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CONSULTING MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Eva Plajzer, P.E. & Glen K. Van Peski, P.E. City of Carlsbad Barkev Meserlian, MS 210 July 28, 2006 La Costa Resort and Spa - Domestic Water Hydraulic Analysis JN 55-100221 In accordance with your request, we have analyzed the domestic water system for the La Costa Resort and Spa (Resort). The La Costa Resort and Spa is located in the City of Carlsbad and consists of sixteen (16) existing residential and non-residential buildings. Plans for constructing six (6) additional residential buildings are currently undenway. The purpose of this analysis (Study) is to redevelop a Hydraulic Model of the existing/ proposed on-site system, and determine the need for system upgrades based on fire flow requirements to the new 46-unit development (Building No.1) located south of the Resort Area. Exhibit 1 shows the location of the new 46-unit development layout within the Resort. The new 46-unit development, as shown in Exhibit 1, is situated over an area of 60,742 square feet (SF). Total building area, which takes into account the number of stories, is approximately 171,938 SF. Based on the available unit count information of proposed buildings, it was concluded that each dwelling unit is proposed to have an area of over 3,000 SF. Since unit count information for existing buildings was unavailable for this Study, the 3,000 SF value was assumed to be a typical area of an existing dwelling unit. Therefore, the number of units for each of the existing residential buildings within the resort was calculated as shown in Table 1. The square footage, type, number of stories, and number of units of each existing and proposed buildings within the Resort are also summarized in Table 1, and shown in Exhibit 2. Existing Water System Water is to be supplied by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (District), which is a subsidiary district of the City of Carlsbad (City) with the responsibility of supplying potable and recycled water. The Resort underlies the District's 318-pressure zone (318 = Pad Elevation). As shown in PLANNINQ IDESIGN CaNSTRUCTIDN 14725 Alton Parkway, Irvine, OA 92618-2027 • RO, Box 57057, Irvine, CA 92619-7057 • 949,472,3505 • Fax 949,472,8373 Offices located throughout California, Arizona & Nevada • vvww,RBF,com printed on recycled paper II.',/--' ,•• -^ill; '-lAp-"-^"-; •ill !• IllK' • "irJ ' .!^/;r•^ ( , ^•^^••^^^^^K PLANNING • DESIGN • CONSTRUCTjaN RBF 14725 ALTON PARICWAY IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618-2027 CONSULTING 949.472,3505 • FAX 949.472.8373 - www.RBF.com LA COSTA RESORT AND SPA DOMESTIC WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS EXHIBIT 1 ^•^^••^^^^^K PLANNING • DESIGN • CONSTRUCTjaN RBF 14725 ALTON PARICWAY IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618-2027 CONSULTING 949.472,3505 • FAX 949.472.8373 - www.RBF.com NEW 46-UNIT DEVELOPMENT LAYOUT EXHIBIT 1 Table 1 La Costa Spa and Resort - Land Use Information La Costa Resort and Spa Buildings [1] Building No. Status Type Area SF Stories Total SF Residential Units [2] Actual Estimated [3] Sub-total ... 10 11 12 13 Sub-total 14 Sub-total 15 '16" 17 Sub-total 18 19 •"20' 21 22 23 •"24' Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Propos^ed_ Existing Existing Ex[sti_ng_ Exist! ng_ Proposed Proposed Proposed _Existi_ng_ Proposed_ Proposed Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Proposed Proposed Proposed PToposed^ _Proposecl_ Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing_ Existing Existing Existing Existing Existing Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Non-ResidenjjaJ_(BalJroqrn]_ Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential Non-Resideritia]_(Sp_aJ_ Non-Residential (Retail) Non-Residential (Retail) NoDrRe.sy.^ptjalJRetaiJJ Non-Resident|a]_(CJubhqu_seJ_ Residentia[_ Residential Residential Residential Residential _ Residential 7,305 2,983 6,648 43,806 60^742 11,126 11,196 14,587 14,458 10,105 14,230 18,229 50,419 17,569 "27'624" 20,954 11,605 4,895 5,412 4,931 11,194 5,514 4,925 10,979 59,455 6,637 17,198 20,603 44j438 '21,092" 29,973 25,396 20,137 45j533 76,387 20,035 5,221 11,338 4,103 16,289 Te'soe" 14,610 5,966 19,944 131,418 171,938 33,378 33,588 29,174 28,916 30,315 '42"690" 54,687 50,419 52,707 82,872 62,862 23,210 9,790 10,824 9,862 22,388 11,028 9,850 21,958 118,910 19,911 51,594 61,809 133,314 63,276 "29"97y 25,396 20,137 45,533 152,774 40,070 10,442 22,676 8,206 32,578 "33"oT2"' 4 2 6 34 46 8 '12" 18 15 23 2 14 18 34 21 11 11 10 10 21 8 3 4 3 7 4 3 7 40 13 11 11 Total 4 2 6 34 46 11 11 10 10 8 'Ti" 18 15 23 21 8 3 4 3 7 4 3 7 40 2 14 18 34 21 13 11 ..... Non-Residential Area (SF) 50,419 29,973 25,396 20,137 45,533 152,774 621,609 1,364,310 177 151 [1] See Exhibit 2 for reference [2] Unit count for proposed buildings (No.'s 1, 6, 7, 8, [3] Estimated dwelling units = Total SF / 3,000 SF 328 278,699 10,11,14s, and 15) were given. All other residential buildings unit count was assumed based on similar unit size (-3,000 SF/unit) \11 ,605 SF ROOMS 2 "STY \u , 194 SF ROOMS 2 STY Ij^ 10,979 SF ROOMS 2 STY N ^-J 4.895 sr 4^895 SF ROOMS 2 STY 3\5,412 SF jTROOMS 2 STY [4.931_SF ROOMS 2 STY 14,925^F ROOMS 2 STY ^5,514 SF OOMS^ STY \ 6,637 SF ROOMS 3 STY. 2 UNITS 1 EXISITNG BUILDINGS PROPOSED BUILDINGS ROOMS 3 1 25.396 RETAIL STORES 1 STY ;5^21 SF ROOMS 2 STY 11,338 SF_ ROOMS 2 STY ^20,137 SL RETAIL STORES 1 STY" </s/ RET 103 SF RETAIL'2 STY Nds23. 06,289 SF^^ ^CONDO 2 STY JU Z b I Ys. ^16,506 SF NCONDO 2 STYS COSTA fWc}!. 6 14,230 SF no, 105 SF ROOM? 3 S^TYROOMS 3 STY 12 UNirS 1 14,458 SF ROOMS 2 STY MAR uu Z bIYV No.3 JTJ96 SF No. 1 ROOMS 2 STY [2,983 SF fviLLAS 2 STY No.9 50,419 SF BALLROOM 1 STY Ner4 14,587 SF L-J?00MS_2 STjii-J N5-2 L18,2_29 SF BROOMS 3 "STY L1 8 UNITS CONSULTING PLANNING • DESIQN • CONSTRUCTmN 14725 ALTON PARKWAY IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618-2027 949,472.3505 • FAX 949.472.8373 • www.RBF.oom LA COSTA RESORT AND SPA DOMESTIC WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS EXISITNG AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS EXHIBIT 2 Figure 3-1 of the District's 2003 Water Master Plan Update (2003 WMP), water is supplied to the 318-pressure zone by several pressure reducing valves (PRVs). The La Costa Lo storage tank provides a storage capacity of 1.5 MG to 318-pressure zone. See Attachment A for Figure 3-1 ofthe 2003 WMP. To ensure best depiction of water supply to the Resort, an offsite system consisting of 8-inch to 18-inch pipes were selected based on Exhibit 1 of the 2003 WMP. The offsite system taken into consideration in this Study is shown in Exhibit 3. Upgrades to the existing system within the Resort, particularly on Estrella De Mar Road, have been carried out, or currently undenway. These upgrades were based on recommendations of a previous hydraulic model study, prepared by MDS Consulting in March 2004 (MDS Study), and can be seen in Exhibit 4. Water Demand Water demands for the Resort were calculated based on the District's adopted demand and peaking factors, which are as follows: Water Demand Factors: o Single Family Residential: 550 gallons per day (gpd)/ dwelling unit (du) o Multi Family Residential: 250 gpd/du o Non-Residential: 2300 gpd/10,000 Square feet. Peaking Factors: o Average Day Demand (ADD) 1.0 o Maximum Day Demand (MDD) 1.65 x ADD o Peak Hour Demand (PHD) 2.90 x ADD Due to the large dwelling unit area proposed for the new buildings (over 3,000 SF), it was recommended that a single family residential demand factor of 550 gpd/du be used instead of the 250 gpd/du designated for multi family residential dwelling units. Based on this, and on the square footage, type, number of stories, and estimated unit count of existing buildings within the Resort, existing average day demands are estimated at approximately 102 gpm. This amounts to approximately 5% of total 318-pressure zone demands^ Demands within the Resort are expected to increase to 170 gpm at ultimate conditions when six (6) additional buildings are completed. Exhibit 2 and Table 1 show the land use information used in calculating the Resort's demands. Table 2 summarizes the average day, maximum day, and peak hour demands anticipated from each building, and from the entire Resort, assuming 100-percent occupancy. ^ Page 4-5 of the 2003 WMP indicates average day demands for 318-pressure zone equals to 2,083 gpm. H:\pdata\55100221\Calcs\Water\FlNAL MEMO\Memo2.doc PaS^ 5 m >< > Z £o O D 7} m m o o H Z m > z § m 73 Cfl -< Cfl H m O o m r- a o s m W r-d > O o >52 CJ o o > > > r--< Cfl cn m CD m m —^ _i. c» CJO ISJ o • ,1. 1 z z z z z z o o O o o o I I I I X T3 -0 13 T3 T3 13 TD TJ TJ m m m m m m m 10 - Inch Pipe 12 - Inch Pipe 18 - Inch Pipe CONSULTING PLANNING • DESIGN • CDNSTRUCTIDN 14725 ALTON PARKWAY IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618-2027 949,472,3505 - FAX 949472.8373 • www.RBF.com LA COSTA RESORT AND SPA DOMESTIC WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS RECENT SYSTEM UPGRADES ESTRELLA DE MAR ROAD EXHIBIT 4 !N CD =! '^l^ f\i (O 1^ ^ ^ ^ m mix- T- ^ d IN 2 o o o g 2 S ? B ° °- i CO- 2 s oolco ^ cvilco 1^ "Tt CO CO •a £i 3 3 D :3 _ - T3 T3 "o "o SIP (T) CO Ol O) O) Ol Oif OOOOO in IT) in m m lo in LO lo lo COCDOCDCO-CD-;CM«^2^ CD in o o ^'T- ^r^COC^J<OOCNP O CD CSI O CO OJ_ CC)_ - ^ h-' CO CM* co" co" CM CO ^ QJ Cll cj( cn olo' in in in in OCM^COCJJTfCOOO ,„ in in IO 1^ o CO in CO CO Oi d lri CO 5 ini2f?^ina3oooocMocN CM ^. ^. CM O) CD T- o oo o_ T •^IT* -r-" •<-" Tj-' CM" T-" •*" w o o g o o o P ^ O) T-' i^" OJ' 52 inioiini in inlcol intin S ss a § " n S S ^-= °>- t S5 2! ^jCO -O -ai-O ^[XJ T3|TJ "OlO^^^SiaiO Sll^ ^5 QjajQjajcuQjajCicLCLQ.Q.aQ.Q.a-Q-Q-Q-raiaifc^o^afCTjCTflOJcnoiOioJCJjcncna^jajoia] "oooooooooo inim inininioinininm inlin ininminmininm oo CM CO OO CO ^ CL, CLi cn| in CD lOica (D CM"jOJ CJ) CO w w w O O S ° O O S'O o o ojo o" o' 21 o" Qi CL CL Cu QJ Q. O) OI{ Olj CJ O O OlO O O OlO CO CO eOlCO CM CM CM'CM CD CO , cn CO eo ' CO T- in in o" in CM CM ^ t-l in '<t"i-^' ^1^ . _ -QJ QJ QJ QJ Cl o][ cr( cn CXfl O) "olo in|in lolin TT CM CD ^ ;z ooco^cot^'tcor^ cs 5 o uy o z •a S 9 CD =3 i> ^ OJ .... £ Ri w O =3 £ "a •£ i E X o P (UCO) 03 D cc , 2 Design Criteria The design criteria used in this analysis is mainly based on the criteria listed in the City of Carlsbad Engineering Standards, Volume 2, Potable and Recycled Water Standards, 2004 Edition. The City's criteria includes the following: 1. Minimum and maximum static pressures are 60 psi and 125 psi respectively.' 2. Minimum pressure during peak hour demand = 40 psi (pipe head loss < 3.5 ft /1,000 ft) 3. Maximum desirable head loss shall be 5.0 feet/1,000 feet. 4. Maximum allowable head loss shall be 10.0 feet/1,000 feet 5. Minimum pressure during maximum day plus fire flow = 20 psi 6. Dynamic pressures to be analyzed with reservoir levels half full. 7. Dead-end pipelines are to serve no more than 18 residences. Using a demand factor of 550 gpd/du for single family residential, peak demands for 18 residences would equate to approximately 20 gpm. Therefore, peak demands for multi-family residential and non- residential areas should not exceed this value when being served from a dead-end line. Othenwise, looping will be required. In addition to the above-published District criteria. District staff has requested velocities in pipe to not exceed 10 feet per second (fps) during a simulation of MDD plus fire flow scenarios. 8. Fire Flow demand requirements are as follows: • 1,500 gpm for single family residential units • 3,000 gpm for multi-family residential units • 4,000 gpm for schools, commercial and industrial areas. For the purpose of meeting fire flow requirements for the new 46-unit development at the south end of the resort. The City's Fire Marshall had indicated that a multi-family residential fire flow of 3,000 gallons per minute (gpm) would suffice, provided that a minimum of three fire hydrants are installed. Based on City of Carlsbad Fire Department standards provided in Attachment B, each fire hydrant would only account for 1,000 gpm of the total 3,000 gpm required for the 46 units. ^ Model results would later indicate that pressures do exceed 125 psi during average day demands (ADD), at southem portions of the Project. - (Maximum pressure during ADD for existing system = 139 psi @ node J-8) H:\pdata\55100221\Calcs\Water\FlNAL MEMO\Memo2.doc Page 9 Hydraulic Analysis A hydraulic model of the existing and proposed systems was developed using WaterCAD software. The proposed system included the previously proposed upgrades along Estrella De Mar, shown in Exhibit 4. Assumptions made in creating the hydraulic model included: Roughness Coefficient is 120^. On-site ground surface elevations used were based on recent topographical information (AutoCAD). On-site pipeline alignments were based on available utility base maps (AutoCAD). Off- site pipeline alignments were based on Exhibit 1 of the 2003 WMP. Maximum head loss criteria does not apply to fire flow scenarios. Based on District request, maximum pipe velocity during a fire flow scenario must not exceed 10 fps. All offsite facilities can be identified in the model by pipe and junction numbers that are over 2000. (i.e. J-2001, P-2001, J-2002, P-2002...etc) Elevations at all offsite junctions in the model were set at 150 ft above see level. Based on the 2003 WMP, the following information was also used to best depict on-site pressures: • Average day off-site demands equal to 2,083 gpm (See Page 4-5 of 2003 WMP). This demand was added at offsite junctions in the model to account for regional system headiosses. • There are multiple sources of water supply to the on-site system. (See Exhibit 3) • Tank height = 38.5 feet. • The hydraulic grade line of supply facilities (La Costa Lo Tank, PRV #33, PRV #6) was set at storage tank mid water level (337.25 feet). • The off-site system depicted in the model is as shown in Exhibit 3 Results and Recommendations Minimum Svstem Requirement: Based on the hydraulic model results shown in Attachment C, and the summary of the results shown in Table 3, a 1,000 gpm fire flow at each of the three fire hydrants designated to provide fire flow service to the new 46-unit development, would require upsizing the existing 6-inch waterline in Costa Del Mar Road (from El Camino Real to the new pipeline that would cross Costa Del Mar Road) to an 8-inch pipeline. In order to meet velocity critena in the pipeline crossing Costa Del Mar Road, which is set to provide fire flow to two new ^ Based on correspondence between City staff and MDS Consulting dated October 6, 2004, a coefficient of roughness of 110 was deemed too conservative. H:\pdata\55100221\Calcs\Water\FlNAL MEMO\Memo2.doc Page 10 fire hydrants on the south side of the new 46-inch development, hydraulic results show that a 10-inch pipeline would be sufficient. Table 3 Hydraulic Model Results - Minimum System Requirements (1,000 gpm Fire Flow at each Fire Hydrant) Scenario Junction [1] Minimum Pressure (psi) Pipe [1] Maximum Velocity (ft / sec) Headloss Pipe Gradient [1] (ft/1,000 ft) Base (Average Day Demand) J-2 108.8 P-6, P-8 0.55 P-136 0.49 MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,000 each) J-2 87.6 P-90, P-92 [2] 9.65 Peak Hour Demand J-2 99.6 P-6, P-8 1.59 P-136 1.81 [1] On-site Junctions and Pipes Only [2] Does not include Fire Hydrant Laterals. Velocity in each fire hydrant lateral equals to 11.35 ft/sec Proposed Svstem: Because velocities in the upsized 8-inch pipeline in Costa Del Mar Road are very close to 10 fps (See P-90 and P-92 in Table 3 or Attachment C), it is recommended that this pipeline be further upsized to a 12-inch pipeline, to insure the District's lOfps standards is met, and to match the facility sizes shown in the District's 2003 WMP. In addition, although it is not currently clear where service laterals would be reconstructed to serve buildings 2, 4, and 8 (See Exhibit 2), it is very possible that they may be connected, or proposed to be connected to the existing 12-inch dead-end pipe parallel to El Camino Real. Therefore, it is recommended that this dead-end pipe be connected (looped) to the 12-inch pipeline in El Camino Realas shown in Exhibit 5. This is to ensure the District's "18-residences" standard is met (See note 7 on page 9). Taking into consideration the above recommendations, the new hydraulic model results for the proposed system is provided in Attachment D, and the summary of the results is shown in Table 4. The proposed water system improvements are shown in Exhibit 5. H:\pdata\55100221\Calcs\Water\FINAL MEMO\Memo2.doc Page 11 8 - Inch Pipe Required Upgrade Per City Master Plan 10 - Inch Pipe 12 - Inch Pipe 18 - Inch Pipe CONSULTING PLANNINQ • DESIGN • CDNSTRUCTIDN 14725 ALTON PARKWAY IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618-2027 949,472,3505 • FAX 949472.8373 • www.RBF.com LA COSTA RESORT AND SPA DOMESTIC WATER HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS PROPOSED SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT Table 4 Hydraulic Model Results - Proposed System (1,000 gpm Fire Flow at each Fire Hydrant) Scenario Minimum Junction Pressure (psi) Maximum Pipe [1] Velocity (ft / sec) Headloss Pipe Gradient [1] (ft/1,000 ft) Base (Average Day Demand) MDD + FF (g FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,000 each) Peak Hour Demand J-2 108.8 J-2 87.7 J-2 99.7 P-8 0.56 P-60 [2] 6.55 P-8 1.61 P-136 0.24 P-136 1.71 [1] On-site Junctions and Pipes Only [2] Does not include Fire Hydrant Laterals. Velocity in each fire hydrant lateral equals to 11.35 ft/sec It is recommended that the City's Fire Department to review this memorandum for approval of proposed improvements to the existing water system. Please call me at (949) 472-3413 if you have any questions regarding this Study. Cc: Charlie Marr, w/ Attachments Tim Thiele, w/ Attachments File, w/ Attachments H:\pdata\55100221\Calcs\Water\FlNAL MEMO\Memo2.doc Page 13 Attachment A CMCD Water Master Plan Update, March 2003 Figure 3-1 Existing System hydraulic Profile E ra o CO 6 o o ra 5 •a a) o in I •D >. I I Cl Q Q < y 0) ra CM o ra a •D ro £1 ro O ,— ro c 0) c ro c UJ 800 SDCIV>4 SECOND AQUEDUCT 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 TAP CONNECTION Jl 5«0 •514 MAERKLE RESERVOIR PUMP STA. 473 7>IP •'-446 6.0 MG MAERKLE RESERVOIR 10 MG CALAVERA HILLSY PUMP —\STA. 349 ELLERY PUMP STA. -32- r—4 ELLERY -5.0-MG^ 446 -^4 091 I »r351.5 -330 n I n I ^40 A 96 )C ^NC NC 5 Sl/EAM VISTA PUMP STA. -CO 277.5 255 ELM 1.5 MG 263 241 Q302 264 SKYLINE 1.5 MG "E-RESER. 1.5 MG ---M 255 1-490 MAERKLE CONNECTION PALOMAR AIRPORT RD (PAR) CONNECTION SECOND AQUEDUCT CONNECTION THROUGH VWD SANTA FEH RESERVOIR 9.0 MG MAERKLE DAM 195 MG 490 MAERKLE CONTROL VAULT 65 .73 72 106 255 I rin 48 1701 375 D3 RESERVOIR 8.5 MG ^4 375 82 88 550 700 N 700 S A- 1-^ 59 318 LA£QSTALQ^. 1.5 MG 318 680 800 20 125 550 5 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 L J LEGEND EXISTING FACILITIES: (T) SDCWA FLOW CONTROL PRV OR PRV/PSV COMBINA TION PSV ffi N CHECKVALVE BUTTERFLY VALVE PLUG VALVE HW. BASE ELEV NORMALL Y CL OSED VAL VE PUMP STATION STORAGE RESERVOIR PRIMARY SUPPLY EMERGENCY OR BACK-UP SUPPL Y NOTE: VALVE ID NUMBERS CORRESPOND TO ID NUMBERS IN THE CONTROL VALVE SUMMARY TABLES. FIGURE 3-1 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT EXISTING SYSTEM HYDRAULIC PROFILE DUDEK & ASSOCIATES, mc Attachment B City of Carlsbad Fire Department Standards Carlsbad F j re Department Office of Fire Prevention Division FIRE HYDRANT LOCATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Plan Requirements 1. A Copy of the applicants C16 license, Business License (City of Carlsbod) and Certificate of Worker's Compensation or documentation to.support exemption. 2. Three (3) sets of plans to be submitted shall include the following: A. Plans shall be drawn by a Registered Engineer or licensed contractor: (1) Address of job site. (2) Designer's name and name of company doing installation. (3) Building permit number related to this job. (4) Details of installation to include thrust block, and oil street valves. Provide information on how the size of thrust block was determined. 3. Scope: Fire hydrants shall be provided in accordance with this appendix for the protection of buildings, or portions of buildings, hereafter constructed. A. Location Fire hydrants shall be provided along required fire apparatus access roads and adjacent public streets. B. Number of Fire Hydrants The minimum number of fire hydrants available to a building shall not be less than that listed in Table No. A-lll-B-l. The number of fire hydrants available to a complex or subdivision shall not be less than that determined by spacing requirements listed in Table No. A-III-B-1 when applied to fire apparatus access roads and perimeter public streets from which fire operations could be conducted. C. Consideration of Existing Fire Hydrants Existing fire hydrants on public streets are allowed to be considered as available. Exiting fire hydrants on adjacent properties shall not be considered available unless fire apparatus access roods extend between properties and easements ore established to prevent obstruction of such roods. D. Distribution of Flre Hydrants The average spacing between fire hydrants shall not exceed that listed in Table No. A-lll-B-l. - OVER - 1 635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • (760) 602-4666 • FAX (760) 602-8561 Exception: The chief may accept a deficiency of up to 10 percent where existing fire hydrants provide all or o portion of the required fire hydrant service. Regardless of the overage spacing, fire hydrants shall be located such that all points on streets and access roods adjacent to a building are within the distances listed in Table No. A-lll-B-1. TABLE NO. A-lll-A-1 NUMBER AND DISTRIBUTION OF FIRE HYDRANTS FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENT (GPM) 1,750 or less 2,000-2,250 2,500 3,000 3,500-4,000 4,500-5,000 5,500 6,000 5,500-7,000 7,500 or more MINIMUM NO. OF HYDRANTS 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 or more^ AVERAGE SPACING BETWEEN HYDRANTS^''-' (FT.) 500 450 450 400 350 300 300 250 250 200 MAXIMUM DISTANCE FROM HYDFIANT TO ANY POINT ON STREET OR ROAD FRONTAGE* (FT.) 250 225 225 225 210 180 180 150 150 120 Reduce by 100 feet for dead end streets or roads. 2 Where streets are provided with median dividers which can be crossed by firefighters pulling hose lines, or arterial streets are provided with four or more traffic lanes and have a traffic count of more than 30,000 vehicles per day, hydrant spacing shall average 500 feet on each side of the street and be arranged on an altemating basis up to a fire-flow requirement of 7,000 gallons per minute and 400 feet for higher fire-flow requirements. 3 Where new water mains are extended along streets where hydrants are not needed for protection of stmcture or similar fire problems, fire hydrants shall be provided at not less than 1,000 foot spadng to provide for transportation hazards. 4 Reduce by 50 feet for dead-end streets or roads. 5 One hydrant for each 1,000 gallons per minute or fraction thereof Attachment C Hydraulic Model Results Minimum System Requirements 1- Base Scenario (Average Day Demand) 2- Maximum Day Demand + Fire Flow Scenario: Fire Flow at FH-1, FH-2, and FH-3 (1,000gpm each) 3- Peak Hour Scenario Scenario: Base 1 Lovjei Et Fu-iiie |B33) .? J-2 til Oji J-01 0 7 5 • "-.'OS j-oA* J-4 J-26**J-18 Q: J-00 8 J.01 6 '* J-00 7 J*'JfOO 3--^)^)6 ^» 'J-023 •10 <? FH-fi" • J-024 ^J-00 1-003 J-12 0 ^" .9* Color Coding Legend Node ; Pressu re (psi) 20.0 40.0 60.0 125.0 10,000.0 Color Coding Legend Lrk: Headloss Gradient (ft/1 000ft) <= 3-50 <= 5,00 <= 10.00 <= 2,00 0.00 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...\revised modelMc resort dw system-final.wed 08/03/06 08:14:55 AM RBF Consulting ' Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA -F1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] Page 1 of 1 Scenario: Base Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation Zone Type Base Flow Pattern Demand Calculated Pressure (ft) Type (gpm) (Calculated) Hydraulic Grade (psi) (ft) (9Pm) (ft) FH-1 41.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,84 126.7 FH-2 37.40 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,98 128.3 FH-3 37.40 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,98 128.3 J-O 45.80 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,82 124.6 J-001 37.00 318 Zone Demand 4.60 Fixed 4.60 333,98 128.5 J-001-003 19.50 318 Zone Demand 4.30 Fixed 4.30 333,98 136.1 J-2 82.30 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 108,8 J-002 33.00 318 Zone Demand 17.20 Fixed 17,20 333,84 130,2 J-004 45.00 318 Zone Demand 3.70 Fixed 3,70 333,84 125,0 J-4 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,85 120,4 J-005-006 42.00 318 Zone Demand 6.80 Fixed 6,80 333,84 126,3 J-6 40.50 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333.92 126,9 J-007 52.30 318 Zone Demand 4.60 Fixed 4.60 333.82 121.8 J-008 47.50 318 Zone Demand 6.90 Fixed 6.90 333,84 123,9 J-8 12.70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 334,02 139,0 J-009 53.00 318 Zone Demand 8.10 Fixed 8,10 333,82 121.5 J-010 61.80 318 Zone Demand 5.70 Fixed 5,70 333,83 117.7 J-011 62.80 318 Zone Demand 8.80 Fixed 8.80 333,83 117.3 J-12 45.70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,82 124.7 J-012 72.00 318 Zone Demand 8.00 Fixed 8.00 333,82 113,3 J-013.1 26.10 318 Zone Demand 6.90 Fixed 6.90 333,81 133,1 J-013.2 26.00 318 Zone Demand 8.40 Fixed 8.40 333,81 133,2 J-014 67.20 318 Zone Demand 13.00 Fixed 13.00 333,82 115.4 J-14 56.90 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,82 119.8 J-015 62.80 318 Zone Demand 8.00 Fixed 8.00 333,82 117,3 J-16 75.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 112,0 J-016 52.00 318 Zone Demand 4.80 Fixed 4,80 333,82 121,9 J-017 59.60 318 Zone Demand 7.30 Fixed 7,30 333,81 118.6 J-18 47.70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333.84 123.8 J-018-019 56.00 318 Zone Demand 29.50 Fixed 29,50 333,81 120.2 J-19 46.40 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 124.4 J-20 49.80 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,84 122.9 J-020-021-0; 47.50 318 Zone Demand 5.20 Fixed 5,20 333,82 123.9 J-023 37.00 318 Zone Demand 4.10 Fixed 4,10 333,86 128.4 J-024 27.30 318 Zone Demand 4.20 Fixed 4,20 333,90 132,7 J-32 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 120,4 J-34 46.70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 124,2 J-44 75.90 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 111,6 J-46 76.10 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 111,5 J-48 75.50 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 111,8 J-50 76.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 111,5 J-52 70.60 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 113,9 J-54 35.20 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,82 129,2 J-62 44.80 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333.83 125,0 J-120 13.20 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 334,00 138,8 J-2000 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 337.12 81,0 J-2001 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 336.25 80,6 J-2002 150.00 318 Zone Demand 1,041.50 Fixed 1,041,50 333.56 79,4 J-2003 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333.63 79.4 J-2004 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333.68 79.5 ' J-2005 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333.69 79.5 J-2006 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333.79 79.5 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...\revised modelMc resort dw system-final.wcxJ 08/03/06 08:16:00 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 RBF Consulting Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] H-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Scenario: Base Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) J-2007 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,86 79,5 J-2008 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,84 79,5 J-2009 150,00 318 Zone Demand 1,041.50 Fixed 1,041,50 335,89 80,4 J-2010 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 335,61 80.3 J-2011 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 336,61 80,7 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,..\revised modelMc resort dw system-final.wed RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:16:00 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] H-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Scenario: Base Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) pstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) awnstream Structui« Hydraulic Grade (ft) Fire Lateral-2 178 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 FH-2 37,40 128,3 333,98 J-001 37,00 128,5 333.98 Fire Lateral-3 171 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 J-001 37.00 128,5 333,98 FH-3 37,40 128,3 333,98 P-4 794 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,27 0.04 -93,55 J-2 82,30 108,8 333,82 J-4 55,50 120.4 333,85 P-6 532 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.55 0,14 -193,28 J-4 55,50 120.4 333,85 J-6 40,50 126.9 333,92 P-8 716 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.55 0.14 -193,28 J-6 40,50 126.9 333.92 J-8 12,70 139.0 334,02 P-18 356 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.03 0.00 -4,36 J-16 75,00 112,0 333,82 J-2 82,30 108.8 333,82 P-22 34 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.20 0.02 -71,92 J-18 47,70 123,8 333,84 J-20 49,80 122.9 333,84 P-24 111 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.28 0,04 -99,73 J-20 49,80 122.9 333,84 J-4 55,50 120.4 333,85 P-28 112 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0.00 J-002 33,00 130.2 333,84 FH-1 41.00 126.7 333,84 P-32 375 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,14 0,02 21,76 J-020-021-0; 47.50 123,9 333,82 J-018-019 56,00 120.2 333,81 P-34 286 8.0 PVC 120.0 0,05 0,00 -7,74 J-018-019 56,00 120,2 333,81 J-017 59,60 118,6 333,81 P-36 577 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,10 0,01 -14,97 J-017 59,60 118.6 333,81 J-32 55,50 120.4 333,82 P-38 54 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,29 0,07 -45,56 J-32 55,50 120.4 333,82 J-14 56,90 119,8 333,82 P-40 39 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,18 0,03 27,79 J-12 45,70 124.7 333,82 J-34 46,70 124.2 333,82 P-42 65 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,17 0,03 26,96 J-34 46,70 124,2 333,82 J-020-021-47,50 123,9 333,82 P-52 217 8,0 PVC 120.0 0.08 0,01 -11,86 J-009 53,00 121,5 333,82 J-14 56,90 119,8 333,82 P-56 43 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,03 0,00 4,36 J-16 75,00 112,0 333,82 J-46 76,10 111,5 333,82 P-58 13 8.0 PVC 120,0 0,04 0,00 5,94 J-46 76,10 111,5 333,82 J-44 75.90 111.6 333,82 P-60 12 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 1,14 J-44 75,90 111,6 333,82 J-48 75.50 111,8 333,82 P-62 12 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,08 0.01 12.20 J-48 75,50 111,8 333,82 J-50 76.00 111,5 333,82 P-64 233 10,0 PVC 120,0 0.05 0,00 -11.05 J-48 75,50 111,8 333,82 J-52 70.60 113,9 333,82 P-66 552 10,0 PVC 120.0 0,05 0.00 11,05 J-54 35,20 129.2 333,82 J-52 70.60 113,9 333,82 P-67 1,575 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,11 0,02 -9,87 J-50 76,00 111.5 333,82 J-2008 150,00 79,5 333.84 P-68 441 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,10 0,01 15,37 J-54 35,20 129.2 333,82 J-013,2 26,00 133,2 333,81 P-82 55 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,32 0,11 27,79 J-62 44,80 125.0 333,83 J-12 45.70 124,7 333,82 P-90 188 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,33 0,09 51,79 J-8 12,70 139.0 334,02 J-120 13,20 138,8 334,00 P-92 251 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,33 0,09 51,79 J-120 13.20 138.8 334,00 J-001-003 19.50 136.1 333,98 P-98 85 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 -1,59 J-46 76.10 111,5 333,82 J-012 72.00 113,3 333,82 P-100 109 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,03 0,00 -9,59 J-012 72.00 113,3 333,82 J-014 67,20 115,4 333,82 P-102 123 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,06 0.00 -22,59 J-014 67.20 115,4 333,82 J-015 62,80 117,3 333,82 P-104 271 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,09 0.00 -30,59 J-015 62.80 117,3 333,82 J-32 55,50 120.4 333,82 P-106 283 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,16 0.01 -57,42 J-14 56.90 119,8 333,82 J-011 62,80 117.3 333,83 P-108 209 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,19 0,02 -66,22 J-011 62.80 117.3 333,83 J-010 61,80 117,7 333.83 P-110 465 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.20 0.02 -71,92 J-010 61,80 117.7 333,83 J-18 47,70 123,8 333,84 P-112 91 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,00 0,00 0,84 J-34 46,70 124,2 333,82 J-0 45,80 124,6 333,82 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,,,\revised modelMc resort dw system-finaLwcd 08/03/06 08:20:23 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc, RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA -H-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 1 of 2 Scenario: Base Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Vlaterial Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) i To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) ownstream Structu Hydraulic Grade (ft) P-114 67 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,84 J-0 45,80 124,6 333,82 J-007 52,30 121,8 333,82 P-116 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 -3,76 J-007 52,30 121,8 333,82 J-009 53.00 121,5 333,82 P-118 294 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 J-19 46,40 124,4 333,82 J-016 52,00 121,9 333,82 P-120 908 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,03 0,00 -4,80 J-016 52,00 121,9 333,82 J-44 75,90 111.6 333,82 P-122 321 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,04 0,00 6,97 J-013,2 26,00 133,2 333,81 J-013,1 26.10 133.1 333,81 P-124 721 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,00 0,00 0,07 J-013.1 26,10 133,1 333,81 J-017 59,60 118.6 333,81 P-126 160 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,08 0,00 27,80 J-20 49,80 122.9 333,84 J-008 47,50 123.9 333,84 P-128 157 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,06 0,00 20,90 J-008 47,50 123.9 333,84 J-004 45,00 125,0 333,84 P-130 214 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,05 0,00 17,20 J-004 45,00 125.0 333,84 J-002 33,00 130,2 333,84 P-132 77 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,39 0,17 34,59 J-023 37.00 128.4 333,86 J-005-006 42,00 126.3 333,84 P-134 137 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,32 0,11 27,79 J-005-006 42.00 126.3 333,84 J-62 44,80 125,0 333,83 P-136 321 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,49 0,25 42,89 J-001-003 19.50 136.1 333,98 J-024 27.30 132.7 333,90 P-138 214 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,44 0,21 38,69 J-024 27.30 132.7 333,90 J-023 37.00 128.4 333,86 P-142 108 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,02 0,00 -4,60 J-001 37.00 128.5 333,98 J-001-003 19.50 136.1 333,98 P-2000 527 18.0 PVC 120,0 0,97 0,25 767.70 R-318 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2000 150.00 81.0 337,12 P-2001 1,962 16,0 PVC 120,0 1,23 0,44 767.70 J-2000 150,00 81,0 337.12 J-2001 150.00 80.6 336,25 P-2002 1,491 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,18 1.80 767.70 J-2001 150,00 80,6 336,25 J-2002 150.00 79.4 333,56 P-2003 944 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,37 0,07 -131.62 J-2002 150,00 79,4 333,56 J-2003 150.00 79.4 333,63 P-2004 1,548 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,40 0,08 -142,18 J-2002 150,00 79,4 333,56 J-2004 150,00 79.5 333,68 P-2005 809 16,0 PVC 120.0 0,08 0,00 -52,99 J-2004 150,00 79,5 333,68 J-2005 150,00 79,5 333.69 P-2006 3,960 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,25 0,03 -89,20 J-2004 150,00 79,5 333,68 J-2 82,30 108.8 333,82 P-2007 1,093 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,34 0,09 -52,99 J-2005 150,00 79,5 333,69 J-2006 150,00 79.5 333.79 P-2008 1,601 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,14 0,02 -22,06 J-2006 150.00 79,5 333,79 J-50 76,00 111.5 333,82 P-2009 898 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,20 0,03 -30,93 J-2006 150.00 79,5 333,79 J-54 35,20 129,2 333,82 P-2010 1,397 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,54 0,17 -131,62 J-2003 150,00 79,4 333,63 J-2007 150,00 79,5 333,86 P-2011 362 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,27 0,05 67,22 J-2007 150,00 79,5 333,86 J-2008 150,00 79,5 333,84 P-2012 689 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,23 0,04 57,35 J-2008 150.00 79,5 333,84 J-54 35,20 129,2 333,82 P-2015 588 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,49 2,31 877,68 Lower El Fu« 337.25 0,0 337,25 J-2009 150,00 80,4 335,89 P-2016 1,931 12.0 PVC 120,0 0,56 0,15 198,83 J-2009 150.00 80,4 335,89 J-2010 150,00 80,3 335,61 P-2017 1,643 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,27 1,06 198,83 J-2010 150,00 80,3 335,61 J-2007 150,00 79,5 333,86 P-2018 548 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,72 1,17 607,73 Bolero (#6) 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2011 150,00 80,7 336,61 P-2019 1,596 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,03 0,45 362,66 J-2011 150,00 80,7 336,61 J-2009 150,00 80,4 335,89 P-2020 11,909 12.0 PVC 120,0 0,70 0,22 245,07 J-2011 150,00 80,7 i 336,61 J-8 12,70 139,0 334,02 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\„,\revised modelMc resort dw system-finaLwcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:20:23 AM © Haestad Methods, lnc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA hi-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 2 of 2 Scenario: MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,000gpm each) [J-48 9-46^ 1 J-44 58 [in -.CO J-012 o.£ So J-014 i-015 t I Cobr Coding Legend Lrk: Veb city (ft/s) 8.00 : 10.00 : 15.00 : 100.00 Cobr Codng Legend ; Node: Pre ssure ^si) 0?° p-38 ^.-l'V3-0>"J-32 <= 20.0 <= 40.0 <= 60.0 <= 125.0 <= 10.000.0 a' -V "•<='.-c>J-016 J-007 J-6 , a: v J J-002 '^ot 'FH-I S''J-34 J:*S«« -'» . ,- <!.•« -•• p" -* "J-020-021-022 FH-2 * Fire Later,al-2 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian h:\,,,\revised modelMc resorl dw system-finaLwcd RBF Consulting WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] 08/03/06 08:29:05 AM © Haestad Methods, lnc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA -1-1-203-755-1666 Pagelofi Scenario: MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,000gpm each) Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) FH-1 41,00 318 Zone Demand 1,000,00 Fixed 1,000,00 280,78 103,7 FH-2 37,40 318 Zone Demand 1,000,00 Fixed 1,000,00 244,41 89,6 FH-3 37,40 318 Zone Demand 1,000,00 Fixed 1,000,00 245,01 89,8 J-0 45,80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 282,85 102,6 J-001 37.00 318 Zone Demand 7,59 Fixed 7,59 259,72 96,4 J-001-003 19,50 318 Zone Demand 7,10 Fixed 7,09 262,52 105.1 J-2 82,30 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 284,83 87.6 J-002 33.00 318 Zone Demand 28.38 Fixed 28,38 281.11 107,3 J-004 45.00 318 Zone Demand 6.10 Fixed 6,11 281.77 102,4 J-4 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 282.90 98,4 J-005-006 42.00 318 Zone Demand 11,22 Fixed 11,22 277.50 101,9 J-6 40.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 282.74 104.8 J-007 52.30 318 Zone Demand 7,59 Fixed 7.59 282.87 99.8 J-008 47,50 318 Zone Demand 11,39 Fixed 11,39 282,27 101,6 J-8 12,70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 282,51 116,7 J-009 53,00 318 Zone Demand 13,37 Fixed 13,36 282,93 99,5 J-010 61,80 318 Zone Demand 9,41 Fixed 9,40 283,10 95.7 J-011 62.80 318 Zone Demand 14,52 Fixed 14,52 283,25 95.4 J-12 45.70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 282,57 102.5 J-012 72.00 318 Zone Demand 13,20 Fixed 13,20 285,11 92,2 J-013,1 26,10 318 Zone Demand 11,39 Fixed 11,39 285,97 112,4 J-013,2 26,00 318 Zone Demand 13.86 Fixed 13.86 286,82 112,8 J-014 67,20 318 Zone Demand 21.45 Fixed 21,45 284,89 94,2 J-14 56,90 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 283,45 98,0 J-015 62.80 318 Zone Demand 13.20 Fixed 13,20 284,66 96,0 J-16 75.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 285,23 91.0 J-016 52.00 318 Zone Demand 7,92 Fixed 7,92 285,57 101,1 J-017 59.60 318 Zone Demand 12,05 Fixed 12,05 284,17 97,2 J-18 47,70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 282,80 101,7 J-018-019 56,00 318 Zone Demand 48,68 Fixed 48,67 283,52 98,4 J-19 46,40 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 285,57 103,5 J-20 49,80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 282,78 100,8 J-020-021-0: 47,50 318 Zone Demand 8.58 Fixed 8.58 282,92 101.9 J-023 37,00 318 Zone Demand 6,76 Fixed 6,76 275,55 103,2 J-024 27,30 318 Zone Demand 6.93 Fixed 6.93 270,26 105.1 J-32 55,50 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 284.17 98,9 J-34 46,70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 282,82 102,2 J-44 75.90 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 285,57 90,7 J-46 76,10 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 285,28 90,5 J-48 75,50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 285,84 91,0 J-50 76,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 285,89 90,8 J-52 70,60 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 286,51 93,4 J-54 35.20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 288,09 109,4 J-62 44.80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 281,12 102,2 J-120 13.20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 273,95 112,8 J-2000 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 335,75 80,4 J-2001 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 325,85 76.1 J-2002 150,00 318 Zone Demand 1,718,48 Fixed 1,718,47 295,29 62,9 J-2003 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 295,22 62.8 J-2004 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 290,77 60,9 J-2005 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 290,71 60,9 J-2006 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 288,21 59,8 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...\revised modelMc resort dw system-final.wed RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:17:02 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] -Hi-203-755-1666 Page lof 2 Scenario: MDD + FF@ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (I.OOOgpm each) Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) J-2007 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 294,96 62,7 J-2008 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 292,02 61,4 J-2009 150,00 318 Zone Demand 1,718.48 Fixed 1,718,47 330,66 78.2 J-2010 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 325,66 76.0 J-2011 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 332,44 78,9 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...\revised modelMc resort dw system-final.wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:17:02 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian WaterCAD v5.0 [5,0037] -H -203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Scenario: MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,000gpm each) Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) ! To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) ownstream Structui f Hydraulic Grade (ft) Fire Lateral-2 178 6,0 PVC 120,0 11.35 86,02 -1,000,00 FH-2 37,40 89,6 244,41 J-001 37,00 96,4 259,72 Fire Lateral-3 171 6,0 PVC 120.0 11,35 86,02 1,000,00 J-001 37.00 96,4 259,72 FH-3 37,40 89,8 245,01 P-4 794 12,0 PVC 120.0 2,56 2,42 901,23 J-2 82,30 87.6 284,83 J-4 55,50 98,4 282,90 P-6 532 12,0 PVC 120.0 0.85 0,32 300,13 J-4 55,50 98.4 282,90 J-6 40,50 104,8 282,74 P-8 716 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.85 0,32 300,13 J-6 40.50 104.8 282,74 J-8 12,70 116,7 282,51 P-18 356 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,31 1,13 205,57 J-16 75.00 91,0 285,23 J-2 82,30 87,6 284,83 P-22 34 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,26 0,66 444,77 J-18 47,70 101,7 282,80 J-20 49,80 100,8 282,78 P-24 111 12,0 PVC 120.0 1,71 1,15 -601,10 J-20 49,80 100.8 282,78 J-4 55,50 98,4 282,90 P-28 112 12,0 PVC 120.0 2,84 2.94 1,000,00 J-002 33,00 107.3 281,11 FH-1 41,00 103,7 280,78 P-32 375 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,59 1,62 -249,36 J-020-021-0; 47.50 101,9 282,92 J-018-019 56,00 98,4 283,52 P-34 286 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,90 2,25 -298,04 J-018-019 56.00 98.4 283,52 J-017 59,60 97,2 284.17 P-36 577 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.03 0,00 4,85 J-017 59,60 97.2 284,17 J-32 55,50 98,9 284.17 P-38 54 8,0 PVC 120.0 4,96 13,28 776,95 J-32 55,50 98.9 284,17 J-14 56,90 98,0 283,45 P-40 39 8,0 PVC 120.0 3,37 6,49 -528,09 J-12 45,70 102.5 282,57 J-34 46.70 102.2 282,82 P-42 65 8,0 PVC 120.0 1,54 1.52 -240,78 J-34 46.70 102.2 282,82 J-020-021. 47.50 101.9 282,92 P-52 217 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,97 2,40 -308,26 J-009 53.00 99.5 282,93 J-14 56.90 98.0 283,45 P-56 43 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,31 1,13 -205,57 J-16 75.00 91.0 285,23 J-46 76.10 90.5 285,28 P-58 13 8,0 PVC 120.0 6,55 22,20 -1,025,52 J-46 76.10 90.5 285,28 J-44 75,90 90,7 285,57 P-60 12 8,0 PVC 120.0 6.60 22,51 -1,033.44 J-44 75.90 90.7 285,57 J-48 75.50 91,0 285,84 P-62 12 8,0 PVC 120.0 2,70 4,30 -422,85 J-48 75.50 91,0 285,84 J-50 76.00 90,8 285,89 P-64 233 10,0 PVC 120.0 2,49 2,87 -610,59 J-48 75.50 91,0 285,84 J-52 70.60 93,4 286,51 P-66 552 10,0 PVC 120.0 2,49 2,87 610,59 J-54 35.20 109.4 288,09 J-52 70.60 93,4 286,51 P-67 1,575 6,0 PVC 120.0 2,13 3,89 -187,88 J-50 76.00 90.8 285,89 J-2008 150,00 61,4 292,02 P-68 441 8,0 PVC 120.0 2,17 2.88 340,18 J-54 35.20 109.4 288,09 J-013,2 26,00 112,8 286,82 P-82 55 6,0 PVC 120.0 5,99 26,37 -528,09 J-62 44.80 102,2 281,12 J-12 45.70 102.5 282,57 P-90 188 8,0 PVC 120,0 9.65 45,53 1,511,51 J-8 12.70 116,7 282,51 J-120 13,20 112.8 273.95 P-92 251 8,0 PVC 120,0 9,65 45,53 1,511.51 J-120 13.20 112,8 273,95 J-001-003 19.50 105.1 262,52 P-98 85 12,0 PVC 120,0 2.33 2,04 819,96 J-46 76,10 90.5 285,28 J-012 72,00 92,2 285.11 P-100 109 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,29 1,97 806.76 J-012 72.00 92,2 285,11 J-014 67,20 94,2 284,89 P-102 123 12,0 PVC 120.0 2,23 1,88 785,31 J-014 67.20 94,2 284,89 J-015 62,80 96,0 284,66 P-104 271 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,19 1,82 772,11 J-015 62.80 96,0 284,66 J-32 55,50 98.9 284,17 P-106 283 12,0 PVC 120,0 1.33 0,72 468,69 J-14 56,90 98.0 283,45 J-011 62,80 95,4 283,25 P-108 209 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,29 0.68 454,17 J-011 62,80 95.4 283,25 J-010 61,80 95,7 283,10 P-110 465 12,0 PVC 120.0 1,26 0.66 444,77 J-010 61,80 95,7 283,10 J-18 47,70 101,7 282,80 P-112 91 12,0 PVC 120.0 0.82 0.29 -287,31 J-34 46,70 102,2 282,82 J-0 45,80 102.6 282,85 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\.,,\revised modelMc resort dw system-finaLwcd 08/03/06 08:19:49 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc, RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1 e Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 1 of 2 Scenario: MDD + FF@ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,000gpm each) Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) ! To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psl) Dwnstream Structui e Hydraulic Grade (ft) P-114 67 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,82 0,29 -287,31 J-0 45,80 102,6 282,85 J-007 52,30 99,8 282,87 P-116 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,84 0,31 -294,90 J-007 52,30 99,8 282,87 J-009 53.00 99.5 282,93 P-118 294 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0.00 J-19 46,40 103.5 285,57 J-016 52.00 101,1 285,57 P-120 908 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,05 0,00 -7.92 J-016 52,00 101,1 285,57 J-44 75.90 90,7 285,57 P-122 321 8,0 PVC 120,0 2.08 2,66 326,32 J-013,2 26,00 112,8 286,82 J-013,1 26,10 112,4 285,97 P-124 721 8,0 PVC 120,p 2,01 2,49 314,93 J-013,1 26,10 112,4 285,97 J-017 59,60 97,2 284,17 P-126 160 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,97 3,19 1,045,87 J-20 49,80 100,8 282,78 J-008 47.50 101,6 282,27 P-128 157 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,93 3,13 1,034,49 J-008 47,50 101,6 282.27 J-004 45,00 102,4 281.77 P-130 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,92 3,10 1,028,38 J-004 45,00 102,4 281.77 J-002 33.00 107,3 281.11 P-132 77 6,0 PVC 120,0 5,87 25,34 -516,87 J-023 37,00 103,2 275,55 J-005-006 42,00 101,9 277,50 P-134 137 6,0 PVC 120,0 5,99 26,37 -528,09 J-005-006 42,00 101,9 277,50 J-62 44.80 102,2 281,12 P-136 321 6,0 PVC 120,0 5,71 24,11 -503,18 J-001-003 19,50 105,1 262,52 J-024 27.30 105,1 270,26 P-138 214 6,0 PVC 120,0 5,79 24,73 -510,11 J-024 27,30 105,1 270,26 J-023 37.00 103,2 275,55 P-142 108 10,0 PVC 120,0 8,20 25,97 -2,007,59 J-001 37,00 96,4 259,72 J-001-003 19,50 105.1 262,52 P-2000 527 18,0 PVC 120,0 3,60 2,84 2,853,43 R-318 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2000 150,00 80.4 335,75 P-2001 1,962 16,0 PVC 120,0 4,55 5,05 2,853,43 J-2000 150,00 80,4 335,75 J-2001 150,00 76,1 325,85 P-2002 1,491 12,0 PVC 120,0 8,09 20,49 2,853,43 J-2001 150.00 76,1 325,85 J-2002 150,00 62.9 295,29 P-2003 944 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,39 0,08 138,74 J-2002 150.00 62.9 295,29 J-2003 150,00 62.8 295,22 P-2004 1,548 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,83 2,92 996,22 J-2002 150.00 62,9 295,29 J-2004 150,00 60,9 290,77 P-2005 809 16,0 PVC 120,0 0,48 0,08 300,56 J-2004 150.00 60,9 290,77 J-2005 150.00 60.9 290,71 P-2006 3,960 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,97 1,50 695,66 J-2004 150,00 60,9 290,77 J-2 82.30 87,6 284,83 P-2007 1,093 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,92 2,29 300,56 J-2005 150,00 60,9 290,71 J-2006 150,00 59,8 288,21 P-2008 1.601 8,0 PVC 120.0 1,50 1,45 234,97 J-2006 150,00 59.8 288,21 J-50 76,00 90,8 285,89 P-2009 898 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,42 0,14 65.59 J-2006 150,00 59.8 288,21 J-54 35,20 109,4 288,09 P-2010 1,397 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,57 0,18 138,74 J-2003 150,00 62,8 295,22 J-2007 150,00 62,7 294,96 P-2011 362 10,0 PVC 120,0 4,38 8,14 1,073,06 J-2007 150,00 62,7 294,96 J-2008 150,00 61,4 292,02 P-2012 689 10,0 PVC 120,0 3,62 5,70 885,18 J-2008 150,00 61,4 292,02 J-54 35,20 109.4 288,09 P-2015 588 12,0 PVC 120,0 5,84 11,21 2,059,72 Lower El Fue 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2009 150,00 78,2 330,66 P-2016 1,931 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,65 2,59 934,33 J-2009 150,00 78,2 330,66 J-2010 150,00 76,0 325,66 P-2017 1,643 8,0 PVC 120,0 5,96 18,68 934,33 J-2010 150,00 76,0 325,66 J-2007 150,00 62,7 294,96 P-2018 548 12,0 PVC 120,0 5,12 8,77 1,804,46 Bolero (#6) 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2011 150,00 78,9 332,44 P-2019 1,596 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,68 1,12 593,08 J-2011 150.00 78,9 332,44 J-2009 150,00 78,2 330,66 P-2020 11,909 12,0 PVC 120,0 3,44 4,19 1,211,38 J-2011 150,00 78,9 332,44 J-8 12,70 116,7 282,51 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,,,\revised modelMc resort dw system-final.wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:19:49 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA -^1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 2 of 2 Scenario: Peak Hour Demand V 2" J-50 -^-46^^-44 K> -pstO In O (0 • ' 1 S " I J-012 Cobr Codhg Legend Lilk: Headbss Gradient (ft/IOOOtt) 3.50 5.00 10.00 = 2.000,00 Color Coding Legend Node: Pressure (psi) <= 20.0 <- 40,0 <= 60,0 <= 125,0 <= 10.000,0 J-20».i.« , J-009 I J-002 '^'oi 'FH-I J-12 •--« - - ,1-0 V • J-020-021 ( ,#^^:2-- J-005-OO6 • J-023 p-90 J-8 a,?-!^ Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis Project Engineer: Barkev Meserlian h:\,,,\revised modelMc resort dw system-finaLwcd RBF Consulting WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] 08/03/06 08:23:15 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA -1-1-203-755-1666 Pagelofi Scenario: Peak Hour Demand Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) FH-1 41,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.75 117,6 FH-2 37,40 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 313.77 119,6 FH-3 37.40 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 313.77 119.6 J-0 45.80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 312.61 115,4 J-001 37.00 318 Zone Demand 13,34 Fixed 13.34 313.77 119.7 J-001-003 19.50 318 Zone Demand 12,47 Fixed 12.47 313.77 127,3 J-2 82.30 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 312.59 99,6 J-002 33.00 318 Zone Demand 49,88 Fixed 49,88 312.75 121,0 J-004 45.00 318 Zone Demand 10,73 Fixed 10,73 312.75 115,8 J-4 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 312.79 111,3 J-005-006 42.00 318 Zone Demand 19,72 Fixed 19.72 312.78 117,2 J-6 40.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 313.33 118,0 J-007 52.30 318 Zone Demand 13,34 Fixed 13.34 312.61 112.6 J-008 47,50 318 Zone Demand 20,01 Fixed 20.01 312.76 114,8 J-8 12,70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 314.05 130.4 J-009 53,00 318 Zone Demand 23.49 Fixed 23,49 312,61 112.3 J-010 61,80 318 Zone Demand 16.53 Fixed 16.53 312,68 108.5 J-011 62,80 318 Zone Demand 25.52 Fixed 25.52 312.65 108,1 J-12 45.70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 312.62 115,5 J-012 72.00 318 Zone Demand 23.20 Fixed 23.20 312.58 104,1 J-013,1 26.10 318 Zone Demand 20.01 Fixed 20.01 312,56 123,9 J-013,2 26.00 318 Zone Demand 24.36 Fixed 24.36 312,56 124.0 J-014 67.20 318 Zone Demand 37,70 Fixed 37,70 312,58 106.2 J-14 56,90 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 312,62 110.6 J-015 62,80 318 Zone Demand 23,20 Fixed 23.20 312,59 108.1 J-16 75.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 312,58 102.8 J-016 52.00 318 Zone Demand 13,92 Fixed 13,92 312,58 112.7 J-017 59.60 318 Zone Demand 21,17 Fixed 21,17 312,56 109.4 J-18 47.70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312,76 114.7 J-018-019 56.00 318 Zone Demand 85,55 Fixed 85,55 312.55 111,0 J-19 46.40 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.58 115,2 J-20 49.80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.76 113,8 J-020-021-0; 47.50 318 Zone Demand 15,08 Fixed 15.08 312.60 114,7 J-023 37.00 318 Zone Demand 11.89 Fixed 11,89 312,87 119,4 J-024 27.30 318 Zone Demand 12,18 Fixed 12,18 313,19 123.7 J-32 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312,60 111.2 J-34 46.70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312,61 115,0 J-44 75,90 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312,58 102,4 J-46 76,10 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.58 102,3 J-48 75.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.58 102.6 J-50 76.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.58 102.4 J-52 70.60 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.59 104.7 J-54 35.20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.59 120.0 J-62 44.80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.67 115.9 J-120 13.20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 313.93 130,1 J-2000 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 336.30 80,6 J-2001 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 330.05 77,9 J-2002 150.00 318 Zone Demand 3,020,35 Fixed 3,020,35 310.75 69,6 J-2003 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 311,22 69,8 J-2004 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 311.63 69,9 J-2005 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 311.65 69,9 J-2006 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 312.37 70,3 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\.,,\revised modelMc resort dw system-final.wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:17:25 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Watertjury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Scenario: Peak Hour Demand Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) J-2007 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.90 70.5 J-2008 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312,77 70,4 J-2009 150.00 318 Zone Demand 3,020,35 Fixed 3,020,35 327.50 76.8 J-2010 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 325.45 75,9 J-2011 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 332,65 79,0 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...\revised modelMc resort dw system-final.wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:17:25 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] •H -203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Scenario: Peak Hour Demand Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) 5 To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) ownstream Structu. Hydraulic Grade (ft) Flre Lateral-2 178 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 FH-2 37,40 119,6 313.77 J-001 37,00 119,7 313,77 Fire Lateral-3 171 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 J-001 37,00 119,7 313.77 FH-3 37,40 119,6 313,77 P-4 794 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,77 0,26 -271.30 J-2 82,30 99,6 312,59 J-4 55,50 111,3 312.79 P-6 532 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,59 1,01 -560,50 J-4 55,50 111,3 312,79 J-6 40.50 118,0 313.33 P-8 716 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,59 1,01 -560,50 J-6 40.50 118,0 313,33 J-8 12.70 130,4 314,05 P-18 356 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,08 0,01 -12.63 J-16 75.00 102,8 312,58 J-2 82.30 99,6 312,59 P-22 34 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,59 0,16 -208.58 J-18 47,70 114,7 312.76 J-20 49.80 113,8 312,76 P-24 111 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,82 0,30 -289.20 J-20 49,80 113,8 312.76 J-4 55.50 111,3 312,79 P-28 112 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 J-002 33,00 121,0 312.75 FH-1 41,00 117,6 312,75 P-32 375 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,40 0,13 63,09 J-020-021-0; 47,50 114,7 312.60 J-018-019 56,00 111,0 312,55 P-34 286 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,14 0,02 -22,46 J-018-019 56,00 111,0 312.55 J-017 59,60 109,4 312.56 P-36 577 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,28 0,06 -43,42 J-017 59,60 109,4 312.56 J-32 55,50 111,2 312.60 P-38 54 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,84 0,50 -132,13 J-32 55,50 111,2 312.60 J-14 56,90 110,6 312,62 P-40 39 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,51 0,20 80,60 J-12 45,70 115,5 312.62 J-34 46,70 115,0 312,61 P-42 65 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,50 0,19 78,17 J-34 46,70 115.0 312.61 J-020-021-47,50 114,7 312,60 P-52 217 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,22 0,04 -34,40 J-009 53,00 112,3 312.61 J-14 56,90 110,6 312,62 P-56 43 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,08 0,01 12,63 J-16 75,00 102,8 312.58 J-46 76,10 102,3 312,58 P-58 13 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,11 0,01 17,24 J-46 76,10 102,3 312.58 J-44 75,90 102,4 312,58 P-60 12 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,02 0,00 3,32 J-44 75.90 102.4 312,58 J-48 75,50 102,6 312,58 P-62 12 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,23 0,04 35,36 J-48 75.50 102,6 312,58 J-50 76,00 102,4 312,58 P-64 233 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,13 0,01 -32.05 J-48 75.50 102,6 312,58 J-52 70.60 104,7 312,59 P-66 552 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,13 0,01 32,05 J-54 35.20 120,0 312,59 J-52 70.60 104,7 312,59 P-67 1,575 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,32 0,12 -28,62 J-50 76.00 102,4 312,58 J-2008 150.00 70,4 312,77 P-68 441 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,28 0,07 44,57 J-54 35.20 120,0 312,59 J-013,2 26,00 124,0 312,56 P-82 55 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,91 0,81 80,60 J-62 44.80 115,9 312,67 J-12 45,70 115,5 312,62 P-90 188 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,96 0,63 150,20 J-8 12,70 130,4 314,05 J-120 13,20 130,1 313,93 P-92 251 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,96 0,63 150,20 J-120 13,20 130,1 313,93 J-001-003 19,50 127,3 313,77 P-98 85 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 -4,61 J-46 76,10 102,3 312,58 J-012 72,00 104.1 312,58 P-100 109 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,08 0,00 -27,81 J-012 72,00 104,1 312,58 J-014 67.20 106.2 312,58 P-102 123 12.0 PVC 120,0 0,19 0,02 -65,51 J-014 67,20 106,2 312,58 J-015 62,80 108.1 312,59 P-104 271 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,25 0,03 -88,71 J-015 62,80 108.1 312,59 J-32 55,50 111,2 312,60 P-106 283 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,47 0,11 -166,53 J-14 56,90 110,6 312,62 J-011 62,80 108,1 312,65 P-108 209 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,54 0,14 -192,05 J-011 62,80 108,1 312.65 J-010 61,80 108,5 312,68 P-110 465 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,59 0,16 -208,58 J-010 61,80 108.5 312,68 J-18 47,70 114,7 312,76 P-112 91 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 2,43 J-34 46,70 115.0 312,61 J-0 45,80 115,4 312,61 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...\revised modelMc resort dw system-finaLwcd 08/03/06 08:20:07 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5.0 [5,0037] Page 1 of 2 Scenario: Peak Hour Demand Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) s To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) ownstream Structui Hydraulic Grade (ft) P-114 67 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 2,43 J-0 45,80 115,4 312,61 J-007 52,30 112,6 312,61 P-116 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,03 0,00 -10.91 J-007 52,30 112,6 312,61 J-009 53,00 112.3 312,61 P-118 294 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 J-19 46,40 115,2 312,58 J-016 52,00 112,7 312,58 P-120 908 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,09 0,01 -13,92 J-016 52,00 112,7 312,58 J-44 75,90 102,4 312,58 P-122 321 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,13 0.02 20,21 J-013,2 26,00 124,0 312,56 J-013,1 26,10 123,9 312,56 P-124 721 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0.00 0,20 J-013,1 26,10 123,9 312,56 J-017 59,60 109.4 312,56 P-126 160 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,23 0,03 80,62 J-20 49.80 113,8 312,76 J-008 47,50 114.8 312,76 P-128 157 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,17 0,02 60,61 J-008 47.50 114,8 312.76 J-004 45,00 115,8 312,75 P-130 214 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,14 0,01 49,88 J-004 45.00 115,8 312.75 J-002 33.00 121,0 312,75 P-132 77 6,0 PVC 120,0 1,14 1,22 100,32 J-023 37.00 119,4 312.87 J-005-006 42.00 117,2 312,78 P-134 137 6.0 PVC 120,0 0,91 0,81 80,60 J-005-006 42.00 117,2 312.78 J-62 44.80 115,9 312,67 P-136 321 6,0 PVC 120,0 1,41 1,81 124,39 J-001-003 19.50 127,3 313.77 J-024 27.30 123,7 313,19 P-138 214 6,0 PVC 120.0 1,27 1,50 112.21 J-024 27,30 123,7 313.19 J-023 37,00 119,4 312,87 P-142 108 10,0 PVC 120,0 0.05 0,00 -13.34 J-001 37,00 119,7 313.77 J-001-003 19,50 127,3 313,77 P-2000 527 18.0 PVC 120.0 2,81 1,80 2,226,32 R-318 337,25 0,0 337.25 J-2000 150,00 80,6 336,30 P-2001 1,962 16,0 PVC 120.0 3,55 3,19 2,226,32 J-2000 150,00 80.6 336,30 J-2001 150,00 77,9 330.05 P-2002 1,491 12,0 PVC 120.0 6,32 12,94 2,226,32 J-2001 150,00 77.9 330,05 J-2002 150,00 69,6 310.75 P-2003 944 12,0 PVC 120.0 1,08 0,49 -381,69 J-2002 150,00 69.6 310,75 J-2003 150.00 69,8 311,22 P-2004 1,548 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,17 0,57 -412.34 J-2002 150,00 69.6 310.75 J-2004 150,00 69,9 311,63 P-2005 809 16,0 PVC 120,0 0,25 0,02 -153.67 J-2004 150,00 69.9 311.63 J-2005 150.00 69,9 311,65 P-2006 3,960 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.73 0,24 -258,67 J-2004 150,00 69.9 311,63 J-2 82,30 99.6 312,59 P-2007 1,093 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.98 0,66 -153,67 J-2005 150,00 69.9 311.65 J-2006 150,00 70.3 312,37 P-2008 1,601 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,41 0,13 -63,98 J-2006 150,00 70,3 312.37 J-50 76.00 102,4 312,58 P-2009 898 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,57 0.24 -89,69 J-2006 150,00 70.3 312,37 J-54 35,20 120.0 312.59 P-2010 1,397 10,0 PVC 120,0 1,56 1,20 -381,69 J-2003 150,00 69.8 311.22 J-2007 150.00 70,5 312,90 P-2011 362 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,80 0,35 194,92 J-2007 150,00 70.5 312,90 J-2008 150.00 70.4 312.77 P-2012 689 10,0 PVC 120,0 0.68 0,26 166,31 J-2008 150,00 70.4 312,77 J-54 35.20 120.0 312.59 P-2015 588 12,0 PVC 120,0 7.22 16,58 2,545,26 Lower El Fue 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2009 150,00 76,8 327,50 P-2016 1,931 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,64 1,06 576,61 J-2009 150,00 76,8 327,50 J-2010 150,00 75,9 325,45 P-2017 1,643 8,0 PVC 120,0 3,68 7,64 576,61 J-2010 150,00 75,9 325,45 J-2007 150,00 70,5 312,90 P-2018 548 12,0 PVC 120,0 5,00 8,40 1,762,41 Bolero (#6) 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2011 150,00 79,0 332,65 P-2019 1,596 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,98 3,23 1,051,70 J-2011 150,00 79,0 332,65 J-2009 150,00 76,8 327,50 P-2020 11,909 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,02 1,56 710,70 J-2011 150,00 79,0 332.65 J-8 12.70 130,4 314,05 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,.,\revised modelMc resort dw system-finaLwcd 08/03/06 08:20:07 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 2 of 2 Attachment D Hydraulic Model Results Proposed System 1- Base Scenario (Average Day Demand) 2- Maximum Day Demand + Fire Flow Scenario: Fire Flow at FH-1, FH-2, and FH-3 (1 .OOOgpm each) 3- Peak Hour Scenario Scenario: Base Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,.,Mc resort dw system-proposed3,wcd 08/01/06 10:12:49 AM RBF Consulting © Haestad Methods, Inc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 1 of 1 Scenario: Base Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) FH-1 41,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333.86 126.7 FH-2 37,40 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333.98 128.3 FH-3 37,40 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333.98 128.3 J-0 45,80 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 124.6 J-001 37.00 318 Zone Demand 4.60 Fixed 4,60 333,98 128,5 J-001-003 19.50 318 Zone Demand 4,30 Fixed 4,30 333,98 136.1 J-2 82,30 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 108,8 J-002 33,00 318 Zone Demand 17,20 Fixed 17,20 333,86 130,2 J-004 45,00 318 Zone Demand 3,70 Fixed 3,70 333,86 125,0 J-4 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 333,86 120,4 J-005-006 42.00 318 Zone Demand 6,80 Fixed 6.80 333,85 126,3 J-6 40.50 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,89 126,9 J-007 52.30 318 Zone Demand 4,60 Fixed 4.60 333,83 121.8 J-8 12.70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,99 139.0 J-008 47.50 318 Zone Demand 6.90 Fixed 6.90 333,86 123.9 J-009 53.00 318 Zone Demand 8.10 Fixed 8.10 333,83 121.5 J-010 61.80 318 Zone Demand 5.70 Fixed 5.70 333,84 117.7 J-011 62,80 318 Zone Demand 8.80 Fixed 8.80 333,84 117.3 J-012 72,00 318 Zone Demand 8.00 Fixed 8.00 333,83 113,3 J-12 45,70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,83 124,7 J-013,1 26.10 318 Zone Demand 6.90 Fixed 6.90 333,82 133,1 J-013,2 26.00 318 Zone Demand 8.40 Fixed 8.40 333,83 133.2 J-14 56,90 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,83 119.8 J-014 67,20 318 Zone Demand 13,00 Fixed 13.00 333,83 115,4 J-015 62,80 318 Zone Demand 8.00 Fixed 8.00 333,83 117,3 J-016 52.00 318 Zone Demand 4,80 Fixed 4,80 333,83 121.9 J-16 75.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 112,0 J-017 59,60 318 Zone Demand 7,30 Fixed 7,30 333,82 118,6 J-18 47,70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,85 123,8 J-018-019 56,00 318 Zone Demand 29,50 Fixed 29,50 333,82 120.2 J-19 46,40 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 333,83 124.4 J-20 49,80 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,86 122.9 J-020-021-0; 47.50 318 Zone Demand 5.20 Fixed 5,20 333,83 123.9 J-023 37.00 318 Zone Demand 4,10 Fixed 4,10 333,87 128.4 J-024 27,30 318 Zone Demand 4,20 Fixed 4,20 333,91 132.7 J-32 55,50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 333,83 120.4 J-34 46,70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 333,83 124.2 J-44 75,90 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 111,6 J-46 76,10 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 111,5 J-48 75,50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 111,8 J-50 76,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 111,5 J-52 70,60 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 113,9 J-54 35,20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,83 129,2 J-62 44.80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,84 125,1 J-120 13,20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,99 138,8 J-2000 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 337,12 81,0 J-2001 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 336,25 80,6 J-2002 150,00 318 Zone Demand 1,041.50 Fixed 1,041.50 333,57 79,4 J-2003 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,64 79.5 J-2004 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333,69 79.5 J-2005 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333.70 79.5 J-2006 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 333.80 79.5 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...Mc resort dw system-final2.wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:37:15 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 Of 2 Scenario: Base Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) J-2007 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333.87 79,6 J-2008 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 333,85 79,5 J-2009 150,00 318 Zone Demand 1,041,50 Fixed 1,041,50 335,89 80,4 J-2010 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 335,61 80,3 J-2011 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 336,61 80,7 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian h:\...Mc resort dw system-final2.wcd RBF Consulting WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] 08/03/06 08:37:15 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Scenario: Base Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) s To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) ownstream Structui Hydraulic Grade (ft) Fire Lateral-2 178 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 FH-2 37,40 128,3 333.98 J-001 37,00 128,5 333,98 Fire Lateral-3 171 6,0 PVC 120.0 0,00 0,00 0-00 J-001 37,00 128,5 333.98 FH-3 37,40 128,3 333,98 P-4 794 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,26 0,04 -92,07 J-2 82,30 108,8 333,83 J-4 55,50 120,4 333,86 P-6 532 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,33 0,06 -117,16 J-4 55,50 120,4 333,86 J-6 40,50 126,9 333,89 P-8 716 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,56 0,14 -196,13 J-6 40,50 126.9 333,89 J-8 12,70 139,0 333,99 P-18 356 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,02 0,00 -2,47 J-16 75.00 112.0 333,83 J-2 82,30 108,8 333,83 P-22 34 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,22 0,03 -76,26 J-18 47,70 123,8 333,85 J-20 49,80 122,9 333,86 P-24 111 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,07 0,00 -25,09 J-20 49,80 122.9 333,86 J-4 55,50 120,4 333,86 P-28 112 12,0 PVC 120.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 J-002 33,00 130.2 333,86 FH-1 41.00 126.7 333,86 P-32 375 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,14 0,02 22,00 J-020-021-0; 47,50 123.9 333,83 J-018-019 56,00 120,2 333,82 P-34 286 8,0 PVC 120.0 0.05 0.00 -7,50 J-018-019 56,00 120.2 333,82 J-017 59,60 118,6 333,82 P-36 577 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,10 0,01 -15,16 J-017 59,60 118,6 333,82 J-32 55,50 120,4 333,83 P-38 54 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,31 0,08 -48,33 J-32 55,50 120.4 333,83 J-14 56,90 119,8 333,83 P-40 39 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,17 0,03 26,47 J-12 45,70 124,7 333,83 J-34 46.70 124,2 333,83 P-42 65 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,17 0,03 27.20 J-34 46,70 124.2 333,83 J-020-021-47.50 123,9 333,83 P-52 217 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,09 0,01 -13,43 J-009 53.00 121.5 333,83 J-14 56,90 119,8 333,83 P-56 43 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,02 0,00 2.47 J-16 75.00 112,0 333,83 J-46 76,10 111,5 333,83 P-58 13 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,04 0,00 6.64 J-46 76.10 111,5 333,83 J-44 75,90 111,6 333,83 P-60 12 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 1.84 J-44 75.90 111,6 333,83 J-48 75,50 111,8 333,83 P-62 12 8.0 PVC 120.0 0,08 0,01 12,47 J-48 75.50 111,8 333,83 J-50 76.00 111,5 333,83 P-64 233 10,0 PVC 120.0 0,04 0,00 -10,63 J-48 75.50 111,8 333,83 J-52 70.60 113,9 333,83 P-66 552 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,04 0.00 10,63 J-54 35.20 129.2 333,83 J-52 70.60 113,9 333,83 P-67 1,575 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,11 0.02 -9,73 J-50 76.00 111.5 333,83 J-2008 150,00 79,5 333,85 P-68 441 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,10 0.01 14,94 J-54 35.20 129.2 333,83 J-013,2 26,00 133.2 333.83 P-82 55 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,30 0,10 26,47 J-62 44.80 125.1 333,84 J-12 45.70 124,7 333,83 P-90 188 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,14 0,01 50,47 J-8 12,70 139.0 333,99 J-120 13.20 138.8 333.99 P-92 251 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,14 0,01 50.47 J-120 13.20 138.8 333,99 J-001-003 19.50 136.1 333.98 P-98 85 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 -4,17 J-46 76,10 111,5 333,83 J-012 72.00 113.3 333.83 P-100 109 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,03 0,00 -12,17 J-012 72.00 113,3 333,83 J-014 67,20 115,4 333.83 P-102 123 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,07 0,00 -25,17 J-014 67.20 115,4 333,83 J-015 62,80 117,3 333,83 P-104 271 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,09 0,01 -33,17 J-015 62,80 117,3 333,83 J-32 55,50 120,4 333,83 P-106 283 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,18 0,02 -61.76 J-14 56,90 119,8 333,83 J-011 62,80 117,3 333,84 P-108 209 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,20 0,02 -70,56 J-011 62,80 117,3 333,84 J-010 61,80 117,7 333,84 P-110 465 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,22 0,03 -76,26 J-010 61,80 117,7 333,84 J-18 47,70 123,8 333,85 P-112 91 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 -0,73 J-34 46,70 124.2 333,83 J-0 45,80 124,6 333,83 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,,,Mc resort dw system-final2,wcd 08/03/06 08:38:09 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc, RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA H-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 1 of 2 Scenario: Base Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams c Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) ownstream Structuie Hydraulic Grade (ft) P-114 67 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 -0,73 J-0 45,80 124,6 333,83 J-007 52,30 121,8 333,83 P-116 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,02 0.00 -5,33 J-007 52,30 121,8 333,83 J-009 53,00 121,5 333,83 P-118 294 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0.00 J-19 46.40 124,4 333,83 J-016 52,00 121,9 333,83 P-120 908 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.03 0.00 -4,80 J-016 52.00 121.9 333,83 J-44 75,90 111,6 333,83 P-122 321 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.04 0,00 6.54 J-013,2 26,00 133,2 333,83 J-013,1 26,10 133,1 333,82 P-124 721 8,0 PVC 120,p 0,00 0,00 -0,36 J-013,1 26.10 133,1 333,82 J-017 59,60 118,6 333,82 P-126 160 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,15 0.01 -51,17 J-20 49,80 122,9 333,86 J-008 47,50 123.9 333,86 P-128 157 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,16 0.02 -58,07 J-008 47.50 123.9 333.86 J-004 45,00 125.0 333,86 P-130 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,18 0.02 -61.77 J-004 45,00 125.0 333,86 J-002 33,00 130,2 333,86 P-132 77 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,38 0,16 33,27 J-023 37,00 128.4 333,87 J-005-006 42,00 126,3 333,85 P-134 137 6,0 PVC 120.0 0,30 0,10 26,47 J-005-006 42,00 126.3 333,85 J-62 44,80 125.1 333,84 P-136 321 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,47 0,24 41,57 J-001-003 19,50 136,1 333,98 J-024 27,30 132,7 333,91 P-138 214 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,42 0,20 37,37 J-024 27,30 132,7 333,91 J-023 37,00 128,4 333.87 P-142 108 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,01 0,00 -4,60 J-001 37,00 128,5 333,98 J-001-003 19.50 136.1 333,98 P-146 114 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,50 0,19 -78,97 J-002 33,00 130,2 333.86 J-6 40.50 126.9 333.89 P-2000 527 18,0 PVC 120,0 0.97 0,25 766,70 R-318 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2000 150.00 81,0 337.12 P-2001 1,962 16,0 PVC 120,0 1.22 0,44 766,70 J-2000 150,00 81.0 337.12 J-2001 150.00 80,6 336.25 P-2002 1.491 12,0 PVC 120.0 2,17 1,80 766,70 J-2001 150,00 80.6 336,25 J-2002 150,00 79,4 333,57 P-2003 944 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,37 0,07 -131,94 J-2002 150,00 79,4 333,57 J-2003 150,00 79,5 333,64 P-2004 1,548 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,41 0,08 -142,86 J-2002 150,00 79,4 333,57 J-2004 150,00 79,5 333,69 P-2005 809 16,0 PVC 120,0 0,08 0,00 -53,26 J-2004 150.00 79,5 333,69 J-2005 150,00 79,5 333,70 P-2006 3,960 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,25 0,03 -89.60 J-2004 150,00 79,5 333,69 J-2 82,30 108,8 333,83 P-2007 1,093 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,34 0,09 -53.26 J-2005 150,00 79,5 333,70 J-2006 150,00 79,5 333,80 P-2008 1.601 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,14 0,02 -22.20 J-2006 150,00 79,5 333,80 J-50 76,00 111,5 333,83 P-2009 898 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,20 0,03 -31.06 J-2006 150,00 79,5 333,80 J-54 35.20 129.2 333,83 P-2010 1,397 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,54 0,17 -131.94 J-2003 150,00 79,5 333,64 J-2007 150.00 79.6 333,87 P-2011 362 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,27 0,05 66,36 J-2007 150,00 79,6 333,87 J-2008 150,00 79,5 333,85 P-2012 689 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,23 0,04 56,63 J-2008 150,00 79,5 333,85 J-54 35,20 129.2 333,83 P-2015 588 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,49 2,31 877,67 Lower El Fue 337.25 0,0 337,25 J-2009 150,00 80,4 335,89 P-2016 1,931 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,56 0,15 198,29 J-2009 150,00 80,4 335,89 J-2010 150,00 80,3 335,61 P-2017 1,643 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,27 1,06 198,29 J-2010 150,00 80,3 335,61 J-2007 150,00 79,6 333,87 P-2018 548 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,73 1,17 608,72 Bolero (#6) 337,25 0,0 337.25 J-2011 150,00 80,7 336,61 P-2019 1.596 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,03 0,45 362.12 J-2011 150,00 80,7 336,61 J-2009 150,00 80,4 335,89 P-2020 11.909 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,70 0,22 246,60 J-2011 150.00 80,7 336,61 J-8 12,70 139,0 333,99 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,,.Mc resort dw system-final2,wcd 08/03/06 08:38:09 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc, RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 2 of 2 Scenario: MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,OOOgpm each) *,°./>l ,7'08 ^46^1^-44 M 78,0 in b <o 1 I J-012 i2 5"' Color Codrg Legend Link: Vebcity (ft/s) <= 8.00 <= 10.00 <= 15.00 <= 100.0 0 Color Codrg Legend Node: Pre ssure (psi) 20.0 40,0 60.0 125.0 10,00 0,0 is; p-38' 009 -'o > J-007 J-017 •illn •FH-- • *'-J-34 ^:«»« "» - (T-?-'! ft- - J-020-021-022 J-62 9- J-005-006 FH-2 * Fire L^]^ral-2 p-90 J-8 " Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian h:\,„Mc resort dw system-final2,wcd RBF Consulting WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] 08/03/06 08:31:02 AM © Haestad Methods, lnc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Pagelofi Scenario: MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1 .OOOgpm each) Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Fiow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) FH-1 41,00 318 Zone Demand 1,000.00 Fixed 1,000.00 281.51 104,1 FH-2 37.40 318 Zone Demand 1,000,00 Fixed 1,000.00 261.24 96,8 FH-3 37.40 318 Zone Demand 1,000,00 Fixed 1,000,00 261,84 97,1 J-0 45.80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 283,99 103,1 J-001 37.00 318 Zone Demand 7,59 Fixed 7,59 276,55 103,6 J-001-003 19.50 318 Zone Demand 7,10 Fixed 7,09 277,70 111.7 J-002 33.00 318 Zone Demand 28,38 Fixed 28,38 281,83 107.7 J-2 82.30 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 285,07 87.7 J-4 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 282,91 98,4 J-004 45.00 318 Zone Demand 6,10 Fixed 6,11 282,25 102,6 J-005-006 42.00 318 Zone Demand 11,22 Fixed 11,22 282,26 103,9 J-6 40.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 281,99 104,5 J-007 52.30 318 Zone Demand 7,59 Fixed 7,59 283,99 100,2 J-008 47.50 318 Zone Demand 11,39 Fixed 11,39 282.57 101.7 J-8 12.70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 281.35 116,2 J-009 53.00 318 Zone Demand 13.37 Fixed 13.36 284,00 99.9 J-010 61.80 318 Zone Demand 9,41 Fixed 9,40 283,49 95.9 J-011 62,80 318 Zone Demand 14,52 Fixed 14.52 283,74 95.6 J-12 45.70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 283,90 103.1 J-012 72.00 318 Zone Demand 13,20 Fixed 13,20 285,61 92.4 J-013,1 26.10 318 Zone Demand 11,39 Fixed 11,39 286,53 112,7 J-013,2 26,00 318 Zone Demand 13.86 Fixed 13.86 287,33 113.1 J-014 67,20 318 Zone Demand 21,45 Fixed 21.45 285,42 94.4 J-14 56,90 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 284,10 98.3 J-015 62,80 318 Zone Demand 13,20 Fixed 13,20 285,22 96.2 J-16 75,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 285,68 91.2 J-016 52.00 318 Zone Demand 7.92 Fixed 7,92 286,04 101,3 J-017 59,60 318 Zone Demand 12,05 Fixed 12,05 284,85 97.5 J-18 47.70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 282,93 101,8 J-018-019 56.00 318 Zone Demand 48,68 Fixed 48,67 284,42 98,8 J-19 46.40 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 286,04 103.7 J-20 49.80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 282,89 100.8 J-020-021-0; 47.50 318 Zone Demand 8.58 Fixed 8,58 284,04 102.3 J-023 37.00 318 Zone Demand 6,76 Fixed 6,76 281,65 105,8 J-024 27.30 318 Zone Demand 6,93 Fixed 6,93 280,02 109,3 J-32 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 284,80 99,2 J-34 46.70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 283,99 102,7 J-44 75.90 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 286,04 90,9 J-46 76,10 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 285,76 90.7 J-48 75.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 286,31 91,2 J-50 76.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 286,36 91,0 J-52 70.60 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 286,97 93,6 J-54 35.20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 288,53 109,6 J-62 44.80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 283,43 103,2 J-120 13,20 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 279,79 115,3 J-2000 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 335,76 80.4 J-2001 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 325,92 76.1 J-2002 150,00 318 Zone Demand 1,718,48 Fixed 1,718,47 295,57 63.0 J-2003 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 295,50 63.0 J-2004 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 291.08 61.0 J-2005 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 291,02 61,0 J-2006 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 288,63 60,0 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...Mc resort dw system-final2.wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:36:56 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] H-203-755-1666 Page lof 2 Scenario: MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,OOOgpm each) Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) J-2007 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 295,27 62,9 J-2008 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 292,38 61,6 J-2009 150.00 318 Zone Demand 1,718.48 Fixed 1,718,47 330,65 78,2 J-2010 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 325,69 76,0 J-2011 150.00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 332,40 78,9 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\„,Mc resort dw system-final2.wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:36:56 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Scenario: MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,OOOgpm each) Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) ! To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) ownstream Structu Hydraulic Grade (ft) Fire Lateral-2 178 6,0 PVC 120,0 11,35 86,02 -1,000,00 FH-2 37,40 96,8 261,24 J-001 37,00 103,6 276,55 Flre Lateral-3 171 6,0 PVC 120,0 11,35 86,02 1,000,00 J-001 37,00 103.6 276,55 FH-3 37.40 97.1 261,84 P-4 794 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,72 2,72 958,27 J-2 82,30 87.7 285,07 J-4 55,50 98.4 282,91 P-6 532 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,13 1,73 751,47 J-4 55,50 98.4 282,91 J-6 40,50 104.5 281,99 P-8 716 12,0 PVC 120.0 1,49 0,89 526,03 J-6 40,50 104,5 281,99 J-8 12,70 116.2 281,35 P-18 356 8,0 PVC 120.Q 1,65 1,73 258,37 J-16 75,00 91,2 285.68 J-2 82,30 87,7 285,07 P-22 34 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,74 1,19 613,62 J-18 47,70 101,8 282,93 J-20 49,80 100,8 282,89 P-24 111 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,59 0,16 -206,80 J-20 49,80 100,8 282.89 J-4 55,50 98,4 282,91 P-28 112 12,0 PVC 120.0 2,84 2.94 1,000,00 J-002 33,00 107,7 281.83 FH-1 41.00 104,1 281,51 P-32 375 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,22 0.99 -191.36 J-020-021-0; 47,50 102.3 284.04 J-018-019 56,00 98,8 284,42 P-34 286 8.0 PVC 120.0 1,53 1,51 -240.03 J-018-019 56,00 98,8 284,42 J-017 59,60 97,5 284,85 P-36 577 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,33 0,09 52,01 J-017 59,60 97.5 284,85 J-32 55,50 99.2 284,80 P-38 54 8.0 PVC 120,0 4,87 12,85 763,32 J-32 55,50 99.2 284,80 J-14 56,90 98.3 284,10 P-40 39 8.0 PVC 120.0 1,84 2,11 -287,60 J-12 45.70 103.1 283,90 J-34 46,70 102,7 283,99 P-42 65 8,0 PVC 120.0 1,17 0,91 -182,78 J-34 46.70 102.7 283,99 J-020-021-47.50 102,3 284,04 P-52 217 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,80 0,46 -125,78 J-009 53.00 99.9 284,00 J-14 56,90 98,3 284,10 P-56 43 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,65 1,73 -258.37 J-16 75.00 91,2 285,68 J-46 76.10 90,7 285,76 P-58 13 8,0 PVC 120.0 6,49 21,88 -1,017,53 J-46 76.10 90,7 285,76 J-44 75.90 90.9 286,04 P-60 12 8,0 PVC 120,0 6,55 22,19 -1,025,46 J-44 75.90 90,9 286,04 J-48 75.50 91,2 286,31 P-62 12 8,0 PVC 120,0 2,67 4,23 -418,76 J-48 75,50 91,2 286.31 J-50 76.00 91,0 286,36 P-64 233 10,0 PVC 120,0 2,48 2,83 -606,69 J-48 75.50 91,2 286,31 J-52 70.60 93,6 286,97 P-66 552 10,0 PVC 120,0 2,48 2,83 606.69 J-54 35,20 109,6 288.53 J-52 70.60 93,6 286,97 P-67 1,575 6,0 PVC 120,0 2,11 3.82 -186,16 J-50 76,00 91,0 286,36 J-2008 150,00 61,6 292,38 P-68 441 8,0 PVC 120,0 2,10 2.71 329,33 J-54 35,20 109,6 288,53 J-013,2 26,00 113,1 287,33 P-82 55 6,0 PVC 120,0 3,26 8,56 -287,60 J-62 44,80 103,2 283,43 J-12 45.70 103,1 283,90 P-90 188 12,0 PVC 120,0 4,97 8,30 1.752,00 J-8 12,70 116,2 281,35 J-120 13.20 115,3 279,79 P-92 251 12,0 PVC 120.0 4,97 8,30 1.752,00 J-120 13.20 115,3 279,79 J-001-003 19.50 111,7 277,70 P-98 85 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,15 1,76 759,17 J-46 76,10 90,7 285,76 J-012 72.00 92,4 285,61 P-100 109 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,12 1,71 745,97 J-012 72.00 92,4 285,61 J-014 67.20 94,4 285,42 P-102 123 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,06 1,62 724,52 J-014 67.20 94,4 285,42 J-015 62,80 96.2 285,22 P-104 271 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,02 1,56 711,32 J-015 62,80 96,2 285,22 J-32 55,50 99,2 284,80 P-106 283 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,81 1,28 637,55 J-14 56,90 98,3 284,10 J-011 62,80 95,6 283,74 P-108 209 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,77 1,22 623,03 J-011 62,80 95,6 283,74 J-010 61,80 95.9 283,49 P-110 465 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,74 1,19 613,62 J-010 61,80 95.9 283,49 J-18 47,70 101,8 282,93 P-112 91 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,30 0,05 -104,82 J-34 46,70 102.7 283,99 J-0 45,80 103,1 283,99 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,,,Mc resort dw system-final2,wcd 08/03/06 08:38:25 AM © Haestad Methods, lnc. RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 1 of 2 Scenario: MDD + FF @ FH-1, FH-2, & FH-3 (1,OOOgpm each) Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream Calculated Pressure (psi) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) i To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) ownstream Structu, Hydraulic Grade (ft) P-114 67 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,30 0,05 -104,82 J-0 45,80 103,1 283,99 J-007 52,30 100,2 283,99 P-116 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,32 0,05 -112,41 J-007 52,30 100,2 283,99 J-009 53,00 99,9 284,00 P-118 294 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0.00 J-19 46,40 103.7 286,04 J-016 52,00 101,3 286,04 P-120 908 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,05 0,00 -7.92 J-016 52,00 101,3 286,04 J-44 75,90 90.9 286,04 P-122 321 8,0 PVC 120,0 2,01 2,50 315.47 J-013,2 26,00 113,1 287,33 J-013,1 26.10 112,7 286,53 P-124 721 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,94 2,34 304,08 J-013,1 26,10 112.7 286,53 J-017 59,60 97,5 284,85 P-126 160 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,33 2,04 820,43 J-20 49,80 100.8 282,89 J-008 47,50 101,7 282,57 P-128 157 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,30 1,99 809,04 J-008 47,50 101.7 282,57 J-004 45,00 102,6 282,25 P-130 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,28 1,96 802,94 J-004 45,00 102.6 282,25 J-002 33,00 107,7 281,83 P-132 77 6,0 PVC 120,0 3,14 7,95 -276,38 J-023 37.00 105.8 281,65 J-005-006 42,00 103,9 282,26 P-134 137 6,0 PVC 120,0 3,26 8,56 -287,60 J-005-006 42.00 103.9 282,26 J-62 44,80 103,2 283,43 P-136 321 6,0 PVC 120,0 2,98 7,23 -262,68 J-001-003 19.50 111.7 277,70 J-024 27,30 109,3 280,02 P-138 214 6,0 PVC 120,0 3.06 7,59 -269,61 J-024 27.30 109.3 280,02 J-023 37.00 105.8 281,65 P-142 108 12,0 PVC 120,0 5,70 10,69 -2.007,59 J-001 37.00 103,6 276,55 J-001-003 19.50 111,7 277,70 P-146 114 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,44 1.34 -225.44 J-002 33.00 107,7 281,83 J-6 40.50 104,5 281,99 P-2000 527 18,0 PVC 120,0 3.58 2,82 2.843,29 R-318 337.25 0,0 337,25 J-2000 150.00 80,4 335,76 P-2001 1,962 16,0 PVC 120,0 4,54 5,01 2,843,29 J-2000 150.00 80,4 335,76 J-2001 150.00 76,1 325,92 P-2002 1,491 12,0 PVC 120,0 8,07 20,36 2,843,29 J-2001 150.00 76,1 325,92 J-2002 150.00 63,0 295,57 P-2003 944 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,37 0,07 131.94 J-2002 150,00 63,0 295,57 J-2003 150,00 63,0 295,50 P-2004 1,548 12,0 PVC 120,0 2.82 2,90 992,87 J-2002 150,00 63,0 295,57 J-2004 150,00 61,0 291,08 P-2005 809 16,0 PVC 120,0 0.47 0,07 292,97 J-2004 150,00 61,0 291,08 J-2005 150,00 61,0 291,02 P-2006 3,960 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,99 1,52 699,91 J-2004 150,00 61,0 291,08 J-2 82,30 87,7 285,07 P-2007 1.093 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,87 2,18 292,97 J-2005 150,00 61,0 291,02 J-2006 150,00 60,0 288,63 P-2008 1.601 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,48 1,42 232,60 J-2006 150,00 60,0 288,63 J-50 76,00 91,0 286,36 P-2009 898 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,39 0,12 60,36 J-2006 150,00 60,0 288,63 J-54 35,20 109,6 288,53 P-2010 1,397 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,54 0,17 131,94 J-2003 150,00 63,0 295,50 J-2007 150,00 62.9 295,27 P-2011 362 10,0 PVC 120,0 4,34 7,98 1,061,82 J-2007 150,00 62,9 295,27 J-2008 150,00 61,6 292,38 P-2012 689 10,0 PVC 120,0 3,58 5,59 875,66 J-2008 150,00 61,6 292,38 J-54 35,20 109.6 288,53 P-2015 588 12,0 PVC 120,0 5,85 11,22 2.061,28 Lower El Fue 337,25 0,0 337,25 J-2009 150,00 78,2 330,65 P-2016 1.931 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,64 2,57 929,88 J-2009 150,00 78,2 330,65 J-2010 150,00 76,0 325,69 P-2017 1.643 8,0 PVC 120,0 5,94 18,52 929,88 J-2010 150,00 76,0 325,69 J-2007 150,00 62.9 295,27 P-2018 548 12,0 PVC 120,0 5,14 8,85 1,813,05 Bolero (#6) 337.25 0,0 337,25 J-2011 150,00 78,9 332,40 P-2019 1.596 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,67 1,10 587,07 J-2011 150,00 78.9 332,40 J-2009 150,00 78,2 330,65 P-2020 11.909 12.0 PVC 120,0 3,48 4,29 1,225,98 J-2011 150,00 78,9 332,40 J-8 12,70 116,2 281,35 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,,,Mc resort dw system-final2,wcd 08/03/06 08:38:25 AM © Haestad Methods, lnc. RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 2 of 2 Scenario: Peak Hour Demand '-.O/n •'^^^/llij-48 p-64 ,0.0 : J-012 J-014 Color Codhg Legend Lrk; Headbss Gradient (ft/IOOOtt) rTr? J-'V-o1^ij- J-0Q9 J-007 J-017 i Co • «'°J-34 *(}*4S .r^. ^o/? .j- J-020-0 21-022 19 J-005-0 06 '?0^« .FH-1 . J-023 FH-2 FreL^(fral-2 p.90 J-8 12--P •> • J-024 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian h:\„,Mc resort dw system-final2,wcd RBF Consulting WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] 08/03/06 08:31:36 AM © Haestad Methods, lnc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Pagelofi Scenario: Peak Hour Demand Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) FH-1 41,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 312,92 117.6 FH-2 37,40 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 313.78 119.6 FH-3 37,40 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 313.78 119.6 J-0 45,80 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 312.70 115.5 J-001 37.00 318 Zone Demand 13.34 Fixed 13,34 313.78 119.8 J-001-003 19.50 318 Zone Demand 12.47 Fixed 12,47 313.78 127.3 J-2 82.30 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 312.67 99.7 J-002 33.00 318 Zone Demand 49,88 Fixed 49,88 312.92 121,1 J-004 45.00 318 Zone Demand 10,73 Fixed 10,73 312.90 115.9 J-4 55.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.87 111.4 J-005-006 42.00 318 Zone Demand 19,72 Fixed 19,72 312.85 117,2 J-6 40.50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 313.08 117,9 J-007 52.30 318 Zone Demand 13,34 Fixed 13,34 312.70 112,7 J-8 12,70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 313.82 130,3 J-008 47.50 318 Zone Demand 20.01 Fixed 20,01 312.88 114.8 J-009 53.00 318 Zone Demand 23.49 Fixed 23.49 312.70 112.4 J-010 61.80 318 Zone Demand 16.53 Fixed 16.53 312.78 108.6 J-011 62.80 318 Zone Demand 25.52 Fixed 25,52 312.74 108.1 J-012 72.00 318 Zone Demand 23.20 Fixed 23,20 312.66 104.1 J-12 45.70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.70 115.5 J-013,1 26.10 318 Zone Demand 20,01 Fixed 20,01 312,64 124.0 J-013,2 26.00 318 Zone Demand 24.36 Fixed 24,36 312,65 124.0 J-14 56.90 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.71 110.7 J-014 67.20 318 Zone Demand 37.70 Fixed 37,70 312,67 106,2 J-015 62.80 318 Zone Demand 23.20 Fixed 23.20 312.67 108.1 J-016 52,00 318 Zone Demand 13.92 Fixed 13,92 312.66 112.8 J-16 75.00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 312.66 102,8 J-017 59,60 318 Zone Demand 21.17 Fixed 21,17 312.64 109,5 J-18 47,70 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 312.86 114,7 J-018-019 56,00 318 Zone Demand 85.55 Fixed 85,55 312.64 111,0 J-19 46,40 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 312.66 115,2 J-20 49,80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.87 113,8 J-020-021-0; 47.50 318 Zone Demand 15,08 Fixed 15,08 312,68 114,7 J-023 37.00 318 Zone Demand 11,89 Fixed 11,89 312,93 119,4 J-024 27,30 318 Zone Demand 12,18 Fixed 12,18 313,23 123,7 J-32 55,50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312,68 111,3 J-34 46,70 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.70 115,1 J-44 75,90 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.66 102,4 J-46 76,10 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 312.66 102,4 J-48 75,50 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.66 102.6 J-50 76,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.66 102.4 J-52 70.60 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.67 104,7 J-54 35.20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.67 120,0 J-62 44,80 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312.74 115,9 J-120 13,20 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 313.80 130.1 J-2000 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 336,31 80.6 J-2001 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 330,07 77.9 J-2002 150,00 318 Zone Demand 3,020,35 Fixed 3,020.35 310,82 69,6 J-2003 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0.00 311.28 69.8 J-2004 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 311.71 70.0 J-2005 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 311,72 70.0 J-2006 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0.00 Fixed 0,00 312.45 70,3 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,,,Mc resort dw system-final2,wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:36:40 AM © Haestad Methods, lnc, 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Scenario: Peak Hour Demand Steady State Analysis Junction Report Label Elevation (ft) Zone Type Base Flow (gpm) Pattern Demand (Calculated) (gpm) Calculated Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) J-2007 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 312,97 70,5 J-2008 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0.00 312,85 70,5 J-2009 150,00 318 Zone Demand 3,020,35 Fixed 3,020.35 327,50 76.8 J-2010 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 325,46 75.9 J-2011 150,00 318 Zone Demand 0,00 Fixed 0,00 332,63 79,0 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\...Mc resort dw system-final2,wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:36:40 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5.0 [5.0037] +1 -203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Scenario: Peak Hour Demand Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Material Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psl) Jpstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) ' To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psl) Dwnstream Structuie Hydraulic Grade (ft) Fire Lateral-2 178 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0.00 0,00 FH-2 37,40 119,6 313,78 J-001 37,00 119,8 313,78 Flre Lateral-3 171 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 J-001 37,00 119,8 313,78 FH-3 37,40 119,6 313,78 P-4 794 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,76 0.25 -267,01 J-2 82,30 99,7 312,67 J-4 55,50 111,4 312,87 P-6 532 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,96 0.40 -339,77 J-4 55,50 111,4 312,87 J-6 40,50 117,9 313,08 P-8 716 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,61 1,03 -568,78 J-6 40,50 117,9 313,08 J-8 12,70 130,3 313,82 P-18 356 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.05 0,00 -7,18 J-16 75,00 102.8 312,66 J-2 82,30 99.7 312,67 P-22 34 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.63 0,18 -221.15 J-18 47,70 114.7 312,86 J-20 49,80 113.8 312,87 P-24 111 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,21 0,02 -72.75 J-20 49,80 113.8 312,87 J-4 55,50 111,4 312,87 P-28 112 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0.00 J-002 33,00 121.1 312,92 FH-1 41,00 117,6 312,92 P-32 375 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.41 0,13 63,80 J-020-021-0; 47,50 114,7 312,68 J-018-019 56.00 111,0 312,64 P-34 286 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.14 0,02 -21,75 J-018-019 56,00 111,0 312,64 J-017 59.60 109.5 312,64 P-36 577 8,0 PVC 120.0 0.28 0,07 -43,97 J-017 59,60 109.5 312,64 J-32 55.50 111,3 312,68 P-38 54 8,0 PVC 120.0 0.89 0,56 -140,16 J-32 55,50 111,3 312,68 J-14 56,90 110,7 312,71 P-40 39 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,49 0,18 76,77 J-12 45,70 115,5 312,70 J-34 46,70 115,1 312,70 P-42 65 8,0 PVC 120,0 0.50 0,19 78,88 J-34 46,70 115,1 312,70 J-020-021-47.50 114,7 312,68 P-52 217 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,25 0.05 -38,94 J-009 53,00 112,4 312.70 J-14 56.90 110,7 312,71 P-56 43 8,0 PVC 120.0 0.05 0.00 7,18 J-16 75,00 102,8 312.66 J-46 76.10 102.4 312,66 P-58 13 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,12 0,01 19,27 J-46 76,10 102,4 312,66 J-44 75.90 102.4 312,66 P-60 12 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,03 0.00 5,35 J-44 75,90 102.4 312.66 J-48 75.50 102.6 312.66 P-62 12 8.0 PVC 120,0 0.23 0,05 36.16 J-48 75,50 102.6 312.66 J-50 76,00 102.4 312,66 P-64 233 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,13 0,01 -30,81 J-48 75,50 102.6 312.66 J-52 70,60 104,7 312,67 P-66 552 10.0 PVC 120.0 0,13 0,01 30.81 J-54 35.20 120,0 312,67 J-52 70,60 104,7 312,67 P-67 1,575 6.0 PVC 120,0 0,32 0,12 -28.22 J-50 76.00 102,4 312,66 J-2008 150,00 70,5 312,85 P-68 441 8,0 PVC 120.0 0,28 0,06 43.32 J-54 35.20 120,0 312,67 J-013.2 26,00 124,0 312,65 P-82 55 6,0 PVC 120.0 0.87 0,74 76.77 J-62 44.80 115,9 312,74 J-12 45.70 115,5 312,70 P-90 188 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,42 0,08 146,37 J-8 12,70 130,3 313,82 J-120 13,20 130,1 313,80 P-92 251 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.42 0,08 146,37 J-120 13,20 130,1 313,80 J-001-003 19.50 127,3 313,78 P-98 85 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,03 0,00 -12,09 J-46 76,10 102,4 312,66 J-012 72.00 104,1 312,66 P-100 109 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,10 0,01 -35,29 J-012 72.00 104,1 312,66 J-014 67.20 106.2 312,67 P-102 123 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,21 0,02 -72,99 J-014 67.20 106,2 312,67 J-015 62,80 108,1 312,67 P-104 271 12,0 PVC 120,0 0.27 0,04 -96,19 J-015 62,80 108,1 312,67 J-32 55,50 111,3 312,68 P-106 283 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,51 0,12 -179,10 J-14 56,90 110,7 312.71 J-011 62,80 108,1 312,74 P-108 209 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,58 0,16 -204,62 J-011 62,80 108,1 312.74 J-010 61,80 108,6 312,78 P-110 465 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,63 0,18 -221,15 J-010 61,80 108,6 312.78 J-18 47,70 114,7 312,86 P-112 91 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 -2,11 J-34 46,70 115,1 312.70 J-0 45,80 115,5 312.70 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\.,.Mc resort dw system-final2.wcd RBF Consulting 08/03/06 08:38:36 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury. CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5.0 [5,0037] Page 1 of 2 Scenario: Peak Hour Demand Steady State Analysis Pipe Report Label Length (ft) Diameter (in) Hazen- Williams C Velocity (ft/s) Headloss Gradient (ft/1000ft) Discharge (gpm) From Node From Elevation (ft) Upstream 1 Calculated Pressure (psi) Ipstream Structur Hydraulic Grade (ft) To Node To Elevation (ft) Downstream D Calculated Pressure (psi) Dwnstream Structuie Hydraulic Grade (ft) P-114 67 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 -2,11 J-0 45,80 115,5 312,70 J-007 52,30 112.7 312,70 P-116 214 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,04 0,00 -15,45 J-007 52,30 112,7 312,70 J-009 53,00 112.4 312,70 P-118 294 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,00 0,00 0,00 J-19 46,40 115,2 312,66 J-016 52,00 112.8 312,66 P-120 908 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,09 0,01 -13,92 J-016 52,00 112,8 312.66 J-44 75,90 102.4 312,66 P-122 321 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,12 0,01 18,96 J-013.2 26,00 124.0 312.65 J-013.1 26,10 124,0 312,64 P-124 721 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,01 0,00 -1,05 J-013.1 26.10 124,0 312.64 J-017 59,60 109,5 312,64 P-126 160 12.0 PVC 120,0 0,42 0,09 -148,39 J-20 49,80 113,8 312,87 J-008 47,50 114,8 312,88 P-128 157 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,48 0,11 -168,40 J-008 47.50 114,8 312,88 J-004 45,00 115,9 312,90 P-130 214 12,0 PVC 120.0 0,51 0,12 -179.13 J-004 45,00 115,9 312,90 J-002 33,00 121,1 312,92 P-132 77 6,0 PVC 120,0 1,09 1,13 96,49 J-023 37,00 119,4 312,93 J-005-006 42,00 117,2 312,85 P-134 137 6,0 PVC 120,0 0,87 0,74 76,77 J-005-006 42,00 117,2 312,85 J-62 44.80 115,9 312,74 P-136 321 6,0 PVC 120,0 1,37 1.71 120,56 J-001-003 19,50 127,3 313,78 J-024 27.30 123.7 313,23 P-138 214 6,0 PVC 120,0 1,23 1,40 108,38 J-024 27,30 123.7 313,23 J-023 37.00 119.4 312,93 P-142 108 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,04 0.00 -13,34 J-001 37.00 119.8 313,78 J-001-003 19.50 127,3 313,78 P-146 114 8,0 PVC 120,0 1,46 1,38 -229,01 J-002 33.00 121.1 312,92 J-6 40.50 117,9 313,08 P-2000 527 18,0 PVC 120.0 2,80 1.79 2,223,43 R-318 337.25 0,0 337,25 J-2000 150,00 80,6 336,31 P-2001 1.962 16,0 PVC 120.0 3.55 3.18 2,223,43 J-2000 150,00 80.6 336,31 J-2001 150,00 77,9 330,07 P-2002 1.491 12,0 PVC 120,0 6,31 12.91 2,223,43 J-2001 150,00 77,9 330,07 J-2002 150,00 69,6 310,82 P-2003 944 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,09 0,50 -382,62 J-2002 150,00 69.6 310,82 J-2003 150,00 69,8 311,28 P-2004 1.548 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,18 0,57 -414,30 J-2002 150,00 69.6 310,82 J-2004 150,00 70,0 311,71 P-2005 809 16,0 PVC 120,0 0,25 0,02 -154,46 J-2004 150,00 70.0 311.71 J-2005 150,00 70,0 311,72 P-2006 3.960 12,0 PVC 120,0 0,74 0,24 -259,84 J-2004 150,00 70,0 311.71 J-2 82,30 99,7 312,67 P-2007 1.093 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,99 0,67 -154,46 J-2005 150,00 70,0 311,72 J-2006 150,00 70,3 312,45 P-2008 1.601 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,41 0,13 -64,38 J-2006 150,00 70,3 312,45 J-50 76,00 102.4 312,66 P-2009 898 8,0 PVC 120,0 0,57 0,25 -90,08 J-2006 150,00 70,3 312,45 J-54 35,20 120,0 312,67 P-2010 1.397 10,0 PVC 120,0 1,56 1,21 -382,62 J-2003 150,00 69,8 311,28 J-2007 150,00 70,5 312,97 P-2011 362 10,0 PVC 120,0 0,79 0,34 192,44 J-2007 150,00 70,5 312,97 J-2008 150,00 70,5 312,85 P-2012 689 10.0 PVC 120,0 0,67 0,25 164,21 J-2008 150,00 70,5 312.85 J-54 35,20 120,0 312,67 P-2015 588 12,0 PVC 120,0 7,22 16,58 2.545,25 Lower El Fue 337.25 0,0 337.25 J-2009 150,00 76,8 327,50 P-2016 1,931 12,0 PVC 120,0 1,63 1,06 575,05 J-2009 150.00 76,8 327,50 J-2010 150,00 75,9 325,46 P-2017 1.643 8,0 PVC 120,0 3,67 7,60 575,05 J-2010 150.00 75,9 325,46 J-2007 150,00 70.5 312,97 P-2018 548 12,0 PVC 120.0 5,01 8,42 1.765,30 Bolero (#6) 337.25 0,0 337,25 J-2011 150,00 79,0 332,63 P-2019 1.596 12,0 PVC 120.0 2,98 3,22 1,050,15 J-2011 150,00 79,0 332.63 J-2009 150,00 76,8 327,50 P-2020 11.909 12,0 PVC 120,0 2,03 1,58 715,15 J-2011 150,00 79,0 332,63 J-8 12,70 130,3 313,82 Title: La Costa Resort & Spa - DW Hydraulic Analysis h:\,.,Mc resort dw system-final2,wcxJ 08/03/06 08:38:36 AM © Haestad Methods, Inc. RBF Consulting 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: Barkev Meseriian WaterCAD v5,0 [5,0037] Page 2 of 2