HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 05-03; Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use; Storm water management plan; 2011-07-14Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 . Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Stormwater Management Plan! RECORD COPY (SWMP) for .Ml.... Initial Date LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 6 Residential Units & 1 Retail Unit Parcel 1 & Parcel 2, PM 11077 APN 203-260-14 & 15 325 Oak Avenue, 3112 Lincoln Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 SWMP 10-16 CityDwg. No. 451-7A Preparation/Revision Date: Original: January 11, 2007 Revised: July 14, 2011 Prepared for: Lincoln & Oak, LLC Attention: Russell Bennett P.O. Box 356 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Telephone: (760) 840-0364 J CO cc —I>• Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive « Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) for RECORD COPY Initial Bate LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 6 Residential Units & 1 Retail Unit Parcel 1 & Parcel 2, PM 11077 APN 203-260-14 & 15 325 Oak Avenue, 3112 Lincoln Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 SWMP 10-16 CityDwg. No.451-7A Preparation/Revision Date: Original: January 11,2007 Revised: July 14,2011 Prepared for: Lincoln & Oak, LLC Attention: Russell Bennett P.O. Box 356 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Telephone: (760) 840-0364 The selection, sizing, and design of stormwater treatment and other control measures in this plan have been prepared under the direction of die following Registered Civil Engineer and meet the requirements of Regional Water Quality Control Board Order R9-2007-0001 and subsequent amendments. Michael K. Pasko, P.E. 41022 Date Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 INDEX STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN Page 3 EXHIBIT I-A: VICINITY MAP Page 28 EXHIBIT VII-A-l: DMA EXHIBIT & SITE AREA COMPUTATIONS Page 29 EXHIBIT VII-B-1: IMP TABULATION & SIZING CALCULATIONS Page 33 ATTACHMENT 1: STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE Page 54 ATTACHMENT 2: WATER BODY BENEFICIAL USES REFERENCE Page 58 ATTACHMENT 3: OFF-SITE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EVALUATION Page 61 ATTACHMENT 4: BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF RUNOFF IMPACTS Page 139 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DESIGN MEMORANDUM DATE: July 14, 2011 TO: City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 FROM: Michael Pasko, P.E. PROJECT: Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use Project - APN 216-300-12 & 13 ~ CT 05-03/RP 04-11/CDP 04-30 SUBJECT: Storm Water Management Narrative The purpose of this memorandum is to present a storm water management narrative for the Lincoln & Oak mixed-use project. General Site Design Information The project is a high-density residential and retail infill project located in downtown Carlsbad. Approximately 40% of the proposed exterior paved areas will be constructed with pervious concrete. The estimated post- development weighted C factor for the site is 0.86, with the building site coverage at 75%. The building is located in the center of the site, bounded by standard concrete sidewalks and landscaped planters on the south and east sides and with public street frontage on the north and west sides. The Oak Avenue right of way frontage is a mix of landscaped areas and pervious and impervious concrete-paved areas. Project Storm Water Management Design Description Sidewalk runoff from the easterly and southerly sideyards are directed to bioretention areas located immediately adjacent to the paved areas. Pervious concrete pavement areas in the north and west right-of-way frontage areas are self-treating. The remaining non-paved areas along the westerly right of way (Lincoln Street) are self- treating landscaped areas. The remaining non-paved areas along the northerly right of way (Oak Avenue) are bioretention areas, where the building runoff is directed. Roof and deck area runoff will be held in a storm water storage pipe located in the easterly and southerly sideyards, which will be held for eight hours, then pumped to the bioretention areas located along the northerly right of way over the course of eight additional hours. The pipe storage system is sized to store runoff from a 0.6-inch rainfall event - an 85th percentile event for this site. Storm water volume directed to the storage pipe in excess of the 85th percentile event is bypassed to the site's storm drain system. Pumped runoff rates to the Oak Avenue frontage areas are set well below the 5"/hr minimum infiltration rate required for bioretention areas. Per the direction of the project's geotechnical consultant, all bioretention areas will use a perforated subdrain contained in an impermeable liner to prevent focused infiltration of storm water to the native site soils as the building abuts the planter areas. The subdrains will be directed to the public storm drain located at the northwesterly corner of the site. 10004_Pump_Sys-4-110714.doc Reference City of Carlsbad Storm Water Plan (SWMP) Requirements Checklist E-35 I. Project Setting A. Project Name: Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use Project Project Location: SE corner of Lincoln Street & Oak Avenue Project Description: The scope of the proposed project is to construct three three-level, retained and on-grade base structures consisting of residential living areas, retail space, garages, driveways and parking areas. Project Vicinity Map: See Exhibit A-l B; Existing site features and conditions: The project site is 0.40 acres and is currently developed with two residential-type structures of varied use on two separate lots. The westerly lot & structure is a single-family residence converted to commercial use and takes access from the Oak Avenue right of way. The easterly lot & structure is a single-family residence currently in use as a rental unit. A deteriorated AC driveway provides vehicle access to the public right of way for the easterly lot. All of the existing on-site structures will be demolished. C: Opportunities and constraints for storm water control and treatment: Opportunities include: landscape amenities including landscape buffers which can double as locations for bioretention facilities. Constraints include high-intensity land use, significant pedestrian and vehicular traffic, restricted right-of-way, and safety concerns. D: Nearby water bodies, existing storm drain systems: Pacific Ocean and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon are located nearby. No project site stormwater runoff flows directly toward the Ocean. There is an existing storm drain inlet at the NW corner of the site which will receive all site runoff. This storm drain system drains in an easterly then southerly direction and outlets to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon before entering the Pacific Ocean. Page 5 of27 II. Identify Pollutants of Concern A: Identify pollutants of concern with type of project/use. PROJECT ANTICIPATED AND POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS The following Table identifies pollutants that are anticipated to be generated from the proposed priority project categories. Pollutants associated with any hazardous material sites that have been remediated or are not threatened by the proposed project are not considered a pollutant of concern. r 1 L. r 1 PDF Categories Detached Residential IDevelonrnent^^ m^m m Attached Residential Development ~^ * Development 1 acre or greater Heavy industry /industrial development Automotive Repair Shops Restaurants Hillside Development >5,000fl2 Parking Lots * ^tetaiHjdSfine"" Outlets Streets, Highways& Freeways General Pollutant Categories Sediments X X - T*l) — X X p(l) X Nutrients X X •^>(f" X p(l) p(l) Heavy Metals •• — ••- X X X - 3T ' X Organic Compounds — pro — X XC4X5) — x— ' X(4) Trash & Debris X X ~yT X X X X X -3T X Oxygen Demanding Substances X p(l) — jJW — X X X p(l) ™ "X ™ p(5) Oil& Grease X p(2) SC" X X X X X — x- X Bacteria & Viruses X P -^>(3j— X Pesticides X ^™ ^™ ™ X X p(l) X = anticipated P = potential (1) A potential pollutant if landscaping exists on-site. (2) A potential pollutant if the project includes uncovered parking areas. (3) A potential pollutant if land use involves food or animal waste products. (4) Including petroleum hydrocarbons. (5) Including solvents. * There will be no-to-incidental runoff entering the parking area located below the structure and is isolated from direct exposure to rainfall. A garage drainage system is provided, which drains to an oily-water separator and discharges to the sanitary sewer - see project plumbing plans and permit. Page 6 of27 B: Identify watershed and hydrologic unit basin number and receiving waters project contributes to. WATERSHED Please check the watershed(s) for the project QSan Juan 901 DSan Dieguito 905 DOtay 910 QWest Salton 721 DSanta Margarita 902 QPenasquitos 906 DTijuana911 H]Anza Borrego 722 QSan Luis Key 903 QSan Diego 907 D Whitewater 719 Dlmperial 723 ElCarlsbad 904 DSweetwater 909 QClark 720 HYDROLOGIC SUB-AREA NAME AND NUMBER(S) Number 904.31 Name Los Monos HSA SURFACE WATERS that each project discharge point proposes to discharge to SURFACE WATERS (river, creek, stream, etc.) Agua Hedionda Lagoon Hydrologic Unit Basin Number 904.31 Impairments) listed [303(d) listed •waters or -waters with established TMDLs] Indicator bacteria Sedimentation/Siltation Distance to Project IMile GROUND WATERS beneficial uses Ground Waters Agua Hedionda Lagoon Hydrologic Unit Basin Number 904.31 5 ^ • O ^ • Q HH • O0 PL, ffi!/} S PH , ^O + Excepted from Municipal Existing Beneficial Use o Potential Beneficial Use Page 7 of 27 SURFACE WATERS beneficial uses Ground Waters Agua ncuionud Lagoon Hydrologic Unit Basin Number A -11t.jl <:^o<COMMHc/2W Q£h-H ^s 0^HHs ^oPL, Oa <NUs CM00 WARMQJOU Q_1 §SHELL+ Excepted from Municipal Existing Beneficial Use o Potential Beneficial Use C: List impaired water bodies per 303d listing (latest) the project contributes to. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Page 8 of 27 D: Summarize primary pollutants-of-concern. Pollutants anticipated to be generated by the project, which are also causing impairment of receiving waters, shall be considered the primary pollutants of concern. For projects where no primary pollutants of concern exist, those pollutants identified as anticipated shall be considered secondary pollutants of concern. PROJECT POLLUTANTS OF CONCERN Pollutant Category Sediments Nutrients Heavy Metals Organic Compounds Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil&Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides Anticipated (X) X X X X X X Potential (P) P P Surface Water Impairments > GROUPING OF POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS of Concern (POCs) by fate during stormwater treatment Pollutant Sediment Nutrients Heavy Metals Organic Compounds Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Bacteria Oil & Grease Pesticides Check Project Specific POCs X X X X P P X X Coarse Sediment and Trash X X Pollutants that tend to associate with fine particles during treatment X X X X X X X Pollutants that tend to be dissolved following treatment X Page 9 of 27 III. Select treatment control BMP's for project (not required if choosing integrated LID approach). Section III is not required — an integrated LID approach is used. A. Select treatment control BMP's to target the pollutants-of-concern for this project. Indicate the treatment facility(s) chosen for this project in the following table. B. Narrative on selection criteria for each available treatment BMP for this project and why the other BMP's were not chosen. C. Describe numeric sizing criteria approach and include BMP sizing calculations per SUSMP Page 10 of 27 IV. Hydromodification evaluation, study and findings The following questions provide a guide to collecting information relevant to hydromodification management issues. TABLE 5: HYDROMODIFICATION DETERMINATION MATRIX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. QUESTIONS Is the project a priority development? Is proper energy dissipation provided? Does the project increase impervious area? Does the project increase unmitigated peak flows to any outlet location Does project directly discharge to an exempt system? Does project direcdy discharge to a lagoon? Does project direcdy discharge to a stabilized conveyance to an exempt system? Does stabilized conveyance have capacity for the ultimate Qio? Does the project discharge to a highly urbanized watershed? Is the project urban infill discharging to a stabilized conveyance? Determine domain of analysis — see SUSMP for further details. Does stabilized conveyance extend past domain of analysis & eventually discharges to a low susceptibility stream? Do cumulative future impacts represent < 3% impervious area increases? Hydromodification controls are required for the project Project may be HMP exempt — refer to expanded HMP exemption criteria in SUSMP manual for justification required YES X X X X X X X X NO X X X Information If yes, proceed to 2; if no, the project may be HMP exempt If yes or n/a, proceed to 3; if no, redesign OED system. If yes, proceed to 5; if no, proceed to 4. If yes-, proceed to5; if no, the project may be HMP exempt. If yes, the project may be HMP exempt; if no, proceed to 6. If yes, the project may be HMP exempt; if no, proceed to 7. If yes, proceed to 8; if no, proceed to 9. If yes, the project may be HMP exempt; if no, proceed to 9. If yes, the project may be HMP exempt; if no, proceed to 10. If yes, proceed to 1 1; if no, proceed to 14. Proceed to 12. If yes, proceed to 13; if no, proceed to 14. If yes, the project may be HMP exempt; if no, proceed to 14. See SUSMP for further information. & requirements. Hydromodification exempt See the following page for a summary of the determination matrix. Page 11 of 27 Determination Matrix Summary: This project is exempt from hydromodification mitigation requirements based on the following criteria: • The project directly discharges to a tidally-influenced lagoon (AguaHedionda Lagoon); • The project directly discharges via a stabilized conveyance system to an exempt system (concrete-lined public storm drain system); • The stabilized conveyance system continues uninterrupted to an exempt system (Agua Hedionda Lagoon); • The stabilized conveyance system incorporates an energy dissipation system designed to mitigate 100-year return event discharge velocities (rip-rap energy dissipater at the lagoon outfall); • The stabilized conveyance system has the capacity to convey the ultimate Qio discharge from the tributary basin to the exempt system (AguaHedionda Lagoon); • The project's storm water discharge does not impose a negative impact to the freshwater / saltwater balance and the resultant impacts to the tidally-influenced lagoon (AguaHedionda Lagoon). See Attachment 3 for a description and evaluation of the off-site public storm drain system conveying site runoff to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. See Attachment 4 for biologist's impact assessment of the project's runoff to the lagoon. Page 12 of 27 V. Drainage Study Report showing pre- and post-development runoff rates and flows (not required if choosing integrated LID approach) Section V. is not required - an integrated LID approach is used. Page 13 of 27 VI. Integrated Low Impact Development (LID) Design Strategies A. Optimization of site layout Following is a discussion of site criteria and how it is dealt with 1) Limitation of development envelope. This is a high intensity development on a relatively small lot. Integrated Low Impact Design (LID) elements will be installed within the setback areas to provide an Integrated Management Practice (IMP) approach to stormwater management. 2) Preservation of natural drainage features Existing drainage generally sheet flows in a random fashion to the street frontage, then collected by the public storm drain system. The developed project will collect and channel runoff through integrated LID elements to the public storm drain. 3) Setbacks of creeks, wetlands, and riparian habitats There are no creeks, wetlands or riparian habitats adjacent to the project site. 4) Minimization of imperviousness Overall imperviousness has been consolidated by placing the structure over the parking area. Rather than have a structure with a separate parking area, the design places the paved parking area largely within the building footprint (underground garage). 5) Using drainage as design element Where possible, bioretention swales and sumps are installed around the structure and landscaped to provide an integrated drainage and treatment system. Prior to discharge, runoff from the impervious surfaces will, to the maximum extent practicable, discharge over landscaped areas to promote infiltration and/or vegetative contact. In selected areas, pervious pavement is used as an IMP Roof drains and decks will drain via downspouts to a storm water storage tank, which will then outflow into landscaped bioretention areas. Where practical, walkways are designed to drain over landscaped bioretention areas Page 14 of 27 prior to being collected by storm drain inlets. Summary: Vegetated bioretention areas are used to intercept and filter runoff where practical. To prevent potential pollutants from being discharged directly to storm drains, storm drain inlets are not installed within impervious surfaces. B. Use of permeable pavements Permeable pavements are used on a limited basis on this project: for the small driveway approach apron areas outside the parking garage level; the retail space entrance plaza at the corner of Lincoln and Oak, the auxiliary exit from the retail space to Oak Avenue, and the service room apron located along the Oak Avenue frontage. All permeable pavements are located within the project limits. C. Dispersal of runoff to pervious areas Dispersal of runoff is to landscaped areas, bioretention facilities, and cisterns (storage pipe). Most storm water will be treated through landscaped bioretention areas designed with an impermeable barrier so that runoff does not saturate native soils. Runoff is filtered through an engineered soil mix before being captured in an underdrain and conveyed to off-site storm drains. D. Use of Integrated Management Practices This project uses the following LID strategies for managing runoff from buildings and paving: 1. Optimize the site layout by designing the paving area to be largely within the building footprint (underground garage) to minimize the overall area of roofs and paving. 2. Use pervious "self-retained" surfaces such as landscaped lawn areas (e.g. lawn area on Lincoln St - see DMA plan). 3. Disperse runoff from impervious surfaces on to adjacent pervious surfaces (e.g., minor flatwork areas disperse onto lawn and landscape areas - see DMA plan). 4. Drain impervious surfaces to engineered Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) which include cisterns (storage pipe) and bioretention facilities, then infiltrate runoff to groundwater and/or percolate runoff through engineered Page 15 of 27 soil and allow it to drain away slowly, (this is the majority of the site - see DMA plan). E. Soil infiltration rates (if using self-retaining areas as an IMP) N/A - not using self-retaining areas as an IMP - an integrated LID approach is used. F. Capacity Calculations (if using self-retaining areas as an IMP) N/A - not using self-retaining areas as an IMP - an integrated LID approach is used. VII. Documentation of Drainage Design (for integrated LID approach) A. Drainage Management Areas 1) Tabulation See Exhibit VII-A-1 2) Descriptions Drainage management areas are shown on the attached DMA exhibit and consists of the following components. (a) The largest area of the site is the combined roof and deck area, which drains via inlets, gutters and downspouts to a self retaining cistern (storage pipe) in the east and south setback areas (part of the IMP, item VII.B. below); (b) Self treating bioretention areas along Oak Avenue (also part of the IMP); (c) Self treating landscape bioretention areas which run along the east and south property lines (also part of the IMP); (d) Flatwork along the south and east property lines which drain to the landscape bioretention areas (also part of the IMP); (d) Self-treating lawn areas along Lincoln Street; Page 16 of 27 B. Integrated Management Practices 1) Tabulation and sizing calculations See Exhibit VII-B-1 2) Descriptions The IMP devices consist of the following components. (a) A cistern (stormwater storage pipe) and pump well system will retain and then distribute stormwater to on-site bioretention areas. Stormwater is directed to the cistern from the building roof and deck areas via inlets, gutters and downspouts. Stormwater is pumped from the cistern to bioretention swales along Oak Avenue, where is it held and filtered and ultimately flows to the public storm drain system. (b) Bioretention swales along the east and south property lines which accept stormwater directly from adjacent flatwork. The stormwater is held and filtered and ultimately flows to the storm drain system. Page 17 of 27 VIII. Source Control Measures A. Description of site activities and potential sources of pollutants The proposed project will consist of a three three-level mixed use structure with residential living areas, roof decks, elevators, retail space, garages, driveways and underground parking areas. Potential sources of runoff pollutants will be: on-site drain inlets; floor drains; elevators; interior parking garage; structure pest control; landscape pest control and fertilizer; decorative fountain; trash areas; fire sprinkler test water; rooftop equipment and condensate drain lines; drainage sumps; roof gutters; sidewalks. B. Complete table showing sources, permanent source controls, and operational source controls. Potential source of runoff pollutants Permanent source control BMPs Operational source control BMPs On-site storm drain inlets Mark all inlets with the words "No Dumping! Flows to Bay" or similar. - Maintain and periodically repaint or replace inlet markings. - Provide stormwater pollution prevention information to new site owners, lessees, or operators. - See applicable operational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-44, "Drainage System Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com - Include the following in lease agreements: "Tenant shall not allow anyone to discharge anything to storm drains or to store or deposit materials so as to create a potential discharge to storm drains." Page 18 of 27 Interior floor drains and elevator shaft sump pumps State that interior floor drains and elevator shaft sump pumps will be plumbed to sanitary sewer. Inspect and maintain drains to prevent blockages and overflow Interior parking garages State that parking garage floor drains will be plumbed to the sanitary sewer. Inspect and maintain drains to prevent blockages and overflow. Need for future indoor & structural pest control. Note building design features that discourage entry of pests. Provide Integrated Pest Management information to owners, lessees, and operators. Landscape/ Outdoor Pesticide Use State that final landscape plans will accomplish all of the following. - Preserve existing native trees, shrubs, and ground cover to the maximum extent possible. - Design landscaping to minimize irrigation and runoff, to promote surface infiltration where appropriate, and to minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides that can contribute to stormwater pollution. - Where landscaped areas are used to retain or detain stormwater, specify plants that are tolerant of saturated soil conditions. Consider using pest- resistant plants, especially adjacent to hardscape. - To insure successful establishment, select plants appropriate to site soils, slopes, climate, sun, wind, - Maintain landscaping using minimum or no pesticides. - See applicable operational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-41, "Building and Grounds Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com - Provide IPM information to new owners, lessees and operators. Page 19 of 27 rain, land use, air movement, ecological consistency, and plant interactions. Decorative fountain If the local municipality requires pools to be plumbed to the sanitary sewer, place a note on the plans and state in the narrative that this connection will be made according to local requirements. See applicable operational BMPs in Fact Sheet SC-72, "Fountain and Pool Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com Refuse areas State how site refuse will be handled and provide supporting detail to what is shown on plans. State that signs will be posted on or near dumpsters with the words "Do not dump hazardous materials here" State how the following will be implemented: Provide adequate number of receptacles. Inspect receptacles regularly; repair or replace leaky receptacles. Keep receptacles covered. Prohibit/prevent dumping of liquid or hazardous wastes. Post "no hazardous materials" signs. Inspect and pick up litter daily and clean up spills immediately. Keep spill control materials available onsite. See Fact Sheet SC-34, "Waste Handling and Disposal" in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com Fire Sprinkler Test Water Provide a means to drain fire sprinkler test water to the sanitary sewer. See the note in Fact Sheet SC-41, "Building and Grounds Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks at www.cabmphandbooks.com Miscellaneous Drain or Wash Water: - Condensate drain lines may discharge to landscaped areas if the flow Page 20 of 27 - Condensate drain lines - Rooftop equipment - Drainage sumps - Roofing, gutters & trim is small enough that runoff will not occur. - Condensate drain lines may not discharge to the storm drain system. - Rooftop mounted equipment with potential to produce pollutants shall be roofed and/or have secondary containment. - Any drainage sumps on- site shall feature a sediment sump to reduce the quantity of sediment in pumped water. - Avoid roofing, gutters, and trim made of copper or other unprotected metals that may leach into runoff. Plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots. Plazas, sidewalks, and parking lots shall be swept regularly to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris. Debris from pressure washing shall be collected to prevent entry into the storm drain system. Washwater containing any cleaning agent or degreaser shall be collected and discharged to the sanitary sewer and not discharged to a storm drain. Page 21 of 27 IX. BMP Facility Maintenance Requirements A. Describe ownership and responsibility of maintenance of BMP's in perpetuity 1) Describe ownership and responsibility of maintenance of BMP's in perpetuity As of the date of this report, ownership and responsibility for the project resides with: Russell Lee Bennett, LLC Attention: Russell Bennett P.O. Box 356 Solana Beach, CA 92075 Construction phase: Responsibility during the construction phase shall reside with the licensed contractor who is responsible for overall project construction management. In the event the owner chooses to be the project manager, the responsibility will reside with the owner. Post Construction: Ownership and maintenance responsibility for all aspects of the project will reside with the property owner(s) as an entity (e.g. Homeowners Association) and severally (e.g. individually). Such property owner(s) shall be responsible for maintaining, monitoring, repairing and/or replacing all BMPs in perpetuity. Provisions for said responsibility by the property owner(s) shall be made a part of the project's CC&Rs and/or corporate records, if any. If all or any portion of the property is sold, responsibility will be transferred to future owners in the sale documents. Page 22 of 27 B. Summary of maintenance requirements for each stormwater BMP/IMP facility There will be a detailed monitoring, maintenance and replacement program associated with the CC&Rs. Following is a general summary. Stormwater storage tank, clean out & pump well Routine inspection of pipes, cleanouts and pump wells and maintenance as- needed to prevent blockages, stagnant water and overflow. System-wide check of the entire storm water storage and pump system by a licensed plumber including the storm water pump, controls and level settings on an annual basis and after major storms; annual inspection and maintenance of the roof, decks, gutters and downspouts. Landscaped bioretention sumps along Oak Avenue Routine inspection and maintenance of the landscape areas; Discourage and control use of pesticides or fertilizers; Utilize Fact Sheet SC-41, "Building and Grounds Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks; Checklist review, inspection and repair of all facilities on an annual basis and after major storms; Landscaped bioretention swales along the East and South property line Routine inspection and maintenance of the landscape areas; Discourage and control use of pesticides or fertilizers; Utilize Fact Sheet SC-41, "Building and Grounds Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks; Checklist review, inspection and repair of all facilities on an annual basis and after major storms; On-site storm drain inlets Routine inspection and maintenance of all inlets so that they are clear of debris and sediment and free flowing; Annual inspection by a licensed plumber. Interior floor drains Routine inspection and maintenance of all drains to prevent blockages and overflow; Annual inspection by a licensed plumber. Indoor and structural pest control Page 23 of 27 Provide Integrated Pest Management information to owners, lessees, and operators at lease signing and on an annual basis Fountain Routine inspection and maintenance of all pipes and drains to prevent blockages and overflow; Annual inspection by a licensed plumber; Utilize Fact Sheet SC-72, "Fountain and Pool Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks Refuse areas Routine inspection and maintenance; Provide adequate number of bins; Keep bins and containers covered; Prohibit/prevent dumping of liquid or hazardous wastes and post "no hazardous materials" signs; Inspect and pick up litter daily; Clean up spills immediately and keep spill control materials available onsite; Utilize Fact Sheet SC-34, "Waste Handling and Disposal" in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks; Annual cleaning of the entire area by a professional cleaning business; Fire sprinkler test water This is generally an annual test — contain and remove all test water and assure that it does not enter the storm drain system; See the note in Fact Sheet SC-41, "Building and Grounds Maintenance," in the CASQA Stormwater Quality Handbooks. Condensate drain lines Annual inspection and testing to assure they are free flowing, clear of obstructions and do not discharge into the storm drain system. Roofing, gutters, flashing trim and rooftop equipment Annual inspection to assure that all facilities are in good working order. Sidewalks and flatwork areas Flatwork, drives, entrances, stairs and parking lots shall be swept regularly to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris; Debris from pressure washing shall be collected to prevent entry into the storm drain system; Wash water containing any cleaning agent or degreaser shall be collected and Page 24 of 27 discharged to the sanitary sewer and not discharged to a storm drain; Annual inspection for settling, cracking and the like; Page 25 of 27 X. SWMP Certification Statements Civil Engineer's Statement The selection, sizing and preliminary design of stormwater treatment and other control measures proposed in this plan meet the requirements of the Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. R9-2007-0001 and subsequent amendments. Print Name: Michael K Pasko, P.E. Sign Name:Date: Owner's Certification I certify that, as owner of the property described herein, I have read and understand the requirements of this Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) and that I am responsible for ensuring that all storm water treatment measures described within said SWMP will be properly implemented, monitored and maintained. Print Name: Sign Name: /? Date: Page 26 of 27 Geotechnical Engineer's Statement The design of stormwater treatment and other control measures proposed in this plan requiring specific soil infiltration characteristics and/or geological conditions has been reviewed and approved by a registered Civil Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, or Geologist in the State of California. Print Name: Sign Name:Date: Record Plan Certification I certify that the above items for this project are in substantial conformance with the approved plans. Yes I I or No Print Name: Sign Name:Date: Page 27 of 27 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 « Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 EXHIBIT A-l VICINITY MAP c,TYorv,sTA LOCATION MAP TWOS BROS PG 1106 QUAD £-6 NOT TO SCALE VICINITY MAP CITY OF ENCINITAS Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 EXHIBIT VII-A-1 DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREAS DMA TYPE & SUB-AREA TABULATIONS Site DMA Map 1 Page DMA Sub-Area Key Map 1 Page DMA Site Area Tabulations 1 Page OAK AVENUE SELF TREATING - PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT SELF TREATING - PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT SELF TREATING PERVIOUS CONCRETEPAVEMENT LJ SELF TREATING LANDSCAPE AREA O O SELF TREATING •ERVIOUS CONCRETE -pPAVEMENT SELF TREATING LANDSCAPE AREA UPPER ROOF & DECK AREA DRAIN TO SELF RETAINING AREA (STORAGE PIPE) DMA EXHIBIT DMA EXHIBIT LEGEND DRAMS TO SELF RETAINING DRAMS TO IMP SELF RETAINMG SELF TREATING AREA SELF TREATING IMP ililk DRAINAGE MANAGEMENT AREAS DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK A _ REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL DATE HITIAL an APPROVAL SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAI LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING GRADING PUNS FOR: LINCOLN & OAK MIXED DMA PLAN ) SH«TS USE PROJECT NO. D CT 05-03 RAWING NO. 451— 7A I DMA SUB-AREA KEY MAP NO SCALE 248 DW2 39 SW6" 10 LS1" LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING MARCH 15, 2011 132 BR4 2,360 1ST FL DECKS, ROOF B2 10,496 2ND FLOOR DECKS, ROOF ROOFS - 129 B3 4 TOTAL ^\ 4 o 110 BR6 131 \_274 RW6 BR7 26 RW5 & ASSOCiateS, InC. 2525 PioPico Drive* Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 o (760) 753-1453 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT DMA Site Area Tabulations LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Comments: 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad This worksheet is a summary of all site use areas and types for this project. These areas are used on the project worksheets. The IMP treatment train for the building runoff is to drain to a cistern and then pump to a bioretention swale. The IMP treatment train for the sidewalk areas on the E and S side of the building is to drain directly to a bioretention swale adjacent to the sidewalk. Area Key Type General Location Area in Square Feet Type for SWMP B1 1 st floor decks B2 2nd floor roof + decks BR1 Bioretention Swale RW1 Retaining wall BR2 Bioretention Swale RW2 Retaining wall SW1 Sidewalk BR3 Bioretention Swale RW3 Retaining wall SW2 Sidewalk DW1 Drive BR4 Bioretention Swale RW4 Retaining wall SW3 Sidewalk B3 Ground Floor Roof BR5 Bioretention Swale SW4 Sidewalk RW5 Retaining wall BR6 Bioretention Swale SW5 Sidewalk RW6 Retaining wall B4 Ground Floor Roof BR6 Bioretention Swale SW6 Sidewalk LS1 Landscape area LS2 Landscape area DW2 Drive - previous pavers LS3 Landscape area SW7 Sidewalk Building 2,360 Drains to IMP Building 10,496 Drains to IMP Oak Frontage 158 IMP Oak Frontage 14 Drains to IMP Oak Frontage 202 IMP Oak Frontage 26 Drains to IMP Oak Frontage 55 Self Treating - Oak Frontage 254 IMP Oak Frontage 28 Drains to IMP Oak Frontage 14 Self Treating • Oak Frontage 257 Self Treating - Oak Frontage 132 IMP E side building 86 Drains to IMP E side building 374 Drains to IMP E'ly Side Yard 129 Drains to IMP E side building 170 IMP SE corner building 74 Drains to IMP SE corner building 26 Drains to IMP SE corner building 110 IMP S side building 484 Drains to IMP S side building 131 Drains to IMP S'ly Side Yard 205 Drains to IMP S side building 274 IMP SW corner at Lincoln 39 Self Treating - SW corner at Lincoln 10 Self Treating • Lincoln Frontage 180 Self Treating • Lincoln Frontage 248 Self Treating - Lincoln Frontage 560 Self Treating • NW Corner at bid entr 418 Self Treating- cistern, thentoBR1-3 cistern, then to BR1-3 Bioretention Swale BR1 Bioretention Swale BR1 - Pervious Concrete Bioretention Swale BR1 - Pervious Concrete - Pervious Concrete Bioretention Swale BR4 Bioretention Swale BR4 Bioretention Swale BR4 Bioretention Swale BR5 Bioretention Swale BR5 Bioretention Swale BR6 Bioretention Swale BR6 Bioretention Swale BR6 - Pervious Concrete - Landscape Area - Landscape Area - Pervious Concrete - Landscape Area - Pervious Concrete Total Site Area 17,514 Printed 3/17/2011 Page 1 of 1 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {Site Areas} Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 EXHIBIT VII-B-1 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IMP TABULATION AND SIZING CALCULATIONS DMA Sub-Area Key Map 1 Page Storm Water Storage Size Evaluation Calculations / Page 85th Percentile Isopluvial Map Excerpt 1 Page Storm Water Storage Volume Calculations 1 Page Bioretention Area Capacity Calculations 1 Page Storm Drain Plan w/ IMP Elements 1 Page Storm Water Storage Construction Details 2 Pages Storm Water Pump Specifications 2 Pages Storm Water Pump Controller Specifications / Pages IMP Calculations 8 Pages BMP Plan 1 Page DMA SUB-AREA KEY MAP NO SCALE 158 "BR1 _14 RW1 LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING MARCH 15, 2011 132 BR4 B1 2,360 1ST FL DECKS, ROOF /\ B2 10,496 2ND FLOOR DECKS, ROOF ROOFS - 4 TOTAL X. 205 B4 ROOFS - 8 TOTAL 110 BR6 484 SW5 26 "RW5 COR Way & ASSOCiateS, InC. 2525 PioPico Drive* Suite 102 •Carlsbad, CA 92008 o (760) 753-1453 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT Cistern Size Evaluation - First 1" of Runoff LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Unit Volume Conversion: 1st x 1" runoff x (1 ft/12 in) x 7.48 gal/cf = 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad 0.6233 gal/sf-inch Key Description B1 1 st Floor roof/decks B2 2nd Floor roof/decks Tributary Area 2,360 sf 1 0,496 sf Weighted Runoff Factor 1.0 1.0 Rainfall 0.6 in. 0.6 in. Unit Volume Conversion 0.6233 0.6233 Total = Storage Volume Required 883 gal 3,926 gal 4,808 gal Printed: 3/17/2011 Page 1 of 1 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {Store Req} Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 UUERNSTDF BUENA PALOMAR|RPORT '85 AQUA HEDIONDA LAGOON 33 6> \ , Excerpt From County of San Diego 85m Percentile Isopluvials Mapth Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT Cistern Volume Computations LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Date: 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad SLOPED STORM WATER 0+26.67 25.00' 49.15 0.50% 2.17' Station 0+26.67 0+51.67 0+76.67 1+01.67 1+26.67 1+51.67 1+76.67 2+01.67 STORAGE PIPE VOLUME Storage Pipe Starting Station Storage Pipe Station Increment Storage Pipe Starting I.E. 2.500 D: Pipe dia (ft) 1 .250 R: Pipe rad (ft) 4.909 A: Pipe area (ftA2) Storage Pipe Slope Storage Pipe Cumm. Length (ft.) 0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 PUMP WELL STORAGE - Well ht. 2.17ft CLEANOUT Well ht. 0.67ft Well dia. 36 in Depth - Max. I.E. 49.15 49.28 49.40 49.53 49.65 49.78 49.90 50.03 36" dia. Vol FtA3 15.3 51 .32 Max. water surface elevation d Storage Depth (ft.) 2.167 2.042 1.917 1.792 1.667 1.542 1.417 1.292 Volume in Vol gal 114.7 A Seg Area (ft.) 4.5197 4.2918 4.0383 3.7649 3.4764 3.1769 2.8698 2.5585 30" Storm Water Storage Pipe: Volume Ave. End (gai.) - 823.9 778.9 729.6 677.1 622.1 565.4 507.5 4,704.4 Cumm. Gal 4819.1 STORAGE - 3.5' x 3.5' Well dim. 3.5ft Vol FtA3 8.2 Vol gal 61.4 Cumm. Gal 4880.5 Stormwater Storage System Capacity: 4881 gal SUMMARY: The computed storage capacity for the stormwater cistern system assumes a starting water surface elevation of 49.15 (timer 2 start level) and a maximum water surface elevation of 51.32. Printed 3/17/2011 Page 1 of 1 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {Store Cap} Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT Cistern Draw Down - Bioretention Area Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Comments: 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Cistern holding the first 1" of runoff must draw down within 24 hours. Bioretention area must be large enough to percolate this total at a minimum rate of 5" per hour. A 5"/hr infiltration rate is assumed for all calculations. Reference Page 58, Section 2. Unit Volume Conversion = 1 sf x 1" runoff x (1712") x 7.48 gal/cf: Bioretention Areas Infiltration Capacity (based on 5"/hr) 0.6233 gal/sf-inch Bioretent Infiltration Area Rate 746 sf x Sin hr Maximum Infiltration Capacity 1 ft = 311 cf/hr 12 in 2,325 gph 39gpm Storage Volume 4,880 gal Min. Pump Down Time 2.1 hr 126 min Storm water storage draw down per Equation 4-8 on Page 58, Section 2 Volume (V) in Gallons 4,880 gal Pumping Rate over 4 hour period 1,220 gph 20gpm 0.05 cfs Conversion factor gal sf-inch 0.6233 Square Feet required per 1" of runoff 1,957sf Using 5" per hour infiltration rate 391 sf Required Total Bioretention planter area BR1 Total Bioretention planter area BR2 Total Bioretention planter area BR3 Total Bioretention planter area BR4 Total Bioretention area available for cistern draw down Summary: adequate bioretention area is available. 158sf 202 sf 254 sf 132sf 746 sf Q Pro- portioned 4.3 gpm 5.5 gpm 6.9 gpm 3.6 gpm Swale area Use 5 gpm 6 gpm 7 gpm 4 gpm 22 gpm available The cistern system will site store runoff for approximately six (6) hours before discharging it to the Oak Ave. bioretention areas. The CoSD hydrograph model "RatHydro" indicates a two (2) hour window for site runoff to finish from a 1" rainfall event. The additional four (4) hour wait time is used as a buffer. Stored runoff will be discharged to the bioretention areas at approx. 22 gpm over the span of four (4) hours. Total system turn-around time is 10 hours. Printed 3/17/2011 Page 1 of 1 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {Store Pump} SURFACE i O D STORM DRAIN DATA TABLE OAK AVENUE: GARAGE FLDWT'bRAIN NOTE: ALL CARAGE'JAREA FLOOR DRAINS SHALL BE ROUTED THROUGH AN OILYXWATER SEPARATOR DEVICE AND DISCHARGED TO THE BUILDING SANITARY SEWER PER SEPARATE PLUMBING PLANS AND PEtfMIT (TOTAL Of 3 FLOOR DRAINS) - RELATED INFORMATION .SHOWN HEREON IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY - SEE APPROVED PLUMBING PLANS AND PERMIT STORM DRAIN STORAGE SYSTEM NOTES: WORK ITEM ||e: 2" YENTS-TO-RQOF SEE-PL-UMBIN.G PLANS AND PERMIT---CONNECTION TO 30' HOPE PIPE PER DET-J/SHT 6 ~^m* OF 3 ~\,.mf»K ITT^ t\n- V. npAiiug renu pnnr nrnre AMn pnnr ^ LENGTH OF PIPE AND SLOPE ARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PIPE DOWNSTREAMOF THE INDICATED INLET NUMBER. ALL SO PIPE SHALL BE SOR-35 PVC PIPE W/ GASKETTED FITTINGS. GUTTERS - SEE PLUMBING PLANS AND PERMIT ~ CONNECTION TO 30" HOPE PIPE PER DET 3/S1T 6 I I.E. PER SDRSD D-27 (k BLOJK O EL UNDER NEW PCCJIJALKWAY- EX SO INLET / (48.94) TC ?(48.30) CURB a ^""rTiTM'TF-rrT^ 'e~~ jffTlOO^ r "I'.'.'^ui (linn 1*^11.....» *. i i *w" yg?£ i i; 0+26.67 ~ 49.15 I.E. BEG 30" HOPE SW STORAGE PIPE ~ STA 0+00 O OAK AVE. ROW 1 SEWER CLEAN OUT ~ EXTEND AT 45' Jc BRING RISER UP INTO PLANTERNOTES/ / ' / / • ' 1) ALL BUILDING ROOF AND DECK DRAINS S/ALL 6E ROUTED AND CONNECTED TO TH/ 30" «DPE .STORMWATER STORAGE PIPE PER DET ,2/SHT 6 ~ SEE ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL/ PLANS FOR / CONNECTION POINTS. < / / • , / 2)/ ALL ROOF /GUTTERS/ AN(> DECK DRAINS SHALli BE- FITTED WTty DEBRIS SCREENS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF ORGANIC / MATERIAL IN/THE STQRMWATER STORA6E PIPE ~ SEE / /ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL PLANS. / ) / I -1 / / l\ — /D / / / G \ \ ALU FLOli)R DRAIN SYSTEM MATERIAL AN& PRdDUCT SELECTION WITH N THE BUlLoiNGl PER PLUMBING PLAN! ~ SEE SHT 3 Fflp ADDITIONAL < < SEWER CLEAN OUT ~ EXTENDAT 45' * BRING RISER UP INTO PLANTER INDICATES BIORETENT10N LS AREA SET INLET RIM 2" ABOVE (UON) TS O C8" FS ELEVATION\_ INDICATES INLET AND STORM DRAINDATA - SEE TABLE AT RIGHT O STORM WATER CISTERN SYSTEM WORK TO BE DONE: 1 30" HOPE STORAGE PIPE: L-1701 O 0.50X ~ SEE SEC B-B/SHT 5 2 STORMWATER STORAGE PIPE CLEANOUT STRUCTURE PER DET 1/SHT 6 3 STORMWATER PUMP WELL PER DET 2/SHT 6 4 6" STORMWATER OVERFLOW LINE ~ TIE TO MAIN SO LINE 5 2" VENT LINE ~ SEE DET 3/SHT 6 6 6" OIA. CLEANOUT SIM TO CARLSBAD DWG S-6. COVER LABELED "SW 7 30" HOPE END CAP FITTING 8 2"» PUMP DISCHARGE LINE 9 2"0 PUMP DISCHARGE LINES' OUTFLOW SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY FULL PORT BALL VALVES ~ SEE FLOW RATE SCHEDULE, THIS SHEET 10 3" ROOF GUTTER & ROOF DECK DOWN DRAINS & SUBSURFACE LINES LOCATIONS PER PLUMBING PLANS & PERMIT PUMP DISCHARGE LINE FLOW RATE SCHEDULE OUTLET § FLOW RATE 1 4 CPM 2 7 GPM 3 6 GPM4 5 GPM V SEWER MAIN DATA TABLE (PRIVATE MAIN) NO. LENGTH 1 29.11' 2 144.16' 3 16.06' 4 59.98' 5 2.00' 6 28.95' 7 13.36' BEARING /DELTA N 55' 58' 34" E N 55' 55' 45" E N 10' 55' 45" E N 34' 01' 26" W N 34' 01' 26" W N 55' 58' 34" E N 55' 55' 45" E RESIDENTIAL LATERAL IN ROW ' RETAIL LATERAL IN ROW * SEG NOTES 49.67 49.67 49.67 49.6052.87 49.28 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.6052. 10 52.70 52.70 52.80 52.80 53.3054.17 54.57 54.97 45.00 45. 12 45.33 4563 459346.16 46.7647.815a 30 47. 25 54.00 50.00 54.40 50.2!54. 80 50. 77 45.00 45. 18 12 63- 45 33 23. 38-45. 63 30. 00- 45. 93 3tt 00- 46.16 1500- 46.76 30. Off 47. 81 22 75' 47. 25 I OX 55.47 55.30 51.34 -a 92% -a 92%-1. 002 -1.00% -1.50% -2.00% -2.00%-£00% 7.55' -36.42% 10. 58- -2. 00%28.031 88.421 22.45' -200% -Z. 00% -2.00% 2-14 14-15 15-1616-17 17-1818-1919-2020-21 21-22 82-23 23-24 24-25 25-26 27-28 27-28 21-29 19-30 49.50 49.90 49. 70 49. 70 49.20 49.2049. 80 49. 20 49. 30 49. 30 51.30 51.3052.80 52.80 5107 58.9053.17 5347 54.07 54.67 55.47 53.00 5330 5390 54.50 55.30 45.33 45.35 45.60 4564 4579 4588 45.97 46.52 47.02 47.06 47.38 47.94 48.50 49.0649.61 45.33 45. 35 1. 75' 45.60 85.68' 45.64 3.IT45. 79 15. 491 45.88 9. 14' 45. 97 a 96'46.52 27.52" 47.02 25.00'47. 06 I. 75' 47. 38 16. IS' 47.94 2aoO- 48.50 28.00-49.06 28.00- 49. 61 27. 391 49. 94 16. 65' 49. 40 49. 40 47. 02 49. 31 45 97 (VARIES) 51.9051.00 46. 16 49.26 47.0247. 14 45.97 47.90 46. 16 49.86 49.50 5 75' -8. 00% 4.95' -38.96% 556' -55.90% II. SO1 -8.00% EX CURB INLETAP CB - RIM = FS t 8'CB - RIM = FS « 8' CB - RIM = FS « 8' COCB - RIM = FS * 2' CO-APCBCBCB - RIM = FS » 2- CB - RIM = FS * 2- CB - RIM = FS * 8'CB - RIM = FS * Z-- END CBAP AP CBAP APCB CB CD-AP CB CB - RIMCB - RIM CB - RIMCB - RIM CB - RIMCB - RIM CD-AP CB-ENI TRENCH DRAIN - END TRENCH DRAIN - END 1 12x12 PVC IN-LINE BOX - NDS OR EQUAL 2 - I ITEM NOT USEB ) - 3 18x18 PRECAST IN-LINE BOX - BROOKS OR EQUAL 4 TRENCH DRAIN 5 CLEAN OUT •/ THREADED CAP t ENCLOSURE 6 ANGLE POINT - FITTING T TRAFFIC-RATED SURFACE STRUCTURE NOTESi 1) USE ATRIUM GRATES •/ CATCH BASINS IN LANDSCAPED AREAS 8) USE 6"-DIA PIPE FDR CATCH BASIN RISERS OSEWER LATERAL TABLE (PRIVATE) DROP LDC/ 6- (,' 6- TD 4' 4' 4' NODE UNIT STA I. E. SLDPE MAIN STA I. E. LEN < 1> 1+59. 87 LINCOLN ST - BLDG 1 RETAIL SS MAIN - 6' DIA - ST CL STA 1 MAIN 1+00. 05 43. 63 I. E. - EXISTING 8' PUBLIC SEWERWYE 1+01. 05 44. 63 - 1. 00' SS DEPTH 1+30. 001+43. 37 45.2145. 34 2.007. \.007. 49. 30 49.50 4.09' 4. 16' 2+35. 48 LINCOLN ST - BLDG 2 RESIDENTIAL SS MAIN - 6' DIA - ST CL STA = 1+00 0+99. 89 1+00. 891+30. 00 1+45. 331+72. 50 2+00. 50 2+08. 05 2+28. 50 2+74. 16 EXISTING 8' 1. 00' PUBLIC SEWER 0.83'0.83'0.83-0.83' 0.83'0.83' 0.83'0.83' 0.83'0.83' 1+46. 161*73. 33 2+01. 33 2+08. 88 2+29. 33 3+23. 023+51. 02 45. 8846. 1546. 43 46. 5046. 71 47. 65 47. 93 3. 00'a oo-3. 00- a oo-a oo- aoo-3.00- 49.52 53.30 53.50 53.80 53.90 54.4055. 40 55.40 54.88 54.43 54.40 NOTES: - CONTRACTOR TO CAREFULLY REVIEW ALL DATA AND CONNECTION POINTS BEFORE STARTING WORK OR RELYING ON THIS DATA FOR ANY CONTRACTUAL OR FINANCIAL PURPOSE. ALL CRITICAL POINTS OF CONNECTION ARE TO BE HELD VERIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR BEFORE START OF WORK. - ELEMENTS OF WORK LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC ROW ARE NOT A PART OF THIS PERMIT ANDARE SHOWN FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY - SEE DWG 451-7 - 6" MAIN - PRIVATE SEWER MAIN ~ SOR-35 PVC - 4" LATERAL - PRIVATE SEWER LATERAL ~ SDR-35 PVC - (1) TABLE STATIONING IS FOR 6" MAIN AND CONNECTION POINTS FOR 4" SERVICE LATERALS - SEE PLAN FOR ANY STATIONING RELATIVE TO 4" LATERALS REQUIRED TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TABLE 10' 5'10'20' SCALE: 1"=10' * NOT A PART OF THIS PERMIT ~ SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY ~ SEE DWG 451-7 SURVEY CONTROL NOTE: THE PROPERTY LINE, SETBACK. BUILDING LOCATION AND ALL BACKBONE STE AND UTILITY CONTROL DATA SHALL BE REVIEWED AND SET BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR. PRIOR TO START OF WORK A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY ALL DATA ON THIS PLAN AS WELL AS EXISTING FIELD CONNECTION POINTS. f ff-f TO FACE BLOCKcf-er BLOCK GRATE ~ SET 2"ABOVE FG FOR SWMPPETALS - SEE PLANS * PERMIT SEE DET 1/SHT 7 FOR WLYSrlE WALLSTRUCTURAL DETAL TRAFFIC-RATEDREMOVABLE TREE GRATE OVERALLEXPOSED HEIGHT FM FLOOR STARWEU. BEYOND 18* DEEP SANDY-LOAM MX- BMRETENTKM AREA MPERVKXJS MEMBRANE AROUND BMRETENTION AREA •MKADRAM 6200* DRAMAGE ASSEMBLY ALONG WALL STEM «/ "TREMCO 2SOGC* BUUtW WALLWATERPROOFMG PER ARCHPLANS GARAGE 8- CMU I WATERPROOFMG COMPOUND OR APPRt)EQUALS - TYP ALL SHE WALLSBACK OF WALL SUBDRAM ASSEMBLY EXIST GRADE (VARES) EXISTING CFFSnE FOOTMG DRAM ~ SEE SO SCHEDULE ON SHT 4 -60 FACE OF BUUMG ~ VARES- SEE BUUMW PLAN SEE BUUMG PLANS FOR ALLBUUMG, FOUNDATION * RETAMMG WALL WATERPROOFMC * PENETRATION (E.G. SEVER LATERAL)—• ARCHTECTURAL 54- 53- 52- 51 - 50- 48- 48- 47- 46- 48- VARES -67 -86 -55 -84 -S3 -52 -51 -SO -40 SEE BUUMG PLANS FOR ALL BUUMG. FOUNDATION * RETANMGWALL WATERPROOFMG * PENETRATION (E.G. SEWER LATERAL) DETALS - SEE ARCHTECTURAL PLANS * PERMIT FACE OF BUUMG ~ VARES ~ SEE BUUMG PLAN STAIRWELL DOWN DRAM MOUNTMCBRACKETS PER ARCH PLANS LI "i i_n SEWER LATERAL. PER SDRSD SS-02 END OF 45- *Y* IS LATERAL CONNECTION PT ~ FROM TMS POMT ON, SEE PLUMBMG PLANS * PERMTT BACK OF WALLSUBDRAM ASSEMBLYv-r CHAMFER AND PERFORATED SUBDRAM FOLLOWS TOPFOOTMC TYPICAL ~ OUTLET AT STREET FRONTAGE DO NOT TC TO SO LMES ~ TE TO SUBDRAM TIGHTLME - TYPICAL BOT OF RW FTG AT OR BELOWBOT OF OFF SHE WALL FTG -46 3-SACK SAND-CEMENT SLURRY 8ACKFLL OF SEWER TRENCH - SECTION A-A "TEND TO 6" MM AROUND PK APPROX SD RANGE ALONG ENTME S*LY -PL ~ SLURRY BACKFLL AT W ENDWHERE SD ELEV IS BELOW FOOTMG 4* BACK OF WALL SUBDRAM TIGHT LMEO IX ~ CONNECT TO BACK OF WALL DRAM LME AT 25' O.C. -APPROX. SEWER RANGE ALONG E PL 53 - 81 - 80- 48- 46- tf-2* TO FACE BLOCK 0*-6* BLOCK BLDG ROOF RUNOFF FROM RAM GUTTERS ATRIUM CRATE ~ SET 2* ABOVE FG FOR SWMP OVERALL EXPOSEDHEIGHTr ROOF DOWN DRAMPER ARCH PLANS TRAFFIC-RATED REMOVABLE^.TREE GRATE \CLEANOUTWYE w/ THREADED PLUG- TYPICALFOR EACH DOWNDRAM - SEE ARCH PLANS FM FLOOR SEE DET2/SHT7 FOR ElY SHE WALLSTRUCTURAL DETAL BUUMG WALL WATERPROOFMG PER ARCH VARES .-Su*5 CONNECTION SADDLE PER 30* PFE MNFR*S SPECS BACK OF WALL SUBDRAM ASSEMBLY FM FLOOR T 4VARESL.18* DEEP SANDY-LOAM MK~ BMRETENTKIN AREAMPERVNUS MEMBRANE AROUNDBMRETENTION AREA•MKADRAM 6200* DRAMACE ASSEMBLYALONG WALL STEM w/ TREMCO 250GC*WATERPROOFMG COMPOUND OR APPRTJEQUALS - TYP ALL SITE WALLS BKDRETENTION AREA 4* SUBDRAM 4* DOWN DRAM ~ SEE SOSCHEDULE ON SHT 4 BACK OF WALL SUBDRAM ASSEMBLY •W—ff-f \ CHAM iVFOOTt SEWER LATERAL PER SDRSD SS-02 END OF 45- *Y* IS LATERAL CONNECTION PT ~ FROM TMS POMT"ON. SEE PLUMBMG PLANS * PERMIT SECTION B-B •CHAMFER AND PERFORATED SUBDRAM FOLLOWS TOP FOOTMG TYPICAL ~ OUTLET AT STREET FRONTAGEDO NOT TE TO SD LMES ~ TE TO SUBDRAM TIGHT LME - TYPICAL APPROX. SD RANGE ALONG ENTKE E*LYPL - SLURRY BACKFLL AT N END WHERE SD ELEV IS BELOW FOOTMG 4" SCH 40 PVC SUBDRAM TIGHT LME OIX ~ CONNECT TO BACK OF WALL DRAM : LINES AT 25* O.C. APPROX. SEWER RANGE ALONG E PL 3-SACK SAND-CEMENT SLURRY BACKFLL OF SEWER TRENCH ~ EXTEND TO 6- MM AROUND PFE -61 -60 -58 -58 -87 -56 -Si -54 -53 -52 -51 -50 -48 -48 -47 -46 -45 SOUTH PL - TYPICAL SECTION ALONG PL WEST OF HOLDMG TANK - ELEVATIONS VARY, SEE PLAN EAST PL - TYPICAL SECTION ALONG PL - ELEVATIONS VARY. SEE PLAN NO SCALE A— A NOTESfc - ALL SUBDRAMS ARE 4* SCH 40 PERFORATED PVC PFE - ORIENT PERFORATIONS DOWN - BACK OF WALL SUBDRAM ASSEMBLY: ENVELOPE SUBDRAMS w/ 12* OF 3/4' WASHED GRAVEL WRAPPED w/ *MMAFI 140N" GEOFABRK OR APPROVED EQUAL - ALL BULDMG SANITARY SEWER (FROM THE LATERAL CONNECTION POMT AT THE PRIVATE MAM) - SEE PLUMBMG PLANS ft PERMTT - SEE BUUMG PLANS FOR ALL BUUMG. FOUNDATION * RETAMMG WALL WATERPROOFMG * PENETRATION (E.G. SEWER LATERAL) DETAILS - SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS * PERMIT - BORETENTKDN AREA LMEfc USE TRESTONE EPDM GEOMEM8RANT OR APPROVED EQUAL ~ ALL PFE PENETRATIONS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS - EXTEND SHE WALL WATERPROOFMG HORIZONTALLY ALONG TOP OF FOOTER 6* MMMUM BEYOND THE SUBDRAM ASSEMBLY SECTION B-B NOILS! - ALL SUBDRAMS ARE 4" SCH 40 PERFORATED PVC PFE - ORENT PERFORATIONS DOWN - BACK OF WALL SUBDRAM ASSEMBLY: ENVELOPE SUBDRAMS w/ 12" OF 3/4* WASHED GRAVEL WRAPPED w/ *MKAFI 140N* GEOFABRIC OR APPROVED EQUAL - ALL BUUMG SAMTARY SEWER (FROM THE LATERAL CONNECTION POMT AT THE PRIVATE MAM) - SEE PLUMBMG PLANS * PERMIT - SEE BUUMG PLANS FOR ALL BUUMG. FOUNDATION * RETAMMG WALL WATERPROOFMG * PENETRATION (E.G. SEWER LATERAL) DETAIS - SEEARCHITECTURAL PLANS * PERMIT - BHRETENTION AREA LMER: USE *FMESTONE EPDM GEOMEUBRANE* OR APPROVED EQUAL ~ ALL PFE PENETRATIONS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS - EXTEND SITE WALL WATERPROOFMG HORIZONTALLY ALONG TOP OF FOOTER 6* MMMUM BEYOND THE SUBDRAM ASSEMBLY 52- -4'-e*-LANDSCAPE LOCATIONVARES - SEE PLAN -S'-OT SIDEWALK LOCATION VARES - SEE PLAN PEDESTRIAN PROTECTIVE RALMG-PER SDRSO M-24 WHEREEVER H TO GRADE EXCEEDS 18* -5--0-- SOEWALK LOCATION VARES - SEE PLAN SEE BUUMG PLANS FOR ALLBUUMG * FOUNDATION WA1ERPROOFMG 48- 46- •LOFFEL* BLOCK,STACKED BLOCK WALLWITH OPEN JOMTS RALMG SUPPORT SETM8*DIAX1B'DPCCFTGOTHERWISE CONSTRUCT RALMG PER SDRSD M-24 18* DEEP SANDY-LOAM MK FOR SWMP MPERVNUS LMER 4* DOWNDRAM ~ SEE SO SCH ON SHT 4 SD UE. (AT SO MLET NO. 2) BMRETENTION AREA SUBDRAM M 12" GRAVEL POCKET FOOTMG EMBEDMENT TO BE MEASURED BELOWTHE BOTTOM OF -BMRETENTION SWALE.FOOTMG SHE MAY VARY, SEE ARCMTEC1URALPLANS. DETAIL 1 - TYPICAL DETAILS FOR OAK AVENUE FRONTAGE BIORETENTTON AREA TYPICAL SECTION OF BMRETENTION SWALE ALONG OAK FRONTAGE - MAY VARY, SEE PLAN OETML1 NOTES - BHRETENTION AREA LMER: USE *FRESTONE EPDM GEOMEMBRANE* OR APPROVED EQUAL ~ ALL PFE PENETRATIONS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS 2s: REVISION DESCRIPTION manmam.OTYWmVM. MEET •AS . EXP._DATE BY: MSPECTOR DATE CITY OFLAND DEVELOPMENT(JARLSBADIPENT ENGINEERING II 8 BADDH! FLUB FOB; UNCOLN ft OAK MIXED USE CONSTRUCTION DETAUS IF 04-11/CDP 04-30 APPROVED:GLEN K. VAN PESM iDEPUTYOTYBCTgER Pt 41204 BFUS 3/31/13 BATE DRAWING NOPROJECT Ntt I DRAWINGCT 05-03 I ^i- Oa o<n01 ao Q DETAIL NOTES MAXMUM WATER SURFACE ELEVATION 47 — TO PUMP WELL SEE DET 1/SHT8 3" GRAVEL BEDDMG-> 1 STORM WATER STORAGE PPE: 190 LF • 0.80% ~ 30" HOPE CULVERT */ GASKETTED WATER-TIGHT COUPUNCS ~ ADS N-12 OR EOMV; 80.00 LE. O VAULT FACE 2 MOORED SDRSD A-4 CLEANOUT: USE SORSO M-2 MANHOLE; CAST TOP TO MATCH SOEWALK GRADESPER PLAN; SLOPE BOTTOM O 5X MM PER DETAL; 3Jf x 3Jf OEM MTERMR DMENSMNS (PLAN):ROUNDED EDGES O PPE END ARE NOT REQUIRED 3 PPE CONNECTOR PER SDRSD SM-04 4 6* ATRIUM GRATE ~ FMSH VAULT BASE «/ TOP OF FLANGE BASE AT OR BELOW PLANE OF VAULT BASEPCC - NO PONDMG HtMMIILD 5 PCC SLOPED BOTTOM FU. ~ r TMCK MMMUM 8 8*-WOE PCC BAFFLE WALL PER SDRSD G-6 TYPE B-1 CURB. MOOTED: W-«*. VERTICAL CURB FACESBOTH SUES; BAFFLE WALL ACROSS ENTKE MOTH OF VAULT; 7 6* SDR-38 PVC DRAM PPE w/ GASKETTEDFTTTMGS- TO PUMP WELL 8 REMOVABLE 3/4* x 3/4* X 1/8* 304 SS ANGLE BRACKETS (4 EA) FASTENED TO VAULT SURFACES w/ 1/4* 306L SS BOLTS * THREADED LUGS O 12" O.C, EPOXY LUGS WTO PCC WALLS ft CURB "ADSORB-rr/AM" ANTMCROBLAL FLTRATMN FABRIC > BY X-TEX PRODUCTS OR ECMV SEDMENT WELL LMER ~ TOP OF FABRIC BASKET SECURED TO WALLS w/ SS ANGLE BRACKETS BOLTED M PLACE 10 8-EA r-DIA PVC PPE BAFFLE WALL DRAM PORTS O 9% SLOPE O 8" O.C. 11 8"-01A SDR-35 STORM DRAM OVERFLOW PPE ~ LE. OF 8* OVERFLOW LME • 4* BELOW CROWN ELEVATION OF 30* STORAGE PPE ~ OVERFLOW LJNECONNECTS TO MAM STORM DRAM SYSTEM DETAIL 1 STORAGE PIPE CLEANOUT WESTERLY INTO SITE ff DM ADJONER) . 2" PVC VENT PPES LOCATIONS PER PLAN~ SEE PLUMBMG PLANS AND PERMIT 2" DISCHARGE LINE ITO OAK AVENUE'BIORETENTION AREAS SOLDTRAFFIC-RATED - COVER FIBERGLASS ANTI-FLOTATION FLANGE ~ AT ¥01. BOTTOM LEAD - STANDBY PUMP ARRANGEMENT ~ PUMPDESBNATWNS ALTERNATED EACH CYCLE BY PUMP THE CONTROLLER 304 SS FLOAT BRACKET w/ (3) CHORD OOPS * - FLOATS PLAN ELECTRICAL CONDUIT TO GARAGE 3/16* 304 SS UFTMG CABLE - w/ SS WALL BRACKET ~ EACH PUMP (DP) 2" NPT DISCHARGEFLANGE COUPLMG SOLENOD CONTROL VALVE w/ ACCESS VAULT TO GRADE NOTES! 1) THE PUMP WELL ASSEMBLY SHOWN HEREON IS A 3-FOOT DM. X /-TALL FBERGLASS UNIT w/ 2-MCH ANTI-FLOTATION BASE FLANGE BY TOPP MDUSTRES MC. AN EQUAL PUMP WOL ASSEMBLY MAY BE SUBSTITUTED PENDMO WRITTENREVEW VERVICATION BY THE ENGMEER OF WORK PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. MSTALL PUMP WELL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 2) PUMP CONTRACTOR SHALL FELOHNSTALL THE 4* MLET HUB ON THE PUMP WELL ~ USE TOPP MDUSTRCS MC. 4* MLET HUBS (Tl MLET CONNECTION) OR EQUAL 3) GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TRANSmON THE 4* SUBORAM INLET UNE TO THE PUMP WELL USMG A 4* VERTICAL RISER THE RISER SHALL TERMMATE AT 3* BELOW FMBHED GRADE USMG AN 4* SCREWED PLUG FOR CLEANOUT ACCESSPURPOSES. ENCASE CLEANOUT ASSEMBLY USMO A TRAFFIC-RATED ENCLOSUREAND CAST-MON COVER SET TO FMBHED GRADE. 4) MSTALL THE 2* PUMP DISCHARGE UNE AT A +1% MMMUM SLOPE TOWARDS THE OAK AVENUE BKMETENTKM AREA DISCHARGE POUTS. 5) THE PUMP CONTROL SET POUTS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE HEIGHT ABOVE THE WELL MVERT ELEVATION. 6) ALL PPE AND FTTTMGS WiTHM THE PUMP WELL SHALL BE BRASS OR 304 STAMLESS STEEL. 7) THE PLAN * SECTION VEWS ARE OUT OF PLANE. 8) SOLENOD CONTROL VALVE: OPEN M THE PUMP 'ON* CONDITION ONLY. •) PUMP SELECTION: MEYERS MODEL SRM4. 1/4 HP OR EQUAL; SYSTEM DESIGNIS BASED A 22 GPM MAXMUM OUTFLOW. 10) THE PUMP DISCHARGES TO FOUR BKJRETENTON AREAS LOCATED ALONG THE OAK AVENUE ROW FRONTAGE - SEE SHEET 4 FOR ADDITIONAL DETALS.THE FLOW TO EACH DISCHARGE LOCATION IS CONTROLLED BY M-UNE VALVES ATOUTLET. CLEANOUT PER DET 1/SHT6 DOWN DRAMS FROM BULDMGROOF GUTTERS * DECK DRAMS TO STORM WATER STORAGEPPE ~ SEE PLUMBMG PLANS AND PERMTT SCH 40 PVC OR ABS w/WATER-TIGHT JOMTS ~ PPE SIZE PER ARCHITECTURALPLANS AND PERMTT CONNECTION SADDLE PER 30* PPE MNFR*S SPECS ~ LOCATIONS PROVDED BY PLUMBMG CONTRACTOR 30* DM STORM WATER STORAGE PPE - NDS N-12 HOPE w/ CASKETEOJOMTS OR EQUAL L-179 LF NOTE: (1.751 - MWCATES DISTANCEFROM PUMP Wa UMP DISCHARGE UNE TO OAK AVENUE THREADED COUPLMG 2" W ELBOW 2* CHECK VALVE TEE ~ FROM PUMP 2 2" DISCHARGE RISER PPE ~ TYP EACH PUMP 2" GATE VALVE - TYP EACH PUMP 2" THREADED UMON COUPLMG ~ TYP EACH PUMP SDR-35 PVC STORM WATER STORAGE PPEMLETLME 8* MLET HUB 2* ANTI-FLOTATION FLANGE ROCK BEDDMG PER MANUFACTURER'S MSTALLATKM SPECS DETAIL 3 DETAIL 2 NO SCALE PUMP WELL NO SCALE 1 CONNECTIONS OA1E ENOHCEX OFKMK A REVISION DESCRIPTION DA1C M1UL 01WM JVPMWIL Mil MUM. QTY APPROVAL SHEET6 "AS BUILr RCE rat DATE REVEWED BY: MSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARISBADll9^LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING M O ojuDon rum F LINCOLN ^vH3 APPROVED: OWN BY: 1ENCHKD B* MKPRVWD BY: it OAK MIXED USE rlnUlMlUN 1AIML3 DP 04-tl/COP 04-30 GLEN K. VAN PESW !PE 41204 EXHCS 3/31/13 DATE PROJECT NO. HDRAWMG NO. CT 05-03 I 451-7A 3 I O O SRM4 4/10 Horsepower Residential Sewage Pump T HE SRM4 MINI NON-CLOG PUMP IS THE MOST RELIABLE 4/10 HORSEPOWER RESIDENTIAL SEWAGE PUMP AVAIL- ABLE TODAY. The SRM4 is a plumbers/contractors dream ... It will not clog! Its recessed impeller design allows 2" solids to pass Ireely through the volute without the chance of jamming the impeller. The SRM4 series pump has a national field-proven record of reliability. Look to your Myers distributor tor the answer to your residential sewage handling needs ... and across the counter will be the Myers mini non-clog, the SRM4, It works lor you! For more infor- mation, call your Myers distributor today, or the Myers Ashand, Ohio sales office at 419/289-1144. ISO 9001 Registered Quality System BY DURABLE MOTOR WILL DELIVER MANY YEARS OF RELIABLE SERVICE. • Oil-filled motor for maximum heat dissipation and continuous bearing lubrication. • Overload protected shaded pole motor eliminates starting switches, • Recessed vertex impeller provides minima! radial loading for long bearing lite, THE SRM4P IS ENGINEERED FOR MANY YEARS OF MAINTENANCE-FREE OPERATION. • Wide-angle piggy-back float switch tor maxi- mum draw down, (Automatic models) » Pump can be operated manually by unplug- ging piggy-back switch and plugging pump directly tnto outlet (Automatic models). " Recessed vorlex impeller operates completely out o! volute and provides free flow through passage lor solids and liquids. raw sewage, eSISuent, dram water 4'IC HP shaded pole 1S5G RFM Electrical 5-9 2 in.60.8 mm 457 rnrn 762 mm Construction Materials Mo'or Housing Volute Case Impeller Power Ccrd Mechanical Seal cast iron, Class 30, ASTM cast iron, Class 30. ASTM A48 A43 recessed, thermoplastic 20 it 16/3 SJTW/SJTW-A carbon and ceramic WHERE INNOVATION MEETS TRADITION Myers Pentair Pump Group SRM4 4/10 Horsepower Residential Sewage Pump DIMENSIONS MECHANICAL FLOAT SWITCH Mercury-free, 90° angle operation. (Piggyback models only). 4/10 HP MOTOR Pressed in place and Oil-lined tor best alignment and heat transfer Bu.l n overload prot'v'ic "• DUAL THRUST WASHERS, SLEEVE BEARINGS Oil lubricated. -"" •'nance smooth .jeration and - extend pump iiie l x POWER COED Quick-disconnect watertight lilting. MOTOR HOUSING - - . ' heavy cast iron tor ,^ i ,'_ - l'~ oncieni heat tansier CAST IRON VOLUTE Passes 2" diameter "solids. *. - p . • C'^ ;O' • »' -- »4^ CAPAcrry UTERS PER MSNUT^ £0 t20 1M 3r5S 240 Mfi MECHANICAL SHAFT SEAL Carbon and ceramic iacss. body is stationary, prevents string or trash from winding on seal RECESSED IMPELLER Operates out of volute passage, allowing maximum flow of liquids and solids. »8 33 M « SC Kl 70 CAC&CSTV 6AU.ONS PER MINUTE K3305 10/01 Printed in U.S.A. ®Myers9 Pentair Pump Group F, E. Myers, 1101 Myers Parkway. Ashland, Ohio 44805-1969 419/289-1144, FAX: 419/289-6658, vww.femyers.com (Canada). 269 Trillium Drive, Kitchener. Ontario N2G W5 519/748-5470. FAX: 519/T48-2553 MODEL 122 control Panel Single phase, duplex alternating pump control with override. The Model 122 control panel is designed to alternately control two 120, 208, or 240 VAC single phase pumps in water and sewage installations. The alternating action equalizes pump wear. In addition to the alternating pump control, this system provides override control should either pump fail. If an alarm condition occurs, an alarm switch activates the audio/visual alarm system. Common applications include pump chambers, sump pump basins, irrigation systems and lift stations. PANEL COMPONENTS 1. Enclosure measures 10 X 10 X 6 inches (25.4 X 25.4 X 15.24 cm). Choice of NEMA1 (steel for indoor use), or NEMA 4X (ultraviolet stabilized thermoplastic with removable mounting feet for outdoor or indoor use). Note: Options selected may increase enclosure size and change component layout. 2. Magnetic Motor Contactors control pumps by switching electrical lines. 3. HOA Switches for manual pump control (mounted on circuit board). 4. Control Circuit Board provide? pump control and alternation. 5. Green pump Run Indicator Lights (mounted on circuit board). 6. Circuit Breakers (optional) provide pump disconnect and branch circuit protection. 7. Ground Lugs 8. Float Status Indicator Lights (mounted on circuit board). 9. Control and Alarm Power Indicator Lights (mounted on circuit board) 10. Auxiliary Alarm Contact, form C (mounted on circuit board). NOTE: Schematic is located inside the panel on enclosure cover. 0 Model Shown 1221W114X6A STANDARD ALARM PACKAGE 11. Red Alarm Beacon provides 360° visual check of alarm condition. Note: NEMA 1 style utilizes a door mounted indicator in lieu of a beacon. 12. Alarm Horn provides audio warning of alarm condition (83 to 85 decibel rating). Note: NEMA 1 style utilizes an internally mounted buzzer in lieu of horn. 13. Exterior Alarm Test/Normal/Silence Switch allows horn and light to be tested and horn to be silenced in an alarm condition. Alarm automatically resets once alarm condition is cleared. 14. Horn Silence Relay (mounted on circuit board). NOTE: other options available. FEATURES Entire control system (panel and switches) is UL Listed to meet and/or exceed industry safety standards Dual safety certification for the United States and Canada Standard package includes three 20' SJE SignalMaster* control switches Complete with step-by-step installation instructions /Sr\ c(VUusThree-year limited warranty .. SEE BACKSIDE FOR COMPLETE LISTING OF AVAILABLE OPTIONS. PO Box 1708, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502 1-888-DIAL-SJE • 1-218-847-1317 1-218-847-4617 Fax email: sje@sjerhombus.com www.sjerhombus.coni Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT First 1" Runoff Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Comments: 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Bioretention Area BR1, BR2, BR3: It is required that the first 1" of rainfall over the study area will soak into the soil and produce no runoff. This worksheet looks at specific bioretention area(s) to check this requirement. Bioretention areas percolate at a minimum rate of 5" per hour. (Assumed rate used for all computations). Reference Pages 49, 52 & 58, Section 2. Oak Avenue Frontage Areas that make up this bioretention area group: Key BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 Area of Bioretention Swale in SF 158sf 202 sf 254 sf 132sf At 5"/hr perk rate, it could treat (5x area)* 790 sf 1,010sf 1 ,270 sf 660 sf Tributary area it could treat (4x area)* 632 sf 808 sf 1,016sf 528 sf * based on 1" storage depth w/in biorentention area group 746 sf BR area used Areas tributary to this bioretention area group: (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) B1 B2 RW1 RW2 RW3 2,360 sf 1 0,496 sf 14 sf 26 sf 28 sf Ratio of bioretention areas to source areas 12,924sf Source area total 0.058 BR:Source ratio > 0.04 min - OK Summary: Bioretention area is adequate Summary: Maximum allowable source area tributary to bioretention areas (BR area/0.04): 18,650 sf Areas tributary to this bioretention area group: -12,924 sf Additional Area in SF that could drain to this bioretention area group: * 5,726 sf (1) Indicated areas drain to a stormwater storage pipe, which is pumped out to the bioretention areas eight (8) hours after the rain event (2) Indicated areas drain directly to bioretention areas Printed 3/17/2011 Page 1 of 8 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {1" ck - Oak swl} Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT First 1" Runoff Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Comments: 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Bioretention Area BR4. It is required that the first 1" of rainfall over the study area will soak into the soil and produce no runoff. This worksheet looks at specific bioretention area(s) to check this requirement. Bioretention areas percolate at a minimum rate of 5" per hour. (Assumed rate used for all computations). Reference Pages 49, 52 & 58, Section 2. Easterly Sidevard Areas that make up this bioretention area group: Key BR5 Area of Bioretention Swale in SF 170sf At 5"/hr perk rate, it could treat (5x area)* 850 sf Tributary area it could treat (4x area)* 680 sf * based on 1" storage depth w/in biorentention area group 170 sf BR area used Areas tributary to this bioretention area group: SW3 RW4 B3 374 sf 86 sf 129sf Ratio of bioretention areas to source areas 589 sf Source area total 0.289 BR:Source ratio > 0.04 min - OK Summary: Bioretention area is adequate Summary: Maximum allowable source area tributary to bioretention areas (BR area/0.04): 4,250 sf Areas tributary to this bioretention area group: -589 sf Additional Area in SF that could drain to this bioretention area group: * 3,661 sf Printed 3/17/2011 Page 2 of 8 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {1" ck - E swl} Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT First 1" Runoff Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Comments: 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Bioretention Area BR5. It is required that the first 1" of rainfall over the study area will soak into the soil and produce no runoff. This worksheet looks at specific bioretention area(s) to check this requirement. Bioretention areas percolate at a minimum rate of 5" per hour. (Assumed rate used for all computations). Reference Pages 49, 52 & 58, Section 2. Southeasterly Sideyard Corner Areas that make up this bioretention area group: Key BR6 Area of Bioretention Swale in SF 110sf At 5"/hr perk rate, it could treat (5x area)* 550 sf Tributary area it could treat (4x area)* 440 sf * based on 1" storage depth w/in biorentention area group 110 sf BR area used Areas tributary to this bioretention area group: SW4 RW5 74 sf 26 sf Ratio of bioretention areas to source areas 100 sf Source area total 1.100 BR:Source ratio > 0.04 min - OK Summary: Bioretention area is adequate Summary: Maximum allowable source area tributary to bioretention areas (BR area/0.04): 2,750 sf Areas tributary to this bioretention area group: -100 sf Additional Area in SF that could drain to this bioretention area group: * 2,650 sf Printed 3/17/2011 Page 3 of 8 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {1" ck - SE cor swl} Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT First 1" Runoff Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Comments: 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Bioretention Area BR6. It is required that the first 1" of rainfall over the study area will soak into the soil and produce no runoff. This worksheet looks at specific bioretention area(s) to check this requirement. Bioretention areas percolate at a minimum rate of 5" per hour. (Assumed rate used for all computations). Reference Pages 49, 52 & 58, Section 2. Southerly Sideyard Areas that make up this bioretention area group: Key BR7 Area of Bioretention Swale in SF 274 sf At 5"/hr perk rate, it could treat (5x area)* 1,370sf Tributary area it could treat (4x area)* 1,096sf * based on 1" storage depth w/in biorentention area group 274 sf BR area used Areas tributary to this bioretention area group: SW5 RW6 B4 484 sf 131 sf 205 sf Ratio of bioretention areas to source areas 820 sf Source area total 0.334 BR:Source ratio > 0.04 min - OK Summary: Bioretention area is adequate Summary: Maximum allowable source area tributary to bioretention areas (BR area/0.04): 6,850 sf Areas tributary to this bioretention area group: -820 sf Additional Area in SF that could drain to this bioretention area group: * 6,030 sf Printed 3/17/2011 Page 4 of 8 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {1" ck - S swl} Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT Required Bioretenton Area Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Bioretention Swale runs along Oak Avenue Frontage - see plan. All roof and deck areas will drain to cistern and then to the bioretention area. This table demonstrates that the bioretention area provided meets or exceeds the minimum required bioretention area. Reference Page 57, Section 2 Building Runoff Key DMA Name DMA Area (Square Feet) Post- project surface type DMA DMA Area Runoff x runoff factor factor Soil Type p IMP Name Oak Frontage Bioretention BR1-BR3 Swales B1 B2 1st fir Decks Roof & 2nd fir decks 2,360 sf 1 0,496 sf Impervious Impervious 1.0 1.0 2,360 sf 1 0,496 sf Total | 12,856 sf | Min IMP Size factor 0.04 Minimum Bioreten Area Proposed Bioreten Area Type 514 sf 746 sf IMP Area Calculation for Proposed Bioretention Area Bioretention Swale Area along Oak Frontage BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 Planter Planter Planter Planter 158sf 202 sf 254 sf 132sf Sand-loam Sand-loam Sand-loam Sand-loam Total 746 sf |0.06 > 0.04 min-OK Printed 3/17/2011 Page 5 of 8 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls (Tbl 4-7 - bldg) Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT Required Bioretenton Area Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Bioretention Swale runs along Oak Avenue Frontage - see plan. All roof and deck areas will drain to cistern and then to the bioretention area. This table demonstrates that the bioretention area provided meets or exceeds the minimum required bioretention area. Reference Page 58, Section 2. Easterly Sidevard Runoff Key DMA Name DMA Area (Square Feet) Post- project surface type DMA DMA Area Runoff x runoff factor factor Soil Type IMP Name B E PL Bioretention Swale BR4 SW3 RW4 B3 Sidewalk Ret Wall Grd Roof 374 sf 86 sf 129sf Impervious Impervious Impervious 1.0 1.0 1.0 374 sf 86 sf 129sf IMP Sizing factor Minimum Bioreten Area Proposed Bioreten Area Total | 589 sf | | 0.04 | | 24 sf | 170 sf | IMP Area | Calculation for Proposed Bioretention Area Bioretention Swale Area along Oak Frontage BR5 Planter 170sf Sand-loam Total 170 sf |0.29 |>0.04min-OK Printed 3/17/2011 Page6of8 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {Tbl4-7- E swl) Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT Required Bioretenton Area Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Bioretention Swale runs along Oak Avenue Frontage - see plan. All roof and deck areas will drain to cistern and then to the bioretention area. This table demonstrates that the bioretention area provided meets or exceeds the minimum required bioretention area. Reference Page 58, Section 2. Southeasterly Sidevard Corner Runoff DMA Post- Area project DMA (Square surface Key Name Feet) type DMA DMA Area Runoff x runoff factor factor Soil Type IMP Name B SE corner Bioretention Swale BR5 SW4 RW5 Sidewalk Ret Wall 74 sf 26 sf Impervious Impervious 1.0 1.0 74 sf 26 sf IMP Sizing factor Minimum Bioreten Area Proposed Bioreten Area Total 100 sf 0.04 4sf 110sf IMP Area Calculation for Proposed Bioretention Area Bioretention Swale Area along Oak Frontage BR6 Planter 110sf Sand-loam Total 110sf 1.10 >0.04min-OK Printed 3/17/2011 Page 7 of 8 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {Tbl 4-7 - Cor swl) Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 SWMP REPORT EXHIBIT Required Bioretenton Area Evaluation LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 03/15/11 City of Carlsbad Bioretention Swale runs along Oak Avenue Frontage - see plan. All roof and deck areas will drain to cistern and then to the bioretention area. This table demonstrates that the bioretention area provided meets or exceeds the minimum required bioretention area. Reference Page 58, Section 2. Southerly Sidevard Runoff DMA Post- Area project DMA (Square surface Key Name Feet) type DMA DMA Area Runoff x runoff factor factor Soil Type IMP Name B S PL Bioretention Swale BR6 SW5 RW6 B4 Sidewalk Ret Wall Gnd Roof 484 sf 131 sf 205 sf Impervious Impervious Impervious 1.0 1.0 1.0 484 sf 131 sf 205 sf IMP Sizing factor Minimum Bioreten Area Proposed Bioreten Area Total | 820 sf | | 0.04 | | 33 sf | 274 sf | IMP Area | Calculation for Proposed Bioretention Area Bioretention Swale Area along Oak Frontage BR7 Planter 274 sf Sand-loam Total 274 sf 0.33 >0.04min-OK Printed 3/17/2011 Page 8 of 8 10004_SWMP_calcs_110315a.xls {Tbl 4-7 - S swl) OAK AVENU -s- / OS) PERVIOUS -CONCRETE PAVEMENT P StORMWATER SELR TREATING - AREA STORMWATEI^ SELF TREATING! — AREA - BIORETENTION AREA \ aocoaoaoOQODoacoODQQoacooacoQDDOcoaoDQOaaoaODQDDQDD OGOODDODDODDacoaOCDD ?°°P ~ BIORETENTION AREA & ^>s iirm* *j * * * * ** „, "«, * * g * *. iOC!:ocac30000jcaaa 3t3T?tT pqDDQCbapaocaoqoqc PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT BLD 1 © RAVIOLIS CONCRETE - PAVEMENT aaaaaaoaooaocaoaaaoaoDcao ao aoo aa oaaanaaaaooaaDQaODQDDaaC DDDDaDDElaaoaooociaoooaaoGDDDoaaooaaoaaooG I . „ -'GARAGE'FLOOK INLET'DRAINS''TO-AN", - ' -.-\' DIE-WATER SEPARATA WHICH DISCHARGES.-'W TO Wt£ SANITARY SEWER ~ -CONTRACTOR TO , ' PLUG INLET DURING,CONSTRUCTION ~ SEE ' ' .ARCH PLU.WBINS ?q«!lS * PERMIT' _, ; '. • , /" <3)\-BIORETENTION AREA STORWWATER POMP^ VELL.-PER- GRADING PLAN DET 2/SHT-6- it^^ BIORETENTION H AREA 30' HOPE STORAGE PIPE L-1751 O 0.50* SEE GRADING |LAN SEC j— B-B/SHT 5 fl VENTS TO BE CONSTRUCTION BMP TABLE BMP 10 1 BMP TYPE SYMBOL CASOA NO.QUANTITY DRAWING NO. | SHEET NO.(S)INSPECTION FREQUENCY MAINTENANCEFREQUENCY CONSTRUCTION SIGN OFF TREATMENT CONTROL GXz) <SKD (SMS) (OXjs) ROOF DRAIN TO IMP STORAGE IMP STORAGE TANK & PUMP BIORETENTIONAREA BIORETENTIONAREA • WM • * « » 4 SD-11 SO-11 TC-32 TC-32 7 EA 4881 GAL 746 SF 554 SF DWG 451 -7A DWG 451 -7A DWG 451 -7A DWG 451-7A 4-6 4-6 3-5 3 MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY SEMI-ANNUAL SEMI-ANNUAL MONTHLY MONTHLY LOW IMPACT DESIGN (L.I.D.) <&® ®@ PERVIOUS CONCRETE SELF TREATING LAWN Baaao q \'-'\ SO- 20 SO-10 505 SF 740 SF DWG 451-7A DWG 451-7A 3 3 SEMI-ANNUAL MONTHLY ANNUAL MONTHLY SOURCE CONTROL © @ OIL WATER SEPARATOR MANUAL SEPARATOR m TC-40 SD-32 1 EA 1 EA DWG 451 -7A DWG 451-7A 4 4 MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY 10-16 GARAGE REFUSelROOM ~ SITE CONSTRUCTION F EFUSE ft RECYCLED MATE) IALS WILL BE HANDLED ft STOKED FOR PICKUP CONTRACTOR SHJUJ. PLUG DRAIN DURING CONSTRI CTION ~ SEE ARCH PLUMBING PLANS ft PERMIT SWMP NO.. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT DOCUMENT: YES X NO RECORDATION NO. PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE: NAME LINCOLN It OAK. LLC CONTACT: RUSSELL LEE BENNETTADDRESS P.O. BOX 356SOLANA BEACH. CA 92075 PHONE NO. PHONE NO. (760) 840-0364 PLANS PREPARED BY: MICHAEL K. PASKO, R.C.E. 41022 CONWAY AND ASSOCIATES. INC. 2525 PIO PICO DRIVE. SUITE 102 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 (760) 753-1453 BIORETENTION AREA i GARAGE FLOOR ilNLET DRAINS TO AN OIL-WATER SEPAERATOR, WHICH DISCHARGES TO THE SANITARY SEWER - CONTRACTOR TO PLUG INLET DURING CONSTRUCTION » SEE ARCH PLUMBING PLANS ft PERMIT NAME COMPANY ADDRESS PHONE BMP NOTES: 1. THESE BMPS ARE MANDATORY TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS OR THESE PLANS. 2. NO CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED BMPS ON THIS SHEET WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 3. NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE MATERIAL OR TYPES OR PLANTING TYPES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 4. NO OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED UNTIL THE CITY INSPECTION STAFF HAS INSPECTED THIS PROJECT FOR APPROPRIATE BMP CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION. VERIFIED BY: INSPECTOR DA It DATE ENGINEER INITIAL Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE OTHER AP INITIAL •PROVAL DATE an AP INITIAL PROVAL 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 1 BMP SHE PUN LINCOLN ft OAK MIXED USE PERMANENT BMPs RP 04-11/COP 04-30 APPROVED:GLEN K. VAN PESKI DEPUTY cmr ENSMEER PE 41204 EXPIRES 3/31/13 DWN BY: TFN CHKD BY: MKPRVWD BY: DATE PROJECT NO. II DRAWING NO. CT 05-03 |[45i-7sw I Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 ATTACHMENT 1 STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE CARLSBAD FORM E-34 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov INSTRUCTIONS: To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new development and significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP's) into the project design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). To view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineering Standards (Volume 4, Chapter 2) at www.carlsbadca.gov/standards. Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision, discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to 'Standard Stormwater Requirements' or be subject to additional criteria called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'. Many aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water standards applied to a project. Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts. City staff has responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return of the development application as incomplete. In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City. If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions, please seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff. A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission. Only one completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently. In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form with construction permits for the project. Please start by completing Section 1 and follow the instructions. When completed, sign the form at the end and submit this with your application to the city. c SECTION 1 NEW DEVELOPMENT Does your project meet one or more of the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HousinQ subdivisions of 10 or more dwelling units. Examples: single family homes, multi-family homes. condominium and apartments Commercial - greater than 1-acre. Any development other than heavy industry or residential. Examples: hospitals; laboratories and other medical facilities; educational institutions; recreational facilities; municipal facilities; commercial nurseries; multi-apartment buildings; car wash facilities; mini-malls and other business complexes; shopping malls; hotels; office buildings; public warehouses; automotive dealerships; airfields; and other light industrial facilities. Heavy Industrial / Industry- Qreater than 1 acre. Examples: manufacturinq plants, food processing plants, metal working facilities, printing plants, and fleet storage areas (bus, truck, etc.). Automotive repair shoo. A facility categorized in any one of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes 5013, 5014, 5541, 7532-7534, and 7536-7539 Restaurants. Any facility that sells prepared foods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared foods and drinks for immediate consumption (SIC code 5812), where the land area for development is greater than 5,000 square feet. Restaurants where land development is less than 5,000 square feet shall meet all SUSMP requirements except for structural treatment BMP and numeric sizing criteria requirements and hydromodification requirements. YES NO / / / / / E-34 Page 1 of 3 REV 1/14/11 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov 6. Hillside development. Any development that creates more than 5,000 square feet of impervious surface and is located in an area with known erosive soil conditions, where the development will grade on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent (25%) or greater. 7. Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA)1. All development located within or directly adjacent2 to or discharging directly3 to an ESA (where discharges from the development or redevelopment will enter receiving waters within the ESA), which either creates 2,500 square feet or more of impervious surface on a proposed project site or increases the area of imperviousness of a proposed project site 10% or more of its naturally occurring condition. Parking lot. Area of 5,000 square feet or more, or with 15 or more parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff 9. Streets, roads, highways, and freeways. Any paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or greater used for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles 10. Retail Gasoline Outlets. Serving more than 100 vehicles per day and greater than 5,000 square feet 11. Coastal Development Zone. Any project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) creates more than 2500 square feet of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on property by more than 10%. 12. More than 1-acre of disturbance. Project results in the disturbance of 1-acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development Project4. 1 Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their equivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees. 2 "Directly adjacent" means situated within 200 feet of the Environmentally Sensitive Area. 3 "Discharging directly to" means outflow from a drainage conveyance system that is composed entirely of flows from the subject development or redevelopment site, and not commingled with flow from adjacent lands. 4 Pollutant-generating Development Projects are those projects that generate pollutants at levels greater than background levels. In general, these include all projects that contribute to an exceedance to an impaired water body or which create new impervious surfaces greater than 5000 square feet and/or introduce new landscaping areas that require routine use of fertilizers and pesticides. In most cases linear pathway projects that are for infrequent vehicle use, such as emergency or maintenance access, or for pedestrian or bicycle use, are not considered Pollutant-generating Development Projects if they are built with pervious surfaces or if they sheet flow to surrounding pervious surfaces. INSTRUCTIONS: Section 1 Results: If you answered YES to ANY of the questions above, your project is subject to Priority Development Project requirements. Skip Section 2 and please proceed to Section 3. Check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3. Additional storm water requirements will apply per the SUSMP. If you answered NO to ALL of the questions above, then please proceed to Section 2 and follow the instructions. E-34 Page 2 of 3 REV 1/14/11 CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTIONNAIRE E-34 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov SECTION 2 SIGNIFICANT REDEVELOPMENT INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the questions below regarding your project YES NO 1. Project results in the disturbance of 1-acre or more of land and is considered a Pollutant-generating Development Project *? INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered NO, please proceed to question 2. If you answered YES, then you ARE a significant redevelopment and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements. Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below. 2. Is the project redeveloping an existing priority project type? (Priority projects are defined in Section 1) INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered YES, please proceed to question 3. If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below. 3. Is the work limited to trenching and resurfacing associated with utility work; resurfacing and reconfiguring surface parking lots and existing roadways; new sidewalk; bike lane on existing road and/or routine maintenance of damaged pavement such as pothole repair? Resurfacing/reconfiguring parking lots is where the work does not expose underlying soil during construction. INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered NO, then proceed to question 4. If you answered YES, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below. 4. Will your redevelopment project create, replace, or add at least 5,000 square feet of impervious surfaces on existing developed property or will your project be located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1) create 2500 square feet or more of impervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%? Replacement of existing impervious surfaces includes any activity that is not part of routine maintenance where impervious material(s) are removed, exposing underlying soil during construction. INSTRUCTIONS: If you answered YES, you ARE a significant redevelopment, and you ARE subject to PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements. Please check the "meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT requirements" box in Section 3 below. Review SUSMP to find out if SUSMP requirements apply to your project envelope or the entire project site. If you answered NO, then you ARE NOT a significant redevelopment and your project is subject to STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS. Please check the "does not meet PDP requirements" box in Section 3 below. *for definition see Footnote 4 on page 2 SECTION 3 QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS i/ My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stormwater criteria per the SUSMP and I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal at time of application. I understand flow control (hydromodification) requirements may apply to my project. Refer to SUSMP for details. Q My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per the SUSMP. As part of these requirements, I will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project. Applicant Information and Signature Box This BOX for city Use only Address: P.O. Box 306, Solana Beach CA 92075 Applicanfftajjne: Lincptfi & Oafk, LLC ^.^ Applicant SignaUlfe: / // / „ # / / \ __ — /I fortf /-#C/^^ Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 203-260-14 & 15 Applicant Title: Russel Lee Bennett, Member Date: / / <37-/y&rf// City Concurrence: YE S—\S) * By:D.Rick SvT\ S NO Date: <-" " 7/12/11 Project ID:CT 05-03 E-34 Page 3 of 3 REV 1/14/11 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 ATTACHMENT 2 WATER BODY BENEFICIAL USES REFERENCES Beneficial Uses of Ground Water ~ Table 2-5 1 Page Beneficial Uses of Coastal Water ~ Table 2-3 1 Page Source: California Regional Water Quality Control Board "Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (9), Sept. 8, 1994. Table 2-5. BENEFICIAL USES OF G Ground Water CARLSBAD HYDROLOGIC UNIT Loma Alta HA 2 Buena Vista Creek HA El Salto HSA 2 Vista HSA Aqua Hedionda HA Los Monos HSA 2 Los Monos HSA 5 Los Monos HSA 6 Buena HSA Encinas HA Hydrologic Unit Basin Number ROUND WATER BENEFICIAL USE M U N A G R I N D p R 0 C F R S H G W R 4.00 4.10 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.30 4.31 4.31 4.31 4.32 4.40 +• • • • • 0 • • 0 0 • + • O • • • 0 0 • 2 These beneficial uses do not apply westerly of the easterly boundary of the right-of-way of Interstate Highway 6 and this area is excepted from the sources of drinking water policy. The beneficial uses for the remainder of the hydrologio area are as shown. 5 These beneficial use designations apply to the portion of HSA 4.31 bounded on the west by the easterly boundary of Interstate Highway 5 right-of-way; on the east by the easterly boundary of El Camino Real; and on the north by a line extending along the southerly edge of Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the easterly end of the lagoon, thence in an easterly direction to Evans Point, thence easterly to El Camino Real along the ridge lines separating Letterbox Canyon and the area draining to the Marcario Canyon. 6 These beneficial use designations apply to the portion of HSA 4.31 tributary to Agua Hedionda Creek downstream from the El Camino Real crossing, except lands tributary to Marcario Canyon (located directly southerly of Evans Point), land directly south of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and areas west of Interstate Highway 6. • Existing Beneficial Use 0 Potential Beneficial Use + Excepted From MUN (see text) Table 2-6 BENEFICIAL USES 2-53 Septembers, 1994 Table 2-3. BENEFICIAL USES OF COASTAL WATERS Coastal Waters Pacific Ocean Dana Point Harbor Del Mar Boat Basin Mission Bay Oceanside Harbor San Diego Bay Hydrologic Unit Basin Number BENEFICIAL USE I N D • N A V R E C 1 • R E C 2 • C O M M • B I 0 L E S T • W I L D • • • • R A R E • • • • M A R • • • • A Q U A M I G R • • • • • S P W N • • • • • W A R M S H E L L • • • • • • Coastal Lagoons Tijuana River Estuary Mouth of San Diego River 2Los Penasquitos Lagoon San Dieguito Lagoon Batiquitos Lagoon San Elijo Lagoon Aqua Hedionda Lagoon 11.11 7.11 6.10 5.11 4.51 5.61 4.31 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Includes the tidal prisms of the Otay and Sweetwater Rivers. 2 Fishing from shore or boat permitted, but other water contact recreational (REC-1) uses are prohibited. • Existing Beneficial Use Table 2-3 BENEFICIAL USES March 12, 1997 2-47 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 ATTACHMENT 3 OFF-SITE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EVALUATION Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HA2 Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 OFF-SITE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EVALUATION for LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 CityDwg. N0.451-7A 6 RESIDENTIAL UNITS & 1 RETAIL UNIT PARCEL 1 & PARCEL 2, PM 11077 APN 203-260-14 & 15 CARLSBAD, CA Prepared: July 14,2011 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 INDEX INDEX Page 2 PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EVALUATION NARRATIVE Page 3 APPENDIX A: TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCAULATIONS & SITE BASIN HYDROLOGY COMPUTATIONS Page 13 APPENDIX B: PUBLIC OFF-SITE STORM DRAIN Qi0 HYDRAULIC EVALUATION Page 48 APPENDIX C: REFERENCE DRAWINGS Page 65 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 « Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 OFF-SITE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN EVALUATION for LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 July 14,2011 Project: 6-Unit Residential & Retail Mixed Use Building Portions Of Parcels 1 & 2 of Parcel Map 11077 ~ APN 203-260-14 & 15 INTRODUCTION The primary purpose of this report is to present the results of an offsite hydrology study and a hydraulic evaluation of public storm drain facilities prepared by Conway and Associates, Inc. to support a hydromodification exception finding for the proposed Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use project in Carlsbad. To receive a hydromodification exception, a project must demonstrate a positive finding for several hydromodification exception criteria. While all of the exemption criteria are addressed in this report, the majority of this report focuses on the capacity evaluation of a specific segment of the public storm drain system that conveys runoff from the project site to the exempt water body. REPORT METHODOLOGY General Description The subject property is located within the city limits of the City of Carlsbad. The subject site is located at the southeast corner of Oak Avenue and Lincoln Street in the Carlsbad Village area and encompasses 0.4 acres. The project site addresses are 325 Oak Avenue (west parcel) and 3112 Lincoln Street (east parcel), Carlsbad, CA, 92008. The project's private on-site storm drain system (see drawing 451.7A of Appendix C, typical) ties directly to a public storm drain system located in Oak Avenue (see drawing 462-6). The Oak Avenue storm drain system consists of 18" RCP culverts and runs approximately 500 feet northeasterly along Oak Avenue where it discharges to a PCC-lined channel located at the easterly terminus of Oak Avenue at Washington Street. The PCC-lined channel segment runs approximately 67 feet northeasterly and easterly to an existing 36" CMP culvert that crosses under the railroad tracks in an easterly direction (see sheet 8 of drawing 360-5 in Appendix C). The existing 36" CMP culvert runs approximately 105 feet easterly under the railroad tracks and ties into an existing 54" public storm drain culverts (see drawing 360-5). The 54" public storm drain culvert (which is upsized to an 84" culvert at Chestnut Avenue) runs southeasterly, parallel with the railroad tracks for approximately one mile, where it discharges to a rip-rap energy dissipater located on the north side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (see Figure 1 at the end of this section). City of Carlsbad Master Plan of Drainage Plate B-l in Appendix C provides an area-wide overview and identifies the project site and the various public storm drain facilities and elements noted in this narrative. Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760)434-5831 Hydromodification Exception Criteria Evaluation and Findings This project is exempt from hydromodification mitigation requirements based on the following criteria: • The project directly discharges to a tidally-influenced lagoon: Runoff from the Lincoln & Oak project site drains to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, -which is tidally-influenced. See the City of Carlsbad Master Plan of Drainage Plate B-l included in Appendix C of this report. • The project directly discharges via a stabilized conveyance system to an exempt system: See City of Carlsbad drawing 451.7A included in Appendix C of this report. The project's private on-site storm drain facility shown in this drawing is tied directly to the public storm drain system located in Oak Avenue. • The stabilized conveyance (the public storm drain system) continues uninterrupted to an exempt system (the Agua Hedionda Lagoon): See City of Carlsbad Drawing 462-6 and City of Carlsbad Drawing 360-5 included in Appendix C of this report. The storm drain facilities shown in these drawings are continuous from the project site to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon outfall and are comprised ofRCP culverts of varied sizes and a PCC-lined channel segment. • The stabilized conveyance incorporates an energy dissipation system designed to mitigate 100-year return event discharge velocities: The public storm drain discharging to the lagoon outfalls at a rip-rap energy dissipater per SDRSD D-40, which is continuous from the end of the RCP culvert to the lagoon. See sheet 4 of City of Carlsbad Drawing 360-5 included in Appendix C of this report. • The stabilized conveyance system has the capacity to convey the ultimate Qio discharge from the tributary basin to the exempt system: The remaining sections of this report presents general descriptions and methodology regarding the capacity evaluation of the existing public storm drain system. See Appendix A for the hydrology study of the catchment area draining to the subject public storm drain system. See Appendix Bfor a capacity evaluation of a specific segment of the subject public storm drain system. • The project's storm water discharge does not impose a negative impact to the freshwater / saltwater balance and the resultant impacts to the tidally-influenced lagoon: See Attachment 4 of the Storm Water Management Plan for the Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use Building for a biologist's assessment. Based on the proceeding, the proposed Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use project qualifies for a hydromodification exemption. General Drainage Basin Study Area - Descriptions and Characteristics The drainage basin tributary to the 36" CMP culvert is 24.3 acres and is made up of three sub-basins: A, B and C. See Appendix A for the drainage map of the study area. Figures 2 through 5 of this report identify the junction locations of the various sub-areas at the PCC-lined channel. Sub-Basin A lies southerly of the subject site and encompasses 12.8 acres. Sub-Basin A is predominately developed with medium-to-high density residential housing, local streets and railroad right of way. Sub- Basin A generally drains to the railroad right of way via overland and street flow. Sub-Area A6 is partially conveyed to the railroad right of way by a public storm drain system. Runoff from Sub-Basin A drains via overland flow northerly along the railroad right of way to the PCC-lined open channel at the 36" CMP culvert entrance. The subject site is located within Sub-Basin B, which encompasses 5.9 acres. Sub-Basin B is developed with medium-to-high density residential housing and local streets. Sub-Basin B drains to the existing curb Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 inlets located at the Lincoln Street and Oak Avenue intersection, which connect to an existing 18" RCP storm drain system (see DWG 462-6, Appendix C). This 18" RCP storm drain system discharges at the head of the PCC-lined channel, which flows easterly to the 36" CMP culvert entrance after first confluencing with the Sub-Basin C runoff from the north then the Sub-Basin A runoff from the south. Sub-Basin C encompasses 6.0 acres and is developed with medium-to-high density residential housing and retail use and local streets. Sub-Basin C drains to the railroad right of way by overland and street flow in a southerly direction, terminating at the PCC-lined channel where the Washington & Oak parking lot drains to the channel. Hydrology Study Methodology A modified rational-method format was used to evaluate design runoff quantities for the tributary basin presented herein in accordance with the County of San Diego hydrology manual. The tributary basin was evaluated by grouping area use into two categories: flat-sloped landscape areas (C=0.30), the railroad right of way; and developed neighborhood housing and streets (C=0.58). In accordance with hydromodification exemption criteria, a 10-year return storm event was used to compute the evaluation runoff quantities for the various drainage sub-basins and are presented in Appendix A, the Off-Site Time of Concentration Calculations and Tributary Basin Hydrology Computations section of this report. Existing Public Storm Drain System Qio Capacity Evaluation For the purposes of this study, the public storm drain systems were broken down into four basic segments: 1. 18" RCP segment: Oak Avenue reach ~ see DWG 462-6 ; 2. PCC-lined open channel segment: Oak Avenue & Washington Street Parking lot ~ see DWG 360-5 ; 3. 36" CMP segment: railroad track crossing reach ~ see DWG 462-6 ; 4. 54" and 84" RCP segments: parallel to railroad track reach ~ see DWG 462-6. Q10 rainfall event runoff flow data were developed as part of this report (see Appendix A) and used to evaluate existing storm drain capacities (see Appendix B) for storm drain segments 1 through 3. Data obtained from the 1999 Earth Tech hydrology study for the South Carlsbad Village storm drain project and from the storm drain construction documents (DWG 462-6) were used to evaluate existing storm drain segment 4. A drainage study of the basin tributary to storm drain segments 1 through 3 was prepared as part of this report, as the 1999 Earth Tech study data was deemed inadequate for this use (see Appendix A). Certain assumptions made at the time of the 1999 study underestimated the size of the drainage basin tributary to drainage systems 1 through 3 (6.6 acres per the 1999 study vs. 24.3 acres per this study). A Drainage Basin Limit Comparison exhibit is included in Appendix C and shows the relative size of the two study limits. The hydraulic capacity calculations used to evaluate systems 1 though 3 are presented in Appendix B, the Public Off-Site Storm Drain Qio Hydraulic Evaluation section of this report. Regarding existing storm drain segment 4, the associated hydraulic calculations from the 1999 Earth Tech report and the hydraulic data shown on DWG 462-6 were accepted as demonstrating adequate capacity for a Qio rainfall event (the area discrepancy noted above notwithstanding). The tributary basin associated with existing storm drain segments 1 through 3 is located westerly of the railroad track and is a minor part of the Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 entire 1999 study area, which includes the area between the railroad tracks and the 1-5 freeway and beyond (approximately 390 acres total per the 1999 study). This 18 acre area discrepancy is less than 5% of the total 1999 study area. Storm drain system 4 was designed for a Qioo capacity and, by inspection, is assumed to adequately convey the Qio runoff even when adjusted for the 18-acre discrepancy. Figure 6 of this report summarizes the hydraulic analysis of the PCC-lined channel. The Qio flow is contained within the limits of the PCC-lined channel. Furthermore, there is no evidence of overbank scour or other erosive damage associated with the main PCC-lined channel flow - see Figures 2 through 5 of this section. Referring to the City of Carlsbad Master Plan of Drainage Plate B-l in Appendix C, future housing densification of the study area, if any, will be offset by the construction of the proposed master plan system BB-1. Proposed system BB-1 will intercept the runoff from nearly 65% of Sub-Basin A, which would significantly reduce the runoff reaching the 36" CMP culvert (existing storm drain segment 4). CONCLUSION It is my professional opinion that the existing public storm drain system (previously described as "storm drain segments 1 through 4) meet the criteria of a stabilized conveyance system and have adequate capacity to convey Qio runoff flows from the project site to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Further, based on the information presented herein as well as the biologist's finding included as Attachment 4 of the Storm Water Management Plan, the proposed Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use project qualifies for a hydromodification exemption. Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 84" RCP OUTLET PER DWG 360-5, SHT 4 Figure 1 - 84" RCP Storm Drain Culvert Outfall At Agua Hedionda Lagoon Rip-Rap Energy Dissipater And Spillway Extends From End Of Culvert To Lagoon Looking Westerly 10-004 L&O 07/07/11 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive « Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 AREA 1B'- RUNOFF-QB 18"RCPSTORM DRAIN OUTLET ER DWG 462-6, SHT-6 AREA 'C' RUNOFF-Q10-c Figure 2 - Public Open-Channel Storm Drain Segment PCC-Lined Open Channel ~ Washington & Oak Parking Lot Looking Easterly from Parking Lot Exit Drive ~ Washington Street & Oak Avenue Intersection NOTES: "SEC A-A" references & similar - see storm drain junction hydraulic analysis calculations "AREA A" references & similar - see offsite drainage map 10-004 L&O 7/7/11 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 « Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 AREA 'A' RUNOFF ~ QA (out of frame) ~ AREA'C' RUNOFF AREAS 'A+B+C' RUNOFF**- QIO-A+B+C Figure 3 - Public Open-Channel Storm Drain Segment PCC-Lined Channel Junction ~ Washington & Oak Parking Lot Looking Northwesterly From 36" CMP Entrance NOTES: "SEC A-A" references & similar - see storm drain junction hydraulic analysis calculations "AREA A" references & similar - see offsite drainage map 10-004 L&O 7/7/11 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 AREA'S' RUNOFF ~ Q10-B Figure 4 — Public Open-Channel Storm Drain Segment 18" RCP Outfall to PCC-Lined Channel ~ Washington & Oak Parking Lot (From Lincoln & Oak Intersection Curb Inlets) Looking Westerly Towards 18" RCP Outlet NOTES: "SEC A-A" references - see storm drain junction hydraulic analysis calculations "AREA C" references - see offsite drainage map 10-004 L&O 7/7/11 SEC A-A Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 « Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 AREA 'C' RUNOFF ~ Q10-c Figure 5 - Public Open-Channel Storm Drain Segment PCC-Lined Channel Junction ~ Washington & Oak Parking Lot Looking Southeasterly Towards 36" CMP Entrance NOTES: "SEC A-A" references - see storm drain junction hydraulic analysis calculations "AREA C" references - see offsite drainage map 10-004 L&O 7/7/11 Jul 07,- 16:04:55 P:\10-004 RLB L&0\xrefs \10004-ex_SD_pn; /g PLOT @ 1=10 P>CC SD SWALE PCC SD SWALE SIC B-B LAKlli S'LY-FROM - RAIL 3ANKMENT WORSE CASE -SEC A-A ARKING JRB FLPCC! SWALE N'LY PARKING LOTQ10-A+B+G CURB (OPENING - Qio~c ~ FROM Yn 36 CK Q10~A+B+C Y OF SECTIONPCC SWALf figure o - I'JLIDIIC FM^-Lir ea upen-unannei atorm L)r^m Segment n STORM DRAIN PROFILE M AT OAK* PARKiMn i nr ~ i nnkfiMn APPROXIMATE 10 HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE SCALE: HORIZ: 1"=10 VERT: 1 =2' Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 APPENDIX A OFF-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS AND TRIBUTARY BASIN HYDROLOGY COMPUTATIONS Post-Development Condition • Hydrology Map • Peak Drainage Basin Runoff Calculations • Drainage Sub-Area Map • Drainage Basin Confluence Calculations Basin A - TC Calculations & Reference Materials Basin B - TC Calculations & Reference Materials Basin C - TC Calculations & Reference Materials Reference Materials • IDD Chart ~ 10-Year Return Event • 10-Year, 6-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map • 10-Year, 24-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map • CoSD Soils Map TRIBUTARY BASINS WLY OF RR TRACKS DRAIN TO EXIST 36" CMP SO i | WASHINGTON ST n CSO.8)-/1 • ' I L. ^- -1 WALNUT AVE SO // SYSTEM RUNOFF -> DRAINS TO SOUTH NOT A PART INDICATES SHEET NO. OF CITY OF CARLSBAD RECORD ORTHOPHOTO TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING PER DWG 296-5 (TYP)LEGEND BASN BOUNDARY SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY SUB-AREA BOUNDARY OFF-SITE SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY GENERAL FLOW DIRECTION Off-Site Hydrology Map Post-Development Condition OCEAN AVE CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Lincoln & Oak Mixed UseMy 6,2011 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN ASSESSMENT ~ QlO LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 7/14/11 City of Carlsbad TIME OF CONCENTRATION & PEAK STORM WATER RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS ON-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION COMPUTATIONS: POST-DEVELOPMENT ~ SUB-BASIN A Computations based on Figure 3-3, County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, June 2003 ti t1 t2 to t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 to CorV 0.58 0.58 1.02 1.25 2.00 0.64 0.89 1.00 1.08 0.87 k(ft) S 30 0.5% 125 0.5% 258 0.6% 237 0.3% 145 137 119 208 98 343 Tc = Tc (min) 8.2 13.2 4.2 3.2 1.2 3.6 2.2 3.5 1.5 6.6 47.3 ON-SITE HYDROLOGY DATA 10 YEAR EVENT tc (min) Pe (10YR Return) I, intensity (in/hr) P24 (10YR Return) Pe / P24 47.3 1.7 1.05 3.2 53% mm. in. in./hr. in. (soil type "B") A.1 Initial basin - perTbl 3-2 A.1 DW perTbl 3-3 A.1 DW swale per calc A.2 DW swale per calc A. 3 street flow (est) A.3 RR ROW per calc A.4 RR ROW per calc A.5 RR ROW per calc A.7 RR ROW per calc A.8 RR ROW per calc min Printed 7/14/2011 Page 1 of 4 10004_Hyd-4-110714a.xls Post OS Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN ASSESSMENT ~ QiO LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 7/14/11 City TIME OF CONCENTRATION & PEAK STORM WATER RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITION 557,863 12.81 Overall Weighted "C" Value: 6.831 7.18 0.53 "A" SUB AREA AREA "C" Qio BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C*A (CFS) A.1 A.2 A.3a A.3b A.4a A.4b A.5a A.5b A6 A.7a A.7b A.8a A.8b 43,543 38,005 9,672 14,463 51,571 10,686 64,080 21,959 100,678 75,340 9,601 82,061 36,204 1.00 0.87 0.22 0.33 1.18 0.25 1.47 0.50 2.31 1.73 0.22 1.88 0.83 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.30 0.58 0.30 0.58 0.30 0.58 0.58 0.30 0.58 0.30 0.58 0.51 0.13 0.10 0.69 0.07 0.85 0.15 1.34 1.00 0.07 1.09 0.25 0.61 0.53 0.14 0.10 0.72 0.08 0.90 0.16 1.41 1.05 0.07 1.15 0.26 ZQ 10*2/3 (CFS) 0.41 0.96 1.35 2.16 3.18 5.75 7.09 T2 T3 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 Post-Dev (On Site) Printed 7/14/2011 Page 2 of 4 10004_Hyd-4-110714a.xls Post OS Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN ASSESSMENT ~ Q10 LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 7/14/11 TIME OF CONCENTRATION & PEAK STORM WATER RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS ON-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION COMPUTATIONS: POST-DEVELOPMENT ~ SUB-BASIN B Computations based on Figure 3-3, County of San Diego Hydrology Manual, June 2003 CorV L(ft) S Tc(min) (soil type "B") ti 0.58 35 0.5% 8.2 B.1 Initial basin - per Tbl 3-2 tl 0.58 178 2.5% 9.2 B. 1 yard per Tbl 3-3 t2 1.67 233 0.3% 2.3 B.2 Street flow per calc Tc = 19.7 min ON-SITE HYDROLOGY DATA 10 YEAR EVENT tc (min) 19.7 min. Pe (10YR Return) 1.7 in. I, intensity (in/hr) 1.85 in./hr. P24 (10YR Return) 3.2 in. Pe / P24 53% "A" SUB AREA AREA "C" Qio BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C*A (CFS) B.1 B.2 B.3 45,620 52,845 139,133 1.05 1.21 3.19 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.61 0.70 1.85 1.12 1.30 3.43 IQ 10*2/3 (CFS) 4.71 T2 237,598 5.45 Overall Weighted "C" Value:0.58 3.164 5.85 Post-Dev (On Site) Printed 7/14/2011 Page 3 of 4 10004_Hyd-4-110714a.xls Post OS Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN ASSESSMENT ~ Qio LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 7/14/11 TIME OF CONCENTRATION & PEAK STORM WATER RUNOFF COMPUTATIONS ON-SITE TIME OF CONCENTRATION COMPUTATIONS: POST-DEVELOPMENT ~ SUB-BASIN C Computations based on Figure 3-3, County of San C or V L (ft) ti 0.90 50 t1 0.90 27 t2 1.03 154 t3 1.00 120 t4 1.31 278 t5 1.65 199 t6 2.71 278 t7 2.02 252 ON-SITE HYDROLOGY 10 YEAR EVENT tc (min) Pe (10YR Return) I, intensity (in/hr) P24 (10YR Return) Pe / P24 S Ic 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 0.4% 2.7% 0.8% 1.3% 0.5% Tc = DATA 19.0 min. 1.7 in. 1.89 in./hr. 3.2 in. 53% (min) 3.7 2.4 1.6 2.0 3.5 2.0 1.7 2.1 19.0 Diego Hydrology Manual, (soil type "B") C.1 Initial basin - per Tbl C.1 roof Tbl 3-3 C.1 SY per Tbl 3-3 C.1 C&G flow per calc C.2 C&G flow per calc C.3 C&G flow per calc C.4 Street flow per calc C.5 Street flow per calc min June 2003 3-2 - roof "A" SUB AREA AREA "C" Qio BASIN (SF) (ACRES) FACTOR C*A (CFS) C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 19,639 46,132 30,726 47,848 25,039 92,090 0.45 1.06 0.71 1.10 0.57 2.11 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.26 0.61 0.41 0.64 0.33 1.23 0.50 1.16 0.77 1.21 0.63 2.32 ZQl 0*2/3 (CFS) 0.33 1.27 2.17 3.24 4.06 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 261 ,474 Overall Weighted SUMMARY: Sub- Area A B C A (acres) 12.81 5.45 6.00 24.26 6.00 "C" Value: Qio (cfs) 7.18 5.85 6.59 0.58 Tc (min) 47.3 19.7 19.0 3.482 I (in/hr) 1.1 1.8 1.9 6.59 Post-Dev (On Site) Printed 7/14/2011 Page 4 of 4 10004_Hyd-4-110714a.xls Post OS Off-Site Hydrology Map Sub-Basin Areas CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use July 6,2011 21959 > 10686 BASIN AREA SUMMARY: AREA A: 12.81 ac. AREA B: 5.45 ac. AREA C: 6.00 ac. TYYT&I • 9A. 9R nr- C<L ./ay & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN ASSESSMENT ~ Q10 LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING DATE: 6/18/11 CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / GDP 04-30 AREAS A. B Seq 1 2 3 PEAK FLOW AT CONFLUENCE COMPUTATIONS & C CONFLUENCE AT EXISTING 36" CMP SD Sub Basin C B A Q 6.59 5.85 7.18 Tc 19.0 19.7 47.3 , 1.9 1.8 1.1 Junction Equation; TL < T2 < T3 n =o +^0 +—O QT1= 6-59 + 19-° 5-85 + 19-° 7-18 = 15-12 cfs VTI xi _ xs T Vs 197 47 3 Qt2= 5.85 + 1.8 6.59 + 19.7 7.18 = 115.28 cfs | <—USE 1.9 47.3 QTS= 7.18 + 1.1 6.59 + 1.1 5.85 = 14.17 cfs 1.9 1.8 Printed 6/22/2011 Page 1 of 2 10004_Hyd-4-110618a.xls OS Cnfl Post Co.. ,/ay & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/Oeneral-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN ASSESSMENT ~ Q10 LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING DATE: 6/18/11 CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 PEAK FLOW AT CONFLUENCE COMPUTATIONS AREAS B & C CONFLUENCE AT EXISTING PCC SWALE Seq Sub Basin Q Tc I 1 C 6.59 19.0 1.9 2 B 5.85 19.7 1.8 Junction Equation; TI < T2 T QT, =Q,+—LQ2 Qn= 6.59 + 19.0 5.85 = 12.24 cfs T2 19.7 ~ ~ I-i i •Qt2 = Q2 + "^ Q) QT2 = 5.85 + 1.8 6.59 = 112.29 cfs | <— USE *i 1.9 Printed 6/22/2011 Page 2 of 2 10004_Hyd-4-110618a.xls OS Cnfl Post Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 « Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Basin A Tc Calculations & Reference Materials San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 12 of 26 A-/ Note that the Initial Time of Concentration should be reflective of the general land-use at the upstream end of a drainage basin. A single lot with an area of two or less acres does not have a significant effect where the drainage basin area is 20 to 600 acres. Table 3-2 provides limits of the length (Maximum Length (L.M)) of sheet flow to be used in hydrology studies. Initial T; values based on average C values for the Land Use Element are also included. These values can be used in planning and design applications as described below. Exceptions may be approved by the "Regulating Agency" when submitted with a detailed study. Table 3-2 MAXIMUM OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH (LM) & INITIAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION Element* Natural LDR LDR LDR MDR MDR MDR MDR HDR HDR N. Com G. Com O.P./Com Limited I. General I. DU/ Acre 1 2 2.9 43 7.3 10,9 14,5 24 43 (lLM 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 >%^ -If 13.2 12.2 11,3 10,7 10,2 9.2 8,7 8.2 6,7 5.3 5.3 4.7 4.2 4.2 3.7 1 LM 70 70 70 70 70 65 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 % Tj 12.5 11.5 10.5 10,0 9.6 8.4 7.9 7.4 6,1 4,7 4,5 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.2 2 LM 85 85 85 85 80 80 80 80 75 75 75 75 70 70 70 % Ti 10.9 10.0 9.2 8.8 8,1 7,4 6.9 6.5 5,1 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.1 3.1 2.7 ^3 LM 100 100 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 85 85 85 80 80 80 % T» 10.3 9,5 8.8 8.1 7.8 7.0 6.4 6.0 4.9 3.8 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.9 2.6 5{ LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 /« T; 8.7 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.7 6.0 5.7 5.4 4.3 3.4 3,4 2,9 2,6 2.6 2.3 10 LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 % Ti 6.9 6.4 5.8 5.6 5.3 4.8 4.5 ; 4.3 3.5 2.7 2.7 ! 2.4 2.2 2.2 1.9 *See Table 3-1 for more detailed description 3-12 A San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 6 of 26 Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land NRCS Elements Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential {MDR) High Density Residential (HDR) High Density Residential (HDR) Commercial/Industrial (N. Com) Commercial/Industrial (G. Com) Commercial/Industrial (O.P. Com) Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.) Commercial/Industrial (General I.) Use County Elements Permanent Open Space Residential, 1.0 DU/A or less Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less Residential, 2,9 DU/A or less Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less Residential, 7.3 DU/A or less Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Office Professional/Commercial Limited Industrial General Industrial Runoff Coefficient "C" % 1MPER, 0* 10 20 25 30 40 45 50 65 80 80 85 90 90 95 A 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.48 0.52 0.55 0.66 0.76 0.76 0.80 0.83 0.83 0.87 Soil Type (A) 0.25 0.32 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.67 0,77 0.77 0.80 0.84 0.84 0.87 C 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.45 0,48 0.54 0.57 0.60 0.69 0.78 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.84 0.87 D 0.35 0.41 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.57 0.60 0,63 0.71 0.79 0.79 0.82 0.85 0.85 0.87 The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing (he pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). DU/A = dwelling units per acre NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service 3-6 OS A.1 - T2 ~ DW Vee Ditch Worksheet for Triangular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 OS A.1 - T2 ~ DW Vee Ditch Triangular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.016 Channel Slope Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Discharge 0.006000 ft/ft 20.000000 H : V 50.000000 H : V 0.41 cfs Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.11 ft 0.40 ft2 7.50 ft 7.50 ft 0.10 ft 0.01 0243 ft/ft 1.02 ft/s 0.02 ft 0.12 ft 0.78 06/22/11 05:48:52 AM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 RowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OSA.2-T3-DWC&G Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS A.2 - T3 ~ DW C&G Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.003000 ft/ft Elevation range: 4.28 ft to 5.00 ft. Station (ft) 0.00 18.00 19.50 19.67 Discharge Elevation (ft) 5.00 4.40 4.28 4.78 0.96 Sta cfs 0.00 18.00 End Station 18.00 19.67 Roughness 0.016 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.015 4.57 0.77 6.80 6.59 0.29 4.53 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.007492 ft/ft 1.25 0.02 4.59 0.64 ft/s ft ft 06/22/11 05:50:12 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. Conway & Assoc. Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS A.3 - T5 ~ RR ROW Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS A.3 - T5 ~ RR ROW Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.001300 ft/ft Elevation range: 42.00 ft to 44.00 ft. Station (ft) 18.00 34.00 48.00 50.00 52.00 56.00 60.00 Discharge Elevation (ft) 44.00 43.00 42.20 42.00 42.20 43.00 44.00 1.35 Sta cfs 18.00 End Station 60.00 Roughness 0.030 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.030 42.45 2.09 9.66 9.60 0.45 42.26 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.026324 ft/ft 0.64 0.01 42.46 0.24 ft/S ft ft 06/22/11 05:51:14 AM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS A.4 - T6 ~ RR ROW Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS A.4 - T6 - RR ROW Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.004500 ft/ft Elevation range: 41.60 ft to 43.00 ft. Station (ft) 21.00 37.00 48.00 50.00 52.00 55.00 58.00 Discharge Elevation (ft) 43.00 42.00 41.80 41.60 41.80 42.00 43.00 2.16 Sta cfs 21.00 End Station 58.00 Roughness 0.030 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.030 41.99 2.42 17.29 17.27 0.39 41.90 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.027859 ft/ft 0.89 0.01 42.00 0.42 ft/s ft ft 06/22/11 05:51.26 AM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS A.5 - T7 ~ RR ROW Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS A.5 - T7 ~ RR ROW Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.004900 ft/ft Elevation range: 40.50 ft to 42.00 ft. Station (ft) 0.00 31.00 48.00 50.00 52.00 57.00 60.00 Discharge Elevation (ft) 41.70 41.00 40.70 40.50 40.70 41.00 42.00 3.18 Sta cfs 0.00 End Station 60.00 Roughness 0.030 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.030 40.93 3.19 20.64 20.61 0.43 40.84 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.026906 ft/ft 1.00 0.02 40.94 0.45 ft/S ft ft 06/22/11 05:51:40 AM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS A.7 - T8 ~ RR ROW Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS A.7 - T8 ~ RR ROW Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.004900 ft/ft Elevation range: 40.00 ft to 42.00 ft. Station (ft) 6.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 77.00 81.00 Discharge Elevation (ft) 41.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 41.00 42.00 5.75 Sta cfs 6.00 End Station 81.00 Roughness 0.030 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.030 40.21 5.33 30.74 30.72 0.21 40.13 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.0271 13 ft/ft 1.08 0.02 40.23 0.46 ft/S ft ft 06/22/11 05:51:54 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. Conway & Assoc. Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS A.8 - T9 ~ RR ROW Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS A.8 - T9 ~ RR ROW Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.001700 ft/ft Elevation range: 39.30 ft to 41.00 ft. Station (ft) 1.00 56.00 77.00 80.00 83.00 91.00 99.00 Discharge Elevation (ft) 41.00 40.00 39.30 39.50 39.70 40.00 41.00 7.09 Sta cfs 1.00 End Station 99.00 Roughness 0.030 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.030 39.89 8.11 28.92 28.89 0.59 39.66 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.023228 ft/ft 0.87 0.01 39.90 0.29 ft/S ft ft 06/22/11 05:52:08 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. Conway & Assoc. Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster V5.07 Page 1 of 1 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Basin B Tc Calculations & Reference Materials San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 12 of 26 01 7? Note that the Initial Time of Concentration should be reflective of the general land-use at the upstream end of a drainage basin, A single lot with an area of two or less acres does not have a significant effect where the drainage basin area is 20 to 600 acres. Table 3-2 provides limits of the length (Maximum Length (LM)) of sheet flow to be used in hydrology studies. Initial T\ values based on average C values for the Land Use Element are also included. These values can be used in planning and design applications as described below. Exceptions may be approved by the "Regulating Agency" when submitted with a detailed study, Table 3-2 MAXIMUM OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH (LM) & INITIAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION Element* Natural LDR LDR LDR MDR 1 MDR MDR MDR HDR HDR N. Com G. Com O.P./Com Limited I. General I. DU/ Acre 1 2 2.9 4.3 7.3 10.9 14.5 24 43 6 LM 501 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 >%) Ti 13.2 12.2 11.3 10.7 10.2 9.2 8.7 | 8r2r 6.7 5.3 5.3 4.7 4.2 4.2 3.7 1 LM 70 70 70 70 70 65 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 % Ti 12.5 11.5 10.5 10.0 9.6 8.4 7.9 7.4 6.1 4.7 4.5 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.2 2 LM 85 85 85 85 80 80 80 80 75 75 75 75 70 70 70 % Ti 10.9 10.0 9.2 8.8 8.1 7.4 6.9 6,5 5.1 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.1 3.1 2.7 3 LM 100 100 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 85 85 85 80 80 80 % Ti 10.3 9.5 8.8 8.1 7.8 7.0 6.4 6,0 4.9 3.8 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.9 2,6 5C LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 /o Tj 8.7 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.7 6.0 5.7 5.4 4.3 3.4 3.4 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.3 10 LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 % Ti 6.9 6.4 5.8 5.6 5.3 4.8 4.5 4.3 3.5 2.7 2.7 2,4 2.2 2.2 1.9 *See Table 3-1 for more detailed description 3-12 San Diego County Date: June 2003 lydrology Manual Section: Page: 3 6 of 26 Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land NRCS Elements Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Low Density Residential (LDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Medium Density Residential (MDR) High Density Residential (HDR) High Density Residential (HDR) Commercial/Industrial (N. Com) Commercial/Industrial (G. Com) Commercial/Industrial (O.P, Com) Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.) Commercial/Industrial (General I.) Use County Elements Permanent Open Space Residential, 1 .0 DU/A or less Residential, 2,0 DU/A or less Residential, 2,9 DU/A or less Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less Residential, 7,3 DU/A or less Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less Neighborhood Commercial General Commercial Office Professional/Commercial Limited Industrial General Industrial Runoff Coefficient "C" % IMPER. 0* 10 20 25 30 40 45 50 65 80 80 85 90 90 95 A 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.38 0.41 0.48 0.52 0.55 0.66 0.76 0.76 0.80 0.83 0.83 0.87 Soil Type (jjb 0.25 0.32 0.38 0,41 0.45 0.51 0,54 058 0.67 0.77 0.77 0.80 0,84 0.84 0.87 C 0.30 0,36 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.54 0.57 0.60 0.69 0.78 0.78 0.81 0,84 0.84 0.87 D 0.35 0,41 0.46 0,49 0.52 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.79 0.82 0.85 0.85 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). DU/A = dwelling units per acre NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service 3-6 /& ~ OSB.1 - T2 ~ Line shldr Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS B.1 - T2 ~ Line shldr Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.002800 ft/ft Elevation range: 48.50 ft to 49.03 ft. Station (ft) 10.00 10.17 11.50 30.00 Discharge Elevation (ft) 49.00 48.50 48.63 49.03 4.71 Sta cfs 10.00 11.50 End Station 11.50 30.00 Roughness 0.013 0.016 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.015 48.94 2.82 16.33 16.00 0.44 48.90 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.00571 6 ft/ft 1.67 0.04 48.99 0.70 ft/s ft ft 06/22/11 05:55:14 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. Conway & Assoc. Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Basin C Tc Calculations & Reference Materials San Diego County Hydrology Manua! Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 12 of 26 Note that the Initial Time of Concentration should be reflective of the general land-use at the upstream end of a drainage basin. A single lot with an area of two or less acres does not have a significant effect where the drainage basin area is 20 to 600 acres. Table 3-2 provides limits of the length (Maximum Length (LM)) of sheet flow to be used in hydrology studies. Initial T-, values based on average C values for the Land Use Element are also included, These values can be used in planning and design applications as described below. Exceptions may be approved by the "Regulating Agency" when submitted with a detailed study. Cl Table 3-2 MAXIMUM OVERLAND FLOW LENGTH (LM) & IOT1AL TIME OF CONCENTRATION (Tj) *$ee Table 3-1 for more detailed description 3-12 Element* Natural LDR LDR LDR MDR MDR MDR MDR HDR HDR N, Com G. Com O.P./Com Limited I. General I. DU/ Acre 1 2 2,9 4.3 7.3 10.9 14.5 24 43 0^*» LM 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 % ) ***f*^ Tj 13.2 12.2 11.3 10.7 10.2 9.2 8.7 8.2 6.7 5.3 5.3 4,7 4.2 4.2 3.7 1 LM 70 70 70 70 70 65 65 65 65 65 60 60 60 60 60 % T; 12.5 11.5 10.5 10.0 9.6 8.4 7.9 7.4 6.1 4.7 4.5 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.2 2 LM 85 85 85 85 80 80 80 80 75 75 75 75 70 70 70 % Ti 10.9 10.0 9.2 8.8 8.1 7.4 6.9 6.5 5.1 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.1 3.1 2.7 3 LM 100 100 100 95 95 95 90 90 90 85 85 85 80 80 80 % T, 10.3 9.5 8.8 8.1 7.8 7.0 6.4 6.0 4.9 3.8 3.8 3.4 2.9 2.9 2.6 5C LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 300 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 y0 T, 8.7 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.7 6.0 5.7 5.4 4.3 3.4 3.4 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.3 10 LM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 % T, 6.9 6.4 5.8! 5.6 5.3 4.8 4.5 4.3 3.5 2.7 2.7 ! 2.4 2.2 2.2 1.9 OSC.1 -T3~Hwy 101 C&G Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS C.1 - T3 ~ Hwy 101 C&G Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.004000 ft/ft Elevation range: 51.70 ft to 52.43 ft. Station (ft) 8.50 38.50 40.00 40.17 Discharge Elevation (ft) 52.43 51.83 51.70 52.20 0.33 Sta cfs 8.50 38.50 End Station 38.50 40.17 Roughness 0.016 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.015 51.90 0.33 5.22 5.07 0.20 51.88 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.008580 ft/ft 1.00 0.02 51.92 0.69 ft/s ft ft 06/22/11 05:55:29 AM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS C.2 - T4 ~ CVDr C&G Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS C.2 - T4 ~ CVDr C&G Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.004000 ft/ft Elevation range: 51.70 ft to 52.43 ft. Station (ft) 8.50 38.50 40.00 40.17 Discharge Elevation (ft) 52.43 51.83 51.70 52.20 1.27 Sta cfs 8.50 38.50 End Station 38.50 40.17 Roughness 0.016 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.015 51.99 0.97 9.68 9.46 0.29 51.96 0.007921 1.31 0.03 52.01 0.73 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft ft/ft ft/s ft ft 06/22/11 05:55:40 AM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS C.3 - T5 ~ CVDr C&G Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS C.3 - T5 ~ CVDr C&G Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.004000 ft/ft Elevation range: 51.70 ft to 52.43 ft. Station (ft) 8.50 38.50 40.00 40.17 Discharge Elevation (ft) 52.43 51.83 51.70 52.20 2.17 Sta cfs 8.50 38.50 End Station 38.50 40.17 Roughness 0.016 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.013 52.02 1.31 11.40 11.16 0.32 52.01 0.005507 1.65 0.04 52.06 0.85 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft ft/ft ft/s ft ft 06/22/11 05:55:54 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. Conway & Assoc. Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 Flow/Master v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS C.4 - T6 ~ Wash AC Dike Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS C.4 - T6 ~ Wash AC Dike Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.013000 ft/ft Elevation range: 39.70 ft to 40.68 ft. Station (ft) 10.00 10.33 32.50 34.00 34.17 Discharge Elevation (ft) 40.68 40.18 39.83 39.70 40.20 3.24 Sta cfs 10.00 32.50 End Station 32.50 34.17 Roughness 0.016 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is supercritical. 0.013 39.99 1.20 12.13 11.92 0.29 40.03 0.005831 2.71 0.11 40.11 1.51 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft ft/ft ft/s ft ft 06/22/11 05.56:13 AM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS C.5 - T7 ~ Pkg Lot Dike Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS C.5 - T7 ~ Pkg Lot Dike Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.005000 ft/ft Elevation range: 37.60 ft to 38.20 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) Start Station 10.00 38.10 10.00 10.33 37.60 30.00 38.20 Discharge 4.06 cfs End Station 30.00 Roughness 0.016 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.016 37.95 2.01 11.79 11.60 0.35 37.93 0.006982 2.02 0.06 38.01 0.86 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft ft/ft ft/s ft ft 06/22/11 05:56.26 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. Conway & Assoc. Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster V5.07 Page 1 of 1 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Reference Materials IDD Chart ~ 10-Year Return Event 10-Year, 6-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map 10-Year, 24-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map 10-Year, 24-Hour Storm Isopluvial Map 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 f f 1.0|;o,9 gO.8 fOJ 0.6 0,5 0.4 0.3 0.2 01 S s s x V v s s .„ S ^ s ^ x js s X ^ ^ S x X s, s s X" J*,Ss s s s s, s^ s _ x Si x s "\ s, * ^ ^i» s \ ^1 * ^ * s N V « V \k l**^"»s s, S ^s ss ^ s ^ t. 1 ,* t \ f »"'»'". 4 1 NV''i'' 1 'I'V\' |;;:k>;j| jjjv *v "''•.,. IKK S"""*:; *;;; "... L...: 1 U>, t"; f 4-1 A-t I P "x ]j j'I i ijj'',j I T*1 if"1" jf |T t [ t [ j [ — %. ,f. . t .. • i -- i i T" T . : T..., J _T T 1 | 1 = 7.' *"j"| 1 - Inl i I P6 = 6- !:-.. \ D - Dl x'Y .<::-I "s ';v"l; ';;::> x S1'11'''^1 1 ' : », 1 i '''i' 1 \ ''iM 's i 11*1j 'i J ''", ''s tt •- 41 — EQUATION 14P6D-0.645 ensity (in/hr) Hour PrecipitaUon (in) iration (min) S S X X •s X "S ^ N X — „ * N X ' X s * N - _ -, X •> X •s 1 's X s s h s 1h ^ ^^ ^^ N ^ "> s ^\ s % s \ X ^ *• N s •» •* „ Tti i i1 JK, jftij N . ' '»/'«, S^ ''<t **4 ^i i S>>, 1 j * fc 1 IDSDIl•P -""••• i 5 ' 6 ' 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 1 2 34Minutes HoursDuration IT:f t III ... ,j| < W i O"> J j ( r I * n * ' '• 4.5 -5 ^ '',, 4-0 I ,_ : , i , -* C W *'.,, , m. 2.5 I' 'r° 1-1.5 HI... .! .SJjl- 1.0 HiIji1iin 5 6 Dlrectk [1) Fran fort Cou Inth '2) Adju the i appl 3) Plot 4) Drav 5) This bein ftpplict a) Sele b)P6s c) Adju d)tx» HIS for A| npretipite leselecte ntyHydrd e Design stShrpr •angeof^ icaple to 1 6 hr prec N a line th line is the g analyze itton Forr cted freqi ,h±_ sled Pg*2 r in Note: This chart curves use P6 Duration 5 7 10 15 20 25 30 40 X 60 120 150 180 240 300 360 1 1.8 1 1 263 395 212-318 168 253 130 195 108*162 093 140 083 124 069 103 0,60 090 053_ 080 034'051 029 044 026,039 022 033 019*028 017 028 pplication: tion maps determine 6 hr and 24 hr amounts d frequency. These maps are included in the ogy Manual {1 0, 50, and 1 00 yr maps included and Procedure Manual). scipitation (if necessary) so that it is within 5% to 65% of tie 24 hr precipitation (not Desert). pitation on the right side of the chart, rough the point parallel to the plotted lines, t intensity-duration curve for the location d. n: jency '& year '= / ? in. nin. ./hr. replaces the Intensity-Duration-Frequency d since 1965. 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 45 S 5.5 6 1 i I 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 527 659 790 922' 1054 1188 1317 1449 1581 424530836742)848 954 106011661272 337 421*505*590*6.74 758 842 927 1011 259*324 389*454r519 "584 649 713 778 215 269 323T377i 43t 435 539 5 93 '648 187 233 280<327f3.73 420 467^513 580 186 207 249 290,' 332 373 '4 15 456 498 138 172*207*241! 276 310*345i379 413r119 149179209239 2.69,298 328 358r106 133 159*186 212 239 265*>92i318 082 102 123)1 43| 163 184 204 '225 ,2 45 068 0^5* 102] 1 19)136 153 170 187 204 059 073*088'103! 1 18 1 32 ' 1 47 162 176 J052 065*078|091[ 104' 1 18 131 144 157 04305406510761087 098 108*119 130 038*047~056J066'07S 085 094*103 113 r033 042'OSO 058'067 075 084 092 1 00 Intensity-Duration Design Chart - Template FIGURE 3-1 County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Rainfall Isopluvials 10 Year Rainfall Event - 6 Hours Isopluvial (inches) DPW nToSanGIS THIS IMP « prtOVUED WrTHOUT WWRANTY OF WTT KINO. EITHER EXPRESSOR IWIIED, INdUWNa BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLCD WWRANTIiSOF MERCHANTAM.PTY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICUUWPWP09E. 303 Miles County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Riverside-County -*S&:--~~*:^-?3. ' _.*"' \ A i Rainfall Isopluvials 10 Year Rainfall Event - 24 Hours • { \\ I* saicis TWB tUPH PROVIDED WITHOUT WAMfUWTV OF <WKWO. EITHER EXPRESIOR IMPUED. INCLUMNO, IUT NOT UMTmt TO. THE MPLED WWOUNTllS OF MERCH>WT««.rTV AIW FTTNEM FD« A MOTICUlAt PURPOSE. Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 Hydrology Man Soil Hydrologic Groups Legend Soil Groupsr~~i *«»* I I Excerpt from San Diego County Hydrology Manual Appendix A: Hydrologic Soils Group Map \\fileserver\projects\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\10-004_soil.doc Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 APPENDIX B PUBLIC OFF-SITE STORM DRAIN Qio HYDRAULIC EVALUATION Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Enginegiv'Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 * Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 A efiufS ^jV?..jfc,, ......... J^ /^ *•* *• /4 ' Job No. *&> Peso. £* ^ £*&/ &f£ teJo<S Date Sht '' of Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Eneineers/Survevors/General-Enaineerina Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive- Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760! 753-1453 • Fax (760)434-5831 PCC ~* . . .. :•> <• * ^ ^ / ,3 / p 4, 12 -fa' flvy- '••£>-- A. A Vs. 15 i£6 G-S 2(32,2) Nw-3t Job No.peso, )c <fe -Date Sht ' of Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-583 1 DRAINAGE STUDY COMPUTATIONS EXISTING PUBLIC STORM DRAIN ASSESSMENT ~ QlO LINCOLN & OAK MIXED USE BUILDING 7/7/1 1 CT 05-03 / RP 04-1 1 / CDP 04-30 City of Carlsbad SECTION B-B QB-QC Confluence Head Loss ~ Trial & Error Solution I DA 1.220 1.135 1.305 0.800 0.710 0.730 0.740 0.735 QB+C 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 12.29 A 2.981 2.586 3.419 1.410 1.160 1.213 1.241 1.227 V2 4.12 4.75 3.59 8.72 10.59 10.13 9.90 10.02 Vi 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 HL 0.340 0.254 0.421 0.000 0.050 0.028 0.019 | 0.023 j Yn 0.710 0.710 0.710 0.710 0.710 0.710 0.710 0.710 D 1.050 0.964 1.131 0.710 0.760 0.738 0.729 0.733 Delta 0.170 0.171 0.174 0.090 -0.050 -0.008 0.011 0.002 | HL= 0.023' DA Assumed flow depth in channel (feet) QB+C Channel flow (cfs) A DA channel flow cross sectional area (sf) V2 Downstream flow velocity (Ve+o Vi Upstream flow velocity (VB> HL Head loss (feet) Yn Normal depth (Cte+c) D Calculated flow depth in channel (feet) Delta DA - D Printed 7/11/2011 Page 2 of 3 10004_Hyd-4-110711a.xls OS B-C Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Eneint'ers/Surveyors/General-Engineering Contractors AB4I24I2 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone |760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 /.. JobNo.Date Sht 3 of 3 OS B Oak Ave SD -18" RCP Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 OS B Oak Ave SD - 1 8" RCP Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope Diameter Discharge 0.0 151 00 ft/ft 18.00 in 5.85 cfs Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope Flow is supercritical. 8.5 in 0.82 ft2 2.27 ft 1.50 ft 0.93 ft 47.22 0.006148 ft/ft 7.12 ft/s 0.79 ft 1.50 ft 1.70 13.88 cfs 12.91 cfs 0.0031 02 ft/ft 07/03/11 11:24:29PM Haestad Methods, Inc. Conway & Assoc. Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS B Oak Ave SD -18" RCP Cross Section for Circular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS B Oak Ave SD -18" RCP Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Depth Diameter Discharge 0.013 0.015100 ft/ft 8.5 in 18.00 in 5.85 cfs 8.5 in 18.OO in H 1 NTS 07/03/11 11:25:24PM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS B Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec A-A Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS B Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec A-A Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.030900 ft/ft Elevation range: 37.30 ft to 38.21 ft. Station (ft) -1.42 -0.45 -0.30 -0.15 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 1.42 Discharge Elevation (ft) Sta 38.21 37.45 37.37 37.32 37.30 37.32 37.37 37.45 38.21 5.78 cfs -1.42 End Station 1.42 Roughness 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is supercritical. 0.013 37.85 0.66 2.27 1.93 0.55 38.18 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.003935 ft/ft 8.80 1.20 39.06 2.66 ft/s ft ft 07/08/11 11:12:58PM C&AInc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS B Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec A-A Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS B Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec A-A Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.013 0.030900 ft/ft 37.85 ft 5.78 cfs 38.2 38.1 38.0 37.9 \ c 37.7 LU 37.6 37.5 37.4 37.3 37.2 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 Station (ft) 0.5 1.0 1.5 07/08/11 11:13:29 PM C&AInc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS BC Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec B-B Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS BC Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec B-B Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.030600 ft/ft Elevation range: 37.19 ft to 38.15 ft. Station (ft) -1.67 -0.67 -0.50 -0.45 -0.30 -0.15 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.50 0.67 1.67 Discharge Elevation (ft) Sta 38.15 37.42 37.32 37.30 37.24 37.20 37.19 37.20 37.24 37.30 37.32 37.42 38.15 12.29 cfs -1.67 End Station 1.67 Roughness 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is supercritical. 0.013 37.90 1.17 3.08 2.67 0.71 38.33 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.003760 ft/ft 10.49 1.71 39.62 2.79 ft/s ft ft 07/08/11 11:14:28 PM Haestad Methods, Inc. C&AInc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster vS.07 Page 1 of 1 OS BC Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec B-B Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS BC Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec B-B Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.013 0.030600 ft/ft 37.90 ft 12.29 cfs 38.1 38.0 37.9 37.8 L co 37.6 LU 37.5 37.4 37.3 37.2 37.1 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Station (ft) 1.0 1.5 2.0 07/08/11 11:14:49PM C&AInc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS ABC Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec B'-B' Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS ABC Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec B'-B' Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.030600 ft/ft Elevation range: 37.19 ft to 38.15 ft. Station (ft) -1.67 -0.67 -0.50 -0.45 -0.30 -0.15 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.45 0.50 0.67 1.67 Discharge Elevation (ft) Sta 38.15 37.42 37.32 37.30 37.24 37.20 37.19 37.20 37.24 37.30 37.32 37.42 38.15 15.28 cfs -1.67 End Station 1.67 Roughness 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is supercritical. 0.013 37.98 1.38 3.33 2.87 0.79 38.44 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.003847 ft/ft 11.09 1.91 39.89 2.82 ft/8 ft ft 07/08/11 11:15:51 PM Haestad Methods, Inc. C&AInc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS ABC Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec B'-B' Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS ABC Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec B'-B1 Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.013 0.030600 ft/ft 37.98 ft 15.28 cfs 38.1 38.0 37.9 37.8 37.7 cg ' 37.6 LLJ 37.5 37.4 37.3 37.2 37.1 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 Station (ft) 1.0 1.5 2.0 07/08/11 11:16:11 PM C&AInc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS C Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec C-C Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS C Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec C-C Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.008000 ft/ft Elevation range: 37.54 ft to 39.33 ft. Station (ft) 0.00 2.50 3.00 3.17 5.25 5.83 10.83 Discharge Elevation (ft) 39.33 38.08 38.08 37.54 37.62 38.16 38.39 6.51 Sta cfs 0.00 2.50 End Station 2.50 10.83 Roughness 0.150 0.013 Results Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Water Surface Elevation Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Height Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. 0.031 38.36 2.63 8.88 8.20 0.82 38.27 ft ft2 ft ft ft ft 0.021 006 ft/ft 2.48 0.10 38.45 0.77 ft/S ft ft 07/08/11 11:16:39PM C&AInc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203)755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS C Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec C-C Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS C Oak Ave PCC Swale - Sec C-C Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Section Data Wtd. Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Water Surface Elevation Discharge 0.031 0.008000 ft/ft 38.36 ft 6.51 cfs 39.2 2.0 4.O 6.0 Station (ft) 8.0 10.0 12.0 07/08/11 11:16:56 PM C&AInc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS B Oak Ave SD - 36" CMP Worksheet for Circular Channel Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 OS B Oak Ave SD - 36" CMP Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth Input Data Mannings Coefficient 0.024 Channel Slope Diameter Discharge 0.026500 ft/ft 36.00 in 15.28 cfs Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope Flow is supercritical. 12.5 in 2.19 ft2 3.78 ft 2.86 ft 1.25 ft 34.78 0.01 3698 ft/ft 6.99 ft/s 0.76 ft 1.80 ft 1.41 63.26 cfs 58.81 cfs 0.001 789 ft/ft 06/22/11 05:54:36 AM Haestad Methods, Inc. Conway & Assoc. Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster v5.07 Page 1 of 1 OS B Oak Ave SD - 36" CMP Cross Section for Circular Channel Project Description Project File p:\10-004 l&o fm\hydro\_hydro\l&o_hyd4.fm2 Worksheet OS B Oak Ave SD - 36" CMP Flow Element Circular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Depth Diameter Discharge 0.024 0.026500 ft/ft 12.5 in 36.00 in 15.28 cfs 12.5 in 36.00 in H 1 NTS 07/03/11 11:19:04 PM Conway & Assoc. Inc Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 FlowMaster vS.07 Page 1 of 1 Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 APPENDIX C REFERENCE DRAWINGS City of Carlsbad Drawing 451.7A: Project Storm Drain System (From project site to Lincoln & Oak intersection curb inlet) City of Carlsbad Drawing 462-6: Public Storm Drain (From project site to westerly edge of Washington & Oak parking lot) City of Carlsbad Drawing 360-5: Public Storm Drain (From westerly edge of Washington & Oak parking lot to Agua Hedionda Lagoon outfall) City of Carlsbad Master Plan of Drainage Plate B-l: Proposed Public Storm Drains (Tributary Basin Area) Drainage Basin Limit Comparison Exhibit: Depicts Differences Between 1999 Earth Tech Study and 2011 Conway & Associates Study GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN NOTE ALL GARAGE AREA FLOOR DRAINS SHALL BE ROUTED THROUGH AN OILY.^WATER SEPARATOR DEVICE AND DISCHARGED TO THE BUILPMG SANITARY SEWER PER SEPARATE PLUMBING PLANS AND PERMIT rmTAL OF 3 FLOOR GRAINS) - Rf\ ftTF" INFORMATI STORM DRAIN STORAGE SYSTEM NOTES: WORK ITEM |5: 2" YEMJS-IO-RQOF ~ S£E~PtUMBING PLANS AND PERMiJ-~-CONNECT10N TO 30" HOPE PIPE PER DET J/SHT6 ~^TYP'OF 3 \ ,SHOWN HEREON IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONL SEE APPROVED PLUMBING PLANS AND PERMITOAK AVENUE:GUTTERS - SEE PLUMBING PLANS AND PERMIT ~ CONNECTION TO 30" HOPE PIPE PER DET 3/S<T 6 I.E. PER SORSD D-27 (M XJIFIED) a n UNDER NEW PCC WALKXA.Y-OEL --^r: L-j-i 4. EX SO INLET / (48.9+) TC ?(48.30) CURB FL 1™;. L_**i3 ^ Ajg-j ' «-,-, -i " rZl.oi '—£i 121 r_~ rji~_45.00 FL IN _/ ',' NEW 12" SD*_Z"«_PUMP DISCHARGEUN'roUTLETS O EL 49.70 .0+26.67 ~ 49.15 I.E. BEG 30" HOPE SW STORAGE PIPE ~ STA 0+00 O OAK AVE. ROWBLD 1 S0.2C/ 49.60 PAD SEWER CLEANOUT ~ EXTEND AT 45- ft BRINGRISER UP INTO PLANTERNOTES/ / / / ' 1) ALL BUILDING ROOF AND DECK DRAINS SHAU. BE ROUTED AND CONNECTED TO TH/ 30" HOPE STORMWATER'STORAGE PIPE PER DET ,2/SHT 6 ~ SEE ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL PLANS FOR / CONNECTION POINTS. Ill I 2V ALL ROOF BUTTERS ANp DECK DRAINS SHALL BE/ FITTED WITH- DEBRIS SCREENS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF ORGANIC / MATERIAL IN/THE STORMWATER STORAJSE PIPE -SEE / /ARCHITECTURAL MECHANICAL PLANS. / / / 30 HOPE, STORAGE PIPE "1 L-175'' I"" o 0.50* SEE SEC B-B/SHT 5\ \ AU] FLO<bR DRAIN SYSTEM MATERIAL TYPE AND PRODUCT SELECTION, WITH N THE x BUIJLOINGI PER ._ 3HT 3 IS CORIM 49.164 -v IE 48.26 \ ROOM,, ., 16.20*7™ IpC"GARAT3E FLOOR DRAINS CONNECT TO OIL-WATER SEPARATOR ~*-PER PLUMBING PLANS 4 PERMIT SEWER CLEAN OUT ~ EXTEND AT 45' ft BRING RISER UP INTO PLANTER INDICATES BIORETENTION LS AREA SET INLET RIM 2" ABOVE (UON) "FS O CB" FS ELEVATIONINDICATES INLET AND STORM DRAIN DATA - SEE TABLE AT RIGHT D STORM DRAIN DATA TABLE LENGTH OF PIPE AND SLOPE ARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE PIPE DOWNSTREAM OF THE INDICATED INLET NUMBER. ALL SO PIPE SHAU- BE SDR-35 PVC PIPE W/ GASKETTED FITTINGS. FS SD CB CB AT SD SD SD DIA CB SEC NO. RIM CB dn up LEN S in TYPE NOTES O STORM WATER CISTERN SYSTEM WORK TO BE DONE: 1 30" HOPE STORAGE PIPE: L-1701 O 0.50X ~ SEE SEC B-B/SHT 5 2 STORMWATER STORAGE PIPE CLEANOUT STRUCTURE PER DET 1/SHT 6 3 STORMWATER PUMP WELL PER DET 2/SHT 6 4 6" STORMWATER OVERFLOW UNE ~ TIE TO MAIN SD UNE 5 2" VENT UNE ~ SEE DET 3/SHT 6 6 6" DIA. CLEANOUT SIM TO CARLSBAD DWG S-6, COVER LABELED "SW" 7 30" HOPE END CAP FITTING 8 2'* PUMP DISCHARGE UNE 9 ft PUMP DISCHARGE LINES1 OUTFLOW SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY FULL PORT BALL VALVES ~ SEE FLOW RATE SCHEDULE, THIS SHEET 10 3" ROOF GUTTER * ROOF DECK DOWN DRAINS ft SUBSURFACE UNES LOCATIONS PER PLUMBING PLANS ft PERMIT PUMP DISCHARGE UNE FLOW RATE SCHEDULE OUTLET t FLOW RATE 1 4 GPM 2 7 GPM 3 6 GPM 4 5 GPM V SEWER MAIN DATA TABLE (PRIVATE MAIN) 10' 5' NO. LENGTH 1 29.11' 2 144.16' 3 16.06' 4 59.98' 5 2.00' 6 28.95' 7 13.36' BEARING/DELTA N 55' 58' 34" E N 55' 55' 45" E N 10- 55' 45" E N 34' 01' 26" W N 34' 01' 26" W N 55' 58' 34" E N 55' 55' 45" E RESIDENTIAL LATERAL IN ROW • RETAIL LATERAL IN ROW * 48.94 49.28 49.50 49.50 49.5049.60 52.1052.70 528053.30 54.00 54.40 54.8055.30 45.00 45. 12 45.33 45.6345.9346. 16 46.76 47.21 47.25 50.005021 507751.34 45.00 45. 12 45.33 45.63 45.93 46.16 46.7647.21 47.2550.00 50.2150.77 51.34 51.79 -0.92Z -0.92Z -1.002-i. oat-l.SK -2.00% -2.00Z -2.00% 23.38- 30.00- 30.00- 15.00* 30.00- 22.75- 2.00-7. 55' -36. 42% 10.58- -2.00% 28.03" -2.00% 28.42- -2.00% 22.45- -2.00% 49. M 49.30 51.30 52.80 51075117 5147 54.07 54.67 55.47 49. 40 49. 40 47. OS 45.3345. 35 1. 75-45.60 25.62- 45.64 3.11- 45. 79 15. 49-45. 88 9. 14- 45. 97 a 96- 46.52 27.52- 47.02 25.00-47. 06 1. 75' 47. 38 16. 15' 28.00-28.00- 28.00- 27.39- 48.50 49.0649.61 49.94 I 49.30 -49. 40 49. 31 45. 97 (VARIES) 5-3131-32 51.9051.00 46. 16 49.26 47.02 47.14 45.97 47.90 46. 16 49.26 49.50 16.65- 5. 75- -2. OOZ 4.95' -38.96% 5.56- -55.90% 11.80- -2.00% EX CURB INLET6 AP 3 CB - RIM = FS + 2' 1 CB - RIM = FS * 2'1 CB - RIM = FS * 2' 5 CO1 CB - RIM = FS * 2' 5,6 CO-AP1 CB I CB 1 CB - RIN - FS * 21 1 CB - RIM = FS + f 1 CB - RIM = FS » 2"1 CB - RIN = FS » 2'- END CBAPAPCB AP AP CBCB CO-APCB CB - RIN = FSCB - RIM = FS Cfl - RIM = FS CB - RIM = FSCB - RIM = FS CB - RIM = FS CO-AP CB-END TRENCH DRAIN - END COAP TRENCH DRAIN - END 1 12x12 PVC IN-LIIC BOX - NDS OR EOUAL i - ( ITEM NOT USED ) - 3 18x18 PRECAST IN-LINE BOX - BROOKS OR EQUAL 4 TRENCH DRAIN 5 CLEAN OUT •/ THREADED CAP I ENCLOSURE 6 ANGLE POINT - FITTING T TRAFFIC-RATED SURFACE STRUCTURE NOTES 1) USE ATRIUM CRATES «/ CATCH BASINS IN LANDSCAPED AREAS 2) USE 6'-DIA PIPE FOR CATCH BASIN RISERS OSEWER LATERAL TABLE (PRIVATE) SLOPE DROP TO MAIN SS DEPTH 1*59. 87 LINCOLN ST - BLDG 1 RETAIL SS MAIN - 6' DIA - ST CL STA = 1+00 1 MAIN +00. 05 43. 63 I. E. - EXISTING 8" PUBLIC SEWER 2 WYE +01. 05 44.63 - I. Off +30. 00 45. 21 S. OCX - - - 49. 30 4. 09'4 RET +43. 37 45. 34 1. 00% - - - 49. 50 4. 16' 2+35. 48 LIN OLN ST - BLDG 2 RESIDENTIAL SS MAIN - 6" DIA - ST CL STA - l+OO+99. 89 +00. 89+30. 00 8 1 +45. 339 2 +72. 50 10 3 2+00. 50 11 GAR 2+08. 05 12 4 2+2a 50 13 AP 2+74. 16 14 AP-CO 2+90. 21 15 5 3+22. 19 16 6 3+50. 19 17 CD 3*52. 19 43. 3144. 31 44. 89 45.0545. 32 45.60 45.67 45. 8846. 34 46. 50 46.82 47. 1047. 12 I.E. - a. oox 1. OO7.1. OOX 1. OOX1. OOX 1. OOX.OOX .OOX.OOX. OOX. OOX EXISTING 8" 1. 00'PUBLIC SEWER 0.83-0.83- 0.83'0.83- 0.83'0.83' 0.83'0.83-0.83'0.83- 1*46. 161*73. 33 2*01. 33 2+08. 88 2+29. 33 3+23. 023*51. 02 45. 88 46. 1546. 43 46. SO46. 71 47.65 47.93 3. 00-3. 00-a oo-aoo-3.00' 3. 00-3. 00- 49.52 53.30 S3. 50 53.8053. 9054. 4055. 4055. 40 54.8854. 43 54.40 NOTES: - CONTRACTOR TO CAREFULLY REVIEW ALL DATA AND CONNECTION POINTS BEFORE STARTING WORK OR RELYING ON THIS DATA FOR ANY CONTRACTUAL OR FINANCIAL PURPOSE. ALL CRITICAL POINTS OF CONNECTION ARE TO BE FIELD VERIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR BEFORE START OF WORK. - ELEMENTS OF WORK LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC ROW ARE NOT A PART OF THIS PERMIT ANDARE SHOWN FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY - SEE DWG 451-7 - 6" MAIN - PRIVATE SEWER MAIN ~ SDR-35 PVC - 4" LATERAL - PRIVATE SEWER LATERAL ~ SDR-35 PVC - (1) TABLE STATIONING IS FOR 6" MAIN AND CONNECTION POINTS FOR 4" SERVICE LATERALS - SEE PLAN FOR ANY STATIONING RELATIVE TO 4" LATERALS REQUIRED TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TABLE 10'20' SCALE: 1"=10' * NOT A PART OF THIS PERMIT ~ SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY ~ SEE DWG 451-7 SURVEY CONTROL NOTE: THE PROPERTY UNE, SETBACK, BUILDING LOCATION AND ALL BACKBONE SITE AND UTILITY CONTROL DATA SHALL BE REVIEWED AND SET BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR. PRIOR TO START OF WORK A UCENSEDLAND SURVEYOR SHALL REVIEW AND VERIFY ALL DATA ON THIS PLAN AS WELL AS EXISTING HELD CONNECTION POINTS. f CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR CORRUGATED METAL PIPE .REPLACEMENT PROGRAM STATE STREET & OAK AVENUE PROJECT NO. 6607-08-1 AREAOFWORK CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA VICINITYMAP norm SCALE SHEET INDEX ABBREVIATIONS CITY COUNCIL CLAUDE A. "BUD" LEWIS-MAYOR ANN KULCHIN - MAYOR PRO TEM MATT HALL-COUNCIL MEMBER MARK PACKARD - COUNCIL MEMBER KEITH BLACKBURN - COUNCIL MEMBER LISA HILDABRAND CITY MANAGER GLENN PRUIM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SHEET WO. 1 2-4 TnLESHEET, VKINinMAP AND LOCATION MAP Pt>W 4 PROFILE (STATE STREET) 54 PLAN & PROFILE (OAK AVENUE) 7-9 TRAFFIC CONTROL (STATE STREET) AC AB(ABND; B-)CATV CONDcu«. DB E PLY EX FIN. F.S. N.T.S. ASPHALT CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE ABANDONED BORING CABLE TV CONDUITCOEFFICIENT OF UNIFORMITY CENTERUNE DUCT BANK ELECTRIC EASTERLY EXISTING FINISH FINISHED SURFACENOT TO SCALE OH .PH-01 , PROP . PXHP . RCP. . R/W . SO IT- '® TEL-T • TAC • WAT -WLY - OVERHEAD POTHOLE PROPOSED PLASTIC HIGH PRESSURE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RIGHT OF WAY STORM DRAIN STREET TELEPHONE TELEPHONE TRANSIT ASBESTOS CEMENT WATER WESTERLY REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG 458-1 DWG 178-5 DWG 430-6 DWG 176-5 DWG 259-5 DWG 102-6 REFERENCE REPORTS A aeOTfCHNKAL EVALUATION OF THE SMTE STREET SfTE WAS PREPARED BY NWYO * MOORE THE REPORT IS DATED 4/13/2OO9 (PROJECT NO. IOSJ7900I). A COPY IS ON FILE HfTH THE CUTS ENONEBUNB DEPARTMENT. SEtECme UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATING (POT-HOUNG) WAS PERFORMED ON BOTH SITES BY UNDERGROUND SOLUTIONS, INC.; THE REPORT IS DATED 4/2I/200S. A COPY IS ON FILE WTH THE CJTYS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. &\N«L>N *,,^K'.%:: ^^V'^C:-'' ••'>*' &'.. &.:. \ •;•• jj*\ <?:- V^.:. 1S-'*-* %;,'".,** - ;. *X- •- - cto«««u •' .• . •'' " LOCATION MAP NOT TO SOLE LEGEND DESCRIPTION STREET CENTERLJNE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTY UNE EASEMENT UNE CURB * GUTTER (EXISTING) STORM DRAIN (EXISTING) CONCRETE BROW DITCH EXISTING GAS LINE EXISTING WATER UNE EXISTING WATER LATERAL EXISTING RRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EXISTING ELECTRICAL LINE/BOX EXISTING CABLE TV CONDUIT EXISTING TELEPHONE CONDUIT EXISTING SEWER MAIN EXISTING SEWER LATERAL EXISTING STREETLIGHT RCP STORM DRAM (PROPOSED) CURB & GUTTER (PROPOSED) CONCRETE (PROPOSED) STORM DRAM CLEANOUT-TYPE A (PROPOSED) CURB INLET-TYPE 8 (PROPOSED) CITY OF CARLSBAD LOCAL DEPRESSION (PROPOSED) LIMITS OF GRADING (PROPOSED) PROPOSED FINISH GRADE ELEVATION EXISTING GRADE ELEVATION POTHOLE OR BORING LOCATION STORM DRAIN TO BE SLURRIED — CATV / TVC T /—MCI—/—ATT D-9 D-2 DS-1 (32.8MEG -PH-01. B-1 es IoKQ. 2 IO sn: R(n uj I<t i: § tu KW S iSw Underground Service Alert Call: TOLL FREE 1-800 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG BASIS OF BEARINGS: NAD S3 (1991.55 EPOCH) ;OR THIS SURVEY IS THE UNE BETWEEN: CL58-129, N 2005601.527*. E C223329.966'. ROS 17271. 3' SO COUNTY DISK MOM. M TOP OF CONCRETE SIGNAL BASE. 500' NORTH OF COAST HIGHWAY101 INTERSECTION WTH RAILROAD TRACKS. 14' EAST OF TRACKS. BEHINDCARLSBAD WATER FACIUTY ft CLS8-13O. N 2003724.503*, C 6224845.188',ROS 17271. 2-5" QtSK STAMPED CLSB-13O LS. 6215, l*ON. IS IN THE S-ECORNER OF DRAINAGE BOX INLET AT THE END OF CURB RETURN IN THE N-ECORNER OF GRAND AVC. AND WASHMCTON ST.. 52' WEST OF RAILROAD TRACKS AND 4tf NORW OF THE CENTER OF GRAND AVE. BENCHMARK: CLSB-129ELEV.: 20.040'OATAM: NGVD 29RECORD OF SURVEY 17271 3" SAN DIEGO COUNTY DISKMONUMENT IS IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETESIGNAL BASE. 500 FEET NORTH OF COASTHIGHWAY 1O1 INTERSECTION WITH RAILROADTRACKS, 14 FEET EAST OF TRACKS. IN THEBACK OF CARLSBAD WATER FACILITY "AS BUILT P.E.. REVIEVCD BYi PREPARED BY: HARRIS & ASSOCIATES 750 B Str**t, Suite 1800Son Diego, CA 92101 .(619) 236-1778 • FAX (613) 2J6-1179 -|femg1 DATE HT1AL EMONEER OF HOBK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA1E NTIAL OTHEK APPROVAL SHEET 1 CITY OF CAELSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 9 SHEETS CORRUGATED UETAL FIFE BEPUCDIENT PROGBAU TITLE SHEET, VICINITY MAP AND LOCATION MAP ^ \ 28176 OP. 03/31/10 DVW1 BY: CHKD BY: FIELD BY: CS BS PROJECT NO. 6607-08-1 DRAWING NO. 462-6 JN 002-0071.01 - =3;=:-^—^--i-^-l-'^^l — J^QiQ*-^**-!—-I-*--—:...H--»---.-:-~-i~=r-na~*3*a- .*£^-i mil INSTALL AFirmte ADAPTER /F NECESSARY ^\= BLOCKS PER art OF CARLSBAD SID WIS ' =t=j='= CONTRACTOR WUL INSTALL A F//?E: HYDRANT SERVICE CROSSING DETAIL 100+00 101+00 102+00 103+00 INOYAN FAMILY TRUST3076 CARLSBAD BLVD.APN: 203-261-01 | BERNARD & MARINA GOLDSTEIN FAMILY TRUSTJJ54 OAK AVE.APN:2Q3-261-03 •d \ L^^n^i ^ -~r ALBERT & SANDRABOVENZI LIVING TRUST ' 341 OAK AVE.APN: 203-260-05 CONSTRUCTION NOTES (T) SLURRY FILL EXISTING STORM DRAIN. M y CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT TYPE A PER SORSD D-9. M2) CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT TYPE A PER SDRSD D-10. ) PROTECT IN PLACE ) REMOVE AND REPLACE CURB RAMP WITH SDRSD G-29 TYPE C RAMP. ' CONTRACTOR TO MATCH EXISTING STREET SURFACE AND ADJACENT SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS. i INSTALL 18" RCP STORM DRAIN PER SDRSD D-60 AND 6-24 (TYPE A). TRENCH / AND RESURFACE PER CITY OF CARLSBAD STD. DWG. W-2 & GS-25 AND DETAIL SHOWN ON SHEET 6. REMOVE PORTION(S) OF EXISTING STORM DRAIN, AS NECESSARY. TO ACCOMOOATE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED STORM DRAIN. i REMODEL EXISTING SEWER LATERAL PER GREEN BOOK STANDARD PLANS FDR / PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PLAN NO. 223-1 CASE D. I RECONSTRUCT 6" C900 PVC PIPE FIRE SERVICE PER MODIFIED CITY OF CARLSBAD ' STD DWG W-12 AND FIRE HYDRANT SERVICE CROSSING DETAIL ON SHEET 5. I INSTALL 6- PVC STORM DRAIN. SDR 35. PER SDRSD D-60 AND G-24 (TYPE A). ' TRENCH AND RESURFACE PER CITY OF CARLSBAD STD. DWG. W-2 ft GS-25 AND DETAIL SHOWN ON SHEET 6. REMOVE PORTION(S) OF EXISTING STORM DRAIN. AS NECESSARY. TO ACCOMOOATE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED STORM DRAIN.©CONNECT TO EXISTING 6" PVC STORM DRAIN WITH 45- ELBOW. REMOVE POfmON(S) OF EXISTING 18" STORM DRAIN. AS NECESSARY, TO ACCOMOOATE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED STORM DRAIN. lO\ CONNECT PROPOSED STORM DRAIN TO EXISTING STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE {**) (CLEAN-OUT OR INLET) PER DETAIL V ON SHEET 6. * EXISTING UnUTIES (CONTRACTOR SHAU. POTHOLE TO VERIFY DEPTH) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITY AGENCIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION TO RELOCATE EXISTING FACILITIES THAT ARE IN CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED STORM DRAIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPORT AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITY CROSSINGS AS REQUIRED. STORM DRAIN DATA TAE LE LINEtoaa. LENGTH 42.44' 138.64' 210.71' BEARING/DELTA N29-2419"E N55-58'2fl'E N55-5B'2S"E TYPE 18- 1700-0 18" 1400-D 18" 1700-D PROJECTS PRIVATE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM WILL TIE INTO THE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN AND WILL BE , CONVEYED DIRECTLY TO THE AGUA HEDtONDA LAGOON ~ REFERENCE DWG 451-7A, SHT 4 PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE ( ranai) I Inch . ZO re Underground Service Alert Call: TOLL FREE 1-800 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE rou we BASIS OF BEARINGS: NAD 63 (1991.35 EPOCH) FDR THIS SURVtT B THE IME BETWEEN: -ia. N 2005M1.527'. E 62233M 966'. ROS 17271. r SO COUNTY OSKUON. IN TOP OF CONCRETE SCNAL BASE, 500' NORTH OF COAST HIGHWAYtOI INTERSECTION «TTH RARROAD TRACKS. 14' EAST OF TRACKS. EEMNOCARLSBAD WATER FAOUTY * OSB-I3H N 2003724.303'. E 6224845.188'.ROS 17271, 2.5" OCSK STAMPED CLSG~130 L.S. 621S. UON. IS M THE S-ECORNER OF DRAINAGE BOX MLET AT THE END OF CURB RETURN M THE N-E CORNER OF GRAND AVE. AND WASHINGTON ST., 52* WEST OF RAILROADTRACKS AND W NORTH OF DC CENTER OF GRAND AVE. BENCHMARK: CLSB-IMELEV.: 20.0WDATAIt NGVD 21RECORD OF SURVEY T727T 3" SAN DIEGO COUNTY DISKMONUMENT IS IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETESGNAL BASF, 900 FEET NORTH OF COASTHIGHWAY 101 INTERSECTION WITH RAILROADTRACKS, 14 FEET EAST OF TRACKS. M THEBACK OF CARLSBAD WATER FAOUTY •ASBUlLr REVIEWED BYi PREPARED BY: HARRIS 4 ASSOCIATES :- 750 B Street. Suite 1BOO Son Oi.,0. C* 92101 (619) 23C-I77I • FAX (6T9) 236-1179 ENOHEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL SHEET 5 CITY OF CAKLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 9 SHEETS CORRUGATED METAL PIPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM PLAN AND PROFILE STA: 100*00.00 - STA: 103+OO.OO IMUER •WgfMgt XICCM176 EXP. 03/31/10 9-S/-04 DATE OWN BY: CHKD BY: HELD BY: CB BS PROJECT NO. 6607-08-1 DRAWING NO. 462-6 JN 062-0071.01 EXISTING INLET OR CLEANOUT WITH MINIMUM STALLING. EXPOSE EXETINB REINFORCING STEEL WTHOUT CUTTINa SANDBLAST EXPOSED REMFORCINGSTEEL PRIOR TO BENDING. CONCRETE ,•--•• I--L-'izr'*--!—fcgr-jg^j—-I—---""•""•i*- • • r^~~, . i^rri........— —1_ ill! DETAIL 'A' - RCP CONNECTION JO EXISTING CLEANOUT OR INLET NTS SCALE 1"=20P HORIZ. 1"=4' VERT. 103+00 104+00 CALIFORNIA PROPERTY BROKERS LTD.390 OAK AVEAPN-.203-261-07 199 NORTH SAN DIEGOCOUNTY TRANSIT PEVELOPMENT BOARDNO SITE ADDRESSAPN; 204-010-15 REFERENCE DWG 360-5 FOR CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC STORM DRAIN TO AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON OUTFALL FINAL BACKFILL COMPACTED TOasx REumt COMPACTION M7E79UEDMT7Z BACKFILL COMPACTED TO 90X RELATIVE COMPACTION BEDDING AND PIPE ZONE BACKFILL SAND EQUIVALENT (SQXJO OAK AVENUE TRENCH DETAIL N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION NOTES (T) SLURRY FILL EXISTING STORM DRAIN. nT) CONSTRUCT STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT TYPE A PER SDRSD D-fl. (J5) PROTECT IN PLACE /O\ INSTALL IB" RCP STORM DRAIN PER SDRSD D-60 AND G-2* (TYPE A). TRENCH \!2J AND RESURFACE PER CITY OF CARLSBAD STD. DWG. W-2 & GS-25 AND DETAIL SHOWN ON SHEET 6. REMOVE PORTION(S) OF EXISTING STORM DRAIN. AS NECESSARY. TO ACCOMODATE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED STORM DRAIN. ©INSTALL T4-X23" ELLIPTICAL RCP STORM DRAIN PER SDRSO D-60 AND G-24 (TYPE A). TRENCH AND RESURFACE PER CITY OF CARLSBAD STD. OWG. W-2 & GS-25 AND DETAIL SHOWN ON SHEET 6. REMOVE PORTION(S) OF EXISTING STORM DRAIN, AS NECESSARY. TO ACCOMODATE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED STORM DRAIN, ($5) RECONSTRUCT AC DIKE. TYPE A. PER SDRSD G-5. ©CONNECT PROPOSED STORM DRAIN TO EXISTING STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE (CLEAN-OUT OR NLET) PER DETAIL 'A' ON SHEET 6. * EXISTING UTILITIES (CONTRACTOR SHALL POTHOLE TO VERIFY DEPTH) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH ALL UTILITY AGENCIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION TO RELOCATE EXISTING FACILITIES THAT ARE IN CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED STORM DRAIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPORT AND PROTECT ALL EXISTING UTILITY CROSSINGS AS REQUIRED. UNE L5)a LENGTH 210.7V 47.50' STORM DRAIN DATA TABLE BEARING/DELTA N55-58'29-E N78D3'2CfE TYPE 18" 1700-D 14-X231 ELLIPTICAL 2700-0 ALBERT & SANDRABOVENZI LIVING TRUST341 OAK AVE.APN: 203-260-05 PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE Underground Service Alert Call: TOLL FREE 1-800227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG BASIS OF BEARINGS: NAD 83 (1991.35 EPOCH) FOR IMS SUOTCY IS THE UNE BETWEEN: CLS8-129. H 200M01.S27'. E <2ZU29.lW. ROS 17271. f SO COUNTY DISK HON. M TCP OF CONCRETE SIGNAL BASE. SOT NORTH OF COAST HIGHWAY101 INTERSECTION WTH RAILROAD TRACKS. 14' EAST OF TRACKS, BEHINDCARLSBAD WATER FACILITY * CLSB-1JO. N ZOU724-SU'. E 6224W5.1BB'.ROS 17271. IS' DISK STAMPED CLSB-130 L.S. 0215. UON. IS M THE S-ECORNER OF DRAINAGE BOX MLET AT THE END OF CURB RETURN IN THE N-ECORNER OF GRAND AVE. AND WASHMCTON ST., S2* WEST OF RAILROADTRACKS AND 4ff NORTH OF THE CENTER OF GRAND AVE. BENCHMARK: CLSB-129ELEV-: 20.040'DATAU: NGVD 29RECORD OF SURVEY 17271 3~ SAN DIEGO COUNTY DISKMONUMENT IS M THE TOP OF A CONCRETESKNAL BASE, 500 FEET NORTH OF COASTHIGHWAY 101 INTERSECTION WITH RAILROADTRACKS, 14 FEET EAST OF TRACKS, IN THEBACK OF CARLSBAD WATER FACILITY •AS BUILT P.E..EXP. .BATE REVIEWED BYi INSPECTOR BATE HARRIS 4 ASSOCIATES 790 B Slre.1, SiiHi 1800 Son Dilgo, CA 92101 (619) 2J6-I77« • r» (619) 1)6-1173 i iklM ROBERT C. SUTHERUN JR.REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL SHEET 6 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 9 SHEETS CORRUGATED METAL FTPE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM PLAN AND PROFILE STA: 103+00.00 - STA: 104+51.79 APPROVED WILLIAM UMER Y ENGINEBi' _ . 03/31/10 OWN BY: CB CHKD 8Y: BS FIELD BY: JN 082-0071.01 PROJECT NO. 6607-08-1 DRAWING NO. 462-6 (C UJ b"Ul fc! CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR= Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches VC5B To VC11A And South Carlsbad Storm Drain Projects INDEX TO PLANS SHEET NO. TITLE PROJECT LOCATION VICINfTY MAP NO SCALE FOR PROJECT CONTINUATION SEE PLAN SET 1 OF 1 *—-^APPROXIMATE PROJECT BENCHMARK LOCATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 6. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. IB. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 38. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. TITLE SHEET GENERAL NOTES LEGEND/ABBREVIATIONS/DETAILS SONR R/W - SEWER/STORM DRAIN - STA. 1+00 TO 11+00 SONR R/W - SEWER/STORM DRAIN - STA. 11+00 TO 23+00 SDNR R/W - SEWER/STORM DRAIN - STA. 23+00 TO 35+00 SDNR R/W - SEWER/STORM DRAIN - STA. 35+00 TO 48+00 SDNR R/W - SEWER/STORM DRAIN - STA. 48+00 TO 58+72.50 CHESTNUT AVENUE - SEWER/STORM DRAIN - SIX 10+00 TO 19+00 CHESTNUT AVENUE - SEWER/STORM DRAIN - STA. 19+00 TO 29+50 HARDING STREET STORM DRAIN - STA. 1+00 TO 11+00 HARDING STREET STORM DRAIN - STA. 11+00 TO 22+OO HARDING STREET STORM DRAIN - STA. 22+00 TO 29+35.71 OAK AVENUE STORM DRAM PINE AVENUE STORM DRAIN PALM/MAGNOLIA AVENUE STORM DRAIN CHINQUAPIN AVENUE STORM DRAIN STORM DRAIN LATERAL PROFILES STORM DRAIN DETAILS STOfcM DRAIN DETAILS CONNECTIONS TO EXIST SEWER DETAILS AND SECTIONS SEWER DETAILS SEWER DETAILS SEWER DETAILS GENERAL DETAILS TYPICAL TUNNEL DETAILS STORM DRAIN CONNECTION DETAILS 1-5 R/W SLOPE REPAIR GRADING PLAN EROSION CONTROL DETAIL STRIPING PLAN - HARDING STREET STRIPING PLAN - CHESTNUT AVENUE TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC CONTROL SHEET NUMBER INDEX MAP SCALE: 1" = 400' BENCHMARK THE BENCHMARK FOR THIS PROJECT IS CALTRANS MONUMENT *TAM* AS DESCRIBED IN CALTRANS CONTROL MONUMENT DATA RECORDS. DISTRICT 11 OFFICES. ^MT LEAD AND CDH TAG IN CENTER OF BRIDGE DECK OF TAMARACK AVENUE OVER INTERSTATE ROUTE 5. N: 2.000,717.301 E- ELEVATION 7220 MSL (NGVD 29) Plan a«*t 2 of 2 3 i I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE ENGWEER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT. THATI HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE. AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF THE PROJECT DRAWNGS AND SPECIFICATIONBY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY. AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME. AS ENCMEER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE PROJECT DESIGN. /g/27/99 MICHAEL W. RUTH R.C.E. 44167 aTYOFVBTA VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC5B TO VC11A APPROVED CITY ENQ&EER WlP MWCPAL WATER DBIRCT WILLIAM I DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER REG. EXPIRES 3-31-02 •ASBULT- E A R T HSJM TECH 9675 BUSINESS PARK AVE. SAN DIEGO. CA 92131 DA1E INITIAL DONOR OF WORK /IS S(j REVISION DESCRIPTION T»6f OTY APPROVAL CfTYOFVISTA PROJECT NO. 306 - DWG D-3556 PLMS Fat TIC wnmEHENT OF: VBTA/CAfUBBADMT SHEET 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VCIIA MO 8001H CMUBBAD STOW DRAM PROJECTS TITLE SHEET OWN BY: CHKD BY: RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. 3182/3528 I DRAWING NO. 300-5 c irh 40 r 30 SEWER PROFILE H6RZ- " fc 4O' -- ,' ->=^='=N APPROXIMATE BROUNIIWATEH LINE - SEE SPEC SI CT1ON 7-16 - - , MOWZ- l"-= 40*van i" - 4 i 10 ttfOO S 1 ' fli n 2 WATER TABLE NO. Ny DELTA/BEARING N.OITO'OS'W. N.37'30'M"W. NO. I DELTA/BEARING N.2r28'10-W. N.3714'22"W. N.07T12'07-E. RADIUS SEWER RADIUS LENGTH 29.34' 495.08" REMARKS «' PVC WATER , 4" PVC WATER TABLE LENGTH 21.64' 448.50' 8.00' REMARKS 54- SEWER 48" SEWER 54" SEWER STORM DRAIN TABLE NO. TJPA DELTA^EARINC N.ST^OTfl-K N.37TO'38*W. RADIUS LENGTH 476.39' 14404' REMARKS___^, > 84" SD 0-3600 8*~STTB-3665-- DEMOLJT10N/RELOCAT10N NOTES REMOVE EXISTING STORM DRAIN. > ABANDON EXISTING 3' PVC WATER LINE IN PLACE. @ PROTECT EXISTING GAS LINE IN PLACE. @ PROTECT EXISTING TELEPHONE LINES IN PLACE. © ABANDON EXISTING SEWER IN PLACE. PLUG EACH END. f^\ (SEE DETAIL) (^237 © CONNECT EXISTING STORM DRAIN TO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT. SEE-SMEET 28 FOR GRADING IN THIS AREA 'ASBULT' A/&H* wzZfeZe nrl-Jttt Plan Set 2 of 2. CONSTRUCT 4" PVC C900 WATER LINE ft CONNECTTO EXISTING 3" PVC WATER LINE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF EXIST STORM DRAIN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Of TYPE 8-9 SDCO. ; SEWER AND STORM DRAM PLAN HORIZ: 1" . 40' GRAPHIC SCALE Y "> ^TY CITY ENGINEER REG. EXPIRES J-31-02 DATE: EARTH TECH 9675 BUSINESS PARK AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER WfRWW. CITY OF VISTA PROJECT NO. 306 - DWG D-3556 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT VISTA CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC5B TOVC11A AND SOUTH CARLSBAD STORM DRAIN PROJECTS SDNR R/W - STA WOO TO WOO m*~i^Jt&>US DIRECTOR ^W.12-31- F§8FOWN BY: CHKD BY: .-,..- RVWD BY; CHY PROJECT NO. 382/3528 DRAWING NO. 360-5 40 HYDRAULIC DATA — ISM" 1» RIM—43 50± \Z2 PEAK Q - 27.78 mod 0= 2S.94 MGD O 0/d PEAK Q •= 27.78 mod soxai OWN _, REMOVED . _ 289.67 LF " SEWER O 0.08* SEVyER PROFILE HORIZJ «~1* - 40' VERT: • 1* - 4' 430 28 if - .48* SEWER EXISTING GPtOU <0 » STORM OWH 82 00 If - 84* SD , O O. . , i HTDRAU1JC GRAPE APPROX1HATT GROONDW. TER \22-f2 IN JE2120/-_ 84" 'SO O OS9X Xv__APPROXIKKtE OEOlflGIC ^tRFACE CONTACTUNE SEE SPEI SECTION 7-16STORM DRAIN PRCFI& HOSE-—-r - VERT. 1' - 4' 30 20 20 tl+00 12+00 0+00 Vt+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 2HOO 22+00 23+00 SEWER TABLE PROTECT EX T^C TJNEDSWALE IN PLACE — / _^-^3> ^- — .r= ^—— NO. DELTA/BEARING RADIUS LENGTH "?> N.37T4'22'W. N.37T4'22'W. N.36-35'30'W. N.34-01'02'W. N.4r35'39*E. N.STWOlX 446.99' 430.28' 289.or 6.77- 48" SEWER -48" SEWER 48" SEWER 48" SEWER 8" PVC 8" PVC STORM DRAIN TABLE NO.DELTA/BEARING N.37TO'38-W. N.37-30'38'W. H.XfSTS3fH. N.34T15'50'W. N.2B-Q3'06'W. N.55"54'10'W. RADIUS LENGTH 249.61° 606.28' 107.7? 138.13" REMARKS 84" SD D-3400 84" SD 0-3600 84" SD D-3050 84" SO 0-3050 84" SO 0-3050 36" SD D-3350 SEE SHEET 17 (CHINQUAPIN AVE) DEMOLfnON/RELpCATION NOTES REMOVE EXISTING STORM DRAIN. REMOVE EXISTING SEWER UNE. REMOVE EXISTING 3" PVC WATER LINE. CONNECT SEWER TO SEWER MANHOLE. PROTECT EXISTING GAS LINE IN PLACE. PROTECT EXISTING TELEPHONE LINES IN PLACE. ABANDON EXISTING SEWER IN PLACE. PLUG EACH END. / (SEE DETAIL)( i REMOVE EXISTING STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT. SEWER AND STORM DRAIN PLAN MORE: 1" = 40' §REPLACE EXISTING FENCE IN KINO WITHIN TRENCH LIMITS. PROTECT EXISTING STORM DRAIN IN PUCE. .<jjv @ PLUG EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE. (SEE DETAIL)(ja) ffft CONTRACTOR TO SETUP TEMPORARY BYPASS PUMPING EQUIPMENT'"-' PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF EX 36" RCP SEWER. SEE SPECIFICATIONSFOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING DETAILS. © TUNNEL LENGTH MAY BE INCREASED AT CONTRACTOR'S** OPTION. (MINIMUM LENGTH SHOWN) MAINTAIN ACCESSTO SDNR RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM TAMARACK AVENUEAT ALL TIMES WITHOUT IMPACTING TRAFFIC ON TAMARACK AVE @ CONSTRUCT 3". PVC C900 WATER LINE & CONNECT** TO EXISTING 3" PVC WATER UNE. fi3 PROTECT EXISTING WATER METER IN PLACE ( W raBT) 1 loch - 40 ft CfTYOFVETAPROJECT NO. 306 - DWG D-3556 CARLSBAD MUMCPAL WATER OSTBICT i«iiUAM IWLUAM PLUMMER DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER REG. EXPIRES 3-31-02 DATE: RCE: 281w EARTH gn TECH 9675 BUSINESS PARK AVE, SAN DIEGO. CA 92131 •ASBULT* •Kfcaat DATE INITIAL EKQNEB) OF WW .<**. TfASMa-" REVISION DESCRIPTION *4L&Jt3£ QTt APPROVAL >HEET 5 Rlan Set 2 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD 11 *«™ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SO VISTA CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VCSB TOVC11A AND SOUTH CARLSBAD STORM DRAIN PROJECTS SDNR R/W - STA fl+00 TO 23+00 APPROVED Sjl.?*^-IZZL-/2-J3-9* PUBLC IIORKS DIRECTOR RCE: 23889 EXP.12-31-01 DATE CHKD BY: MWRM) BY: GHY PROJECT NO. 3182/3528 DRAWING NC 360-5 'I i W <MO HYDRAULIC DATA STA 21+00 TO SUHf 7 PEAK Q - 27.7B mqd D/d - 0.80VSTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTO* SEWER SEWEftPROR-Er * 40- VERT t" k 4- LF - 48" SEWER "0 0 08*$51 18 4F - 48 SEWERS8 LF'- -48* SEWER O OOBX 23+00 24+00 23-H8-360D' RT r >"BI APPROXIMATEUNE SEE SPEC49200 LF - 8** SO O 010* Q RAILROAD R/W 35 T*-#£fK4CCD MM C3OO Can/SO SDNR R/W-^.Plan Set 2 of 2 CITY OF CARLSBADSEWER AND STORM DRAIN PLAN HORIZ: 1" - 40'DEMOLmON/RELOCATION NOTES CARLSBAD MUMCPAL WATER tJBTBICT VISTA CARtSBAO INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC5B TOVC11A AND SOUTH CARLSBAD STORM DRAW PROJECTSREMOVE EXISTING STORM DRAIN. PROTECT EXISTING TELEPHONE LINES IN PLACE.MLUAM PLUUMER DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER REG. EXPIRES 3-31-0 SDNR R/W - STA 23+00 TO 35+OO ABANDON EXISTING SEWER IN PLACE. PLUG EACH END.SEE SPECS FOR SEWER FLOW TRANSFER (SEE DETAIL)SEQUENCE. GRAPHIC SCALE CONNECT O-jK/> STORM DRAIN TO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT. CONNECT EXISTING SEWER TO SEWER MANHOLE.SEE SPECS FOR SEWER FLOW TRANSFER SEQUENCE. DIRECTOR RC£: 23889 tXP.12-31-01 DATE DRAWING NO. 360-5 PROJECT NO 3182/35289675 BUSINESS PARK AVE, SAN DIEGO. CA 92131 o2 EXISTING GROUND —>. O tARIHEiN CHANNEL \ APPROX1MAT : SROUNDWATER' "«~ fr~f •• -*r-A r-mrmlt -I J09.80 if - 84.' SO Ai D-Z850 SDNR RAILROAD RW • ,4 * \t?~~ CITY OF CARLSBAD CARLSBAD MUNOPAL WATER DBTHICT SEWER TABLE DELTA/BEARING N.34-01'02"W. LENGTH 369.62' 48" SEWER 48" SEWER OELTA/BEARING STORM DRAIN TABLE N.34T)1'02'W. N.i4-01'02'W. N.34-01'02"W. N.55'58'58'E. N.34'01'02'W. N.34TQ1'02'W. RADIUS 209.80' 396.75' 291.28' 20.50' 10.00'10.00' 355.67" 84" SO 0-2850 84" SO D-275084' SO D-2750 18" SD 0-2000 54' SO D-2900 DEMOLJT1ON/RELOCAT1ON NOTES S REMOVE A PORTION OF EXISTING STORM DRAIN. EXTEND EXISTING STORM DRAIN AND CONNECT TO STORMDRAIN WITH CONCRETE LUG PER 0-63. @ PROTECT EXISTING TELEPHONE LINES IN PLACE. @ ABANDON EXISTING SEWER IN PLACE. PLUG EACH END. /T? ©CONNECT EXISTING STORM DRAIN TO STORM 'SEE DETAIL) ^23DRAIN CLEANOUT. REMOVE EXISTING PIPE TO A POINT THATIS STRUCTURALLY SOUND AS DETERMINED BY ENGINEER DELTA/BEARING WATER TABLE N.55"22'29'E. RADIUS LENGTH 27.11' 41.Z2' 10" PVC WATER 10' PVC WATER 10" PVC WATER SEWER AND STORM DRAIN PLAN HORIZ: 1" = 40' CONNECT RCP STORM DRAIN TO EXISTING STORM 6$ CONNECT TO EX 10- ACP WATERDRAIN PER CONCRETE PIPE COLLAR. DS-5. ^ INSTALL 45' PVC ELBOW (C-900)CONNECT TO EXISTING CMP AT A POINT WHERE ^EXISTING CMP IS STRUCTURALLY SOUND. @ INSTALL 45' PVC ELBOW (C-900) EXTEND EXISTING STORM DRAIN AND CONNECT TOIII'IIUN IIIBBB. (SIZE AS SHOWN ON PLAN) SDCD STfl. 48>80 PROTECT EXISTING 10" ACP WATER LINE IN PLACE. GRAPHIC SCALE ( area ) 1 bach = 40 fL WILLIAM DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER REG. EXPIRES 3-31-02 RCE: 28176 DATE: EARTH TECH 9675 BUSINESS PARK AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA 92131ENGMEBtCF KKK "*- REVISION DESCRIPTION VISTA CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC5B TOVC11A AND SOUTH CARLSBAD SJORM DRAIN PROJECTS SDNR R/W - STA 35+00 TO 48+00 _ PUBLIC'*OHKS OIRECTORRCE; 23889 EXP. 12-31-01 DATE CHKO BY: RVWD BY: RWB PROJECT NO. 3B2/3528 DRAWNG NO. 360-5 CDs I & r HYDRAULIC DATA STA 48+00 TO sum 11 0° 25.94 MGD O D/d - 0.75 PEAK Q = 27.11 mad D/d - 0.78 n - 0.012 SHHI 11 TO SMH 12 Q- 32.75 MGD O D/d - 0.75 PEAK 0 = 26.42 mgd D/d = 0.64 lEXETING JGRIHJND f-* ! at JVSOVE STOWI BRAIN^ ' £ " fe| STORM DRAIN LATERAL s AT STATION 57+88.08 7 HORIZ: 1" - 40'VERT: 1" - 4' HYDRAULIC DATA 15" PVC TO SMH| II 0= 7.89 MOD O D/d •» 0.75 PEAK Q - 0.69 mgd 0/d - 0.19 - 0.012 40 30 30 53+00 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59+00 033 40 j&L & 8 VP4\5 £I:$%i SEWER LATERAL AT STATION 49+0131 HORIZ: 1" = «' VERT: T = 4' I O)9 I I£ SEWER TABLE NO.JELTA/6EARING N.34T>t'02"W. N.34t>TQ2*W. N.56-27'47"E. RADIUS LENGTH 97.91^ 912.95' 124.42' REMARKS 48" SEWER 42" SEWER 15" PVC STORM DRAIN TABLE |JO. /IS _ 3ELTA/BEARING N.34t)1'02"W. N.34tH'OZ"W. N.34T«'02"W. N.84tXr46"E. N.33-42'36"W. RADIUS -. — LENGTH 78-00' 466.00' 433.58' 28.04' 48.74' REMARKS 54" SO D-2900 54" SO D-2900 54" SO 0-2900 36" SO D-2000 54" SD D-2900 SDNR RAILROAD R/W 15 PVg SEWER1N STEEL CASING | 54 BACKFILt TO MATCH- GRADE &PSOWDE POSfTIVE CRAINA6ETOWARDS EARTHEtf CHANNEL DRAIN IN OAK AVENUE. ~ M£) SEE PLAN SET t OF 2i Tl DWOIO 365-2 SEWER AND STORM DRAIN PLAN HOR12: 1" = 40'Plan Set 2 of 2 CfTY OF VISTAPROJECT NO. 306 - DWG D-3556 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTCAB.aBAn MINK3PAL WATER DBTOCT VISTA CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC5B TOVC11A AND SOUTH CARLSBAD STORM DRAIN PROJECTS SDNR R/W - STA 48+00 TO 58+7250 GRAPHIC SCALE PROJECT NO. 3182/3528REVISION DESCRIPTION9675 BUSINESS PARK AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 PEMOLmON/RELOCA'nON NOTES © REMOVE EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE. @ PROTECT EXISTING TELEPHONE LINES IN PLACE. © ABANDON EXISTING SEWER IN PLACE. PLUG EACH END. (SEE DETAIL) ( 65 CONNECT STORM DRAIN TO EXISTING STORM^ DRAIN PER CONCRETE PIPE COLLAR, DS-5. & EXTEND EXISTING STORM DRAIN AND CONNECT TO^ EARTHEN CHANNEL (SIZE AS SHOWN ON PLAN) @ EXTEND EXISTING STORM DRAIN TO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT.( ffl FHT ) 1 inch = 40 n. E11 ^ I . PCC CHANNEL ~ DWG 350-5 ' \ RIP-RAP OUTFALL ~ DWG 350-5 PLATE INDEX ,-r Basin < V \ c-,\\' D-l E-l "A — !—A-2 Basin B-2 C-2Basin \\ i _^**^v/" E-Z ^~AJ-3 I B L,^ B-3 ] C-3C Basin D-3 • — ~\ r1 --- A-4 B-+ 1 c-11i D V" '11 .r S-4 -L.s 500 •HB SCALE IN FEET Mcmm STING OTOR1I UNDER 1 10' TO 24" 30- TO Vf ABOVE 48- DITCH PROPOSED STORM DRAIN ORDRUNAGE rACniTY LAKE, RE3EVOIR, OR POND RIVER OR STREAM Basin A BUENA YBTA WATERSHED Basin B A™* HEDIOHDA i Basin C EHCDUS i Basin D BATIHOITOS »A' BM WATERSHED DIVIDE FACHITY DESIGNATIONlint lettar te BASIN DESIGNATOR rollowtnj Irtter(.) ore theFACILITY DESIGNATOR . PROPOSED PLANNED LOCAL DRAINAGE (PLD) AREA BOUNDARY ENHANCED NATURAL CHANNEL PROPOSED ENHANCED NATURAL CHANNEL MAJOR CREEK FLOW EXISTING DETENTION BASIN PROPOSED SEDIMENTATION BASIN EXISTING SEDIMENTATION BASIN • Cmf OF fum.qBAn BOUNDARY PLATE B-1 MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE FACILITIES CITY OF CARLSBAD BR01N ANDCALDWELL BAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA SDNR RIGHT OF WAY EXIST 54' RCP SO —' \ EXIST 84" RCP SO —'TRIBUTARY BASINS WLY OF RR TRACKS DRAIN TO EXIST 36' CMP SD WASHINGTON ST . WASHINGTON ST . WASHINGTON ST . . •"• . . •. . . EXIST DBL-12' ACP SD DRAINAGE BASIN LIMITS PER 2011 CONWAY & ASSOCIATES STUDY - TYPICAL CARLSBAD BLVD NOT A PART 60' 40' 20' 0 60' -^—SCALE: 1"-60' - TRIBUTARY BASINS (1) DRAINAGE AREA PER EARTH TECH'S 1999 HYDROLOGY STUDY DRAINAGE BASIN LIMITS PER 2011 CONWAY & ASSOCIATES STUDY - TYPICAL(2) ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AREA: DRAINS TO 30" CMP SD O RR CROSSING VIA SURFACE FLOWS INDICATES SHEET NO. OF CITY OF CARLSBAD RECORD ORTHOPHOTO TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING PER DWG 296-5 (TYP)LEGEND(3) ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE AREA: DRAINS TO LINCOLN & OAK INTERSECTION CURB INLETS BASIN BOUNDARY SUB-BASIN BOUNDARY SUB-AREA BOUNDARY GENERAL FLOW DIRECTION Off-Site Hydrology Map Drainage Basin Limit Comparison Exhibit CT 05-03 / RP 04-11 / CDP 04-30 Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use July6, Mil I U Oointn a Conway & Associates, Inc. Civil Engineers/Surveyors/General-Engineering-HAZ Contractors AB412412 2525 Pio Pico Drive • Suite 102 « Carlsbad, CA 92008 • Telephone (760) 753-1453 • Fax (760) 434-5831 ATTACHMENT 4 BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF RUNOFF IMPACTS Rincon Consultants, inc. 5355 Avenida Encinas, Suite 103 Carlsbad, California 92008 760 918 9444 FAX 918 9449 info@rinconconsultants.com www. rinconconsultants.com July 15, 2011 Rincon Project No. 11-98640 Russell Lee Bennett, LLC 6039 E Mariposa St. Scottsdale, AZ 85251 VIA EMAIL: rlbllc@hotmail.com Subject: Biological Evaluation Regarding Water Quality Effects Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use Project, Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Bennett: Rincon Consultants, Inc. herein presents the results of our evaluation of the potential water quality effects associated with the discharge of urban runoff from the proposed development at the southeast corner of Lincoln Street and Oak Avenue in Carlsbad, San Diego County, with respect to Agua Hedionda. It is our understanding that the City of Carlsbad has requested this information with respect to the recently revised City Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP; January 2011). The purpose of this evaluation is to provide an assessment of the potential biological effects associated with urban discharge associated with the proposed development. Project Description The proposed project is a mixed use of 6 condominiums and 1,919 square feet (sf) of commercial retail space. The project site is 17,514 sf or approximately 0.4 acres. Project Design Standards Best Management Practices incorporated into project design includes seven designated bioretention (BR) areas, all irregularly shaped. These BR areas total 1,300 sf and are located along the north, east and south site perimeters. The project site also includes pervious concrete driveways and sidewalks that allow initial rainfall to percolate through the concrete (Conway & Associates, Inc, March 15,2011. SWMP Report Exhibit-DMA Site Area Tabulations). Methodology Rincon Consultants biologist Jillian Bates conducted a field visit of the discharge location for the proposed project at the northwest corner of the Central Basin of Agua Hedionda on July 13, 2011. The area was photographed and the vegetation from the discharge point to the lagoon waters noted. Hydrologic data in terms of peak flows and 24-hour volumes was obtained from the t engineer (Conway & Associates, Inc.) and used in a mass-balance approach to calculate possible changes in salinity in the Central Basin. Environmental Scientists Planners Engineers r Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use Project Biological Evaluation of Water Quality Effects July 15, 2011 Page 2 of 4 Regional Watershed Setting The Agua Hedionda Lagoon watershed has a total drainage area of approximately 29 square miles in the cities of Carlsbad, Vista, Oceanside, and San Diego County. The main stream in the watershed is Agua Hedionda Creek, which begins on the southwestern slopes of the San Marcos Mountains in north San Diego County, flowing generally southwestward to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the Pacific Ocean. Agua Hedionda is a salt marsh slough which was dredged to its current configuration in 1954 by San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) to provide cooling water for the Encina Power Plant. Prior to dredging, the estuary was a slough that was only occasionally open to the ocean. The lagoon covers approximately 230 acres and is made up of three basins separated by the Railroad (built in the late 1800s), the Pacific Coast Highway, locally re-named as Carlsbad Boulevard (1910), and Interstate 5 (1967). The three lagoon basins include the 66-acre outer (West) Basin, the 27-acre Central Basin, and the 140-acre inner (East) Basin (AHLF, 1991 m Jenkins and Wasyl, 2006). Agua Hedionda Lagoon is designated as an estuarine habitat and has the following defined beneficial uses: • Industrial Service Supply (IND) • Contact Water Recreation (REC-1) • Non-contact Water Recreation (REC-2) • Commercial and Sport Fishing (COMM) • Preservation of Biological Habitats of Special Significance (BIOL) • Estuarine Habitat (EST) • Wildlife Habitat (WILD) • Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species (RARE) • Marine Habitat (MAR) • Aquaculture (AQUA) • Migration of Aquatic Organisms Spawning, Reproduction, and/or Early Development (SPWN) • Shellfish Harvesting (SHELL) The Carlsbad Watershed Urban Runoff Management Program prepared by the California Water Quality Control Board's Region 9 -San Diego, identified the following major water quality problems in the Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit: fecal coliform or bacterial indicators and sedimentation and siltation. The San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board 303(d) list of impaired waterbodies included Agua Hedionda Creek for total dissolved solids and Agua Hedionda Lagoon for bacteria indicators and sedimentation/siltation. The lagoon contains four primary habitat categories: subtidal, flats, marsh and upland. These habitats support a large number and variety of species, some of which are threatened or endangered. The lagoon is an important habitat for coastal marine and resident fish, particularly as nursery habitat for commercially and recreationally important coastal species such as California halibut and diamond turbot. The most abundant fish are silversides (topsmelt and juvenile atherinids) and gobies. Gobies consist of five species, but the most common are arrow and yellowfin. The lagoon also supports a variety of benthic invertebrates, including cockles, mussels, bubble snails, mud dwelling snails, amphipod crustaceans, isopod crustaceans, mysids and shrimp. Following are the state and federal - listed bird species identified in and around the lagoon: Environmental Scientists Planners Engineers r Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use Project Biological Evaluation of Water Quality Effects July 15, 2011 Page 3 of 4 • California Brown Pelican - federally endangered • California Least Tern - federally endangered • Western Snowy Plover - federally endangered • Belding's Savannah Sparrow - State of California endangered Results The project engineer, Conway & Associates, Inc., provided the hydrologic data associated with the proposed project and existing flows. The project would discharge to the City's storm drain system, with flows directed eastward under the railroad tracks, and thence south into an 84" RCP storm drain that discharges to the Central Basin of the Agua Hedionda. The design flow value for the 100-year storm event (Q100) in this storm drain is 453 cfs (per City DWG 360.5). While the Q100 value is available for the public storm drain, the Q10 and Q2 values are not. Conway and Associates estimated those values based on information available from the City's 1999 study as Q10 = 257 cfs and Q2 = 151 cfs for the 10-Year and 2-Year design events. In comparison, site flows into the City storm drain would be Q100 = 1.3 cfs, Q10 = 0.9 cfs, and Q2 = 0.6 cfs, or 0.29%, 0.35%, and 0.4% of the respective existing flows. The drainage outfall is located at the northwest corner of the Central Basin, adjacent to a raised dirt road and about 140 feet east of the railroad tracks. The drainage outfall discharges to a concreted riprap apron, with a perennial freshwater pond maintained by urban irrigation low flows present at the discharge point. The outfall is located at between 10 - 20 feet above mean sea level, with a small continuous outflow extending downstream within the riprap to the lagoon waters (see attached photo). The riprap apron extends for about 80 feet (per aerial imagery available from bing™, © 2011 Microsoft Corporation), where it discharges into the tidal flats of the Central Basin. A few willow trees have advented in the riprap, but otherwise the drainage course lacks vegetation. To the northeast of the final discharge point in the tidal flats lies shallower water that contains saltmarsh vegetation that extends along the northern edge of the Central Basin in this location. The west side of the lagoon (south of the outfall) is bounded by a constructed berm that contains buried pipelines and is topped by a dirt access road. This berm is steeply sloped and armored at its base with riprap. The Central Basin is approximately 27 surface acres, and depending on tides, is about 8 feet deep on average from the prior dredging operations. Therefore on average it contains about 216 acre-feet of water, or about 70 million gallons. In comparison, the Q100 event over a 24 hour period discharges about 4.4 million gallons per data provided by Conway & Associates, while the site discharge during the Q100 would be about 47,000 gallons. Using a mass-balance approach and assuming the lagoon salinity averages around 35 parts per thousand (ppt) and not considering the effects of tidal inflow/outflow or the movement of water into the Central Basin from the inner basin during large storm events, the Q100 discharge from the existing storm drain could change salinity levels in the Central Basin to 32.95 ppt, with a minor change to 34.1 ppt during the Q2 event. With the addition of the project (assumed to have no salt content), the Q100 salinity would be 32.93 ppt, with no change over existing conditions occurring during the Q2 event. It should be noted that salinity typically varies by ±10% in near-shore waters, with lagoon variations typically greater as hypersaline conditions develop during low tidal influence and dry season conditions, and lower saline, brackish water conditions occur during periods of high storm water inflow. Environmental Scientists Planners Engineers r Conclusions Lincoln and Oak Mixed Use Project Biological Evaluation of Water Quality Effects July 15, 2011 Page 4 of 4 The water outflow from the existing storm drain system has a minor depressive effect on the salinity levels within the Central Basin of Agua Hedionda during peak events associated with the 100-year storm. Such effects are a normal condition within coastal lagoons, and the vegetation and wildlife that are associated with estuarine conditions are well adapted to such salinity fluctuations. The proposed project's output would be insignificantly small compared to the existing conditions, causing a change in salinity of only about 0.02 ppt. In addition, the analysis did not consider the much greater effects on lagoon salinity associated with the inflow of Agua Hedionda Creek to the Inner Basin, which has a design flow Q10 of more than 2,100 cfs (or 4.6 times greater than the Q100 from the 84" storm drain). Because of the lack of vegetation from the storm drain outfall to the unvegetated tidal flats of the lagoon, the project would have no effect on existing vegetation. Since the site would be covered by the mixed use project and storm flows routed through the BR areas, flows originating from the site would not transport or erode material that could then be transported to the lagoon and so affect the current impairment issue regarding sedimentation/siltation. Further the BR areas will serve to effectively reduce the bacteria typically found in organic wastes contained in urban discharges. Based on the results of this analysis, the proposed project would have no measurable detrimental effect on the water quality being discharged to Agua Hedionda, nor would it alter salinity or otherwise change the quality of the various habitats associated with the receiving water body. Thank you for selecting Rincon Consultants to provide you with your biological consulting services needs. Please call if you have questions, or if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, RINCON CONSULTANTS, INC. Duane Vander Pluym, D.Env. Principal Biologist / San Diego County Qualified Biologist Attach: Photo of outfall. References and Bibliography Carlsbad, City of. January 14, 2011. Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) Jenkins, S.A. and J. Wasyl. December 13,2006. Coastal Processes Effects of Reduced Intake Flows at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Submitted to Tenera Environmental and Poseidon Resources. 34 pgs. Tetra Tech. August 2008. Agua Hedionda Watershed Management Plan - Final. Environmental Scientists Planners Engineers Lincoln & Oak Mixed Use Project Biological Evaluation of Water Quality Effects ATTACHMENT Photograph 1. View of the 84" storm drain outfall in the northwest corner of Agua Hedionda. Photo taken on July 13, 2011 and indicates typical summer low flow condition. Note concreted riprap discharge aoron and small willows in lower right of photograph. A-1