HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 90-03; SHELLEY PROPERTY; BRODIAEA RELOCATION PLAN; 1999-10-13Shelley Property BRODIAEA RELOCATION PLAN October 13, 1999 MR. Encinitas, Prepared for: DANIEL SHELLEY P.O. Box 230985 CaUfornia 92023 Prepared by: HELIX ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING, INC. 8100 La Mesa Boulevard, Suite 150 La Mesa, California 91941-6476 BRODIAEA RELOCATION PLAN FOR THE SHELLEY PROPERTY TABLE OF CONTENTS L INTRODUCTION 1 n. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 A. Project Location 1 B. Project Summary 1 III. PROPOSED RELOCATION SITE 1 A. Location and Size of Relocation Area 1 B. Fencing 2 C. Site Preparation 2 IV. TRANSPLANTATION PLAN 2 A. Plant Locations 2 B. Removal 3 C. Transplantation 3 V. IMPLEMENTATION 3 A. Project Proponent 3 B. Revegetation Specialist 4 C. Maintenance Contractor 4 VL MAINTENANCE 4 A. Maintenance Activities 4 B. Schedule 5 VIL MONITORING PLAN 5 A. Monitoring Methods 5 B. Armual Reports 5 C. Schedule 5 vm. SUCCESS CRITERIA 6 IX. COMPLETION OF RELOCATION PROGRAM 6 X. REFERENCES CITED 7 LIST OF FIGURES Follows No. Title Page 1 Regional Location Map 1 2 Project Vicinity Map 1 3 Brodiaea Relocation Site 2 1. INTRODUCTION This report provides a relocation plan for thread-leaved brodiaea {Brodiaea filifolia) on the Shelley parcel in Carlsbad, Califomia. This sensitive plant species is listed as endangered by the state of Califomia, and requires specific measures for impacts to the species. This plan is intended to outline measures for the relocation of brodiaea. Mitigation measures for impacts to other serisitive resources are not included in this report. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. PROJECT LOCATION The Shelley Parcel is located in Carlsbad, San Diego County (Figure 1), and lies east of Rancho Santa Fe Road, and north of Calle Acervo. Encinitas creek mns through the center of the site, from east to west (Figure 2). The site is bordered to the north and south by development, while to the east lies open space along Encinitas creek. To the west lies land which is presently undeveloped. The site has been grazed and farmed in the past, and is currently used as pasture. B. PROJECT SUMMARY The project entails residential development and open space. The open space encompasses Encinitas creek and will connect with open space to the east of the project. III. PROPOSED RELOCATION SITE A. LOCATION AND SIZE OF RELOCATION AREA Relocation of the brodiaea will be conducted by HELIX biologists Larry Sward and Justin Fischbeck. All nine individuals identified this spring as thread-leaved brodiaea, have been staked and will be transplanted from various localities around the site to open space in the northeastern portion of the site (Figure 3). This area was chosen because of the similarity of topography and soils with locations of the individuals to be transplanted. HELIX Shelley Property Brodiaea Relocation Plan / SHL-01 / October 13,1999 1 I RIVERSIDE COUNTY > o o > POINT LOMA NOT TO SCALE ROSARITO HELIX Regional Location Map SHELLEY PROPERTY - BRODIAEA RELOCATION SITE Figure I o , , ENCINITAS Scale: 1" = 1900' j^Js Base map reproduced with permission granted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS® This map is copyrighted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS® m4. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce all or any part thereof, whether for personal use or resale, without permission. HELIX Project Vicinity Map SHELLEY PROPERTY - BRODIAEA RELOCATION SITE fiaore I B. FENCING Access to the transplantation area will be restricted by a permanent 5 foot high fence. The fence will prevent vehicular and pedestrian use of the preserve area. Steel signs attached to the fence at regular intervals will provide notice in both Spanish and English that the area is an ecological preserve and that trespassing is prohibited. Fencing should be constmcted on all sides which v^l be adjacent to development, while sides adjacent to open space should remain unfenced. C. SITE PREPARATION The relocation area should be cleared of weeds prior to the transplantation of the thread-leaved brodiaea. The most prominent species of weed present in the relocation area is artichoke thistle {Cynara cardunculus). This species should be removed by hand prior to the relocation of the brodiaea. Due to the time of year in which the weeding will occur, the roots of this species will likely have to be dug up in order to be successfully eliminated. Removal of this and other exotic species will aid the relocation efforts, by reducing competition between the brodiaea and any weeds. IV. TRANSPLANTATION PLAN A. PLANT LOCATIONS The brodiaea are located in four locations, scattered throughout the site (Figure 3). The thread-leaved brodiaea was first observed by Sweetwater Environmental Biologists (SEB)"in 1992. In this survey, 43 individuals were observed on site, primarily on the north-facing slope in the center of the property. Ogden Environmental and Energy Services failed to find any thread-leaved brodiaea on site in their 1997 surveys. The present locations of the nine individuals of thread-leaved brodiaea were mapped by Natural Resource Consultants in lune of 1998. The exact locations of each of the nine plants were marked by placing stakes three feet on either side. There are four separate locations mapped on site, each with one to four individuals present. Due to the number of individuals observed previously by SEB, and previous experience with brodiaea, more individuals may be present than are currently mapped. If additional individuals are found during the relocation process, they wiU be transplanted along with the previously identified individuals. HELIX Shelley Property Brodiaea Relocation Plan / SHL-01 / October 13, 1999 2 Brodiaea Relocation Site Bf (Brodiaea filifolia) Current Locations FEET 0 300 Source: Rick Engineering Company 600 HELIX Brodiaea Relocation Site (Brodiaea filifolia thread-leaved brodiaea) SHELLEY PROPERTY - BRODIAEA RELOCATION SITE' fijure B. REMOVAL All Brodiaea which have been identified during the spring focused survey will be removed prior to November 1, to coincide with their dormant period. Prior to this period the plant becomes senescent with the above ground portion of the plant dying off, leaving the undergrotmd corm to resprout the following spring. Corms will be dug up, and immediately relocated to the receptor site. Care will be taken to avoid damaging the corm in this process. The depth and spacing between salvaged corms will be recorded. C. TRANSPLANTATION Figure 3 shows the portion of open space on site which will be used as the transplantation area. The corms will be placed in the transplantation area using standard horticultural techniques. The depth and spacing recorded from the original site wiU be used as a guide for the planting of the corms. Care wiU be taken to ensure that corms are oriented correctly. Displaced soil will be replaced in a manner that will maintain drainage and prevent ponding over the brodiaea. The transplanted brodiaea will not be watered at the time of planting to prevent rotting. The location of each transplanted brodiaea will be marked and mapped for future monitoring activities. A representative from CDFG will be invited to observe the removal and transplantation of the brodiaea at least 7 days prior to removal. V. IMPLEMENTATION The successful relocation of these brodiaea will require cooperation and input from the responsible parties listed below. A. PROJECT PROPONENT The project proponent will be responsible for financing the relocation and the maintenance program. The project proponent may also choose to transfer in fee title, subject to agency approval, the property to a public or private entity specializing in long-term management of open space. If this transfer occurs, this entity would become the responsible party for implementing the maintenance program. HELIX Shelley Property Brodiaea Relocation Plan / SHL-01 / October 13, 1999 3 B. REVEGETATION SPECIALIST Overall supervision of the relocation, maintenance and monitoring of this relocation project will be the responsibility of a revegetation specialist. Larry Sward of HELIX Environmental Planning, Inc. will be the revegetation specialist for this project. The revegetation specialist will: educate all participants with regard to relocation goals and requirements; and directly oversee the maintenance of the transplantation site. After each monitoring event, the revegetation specialist will provide the project proponent with a brief report, including a written list of items in need of attention. C. MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR The maintenance contractor will be responsible for weed and trash removal within the transplantation area. VI. MAINTENANCE Maintenance of the brodiaea relocation area will be conducted on an as needed basis, per the approval of the project proponent. While no maintenance efforts are required by CDFG, failure to maintain the relocation area wiU result in increased mortality of the transplanted brodiaea. A. MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES A five-year maintenance program is proposed to ensure the successful establishment and persistence of the brodiaea. The maintenance program should involve removal of trash, weed control, fence repair, and any remedial measures deemed necessary for the success of the relocation program. Particular emphasis will be placed on pro-active weed control. Weeds should be removed by hand whenever possible although certain weeds may or\ly be effectively controlled through local treatment with herbicides (e.g.. Roundup). Species that wiU be targeted for control on site include, but are not limited to: wild oats {Avena sp.), mustard {Brassica sp.), fermel {Foeniculum vulgare), and artichoke thistle. HELIX Shelley Properiy Brodiaea Relocation Plan / SHL-01 / October 13,1999 B. SCHEDULE Removal of trash and weed control should be conducted approximately every three months for five years following implementation of the relocation program. While weed control is not a CDFG requirement, it is a key component to the success of the project. Fence repair should be conducted as necessary in perpetuity. VII. MONITORING PLAN A. MONITORING METHODS Monitoring will be carried out under the direction of the revegetation specialist to assess the progress of the brodiaea transplantation effort and determine any appropriate remedial measures. The brodiaea transplant locations will be inspected twice per year, with at least one visit occurring after the onset of the flowering season. One initial visit will be conducted following the beginning of the rainy season to verify that the newly planted corms have not been disturbed or removed and that there is proper drainage for each plant. The entire site will be monitored twice a year until the oriset of constmction to make sure that all individuals of brodiaea have been identified and relocated. Monitoring of the entire site will coincide with relocation area monitoring visits. During each morutoring event, the average size of individuals, number, and overall health of each observed individual will be recorded. A- written memo will be prepared listing the results of the monitoring event and recommending any necessary remedial measures. B. ANNUAL REPORTS As part of the monitoring program, annual reports prepared by HELIX will be submitted to CDFG evaluating the success of the relocation effort to date, along with any recommendations for maintenance. HELIX Shelley Property Brodiaea Relocation Plan / SHL-01 / October 13, 1999 C. SCHEDULE Botaiucal monitoring of the brodiaea will occur twice per year, for five years. The first botanical monitoring event will occur at the onset of the rainy season following transplantation. At least one of the two annual monitoring events will take place while the brodiaea is flowering (March - June) for each of the five years of the monitoring program. Annual reports will be prepared and submitted by September of each year to ensure adequate time remaining in the dry season to make any necessary alterations to the preserve area. Maintenance inspections will be conducted in conjunction with monitoring visits. vm. SUCCESS CRITERIA While no official success criteria are required for this relocation effort, success will be determined by survivorship and will be assessed by the revegetation specialist. Complete, or 100%, survivorship is the goal at the end of the five year monitoring period. All dead brodiaea should be replaced by the revegetation specialist. Potential methods of obtaining replacement plants include harvesting seeds to be grown in a greenhouse and later transplanted in the relocation area. Another method would be to collect brodiaea corms from populations in the area which will be impacted by development. Replacement stock will be obtained at the discretion of the project proponent. IX. COMPLETION OF RELOCATION PROGRAM The project proponent shall notify CDFG of completion of the relocation effort through the submittal of the final monitoring report. The final monitoring report will include all monitoring data from the annual monitoring reports and provide a summary of the overall success of the brodiaea relocation project. After receipt of the final monitoring report, CDFG may inspect the relocation site to verify the conclusions of the report. HELIX Shelley Property Brodiaea Relocation Plan / SHL-01 / October 13,1999 X. REFERENCES CITED CaUf ornia native Plant Society 1994 Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of Califomia, Fifth Edition. Califomia Native Plant Society. Hickman, James C. 1993 The Jepson Manual. UC Press. Natural Resource Consultants 1998 Focused Survey for Thread-leaved Brodiaea on the Shelley Property. HELIX Shelley Property Brodiaea Relocation Flan / SHL-01 / October 13,1999