HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 05-03; Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use; Plan Check response to review of retaining walls; 2011-07-16Concorde Consulting Group, RECORD COPY Date Construction Management • Project Management • Architecture / Engineering • Development July 16,2011 To: Plan Reviewer Engineering Department City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 RH: Lincoln and Oak- Mixed Use Project Plan Check Responses to your review of Retaining Walls - Revision 1 Our Project No: 10-040 Reviewer: Attached please find two sets of updated drawings and responses to your review. Following are specific responses to your review comments: Calculations for Wall A • Wall A is part of the Building Permit. Calculations for this were included in that package. Calculations for Wall B • Soil Pressure can be increased based on depth of foundation per Soils report; hence this increase is acceptable. • Toe and 1 leel width dimension added on drawing Two copies of updated calculations and drawings are attached Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks and Regards Yours truly. K. M. Kripanarayanan 3505 Camino Del Rio South, #332, San Diego, CA 92108. Ph: (619) 516-3377 Fax: (619) 516-3388 CONCORDE CONSULTING GROUP, INC. (CONSULTING ENGINEERS) 3606 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH. STE. * 36O SAN DIEGO, CA 921O6 PH: (818) 616-3377 FAX: (810) 516-3300 STRUCTURAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS Retaining Walls at: Lincoln rind Oak 3112 Lincoln Stieec and Oak Ave Carlsbad, CA CJ.?OOS TABLE OF CONTENTS Sect.ion I -- Scope of Work Suction 2 -- Design Basis Suction 3 -- Analysis/Design Pro'; ect. j 0-040 Revision . 1 2 Daced: 1/15/2011 5/3J/2011 7/18/2011 For: Review !V : ••a-fi,:-, .:K •'(..:•„»,. Section 1.0 SCOPE OF WORK Scope of work is limited to the design of the fr.liowinq items: Perimeter Site Retaining Kail Section 2.0 DESIGN BASIS Section 3.0 ANALYSIS/DESIGN <SVC Concorde Consulting Group, Inc 3505 Camino Del Rio South #350 San Diego California 92108 Title • Perimeter Sit aining Wall Page: Job# : 10-040 -osgnr: Karnak/C Date: JAN 15,2011 Description.... Perimeter Site Retaining Wall This Wall in File: c:\rp6\10-040 •- karnak -- lincoln and oak.r , (0 1989-2001 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Criteria Retained Height = Wall height above soil = Slope Behind Wai Height of Soil over Toe = Soil Density = Wind on Stem = 3.50ft 6.00 ft 0.00 : 1 42.00 in 110.00 pcf 0.0 psf | Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing Equivalent Fluid Pressure Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel Footing||Soil Frictior Soil height to ignore for passive pressure 1 - 2,000.0 psf Method 45.0 psf/ft 30.0 psf/ft = 250.0 psf/ft 0.0 ft = 0.400 = 12.00 in Footing Dimensions & Toe Width Heel Width = Total Footing Widtr Footing Thickness = Key Width - Key Depth - Key Distance from Toe = f'c = 2,000 psi Fy = Footing Concrete Density = Min. As % Strengths 2.83ft 0.67 3.50 17.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.00ft 60.000 psi 150.00 pcf 0.0018 | Surcharge Loads Cover @ Top = 2.00 in @ Btm.= 3.00 in I Lateral Load Applied to Stem | Adjacent Footing Load Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Lateral Load = Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning ...Height to Top = Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf ...Height to Bottorr Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem | Axial Dead Load = 0.0 Ibs Axial Live Load = 0.0 Ibs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary | Stem Construction Total Bearing Load = 2,576 Ibs Design height 25 0 #/ft Adjacent Footing Load = g 50 ft Footing Width = 3.50 ft Eccentricity = Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type D3S6 AuOVG/oGlOW oOll at Back of Wall • Top Stem ft= 0.00 500.0 Ibs 2,50ft 0.00 in 3.00 tt Line Load -2.0ft .. .resultant ecc. = 4.44 in Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry ThicknessSoil Pressure @ Toe = 1,203 psf OK Rphar Size Soil Pressure® Heel = 269 pst OK Rebar Spacing Allowable = 2'°°°psf Rebar Placed atSoil Pressure Less Than Allowable Desiqn Data ACI Factored @ Toe = 1 ,684 psf fh/pR f /FACI Factored @ Heel = 377 psf "' , _ * „ ,.^ v Total Force @ Section Footing Shear® Toe = 5.6 psi OK Moment....Actual Footing Shear® Heel = 0.0 psi OK Momen, A||owab,e Allowable . = 76'°PSI Shear Actual Wall Stability Ratios QHOOI- AH ^w^Overturning = 3.17 OK onear Miiowaoie Sliding = 8.65 OK Lap Splice if Above Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lap Splice if Below Lateral Sliding Force = 454.0 Ibs Wall Weight less 100% Passive Force= - 2,896.7 IDS Rebar Depth 'd' less 100% Friction Force= - 1,030.2 Ibs Masonry Data Added Force Req'd = 0.0 Ibs OK Fs ....for 1.5:1 Stability = 0.0 Ibs OK Solid Grouting Footing Design Results | Special ^*™ Toe Heel Short Term Factor Factored Pressure = 1,684 377 psf Equiv. Solid Thick. Mu' : Upward = 06 ft-# Masonry Block Type = Mu' : Downward = 0 12 ft-# Concrete Data Mu. Design = 1,874 6 ft-# fc ActuaM -Way Shear = 5.57 0.01 psi Fv = 8.00 = #5 8.00 = Center = 0.747 lbs= 290.9 ft-#= 1,102.2 psi= 7.7 psi= 38.7 in= 30.00 in= 11.74 78.0 in= 3.75 psi= 1,500 psi = 24,000 = Yes Yes 25.78 1.000 in= 7.60 Medium Weight psi = psi = Allow 1 -Way Shear = 76.03 76.03 psi Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe Reinforcing = None Spec'd Toe: Not req'd, Mu < S Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key: No key defined *Fr *Fr Concorde Consulting Group, Inc 3505 Camino Del Rio South #350 San Diego California 92108 Title • Perimeter Sit Job# : 10-040 Description.... Perimeter Site Retaining Wall aining Wall usgnr: Karnak/C Page: Date: JAN 15,2011 This Wall in File: c:\rp6\10-040 -- karnak -- lincoln and oak.r RetainPro Version 6.0 Build Date : 10-SEP-2001, (c) 1989-2001 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments Item Heel Active Pressure = Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# RESISTING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# 543.9 -362.6 122.7 150.0 1.64 1.64 1.25 7.92 891.4 -594.3 153.0 1,187.5 Total = 4540 O.T.M. = 1,637.7 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 3.17 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,575.6 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure NOT used for soil pressure Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe _ Surcharge Over Toe _ Stem Weight(s) _ Earth @ Stem Transitions _ Footing Weighl Key Weight Vert. Component Total = 1.3 1,089.6 741.0 743.8 3.50 0.00 1.42 3.16 1.75 2,575.6 Ibs R.M.= 4.5 1,541.7 2,344.0 1,301.6 5.191.8 25.ps Adj Ftg Load = 500.# Ecc.= O.in from CL 543.91* 269.03psf 1202.7psf '.*. n£ -,-- It u','-.' ' COMC^CTL VASCN3V CC >l .,^I^r EiyK N3 tl d*» AM a»K.PEI; »*£0 GENERAL FOUNDATION NOTES MA'SQXRV TEST!N3 HEGL' 3^1 N PROJECT DESIGN DATA 0 •-" i -TT-*?" --55: . ..«=«*- *r;r 1, INSPECriCN/TFS'lMG reUCTURAL OBSERVATION NOTES: essegc=(5)s© S3 (H)Ei, •25 =9BSD £11 3 ° >C Tnt r*l"-ClTY OK C1 :. "O '-LV£.Or»-:.N JRAD1KG l'L*("'!! FOR I LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE ' RETAINING WALL NOTES ^ '. PH'*~~ "'-- -S?7:S^f| ?v!l CT"o5-03 J"!sr'A°] WORK ru SE DONE: V CINITY WAP LEGEND ^ WORK TO DE DONE PESCRirTlON^ DirG.^O. SYMgpLJJUANTITY i9^ N GCNTRAL 5t'9FACE IMPROVEMENTS TSIVATE STORW 0"AIN eu &=• (S) oa, *=) -tl,w ..__Bsvj_aij SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY 3»s« - UPS OB r r22ril^2 17-, Lr M 70 c* El i c* BASIS OF BEAKINCS B FFrnENCE P.FA1T1MCS * DlfEO CCUM1+ PtEWN.l 5 SEE SHEET 2 FOR S^'MBOL LEGEND C*HT»WORK OUANTITIES 5 C=*'S-RUCTION CEIAHS PBOJECT LOCATION "•"riia"Uo'^;cs?i'""'M'"< ACDmONAL NOTES ON SHPET 2 RFQ^'lREn TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TABLE =flODDIS BOUSUG 4 RECEVEUPKENT APPBom "AS BUILT" 'ljClTY OF CAKLSBADII*14^'5!1 [(J.ANO DE'jELOPUEN i INCiwECPiNC || / | GNAD1NG fUUS UNCOLN & OAK MIXED USE TITLE SHEET -03 B?/B8/8BH • rP*' «.'.:-» -.. ...„. . . ,.\_ i ia^tlie , hfcr « j HI L j^SSsSS -P ,X •• — ." — ' 11 ss'1'}:- i- \i-V >•-•-• —,s \^,C,f,M OETAIL 1 - SITE RETAINING WALL "'"' SQUIH PL - rtnc*t stcnw «(TJC PL - EUWONS v»nv. src siupfie °i»* DETAIL 2 - SITE RETAINlMG WALL Is) IsS 6= 85) 3 (s) e§ Is) 04 ^ =4oaa •DECHMT1QN OF RESPONSIBLE CIHRCE" | K[^rp, DCCl«Ht TK11 I AU THE EfrtWtEB V IWK fllft THJ PCOTKM OT DflS PKO.<Tr »S Ut!"CtO D" WEFI3 T ANC 8 OT Ifll CUtAWNC Sf. M*" I H*H EttKOSEDK^oKseLC C"**^ OVE« X OC96N or IMS pontm or IHJ PROJEC: AS otfMCi) msrc"w BJM or T*C BUSKSS owtt WOTESSIWS COOF. «o I»AI s»* wxtux OF'iff M^CN is CONWSHUI fin* cunntxi s-oir.*m3 i 'jwCtB^'wiC IM»T it o*C« B^CITK;«nO»« Br !v€ Citr or CN»i<;g*a DOES 101 (tnilvt . CT Ui PtSPEWBH H«ES fWI WCJEfT OCSMP rs DEI**.! » s*cciric»rions FWOf IK FCIMCtCft 9t WTWWiNGUS ONIT ALL OTHER UtTOKMiTlO, tHQUM HfRCOHro* CTMtBit MrODU*TiCM <F«.r stf SHECT 9 rotMl «.'*«.* TO* w»'CB P **US Or ro* C HOErrv"orcAR RHADIK rUWI FDR: LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE RETAINING WALL DETAILS 8 fl -