HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP 181F; Carlsbad Airport Centre; Specific Plan No. 181F; 2007-08-14SPECI�lC P�.AN:
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SP 18'1
Rabert �.adwig, Robert Stocktfln
Rick �r�gir�eering Carnpany
3[�88 Pi� Pica �rive
Carlsbad, CA 920�8
Signal �e�relopment Cvrporation
17890 Skypark Circle
Irvine, CA 92714
CarltonlBrowne & Assaciates
3191 A Airport �.�op �rive
Costa Mesa, CA 92526
1Q9� Gudahy Piace, Suiie 244
San Diega, CA 9Z110
S�a�cliic Plan 789
(a 333 acre industriai park on the north side
af Paiomar Airpc��t Rd., approximate(y 3500 feet
west of El Camino Real)
Appra�ed by:
Pianning Carnmissinn Resnlutiar� # 1975, June 9, 1982
City Council 4rdinance ��63a, August 3, 1982
Speaific P1ar� �I81(A)
(re�uce t�e tntal ar�€�ur�t of (and desi�nated for cornrr�ercia( uses
and tc� reassign the iocati�r�s of �om�ereial[y designated lots;
text amendments and ciarifieations to the architectural guidelin�s...)
ApPraved by:
Planning Comrr�ission Resv(ution # 3275, Ju(y 31, �991
City Ccauneil Qrdin�r�ce # N5-1T8, �ctober 22, 'l99'I
Speci�c Plar� 181 {B)
(madify tt�e perrr�it requirements pr�visigns for hotel, rn�tel, theat�r
and oth�r cnmm�rcial uses within ihe specific pfar�)
R�proved by:
Pfanning Commission Resaiuiian # 437�, S�ptember 2, t998
Cify C�ur�cil �rdinance # �i5-456, 4ctober �3, '[998
Califprnia Coastai Commission
5pecific Plan '[81 (C}
(amend the parking and sign and c�raphic eequiremee�ts)
AppC�ved by:
Planning Commission Resalutian # 4886, January 3, 2001
City Counci[ Orcfinance #�tS-57�, March 6, 2Q�1
SPecific E�lan 181 �D)
(Amend boundari�s to includa 3 add"€tional parcels)
Withdrawn September 9, 2Q�14
Specific Plan 181 (L�
(Art�endment to aliaw far Cammercial Uses In Area 2)
Withdra�nrn March �t3, 2�08
Specific P1ar► 'I81 (F)
(Arr�er�drr��nt t€� �dd "Educ�tional Use, C3th�r" as a permitt�d use
subject to approvaf of Minor Condiiional Cise Permi�)
Apprc�ved by:
P[�nraing Cc�mmissi�r� Resoluti�n # 6321, July 18, 2t1�7
City Gouncil 4rdinance # NS-85�, Augus# 14, 2Q07
I. IN7R4�UC�ii�N .........................................................................................................•................. 1
A. PCJRPOSE ........................................................................................................................ 1
B. L�CAT[ON ....................................................................................................................... 1
C. GEN�RaL PLAN AND Z�NING DESIGNATfON� ........................................................ 1
il. LAND USE, CIRCiJLATIQN AND FHASiNG ............................................................................... 4
A. GEN�RA�. ��VEl..4PMENT C�NCEPT ........................................................................ 4
�3. STATfSTiCAL SUMMARY ............................................................................................... 4
c. ciRcu�T�aN ................................................................................................... ...... �
o. �r��s�N� .......................................................................................................................... �
I[I. PERM[TTED USES ....................................................................................................................... 9
A, AREA 1 ........................................................................................................................... 11
B. AREA 2 ............................................................................................................................ 12
� C. AREA 3- FUTUR� PLANNlNG AR�A .......................................................................... 'I Z
D. CC&R`5 ....................................................................................•-•-•--•-•..._.....................:.,.. '12
IV. GENERAL QEV�LOPM�N7' STANDARL�S ............................................................................... 'I7
A. BUILDING SETBACKS ................................................................................................... 17
B. SITE COVERAGE .....................................---......._...........................,............................... �S
C. BUILDENG H�1GHT ......................................................................................................... 'i8
D. PARKiNG...........----... .......................................................................................................78
�. LAN��CAPING ...............................................................................................................98
F. SIGN ANi� GRAPHIC REQU[REM�NTS ...................................................................... 21
G. LO/��ING AR�AS ........................................................................................................... 21
H. STORAGE A�SEAS ......................................................................................................... 21
E. M�TAL S�'RUCTUR�S .................................................................................................. Z2
J. R��'US� C�L(..ECTfON AREAS .................................................................................... 22
K. T�LEPHONE ANd �L.�CTRICAL SERV�CE ................................................................ 22
!.. NUiSANC�S ....................................................................................................................22
M. SCREENING O� �QUIPIl1t�NT ...................................................................................... 22
N. SAN D��GQ GAS &��.ECTRIC EASEM�NTS ............................................................. 22
�. B(KE LANES .................:.................................................................................................. 22
P. ARCH[TECTURAL. GUID�LINES .................................................................................. Z3
Q. Ei41fPLQY�E �ATING AREAS .........................................................................�..-�---•-•.... 23
V. G�N�RAL NOTES ARJ� MITIGAi'ION MEASURES ........................................•........................ 24
A. GEN�RAt ..........................................................................................................................24
B. M[�lGATION MEASURES---•� ......................................................................................... 24
1. GradinglFoundation Design ............................................................................... 2�4 '
2. �rainagetErosion ControilWater Quali�y ........................................................... 25
3. Bivlogical �iesources .......................................................................................•.. 25
4. Archa�ologica! R�sr�urces ................................................................................. 25
J�. P�I�QC1tnI0�IC�I RBSpItiCG'S .............................................•••..............................,. 2fi
6. Cfi'Cil��tt�Il ........................................................................................................... Z$
7. � F�1C��t-P�fil f��S�k'iC�Bd U�B ZORB ....................................................................... 2$
�. N�tSB ................................................................................................................... ��
9. S�rvices and Utilities .......................................................................................... 28
Vl. L�GAI.. DESCRIP�"ION ..................................................................•....---..............................,....... 29
�.isT aF F��t�R��
Figure � - R�gior�ai Site Map
Figure 2- Specific Location Map
Figure 3- Landscaped Siraets With Adjac�nt 51op�s
�'igur� 4-�.andscaped 5ireefs Witl�vut Adjacent Slapes
Fig�re 5- Interior 5#reets With Adjacer�t �lapes
Figure fi- lr�t�rior Stre�t� Wifhout Adjacertt Sfapes
Figure � - Land Use Plan
5P 181
The Speci�c Plan has been pre�ared to provid� fQr th� desi�n, dev�iflpment an�
operation of an industriaE comp{ex witttin the Ciry of Carlsbad. The development reg�latians therein
wiil insure coniormity #t� cornmunify goais and valu�s and the pratecfion af adjacer�t lartd uses from
ur�favarable irr�pacts.
As a dsvice t� carry aut #h� gqals anci pcslicies af fhe Ge�era[ Plan, this Specific Pian
est��lishes standards for develapment and does not provids a guar�ntee ofi approvaf far future
discretionary aets Qr proj�ct� within its bnundaries. This industriai campf�x shaii be knc�wn as
Carlsbad �4irpvrt Certtre.
i'his Specific Pla€� is adapted pursuant tc� th� pravisians nf Califnrrtia Governmer�t
Cod� Sectians C545(} et s�q. and the Land Us� E(ement vf th� City af Carlsbad Generaf Plan. The
ar�a covered by this p[an is inciudeci withirt th�: f'alomar Airport Speciaf i"reatmertt Area speci�ed in
the General P[an �nd, tf�erefore, this plar� is als� pr�par�d according t€� fhe special treatment area
requir�ments estab[ished by the City`s Generai Pian. A sp�cific plan is required fnr this projeci
because of fhe particular rsquiremer�ts af th� speeial treatmer�t ar�a. This Specific Plan estabiishes
d�taileti regulations, cor�ditions and programs for deveE�pm�nt within the ar�a specified h�rein.
The Carlsbad Airport Centre contains 333 acres and is locai�d on the narth side of
Pal�mar Air�ort Road, south and west oi Palomar Airpar� in an unincorpnrated County isiar�d, but i�
within the City's sphere of influenc� and wil[ be annexed ta the City. 5ee �igure � far ger��ral siie
locatian and Figure 2 for the pr�ject facaiion.
T�is site is designated irt the Land use Efemectt af th� Ci#y's ��n�ral Pian as Planned
Industria( (PI} wit� th� underlying zone �o be designated as Planned [ndustria[ (PMj.
SP 18't
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SP 181
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SP 181
Tl�is project is a plar�r�ed industrial develvprnent vvhich �+ill consisi �f sev�ral di�f�r�n�
uses s€�ch as industrial, rese�rch ar�d d�vefopmert#, a�d o�ce and related comm�rcial. An c�rganized
and pleasanf setting will �e pravided for the various ind�strial deuelgpmertt sites. A full range af
commercial ar�d in�ustrial support faci[ities will b� ineluded ta �ervice the prnject. The Incation of
varinus land uses is d�signated on th� Land Use Plar� (�igure 7), All de�eiopmeni shali canfQrr�n ta the
L.and Use Pian.
Th� building sit�s �nd parking lots wiii be extensively lar�dscaped alar�g with sp�cia!
landscape tr�afm�nts ar� designated streets.
The es#ablishment of set�ack req€aire�ents and sign controis wilf h�lp to provide an
aesthetic�lly sensitive enviranm�nt.
Pedestriar� and bicycle access wili be provided throughoui th� dev�lapmenk. Private
recr�ational facilities wi[I be recammended far the b�nefit oi the �mplayees of individual industrial
users. Areas where heavy cnncentration af oaEc tr��s �xist will be pres�rved where passi�ie as natural
open space. The �DG&� easements that crass th� property ►�ill b� utilizeci far �arking, ather
nanbuilding uses and aceess t� the exisfing pofe and t�wer siruetures, which wifl be m�intained and
Retail ar similar
Open space
Mini parks
Future deveiopment area
Tvtal 5ife Acreage
Special (andscape areas
'E 7.1
ihis pian s�rves to impl�mer�t the g�neral pian in cnr�jur�cti�n with the PM zQning .
classification �n th� sit�. Th� p�rmifted uses, develnpment standards, and enviconmental
c�nsideratians contained ir� this plan are more stringeni thart #hase fflund in t�e peoposed zoning.
Theref4r�, fh� �CDVlS[0115 Of �I1kS �?I2E� WtII ��k� �3iBCBdB[1C8. ThE pt'pVtSlOt15 Qf �f1E PM ZORB �Ctd `c3Cljl
amer�dments the�eto shall apply fo any subj�cts which are na# coe�ered in fhis plan.
5P 781
Apprvvai ofi f�is plan daes not vest any rig�ts for futur� approvais of any (icer�ses, discreti�nary acts �r
other en#itlemertts necessary for future devefoprr�ent Qf this �cc�j�ct.
Prirrrary aceess to the site wili be fram Palomar Airpari Road and future Coliege
Bouleva�d and Camina Vida Roble. lnt�rr�al circu[aiian vvill be provided by f4�ar-lan� p�blic roads
designed and built by the develaper in accordance with City sfandards.
AIE lacal str��ts will be construcfed by fhe developer to City siandards ir� canjunctivn
with adjac�nt devela�ment.
Three pttases of approxirr�ately 110 acres each are to be deveioped, fhe limits of which
are shawn an the Lartd Use Pfan. Apprnximateiy three years a�e estimated f�r deu�lopment �f each
�hase. The phasing scf�ed�fe f�as been d�velop�d in accordance with tl�� besi informatiart avaiiabEe
at the iime of adnpti�n c�f this plan. Minor chan�es in phasing {changes which �o rtot ��'ect atrailability
of public utili#ies or servic�s, or ca�se an aiterati�n of +1 a% of the develapment plan) may be
apprav�d by the P[anning Dir�ctar. ff a chang� may cause a sigr�ifica�t a[teration tc� the develc�pment
plan, or cr�at� a probl�m vrrith r�spect ta th� availability of �uF�Iic utilities or services, or rriay have oth�r
significant impaets, the Planr�ing Qirector shalf r�fer the change in phasi�g ia ths Plannir�g C��rr�is�ion
ior approval. Maj�r changes in phasin� may necessitate an amendment to ihis Speci�c Plan.
�eve[apm�nk of the CarlsFiad Airport Centre vuiii 6egin wiih Phas� 1 as shouvn on
�'igure 7. Phasing wiil be comp[eted sequentially as shQwr� on Figure 7. Th� Planning Director may
appr�v� nnnsequential devefopment, praviding tE�a# pubiic facilities have �ieen c�rr�plet�d to the
satisfaction of the City �ngineer. �nr the purpos�s of this plan, pubiic facifities inc[ude streets,
pravisior� for a dual water system for damestic and reclaimed wasiewater, se�+re� facilities, mini-park�,
iandscaping, �rairtage facilikies, eleciricity, 9as and te(ephvne. Specif€c improvernent plans wilf be
prepar�d and submitted as required by conditions of approvai Qn the ter�#ative fract rr�ap and �aeh fnal
In order io accommfldate tl�e 4verafl grading requirerr�ents for th� entire siie, cut an� ftf[ �
may accur outside the baundaries of each phase subject #o approva! t�y th� City �ngineer. Als� to
accvmmodate the ov�ra![ uti[ity requirements of the entire pr�jectF utiiity constructi�n may accur vutside
the bour�daries of each phase, and tt�is tflo is subject fa the a�proval af #he City Engineer. Specific
public improve�er�ts shall be c��str�ct�d in accordanee wiih the fallnwing schedule:
SP 187
1. 5#r��ts
a, llr�less atherwise stated in the cvnditians below, ail stre�t
impr�uemer�ts within a phase sf�all be constructec! by fh� d�v�loper io
full widtf�.
b. �xcept as indicafed in th� condiiions befow, all street im�ro�remer�ts
wil! Qccur in c�njur�ctior� with adjac�rt� develt�pmer�t.
c. TF�e dev�loper sl�all canstruct ha[f-street improvements, including a
raised �nedian, ala€�g #he Phase I frontage of Palomar AirpQrt Road
and provide a transitian east of Camino Vida Rabfe for Pafomar Airport
Road imprpved to tl�e satisfaction nf the City Engineer prior to
occupancy of #hat phase.
d. The develn�er shall construct ha[f street improvemenis, including a
raised median, afong the Pf�ase f l frontage of Pafamar Aieport Road
priar #c� vecupar�cy of that pttase.
e. Ct�llege Baulevard sh�li he irrtproved f�l!-v�ridth withir� the F'hase II1
bour�daries prio� to occupancy of thai phase. The full 'IO2-foot right-of-
wa� sha(1 be dedicated af tf�e tirne of fhe fnaf r�ap for Phas� [li wifih
c�rading being d�r�a for th� u[tirr�at� str��t width.
#. C�llege Boul�vard shali be irrtproved off-site, ftom tt�e sc�utttem
b�undary Qf Phas� Ili tQ Palomar Airport Road, wifh a 32-fa�t wi�th
inc(udir�g curbs prior to occupancy �f Phase Ili. Th�e full �a2-foni rigt�t-
4f-way shall be dedicated.
g. N��rtifhstanding conditinns e and f, the City Engir�eer may request
consiruction af Callege Boulevard to City standards prinr tn accupancy
of Phase lil bas�d on the follawir�g vccurrences:
1� Incr�ase af 5,�O�i VPD in A�T (based an Fal[ 198Q traffic counts}
on �l Camino Real between Tamaraek f�venue and Pa[vmar '
Airpart R�ad.
2) Increase in �,aC�O llP� in ADT (based nn �all 1 J8� tra�ic counts}
�r� Palomar Airpnrt Roa� betweer� �I Camir�o Real and Pase� del
� Norte.
h. Priar to occupancy af Phase I, Camino Vida Roble shali be construc#ed
ful[-width between Paiomar Airpar� Road an� ,��„ stre�t (Paiomar O�ics
Sp 18't
i ��a„ str�et (Pal�m�r 4aks W�y) st��ll be constructed in fu[!-wi�th
improvemenks from Palamar Airpar� Rnad tn th� west end of Phas�
prior to accupar�cy of fhat phase.
j "�'� str��t (Pa[nmar Oaks Way} shali be constructed to fuif-width
improvements from the vvest end of PF�ase I t4 Caiiege Boui�+�ard, prior
to occupancy of Phase [I1.
k. Sidewaf[cs shall be canstructed #� Gity standards nn both sides af the
following stre�ts: Cailege Baulevard, Camina Vida Rable and '��"
str��t (P�famar Oaks Way}. All ather stre�#s will hav�, at a minimum,
sidewaiks constructed to Cify standards ar� ane side nf the street.
2. iraffic Sir�r�als
�. ihe deueloper shall enter into a tra�c signal agreem�nt uvith t�e Gity
artd post a bnnci #a i�sure cans�rucfior� of the required traif�c signafs
prior to ttte appraval of the �nal map far each phase,
b. The required signals and the percerttage af fhe cost of th�se signals to
be �arne by ihe devefaper is as fol[ovsss:
Devefaper Phas�
lntersection Cost Laca#�d
Palomar Airport Rd & Camina Vida Ftobl� 5qp/a 1
Pa[amar Airport ad &'�D„ street * 1
Camina Vida Roble &"D„ street 1 QC�% 3
Colleg� Boufevard &����� street 1 QD% 3
*Cast of this sigr�a! sl�all be the differe�ce befinreen that af
a three-way intersectior� and a four-way intersecfion.
c. Th� d�v�lt�per shail insfali thte r�quired tr��c sigrtals wtten the Gi#y
�r�gin��r determines fh�t such signafs are warranted and s� notifies
the dev�la�er in writing.
3. Mini-Parfcs
Mini-parks will b� cansidered ttte same as ather public facilities in relation ta
phasing. Mini-parks wili be car�sfrucfed by the devefaper prior to building
� developrrtent �f B� p�rcertt of the acreage c�f the entire �ahase within which they
ar� ic�eat€:d as th�y are sh�nv�rn ort lartd use plar�.
SP 18�1
4. �.andscaping
All apPrav�d landscaping far special landscaped sireets and common areas
sha[I be i�stalled prinr in occupancy of each phase.
SP 181
A, Af�EA 1
A�ea 1 is designated f�r li�ht and medium industrial uses, research and developm�nt
uses, industria[ s�pport and senrice uses, and business and professional office uses, prnvided tl�at
such uses ar� canirned within a buil�ing ar b�ti[dings and do n�t cantribute exc�ss r�oise, dust, smoke,
vibratiQn, odor vr taxic or noxi�us ma�er ta the surrounding er�virQnment nor cvntain a hig[� hazard
pQt�ntial. Uses permitted in the Carlsbad Airpart Centre wi(i no# produ�e any af t�e foiinwing:
9. Nnise in excess af 7C} d�cibels (Americar� Standard fnr noise [e�el met�rs}:
a. F�r a cumulativ� p�riod of more than 3Q minu#es in any F�aur, or
- b. Plus 5 deeibels for a cumulativ� perind af more t�an 15 �ninutes in any
hour, or
c. Plus 10 decibeis far a cumulativ� perind of more tl�an 5 minutes in any
hour; t�r
d. Pfus 15 d�cibels for a cumu[ative period of mare than 1 minute in any
h�ur; or
e. Plus 2� decibels for any pefiod af time,
2. Vibration, heat, g[are, nr eEect�ical dis#urbar�c�s beyond the b�undaries of the
3. Air pollufion detectable by the hurr�an s�ns�s v�rithac�t the aid of instr�m�nts,
beyond the bour�daries of the sit�;
�. Emissivns vvhich en�anger hurr�an health whieh car� cause damage tQ animals,
vegetatinn ar property, or which can cause spilling at any po[nt bey�nd #he
boundaries of the site;
5. �dar detectable by the hurr�an s�nses with�ut aid af instrumertis beyond th�
bour►daries of t�te s€t�.
Ail wastes discharged into ti�e vwastev+rat�r discharge sysiem wiil me�t Cit�i standards.
Ali uses sha11 conform to ihe general d�veloprr��r�t cnncep#s ft�r a higi�-quality business �
park, v�ith �ll standards and restriction� es#ablish�d by this pian ar�ci wifh CC&Rs.
Specificaily, the foiiowing �ses ar� p�rrr�i�ted in Area 1:
1. Uses primarify �ngag�d ir� r�s�arch activitiss, including research
� manufacturing suct� as, �ut not Iimii�d to, the foll�wing:
a. Biochemical;
b. Chemical;
c. Electronics;
ci. �'iim and ph�tagraphy;
e. �9edicak and der►tai;
SP 787
f. M�tallurgy;
g, Pharrr�aeeutical;
h. X-ray.
2. Manufact�tre, research assernbly, testing and r�pair of co�ponenfis, davices,
equipment and systerns, and par�s ar�d cornpor�ents of tf�e foi[nwir�g:
a. Cails, tubes, semi-conductars;
b. Cammu�ica#ior�, navigation, guidanee and cQntral equiprr�ent;
c. Da#a processir�g �quipmen�, including comp�ter software;
d. Glass edging and sifv�ring equipment;
. e. GrapMacs and art �quipment;
f. M�tering �quipmertt,
g. Radio and televisian equiprr�eni;
F�. Photpgraphic equipmer�t;
I. Rc�Ci�i, t�1�Cr�C�.'Ei �I'!C� Ll�tf�Vtdl�� EC�Ltt�]fil@R�;
j. 4ptical devices and equiprnen�;
k. �illing and Iad�[ing machir�ery.
3. Light manufacturing, �rocessing, andtor assembly of the f�llowing or similar
a. Food prnducts;
b. Apparel and finish prflduct� frort� textiie products;
c. Lumber and v�ood products;
d. F�arn€ture and �xture prQducts;
e. Chemical and a[lied prad€�cts; .
f. P[astic and rubb�r products; ,
g, StQne, clay, and glass products;
h. �abricated m�tal prvducks;
i. Prof�ssianaf, sci�ntific, cantrr�lli€�g, photpgraphic, ar�d Q�ticai products �
or �quipm�:nt.
4. Servic� indusiries nr t�nse ir�dustries prnviding a ser�rice as apposed to the
rr►anufacfiur� of a specific product, such as tF�e repair and mainienance c�f
- appliartces or c�mpon�nt par�s, tnoling, printers, testing shops, smail
machine shops, shops �ng�ged in the r�pair, maintenance artd servicing of
such items, excluding automobi(e and truek repair, and excluding e��ipmeni
renta! yards.
5. Industries engaged ir� the distrib�tian andlor storage c�r warehausing of
�roducfs simi[ar tt� those listect in other permitted us�s in fhis grou�.
SP 181
6. Constructi4n ir�dustri�s su�h a� gen�ral cantracfors, electrical contractors,
plu�bing car�tractars, etc., and #heir accessory and incidenta! a�ce uses.
7. Biueprir�tir�g, photostatting, phata-engravinc�, printing, �ub[ishing, and
8. Administrativ� ar�� prafessional �fiices, [imited ta a) offces which are
assaciat�d with any perrniftad industrial �se or b} o�ces which do nat attract
nnr are prim�rily dependent upan busir�ess custorr��rs visiting the o�ce.
Permi�ted o�ces include, but are not limit�d io, eorp�rate o�ces, r�gio�a!
offices, general o�ices, and such professiortal tr�ic�s as accountants,
. attarr�eys, engineer�, afchitects, and plar�ners. Prahibited offces irtelude, but
are not [imited to, banks and �nanciaf insiitutians, m�dical and dental offces,
employment a�er�cies, real esiate ag�nci�s, and trau�l ager�cie�.
9. Emplgyee cafe#�ria, cafe, restaurant, or auditaric�m accesspry vwith and
incider�tai to a permiht�d use {intended primariSy far the expre�s use of those
p�rsans emp[ayed a# fhe firrn nr use where such incidental use is appiied}. -
1(}. Accessary uses and structures when reiated and incidental to a�ern�itt�d us�
such as, but nat limited to, faad �reparatian, food service, and eatirtg fiacilities.
11. �ducatianal ��ciiities, Other: As defined in sectian 21.�9.137 of fhe Zoning
Ordinance subject to a(�linar Gonditional 4Jse Permi� and vvhere th� facility i�
for adult (18 years and a(der) students exc[usively, and is I�cated entireiy
outside th� Flight Actiuit5r Zone and entirely autside of the 65 dB CNEL naise
cnuntaur (as shown in the Comprshensive Land Usa Pian for th� McGl�f(an-
Palamar Airport, dafed �ctober, 2004}, or where the use is facated partialiy or
�ntirely betweer� the 6D and 65 dB CNEL noise confaurs if the interior noise
leve[s are atter�uaied to �5 dB CNEL (as verified through a site sp�cific
acaustical study}.
B. AR�A 2 '
area 2 is d�signated for industria[ support us�s, business and professional uses, and
certain retai( uses supparting the busir��ss park.
The cammercial areas in Area 2 r�quire a�conditior�ai use permit for each use pursua€�t
to Chapter 2� .�2 of �he Car[sbad Municipal Cod�.
5P 't81
Q-Dverlay ��ne) prinr to development.
Permitted uses ir� Area 2 are:
1. Retaii business�s (ori�nt�d t� n��ds nf c�mplex empioye�s);
2. Service busir�esses {oriented to needs of cnmpisx empfoye�s and
3. Persor��l service businesses;
�. Financiaf service businesses;
5. Biueprinting, pi�otostatiing, phQto-er��raving, prir�ting, p�bEishing, and
. 6. Adr�inistrative, j3fflfES5iQf1�I, and business offic�s;
?. Hea[t� ar athletic club facilities;
8. Service stations;
9. Hat�ls, mo�e[s, and theaters;
10. Restaurants �may be p�rmi�ted anywh�r� in th� Air}�ort Busirte�s Center with a
eonditi�nal use permit subject to fhe provisions af Sectian 21.42 of the
Carlsbad Municipal Code. At a minimum, this canditiona! use perrr�it shali
addr�ss ad�quate parking, distance beiween resfaurants, cornpatibility witf�
surrounding uses, and hours of c�peratian.
�. �4REA 3 - FU`iURE PL.ANhIlNG AR�A
8ecause af tapa�raphy and access p�oblems, possi�le dev�iop��nt of Ar�a 3 is
premature at this time. If at same time in i�e futuee development i� pro�os�d for #his area, then a
rr�ajor am�ndm�r�t to this Speciftc Pian will be processed by the Planning ��mrnission and City
Gounci[. �ises prapnsed far tl�is area shnuld be compaii�fe inrith the adjacent Macariv Canyon Park.
Tt�e burden of prQnf to deve[ap this area fies with th� devei�per. Before d�v�Iopment of this property
can occur, it must be shov�rn that propvsed uses for ihis area are compatibl� v�ith Macari� Ganyan F'ark
and with th� adj�cent open space area ar�d thai prc�pee access is a�ailabie to th� site.
D. CC&Rs '
Priflr ta any deveiopment wifhin the Car(sbad Airport C�ntr�, #h� develqper shal[
prepare c�venartts, condifir�ns and restrictions �CG&Rs) applicable to tlt� entire park site. These
CC&f�s shaf[ be approved by ihe Pianning Qirector prior fq ti�e approval of any #inal map for the
property. No development sha[! occur until the CC&Rs ar� appraued.
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This sectivn pr�vides standards vvhich v�ri[i allorrr unique siie plannir�g and building d�sign on
irttiividuai parcels while rrtairttair�ing regulatinns assttring the deu�lapm�nt �f an industrial center of
exeellent qua[it�. Variaus sefbacks, building separations, buiiding heights, and arcl�it�cturai sty[�s wiil
bs allflwed as a resuEt of the rnixed land uses and pr�vailing topography, a[#f�ough visual cnntinuity �+ill
b� provid�d k�y ur�i�ed landscaping al�ng the speciaf lartdscap�:d streets.
�i7i ��1�' j]Wi'�708� Of �ilE5 fliCl[llr�iiC�, setbacks are defined as that minimum distance from
fh� ultirna#e right-of way lir�� of the fra�#age �treet. 5pecial landscape� straets are as foil�ws: Callege
Boulevard, Camino Vida Rpbfe, and "��� Street (Palnmar Qaks Way�.
1. Street�ide Setbacic. Na siructure shalE be iocated �ithin 3o feet of any street
�ight-of-way fine, except that unsupported raofs or sur� sc�eens may proj�et 6
feet into the setback area. i'he f�IIDWECt� irnp�ovements are specif�caliy
permitted in the stre�tside sefbacEc:
a. Viiaiks,
b, Paving and associated curbing, except tt�at vehicle parking areas shail
not be p�rmitl�d within 30 f��t of th� streetside right ofi way lines nf
speciaf fandscaped s#reets or �uitl�ir� 1i� feet of the streetsid� right-of-
way fir�e Qf o#�er str��ts. in eith�r cas�, any parking ov�rhang is
c. Landscaping,
d. Plan#ers, archif�ctural fer�ces, or walls r�flt ta exce�d 3 fe�t in height;
!n t�e case of thraugh fots extendit�g fram str�et to street, bo#h street �rantages
shall b� tr�at�d as a streetside set�acEc.
2. lnteriar S�tback. No structure sh�lf be located within 1a fe�t af any inierior [ot
line. "
3. Rear Sefback. Na structure shal[ be iacated witt�in 25 feet of a rear lot iine.
Par[�ing areas shail maintair� a ten-fao# setback from rear I�t lines with no
parking overhang permitfed.
4. � Fiqures 3 thrt�uqh 6 represent graphic exarnples of haw setbacks on speciaf
stre��s �nd ir�terinr streets �haufd 6e treated. Treafinent is not limited ta the
method d�picted in this graphic, hawever.
SP 18'1
Maximum building coverage, including accessory buikding str�actur�s and exeiuding
open parking areas, shail not exceed �C1 percen# of th� gross iot area,
The maxirnurn height of all structures shail be determined by #he ur�derlying zone,
No nrt-street �arkir�g will be aflow�d.
The Parkin� requireme�ts far all uses shall cbmply wifh Chapt�e 21.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal
The following standards shall app[y to af[ landscaping wifhin fhe develapment. "Special
Landscaped 5treets" have be�n d�sigrtated on t�e �.an�i Use Plan (see Figure 7). Special
consid�ratiar� v�ri[( be giv�n to the landscaping a[nng these streets and is referred to �nder s�parate
sectians af the fallnwir�g standards. A[I [andscapin� rr�ust comply with the Ci�y af Ca�l�bad Lar�dscape
Guide[ines Manual,
'f. General Requirement
a. All landscapin� pursuartt to this section shail b� installed by ihe
develop�r and maintain�d through the busin�ss park associ�tinn a�, if
approv�d by Ci�y Gouncif, a main�enance district.
b. A rriinimum of 95 p�rc�nt of each building sife area shalf be reserued
for irrigat�d landscaping uvhich shall be maintained in a neat and
orderly manner. The configuratiQn of the required lar�dscapir�g may be
�r�atively distributed but shal[, at a minimum, include #he fQlfowing
1} Streetside SetbaGlc Areas
aj G�n�ral Statem�ni: An effective cc�mbinatior� of s#reet �
trees, trees, ground cc�ver, ar�d shrubhery shali be
b} Special �.ar�dscaped Street (Co(lege Bouievard,
- Caminn 11ida Roble and '�D" Street (Pa[ama� Oaks
Wayl): except for approved driueway and sidewaik
locations, the eniire area between #he curb ar�d the
building s�tba�k lin� shall be iandscaped (Figures 3
artd 4). �
SP 'f 81
c) lnterior Streets: Except fQr approved driv�vlay and
side�rvakk locations, t�e er�tire area from ihe curb to a
point 1� fe�t beyand th� rigt�t-of-way lin� shall be
[andscap�d (Figures 5 and 6).
d) �3err�s: The iandscaping in all streetside setbacks
shall inc[ude berms as noted beloinr. The av�rage
F�eigt�t af berms shalf be 42 inch�s fQr special
Iand�cape streets and 3Q inch�s for all other str�ets.
The height o# the be� shall be m�asur�d fram the
street cur� or parkir�g lot curb, u�rhichever is h[gher.
When th� parking ar�a is more than 36 inches below
stre�:t I�v�[, th� berrn rr�ay b� 18 inch�s. 8erms �re
nt�t requir�d where the �ntire ar�a E�efween the sireet
and bui[ding is to be landscaped and fir�� of parki�g.
e) [r�t�rsections: Landscaping and berms, nat including
tr�es, along all streets shalf be limited to a height af 2.5
fe�fi �ithin the iriart�le formed by a line e�ctended
bet�nreen paints 35 feet distant from the ir�ters�ction of
the right-of-way lines �rolonged.
f} All iandscaping planted within fhe conf�nes af 5an
Diega Gas & Electric easements shali conform to the
standards applied to those easements.
g) �!i screer�ing #rees shalf be evergreen varieiies.
Palamar Airpnrt Rnad. A special [ands�ape corridar aiong
Palo€r►ar Airport Roa€i, witF� a mini€�um width of 50 f��t from
right-af-way, sha}! be established and mair�tain�d by th�e �
de�elopers or hflm�c�wners' assoeiatian. Th�; landscaping
sh�il cnnsist �f a c4rr�bination of trees an� shrubs and grou��
cover thai is con�is#ent v�ith the general theme along Palornar
Airport Road.
in#eriar Setbacic.
a) Generaf Statement: Ali designated untte�eioped areas
such as setbacks and areas not used for parlcing o�
SP 181
siQrage shall be landscaped with grou�d caver, shrub,
and #ree mat�rials.
b) Und�v�iaped Ar�as: Ur�developed areas or u€�paved
ar�as proposed far future expansiar� sf�all be
maintain�d by develaper{awr��ri[essee in a weed-fr��
conditian, but need not be landscaped.
c) Scre�rt[ng: Ar�as used far parking sha[I be land-
scaped ir► suc1� a manner as to inierrupi or screen said
areas frnm view from access str�ets and adjacer�t
prape�ties. P(ant materials used for this purpase shal9
cnr�sis# of linea! or geoup�d masses af shrubs andfnr
4. Parkin� �,reas. �'rees, �qual ir� numb�r t� c�ne �er five parking
stalls shall be provid�d in the parking area. The irees may b�
di�#�ibut�d evenly thraughQut th� area or may be gro�ped vr
cfustered in ord�r to cr�at� a rar�dam pattem. Cartopy trees
shall be used ir� parking areas.
5. Siea�e 8anks. Al[ slape banEcs greater than �:1 or 6 feet in
vertical h�ight and adjacertt to a public right-of-way shall b�
stabi[ized, plar�ted wi#h a combinatior� nf trees, shrubs, ar�d
ground eover, ar�d irrigated as required by the Cify �ngineer.
6. Entrvwaus. Speciaf Eandscape and sign treatment shall be
applied ta all entry ways info the b�sir�ess c�ntef at College
BQuf�vard (��th �nds), Camino Vida Roble and Palar�ar
Airport Road, and'�D„ S#reet (Pa[omar Oaks 1�Iay) ar�d
Pafamar Airport Road. Distir�ctive landscape design cansisting "
of ground cover and I�edgeraws cornbin�d wifh conftaur
berming s�[all be included. �niryways sF�aff be limited #o
grnund sig�a whieh contain the nam� of the busi�ess cer�ter
- anly and wi�ich canform #o fhe sign and graphic st�ndards df
thi� plarr. Entryway pfans shaif he suh�itted �o the Planning
C�irecfvr for approva[ pri�r to issuance of sign permits.
Er�tryway signs shalf �e [irnited ta 2� feet in length and 6 f�et in
5P 1$'1
7. A detailed [andscape ar�d irriqation plan for all special
landscaped streets, rr�ini-parks and eommor� areas, shall be
subrni�ted tQ and appra��d by the Planning Qirectae priQr to
appr�va[ af th� �inaf ma� far eacF� phass.
8. Mini-Parlc_ Qevelopmenf. �our mini-parks, iocated as shnwn an
ihe t�ntative map a�d Figure 7 of this Sp�cific Pfan, shall be
canstructed tn pr�vide passive rest and picnic areas for
emplayees and visitors of Airpar� �usiness Center. Each �ark
shail be deveioped according to the requirem�nts of the Ci�y`s
k�arks and Recreafian QirectQr. Prior to d�velopment �f any
phase, plans for construction of all par#cs rtvithin that phase shall
be submiried to fhe Parks and Reereatiara �ir�ctnr far approval.
The mini-parks shalf b� maintained by the �roperty owr�ers
throug� a property av�ner's assnciatian according to siandards
established by t�e l�arks and Recre�ti�n �irect�r. �aeh mini-
pa�Ec wil[ incorparate b�rms, iandscaping and fu�niture �to
incfude picnic benche�, tab[es and trash recepiacles}.
Ai) signs wi#hin the Carlsbad Airpo�t C�ntr� 5pecific Pian shafl cnmply v+�ith
Cha�t�r 21.41 Qf the Carls�ad Municipal Code.
1. 4n special.i�ndsca�e streets, no Ioading shall be allowe� whieh is visi�le fram
adjacent streets.
2. Or� oth�r t�tan sPecia( landsca�ed streets, str��tsid� Ioading shall be aiiowed
pravid�d th� loadirtg doek is �ef back a rrainimum Qf 7q feet frt�m the street
right-af-way lirte. All laading areas must be scre��ed frarn adjacen� streets.
1. Aii a�tdoar storage ShaEl be visuaiiy scr�er�ed from adjacer�t streets and
property. 5aid screening shaif consist of a saiid c�ncr�te ar masvnry (or ather
durable material apprvve� by ihe Planning C}ir�ctor} wall nnt less #han six feet
in h�ight. Qutdnor storage sE�all include the parking �f aif campar�y-o�ned or -
aperated motor vehicies, wi�h the �xception of regular passenger vehicles
2. No storage shaii be permitted between str��tside and fhe b€�il�ing line.
SP '18'1
No meta[ structures with metal siding or she�ting ext�rior shali be permitied.
1. Alf outdoor refuse coilection areas shall be cnmplefeiy enclased a�d screened
from ace��s streets and adjacent properfy by a black wall, s4x feet in height,
appror�ed �y the Pfannirtg direcfor. A([ suci� areas sE�all t�ave coracrete flaars,
and sha[f be of sufficient size f4 contain all �efuse �enera#ed by th� business.
i��tese areas shafi be no less than six by eight feet in siz�.
2. No refuse callection areas shal! be perc�r�itted between stree#side artd the
building line.
Al( "c�n-site" electrical iines (excluding transmis�ion lines} and #elephone [ines shal[ be
p(aced underground. Transfarmer or terrr�ina( equiprnent shaf[ be visualiy screened from view from
streets and adjacen� pro�er�ies.
No par�ion af the prop�rty shali be used in viofatian of the performance s#andards nf
this plan ar in such a manner as to cr�ate a pubii� or pr�vat�; nuisanc�. .
Exterior c4rr�po��nts of piumbir�g, pracessir�g, i�eating, cooling and ver�tifating systems
(including but r�ot Jimited to piping, tanks, staeks, collectors, heating, cat�fing, and venti(ating equipment
fans, bla�ers, duct work, �ents, iouvers, meters, carnpressars, motnrs, incinerators, ovens, etc.] shall
nflt b� dir�etly visib[e tn surraunding areas to the safisfaction af the Plannir�g C3irector.
Should S�n Diego Gas & Electric Company uEi[ize their easemer�t rig�ts to
under�round utilitiss ar ir� any ather way disiurb parfcir�g areas, access ways, �r other approv�d
portions of the site, the deueloper shal[ be respansible fvr restaring sueh parking area� ar acc�ss ways �
to their r�quired cor�ditian.
Provision5 far biEce lanes shall be mad� by the develaper for Coll�ge �oul�vard. If the
City �ngineer d�tem�tines tttat enough wicith exists on "D" str�et {Paiomar Oa1cs Way) fa pravide
ad�qu�te space fnr a bike lane, then ihe developer sF�ali prpvid� apprapriat� striping.
sP �s�
Projects within this �pecif�c planned ar�a shall incarparate a variet� of inethod� to
improve visua[ impacts. Sueh methods rr3ay incfude the fnllowir�g:
1} �tariety c�f roQf and wall materials and colars
2) Variety af building ar�hitecturai accent features
3) Varied bui[ding r�of heigh�fs and roaf averhan�s
4) liaried buifding street setbacks beyond the r�inimum requirernents
5) Enhanced fenesiration
. fi) Varied building e�eriar accent calors
7} Enhanced architectural and landscap�d �ntry treafinents
8} V�fl�t� �ff�iif j�s�fCl iaiiC�SCc��1[C1C� tCE'.��iii�'1i�5 Wt�f7tCi �tl C?V�f'�II U�11�j11f1� �I��It1�
9} Articuiated building forms
- Rc�of plar��s
- Wall planes
- lnsetio�Fset windowsldaors
� q) InstalEalion of Earge specimer�-size trees ar groupings af smaller trees in firont
�mployee ea#ing areas shall �e pravid�d in accordanc� with ihe Carlsbad
D�vei�pment Cade and aii Gity �nlicies.
s� �s�
The fof[ov�ing gen�ra[ nates and mitigation measur�s shali controi t�e overail deveiopment af
�ar(sbad Airpor� C�n�re. i'he develnper shall be r�sponsible for im�lementing the mitigatiora rr�easures
which are based nn fhe EIR fc�r the prvj�cf.
1. Except as speciiied in this pian, th� rec{uir�rr��nts �f the PM zane and all ather
applicabfe pr�visions for the zorting, su�divisit�n, grading artd bt�ildir�g codes
(ar�cf any am�ndments theretoj of the City af Carisbad shall apply.
2. Wh�r� rrair�or quesfions arise regardir�g inteepretatior� of this Specific Plan, tl�e
i'lanning airector shall resa[ve thsm in a rr�anr��r c�r�sistent with fhe E�unicipai
Code, adopt�d �i#y plans, and City policy. Such decisians by the Pianr�ing
C3irector may be appealed to the Plannir�g ComrnissiQn and Cit�r Council.
3. il�e d�v�loper or associaiiar� shaii b� respansibl� fnr maintainirtg a[I natural
cany�n area�, all fif� and eut slQpes adjacent 10 public streefs, and af[ sp�cia[
fandscape areas as autlin�d in this t�xt.
�. GradirtgiFour�dation.D�siqn
a. "ihe cnnciusions ar�d recammendakivns of the fnal ge4#�chnicai study
required by ihe Sub�ivi�ion Map Acf shall b� incorporated inta this
• prQj�ct.
b. The u(timate engineering e(esign af fh� project w'tll incorpo�ate th�
specifi� recommendations of the geolagy c�nsu[tar�t reiafive t� dssign
criteria and fourtciatiort development.
c. Cl�aring af grnunci cc�ver in advance of actua! grading operatior�s will
be a�roid�d.
d. Aii grad�d ar filf slnpes shall bs rsv�getated immediat�[y after grading. �
e. A soifs engineer sF�all review the �nal grading �fans ar�d be present
during gradir�g aperations on the sit�.
SP 18'1
Z. lrain�q�l�rrasion CantraltUVaier Qualiht
a. A r�nast�r plan of drainage fnr the site shall be pr�par�d and submitted
to th� City En�ineer fpr appra�af in c�rtju�cfiar� with the first tentative
traci ma�. Suci� plan sha[I be consist�r�t with the Master �rainage
Pi�n of th� City as adopt�d by the Cit� Council. The deve[�per shall
�e respansible for constructian of any drainage facility requi�ed as pari
af tentative map approval.
b. A p[an for siltation conirol fnr a�l star� runoff fram th� prap�rty during
constructian and ir�ifial c�pera#ian of tF�e tract, and th� maintenance c�f
siit eontroi facilities c{uring normal operation, shall be prepared by the
d�ve:laper and submitted to the Ciiy Engin��r for approval priar #a
r�cording the fnal map fvr each e[ernen� of the d�ve[npm�nt.
c. Drainag� and siltation control facilitiss shalf be construcied by the
developer prior fo c�r cnncurrently v+rith grading operatians.
d. Grour�d cover suitab[e fo� slope erosiQn contra[ u�rill be planted and
maintair�ed by the develaper i€�€�ediate[y inllnwing grading.
�. A regular street-cleaning pragram wiii be impiemented by the
d�vefoper or the propet�fy owner`s associatian to minimize pollutar�t
runoff from internai private r�adways and parking areas related tp #h�
f. Dn-siie retention basins as shown �n �'igUre 7 sh�l[ be cor�s#ructed and
nperational prior to any grading on the site.
3. Bialogical Resaurc�s
The devefQper wiil protect approximately fwo acres of ihe depf�ted riparian oak
+nroodlartd habitat I�cated in the sauth�ast part nf the �roperty. This habitai will be ir�corporaied inta a
larger five-acre vpen space area. A[sc�, erosion of sails will be controlfed during and subs�quent #o �
gradir�g operations #o minirt�ize sedimentation fio dnw�stream habitais.
4. Archaea[oqieal R�sc�urces
The propa�ed project cau[d have signifiean# impacts on a nurnb�r �f
archa�o(agicai sites-or� the 5ubject proPerty. Strat�gy fnr mitigating significant irr�pacts to a lev�l of
ir�significance cansists of a well-e�nceived, thornughfy plannad, and earefully controll�:d iwo-phase
t�s#ing and salvage program.
5P 181
Sigr�ificant impacts to some culturai sii�s might be mitigabl� in if�e first of tw�
phases. Phase I proc�dures would include rnapping, pastha[e �xcava#ion, suriace collection, and at
most sifes khe exca�atian of samp[ing units. Phas� li procedures consisi primarily of rr�c�Ee extensiv�
subsur�ace excavation according ta a r�searc� design planned tt� accurately id�ntify and evafuat�
arcF�aevlDgical re5vtarces.
A��cc�r�d ph�se of urtit sampling is specificaiiy recorr�rrtend�d fc�r site�� SDM-
VII-123 and SDJ+�-W-12S, whi[e sit�s S�M-W-2493 and SDM-W-24Q4 may afso requir� a�rvo-phase
a�proach. A sec�nd phase might alsa be necessary ai any af th� ofher sit�s, p�nding results of frst-
phase anaiysis, but this is cansidered ur�likely for 5L}M-W-240a, 5DM-W-24U�, 5�M-W-2�D4, and
5DM-W-24C?5. f'erhaps f�ss lik�ly, but alsa feasible, is that firs#-phase rni#igation mighf �e attainabfe at
SDM-W-198�, SDM-W-�984, S�M-W-1�85, ar�d SDM-W-24t}8. If is noted that mitigatian has already
been achieved f�r SC3M-W-24a6, which was surface coliected st the time af field survey.
Ti�e Ci�y+ maintains thc righ� tn r�view arty arCha�nlogical reparts subrnitted as
mitigation #or this sectian. if th� Plannir�g Qirector deiermir�es that such work is inad�quate, a
consu(ting frm rr�ay b� used by th� City at th� expense of tha deuelpper to review and correct tt��s�
5. PaleQntolQ icai Reso�rces
The greatest patentiaf for pafer�nta(ogical resaurces are iacated in the D�Imar
FarmatiQn found alvng th� st�uth�rrt boundari�s af th� property. Gi►�en thi� patentiai, a quaiified
paleontalagist will be pr�s�nt at aii pregradir�g meetings (re��ired by the Ci#y's grading ordinanc�) to
determine at what stages of grading and at what locafior�� the pa[eoniol4gisf will b� pr�s�nt during
grading operations.
Paleontal�gical sites uncovered during grading operatians and t�rmed
signi�eant by the i�sp�cting pal�ontal�c�ist wiI( be le#t expased �antil fossif cof[ection and appropriate
investigativns are a�c�mpiished or unfil r�asonab[e mitigation has i�Ecen place as determi�ed by #he
Pia�ning Director. '
$. CiiCU[8t[Qft
Ail recommendati�r�s included in th� traffic study regarding intersection
g�ometrics and rnaciway assign€r�ents will be incorporated irrta th� project as a rec�uirement for
d�v�lopment unless�at�erwise addresseti.
7. Flic�t�t-Pafh Restricted Use Zor�e
A restricted use zone, 5flQ feet wide (250 f�et each side� of Ehe cer3terline af the
Paiorna� Airport runway), is shown on the tentative map and �ig�re 7. The land use plan
SP 181
will be applied ta lots underiyir�g this zone. i'h� purpas� af this restricted use zone is to red�c� fh�
number c�f �eople aefively empioyed in fhe zan�, lawer�ng the potential i�n�act of an airpfane crash or�
the site. Within this z�n�, #he fo[lowing fot cnverages for po#entiai us�s wifl b� applied:
a. Warehouses or similar uses--maximu�n 75% foi cqverage
b. D�ces c�r simiiar uses�maxir��m 35°/a lof caverage
These c�verag�s shali a�ply to any (nt which is impacfed by this zone greater than 2�°/a of th� r�et pad
area. No storage or manufacture c�f explo�ives or highly flammable materials �il[ be allowed within this
zorte. The appropriatene�s of use allowed ir� this zone wiii be at the discretiort af tt�e Planning �irectar.
i'he P(anning Directr�r si�al! determ6rte if uses similar tv warehouse type uses are appropriafe for ihis
ar�a. A{i t�ti�er star�dar�[s outlir�ed ir� this Sp�eific Plan and the undarlying zone shal( a�ply to this area.
S. Ns�ise
The rnost significant source of noise at Airport Business Center will 6e from
aircraft o�eratior�s at or near Pa[amar Airport, �rvifh minor �mour�ts of noise ger�erated frr�rri vei�icular
traffic alortg Callege Bauievard, Palorr�ar Airport Road ar�d „D�� street (Palomar OaKs Vtlay). Noise
impacts are especiaiiy s�ver� (gr�ater fhan 7� dBA CNEL) in the ar�a just v�est of tf�e runway. This
area is shawn as the Flighi-Path Restricted Use Zone �n �igur� 7, the land use plan.
Recornm�nda#ions �nd noise standards beforry shall apply or�ly to fhi� area Qf the 5pecifc Plan.
a. IJses: War�t�o�ses, parking ar�as ar�d at�ec I�v�r-intensify uses shfluld
be encouraged to cievelop in this area.' ��ce type us�s shalf be
permit�ed but sttvuid me�t special construciioi� standards to minimiz�
�l. �t1f£Efl�� �OiSB ���i1C�c�i'd5: �Oi' W�T'��1�U5E.'S �IlC� �QVY-If1�L'1151�j1: ��1N-
emp[nyee type uses, internal nflise leve(s shall be reduced to 7Q dBA
CN�L fram all saur�es. �or offices, cnnferer�ce a�eas and ciassr�om
fYPe uses wh�re fr�qu�nt cammunicatians occur, EC1tBiIflF E1Qi5B IF:V8I8
shal! be reduced to less fhan ar equal to 50 d8A CNEL from a!E '
c. Cvnstructiar� Standards: �ar office and sirnilar type us�s, the fallowing
star�dartts are r�commended at a minimum fQr ct�nstructiort to r�duce
- noise lev�[s Eo the abave standards:
�} Limifi fhe number c�f wa[E openings (d�or and ervindow) 10 a
minimum am�unt.
SP '[81
2} Minimize windaw surface ar�a and focate v3rindows in areas not
expos�d to n�i�e �aurc�.
3) �1se double-giazed gfass.
�) Reduce the need €or flpe� windows by providing adequaie
mec�anieal v�ntiiafian.
5) ��erior daor shoufd be of solid-core cnnstructiar�.
6j E�ct�rior wali coating should be af mater�a(s which partially
absorb r�oise, thereby reducing reflecte� sound.
7) Saur�d buffering ma#�ria[s shauld �e utilized for ba�ic
canstructian such as masanry with dnub(e-glazed windnv+is.
9. 5err�ices anrl Ufili#ies
Development in #I�� 5pecific Plan area uuill nat �e allQrrued until th� City Council
has determin�d fhat sev�r�r s�rvice will be ad�quate io serve this site.
ihe �City of Gar[sbad has appraved in cancept a Wasiewater Reclamatian
Mast�r Plan. Part of th� pla� vuill be implemer�ied by the canstruction of a sateflite fr�atm�nt plant in
conjuncfion with �n adjacent develapment (Caris�ad ResearcE� Center) which wiil a6so provide service
#a t�e Carlsbad Airport Centre as welf as #he surrpundir�g area.
This project shall be approved �nder the express condition tha# the applicant shall pay
a pubfic facilities fee as required by City Gouncil Po[i�y No. �i, tiated Aprii 2, 1982, nn file with fhe City
Clerfc and incorparated hereir� by r�f�renc� and according t� th� agr�em�nt ex�cuted by the apg(icant
far payment Qf said fee. A ca�y of tF�at agr�ement, dafed Jur�e 25, 198Q, is nn file wit� the Gity Cle�lc
and is incorporated hsrein by reference. ff said fe� is not paid as �romised, fh�is appiicatian �rill not be
consistent with t�e Gen�ral Piar� ar�d approval for t�is project shall �e void.
SP 787
�'hat portion �f Lot "G" af Rancho Agua Hedionda, in the County of San �iega, �tate of
Galiforr�ia, accor�ing t� ma� fhereaf No. 823, filed in fhe offce of the County R�carder af 5an Diego,
Novemb�r �6, T8�8.
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