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CT 02-18; THE BLUFFS; SEWER STUDY; 2005-02-01
SEWER STUDY FOR THE BLUFFS m Job No. 01-1022 Febmary 1, 2005 Prepared by: O'DAY CONSULTANTS, INC. 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Tel: (760)931-7700 Fax: (760)931-8680 RECEIVED JUN [) 3 ^u>J5) ENGINEERING DEPARTfVlENT George O^ay RCE 32014 Exp. 12/31/06 Date r '3 O o TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Purpose of Study SECTION 2 SECTION 3 1. Vicinity Map 2. Flowrate Generation Criteria, City of Carlsbad, Engineering Standards, Edition 2004 Explanation of Formulas Used Calculations of Qavg and Qpeak for each Reach Calculations for Velocity & Depth of How Using CivilCad Summary Table of Calculations SECTION 4 Exhibit A - Sewer Analysis Exhibit Exhibit B - Sewer Profiles G:\011022\0122swr.doc INTRODUCTION Purpose of Study Our proposed project is located East of Interstate 5 in Carlsbad, CA. The project is bordered by the streets: Harrison Street, Chinquapin Avenue and Adams Street. This sewer analysis was prepared to determine the proposed flow from our project and to design the sewer lines to have a velocity of 2 feet per second or a slope of 2 percent. CITY OF OCEANSIDE CITY OF ViSTA CiTY OF SAN MARCOS mNITYUAP E. Flowrate Generation 1) An Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) = 220 gai/day. Average Daiiy Flow (ADF) 2) A peaking factor (PF) of 2.5 multiplied times the ADF shall be used to determine Peak Daily Flows (PDF). PDF = ADF x 2.5 a) Residential: Single Family Residence = 1 EDU b) Commercial Property: 1 EDU/1,800 (building space) i) To convert raw land to square feet of buiiding space, assume 30% coverage. This could vary significantiy dependent development constraints. ii) To convert improved pads to square feet of buiiding space, assume 40% of coverage. 3) Industriai Property: 1 EDU/5,000 ft^ (warehouse space) 1 EDU/1,800 ft^ (office space) a) To convert raw land to square feet of building space, assume 30% coverage. This could vary significantly dependent issues such as environmental restrictions. b) To convert improved pads to square feet of building space, assume 40% of coverage. c) Assume 60% of buiiding space is warehouse, and 40% is office space. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL l-AYOUT A. Streets: See City of Carisbad Standard Drawing No. GS6 for location. B. Alley: Main to centeriine shali be a minimum of three feet (3') offset. Private Street: Shali require special design and conditions. Easement shall be 20 feet. Horizontai Cun/e: SDR 35, PVC pipe may be cun/ed horizontally with the following limitation: p pl IM'HM ^l dm 6-ihch 150 feet 8-inch 200 feet 10-inch 250 feet 12-inch 300 feet 15-inch 375 feet 18-inch 450 feet City Engineer shall approve curvatures for larger diameter pipe. Page 3 of 12 EXPLANATION OF FORMULAS 1. EDU Determined per the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards, Edition 2004 to be 1 EDU per Single Family Residence. 2. Average Daily Flow (ADF) Determined to be 220 gal/day/EDU per the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards, Edition 2004. 3. Average Flow (Qavg) EDU X ADF (Then convert to cfs) 4. Peak Factor Determined to be 2.5 per the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards, Edition 2004. 5. Peak Flow (Qpeak) 2.5 X Qavg See Calculations for Qavg and Qpeak for each Reacltfor specific examples. Calculations of Qavg and Qpeak for each Reach Reach "A" MH 1 - MH 2 8 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 8 EDU=0.003 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.003 cfs= 0.007 cfs Reach "B" MH 1 -MH2 9 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 9 EDU=0.003 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.003 cfs= 0.008 cfs Reach "C" MH1-MH2 12 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 12 EDU=0.004 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.004 cfs= 0.01 cfs Reach "D" MH 1 - MH 2 5 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 5 EDU=0.002 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.002 cfs= 0.004 cfs Reach "E" MH 1 - MH 2 5 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 5 EDU=0.002 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.002 cfs= 0.004 cfs Reach "F" MH 1 - MH 2 10 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 10 EDU=0.003 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.003 cfs= 0.009 cfs Reach "G" MH1-MH2 27 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 27 EDU=0.009 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.009 cfs= 0.023 cfs Reach "H" MH 1 - MH 2 2 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 2 EDU=0.001 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.001 cfs= 0.002 cfs Reach "I" MH 1 - MH 2 33 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 33 EDU=0.011 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.011 cfs= 0.028 cfs Reach "J" MH 1 -MH2 33 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 33 EDU=0.011 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.011 cfs= 0.028 cfs Reach "K" MH 1 - MH 2 33 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 33 EDU=0.011 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.011 cfs= 0.028 cfs Reach "L" MH 1 - MH 2 35 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 35 EDU=0.012 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.012 cfs= 0.03 cfs Reach "M" MH 1 -MH2 37 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 37 EDU=0.013 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.013 cfs= 0.032 cfs Reach "N" MH 1 - MH 2 3 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 3 EDU=0.001 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.001 cfs= 0.003 cfs Reach "O" MH1-MH2 3 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 3 EDU=0.001 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.001 cfs= 0.003 cfs Reach "P" MH 1 - MH 2 42 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 42 EDU=0.015 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.014 cfs= 0.037 cfs Reach "O" MH 1 - MH 2 44 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 44 EDU=0.015 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.015 cfs= 0.037 cfs Reach "R" MH1-MH2 46 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 46 EDU=0.016 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.016 cfs= 0.040 cfs Reach "S" MH 1 - MH 2 49 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 49 EDU=0.017 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.017 cfs= 0.043 cfs Reach "T" MH1-MH 2 19 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 19 EDU=0.006 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.006 cfs= 0.016 cfs Reach "U" MH1-MH2 24 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 24 EDU=0.008 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.008 cfs= 0.020 cfs Reach "V" MH1-MH 2 4 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 4 EDU=0.001 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.001 cfs= 0.003 cfs Reach "W" MH1-MH2 29 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 29 EDU=0.01 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.01 cfs= 0.025 cfs Reach "X" MH 1 - MH 2 78 EDU Qavg = 220 gal/day x 78 EDU=0.027 cfs Peak Factor = 2.5 Qpeak = PF x Qavg Qpeak=2.5 x 0.027 cfs= 0.067 cfs O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * Water * ( 0.35 in.) ( 0.029 ft.) * * I * v_ Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.007 CFS Velocity 1.304 fps Pipe Diameter 8.000 inches Depth of Flow 0.351 inches Depth of Flow 0.02 9 feet Critical Depth 0.029 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.044 Slope of Pipe 2.000 % X-Sectional Area 0.005 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.281 feet AR^(2/3) 0.000 Mannings 'n' 0.011 Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water * ( 0.37 in.) ( 0.030 ft.) circular Channel Section 0 008 CFS 1 404 fps 8 000 inches 0 365 inches 0 030 feet Critical Depth 0 030 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 046 Slope of Pipe 2 000 % X-Sectional Area 0 006 sq. ft 0 287 feet AR^(2/3) 0 000 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) ' Water ^ ( 0.41 in.) ( 0.034 ft.) V circular Channel Section 0 010 CFS 1 486 fps 8 000 inches 0 408 inches 0 034 feet 0 034 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 051 2 000 % 0 007 sq. ft Wetted Perimeter 0 304 feet AR^(2/3) 0 001 Mannings 'n' 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.26 in.) ( 0.022 ft.) circular Channel Section 0 004 CFS 1 136 fps 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 264 inches Depth of Flow 0 022 feet Critical Depth 0 022 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 033 2 000 % 0 004 sq. ft 0 244 feet AR"(2/3) 0 000 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92 008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 J Inside Diameter ( 6.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.29 in.) ( 0.024 ft.) V Circular Channel Section Flowrate Velocity Pipe Diameter Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) ... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Wetted Perimeter AR^(2/3) Mannings 'n' Min. Fric. Slope, 6 inch Pipe Flowing Full . . . . 0 004 CFS 1 134 fps 6 000 inches 0 292 inches 0 024 feet 0 024 feet 0 049 2 000 % 0 004 sq. ft 0 222 feet 0 000 0 Oil 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * * * * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water " * ( 0.26 in.) ( 0.022 ft. ) V Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.004 CFS Velocity 1.136 fps Pipe Diameter 8.000 inches Depth of Flow 0.264 inches Depth of Flow 0.022 feet Critical Depth 0.022 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.033 Slope of Pipe 2.000 % X-Sectional Area 0.004 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.244 feet AR"(2/3) 0.000 Mannings 'n' 0.011 Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.38 in.) ( 0.032 ft.) * v_ Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.009 CFS Velocity 1.491 fps Pipe Diameter 8.000 inches Depth of Flow 0.380 inches Depth of Flow 0.032 feet Critical Depth 0.032 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.047 Slope of Pipe 2.000 % X-Sectional Area 0.006 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.293 feet AR*(2/3) 0.000 Mannings 'n' 0.011 Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 1 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) Water ( 0.60 in. ( 0.050 ft. Circular Channel Section 0 023 CFS 1 953 fps 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 596 inches 0 050 feet Critical Depth 0 076 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 074 2 000 % X-Sectional Area 0 012 sq. ft Wetted Perimeter 0 369 feet AR"(2/3) 0 001 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) Water ( 0.15 in.) ( 0.012 ft.) V Circular Channel Section 0 002 CFS 1 337 fps Pipe Diameter 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 149 inches Depth of Flow 0 012 feet Critical Depth 0 012 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 019 5 250 % X-Sectional Area 0 001 sq. ft Wetted Perimeter 0 182 feet AR"(2/3) 0 000 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) Water * ( 0.67 in. ( 0.056 ft. Circular Channel Section Flowrate Velocity Pipe Diameter Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) ... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Wetted Perimeter AR"(2/3) Mannings 'n' Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full .... 0 028 CFS 2 009 fps 8 000 inches 0 668 inches 0 056 feet 0 079 feet 0 084 1 900 % 0 014 sq. ft 0 391 feet 0 002 0 Oil 0 .000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.67 in.) ( 0.056 ft.) Circular Channel Section 0 028 CFS 2 009 fps Pipe Diameter 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 668 inches Depth of Flow 0 056 feet 0 079 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 084 1 900 % X-Sectional Area 0 014 sq. ft Wetted Perimeter 0 391 feet AR*(2/3) 0 002 Mannings 'n' 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * Water * ( 0.67 in. ( 0.056 ft. v Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.02 8 CFS Velocity 2.009 fps Pipe Diameter 8.000 inches Depth of Flow 0.668 inches Depth of Flow 0.056 feet Critical Depth 0.079 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.084 Slope of Pipe 1.900 % X-Sectional Area 0.014 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.391 feet AR"(2/3) 0.002 Mannings 'n' 0.011 Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water " ( 0.70 in.) ( 0.058 ft. ) Circular Channel Section Flowrate Velocity Pipe Diameter , Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) ... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Wetted Perimeter AR"(2/3) Mannings 'n' Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full . . . . 0 .030 CFS 2 .023 fps 8 .000 inches 0 697 inches 0 058 feet 0 082 feet 0 087 1 319 % 0 015 sq. ft 0 399 feet 0 002 0 Oil 0. 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.72 in.) ( 0.060 ft.) Circular Channel Section Flowrate Velocity Pipe Diameter Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) ... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Wetted Perimeter AR"(2/3) Mannings 'n' Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full . . . . 0 032 CFS 2 063 fps 8 000 inches 0 719 inches 0 060 feet 0 084 feet 0 090 1 800 % 0 016 sq. ft 0 406 feet 0 002 0 Oil 0 001 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.18 in.) ( 0.015 ft.) Circular Channel Section Flowrate , Velocity , Pipe Diameter Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) ... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Wetted Perimeter AR"(2/3) Mannings 'n' Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full .. . . 0 003 CFS 1 540 fps 8 000 inches 0 178 inches 0 015 feet 0 015 feet 0 022 8 000 % 0 002 sq. ft 0 199 feet 0 000 0 Oil 0.000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 6.00 in.) * * * * * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" ' Water •> * * ( 0.18 in.) ( 0.015 ft.) * * I I * v_ Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.003 CFS Velocity 1.684 fps Pipe Diameter (^6.00o " inches!) Depth of Flow 0.185 inches Depth of Flow 0.015 feet Critical Depth 0.015 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.031 Slope of Pipe 8.000 % X-Sectional Area 0.002 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.176 feet AR"(2/3) o!oOO Mannings 'n' 0.011 Min. Fric. Slope, 6 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.18 in.) ( 0.015 ft.) V Circular Channel Section 0 003 CFS 1 540 fps 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 178 inches 0 015 feet 0 015 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 022 7 670 g. 0 002 sq. ft 0 199 feet AR''(2/3) 0 000 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.81 in.) ( 0.067 ft.) V Circular Channel Section 0 037 CFS 2 018 fps 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 805 inches Depth of Flow 0 067 feet Critical Depth 0 091 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 101 Slope of Pipe 1 500 % X-Sectional Area 0 018 sq. ft 0 430 feet AR"(2/3) 0 002 Mannings 'n' 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0 001 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 (J Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water * ( 0.81 in.) ( 0.068 ft.) * * I * v_ Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.03 8 CFS Velocity 2.046 fps Pipe Diameter 8.000 inches Depth of Flow 0.812 inches Depth of Flow 0.068 feet Critical Depth 0.091 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.102 Slope of Pipe 1.500 % X-Sectional Area 0.019 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.432 feet AR"(2/3) 0.002 Mannings 'n' 0.011 Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.001 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) Water ( 0.83 in. ( 0.069 ft. Circular Channel Section Flowrate Velocity Pipe Diameter Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) ... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Wetted Perimeter AR"(2/3) Mannings 'n' Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full .... 0 040 CFS 2 072 fps 8 000 inches 0 834 inches 0 069 feet 0 093 feet 0 104 1 500 % 0 019 sq. ft 0 438 feet 0 002 0 Oil 0 001 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.86 in.) ( 0.072 ft.) * v_ Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.043 CFS Velocity 2.119 fps Pipe Diameter 8.000 inches Depth of Flow 0.863 inches Depth of Flow 0.072 feet Critical Depth 0.096 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.108 Slope of Pipe 1.500 % X-Sectional Area 0.020 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.446 feet AR"(2/3) 0.003 Mannings 'n' 0.011 Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.001 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.51 in.) ( 0.042 ft.) Circular Channel Section 0 016 CFS 1 714 fps Pipe Diameter 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 509 inches Depth of Flow 0 042 feet Critical Depth 0 042 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 064 Slope of Pipe 2 000 % X-Sectional Area 0 009 sq. ft Wetted Perimeter 0 340 feet AR*(2/3) 0 001 Mannings 'n' 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.57 in.) ( 0.047 ft.) Circular Channel Section 0 020 CFS 1 828 fps Pipe Diameter 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 567 inches Depth of Flow 0 047 feet Critical Depth 0 047 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 071 2 000 % X-Sectional Area 0 Oil sq. ft Wetted Perimeter 0 359 feet AR*(2/3) 0 001 Mannings 'n' 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 V Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) Water ( 0.18 in. ( 0.015 ft. v Circular Channel Section Flowrate Velocity Pipe Diameter Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) ... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Wetted Perimeter AR*(2/3) Mannings ' n' Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full . . . . 0 003 CFS 1 540 fps 8 000 inches 0 178 inches 0 015 feet 0 015 feet 0 022 6 210 % 0 002 sq. ft 0 199 feet 0 000 0 Oil 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 J Inside Diameter ( 6.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water * ( 0.18 in.) ( 0.015 ft.) * v_ Circular Channel Section Flowrate 0.003 CFS Velocity L-684 fps Pipe Diameter 6_^000 inches Depth of Flow 0.185 inches Depth of Flow 0.015 feet Critical Depth 0.015 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0.031 Slope of Pipe 6.210 % X-Sectional Area 0.002 sq. ft. Wetted Perimeter 0.176 feet AR*(2/3) 0.000 Mannings 'n' 0.011 Min. Fric. Slope, 6 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0.000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 0.41 in.) ( 0.034 ft.) V Circular Channel Section 0 025 CFS 3 714 fps 8 000 inches Depth of Flow 0 408 inches Depth of Flow 0 034 feet Critical Depth 0 067 feet Depth/Diameter (D/d) 0 051 12 000 % X-Sectional Area 0 007 sq. ft 0 304 feet AR*(2/3) 0 001 Mannings 'n' 0 Oil Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full 0 000 % O'Day Consultants Inc. 2710 Loker Avenue West, Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Inside Diameter ( 8.00 in.) * * * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Water ( 1.18 in.) ( 0.098 ft.) V Circular Channel Section Flowrate Velocity Pipe Diameter Depth of Flow Depth of Flow Critical Depth Depth/Diameter (D/d) ... Slope of Pipe X-Sectional Area Wetted Perimeter AR*(2/3) Mannings 'n' Min. Fric. Slope, 8 inch Pipe Flowing Full .... 0 067 CFS 2 091 fps 8 000 inches 1 180 inches 0 098 feet 0 119 feet 0 148 1 000 % 0 032 sq. ft 0 526 feet 0 005 0 Oil 0 002 % Proposed Sewer Analysis EDU Qavg (cfs) Qpeak (cfs) Pipe DlaJfT Pipe Slope Depth of flow Pipe Velocity (fps) (in.) (%) (n=0.011) (n=0.011) Reach A MH 21 - MH 20 8 0.003 0.007 8 2 0.029 ft. (0.351 in.) 1.3 Reach B MH 20- MH 19 9 0.003 0.008 8 2 0.03 ft. (0.365 in.) 1.4 Reach C MH 19- MH 15 12 0.004 0.010 8 2 0.034 ft. (0.41 in.) 1.49 Reach D MH 18-MH 16 5 0.002 0.004 8 2 0.022 ft (0.264 in) 1.14 Reach E MH 17- MH 16 5 0.002 0.004 8 2 0.022 ft (0.264 in) 1.14 Reach F MH 16- MH 15 10 0.003 0.009 8 2 0.032 ft. (0.38 in) 1.49 Reach G MH 15- MH 13 27 0.009 0.023 8 2 0.05 ft. (0.596 in) 1.95 Reach H MH 14-MH 13 2 0.001 0.002 8 5.25 0.012 ft. (0.149 in) 1.34 Reach 1 MH 13-MH 12 33 0.011 0.028 8 1.9 0.056 ft. (0.668 in) 2 Reach J MH 12- MH 11 33 0.011 0.028 8 1.9 0.056 ft. (0.668 in) 2 Reach K MH 11 - MH 10 33 0.011 0.028 8 1.9 0.056 ft. (0.668 in) 2 Reach L MH 10-MH9 35 0.012 0.030 8 1.8 0.058 ft. (0.697 in) 2.02 Reach M MH9-MH6 38 0.013 0.032 8 1.8 0.060 ft. (0.719 in) 2.06 Reach N MH 8 -MH 7 3 0.001 0.003 8 7.67 0.015 ft. (0.178 in) 1.54 Reach O MH7-MH6 3 0.001 0.003 8 8 0.015 ft. (0.178 in) 1.54 Reach P MH 6 -MH 5 43 0.015 0.037 8 1.5 0.067 ft. (0.805 in) 2.02 Reach Q MH 5 - MH 4 45 0.015 0.038 8 1.5 0.068 ft. (0.812 in) 2.05 Reach R MH4-MH3 47 0.016 0.040 8 1.5 0.069 ft. (0.834 in) 2.07 Reach 8 MH3-MH2 50 0.017 0.043 8 1.5 0.072 ft. (0.863 in) 2.1 Reach T MH 25 - MH 24 19 0.006 0.016 8 2 0.042 ft. (0.509 in) 1.71 Reach U MH 24 - MH 22 24 0.008 0.020 8 2 0.047 ft. (0.567 in) 1.83 Reach V MH 23 - MH 22 4 0.001 0.003 8 6.21 0.015 ft. (0.178 in) 1.54 Reach W MH 22 - MH 2 29 0.010 0.025 8 12 0.034 ft. (0.408 in) 3.71 Reach X MH 2 - MH 1 79 0.027 0.067 8 1 0.098 ft. (1.18 in) 2.09 Notes: 1: For Reach D & E we tried using a 6" pipe to increase the velocity, but the velocity = 2. For Reach N, using a 6" pipe, the velocity = 1.68 fps. 3. For Reach V, using a 6" pipe, the velocity = 1.68 fps. 1.14 fps. Therefore, no change.