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structural Calculations Cannon Road Cleanouts Prepared for McMillin Land Development June 15, 2006 o o ;E 3 Q. TYLININTERNATIONAL CANNON ROAD STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT BOXES AT STREET 'A' STRUCTURAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT PAGE 1.0 GENERAL 1 2.0 CANNON ROAD PLAN AND PROFILE AT STREET 'A' 2 3.0 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS 5 4.0 GEOMETRY 11 5.0 DESIGN CALCULATIONS 13 GENERAL LOCATION: Robertson's Ranch - Cannon Road at Street 'A' in Carlsbad, Califomia CLIENT: McMillin Land Development OWNER: City of Carlsbad SCOPE: Geometry, structural design, and plans for two modified type B storm drain cleanout boxes DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: Caltrans Bridge Design Specifications April 2000 with Interims and Caltrans Design Supplements DESIGN CRITERIA: San Diego Regional Standard Drawings, April 2004, sheet D-81A STORM DRAIN DATA OBM/BEMmS RWUS LENCIH RDtfRKS ; inrtesr r 4SXf If ixr ~ aso-D' 2 A - wa»3f USLK mor J i - 03V572' HSI.JS1 4 USt.Tf Ktr KncflKX' 5 t • ismtr HSI.TT 3KM' • mwi-KHT jours CENTERUNE DATA DaiA/KARMG LENGTH 1400.00" sa.er NOTE: I. Btsm: sn>iu oam m K ABMoatB tMO iffT II PiML NOIBI BCCIHONK t)ArA FUS AK FOR RETOmX ONLY AMD ARE NOT m BE USED FOR HOaZmAL OR MERTKAL SURVEY CONIROL NOTE: CONTHJOUS MXXSS UUST BE FROWED 10 EXSIHB HOUSE AM) NURSERY FOR EmnNG lUPROVEMEm SEE DWC. No. 390-9 PUN: CANNON RD. JB4££- 1''4ir ©2005 O'Day Consultants, Inc CONSULT PTH "TS 2710 LDIW AMniM Wwt Suite 100 Cortobod. Caefbmki 92010 7eO-*31-7700 Fnc 760-931-6680 OESKMED Bft NB-JJ OME: _ltf&JBffi DRMfN gft m WL A Cf SCAIE 1' " tf PROXCTIKILJUI. JOB NO: 01-1014 ENGINEDt OF WORK: "AS-BUUT " REVIEWED BY: BRWCHMARK: ocsoapnoN: samMO M-H SKBT cBmue KU lauBir uocxnoN: camue OF a amo KEM. AraoBifs smm 4S4+a asusMao-i iB»D mtk camreBKMiaasfia aanriar. comm. ma) EuwnoK tt.4!) BtnMt use t es OKMEER OF MMK REVISION DESCRIPTION arr MTKML SHEET 49 CITY OF CARISBAD EKGWEERIWG DEPORTMENT SHEETS 70 smm mm/lANS mt CANtm ROAD RCE S1274 EXPIRES 8-30-07 dlY ENGINEER DATE OWN EY: -CHKD BT:. RVWD BY:. PROJECT HO. iDRMnNG NO. CT. 02-16 \ 43J-6 srsss'sajr.s^K sssk. «^»,«»«^, PRIVATE STORM DRAIN PER DWG. 4J 0^=31.68 CFS V„=25.95 FPS 5 #13 (§4) 9 152mm (6") O.C—7 J X #13 (#4) bars ploced diagonally PLAN TYPE PIPE DIAMETER X Y Z A 4 up to 1.30m (51") 1.22m (4") 1.53m (5") 1.53m (5') A 5 1.37nn (54") to 1.52m (60") 1.22m (4') 1.83m (6') 1.83m (6') A 6 1.60m (63") to 1.80m (69") 1.22m (4') 2.13m (7') 2.13m (7*) A 7 1.83m (72") to 2.10m (81") 1.22m (4') 2.44m (8') 2.44m (8") A 8 2.13m (84") to 2.30m (90") 1.22m (4') 2.74m (9') 2.74m (9') Manhole frame and cover see Std. Dwg. M-3 For step detail see drawin D-11 Bend Down 381 mnn (15" (Typ) V Rounded pipe ends see drawing 0-61" Elev. shown on- plans. (4') Die 127mm (5")— Diogonol Bors 1^2 in •CM E 4-#13 (#4 ) around pipe Slope floor 12:1 towards outlet o "S a. o3 •to SECTION A-A NOTES I.See Standard Drawing D-11 for additional notes and details. 2. All joints shall be set in Class C mortar. 3. All precast components shall be reinforced with 6.35mm (1/4") diameter steel wound spirally on 102mm (4") centers. 4. Maintain 38mm (1-1/2") clear spacing between reinforcing and surface. 5. Concrete base shall be 332kg/M3-C-22-Mpa (560-C-3250). 6. Exposed edges of concrete shall be rounded with a radius of 13mm (1/2"). 7. Manhole cover to be designated "Storm Drain". LEGEND ON PLANS Revision By Approved Dote SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY 1HE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMimE ^ ^^pT^^irO smsoos ORIGINAL Kerchevol 12/75 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY 1HE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMimE ^ ^^pT^^irO smsoos Add Metric T. Stanton 03/03 STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE B RECOMMENDED BY 1HE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMimE ^ ^^pT^^irO smsoos Reformatted T. Stonton 04/06 STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE B Chairperson R.CE, 19246 Date STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE B DRAWING n in NUMBER I'-'v STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT - TYPE B DRAWING n in NUMBER I'-'v 6 — T 1^ Vertical reinforcing #13 (#4) © 457mm (18") max. for horizontal reinforcing, see table on page D-1 IB. —38mm 1(-1/2") Clearance, Typ, 13mm (2") Typical TYPICAL BOX SECTION ical—J — CN T 102mm (4"> 254mm (10") 356mm (14") T Approved steel reinforced • polypropylene step STEP DETAIL NOTES 1. Concrete shall be 332kg/M^C-22-Mpa (560-C-3250) unless otherwise noted. 2. Reinforcing steel shall comply with this drawing unless otherwise specified. 3. Reinforcing steel shall be intermediate grade deformed bars conforming to latest ASTM specifications. 4. Bends shall be in occordonce with latest ACI code. 5. Minimum splice length for reinforcing shall be 30 diameters. 6. Floor shall hove a wood trowel finish and. except where used as junction boxes, shall have a minimum slope of 1:12 toward the outlet. 7. Depth V is measured from the top of the structure to the flowline of the box. 8. Wall thickness and reinforcing steel required may be decreased in accordance with table above. 9. Wall thickness shall be stepped on the outside of the box. 10. When the structure depth V exceeds 1.21m (4'). steps shall be cast into the wall at 381mm (15") intervals from 381mm (15") above floor to within 305mm (12") of top of structure. Where possible place steps in wall without pipe opening, otherwise over opening of smallest diameter. 11. Alternate step may be on approved steel reinforced polypropylene step. 12. Upon approval of the Agency and the Engineer, as defined by Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, the use of precast storm structures is acceptable as an alternate to cast-in-place. Precast units shall conform to ASTM standards and be manufactured in a permanent facility designed for that purpose. Revision By Approved Dote SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY 1HE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANOAROS COMMITTEE ^ J^piS^iin^) siaizoos ORIGINAL Kerchevol 12/75 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY 1HE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANOAROS COMMITTEE ^ J^piS^iin^) siaizoos Add Metric T. Stanton 03/03 INLETS AND CLEANOUTS NOTES AND DETAILS RECOMMENDED BY 1HE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANOAROS COMMITTEE ^ J^piS^iin^) siaizoos Reformatted T. Stanton 04/06 INLETS AND CLEANOUTS NOTES AND DETAILS Ch&irpereon R.C.E. 19246 Dote INLETS AND CLEANOUTS NOTES AND DETAILS DRAWNG n IIA NUMBER V-WIK INLETS AND CLEANOUTS NOTES AND DETAILS DRAWNG n IIA NUMBER V-WIK 7 BOX SECTION REINFORCEMENT MAXIMUM SPAN X or Y DEPTH V THICKNESS T HOR. & FLR. RQNF. 914mm (3'-0") to 1.22m (4*-0") 1.22m (4-0") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") #13 (#4) O 457mm (18") 1.24m (4-1") to 2.13m (7-0") 1.22m (4-0") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") #13 (#4) O 305mm (12") 2.16m (7-1") to 2.44m (8'-0") 1.22m (4-0") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") #13 (#4) O 203mm (8") 914mm (3'-0") to 1.22m (4"-0") 1.24m to 2.44m (4-rto 8'-0") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") #13 (#4) O 457mm (18") 1.24m (4-1") to 1.52m (5'-0") 1.24m to 2.44m (4-rto 8'-0") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") #13 (#4) O 305mm (12") 1.55m (5-1") to 1.83m (6-0") 1.24m to 2.44m (4-rto 8'-0") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") #13 (#4) O 203mm (8") 1.85m (6-1") to 2.44m (8-0") 1.24m to 2.44m (4-rto 8'-0") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") 152mm (6") #13 (#4) O 152mm (6") JUem.Ly-Qn.Jis 1-22m (4-0") ) 2.46m to 3.66m (8'-1" to 12'-0") 152mm (6") #13 (#4) O 381mm (15") 1.24m (4-1") to 1.52m (5-0") ) 2.46m to 3.66m (8'-1" to 12'-0") ^03mm (8") #13 (#4) O 305mm (12") 1.55m (5-1'') to 1.83m (6-0") ) 2.46m to 3.66m (8'-1" to 12'-0") 203mm (8") 203mm (8") #13 (#4) O 263mm (a") 1.85m (6-1") to 2.44m (S'-O") ) 2.46m to 3.66m (8'-1" to 12'-0") 203mm (8") 203mm (8") #13 (#4) O 152mm (6") 914mm f.T-O-l to 1 99m ^'-0^ 3.68m to 4.88m ( (12'-r to 16-0") 203mm (8") #13 (#4) O 305mm (12'X 1.24m (4-1") to 1.52m (5-0") 3.68m to 4.88m ( (12'-r to 16-0") 203mm (8") #13 (#4) O 305mm (12") 1.55m (5'-r) to 1.83m (6'-0") 3.68m to 4.88m ( (12'-r to 16-0") 203mm (8") 203mm (8") 203mm (8") #13 (#4) O 2037mTrW- 1.85m (6'-r) to 2.13m (7'-0") 3.68m to 4.88m ( (12'-r to 16-0") 203mm (8") 203mm (8") 203mm (8") #13 (#4) O 152mm (6") 2.13m (7'-1") to 2.44m (8-0") 3.68m to 4.88m ( (12'-r to 16-0") 203mm (8") 203mm (8") 203mm (8") #13 (#5) O 203mm (8") 914mm (3-0") to 1.22m (4-0") 4.90m to 6.10m (16'-1" to 20*-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") #13 (#4) O 305mm (12") 1.24m (4-1") to 1.52m (5'-0") 4.90m to 6.10m (16'-1" to 20*-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") #13 (#4) O 305mm (12") 1.55m (5'-1") to 1.83m (6'-0") 4.90m to 6.10m (16'-1" to 20*-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") #13 (#4) © 203mm (8") 1.85m (6-1") to 2.13m (7-0") 4.90m to 6.10m (16'-1" to 20*-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") #13 (#4) © 152mm (6") 2.13m (7-1") to 2.44m (8-0") 4.90m to 6.10m (16'-1" to 20*-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") #13 (#5) O 203mm (8") 914mm (3-0") to 1.22m (4-0") 6.12m to 7.32m (20'-1" to 24-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 305mm (12") #13 (#4) © 305mm (12") 1.24m (4-1") to 1.52m (5-0") 6.12m to 7.32m (20'-1" to 24-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 305mm (12") #13 (#4) O 305mm (12") 1.55m (5-1") to 1.83m (6-0") 6.12m to 7.32m (20'-1" to 24-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 305mm (12") #13 (#4) O 203mm (8") 1.85m (6-1") to 2.13m (7'-0') 6.12m to 7.32m (20'-1" to 24-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 305mm (12") #13 (#4) © 152mm (6") 2.13m (7-1") to 2.44m (8"-0") 6.12m to 7.32m (20'-1" to 24-0") 203mm (8") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 254mm (10") 305mm (12") #13 (#5) © 203mm (8") HORIZONTAL REINFORCING Revision By Approved Date SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN OIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ j^Bt^uuinO 3I0IIS00S ORIGINAL Kerchevol 12/75 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN OIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ j^Bt^uuinO 3I0IIS00S Add Metric T. Stanton 03/03 INLETS AND CLEANOUTS NOTES AND DETAILS RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN OIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ j^Bt^uuinO 3I0IIS00S Reformotted T. Stanton 04/06 INLETS AND CLEANOUTS NOTES AND DETAILS Chairperson R.C.E. 19246 Date INLETS AND CLEANOUTS NOTES AND DETAILS DRAWING n NUMBER INLETS AND CLEANOUTS NOTES AND DETAILS DRAWING n NUMBER CO z •2- o 30 cz ^ oo r- O I CO > z g m o O m o 5 H > Z o > 3} O o > z IMPERIAL TABLE - SPAN 10' (all measuements in feet ond/or inches unless otherwise noted). For Metric table (3.05nn Span) - see drawing D76G SPAN /—X 10' HEIGHT 5' 6' r 8' 9' 10' STRENGTH CLASSinCATION B \ A B A B A B A B C A B C A B C MAX FILL OVER TOP ' 9 18 9 18 9 18 9 18 8 18 28 8 18 28 8 18 28 1 CONC Top Slab Tl 8 9 1/2 3 1/4 9 3/4 8 1/4 9 3/4 8 1/2 9 3/4 8 1/2 9 3/4 121/4 8 1/2 9 3/4 121/4 8 1/2 9 3/4 121/4 1 CONC Bottom Slob T2 8 3/4 101/2 9 10 3/4 9 10 3/4 9 1/4 11 9 1/4 11 13 1/4 9 1/4 11 13 1/4 9 1/4 11 131/4 1 CONC Sidewalls T3 7 1/4 9 1/2 PA 9 1/2 7 1/4 9 1/2 7 1/4 9 1/2 7 1/4 9 1/2 11 1/2 8 9 1/2 11 1/2 9 9 1/2 11 1/2 1 Reinforcing Steel "a' Size Bar " 6 6 i 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 7 1 Reinforcing Steel "a' Spacinq 11 8 m a 11 8 11 8 11 8 9 11 8 9 11 8 9 1 Reinforcing Steel Length 9-5 9-8 b-5 9-8 9-5 9-8 9-5 9-8 9-5 9-8 9-9 9-6 9-8 9-9 9-5 9-8 9-9 1 Reinforcing Steel "b" r Size Bor ° 5 6 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 1 Reinforcing Steel "b" r Spacinq | 11 8 111 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 9 11 8 9 11 8 9 1 Reinforcing Steel "b" r Dimension "X" 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-6 2-0 2-0 2-6 2-0 2-0 2-6 1 Reinforcing Steel "b" r Length j 3-10 4-2 3i-10 4-2 3-10 4-2 3-10 4-2 3-10 4-2 4-8 3-10 4-2 4-8 3-10 4-2 4-8 1 Reinforcing Steel W M C r Size Bar " ' 5 6 |5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 1 Reinforcing Steel W M C r Spacing 11 8 ill 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 9 11 8 9 11 8 9 1 Reinforcing Steel W M C r Dimension Y* I 2-B 3-4 ^-8 3-4 2-8 3-4 2-8 3-4 2-8 3-4 3-5 2-8 3-4 3-6 2-8 3-4 3-6 1 Reinforcing Steel W M C r Length j 6-11 7-10 8-1 8-10 9-1 9-10 10-1 10-10 11-1 11-10 12-3 12-1 12-10 13-3 13-1 13-10 14-3 1 Reinforcing Steel » m c, 1 Size Bar " ; 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 1 Reinforcing Steel » m c, 1 Spacing 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 9 11 8 9 11 8 9 1 Reinforcing Steel » m c, 1 Dimension V 2-8 3-4 2-8 3-4 2-8 3-4 2-8 3-4 2-8 3-4 3-6 2-8 3-4 3-6 2-8 3-4 3-6 1 Reinforcing Steel » m c, 1 Lenqth 4-7 5-8 4-7 5-8 4-7 5-8 4-7 5-8 4-7 5-8 6-0 4-7 5-8 6-0 4-7 5-8 6-2 1 Reinforcing Steel "d" Bars Top Slab-No. of 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 9 5 5 9 5 5 9 5 5 1 Reinforcing Steel "d" Bars Bottom Slob-No. of 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 Reinforcing Steel "e* Bars Spacinq 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 1 Reinforcing Steel Spacers Total Number 32 34 36 40 40 44 48 QUAN. Concrete: CY. per lin. ft. \^ 75 94 82 108 86 108 92 115 97 121 150 106 126 157 118 132 165 QUAN. Reinf Ibs per lin. ft. ^ 143 221 148 228 154 235 160 244 164 250 265 170 259 273 178 267 281 For boxes of height less than that shown in table, use next greater table height slabs, wall dimensions and reinforcing steel, and moke necessary changes in bar lengths, number of spacers and quantities. m o o. This drawing te NOT ki oonformance wtth latest UBC and should be used with core and Judgment For cover less than 610mm (2 feet) provide #13 (#4) @ 457mm (18") ea. way & adjust quantities. #13 (#4 spacers) j 'Provide paving notch wherv top is ^ exposed and where P.C.C. pavement or approach slab is used. 19mm (3/4") min. fillets (#4) Spacer Bars 457mm (18") max. Optional const, jt. #13 (#4 spacers) TYPICAL SECTIONS 610mm (2') THRU 1.83m (6') SPANS For cover less than 610mm (2 feet) T, X S provide #13 (#4) © 457mm (l8") eo. way ^ ic adjust quantities. Spacing in table' DETAIL "A" ® For reinforcement clearance, except at bottom, see "Miscellaneous Delails. '19mm(3/4") min. fillets- 28^ |f13(#4) d'aarsl .2S •iU#13 (1^4) Spacer Bars @457mm (18") max. Invert Elev. See Det. "A" /2s if13(#4)"d"Bars\ #13 (#4) spacers 9 457mm (18") #13 (#4) spacers -Construction joint Provide paving notch when top is exposed and where P.C.C, pavement or approach slob is used. #19 (#5) "e" Bars Tei Omm (24") dia, Xl52mm (6") #13 (#4) spacers Optional const, jt. 51mm (2") 0. V"ci" Bars "^#13 (#4) spacers 9 457mm (18") TYPICAL SECTIONS 2.13m (7') THRU 3.66m (12') SPANS Invert Elev. FIAT INVERT ' ' "I Slope 6:1, a •> r V INVERT <j- • /• •• V) Slope 4:1 > A/ . •... • "••I TRAPEZOIDAL INVERT ALTERNATIVE INVERTS (When shown) Revision By Approved Date SAN DiEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ORIGINAL Kerchevol 12/75 SAN DiEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE Add Metric T. Stanton 03/03 SINGLE BOX CULVERT DETAILS NO.2 RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE SINGLE BOX CULVERT DETAILS NO.2 '^/^v Ch€^lrperson R.CE. 19246 Dote SINGLE BOX CULVERT DETAILS NO.2 DRAWING n iKit NUMBER IJ-'OI^ SINGLE BOX CULVERT DETAILS NO.2 DRAWING n iKit NUMBER IJ-'OI^ Itils drawing is NO! in conformance with latest GENERAL NOTES QUANTITIES: Quanb'ties are for the sloped invert slab and do not include splices in the longitudinal bars, nor temperature reinforcement for exposed top culvert, nor concrete or reinforcement for parapets or cutoff wolls SPECIAL COVERAGE: Box standard plans are not to be used for culverts in a corrosive environment or where there is a severe abrasive flow condition DESIGNATION: Show on plans as span x height-strength classification x length, thus 1.22m x 1.22m-A x 18.3m (4 x 4-A X 60'), followed by alternatives. ALTERNATIVES: Inverl will be sloped unless "Trapezoidal Invert", "Rot Invert" or "V Invert" is included in designation. Ends of culvert will be rounded unless "Square Ends" are designated. Parapets will be as shown unless " ft. parapet" is designated in plans. Such designations may be different for inlet and outlet ends. REINF. PLACEMENT: Main Reinforcement is positioned transverse or, for curved culverts, radial when radial, reinforcing spacing is meosured along C CONSTRUCTION NOTES CONCRETE: Bottom slab & walls shall be class 332 kg/W' -B-22Mpa (560-B-3250). Top slab shall be class 332 kg/M^ -C-22Mpa (560-C-3250). EXPANSION JOINTS: Bottom Slab-No expansion joints shall be placed. Top Slob and Wolls-When cover is less than span length, place 13mm (l/2") expansion joint filler at 15.2m (50')± centers outside the paved roadway lanes and place bridge detail 3-2 at 9.14m (30')± centers under paved roadway lanes. When cover is more than span CONSTRUCTION LOADS: Not permitted until concrete has reoched a strength of 20.7Mpa (3,000p.s.i,) or age of 28 days, whichever occurs first, and falsework plans hove been submitted by the Contractor, to the Engineer, and approved. CONSTRUCTION JOINTS: Temporary joints may be permitted if normal (or radial) to C of R.C.B. otherwise, the Contractor is to submit a proposal for consideration. UbC and should be used with core and judgment, DESIGN NOTES SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN: AASHO, dated 1973, with revisions as supplemented by State of California Bridge Planning and Design Manual. Sections designed for culvert in o trench on hard foundation, ar culvert untrenched on yielding foundation, for culverts on piles or rock foundations, special design will be required. LOADING LIVE LOAD: For legal highway loads, use HS20-44 or Alternative with 30% impact for all cover depths, no impact on invert. COVER LESS THAN 610mm (2') - Wheel load distribuUon on the top slab is E=0.175S+3.2' longitudinally and concentrated along the span. Wheel load distribution on the invert slob is 2.29m (7.5')longiludinally and unifonnly over the breath of the culvert COVER 610mm (2') OR MORE - Wheel loads distributed uniformly over a square, the sides of which are 1.75 times the depth of cover, but not less longitudinally than E on the top slob, or 2.29m (7.5') on the inverl slab when such areas from several wheel concentrations overlap, the total load shall be considered as unifonnly distributed over the area defined by the outside limits of the individual areas, but the overall longitudinal dinnension shall not exceed the total length of the supporting slab. Neglect live load, on single spans when cover is more than 2.44m (8') and exceeds span, and on multiple spans when cover exceeds distance between exterior walls. DEAD LOAD: Earth load of 120 pcf and an equivalent fluid pressure of 36 pcf, reduced to 84 pcf and 25 pcf respectively for clear spans of 20' or less. UNfT STRESSES: Fs = 138Mpa (20.000 psi), N = 10 Fc = 8.27Mpa (1.200 psi) Reinforcement embedment is 38mm (1-1/2) dia. clear, min 25.4mm (1") and in 6.35mm (1/4") increments, except as noted. Distribution "d" bars expressed as a percent of main positive reinforcement. Classification "A" top slab ^^^-n^o" 50% (unless traffic longitudinal) Classification "B" to "E": Top and bottom slobs #13 (|4) © 457mm (18") max. USE OF STANDARD DRAWING "Strength Clossification. symbolized by the letters "A", "B". "C" etc.. at the top of the data table is merely a convenient designation for 0 particular structural section for o culvert of any given opening it is dictated by the cover or depth of fill over the the top slob. UVE LOAD & R.C.B. TERf^lNOLOGY Id 19mni (3/0 ctnmfei Joint rliay be formed with 3,20min (1/8") hordboord ond cut bade to Itie root of the chomler on the exposed foce. V •J.20mm (1/a") BRIDGE DETAIL 3-2 (Portion) See Standard Drawing C-15 I Longitudir\al T Transverse Revision By Approved Date SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN OIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ORIGINAL Kerchevol 12/75 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN OIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE Add Metric T. Stanton 03/03 BOX CULVERT MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS No. 1 RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN OIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE BOX CULVERT MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS No. 1 Ch^irpefsofi R.C.E. 19246 Date BOX CULVERT MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS No. 1 DRAWING n DIA NUMBER LF-olA BOX CULVERT MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS No. 1 DRAWING n DIA NUMBER LF-olA 10' -7f •ih 10 ' , \N— 5 ' Vl \\ // OUT y //(/ 5 ' Vl \\ // OUT y —" — —^ —. ' — — - - - 5 ' Vl \\ // OUT y // rk -a t r Z m o 5.' < v. n O O o 3 o o o cr Z o O 00 o o ON o z: > -\- S / W 10 y OUT Ay . J^Jy T r\.. 0 4- o —I m rK 0 •\ a o 3 O /?>^/u-^^ C/-•^^(yi.o o 5. TYLIIMINTERNATIONAL >3 Item: CU^,^r.,.y/. Boy^y c'l 'A' Designer: ' >-/' r ^ • r t>l^ Date: 1 o Cheel<er: Date: Grid: l/IO" h^oi^..^. 6p RSP P-S-M -/Joy ^^/i'^^t M,-^c. p^-^c^i/s i ^ LL'. H-S2 0-'^^ ^ke^J /o^J- UK d (U^'i> ^<:cA-^ [(3 'X/. 75)7 ^ - S. 2 5 ' ^ - 2 7.6 /t^ 2 P^' nc? 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C o l/y id /ockeJ ''•.itp -fi'-c AciJ.- c/s.L /o-eAor-e. iUx a-i^J.>di.T.-<J l^yJc frouA, ^.yy. o_JJoJ, ~n-Pr^ A},r-e ^ ^i...};.-;y, ry^..'(.^J o.'-yA'c. -to pryvc^.-.-yt 'oc.'^ ^>-d y.^ •„-t/^rj Project: Cannon Street Cleanouts Date: 6/06 Engineer: David Wertz Sheet: ^ of ^ Concrete Design (Service Load) fc 1200 1200 1200 psi fc 3000 3000 3000 psi fs 24000 24000 24000 psi Ec 3122019 3122019 3122019 Es 29000000 29000000 29000000 n 9.3 9.3 9.3 k 0.317147 0.317147 0.317147 j 0.894284 0.894284 0.894284 Moment 3800 4190 1800 ft Ibs 267.9649 295.4665 126.9307 b 12 12 12 inches drnin 4.725506 4.962077 3.252316 inches d actual 6.25 6.25 6.25 inches Concrete OK? OK OK OK As 0.340 0.375 0.161 sq in Factor 1 1 1 Factored As 0.340 0.375 0.1610 sq in As provided 0.39 0.39 0.196 sq in Steel OK? OK OK OK 6/6/2006 Service Concrete Design,Cannon Street Cleanouts.xls