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CT 05-12; Ocean Street Residences; Addendum Retaining Wall Structural Calculations; 2014-10-28
Top of Footing 17.67 Designer select all horiz. reinf. Appendix A 3'-0" ^ 5'-9" 4 8'-9" ^ (io\?VvcujAo< . , Deled ^^1^ 3'-3" T^ifi 4 3'-0" ^ O-e. \ '^Jfcjeuo.e 5'-9" ^oA-Vif^ •4 . 8'-9" ^ •WJ SCQSJL $.ET->(.f^ \t^'Q (_£y ^Tis, : 3. Calculation for Retaining Waii Detail A DK Eosakul Gouvis Engineering 4400 Campus Dr Newport Beach CA 92660 Title F5.10"-4" high w/O seismic Job# : F-F Dsgnr; GE ion.... Page: ' Date: APR 10,2013 This Wall in File: C:\Working Files\62851 Ocean StreetVsite Retain Pro 9 © 1989 - 2011 Ver: 9.27 8171 Registration #: RP-1161345 RP9.27 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Code: CBC 2010 Criteria Retained Height = 10.33 ft Wall height above soil = 0.33 ft Slope Behind Wail = 0.00 :1 Height of Soil over Toe = 39.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 2,000.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure 0.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure = 400.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 120.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 120.00 pcf FootingllSoii Friction = 0.350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 in Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 60.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overtuming Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning I l^atera^oa^pplie^oStent^J [AdjacentFootin^oad Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 0.0 Ibs Axial Live Load = 0.0 Ibs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Lateral Load = 0.0 m ...Height to Top = 4.90 ft ...Height to Bottom = 3.90 ft The above lateral load has been increased 1.00 by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 psf Adjacent Footing Load = Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio Stem^eigh^eism^^ Fp' Weight Multiplier = 0.400 g Added seismic base force 2,500.0 Ibs 1.00ft 0.00 in 7.00 ft Line Load -1.0 ft 0.300 406.2 Ibs Desigi^ummai^ Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding Total Bearing Load ...resultant ecc. 1 Stem Construction 3.25 OK 1.97 OK 11,127 Ibs 9.13 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,935 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 608 psf OK Allowable = 2,000 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 2,730 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 858 pst Footing Shear @ Toe = 25.3 psi OK Fooling Shear @ Heel = 19.5 psi OK Allowable = 75.0 psi Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Design Height Above Ft£ Wall Material Above "HI" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data ft3/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment...Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' LAP SPLICE IF ABOVE 1 Top Stem 2nd Stem OK ft= 4.00 = Masonry 8.00 #5 8.00 = Edge Stem OK 0.00 Masonry 12.00 # 7 8.00 Edge Lateral Sliding Force = less 100% Passive Force = less 100% Friction Force = Added Force Req'd = ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = Load Factors 4,168.0 Ibs 4.312.5 Ibs 3.894.6 Ibs 0.0 lbs OK 0.0 Ibs OK 0.648 0.628 lbs= 2,024.8 5,180.6 ft-#= 4,198.5 18,398.3 ft-# = 6,475.8 29,302.9 psi= 32.1 48.0 psi = 69.7 69.7 psf= 78.0 124.0 in = 5.25 9.00 in = 45.00 63.00 LAP SPLICE IF BELOW in= 45.00 HOOK EMBED INTO FTG In = 14.70 Lap splice above base reduced by stress ratio Hook embedment reduced by stress ratio Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E CBC 2010 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.000 Masonry Data fm psi Fy psi Solid Grouting Modular Ratio 'n' Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method = LRFD Concrete Data f c psi = Fy psi = 1,500 1,500 40,000 60,000 Yes Yes 21.48 21.48 7.60 11.60 = Medium Weight DK Eosakul Gouvis Engineering 4400 Campus Dr Newport Beach CA 92660 Title F5.10'-4" high w/O seismic Job# : F-F Dsgnn GE Description.... Page:. Date: APR 10,2013 This Wall in File: C:\Working Flles\62851 Ocean Street\site Retain Pro 9 © 1989 - 2011 Ver: 9.27 8171 Registration* RP-116134S RP9.27 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Code: CBC 2010 ^o^n^imension^^^rength^^ Toe Width = 3.00 ft Heel Width = 5.75 Total Footing Width = 8.75 Footing Thickness = IS.OOin Key Width = 0.00 in Key Depth = 0.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft f c = 2,500 psi Fy = 80,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in I Footing Design Results | Toe Heel Factored Pressure Mu': Upward Mu': Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing 2.730 858 psf 13,195 15,179 ft-# 4,547 26,631 ft-# 8,648 11,451 ft-# 25.35 19.52 psi 75.00 75.00 psi #5 @ 12.00 In #6 @ 16.00 in None Spec'd Other Acceptable Sizes & Spaclngs Toe: #4@ 7.75 in, #6@ 12.00 in, #6@ 17.00 in Heel: #4@ 7.25 in, #5@ 11.25 in, #6@ 16.00 in Key: No key defined 23.00 in, 21.75 in. 30.50 in, 28.50 in. 38 36 Summar^ofOvertu^^ Item OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# 2,449.1 172.5 Heel Active Pressure Surcharge over Heel Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above Soil = Seismic Stem Self Wt Total Resisting/Overturning Ratio Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,140.2 406.2 3.94 5.91 1.58 4.10 6.23 9,657.6 1,020.5 4,672.3 2,529.2 4,168.0 O.T.M. = 17,879.6 3.26 11,127.4 lbs If seismic included the min. OTM and sliding ratios may be 1.1 per IBC '09,1807.2.3. Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert. Component = Force ..RESISTING Distance Total = 11,127.4 lbs R.M.= Moment Ibs ft ft-# 5,888.1 6.38 37,536.6 237.5 6.38 1,514.1 594.4 7.13 4,235.3 1,170.0 1.50 1,755.0 1,015.5 3.41 3,467.6 253.2 3.83 970.6 1,968.8 4.38 8,613.3 58,092.4 ' Axial live load NOT included In total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. DESIGNER NOTES: 8.in Mas ^'^j^^QjP'*' #5@12.in@Toe #6@16.in@Heel Designer select all horiz. reinf. See Appendix A 3'-0" 5'-9" ^ 8'-9" Pp= 4312.5# SO.psf Adj Ftg Load = 2500.# Ecc.= O.in from CL 4168.# 607.97psf 1935.4psf If adjacent footing or seismic loading is used, the numerical values are displayed, but the loading curve does not represent the composite loading. DK Eosakul Gouvis Engineering 4400 Campus Dr Newport Beach CA 92660 Title • F6.10'-4" high w/ seismic Job# : F-F Dsgnr: GE Description... Page: Date: APR 10,2013 This Wall In File: C:\Working File8\62851 Ocean StreetVsite Retain Pro 9 ©1989 - 2011 Ver: 9.27 8171 Registration #: RP-116134S RP9.27 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Code: CBC 2010 Criteria Retained Height - 10.33 ft Wall height above soil = 0.33 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00 :1 Height of Soil over Toe = 39.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 50.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overturning Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 Ibs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Soil Data Allow Soil Bearing = 2,682.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 35.0 psf/ft Toe Active Pressure 0.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure 400.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 120.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe = 120.00 pcf FootingllSoii Friction 0.350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 In j| [TateraTLoa^ppne^^tem^^ [Adjacen^ootin^oad Lateral Load ...Height to Top ...Height to Bottom The above lateral load has been increased by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem ; 1,520.0 #/ft 4.90 ft 3.90 ft 1.00 0.0 psf Adjacent Footing Load Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio Stem Weight Seismic Load j[ Fp/Wp weight Multiplier 0.400 g Added seismic base force 2,500.0 lbs 1.00 ft 0.00 in 7.00 ft Line Load -1.0 ft 0.300 406.2 Ibs Design^ummar^ Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding Total Bearing Load ...resultant ecc. Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable J Stem Construction ^ Top stem 2nd Design Height Above Ft£ 2.16 OK Wall Material Above "Ht" 1.44 Ratio < 1.5! Thickness , Rebar Size 11,127 Ibs '^A^>'>''niC, Rebar Spacing 18.80 in 2.642 psf OK 0 psf OK 2.682 psf Stem OK 4.00 Masonry 8.00 # 5 8.00 Edge Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe ACI Factored @ Heel Footing Shear @ Toe Footing Shear @ Heel Allowable 3,727 psf 0 psf 36.6 psi OK 31.1 psi OK 75.0 psi Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force less 100% Passive Force = less 100% Friction Force = Added Force Req'd = ....for 1.5 :1 Stability = Load Factors 5,688.0 Ibs 4.312.5 lbs 3.894.6 lbs 0.0 lbs OK 324.9 Ibs J)KS Ok Rebar Placed at = Design Data ft)/FB + fa/Fa = 0.743 Total Force @ Section Ibs = 3,392.8 Moment...Actual ft-#= 4,814.1 Moment Allowable ft-#= 6,475.8 Shear Actual psi = 53.9 Shear Allowable psi = 69.7 WallWeight psf= 78.0 Rebar Depth 'd' in= 5.25 LAP SPLICE IF ABOVE in = 45.00 LAP SPLICE IF BELOW in = 45.00 HOOK EMBED INTO FTG in = Stem OK 0.00 Masonry 12.00 # 7 8.00 Edge 0.856 6,700.6 25,086.3 29.302.9 62.0 69.7 124.0 9.00 63.00 14.70 Masonry Data fm psi Fy psi Solid Grouting Modular Ratio 'n' Lap splice above base reduced by stress ratio Hook embedment reduced by stress ratio Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E CBC 2010 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.000 Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method = LRFD Concrete Data f c psi = Fy psi = 1,500 1,500 40,000 60,000 Yes Yes 21.48 21.48 7.60 11.60 = Medium Weight DK Eosakul Gouvis Engineering 4400 Campus Dr Newport Beach CA 92660 Title F6.10"-4" high w/ seismic Job# : F-F Dsgnr: GE Description.... Date: APR 10,2013 This Wall In File: C:\Worklng FilesV628S1 Ocean StreetVsite RetainPro9©1989-2011 Ver:9.27 8171 Registration #: RP-1161345 RP9.27 Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Code: CBC 2010 Footing Dimensions & Strengths | Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe = fc = 2,500 psi Fy •• Footing Concrete Density = Min. As % = Cover @ Top 2.00 i 3.00 ft 5.75 8.75 18.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 ft 60,000 psi 150.00 pcf 0.0018 ! Btm.= 3.00 in I Footing Design Results Toe Factored Pressure = Mu': Upward = Mu': Downward = Mu: Design = Actual 1-Way Shear = Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing 3,727 17,151 4,547 12,604 36.62 75.00 #5@ 12.00 in # 6 @ 14.25 in None Spec'd Heel 0 psf 7,528 ft^» 26,631 ft-# 19,102 ft-# 31.13 psi 75.00 psi other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 7.75 in, #5@ 12.00 in, #6@ 17.00 in. Heel: #4@ 6.50 in. #5® 10.00 in, #6@ 14.26 in. Key: No key defined 23.00 in, 19.50 in. 30.50 in, 25.50 in. 38 32 SumiTjar^fOvert^^ Force Distance Moment Kem lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 2,449.1 3.94 9,657.6 Surcharge over Heel = 172.5 5.91 1,020.5 Toe Active Pressure = 1.58 Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = 1,140.2 4.10 4.672.3 Added Lateral Load 1,520.0 5.90 8,968.0 Load @ Stem Above Soil = Seismic Stem Self Wt = 406.2 6.23 2,529.2 Total 5,688.0 O.T.M. = 26,847.6 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 2.16 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure 11,127.4 lbs If seismic included the min. OTM and sliding ratios may be 1.1 per IBC '09,1807.2.3. Force Ibs ..RESISTING Distance ft Moment ft-# Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions: Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert. Component j 5.888.1 6.38 37,536.6 237.5 6.38 1,514.1 594.4 7.13 4,235.3 1,170.0 1.60 1,755.0 1,015.5 3.41 3,467.6 253.2 3.83 970.6 1,968.8 4.38 8,613.3 Total = 11,127.4 Ibs R.M.= ' Axial live ioad NOT included in total displayed, or used resistance, but is Included for soil pressure calculation. 58.092.4 for overturning DESIGNER NOTES: 8.inMasw/^^.^^jinj0/c Vi Special Insp 3'-3' #5@12.in@Toe #6@14.25m @ Heel Designer select all horiz. reinf. See Appendix A 4 3'-0" ^ 5'-9" 8'-9" • SO.psf Adj Ftg Load = 2500.* Ecc.= O.in from CL 1520.psll Pp=4312.5# 5688.# 2641.9psf If adjacent footing or seismic loading is used, the numerical values are displayed, but the loading curve does not represent the composite loading.