HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 05-03; Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use; Drainage study for CT 05-03; 2011-03-15Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 75:c(760)434-5831 LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 City Dwg. No. 451-7A 6 RESIDENTIAL UNITS & 1 RETAIL UNIT PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2, PM 11077 APN 203-260-14 & 15 CARLSBAD, CA Q Prepared: October 23, 2010 Revised: March 15, 2011 QLU Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 INDEX m INDEX Page 2 INTRODUCTION AND REPORT METHODOLOGY Page 3m m TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCAULATIONS & ™ SITE BASIN HYDROLOGY COMPUTATIONS Page 6« "" PRIVATE ON-SITE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Page 22 to " REFERENCE DRAWINGS Page 55 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY for LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 March 15, 2011 Project: 6-Unit Residential & Retail Mixed Use Building Portions Of Parcels 1 & 2 of Parcel Map 11077 ~ APN 203-260-14 & 15 INTRODUCTION AND REPORT METHODOLOGY Introduction The purpose of this report is to present the results of the hydrology study and hydraulic design analysis prepared by Conway and Associates, Inc. for the proposed Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use condominium project in Carlsbad. This report serves as the basis of design for the proposed on-site storm drain facilities shown on the project grading plans. The storm drain facilities analyzed in this report are based on a 100-year return rainfall event. Project Site Description The subject property is located within the city limits of the City of Carlsbad. The subject site is located at the southeast corner of Oak Avenue and Lincoln Street in the Carlsbad Village area and encompasses 0.402 acres. The project site addresses are 325 Oak Avenue (west parcel) and 3112 Lincoln Street (east parcel), Carlsbad, CA, 92008. The subject property is also known as Parcels 1 & 2 of PM 11077, Assessor's Parcel Number 203-260-14 & 15. Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 will be merged as part of the project's final mapping process. The project is bounded by Oak Avenue to the north, Lincoln Street to the West, residential apartments to the south and a residential condominium structure to the East. Site access is taken from both frontage streets. Currently, the project site contains a single-family residence on the west parcel and a retail business in a converted residence on the east parcel. General Basin Descriptions and Flow Characteristics Project Area Description: The project site currently consists of two improved single family residential lots, Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 11077. The Parcel 2 structure is a single-family residence converted to commercial use and takes access from the Oak Avenue right of way via an AC driveway extending to an AC parking lot in the rear yard area. The Parcel 1 structure is a single-family residence currently in use as a rental unit. There is no defined vehicle access to the public right of way for Parcel 1. Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 •• The subject site and the immediate neighboring area drains to a series of existing curb inlets located at the ~" northwest, southwest and southeast curb returns of the Lincoln and Oak street intersection. The project's «• new on-site private storm drain system will be tied directly to the storm drain curb inlet vault at the southeast curb return along the project frontage. An existing 18" RCP public storm drain line (see City drawing 462-6) running easterly in Oak Avenue discharges into a PCC-lined channel at the east end of Oak Avenue at the southerly limits of the public «• parking lot near the San Diego Railroad right of way. Storm water discharged from the 18-inch RCP storm — drain pipe at the parking lot exit drive crosses to the East side of the railroad tracks via an existing 36" CMP storm drain culvert. From there, storm water is conveyed by an PCC-lined channel and existing storm drain «• culverts located along the east side of the railroad tracks and discharges to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. **» Hydrology Study Methodology m A rational-method format was used to evaluate design runoff quantities for the tributary basins presented w herein in accordance with the County of San Diego hydrology manual. The project site was evaluated by grouping site use into two categories: landscape areas (C=0.40), paved areas (impervious: C=0.90; pervious: "" C=0.70) and building coverage (C=0.95), yielding a post-development area-weighted average C value of — approximately 0.86 for the site. An approximate pre-development area-weighted average C value of 0.61 was computed for the site. A 100-year return event storm was used to compute the design runoff quantities for the various project """ drainage basins and are presented in hydrology computations section of this report. "™ 100-year Return Event Peak Flow Computations: Estimated peak flows for 100-year, 6-hour storm events _ (pre- and post-development conditions) were computed for the project site. The peak pre-development storm water runoff rate was computed at 0.8 cfs. The peak post-development storm water runoff rate was "" computed at 1.3 cfs, an increase of 0.5 cfs. The increase in the peak discharge is the result of additional — impervious surface area with a corresponding reduction in the time of concentration for the subject site's tributary basin. Private On-Site Storm Drain System Hydraulic Calculations: Hydraulic calculations for the proposed "" private on-site storm drain system based on the 100-year peak flow is presented in this report. The private •• on-site storm drain system is located along the project site perimeter and ties into the public storm drain system curb inlet located at the southeast corner of Lincoln Street and Oak Avenue. The hydraulic grade line at the southeast curb inlet was assumed to be six inches below the curb flow line of the inlet, which was field-verified at elevation 48.09. This is generally a conservative assumption based on *• the typical design standard that the energy grade line of public inlets should not exceed this elevation. Based ^ on this assumption, no on-site ponding is anticipated. Project Storm Water Management Design Description: Sidewalk runoff from the easterly and southerly side yards are directed to bioretention areas located immediately adjacent to the paved areas. In low-runoff m conditions, a perforated subdrain will capture percolated runoff from these areas. In higher runoff events, runoff will be captured by surface inlets that drain to the on-site drainage system. m Roof and deck area runoff will be held in a storm water storage pipe located in the easterly and southerly side yards, which will be held for a several hours, then pumped to the bioretention areas located along the <•» northerly right of way. The pipe storage system is sized to store runoff from a 0.6-inch rainfall event - an Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 85th percentile event for this site. Storm water volume directed to the storage pipe in excess of the 85th percentile event is bypassed to the site's storm drain system. In storm events exceeding an 85th percentile storm, roof and deck runoff will bypass the storage pipe and will drain directly to the on-site drainage system. Garage Area Runoff: All onsite project parking spaces are located below the proposed structure and are not directly exposed to rain or storm water runoff. As required by the Uniform Plumbing Code and the City's Storm Water Standards Manual, the garage-area runoff will pass through an oil-water separator before being discharged to the public sanitary sewer system. Conclusion It is the professional opinion of Conway and Associates, Inc. that the proposed storm drain systems shown on the project's grading plans will convey the Qioo design flows anticipated by the calculations contained in this report. m Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS AND TRIBUTARY BASIN HYDROLOGY COMPUTATIONS Pre-Development Condition • Hydrology Map • Peak Storm Water Runoff Calculations Post-Development Condition • Hydrology Map • Peak Storm Water Runoff Calculations Reference Materials • IDD Chart ~ 100-Year Return • 100-Year, 6-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map • 100-Year, 24-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map . IDD Chart ~ 10-Year Return • 10-Year, 6-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map • 10-Year, 24-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map . CoSD Soils Map Time Of Concentration Reference Materials D n i j n n 4. i n ny i y f 1 y Hy riy 0 SCALE: 1=1 REDUCED SCALE/EXHIBIT SITET "<£ * TWMEDTATE "ARE A DRAINS TO EXISITKG CURB INLET, WHIChf OUTLETS/NEAR EAST AVENU T2 (GUTTER FLOW) C=0.90 S LV.32' S = 3.0% SHEET 1 of 1 SHEET DRAINAGE STUDY LINCOLN & OAK AREA DRAINAGE (PROJECT SITE & SURROUNDING AREAS) DRAIN TO AN EXISTING 36" CMP SD THAT CROSSES THE RR TRACKS AND IS CONVEYED TO THE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON VIA AN EXISTING PCC-LINED CHANNEL LEGEND "C" FACTOR SUB-BASIN DESIGNATOR SUB-BASIN AREA (S.F.) BASIN BOUNDARY CROWN UNE SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY SUB-AREA BOUNDARY GENERAL FLOW DIRECTION MAIN FLOW PATH Hydrology Map Pre-Development Condition CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use March 15,2011 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 ON-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION COMPUTATIONS: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Computations based on Figure 3-3, County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, June 2003 C L(ft) S Tc(min) (soil type "B") ti 0.85 50 2.5% 3.9 Initial basin per Tbl 3-2 ti 0.90 32 3.0% 1.4 rear yard per Tbl 3-3 t2 0.40 100 2.5% 9.3 rear yard to PL per Tbl 3-3 Tc= 14.6 min ON-SITE HYDROLOGY DATA 10 YEAR EVENT tc(min) 14.6 min. Pe (10YR Return) 1.7 in. I, intensity (in/hr) 2.2 in./hr. P24 (10YR Return) 3.2 in. Pe / P24 53% 100 YEAR EVENT to (min) Pe (100 YR Return) I, intensity (in/hr) P24 (100 YR Return) Pe / P24 14.6 2.5 mm. in. 3.3 in./hr. 5.0 in. 50% 17,514 0.402 weighted C value:0.61 0.245 0.55 3/15/11 "A" SUB AREA AREA "C" Qio Qioo BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C*A (CFS) (CFS) A1 A2 A3 3,568 3,446 10,500 17,514 0.082 0.079 0.241 0.402 0.95 0.90 0.40 0.078 0.071 0.096 0.245 0.17 0.16 0.22 0.55 0.26 0.23 0.32 0.81 Basin Subtotal (CFS) building imperv pvmt landscape 0.81 cfs 0.81 Pre-Dev (On Site) Printed 3/16/2011 Page 1 of 1 10004_Hyd-3-110315.xls Pre Dev SUBJECT SI IMMEDIATE AREA DRAINS!-'-, TO EXISITNG CURB INLET,1. WHICH OUTLETS NEAR' SHEET 1 of 1 SHEET DRAINAGE STUDY CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 AREA DRAINAGE (PROJECT SITE & SURROUNDING AREAS) DRAIN TO AN EXISTING 36" CMP SD THAT CROSSES THE RR TRACKS AND IS CONVEYED TO THE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON VIA AN EXISTING PCC-LINED CHANNEL LEGEND "C* FACTOR SUB-BASIN DESIGNATOR SUB-BASIN AREA (S.F.) BASIN BOUNDARY CROWN LINE SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY SUB-AREA BOUNDARY GENERAL FLOW DIRECTION MAIN FLOW PATH Hydrology Map Post-Development Condition CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use March IS, 2011 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING 3/15/11 TIME OF CONCENTRATION & PEAK STORM WATER RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS ON-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION COMPUTATIONS: POST-DEVELOPMENT Computations based on Figure 3-3, County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, June 2003 C L (ft) S Tc (min) (soil type "B") ti 0.90 30 1.0% 2.5 Initial basin - per Tbl 3-2 tl 0.65 32 1.5% 3.0 SE corner to CB per Fig 3-2 t2 296 var 6.5 S'ly SY & Wly FY SD flow Tc= 12.0 min ON-SITE HYDROLOGY DATA 10 YEAR EVENT tc (min) 12 Pe (10YR Return) 1.7 I, intensity (in/hr) 2.5 P24 (10YR Return) 3.2 Pe / P24 53% POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION 100 YEAR EVENT min. tc (min) in. Pe (100 YR Return) in./hr. I, intensity (in/hr) in. P24 (100 YR Return) Pe / P24 17,514 0.402 Overall Weighted "C" Value: 0.347 0.86 0.88 12 min. 2.5 in. 3.7 in./hr. 5.0 in. 50% "A" SUB AREA AREA "C" Qio Qioo BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C*A (CFS) (CFS) A1 A2 A3 A4 12,868 1,509 2,210 927 0.295 0.035 0.051 0.021 0.95 0.90 0.40 0.70 0.28 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.71 0.08 0.05 0.04 1.05 0.12 0.08 0.06 building imperv pvmt perv pvmt landscape 1.30 Post-Dev (On Site) Printed 3/16/2011 Page 1 of 1 10004_Hyd-3-110315.xls Post Dev II II II ft I • I II II 11 II I 1 II II I I I I II II II II II EQUATION 7.44 P6 IT0-645 Intensity (fn/hr) 64^ Precipitation On) Duration (iron) 0.1 7 8 f 10 15 20 30 40 50 1Minutes Duration Direction* tor Application: <1) Fram predptatton imp* determine 6 hr and 24 br amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are hiduded in the County Hydrology Manual (10. 50, and 100 yr map* Inducted In the Design and Procedure Manual). th«n»f>o«of45%to65%oftt)«24hrp»»cJpitBtton{nol appftcaple to Desert). {3} Plot 6 hr precipitation on tie right side of the chart. (4) Draw a flne through the point parade) to «he plotted lines. (5) This Kne is the intensity-duration curve tor the location being analyzed. AppRcanoti Fomi! (a) Selected frequency year Note: This chart reptaoas the Intensity-Duation-Frequency ctnves used since 1965. FIGURE Intanslty-Durctlon Design Chart • Twnptate 1 I I I I I •• I I I II t 1 County of San Diego Hydrology Manual 100 Year Rainfall Event - 6 Hours —r isrea; • ! -r-±t:i:t±i±j:!X.....U...l. Ll..L_"J JL'A VV *~»-«sEa^^™^'«-^<SaKGIS HUH 1MB County of San Diego Hydrology Manual 4>-J"<.v^''.w..ViUM-J-.i."'. • 'N -^TxtxncN-i-ri-j -si-Xi I'D '•-. i vj RN. rv! •".*, Rainfall Isopluvials 100 Year Rainfall Event - 24 Hours Uffiim i i i i • i • i i J i i i i t i i i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i EQUATION i « I « intensity (Whr) P6» 6-Hour PradpBafionfln) 0 * Duration (min) Directions for Application: (1 ) From precipisgon maps determine 6 hr and 24 hr amounts for fte selected frequency. These mape are Included In flw County Hydrology Manuel (10, 50, and 100 yr maps included In the Design and Procedure Manual). (2) Adjust 6 hr precipitation (If neeesaary) so that It is wW*i the range of 45% to 65% oflhe 24 hr precfpttatton {not appBcapto to Desert). (3) Ptot 6 hr precipitation on the right aide of the chart. (4)Drawa«r»throg9hth»po»ntper8leltotheptottedllne6. <5) This fine is the intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form; (a) Selected frequency y«ar <c) Adjusted P6»> - /? in. (d)tx* _ mbi, <e) I = _ in Jbr. Note: This chart replace* the Intaostty-Duratton-Frequency curves used since 1965. FIGURE 3-1 llllillllllll County of San Diego Hydrology Manual 10 Year Rainfall Event - 6 Hours o-5!^»-^^-r^SSSGIS i U-fj-1- -4 -[444444 i i m K9 •• iii» County of San Diego Hydrology Manual -.• --H-H-f-i ±9rH F!T-T"t~'""v ' •}•:>•-•-~r—1 : H+-tttttt1 10 Year Rainfall Event - 24 Hours. L-rf-!- -j-r -H —H-l'i n"rm 'H ttrH. ..J....J—i—1._| | ,.. j •. |_..4-..| |ij_.-..|Vi\ •m\J^.. 4.._L i_.s..i...Li.,4+] ffl lifH+h Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 I Hydrology Manual Soil Hydrologic Groups Legend Soil Groups I Iin I I I I I | Om Excerpt from San Diego County Hydrology Manual Appendix A: Hydrologic Soils Group Map \\fileserver\projects\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\10-004_soil.doc Sin Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 12 of 26 Note that the Initial Time of Concentration should be reflective of the general land-use at the upstream end of a drainage basin. A single lot with an area of two or less acres does not have a significant effect where the drainage basin area is 20 to 600 acres. Table 3-2 provides limits of the length (Maximum Length (1*0) of sheet flow to be used in hydrology studies. Initial T; values based on average C values for the Land Use Element are also included. These values can be used in planning and design applications as described below. Exceptions may be approved by the "Regulating Agency" when submitted with a detailed study. Table 3-2 MAXIMUM OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH (Lw) & INITIAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION (tj) Element* Natural LDR LDR LDR MDR MDR MDR MDR HDR HDR N.Com G. Com OJfJCom Limited I. General I. DU/ Acre 1 2 2.9 4.3 7.3 10.9 14.5 24 43 ,f LM 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 % Ti 13.2 122 11.3 10.7 10.2 92 8.7 8.2 6.7 5.3 5.3 4.7 42 4.2 3.7 1 LM 70 70 70 70 70 65 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 % T, 12.5 11.5 10.5 10.0 9.6 8.4 7.9 7;4 6.1 4.7 4.5 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.2 I 2 LM 85 85 85 85 80 80 80 [80 75 75 75 75 70 70 70 % Ti 10.9 10.0 92 8.8 8.1 7.4 6.9 6.5 5.1 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.1 3.1 2.7 3 LM 100 100 100 95 95 95 99 90 90 85 85 85 80 80 80 * T, 10.3 9.5 8.8 8.1 7.8 7.0 K 6.0 1 4.9 3.8 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.9 2.6 5. in 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 /o TS 8.7 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.7 6.0 5.7 5.4 43 3.4 3.4 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.3 10 LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 % Ti 6.9 6.4 5.8 5.6 5.3 4.8 4.5 4.3 3.5 2.7 2.7 2.4 22 22 1.9 *See Table 3-1 for more detailed description 77 3-12 San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 12 of 26 u Note that the Initial Time of Concentration should be reflective of the general land-use at the upstream end of a drainage basin. A single lot with an area of two or less acres does not have a significant effect where the drainage basin area is 20 to 600 acres. Table 3-2 provides limits of the length (Maximum Length (LM)) of sheet flow to be used m hydrology studies. Initial T; values based on average C values for the Land Use Element are also included. These values can be used in planning and design applications as described below. Exceptions may be approved by the "Regulating Agency" when submitted with a detailed study. Table 3-2 MAXIMUM OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH (LM) & INITIAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION (T,) Element* Natural LDR LDR LDR MDR MDR MDR MDR HDR HDR N.Com G. Com o.pycom Limited I. General I. DU/ Acre 1 2 2.9 4.3 7.3 10.9 14.5 24 43 .5 LM 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 % 1 Tj 13.2 12.2 11.3 10.7 102 9.2 8.7 8.2 6.7 53 5.3 4.7 4.2 4.2 3.7 1 LM 70 70 70 70 70 65 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 % ] Ti 12.5 11.5 10.5 10.0 9.6 8.4 7.9 7.4 6.1 4.7 4.5 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.2 2 LM 85 85 85 85 80 80 80 80 75 75 75 75 70 70 70 % T, 10.9 10.0 9.2 8.8 8.1 7.4 6.9 6.5 5.1 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.1 3.1 2.7 3 LM 100 100 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 85 85 85 80 80 80 % T! 10.3 9.5 8.8 8.1 7.8 7.0 6.4 6.0 4.9 3.8 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.9 2.6 5^ LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 /o Tl 8.7 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.7 6.0 5.7 5.4 4.3 3.4 3.4 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.3 10 LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 % T} 6.9 6.4 5.8 5.6 53 4.8 4.5 4.3 3.5 2.7 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.2 1.9 *See Table 3-1 for more detailed description 3-12 • J • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I • I San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 6 of 26 Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use NRCS Elements Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) -Medium Density Residential (MDR) High Density Residential (HDR) High Density Residential (HDR) Commercial/Industrial (N. Corn) MDofnmercial/mdBStrial (G. Com) Commeraal/hidBBtrial (CXP. Com) Commercial/Indiatrial (Limited I.) Commercial/Industrial (General I.) County Elements Permanent Open Space Residential, 1 .0 DU/A or less Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less Residential, 2.9 DU/A or less Residential, 43 DU/A or less Residential, 73 DU/A or less Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less Neighboiuood Commercial General Commercial Office Professional/Commercial Limited Industrial General Industrial Runoff Coefficient "C" %IMPER. 0* 10 20 25 30 40 45 50 65 80 80 85 90 90 95 A 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.48 0.52 0.55 0.66 0.76 0.76 0.80 0.83 0.83 0.87 Soil Type B 0.25 * 032 ^ 038 ^ 0.41 ^ 0.45 J 0.51 fc 0.54 ^058 0.67 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.84 0.84 0.87 C 030 036 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.54 0.57 0.60 0.69 0.78 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.84 0.87 D 035 0.41 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.79 0.82 0.85 0.85 0.87 The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the coefficient, Cp, tor UK soil type), or for areas mat will remain undisturbed in perpetuity, is located in Cleveland National Forest). DU/A = dwelling units per sere NRCS -National Resources Conservation Service runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff . Justification must be given that die area wiD remain natural forever (e.g,, the area 3-6 77' J if II • I • i 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 100 su.z UJ ID 3 EXAMPLE: Gfven: Watercourse Distance (D) = 70 Feet Slope (8)-1.3% Runoff Coefficient (C)« 0.41 Overland Flow Tine (T) = 9.5 Minutes SOURCE: Airport Drainage, Federal Aviation Administration, 1965 _ . 'VT FIGURE Rational Formula - Overland Time of Flow Nomograph 3-3 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 PRIVATE ON-SITE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS Private Storm Drain System Site Hydrology Map 1 Page Private Storm Drain System Hydrology Calculations 3 Pages Private Storm Drain System Plan 1 Page Private Storm Drain System Hydrology Worksheet No. 1 2 Pages Private Storm Drain System Hydrology Worksheet No. 2 1 Pages Private Storm Drain System Hydraulic Calculations 18 Pages Private Storm Drain System Hydraulic Profiles 6 Pages Site Grading Plan 1 Page LEGEND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu I •e- |20l SUB-BASIN DESIGNATOR •• BASIN BOUNDARY •— SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY > — CROWN UNE NODE NUMBER GENERAL FLOW DIRECTION MAIN FLOW PATH IMPERVIOUS PAVEMENT PERVIOUS PAVEMENT SHEET 1 of 1 SHEET DRAINAGE STUDY LINCOLN & OAK OAK AVENUE SCALE: 1"-10' REDUCED SCALE EXfflBIT IIIIuIIuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII LU LU O O SUBJECT TO EXISITNG-CURB INLET, WHICH OUTLETS NEA£,€AST END OF OAK AVENUE STORM WATER STORAGE PUMP WELL STORM DRAIN DATA TABLE LENGTH OF PFE AND SLOPE ME ASSOOATED WIH 1HE PPE DOWNSTREAM OF THE MDICATED MLET NUMBER. AU. SO PPE SHALL BE SOR-38 PVC PPE W/ 6ASKETTED FITTMGS. FS SDCl CB AT SD SD SD DIA dMl R1N d dn v LEN S In TYPE MOTES oi£ 49.673 49.674 49.675 49.606 52.27 1 92,708 92,80 53,3010 54.17U 54.5712 54,9713 55,47 48.94 -49.28 45.00 49.50 45.1249.50 45.3349.50 45.6349.60 45.9352,10 46.16 52.70 46.7652,80 47.21 53.30 47,2554.00 50.0054.40 50,21 54.80 50,7755.30 51.34 12.63- -0.92X 1223,38- -0.92X 12ja. w -i.au a30.00- -1. OB 8is, 00- -i. saxsaoo1 -2.00X 22.75* -2.0012. Off -2.001 7.55* -36,4310,» -2.00XE&O? -2. OOX28.421 -2.00X£2,45' -2.0MSTORM WATER STORAGE PIPE CLEANOUT -l.OOX-I.ODX-1,001-I. OOX-1,001 -LOOK-2.001-2.001-2, OOX-2, OOX-2, OOX-2. on-2, OOX-2, oox-2, OOX 2-14 14-1S15-1616-1717-1818-1919-2020-2121-2222-2323-24£4-8525-E6£7-2827-28 14 -15 -16 49.70 17 -18 -19 49.2020 49.3051.3058.80 53.07 £4 53.17£5 53.47 54.07£7 54.6788 53.47 49.5049.9049.70 49. EO49.20 49. EO49.30 51.30 92,8052.9053.0053.3053.9054.50 55. X 45.3545.60 45.6445.79 45,8845.97 46.5247.0247,0647.3847.94 48,5049,06 49.61 SUB-AREA B: ALL ROOF AND DECK AREA RUNOFF IS DIRECTED TO THE 30" STORM WATER STORAGE PIPE ~ RUNOFF EXCEEDING THE STORAGE PIPE CAPACITY OVERFLOWS TO THE MAIN STORM DRAIN SYSTEM AT THE STORM WATER STORAGE CLEANOUT AND PUMP WELL 30" STORM WATER STORAGE PIPE TYPICAL: SIDEWALKS SLOPED AT 2X TOWARDS PLANTER AREAS30 STORM WATER C2^ STORAGE PIPE -i—.—-J-—AI*-—JI !„ S£.JL?I, *.,~.~M'..& '!'.lJjj&^*;j£:.^z^.^.i:±iimm^w^mmmm d - RIN • FS + £•a - RIN • n + £•a - RIN « n * £•caa - RIN • n + VCD-APaaa - RIN • FS + va - RIM » FS + £•a • RtN ' FS « 2*d - RIN • FS + £•- EMS CDM>APCDCB9,6 CO-AP CD - RIM ' n * £•CD - RIN " FS + £•CD - RIM • n + £•CD - RIN • FS + 2*CB - RIM • FS + £•CD - RIN • FS * £• 21 47.02 5,6 CD-AP 21-69 29 49.40 49.40 47.02 47.14 9,79' -2.OOX 6 1 CD-END S CD4 4T TRENCH OMIN - END19 45,9719-30 30 49.30 49.31 45.97 47.90 4.95* -38.96X -49.40 (VARIES) 5 46.16 S CD9-31 31 - 51.90 46.16 49.26 9,56' -99.90X 4 6 AP 31-32 32 51.00 51.00 49.26 49.50 ll.Sff -2.OOX 4 4T TRENCH DRAIN - END CD TYPES 1 12x12 PVC IN-LINE MM - NDS DR EQUAL2 15x19 PRECAST IN-UNE KK - MWS DR EOUAL18x18 PRECAST IN-LINE HX - MTC OR EOUM.TRENCH MAINCLEAN DW l/ THREADED CAP t ENCLOSUREANGLE POINT - FITTING TRAFFIC-RATED SURFACE STRUCTURE NOTES USE ATRIUM (RATES •/ CATCH 1ASINS IN LANDSCAPED AREASUSE 6*-IIA PIPE FOR CATCH MSIN RISERS Hydrology Map Post-Development Condition On-Site Drainage Basins CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use March 15,2011 u,3 •a oo Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING Date: 3/15/11 .P-T.P5:Q3./.RP.04:11_/_CDP_04:30 cjty_pJ_Carlsbad_ TIME OF CONCENTRATION & PEAK STORM WATER RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS ON-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION COMPUTATIONS: POST-DEVELOPMENT t t1 t2 ON- nn Computations based on Figure 3-3, County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, June 2003 C L(ft) S Tc(min) (soil type "B") 0.90 30 1.0% 2.5 Initial basin -per Tbl 3-2 0.65 32 1.5% 3.0 SE corner to CB per Fig 3-2 296 var 6.5 S'ly SY & W'ly FY SD flow Tc = -SITE HYDROLOGY DATA fEAR EVENT tc(min) 12 Pe (10YR Return) 1.7 I, intensity (in/hr) 2.5 P24 (10YR Return) 3.0 Pe / P24 57% 12.0 min 100 YEAR EVENT min. tc (min) 12 in. Pe (1 00 YR Return) 2.5 'n./hr. I, intensity (in/hr) 3.7 in. P24 (1 00 YR Return) 4.5 Pe / P24 56% "A" SUB AREA AREA "C" Qio Qioo BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C*A (CFS) (CFS) E'lv side vard - to on-site SD system A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 B1 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A4 A5 A6 A7.1 A7.2 298 145 27 139 63 24 12,868 103 29 20 128 249 311 55 443 0.007 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.295 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.007 0.001 0.010 0.90 0.40 0.90 0.90 0.40 0.90 0.95 0.90 0.40 0.90 0.40 0.70 0.40 0.70 0.40 0.006 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.281 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.016 0.003 0.001 0.007 0.001 0.001 0.715 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.010 0.007 0.002 0.010 0.023 0.005 0.002 0.011 0.002 0.002 1.051 0.008 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.015 0.011 0.003 0.015 min. in. in./hr. in. Basin Subtotal CB Description (CFS) # Roof, SW planter 0.030 11 Ret wall Roof, SW planter Ret wall 7.066 10 Bldg-roof SW planter 0.011 7 Ret wall 0.004 6 planter 0.075 32 Line DW apron 0.011 4 planter SW 0.079 2 planter Printed 3/16/2011 Page 1 of 3 10004_Hyd-3-110315.xls Hyd Site-1 m m Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING Date: 3/15/11 .CJJJ5:03J_RP_04:1_1__/_CDP_04:30 Ci_ty_of_Carlsbad_ TIME OF CONCENTRATION & PEAK STORM WATER RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS ON-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION COMPUTATIONS: POST-DEVELOPMENT Computations based on Figure 3-3, County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, June 2003 C L (ft) S ti 0.90 30 1.0% tl 0.65 32 1.5% t2 296 var Tc = ON-SITE HYDROLOGY DATA 10 YEAR EVENT tc (min) 12 min. Pe (10YR Return) 1.7 in. I, intensity (in/hr) 2.5 in./hr. P24 (10YR Return) 3.0 in. Pe / P24 57% Tc (min) (soil type "B") 2.5 Initial basin - per Tbl 3-2 3.0 SE corner to CB per Fig 3-2 6.5 S'ly SY & W'ly FY SD flow 12.0 min 100 YEAR EVENT tc (min) Pe (100 YR Return) I, intensity (in/hr) P24 (100 YR Return) Pe / P24 12 min. 2.5 in. 3.7 in./hr. 4.5 in. 56% "A" SUB AREA AREA "C" Qio QlOO BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C*A (CFS) (CFS) Basin Subtotal (CFS) CB # Description S'lv side & W'lv front yards - to on-site SD system C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 C2.1 C2.2 C2.3 C3.1 C3.2 C3.3 D1 D2 D3 375 199 66 283 123 46 107 29 21 176 248 564 0.009 0.005 0.002 0.006 0.003 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.006 0.013 0.90 0.40 0.90 0.90 0.40 0.90 0.90 0.40 0.90 0.40 0.70 0.40 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.020 0.005 0.003 0.015 0.003 0.002 0.006 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.010 0.013 0.029 0.007 0.005 0.022 0.004 0.004 0.008 0.001 0.002 0.006 0.015 0.019 0.041 25 0.030 23 0.011 29 0.006 20 0.075 30 0.019 16 Roof, SW planter Ret wall Roof, SW planter Ret wall SW planter Ret wall planter Oak DW apron planter SD system total:0.87 1.28 1.28 Printed 3/16/2011 Page 2 of 3 10004_Hyd-3-110315.xls Hyd Site-1 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING Date: 3/15/11 .PJ.P5:93/.RPp4:11_/_CDP_04:30 City_of_Carlsbad_ TIME OF CONCENTRATION & PEAK STORM WATER RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS ON-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION COMPUTATIONS: POST-DEVELOPMENT Computations based on Figure 3-3, County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, June 2003 ti tl t2 C 0.90 0.65 L(ft) 30 32 296 S 1.0% 1.5% var Tc=' Tc(min) (soil type "B") 2.5 Initial basin - per Tbl 3-2 3.0 SE corner to CB per Fig 3-2 6.5 S'ly SY & W'ly FY SD flow 12.0 min ON-SITE HYDROLOGY DATA 10 YEAR EVENT tc(min) 12 min. Pe (10YR Return) 1.7 in. I, intensity (in/hr) 2.5 in./hr. P24 (10YR Return) 3.0 in. Pe / P24 57% 100 YEAR EVENT tc (min) Pe (100 YR Return) I, intensity (in/hr) P24 (100 YR Return) Pe / P24 12 min. 2.5 in. 3.7 in./hr. 4.5 in. 56% "A" SUB AREA AREA "C" Qio Qioo BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C*A (CFS) (CFS) Basin Subtotal (CFS) CB # Description Areas draining directly to ROW E1 375 0.009 0.70 0.01 0.015 0.023 0.023 row entry walk Site total:17,514 0.402 weighted C value: 0.35 1.75 1.30 1.30 0.86 Printed 3/16/2011 Page 3 of 3 10004_Hyd-3-110315.xls Hyd Site-1 STORM DRAIN STORAGE SYSTEM NOTES: WORK ITEM fx 2" VENIS-TaROOF— SEE PLUMBING PLANS AND PERJ/UT~~-«JNNECTION TO 30' HOPE PIPE PER DET~-3/SHT6 ~JWOF3 ^\^Mmi ITTU |ln- *• nBAius renu gnnr ncratg lyn none ^x. GUTTERS - SEE PLUMBING PI ANS AND PERMIT ~ CONNECTION TO NOTE: FLOOR DRAINS SHALL BE ROUTED THROUGHAN OILY-WATER SEPARATOR DEVICE AND DISCHARGED TO THEG SANITARY SEWER PER SEPARATE PLUMBING PLANS AND T (TOTAL OF 3 FIOQR DRAINS^ - BE1 ATOP INFORMATION ONLY -HEREON IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSESSEE APPROVED PLUMBING PLANS AND PERMITOAK AVENU 30" HOPE PIPE PER DET 3/S IT 6 2x2" OVERFLOW PIPES I.E. PER SDRSD D-27 (H XJIF1ED) -(44.81) FL EXIST 18" RCP 0 n UNDER NEW PCC EX SD INLET(48.94) 1C 48.30) CURB FL 0+26.67 ~ 49.15 I.E. BEG 30" HOPE SW STORAGE PIPE ~ STA0+00 O OAK AVE. ROWLEV SEWER CLEANOUT~ EXTENDAT 45" ft BRINGRISER UP INTOPLANTERNOTES: 1) ALL' BUILDING CONNECTED TO DET £/SHT 6 ~ CONNECTION POtnio. / / / / 2)/ ALL ROOF GUTTERS AND DECK DRAINS SHALL BE- HTTED WITtf DEBRIS SCREENS TO PRE\W THE ACCUMULATION OF ORGANIC /MATERIAL IN/THE STORMWATER STORA|5E PIPE ~ SEE / /ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL PLANS. / / / AND DECK DRAINS SHALL BE ROUTED AND HOPE iTORMWATER/STORAGE PIPE PER ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL PLANS FOR \ x\ \ALU FLOOR DRAIN S AND PRdDUCT SELE BUlLDINd PER P ~ SEE SHT 3 FDR ADDI MATERIAL WlTHlN THE "- & PERMIT DETAILS< °< ( ( U ( \ \ \ \ V CONNECT TO OILPLANS ft SEWER CLEAN OUT ~ EXTEND AT 45' *BRING RISERUP INTO PLANTER INDICATES BIORETENTION LS AREA SET INLET RIM 2" ABOVE (UON) "FS O CB" FS ELEVATIONINDICATES INLET AND STORM DRAIN DATA - SEE TABLE AT RIGHT D STORM DRAIN DATA TABLE LENGTH OF PIPE AND SLOPE ARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PIPE DOWNSTREAM OF THE INDICATED INLET NUMBER. ALL SD PIPE SHALL BE SDR-35 PVC PIPE W/ GASKETTED FITTINGS. SI O STORM WATER CISTERN SYSTEM WORK TO BE DONE: 1 30" HOPE STORAGE PIPE: L-170' O 0.50X ~ SEE SEC B-B/SHT 5 2 STORMWATER STORAGE PIPE CLEANOUT STRUCTURE PER DET 1/SHT 6 3 STORMWATER PUMP WELL PER DET 2/SHT 6 4 6" STORMWATER OVERFLOW LINE ~ TIE TO MAIN SD LINE 5 2" VENT LINE ~ SEE SEC B-B/SHT 5 6 6" DIA. CLEANOUT »/ SCREWED END CAP PER SDRSD SM-01 7 30" HOPE END CAP FITTING 8 2"* PUMP DISCHARGE LINE 9 ft PUMP DISCHARGE LINES' OUTFLOW SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY FULL PORT BALL VALVES ~ SEE FLOW RATE SCHEDULE. THIS SHEET 10 3" ROOF GUTTER ft ROOF DECK DOWN DRAINS ft SUBSURFACE LINESLOCATIONS PER PLUMBING PLANS ft PERMIT PUMP DISCHARGE LINE FLOW RATE SCHEDULE OUTLET f FLOW RATE 1 4 GPM 2 7 GPM 3 6 GPM 4 5 GPM V SEWER MAIN DATA TABLE (PRIVATE MAIN) 10' 5' NO. LENGTH 1 29.11' 2 144.16' 3 16.06' 4 59.98' 5 2.00' 6 28.95' 7 13.38' BEARING/HELTA N 55' SB1 34" E N 55' 55' 45" E N 10- 55' 45" E N 34' 01' 28' W N 34' 01' 26" W N 55' 58' 34" E N 55- 55' 45" E RESIDENTIAL LATERAL IN ROW • RETAIL LATERAL IN ROW • FS SEG HA NOTES 45.00 45.00 45.12 45. 12 45. 33 45,33 45.6345.63 45.93 45,93 46. 16 48.94 49.2849.50 49.5049.50 49,6052, 10 46. 16 52.70 46.76 52.80 47.2153.3054.00 54.40 54.8055.30 51.34 51.79 47.2550,0050.21 50.77 46.76 47.2147.25 50.0050.21 50.7751.34 12.63* 23.»30. Off 30, OffIS Off 30, Off22,75-aoa 7. 55- -36.42%10.58- -2 00% 28.0? -0.92X -0.92%-1.00% -1. OOX-I.SOX-2. OOX-a 00%-2. OOX 2-14 14-15 15-1616-17 17-1818-19 19-2020-21 21-2222-23 23-2424-25 25-2627-28 27-28 21-29 19-30 49.2049.30 51,3052,80 5107 53,1753.4754.07 54.6755,47 45.33 45.33 45,3545,35 45.6045.60 45.64 45.64 45.7945.79 45,88 45.88 45.9745.97 46.52 46.52 47.02 47.02 47.0647.06 47,38 47.38 47.9447.94 48,5048.50 49.06 55.30 26,42' 22,45- l.TV25.62' 3. 11-lS. 49-9.14' 8,96'27.52- 25. Off 1.75-16. IS1 28. Off 28.00'28. Off 27.391 16.65' -2, OOX -2.00% -2.00% -1. OOX-1. OOX -LOOK-1. ODX -l.OOX -1. OOX-2. OOX -2. OOX-2. OOX -2. OOX -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2, OOX -2, OOX 49.40 49.40 47.02 47, 02 47. 14 I 49.30 -49.40 49.31 45,97 (VARIES) 45,97 47.90 S.?? -2.00X 4.95- -38.96% 4 51,90 51,00 46.16 49.26 5.56' -53.90% 11,80- -2.00% EX CURB INLET AP CB - RIM » FS + VCB - RIM » FS + 21 CB - RIM = FS + 2'CDCB - RIM = FS + 21 CD-APCB CBCB - RIM - FS + VCB - RIM - FS + 2" CB - RIM - FS + 2' CB - RIM = FS + 21- END CB «PAP CBAPAP CBCB .6 CD-APCBCB - RIM CB - RIM CB - RIMCB - RIM CB - RIMCB - RIM CD-AP CB-END TRENCH DRAIN - END COAP TRENCH DRAIN - END CB TYPES 1 12x12 PVC IN-LINE BOX - NDS DR EQUAL 2 15x15 PRECAST IM-LINE BOX - BROOKS DR EQUAL 3 18x18 PRECAST IN-LINE BOX - BROOKS OR EQUAL 4 TRENCH DRAIN 5 CLEAN OUT »/ THREADED CAP 1 ENCLOSURE 6 ANGLE POINT - FITTING T TRAFFIC-RATED SURFACE STRUCTURE NDTESi 1) USE ATRIUM GRATES «/ CATCH BASINS IN LANDSCAPED AREAS2) USE 6'-DIA PIPE FDR CATCH BASIN RISERS OSEWER LATERAL TABLE (PRIVATE) DROP TD.MAIN SS DEPTH 1+59. 87 LINCOLN ST - SLUG 1 RETAIL SS MAIN - 6' DIA - ST CL STA - 1+00 1 MAIN 1+00. OS 43. 63 I. E. - EXISTING 8* PUBLICE SEVER 2 WYE 1+01. OS 44.63-1.001 3 CD 1+30. 00 45. 21 2. OOX - - - - 49. 30 4 RET 1+43.37 45. 34 1. OOX - - - -49,50 4.09'4. 16' 2+35. 48 LINCOLN ST - BLDG 2 RESIDENTIAL SS MAIN - 6' DIA - ST CL STA 5 CL 0+99. 89 43. 31 I. E. ~ EXISTING 8' PUBLICE SEVER 1+00. 897 CD 1+30. 008 1 1+4S. 339 2 1+72. 50 10 3 2+00. 50 11 GAR 2+0&05 12 4 2+28. 50 13 AP 2+74. 16 14 AP-CQ 2+90, 21 15 5 3+22, 19 16 6 3+50. 19 17 CO 3+52. 19 44, 31 44.89 45.05 45.38 45,60 45.67 45.88 46.34 46,50 46,8247. 10 47. 12 2. OOX 1, OOX1, OOX OOXOOX OOXOOX OOXOOX OOX OOX 1,00' 0.83- 0.83-0,83' a 83'0.83- 0.83'a 83' 0.83-0.83' 0,83' 1+46, 161+73, 33 2+01, 33 2+08. 88 2+29. 33 3+23. 023+51. 02 45.8846. 15 46.43 46.50 46.71 47.65 47.93 3.00'3.00- 3.00-3.00' 3.00' 3.00' 3.00' 49.52 53.3053.50 53.8053.90 54.4055.40 55,4054,88 54.4354,40 1+00 4,63-8.25' 8. 18'8.20' 8.23' a52' 3. Of,' 7.90'8.06' 7.33-7.28' NOTES:- CONTRACTOR TO CAREFULLY REVIEW ALL DATA AND CONNECTION POINTS BEFORE STARTING WORK OR RELYING ON THIS DATA FOR ANY CONTRACTUAL OR FINANCIAL PURPOSE. ALL CRITICAL POINTSOF CONNECTION ARE TO BE HELD VERIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR BEFORE START OF WORK. - ELEMENTS OF WORK LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC ROW ARE NOT A PART OF THIS PERMIT ANDARE SHOWN FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY - SEE DWG 451-7 - 6* MAIN - PRIVATE SEWER MAIN ~ SDR-35 PVC - 4" LATERAL - PRIVATE SEWER LATERAL ~ SDR-35 PVC - (1) TABLE STATIONING IS FOR 6" MAIN AND CONNECTION POINTS FOR 4" SERVICE LATERALS - SEE PLAN FOR ANY STATIONING RELATIVE TO 4" LATERALS REQUIRED TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TABLE 10'20' SCALE: 1"=10' * NOT A PART OF THIS PERMIT ~ SHOWNFOR REFERENCE ONLY ~ SEE DWG 451-7 SURVEY CONTROL NOTE: THE PROPERTY LINE. SETBACK. BUILDING LOCATION AND ALL BACKBONE SITE AND UTILITY CONTROL DATA SHALL BE REVIEWED AND SET BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, PRIOR TO START OF WORK A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY ALL DATA ON THIS PLAN AS WELL AS EXISTING FIELD CONNECTION POINTS. ii ii ii ii it ii i i it ii ii 11 ii t i t Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 10-004 LI NCOLN& OAK CITY OF CARLSBAD Segment "FROM" - "TO" 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 2-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 25-26 CB#or AP# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CB RIM . 49.67 49.67 49.67 49.60 52.27 52.70 52.80 53.30 54.17 54.57 54.97 55.47 - - 49.70 - - 49.20 49.30 51.30 52.80 53.07 53.17 53.47 54.07 FS @ CB 48.94 49.28 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.60 52.10 52.70 52.80 53.30 54.00 54.40 54.80 55.30 49.50 49.90 49.70 49.20 49.20 49.20 49.30 51.30 52.80 52.90 53.00 53.30 53.90 SD I.E. (dnstrm) 45.00 45.12 45.33 45.63 45.93 46.16 46.76 47.21 47.25 50.00 50.21 50.77 51.34 45.33 45.35 45.60 45.64 45.79 45.88 45.97 46.52 47.02 47.06 47.38 47.94 48.50 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Carlbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5881 03/15/11 SITE STORM DRAIN WORKSHEET L SD I.E. (upstrm) 45.00 45.12 45.33 45.63 45.93 46.16 46.76 47.21 47.25 50.00 50.21 50.77 51.34 51.79 45.33 45.35 45.60 45.64 45.79 45.88 45.97 46.52 47.02 47.06 47.38 47.94 48.50 49.06 (length of dnstrm pipe) 12.63' 23.38 ' 30.00 ' 30.00 ' 15.00' 30.00 ' 22.75 ' 2.00' 7.55' 10.58' 28.03 ' 28.42 ' 22.45 ' 1.75' 25.62 ' 3.11 ' 15.49' 9.14' 8.96' 27.52 ' 25.00 ' 1.75' 16.15' 28.00 ' 28.00 ' 28.00 ' Printed 3/16/2011 SD Slope (of dnstrm SD pipe) -0.92% -0.92% -1.00% -1.00% -1.50% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -36.42% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -1.00% -1.00% -1.00% -1.00% -1.00% -1.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% -2.00% Page 1 of 2 Size (in) 12" 12" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 8" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" 6" Cover (ft) 3.94' 3.16' 3.17' 3.20' 2.90' 2.78' 4.68' 4.82' 4.88' 2.63' 3.12' 3.13' 2.96' 3.01 ' 3.65' 3.80' 3.56' 2.91 ' 2.82' 2.73' 2.28' 3.78' 5.24' 5.02' 4.56' 4.30' 4.34' CB Type 6 3 1 1 5 1 5,6 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 6 1 6 6 1 1 5,6 1 1 1 1 1 Sub Qioo Basin in Ref. (cfs) Comments EX CURB INLET AW AP AW 0.009 CB~RIM = FS+2" AW 0.010 CB~RIM = FS+2" >A8 0.011 CB~RIM = FS+2" A8 CO A6 0.004 CB A6 0.011 CO-AP A5 CB A5 CB A4 1.066 CB~ RIM = FS+2" A2 0.020 CB- RIM = FS+2" A2 CB ~ RIM = FS+2" A2 0.010 CB~ RIM = FS+2" CB AW AP D3 AP D3 0.019 CB 03 AP D3 AP D3 CB D1 0.006 CB C4 CO-AP C4 CB C4 0.030 CB ~ RIM = FS+2" C4 CB - RIM = FS+2" C4 0.031 CB~ RIM = FS+2" C2 CB ~ RIM = FS+2" 06-008\hydro\1 0004_Hyd-3-1 1 031 5.xls {SD calc} II ft I ft I II t 1 I I I I I i I I I I I 1 I I Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 10-004 LINCOLN & OAK CITY OF CARLSBAD Segment "FROM" - "TO" 26-27 27-28 21-29 19-30 5-31 31-32 CB # or CB AP # RIM 27 55.67 28 55.47 21 29 49.40 19 30 49.30 -49.40 5 31 32 51.00 FS @ CB 54.50 55.30 49.40 49.31 (VARIES) 51.90 51.00 SD I.E. (dnstrm) 49.06 49.61 47.02 45.97 46.16 49.26 SITE SD I.E. (upstrm) 49.61 49.94 47.02 47.14 45.97 47.90 46.16 49.26 49.50 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Carlbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5881 03/15/11 STORM DRAIN WORKSHEET L (length of dnstrm pipe) 27.39 ' 16.65' 5.75' 4.95' 5.56' 11.80' SD Slope (of dnstrm Size SD pipe) (in) -2.00% 6 " -2.00% 6 " -2.00% 6 " -38.96% 4 " -55.90% 4 " -2.00% 4 " Cover CB (ft) Type 4.39 ' 1 4.86 ' 1 5,6 1.76' 1 5 1.08' 4T 5 2.30 ' 6 1.17' 4T Sub Basin Ref. C2 C2 C4 C4 D3 D2 A8 A7 A7 Q100 in (cfs) Comments CB ~ RIM = FS+2" 0.010 CB~ RIM = FS+2" CO-AP 0.011 CB CO 0.015 Trench drain Lincoln CO AP 0.015 Trench drain Oak CB TYPES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 12x12 PVC IN-LINE BOX ~ NDS OR EQUAL 15x1 5 PRECAST 18x1 8 PRECAST TRENCH DRAIN IN-LINE BOX ~ BROOKS OR EQUAL IN-LINE BOX ~ BROOKS OR EQUAL CLEAN OUT w/ THREADED CAP & ENCLOSURE ANGLE POINT - FITTING TRAFFIC-RATED SURFACE STRUCTURE NOTES: 1) USE ATRIUM GRATES w/ CATCH BASINS IN LANDSCAPED AREAS 2) USE 6"-DIA PIPE FOR CATCH BASIN RISERS Printed 3/16/2011 Page 2 of 2 06-008\hydro\10004_Hyd-3-110315.xls {SD calc} Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 Cumm Q100 1.278cfs 1.278cfs 1 .278 cfs 1.147cfs 1.137 cfs 1.126 cfs 1.111 cfs 1.107 cfs 1.096 cfs 1 .096 cfs 1.096 cfs 0.030 cfs 0.010 cfs 0.010 cfs 0.1 22 cfs 0.122 cfs 0.122 cfs 0.1 03 cfs 0.1 03 cfs 0.1 03 cfs 0.088 cfs 0.082 cfs 0.071 cfs 0.071 cfs 0.041 cfs 0.041 cfs 0.010 cfs 0.010 cfs 0.010 cfs 0.011 cfs 0.01 5 cfs 0.01 5 cfs 0.01 5 cfs 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Carlbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5881 03/15/11 SITE STORM DRAIN WORKSHEET SD SD NODE I.E. I.E. I.E. PIPE # (dnstrm) (upstrm) DELTA SLOPE Comments 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 29 19 30 5 31 32 0.00 45.00 45.33 45.63 45.93 46.16 46.76 47.21 47.25 50.00 50.21 50.77 51.34 45.33 45.35 45.60 45.64 45.79 45.88 45.97 46.52 47.02 47.06 47.38 47.94 48.50 49.06 49.61 47.14 46.07 46.50 45.00 45.12 45.33 45.63 45.93 46.16 46.76 47.21 47.25 50.00 50.21 50.77 51.34 51.79 45.33 45.35 45.60 45.64 45.79 45.88 45.97 46.52 47.02 47.06 47.38 47.94 48.50 49.06 49.61 49.94 47.02 47.14 45.97 46.07 46.16 46.27 46.50 EX CURB INLET 0.12 0.21 0.30 0.30 0.23 0.60 0.46 0.04 2.75 0.21 0.56 0.57 0.45 0.02 0.26 0.03 0.15 0.09 0.09 0.55 0.50 0.04 0.32 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.55 0.33 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.24 0.92% 0.92% 1.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 36.42% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1 .00% 1.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% CB ~ RIM = CB~RIM = CB ~ RIM = CO CB CO-AP CB CB CB ~ RIM = CB ~ RIM = CB ~ RIM = CB ~ RIM = CB AP AP CB AP AP CB CB CO-AP CB CB ~ RIM = CB ~ RIM = CB ~ RIM = CB ~ RIM = CB ~ RIM = CB ~ RIM = CO-AP CB CO FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" FS+2" Trench drain Lincoln CO AP Conflw/Seg 12 Confl w/ Seg 27 Confl w/ Node 1 Confl w/ Seg 26 Confl w/ Seg 25 Confl w/ Node 17 Confl w/ Node 15 Confl w/ Node 4 Trench drain Oak Printed 3/16/2011 Page 1 of 1 06-008\hydro\10004_Hyd-3-110315.xls {SD calc} Plan View 14 15 3H^-A 6.7 16 17 18 19 30» 20 21 31 32 8 9 10 11 12 13 25^ 26^ 27^ Proj. file: L&O-3-SD.STM IDF file: SAMPLE.IDF No. Lines: 32 03-11-2011 Storm Sewer Inventory Report Page 1 Line 1 # 1 1, I 2 [^ 4 [' 6 [7 U 19 i 10 11 12 13 I 14 15 I"1 17 , 18u 20 I"22 I Line ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 DnStr line # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Defl angle (deg) 30 -40 10 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 90 64 -54 0 0 0 0 0 -90 Line lengtt (ft) 13 23 30 30 15 30 23 2 8 11 28 28 22 2 26 3 15 9 9 28 25 2 Line size (in) 12 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 PROJECT FILE: L&O-3-SD.STM : DESIGN CODES: Min. Pipe Size = 12 in; Max t Line type Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Line slop (%) 0.92 0.92 1.00 1.00 1.53 2.00 1.98 2.00 36.4 1.98 2.00 2.01 2.00 1.14 0.98 1.29 1.00 0.98 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Drng s area (ac) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Runol coeff (C) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Inlet time (min) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Know Q (cfs) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i Invert Eldn (ft) 45.00 45.12 45.33 45.63 45.93 46.16 46.76 47.21 47.25 50.00 50.21 50.77 51.34 45.33 45.35 45.60 45.64 45.79 45.88 45.97 46.52 47.02 Invert El up (ft) 45.12 45.33 45.63 45.93 46.16 46.76 47.21 47.25 50.00 50.21 50.77 51.34 51.79 45.35 45.60 45.64 45.79 45.88 45.97 46.52 47.02 47.06 N valu .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 Junctio type MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH nJ-Loss coeff (JLC) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 Natura grnd (ft) 49.28 49.67 49.67 49.67 49.60 52.27 52.70 52.80 53.30 54.17 53.57 54.97 55.47 49.50 49.90 49.70 49.20 49.20 49.20 49.30 51.30 52.80 Dn lim # Off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I-D-FFILE: SAMPLE. IDF TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES: 32RUNDATE: 03-11- . Pipe Size = 120 in; Min. Slope = .2 %; Min. Cover = 4 ft; Inlet N-Values = .016; Average Inlet Throat 2011 teigr H m Storm Sewer Inventory Report Page 2 Line # 23 .24 I25 -.-i* f 1 :* m ] m *M 1J 1 MM *• MM •1 Hi m m m 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i Line ID 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DnStr line # 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 19 5 31 Defl angle (deg) 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 -30 45 45 Line lengtt (ft) 16 28 28 28 27 17 6 5 6 12 Line size (in) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 Line type Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Line slop 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 38.9 55.7 2.00 Drng » area (ac) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 D 0.00 0.00 Runol coeff (C) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 f Inlet time (min) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Know Q (cfs) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n Invert Eldn (ft) 47.06 47.38 47.94 48.50 49.06 49.61 47.02 45.97 46.16 49.26 Invert El up (ft) 47.38 47.94 48.50 49.06 49.61 49.94 47.14 47.90 49.26 49.50 N valu .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 .009 Junctio > type MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH MH n J-Loss coeff (JLC) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Natura grnd (ft) 53.07 53.17 53.47 54.07 55.67 55.47 55.40 49.30 51.90 51.00 Dn lim # 22 23 24 25 26 27 21 19 5 31 1 PROJECT FILE: L&O-3-SD.STM I-D-F FILE: SAMPLE.IDF TOTAL NUMBER OF LINES: 32RUN DATE: 03-11- DESIGN CODES: Min. Pipe Size = 12 in; Max. Pipe Size = 120 in; Min. Slope = .2 %; Min. Cover = 4 ft; Inlet N-Values = .016; Average Inlet Throat > 2011 Height Line 1 Q - 1.28 Size 1 / Outfall Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.00 12 Upstrm 45.12 12 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to offsite = Line 2 Q = 1.28 Size 2 / Downstream line = 1 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.12 12 Upstrm 45.33 12 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 1 (cfs) = = 12x0 HGL 47.50 47.51 0.00 0.00 1.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 12x0 HGL 47.55 47.56 0.00 0.00 1.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (Cir) Nv = 0.009 Len = 12.6 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 47.54 0.79 1.63 0.00 47.55^ 0.79 1.63 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) (Cir) Nv = 0.009 Len = 23.4 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 47.59 0.79 1.63 0.00 47.60 y 0.79 1.63 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) JLC - 1.00 Cover N/A 3.16 = 0.918 = 0.062 = 6 = 49.28 = 1.39 = 0.00 = 4.93 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 3.16 3.34 = 0.915 = 0.062 = 6 = 49.67 = 1.23 = 0.01 = 4.92 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Line3 = 8xO(Cir)Nv - 0.009 Len = 30.0 JLC = 1.00 3 / Downstream line = 2 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.33 8 Upstrm 45.63 8 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) - Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 2 (cfs) = Line 4 Q = 1.14 Size 4 / Downstream line = 3 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.63 8 Upstrm 45.93 8 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 3 (cfs) = HGL 47.60 47.73 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 8x0 HGL 47.90 48.03 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 47.77 0.35 3.29 0.00 47.90 S 0.35 3.29 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) (Cir) Nv = 0.009 Len = 30.0 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 48.07 0.35 3.26 0.00 48.19*'' 0.35 3.26 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 3.67 3.37 = 1.000 = 0.432 = 6 = 49.67 = 1.44 = 0.01 = 1.74 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 3.37 3.07 = 1.000 = 0.425 = 6 = 49.67 = 1.43 = 0.01 = 1.74 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 _ Line 5 Size = 8x0 (Or)Nv = 0.009 Len -15.0 JLC = 1.00 5 / Downstream line = 4 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.93 8 Upstrm 46.16 8 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) - Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 4 (cfs) = Line 6 Q = 1.11 Size 6 / Downstream line = 5 Invert Depth Dnstrm 46.16 8 Upstrm 46.76 8 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) == Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) - Q Bypassed to 5 (cfs) = HGL 48.19 48.26 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 8x0 (Cir) HGL 48.42 48.54 0.00 0.00 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 48.36 0.35 3.23 0.00 48.42^ 0.35 3.23 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 30.0 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 48.58 . 0.35 3.18 0.00 48.70 / 0.35 3.18 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 3.07 2.77 = 1.533 = 0.417 — 6 = 49.60 = 1.43 = 0.00 = 2.16 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 2.77 4.84 = 2.000 = 0.406 = 6 = 52.27 = 1.11 = 0.00 = 2.47 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Size = 8xO(Cir)Nv = 0.009 Len = 22.8 JLC -1.00 7 / Downstream line = 6 Invert Depth Dnstrm 46.76 8 Upstrm 47.21 8 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CA x I (cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 6 (cfs) = Line 8 Q = 1.10 Size 8 / Downstream line = 7 Invert Depth Dnstrm 47.21 8 Upstrm 47.25 8 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CA x I (cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 7 (cfs) = HGL EGL 48.70 48.85 48.79 48.95 • 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 8x0 (Cir) HGL EGL 48.95 49.10 48.95 49.1 K 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Vel T-Wid 0.35 3.17 0.00 0.35 3.17 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 2.0 Area Vel T-Wid 0.35 3.14 0.00 0.35 3.14 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 4.84 4.82 = 1.978 = 0.403 = 6 = 52.70 = 0.91 = 0.01 = 2.45 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 4.82 4.88 = 2.000 = 0.395 = 6 = 52.80 = 1.04 = 0.00 = 2.47 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Line 9 Size = 8x0 (Or)Nv = 0.009 Len = 7.6 JLC = 0.00 9 / Downstream line = 8 Invert Depth Dnstrm 47.25 8 Upstrm 50.00 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CA x I (cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 8 (cfs) = Line 10 Q = 1.10 Size 107 Downstream line = 9 Invert Depth Dnstrm 50.00 6 Upstrm 50.21 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 9 (cfs) = HGL EGL 49.11 49.26 50.49 50.74 ' 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 8xO(Cir) HGL EGL 50.49 50.74 50.70 50.95 0.00 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Vel T-Wid 0.35 3.14 0.00 0.28 3.96 0.58 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 10.6 Area Vel T-Wid , 0.28 3.96 0.57 / 0.28 3.96 0.58 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 4.88 2.63 = 36.424 = 19.564 = 6 = 53.30 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 10.53 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 2.63 3.29 = 1.985 = 1.985 — 6 = 54.17 = 0.00 = 1.07 = 2.46 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Line 11 Q = 0.03 Size = 6xO(Cir)Nv = 0.009 Len = 28.0 JLC = 1.00 1 1 / Downstream line = 10 Invert Depth Dnstrm 50.21 6 Upstrm 50.77 2 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) == Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) - Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 10 (cfs) = Line 12 Q = 0.01 Size 12 / Downstream line =11 Invert Depth Dnstrm 50.77 2 Upstrm 51.34 1 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 11 (cfs) = HGL 50.95 50.95 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6x6(Cir) HGL 50.95 51.39 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 50.95 0.20 0.15 0.00 50.95 ' 0.06 0.48 0.48 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 28.4 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 50.95 0.06 0.16 0.30 51.40 /. 0.01 0.96 0.30 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Fullrflow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 3.46 2.30 = 1.998 = 0.014 r.m •< = 53.57 = 0.00 = 0.02 = 1.14 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC - 1.00 Cover 2.30 3.13 = 2.006 = 1.597 = 1 = 54.97 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Line 13 Q = 0.01 Size = 6 x 0 (Cir)Nv = 0.009 JLC = 1.00 m m 13 / Downstream line = 12 Invert Depth Dnstrm 51.34 1 Upstrm 51.79 1 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 12 (cfs) = Line 14 Q = 0.12 Size 14 / Downstream line = 2 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.33 6 Upstrm 45.35 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 2 (cfs) = HGL EGL 51.40 51.41 51.84 51.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6xO(Cir) HGL EGL 47.60 47.61 47.60 47.61 0.00 0.00 1.45o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Vel T-Wid 0.01 0.67 0.18 ' 0.01 0.96 0.30 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 1.8 Area Vel T-Wid 0.20 0.62 0.00 0.20 0.62 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 3.13 3.18 = 2.004 = 1.974 = i = 55.47 = 0.00 = 0.01 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 3.84 3.65 = 1.143 = 0.023 = 2 = 49.50 = 1.75 = 0.00 = 0.87 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 m m Line 15 0.12 Size = 6xO(Cir)Nv = 0.009 Len = 25.6 JLC = 1.00 15 / Downstream line = 14 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.35 6 Upstrm 45.60 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) - Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 14 (cfs) = Line 16 Q = 0.12 Size 16 / Downstream line =15 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.60 6 Upstrm 45.64 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 15 (cfs) = HGL EGL 47.61 47.62 47.62 47.62 0.00 0.00 1.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6x0 (Cir) HGL EGL 47.62 47.63 47.62 47.63 0.00 0.00 1.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Vel T-Wid 0.20 0.62 0.00 ' 0.20 0.62 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 3.1 Area Vel T-Wid 0.20 0.62 0.00 ' 0.20 0.62 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 3.65 3.80 = 0.976 = 0.023 = 2 = 49.90 = 1.52 = 0.00 = 0.80 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 3.80 3.56 = 1.286 = 0.023 = 2 = 49.70 = 1.48 = 0.02 = 0.92 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Line 17 Q = 0.10 = 6x0(Cir)Nv = 0.009 Len = 15.5 JLC = 1.00 m m 177 Downstream line =16 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.64 6 Upstrm 45.79 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 16 (cfs) Line 18 Q = 0.10 Size 18 / Downstream line =17 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.79 6 Upstrm 45.88 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CA x I (cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 17 (cfs) HGL EGL 47.63 47.63 47.63 47.64 - 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6x0 (Cir) HGL EGL 47.64 47.64 47.64 47.64 0.00 0.00 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Vel T-Wid 0.20 0.52 0.00 ' 0.20 0.52 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 9.1 Area Vel T-Wid / 0.20 0.52 0.00 ' 0.20 0.52 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 3.56 2.91 = 1.000 == 0.016 — 2 = 49.20 = 1.34 = 0.00 = 0.81 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 2.91 2.82. = 0.985= o.oie = 2 = 49.20 = 1.25 = 0.00 = 0.80 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 „ Line 19 Q = 0.10 6xO(Cir)Nv = 0.009 Len = 9.0 JLC = 1.00 197 Downstream line =18 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.88 6 Upstrm 45.97 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 18 (cfs) Line 20 Q = 0.09 Size 20 / Downstream line =19 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.97 6 Upstrm 46.52 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CA x I (cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 19 (cfs) = HGL EGL 47.64 47.65 47.64 47.65 . 0.00 0.00 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6x0 (Cir) HGL EGL 47.65 47.65 47.65 47.65 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Vel T-Wid 0.20 0.52 0.00 ' 0.20 0.52 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 27.5 Area Vel T-Wid 0.20 0.45 0.00 / 0.20 0.45 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 2.82 2.73 = 1.000 = 0.016 = 2 = 49.20 = 1.17 = 0.00 = 0.81 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 2.73 2.28 = 2.QOO - 0.012 = 2 = 49.30 = 0.63 = 0.01 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Line 21 Q = 0.08 Nv = 0.009 Len = 25.0 JLC = 1.00 217 Downstream line = 20 Invert Depth Dnstrm 46.52 6 Upstrm 47.02 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 20 (cfs) = Line 22 Q = 0.07 Size 22 / Downstream line = 21 Invert Depth Dnstrm 47.02 6 Upstrm 47.06 6 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 21 (cfs) HGL 47.65 47.66 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6xO(Cir) HGL 47.66 47.66 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 47.66 0.20 0.42 0.00 47.66 / 0.20 0.42 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0;009 Len = 1.8 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 47.66 .. 0.20 0.36 0.00 47.66 < 0.20 0.36 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 2.28 3.78 = 2.000 = 0.010 _____ *\ = 51.30 = 0.13 = 0.00 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 0.00 Cover 3.78 5.24 = 2.000 = 0.008 = 2 = 52.80 = 0.10 = 0.00 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0;00 = 0.00 Line 23 Q = 0.07 Size = 6xO(Cir)Nv = 0.009 Leu =* 16.1 JLC = 1.00 23 / Downstream line = 22 Invert Depth Dnstrm 47.06 6 Upstrm 47.38 3 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 22 (cfs) = Line 24 Q = 0.04 Size 24 / Downstream line = 23 Invert Depth Dnstrm 47.38 3 Upstrm 47.94 1 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) - Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 23 (cfs) HGL EGL 47.66 47.66 47.66 47.66 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6xO(Cir) HGL EGL 47.66 47.66 48.05 48.08 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Vel T-Wid 0.20 0.36 0.00 ' 0.11 0.65 0.50 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 28.0 Area Vel T-Wid 0,11 0.36 0.37 < 6.03 1.41 0.40 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 5.24 5.19 = 2.000 = 0.008 = 2 = 53.07 = 0.00 = 0.03 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 5.19 4.73 = 2.0QO = 1.476 = 1 = 53.17 = 0.00 = O.QO = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 _ Line 25 Q = 0.04 = 6xO(Cir)Nv = 0.009 Len = 28.0 JLC = 1.00 25 / Downstream line = 24 Invert Depth Dnstnn 47.94 2 Upstrm 48.50 1 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 24 (cfs) = Line 26 Q = 0.01 Size 26 / Downstream line = 25 Invert Depth Dnstnn 48.50 2 Upstrm 49.06 1 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CA x I (cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) = Q Bypassed to 25 (cfs) HGL EGL 48.08 48.09 48.61 48.64 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6x0 (Or) HGL EGL 48.64 48.64 49.12 49.13 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' Area Ve! T-Wid 0.04 0.97 0.26 ' 0.03 1.41 0.40 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 28.0 Area Vel T-Wid 0.04 0.24 0.26 S 0.01 0.96 0.30 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 4.73 4.47 = 2.000 = 1.948 = 1 = 53.47 = 0.00 = 0.03 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 1.00 Cover 4.47 4.51 = 2.000 = 1.752 = 1 = 54.07= o.oo = 0.00 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Line 27 0.01 Size = 6x0 (Cir)Nv = 0.009 Len = 27.4 JLC = 1.00 27 / Downstream line = 26 Invert Depth Dnstrm 49.06 1 Upstrm 49.61 1 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CA x I (cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 26 (cfs) = Line 28 Q = 0.01 Size 28 / Downstream line = 27 Invert Depth Dnstrm 49.61 1 Upstrm 49.94 1 Drainage area (ac) - Runoff coefficient (C) = Time of cone, (min) = Inlet Time (min) = Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) = Cumulative C x A = Q = CA x I (cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) = Q Carryover (cfs) = Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 27 (cfs) HGL EGL 49.13 49.14 49.66 49.68 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 = 6x0 (Cir) HGL EGL 49.68 49.68 50.00 50.01 ' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Area Vel T-Wid 0.01 0.67 0.18 S 0.01 0.96 0.30 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Nv = 0.009 Len = 16.6 Area Vel T-Wid / 0.01 0.67 0.18 7 0.01 0,96 0.30 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 4.51 5.56 = 2.000 = 1.975 = i = 55.67 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC = 0.00 Cover 5.56 5.03 = 1.999 = 1.957 = 1 = 55.47 = 0.00 = 0.01 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Line 29 = 0.01 Size = 6 x 0 (Cir)Nv = 0.009 Len = 5.8 JLC = 0.00 m m 29 / Downstream line = 21 Invert Depth Dnstrm 47.02 6 Upstrm 47.14 6 Drainage area (ac) Runoff coefficient (C) Time of cone, (min) Inlet Time (min) Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) Cumulative C x A Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) Q Carryover (cfs) Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 21 (cfs) Line 30 Q = 0.01 S 30 / Downstream line =19 Invert Depth Dnstrm 45.97 4 Upstrm 47.90 1 Drainage area (ac) Runoff coefficient (C) Time of cone, (min) Inlet Time (min) Intensity @ 5 yr (in/hr) Cumulative C x A Q = CAxI(cfs) Q Catchment (cfs) Q Carryover (cfs) Q Captured (cfs) Q Bypassed to 19 (cfs) HGL 47.66 47.66 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 - 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 iize = 4xO HGL 47.65 47.97 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 47.66 0.20 0.06 0.00 47.66 ' 0.20 0.06 0.00 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) (Cir) Nv = 0.009 Len = 4.9 EGL Area Vel T-Wid 47.65 0.09 0,17 0.00 47.99 ' 0.01 1.15 0.27 Slope of invert (%) Slope energy grade line (%) Critical depth (in) Natural ground elev. (ft) Upstream surcharge (ft) Additional Q (cfs) Full-flow capacity (cfs) Inlet Type Gutter slope (ft/ft) Cross slope (ft/ft) Width of Flow (ft) Cover 3.78 7.76 = 2.000 = 0.000 = 1 = 55.40 = 0.02 = 0.01 = 1.15 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 JLC -1.00 •• : Cover 2.89 1.07 = 38.899 = 6^897 = 1 = 49.30 = 0.00 = 0.01 = 1.71 = MH = 0.00 = 0.00 = 0.00 Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: L&O-3-SD.STM LEGEND HGL FG Hydraulic Grade Finish Grade Elev. (ft) 55.0 52.0 49.0 46.0 43.0 40.0 1 Rim: 49.28 ft up invert: 4b.iid n Dn In vert: 45.00 ft Length: 12.63ft Size: 12 in Fim: 49.67 ft I p Invert: 45.33 ft Dn Invert: 45.12 ft ength: 23.38 ft ize: 12 in Rim: 49.67 ft Up Invert. 45.63 ft Dn Invert: 45.33 ft Length: 30.00ft Size: 8 in Rim: 49.67 ft Up Invert. 45.93 -ft- Dn Invert: 45.63 ft Length: 30.00 ft Size: 8 in 25 50 Reach (ft) 75 100 •• •• n •• •• •• •• mm mm mm i i Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: L&O-3-SD.STM Elev. (ft) 60.0 56.0 52.0 Rim: 49.60 ft Up In vert: 46.16 ft 44.0 40.0 Rim: 52.27ft Up Invert: 46.76 ft Dn Invert: 46.16 ft Length: 30.00 ft Size: 8 in Rim: 52.70 ft 8 Rim: 52.80 Up Invert: 47.21 ft Dn Invert: 46.76 ft Length: 22.75 ft Size: 8 in Up Invert: Dn Invert: Length: 2. Size: 8 in 7.25 ft 7.21 ft 00ft 25 50 Reach (ft) 75 100 III!! Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: L&0-3-SD.STM Elev. (ft) 65.0 60.0 55.0 so.q 45.0 40.0 10 9 Rim: 54.17 ft Rim: 53.30 ft Up Invert: 50.21 ft Up Invert: 50.005tn Invert: 50.00 ft Dn Invert: 47.25lfPngth: 10.58 ft Length: 7.55ft -Sire- ft in 11 Rim: 53.57ft Up Invert: 50.77 ft Dn Invert: 50.21 ft I enqth: 78 03 ft 12 Rim: 54.97ft Up Invert: 51.34 ft Dn Invert: 50.77 ft Length: 28.42 ft Size: 6 in -43- Rim: 55.47ft Up Invert: 51.79ft Dn Invert: 51.34ft Length: 22.45 ft Size: 6 in 100 Reach (ft) II • r i i i r i i i • Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: L&0-3-SD.STM Elev. (ft) 55.0 52.0 49.0 46.Q Rim: 49.67 ft Up Invert: 45.33 ft Dn Invert: 45.12 ft Length: 23.38 ft Size: 12 in lit Rim: -19.50ft Up I On I 15 Rim: 49.90 ft Invert: 45.35 ft Invert: 45.33 ft Lbngth: 1.75ft ize: 6 in Up Invert: 45.60 ft Dn Invert: 45.35 ft Length: 25.62 ft Size: 6 in FG HGL 16 Rim: 49.70 ft 17 Up Invert: 45.64 ftim: 49.20 ft Dn Invert: 45.60 Op Invert: 45.79 ft Length: 3.11 ft Dn Invert: 45.64 ft Size: 6 in Length: 15.49ft Size: 6 in :|m: 49.20 ft i Invert: 45.88 ft i Invert: 45.79 ft Length: 9.14ft See: 6 in 43.0 40.0 25 50 Reach (ft) 75 100 • ri fi •i Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: L&O-3-SD.STM Elev. (ft) 60.0 56.0 52.0 19 Rim: 49.20 ft 44.0 40.0 m: 51.30 ft Lib Invert: 47.02 ft Invert: 46.52 ft ngth: 25.00ft nvert: 45.97 ft Mh: 27.52 ft 6 in FG Dn Invert: 45.88 ft Length: 8.96 ft Size: 6 in 22 -Riff 23 Rim: Up Invert: 47.0> Dn Invert: 47.0: Length: 1.75ft Size: 6 in ert: 47.38 ft art: 47.06 ft : 16.15 ft in .07ft 25 50 Reach (ft) 75 100 •• Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: L&0-3-SD.STM Elev. (ft) 65.0 60.0 27 -2S- 55.0 24 Rim: 53.17ft Up Invert: 47. Dn Invert: 47.3 94ft ift 25 Rim: 53.47 Up Invert: Dn Invert: Length: 28 ft 8.50ft 7.94 ft 00ft :54 26 Rim: Up Dn Invrt Length Size: 6 .07ft rt: 49.06 ft : 48.50 ft 28.00ft irr : 55.67 ft i Invert: 49.61 ft i Invert: 49.06 ft Length: 27.39ft Sizs: 6 in Rirji Up Dn Rim: 5: Up Invi Dn Invert Length Size: ..47ft rt: 49.94 ft : 49.61 ft 16.65ft 50.0 45.0 40.0 25 50 75 100 125 Reach (ft) Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 « Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 REFERENCE DRAWINGS Site Grading Plan 1 Page i. A _ 1'1L_ GROUND LEVEL BLD1INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE ~ ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BES MAINTAINED BELOW SIGHT LINE (MEASURED 30* ABOVE STREET LEVEL) INDICATES PARKING STALL NUMBER -, (TYPICAL) / PCC t —SIDFJ/MtK— (TYFJCAL) PLASTER (TYfllCAL) •S SEE DETAL 3 •PROFILE EAST PROPERTYON SHEET 6 FORMORE DETAILS 0-2 2 CARGARAGE SEESEC A-A SHEET B- INDICATES HEIGHT OF EXPOSED RETAINING WALL EXISTING REMOVE It REPLACE AS REQUIRED FOR OF*NEW BLOCK (WALL AND RAILING - SEE SECTION A-A ON SHEET 5 WORK TO BE DONE: ALL EXISTING STRUCTURES, UTILITIES, TREES, VEGETATION ON THE SITE ARE TO BE REMOVED. SEE CONTRACTOR'S DEMOLITION NOTE BELOW INDICATES VARIOUS WORK ITEMS TO BE DONE UNDER THE IMPROVEMENT PLAN DWG NO. 451-7 PERMIT ~ NOT A PART OF THIS PLAN WORK OR PERMIT AND IS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY EXISTING UTILITY - PROTECT IN PLACE 18M8" PCC PRECAST CATCH BASIN ~ SEE SHT 4 FOR ADDITIONAL STORM DRAIN DETAILS 6" FIRE SERVICE RISER TO BUILDING - SEE ARCH PLANS MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL ~ H - 3' MAX (EXPOSED) w/ 42" RAILING PER SDRSD M-24 WHERE NOTED ~ SEE DET 1/SHT 5 GAS METER (7 TOTAL) ~ SEE SDG4E PLANS 24'-LONG TRAFFIC-RATED TRENCH DRAIN ASSEMBLY 12-X12" NDS STORM DRAIN INLET BOX - SEE SHEET 4 FOR ADDITIONAL STORM DRAIN DETAILS FLOOR DRAIN - CONNECTS TO BUILDING SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM ~ PER PLUMBING PLANS It PERMIT ~ SLEEVE SEWER LINE WHERE IT CROSSES FOOTINGS ~ PER PLUMBING PLANS & PERMIT GARAGE FLOOR DRAINS CONNECT TO OIL-WATER SEPARATOR - CONNECTS TO BUILDING SANITARY SEWER ~ PER PLUMBING PLANS * PERMIT SIGHT DISTANCE TRIANGLE ~ ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BELOW SIGHT LINE (SIGHT LINE MEASURED 30" ABOVE STREET GRADE) RETAINING WALL PER SDRSD C-9 (HEIGHT LESS THAN 30") PERVIOUS CONCRETE PER DET 3/SHT 2 ~ STRUCTURAL SECTION PER GEOTECH RECOMMENDATIONS 8" PCC DRIVEWAY AND PARKING AREAS PER SOILS REPORT - ALSO SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS SEWER CLEANOUT PER SDRSD SC-01 PCC STAIRS PER SDRSD M-26 REMOVE EXISTING TREE STORMWATER STORAGE CLEANOUT STRUCTURE PER DET 1/SHT 6 6"« CLEANOUT w/ SCREWED END CAP PER SDRSD SC-01 ~ STORMWATER STORAGE PIPE - SEE SHT 4 STORMWATER PUMP WELL PER DET 2/SHT « BIORETENTION AREA ~ SEE SEC A-A It B-B * DET 2 / SHT 5 * INDICATES VARIOUS WORK ITEMS TO BE DONE UNDER THE IMPROVEMENT PLAN PERMIT ~ NOT A PART OF THIS PLAN WORK OR PERMIT AND IS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY REQUIRED TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TABLE DESCRIPTION CISTERN BIORETENTION AREA QUANTITY 4,880 GAL 746 SF PAD GRADING TABLE LOCATION PADOEV.FFELEV.NOTE RETAIL UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 TRASH 49.45 48.50 48.25 48.25 48.47 49.32 50.11 48.85 50.20 49.25 49.00 49.00 49.22 50.07 50.86 49.60 GARAGE LOW POINT GARAGE LOW POINT GARAGE LOW POINT GARAGE LOW POINT GARAGE LOW POINT GARAGE LOW POINT LIMITS OF WORK: THIS PLAN IS FOR WORK ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY ONLY. ALL WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY IS BY SEPARATE PERMIT. SEE IMPROVEMENT PLANS DWG NO. 451-7 FOR THIS PROJECT. SHOWN HEREON FOR INFORMATION ONLY. PRIVATE MAINTENANCE: ALL ON-SITE SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN PIPING AND FACILITIES ARE PRIVATE AND WlLL BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED. ARCHITECTURAL NOTE: ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS ARE NOT PART OF THIS PLAN AND ARE SHOWN FOR GENERAL INFORMATIONONLY. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO INDEPENDENTLY LOCATE (FROM THE APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS) ALL ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS. ELEVATIONS, DIMENSIONS AND SETBACKS. RETAINING WALL NOTE: HEIGHT OF WALL ON THIS PLAN TYPICALLY INDICATES EXPOSED HEIGHT OF RETAINING WALL THIS IS NOT THE HEIGHT OF THE WALL FROM THE TOP OF THE FOOTING TO TOP OF THE WALL CONTRACTOR IS TO DETERMINE ALL FOOTING LOCATIONS AND STEPS IN FOOTINGS, IF ANY. TYPICALLY, ALL RETAINING WALLS WILL BE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD WALLS OR DESIGNED BY A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. BOUNDARY DATA 1 N 34- 01' 26" W 110.00' 2 N 55' 55' 45" E 160.00' 3 N 34' 0V 26* W 90.02'4 R-20' L- 31.40' A - 89' 57" 11" 5 N 55' 55' 45' E 140.02' <l) RECORD DOCUMENT REFERENCE ROW VACATION PER CC RESOLUTION NO. 2003-043 PER DOC. NO. 2003-210328. RECORDED 2/25/03 ~ SEE STREET SECTIONS/SHT 2 r OFF-SHE (TYP) SEE PROJECT IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR ALL WORK IN THE LTWM.SBVO «°HT OF WAY. THIS IS THE MAIN GRADING PLAN SHEET. SEE SHEET 4 FOR HIGHLIGHTED STORM DRAIN DETAILS. DEMOLITION - REMOVAL NOTE: THIS PROJECT REQUIRES THE REMOVAL OF ALL ON-StTE STRUCTURES, VEGETATION AND UTILITIES. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE ABANDONED OR REMOVED AS REQUIRED BY THE SERVING UTILITY AND THE CITY. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S • RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITIES AND OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES IN THAT REGARD. CONTRACTOR SHALL WORK WITH THE UTILITY AGENCIES TO DETERMINE IF ANY OF THE EXISTING FACILITIES (E.G. WATER LATERAL OR METER) CAN BE REUSED. ALL GRADING AND SCARIFYING OF THE SITE SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE SOILS ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROTECT ALL ADJACENT PROPERTIES AND ERECT APPROPRIATE BMP/EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL HAUL ROUTES AND PERMITS RELATED THERETO. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SITE SAFETY, FENCING AND SGNAGE. "AS BUILT RCE_EXP._DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL OTY APPROVAL SHEET3 CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING I SHEETS 6 GRADING PUNS FOR LINCOLN ft OAK MIXED USE GRADING PLAN RP 04-11/CDP 04-30 GLEN K. VAN PESKI DEPUTY OTY EN6MEER PE 41204 EXPKES 3/31/13 DATE OWN BY: CHKD BY: MKP RVWD BY- PROJECT NO. CT 05-03 DRAWING NO. 451-7A