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CT 04-08; La Costa Village Townhomes; Storm Water Management Plan; 2011-08-01
storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) SWMP 11-04 For: LA COSTA VILLAGE TOWNHOMES TRACT 04-08 Prepared for: City Ventures 2850 Red Hill Ave, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 251-8030 Prepared by: C&V Consulting, Inc 27156 Burbank Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (949) 916-3800 Vince Scarpati, P.E. Prepared May 2011 Revised: August 2011 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Contents Section I Project Setting 1 Section II Applicable Stormwater Standards 5 Section III Pollutants of Concern ll Section IV Source Control (BMPs) 13 Section V Low Impact Deveiopment (LID) Design Strategies 16 Section VI Integrated Management Practices (IMP's) 17 Section VII Treatment Control BMP's (TCBMP's) 19 Section VIII Hydromodification 21 Section IX Documentation of Stormwater Design 22 Section X Inspection/Maintenance Responsibility for BMPs 23 Section XI SWMP Certification Statements 25 Section XII SWMP Exhibit & BMP Details 27 Appendices Appendix A Educational Materials Appendix B Additional BMP Information Appendix C Final Resolution of Approval Appendix D BMP Inspection and Maintenance Logs City Ventures Contents CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Page i Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section I Project Setting The La Costa Village Towrihome project located at the northwest corner of Dove Lane and El Camino Real, in the City of Carlsbad proposes fifty-three townhome units. There are a total of 15 buildings, 2 of which comprise the pool/recreation area portion. The remaining 13 buildings make up the fifty-three residential uruts in (1)"2-Plex", (3)"3-Plex", (3)"4-Plex", and (6)"5-Plex" configurations. The "2-Plex" is 1,784 sq. ft. in size, the "3-Plex" is 2,527 sq. ft. in size, the "4-Plex" is 3,318 sq. ft. in size, and the "5- Plex" is 4,211 sq. ft. size. Landscaping is located throughout the site between the buildings and the project boundary. In addition, a large portion of the site located in the northern area (approximately 9.1 acres) will remain undeveloped, leaving existing landscaping in place. The project density is 3.9 DU/acre; building coverage is approximately 44,912 square feet or 8 percent of the gross lot area. Currently the site remains undeveloped and is designated as a Residential Medium- High Density (RMH 8-15 DU/AC) and Open Space (OS) land use type. It contains an existing detention basin in the southwest portion of the site directly adjacent to Dove Lane and at the southerly end of future Black Skimmer Dr. In existing conditions this detention basin collected a large majority of flows from over 50% of the northern half of the overall site. From here, outflow was conveyed to an existing 36" storm drain system running through the Plaza Paseo Real Shopping Center located south of the project, ultimately discharging in riparian habitat approximately 700 ft. north of the Batiquitos Lagoon. The remaining existing condition project site flows were collected in a detention basiii located offsite, directly south of our project. These flows were then conveyed to an existing 24" storm drain system which connects to the same storm drain system located in the Plaza Paseo Real Shopping Center. The project site is Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Tract 04-08 and is 13.6 acres. Lots 1-3 make up the entirety of the developed portion of the project while Lot 4 remains open space and primarily undisturbed. Post development, this site is to be on the order of 78% pervious and 22% impervious in comparison to the existing conditions of 100% pervious. The pervious or landscape areas will consist of maintained lawns and shrub areas. Overall, the site consists of Type D soils. The site is underlain by shallow topsoil, alluvium/colluvium, and terrace deposits over Tertiary-age Santiago Formation. The topsoil and alluvium/colluvium will have to be removed and replaced as compacted fill prior to the placement of any additional fill or building structures. Access point to the project site will be from a future private street (Black Skimmer Dr.) which is located on Dove Lane. A gated emergency exit drive lane (Brant Lane) exits onto El Camino Real. Street address' have yet to be assigned. City Ventures Section I CVEN-oi2SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Pagel Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Parking for residents will be located in garages within each townhome unit. 8 additional parallel parking stalls are located along Black Skimmer Dr. along with 5 more standard parking stalls located at the end of both Cliff Swallows Ln. and Arroyo Willow Ln. An additional parking area reserved for RV storage (4 RVs) is located at the south end of Black Skimmer Dr. The drive aisles and parking areas will be asphalt with concrete curbs and gutters. The pool and spa area is located in the southwest corner of the property. The northern half of the proposed development will collect run-off in bioretention areas basins and pipe flows to the existing onsite detention basin. In addition, the open space area of the site will continue to convey flow to this same basin. The remaining flows of the northerly half not collected in the bioretention facilities (street portion) will be treated in Katchall Purestream Biofiltration Chambers. These are tree pit style units categorized as high rate biofiiters designed to handle the types of pollutants encountered. Runoff within the southerly driveway areas will also be treated by Katchall Purestream Biofiltration Chambers. Treatment will occur here prior to entry into the offsite detention basin and ultimately before entry into the aforementioned existing storm drain system. Like the northern half, the southern portion of the site will also contain bioretention facilities which will collect runoff from the landscape, courtyards, and non-driveway areas and pipe flows to the existing offsite detention basin. This offsite basin is located adjacent to the south boundary of the project site and is owned by Plaza Paseo Real Associates, LLC. It is important to note that although we are treating onsite run-off with Katchall Purestream Chambers and lined bioretention areas, an additional 0.35 cfs run-off from from El Camino Real will flow through the site. It is feasible that this incidental run-off from El Camino Real will be treated within the onsite basin. The site poses several constraints to stormwater control and treatment. Due to the site consisting of subsurface Type D soils, surface infiltration is not recommended as a mode of treatment for the majority of the site. Concerns posed by the Soils Engineer include lateral migration and general saturation of the subgrade soils resulting in pavement distress and support loss. It is recommended that infiltration does not occur near any buildings, roadways, or improvements, especially if founded in compacted fill. Because infiltration or infiltration facilities are not to be used, the ability to treat dissolved nutrients at a high rate cannot be achieved per Table 2-3 of the City of Carlsbad SWMP. The lack of large open space areas within this hillside development also does not breed opportunity for larger scale LID IMPs. In addition, limits posed by encroaching into environmentally sensitive habitat are considered. Still there are opportunities available for stormwater control and treatment. Katchall Purestream Units (high rate biofiiters) constructed per Proprietor recommendation will be installed City Ventures Section I cvEN-oi2SWMP.doc Revised: October 2011 Page 2 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 in lieu of catch basins to treat street runoff and additional roof and sidewalk runoff tributary to the street. Other opportunities include the landscaped areas within the development. As surface infiltration is not recommended these areas will be fitted with lined bioretention areas that will be sized to not only accommodate for treatment but also flow control per the San Diego BMP calculator. This project is a Priority Development Project (Housing subdivision of 10 or more dwelling units; Hillside development; Parking lot; Streets, roads, highways, and freeways; More than 1-acre of disturbance) as determined by City of Carlsbad Storm Water Standards Questionnaire (SWSQ)/city form No. E-34 . A Priority Project must consider the full range of BMPs into the design of the project due to their potential to contribute pollutants in stormwater discharges. When complete, the housing project will be owned by City Ventures, LLC. Lots 1,2, and 3 comprise the residential development portion of the site and will be privately operated and maintained by a Property Management Company including all streets and private storm drain improvements. The sanitary sewer, domestic water, and public storm drain improvements will be publicly controlled by the City of Carlsbad. Lot 4 will be a mostly undeveloped open space lot to be maintained by a conservation agency approved by the City. All implementation, inspections, maintenance, and repairs of on-site BMPs will be carried out by the Property Management Company. City Ventures Section I CVEN-oi2SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Page 3 Vicinity Map Border indicates limits of construction. Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section II Applicable Stormwater Standards This report is intended to comply with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, requiring the preparation of a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) and requiring coverage under the Statewide National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for the improvements for Tract Map 04-08, CDP 04-17, CP 04-03, and SDP 04- 05 . The owner is aware that Best Management Practices (BMPs) are enforceable pursuant to the City's municipal code and Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). Planning Commission Resolution No. 6058 Condition No. 55: Prior to the issuance of grading permit or building permit, whichever occurs first. Developer shall submit for City approval a "Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)." The SWMP shall demonstrate compliance with the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), Order 2001-01 issued by the San Diego Region of the California Regional Water Control Board and City of Carlsbad Municipal storm water, to the maximum extent practicable, for the post-construction stage of the project. At a minimum, the SWMP shall: a. Identify existing and post-development on-site pollutants-of-concern; b. Identify the hydrologic unit this project contributes to and impaired water bodies that could be impacted by this project; c. Recommend source controls and treatment controls that will be implemented with this project to avoid contact or filter said pollutants from storm water to the maximum extent practicable before discharging to City right-of-way; d. Establish specific procedures for handling spills and routine cleanup. Special considerations and effort shall be applied to resident and employee education on the proper procedures for handling cleanup and disposal of pollutants; e. Ensure long-term maintenance of all post construct BMPs in perpetuity; and f. Identify how post-development runoff rates and velocities from the site will not exceed the pre-development runoff rates and velocities to the maximum extent practicable. City Ventures Section II CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Page 5 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 HMP APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION This project has been determined as being subject to hydro-modification requirements. In order to meet HMP mitigation requirements, IMP treatment devices sized per the San Diego BMP Calculator will be in place. Figure 2-1 (included in this section) of the City of Carlsbad SUSMP was used in determining HMP applicability: Node 1-This project is a Priority Development Project; Node 2-Proper energy dissipation is provided for flows which outlet into the existing detention basins; Node 3-The project does increase impervious area; Node5-The project does no discharge into an exempt system; Node 6-The project does is tributary to a lagoon area but does not discharge directly to it; Node 7-The project does not discharge to an exempt system whether it be directly or via stabilized conveyance; Node 9-The Carlsbad Watershed is not considered a highly urbanized watershed; Node 10-The project is not considered an urban infill project; Node 14-Hydromodification controls are required. City Ventures Section II CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Page 6 SECTION 2: IDENTIFY POLLUTANTS, BMP SIZING AND SELECTION Re-design &iergy Dissipation System 14. Hydromodification Controls Required Goto Fi;ure 2.2 of Decision Matiin FIGURE 2-1. HMP Applicabilin- Detcrminarinn-* • refer to expaiidc J 1 l.Nfl^ exemption criteria below for justifications ri quired on cacli node crty of Cartsbad SUSMP - January 14,2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov INSTRUCTIONS: To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from deveiopment projects, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stonnwater IVIanagement Plan (SUSMP). To view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 4, Chapter 2) at www.carlsbadca.qov/standards. Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary pemiits and/or construction permits). The results ofthe questionnaire detennine the level of stonn water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject to additional criteria called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water standards applied to a project. Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the retum of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrentiy. In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Fonn with construction permits for the project. Please start by completing Section 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the city. SECTIONI HEWDEVBLOPMEMT Does your project meet one or more of the following criteria: YES NO 1. Housina subdMsions of 10 or more dwellina units. Examoles: sinale family homes multi-family hnmpc condominium and apartments / 2. Commercial - areater than 1-acre. Anv develooment other than heavy inriii.<5tfy nr rp«iripntiai Pvampiao' hincpifai.,- laboratories and other medical facilities; educational institutions; recreational facilities; munidpal facilities; commerciai nurseries; multi-apartment buildings; car wash facilities; mini-malls and other business complexes; shopping mails; hotels; office buildings; public warehouses; automotive dealerships; airfields; and other light industrial facilities 3. Heaw Industrial / Industrv areater than 1 acre Examples: manufacturing plants, fonri prnrp.-wing plants mntal woriting facilities, printing plants, and fleet storage areas (bus, truck, etc.). ./ 4. Automotive reoair shoo. A facilitv rateaori7ed in any nne of ."^tanrlarH InHnctriai r;iaccif,rati„n (cm) ^„^=<, Knii^ 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539 V' 5- fiesteurante. Any facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (SIC code 5812), where the land area for development is greater than 5,000 square feet. Restaurants where land development is less than 5,000 square feet shall meet all SUSMP requirements except for structural treatment BMP and numeric sizing criteria requirements and hydromodification requirements. E-34 Page 1 of 3 REV 1/14/11 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov 6. Hillsldo develoomont Anv development that nreatfi.<5 mnre than ."innn cqnam faot nf impami^i.e enrf^.^ g^^j located in an area with known erosive soil conditions, where the development will grade on any natural slope that is tvi^enty-five percent (25%) or greater. 7. Environmentallv Sensitive Area fESA)\ All develooment locateri within nr rtirortiy aHjaront^ tn nr Hicnkar^ing directly^ to an ESA (where discharges from the development or redevelopment will enter receiving waters within the ESA), which either creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface on a proposed project site or increases the area of imperviousness of a proposed project site 10% or more of its naturally occumng condition. 8. Parkina lot Area of 5.000 square fleet or more or with i.s nr mora parking spar** an/i pntont|a|(y avpftcjp^ ,,ri^3n runoff 9. Streets, roads, hiahwavs. and freewavs. Anv oaved surface that is 5.000 square feet or grfistBr nseri fnr thn transportatkin of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehides 10. ffefti// Gaso/Zn^ Ouffe^^ Servinq more than 100 vehicles per day anri gmatAr thar) R.nnn or^^^nm ffwt 11. Coasts/ Deva/ooment Zone. Anv oroject located within 200 feet of the Parifir. fiman anH (i) rr»atA« mn™ than 2500 square fiset of impen/ious surface or (2) increases impenflous surface on property by more than 10%. •/ 12. More than 1-acre of disturbance. Proiect results in the disturbance of 1-anre or mnna of lanri anH is rnneiHi»r»ri a Pollutant-generating Development Project*. Bioloaical Significance by the State Wafer Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendinenls); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Conttol Plan tbr the San Oiego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as presences or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conseroation Program wtthin the Cities and County ot San Dlego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copemiittees. 2 "Directly adjacent' means situated within 200 feet of the Environmentally Sensitive Area. 3 "Discharging ditecUy to" means outllow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the subject devetopment or redevelopment site and not commingled with flow from adjacent lands. 4 Pollulant-generating Development Projects are those projects that generate pollutants at levels greater than background levels. In general, these include all projects that contribute to an exceedance to an impaired water body or which create new impen/ious surfaces greater than 5000 square feet and/or Intrxxluce new landscaping areas that require routine use of fertilizers and pestiokJes. In most cases linear pathway projects lhat are for infrequent vehicle use, such as emergency or maintenance access, or fbr pedestrian or bicycle uae, are not conskJered Pollutant-generating Development Projects if they are built with pen/lous surfaces or if they sheet flow to surrounding pervious surfaces. INSTRUCTIONS: Secticm Results: If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above, your project is subject to Priority Development Project requirements. Skip Section 2 and please proceed to Section 3. Check the "meets PRIORnTY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box In Section 3. Additional storm water requirements will apply perthe SUSMP. If you answered NO to ALL ofthe questions above, then please proceed to Section 2 and follow the instructtons. E-34 Page 2 of 3 REV 1/14/11 ^ CTY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 750-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov SECTION 2 SiGNIFtCANT REOEVELOPMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the questions below regarding your project YES NO 1. Project results in the disturtiance of 1 -acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development Project *? iNblRUCTlONS: If you answered NO, please proceed to question 2. " " If you answered YES, then you ARE a significant redevelopment and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements. Please ched< the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT reauirements" box in Section 3 h^lnw 2. Is the project redeveloping an existing priority project type? (Priority projects are defined in Section 1) iNbTRUCTlONS: If you answered YES, please proceed to question 3. — If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below 3. is the work limited to trenching and resurfacing assodated with utility work; resurfadng and reconfiguring surface pari<ing lots and existing roadways; new sidewalk; bike lane on existing road and/or routine maintenance of damaged pavement such as pothole repair? Resurfacing/reconfiguring parking lots is where the wort< does not expose underlying soil during construction. INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered NO, then proceed to question 4. If you answered YES, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below 4. Will your redevelopment project create, replace, or add at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on existing developed property or will your project be located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) create 2500 square feet or more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? Replacement of existing impervious surfaces indudes any activity that is not part of routine maintenance where impervious material(s) are removed, exposing underiying soil durinq construction. INbTRUCTlONS. If you answered YES, you ARE a significant redevelopment, and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements. Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below Rev SUSMP to find out if SUSMP requirements apply to your project envelope or the entire project site. If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below. lew "for dennition see Footnote 4 on page 2 " ' SECTIOM 3 QUEST10^»^AIRE RESULTS ^ My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stonnwater criteria per the SUSMP and 1 understand 1 must prepare a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal at time of application. 1 understand flow control (hydromodification) requirements may apply to my project. Refer to SUSMP for details. • My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the SUSMP. As part of these requirements, 1 will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project Address: 2850 Redhill Ave, Ste 200 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 215-050-73 Applicant Name: City Ventures Homebuilding, LLC Applicant Title: Applicant Signature; Date: , 7?iis Box lor Cily Use Only City Concurrence; By: YES NO Oate: Pnoject ID; E-34 Page 3 Of 3 REV 1/14/11 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section III Pollutants of Concern The project is within the Carlsbad Watershed (H.U.B. No. 904.00) which is managed by Region 9 (San Diego) of the State Water Resources Control Board. Although the private storm drain system does not directly tie into the municipal storm drain, it does convey flows to detention basins which then inlet into the municipal system located offsite in Dove Lane. This system ultimately outlets to the San Marcos Creek (H.U.B. No. 904.50), then lastly to the Batiquitos Lagoon (H.U.B. No. 904.51). See table below. The majority of Lot 4 (open space/undeveloped area), along with the property owned by Plaza Paseo Real Associates, LLC located adjacent to the southerly border of the project, is considered an Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs). In addition, Batiquitos Lagoon which is located approximately 1 mile south of the project site is considered an Area of Special Biological Significance (ASBS). The San Marcos Creek requires TMDL for all impairments in the table below. In comparing the expected/potential pollutants generated by land use and the 303(d) listed impairments, the primary pollutants-of-concern are pesticides, nutrients, and sediment. These pollutants will be reduced in discharges from the project as storm water quality design flows will be filtered in treatment BMPs before release and/or infiltration. Water Body Impairments: Receiving Waters 303(d) Listed Impairments^ Designated Beneficial Uses^ San Marcos Creek DDE, Phosphorus, Sediment Toxicity AGR, RECl, REC2, WARM, WILD Batiquitos Lagoon None MUN, AGR, IND, RECl, REC2, BIOL, EST, WILD, RARE, MAR, MIGR, SPWN » From 2006 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) 2 From 1994 Region 9 Water Quality Management Plan (Basin Plan) City Ventures CVEN-012SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section III Page 11 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Potential Pollutants for Project Categories a.nd/ot Features Type of Development Pollutant Attached Residential Development Hillside Development >5,000 f t2 Parking Lots Streets, Highways & Freeways Sediment X X X X Nutrients X X X X Heavy Metals X X Organic Compounds X Trash & Debris X X X X Oxygen Demanding Substances X X X X Oil & Grease X X X X Bacteria & Viruses p X Pesticides X X p P X = Expected P = Potential City Ventures CVEN-012SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section III Page 12 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section IV Source Control (BMPs) The following tables show source control BMPs included in this project. POTENTIAL SOURCE OF RUNOFF POLLUTANTS PERMANENT SOURCE CONTROL BMPs OPERATIONAL SOURCE CONTROL BMPs On-site storm drain inlets Mark all inlets with the words "No Dumping! Flows to Bay" or similar Maintain and periodically repaint or replace inlet markings. Provide stormwater pollution prevention information to new site owners, lessess, or operators. See applicable operational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-44, "Drainage System Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbook Include the following in lease agreements: "Tenants shall not allow anyone to discharge anything to storm drain or to store or deposit materials so as to create a potential discharge to storm drains." Inspect catch basins for debris and periodic cleaning prior to storm season. Need for future indoor & structural pest control Townhomes designed to discourage entry of pests. Provide Integrated Pest Management information to owners, lessees, and operators. City Ventures CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section IV Page 13 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 POTENTIAL SOURCE OF RUNOFF POLLUTANTS PERMANENT SOURCE CONTROL BMPs OPERATIONAL SOURCE CONTROL BMPs Landscape/Outdoor Pesticide Use Existing native trees, shrubs, and ground cover will be preserved to the maximum extent possible. Landscaping is designed to minimize irrigation and runoff. Fertilizers and pesticides will be used at minimal amounts allowable. Landscaped detaining area will be planted with vegetation tolerant of saturated soil conditions. Pest-resistant plants will be considered in landscape areas adjacent to hardscape. Plants appropriate to site soils, slopes, climate, elements, land use, air movement, ecological consistency, and plant interactions will be used. Maintain landscaping using minimum or no pesticides. See applicable operational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-41, "Building and Grounds Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbook Provide IPM information to new owners, lessees, and operators. Pools, spas, ponds, decorative fountains, and other water features. Property Management Company will be educated with and employ BMPs as outUned in educational material provided by the City of Carlsbad on Pools and Spas See applicable operational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-72, "Fountain and Pool Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks Miscellaneous Drain or Wash Water - Roofing, gutters, and trim. Roofing, gutters, and trim made of copper or other unprotected metals will not be used as they may leach into runoff. City Ventures CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section IV Page 14 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 POTENTIAL SOURCE OF RUNOFF POLLUTANTS PERMANENT SOURCE CONTROL BMPs OPERATIONAL SOURCE CONTROL BMPs Plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots. N/A Plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots shall be swept regularly to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris. Debris from pressure washing shall be collected to prevent entry into the storm drain system. Washwater containing any cleaning agent or degreaser shall be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer and not discharged to a storm drain. The following potential sources of runoff pollutants as listed in the Stormwater Pollutant Sources and Source Control Checklist (Appendix 1) of the City of Carlsbad SUSMP have been omitted as they are not included into the design of the site. Interior floor drains and elevator shaft sump pumps Interior parking garages Food service Refuse areas Industrial processes Outdoor storage of equipment or materials Vehicle Equipment Cleaning Vehicle/Equipment Repair and Maintenance Fuel Dispensing Areas Loading Docks Fire Sprinkler Test Water Additional Source Control BMPs Education for Property Owners, Tenants, and Occupants and Employee Training: will be addressed through education provided within Appendix A of this report. All included materials provide ways of mitigating stormwater pollution in everyday activities associated with Residents as well as Employees of the Property Management Company and their sub-contractors. The distribution of these materials will be the responsibility of the Property Management Company. Information can be included in newsletters, mailers, or as part of the initial packet of information given to new tenants. City Ventures CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section IV Page 15 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section V Low Impact Development (LID) Design Strategies The following table shows site design BMPs that are included in this project. A description of each BMP follows: Site Design BMPs Technique Included? Description of method and how implemented. Technique Yes No Description of method and how implemented. Minimize Impervious Area/Maximize Permeability (C-Factor Reduction) • Streets, sidewalks, and drive aisles have been designed to the minimum widths necessary as required by City of Carlsbad Standards. The site is designed to maximize on-site permeable area as has a 78% pervious to impervious surface area. Minimize Directly Connected Impervious Areas (DCIAs) • Where applicable, grassy/landscaped areas are incorporated in and/or between impervious areas. Roof runoff will flow through vegetated areas prior to entering storm drain. Where feasible, runoff from sidewalks is directed to landscaped areas rather than to streets. First flush will be captured and treated in Katchall Purestream units and Lined Bioretention areas before entering detention basin if reaching the basin at all. Landscaping swales within landscaped areas will be used to direct flow to area drain system. Create Reduced or "Zero Discharge" Areas (Runoff Volume Reduction) • Permeable area has been maximized as described aboved (78% pervious). Landscaped areas have been incorporated throughout the site allowing for increased infiltration of runoff. Existing native trees and shrubs will be preserved when feasible to maximize canopy interception and water conservation. In addition, native and drought tolerant trees and shrubs will be used and planted. Runoff will be directed to existing basins located both onsite and offsite. Opportunity for infiltration increases. Conserve Natural Areas (C- Factor Reduction) • Lot 4 (undeveloped) portion of the site will remain untouched and protected as this is an ESA. As previously described above, existing native trees and shrubs will be preserved when feasible. Planting of additional trees and shrubs will also be consistent with the native composition. City Ventures CVEN-012SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section V Page 16 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section VI Integrated Management Practices (IMP'S) stormwater Treatment Facilities The following table shows stormwater treatment facilities that are included in this project. This table includes facilities categorized as IMP's in addition to facilities categorized as TCBMP's. A description of each BMP follows: Stormwater Treatment Facilities Name Included? If No, state brief reason. If included, describe how will be implemented. Name Yes No If No, state brief reason. If included, describe how will be implemented. Flow Through Planter (Lined Bioretention Facilities (LID)) • Lined bioretention facilities (to prevent infiltration in development area as recommended by the Soils Engineer) will be located within available courtyards and landscape areas where grading does not prevent placement. These facilities are highly effective in removing all types of pollutants of concern. Settling Basins (Dry Ponds) • The nature of the impervious footprint and site constraints do not allow for placement of a settling basin (dry pond) Wet Ponds and Constructed Wetlands • Project footprint/hillside development not suitable for wetland area/ wetland development Infiltration Facilities or Practices (LID) • m Per recommendation of the Soils Engineer, infiltration facilities or practices are not feasible as the site will consist of compacted filled resulting in pavement distress and support loss upon saturation. Media Filters • Bioretention areas located within the development are preferred and is more effective form of treatment and is also more cost effective. Higher-rate biofiiters • Street runoff will be treated via Katchall Purestream Biofiltration Chambers (tree-pit style units). These units are highly effective in removing sediments, trash & debris, while having medium efficiency in removing nutrients,heavy metals, organic compounds, oxygen demanding substances, bacteria, oil & grease, and pesticides Higher-rate media filters • Bioretention areas located within the development are preferred and is more effective form of treatment and is also more cost effective. Trash Racks & Hydro- dynamic Devices • Original TTM approved in 2006 incorporated CDS unit. The City has expressed favor for replacement of unit with more treatment, hydromodification mitigation, and cost effective LID features. City Ventures CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section VI Page 17 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Stormwater Treatment Facilities Name Included? If No, state brief reason. If included, describe how will be implemented. Name Yes No If No, state brief reason. If included, describe how will be implemented. Vegetated Swales • m Lined bioretention facilities would be used in favor of vegetated swales as they are more effective as a treatment facility. As it has been determined that this site does not fulfill HMP exemption requirements, per the City of Carlsbad requirements in achieving stormwater objectives, integrated LID strategy has been utilized for treating roof and walkway runoff as the primary choice of treatment. To aid in the sizing of the IMPs (Integrated Management Practices) used in this LID strategy, the San Diego County BMP Sizing Calculator was used to ensure that the goal of treatment and flow control (HMP) is achieved. A low flow threshold of 10% of the 2-year flow (0.1Q2) was assumed in the calculations. The calculations given by the San Diego County BMP Sizing Calculator of the IMPs (flow through planters) can be found in Section IX. Location of the flow through planters can be found in the SWMP Exhibit while design of these areas can be found in the grading plans. Piping within these bioretention facilities will be sized as recommended in the BMP Calculator. As discussed with the City, roof and street flows to both existing basins will be treated with high rate biofiiters (TCBMPs). Hydromodification will be addressed by way of the BMP calculator and the resulting modifications made to the existing inlet structures within the basins. See Section VII for TCBMP calculations and discussion. For details of modifications to inlet structures, see Public Improvement plans Dwg. No. 471-6. City Ventures CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section VI Page 18 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section VII Treatment Control BMP's (TCBMP's) Treatment Control BMPs have also been incorporated as a form of treatment. Sizing, calculations and discussion regarding these BMPs are found below. The Stormwater Quality Design Flow (SQDF) is the amount of flow that is expected to be treated for any storm event, while the excess flow is allowed to be bypassed. The calculation for the SQDF is similar to the calculation of the large storm event hydrology. The formula Q=C*I*A is used to calculate the maximum flow. The target is the maximum flow rate of runoff produced from a rainfall intensity (I) of 0.2 inch of rainfall per hour for each hour of a storm event. From Table 4-2 of the City of Carlsbad SUSMP, the C value of 1 is assumed (Roofs, Concrete/Asphalt). The largest subarea tributary to a Katchall unit is 0.54 ac. This amounts to 0.11 cfs. Stormwater Quality Design Flow (SQDF) ID# TYPE AREA (ac) C I (iiVhr) QsQDF (cfs) 37 Katchall Purestream #10-6-4 0.16 1.0 0.20 0.03 38 Katchall Purestream #8-6-4 0.16 1.0 0.20 0.03 39 Katchall Purestream #8-6-4 0.19 1.0 0.20 0.04 40 Katchall Purestream #8-6-4 0.28 1.0 0.20 0.06 41 Katchall Purestream #8-6-4 0.04 1.0 0.20 0.01 42 Katchall Purestream #8-6-4 0.11 1.0 0.20 0.02 43 Katchall Purestream #10-6-4 0.25 1.0 0.20 0.05 City Ventures CVEN-012SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section VII Page 19 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Stormwater Quality Design Flow (SQDF) ID# TYPE AREA (ac) C I (in/hr) QsQDF (cfs) 44 Katchall Purestream #8-6-4 0.32 1.0 0.20 0.06 45 Katchall Purestream #8-6-4 0.54 1.0 0.20 o.n 46 Katchall Purestream #8-6-4 0.12 1.0 0.20 0.02 Ten (10) Katchall Purestream Biofiltration Chambers (side discharge layout), located within the project, will remove pollutants from storm run-off for the street and driveway portions of the developed site. The maximum treatment design flow for each Katchall system is 0.26 cfs for model #8-6-4 and 0.33 cfs for model #10-6-4. 0.26 cfs is over 2-times the highest SQDF of 0.11 cfs. Per the hydrology report, the highest flow tributary to these systems in the QIO is 4.20 cfs while the highest flow tributary to these systems in the QIOO is 6.55 cfs. Each system can handle a maximum flow of 7.5 cfs. Information regarding the Purestream system can be found in Appendix B. City Ventures CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Section VII Page 20 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section VIII Hydromodification As previously discussed in Section VI, hydromodification mitigation is approached with the use of LID Strategy with sizing done per the San Diego BMP Calculator. See Section IX for printouts and screenshots that calculate orifice sizing for the Bioretention Areas which will limit outflow to the existing detention basins. While treatment to tributary flow to the basins occur within the Katchall Purestream Biofiltration Chambers, hydromodification mitigation will yet be applied to the existing basins. By entering the existing parameters of both the onsite and offsite basin into the pond sizing section of the calculator, it has been determined that there is sufficient volume to hold flows entering the basin. The onsite basin currently holds 11,934 cu.ft. while tlte calculator determined 10,189 cu.ft. is required. The offsite basin currently holds 26,832 cu.ft. while the calculator determined 10,182 cu.ft. is required. Although volume sizes has been fulfilled, the pond sizing data will be used to size the upper and lower orifices made to the existing basin inlets to achieve hydromodification mitigation. City Ventures Section VIII CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Page 21 Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) La Costa Village Townhomes TRACT 04-08 Section IX Documentation of Stormwater Design The following printouts and screenshots depict the tabulations and calculations used for IMP sizing. City Ventures Section IX CVEN-012 SWMP.doc Revised: August 2011 Page 22 REPORT SUMIVIARIES Project Summary PrcijwtNMra CsricbjK) Ls CoetB CoMvctton Profect ApplKail C&V JuiMlctlan CityofCwtiAKi PMMltAPN) HydmooleUnH | Cartslwd Compliance Basin Summary B»§laNmmt: Bssm Ares 1 (Nonh) Recelyfng Vfnttr. ExJttno Storn t om rr".-t RaMM Basin Occanuda Mean Anmal PradpHatlon ^nOm) 133 PralMt SMin ATM facnf): 3S9 WMntied AfH (Km): 000 SCCWRP LMtial ChancMl SuscepHbMy (H M, L): STOWRP VBfBflctf ChMntf SuMepmia^ (H, lit, IJ: Ovtrafl ChmneC auseeptiMlty (H. M, L): HGH ixfma FtowTlmfhold (K ot 2-Year How}: 01 l^inage Management Area Summary 7807 n43 7685 7S99 7728 7758 r7M 7780 7763 7705 7773 7774 7775 777fi 7780 7781 7785 7787 77B8 7789 Oram lo UD DraratoUD Drab^toUD DrautftDllD OranslaUD Drams ID UD Dram 10 UD DrwtttoUD Drams (oLU) DrairtctDUO OninstBUO OnMnEtoUD DmnalsUO Drains to UD OraintloUO Dram to UO Drams to UD Drams to UD Drwn to UD Oram 10 UD DR»nstoUO Dram to UD DramtaDO DnamtoUD OrvRsttUO •rsraloUO BMPfO BMP1 BMP 2 BMP 2 BMP 3 BMPe BMPS BMP 7 BMP 7 BMP 8 BMPS BMP 9 BMPfl BMP 10 BMP11 BMP 11 EMP 12 Si(lawal»(stoBW>1 Landscaptng to BMP 1 Sidvwalks lo Bm* 7 LmfacacMno lo BMP 2 Lanet9capinato8MP3 RooftitoBMPS Lwutec^iino to BMP 4 Roofs to BMP 4 Sidwralksto BhU'S Lsnilscaping to BMP B SlOmvaUcslo BMP 7 Lanctacapina to BMP 7 RoofeloBMP7 Lamtacapwig (a BMP S RoOfti ta BMP a SdawalhstoBMPS Landacsping to BMP 9 Roofs to BMP 9 Sx^crwaUstoBMP 10 Lsndao^nogtoBMP 10 Roofs to BMP 10 Sdawalloi to SUP 11 Landscapmg fo ^P 11 SidawoHcstD BMP 12 Lands., jpmg to BMP 12 RoofiloaMP 12 landBcepmg to BMP 13 RooNto BMP 13 SMawatics to BMP U Lsndacapiny (a BMP 14 Roofs to BMP 14 Pfa-PwjadCwsr P«rvmus(Pr«) ParvioutiPraJ ParwwiafPw) PofVKXA {Ptt) Pervious (Pre) PorxDut (Pra) Perv ow (FYB) Psrwoua (Pre) Paiviou*{Pre) PoTMua (Pre) Pervtous (F^a) Pefvo»*s (Pre) PerviDuft (Pro) Pervious (Pta) Pervious (Pfe) PenMUffPra) Ptrwou«(Pre) Ponnoufi (Pr«) Parvious (Pr») PervHHjfi (Pre) PorvKJus <Pr«) PefvwuS(PTe) Pervious (Pre) PaonoutlPre) Pervious (Pre) PcrvKKis (Pre) Parx'ou^- (Pre) Perwous (Pr«) Patwus (Pra) Pervioua (Pre) Pervious (Pre) Post SUftBca Typa Concrete or MphaR LandKaping Concrete or aapnan Landacapang Roofs Larfdaeaptng Rooft Comataor asfhril Landscaping Concrete or aaphaR Roofe Landicamng Roofs Cofvcrele or aaphatt Roofc CorKTrte or astihall LandBcapmg Roofs CofKnta or eephelt Landscaping Concrate or ft! i>halt DnteaoeSflN Roofa Lsndtcapng Roofs ConcrMaorsBi Landscaping Roofs Typa D [hi{^ runtrif • day soi. Typ« D (hn^ rwKiff - etay sot. Typa D (Fugh runoff - day 901 Type D (hi(|h runcA- day aoc Typa D (hl(^ runoff - day BOI Type D [ta^ nnofl - viaf soi Type D t^Hgh nnofl • day aot Type D (lugh mnafT - day «oi TVpc 0 (fs|^ nntdf • day aot.. Typo 0 y»(ff"w ^fl'• day soi. T^w D (high runotr • day •oi.- Typa D (high rxT'4t - day Type D (fiigh ruraff ~ day SOI. Type 0 (high njnoff • day SOI Type D {hi^ fund! - day sot.. Typa D (high rwiotf - day aoi. Type D (hig^i ruioff - clay sci Type D (nigh nmoff - day SO) Type D (t«(^ runoR - day Typ# D (Ngh runoff - day aoi Tnie D njnoff - day SOI IVpa D {hi{^ runoff • day SDI Type D (N{^ runoff - day SOI. T)rpeD{Ngfi nnofl-day eo Type D (high runoff • tiaf SOI Typa D (hu^ tunofT' day ftji T)pe D (r.igh runoff - day Ml Type 0 (high runoff • day SOI Typa D (fngh rijnoft - day sa Type D (high runoW - day 901 . Typa 0 (hi^ nmolf - day 10%) SlMp (greater 10%) Steep (greater lOf^'. Sleep (graaur 10«) Sisep (greater 10H) Stoapuirsatar10%) Staap (gnatv lOH} aiMp(Oraater 10%) Stsap (graatsr 10U) Sta^f/eater 10%) Ste^ (greater 10%) Steep (greater 10%) ^np(flraaterlD%) Steap (greater 10%) Steep (greats 10%) Seep (tp^eatar 10%; Steep (7*ater tD%} Steep (^ealer 10%) Staep(grsaleT lOHl Steep (ireater 10%) Sleep {QreaiGr 10%) Steep (gmater 10%) Ste<l«) (greater 10%) Staap (greater 10%) Steep (grealar 10%} Steep (paatar 10%) Ste«p (graaNff 10%) Steep (greater 1t^A) Steep (i^Mar 10%) Steep (greMer 10%) Steep (greater 10%) http:/,uknow.brvviicald.co«i/\vastcwatcr/TooIkits/U'atcrs!ica/Sit^^^ 7/13/2011 7782 Drams to UO Bt4P1S SKtewalkstoBUPIS 00 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or anpfwlt Typa D (high ruiotl - day *>i. Steep (grealar 10%) ;7B3 Drama to UD BMP IS Lenii'-capmgtaBMPIS 00 Pervtous (Pre) Lindacap- >g Type D (it|^ runoff • day soi Seep (grealar 10%) r7M OroriBtDUD BMP 15 ReoteioBMP 15 00 Pervious (Pre) Roi''* Type D (hi(^ rwoff • day SOI Steep (greater 10%) 77M Dram to UD BMP biewdhstoBMP 18 0.0 PervwusiPri' Concrete or asphaA Type 0 [ht(^ rwofl - day soi Steep (greater ICH) 7801 Drat IS to UO BMP 18 LandusQing to BMP 10 00 Penfous (Pre) t-andecaping Tipa 0 (high runoff - day soi Staep (greater 10%) 7803 Drains lo UO BMP 16 Roofs to BMP 18 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofs Type D (high runoff - day soi Steep (veater 10^, 7K13 Drams to UO BMP 17 r^dewiftstDBMP 17 00 Pe..yus(Pli, Concrate or aapfistt Type D (high runoff - clay aot. Staap (grealar 10%) 7804 Drams tsUO BMP 17 Lartdaceping to BMP t? 00 Pervious (Pre) La^dscaplr^g Type D (hij^ rutatt -day SOI Steep (greater 10%) 7B0S Drama (DUD BMP 17 ROOCB ID BMP 17 00 f»er\*ooa (Pre) Roofs Type 0 (hi(^ runoff • day SOI Steep (greelar 10%) 7806 Drains 10 UD BMP1B Landscaping to BMP 18 00 Penflous(Pre) Landac^Nng Typa D (Ngh runoff - dey soi Staap (greater 10%) 7807 Drams » LID BMP 18 Roofs to BMP 18 00 Pemous (Pre) Roofe Type D (high nnofT- day SOI Steep (greater 10%) 7808 DramloUO BMP 19 Sid»*^lcstoBMP19 00 P* .ious(Pr«) Concrate or asphaR Typa 0 (high ruooff- day toi . Sleep (greater tOlt' 7«» Drains to UD BMP IQ LandacaprngtoBMPIS DO Pervious (Pra) Landscapirtg Type D (high runoff - day aoi Steep (greater 10%) 7810 OramstaUO BMP lfi Roofs to BMP 19 00 Pemous (Pre) Roofs Type 0 (Ngh runoff - day soi SMep(grMtar10%) 7811 OramstoUO BMP 20 Sidewalks to BMP 20 00 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphaft Type D (h nawft - day sd. Steep (greater 10%) 7812 Drams ts UD BMP 20 Landacapirv to BMP 20 00 Pervious iPiti Landscaprng Type 0 (f« Jh nnoff - dey aoi Steep (greater 10%) 7813 Drams loUD BMP 20 Roofs to BMP 20 00 Pervious (Pre) Roofs Typa 0(fvi^ nmoff - day soi Staap (greater 10%) 7837 SaH-Treatrtg BMP1 Self Treating Areas 19 Type D (hitfi nmoff - f'ay SOI 7920 OsmtoUO BMPS 00 Pervious (Pro) Concrete or aiphafi Type D (hi^ rurwtr - day soi Steep (greater 10%) 7928 Oains to UD BMPS Landscaping to BMP 5 00 Pervious (Pre) Landscapmg Typa D (.iiiff\ nmolf • day BM Steep (grealar 1C« ) 7929 Drains to UD BMPS RoofsuBMPS 00 PerMous (Pro) Roofs Type 0 (high runoff • day SOI Steep (greater 10%) 7^5 DramloPorK] BMP 1 Street artd Mac Hardsc^ to Oi«4> Beam 11 Per" us(P(») Type 0 (hi^ runoff • cfe^ SOI Sleep (^atar lO'*' . LID Facility Summary SMF ID Typa Dascilptlon Pfan Araa (stifq Votumal(eiq Volume ZIofl) Orltloa Plow (cfk) Orinoa size (Indi) BMPI Flow-Through Planter BMP 1 - Lmed Bioretenlran 000 0 00 000 000 000 BMP2 nov»-Thitiugh Plantar BMP 2 - Lined Bioratonbon QOO 000 000 OU) 000 BW3 Dow-Through Planter BMP 3 - Lm«d BKirelefilion 000 000 000 000 ODO BMP 4 Row-Through Ptanlw BMP 4 - Lned Bioretention 000 OQO 000 0.00 POO BfklP6 Flow-TTwough Planter BMP 8 - Unsd Bwetantwr 000 0 01 OOD 000 000 BMP7 Flow-Through Planter BMP 7 - Lined ftoretentian 000 000 000 000 QOO BMP 8 Ftovi(-T>irough Plwitw BMP 8 - Lined Bioretention 000 000 000 000 000 BMP 9 Flow-Through Planter BMP 0 - Lined BKireienlion 000 ooo 000 OOD 000 BMP 10 now-Through Pianlar BMP 10 -Lmadftoratantion 000 000 000 000 000 BMP 11 Flow-Through Plviter BMP 11 - Lined Bionrtenton 000 000 000 0 00 000 BMP 12 Flow-Tfirough Planter BMP 12 - uned Bioretantion t 00 000 000 000 000 BMP 13 Hcpw-Through Planter BMP 13 - Uned Bioratention 000 0.00 000 0.00 ox BUPS Ftov^Throogh Planter BMP s • Lined BioraientiDn OOQ 0.00 000 DOO 000 BMP 14 now-Through Ranter BMP 14 - Lmea BtoratenDon 000 000 000 000 000 BMP 15 Flow-Through Planter BMP 19 - Lined Binelsnbon ooo 000 000 OOD 000 BMPI 6 Flow-Through Planter BMP 18 • UnadBiorelenlion 000 0-00 000 0» 000 BMP 17 Flow-Through Planir BMP 17 - Uned Bioretantion 000 000 000 000 000 BMP 18 Flow-Through Planter BMP 18 - Uned KoretenVon 000 000 000 000 000 BMP 18 Flow-Through Planter BMP 19 - Lmed Bioretentan aoo 000 000 000 000 BMP 20 Plow-TTvough Plantar BMP 20 - Uned Biordenbon OOQ ocn 000 000 .00 http/uknow.b™Ticaldcom/wastewatern"oolkitsAVatershed/SiteToolkit/ReportResult.asp.x?pid=1386^ 7/13/2011 Report Result Page 1 of3 Project Sumtnary Project Name Carlsbad La Costa Collection Project Applicant C&V Jurisdiction CityofCarlsbad Parcel (APN) Hydrologic Unit Carlsbad Cotnpliance Basin Suminary Basin Name: Basin Area 1 (North) Receiving Water: Existing 36" Storm Drain Inlet Rainfall Basin Oceanside IMean Annual Precipitation (inches) 13.3 Project Basin Area (acres): 3.89 Watershed Area (acres): 0.00 SCCWRP Lateral Channel Susceptiblity (H, IM, L): SCCWRP Vertifical Channel Susceptiblity (H, M, L): Overall Channel Susceptibility (H, M, L): HIGH Lower Flow Threshold (% of 2-Year Flow): 0.1 )t flEE" Note ot^ BA5>(/N) 4 R£^f=t>flrr SomA^A^, m ADOi-TiOA/^ poMD SiX/lsJiSr «p=bPT SoflO^Af^y Drainage Management Area Summary ID Type BMP ID Description Area (ac) Pre-Project Cover Post Surface Type Drainage Soil Slope 7606 Drains to LID BMPI Sidewalks to BMP 1 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Conaete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7607 Drains to LID BMP 1 Landscaping to BMP 1 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7643 Drains to LID BMP 2 Sidewalks to BMP 2 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7685 Drains to LID BMP 2 Landscaping to BMP 2 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7699 Drains to LID BMPS Landscaping to BMP 3 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7703 Drains to LID BMP 3 Roofs to BMP 3 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7726 Drains to LID BMP 4 Landscaping to BMP 4 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7727 Drains to LID BMP 4 Roofs to BMP 4 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7758 Drains to LID BMP 6 Sidewalks to BMP 6 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay sol... Steep (greater 10%) 7759 Drains to LID BMP 6 Landscaping to BMP 6 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7760 Drains to LID BMP 7 Sidewalks to BMP 7 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) Report Result Page2afii:f3 7763 Drains to LID BMP 7 Landscaping to BMP 7 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay sol... Steep (greater 10%) 7765 Drains to LID BMP 7 Roofe to BMP 7 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7773 Drains to LID BMPS Landscaping to BMP 8 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7774 Drains to LID BMPS Roofe to BMP 8 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high mnoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7775 Drains to LID BMPS Sidewalks to BMP 9 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high njnoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7776 Drains to LID BMP 9 Landscaping to BMP 9 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7777 Drains to LID BMP 9 Roofe to BMP 9 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7778 Drains to LID BMP 10 Sidewalks to BMP 10 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7779 Drains to LID BMP 10 Landscaping to BMP 10 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7780 Drains to LID BMP 10 Roofe to BMP 10 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - day soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7781 Drains to LID BMP 11 Sidewalks to BMP 11 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7782 Drains to LID BMP 11 Landscaping to BMP 11 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7783 Drains to LID BMP 12 Sidewalks to BMP 12 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay sol-Steep (greater 10%) 7784 Drains to LID BMP 12 Landscaping to BMP 12 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay sol-Steep (greater 10%) 7785 Drains to LID BMP 12 Roofe to BMP 12 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7787 Drains to LID BMP 13 Landscaping to BMP 13 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7788 Drains to LID BMP 13 Roofe to BMP 13 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7789 Drains to LID BMP 14 Sidewalks to BMP 14 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7790 Drains to LID BMP 14 Landscaping to BMP 14 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7791 Drains to LIO BMP 14 Roofe to BMP 14 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7792 Drains to LID BMP 15 Sidewalks to BMP 15 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7793 Drains to LID BMP 15 Landscaping to BMP 15 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7794 Drains to LID BMP 15 Roofe to BMP 15 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7798 Drains to LID BMP 16 Sidewalks to BMP 16 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7801 Drains to LID BMP 16 Landscaping to BMP 16 0.0 Pen/ious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) Report Result Page 3 of3 7802 Drains to LID BMP 16 Roofe to BMP 16 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high mnoff - clay soi,. Steep (greater 10%) 7803 Drains to LID BMP 17 Sidewalks to BMP 17 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7804 BMP 17 La?i!l5«ai5mgteBMPl7 0.0 Pewi6U5(Pfs) Landseaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi,.. Gl6ep(gF«at6i'l0%) 7805 Drains to LID BMP 17 Roofe to BMP 17 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high mnoff - clay soi,.. Steep (greater 10%) 7806 Drains to LID BMP 18 Landscaping to BMP 18 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high mnoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7807 Drains to LID BMP 18 Roofe to BMP 18 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7808 Drains to LID BMP 19 Sidewalks to BMP 19 0.0 Pen/ious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7809 Drains to LID BMP 19 Landscaping to BMP 19 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7810 Drains to LID BMP 19 Roofe to BMP 19 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - ciay soi,.. Steep (greater 10%) 7811 Drains to LID BMP 20 Sidewalks to BMP 20 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7812 Drains to LID BMP 20 Landscaping to BMP 20 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7813 Drains to LID BMP 20 Roofe to BMP 20 0.0 Pen/ious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high mnoff - clay soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7837 Self-Treating BMP1 Self Treating Areas 1.9 Type D (high runoff - clay soi... 7920 Drains to LID BMP 5 Sidewalks to BMP 5 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7928 Drains to LID BMP 5 Landscaping to BMP 5 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7929 Drains to LID BMPS Roofe to BMP 5 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi,.. Steep (greater 10%) 7945 Drains to Pond BMPI Streets and Misc. Hardscape to Onsite Basin 1.1 Pervious (Pre) Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) Pond Faciiity Summary Scenario Description Bottom Area (sqft) Top Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Volume (cft) Low Orifice (in) Low Invert (ft) High Orifice (In) High Invert (ft) Weir Length (ft) Weir Invert (ft) Facility Soil Drawdown (hrs) Design A Onsite Basin - Existing Condition Parameter Inputted 1750 3344 4 10189.3 0.8 0.00 5.00 3.00 4,00 4.00 D 86.00 fage 1 Ot I Project Summary Projaet Matnc Csrfstjad La Cosla CoHacbon Project ApplloMit C4V Jurtsdiction City ol Caristiad Parc«t{Af^) Hydrologic Unit Carlsbad Compliance Basin Summary BasJn Name: Basin Araa 2 (South) Raceiving Water: Rainfall Basin Oceanside Mean Annual Pracipitatton (inctiesj 133 Prci|ect Basin Araa (scras): 1 fll Watarshed Area (acras): 000 SCCWRP Lateral Channel Suscarrtiblity (H, M, g: SCCWRP Varttfieal Channel Susceptiblity (H. M, L): Overall Channel SuscapUfallUy (H, M, L): HIGH Lower Flow Ttiresltold {% of 2-Year Flow): 01 ^ ONJ BA5iiO 1 Dratnags Management Area Summary ID Type BMP ID OescTHjeon Are8<ac) Pte-ProJactCow Post Surface Type Drainage Soil Slope 7947 Oains to LID BMPI StdewaJksto BMP la 0.0 Pervious (Pte) Concrete or asphalt Type 0 (high runt^ sa day Steep (greater 10%) 7948 Dfans to LID BMPI Landscapmg to BMP la 00 Pewious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (h^^ runoff SOI day 9aep (greater 10%) 7949 Drains to LID BMP 2 Landscaping to BMP 2s 00 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (f^gh runoff SOI . day Steep (greater lO'^}) 79M Drains to LID BMP 2 Roots to BMP 2a 00 Pewious (Pre) Roofs Type D (high runoff soi day Steep (greater iO%) 7951 Drains to LID BMP 3 SfdawaNcs lo BMP 3a 00 Pervious (Pra) ConcrM es esphtit Type 0 (high runoff sol day Steep (greater 10<^'> 7952 Dians lo LID BMP 3 Landscaping to BMP 3a 00 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type • (high runoff SOI . day Steep (greater 10%) 7953 Ckains to UO BMP 3 Roosts BMP 3a 00 Paivtotis (F^) Roofs T<peD(high runoff SOI day S'Mp(greatei 10%) 7354 Drains to LIO Bli«^4 Sidewalks to BMP 4« 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D {high fimoff sw clay Stei^ (greater 10%) 795S Draina to LID BMP4 Landscaping to BMP 4a 00 Pareious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (bgh rurK>R B0( . day Slaep (greater 10%) 7956 Drarns to UD BMP 4 Roota to BMP 4a 00 Pervious (Pre) R(K>fB Type D (Isgh runoff SOI day Sleep Igieala 10%) 7957 Drains to LlO BMPS Sidewalks to BMP 5a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete ot aaptiM Type D (Nj^i rimrff SOI. day Steep (greater 10%) 7958 Drains to LID BMPS Landscapng to BMP Sa 00 Penrttnjs (Re) Lsr>dscsping Type D (high ri^off soi. clay Steep (greater 10%) 7959 Drain* to UD BMP 6 Sidew^ka to BhT Oa 00 PereiCNjs (Pre) Concrete or asptiatt Type D (high rurroff SOI day Sleep (greater 10%) 7960 DrairHitoUD BMP 6 Landscapmg to BMP Ba 00 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (tugh runoff SOI day steep (gieata 10%) 7961 Drains to LID BMP 7 Sidewalks to BMP 7a 00 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff SOI day Sleep (greater 10%) 7962 Drains to LID BMP 7 Landscaping to BMP ?• 00 Pervioua (Pro) Landscapmg Type D (high runon •oi day Steep (gieatef 10%) 7963 Drairalo UD BMPfi Landscaping to BMP 8a 00 Pervioia (Pre) Lsndbciping Type D (high (unoff day 7964 Drarw to UO BMPS Roofs to BMP 6a 00 PerwHJS (Prel Roofs Type D (hi^ runoff soi day Steep (Broater 10%) 7965 Drains to LIO BMP 9 Sidewalks to BMP 9a 00 Pervious (F^«) Cono^ete or asphaft Type D (high runoff SOI day Steep (tKSslsf '<0%) 7866 Dratns to LiD BMP 9 Landscaping to BMP 9B 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Ty, • D [high runoff SOI day steep (greater 10%) 7987 Drana to UD BMP 9 Roofs to BMP 8a 00 Pervious (Pre) Rooh Type D (l^flh runoff SO) day Steep (greater 10%] 7968 Drans to UD BMP 10 Sidewalks to BMP 10a 00 Penious (Pre) Concrete or asphtft Type D (Nt^ runoff day Sle^) (oreater 10%) 7969 Oains to LIO BMP 10 Landscaping to BMP 10a 00 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type 0 (tfl^ rimoff aoi day Steep (graaler "^0%) 7970 Orana to UO BMP 11 SidewalkstoBMPIIa 00 Penn ous (Pre) Concrete or asphail Type D (hij^ fi^off clay Steep (greater 10%) 7971 Drans toUD BMP 11 Landscapingto BMP 11B 00 Pervious (Pre) Lsndscapng Type 0 (high run<^ soi day Steep (greater 10%) 7972 Oains to LID BMP 11 Roofs to BMP lla 00 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff day Stei^fl^satcr 10°;) 7973 Draifls to LIO BMP 12 Sidewalks lo BMP I2a 00 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Typa D (hif^ runoff soi day Sleep (greater 10%) http://ulaiow.brwncald.com/wastewater/Toolkits/Watershe(i/SiteToolkit/ReportResult.aspx... 7/13/2011 IXCpUll XVC&UIL rage zot z 7974 Drans lo LlO BMP 12 Landscaping to BMP 12B QQ Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type 0 (high runoff SOi day Steep (flfeaiei lOV; 7975 Drains to LID BMP 12 Pools to BMP 12a 00 Penrious (Pre) Roofs Type 0 (high runoff SOI. day Steep (greater 10%) 7976 Drains to LID BMP 13 Landscaping to BMP I3a 0.0 Penflous (Pie) Concrele or ssphall Type D (high runoff 801., day Sleep (greaier1D%) 7977 Drains to LIO BMP 13 Roofs to BMP 13a 00 PeroiouB (Pre) Roofs Type D {high runoff BOI clay Steep (greater 10"'.) 7978 Drans to LIO BMP 14 •Sidewalks 10 BMP 14a 00 Pervious (Pre) Concrele or asphalt Typo D (high runt^ sai day Sleep (orealei 10%) 7979 Drams to UD BMP 14 Landscaping lo BMP 14a oo Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high tunoff day Steep (greater 10%) 79S0 0;ains to L'D BMP 14 Roofs 10 BMP 14a 00 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff soi day Steep(grealer 10%) 7961 Draina lo UD BMP 15 Sidewalks lo BMP 15a 00 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff SOI diiy Steep (greater 10%) 7982 Drains lo UD BMP 15 Landscaping to BMP 15a 0.0 Pervious (Pie) Landscaping Type 0 (high runoff so: clay Sleep (greater t0%) 7983 Sdf-Treatmg BMP 1 Self Treating Areas 03 Type 0 (high runoff day 8014 Drains to Pond SMP1 Stieets and Misc Hardscape to Otfsile Basin 09 Pen/ious (Pre) Type D (f>igh runoff SOI day Steep (greater 10%) LID Facility Summary BMP ID Type DeBcription Plan Area (sqft) Volume 1{cft} Volume 2(eft} Orlfiee Flow (cr&) CfiflceSiw {Inohj eMP 1 Flow-Through Plantor BMP1B O.OD 000 0 00 000 OOO BMP 2 Flow-Tlwouoh Planter BlytP2a 000 000 000 000 000 BMP 3 Flow-Throuflh Planter BMPSa 0,00 000 000 000 000 BMP 4 Flow-Throua*i Plantar BMP 4a ODO 000 0.00 O.OO QOO BMPS Flow-Throuflh Planter BMP 5a OOO 0.00 000 ooo 000 BMP 6 Flow-Througti Ranter BMP 6a OOO 0.00 000 000 0.00 BMP? FIOW'Through f^antar BMP 7a 0 00 aoo 0 00 0 00 000 BMP 8 Row-Througti Plantar BMP 88 000 000 0 00 000 DOO BMP 8 Flow-Throuflh Planter BMP 9a 000 000 0 00 000 0 00 BMP 10 Flow^Throtrgh Planter BMP 1Da 000 ooo 000 0 00 000 BMP 11 Flow-Throuflh Planter BMP 118 000 000 000 OOD 0.00 BMP 12 Row.Ttirou9h Plantar BMP 12a 000 000 000 000 000 BMP 13 Flow-Throrralt Planter BMP 13a ooo 000 000 0.00 000 BMP 14 Flow-Through Planter BMP 14a 0.00 000 0.00 000 000 BMP 15 Flow-Ttwough Plantar BMP 1£a 0.00 0.00 0 00 DOO 000 http://ulmow.brwncald.coin/wastewater/Toolkits/Watershed/SiteToolkit/ReportResult.aspx... 7/13/2011 Report Result Page 1 of 3 Project Summary Project Name Carlsbad La Costa Collection ProjectApplicant C81V Jurisdiction City of Carlsbad Parcel (APN) Hydrologic Unit Carlsbad Compliance Basin Summary Basin Name: Basin Area 2 (South) Receh/ing Water: Rainfall Basin Oceanside Mean Annual Precipitation (inches) 13.3 Project Basin Area (acres): 1,81 Watershed Area (acres): 0,00 SCCWRP Lateral Channel Susceptiblity (H, M, L): SCCWRP Vertifical Channel Susceptiblity (H, M, L): Overall Channel Susceptibility (H, M, L): HIGH Lower Flow Threshold (% of 2-Year Flow): 0,1 Drainage Management Area Summary ID Type BMP ID Description Area (ac) Pre-Project Cover Post Surface Type Drainage Soil Slope 7947 Drains to LID BMP 1 Sidewalks to BMP la 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi.,-Steep (greater 10%) 7948 Drains to LID BMP 1 Landscaping to BMP la 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high njnoff - clay soi,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7949 Drains to LID BMP 2 Landscaping to BMP 2a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7950 Drains to LID BMP 2 Roofe to BMP 2a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - day soi,.. Steep (greater 10%) 7951 Drains to LID BMPS Sidewallts to BMP 3a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi,.. Steep (greater 10%) 7952 Drains to LIO BMP 3 Landscaping to BMP 3a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7953 Drains to LID BMP 3 Roofe to BMP 3a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - day SOi,.-Steep (greater 10%) 7954 Drains to LID BMP 4 Sidewalks to BMP 4a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high njnoff - day soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7955 Drains to LID BMP 4 Landscaping to BMP 4a 0.0 Pen/ious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - day sol... Steep (greater 10%) 7956 Drains to LID BMP 4 Roofe to BMP 4a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7957 Drains to LID BMPS Sidewalks to BMP 5a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high mnoff - day soi,.. Steep (greater 10%) Report Result Page 2 of3 7958 Drains to LID BMP 5 Landscaping to BMP 5a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - day soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7959 Drains to LiD BMP 6 Sidewalks to BMP 6a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high njnoff - clay sol.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7960 Drains to LID BMP 6 Landscaping to BMP 6a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - day soi „-Steep (greater 10%) 7961 Drains to LID BMP 7 Sidewalks to BMP 7a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high njnoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7962 Drains to LID BMP 7 Landscaping to BMP 7a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7963 Drains to LiD BMP 8 Landscaping to BMP 8a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi,-- 7964 Drains to LID BMP 8 Roofe to BMP 8a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - day sol,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7965 Drains to LID BMP 9 Sidewalks to BMP 9a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high njnoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7966 Drains to LID BMP 9 Landscaping to BMP 9a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - day soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7967 Drains to LID BMP 9 Roofe to BMP 9a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - clay soi,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7968 Drains to LID BMP 10 Sidewalks to BMP 10a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7969 Drains to LID BMP 10 Landscaping to BMP 10a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - day soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7970 Drains to LID BMP 11 Sidewalks to BMP 11a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - clay soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7971 Drains to LID BMP 11 Landscaping to BMP 11a 0-0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - day SOi-Steep (greater 10%) 7972 Drains to LID BMP 11 Roofe to BMP 11a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - day soi-. Steep (greater 10%) 7973 Drains to LID BMP 12 Sidewalks to BMP 12a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high mnoff - clay soi,-Steep (greater 10%) 7974 Drains to LID BMP 12 Landscaping to BMP 12a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high mnoff - day sol-Steep (greater 10%) 7975 Drains to LID BMP 12 Roofe to BMP 12a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high mnoff - clay soi,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7976 Drains to LIO BMP 13 Landscaping to BMP 13a 0,0 Pervious (Pre) Conaete or asphalt Type D (high runoff - day soi,,. Steep (greater 10%) 7977 Drains to LID BMP 13 Roofe to BMP 13a 0.0 Pen/ious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high runoff - day soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7978 Drains to LID BMP 14 Sidewalks to BMP 14a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high mnoff - day soi,-. Steep (greater 10%) 7979 Drains to LID BMP 14 Landscaping to BMP 14a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) 7980 Drains to LID BMP 14 Roofe to BMP 14a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Roofe Type D (high mnoff - clay soi.,. Steep (greater 10%) 7981 Drains to LID BMP 15 Sidewalks to BMP 15a 0.0 Pen/ious (Pre) Concrete or asphalt Type D (high mnoff - day soi,.. Steep (greater 10%) 7982 Drains to LID BMP 15 Landscaping to BMP 15a 0.0 Pervious (Pre) Landscaping Type D (high runoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) Report Result Page 3 of3 7983 Self-Treating BMP 1 Self Treating Areas 0,3 Type D (high mnoff - day soi... 8014 Drains to Pond BMP 1 Streefe and Misc, Hardscape to Offsite Basin 0.9 Pervious (Pre) Type D (high mnoff - clay soi... Steep (greater 10%) Pond Facility Summary Scenario Description Bottom Area (sqft) Top Area (sqft) Depth (ft) Volume (cft) Low Orifice (in) Low Invert (ft) High Orifice (In) High Invert (ft) Weir Length (ft) Weir Invert (ft) Facility Soil Drawdown (hrs) Design A Offeite Basin - Existing Condition Parameter Inputted 1156 2916 5 10181.6 0.7 0.00 4.00 4,00 4,00 5,00 D 90-00 PROJECT Fsvontes *^ uKnow " O ' i-ti » Page" Safety Tools» Brown • - Caldwell UKnOW S,,-, PI.-;.:,,; BMP S-'-^^nq r.,!cu!..t;,- . Locabon -•i"3»;,5s =«• Manage Basins Manage Map Layers Mvjn Annual R«tn(jl Select a Tool Toolkrtr HvrtrcMcO~ccl» Tool: Basin Uanager Result Viev/ Define Drainage Basins U IT Proiect J Manage Your Projects Cieate a new Ptojeci O) eliding the New sulton ant) scroll <lo>wi lo itew entry. Altemalivslr. select an existina Projea (fom tasle ant! view properties eelow. ClicK Edit :)utlon to change Project properties then press Sar.w to commit changes New I edit • Sara • DelMe K«n>« Csnsbati La Cosia Cotection Name: Cadsbad La Costa Collection Applicant: jCSV Parcel (APW): I Junsaictlon: CityofCadsiiafl Hydrological Unit Carlsoad Oescription: Street Dove Lane Ctty: Caftsoad Internet 1 Protected Mode On BASIN AREA 1 BASIN, POC, DMA'S, BMP'S FavonttM Browr^.-.«. Caldwell ' y^p^ ^.^^^ ^.^.^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ,3r'fer a;; :resE; - £,'ee: c(i> Location t^^i" 53-56 -at '."anage Basiiis Result'liev/ •1 ' U Pigev SaJeK'v Tools-' Manage Mop Layers Select a Tool Toolkii: HyarcLlcd~c:cis Tool: Basin Mi^na^ei Define Drainage Basins U L I Manacie Your Basms Create a ne* Basin dlcMng Ihe Ne.'r sutton anc scroll oo*n lo vie A enir,. Alternaliveli, select an existing Basin from taole ana view properties seloft Clld: Edit sutton to change Basin properties men press Save lo commit changes. iMortni Descnption: { Design Goal; Trealment * Flow Control Rainfall Basin: DcesnsiQe i Name Sasm Area I 'licrth; Point Oi Compliance: fesisting 36-Storm Drain Inlei Projeci Basm Area (acji 13.89 Mean Annual Precipltion (In); 13.S tlterntt | Protecttd Mode. On brwncald.com . Brown' • Caldwell UKflOW Sdii Dietjo m? SiVing Cdlculdl Srter ac:;ress sireei 'p^- iJaiiage Basfcis •Jesuli View •r j A, I 3,..; Page Safet.' • Tco!^ •> Details Manage tiap layers k.),., h;,, .'.I fvi. Define Drainage Basins U U' rulariacje Your Point ot Compliance (POC) ijialjra the recer^ng water at Ihe Point of Compliance ;> complellng this form. ClIcK Edit ano enter the approprtate neios, then dirt; the Update suaon to calculate the critical How ano lo*-no A threshold condition Finallr, clicK Save lo commit the changes ijusi.n ;No'"h Channel SuscepHbillti': ffilGH" LOW Flow ThreslioW: p 102 .ieleci a Too! Toolkit: HycrcUcr:~ccls Tool: Basin Mariager Channel Assessed: Uu Watershed Area (ac): I Vertical Susceptibility; s-iei... Lateral Susceptibility; St Matenal: - ler.:... Roughness: | Channel Top Width (fi): f Channel Bottom W/idth (ft): \ ~ Channel Height (ft): \ Channel Slope: | iS' ii- Internet | Protected Mode: On biwnca>d.com irt^' Page Safeb^ Tool: s-c-^ Brown -wro Caldwell uocfltion °. I- !3. Manage Bastiis Manage Mop tayers ^.IvJn .M-...i'-,ii Tootmr. H; crcLica "sets Tool: LC S'ler Details Size LID Facility B.(:iSfn Area I'Norih: J u ^ir -._J L r.lanase Your DMA':* Create a ne* DMA 2j did-,ing the New :utlon anc scroll oo«n Id view enlr.. Alternatively, select an existing DMA from tasle ancvie* properties selow. Clict Edit Sutton to change DU*. properties then press I'dve to commit changes DfMID Detshption 7m S«iev.-ali,5 !c BI,iP 1 Dt^tinu DMA Prooe-.Hr^f, DMA Type: Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP 1 •rainage Soil: Type D (nigh njnoff- daj soils: Post Surtace; Concrete or asphalt OIvIA Layout Drainage Area (ac): 10.01 Drain To Dr.lA ID: Pre-Project Cover. PeMous^Pre: Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10^>o^ • r.tessages: Done O I V Intemet [ Protected (viode; On bf\vncaId,com .1- .it.. ..^[j.L.-":t Brown Caldwell ictE' a'- '635 . Btr«e'. Lceslion fa;- . •1 ' • Pjige Safety •^ Tods f.'.anage Basins Manaso f.'ap Layers Select a Tool Toolkit; HycrelJcc Tr Tool: lCSt?S' Resuir-'iov, Size LID Facility Biisin Area iNor-.h; J;i;:iQ,:id ^.i Ccs-!;: •Joilecti&r fu^anige Vour DMA's Create a new DUA dicking Ihe Ne* 3utton and scroll oo..n to view antry. «ematively, select an existing DMA (rom tasle ano view properties Deloft. Click Ecil :ulton to change DUA properties then press Save to commit changes Oc-tin*. D\1A Pros>ertie;. DMA Type: Drams lo LID » BMP ID: BMPI Drainage Soil: Type D (high ninorr-clay soils! 3osi Surface: Landscaping •» f,les3ages: I " '"~ DM4 Layout Drainage Area (ac); |0,01 Drain To DMA ID: i P'-e-Project Cover. Pennous (Pre) Pre Prpject Slope; Steep (greater 10%! OMA ID Oe»crtption 7SCS 75c? Sicevva«.s lo BMP 1 Lancscflpwig lc 9i,:P ! O t?f Interna | Protected Mode- On , 100% ipt m Browne..Caldwell . ,„ ilanage Basins Result iriBiv Page Safetv ^ Tools Home Xanteds •tegat :> Details Size LID Facility Baein Arra • tNonfti r.fanane Map Layers /.|.:..,r. «.,: .,jl i:. SeleciaTooi Toolkit: H) srcMcc "CC'S Tool; LC .Seer 1 r.1ar!39e Your O^AA'i Create a ne* Oi.lA ;> dicking the Nev. :ulton ano scroll down lo vies, enlrv. Aiternalivelj. select an existing Dl.lA Iro.n taste ano vie* properties seloiv. Click Eoit sulton to change QUA properties men press 'Save to commit changes DMA Type; Drains to LID BMP ID: SI.1P2 Drainage Soil: Type D (high njnofi - day soils) Post Surtace: Concrete or asphalt DMA ID Oescripbofi 7£C" Seewalks to BMP i Lanciscacmg tc BLtP 1 iJlC«V,-d!k3fC;BMP2 Drainage Area (ac); {o,02 Drain To DMA ID: ( Pie-'^roject Cover; Peivious (Pre! » Pi e-Projeci Slope: Sleep (greater 10=^; -r •I.:-' Internet ] Protected Mode; On brwnciid^oiD --TIC .le t.U\ ^; BrowriAi. Caldwell ' i jt^' .' iv-'th!. • s:ree: Locflicn -fli"33„gs r.^anage Basins Result View Detaii; Size LID Facility basm :aa ...I Cr. r.lsnage Map Layers Select a Too: Toolkit; HycrcMcc Tool; t.C Si?er ^" L J- U [j •vla-nage Your OM.A'S Create a nevv DUA Sj dicking Ihe Ne* sullon and sdoll down to vie»v entry. Alternatively, select an sxisting DMA from tecie ano viev. properties seloiv. Click Edit sunon to change DI.IA properties then press Save to commit changes Df,!A Type: Drains to LID BMP ID: BI,iP2 Drainage Soil; Type 0 (high lunod- day soils; Post Surtace: Lanoscaping Messoges: OMA m Oetcrtpiian Scewaks tc sr;p I TSC7 Lsnsscapi^is lc BMP ' s:-'e\v«!k8 to BMP 2 i,a.-;5s!:HC;r-C tr> 6r,lP : - DMA LaVOut Drainage Area (ac): jO.01 Drain To DMA ID: j Pre-Prolect Covan Peivious (Pre"; •» Pre.Projeci Slope: Steep (greater 1054; » ^ Internet | Protacted Mode On . brwncsid com lie' .l^i'. -L.zii •i - D Page-'' Safetv-• Tods-' ^>"»' Brown AM Caldwell "'ll tr::er aaCresE - stree; c' (.tanage Basins '.At. tlttt •tual-- III.V f.lonage t.lap Layers ToolKit; H IrcMcfl "00':^ Tool: L.'D Sizer ResLl! View Size LID Facility Basin Ar«a ' .Moitr, J U L Create a nsv/ OMA :> diC:ing the tJe* sutlon ano scroll oonin Ic vieiv entr,. Alternalivel)', select an existing Dl.lAtro.m lasle anc view properties selo* Click Edit sutlon to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes s»*t. ;j€.;i!i.-? DiviA Froptrtiei DMA Type: Dialns to UD Bl.tPlD: BMP 3 Drainage Soli: Type D (high lunoff - da* soils) Post Surface: Landscaping Messages; DMAK) Oetcription LanoacBPHiG :c 9MP t SKewsDj lc Blip : rsEe LancscatinG tc 81 IP I TfSS lanCscaciPs to S!.iP ? DiviA Layout Drainage Area (ac): |o°02 Drain To DMA ID: ore-Proleci Covan Peivious (Pre; » Ore-Project Slope: Sleep (greatei 10%) » Done ' Internet | Protected Mode: On ..IOO", bnwncilcl.com . EEE Favorites 4^ uKnow Brown .-lo Caldwell ' iTKnOW'saifoSjo IMP swng S Heme Ctintacts' tegat Q - If-: " Page Safet; Tools'^ ir^ ;Ert«' aacress - •l'e«t cty Manage Basins Cjri I>,« , Countv HMP Manage Map Layers We d» HI njtit Q,«; Select a Tool Toolkit: HytjrcUca "ccis Tool: LD Seer Size LiD Facility Basm Area 1 (Nrrth) Car!sba(j La Costa Collection L J Martage Your DMA's u u Create 3 new DUA:, dicking Ihe Neiv sulton ano saoll 00 An lo •.lew enlrv. Alternalrvely, seledan exIsbngDMAfrom tasle ano vie* properties selOA. Click Edit sutlon lo change DMA properties Ihen press Save to commit changes Sme • Oeleto Deime DMA Properties DtM Type: Drains lo LID BMP ID: BMP 3 Drainage Soil; Type D (high ninolf - day soils) Post Surrace: Roofs OMA ID Descriplion 7U2 5icev.-ati^ lc BMP 2 - 7!E^ LinfiscAPifls le BMP 2 75S3 LBncscapms lc 8I.1P 7 7703 Roofs 10 B1,1P 3 OMA Layout Drainage Atea (ac): jD.02 Dram To DMA ID; | ~~ Pre-Prolect Coven Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: ijl Internet { Protected Ivlode: On iLatty^^B^. r-ttf' . bnvncald.com !.i«p> L.iz-. ').:^i-.L,_..=v« ^ „ Favorites ^ ^ .. • :;.>.: ,. ^ uKnoM Lj ' " Page"' Safety"' Tools"' O" Bro wnCa Id wel I ;E''ter- ac ess - slreet. crty .. . I • ..•.:L- Details Manage Basins Result Viev/ iii: Size LiD Facility : Basin Area 1 (North) - : r; Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Pair. Ditst'ij -il Tvp^ ToolkH: Tool: HyarcMcrf TccB LC Sizer _J L - IVtanage Your DMA's J LT IT Create a new DMA 2y clicking Ihe Nevn' sutton anC scroll dOAn to ^lieA en^. Alternativeit, select an euslinQDhlA trom lasle ano view properties setow Click Ectt autton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes New I Edit I Save • Oeleta Define DMA Properties DfM Type: Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP i Drainage Soil: Type 0 (high njnolT- day soils) Post Surface: Lanoscaping DMA 10 DetcripUon 7585 Landscaping tc BMP 2 - 769S Lancscapms tc BMP 3 770J Racfs to BUP ; 7726 Landscaping to BMP 4 OMA Layout Drainage Area (ac); {0.02 DrainToOrHAID: f ~"~ Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Prpjeci Slope: Steep (greater 10%; Messages; % Intemet | Protected Mode: On jQliy^^Bre. <''t: .''O.' brwncxld.com .v .lap s:'^. 3. i p Favorites p» ^ . t;. ; i. • i.'r.i " Page Safelv ' Teds"' w Brown -: Caldwell s, dit D!(?go BMP Sl/ing Culrulritui . •Home Contacts "Lfoaf Locsbon *»i-5a-jft =ai" C Manage Basins Monage Map layers McJft Hiifitj^' FiJinull Ram e*sif*.- •"Olt r»rt Select a Tool Toolkit: HydroMcs Tecla Toot LC S «r -^D Details ResuK View iTIi Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 {Nonh} :;arlsbad La Costa Cotlecuon 1 J U U L Manage Vour DMA's Create a nev. DUA sy dicking the tvIe* sutlon anc saoll oo«>n to vie* entry. Altema«vely, seledan existing DMA (rom lasle and vie* properties seloA. Click Edit sutton to change DlilA properties then press Eave to commit changes Mew • Edit • Save • Delele Define OMA Properties DMA Type: Drains lo UD BMP ID: BMP 4 Drainage Soil; Type D (high mnoff-day soils) Post Surtace: Roofs •» DMA ID Description 7=55 Landscapns lc 6I-!P 3 7702 Heola tc BMP : 772= Lancscapmc lo 8I.1P - 7727 Roofs lo BUP 4 - DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): |0.03 Drain To DMA ID: | Pro-Project Coven Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages; 4jl Internet | Protected Mode; On •'.tOO:^ . bivmcatd.com arte > stei Mi? Bing Favorites ^ uKnow i«P Page •» Safe^' Tools ^ -tf^"- Brown Caldwell tjKnow sa I) Oieyo BMP Sizing Calrutatot 'Mcmp Contsos" Let'al tirttr access - a!re*t. c' Location ^3 Manage Basins Sjn Di<nJo r junty HMP P.fanage Map Layers P.iin Basins •5ml Tvp» Select a Too! Toolkit: HyCrcMc : TccIS Tool: LE Suer Details Result View Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North; Carlsbad La Costa Collection 1 If If Manage Your DMA's Create a ne* DMA sy dicking the Ne* sutlon ano scroll down to vie* entry; Alteinativel». seled an existing DHA from lasle ano vie* properties selov.. Click Eoil sutlon to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes S««« • Delete DMA ID Oescription 7S12 Lanoscapmc to BMP 20 rai; Rcclslc Bi.lP2C 7827 SelfTreatms Areas 7520 Sidewalls to BMP : DMA Type: Drains to UD BMP ID: BMPS Drainage Soil: Type D (high runolt- day soils) Post Surface: Concrete or asphaH Drainage Area (ac): |0.01 Drain To Df.lA ID: j Pre J'rojecl Cover Penrious (Pre) "' Pre-ProJect Slope: Steep (greater 10%) •' Messages: ij) Internet | Protected Mode: On 4« vtr- ir. brwncald.com .-...'r.i.'.it.-' •i^pOli-.f. "•rxl Si-g Location =f ("ja-s* Manage Basins • ir. Di--„« Coij'.tv HMP r.lsnage Map Layers ri Blliri Toolkit: Tool: HyorcMce • eels LC SiZCf Brown Caldwell UKflOW Sail Diego BMP Si/Ing Oilctihitc Hcnif'•contacts" leiai Page Safety"' Tools"' di"- Size LID Faciiity Basm Area 1 (Nor.hi Carlsbad La Costa Collection L I Manage Your DMA's U LT Create a new DMA 3> dicWng the New 3utlon anc scroll dow to sie* enbr. ^temath-aif. select an existing DMA trom ta:;ie and i^ew properties selow ClicK Eoit sutton to change DMA properties then press Save lo commit changes New I Edit I Sara • (Mm DMA ID Description 7!i; ftccfalceMPIC - 7£J7 Sett Treating Areas 7S2C Scev/aHiS lc BMP £ 7928 Landscaping Ic BUP ^ DMA Type: Drains lo LID BMP ID: BMPS Drainage Soil: Type D (high runoff- day soils) Post Surtace: Landscaping Drainage Area (ac); jO.OI Drain To DMA ID: | Pre-Project Cover Penrious (Pre) PreJiroject Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: ^ Internet | Protected Mode; On £• •^••r,. Anc .bnivncBld.com .-. > " • c UUf.-.-...a:, Brown AM; Caldwell ilrAtr a2=ress - Street C Location =si"3a_-, Manage Basins R - Q f*!tti * Page Safety* Tools'"- W"' "Sarf bfe<i5'BMP''S!Mg'talcUIat:6i^ 'v ."^o Details iTtl-Size LID Facility Qasm Area 1 iNorthl CarlsOad LlJ Ccsta Collection Manage Hap Layers oil Type Toolkit: Hyflrol,tod~ccls Tool: LC Sirer 1 - - J LT U Manage Your DMA's Create a ne* DMA sy dicking Ihe Me^« sulton and f. aoW do*n to -vievi enlTr. Altemalrvel), seled an existing DMA from tasle and view properties selo*. Click Edit sulton to change DMA properties then press Save lo commit changes. Define DMA Properties DMA Type; Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP 5 Drainage Soil: Type D (high njnoff- day soils) Post Surtace; Roofs DMAK) Description 78:7 SalfTrealmc Areas 7925 Saev/aa,s lc BMP £ 7325 LAncacapmfi to BMP £ 7929 acofs (0 BMP S DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): [0.01 Dram To Or.U ID: \ Pre-Prolect Cover PeMous (Pre) Pre-Prpject Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: ^ Internet | Protected Mode; Cn . "' MOO?. I y rttt;^ -Jf '•».. brwncald.com i. '• Ac- i -i?p'i. • Favontes ^ c- ^ uKnow Brown"'.oCaldwell UKnoWsan Diego"BMf^ j£''ter ac^ss-^street ci", Locabert "^ai-si ;4 Manage Basins >..jr, Oieflo Countv HMP Result Viev/ iTtV Size LID Faciiity Hems • Contacts' legal i,*r!i •. Page Safety"' Teds"' (r/"' Basm Area 1 (NoithI Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers UH.ri Aniiijil R.inl.l ?o.l Typ. Select a Tool Toolkit: HyCrcMcc ~och Tool: LC Sizer Manage Your DMA's J li LT Create a new DMA S) dicking the tJe* sutton ano scroll oo*nto'vie* entrv. Alternatively, seled an existing DMA trom lasle and vie* properties selo* Click EBil sutton to change DUA properties then press Save lo commit changes New I Edk • Save • Delete Define DMA Properties DMA Type: Drains lo LID BMP ID: BMPS DMA ID Description 77C3 Reefs te BMP 3 - 772E Lansscapmg te BMP i 7727 Reels to BMP i 775E SKJeivalks to BUP e DMA Layout Drainage Soil: Type D (high runoff - day soils) Post Surface: Concrete or asphalt Drainage Area (ac): {0.02 Dram To DMA ID: | Pre-Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Pre Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) t.tesSBges: a Internet | Protected Mode: On KlJI^IIll^^B iff '>!. T .brwncald.com 'I*H>^I Favorites . C -.. ^ •i^uKnoA ^1 • «i Page* Safetj'* Tools-' Brown K Caldwell U Know San Dlego BMP Sizing CaIcultitor-.;:.u: Locatiofi =31-53-36 - f.^anage Basins •".ir, Di*gft Countv HMP Manage Map Layers Select a Tool Toolkrtr Tool; H:0rcUcS~CCIS LID Sizet Result Viev/ Size LID Facility Easin Area 1 (North) -arisbad La Costa Collection Ot.lA Manage Your DMA's IT U Create 3 neiw DMA 5^ clicking the Ne^y cutton ana saoll Cown lo vie* entr* Aiternatfrtlv. select an existing DMA from tasle anc \.1e* properties selow. Ciictc Eflil autton to change DMA properties ttieh press Cave lo commit changes New I Edit I Swm • Oetew Define DMA Properties DMA Type; Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP 6 Drainage Soil: Type D (high lunoff - day soils) Post Surtace: Landscaping OMA ID Description 772S Lancacapins to BLIP -: 7727 Roofs Ic BMP 4 77£E Eicev;sil.s to Bt.iP c 7759 landscaping tc BMP 6 T DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): {0.03 Dram To DMA ID: i Pre-Prolect Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope; Steep (greater 10%) Messages; 0 Intemet | Protected Mode. On «f -i^ ^: -ic. brwncald.com 3-W:.it*i Brown Caldwell ' iMnOW San blegci BMP SWtig Caiculatot "-XT t"!e' asc-ess slree: . •-• Locabon -ai-ja-^* cj,- Manage Basins Result View Size LiD Facility [_} iw Page*' Satetj-Tools'^ f> • Heme Contads Legst Details Basin Area 1 (North) Caristiad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Toolkit: HycrcMcC ':'ccls Tool: LC Seer _j L J Manage Your DMA's U Lf Create a new DMA Cy dicktng ihe NeA sutton anc scroll coAn to view enr*. AftemativelT. select an existing DMA trom tasle ancvie*v properties oelow ClicKEcit sutton to change DMApropertes ttien press Sa've to commit changes I. EdH • Sm • Delete Define DMA Properties DMA Type; Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP? Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff- day soils) Post Suriace: Concrete or asphalt DMA ID Description 7727 Roofs te BMP-- 7756 StcewaHis tc BMP S 77E2 Lancscopms to BMP £ 7766 Snjewailn to BMP 7 •r DMA Layout Orainsge Area (ac): jO.01 Dram To DMA ID; f" Pre Project Cover. Pervious (Pre) Pre ProjBCl Slope: Steep (greater 10%1 Messages: ^ Internet | Picterted fvlode: On M00% - brwncaid.com . - Q r.»*i Page •* Safely Tools *>'•" Brown Caldwell "l/KlpWsaaTsieg^^ I-.j • E>^ier at-Tess - stree* ciy Uocation °at-;«_;» F^lanage Basins Size LID Facility Hcme' CoHfiSs' tegat i.'ar Details Basin Area 1 (Northi Carlsoad La Costa Collection Manage Map Laver^ Rain Ojuyfli Ram OiJins .(1 tvp. Toolkit: Tool: HyfircMcC TcciS LC Stzer _J L - Manage Your OMfi's IT—IT Create a ne* OMA sy dicking Ihe Nei* sulton ano scroll oo*n lo view entry. Alternatively, seled an existing DMA from tasle and view properties selo*. Click Edit sutton to change DMA properties then press S «e to commit changes Nevir I Edit • S*«e • Delete OfM Type: Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP 7 Drainage Soil: Type D (high njnoff- day soils) Posi Surface: Landscaping Messages: DMA ID Description 77EE StfewailjloBMPS 77£9 Lanoacac'nc tc BMP 3 77611 Stcewalks 10 BMP 7 7763 Landscaping to BMP 7 Drainage Area (ac): |D.01 Drain To OMA ID: | Pre-Project Cover. Penrious (Pre) Pre-ProJect Slope: Steep [greater 10%) Q % Internet | Protected Mode: On , MOO'S I*? tc biwncald.cbm Favorites ^ uKnow Brown'u Caldwell "U lEfteratw-ess^-street ct^ Locabon "ii- s-j* =»i Manage Basins San pi*9<. r ,untv ^ HMP ^^^^^^ San Diego'BMP Sizing Ccilculatoi Result View Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North* Q ^ * Page" Safety"' Tods" f^" Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers •;..l Tvr- Manage Your DMA's J Lr~~ir Create a new DMA sy dicking Ihe Ne* cullon and saoll oo*n lo vie* entr\, Altematively, seledan existing DMA ftom lasle and view properties selo* Click Edit sulton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit dianges New • Edit | SMS • Mete DMA ID Description 77E9 LancscapingtoBMPS 77ec Sicev/Bli.s tc BMP 7 7763 LancacscmS to BMP 7 r7«£ Roofs 10 BUP 7 - Toolkit: HyaroUcC ~ccl» Tool: LC Si2er DMA Type: Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP? Drainage Soii; Type D (high njnoff - clay soils) Post Surface; Roofs Drainage Area (ac); |0.02 Dram To 0»,1A 10: | Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Projecl Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages; =5' Ci ^ Internet I Protected Ivtode; On • bnwncaid.com ait<: :re. A a. iiig .£':ter access - sfee: cty Manage Basins Result View Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (Noah) Carlsoad La Costa Ccllecuon IT IT Manage Map Layers Toolkit: Tool: HyflrcMcti .CClS LC Sizer I L J Manage Your DMA's Create a new Dl.lA sy dicking Ihe Ne* sutlon and scroll down lo vie* enlrv. Alternatively, seled an existing DMA from lasle ano view properties selo*. Click Edit sulton to change DMA properties then press Save lo commit changes tiSk '.|::..:5«ve'.'Dstete;; OMA Type; Drains lo UD BMP ID; BMP 8 Drainage Soli: Type D (high runoff- day soils) Post Surface; Landscaping Messages: DMA ID Description 775C SidewsBis to BMP 7 7763 LanSscacmfi tc BMP 7 r7Ef Reels Ic BMP 7 7773 Landscaping tc SUP 8 •r Drainage Area (ac): |0 01 DrainToDTMlD: I Pre-Profecl Coven Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) O ^ internet ] Protected Mode: On I 'uti; ^A->v ' .brwncald.com , Favorites . '4^ UKT\CU</ ^ CJ ^ '••'S'' ' Page Sdfet>- Tools Hrj> -» Enier access ; c-iy uooation ' »• 53-55 =s - : Manage Basins Gd?. Ditgo t.5untv • HWf BrownCaldwell '^^RlnpW'Saiillf^ ••HeThe*Coilfeas; do'af:' ;•• Size LID Facility Basm Area 1 (Northl Carlsbad La Costa Collection Details Manage Map Layers Mi:dr rinritjjl RiifiTjIt Select a Tool Toolkit: HyOrcMcc; ""eels Tool: LC Si2er 1_ r,A J (vlanage Your DMA's U U L Create a new DWA a> clicking Ihe New sutton anc saoll coAn to vie* eni^. '^ternativeiy. select an existing DMA from taole ano vie/f properties selow. ClicK Eait sutton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes DfilA Type: Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP a Drainage Soil; Type D (high runoff-day soils) " Post Surface; Roofs -' Messages: OHA ID Description 77E3 LanoscfiP^C tc BMP 7 - 77e£ Rods lo BLIP 7 7773 Lanoscaping tc BMP S 7774 RcofstoBUPS Drainage Area fac); {0 02 Drain To DMA 10; | Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Sleep (greater 10%) •T 6 ^ Internet | Prelected Mode; On * 100?; yijglliil^^l 1^ brwncald.com 3:*^ Af' :.'3p- t.a-,i ^1 - Favorites ^, ^ ..c, •'>:•.•.. ~. s ^uKnow n] * iW " Page • Safety- Tools W--^ Brown «u Caldwell ,=r.i--ac£'e;.s - sl-eet cty ! ei^' Details Manage Basins Result viev; Size LiD Facility •f . Basin Area ' (Norths ~ • CarlsDad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Select a Toot Toolkit; HysrcMcd ""ocis Tool: LIC Sizer Manage Your DMA's J LT IT Cieale a new DMA. sy dicking the Me* sutlon and sdoll down lo vie* entrv. Allernalively. seled an existing DMA from lasle and view properties selow. Click Edit sutton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes New I Edtt I Sktie • Ditete DMA ID Description 77SE RcofalcBUP? - 7773 Lsncscaping te BMP S 7774 Roots 10 BMP E 777E SI«ev.a*slo8l.«P9 - OMA Type: Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP 9 Drainage Soil: Type D (high nmoft- day soils) Post Surface: Concrete or asphalt Drainage Area (ac): |0.01 Dram To DMA ID: | Pre.Project Cover Peivious (Pre) •' Pre-Prpject Slope: Steep (greater 10%) ^ Messages: tS" d iS Internet | Protected Mode: Cn «a00'!i ll?, ntt,? r.n- .brwncald.com Brown < Caldwell ^g,^ Manoge Basins San Diego BMP Sizing Calculatoi . i. i Result Viev/ Size LID Facility • fBwi <r Page^ Safety Tools'^ Heme "'contafti "L^gil • Basin Area 1 (North) Carisbad La Costa Collection Details Manage Map Layers Me.)fi Afifiijl R Jir. Toolkii: HyarcMcc ~ccls Tool: LD Sizer „J~T J U LT Manage Your DMA's Create a ne* OMA sy clicking Ihe New sutlon and saoll down lo view entrv. Alleinalively. seled an existing DMA irom lasle and view properties selov*. Click Edit sulton lo change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes OfM Type: Drains to LID BMP ID; BMPS Drainage Soil; Type D (high mnoff - day soils) Post Surtace: Landscaping Messages: DMA ID Oescriptiofi 7773 Lancscaping to BMP S - 7774 Roofs lo BMP 8 777E Stcewalks lc BMP 9 7776 Lantdcsflpms to BMP 9 Drainage Area (ac); jo.Ol Oram To DMA ID; | Pre-Project Cover Penious (Pre) Pre-Prpject Slope: Steep (greater 10%) O Internet | Protected Mode: On •' \iao% "' 4? '-'-t .1 bnwncald.com' r.t-- ate: M.it" a.i.i: Fstfontes 4?^ 'ife uKnow Q » iS!ii •' Page- Safety- Tools"' Brown Caldwell a'"t«;;32Cress • street ctv LocBbon ''irjs-gs ^ai- Manage Basins •i sn C'lCij* County HMP Manage Map Layers Mutin Arifiuji Rd<n(dl Ham EJiSin; Select a Tool Toolkit: HyCrcMcS TcciS Tool: LC Stzer Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (Northl Cariibad La Costa Collection 1 - - J LT Lf Manage Your DMA's Create a ne* OMA sy clicking the Ne* sutton ano saoll down lo vie* enlrv. Allernatrvely. seledan exIsUngDMAfromtasie ano view properties selow. Click Eat sutlon to change DMA properties Ihen press Save to commit changes. DMA ID Description 7774 Roofs 10 BMPE - 777£ Sidewalk! lo BMP 9 7776 Lansccsapms to BMP S 7777 Roofs 10 BUP 9 Df.^AType: Drains to LID BMP ID: BMPS Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff- day soils! Post Surface: Roofs Drainage Area (ac); |0.02 Drain To Df.lA ID: j PreJ'roject Cover Peniious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Sleep (greater 10%) Messages: tJ' O 0 Internet \ Protected Mode; On , " MOO';, bnvncakl.com Brown »o Caldwell '"^Kjfl^'SfS'Die^^ "Efts' ascress - ^ireeL c • - Looabon =»i~;»_5» C -'•i LD * * Page* Safety ' Tools'' Manage Bastns Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (Nofths CarlsDaci Ld Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Toolkit: HyorcMcd eels Tool: LCS.'Br Manage Your DMA's If LT Create a ne* DMA z<, clicking the t^Jew sutton anp scroll oov^n to view entft. Alternatively, select an existing DMA trom tasle anc viei^ properties selow. CticKEctl sutton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes Df^A Type: Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP 10 Drainage Soil: Type 0 (high mnoff - day soiis) Post Surtace: Conaete or asphalt Messages: DUA ID Description 777£ Si:ev;ail.s tc BMP 3 7776 Lansccsapms to BMP S 777? fioclj Ic BMP 5 7778 Stfeivaks 10 BUP 10 - Drainage Area (ac): jO 01 Dram To DMA ID: f Pre-Project Cover Penflous (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) J c5'" O Internet | Protected Mode; On ..biwncald.com ^Tf.-i tc !,i?pCL.3sp Brown - ^ Caldwell uKflOW San Diego BMP Si-^ing Cafciilatoi •Enter access - sr-^et Cff^' Locjitiofi *Bi~39.5ii -»•- Zz-'.z~'i • * iW * Page" Safeb,-• Tools-' Heme Contads Legal I. Details Manage Basins Into* r junbf HWP Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North: j'aiisoad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Select a Tool Toolkit; HyarcMcO ~ccl5 Tool; LC Sizer _J L J u Lr Manage Your DIVIA's Create a ne^v DtfIA sy clicking Ihe New sutton ano scroll oown to view entrv. <^tdrnattveit. select an existing DMA from tasle ano view properties selOA. ClicK Edit sutton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes Neve • Edtt • Sm • Delete DMA ID Description 7776 Laneacapms tc BMP 9 ' 7777 Reels lo BMPS 7778 SicewBll.s 10 BMP IS 7776 Landscaping to BMP IC - DMA Type: Drains lo UD Bf.lPlD: BMP 10 Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff - day soils) Post Surface: Landscaping Drainage Area (ac): jO.OI Drain To DMA ID: | Pre-Project Cover Pennous (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%: Messages: Cone O ^ Internet) Protected Mode: On -» ll brwncaid.com i-ev ate. MapO'.. aspr 'i O P^ge" Safeb/'^ Tools ir^''' Brown Caldvvell Errer a ^ess - s!re^; cv.- Location !>»i"-5«_;« °» Details Manage Basins Manage Map Layers l.j.ii jug,.! M.^r. Artnujl ft ..i,id' Toolkit; HyCrcMcc ~ccls Tool: Lie Sizer Result Vievj Size LiD Facility Basm Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection _l L I Manage Your DMA's u u Create a new DWA sy dicking Ihe New sutton and saoll oo*n lo \,1e* entry. Alternatively, seled an existing OMAtrom lasle and vie* properties selo*. Click Edit sutton to change DMA properties then press Sav"eto commit changes Edtt.\;|':;.;Sww.:B::0«lele.~: DMA Type: Drains to UD •' BMP ID: BMP 10 Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff - day soils) Post Surface; Roofs "» Drainage Area (ac): {0,02 Drain To DllA ID: j Pre-Projecl Coven Peniious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: DMA ID Descriptkm 7777 Roofs to BMP 9 777S SiSev;all.sto8MP1C 7779 Uncscacing lc BMP 10 7766 Roofs tc BMP 10 b i0 Internet \ Protected Mode; On bnvncald.com -^^'r.-Air .upju s^f. Brown «oCaldwell "'tllVrtdW'san'oiego'i4!>'si2ing Calculator T'l-o Erier a3C'ess_-Stree; cty Location 1 si-ga-j* "ii Manage Basins ResuU View Size LID Facility • -Page Safety " Tools ^ W-» Home Cbntacis- Le.jai Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers R.vtya,,yg*. Select a Tool Toolkit: HyOrctJcd ~CClS Tool: LC Si^er _J L J Manage Your DMA's IT IT Create a new DMA Sy clicking the New sutton anO scroll cown to vleA entrv Alternattvely. seledan ewsling DMA irom lasie anc view properties selow. Click Ecit sutton to change OMA properties then press Save lo commit changes •.Mew. ::l..UEdtt.':-fl^.:Swe:. DMA 10 Description 7775 LanoacapmgloBMPIC - 77SC Roofs Ic BMP 15 77S1 Sidev^aUcs lo BMP 11 7762 Lancscaping to BMP 11 DMA Type; Drains to UD BMP ID; BMP 11 Drainage Soil; Type D (high ranoff-day soils) " Post Surface: Conaete or asphalt » Drainage Area (ac); j0.01 Dram To DMA ID: | Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%; Messages: d ^ Internet | Protected Mode: On Favontes ^ uKnow ^ f _. . : :3ii!-' - >i ' • ^ " ''•ge"' Safety Tools'- •<••' Brown "- Caldwell UKndW San Oiego BMP Sizing Caltutatoi . Hcrne' Contacts "Leaa'^ ' togoirt 1 Location »ai-5»-a4 - "C; Manage Basins Manage Map Layers R.ii(. 'JiJ-nieV M';jrf ,^fniy(*! R.iinu! '.-.(111 T-v(i.- SelectaTool Toolkit: HyflrcUci ~ocls Tool: LC Stzer r.^.o Details Result Viev; Size LID Facility 1-1. Basin Area 1 (Nortn) Carlsbad La Costa Coilection U LT f.nanage Your DMA's Cieate a new DMA s> dicking the Ns* sutlon anc saoll doivn lo vle« entrv. Alternatively, seled an existing DUA from tasle ano view properties selo*. Click Edit sutton to change DMA properties Ihen press Save to commit changes DMA Type: Drains to LID » BMP ID; BMP 11 Drainage SoB: Type D (high mnoff-day soils) Post Surface: Landscaping DMA 10 Description 7773 LansscapmstoBUPIO •* 778C Roots lo BMP IC 7781 Sicewslks 10 BMP 11 7762 Landscapms lo BMP 11 Drainage Area (ac): {0.02 Dram To DMA ID: | Pre-Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: O 0 Internet | Protected Mode; On e '•i'*t . brwncald.com ^i-e. e. ; % Q * • • Page • Saf et>' ^ Tools ^ •« Brown Caldwell ' UKnClW SaVi Dfego BMP Si'^ing Cakutat Erie' ar ess - siree; city Hc'rn* Contacts' Ligat i.'s- Details Manage Basins Manage Map Layers Cj.r, jug.J Mi.jn . (IIIIJ4I I 3inf4ll lijin Baans 5»il type Select a Tool Toolkit; HyaroMod Tools Tool; LC S'Zer Size LID Faciiity 1 U LT Manage Your DMA's Create a new Dl-IA sy dicking the (.lew sutton and saoll down to vie* entn. Alternatr/ely. seled an existing DMA from tasle and vie* properties selow. Click Eoil sutlon to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes. New • EdH I Swe • CMen* DMA Type: Drains lo LID BMP ID: BMP 12 Drainage Soil: TypeOlhighmnoff-daysoiis) Post Surtace: Conaete or asphalt •' Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection DMA ID Description 7760 Roofs te BMP lc 7761 Sidewalks to BMP 11 7762 Lancscapmq to BMP 11 7763 Sldev^al»:*tQBWP12 Drainage Area (ac): j0.01 DrainToDt.lAlD; I 1 Pre-Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: O ^ Internet | Protected Mode: On - M00°/. "' bnvncatd.com ?- X I £ "9 Favontes ^ ^ ''I O " '^'^ ' Page ^ Sdfetj * Tools ^ •itf'' Brown <" • Caldwell E-re' asces:; • street i ..• Location =*?i-3a-.5s *»i Manage Basms Manage Map Layert Select a Tool Toolkit: Tool: HycrcUca "cell LC Sizer Oeulls Result viev/ iTK Size LID Facility Basin Area i (Nortn) Cansbaa L.i COS:.T Coilec'ici Manage Your OMA's J U LT Create a new DMASy clictangihe New sutton anc scroll oo^n to\iew entry .Attematt'/ely, select an existing DMA trom tasle anc^riew properties selow, Click Eoit outton to change DWA properties then press Save to commit changes. New •: EdU • Swe • Deleee DMA Type: Drains to LID ^ BMP ID: BMP 12 Drainage Soil: Type D (high ninotT- clay soils) Post Surface: Landscaping DMA ID Description 7781 SiOewaHiS lo BMP 11 - 7762 Lsnascacms to BMP 11 7783 Sidewalks tc BMP 12 7764 Lantf8C8Cift5lo6MP12 - Drainage Area (ac): |0 02 Drain To DMA ID: I Pre.Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Pre-Projecl Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Llessages: d ^ Internet | Protected Mode: On bnwica!d.com Brown Caldwell UfOTbVV san D E-ter acc-ess - sfe*' c , Location ''s ~3a-5S " Manage Basins ••:.3f. I'K-^jr, I'fiMriN HMP iego BMP Sizing Cdltulatoi . , i Result View Size LID Facility Q ' l»!!i - Page" Safety" Tool!" W Hcmo Cftnhcis Legal -/.^p Details Basin Area ' {Nortn) rarlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers _j L J U Lf Manage Your DMA's Create a new DMA S) clicking the Mew sutton ano saoll covirn to view entry. AiternativeiT. select an extsttng DMA fi'om tat}le anc viet<^ properttes selow CltckEOil sutton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes. New I EdK | Save • Delete DMA ID Description 7762 Lanoscspins to BMP 11 • 7763 SfflewaHs lo BMP 12 77ei Landscapmg lo BMP 12 77Sf. Roots 10 BMP 12 Tooll<it: HycrcLIca "cols Tool: LC Size! DMA Type: Drains lo LID BMP ID: BMP 12 Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff- day soils) Post Surface; Roofs Drainage Area (ac): jO 02 Dram To DMA ID; i Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: 'iS" a \i Internet | Protected Mode: On '..IOO': I 111 .brwncald.com D f*S* * Page Safety * Teds * <t./ Brown«.Caldwell ^^pefStriS^SIgSWs^ iteirie' • Contads"" 'i^ gal lE'-je'access - sfeet c*y Location ^Bi-ja^ge "ai" Manage Basins Manage Map Layers Select a Tool Toolkit: HycrcMcc Tool; LC S'Zei .K<D Details Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Cartsbad La Costa CoHection 11 IT Manage Your OMA's Create a new DMA Sy cliclcing the New sutton ana saoll down lo vie* entft, Allernatrvely. seled an existing DMAtrom lasle anc view properties selow, ClicK Edit sutlon to change DMA properties then press Save to commit dianges ffjfe.,::/i^;::;editr; Define DMA Propenies DMA Typa; Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP 13 Drainage Soil: Trtie D (nigh runoff- day soils) Post Surface: Lanoscaping DMA ID Description 7763 £.5eivalks to BMP 12 77ai Lanoscaping tc BMP 12 7766 r-.cfsloBMP 12 7787 Lanascapmg tc BMP 13 - Drainage Area (ac): jO.OI Drain To DMA ID: j Pre-Prolect Cover PeMous (Pre) Pre Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: DMA Layout Done ^ Internet | Prelected Mode: On I £ 'nttp brwncsld.com ••u:.»*fr •.}-p„,Ld5p Favorites ^ uKncw [") - iR-i PageT Safet,'Tools tt--^ Brown Caldwell -E-'tc ascess - street ctv Location = »i-;3 -5* - Manage Basins Manage Map Layers Toolkit: HytJrcMcS "ccis Tool: LC Sizer Oeuils Result View Size LID Faciiity Basin Area i (Northl Carlsbad La Costa Collection _J L J U LT Manage Your DMA's Create a new DMA sy dicldng Ihe New suBon and saoll down lo vie-, cntrr. Alternatively, seled an existing DMA from tasle and view propenies selo* ClicK Edit sutlon to change DMA properties then press Save lo commit changes. new # Edtt I Swe • DeMe Define DMA Properties OMA Type: Drains lo UD BMP ID: BMP 13 Drainage Soil: Type D (high ranoff-day soils) " Post Surface: Roofs DIKAIO Description 77S£ Roofs 10 BMP 12 7787 Larcscaping to BMP 13 7786 Hoofs to BMP 13 7769 Sicewalls lc BMP 14 DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac); {o!o2 Drain To DMA ID: j Pre-Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Pre.Project Slope: Sleep (greater 10%) Messages: ^ Internet | Protected Mode: On bnwncaldcom .• i'-. ' ei f.i,?rA.L ^ [3 '^-^ Page • Safety Tools ^^^t Brown Caldwell ^rfeW^faii^WsSiii'caS^ E'^te'-a:.'ess - s'.feet cty Location -ii"3J_;it »i- J. Tc-i Manage Basins ji^ C>i«5-> 'Loufitv HMP Result Viev/ f^i: Size LID Facility Basm Area 1 (North) 'Hbme' Contacts' legSf 1'..^:; Details Carlsoad La Costa Collection l^^anage Map Layers Rjifi <iAiiQ«a Toolkit; HycrcMcC -ccis Tool: LC Sizer I L J Manage Your DMA's U U L Create a new DMA sy dicking the Ne* Sutton ano saoll down lo "view enlr> .Alternalrvely. seledan exisung DWA from tasle and view properties selow ClicK Eoil sutton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit dianges OMA ID Description 77£c Rcola Ic BMP 12 77B7 Lsncsca-:.i; to BMP 13 77S8 Rocfs tc BMP 13 7765 Sidcv.alks 10 BMP U - Define DfJIA Propenies DMA Type: Drains lo LID BMP ID; BMP 14 Drainage SoH: TypeOfhlghhinoff-daysolls) Post Surface: Conaele or asphalt DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): |0.01 Dram To DfM ID: | Pre.Project Cover Peivious (Pre) •' Pre-Projeci Slope: Steep (greater 10%) " Messages: ^ Internet ] Prelected Mode: On bnivncald.com . ar'^.-itte. Brown*-: Caldwell ISr^W San Diego BMP Siziiici Cdfculatoi 'E^ler a; rees - sfee: Manage Basins jr. Di.go Count, MrJP Result VIevj a-Size LID Facility • -* Page* Safety* Tools* HcTie 'ContBc!'^'• Legal Basin Area 1 (Nonh) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Mnjn ftiiLUjl RdiTiiai! Select a Tool Toolkii: Tool: HyorcMce Tools LC S.zer DMA Manage Your DMA's J U LT Create a ne* DMA s« diddng Ihe New sutton and saoll down to view enm. Alternatively, seled an existing DMA Irom tasle and view properties selow. Click Edit sutton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit dianges N<tw • Edtt I £w« • Deiele DMA Type: Dratns to LID BMP ID: BMP 14 Drainage Soit: Type D (high mnoff- day soils) Post Surface: Landscaping DMA ID Description 7767 Landscapms to BUP 13 7766 Rods to BMP 13 7769 Sioev. alks lo BMP 1- Lanascaping to BMP 14 •r Drainage Area (ac): [0.D1 DrainToDIAAlD: | Pre-Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: Dene •iS> ' d Internet | Protected Mode; On •.100% ' brvmcBld-eom sett, .tt t • CJl"3 .''1 O '™' " Page* Safely* Tools* *rrf* iE^t«!-azcess sfee; aiy Location =ai-;i_;t ^»i- Brown Caldwell ''WKinfS\liyrsSnlSegiJB^ -.'••.o Heme ContSds Legal Manage Basins '" if. Oifrgo Coufttr HMP Size LID Facility Sasm Area 1 (NorthJ Cadsbad Costa ColiecEion Manage Map Layers Mtrjti «-nriyji ftjftntjii hi,i< Etiiin. Select a Toot Toolkit: HysrcMcs "Tccls Tool: tC S»?e' _j L J U LT Manage Your DMA's Cieate a ne* DMA sy dlcKing Ihe New sutton anc saoll down Id vie* entry. Aileinatlveiy. seled an existing DhlA trom lasle and vie* properties selow. Click Eoit sutlon to change OMA properties then press Save to commit changes DMA ID Description 7766 Roofs lo BMP 13 7765 Sijev.-eKiStoBMPl- 779C Lanascaping te BMP u 7751 Rocfs to BUP u - DMA Type: OromstotlD BMP ID: 6f.lP14 Drainage Soit; ^ype 0 :iitgn runoff • clay soil^) "' Post Surface: Roofs •' Drainage Area (ac): |Q OI Drain To Df.W ID: ! Pre.Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10-. Messages: 'S^ O ^ Internet | Protected Mode: On <f 'irif: 1 ;c. bnKrncatd.com ..la, 5- 3 [J " ifSi "' Page"' Safeh,-' Tools-' W"' Brown AND Caldwell E-it'access - si'ee: ctt;. Location =9t";a_3i -91- Z Manage Basins .|fi l-irqo Count-'• Manage Map Layers Wf^.Hh .>ir.n'jjl Rdinfjli Rjir. tijim; i.Ml Tvp- Select a Tool Toolkit: HyCTcl.Ic2"ccl« Tool: LC Sire' £ -—l,.^-..:(t. Result View Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Cosia Collection _j I o,.,A J u LT Manage Your DMA's Create a new DMA sj dicking Ihe Ne* sutlon and saoll oc«n lo -vie* enlTv Allernalively. seled an existing DMA from lasle and view properties selo*. Click Eoit sutton to change DMA properties then press rave lo commit changes DMA ID Description 77SS Sidewall.slcBMP1- 77S0 Lanoscsping to Bt-IP K 7751 Roots Ic BMP li 7752 Side.'.an.* lo BMP 15. Define DMA Properties Df.lA Type: Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP 16 Drainage Soil; Type D (high njhoff- day soils) Post Surface: Conaele oi asphalt DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): {0.01 Drain To Df.W 10: | Pre-Project Coven PeMous {Pre) Pre-Project Slope; Sleep (greater 10%) r" Messages: Done ^ Internet j Prelected Mode: On it I brwncaid.com f '3 Favontes uKnow Brown AND CaldVvell Page* Safety* Tools* y>* .Erie- aaoreas -1' -et. Locabon =»i-5ai,3s Manage Basins Manage Map Layers Select a Tool Toolkii; Hj arcMoc "ccis Tool: LCSeer Dene Details Size LID Facility Sasm Area 1 (North! Carlsbad La Costa Collecaon -J L U U L rjlanage Your DMA's Create a ne* DMA s> dicking the New sulton and saoll do/- n to vie* enlrv iJteinalnreiy, seledan existing DMA Irom lasle ano view properties selow Click Ecll sulton to change DMA properties then press r ave to commit changes OHA ID Deacriptiofi 77SC Lanoacapmc lo BMP 1^ - 77SI Rcifslc ei,iPU 7732 SKevvaikstcBMPlE 77S3 Lanoscaping tc BMP 1£ Define DMA Properties DMA Typa: Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP 15 •' Drainage Soil: Type 0 (high runoff - day soils) Post Surface: Landscaping DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac); jO,01 Dram To DMA ID: i Pre-Project Coven PeMous (Pre) Pre-ProJect Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: ^ Internet ] Protected Mode: Cn •.100- Favorites rt. uKncw tiT.i * Page* Safeb.-* Toots* *#* BrownCaldwell ' UKnOW SarrDfego' BMP Si^iny'i:^ • Hsme •'Cdhftlcfe Legal iEfier aSSress - st'et! crt\- Location ='••-;».5* -si Manage Basins -"lA Die^io Count. • HMP Manage Map Layers Toolkit: HycroMcd .eels Tool: LC Stief Size LID Facility Bastn Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Cosla Collection Manage Your DMA's U U L Create a new DMA 3v dicKing the New :;utton and sCTOIt oown lo view entrv, ^ternatively. select an exisfing DMAtrom taDle anc view properfies selow. Click Ecrt mutton to change DMA properties Ihen press Save to commit changes Hew • Edit • Swe • Delete Define DMA Properties DMA Type: Drains lo UD BMP ID: BMP 15 OMA ID Description 7791 Rocfs lc BUP u - 7752 Sicev.BM lo BMP i; 77S3 Lanascapmg to BMP l£ 7794 Reels 10 BMP If DMA Layout Drainage Soil: Type Oihlgli njnoff-day soils) Post Surface: Roofs Drainage Area (ac): |0.01 Dram To Dm ID: f Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre; Pre-Pro|ect Slope: Steep (greatei 10%) Messages: @ Intemet | Protected Mode: On \ 100% lie. ir'. i"-^-. brwncald.com i ' 3^ Fa\/oritts ^ ^• ^ ukncw o Page"' Safely » Tools •» •>•"' Brown AUO Caldwell E'rlB'" assress - sifee: criy Location 3ai-:»_;ft : Manage Basins i.U-Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 {North} CarlsOad La Costa Collection :. .-JO Details Manage Map Layers Rjin ' iu<)i Ram Sdjiti.- Toolkit: HyCrcMcd "ccts Tool: LC Sizer _r U M Manage Your DMA's Create 3 new DUA sy dicking the Ne* sulton ano saoll down lo vie* entry. Alteinalnely. seled an existing DMA Irom tasle and view properties selow Click Eoit sutton lo change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes EdK I Saye • 0<kM» Define DMA Properties DMA Type: Drains to LID BMP ID; BMP 16 Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff-day soils) •' Post Surface: Conaele or asphalt -' Messages: DMA 10 Description 7792 Sideweli.stoBUP1£ - •"793 Lsncscacing lo BMP 1£ 775a RcolsloBMP 1£ 77S6 S«!ema»»lo BMP 16 OMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): {0.01 Dram To DMA ID: | Pre-Projecl Cover PeMous (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greatei 10%) Done sy-tif Internet ] Protected Mode: On -' m% • brwncald.com actr. -,ie f.bp'w'L.s.* Brown «- Caldwell uKriCiW San Diego BMP Siting Calculator '. :,o •^"if ac ess • st-^ee: city Manage Basins djn Oieflo County HWr^ Result Viev/ a-Size LID Facility • Page * Safety * Tools * *^ * Heme • Contacts • Legal Details Basin Area 1 (North) Carfsbad La Costa Coliection Manage Map Layers Selea a Tool Tooikm Hy(Jrcl.lcS "'CclS Tool: Lie Sizer _J L J U U L Manage Your OMA's Create a ne* OMA sy dicMng Ihc New Sulton and saoll down lo view entry Alternatively, seledan existing DMA from lasle andvie* properties selow Click Edit sutlon to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes • I Swe • Oaie«e Define DMA Properties DfM Type: Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP 16 Drainage Soil: Type D (high runoff- day soils) Post Surface: Landscaping OMAN) Description 7753 Lanascapmg te BMP 1£ 779i RiOfslcBMPi; 7796 Sioev.all,s lo BMP 16 7801 Lanascapmg lo BMP IE DMA Layout Drainage Atea (ac): j0.03 Drain To t^M 10; Pre-Projecl Cover Peivious (Prel * Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater lOH) * Messages: ^ Internet | Protected Mode- On .,100- brwnciid.com Favontes ^ uKnow Brown AND Caldwell Er-'er aoaress . slr.*-^ cty Loc.bon =ai-3»-5. r^.i- : Manage Basins r.jr. r'i.-05 i:,.ui.i> HMP Manage Map Layers ^4.^, ."...ug., Mejii MnnuJI P inljl Rain bjwns Toolkit: Hycrcl.loa ~cols Tool: LC Si:er ..p Details ResuU View .nv-Size LID Facility B.iSin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection L I fi/lanags Your DMA's Create a new DMA cv dicking Ihe Neiv sutton ano scroti Oown lo view entr. AKernativel*. select an existing DMA from tasle ano vieiv properties selow Click Ecit outlon to change DM*, properties then press Save to commit changes Define DMA Properties DMA Type: Dialns lo UD BMPtD; BMP 16 Drainage Soil: T?pe D (hign mnoff- day soils) Post Surfece: Roofs DUA ID Description 775i Rocfs tc BMP 1£ 7756 ScewBls 10 BMP 16 7SC1 LancscscmG :c BMP 15 7802 Roofs lo BMP IE DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): j0.04 Dram To DMA ID; 1 Pre-Prolect Cover PeMous (Pre) Pre-Pro)oct Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: © Internet | Protected Mcde: Cn bnAmcafd.com -'.r- .lapC'L Favorites ^ ul^ow Brown AND Caldwell £'':er ascres3 - SL ciy Location 3it~js>3& ^11 Manage Basins Size LID Facility * Page * Safetv * Tools * •io,'.' Details Basin Area 1 {North} Carlsbad La Cost-: Coiiection Manage Map Layers Rji Select a Tool Toolkit: HyCrcUccJ ~cci5 Tool: LC Sizer _J L J Manage Your DMA's U LT Create a ne^ DMA sy dicKing Ihe New sutlon and scroll down to view entTv. Atternativelv, seled an existing DMA trom tasle ano view properties selow. Clio; Edit sutton to change DM,A properties then press Save lo commit dianges New I EdH I Save • fMm Define OMA Properties DMA Type: Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP 17 Drainage Soil: Type D (hign runoff - day soils} Post Surface: Concrete or asphalt Messages: DMA 10 Description 77=8 Scev.-alks lo BMP 16 75C1 Lansscapins to BMP 1= 780: RcjIslcBUPI: 7803 Staev/sHiS 10 BMP 17 DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): {0,01 Oram To DMA ID: I Pre Projeci Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) -» Internet | Protected Mode: On M00% I !^ .'t'J -i •iy ,brwncald.com . '€.-.?tc ;.l8pOL,.=»:i:- Favorites ,^ uKntw Brown «^L" Caldwell '^'i^^^j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _ lErler aacress - Slreet crty Manage Basins L Jfl Oicjo County • HMP Result Viev/ im Size LID Facility " • * • fW * Page* Safety* Tools* t** Home •'iiohtaas' "liegaf iwi3D DCUUS Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage r.1ap Layers iJ9< Mean Annu jl F >intjli Rim Bastns Cod Type Select a Tool Toolkit: HyfircMofl Tocls Tool: Lie Si2cr I L ""^ Manage Your DMA's u IT Create a new DMA sy dlUdng Ihe f-lew sulton and sooll down lo view entry. .Alternatively, seled an existing DMA from taste and view properties selow. Click Edit sutton to change DMA properties then press Cave to commit changes New I Edk • Sme • Delete DMAK) Description 78Ct Lanascapmg *.c BMP IS 7SC2 Roofs to BMP IS 75D3 Sidev/alkstcBMPl7 78C4 Landscapinc to BMP 17 - OMA Type: Drains to LID BMP ID: BI1IP17 Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff - day soils) Post Surface: Landscaping Drainage Area (ac): |0 02 Drain To Of/IA 10: | Pre-Projecl Coven Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project S(ope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: Done Internet | Protected Mode: On - \ 100% -' ' brwncald.com- .vart^tei Mf*, Favorites p ^ uKnow Brown '•"o Caldwell 'UKhOW San Diego BMP siting (^alculaf01 ?. :.•, Location =1 -jiwjft ^si" C Manage Basins an Oiego County - HMP Result Viev/ ivrv-Size LID Facility (~J * ' iJSP Page" Safety * Tools * ^•* Home Contacts Leqa! fv'ap DetaHs Basin Area 1 (North) Carisbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers R.if>-»uv. Medn Anmiil R^infaM RiinBdsins Oil Type Select a Tool Toolkit: HydrolJccJ Tccts Toot: LCS-ier _J L U LT Manage Your DMA's Create a new DMA sy dicking Ihe New sutlon and saoll doum lo vie w entry. Alternatively, seled an existing OMA from lasle and view properties selow. Click Edit sullon lo change Df.lA properties then press Save lo commit changes. New • Edit I Save • Oelste Define DMA Properties DMA Type: Drains lo UD BMP ID; BMP 17 Drainage SoH: Type D (high mnoff - day soils) Post Surface: Roofs DMA ID Description 7EC2 Roofs to BUP 16 - 7BC3 Siaewa>.s tc BMP 17 7B04 Lsnascapms to BMP 17 7605 Roofs lo BUP 17 DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): {0.02 Drain To DMA ID: I Pre-Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: ^ Internet | Protected Mode: On J * +^100% * le. 'ify. ,v -..brwncald.com .o'T-.-.itr, • tspi.^,^-. Brown Caldwell uKnOW San Diago BMP Siziiig CatcuiaCor %}.o ^^•^•^^l'^^ - Sf ee'.. ciy Locabon "^Ji-ja-;* »*f Manage Basins sn Diego Cour.N - HMP Size LID Facitity ^1 O • W * Page* Safety* Tools* •> Home "Csntads Legal - • Details Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers R.ain Oblige; Mean Annudt RjinUll Rjm &» •ns Soil Xipt Select a Tool Toolkit: H. arcMcC "ccls Tool: LC Sizer _l L Manage Your DMA's T IT IT Create a new DMA sy dicking the New sulton and saoll down lo view enlry, Altematvely, seled an existing DMA ffom ta sie and view properties selow Click Edit sulton to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes. New • Edit • Sme • Detsls Define DMA Properties Of.tA Type: Drains lo LID BMP ID: BMPie Drainage SoU: Type D (high mnoff - day soils) Post Surface: Landscaping OMA ID Description 7SC3 Sioewslks lo BMP 17 ' 7SS4 LsnOscsCinG to BMP 17 78C£ Rocfs lo BMP 17 7siie Lanascat^inB tc BMP 18 , DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): {0,01 Dram To Or.tA ID: Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Projecl Slope: Sleep (greater M)%) Messages: Internet | Protected Mode On M00% p , -ittj. >J ic -.brvmcald.com-i-.:te v,jL5T ' U.-ivi-.a^p- Brown -v^- Caldwell ' UKnOW San biego BMP Sizing Caiculatot |£nter aaoress - siree: city LnealiDn s.irga;,;* r=ji- Cc-tc i Manage Basins s.n .t.flo r junty- HinlP Result View Size LID Facility Al •' • ' " nw Page". Safety Tools" *>"» Heme Contads Legal Mcj Details Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Coilection Manage Map Layers tutean Annual Rdfnfdill Rjin B^nns Soil Type Toolkrt- Tool: HydrcMcS'ccIS LCSeer _J L - Manage Your DMA's J U U" Create a new DMA sy dicking the New Sutlon and saoll down lo view entry. Altemaffveiy, seled an existing DMA from lasle andvie* properties selow. Click Edit sutton to diange DMA properties then press Save to commit dianges New I Edit • Save • Delete OMA Type: Drains lo UD BMP ID: BMP 18 Drainage Soli; Type D (high runoff - day soils) Post Surface; Roofs DMA ID Description 7SCi Landscapmo to BMP 17 - 7EC5 Roofs lo BUP 17 7BC3 Landscaping lc BMP 18 : 7807 Rocfs lo BMP IS Drainage Area (acj: |0.02 Drain To Df.lA ID: | Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: 0 Internet | Protected Mode: On j "' "»vl00% je .in -jl- :0.- brwncald.com 'tct^ if Map; L.a * Page* Safet>'* Tools* * Brown Caldwell ' UKnoW San Diego BMP Sizing (^arculator' 'v:i,o [Enter aa ress . st-e«"._c<;. Locatton Manage Basins Sir. Dt.gt. Coun-y- HI«IP Result View liTV-Size LID Faciiity Heme" Contads Legal '.)a- Details Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Ram Ra.n easms £.0-1 Tvpe Select a Too! Toolkit: HytJrctJcc Tccls Toot: LC Sizer IT If Manage Your DMA's Cieate a new DMA sy dicking the New cullon and saoll down lo view entry. .Alternalrvely, seled an existing DMA from tasle and vie* properties selow. Click Edit sutlon to change DMA properties then press Save lo commit changes New • Edit I Swe • Delete DMA ID Description 78C£ Roofs to BMP 17 75CB Lanascapng lc BI,1P 18 7807 Reels lo BMP IS 7806 Sidewalks lo BMP 19 - OMA Type: Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP 13 Drainage Soil: Type D (high runoff - day soils) Post Surface: Conaete or asphalt Drainage Area (ac); jO.01 Drain To Df.lA ID; | Pre.Project Cover Pen/ious (Pre) Pre-Pri^ect Slope: Steep (greater 1046) Messages: Done ii) Internet | Protected Mode: On j "' M00% ^]SHft||j^^B . 'i^P ' ic.-.brwncsld.com .'.a''' . * J- 1 S:-,.- P Favorites '<L •'• " ^ uKnow • * ' fflp Page* Safety* Tools* ©* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•><.- — -. BrownCaldwell UKnf OW'San'Di^go BMP SI fli •Efter 35s ess • street cty Locatien c»i-'33:.3t Z Manage Basins Sjn 01*80 CountY - HMP Manage Map Layers rtdin Oduges Mt4H Annudl RunrdM Ram Basins Soil Typ-? Toolkit: HyiJrcMcji Tool: LC Seer 'a-p Deuils Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Coilection I 1^ DMA Manage Your DMA's U Lf Create a new DMAdicking the New Dutton and saolt down to view entrv, Alternatrvely, select an existing DMA Irom tacle ano view properties selow. Click Edit mutton to change DM.A properties then press Save to commit changes New • EdK I Seve • Delete DMA ID Description 7SCS Landacapmc tc BUP IS ' 7807 Roots 1-BMP 18 7808 Siaev/aikstoBi4Pi9 7809 Lanflscaping lo BMP 19 DMA Type: Drains to LIO BMP ID: BMP 19 Drainage Soil; Type D (high mnoff - day soils) PosI Surface: Landscaping Drainage Area (ac): |0.01 Drain To DMA ID: | Pre-Projecl Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Prpject Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: Done ifi Internet | Protected Mode: On J "' M.00% -' titp: ul brwncBld.com a-'•^ Map" L.; ^ -X 1 Sing P Favorites ^ - '-'•-'^ ^uKnow Q •' • iBP » Page» Safely"' Tools"' Brown Caldwell Ur inOW San Diego BMP Sizing Calculatoi •••• '••V 'Home Cbniad? Legal ' '' ' Logout £rier aacess • - rett cty Locabon "jr-3a_;» =»!'• Manage Basins SJfi DietJ County- HMP Manage Map Layers Mciin Annual R^infjtl Sell Type Toolkit: HytircWod Tocis Tool: LC Sizer LUo Details Result view Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Coilection U U L L _r~ Manage Your DMA's Create a new DMA sy dicking Ihe New cullon and saoll down lo view entry. Alternatively', seled an existing OMA from lasle ang vie* properties oelow. Click Eoit sullon lo change DMA properties then press Save lo commit changes New • Edtt • Sme • Delate DMA ID Description 7SC7 Roofs lo BMP 18 7808 Siaev,'a>.slcBMP15 7809 Lanascapmg tc BMP 19 7610 Rods 10 BMP 19 OMA Type: Drains lo UD BMP ID: BMP 19 Drainage Soil: Type D (high runoff - day soils) Post Surface: Roof^ Drainage Area (ac): |aoi Drain To DMA ID: | Pre-Project Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: Done at Internet | Protected Mode: On \100'. 'ittc .1 ic •- brwncsld.com ^ • • .ti^ •-iaji •V • ^ ' * Page* Safet>'* Tools* Brown •••ra Caldwell ' UKnOW San olego BIMP sizing Calculatoi '. .LO' Heme " Cohfeds" Legal' a"") Details htanage Basins s.n Di.BO C.unty - HMP iTiV-Size LiD Facility Basin Area 1 (Norttij Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage f.lap Layers R.in f *u(j&s Me.n Annual Rdinijll F4.in ajsinj Soil Typ. Select a Tool "L DMA _J M U Manage Your DMA's Create a new DMA sy clicking Ihe New sullon and saoll down lo view entry . Allemathrely. seled an existing DMA from tasle and view properties selow. Click Edit sutlon to change DMA properties then press Save to commit changes. New • Edit I Sam • Delete DMA ID Description 7806 Siaev/eii.sioBMPis 7809 Lanascspmg tc BMP IE 7810 Roofs to EMP 19 7811 Sidovialtslo BMP 20 - Toolkit: Tool: HyCroMca Tools LC Sizer DI.1A Type: Drains to LID BMP ID: BMP 20 Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff- day soils) Post Surface: Conaete or asphalt Drainage Area (ec): |0.01 DtalnToOfflAID: | Pre-Pri^ect Cover Peivious (Pre) Pre-Projecl Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages; Done •if-@ Internet | Protected Mode; On bnwncatdfom A I Bhg Brown Caldwell ^WtflOW San Diego BMP sizing CaicUlatoi ,u .rier aa "ess - st-ee: Locabon =Bi~5a.3ft -a'- S Manage Basins San Dieflo County - HMP Result View Size LID Facility g - «B - Page-' Safety Tools-' it- cnie Cohta'tte' te mi 50 Details Basin Area 1 (North) Cartsbad La Costa Coilection Manage Idap Layers Ra,n I »i.n.s ttflean Annual Rainlall Ram Basins So.i Typ, I [_ DUk fi/lanage Your DMA's U Lf Create a new DMA dicJting Ihe New sutton and saoll down to view entrv'. Aitemativeti, select an existing DMA from ta::le and view properties &elov> ClicK Eoit sutton to change DMA properties then press Save lo commit cJianges New I Edit I Sne • 0«M« DMA ID Description 7809 LBnascsctfig lo BMP 19 7810 Roots lo BUP 19 7611 Sideviau lo BMP 2C 7SI2 LsndscapinQ lo BMP 20 Toolkit: HytJrciJcd Tccls Tool; LC '.ZKJ OMA Type: Drains to UD BMP ID: BMP 20 Drainage Soli: Type D (high runoff - clay soils) Post Suriace: Landscaping Drainage Area (ac): jO 01 Drain To DfttA ID: | Pre-Project Cover. Pennous (Pre) Pre-Project Slope: Steep (greater 10%} Messages: @ Internet | Protected Mode: On lEI^SHlli^^l. ''^'^P ' .brwnc8td.com -']•', 1^1 .'..5 P Favorites ^ . Gji.t., * ^ uKnow ^i' •' U • ISP "' Page"' Safety-' Tools"' © •' Brown At.o Caldwell U VnOW San Dlego BMP SizinVcaiiruIatbf i.b' ' '' . ... "•••Homfe^''c6ntacts'''"i;egif'''''''''''' ' ' -'••-:•».•.-'••.-•-..:••;••.-•••...•.,.:•••.-^.jigjjj:.^ j E-^te-aacress - str-ee: city Localinn ^•I-SBWSB ^a. Manage Basins San Oieflo Count> - MMP Manage f.lap Layers Ram ..juges tblean Annual Rainrall Ram BasiiiS Soil T,p, Toolkit Tool; HyOroLIca ools LC Sizer f.i SO Details Result View iiTV Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection I |_ DMA Manage Your DMA s J u u Create a new DMA cllclung the New ::unon and saoll down lo view entry. Alternative ly. select an existing DMA trom lacie and view properties selow. ClicK Edit ::utton to change DMA propertes then press Save to commit changes. New I Edit I Save • Delete DMA ID Description 7810 RcolsloBMP 15 7811 Siaevjslks lo BMP 20 7812 Lanascaoing to BMP 20 781; Roofs lo BMP 20 - DMA Type: Drains lo UO BMP ID: BMP 20 Drainage Soil; Type D (high njnoff - day soils) -' Post Surtace: Roofs Drainage Area (ac): {0.01 Drain To DMA 10: | Pre-Project Cover Penoous (Pre) Pre4>rojecl Slope: Steep (greater 10%) Messages: 'i5" @ Internet | Protected Mode: On J - \100% -r I», :ii-n bnivncald.com ..a - e. i.la i Favorites ^t. j$ uKnow ^1 ^ • •' • IS!!> "- Page" Safely"' Tools"- <0-. BrownwD Caldwell Location ^ti'sa^ii BSI" C: Manage Basins ' jn Oieao Coyrthr- HMP Size LID Facility f^ap Data ils Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers M«dn Annual f(din(dll Rdin basins Soil T-pe Toolkit: HyOrcMooT Tool: LC Sizer _J L V Lf Manage Your DMA's Create a ne* OMA Sy diddng Ihe New sulton and saoll down lo 'View enh. Alternatively, seled an existing DMA trom tasle and view properties aelon: Click Ecu sullon to change DUA properties then press Save to commit changes New • Edit I Sme • DeteM DfflA Type: SeK-Trealtng BMP ID: =-'Pi Drainage Soli: Type D (high runoff - day soils) Post Surface: ecl-"jrl3ce Drainage Area (ac): {1.94 Oram To DMA ID: I Pre-Projecl Cover Se!^- ' Co;e, Pre-Project Slope: jEler-* Slope Messages: DMA ID Description tail E.:e-.-/aAs lo BMP 20 - 7812 Lanatcsping lo BMP z-:: 7613 Roofs lo BMP 20 7337 SelfTreattiB Areas i • 'i Lti^""'^^^ ' ^ ^.«^St • • . ' • \ j j t 1 y • -• N J r 4' ^ ij) Intemet | Protected fvlode: On •»vlOO% •r '..brwncald.com J.;-: ..lei i.Up jL.i;u' Favontes f* ^ uKncw Brown - = Caldwell irttr a2cre*s • sl'eeL cty Locabon ^ti-gi-g* =»r- C; Manage Basins &jn Die - • Countv • HMP Manaoe Map Layers Mean Annual Rdin(jl) ntin Batxr.s Soil Tvpe Select a Tool Toolkit: HyflroMcC Tccls Tool: Pcnc Sizer Q , • flap •» Page* Safet>'* Tools* O* r.:'!p Details Result Viev/ .•r^-Size Pond Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection _j L J U Lf Manage Your DMA s Cieale a new DMA dicking Ihe New sultdn and saoll doyyn loview enlrv Allernalively. seled an existing DMAtrom tasle and view properties selow. Click Edit sulton lo change DMA properties then press Save lo commit changes DMA ID 7520 7926 791' 7945 Scewslu lo BMP i Lanascspng lo BMP i Roofs 10 BMP E Streels and Misc Hardscape lo Orsae Basai Define DMA Properties OMA Type: Drains lo Pond Drainage Soil: Type D (high mnoff - day soils) Slope: Sleep (greater 10ii) - DMA Layout Drainage Area (ac): |1-19 Pre-Project Cover Pervious (Pre) Post-Project Cover ImpeMous (Post) " Messages: a Internet | Protected Mode: On - MOO? Ek9lB|j|^^| ^ brwncaid.com . • • -••ei '-upCL •T- 1 Si-3 Favorites ^- d_ -. 2s: _. * ''4jt uKnow •' Q ^ • i» " Page» Safety Tools- W» Brown-'-3 Caldwell Ur VnOW Scin Diego BMP Sizing Calcufatot ,v?.n" "'Mo'me 'C*ta&s" tE-tc'access - s.-ee: ci^ Location =i -;»_ « "^ai- C Manage Basins San Di«go County • HMP Manage Map Layers Ram t »u9~ Mean AnnuiSi RdinljH R4in Baans Soil Type Select a Toot Toolkit: HydrcMod Tccls Tool: LC Saer Result Viev/ Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection L J LT fi/lanage Your LID's BMP 10 Description Cieale a ne* LID Sy dicking Ihe f-lew sutlon and saoll d( wn to view new enlry. Altematively seled an existing UD trom the tacle andvie* properties selow. Click the Edit sutton lo change LID properties and 3res-> SAVE to update the calculations BMPI BUP 1 - Lined Blcrelenlion New Edit Sem Delete • LID Sizing LID Layout LID Type; Flow-Through Planter Drainage Area (ac); |0 02 Minimum Area (sqft): {50.3 Flow Threshold (cfs); 0.000 Proposed Area (sqft): {O 0 Minimum Volume VI (ctt): 41.9 Proposed Volume V1 (cft): 0.0 Minimum Volume V2(ctt]; 30.1 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0.0 Maximum Orifice Site (in): |0.1 Messages: Proposed Orifice Siie (in): p 0 Po. Vf.- yrr sonaO'o OCIHI' Su' .nOingw 1 nch Sandy kMni Sini-lural • .,'s *i|h natnrr -V iiK iDranc Sioraf layer ocoin vaniOic To , otm rlrainar ^ ^i-iteTi 3-0 Internet 1 Protected Mode: On Details MOO'!. •' e -(.tp V.. bfwncatd.com a . tt I.iapOL.j p. Bing Brown «-o Caldwell UKndW San oiego BMP sizing (:alcuIator-ri ti Ije-- it .ess - st'eel. cl\' Manage Basins San Oi*go Countv - HMP Size LID Facility Easin Area 1 (North) ^i: • " fW " Page* Safety* Tools* Home Contads Legal Carlsbad La Cost.i Collection Details Manage Map Layers Ra,n caiij. Mean Annual Rainfall Ram Basins ll Typ, IT IT Manage Your LID's Create a new LIO Ey dicking Ihe Ne* sulton and saoll down to view new enlry. Alternalrvely seled an existing LIO from the tasle and view propeites selo*. Click the Edit sulton lo change LID properties and press SAVE lo update the calculations New • EdH I Sm • Delete BMP ID Description BMPI BMP 2 BUP 1 . Lmed Bioretenlicn BMP 2 - Lliad Bioretention Toolkit; HyaroUcd Tools Tool: LC Sizer LID Sizing LID Type: Hoiv-Through Planter Drainage Area (ac): jo 03 f.linlmum Area (sqft): [96.0 LID Layout Flov/Threshold (cfs): 0.000 Minimum Volume VI (cft): eOJ) Minimum Volume V2 (cll): S7.6 Maximum Orifice Size (in): jO.1 Messages: Proposed Area (sqft); 0 0 Proposed Volume VI (cft): p.D Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0.0 Proposed Orifice Size (In): 0.0 Surrf namg. I PPTflritrayrr ivi- X I ' To rm rii..ina/ st c O ii Internet | Protected Mcde: On "' •slOO?i brvmcaid.com - ^.'s .f, ;,l3pi i. d.^ 'l-tUI 8.., Favorites ^ uKnow Manage f.lap Layers Run -jugfts Mean Annuji R^mljli Rj.n Basin* Oil Typ* Toolkn: HydroMcc Tccls Tool; LC Sizer Brown ™D Caldwell Eric" aaa-ess . atrte: c"*-- toeatien =s-5»,j« "n-z Manage Basins San Di.go Countv . HI^P '•I'D' • W "' Page"' Safety"' Tccls" © ^ Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection IT 1 IT Manage Your LID's Create a new LID Sy dicking the New sutton and saoll down lo vie* ne* entry. Altemalnely seled an existing LID from the lasle and view properties oelow Click me Edit outton lo change LIO properties and press SAVE to update the calculations Sme • Delete LIO Sizing UD Type: Flow-Through Planlei Drainage Area (ac): lo 04 BMPIO Description BUP1 BUP 1 - Lined BicretefJtion ' BIJP2 BUP 3 BMP 4 BMP 2 - Lffied Bcretenlvn BMP 3 - Lned Bioretenlion BMP 4 . vatc Bicretenticn LID Layout Fiow Threshold (cfs): 0.001 f.1inimum Area (sqft): 100.B Proposed Area (sqfl): 0.0 Minimum Volume V1 (cft): 83.8 Proposed Volume VI (cft): 0 0 Minimum Volume V2 (crt): |6a.3 Maximum Orifice Size (in): |o.1 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0.0 Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0 0 (•tessages: fV layer i&'odcain Bv.*nB Sorrr ndmg n ri'iiina :-,*)•. em ij) Internet | Protected Mode: On r.'.ap Details "' \100% • bnvncaid.com ^ uKncw • " • IW "" Page"' Safety"' Tools"' W" Brown •'i-c Caldwell UKrtOW San Dietjo BMP sizing Calculatoi V;,! Heme C'siilads Legal jt-lfir aao-esB - sire*: ta- Lacalion "ii-sa.^^ " F.'i^p Details Manage Basins San Diego C unty - HMP Result View Oi-Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Ra.n auot Mean Annual Rainlall Ra.n Basins fill Typ, Select a Tool IT J IT Manage Your LiO's Create a new UO dicing the New sutton and scroll down lo view new entT}. Altema^'eli select an existing LID from tfie tasle and view properties selow Click the Edit Dutton lo change UD properties ano press SAVE to upoale the calculations. New • Edit • Sne • Delete BMP ID BMPI BUP 2 BMP 2 BMP 4 Oescription BUP 1. Liiea Brcrelenlkin BMP 2. Lviea Bioretenlion BMP 2 - Lined Bierelenlicn BMP 4 . Lmed eiorelention Toolkit; HyarcMca *ccls Tool; LC Sizer LID Sizing LID Type: Flow-Through Planter Flov; Threshold (cfs): 0-001 Drainage Area (ac): 0.05 Minimum Area (sqftj: 148.3 Minimum Volume V1 (cft): 121.9 Minimum Volume V2 (cft): 87.8 Maximum Orifice Size (in): |0.1 Messages: Proposed Area (sqft): 0.0 Proposed Volume V1 (cft): {0 0 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): [o!o Proposed Ortlice Size (in): 0.0 LID Layout l*f10raiCfl b X I- X Slru^ lural». jK4 X,, Attn vyaccrprool nnsn-O/.ir-c f lorase laye' aeptn vdriooic a Internet | Protected Mode: On MO0% iS h\x\i l-'i brwncald.com- aj'^.-.a-. t.lapi-.34 * •r /V I Si"a Brown ^ J Caldwell San biego BMP Sizing Caliruiatot' ;vii '•I ' O • l» Page-' Safely"' Tools-' Enter aacress - siree:. ciy Leoatien Kai-ja-st Iv'.ap Details Manage Basins ' an Dieao County . HMP I'HX-Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Ram Gauges Mean Annual Raintali Rain Basiris ».l Type Select a Tool Toolkit; HydrcMoC TocIS Tool: LC Sizer _] u L J Lf Manage Your LID's Create a new LID Sy dicking the New sulton and scroll down lo view new entry. Attematively seled an existing LID from the lasle and view properties oelow Click the Edit Sullon lo change LID properties and press SAVE to update the calculations. LID Sizing Saw • Delete LID Type: Flow-Through Planter BMP ID Description BMP 11 BMP 12 BMP 12 BMPS BMP 11 - Lmed Bioretenlicn ' BMP 12 - Lned Biorelenticn BMP 12 - Lined Btsrelenlicn BMP £ - Lined Bioreterition Flov/Threshold (cfs); 0,000 Drainage Area (ac): 0.03 Minimum Area (sqfl): Minimum Volume V1 (cIt): |ao.o Minimum Volume V2 (ctt): |5T,6 Maximum Orifice Size (in): {D.1 Messages: Proposed Area (sqft): 0.0 Proposed volume VI (crt): |0.0 Proposed Volume V2 (crt): Proposed Orifice Size (in): {0.0 LID Layout Por-itrf.inyPf Tos'.Oim(l'i«fVli;» "ijrS'P!" ijf Intemet | Protected Mode: On - \ 100^'. I itf http' ic brwncald.com ..a-f'- at^' Favontcj ^ ^ . uKncw Brown «u Caldwell ^t'-ie'^ ascess • slieet c - Location '•Bi~oS_5« =ji- P.lanage Basins Can Dieoo Count*- HMP Manage Map Layers Rjin C iU9«4 Mejn Annudl R^tnljll Pi\n BjsinT Scil Typ* Select a Tool Toolkit: HyCrcMcc Tc .'j Took LC Si2er Page Safety» Tools'" fe*"" • ap Details Result View as. Size LiD Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection u 1 J IT (Ulanage Your LfD's Create a new LID Sy dicking the New Sulton and saoll down to view new enny Alternatively seled an existing LID from the tasle and view properties selo* Click the Edit sutlon lo change LID properties and press SAVE lo update the calculations New • Edit I Save • Delete BMP ID Description BMP 2 BMP 3 BMP< BMPE BMP 2 - Laiea Bioretantion ' BMP 2 - Lffica Blcrelenlion BUP 4 - Linea Berelenlicn ' BMP S - Lrefl Bioretention LID Sizing LID Layout LID Type: Flow-Through Planter Drainage Area (ac): {0 05 Minimum Area (sqft); [l05.2 Minimum Volume V1 (cft): IITS Flov/Threshold (cfs); 0-001 Proposed Area (sqft): [o!o Proposed Volume V1 (cfl): EF Minimum Volume V2 left): 63.1 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0.0 Maximum Orifice Size (in): {0.1 Messages: Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0,0 . . ncn >\ Sondy K- -m .' Slrunural t •US *<h vyn'eiar. ol moir-c are SMrago lave dcain vu'i.iole To ny c atnaj,. .ys!i Internet | Protected Mode: On •j "' -^..lOO?. - . bnvncald.com ,•'.ifc -itL. 'l^inC' a , Brown« Caldwell |Er^er adcreas - st'-ee'. ci>- Locmtitin -91 ;a.56 ^>\r- Zz~'-Z _ Manage Basins San Oitflo County - HMP San Diego'BMF' Siiirig Caiculatot 'v^S; ' Result View iilv-. Size LID Facility 'V ' • ^ • l-n " Page-' Safety"' Tools"' ©•-' Basm Area 1 (North) drne •''c3hWds"''LSpl " Carisbad La Costa Collection :.:.'p Details Manage Map Layers Mean AnnujI Rainftill J Select a Tool _J U L Manage Your LID's Create a new LID sy dicking the Ne* sulton and saoll down to view new entry . Allernalively seled an existing UD from the lasle and view properties selow. Click the Edit sulton lo change LID properties and press SA'VE lo update the calculations Kew I Edit • Save • Delele BMP 10 Description BMP 2 BMP< BMPE BMP 7 BUP 2. Lnea Bioretenlion ' BMP 4 - Lmea Bioretenlion BMP S - Lmed Bicretenlicn BMP 7 - Lined Bk;relenlkin Toolkit; Tool: Hyarcl-lod I eels LIC Sizer LID Sizing UD Type: Flow-Through Planter Flow Threshold (cIs): 0,001 Drainage Area (ac): 0 04 f.linlmum Area (sqfti: p41.7 Minimum Volume V1 (cit): 118.1 Minimum Volume V2 (cft): 85.0 Maximum Orifice Size (in): |0.1 Messages: Proposed Area (sqft): 0,0 Proposed Volume VI (cIt): 0.0 Proposed Volume V2 (ctt): 0.0 Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0.0 LID Layout fv-'(.iatet .anacic deptn Tn • OiiTi ainiiw.'' ^y • i: nch x.^ '^<iy Strunurii M iH »--.n vnaterp -^of ^lcpl^ vartable (V?l @ Internet | Protected Mode: On biwnc9ld.com r ' ,?*f. ' iap . -> Brown Caldwell ' tfKhOW'san'biSo WJi * Page* Safety-* Tools* ©-^ ••' Hbme~'Coritacts •' Lsgai' i^nte- ao ess - slreel ciy Locabon ^iai-ja.ja Uae Details Manage Basins an Oieso County - HMP Result View iTH-Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa CoDection Manage f.lap Layers Ram "auges Mean Annual Rainlall Ram e.sins :,j,l Typ, Select a Tool Toolkit: Tool; HyarcMca "cols LC Cizer J _J U L Manage Your LID's Create a new LID Sy dicking the New sutton and sddll down to vie* new entry. Alternatively seled an exlsUng LID from the lasle and view properties selow. Click the Edit sutlon lo change LID properties and press SAVE to update the calculations New • Edtt I Save • Delete LID Sizing BUP ID Description BMP 4 BMP 6 BMP? BMP 8 BMP 4 - Liied Bicretentcn •* BMP E - LIrta:! Bieretenbon BMP 7 - Lined Bicrelenticii r BMP S • Lired Bioretenbcn ^ LID Type: Flow-Through Planter Flov/Threstiold (cfs): 0.000 Drainage Area (ac^ {0.03 Minimum Area (si^): 96.0 Minimum Volume V1 (cft): 60.0 Minimum Volume V2 (Cft): 57.6 Maximum Orifice Size (in): jO.1 Messages: { " Proposed Area (sqft): jO.O Proposed Volume V1 (ctt): [o.O Proposed VoltimeV2 (cft): 0.0 Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0.0 LID Layout Ci.Wf»S0Ool, Por..Jirf, .)>rf vdOaiblcOcptn GfO*civ>,"'jsh 01 -t V 1 nch \_^S^dy lo .'n Stnictufeii» lis V^^^ *ith«alerpfOtrf niowDi'iirt TD f'twin dmnaffi sj -^'Cf^ SUMatr ia>ei IV3I Dene ^ Internet j Protected Mode: On £ Sh .brwncald.com d "x' •^tei f Vp "t X • b. g BrownCaldwell TlKhO\W^'SarrDiego BMP Sizing iErie' ascfess - street, cty •i' • ^ • n«i * Page* Safety* Tools* ©* Heme Contacts Legal ' Idgouf i.'up Details Manage Basins San Dieflo County HMP I'SV *1 Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Ram < auoes Mean Annual Rainlall Rain Basins Soil Type IT IT Manage Your LID's Create a new LID cy dicking Ihe Ne* Sulton and saoll down to view new entry. Altematively seled an existing LID from the tasle and view properties Selow. Click the Edit sutton lo change LID properties and press SAv'E to upcate the calculations New I Edit | Save • Delete BMP ID Descriplion BMP 7 BMP 7 - Lined Biorelentlcn BMP S BMP 8 - Lmed Bioretenlicn BMP S BMP 5 - Lmed Bioretenlicn BMP 10 BMP IC - Uned Biorelenllon Toolkii: Tool: HydrcMoa oob LC SEcr LIO Sizing LID Type: Flow-Through Planter Flow Threshold (cfs): 0,001 Drainage Area (ac): 10.04 Minimum Area (sqft): 141.7 Minimum Volume VI (cft): 118.1 Minimum Volume V2 (cft): 85.0 Maximum Orifice Size (in): {0.1 f^essages; Proposed Area (sqft): jot) Proposed Volume vi (cft): 0.0 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0,0 Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0.0 LID Layout .; Ponoirf, layer vaiunj'cdcoin ivi: \ Grouc : liisn 1. ncn Sandy loant S1ructur.il i tft-i ihiin iva''jrproar mc i.tyiPi: Swra£o layer deptn viiriaulv ^ Internet | Protected Mode: On \ 100% 'tc. .biwncald,com :-l,.,; ..SSI a:-j Brown 0 Caldwell uKnow San Diego BMP Sizing Calcuiatof .'. < iL-i.*'-?" es_s - Street city Manage Basins Sjn Oieflo Coufth • HMP Result Viev/ 01-Size LiD Facility -r Q ^ • f»pfi • Page* Safet/* Tools* Heme CsntJd!. Leqal Basin Area 1 (North) Carisbad La Costa Collection Details Manage Map Layers Rain -aoges Mean AnitUdl ndinlail Ram Sdsifis Soil Typ^ Toolkit: HydrcUcc "ccis Tool: LC Suei _r u 1 J "LT Manage Your LID's Create a new LID sy dicking the Ne* sullon and scroll down to view new enlry. .AltemalNely seled an existing UD Irom the lasle and view properties selow. Click Ihe Edit sulton to change LID properties and press ^AvE lo update the calculations New • EdH • Save • Delete LID Sizing LID Type; Flow-Through Planter Drainage Area (ac): |o.03 Minimum Area (sqrt): |54J Minimum Volume VI (cft): |45.7 BMpm Oescilption BMPe BMP 9 8MP1C BMP 11 BMP e - Lined Btcretenhcti * BMP 9 - Lned Bicretenttcn BMP 1C - Lmed Bioretenlicn ^ BMP 11 - Lined Bioretenlion Flow Threshold (cfs); 0,000 Minimum Volume V2 (cft): 32.9 Maxinium Orifice Size (in): {0.1 Messages: Proposed Area (sqft): 00 Proposed Volume VI (cft): 0.0 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0.0 Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0.0 LID Layout .i-: Pt,.10nT. layer . juib'c deptn , i ivi; \! ' To »• rm ifiunaffi en Done a Internet | Protected Mode: On M00% -r J^tjI^U^^m'^ '•'^ .brwncald.com' a:'- :.te. f ..L.-Tup-" i *»• 1 " 1 Si-s P Favontes ^ ^;.:c> * ^ uKnow '^l •' • • i» ' Page" Safety - Tools - t»-' l?nSfflHHS!WfflflL-.-i .i'.'iii-T.«i,...v.M;. iis«>jr.'...f.it.i Location • >r;s.ft =»i- C;-;.--! ...ao Details Manage Basins Result Vtev/ S*n Dieso Cowntr- HMP Size LID Facility i Basin Area 1 (North) ... Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Riiti augcs M«jn nnudl Rdinf^l Run Bjsins Sail Tvpp Select a Tool Toolkrt: HySrcMcO Tccls Toot LC Seer _r IT 1 J IT Manage Your LID's Create a new LID Sy dicking the Ne* Sullon and saoll dOAn to vie* ne* entry. Altemanvely seled an existing LID from the tasle and view properties selow. Click Ihe Edit sulton to change LID properties and press SAVE lo upoale the calculations New • Edit I Save • DeletB LID Sizing BUP 10 Description BMPS SUP 9 - Lrea Bioretenlion -* BMPIO BMP IC - Lmed Bicrelenticn BMP 11 BMP 11 - Lmed BicreteRlion r BMP 12 BMP 12 - Lined Blcrelenlion LID Layout .-< UD Type: Flow-Through Planter Flow Threshold (cfs): 0.001 Drainage Area (ac): 0 05 Minimum Area (sqft): 146.3 Proposed Area (sqtl): 0.0 Minimum Volume VI (ctl): {121.9 Minimum Volume V2 (cIt): |e7j Maximum Orifice Size (in): lo!l Proposed Volume VI (cft): 0 0 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0.0 Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0.0 Messages: SiXrounde. > s»l Ciayc. S4>ijsn DWca 1: "Ch \ S-:ndy loMi. ] SIru: u il-"Hii » li i^aterprool ^ mcml .1* To sloim d'a. gf ay-wem S.jrdgo tayei deoth vjnaoie IV71 ^ Internet) Protected Mode- On bn¥ncald.com .•artF.-..u£ 2-5 Favontes ulCncw Brown Caldwell Enter access • st'ci! ciy r4 i\tC»li'}ktKriiift:: LoeaUon ^tr J9.;e Manage Basins San Dieeo County . UUP Manage Map Layers Ram &auoes Mean Annual Rainlall Ram Basins Soil Tree Select a Tool Toolkit MydrcMca •:"ccls Tool; Lie Sizer U " • IBO "" Page -' Safely" Tools"' r.'.ai:< Details Result View 1 Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection IT J U Manage Your LID's Cieate a new LID sy dicking the New sullon and saoll doywi to view new enlry Allemal^'ely seled an existng LID from the lasle and view properties selow. Click the Edit sutton lo change LID prdperties and press SAVE to upcate the calculations New • Edtt I Save • Delete BMP1C BMP 11 BMP 12 BHP1J Oescription BMP 1C - Lined Borelenlicn BMP 11 - Lmed BicreleflUn BMP 12 - Uneo Berelenlicn BMP 1: - Lmed Blcrelenlion LIO sizing LID Type: Flow-Through Planter Flow Threshold (cfs): 0.000 Drainage Area (ac): {0 03 Minimum Area (sqft): {96.0 Proposed Area (sqft): 0 0 r^inlmum Volume VI (cft): 80.0 Proposed Volume VI (cR): 0.0 Minimum Volume V2 (cft): 57.6 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0.0 Maximum Orifice Size (in): {0.1 Messages: Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0.0 LID Layout PoL-jirR layer SurfDunaing&o<i To s'.oiin d'aina.Bsy^.i- licDtn yariatilc iv2t 'tf id Internet | Protected Mcde: On .bnvncald.com -'CF .i?|.'.":.,.-, Brown Caldwell uKnow s i Diego BIMP Sizing Crilailatoi :, i.: lErter ac.-ess - st-ea: cit>' _ Locabm ''ii-3»vat ''tir z Manage Basins *nDie- County HMP Manage Map Layers Rjin -aug- Mtan Annual Rjintjii Rjin Bisiru Soil Typ« ResuK View Size LID Facility "LT 1 J U Select a Tool Manage Your LID's Creale a ne* UD sy dicWng Ihe New Sutlon and saoll down lo view new entry. AltemaHveiy seled an existing LID from the tasle and view properties selow. Click the Edit sulton lo change LID properties and press SAVE to updale Ihe calculaiions New I Edtt • Save • Delete Q " • rss Page' Safely Tools •» t*' Hcne Cnmad? Leial Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Cosla Collection WPIO Description BMP 12 BUP 12 BMP i BMP 14 BMP 12 . Lmed Biorelenlen ' BMP 13 - Lmea Bmralenlicn BMP 5 - Lined Bmrelenlicn BUP 1 a - Lined Biorelenllon i.'io Details Toolkrt; Tool; HydrcMoa Tools LC Si2er LIO Sizing UD Type: Flow-Through Planter Dramage Area (ac): |0 03 Flow Threshold (cfs): 0.000 Minimum Area (sqft): 96.0 Minimum Volume VI (cli): 80.0 Minimum Volume V2 (cft): |S7.6 Maximum Orifice Size (in): {o.1 Messages: Proposed Area (sqU): (o,0 Proposed Volume VI (cft): |o,0 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0,0 Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0.0 LID Layout Surrounding sal rv .Jir-glaynf vari.yt)te dcotn iVl; n dcainayte sysrem Grati: spusn Olocn Sanrjy lojm < S1iur-ur.ll )* ills *4ti narcrproor merre are Slora{c laser dcr'li variable IV31 Done a Internet | Protected Mode On •J "' M00% -.ac Details Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers R.m< juje. Mean Annual Raintali Ram Basins 111 Typ. Select a Tool __r IT 1 IT Manage Your LID's Create a new LID By dicking me New SuKon and saoll down lo view new entry ABemaCvely seled an existing uo Itom the lasle and view properties selow. Click ihe Edit sullon to change LID properties and press S.AVE lo update Ihe calculations New I Edit I Save • Delete BUP 10 Description BUP 13 BUP 13. Lmed Bicretenlien BMP: BMP £ . Lined Bioretenlion BMPla BMP la . Ljned Borelenlicn BMPt; BUP 15 - Uned DlcrelenScn Toolkit HyaroUoa Tccls Tool: LC 'zei LIO Sizing uo Type: Flow-Through Planter Flov/ Threshold (cIs): 0.000 Drainage Area (ac): 0.03 Minimum Area (sqft): {96.0 Minimum Volume VI (cft): |80.0 Minimum Volume V2 (cft): (57.6 ftoximum Orifice Size (in): |0.1 Messages: Proposed Area (sqft): joo Proposed Volume VI (cft): {0,0 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): |o,0 Proposed Orifice Size (In): {o,0 LID Layout Sunf.inaingi;;l Poi,,jirr: raycr Mt'Milc deptn To slorm drainajte sysrei i; xn Sdndy loam Slnsctural Aaas \ *an ssacerpr- :l \ n..irt'3ro SKirago layc' depth varia,.r.. 1V3| a Internet | Protected Mode: On _i -' M00% bnwncild.com '.a rite* i Oj:i:p r', ^ • * IW * Page* Safety* Tools* Brown "N:) Caldwell ' tJ ^'•ter assress - slree'.. crty Manage Basins ^in Oi«go County- HMP Result View Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection r.'ap Datails Manage Map Layers Rjiri -Jta , Mejn AnnuaJl R^infjll Pattx BjSiri! Select a Tool Toolkn: HyCroUcS Tccls Tool: LC Seer 1 J If Manage Your LID's Create a new LID ty diddng the Ne* sulton and saoll ddwri lo view ne* entiy . Altematively seled an exlstng UD from the lasle and view properties selow. Click the Edll Sutton to change LIO properties anc press SAVE lo updale the calculations New • Edit I Save • Delela BMPIO Descriptton BUP 5 BMP la BMPIE BMPI f BUP E - Lnea Bicrelenticn ' BMP 14 - Ltfiad Bioretenlion BUP 1E - Uned flicretention B1.IP 16 - unea Btcreiemkin LID Sizing UD Type: Flow-Through Pianlar Drainage Area (ac): jo.OS Flov/ Threshold (cfs): 0,002 Minimum Area (sqft): |242.4 Minimum Volume VI (cft); 202.0 fitinlmum Volume V2 (Cft): 145.4 Maximum OriTice Size (in): {0.2 f-lassages: { Proposed Area (sqfl): 0,0 Proposed Volume VI (cfl): 0.0 Proposed Volume V2 (ctt): 0.0 Proposed Orifice Size (in): 0.0 LIO Layout Ponrwc layer varioL 0 deptn Sunoynomg Tos jlmr. ainawsy em id Internet | Protected Mode: On .bnwncild.com a^ti-'.^tei i '^pCi..';j,' ^1 Q ' IW ^ Page* Safety* Tools* l^-' Brown AND Caldwell Enter aoareas - stree: city Leeabon 'at-ja-ge R»i" C;-!:. t Manage Basins San Dieflo Counh - HMP Manage (.lap Layers Ram Oau9. K:ean Annual Rainlall Result Viev/ Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection J IT Select a Tool Manage Your LID's Creale a ne* UD Sy dicking Ihe New sutton and saoll do*h lo view new entry . Altematively seled an existing UD Irom the lasle ano vie* properties selow. ClicK Ihe Edit sulton lo change LID properties ano press SAVE to update the calculations New I Edit • Save • Delete BMPIO BMPI* BMP IE BMPt E BMP 17 Description BUP U. Lmed Biorelenlion BMP IE - Lined Blcrelenlion BMP ie - Lined Bicrelenticn BMP 17 - uned Bkirelenlion IvUp Details Toolkit Took HydrcMoa Toca LC Sizer LID Sizing LIO Type; How-Through Planter Flow Threshold (cfs); 0.001 Orainsge Area (ac): 0 05 Minimum Area (sqfl): 146.3 Minimum Volume VI (cft): 121J) Minimum Volume V2 (Cft): 87J Maximum Onfice Size (In): {0,1 (.lessages: Proposed Area (sqft): 0.0 Proposed Volume VI (cft): {0.0 Proposed Volume V2 (cIt): {o.O Proposed OriTice Size (in): |0.0 LID Layout Sv ouiKSingsoil PonrjiTf'.layflf sariao'e deptn To s 4ni drainar.e sysri"m i^ Internet | Protected Mode: On M00% fff. H^;. _ino .brwncild.com . a:"e .;e 1:- Brown Caldwell "IJFSTO' Manage Basins San Di««o Countv - HMP Manage Map Layers RiJin G«uo«s Mean Annu.it Rdinf^U Rjin Basins C-.il Tvp* Result Viev; Size LID Facility IT J IT Manage Your LID's Creale a new UD s> dicMng Ihe New sutton and saoll down to vie* new enlry. Altematively seled an existing LID from the lasle and view properties selow. Click ne Edit sullon lo change UD properties and press SAVE lo upoale the calculations New I Edit I Save • Delete ^l' Q " IW -' Page-' Safety Tools"' ©-' MBttinHliiigiliM Basin Area 1 (North) L ap Details Carlsbad La Costa Coliection BMPIO Oescription BMPIE BUP1 E BUP 17 BMP IS BUP 15 - Lmed Blcrelenlion -* BUP IE - Liiea Blcrtlenticn BMP 17. Lmed Bicrelenticn BUP 1 e - Uned BierelenBon Toolkit H arcMoa "cols Tool; LC Sizer LID Sizing LIO Layout ;i LID Type: Row-Through Planter Flow Threshold (cIs); 0.000 Drainage Area (ac): 0.03 Minimum Area (sqfl): 96.0 Minimum Volume VI (cft): 80,0 fJInlmum Volume V2 (cft); 57.6 Maximum Orifice Size (In): {0.1 filessages: Proposed Area (sqft): loo Proposed volume VI (cft); jo.O Proposed Volume V2 (cft); jo.O Proposed Orifice Size (in): {O.O Surrounding r I I Pondtrp, laynr vanabk; dcotn To SItrm dr.^nafsystem Done i^ Internet | Protected Mode On •e 1---1 It . bryvncald.com. •-d.tt -.rim f.iaprL.a:.r.- 03 ' US » Page Safely Tools" ©•> Brown^'-0 Caldwell ' "tlKflfOW'San mago BMP Sizin calculator j£rter acj'ess - street. City "Hom> t;siit3ds Leqir r.:ap Details Manage Basins ?in Dieflo Counh- HMP Result View iTl; Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection Manage Map Layers Ram Oauges Mean Annual Rainlall Ram Basini Toil Type Select a Tool Toolkit Tool; HydrcMoa Toots LIC Sizer _J u 1 J IT Manage Your LID's Cieale a new UD Sy dicking the New Sutton and scrcll down lo view new entry Aitemalh'ely seled an existing LID from the tasle and view properties selow. Click the Edit sultdn to change LID properties and press SAVE to updale the calculations New I Edit • Save BMP ID BMPI S BUP 17 BMP te BMP 19 Description BMP 16 - Lined Bioretenlicn BMP 17 - Lmed Bicielanlion BMP IS - Lined Bicrelenticn BMP 19 - LineO Blorelenlicn LID Sizing LID Layout LID Type; Flow-Through Planter Flow Threshold (cfs): 0,000 Drainage Area (ac): {0 03 Minimum Area (sqft): {96.0 Minimum Volume VI (cft): 80JI Minimum Volume V2 (ctt): 57.6 Maximum Orifice Size (in): {0.1 Messages: Proposed Area (sqft): 0 0 Proposed Volume VI (cft): 0.0 Proposed Volume V2 (cft): 0,0 Proposed Orifice Size (In): 0.0 Sunr 'ndingsoil To sloim diainajiff s, -e.'n Grave:. ..jLtsn fS<^ l?inch ^ SI>UC1tK<ll» isrth nji(erpn>i,r jje tajei 1V3I 0 Internet | Protected Mode: On MIL .,bramcald.com 3C*^ • te-''>pOL,a.^'. Favorites ^ 'ify uKnow • -' • -' Page Safety Tools-' ©••• Brown-If.:'Caldwell llKn'OW Sc)ii Dieg(3''BMP Sizifig CalcuIatoi M.:r Home Conlatf": Legal lEnte^ i"^^} • s'.ree: city LseiUon =ji-5»_5i Ofi- Z- Manage Basins San Dteflo County - HMP Manage Map Layers Ram Oaufles Mean Annual Rainlall Rain Basins Soil lyne Toolkit HydrcMoa "Tecla Tool; LC Seer Map Details Result View CIV Size LID Facility Basin Area 1 (North) Carlsbad La Costa Collection IT J If Manage Your LID's Creale a new UD Sy dicking Ihe New sullon and saoll down lo view new entry Alternatively seled an exlsUng LID from Ihe tasle and view properties selow. Click the Edll sutton lo change LID properties and press SAVE to updale Ihe calculations New • Edtt • Save • Delete BMP ID Description BMP 17 BMP 18 BMP 19 BMP ZO BMP 17 - Lined BiDrelenticn *' BMP IB - Lined Bicrelentrn BMP 19 • Lmed Bicrelention BMP 20 - Uned Bicretenlicn LID Sizing LID Layout UO Type; Flow-Through Planter Flow Threshold (cfs): 0.000 Drainage Area (ac): |0.03 Minimum Area (sqft): |96JI Minimum Volume VI (cft): {80.0 Proposed Area (sqft): 0.0 Proposed volume VI (cft): 0.0 Minimum Volume V2 (cft): |S7.6 Proposed Vohime V2 (cft): {0.0 Maximum Orifice Size (in): {0.1 Messages: { Proposed OriOce Size (in): 0.0 Ponumc layer wiutilodcpln I ... 1 ill IVI" \l ftl I Bu • JmR To Storm dratnc^'-sysren- a item remaining) Downloading picture http:.''.''uknow,bnvncald,com/wastewater.'MapSeivice.aspx?r:GetTile&l:,RainBasin2,RainContoursJyr24,Raingauge&e=falseSu::10iu=18M=pngiu=,ru iil Intemet | Protected Mode: On j - M00% - Brown-^.Caldwell uKriOW san Diigo"BMPliz),,^^(:^ ,Er:er82c'essj_sEree: cty Location °ai-sa..;i t'li" C Manage Basins San Diego County - HMP Result Viev/ Size Pond Facility Heme Conladj ' Ugai ap Details r -' f Basin Area 1 (North) Carisbad La Costa Coilection Manage Map Layers M«dft Annudl R4fnf.3it Kfti BjsifM Soil Tvp4 Select a Tool Toolkit: HydrcMc2 Tccls Tool: Pcnd Sizer _J u L - J Lf Manage Your Scenarios Creale a ne* scenario Oy clicking Ihe New Sutlon and saoll down lo view entiy Alternatively, seled an existing scenario Irom taaie and view properties selow. Click Edit sutlon lo change scenarto properties then press SAVE lo updale the calculations. New I Eda I Save • Qekrte Pond Soli Type: Type D (high mnoff - day soils) Side Slope i (H:1): jiToo Side Slope 2 (H;1|: 2.00 Scenario DescilptkHi Design A OnaitBBasin-ExislinfiCcndittwiParanwterloputtefi ' Deplh (ft): 4,0 Lower Orifice Invert (ft): jO.OO Upper Onfice invert (ft): {3.00 Weir Invert (ft): {4,00 Vl/eir Length (ft): Giio Low Flow Threshold (cfs): 0.029 Upper Flow Threshold (cfs): 0.679 Drainage Area (ac): {1,19 Calculate Orifice Size: Calculate Pond Size: > Lower filaximum Orifice Size (in): 0.8 Upper Maximum Onfice Size (In): 5.0 Top Area (sqft): 3344 Bottom Area (sqft): 1750 Volume (cft): 10189-3 Drawdov/n Time (hrs): 86,0 Percent Drained (96 hrs): 100,0 Sizing PASSED. Post-projed miligaled flow-duraHdn and flow- frequency meet the pre-projed conditions. (Iterations: 6) "™ Drawdown PASSED, Drawdown Bme (86 hrs) < 96 hrs. —* Done d Q Internet | Prelected Mode; On