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ENGINEERING RECEIVED SEP 2 4 2009 Professional Civil Engineer and Land s^Wiy^f CARLSBAD _ PLANNING DEPT— Hydrology Study for Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Prepared for: Warmington Residential California 3090 Pullman Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 434-4325 Proiect Site Address Black Rail Road, Carlsbad, CA Prepared bv: Michael L Benesh, R.C.E. 37893 Dafe: September 16, 2009 404 SOUTH LIVE OAK PARK ROAD • FALLBROOK, CA 92028 PHONE: 760 73 1 -6603 • FAX: 760 897-21 65 • E-MAIL: M B E N E S H @ MLB E N GI N E E RI N G, C O M Hydrology study j|£ Jil J Po/nseft/o Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering . Contents Section 1. Certification 1 Section 2. Discussion 2 Section 2.01 Purpose 2 Sections. Project 2 Section 3.01 Description 2 Section 4. Methodology 3 Section 4.01 Rational Method 3 Sections. Summary 4 Section 5.01 Post Construction Stornn Runoff 4 5.01.1 Downstream Innpacts 4 5.01.1(1) Black Rail Road 4 5.01.1 (ii) Cabella Place 4 Hydraulic Calculations: SD Station 10+11.75 to 11+44.26 5 Station 12+79.00 (Catch Basin) 5 5.01.1 (iii) Surf Crest Street 6 5.01.2 Summarization of flows 7 Attachment A - Vicinity Map A-1 Attachment B - On-Site Hydrology Map B-l Attachment C - San Diego County Soils Group Map C-l Attachment D - San Diego County Hydrology Manual Excerpts D-1 Attachment E - San Diego County Point Rainfall Maps E-1 Attachment F - Impervious Area and TC Calculations F-l Attachment G - Rational Method Calculations G-1 Attachment H - Hydraulic Calculations H-1 February 27, 2006 Page" O:\MLB ProjectsSCounty of San D'iego\09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDrainage Study 090916.docx MLB Engineering Hydrology Study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Section 1. Certification This study was originally prepared for the construction of the improvements for CT 04- 01, which were completed In 2008. The project Is currently being resubmitted to the City of Carlsbad for the purposes of constructing the homes on the 16 lots. This study Is being resubmitted with no changes other than updated signatures and contact Information for the processing of the Site Development plans. Declaration of Responsible Charge I hereby declare that I a m the engineer of work for this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawing and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined to a review only and does not relieve me, as engineer of work, of my responsibilities for project design. Michael L Benesh, RCE 37893 Reg. Expires 3/31/2011 Dote September 16,2009 O:\MLB ProiectsXCount/ of San Diego\09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916.docx Page 1 MLB Hydrology Study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Section 2. Discussion Section 2.01 Purpose The purpose of this Drainage Study is to determine and compare the Pre- Development and Post-Development ultimate storm flows for the proposed project, and to determine the Water Quality Design Storm flows for the developed site. Ultimate Storm flows will be based on the 10 year and 100 year 6 hour storm as defined in the San Diego County Hydrology Manual. Water Quality Treatment Design Storm Flows will be based on 85th percentile storm event, which is approximately 0.6 inches per map available at: http://www.co.san-diego.ca.us/dpw/land/flood.htm. Section 3. Project Section 3.01 Description The proposed site consists of approximately 4.9 acres and adjoins Black Rail Road to the West and Songbird Avenue to the North. Carlsbad Tract No. 00-13 adjoins on the North, Corlsbad Tract No. 99-10 adjoins on the South, and Corlsbad Tract No. 92-3, Unit 7 adjoins on the East of this project. Currently the site is vacant and has, in the past, been used for agricultural purposes. There are no existing permanent structures. The proposed development is a 16 lot subdivision. There are no existing off-site storm flows entering the site. The storm runoff from the majority of the site, 3.4 acres, currently sheet flows across the westerly property line to Black Roil Rood. Once on black rail Road it is conveyed via paved swales and curb and gutter to a Catch basin located approximately 400 feet southerly of the project site. A smaller area, 1.5 acres adjoining CT 92-3, drains to an existing gunite ditch along the easterly property line, thence to Songbird Avenue, thence along curb and gutter to a storm drain system in CT 92-3 Unit 5 approximately 1000 feet easterly of the project site. After development, the area draining to Block Rail Road will decrease by 0.8 acres. All runoff from the site eventually drains to the Batiquitos Lagoon. A detailed vicinity map is included in Attachment A. September 16,2009 Page 2 0:XML8 ProjectsXCounty of San DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 09091 A.docx l^J M li Hydrology Study MimP Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Section 4. Metliodology Section 4.01 Rational Method The Rational Method as described in the San Diego County Hydrology Manual, Section 3, (Revised June 2003) shall be used to determine storm runoff. The Rational Method formula is expressed as follows: Q = C I A Where: Q = peak discharge, in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coefficient, proportion of the rainfall that runs off the surface. The coefficient C has no units and is based on the soil group and the percentage of impervious area for the drainage sub-area. Attachment F includes calculations for the percent of impervious area for each drainage sub-area. I = overage rainfall intensity for a duration equal to the Tc for the area, (in/Hr.) A = drainage area contributing to the design location, in acres The following values are used in the calculations: Soil Group D from San Diego County Soils Group Mop. See Attachment C. C (Coefficient of Runoff) from Table 3-1. See Attachment D. 100 year 6 Hr. Rainfall = 3.4" from . See Attachment E. 100 year 24 Hr. Rainfall = 5.8" from The site is first divided into drainage sub-areas. See the On-Site Hydrology Mops in Attachment B. The time of concentration, Tc, for each sub-area along the drainage path is computed based on the initial time of concentration for the initial area and the travel time to reach each succeeding node. Based on the time of concentration, the rainfall intensity is determined using Figure 3-2 (See Attachment D ). Then applying the rational method equation, the peak runoff is determined at each node along the drainage path. Q's ore tabulated for each sub-area along the drainage path. The rational method calculations ore in Attachment G. September 16.2009 PaS® 3 0:XMLB ProjectsXCounty of San DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916.docx It Hydro/ogy study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-0 j; Engineering Section 5. Summary Section 5.01 Post Construction Storm Runoff 5.0 7.7 Downsfream Impacts 5.01.1(1) Black Rail Road Downstream of this site on Block Rail Rood is a Storm Drain system construct per Improvement Plan 335-5. The planned QIOO for this storm drain at its upstream reach is 30.2 cfs. The actual capacity of the 24" RCP @ 3.96% is 39 cfs flowing full. Adding up the contributory Q's from the existing and potential developments along Black Rail Rood (and ignoring the effect of the varying Tc's which would only reduce the total flow), it appears the storm drain is adequate to convey the 100 year flows. The table below summarizes the flows: Contributing Site QIOO Aviara Pointe, CT 99-10 7.2 cfs Yamamoto Property, CT 04-01 (Areas 2, 3 and 5) 6.2 cfs CTOO-13, (Tabata) 4.5 cfs Encantada (Hadley), CT 98-17 2.4 cfs Tabata & Moore Sites Estimated based on Hadley Site 4.0 cfs West Black Rail Road (0.8 Acres) 3.6 cfs Total 27.9 cfs 5.01.1(11) Cabella Place Downstream of this site to the East is Cabella Place. The West side of Cabella Place drains into CT 98-17 to a catch basin in a sump at the East end of Corte Orchidia. The original plans for CT 98-17 indicate 16.9 cfs flowing into the catch basin in a 100 year storm. The increased flows from this site and CT 00-13 will increase the ultimate flow to September U, 2009 0:XMLB ProjectsXCounty of Son DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916.docx Page 4 1^1 H li Hydrology study Jj^g ^^^^ Po/nsett/o Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering 19.7 cfs. The following calculations indicate that the storm drain system is capable of carrying that amount of runoff once every 100 years. Hydraulic Calculations: SD Station 10+11.75 to 11+44.26 Given Input Data: Shape Circular Solving for Slope Diameter 24.0000 in Depth 24.0000 in Flowrate 19.7000 cfs Manning's n 0.0150 Computed Results: Slope 0.0101 ft/ft Area 3.1416 ft2 Wetted Area 3.1416 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 75.3982 in Perimeter 75.3982 in Velocity 6.2707 fps Hydraulic Radius 6.0000 in Percent Full 100.0000% Full flow Flowrate 19.7000 cfs Full flow velocity 6.2707 fps Assume Soffit Control @ Station 11 +44.26, pipe entrance. V=6.27 fps D=2.0' Manhole Loss = 0.05(6.27)2/2g = 0.03" HGL = 326.62' + 2.00' + 0.03' = 328.65' Station 12+79.00 (Catch Basin) Given: Q=19.7cfs September 16,2009 PaQ© 5 OtXMLB ProjectsXCounty of Son DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDrainoge Study 0909 i 6.docx I^RM li Hydrology study *** jJii^ Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering s=0.008 D=2' n=0.015 k = 0.463 (Pipe flowing full) V=l9.7/(3.14)= 6.27 fps Entrance Loss = 1.2(6.27)2/2g = 0.73' HGL = 328.65 + (130.24 LF) * (0.0101) + 0.73' = 330.70' (Using Sn above) Freeboard = (331.75 -0.83') - 330.70' = 0.22' Sump Inlet Capacity Capacity to TC = 3.087 (Length) (Height of opening)'-^ = 3.087 (9') (0.83')i-5 = 21.0 cfs 5.01.1(111) Surf Crest Street Tract CT 99-10 Hydrology Mop indicates 1.4 acres draining to the catch basins at the southerly end of Surf Crest Street, of which the CT 04-01 site contributes 0.2 acres. The anticipated Q50 per the improvement plans for CT 99-10 at the catch basins is 3.9 cfs. The tributary area after improvement of CT 04-01 will actually be 1.54 acres, on increase of 0.14 acres. (1.2 acres from CT 99-10 and half of Area 4.) Given: The length of the drainage area is 470 feet. The initial slope is 1%. The street slope is 6%. Then: Ti is 9.6 min. & Lm is 70'. (Table 3-2) V is 5.0 cfs (Appendix X-D, 2 cfs, 6%) Tt = 400/(5x60)= 1.3 min. Tc = 9.6 + 1.3 = 10.9 min. 1=4.46 in/hr Q100= 1.54x4.46x0.52= 3.6 cfs < 3.9 cfs The anticipated QIOO is actually less than the Q50 design flows. September 16,2009 Page 6 0:XMLB ProjectsXCounty of Son DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916.docx MLB Engineering Hydrology Study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) 5.01.2 Summarization of flows The proposed project will not significantly alter drainage patterns on the site or the surrounding area. The Storm water discharge points will not divert runoff from existing conditions. There will be an increase to the amount of impen/ious area due to the construction of the future residences and street improvments. The results of the calculations are summarized in Table 5.1 below. Table 5.1 - Peak Runoff Rates Drainage Facility Existing Condition Flow from site, QIO (CFS) Proposed Development Flow from site, QIO (CFS) Proposed Development Flow, Qt (CFS) Block Rail Rood 4.2 5.0° 0.8 Easterly Property Line 1.8 2.3b 0.5 Total 6.0 7.3 1.3 a) Areas 2, 3, 4 and 5. b) Area 1 September 16,2009 OiXMLB ProjectsXCounty of San DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916.docx Page? "filTH 1) Engineering Hydrology Study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Attachment A - Vicinity IVlap September 16, 2009 O:\MLB ProjectsXCounty of San DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916,docx Page A-1 MIDI Hydrology Study Pomsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Attachment B - On-Site Hydrology Map See Map on following page. September 16,2009 Page B-1 0:XMLB ProjectsXCounty of Son Diego\09-sd050 - PoinsettioXDroinage StudyXDroinage Study 090916,docx TENTATIVE I^AP CT OU- PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY f^AP - QIO/QIOO OQ SCALE r^/oo' •Ex. GUNITE DITCH MLB Engineering Professional Civil \;ngini'en ciiid I Mnd .Sunvyors 2060 wnerk^s pwit. Slit* A. EMondda CA D202S Phone 760 r^vaSTT FAX 760 807-2t66 E-M* luLBanaah*c«itwln«t TENTATIVE MAP CT 0^-01 POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY MAP - QIO/QIOO SCALE !"=IOO' Ex. GUNITE DITCH MLB Engineering Ptvfes.iional Civil Y.inginetrs and l^nd Surveyors 2060 wtwttgs P\tt», Silt* A EMonddot cA 02020 Ptttne 780 74•^•^ff7r FAX 7eo 8O7-2I69 E-Mat MJamaf»i»oDe(i»t MLB Engineering Hydrology Study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Attachment C - San Diego County Soils Group Map Encinitas San Diego County, California September 16,2009 0:XMLB ProjectsXCount/ of Son DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916.docx Page C-1 MLB Engineering Hydrology Study PoinsetHa R/dge (CT 04-01) Attachment D - San Diego County Hydrology Manual Excerpts X «»; y. <» mm* W £ y. — ^ f-l r- o ''v —• 0* n tr. •^T^tv. t^. 5•o^-^^^-ocoooeoo bbdbbboooc'bC'Oob OOOOO oooooooo -toor--r--r--Q-Ttr^ •Tl v^. r- r» M 00 QO 40 bbbbbbbbbb ri r< Qoooo oooooooo 2 ?, ?i S ? S 00 $ $ JE J J s 5 5 s < S S i i S — ri 1 1 ^ 1 ^ w O 5 I "3 s llllllll llll f Iff lllll •a a> ii- I I I I ^- -a -a M I I § i i i IIMlSlll'tiii - - s ^ I I September 16,2009 0:VMLB Projects\County of San DlegoV09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage Study\Drainage Study 090916,docx Page D-1 MLB Engineering Hydrology Study Poinsettia R/dge (CT 04-01) Tabic 3-2 MAXIMUM OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH (Lv,) l;lcmcnl* DU..' Acre .5% 1% 2% 3% 5% 10% l;lcmcnl* DU..' Acre Liyi 'l I'M 'i •'l 'l 1 M i, I'M lj Natural 50 1.^.2 70 12.5 85 10.9 100 10.3 HK) 8.7 KM) 6.9 IJ)R 1 50 12.2 70 11,5 85 10.0 100 9.5 1(K) 8.0 |(K) 6.4 LDR 2 50 1I..1 70 10.5 85 9.2 100 8.8 I(K) 7.4 l(K) 5.8 l.DR 2.9 50 10.7 70 10.0 85 8.8 95 8.1 HK) 7.0 l(K) 5.6 MDR 50 10.2 70 9.6 80 8.1 95 7.8 HK) 6.7 KM) 5.3 MDR 7..^ 50 9.2 65 8.4 80 7.4 95 7.0 HK) 6.0 l(K) 4.8 MDR 10.9 50 8.7 65 7.9 80 6.9 90 6.4 HK) 5.7 HK) 4.5 MDR 14.5 50 8.2 65 7.4 80 6.5 90 6.0 HK) 5.4 HK) 4.3 1IDR 24 50 6.7 65 6.1 75 5.1 90 4.9 95 4.3 HK) 3.5 IIDR 4.^ 50 5.3 65 4.7 75 4.0 85 3.8 95 3.4 HK) 2.7 N. Com 50 60 4.5 75 4.0 85 3.8 95 3.4 HK) 2.7 (i. Com 50 4.7 60 4.1 75 .3.6 85 3.4 90 2.9 HK) 2.4 ().P./Com 50 4.2 60 .^.7 70 3.1 80 2.9 90 2.6 HK) 2.2 Limited 1. 50 4.2 60 .^.7 70 3.1 80 2.9 90 2.6 HK) 2.2 (ieneral 1. 50 .^.7 60 .^.2 70 2.7 80 2.6 90 2.3 HK) 1.9 *See T able 3-1 lor more detailed deseriptiim September 16,2009 0:XMLB ProjectsXCounty of Son DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916.docx Page D-2 Engineering Hydrology Study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) AE FMt Tc « /11.9L*\0- EQUATION 3*9 • SOM Tc > TidMof conc«ntralion(houni) L « Wat«fe«urMn«lane*|mii»*> AE S Chang* in attvation along •IfMthw clop* Un* (SM Figur* 3-5)(>Mt) Tc Hour* -2*0* '1*0* .MO \ L V MIlM FMt -1*0 -^^4000 — SO 0.5. — M • 10 • 2000 — 1000 \ 10*0 \ h- »*oo V • 12*0 -10*0 — TO* CO* • so* Minuus -240 -10* - 120 10* •M •a* • 70 -(0 -50 — M -20 • ia • 1« -14 .12 -10 • 0 •• •7 — 300 • 200 — J AE SOURCE: Califomia DhuBion of Highways (1941) and Kirpicti (1940> Tc F I U L R E Nomogiaph tor DetermhKrtlon of Tim* of Concentration (Tc) or Trovtl Time (Tt) for Nortural Wbtmhedt 3-4 September 1 0:XMLB ProjectsX *:*;;£fr».ieiin-««t«r5c»«i — — — — 2;;ai^- •noi^fimnnv — — •>- — a Zl ? m 4D rfi •« mmtvnctt- — -^t-aa < s s s e a c s s » 3 s » s s e » ^ JD-3 to fIJJJ Hydrology study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Attachment E - San Diego County Point Rainfall Maps See Following Sheets. September 16,2009 Page E-1 0:^MLB ProjectsVCounty of San Diego\09-sd050 - Poinsettia\Drainage Study\Drainage Study 090916,docx COUNTY OF SAN OIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION $ FLOOD CONTROL WMm e^HOUfJ piECipniTisi ^•"•li-^ isoRiiviflLsloF mm 0-il3yR PflEClPfmTfilM { IIS OF m INCH 3r U.S. D.SPARTMSNT OP COMMERCE .SPSCJAL STlfOIEJ DRASCH, 0¥Ptail OT 30' VB:«»l.«!ttr, KATtCKAl, WKAtHIR WSW8 18' 30' 15' 117* 'iS' 30' !5' 116' COu,'<TY OF SAN PIE60- . DEPARTMENT OF SANITATIOK & FLOOD CONTROL 10-YEAR 24-llOU PRECIPlTATIOfI W mm 24-HOUR 5f U,S. DEPARTMaNr OF COMMERCE NATrOii'AI. OCSAHtC A.M!? A SpaCiAt. STUOIEJ PRA.SCU, CKFiCE Or CO:'...<Y OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION & FLOOD CONTROL 100-YEAR 6-HiUfl PRECIPITATIOII 10-/ ISOPlUVfAlS OF 100-YEAII 64101111 ?mmKm. m. imm OF AH vm\ U.S. DEPARTMEN NAttONAE. OCKANIC AND AT SFSCIA!. STfJOlES BRANCH, Of KICE Of , \ COUNTY OF SAN OIEGO DEPAflTMENT OF SANITATION & FLOOD CONTROL 30' !C1 100-YEAR 244IOljH PRECIPH ATlOrJ -2Q.ylS0PUmALS OF 100 ^YEAfl 24-HOUR HECiPITAYSOW in TEriTIIS OF AN INCH ^5' U.S. .OEPARTMKN !' OF COMMERCK NAYIOKAU OCl.^M . AKO A u . ) •.rKATIKR lERVJC? tClAI, STUDIES liKANCH, OH'ICK Of . 30' H—" J.^,-^™--.^™]-^.-^^- n<!" 't';^ 30' I^IJjlJ Hydro/ogy Sfudy Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Attachment F - Impervious Area and TC Calculations Sub-Area A (Pre-Construction) Total Area = 1.49 Acres Impervious Area = 0.1 Acres % Imp = 100(0.1/1.49)=7% L=500' Slope 5% Ti=8.0 Min., Lm=l 00' Table 3-2 Natural Watershed, Use Chart 3-4 to determine Tt L=400', H=20',Tt=2.5 Min. Tc=8.0 + 2.5 = 10.5 min. Sub-Area B (Pre-Construction) Total Area = 3.36 Acres Impervious Area = 0.2 Acres % Imp = 100(0.2/3.361=6% L=550', H=45' Slope 10% Ti=8.0 Min., Lm=100' Table 3-2 Natural Watershed, Use Chart 3-4 to determine Tt L=450', H=35' Tt=2.0 min. Tc=8.0+2.0=10.0 Min. Sub-Area 1 (Post-Construction) Total Area = 1.5 Acres Development 5DU/1.5 AC= 3.3 DU/Ac, Use 4.3 DU/Ac Initial Slope 1% Ti=9.6 Min., Lm=70' Table 3-2 Assume V=6 fps Figure 3-6 7% curb September 16,2009 ^^9® ^-1 0;\MLB Project5\County of San Diego\09-5d050 - Poinsettia\Drainage StudyVDrainage Study 0S0916 docx MLB Hydrology Study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Tt=37276fps = 1.0 min. Tc=9.6+ 1.0= 10.6 min. Sub-Area 2 (Post-Construction) Total Area = 2.03 Acres Development 7DU/2.03 AC= 3.45 DU/Ac, Use 4.3 DU/Ac Initial Slope 1% Ti= 10.0 Min., Lm=70' Table 3-2 Use Tc=10 min. Sub-Area 3 (Post-Construction) Total Area = 0.37 Acres Development 1 DU/0.37 AC= 2.7 DU/Ac, Use 2.9 DU/Ac Initial Slope 1% Ti=9.6 Min., Lm=70' Table 3-2 Assume V=3 fps Figure 3-6 2% curb Tt=2H73fps= 1.2 min. Tc=9.6 + 1.2 = 10.8 min. Sub-Area 4 (Post-Construction) Total Area = 0.65 Acres Development 3DU/0.65 AC= 4.6 DU/Ac, Use 4.3 DU/Ac Initial Slope 1% Ti=9.6 Min., Lm=70' Table 3-2 Assume V=3 fps Figure 3-6 3% curb Tt=8073fps = 0.4 min. Tc=9.6 + 0.4 = 10.0 min. September 16,2009 Page F-2 0:XMLB ProjectsXCounty of San DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 0909 i 6.docx n 1^ Hydrology study II Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Sub-Area 5 (Post-Construction) Total Area = 0.30 Acres Very Small Acreage. Assume Tc = 5 mins. September 16,2009 Page F-3 0:XMLB ProjectsXCounty of San DiegoX09-sd050 - PoinsettiaXDrainage StudyXDroinage Study 090916.docx jjJjU Hydro/ogy Sfudy Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Attachment G - Rational Method Calculations September 16,2009 Page G-1 O:\MLB Prpjects\County of San Diego\09-sd050 - Poinsettia\Drainage Study\Drainage Study 090916,docx Rational Method Calculation Form Project: CT04-01 Frequency 10 Year Pre-Development Calculated by MLB Date: 10 September 2005 Drainage Area Soil & Development A Acres I In./Hr. C Q CFS Sum Q CFS Slope Section V VSec. L Ft. T Min. SumT Remarks Area A D -10% Imp 1.50 2.94 0.41 1.8 1.8 • 10.5 L=500', h=25' Area B D -10% Imp 3.40 3.03 0.41 4.2 in f\ L=550', h=45" Area B D -10% Imp 3.40 3.03 0.41 4.2 4.2 lU.O L=550', h=45" Rational Method Calculation Form Project: CT 04-01 Frequency 100 Year Pre-Development Calculated by MLB Date: 10 September 2005 Drainage Area Soil & Development A Acres I In./Hr. C Q CFS Sum Q CFS Slope Section V VSec. L Ft. T Min. SumT Remarks Area A D -10% Imp 1.50 4.57 0.41 2.8 2.8 • 10.5 L=500", h=25' Area B b -10% Imp 3.40 4.72 0.41 6.6 6.6 10.0 L=550', h=45" Rational Method Calculation Form Project: CT 04-01 Frequency 10 Year Post-Development Calculated by MLB Date: 10 September 2005 Drainage Area Soil & Development A Acres I In./Hr. C Q CFS Sum Q CFS Slope Section V VSec. L Ft. T Min. Area 1 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 1.50 2.92 0.52 2.3 o a C..O Area 2 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 2.24 2.89 0.52 3.4 Area 2 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 2.24 2.89 0.52 3.4 3 A Area 3 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 0.35 3.03 0.52 0.6 Area 3 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 0.35 3.03 0.52 0.6 0.6 0.6 Area 4 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 0.68 3.03 0.52 1.1 Area 4 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 0.68 3.03 0.52 1.1 1.1 1.1 SumT Remarks 10.6 10.8 10.0 10.0 See Attachment F Sec Attachment F See Attachment F Sec Attachment F Rational Method Calculation Form Project: CT 04-01 Frequency 100 Year Post-Development Calculated by MLB Date: 10 September 2005 Drainage Area Soil & Development A Acres I In./Hr. C Q CFS Sum Q CFS Slope Section V VSec. L Ft. T Min. SumT Remarks Area 1 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 1.50 4.54 0.52 3.5 3.5 - 10.6 Sec Attachment F Area 2 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 2.24 4.49 0.52 5.2 5.2 • 108 Sec Attachment F Area 3 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 0.35 4.72 0.52 0.9 0.9 10.0 Sec Attachment F Area 4 D - 4.3 DU/Ac 0.68 4.72 0.52 1.7 1.7 10.0 Sec Attachment F Iff Oil) Hydrology Study Poinsettia Ridge (CT 04-01) Engineering Attachment H - Hydraulic Calculations September 16,2009 Page H-1 O:\MLB Projects\County of San Diego\09-sd050 - Poinsettia\Drainage Study\Drainage Study 090916,docx Profile Scenario: Base Profile: SD Main Line Scenario: 100 year r^*s ior«»o^ iill CDS ^.i § ill 355.00 350.00 345.00 .PJ|^^@S = 0.005021«« Elevafon(tQ i = 0.004979 Mt 2(W)0 Sj8.60n @S = 0.QQ49491tm 23+00 25+00 340.00 335.00 330.00 26+00 Station (fl) TMle: CT 04^1 Yaniainoto Properly z:V..VD6*d040 - olO«1 y«n«motoVst04-01 .•tm ^2J02/OS 12:47:1«PM O Haestad Melttods. Inc. 37 Broolwlcle Ro«l WWhtorlHiry. CT 06708 USA +1-203-766-1666 Project Engineer MIcheel L. Benesh StonnCAO v5.515.5006) Page 1 ofl Calculation Results Summary Scenario; Base »» Info: Subsurface Network Rooted by: Existing CO »» Info: Subsurface Analysis iterations; 1 »» Info: Convergence was achieved. CALCULATION SUMMARY FOR SURFACE NETWORKS 1 Label 1 Inlet 1 Type Inlet Total Intercepted Flow (cfs) 1 Total 1 Bypassed 1 Flow 1 (cfs) Capture Efficiency (%) Gutter Spread (ft) Gutter 1 Depth 1 (ft) 1 1 CB 25+10.08 1 Curb Inlet Curb APWA 300-1 5.20 1 0.00 100.0 22.28 0.75 1 CALCULATION SUMMARY FOR SUBSURFACE NETWORK WITH ROOT; Existing CO 1 Label 1 Number 1 Section 1 Section 1 Length 1 Total 1 Average Hydraulic Hydraulic | 1 1 of 1 Size 1 Shape 1 (ft) 1 System | Velocity Grade Grade 1 1 1 Sections 1 1 1 1 Flow 1 ( ft/s) Upstream Downstream 1 1 1 1 1 (cfs) 1 (ft) (ft) 1 1 P-1 1 1 18 inch 1 Circular 1 319.35 1 5.20 1 4 54 336.22 334.90 1 1 P-2 I 1 1 18 inch 1 Circular 1 58.60 1 5.20 1 4 53 336.71 336.37 1 1 P-3 1 1 1 18 inch 1 Circular 1 33.17 1 5.20 1 21 22 348.33 336.33 1 1 P-4 1 1 1 18 inch 1 Circular 1 135.42 1 5.20 1 4 .56 349.15 348.43 1 1 Label 1 Total 1 Ground 1 Hydraulic 1 Hydraulic 1 1 1 System 1 Elevation | Grade 1 Grade 1 1 1 Flow 1 (ft) 1 Line In 1 Line Out 1 1 1 (cfs) 1 (ft) 1 (ft) 1 1 Existing CO 5.20 1 337.20 1 334.90 1 334.90 1 1 SD CO 22+71. 24 1 5.20 1 340.50 1 336.25 1 336.22 1 1 SD CO 23+34. 50 1 5.20 1 341.40 1 336.75 1 336.71 1 1 SD CO 23+72. 33 1 5.20 1 355.00 1 348.37 1 348.33 1 1 CB 25+10.08 1 5.20 1 352.08 1 349.54 1 349.15 1 Completed: 12/02/2005 12:43:27 PM ^ , _ ^ Project Engineer: Michael L. Beneah Tttle: CT 04-01 Yamamoto Properly "j" ¥ «tormCAD wS.B tS 50061 z V V05-ed040 - ot044)1 yamamotoyst04.01 .atm MLB Englnearing StormCAD v5^ P ^•i^^1^:25R2l ©^.--dMe^^^ 37 Broolcaid. Road vy*iterbu,y. CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Pagelofl Analysis Results Scenario: Base TWe: Project Engineer: Project Date: Comtnento: CT 04-01 Yamamoto Property Michael L. Benesti GTJOUOS Scenario Summary Scenario Physical Properties ABemative Catchments AHamative System Flows Altemative Structure Headioaees Altemative Boundary Condition* Altemative Design Constrainte Altemative Capital Cost Altemative User Data Altemative Netwof1( Inventory Base Base-Physical Properties Base-Catchments Base-System Flows Base-Stnjcture Headlosses Base-Boundary Conditions Base-Design Constraints Baae-Capltal Cost Base-User Data Number of Pipes - Circular Pipes: -Box Pipes: -Arch Pipes: • Vertical EWptical Pipes: - Horizontai Elliptical Pipes: Numberof Junctions Number of Outiets Circular Pipes Inventory 4 4 O 0 0 0 3 1 Number of Inlets - Grate Inlels: -Curb Inlets: - Combination Inlete: -Slot Inlets: - Grate Inlets in DNch: - Generic Inlets: 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 18 inch Total Length Curb Inlet Inventory 546.54 tt 546.54 It APWA 300-1 TIUo: CT04O1 Yamamoto Property z:V..V05-ed04O - cl04-01 yamamototot04.01 .stm 12/02/06 12:48:36 PM OHaeMad Methods, mo. 37 Biookside Road VUMMbury, CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer Michael L. Benesh StormCAD vS.5 [5.5006] Page 1 Analysis Results Scenario: Base Inlet •laments tor network wilh outlet: Existing CO Label Inlet Total Total Total Bypass Capture Hydraulic System Intercepted Bypassed Target Efficiency Grade Flow Flow Flow (%) Une In (cfs) (efc) (ch) (ft) HydFauNc Grade Une Out (ft) Gravity Element HeadkMS (ft) HeadkMS Method CB 25+10.08 Curb APWA 300 5.20 5.20 0.00 N/A 100.0 349.54 349.15 0.39 Starxlard Outlet: Existing CO Label Hydraulic Grade Line In (ft) Hydraulic Grade LkieOut (ft) Gravtty System System Element Addltkml Known Headloss Flow Flow (ft) (cfe) (cfe) System Rational Flow (cfe) System System Intensity Flow Time Qnlhr) (min) System CA (acres) Existing CO 334.90 334.90 0.00 5.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.91 0.00 Pipe etoments tor network wHh outiet: ExistingCO Label Sectton Shape Section Size Length (ft) Number of Sections Constmcted Energy Slope Slope (ft/ft) (ft/ft) Total System Flow (cfe) Average Velocity (ft*) Upstream Downstream Hydraulic Invert Invert Grade Elevatton Elevatton Une In (ft) (ft) (ft) HydraiMc Grade UneOU (ft) P-1 Circutar ismch 319.36 1 0.004979 0.004552 5.20 4.54 335.29 333,70 338.22 334.90 P-2 Circular IBInch 58.60 1 0.004949 0.006033 5.20 4.53 335.78 335.49 336.71 336.37 P-3 Circuiar ISInch 33.17 1 0.344287 0.173880 5.20 21.22 347.45 338.03 348.33 336.33 P-4 Circular 18 mch 135.42 1 0.006021 0.006062 5.20 4.56 348.23 347.55 349.15 348.43 Junotlon elomei Its for network with outlet: Existing CO Label Hydraulic Grade Line In (ft) HydrauHc Grade Line Out (ft) Gravity Element Headtoas (ft) Headtoss Method Systsm System AddWonai Known Flow Flow (cfe) (cfe) Syslem Raoonai Flow (cfe) System mtensiy (m/hr) Syslem Ftow Time (mm) System CA (acrea) SDCO 22+71. SD CO 23+34. 336.25 336.75 348.37 338.22 336.71 348.33 0.04 HEC-22 Energ 0.04 HEC-22 Energ 0.04 HEC-22 Energ 5.20 0.00 5.20 0.00 5.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.74 0.52 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 TlUe: CT 04-01 Yamamoto Property z V V)6-ed040 - 0104-01 yamamotoVct04-01 .stm 12lra^C1M8:36 PM O Haestad Methods. Ino. 37 Brookside Roed IWfetoiteufy. CT 06708 USA +1-203-755-1666 Project Engineer: MiotMiel L. Benesh StonnCAD vS.5 (6.5006] Page 2