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EIR 91-01; Rancho Santa Fe Rd Realignment and Mass Grading; Drainage Study; 1990-10-26
DRAINAGE STUDY FOR RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD MPROVEMENT PLANS CITY OF CARLSBAD, CA OCT 26, 1990 PREPARED BY: A'S'K CHECKED BY: ^LkL Projea Design Ccmsultants T Planning attd Engineering 1010 Second Avenue, Suite 500. San Diego, CA 92101 619-235'6471 FAX 234-0349 FOR 1st PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL MARK J.-ROWSON RXZ"5DS^ REGISTRATION EXPIRES 3-31-92 J.N. 738.20 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS III. CONCLUSION 2 IV. HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 3 V. HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS 19 VI. EXAMPLE INLET DESIGN 85 VIII. APPENDICES 88 HYDROLOGY STUDY AND STORM DRAIN DESIGN FOR RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS INTRODUCTION The proposed project is a realignment and widening of approximately two (2) miles of Rancho Santa Fe Road between La Costa Avenue and Melrose Avenue in the City of Carlsbad. This hydrology/hydraulics report is prepared as part of this road improvement plan. The drainage basins are shown on the Ultimate Basin Map (Exhibit »A'). The drainage system design consists of a series of independent storm drains which collect and distribute storm runoff to existing offsite drainage systems. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The City of Carlsbad Standard Design Criteria, the Master Drainage Plan for the City of Carlsbad, the City of San Marcos Master Plan of Drainage, and The City of San Diego Drainage Design Manual was used as a guide for the hydrology and hydraulic calculations used in this study. All design flows were determined by the Rational Method using Qioo = CIiooA where 'Qioo* is the design flow, 'C is the coefficient of runoff, 'Iioo'/ is the average rainfall intensity for the 100 year storm, and 'A' is the drainage area for each sub- basin. The runoff coefficient 'C is 0.45 for the open space areas, 0.55 for single family homes, or as per the Drainage Design Manual's "Runoff Coefficients (Rational Method)" (Appendix 'E'). The storm intensity was determined from the "Rainfall Intensity- Duration - Frequency Curves for County of San Diego' (Appendix 'H') using a Time of Concentration for 'T^' based upon the "Urban Areas Overland Time of Flow Curves" (Appendix 'F') for the developed areas and the "Nomograph for Time of Concentration for Natural Watersheds" (Appendix 'G') for the open space areas. The time of concentration for a "typical depth" single family lot was calculated to be ten (10) minutes. (3) tloo TYPICAL LOT GRADING I s/cpe ' /.ay. SAN OIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES APPROVED DESIGN MANUAL URBAN AREAS OVERLAND TIME OF FLOW CURVES DATE APPENDIX X-C • IV-A12 The Modified Rational Method was used to adjust the combined runoff of two or more sub-basins at a junction or point of concentration. This method takes into account the ratios of storm intensities or times of concentrations to give a more accurate peak runoff quantity. Adjustments were also made to account for the time of flow in the pipe (Tf) . The drainage pipes and inlets were designed and sized for a minimum capacity equivalent to the 100 year storm. The pipes and inlets referred to in the hydrology and hydraulic calculations are shown on the Ultimate Basin Map (Exhibit 'A' and 'B'). The existing drainage basins are shown on the Natural Watershed Map (Exhibit • C') . Per the "Mass Grading for Rancho Santa Fe Road" report dated August 31, 1990, as submitted to the City of Carlsbad. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the storm drainage system designed for the Rancho Santa Fe Road improvement project accommodates the City of Carlsbad's requirement of containing the runoff of the 100 year storm within the public right-of-way without damage to the adjacent property. This is accomplished through the design of an adequate underground storm drain system. HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS See Sheets 5 through 18 for tabulated calculations and summary. Example of Typical Hvdroloav Calculations Referenced documents: 1. City of San Marcos Master Plan of Drainage (January 1990) 2. Master Drainage Plan for the City of Carlsbad. 3. City of San Diego Drainage Design Manual. 4. Kings' Handbook of Hydraulics NOTES: The hydrology calculations for each developed basin are summarized in the following tables. The following is an example of those calculations. 1. STORM DRAIN A. Example No. 1 - Calculation of On,p for Typical Sub-Basin Area V8 fsee Exhibit 'A'^ Area = 5.7 acres C = 0.65 L = 950 ft. (H = 114 ft.) T^ = 10.5 min. (Appendix 'B') Iioo = 4.46 in/hr (Appendix 'A') Qioo = 4.46 in/hr (5.7 ac.)(0.65) = 16.5 CFS Use Type 'F' Catch Basin at low point. Curb Inlet #8 - 176+66 to 182+50 (see Exhibit 'A') L = 584 ft. S = 2.16% (at inlet) S = 2.05% (Avenue street slope) T„ = 2.3 min. (Parkway overland flow) Tc = 5.25 min. (assumed) I =7.15 in/hr (Appendix 'H') Area (Street) = 0.71 ac. (65%) C = 0.90 Area (Parkway) = 0.13 ac. (12%) C = 0.60 Area (Slope) = 0.23 ac. (22%) C = 0.65 Area (Total) = 1.07 ac. C = 0.9 (0.66) + 0.60 (0.13) + 0.65 (0.22) = 0.80 Q = (0.80) (7.15) (1.07) = 6.18 cfs Q/2 =3.09 Cfs V = 3.30 fps (Appendix 'C') Tgutfr = 675 = 2.95 min. (3.30)(60) Tc = 2.95 + 2.3 = 5.25 min. Tc = Tc (assumed) OK. B. Example No. 2 - Pipe Flow (see Exhibit 'A') Inlet #34 to PC IE Dia. = 18" s = 2.0% K'* = Ifijogj (rLL = (^.8 CFS) (Q.013) {d)^-^^(sy^ (1.5)^"(0.02)^'^ = 0. * Kings' Handbook of Hydraulics 212 D/d = 0.4725 Ca = 0.365 (Appendix 'D') A = Ca(d^) = 0.365(1.5)^ = 0.82 SF V = Qioo/A = 6.8/0.82 = 8.3 fps Tf = L(pip.)/V = 99 Ft/8.3 fps = 0.2 min. ==> Tc = 6.5 min Therefore, Use 18" § 2.0% (minimum) Actual slope used is 2.0%. Pipe size is determined in the hydraulic section of this report. Example No. 3 - Flood routina for two flow rates at one junction point. Junction 1 PC IE Q^i > QA2 and Td > Tea QAI = 6.8 CFS Tci = 6.5 min l^oo =6.22 in/hr QA2 = 6.8 CFS Tc2 = 6.3 min Ij^oo = 6.35 in/hr QPCI = QAI + QA2 (I1/I2) 6.8 CFS +6.8 CFS (6.22 in/hr/6.35 in/hr) =13.5 CFS * If QAI > QA2 and Tea > Tci then Qpd = QAI + QAZC^CI/'^CI) HYDROLOGY CALCULATION SHEET NORTH OF SAN MARCOS CREEK TABLE NO. -2 SUBBASIN AREA (ACRES) "0" LENGHT <n) HEIGHT <m Tc ' 100 ON/MR) Qioo (CPS) •• NA -M 0.36 460 16 #^0 8.46 39.8 NB , 27.1 G.50 1000 5P * 10.81 4.81 65.2 NC ' " 60.2 0.45 0 0 10.00 5.05 114.1 , ND 44.1 0.55 2100 53 11.90 4.51 109.4 NE-1 25.0 0.55 1000 30 11.14 4.71 70.0 NE-2 31.0 0.55 1300 39 11.20 4.69 86.1 NF 43.3 0.45 3275 270 10.38 4.93 96.0 NG 19.2 0.55 1650 82 11.60 4.59 19.2 NH 4.4 0.90 1000 32 7.72 5.97 23.6 Nl 4.3 0.90 1600 58 9.39 5.26 20.4 NJ-1 38.1 0.55 2000 100 11.45 4.63 81.0 NJ-2 9.1 0.55 1100 43 12.55 4.36 21.8 NK 30.4 0.45 1100 55 5.60 7.35 111.1 NL '11.8 0.90 500 5 8.05 5.81 61.7 NM ''•"37.1 0.55 1000 50 ,30.72 4.83 98.6 \ NN 13.3 0.90 700 ,9 10.92 4.78 67A> ! NO 6.2 0.90 600 12 11.00 4.75 26.5 * REFER to EXHIBIT '8' FOR LOCATION OF EACH SUBBASIN 5 i >-•. Example PROJECT DESICM CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-SOO San Oiego, CA 92101 (619) 23S-M72 Hay 17, 1990 (Reviled B/6/90) -A Af 3, •••in Pipe Plp« Plp« Plp* Vel Flow T Baain Flow DioMter Slope Length Pipe T Pipe T Totel tCFS^ I (Hin.l , (CfSt • fft.l tX< . fFt.i (fP^ u (Hin) I. (Win) l. ^^'*'*"'^ O P a HI. .X fO/AjT. -i—t:"*^——' ^ r'r''——'*' • '—— • ———"—" —r- 7 J .. ' PROJECT DESICN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-500 Sen Diego, CA 92101 (619) ZK-Hn Hay 17. 1990 (Revised 8/6/90) italic / 5 /kj/ •Err- :>»,3 .6 _QL>-r 4i^7^ lufn Flow 'a* JlSffL 6.5 Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Vel T laaln Flow 'O' Diaattter Slope Length Pipe f Pipe T Totel > I ISfSl i_l£lxi , IXl i IFt.) . CFPS t, IMinI . fMlnl . Coa«nt. |4-2 3 14-31 1437. S.o/ IS.73 c5.9 US A 5 7^5 3/5 13^ t.l 144 75.3 0./4 0^ I4-Z3 i!M2 T2oc^ ^372> '^4' / PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-SOO Sen Diego, CA 92101 (619) 23S-6A72 May 17, 1990 (Revlicd 8/6/90) •esin Flow 'O* Stetlon (CFSl T laaln IMln.J Pipe Flow IQ* (CFf) 1 Pipe Pipe DlMMter Slope (Ft.) . \%\ \ Pipe Vel Length Pipe irt.i . crps . T Pipe t Total (Nin) . (Nin) t Coamenta _... . • 5". 6 n 4-/(^1 \ /24 0,20 4^37 / JZoorE / 7Z> Z_ •) 7.0 ^/ /2 '5; /Zo /2./ t 7 J /U7 5.37. • A Jf^. 7 „ —. — — . . 4 /M^T-^ -2/ /^./ „ —. — — . . I ' Mo ^<,7^ I" -£=1. • '577 .1. a . .11. 1,,. 1 ..I. •'A . 1^^.. ^5,3 1 • 1- PROJECT DESICN CONSULTAklS 1010 Second Avenue^|S-S00 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 23S-6472 May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) latin Flow 'Q* ftttivn fPff) Pipe T liain Flow 'Q* <Mln.) CCfSl Pipe Pipe DiiwHttcr Slope (Fl.l C«> » Pi|>e Vel Length Pipe Crt.l . IFPS . T Pipe T Total (Hin) . fHin) . CoeMcnta . . . ... •- *"" " 33. 3" .JZoo-nEii^...T?>.j^'7... ft ^ 7 55. 3 I 35J ;5 7?./6 /5,7 t I 38 J u • u4 4-7, ^/ •1 llo5 m )l,03 —.— —i_ ^ . lU —.— —i_ ^ . I' //JI I" WM • n 34 o )\>\l -—— 34 o //J7 -—— „, 1,11 ,1, i - '>. - ('• » ' I'l' u, . >.. . • . > PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-500 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 23S-6«72 May 17. 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) •eain Flow Station (CFS) T Baaln Pipe Flow 'a* (Cf?) . Pipe Pipe DiiuMter Slope (Ft.) . Pipe Vel Length Pipe IFt.l . (FPS . T Pipe t Total (Nin) . (Nin) . Coamenta 4-1/(^ 77:c4 •m ^/^ ///7 /^7^ 3.0 13.-7 .12 4. 7^ 74-. L • lA 76.. / 77D • lo. ^ .7.2o 15'/ 775' 341 mo mo • ,— --—-— 1 — ,— --—-— — 1,. 1,.. 1 , 1, \ i 1 • ^ PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-SOO San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 23S-6A72 May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) •ailn Flow 'Ql Station (CFS» T Baaln (Mint) Pipe Flow (Cf?) ^ Pipe DliuBater (ft.) . Pipe Slope If) 1 Pipe Vel Length Pipe (FI1) . (FPf 1 J 1 T Pipe 1 Total (Nin) . (Nin) . CoaMmta -^7o' 3 r 0 /a & f)'23 5/Z-? AO SMI /5 734-0-3CD ? 6^7 12, IS 33.5 em 38.3 5.0 • J> 7 943 94.3-^\ It7 —- — — —— —- — — —— 5.97 3.0 •5 -— * -— 5.^-7 I'- 7-3 I'-58.7 3.0 ?75 ML 3/5 72-/V r ' PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-500 Sen Diego, CA 92101 (619) 23S-6472 May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) laiin Flow Stetlon (CFi) T laaln (flin.) Pipe Flow 'Q* (CFf) i Pipe Dlaauter (Ft.) Pipe Slope \%\ i Pipe Vel Length Pipe (Ft,) . Km k T Pipe T Totel (Nin) . (Nin) . CooRKnta " • 1 ' * ^%4 ft 1 .^S.7 C>,(a£> • 3.0 75, Co l4'^-0 0.77^ 70i/> i p.-/5.0O u 0>,7 \UA , \LA D..O 77 72)*7 u3 • VI . 7.0U O.Zl 7Z1 .^.T2L41.75f7D O.Zl 7Z1 .^.T2L41.75f7D ''in -7. 2-7 X{\'7 7.11' ^n.7 4.0 MR o,/4 7.4^ ^n.7 A-o ^_^7 ^n.7 ^•o 'i. 7/ :3o.o .. 'i. 7/ 7.5/ »7^/ PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-500 Sen Diego, CA 92101 (619) 23S-6472 May 17, 1990 (Rcviiid 8/6/90) 5 •••In Pipe Pipe pipe Pipe Vel Flow 'O' T laaln Flow '0' Olaawter Slope Length Pipe T Pipe T Total #3 (Cf?) 7 /s^4 3o.9 (Min) (^,'3 ,10.70 3,(^0 5.5"" 73.5' 3 3. 3 7 ^3. 3 3S,^ 33.9 (Ft.) 3 5: (Ft.) . ., 39^. z5 tfpj > 79 27/ (HInl . (Win) 0.44. U74 Jd,9 lim t niiai • III CceaMntf 12-0 OTE' M2,'rt> $e 2 .. «. / PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-500 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 235-6472 May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) lo 7 Itiilm. •••in Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Vel Flow *V T laaln Flow 'Q* Dlaawtcr Slope Lc««th Pipe T Pipe T Total )klLBT^4-2 M7L JMI=£I7^A3L.. t3_ • . WW ...:4:L.4. ^3>.a.. 720yCL /77/ 7'^ /35/0 twin,) 330 //Ao ^'3 .i2.5<$.. 3.3^ I3.0C. 330 3.3 J££iL '\/.4 J7.Ce.A .17.^2. TBS.O IS 7.4 131/4- (Ft.) '4 4- 4 JXL. S/7 (Ft.) , /<^.3 ;?7/ P7/ (HIn) . \m\ 0.Z7 O.fS 073 IZ.33 12,33 I3.0Q, 133:^ t V—— - PROJECT DESICN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-SOO Sen Dlcgo, CA 92101 (619) 235-6«72 May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) 4 i5 •••in Pipe Pipe Pipe Pipe Vel Flow 'Q* T Baaln Flow 'Q* Dlaaeter Slope Lei^th Pipe T Plpo T Total a^//^ 7^ I ,• IE oori-BT . (CF« 4.7 /^3,^ m.Lk.. U 7 (Hint) \^:33>' 3.79.. 13. Go 3^30. l-]>7/ (CFS) I73.CI /93^a .^^./'73> (Ft.) 4 1^: c:?.9 37... (Ft,) /SO 4o Km > (Win) . (Win) O'/O 07/ 13.32, 13.43 13'^ 73.7/. OIL 1375 I3.'?3 Rj>cm£ ^ //TO B/\SW A/A ^ ^/C 'RDU7t]> TJ^ST" DP Baaln Flow iQi Station (CFS) Pipe T Baaln Flow •Q* (Hin.) (CFS) Pipe Oioaeter (Ft.) 4.SO /O.SI 7/5-" -7-A^-fS 4.SO /O.SI 7/5-" 4.SO /O.SI 7/5-" 4.SO /O.SI 7/5-" 4.SO /O.SI 7/5-" //k(7.:A. "75^7" //k(7.:A. "75^7" //k(7.:A. J MP /o9.4 // ^/ . ^^^..^ ^^^..^ 19.2 MG . 19.2 19.2 Mr /o.3e> 19.2 ///^ P3'(^ /o.3e> 19.2 Nhl • — 19.2 • — 19.2 19.2 f .1156 /7c),g? (p //M .1156 /7c),g? 1 //M .1156 /7c),g? I" //M .1156 /7c),g? Pipe Slope Pipe Lei^th l5o PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-SOO San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 235-6472 May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) Vel Pipe T Pipe T Total (FPS (Hin) . (Nin) , Coewenti 34 0-3L O.IA 0-.UU /'Pk 0^31 »—,-1- /0.3/ 7/5' 7^ 7.'Dl 7(^5. \17=L. /0.5B> 3,ifi0 rfiinotr JriUHL/ CTto^P^ •IZooTE it "it> ^5" PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue. S-SOO San Dlcgo, CA 92101 (619) 23S-6A72 May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) OJ •aiin Flow 'Ql Station (CFS) Pipe Pipe T Baaln Flow *Q* Dlaaieter (HIn.) ICFS) (Ft.) - 5.94 5.43 ^-L.. 5.94 5.43 — 5.94 5.43 p. MT-/. 5.94 5.43 /U44 I7<5.f." /7-?.9 vx 90,4 S:,7P_ I7<5.f." /7-?.9 90,4 S:,7P_ I7<5.f." /7-?.9 3487D 3487D / 374 3487D .^M.......„.,. 374 3487D .^M.......„.,. 374 3487D )t) 3^6.0 I'.U \7^.4^ .,-.(p../4 ^57 \7^.4^ .,-.(p../4 ^57 ^57 Ih/LET .4.11 .J..'!?P. >4u.i^3 .(^'.7^. 1 1.. .4.11 .J..'!?P. >4u.i^3 .(^'.7^. 1" .4.11 .J..'!?P. >4u.i^3 .(^'.7^. Pipe Pipe Vel Slope Length Pipe T Pipe f Totel ±U J (ft.) (FPS (Nin) . (Nin) , Coa»«ita AO Vo 75- 3oi2. 11& 0x0 0-on 594 r/,75 7.(/^ 171 ..„..4 5/57FA7 / PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-SOO San Dlcgo, CA 92101 (619) 235-6472 May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) "OA if 4ns '••••» Pip* Pipe Pipe Pipe Vel :;^!?.'"* ' !!'••" ''"^ "•'—ter Slope Length Pipe T Pipe T Totel 1 (Milia_ iSm 4 (Ft.) , (X) . (Ft.) (FPS n (HIn) . (Nin) , Coe«enta r/44 \3c^l 7o.O 3. u /AO J0.30 JI74L 11.15 4.0 74^ ^c?44- 7oy.J.. ^7A^ 719/^1. 5-5 :^-3 3.1. U bJ.L. mi th^Af #./5/p rouTc /7rp 7/^. ^^e^uTHD EAST-RANCHO S4/UW CoSrgr'crSJoi'""" Ft "Po/^t^ j-^D /AJTEK5^77^)/0 (619)235-6472 Ur-, ^ ^ ^ ^ r-t- --p^^.tK May 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) ••••n Pipe Pipe Pipe pipe Vel Flow "O* T Baaln Flow 'q' DioMster Slope Length Pipe T Pipe T Totel ..,..t\).&. KJD PA-^-7 *t /oA /A; LET 5-7 JlCFSl. / 4"' 17J^^. "A7b'.\ ^.7 A a 433.(D (Un) _bi4 i7'J£.. 4.1\ I7./7 (CfS) (^'7-'^ 17^.0 '34iii I 4^18.] '47M.. 4^3.0 (Ftf) 6>-o (^•.5:. i/i4 AO CM.) /3o Km -4 ^•6 .LU7?. AJ.£>. (Hin) . (Nin) . Ccaa»nta OAO QjQl 07&L o-oi n.o5 Ml 17.10 17,7 .«>,.... «ftl°n ^// SVST^M • 'B' O/J -rue 'Rou-notS DAJ -ru/^ ^A57~ DP ^^^^ 4E PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-SOO Sen Diego, CA 92101 (619) 235-6472 Mey 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) •eafn Flow iQi CCFS) 70. o 70^0 .3J^._ li.e? 1^3.3 T Baain . (Hint) /A/4 4.0 1113.. 1L3_3,, .M7.. P'P* P«P« Pipe Pipe Vel li^/"* "P" TPlp. T Total -^££51 , 1£U . III I (Ft.) (FPS (Mini , (Mfp) 7/'J> 11,'6 3,^ 4,0 3- 373L. Q>0 5SO 4UJ2. 14-0 LLI. ?sy ..4i%^ iD^if^B.. S VSTE/-i '£' PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1010 Second Avenue, S-SOO Sen Diego, CA 92101 (619) 235-6472 Nay 17, 1990 (Reviled 8/6/90) i3: J^^-A s -si •••'n Pipe Pip, Flow 'Ol T Baaln Flow *V Diaawter J££ii I (Hin.) , (CFS) , (ft ) ^/5--3 138.-2. 7^? 12, n 13. 3^ 1,2 0 174S . ( 7/5.3 7/^^ 3 73S.Z Pipe Pipe Vel Slope Length Pipe (X) y (Ft.) • (FPS ho i,o 20.3 T Pipe T Total (Hin) . (Hin) h—^Ji 7''7 123^ l2^/\ yJ2^J7^'^A7^^ Zo UT72 Z.- rc^S 2 acatct «< OOO CO 575.3 c^5 -R E /<^/AJ4' T/f^BS 73ooufO <>r7< . HYDRAULIC (SALCUIATIONS The "Hydraflow" computer program was used to verify that the existing offsite drainage system and onsite public system which accepts the storm rvinoff from onsite, is adequate and within the guidelines of CalTrans and the City of San Diego Drainage Design Manuals. The Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) and the Energy Grade Line (EGL) were calculated using the 100 year storm runoff calculated in the preceding Hydrology Study (Pages 1-10). Friction, bend, and junction losses were considered in the hydraulic and energy grade line calculations. The drainage pipes and flows used in the calculation are referenced on Exhibit 'A' and Exhibit 'B' for the ultimate development. In conclusion, the proposed onsite drainage system will be adequate to accommodate the 100 year storm. Hvdraflow Output 1. HT, WID 2. Q 3. N 4. L 5. JLC 6. Depth 7. Cover 8. TWID 9. Area 10. VEL 11. HGL 12. EGL Diameter of pipe (inches), when HT=WID 100 year storm runoff (CFS) Manning's Roughness Coefficient Length of pipe (Ft.) Junction Loss Coefficient Height of water ahowe invert (inches) Distance from top of pipe to ground inches) Width of water surface § HGL (inches) Cross sectional area of flow (Sq. Ft.) Velocity of flow (FPS) Hydraulic Grade Line (Ft.) Energy Grade Line (Ft.) level 19 HYDRAULIC REPORT FOR RANCHD SANTA FE ROAD ItPROVBENT PUMS SySTEH 'A' STA iS9«01.46 TD 171^10.00 XTQBER E4,19% J.N. 738.a0 Return Period = 100 Yrs Rainfall file: San Diego County Run date: 09-21-1990 File: a:73Bsth.ST3 LINE 1 / Q « 22.1 / HT « 24 / WID « 24 / N « .013 / L « 70.26 / JLC - 1 / Outfall HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EBL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 249.49 24.00 247.49 7.05 250.26 0.00 0 3. 14 UPSTRM 272.88 20.48 271.17 7.75 273.81 16.99 6.82 2. 85 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slooe of invert (7.) =33.703 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade line (7.) =33.516 Time of cone (min) 7 Critical depth (in) = 20.43 Inlet time (min) = 0 Rea ' d length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0. 00 Req ' d grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cumulative C*A = 0. 0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) 'no i — • J. Confluence angle (deg) =-60 Default 0 (cfs) = 22.14 Natural ground elev (ft) = 280 Line capac. (cfs) = 131.3 Line storage (cuft) = 211 LINE 2 / Q 19.1 / HT = 24 / WID « 24 / N .013 / L « 10.95 / JLC .75 2 / DNLN = 1 HGL DEPTH INVERT DNSTRM 273.81 24.00 271.50 UPSTRM 274.41 19.58 272.78 VEL EGL T WID COVER AREA 6.07 274.38 0.00 6.5 3.14 6.95 275.16 18.60 7.04 2.74 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = O Time of cone (min) = 7 Inlet time (min) «= O Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cumulative C*A = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 19 Default Q (cfs) = 19.07 Line capac. (cfs) = 77.3 Slope of invert (7.) =11.689 Slope energy grade line (7.) = 7.115 Critical depth (in) = 19.54 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = O Natural ground elev (ft) = 281.8" Line storage (cuft) = 32 Zl LINE 3 / Q » 16.7 / HT « 24 / WID « 24 / N - .013 / L « 249.51 / JLC - / DNLN «= 2 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 274.97 22.37 273. 11 5.46 275.44 11.33 6.72 3. 07 UPSTRM 280.91 18. 11 279. 40 6.58 281.58 20.66 9.270 2.54 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert ('/.) 2.521 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade line (7.) 2.463 Time of cone (min) = 5 Critical depth (in) 18. 06 Inlet time (min) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0. 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0. 00 Req'd grate area (sf) 0.0 Cumulative C*A 0. 0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 1-6 .7 Confluence angle (deg) = 60 Default 0 (cfs) = 16 .73 Natural ground elev (ft) = 290.67 Line capac. (cfs) = 35.9 Line storage (cuft) 700 .5 LINE 4 / Q 16.7 / HT 24 / WID « 24 / N ,013 / L « 205.53 / JLC / DNLN = 3 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EBL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 281.25 18 . 18 279.73 6.41 281.88 20.09 8. 94 2. 61 UPSTRM 287.39 18 . 11 285.88 6.58 288.06 20.66 13.97 2. 54 Drainage area (ac) — 0 Slope of invert (7.) 2.992 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade line (7.) = 3. 005 Time of cone (min) = 4 Critical depth (in) = 18. 06 Inlet time (min) 0 Req ' d length curb inlet (ft) az 0. 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0 . 00 Req 'd grate area (sf) = O. O Cumulative C*A 0 . 0 Depth at inlet opening (in) 0 Flow contrib (cfs) rs 16. 7 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default Q (cfs) = 16. 73 Natural ground elev (ft) = 301.86 Line capac. (cfs) = 39. 1 Line storage (cuft) SB 529 zz LINE 5 / Q 16.7 / HT « 24 / WID « 24 / N = .013 / L « 273 / JLC « 1.5 / DNLN = 4 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EBL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 287.73 18. 18 286.21 6.41 288.36 ' 20.09 13.64 2. 61 UPSTRM 302.51 18. 11 301.00 6.58 303.18 20.66 10.01 2.54 Drainage area (ac) — 0 Slope of invert (X) — 5.418 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade line (7.) = 5. 427 Time of cone (min) 2 Critical depth (in) sr 18. 06 Inlet time (min) = 0 Req 'd length curb inlet (ft) sc 0. 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0 . 00 Req 'd grate area (sf) = O. O Cumulative C*A = 0 .0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 16. 7 Confluence angle (deg) = C) Default Q (cfs) = 16.73 Natural ground elev (ft) = 313.01 Line capac. (cfs) = 52. 6 Line storage (cuft) = 703 LINE 6 / Q 4.6 / HT « 18 / WID = 18 / N = .013 / L = 32.17 / JLC » 1 / DNLN = 5 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 303.52 18 .00 301.50 2.60 303.62 0.00 10.01 1. 77 UPSTRM 303.68 17 .04 302.15 2. 66 303.79 8.10 9. 36 1. 73 Drainage area (ac) -. 0 Slope of invert (X) sc 2.020 Runoff coefficient s: 0 Slope energy grade line (7.) s= 0.519 Time of cone (min) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 10. 16 Inlet time (min) SE 0 Req ' d length curb inlet (ft) = 0. 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req 'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cumulative C*A = 0. 0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 4.6 Confluence angle (deg) s=--90 Default Q (cfs) = 4.6 Natural ground elev (ft) sc 313.01 Line capac. (cfs) XS 14.9 Line storage (cuft) ss 56 Z3 LINE 7 / Q 5.6 / HT « 18 / WID 18 / N « .013 / L • 8.63 / JLC - I / DNLN = 5 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 303.52 18 .00 301. 50 3.16 303.67 0.00 10.01 1. 77 UPSTRM 303.67 18.00 302. 02 3.16 303.83 0.30 9.49 1.77 Drainage area (ac) 0 Slope of invert (.'/.) 6.025 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade line <7.) a: 1.826 Time of cone (min) 0 Critical depth (in) ss 11. 48 Inlet time (min) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) ss 0. 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) ss 0.0 Cumulative C*A s= 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.5 Confluence angle (deg) — 90 Default Q (cfs) 5,58 Natural ground elev (ft) = 313.01 Line capac. (cfs) = 25.8 Line storage (cuft) ss 15 LINE 8 / Q « 12.5 / HT « 18 / WID « 18 / N = .013 / L « 228.91 / JLC = / DNLN = 5 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 303.52 18 .00 301, 50 7.06 304.29 0.00 10. 01 1, 77 UPSTRM 317.84 16 .24 316, 49 7.43 318.70 10.70 9.83 1.68 Drainage area (ac) 0 Slope of invert ('/.) _ 6,548 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade line (7.) ss 6. 295 Time of cone (min) = 1 Critical depth (in) = 16. 21 Inlet time (min) = 0 Req ' d length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) =s 0, 00 Req 'd grate area (sf) ss O. O Cumulative C-»A =s 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) •s 0 Flow contrib (cfs) ss 12, 4 Confluence angle (deg) 0 Default Q (cfs) = 12.47 Natural ground elev (ft) SS 327.82 Line capac. (cfs) = 26.9 Line storage (cuft) 394 24 LINE 9 / Q 12.5 / HT - 18 / WID « 18 / N ,013 / L « 85.91 / JLC « 1.25 DNSTRM UPSTRM HGL 318.27 321.87 / DNLN = 8 DEPTH INVERT 17.42 316.82 16.24 320.52 VEL EGL 7.12 319.06 7.43 322.73 T WID COVER AREA 6.03 9.5 1.75 10.70 10.8 1.68 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (7.) = 4.307 Runoff coefficient = O Slope energy grade line (7.) = 4.275 Time of cone (min) = 1 Critical depth (in) = 16.21 Inlet time (min) = O Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = O.D Cumulative C»A = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 12.4 Confluence angle (deg) = 8 Default Q (cfs) = 12.47 Natural ground elev " (ft) = 332.82 Line capac. (cfs) = 21,8 Line storage (cuft) = 147 LINE 10 / Q « 8.9 / HT « 18 / WID = 18 / N = .013 / L - 58 / JLC " 1.25 10 / DNLN = 9 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 322.95 18.00 320.85 5.05 323.34 0.00 10.47 1.77 UPSTRM 323.36 18,00 321.43 5.05 323.76 0.00 10.11 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = O Time of cone (min) = 0 Inlet time (min) = O Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cumulative C-^A = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 8.9 Default Q (cfs) = 8.93 Line capac. (cfs) = 10.5 Slope of invert (7.) = l.OOO Slope energy grade line (7.) = 0.723 Critical depth (in) = 14.30 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = O.O Depth at inlet opening (in) = O Confluence angle (deg) =-98 Natural ground elev (ft) = 333.05 Line storage (cuft) = 102 Z5 LINE 11 / Q 6.3 / HT « 18 / WID « 18 / N « .013 / L - 69.96 / JLC / DNLN = 10 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T WID COVER AREA DNSTRM 323.86 18.00 321.76 3.59 324.06 0.00 9.78 1. 77 UPSTRM 324.56 11.95 323.16 5.10 324.96 17.00 3.73 1. 25 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (7.) SE 2.001 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade line (7.) SS 1.289 Time of cone (min) 0 Critical depth (in) = 11. 91 Inlet time (min) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0. 00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cumulative C-»A = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.3 Confluence angle (deg) 0 Default Q (cfs) = 6.35 Natural ground elev (ft) = 328. 4 Line capac. (efs) = 14.9 Line storage (cuft) sr 105 LINE 12 / Q » 4. 9 / HT «= 18 / WID B 18 / N B .013 / L -46.99 / JLC « 12 / DNLN = 2 HGL DEPTH INVERT DNSTRM 274.97 16.37 273.61 UPSTRM 279.86 10.65 278.66 VEL EGL T WID 2.89 275.10 10.04 4.49 280.17 17.70 COVER AREA 6.72 1.69 2.2 1.09 Drainage area (ac) Runoff coefficient Time of cone (min) Inlet time (min) Intensity (in/hr) Cumulative C«A Flow contrib (cfs) Default Q (cfs) Line capac. (cfs) = O = 0 = 0 ss 4 = 4 = 34.4 O 0. O. 8 ,89 OO 0 Slope of invert (7.) =10.747 Slope energy grade line (7.) =10.124 Critical depth (in) = 10.60 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = O.O Depth at inlet opening (in) = O Confluence angle (deg) = O Natural ground elev (ft) = 282.3": Line storage (cuft) = 65 Z(^ HYDRAULIC REPORT FOR RANDO SANTA FE ROM immoonpim SVSTEH 'B' STA 1744O0 TD SOS+OO OCTOBER 31, 19% J.N. 738.a0 2*? Run date: 10-31-19% File; fi:l?4-E0£.ST3 Return Period » 100 Yrs Rainfall file: Your County UNE 1 / B » 8&.6 / HT » 36 / MID « % / N « .013 / L « 341 / JLC « 1 SYS-0UTLET..B1... / Outfall HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRH 327.93 36.00 3E4.93 1E.S5 330.26 0.00 0 7.07 UPSTRM 333.59 34.31 330.73 12.46 336.00 15.22 9.11 6.95 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 TiK of cone (iin) = 15 Inlet tiK (am) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 CuKilative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 86.6 Default Q (cfs) = 86.6 Lire capac. icfs) = 87.0 Slope of invert (X) = 1.701 Slope energy grade line (K) = 1.6S3 Critical depth (in) = 34.27 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 fteo'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) =-80 Natural graind elev (ft) = 342.85 Line storage (cuft) = 2390 LINE 2 / B - 86.6 / HT = 36 / NID = 36 / N = .013 / L - £21.07 / JLC - 1.25 . / DNLN = 1 H6L DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER (m DNSTRM 336'. OC' 36.00 331.06 12.25 S3i3.33 0.00 6.79 7.0? UPSTRM 339.73 36.00 335.48 12.25 342.06 0.00 9.86 7.07 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert i%) = 1.999 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade line {%) = 1.686 Tiie of cone (tin) = 14 Critical depth (in) = 34.27 Inlet tiae itin) -0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req d grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuwilative C<A = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 86.6 Confluence angle (deg) = 80 Default Q (cfs) = 86.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 348.35 Line capac. (cfs) = 94.3 Lire storage (cuft) = 1563 2-3 LliE 3 / 0 » 13.0 / HT r 18 / HID = 18 / N s .013 / L = 35.25 / JLC = 1.25 . / DNLN = 2 m. DEPTH INVERT VEL E6L T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 342.64 18.00 337.31 7.36 343.48 0.00 9.54 1.77 UPSTRM 343.18 18.00 337.84 7.36 344.02 0.00 10.55 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 TiK of cone (ain) = 0 Inlet tine (tin) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuftilative C«A = 0.0 Fltw contrib (cfs) = 13 Default Q (cfs) = 13 Lire capac. (cfs) = 12.9 Slope of invert (X) = 1.504 Slc^e erergy grade lire {%) - 1.533 Critical depth (in) = 16.47 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 349.39 Lire storage (cuft) = 62 LIIE 4 / 6 - 6.8 / HT = 18 / HID = 18 / N = .013 / L - 66.89 / JLC = 1 B4 / DTtN = 3 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EH. DNSTRM 344.2S 16.00 33S.17 T HID COVER AREA 3.85 344.46 0.00 10.22 1.77 UPSTRM 344.75 18.00 33S.S9 3.85 344.'98 0.00 9.03 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiie of cone din) = y Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 / Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative C<A = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.8 Default Q (cfs) =6.8 Lire capac. (cfs) = 10.9 Slope of invert (A) = 1.076 Slwe erergy grade lire (!i) = 0.76S Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Req'd lei^th curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) =-29.3 Natural ground elev (ft) = 349.43 Lire storage (cuft) = 118 LUE 5 / 0 » 76.1 / HT s 36 / HID s 36 / N » .013 / L « 294 / JLC » .5 65 / DNLN s £ HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER A(£A DNSTRM 342.64 36.00 335.81 10.77 344.44 0.00 9.54 7.07 UPSTRM 346.47 36.00 341.69' 10.77 343.27 0.00 9.63 7.07 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 12 Inlet tiae (am) = 0 Intensity iin/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative C*A = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 76.1 Default Q (cfs) = 76.1 Lire caoac. (cfs) = 94.3 Slope of invert (X) = 2.000 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.302 Critical depth (in) 3.42 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) - 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 354.35 Lire storage (cuft) = 2078 L»E 6 / Q = 76.1 / HT = 36 / HID = 36 / N « .013 / L ^ 294 / JLC 1.25 66 / DNLN = 5 HGL DEF-TH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER tKA DNSTRM 347.37 36.00 342.02 10.77 349.17 O.M' 9.3 7.07 UPSTRM 351.20 36.00 347.90 10.77 353.00 0.00 9.44 7.07 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Sic^ie of invert V/>) -2.000 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade lire {%) = 1.302 Tiae of cone (ain) = 10 Critical depth (in) = 33.42 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req d grate area (sf) -0.0 Cuaulative C*A = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 76.1 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default Q (cfs) = 76.1 Natural ground elev (ft) = 360.34 Lire capac. (cfs) = 94.3 Lire storage (cuft) = 2078 3^ LINE 7 / S - 6.5 / HT » 18 / HID » 18 / N » .013 / L - 5.25 / JLC » 1 . / DNLN = 6 HH. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 353.45 lo.OC' •349.40 3.68 353.66 0.00 9.44 1.77 UPSTRM 353.68 18.00 349.93 3.68 S3.89 0.00 9.44 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert CX) =10.095 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.385 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cunilative OA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.5 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default Q (cfs) = 6.5 Natural ground elev (ft) = 36('.87 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 Lite 8 / Q = 67.8 / HT = 36 / HID = 36 / N = .013 / L = 293.55 / JLC = .25 68 / WLH = b HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER tfiEA DNSTRM 353.45 36.iX. 348.23 9.59 354.88 0.00 9.1 7.07 UPSTRM S6.49 36.00 352.93 9.59 357.92 0.00 10.63 7.07 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 9 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative C«A = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 67.8 Default Q (cfs) = 67.8 Lire capac. (cfs) = 84.4 Slc^ie of invert (X) = 1.601 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.034 Critical depth (in) = 31.36 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 366.56 Lire storage (cuft) = 2075 3( LIIE 9 / fl « 34.0 / HT « 24 / HID « 24 / N * .013 / L ' 62.27 / JLC 1.5 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 358.27 24.00 353.93 10.82 360.09 0.00 10.63 3.14 UPSTRM 359.68 24.00 355.31 10.82 361.50 0.00 8.57 3.14 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slc^e of invert (X) = 2.216 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 2.260 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 23.09 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative C«H = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 34 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default Q (cfs) = 34 Natural ground elev (ft) = 365.38 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.7 Lire storage (cuft) = 1% LINE 10 / fl = 47.6 / HT = 30/HID = 30/N = .013 / L = 77.56 / JLC = HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER AREA DI«TRM 358.2? 30.00 353.43 9.70 359.73 0.00 10.63 4.91 UPSTRM 359.32 30.00 355.32 9.70 360.78 0.00 10.92 4.91 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 8 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative C«A = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 47.6 Default Q (cfs) = 47.6 Lire capac. (cfs) = 64.0 Slope of invert (X) = £.437 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.347 Critical depth (in) = £7.45 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area isf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (tn) =0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 368.75 Lire storage (cuft) = 3Si 3z- UHE 11 / fl » 6.6 / HT » 18 / HID « 18 / N s .013 / L = 5.25 / JLC = = 10 HGL DEPTH INVERT va EGL T HID OIVER Af£A DNSTRM 361.51 18.00 356.65 3.74 361.72 0.00 10.6 1.7/ UPSTRM 361.75 18.00 357.17 3.73 ^1.% 0.00 10.34 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.6 Default Q (cfs) =6.6 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.905 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.521 Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 369.02 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 LIIE 12 / fl = 6.4 / HT = 18 / HID = 18 / N = .013 / L = 97.25 / JLC = I 612 / DNLN = 10 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 361.51 18.00 356.65 3.60 36.1.71 O.Ob 10.6 1.77 UPSTRM 362.07 18.00 ^7.62 3.60 ai2.27 0.00 9.39 1.77 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (am) = Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = Cuaulative CtA = Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.3 Default Q (cfs) = 6.36 Lire capac. (cfs) = 10.5 Slope of invert (Xi = 0.997 Slc^e erergy grade lire (X) = 0.574 0 Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) =0 Confluence angle (deg) = % Natural ground elev (ft) = 369.02 Lire storage (cuft) = 172 33 LINE 13 / fl « 38.1 / HT « 30 / HID = 30 / N > .013 / L < 233.67 / JLC < .5 613. / DNLN = 10 HQ. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER tm DNSTRM %1.51 30.0(1 355.65 7.76 362.44 0.00 10.6 4.91 UPSTRM 367.70 25.59 365.57 8.54 368.84 21.24 9.41 4.46 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 4.245 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = £.735 Tiae of cone (ain) = 7 Critical depth (in) = 25.54 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 33.1 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default Q (cfs) = 38.1 Natural ground elev (ft) = 377.4'- Lire capac. (cfs) = 84.5 Lire storage (cuft) = 1095 LIIE 14 / fl = 38.1 / HT » 30 / HID = 30 / N = .013 / L = 115.7 / JLC = .25 614 / DNLN = 13 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EH. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 368.27 28.43 365.90 7.90 369.24 1£.SE 9.08 4.82 UPSTRM 372.25 25.59 370.12 8.54 373.3-9 21.24 9.64 4.46 = 0 Drainage area (ac) = Runoff coefficient = Tiae of cone tain) = Inlet tiae (ain) Intensity (in/hr) = Cuaulative C«A = Flow contrib (cfs) = S.l Default Q (cfs) = 38.1 Lire capac. (cfs) = 78.3 Slcee of invert (X) = 3.647 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.584 Critical deptii (in) = 25.54 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 0.0 Depth at inlet (^ening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 3ffi.27 Lire storage (cuft) = 537 34 UNE 15 / fl s 6.7 / HT « 18 / HID « 18 / N - .013 / L > 7.25 / JLC » 1 615 / DIIN = 14 HH. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER Ai€A DNSTRM 373.67 18.00 370.62 3.79 373.89 0.00 10.14 1.77 UPSTRM 373.92 18.00 371.30 3.79 374.14 0.00 9.74 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.7 Default G (cfs) = 6.7 Lire capac. (cfs) = 32.2 Slope of invert (X) Slope erergy grade lire (X) Critical depth (in) Req'd length curb inlet (ft) Req'd grate area (sf) Depth at inlet opening (in) Confluence angle (deg) Natural ground elev Lire storage (cuft) = 9.379 = 3.486 = 12.33 = 0.0 = 0.0 = 0 =-% (ft) = 382.54 = 13 LIIE 16 / fl - 33.3 / HT - 30 / HID = 30 / N = .013 / L - 122.6 / JLC = 1.25 616 / DNLN = 14 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER ;«EA DNSTRM 373.67 30.00- 370.12 6.79 374.38 0.00 9.64 4,91 UPSTRM 376.64 24.48 374.60 7.76 377.5£i 23.25 10.38 4.29 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 6 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative C«A = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 33.3 Default Q (cfs) = 33.3 Lire capac. (cfs) = 78.4 Slc^e of invert {%) = 3.654 Slooe erergy grade lire (Xi = £.6(4 Critical depth (in) = £4.42 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 D^th at inlet openire (in) =0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = K7.49 Lire storage (cuft) = 564 33 LIIE 17 / fl = 7.2 / HT ' 18 / HID - 18 / N = .013 / L = 99.25 / JLC = 617 .. / DNLN = 16 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 377.81 18.00 375.10 4.08 378.07 0.00 10.88 1.77 UPSTRM 378.53 18.(» 376.03 4.07 378.79 0.00 9.95 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative C*A = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 7.2 Default Q (cfs) = 7.2 Lire capac. (efs) = 10.2 Slope of invert (X) = 0.937 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.730 Critical depth (in) = 12.75 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 387.49 Lire storage (cuft) = 175 LIIE 18 / fl = 27.6 / HT = 30 / HID = 30 / N = .013 / L = 51.95 / JLC = .5 618. / DNLN = 16 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 377.81 30.00 374.60 5.62 378.3(!' 0.00 10.38 4.91 UPSTRM 378.26 21 .'98 376.43 7.16 379.06 26.55 10.49 r.t: Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) _ 3.523 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.456 Tiae of cone (ain) = 5 Critical depth (in) = 21.92 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) 0.0 Cuaulative C«A = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 27.6 Confluence angle (deg) 0 Default Q (efs) = 27.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 389.42 Lire capac. (cfs) = 77.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 228 3^ UNE 19 / fl * 27.6 / HT « 24 / HID > 24 / N e .013 / L > 174.S5 / JLC 11.25 619. / DNLN = IB HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL Ea. T HID COVER AREA DIETRM 378.06 13.55 376.93 15.10 381.60 E3.80 10.49 1.S3 UPSTRM 385.08 13.55 383.95 15.10 3^.62 23.80 10.89 1.83 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) _ 4.022 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade lire (X) = 4.022 Tiae of cone (ain) = 4 Critical depth (in) -22.28 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) -0.0 Cuaulative C»A = 0.0 Depth at inlet openina (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 27.6 Confluence angle (deg) -0 Default Q (cfs) = 27.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 3%.85 Lire capac. (cfs) = 45.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 319 LIIE 20 / fl = 7.6 / HT = 18 / HID = 18 / H = .013 / L = 6.25 / JLC = 1 620. / DNLN = 19 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL ES. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 389.50 18.00 ^.20 4.30 389.79 0.00 11.14 1.77 UPSTRM 389.82 18.(W 384.e-j 4.30 390.11 0.00 10.45 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Sltwe of invert (X) =11.040 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 5.119 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 15.15 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative C<A = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 7.6 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default G (efs) = 7.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 3% .85 Lire capac. (cfs) = 34.9 Lire storage (cuft) = 11 37 LIIE 21 / fl * 21.7 / HT-24/HI0-24/N = .013 / L > 115.7 / JLC > .5 . / MM = 19 H^ DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA 389.50 24.00 383.95 6.91 39C'.25 0.00 10.89 3.14 UPSTRM 390.44 22.06. 388.60 7.18 391.24 13.08 10.75 3.02 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 4 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (efs) = 21.7 Default Q (cfs) = 21.7 Lire capac. (cfs) = 45.3 Slope of invert (X) = 4.019 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.858 Critical depth (in) = S0.43 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 401.35 Lire storage (cuft) = 357 LIIE 22 / fl = 21.7 / HT = 24 / HID = 24 / N = .013 / L = 145.13 / JLC 125 622 / DNLN = 21 m. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 390.84 £2.90 3SS.93 6.99 891.60 9.16 10.4£ 3.10 UPSTRM 3%.56 20.46 394.85 7.60 397.45 16.99 11.72 £.85 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) 4.079 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slc^je erergy grade lire (X) = 4.034 Tiae of cone tain) 3 Critical depth (in) = 20.43 Inlet tiae iain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = £1.7 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = £1.7 Natural ground elev (ft) = 408.^ Lire capac. (cfs) = 45.7 Lire storage (cuft) = 43£ 3g> LINE 23 / fl - 6.1 / HT - 18 / HID s 18 / N s .013 / L > 96.25 / JLC « 1 HGL DEPTH IWERl va EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 397.68 18.00 395.10 3.45 397.86 0.00 11.97 1.77 UPSTRM 398.19 18.00 3%.17 3.45 398.37 0.00 10.55 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 1.112 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.530 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.91 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.1 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default Q (efs) = 6.1 Natural ground elev (ft) = 408.23 Lire capac. (efs) = 11.1 Lire storage (cuft) = 170 LIIE 24 / fl = 4.9 / HT = 18 / HID = 18 / N = .013 / L = 97.25 / JLC = 1 HS. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 353.45 18.00 349.40 £.77 353.57 0.00 9.44 1.77 UPSTRM 353.78 18.00 350.3? £.77 353.90 0.00 35.61 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slc^e of invert (X) = 0.997 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.341 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 10.60 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 4.9 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default Q (cfs) = 4.9 Natural ground elev (ft) = 387.49 Lire capac. (cfs) = 10.5 Lire storage (cuft) = 172 5? LINE 25 / fl « 16.7 / HTe24/HIDB24/N = .013 / L = 145.12 / JLC = .25 625 / DNLN = 22 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 397.68 24.00 394.35 5.32 398.12 O.OC- 11.72 3.14 UPSTRM 402.28 18.11 400.77 6.57 402.95 , 20.66 10.51 2.54 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 2 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (efs) = l6.7 Default 6 (cfs) = 16.7 Lire capac. (cfs) = 45.7 Slope of invert (X) = 4.079 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.33Ci Critical depth (in) = 18.06 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) Depth at inlet openire (in) Confluence angle (deg) Natural ground elev Lire storage (cuft) = 0.0 = 0 = 0 (ft) = 413.28 = 412 LIIE 26 / fl = 5.6 / HT = 18 / HID = 18 / N = .013 / L = 5.25 / JLC = I . / DNLN = 25 HS. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 403.12 IS.Otj 401.27 3.17 40S.27 0.00 10.51 1.77 UPSTRM 403.29 15.79 401.79 3.41 403.47 11.32 10.25 1.64 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.905 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.703 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.48 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd ler^th curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.6 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default 6 (cfs) 5.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 413.54 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 40 LINE 27 / fl - 12.5 / HT « 18 / HID 18 / N = .013 / L « 290.25 / JLC 1.25 627 / DNLN = 25 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 403.12 18.00 401.27 7.07 403.89 0.00 10.51 1.7? UPSTRM 414.46 16.24 413.11 7.45 415.^ 10.70 10.6 1.68 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) 4.079 Runoff crefficient = 0 Slope erergv grade lire (X) = 3.939 Tiae of cone (ain) 1 Critical depth (in) = 16.21 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) 0.0 Cuaulative C*A = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = i£.5 Confluence ar^le (deo) = 0 Default Q (cfs) = IE .5 Natural ground elev (ft) = 425.21 Lire capac. (efs) = £1.2 Lire storage (cuft) = 500 LIIE 28 / fl = 6.4 / HT = 18 / HID = 18 / H = .013 / L = 5.25 / JLC = 1 628 / DNLN = 27 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER DNSTRM 415.54 iB.Oij 413.44 3.62 415.74 0.00 10.26 UPSTRM 415.76 18.00 413.% 3.62 415.97 0.00 9.98 AREA 1.77 1.7? Drainage area (ac) = 0 Rureff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = Cuaulative CtA = Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.4 Default Q (cfs) = 6.4 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.'905 Slope energy grade lire (X) = 4.251 Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 425.44 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 Af LIIE 29 / fl « 5.5 / HT « 18 / HID > 18 / N s .013 / L » 97.25 / JLC = BSYS-HEADHORKS 2 / DNLN * 27 Ha. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 415.54 18.00 413.11 3.11 415.69 0.00 10.6 1.77 UPSTRM 415.% 18.00 414.08 3.11 416.11 0.00 9.89 1.7? Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slwe of invert (X) = 0.997 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.429 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.48 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 CuKilative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.5 Confluence angle (deg) = % Default G (cfs) = 5.5 Natural ground elev (ft) = 425.47 Lire capac. (cfs) = 10.5 Lire storage (cuft) = 172 UIE 30 / fl -6.4 / HT > 18 / HID = 18 / N » .013 / L » 5.25 / JLC = 1 = 9 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER (m mm 362.41 18.00 3f.6.14 3.62 362.61 0.00 8.23 1.77 UPSTRM ^.63 18.00 K7,19 3.62 362.84 0.00 7.27 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone iain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.4 Default G (cfs) = 6.4 Lire capac. (cfs) = 47.0 Slope of invert (X) =20.0t;i0 Slope erergy grade line (X) = 4.251 Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 365.9? Lire storage (cuft) = 9 42 LIIE 31 / fl » 30.6 / HT « 24 / HID = 24 / N = .013 / L « 31.26 / JL£ » HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DIBTRM 362.41 24.00 355.64 9.74 363.K 0.00 8.23 3.14 UPSTRM 363.72 24.00 S6.89 9.74 365.19 0.00 7.07 3.14 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 3.999 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.831 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = £2.85 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet openire (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 30.6 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default G (efs) = 30.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 365.97 Lire capac. (cfs) = 45.2 Lire storage (cuft) = 98 HYDRAULIC REPORT FOR RANCO SANTA FE ROAD DPfmeeiT FUMS SYSTEM 'C STA 22&t69.73 TD 203tS3.81 OCTOBER 31, 1990 J.N. 738.20 44 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Run date: 10-31-1990 File: A:738-2NQ.ST3 Return Period = 100 Yrs Rainfall file: Your County UIE 1 / fl > 217.3 / HT « 48 / HID > 48 / N s .013 / L ^ 30 / JLC » 0 Cl / Outfall HGL DEPTH IN\ERT m. EGL THID COVER im DNSTRM 405.20 48.OC' 393.00 17.30 409.84 0.00 8.2 12.56 UPSTRM 405.89 48.00 393.90 17.29 410.53 0.00 16.1 12.5? Drainage area (ac) Runoff coefficient Tiae of cox (ain) Inlet tiae (ain) Intensity (in/hr) CuKilative CtA Flow contrib (cfs) Default G (efs) Lire capac. (cfs) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 3.000 = 0 Slt^e erergy grade lire (X) = 2.E89 = 22 Critical depth (in) = 4t..99 = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (m) = 0 = £17.3 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 = 217.3 Natural ground elev (ft) = 414 = 248.3 Lire storage (cuft) = 377 LIIE 2 / fl « 217.3 / HT = 48 / HID = 48 / H = .013 / L = 62.2 / JLC = .5 . / DNLN = 1 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER MEA DNSTRM 405.89 48.00 393.90 17.30 410.53 0.00 16.1 12.56 UPSTRM 425.90 47.02 421.98 17.38 430.59 13.57 12.27 12.50 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slt^e of invert (X) =45.145 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) =32.241 Tiae of cone (ain) = 22 Critical depth (in) = 46.99 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 emulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 217.3 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = £17.3 Natural ground elev (ft) = 438.26 Lire capac. (efs) = 965.2 Lire storage (cuft) = -^0 4< UIE 3 / fl * 217.3 / HT « 48 / HID « 48 / N » .013 / L > % / JLC » .5 C3 / DNLN = 2 HGL DEPTH INSERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 428.24 48.00 422.31 17.30 432.89 0.00 11.95 12.56 UPSTRM 430.30 47.84 426.31 17.30 434.94 5.58 7.35 12.56 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Tiae of core (ain) = 21 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flat contrib (cfs) = 217.3 Default G (cfs) = 217.3 Lire capac. (cfs) = 299.5 Slope of invert (X) = 4.348 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 2.233 Critical depth (in) = 46.99 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 437.66 Lire storage (cuft) = 1156 LINE 4 / fl - 217.3 / HT - 48 / HID - 48 / N = .013 / L » 210.5 / JLC = .5 C4 / DNLN = 3 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 4ffi.62 48.OC* 427.03 17.30 437.26 0.00 6.63 12.56 UPSTRM 439.37 47.02 435.45 17.33 444.06 13.57 8.12 12.50 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (aini = 19 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 217.3 Default G (efs) = 217.3 Lire caoac. (cfs) = 287.3 3lc»e of invert (X) = 4.iX)0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.22? Critical depth (in) = 46.99 Req'd ler^th curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 447.58 Lire storage (cuft) = 2638 4C^ I I LIIE 5 / fl s 3.9 / HT s 18 / HID - 18 / N s .013 / L « 97.25 / JLC » 1 C5. / DNLN = 4 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER Al^ DNSTRM 441.71 IS.OCt 438.28 2.21 441.79 0.00 7.79 1.7? UPSTRM 441.92 18.00 439.25 2.21 442.00 0.00 7.14 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 0.997 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.E16 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 9.71 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative C<A = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 3.9 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default G (efs) = 3.9 Natural grourai elev (ft) = 447.9 Lire capac. (efs) = 10.5 Lire storage (cuft) = 172 LIIE 6 / fl = 208.3 / HT « 48 / HID = 48 / H = .013 / L = 290.25 / JLC = .75 . / DNLN = 4 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 441.71 48.00 435.78 16.58 445.95-0.00 7.79 12.56 UPSTRM 449.04 47..32 445.12 16.66 453.35 13.57 8.14 12.50 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 17 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 208.3 Default 6 (cfs) = 208.3 Lire capac. (cfs) = 257.7 Slope of invert (X) = 3.218 Slc^e erergy grade lire (X) = 2.538 Critical depth (in) = 46.99 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 457.26 Lire storage (cuft) = 3638 A7 LIIE 7 / fl * 154.6 / HT * 48 / HID * 48 / N > .013 / L - 290.25 / JLC > .5 / DNLN = 6 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 452.27 48.00 445.45 12.30 454.62 0.00 7.8 12.56 UPSTRM 459.31 43.99 455.64 12.82 461.% 26.57 8.86 12.06 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 3.511 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = £.493 Tiae of cone (ain) = 14 Critical depth (in) = 43.92 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 CuKilative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 154.6 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = 154.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 468.51 Lire capac. (cfs) = 269.2 Lire storage (cuft) = 3574 LINE 8 / fl « 154.6 / HT ' 36 / HID - 36 / N - .013 / L - 251.02 / JLC « .75 . / DNLN = 7 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 460.58 36.00 456.64 21.88 468.01 0.00 8.86 7.07 UPSTRM 474.07 36.00 470.69 21.87 481.50 0.00 8.55 7.07 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 12 Inlet tiae (am) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (efs) = 154.6 Default G (efs) = 154.6 Lire capac. (cfs) = 157.8 Slope of invert (X) = 5.597 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 5.374 Critical deoth iin) = S.92 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) =-482.25 Lire storage (cuft) = 1774 <8 LIIE 9 / fl < SB.7 / HT « 30 / HID » 30 / N « .013 / L * 97.5 / JLC > .75 . / DNLN = 8 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 479.65 30.00 471.52 11.% 481.87 0.00 8.23 4.91 UPSTRM 481.64 30.00 472.49 11.% 483.86 0.00 8.46 4.91 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 1 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 58.7 Default G (cfs) = 58.7 Lire capac. (cfs) = 40.9 Slope of invert (X) = 0.9« Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 2.049 Critical depth (in) = 28.86 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Natural groumi elev (ft) = 483.45 Lire storage (cuft) = 479 LINE 10 / fl « 52.7 / HT = 30 / HID = 30 / N » .013 / L«60/JLC=.75 CIO. / DNLN = 9 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER (m DNSTRM 483.31 30.00 472.82 10.74 485.10 0.00 8.13 4.91 UPSTRM 504.85 £8.26 502.50 10.99 506.73 14.03 5 4.79 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =49.467 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) =^.052 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 28.22 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd lenath curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CiA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 52.7 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default 6 (cfs) = K.7 Natural ground elev (ft) = 510 Lire capac. (cfs) = 2K.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 291 4^ LIIE 11 / fl « 52.7 / HT s 27 / HID » 27 / N < .013 / L * 43 / JLC ^ 2.5 / DNLN = 10 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 506.26 27.00 502.83 13.26 508.99 0.00 4.92 3.96 UPSTRM 521.09 a.45 512.00 13.32 523.85 7.63 5.75 3.% Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =21.326 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) =34.547 Tiae of core (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 26.43 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 52.7 Confluerce angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = 52.7 Natural ground elev (ft) = 520 Lire capac. (cfs) = 143.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 171 LIIE 12 / fl = 99.4 / HT = 36 / HID = 36 / N = .013 / L = 334.38 / JLC = .75 . / DNLN = 8 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 479.65 36.00 471.02 14.06 482.72 0.00 8.23 7.07 UPSTRM 490.83 34.99 487.91 14.17 493.95 11.89 9.91 7.01 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 9 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (efs) = 99.4 Default 6 (cfs) = 99.4 Lire capac. (cfs) = 149.9 Slope of invert (X) = 5.051 Slc^e erergy grade lire (X) = 3.358 Critical depth (in) = 34.% Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 500.82 Lire storage (cuft) = 2354 52> LINE 13 / fl « 94.3 / HT « 36 / HID * 36 / N < .013 / L > 201.05 / JLC - L75 / DNLN s I£ Ha. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 493.17 36.00 488.24 13.34 495.93 0.00 9.5S 7.07 UPSTRM 498.25 34.67 495.36 13.50 501.08 13.57 10.89 6.98 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 3.541 Runoff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 2.561 Tiae of cone (ain) = 8 Critical depth (in) = 34.64 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 94.3 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default 6 (cfs) = 94.3 Natural ground elev (ft) = 509.25 Lire capac. (cfs) = 125.5 Lire storage (cuft) = 1413 LINE 14 / fl « 88.3 / HT - 36 / HID - 36 / N - .013 / L = 236 / JLC - .75 / DNLN = 13 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 500.37 36.(» 495.69 IE.49 502.80 0.00 10.55 7.0? UPSTRM 504.51 36.00 499.94 12.49 506.93 0.00 14.14 7.0? Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) 1.801 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.753 Tiae of cone (ain) = 6 Critical depth (in) = 34.27 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Ctoulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 88.3 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = 88.3 Natural ground elev (ft) = 517.08 Lire capac. (cfs) = 89.5 Lire storage (cuft) = 1668 LIIE 15 / fl « 66.0 / HT > 36 / HID « 36 / N » .013 / L « 233.14 / AX - .5 . / DNLN = 14 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 506 aSS 36.00 500.26 9.34 507.68 0.00 13 .ffi 7.07 UPSTRM 5(^.61 36.00 503.76 9.34 509.97 0.00 15.8 7.07 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 4 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (efs) = 66 Default G (cfs) = 66 Lire capac. (cfs) = 81.7 Slope of invert (X) = 1.501 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.979 Critical depth (in) = 31.86 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 522.57 Lire storage (cuft) = 1648 LIME 16 / fl = 66.0 / HT = 36 / HID = 36 / M = .013 / L = 298.8 / JLC = .75 . / DNLN = 15 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 509.29 36.00 504.09 9.34 510.64 0.00 15.48 7.07 UPSTRM 512.22 36.00 507.08 9.34 513.57 0.00 17.69 7.07 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 1 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 66 Default G (cfs) = 66 Lire capac. (cfs) = 66.7 Slope of invert (X) = 1.001 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.980 Critical depth (in) = 31.86 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev Lire storage (cuft) (ft) = 527.77 = 2112 5Z I I LIIE 17 / fl « 66.0 / HT > 36 / HID > 36 / N * .013 / L * 148.81 / JLC « . / DNLN = 16 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER (m DNSTRM 513.23 36.00 507.41 9.34 514.59 0.00 17.36 7.07 UPSTRM 518.07 36.00 508.90 9.34 519.43 0.00 -3 7.07 Drainage area (ac) = 0 . Slope of invert (X) = 1.001 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.254 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 31.86 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 66 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default G (cfs) 66 Natural grourvj elev (ft) = 508.9 Lire capac. (cfs) = 66.7 Lire storage (cuft) = 1052 LIIE 18 / fl s 7.9 / HT s 18 / HID = 18 / N » .013 / L 4.75 / JLC > 1 CIS / DNLN = 4 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER AREA DUBTRM 441.71 18.00 438.28 4.4? 442.02 0.00 7.79 1.77 UPSTRM 442.05 18.00 438.76 4.47 442.36 0.00 7.63 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =10.105 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 7.099 Tiae of cone iain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 13.54 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 IntetBity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 7.9 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default G (cfs) 7.9 Natural ground elev (ft) = 447.9 Lire capac. (efs) = 33.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 8 53 LINE 19 / fl > 16.1 / HT * 18 / HID = 18 / N = .013 / L » 116 / JLC > 1 / DNLN = 6 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL Ea. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 452.£7 18.00 447.95 9.11 453.56 0.00 7.8 1.77 UPSTRM 456.29 18.00 449.11 9.11 457.58 0.00 8.7£ 1.77 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 1.000 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.462 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 17.32 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 16.1 Confluence angle (deg) = 45 fe-iault 6 (cfs) = 16.1 Natural ground elev (ft) = 459.33 . i:« capac. (cfs) = 10.5 Lire storage (cuft) = 205 LINE 20 / fl = 6.1 / HT » 18 / HID = 18 / M = .013 / L = 5.25 / JLC = 1 C20. / DUN = 8 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL ES. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 479.65 18.W 472.K 3.45 479.83 0.00 8.23 1.77 UPSTRM 479.85 18.00 473.00 3.45 480.03 0.00 8.520 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) _ 9.143 foiraff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.862 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.91 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet openir^ (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.1 Confluence angle (deg) =--90 Default Q (cfs) = 6.1 Natural ground elev (ft) = 483.03 Lire capac. (cfs) = 31.8 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 S4 UIE 21 / fl « 7.0 / HT > 18 / HID « 18 / N s .013 / L « 125.% / JLC > 1 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 493.17 18.00 489.74 3.% 493.41 0.00 9.58 1.77 UPSTRM 4^.49 12.79 494.00 5.21 495.91 16.33 9.11 1.34 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 3.382 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade lire (X) = 1.985 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 12.75 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 CuKilative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 7 Confluence angle (deg) = 45 Default G (efs) = 7 Natural grourel elev (ft) = 504.62 Lire capac. (cfs) = 19.3 Lire storage (cuft) = 1% LIIE 22 / B = 6.9 / HT » 18 / HID = 18 / N » .013 / L « 5.25 / JLC = 1 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 500.37 18.00 497.19 3.91 500.61 0.00 10.55 1.77 UPSTRM 500.63 18.00 497.71 3.90 50<).87 0.00 10.39 1.7? Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.905 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.941 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 12.75 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 6.9 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default G (efs) = 6.9 Natural ground elev (ft) = 509.6 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 5S UIE 23 / fl > 6.8 / HT B 18 / HID s 18 / N » .013 / L ' 114.27 / JLC » 1 / DNLN = 14 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 506.33 18.00 501.76 3.85 506.56 0.00 IS.ffi 1.77 UPSTRM 509.% 12.37 508.50 5.25 510.39 16.69 8.% 1.30 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 5.898 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slope energy grade lire (X) = £.976 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 CiMulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.8 Confluence angle (deg) = 45 Default G (cfs) = 6.8 Lire capac. (cfs) = 25.5 Natural ground elev Lire storage (cuft) (ft) = 518.97 = 175 HYDRAULIC REPORT FOR RAMM) SANTA FE ROW IIPRneENT Pli»6 SVSTEH 'D' <NDRTH OF HIGH POINT) OCTODER 24,1990 J.N. 738.20 57 Run date: 10-24-1990 File: A:73afl"Hl.ST3 Return Period « 100 Yrs Rainfall file: Your County UIE 1 / fl « 201.3 / HT»48/HID'48/N» .013 / L » 40 / JLC > 1 Dl / Outfall HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 337.00 48.00 330.50 16.02 340.99 0.00 0 12.56 UPSTRM 346.95 46.65 343.06 16.15 351.00 15.85 9.05 12.47 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =31.400 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slc^e erergv grade lire (X) =25.025 Tiae of cone (ain) = IS Critical depth (in) = 46.61 Inlet tiae (am) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 201.3 Confluence angle (deg) =-10 Default G (cfs) = 201.3 Natural ground elev (ft) = 356.12 Lire capac. (cfs) = 804.9 Lire storage (cuft). = 501 LIIE 2 / fl = 195.6 / HT » 48 / HID = 48 / N = .013 / L = 237 / JLC = .5 / DNLN = 1 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 351.00 48.00 343.39 15.57 354.76 0.00 8.72 12.56 UPSTRM 355.39 48.00 350.27 15.57 359.15 0.00 3.7 12.57 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 2.903 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.855 Tiae of cone (am) = 17 Critical depth (m) 46.61 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 195.6 Confluence angle (deg) = 10 Default 6 (cfs) = 195.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 357.97 Lire capac. (cfs) = 244.7 Lire storage (cuft) = 2978 53 LINE 3 / fl « 193.2 / HT > 48 / HID * 48 / N « .013 / L ' 289.97 / JLC « 1 D3 . / DNLN = 2 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 357.27 48.00 350.6(i 15.38 360.95 0.00 3.36 12.56 UPSTRM 370 46.23 366.53 15.56 374.14 18.10 11.02 12.42 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 5.494 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.551 Tiae of core (ain) = 15 Critical depth (in) = 46.18 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 193.2 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = 193.2 Natural grcHind elev (ft) = 381.56 Lire capac. (cfs) = 3%.? Lire storage (cuft) = 3622 LIIE 4 / fl - 5.6 / HT - 18 / HID > 18 / N - .013 / L = 4.75 / JLC = 1 D4..263+50 LER.. / DNLN = 3 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER ffiEA DNSTRM 374.14 18.00 369.36 3.16 374.30 0.00 10.7 1.77 UPSTRM 374.31 18.00 369.84 3.16 374.4? 0.00 9.57 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =10.105 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire IX) = 3.554 Tiae of cone (am) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.48 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 CutKilative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet openii^ (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 5.5 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default 6 (cfs) = 5.59 Natural ground elev (ft) = 380.91 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 8 S9 LIIE 5 / S > 189.5 / HT * 48 / HID s 48 / N « .013 / L > 164.74 / JLC > 1 . / DILN « 3 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 374.14 48.00 366.86 15.08 377.67 0.00 10.7 1E.56 UPSTRM 379.94 46.23 376.09 15.E6 383.56 18.10 10.98 1E.42 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 5.603 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.57£ Tiae of cone (ain) = 14 Critical depth (in) = 46.18 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 189.5 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default 6 (efs) = 189.5 Natural ground elev (ft) = 391.08 Lire capac. (cfs) = 340.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 2058 LINE 6 / fl « 4.7 / HT » 18 / HID = 18 / N = .013 / L = 99.25 / JLC = 1 D6..261+80 RIGHT. / DNLN = 5 HS. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 383.56 18.00 377.34 2.68 383.6? 0.00 12.23 1.77 UPSTRM 383.87 18.00 379.33 2.68 383.98 0.00 9.62 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 2.005 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.316 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 10.60 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 4.7 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default G (cfs) = 4.74 Natural ground elev (ft) = 390.45 Lire capac. (cfs) = 14.9 Lire storage (cuft) = 175 LINE 7 / fi s 187.4 / HT * 48 / HID ' 48 / N > .013 / L > 125.51 / JLC > 1 . / DILN = 5 HGL DEPTH INVERT va EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 383.56 48.00 376.25 14.92 387.01 0.00 10.82 12.56 UPSTRM 386.% 46.23 ^.11 15.09 390.50 18.10 11.25 12.42 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (am) = 13 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 CuKilative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (efs) = 187.4 Default G (cfs) = 187.4 Lire capac. (cfs) = 335.8 Slope of invert (X) =5.466 Slope energy grade lire (X) = 2.777 Critical depth (in) = 46.18 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 3'98.36 Lire storage (cuft) = 1566 LINE 8 / fl s 185.0 / HT > 48 / HID > 48 / N « .013 / L « 290.25 / JLC « 1 . / DNLN = 7 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER tm DNSTRM 390.50 48.00 ^.44 14.72 393.87 0.00 10.91 12.56 UPSTRM 403.83 46.23 399.98 14.90 407.28 18.10 11.19 12.42 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 12 Inlet tiae (am) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 185 Default e (cfs) = 185 Lire capac. (cfs) = 342.9 Slope of invert (X) = 5.699 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.621 Critical depth (in) = 46.iS Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 415.17 Lire storage (cuft) = 3625 6/ LINE 9 / fl « 6.1 / HT « 18 / HID » 18 / N B .013 / L ' %.75 / JLC « 1 D9..257+50 RIGHT. / DNLN x 8 HS. DEPTH INVERT VEL EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 407.28 18.00 402.81 3.45 407.46 OM 10.86 1.77 UPSTRM 407.79 18.00 403.78 3.45 407.97 0.00 9.23 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6 Default G (cfs) = 6.09 Lire capac. (cfs) = 10.5 Slope of invert (X) = 1.003 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.527 Critical depth (in) = 11.91 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 414.52 Lire storage (cuft) = 171 LIIE 10 / fl s 5.6 / HT s 18 / HID = 18 / N - .013 / L = 4.75 / JLC = 1 D10..257+50 LEFT. / DNLN = 8 HGL DEPTH INVERT VEL Ea. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 407.28 16.00 402.81 3.16 40^7.43 0.00 10.86 1.77 ureTRM 407.45 18.00 403.29 3.16 407.60 0.00 9.72 1.77 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =10.105 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.554 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.48 Inlet tiae (am) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.5 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default Q (cfs) 5.59 Natural ground elev (ft) = 414.52 Lire capac. (efs) = 33.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 8 LIIE 11 / fl « 179.1 / HT " 48 / HID « 48 / N * .013 / L ' 290.25 / JLC « 1 . / DILN = 8 Ha. DEPTH INVERT VEL Ea. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 407.28 48.00 400.31 14.26 410.43 0.00 10.86 12.56 UPSTRM 420.67 45.75 416.86 14.50 423.94 20.30 11.11 12.35 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 10 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 179.1 Default G (cfs) = 179.1 Lire capac. (cfs) = 343.0 Slope of invert (X) = 5.702 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.652 Critical depth (in) = 45.70 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural grourai elev (ft) =431.9? Lire storage (cuft) = 3616 LINE 12 / B = 5.6 / HT - 18 / HID = 18 / N = .013 / L = 4.75 / JLC = 1 DIE..£54+50 LER. / MM = 11 Ha. DEPTH INVERT VEL Ea. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 423.94 18.00 419.69 3.16 4E4.09 0.00 10.7? 1.7? UPSTRM 424.11 18.00 420.17 3.16 4E4.E6 0.00 9.64 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (am) - 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.5 Default G (cfs) = 5.59 Lire capac. (efs) = 33.4 Slope of invert (X) =10.105 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.554 Critical depth (m) = 11.48 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 431.32 Lire storage (cuft) = 8 ^5 UIE 13 / fl * 176.6 / HT « 48 / HID » 48 / N = .013 / L > 290.25 / JLC » 1 . / DNLN « 11 Ha. DEPTH INVERT VEL Ea. T HID COVER ANEA DNSTRM 423.94 48.0(. 417.19 14.06 427.00 0.00 10.7? 12.56 UPSTRM 437.58 45.75 433.77 14.30 440.76 20.30 10.08 12.35 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 9 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 176.6 Default G (efs) = 176.6 Lire capac. (cfs) = 343.3 Slope of invert (X) = 5.712 Slc^e energy grade lire (X) = 4.738 Critical depth (in) = 45.70 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 447.85 Lire storage (cuft) = 3616 LINE 14 / fl = 6.1 / HT - 18 / HID « 18 / N = .013 / L = %.25 / JLC = 1 D14..£51+50 RIGHT / DNLN = 13 Ha. DEPTH INVERT VEL Ea. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 440.76 18.00 436.27 3.45 440.94 O.iXi 10.OS 1.77 UPSTRM 441.26 13.00 438.20 3.45 441.45 0.00 8.41 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff coefficient = 0 TiM of cone (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6 Default G (cfs) = 6.09 Lire capac. (cfs) = 14.9 Slope of invert (X) = 2.005 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.526 Critical depth (in) = 11.91 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 448.12 Lire storaoe (cuft) = 170 LIIE 15 / fl s 5.6 / HT s 18 / HID s 18 / N * .013 / L « 4.75 / JLC 1 D15..251+50 LEFT. / DNLN « 13 HGL DEPTH INVERT va EGL T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 440.76 18.00 436.27 3.16 440.91 0.00 10.(^ 1.7? UPSTRM 440.92 18.00 436.76 3.16 441.08 0.00 9.85 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (am) = Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = Cuaulative CtA = Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.5 Default G (cfs) = 5.59 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.7 Slope of invert (X) -10.316 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.554 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.48 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Natural grourid elev (ft) = 448.12 Lire storaoe (cuft) = S LINE 16 / fl < 41.4 / HT = 24/HID = 24/N = .013 / L = 290.25 / JLC = 1 D16. / DNLN = 13 Ha. DEPTH INVERT va Ea. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 44C'.76 24.00 435.74 13.19 443.46 0.00 10.11 3.14 UPSTRM 454.29 23.67 452.32 13.22 457.01 5.63 10.32 3.13 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) -5.712 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.668 Tiae of cone (am) = 7 Critical depth (in) = 23.65 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 41.4 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = 41.43 Natural ground elev (ft) = 464.65 Lire capac. (cfs) = 54.1 Lire storage (cuft) = 910 (-5 LINE 17 / fl « 5.6 / HT « 18 / HID ' 18 / N * .013 / L « 5.25 / JLC > 1 D17..248+50 LER. / DILN = 16 Ha. DEPTH INVERT va Ea. T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 457.01 18.00 453.15 3.16 457.16 0.00 10 1.77 UPSTRM 457.18 18.00 453.67 3.16 457.33 0.00 9.75 1.7? Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.905 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.243 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.48 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet openir^ (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 5.5 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default G (cfs) = 5.59 Natural ground elev (ft) = 464.92 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 LIIE 18 / fl > 38.9 / HT ^ 24 / HID = 24 / N = .013 / L » 290.25 / JLC » 1 D18 / DNLN = 16 Ha. DEPTH INVERT Va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 457.01 24.00 452.65 12.38 459.39 0.00 10 3.14 UPSTRM 471.16 23.51 469.20 12.43 473.56 6.78 10.25 3.13 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 5 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 38.8 Default G (cfs) = 38.87 Lire capac. (cfs) = 54.0 Slope of invert (X) = 5.702 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.883 Critical depth (in) = 23.49 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 481.46 Lire storage (cuft) = 910 LIIE 19 / fl « 6.0 / HT * 18 / HID » 18 / N » .013 / L » 97.25 / JLC « D19..£45+50 RIGHT / DILN * 18 HGL DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 473.56 18.00 470.03 3.41 473.74 0.00 9.92 1.77 UPSTRM 474.06 18.00 471.98 3.41 474.24 0.00 8.25 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 2.005 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.516 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.91 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Rfeq'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet openirq (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default G (cfs) = 6.03 Natural ground elev (ft) = 481.73 Lire capac. (cfs) = 14.9 Lire storage (cuft) = 172 LINE 20 / fl » 5.6 / HT = 18 / HID = 18 / N » .013 / L » 5.25 / JLC = 1 DEO..245+50 LER. / DILN = 18 Ha DEPTH INVERT Va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 473.56 18.00 470.03 3.14 4T3.71 0.00 9.^ 1.77 UPSTRM 473.73 18.00 470.56 3.14 473.88 0.00 9.64 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =10.095 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.197 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.48 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.5 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default G (cfs) 5.55 Natural ground elev (ft) = 481.71 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 ^7 UNE ei / 6 > 33.3 / HT > 24 / HID > 24 / N > .013 /I' 290.25 / JLC ' Ha DEPTH INVERT Va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 473.56 24.00 469.53 10.60 475.30 0.00 9.92 3.14 UPSTRM 487.32 23.11 485.39 10.72 489.10 9.05 10.02 3.10 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 5.464 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Slope energy grade lire (X) = 4.754 Tiae of cone (ain) = 4 Critical depth (in) = 23.09 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 33.2 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = 33.28 Natural grourai elev (ft) = 497.42 Lire capac. (cfs) = 52.9 Lire storage (cuft) = 906 UNE 22 / fl - 5.4 / HT * 18 / HID - 18 / N » .013 / L » 5.25 / JLC = 1 D22..242+50 LER. / DNLN = £1 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 489.10 18.00 486.22 3.07 489.25 0.00 9.7 1.77 UPSTRM 489.26 18.00 486.74 3.0? 489.41 0.00 9.44 1.7? Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.905 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slc^e erergy grade lire (X) = 3.048 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.04 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 D^th at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.4 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default G (cfs) = 5.42 ' Natural ground elev (ft) = 497.68 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 (43 LIIE 23 / B « aO.9 / HT « 24 / HID 24 / N * .013 / L > 291.9 / JLC - 1 . / DNLN = £1 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DI6TRM 489.10 24.00 485.72 9.84 490.60 0.00 9.7 3.14 UPSTRM 499.47 22.87 497.56 10.01 501.02 10.15 10.5 3.09 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 2 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 30.9 Default G (cfs) =30.9 Lire capac. (cfs) = 45.6 Slope of invert (X) = 4.056 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.569 Critical depth (in) = £2.85 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Natural graind elev (ft) = 510.06 Lire storage (cuft) = 909 LIIE 24 / fl » 18.4 / HT « 24 / HID = 24 / H = .013 / L = 97.25 / JLC = 1 D£4..£39+50 RIGHT / DMJ = £3 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 501.02 24.0(» 498.36 5.86 501.55 0.00 9.7 3.14 UPSTRM 501.89 19.11 500.30 6.86 502.62 19.33 8.020 2.68 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 18.4 Default G (cfs) = 18.41 Lire capac. (cfs) = 31.9 Slope of invert (X) = 1.995 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = I.IOC) Critical depth (in) = 19.06 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Conflueroe angle (deg) =-90 Natural ground elev Lire storage (cuft) (ft) = 510.32 = £83 LIIE 25 / fl > 4.9 / HT s 18 / HID « 18 / N « .013 / L * 5.25 / JLC * 1 025..239+50 LER. / DILN > 23 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 501.02 18.00 498.56 £.76 501.14 0.00 10 1.77 UPSTRM 501.15 18M 499.08 £.76 501.27 0.00 9.74 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.905 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 2.461 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 10.60 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 4.8 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default Q (cfs) = 4.87 Natural ground elev (ft) = 510.32 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 LINE 26 / fl = 13.5 / HT - 18 / HID « 18 / N = .013 / L = 298.21 / JLC « 1 D26 / DNLN = 23 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 501.02 18.00 498.06 7.64 501.93 0.00 10.5 1.77 UPSTRM 508.28 16.74 506.89 7.88 509.25 9.20 10.82 1.71 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 2.%1 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 2.455. Tiae of cone (ain) = 1 Critical depth (in) = 16.71 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 13.5 Confluence angle (deg) = 0 Default 6 (cfs) = 13.5 Natural ground elev (ft) = 519.22 Lire capac. (cfs) = 18.1 Lire storage (cuft) = 519 7^ UNE 27 / fl » 6.7 / HT » 18 / HID * 18 / N < .013 / L « 97.25 / JLC » 1 D£7..£36+50 RIGHT / DILN = 26 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 509.£5 18.0(» 507.EE 3.80 509.4? 0.00 10.49 1.77 UPSTRM 510.61 1E.37 509.16 5.18 511.0E 16.69 8.81 1.30 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 1.995 Ruroff crefficient - 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.595 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 1E.33 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet openir^ (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.7 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default G (cfs) = 6.71 Natural ground elev (ft) = 519.48 Lire capac. (cfs) = 14.8 Lire storage (cuft) = 149 LIIE 28 / fl = 6.7 / HT = 18 / HID » 18 / N « .013 / L » 5.25 / JLC = 1 D28..E36+50 LER. / DUN = £6 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER tm DNSTRM 509.25 18.00 507.EE 3.80 509.4? 0.00 10.49 1.7? UPSTRM 509.50 18.00 507.74 3.30 509.?E 0.00 10.£3 1.7? Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.905 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.673 Tiae of cone (am) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.7 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default G (cfs) = 6.71 Natural ground elev (ft) = 519.48 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 7/ UIE 29 / fl « 6.7 / HT > 18 / HID < 18 / N * .013 / L » 5.5 / JLC * 1 D29. / DNLN = I Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER tm DNSTRM 351.00 18.00 345.89 3.79 351.££ 0.00 8.72 1.77 UPSTRM 351.24 18.00 346.49 3.79 351.46 0.00 7.74 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X> =10.909 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 4.452 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 12.33 Inlet tlM (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 6.6 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default G (cfs) = 6.69 Natural ground elev (ft) = 355.73 Lire capac. (cfs) = 34.7 Lire storage (cuft) = 10 LIIE 30 / fl = 5.6 / HT = 18 / HID = 18 / H = .013 / L = 5.25 / JLC = 1 030..266+50 LER. / DUN = £ Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 357.27 18.00 35E.77 3.16 357.43 0.00 3.7 1.77 UPSTRM 357.44 18.00 353.30 3.16 357.60 0.00 10.1 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =10.095 Ruroff coefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.243 Tiae of cone (am) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.48 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 5.5 Confluence angle (deg) = 90 Default 6 (cfs) = 5.59 Natural ground elev (ft) = 364.9 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 73 LIIE 31 / B « 16.5 / HT * 18 / HID s 18 / N « .013 / L « 45 / JLC > 1 Ha * DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 502.62 18.00 500.80 9.34 503.98 0.00 8.020 1.77 UPSTRM 505.43 17.34 502.60 9.45 506.82 6.79 6.22 1.75 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 4.000 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 6.310 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 17.32 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 16.5 Confluence angle (deg) = 15 Default G (cfs) = 16.5 Natural ground elev (ft) = 510.32 Lire capac. (cfs) = 21.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 79 LINE 32 / fl - 5.6 / HT - 18 / HID - 18 / N .013 / L « 4.75 / JLC » 1 032..E60+50 left. / DNLN = 7 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 390.50 18.00 385.94 3.17 390.66 0.00 10.91 1.77 IFSTRM 390.67 18.00 386.42 3.17 390.82 0.00 9.78 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) =10.105 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.285 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 11.43 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 5.6 Confluence angle (deg) =-% Default G (cfs) =5.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 397.71 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.4 Lire storage (cuft) = 8 13 HYDRAULIC REPORT FOR MMHl SftfTA FE RUffi IHPRVEIENT PUW SYSTEM 'E' (NORTH OF BRIDGE) OCTOBER 24,1990 J J. 738.20 Run date: 10-24-1990 File: Return Period = 100 Yrs Rainfall file: SAN DIEai County. UIE 1 / fl « 738.2 / HT s % / HID > % / N * .013 / L - 104.42 / JLC « 1 El / Outfall Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 337.00 %.00 £9.00 14.69 340.35 0.00 -8 50.26 UPSTRM 337.4£ 89.01 330.00 15.18 341.00 49.90 5.85 48.62 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Ruroff crefficient - 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 6 Inlet tiae (am) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 738.2 Default 6 (cfs) = 738.2 Lire capac. (cfs) = 892.8 Slope of invert (X) = 0.958 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.618 Critical depth (in) = 83.39 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area isf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle ideg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 343.85 Lire storage (cuft) = 5163 LINE 2 / fl > 715.3 / HT » 96 / HID « 96 / N « .013 / L * 292.2 / JLC « .75 . / DILN = 1 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 341.00 %.00 330.42 14.23 344.14 0.00 5.42 5(-.26 UPSTRM 342.79 %.00 331.90 14.23 345.94 0.00 5.85 50.27 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Runoff crefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (ain) = 5 Inlet tiae (ain) > 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative OA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 715.3 Default Q (cfs) = 715.3 Lire capac. (cfs) = 649.3 Slope of invert (X) = 0.506 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.615 Critical depth (in) = 83.39 •Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle (deg) =-30 Natural ground elev (ft) = 345.75 Lire storage (cuft) = 14686 IS UIE 3 / B « 12.5 / HT « 18 / HID * 18 / N s .013 / L - 3.64 / JLC ' 1 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER tm DNSTRM 341.00 18.00 336.42 7.07 341.7? 0.00 5.9E 1.7? UPSTRM 341.82 18.00 336.78 7.07 34S.60 0.00 4.9E 1.77 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 9.890 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) =£2.762 Tiae of cone (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 16.21 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 CuMilative CtA = 0.0 lepth at inlet openirig (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 12.5 Confluence angle (deg) =-90 Default G (cfs) = 12.5 Natural ground elev (ft) = -343.2 Lire capac. (cfs) - 33.0 Lire storage icuft) = 6 LIIE 4 / B » 20.4 / HT = 24 / HID = 24 / H = .013 / L = 99.5 / JLC = 1 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 341.00 24.00 336.42 6.49 341.65 0.00 5.4E 3.14 UPSTRM 342.46 24.00 3S.39 6.49 343.12 0.00 2.81 3.14 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Tiae of cone iain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib icfs) = 20.4 Default G (efs) = £0.4 Lire capac. (cfs) = 31.8 Slope of invert (X) = 1.980 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.472 Critical depth iin) = 20.00 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Confluence angle ideg) = 60 Natural ground elev (ft) = 343.21 Lire storage (cuft) = 313 76. LIIE 5 / fl « 715.3 / HT * % / HID « % / N s .013 / L ' 223.21 / JLC il.25 5E / DNLN = 2 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 345.15 %.00 333.67 14.23 348.30 0.00 4.07 50.26 UPSTRM 346.53 %.00 335.81 14.23 349.67 0.00 10.01 50.27 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) 0.959 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.615 Tiae of cone (am) = 4 Critical depth (in) -83.3'9 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 715.3 Conflueroe ai^le (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = 715.3 Natural ground elev (ft) = 353.82 Lire capac. (efs) = 893.3 Lire storage (cuft) = 11219 LIIE 6 / fl = 464.0 / HT = 78 / HID = 78 / H * .013 / L = 160 / JLC = .5 . / DNLN = 5 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 350.46 78.00 337.31 13.99 353.49 0.00 10.01 UPSTRM 351.71 78.00 339.15 13.98 354.75 0.00 6.41 33.13 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Tiae of cone (am) = 2 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 464 Default 6 (cfs) = 464 Lire capac. (cfs) = 562.3 Slope of invert (X) = l.lStJ Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.733 Critical depth (in) = t.9.04 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) =0 Conflueroe angle (deg) =-90 Natural ground elev (ft) = 352.06 Lire storage (cuft) = 5309 77 LIIE 7 / B > 9.1 / HT > 18 / HID > 18 / N « .013 / L « 102.04 / JLC ' . / DNLN « 6 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 353.23 18.00 341.65 5.15 353.64 0.00 8.91 1.77 UPSTRM 354.51 18.00 343.65 5.15 354.92 0.00 6.91 1.77 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 1.960 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.E56 Tiae of core (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 14.30 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 CuKilative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet c^enira (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 9.1 Confluence angle (deg) = 80 Default G (cfs) = 9.1 Natural ground elev (ft) = 352.06 Lire capac. (cfs) = 14.7 Lire storage icuft) = IS*) LIIE 8 / fl = 457.5 / HT = 78 / HID = 78 / N = .013 / L = %.75 / JLC = .5 . / DNLN = 6 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 353.23 78.00 339.15 13.79 356.18 0.00 6.41 33.13 UPSTRM 353.97 78.00 340.00 13.79 356.92 0.00 5.48 33.18 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Tiae of coro (ain) = E Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 457.5 Default G (cfs) = 457.5 Lire capac. icfs) = 491.5 Slope of invert (X) = 0.879 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 0.761 Critical depth (in) = 69.04 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Conflueroe angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 351.^ Lire storaoe (cuft) = 3210 73 LINE 9 / fl > 348.0 / HT * 66 / HID > 66 / N « .013 / L « 74.3 / JLC « .5 . / DILN = 8 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 355.44 66.00 341.00 14.65 358.78 O.OC* 5.48 23.75 UPSTRM 356.24 66.00 341.75 14.65 359.57 0.00 5.1 23.76 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Tiae of coro iain) = 2 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 348 Default G (efs) = 348 Lire capac. (cfs) = 337.4 Slope of invert (X) = 1.009 Slt^e erergy grade lire (X) = 1.074 Critical depth (in) = 61.28 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Conflueroe angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 352.36 Lire storage (cuft) = 1765 LIIE 10 / fl > 229.5 / HT « 54 / HID » 54 / N B .013 / L = 130.17 / JLC = 1 / DNLN = 9 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 357.91 54.00 34E.00 14.43 361.14 0.00 5.85 15.90 UPSTRM 362.91 54.tX) 343.50 14.43 366.15 0.00 1 15.90 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) 1.15E Ruraff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 3.846 Tiae of coro (am) = 0 Critical depth iin) = 50.80 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 2E9.5 Conflueroe angle (deg) = SO Default Q (cfs) = ffi9.5 Natural ground elev (ft) = 349 Lire capac. (cfs) = £11.1 Lire storage (cuft) = 2070 71 LIIE 11 / fl » 9.4 / HT - 18 / HID = 18 / N < .013 / L = 4.5 / JLC = 1 « 9 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 357.91 18.00 345.75 5.32 358.35 0.00 5.1 1.7? UPSTRM 358.38 18.00 346.20 5.32 358.82 0.00 4.95 1.7? Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Tiae of coro (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (efs) = 9.4 Default G (cfs) = 9.4 Lire capac. (cfs) = 33.2 Slope of invert (X) =10.000 Slope erergy grade lire (X) =10.565 Critical depth (in) = 14.65 Req'd lerqth curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Conflueroe angle (deg) =-90 Natural grourid elev (ft) = 35E.66 Lire storage (cuft) = 8 LIIE 12 / fl = 172.9 / HT = 48 / HID = 48 / N = .013 / L = 277.22 / JLC = .5 . / DNLN = 9 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 357.91 46.CH) 343.25 13.7b ao.ss 0.00 5.1 12.56 UPSTRM 363.40 48.00 347.37 13.76 %6 awS 0.00 2.16 12.57 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Tiae of coro (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 172.9 Default G (cfs) = 172.9 Lire capac. (cfs) = 175.1 Slope of invert (X) = 1.486 Slc^e erergy grade lire (X) = 1.979 Critical depth iin) = 45.70 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Conflueroe angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 353.53 Lire storage (cuft) = 3483 LIIE 13 / fl B 186.9 / HT«48/HID = 48/N« .013 / L * 148.33 / JLC « .5 . / DNLN = 8 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 355.44 48.00 343.00 10.10 357.03 0.00 4.98 12.56 UPSTRM 357.39 48.00 344.48 10.10 S8.98 0.00 -1.29 12.57 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Tiae of coro (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (am) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0,00 CuKilative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (efs) = 126.9 Default G (cfs) = 126.9 Lire capac. (cfs) = 143.5 Slope of invert (X) = 0.998 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 1.314 Critical depth (in) = 41.70 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area isf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet wenmq (in) = 0 Conflueroe angle (deg) =-% Natural ground elev (ft) = 347.19 Lire storage icuft) = 1864 LIIE 14 / B « 291.2 / HT«60/HID = 60/N = .013 / L « 69.65 / JLC - / DNLN = 5 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 350.46 60.00 337.81 14.83 353.87 0.00 11.01 19.63 UPSTRM 351.33 60.00 340.4£ 14.33 354.74 0.00 8.87 19.63 Drainage area (ae) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 5.747 Ruraff coefficient = 0 Slc^ie erergy grade lire (X) = 1.250 Tiae of coro (ain) = 3 Critical d^th (in) = 56.45 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (efs) = 291.2 Conflueroe angle (deg) = 90 Default G (cfs) = £91.2 Natural ground elev (ft) = 354.3 Lire capac. (cfs) = 504.2 Lire storage (cuft) = 1367 81 LINE 15 / B 86.1 / HT « 42 / HID - 42 / N B .013 / L * 164.51 / JLC = 1 / DNLN » 14 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM ^.04 42.00 341.92 8.95 354.28 0.00 8.S7 9.62 UPSTRM 356.49 35.83 352.00 9.ffi 358.00 £9.73 -1.5 8.74 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) = 6.127 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 2.260 Tiae of coro (ain) = 0 Critical depth (in) = 35.76 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 36.1 Conflueroe angle (deg) = 0 Default G (cfs) = 86.1 Natural ground elev (ft) = 354 Lire capac. (cfs) = 249.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 1510 LIIE 16 / fl » 206.1 / HT = 48 / HID = 48 / N = .013 / L = 127.5 / JLC = .5 . / DNLN = 14 Ha DEPTH umi va Ea T HID COVER tm DNSTRM 353.04 46.00 340.51 16.4(* 357.21 0.00 9.78 12.56 UPSTRM 355.66 48.0<) 348.90 16.40 359.84 0.00 27.29 12.57 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Tiae of coro iain) = 2 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = O.OO Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 206.1 Default G (cfs) = 206.1 Lire capac. (cfs) = 368.5 Slope of invert iX) Slope erergy grade lire (X) Critical depth (in) Req'd length curb inlet (ft) Req'd grate area (sf) Depth at inlet opening (in) Conflueroe angle (deg) Natural ground elev Lire storage (cuft) = 6.580 = 2.059 = 46.bl = 0.0 = 0.0 = 0 =-90 (ft) = 380.19 = 1602 UIE 17 / 6 B 3.6 / HT « 18 / HID « 18 / N « .013 / L « 4.96 / AC > 1 17E / DNLN = 16 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Tiae of coro (am) = Inlet tiae (ain) = Intensity (in/hr) = Cuaulative CtA = Flow contrib (efs) = Default G (cfs) = Lire capac. icfs) = INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA 348.90 2.04 357.82 0.00 29.79 1.77 349.39 2.04 357.89 0.00 9.29 1.77 Slope of invert (X) 9.899 Slc^e erergy grade lire (X) = 1.420 0 Critical d^th (in) = 9.26 0 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 0.00 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (m) = 0 3.6 Conflueroe angle ideg) = 90 3.6 Natural ground elev (ft) = 360.19 33.0 Lire storage (cuft) = 9 LIIE 18 / fl « 204.4 / HT / HID = 48 / N = .013 / L ' 158.83 / JLC « .5 18E / DNLN = 16 Ha DEPTH INVERT Va Ea THID COVER AREA DNSTRM 357.75 48.00 347.65 16.27 361.86 0.00 28.54 12.56 UPSTRM 360.97 46.65 357.08 16.40 365.14 15.85 7.57 12.47 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Ruraff crefficient = 0 Tiae of coro (am) = £ Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 204.4 Default Q (cfs) =204.4 Lire capac. (cfs) = 350.0 Slope of invert (X) = 5.93? Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 2.065 Critical depth (in) = 46.6i Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area (sf) = 0.0 Depth at inlet opening (in) = 0 Conflueroe angle (deg) = 0 Natural ground elev (ft) = 368.65 Lire storaoe (cuft) = 1%8 83 LINE 19 / fl « 204.4 / HT > 48 / HID « 48 / N > .013 / L « 286.03 / JLC « 1 = 18 Ha DEPTH INVERT va Ea T HID COVER AREA DNSTRM 363.05 48.00 357.41 16.27 367.16 0.00 7.23 12.56 UPSTRM ^1.49 46.65 373.43 16.40 3ffi.67 15.85 7.26 12.47 Drainage area (ac) = 0 Slope of invert (X) 5.601 Ruroff crefficient = 0 Slope erergy grade lire (X) = 5.009 Tiae of coro (ain) = 0 Inlet tiae (ain) = 0 Intensity (in/hr) = 0.00 Cuaulative CtA = 0.0 Flow contrib (cfs) = 204.4 Default G (cfs) = 204.4 Lire capac. (cfs) = 340.0 Critical depth (in) = 46.61 Req'd length curb inlet (ft) = 0.0 Req'd grate area isf) Depth at inlet opening (in) Conflueroe angle (deg) Natural ground elev Lire storage icuft) = 0.0 = 0 = 0 (ft) = 384.69 = 3580 EXAMPLE IMLBT DESIGN A. Type 'F* Catch Basin (see Exhibit 'A') Asstime a 2 gate opening = 12" Q «= CA /2ghC = 0.74 (Table 4-9 Kings Handbook) (Appendix 'D') QcAP=0.74 (3* X 0.65') • /2g(1.0) = 11.5 CFS QcAP°=23.0 CFS (2 openings) > 16.5 CFS (Area V8), therefore, OK B. Type 'B' Curb Inlet* 1. On Grade (Inlet ,4i) (See Exhibit 'A') S = 40% Qioo = 4.9 CFS y = 0.31' (Appendix 'C') Q = 0.7 L(A+Y)^^^ A = 0.40 (Appendix 'A') L = 4.9 CFS/[0.7 X (0.40 + 0.31)]^-' = 11.7' ~ 12' ==> 13' Type 'B-1' Inlet At Sag (Inlet /15\) (See Exhibit 'A') S = 0.0% Qioo = 6.4 CFS (Appendix 'B') H/h = 1.08 Q/L = 1.07 L = Q/1.07 = 6.4/1.07 = 5.9 ~ 6 feet => 6 feet Type 'B' Inlet See Inlet Summary on Sheet 86 and 87 for all other curb inlets. Inlet locations are shown on the Exhibit 'A'. 85 INLET SUMMARY TABLE NO. 1 INLET NO. Tc (MIN) SLOPE (%) QIOO (CFS) Y CFT) L open +1 (FT) 1 4.95 4.00 4.9 0.31 •3 2 4.95 4.00 6.5 0.33 16 3 , , 3.95 5.70 4.6 , 0.28 13 4 3.78 5.70 0.30 15 5 14.23 1.00 te.4 0.40 14 6 / 4.74 4.00 5.3 0.31 14 7 4.82 4.00 7.2 0.34 18 8 5.25 2.15 6.2 0.36 15 9 5.08 2.05 6.8 0.37 16 10 4.20 Z05 6.5 0.37 15 11 4.35 2.05 4.9 0.33 13 12 4.12 0.00 6.4 0.56 7 13 4.12 0.00 6.4 0.56 7 14 6.81 5.27 5.1 0.29 13 15 4.37 5.27 5.1 0.29 13 16 3.81 2.45 6.6 0.36 16 17 4.24 2.90 6.4 0.35 15 18 3.66 3.98 6.7 0.34 17 19 4.21 3.98 7.2 034 18 20 3.86 3.98 7.6 0.35 18 21 4.04 3.98 6.1 0.34 15 22 3.46 3.98 5.6 0.31 15 23 4.53 3.98 6.4 0.33 16 24 4.52 3.98 . 5.5 0.31 15 25 5.29 3.75 ' . 7.9 0.36 18 26 3.84 3.98 3.9 0.26 It 27 , 4.07 3.00 6.7 0.35 16 28 ff: 4.25 5.85 •6.1 •-'^ 0.31 t6 29 3.70 €.00 7.3 0.33 18 30 3.97 4.25 7.0 0.33 16 INLET SUMMARY TABLE NO. 1 INLET NO. Tc (MIN) SLOPE (%) QIOO (CFS) Y (FT) L o^en +1 31 7.25 3.70 6.9 0.34 17 32 6.17 2.50 6.8 0.36 16 33 6.29 2.20 6.7 ^» 0.38 15 34 6.29 Z20 ,6.7 0.38 15 35 3.65 3.50 4.9 0.31 13 36 3.65 3.50 4.9 0.31 13 37 3.46 4.70 5.4 0.31 14. 38 3.34 5.60 5.6 0.30 15 39 4.34 5.60 6.0 0.31 16 40 3.30 5.60 5.6 0.30 15 41 3.30 5.60 5.6 0.30 15 42 4.28 5.60 6.1 0.31 16 43 3.30 5.60 5.6 0.30 15 44 3.30 5.60 5.6 0.30 15 45 4.28 5.60 6.1 0.31 16 46 3.30 5.60 5.6 0.30 15 47 3.76 5.60 4.7 0.27 14 48 3.30 5.60 5.6 030 15 49 3.30 5.60 5.6 0.30 15 50 4.54 3.80 6.7 0.34 16 51 4.55 0.70 4.6 0.38 11 52 8.08 0.00 4.6 050 6 53 8.08 0.00 11.3 0.54 12 54 7.00 0.00 20.4 0.71 15 55 k 6.60 0.00 * 1Z5 0.73 11 56 4.00 4.85 ' ,3.6 0.27 11 S7 4.71 0.00 15.2 0.60 14 58 * , 5.08 0.00 5.8 0.51 7 59 6,48 0.00 €.4 0.56 « 60 3.74 0.5 9A 0.60 -..#6 ... 87 APPENDICES APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX A': B': C: D': E': F': G': H' I' J' K' L' M' N' CAPACITY OF CURB OPENING INLETS NOMOGRAM - CAPACITY CURB INLET AT SAG GUTTER AND ROADWAY DISCHARGE - VELOCITY CHART KING'S, HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULICS - TABLES 4-9, 7-4 AND 7-14 •C VALVES FROM MASTER PLAN OF DRAINAGE FOR THE CITY OF SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA URBAN AREAS OVERLAND TIME OF FLOW CIURVES NOMOGRAPH FOR DETERMINATION OF TIME OF CONCENTRATION FOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS INTENSITY DURATION DESIGN CHART 100-YEAR 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION ISOPLUVIALS 100-YEAR 6-HOUR PRECIPITATION ISOPLUVIALS SOIL GROUP MAP ZONE MAP, EXCERPT FROM CITY OF SAN MARCOS ZONE MAP, EXCERPT FROM CITY OF SAN MARCOS HEC II ANALYSIS FOR RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE OVER SAN MARCOS CREEK 88 CHART 1-103.6 A CAPACITY OF CURB OPENING INLETS ASSUMED 2% CROWN. Q = 0.7L (A+Y) 3/2 *A Y = 0.33 HEIGHT OF WATER AT CURB FACE iOA' MAXIMUM) REFER TO CHART 1-104.12 L = LENGTH OF CLEAR OPENING OF INLET *Use A=0 when the inlet is adjacent to traffic; i.e., for a Type "J" median inlet or where the parking lane is removed. REV. CITY OF SAN DIEGO - DESIGN GUIDE SHT. NO. CAPACITY OF CURB OPENING INLETS CAPACITY OF CURB OPENING INLETS CAPACITY OF CURB OPENING INLETS 67 APPENDIX A CHART I7IO3.6C 1.0- .•• .•• .?- it .11 '10 s .to - 5 - s w UJ to. O X o uj _ S 3- z 19 w o. o o i z I u. o i ^z . .2 •10 o o Ik -3 -2 -.1 U -.08 £ - * -J06 or -04 A Ntifftt vf lar* 4- r5 -4 -2 REV. .1.5 o X o iu z t IS cc >l.0 . .9 - .8 - .T - .e - .5 o Ul o z o a - .4 - .3 - Ji L. .15 SHT. NO. ELEVATION CITY OF SAN DIEGO - DESIGN GUIDE NOMOGRAM-CAPACITY .CURB INLET AT SAG |«>PEND1X B CHART 1-104.12 tUiocMTUL men «NC sec ONLY I • T • t S _ ONE $iOE EXAMPLE: Civtfl: 0«I0 8t LS% Cliort «*ti: Otpth I 04, Wriaeily • 4A Cfii. I I i I •0 ao REV. CITY OF SAN DIEGO - DESIGN GUIDE SHT. NO. GUTTER AND ROADWAY DISCHARGE-VELOCITY CHART GUTTER AND ROADWAY DISCHARGE-VELOCITY CHART GUTTER AND ROADWAY DISCHARGE-VELOCITY CHART Af^ENDIX C Table 4-9. Coefficients of Discbarge C for Submerged Gates from Chatterton's and Benton's Fom^ulas (4-22) and (4-23) Beui in Autbority Width of epcBittf in fact .01 .08 JO ' M .S .s .4 .5 .78 t.O 1.6 S.O S.S 8.0 S.S 4.0 4.5 8.0 ClMttortea. Beaton Chnttwtoa., BontoD CbsttatoB. Boaton Clwttcrton. Bnaton Chsttotoa. Boaton CluttartaB., Boaton Cliattertaa. Boaton Cliattcrtoa. Boatoa Cliattcrton., Bonton Chattcrton. Benton ClwttcrtaB. Bonton Chsttertoa. Benton Chsttertoa. Benton Chattertoa. Benton ChattertoB. Benton Chatterton. Beaton Chatterton.. Benton Chatterton.. Bentoa a 4 8 8 10 13 .83 .73 .83 .75 .88 .78 .83 .78 .83 .78 .83 .81 .83 .73 .83 ;7S .83 .78 .83 .78 .83 .78 .83 .81 .83 .73 .83 .75 .83 .76 .82 .78 .83 .79 .83 .81 .83 .73 .82 .75 .83 .78 .83 ^78 .83 .79 .83 .81 .81 .73 .81 .75 .81 .76 .81 .78 .81 .79 .81 .81 .80 .73 .80 .75 .80 .76 .80 .78 .80 .79 .80 .81 .78 .73 .78 .75 .78 .76 .78 .78 .78 .79 .78 .81 .77 .73 .77 .76 .77 .76 .77 .78 .77 .79 .77 .81 .75 .73 .75 .75 .75 .76 .75 .78 .75 .79 .75 .81 .73 .73 .73 .76 .73 .76 .73 .78 .73 .79 .73 .81 .89 .73 .80 .75 .88 .76 .69 .78 .69 .79 .88 .81 .87 .73 .67 .75 .67 .76 .67 .78 .67 .79 .87 .81 .65 .73 .65 .75 .65 .78 .65 .78 .65 .79 .85 .81 .84 .73 .64 .75 .64 .76 .64 .78 .64 .79 .84 .81 .84 .73 .64 .75 .64 .76 .64 .78 .64 .79 .84 .81 .63 .73 .83 .75 .63 .78 .63 .78 .83 .79 .83 .81 .83 .73 .63 .75 .63 .76 .63 .78 .83 .79 .63 .81 .62 .73 .82 .78 .62 .76 .62 .78 .82 .79 .83 .81 Table 7-4. For Determining the Area a of the Cross Section of a ' Circular Conduit Flowing Part Full ^diat^urrtl^lel " f " t^eUb«Ut«l«I,e. »3»... - C-f. b 1 .00 .01 J02 Ja 4 M M M' JOT M JDO j» JXXM M13 MST Mm MOi Mil .0343 MH JSSO J. JM09 M70 JM34 MOO Mn .0739 Mil MBS Mm J039 J JllS J199 Ml ases .1449 "SSi Ma jni JSOO 'J890 J983 J074 Mn .3380 MU MK Mtt .3843 JS38 .4 .3034 « , • jtm .3X30 J829 JS38 J43S MXI J837 J77I Jt. Mi .403 .413 .433 ..433 .44S Aa .483 .473 Ma .trt JOS J12 Ml. Ml MO MO M» Ml J7S JT J87 .80S MA .823 M2 MO .649 M7 jee i .874 .681 .889 .607 .704 .713 J19 J38 .733 .738 .745 .750 .786 .761*. .766 .771 J78 jn JS3 .7S4 Table 7-14. Values of K' for Circular Channels in the Formula . ». D • depth of water d • diameter ot ehinnel £ 1 .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 M .06 JOT M M JO .00007 .00031 .00074 .00138 .00222 .00328 .00455 .00604 .00775 .1 .00967 mis .0143 .0167 .0195' .0226 .0257 .0291 .0337 .0388 .2 .0406 .0448 .0403 .0537 .0586' .0688 .0738 .0793 .OC«B J3 .0907 .0968 .1027 .1089 ,1163 '.1284 .1352-.1430 J490 .4 .1561 .1633 .1705 .1779 .1864 .1929 JOOS jass J160 .3338 J33 .239 J2i7 .266 .283 •«\ J79 jttr .395 JOS .311 J19 J27 J35 .343 MO J68 J86 J73 JiSO .7 Mt' JBf .402 .409 .418 .422 .429 .436 .441 ,447 Jt .453 .458 .463 .4<8 .473 .477 .481 .486 .488 .491 S .494 .496 .497 .498 .498 .498 .496 .494 .489 .4U 1.0 .463 • APPENDIX D r Table 4 - 0. Rational Method Rimoff CoefSdents Land Use General Plan Desi^arinn Coefficient C. Residential: A Soil s Group C D Single Family Multi Units Mobile Homes Rural 2-8 DU/AC 8-30 DU/AC Mobile Homes Agricultural, Rural and Estate Residential .40 .45 .45 .30 .45 .50 .50 .35 .50 .60 .55 .40 .55 .70 .65 .45 Commeicial: Commercial .70 .75 .80 .85 Industrial: Manufacturing .80 .85 .90 .95 4) 5) 7) The 100 year 6-hour and 24-hbur precipitation values were taken from tiie County of San Diego Department of PubUc Works Flood Control Division Hydrology Manual, Section II-A. (See Figure 4 - 3 and 4 - 4). Rainfall intensities for tiie Rational Metiiod hydrology computations were taken from tiie County of San Diego Department of Public Works Flood Control Division Hydrology Manual, Appendix XI. 6) Watershed boundaries and grades for proposed storm drains were derived from 400 scale ortiiophoto maps widi 5 foot contour prepared by Rick Engineering Incorporated, San Diego, Califomia. A number of major creeks have been identified in tiie City of San Marcos Previous hydrologic studies conducted by Federal, County and private insrimtions have estabhshed 100 year peak flows for tiiese major watercourses. Table 3 lists tiie studies available to tiie Master Drainage Plan Study as follows- ^3 APPENDJX E I I URBAM AREAS OVERLAND TIA4E OF FLOW CURVES •00 o I tt! z z < 3 z I z Swrfm Flow Tinae Curvn EXAKAFLE. : = 15" MiMUTES ^4-APPENDIX F ft - eco - 700 ' - £00 \ \ Fee/ —sooo —4aoo —2000 —2O0O Jes I • l.eng/A o/• tva/ersAed eZ/lec/zre s/ooe /we .{See ^pcnd/xX-B) j. Af//es JO' 'SOO '400 .300 '200 \ '/OO 2- \ 7 \ - Fee/ 'SO '40 —J» as- \r^S000 U^O .3000' TO ( jNOTE: I ADD TEN MINUTES TO ! • COMPUTED TIME OF CON- CENTRATION- — ^ \ ~2ooo •/soa • /600 '/400 '/2oa - /ooa '900 'SOO ' TOO 'SOO 'SOO '400 '200 — 200 \ \ A4i/tt//es 240 /eo . /20 /oo '90 BO 70 -SO •SO — 40 — 30 -20 '/e '/£ '/4 \—/2 ~/0 '9 B 7 O — 4 — 3 SAN OIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL DISTRICT SERVICES DESIGN MANUAL APPROVED NOMOGf?APH FOR DETERM INATIC OF TIME OF CONCENTRATION (T( FOR NATURAL WATERSHEDS DATE APPENDIX APPENDIX G -0 r > TJ •D m z p >< INTENSrTr-DU/V\TION DtSIGN CHART niflini 10 15 20 Minutes 40 50 1 i Directions for Application: 1) From precipitation naps detennine 6 hr. and 24 hr. amounts for the selected frequency. These maps are printed in the County Hydrology Manual (10, SO and 100 yr. maps included in the Design and Procedure Manual). 2) Adjust 6 hr. precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within the range of 452 to 6St of the 24 hr. precipitation. (Kot applicable to Desert) 3) Plot 6 hr. precipitation on the right side of the chart. 4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 5) This line is the Intensity-duration curve for the location being analyzed. Application Form: 0) Selected Frequency /OO yr. 1) In., P 24" 2) Adjusted *Pg" 4) I • ll' in. t* min. In/hr. *Not Applicable to Desert Region FIGURE 4-5 TP m z g X COUNTY OF SAM DIEGO . DEPARTMEMT OF SAMITATIOM t FLOOD CONTROL <i5' 33- 30' 15' ii5' F.eiM U.S. DEpARTMIiN NATIONAL cictAMc ANO AI SrCClAL ITUUICS URANCII. OFHCC or M 30' 100-YEAR 24-I!0I|R PRECIPITATION •2fl^lS0PLUVIALS OF 100 -YEAn 24-HOUn PnCCIPITATIOM lfl EtlTIIS OF AN INCH r OF COMMERCE OSrilCNIC AIIMINISTRATION UKOLCCV. NATIONAL WeATIieR SCRVICe 30' in' Ilf/ 00 > TJ •0 m z o >< courmr or SAN DIEGO DEPARTHEfir OF SANITATION t FLOOO CONTROL 100-YEAR 6-KOU'l PRECIPITATIOri ISOPLUVIALS PnECIPITATIOtI IN OF 100-YEAR 6-HOUn EflTHS OF AN liXIl U.S. DEPARTI1EN NATIONAL OCCAMIC ANO AT' treeiAL trvoiea BRANCH, ornce or n > t ^O//: GROC/P -M/QP-^A/^ ^.2>. ^o^^7y: *' •*. V • * APPENDIX K RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE OVER SAN MARCOS CREEK •CALE: 1*> 1900* VICINITY MAP 9 ft>7. ProjectDesignConsuMants 4M. r«a.2 V^YHOTe; ^-SECTIONS 4A THRU 6A TO, V 7///7/' EXHIBIT ^ HEC II - SAN MARCOS CREEiiDi ;ATBANCHOSANTAFEROAD^— ^ . - lO/OSKDiu/itawMNt 5M»50O, Ste Mm CAWOl 6l9'335'647t mX254'<a49 DATE 8/14/^ Job no. 73&20 APPEKDIZ (N* HEC II ANALYSIS - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD BRIDGE OVER SAN MARCOS CREEK INTRODUCTION Due to the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road over San Marcos Creek, it was necessary to perfonn an open channel hydraulics analyses using the U.S. Amy Corps of Engineer HEC II computer program to detezrmine the adequacy of the proposed bridge design. The existing bridge was first analyzed to confirm the present flooding problem. Then the proposed and existing bridges were modeled to ensure a minimum one foot of freeboard between the low chord of the new bridge and the 100 year channel water surface elevation. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Project Design Consultants performed a cross sectional survey of the existing creek (both upstream and downstream of the existing bridge) between June 27, 1990 and June 29, 1990. Due to the dense vegetation in this area, a combination of survey data and flown topos were used to develop the existing stream cross-sections. Refer to Exhibit 'A' for cross-section locations. The normal bridge method was then used to model the subcritical flow for both conditions through this section of the creek for the 100 year storm. The peak flow for this 100 year storm was taken to be 13,000 CFS for the basin upstream of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Road. This flow is the "Intermediate Regional Flood" (100 year) determined by the Army Corps of Engineers* April 1971 study entitled, "Flood Plain Information, San Marcos Creek." The January 1990, "Master Plan and Drainage for the City of San Marcos, Califomia" has adopted the flow for this basin from the Army Corps study. APPENDIX COMPARISON OF EXISTING AND PROPOSED HATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS (SEE EXHIBIT 'A* FOR CROSS-SECTION LOCATION) Qsl3,000, 100 TEAR ••IVTEWEDIKTE REGIONAL FLOOD" Szisting W«t«r Propossd Vat«r Cros8-s«otion Vo. Surface Blevation Surface Blcvation CPgg 99 f) iSSBSSLl rcwsEi.^ 10 332.2 332.2 20 334.6 334.6 30 336.3 336.4 40 337.3 336.8* 50 338.3 337.1 60 339.1 337.4 70 340.6 337.5 80 341.0 338.5 90 341.7 340.1 100 341.9 340.5 110 342.3 341.2 120 342.8 341.9 130 343.2 342.5 * Critical low chord elevation at the proposed northwesterly bridge abutment (Station 274+00 Rancho Santa Fe Road): Centeriine elevation « 345.51, 53» of 5» deck at 2% = 5* + 1.06' - 6.06" 345.51 - 6.06* - 339.45 « 339.5 339.5 - 336.8*2.7• freeboard CONCLUSION The existing bridge is inundated for both conditions for the 100 year storm. The proposed bridge has approximately 2.7* of freeboard at the critical low chord of th^ northem abutment, therefore the proposed bridge design is adequate to pass the 100 year stom. • IFDt^s JUS 1950 ' i.. 10. * IA.".;. X KXXXXXX XXXXX X X X y X « XXXXXXX xxxx X X X X X X X X X X iw.m. XXAXX XXXXX X X X XXXXX xxxx? X X xxxx<xx toy •E 1-1.2 EE- EE 'J^I-A'ET JUN 1??0 .^»*^HH*•••*••**•w••******^H^»m••^H^•••«*•••^HH^«•• : "HE is f EJBKITICAL f«<Ai.YsIE FD?. Tf£ SAK MARCOS CSEEK AT RA!v>£' : sANi'A 'E ID: CTCT "v'lNE KEEL ^.r-vE XEECv XSE:-' -.'.'vv 34: 77:' i2i ^iC-330 X- 17 -w 3i: * fV • 3'" 25i- 3: • Y -EE:"I:N 3 XI 31:^ 19 14: VW .' 3<: im 33(! 14E ct 32? 328.25 27= c= 332 425 332. K 46C 3-337 55C! 33E 404 1 5 i • % * 0 C x: 40 IS 132 370 IOC 330 IT" 325.7C 32fc 250 3:4 404 S?: 34 i 'OE 3^2 lOlE: 1% '-. ;i5 It'i 31i 37= 340 3:7 0 0 A 0 7-,C /) ,. ... 7-r, —- • 32i 32i Tit: - - ^ (• c i4C-340 2C<i 0 0 ft 325 125 322 197 233' 32E 330 330 357 33: IBs "tTT 5C»£ 334 530 33i 560 33? £31 3*5 720 0 ri 0 0 0 0 IW AiT 150 2S0 200 0 0 ft 32i 150 32-! 20^ 325 290 329.20 TJ:". 330 TTP i2» 443 340 7:' 345 1125 0 0 Y_5- B?ts: .10 rr 9.1 0 0 0 XI 50 15 125 30J lEO 270 345 ICO 335 125 325.2 150 32s.10 330 25B 335 3C4 33*.5(! 1^75 340 903 34: 1M3 J -EEr'IvN i A J*. V .3 r £-A r (• n s. :E T'v.i 105 /V 100 33* 125 330) 1*0 5? 32"'. iO 327,20 230 333.B 24i cr 335 352 33i 463 335 579 1090 342 1201 345 im X-KC'IfN: 7 f DD*!^S"^REA»'. EDE 0? EXIsTINB BRIDGE 0«.' mc^ SANTA n n •vE= !<A= 52^-5 ;g}cri( K: .04 .04 .04 0 C 9.1 0 0 0 C x: 70 36 423 59E.E 200 C X2 r. 0 C 0 (1 ICO 3i5 343.5 190 341 #* : i:c.E ^'•C .j 33fe.7 455,5 33e.3 TTi T tt w TTi.J 33£.i 52^'. • 33o 5i5." 33?.; 336 59=. E 3^5 100 Ti' 190 33E.E 324 ; ££1,2 7')C. 7 4t£.i .j^t. 7 452-i 32i.E 3"". £52-. 1 i53.=' 5- < 7 325--rr7 ^ B-52-. 2 32=. i 5i2."^ TTi 5fc2.? -~-" — 5'..E 33'..: 59E.-33=^1 TT" 5:2 7"T= =. z~ r. r. >• -£E2'i;^ E « L?D~EA'' EJEE 2- EX: i 5, ; - XI ?•'•' T-TI' "*^ 32i l?c 32i 19: 33^ 4!= 77- ST.- 342 115* 345 12;C 0 20'? 2sb 100 0 TT- » 337.2 £23 33:.- £:r,E 33s.: ^92.2 TT, • K-S£CT:ff< 9 ^jr. *irw: li;:=:5E H^Vo-sii-; 5,30 Jats 5;73E-20.-C2 5^2, - 12:!' 3^1 325 16= 324.60 ISS 336.20 2Sfc 336.20 311 335.50 625 3*0 950 0 0 0 0 0 C 19D 59E.E 105 . 77 0 0 0 0 .V 0 339.5 423 33E.S 337.2 ^92.2 33E 3Ti.= K-^.s 0 '. 5: 5f f, .77 : 33E.E TTT TTr. T *16,5 33:.: 33i. 7 451.5 77-T'i -4:5.5 33E-2 336. £ i-— -~- 33i,6 520.; 337.6 33; w^ . . . 3r.t 33i 55-6. E 335. * 3»5 IOC' 341 195 339,6 300 33E.S 3E1 337. i 3E1 TTT T W .'. w 3e:.: 326.1 399.2 325.2 32^.7 414.6 336.7 414.E TTt T 4:i.5 325.7 *16.6 324. E 435.^ 323 450.1 336.5 45'0.2 33t-.5 45:.: 323 - 451.9 325.2 469.3 325.6 4S5..4 336.6 *S5.5 TTi i 457,1 32^5.6 4B7.2 325.9 520.7 T^i 520.9 Hi 523.: 325.9 *.TT T 329.2 549.0 331.5 556.'' S6.E TTT • wv/ . i 556. E TTSJ 716 33i E30 334.5 913 TT^ 1025 339 • 0 34: 1520 345 1640 0 0 C C 0 0 I I I I I tl 90 376 615 50 V r- i-.-'it-34: 196 340 33^-6 7f\f\ CE-33^.5C 3^2 339,20 376 325.40 4K 32i.60 tOE T^7 "-• *'*T 47" 32E *?5 329.60 50E TTA TT2 5ii on .* 335 597 339 615 3»0 6i3 3i0 T.l-' TS|'-7:0.1 "TT;--«'-v 926. "0 Ti^;. 927 342 940 Ci"; X--EE:-Ii3fv iC x: ---54; :^o • • ••'•-•; Ti.'' 339.60 300 339.50 T;£ 339.5(- 3'-3;7 '.'J..' 37B ^ 32^ *23 325 4;2 B-3-9 ^72 330 4B£ 334 510 546 TTT "J^ w .—-. 567 3*1 34: 635 3^2 547 343 720 3~" 740 3^5 747 0 C C 0 0 >% v V 0, 0 t A .3 r. lie 17 245 472 0 105 105 0 r. C 345 4 Aft Iw '341 2(10 340.70 220 225 TT= 2E' TT-/ 290 .327. BO 346 325.60 350 330 430 335.'0 sr 336 4^3 337 33E «StT WW.-3iO 560 34-577 3*3 59E 345 707 0 0 0 0 0 A x: 12? 20" 440 r. w -345 I'O'"-343 341 < a .r^ Ifci TT= "TT TTI 743 TT.-j "•'-') T't-2 Tl:'' 5-T--; 33-T'" T?c 4T' TT- X- XI TTZ • TA * IZ 506 3i- • T'C ~if> '23 T7-I'E TT-r 1-: "C TT" 77:; 32? —.1. TJ*-777 Tii T3-E 3?5 37^ if: HO Bsts! 10.'25''-.' f.!'" Tiae; 16:l9!5E tf'ive" Ei's f lie; S;73t-20.^'" I i -TIC VICE T^E X-CE- *;L_"-. QC- £F;2E ALOE ACt-; A=;Cr vi-rl'-" VC- V905 X^Cri m XLC" XLOr=: IDC CC9A^ -.-;..'7 r. «SE:M :O.O" •3;v.,; =.2 :27:E.3 27i.5 4.3 iSit.c 134,2 .( .0 .:••:.Vv 7 1.2: 6.91 2.06 .100 .100 .W: .000 314,C^O 122.15 ,y.T"T7 ' I. "o. 0, 0 0 3 ,00^ 2<7.73 329.5E 20.00C '.7 E;; 334.59 .00 .00 335.26 .6"? 2.33 .00 330. C« 13000.0 95.B 1253^.5 66.4 40.6 1938.' 25.7 13.7 1.4 330.00 • Ti 6.62 2.3i .100 . 100 .100 .000 321.00 140.2£ .00E''0i 3C5 * 30C. rTc r, C .00 214,25 354.53 14.3- :3t.3^ .00 .00 336.6E .'^ 1.35 .03 330.00 I'C 1 10650,220''.' 6^,3 2:4^.3 7r?,: 26.^ 3.2 330,00 03 2.-; 4," 2." ,100 .100 .100 .0'^-:^ 322.00 12"."1 -., ^c-.r,- 2^3 4.; •-Zf.Z Cif 4:..)oo" ';3.3: "37^,30 ""\o': ."o 3:\63 ,33 .9* .o-' 330.0; 1 Tr'i-'v • •I * 1 ~ 5 ^TC 7 C 7?D'i i "-"* C •* - A"' r i =;. ^r:: ,iOv .100 .0''0 32-.OC -Is.^I 4:7.^• •SIX 50.000 _ n-5 00. V 4:5.0 '•''5E= 1 TA9EE"= ri!" T-'^E Pt. .5i l.li .07 nc * <TTS * 13.7 1555.9 4"-' T 53.4 6,E 33:,'"' 3.1£. .10: .!0C . lOO .O'X 32^.00 r.t."i 0 0 A .00 29E.2; 415. //y Drte: 10'25?50 9^- "iss: 16:19:5E H»<Ve"E:07: 5.30 Dat4 riie: S:''35-20.h:2 ^e:? 5L!PE V.CE XLDE- V. XLCH V92r m. XC- XN9 wr^ zj^iti KT^ rxm ITnlAL IDC lOKT [SRA^ T0"iiI2 EC5T I C2*f.'= .30*0 CEH\^ .500 •SiCfG 60.000 330: -V :-A-.3£? -D-:E '-A^ HvISg 330- ;,i-'::^;c 2C"<.-E'*i\CE CHA.'iS DiTSIDE i? fiCCE-'AB^E ^ANEE, KRATIS = .68 34?0 tNC^yA;?«£r STfiTias= lOC'.O 286.0 TyP£= 1 TA?=r= 1B6.0 6C.000 1*.34 339.14 , .00 .00 3*0.26 1.12 1.12 .2S 336.00 13000.0 34.6 12965.4 .c IT 7 <«T"» .0 57.7 7.3 lOOOOC.OO .05 2.53' S.51 .00 .100 .100 .000 .000 324.80 116.29 .017230 105. 100. 7C. 2 0 0 .00 169.71 2B6.0C •EEX 70.000 2'-;i\5£2 "iO^ •^'i4*, r'VT*;^ ?2 i.iJ'sT'.W! Ci^vvE'AivCE r-^^^EE CiTEIDE ACCE?"AE^ - M?9*AL BnlDEE, '^"2= 12 "IS E-"S= 337. IC £1.2= 336.£0 "12^5= i?C.O 593.E Tvrr, i TftHsr-- ! i I t I i * • I 340.6^ 5.27 6.6E .00 341.09 .5? .65 131.6 1£E5.: 554,5 ii.9 .040 .040 .040 .000 2 0 A _T<7 =7 *5E:\C EO.OCO 3:302 ^'ii^i "2«VEYi'i2E C'^ANEE CV'SISE E? AC2E=*'fAf_r 9A'si£E. KRi^'IC = .40 337' KDWi- PPIKE, (»?ID« 13 EL'^r= 337.50 ELLC= 33t.60 3470 ECRSffiiter'STATIONS* 195.0 556.fi TYPE= 1 TASBE-r 361.£00 • I S-n 3at6: lC/25/90 fcr'iws ItslT-SS WVB-E:O-: 5.30 Det* ^ile: 5:73E-2C.HC2 //e 24^1: :si»!E kiSELK £3 SLfPE XillE- XLCH XLGE^ •TRIA.. IDC ICu^^^ £09A9 TDPicir EGE"^ BC.'OC^ 17.95 3-40.'?5 ,00 .00 341.4" ,4= ,3-4 .00 13000.0 474.B 9330.9 3194.3 15E.7 1733.0 499'.0 64.2 E,"4 TT^ • .06 2.9-*' 5.3S 6.40 .1C>0 . lOO .000 7'7 .024920 42. -•"^fl CT —;.*.* 36iiE^ W1-f- t C ". •EE3»2 3265 I-IVI* 3302 iiA9»i!SiE! inWVEYfliSCt CHANsE ffJ^EIBE .£ RAi*i3£, VT5ATID » 2.6S 90.000 17.05 341.65 .00 .00 341.^ .29 .45 .06 335.20 13000.0 «33.5 12335.6 ZZ7.9 32E.5 2777.2 180.0 6S.0 9.0 339.0c .06. :.32 4.44 1.27 .100 .100' .100 .000 324,6-:^ 177.06 .0034e2 0. m. 150. 2 0 .0(i 543.72 937,75 •HC^t 100.000 l4.£:. 341.ES , 00 .00 T^T '^T IC, 7--. .'i' 13000.0 CJ2.5 1156-4,9 BE2,i 32'. * 27'=.' 3.47,: 72." 9.7 TT- ft.': ' i. ^ -4,9' ^ ST? ^. • lOO , • Ar Ai":,"; 192!44 o> 65. i *A 1 •' 1.' * () . -00 453.0? 6--",5" 7:,r. •EECNC '10.OOO 16. "^4 342.34 •''0 342.59 ,26 .>\-t Vi TT=: .•,," •TAr,:"- !^ 2^: 4 ;14";J 1245.2 155.-2714.i 503.9 79.9 335,'0 :'..— r -5: * ^T . :oo , - Oi"; .000 , 00295-f-. 1(1=' 0 , 'X' 41-.6: •*EEC!v3 120.000 <2'-, 000 li.EO 342.EO 3:3.03 .2^ .43 .00 'Ti'-,;'!^ ••• i5-. -llilO.f V •';.. C* 2E''3.5 ..>''- */ 92.4 1". .O'E T '"I 4.01 .1-X' .100 . 1'.^ 326 • U'^-CO f.-•r'c-? • 120. 16'^ •. c • -0 0 A..-. 452.3: 579.E: •SEX 130.000 130.000 16.22 343.22 .OC' 343.47 .25 .43 .01 TT-' Aft 13000.0 290.4 912.2 141.7 ^9.5 445.1 10?.'' 13.5 33E.C«) .10 2.05 4.17 2.0S Am ,100 .100 .OiX! 327.00 10S.2C- .0??50E 185. 160. 137. r, 0 .00 401.06 509-.26 -2- ET^Ei'' 100 VEA9 FL2C2 m^SlV^ 1*3 tS ?-DI?rS ^ «:lt»ny. £-»S^Y,iHiA7i»-Sl»?4SS,I-!V.;»r.2-3Jri-:A. li.S.,.-L£^ BAVi;,9-9:3.C 5:-;-%«-.JC9 ENC S'i ! i Ei.EvA'^IC^ EECVJ 'O.O'O 314. TK£ 20.00 40.00 50. OC' ,^0.0C 50.00 0. T .WE. w 20. 40. • -k= . fcE . . K w 60. r ? £. K • • • BO. wE, :2:. • » » £ M 140, f i . !* • » • 160. r T * L '€ . •! • • • IBC. r w T At « . I K.E . « • • • 200. r . L HE . W • • a 220. r ' * • , i_ Vt , t« « . . 240, r T . I, HE 260. . L .HE . « t • • 2B0. c .1 , 1. .HE • a .« r . I .fc E aaa 320. IV T . i . . L . UE . 340. c t * . . L . \£ . r, • • » 360. T i_ . ME m taW-i w . i * . kE w 40'"', T . >E w 42!. I , I . WE w tit 44", 460. 450. T • km KlE . KE AE y • : • L w -I y' y I [ I *E , K 5£0, • • . ft'; . M C5-'' p Viz ir 620, r I • I i»: • M k a "-• t . y • sE . i. Fl SkE . tf T ^ k TT''. • . _ Vz. . kr 740, T i IsE . TJO, isE . * 7:0, .* r cOO. '3 T r 820. r I L . fcE. . M B40. 1^ HE. M p» I L *E. £50. L I .1 *E. 50-0. c I . L IE 920, I . i. UE M 940. .1 . L «.E R 960. . .! . L HE . ** 9S0. r T ,1 • «* .1 HE • F; 1000. w . I - . I HE 1020. C .1 . 1 .H E . H f. 1040. L .HE M 1060. I L . « . K , _ t 1050. r I. -. ie I'll . . 9 1100^ pi . * • • L, VE . f 9 1120. r T 9 L SE . « f T ^ H? use. i • • - L *t ^. L HE *! - r • . //4/ - l€ . ' . . . S . .fiO 1260. • - E . r E . " 2 . i . a to-^ » *E . 13^0. . I . . LF t€ . * r I . LF € . K 13Bv, .2 I . L F, £ , !^ -• . L 9 - . •* ^ T .* -I ,- J E . T WE . " • .1 * iilE . f 7 T HE . « r _ . I , L . HE . n 7 • ^ a i i€ . «. 1540. -. t • A a £ . 1560. I LF. E . H 15E0. 7 . I . L E .f 16-00. f T I . LF . £ 1620. r-. I . LF HE" 1640. C T t i a L F . SE»* 1660. D I . LF; le' 16B0. C I 1 =• . J -v'-v. a I * » L ?i • itE. 2Bt6J lC,'_5'9o fto Tisfis i6!l';5E Wversic-r,: 5.30 I/STS tiles 5:73E-2C. //5 ";2C tc_ca:r y~zi zzz ct jS-^:--" • fs;- I EFFJF COF- - 02,02,03.04 ''221-ICA'IC'^; - ^t- AETEFIsK it: A"^ lEFT C" ;3a£E"-s£CTIi3N K'J?!BEF INE-ICA'EE f£sEA=E IK i.^fip^ t? C'.""'*:*- PFlVltiT TABLE 150 •Dv fs- cr';'-ir; : t; XuC-i ELTFD EL'^'v ill KEE-EFIWE t5 10*'2 V2H ^.£4 10.000 .00 .00 .00 314.00 130iOO.CO 332.22 .00 332.93 70.32 6.E1 2005.02 20.000 300.00 .00 .00 321.00 130CK;'.OC 334.59 .00 TTC IL VWW* tea S7.04' 6.62 1: — •» 30.00? 40.000 200.00 , (•'. .00 .00 .v,V 322.00 324.00 130(e.0Ci 13C"DC.O0 336.34 .00 .00 336.65 357.63 50.50 41.50> 4.97 4.71 299s.7t 2919.37 152--. 34 Tr-A* T^i c- f '.^ •?'"..' At"' ,0)0 324.00' '3000.00 T^;, T.r) 336,Ef 80.25 6.2"^ 22°".'" :45l.l5 • ;0,000 100.00 ,00 .00 324. :-o IJfi';:" _ AA 3-9.14 3i''',7i 172.30 :_r< '5'i.E^ 30'" ^7^ * "0,030 TC,:: 33:.60 323,00 13000.00 340.60 e---341.09 "-.03 e T. 240:.1^ 2050.55- * 5'.CO" 3"".l-: "7s i:'-323. * 7r.r..-. ...',. v. , . . Ti'' C. .00 74" 1* T'C -'-*. E 3; 2190.^1 P7T Cl 90.000 • . t <w -• ,03 . oc 324,iO •T'W:.0^' 341.t5 .00 "'1.^5 34.52 4.44 72P;,f.i :•: '00 A" _ , 0'. . 00 32".00 34;.E; .00 41.44 4.32 2-£E,:5 2-1=. 34 ::0,00!. • *^ ;V* . UO .00 325.;; 7'': 7i J— m.. V' firs * V... 342.59 2F.5-4.23 3T77 _ 23 2350.00 •"•..':'0 .0! .00 T--- ••*-'( 13000.00 342.EO .00 34-.03 7C 7: 4.01 3603 'f. 255^35 ;3',00! 1tv100 .0-" . 00 "•".'»0 13000.00 343.22 .00 34:3.47 29.'); 4.:" 3':;.3i 2^10.60 ^ Dste: 10^25/90 F:.n-ice! 16:19:5B •Wfersir.: 5.30 Data F:ls: B:735-20.HC2 Paje E IOC- YEA^ ruDC-2 A'»A.V7I\-3. ELT^IA-' *FI>;T2.'^ TAEiE 150 EEX S CfcEEL DIFWSf SltjiSX DirKkS TOPiili; x.C- .A ^A/. /TftAA .-lA TT7 7'^ ^A '''•'••'i TT AA Jjii. I 30.00^0 130-00.00 40!. 000 I300C.OC 50.000 13000.00 -* ''O.j''^o '"^ooo,oo * "0,0"^ 13000,00 ^ 80.000 13000.00 * 90.000 ]3O30.(K' 100.000 13000.00 110.000 13000.00 •20.000 13000.OC 336.34 33• a 33B.30 33'. 14 340.60 340.95 341.65 341.68 342.34 3«2.BfO 343.22 .00 .00 .00 :)C: ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00' .00 .96 1.00 ..=4 1.46 .35 .70 .22 .46 .46 .47 .00 .00 .00' .oc ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 M .00 439.09 326.55 295.26 169,71 39t.5E SsI.BO 543.72 453.09 417.61 t62.31 401.06 200.00 200,00 105.00 42.00 50.00 65.00 105.00 160.00 160,0^0 Run Cats: 10/25/90 Ran Tise: 16:19:58 •«Versim: 5.30 Data Files S:73B-2e.)C2 SLffllA^'^ ^ EFF:r-FE AS S'ECIAL !v'n7"F i«iA9-ilN3-=ECv-= 60. 000 P9-[F!L£= 1 CQlftEVAi^CE ~-iA'SE-Ct'tlE^ AvCE'TAB'.^ ««»NI«S£2ND= 70.000 ?80F1LE» 1 GIWEYAICE WftNS £L^!ig .JfiXPTffiLE WftS " • I'.llllll .."..Ll I II IL ,i iww^^^ww.^.w^.,w..—w,—..p^nyirt— . //7 I HAFNINE S£3N> 9C;.00C PRCf IL£= 1 CON\eYAf.i:£ CHAftSE O-JtSIDE ACCE=TAELE RANEE i i I I I • IIHTEF 5UF/HC£ PFCf ILEE VEFfEIDN OF SEFTEMBEH 1968 £W0?.: ?l.tf2.i?3'.i?4 tffMTEI': JiJ!€ 199£i mmt lifi/25,'9ii TIHE 16:21:36 •» u.i. i^rir C'JFFE L<F Ei*:l!<£EFE * * m HffiCi-.uai: Eroli££f;INE- 3t!xT£F * •* ot'? BEC'Diir' STFEET. sUiTE Ii • * mih. CsLIF'jrWih ?5=lc-4:.:- • X XXXXXKX XXXX X XX X X X « XiXXXXX XXXXX X X >. X X X X XXXXX XXXXX X' X JI XXXXX X X AXX^AXA ::: fiji.i. MiCFC-CiWuTEF iMFLtlS^TATIOK ' ::: HAEsTAl KEThOC 37 Br-o:';'.E:oe nsad * Haxer^urv. £orinecticu: fo'SB • il^i 75.5-16=5 €' Dr sANien I I //f nun Date; hl25,9y F'^n Tise: ic!21;3o WfverEion: 5.3t' I^ata Fiie: S!736-il.HC2 Fao3 1 bECI RELEASE D«TE3 5f £5 UFiMTED Mi 199y miFIKTIDN - ri>ii*t.»iiiit»it»>ii««)itn«iniiinitiimn«ni««ii»nninini iHls F;ijii EXECt,T£l' it 25.-90 les2l:3s li THE ¥QJJMim IS ft SUBCfilTICA. flMLVSIS FOB THE SM CnEEr. AT mm U4. SWiTAFE ROAD gp m lEAR FiJjCH} MrtL(7II@ EXISTM AND fKQP^i ^,ID6E C^ACITIES • X-BECTIDTJ 1 if I ID€&. 0 rffFCF -1 INS 2 I?»wT NINV FF.FVs iriF XSECv sTBT X5ECH B lETFJC FN u IBw 6 !3 VAFIAriE COKS FOF SUKWFi FFIhTaiT 150 ii£EL 332 ru ilRrtCE a a * .1 .1 1 a i .3 ll' le 12c 2o5 i' r 0 I- 345 IiK 33e i2c ili-145 3i5 ic2 3:4 ITi 317 183 3i7 2tf5 31; IJC 3ie Tl r 232 32? 25i? 33s 2c5 33;? 321 335 3^i 34!? 353 345 37M I' t> V i- TION 2 2» I5e 342 5B5 235 i ? Jl 345 150 335 15s 195 322 215 321 257 27t 322 2Sc 324 294 325 32o 315 326 331 33^-342 345 363 0 0 0 :rii»i 3 tf i •3 .5 9.1 « i 6 100 560 5)? 15 357 34t' ^ 0 0 0 345 330 14B 325 1B5 322 197 322 233 325 The ,3^*25 27B 323 33e 33^ 357 331 3cs 428 532.20 46e 333 tJIrt 334 53S 336 ,560 337 3S 4^4 339 «31 345 720 0 0 :T1QN 4 1 DOHNBTREfiN H-BE DF PR0P03E' Br.IDSE .v4 9.1 0 i i 0 0 425. u i Sun iate; ltv25,'9t' F'ji Tiee; 16:21:36 mversiori: E-ats File: 6:735-21.HC2 I I 1X1 i I !6F t 4^ 24 100 425.5 210 le0 220 -1 0 0 0 0 I0i5 0 0 0 0 0 0 . .'i 341,1 fc 0 I0i5 349 342.9 i"E 347.1 341.1 is3.5 347.1 341,1 301' 344.6 335.3 305.5 :N44aB 33E.E 425.5 343.-: 337.3 0 349 342.9 342 115 330 145 173 324.5 i - --341.1 175 341,1 1E3.5 324.3 153.;. 323 225 324 2B1 325.5 299. F 3.30.6 300 335. Ei 305.5 325.7 305.3 vUC i. TC-327 402 337.3 425,5 343.4 425.5 :N42.-545 342.9 e45 343.5 745 344.4 64B 345.8 S4B 0 0 f-SCTIOh 5 s UFsTfiEs* EDte ijF PfaSPQstii W.IDS .04 .04 .04 « 0 9.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1^ 455 50 27 100 495 US lis 116 .71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .71 0 t 100 354.B .340.6 226.5 35i^4 344.4 254 350.4 344.4 .362 347 340.9 3e7.5 347 340,9 495 344.0 3:^c.5 0 354.6 IK' 34&.S 100 343 106 340 120 3z4.9 160 323 180 32c. 1 193 326.0 22€.4 344.4 226.5 :>44.j 134 32o.? 234.1 32o.5 244 327 361.9 340.9 3c2 340.9 3o7.5 327 3e7.c 32', 1 400 329 475 33c. 5 495 344. c 495 :v44.2 522 "43.2 622 342.7 72i "42.9 622 343.5 922 344.4 1022 345. E 1122 0 0 0 0 0 jt-ati- tiuH 6 I I I; I |£F. i I I I 1 . i .i .1 0 t.i ii 0 0 0 0 0 i..'i 46" oi' 22 .:,:.: 5c2 65 50 70 0 0 345 i0i' J^7i'-140 3S' lo6 325.0 326 2Fo 324.3 32 c JJ:*T. .J' 335 325 J.'Z-J 395 327 4c" 331.4 5o2 329, b 006 33^i' all T™-. 70c 334 7B!? 77-^ 79!:" 337 650 339 1125 341 Ue0 342 13:^5 3"i5 145e 0 fl 0 0 •'OTiQN 7 i KWiETFEA:"' EEtt ijF •STiiifc EFII'SE £-« FAfsLTi 1 Sn'tTri Ft F.GAT •• wl« hnF-MOE LFEEK .04 .04 .04 0 0 9.1 0 0 0 £ 0 0 190 ~.zt z 70 3>c 423 596,5 45 50 a .' I 0 0 0 I? 0 0 0 0 0 12 100 345 7-43.5 190 3.41 33^5 423 3-3=. £ TT* * 456.6 338.3 MO.! 45E.5 3^.3 33o.? 492.2 336 33oa t-493.5 33£ 336.5 527.5 338.2 336.6 529.1 336.2 33s. c 5=2.9 337.0 33e Sc5.1 337.6 336 596. B 337.1 335. c 0 0 0 345 10t' 341 190 423 337.2 423 v-w*w . 3 423.1 326.1 • 441.2 33.2 447.7 324.7 45a. 6 33o.7 456.6 j.>c.7 45E.5 324.7 45S.fc 324.8 . 477.5 323 492.1 33s. 5 452.2 336.5 493.6 323 493.9 325.2 511.3 32.6 527.4 33c ..c 527.5 33o.6 529.1 325.6 529.2 325.9 5c2.7 33c 5t2.9 33c 565.1 • 325.= 5e5.2 329.2 591.8 331.5 •596.7 3^.6 596.6 337.1 595.6 336.2 m 335 e82 334 793 335.5 955 340 1250 342 1531 345 1639 » 0 0 0 S 0 . 0 X-SEETION 6 i UFSTFB^ E'sE QF E.«I5TIN6 W.IDSE ON FJ^KTC; 5f»iTA FE SDA£' DVK SH!'! H^iCOE CFEEr. /2/ I :-Sfi Kl [SF. m DatEJ 10.' 25/90 Run Tme: lo;21:3o ttMve.^ion: 5.30 Data Fiie: 6:736-2i.nL2 F .1 .1 .1 0 0 9.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 55c. 5 6£; 37 351 550.6 42 42 42 .77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 100 245 341 335.5 300 335, c 33>5.1 3E1 335.6 337.2 414.5 335.3 33c. 7 41e.5 33c,3 33.0.7 45i0.2 33s 35o.5 451.6 336 536.5 4S5.5 335.2 536.6 457.1 335.2 35c, 6 520.9 337.6 336 523.1 337.0 33c ^.6 337.1 3K.0 345 100 341 195 339.6 300 336.B 381 •>•»• * 381 333.3 361.1 326.1 399.2 325.2 405.7 324.7 414.0 «^, •* 414.6 336.7 416.5 324.7 416.6 324.8 435.5 323 450.1 450.2 33e.5 451.6 323 451.9 325.2 469.3 33.0 455.4 WW 465.5 33D.6 467.1 325.6 487.2 33.9 520.7 . 33o 520.9 336 53.1 325.9 523.2 329.2 549.6 331.5 SSo. / '335.0 55o.6 337.1 556.6 335 716 334 630 913 3^ 103 339 1370 341 1520 345 1640 0 0 0 0 0 ECTiON 9 90 37c 615 V 150 50 0 0 0 345 100 343 135 341 19e 340 249 . 335.6 300 339.50 342 339.2^ 37c 325.40 400 324.00 j2,' 457 327 4TT 325 - 495 329.60 505 330 525 j^jii. 544 -334 564 335 557 33? cl5 340 e43 340 710 350 710.1 350 92O.9L-340 927 342 940 345 9c!-- 100 22 353 54e 0 17t* c5 0 0 0 345 100 340 245 339.00 300 335.40 314 3"% 50 •',:'5 335 353 33'i' 3e7 327 375 423 325 4-2 329 472 330 43o 334 510 335 54c 337.20 5c7 336 605 341 625 341 o35 — 1 -c4T 343 344 740 C'4D 0 0 0 t-0 €'3Tii3f< 11 0 0 0 A • 3 110 17 245 472 0 105 105^ 0 0 . 345 100 341 200 340.70 220 '34^ 3"rs, 245 332 290 327.60 34c 33.00 3510 330 430 335,90 4"2 33c 493 337 525 336 553 340 "42 e—: 343 598 345 707 0 0 0 0 0 0 EuTIOh 12 120 19 209 440 120 150 1O0 0 0 0 345 100 343 115 341 140 339 lo4 33e 209 335 233 331 243 330 300 325 310 32o 340 326 366 330 397 335 434 33c 44t' 337 452 339 497 541 50s 543 565 345 o40 0 0 ECTION 13 4 mem Run 0ate: 10.25/50 fun Ti«: i6!2i:3e rtlVarsion: 5.30 Data File: 6!"3e-2l.H(:2 fa^e 130 19 145 :^5 IS 137 100 0 I 345 100 340 123 337 146 334 132 J3 195 33-* 77- -3g 252 326 2t& ^J.' -'^^ £ 345 333 3=0 335 365 339 45c 340 4ct. 3ii 47; 342 5-10 343 50Q 343.40 5ii i? ftunfeW:1li..a.|l 'Run Ti«: 1t:]!l:i6 WWrsTiSr! Ufa IT SECMi DEPTH MSELt:-E5 HV HL JLuss L-DAiNt . ELEV & GLOB SCH OROs ACH 4m VOL m f.-6«Nf. ELEv Tue VLOB VCH VRDB XML XCfi XNR m ELMIN 35Th sLQFE XLDBL XLCH XLUBR ITRIAL I£C Iu»JT UjFhF. TOFWiE EM/5T PROF 1 |£CHV= .100 C£HV« •SEO^D 10.000 10.000 13000.0 .00 .007032 (cECM) 20.000 Ss.000 13000.0 .01 .ftK"04 .300 16.22 352.22 .00 332.00 332.93 .71 .00 .00 530.00 5.2 1271B.3 276.5 4.3 1866.6 134.2 .0 .« 330.00 1.21 e.Bl 2.06 .100 .100 .100 .000 314.00 122.15 d. i. i. 0 0 3 »60 257.?3 329.86 13.5? 334.59 .00 .00 335.26 .o7 1.33 .00 330.00 95. B 12857.8 66.4 40.6 193^6.4 25.7 13.7 1.4 530.00 2.36 6.62 2.3i .100 .100 .100 .000 321.00 140,26 305. 300. 235. 2 0 0 .00 214.3 354.53 .300 CEfivs .500 £06 30.000 13470 £NCF;I«C.HHENT sTATICfc' 30.0£'0 14.40 33a.40 a --. I 13000.0 .03 .00«534 143.5 10625.F 2.20 4.93 140. 3265 DivIEtl' FLOi*' 100.0 5o0.0 T rFt= i Tri?5ETs 46t'. 00i;' .00 .00 53Q.73 .33 i.3e .10 330.00 2230.3 e5.5 2i5e.4 8^\o 2e.5 3.2 330,00 2.79 .100 .100 .100 .0i;'0 322.00 127.53 340. ^-0 0 .00 432.47 5c0.00 3302 IfcifiNI**}: COhvEtANCE CHA?^ OuTEKE OF ACCEFTAELE RANK. W^ATIC = 1. ^0 mm. mm. t nm ELTFIF 343.40 m ELLC= 342.90 170 ENCRQACHHENT STA7I»&C I 40.000 P 13000.0 .04 , .001619 I I i I 13.83 536.65 .0 13000.0 .00 e.l4 210. 220. i00.# 43.5 TtFE» 1 TARBET* 53.500 • 0tf .00 357.42 .59 .Se .13 395.00 .0 .0 2116.5 .0 -36.9 4.7 343.40 .000 .040 .000 .000 323.00 120.74 160. J} 0 0 .00 .ai.74 330.35 lt4 I t I 1 I I' Ran Date: 10/3/90 Run Tiis: lc:2l:3s tWversicr.: 5.30 Dats File: o:73-5-21.HC2 BEFTH DISEL CF.ItiS NSLt. ES HV HL OLC-55 L-EMNI. E.E 0 Qtm QCK QROB ALOB ARQB 'VOL TiftA. R^(Ali • Ei£ TIHE VLOB VCH VROB XM. Xfi& /.NF; m tinUi S5TH SLDFE JtLffi-L XL-2H XLQBF; ITFiirtL IK ICONT CuF.AR TuF'ijlD KDET 3265 DIVIKS FiaCM 13370 mm. BRID6E, NRD» 6 HIN aiRD'' 344.60 mi WLLO' 1346.60 l*-SCNG 60.00i- 5302 hAfJiltffi: CHAheE 0UT5IEE GF ACCErTABLt RANGtj, KRHTIO ou,iivt' 13000.0 .04 r'SECiiC 70.«i'j 01 HV CHAftoEI' Hi¥£ 'mi H-ZIKs r I I I I I t r I I I I I 70 £IO0«»6NT STATIONS' 50.000 14.13 337.15 150^.0 ti 13000.0 .04 .S> 5.66 .ffl515i:7 lis. 116. 103.0 4«.0 7VFE* |1 TA?:5ET» .00 .00 537.63: .50 .0 .0 2295.8 .0 .V^ ,000 .040 .000 lis. 2 0 0 587.00^ .IS .03 1000^.00 44.9 5.3 344.60 .000 523.00 122.30 .00 245. iii 37c. 40 Ml 3TAn0i.i5= 232.0 457.0 TM= 1 TAF:ET= 2*55. «£'i:' 13.12 33".42 .00 .42 .15 .02 1 fes''00.00 .0 12250.c 749.4 .0 317.5 211.2 45.7 5.7 33.1.40 .00 5.29 Jt.jO .000 .1001 .10i' .000 324. S5 232.0t' 55. 70. 50. 2 0 0 .&} 255.00 45"^. 0j 370 hOFflrii. BFIDK. t(RD= 12 RiN Ei-TFE* 337.10 HAA ELLC= ;336.C0 0 EtiO«MCHren STATIDT^CS 190.0 593.8 TtPE= il TARSET= 406. 70.000 14.45 337.45 •i^ .00 336.5c-1.11 .33 336.50 l^^al? .0 11595.7 1401.3 .8 1335.21 23.S 51.1 5.9 337.10 S.67 e.2e .000 .0401 .040 323.00 346.71 .010205 50, 45. 2 01 0 -133.66 250.05 595.50 FaD£ Run Date: 10/25,-90 Run Ti«e: l6:21:3c rtf'ftrsjonf 5.30 Data Fiie: b:73S-2i.hC2 Faoe SEC® DEFTH W5EL CR1«S UsELf-ES HL 0L553 t-BAi* : ELEV c 6L05 KH mi mi AR&5 VOL Ti*i R-6H». ELEv TlIC VLOB J.HL XN'2M Xl^: MTH £U<.1N asTA 5L0FE /L-2'sL JOJEF ITRIti IK ICOr^T COFJ^F TGF*,-i£-Ef<[-5T »5ECN0 60.iV0 [3302 •iARNIf«: CON'«?A»CE Ottf^SE OUTSIDE OF ACCEFT.SLE fJ^. mm .X 370 NOFM^ BFIDK, J#(D» 13 BIN aTRD= 337.10 HAX iiiC« 33o.t* i3470 itSfSmmi STATIOi€» 80.000 15.53 356.55 13000.0 .0 11331.4 t .05 .00 6.05 .070793 42. 42. 195.0 K6.6 TYFE« I TArSET* 561.600 .00 .00 339.50 .57 .90 .04 556.^ le6e.6 .0 1407.5 244.9 52.6 0.2 337.10 6.81 .000 .100 .100 .000 323.00 316.37 42. 4 0 -210.69 240.43 555.60 |*5ECND 90,0>30 3265 DiVlEED FL-:* I330I m ChANSED fORE TriAf^ Hs'INs [3302 iiAFNlNS: COfivErAfCE CMANSE iXiTslDE '2F A!:'2EFT«a.E FHNCE. ^^i-.T;0 = 90.000 15.^5 340.05 .00 .00 ; 540.5t-.45 .54 a ll 335.20 13001'. 0 42.0 1254o.0 12.1 w-*f a L- 4 :39l.0 17.0 55.2 0.7 335,011 .05 .75 5.41 .69 .100 .10i; .100 .000 324, ciS 247.02 .K?c3!4 0. 50. 150. 0 0 .00 4c;.23 52-. 2-! •mzm i0£i.000 ' 100,000 13.4o 13000.0 204,7 .05 Let .007022 0. I £OiV-= .100 tEHV* SiUQ 110.000 110.000 15.65 13000.0 160.7 •06 2.07 .004356 0. 34t',4o .00 .00 340.95 tr-. vt*. .44 .04 335.00 12159. F 6i'5.3 122.0 2'ij42.i 222.0 55.0 7.4 335.a0 .iii< .100 .10t> 327.00 23-^. Oi 65. 170. 2 0 0 M 3S9.06 623.73 .300 341.3 .00 .00 341.5c .33 .So .02 355.00 11794.2 103.1 87.4 24o3.1 65.2 6.1 3S.90 4.75 .100 .100 .100 .000 325.60 194.19 105. 105. :2 0 0 M 37o.^ 570.47 4 I Run Date: 10.-25' F0 nun Tise: l5::i: 3« HrtVsfS ion: 5.30 bits Fiie: S:' 3c-2i.HC2 H SECND DEFTH CiiSEL C?;i»i5 •IBELK EB Hv HL &.U35 l-iMi. Ei.t-v 1 C (5LL"r fiCH SF.i}c ALOE ACH tfiOE' •vC'L .T»*i f-BAf'it- ELEV T TIh£ vLOt VCH VFrDs K\L «Tli EtHiK 55TA ' cLu^E XLOE^ XL'IH AL06F ITFIAi. IDC icor^T COFMF TOFiflD Ef€€T j •5ECN0 ll!:!.!'0O •I 12>.'.00i' 15.59 341.55 .00 .00 342.16 .29 , .61 .00 3"<:.00 • 13000.0 522.4 11695.5 5/9.1 246.1 2654.2 273.2 7».2 1.5 33e.00 • .07 2. ii 4.43 2.12 «li¥ .100 .100 .000 32e.00 126.64 ^ .003415 120. lo0. 150. 2 0 -0 .00 413.75 542.59 ?-»5£2>fc' 130.000 ft 130.000 15.45 342.45 .00 .00 342.75 .30 .57 .00 337.00 • 13000.0 12026.5 734.9 112.7 2645.4 S2.S 67.8 10.9 335.00 .05 2.12 4.54 2.06 .100 .100 .101' 327.00 ill.:: ^ .003762 165.. 160. 137. 2 0 0 .00 392.64 504.3= •aoe I fR.OFiLE FOF ETREAfl 100 lE# FLOOD A!*ii.tZII« pLDHE' R3INTS ih fflORITVi €-tf£fi6<,l*->iATg£ BlW^ACE.I-lNvtfiT.C-CFITICA •.S..LnfF7 BHf«..F-fieHT BANt.tKOwEF £^r, cr^ IILEVATID?* 314. SECNC LJIiDic 01'! 329. 334. 345. 354. I 10.00 0. I a a . L ME . . N 20. Cl « a . L «€ . . h 40. C I • • . L - NE . 00. C I • • . L NE. . H 60. £ I . L NE. . « 100. C 1 . I NE. . n 120. C I • • . L N E . n 140. C I • - • . L NE . n. 160. £ I • • . L NE . n 1B0. C I • • . L Ka & . n 200. C I a a . L NE . fl 220. i * a . L -WE . H 240. c .1 . L W E . rt 260. c T . i . . L .NE . 11 260, c . I . L .NE . M 20.00 300. c . I • L .W E . M 320. c . I . I . NE . fl 340. c . I . L . NE . f! 3c0. c I . L . wE . ff 360. c . I . . L . i€ . H 4ca. c . I . . L . NE . n 420. c . I . . L . NE . n 440. c I . L . . fl 4c^. c I . . L . WE . . h 460. c I . . L. . € . n !S.00 500. c I . . L a E . d 520, L I . . F NE . . n 540. C I R . i€ L . h 5o0. c I . R. NE . . rt Sat. c I . . R NE . . n 600. c I . . RNE . . n o20. c 1 . «£R . . « e40. L , I . NE R. . fl 660. c 1 . « IE .R . M 660. c I . • NE . R . H 700. c I . • NE . K . n 40.00 7^. c I . NE . R. ri 740. c 1 . NE . R. M 7e0. c I . • NE . R M 750. t I.. • IE . R n c . I . a NE . R « 620. c 1 . • NE . .R h S0.#0 m. c I . • NE . .R n m. c . I. • NE . -R . « S60. c I. • RNE . . ti 900. c • I R. NE . .« 60.00 920. L .1 . R • NE . 940. c . T R. NE . . H 70.00 9e0. c I . a RN E'. . rt 960. L I . a RNE 10.00 1000. c I . R MLE . n 1020. c 1. • RNE , ft 1040. c r .1 .1 • . RlN E . « fl L I. L L L' L L L i. L L L 1 L L I I i I j 1 I T 100.00 1120. c 114C-. r 1160. C 1180. C 1200. C 110.00 1220. L 1240. C 12=0". C 1260. c 1300. 1320. £ 1340. C 1360. c 120.00 1360. c 1400. c 1420. c 1440. c 14e0. £ 1460. C 1500. £ 1520. C 130.00 154ii. I I I I I I I 1 I L L L LR Lft LR L R L R LR LR LR LR L L L , LF. . L . LR . LR . L R . LR . 1. R . L ft . NE NE l€ NE NE t£ E £ «£ & NE NE E E -NE NE «E . K . H . f, . n . « . rt . fl . H . H . H . « ^ .« .H NE n NE n E H E H. NEh. I I J THIE RUN EXECLiTED 10^3-50 io:2i!40 t t£C2 RELEASE DATtt- SEF 66 UFWTED iiJK 1990 I k Ef^SF DJFF: - 01.02,03,04 HODIFICriTIOh - ei)iiiuaiiitiuiuiiii>>imu>iiiii»«»uiiuiiiti»ttit» jNOTE- ASTERISK <*) AT LEFT CF Qil^-SE£TI0N MJtffiER M-ICATES fOSASE IN SUtm.i SF BSm LIST ! 100 YEtfi FLOOD ANAL«7IN6 IsUflNAFi FRMTOUT TABLE 150 SECNu XLDi ELTRI' ELLC ELMIN G CwSEL CRIwB EC-10«C£ vCri AFEA 10.000 .00 .00 .00 314.00 13000.00 332.22 .00 532.93 70.32 o.bl 20K.02 155i0.25 ^.000 500.00 .00 .IV 321.00 13000.00 334,55 .0l' 33:.2c C/.04 D.c2 2w'3."6 1353.4" 30.000 200.00 .00 .00 322.00 1^00.00 33o,40 33o.73 49.34 4.53 3£'23.5t' 1650.63 40.000 220. K< 343,40 342,90 323.00 13000.00 33c.53 .00 337.42 ie,l9 e.i4 2'J-.53 3231.11 50.00i' 118.00 344.00 345.60 323.00 13000.00 33".l3 .00 33.'. o3 15.07 5.00 2255."e 3345,45 60.01V 70.00 .00 .00 324.30 13000.00 333.42 .tv 337.54 55.54 •1, ^ -7«-'f I6c4.70 70.0i^¥ 50.00 33/.10 35c.60 323.00 13000.00 33-. 45 .00 ^^5.Do 102.05 6.6" 15ol.9" l25o,65 £0.001' 42.00 337.10 33o.60 323.01' 13000.00 335.53 .00 335.50 707.53 e.i'5 io52.42 456.60 9i:.00i-50.00 .00 .0^1 324.60 13000.00 340.05 .W 34«r.50 o3.14 5.41 24c4.c0 1O3O.£KS 100.00i' e5.00 .00 .00 327.00 13000.00 340.4c .0t' -340.95 70.22 5.57 2367.1-1551.37 110.000 IK. 00 .00 .W 53.60 13000.00 341.23 .0t' 341.56 43.5o 4.79 2939.47 l9o5.7l 120.'0^ 160.00 • 00 .00 326.00 13000.00 341.69 • 00 542.16 34.15 4.43 3205.46 2224.66 150.000 160.00 .00 .00 3^:7.00 13000.00 342.45 .00 342.75 37.6B 4.54 3ll5.6o 2117.55 I Rm Date; 10,2'5/90 Run Tine: J6!2l!3e HM-.'srsion: 5.3^^ 0ata Fiie: 6:736-21,ti'32 face 10 1100 VEAF: FLOOD Affe.)IiN5 , SuhMAF-T FFIf<TC«JT TAruE 150 i i r I N I -: • I sECNC' Q C-if&EL i'itfiir i'lfksi. DiFkWo TCiFhiy 10.00)ii 15000.& 332.22 .00 .00 .22 207.73 .00 20.000 13000.00 334.59 .00 2.37 .00 214.3 300.00 :%.000 13000.00 33e.40 .00 1.61 .00 432.47 200.00 40.00f 336.65 .VO .43 .00 201.74 220.00 ^.WP 13000.^ 537.13 .00 .30 .00 246.20 118.00 60.000 1500£>.00 337.42 .00 iZ9 .00 255.00 70.W 70.00tl 15000.00 337.45 .00 .04 .00 25i!i.09 50.00 60.000 l-'S«j0.00 3S.53 .00 1,05 .00 240.43 42.00 90.000 13000.65 540.05 .00 1.52 .00 4&wt 5i:.00 100,0i'!:' l3n;0,0t-:4i'.4c .00 .41 .00 3c'5.i'e e5,0i" 110,001^ 13000.00 341.23 .00 .75 .00 37o.23 105'. t'0 120.000 13000.00 341.59 .00 • DC .00 413.75 iot.iA' 130.000 13000. 342.45 .00 .56 .00 352.04 160,00 /9/ Fun Date; 10,-3/90 Rtin Tme: ie:2l:3o MhVersiort: 5.30 Daxa'rile: 6J,':>5-2I.TIC-Fa'ie i! I^UftlARy GF B^ORa Mi SPECIAL NOTES (filNc 5EC('t> 40.00!5 FROflLE* 1 CoNvEi'AitCE CriHtBE OUTc-IH ACCEF TABLE F>if*3E iARNINB 5EC!^C<= w!.000 PROFILE^ 1 £ONVEtANC£ Mm OJTSIK ACCSTABil R^ Rf<lr« ScCfiO 60.000 Ff^ILE" i m>iliM£ OVm CMSIDE A£iIFTABl RAN6E mtm SECNOs 90.000 PROFILE* 1 £ONVEt'MCE OWiSE OUTSIDE ACCEPTABLE RANSE scuai orogra* temmation