH levels from contact with soil amendments such as lime or gypsum; slurry from sawcutting of concrete or asphalt ;washing of exposed aggregate concrete; concrete rinse water; building washing operations; equipment washing operations; minor street washing associated with street delineation; and/or sealing and paving activities occurring during rains. (3) Show existing site features that, as a result of known past usage, may contribute pollutants to storm water, (e.g., toxic materials that are known to have been treated, stored, disposed, spilled, or leaked onto the construction site). Show or describe the BMPs implemented to minimize the exposure of storm water to contaminated soil or toxic materials. (4) Show areas designated for the (a) storage of soil or waste, (b) vehicle storage and service areas, (c) construction material loading, unloading, and access areas, (d) equipment storage, cleaning, and maintenance areas. (5) Describe the BMPs for control of discharges from waste handling and disposal areas and methods of on-site storage and disposal of construction materials and construction waste. Describe the BMPs designed to minimize or eliminate the exposure of storm water to construction materials, equipment, vehicles, waste storage areas, or service areas. The BMPs described shall be in compliance with Federal, State, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances. (6) Describe all post-construction BMPs for the project, and show the location of each BMP on the map. (Post-construction BMPs consist of permanent features designed to minimize pollutant discharges, including sediment, from the site after construction has been completed.) Also, describe the 12 agency or parties to be the responsible party for long-term maintenance of these BMPs. (7) Show the locations of direct discharge from the construction site into a Section 303(d) list water body. Show the designated sampling locations in the receiving waters, which represent the prevailing conditions of the water bodies upstream of the construction site discharge and immediately downstream from the last point of discharge. (8) Show the locations designated for sampling the discharge from areas identified in Section A. 5. b. (2), (3), and (4) and Section A. 5. c. (1) and (2). Samples shall be taken should visual monitoring indicate that there has been a breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill from a BMP which could result in the discharge in storm water of pollutants that would not be visually detectable, or if storm water comes into contact with soil amendments or other exposed materials or contamination and is allowed to be discharged. Describe the sampling procedure, location, and rationale for obtaining the uncontaminated sample of storm water. c. Additional Information (1) The SWPPP shall include a narrative description of pollutant sources and BMPs that cannot be adequately communicated or identified on the site map. In addition, a narrative description of preconstruction control practices (if any) to reduce sediment and other pollutants in storm water discharges shall be included. (2) The SWPPP shall include an inventory of all materials used and activities performed during construction that have the potential to contribute to the discharge of pollutants other than sediment in storm water. Describe the BMPs selected and the basis for their selection to eliminate or reduce these pollutants in the storm water discharges. (3) The SWPPP shall include the following information regarding the construction site surface area: the size (in acres or square feet), the runoff coefficient before and after construction, and the percentage that is impervious (e.g., paved, roofed, etc.) before and after construction. (4) The SWPPP shall include a copy of the NOI, and the Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) number. Should a WDED number not be received from the SWRCB at the time construction commences, the discharger shall include proof of mailing of the NOI, e.g., certified mail receipt, copy of check, express mail receipt, etc. 13 (5) The SWPPP shall include a construction activity schedule which describes all major activities such as mass grading, paving, lot or parcel improvements at the site and the proposed time frame to conduct those activities. (6) The SWPPP shall list the name and telephone number of the qualified person(s) who have been assigned responsibility for prestorm, poststorm, and storm event BMP inspections; and the {PRIVATE Jqualified person(s) assigned responsibility to ensure full compliance with the permit and implementation of all elements of the SWPPP, including the preparation of the annual compliance evaluation and the elimination of all unauthorized discharges. 6. Erosion Control Erosion control, also referred to as "soil stabilization" is the most effective way to retain soil and sediment on the construction site. The most efficient way to address erosion control is to preserve existing vegetation where feasible, to limit disturbance, and to stabilize and revegetate disturbed areas as soon as possible after grading or construction. Particular attention must be paid to large mass-graded sites where the potential for soil exposure to the erosive effects of rainfall and wind is great. Mass graded construction sites may be exposed for several years while the project is being built out. Thus, there is potential for significant sediment discharge from the site to surface waters. At a minimum, the discharger/operator must implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment control on all disturbed areas during the rainy season. These disturbed areas include rough graded roadways, slopes, and building pads. Until permanent vegetation is established, soil cover is the most cost-effective and expeditious method to protect soil particles from detachment and transport by rainfall. Temporary soil stabilization can be the single-most important factor in reducing erosion at construction sites. The discharger shall consider measures such as: covering with mulch, temporary seeding, soil stabilizers, binders, fiber rolls or blankets, temporary vegetation, permanent seeding, and a variety of other measures. The SWPPP shall include a description of the erosion control practices, including a time schedule, to be implemented during construction to minimize erosion on disturbed areas of a construction site. The discharger must consider the full range of erosion control BMPs. The discharger must consider any additional site-specific and seasonal conditions when selecting and implementing appropriate BMPs. The above listed erosion control measures are examples of what should be considered and are not exclusive of new or innovative approaches currently available or being developed. 14 a. The SWPPP shall include: (1) An outline of the areas of vegetative soil cover or native vegetation onsite which will remain undisturbed during the construction project. (2) An outline of all areas of soil disturbance including cut or fill areas which will be stabilized during the rainy season by temporary or permanent erosion control measures, such as seeding, mulch, or blankets, etc. (3) An outline of the areas of soil disturbance, cut, or fill which will be left exposed during any part of the rainy season, representing areas of potential soil erosion where sediment control BMPs are required to be used during construction. (4) A proposed schedule for the implementation of erosion control measures. b. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs and control practices to be used for both temporary and permanent erosion control measures. c. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs to reduce wind erosion at all times, with particular attention paid to stock-piled materials. 7. Stabilization (1) All disturbed areas of the construction site must be stabilized. Final stabilization for the purposes of submitting a NOT is satisfied when: -All soil disturbing activities are completed AND EITHER OF THE TWO FOLLOWING CRITERIA ARE MET: -A uniform vegetative cover with 70 percent coverage has been established OR: -equivalent stabilization measures have been employed. These measures include the use of such BMPs as blankets, reinforced channel liners, soil cement, fiber matrices, geotextiles, or other erosion resistant soil coverings or treatments. (2) Where background native vegetation covers less than 100 percent of the surface, such as in arid areas, the 70 percent coverage criteria is adjusted as follows: If the native vegetation covers 50 percent of the ground surface, 70 percent of 50 percent (.70 X .50=.35) would require 35 percent total uniform surface coverage. 15 Sediment Control The SWPPP shall include a description or illustration of BMPs which will be implemented to prevent a net increase of sediment load in storm water discharge relative to preconstruction levels. Sediment control BMPs are required at appropriate locations along the site perimeter and at all operational internal inlets to the storm drain system at all times during the rainy season. Sediment control practices may include filtration devices and barriers (such as fiber rolls, silt fence, straw bale barriers, and gravel inlet filters) and/or settling devices (such as sediment traps or basins). Effective filtration devices, barriers, and settling devices shall be selected, installed and maintained properly. A proposed schedule for deployment of sediment control BMPs shall be included in the SWPPP. These are the most basic measures to prevent sediment from leaving the project site and moving into receiving waters. Limited exemptions may be authorized by the RWQCB when work on active areas precludes the use of sediment control BMPs temporarily. Under these conditions, the SWPPP must describe a plan to establish perimeter controls prior to the onset of rain. During the nonrainy season, the discharger is responsible for ensuring that adequate sediment control materials are available to control sediment discharges at the downgrade perimeter and operational inlets in the event of a predicted storm. The discharger shall consider a full range of sediment controls, in addition to the controls listed above, such as straw bale dikes, earth dikes, brush barriers, drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drain, sandbag dikes, fiber rolls, or other controls. At a minimum, the discharger/operator must implement an effective combination of erosion and sediment control on all disturbed areas during the rainy season. If the discharger chooses to rely on sediment basins for treatment purposes, sediment basins shall, at a minimum, be designed and maintained as follows: Option 1: Pursuant to local ordinance for sediment basin design and maintenance, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. OR Option 2: Sediment basin(s), as measured from the bottom of the basin to the principal outlet, shall have at least a capacity equivalent to 3,600 cubic feet of storage per acre draining into the sediment basin. The length of the basin shall be more than twice the width of the basin. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; and the depth must not be less than three feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency. 16 OR Option 3: Sediment basin(s) shall be designed using the standard equation: As=1.2Q/Vs Where: As is the minimum surface area for trapping soil particles of a certain size; Vs is the settling velocity of the design particle size chosen; and Q=C x I x A where Q is the discharge rate measured in cubic feet per second; C is the runoff coefficient; I is the precipitation intensity for the 10-year, 6-hour rain event and A is the area draining into the sediment basin in acres. The design particle size shall be the smallest soil grain size determined by wet sieve analysis, or the fine silt sized (0.01mm) particle, and the Vs used shall be 100 percent of the calculated settling velocity. The length is determined by measuring the distance between the inlet and the outlet; the length shall be more than twice the dimension as the width; the depth shall not be less than three feet nor greater than five feet for safety reasons and for maximum efficiency (two feet of storage, two feet of capacity). The basin(s) shall be located on the site where it can be maintained on a year-round basis and shall be maintained on a schedule to retain the two feet of capacity; OR Option 4: The use of an equivalent surface area design or equation, provided that the design efficiency is as protective or more protective of water quality than Option 3. A sediment basin shall have a means for dewatering within 7-calendar days following a storm event. Sediment basins may be fenced if safety (worker or public) is a concern. The outflow from a sediment basin that discharges into a natural drainage shall be provided with outlet protection to prevent erosion and scour of the embankment and channel. The discharger must consider any additional site-specific and seasonal conditions when selecting and designing sediment control BMPs. The above listed sediment control measures are examples of what should be considered and are not exclusive of new or innovative approaches currently available or being developed. The SWPPP shall include a description of the BMPs to reduce the tracking of sediment onto public or private roads at all times. These public and private roads shall be inspected and cleaned as necessary. Road cleaning BMPs shall be discussed in the 17 SWPPP and will not rely on the washing of accumulated sediment or silt into the storm drain system. 9. Non-Storm Water Management Describe all non-storm water discharges to receiving waters that are proposed for the construction project. Non-storm water discharges should be eliminated or reduced to the extent feasible. Include the locations of such discharges and descriptions of all BMPs designed for the control of pollutants in such discharges. Onetime discharges shall be monitored during the time that such discharges are occurring. A qualified person should be assigned the responsibility for ensuring that no materials other than storm water are discharged in quantities which will have an adverse effect on receiving waters or storm drain systems (consistent with BAT/BCT), and the name and contact number of that person should be included in the SWPPP document. Discharging sediment-laden water which will cause or contribute to an exceedance of the applicable RWQCB's Basin Plan from a dewatering site or sediment basin into any receiving water or storm drain without filtration or equivalent treatment is prohibited. 10. Post-Construction Storm Water Management The SWPPP shall include descriptions of the BMPs to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges after all construction phases have been completed at the site (Post- Construction BMPs). Post-Construction BMPs include the minimization of land disturbance, the minimization of impervious surfaces, treatment of storm water runoff using infiltration, detention/retention, biofilter BMPs, use of efficient irrigation systems, ensuring that interior drains are not connected to a storm sewer system, and appropriately designed and constructed energy dissipation devices. These must be consistent with all local post-construction storm water management requirements, policies, and guidelines. The discharger must consider site-specific and seasonal conditions when designing the control practices. Operation and maintenance of control practices after construction is completed shall be addressed, including short-and long-term funding sources and the responsible party. 11. Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair The SWPPP shall include a discussion of the program to inspect and maintain all BMPs as identified in the site plan or other narrative documents throughout the entire duration of the project. A qualified person will be assigned the responsibility to conduct inspections. The name and telephone number of that person shall be listed in the SWPPP document. Inspections will be performed before and after storm events and once each 24-hour period during extended storm events to identify BMP effectiveness and implement repairs or design changes as soon as feasible depending upon field conditions. Equipment, materials, and workers must be available for rapid response to failures and 18 emergencies. All corrective maintenance to BMPs shall be performed as soon as possible after the conclusion of each storm depending upon worker safety. For each inspection required above, the discharger shall complete an inspection checklist. At a minimum, an inspection checklist shall include: a. Inspection date. b. Weather information: best estimate of beginning of storm event, duration of event, time elapsed since last storm, and approximate amount of rainfall (inches). c. A description of any inadequate BMPs. d. If it is possible to safely access during inclement weather, list observations of all BMPs: erosion controls, sediment controls, chemical and waste controls, and non-storm water controls. Otherwise, list result of visual inspection at relevant outfall, discharge point, or downstream location and projected required maintenance activities. e. Corrective actions required, including any changes to SWPPP necessary and implementation dates. f. Inspectors name, title, and signature. The dischargers shall prepare their inspection checklists using the inspection checklist form provided by the SWRCB or RWQCB or on forms that contain the equivalent information. 12. Training Individuals responsible for SWPPP preparation,' implementation, and permit compliance shall be appropriately trained, and the SWPPP shall document all training. This includes those personnel responsible for installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of BMPs. Those responsible for overseeing, revising, and amending the SWPPP shall also document their training. Training should be both formal and informal, occur on an ongoing basis when it is appropriate and convenient, and should include training/workshops offered by the SWRCB, RWQCB, or other locally recognized agencies or professional organizations. 13. List of Contractors/Subcontractors The SWPPP shall include a list of names of all contractors, (or subcontractors) and individuals responsible for implementation of the SWPPP. This list should include telephone numbers and addresses. Specific areas of responsibility of each subcontractor and emergency contact numbers should also be included. 19 14. Other Plans This SWPPP may incorporate by reference the appropriate elements of other plans required by local, State, or Federal agencies. A copy of any requirements incorporated by reference shall be kept at the construction site. 15. Public Access The SWPPP shall be provided, upon request, to the RWQCB. The SWPPP is considered a report that shall be available to the public by the RWQCB under section 308(b) of the Clean Water Act. 16. Preparer Certification The SWPPP and each amendment shall be signed by the landowner (discharger) or his representative and include the date of initial preparation and the date of each amendment. SECTION B: MONITORING PROGRAM AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Required Changes The RWQCB may require the discharger to conduct additional site inspections, to submit reports and certifications, or perform sampling and analysis. 2. Implementation a. The requirements of this Section shall be implemented at the time of commencement of construction activity (see also Section A. 2. Implementation Schedule). The discharger is responsible for implementing these requirements until construction activity is complete and the site is stabilized. b. For ongoing construction activity involving a change in ownership of property covered by this General Permit, the new owner must complete a NOI and implement the requirements of this Section concurrent with the change of ownership. For changes of information, the owner must follow instructions in C. 7. Special Provisions for Construction Activity of the General Permit. 3. Site Inspections Qualified personnel shall conduct inspections of the construction site prior to anticipated storm events, during extended storm events, and after actual storm events to identify areas contributing to a discharge of storm water associated with construction activity. The 20 name(s) and contact number(s) of the assigned inspection personnel shall be listed in the SWPPP. Pre-storm inspections are to ensure that BMPs are properly installed and maintained; post-storm inspections are to assure that the BMPs have functioned adequately. During extended storm events, inspections shall be required each 24-hour period. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be evaluated for adequacy and proper implementation and whether additional BMPs are required in accordance with the terms of the General Permit (see language in Section A. 11. Maintenance, Inspection, and Repair). Implementation of nonstorm water discharge BMPs shall be verified and their effectiveness evaluated. One time discharges of non-storm water shall be inspected when such discharges occur. 4. Compliance Certification Each discharger or qualified assigned personnel listed by name and contact number in the SWPPP must certify annually that construction activities are in compliance with the requirements of this General Permit and the SWPPP. This Certification shall be based upon the site inspections required in Item 3 of this Section. The certification must be completed by July 1 of each year. 5. Noncompliance Reporting Dischargers who cannot certify compliance, in accordance with Item 4 of this Section and/or who have had other instances of noncompliance excluding exceedances of water quality standards as defined in section B. 3. Receiving Water Limitations Language, shall notify the appropriate RWQCB within 30 days. Corrective measures should be implemented immediately following discovery that water quality standards were exceeded. The notifications shall identify the noncompliance event, including an initial assessment of any impact caused by the event; describe the actions necessary to achieve compliance; and include a time schedule subject to the modifications by the RWQCB indicating when compliance will be achieved. Noncompliance notifications must be submitted within 30-calendar days of identification of noncompliance. 6. Monitoring Records Records of all inspections, compliance certifications, and noncompliance reporting must be retained for a period of at least three years from the date generated. With the exception of noncompliance reporting, dischargers are not required to submit these records. 7. Monitoring Program for Sedimentation/Siltation Dischargers of storm water associated with construction activity that directly enters a water body listed in Attachment 3 shall conduct a sampling and analysis program for the pollutants (sedimentation/siltation or turbidity) causing the impairment. The discharger shall monitor for the applicable parameter. If the water body is listed for sedimentation or 21 siltation, samples should be analyzed for Settleable Solids (ml/1) and Total Suspended Solids (mg/1). Alternatively or in addition, samples may be analyzed for suspended sediment concentration according to ASTM D3977-97. If the water body is listed for turbidity, samples should be analyzed for turbidity (NTU). Discharges that flow through tributaries that are not listed in Attachment 3 or that flow into Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) are not subject to these sampling and analysis requirements. The sampling and analysis parameters and procedures must be designed to determine whether the BMPs installed and maintained prevent discharges of sediment from contributing to impairment in receiving waters. Samples shall be collected during the first two hours of discharge from rain events which result in a direct discharge to any water body listed in Attachment 3. Samples shall be collected during daylight hours (sunrise to sunset). Dischargers need not collect more than four (4) samples per month. All samples shall be taken in the receiving waters and shall be representative of the prevailing conditions of the water bodies. Samples shall be collected from safely accessible locations upstream of the construction site discharge and immediately downstream from the last point of discharge. For laboratory analysis, all sampling, sample preservation, and analyses must be conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136. Field samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the specifications of the manufacturer of the sampling devices employed. Portable meters shall be calibrated according to manufacturer's specification. All field and/or laboratory analytical data shall be kept in the SWPPP document, which is to remain at the construction site at all times until a Notice of Termination has been submitted and approved. Monitoring Program for Pollutants Not Visually Detectable in Storm Water A sampling and analysis program shall be developed and conducted for pollutants which are not visually detectable in storm water discharges, which are or should be known to occur on the construction site, and which could cause or contribute to an exceedance of water quality objectives in the receiving water. Pollutants that should be considered for inclusion in this sampling and analysis program are those identified in Sections A.5.b. and A.5.C. Construction materials and compounds that are not stored in water-tight containers under a water-tight roof or inside a building are examples of materials for which the discharger may have to implement sampling and analysis procedures. The goal of the sampling and analysis is to determine whether the BMPs employed and maintained on site are effective in preventing the potential pollutants from coming in contact with storm water and causing or contributing to an exceedance of water quality objectives in the receiving waters. Examples of construction sites that may require sampling and analysis include: sites that are known to have contaminants spilled or spread on the ground; sites where construction practices include the application of soil amendments, such as gypsum, which can increase the pH of the runoff; or sites having uncovered stockpiles of material 22 exposed to storm water. Visual observations before, during, and after storm events may trigger the requirement to collect samples. Any breach, malfunction, leakage, or spill observed which could result in the discharge of pollutants to surface waters that would not be visually detectable in storm water shall trigger the collection of a sample of discharge. Samples shall be collected at all discharge locations which drain the areas identified by the visual observations and which can be safely accessed. For sites where sampling and analysis is required, personnel trained in water quality sampling procedures shall collect storm water samples. A sufficiently large sample of storm water that has not come in contact with the disturbed soil or the materials stored or used on-site (uncontaminated sample) shall be collected for comparison with the discharge sample. Samples shall be collected during the first two ho.urs of discharge from rain events that occur during daylight hours and which generate runoff. The uncontaminated sample shall be compared to the samples of discharge using field analysis or through laboratory analysis. Analyses may include, but are not limited to, indicator parameters such as: pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, salinity, and TDS. For laboratory analysis, all sampling, sample preservation, and analyses must be conducted according to test procedures under 40 CFR Part 136. Field discharge samples shall be collected and analyzed according to the specifications of the manufacturer of the sampling devices employed. Portable meters shall be calibrated according to manufacturer's specification. All field and/or analytical data shall be kept in the SWPPP document, which is to remain at the construction site at all times until a Notice of Termination has been submitted and approved. SECTION C: STANDARD PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY 1. Duty to Comply The discharger must comply with all of the conditions of this General Permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act and is grounds for enforcement action and/or removal from General Permit coverage. The discharger shall comply with effluent standards or prohibitions established under Section 307(a) of the CWA for toxic pollutants within the time provided in the regulations that establish these standards or prohibitions, even if this General Permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. 2. General Permit Actions This General Permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the discharger for a General Permit modification, revocation 23 and reissuance, or termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not annul any General Permit condition. If any toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is promulgated under Section 307(a) of the CWA for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge and that standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation on the pollutant in this General Permit, this General Permit shall be modified or revoked and reissued to conform to the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the dischargers so notified. 3. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense It shall not be a defense for a discharger in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this General Permit. 4. Duty to Mitigate The discharger shall take all responsible steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this General Permit, which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment. 5. Proper Operation and Maintenance The discharger shall at all times properly operate and maintain any facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the discharger to achieve compliance with the conditions of this General Permit and with the requirements of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate laboratory controls and appropriate quality assurance procedures. Proper operation and maintenance may require the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems installed by a discharger when necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of this General Permit. 6. Property Rights This General Permit does not convey any property rights of any sort or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor does it authorize any infringement of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations. 7. Duty to Provide Information The discharger shall furnish the RWQCB, State Water Resources Control Board, or USEPA, within a reasonable time, any requested information to determine compliance 24 with this Genera] Permit. The discharger shall also furnish, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this General Permit. 8. Inspection and Entry The discharger shall allow the RWQCB, SWRCB, USEPA, and/or, in the case of construction sites which discharge through a municipal separate storm sewer, an authorized representative of the municipal operator of the separate storm sewer system receiving the discharge, upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to: a. Enter upon the discharger's premises at reasonable times where a regulated construction activity is being conducted or where records must be kept under the conditions of this General Permit; b. Access and copy at reasonable times any records that must be kept under the conditions of this General Permit; c. Inspect at reasonable times the complete construction site, including any off-site staging areas or material storage areas, and the erosion/sediment controls; and d. Sample or monitor at reasonable times for the purpose of ensuring General Permit compliance. 9. Signatory Requirements a. All Notice of Intents (NOIs), Notice of Terminations (NOTs), SWPPPs, certifications, and reports prepared in accordance with this Order submitted to the SWRCB shall be signed as follows: (1) For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this Section, a responsible corporate officer means: (a) a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation, or (b) the manager of the construction activity if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; (2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or (3) For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or duly authorized 25 representative. The principal executive officer of a Federal agency includes the chief executive officer of the agency or the senior executive officer having responsibility for the overall operations of a principal geographic unit of the agency (e.g., Regional Administrator of USEPA). b. All SWPPPs, reports, certifications, or other information required by the General Permit and/or requested by the RWQCB, SWRCB, USEPA, or the local storm water management agency shall be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative. A person is a duly authorized representative if: (1) The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and retained as part of the SWPPP; or (2) The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the construction activity, such as the position of manager, operator, superintendent, or position of equivalent responsibility, or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position). c. If an authorization is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the construction activity, a new authorization must be attached to the SWPPP prior to submittal of any reports, information, or certifications to be signed by the authorized representative. 10. Certification Any person signing documents under Section C, Provision 9 above, shall make the following certification: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." 26 11. Anticipated Noncompliance The discharger will give advance notice to the RWQCB and local storm water management agency of any planned changes in the construction activity which may result in noncompliance with General Permit requirements. 12. Penalties for Falsification of Reports Section 309(c)(4) of the CWA provides that any person who knowingly makes any false material statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this General Permit, including reports of compliance or noncompliance shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than two years or by both. 13. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability Nothing in this General Permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the discharger from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the discharger is or may be subject to under Section 311 of the CWA. 14. Severability The provisions of this General Permit are severable; and, if any provision of this General Permit or the application of any provision of this General Permit to any circumstance is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this General Permit shall not be affected thereby. 15. Reopener Clause This General Permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause due to promulgation of amended regulations, receipt of USEPA guidance concerning regulated activities, judicial decision, or in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 122.62, 122.63, 122.64, and 124.5. 16. Penalties for Violations of Permit Conditions a. Section 309 of the CWA provides significant penalties for any person who violates a permit condition implementing Sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the CWA or any permit condition or limitation implementing any such section in a permit issued under Section 402. Any person who violates any permit condition of this Genera] Permit is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $27,500 per calendar day of such violation, as well as any other appropriate sanction provided by Section 309 of the CWA. 27 b. The Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act also provides for civil and criminal penalties which in some cases are greater than those under the CWA. 17. Availability A copy of this General Permit shall be maintained at the construction site during construction activity and be available to operating personnel. 18. Transfers This General Permit is not transferable. A new owner of an ongoing construction activity must submit a NOI in accordance with the requirements of this General Permit to be authorized to discharge under this General Permit. An owner who sells property covered by this Genera] Permit shall inform the new owner of the duty to file a NOI and shall provide the new owner with a copy of this General Permit. 19. Continuation of Expired Permit This General Permit continues in force and effect until a new General Permit is issued or the SWRCB rescinds this General Permit. Only those dischargers authorized to discharge under the expiring General Permit are covered by the continued General Permit. 28 Attachment 1 SWRCB AND RWQCB CONTACT LIST Please see Storm Water Contacts at http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/stormwtr/contact.html NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Who Must Submit Discharges of storm water associated with construction that results in the disturbance of one acre or more of land must apply for coverage under the General Construction Activities Storm Water Permit (General Permit). Construction activity which is a part of a larger common area of development or sale must also be permitted. (For example, if 4 acres of a 20-acre subdivision is disturbed by construction activities, and the remaining 16 acres is to be developed at a future date, the property owner must obtain a General Storm Water Permit for the 4-acre project). Construction activity includes, but is not limited to: clearing, grading, demolition, excavation, construction of new structures, and reconstruction of existing facilities involving removal and replacement that results in soil disturbance. This includes construction access roads, staging areas, storage areas, stockpiles, and any off-site areas which receive run-off from the construction project such as discharge points into a receiving water. Construction activity does not include routine maintenance to maintain original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the facility. The owner of the land where the construction activity is occurring is responsible for obtaining a permit. Owners may obtain coverage under the General Permit by filing a NOI in accordance with the following instructions. Coverage for construction activity conducted on easements (e.g., pipeline construction) or on nearby properties by agreement or permission, or by an owner or lessee of a mineral estate (oil, gas, geothermal, aggregate, precious metals, and/or industrial minerals) entitled to conduct the activities, shall be obtained by the entity responsible for the construction activity. Linear construction projects which will have construction activity occurring in one or more than one Region should contact the State Water Resources Control Board at the number listed below prior to submitting an NOI application for specific information related to the use of the NOI form. Construction Activity Not Covered By This General Permit Storm water discharges in the Lake Tahoe Hydrologic Unit will be regulated by a separate permit(s) adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region, and will not be covered under the State Water Resources Control Board's (SWRCB) General Permit. Storm water discharges on Indian Lands will be regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Where to Apply The NOI form, vicinity map, and appropriate fee must be mailed to the SWRCB at the following address: State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality Attn: Storm Water Permit Unit P.O.Box 1977 Sacramento, CA 95812-1977 When to Apply Property owners proposing to conduct construction activities subject to this General Permit must file a Notice of Intent prior to the commencement of construction activity. Fees The total annual fee is the current base fee plus applicable surcharges for all construction sites submitting an NOI. Checks should be made payable to: SWRCB. Completing the Notice of Intent (NOI) The submittal to obtain coverage under the General Permit must include a completed NOI Form (Notice of Intent, attached), a vicinity map, and the appropriate annual fee. The NOI must be completely and accurately filled out; the vicinity map and annual fee must be included with the NOI or the submittal is considered incomplete and will be rejected. A construction site is considered to be covered by the Genera] Permit upon filing a complete NOI submittal, and implementation of a defensible Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Upon receipt of a complete NOI submittal, each discharger will be sent a receipt letter containing the waste discharger's identification (WDDD) number. Questions? If you have any questions on completing the NOI please call the SWRCB at (916) 341-5537. NOI-LINE-BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS Please type or print when completing the NOI Form and vicinity map. SECTION I--NOI STATUS Mark one of the two boxes at the top portion of the NOI. Check box 1 if the NOI is being completed for new construction. Check box 2 if the NOI is being submitted to report changes for a construction site already covered by the General Permit. An example of a change that warrants a resubmittal of the NOI is a change of total area of the construction site. The permit is non- transferable, a change of ownership requires a Notice of Termination (NOT) submittal and a new NOI. Complete only those portions of the NOI that apply to the changes (the NOI must always be signed). If box 2 is checked, the WDID number must be included. SECTION H-PROPERTY OWNER Enter the construction site owner's official or legal name and address; contact person (if other than owner), title, and telephone number. SECTION ID-DEVELOPER / CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Enter the name of the developer's (or general contractor's) official or legal name, address, contact person, title, and telephone number. The contact person should be someone who is familiar with the construction site and is responsible for compliance and oversight of the general permit. SECTION IV-CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATION Enter the project name, site address, county, city, (or nearest city if construction is occurring in an unincorporated area), zip code, and telephone number (if any) of the construction site. Include an emergency contact telephone or pager number. Construction site information should include latitude and longitude designations, tract numbers, and/or mile post markers, if applicable. The site contact person should be someone who is familiar with the project, site plans, SWPPP, and monitoring program. All NOIs must be accompanied by a vicinity map. Part A: Enter the total size in acres of all areas associated with construction activity, including all access roads. Part B: Enter the total size in acres of the area to be disturbed by construction activity and the percentage of the area listed in Part A above that this represents. Part C: Enter the percentage of the site that is impervious (areas where water cannot soak into the ground, such as concrete, asphalt, rooftops, etc.) before and after construction. Part D: Include tract numbers, if available. Part E: Enter the mile post marker number at the project site location. Part F: Indicate whether the construction site is part of a larger common plan of development or sale. For example, if the construction activity is occurring on a two-acre site which is within a development that is one acre or greater, answer yes. Part G: Enter the name of the development (e.g. "Quail Ridge Subdivision", "Orange Valley Estates", etc.). Part H: Indicate when construction will begin (month, .day, year). When a NOI is being submitted due to a change in ownership, the commencement date should be the date the new ownership took effect. Part I: Indicate the percentage of the total project area to be mass graded. Part J: Enter the estimated completion dates for the mass grading activities and for the project completion. Part K: Indicate the type(s) of construction taking place. For example, "Transportation" should be checked for the construction of roads; "Utility" should be checked for installation of sewer, electric, or telephone systems. Include a description of the major construction activities, (e.g., 20 single family homes, a supermarket, an office building, a factory, etc.) SECTION V-BBLLING ADDRESS To continue coverage under the General Permit, the annual fee must be paid. Indicate where the annual fee invoice should be mailed by checking one of the following boxes: Owner: sent to the owners address as it appears in Section H Developer/Contractor: sent to the developer's address as it appears in Section ID. Other: sent to a different address and enter that address in the spaces provided. SECTION VI--REGULATORY STATUS Indicate whether or not the site is subject to local erosion/sediment control ordinances. Indicate whether the erosion/sediment control plan designed to comply with the ordinance addresses the construction of infrastructure and structures in addition to grading. Identify the name and telephone number of the local agency, if applicable. SECTION VIZ-RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION Part A: Indicate whether the storm water runoff from the construction site discharges indirectly to waters of the United States, directly to waters of the United States, or to a separate storm drain system. Indirect discharges include discharges that may flow overland across adjacent properties or rights-of-way prior to discharging into waters of the United States. Enter the name of the owner/operator of the relevant storm drain system, if applicable. Storm water discharges directly to waters of the United States will typically have an outfall structure directly from the facility to a river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean, etc. Discharges to separate storm sewer systems are those that discharge to a collection system operated by municipalities, flood control districts, utilities, or similar entities. Part B: Enter the name of the receiving water. Regardless of point of discharge, the owner must determine the receiving water for the construction site's storm water discharge. Enter the name of the receiving water. SECTION vm-IMPLEMENTATION OF NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Part A: Indicate the status of the SWPPP, date prepared, or availability for review. Also indicate if a tentative construction schedule has been included in the SWPPP (the inclusion of a construction activity schedule is a mandatory SWPPP requirement). Part B: Provide information concerning the status of the development of a monitoring program, a component of the SWPPP which outlines an inspection and maintenance schedule for the proposed Best Management Practices (BMPs). Provide name and phone number of program preparer. Part C: Provide the name and phone numbers of the responsible party or parties designated to insure compliance with all elements of the Genera] Permit and SWPPP. SECTION IX-VICINITY MAP AND FEE Provide a "to scale" or "to approximate scale" drawing of the construction site and the immediate surrounding area. Whenever possible, limit the map to an 8.5" x 11 'or 11" x 17" sheet of paper. At a minimum, the map must show the site perimeter, the geographic features surrounding the site, and general topography, and a north arrow. The map must also include the location of the construction project in relation to named streets, roads, intersections, or landmarks. A NOI containing a map which does not clearly indicate the location of the construction project will be rejected. Do not submit blueprints unless they meet the above referenced size limits. SECTION X--CERTTFICATIONS This section must be completed by the owner or signatory agent of the construction site*. The certification provides assurances that the NOI and vicinity map were completed in an accurate and complete fashion and with the knowledge that penalties exist for providing false information. Certification also requires the owner to comply with the provisions in the General Permit. * For a corporation: a responsible corporate officer (or authorized individual). For a partnership or sole proprietorship: a genera] partner or the proprietor, respectively. For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or duly authorized representative. Attachment 2 Stale Water Resources Control Board NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WQ ORDER No. 99-08-DWQ) I. NOI STATUS (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) IV. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATION 1 1 1 1!| MARK ONLY ONE ITEM 1. D New Construction 2. D Change of Information for WDID# - | II. PROPERTY OWNER Name Mailing Address City Contact Person Title State Zip Phone ( ) III. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Developer/Contractor Mailing Address City Contact Person Title State Zip Phone ( ) || Site/Project Name Physical Address/Location City (or nearest City) A. Total size of construction site area: Acres B. Total area to be disturbed: Acres (% of total ) Site Contact Person Latitude Longitude Co Zip Site Phone Number ( ) C. Percent of site imperviousness (including rooftops): D. Before Construction: % After Construction: % E. F. Is the construction site part of a larger common plan of development or sale? D YES D NO H. Construction commencement date: / / I. % of site to be mass qraded: jnty Emergency Phone Number ( ) Tract Number{s): Mile Post Marker: G. Name of plan or development: J. Projected construction dates: Complete grading: / / K. Type of Construction (Check all that apply): 1. LJ Residential 2. I I Commercial 3. I I Industrial 4. I I Reconstruction 5. 6. n Utility Description: 7. l~l Other (Please List): Complete project: / / I I Transportation V. BILLING INFORMATION SEND BILL TO: O OWNER (as in II. above) LJ DEVELOPER in III. above) J OTHER (enter information at right) Name Mailing Address City Contact Person Phone/Fax State Zip VI. REGULATORY STATUS t\ p II1 Name of local agency: Phone: ( ) - If ves. provide details: CD YES [H NO C3 YES CD NO CD YES CD NO VII. RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION A. B. Does the storm water runoff from the construction site discharge to (Check all that apply): 1 . D Indirectly to waters of the U.S. 2. CD Storm drain system - Enter owner's name: 3. D Directly to waters of U.S. (e.g. , river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean, Name of receivina water: (river, lake, creek, stream, bay. ocean): etc.) VIII. IMPLEMENTATION OF NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) (check one) EH A SWPPP has been prepared for this facility and is available for review: Date Prepared: / / Date Amended: _ CD A SWPPP will be prepared and ready for review by (enter date): / / D A tentative schedule has been included in the SWPPP for activities such as grading, street construction, home construction, etc. B. MONITORING PROGRAM | | A monitoring and maintenance schedule has been developed that includes inspection of the construction BMPs before anticipated storm events and after actual storm events and is available for review. If checked above: A qualified person has been assigned responsibility for pre-storm and post-storm BMP inspections to identify effectiveness and necessary repairs or design changes I I YES I I NO Name: Phone: ( ) C. PERMIT COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITY A qualified person has been assigned responsibility to ensure full compliance with the Permit, and to implement all elements ot the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan including: 1. Preparing an annual compliance evaluation I I YES [ | NO Name: Phone: ( ) 2. Eliminating all unauthorized discharges | | YES | | NO IX. VICINITY MAP AND FEE (must show site location in relation to nearest named streets, intersections, etc.) Have you included a vicinity map with this subminal? [~"| YES [~| NO Have you included payment of the annual lee with this submittai? | | YES | | NO X. CERTIFICATIONS "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment. In addition, I certify that the provisions of the permit, including the development and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and a Monitoring Program Plan will be complied with." Printed Name: Signature: Date: Title: ATTACHMENT 3 303d Listed Water Bodies for Sedimentation REGION -WATER BODY NAME CODE .; POLLUTANT V-s. 1 MATTOLE RIVER 1100 \ Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 ; Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation 1 1 1 1 i" 1 1 1 l" 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 TRINITY RIVER, SOUTH FORK ~R|DWOOD CREEK "MAD RIVER " 'ELI< RIVER " EEL RIVER, SOUTH FORK JETRIVER, NORTH FORK TRINITY^IVER 'EEL RIVERA Ml DOLE FORK "MAD RIVER " TEN MILE RIVER "NOYOplVER BIG RIVER ALBION RIVER NAVARRO RIVER GARCIA RIVER GUALALA RIVER RUSSIAN RIVER TOMKICREEK VAN DUZEN RIVER EEL RIVER DELTA EEL'RIVERVMIDDLE MAIN FORK ESTERO/AMERICANO NAVARRO RIVER DELTA EEL'RIVER, UPPER MAIN FORK FRESHWATER CREEK SCOTT RIVER TOM ALES BAY NAPA RIVER SONOMA CREEK PETALUMA RIVER LAGUNITAS CREEK WALKER CREEK SAN GREGORIO CREEK 1100 Tioo 2500 iioo iTob" "iTob" 1100 iioo 1100 i ioo iioo 1100 i ioo noo iioo iioo i ioo iioo iioo iioo i ioo iioo iioo iioo iioo noo noo Turbidity Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation 2__SAN FRANCISQUITO CREEK 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation PESCADERO CREEK (REG 2)1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 BUTANO CREEK MORRO BAY SAN LORENZO RIVER ESTUARY SHINGLE MILL CREEK MOSS LANDING HARBOR WATSONVILLE SLOUGH i SAN LORENZO RIVER ; ELKHORN SLOUGH ! SALINAS RIVER LAGOON (NORTH) i GOLETA SLOUGH/ESTUARY ! CARPINTERIA MARSH (EL ESTERO : MARSH) ; LOMPICO CREEK 1 MORO COJO SLOUGH VALENCIA CREEK PAJARO RIVER RIDER GULCH CREEK LLAGAS CREEK SAN BENITO RIVER : SALINAS RIVER CHORRO CREEK LOS OSOS CREEK SANTA YNEZ RIVER SAN ANTONIO CREEK (SANTA BARBARA COUNTY) ; CARBONERA CREEK ' SOQUEL LAGOON : APTOS CREEK 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 : noo 1100 i 1100 : noo : 1100 \ 1100 1 noo ; Sedimentation/Siltation 1 Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation j Sedimentation/Siltation i Sedimentation/Siltation ; Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation i Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation 4 5" 5 5 6 6 MUGU LAGOON HUMBUGCREEK" PANOCHE CREEK FALLRIVER~(PIT) BEAR CREEK (R6) MILL CREEK (3) 1100 ' Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation i'Toti SedimenTation/Siitation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimenfation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siitation 1100 Sedimentation/Siitation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 6 6 6 6 HORSESHOE LAKE (2) BRIDGEPORT RES TOPAZ LAKE LAKETAHOE PINE CREEK (2) 6 ~6 A 6 A 6__ TRUCKEE RIVER CLEARWATER CREEK" GRAY CREEK (R6) WARD CREEK GOODALE CREEK EASTW^KERJWER^ "HEAVENrY~VALLEY CREEK WOLF CREEK (1) WEST WALKER RIVER jjoo L129"1100" ux TfocT ioo Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation 1100_____Sedimentation/Siltation Sedimentation/Siltation .L "6 6 T HOT SPRINGS CANYON CREEK BRONCO CREEK SQUAW CREEJ< 'IMPERIAL VALLEY" DRAINS 1100 : Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 :- Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siftation 1100 : Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 : Sedimentation/Siltation ilOO ; Sedimentation/Siltation 7~7~ T ALAMO RIVER_____.^___._._._.:_..... ¥ : SAN DIEGO CREEK, RE AC H 2 I ....... UPPER ^ NEWPORT'BAY'ECOLOGICAr iRESERVE 1100 : Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 ; Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 8.__. 9 9" BIG BEAR LAKE ELSINORE7LAKE SAN'EllJO LAGOON LOS PENASQUITOS LAGOON AGUA'HEDIONDATAGOON"" "BUENA'VlSTXLAGOOhl 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation ilOO Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 Sedimentation/Siltation 1100 ! Sedimentation/Siltation ilOO i Sedimentation/Siitation 9___ Owners Name: WDIDNo.: Prepared By: NEW OWNER INFORMATION AND CHANGE OF INFORMATION (COI) FORM FOR THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO. CAS000002 Date: Date of Last NOI Change: Signature of Preparer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area Transferred (acres)' column 1 Area Remaining (acres)2 column 2 Lot/Tract Numbers Transferred Contact Person and Company Name of NewOwner(s) Address(es) of the New Owner(s)Phone # of New Owner Is Const/Post Construction Complete? Yes/No Date of Ownershi P Transfer Use approximate area (in acres) if no exact figure is available. 2Calculate running total in this column as follows: Enter in column 2, line 1, the area from NOI minus the area in column 1. Enter in column 2, line 2, the area in column 2, line 1, minus the area in line 2, column 1. Enter in column 2, line 3, the area in column 2, line 2, minus the area in line 3, column 1, and so forth. 5. Copy of Notice of Intent (NOI) APPENDIX 5: COPY OF NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) Slate Water Resources Control Board NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY (WQ ORDER No. 99-08-DWQ) Attachment 2 I. NOI STATUS (SEE INSTRUCTIONS) MARK ONLY ONE ITEM 1 . £3 New Construction 2. LJ Change of Information for WDID# II. PROPERTY OWNER Name GREYSTONE HOMES Mailing Address 1525 Faraday, Suite 300 City Carlsbad Contact Person Title State Zip Phone CA 92008 III. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Developer/Contractor GREYSTONE HOMES Mailing Address 1525 Faraday, Suite 300 City Carlsbad Contact Person Title State Zip Phone CA 92008 IV. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT INFORMATION Site/Project Name Bressi Ranch PA's 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Physical Address/Location "E corner of Palomar Airport Rd & El Camino Real City (or nearest City) Carlsbad A. Total size of construction site area: 120.9 Acres B. Total area to be disturbed: 1 20.9 Acres (% of total 1 00 ) Site Contact Person Latitude Longitude 33.1264 -117.26 Zip Site Phone N 92008 C. Percent of site imperviousness (including rooftops): Before Construction: 5% After Construction: 58% F. Is the construction site part of a larger common plan of development or sale? YES H. Construction commencement date: 4/1/2004 I. % of site to be mass graded: 0 K Type of Construction (Check all that apply): 1. 12SJ Residential 2. 1 I Commercial 3. 1 I 6 I I Utility Description: County 2 San Diego umber Emergency Phone Number D. Tract Number(s): E. Mile Post Marker: G. Name of plan or development: Bressi Ranch Development J. Projected construction dates: Complete grading: Complete project: 1 2/30/2004 ndustrial 4. I I Reconstruction 5. I I Transportation 7. 1 I Other (Please List): V. BILLING INFORMATION SEND BILL TO: Kl OWNER (as in II. above) ' J DEVELOPER (as in III. above) I I OTHER (enter information at righl) Name Mailing Address City Contact Person Phone/Fax State Zip vi. r\coui_rt i Name of local agency: Phone: ( ) If ves, provide details: I 1 YFS DYES D YES 1X1 NO DNO IXI NO II. RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION A. Does the storm water runoff from the construction site discharge to (Check all that apply): 1. IXl Indirectly to waters of the U.S. 2. I I Storm drain system- Enter owner's name: 3. I I Directly to waters of U.S. (e.g., river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean, etc.) B. Name of receiving water: (river, lake, creek, stream, bay, ocean): Sdf) M3PCOS CrGSK II. IMPLEMENTATION OF NPDES PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) (check one) |XJ A SWPPP has been prepared for this facility and is available for review: Date Prepared: 3/22/04 Date Amended: / I I A SWPPP will be prepared and ready for review by (enter date): / / I I A tentative schedule has been included in the SWPPP for activities such as grading, street construction, home construction, etc. B. MONITORING PROGRAM _y A monitoring and maintenance schedule has been developed that includes inspection of the construction BMPs before anticipated storm events and after actual storm events and is available for review. If checked above: A qualified person has been assigned responsibility for pre-storm and post-storm BMP inspections to identify effectiveness and necessary repairs or design changes I I YES I/NI NO Name: TO BE DETERMINED AND AMENDED IN SWPPP Phone: ( ) C. PERMIT COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITY A qualified person has been assigned responsibility to ensure full compliance with the Permit, and to implement all elements of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan including: 1. Preparing an annual compliance evaluation I I YES I^Sl NO Name: TO BE DETERMINED AND AMENDED IN SWPPP Phone: ( ) 2. Eljminaling all unauthorized discharges I JYES ^!^ NO IX. VICINITY MAP AND FEE (must show site location in relation to nearest named streets, intersections, etc.) Have you included a vicinity map with this submittal? US) YES I I NO Have you included payment of the annual fee with this submittal? I2SI YES I I NO X. CERTIFICATIONS "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment. In addition, I certify that the provisions of the permit, including the development and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and a Monitoring Program Plan will be complied with." 'nted Name: signature: Title: TAA A. Huti iCTiCijencyappravtOaiKpjirMiirinioiv'seoimBnicaiilrolplin? Docs Ihr rrtr.ipn/seoirnenl conlrol DWn MtlrcU cunslruciien sclMlic* suOl X Inlrulruclurt and •Irvehiresr , l.ainc: ut jci' ogency: Phonr ( J__ (.. v ti-16 pn'ec* or any port ihemf, sutgeci lo condUion; irr posed under a CWA section 404 pcrml of 401 w»t«f o^jlily CartilrcaliBn? I vrs, prcvtcc details: DYES DYES DYES (3 NO DNO IS NO VII. F!ECElV1f\G WATER INFORMATION p—=: =T^SE=^: rsr III mil ' m in ii«i ^n mimiFXI^»«i»j_^a^BMum-J-l^lMmLjaJ-LJIll-ILJU—•a^I ft. Dees ih'r siorm WSIBT rvnorr Irani the i»nftivciio" site discharge lo (Cntck all thai apply): j . C 3 lndirecr.lv to waters aflhe U.S. '•'•• L J Slorm drain system- Sillerowiier's name: i. L.J Direcilywwai«r<5ori.'.S.(B.g.,riv«f,i»ke,creek,stream,bay,ocean etc.) •ing v/aler: (river, lake, aaek, strea'-n, bay, ocean): S90 MafCOS ••III- ! fl' 'I !; IEMTATION OF NPDES F'ERMIT REQUIREMENTS .'.. . T.;IR\I /v*>l£R POLLUTION PREVE-NTION PL^N (SWPPP) (Check one) . '..::•] •• jV'-=P)ia;ibeeripreparBdf;irthi5f3ialt:y ant) is available for raview; Dale Prepared: 3/22/04 Dote Amended: ./. . i ; I I « SI.VPPP will be prepared BOO r&ady (or ra-/iewby (enief date): / „./ I _L-.J A_ ten-wive schedule has been indudad in 11-a SWPPP for acliviliessuch as grading, sireel co:i»lruclion. hom« consiruclion. elc.r? N:3NL-^H'"i •——• '—— ——————J >. ;J /, ™ "i:vmg arid mplr.|er»no» schedul- has sceri drvcfopfU in»| men/081 Iniptcikin ol the ccrr.tnirlirn BMPs Be'••> iici:« *3 storm ivemt and arm ariuni jtorm 3<jap(s jn4 •« avsiljllt lor »vi«v i. .iKc-iitd 3L>o«n: A qualified peranr. hjti fraen assigned resporaibiliiy (« pre-slorm *nd pwi-siorm BMP' u >;cclionr, ij iocniify r:Kcctiven»ssiino necetisry repwt! or ruijignchjogss I I Y6S Nim.v TO BE DETERMINED AMD AMFMrlERJN SWPPP Phonf I j _____ -. t za'.Vk : PUSQ* has Dse,i aiirgns^ respin-trbJiiy o ensure lull corripli*m;e with iho Pcnrvl. jna 19 Im3lem»nl all jt-iiitnis of Ihr: $iprm «v»ltr /'olluiran F: r« ven;ir -i PSI. including. i rrB-.c ng .-.n annual compliance evaluilion UYBS IXI ":»Te. ______ TO BS OETIjRMiNEP AND AMENDSD IN SWPPP _ Phone: [ _ \ ,, .,.--.,, nauihnirrj aischarges _ _ -^_- LJvfS DC NO ,iLl''S f I;I IJ'^T ANP ^^ l!^??1 ^'^sile locati ]n in Cation to nearest named streets, inieraecfens. rtc.) 1 .rfi.r ,ri: i .1 .:.. dfi: s vlcini!) rnajwilh inissuhmnw? CilYES I I NO M i'(: pi. tir1.' ac: cai/menS p( t-ie annual fee wiih Him s^r^mitlsi? DOypg [, JNO . i: AlIONS ===n»0-___™____=___«»»___.___™_____., =-_„__- "I certify ,; det penalty of law trial this document and alf altachmanis were prepared under my direclion and supervision in accordance with a ai.-jiisrn c 95 (jned lo assure lhai quslified personnel properly gainer and evaluate the inforrraiion submitled. Based on my inquiry of the pjr ;on or ^ ericns who manage the system, or ihose persons directly responsible for gathering the informalion. the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware Inat there are significant penalties for submitting false irfofrratior. including the possibility cf fina or imprisonment. In addition. I certify thai the provisions of the permit, including the d _Y<:ii;pme it and/wiplemaniation of & Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and a Monitoring Program Plan will be complied with." ;n' .id Na.T•,: - , -f PROJECT SITE MEL ROSE DRIVE POINSETT1A LANE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 6. Change of nformation APPENDIX 6: CHANGE OF INFORMATION Owners Name:. WDIDNo.: Prepared By: NEW OWNER INFORMATION AND CHANGE OF INFORMATION (COI) FORM FOR THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO. CAS000002 SUBMIT TO THE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD Date: Date of Last NOI Change: Signature of Preparer: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area Transferred (acres)1 column 1 Area Remaining (acres)2 column 2 Lot/Tract Numbers Transferred Contact Person and Company Name of New Owner(s) Address(es) of the New Owner(s)Phone # of New Owner Is Const/Post Construction Complete? Yes/No Date of Ownership Transfer 'Use approximate area (in acres) if no exact figure is available. Calculate running total in this column as follows: Enter in column 2, line 1, the area from NOI minus the area in column 1. Enter in column 2, line 2, the area in column 2, line 1, minus the area in line 2, column 1. Enter in column 2, line 3, the area in column 2, line 2, minus the area in line 3, column 1, and so forth. 7. Notice of Termination (NOT) APPENDIX 7: NOTICE OF TERMINATION (NOT) State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality Terry Tamminen 1001 ' Slreel' Sacramen10- Cal,fomia 958)4 • (916) 341-5537 Arnold Schwarzenegger CJ , Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1977- Sacramento. California -95812-1977 rmfrnnrSecretary for ' ut?vemcT, FAX (916) 341-5543 • Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.eovnronmenlal Sroleclion To: Storm Water Permit Holder RE: NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORM WATER PERMIT (GENERAL PERMIT) In order for us to terminate your coverage under the General Permit, please complete and submit the enclosed Notice of Termination (NOT) your local Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). Refer to the last page of the NOT packet for RWQCB locations. Please note that you are subject to the annual fee until you file a NOT and the RWQCB approves your NOT. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact your local RWQCB at the number listed on the back page of the NOT package, or the Storm Water Unit at (916) 341-5537. Sincerely, Storm Water Unit Division of Water Quality Enclosure State of California{PRIVATE } State Water Resources Control Board NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF COVERAGE UNDER THE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT NO. CAS000002 FOR DISCHARGES OF STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Submission of this Notice of Termination constitutes notice that the owner (and his/her agent) of the site identified on this form is no longer authorized to discharge storm water associated with construction activity by NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002. I. WDID NO. II. OWNER COMPANY NAME CONTACT PERSON STREET ADDRESS TITLE CITY STATE ZIP PHONE III. CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATION A. DEVELOPER NAME CONTACT PERSON STREET ADDRESS TITLE CITY CA ZIP PHONE B. SITE ADDRESS COUNTY CITY CA ZIP PHONE IV. BASIS OF TERMINATION 1. The construction project is complete and the following conditions have been met. - All elements of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan have been completed. - Construction materials and waste have been disposed of properly. - The site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements. - A post-construction storm water operation and management plan is in place. Date of project completion / / 2. Construction activities have been suspended, either temporarily or indefinitely and the following conditions have been met. - All elements of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan have been completed. - Construction materials and waste have been disposed of properly. - All denuded areas and other areas of potential erosion are stabilized. - An operation and maintenance plan for erosion and sediment control is in place. - The site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements. Date of suspension / / Expected start up date / / 3. Site can not discharge storm water to waters of the United States (check one). All storm water is retained on site. All storm water is discharged to evaporation or percolation ponds offsite. . 4. Discharge of storm water from the site is now subject to another NPDES general permit or an individual NPDES permit. NPDES Permit No. Date coverage began / / 5. There is a new owner of the identified site. Date of owner transfer / / Was the new owner notified of the General Permit requirements? YES NO NEW OWNER INFORMATION COMPANY NAME CONTACT PERSON STREET ADDRESS TITLE CITY STATE ZIP PHONE V. EXPLANATION OF BASIS OF TERMINATION (Attach site photographs - see instructions). VI. CERTIFICATION: I certify under penalty of law that all storm water discharges associated with construction activity from the identified site that are authorized by NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002 have been eliminated or that I am no longer the owner of the site. I understand that by submitting this Notice of Termination, I am no longer authorized to discharge storm water associated with construction activity under the general permit, and that discharging pollutants in storm water associated with construction activity to waters of the United States is unlawful under the Clean Water Act where the discharge is not authorized by a NPDES permit. I also understand that the submittal of this Notice of Termination does not release an owner from liability for any violations of the general permit or the Clean Water Act. PRINTED NAME TITLE SIGNATURE: DATE / / REGIONAL WAIEJJBOARD USE ONLY This Notice of Termination has been reviewed, and I recommend termination of coverage under the subject NPDES general permit. Printed Name ; Region No. Signature Date /_ State of California State Water Resources Control Board INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING NOTICE OF TERMINATION FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Who May File Dischargers who are presently covered under NPDES General Permit No. CAS000002 for discharge of storm water associated with construction activity may submit a Notice of Termination when they meet one of the following criteria. 1. The construction project has been completed and the following conditions have been met: all elements of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan have been completed; construction materials and equipment maintenance waste have been disposed of properly; the site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements including erosion/sediment control requirements and the appropriate use permits have been obtained; and a post-construction storm water operation and management plan is in place. 2. Construction activities have been suspended, either temporarily or indefinitely and the following conditions have been: all elements of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan have been completed; construction materials and equipment maintenance waste have been disposed of properly; all denuded areas and other areas of potential erosion are stabilized; an operation and maintenance plan for erosion and sediment control is in place; and the site is in compliance with all local storm water management requirements including erosion/sediment control requirements. The date construction activities were suspended, and the expected date construction activities will start up again should be provided. 3. Construction site can not discharge storm water to waters of the United States. Please indicate if all storm water is retained on site or if storm water is collected offsite. 4. Discharge of construction storm water from the site is now subject to another NPDES general permit or an individual NPDES permit. The general permit or individual permit NPDES number and date coverage began should be provided. 5. There is a new owner of the identified site. If ownership or operation of the facility has been transferred then the previous owner must submit a Notice of Termination and the new owner must submit a Notice of Intent for coverage under the general permit. The date of transfer and information on the new owner should be provided. Note that the previous owner may be liable for discharge from the site until the new owner files a Notice of Intent for coverage under the general permit. Where to File The Notice of Termination should be submitted to the Executive Officer of the Regional Water Board responsible for the area in which the facility is located. See attached. If the Executive Officer, or his designated staff, agrees with the basis of termination, the Notice of Termination will be transmitted to the State Water Board for processing. If the Executive Officer, or his designated staff, does not agree with the basis of termination, the Notice of Termination will be returned. The Regional Water Board may also inspect your site prior to accepting the basis of termination. LINE-BY-LINE INSTRUCTIONS All necessary information must be provided on the form. Type or print in the appropriate areas only. Submit additional information, if necessary, on a separate sheet of paper. SECTION I-WDID NO. The WDID No. is a number assigned to each discharger covered under the General Permit. If you do not know your WDID No., please call the State Water Board or Regional Water Board and request it prior to submittal of the Notice of Termination. SECTION II-OWNER Enter the owner of the construction site's official or legal name (This should correspond with the name on the Notice of Intent submitted for the site), address of the owner, contact person, and contact person's title and telephone number. SECTION MI-CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATION In Part A, enter the name of the developer (or general contractor), address, contact person, and contact person's title and telephone number. The contact person should be the construction site manager completely familiar with the construction site and charged with compliance and oversight of the general permit. This information should correspond with information on the Notice of Intent submitted for the site. In Part B, enter the address, county, and telephone number (if any) of the construction site. Construction sites that do not have a street address must attach a legal description of the site. SECTION IV--BASIS OF TERMINATION Check the category which best defines the basis of your termination request. See the discussion of the criteria in the Who May File section of these instructions. Provide dates and other information requested. Use the space under Explanation of Basis of Termination heading. SECTION V-EXPLANATION OF BASIS OF TERMINATION Please explain the basis or reasons why you believe your construction site is not required to comply with the General Permit. To support your explanation, provide a site map and photograph of your site. SECTION VI--CERTIFICATION This section must be completed by the owner of the site. The Notice of Termination must be signed by: For a Corporation: a responsible corporate officer For a Partnership or Sole Proprietorship: a general partner or the proprietor, respectively. For a Municipality, State, or other Non-Federal Public Agency: either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For a Federal Agency: either the chief or senior executive officer of the agency. STATE AND REGIONAL BOARD CONTACT LIST Contact List is located at www.swrcb.ca.gov/stormwtr/contact.html under Contacts 8. Notices of Violation and Responses APPENDIX 8: NOTICES OF VIOLATION AND RESPONSES 9. SWPPP Amendments APPENDIX 9: SWPPP AMENDMENTS Amendments to the SWPPP shall be performed to ensure that the SWPPP complies with the Permit and that it accurately reflects data regarding the project. This SWPPP is intended to be a dynamic or living document, which can be modified based upon the changing site conditions and the experience gained utilizing the control measures for a specific site. The discharger shall amend the SWPPP whenever there is a change in construction or operation that may affect the discharge of significant quantities of pollutant to surface waters or municipal separate storm drain system. The SWPPP should also be amended if it is in violation of any condition of this Permit or has not achieved the general objectives of reducing pollutants in storm water discharges from the construction site. SUMMARY OF SWPPP AMENDMENTS No.Amendment Description Date 10. Annua Compliance Certification APPENDIX 10: ANNUAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION ANNUAL COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Compliance Certification for the Period of: Construction Project:Bressi Ranch PA's 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12 "Based upon the data received from the monitoring program outlined in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and an evaluation of the operation of the control measures implemented on the project site, I certify to the best of my knowledge that the construction activity is in compliance with the State General Permit for Construction Activities and the provisions in the SWPPP. Evaluation of the previous field inspections indicated that the measures identified in the SWPPP to reduce pollutant loadings generated from the construction site were adequate and properly implemented in accordance with the terms of the permit. I certify that the SWPPP implemented for this construction project has been effective." "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Printed Name: Signature: Title: Company: Date: GREYSTONE HOMES 11. Contractors Subcontractors Lists APPENDIX 11: CONTRACTORS/SUBCONTRACTORS LISTS CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS ..< , • .>$tSy5£f ~ *•* t - , \r ^i^if-kvVi^- Company ProjectDesign Consultants GREYSTONE HOMES Start Date- EncT Date Activity SWPPP Development Owner Contact Person Bracken Ellis . SWPPP ;: Responsibilities Site Supervisor BMP Coordinator, SWPPP Inspections & Monitoring SWPPP Developer -•» u^^tG*"J^tdi-':^-t. , V '^''^&M^^ (619) 235-6471 SAMPLE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SWPPP COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT ; I certify that as a part of my contractual obligations with the Client that I will implement the control measures and practices as outlined in the Storm water Pollution Prevention Pljmr(§WPPP)-as they relate to the construction activities on the project site,which have been contracted.1 The Client has provided'me with a copy of the SWPPP, which I have read, and Fhave attended the training program. I will ensure that my employees or subcontractors under my direction will comply with the provisions of the SWPPP. I am aware that there are significant penalties for activities that contribute to storm water pollution, which is in violation of the Clean Water Quality Act. I will accept the penalties which result from actions associated with the contracted construction activity and will make requested modifications in that construction activity to ensure compliance. Printed Name: Signature: • Title: ___ Company: Date: •-• . 12. Training Log APPENDIX 12: TRAINING LOG STORM WATER ISSUES TRAINING LOG Date: Location:, Topics Covered: Name Company