HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 02-17; FAIR OAKS VALLEY; SWMM MODELING; 2012-09-12TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM: SWMM Modeling for Hydromodification Compliance of: Fair Oaks Valley Prepared for: Mr. Chuck Duvivier September 12, 2012 Tory RJWalker, R.C.E. 45005 President TORY R. WALKER ENGINEERING, INC. WATER RESOURCES PLANNING & ENGINEERING 122 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 206, VISTA, CA 92084 PH:76a4l4-9212 WWW.TRWENGINEERING.COM TORY R. WALKER ENGINEERING, INC. WATER RESOURCES PLANNING & ENGINEERING TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Chuck Duvivier FROM: Tory Walker, PE, CFM, LEED GA Luis Parra, PhD, PE, CPSWa ToR, D.WRE. DATE: September 12, 2012 RE: Summary of SWMM Modeling for Hydromodification Compliance for the Fair Oaks Valley Project, Carlsbad, CA. INTRODUCTION This memorandum summarizes the approach used to model the proposed Fair Oaks Valley Project in Carlsbad using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Storm Water Management Model 5.0 (SWMM). SWMM models were prepared for the pre and post-developed conditions at the site in order to determine if the proposed LID and detention facility has the sufficient volume to meet the current Hydromodification Management Plan (HMP) requirements from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (SDRWQCB). SWMM MODEL DEVELOPMENT Two (2) SWMM models were prepared for this study, one for the pre and another for the post developed conditions, both discharging to a single Point of Compliance (POC-l) - the existing natural channel located in the southern portion of the project site. SWMM was used since we have found it to be more comparable to San Diego area watersheds than the alternative San Diego Hydrology Model (SDHM). For both SWMM models, flow duration curves were prepared to determine if the proposed HMP facility was sufficient to meet the current HMP requirements. The inputs required to develop SWMM models include rainfall, watershed characteristics, and BMP configurations. The Oceanside Gage from the Project Clean Water website was used for this study, since it is the most representative of the project site precipitation among the three gages used for modeling the characteristics of the County by the approved calculator (Lindbergh, Wohlford and Oceanside). Evaporation for the site was modeled using average monthly values from the County hourly dataset. The site was modeled with hydrologic soil Type D as determined from the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Soils Maps and site specific geotechnical investigation study from the USDA Web Soil Survey. Soils have been assumed to be uncompacted in the natural existing condition while fully compacted in the post developed conditions. Other SWMM inputs for the subareas are discussed in the appendices to this document, where the selection of the parameters is explained in detail. Regarding additional points of compliance, POC-2 does not change between pre and post-developed conditions, so no modeling is required. POC-3 reduces in area and also remains the same land use (natural). Therefore, no modeling is required. 1 22 Civic Center Drive, Suite 206, Vista, CA 92084 I Ph: 760.41 4,921 2 Fx: 760,41 4.9277 | www,Trwengineering,Com Fair Oaks Valley SWMM Memo September 12,2012 HMP MODELING Storm water runoff from the developed project site is routed to a single POC - the existing natural channel located in the southern portion of the project site (POC-l). Runoff from the project site is conveyed via a single HMP bio-retention basin prior to discharging from the site. It is assumed all storm water quality requirements for the project will be met by onsite BMPs and will not be discussed within this document. For further information in regards to storm water quality requirements for the project, please refer to the site specific Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP). it should be noted however that 100% of the SS"* percentile volume has been accounted for within the basin design such that all treatment volumes are contained within the bio-retention facility beneath the initial above ground basin orifice. In other words, the volume of voids of the facility beneath the invert of the lower surface orifices is larger than the volume of runoff generated by the 85'^ percentile 24 hour storm event. TABLE 1 - SUMMARY OF DEVELOPED CONDITIONS DMA Tributary Area (Ac) impervious Percentage'*' Slope 85"^ Percentile Treatment Volume (ft^) 1 25.31 49.1% 5.5% 33,855 (1): The impervious percentage includes the area of streets and sidewalks plus the impervious area of each lot, conservatively assumed equal to 5,000 sq.ft. per lot. TABLE 2 - SUMMARY OF POC TRIBUTARY AREAS Point of Compliance Pre-Developed Conditions (Ac) Post-Developed Conditions (Ac) POC-l (Modeled) 24.07 (71.64-47.58) 25.31 (21.51+1.76+1.14+0.9) POC-l (Not Modeled)'^' 47.58 47.58 (47.21+0.37) POC-2 (Not Modeled)'^' 0.87 0.87 POC-3 (Not Modeled)'^' 8.80 7.56 TOTAL 81.32 81.32 (1) : Area and land use does not change {undisturbed natural areas). Therefore no modeling required. (2) : 1.24 acres previously draining to POC-3 in pre-developed conditions have been diverted to POC-l due to grading. Land use does not change, thus no modeling is required. Flow from the proposed project site (inclusive of the proposed extension of Melrose Drive) will drain to a single bio-retention basin located in the southern portion of the proposed site. In developed conditions, the basin bottom elevation will be 382 feet, while the top elevation is 388 feet. Flow will exit the basin via multiple orifices constructed into the side of the proposed riser structure. An initial series of eight (8) 1.5-inch orifices will be located at an invert of 384 feet, with a secondary series of eight (8) 6-inch orifices located at 386 feet. The riser structure will be built to a top elevation of 387 feet. 259-01 Fair Oaks Valley SWMM Memo September 12,2012 Beneath the basin invert lies the proposed LID bio-retention portion of the drainage facility. This portion of the basin comprises of a 24-inch layer of amended soil (a highly sandy, organic rich composite with a drain time of at least 5 inches/hr) and a 24-inch layer of gravel for additional detention. A French drain system is to be located beneath the bioretention layers to intercept treated storm water and convey these flows to a single 3-inch outlet orifice. Detained flows will then discharge via a storm drain, draining to the existing natural channel prior to leaving the project site. It should be noted that detailed outlet structure location and elevations will be detailed on the construction plans based on the recommendations of this study. BMP MODELING FOR HMP PURPOSES Modeling of dual purpose Water Quality/HMP BMPs A single bio-retention basin is proposed for water quality treatment and hydromodifcation conformance within the project site. Table 3 illustrates the dimensions required for HMP compliance according to the SWMM model that was undertaken for the project. TABLE 3 - SUMMARY OF DUAL PURPOSE BMPS: Biorention witli Surface Ponding DMA Impervious Tributary Area (ft') DIMENSIONS DMA Impervious Tributary Area (ft') Area Gravel Depth'", (in) Lower Ortf. D (in)"' Surf ace Orifice (D, invert)'*'(in) Total Surface Depth'" (in) Mser's ipwifert"' (in) Riser's length'^) (ft) 1 541,317 10,410 24 3 8xl.5"@24" 8x6"@48" 72" 60" 12.57 Notes: (1): Area of amended soil equal to gravel depth (2) : Gravel depth needed to comply with hydromodification purposes (3) : Diameter of orifice in gravel layer w/ith invert at bottom of layer; tied with hydromod min threshold (0,102). (4) : Diameter of surface orifice (N/A implies no orifice), and invert of orifice (measured from surface above). (5) : Total depth of ponding at the surface (including free-board). (6) : Invert elevation of riser (measured from above). (7) : 12.57 ft equals to a 4 ft dia. riser pipe FLOW DURATION CURVE COMPARISON The Flow Duration Curve (FDC) for the site was compared at the single POC by exporting the hourly runoff time series results from SWMM to a spreadsheet. FDC was compared between 10% of the existing condition Q2 up to the existing condition QIQ. The Q2 and Qio were determined using a partial duration statistical analysis of the runoff time series in an Excel spreadsheet using the Cunnane plotting position method (which is the preferred plotting methodology in the HMP Permit). As the SWMM Model includes a statistical analysis based on the Weibull Plotting Position Method, the Weibull Method 259-01 Fair Oaks Valley SWMM Memo September 12, 2012 was also used within the spreadsheet to ensure that the results were similar to those obtained by the SWMM Model. The range between 10% of Cb and Qio was divided into 100 equal time intervals; the number of hours that each flow rate was exceeded was counted from the hourly series. Additionally, the intermediate peaks with a return period "\" were obtained (Q; with i=3 to 9). For the purpose of the plot, the values were presented as percentage of time exceeded for each flow rate. FDC comparisons at the POC are illustrated in Figure 1 in both normal and logarithmic scale. Attachment 7 provides a detailed drainage exhibit for the post-developed condition. As can be seen in Figure 1, the FDC for the proposed condition with the HMP BMP is within 110% of the curve for the existing condition in both peak flows and durations. The additional runoff volume generated from developing the site will be released to the adjacent natural channel at a flow rate below the 10% Q2 lower threshold. Additionally, the project will also not increase peak flow rates between the Q2 and the Qio, as shown in the graphic and also in the peak flow table in Attachment 1. SUMMARY This study has demonstrated that the proposed HMP BMP provided within the Fair Oaks Valley development are sufficient to meet the current HMP criteria if the cross-section areas and volumes recommended within this technical memorandum are incorporated within the proposed project site. KEY ASSUMPTIONS 1. Type D Soils are representative of the existing condition site. ATTACHMENTS 1. CI2 to Qio Comparison Tables 2. FDC Plots (log and natural "x" scale) and Flow Duration Table. 3. List of the "n" largest Peaks: Pre-Development and Post-Development Conditions 4. Elevation vs. Area Curves and Elevations vs. Discharge Curves to be used in SWMM 5. Pre & Post Development Maps, Project plan and section sketches 6. SWMM Input Data in Input Format (Existing and Proposed Models) 7. SWMM Screens and Explanation of Significant Variables 8. Justification of Soil Type D Conditions 9. Summary files from the SWMM Model 259-01 Fair Oaks Valley SWMM Memo September 12, 2012 Fair Oaks Valley - Flow Duration Curve 1400 13 00 ITDO" 1100 1000 6,00 500 400 300 2 00 = = = = =: : : = - = = = =. = .= = = :•= = =;= =:: : = : =• ^ = = = = = : : = = = = = = 89 _J , -1 " & w Of w — M4 w - -— ^ . _ . • — 1 Qi V. .... _ _ _ , Existing Proposed Qx Existing Proposed Qx ).5<t, -. ,| __ 0.3Qj _ _ — _ ..LL - -0 — —^ r-in_ D.IO2 —r -\ 0001 Peicentage of time exceeded (%) Fair Oaks Valley - Flow Duration Curve 17 00 1600 15 00 14 00 13 00 12 00 1100 1000 2 s C 800 700 600 500 400 300 2 00 100 000 ---7---1? -h h '"i a. a. Existing Proposed Clx Existing Proposed Clx n If ---- ft ro 0.1' 0.15 Percentage of time exceeded (H) Figure la and lb. Flow Duration Curve Comparison (logarithmic and normal "x" scale) 259-01 Fair Oaks Valley SWMM Memo September 12, 2012 ATTACHMENT 1. Q2 to Qio Comparison Table - POC Return Period Existing Condition (cfs) Mitigated Condition (cfs) Reduction, Exist - IVIitigated (cfs) 2-year 10.818 6.443 4.375 3-Year 12.718 7.530 5.189 4-year 13.914 7.825 6.089 5-year 14.801 8.044 6.756 6-year 15.125 8.372 6.754 7-year 16.444 11.035 5.409 8-year 16.704 11.807 4.897 9-year 16.846 12.651 4.195 lO-year 17.170 14.779 2.391 259-01 ATTACHMENT 2 FLOW DURATION CURVE ANALYSIS 1) Fiow duration curve shall not exceed the existing conditions by more than 10%, neither in peak flow nor duration. The figure on the following page illustrates that the flow duration curve in post-development conditions after the proposed BMP is below the existing flow duration curve. The flow duration curve table following the curve shows that if the interval O.IOCI2 - Qio is divided in 100 sub- intervals, then a) the post development divided by pre-development durations are never larger than 110% (the permit allows up to 110%); and b) there are no more than 10 intervals in the range 101%-110% which would imply an excess over 10% of the length of the curve (the permit allows less than 10% of excesses measured as 101-110%). Consequently, the design passes the hydromodification test. It is important to note that the flow duration curve can be expressed in the "x" axis as percentage of time, hours per year, total number of hours, or any other similar time variable. As those variables only differ by a multiplying constant, their plot in logarithmic scale is going to look exactly the same, and compliance can be observed regardless of the variable selected. However, in order to satisfy the City of Carlsbad HMP example, % of time exceeded is the variable of choice in the flow duration curve. The selection of a logarithmic scale in lieu of the normal scale is preferred, as differences between the pre-development and post-development curves can be seen more clearly in the entire range of analysis. Both graphics are presented Just to prove the difference. In terms of the "y" axis, the peak flow value is the variable of choice. As an additional analysis performed by TRWE, not only the range of analysis is clearly depicted (10% of Cb to Qio) but also all intermediate flows are shown (30% of Q2, 50% of Q2, Q2, Q3, Q4, Qs, Qe, Q?, Qs and Qg) in order to demonstrate compliance at any range Qx - Qx+i- It must be pointed out that one of the limitations of both the SWMM and SDHM models is that the intermediate analysis is not performed (to obtain Qj from i = 2 to 10). TRWE performed the analysis using the Cunnane Plotting position Method (the preferred method in the HMP permit) from the "n" largest independent peak flows obtained from the continuous time series. The largest "n" peak flows are attached in this appendix, as well as the values of Qi with a return period "i", from i=2 to 10. The Qi values are also added into the flow-duration plot. Fair Oaks Valley - Flow Duration Curve 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 — 9.00 O 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 ii ;j =: 3 : : = : =5 : =:: :: = =|:t : = : = : = : = : = : : = : = ^ = : ^ : 1= : =|: 4: :| = : = : = : = ii Of U4 Existing ^—^ Proposed Qx Existing ^—^ Proposed Qx •- .i^Si2 . —• CIQ2 01^2 CIQ2 0.001 0.01 0.1 Percentage of time exceeded (%) Fair Oaks Valley - Flow Duration Curve 17.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 11.00 10.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 •<7 rv- ——1 ar . ^2 1 • Existing • Proposed •Qx • Existing • Proposed •Qx —%—'"v— 0.5tl2 V ^ 5Q2 —%—'"v— 0.5tl2 V ^ 5Q2 w 1 1 1 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Percentage of time exceeded (%) 0.25 0.3 Flow Duration Curve Data for Fair Oaks Valley, Carlsbad CA 02 = 010 = Step = Count: 10.82 cfs 17.17 cfs 0.1625 cfs 499680 hours 57.00 years Fraction 10 % Interval Existing Condition Underground Detention 0 atimized Pass or Fail? Interval Q(cfs) Hours > Q %tlme Hours>Q Ktime Post/Pre Pass or Fail? 1 1.082 927 1.86E-01 488 9.77E-02 53% Pass 2 1.244 850 1.70E-01 439 8.79E-02 52% Pass 3 1.407 780 1.56E-01 400 8.01E-02 51% Pass 4 1.569 716 1.43E-01 367 7.34E-02 51% Pass 5 1.732 658 1.32E-01 340 6.80E-02 52% Pass 6 1.894 609 1.22E-01 314 6.28E-02 52% Pass 7 2.057 557 l.llE-01 294 5.88E-02 53% Pass 8 2.219 520 1.04E-01 267 5.34E-02 51% Pass 9 2.382 480 9.61E-02 247 4.94E-02 51% Pass 10 2.544 448 8.97E-02 235 4.70E-02 52% Pass 11 2.707 422 8.45 E-02 218 4.36E-02 52% Pass 12 2.869 391 7.83E-02 204 4.08E-02 52% Pass 13 3.032 358 7.16E-02 193 3.86E-02 54% Pass 14 3.194 330 6.60E-02 179 3.58E-02 54% Pass 15 3.357 310 6.20E-02 165 3.30E-02 53% Pass 16 3.519 288 5.76E-02 159 3.18E-02 55% Pass 17 3.682 280 5.60E-02 151 3.02E-02 54% Pass 18 3.845 266 5.32E-02 144 2.88E-02 54% Pass 19 4.007 244 4.88E-02 139 2.78E-02 57% Pass 20 4.170 226 4.52E-02 130 2.60E-02 58% Pass 21 4.332 212 4.24E-02 125 2.50E-02 59% Pass 22 4.495 203 4.06E-02 116 2.32E-02 57% Pass 23 4.657 191 3.82E-02 113 2.26E-02 59% Pass 24 4.820 182 3.64E-02 106 2.12E-02 58% Pass 25 4.982 174 3.48E-02 101 2.02E-02 58% Pass 26 5.145 164 3.28E-02 94 1.88E-02 57% Pass 27 5.307 151 3.02E-02 90 1.80E-02 60% Pass 28 5.470 142 2.84E-02 85 1.70E-02 60% Pass 29 5.632 131 2.62E-02 81 1.62E-02 62% Pass 30 5.795 118 2.36E-02 77 1.54E-02 65% Pass 31 5.957 114 2.28E-02 74 1.48E-02 65% Pass 32 6.120 110 2.20E-02 70 1.40E-02 64% Pass 33 6.282 102 2.04E-02 60 1.20E-02 59% Pass 34 6.445 97 1.94E-02 53 1.06E-02 55% Pass 35 6.607 93 1.86E-02 49 9.81E-03 53% Pass 36 6.770 89 1.78E-02 46 9.21E-03 52% Pass Existing Condition Underground Detention Optimized Pass or Fail? Interval Q(efs) Hours > Q %time Hours>Q %tlme Post/Pre Pass or Fail? 37 6.932 87 1.74E-02 38 7.60E-03 44% Pass 38 7.095 86 1.72E-02 35 7.00E-03 41% Pass 39 7.257 81 1.62E-02 34 6.80E-03 42% Pass 40 7.420 77 1.54E-02 33 6.60E-03 43% Pass 41 7.582 72 1.44E-02 28 5.60E-03 39% Pass 42 7.745 69 1.38E-02 21 4.20E-03 30% Pass 43 7.907 63 1.26E-02 20 4.00E-03 32% Pass 44 8.070 61 1.22E-02 16 3.20E-03 26% Pass 45 8.232 58 1.16E-02 13 2.60E-03 22% Pass 46 8.395 55 l.lOE-02 12 2.40E-03 22% Pass 47 8.557 55 l.lOE-02 11 2.20E-03 20% Pass 48 8.720 51 1.02E-02 11 2.20E-03 22% Pass 49 8.882 48 9.61E-03 11 2.20E-03 23% Pass 50 9.045 48 9.61E-03 11 2.20E-03 23% Pass 51 9.207 44 8.81E-03 11 2.20E-03 25% Pass 52 9.370 43 8.61E-03 11 2.20E-03 26% Pass 53 9.532 40 8.01E-03 11 2.20E-03 28% Pass 54 9.695 39 7.80E-03 11 2.20E-03 28% Pass 55 9.857 39 7.80E-03 11 2.20E-03 28% Pass 56 10.020 38 7.60E-03 11 2.20E-03 29% Pass 57 10.182 36 7.20E-03 11 2.20E-03 31% Pass 58 10.345 35 7.00E-03 11 2.20E-03 31% Pass 59 10.507 34 6.80E-03 11 2.20E-03 32% Pass 60 10.670 33 6.60E-03 10 2.00E-03 30% Pass 61 10.833 32 6.40E-03 10 2.00E-03 31% Pass 62 10.995 32 6.40E-03 10 2.00E-03 31% Pass 63 11.158 32 6.40E-03 10 2.00E-03 31% Pass 64 11.320 31 6.20E-03 10 2.00E-03 32% Pass 65 11.483 28 5.60E-03 10 2.00E-03 36% Pass 66 11.645 28 5.60E-03 9 1.80E-03 32% Pass 67 11.808 28 5.60E-03 8 1.60E-03 29% Pass 68 11.970 26 5.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 27% Pass 69 12.133 26 5.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 27% Pass 70 12.295 26 5.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 27% Pass 71 12.458 22 4.40E-03 7 1.40E-03 32% Pass 72 12.620 21 4.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 33% Pass 73 12.783 21 4.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 33% Pass 74 12.945 21 4.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 33% Pass 75 13.108 20 4.00E-03 7 1.40E-03 35% Pass 76 13.270 20 4.00E-03 7 1.40E-03 35% Pass 77 13.433 19 3.80E-03 7 1.40E-03 37% Pass 78 13.595 17 3.40E-03 7 1.40E-03 41% Pass 79 13.758 16 3.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 44% Pass 80 13.920 16 3.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 44% Pass 81 14.083 16 3.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 44% Pass Interval Existing Cond tton Underground Detention 0| itimized Pass or Fail? Interval Q(cfs) Hours > Q % time Hours>Q %tlme Post/Pre Pass or Fail? 82 14.245 16 3.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 44% Pass 83 14.408 16 3.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 44% Pass 84 14.570 15 3.00E-03 7 1.40E-03 47% Pass 85 14.733 14 2.80E-03 7 1.40E-03 50% Pass 86 14.895 13 2.60E-03 7 1.40E-03 54% Pass 87 15.058 11 2.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 64% Pass 88 15.220 11 2.20E-03 7 1.40E-03 64% Pass 89 15.383 11 2.20E-03 6 1.20E-03 55% Pass 90 15.545 11 2.20E-03 6 1.20E-03 55% Pass 91 15.708 10 2.00E-03 6 1.20E-03 60% Pass 92 15.870 10 2.00E-03 6 1.20E-03 60% Pass 93 16.033 9 1.80E-03 6 1.20E-03 67% Pass 94 16.195 9 1.80E-03 6 1.20E-03 67% Pass 95 16.358 8 1.60E-03 5 l.OOE-03 63% Pass 96 16.520 8 1.60E-03 5 l.OOE-03 63% Pass 97 16.683 7 1.40E-03 5 l.OOE-03 71% Pass 98 16.845 6 1.20E-03 5 l.OOE-03 83% Pass 99 17.008 6 1.20E-03 5 l.OOE-03 83% Pass 100 17.170 6 1.20E-03 4 8.01E-04 67% Pass Peak Flows calculated with Cunnane Plotting Position Return Period Pre-dev. Q Post-Deiv. Q Reduction 10 17.170 14.779 2.391 9 16.846 12.651 4.195 8 16.704 11.807 4.897 7 16.444 11.035 5.409 6 15.125 8.372 6.754 5 14.801 8.044 6.756 4 13.914 7.825 6.089 3 12.718 7.530 5.189 2 10.818 6.443 4.375 ATTACHiVIENT3 List of the ''n'' Largest Peaks: Pre & Post-Developed Conditions Ust of Peak events and Determination of P2 and PIO (Post-Development) T Cunnane Weibull Period of Return 10 14.78 15.41 Peaks Date Posit Weibull Cunnane 9 12.65 13.65 4.381 12/18/1967 57 1.02 1.01 8 11.81 11.88 4.403 11/29/1985 56 1.04 1.03 7 11.04 11.36 4.566 1/18/1952 55 1.05 1.05 6 8.37 8.96 4.592 2/2/1960 54 1.07 1.07 5 8.04 8.08 4.74 4/1/1958 53 1.09 1.09 4 7.82 7.87 4.832 3/1/1983 52 1.12 1.11 3 7.53 7.54 4.946 10/29/2000 51 1.14 1.13 2 6.44 6.44 5.021 3/2/1980 50 1.16 1.15 5.071 1/22/1967 49 1.18 1.18 5.281 1/13/1957 48 1.21 1.20 Note: 5.295 1/16/1972 47 1.23 1.23 Cunnane is the preferred 5.369 11/30/2007 46 1.26 1.25 method by the HMP permit. 5.377 12/24/1971 45 1.29 1.28 5.461 1/25/1969 44 1.32 1.31 5.58 1/13/1997 43 1.35 1.34 5.682 2/26/2004 42 1.38 1.38 5.746 2/17/1998 41 1.41 1.41 5.848 8/17/1977 40 1.45 1.44 6.022 1/14/1993 39 1.49 1.48 6.036 3/5/1995 38 1.53 1.52 6.161 3/11/1995 37 1.57 1.56 6.18 9/24/1986 36 1.61 1.61 6.214 2/18/1980 35 1.66 1.65 6.27 1/15/1978 34 1.71 1.70 6.315 12/30/1991 33 1.76 1.75 6.37 1/9/2005 32 1.81 1.81 6.39 1/16/1993 31 1.87 1.87 6.434 12/5/1966 30 1.93 1.93 6.443 2/3/1998 29 2.00 2.00 6.455 11/22/1996 28 2.07 2.07 6.544 1/11/1980 27 2.15 2.15 6.572 12/25/1983 26 2.23 2.23 6.832 2/20/1980 25 2.32 2.33 6.854 2/23/2005 24 2.42 2.42 7.032 2/18/2005 23 2.52 2.53 7.409 2/23/1998 22 2.64 2.65 7.42 1/16/1978 21 2.76 2.78 7.472 2/15/1986 20 2.90 2.92 7.583 2/10/1978 19 3.05 3.08 7.621 1/20/1962 18 3.22 3.25 7.627 10/27/2004 17 3.41 3.45 7.729 1/16/1952 16 3.63 3.67 7.767 3/8/1968 15 3.87 3.92 7.97 1/6/1979 14 4.14 4.21 8.015 11/22/1965 13 4.46 4.54 8.019 3/17/1982 12 4.83 4.93 8.19 2/4/1958 11 5.27 5.40 8.23 2/25/2003 10 5.80 5.96 10.587 2/22/2008 9 6.44 6.65 11.711 1/29/1980 8 7.25 7.53 11.942 3/1/1978 7 8.29 8.67 15.235 10/1/1983 6 9.67 10.21 16.221 2/25/1969 5 11.60 12.43 17.258 1/4/1978 4 14.50 15.89 23.008 1/15/1979 3 19.33 22.00 23.388 1/4/1995 2 29.00 35.75 27.273 4/14/2003 1 58.00 95.33 List of Peak events and Determination of P2 and PIO (Pre-Development) T Cunnane Weibull Period of Return 10 17.17 18.00 Peaks Date Posit Weibull Cunnane 9 16.85 17.00 7.802 2/18/1980 57 1.02 1.01 8 16.70 16.72 7.812 1/6/1979 56 1.04 1.03 7 16.44 16.56 7.852 12/24/1988 55 1.05 1.05 6 15.13 15.44 7.948 2/23/2005 54 1.07 1.07 5 14.80 14.86 8.127 2/12/2003 53 1.09 1.09 4 13.91 14.05 8.132 3/1/1983 52 1.12 1.11 3 12.72 12.79 8.211 3/11/1995 51 1.14 1.13 2 10.82 10.82 8.318 3/17/1963 50 1.16 1.15 8.327 3/15/1986 49 1.18 1.18 8.348 1/11/2005 48 1.21 1.20 Note: 8.594 8/17/1977 47 1.23 1.23 Cunnane Is the preferred 8.639 2/22/1998 46 1.26 1.25 method by the HMP permit. 8.699 1/18/1993 45 1.29 1.28 8.75 2/18/1993 44 1.32 1.31 8.848 2/4/1994 43 1.35 1.34 8.865 4/27/1960 42 1.38 1.38 9.106 1/16/1972 41 1.41 1.41 9.121 1/6/2008 40 1.45 1.44 9.131 11/11/1985 39 1.49 1.48 9.314 2/15/1986 38 1.53 1.52 9.428 2/22/2008 37 1.57 1.56 9.429 11/15/1952 36 1.61 1.61 9.529 10/20/2004 35 1.66 1.65 9.636 2/14/1998 34 1.71 1.70 10.111 2/16/1980 33 1.76 1.75 10.28 12/2/1961 32 1.81 1.81 10.422 1/27/2008 31 1.87 1.87 10.543 1/29/1980 30 1.93 1.93 10.818 1/16/1978 29 2.00 2.00 11.171 2/17/1998 28 2.07 2.07 11.339 12/19/1970 27 2.15 2.15 11.399 2/27/1983 26 2.23 2.23 11.409 1/29/1983 25 2.32 2.33 11.915 3/2/1980 24 2.42 2.42 11.941 2/23/1998 23 2.52 2.53 12.419 2/3/1998 22 2.64 2.65 12.433 12/30/1991 21 2.76 2.78 12.442 11/22/1965 20 2.90 2.92 12.973 2/10/1978 19 3.05 3.08 13.299 4/1/1958 18 3.22 3.25 13.564 10/29/2000 17 3.41 3.45 13.565 3/17/1982 16 3.63 3.67 13.711 1/14/1993 15 3.87 3.92 14.421 3/1/1978 14 4.14 4.21 14.623 1/16/1952 13 4.46 4.54 14.762 2/18/2005 12 4.83 4.93 15.023 2/20/1980 11 5.27 5.40 15.051 10/27/2004 10 5.80 5.96 16.289 9/23/1986 9 6.44 6.65 16.679 2/25/1969 8 7.25 7.53 16.738 2/4/1958 7 8.29 8.67 17.24 2/25/2003 6 9.67 10.21 21.673 1/4/1995 5 11.60 12.43 22.329 1/15/1979 4 14.50 15.89 22.979 1/4/1978 3 19.33 22.00 23.341 10/1/1983 2 29.00 35.75 26.1 4/14/2003 1 58.00 95.33 ATTACHMENT 4 AREA VS ELEVATION The area vs. elevation curve in the model is calculated in Excel and imported into the model. A table of the stage-area input used for this SWMM model is provided on the following page. DISCHARGE VS ELEVATION The total discharge peak flow is imported from an Excel spreadsheet that calculates the discharge vs. elevation of the multiple outlet systems. The orifices have been selected to maximize their size while still restricting flows to conform with the required 10% of the Q2 event flow as mandated in the Final Hydromodification Management Plan by Brown & Caldwell, dated March 2011. While TRWE acknowledges that these orifices are small, to increase the size of these outlets would impact the basin's ability to restrict flows beneath the HMP thresholds, thus preventing the BMP from conformance with HMP requirements. In order to further reduce the risk of blockage of the orifices, a debris screen will be fitted to the base invert of the orifices located within the detention basins. Regular maintenance of the riser and orifices must be performed to ensure potential blockages are minimized. A detail of the orifice and riser structure is provided in Attachment 5 of this memorandum. The stage-storage and stage-discharge calculations have been provided on the following pages. Outlet structure for Discharge of Bio-Retention Basin Al Discharge vs Elevation Table Low orifice: 1.5 " Lower weir: Number: 8 Invert: 3.00 ft Cg-low: 0.61 B 12.57 ft Middle orifice: 6 " number of orif: 8 Emergency weir: Cg-middle: 0.61 Invert: 0.00 ft Invert elev: 2.00 ft B: 0 ft h H/D-low H/D-mid Qlow-orif Qlow-weir Qtot-low QmldK>rif Qmid-weir Qtot-med Qweir Qemerg Qtot (ft) --(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.05 0.4 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.022 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.1 0.8 0.000 0.093 0.079 0.079 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.079 0.15 1.2 0.000 0.142 0.152 0.142 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.142 0.2 1.6 0.000 0.178 0.223 0.178 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.178 0.25 2 0.000 0.208 0.276 0.208 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.208 0.3 2.4 0.000 0.234 0.304 0.234 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.234 0.35 2.8 0.000 0.258 0.311 0.258 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.258 0.4 3.2 0.000 0.279 0.317 0.279 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.279 0.45 3.6 0.000 0.299 0.365 0.299 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.299 0.5 4 0.000 0.318 0.522 0.318 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.318 0.55 4.4 0.000 0.336 0.883 0.336 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.336 0.6 4.8 0.000 0.352 1.579 0.352 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.352 0.65 5.2 0.000 0.368 2.779 0.368 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.368 0.7 5.6 0.000 0.384 4.692 0.384 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.384 0.75 6 0.000 0.398 7.578 0.398 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.398 0.8 6.4 0.000 0.413 11.745 0.413 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.413 0.85 6.8 0.000 0.426 17.558 0.426 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.426 0.9 7.2 0.000 0.440 25.442 0.440 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.440 0.95 7.6 0.000 0.453 35.885 0.453 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.453 1 8 0.000 0.465 49.445 0.465 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.465 1.05 8.4 0.000 0.478 66.752 0.478 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.478 1.1 8.8 0.000 0.490 88.515 0.490 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.490 1.15 9.2 0.000 0.501 115.523 0.501 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.501 1.2 9.6 0.000 0.513 148.651 0.513 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.513 1.25 10 0.000 0.524 188.866 0.524 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.524 1.3 10.4 0.000 0.535 237.228 0.535 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.535 1.35 10.8 0.000 0.545 294.896 0.545 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.545 1.4 11.2 0.000 0.556 363.135 0.556 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.556 1.45 11.6 0.000 0.566 443.314 0.566 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.566 1.5 12 0.000 0.576 536.918 0.576 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.576 1.55 12.4 0.000 0.586 645.545 0.586 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.586 1.6 12.8 0.000 0.596 770.915 0.596 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.596 1.65 13.2 0.000 0.606 914.875 0.606 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.606 1.7 13.6 0.000 0.615 1079.400 0.615 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.615 1.75 14 0.000 0.624 1266.597 0.624 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.624 1.8 14.4 0.000 0.633 1478.715 0.633 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.633 1.85 14.8 0.000 0.643 1718.143 0.643 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.643 1.9 15.2 0.000 0.651 1987.417 0.651 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.651 1.95 15.6 0.000 0.660 2289.225 0.660 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.660 2 16 0.000 0.669 2626.411 0.669 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.669 2.05 16.4 0.100 0.678 3001.978 0.678 0.000 0.049 0.049 0.000 0.000 0.726 2.1 16.8 0.200 0.686 3419.093 0.686 0.000 0.188 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.874 2.15 17.2 0.300 0.694 3881.093 0.694 0.000 0.412 0.412 0.000 0.000 1.106 2.2 17.6 0.400 0.703 4391.487 0,703 0.000 0.713 0.713 0.000 0.000 1.416 2.25 18 0.500 0.711 4953.961 0.711 0.000 1.084 1.084 0.000 0.000 1.795 2.3 18.4 0.600 0.719 5572.384 0.719 1.719 1.516 1.516 0.000 0.000 2.235 2.35 18.8 0.700 0.727 6250.810 0,727 2.432 2.001 2.001 0.000 0.000 2.728 2.4 19.2 0.800 0.735 6993.485 0.735 2.978 2.528 2.528 0.000 0.000 3.263 2.45 19.6 0.900 0.743 7804.846 0.743 3.439 3.089 3.089 0.000 0.000 3.832 2.5 20 1.000 0.750 8689.533 0.750 3.845 3.673 3.673 0.000 0.000 4.424 2.55 20.4 1.100 0.758 9652.388 0.758 4.212 4.271 4.212 0.000 0.000 4.970 2.6 20.8 1.200 0.766 10698.460 0.766 4.549 4.873 4.549 0.000 0.000 5.315 2.65 21.2 1.300 0.773 11833.011 0.773 4.863 5.470 4.863 0.000 0.000 5.636 2.7 21.6 1.400 0.780 13061.520 0.780 5.158 6.052 5.158 0.000 0.000 5.939 2.75 22 1.500 0.788 14389.686 0.788 5.437 6.613 5.437 0.000 0.000 6.225 2.8 22.4 1.600 0.795 15823.432 0.795 5.703 7.143 5.703 0.000 0.000 6.498 2.85 22.8 1.700 0.802 17368.913 0.802 5.956 7.637 5.956 0.000 0.000 6.759 2.9 23.2 1.800 0.810 19032.517 0.810 6.199 8.088 6.199 0.000 0.000 7.009 2.95 23.6 1.900 0.817 20820.869 0.817 6.433 8.491 6.433 0.000 0.000 7.250 3 24 2.000 0.824 22740.837 0.824 6.659 8.844 6.659 0.000 0.000 7.483 3.05 24.4 2.100 0.831 24799.538 0.831 6.878 9.144 6.878 0.436 0.000 8.144 3.1 24.8 2.200 0.838 27004.337 0.838 7.089 9.391 7.089 1.232 0.000 9.159 3.15 25.2 2.300 0.844 29362.857 0.844 7.295 9.586 7.295 2.263 0.000 10.402 3.2 25.6 2.400 0.851 31882.981 0.851 7.495 9.731 7.495 3.484 0.000 11.830 3.25 26 2.500 0.858 34572.853 0.858 7.689 9.831 7.689 4.869 0.000 13.417 3.3 26.4 2.600 0.865 37440.891 0.865 7.879 9.894 7.879 6.401 0.000 15.145 3.35 26.8 2.700 0.871 40495.781 0.871 8.065 9.927 8.065 8.066 0.000 17.002 3.4 27.2 2.800 0.878 43746.490 0.878 8.246 9.944 8.246 9.855 0.000 18.979 3.45 27.6 2.900 0.885 47202.264 0.885 8.423 9.957 8.423 11.760 0.000 21.067 3.5 28 3.000 0.891 50872.636 0.891 8.597 9.983 8.597 13.773 0.000 23.261 3.55 28.4 3.100 0.897 54767.431 0.897 8.767 10.041 8.767 15.890 0.000 25.554 3.6 28.8 3.200 0.904 58896.767 0.904 8.934 10.153 8.934 18.105 0.000 27.943 3.65 29.2 3.300 0.910 63271.060 0.910 9.098 10.344 9.098 20.415 0.000 30.423 3.7 29.6 3.400 0.917 67901.032 0.917 9.259 10.642 9.259 22.815 0.000 32.991 3.75 30 3.500 0.923 72797.711 0.923 9.418 11.079 9.418 25.303 0.000 35.643 3.8 30.4 3.600 0.929 77972.439 0.929 9.573 11.691 9.573 27.874 0.000 38.377 3.85 30.8 3.700 0.935 83436.872 0.935 9.726 12.514 9.726 30.528 0.000 41.190 3.9 31.2 3.800 0.941 89202.988 0.941 9.877 13.591 9.877 33.261 0.000 44.080 3.95 31.6 3.900 0.948 95283.092 0.948 10.026 14.969 10.026 36.071 0.000 47.044 4 32 4.000 0.954 101689.814 0.954 10.172 16.697 10.172 38.956 0.000 50.082 BASIN Al - STAGE STORAGE Elev AreaCff^Z) Volume (ff^S) 0 8582 0 1 9474 9028 2 10410 18970 3 11393 29871.5 4 12417 41776.5 5 13480 54725 6 14572 68751 ATTACHMENTS Pre & Post-Developed Maps, Project Plan and Detention Section Sketches ONSITE PRE DEVELOPEMNET DRAINAGE AREA EXHIBIT FOR "FAIR OAKS VALLEY" CARLSBAD, CA GRAPHIC SCALE DATE PREPARED JULYS, 2012 PASCO LARET SUITER ^^^^maam & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENQINEERINB + UND PLANNINQ * LAND SURVEYING 535 N Gout Hlghwaj' 101 Stc A Solut Beach, CA 92075 ph B5B.259.«212 | fx B58.259.4B12 | plMenglneerlng.com ONSITE POST DEVELOPEMNET DRAINAGE AREA EXHIBTT FOR: "FAIR OAKS VALLEY" CARLSBAD, CA P0C.2 (NOT MODELED) MODELED) (NOT MODELED) DATE PREPARED JULYS, 2012 3RAPHIC SCALE 1=100 100 200 300 PASCO LARET SUITER wa^m^^^m & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENQINEERINB * LAND PLANNINQ + LAND SURVEYING 535 N Coiit HIghwar 101 Ste A Soiana Beach. CA 92075 ph g5B.259.B212 | fx B5B.259.4B12 | pUaenglneerlng.com IMPERMEABLE LINER 24 GRA VEL LA YER RISER OUTLET STRUCTURE 24" AMENDED SOIL MIN. INFILTRATION RA TE 5"/HR. ^ BASIN TOP ELEV BASIN INVERT LID INVERT LID ORIFICE EXIST. GROUND BIORETENTION AREA BIORETENTION AREA CROSS SECTION (TYP) NOT TO SCALE RISER WALL PVC PlPe- INLET DEBRIS SCREEN- MULCH LA YER : ^ RESTRICTOR PLA TE t RISER WALL FRENCH DRAIN 6" -ORIFICE GRA VEL STORAGE LA YER D ^ RESTRICTOR PLA TE -ORIFICE RISER ORIFICE DETAIL LID ORIFICE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE TO flf fHJkCEO ON TOP MIDDLE ORIFICES UM/EH ORtnCES (ORIflCE /VUMSeWS" ANO Ei£V. POf TABLE ATTACHED. ALL OfTff^CtS TO BE imiFORkUL Y D/SmaUTED ALONG ALL FACES OF RISER STRUCTURE.) OUTLETSmUCTURE DETAIL (TYP) NOT TO SCALE o o o h n n / LOW ELEV OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL - SECTION (TYP) NOT TO SCALE GRATED TOP tllOltff' OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAIL -PLAN (TYP) NOT TO SCALE BASIN LOW ORIFICE MID ORIFICE SPILLWAY NUMBER #/DIAM ELEV (FT) #/DIAM ELEV (FT) B(FT) h(FT) H(FT) 1 8X1.5" 1 2 8X6" 4 3.1 1 5 6 ATTACHMENTS SWMM Input Data in Input Format (Existing & Proposed Models) [TITLE] INPUT-Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 [OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS INFILTRATION FLOW_ROUTING START_DATE START_TIME REPORT_START_DATE REPORT_START_TIME END_DATE END_TIME SWEEP_START SWEEP_END DRY_DAYS REPORT_STEP WET_STEP DRY_STEP ROUTING_STEP ALLOW_PONDING INERTIAL_DAMPING VARIABLE_STEP LENGTHENING_STEP MIN_SURFAREA NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED SKIP_STEADY_STATE FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION LINK_OFFSETS MIN SLOPE CFS GREEN_AMPT KINWAVE 10/01/1951 00:00:00 10/01/1951 00:00:00 09/30/2008 23:00:00 01/01 12/31 0 01:00:00 00:15:00 04:00:00 0:01:00 NO PARTIAL 0.75 0 0 BOTH NO H-W DEPTH 0 [EVAPORATION] ;;Type Parameters MONTHLY DRY ONLY 0.041 0.076 o.iie NO 0.192 0.237 0.318 0.308 0.286 0.217 0.14 0.067 0.041 [RAINGAGES] Name Oceanside [SUBCATCHMENTS] Name Rain Type Time Snow Data Intrvl Catch Source INTENSITY 1:00 1.0 TIMESERIES OCEANSIDE Raingage Outlet Total Area Pent. Pent. Curb Snow Imperv Width Slope Length Pack Al LID Al Oceanside Oceanside LID_A1 DIVAl 25.07 49.1 0.238980716 0 580.6 10 5.45 0 0 0 [SUBAREAS] ;;Subcatchment N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-Perv PctRouted Al LID Al 0.012 0.012 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.1 0.1 25 25 OUTLET OUTLET [INFILTRATION] ;;Subcatchment Suction HydCon Al LID Al 0.01875 0.3 0.01875 0.3 [LID CONTROLS] LID_A1 LID_A1 LID_A1 LID_A1 LID Al Type/Layer Parameters BC SURFACE SOIL STORAGE DRAIN 21.9 24 24 0.2879 4 67 5 0 0.2 0.01875 0 0.1 0.1 0 6 1.5 [LID USAGE] INPUT-Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 LID Process LID Al ;;Subcatchment LID_A1 [OUTFALLS] ;;Name OUT_TOTAL [DIVIDERS] ;;Name DIVAl 0 [STORAGE] ;; Invert ;;Name Elev. Infiltration Parameters Number Area 1 10410 Width 0 InitSatur Fromlmprv ToPerv Report File Invert Elev. Outfall Type Stage/Table Time Series Invert Elev. FREE Diverted Link Divider Type BY Al Max. Depth Tide Gate NO Parameters .32106 0 Init. Depth Storage Curve Curve Params 100 Ponded Evap. Area Frac. BAS_A1 [CONDUITS] Max. ; ; Name Flow Inlet Node Outlet Node TABULAR BASINl Manning Length N Inlet Offset Outlet Offset Init. Flow DUM_A1 BY Al [OUTLETS] Flap ;;Name Gate DIVAl DIVAl Inlet Node OUT_TOTAL BAS Al Outlet Node Outflow Height 0.01 0.01 Outlet Type Qcoeff/ QTable Qexpon OR Al BAS Al OUT TOTAL TABULAR/DEPTH ORIFICEl NO [XSECTIONS] ;;Link Shape Geoml Geom2 Geom3 Geom 4 Barrels DUM_A1 BY Al DUMMY DUMMY [LOSSES] ;;Link Inlet Outlet Average Flap Gate [CURVES] ;;Name Type X--Value Y--Vail 0RIFICE3 Rating 0 0 000 ORIFICES 0 05 0 020 0RIFICE3 0 1 0 073 0RIFICE3 0 15 0 149 0RIFICE3 0 2 0 219 0RIFICE3 0 25 0 262 0RIFICE3 0 3 0 298 0RIFICE3 0 35 0 331 0RIFICE3 0 4 0 361 0RIFICE3 0 45 0 388 0RIFICE3 0 5 0 414 0RIFICE3 0 55 0 438 0RIFICE3 0 6 0 461 ORIFICES 0 65 0 482 0RIFICE3 0 7 0 503 INPUT-Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 ORIFICES 0 75 0.523 ORIFICES 0 8 0.542 ORIFICES 0 85 0.838 ORIFICES 0 9 1.363 ORIFICES 0 95 2.037 ORIFICES 1 2.8S2 ORIFICEl Rating 0 0.000 ORIFICEl 0 05 0.022 ORIFICEl 0 1 0.079 ORIFICEl 0 15 0.142 ORIFICEl 0 2 0.178 ORIFICEl 0 25 0.208 ORIFICEl 0 3 0.234 ORIFICEl 0 35 0.258 ORIFICEl 0 4 0.279 ORIFICEl 0 45 0.299 ORIFICEl 0 5 0.318 ORIFICEl 0 55 0.336 ORIFICEl 0 6 0.S52 ORIFICEl 0 65 0.S68 ORIFICEl 0 7 0.384 ORIFICEl 0 75 0.398 ORIFICEl 0 8 0.413 ORIFICEl 0 85 0.426 ORIFICEl 0 9 0.440 ORIFICEl 0 95 0.453 ORIFICEl 1 0.465 ORIFICEl 1 05 0.478 ORIFICEl 1 1 0.490 ORIFICEl 1 15 0.501 ORIFICEl 1 2 0.513 ORIFICEl 1 25 0.524 ORIFICEl 1 S 0.535 ORIFICEl 1 35 0.545 ORIFICEl 1 4 0.556 ORIFICEl 1 45 0.566 ORIFICEl 1 5 0.576 ORIFICEl 1 55 0.586 ORIFICEl 1 6 0.596 ORIFICEl 1 65 0.606 ORIFICEl 1 7 0.615 ORIFICEl 1 75 0.62 4 ORIFICEl 1 8 0.633 ORIFICEl 1 85 0.64S ORIFICEl 1 9 0.651 ORIFICEl 1 95 0.660 ORIFICEl 2 0.669 ORIFICEl 2 05 0.726 ORIFICEl 2 1 0.874 ORIFICEl 2 15 1.106 ORIFICEl 2 2 1. 416 ORIFICEl 2 25 1.795 ORIFICEl 2 3 2.235 ORIFICEl 2 35 2.728 ORIFICEl 2 4 S.263 ORIFICEl 2 45 S.8S2 ORIFICEl 2 5 4.424 ORIFICEl 2 55 4.970 ORIFICEl 2 6 5.315 ORIFICEl 2 65 5.636 ORIFICEl 2 7 5.939 ORIFICEl 2 75 6.225 ORIFICEl 2 8 6.498 ORIFICEl 2 85 6.759 ORIFICEl 2 9 7.009 ORIFICEl 2 95 7 .250 ORIFICEl 3 7 . 483 ORIFICEl 3 05 8.144 ORIFICEl 3 1 9.159 ORIFICEl 3 15 10.402 INPUT-Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 ORIFICEl 3 2 11 8S0 ORIFICEl 3 25 13 417 ORIFICEl 3 3 15 145 ORIFICEl 3 35 17 002 ORIFICEl S 4 18 979 ORIFICEl 3 45 21 067 ORIFICEl 3 5 23 261 ORIFICEl 3 55 25 554 ORIFICEl 3 6 27 943 ORIFICEl 3 65 SO 423 ORIFICEl 3 7 S2 991 ORIFICEl 3 75 35 643 ORIFICEl 3 8 38 377 ORIFICEl S 85 41 190 ORIFICEl 3 9 44 080 ORIFICEl 3 95 47 044 ORIFICEl 4 50 082 0RIFICE2 Rating 0 0 000 0RIFICE2 0 05 0 026 0RIFICE2 0 1 0 097 0RIFICE2 0 15 0 198 0RIFICE2 0 2 0 292 0RIFICE2 0 25 0 349 0RIFICE2 0 3 0 398 0RIFICE2 0 35 0 441 0RIFICE2 0 4 0 481 0RIFICE2 0 45 0 517 0RIFICE2 0 5 0 551 0RIFICE2 0 55 0 584 0RIFICE2 0 6 0 614 0RIFICE2 0 65 0 643 0RIFICE2 0 7 0 671 0RIFICE2 0 75 0 698 0RIFICE2 0 8 0 723 0RIFICE2 0 85 0 911 0RIFICE2 0 9 1 234 0RIFICE2 0 95 1 644 0RIFICE2 1 2 125 0RIFICE4 Rating 0 0 000 0RIFICE4 0 05 0 033 0RIFICE4 0 1 0 126 0RIFICE4 0 15 0 268 0RIFICE4 0 2 0 447 0RIFICE4 0 25 0 649 0RIFICE4 0 S 0 804 0RIFICE4 0 35 0 912 0RIFICE4 0 4 1 008 0RIFICE4 0 45 1 259 0RIFICE4 0 S 1 639 0RIFICE4 0 55 2 102 0RIFICE4 0 6 2 631 ORIFICES Rating 0 0 000 0RIFICE5 0 OS 0 033 0RIFICE5 0 1 0 126 0RIFICE5 0 15 0 268 ORIFICES 0 2 0 447 ORIFICES 0 25 0 649 ORIFICES 0 3 0 804 ORIFICES 0 35 0 912 ORIFICES 0 4 1 008 ORIFICES 0 45 1 096 ORIFICES 0 S 1 177 ORIFICES 0 55 1 253 ORIFICES 0 6 1 325 ORIFICES 0 65 1 393 ORIFICES 0 7 1 458 ORIFICES 0 75 1 520 ORIFICES 0 8 2 134 INPUT-Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 ORIFICES 0 85 3.205 ORIFICES 0 9 4.574 ORIFICES 0 95 6.182 ORIFICES 1 7.998 OR A7 Rating 0 0.000 OR A7 0 05 0.033 0R_A7 0 1 0.126 0R_A7 0 15 0.268 0R_A7 0 2 0.447 OR A7 0 25 0.649 0R_A7 0 3 0.804 OR A7 0 35 0.912 0R_A7 0 4 1.008 OR A7 0 45 1.096 0R_A7 0 5 1.177 0R_A7 0 55 1.253 0R_A7 0 6 1.325 OR A7 0 65 1.393 0R_A7 0 7 1.458 0R_A7 0 75 1.520 0R_A7 0 8 1.579 0R_A7 0 85 1.855 0R_A7 0 9 2.308 0R_A7 0 95 2.878 0R_A7 1 3.540 0R_A6 Rating 0 0.000 0R_A6 0 05 0.033 OR A6 0 1 0.126 0R_A6 0 IS 0.268 OR A6 0 2 0.447 0R_A6 0 25 0.649 0R_A6 0 3 0.804 0R_A6 0 35 0.912 OR A6 0 4 1.008 0R_A6 0 45 1. 096 0R_A6 0 5 1.177 OR A6 0 55 1.253 OR A6 0 6 1.325 0R_A6 0 65 1.393 0R_A6 0 7 1.458 0R_A6 0 75 1.520 OR A6 0 8 1.797 0R_A6 0 85 2.253 OR A6 0 9 2.824 0R_A6 0 95 3.488 OR A6 1 4.233 BASINl Storage 0 10414.5 BASINl 0 25 10655.4 BASINl 0 5 10899.0 BASINl 0 75 11145.0 BASINl 1 11393.6 BASINl 1 25 11644.8 BASINl 1 5 11898.6 BASINl 1 75 12154.8 BASINl 2 12413.7 BASINl 2 25 12675.1 BASINl 2 5 12939.0 BASINl 2 75 13205.5 BASINl 3 13474.6 BASINl 3 25 13746.2 BASINl 3 S 14020.4 BASINl 3 75 14297.1 BASINl 4 14576.4 BASIN3 Storage 0 921. 4 BAS IN 3 0 25 1059.1 BASIN3 0 5 1199.2 BASIN3 0 75 1341.9 INPUT-Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 BASIN3 1 1487.0 BASIN 2 Storage 0 1542 BASIN_2 0 25 1939 BASIN_2 0 5 2336 BASIN_2 0 75 2733 BASIN_2 1 3130 BASIN4 Storage 0 1373.6 BASIN4 0 1 1544.5 BASIN4 0 2 1715.4 BASIN4 0 3 1886.3 BASIN4 0 4 2057.2 BASIN4 0 5 2228.1 BASIN4 0 6 2399 BASINS Storage 0 690 BASINS 0 25 1117.25 BASINS 0 5 1544.5 BASINS 0 7S 1971.75 BASINS 1 2399 BASIN6 Storage 0 1376.8 BASIN6 0 25 1435.5 BASIN6 0 5 1495.0 BASIN6 0 75 1555.4 BASIN6 1 1616.7 BASIN7 Storage 0 1413.9 BASIN7 0 25 1475.8 BASIN7 0 5 1538.6 BASIN7 0 75 1602.1 BASIN7 1 1666.5 [TIMESERIES] ;;Name Date Time Value OCEANSIDE FILE "OsideRain.prn" [REPORT] INPUT NO CONTROLS NO SUBCATCHMENTS ALL NODES ALL LINKS ALL [TAGS] [MAP] DIMENSIONS 0.000 0.000 10000.000 10000.000 Units None [COORDINATES] ;;Node X-Coord Y-Coord OUT_T0TAL DIVAl BAS_A1 5126.235 630.435 -336.957 2678.375 6978.261 6152.174 [VERTICES] ;;Link X-Coord Y-Coord [Polygons] ;;Subcatchment X-Coord Y-Coord Al LID Al 619.565 630.435 8456.522 7641.304 [SYMBOLS] ;;Gage X-Coord Y-Coord INPUT-Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 Oceanside 7532.609 7119.565 [TITLE] INPUT-Pre Dev Al A2 A3 A4 [OPTIONS] FLOW_UNITS INFILTRATION FLOW_ROUTING START_DATE START_TIME REPORT_START_DATE REPORT_START_TIME END_DATE END_TIME SWEEP_START SWEEP_END DRY_DAYS REPORT_STEP WET_STEP DRY_STEP ROUTING_STEP ALLOW_PONDING INERTIAL_DAMPING VARIABLE_STEP LENGTHENING_STEP MIN_SURFAREA NORMAL_FLOW_LIMITED SKIP_STEADY_STATE FORCE_MAIN_EQUATION LINK_OFrSETS MIN SLOPE CFS GREEN_AMPT KINWAVE 10/01/1951 00:00:00 10/01/1951 00:00:00 09/30/2008 23:00:00 01/01 12/31 0 01:00:00 00:15:00 04:00:00 0:01:00 NO PARTIAL 0.75 0 0 BOTH NO H-W DEPTH 0 [EVAPORATION] ;;Type Parameters MONTHLY 0.041 0.076 0.118 0.192 0.237 0.318 0.308 0.286 0.217 0.14 0.067 0.041 DRY ONLY NO [RAINGAGES] ; ; Name Oceanside [SUBCATCHMENTS] ;;Name Rain Type Time Snow Data Intrvl Catch Source INTENSITY 1:00 1.0 TIMESERIES OCEANSIDE Raingage Outlet Total Area Pent. Imperv Width Pent. Slope Curb Snow Length Pack Al Oceanside OUT TOTAL 24 . 07 582 10 [SUBAREAS] ;;Subcatchment N-Imperv N-Perv S-Imperv S-Perv PetZero RouteTo PctRouted Al 0.012 0.05 0.02 0.1 25 [INFILTRATION] ;;Subcatchment Suction HydCon Al [OUTFALLS] ;;Name Invert Elev. 0.025 Outfall Type IMDmax 0.3 Stage/Table Time Series Tide Gate INPUT-Pre Dev Al A2 A3 A4 OUT_TOTAL 0 FREE NO [TIMESERIES] ;;Name Date Time Value OCEANSIDE FILE "OsideRain.prn" [REPORT] INPUT NO CONTROLS NO SUBCATCHMENTS ALL NODES ALL LINKS ALL [TAGS] [MAP] DIMENSIONS 0.000 0.000 10000.000 10000.000 Units None [COORDINATES] ;;Node X-Coord Y-Coord OUT_TOTAL 5982.437 3095.499 [VERTICES] ;;Link X-Coord Y-Coord [Polygons] ;/Subcatchment X-Coord Y-Coord Al 663.043 7391.304 [SYMBOLS] ;;Gage X-Coord Y-Coord Oceanside 7532.609 7119.565 ATTACHMENT 7 EPA SWMM FIGURES AND EXPLANATIONS Per the attached, the reader can see the screens associated with the EPA-SWMM Model in both pre-development and post-development conditions. Each portion, i.e., sub-catchments, outfalls, storage units, weir as a discharge, and outfalls (point of compliance), are also shown. Variables for modeling are associated with typical recommended values by the EPA-SWMM model, and typical values found in technical literature (such as Maidment's Handbook of Hydrology). Recommended values for the SWMM model have been obtained from the "Review and Analysis of Dan Diego County Hydromodification Management Plan (HMP): Assumptions, Criteria, Methods, & Modeling Tools, May 2012" prepared by TRWE for the Cities of San Marcos, Oceanside and Vista, and also used as guidance for other North County Cities (Poway, Escondido, Encinitas and Carlsbad). The document follows initial analyses laid out by Orange County criteria established for their SWMM calibration plus additional regional analyses. Currently, no recommended values have been established by the San Diego County HMP Permit for the SWMM Model. Soil characteristics of the existing soils were determined from the site specific geotechnical report or USDA Survey Analysis. Some values incorporated within the SWMM model have been determined from the professional experience of TRWE using conservative assumptions that have a tendency to increase the size of the needed BMP and also generate a long-term runoff as a percentage of rainfall similar to those measured in gage stations in Southern California by the USGS. PRE-DEVELOPED CONDITION Ht Edt Vmm Prafvct Ibport Took WMBW IWp ""SI TiUe>fJot« Opium Cfmatdogy •: Hydi«iicE L- Curva* Time Patterns MepLabeb Zoom Level: 10(K ^ X.Y: 379.583.10142,700 Ran Gage Oceanside Q Propetty lvalue Name |(Ilceanside X-Cootdinate Y-Coordinate 7111565 Description Tag Rain Format ilNTENSITY Time Interval Il:0O Snow Catch Facto/1.0 Data Source TIMESERIES TIME SERIES: - Series Name j OCEANSIDE D.",TAFILE: - File Name • Station ID - Rain Units IN User-assigned name of rain gage Outfol OUT TOTAL Property Value Name OUT_TOTAL X-Coordinate 598Z437 Y-Coordinate 3095.4» Description Tag Inflows NO Treatment NO Invert El. 0 Tide Gate NO Type FREE 1 Fixed Outfall Fixed Stage 0 1 Tidal Ouifall Curve Name » 1 Time Series; OuHair Series Name * User-assigned name of outfall Sui Property Value Name Al X-Coordinate ^3.043 Y-Coordinate 7331T304 Description Tag Rain Gage Oceanside Outlet OUrfOTAL Area 2407 Width 582 % Slope 10 % Imperv 0 N-Imperv 0.012 N-Perv 005 Dstore-I mperv 0.02 Dstote-Perv 0.1 ^ero-l mperv Subarea Routing OUTLET Percent Routed 100 Infiltration 6REEN_AMPT Groundwater NO Snow Pack LID Controls io i Land Uses Initial Buildup INONE Curb Length 0 U set-assigned name of subcatchment , ....... . .. .... ... Infiltration Editor Infiltration Method i GREEN.AtvlPT Property lvalue Suction Head Conductivitii 0.025 Initial Deficit 0.3 Soil capillary suction head (inches or mm) - POST-DEVELOPED CONDITION File Edit Wcw PniKt Report Tools Window Hdf -- Title/Nolet Opbont I •matolois' jl 'J Hydn^ |! Ram Gages i Subcalchmerts f . Aqufets •- Snow Packs | : Un« Hydogtaphs I • LIDContFok I ^ Hydraulics | • i^t Nodes I Drvidefs I Stoiage Units i . S Lnkt j ' Conhob ! LV Qualty I TmSefW) Time Patterns | :-'MapLabels | H Flow Units. CFS ZoomLevetlOOS X.Y: 8441,273.9879,254 OutfeH OUT.TOTAL Property lvalue Name |OUT_TOTAL X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate 2678.375 Description Tag llnflows NO Treatment NO i Invert El, :o Tide Gate NO Type FREE Fi;-:ed Outfall Fixed Stage 0 Tidal Ouffall Curve Name Time Series Oulfall Series Name User-assigned name of outfall R«n Gage Oceanside Property Value Name Oceanside X-Coordinate 7532.609 Y-Coordinate 7119.565 Description Tag Rain Format INTENSITY Time Interval 1:00 Snow Catch Factor 1 -0 Data Source TIMESERIES TIME SERIES; - Series Name OCEANSIDE DATA FILE: - File Name • Station ID • Rain Units IN User-assigned name of rain gage Subcatehment Al B| Property Value Name All X-Cootdinate Y-Coordinate 8456,522 Descri|3tion Tag Rain Gage Oceanside Outlet LID_A1 , Area 25,07' Width 580,G 1 % Slope 5,45 Z Imperv 49.1 N-Imperv dm 2 N-Perv Vi.m Dstore-I mperv 0.02 Dstore-Perv 01 XZero-l mperv Subarea Routingj OUTLET Percent Routed iS Infiltration GREEN_AMPT Groundwater NO . Snow Pack LID Controls |o Land Uses jo Initial Buildup INONE Curb Length [o" f User-assigned name of subcatchment Subcatchment UD Al Property Value Name iUD Al X-Coordinate B30.435 Y-Coordinate 7641.304 Description Tag Rain Gage Oceanside Outlet DIVAl Area 0.238980716 Width 10 X Slope 0 % Imperv 0 N-Imperv OOl 2 N-Perv 0.05 Dstote-I mperv 0.02 Dstore-Perv 0.1 ^ero-l mperv ^25' Subarea Routing OUTLET Percent Routed KM Infiltration GREEN^AMPT Groundwater NO Snow Pack LID Controls Land Uses 0 Initial Buildup 'NONE Curb Length User-assigned name of subcatchment Infilmtion Editor Infiltration Method !6REEN_AMPT Property Value Suction Head 9 Conductivity Initial Deficit 03 EXPLANATION OF SELECTED VARIABLES Sub Catchment Areas: Please refer to the attached diagrams that indicate the DMA and Bio-Retention (BR) sub areas modeled within the project site at both the pre and post developed conditions draining to the POC. Parameters for the pre- and post-developed models include soil type D in accordance with the geotechnical investigation undertaken for the project site (attached at the end of this appendix). Suction head, conductivity and initial deficit corresponds to average values expected for soils type D, according to sources consulted, professional experience, and approximate values obtained by the interim Orange County modeling approach. TRWE selected infiltration values, such that the percentage of total precipitation that becomes runoff, is realistic for soil type D and slightly smaller than measured values for Southern California watersheds. Selection of a Kinematic Approach: As the continuous model is based on hourly rainfall, and the time of concentration for the pre-development and post-development conditions is significantly smaller than 60 minutes, precise routing of the flows through the impervious surfaces, the underdrain pipe system, and the discharge pipe was considered unnecessary. The truncation error of the precipitation into hourly steps is much more significant than the precise routing in a system where the time of concentration is much smaller than 1 hour. Sub-catchment BR: The area of bio-retention must be equal to the area of the development tributary to the bio-retention facility (area that drains into the bio-retention, equal external area plus bio-retention itself). Five (5) decimal places were given regarding the areas of the bio-retention to insure that the area used by the program for the LID subroutine corresponds exactly with this tributary. UD Usage Editor Control Name Number of Replicate Units Area of Each Unit (sq ft or sq m) X of Subcatchment Occupied Top Width of Overland Flow Surface of Each Unit (ft or m) % Initially Saturated X of Impervious Area Treated 10410 100.0 0 " 100 DMA LIDS liD Control Editor .. . . ^ : Control Name. LID Type: Bio-Retention Cel Process Layers: Surface Soil j Storage Underdrain] Storage Depth (in. or mm) 21.9 Vegetatbn Volume Fraction 0 Surface Roughness (Mannings n) 0 Surface Slope (percent) UD Control Editor Control Name: LID Type: Process Layers: Bio-RetentipnCell OK Cancel Surface j SoU Storage Underdrair)] Height (in. or mm) 24^'"^^^ Void Ratio (VoidsSolids 0^67 Conductivity (in/hr or mm/hr) Clogging Factor Note: use a Conductivity of 0 if the LID unit has an impermeable bottom. LiD Control Editor Control Name: LID Type: Process Layers: Biofletention Cel Surface Soil Storage | Underdrain | Thickness 24 (in. or mm) Porosity (volume fraction) Field Capacity (volume fraction) Wilting Point (volume fraction) Conductivity (in/hr or mm/hr) Conductivity Slope Suction Head (in. or mm) 0.4 UD Control Editor Control Name: UD Type: Process Layers: Bio-Retention Cell Surface | Soil | Storage |L)nderdrain 0^79 0.5 Drain Coefficient (in/hr or mm/hr) Drain Exponent Drain Offset Height (in. or mm) Note: use a Drain Coefficient of 0 if the LID unit has no underdrain. OK Cancel LID Control Editor: Explanation of Significant Variables Storage Deptti: The storage depth variable within the SWMM model is representative of the storage volume provided beneath the engineered soil and mulch components of the bioretention facility. Porosity: A porosity value of 0.4 has been selected for the model. The amended soil is to be highly sandy in content in order to have a saturated hydraulic conductivity of approximately 5 in/hr. TRWE considers such a value to be slightly high; however, in order to comply with the HMP Permit, the value recommended by the Copermittees for the porosity of amended soil is 0.4, per Appendix A of the Final Hydromodification Management Plan by Brown & Caldwell, dated March 2011. Such porosity is equal to the porosity of the gravel per the same document. Void Ratio: The ratio of the void volume divided by the soil volume is directly related to porosity as n/(l-n). As the underdrain layer is composed of gravel, a porosity value of 0.4 has been selected (also per Appendix A of the Final HMP document), which results in a void ratio of 0.4/(1-0.4) = 0.67 for the gravel detention layer. Cloaaing factor: A clogging factor was not used (0 indicates that there is not clogging assumed within the model). The reason for this is related to the fairness of a comparison with the SDHM model and the HMP sizing tables: a clogging factor was not considered, and instead, a conservative value of infiltration was recommended. Drain (Flow) coefficient: The flow coefficient in the SWMM Model is the coefficient needed to transform the orifice equation into a general power law equation of the form: q = CiH- (1) where q is the peak flow in in/hr, n is the exponent (typically 0.5 for orifice equation), Hp is the elevation of the centroid of the orifice in inches (assumed equal to the invert of the orifice for small orifices and in our design equal to 0) and H is the depth of the water in inches. The general orifice equation can be expressed as: Q=lLr£L 2g^JlzIlol (2) ^ 4 5 144 12 ^ ' where Q is the peak flow in cfs, D is the diameter in inches, Cg is the typical discharge coefficient for orifices (0.61-0.63 for thin walls and around 0.75-0.8 for thick walls), g is the acceleration of gravity in ft/s^ and H and HD are defined above and are also used in inches in Equation (2). Divider CXVAl Property Value Name DIVAl X-Coordinate 830.435 Y-Cootdinate G978.261 Description Tag Inflows NO Treatment NO Invert El. 0 Max. Depth 0 Initial Depth 0 Surcharge Depth 0 Ponded Area 0 Diverted Link BY_A1 Type CUTOF Cutoff Divider Cutoff Flow .32106 Tabular Divider Curve Name |" Vv'eir Divider Min. Flow 0 Max. Depth 0 Coefficient Discharge coefficient for a WEIR divider Cutoff Flow: This is the only significant variable in the diversion, as the type of diversion is defined by this value. Any excess of flow over this value will be diverted into a pond subroutine (the surface stage of the bio-retention basin) and routed there. The determination of this value equates to the value obtained with equation (2) (displayed in the Drain Coefficient section of this attachment) plus 1%, when H = depth of gravel layer and Hp = 0 (orifice situated at the datum). Thus, once flows exceed the maximum discharge the LID orifice experiences when soils are saturated (the storage depth full), ponding occurs within the bioretention basin, routing these additional flows via the pond riser. Note: The complete storage and rating curves and the respective explanation is shown at the end of this appendix. A variable area vs. elevation storage curve was used for the final model, and a discharge that is a function of the outlet structure in the surface was used also. Storage tint BAS.Al Property [Value Name iBAS_A1 X-Coordinate ;-336.357 Y-Coordinate '6152.174 Description Tag Inflows iNO Treatment INO Invert El. Max. Depth 14 • Initial Depth io" ' Ponded Area Evap. Factor Infiltration |NO Storage Curve ifASULAR Functional Curve^ Coefficient 1000 Exponent 0 Constant iO Tabular Curve Curve Name iBASINI User-assigned name of storage unit Outlet OR.Al gj Property lvalue Name iOR Al i — Inlet Node ;BAS_A1 Outlet Node i0UT_T0TAL Description Tag Inlet Offset io Flap Gate :N0 Rating Curve TABUUliR/'DEPTH Functional Curve 1 Coefficient '10.0 Exponent jo.5 Tabular Curve | Curve Name ORIFICEl Storage Curve Editor Curve Name BASINl Description : Rating Curve Editor Curve Name ORIFICE 1 Description Head m Outflow (CFS) 1 0 0.000 2 0.05 0.022 3 0.1 0.073 4 0.15 0,142 5 0.2 0.178 6 0.25 0.208 7 03 0.234 8 0.35 0258 9 0.4 0.279 Depth (ft) Area [ft2) • - 1 0 10414.5 2 0.25 10655.4 3 0.5 10899i0 - 4 0.75 11145.0 ' 5 1 11393^6 " i 6 1.25 11644.8 j 7 1.5 11898.6 8 1.75 12154.8 9 2 12413.7 - Al LID Al BAS AI OR Al OUT TOTAL Al OUT_TOTAL ATTACHMENTS Geotechnical Justification of Soil Type D Conditions i 400 •iet.otvQ OZ o cu "I o o- CO < W fD = 2.'< c 3 CD o o 117- 13' 19" 2 3660600 n o w g O S 01 => ™ o > o 8 117" 12-50" Hydrologic Soil Group-San Diego County Area, California (Fair Oaks Valley) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Units Soil Ratings • A • A/D • B • BID • C • CIO • D Not rated or not available Political Features 0 Cities Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation -HM- Rails Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Map Scale: 1 ;4,760 if printed on A size (8.5" "11") sheet. The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 11N NAD83 This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: San Diego County Area, California Sun/ey Area Data: Version 6, Dec 17, 2007 Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 6/7/2005 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 8/23/2012 Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group-San Diego County Area, California Fair Oaks Valley Hydrologic Soil Group Hydrologic Soil Group— Summary by Map Unit — San Diego County Area, Califomia (CA638) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI AwC Auld clay, 5 to 9 percent slopes D 4.2 5.3% ExG Exchequer rocky silt loam, 30 to 70 percent slopes D 3.2 4.0% SnG San Miguel-Exchequer rocky silt loams, 9 to 70 percent slopes D 72.2 90.6% Totals for Area of Interest 79.6 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, BID, and CID). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, BID, or CID), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation H/lethod: Dominant Condition USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 8/23/2012 Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group-San Diego County Area, Califomia Fair Oaks Valley Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher Natural Ftesourcss Web Soil Survey 8/23/2012 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENTS Summary Files from the SWMM Model Pre Dev Al A2 A3 A4 EPA STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL - VERSION 5.0 (Build 5.0.022) NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are based on results found at every computational time step, not just on results from each reporting time step. **************** Analysis Options **************** Flow Units CFS Process Models: Rainfall/Runoff YES Snowmelt NO Groundwater NO Flow Routing NO Water Quality NO Infiltration Method GREEN_AMPT Starting Date OCT-01-1951 00:00:00 Ending Date SEP-30-2008 23:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days 0.0 Report Time Step 01:00:00 Wet Time Step 00:15:00 Dry Time Step 04:00:00 ************************** Runoff Quantity Continuity ************************** Total Precipitation Evaporation Loss Infiltration Loss Surface Runoff Final Surface Storage .... Continuity Error (%) ************************** Flow Routing Continuity ************************** Dry Weather Inflow Wet Weather Inflow Groundwater Inflow RDII Inflow External Inflow External Outflow Internal Outflow Storage Losses Initial Stored Volume .... Final Stored Volume Continuity Error (%) Volume acre-feet Depth inches 1352 .654 674 360 50 . 361 25 107 1054 .901 525 916 270 .630 134 921 0 .000 0 000 -1 .718 Volume Volume acre-feet 10^6 gal 0 000 0 000 270 630 88 189 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 270 630 88 189 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 Subcatchment Runoff Summary Pre_Dev_Al_A2_A3_A4 Total Total Total Total Total Total Peak Runoff Precip Runon Evap Infil Runoff Runoff Runoff Coeff Subcatchment in in in in in 10^6 gal CFS Al 674.36 0.00 25.11 525.92 134.92 88.18 26.10 0.200 Analysis begun on: Thu Sep 13 12:15:54 2012 Analysis ended on; Thu Sep 13 12:16:07 2012 Total elapsed time: 00:00:13 Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 EPA STORM WATER MANAGEMENT MODEL - VERSION 5.0 (Build 5.0.022) t************* t****************** NOTE: The summary statistics displayed in this report are based on results found at every computational time step, not just on results from each reporting time step. **************************************************^ Ir ***** * **************** Analysis Options **************** Flow Units CFS Process Models: Rainfall/Runoff YES Snowmelt NO Groundwater NO Flow Routing YES Ponding Allowed NO Water Quality NO Infiltration Method GREEN_AMPT Flow Routing Method KINWAVE Starting Date OCT-01-1951 00:00:00 Ending Date SEP-30-2008 23:00:00 Antecedent Dry Days 0.0 Report Time Step 01: 00 00 Wet Time Step 00: 15 00 04: 00 00 Routing Time Step 60. 00 sec WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit DUM_A1 WARNING 04: minimum elevation drop used for Conduit BY Al ************************** Runoff Quantity Continuity ************************** Total Precipitation Evaporation Loss Infiltration Loss Surface Runoff Final Surface Storage .... Continuity Error (%) Flow Routing Continuity ************************** Dry Weather Inflow Wet Weather Inflow Groundwater Inflow RDII Inflow External Inflow External Outflow Internal Outflow Storage Losses Initial Stored Volume .... Final Stored Voliame Continuity Error (%) Volume acre-feet Depth inches 1422 .280 674 360 128 .384 60 872 529 .525 251 069 776 .634 368 233 0 .000 0 000 -0 .8 62 Volume Volume acre-feet 10^6 gal 0 000 0 000 776 607 253 069 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 775 038 252 558 0 000 0 000 1 375 0 448 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 025 Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 ********************************** Highest Flow Instability Indexes *** + *** + ***********•**•**•*•***•****• All links are stable. IT********** Routing Time Step Summary Minimum Time Step 60 00 sec Average Time Step 60 00 sec Maximum Time Step 60 00 sec Percent in Steady State 0 00 Average Iterations per Step 1 00 *************************** Subcatchment Runoff Summary t********* t ***** * Subcatchment Total Precip in Total Runon in Total Evap in Total Infil in Total Runoff in Total Runoff 10^6 gal Peak Runoff Runoff Coeff CFS Al LID Al 674.36 674.36 0.00 39772.77 51.23 1072.84 248.29 542.58 379.14 38997.32 258.09 29.13 0.562 253.06 29.09 0.964 ^************* ********* LID Performance Summary *r******il Pent. Error Subcatchment LID Control Total Inflow in Evap Infil Surface Drain Init. Final Loss Loss Outflow Outflow Storage Storage in LID_A1 -0.41 LID Al 40447.13 1072.88 542.60 12712.34 26286.41 ****************** Node Depth Summary ****************** Average Maximum Maximum Time of Max Depth Depth HGL Occurrence Node Type Feet Feet Feet days hr:min OUT_TOTAL OUTFALL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00:00 DIVAl DIVIDER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00:00 BAS_A1 STORAGE 0.01 3.61 3.61 18823 17:16 Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 Node Inflow Summary ******************* Maximum Maximum Lateral Total Lateral Total Time of Max Inflow Inflow Inflow Inflow Occurrence Volume Volume Node Type CFS CFS days hr:min 10^6 gal 10"6 gal OUT_TOTAL OUTFALL 0.00 28 . 90 18823 17:16 0.000 252.539 DIVAl DIVIDER 29.09 29.09 18823 17:15 253.050 253.050 BAS_A1 STORAGE 0.00 28.77 18823 17:15 0.000 85.979 ********************** Node Surcharge Summary ********************** Surcharging occurs when water rises above the top of the highest conduit. Node Type Max. Height Min. Depth Hours Above Crown Below Rim Surcharged Feet Feet DIVAl BAS Al DIVIDER STORAGE 499679.02 499679.02 0.000 3.613 0.000 0.887 *r******** Node Flooding Summary *******^ ******* No nodes were flooded. ******** *r********* Storage Volume Summary ******** *********** Storage Unit BAS Al Average Volume 1000 ft3 Avg ESI Pent Pent Full Loss Maximum Volume 1000 ft3 Max Pent Full Time of Max Occurrence days hr:min Maximum Outflow CFS 0.103 44.212 18823 17:15 28.57 ***************^ Outfall Loading Summary ********** 1:******** Outfall Node OUT_TOTAL System Flow Freq. Pent. Avg. Flow CFS Max. Flow CFS Total Volume 10"6 gal 5.96 5.96 0.32 0.32 28 . 90 28 .90 252.539 252.539 Link Flow Summary ********************** Post Dev Al A2 A3 A4 Link Type Maximum Time of Max Maximum Max/ Max/ I Flow I Occurrence |Veloc| Full Full CFS days hr:min ft/see Flow Depth DUM_A1 BY_A1 OR Al DUMMY 0.32 90 03:27 DUMMY 28.77 18823 17:15 DUMMY 28.57 18823 17:16 ******** t********* Conduit Surcharge Summary ************************* Conduit Hours Full Both Ends Upstream Dnstream Hours Hours Above Full Capacity Normal Flow Limited DUM_A1 BY Al 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 499679.02 0.01 499679.02 0.01 0.01 Analysis begun on: Analysis ended on: Total elapsed time: Tue Sep 11 15:22:57 2012 Tue Sep 11 15:23:23 2012 00:00:26