HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-15; BRESSI RANCH PA 1-5; SANITARY SEWER REPORT; 2004-09-01SANITARY SEWER REPORT BRESSI RANCH INDUSTRIAL CARLSBAD, CA SEPTEMBER 2004 Prepared For: LENNAR COMMUNITIES c/o LENNAR BRESSI VENTURE, LLC 5780 Fleet Street, Suite 320 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ^^^^, Prepared By: PROJECTDESIGN CONSULTANTS PIANNING • £NvijiONMENrAi « ENGINEERING • SVRVEY/GPS 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92 101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 Job No. 2737.00 WillkfSTR. Dick RCE 34563 PreparedBy: WM i^^>»A Registration Expires 09-30-05 Checked By: KB ^ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA 1 3.0 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 1 4.0 ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW 3-4 5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA 5 6.0 DESIGN FLOW AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS 5-7 7.0 CONCLUSION 8 FIGURES 1 Location Map 2 TABLES 1 Total Equivalent Dwelling Units per Planning Area 4 2 Industrial Build-Out Projects 4 3 Sewer System Calculations - System A 6 4 Sewer System Calculations - System B 7 APPENDICES A Handbook of Hydraulic Tables B LFMP Non-Residential Build-Out Projections C Unit Flow Generation Factors ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A - Sewer System REP0RT/2244SSR-Pn.D0C 1.0 INTRODUCTION This sanitary sewer report has been prepared to document the final design and supporting calculations for the sewer system associated with the proposed development of the Bressi Ranch Industrial area, PA's 1-5, CT 02-15 within the City of Carlsbad, and in accordance with City of Carlsbad standards. 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA The Industrial portion of the property, with a total acreage of approximately 129.5 acres, is located southeast of the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road in the City of Carlsbad, California. Please refer to the location map on Page 2. The site consists of an irregular- shaped piece of property bordered on the north by Polomar Airport Road, on the west by El Camino Real, on the south by Bressi Ranch Phase I, and on the east by the Rancho Carrillo development. 3.0 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS The site is divided into three separate sewer collection systems: System A, System B, and System C (see attached Exhibit A). System A begins at El Fuerte Street and extends westerly in Street 'D' and easterly in Street 'F'. System A ties into the existing El Fuerte Street system per Bressi Ranch CT 00-06. System B begins at Street 'A' and extends northerly through Planning Area 2 to Street 'D'. This system extends both east and west along Street 'D' and branches off at Street 'E'. System B ties into the existing sewer system at Street 'A' per Bressi Ranch CT 00-06 and Bressi Ranch Residential. System C begins at the northem end of Alicante Street and extends southerly down the street. This system ties into the existing sewer system at Town Garden Road per Bressi Ranch CT 00-06, Backbone Residential. REPORT/2244SSR-Pn.DOC 4.0 ESTIMATED SEWAGE FLOW The sanitary sewer systems for Bressi Ranch Industrial are proposed to carry the wastewater from the 1,979,880 square feet of industrial/office space proposed to be developed in Bressi Ranch Phase II. (see Appendix B for Non-Residential Build-Out Projections). These systems will be serviced by existing sewer mains in El Fuerte Street and Street 'A'. In order to provide adequate capacity of the sewer systems, the maximum industrial square footage as determined in the Bressi Master Plan has been converted to equivalent dwelling units (EDUs). Per Table 5-1, Appendix C, the maximum conversion is 1,800 square feet equals one EDU. See Tables 1 and 2 for the total EDUs per planning area. REPORT/2244SSR-Pn.DOC Uj o o o o CL PROJECT SITE N BRESSI RANCH 1 INDUSTRIAL AREA. PA'S 1-5 CT-02-15 PALOMAR -MELROSE DRIVE -POINSETTIA LANE EL FUERTE STREET • VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE Figurel. Location Map R£PORT,'2244SSR-PII.DOC TABLE 1: INDUSTRIAL EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNITS PER LOT LOT PA GENERAL PLAN NET AREA MAX. BLDG. S.F RESIDENTIAL EQU1VALEN1 " TOTAL DESIGNATION ACRES IDENTIFIED IN D.U. EDU'S EDU'S BRESSI RANCH MASTER PLAN* 1 1 PI 2 33,213 -18 18 2 2 PI 4.8 79,711 -44 44 3 2 Pl 4.3 71,408 -40 40 4 2 PI 4.0 66,426 -37 37 5 2 PI 2.3 38,195 -21 21 6 2 Pl 2.3 38,195 -21 21 7 2 PI 1.7 28,231 -16 16 8 2 PI 1.8 29,892 -17 17 9 2 PI 2.0 33,213 -18 18 10 3 PI 3.8 63,105 -35 35 11 3 Pl 1.6 26,570 -15 15 12 3 PI 1.5 24,910 -14 14 13 3 PI 2.9 48,159 -27 27 14 3 PI 4.5 74,729 -42 42 15 3 Pl 3.5 58,123 -32 32 16 3 PI 6.9 114,585 -64 64 17 3 Pl 2.1 34,874 -19 19 18 3 PI 2.2 36,534 -20 20 19 3 PI 2.2 36,534 -20 20 20 3 Pl 1.9 31,552 -18 18 21 3 Pl 1.6 26,570 -15 15 22 3 PI 1.9 31,552 -18 18 23 3 Pl 4.4 73,068 -41 41 24 4 Pl 6.1 101,299 -56 56 25 4 PI 3.2 53,141 -30 30 26 4 Pl 3.0 49,819 -28 28 27 4 Pl 2.5 41,516 -23 23 28 4 Pi 6.1 101,299 -56 56 29 4 PI 8.3 137,834 -77 77 30 4 PI 2.2 36,534 -20 20 31 4 PI 3.0 49,819 -28 28 32 4 PI 4.2 69,747 -39 39 33 5 PI 3.8 63,105 -35 35 34 5 PI 1.5 24,910 -14 14 35 5 PI 1.7 28,231 -16 16 36 5 Pl 1.8 29,892 -17 17 37 5 PI 1.6 26,570 -15 15 38 5 PI 2.2 36,534 -20 20 39 5 PI 1.8 29,892 -17 17 40 5 PI 9.8 162,743 -90 90 PA 14 14 PI 1.1 18,267 -10 10 TOTAL 1,200 1,200 Master Plan identified a total of 2,160,500 building square footage for Planning Areas 1-5 (Lots 1-40) and Planning Area 14. Table 2 summarizes the building areas per Lot. T:\ENGR\2268\SWR\INDUSTRIAL DU'S.xIs 9/1/2004 4:43 PM TABLE 2: INDUSTRIAL BUILD OUT PROJECTIONS Lot PA Net Area (Acres) Percent Total Building Sq. Ft. Area 1 1 2.0 1.5% 33,213 2 2 4.8 3.7% 79,711 3 2 4.3 3.3% 71,408 4 2 4.0 3.1% 66,426 5 2 2.3 1.8% 38,195 6 2 2.3 1.8% 38,195 7 2 1.7 1.3% 28,231 8 2 1.8 1.4% 29,892 9 2 2.0 1.5% 33,213 10 3 3.8 2.9% 63,105 11 3 1.6 1.2% 26,570 12 3 1.5 1.2% 24,910 13 3 2.9 2.2% 48,159 14 3 4.5 3.5% 74,729 15 3 3.5 2.7% 58,123 16 3 6.9 5.3% 114,585 17 3 2.1 1.6% 34,874 18 3 2.2 1.7% 36,534 19 3 2.2 1.7% 36,534 20 3 1.9 1.5% 31,552 21 3 1.6 1.2% 26,570 22 3 1.9 1.5% 31,552 23 3 4.4 3.4% 73,068 24 4 6.1 4.7% 101,299 25 4 3.2 2.5% 53,141 26 4 3.0 2.3% 49,819 27 4 2.5 1.9% 41,516 28 4 6.1 4.7% 101,299 29 4 8.3 6.4% 137,834 30 4 2.2 1.7% 36,534 31 4 3.0 2.3% 49,819 32 4 4.2 3.2% 69,747 33 5 3.8 2.9% 63,105 34 5 1.5 1.2% 24,910 35 5 1.7 1.3% 28,231 36 5 1.8 1.4% 29,892 37 5 1.6 1.2% 26,570 38 5 2.2 1.7% 36,534 39 5 1.8 1.4% 29,892 40 5 9.8 7.5% 162,743 PA 14 14 1.1 0.8% 18,267 TOTAL 130.1 100.0% 2,160,500| T;\ENGR\2268\SWR\1NDUSTR1AL DU'S.xIs 9/1/2004 4:43 PM 5.0 DESIGN CRITERIA The criteria used in the design of the sewer system are estabUshed within the City of Carlsbad design requirements. Standard Sewer Svstem Design Criteria, May 1993. The following is a brief summary from the above-mentioned standards: Where D = Flow Depth, and d = pipe diameter: 8-inch diameter pipe: 1. Maximum Depth at Peak Flow = V2 pipe diameter (0.33 feet); or D/d < 0.50 2. Minimum Pipe Slope = 0.40%; desirable = 0.50% 3. Minimum Sewage Flow Velocity = 2 feet/second 4. Peaking Factor = 2.5 5. Residential Sewage Generated = 220 gallons/EDU/day 6. Pipe Roughness Coefficient 'n' = 0.011 for PVC pipe 7. Maximum sewer depth shall be 16 feet. Depths greater than 16 feet require approval from the City Engineer. 10-inch diameter pipe: 1. Maximum Depth at Peak Flow = Vi pipe diameter (0.42 feet); or D/d < 0.50 2. Minimum Pipe Slope = 0.28%; desirable = 0.40% 3. Minimum Sewage Flow Velocity = 2 feet/second 4. Ratio Peak to Average Flow = 2.5 5. Residential Demand = 220 gallons/EDU/day 6. Roughness Coefficient 'n' = 0.011 for PVC pipe 7. Maximum sewer depth shall be 16 feet. Depths greater than 16 feet require approval from the City Engineer. 6.0 DESIGN FLOW AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS The estimated flow in each reach of 9 sewer pipelines proposed for Bressi Ranch Phase II are shown in Tables 5 and 6 for sewer Systems A and B, respectively. The flows generated in each pipeline reach are compared to the design criteria described in Section 5.0. REPORT/2244SSR-Pn.DOC CITY W/o NUMBER: CT 02-15 PDC JOB NUMBER; 2737.00 DESIGN DATE: TODAY'S DATE:9/29/2004 DESIGNED BY: WM CHECKED BY: KB TABLE 1-SEWER FLOW CALCULATIONS - SYSTEM A BRESSI RANCH INDUSTRIAL PA's 1-5 PROJECTDESIGN CONSULTANTS PLANNING * tJsrvTHONMKNi-.iU • LNGisnEnimi • SVKVEWGPS 701 B Street Suite 800. San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 LINE 'A' DWELLING UNITS FLOW TOTAL PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE DESIGN VELOCITY BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL PER D.U. FLOW RATIO G.P.D. C.F.S. SIZE (in) SLOPE (%) d„(ft) dn/D INLINE CFS 0 (cfs) n e (rad) P(ft) A (ft') (f.p.s.) COMMENTS Al 38 39 39 39 220 8580 2.50 21450.000 0.033 8.00 2.20 0.06 0.09 0.033 0.033 0.011 0.60 0.40 0.01 2.23 A2 39 EXIST 0 39 220 8580 2.50 21450.000 0.033 8.00 1.90 0.06 0.09 0.033 0.034 0.011 0.61 0.41 0.02 2.13 TIES INTO EXISTING MANHOLE LINE 'B' DWELLING UNITS FLOW TOTAL PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE DESIGN VELOCITY BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL PER D.U. FLOW RATIO G.P.D. C.F.S. SIZE fin) SLOPE (%) d„m) d„/D INLINE CFS O (cfs) n e (rad) 1 P (ft) A fff-') ff.D.S.") COMMENTS Bl 46 47 17 17 220 3740 2.50 9350.000 0.014 8.00 3.09 0.04 0.05694 0.014 0.016 0.011 0.48191 0.32127 0.00791 2.01 B2 47 42 15 32 220 7040 2.50 17600.000 0.027 8.00 2.00 0.05 0.08148 0.027 0.027 0.011 0.57895 0.38597 0.01344 2.04 LINE 'C DWELLING UNITS FLOW TOTAL PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE DESIGN VELOCITY BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL PER D.U. FLOW RATIO G.P.D. C.F.S. SIZE (in) SLOPE (%) d„ (ft) 1 dJD INLINE CFS O (cfs) n 0 frad) P(ft) A fft^ ff.D.S.) COMMENTS Cl 48 49 16 16 220 3520 2.50 8800.000 0.014 8.00 3.20 0.04 0.05525 0.014 0.015 0.011 0.47453 0.31636 0.00757 2.0! C2 49 41 50 66 220 14520 2.50 36300.000 0.056 8.00 1.90 0.09 0.12757 0.056 0.068 0.011 0.73046 0.48697 0.02594 2.64 LINE 'D' DWELLING UNITS FLOW TOTAL PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE DESIGN VELOCITY BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL PER D.U. FLOW RATIO G.P.D. CF.S. SIZE (in) SLOPE(%) d„(ft) d„/D INLINE CFS O (cfs) n e(rad) P(ft) A ffl-) ff.D.S.) COMMENTS Dl 45 44 17 17 220 3740 2.50 9350.000 0.014 8.00 1.00 0.05 0.07166 0.014 0.015 0.011 0.54199 0.36133 0.01112 1.33 D2 44 43 92 109 220 23980 2.50 59950.000 0.093 8.00 0.90 0.12 0.17774 0.093 0.093 0.011 0.8704 0.58027 0.04196 2.22 D3 43 42 21 130 220 28600 2.50 71500.000 0.111 8.00 1.77 0.11 0.1665 0.111 0.114 0.011 0.84062 0.56041 0.03819 3.00 D4 42 41 32 162 220 35640 2.50 89100.000 0.138 8.00 1.80 0.12 0.1817 0.138 0.138 0.011 0.88072 0.58715 0.04331 3.19 D5 41 40 66 228 220 50160 2.50 125400.000 0.194 8.00 0.50 0.20 0.29698 0.194 0.194 0.011 1.15268 0.76845 0.08685 2.23 D6 40 EXIST 0 228 220 50160 2.50 125400.000 0.194 8.00 3.39 0.12 0.18361 0.194 0.194 0.011 0.88566 0.59044 0.04396 4.40 TIES INTO EXIS'HNG MANHOLE T:\ENGR\2268\SWR\INDUSTR1AL SYSTEM A.XLS 7:26 PM 9/29/2004 CITY W/O NUMBER: CT 02-15 PDC JOB NUMBER: 2737.00 DESIGN DATE: TODAY'S DATE: 10/13/2004 DESIGNED BY: WM CHECKED BY: KB LINE 'A' TABLE 1-SEWER FLOW CALCULATIONS - SYSTEM B BRESSI RANCH INDUSTRIAL PA's 1-5 PROJECTDESIGN CONSULTANTS PlMtWNG • hJUMRONMENT.AL • ENGINEFRING • SUSMiY/GPS 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 DWELLING UNITS FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE SIZE (in) DESIGN SLOPE(%) VELOCITY (f.pA) BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE 1 TOTAL FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW RATIO G.P.D. C.F.S. LINE SIZE (in) DESIGN SLOPE(%) d„(ft) INLINE CFS O(cfs) n 1 Ofrad) P(ft) A fft^) VELOCITY (f.pA) COMMENTS Al 17 16 78 78 220 17160 2.50 42900.000 0.066 8.00 2.19 0.08 0.12 0.066 0.069 0.011 0.72 0.48 0.02 2.78 A2 16 14 21 99 220 21780 2.50 54450.000 0.084 8.00 2.33 0.09 0.13 0.084 0.084 0.011 0.75 0.50 0.03 3.01 LINE 'B' LINE 'B' DWELLING UNTFS FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DES ONFLOW LINE SIZE fin) DESIGN SLOPE (%) VELOCFFY BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW RATIO G.P.D. C.F.S. LINE SIZE fin) DESIGN SLOPE (%) dJD INLINE CFS O(cfs) n 9 frad) Pfft) A (tt^\ ff.D.S.) COMMENTS Bl 18 19 57 57 220 12540 2.50 31350.000 0.049 8.00 2.30 0.07 0.10303 0.049 0.048 0.011 0.65355 0.4357 0.01898 2.54 B2 19 20 0 57 220 12540 2.50 31350.000 0.049 8.00 3.24 0.06 0.09557 0.049 0.049 0.011 0.62858 0.41905 0.017 2.87 B3 20 21 57 114 220 25080 2.50 62700.000 0.097 8.00 8.55 0.07 0.10568 0.097 0.098 0.011 0.66221 0.44147 0.0197 4.97 B4 21 22 0 114 220 25080 2.50 62700.000 0.097 8.00 2.00 0.10 0.14872 0.097 0.096 0.011 0.79181 0.52788 0.03243 2.97 B5 77. 11 30 144 220 31680 2.50 79200.000 0.123 8.00 0.80 0.14 0.20915 0.123 0.122 0.011 0.94999 0.63332 0.05298 2.31 LINE 'C LINE 'C DWELLING UNITS FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE SIZE finl DESIGN SLOPE f %) VELOCITY ff.D.S.) BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW RATIO G.P.D. 1 C.F.S. LINE SIZE finl DESIGN SLOPE f %) d„(ft) d.yD 1 INLINE CFS O fcfs) n Ofrad) 1 Pfft) A fft^) VELOCITY ff.D.S.) COMMENTS Cl 23 26 15 15 220 3300 2.50 8250.000 1 0.013 6.00 3.46 0.04 0.07952 1 0.013 0.016 0.011 0.57176 10.28588 0.00729 2.18 LINE 'D' DWELLI SfG UNITS FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DES ONFLOW LINE SIZE finl DESIGN SLOPE(%) VELOCITY BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW RATIO G.P.D. C.F.S. LINE SIZE finl DESIGN SLOPE(%) d„(ft) INLINE CFS Ofcfs) n e frad) Pfft) A fff^) ff.D.S.) COMMENTS Dl 24 25 41 41 220 9020 2.50 22550.000 0.035 8.00 2.89 0.06 0.09513 0.035 0.046 0.011 0.62708 0.41805 0.01688 2.70 D2 25 26 18 59 220 12980 2.50 32450.000 0.050 8.00 2.00 0.05 0.08155 0.050 0.027 0.011 0.57919 0.38613 0.01346 2.04 D3 26 27 15 74 220 16280 2.50 40700.000 0.063 8.00 1.00 0.10 0.14325 0.063 0.063 0.011 0.77631 0.51754 0.03071 2.06 D4 27 28 21 95 220 20900 2.50 52250.000 0.081 8.00 24.05 0.05 0.07367 0.081 0.077 0.011 0.54973 0.36649 0.01158 6.62 D5 28 9 0 95 220 20900 2.50 52250.000 0.081 8.00 6.10 0.07 0.10458 0.081 0.081 0.011 0.65862 0.43908 0.0194 4.17 LINE 'E' LINE 'E' DWELLING UNITS FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW PEAK/AVERAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE SIZE fin) DESIGN SLOPE f %) VELOCITY ff.D.S.) BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW RATIO G.P.D. 1 C.F.S. LINE SIZE fin) DESIGN SLOPE f %) d„(ft) 1 d„/D INLINE CFS Ofcfs) n e frad) Pfft) A fft^) VELOCITY ff.D.S.) COMMENTS EI 30 29 65 65 220 14300 2.50 35750.000 0.055 8.00 3.44 0.07 0.10032 0.055 0.056 0.011 0.64458 0.42972 0.01825 3.05 E2 29 7 20 85 220 18700 2.50 46750.000 0.072 8.00 3.00 0.08 0.1178 0.072 0.073 0.011 0.70069 0.46712 0.02309 3.15 TJNE 'F' DWELLING UNITS FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW PEAK/A'S^RAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE SIZE (in) DESIGN SLOPE (%) VELOCITY (f.p.s.) BASIN FROM TO IN-LIIVE TOTAL FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW RATIO G.P.D. C.F.S. LINE SIZE (in) DESIGN SLOPE (%) d„(ft) INLINE CFS O(cfs) n 6(rad) P(ft) A fft^ VELOCITY (f.p.s.) COMMENTS Fl 31 32 47 47 220 10340 2.50 25850.000 0.040 8.00 3.20 0.06 0.08749 0.040 0.040 0.011 0.60057 0.40038 0.01493 2.70 F2 32 33 0 47 220 10340 2.50 25850.000 0.040 8.00 1.50 0.07 0.10476 0.040 0.040 0.011 0.6592 0.43946 0.01945 2.07 F3 33 34 42 89 220 19580 2.50 48950.000 0.076 8.00 0.98 0.10 0.1569 0.076 0.075 0.011 0.81453 0.54302 0.03504 2.15 F4 34 35 27 116 220 25520 2.50 63800.000 0.099 8.00 0.73 0.13 0.1927 0.099 0.099 0.011 0.90892 0.60594 0.04712 2.10 F5 35 36 0 116 220 25520 2.50 63800.000 0.099 8.00 0.63 0.13 0.2024 0.099 0.102 0.011 0.93329 0.62219 0.05056 2.01 F6 36 37 0 116 220 25520 2.50 63800.000 0.099 8.00 0.63 0.13 0.20243 0.099 0.102 0.011 0.93336 0.62224 0.05057 2.01 F7 37 4 36 152 220 33440 2.50 83600.000 0.129 8.00 0.51 0.16 0.24124 0.129 0.130 0.011 1.02684 0.68456 0.06489 2.01 F8 4 5 0 152 220 33440 2.50 83600.000 0.129 8.00 0.70 0.15 0.22279 0.129 0.130 0.011 0.98312 0.65541 0.05797 2.24 LINE 'G' DWELLING UNITS FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW PEAK/A'VERAGE PEAK DESIGN FLOW LINE SIZE (in) DESIGN SLOPE (%) VELOCITY BASIN FROM TO IN-LINE TOTAL FLOW PER D.U. TOTAL FLOW RATIO G.PJ>. C.F.S. LINE SIZE (in) DESIGN SLOPE (%) d„(ft) dJD INLINE CFS Ofcfs) n e frad) Pfft) A fft') ff.D.S.) COMMENTS GI 15 14 28 28 220 6160 2.50 15400.000 0.024 8.00 4.76 0.04 0.06238 0.024 0.024 0.011 0.50485 0.33656 0.00906 2.65 G2 14 13 99 127 220 27940 2.50 69850.000 0.108 8.00 3.50 0.09 0.13765 0.108 0.109 0.011 0.76018 0.50679 0.02898 3.75 G3 13 12 23 150 220 33000 2.50 82500.000 0.128 8.00 2.22 0.11 0.16665 0.128 0.128 0.011 0.84102 0.56068 0.03823 3.36 G4 12 11 28 178 220 39160 2.50 97900.000 0.151 8.00 4.18 0.10 0.15527 0.151 0.152 0.011 0.81004 0.54003 0.03452 4.42 G5 11 10 144 322 220 70840 2.50 177100.000 0.274 8.00 5.14 0.13 0.19667 0.274 0.274 0.011 0.91895 0.61263 0.04852 5.65 G6 10 9 18 340 220 74800 2.50 187000.000 0.289 8.00 4.99 0.14 0.20354 0.289 0.289 0.011 0.93611 0.62407 0.05096 5.68 G7 9 8 95 435 220 95700 2.50 239250.000 0.370 8.00 4.00 0.16 0.24315 0.370 0.370 0.011 1.03131 0.68754 0.06562 5.64 G8 8 7 18 453 220 99660 2.50 249150.000 0.386 8.00 3.00 0.18 0.2669 0.386 0.386 0.011 1.08581 0.72387 0.07482 5.15 G9 7 6 85 538 220 118360 2.50 295900.000 0.458 8.00 5.50 0.17 0.24977 0.458 0.458 0.011 1.04667 0.69778 0.06815 6.72 GIO 6 5 0 538 220 118360 2.50 295900.000 0.458 8.00 3.32 0.19 0.28396 0.458 0.458 0.011 1.12399 0.74933 10.08159 5.61 Gil 5 3 167 705 220 155100 2.50 387750.000 0.600 8.00 0.80 0.32 0.48208 0.600 0.600 0.011 1.53494 1.0233 i 0.16657 3.60 G12 3 2 22 727 220 159940 2.50 399850.000 0.619 8.00 0.80 0.33 0.49077 0.619 0.619 0.011 1.55233 1.03489 0.17043 3.63 G13 2 1 0 727 220 159940 2.50 399850.000 0.619 8.00 2.00 0.25 0.37981 0.619 0.619 0.011 1.32804 0.88536 0.12163 5.09 G14 1 EXIST 59 786 220 172920 2.50 432300.000 0.669 8.00 2.00 0.26 0.39623 0.669 0.669 0.011 1.36174 0.90783 j 0.12875 5.20 •nES INTO EXISTING MANHOLE T:\ENGR\2268\SWR\INDUSTRIAL_SYSTEM B.XLS 8:29 AM 10/13/2004 CITY W/O NUMBER: CT 02-15 PDC JOB NUMBER: 2737.00 DESIGN DATE: TODAY'S DATE: 9/29/2004 DESIGNED BY: WM CHECKED BY: KB TABLE 1-SEWER FLOW CALCULATIONS - SYSTEM C BRESSI RANCH INDUSTRIAL PA's 1-5 PROJECTDESIGN CONSULTANTS 701 B Streel, Suile 800, San Diego. CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 SlIRVnYGPS BASIN 52 51 50 FROM 51 50 EXIST TO DWELLING UNITS IN-LINE 19 17 16 TOTAL 19 36 52 FLOW PER D.U. 220 220 220 TOTAL FLOW 4180 7920 11440 PEAK/AVERAGE RA'nO 2.5 2.5 2.5 PEAK DESIGN FLOW G.P.D. 10450.000 19800.000 28600.000 C.F.S. 0.016 0.031 0.044 LINE SIZE fin) 8.00 i.OO i.OO DESIGN SLOPE(%) 1.20 1.20 0.58 dn(ft) 0.04 0.06 0.09 _d^ 0.06 0.09 0.14 INLINE CFS 0.016 0.031 0.044 Q(cfs) 0.011 0.027 0.044 n 0.011 0.011 0.011 e (rad) 0.49 0.62 0.76 P(ft) 0.33 041 0.51 -A (ft") 0.01 0.02 0.03 VELOCTTY (f-p.s.) 1.3 1.7 1.5 COMMENTS TIES INTO EXISTING MANHOLE T:\ENGR\2268\SWR\INDUSTRIAL_SYSTEM C.XLS 9/29/2004 7:26 PM 7.0 CONCLUSION It was determined that an 8-inch PVC pipe was suitable to carry the service flow without exceeding the criteria of depth of peak flow > V2 pipe diameter, or D/d > 0.5. The pipes' minimum velocity requirement of 2 fps was maintained, as well as the minimum slope of 0.40%, with the exceptions of System C running along Alicante, and the uppermost section of Gateway Street, from access hole numbers 45 to 44. In both of these locations, it was necessary to keep the access holes relatively deep in order to consider a minimum of 2.0% for future sewer Unes across these respective lots. Additionally, the velocity into access hole number 50 is limited to 1.5 fps due to a relatively shallow tie in elevation at this intersection. Despite the low velocity, a slope of at least 1.3% was still maintained in these areas. The sewer depth ranges from 8 feet to 16 feet maximum. Depths greater than 16 feet require approval from the City Engineer. REPORT/2244SSR-Pn.DOC APPENDIX A HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULIC TABLES REPORT/2244SSR-Pn.DOC -STEADV UNirOnM FLOW IK OrCK OIANNL-I-S 7-.3.'. T.bIc 7-4. For DcUrmininc Ihc AK. a of tht C^ozs .Section ol . CircoUr Onduit FlowinK r.rl Full .oo .01 .03 .0< J7 JDS .0 .0000 .0011 .0031 JOOtt .OIOJ .0H7 .0197 jom .0330 .1 JOBOO jaetB JX73P .0111 J0J« .J .11 IS .im .1181 .I3ti .I4i» .l^3s .1(73 .1711 -ISOO .1890 J .ISSI J7E0 .1X13 JiJO .IMO JMI J7J« JK3S .4 J8>« JOJI JIM JIM J12S J<7t JJ77 JH7 J7ir J8J7 .i J«] .(Ol .<l) .<I3 .t33 .««3 -•13 .itl .«7I .417 .6 .tcl ^2 JIJ JII .JM J>» j»» J71 .7 .U7 .<M .eoj JtU jtrs .t31 -UO .M« .&i7 .SOS _» .e7i .Mt .otf .e»7 JM JII .7U .713 .731 .73« .7U .761 .7M .771 .775 J7» .7»7 .7M Tsbic 7-M. VilucJ of K' for CifCuUr Channels in the FormuU n £> - depth »f -^Ixf J - dxMr^^I t.f cb^.DcI .00 .Ol .07 .03 .04 .03 .06 .07 .08 .09 .0 .00007 .00031 D0074 .0013B .00222 .0037B -D0433 .0004 .00773 1 .0O»67 Cl II .0141 JIIC7 .e»BS 02I3 .0737 .0791 X327 .03U .3 .CM06 .tHt» .M«7 .0337 .Oi«3 .0C34 OOIK .07)1 .0793 .0849 ,3 .OiK>7 .met .1027 lOSB .1133 iiie .1284 .1312 1420 .1490 .13*1 .IU3 .1703 .I77» .1834 lore T003 .70>2 IIGO .22je .1 .137 13»' .347 JS3 .3&3 271 27e 2«7 .79 3 -303 .6 .311 3IP .127 .135 J43 330 33a JM 373 .3B0 .r .3tS .3»3 .402 409 4lt 472 .429 .433 .441 447 .> 433 438 .463 .408 .473 .477 4tl •a3 4U 491 > 4V« .4yC .457 .<vt .41>l 45» .4V« .4»4 419 413 1.0 453 APPENDIX B LFMP NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILD-OUT PROJECTIONS REPORT/2244SSR-Pn.DOC EXHIBIT 12 ZONE 17 - LTMP NON RESIDENTIAL BUILD OUT PROJECTIONS CCNtRAL P1>>N UND IISE OLSIGNMION BRLSSl RANCH MASTtR PLA.N PLACING AUCA NCT DEYEUOfABUE ACHES N0t*.RE5[[>£NTUL LAND USE lNTET<5irY COT MATE MAXIMUM SQ.FT. ALtOWED BY UNO usr INT ENSITY IDKNTiFltD IN BUISS1 RANCH MAflTt.RPUK(l)P) BUILDOUT PRQJtCTlONS (I) EXISTING SQ.FT, APPVOVID SQ.rT, ESTIMATED PLTURX 5<l.rT. (1) Thi) oolumtv rernevinu t)»K twn-ialteiliil >qu»rt loou^sj iimtintd ifl Ox Bttoi Ronth Muttr PUn. &«£l iquj.;^ fooU^es tirrrt noi IdnitlOei for ill pluitvrvt tna within ih« Muior Pbn. Whmt ih'n occun. ih« mMlmum iqu«n fooUee tllowed sru cilcuUloj basui oo Onnvih W»ni««nwm pfocedu/o. (2) Tht Build Oul P7o)cctioni ti [ht mtxmvm iqujrt fooiijo illowed wUhin Zone I' btsc^ on Uu Bmil lUnch Msiltr Plan OT (Jrowlh Muujonsm. 0) Toal oi :.l6O.50y i^Mrt foci. «^^V:^ eouxo 10 IJ.OOO ACTT on in mrnnpiion of 4(yH Lijhl laduroUl. *0H Re«atc)i mil Developinenl mi JOHOfTict. Thh breiicAown or WM u«ii for irHTic mo<iollnj purpMo. TK« p«i«nu^i ol tV vuioio latt mij ^try H\ht tims of ievelopnuni « lanj «j th« tnfTie leneitled by Ihc UIO io Plsnnim Anw I, J, 3.4 ird 3 <h«i ooiMtseod 13.000 AOT (4) Rrfprnmu Iht portioo oflhf RHAj^:r joot mH«bl« for non.reiidtmiil developtixnl A mmimgrn of 5,3 urw \rl*if\ lh« ume plirrinj «jt« vrould b* oeetted foi Itif d»v«lupmCT( of 100 high d<iuily rtliihruiaJ uniu. DRAFT•ZOfte lUFMf APPENDIX C UNIT FLOW GENERATION FACTORS REPORT/2244SSR-Pn.DOC Geoeral To convert Equivalent Dwelling Units to flow assume 220 gallons per day average flow. Commercial Property To convert raw land to square feet ofbuilding space assume 30 percent coverage. To convert improved pads to square feet of building space assume 40 percent coverage. TO convert square feet ofa building to Equivalent Dwelling Units assume 1.800 square feet per EDU. iHdustrial Property To convert raw land to square feet ofbuilding space assume 30 percent coverage. To convert improved pads to square feet ofbuilding space assume 40 percenl coverage. To convert square feet ofbuilding to Equivalent Dwelling Units assume 60 percent of space is warehouse and 40 percent is office. For warehouse space 5.000 square feet equals one EDU and for office ^800 square feet equals one BDU- 46