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CT 05-10; Poinsettia Properties The Tides; Traffic Impact Analysis; 2005-11-01
""'#""% ~O¥"% fijj \__, \,«_>T^, 3_fy 4., initial .Oate POINSETTU PROPERTY (CT 05-101 CITYOFCARlSBftD Seuthwest Gamer of Poinsettia Lane/Paseo Del None November 1,2005 Traffic Impact Analysis Prepared by Justin Rasas (RCE 60690), a principal with: LOS Engineering, Inc. 6342 Ferris Square, San Diego, CA 92121 Phone 619-890-1253, Fax 619-374-7247 In Cooperation With: 16486 Bernardo Center Drive, #278 San Diego, CA 92128 Phone/Fax: (858) 451-3505 / (858) 451-0946 www.ise.us Job #505 RECEIVED NOV f S im CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPT Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Traffic Analysis Methodology and Significance Criteria 4 2.1 Study Area Criteria 4 2.2 Scenario Criteria 4 2.3 Traffic Analysis Criteria 4 2.3.1 Intersections 5 2.3.2 Street Segments 5 2.3.3 Freeway Segments 5 2.3.4 Freeway On-Ramps 5 2.4 Significance Criteria 6 2.5 Study Limitations 6 3.0 Existing Conditions 7 3.1 Existing Street System 7 3.2 Existing Traffic Volumes and LOS Analyses 7 4.0 Project Description 11 4.1 Project Traffic Generation 11 4.2 Project Distribution and Assignment 11 4.3 Project Access 11 5.0 Existing + Project Conditions 14 6.0 Cumulative Projects 16 7.0 Existing + Project + Cumulative Conditions 18 8.0 Build-Out (Year 2030) Conditions 20 9.0 Conclusion 24 Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis ii November 1,2005 List of Figures Figure 1: Project Location 2 Figure 2: Site Plan 3 Figure 3: Existing Roadway Conditions 8 Figure 4: Existing Volumes 9 Figure 5: Project Distribution 12 Figure 6: Project Volumes 13 Figure 7: Existing + Project Volumes 15 Figure 8: Cumulative Project Locations and Volumes 17 Figure 9: Existing + Project + Cumulative Volumes 19 Figure 10: Build-Out (Year 2030) Volumes 21 Figure 11: Build-Out (Year 2030) + Project Volumes 22 List of Tables Table 1: Intersection Level of Service (ICU) 5 Table 2: Signalized Intersection ILV Operations (Caltrans) 5 Table 3: Existing Intersection Operations 10 Table 4: Existing Segment Volumes and Operations 10 Table 5: Project Traffic Generation 11 Table 6: Existing + Project Intersection Operations 14 Table 7: Existing + Project Segment Volumes and Operations 14 Table 8: Cumulative Project Traffic Generation 16 Table 9: Existing + Project + Cumulative Intersection Operations 18 Table 10: Existing + Project + Cumulative Segment Volumes and Operations 18 Table 11: Build-Out without and with Project Intersection Operations 20 Table 12: Build-Out without and with Project Segment Volumes and Operations 23 Appendices Appendix A Existing County Data and Intersection LOS & ILV Calculations Appendix B Project Distribution Calculations Appendix C City of Carlsbad Street Design Criteria - Table A Appendix D Synchro Queuing Analysis Appendix E Existing + Project Intersection LOS & ILV Calculations Appendix F Cumulative Project Data Appendix G Existing + Project + Cumulative Intersection LOS & ILV Calculations Appendix H SANDAG 2030 Data Appendix I Build-Out Intersection Turn Move Growth Calculations Appendix J Build-Out (Year 2030) Intersection LOS & ILV Calculations Appendix K Build-Out (Year 2030) + Project Intersection LOS & ILV Calculations Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis iii November 1, 2005 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze traffic impacts from 29 detached residential dwelling units. The project is to be located on the southwest corner of Poinsettia Lane and Paseo Del Norte in the City of Carlsbad, California. The location of the project is shown in Figure 1 with a site plan shown in Figure 2. This report describes the existing roadway network in the vicinity of the project site and includes a review of the existing and proposed activities for weekday peak AM and PM periods, and daily traffic conditions when the project is completed. The format of this study includes the following chapters: 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Study Methodology 3.0 Existing Conditions 4.0 Project Description 5.0 Existing + Project Conditions 6.0 Cumulative Projects 7.0 Existing + Project + Cumulative Conditions 8.0 Build-Out (Year 2030) without and with Project Conditions 9.0 Conclusion Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 1 November 1,2005 Figure 1: Project location PROJECT LOCATION Pacific Ocean I Source: LOS Engineering, Inc. Legend Existing Roadway Proposed Roadway Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 2 November 1,2005 Figure 2: Site Plan LR sr \ ~p-^i~-g>-ja "^^~~^^- Hb^——~~T-WV:J Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 3 November 1,2005 2.0 Traffic Analysis Methodology and Significance Criteria The parameters by which this traffic study was prepared included the determination of what intersections and roadways are to be analyzed, the scenarios to be analyzed and the methods required for analysis. The criteria for each of these parameters are included herein. 2.1 Study Area Criteria The following intersections were analyzed as part of this study: 1) Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas (signalized) 2) Poinsettia Lane/I-5 SB Ramps (signalized) 3) Poinsettia Lane/I-5 NB Ramps (signalized) 4) Poinsettia Lane/Paseo Del Norte (signalized) 5) Paseo Del Norte/North Project Driveway (un-signalized) 6) Paseo Del Norte/South Project Driveway (un-signalized) The following street segments were also analyzed as part of this study: 1) Poinsettia Lane from 1-5 to Paseo Del Norte 2) Poinsettia Lane from Paseo Del Norte to Batiquitos Drive 3) Paseo Del Norte from Poinsettia Lane to the project access 12 Scenario Criteria The number of scenarios to be analyzed is typically based on the size of the project, the number of cumulative projects and whether the project conforms to current zoning. For this project, the following scenarios were included: 1) Existing Conditions 2) Existing + Project Conditions 3) Existing + Project + Cumulative Conditions 4) Build-Out (Year 2030) without Project Conditions 5) Build-Out (Year 2030) with Project Conditions 2.3 Traffic Analysis Criteria The traffic analyses prepared for this study were based on the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) ratio analysis using Level of Service (LOS) evaluation criteria and the City of Carlsbad significance criteria requirements. The LOS designations range from A through F with LOS A representing the best operating condition and LOS F representing the worst operating condition. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 4 November 1,2005 2.3.1 Intersections The study intersections were analyzed based on the ICU ratio. This process defines LOS in terms of the ratio of available intersection capacity. Intersection LOS were calculated using ICU spreadsheets from the Growth Management Plan Traffic Monitoring Program. The ICU LOS is described in Table 1. TABLE 1: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE nCUl Level of Service Intersection Capacity Utilization Ratio A 0.00 - 0.60 B 0.61 - 0.70 C 0.71-0.80 D 0.81-0.90 E 0.91-1.00 F Greater than 1.00 Source: Growth Management Plan Traffic Monitoring Program. The accepted methodology by Caltrans for signalized intersections is the Intersecting Lane Volume (ILV) methodology. The ILV operations are shown below in Table 2. TABU 2: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ILV OPERATIONS (CALIBANS) Description of Operations Stable Flow Unstable Flow Capacity ILV per Hour < 1,200 1,200-1,500 > 1,500 Source: Caltrans' Highway Design Manual page 400-23. m 2.3.2 Street Segments-a* •<tf The street segments were analyzed on a peak hour basis using a Volume to Capacity ratio (V/C) to „ determine the LOS. The City of Carlsbad uses a one-direction capacity of 1,800 vehicles per lane per hour for LOS capacity calculations. 2.3.3 Freeway Segments•,%» * The typical methodology by Caltrans for requiring mainline freeway analyses is when 50 or more it peak hour trips are anticipated to use the freeway. For this project, 1-5 was not analyzed because the project is calculated to add less than 50 peak hour trips to 1-5. 2.3.4 Freeway On-Ramps The typical methodology by Caltrans for requiring freeway on-ramp analyses is when 20 or more peak hour trips are anticipated to use an on-ramp. For this project, the on-ramps at I-5/Poinsettia Lane were not analyzed because the project is calculated to add less than 20 peak hour trips. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 5 November 1,2005 24 Significance Criteria Based on the City of Carlsbad Growth Management Plan, if the addition of project traffic causes the intersection or street segment LOS to decrease to worse than LOS D during the peak hour, then the project is considered to have a significant impact. For intersections or street segments which are currently operating worse than LOS D, a project impact will be considered significant if the project causes the ICU value at an intersection to increase by greater than 0.02 or the volume-to-capacity ratio at a segment to increase by greater than 0.02. 2.5 Study limitations The findings and recommendations of this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional traffic and transportation engineering principles and practice for the San Diego region at this time. No other warranty, express or implied is made. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 6 November 1,2005 3.0 Existing Conditions This section describes the study area street system, peak hour intersection volumes, daily roadway volumes, and existing LOS. 3.1 Existing Street System In the vicinity of the project, the following roadways were analyzed as part of this study, which are described below. The existing roadway conditions are shown in Figure 3. Poinsettia Lane is a five-lane divided roadway (3 WB lanes and 2 EB lanes) from 1-5 NB Ramps to Paseo Del Norte and a four-lane divided roadway from Paseo Del Norte to Batiquitos Drive. This segment is classified as a Major Arterial on the City of Carlsbad Circulation Plan. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH. Bike lanes are provided on both sides of the roadway with curbside parking prohibited. Paseo Del Norte is a two-lane undivided roadway north of Poinsettia Lane and is classified as a Secondary Arterial on the City of Carlsbad Circulation Plan. The posted speed limit is 40 MPH. Sumac Lane is a two-lane undivided roadway south of Poinsettia Lane. This roadway segment terminates at the gated entrance to the existing Sea Cliff residential project. A posted speed limit was not observed. No parking signs are posted on both sides of the roadway along the project frontage. 3.2 Existing Traffic Volumes and LOS Analyses Existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes were obtained from the 2004 Traffic Monitoring Program for the intersections of: 1) Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas (8/11/2004) 2) Poinsettia Lane/I-5 SB Ramps (8/11/2004) 3) Poinsettia Lane/I-5 NB Ramps (8/11/2004) 4) Poinsettia Lane/ Paseo Del Norte (8/11/2004) Existing Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes were obtained from the 2004 Traffic Monitoring Program for the segment of Poinsettia Lane from Paseo Del Norte to Batiquitos Drive, which had count dates of July 20th (Tue) and 21st(Wed), 2004. ADT volumes on the street segments of Poinsettia Lane from 1-5 to Paseo Del Norte and Sumac Lane from Poinsettia Lane to the project access were collect by LOS Engineering, Inc. on Thursday February 3,2005. The existing AM, PM, and ADT volumes are shown on Figure 4, with count data included in Appendix A. The LOS calculated for the intersections and street segments under existing conditions are shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 7 November 1,2005 Figure 3: Existing Roadway Conditions Signal Signal Signal Poinsettia Lane Signal LEGEND T Stop Sign "^ Through Lane *) Left Turn Lane I* Right Turn Lane ^" Combination Left-Through-Right Lane f* Combination Right-Through Lane *P Combination Left-Right Lane 2U Two Lane Undivided Roadway 4D Four Lane Divided Roadway BL Bike Lane IN. No Scale Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 8 November 1,2005 figure 4: Existing Volumes 173 352 (705) —> 127 (187) -^ 191 i (298) | •» i! 106 (193) -3* _ <— 501 (555) i 394 (793) —> (3j ,fr- 446 (553) i ^ i «. t f»i 166 2 599 ! (172) (2) (492) '*- 305 (175) 4— 793 (938) 293 41" (409) (10) (102)4 t «*212 (353) -*• 762 (982) —> 18 (37) -^, <1 t f> ~ 28 8 13 OS) (7) JZL. -~ U) 48 749 (33) i (748)! (2) ! m Poinsettia Lane 30 (45) 120 (208) —> 36 (58) ^v 186 (219) 240 (236) 266 (357) 25 (49) t49 J321 25 (49) t 49 LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections 7777 ADT volumes shown along segments M } Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables No Scale Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 9 November 1,2005 TABUS: EXISTING INTERSECTION OPERATIONS Intersection and Peak Control1 Hour 1 ) Poinsettia Ln at AM Avenida Encinas (S) PM 2) Poinsettia Ln at AM I-5 SB Ramps (S) PM Caltrans ILV AM Caltrans ILV PM 3) Poinsettia Ln at AM I-5 NB Ramps (S) PM Caltrans ILV AM Caltrans ILV PM 4) Poinsettia Ln at AM Paseo Del Norte (S) PM 5) Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) AM at North Project Dwy (U) PM 6) Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) AM at South Project Dwy (U) PM Notes: 1) Intersection Control - S: Signalized; U: Unsignalized. 2) ICU is 3) LOS: Level of Service. Caltrans ILV: S-Stable Flow; U-Unstable Flow; ONE: Does Not Exist TABLE* EXtSTIHG SEGMENT VOLUMES AND OPERATIONS Existing^ ICU2 0.41 0.61 0.41 0.53 802 956 0.5 0.51 802 956 0.53 0.62 ONE ONE ONE ONE measured as a ratio to capacity. C-Capacity. Roadway and Direction Lane Number Total Classification and Peak Capacity of Period Lanes Poinsettia Lane - Maior Froml-5 WB-AM 1,800 3 to Paseo Del Norte EB-PM 1,800 2 From Paseo Del Norte WB-AM 1,800 2 to Batiquitos Drive EB-PM 1 ,800 2 Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) From Poinsettia Ln NB-AM 1,800 1 to Project Access SB-PM 1,800 1 Peak Hr Peak Capacity Volume 5,400 1,070 3,600 1,372 3,600 801 3,600 1,091 1,800 49 1,800 49 LOS3 A B A A S S A A S S A B ONE ONE ONE ONE Existing V/C 0.20 0.38 0.22 0.30 0.03 0.03 LOS A A A A A A Notes: Peak Volumes from adjacent peak interseciton volume by direction. Under existing conditions, all study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS B or better. Intersections LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix A. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 10 November 1,2005 4.0 Project Description The proposed project consists of 29 detached residential dwelling units. The site is currently vacant. 4.1 Project Traffic Generation The project traffic generation was calculated using SANDAG trip rates from the Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. Using the SANDAG rates as shown in Table 5, the project is calculated to generate 290 ADT, 23 AM peak hour trips (7 inbound and 16 outbound), and 29 PM peak hour trips (20 inbound and 9 outbound). TftBL£5: PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION Proposed AM PM Land Use Rate Size & Units ADT % Split IN OUT % Split IN OUT Detatched Residential 10/DU 29 DU 290 8% 0.3 0.7 7 16 10% 0.7 0.3 20 9 Source: SANDAG Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. DU: Dwelling Unit. 4.2 Project Distribution and Assignment Project trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway network based existing turning movement distribution patterns. In other words, the distribution for the intersection of Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Del Norte was calculated by taking the average between the AM and PM existing volumes for the percentage of left, thru and right vehicles, which calculated to 57% to/from the west, 19% to/from the north, and 24% to/from the east. This methodology was also applied to the other study intersections. Calculations are included in Appendix B. The project distribution is shown in Figure 5 with assignment of the project volumes shown in Figure 6. 4.3 ProjectAccess Project access is proposed through two new driveways. The driveways will be T-intersections with Sumac Lane. The north driveway will be located approximately 200 feet south of Poinsettia Lane (centerline to centerline). The south driveway will be located approximately 235 feet south of the north driveway (centerline to centerline). The City of Carlsbad Street Design Criteria (Table A) notes a minimum T-intersection spacing of 150 feet for local streets with an ADT volume of up to 2,000 ADT. The existing plus project ADT on Sumac Lane along the project frontage is anticipated to be 1,664 ADT (near-term) and 1,690 ADT at build-out. A copy of the aforementioned Table A is included in Appendix C. A queuing analysis was performed for the south leg of Poinsettia Lane and Paseo Del Norte with buildout volumes (year 2030) to determine if vehicles would queue back and block the entrance to the north driveway on Paseo Del Norte. The queuing analysis was prepared using Synchro 6.0 (Trafficware Corporation, 2003), which is an intersection analysis software package. Synchro reports a vehicle queue of 56 feet in the AM period and 45 feet in the PM period for the northbound left turn approach at Poinsettia Lane/Paseo Del Norte. Based on the Synchro output, vehicles queuing on the south leg of Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Del Norte will not block the proposed driveway. Calculations are included in Appendix D. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 11 November 1, 2005 Figured: Project Distribution 4 4r 24% — » (2) — 1* ^~*^ 11% <— 24% ^r- 22% _^ 35% — => (3)xlx <* t •*- 11% <— 46% f> 22% 57% 19% 0^-^24% 57% 19% 24% 11% Poinsettia Lane 0 6% 10% 8% 10% 45% 45% 55% ! t55% i 55%^ 4, 55% ^?~ ,^(e) ^ t LEGEND Regional distribution N No Scale Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 12 November 1, 2005 Figure 6: Project Volumes 1 (3) (5)(2) (2) (8) (1) (12) 2 „!«.).... 9 .JgJL 1 (4) © t3 (2) (4) Poinsettia Lane (4)r 9 ..15.L (5) (2) 0(1) •*- 1 (0)<- 1 (1)^- 2 (1) 1 LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections Z.22Z ADT volumes shown along segments M j Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables LOS Engineering, Inc.Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 13 November 1,2005 5.0 Existing+Project Conditions This scenario accounts for the addition of project traffic onto the existing background traffic for AM, PM and ADT conditions. The peak hour intersection volumes and daily traffic volumes for this scenario of existing + project are shown in Figure 7. The LOS calculated for the intersections and street segments under existing plus project conditions are shown in Tables 6 and 7. TABU 6: DUSTING + PROJECT INTERSECTION OPERATIONS Intersection and Control1 1 ) Poinsettia Ln at Avenida Encinas (S) 2) Poinsettia Ln at I-5 SB Ramps (S) Caltrans ILV Caltrans ILV 3) Poinsettia Ln at I-5 NB Ramps (S) Caltrans ILV Caltrans ILV 4) Poinsettia Ln at Paseo Del Norte (S) 5) Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) at North Project Dwy (U) 6) Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) at South Project Dwy (U) Peak Hour AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Existing ICU2 0.41 0.61 0.41 0.53 802 956 0.5 0.51 802 956 0.53 0.62 ONE ONE ONE ONE LOS3 A B A A S S A A S S A B ONE ONE ONE ONE ICU2 0.41 0.61 0.41 0.53 807 964 0.5 0.51 807 964 0.53 0.62 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 Existing + Project LOS3 A B A A S S A A S S A B A A A A Delta" 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA Impact5 No No No No NA NA No No NA NA No No No No No No Notes: 1) Intersection Control - S: Signalized; U: Unsignalized. 2) ICU is measured as a ratio to capacity. 3) LOS: Level of Service. Caltrans ILV: S-Stable Flow; U-Unstable Flow; C-Capacity. 4) Delta is the decrease in ICU capacity. 5) Impact due to project (yes or no). ONE: Does Not Exist TABU 7: EXISTING+PROJECT SEGMENT VOLUMES AND OPERATIONS Roadway and Classification Poinsettia Lane - Major From I-5 to Paseo Del Norte From Paseo Del Norte to Batiquitos Drive Direction and Peak Period WB EB WB EB -AM -PM -AM -PM Lane Capacity 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 Number of Lanes 3 2 2 2 Total Peak Hr Capacity 5,400 3,600 3,600 3,600 Existing Peak Volume 1,070 1,372 801 1,091 V/C 0.20 0.38 0.22 0.30 LOS A A A A Existing + Project Project Volume 9 12 2 2 Peak Volume 1,079 1,384 803 1,093 V/C 0.20 0.38 0.22 0.30 LOS A A A A Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) From Poinsettia Ln to Project Access NB SB -AM -PM 1,800 1,800 1 1 1,800 1,800 49 49 0.03 0.03 A A 16 20 65 69 0.04 0.04 A A Notes: Peak Volumes from adjacent peak intersection volume by direction. Under existing plus project conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS B or better with the addition of project traffic. No project related traffic impacts were calculated. Intersection LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix E. Please note the ICU delta of 0.00 with the addition of project traffic in Table 5 is not an error. The zero delta is due to the small number of project trips being added to the study intersections. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 14 November 1,2005 Figure?: Existing+Project Volumes 353 127 ~ 173 (185) (710) -|> (187) -^ 0 1 d) (34, i> ©^ 92 101) <— 505 ^- 449 I (557) ! (555) j 106 396 (193) -I* (801) -^ 293 t c •*- 307 (176) i 212 (353) <— 800 (942) ! 762 (982) • I 22 (49) • 601 41 (409) (14) (102) J 4, I) (172) (2) (496) © t 't- 48 4— 749 (33) | (748)! (6) ! .(2?)...., (9) , ! (4) (5) 30 (45) -^ —^ *^- 187 (219) 120 (210) —> (i) <— 241 (237) 36 (58) -^ ^ ^- 268 (358) ^ t f> 31 52 221 (55) (84) (444) "29 i (60) I I! 1H (49) i LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections Z.ZZZ ADT volumes shown along segments (1 ) Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 15 November 1,2005 6.0 Cumulative Projects Cumulative projects in the immediate vicinity that are anticipated to use Poinsettia Lane along the project frontage were included for analysis. Six (6) cumulative projects were identified on the City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Tracts 1990 to Present Index Map dated September 2004. The cumulative traffic volumes and general project locations are shown on Figure 8. Information on the individual cumulative volumes and assignments are included in Appendix F. Summaries of the cumulative projects are noted below with their respective and cumulative traffic generation shown in Table 8. 1) CT98-14 (Tabata) - A residential project with approximately 234 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Crystalline Drive. The traffic generation for this cumulative project is calculated at 2,340 ADT with 187 AM and 234 PM peak hour trips. 2) CT02-08 (Tabata) - A residential project with approximately 24 multi family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Crystalline Drive. The traffic generation for this cumulative project is calculated at 192 ADT with 15 AM and 19 PM peak hour trips. 3) CT98-05xl (De Jong) - A residential project with approximately 28 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The traffic generation for this cumulative project is calculated at 280 ADT with 23 AM and 28 PM peak hour trips. 4) CTOO-22 (Redeemer) - A residential project with approximately 12 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The traffic generation for this cumulative project is calculated at 120 ADT with 10 AM and 12 PM peak hour trips. 5) Villages of La Costa - A mixed use project within Zones 10 and 11 east of El Camino Real and south of Palomar Airport Road. The traffic generation for this cumulative project was obtained from the Villages of La Costa traffic study, which noted 15,970 ADT with 1,450 AM and 1,640 PM peak hour trips. 6) North Coast Calvary Chapel - A 13 acre Church campus on the northeast corner of Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane. The traffic generation for this cumulative project was obtained from the North Coast Calvary Chapel traffic study, which noted 1,140 ADT with 160 AM and 165 PM peak hour trips. TAB1E8: CBMUIATWE PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION Cumulative Project 1) CT98-14 Single Family (Tabata) 2) CT02-08 Multi Family (Tabata) 3) CT98-05x2 Single Family (De Jong) 4) CTOO-22 (Redeemer) 5) Villages of La Costa - Mixed Use 6) North Coast Calvary Chapel Cumulative Project's Total AM Rate 10 /DU 8/DU 10 /DU 10 /DU Size & Units 234 24 28 12 DU DU DU DU ADT 2,340 192 280 120 15,970 1.140 20,040 % Split IN 8% 8% 8% 8% 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.7 56 0.8 3 0.7 7 0.7 3 530 92 691 OUT % 131 10% 12 10% 16 10% 7 10% 920 68 1154 PM Split IN 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.3 164 0.3 13 0.3 20 0.3 8 1045 Zl 1324 OUT 70 6 8 4 595 SI 774 Source: SANDAG Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. OU: Dwelling Unit. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 16 November 1,2005 figure 8: Cumulative Project Locations and Volumes (16) -> 27 (60) 18 (10) ] 36 (76) —> 61 (36) ! „ •*- 53 (30) j _*• (3) <~ 77 (45) ! 60 (140) -» 3 (9) ^. -=- I (4) (4) <— 119 (70) t f>*~ Poinsettia Lane 6 (10) —>© 1 (2) t- 1 (1) <— 10 (8) ^r- 4 (1) All Cumulative Projects Located East of Project Site ...ML LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections Z.ZZZ ADT volumes shown along segments M ) Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables No Scale Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 17 November 1,2005 7.0 Existing+Project+Cumulative Conditions This scenario accounts for the addition of cumulative traffic onto the existing plus project traffic for AM, PM and ADT conditions. The peak hour intersection volumes and daily traffic volumes for this scenario of existing plus project plus cumulative are shown in Figure 10. The LOS calculated for the intersections and street segment shown in Tables 9 and 10, respectively. TABU 9: EXISTING + PROJECT+CBMDLATTVE INTERSECTION OPERATIONS Intersection and Control1 1) Poinsettia Ln at Avenida Encinas (S) 2) Poinsettia Ln at I-5 SB Ramps (S) Caltrans ILV Caltrans ILV 3) Poinsettia Ln at I-5 NB Ramps (S) Caltrans ILV Caltrans ILV 4) Poinsettia Ln at Paseo Del Norte (S) 5) Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) at North Project Dwy (U) 6) Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) at South Project Dwy (U) Peak Hour AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Existing ICU2 0.41 0.61 0.41 0.53 802 956 0.50 0.51 802 956 0.53 0.62 DNE ONE DNE DNE LOS3 A B A A S S A A S S A B DNE DNE DNE DNE Existing + Project ICU2 0.41 0.61 0.41 0.53 807 964 0.50 0.51 807 964 0.53 0.62 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 LOS3 A B A A S S A A S S A B A A A A Delta4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA Impact5 No No No No NA NA No No NA NA No No No No No No Ex + Proj + Cumulative Delay2 0.42 0.68 0.43 0.54 888 1,046 0.53 0.52 888 1,046 0.56 0.64 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.12 LOS3 A B A A S S A A S S A B A A A A Notes: 1) Intersection Control - S: Signalized; U: Unsignalized. 2) ICU is measured as a ratio to capacity. 3) LOS: Level of Service. Caltrans ILV: S-Stable Flow; U-Unstable Flow; C-Capacity. 4) Delta is the decrease in ICU capacity. 5) Impact due to project (yes or no). DNE: Does Not Exist TABIE10: EXISTING + PROJECT+COHUIATWE SEGMENT VOLUMES AND OPERATIONS Roadway and Direction Lane Number Total Classification and Peak Capacity of Peak Hr Period Lanes Capacity Poinsettia Lane - Major From 1-5 WB - AM to Paseo Del Norte EB-PM From Paseo Del Norte WB - AM to Batiquitos Drive EB - PM Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) From Poinsettia Ln NB - AM to Project Access SB - PM 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 3 2 2 2 1 1 5,400 3,600 3,600 3,600 1,800 1,800 Existing Peak Volume 1,070 1,372 801 1,091 49 49 V/C 0.20 0.38 0.22 0.30 0.03 0.03 LOS A A A A A A Existing + Project Project Peak Volume Volume 9 12 2 2 16 20 1,079 1,384 803 1,093 65 69 V/C 0.20 0.38 0.22 0.30 0.04 0.04 LOS A A A A A A Existing ^• Project + Cumulative Peak Volume Volume 113 129 116 138 0 0 1,192 1,513 919 1,231 65 69 Cumulative V/C 0.22 0.42 0.26 0.34 0.04 0.04 LOS A A A A A A Notes: Peak Volumes from adjacent peak interseciton volume by direction. Under existing plus project plus cumulative conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS B or better. Intersection LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix G. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 18 November 1,2005 Figure 9: basting+Project+Cumulative Volumes 362 (726) —> 127 (187) 173 0 219 1 (185) (1) (361) ! <f *b ^ ° ._. ! 106 — > (2) 4— 523 (567) I 432 -TV- V-y .£-510 (591) j (193) (877)-* $1 166 (172) (3) * t2 ...121.. **- 360 4— 877 ^633 ....(5661 (206)! (987)! 220 822 22 300 (418) <>(361) -*• (1122)-» (49) -f) 37 (23) 4 (14) 4< ©V^/t11 (9) 44 (111) l\ •*- 55 <— 868 ^^ 6f> 17 (9) (37) (818) (6) Poinsettia Lane w (5) 3 ^ 29 i(60); t58 (49) t49 30 (45) 126 (220) 36 (58) 25 59 119 (40) (109) (293)^ 4, () 188 (220) i -» (1) <- 251 (245)! ^V v-x *f- 272 (359) i <1 t f> i31 52 223 i .... (551 (84) .(448> j LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections(YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections 2,777 AOT volumes shown along segments (i ) Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 19 November 1,2005 8.0 Build-Out [Year 2030) Conditions Build-Out (Year 2030) conditions were analyzed using SANDAG forecasted ADTs for the study area roadway segments. The SANDAG 2030 ADT volumes are included in Appendix H. The build-out intersection volumes were factored up from existing turn moves based on the increase in ADT for each intersection approach with calculations included in Appendix I. The peak hour "** intersection volumes and daily traffic volumes for build-out are shown in Figure 10. To be conservative, the project volumes were added on top of build-out volumes as shown Figure 11. at The LOS calculated for the intersections and street segments are shown in Tables 11 and 12, •m respectively. Intersection LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix K without the project and Appendix L with the project. TABLE 11: BUIID-OUT WITHOUT AND WITH PROJECT INTERSECTION OPERATIONS Intersection and Control1 1) Poinsettia Lnat Avenida Encinas (S) 2) Poinsettia Ln at I-5 SB Ramps (S) Caltrans ILV Caltrans ILV 3) Poinsettia Ln at I-5 NB Ramps (S) Caltrans ILV Caltrans ILV 4) Poinsettia Ln at Paseo Del Norte (S) 5) Paseo Del Norte at North Project Dwy (U) 6) Paseo Del Norte at South Project Dwy (U) Peak Hour AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM Build-Out ICU2 0.66 0.88 0.52 0.70 1,070 1,335 0.61 0.63 1,070 1,335 0.68 0.79 ONE ONE ONE ONE LOS3 B D A B S U B B S U B C DNE ONE DNE DNE ICU2 0.66 0.89 0.52 0.70 1,074 1,342 0.62 0.63 1,074 1,342 0.69 0.79 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.13 Build-Out + Project LOS3 B D A B S U B B S U B C A A A A Delta4 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.01 0.00 NA NA 0.01 0.00 NA NA NA NA Impact5 No No No No NA NA No No NA NA No No No No No No Notes: 1) Intersection Control - S: Signalized; U: Unsignalized. 2) ICU is measured as a ratio to capacity. 3) LOS: Level of Service. Caltrans ILV: S-Stable Flow; U-Unstable Flow; C-Capacity. 4) Delta is the decrease in ICU capacity. 5) Impact due to project (yes or no). DNE: Does Not Exist Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 20 November 1,2005 figure 10: Build-Out (Year 2030) Volumes rif 200 (220) <> 470 (940) — > 170 (250) -^, 20 220 i (10) (350) j ._. i 160 (280) -?• -~ (2) 4- 740 (820) i 580 (1170)--> (3) ^-^ JT 660 (820) i V-X i <1 t i 230 10 ! . . (240) (10) •*- 350 (200) 4- 920 (1080) J> 820 (680) 240 880 30 "370 (520) <> (410) -* (1130)— > (50) <1 40 (30) ""id Iso (20) (130) 0 t ^*-/ t f>20 20 (10) (10) 70 1110 10 : (50) ! (1100)! (10) i i \ \ i I ,-'" Poinsettia Lane 40 (60) -*• 160 (280) —> 50 (80) -^ (i) W 250 (290) 320 (310) „ 350 (480) ^ t f*40 70 310 (80) (120) {630) LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections 2,222 ADT volumes shown along segments (i ) Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables N No Scale Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 21 November 1,2005 figure 11: Build-Out (Year 2030)+Project Volumes 471 170 200 20 2 (220) (10) (3 A X (\ _^ (945) — > (2) (250) -^ ^ !21 S3) <— 744 .£- 663 i 160 (280) -f- (822)i 582 (1178)— > (822) ! j *l ,— COV-/ t ^ '*- 352 (201) ! 240 <— 927 (1084) i 880 I 34 370 (520) (410) -f~ <1130)-» (62) -^, 11 (24) (1 -_ (4J^-^ t f» 50 iSO) •*- 70 <— 1110 ^- 12 (50) | (1100)i (14) ! 230 10 822 49 23 ,. j (240) (!0)__J6IM1 ] __.__ (35) _ (12) (12) i J80) (120) !632) (4) (0) 3 (9) 34 (81) «l ti 0 69i joj. m.\ 4 30 i (11) (60) (5) (0) 0 6019L m. LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections 7 777 ADT volumes shown along segments (1 ) Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables N No Scale til Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 22 November 1,2005 TftBlE 12: BUIUJ-flHTWITHOBT AMD WITH PROJECT SEGMENT VOLUMES AMD 8PERAT1INS Roadway and Direction Lane Number Total Classification and Peak Capacity Period Poinsettia Lane - Major From 1-5 WB - to Paseo Del Norte EB - From Paseo Del Norte WB - to Batiquitos Drive EB - AM PM AM PM 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 of Lanes 3 2 2 2 Peak Hr Capacity 5,400 3,600 3,600 3,600 Build-Out Peak Volume 1,520 1,850 1,190 1,270 V/C 0.28 0.51 0.33 0.35 LOS A A A A Build-Out + Project Peak Volume Volume 9 12 2 2 1,529 1,862 1,192 1,272 Project V/C 0.28 0.52 0.33 0.35 LOS A A A A Paseo Del Norte (Sumac Ln) From Poinsettia Ln NB-AM 1,800 1 1,800 60 0.03 A 16 76 0.04 A to Project Access SB-PM 1,800 1 1,800 70 0.04 A 20 90 0.05 A Notes: Peak Volumes from adjacent peak interseciton volume by direction. Under build-out (Year 2030) conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS D or better. Intersection LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix J. Under build-out (Year 2030) plus project conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS D or better with the addition of project traffic. No project related traffic impacts were calculated. Intersection LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix K. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 23 November 1,2005 9.0 Conclusion The proposed project will consist of 29 detached residential dwelling units on the southwest corner of Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Del Norte. The site is currently vacant. Based on SANDAG traffic generation rates, the project is calculated to generate 290 ADT with 23 AM peak hour trips and 29 PM peak hour trips. Project access is proposed through two new driveways. The driveways will be T-intersections with Sumac Lane. The north driveway will be located approximately 200 feet south of Poinsettia Lane (centerline to centerline). The south driveway will be located approximately 235 feet south of the north driveway (centerline to centerline). This falls within the minimum T-intersection spacing per the City of Carlsbad Street Design Criteria.m — A queuing analysis was performed for the south leg of Poinsettia Lane and Sumac Lane with buildout volumes (Year 2030) to determine if vehicles would queue back and block the entrance to the north driveway on Paseo Del Norte. The queuing analysis was prepared using Synchro 6.0 (Trafficware Corporation, 2003). Synchro reports a vehicle queue of 56 feet in the AM period and 45 feet in the PM period for the northbound left turn approach at Poinsettia Lane/Paseo Del Norte. Based on the Synchro output, vehicles queuing on the south leg of Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Del Norte will not block the proposed driveway. It is recommended that the north driveway be allowed full movements unless future safety issues arise. Six (6) cumulative projects were identified on the City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Tracts 1990 to Present Index Map dated September 2004 and were included in this analysis. The cumulative projects included: 1) CT98-14 (Tabata) - A residential project with approximately 234 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Crystalline Drive. 2) CT02-08 (Tabata) - A residential project with approximately 24 multi family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Crystalline Drive. 3) CT98-05xl (De Jong) - A residential project with approximately 28 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. 4) CTOO-22 (Redeemer) - A residential project with approximately 12 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road..» 5) Villages of La Costa - A mixed use project within Zones 10 and 11 east of El Camino ""• Real and south of Palomar Airport Road. *** 6) North Coast Calvary Chapel - A 13 acre Church campus on the northeast corner of Aviara Parkway and Poinsettia Lane. m Intersection and roadway segment analysis were conducted for five (5) scenarios, which included "" Existing, Existing + Cumulative, Existing + Cumulative + Project, Build-Out (Year 2030) without m project, and Build-Out (Year 2030) with project. The adjacent freeway mainline and on-ramps were not analyzed because the project adds less project trips than the required threshold for Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 24 November 1,2005 analysis. The operational findings are summarized below by scenario: 1) Under existing conditions, all study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS B or better. 2) Under existing plus project conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS B or better with the addition of project traffic. No project related traffic impacts were calculated. 3) Under existing plus project plus cumulative conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS B or better with the addition of cumulative traffic. 4) Under build-out (Year 2030) without project conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS D or better. 5) Under build-out (Year 2030) with project conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS D or better with the addition of project traffic. No project related traffic impacts were calculated. It is recommended that the applicant install stop signs on the project exit points and modify any necessary signing and striping to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis 25 November 1,2005 APPENDIX A EXISTING COUNT DATA AND INTERSECTION LOS & ILV CALCULATIONS Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 1 of 87 Event Counts EventCount-333.2.1 -EB Datasets: Site: Input A: Input B: Survey Duration: File: Identifier: Algorithm: Data type: [2.1] Poinsettia Lane btwn I-5 and Paseo Del Norte 2 - East bound. - Added to totals. (1) 4 - West bound. - Excluded from totals. (0) 14:45 Wednesday, February 02, 2005 => 2:47 Friday, February 04, 2005 UM2.1204.ECO (Plus) N116JRX9 MC56-L4 [MC55] (c)Microcom 19Sep03 Event Count Axle sensors - Separate (Count) Profile: Filter time: Name: Scheme: Units: In profile: 23:00 Wednesday, February 02, 2005 => 1:00 Friday, February 04, 2005 Factory default profile Count events divided by two. Non metric (ft, mi, ft/s, mph, Ib, ton) Events = 35694 / 35795 (99.72%) * Wednesday, February 02, 2005=36 (Incomplete) , 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 -----------------------36 2 18514 29 10 * Thursday, February 03, 2005=17569,15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 63 57 20 21 51 148 531 1242 1223 895 810 865 1098 1197 1044 1236 1417 1662 1356 924 687 533 338 151 21 14 10 4 10 27 60 194 368 242 181 213 277 303 251 296 314 407 334 245 171 131 114 48 18 16 5 3 15 23 92 298 276 218 203 173 247 312 240 304 341 493 389 256 191 142 91 49 14 13 1 I 11 45 156 313 293 238 245 231 316 311 285 308 388 385 313 222 149 125 68 25 10 14 4 7 15 53 223 437 286 197 181 248 258 271 268 328 374 377 320 201 176 135 65 29 AM Peak 0715 - 0815 (1416), AM PHF=0.81 PM Peak 1630 -1730 (1662), PM PHF=0.84 19 24 19 16 * Friday, February 04, 2005=78 (Incomplete), 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 78----------------------- 19 24 19 16 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 2 of 87 Event Counts EventCount-333.2.1-WB Datasets: Site: Input A: Input B: Survey Duration: File: Identifier: Algorithm: Data type: Profile: Filter time: Name: Scheme: Units: In profile: [2.1] Poinsettia Lane btwn I-5 and Paseo Del Norte 2 - East bound. - Excluded from totals. (0) 4 - West bound. - Added to totals. (1) 14:45 Wednesday, February 02, 2005 => 2:47 Friday, February 04, 2005 UM2.1204.ECO(Plus) N116JRX9 MC56-L4 [MC55] (c)Microcom 19Sep03 Event Count Axle sensors - Separate (Count) 23:00 Wednesday, February 02, 2005 => 1:00 Friday, February 04, 2005 Factory default profile Count events divided by two. Non metric (ft, mi, ft/s, mph, Ib, ton) Events = 35694 / 35795 (99.72%) * Wednesday, February 02, 2005=35 (Incomplete) , 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 10QO 1100 12QD 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 -----------------------35 0 13 Thursday, February 03, 2005=17926, 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 Q300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 100Q 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 20QO 2100 2200 2300 44 13 10 11 10 24 8 4 8 4 17 6 2 4 5 17 2 5 5 5 98 10 22 21 39 336 1031 1721 1318 1118 1039 1080 1075 1130 1197 1243 1322 1612 49 190 488 377 273 242 283 275 253 284 339 305 402 84 230 427 330 273 244 263 277 266 276 284 318 447 71 275 406 333 297 294 266 237 280 317 324 344 388 132 336 400 278 275 259 268 286 331 320 296 355 375 997 317 246 228 206 577 169 179 131 98 383 104 103 101 75 252 72 77 63 40 198 42 53 63 40 97 35 30 20 12 16 13 12 8 AM Peak 0700 - 0800 (1721), AM PHF=0.88 PM Peak 1700 -1800 (1612), PM PHF=0.90 * Friday, February 04, 2005=49 (Incomplete), 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 16 13 12 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 3 of 87 Weekly Summary Report Location Code..... •« Recorder Set Recording Start Recording End.... Sample Time Operator Number Machine Nuber Channe 1 Recorder Mode....... Week of July 18, End 18 Time Sun 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 Totals % Avg Wkday % Avg Day AM Peak Hour AM Count PM Peak Hour PM Count 23 l^^O. Lt\J±. LC WV l^Vl l*-*-%4U-L l^VfcJ iSJ- • ...... San Diego 7/19/04 nn.nn 7/20/04 7/22/04 15 Minu 8723 20323 Volume r 2004 19 20 Mon Tue 59 31 13 16 34 143 416 837 877 706 635 595 759 783 732 774 879 1080 888 693 620 493 325 158 12546 101.4 101.4 09:00 877 18:00 1080 00:00 00:00 tes Channel: A 21 22 Wed Thu 79 42 16 17 35 144 445 762 852 671 599 644 702 720 715 748 875 994 961 682 542 485 302 176 12208 98.6 98.6 09:00 852 18:00 994 Direction: 23 24 Wkday Fri Sat Avg. 69 37 15 17 35 144 431 800 865 689 617 620 731 752 724 761 877 1037 925 688 581 489 314 167 12377 - E Daily Avg. 69 37 15 17 35 144 431 800 865 689 617 620 731 752 724 761 877 1037 925 688 581 489 314 167 12377 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 4 of 87 Weekly Summary Report Location Code County.» Recording Start.' • Sample Time.... Operator Number--..- Machine Nuber Recorder Mods.. Week of July 18, End 18 Time Sun 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24 : 00 Totals % Avg Wkday % Avg Day AM Peak Hour AM Count PM Peak Hour PM Count 23 7/19/04 7/20/04 7/22/04 go 00:00 00:00 nn-nn Del Norte to Batiquitos Dr. , i..... 15 Minutes 8723 20323 A 2004 19 20 Mon Tue 51 13 14 17 62 203 620 824 842 791 857 796 855 729 714 851 875 1111 744 503 329 252 189 96 12338 103.2 103.2 11:00 857 18:00 1111 Channel : A 21 22 Wed Thu 57 36 24 14 57 211 634 778 812 770 716 753 718 651 696 781 832 1036 738 449 329 222 164 94 11572 96.8 96.8 09:00 812 18:00 1036 Direction : 23 24 Wkday Fri Sat Avg. 54 25 19 16 60 207 627 801 827 781 787 775 787 690 705 816 854 1074 741 476 329 237 177 95 11955 W Daily Avg. 54 25 19 16 60 207 627 801 827 781 787 775 787 690 705 816 854 1074 741 476 329 237 177 95 11955 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 5 of 87 Vehicle Counts VehicleCount-333.1.1-NB Datasets: Site: Direction: Survey Duration: File: Identifier: Algorithm: Data type: Profile: Filter time: Included classes: Speed range: Direction: Separation: Name: Scheme: Units: In profile: [1.1] Paseo Del Norte s/o Poinsettia Lane 5 - South bound A>B, North bound B>A., Lane: 0 14:45 Wednesday, February 02, 2005 => 2:47 Friday, February 04, 2005 UM1.1204.ECO(Plus) N0378XKS MC56-L4 [MC55] (c)Microcom 19Sep03 Factory default Axle sensors - Paired (Class, Speed, Count) 23:00 Wednesday, February 02, 2005 => 1:00 Friday, February 04, 2005 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11, 12, 13 5-100mph. North (bound) All - (Headway) Factory default profile Vehicle classification (Scheme F99) Non metric (ft, mi, fits, mph, Ib, ton) Vehicles = 684 /1386 (49.35%) * Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - Total=0 (Incomplete), 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 * Thursday, February 03, 2005 - Total=684, 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 0 1 1 1 4 12 33 61 47 67 64 55 48 49 0 0 1 0 0 1 6 22 12 19 13 16 9 15 0 0 0 1 0 3 10 16 9 13 15 13 15 15 0 1 0 0 2 3 7 14 15 20 14 13 10 13 0 0 0 0 2 5 10 9 11 15 22 13 14 6 AM Peak 0900 - 1000 (67), AM PHF=0.84 PM Peak 1245 - 1345 (57), PM PHF=0.95 * Friday, February 04, 2005 - Total=0 (Incomplete) , 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 13000------------- 1400 49 12 9 15 13 1400 1500 45 16 9 11 9 1500 1600 26 11 4 8 3 1600 1700 41 14 13 6 8 1700 1800 1900 25 25 -> 12 6 6 5 3 7 4 1800 1900 2000 2100 16 8 7 2 3 1 4 1 2 4 2000 2100 2200 4 2 0 1 1 2200 0 2300 2 0 0 0 2 2300 0 0 0 0 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 6 of 87 Vehicle Counts VehicleCount-333.1.1 -SB Datasets: Site: Direction: Survey Duration: File: Identifier: Algorithm: Data type: Profile: Filter time: Included classes: Speed range: Direction: Separation: Name: Scheme: Units: In profile: [1.1] Paseo Del Norte s/o Poinsettia Lane 5 - South bound A>B, North bound B>A., Lane: 0 14:45 Wednesday, February 02, 2005 => 2:47 Friday, February 04, 2005 UM1.1204.ECO(Plus) N0378XKS MC56-L4 [MC55] (c)Microcom 19Sep03 Factory default Axle sensors - Paired (Class, Speed, Count) 23:00 Wednesday, February 02, 2005 => 1:00 Friday, February 04, 2005 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 5-100mph. South (bound) All - (Headway) Factory default profile Vehicle classification (Scheme F99) Non metric (ft, mi, ft/s, mph, Ib, ton) Vehicles = 696 /1386 (50.22%) Wednesday, February 02, 2005 -Total=3 (Incomplete), 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 * Thursday, February 03, 2005 - Total=690, 15 minute drops 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 2 1 1 0 4 3 8 30 27 22 45 45 0010010536 13 8 1000111665 10 13 0000212 10 75 10 13 11001059 11 6 12 11 AM Peak 1145 - 1245 (55), AM PHF=0.69 PM Peak 1230 - 1330 (72), PM PHF=0.72 * Friday, February 04, 2005 - Total=3 (Incomplete) , 15 minute 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 12 3 63 1300 1400 1500 1600 61 51 67 68 17 8 15 17 10 7 25 12 16 24 20 14 14 18 15 19 14 10 16 19 drops 00 1300 1400 1500 1600 ______ 3 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 55 48 34 28 17 8 2 14 16 7 6 4 2 0 14 9 11 7 0 3 2 14 12 6 9 4 2 0 13 11 10 6 9 1 0 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0 1 0 1 01 11 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 7 of 87 «• m Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr(NB) Left Thru Right 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 22 1 1800 2000 1800 1800 2000 1800 1800 6000 0 3600 4000 1800 Are the North/South phases spKt (Y/N)? Y Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume 0.10 31 Adjusted Hourly Volume 31 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 52 220 118 59 25 30 120 36 266 240 186 52 220 118 67 30 30 156 0 266 240 186 0.02 0.03 0.12 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.10 0.12 0.07 0.02 0.10 ICU Ratio = .0.41 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Date: 08/11/04 North Approach Avenida Encinas w e s t A P P r Day : Wednesday Name : Marie, Carolina, Judy (AM) Sub- Totals totals 295 A 481 0 30 -* 186 120 > 36 n t Subtotals 362 Total 25 J *~| 31 1 665 202 59 j t North t 52 303 470 0 118u A1 •4- r 220 Total 268 Subtotals Sub- totals — 186 — 240 692 — 266 0 458 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 1150 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-tums in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 8 of 87 Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside Config - (left) u rations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru Right 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 1 1800 2000 1800 1800 2000 1800 1800 6000 0 3600 4000 1800 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Y Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 55 84 Adjusted Hourly Volume 55 84 Utilization Factor 442 290 109 40 45 208 58 357 236 219 442 205 99 42 45 264 0 357 236 219 0.03 0.04 0.25 0.11 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.10 0.06 0.12 Critical Factors 0.25 0.11 0.03 0.12 ICU Ratio = 0.61 LOS= B Turning Movements at Intersection of:Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane W e s t A P P r Time : to Date: Day: Name: [btals 642 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 08/11/04 Wednesday North Approach Marie, Carolina, Judy (AM) Sub- totals 331 0 45 311 208 58 Subtotals Total 40 J A '— t**i 55 0 524 1105 439 109 I t North t 84 581 787 0 290 I r 442 Avenida Encinas 348 219 236 357 Total Subtotals Sub- totals 812 940 Poinsettia Lane Totals 1752 E a s t A P P South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-tums in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 9 of 87 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left 0 0 Thru 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.10 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 191 0 191 0.00 0.05 Thru 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 Right 1 I West Appr (EB) Left Thru 1 1 0 2 1800 0 4000 173 0 352 173 0 352 0.10 0.00 0.09 0.10 0.09 Right 1 1 Page 2 of 3 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 3600 127 446 127 446 0.07 0.12 0.12 Thru 1 1 2 4000 501 501 0.13 Right 0 0 0 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.41 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Date: 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday North Approach 1-5 Southbound Ramps 364 Total W e s t A p P r Name : Sophia, Jessica 364 Sub- 173 0 Totals totals 1 1 <J t 674 A 1153 0 0 ' 479 352 *• t 127 -i 1 T North *1 t 0 0 0 Subtotals 573 0 Total 573 0 191 I* t_ •<- r 0 0 Subtotals Sub- totals — o ~ 501 947 — 446 0 543 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 1490 A P P r South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 10 of 87 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of3 Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (NB) 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Left Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 0 Capacity 0 Thru 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 Utilization Factor 0.00 Critical Factors 0.00 0 0 0.00 Right 0 North Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 298 0 299 0.00 0.08 Appr (SB) Thru 1 0 0 1 0 0.00 Right I I West Appr (EB) Left 0 1800 0 185 0 185 0 0.10 0.00 0.10 Thru 1 1 2 4000 705 705 0.18 0.18 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 3600 187 553 187 553 0.10 0.15 0.15 Thru 1 1 2 4000 555 555 0.14 Right 0 0 0 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.53 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date: 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday North Approach 1-5 Southbound Ramps 484 Total w e s t A P P r Name : Sophia, Jessica 484 Sub- 185 1 Totals totals 1 1 •4-" T 740 A 1632 0 0 ' 892 705 *• r 187 -i 1 T North *1 t 0 0 0 Subtotals 741 0 Total 741 0 298u t1 r —T r 0 0 Subtotals Sub- totals 0 555 1108 553 0 1003 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 2111 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-tums in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 11 of 87 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru Right 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 000 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 2 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 0 2000 3600 0 0 0 1800 4000 0 0 6000 1800 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? N Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 166 2 599 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 168 599 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.17 0.00 0 0 106 394 106 394 0 0 793 793 305 305 0.00 0.08 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.17 0.06 0.17 ICU Ratio = 0.50 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time: 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Date: 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday North Approach 1-5 Northbound Ramps 413 Total w e s t A P P r Name : Sherry, Mike/Ryan (AM), Judy (PM) Sub- 0 Totals totals 1 <4-« 959 A 1459 0 106 T 500 394 *• T *~| 166 0 Subtotals 0 Total 767 0 0 1 t North t 2 767 0 0 U 4\ — •4- r 599 413 Subtotals Sub- totals — 305 — 793 1098 — 0 0 993 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 2091 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 12 of 87 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of3 Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (NB) 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Left Lane Inside 1 I Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings - 0 Capacity 0 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0. 1 0 Hourly Volume 172 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 Utilization Factor 0.00 Critical Factors 2 174 0.09 Right 1 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 0 3600 0 N N 492 0 492 0 0.14 0.00 0.14 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 0 193 0 193 0.00 0.11 0.11 Thru 1 1 2 4000 793 793 0.20 Right 0 East Appr (WB) Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 Thru 1 1 1 3 6000 938 938 0.16 0.16 Rifiht 1 1 1800 175 175 0.10 ICU Ratio = 0.51 LOS: Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date: 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday North Approach 1-5 Northbound Ramps 369 Total w e s t A P P r Name : Sherry, Mike/Ryan (AM), Judy (PM) 0 Sub - 00 Totals totals_ 1 1 •4-' T 1111 A 2097 1 193 — — ' 986 793 > T 0 -r 1 T North *1 t 172 2 0 Subtotals 0 666 Total 666 0 0 U ALi. -4- r 492 369 Subtotals Sub- totals — 175 — 938 1113 — 0 0 1285 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 2398 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 13 of 87 Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (NB) 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 Config- (left) 2 11 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 1 1 0 Capacity 1800 2000 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? N Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 28 8 13 Adjusted Hourly Volume 28 21 0 Utilization Factor 0.02 0.01 0.00 Critical Factors 0.02 1CU Ratio = 0.53 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of : Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Date: 08/11/04 Day : Wednesday Name : Fred, Raul Sub- Totals totals W e 1071 s 2063 1 212 t 992 762 18 A p P r Subtotals Total North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 1 1 I 1 1 0 1800 2000 0 41 3 293 41 296 0 0.02 0.15 0.00 0.15 A West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3600 4000 1800 212 762 18 212 762 18 0.06 0.19 0.01 0.06 Page 2 of 3 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1800 4000 0 4 749 48 4 797 0 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.20 Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane North Approach 337 293 3 J 1 A1 - t * North *1 t 28 8 0 25 49 74 Paseo Del Norte 604 267 0 41 L f1 48 "* 749 » r 13 Total Subtotals Sub- totals 801 0 816 Poinsettia Lane Totals 1617 E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. NOTE: Construction activity present on the northeast corner. No significant impacts to traffic noted. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 14 of 87 Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (NB) 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Left Lane Inside I 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 1 Capacity 1 800 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 18 Adjusted Hourly Volume 1 8 Utilization Factor 0.01 Critical Factors 0.01 7 14 0.01 Right 1 0 North Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 7 102 0 102 0.00 0.06 Appr (SB) Thru 1 1 2000 10 419 0.21 0.21 Right I 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 409 353 0 353 0.00 0.10 0.10 Thru 1 1 2 4000 982 982 0.25 Right 1 1 Page 3 of3 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 37 2 37 2 0.02 0.00 Thru 1 1 2 4000 748 781 0.20 0.20 Right 1 0 0 33 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.62 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of :Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday Paseo Del Norte 914 Total w e s t A P P r Name : Fred, Raul Sub- 409 Totals totals 1 «*-» 1175 A 2547 0 353 ' 1372 982 *• 37 -, T *"] 18 0 Subtotals 49 Total 81 521 10 4 t North t 7 32 0 102u t 1 — <4- r~T r 7 393 Subtotals Sub- totals — 33 — 748 783 — 2 0 1091 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 1874 A P P r South Approach NOTE: Construction activity present on the northeast corner. No significant impacts to traffic noted. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-tums in bold. Page 15 of 87 Signalized 1 CAPACITY INTFRRFCTION '£** SAMtS / fblUSt / r/4 DIAGRAM AND TRAFFIC FLOWS: /*- \ ^-J/Jf V-IktJSart* ^/^^" fc^~ ?R 3%»^Zjj\ ->/ INDICATE tS) * ^i^CJL/Ai NORTH LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) PHASE 1 PHASE 2 :K^ ?|||i CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) A*l PHASE 1 (P>l) %q PHASE 2 ^/>*f) /f7 teV\_ log feu) TOTAL OPERATING LEVEL (ILV/HR) Z 0#2 /Vr/) K INI ntersection ANALYSIS (<5^CO. RTE PM BY -3£ DATE TIME Al^ 173 10 191 (165) (1) I296I(/ 4, i, 352 (705) — > (J) «- 501 (5551 "27 (187) -^ v-' ^r 4« (553) A II/ 1 PHASE 3 ^ 0 £> A L. v^ <\T /* /^ ^ PHASE 3 ^j) 3^>P ^>^1 FERSECTION // PM) 106 (193) _?" •*- 305 (1?5) 394 (793) — ) fjj 4— 793 (936) «1 t ft166 2 see(172) (2} (492) V•J s . . . $3. M. < 120° D a > 1200 a a > 1500 REMARKS: ^ fp^ Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix TT 1 PHASE 4 PHASE 4 ILV/HR. BUT < 1500 ILV/HR. ILV/HR (CAPACITY) Page 16 of 87 APPENDIX B PROJECT DISTRIBUTION GAICOIATIONS Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 17 of 87 352 127 173 (185) (705) -> (187) -^, 10 (1) © 191 i 293 3 4'i (298) (409) (10) (102) 106 (193) -3~ ,-. •*- 305 (175) 212 (353) -*" --^ •*- 48 (33) <— 501 (555) 394 (793) — > (3) <— 793 (938) 762 (982) — » (4) <— 749 (748) .£- 446 (553) ^ 18 (37) -^ ^~/ ^- 4 (2) 166 2 599 28 8 13 (172) (2) (492) (18) (7) (T) Totals \\ \ NB'qnl-5 WB oft Poinsettia AM 24% 40% '''SB on\l-5 36% \ Totajs \ \\ \ - \ \ 1252 PM 14% 43% 43% Avg 19% 42% 39% (1283) \ \ \ 11% \"••-.\\V AM 57V % I Applied PM 56% 57% / 11% NBonl-S Average ,--57% 57% / 24% WB on Poinsettia / / 57% 22% SBonl-5 ..'" ,••"" / ,,•' tOi "Z. 0}Q 2 ,••• x ,.' X' X' x 4 — 19% // 27% 49 22% 22% 32 19% 24% Poinsettia Lane o 0 o 0 o 0 0 () 0 0 ^ -v f, 0 Q 0 0 _?• ~~v ^0 0 25 (49) p^(5} t 49 (32) 25 (49) /X(e)x_X t 49 (32) 30 120 36 (45) (208) (58) • 25 (40) (} -> ~V 31 (55) 59 (109)4-^_CO^-St 52 (84) 118 (290) ^•^_ < — -C~(1 220 (442) 186 240 266 (219) (236) (357) Totals AM 27% 35% 38% 692 PM 27% 29% 44% 812 Avg 27% 32% 41% 22% % Applied 24% 6% NB on Avenida Encinas 24% 8% WB on Poinsettia 24% 10% SB on Avenida Encinas LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections 7777 ADT volumes shown along segments M ) Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables N No Scale Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 18 of 87 APPENDIX C CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET DESIGN CRITERIA - TABLE A Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 19 of 87 TABLE A CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET DESIGN CRITERIA ii I mm P gni^^^^^f^M^^Sfi aBesign Speed ^Minimum Spacing of Intersections ^ncluding right-turn in/out) (in feet) t. , - -,.- _, ight-of-Way Width (in feet) Access to Adjoining Property 3o Wurb-to-Curb Distance (in feet) n•<•jj/pnimum Traffic Index 3}linimum Structural Section (jjn inches) (6) popping Sight Distance (5>(in feet) Corner Sight Distance m (in feet) Minimum Centerline Radius (in feet) Maximum Centerline Grade (not thru intersect Mini IQTES 1)N.A 2'Red 3)Grac 4W incre mum Flowline Grade pRSBJS Mtim I i ' 60_M£H 2,600 126 None 106 (18' median) 9 6 AC 6AB 580 660 2.400 m 7% 1.0% 50MPH 1,200 102 None 82 (18' median) 8.5 SAC 6AB 430 550 1.400m 7% 1.0% ' :' 1$ H SmrgSaiiiu 40MPH 600 84 Where no other access is possible 64 8.0 4 AC 6AB 300 440 670 10% 1.0%' i: uction to 100' with approval of City Engineer, les greater than 10% will require specific approval, chip seal, etc. o exceed 6% thru intersections. Local, cul-de-sac and hillside mayase grade through intersections up to 8%, provided that CALTRANS 30MPH 300 60 or 68 Limited subject to approval 40 or 48 6.0 4 AC 6AB 200 330 300 12%» 1.0% fJNDMSTWAMU 30MPH 300 72 Limited subject to approval 52 7.0 4 AC 6AB 200 330 300 8% 1.0% ^nffi^El^H 25MPH 1 SOT'S others 200 60 O.K. 34 5.0 4 AC 4AB 150 275 200 12% 1.0% 'HifSfsi 25 23SI?"' " ' ' ''''"'"^^lESHS*^ MPH 150TS others 200 56 O.K. 36 4.5 4 AC 4AB 150 275 200. 12% 1.0% — 24 O.K. 24 4.0 5-1/2' PCC (B) ,-,-jj _ _. — 1.0% 20 MPH 150 46-56 Limited subject to approval 34 5.0 4 AC 4AB 12Sm 220 200 15% 1.0% "'Minimum grade of 2.0% is encouraged. If 1 .0% minimum is not possible, special construction may be used with City Engineer approval. Gutterline of cul-de-sac bulbs and knuckles shall have minimum grade of 1.0%. Typical Centerline grades at the upper reach of cul-de-sacs shallbe 2% minimum. WAHAU coi-tinnc shall rnnfnrm »n SDRSD rt-91guidelines for sight distance and vertical curves are complied with. (^Stopping Sight Distance per CALTRANS Highway Design Manual Topic 201 -3jid Section 8 on Page 8 of City Standards. (6§^33umes no superelevations; includes standard crossfall. Corner Sight Distance per Caltrans Highway Design manual Topic 405 and Section 8 on Page 8 of City Standards. n> a 00 Page 4 of 4 APPENDIX D SYNCHRO QUEUING ANALYSIS Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 21 of 87 AM Buildout 4: Poinsettia Lane & Paseo Del Norte Queues Lane Group Lane Group Flow (vph) v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay Total Delay Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary > EBL 253 0.64 42.4 0.0 42.4 72 111 250 427 0 0 0 0.59 EBT 926 0.46 13.3 0.0 13.3 153 245 2816 2044 0 0 0 0.45 > EBR 32 0.04 4.6 0.0 4.6 0 15 884 0 0 0 0.04 < WBL 11 0.13 46.9 0.0 46.9 6 23 250 82 0 0 0 0.13 WBT 1242 0.86 27.5 0.0 27.5 325 415 2768 1570 0 0 0 0.79 A NBL 42 0.34 47.4 0.0 47.4 23 56 126 0 0 0 0.33 t NBT 42 0.08 17.0 0.0 17.0 9 35 1352 518 0 0 0 0.08 V SBL 53 0.43 50.7 0.0 50.7 30 67 126 0 0 0 0.42 I SBT 400 0.65 19.1 0.0 19.1 95 201 1160 618 0 0 0 0.65 LOS Engineering Synchro 6 Report Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 22 of 87 PM Buildout 4: Poinsettia Lane & Paseo Del Norte Queues Lane Group Lane Group Flow (vph) v/c Ratio Control Delay Queue Delay Total Delay Queue Length 50th (ft) Queue Length 95th (ft) Internal Link Dist (ft) Turn Bay Length (ft) Base Capacity (vph) Starvation Cap Reductn Spillback Cap Reductn Storage Cap Reductn Reduced v/c Ratio Intersection Summary > EBL 410 0.73 38.7 0.0 38.7 110 164 250 642 0 0 0 0.64 EBT 1130 0.56 14.6 0.0 14.6 190 325 2816 2036 0 0 0 0.56 > EBR 50 0.06 3.9 0.0 3.9 0 19 888 0 0 0 0.06 ^WBL 10 0.08 41.6 0.0 41.6 5 21 250 264 0 0 0 0.04 WBT 1150 0.89 30.0 0.0 30.0 306 395 2768 1454 0 0 0 0.79 <N NBL 30 0.35 53.8 0.0 53.8 16 45 85 0 0 0 0.35 t NBT 20 0.05 22.0 0.0 22.0 5 24 1352 384 0 0 0 0.05 V SBL 105 0.56 45.5 0.0 45.5 55 110 215 0 0 0 0.49 1 SBT 430 0.57 9.4 0.0 9.4 27 124 1160 751 0 0 0 0.57 LOS Engineering Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Synchro 6 Report Page 23 of 87 APPENDIX! EXISTING + PROJECT INTERSECTION IOS & 11V CALCULATIONS Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 24 of 87 AME+P Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow South Appr (MB) Left Thru Right 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 Lane Settings 1 1 1 Capacity 1800 2000 1800 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? N Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 1800 2000 1800 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 1800 6000 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 | 3600 4000 1800 Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors ICU Ratio = 31 52 221 31 52 221 0.02 0.03 0.12 0.12 0.41 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of : Time : to Date : Day: Name : Totals W e s 483 t A P P r 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 08/11/04 Thursday Sub- totals 297 30 186 120 36 Subtotals Total 118 59 25 118 67 30 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.07 A 30 30 0.02 0.02 Avenida Encinas North Approach 202 25 59 J 1 fJ ^ tT North *1 t 31 52 363 304 667 471 118u r 221 120 36 268 241 187 156 0 268 241 187 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.10 0.10 and Poinsettia Lane Avenida Encinas Total 269 Subtotals Sub- totals f1 187 ^ 241 696 i 268i 459 Poinsettia Lane 1155 E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 25 of 87 PME+P Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1800 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Right 1 1 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 1800 2000 1800 1800 6000 0 3600 N N Thru Right 1 1 1 2 1 | 4000 1800 Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors ICU Ratio = 55 84 444 55 g4 444 0.03 0.04 0.25 0.25 0.61 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of : Time : to Date: Day: Name : Totals W e s 645 t A P P r 5:OOPM 6:00 PM 08/1 1/04 Thursday Sub- totals 332 45 313 210 58 Subtotals Total 291 109 40 205 99 42 0.11 0.05 0.02 0.11 B Avenida North Approach 440 40 109 J 14T=r t T North *1 t 55 84 525 583 1108 45 210 58 358 237 219 45 268 0 358 237 219 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.10 0.06 0.12 0.03 0.12 Encinas and Poinsettia Lane Avenida Encinas 788 Total 348 Subtotals 291 Sub- U totals Totals |1 219 -^ 237 814 1 358 1759 T 945r 444 Poinsettia Lane E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 26 of 87 AM E+P 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N) 0 0 7 Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 0 0 0 Right 0 North Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 192 0 192 Appr (SB) Thru 1 0 0 10 0 Right 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru 1 1 0 2 1800 0 4000 173 0 353 173 0 353 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 3600 127 449 127 449 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 | 4000 0 505 0 505 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.09 0.07 0.12 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.09 0.12 ICU Ratio = 0.41 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Date: 08/11/04 Day: Thursday Name : North Approach W e s t A P P r Sub- Totals totals 678 1158 480 0 353 127 173 375 10 North Subtotals 586 0 Total 586 1-5 Southbound Ramps 375 192 J I U t *i t r 000 Total 0 0 505 449 Subtotals Sub- totals 954 545 Totals E a s t 1499 A P P r Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 27 of 87 PM E+P 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 0 0 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 0 0 0 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 301 0 302 Thru Right 1 1 0 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru 1 1 0 2 0 1800 0 4000 1 185 0 710 0 185 0 710 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 3600 187 555 187 555 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 | 4000 0 557 0 557 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.18 0.10 0.15 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.18 0.15 ICU Ratio = 0.53 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date: 08/11/04 Day: Thursday Name : North Approach w e s t A P P r Sub- Totals totals 742 1639 897 0 710 187 185 487 1 North Subtotals 743 0 Total 743 1-5 Southbound Ramps 487 301 J I U t t r 000 Total 0 0 557 555 Subtotals Sub- totals 1112 1011 Totals E s t 2123 A P P r Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 28 of 87 AM E+C 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (NB) North Appr (SB) 7:30 AM 8:30 AM Lane Config - urations to Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Inside 1 1 1 (left) 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 102000 Capacity 1800 0 3600 000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? N Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0. 10 Hourly Volume 166 2 601 0 0 0 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 168 601 0 0 0 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 Critical Factors 0.17 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.50 LOS= A West Appr (EB) East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 3 1 | 1800 4000 0 0 6000 1800 106 396 0 0 800 307 106 396 0 0 800 307 0.06 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.17 0.06 0.17 Turning Movements at Intersection of : 1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane W e s t A P P r Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM North Approach Date: 08/11/04 Day : Thursday Name : 0 Sub- 0 0 Totals totals 1 1 •4-J + 966 A 1468 106 J 502 396 *- f 0 -, 1 T North *1 t 166 2 Subtotals 0 769 Total 769 1-5 Northbound Ramps 415 Total 415 Subtotals 0 Sub- U totals Totals E t a1 307 s -^ 800 1107 t 1 0 2104 T A 997 pr : 601 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-tums in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 29 of 87 PM E+P 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Left 1 1 1800 Appr (MB) Thru 1 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 172 0 2 174 Right 1 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 000 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 3600 000 1800 N N 496 0 0 0 193 496 0 0 0 193 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 3 4000 0 0 6000 801 0 0 942 801 0 0 942 Right 1 1 1 1800 176 176 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.10 ICU Ratio = 0.51 Turning Movements at Intersection of: Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date : 08/11/04 Day: Thursday Name : 0.14 0.00 LOS = 0.11 0.16 1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane North Approach 1-5 Northbound Ramps 371 Total W e s t A P P r Sub- Totals totals 1114 2108 994 193 801 0 J I U t North *i t r 371 176 942 0 Subtotals Sub- totals 1118 1297 Totals E a s t 2415 A P P r Subtotals Total 172 670 2 670 496 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 30 of 87 AM E+P Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (NB) 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Left Lane Inside 1 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 1 Capacity 1800 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0. 1 0 Hourly Volume 37 Adjusted Hourly Volume 37 11 28 Right 1 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 17 41 0 41 Thru 1 1 2000 4 297 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 293 212 0 212 Thru 1 1 2 4000 762 762 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 22 6 22 6 Thru 1 1 2 4000 749 797 Right 1 o I 0 48 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.15 0.00 0.06 0.19 0.01 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.02 0.15 0.06 0.20 ICU Ratio = 0.53 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane Time: 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Date : 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday North Approach Paseo Del Norte 609 Total Name : Sub- Totals totals W e 1079 s 2075 212 t 996 762 22 A P P r 338 271 293 4 41 i 1 I •*-" T <-> 4 A-T T 48 -> A ^ 749 1 ' I 6 T North T *i t r Subtotals Sub- totals 803 820 Totals E a s t 1623 A P P r Subtotals Total 32 37 97 11 65 17 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 31 of 87 PME+P Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr(NB) Left Thru 1 1 1 1 1800 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases spl Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume t (Y/N)? 0.10 23 9 23 18 Right 1 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 9 102 0 102 Thru 1 1 2000 14 423 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 409 353 0 353 Thru 1 1 2 4000 982 982 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 49 6 49 6 Thru 1 1 2 4000 748 781 Right 1 o I 0 33 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.06 0.21 0.00 0.10 0.25 0.03 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.01 0.21 0.10 0.20 ICU Ratio = 0.62 Turning Movements at Intersection of: Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date : 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday Name: LOS= B Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane North Approach Paseo Del Norte W e s t A P P r Sub- Totals totals 1180 2564 1384 353 982 49 409 525 14 920 102 Total J I U t North *i t r 395 33 748 6 Subtotals Sub- totals 787 1093 Totals E a s t 1880 A P P r Subtotals Total 69 23 110 9 41 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 32 of 87 AM E+P Paseo Del Norte at North Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left 1 0 0 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 58 58 58 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 29 58 32 29 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 3 7 32 7 Thru Right 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 000 00000 00000 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.13 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and North Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM North Approach Date: Day: Name : 32 Sub - 3 29 Totals totals 1 1 •4-J y 3 410 7 ' 0 — „ | 0 -, 1 T North *1 t 0 58 Subtotals 29 58 Total 87 Paseo Del Norte 97 65 0u 4T — o I — °v r 0 North Total Subtotals Sub- totals Totals 0 0 0 Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 33 of 87 PM E+P Paseo Del Norte at North Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left 1 0 0 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 37 37 37 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 60 37 69 60 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 9 4 69 4 Thru Right 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 000 00000 00000 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.13 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and North Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: Day: Name: Sub- 9 Totals totals 1<*-! 9 A 13 4 ' 0 1t *1 0 Subtotals 60 Total 97 69 60 1 t North t 37 37 Paseo 110 0 L 4i •+— r —T r 0 Del Norte Total 41 Subtotals Sub- totals Totals - o- o o - 0 0 0 North Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-tums in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 34 of 87 AME+P Paseo Del Norte at South Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 0 1 0 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases spl Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume t (Y/N)? 0.10 0 49 49 49 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 25 49 29 25 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 4 9 29 9 Thru Right 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 000 00000 00000 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.13 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and South Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM North Approach Date: Day: Name : 29 Sub - 4 25 Totals totals I 1 «-> I 4 *13 9 ' 9 0 *- f 0 -, 1 T North *l t 0 49 Subtotals 25 49 Total 74 Paseo Del Norte 87 0 U 4T_ -4- r0 Total 58 Subtotals Sub- totals Totals E a — 0 s — 00 t — 0 0 A 0 p P r South Project Driveway South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 35 of 87 PME+P Paseo Del Norte at South Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 orations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left Thru 1 1 0 1 0 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 32 32 32 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 49 32 60 49 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 0 1800 000 11 5 0 0 0 0 0 60 5 0 0 0 0 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.12 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and South Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: Day: Name : 60 Sub - 11 49 Totals totals 1 I •*-• T 11 +16 5 ~ 0 — * | 0 -, 1 T North *1 t 0 32 Subtotals 49 32 Total 81 Paseo 97 0u f-1 -^ — r —t r 0 Del Norte Total 37 Subtotals Sub- totals Totals - 0 - o o - 0 0 0 South Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 36 of 87 tl* INTERSECTION Signalized Intersection CAPACITY ANALYSIS INTERSECTION DIAGRAM AND TRAFFIC FLOWS: NORTH LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) PHASE 1 127 PHASE 2 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) PHASE 1 PHASE 2 3o7- TOTAL OPERATING LEVEL (ILV/HR) BY TIME i. RTE.PM DATE. 173 10 192 (185) (1) (301) () 4. ®106 (193) -?• _<- 505 (557) 396 (801) -» (3- ..-, -Tt f 449 (555) V~ 307 (176)800 (942) 166 2 801 (172) (2) (496) _ Poinsettia Lane PHASE 3 •jv C J PHASE 4 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 IS ...< 1200 ILV/HR. O D > 1200 BUT < 1500 ILV/HR. Q D > 1500 ILV/HR (CAPACITY) REMARKS: Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 37 of 87 APPENDIX F CUMULATIVE PROJECT DATA Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 38 of 87 -7 t XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections 7777 AOT volumes shown along segments " Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 39 of 87 XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PMpeaK hour volumes at intersections Z.ZZZ ADT volumes shown along segments (1 J Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables No Scale Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 40 of 87 (A «> * V ^ ^ ^- 12 (& \ _3* ^_ A / 2^ ^ t f»r / J, ^L\~ | / -^rz) • ^^ */o (2»)-> © ^ t / ^*- 2^^») fl LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections Z.ZZZ AOT volumes shown along segments M ) Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables So N No Scale Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 41 of 87 181/97—* — 78/228 s r» S J ^187/90— » — 72/210 1B/10— »20/11-* SiREEF — 0/25 a/is— . LEUGAQUAIL 9/28 -* S^IO/5••—41/22 OSA ROAD/ DOES NOT EXIST ROAD RANCHO_SANTA FE ROAD/ 20/10 -» DfRANCE SOUTH OFDRIVE — a/24 30/20^40/30^ FE ROAD/OAKS ENTRANCE SOUTH OfQUESTHAVEN ROAD DOES NOT EXIST fe-W STREET NO SCALE " 1 "OSA" = Outside Study Area, leas than 50 \ peak hour project traffic volumes \ in either direction added to intersection.FIgur ______ 2005 PROJECT TRAFFIC VOLUMES AM/pM PEAK HOURS N c i N E E R S 93 V1L4AGES OF LA COSTA ! Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 42 of 87 "0g3'enCD»55' TABLE 2 VILLAGES OF LA COSTA -g rnujcui inArrK/ucncnAiiun 3 YEAR 2005 Wm •2 £• VILLAGES OF H LA COSTA 3 PROJECT 35 EB Costa Greensex j>•aT3CD a. 'X' "^ La Costa Ridge La Costa Oaks TOTAL TRIPS LMFP ZONE 10 11 11 LAND USE Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Industrial Business Park Elementary School Community Park Day Care Church SUBTOTAL Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential SUBTOTAL Single Family Residential SIZE 570 DU 180DU 2.6 AC 7.2 AC 25.8 AC 21 ,780 SF 5.7 AC - 262 DU 58 DU - 191 DU - DAILY TRIP ENDS (ADT) RATE 10/DU 8/DU 80/AC 60/AC 50/AC 80/1, 000 SF 30/AC - 10/DU 8/11 - 10/DU - VOLUME 5,700 1,440 210 430 1,290 1,740 1ZQ 10,980 2,620 460 3,080 1,910 15,970 AM PEAK HOUR %OF ADT 8% 8% 11% 28% 4% 17% 5% - 8% 8% 8% - IN:OUT SPLIT 3:7 2:8 9:1 6:4 5:5 5:5 6:4 - 3:7 2:8 3:7 - VOLUME IN OUT 140 320 20 90 10 5 70 50 25 25 150 150 5. 5 420 645 60 145 -5 3Q 65 175 45 100 530 920 PM PEAK HOUR %OF ADT 10% 10% 12% 7% 4% 18% 8% - 10% 10% 10% - IN:OUT SPLIT 7:3 7:3 2:8 3:7 5:5 5:5 5:5 - 7:3 7:3 7:3 - VOLUME IN OUT 400 170 100 45 5 20 10 20 25 25 155 155 5. 5 700 440 180 80 30 15 210 95 135 60 1.045 595 1. Source:Generation rates obtained from SANDAG Brief Generation Guide, July 1998. 2. Rate is a trip end per dwelling unit (DU) and acres. 3. All ADT's are rounded to the nearest 10 and peak hours to the nearest 5. 4. Trip ends are one-way traffic movements, entering or leaving. •n03CO CD aoo Tab2.723 05/04/00 North Coast Calvary Chapel in Carlsbad North Coast Calvan1 Chapel ©Urban Systems Associates, Inc. September 24. 2004 7/9 — +—9/7 FIGURE 4-4 Project Only Weekday AM / PM Peak Hour Traffic CD-U 3302-GrofMcS Ctteg 003302 4-7 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix 3302-rpt-092404.wi)il Page 44 of 87 North Coast Culvaiy Chapel in Carlsbad North Coast Calvary Chapel ©Urban Systems Associates, Inc. September 24. 2004 FIGURE 4-3 Project Only Weekday Average Daily Traffic CD-It 33(>a-Gr<iphlcs 003302 4-6 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix 3302-rpt-0924l)4.wpd Page 45 of 87 APPENDIX G EXISTING + PROJECT+CUMULATIVE INTERSECTION LOS & ILV CALCULATIONS Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 46 of 87 AM E+P+C Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (MB) North Appr (SB) 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Lane Config - urations to Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Inside 11 1 (left) 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 111111 Capacity 1800 2000 1800 1800 2000 1800 West Appr (EB) East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 2 2 1 | 1800 6000 0 3600 4000 1800 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? N Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 31 52 223 119 59 25 Adjusted Hourly Volume 31 52 227 121 67 30 Utilization Factor 0.02 0.03 0.13 0.07 0.03 0.02 Critical Factors 0.13 0.07 ICU Ratio = 0.42 LOS= A 30 126 36 272 251 188 30 162 0 272 251 188 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.08 0.06 0.10 0.02 0.10 Turning Movements at Intersection of : Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane W e s t A P P r Time : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM North Approach Date: 08/11/04 Day : Thursday Name : 203 Sub - 25 59 Totals totals 1 1 <J t 307 A 499 30 J 192 126 *• 4 36 -i 1 T North *1 t 31 52 Subtotals 367 306 Total 673 Avenida Encinas 473 Total 270 Subtotals 119 Sub- 1 totals Totals U> E t a1 188 s •* 251 711 t r 272 1179 T A 468 pr r 223 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 47 of 87 PM E+P+C Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Lane Config - urations to Inside (left) Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1800 Thru Right 1 1 1 1 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 2000 1800 1800 Thru Right 1 1 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2000 1800 1800 Thru 1 1 1 3 6000 Right 1 0 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 Thru 1 1 2 4000 Right 1 1 1 1800 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? N Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors ICU Ratio = 0.10 55 84 448 55 84 461 0.03 0.04 0.26 0.26 0.68 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of : Time : to Date: Day: Name : Totals W e s 663 t A P P r 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 08/11/04 Thursday Sub- totals 340 45 323 220 58 Subtotals Total 293 109 40 45 220 58 359 245 220 301 99 42 45 278 0 359 245 220 0.17 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.10 0.06 0.12 0.17 0.03 0.12 B Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane North Approach Avenida Encinas 791 Total 442 349 Subtotals 40 109 293 Sub- J l 1 totals Totals1 U4 4 ' ' 220 * + ^ 245 824 -, 1 r 359 1785 T North T 961*i t r 55 84 448 Poinsettia Lane 526 587 1113 E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 48 of 87 AM E+P tc 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 0 0 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 0 0 0 Right 0 North Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 219 0 203 Appr (SB) Thru 1 0 0 0 0 Right 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru 1 1 0 2 1800 0 4000 173 0 362 173 0 362 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 3600 127 510 127 493 Thru 1 1 2 4000 523 523 Right o I 0 0 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.09 0.07 0.14 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.09 0.14 ICU Ratio = 0.43 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Date: 08/11/04 Day : Thursday Name : North Approach w • e s t A P P r Sub- Totals totals 696 1185 489 0 362 127 Subtotals Total 637 173 392 0 1-5 Southbound Ramps 392 219u t North t r Total 0 0 523 510 Subtotals Sub- totals 1033 581 Totals E a s t 1614 A P P r Poinsettia Lane 637 South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 49 of 87 PM E+P+C 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (MB) North Appr (SB) 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Lane Config - urations to Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Inside 1 1 (left) 2 1 1 3 1 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 000201 Capacity 000 3600 0 1800 West Appr (EB) East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 0 | 0 4000 1800 3600 4000 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? N Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0. 10 Hourly Volume 0 0 0 361 1 185 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 0 0 327 0 185 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.10 Critical Factors 0.00 0.10 ICU Ratio = 0.54 LOS = A 0 726 187 591 567 0 0 726 187 576 567 0 0.00 0.18 0.10 0.16 0.14 0.00 0.18 0.16 Turning Movements at Intersection of : 1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane W e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: 08/11/04 Day : Thursday Name : 547 Sub- 185 1 Totals totals 1 1 «-l 1 752 A 1665 0 J 913 726 >• 4 187 -, \ T North *1 t0 0 Subtotals 779 0 Total 779 1-5 Southbound Ramps 547 Total 0 Subtotals 361 Sub - U totals Totals E t a T 0 s -«• 567 1158 t i 591 2245 T A 1087 pr : 0 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 50 of 87 «l nil AM E+P-K: 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 1800 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.10 166 2 0 168 0.00 0.00 Right 1 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 0 3600 0 N N 633 0 620 0 0.17 0.00 0.17 0.00 0 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 0 1800 0 0 106 0 0 106 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.06 Thru 1 1 2 4000 432 432 0.11 Right 0 East Appr (WB) Left 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 Thru 1 1 1 3 6000 877 877 0.15 Right 1 1 1 1800 360 360 0.20 0.20 ICU Ratio = 0.53 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time: 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Date: 08/11/04 Day: Thursday North Approach 1-5 Northbound Ramps 468 Total Name : Sub- Totals totals W e 1043 s 1581 t 538 A P P r 0 468 000 J I U A A 106 ' ' 360 432 * 4 "* 877 0 -, 1 r 0 T North T *i t r Subtotals Sub- totals Totals E a s 1237 t 2302 A 1065 p P r Subtotals Total 166 2 0 801 801 633 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 51 of 87 PM E+P+C 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 1800 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 172 2 0 174 Right 1 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 000 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 2 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 3 3600 000 1800 4000 0 0 6000 N N 566 0 0 0 193 877 0 0 987 549 0 0 0 193 877 0 0 987 Right 1 1 1 1800 206 206 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 ICU Ratio = 0.52 Turning Movements at Intersection of: Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date: 08/11/04 Day : Thursday Name: 0.15 0.00 LOS = 0.11 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.11 0.16 1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane North Approach 1-5 Northbound Ramps 401 Total W e s t A P P r Sub- Totals totals 1159 2229 1070 193 877 0 J I U t ort t r North 401 206 987 0 Subtotals Sub- totals 1193 1443 Totals E a s t 2636 A P P r Subtotals Total 172 740 2 740 566 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 52 of 87 AM E+P+C Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity Are the North/South phases South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 1 1 1800 2000 split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.10 37 11 37 28 0.02 0.01 0.02 Right 1 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 17 44 0 44 0.00 0.02 Thru 1 1 2000 4 304 0.15 0.15 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 300 220 0 220 0.00 0.06 0.06 Thru 1 1 2 4000 822 822 0.21 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 22 6 22 6 0.01 0.00 Thru 1 1 2 4000 868 923 0.23 0.23 Right 1 o I 0 55 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.56 LOS= Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Date : 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday North Approach Paseo Del Norte 634 Total Name : Sub- Totals totals W e 1205 s 2269 220 t 1064 822 22 A P P r 348 286 Subtotals 300 4 44 Sub-J | | totalst U- A A -T ~ 55 -> A -* 868 929 -, 1 r 6 T North T 883*i t r Totals E a s t 1812 A P P r Subtotals Total 32 37 97 11 65 17 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 53 of 87 PM E+P+C Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane «i Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 1 1 1800 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.10 23 9 23 18 0.01 0.01 0.01 Right 1 0 North Appr (SB) Left I 1 0 1800 N N 9 111 0 110 0.00 0.06 Thru 1 1 2000 14 432 0.22 0.22 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 418 361 0 361 0.00 0.10 0.10 Thru 1 1 2 4000 1122 1122 0.28 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 49 6 49 6 0.03 0.00 Thru 1 1 2 4000 818 855 0.21 0.21 Right 1 o I 0 37 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.64 LOS= B Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date : 08/11/04 Day: Wednesday North Approach Paseo Del Norte 950 Total Name : Sub- Totals totals W e 1259 s 2791 t 1532 A P P r 543 418 14 J 1 A 361 ~ 1122 *- A 49 -i 1 T North *1 t 407 Subtotals 111 Sub - U totals A1 37 ^ 818 861 T 1242r Totals E a s t 2103 A P P r Subtotals Total 69 23 110 9 41 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 54 of 87 ml AM E+P+C Paseo Del Norte at North Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left 1 0 0 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 58 58 58 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 29 58 32 29 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 3 7 32 7 Thru Right 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 000 00000 00000 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.13 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and North Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM North Approach Date: Day: Name : 32 Sub - 3 29 Totals totals I 1 •4-' T 3 A 10 7 -T 0 — > f 0 -, 1 t North *1 t 0 58 Subtotals 29 58 Total 87 Paseo Del Norte 97 65 0u A~ — o I — °T r 0 North Total Subtotals Sub- totals Totals 0 0 0 Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 55 of 87 PM E+P+C Paseo Del Norte at North Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 0 1 0 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 37 37 37 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 60 37 69 60 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 9 4 69 4 Thru Right 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 000 00000 00000 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.13 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and North Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: Day: Name : 69 Sub - 9 60 Totals totals 1 1 -+J f 9 A 13 4 -' 4 0 > 4 0 -, 1 T North *1 t 0 37 Subtotals 60 37 Total 97 110 0u r 0 Paseo Del Norte Total 41 Subtotals Sub- totals Totals AT — o-* — o o 1 0 0t 0 North Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 56 of 87 AM E+P+C Paseo Del Norte at South Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left 1 0 0 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases spl Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume t (Y/N)? 0.10 0 49 49 49 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 25 49 29 25 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 0 1800 000 4900000 29 9 0 0 0 0 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.13 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and South Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM North Approach Date: Day: Name : 29 Sub - 4 25 Totals totals 1 1 •*-" T 4 A 13 9 ' 9 0 *• 4 0 -, 1 T North *1 t 0 49 Subtotals 25 49 Total 74 87 0 U r 0 Paseo Del Norte Total 58 Subtotals Sub- totals Totals A~ — o •^ — o o 1 0 0t 0 South Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 57 of 87 III PM E+P+C Paseo Del Norte at South Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left 1 0 0 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 32 32 32 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 49 32 60 49 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 11 5 60 5 Thru Right 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 000 00000 00000 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.12 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and South Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date: Day: Name : Sub- Totals totals 11 16 5 5 0 0 North Approach Subtotals Total 49 60 11 49 0 32 32 Paseo Del Norte 97 \J L t North t r 37 0 0 0 Total Subtotals Sub- totals 0 0 Totals E a s t 0 A P P r South Project Driveway 81 South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 58 of 87 INTERSECTION INTERSECTION Signalized Intersection CAPACITY ANALYSIS 2tH&/d>/us£?r/A (icgEteo. RTE PM __// BY -3£ DATE TIME DIAGRAM AND TRAFFIC FLOWS;173 0'2ft NORTH 3«2 <7S6)-» (2) 127 (187) -». W i 106 (1(3) -*• ^. •*- 923 (S»7)i 432 (»77) —» (3) *— 510 <5«1|i . V > : »1 T P i W» 2 «33 (172) a._J8HL.... LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) Ponsettia Lane PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASES ga TO ^o j<\ cs <y~ t ~ 2 PHASE 4 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 (ft*,)PHASE 4 TOTAL OPERATING LEVEL (ILV/HR) IS < 1200 ILV/HR. D D > 1200 BUT < 1500 ILV/HR. 0 D > 1500 ILV/HR (CAPACITY) REMARKS: •oporty Traffic Study Appondi APPENDIX H SANDAG 2030 DATA Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 60 of 87 i * i Si is Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 61 of 87 APPENDIX I BUILD-OUT INTERSECTION TURN MOVE GROWTH CALCULATIONS Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 62 of 87 1) Poinsettiaat Av AME AM 2030 PME PM 2030 2) I-5 SB Ramp/Po AME AM 2030 PME PM 2030 3) I-5 NB Ramp/Po AME AM 2030 PME PM 2030 4) Poinsettia/Pase AME AM 2030 PME PM 2030 5) Paseo Del Norte AME AM 2030 PME PM 2030 6) Paseo Del Norte AME AM 2030 PME PM 2030 EXISTING NBL NBT NBR enlda E 12000 31 52 220 40 70 310 55 84 442 80 120 630 nsettia nsettia 8000 166 2 599 230 10 820 172 2 492 240 10 680 3 Del N< 1374 28 8 13 40 20 20 18 7 7 30 10 10 /North I 1374 0 49 0 60 0 32 0 40 /South 1374 49 0 60 32 0 40 SBL SBT SBR 8000 118 59 25 180 90 40 290 109 40 440 160 60 6000 191 10 173 220 20 200 298 1 185 350 10 220 11000 41 3 293 50 10 370 102 10 409 130 20 520 1374 25 30 0 49 70 0 1374 25 30 0 49 60 0 EBL EBT EBR 6000 30 120 36 40 160 50 45 208 58 60 280 80 18000 352 127 10 470 170 705 187 10 940 250 21000 106 394 160 580 193 793 280 1170 35495 212 762 18 240 880 30 353 982 37 410 1130 50 160 0 0 0 0 130 0 0 0 0 WBL WBT WBR 18000 266 240 186 350 320 250 357 236 219 480 310 290 21000 446 501 660 740 10 553 555 820 820 10 35495 793 305 920 350 938 175 1080 200 21000 4 749 48 10 1110 70 2 748 33 10 1100 50 BUILD-OUT NBL NBT NBR 17000 0.003 0.004 0.018 0.005 0.007 0.037 11000 0.021 0.000 0.075 0.022 0.000 0.062 1400 0.020 0.006 0.009 0.013 0.005 0.005 1664 0.000 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.000 1664 0.000 0.036 0.000 0.000 0.023 0.000 SBL SBT SBR 12000 0.015 0.007 0.003 0.036 0.014 0.005 7000 0.032 0.002 0.029 0.050 0.000 0.031 14000 0.004 0.000 0.027 0.009 0.001 0.037 1664 0.000 0.018 0.000 0.000 0.036 0.000 1664 0.000 0.018 0.000 0.000 0.036 0.000 EBL EBT EBR 8000 0.005 0.020 0.006 0.008 0.035 0.010 24000 0.000 0.020 0.007 0.000 0.039 0.010 31000 0.005 0.019 0.000 0.009 0.038 0.000 41000 0.006 0.021 0.001 0.010 0.028 0.001 160 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 130 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 WBL WBT WBR 24000 0.015 0.013 0.010 0.020 0.013 0.012 31000 0.021 0.024 0.000 0.026 0.026 0.000 41000 0.000 0.022 0.009 0.000 0.026 0.005 31000 0.000 0.036 0.002 0.000 0.036 0.002 Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 63 of 87 APPENDIX! BUILD-OUT [YEAR 2030) INTERSECTION LOS a ILV CALCULATIONS Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 64 of 87 AM Buildout Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left Thru 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1800 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Right 1 1 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 | 1800 1800 2000 1800 1800 6000 0 3600 4000 1800 N N Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors ICU Ratio = 40 70 310 40 70 420 0.02 0.04 0.23 0.23 0.66 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of: Time : to Date: Day: Name : Totals W e s 650 t A P P r 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Thursday Sub- totals 400 40 250 160 50 Subtotals Total 180 90 40 310 90 310 0.17 0.05 0.17 0.17 B 40 40 0.02 0.02 Avenida Encinas North Approach 310 40 90 J 14T q- t T North *1 t 40 70 490 420 910 670 180u r 310 160 50 350 320 250 210 0 350 320 250 0.04 0.00 0.10 0.08 0.14 0.14 and Poinsettia Lane Avenida Encinas Total 360 Subtotals Sub- totals |1 250 ^ 320 920 1 350 t 650 Poinsettia Lane Totals 1570 E a s t A P P r South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 65 of 87 PM Builtout Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (NB) 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Left Lane Inside 1 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 1 Capacity 1800 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 80 Adjusted Hourly Volume 80 120 120 Right 1 1 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 N N 630 440 630 440 Thru 1 1 2000 160 160 Right 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 60 60 60 60 Thru 1 1 1 3 6000 280 360 Right 1 0 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 80 480 0 480 Thru 1 1 2 4000 310 310 Right 1 1 1 1800 290 290 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.04 0.06 0.35 0.24 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.13 0.08 0.16 0.35 0.24 0.03 0.16 ICU Ratio = 0.88 LOS= D Turning Movements at Intersection of:Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: Day : Thursday Name : 660 Sub - 60 160 Totals totals 1 1 <J + 450 A 870 60 J 420 280 *• A 80 -i 1 T North *1 t 80 120 Subtotals 720 830 Total 1550 1130 440u r 630 Avenida Encinas Total 470 Subtotals Sub- totals 41 290 •* 310 1080 i 480i 1350 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 2430 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 66 of 87 >t AM Buiidout 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Left 0 0 Thru 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases spl Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume t(Y/N) 0.10 0 0 ? 0 0 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 220 0 220 Thru 1 0 0 20 0 Right 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru 1 1 0 2 1800 0 4000 200 0 470 220 0 470 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 3600 170 660 170 660 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 | 4000 0 740 0 740 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.09 0.18 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.18 III ICU Ratio = 0.52 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM North Approach Date: Day : Thursday Name : 440 Sub - 200 20 Totals totals 1 1 •4-J T 940 A 1580 0 J 640 470 >• 4 170 -, 1 T North *1 t 0 0 Subtotals 850 0 Total 850 440 220u r 0 1-5 Southbound Ramps Total 0 Subtotals Sub- totals f~ — o •* 740 1400 i 660 T 690 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 2090 A P P r South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 67 of 87 PM Buiidout 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 0 0 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 0 0 0 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 350 0 350 Thru Right 1 1 0 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru 1 1 0 2 0 1800 0 4000 10 220 0 940 0 230 0 940 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 3600 250 820 250 820 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 | 4000 0 820 0 820 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.24 0.14 0.23 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.24 0.23 ICU Ratio = 0.70 Turning Movements at Intersection of: LOS= B 1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : to Date: Day: Name : Totals 2230 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Thursday Sub- totals 1040 1190 0 940 250 North Approach 1-5 Southbound Ramps 220 580 10 580 350 Total J I U t h r North Subtotals Total 1080 t 0 0 0 0 820 820 Subtotals Sub- totals 1640 1290 Totals E a s t 2930 A P P r Poinsettia Lane 1080 South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 68 of 87 AMBuiidout 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 1800 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 230 10 0 240 Right 1 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 000 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 3600 0 0 0 1800 N N 820 0 0 0 160 830 0 0 0 160 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 3 4000 0 0 6000 580 0 0 920 580 0 0 920 Right 1 1 1 1800 350 350 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.19 0.23 0.00 0.09 0.19 ICU Ratio = 0.61 LOS= B Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Date: Day : Thursday Name : Sub- Totals totals 1150 1890 740 North Approach 0 0 0 J 1 f 160 ' 580 > f 0 -, 1 T North *1 t 520 0 L r 1-5 Northbound Ramps Total 520 Subtotals Sub- totals f1 350 ^ 920 1270 i 0t 1400 Totals E a s t 2670 A P P r Subtotals Total 230 1060 10 1060 820 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 69 of 87 PMBuiidout 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 orations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 1800 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 240 10 0 250 Right 1 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 000 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 3600 000 1800 N N 680 0 0 0 280 680 0 0 0 280 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 3 4000 0 0 6000 1170 0 0 1080 1170 0 0 1080 Right 1 1 1 1800 200 200 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.11 0.19 0.00 0.16 0.18 ICU Ratio = 0.63 LOS= B Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: Day : Thursday Name : 0 Sub - 00 Totals totals 1 1 «-J 1 1320 A 2770 280 -" 1450 1170 * A 0 -T \ T North *1 t 240 10 Subtotals 0 930 Total 930 490 0U r 680 1-5 Northbound Ramps Total 490 Subtotals Sub- totals 41 200 •4 1080 1280 I 0t 1850 Poinsettia Lane E a s t 3130 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 70 of 87 AM Buildout Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (NB) 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Left Lane Inside 1 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 1 Capacity 1800 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 40 Adjusted Hourly Volume 40 Utilization Factor 0.02 Critical Factors 0.02 20 40 0.02 Right 1 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 20 50 0 50 0.00 0.03 Thru 1 1 2000 10 380 0.19 0.19 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 370 240 0 240 0.00 0.07 0.07 Thru 1 1 2 4000 880 880 0.22 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 30 10 30 10 0.02 0.01 Thru 1 1 2 4000 1110 1180 0.30 0.30 Right 1 o I 0 70 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.68 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM North Approach Date: Day : Wednesday Name : 430 Sub - 370 10 Totals totals 1 1 «-l I 1520 A 2670 240 -" 1150 880 *• 4 30 -i 1 T North *1 t 40 20 Subtotals 50 80 Total 130 Paseo Del Norte 760 50u 4T_ -«- r 20 Total 330 Subtotals Sub- totals — 70 — 1110 1190 — 10 950 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 2140 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 71 of 87 PM Buildout Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left Thru 1 1 1 1 1800 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.10 30 10 30 20 0.02 0.01 0.02 Right 1 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 10 130 0 130 0.00 0.07 Thru 1 1 2000 20 540 0.27 0.27 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 520 410 0 410 0.00 0.11 0.11 Thru 1 1 2 4000 1130 1130 0.28 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 50 10 50 10 0.03 0.01 Thru 1 1 2 4000 1100 1150 0.29 0.29 Right 1 o I 0 50 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.79 Turning Movements at Intersection of: LOS = C Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : to Date: Day: Name : Totals 3240 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Wednesday Sub- totals 1650 1590 410 1130 50 North Approach Paseo Del Norte 670 520 20 1140 130 Total J J U t h r North Subtotals Total 80 30 130 t 10 50 470 50 1100 10 Subtotals Sub- totals 1160 1270 Totals E a s t 2430 A P P r 10 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 72 of 87 INTERSECTION INTERSECTION Signalized Intersection CAPACITY ANALYSIS / &**£& ft 4 /dCO. RTE PM 'I BY TIME DATE DIAGRAM AND TRAFFIC FLOWS: NORTH ... ,—, 200 20 220 (220) (10) (3501<! 4- <» ®180 (280) -f «— 7<0 (820) 580 (1170)—) ^». c~ 660 (820)©•«- 350 (200) *- 920 (1080) 230 10 820 (240) (10) (080) PoinseHia Lane LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) PHASE 1 PHASE 2 370 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL OPERATING LEVEL (ILV/HR) IS ... t.07V < 12QQ ILV/HR. O ^> 1200 BUT < 1500 ILV/HR. Q Q > }SQQ ILV/HR (CAPACITY) REMARKS: Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 73 of 87 APPENDIX K BUILD-OUT (YEAR 20301 + PROJECT INTERSECTION LOS & ILV CALCULATIONS -ai til Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 74 of 87 AM Buiidout+Project Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 1 1 1800 2000 Right 1 1 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 Thru 1 1 2000 Right 1 1 West Left 1 1 1800 1800 Appr(EB) Thru Right 1 1 1 1 3 0 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 6000 0 3600 Thru 1 1 2 4000 Right 1 ' 11800 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? N Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 40 70 311 Adjusted Hourly Volume 40 70 421 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 180 310 90 90 40 310 40 40 160 210 50 0 352 321 352 321 251 251 0.02 0.04 0.23 0.17 0.05 0.17 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.10 0.08 0.14 0.23 0.17 0.02 0.14 ICU Ratio = 0.66 LOS= B Turning Movements at Intersection of:Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM North Approach Date: Day : Thursday Name: 310 Sub - 40 90 Totals totals 1 1 •4-' T 401 A 651 40 J 250 160 > | 50 -i 1 T North *1 t 40 70 Subtotals 492 421 Total 913 671 180 L r 311 Avenida Encinas Total 36 1 Subtotals Sub- totals A1 251 *4 321 924 I 352 T 651 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 1575 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 75 of 87 •M PM Buiitout+Project Avenida Encinas at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left 1 1 1800 Thru 1 1 2000 Ate the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 80 80 120 120 Right 1 1 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 N N 632 441 632 441 Thru Right 1 1 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2000 1800 1800 160 60 60 160 60 60 Thru 1 1 1 3 6000 282 362 Right 1 0 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 80 481 0 481 Thru 1 1 2 4000 311 311 Right 1 1 1 1800 290 290 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.04 0.06 0.35 0.25 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.13 0.08 0.16 0.35 0.25 0.03 0.16 ICU Ratio = 0.89 LOS= D Turning Movements at Intersection of:Avenida Encinas and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: Day : Thursday Name : 661 Sub - 60 160 Totals totals 1 1 <*J 1 451 A 873 60 J 422 282 ^ 4 80 -i 1 T North *1 t 80 120 Subtotals 721 832 Total 1553 Avenida Encinas 1131 441u t1 -4- r 632 Total 470 Subtotals Sub- totals — 290 — 311 1082 — 481 1355 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 2437 A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-tums in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 76 of 87 AM Buiidoun Project 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left Thru 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 Ate the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 0 0 0 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 221 0 221 Thru 1 0 0 20 0 Right 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru 1 1 0 2 1800 0 4000 200 0 471 220 0 471 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 3600 170 663 170 663 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 | 4000 0 744 0 744 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.09 0.18 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.18 ICU Ratio = 0.52 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time : 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Date: Day : Thursday Name : Sub- Totals totals W e 944 s 1585 t 641 A P P r North Approach 441 200 20 J 1 f 0 " 471 >• 4 170 -i 1 T North *1 t 1-5 Southbound Ramps 441 Total 0 Subtotals 221 Sub- U totals A~ — o ~4 744 1407 i 663 t 692r Totals E a s t 2099 A P P r 000 Subtotals 853 0 Total 853 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 77 of 87 1*1 PM Buiidout+Project 1-5 Southbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left Thru 0 0 0 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 0 0 0 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 N N 0 353 0 353 Thru 1 0 0 10 0 Right 1 1 West Appr (EB) Left Thru Right 1 1 1 0 2 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 2 1800 0 4000 1800 3600 220 0 945 250 822 230 0 945 250 822 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 | 4000 0 822 0 822 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.24 0.14 0.23 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.24 0.23 ICU Ratio = 0.70 LOS= B Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Southbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date : Day : Thursday Name : Sub- Totals totals W e 1042 s 2237 t 1195 A P P r North Approach 583 220 10 J 1 A o T 945 > 4 250 -i 1 T North *1 t 1-5 Southbound Ramps 583 Total 0 353 U AT — o •4 822 i 822 T r Subtotals Sub- totals Totals E a s 1644 t 2942 A 1298 p P r Subtotals Total 1082 Poinsettia Lane 1082 South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 78 of 87 AM Eiuiidout* Project 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 1800 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 230 10 0 240 Right 1 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 000 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 3600 000 1800 N N 822 0 0 0 160 832 0 0 0 160 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 3 4000 0 0 6000 582 0 0 927 582 0 0 927 Right 1 1 1 1800 352 352 Utilization Factor Critical Factors ICU Ratio = 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.23 0.62 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of : Time : to Date: Day: Name: Totals W e s 1899 t A P P r 7:30 AM 8:30 AM Thursday Sub- totals 1157 160 742 582 0 Subtotals Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 B 0.00 0.09 0.09 1-5 Northbound Ramps North Approach 0 J AT 1t *l 230 0 1062 0 0 1 t North t 10 1062 522 0 U r 822 0.20 1-5 Northbound Ramps Total 522 352 927 0 Subtotals Sub- totals 1279 1404 Poinsettia Lane Totals 2683 E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 79 of 87 PM Buiidout+Project 1-5 Northbound Ramps at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 1800 0 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 240 10 0 250 Right 1 1 2 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 000 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 3600 000 1800 N N 684 0 0 0 280 684 0 0 0 280 Thru Right 1 1 2 0 East Appr (WB) Left Thru 1 1 1 0 3 4000 0 0 6000 1178 0 0 1084 1178 0 0 1084 Right 1 1 1 1800 201 201 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.11 0.19 0.00 0.16 0.18 ICU Ratio = 0.63 LOS= B Turning Movements at Intersection of:1-5 Northbound Ramps and Poinsettia Lane Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date: Day: Thursday Name: W e s t A P P r Totals 2782 North Approach 1-5 Northbound Ramps 491 Total Subtotals Sub- totals 1285 1862 Poinsettia Lane 3147 E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 80 of 87 AM Buiidout+Project Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (MB) 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Left Lane Inside 1 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 1 Capacity 1800 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 49 Adjusted Hourly Volume 49 Utilization Factor 0.03 Critical Factors 0.03 23 47 0.02 Right 1 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 24 50 0 50 0.00 0.03 Thru 1 1 2000 11 381 0.19 0.19 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 370 240 0 240 0.00 0.07 0.07 Thru 1 1 2 4000 880 880 0.22 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 34 12 34 12 0.02 0.01 Thru 1 1 2 4000 1110 1180 0.30 0.30 Right 1 o I 0 70 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.69 LOS= B Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM North Approach Date : Day : Wednesday Name : Sub- Totals totals W e 1529 A s 2683 240 J t 1154 880 > 34 -, A t P P r 431 370 11 J 1 t North *1 t Paseo Del Norte 764 Total 333 Subtotals 50 Sub - U totals 4 ~ 70 "* 1110 1192 I 12 V 954r Totals E a s t 2146 A p P r 49 23 24 Subtotals Total 57 96 153 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 81 of 87 PM Buiidout+Project Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 orations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left 1 1 1800 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 35 30 12 24 Right 1 0 North Appr (SB) Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 12 130 0 130 Thru 1 1 2000 24 544 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 520 410 0 410 Thru Right 1 1 1 2 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 4000 1800 1800 1130 62 14 1 130 62 14 Thru 1 1 2 4000 1100 1150 Right 1 0 1 0 50 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.07 0.27 0.00 0.11 0.28 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.27 0.11 0.29 0.00 0.29 ICU Ratio = 0.79 Turning Movements at Intersection of: LOS= C Paseo Del Nortc and Poinsettia Lane w e s t A P P r Time : to Date: Day: Name : Totals 3257 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Wednesday Sub- totals 1655 1602 410 1130 62 North Approach Paseo Del Norte 520 674 24 1146 130 Total J J U t ort t r North 472 50 1100 14 Subtotals Sub- totals 1164 1272 Totals E a s t 2436 A P P r Subtotals Total 100 35 159 12 59 12 Poinsettia Lane South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 82 of 87 AM Buiidout+Project Paseo Del Norte at North Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 0 1 0 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 69 69 69 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru 1 0 1 0 0 2000 N N 0 0 34 69 37 34 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 3 7 37 7 Thru Right 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 000 00000 00000 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.13 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and North Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : to Date: Day: Name : Totals 10 7:30 AM 8:30 AM Sub- totals 3 7 7 0 0 North Approach 37 North Paseo Del Norte 113 3 34 0 J I L • t *i t r 0 69 0 Total 76 0 0 0 Subtotals Sub- totals 0 0 Totals E a s t 0 A P P r North Project Driveway Subtotals Total 34 69 103 South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-tums in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 83 of 87 PM Buiidout+Project Paseo Del Norte at North Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (MB) Left Thru 1 1 0 1 0 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.10 0 45 45 45 0.00 0.02 0.00 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left 0 0 0 N N 0 0 45 90 0.00 0.00 Thru 1 1 2000 81 81 0.04 0.04 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 9 4 90 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thru 0 0 0 0 0.00 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 1800 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 o I0 0 0 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.14 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and North Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: Day: Name : 90 Sub- 9 81 Totals totals I 1 -4-J y 9 413 4 ' 4 0 > f 0 -, 1 t North *1 t 0 45 Subtotals 81 45 Total 126 Paseo Del Norte 139 49 0u tT — o I °1 r 0 North Total Subtotals Sub- totals Totals 0 0 0 Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 84 of 87 AM Buiidout+Project Paseo Del Norte at South Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : South Appr (MB) 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM Left Lane Inside 1 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings 0 Capacity 0 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 Adjusted Hourly Volume 60 Utilization Factor 0.00 Critical Factors 60 60 0.03 0.03 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left 0 0 0 N N 0 0 60 34 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thru 1 1 2000 30 30 0.02 Right 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 1800 4 9 34 9 0.00 0.01 0.01 Thru 0 0 0 0 0.00 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 1800 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 o I 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.14 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and South Project Driveway w e s t A p p r Time : 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM North Approach Date: Day. Name : 34 Sub - 4 30 Totals totals I 1 •+-* T 4 A 13 9 ' 9 0 * 4 0 -, \ T North *1 t 0 60 Subtotals 30 60 Total 90 103 0u r 0 Paseo Del Norte Total 69 Subtotals Sub- totals Totals fT — o •4 0 0 1 0 0t 0 South Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold. Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 85 of 87 PM Buiidout+Project Paseo Del Norte at South Project Driveway Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left 1 0 0 Thru 1 1 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 0 40 40 40 Right 0 North Appr (SB) Left Thru Right 1 1 0 1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 0 0 2000 0 1800 N N 0 0 60 11 5 40 71 60 71 5 Thru Right 1 0 1 East Appr (WB) Left Thru Right 0 0 0 | 0 1800 000 00000 00000 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.13 LOS= A Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and South Project Driveway w e s t A P P r Time : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM North Approach Date: Day: Name: 71 Sub - 11 60 Totals totals 1 1 •4-1 T 11 A 16 5 -T 0 -> | 0 -, 1 T North *1 t 0 40 Subtotals 60 40 Total 100 116 0 L r 0 Paseo Del Norte Total 45 Subtotals Sub- totals Totals AT — o -4 0 0 1 0 0 t 0 South Project Driveway E a s t A P P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-tums. U-turns in bold Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 86 of 87 INTERSECTION Signalized Intersection CAPACITY ANALYSIS INTERSECTION 'I'4* DIAGRAM AND TRAFFIC FLOWS: NORTH LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) PHASE 1 176 PHASE 2 4-372 (w CRITICAL LANE VOLUMES (ILV/HR) PHASE 1 PHASE 2 372 )O. RTEPM £/_ BY -^ DATE TIME 206 20 221 (220) (10) (353) '4 ^ >»160 (280I -?• /-N •«- 352 (201| 471 (9451 —> (2) *- 744 (822) 562 (1179) —> f 3J <— >27 |10»4) 170 (250) -3, ^ ^" 663 (822) ^^ «1 t l»230 10 822 (240( (10) (684) — Pom wttja Lane PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 TOTAL OPERATING LEVEL (ILV/HR) IS . . . J3( D < 1200 ILV/HR. O ^> 1200 BUT < 1500 ILV/HR. Q D > 1500 ILV/HR (CAPACfTY) REMARKS: Poinsettia Property Traffic Study Appendix Page 87 of 87 CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM SUMMER 2005 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 41 Intersection Location: Poinsettia Lane & Paseo Del Norte Contents: Turn Movement Count Summary Page 1 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and Page 2 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and Page 3 Turn Movement Diagram RICK ENGINEERINGCOMPANY Transportation Division RICK ENGINEERING TURNING MOVEMENT ANALYSIS Page 1 of3 City: Carlsbad Intersection of: N/S Street: Paseo Del Norte E/W Street: Poinsettia Lane Count Date: 08/10/05 Day: Wednesday Weather: Sunny File: 2005Int#41 Data Collected by : Carlos, David Traffic Control: Signalized End of 15 min. prd. 6:15 AM 6:30 AM 6:45 AM 7:00 AM 7:15 AM 7:30 AM * 7:45 AM * 8:00 AM * 8:15 AM * 8:30 AM 8:45 AM 9:00 AM Max. 15 min. Pk. Hr. Vol. 7:15 AM Peak 8:15 AM Hour South Approach (NB)1 Left U-Trn Th'ru Right Peds 40301 60000 80110 60211 70010 8 0 3 b 1 80522 14 0 2 1 0 90330 10 0 1 2 1 40112 60110 14 0 5 3 2 39 0 13 6 3 North Approach (SB) Left U-Trn Thru Right Peds 2 0 1 44 0 6 0 0 48 0 4 0 1 51 0 4 0 0 55 0 3 0 0 65 0 9 0 2 56 0 60 1 71 0 40 1 58 0 14 0 1 71 0 11 0 0 67 0 11 0 2 78 0 9 0 2 67 0 14 0 2 78 0 33 0 5 , 256 0 Left 3 12 18 27 27 42 46 41 35 56 43 44 56 164 Intersection Traffic in Pk. Hr. = 2366 Peak Hr. Factor Intersection Pdstrns in Pk. Hr. = 7 West Approach (EB) U-Trn Thru Right 0 83 0 130 0 177 0 159 0 172 0 226 0 297 0 238 0 235 0 188 0 229 0 144 0 297 0 996 0.95 Q 2 1 4 2 9 3 6 4 4 4 3 9 22 Peds 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Left 0 0 ,1 2 0 2 1 4 0 1 0 1 4 7 East Approach (WB) U-Trn Thru Right 0 125 0 120 0 178 0 131 0 212 0 188 0 158 0 242 0 172 0 207 0 191 , 0 215 0 242 0 760 3 1 12 9 7 12 19 14 20 6 21 14 21 65 Peds 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 15 min Total Vehicles Peds 268 2 325 1 453 2 400 3 496 1 557 4 617 2 625 1 567 0 553 1 585 2 507 0 625 4 2366 7 3:45 PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 4:30 PM 4:45 PM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM * 5:30 PM * 5:45 PM * 6:00 PM * 6:15 PM 6:30 PM Max. 15 min. Pk. Hr. Vol. 5:00 PM Peak 6:00 PM Hour 8 0 3 . 0 5 0 4 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 4 0 5 0 7 0 9 0 31 0 0 02 0 1 1 530 1 1 1 0 3 1 1 3 0 000 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 4 1 1 230 5 3 2 343 24 0 33 0 35 0 34 0 38 0 29 0 32 0 29 0 34 0 20 0 35 0 13 0 38 0 115 0 Intersection Traffic in Pk. Hr. = 3177 1 71 1 58 2 74 4 56 2 73 0 75 4 74 3 74 8 84 1 69 4 82 4 39 8 84 16 301 Peak Hr. 0 73 0 71 0 68 0 70 0 69 0 63 0 75 0 94 0 85 0 94 0 86 0 69 0 94 0 348 Factor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.93 226 16 222 4 235 6 266 16 244 7 254 15 289 10 245 9 312 8 309 5 246 9 288 9 31? 16 1155 32 0 4 1 2 0 4 0 1 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 4 1 5 0 13 0 188 15 0 190 10 0 158 20 0 155 18 0 187 25 0 195 23 0 301 24 0 298 17 0 278 30 0 198 13 0 201 26 0 232 8 0 301 30 0 1075 84 0 0 2 0 2 0 1 3! 01 0 0 3 5 626 2 595 2 615 2 626 1 658 3 671 0 821 1 786 4 854 1 716 2 701 1 678 0 854 4 3177 8 Intersection Pdstrns in Pk. Hr. = 8 Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period : 7: 15 AM to 8:15 AM Lane Inside Config - (left) urations Outside Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1800 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors split (Y/N)? 0.10 39 13 39 25 0.02 0.01 0.02 Right 1 0 North Left 1 1 0 1800 N N 6 33 0 33 0.00 0,02 Appr (SB) Thru 1 1 2000 5 261 0.13 0.13 Right 1 , 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600 256 164 0 164 0.00 0.05 Thru 1 1 2 4000 996 996 0.25 0.25 Right 1 1 Page 2 of 3 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 22 7 22 7 0.01 0.00 0.00 Thru 1 1 2 4000 760 825 0.21 Right 1 0 0 65 0 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.50 LOS = Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane Time: 7:15 AM ' to 8:15 AM Date: 08/10/05 North Approach Paseo Del Norte w e s t A P P r Day : Wednesday Name : Carlos, David Sub- Totals totals 1055 2237 0 164 ' 1182 996 - 22 - Subtotals Total 256 J _|1 ^ 1T ^1 39 0 34 92 294 5 I t North t 13 58 536 0 33 [^ ti — -*- x~T r 6 Total 242 Subtotals Sub- totals ~~ 65 ~~ 760 832 — 7 0 1035 Poinsettia Lane - Totals E a s t 1867 A p P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold. Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period : 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config - (left) 2 urations 3 4 5 6 Outside 7 Free-flow Lane Settings Capacity South Appr (NB) Left Thru 1 1- 1 1 1800 2000 Are the North/South phases split (Y/N)? Are the East/West phases split (Y/N)? Efficiency Lost Factor Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume 0.10 31 3 .31 7 Right 1 0_ North Left 1 1 0 1800. N N 4 115 0 115 Appr (SB) Thru 1 1 2000 16 317 Right .1 0 West Appr (EB) Left 1 1 2 0 3600^ 301 348 a 348 Thru 1 1 2 4000 1155 1155 Right 1 1 East Appr (WB) Left 1 1 1800 1800 32 13 32 13 Thru 1 1 2 -4000 1075 1159 Right 1 0 0 84 0 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.16 0.00 0.10 0.29 0.02 0.01 0.29 0.00 0.02 0.16 0.10 0.29 ICU Ratio = 0.67 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of:Paseo Del Norte and Poinsettia Lane Time: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Date: 08/10/05 Day: Wednesday North Approach Paseo Del Norte 867 Total w e s t A P P r Name : Carlos, David 432 Sub- 301 16 Totals totals 1 1 •4-J T 1407 A 2942 0 348 ' 1535 1155 >• t 32 -T 1 T North *1 t 31 3 0 Subtotals 61 38 Total 99 0 115 L> fi — -4- r 4 435 Subtotals Sub- totals — 84 ~ 1075 1172 — 13 0 1274 Poinsettia Lane Totals E a s t 2446 A p P r South Approach Note : Left-turn volumes include U-turns. U-turns in bold.