HomeMy WebLinkAboutEIR 91-01; RANCHO SANTA FE RD REALIGNMENT AND MASS GRADING; EIR; 1998-12-01Giroux & Associates
Environmental Consultants
Prepared for:
City of Carlsbad
2075 Las Palmas Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92009
December 1, 1998
17744 Sky Paric Circle, Suite 210, Irvine, California 92614 - Phone (949) 851-8609 - Fax (949) 851-8612
Page No.
1.1 Proposed Project 1
1.1.1 Roadway Realignment 1
1.1.2 Bridge Improvements 1
1.1.3 Project Conservation Design Elements 2
1.2 Air Quality Implications 2
2.1 Meteorology/Climate 4
2.2 Ambient Air Quality 5
2.2.1 Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS) 5
2.2.2 Baseline Air Quality ; 6
2.2.3 Sources of Pollution 8
2.2.4 Air Quality Management Planning 8
3.1 Impact Significance Criteria 12
3.2 Constiruction Impacts 14
3.2.1 Fugitive Dust 14
3.2.2 Equipment Combustion Emissions 15
3.3 Microscale Impact Analysis 18
List of Tables
Table 1 - Ambient Air Quality Standards
Table 2 - Oceanside Air Quality Monitoring Summary
Table 3 - Emissions Factors for Construction Equipment
and Vehicles Used in Grading/Compaction
Table 4 - Grading/Compaction Activity Emissions
Table 5 - Microscale Air Quality Impact Analysis
1.1 Proposed Project
The City of Carlsbad's proposed Rancho Santa Fe Road improvement
and bridge replacement project would realign and widen
approximately 3,500 linear feet of Rancho Santa Fe Road (S-10) from
two lanes to an ultimate six-lane Prime Arterial Roadway from just
south of Questhaven Road to just north of Melrose Drive (Figures 1
and 2).
1.1.1 Roadway Realignment
The proposed widening and realignment project is part of the City
of Carlsbad's General Plan to upgrade Rancho Santa Fe Road to meet
its designation as a Prime Arterial Roadway. A Prime Arterial
Roadway has a 126-foot right of way containing six travel lanes, a
bike lane, an 18-foot raised median, sidewalks, curb, and gutter.
The new bridge over San Marcos Creek is planned to accommodate the
Prime Arterial Roadway. The bridge replacement project would
involve construction of a new bridge in a location west of the
existing bridge. The existing bridge will be demolished.
The northerly roadway approach for the new bridge(s) will be
approximately 2,200 feet long and includes the reconstruction of
the La Costa Meadows Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection, and
reconstruction of approximately 300 feet of La Costa Meadows Drive
east of the intersection. The realigned Rancho Santa Fe Road will
be constructed to the full width on the east side of the median,
with sidewalks, curb and gutter, and street lights from the bridge
to north of Melrose Drive. The west side of the roadway will be
constructed with 32 feet of paving adjacent to the median curb.
The current alignment of Melrose Drive would be altered to
accommodate the proposed widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road. The
Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection would be moved
approximately 400 feet to the north of the present intersection.
Melrose Drive Would be realigned from the Cornita Drive/Melrose
Drive intersection where Melrose Drive would extend to the
northwest to the realigned Melrose Drive/Rancho Santa Fe Road
intersection. Cornita Drive would be extended east to connect with
the realigned Melrose Drive.
1.1.2 Bridge Improvements
The bridge would consist of six lanes and an overall 126-foot right
of way. The span over San Marcos Creek would extend for
approximately 375 feet and would range in height frora 15 to 20 feet
from the creek bottom to the bottom of the bridge. The bridge
1" - 8 Miles Tijuana
Regional Map
BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS 7.5 Minute Series, Rancho Santa Fe Quadrangle 1" - 2000"
Vicinity Map
would be supported by manufactured fill slopes at the northern and
southerTi termini of the bridge. A total of twelve piers would
support the bridge span. Each pier would be constructed by
excavating a pit and using driven iron piers to form and cast each
individual concrete pier. Following construction of the piers the
excavation area would be refilled and returned to original grade.
Each pier would include 4' X 6' columns and 12' X 12' footings.
1.1.3 Project Conservation Oesign Elements
A number of measures have been incorporated into the project to
minimize impacts to biological resources. These include:
o The new bridge and abutments have been designed to
avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional wetlands
and waters of the United States wherever possible.
o The project will include dedication of habitat credits
in conformance with the applicable Habitat Conservation
Plan (HCP).
o Vegetation removal will be conducted between 15
September and 15 February immediately prior to
construction to avoid avian breeding activities.
o All work will be conducted during the daytime hours.
1.2 Air Quality Implications
The proposed bridge improvements will modify travel patterns in the
project vicinity that may have corresponding effects on air
quality. Roadway realignment and bridge widening will reduce
vehicular congestion that shifts travel to slower, more polluting
speeds. Within the range of arterial roadway travel speeds,
vehicular emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and reactive organic
gases (ROG) are inversely proportional to travel speed. If mean
speeds decrease by 50 percent due to congestion, emissions per mile
of travel are almost doubled. Conversely, doubling travel speeds
by congestion elimination cuts the emissions of CO and ROG in half.
Roadway improvements may attract additional travel that would have
avoided a given area because of congestion. However, the proposed
improvements would not promote more travel on Rancho Santa Fe Road
than is currently planned in the City of Carlsbad Circulation
Element of the General Plan. There is therefore no growth
inducement that would lead to higher air emissions.
Construction activities will generate temporary air pollution
emissions during demolition of the existing pavement/bridge and for
new construction. Because of the proximity of pollution-sensitive
avian habitats, a variety of design measures, including reduced
impact construction practices, will be used to minimize impacts to
the extent feasible.
2.1 Meteorology/Climate
The climate of Carlsbad, as with much of Southern California, is
largely controlled by the semi-permanent, high pressure system near
Hawaii and the moderating effects of the nearby oceanic thermal
reservoir. The San Diego North County climate is characterized by
cool summers, mild winters, infrequent rainfall, abundant sunshine,
and comfortable humidities. Winds are generally light until mid-
afternoon, when the daily sea breeze reaches maximum strength.
Unfortunately, the same factors that create a highly desirable
living climate combine to limit the ability of the air to disperse
the air pollution generated by the population attracted, in part by
the climate.
Temperatures average 62 degrees Fahrenheit annually. Summer
afternoons reach the upper 70s, while winter mornings drop down
into the lower 40s. Because of the moderating influence of the
ocean, temperature extremes over 100 degrees or much below freezing
rarely, if ever, occur.
Rainfall in the local area averages 11 inches per year, but
moderate spatial variation may occur as a function of site
exposure. Most of the rain falls from late November to early
April, when the fringes of mid-latitude storms pass through
Southern California. A shift in the storm track from year to year
can mean the difference between a drought year with half the annual
average rainfall versus a year with twice the normal total.
Winds across the Carlsbad area result mainly from temperature
differences between the ocean to the west and the mountains and
desert to the east. These winds are steered by local topography,
but they are primarily onshore by day, especially in summer, and
primarily offshore at night especially in winter.
The daytime sea breeze typically has its origin over open waters
and thus .brings clean air across North County, and locally
generated emissions have little time to undergo photochemical
reactions and form smog. Similarly, the winter drainage winds blow
down from nearby open higher terrain and thus arrive relatively
"clean" in the local area. While daytime winds are typically
strong enough to rapidly ventilate the local area, nocturnal winds
often are nearly calm and thus do allow for the possible localized
stagnation of air pollutants near traffic intensive sources such as
Highway 78 or Interstate 5. With low background pollution levels
and a relatively low overall emissions density in inland areas
upwind of Carlsbad during nocturnal offshore flow, the potential
for any air pollution "hot spots" under stagnation conditions is,
however, minimal in the Carlsbad area.
One wind pattern that does lead to occasional unhealthful air
quality is when offshore winds at night in the South Coast Air
Basin (SCAB) blow onshore across North County the next day,
containing day-old air pollutants that already contain high levels
of ozone and other irritants. This pollution recycling which
sometimes occurs in late summer and early fall, may create some of
the most unhealthful air quality that is observed in the otherwise
typically healthful North County air quality environment. This
weather pattern has not been prevalent in the last few years, and
air quality has also improved dramatically in the SCAB. The
Carlsbad area thus has not experienced any recent first-stage smog
(ozone) alerts as sometimes occurred 10-15 years ago.
In addition to the winds that control horizontal transport
processes important in characterizing regional air pollution
dispersion, San Diego County also has numerous temperature
inversions that control the vertical extent through which
pollutants can be mixed. When the onshore flow of cool, marine air
undercuts a large dome of warm, sinking air with the oceanic high
pressure area, it forms a marine/subsidence inversion. These
inversions allow for good local mixing, but they act like a giant
lid over the area. As air moves inland, sources add pollution from
below without any dilution from above. The boundary between the
cool air near the surface and the warm air aloft is a zone where
air pollutants become concentrated. As the air moves inland and
meets elevated terrain of inland foothill communities, these
communities are exposed to many of the trapped pollutants within
this most polluted part of the inversion layer.
A second inversion type forms when cool air drifts into lower
valleys at night and pools on the valley floor. These radiation
inversions are strongest in winter when nights are longest and air
is coldest. They may lead to stagnation of ground-level pollution
sources such as automobile exhaust near freeways or major parking
facilities. While these radiation inversions are prevalent in the
Carlsbad area in winter, low background pollutant levels and a
limited development density, as noted above, minimize the impact of
these inversions on air quality. Any local air pollution problems
are therefore more related to the summer marine inversions and the
transport of polluted air into the local area rather than any
winter microscale stagnation.
2.2 Amhif^nt Air Quality
2.2.1 Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS)
In order to assess the air quality impact of the proposed bridge
reconstruction and roadway realignment, that impact, together with
baseline air quality levels, must be compared to the applicable
AAQS. These standards are the levels of air quality considered
safe, with an adequate margin of safety, to protect the public
health and welfare. They are designed to protect that segment of
the public most susceptible to respiratory distress or infection
such as asthmatics, the very young, the elderly, people weak from
other illness or disease, or persons in heavy work or exercise
called sensitive receptors. Healthy adults can tolerate occasional
exposure to air pollution levels somewhat above these standards
before adverse health effects are observed.
The Clean Air Act amendments of 1970 established national AAQS with
states retaining the option to adopt more stringent standards or to
include other pollution species. Because California already had
standards in existence before federal AAQS were established, and
because of unique meteorological problems in California, there is
considerable diversity between state and federal standards
currently in effect in California, as shown in Table 1.
Further amendments to the Act promulgated in 1977 specified that
all areas of the country must attain all national AAQS by 1982,
with a possible extension to 1987 for some species if reasonable
further progress had been demonstrated by the 1982 interim
deadline. By the end of 1987, national air quality standards for
ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) were still being violated in
San Diego County. State standards for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and
for respirable particulate matter (PM-10) also exceeded their
allowable maxima within the airshed. A new air quality planning
cycle was initiated to develop an air quality plan for the San
Diego Air Basin (SDAB) in response to an EPA call for a revision to
the State Implementation Plan (SIP). Preparation of an air quality
plan was also mandated by the California Clean Air Act (CCAA - AB-
2595) which required completion of a plan to also meet State AAQS.
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 ordered EPA to periodically
review all AAQS in light of the most current health effects
information. After extensive review, two additional national clean
air standards were adopted in 1997 not included in Table 1. These
standards included an 8-hour ozone exposure, and a new particulate
standard for ultra-small diameter particulates of 2.5 microns or
less called "PM-2.5." Attainment planning for the 8-hour ozone
standard will be included in the next SIP update. For PM-2.5, it
will take a number of years of monitoring data to determine the
basin compliance status and any possible future PM-2.5 mitigation
needed to meet the federal AAQS.
2.2.2 Baseline Air Quality
Air quality in Carlsbad is best documented from measurements made
at a monitoring station in Oceanside operated by the San Diego Air
Pollution Control District (APCD) at 1701 Mission Avenue. Table 2
Ambient Air Quality Standards
Ozone 0.09 ppm, I-hr. avg. > 0.12 ppm, l-hravg.> (a) Short-temi exposures: (1) Pulmonary
function decrements and localized lung edema
in humans and animals. (2) Risk to public
health implied by alterations in pulmonary
morphology and host defense in animals; (b)
Long-term exposures: Risk to public health
implied by altered connective tissue
metabolism and altered pulmonary
morphology in animals afier long-term
exposures and pulmonary function decrements
in chronically exposed humans; (c) Vegetation
damage; (d) Property damage
9.0 ppm, 8-hr avg. >
20 ppm, 1-hr avg. >
9 ppm, 8-hr avg.>
35 ppm, l-hravg.>
(a) Aggravation of angina pectoris and other
aspects of coronary heart disease; (b)
' Decreased exercise tolerance in persons with
peripheral vascular disease and lung disease;
(c) impairment of central nervous system
functions; (d) Possible increased risk to fetuses
0.25 ppm, I-hr avg. > 0.053 ppm, ann. avg.> (a) Potential to aggravate chronic respiratory
disease and respiratory symptoms in sensitive
groups; (b) Risk to public health implied by
pulmonary and extra-pulmonary biochemical
and cellular changes and pulmonary structural
changes; (c) Contribution to atmospheric
Sulfur Dioxide 0.04 ppm, 24-hr avg.>
0.25 ppm, 1-hr. avg. >
0.03 ppm, ann. avg.>
0.14 ppm, 24-hr avg.>
(a) Bronchoconstriction accompanied by
symptoms which may include wheezing,
shortness of breath and chest tightness, during
exercise or physical activity in persons with
Matter (PMio)
30 ng/m-^, ann. geometric mean >
50 (tg/m^, 24-hr average>
50 ng/m^, annual
arithmetic mean >
150^g/m^, 24-hr avg.>
(a) Excess deaths firom short-term exposures
and exacerbation of symptoms in sensitive
patients with respiratory disease; (b) Excess
seasonal declines in pulmonary function,
especially in children
Sulfates 25 (ig/m-^, 24-hr avg. >= (a) Decrease in ventilatory fiinction; (b)
Aggravation of asthmatic symptoms; (c)
Aggravation of cardio-pulmonary disease; (d)
Vegetation damage; (e) Degradation of
visibility; (f) Property damage
Lead 1.5 ng/m^, 30-day avg. >= 1.5 ng/m^, calendar quarter> (a) Increased body burden; (b) Impairment of
blood formation and nerve conduction
In sufficient amount to reduce the
visual range to less than 10 miles at
relative humidity less than 70
percent, 8-hour average (10am -
Visibility impairment on days when relative
humidity is less than 70 percent
summarizes the monitoring data from the last six years, as
published by the California Air Resources Board. These data show
that the State standard for 10-micron diameter or less particulate
matter is the most frequently exceeded (about 10 days per year, on
average). The State standard for ozone is exceeded on around 6
days per year. The only federal standard exceeded in Oceanside in
the last six years was an average of one (1) day with ozone levels
above the national clean air standard. Standards for carbon
monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO^) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are
not exceeded.
Ozone trends in coastal North County have been steadily downward
from their occasionally very high maxima in the late 1970s. The
last first-stage smog alert (ozone > 0.20 ppm for one hour) was in
1988. In 1994, the federal one hour ozone standard was met for the
first time near Carlsbad. It continued to be met through 1997.
Peak annual ozone levels from 1994-97 were within 0.02 ppm of
meeting the State standard. Ultimate attainment of the more
stringent State ozone standard is considered feasible in the not-
too-distant future. With relatively low background levels of
certain species, such as CO, directly related to automobile
traffic, the data in Table 2 suggests that the Carlsbad area can
accommodate considerable additional vehicular growth without
significantly impacting local air quality.
2.2.3 Sources of Pollution
Nitrogen oxides (NO^) and reactive organic gases (ROG) are the two
precursors to photochemical smog formation. In 1995 in San Diego
County, 63% of the 267 tons per day of ROG emitted come from mobile
(cars, ships, planes, heavy equipment, etc.) sources. For NO^, 92%
of the 233 tons emitted daily are from mobile sources. Computer
modeling of smog formation has shown that a reduction of around 25%
each of NO^ and ROG would allow the San Diego Air Basin to meet the
federal ozone standard on days when there is no substantial
transport of pollution from the South Coast Air Basin.
2.2.4 Air Quality Management Planning
The continvied violations of national AAQS in the SDAB, particularly
those for ozone in inland foothill areas, requires that a plan be
developed outlining the pollution controls that will be undertaken
to improve air quality. In San Diego County, this attainment
planning process is embodied in a regional air quality management
plan developed jointly by the APCD and SANDAG. Several plans had
been adopted in the late 1970s and early 1980s under the title
Regional Air Quality Strategies (RAQS). Until recently, the 1982
RAQS was the last federally-approved (EPA) air quality plan for
attainment of the federal ozone standard. More recent planning
efforts have been modifications, improvements and updates of the
earlier RAQS efforts.
(days exceeding standards and aaxiaui observed concentrations)
Pollutant/Standard 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
1-Hour > 0.09 ppa (*)
1-Hour > 0.12 ppm (**)
Max 1-Hour Cone, (ppm)
' 0.15
Carbon Monoxide:
1-Hour > 20. ppm (*)
8-Hour > 9. ppm (*/**)
Max. 1-Hour Cone, (ppn)
Max. 8-Hour Cone, (ppn)
Nitroaen Dioxide:
1-Hour > 0.25 ppn (*)
Max. 1-Hour Cone, (ppi)
Sulfur Dioxide:
1-Hour >0.25 ppn (*)
24-Hour >0.04 ppn (*)
Max. 1-Hour Cone, (ppm)
Max. 24-Hour Cone.(ppm)
Respirable Partieulates (PM-10):
24-Hour > 50 (iq/m^ (*)
24-Hour > 150 )ig/m^ ( )
Max. 24-Hr. Cone, (/ig/m^)
Monitoring for SO^ diseontinued in mid-1993, data from 1994-96 from downtown San Diego.
Califomia state standard, not to be exceeded.
National air quality standard, not to be exceeded more than once per year.
State and Federal standard.
Source: Califomia Air Resources Board, "California Air Quality Data"
San Diego APCD (sdaped.eo.san-diego.ca.us), 1997
Vols. XXIV-XXVIII, 1992-96.
The California Clean Air Act (AB-2595) required that a state clean
air plan be developed to address meeting State standards as well as
the often less stringent federal criteria. A basin plan was
developed and adopted in 1991 that predicted attainment of all
national standards by the end of 1997 due to pollution sources
within the air basin, but that little can be done for the problem
of interbasin transport. Since the South Coast Air Basin is
predicted to exceed the national ozone standard until the year
2010, the San Diego Air Basin, will also not experience completely
healthful air for the next several decades.
A plan to meet the federal standard for ozone was developed in 1994
during the process of updating the 1991 state plan. This local
plan was combined with those from all other California non-
attainment areas with serious ozone problems to create the
California State Implementation Plan (SIP). The SIP was adopted by
the Air Resources Board (ARB) after public hearings on November 9-
10, 1994, and forwarded to the U. S. EPA for their approval.
During the planning process and smog formation modeling, it was
discovered that the SDAB can meet the federal ozone standard by the
year 1999 without the creation of any new control programs.
Airsheds demonstrating an ability to meet standards by 1999 (in the
absence of transport from one basin to another) are classified as
having a "serious" ozone problem instead of "severe". The SDAPCD
requested that EPA reclassify the air basin from severe to serious.
This request was subsequently approved.
All progress towards attainment, including offsetting the effects
of growth, is expected to derive from existing local, state and
federal rules and regulations. Controversial rules previously
judged by some people as overly intrusive into personal lifestyles
(mandatory trip reduction programs or minimum average vehicle
occupancy goals) are not needed to predict attainment. Any
violations of ozone standards in the year 2000 or beyond are
forecast to occur only on days when transport from the Los Angeles
Basin creates substantially elevated baseline levels upon which any
local basin impacts would be superimposed.
A project such as the proposed bridge replacement and roadway
realignment does not directly relate to the RAQS/SIP process
because the project itself creates no emissions except possibly
during construction. The project's long-term indirect air quality
consequence lies with the volumes of traffic using the new bridge/
roadway, and how efficiently they drive through the project area.
Mobile source emissions are incorporated into the air quality
planning process through the growth and mobility forecasts prepared
by the metropolitan planning organization (MPO). SANDAG is the MPO
for San Diego County. To the extent that the proposed project is
consistent with SANDAG's growth and mobility forecasts, the project
will be consistent with the RAQS/SIP process. Because the project
improves mobility and decreases congestion, and because congestion-
relief is an important component of any basinwide mobile source
emissions reduction program, there is an intrinsic project
consistency with RAQS/SIP by its very nature.
Project-related air quality impacts may derive . from short-term
construction activities and from long-term roadway operations.
Short-term impacts will result from dust generated by surface
disturbance to construct bridge and realigned roadway. Such dust
will create potential soiling nuisance to parked cars, landscaping/
vegetation or other surfaces. Heavy equipment (mainly diesel-
powered) will generate exhaust emissions from on-site activity and
on-road hauling of dirt, concrete and other construction materials.
Project operations will create changes in the location of
automotive pollution sources, in the number of vehicles using the
roadway, and in the degree of congestion that will occur. Roadway
improvements may also affect patterns of growth that were
previously constrained by access limitations.
Localized changes in air pollution patterns may create elevated
levels of primary (unreacted) air pollutants such as carbon
monoxide (CO). Localized violations of GO standards are often
called "hot spots." With low background CO levels in the project
vicinity, and with continuing reductions in CO emissions from the
average vehicle, hot spot formation is highly unlikely. A
screening level analysis was conducted to confirm this finding.
Regional air quality effects from pollutants related to patterns of
growth or transportation system congestion can not be analyzed on
a single project basis. Such secondary pollutants require
atmospheric chemical transformations that occur hours later and
many miles away from the source. The impact from any single
project is immeasurably small. It is the cumulative impact of the
entire regional transportation system that determines the
relationship between mobility and air quality. As long as any
individual roadway project is consistent with the regional mobility
plan and/ or transportation improvement plan/program, regional air
quality impacts are presumed to be less than significant.
3.1 Impact Significance Criteria
Air quality impacts are considered possibly significant under CEQA
for the following reasons:
1. If they cause violations of clean air standards,
2. If they measurably increase existing violations, or,
3. If they constitute exposure of air contaminants for which there
is no known safe level.
Criterion 2 is the most difficult to address because many
pollutants require additional chemical transformation to reach
their most unhealthful level. It may require many hours to
complete this transformation. By the time the conversion is
completed, individual project emissions will have been diluted to
immeasurably small levels. It is, however, the combined effects of
thousands of such infinitesimal contributions that lead to
regionally degraded air quality.
A number of air quality management agencies have recognized that
impacts from secondary (converted) pollutants can not be
individually evaluated. They have assigned significance to some
specified quantity of emissions that are a surrogate for the
diluted impact that will occur. In San Diego County, however, the
SDAPCD has not established such an emissions-based significance
The City of San Diego, in its CEQA implementation guidelines, has
identified emission levels that should be considered as potentially
significant. These generally apply to operational, long-term
impacts and not to temporary construction activities. These
criteria are:
o In congested traffic areas - 550 pounds/day of CO
In other areas - 100 pounds/day of ROG
Federal guidelines relative to implementation of the 1990 Clean Air
Act Amendments contain "de minimis" emissions thresholds at levels
that are presumed not to interfere with the attainment process for
national clean air standards. They are applicable to both
construction and operational activity emissions. On an average
daily basis, the federal thresholds are:
ROG - 275 pounds/day
NOx ~ 275 pounds/day
CO - 550 pounds/day
PM-10 - 550 pounds/day
Given that there is federal involvement through resource agency
permits in the proposed project that would trigger a comparison of
project-related emissions to these guidelines, their use in
evaluating impact significance for project environmental clearance
would appear well justified. The above "de minimis" criteria are
thus the thresholds that have been applied to the proposed project
for construction activities.
For operations, the microscale air quality impact has been
explicitly calculated in the project vicinity. Any regional
consequence, either through growth or congestion effects, are
already accommodated through project consistency with an adopted
transportation improvement plan. No further regional evaluation
beyond the microscale impact analysis was conducted.
3.2 Construction Impacts
3.2.1 Fugitive Dust
Dust emissions were calculated based on the California ARB estimate
that each acre under construction disturbance generates about 100
pounds of dust per day, if no dust control measures are
implemented. Dust control measures, such- as frequent watering,
paving of access roadways, and periodic street washing near
construction access, as required by San Diego APCD rules, can
reduce the dust generation rate by approximately 50 percent. This
emission rate is for total suspended particulates (TSP). The
respirable fraction of the TSP, called 10-micron diameter
particulate matter, or PM-10, typically is less than one-half of
"fresh" TSP dominated by larger particles. For purposes of
analysis, a one-acre disturbance site was presumed to generate 25
pounds of PM-10 when the site is under active disturbance when
"standard" dust control measures are utilized.
If the entire construction corridor were under simultaneous
disturbance to the full width of the entire corridor, the total
disturbance area would be 9.2 acres. Daily regional PM-10
emissions would be approximately 230 pounds per day. Even if every
square foot of the site were under simultaneous disturbance, the
PM-10 emissions would still be less than the identified
significance threshold.
On a regional scale, daily PM-10 emissions would be considered less
than significant. Given, however, the elevated PM-10 levels above
the state standard in the San Diego Air Basin, these PM-10
emissions, while localized, temporary and incrementally small on a
regional basis, nevertheless should be minimized to the extent
With respect to regional impact significance of PM-10, current
research shows that PM-10 is not a good indicator of any possibly
adverse health impact from airborne particulate exp9sure. New
national standards for the 2.5 micron or less fraction of PM-10
called "PM-2.5" were adopted in 1997. Construction activities
generate negligible levels of PM-2.5. Independent of emissions
magnitude, regional dust impacts are therefore less than
significant because earth disturbance creates less than one percent
of the PM-2.5 found in the San Diego Air Basin atmosphere.
Noticeable impacts due to construction occur in very close
proximity to the disturbance. Dust deposition on parked cars,
outdoor furniture or other exposed surfaces may create a soiling
nuisance. Similarly, large diameter dust deposition on sensitive
biotic habitats near the bridge crossing could retard plant growth.
EPA studies have shown, however, that the zone of impact for heavy
soiling nuisance extends 50 feet or less from the activity (EPA,
AP-42, 1995). The amount of dirt-sensitive uses within such a
small impact corridor is small. Except in unusual circumstances
where construction occurs within only a few feet of very sensitive
uses, soiling nuisance impacts will be adverse, but less than
3.2.2 Equipment Combustion Emissions
Equipment exhaust emissions will vary from day to day as a function
of activity level. Emissions will also vary from one contractor to
another as a function of equipment used for a given task. The
maximum equipment activity level was assumed to occur during
clearing, grading, delivery and dumping of base rock and compaction
of the roadway subgrade.
Table 3 lists the type of equipment likely to be in use during such
activity. Table 4 combines the equipment inventory with
representative load factors during typical grading/compaction
activities. PM-10 emissions of 130 pounds per day and NO^
emissions of 123 pounds per day are closest to the established
threshold. Each is at slightly under 50 percent of the threshold.
Total daily construction activity impacts, from equipment exhaust
and from fugitive dust, would not create a significant air quality
Indirect emissions increases could result during construction in
public roadways if lane closures, detours or other interference
with local traffic measurably worsened congestion on already
heavily traveled roadways. A fifty percent reduction in mean
travel speed may double the localized emissions of ROG and CO from
impacted traffic. Limited lane closures during the a.m. and p.m.
peak travel periods, and use of temporary steel plates on any
excavated roadway links, is recommended to reduce any indirect
congestion effects for any in-roadway construction within the
existing roadway travel lanes.
Ouan. CO ROG NOx SOX PM-10 Source
Dozer Ib/hr. 1,79 0.19 4.17 0.35 0.02 AP-42, II-7.1
Backhoe Ib/hr. 0.43 0.16 2.01 0.13 0.14 AP-42, 3.3-1
Loader Ib/hr. 0.57 0.25 1.89 0.18 0.17 AP-42, II-7.1
Compactors Ib/hr. 1.01 0.08 0.06 <0.01 0.02 AP-42, II-7.2
Haul Truck lb/1000 mi. 19.84 3.42 28.04 Negl. 4.50 EMFAC7G
Employee Commute lb/1000 mi. 31.81 3.35 4.54 Negl. 0.06 EMFAC7G
Water Truck lb/1000 li 56.99 11.57 38.71 Negl. 4.98 EHFAC7G
Key: AP-42 = EPA compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (5th Ed., 1995).
EHFAC7G = ARB Vehicular Emissions Computer Model (1997).
Load s CO
Eaissions (poun(te/8-Hr. day)
Dozer 501 7.2 0.8 16.7 1.4 0.1
Backhoe 501 1.7 0.6 8.0 0.5 0.6
Loader 501 2.3 1.0 • 7.6 0.7 0.7
Compactors 1001 8.1 0.6 0.5 <0.1 0.2
Haul Truck
(150 trips § 20 mi/trip) 3000 mi. 59.5 10.3 8 4.1 Negl. 13.5
Employee Commute (25 empl.)
§ 40 liles/empl./day) 1000 mi. 31.8 3.4 4.5 Negl. 0.1
Water Truck 50 mi. 2.8 0.6 1.9 0.2
Fugitive Dust* 4.6 ae. rm _™. 115.0
Daily Total (pounds) 113.4 17.3 123.3 2.6 130.4
Significance Threshold 550 275 275 N/A 275
Exceeds Threshold (?) No No No No No
= assuming a maximum of 50 percent of the entire project site is under simultaneous disturbance.
3.3 Microscale Impact Analysis
In order to assess any microscale air quality implications of
project implementation, a roadway air pollution dispersion
calculation was performed near three intersections along Rancho
Santa Fe Road. Carbon Monoxide (CO) was used to evaluate the
potential for any microscale "hot spots." Worst-case meteorology
and peak hour traffic conditions were combined in a Caltrans
(AQTAN, 1988) roadway air pollution screening model.
In 1997, maximum one-hour CO levels in Oceanside, the nearest
SDAPCD air monitoring station, were 6 ppm. It would require an
additional local contribution of 14 ppm to equal the most stringent
California one-hour CO standard of 20 ppm. Table 5 summarizes the
results of the microscale air quality impact analysis. Table 5
demonstrates that:
1. Existing maximum local CO increments at the shoulder of any
project area roadway are well within acceptable standards, and,
2. Continued vehicular emissions reductions will more than offset
any effects of growth or increased congestion. Horizon year CO
levels will be comparable to, and generally less, than in 1998.
Air quality impacts of project implementation are considered less
than significant.
(Peak One-Hour CO Concentration [ppm])
Rancho Santa Fe Rd./Melrose
Rancho Santa Fe Rd./La Costa Meadows
Rancho Santa Fe Rd./Questhaven
2015 2015
No Proj. w/Proj,
Rancho Santa Fe Rd./Melrose
Rancho Santa Fe Rd./La Costa Meadows
Rancho Santa Fe Rd./Questhaven
Source: Caltrans Screening Procedure based upon CALINE4 Model (1988).
Note: Peak background level = 6 ppm. Any microscale exposure of 14 ppm
or more in the above table would indicate a potential "hot spot."
No significant air quality impacts were identified. Roadway
operation is consistent with transportation improvement plans and
microscale air quality patterns near the realigned roadway will be
well within acceptable levels. Any measurable changes in air
quality will be temporary during project construction.
During construction, the incremental addition to pollutants at less
than significant levels was considered as an adverse impact.
Increased congestion on existing roadways due to construction
during peak traffic hours was also a potentially adverse impact.
Recommended measures to minimize project-related impact potential
Using adequate water and/or other dust palliatives on all
disturbed areas.
Washing down or sweeping streets from which construction access
is taken to remove dirt carried from the new alignment to the
existing roadway to keep vehicles from pulverizing the dirt
into fine particles.
Terminating soil excavation, clearing or grading when wind
speeds exceed 25 mph for an hourly average.
Covering/tarping all vehicles hauling dirt or spoils on public
roadways unless additional moisture is added to prevent
material blow-off during transport.
Requiring low-NO^-emission tune-ups for all on-site
construction equipment at a minimum of every ninety (90) days.
Providing rideshare or transit incentives for construction
Minimizing obstruction of through traffic lanes from
construction equipment or activities.
Prohibiting engine idling while waiting to load or unload if
the expected wait exceeds ten (10) minutes.
Scheduling partial or full street closures to off-peak traffic
Caltrans, 1988 - Air Quality Technical Analysis Notes, Sacramento,
Caltrans Materials & Research Dept. - EMFAC7F1.1 Computer model
for Mobile Source Emissions (rel. 02/24/95), Sacramento, CA
South Coast Air Quality Management District, 1993 - CEQA Air
Quality Handbook (SCAQMD-93), El Monte, CA
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995 - Compilation of Air
Pollutant Emissions Factors (AP-42), Research Triangle Park, N.C.
This technical report was prepared by Hans Giroux of Giroux &
Associates. Mr. Giroux has 30+ years of experience in atmospheric
sciences with the last 21 years focused on air quality studies in
support of environmental (CEQA/NEPA) clearance for proposed
projects. He has worked extensively throughout northern San Diego
County within the last two decades, including a number of projects
in the Carlsbad area. Mr. Giroux has interacted with staffs of
various air quality planning agencies on numerous projects,
including roadway improvement projects with agencies such as
SDAPCD, Caltrans, SANDAG, etc. He has been listed on the San Diego
County list of qualified consultants in the area of air quality and
noise since the inception of the list in 1989.