HomeMy WebLinkAbout; ; ADA TRANSITION PLAN FOR PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY; 2012-07-01City of Carlsbad
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July 2012
Planning + Landscape Architecture
City of Carlsbad
This report was created for the City of Carlsbad by KTU+A Planning and
Landscape Architecture and Jeff Katz Architecture, July 2012.
City of Carlsbad ADA Transition Plani
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction .......................................................... 1
1.1. Project Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2. Project Limits ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Primary Project Goal ........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4. Project Supporting Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 2
Section 2: Requirements ........................................................ 5
2.1. Federal Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1. ADA of 1990 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................5
2.1.2. Title II and Transition Plans ...............................................................................................................................................................5
2.1.3. Guidelines for ADA in the Public Right-of-way (Department of Transportation) .........................................................6
2.2. State of California Requirements ................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1. Title 24 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3. City of Carlsbad Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1. Council Policies Aff ecting ADA .......................................................................................................................................................7
2.3.2. Departmental Standards Aff ecting ADA .....................................................................................................................................7
2.3.3. General Plan Circulation and Land Use Element .....................................................................................................................7
2.3.4. Relationship with Pedestrian Master Plan ..................................................................................................................................8
Section 3: Existing Conditions ................................................ 9
3.1. Current Conditions ........................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.1. Land Use ................................................................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.2. Street Classifi cation ............................................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.3. Volume of Traffi c ..................................................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.4. Observed Speeds.................................................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.5. Freeway Barriers ...................................................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.6. Rail Line Barriers ................................................................................................................................................................................10
3.1.7. Landform Barriers .............................................................................................................................................................................10
3.2. Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right of Ways .......................................................................................25
3.3. Public Input Process .......................................................................................................................................25
Section 4: Analysis ............................................................... 27
4.1. ADA Priority Area Computer Modeling ......................................................................................................27
4.1.1. Attractors ............................................................................................................................................................................................27
4.1.2. Generators .........................................................................................................................................................................................27
4.1.3. Barriers..................................................................................................................................................................................................30
4.1.4. Detractors ............................................................................................................................................................................................30
4.1.5. Composite ..........................................................................................................................................................................................30
4.1.6. Diff erences Between the ADA and Pedestrian Master Plan Model ................................................................................30
4.2. Site Survey Limits ...........................................................................................................................................33
4.2.1. Tier One Inventory Area .................................................................................................................................................................33
4.2.2. Tier Two Inventory Area ..................................................................................................................................................................33
4.2.3. Tier Three Area ...................................................................................................................................................................................33
4.3. Site Survey Methodology ..............................................................................................................................35
4.3.1. Priority Items for Field Check .......................................................................................................................................................35
4.3.2. Standards and Guidelines for Checklist Items .......................................................................................................................35
4.4 Site Evaluation Forms .....................................................................................................................................35
4.5. Inventory Area Fieldwork Results ................................................................................................................44
4.5.1. Overview of Area .............................................................................................................................................................................44
4.5.2. Existing Facilities ..............................................................................................................................................................................44
4.5.3. Missing Facilities ...............................................................................................................................................................................44
4.5.4. Major Defi ciencies ............................................................................................................................................................................45
4.5.5. Screening Criteria .............................................................................................................................................................................47
City of Carlsbad ADA Transition Planii
Section 5: Project Prioritization ........................................... 51
5.1. Criteria for Project Prioritization .................................................................................................................51
5.2. List of Projects by Priority .............................................................................................................................51
5.2.1. Overview of Prioritized Projects .................................................................................................................................................51
5.2.2. Proposed Improvements ..............................................................................................................................................................51
5.3. Potential Funding Sources ............................................................................................................................51
5.3.1. Local Funds .........................................................................................................................................................................................51
5.3.2. Capital Improvements Projects (CIP) .........................................................................................................................................52
5.3.3. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds .......................................................................................................52
5.4. Implementation .............................................................................................................................................55
5.4.1. Near-Term Projects ..........................................................................................................................................................................55
5.4.2. Short-Term Projects .........................................................................................................................................................................55
5.4.3. Mid- Term Projects ...........................................................................................................................................................................56
5.4.4. Long- Term Projects .........................................................................................................................................................................56
Section 6: Implementation & Guidelines.............................. 57
6.1. Typical Issues and Countermeasure Treatments.......................................................................................57
6.2. Walkway Surfaces ...........................................................................................................................................57
6.2.1. Minimum Widths ..............................................................................................................................................................................57
6.2.2. Width Goals.........................................................................................................................................................................................57
6.2.3. Trip Hazards ........................................................................................................................................................................................57
6.2.4. Potential Barriers and Hazards .....................................................................................................................................................57
6.2.5. Street Furnishings ............................................................................................................................................................................57
6.2.6. Utility Element Locations ...............................................................................................................................................................57
6.3. Transitional Surfaces .....................................................................................................................................59
6.3.1. Pedestrian Curb Ramps- New ......................................................................................................................................................59
6.3.2. Pedestrian Curb Ramps- Modifi cations ....................................................................................................................................59
6.3.3. When to Use Truncated Domes ...................................................................................................................................................59
6.3.4. When to Use Tactile Strips .............................................................................................................................................................59
6.3.5. Maximum Slopes ..............................................................................................................................................................................59
6.3.6. Minimum Widths ..............................................................................................................................................................................59
6.3.7. When to Use Apex or Directional Ramps .................................................................................................................................61
6.4. On-street Parking ADA Requirements .......................................................................................................62
6.4.1. Minimum ADA Spaces per Block of On Street Facilities .....................................................................................................62
6.4.2. Perpendicular ADA Space Guidelines .......................................................................................................................................62
6.4.3. Parallel ADA Space Guidelines .....................................................................................................................................................62
6.4.4. Angled ADA Space Guidelines .....................................................................................................................................................63
6.4.5. Access Aisles .......................................................................................................................................................................................63
6.4.6. Signage and Pavement Markings ...............................................................................................................................................63
6.5. Intersection Crossing ....................................................................................................................................63
6.5.1. Stop Sign Crossings .........................................................................................................................................................................63
6.5.2. Signalized Crossings ........................................................................................................................................................................63
6.5.3. Advance Stop Bars ...........................................................................................................................................................................63
6.5.4. Median and Pedestrian Refuge Islands ....................................................................................................................................64
6.5.6. Mid-block Crossings ........................................................................................................................................................................64
6.5.7. Pedestrian Control Devices/Accessible Pedestrian Signals ...............................................................................................66
Appendices ........................................................................... 67
A: Glossary of Terms ...............................................................................................................................................68
B: Meeting Notes - Stakeholder and Advocacy Meetings ..............................................................................70
C: Prioritized Projects - Inventory and Analysis ................................................................................................77
D: General Grievance Form.................................................................................................................................236
E: References .........................................................................................................................................................237
ADA Transition Plan
1.1. Project Purpose
The purpose of this project is to address Federal leg-
islation known as the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) and subsequent legislation in the State of Cali-
fornia, known as Title 24. The project assessed compli-
ance of the publicly accessible portions of the public
right-of-ways within the City of Carlsbad, California. The
development of this “Transition Plan” is also intended to
improve walking conditions for all users of the public
right-of-ways, thereby increasing the City of Carlsbad’s
reputation as a pedestrian friendly community for people of all abilities.
Universal access is a planning and design philosophy that serves to not only meet the strict minimums of
ADA and Title 24, but to emphasize that these improvements benefi t all users of public facilities, includ-
ing those with no physical challenges to those where mobility is very diffi cult. Persons that are aging are
fi nding that current minor ailments are evolving into major mobility problems. Given aging demographic
trends, senior populations are becoming a much larger percent of the population, thereby making the
improvement of walking environments even more important.
1.2. Project Limits
This project focuses on public right-of-ways in Carlsbad (see Figure 1.1). The study includes only those
areas that are outside of the travel lanes of roadways, to the outer limits of existing public right-of-ways.
They do not include off -street public lands, facilities, nor do they include any private areas, all of which are
subject to varying degrees of regulation under California Title 24 and Federal ADA.
The total number of publicly accessible areas within the City of Carlsbad is very large and beyond the
capabilities of current inventory budgets and future capital improvement budgets to address the full
city. To prioritize the focus of this study (and future capital improvements), a GIS-based ADA priority
model was developed to determine areas where the greatest percent of the walking public can be
expected to be found. A secondary purpose of the priority model was to focus the eff orts of the facility
inventory and to base future project priorities on those areas of most concern for public right-of-way
access to public programs and facilities. These public destinations include places such as city hall, com-
munity centers, recreation centers, post offi ces, parks, public trails, transit stops, senior centers, libraries,
performance centers, police stations and fi re stations.
All public right-of-ways are priorities for barrier removal. However, not all areas receive the same level
of demand or use as others. The ADA priority model utilized demographic information, land use maps,
zoning, activity centers, destinations, transit stops, street layout, collision data, street classifi cations (in-
cluding levels of service, average daily traffi c, posted speed limit, etc.) and other GIS data that predict
heavy pedestrian use areas that were used to determine the study areas. The results of the priority
model divided the City into three tier areas: Tier One (high priority), Tier Two (moderate priority) and Tier
Three (low priority) areas. Tier One and Tier Two were designated as the facility inventory area where
fi eldwork was conducted to assess barriers within right-of-ways for this study. Tier Three is comprised of
the remainder of the City and could be the focus of future ADA transition planning eff orts.
Section 1: Section 1:
City of Carlsbad
Upon completion of the inventory area fi eldwork, the fi eldwork data was reclassifi ed for the purposes
of prioritizing recommended improvements. As a result of this reclassifi cation, the City was divided into
three study focus areas: “A, B and C”. Focus Study Area “A” is comprised of most of Tier One and a small
portion of Tier Two; Focus Study Area “B” includes the southern portion of Tier One and the remainder
of Tier Two; and Focus Study Area “C” is comprised of Tier Three, which is the remainder of the City.
To further direct the prioritization of facility improvements, Focus Study Area “A” was divided into three
priority levels:
–Priority Level One: The immediate block adjacent to the entry of a building identifi ed as
a public facility.
–Priority Level Two: The area within one quarter mile of Priority Level One along existing
–Priority Level Three: The remaining area within Focus Study Area “A”.
Figure 1.2 provides a summary of the process described above for establishing the study area limits and
facility improvement prioritization.
1.3. Primary Project Goal
The primary goal of the project is to provide a complete and accurate survey of walking facilities within
the public right-of-way in the designated tier areas that can then be addressed as part of a broader
strategic “Transition Plan”. The Plan outlines a comprehensive approach to removing public barriers to
walking by mapping out a program that will transition the City from its current levels of non-attainment
of ADA and Title 24 requirements, to compliance. Given the enormity of the project and the limitations
on public funds, a prioritized, phased and transitional approach is the appropriate method for the City.
Transition plans allow a municipality to dedicate a reasonable amount of public funds to remove these
barriers on a recurring basis instead of all at once. Federal ADA and Title 24 requirements allow this type
of transitional planning and phased implementation to address non-compliant public barriers.
1.4. Project Supporting Objectives
The supporting objectives are to:
• Assure that public funds are allotted to public use areas where the greatest number of persons
can take advantage of these improvements.
• Prioritize the types of destinations and origins where a higher than normal level of physically
challenged or aging persons may exist.
• Understand that higher levels of pedestrian activity are typically located near tourist destina-
tions, public facilities, parks, beaches and other major employment, school or shopping desti-
nations. Areas with higher levels of walking activity, need to be considered high priorities for the
removal of barriers to public travel.
• Identify the specifi c improvements needed at intersections, ramps and walkways, to provide
better connectivity, increase public safety and to remove obstacles that impede those with and
without physical challenges.
• Recognize opportunities where Federal ADA and California Title 24 corrective actions would
benefi t walkability and urban design quality.
• Recommend a phased approach that will allow for a logical and economically viable method
to implement a broad range of Tier One and Tier Two projects.
• Suggest guidelines to be used by the City of Carlsbad in the future for retrofi tting or replacing
public right-of-ways barriers to travel.
• Deliver a computer database and GIS mapping products that will allow the City to modify and
update the work products of this transition plan.
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 1.1: City of Carlsbad Regional Map
City of Carlsbad
Figure 1.2: Process Chart
ADA Transition Plan
A variety of regulations apply to public use areas with-
in the City of Carlsbad. The following requirements
specifi cally relate to creating a barrier-free walking
environment within the public right-of-way. Where
requirements confl ict, the more restrictive or demand-
ing of the two regulations will apply.
This Transition Plan was created specifi cally for docu-
menting the accessibility compliance of pedestrian
facilities within the public rights-of-way. The following information provides the basis for the require-
ments for these types of facilities.
2.1. Federal Requirements
Sweeping civil rights legislation took place in 1968, 1973 and 1990 regarding the requirement for public
agencies and privately owned businesses to remove barriers that prevented equitable access to facili-
ties, services and employment. Below is a summary of the most recent legislation as it applies to this
transition plan.
2.1.1. ADA of 1990
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), enacted in 1990, extends comprehensive civil rights pro-
tections to all people with disabilities. Title II of the ADA addresses the law’s requirements of local
governments in their interactions with people with disabilities. This legislation mandates that qualifi ed
disabled individuals shall not be excluded from participation in, denied the benefi t of, or be subjected
to discrimination under any public program or activity.
In the ADA, the term disability means, with respect to an individual having:
(1) A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of
such individual;
(2) A record of such an impairment; or
(3) Being regarded as having such impairment.
If an individual meets any one of these three tests, that person is considered to be an individual with a
disability for purposes of coverage under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Revisions to the ADA were
adopted in 2011 and become mandatory requirements in 2012. For information and a summary of the
revisions to the ADA, please visit: www.ada.gov.
2.1.2. Title II and Transition Plans
Title II of the ADA is companion legislation to two previous federal statutes and regulations; the Ar-
chitectural Barriers Acts of 1968 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Architectural
Barriers Act requires universal access to facilities designed, built, altered or leased with Federal funds.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law that protects qualifi ed individuals from
discrimination based on their disability. The nondiscrimination requirements of the law apply to em-
ployers and organizations that receive fi nancial assistance from any Federal department or agency.
Section 2: Section 2:
City of Carlsbad
Title II, Subtitle A, of the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of dis-
ability in all services, programs, and activities provided to the public by State and local governments,
except public transportation services, whether or not they are Federally funded. Title II has broad ap-
plications to local governments’ interactions with people with disabilities, and mandates that qualifi ed
disabled individuals not be excluded from participation in, denied the benefi t of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any local government program or activity. The United States Department of Jus-
tice’s (DOJ) regulations implementing Title II dictate that local governments must evaluate and identify
barriers that may limit accessibility for people with disabilities and develop a transition plan describing
how they will address identifi ed barriers. The United States DOJ developed guidelines for the develop-
ment of Transition Plans, which can be found in the Federal Register (28 CFR 35.105-35.107; 35.150(c)
and (d))-7/26/91).
A Transition Plan must at a minimum:
1. Identify physical obstacles in the public entity’s facilities that limit the accessibility of its programs or
activities to individuals with disabilities;
2. Describe the methods that will be implemented to make the facilities accessible;
3. Provide a timeline to bring facilities into compliance; and
4. Designate a specifi c person who is responsible for implementation of the plan.
If a public entity has previously complied with the transition plan, requirements of a Federal agency
regulation implementing section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the requirements above shall
apply only to those policies and practices that were not included in the previous transition plan.
2.1.3. Guidelines for ADA in the Public Right-of-way (Department of Transporta-
In addition to Title II of the ADA, the Department of Transportation (DOT) has adopted the Ameri-
cans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) as its standard for accessible facility design.
ADAAG provides scoping and technical requirements for all new construction and alterations to public
and private facilities.
Key elements of these guidelines that apply to this plan include:
• Provision of accessible routes within public rights-of-way and to public transportation
• Accessible parking requirements
• Ramp and curb ramp standards
• ADA Signage requirements
• Types and requirements for detectable warnings
2.2. State of California Requirements
The state is required to meet the minimum requirements of all public projects under the Federal ADA.
However, to provide for clarifi cation of the implementation of the ADA at a state and local level, the
State of California enacted its own version of the Federal legislation and incorporated it within the
building standards code.
ADA Transition Plan
2.2.1. Title 24
Title 24, the California Building Standards Code, serves as the basis for the design and construction of
buildings in California. The Division of the State Architect (DSA) serves as California’s policy leader for
building design and construction, and is in charge of developing and maintaining accessibility stan-
dards and codes utilized in public and private buildings throughout the state. Accessibility standards
are found in the DSA Access Compliance Reference Manual and are designed to comply with the re-
quirements of the Federal ADA and state statutes.
2.3. City of Carlsbad Requirements
2.3.1. Council Policies Aff ecting ADA
On July 28, 1992 the Carlsbad City Council adopted Resolution No. 92-240 which established an Ameri-
cans with Disabilities Act Grievance Procedure Policy and a task force to develop a Compliance Action
Plan. The details of the current Grievance Procedure can be found online at: http://www.carlsbadca.
gov/Pages/ADA-compliance.aspx. The preparation of the Action Plan included an evaluation of City
facilities, services, programs and activities. The public was surveyed to provide input on how the City
can better serve the disabled community. The Action Plan included an inventory of non-compliant is-
sues associated with public facilities throughout the City, costs associated with implementation, and a
timeline for resolution.
2.3.2. Departmental Standards Aff ecting ADA
City departments must comply with local, state and Federal regulations with regards to ADA. For pe-
destrian facilities within the public rights-of-way, the City of Carlsbad utilizes the San Diego Regional
Standard Drawings (SDRSD), as modifi ed by the City of Carlsbad, as standard details for construction.
The SDRSD can be found online at: http://www.regional-stds.com. The City of Carlsbad modifi cations
can be found online at: http://www.carlsbadca.gov/business/building/codes-standards/Pages/engi-
2.3.3. General Plan Circulation and Land Use Element
The State of California requires all cities to create and maintain a Circulation Element document per
Government Code Section 65032(b). This document must consist of “the general location and extent
of existing and proposed major thoroughfares, transportation routes, terminals, and other local public
utilities and facilities, all correlated with the Land Use Element of the General Plan”. The City of Carlsbad
Circulation Element provides for the safe movement of people and goods within the City, access to
public facilities and services and identifi es how transportation systems link elements both locally and
The Circulation Element provides information about existing and future pedestrian circulation and can
aid in the establishment of future accessible paths of travel throughout the City and routes for public
City of Carlsbad
2.3.4. Relationship with Pedestrian Master Plan
A Pedestrian Master Plan was prepared by Alta Planning + Design for the City of Carlsbad in 2008. The
focus of this study was to provide a guide for future development and enhancement of the pedestrian
experience throughout the City. Although there is some overlapping information between the Pedes-
trian Master Plan and this ADA Transition Plan, the ADA Transition Plan provides a more in-depth analy-
sis of ADA related issues as they apply to public facilities within the City rights-of-way. The Pedestrian
Master Plan provides recommendations for improving pedestrian safety and overall walkability of the
City, whereas the Transition Plan provides a detailed plan to bring pedestrian facilities within the public
right-of-way (curb ramps, path-of-travel, pedestrian signal actuators, etc.) into conformance with cur-
rent state and federal ADA codes and regulations.
ADA Transition Plan
3.1. Current Conditions
A review of maps and other available data was conduct-
ed and summarized in Figures 3.1 through 3.8. Much of
this information is incorporated into the GIS model for
ADA priority areas discussed in the following chapter.
3.1.1. Land Use
Current land uses in the City of Carlsbad can be seen
on Figure 3.1. The three Tiers are shown as an overlay
on the land use map, Figure 3.2. The enlarged land use
maps for Tier 1 are shown on Figures 3.3 and 3.4. The enlarged land use maps for Tier Two are shown
on Figures 3.5 through 3.8. The land use information was utilized in the development of the initial fi eld
work study areas since land uses often determine trip origins and trip destinations. Depending on the
mixture of land uses present, higher levels of pedestrian activity can be predicted and if the types of
land uses are public or have a high level of public visitation, those areas should receive priority over
lower pedestrian land use areas.
3.1.2. Street Classifi cation
Information on street classifi cations help to deter-
mine appropriate pedestrian treatments of inter-
sections and walkways (Figure 3.9: Street Classifi -
cation). Wide streets may be barriers for safe and
convenient pedestrian crossings.
3.1.3. Volume of Traffi c
Information on traffi c volumes help to determine
appropriate pedestrian treatments of intersec-
tions and walkways (Figure 3.10: Street Volumes).
They help to indicate if the width and volume of
traffi c represent barriers for safe and convenient crossings.
3.1.4. Observed Speeds
Speeds of vehicles on roads helps to determine the proper level of pedestrian protection and treat-
ments of intersections (Figure 3.11: Street Speeds). Higher observed speed roads represent greater bar-
riers to the physically challenged as well as those with-
out physical challenges.
3.1.5. Freeway Barriers
Interstate 5 bisects the City toward the western edge.
Adequate pedestrian access is needed to facilitate safe
passage to and from either side of the freeway (Figure
3.12: Barriers and Crossings).
Section 3: Section 3:
Existing Existing
City of Carlsbad
3.1.6. Rail Line Barriers
Rail line crossings must be carefully evaluated for
safety of all users. Detectable warnings must be pro-
vided as visual and tactile indicators of a transit plat-
form edges or rail crossings (Figure 3.13: Barriers and
Crossings). Lateral movement along the rail lines may
be available, but crossings are tightly controlled and
those not at legal crossings are unsafe in any area.
3.1.7. Landform Barriers
Steep slopes throughout Carlsbad present chal-
lenges for compliance with ADA (Figure 3.14: Land-
form & Steep Slopes). Though the grade of walk-
ways attached to streets are allowed to follow the grade of the road, steep slopes present barriers to
those with disabilities.
Existing pedestrian facilities in Carlsbad in need of improvement.
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 3.1: Existing Land Use
City of Carlsbad
Figure 3.2: Land Use and Tier Boundary Overlay
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 3.3: Existing Land Use for Tier 1 Study Area
City of Carlsbad
Figure 3.4: Existing Land Use for Tier 1 Study Area
ADA Transition Plan
City of Carlsbad
Water Bodies
Existing Land Use *
Single Family
Mobile Homes
Multiple Family
Mixed Use
Commercial and Office
Shopping Centers
Commercial and Office
Extractive Industry
Public Facilities and Utilities
Transportation & Utilities
Parks and Recreation
Open Space Parks
Figure 3.5: Existing Land Use for Tier 2 Study Area
City of Carlsbad
City of Carlsbad
Water Bodies
Existing Land Use *
Single Family
Mobile Homes
Multiple Family
Mixed Use
Commercial and Office
Shopping Centers
Commercial and Office
Extractive Industry
Public Facilities and Utilities
Transportation & Utilities
Parks and Recreation
Open Space Parks
Figure 3.6: Existing Land Use for Tier 2 Study Area
ADA Transition Plan
City of Carlsbad
Water Bodies
Existing Land Use *
Single Family
Mobile Homes
Multiple Family
Mixed Use
Commercial and Office
Shopping Centers
Commercial and Office
Extractive Industry
Public Facilities and Utilities
Transportation & Utilities
Parks and Recreation
Open Space Parks
Figure 3.7: Existing Land Use for Tier 2 Study Area
City of Carlsbad
San Marcos
City of Carlsbad
Water Bodies
Existing Land Use *
Single Family
Mobile Homes
Multiple Family
Mixed Use
Commercial and Office
Shopping Centers
Commercial and Office
Extractive Industry
Public Facilities and Utilities
Transportation & Utilities
Parks and Recreation
Open Space Parks
Figure 3.8: Existing Land Use for Tier 2 Study Area
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 3.9: Street Classifi cation
City of Carlsbad
Figure 3.10: Street Volumes
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 3.11: Street Speeds
City of Carlsbad
Figure 3.12: Freeway Barriers
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 3.13: Rail Line Barriers
City of Carlsbad
Figure 3.14: Landform Barriers & Steep Slopes
ADA Transition Plan
3.2. Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right of Ways
Figure 3.15 shows the extent of walkways in the City of Carlsbad. Also included are missing walkways and Alter-
native Design Streets, which are streets designated by the community and City of Carlsbad to remain without
walkways. The missing walkways which fell within the inventoried areas of the City were cataloged as part of this
project. Recommendations for improvements are included in this report. The Pedestrian Master Plan provides rec-
ommendations for walkway improvement outside the scope of inventoried areas.
3.3. Public Input Process
California Title II and Federal ADA require a public entity to make information regarding the ADA Transition Plan
and its applicability to the services, programs or activities of the public entity available to applicants, participants,
residents and other interested parties, and to apprise the public of the protections against discrimination aff orded
to them by the ADA. The public entity also is required to provide an opportunity for interested persons, including
individuals with disabilities or organizations representing individuals with disabilities, to participate in the devel-
opment of the ADA Transition Plan. The ADA requires that a copy of the draft ADA Transition Plan shall be made
available for public inspection during a formal public review period.
The public input process for this Transition Report was comprised of multiple meetings with local representational
and advocacy groups for the disabled community and pedestrian community at large. These groups consisted
of the North County Transit District (NCTD), Walk San Diego, Access to Independence and The San Diego Center
for the Blind. Notes from these meetings can be found in Appendix B. Review of the plan by City departments in-
cluded Traffi c and Safety, Development Services, Engineering, Planning and Risk Management.
The stakeholders and advocacy groups were selected because of their wide range of direct experience with the
communities in which they serve and their ability to provide insight into the mobility issues faced by their clients
on a daily basis. The main objective of these meetings was to solicit input, direction and feedback on the issues
facing all pedestrians, with emphasis on the disabled community, with regards to safety and universal accessibil-
ity of facilities within the public right-of-ways. The input received was used to help formulate solutions for barrier
removal and accessibility issues.
City of Carlsbad
Figure 3.15: Existing Walkways
ADA Transition Plan
4.1. ADA Priority Area Computer
As described in Chapter 3, fi eldwork for the Carlsbad
ADA Transition Plan was divided into Tiers, or geo-
graphic regions of the City. The goal of this study was
to provide detailed inventory of approximately 25% of
the entire city. The total area of the City of Carlsbad is
25,010 acres. The total area within the right-of-way is
2,916 acres. Breakdown of each tier is based on area within the right-of-way. Field work was limited to
facilities within the public right-of-way in Tiers One and Two.
The percent of land area per tier are:
• Tier One at 10% is 302 acres
• Tier Two at 16% is 465 acres
• Tier Three at 74% is 2,149 acres
The three tiers were based on the Carlsbad ADA Priority Model, which takes into account numerous GIS
data layers to create a priority ADA model. The model was broken down into three distinct sub-models;
Attractors, Generators, and Barriers. The Detractor and Generator maps utilize a color scheme where red
represents a positive feature that may result in higher levels of pedestrian activity. In the case of barriers,
red indicates a negative feature that is counted as a highly important element since fi xing these issues
will help to increase pedestrian use levels.
4.1.1. Attractors
The Attractors Model (Figure 4.1: Attractors) identifi ed activity areas by utilizing pedestrian-related geo-
graphic features that are likely to attract pedestrians. The features used are:
1. Schools
2. Transit stops
3. Civic facilities (post offi ces, libraries, etc)
4. Beaches
5. Parks
6. Commercial centers
7. Polling places
4.1.2. Generators
The Generator Model utilized demographic data as indicators of the potential volume of pedestrians
based on how many people live or work in the City. Existing and projected total population and em-
ployment were used as well as other demographic data such as age, income and disabilities. Pedestrian
activity areas that contain a greater number of people living or working within them were more likely to
have more people walking as a mode of transportation. Disability density was also taken into account
for this model (Figure 4.2: Generators).
2 916 acres Breakdown of each tier is based on
Section 4: Section 4:
City of Carlsbad
Figure 4.1: Attractors
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 4.2: Generators
City of Carlsbad
4.1.3. Barriers
Barriers are features likely to discourage or detract people from walking and are especially trouble-
some for those with limited mobility. These barriers are physical limitations of topography, roadway
lane width, missing sidewalks, missing curb ramps and railroad crossings that prevent pedestrians from
getting from their origin to their intended destination.
4.1.4. Detractors
Detractor issues coincide with the barriers in that they discourage or detract people from walking and
usually pose ADA issues. Detractor issues are more related to the vehicular intensity and perceived
safety of the walking environment. Streets with high volumes of traffi c and high speeds tend to de-
tract people from walking due to the amount of traffi c adjacent to their route. Known areas of high
pedestrian collisions are also a deterrence as people may reroute their trip to avoid certain streets and
intersections where safety is a concern (Figure 4.3: Barriers).
4.1.5. Composite
These four sub-models were combined to create an ADA Composite Model (Figure 4.4: Composite)
which highlights areas within the City of Carlsbad where eff orts should be taken to improve the pe-
destrian and ADA environments. In the ADA Composite Model, areas that have high point values are
shown in red and orange. The lower point values are in blue and in some cases do not have a walking
The Tiers that generated three distinct levels of points were delineated based on the ADA Composite
Model and the high point areas. The high point values, or congruent large areas in red and dark orange
values, make up Tier 1 and measure roughly 10% of the City’s total area. Tier 1 was the focus area for
identifying specifi c improvements. Tier 2 makes up another 16% of the City’s area and primarily follows
smaller patches of orange and yellow or median point values. Tier 3 makes up the remaining areas of
the City.
The delineation of the tiers was determined by their composite scores derived from the ADA Compos-
ite Model as follows:
Tier 1: 30+ total points
Tier 2: 20-30 total points
Tier 3: <20 total points
Areas that meet these points criteria were then grouped into geographic areas as simplifi ed polygons.
Though some areas within the polygons may drop below the tier thresholds, the average of the area
was used to designate the tiers.
4.1.6. Diff erences Between the ADA and Pedestrian Master Plan Model
The pedestrian model developed under the Pedestrian Master Plan has similar distribution of priority
areas since similar input of land use, density, intensity and generators were used. However, the ADA
model gives a higher weighted scores to public destinations and to generators where either young
families live or where aging populations may be concentrated. The two ends of the human age spec-
trum are where limited mobility, skills and agility are found, so a concentration of the very young and
the old were incorporated into the ADA model.
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 4.3: Barriers
City of Carlsbad
Figure 4.4: Composite
ADA Transition Plan
4.2. Site Survey Limits
The ADA model and the initial mapping of Tiers were adjusted based on initial fi eld work and based on
input from City of Carlsbad staff . The fi nal tiered areas are shown on Figure 4.5. Adjustments to the ADA
model and initial tiering are discussed below.
4.2.1. Tier One Inventory Area
Tier One is bounded on the west by Carlsbad
Blvd, to the east by Interstate 5, to the north and
south by the City limits. Tier One includes areas
of high pedestrian activity such as “The Village”
and the coastal corridor.
4.2.2. Tier Two Inventory Area
Tier Two begins directly east of Interstate 5 and
includes mostly residential neighborhoods, El
Camino Real corridor, Palomar Airport Road
west of El Camino Real and portions of arteri-
als throughout the City. This area was adjusted
slightly to cover additional transit access as well
as areas where paratransit services are being requested because the lack of pedestrian access to exist-
ing transit locations.
4.2.3. Tier Three Area
Tier Three encompasses the remainder of the City not included in Tiers One and Two. This area was not
inventoried. However, future inventory work could utilize the ranking of the ADA model to determine
the next priority areas for future surveys.
City of Carlsbad
Figure 4.5: Inventory Areas over ADA Model
ADA Transition Plan
4.3. Site Survey Methodology
Extensive fi eld work was conducted between August 2010 and December 2010 on at least 17 days of
fi eld inventory. The fi eld work was then entered into a database and spreadsheet, and analyzed based
on the criteria screening in Tables B-D, Section 4.4. The analyzed data for Focus Study Area A can be
found in Appendix C for each type of facility inventoried.
4.3.1. Priority Items for Field Check
Field survey work was conducted in the Tier One and Tier Two study areas.
Public facilities within the City right-of-way were inventoried, measured,
photographed, and cataloged. Public facilities surveyed were curb ramps,
pedestrian signal actuators and crossings, exterior accessible routes, and
4.3.2. Standards and Guidelines for Checklist Items
A compliance checklist was developed for each type of facility to be inven-
toried. Checklists and forms, Figures 4.5 to 4.10, were used in determining
compliance of each type of public facility. The evaluation criteria was taken
from State and Federal standards of compliance.
4.4 Site Evaluation Forms
Site evaluation forms were created to collect fi eld work data, and to compile an inventory of the pe-
destrian facilities within the public right-of-way. The data collected corresponds with current State and
Federal guidelines for accessibility compliance.
The facilities cataloged were:
• Dual Curb Ramps, Figure 4.6
• Single Curb Ramps, Figure 4.7
• Pedestrian Signals and street crossings, Figure 4.8
• Sidewalks within the public right-of-way, Figure 4.9
• Accessible Parking within the public right-of-way, Figure 4.10
City of Carlsbad
Figure 4.6: Dual Curb Ramp Inspection Form
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 4.7: Single Curb Ramp Inspection Form
City of Carlsbad
Curb Ramp Standards:
• Curb ramps shall be located at each corner of street intersections and where a pedestrian way
crosses a curb
• Built-up curb ramps are located so they do not project into vehicular traffi c lanes
• Pan of ramp must be 48” minimum width
• Surface slope does not exceed 8.33%
• Cross slope does not exceed 2.0%
• Slope of side fl ares does not exceed 10%
• Finished surface of curb ramp contrasts visually from adjacent sidewalk (in color or texture)
• Curb ramp is stable, fi rm, and slip resistant
• Surface of curb ramp and side fl ares (if provided) do not contain any vertical edges greater than
0.25” in height
• A level landing a minimum of 48” deep that extends the full width of the ramp is provided at the
top landing of curb ramp, or the slope of the side fl ares does not exceed 8.33%
• Slope of top landing does not exceed 2.0% in any direction
• Transitions from curb ramp to walks, gutters, or streets are fl ush and free of abrupt changes
• A 12” grooved border is provided along the top and sides of the ramp at the level surface of the
sidewalk (grooves approximately 0.75” on center)
• The slopes of the road, gutter, or accessible route adjoining the curb ramp do not exceed 5.0%
within 48” of the top and bottom of the curb ramp
• Curb ramps shall be located to prevent obstruction by parked vehicles
• Curb ramp has detectable warnings that extends the full width and depth of the curb ramp, ex-
cluding the side fl ares, inside the grooved border
–Detectable warnings contrast visually with adjoining surfaces, either light on dark or dark
on light
–Material used to provide visual contrast is an integral part of the walking surface
–Detectable warnings consist of raised truncated domes with a diameter of nominal 0.9”
at the base tapering to 0.45 inch at the top, a height of nominal 0.2” and center-to-center
spacing of nominal 2.35 inches
Pedestrian Signal Standards:
• Push buttons located within 60” of extended crosswalk line and 120” from other buttons.
• Each push button located 120” maximum and 30” minimum from curb line.
• Push button parallel to direction of crossing.
• Clear surface space of 30” x 48” at push button.
• Height to center line of push button from 42” to 46” maximum.
• Maximum 5 lbs. pressure to operate.
• Locator tone from 2 dB to 5 dB above ambient.
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 4.8: Pedestrian Signal Inspection Form
City of Carlsbad
Figure 4.9: Sidewalk Inspection Form
ADA Transition Plan
Exterior Accessible Route Standards:
• Must be a continuous common surface not interrupted by steps or abrupt changes in level (abrupt
changes in level are those that exceed 0.25”)
• Level changes between 0.25” – 0.5” are beveled with a maximum gradient of 1:2 (50% slope)
• Slope in the direction of travel does not exceed 5.0% unless within the public right-of-way. Slope
then may be equal to gradient of adjacent road.
• Cross slope does not exceed 2.0%
• Walkways maintain a minimum width of 48”
• Walks, sidewalks, and pedestrian ways shall be free of gratings whenever possible
• If gratings are necessary, grid openings are a maximum of 0.5” in direction of traffi c fl ow
• Walks with continuous gradients have level areas at least 5’ in length at intervals of 400’ maximum
• Accessible routes with less than 60” of clear width have passing spaces a minimum of 60” x 60” at
least every 200’
• Doors that encroach into walkways have a minimum 60” x 60” level landing area with slope less
than 2.0% in any direction
• Level landing area extends a minimum of 24” beyond strike edge of door
• Doors that swing away from walks have a level landing area a minimum of 48” wide x 44” deep
with slope less than 2.0% in any directions
• Surface is slip resistant
• Abrupt changes in level exceeding 4” along a path of travel are protected by either a curb (mini-
mum of 6” in height above the walkway surface) or a guardrail or handrail is provided and a guide-
rail centered 3” plus or minus 1” above the surface of the walk
• Any vertical obstruction is a minimum of 80” above the walking surface (measured from the bot-
tom of the obstruction)
• If vertical clearance of an area adjoining an accessible route is reduced to less than 80”, a barrier to
warn blind or visually impaired persons is provided
• Walks are clear of hazards
City of Carlsbad
Figure 4.10: Accessible Parking Checklist
ADA Transition Plan
City of Carlsbad
4.5. Inventory Area Fieldwork Results
4.5.1. Overview of Area
As was discussed in Section 1.2, the project inventory area was determined with the assistance of a GIS-
based ADA priority model that analyzed various factors aff ecting pedestrian activity and determined
areas where the greatest percent of the walking public can be expected to be found. In addition, the
inventory area is comprised only of areas within the public right-of-way outside of the travel lanes of
roadways, to the outer limits of existing public right-of-ways. The inventory includes Tier One and Tier
Two areas as described in Section 1.2 and shown on Figure 4.5.
4.5.2. Existing Facilities
The existing facilities surveyed during fi eldwork include curb ramps, pedestrian signals and existing
walkways within the right-of-way study limits. A variety of compliance issues were inventoried for each
facility type. Many of the facilities within the study area were found to have one to several compliance
issues that ranged from relatively inexpensive, minor safety hazards to issues that require a complete
reconstruction of the facility. Table “A” below summarizes the number of facilities surveyed, and the
number of those surveyed with compliance issues.
Table A: Inventory Area Facility Summary
4.5.3. Missing Facilities
Missing facilities were identifi ed as part of the inventory process. These included missing curb ramps
and missing walks. Of the 1,366 curb ramp fi eld data entries, 151 are for missing ramps.
ADA Transition Plan
Non-compliant curb ramp
Vertical uplift in path of travel (greater than 1/4”).
4.5.4. Major Defi ciencies
The major facility defi ciencies found during the inventory process are listed below by facility type.
Curb Ramps
• Horizontal and vertical obstructions
• Uplifts
• Horizontal spacing or pavement divots
• Non-compliant or missing detectable warning strips
• Non-compliant or missing truncated domes
• Non-compliant pan width
• Excessively sloped side fl ares
• Non-compliant ramp running and cross slopes
• Non-compliant landing depth
Non-compliant ramp and path of
Vegetation causing obstruction
of path of travel.
Non-compliant curb ramp.
City of Carlsbad
Non-accessible pedestrian signal actuator.
Utility poles in the path of travel.
Pedestrian Signals
• Non-compliant actuator distance from curb and/or crosswalk
• Non-compliant actuator distance from other actuator buttons
• Non-compliant actuator height
• Non-compliant level clear fl oor space around signal pole/push button
• Obstruction in clear fl oor space
• Non-compliant actuator push button
• Missing countdown timer and/or audible signal
• Uplifts at required clear fl oor space
Right-of-Way Walkways
• Vertical and horizontal obstructions
• Non-compliant vertical clearance
• Uplifts
• Excessive running and cross slopes
• Non-compliant walkway width
• Missing truncated domes at major vehicular crossing
• Lack of curb defi nition
ADA Transition Plan
Non-compliant clear fl oor
space at actuator.
Example of obstacles faced by wheelchair users.
Vegetation overhanging the path of travel creates a barrier
for pedestrians.
4.5.5. Screening Criteria
To determine the overall level of non-conformance and improvements needed for the designated priority areas,
fi eldwork data was fi ltered through a set of screening criteria. Categories for compliance based on State and Fed-
eral accessibility requirements were assigned a numerical value based on the level of defi ciency. The total value
of each facility determined the level of defi ciency from Fully Conforming to Major Access Barrier. Tables “B-D” are
the screening criteria by which each type of facility was evaluated. Tables “E-G” (Section 5.4) provide summaries for
the pedestrian facilities within Focus Study Area “A”, Priority Levels One, Two and Three. As discussed in Section 1.2
and shown on Figure 5.1, Priority Level One is the immediate block adjacent to the entry of a building identifi ed as
a public facility, Priority Level Two is the area within one quarter mile of Priority Level One along existing roadways
and Priority Level Three is the remaining area within Focus Study Area “A”.
City of Carlsbad
Table B: Screening Criteria - Pedestrian Ramps
ADA Transition Plan
Table C: Screening Criteria - Pedestrian Signals
City of Carlsbad
Table D: Screening Criteria - Pedestrian R.O.W.
ADA Transition Plan
5.1. Criteria for Project
As discussed in Section 1.2 Project Limits, the original
Tier One, Tier Two and Tier Three areas were reclassi-
fi ed into Focus Study Areas “A, B and C”, then each fur-
ther divided into Priority Levels One, Two and Three for
project prioritization. See Figure 5.1: Phased Map for
Priority Projects and Figure 5.2: Focus Study Areas “B”
and “C”.
Focus Study Area “A”, Priority Level One - pedestrian facilities within the public right-of-way immediately
adjacent to City/public facilities (intersection to intersection), were determined to be the highest prior-
ity for bringing defi cient facilities into compliance. These areas have the highest density of attractors
per the GIS model, the greatest percent of where the walking public can be expected to be found, and
the most immediate need for full compliance due to the proximity to City/public facilities.
5.2. List of Projects by Priority
5.2.1. Overview of Prioritized Projects
Projects within Priority Level One, of Focus Study Area “A”, are the fi rst priority in bringing into compli-
ance with ADA. (Figure 5.1: Phased Map for Priority Projects)
5.2.2. Proposed Improvements
Proposed improvements include repair, replacement or installation of curb ramps and walkways, elimi-
nation of uplifts, resetting of utility boxes, evaluation and possible relocation of utilities, and the repair,
replacement or installation of Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS). See Appendix 7.3. Prioritized Projects
- Inventory and Analysis for analysis of the proposed improvements in Focus Study Areas “A” and “B”.
5.3. Potential Funding Sources
5.3.1. Local Funds
The City of Carlsbad has two programs in place to aid in the repair and replacement of facilities within
the public right-of-way.
Sidewalk/Street ConstrucƟ on Program
The Sidewalk/Street Construction Program is an annual program designed to complete missing links of
sidewalk throughout the City. In most cases, construction of the sidewalk improvements involve con-
struction of adjacent street improvements to bring them into conformance with City Standards. Each
year, sidewalk/street projects are selected from the City’s missing sidewalk priority list for inclusion into
that year’s sidewalk/street construction project.
Section Section
5: Project 5: Project
City of Carlsbad
Concrete Repair Program
Ongoing miscellaneous concrete repairs to sidewalks, curbs and gutters, driveways and cross gutters are
funded by the City on an annual basis.
5.3.2. Capital Improvements Projects (CIP)
The City of Carlsbad’s annual budget includes funding for Capital Improvement Projects throughout
the City. The Transition Plan will assist in the identifi cation of improvements to be undertaken in up-
coming years to minimize costs and for the provision of an accessible public right-of-way.
5.3.3. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a fl exible program that provides com-
munities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. Beginning
in 1974, the CDBG program is one of the longest continuously run programs at the US Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The CDBG program provides annual grants on a formula basis
to 1209 general units of local government and States.
Concrete repairs occur annually in the CIty of Carlsbad.
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 5.1: Phased Map for Priority Projects
City of Carlsbad
Figure 5.2: Focus Study Areas “B” and “C”
ADA Transition Plan
Table E: Priority Level 1 Inventory Summary
5.4. Implementation
Refer to Figure 5.1: Phased Map for Priority Projects, for recommended phasing of Focus Study Area “A” projects.
5.4.1. Near-Term Projects
The near-term projects proposed for the City of Carlsbad consist of the defi cient facilities found within Focus Study
Area “A,” Priority Level One. Priority Level One includes pedestrian facilities within the public right-of-way immedi-
ately adjacent to City/public facilities (intersection to intersection). Table “E” provides a facility inventory summary
for Priority Level One. The projected costs to implement the projects in this category is $946,310.00.
5.4.2. Short-Term Projects
The short-term projects proposed for the City of Carlsbad consist of the defi cient facilities found within Focus
Study Area “A”, Priority Level Two. Table “F” provides a facility inventory summary for Priority Level Two. The projected
costs to implement the projects in this category is $720,348.00.
Table F: Priority Level 2 Inventory Summary
City of Carlsbad
Table G: Priority Level 3 Inventory
5.4.3. Mid- Term Projects
Mid -term projects are those in Focus Study Area “A”, Priority Level Three. Table “G” provides a facility
inventory summary for Priority Level Three. The projected costs to implement the projects in this cat-
egory is $2,031,397.50.
5.4.4. Long- Term Projects
Long -term projects are those in Priority Level Three, Focus Study Area B and Focus Study Area C. Table
“H” provides a facility inventory summary for Focus Study Area “B”. The projected costs to implement
the projects in Focus Study Area “B” is $1,608,828.00.
Table H: Focus Study Area “B” Inventory
ADA Transition Plan
Section 6: Section 6:
Implementation Implementation
& Guidelines& Guidelines
6.1. Typical Issues and Coun-
termeasure Treatments
The following sections describe Federal ADA and
California Title 24 requirements for pedestrian facili-
ties within the public right-of-way. The City of Carls-
bad utilizes the San Diego Regional Standard Draw-
ings (SDRSD) for implementation of these facilities.
6.2. Walkway Surfaces
Walkway surfaces shall be constructed of a fi rm, stable and slip-resistent material. Where pedestrian
walkways/access routes are within a street or highway right-of-way, the running slope shall not exceed
the general grade established for the adjacent street. Where pedestrian walkways/access routes are not
within a street right-of-way, the grade of pedestrian access routes shall be 5% maximum or 8.3% with
handrails. The cross slope shall not exceed 2%, unless otherwise noted. See Section 4.3 for additional
exterior accessible routes standards. See Figure 6.1: Walkway Treatment Plan.
6.2.1. Minimum Widths
The minimum required walkway width per Title 24 (State of California) is 48”, ADA (Federal) is 36” .
6.2.2. Width Goals
Walkways in the City of Carlsbad shall be 10’ wide minimum in “The Village”, 5’ wide minimum every-
where else, unless it is within areas of high pedestrian activity as designated by the City.
6.2.3. Trip Hazards
Any vertical separation greater than 1/4” without beveled edges or 1/2” with beveled edges along a
walkway is considered a potential trip hazard. This may be caused by uplifts in the walkway, or utility
boxes which have separated from the adjacent walking surface. Repair, slice or patch lifts and re-set
utility boxes fl ush with the adjacent walking surface.
6.2.4. Potential Barriers and Hazards
Potential barriers or hazards within the accessible path of travel in the public right-of-way are gaps in
walks, utility facilities, mailboxes, driveways, overhanging vegetation, and overhead elements which
have less than an 80” vertical clearance.
6.2.5. Street Furnishings
Street furnishings shall be located outside path of travel, with a minimum 36” clear space to pass. No
part shall protrude more than 4” horizontally into the accessible path of travel between the heights of
27”-80” above the walk surface.
6.2.6. Utility Element Locations
Utilities shall be located outside path of travel, with a minimum 36” clear space to pass. No part shall
protrude more than four (4) inches horizontally into the accessible path of travel between the heights
of 27”-80” above the walk surface. Utilities should be grouped together where possible to reduce the
impact as obstacles for pedestrians.
City of Carlsbad
Figure 6.1: Walkway Treatment Plan
ADA Transition Plan
6.3. Transitional Surfaces
Transitional surfaces are those elements within the public right-of-way that allow for transition from
one ground plane surface to another. See Section 4.3 for additional curb ramp standards and Figure 6.2:
Transitional Surface Treatment Plan.
6.3.1. Pedestrian Curb Ramps- New
New pedestrian curb ramps shall be installed in new construction, replacement of non-compliant
ramps and in areas where ramps do not currently exist. Ramp design and installation shall be per SDRSD
G-27, G-28 and G-29.
6.3.2. Pedestrian Curb Ramps- Modifi cations
Modify curb ramps when minor defi ciencies are indicated, such as missing truncated domes or when
the lip of a ramp is not fl ush with adjacent surface. Install truncated domes panels as shown in SDRSD
G-30. Grind the lip of a ramp down until it is fl ush with the adjacent surface.
6.3.3. When to Use Truncated Domes
Truncated domes shall be installed at all new and replacement curb ramps, hazardous vehicular ways,
pedestrian refuge islands, at-grade rail crossings and refl ecting pools. Truncated domes shall be de-
signed and installed per SDRSD G-30.
6.3.4. When to Use Tactile Strips
Tactile strips, consisting of a series of panels of truncated domes, are to be used along the entire edge
of all transit platforms and extend 24” in width from the edge of the platform.
6.3.5. Maximum Slopes
ADA provides standards for the confi guration of pedestrian ramps. Table “I” demonstrates the maximum
allowable slopes for elements of a pedestrian ramp.
6.3.6. Minimum Widths
The pan (middle) of the ramp shall be minimum 48” wide. The
top landing shall be minimum 48” wide x 48” deep.
Table I: Maximum Allowable Slopes for Ramps
Ramp in need of truncated domes Example of proper installation of truncated domestlltifttdd
City of Carlsbad
Figure 6.2: Transitional Surface Treatment Plan
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 6.3: Design variations for Pedestrian Ramps
Directional Ramps
Apex/Parallel Ramps
6.3.7. When to Use Apex or Directional Ramps
Visually impaired pedestrians use a variety of auditory and tactile cues in locating the crosswalk, align-
ing to cross and maintaining alignment while crossing. Traffi c noise serves as audible cues about the
direction of traffi c. Directional ramps provide tactile information to align a visually impaired user with
the crosswalk. Directional ramps are preferred in circumstances where the curbline is continuous to the
lane of traffi c, due to roll-out potential in the travel lane. See Figure 6.3 for design variations for direc-
tional ramps. Actual ramp designs are dependent on site conditions.
Apex, or parallel, ramps are used when there is a bicycle lane, parking or a shoulder provided. Apex
ramps can be misleading to the visually impaired since they do not help to align the pedestrian with
the fl ow of traffi c. Crosswalk striping must include a minimum of 48” clear within the designated cross-
walk to accommodate maneuverability for wheelchair users. See Figure 6.3 for design variations for
apex ramps and striping. Actual ramp designs are dependent on site conditions.
City of Carlsbad
Figure 6.4: On-Street Accessible Parallel Parking. Graphics courtesy of US Access Board
6.4. On-street Parking ADA Requirements
6.4.1. Minimum ADA Spaces per Block of On Street Facilities
There is not a specifi c requirement for the number of ADA spaces for on-street parking. Incorporating a
policy of providing one accessible space per developed block face, in commercial areas where parking
is controlled by meters, time limits, or similar regulation, is preferred. In residential areas, citizen requests
may establish need and should be coordinated with the provision of curb ramps. Existing accessible
on- and off -street public spaces and site opportunities and constraints may also be factors in determin-
ing location and quantity of accessible spaces. Proper signage and curb striping shall be provided at
each space.
Accessible spaces shall not be smaller in width or length than that specifi ed by the local jurisdictions
for other spaces and in no case less than 8 feet wide and 18 feet long. The slope of the accessible space,
van accessible space, access aisle for the accessible space, and access aisle for the van accessible space
shall not exceed 1:48 slope in any direction.
6.4.2. Perpendicular ADA Space Guidelines
Where perpendicular parking is provided, a parallel access aisle at least 60 inches wide shall be pro-
vided at street level the full length of the accessible parking space. At van accessible parking spaces, a
parallel access aisle at least 96 inches wide shall be provided at street level the full length of the van ac-
cessible parking space. Two perpendicular parking spaces may share an access aisle. One in every eight
accessible parking spaces, but not less than one, shall be a van parking space with an access aisle that
is not less than 96 inches wide. Refer to SDRSD M-27A for dimension and layout information.
6.4.3. Parallel ADA Space Guidelines
The US Access Board recommends that a parallel parking space shall be a minimum of 13’ wide to ac-
commodate an 8’ vehicle and 5’ access aisle. A curb ramp may be located at the head or rear of the park-
ing space for access to the walkway. If the parking space is located adjacent to the street corner, the
corner curb ramp may serve as access. Where the width of the public pedestrian right-of-way between
the curb and edge of the public right-of-way is less than 12 feet, a parallel access aisle is not required
at parallel parking spaces. See Figure 6.4 for graphics depicting variations on parallel parking layout.
Any walkway adjacent to accessible parallel parking space should be free of signs, street furniture, and
other obstructions the full length of the parking space and provide room to deploy a van side-lift or
ramp or the vehicle occupant to transfer to a wheelchair or scooter. Accessible parallel parking spaces
located at the end of the block face are preferable for vans that have rear lifts and cars that have scooter
ADA Transition Plan
6.4.4. Angled ADA Space Guidelines
ADA guidelines recommend that a person requiring use of an accessible parking space should be able
to pull in forward or backward. This option allows the greatest fl exibility for people who need to assist
others in unloading from the vehicle.
One in every eight angled accessible spaces shall be
van accessible with an 8’ wide access aisle located on
the passenger side of the space. Refer to SDRSD M-27B
for dimension and layout information.
6.4.5. Access Aisles
Where perpendicular or angled parking is provided,
an access aisle 8.0 ft wide minimum shall be provided
at street level the full length of the parking space and
shall connect to a pedestrian access route. The access
aisle shall be marked so as to discourage parking in the access aisle. Two parking spaces are permitted
to share a common access aisle. An access aisle is not required where the width of the adjacent side-
walk or the available right-of-way is less than or equal to 14.0 ft. When an access aisle is not provided,
the parking spaces shall be located at the end of the block face.
6.4.6. Signage and Pavement Markings
Proper signage, striping, curb and pavement markings must be provided at designated accessible
parking spaces. Refer to SDRSD M-28A, M-28B and M-29 for ADA signage and pavement markings
requirements and layout.
6.5. Intersection Crossing
Crossing an intersection is one of the most diffi cult movements for those that are physically challenged.
Crossings can represent real safety concerns, so attention to standards is essential. See Figure 6.5 Inter-
section Typical Plan.
6.5.1. Stop Sign Crossings
Stop sign crossings shall be signed and marked per the Manual on Uniform Traffi c Control Devices
(MUTCD) standards. Pedestrian ramps shall be installed at each connection to the public right-of-way.
The running slope may not be greater than 5%, and cross slope may not be greater than 2%.
6.5.2. Signalized Crossings
Signalized crossings shall be signed and marked per MUTCD standards. Pedestrian ramps shall be in-
stalled at each connection to the public right-of-way. Pedestrian actuators shall be installed at each
designated crossing. The running slope of the street crossing may not be greater than 5%, and the cross
slope may not be greater than 2%.
6.5.3. Advance Stop Bars
Blind pedestrians listen for the sound of an idling car engine as a guide to safely cross a street. For this
reason, drivers are advised in the California Driver’s Handbook to stop no further than 5 feet from the
blind pedestrian unless there is an advance stop bar.
City of Carlsbad
The primary purpose of an advance stop bar is to increase the visibility between pedestrians and mo-
torists in the crosswalk. The standard distance for a stop bar is four feet from the crosswalk. An advance
stop bar can be moved back 15-30 feet from the crosswalk. For the blind pedestrian, too much distance
is a safety concern. Placement of an advance stop bar should ideally fall within a range of 5 – 10 feet
for crosswalk joining to a directional ramp. The stop bar should be placed where sight lines between
pedestrian and motorist are optimized.
6.5.4. Median and Pedestrian Refuge Islands
Median and pedestrian refuge islands off er protection for users crossing wide streets, and allow for
more time to cross a busy intersection. A median refuge shall be a minimum of 6’ in length in the di-
rection of pedestrian travel. If there is a cut-through, detectable warning (truncated domes) shall be
located at the curb-line, in line with the face of curb, or at the road edge if there is no curb. Detectable
warning panels shall be 24” deep and separated by a minimum of 24” of walk without detectable warn-
ing. Detectable warning (truncated domes) shall comply with typical ramp and blended transitions,
where occurs.
6.5.5. Non-Controlled Crossings
Non-controlled crossings are those pedestrian crossings at intersections that are not marked. They are
held to the same standards for pedestrian safety and accessibility as those marked. The running slope
may not be greater than 5%, and cross slope may not be greater than 5%.
6.5.6. Mid-block Crossings
A mid-block crossing is a legally established crosswalk that is not at an intersection. Mid-block cross-
ings shall be signed and marked per MUTCD standards. Pedestrian ramps shall be installed. The running
slope may not be greater than 5%, and cross slope may match the grade of the road.
ADA Transition Plan
Figure 6.5: Intersection Typical Plan
City of Carlsbad
The location of this pedestrian actuator provides
the required clear fl oor space, but is not parallel
with the direction of travel.
Inaccessible pedestrian actuator.
Relocate actuator within distance
standards described in Section
4.3. The actuator may be placed
on a pole by itself to meet the
6.5.7. Pedestrian Control Devices/Accessible Pedestrian Signals
Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) shall meet the requirements of MUTCD Section 4E. Pedestrian Con-
trol Features. Signal timing and distance used in calculating timing shall be the entire length of the
crosswalk. Pedestrian signal actuators shall be located per the standards described in Section 4.3. If an
intersections is signalized, pedestrian actuators shall be installed at each designated crossing. Existing
facilities not in compliance shall be relocated or replaced as necessary.
ADA Transition Plan
A. Glossary of Terms
B. MeeƟ ng Notes - Stakeholder and Advocacy MeeƟ ngs
C. PrioriƟ zed Projects - Inventory and Analysis
D. General Grievance Form
E. References
City of Carlsbad
A: Glossary of Terms
Accessible - Accessible facilities are those that can be reached, used and traversed by people of all ages
and abilities without diffi culty
Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS)/Pedestrian Signal - enhancements to the traffi c signal system to
provide signal phase information in audio, tactile, and/or vibrotactile formats for the pedestrian. APS
devices available today are of four general types: pedhead mounted, pushbutton integrated, vibrotac-
tile only, and receiver-base.
Actuator – a mechanism used to control traffi c signal phase information
Attractors – geographic features that are likely to attract pedestrians
Barriers – geographic features that are likely to discourage or detract people from walking
Cross slope – the transverse slope of a surface perpendicular to the direction of travel
Crosswalk/Pedestrian Crossing - a point on a roadway that employs some means of assisting pedestri-
ans or other non-motorized transportation modes to safely cross the road. Crosswalks usually consist
of some combination of on-road paint, a crossing signal for pedestrians and signage warning motorists
of the presence of pedestrians. Crosswalks are most commonly located at signalized intersections but
can be located anywhere along a roadway
Curb – the intersection at which a raised surface, such as a sidewalk, meets an adjacent unraised sur-
face, such as a street
Curb Ramp - a solid ramp graded down from the top surface of a sidewalk to the surface of an adjoin-
ing street
Detectable Warning - a system of textured ground surface indicators, such as truncated domes, used to
alert pedestrians, specifi cally the visually impaired, of a hazard in the path of travel
Facility – all or any portion of buildings, structures, improvements, elements, and pedestrian or vehicu-
lar routes located in the public right-of-way
Flare – the sloped side panels of a curb ramp
Generators – factors which help to indicate the volume of people in a given area, such as population,
age, and income
GIS – Geographic Information System, which is a system that integrates hardware, software, and data
for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.
Landing – a level area at the top and bottom of a ramp
Model – spatial data used to identify sites most suitable for a specifi c use
ADA Transition Plan
Manual on Uniform Traffi c Control Devices (MUTCD) - a manual specifying signage, signals and other
traffi c control devices. There is also a California version that takes precedence within the state.
Pan – the middle panel of a curb ramp
Path of Travel (POT) – a corridor of accessible travel through the public right-of-way that has, among
other properties, a specifi ed minimum width and cross slope
Pedestrian - a person walking or traveling by means of a wheelchair, electric scooter, crutches or other
walking devices or mobility aids. Use of the term pedestrian is meant to include all disabled individuals
regardless of which equipment they may use to assist their self-directed locomotion (unless they are
using a bicycle). It also includes runners, joggers, those pulling or pushing strollers, carriages, carts and
wagons and those walking bicycles.
Public Facility – a building or service open to and utilized by the public, usually owned &/or operated
by a city or government agency
Ramp – a portion of a walkway with a running slope in excess of 5%
Right-of-Way (R.O.W.) – a general term denoting land, property, or interest therein, usually in a strip,
acquired for or devoted to transportation purposes
Running Slope – the slope of a surface in the direction of travel
Slope – the measured incline of a ground plane surface
Street Furnishings – elements used to enhance a pedestrian environment, such as benches, trash re-
ceptacles, bicycle racks
Tactile Strip – a series of truncated dome panels which serve as warning of a hazard in the pedestrian
path of travel, usually found at transit platforms
Walkway/Sidewalk – the portion of the public right-of-way between the curb line or edge of road and
the adjacent property line, improved for use by pedestrians
City of Carlsbad
B: Meeting Notes - Stakeholder and Advocacy Meetings
During the process of compiling this report, meetings were held with several advocacy groups representing the
disabled and general pedestrian communities to gather information about the most relevant issues facing pedes-
trians of all abilities within the public right-of way. Information from these meetings was used in evaluating and
prioritizing projects for implementation.
ADA Transition Plan
City of Carlsbad
ADA Transition Plan
City of Carlsbad
ADA Transition Plan
City of Carlsbad
ADA Transition Plan
C: Prioritized Projects - Inventory and Analysis
The following spreadsheets are an inventory of the issues found within Focus Study Areas “A” and “B”,
separated by Priority Level and type of facility. Refer to Figure 5.1: Phased Map for Priority Projects, for a
graphic delineation of each Priority Level and Figure 5.2 for delineation of Focus Study Areas “B” and ”C”.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500RMP 160RMP160 AD03 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Curb ramp does not contrast with adjacent sidewalk; Transition at bottom landing has is 1" high; Curb ramp slopes 11.6%; Bottom landing slopes 11.8%; Top landing slopes 2.4%; Side flare slopes 17.3%0.25 1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.251.95Moderate$6,050$2,750RMP 168RMP168 AD03 1No detectable warnings provided; Curb ramp slopes 10.2%; Cross slope of curb ramp is 5.9%; Transition at bottom landing is 1" high; Side flares slope 19.8% and 6.8%; Top landing cross slope is 7.0%; Curb ramp projects into traffic lanes and is not parallel to the pedestrian flow0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 12.1Major$9,050$3,000RMP 3629RMP3629 AD03 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Curb ramp does not connect to south side of Laguna Dr. and there is no crosswalk or safe access across Laguna Dr. to Buena Vista Circle; Side flares slope 14.9% and 8.5%0.25 0.25 11.5Moderate$6,050$3,000AI05 1Two accessible spaces provided, no access aisle provided. Neither accessible space is designated as van accessible. No $250 fine warning sign provided at either space. Pavement signage is not located at rear of space.Accessible route connected to crosswalk is provided between the two accessible spaces.0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$3,300$2,750RMP 672RMP672 AD02 1Curb does not contrast with adjacent sidewalk; 25" deep detectable warnings are not located at bottom of curb ramp and are 10" from curb face; Side flares slopes 17.1% and 13.7%; Transition at bottom landing is 1 1/4" high; Curb ramp cross slope is 2.6%; Top landing cross slope is 2.6%; Bottom landing slopes 6.6%1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.11.8Moderate$3,300$2,750RMP 670RMP670 AD02 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route in any direction11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 349RMP349 AE06- AE07 1No detectable warnings provided, side flares slope 12.0% and 11.0%, vertical offset at bottom landing is 1/2" high0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550RMP 348RMP348 AE06- AE07 1No detectable warnings provided, side flares slope 11.5% and 10.7%, vertical offset at bottom landing is 1/2" high, curb ramp slopes 11.0%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550RMP 185RMP185 AE04 1Curb ramp surface does not contrast with adjacent sidewalk0Conforming$0$0RMP 208RMP208 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 209RMP209 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 270RMP270 AE06 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP 280RMP280 AF04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSCurb ramp should be removed with replacementDiagonal curb ramp is not located within the marked crossing.Coordinate with path across drivewayCoordinate with path across driveway
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 213RMP213 AE02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 212RMP212 AE02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3614RMP3614 AE02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3615RMP3615 AE02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3622RMP3622 AE02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 206RMP206 AF02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest corner of Garfield and ChristiansenRMP207 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 214RMP214 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 210RMP210 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 211RMP211 AF02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3623RMP3623 AE02 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$5,750$3,000RMP 202RMP202 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 201RMP201 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Curb ramp should be designed as a parallel in-line curb ramp when redoneCurb ramp should be designed as a parallel in-line curb ramp when redoneNew curb ramp should be positioned more toward the north once it's been re-poured
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 3621RMP3621 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3620RMP3620 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing1113Major$4,383$3,883RMP 3619RMP3619 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 3618RMP3618 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3617RMP3617 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3616RMP3616 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 282RMP282 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 198RMP198 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 276RMP276 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 277RMP277 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp connects to park which does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 226RMP226 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp112Major$3,000$2,750RMP 285RMP285 AE04 1No detectable warnings provided, no grooved border provided, 1" high vertical offset at bottom landing, bottom landing slope is noncompliant0.25 1 10.12.35Major$1,100$1,100RMP 223RMP223 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Fire hydrant and traffic signal pole are located in the top landingCoordinate with adjacent accessible routeLarge vertical offset at traffic signal cover is located in the top landing
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 183RMP183 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 184RMP184 AE04 1Detectable warnings do not span entire width of curb ramp0.10.1Minor$300$300RMP 186RMP186 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 187RMP187 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 188RMP188 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 162RMP162 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 356RMP356 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 357RMP357 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp112Major$5,750$3,000RMP 358RMP358 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 346RMP346 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 347RMP347 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 164RMP164 AD04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 163RMP163 AD04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing.Diagonal curb ramp is not located within the marked crossing.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 189RMP189 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp1 0.251.25Moderate$5,750$3,000RMP 190RMP190 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 197RMP197 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 224RMP224 AE04 1Compliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route on the opposing side of the street0Conforming$0$0RMP 222RMP222 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 221RMP221 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of State St. Alley between Christiansen and GrandKTUA580 AE04 1There is a noncompliant curb ramp located on each side of the south station driveway11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of State St. Alley between Christiansen and GrandKTUA581 AE04 1There is a noncompliant curb ramp located on each side of the south station driveway11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 196RMP196 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 195RMP195 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 194RMP194 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 193RMP193 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 291RMP291 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route and projects into an on-street parking spaceCoordinate with accessible route requirementsCoordinate with accessible route requirementsLight signal creates vertical offsets at top landing
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 292RMP292 AE05 1Top landing slopes 3.0%, bottom landing slopes 7.3%0.1 0.10.2Minor$350$350RMP 227RMP227 AE05 1Top landing slopes 5.5% and cross slopes 3.3%, bottom landing slopes 7.3%0.1 0.10.2Minor$350$350RMP 165RMP165 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 159RMP159 AE05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 228RMP228 AE05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 281RMP281 AF04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 234RMP234 AF04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 279RMP279 AF04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 235RMP235 AF04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 278RMP278 AF04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 247RMP247 AE05 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 267RMP267 AE05 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 268RMP268 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Replace curb ramp with concrete rather than paversCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersection
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 269RMP269 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 173RMP173 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 172RMP172 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 182RMP182 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 181RMP181 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 263RMP263 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 264RMP264 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 265RMP265 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 266RMP266 AE05 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 248RMP248 AE05 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 261RMP261 AF04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 262RMP262 AF04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 343RMP343 AF06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Coordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersection
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 344RMP344 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 345RMP345 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 340RMP340 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 341RMP341 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 342RMP342 AF06 1No detectable warnings provided, noncompliant top landing, 1/2" vertical offset at bottom landing0.25 0.1 0.2511.6Moderate$2,183$2,183RMP 9RMP9 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 8RMP8 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 7RMP7 AF06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 374RMP374 AG06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 370RMP370 AF06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 367RMP367 AF06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 360RMP360 AF06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 365RMP365 AF06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Coordinate with marked crossing requirementsCoordinate with accessible route requirements across street. Curb ramp does not connect with accessible route into park.Coordinate with accessible route requirements across street. Curb ramp does not connect with accessible route into park.Coordinate with accessible route requirements across street
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 378RMP378 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 355RMP355 AF07 1Two noncompliant curb ramps are provided here11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Harding between Chestnut and PineKTUA583 AF07, AE06 1Curb ramps leading into Pine Ave. Park are noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Harding between Chestnut and PineKTUA584 AF07, AE06 1Curb ramps leading into Pine Ave. Park are noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Harding between Chestnut and PineKTUA585 AF07, AE06 1Curb ramps leading into Pine Ave. Park are noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Harding between Chestnut and PineKTUA586 AF07, AE06 1Curb ramps leading into Pine Ave. Park are noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 350RMP350 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly or located within the marking crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 353RMP353 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 354RMP354 AF07 1Two noncompliant curb ramps are provided here11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 371RMP371 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 372RMP372 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 373RMP373 AF06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 706RMP706 AG07 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly11Moderate$2,750$2,750Coordinate with accessible route requirements across street and marked crossing requirementsCoordinate with accessible route requirements across street
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 705RMP705 AG07 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 708RMP708 AG07 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 707RMP707 AG07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 709RMP709 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 710RMP710 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 724RMP724 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp has vertical offsets to surrounding sidewalks0.250.25Minor$1,133$1,133RMP 730RMP730 AH08 1No detectable warnings provided, cross slope is 3.2%, vertical offset is 1/4" high at top landing0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,433$1,433RMP 731RMP731 AH08 1No detectable warnings provided, curb ramp is not 4' wide0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300RMP 728RMP728 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 727RMP727 AG08 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing112Major$3,250$2,750RMP 725RMP725 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 726RMP726 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 734RMP734 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 736RMP736 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 737RMP737 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 735RMP735 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 671RMP671 AD02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3627RMP3627 AD02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Median west curb ramp on Carlsbad Blvd.RMP3626 AD02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Median east curb ramp on Carlsbad Blvd.RMP3625 AD02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3624RMP3624 AD02 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3628RMP3628 AD03 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP 112RMP112 AB04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Transition at bottom landing is not flush; Side flares slope 12.8% and 8.3%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550RMP 113RMP113 AB04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Transition at bottom landing is not flush0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550RMP 114RMP114 AC04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Transition at bottom landing is not flush; Side flares slope 11.3% and 16.9%0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$3,300$2,750RMP 115RMP115 AC04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Transition at bottom landing is not flush0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$750$750Noncompliant side flare connects to Buena Vista Way where there is no improved walking facilities within public right of way
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 359RMP359 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 4739RMP4739 AF03-04 1Compliant0Conforming$0$0RMP 288RMP288 AE04 1Compliant0Conforming$0$0RMP 180RMP180 AE06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ne Rmp At @ Alley Approx. 50Yds From Corn Cvd @ Harding P-19RMP179 1driveway ramp; no truncated dome; 0.5" uplift where pan meets sidewalk; cracked pan; cracked grooves; chips in concrete along edge of curb; ramp cross slope 6%0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$3,300$2,750South side of Beech between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA500 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at 209 Beech11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ne Rmp At Pine @ BasswoodRMP544 10.5" lip; no truncated dome; utility box with 0.25"-0.5" uplifts located at pan/landing transition; side flare A: 48.6%; 34" landing; landing running slope 7.3%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750South side of Beech between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA501 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at 209 Beech11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northeast corner of Grand and WashingtonKTUA502 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750North side of Chestnut between Harding and JeffersonKTUA504 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at pedestrian crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750South side of Chestnut between Jefferson and HardingKTUA505 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at pedestrian crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750Crosswalk across Garfield St. at Pacific Ave.KTUA522 AD02 1No curb ramps provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Crosswalk across Garfield St. at Pacific Ave.KTUA523 AD02 1No curb ramps provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750This location applies to the curb ramps on both sides of the alley. Coordinate with cross slope requirements across intersection.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSSW RMP at Oak and Jefferson St AlleyKTUA545 AE06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Oak and Jefferson St AlleyKTUA546 AE06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pine and Madison St AlleyKTUA557 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pine and Madison St AlleyKTUA558 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Pine and Madison St AlleyKTUA561 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Pine and Madison St AlleyKTUA562 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Jefferson St and Chestnut Ave, North FacingKTUA565 AF07 1Curb ramp connecting to RMP 378 is noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Madison St Alley and ChestnutKTUA566 AF07, AF06 1No curb ramps provided on either side of Madison St. Alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Madison St Alley and ChestnutKTUA567 AF07, AF06 1No curb ramps provided on either side of Madison St. Alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP on Ocean between Cypress and Pacific AveKTUA649 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP on Ocean between Cypress and Pacific AveKTUA650 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP on Ocean between Cypress and Pacific AveKTUA651 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP on Ocean between Cypress and Pacific AveKTUA652 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Cypress and GarfieldKTUA653 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Carol Pl and JeffersonRMP732 1no truncated dome; 6" detectable warning, excessive cross slope at bottom landing0.1$500$500NW RMP at Carol Pl and JeffersonRMP733 1no truncated dome;telephone pole obstructs pot at bottom of ramp to less than 36"; slope exceeds 2% at bottom landing0.25$1,433$1,433NE RMP at Hope Av Alley and OakKTUA654 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Hope Av Alley and OakKTUA655 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Jeffereson St Alley and OakKTUA656 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Jeffereson St Alley and OakKTUA657 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Madison St Alley and Chestnut AveKTUA658 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Madison St Alley and Chestnut AveKTUA659 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Madison St Alley and Palm AvKTUA660 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Madison St Alley and Palm AvKTUA661 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 161RMP161 AD03 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Curb ramp slopes 12.0%; Bottom landing slopes 10.5%; Transition at bottom landing is 1" high; Offset from curb ramp to grooved border is 3/4" high; Side flares slope 16.7% and 15.0%0.25 0.25 0.1 0.250.85Moderate$5,750$2,750East side of Holiday Park along Eureka Pl (Handicap ramp)KTUA603 77 or 66 2compliant0Conforming$0$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSN/E RMP at Chuparosa and Las Flores Dr.KTUA605 29 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Pio Pico and Las Flores Dr.RMP121 29 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Pio Pico and Buena VistaRMP123 39 2No truncated dome; worn texture0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at Pio Pico Dr and Laguna DrRMP129 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Pio Pico and Las Flores Dr.RMP133 29 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; worn texture0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Valley St. and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP146 42 2No truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300N/W RMP at Monroe St. and Carlsbad Village DriveRMP26 43 2Landing running slope: 9.4%0.1 0.10.2Minor$300$300NE RMP at Valley St and BasswoodRMP507 56 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip; texture; ramp running slope 6.7%0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300NW RMP at Valley St and BasswoodRMP510 56 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; texture0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Adams StRMP560 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NW RMP at Magnolia Av and Adams StRMP562 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SW RMP at Valley St and Brady CirRMP599 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; 37" landing0.1$1,050$1,050E RMP at End Of Magnolia Av Into Monroe StRMP606 70 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 35" landing0.25$1,000$1,000Truncated dome not full pan
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPS1281-1299 Carlsbad Village Dr. (S/E RMP)KTUA625 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,7501281-1299 Carlsbad Village Dr. (S/W RMP)KTUA626 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.KTUA630 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.KTUA631 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Chuparosa and Las Flores Dr.KTUA633 29 2No truncated dome; 1" lip; no texture0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550East side of Holiday Park along Eureka Pl at Horseshoe House (Handicap ramp)KTUA635 66 2non-compliant; slopes good; no truncated dome; no texture; no grooves at pan112Major$500$500N/E RMP at Eureka and ChestnutKTUA636 77 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Eureka and ChestnutKTUA638 77 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Pio Pico and Buena Vista WayRMP122 29 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pio Pico Dr and Laguna DrRMP128 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10.7%, cross slope 3.5%; power pole obstruction in side flare/landing; landing running slope 3.4%, cross slope 3%0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.75Moderate$1,683$1,683N/E RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP130 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP131 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Pio Pico and Buena Vista WayRMP132 29 2no truncated dome; no landing; 0.5" lip0.1$1,050$1,050Path of travel across the street. A few uplifts and broken A/Cwill require complete ramp replacementPath of travel chipped, broken, uplifted in places
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSN/W RMP at Highland Dr. and Forest Ave.RMP134 19 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 3.2% cross slope0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Monroe St. and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP143 43 2no landing, 6" grooves0.111.1Moderate$700$700S/W RMP at Monroe St. and Carlsbad Village DriveRMP144 43 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Valley St. and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP145 42 2No truncated dome; no landing0.2511.25Moderate$800$800N/E RMP at Monroe St and Carlsbad Village DriveRMP27 43 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Valley St. and McCauleyRMP3546 42 2No truncated dome; 6" grooves; 0.25" lip0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750N/E RMP at Highland and Buena VistaRMP3727 30 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; Landing running slope: 6%$3,050$2,750N/W RMP at Highland and Buena VistaRMP3728 30 2No landing; no truncated dome; no texture0.2511.25Moderate$800$800S/W RMP at Morning Glory and Las Flores Dr.RMP3734 30 2No truncated dome; cracked pan; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Valley St and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP4435 42 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Valley St. and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP4436 42 2ramp not deep enough; no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at Palomar Airport Rd and Melrose Rd.RMP4437 57 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp running slope 12.3%; landing cross slope 4.6%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,300$2,750SE RMP at Monroe and Gayle Wy.RMP4438 57 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 9.7%; landing cross slope 4.1%; no sidewalk on one side of ramp0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550large chunks missing in curbPath of travel should be replaced; crack in curb
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Monroe and Linda Ln.RMP4439 44 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 9%; landing running slope 4.9%; p.o.t. has 1" deep run0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550SE at Monroe and Linda Ln.RMP4440 44 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; insufficient landing; p.o.t. needs to be replaced0.1 0.2511.35Moderate$1,050$1,050N/E RMP at Canyon and BasswoodRMP4441 44 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip; texture; ramp running slope 11%, cross slope 6.6%; 35.5" landing; sidewalk separated at joint; landing running slope 5.5%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.05Moderate$6,550$2,750N/E RMP on Carlsbad Village Dr. (Library Entrance)RMP484 54 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP on Carlsbad Village Dr. (Library Entrance)RMP485 54 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP on Carlsbad Village Dr. (Library main drive)RMP486 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP on Carlsbad Village Dr. (Library main drive)RMP487 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Highland and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP492 41 2cracked pan; 2" lip11Moderate$250$250S/W RMP at Highland and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP493 41 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Highland and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP494 41 2No truncated dome; no landing0.2511.25Moderate$800$800N/W RMP at Highland and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP495 41 2No truncated dome; no texture; 1" lip0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550SW RMP at Valley St. and James Dr.RMP496 42 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Valley St. and James Dr.RMP497 42 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750Path of travel should be replaced; slope on each side with dip in middle
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Valley St. and Oak Ave.RMP498 42 2pan cross slope 5%; landing running slope 6%0.1 0.10.2Minor$0$0NE RMP at Valley St. and Oak Ave.RMP499 42 2landing running slope 3.6%, cross slope 5.7%; ramp running slope 9%; non-compliant1 0.1 0.251.35Moderate$5,500$2,750NW RMP at Valley St. and Oak Ave.RMP500 42 2non-compliant; 6" grooves; no truncated dome; 2" lip1 0.1 0.25 12.35Major$3,500$2,750S/E RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP508 56 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Valley and BasswoodRMP509 56 20.5" lip; no truncated dome; texture; ramp running slope:10%; landing running slope: 5%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550S/E RMP at Valley and ChestnutRMP514 69 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Valley and ChestnutRMP515 69 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Valley and ChestnutRMP516 69 2No truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 3%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Valley and ChestnutRMP517 69 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Basswood and MonroeRMP520 44 2no truncated dome; grooved pan; ramp running slope 10%, cross slope 5.6%; landing running slope 5.7%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$5,800$2,750NW RMP at Basswood and MonroeRMP521 44 2no truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" beveled lip; ramp running slope 10.2%; landing running slope 3.7%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Basswood and MonroeRMP522 44 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 12.5%, cross slope 6.4%; landing running slope 6.4%, cross slope 3%; 31" landing; 40" pan0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$9,300$2,750SE RMP at Monroe and BasswoodRMP523 44 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; worn texture; 32" landing; ramp cross slope 2.7%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050new ramp; everything else compliant2" joint in path of travelmajor uplift of a/c in path of travel2" separation in path of travel
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSNW RMP at Monroe St /Lancer Way and Chestnut AvRMP529 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; landing running slope 3.8%, cross slope 4.5%; sign post hole and 0.5" uplift to right of ramp0.1 0.1$1,683$1,683SW RMP at Monroe St/Lancer Way and Chestnut AvRMP528 70 2v-ditch in p.o.t.; no truncated dome;0.5" lip; no landing; noncompliant0.1 0.2511.35Moderate$1,050$1,050NE RMP at Monroe St / Lancer Way and Chestnut AvRMP530 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp running slope 9.6%; no landing0.25 0.1 11.35Moderate$800$800NE RMP at Monroe St/Lancer Way and Chestnut AvRMP531 70 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; no landing; non compliant0.1 0.2511.35Moderate$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Basswood and PineRMP542 65 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 34" landing; side flare a:13%0.25$800$800S/E RMP at Basswood and PineRMP543 65 2No truncated dome; no texture; broken curb; 0.5" lip; 1" uplift at storm drain manhole; 34" landing; ramp cross slope 6.6%; landing running slope 7%0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$3,800$2,750S/W RMP at Eureka Pl and BasswoodRMP545 66 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Eureka Pl. and BasswoodRMP546 66 2No truncated dome; no texture; no landing; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope: 15.6%; non-compliant0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$3,300$2,750East side of Holiday Park across street from 3215 EurekaRMP550 66 2no truncated dome; no texture; insufficient landing0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800NE RMP at Magnolia Av and Adams StRMP559 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10.2%, cross slope 4.7%; landing running slope 7.5%, cross slope 3.6%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$3,300$2,750SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Adams StRMP561 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 8%, cross slope 2.7%; landing running slope 6%, cross slope 4%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,750SW RMP at Chestnut Av and Marjorie LnRMP576 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; no texture; 16" deep pan0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Chestnut Av and Marjorie LnRMP577 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 36" landing; landing running slope 3%0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050utility box in middle of transition to landingsidewalk ends to one sidesidewalk ends to one side
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Chestnut Av and Donna Dr N /Ct SRMP578 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp cross slope 5.2%; broken at curb; landing cross slope 3%, running slope 3.8%; 37" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Chestnut Av and Donna Dr N/Ct SRMP579 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp cross slope 13.4%; landing cross slope 4.4%, running slope 15.9%; 37.5" landing; steeps slopes on either side of ramp0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$9,300$2,750NE RMP at Magnolia Av and Brady CirRMP594 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 8.9%; landing running slope 3%; 37" landing; one side of ramp leads to a/c0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Magnolia Av and Brady CirRMP595 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 2.7%; 37" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Valley StRMP596 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 13%, cross slope 2.5%; 37" landing0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.10.8Moderate$3,800$2,750SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Valley StRMP597 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10.8%, cross slope 3.6%; landing running slope 6%; 35" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.9Moderate$3,800$2,750NW RMP at Magnolia Av and Valley StRMP598 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.8%, cross slope 8.9%; landing running slope 10%; 39" landing; 11% slope of p.o.t. to west of ramp; a/c to east of ramp0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$6,900$2,750NW RMP at Valley St and Brady CirRMP600 2no truncated dome; ramp running slope 9.4%, cross slope 3%; 37" landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800SW RMP at Monroe St and Magnolia AvRMP604 70 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing cross slope 2.6%, running slope 8.1%; 0.5" uplift to left of ramp0.1$3,300$2,750NW RMP at Monroe St and Magnolia AvRMP605 70 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; grooved landing; landing cross slope 9%; 36" landing; ramp cross slope 7.4%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750N/W RMP at Pio Pico and Las Flores Dr.RMP65 29 2No truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Pio Pico and Las Flores Dr.RMP68 29 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; land cross slope: 3.1%0.1$550$550N/W RMP at Spruce St. and Forest Ave.RMP69 18 2No truncated dome; cracked pan0.250.25Minor$300$300gutter through p.o.t.sidewalk ends to north of ramp, a/c begins
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Pio Pico Dr and Magnolia AvRMP748 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; grooved pan; landing running slope 3.5%, cross slope 2.5%; ramp running slope 10.2%, cross slope 2.7%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Pio Pico Dr and Magnolia AvRMP749 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; cracked and broken concrete; non-compliant0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S RMP at Tamarack Av and Pio Pico DrRMP750 98 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 13.5%; landing running slope 2.9%, cross slope 4.2%0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$3,050$2,750N RMP at Tamarack Av and Pio Pico DrRMP751 98 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.8%; landing cross slope 2.9%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050N RMP at Tamarack Av and Pio Pico DrRMP752 98 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 12.1%; landing cross slope 3.4%; 29" landing0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.250.95Moderate$3,800$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack and Adams AveRMP754 98 2ramp running slope 8%, cross slope 7.8%; landing running slope 12.4%, cross slope 5%; landing 35" wide0.25 0.250.5Moderate$5,500$2,750SE RMP at Tamarack Av and Adams StRMP755 98 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; insufficient landing0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Tamarack Av and Adams StRMP756 89 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NW RMP at Tamarack Av and AdamsRMP757 98 246" pan; ramp running slope 7.3%; landing running slope 9.4%, cross slope 4.1%0.1 0.10.2Minor$0$0SW RMP at Donna Ct and ChestnutKTUA597 2No ramp provided along accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Donna Ct and ChestnutKTUA598 2No ramp provided along accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750Handicap RMP on Eureka Pl along east side of Holiday ParkRMP549 66 2No truncated dome, no detectable warning grooves112Major$500$500NE RMP at Pio Pico and PineRMP537 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$450$450lip and holes in a/clip and holes in a/c
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Pio Pico and PineRMP536 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$450$450NW RMP at Pio Pico and TamarackRMP753 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; insufficient landing less than 36"Google maps 0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Tamarack and Highland DrRMP590 89 2Side flare A: 11.5%; ramp cross slope 3%; pan width 40"; 41" landing abutting wall; landing running slope 4.51%0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$500$500SE RMP at Tamarack and Highland DrRMP593 89 2no truncated dome; ramp running slope 12.5%; side flare c: 14.9%; 21" landing abutting wall; cross slope of ramp 2.4%; landing running slope 3%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.251.05Moderate$3,550$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack and Highland DrRMP592 89 2Ramp running slope 11%; side flare A: 17.6%, side flare C: 13.7%; landing cross slope 2.7%, running slope 3.7%; 27" landing with vegetative obstruction leaving 12" clearance0.250.25 0.1 0.10.7Moderate$3,883$3,883NW RMP at Tamarack and Highland DrRMP591 89 2Ramp cross slope 3%; landing running slope 4.2%; 42" landing abutting wall0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$500$500SE RMP at Tamarack and James DrRMP765 2No truncated dome; pan width less than 36"; insufficient landing less than 36": 0.25" lipGoogle maps 0.1 0.25$3,800$2,750SW RMP at Tamarack and James DrRMP764 2No truncated dome; pan width less than 36"; insufficient landing less than 36"; landing slopes exceed 5%; 0.25" lipGoogle maps 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack and Valley StRMP612 2No truncated dome; pan width less than 36"; insufficient landing less than 36"; landing slopes exceed 5%; landing abutting wall; 0.25"Google maps 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750NW RMP at Tamarack and Valley StRMP611 2No truncated dome; pan width less than 36"; insufficient landing less than 36"; landing slopes exceed 5%; 0.25"Google maps 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750SW RMP at Tamarack and Valley StRMP613 2No truncated dome; pan width less than 36"; side flares lead to parkway; 0.25" lipGoogle maps 0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$3,300$2,750NE RMP at Valley St and AndreaRMP607 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lipGoogle maps 0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Valley St and AndreaRMP608 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; insufficient landingGoogle maps 0.1$1,050$1,050
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSSW RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Av. RMP351 2No truncated domes, sidewalk approach F 15.3%; Landing running slope 6.2%; Pan width is 36", Ramp runs into 69" wall after landing0.25 0.1 0.250.6Moderate$3,050$2,750NW RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Av. RMP352 2No truncated domes, gutter slope 2.5%, Sidewalk approach E 17.2%, Landing is 30", Pan width 36", Landing cross slope 3.6%; Landing running slope 5.0%, Ramp runs into 69" wall after landing0.250.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800SE RMP at Pio Pico and Chestnut RMP540 2No truncated domes, ramp slope B: 12.6%; gutter slope: 4.1%; Pan width is 30"; No grooves. Landing cross slope is 11.9%1 1 0.25 0.1 0.252.6Major$6,000$2,750NE RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Ave. RMP541 2No truncated domes; ramp slope B 11%; Slope flare C 9.3%, Landing depth 1'; Pan Width 42"; Landing cross slope 3.7%, No curb0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$800$800RMP 440RMP440 AJ06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 402RMP402 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 403RMP403 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 404RMP404 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 405RMP405 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 406RMP406 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 407RMP407 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 408RMP408 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 409RMP409 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing.Crosswalk striping has faded. Curb ramp does not put path of travel in the proper direction.No detectable warnings provided, 0.75" high vertical offset at bottom landing, top landing is 32" deep, no contrasting finish, side flares slope 10.9% and 3.8%. Curb ramp does not put path of travel in the proper Crosswalk not provided across Chestnut. Crosswalk leading across Carlsbad Blvd. is not within the marked crossing. Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 410RMP410 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP413RMP413 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 412RMP412 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 411RMP411 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 414RMP414 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 416RMP416 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 421RMP421 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 422RMP422 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 424RMP424 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 425RMP425 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 432RMP432 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 437RMP437 AI06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 438RMP438 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route. No pedestrian access is provided to bus stop island.11Moderate$2,750$2,750Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" segment of straight curb located on each side of the ramp & within marked crossing. Accessible ped. signal is not provided.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street. Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street. SDG&E cover is located within curb ramp.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street. Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street. Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 CURB RAMPSRMP 439RMP439 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp projects into traffic lanes. No pedestrian access or crosswalk provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 441RMP441 AJ06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 4869RMP4869 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750# of Ramps with this problem8 1 79 11 107 0 25 178 12 16 33 30 40 7 5 4 57 $814,960 $719,010Count % of TotalConforming5 1.52%Minor48 14.63%Moderate252 76.83%Major23 7.01%Total 328 100.00%Bus stop is not accessible from public right of way. Sidewalk ends leading to access parking lot.No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.
truction Category:Band Relocate / Replace Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250PD SGNL A RMP14343 246" Height; 50" to curb line and 68" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP14343 246" Height; 48" to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP14443 245.5" Height; 36" to curb line; 36" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP14542 245.5" Height; 5' to curb line and crosswalk; no clearance around base0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP14542 246" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk and curb line; no clearance at base0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP14642 246.5" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP14642 246.5" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2643 245.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2743 246.5" Height; 55" to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP2743 246" Height; 66" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP443542 246" Height; no clearance at base; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP443542 245.5" Height; no clearance at base; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line; audible signal0.100.1Minor$50$50PD SGNL A RMP443642 246" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk; exceeds 120" between signals; no clearance at base0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP443642 2exceeds 60" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals; no clearance at base0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP49241 245.5" Height; 55" to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP49241 245.5" Height; 37" to curb line; 40" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP49341 247" Height; 34" to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP49341 245.5" Height; 35" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP49441 248" Height; 64" to crosswalk; 60" to curb line; no clearance around any side0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP49441 245" Height; no clearance at base; 70" to crosswalk and curb line.0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP49541 246" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 38" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP49541 247.5" Height; 48" to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP52870 2exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP52870 2exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP5292exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP5292exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curbNone 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP5302exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line; no access to signal0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000FOCUS AREA 'A' PRIORITY LEVEL 1 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS
truction Category:Band Relocate / Replace Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250FOCUS AREA 'A' PRIORITY LEVEL 1 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS PD SGNL B RMP5302exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb lineNone 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP53170 2exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP53170 2exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP75098 247.5" Height; 19" to crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP75298 246.5" Height; greater than 5' from crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP75298 246.5" Height; greater than 5' from crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP75498 2no access; 44.5" Height; greater than 5' to crosswalk and curb line0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP75498 245.5" Height; 60" to crosswalk, 52" to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP75598 247.5" Height; 74" to crosswalk and 25" to curb line0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP75598 247.5" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP75689 246.5" Height; 6' to crosswalk and curb linesignal located in p.o.t.0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP75689 247" Height; 68" to crosswalk and 47" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP75798 246.5" Height; 32" to crosswalk and 27" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP75798 245.5" Height; 38" to crosswalk and 26" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL RMP 735 RMP735AH08 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 736 RMP736AH08 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 736 RMP736AH08 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 737 RMP737AH08 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at traffic- control signal has slopes greater than 2.0%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP13053 247.5" Height; 36" clear path of travel; 55" to crosswalk; 24" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP13053 246.5" Height; 36" clear path of travel; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 24" to curb0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP13153 2not parallel; 45.5" Height; 48" clear path of travel; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 36" to curb0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL RMP 162 RMP162AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 7.2%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 162 RMP162AE04 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 165 RMP165AE04 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.0%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 165 RMP165AE04 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 4.4%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 172 RMP172AE06 1East Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 172 RMP172AE06 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding, there are large offsets located at west signal0.10.1 0.250.45Minor$900$900
truction Category:Band Relocate / Replace Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250FOCUS AREA 'A' PRIORITY LEVEL 1 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS PD SGNL RMP 173 RMP173AE06 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 173 RMP173AE06 1Sout traffic- control device does not have required color coding, south signal is mounted 52 3/4" above finished grade0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 183 RMP183AE04 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.8%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 183 RMP183AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 188 RMP188AE04 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 6.2%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 188 RMP188AE04 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 223 RMP223AE04 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 16.5%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 223 RMP223AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 226 RMP226AE04 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 2.5%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 226 RMP226AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 7.0%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 247 RMP247AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 247 RMP247AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 248 RMP248AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 248 RMP248AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 263 RMP263AE06 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 263 RMP263AE06 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 266 RMP266AE05 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.8%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 266 RMP266AE05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 267 RMP267AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 267 RMP267AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 270 RMP270AE06 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 270 RMP270AE06 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 285 RMP285AE04 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 3.6%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 285 RMP285AE04 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 288 RMP288AE04 1North traffic- control device do not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 2.4%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 288 RMP288AE04 1South traffic- control device do not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 291 RMP291AE04 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 2.7%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850
truction Category:Band Relocate / Replace Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250FOCUS AREA 'A' PRIORITY LEVEL 1 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS PD SGNL RMP 291 RMP291AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 7.9%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 3618 RMP3618AE03 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space of north device slopes 2.4%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 3618 RMP3618AE03 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 3619 RMP3619AE03 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; accessible route does not lead all the way up to the device0.10.1 0.10.3Minor$750$750PD SGNL RMP 3619 RMP3619AE03 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; accessible route does not lead all the way up to the device0.10.1 0.10.3Minor$750$750PD SGNL RMP 3620 RMP3620AE03 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding; required clear floor space of south device slopes 3.4%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 3620 RMP3620AE03 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 3621 RMP3621AE03 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 4.7%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 734 RMP734AH08 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 734 RMP734AH08 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 403RMP403 AG04 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 437RMP437 AI06 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding. Required clear floor space slopes up to 9.2%.0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 735 RMP735AH08 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650# of signals with this problem9426600121790942 0 1$98,750 $75,650Count % of TotalConforming0 0.00%Minor87 92.55%Moderate7 7.45%Major0 0.00%Total 94 100.00%Coordinate with level landing requirementsCoordinate with level landing requirements
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.1AB01, AB02, AC02No improved walking facilities within public right of way along east side of street Bike lane only provided0.10.1Minor$0West side of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.1AB01, AB02, AC02No improved walking facilities within public right of way along west side of street Bike lane only provided0.10.1Minor$0West side of State St.1 AC02Cross slope across driveway exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% at Village Gateway building0.50.5Moderate$1,500West side of State St.1 AC02Asphalt sidewalk surface is not smooth, cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of State St.1 AC02SDG&E cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$0North side of Laguna Dr. between Buena Vista Circle and State St.1 AD03Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Laguna Dr. between Buena Vista Circle and State St.1 AD031/2" vertical offset in sidewalk0.10.1Minor$250South side of Laguna Dr. between State St. and Buena Vista Circle1 AD03Bushes reduce sidewalk clear width to less than 4' wide in front of 539 - 597 Laguna Dr.California Building Code requires 48" wide, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines requires 36" wide.0.10.1Minor$75East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04No pedestrian access provided between Laguna Dr. and 2558 Roosevelt0.10.1Minor$0East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%Cross slope and slopes at 2572 Roosevelt driveway are compliant0.50.5Moderate$1,500East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04SDG&E cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.250.25Minor$0East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Water meter cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1" high (x3)0.250.25Minor$250East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Trees overhang sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Gaps in direction of travel are greater than 1/2" wide0.10.1Minor$100West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Water meter cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1" high0.250.25Minor$250West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Palm trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Storm drain cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps in path of travel greater than 1/2" wide0.10.1Minor$250West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Gaps in direction of travel are greater than 1/2" wide0.10.1Minor$100West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04SDG&E pole between 2571 and 2621 Roosevelt reduces sidewalk to 21 1/2" wideCalifornia Building Code requires 48" wide, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines requires 36" wide.0.50.5Moderate$0West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Laguna1AD03-AD04Damaged sidewalk causes gaps greater than 1/2" wide in direction of travel0.50.5Moderate$100FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONS
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSAccessible route between RMP 672 and RMP 6711 AD02Storm drain creates cross slopes ranging from 12.1% - 23.3%0.250.25Minor$750Accessible route between RMP 672 and RMP 6711 AD02Storm drain openings create gaps 5 1/2" wide in direction of travel and 1 1/2" wide perpendicular to direction of travel0.50.5Moderate$100East accessible route across Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3624 and median east curb ramp on Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Accessible route slopes 7.4% - 8.3% along Carlsbad Blvd. at crosswalk0.50.5Moderate$100East accessible route across Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3624 and median east curb ramp on Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Damaged asphalt at crosswalk causes 3" deep gaps0.50.5Moderate$100East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Numerous vertical offsets in concrete are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02No edge protection provided at 8" drop-off at chain link fence0.250.25Minor$500East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Sidewalk is 47 1/4" wide at bridge to train tracksCalifornia Building Code requires 48" wide, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines requires 36" wide.0.10.1Minor$1,000East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Water meter cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Cross slope across driveway exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% at 2550 Carlsbad Blvd.0.50.5Moderate$1,500East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Cross slope across driveway exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% at private property south of 2584 Carlsbad Blvd.0.25 0.50.75Moderate$2,250East side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 670 and 6711 AD02Electrical cover and water meter cover create vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$200East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 670 and 6711 AD02Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Ocean St.1 AD02Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Mountain View Dr.1 AD02No improved walking facilities within public right of way along north side of street0.10.1Minor$0North side of Pacific Ave.1 AD02No improved walking facilities within public right of way along north side of street0.10.1Minor$0South side of Mountain View Dr.1 AD02No improved walking facilities within public right of way along south side of street0.10.1Minor$0South side of Pacific Ave.1 AD02No improved walking facilities within public right of way along south side of street0.10.1Minor$0West accessible route across Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3627 and median west curb ramp on Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Accessible route slopes 10.3% - 12.8% along Carlsbad Blvd. at crosswalk0Conforming$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSWest side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Vertical offset in sidewalk is 1" high0.250.25Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Tree grate covers create vertical offsets up to 2" high 4' of sidewalk provided around tree grates; NO ISSUE0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd.1 AD02Signal pole pad creates vertical offsets up to 2 1/4" high 4' of sidewalk provided around signal pole pad0.250.25Minor$250East side of Ocean St.1 AD01Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Pacific Ave. between Garfield and Ocean1 AD01No improved walking facilities within public right of way along north side of street0.10.1Minor$0South side of Pacific Ave. between Garfield and Ocean1 AD01No improved walking facilities within public right of way along south side of street0.10.1Minor$0West side of Ocean St.1 AD01No improved walking facilities within public right of way along west side of street Pedestrian access begins at public beach access point0.10.1Minor$0West side of Ocean St.1 AD01Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.10.1Minor$1,500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and RMP 32641AD02, AE02, AE03Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and RMP 32641AD02, AE02, AE03Tree grates cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and RMP 32641AD02, AE02, AE03Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.10.1Minor$1,500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and RMP 32641AD02, AE02, AE03Joint between curb and sidewalk causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.250.25Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and RMP 32641AD02, AE02, AE03Meter covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and RMP 32641AD02, AE02, AE03Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and RMP 32671AD02, AE02, AE03Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and RMP 32671AD02, AE02, AE03Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSWest side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and RMP 32671AD02, AE02, AE03Tree grates cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and RMP 32671AD02, AE02, AE03Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750Cyprus Ave. Alley1 AE02No pedestrian access provided along either side of street0.10.1Minor$0East side of Garfield between Beech and Cypress1 AE02No pedestrian access provided north of 2650 Garfield0.10.1Minor$0East side of Garfield between Beech and Cypress1 AE02Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500East side of Garfield between Beech and Cypress1 AE02Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Garfield between Beech and Cypress1 AE02Joint between curb and sidewalk causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Garfield between Beech and Cypress1 AE02Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Ocean between Christiansen and Beech1 AE02No pedestrian access provided south of 2746 Ocean Ave.0.10.1Minor$0East side of Ocean between Christiansen and Beech1 AE02Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500East side of Ocean between Christiansen and Beech1 AE02Meter cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Ocean between Cyprus and Pacific1 AE02No pedestrian access provided along east side of streetSegments of sidewalk provided connecting stairwells on school campus0.10.1Minor$0North side of Christiansen between Garfield and Ocean1 AE02No pedestrian access provided along north side of street NO ISSUE0Conforming$0North side of Cyprus between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield1 AE02No pedestrian access provided along north side of street0.10.1Minor$0North side of Cyprus between Garfield and Ocean1 AE02No pedestrian access provided along north side of street0.10.1Minor$0South side of Cyprus between Garfield and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AE02No pedestrian access provided west of the Ebb Tide Inn0.10.1Minor$0South side of Cyprus between Garfield and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AE02Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500South side of Cyprus between Garfield and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AE02Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Cyprus between Garfield and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AE02Stop sign reduces required clear width of sidewalk to 35 1/4" wide0.50.5Moderate$1,000South side of Cyprus between Ocean and Garfield1 AE02No pedestrian access provided along south side of street0.10.1Minor$0West side of Garfield between Cypress and Beech1 AE02Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSWest side of Garfield between Cypress and Beech1 AE02Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Garfield between Cypress and Beech1 AE02No pedestrian access provided north of 2685 Garfield11Moderate$5,000West side of Ocean between Pacific and Beech1 AE02No pedestrian access provided along west side of street0.10.1Minor$0East side of Garfield between Christiansen and Beech1AE02, AE03No pedestrian access provided along east side of street0.10.1Minor$0North side of Beech between Garfield and Carlsbad Blvd.1AE02, AE03Traffic signal cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Beech between Garfield and Carlsbad Blvd.1AE02, AE03Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Beech between Garfield and Carlsbad Blvd.1AE02, AE03Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Beech between Garfield and Carlsbad Blvd.1AE02, AE03Water meter covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. And Garfield1AE02, AE03Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. And Garfield1AE02, AE03Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500South side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. And Garfield1AE02, AE03Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. And Garfield1AE02, AE03Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250South side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. And Garfield1AE02, AE03SDG&E cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$0South side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. And Garfield1AE02, AE03Traffic signal covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. And Garfield1AE02, AE03Former pole holes cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" deep and greater than 1/2" wide0.10.1Minor$100West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and Beech1AE02, AE03Damaged concrete at electrical meter cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/2" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.250.25Minor$0West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and Beech1AE02, AE03Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and Beech1AE02, AE03Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and Beech1AE02, AE03Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cyprus and Beech1AE02, AE03Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Garfield between Beech and Christiansen1AE02, AE03Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSWest side of Garfield between Beech and Christiansen1AE02, AE03Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500West side of Garfield between Beech and Christiansen1AE02, AE03Tree grates cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Garfield between Beech and Christiansen1AE02, AE03Drop‐off at landscape is greater than 4" high with no edge protection0.10.1Minor$500West side of Garfield between Beech and Christiansen1AE02, AE03Tree branch overhangs sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Ocean between Beech and Christiansen1AE02, AF02No pedestrian access provided along west side of street0.10.1Minor$0North side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. and Washington1 AE03Sidewalk is only 47 1/4" wideCalifornia Building Code requires 48" wide, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines requires 36" wide.0.10.1Minor$1,000North side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. and Washington1 AE03Pedestrian route ends east of California Park State driveway and resumes at the end of the cul-de-sac11Moderate$5,000North side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. and Washington1 AE03Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Christiansen between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield1 AE03Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Christiansen between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield1 AE03Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Christiansen between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield1 AE03Street light cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Christiansen between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield1 AE03Bushes reduce required clear width of sidewalk to less than 36" wideCalifornia Building Code requires 48" wide, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines requires 36" wide.0.50.5Moderate$1,000North side of Christiansen between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield1 AE03Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Christiansen between Carlsbad Blvd. and Garfield1 AE03Meter cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Beech between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd. 1 AE03Pedestrian access ends between 351 and 367 Beech11Moderate$5,000South side of Beech between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd. 1 AE03Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250South side of Beech between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd. 1 AE03Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Christiansen and Beech1 AE03Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Christiansen and Beech1 AE03Street light cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Christiansen between Ocean and Grand1AE03, AF02Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSSouth side of Christiansen between Ocean and Grand1AE03, AF02Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Christiansen between Ocean and Grand1AE03, AF02Drop‐off at landscape is greater than 4" high with no edge protection0.10.1Minor$500South side of Christiansen between Ocean and Grand1AE03, AF02Joints between sidewalk panels cause gaps in the direction of travel that are greater than 1/2" wide NO ISSUE0.10.1Minor$100East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and Christiansen1 AE03Traffic signal covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and Christiansen1 AE03Umbrellas at It’s A Grind coffee shop overhang sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and Christiansen1 AE03Sewer covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Beech and Christiansen1 AE03Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. and Washington1 AE03Traffic signal cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. and Washington1 AE03Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250North side of Beech between Carlsbad Blvd. and Washington1 AE03Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of State between Grand and RMP 1661 AE04Tree grates cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of State between Grand and RMP 1661 AE04Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250East side of State between Grand and RMP 1661 AE04Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of State between Grand and RMP 1661 AE04Meter covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of State between Grand and RMP 1661 AE04Former pole holes cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" deep and greater than 1/2" wide0.1 0.10.2Minor$350East side of State between Grand and RMP 1661 AE04SDG&E plate causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$0East side of State between Grand and RMP 1661 AE04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500East side of State St. Alley between Grand and Christiansen1 AE04Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200East side of State St. Alley between Grand and Christiansen1 AE04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500East side of State St. Alley between Grand and Christiansen1 AE04Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSEast side of State St. Alley between Grand and Christiansen1 AE04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Washington between Carlsbad Village Dr. and Grand1 AE04No pedestrian access provided along east side of street0.10.1Minor$0North side of Grand between State and State St. Alley1 AE04Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Grand between State and State St. Alley1 AE04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Grand between State St. Alley and State1 AE04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Grand between State St. Alley and State1 AE04Traffic signal cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of State between Christiansen and Grand1 AE04Damaged water meter cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250West side of State between Christiansen and Grand1 AE04Traffic signal covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of State between Christiansen and Grand1 AE04Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of State St. Alley between Christiansen and Grand1 AE04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of State St. Alley between Christiansen and Grand1 AE04Storm drain covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of State, opposite RMP 167 to Christiansen Way1 AE04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500West side of Washington between Grand and Carlsbad Village Dr.1 AE04No pedestrian access provided along west side of street There is pedestrian access provided within shopping area0.10.1Minor$0East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Trees overhang sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Telephone manhole covers creates gaps greater than 1/2" wide in direction of travel0.10.1Minor$100West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Umbrellas at Don's Country Kitchen overhang sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Water meter cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1" high0.250.25Minor$250West side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Trees overhang sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSWest side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Tree roots have caused sidewalk to upheave causing vertical offsets greater than 1" high0.250.25Minor$250East side of Washington between Oak and Carlsbad Village Dr.1 AF04No pedestrian access provided along east side of street0.10.1Minor$0North side of Carlsbad Blvd. Between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AF04Tree grates causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Carlsbad Blvd. Between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AF04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Carlsbad Blvd. Between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AF04SDG&E cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$0North side of Oak between Lincoln and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AF04Storm drain causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Oak between Lincoln and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AF04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Oak between Lincoln and Carlsbad Blvd.1 AF04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Oak between Washington and Lincoln1 AF04Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Oak between Washington and Lincoln1 AF04No pedestrian access provided west of 390 Oak Ave. to the corner lot11Moderate$5,000North side of Oak between Washington and Lincoln1 AF04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Oak between Washington and Lincoln1 AF04Damaged concrete at electrical meter cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/2" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.250.25Minor$0North side of Oak between Washington and Lincoln1 AF04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Carlsbad Village Dr. between Lincoln and Washington1 AF04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500South side of Carlsbad Village Dr. between Lincoln and Washington1 AF04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Roosevelt between Beech and Grand1AD04-AE04Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Madison St. between Arbuckle Pl. and Grand Ave.1AD04, AD05, AE05Cross slope ranges from 3.8% - 4.2%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Madison St. between Arbuckle Pl. and Grand Ave.1AD04, AD05, AE05No detectable warnings provided at either side of business driveway0Conforming$0East side of Madison St. between Arbuckle Pl. and Grand Ave.1AD04, AD05, AE05No improved walking facilities within public right of way from 2840 Madison St. and Arbuckle Pl.There are pieces of miscellaneous sidewalk in front of some residences0.250.25Minor$0West side of Madison St. between Arbuckle Pl. and Grand Ave.1AD04, AD05, AE05No detectable warnings provided at either side of post office driveway (x2)0Conforming$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSWest side of Madison St. between Arbuckle Pl. and Grand Ave.1AD04, AD05, AE05Trees reduce headroom to less than 80" above finished grade in front of post office driveway0.10.1Minor$200West side of Madison St. between Arbuckle Pl. and Grand Ave.1AD04, AD05, AE05No detectable warnings provided at either side of business driveway (x2)0Conforming$0East side of Jefferson between Carlsbad Village Dr. and Oak1AE05, AE06Tree roots have caused concrete to upheave causing slopes greater than 5.0% and cross slopes greater than 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Jefferson between Carlsbad Village Dr. and Oak1AE05, AE06Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250East side of Jefferson between Carlsbad Village Dr. and Oak1AE05, AE06SDG&E covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$0East side of Jefferson between Carlsbad Village Dr. and Oak1AE05, AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$0North side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Jefferson and Jefferson St. Alley1AE05, AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Jefferson and Jefferson St. Alley1AE05, AE06Water meter cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250North side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Jefferson and Jefferson St. Alley1AE05, AE06Tree grates cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Jefferson between Oak and Carlsbad Village Dr.1AE05, AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" highVertical offsets along street should be considered extremely hazardous11Moderate$250West side of Jefferson between Oak and Carlsbad Village Dr.1AE05, AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Jefferson between Oak and Carlsbad Village Dr.1AE05, AE06Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200East side of Harding between Carlsbad Blvd. and Oak1 AE06Joints between sidewalk panels cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Harding between Carlsbad Blvd. and Oak1 AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Harding between Carlsbad Blvd. and Oak1 AE06Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250East side of Harding between Carlsbad Blvd. and Oak1 AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Harding between Pine and Oak1 AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Harding between Pine and Oak1 AE06Vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Jefferson between Pine and Oak1 AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Jefferson between Pine and Oak1 AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSHope Ave. Alley1 AE06No pedestrian access provided along either side of street0.10.1Minor$0North side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Harding and Jefferson1 AE06Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Pine between Harding and Jefferson1 AE06Gap between sidewalk and curb is greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel NO ISSUE0.10.1Minor$100North side of Pine between Harding and Jefferson1 AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Pine between Harding and Jefferson1 AE06Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200North side of Pine between Harding and Jefferson1 AE06Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250North side of Pine between Harding and Jefferson1 AE06Telephone pole reduces required clear width of sidewalk to 29 1/4" - 33 3/4" wideCalifornia Building Code requires 48" wide, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines requires 36" wide.0.50.5Moderate$1,000North side of Pine between Harding and Jefferson1 AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Carlsbad Blvd. Between Jefferson and Jefferson St. Alley1 AE06Traffic signal covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Carlsbad Blvd. Between Jefferson and Jefferson St. Alley1 AE06Storm drain cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Carlsbad Blvd. Between Jefferson and Jefferson St. Alley1 AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Jefferson St. Alley and Harding1 AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Jefferson St. Alley and Harding1 AE06Tree grates cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Harding between Carlsbad Blvd. and Oak1 AE06Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250West side of Harding between Carlsbad Blvd. and Oak1 AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Harding between Carlsbad Blvd. and Oak1 AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Harding between Oak and Pine1 AE06Unmaintained plant trimmings reduce sidewalk clear width to 28" wideCalifornia Building Code requires 48" wide, Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines requires 36" wide.0.250.25Minor$75West side of Harding between Oak and Pine1 AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Harding between Oak and Pine1 AE06Vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Harding between Oak and Pine1 AE06Damaged concrete causes gaps in direction of travel greater than 1/2" wide0.50.5Moderate$100
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSNorth side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Vertical offsets are greater than 3/4" high0.250.25Minor$250North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Damaged concrete causes gaps in direction of travel greater than 1/2" wide NO ISSUE0.10.1Minor$100North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Sewer manhole cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Sewer manhole cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1" high (x2)11Moderate$250North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Trees overhang sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07No pedestrian access provided at end of cul-de-sac11Moderate$5,000Public right of way between RMP 348 and RMP 3491AE06- AE07Cross slope is 5.0%0.10.1Minor$750Public right of way between RMP 348 and RMP 3491AE06- AE07Damaged concrete causes gaps in direction of travel greater than 1/2" wide0.10.1Minor$100South side of Pine between Madison and Harding1AF06, AE06Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Pine between Madison and Harding1AF06, AE06Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250South side of Pine between Madison and Harding1AF06, AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Harding between Chestnut and Pine1AF07, AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Harding between Chestnut and Pine1AF07, AE06Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250East side of Harding between Chestnut and Pine1AF07, AE06Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Harding between Chestnut and Pine1AF07, AE06Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Harding between Chestnut and Pine1AF07, AE06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Harding between Chestnut and Pine1AF07, AE06SDG&E manhole covers create vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250Madison St. Alley between Walnut and Chestnut1 AF06No pedestrian access provided on either side of street0.10.1Minor$0Madison St. Alley between Walnut and Pine1 AF06No pedestrian access provided on either side of street0.10.1Minor$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSNorth side of Pine between Jefferson and Madison St. Alley1 AF06Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Harding between Chestnut and Palm1 AF07Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Chestnut between Harding and Jefferson1 AF07Damaged concrete causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$250North side of Chestnut between Harding and Jefferson1AF07No detectable warnings provided at zero curb at pedestrian crossingDouble‐set grooved border erroneously identifies level sidewalk as a curb ramp0.50.5Moderate$300North side of Chestnut between Harding and Jefferson1 AF07SDG&E manhole cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$0South Chestnut at Madison St. Alley1AF07No detectable warnings provided at intersection of Madison St. Alley0.50.5Moderate$300South Chestnut between Madison St. Alley and Jefferson1 AF07Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.10.1Minor$750South Chestnut between Madison St. Alley and Jefferson1 AF07Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Chestnut between Jefferson and Harding1AF07No detectable warnings provided at zero curb at pedestrian crossingDouble‐set grooved border erroneously identifies level sidewalk as a curb ramp0.50.5Moderate$300South side of Chestnut between Jefferson and Harding1 AF07Storm drain cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Harding between Chestnut and Palm1 AF07Pavers create slopes greater than 5.0%, cross slopes greater than 2.0%, and vertical offsets greater than 1/2" high x 1/2" wide0.250.25Minor$250West side of Harding between Chestnut and Palm1 AF07Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Harding between Chestnut and Palm1 AF07Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Palm between Jefferson and Harding1AF07, AG07Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Palm between Jefferson and Harding1AF07, AG07Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Jefferson between Chestnut and Palm1AG07, AF07Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Jefferson between Chestnut and Palm1AG07, AF07Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Jefferson between Chestnut and Palm1AG07, AF07Damaged concrete causes gaps greater than 1/2" wide in the direction of travel0.10.1Minor$100South side of Palm between Madison and Harding1AG07, AF07Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500South side of Palm between Madison and Harding1AG07, AF07Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750South side of Palm between Madison and Harding1AG07, AF07Vertical offset where sidewalk meets curb is greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSSouth side of Palm between Madison and Harding1AG07, AF07Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250South side of Palm between Madison and Harding1AG07, AF07Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Jefferson between Chestnut and Palm1AG07, AF07Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500West side of Jefferson between Chestnut and Palm1AG07, AF07Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Jefferson between Chestnut and Palm1AG07, AF07Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Madison between Chestnut and Palm1AG07, AG06Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500Madison St. Alley between Palm and Chestnut1 AG07No pedestrian access provided on either side of street0.10.1Minor$0North side of Palm between Jefferson and Madison1 AG07Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Palm between Jefferson and Madison1 AG07Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Palm between Jefferson and Madison1 AG07Numerous vertical offsets are greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Jefferson between Anchor and Carol1 AH08Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Vertical offsets are greater than 3/4" high0.250.25Minor$250North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,500North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Damaged concrete causes gaps in direction of travel greater than 1/2" wide0.50.5Moderate$100North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Sewer manhole cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.10.1Minor$250North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Sewer manhole cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1" high (x2)11Moderate$250North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07Trees overhang sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200North side of Oak between Harding and freeway1AE06- AE07No pedestrian access provided at end of cul-de-sac0.10.1Minor$02546 - 2502 Jefferson St. Residences1AB04, AC04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.50.5Moderate$1,5001446 Forest Ave Residence219no detectable warning at driveway; path of travel in driveway; driveway cross slope exceeds 2%0.50.5Moderate$1,500
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONS1436 Forest Ave Residence219no detectable warning at driveway; path of travel in driveway; driveway cross slope exceeds 2%0.50.5Moderate$1,500Between 1446 and 1440 Forest Ave 2 19 Power pole in path of travel without sufficient clearance0.10.1Minor$1,0001448 Forest Ave. 2no detectable warning at driveway; path of travel in driveway; driveway cross slope exceeds 2%; end of sidewalk0.50.5Moderate$1,500Highland and Las Flores 2 30non-contiguous sidewalk; excessive cross slope and running slope; no handrails or landingsobstruction0.1 0.250.35Minor$7501502 Las Flores 230no detectable warning at driveway; driveway cross slope in exceeds 2% 0.50.5Moderate$1,5001400 Las Flores Church 2 30sidewalk cross slope: 3.4%; 1" uplift; chunk out of sidewalk; 0.5" uplift0.25 0.10.35Minor$1,0001390 Las Flores Residence 2 30 0.5" uplift at sidewalk0.10.1Minor$2501388 Las Flores Residence 2 30 sidewalk cross slope: 2.5%0.10.1Minor$7501370 Las Flores Residence 2 30 sidewalk cross slope: 2.2%0.10.1Minor$7501360 Las Flores Residence 2 30 sidewalk cross slope: 2.8%; chunk out of sidewalk0.10.1Minor$7502792 Highland Residence 2 30 (2) 2" uplift; additional uplifted panels at tree0.10.1Minor$7502780 Highland Residence 2 30 path of travel separate from driveway; cross slope: 3.4%0.10.1Minor$7502756 Highland Residence 2 30 (2) 1" uplift at sidewalk; cross slope: 2.6%0.10.1Minor$7502738 Highland Residence 2 30 sidewalk ends0.10.1Minor$02757 Highland Residence 2 30path of travel separate from double driveway; cross slope: 3.5% at south drive0.250.25Minor$7502701 Highland Residence 2 30 sidewalk ends0.10.1Minor$02515 Pio Pico Business229no detectable warning at driveway; driveway cross slope: 7.5%0.50.5Moderate$1,5002525 Pio Pico Business229no detectable warning at driveway; utility grate in path of travel; driveway cross slope: 8.9% no detectable warning0.1 0.50.6Moderate$1,5002565 Pio Pico Business229no detectable warning at driveway; 0.5" expansion joint in path of travel; driveway cross slope 7.5% no detectable warning0.1 0.50.6Moderate$1,7502575 Pio Pico229no detectable warning at driveway; driveway cross slope: 8.8% no detectable warning0.50.5Moderate$1,500
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONS1350 Las Flores Residence 2 29 sidewalk cross slope: 2.6%0.10.1Minor$750Las Flores and Chuparosa 2 29 0.5" uplift at sidewalk0.10.1Minor$2501280 Buena Vista Residence 2 39 sidewalk ends0.10.1Minor$01240, 1260, 1270, 1280,1275 Buena Vista239no detectable warning at driveway; path of travel in driveway; driveway cross slope exceeds 2%0.50.5Moderate$1,5001280 Buena Vista Residence 2 39 sidewalk ends0.10.1Minor$01275 Buena Vista Residence 2 39path of travel separate from driveway; cross slope: 1.2%; sidewalk begins and ends0.10.1Minor$03085 Valley St. (Residence) 2 42 running slope 0.4%; cross slope 10.8% motor home blocking driveway0.250.25Minor$7503075 Valley St. (Residence) 2 42 running slope 1.4%; cross slope 10.9%0.50.5Moderate$1,5003065 Valley St. (Residence) 2 42 running slope 0.8%; cross slope 9.9% horizontal vegetative obstruction; 1" uplift @ driveway0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$1,0753058 Valley St. (Residence) 2 42 running slope 0.2%; cross slope 12.6%0.50.5Moderate$1,5003320 Monroe 2 44 divot in sidewalk0.10.1Minor$100Basswood and Monroe 2 44 sidewalk ends on east side of Monroe and begins on west side no issue of compliance0Conforming$0Across from 1800 Basswood 2 56 cross slope of sidewalks exceed 2%; divots in sidewalk0.10.1Minor$7503435-3485 Valley 2 56, 68cross slopes exceed 2%; running slopes exceed 5%; vertical obstruction at 34310.1 0.10.2Minor$8251695 Basswood Residence 2 56 sidewalk cross slope: 12%; 0.5" uplift0.1 0.250.35Minor$1,000Along sidewalk in front of tennis courts across the street from 1750 Basswood2 56 cracked with uplifts0.10.1Minor$250Along sidewalk at baseball field across from 1800 Basswood2 56 large chunk missing in sidewalk; cross slope: 10.6%0.1 0.250.35Minor$1,0003358 Monroe St 2 57 cross slope exceeds 2%; 0.5" uplift north edge of driveway0.10.1Minor$2503362 Monroe St 2 57 cross slope exceeds 2%; 1" uplift middle of drive0.25 0.10.35Minor$1,0003390 Monroe St 2 57 2" gap0.10.1Minor$1003410 Monroe St 2 57 0.5" uplift, divot0.10.1Minor$750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSMonroe St Community Pool 2 57 entry and exit driveway in p.o.t.; cross slope exceeds 2%0.50.5Moderate$1,5003434 Monroe St 2 58 0.5" uplift0.10.1Minor$2503440 Monroe St 2 58 0.5" uplift0.10.1Minor$2503450 Monroe St 2 58 (2) 0.5" uplift0.10.1Minor$2503470 Monroe St 2 58 0.5" uplift utility grate0.10.1Minor$03470 Monroe St 2 58 0.5" uplift0.10.1Minor$250Between 3480 Monroe St. and Pilgrims Children Center on Monroe 2 58,70(4) divots; (6) 0.5"-1" uplifts; (1) horizontal obstruction - 30" clearance; excessive cross slope in various locations0.25 0.250.5Moderate$3251202 Basswood (corner house) 2 66 sidewalk ends; no sidewalk on Pine Ave0.10.1Minor$03236 Eureka Residence 2 66 cracked utility box in driveway0.10.1Minor$2503435-3485 Valley 2 56, 68cross slopes exceed 2%; running slopes exceed 5%; vertical obstruction at 34310.1 0.10.2Minor$825Across from 3445 Valley 2 68 0.5" uplift0.10.1Minor$2501694 Chestnut 2 69 cross slope: 13%; 1" uplift at driveway (both sides of driveway)0.25 0.50.75Moderate$1,750Just north of S/E RMP at Valley and Chestnut on Valley2 69 sidewalk ends; non-compliant0.10.1Minor$0Valley and Chestnut 2 69 west sidewalk south of Chestnut is A/C0.10.1Minor$03431 Valley St 2 68 Vertical obstruction (Hollywood Juniper)0.10.1Minor$75Just north of S/E RMP at Valley and Chestnut on Valley2 69 sidewalk ends; non-compliant0.10.1Minor$01694 Chestnut 2 69 cross slopes exceed 2%; running slopes exceed 5%; 1" uplift0.25 0.10.35Minor$1,000Valley and Chestnut 2 69 west sidewalk south of Chestnut is A/C0.10.1Minor$0Across from 1694 Chestnut on Valley 2 69 power pole obstruction w/26" clearance; broken sidewalk0.50.5Moderate$0W Valley At 1687 Brady Cir 2 69 sidewalk beginsno contiguous p.o.t. on W. Valley between Chestnut and Magnolia0.10.1Minor$0Chestnut Ave Between Valley And Marjorie Ln 2 69 vertical obstruction 62" clear0.10.1Minor$75
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSChestnut Between Valley And Marjorie 2 69 1" uplift0.250.25Minor$250N Chestnut between Valley and Marjorie 2 69 (4) 0.5"-1" uplift High school driveway in p.o.t.0.25 0.50.75Moderate$1,750N Chestnut Between Marjorie And Monroe 2 70 (5) 0.5"-1" uplifts0.250.25Minor$2502020-2034 Chestnut 2 69 driveway in p.o.t., cross slope exceeds 2%0.50.5Moderate$1,5001835-1749 Chestnut 2 69 cross slope exceeds 2%; driveway in p.o.t.0.50.5Moderate$1,500Pilgrims Children Center on Monroe 2 70(2) driveways in p.o.t, cross slope exceeds 2%; 0.5" uplift between drives; 0.5" uplift south of south driveway0.1 0.50.6Moderate$1,750Between 3480 Monroe St. and Pilgrims Children Center on Monroe 2 58,70(4) divots; (6) 0.5"-1" uplifts; (1) horizontal obstruction - 30" clearance; excessive cross slope in various locations0.250.25Minor$250Carlsbad High School SE staff parking lot driveway270driveway in p.o.t., cross slope exceeds 2%; cross slope exceeds 2% just north of driveway0.25 0.10.35Minor$825Church driveway at Chestnut and Monroe St. (North and South)270ramps 3' long at 14% slope to driveway; divot at south edge of south driveway0.50.5Moderate$1,5003660 Monroe St 2 70 uplift at south edge of driveway0.10.1Minor$2503657 Monroe St 2 70 divot0.10.1Minor$1003749 Monroe St 2 70 2" gap0.10.1Minor$1003660 Monroe St 2 70 0.5" uplift0.10.1Minor$250N Chestnut Between Marjorie And Monroe 2 70 (5) 0.5"-1" uplifts0.250.25Minor$250Sidewalk east of Monroe on Chestnut 2 70,71 running slope 5.6%, cross slope 3% slope of road 4.9%0.10.1Minor$750N Chestnut Between Marjorie And Monroe 2 70 chunk of concrete missing0.50.5Moderate$100N Chestnut Ave Just East Of Monroe 2 70 uneven utility grate w/ uplifts0.10.1Minor$02057-2015 Chestnut 2 70,71 cross slope exceeds 2%; driveway in p.o.t.0.50.5Moderate$1,5002015 Chestnut Ave 2 70 0.5" uplift0.10.1Minor$2502015 Chestnut Ave 2 70 chunk of concrete missing, 0.25" uplift0.1 0.10.2Minor$350S Chestnut Ave Just West Of Monroe 2 70 chunk of concrete missing0.10.1Minor$100
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONS1975 Chestnut 2 70chunk of concrete missing; driveway in p.o.t, cross slope exceeds 2%0.1 0.50.6Moderate$1,600N Magnolia east of Valley 2 81,70 no sidewalk11Moderate$5,000N Magnolia west of Monroe 2 70 cross slope in p.o.t. 3.6%0.10.1Minor$7501905 Magnolia, Elementary School 2 70 (5) divots/uplifts; (4) driveway in p.o.t., cross slope exceeds 2%0.25 0.50.75Moderate$1,7501975 Magnolia 2 70 1" uplift0.250.25Minor$250Across From 1985 Magnolia 2 70 Vertical obstruction, 55" clear0.10.1Minor$751910 Magnolia 2 70 1" uplift at former mail box post0.250.25Minor$250Magnolia between Valley and Brady Cr 2 80 cross slope 3%0.10.1Minor$750Corner of Magnolia and Valley (South Side) 2 80 running slope 5.5%, cross slope 2.7% 0.10.1Minor$750Valley Middle School On Magnolia 2 80 0.5" uplift0.10.1Minor$250Valley Middle School On Magnolia 2 80 (3) uplifts/divots0.10.1Minor$250S Magnolia At Brady Cr 2 80 divot, 0.5" uplift 40 ft west0.10.1Minor$250N Magnolia At Lds Church Driveway 2 80 1" uplift0.250.25Minor$250N Magnolia At Church Pl 2 80 sidewalk ends11Moderate$5,0003368 Eureka Residence 2 77 cross slope: 4.8%; cracked sidewalk 0.10.1Minor$7503218-3374 Eureka 2 66,77cross slopes exceed 2%; running slopes exceed 5%; cracked sidewalk at 33680.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Walnut and Sycamore1AG04Cross slope ranges from 1.7% - 3.2%; Water meter cover causes vertical offsets up to 1" high (x2)0.5 0.10.6Moderate$1,000East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Maple and Acacia1AH04 Water meter cover causes vertical offsets up to 1" high (x4)0.50.5Moderate$250Public beach access at end of Mountain View1AD01Stairs leading to beach do not have a guardrail or contrasting striping0.50.5Moderate$500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Pine and Walnut1AG04 Cross slope ranges from 3.0% - 4.3% along path of travel0.10.1Minor$750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSEast side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Pine and Walnut1AG04Concrete at storm drain cover is worn causing major divots in sidewalk0.10.1Minor$100East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Pine and Walnut1AG04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.5 0.51Moderate$1,800East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Pine and Walnut1AG04SDG&E diamond plate covers cause vertical offsets 1/2" - 1" high0.10.1Minor$500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Pine and Walnut1AG04 SDG&E cover causes vertical offsets up to 1/2" high0.10.1Minor$500East side of Carlsbad Blvd., north of Pine1AG04Trees overhang sidewalk at less than 80" above finished grade in front of numerous residences0.10.1Minor$75East side of Carlsbad Blvd., north of Pine1AG04Damaged concrete at storm drain creates vertical offsets greater than 1" high11Moderate$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd., north of Pine1AG04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sycamore and Walnut1AG04 Cross slope along path of travel exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Walnut and Pine1AG04 Cross slope ranges from 2.2% - 3.2% 0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Walnut and Pine1AG04Dog waste bags are mounted 54" AFF with 26" reach from sidewalk0.50.5Moderate$1,000East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Maple and Acacia1AH04 Water meter cover causes vertical offsets up to 1" high (x4)0.50.5Moderate$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Maple and Chestnut1AH04 Cross slope ranges from 2.4% - 3.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Chestnut and Maple1AH04 Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Chestnut and Maple1AH04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.1 0.10.2Minor$1,800East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Chestnut and Maple1AH04Damaged water meter cover creates 10" drop below sidewalk elevation0.50.5Moderate$500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Maple and Acacia1AH04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.1 0.10.2Minor$1,800
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSEast side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sycamore and Chestnut1AH04Palm trees overhang walkway reducing headroom to less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sycamore and Chestnut1AH04Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sycamore and Chestnut1AH04 Water meter cover causes vertical offsets up to 1" high 0.50.5Moderate$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sycamore and Chestnut1AH04 Cross slope at SDG&E cover is 5.0%0.10.1Minor$0West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Chestnut and Sycamore1AH04 Cross slope ranges from 2.6% - 3.2%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cherry and Acacia1AH04, AH05Crosswalk at north side of Cherry: No detectable warnings provided at zero curb condition. Slope ranges from 17.1% - 18.8% for 4' in length. 0.50.5Moderate$300West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cherry and Acacia1AH04, AH05 Cross slope at area adjacent to stair is 6.9%11Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cherry and Acacia1AH04, AH05 Cross slope ranges from 2.3% - 2.7%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cherry and Acacia1AH04, AH05 Spacing at guardrail is 5 1/4" wide between posts0Conforming$0East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Acacia and Cherry1AH05Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.1 0.50.6Moderate$1,800East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Acacia and Cherry1AH05 Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Acacia and Cherry1AH05 Storm drain cover causes vertical offsets up to 1/2" high (x2)0.10.1Minor$250Crosswalk junction along West side of Carlsbad Blvd. at Tamarack1AI05No detectable warnings provided at drive lane leading to parking lot at island to main traffic lanes of Carlsbad Blvd.0.50.5Moderate$300East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cherry and Juniper1AI05Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.50.5Moderate$300East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cherry and Juniper1AI05 Water meter cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/2" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cherry and Juniper1AI05One of two storm drain covers causes vertical offsets up to 1/2" high in damaged concrete0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cherry and Juniper1AI05Palm trees overhang walkway reducing headroom to less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSEast side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Hemlock and Redwood1AI05Water meter cover causes vertical offsets up to 2" high x 1" wide (x2)11Moderate$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Hemlock and Redwood1AI05Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.1 0.50.6Moderate$1,800East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Hemlock and Redwood1AI05 SDG&E cover causes vertical offsets up to 1" high (x2)11Moderate$0East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Hemlock and Redwood1AI05Opposing slopes at driveway in front of 3840 Carlsbad Blvd. creates severe hazards in sidewalk with slopes up to 17.8%0.50.5Moderate$1,500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Juniper and Hemlock1AI05 Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Juniper and Hemlock1AI05 Water meter cover causes vertical offsets up to 1" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Redwood and Tamarack1AI05Cross slope across driveways exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% No detectable warnings provided at either side of driveway0.1 0.50.6Moderate$1,800East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Redwood and Tamarack1AI05Damaged concrete in front of Vigilucci's restaurant causes vertical offsets up to 1" high0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Hemlock and Juniper1AI05No detectable warnings provided at north crosswalk path of travel0.50.5Moderate$300West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Hemlock and Juniper1AI05 Water meter cover causes vertical offsets up to 3/4" high 0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Juniper and Cherry1AI05 Cross slope along path of travel exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$1,500West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Juniper and Cherry1AI05 Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Redwood and Hemlock1AI05No directional signage to accessible route provided at either end of split walkway. Sign should point to use east side.West walkway cross slope is 4.6%. East walkway cross slope is 1.1%. 0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Redwood and Hemlock1AI05Slope between beach stairs and split in sidewalk ranges from 5.5% - 7.2%. 0.50.5Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Redwood and Hemlock1AI05Noncompliant path of travel leading to Carlsbad Blvd. does not connect to an accessible route. This area is misleading. Surveyors recommend removal and replacement with landscape.11Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Redwood1AI05 Path of travel has cross slopes up to 2.5%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Tamarack and Redwood1AI05 Trees overhang walkway at less than 80" above finished grade0.10.1Minor$200
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSWest side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08 Cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.10.1Minor$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08Vertical offset greater than 1/4" high at connection to seating area0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08No signage identifying accessible beach access point at inaccessible beach entrance adjacent to lifeguard tower 31. Slope exceeds 5% at access point with no handrails.11Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08No signage identifying accessible beach access point at inaccessible beach entrance adjacent to lifeguard tower 31. Handrails are noncompliant at stair entrance. Treads do not have contrasting striping.11Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08No signage identifying accessible beach access point at inaccessible beach entrance adjacent to lifeguard tower 32. Slope exceeds 5% at access point with no handrails.11Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08No signage identifying accessible beach access point at inaccessible beach entrance between lifeguard towers 32 and 33. Handrails are noncompliant at stair entrance. Treads do not have contrasting striping.11Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08No signage identifying accessible beach access point at inaccessible beach entrance adjacent to lifeguard tower 33. Slope exceeds 5% at access point with no handrails.11Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08Cross slope at storm drain is 3.8% with vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high0.1 0.10.2Minor$1,000West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08 Vertical offset greater than 1" high11Moderate$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08Damaged concrete at guardrail post causes 4" vertical drop-off and gapes greater than 1/2" wide in direction of travel0.10.1Minor$500
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSWest side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08Joint at concrete panels has 3" wide gaps in direction of travel at bridge0.10.1Minor$100West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08No signage identifying accessible beach access point at inaccessible beach entrance at stair leading to beach parking lot. Handrails are noncompliant at stair entrance. Treads do not have contrasting striping.11Moderate$750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08Car guardrail from lagoon to Tamarack and drop-off guardrail reduce required clear width to 44" wide for more than 200' in length with no 60" x 60" passing areas0.10.1Minor$1,000West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08Streetlight manhole cover creates vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high (x4)0.10.1Minor$250West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and Sequoia1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08 Gaps in direction of travel are greater than 1/2" wide0.10.1Minor$100East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Storm drain cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and is loose0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08 Cross slope exceeds 2.0% Cross slope at bridge is compliant0.10.1Minor$750East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Manhole covers cause vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in direction of travel0.1 0.10.2Minor$350East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Cross slope across maintenance access driveway to north side of bridge exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.10.1Minor$1,500
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSEast side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Bridge cable slot causes vertical offsets greater than 1" high and gaps greater than 1/2" wide in direction of travel0.1 11.1Moderate$350East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Spacing at guardrail is 6 1/4" wide where guardrail comes together with greater than 30" drop-off a bridge11Moderate$500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Cross slope at vehicle access to lagoon driveway exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% (x2)0.10.1Minor$1,500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Storm drain cover causes vertical offsets greater than 1/4" high (x2)0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08 Vertical offset exceeds 3/4" high0.10.1Minor$250East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Strom drain north of power station causes slopes up to 8.7% and cross slopes up to 5.4%. Drop-off is greater than 2" high with no edge protection. Vertical offsets are greater than 1" high.1 0.1 0.11.2Moderate$1,500East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Cross slope at Encina power station driveway exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0%0.10.1Minor$750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Rebuild Install Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemVegetative Obstructions Found in the ROW (Property Owner Responsibility)Vertical Clearance ObstructionsObstructions Found in the ROW (City Responsibility)Obstructions Found in the ROW (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Utility Box Cover Uplift (Franchise Utility Responsibility)Horizontal Gaps (>1", <12" or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Cross Slope > 2% along walkwaysCross Slope > 5% at drivewaysNarrow WidthDetectable Warning/Truncated Domes at Major Vehicular Xing Where Break in Walkway ExistsBlock has missing walkways (Alternative Design Street)Block has missing walkwaysLack of Curb Edge DefinitionComposite ScoreComposite Rating CategoryComposite CostsLocationTierMap PagNotesIndividual Item Cost:$75 $200 $500 $0 $0 $100 $250 $750 $1,500 $1,000 $300 $0 $5,000 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 1 ROW OBSTRUCTIONSEast side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Damaged concrete causes gaps in direction of travel greater than 1/2" wide0.10.1Minor$100East side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Sequoia and Cannon1AJ06, AK06, AK07, AL07, AL08, AM08, AN08Storm drain cover causes vertical offsets greater than 2 1/2" high11Moderate$250Count % of TotalConforming7 1.50%Minor346 74.25%Moderate113 24.25%Major0 0.00%Total 466 100.00%Total Estimated Costs$276,375
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500N/E RMP at Cipriano and Forest Ave. RMP3732 18 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Cipriano and Forest Ave RMP135 18 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Morning Glory and Las Flores Dr. RMP3733 30 2 No truncated dome; cracked pan; worn texture11Moderate$300$300N/E RMP at Avenue of Trees and Monroe St. RMP29 33 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Avenue of Trees and Monroe St. RMP28 33 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Pio Pico and Stratford RMP126 39 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Pio Pico and Stratford RMP127 39 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Buena Vista and James St. RMP3545 41 2 No truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope: 3.6%0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$550$550N/W RMP at Arland Rd. and Buena Vista RMP3544 41 2 No truncated dome; grooved pan; Landing cross slope: 10.9%10.251.25Moderate$3,050$2,750S/E RMP at Highland and Newland RMP4625 41 2 no truncated dome11Moderate$300$300NE RMP at Blenkarne and Truesdell RMP476 44 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10.5%, cross slope 4.2%; landing running slope 8.1%, cross slope 4.5%0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.11.4Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Monroe and Westwood RMP524 44 2no truncated dome; texture;0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.8% cross slope 9.5%; landing running slope 11.5%; 32" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.05Moderate$6,550$2,750NW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne Dr (south)RMP527 44 2 no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.25" lip; ramp running slope 10%; landing running slope 10.8%; 44" pan0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$3,300$2,750SW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne Dr (south)RMP526 44 2 no truncated dome; worn texture; 1" lip; ramp running slope 10.6%; landing running slope 4.7%0.25 0.25 0.1 0.10.7Moderate$550$550N/E RMP at I-5 and Carlsbad Village Dr. RMP488 53 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at I-5 and Carlsbad Village Dr. RMP490 53 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Valley St. and Evergreen Cir. RMP502 55 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Valley St. and Evergreen Cir. RMP501 55 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pio Pico and Oak Ave. RMP480 65 2 no truncated dome; no texture; insufficient landing; 0.5" lip (beveled)0.1 0.250.35Minor$500$500SE RMP at Pio Pico and Oak Ave. RMP481 65 2 non compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Adams and Basswood RMP548 66 2 No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip with cracked concrete; ramp running slope: 9.6%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550NE RMP at Monroe St and Karren Ln RMP680 70 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10.4%; landing cross slope 3.5%; running slope 6.8%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,750SE RMP at Donna Ct RMP581 70 2 no truncated dome; 32" landing with veg obstrtuction; side flare a: 12%; ramp running slope 9.3% ramp leads to nowhere0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800SE RMP at Monroe St and Karren Ln RMP679 70 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.8%; 33.5" landing; no sidewalk to one side of ramp0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050W RMP at Donna Ct RMP580 70 2 no truncated dome; side flare a: 12.9%; 36" landing0.25 0.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800N/E RMP at Adams and Chestnut RMP553 77 2 no truncated dome; no texture; not 48" deep pan; running slope of landing: 4.8%; 33" landing; ramp cross slope: 4.9%$300$300N/W RMP at Adams and Chestnut RMP554 77 2 no texture; no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Adams and Chestnut RMP552 77 2 path of travel needs repair0Conforming$0$0S/W RMP at Adams and Chestnut RMP551 77 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack Av and Adair Wy RMP759 88 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPS
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Tamarack Ave and Margaret Wy RMP761 88 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Tamarack Av and Adair Wy RMP758 88 2 cracked/sunken concrete at lip; p.o.t. non-compliant0.10.1Minor$250$250NW RMP at Tamarack Av and Margaret Wy RMP760 88 2 non-compliant; no truncated dome; no landing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 110 RMP110 AB04 1Curb ramp has 2' detectable warnings; Side flares slope 14.5% and 9.0%; Cross slope of curb ramp is 4.3%; Cross slope of top landing is 3.3%; 1/2" vertical offset where detectable warnings meet bottom of curb ramp; Traffic- control device cover is not stable at top landing0.1 1 0.1 0.11.3Moderate$3,000$2,750RMP 111 RMP111 AB04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 120 RMP120 AB05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 4867 RMP4867 AB05 1 Curb ramp has 2' detectable warnings0Conforming$0$0RMP 4868 RMP4868 AB05 1 Curb ramp has 2' detectable warning; Curb ramp slopes 11.1%.0.10.1Minor$0$0RMP 116 RMP116 AC04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 117 RMP117 AC04 1 No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Transition at bottom landing is not flush0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550RMP 667 RMP667 AC04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Curb ramp does not contrast with adjacent sidewalk; Curb ramp slopes 11.5%, cross slope is 2.4%; Top landing slopes 3.7%, cross slope is 6.6%; Side flares slope 16.3% and 6.3%; Transition from curb ramp to grooved border is 1/2" high0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$3,300$2,750RMP 668 RMP668 AC04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Curb ramp slopes 10.7%; Side flares slope 14.3% and 8.5%; Cross slope at top landing is 2.9%; Damaged concrete at bottom landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$300$300RMP 167 RMP167 AD03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 169 RMP169 AD03 1 No detectable warnings provided; Cross slope of curb ramp is 3.6%0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300RMP 170 RMP170 AD03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp1 1 0.12.1Major$500$500RMP 109 RMP109 AD04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 118 RMP118 AD04 1 Noncompliant diagonal curb ramp does not have a connecting crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 154 RMP154 AD04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 155 RMP155 AD04 1 Noncompliant diagonal curb ramp does not have a connecting crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 166 RMP166 AD04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 668 RMP668 AD04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Transition at bottom landing is 1/2" high; Side flares slope 15.0% and 15.4%; Curb ramp slopes 10.4%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,300$2,750RMP 669 RMP669 AD04 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Transition at bottom landing is 1/2" high; Side flares slope 11.1% and 12.7%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550RMP 151 RMP151 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 156 RMP156 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 157 RMP157 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 158 RMP158 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3524 RMP3524 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3525 RMP3525 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3526 RMP3526 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Connecting crosswalk has noncompliant slopes and cross slopesDiagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing. Accessible pedestrian signal Grooved border located at wrong location, no detectable warnings provided, noncompliant cross slopeBottom landing slopes excessively. Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked Curb ramp is designed as a diagonal curb ramp, however the slopes reflect an in-line curb ramp.Coordinate with street light coverCurb ramp is designed as a diagonal curb ramp, however the slopes reflect an in-line curb ramp.Palm tree overhangs curb ramp at less than 80" above finished grade. Curb ramp is designed as a diagonal curb ramp, however the slopes reflect an in-line curb ramp.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSRMP 3631 RMP3631 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3632 RMP3632 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3633 RMP3633 AD05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 171 RMP171 AD06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 4111 RMP4111 AD06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 4112 RMP4112 AD06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 177 RMP177AD06, AE061 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 199 RMP199 AE03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 200 RMP200 AE03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 203 RMP203 AE03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 204 RMP204 AE03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 205 RMP205 AE03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 220 RMP220 AE03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 191 RMP191 AE04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 192 RMP192 AE04 1 No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP 225 RMP225 AE04 1 Detectable warnings do not span entire width of curb ramp, no grooved border provided, bottom landing slopes 16.9%0.25$850$850RMP 236 RMP236 AE04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 237 RMP237 AE04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 238 RMP238 AE04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 258 RMP258 AE04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 260 RMP260 AE04 1 Noncompliant diagonal curb ramp is not located within the required marked crossings11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 286 RMP286 AE04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 287 RMP287 AE04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 290 RMP290 AE04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 229 RMP229 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 239 RMP239 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 240 RMP240 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 241 RMP241 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 242 RMP242 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 243 RMP243 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Curb ramp is designed as a diagonal curb ramp, however the slopes reflect an in-line curb ramp.Palm tree overhangs curb ramp at less than 80" above finished grade. Curb ramp is designed as a diagonal curb ramp, however the slopes reflect an in-line curb ramp.Curb ramp is designed as a diagonal curb ramp, however the slopes reflect an in-line curb ramp.New curb ramp should be positioned more toward the south once it's been re-pouredSide flares are noncompliant, however they don't need to be crossed as part of an accessible routeCoordinate with adjacent accessible routeCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersection
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSRMP 244 RMP244 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 245 RMP245 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 246 RMP246 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 249 RMP249 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 250 RMP250 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 251 RMP251 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 252 RMP252 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 253 RMP253 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 254 RMP254 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 255 RMP255 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 256 RMP256 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 257 RMP257 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 289 RMP289 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 293 RMP293 AE05 1 Area is not designed as a curb ramp112Major$500$500RMP 294 RMP294 AE05 1 Area is not designed as a curb ramp112Major$500$500RMP 319 RMP319 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 322 RMP322 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 323 RMP323 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 366 RMP366 AE05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 176 RMP176 AE06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 215 RMP215 AF02 1 Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 216 RMP216 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route in any direction11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 217 RMP217 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 218 RMP218 AF03 1 Pavers on ramp are slippery, curb ramp does not contrast visually from adjacent sidewalk0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP 219 RMP219 AF03 1 Pavers on ramp are slippery, curb ramp does not contrast visually from adjacent sidewalk0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP 230 RMP230 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 231 RMP231 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 232 RMP232 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 271 RMP271 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 272 RMP272 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750Coordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionCoordinate with cross slope requirements across intersectionNo detectable warnings provided. Side flares are noncompliant.No detectable warnings provided. Side flares are noncompliant.Coordinate with accessible route requirements.Trees overhang curb ramp at less than 80" above finished grade. Coordinate with accessible route requirements.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSRMP 273 RMP273 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 274 RMP274 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly to connect to the curb ramp on opposing side of street11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 275 RMP275 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 283 RMP283 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 284 RMP284 AF03 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3613 RMP3613 AF03 1Area leads to beach access with no directional signage provided indicating where accessible beach access located. Although slopes comply, a curb ramp is not installed here.0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP 233 RMP233AF03, AF041 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Oak RMP298 AF03-04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 300 RMP300 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 302 RMP302 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 303 RMP303 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 304 RMP304 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 305 RMP305 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 306 RMP306 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 307 RMP307 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 308 RMP308 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 309 RMP309 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 312 RMP312 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 313 RMP313 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3612 RMP3612 AF04 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 310 RMP310 AF05 1 Detectable warnings are installed in the wrong locations, cross slope exceeds 2.0%0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300RMP 311 RMP311 AF05 1 Bottom landing slopes 8.8%, detectable warnings expand onto side flares, cross slope at top landing is 2.4%0.250.25Minor$2,750$2,750RMP 314 RMP314 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 315 RMP315 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 316 RMP316 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 317 RMP317 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 318 RMP318 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 320 RMP320 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 321 RMP321 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 324 RMP324 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750New curb ramp should be positioned more toward the north once it's been re-pouredAdjoining accessible route will need to be modified for compliance
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSRMP 325 RMP325 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 326 RMP326 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 327 RMP327 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 328 RMP328 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 330 RMP330 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 332 RMP332 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 333 RMP333 AF05 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 334 RMP334 AF05 1 No detectable warnings provided, bottom landing is noncompliant0.250.10.35Minor$300$300RMP 335 RMP335 AF05 1 Bottom landing slopes 7.6%0.250.25Minor$2,750$2,750RMP 4743 RMP4743 AF05 1Detectable warnings are located on side flares, side flares slope greater than 10.0%, top landing slopes greater than 2.0%; 0.5" uplift0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550RMP 1 RMP1 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb rampTrees block top landing 0.111.1Moderate$3,883$3,883RMP 2 RMP2 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 329 RMP329 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 336 RMP336 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 337 RMP337 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 339 RMP339 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 361 RMP361 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 362 RMP362 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 363 RMP363 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 364 RMP364 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 368 RMP368 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 369 RMP369 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 5 RMP5 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 6 RMP6 AF06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 331 RMP331 AG06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 338 RMP338 AG06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 375 RMP375 AG06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 376 RMP376 AG06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 377 RMP377 AG06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 701 RMP701 AG06 1 No detectable warnings provided, cross slope is 2.6%0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300Curb ramp is positioned as a diagonal curb ramp, however no accessible route is provided on west side of TylerCurb ramp is positioned as a diagonal curb ramp, however no accessible route is provided on west side of Tyler
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSRMP 702 RMP702 AG06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 703 RMP703 AG06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 704 RMP704 AG06 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 711 RMP711 AG07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 712 RMP712 AG07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 713 RMP713 AG07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 714 RMP714 AG07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 723 RMP723 AG07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 715 RMP715 AG08 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly or located within the marking crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 716 RMP716 AG08 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 717 RMP717 AG08 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 718 RMP718 AG08 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 719 RMP719 AG08 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 720 RMP720 AG08 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 721 RMP721 AG08 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 722 RMP722 AG08 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 448 RMP448 AH07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp does not directly connect to an accessible route, marking crossings are not provided11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 449 RMP449 AH07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 450 RMP450 AH07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 451 RMP451 AH07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned correctly to connect to the north side of the intersection11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 452 RMP452 AH07 1 Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Adams St and Camino Del Sol Cir RMP767 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 9.3%, cross slope 3.7%; worn texture p.o.t. needs replacing 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and S I-5 offrampRMP178 2 No truncated dome; pan is less than 48"; 0.5" lip0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550Ne Rmp At Laguna Dr @ Kremeyer Cir RMP666 2no truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.25" uplift where pan meets curb; chipped concrete at grooves; large chunks of asphalt missing in p.o.t.; gaps in p.o.t.; 44" landing; landing running slope 3%; ramp running slope 11%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Magnolia Av and Highland Dr RMP588 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp slope 12.5%, cross slope 8.5%; 21" depth; 28" landing; landing cross slope 6.2%; running slope 8.6%; a/c to one side of ramp; cracked concrete edge0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.251.35Moderate$9,300$2,750NW RMP at Donna Dr and Lee Ct RMP535 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 4.7%; 37" landing0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Magnolia Av and Highland Dr RMP587 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing cross slope 3.5%, running slope 11.2%; 42" landing; ramp cross slope 8.2%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750RMP174 RMP174 2 Compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at Adams St and Camino Del Sol Cir RMP766 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.3%, cross slope 4.8%; landing running slope 4.7%, cross slope 3.8%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$550$550SE RMP at Brady Cir and Vicking Way RMP601 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp running slope 7.3%, cross slope 3.3%; landing running slope 5.4%, cross slope 2.8%; uplift where pan meets curb; 36" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.9Moderate$3,800$2,750Coordinate with accessible route requirements across streetCurb ramp does not connect to west side of Harding and is not positioned correctlyCurb ramp does not connect to east side of Harding and is not positioned correctlyGrooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-lineGrooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-lineGrooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-lineGrooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-lineGrooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-lineGrooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-line
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and S I-5 onrampRMP175 2 No truncated dome; pan is less than 48"; 0.5" lip0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550Se Rmp At Cvd @ State St RMP259 20.5" lip; no truncated dome; grooved pan; no landing; 0.5" uplift along entire edge at where the ramp meets the sidewalk; ramp running slope 13%, cross slope 3%; side flares A and C: 13%; utility box w/uplifts located directly adjacent to ramp0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.251.05Moderate$3,800$2,750SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Grecourt Way RMP582 2 no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp running slope 9.6%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Highland Dr RMP589 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; no landing; 1"+ a/c uplift at street; ramp running slope 12.9%, cross slope 6.5%0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.251.25Moderate$6,550$2,750SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Yvette Way RMP585 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11%, cross slope 4.3%; landing running slope 3.9%, cross slope 3%; 36" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.75Moderate$1,050$1,050SE RMP at N Curve of Brady Cir RMP603 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 3%; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050SE RMP at Westwood and Monroe RMP525 2 no truncated dome; texture; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 3.5%, cross slope 5%; ramp running slope 12%; 40" pan0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Brady Cir and Viking Way RMP602 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip;ramp cross slope 5.7%; landing running slope 7.8%; 36" landing; 6.4% in p.o.t. west side of ramp0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750SW RMP at Donna Dr and Lee Ct RMP534 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 6.6%; ramp cross slope 5.3%0.1$3,300$2,750SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Grecourt Way RMP583 2 no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; gutter broken at pan; 24" landing; ramp running slope 9.7%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.95Moderate$1,250$1,250SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Highland Dr RMP586 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 14.8%; landing running slope 15.3%; 41" landing; 13.8% slope in p.o.t. to west of ramp0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Yvette Way RMP584 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp slope 10.4%, cross slope 7.3%; chunk of concrete missing where street meets curb; uplifts at side of ramp; landing running slope 8.8%; 36" landing0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$6,750$2,750NW RMP at Tuttle St. and Niki Lynn RMP119 2 No truncated domes, Side flare A: 14.9%; Ramp slope: 11.4%, Landing width: 37in.0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800NE RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB on rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP744 2No truncated domes; Pedestrian crossing pole is blocking landing, Utility boxes also blocks landing, Ramp slope B is 10.9%, Gutter slope 7.8%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.8Moderate$2,033$2,033NW RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB off rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP745 2No truncated domes; Ramp slope B 12.5%; Ramp flare C 11.2%; 0.25 0.1 0.250.6Moderate$3,050$2,750SW RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB off rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP746 2No truncated domes; Landing depth 27"; Landing cross slope 4.9%0.250.1 0.250.6Moderate$800$800SE RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB on rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP747 2 No truncated domes; Traffic light with ped button blocking landing; Gutter slope 4.8%; Landing cross slope 8.3% 0.1$4,183$3,883NE RMP at Pio Pico and Knowles RMP124 2 Slope at gutter 6.4%; 40" pan width; 43" landing; landing cross slope 5.8%; 0.25" 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.5Moderate$1,100$1,100SE RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Knowles Ave. RMP125 2No truncated domes, No grooves, Side flare A 12%; Ramp slope B 12%; Gutter slope 14%; Pan width is 36"; No Landing1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.252.8Major$1,350$1,350NE RMP AT 1-5 NB on rmp and Carlsbad RMP488 2 No Landing, Side flare A: 23.8%; approach from side F: 6.1%; No truncated domes 0.25 0.25 0.250.75Moderate$3,550$2,750SE RMP AT 1-5 NB off rmp and Carlsbad Village DrRMP490 2 No Landing, Side flare A: 12.5%; surface slope: 12.2%; no truncated domes, gutter slope 8.7 Ramp is Non-Compliant0.25 0.1 1 0.25 0.251.85Moderate$3,900$2,750NW RMP AT 1-5 NB on rmp and Carlsbad Village DrRMP489 2 No Landing, Pan Width is 36"$500$500SW RMP AT 1-5 NB off rmp and Carlsbad Village DrRMP491 2 No landing, Side flare A 11.9%; no truncated dome, Traffic signal box is located within the ramp; Pan Width is 36"0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$1,050$1,050RMP538 20Conforming$0$0RMP539 20Conforming$0$0SE RMP at 1-5 Tamarack NB OFF rmp and TamarackRMP740 2 No truncated domes; Landing depth 22"; Side flare A 13.8%; Ramp slope B 12.6%; Gutter slope 7.1%0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$1,150$1,150SW RMP at 1-5 Tamarack NB off and Tamarack Ave. RMP741 2 No truncated domes, No curb, gutter slope 8.7%; Uplift at dutter is 1"; Pan width is 43"; Landing depth is 22"0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.251.1Moderate$1,400$1,400NW RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB on rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP742 2 No truncated domes; Ramp slope B 12.2%; Landing cross slope 3.6%; Uplift at D is 1 1/2"1 0.25 0.1 0.11.45Moderate$500$500NE RMP at 1-5 Tamarack on rmp and Tamarack av. RMP743 2 No truncated domes; Ramp flare c 13.6%; gutter slope 6.9%; Landing depth is 16"; 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$1,150$1,150SW RMP at Grand and Jefferson St. AlleyKTUA526 AD051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750I-5 off ramp is close to ped crossing ramp and may pose safety issues.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Grand and Jefferson St. AlleyKTUA527 AD051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Harding and Hope St AlleyKTUA528 AD061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Harding and Hope St AlleyKTUA529 AD061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Madison St. and Laguna Dr.KTUA593 AD041No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest RMP at Jefferson and Las FloresKTUA594 AB041Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest RMP at Jefferson and Las FloresKTUA595 AB041Noncompliant curb ramp; Curb ramp does not connect to a crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and State St AlleyKTUA530 AE041No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and State St AlleyKTUA531 AE041No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.KTUA503 AE041Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northeast corner of Magnolia and MadisonKTUA507 AG071Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest corner of Magnolia and MadisonKTUA508 AG071Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750South side of Magnolia between Jefferson and RooseveltKTUA509 AG071Noncompliant curb ramps provided at Village Dr.11Moderate$2,750$2,750S RMP on Grand west of Tyler St AlleyKTUA534 AE041Curb ramp facing north: detectable warnings do not space full width of curb ramp, grooved border is located in wrong location, bottom landing slopes 11.7%11Moderate$200$200SW RMP at Grand and Tyler St. AlleyKTUA532 AE041No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Grand and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA535AE04, AE051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Grand and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA536AE04, AE051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Oak and Madison St AlleyKTUA537 AE051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Oak and Madison St AlleyKTUA538 AE051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Grand and Madison St AlleyKTUA539 AE051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Grand and Madison St AlleyKTUA540 AE051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Oak and Madison St AlleyKTUA541AE05, AE061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Oak and Madison St AlleyKTUA542AE05, AE061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Oak and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA543AE05, AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Oak and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA544AE05, AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Oak and Jefferson St AlleyKTUA545 AE061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Oak and Jefferson St AlleyKTUA546 AE061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and State St. AlleyKTUA547 AF041No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and State St. AlleyKTUA548 AF041No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southeast corner of Oak and LincolnKTUA549 AF041West curb ramp slopes 10.7%, side flares are noncompliant0.25 0.10.35Minor$2,750$2,750Southeast corner of Oak and LincolnKTUA550 AF041North curb ramp cross slope is 2.8%, bottom landing slope is noncompliant0.1 0.250.35Minor$2,750$2,750Grooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-lineGrooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-line
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 CURB RAMPSNE RMP at State St and Oak Ave AlleyKTUA551AF04, AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at State St and Oak Ave AlleyKTUA552AF04, AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Pine and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA553 AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Pine and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA554 AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pine and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA555AF05, AF061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Pine and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA556AF05, AF061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Walnut and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA559 AF061No curb ramps provided at either side of intersection and path of travel does not parallel sidewalk at each side of street11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Walnut and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA560 AF061No curb ramps provided at either side of intersection and path of travel does not parallel sidewalk at each side of street11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Walnut and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA563 AF061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Walnut and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA564 AF061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Chestnut and Roosevelt AlleyKTUA572 AG061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Chestnut and Roosevelt AlleyKTUA573 AG061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Chestnut and Roosevelt AlleyKTUA574 AG061No curb ramps provided at either side of intersection11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Chestnut and Roosevelt AlleyKTUA575 AG061No curb ramps provided at either side of intersection11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Grand and Tyler St. AlleyKTUA5331No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Jeffereson St Alley and OakKTUA6561No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Jeffereson St Alley and OakKTUA6571No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Carlsbad Village Academy driveway on magnoliaKTUA639 792cross slope 3.4%; no truncated dome0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300NW RMP at Carlsbad Village Academy driveway on magnoliaKTUA640 792no truncated dome; cross slope 4.3%; uplift at ramp connection to sidewalk0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550# of Ramps with this problem3 3 41 7 69 0 39 165 8 17 31 24 31 0 0 8 28 $702,148 $664,648Count % of TotalConforming5 1.74%Minor28 9.72%Moderate251 87.15%Major4 1.39%Total 288 100.00%Pedestrians would have to travel diagonally to connect to the accessible routePedestrians would have to travel diagonally to connect to the accessible routedriveway in p.o.t., cross slope exceeds 2%Damaged concrete is extremely hazardous hereDamaged concrete is extremely hazardous here
Construction Category:Band Relocate / Replace Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250PD SGNL BKTUA63053 243" Height; 30" to crosswalk; 18" to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL AKTUA63153 246" Height; 24" to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP49053 246" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 150" between actuators0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$2,650$1,000PD SGNLRMP259247" height; less than 30" to curb; no color coding; no audible signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP49153 247.5" Height; 40" to crosswalk; 27" to curb line; no clear floor space0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 151RMP151AD05 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 229RMP229AE05 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 252RMP252AE05 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 256RMP256AE05 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 260RMP260AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 232RMP232AF03 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 2.9%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 205RMP205AE03 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.4%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 283RMP283AF03 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 8.1%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 243RMP243AE05 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding; the required clear floor space at the east traffic- control device cross slope is 2.6%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 271RMP271AF03 1East traffic- control devices do not have required color coding, vertical offsets and bollard block required clear floor space0.10.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,033$1,000PD SGNL ARMP48853 2Signal non-operational; no clear floor space0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP2592less than 30" to curb; exceeds 10' to crosswalk; required clear floor space cross slopes 5%; traffic control device does not have required color coding; no audible signal0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL RMP 109RMP109AD04 1No accessible route leading to base of traffic- control signal device, Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 154RMP154AD04 1No accessible route leading to base of traffic- control signal device, Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 239RMP239AE05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 251RMP251AE05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 260RMP260AE04 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, is located 15' from the intersection, and the required clear floor space cross slopes 4.2%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL RMP 3612RMP3612AF04 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.1%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 229RMP229AE05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.8%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 3526RMP3526AD05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 3.5%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS
Construction Category:Band Relocate / Replace Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS PD SGNL RMP 3633RMP3633AD05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 3.5%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 252RMP252AE05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, the required clear floor space cross slopes 3.8%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 256RMP256AE05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, the required clear floor space cross slopes 4.9%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 255RMP255AE05 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, the required clear floor space slopes 4.1%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 283RMP283AF03 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding, vertical offset at water meter cover is located in the required clear floor space0.10.1 0.10.3Minor$900$900PD SGNL at RMP 271RMP271AF03 1North traffic- control devices does not have required color coding, vertical offsets and bollard block required clear floor space0.10.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,033$1,000PD SGNL at RMP 232RMP232AF03 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PDSGNL RMP 233RMP233AF03, AF01South traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.0%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 151RMP151AD05 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 5.4%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 158RMP158AD05 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 3.0%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 239RMP239AE05 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding; the required clear floor space at the south traffic- control device cross slope is 2.6%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 236RMP236AE04 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding; There is a large vertical offset at the traffic signal cover in the required clear floor space of the south traffic- control device0.10.1 11.2Moderate$900$900PD SGNL RMP 110RMP110AB04 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 111RMP111AB04 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 177RMP177AD06, AE01Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 203RMP203AE03 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 203RMP203AE03 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 236RMP236AE04 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 240RMP240AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 240RMP240AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 244RMP244AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 244RMP244AE05 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 176RMP176AE06 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and is located 20' from curb ramp0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 220RMP220AE03 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 4.9%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL immediately north of RMP 118RMP118AC04 1Traffic- control device for both directions is more than 10' from curb ramp, Traffic- control signal device does not have required color coding0.1$1,650$1,000
Construction Category:Band Relocate / Replace Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS PD SGNL RMP 155RMP155AD04 1Traffic- control signal device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 243RMP243AE05 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 251RMP251AE05 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 158RMP158AD05 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 2.5%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 3526RMP3526AD05 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.8% and has vertical offsets0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,100$1,000PD SGNL RMP 3633RMP3633AD05 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space cross slopes 3.8% and has vertical offsets0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,100$1,000PD SGNL at RMP 233RMP233AF03, AF01West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 3.9%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 3612RMP3612AF04 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 7.8%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 255RMP255AE05 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding, the required clear floor space cross slopes 2.8%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP745AH082small push button; 47" actuator height0.10.1 0.10.3Minor$1,250$1,000PD SGNL ARMP744AH08 2small push button; 47" actuator height; no clear floor space0.10.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,450$1,000PD SGNL ARMP746AH08247" actuator height; small push button0.10.1 0.10.3Minor$1,250$1,000PD SGNL ARMP747AH08 2small push button; 0.5" uplifts in clear floor space; no clear floor space0.10.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$1,700$1,000PD SGNL ARMP74098 2Height of push button 48"; small push button; no clear floor space0.10.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,450$1,000PD SGNL ARMP74198 2Height of push button 48"; small push button on ped acuator; ped signal located in grooves of ramp minimizing clear surface space0.10.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,450$1,000PD SGNLARMP489AD07 2No clear floor space0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNLARMP74298 2Height of push button 48"; small push button; 116"' to extended crosswalk; 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNLARMP74398 2Height of push button 48"; small push button; 12' from extended crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.KTUA503AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 9.0%0.1 0.250.35Minor$250$250PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.KTUA503AE04 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.1Minor$50$50PD SGNL at Curb ramp west of RMP 111KTUA594AB04 1Access to traffic- control device is blocked by overgrown ice plant, Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.250.35Minor$250$250PD SGNL at Curb ramp west of RMP 110KTUA595AB04 1Access to traffic- control signal device is blocked by bushes, Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.250.35Minor$250$250# of signals with this problem726010002596680 2 7$65,816 $55,700Count % of TotalConforming0 0.00%Minor63 87.50%Moderate9 12.50%Major0 0.00%
Construction Category:Band Relocate / Replace Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 2 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS Total 72 100.00%
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500NW RMP on El Camino Real / Haymar DriveRMP1479 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP on El Camino Real and Haymar Drive at islandRMP1480 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP on El Camino Real / Haymar Drive at Road islandRMP1481 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Haymar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1482 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Haymar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1483 4 2landing: 37" wide; no truncated domes or detectable warnings.110.12.1Major$1,000$1,000S/W RMP on El Camino Real / 78RMP1498 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and 78 EastRMP1499 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP on Plaza Dr. and El Camino RealKTUA608 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500N/E Rmp at El Camino Real and shopping center roadKTUA609 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and PlazaKTUA610 4 2no truncated dome; no detectable warnings; no texture112Major$500$500SE Rmp at El Camino Real and Plaza Dr.KTUA611 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500SE Rmp at El Camino Real and shopping center roadKTUA612 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Plaza DriveKTUA613 4 2no truncated dome; no texture; 43" pan110.12.1Major$1,000$1,000S/E Rmp on Plaza Dr.RMP1334 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500S/E Rmp on Plaza Dr.RMP1434 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500N/E RMP on Plaza Dr.RMP1435 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500S/W RMP on El Camino Real / Haymar DriveRMP1478 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Marron and El Camino RealRMP58 12 2side flare A: 12.2%; pan width: 43"; no truncated domes or detectable warnings1 1$1,000$1,000NE RMP at Marron and El Camino RealRMP59 12 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and MarronRMP1432 12 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings; exceeds 48" to crosswalk stripping1 1 0.12.1Major$1,300$1,300SE RMP at El Camino Real and MarronRMP1433 12 2landing: 40" wide with 5.3% cross slope; Side flare C: 10.4%; no truncated domes or detectable warnings.110.25 0.12.35Major$3,750$2,750NE RMP at Hosp Wy and El Camino RealRMP4610 13 2landing: 35.5" wide with 1.5% cross slope; Side flare A: 10.5%, Side flare C: 10.2%; no truncated domes or detectable warnings.110.12.1Major$1,000$1,000RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA627 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA628 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA629 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP on Monroe St.KTUA632 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Hosp Wy and El Camino RealRMP4609 24 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Hosp Wy and El Camino RealRMP70 24 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Chuparosa and Las Flores Dr.KTUA605 29 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip0.1 1 12.1Major$750$750N/W RMP at Chuparosa and Las Flores Dr.KTUA633 29 2No truncated dome; 1" lip; no texture0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550NW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne DrRM474 34 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.25" lip; 30" landing; ramp running slope 9%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPS
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSSW RMP at El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village DrRMP136 37 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village DrRMP137 37 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village DrRMP138 37 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village DrRMP139 37 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Donna Dr. and BasswoodKTUA637 45 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope: 11.8%; landing running slope 5.6%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,7501281-1299 Carlsbad Village Dr. (S/E RMP)KTUA625 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,7501281-1299 Carlsbad Village Dr. (S/W RMP)KTUA626 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.KTUA630 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.KTUA631 53 2non-compliantPath of travel across the street. A few uplifts and broken A/C11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Chestnut AveRMP633 60 2west side pork chop intersection all to be removed and redone as part of road widening project0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at El Camino Real and Chestnut AveRMP631 61 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and Chestnut AveRMP632 61 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Chestnut Ave and Catalina Dr.RMP645 61 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Chestnut Ave and Catalina DrRMP646 61 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750East side of Holiday Park along Eureka Pl at Horshoe House (Handicap ramp)KTUA635 66 2non-compliant; slopes good; no truncated dome; no texture; no grooves at pan11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Eureka and ChestnutKTUA636 77 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Eureka and ChestnutKTUA638 77 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Carlsbad Village Academy driveway on magnoliaKTUA639 79 2cross slope 3.4%; no truncated dome driveway in p.o.t., cross slope exceeds 2%0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300NW RMP at Carlsbad Village Academy driveway on magnoliaKTUA640 79 2no truncated dome; cross slope 4.3%; uplift at ramp connection to sidewalk0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$550$550NW RMP at Milano Dr and Triste Dr.RMP4106 95 2ramp leads to street with no connection0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Milano Dr and Triste Dr.RMP4107 95 2ramp goes to nowhere; street once went through but no longer0Conforming$0$0NW RMP at El Camino Real and TamarackRMP640 95 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and TamarackRMP641 95 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack and La Portalada DrRMP4101 96 2landing: 35" wide with 7.3% cross slope and 3.8% running slope; 0.5" lip; no truncated domes or detectable warning system0.1 1 10.25 0.12.45Major$4,000$2,750SE RMP at Tamarack and La Portalada DrRMP4102 96 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and TamarackRMP642 105 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and TamarackRMP643 105 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP on Tamarack between Palisade Dr and El Camino RealRMP845 105 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP on Tamarack between Palisade Dr and El Camino RealRMP846 105 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Kelly DrRMP862 106 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Kelly DrRMP863 106 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at El Camino Real and Lisa St (Private Drive)RMP958 108 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Lisa St (Private Drive)RMP959 108 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Crestview DrRMP960 118 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Crestview DrRMP961 118 2landing: 34" wide; side flare C: 11.1%; no truncated domes or detectable warning system1 1$1,000$1,000SW RMP at Cannon Rd and El Camino RealRMP969 119 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Cannon Rd and El Camino RealRMP970 119 2landing: 36" wide with 3.5% cross slope; no truncated domes or detectable warning system110.1 0.12.2Major$1,000$1,000SE RMP at Cannon Rd and El Camino RealRMP968 120 2landing: 37" wide; side flare A: 13.7%; surface slope: 9.6%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$500$500NE RMP at Cannon Rd and El Camino RealRMP971 120 2landing 34" wide; side flare C: 13.2% slope0.10.10.2Minor$500$500SW RMP at Jackspar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1000 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Rancho Carlsbad Dr. and El Camino RealRMP1001 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Forecastle Ct. and Jackspar DrRMP1015 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Forecastle Ct. and Jackspar DrRMP1016 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Forecastle Ct. and Jackspar DrRMP1017 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Jackspar Dr and El Camino RealRMP999 130 2landing 35" wide; side flare A: 12.5% slope0.10.10.2Minor$500$500N/E RMP at College and SalkKTUA606 141 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at College and SalkKTUA607 141 2No truncated dome; texture112Major$500$500S/W RMP at College and SalkKTUA634 141 2new, truncated dome, ramp cross slope: 5.5%; landing running slope 8.4%0.25 0.25 0.250.75Moderate$5,800$2,750N/W RMP at College and SalkKTUA641 141 2Truncated dome, texture, new0Conforming$0$0NW RMP at Cougar Dr and El Camino RealRMP4703 144 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Cougar Dr and El Camino RealRMP4704 144 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at Cougar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1211 144 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Cougar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1212 144 2landing: 32" wide; side flare C: 17% slope; pan width: 46"; no truncated domes or detectable warning system1 1 0.1$3,750$2,750NE RMP on El Camino Real at shopping center exitRMP1213 145 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Faraday and El Camino RealRMP1201 150 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NW RMP at Faraday and El Camino RealRMP1202 150 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Faraday and El Camino RealRMP1203 150 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Faraday and El Camino RealRMP1204 150 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP on El Camino Real at shopping center exitRMP1214 150 2surface slope: 11%; side flare A: 13.7%; no truncated domes or detectable warning system1 1 0.1 0.12.2Major$500$500NE RMP on El Camino Real at shopping center entryRMP1215 150 2landing: 40" wide with 4.2 cross slope; surface slope: 9%; side flare C: 14.7% slope; no truncated domes or detectable warning system1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.12.4Major$1,000$1,000SE RMP on El Camino Real at shopping center entryRMP1216 150 2landing: 33" wide; side flare A: 12.8% slope, no truncated domes or detectable warnings1 1$1,000$1,000SE RMP on Faraday just north of College at shopping center entryRMP1178 152 2no truncated dome; no texture; 27" landing; ramp running slope 11.2%; side flare A: 13%; landing cross slope 3.9%0.250.25Minor$500$500
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSSW RMP on Faraday just north of College at shopping center entryRMP1179 152 2landing: 29" wide with 3.6% cross slope; surface slope: 8.7%; side flare A: 17.3%; no truncated domes or detectable warning system1 1 0.1 0.1 0.12.3Major$500$500NW RMP at Faraday and CollegeRMP1011 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Faraday and CollegeRMP1012 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Faraday and CollegeRMP1013 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Faraday and CollegeRMP1014 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Rutherford and FaradayRMP1180 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Rutherford and FaradayRMP1181 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Rutherford and FaradayRMP1183 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP on Faraday at Marriot EntranceRMP1234 153 2no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300NE RMP on Faraday at Marriot EntranceRMP1235 153 2no truncated dome; landing cross slope 2.3%0.250.25Minor$300$300SW RMP on Faraday at driveway just south of Rutherford RdRMP1195 154 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP on Faraday at driveway just south of Rutherford RdRMP1196 154 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Priestly Dr and FaradayRMP1186 155 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Priestly Dr and FaradayRMP1187 155 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Priestly Dr and FaradayRMP1188 155 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Priestly Dr and FaradayRMP1189 155 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP on Faraday at driveway between El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1205 156 2gap at truncated dome; truncated dome does not run length of pan0.10.1Minor$200$200SW RMP on Faraday at driveway between El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1206 156 2gap at truncated dome; truncated dome does not run length of pan0.10.1Minor$200$200SE RMP on Faraday at driveway between El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1207 156 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP on Faraday at driveway between El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1208 156 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP on Faraday at driveway between El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1209 156 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP on Faraday at driveway between El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1210 156 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP on El Camino Real at driveway south of FaradayRMP1223 157 2no truncated domes0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP on El Camino Real at driveway south of FaradayRMP1224 157 2no truncated domes0.250.25Minor$300$300NE RMP at Orion St and El Camino RealRMP1222 160 2landing: 42" wide with 2.2% cross slope; side flare A: 11.3% slope; not truncated domes0.25$800$800SW RMP Palomer Airport Road at Shelter (exit)RMP1389 163 2no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP Palomar Airport Road at Shelter (exit)RMP1390 163 2no truncated dome; landing running slope 2.9%$300$300N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1218 164 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1219 164 2no truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1217 165 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; 46" pan0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1220 165 2no truncated dome; side flare a: 14.3%; 36" landing0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSS/E RMP at Aviara and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1689 168 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip inside of curb; side flare a: 13.7%; landing running slope 5.3%; 36" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Aviara and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1690 168 2no truncated dome; worn texture; separation of ramp and curb; 37" landing0.1$1,000$1,000N/E RMP at Aviara and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1264 168 2no truncated dome; large chunks missing from ramp; 0.5" lip; side flare a: 11.9%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$750$750N/W RMP at Aviara/ College and Palomar Airport Road (2 ramps)RMP1265 168 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Yarrow Drive and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1376 172 2no truncated dome; 1" lip; 36" landing; side flare a: 16.2%; landing running slope 6%, cross slope 3.3%0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.11.1Moderate$6,550$2,750N/E RMP at Yarrow Drive and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1378 172 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 36" landing; landing cross slope 2.6%0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050N/W RMP at Yarrow Drive and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1379 172 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; side flare a: 13.6%, side flare c: 13.2%; 36" landing0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Yarrow Drive and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1380 172 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750W RMP Palomar Airport Road at Shelter (entrance)RMP1387 173 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750E RMP Palomar Airport Road at Shelter (entrance)RMP1388 173 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Gateway RdRMP1672 176 2MISSING11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and Gateway RdRMP1673 176 2MISSING11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at El Camino Real and 6155 North Pointe Tech CenterKTUA614 176 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and 6197 North Pointe Tech CenterKTUA615 176 2surface slope: 8.8%; landing 36" with 2.6% cross slope; no truncated domes0.250.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800N/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Ginger Ave.RMP2185 178 2No truncated dome; no texture 2" wide joint in path of travel0.250.25Minor$300$300S/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Ginger Ave.RMP2186 178 26" groove border; worn texture; no truncated dome; 0.5" lip at curb; ramp running slope: 10.6%0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$750$750S/W RMP on Paseo Del Norte (Holiday Inn Driveway)RMP1345 178 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP on Paseo Del Norte(Holiday Inn Driveway)RMP1346 178 2non-compliant large cracks in path of travel11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1357 178 2insufficient landing; no truncated dome; lip; utility box in landing0.1$1,050$1,050N/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1358 178 2Truncated dome, texture, flush - compliant0Conforming$0$0S/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1359 178 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip 0.5" uplift just east of ramp0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1360 178 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip large cracks and a 1" uplift at landing0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$750$750S/W RMP on Paseo Del Norte (Chevron DrivewayRMP1361 178 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP on Paseo Del Norte (Chevron Driveway)RMP1362 178 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP on Palomar Airport Road at Carl's Jr. DrivewayRMP1408 178 2No truncated domeno detectable warning at curb adjacent to road112Major$500$500S/W RMP on Palomar Airport Road at the Carl's Jr. DrivewayRMP1409 178 2No truncated domeno detectable warning at curb adjacent to road112Major$500$500S/E RMP at Armada and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1267 180 2No truncated dome; uplift; grooved pan separation between concrete and A/C0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Armada and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1268 180 2No truncated dome, grooved pan, 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/W RMP at Armada and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1269 180 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Armada and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1270 180 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; cracked curb; 1" lip0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550S/E RMP at The Crossings and Palomer Airport RoadRMP1363 182 2no truncated dome; 34.5" landing0.250.10.35Minor$800$800
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSSW RMP at The Crossings and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1364 182 2no truncated dome; landing cross slope 3.8%$300$300N/W RMP at The Crossings and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1365 182 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; side flare a: 12%; 37" landing0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050N/E RMP at The Crossings and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1366 182 2no truncated dome; uplift at curb with slope edge; side flare a: 11.8%; 36" landing chunk of concrete missing at utility box0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050NW RMP at El Camino Real and Town Garden Rd.RMP4167 194 2surface slope: 9.5%; side flare A: 10.8% slope; landing: 35" wide; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800SW RMP at El Camino Real and Town Garden Rd.RMP4168 194 2surface slope: 8.7%; landing: 36" wide; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800RMP 4165RMP4165 195 2landing: 35" wide; no truncated domes signal pole located within side flare A0.250.10.35Minor$800$800RMP 4166RMP4166 195 2landing: 35" wide; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800NE RMP at El Camino Real and Tricity Wellness DyRMP4880 195 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at El Camino Real and Tricity Wellness DyRMP4881 195 2compliant0Conforming$0$0N/W RMP at Palomar Oaks Way and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1414 197 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; 35" landing; landing cross slope 3.9%0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050S/E RMP at Palomar Oaks Way and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1416 197 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; 0.75" lip; 47" landing; landing cross slope 3.2%, running slope 4.3%0.25 0.250.1 0.10.7Moderate$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Palomar Oaks Way and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1417 197 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Camino Vida Roble and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1381 200 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Camino Vida Roble and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1382 200 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Camino Vida Roble and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1383 200 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Camino Vida Roble and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1384 200 2no truncated dome; crack down middle of ramp; 1" lip; 2.8% cross slope on ramp0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$550$550RMP 1715RMP1715 204 2not compliantSDG&E in crosswalk crumbling around manhole11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1716RMP1716 204 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA599 204 2compliant0Conforming$0$0S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA600 204 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at El Camino Real and Cassia RdRMP1854 212 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Cassia RdRMP1855 212 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and Poinsettia LnRMP2044 212 2surface slope: 9.5%; side flare A: 12% slope; landing: 38.5" wide; no truncated domes median intersects crosswalk0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800SE RMP at El Camino Real and Poinsettia LnRMP2045 212 2landing: 35" wide; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800NE RMP at El Camino Real and Cassia RdRMP4754 212 2landing: 36" wide with 6.4% running slope; side flare C: 15.9% slope; no truncated domes0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.85Moderate$6,300$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Cassia RdRMP4755 212 2landing: 35" wide; side flare C: 11.6% slope; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800N/W RMP at Crystalline and PointsettiaRMP1990 217 2No truncated dome; texture; 0.5" lip; landing running slope: 4.8%; 36" pan0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550SE Rmp at Aviara Prky And Poinsettia LnRMP1803 218 2ramp running slope 8.4%, cross slope 2.7%; landing running slope 3%, cross slope 3.2% utility box in path of travel0.1 0.10.2Minor$0$0NE RMP at Aviara Pky and Poinsettia LnRMP1995 218 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Aviara Pky and Poinsettia LnRMP1996 218 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; utility box in p.o.t; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Aviara Pky and Poinsettia LnRMP1997 218 2side flare a:13.5%, side flare c:15.7; 36" landing0.250.10.35Minor$3,250$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSNW RMP at El Camino Real and Poinsettia LnRMP2043 221 2not compliant; no ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Poinsettia LnRMP2046 221 2not compliant; no ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Harbor Point Rd.RMP2187 223 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Harbor Point Rd.RMP2188 223 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Snapdragon Dr. and PointsettiaRMP2166 226 26" grooves; joint in middle; lip; no truncated dome A/C needs repair0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750S/E RMP at Snapdragon Dr. and PointsettiaRMP2167 226 2non-compliant 2" gap within path of travel11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Snapdragon Dr. and PointsettiaRMP2168 226 2No truncated dome; flush; texture0.250.25Minor$300$300S/E RMP at Crystalline Dr. and PointsettiaRMP1988 227 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip; ramp cross slope: 8.1%; landing running slope: 8.8%; landing cross slope: 3.8%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,050$2,750N/E RMP at Crystalline and PointsettiaRMP1989 227 2No truncated dome; no texture; flush; joint in middle of curb; ramp running slope: 10.8%sunken utility box just east of ramp in path of travel0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Swallow LaneKTUA617 229 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Swallow LaneKTUA619 229 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and PointsettiaRMP2189 231 2grooved pan; 0.5" lip; no texture; no truncated dome0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and PointsettiaRMP2190 231 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 1" uplift0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550Just north of signalRMP2190 231 2separation of concrete at manhole and small chunk of concrete out of sidewalk0.10.1Minor$200$200S/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and PointsettiaRMP2192 231 2grooved pan; 0.5" lip; no texture; no landing0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and PointsettiaRMP2191 232 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Batiquitos and PointsettiaRMP2127 233 26" groove; lip0.1 0.10.2Minor$450$450S/W RMP at Batiquitos and PointsettiaRMP2128 233 2No truncated dome; 6" grooves; lip0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750N/W RMP at Batiquitos and PoinsettiaRMP2129 233 26" groove; no truncated dome; lip; no texture Large chunks missing in A/C0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750N/E RMP at Batiquitos and PointsettiaRMP2130 233 2No truncated dome; 6" grooves; lip; no texture A/C needs repair0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2075 236 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 35.5" landing; 0.5" uplift just south of signal close to curb0.1$1,050$1,050N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2076 236 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 9% ramp running slope; 11.7% landing running slope; 35" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.8Moderate$3,800$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2077 236 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2078 236 2no truncated dome; 9.4% ramp running slope; 7.6% landing running slope; 35" landing0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,550$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and 6994 EL Camino RealKTUA616 236 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and 6994 EL Camino RealKTUA618 236 2non-compliantfire hydrant blocks ramp as it is located in the middle of the ramp0.111.1Moderate$3,883$3,883N/W RMP at Post Office Driveway and Aviara ParkwayRMP2334 239 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; ramp running slope 9.4%; side flare a: 14.4%; landing cross slope 5.3%; 25" landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.250.95Moderate$3,550$2,750N/E RMP at Post Office Driveway and Aviara ParkwayRMP2335 239 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; side flare a: 13.4%; landing cross slope 3.3%, running slope 3.9%; 33" landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800N/W RMP at Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2336 239 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10.7%; side flare c: 11.3%; 34" landing; landing cross slope 3.6%; 33" clearance at signal pole0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.11Moderate$2,183$2,183N/E RMP at Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2337 239 2grooved pan; 0.25" lip; 9.7% ramp running slope; 3.7% landing cross slope0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550S/E RMP at Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2338 239 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; side flare a: 13.5%; landing running slope 4.9%, cross slope 3.5%; 39" landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800crosswalk is in need of repair, cracked and broken A/C, drainage swale cross slope exceeds 2%sunken sidewalk w/uplifts just west of ramp
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSS/W RMP at Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2339 239 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; 9.3% ramp running slope; side flare c: 11.8%; landing running slope 6.3%, cross slope 3.9%; 36" landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.8Moderate$3,550$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3742 239 2no truncated dome; side flare c: 15.5%; landing running slope 7%; 45.5" landing0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.85Moderate$6,300$2,750N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3743 239 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3746 240 2grooved pan; no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 34" landing; landing running slope 13.3%, cross slope 4.2%0.1 0.250.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,800$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3747 240 2non-compliant pork chop11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3748 240 2non-compliant pork chop11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3749 240 2non-compliant pork chop11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Estrella del Mar and Alga RoadRMP3744 241 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; landing running slope 5%; 37" landing0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050N/W RMP at Estrella del Mar and Alga RoadRMP3745 241 2no truncated dome; no striping at crosswalk; side flare a:19.2%; landing cross slope 3.7%, running slope 10.6%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,600$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3227 244 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3228 244 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3229 244 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 3.6%; trench across crosswalk is trip hazard0.1$550$550SW RMP at El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3230 244 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Costa del MarRMP4612 248 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Costa del MarRMP4613 248 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Costa del MarRMP4614 248 2no truncated dome; 30" deep pan0.250.10.35Minor$800$800S/E RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3331 251 2No landing; no truncated dome; no texture0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800N/E RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3332 251 2no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300N/W RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3333 251 2no truncated dome; no texture; landing running slope 3.8%, cross slope 3.2%awkward crosswalk stripping in relation to curb, see photo0.250.250.5Moderate$3,050$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3334 251 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; 40" landing; 44" pan0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050S/E RMP on El Camino Real at the 76 station Car WashRMP4732 251 2no truncated dome; 0.75" lip; ramp leads to nowhere (guardrail); 36.5" landing0.25$1,050$1,050N/E RMP on El Camino Real at the Albertson's drivewayRMP4733 251 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; 38" landing0.1$1,050$1,050S/E RMP on El Camino Real at the Albertson's DrivewayRMP4734 251 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; no texture; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Levante St. and La Costa AveRMP2835 256 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Levante St. and La Costa AveRMP2836 256 2no truncated dome; landing running slope 4.7%$300$300NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA620 257 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; landing running slope 4%0.1$550$550NW RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA621 257 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 44" pan; 35.5" landing0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050SE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2no truncated dome; ramp running slope 5.7%; 34" landing; 2.7% slope leading to ramp0.250.10.35Minor$800$800SW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Camino de Los CochesRMP2597 260 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa AveRMP2837 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa AveRMP2838 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSSE RMP Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa AveRMP2839 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa AveRMP2840 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at 7750 La Costa AveRMP4694 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 3.7%0.1$550$550NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Road and 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road DrivewayKTUA601 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Road and 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road DrivewayKTUA602 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd along La Costa Ave DrivewayKTUA604 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd along La Costa Ave DrivewayKTUA622 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; curb broken up at ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300SW RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd south driveway along La Costa AveKTUA624 260 2no truncated dome; large cracks0.250.25Minor$300$300NE RMP at El Camino Real and LevanteRMP3166 264 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and LevanteRMP3167 264 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550Sw Rmp At Ecr @ Levante StRMP3168 264 20.25" lip; no truncated dome; 37" landing; landing cross slope 3.8%, running slope 5.3%; ramp cross slope 5.3%; pan width 46"0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.75Moderate$1,050$1,050Nw Rmp At Ecr @ Levante StRMP3169 264 2no truncated dome; landing running slope 4.3%; 35" landing; ramp cross slope 3%; crosswalk striping 43" from bottom of rampcompliant is 48" from striping to bottom of ramp - possibly considered a hazard0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Camino de Los CochesRMP2595 266 2no truncated dome; cracked and chipped curb; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Camino de Los CochesRMP2596 266 2no truncated dome; crosswalk striping no 48" clear into road (N&S); landing running slope 6.9%; 21" landing0.250.25 0.250.75Moderate$3,550$2,750NW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Camino de Los CochesRMP2598 266 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Calle BarcelonaRMP2342 269 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NE RMP at El Camino Real and Calle BarcelonaRMP2343 269 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; worn texture; cracked ramp down middle; no curb0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at El Camino Real and Calle BarcelonaRMP2344 269 2no truncated dome; landing cross slope 2.7%; ramp running slope 5.8%; 0.25" lip0.1$550$550SW RMP at El Camino Real and Calle BarcelonaRMP2345 269 2no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300SW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Calle BarcelonaRMP2504 276 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; divot out of curb at flare0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Calle BarcelonaRMP2505 276 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Calle BarcelonaRMP2506 276 2no truncated dome; joint running down middle of ramp; no texture; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Calle BarcelonaRMP2507 276 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; joint running down middle of ramp; upheaval at curb; 35" landing0.1$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and OlivenhainRMP3078 281 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; no texture; joint down middle; should be directional; ramp running slope 7.2%; 28" landing0.1 0.251 0.251.6Moderate$4,050$3,000SW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and AlvaroRMP3079 281 2no truncated dome; joint running down middle of ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and AlvaroRMP3080 281 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and OlivenhainRMP4781 281 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and OlivenhainRMP4782 281 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and OlivenhainRMP4783 281 2compliant0Conforming$0$0East side of Holiday Park along Eureka Pl (Handicap ramp)KTUA603 77 or 66 2compliant0Conforming$0$0Southwest RMP at Jefferson and Las FloresKTUA594 AB04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSNorthwest RMP at Jefferson and Las FloresKTUA595 AB04 1Noncompliant curb ramp; Curb ramp does not connect to a crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750Crosswalk across Garfield St. at Pacific Ave.KTUA522 AD02 1No curb ramps provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Crosswalk across Garfield St. at Pacific Ave.KTUA523 AD02 1No curb ramps provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Madison St. and Laguna Dr.KTUA593 AD04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Grand and Jefferson St. AlleyKTUA526 AD05 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Grand and Jefferson St. AlleyKTUA527 AD05 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Cabrillo Pl and Laguna DrKTUA524 AD06 1No detectable warnings or curb ramps provided at Cabrillo Place private driveway11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Cabrillo Pl and Laguna DrKTUA525 AD06 1No detectable warnings or curb ramps provided at Cabrillo Place private driveway11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Harding and Hope St AlleyKTUA528 AD06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Harding and Hope St AlleyKTUA529 AD06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750South side of Beech between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA500 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at 209 Beech11Moderate$2,750$2,750South side of Beech between Washington and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA501 AE03 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at 209 Beech11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of State St. Alley between Christiansen and GrandKTUA580 AE04 1There is a noncompliant curb ramp located on each side of the south station driveway11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of State St. Alley between Christiansen and GrandKTUA581 AE04 1There is a noncompliant curb ramp located on each side of the south station driveway11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and State St AlleyKTUA530 AE04 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and State St AlleyKTUA531 AE04 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northeast corner of Grand and WashingtonKTUA502 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.KTUA503 AE04 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750S RMP on Grand west of Tyler St AlleyKTUA534 AE04 1Curb ramp facing north: detectable warnings do not space full width of curb ramp, grooved border is located in wrong location, bottom landing slopes 11.7%$2,950$2,750SW RMP at Grand and Tyler St. AlleyKTUA532 AE04 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Grand and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA535AE04, AE051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Grand and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA536AE04, AE051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Oak and Madison St AlleyKTUA537 AE05 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Oak and Madison St AlleyKTUA538 AE05 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Grand and Madison St AlleyKTUA539 AE05 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Grand and Madison St AlleyKTUA540 AE05 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Oak and Madison St AlleyKTUA541AE05, AE061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Oak and Madison St AlleyKTUA542AE05, AE061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Oak and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA543AE05, AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Oak and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA544AE05, AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Oak and Jefferson St AlleyKTUA545 AE06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Oak and Jefferson St AlleyKTUA546 AE06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and State St. AlleyKTUA547 AF04 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and State St. AlleyKTUA548 AF04 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southeast corner of Oak and LincolnKTUA549 AF04 1West curb ramp slopes 10.7%, side flares are noncompliant0.1 0.10.2Minor$0$0Southeast corner of Oak and LincolnKTUA550 AF04 1North curb ramp cross slope is 2.8%, bottom landing slope is noncompliant0.1 0.10.2Minor$0$0Southwest corner of Pine and WashingtonKTUA582AF04, AF051Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at State St and Oak Ave AlleyKTUA551AF04, AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at State St and Oak Ave AlleyKTUA552AF04, AF051No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Pine and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA553 AF05 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Pine and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA554 AF05 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pine and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA555AF05, AF061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alleyDamaged concrete is extremely hazardous here0.1 1 12.1Major$3,200$2,750NW RMP at Pine and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA556AF05, AF061No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alleyDamaged concrete is extremely hazardous here0.1 1 12.1Major$3,200$2,750NE RMP at Pine and Madison St AlleyKTUA557 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pine and Madison St AlleyKTUA558 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Walnut and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA559 AF06 1No curb ramps provided at either side of intersection and path of travel does not parallel sidewalk at each side of street11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Walnut and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA560 AF06 1No curb ramps provided at either side of intersection and path of travel does not parallel sidewalk at each side of street11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Pine and Madison St AlleyKTUA561 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Pine and Madison St AlleyKTUA562 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Walnut and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA563 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Walnut and Roosevelt St AlleyKTUA564 AF06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750North side of Chestnut between Harding and JeffersonKTUA504 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at pedestrian crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750South side of Chestnut between Jefferson and HardingKTUA505 AF07 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at pedestrian crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Jefferson St and Chestnut Ave, North FacingKTUA565 AF07 1Curb ramp connecting to RMP 378 is noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Harding between Chestnut and PineKTUA583AF07, AE061Curb ramps leading into Pine Ave. Park are noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Harding between Chestnut and PineKTUA584AF07, AE061Curb ramps leading into Pine Ave. Park are noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Harding between Chestnut and PineKTUA585AF07, AE061Curb ramps leading into Pine Ave. Park are noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Harding between Chestnut and PineKTUA586AF07, AE061Curb ramps leading into Pine Ave. Park are noncompliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Madison St Alley and ChestnutKTUA566AF07, AF061No curb ramps provided on either side of Madison St. Alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Madison St Alley and ChestnutKTUA567AF07, AF061No curb ramps provided on either side of Madison St. Alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Pine and LincolnKTUA589 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Lincoln and WalnutKTUA590 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Pedestrians would have to travel diagonally to connect to the accessible routePedestrians would have to travel diagonally to connect to the accessible route
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSCurb ramp at southwest corner of Pine and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA596 AG04 1ramp does not contrast visually with adjacent sidewalk; No detectable warnings provided; Side flares slope 19.3% and 20.1%; vertical offset at bottom landing is 1/2" high; Crosswalk is not centered on curb 0.1 1 1 0.25 0.252.6Major$6,250$2,750SE RMP at Walnut and GarfieldKTUA568 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pine and LincolnKTUA569 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Lincoln and WalnutKTUA570 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Pine and LincolnKTUA571 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southeast corner of Walnut and LincolnAG05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Washington and WalnutKTUA579 AG05 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest corner of Washington and ChestnutKTUA506 AG05 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Chestnut and Roosevelt AlleyKTUA572 AG06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Chestnut and Roosevelt AlleyKTUA573 AG06 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Chestnut and Roosevelt AlleyKTUA574 AG06 1No curb ramps provided at either side of intersection11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Chestnut and Roosevelt AlleyKTUA575 AG06 1No curb ramps provided at either side of intersection11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northeast corner of Magnolia and MadisonKTUA507 AG07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest corner of Magnolia and MadisonKTUA508 AG07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750South side of Magnolia between Jefferson and RooseveltKTUA509 AG07 1Noncompliant curb ramps provided at Village Dr.11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Chestnut and SycamoreKTUA591 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at crosswalk at Sycamore11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Acacia and MapleKTUA592 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Curb ramp at Southeast corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and HemlockKTUA510 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Sequoia and GarfieldKTUA576 AI06 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner curb ramp at Sequoia and GarfieldKTUA588AI06, AJ061Top landing cross slopes 3.4%. Side flares slopes 16.3% and 9.1%. Bottom landing slopes 5.9%. Curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route in any direction.0.25 0.1 0.10.45Minor$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Redwood and GarfieldKTUA577AJ06, AI061No curb ramps provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and SequoiaKTUA511AJ06, AK06, AK07, 1Two accessible spaces provided with noncompliant curb ramp in between adjacent to lifeguard tower 31. No access aisles provided. No $250 fine warning signage provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and SequoiaKTUA512AJ06, AK06, AK07, 1Two accessible spaces provided with noncompliant curb ramp in between adjacent to lifeguard tower 32. No access aisles provided. No $250 fine warning signage provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and SequoiaKTUA513AJ06, AK06, AK07, 1Two accessible spaces provided with noncompliant curb ramp in between adjacent to lifeguard tower 33. No access aisles provided. No $250 fine warning signage provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3364RMP3364AN08, AN09, AM081Curb ramp is a vehicle access driveway with 5' of sidewalk that has cross slopes up to 2.9%Coordinate with detectable warning and sloping requirements0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300RMP 3365RMP3365AN08, AN09, AM081Cross slope at vehicle access driveway exceeds 2.0% and slopes exceed 5.0% RMP is a vehicle access driveway0.10.1Minor$0$0RMP 3365RMP3365AN08, AN09, AM081No signage identifying beach access point as accessible provided. It appears access may be achievable at this location.0Conforming$0$0West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3365 and RMP 3364KTUA514AN08, AN09, AM081Two accessible spaces provided with noncompliant curb ramp in between. No access aisles provided. No $250 fine warning signage provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1019RMP1019 AN09 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1336RMP1336 AN09 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1337RMP1337 AN09 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Grooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-lineNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at NE corner of Pine and LincolnNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at NW corner of Lincoln and WalnutNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at NW corner of Lincoln and PineDUPLICATE RAMP? DIFFERENT PHOTOSGrooved border is misleading making the curb ramp appear to be diagonal and in-lineNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at SE corner of Walnut and GarfieldNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at SE corner of Redwood and GarfieldNo marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.Curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route on the west side of the streetCurb ramp is not positioned within the direction of travelCurb ramp is not positioned within the direction of travel
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSRMP 1018RMP1018 AN09 1No detectable warnings provided, side flares slope 10.6% and 15.8%, 1/2" high vertical offset at bottom landing0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$3,300$2,750RMP 1338RMP1338 AP10 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to pedestrian path along public right of way11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1339RMP1339 AP10 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route and is not located within the marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1340RMP1340 AP11 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route in any direction11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA587 AR12 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA515 AR12 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1343RMP1343 AU13 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1344RMP1344 AU13 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southeast corner of Surfside and IslandRMP1860 AU14 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1861RMP1861 AU14 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1863RMP1863 AU14 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1862RMP1862 AU14 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1341RMP1341 AU14 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1342RMP1342 AU14 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1867RMP1867 AV14 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1868RMP1868 AV14 1No detectable warnings provided, south side flare slopes 17.1%, vertical offset at bottom landing is 1" high0.25 0.25 0.250.75Moderate$3,300$2,750RMP 2216RMP2216 AW14 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2215RMP2215 AW14 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA516 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA517 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA518 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA519 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA520 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750South intersection of Breakwater and East Carlsbad Blvd., East of RMP 2215KTUA521 AW14 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Breakwater and CarlsbadKTUA578 AW14 1Crosswalk does not connect to an accessible route or curb ramp on west side of Carlsbad Blvd.11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2214RMP2214 AX15 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2213RMP2213 AX15 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2201RMP2201 AX17 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2202RMP2202 AX17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2203RMP2203 AX17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2204RMP2204 AX17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing.Curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route on the west side of the street
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSRMP 2220RMP2220 AY15 1No detectable warnings provided, vertical offset is 1" high at bottom landing0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550RMP 2219RMP2219 AY15 1No detectable warnings provided, cross slope is 4.1%, vertical offset is 1" high at bottom landing0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$550$550RMP 2218RMP2218 AY15 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2217RMP2217 AY15 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route and is not located within the marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2228RMP2228 AY17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2227RMP2227 AY17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2223RMP2223 AY17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2224RMP2224 AY17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2225RMP2225 AY17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2226RMP2226 AY17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2230RMP2230 AY17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2229RMP2229 AY17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2231RMP2231 AY18 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2232RMP2232 AY18 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2221RMP2221 AZ16 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 2222RMP2222 AZ16 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3404RMP3404 AZ19 1Sidewalk slope does not equate a curb ramp, however there are no detectable warnings0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP 3398RMP3398 BA18 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3399RMP3399 BA18 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3396RMP3396 BA18 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3397RMP3397 BA18 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3400RMP3400 BA18 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3401RMP3401 BA18 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3405RMP3405 BA19 1Sidewalk slope does not equate a curb ramp, however cross slope does not does not comply and there are no detectable warnings0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300RMP 3394RMP3394 BA19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3395RMP3395 BA19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3402RMP3402 BA19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3408RMP3408 BA19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3409RMP3409 BA19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3406RMP3406 BA19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3407RMP3407 BA19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Coordinate with accessible route requirements across streetCoordinate with accessible route requirements across streetCoordinate with accessible route requirements across streetCoordinate with accessible route requirements across streetCoordinate with accessible route requirements across streetCoordinate with accessible route requirements across streetCurb ramp does not have a top landing. Coordinate with accessible route requirements across street.Coordinate bottom landing with traffic signal manhole coverCurb ramp should be designed as an in-line curb ramp as diagonal curb ramp is not positioned correctlyCurb ramp should be designed as an in-line curb ramp as diagonal curb ramp is not positioned correctlyCurb ramp on opposite side of driveway is not in-line with opposite curb rampCurb ramp on opposite side of driveway is not in-line with opposite curb rampCurb ramp does not have a top landing. Coordinate with accessible route requirements across street.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSRMP 3403RMP3403 BA19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3389RMP3389 BB16 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route on the west side of Carlsbad Blvd.11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3388RMP3388 BB16 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route on the west side of Carlsbad Blvd.11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3387RMP3387 BB17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3386RMP3386 BB17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3385RMP3385 BB17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3384RMP3384 BB17 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3412RMP3412 BB19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3413RMP3413 BB19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3410RMP3410 BB19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 3411RMP3411 BB19 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Grand and Tyler St. AlleyKTUA533 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP on Ocean between Cypress and Pacific AveKTUA649 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP on Ocean between Cypress and Pacific AveKTUA650 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP on Ocean between Cypress and Pacific AveKTUA651 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP on Ocean between Cypress and Pacific AveKTUA652 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Cypress and GarfieldKTUA653 1Missing ramp at crosswalk11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Hope Av Alley and OakKTUA654 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Hope Av Alley and OakKTUA655 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Jeffereson St Alley and OakKTUA656 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Jeffereson St Alley and OakKTUA657 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Madison St Alley and Chestnut AveKTUA658 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Madison St Alley and Chestnut AveKTUA659 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Madison St Alley and Palm AvKTUA660 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Madison St Alley and Palm AvKTUA661 1No curb ramp provided on either side of intersection at alley11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Pointsettia Ln and El Camino RealRMP2047 2asphalt ramp that does not lead to any accesible p.o.t.11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Hosp WyRMP4611 20.5" lip; no truncated dome; insufficient landing; raised utility box in p.o.t.; landing running slope 7.4%; ramp cross slope 5%, running slope 13%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750SW RMP at Donna Ct and ChestnutKTUA597 2No ramp provided along accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Donna Ct and ChestnutKTUA598 2No ramp provided along accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750Sw Rmp At El Camino Real @ College BlvdRMP1004 20.5 lip; no truncated dome; side flare a: 19%; 36 landing; landing cross slope 6%, running slope 7%; ramp running slope 12%, cross slope 5.3%; 9.5% slope directly adjacent to slope; crack at pan/road 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$9,300$2,750S Rmp At Island @ El Camino Real & College BlvdRMP1005 2no truncated dome; side flare a: 13%; side flare c: 12%; 44" wide pan; 17" landing between detectable warning of adjacent ramp pork chop ramp0.25 0.1$800$800conditions appear to warrant the ability to have a compliant ramp hereDiagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing.Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing.Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing.Diagonal curb ramp does not have 24" long segment of straight curb located on each side of the curb ramp and within the marked crossing.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSE Rmp At Island @ El Camino Real & College BlvdRMP1006 2no truncated dome; 0.5" asphalt lip where road meets bottom of ramp; side flare a: 20%; ramp cross slope 4.8%; 26" landing between detectable warning of adjacent ramp pork chop ramp0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.250.95Moderate$3,800$2,750N Rmp At Island @ El Camino Real & College BlvdRMP1007 2no truncated dome; ramp running slope 12%; 48" landing; landing cross slope 5%; 36" wide pan0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$300$300Nw Rmp At El Camino Real @ College BlvdRMP1008 2along edge of truncated dome due to improper installation; 36" landing; landing running slope 6%; ramp cross slope 5%; side flare a: 19%0.1 0.10.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.9Moderate$6,450$2,750Ne Rmp At El Camino Real @ College BlvdRMP1009 20.5" lip; no truncated dome; 0.5" uplift at expansion joint left of ramp; landing running slope 7%; ramp running slope 9%, cross slope 5%0.10.1Minor$250$250Se Rmp At El Camino Real @ College BlvdRMP1010 20.75" lip; no truncated dome; side flare c: 16%; landing running slope 5.3%, cross slope 3.5%; 35" landing; 8.3% slope directly adjacent to ramp0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.251.1Moderate$3,650$2,750SE RMP at Rutherford and FaradayRMP1182 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Orion St and El Camino RealRMP1221 2no truncated domes0.250.25Minor$300$300Se Rmp At #204 Pr2 Par @ Yarrow Dr P-3RMP1377 21" lip; no truncated dome; side flare a: 17%; 36" landing; landing running slope 5.8%, cross slope 3.3%; ramp cross slope 5%0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.11.2Moderate$6,550$2,750Se Rmp At #212 Pr2 Par @ Melles Griot Blding 1/4 Mi E Of Camino Vida Roble P-15RMP1385 2cross slope 7%, running slope 4%; 16" landing; ramp running slope 11%, cross slope 4%; side flare c: 19% slope; 6% slope directly adjacent to ramp0.1 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 12.15Major$7,100$2,750Sw Rmp At #213 Pr2 Par 1/4 Mi E Of Camino Vida Roble Melles Griot Blding Drive P-16RMP1386 2slope; landing cross slope 10.5%, running slope 12%; 19" landing; ramp cross slope 10.5%; 41" wide pan; slopes directly adjacent to ramp around 10%0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 12.05Major$4,350$2,750Ne Rmp At #245 Pr2 Par @ Palomar Oaks Way P-8RMP1415 20.75" lip; no truncated dome; 0.25" uplift adjacent to ramp; 40" landing; landing cross slope 3.8%; ramp cross slope 3%0.25 0.25 0.1 0.10.7Moderate$550$550SE RMP at Chinquapin Av and RoyalRMP775 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Royal DrRMP776 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Stella LnRMP777 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10%, cross slope 3.5%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Chinquapin Av and Stella LnRMP778 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; landing running slope 2.9%; ramp running slope 13%; 36" pan0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,750SW RMP at Valley St. and Oak Ave.1No Ramp No issue11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Washington and WalnutKTUA579 AG05 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Pine and WashingtonKTUA582AF04, AF051Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Cabrillo Pl and Laguna DrKTUA524 AD06 1No detectable warnings or curb ramps provided at Cabrillo Place private driveway0.25 11.25Moderate$3,050$2,750NW RMP at Cabrillo Pl and Laguna DrKTUA525 AD06 1No detectable warnings or curb ramps provided at Cabrillo Place private driveway0.25 11.25Moderate$3,050$2,750Southeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA587 AR12 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner curb ramp at Sequoia and GarfieldKTUA588AI06, AJ061Top landing cross slopes 3.4%. Side flares slopes 16.3% and 9.1%. Bottom landing slopes 5.9%. Curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route in any direction.0.25 0.250.5Moderate$5,500$2,750Southwest corner of Pine and LincolnKTUA589 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Lincoln and WalnutKTUA590 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Chestnut and SycamoreKTUA591 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp located at crosswalk at Sycamore11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Acacia and MapleKTUA592 AH04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Curb ramp at southwest corner of Pine and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA596 AG04 1ramp does not contrast visually with adjacent sidewalk; No detectable warnings provided; Side flares slope 19.3% and 20.1%; vertical offset at bottom landing is 1/2" high; Crosswalk is not centered on curb 0.1 1 1 0.25 0.252.6Major$6,250$2,750Northwest corner of Washington and ChestnutKTUA506 AG05 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750Curb ramp at Southeast corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and HemlockKTUA510 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and SequoiaKTUA511AJ06, AK06, AK07, 1Two accessible spaces provided with noncompliant curb ramp in between adjacent to lifeguard tower 31. No access aisles provided. No $250 fine warning signage provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750No marked crossing provided at crosswalk. Incorporate into curb ramp work. Coordinate with slope and cross slope requirements across street.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSWest side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and SequoiaKTUA512AJ06, AK06, AK07, 1Two accessible spaces provided with noncompliant curb ramp in between adjacent to lifeguard tower 32. No access aisles provided. No $250 fine warning signage provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3364 and SequoiaKTUA513AJ06, AK06, AK07, 1Two accessible spaces provided with noncompliant curb ramp in between adjacent to lifeguard tower 33. No access aisles provided. No $250 fine warning signage provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between RMP 3365 and RMP 3364KTUA514AN08, AN09, AM081Two accessible spaces provided with noncompliant curb ramp in between. No access aisles provided. No $250 fine warning signage provided.11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA515 AR12 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA516 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA517 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA518 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA519 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ponto Dr.KTUA520 AW14 1noncompliant curb ramp provided between bus stop adjacent to RMP 2216 and Breakwater11Moderate$2,750$2,750South intersection of Breakwater and East Carlsbad Blvd., East of RMP 2215KTUA521 AW14 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Walnut and GarfieldKTUA568 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pine and LincolnKTUA569 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Lincoln and WalnutKTUA570 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Pine and LincolnKTUA571 AG04 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Sequoia and GarfieldKTUA576 AI06 1No curb ramp provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Redwood and GarfieldKTUA577AJ06, AI061No curb ramps provided where accessible route crosses curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Breakwater and CarlsbadKTUA578 AW14 2Crosswalk does not connect to an accessible route or curb ramp on west side of Carlsbad Blvd.11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA599 204 2compliant0Conforming$0$0S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA600 204 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Road and 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road DrivewayKTUA601 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Road and 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road DrivewayKTUA602 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd along La Costa Ave DrivewayKTUA604 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at College and SalkKTUA606 141 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at College and SalkKTUA607 141 2No truncated dome; texture0.250.25Minor$300$300N/E RMP on Plaza Dr. and El Camino RealKTUA608 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$550$550N/E Rmp at El Camino Real and shopping center roadKTUA609 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and PlazaKTUA610 4 2no truncated dome; no detectable warnings; no texture112Major$550$550SE Rmp at El Camino Real and Plaza Dr.KTUA611 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$550$550SE Rmp at El Camino Real and shopping center roadKTUA612 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Plaza DriveKTUA613 4 2no truncated dome; no texture; 43" pan0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300N/W RMP at El Camino Real and 6155 North Pointe Tech CenterKTUA614 176 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750No improved walking facilities within the public right of way at SE corner of Walnut and GarfieldNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at NE corner of Pine and LincolnNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at NW corner of Lincoln and WalnutNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at NW corner of Lincoln and PineNo improved walking facilities within the public right of way at SE corner of Redwood and Garfield
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSS/W RMP at El Camino Real and 6197 North Pointe Tech CenterKTUA615 176 2surface slope: 8.8%; landing 36" with 2.6% cross slope; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800N/E RMP at El Camino Real and 6994 EL Camino RealKTUA616 236 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Swallow LaneKTUA617 229 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and 6994 EL Camino RealKTUA618 236 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Swallow LaneKTUA619 229 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA620 257 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; landing running slope 4%0.1$550$550NW RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA621 257 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 44" pan; 35.5" landing0.1$750$750SE RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd along La Costa Ave DrivewayKTUA622 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; curb broken up at ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2no truncated dome; ramp running slope 5.7%; 34" landing; 2.7% slope leading to ramp0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800SW RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd south driveway along La Costa AveKTUA624 260 2no truncated dome; large cracks0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA627 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA628 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA629 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP on Monroe St.KTUA632 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at College and SalkKTUA634 141 2new, truncated dome, ramp cross slope: 5.5%; landing running slope 8.4%0.250.25Minor$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Donna Dr. and BasswoodKTUA637 45 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope: 11.8%; landing running slope 5.6%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,050$2,750N/W RMP at College and SalkKTUA641 141 2Truncated dome, texture, new0Conforming$0$0N/W RMP of Marron and JeffersonRMP14 2 2non-compliant A/C at both sides of access ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP of Marron and JeffersonRMP15 2 2No truncated dome; separation of curb0.250.25Minor$300$300S/W RMP of Marron and JeffersonRMP16 2 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP of at Marron and JeffersonRMP17 2 2No truncated dome; no detectable warnings; Landing cross slope:3.4%110.12.1Major$500$500S/E RMP at Monroe and MarronRMP18 10 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 1" lip0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550N/W RMP at Monroe and MarronRMP19 10 2No truncated dome; no texture; 20" wide landing0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800N/E RMP of Marron at 1860 Marron (entry drive)RMP20 10 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; chipped curb; separation of curbPath of travel should be replaced and re-evaluated0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/W RMP on Marron at 1850 MarronRMP21 10 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip; ramp running slope: 9.6%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Monroe and MarronRMP50 10 2compliant0Conforming$0$0S/W RMP at Monroe and MarronRMP51 10 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/W RMP at Highland and YourellRMP64 19 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; Landing cross slope: 3%0.1$550$550N/W RMP on Monroe St.RMP22 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP on Monroe St. (Driveway entrance)RMP32 21 2compliant expect for lack of landing0.250.25Minor$500$500N/E RMP on Monroe St. (Driveway entrance)RMP33 21 2non-compliant Path of travel should be replaced11Moderate$2,750$2,750crosswalk is in need of repair, cracked and broken A/C, drainage swale cross slope exceeds 2%fire hydrant blocks ramp as it is located in the middle of the ramp
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSS/E RMP on Monroe St. (Driveway exit)RMP34 21 2non-compliant Path of travel should be replaced11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP on Monroe St. (Driveway exit)RMP35 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP on Monroe St. (Hosp Grove Picnic Area Driveway)RMP36 21 23.8% cross lope Path of travel cross slope: 6.6%0.250.25Minor$2,750$2,750N/E RMP on Monroe St. (Hosp Grove Picnic Area Driveway)RMP37 21 2compliant0Conforming$0$0S/W RMP at Las Flores off-ramp of I-5RMP66 28 26.4% cross slope; no truncated dome Path of travel has broken A/C0.25 0.250.5Moderate$3,050$2,750S/E RMP at Las Flores off-ramp of I-5RMP67 28 27.8% cross slope; 16% running slope at ramp; no truncated dome0.25 0.25 0.250.75Moderate$5,800$2,750N/W RMP at Woodridge Ct. and Hosp WayRMP85 32 2non-compliant; no landing, no truncated dome, no level pan11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Monroe and Hosp WayRMP23 32 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Monroe and Hosp WayRMP24 32 21" lip; insufficient landing depth; no truncated dome Two Facility IDs in GIS database0.25$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Monroe and Hosp WayRMP25 32 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Monroe and Hosp WayRMP30 32 2non-compliant Path of travel should be replaced11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Cedarwood Way and Hosp WayRMP81 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S RMP at Cedarwood Way and Hosp WayRMP82 33 2non-compliant Path of travel should be replaced11Moderate$2,750$2,750S RMP at Brentwood Ct. and Hosp WayRMP83 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S RMP at Woodbridge Ct. and Hosp WayRMP84 33 2No truncated dome; sloped landing; uplift at sidewalk0.1$550$550N/E RMP at Woodbridge Ct. and Hosp WayRMP86 33 2non-compliant uplift at storm drain just west of ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Brentwood Ct. and Hosp WayRMP87 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Brentwood Ct. and Hosp WayRMP88 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Cedarwood Way and Hosp WayRMP89 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne DrRMP474 34 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.25" lip; 30" landing; ramp running slope 9%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne DrRMP475 34 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; 32" landing; landing cross slope 3.9%0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050SE RMP at Westwood and FalconRMP478 34 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11%; landing running slope 13.2%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,750NE RMP at Westwood and FalconRMP479 34 2no texture; 0.5" lip; broken concrete where road meets ramp; 0.5" uplift at walk; landing cross slope 5.6%; ramp running slope 13.7%0.10.25 0.250.6Moderate$5,750$2,750SE RMP at Blenkarne and TruesdellRMP477 44 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; worn texture; ramp cross slope 9.5%; landing running slope 12%, cross slope 5.2%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,050$2,750N/E RMP at James Dr and James CtRMP518 55 2No truncated dome; no texture; 1" lip; landing cross slope: 3.1%; 30" landing0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050S/E RMP at James Dr and James Ct.RMP519 55 21" lip; no truncated dome; no texture; 32" landing; landing cross slope:3%0.25 0.250.1 0.10.7Moderate$1,050$1,050NE RMP at James Dr. and Oak Ave.RMP482 55 2no detectable warning; 1" lip; no landing0.25$950$950NW RMP at James Dr. and Oak Ave.RMP483 55 2no truncated dome; 6" grooves; 15% running slope0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NE RMP at Valley St. and Bonita Ln.RMP503 56 2no truncated dome; texture; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Valley St. and Bonita Ln.RMP504 56 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Valley St. and Valley Pl.RMP505 56 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; sidewalk ends at east end0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550insufficient landing depth; truncated dome does not go all the way to grooves
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Valley St. and Valley Pl.RMP506 56 21" lip; no truncated dome; texture; ramp running slope 9.3%0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$550$550NW RMP at Chestnut Av and Highland DrRMP571 67 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 6.3%; landing running slope 9.8%; no sidewalk to one side of ramp; 21.5" landing cracked p.o.t. just off sidewalk0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.251.1Moderate$6,550$2,750S/E RMP at Highland and BasswoodRMP511 67 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; landing cross slope: 7%; 33" landing (variable)0.1 0.250.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,800$2,750S/W RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP563 68 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope: 4%; landing running slope: 3.2%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550N/E RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP564 68 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP565 68 2texture; no truncated dome; 1" lip large chunk missing in pan0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$750$750N/W RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP513 68 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Woodland Wy and ChestnutRMP555 78 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.25" lip; ramp running slope 12%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Woodland Way and ChestnutRMP557 78 2no ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Woodland Way and ChestnutRMP558 78 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; 40" landing; 41" pan; ramp running slope 14.6%0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NE RMP at Spanish Wy and ChestnutRMP574 78 2no truncated dome; no texture; landing running slope 7%; ramp cross slope 7%; water meter box lid broken and uplift east of ramp; 34" landing0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.85Moderate$6,300$2,750NW RMP at Spanish Wy and ChestnutRMP575 78 2no truncated dome; no texture; ramp cross slope 11%; landing running slope 9.3%; p.o.t. across the street generally in bad shape; 35" landing0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.85Moderate$6,300$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack Av and Polly LnRMP762 88 2no truncated dome; no landing; p.o.t. needs replacing; ramp running slope 10.4%, cross slope 7.3%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$3,550$2,750NW RMP at Tamarack Av and Polly LnRMP763 88 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Adams St and Chinquapin AvRMP768 99 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 5.9%; landing cross slope 4.9%, running slope 2.8% ; 24" landing major gap in p.o.t.; p.o.t. diagonal0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.250.95Moderate$3,800$2,750SE RMP at Adams St and Chinquapin AvRMP769 111 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Harrison StRMP866 111 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 6" grooves 2" gap across p.o.t.0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750RMP 3630RMP3630 AC05 1No detectable warnings provided at curb ramp; Transition at bottom landing is not flush; Curb ramp slopes 11.4%; Side flares slope 19.7% and 12.5%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,200$2,750RMP 152RMP152 AD05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 153RMP153 AD05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 150 (Northwest corner of Davis Ave. and Laguna Dr.)RMP150 AD05 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route on either side of Davis Ave. or Laguna Dr.11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 295RMP295 AF03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 299RMP299 AF03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 301RMP301 AF04 1Noncompliant curb ramp is not located within marked crossing11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 297RMP297 AG03 1South end of Ocean St. ends at beach access driveway. No detectable warnings provided, however this area is not designed as a curb ramp.0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP 296RMP296 AG03 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 390RMP390 AG04 1Detectable warnings are noncompliant; Transition at bottom landing is 1/2" high; Crack at top landing causes a gap greater than 1/2" wide; Bottom landing slopes 8.2%0.1$900$900RMP 379RMP379 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 380RMP380 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 381RMP381 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 391RMP391 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSRMP 400RMP400 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 383RMP383 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP401RMP401 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 384RMP384 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 385RMP385 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 386RMP386 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 387RMP387 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 388RMP388 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 389RMP389 AG04 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 382RMP382 AG05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 392RMP392 AG05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 393RMP393 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 394RMP394 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 417RMP417 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 415RMP415 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 395RMP395 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 396RMP396 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 397RMP397 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 398RMP398 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 399RMP399 AH05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 454RMP454 AH07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 453RMP453 AH07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Southwest corner of Sheridan and TamarackRMP459 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 458RMP458 AH08 1No detectable warnings provided, curb ramp does not contrast with adjacent sidewalk, vertical offset at bottom landing is 1/2" high, mailboxes in side flare are a protruding object0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$1,683$1,683RMP 461RMP461 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 460RMP460 AH08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 418RMP418 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 419RMP419 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 420RMP420 AI05 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 436RMP436 AI06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 433RMP433 AI06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Curb ramp only connects with west side of intersection and is designed as a diagonal curb rampCurb ramp only connects with west side of intersection and is designed as a diagonal curb rampCurb ramp only connects with west side of intersection and is designed as a diagonal curb rampCurb ramp only connects with west side of intersection and is designed as a diagonal curb rampgnoncompliant; Side flares are noncompliant; Top landing is noncompliant; Curb ramp does not contrast with adjacent sidewalk
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSRMP 423RMP423 AI06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 426RMP426 AI06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 427RMP427 AI06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 430RMP430 AI06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 457RMP457 AI07 1Two noncompliant curb ramps are located at the south end of the trail and they do not connect to an accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 456RMP456 AI07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 455RMP455 AI07 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 467RMP467 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 468RMP468 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 470RMP470 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 469RMP469 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750Northwest corner of Jefferson and ChinquapinRMP471 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 464RMP464 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 465RMP465 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 463RMP463 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 462RMP462 AI08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 473RMP473 AI09 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 446RMP446 AJ06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 443RMP443 AJ06 1Noncompliant curb is not parallel to path of travel and only connects to opposite curb ramp on Chinquapin11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 442RMP442 AJ06 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 431RMP431AJ06, AI061Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 428RMP428AJ06, AI061Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 429RMP429AJ06, AI061Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 434RMP434AJ06, AI061Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 435RMP435AJ06, AI061Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 445RMP445AJ06, AI071No detectable warnings provided, curb ramp does not contrast with adjacent sidewalk, vertical offset at bottom landing is 3/4" high, cross slope is 4.7%, grooved border is 1" on center0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$550$550RMP 444RMP444AJ06, AI071Noncompliant curb ramp is not positioned in direction of travel11Moderate$3,000$3,000RMP 447RMP447 AJ07 1Noncompliant curb ramp does not connect to an accessible route in any direction11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 466RMP466 AJ08 1Noncompliant curb ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Jefferson and Chinquapin Ave.RMP472 2Ramp runnning slope 7.2% RAMP IS DIRECTIONAL0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at Nautical Dr. and Nautical Ln. RMP738 2Ramp has No grooves or Truncated domes; Flare A 9.8%; Ramp Slope 11.7%; gutter slope 12.5%; No landing1 1 0.1 0.252.35Major$850$850Curb ramp is placed to connect to Hemlock, but not GarfieldCurb ramp is not parallel to the path of travel. No curb ramp provided on north side of street and curb ramp only connects to east side of Garfield.
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Nautical Dr. and Nautical Ln. RMP739 2No truncated domes; Grooves are 6"; Gutter slope 12.7%; Uplift at gutter is 1"; Landing cross slope is 3.7%; 0.25 0.1 0.250.1 0.250.95Moderate$1,100$1,100SE RMP at Woodland Wy and Chestnut AveRMP556 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Chestnut Av and Highland DrRMP570 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 20" deep pan; ramp cross slope 7.4%; landing running slope 8.7%; 0.5" uplift at panel to the side of ramp0.1 0.25 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,050$2,750NE RMP at Chestnut Av and Highland DrRMP572 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing cross slope 3.8; ramp running slope 11%, cross slope 6.1%; 35.5" landing; cracked ramp; 36" pan0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.11Moderate$3,800$2,750SE RMP at Chestnut Av and Highland DrRMP573 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 4.7%; 19" pan depth; landing running slope 4.5%, cross slope 2.9%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550SW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Syme DrRMP770 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Syme DrRMP771 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant p.o.t. needs replacing11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Chinquapin Av and Syme DrRMP772 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Chinquapin Av and Syme DrRMP773 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ne Rmp At Syme DrRMP774 20.5" lip; no truncated dome; no detectable warning; no landing; 0.5" expansion joint down middle of pan; ramp running slope 14%, cross slope 4%; side flare A: 16%, side flare C: 15%0.1 1 1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.252.95Major$6,750$2,750SW RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Av.RMP351 2No truncated domes, sidewalk approach F 15.3%; Landing running slope 6.2%; Pan width is 36"Ramp runs into 69" wall after landing0.25 0.1 0.250.6Moderate$650$650NW RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Av.RMP3522No truncated domes, gutter slope 2.5%, Sidewalk approach E 17.2%, Landing is 30", Pan width 36", Landing cross slope 3.6%; Landing running slope 5.0%Ramp runs into 69" wall after landing0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.8Moderate$3,550$2,750NE RMP at Donna Dr. and Janis Wy. RMP532 582No Landing, No truncated domes0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800SE RMP at Donna Dr. and Janis Wy. RMP533 582No landing, No truncated domes, gutter slope: 4.5%, Pan Width is 42"0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$1,150$1,150SE RMP at Pio Pico and Chestnut RMP5402No truncated domes, ramp slope B: 12.6%; gutter slope: 4.1%; Pan width is 30"; No grooves. Landing cross slope is 11.9%1 1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.12.85Major$9,100$2,750NE RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Ave. RMP5412No truncated domes; ramp slope B 11%; Slope flare C 9.3%, Landing depth 1'; Pan Width 42"; Landing cross slope 3.7%0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$800$800NE RMP at James Dr. and sandalwood LNRMP566 682No truncated domes, Side Flare A: 13.3%, Pan width is 36", Landing depth in 32"0.25 0.1$800$800SE RMP at James Dr. and Sandalwood LNRMP567 682No truncated domes, No Landing, Ramp slope B: 12.8%, Gutter slope: 4.2%, Pan Width is 41"0.10.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$3,800$2,750SW RMP at James Dr. and Sandalwood LN.RMP568 682No truncated domes, ramp slope B: 10.4, Landing depth is 34"0.25 0.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800NW RMP at James Dr. and Sandalwood LN.RMP569 682No truncated domes, ramp slope is 10.6%, Landing depth is 35"0.25 0.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800NE RMP at Highland and Ratcliff RdRMP6092No landing, no truncated domes, side flare C: 14.7%; sidewalk approach E: 6.7%0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$1,150$1,150SE RMP at Highland and Ratcliff Rd RMP61 192No landing, No truncated domes, pan width 41"0.25$800$800NE RMP at Highland and Guevara RMP62 192No landing, no truncated domes0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800SE RMP at Highland and Guevara RMP63 192No Landing, slight crack through center, No truncated domes0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800Ne Rmp At Basswood Av @ Highland DrRMP512 20.5" lip; no truncated dome; shallow pan (20"); 32" landing; landing cross slope 3.6%; ramp running slope 12%; side flare c: 18% slope; slope leading to ramp 6.5%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.9Moderate$3,650$2,750# of Ramps with this problem3 11 127 29 207 1 87 294 21 47 39 32 74 5 2 12 98 $1,554,548 $1,438,448Count % of TotalConforming37 5.24%Minor111 15.72%Moderate521 73.80%Major37 5.24%Total 706 100.00%Small crack through center of rampSide C Landing has chunk of concrete missing Apx. 2"x2"x1/2"Small cracks on either side of ramp, could get worse if not properly constructed. Smal crack through center of rampNice Ramp with no landing. Looks Newsidewalk ends to one sideapron at p.o.t. off corner is cracked and has excessive slope; a/c edge causes obstructions across chestnut; sidewalk endsmajor upheaval and cracking of apron at ramp in street, obstructing p.o.t.; sidewalk ends to one side
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250PD SGNL A RMP1499 4 2 <30" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL on Plaza Dr. KTUA610 4 2 not compliant0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A on Plaza Dr. and El Camino Real KTUA608 4 2 height of push button: 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B on Plaza Dr. and El Camino Real KTUA611 4 2 height of push buttons: 39.5"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1432 12 2 height of push buttons: 40" and 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1433 12 2 height of push buttons: 39"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1433 12 2 height of push buttons: 39"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP58 12 2 not compliant0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP59 12 2 height of push button A and B: 40"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850S/W PD SGNL on Plaza Dr. KTUA613 12 2 compliant0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4609 13 2 height of push buttons: 40" and 40.5"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4610 13 2 not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4611 24 2not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; large vertical utility box causes horizontal obstruction0.1 0.10.1 0.250.55Moderate$2,783$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP70 24 2 not compliant; signal B exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SNGL A RM139 36 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SNGL B RM139 36 2 48" Height; 60" to curb and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP136 37 2 not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP136 37 2 47.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP137 37 2 exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' to between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP137 37 2 39" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP138 37 2 not compliant; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP138 37 2 not compliant; 40" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP631 61 2 47" Height; 21" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP632 61 2 A and B 47" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP632 61 2 47" Height; 25" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP640 95 2 46.5" Height; 43" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP640 95 2 46" Height; 28" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP641 95 2 A: 38.5" Height, B: 39" Height; exceeds 10' from crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP642 105 2 50" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP642 105 2 exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP643 105 2 47.5" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 60" to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP643 105 2 46" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SIGNL A RMP862 106 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SIGNL B RMP862 106 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP863 106 2A: 47" Height, B: 47" Height; 25" to curb and 63" to crosswalk; 32" clear p.o.t. between signal pole and edge of walk heading north0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP969 119 2 A: 41" Height, B: 40" Height; 22" to curb and 50" to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP970 119 2 A: 39" Height, B: 39" Height; 15" to curb and 44" to crosswalk 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP968 120 2A: 42" Height, B: 42" Height; neither parallel to direction of travel; 48" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP971 120 2 A: 39" Height, B: 39" Height; 18" to curb and 34" to crosswalk 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1000 130 2 A: 47" Height, B: 46.5" Height; 47" to curb and 52" to crosswalk$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1001 130 2 48" Height; 62" to curb and 65" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1001 130 2 48" Height; 65" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP999 130 2 A: 47" Height, B: 47" Height; 53" to curb and 54" to crosswalk$650$650PD SGNL A (N/W RMP at College and Salk) KTUA641 141 2 39" Height; 7'2" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A (S/E RMP at College and Salk) KTUA607 141 2 38.5" Height; 62" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A (S/W RMP at College and Salk) KTUA634 141 2 40.5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 7'10" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (N/E RMP at College and Salk)KTUA606 141 2 38.5" Height; 25" to curb line; 30" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B (S/E RMP at College and Salk) KTUA607 141 2 39.5" Height; 32" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1201 150 241 height; 70" distance to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10'0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1202 150 2 41" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1202 150 2 41.5" height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1203 150 2 40" height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1203 150 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1204 150 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1204 150 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1011 153 2 45" Height; 31" to curb and 55" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1012 153 2 exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1012 153 2 47" Height; 51" to curb and 63" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1012 153 2 exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1013 153 2 20" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1013 153 2 29" to curb; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1014 153 2 27" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1014 153 2 20" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1180 153 2 38" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1180 153 2 39" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1181 153 2 38.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1182 153 2 38" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1182 153 2 38" Height; 41" to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850SGNL A is for future crossing, currently no ramp or sidewalk to ttJackson crosswalk heading east leads to nothingvisual numeric countdownvisual numeric countdownvisual numeric countdownsidewalk ends on either side of rampcrosswalk leads to planter and no rampexceeds 10' between signals
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL B RMP1182 153 2 38" Height; 40" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1183 153 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1183 153 2 38" Height; 35" to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1186 155 2 40" height, 5.5' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1186 155 2 40" height, 5.5' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1187 155 2 39" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1187 155 2 39.5" height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1188 155 2 39" height, exceeds 10' to crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1188 155 2 38" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1189 155 2 39.5" height, 9.5' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1189 155 2 39" height, 10' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1218 164 2 A: 45" Height, B: 45" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1219 164 2 A: 47" Height, B: 46.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1217 165 2 45.5" Height; 48" to crosswalk and 25" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1220 165 2 38" Height; 25" to curb and 28" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1264 168 2 47.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1264 168 2 41.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1689 168 2 47.5" Height; 22" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1689 168 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1690 168 2A: 47.5" Height, B: 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 26" to curb; "B" not accessible0.1 0.1 0.1 1 0.11.4Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1376 172 2 40" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1376 172 2 45.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1378 172 2 43" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1378 172 2 39.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1379 172 2 47" Height; 41" to curb and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1379 172 2 39.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1380 172 2 45.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1380 172 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1357 178 2 46.5" Height; 23" to curb line; 5'7" to crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1357 178 2 46" Height; 31" to curb line; 44" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1358 178 2 40" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1358 178 2 40" Height; 7'3" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1359 178 2 45.5" Height; 48" to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1359 178 2 48.25" Height; 25" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000chunks missing at utility boxexceeds 10' between signals45" clearance between signal and roadLess than 10' between signals
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A RMP1360 178 2 45.5" Height; 49" to curb; 58" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1360 178 2 46" Height; 23" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1267 180 2 46" Height; 21" to curb line; 42" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1267 180 2 46" Height; 30" to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1268 180 2 46" Height; 6'5" to crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1268 180 2 46" Height; 47" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1269 180 2 46" Height; 6'4" to crosswalk; 6'9" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1269 180 2 46" Height; 54" to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1270 180 2 42" Height; 7'4" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1270 180 2 39" Height; 6'8" to crosswalk; 6'5" to curb0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1363 182 2 47" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1363 182 2 46.5" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1364 182 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1364 182 248" Height; broken traffic box causing obstruction; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; not parallel to p.o.t.0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.250.65Moderate$2,983$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1365 182 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1365 182 2 46" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1366 182 2 48" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1366 182 2 48" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP4167 194 2 39.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4167 194 2 40" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP4168 194 2 39" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4168 194 2 39" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP4165 195 2 39.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4165 195 2 41.5" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP4166 195 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4166 195 2 40" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1414 197 2 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1414 197 2 46.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1416 197 2 47.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1416 197 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1417 197 2 48" Height; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1417 197 2 46" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1381 200 2 51.5" Height; 20" to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1381 200 2 46.5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A RMP1382 200 2 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1382 200 2 non-compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 28" to curb; signal not accessible 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 0.11.4Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1383 200 2 non-compliant0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1383 200 2 non-compliant0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1384 200 2 exceeds 10' between signals; 47.5" height; no clearance 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1384 200 2 46.5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1715 204 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1715 204 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850RMP 1716 PD SGNL RMP1716 204 2 signal pole 72" to crosswalk and curb;0.1 0.10.1 0.250.55Moderate$2,783$1,000N/E PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) on El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA599 204 2 A: 39" height; B: 38.5" height; 27" to curb and crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000S/E PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA600 204 2 A: 39" height; B: 39" height; 29" to curb and crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1854 212 2 37.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1854 212 2 38" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1855 212 2 47.5" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1855 212 2 47" height; 90" from signal pole to curb and sidewalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4754 212 2 A: 39" height; B: 39" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP4755 212 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4755 212 2 39.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1990 217 2 40.5" Height; 56" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1803 218 2 42" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1803 218 2 41.5" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1995 218 2 42" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1995 218 2 42" Height; 19" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1996 218 2 42" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1996 218 2 47" Height; 77" to crosswalk and curb line0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1997 218 2 41.5" Height; over 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1997 218 2 41.5" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850RMP 2043 PD SGNL RMP2043 221 2 not compliant0.1 0.25 0.25 1 0.1 0.1 0.252.05Major$4,983$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2044 221 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP2044 221 2 40" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2045 221 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP2045 221 2 40" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2046 221 2 not compliant0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2047 221 2 not compliant0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000pole obstruction in path of travel, see photo 0115no relation to crosswalk or "ramp"; median obstructs crosswalk crossing El C i R l h t
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A RMP2166 226 2 39" Height; 24" to curb line; 48" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B RMP2167 226 2 42" Height; 7'1" to curb line and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2168 226 2 39.5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 6'9" to curb line0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1988 227 2 40" Height; 33" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B RMP1989 227 2 41" Height; 5'8" to crosswalk; 5'6" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2189 231 2 46" Height; 28" to curb line; 82" to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2190 231 2 46" Height; 58" to curb line; 7' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2190 231 2 45.5" Height; 35" to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP2192 231 2 46" Height; 5'4" to crosswalk; 6'2" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2191 232 2 46" Height; 76" to curb line and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2191 232 2 41" Height; 24: to curb line; 67" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1072 233 2 46.5" Height; 62" to curb line; 81" to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2127 233 2 45.5" Height; 83" to curb line; 93" to crosswalk; no clearance at base 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2128 233 2 46" Height; 6'7" to curb line; 6'6" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2128 233 2 46.5" Height; 63" to crosswalk; 5'1" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2129 233 2 46" Height; 69" to crosswalk; 65" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2129 233 2 45.5" Height; 80" to crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2130 233 2 46.5" Height; 53" to curb line; 73" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP2130 233 2 46" Height; 6' to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2075 236 2 47" height,$650$650S/W PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2075 236 2 47" height; 65" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2076 236 2 47" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650N/W PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2076 236 2 46.5" height; 21.5" to curb line and 25" to extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2077 236 2 46" height, push button is not directly parallel to direction of travel 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2077 236 246.5" height; 29" distance to curb line and greater than 10' distance to extended crosswalk;0.1 0.25$2,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2078 236 2 47.5" height, 19" to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2079 236 246" height, 24" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance between signal poles0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL A on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2336 239 2 37" height, 44" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL B on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2336 239 2 46" height, 47" to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2337 239 2 46" height, 53" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk$650$650N/E PD SGNL B on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2337 239 246" height, 46" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL A on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2338 239 2 40" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL B on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2338 239 2 39" height; 54" distance to curb line; 60" distance to extended crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850S/W PD SGNL A on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2339 239 2 45.5" height; push button not parallel to direction of travel 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850exceeds 10' between signalsexceeds 10' between signalsPath of travel uneven w/0.5" upliftspath of travel around signal pole is not compliant; pole obstructs path of t l t b t t th thpush button A is on the outside for E/W crossing(2) 1" wide expansion joints in direct path of travel across street
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSS/W PD SGNL B on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2339 239 245" height; 78" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; push button not parallel to direction of travel0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850S/W PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3742 239 2 46" height, 28" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000S/W PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3742 239 2 44" height, 83" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3743 239 2 39" height, 48" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3743 239 2 44" height, 54" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk$650$650N/E PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3746 240 2 39" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3746 240 2 46" height; 31" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3747 240 2 45" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3748 240 246" height; 50" distance to curb line, 63" distance to E/W crossing, 57" distance to N/S crossing0.1$1,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3227 244 2 46.5" height, 24" distance to curb line and 45" distance to extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3227 244 246" height, 28" distance to curb line and 59" to extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance between poles0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3228 244 2 43" height, 31" distance to curb line and 60" distance to extended crosswalk$650$650N/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3228 244 2 47.5" height, 21" distance to curb line and 27" distance to extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3229 244 245" height, 15" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk, parallel to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3229 244 2 46" height, 47.5" distance to curb line and 51" to extended crosswalk.$650$650S/W PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3230 244 2 45" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3230 244 2 45" height, 36" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Costa del Mar RoadRMP4612 248 2 46" height; 70" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Costa del Mar RoadRMP4613 248 2 48.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Costa del Mar RoadRMP4613 248 2 48" height; 62" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL on El Camino Real and Costa del Mar RoadRMP4614 248 2 45.5" height, 19" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3331 251 2 44" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3331 251 2 44" height; exceeds 5' distance to extended crosswalk and curb line 0.1$1,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3332 251 2 46" height; 58" distance to curb line, parallel to crosswalk$650$650N/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3332 251 240" height, 31" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' in between signal poles0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000N/W PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3333 251 2 38.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3333 251 2 38" height; exceeds 5' distance to extended crosswalk; 23" distance to curb line 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.5Moderate$2,850$1,000S/W PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3334 251 2 47" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3334 251 2 47" height; 22" distance to curb line; 42" distance to extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA621 257 2 39" Height; 5' to curb line and 8' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A at NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA620 257 2 38" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A at SE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2 37" Height; 21" to crosswalk and curb line0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B at NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2 38.5" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP2597 260 2 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000push button B is a new accessible signal with audible tone4 ramp directional0.5" uplifted expansion joint in direct path of travelpush button A is a new accessible signal with audiable tone3 ramp directionalaudible signalduplicate push button A (same pole) is 54" distance to curb line & 20" di t t t d d lk
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL B RMP2597 260 2 48.5" Height; 38" to curb and 38" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2837 260 2 not accessible; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2837 260 2 38" Height; 33" to curb line and 49" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2840 260 2 48" Height; 38" to crosswalk and 26" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2840 260 2 42" Height; 18" to curb and 36" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2938 260 2 37.5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PDSGNL B RMP2938 260 2not accessible; 5' to curb however exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2595 266 2 40" Height; 24" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2595 266 2 48" Height; 21" to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2596 266 2 38" Height; 25" to curb line and 61" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.5Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2596 266 2 46" Height; 25" to curb and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2598 266 2 46" Height; 26" to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2598 266 2 48" Height; 22" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2342 269 2 39" Height; 36" to curb line and greater than 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2342 269 2 40" Height; 27" to curb line and 49" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2343 269 2 41" Height; 16" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2343 269 2 41" Height; 26" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2344 269 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2344 269 2 39" Height; 39" to curb line and 46" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2345 269 2 39" Height; 37" to curb line and 44" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP2345 269 2 39" Height; 32" to curb line and 44" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2504 276 2 45.5" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2504 276 2 41" Height; 25" to curb line and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2505 276 2 47" Height; 14" to curb line and 24" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2505 276 2 49" Height; 33" to curb line and 64" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2506 276 2 46" Height; 27" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2506 276 248" Height; 24" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2507 276 2 47" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2507 276 246.5" Height; 26" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3078 281 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk; button not accessible 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$2,050$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3079 281 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP3079 281 2 38.5" Height; 60" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3080 281 2 38" Height; 21" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP3080 281 2 40" Height; 20" to curb line and 30" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A RMP4781 281 2 40" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL at Curb ramp west of RMP 111 KTUA594 AB04 1Access to traffic- control device is blocked by overgrown ice plant, Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.1 0.10.3Minor$750$750PD SGNL at Curb ramp west of RMP 110 KTUA595 AB04 1Access to traffic- control signal device is blocked by bushes, Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.1 0.10.3Minor$750$750PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.KTUA503 AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 9.0%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.KTUA503 AE04 1 South traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Curb ramp at southwest corner of Pine and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA596 AG04 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and is mounted 50 1/4" AFF0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL at Crosswalk junction along West side of Carlsbad Blvd. at TamarackKTUA644 AI05 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Crosswalk junction along West side of Carlsbad Blvd. at TamarackKTUA645 AI05 1 No accessible route immediately attached to traffic- control device provided$650$650PD SGNL RMP1018 AN09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP1019 AN09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP1019 AN09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cannon and Tierra del OroKTUA648 AN09 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding, mounted 54 1/2" above finished grade0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL at West side of Carlsbad Blvd., south of Cannon to CerezoKTUA642 AO09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 1338 RMP1338 AP10 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and there is no accessible route leading to device0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 1339 RMP1339 AP10 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Bus stop West of RMP 1338 KTUA642 AP10 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and there is no accessible route leading to device0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at Crosswalk at Solamar KTUA643 AR12 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and is not located on an accessible route0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at Northeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA515 AR12 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Southeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA587 AR12 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 1343 RMP1343 AU13 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Clear floor space at traffic- control device slopes 10.7%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 1341 RMP1341 AU14 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 1342 RMP1342 AU14 1Guardrail reduces required clear floor space at traffic- control signal; Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2215 RMP2215 AW14 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2216 RMP2216 AW14 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL Crosswalk at North Breakwater KTUA578 AW14 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding;No accessible route provided to traffic- control signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2201 RMP2201 AX17 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at east traffic- control signal has slopes up to 3.1%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2201 RMP2201 AX17 1 North traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2202 RMP2202 AX17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2202 RMP2202 AX17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2203 RMP2203 AX17 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at south traffic- control signal has slopes up to 7.9%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2203 RMP2203 AX17 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding; West traffic- control device is located 25' from curb ramp; Required clear floor space at west 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL at RMP 2204 RMP2204 AX17 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at west traffic- control signal has cross slopes up to 6.9%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 2204 RMP2204 AX17 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at north traffic- control signal has slopes up to 10.3%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2217 RMP2217 AY15 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Traffic- control device does not have a level clear floor space0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850Coordinate with reach range requirements
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL RMP 2218 RMP2218 AY15 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Traffic- control device do not have a level clear floor space at buttons in either direction0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2218 RMP2218 AY15 1Traffic- control device do not have a level clear floor space at buttons in either direction0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2219 RMP2219 AY15 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2220 RMP2220 AY15 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2228 RMP2228 AY17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2228 RMP2228 AY17 1No clear floor space provided at north traffic- control signal; Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 2229 RMP2229 AY17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 2230 RMP2230 AY17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 2221 RMP2221 AZ16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 2222 RMP2222 AZ16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 3388 RMP3388 BB16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 3389 RMP3389 BB16 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Clear floor space at traffic- control device slopes 6.3%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Avenida EncinasKTUA646 BB16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Southwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Avenida EncinasKTUA647 BB16 1No accessible route or required clear floor space provided at traffic- control device;Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 3384 RMP3384 BB17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 3385 RMP3385 BB17 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Clear floor space at traffic- control device slopes 10.1%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 3386 RMP3386 BB17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 3387 RMP3387 BB17 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Clear floor space at traffic- control device cross slopes 8.1%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1004 2 utility w/0.25" uplift directly below actuator; 20" to curb and crosswalk 0.1 0.10.1 0.10.4Minor$1,900$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1004 2 48.5" Height; 24" to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1005 247" Height; 28" to curb; required floor space cross slope 4-6%; no required color coding or audible signal0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1006 2 insufficient floor space clearance - 25"; no required color coding or audible signal 0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1009 2exceeds 5' from crosswalk; not paralell w/ p.o.t.; no required color coding; no audible signal; required clear floor space cross slopes 8%; exceeds 10' between 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.9Moderate$3,050$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1010 2exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; required clear floor space cross slope 7%0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1010 249" Height; required clear floor space cross slope 7%; no required color coding or audible signal0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1377 2required clear floor space cross slopes 4-8%; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1377 240.5" Height; required clear floor space cross slopes 3-5.5%; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.8Moderate$2,050$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1415 247" Height; insuficient floor space clearance - 20"; no required color coding or audible signal0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1415 247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding; required floor space cross slopes 4%0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP2047 2minimal actuator access located adjacent to steep hillside causing dangerous conditions; 39" height; no required color coding or audible signal0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3168 2 no required color coding or audible signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP3168 242" clear and utility box w/ gaps and uplifts in p.o.t. next to pole; no required color coding or audible signal0.10.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$1,983$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3169 2exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; 44" clear p.o.t. at base; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.8Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP3169 241" clear p.o.t. at base w/ utility box w/ uplifts in p.o.t.; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.251.05Moderate$3,183$1,000dangerous condition
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4611 240" Height; required clear floor space slopes exceed 2%; no audible signal or required color coding0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4611 247" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000RMP 1344 RMP1344 AU13 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650RMP 2227 RMP2227 AY17 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding; No clear floor space provided at east traffic- control signal0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850RMP 2227 RMP2227 AY17 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at south traffic- control signal has slopes up to 14.3% due to curb 0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at Northeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA515 AR12 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$1,053,547$1,000PD SGNL Crosswalk at North Breakwater KTUA578 AW14 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding;No accessible route provided to traffic- control signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at Southeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA587 AR12 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Curb ramp at southwest corner of Pine and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA596 AG04 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and is mounted 50 1/4" AFF0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL at Bus stop West of RMP 1338 KTUA642 AP10 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and there is no accessible route leading to device0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at West side of Carlsbad Blvd., south of Cannon to CerezoKTUA642 AO09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Crosswalk at Solamar KTUA643 AR12 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and is not located on an accessible route0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at Crosswalk junction along West side of Carlsbad Blvd. at TamarackKTUA644 AI05 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Crosswalk junction along West side of Carlsbad Blvd. at TamarackKTUA645 AI05 1 No accessible route immediately attached to traffic- control device provided$650$650PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Avenida EncinasKTUA646 BB16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Southwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Avenida EncinasKTUA647 BB16 1No accessible route or required clear floor space provided at traffic- control device;Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cannon and Tierra del OroKTUA648 AN09 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding, mounted 54 1/2" above finished grade0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) on El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA599 204 1 A: 39" height; B: 38.5" height; 27" to curb and crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000S/E PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA600 204 2 A: 39" height; B: 39" height; 29" to curb and crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (N/E RMP at College and Salk)KTUA606 141 2 38.5" Height; 25" to curb line; 30" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$1,250$1,000PD SGNL B (S/E RMP at College and Salk) KTUA607 141 2 39.5" Height; 32" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A (S/E RMP at College and Salk) KTUA607 141 2 38.5" Height; 62" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A on Plaza Dr. and El Camino Real KTUA608 4 2 height of push button: 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000N/W PD SGNL on Plaza Dr. KTUA610 4 2 not compliant0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B on Plaza Dr. and El Camino Real KTUA611 4 2 height of push buttons: 39.5"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850S/W PD SGNL on Plaza Dr. KTUA613 12 2 compliant0.10.1Minor$50$50PD SGNL A at NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA620 257 2 38" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA621 257 2 39" Height; 5' to curb line and 8' to crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A at SE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2 37" Height; 21" to crosswalk and curb line0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B at NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2 38.5" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A (S/W RMP at College and Salk) KTUA634 141 2 40.5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 7'10" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A (N/W RMP at College and Salk) KTUA641 141 2 39" Height; 7'2" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL RMP1018 AN09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP1019 AN09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650Coordinate with reach range requirementsvisual numeric countdownexceeds 10' between signalsvisual numeric countdownvisual numeric countdown
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL RMP1019 AN09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 1338 RMP1338 AP10 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and there is no accessible route leading to device0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL RMP 1339 RMP1339 AP10 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 1341 RMP1341 AU14 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 1342 RMP1342 AU14 1Guardrail reduces required clear floor space at traffic- control signal; Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 1343 RMP1343 AU13 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Clear floor space at traffic- control device slopes 10.7%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2201 RMP2201 AX17 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at east traffic- control signal has slopes up to 3.1%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2201 RMP2201 AX17 1 North traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2202 RMP2202 AX17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2202 RMP2202 AX17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2203 RMP2203 AX17 1South traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at south traffic- control signal has slopes up to 7.9%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2203 RMP2203 AX17 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding; West traffic- control device is located 25' from curb ramp; Required clear floor space at west 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL at RMP 2204 RMP2204 AX17 1West traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at west traffic- control signal has cross slopes up to 6.9%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 2204 RMP2204 AX17 1North traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Required clear floor space at north traffic- control signal has slopes up to 10.3%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2215 RMP2215 AW14 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2216 RMP2216 AW14 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2217 RMP2217 AY15 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Traffic- control device does not have a level clear floor space0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2218 RMP2218 AY15 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Traffic- control device do not have a level clear floor space at buttons in either direction0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2218 RMP2218 AY15 1Traffic- control device do not have a level clear floor space at buttons in either direction0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL RMP 2219 RMP2219 AY15 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2220 RMP2220 AY15 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 2221 RMP2221 AZ16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 2222 RMP2222 AZ16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2228 RMP2228 AY17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 2228 RMP2228 AY17 1No clear floor space provided at north traffic- control signal; Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 2229 RMP2229 AY17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 2230 RMP2230 AY17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 3384 RMP3384 BB17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 3385 RMP3385 BB17 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Clear floor space at traffic- control device slopes 10.1%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 3386 RMP3386 BB17 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL RMP 3387 RMP3387 BB17 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Clear floor space at traffic- control device cross slopes 8.1%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at RMP 3388 RMP3388 BB16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at RMP 3389 RMP3389 BB16 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding; Clear floor space at traffic- control device slopes 6.3%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at Curb ramp west of RMP 111 KTUA594 AB04 1Access to traffic- control device is blocked by overgrown ice plant, Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL at Bus stop West of RMP 1338 KTUA642 AP10 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and there is no accessible route leading to device0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at Crosswalk at Solamar KTUA643 AR12 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and is not located on an accessible route0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at Crosswalk junction along West side of Carlsbad Blvd. at TamarackKTUA644 AI05 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Crosswalk junction along West side of Carlsbad Blvd. at TamarackKTUA645 AI05 1 No accessible route immediately attached to traffic- control device provided$650$650PD SGNL at Curb ramp at southwest corner of Pine and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA596 AG04 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding and is mounted 50 1/4" AFF0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL at Curb ramp west of RMP 110 KTUA595 AB04 1Access to traffic- control signal device is blocked by bushes, Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL at Northeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA515 AR12 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Avenida EncinasKTUA646 BB16 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.KTUA503 AE04 1East traffic- control device does not have required color coding, required clear floor space slopes 9.0%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at Northwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and State St.KTUA503 AE04 1 South traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Southeast curb ramp at Solamar and Carlsbad Blvd.KTUA587 AR12 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL at Southwest corner of Carlsbad Blvd. and Avenida EncinasKTUA647 BB16 1No accessible route or required clear floor space provided at traffic- control device;Traffic- control device does not have required color coding0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL at West side of Carlsbad Blvd., south of Cannon to CerezoKTUA642 AO09 1 Traffic- control device does not have required color coding$650$650PD SGNL Crosswalk at North Breakwater KTUA578 AW14 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding;No accessible route provided to traffic- control signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL West side of Carlsbad Blvd. between Cannon and Tierra del OroKTUA648 AN09 1Traffic- control device does not have required color coding, mounted 54 1/2" above finished grade0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SNGL A RM139 36 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SNGL B RM139 36 2 48" Height; 60" to curb and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1000 130 2 A: 47" Height, B: 46.5" Height; 47" to curb and 52" to crosswalk$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1001 130 2 48" Height; 62" to curb and 65" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1001 130 2 48" Height; 65" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1004 2 utility w/0.25" uplift directly below actuator; 20" to curb and crosswalk 0.1 0.10.1 0.10.4Minor$1,900$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1004 2 48.5" Height; 24" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1005 247" Height; 28" to curb; required floor space cross slope 4-6%; no required color coding or audible signal0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1006 2 insufficient floor space clearance - 25"; no required color coding or audible signal 0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1009 2exceeds 5' from crosswalk; not paralell w/ p.o.t.; no required color coding; no audible signal; required clear floor space cross slopes 8%; exceeds 10' between 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.9Moderate$3,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1010 2exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; required clear floor space cross slope 7%0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1010 249" Height; required clear floor space cross slope 7%; no required color coding or audible signal0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1011 153 2 45" Height; 31" to curb and 55" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1012 153 2 exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1012 153 2 47" Height; 51" to curb and 63" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1012 153 2 exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1013 153 2 20" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1013 153 2 29" to curb; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1014 153 2 27" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000Coordinate with reach range requirementscrosswalk leads to planter and no ramp
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL B RMP1014 153 2 20" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1072 233 2 46.5" Height; 62" to curb line; 81" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1180 153 2 38" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1180 153 2 39" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1181 153 2 38.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1182 153 2 38" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1182 153 2 38" Height; 41" to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1182 153 2 38" Height; 40" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1183 153 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1183 153 2 38" Height; 35" to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1186 155 2 40" height, 5.5' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1186 155 2 40" height, 5.5' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1187 155 2 39" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1187 155 2 39.5" height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1188 155 2 39" height, exceeds 10' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1188 155 2 38" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1189 155 2 39.5" height, 9.5' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1189 155 2 39" height, 10' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1201 150 241 height; 70" distance to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10'0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1202 150 2 41" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1202 150 2 41.5" height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10' 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1203 150 2 40" height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10' 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1203 150 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1204 150 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1204 150 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1217 165 2 45.5" Height; 48" to crosswalk and 25" to curb0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1218 164 2 A: 45" Height, B: 45" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1219 164 2 A: 47" Height, B: 46.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1220 165 2 38" Height; 25" to curb and 28" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1264 168 2 47.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1264 168 2 41.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1267 180 2 46" Height; 21" to curb line; 42" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1267 180 2 46" Height; 30" to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1268 180 2 46" Height; 6'5" to crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000chunks missing at utility box
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL B RMP1268 180 2 46" Height; 47" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1269 180 2 46" Height; 6'4" to crosswalk; 6'9" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1269 180 2 46" Height; 54" to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1270 180 2 42" Height; 7'4" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1270 180 2 39" Height; 6'8" to crosswalk; 6'5" to curb0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1357 178 2 46.5" Height; 23" to curb line; 5'7" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1357 178 2 46" Height; 31" to curb line; 44" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1358 178 2 40" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1358 178 2 40" Height; 7'3" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1359 178 2 45.5" Height; 48" to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1359 178 2 48.25" Height; 25" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP136 37 2 not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP136 37 2 47.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1360 178 2 45.5" Height; 49" to curb; 58" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1360 178 2 46" Height; 23" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1363 182 2 47" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1363 182 2 46.5" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1364 182 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1364 182 248" Height; broken traffic box causing obstruction; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; not parallel to p.o.t.0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.5Moderate$2,900$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1365 182 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1365 182 2 46" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1366 182 2 48" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1366 182 2 48" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP137 37 2 exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' to between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP137 37 2 39" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1376 172 2 40" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1376 172 2 45.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1377 2required clear floor space cross slopes 4-8%; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1377 240.5" Height; required clear floor space cross slopes 3-5.5%; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.8Moderate$2,050$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1378 172 2 43" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1378 172 2 39.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1379 172 2 47" Height; 41" to curb and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1379 172 2 39.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP138 37 2 not compliant; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000exceeds 10' between signalsLess than 10' between signals45" clearance between signal and road
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL B RMP138 37 2 not compliant; 40" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1380 172 2 45.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1380 172 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1381 200 2 51.5" Height; 20" to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1381 200 2 46.5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1382 200 2 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1382 200 2 non-compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 28" to curb; signal not accessible 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1383 200 2 non-compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1383 200 2 non-compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1384 200 2 exceeds 10' between signals; 47.5" height; no clearance 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1384 200 2 46.5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP14 2 2 non-compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1414 197 2 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1414 197 2 46.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1415 247" Height; insuficient floor space clearance - 20"; no required color coding or audible signal0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1415 247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding; required floor space cross slopes 4%0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1416 197 2 47.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1416 197 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1417 197 2 48" Height; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1417 197 2 46" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1432 12 2 height of push buttons: 40" and 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1433 12 2 height of push buttons: 39"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1433 12 2 height of push buttons: 39"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1499 4 2 <30" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP15 2 2 46.5" Height; 6' to curb line and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP15 2 2 46.5" Height; 7' to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP16 2 2 non-compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL B RMP16 2 2 non-compliant0.1 0.10.1 11.3Moderate$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1689 168 2 47.5" Height; 22" to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1689 168 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals$650$650PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP1690 168 2A: 47.5" Height, B: 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 26" to curb; "B" not accessible0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP17 2 2 47.5" Height; 70" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1715 204 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1715 204 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850Path of travel should be replacedEntire ramp and signal area require replacement
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSRMP 1716 PD SGNL RMP1716 204 2 signal pole 72" to crosswalk and curb;0.1 0.10.1 0.250.55Moderate$2,783$1,000PD SGNL A RMP18 10 2 44.5" Height; 50" to crosswalk; 52" to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1803 218 2 42" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1803 218 2 41.5" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1854 212 2 37.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP1854 212 2 38" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP1855 212 2 47.5" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1855 212 2 47" height; 90" from signal pole to curb and sidewalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP19 10 2 45.5" Height; 74" to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP1988 227 2 40" Height; 33" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B RMP1989 227 2 41" Height; 5'8" to crosswalk; 5'6" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1990 217 2 40.5" Height; 56" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1995 218 2 42" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1995 218 2 42" Height; 19" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1996 218 2 42" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP1996 218 2 47" Height; 77" to crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP1997 218 2 41.5" Height; over 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP1997 218 2 41.5" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850RMP 2043 PD SGNL RMP2043 221 2 not compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL A RMP2044 221 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP2044 221 2 40" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2045 221 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP2045 221 2 40" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2046 221 2 not compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL A RMP2047 221 2 not compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP2047 2minimal actuator access located adjacent to steep hillside causing dangerous conditions; 39" height; no required color coding or audible signal0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.05Moderate$2,250$1,000S/W PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2075 236 2 47" height,$650$650S/W PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2075 236 2 47" height; 65" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2076 236 2 47" height0.1 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.8Moderate$2,050$1,000N/W PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2076 236 2 46.5" height; 21.5" to curb line and 25" to extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2077 236 2 46" height, push button is not directly parallel to direction of travel 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$2,783$1,000N/E PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2077 236 246.5" height; 29" distance to curb line and greater than 10' distance to extended crosswalk;0.1 0.25$2,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2078 236 2 47.5" height, 19" to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2079 236 246" height, 24" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance between signal poles0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000pole obstruction in path of travel, see photo 0115no relation to crosswalk or "ramp"; median obstructs crosswalk crossing El C i R l h tpush button A is on the outside for E/W crossingpath of travel around signal pole is not compliant; pole obstructs path of t l t b t t th thdangerous condition
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A RMP2127 233 2 45.5" Height; 83" to curb line; 93" to crosswalk; no clearance at base 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2128 233 2 46" Height; 6'7" to curb line; 6'6" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2128 233 2 46.5" Height; 63" to crosswalk; 5'1" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2129 233 2 46" Height; 69" to crosswalk; 65" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2129 233 2 45.5" Height; 80" to crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2130 233 2 46.5" Height; 53" to curb line; 73" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2130 233 2 46" Height; 6' to crosswalk and curb line0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2166 226 2 39" Height; 24" to curb line; 48" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B RMP2167 226 2 42" Height; 7'1" to curb line and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2168 226 2 39.5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 6'9" to curb line0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2189 231 2 46" Height; 28" to curb line; 82" to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2190 231 2 46" Height; 58" to curb line; 7' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2190 231 2 45.5" Height; 35" to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A RMP2191 232 2 46" Height; 76" to curb line and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2191 232 2 41" Height; 24: to curb line; 67" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.5Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2192 231 2 46" Height; 5'4" to crosswalk; 6'2" to curb line0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL A on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2336 239 2 37" height, 44" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL B on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2336 239 2 46" height, 47" to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2337 239 2 46" height, 53" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk$650$650N/E PD SGNL B on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2337 239 246" height, 46" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL A on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2338 239 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850S/E PD SGNL B on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2338 239 2 39" height; 54" distance to curb line; 60" distance to extended crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850S/W PD SGNL A on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2339 239 2 45.5" height; push button not parallel to direction of travel 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$1,650$1,000S/W PD SGNL B on Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2339 239 245" height; 78" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; push button not parallel to direction of travel0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2342 269 2 39" Height; 36" to curb line and greater than 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2342 269 2 40" Height; 27" to curb line and 49" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2343 269 2 41" Height; 16" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2343 269 2 41" Height; 26" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2344 269 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2344 269 2 39" Height; 39" to curb line and 46" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2345 269 2 39" Height; 37" to curb line and 44" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP2345 269 2 39" Height; 32" to curb line and 44" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2504 276 2 45.5" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2504 276 2 41" Height; 25" to curb line and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000exceeds 10' between signalsPath of travel uneven w/0.5" uplifts(2) 1" wide expansion joints in direct path of travel across streetexceeds 10' between signalspush button B is a new accessible signal with audible tone
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A RMP2505 276 2 47" Height; 14" to curb line and 24" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2505 276 2 49" Height; 33" to curb line and 64" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2506 276 2 46" Height; 27" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2506 276 248" Height; 24" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2507 276 2 47" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk 0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2507 276 246.5" Height; 26" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2595 266 2 40" Height; 24" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2595 266 2 48" Height; 21" to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$3,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2596 266 2 38" Height; 25" to curb line and 61" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.5Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2596 266 2 46" Height; 25" to curb and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2597 260 2 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2597 260 2 48.5" Height; 38" to curb and 38" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between 0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2598 266 2 46" Height; 26" to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2598 266 2 48" Height; 22" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2837 260 2 not accessible; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2837 260 2 38" Height; 33" to curb line and 49" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2840 260 2 48" Height; 38" to crosswalk and 26" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP2840 260 2 42" Height; 18" to curb and 36" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP2938 260 2 37.5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PDSGNL B RMP2938 260 2not accessible; 5' to curb however exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3078 281 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk; button not accessible 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$2,050$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3079 281 2 39" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP3079 281 2 38.5" Height; 60" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3080 281 2 38" Height; 21" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B RMP3080 281 2 40" Height; 20" to curb line and 30" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3168 2 no required color coding or audible signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP3168 242" clear and utility box w/ gaps and uplifts in p.o.t. next to pole; no required color coding or audible signal0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,100$1,000PD SGNL A RMP3169 2exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; 44" clear p.o.t. at base; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP3169 241" clear p.o.t. at base w/ utility box w/ uplifts in p.o.t.; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.9Moderate$2,300$1,000S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3227 244 2 46.5" height, 24" distance to curb line and 45" distance to extended crosswalk 0.1 0.10.1 0.10.4Minor$1,900$1,000S/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3227 244 246" height, 28" distance to curb line and 59" to extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance between poles0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3228 244 2 43" height, 31" distance to curb line and 60" distance to extended crosswalk$650$650N/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3228 244 2 47.5" height, 21" distance to curb line and 27" distance to extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3229 244 245" height, 15" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk, parallel to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,0000.5" uplifted expansion joint in direct path of travel
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSN/W PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3229 244 2 46" height, 47.5" distance to curb line and 51" to extended crosswalk.$650$650S/W PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3230 244 2 45" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3230 244 2 45" height, 36" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3331 251 2 44" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3331 251 2 44" height; exceeds 5' distance to extended crosswalk and curb line 0.1$1,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3332 251 2 46" height; 58" distance to curb line, parallel to crosswalk$650$650N/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3332 251 240" height, 31" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' in between signal poles0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000N/W PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3333 251 2 38.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3333 251 2 38" height; exceeds 5' distance to extended crosswalk; 23" distance to curb line 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.5Moderate$2,850$1,000S/W PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3334 251 2 47" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3334 251 2 47" height; 22" distance to curb line; 42" distance to extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000S/W PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3742 239 2 46" height, 28" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000S/W PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3742 239 2 44" height, 83" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3743 239 2 39" height, 48" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3743 239 2 44" height, 54" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk$650$650N/E PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3746 240 2 39" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL B at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3746 240 2 46" height; 31" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3747 240 2 45" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3748 240 246" height; 50" distance to curb line, 63" distance to E/W crossing, 57" distance to N/S crossing0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP4165 195 2 39.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4165 195 2 41.5" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP4166 195 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4166 195 2 40" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP4167 194 2 39.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4167 194 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP4168 194 2 39" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4168 194 2 39" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10' 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4609 13 2 height of push buttons: 40" and 40.5"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4610 13 2 not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4611 24 2not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; large vertical utility box causes horizontal obstruction0.1 0.10.1 0.250.55Moderate$2,783$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4611 240" Height; required clear floor space slopes exceed 2%; no audible signal or required color coding0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,050$1,000PD SGNL B RMP4611 247" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Costa del Mar RoadRMP4612 248 2 46" height; 70" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A on El Camino Real and Costa del Mar RoadRMP4613 248 2 48.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850duplicate push button A (same pole) is 54" distance to curb line & 20" di t t t d d lkaudible signalpush button A is a new accessible signal with audiable tone3 ramp directional4 ramp directional
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSN/E PD SGNL B on El Camino Real and Costa del Mar RoadRMP4613 248 2 48" height; 62" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000N/W PD SGNL on El Camino Real and Costa del Mar RoadRMP4614 248 2 45.5" height, 19" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP4754 212 2 A: 39" height; B: 39" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP4755 212 2 40" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP4755 212 2 39.5" height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP4781 281 2 40" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B RMP50 10 2 46" Height; 78" to curb line; exceeds 5' to cross walk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A RMP51 10 2 45.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 69" to curb line 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP51 10 2 4.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb; no clearance on any side of signal 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP58 12 2 not compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP59 12 2 height of push button A and B: 40"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A RMP631 61 2 47" Height; 21" to curb0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP632 61 2 A and B 47" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP632 61 2 47" Height; 25" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP640 95 2 46.5" Height; 43" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B RMP640 95 2 46" Height; 28" to curb and crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP641 95 2 A: 38.5" Height, B: 39" Height; exceeds 10' from crosswalk 0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP642 105 2 50" Height0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B RMP642 105 2 exceeds 10' between signals0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A RMP643 105 2 47.5" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 60" to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$2,650$1,000PD SGNL B RMP643 105 2 46" Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP70 24 2 not compliant; signal B exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SIGNL A RMP862 106 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SIGNL B RMP862 106 2 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP863 106 2A: 47" Height, B: 47" Height; 25" to curb and 63" to crosswalk; 32" clear p.o.t. between signal pole and edge of walk heading north0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.65Moderate$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP968 120 2A: 42" Height, B: 42" Height; neither parallel to direction of travel; 48" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP969 119 2 A: 41" Height, B: 40" Height; 22" to curb and 50" to crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP970 119 2 A: 39" Height, B: 39" Height; 15" to curb and 44" to crosswalk 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP971 120 2 A: 39" Height, B: 39" Height; 18" to curb and 34" to crosswalk 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) RMP999 130 2 A: 47" Height, B: 47" Height; 53" to curb and 54" to crosswalk$650$650PD SGNL A RMP51 10 2 45.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 69" to curb line 0.1$1,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) on El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA599 204 2 A: 39" height; B: 38.5" height; 27" to curb and crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000N/W PD SGNL on Plaza Dr. KTUA610 4 2 not compliant0.10.1 11.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL A (N/W RMP at College and Salk) KTUA641 141 2 39" Height; 7'2" to crosswalk and curb0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B highly inaccessableSGNL A is for future crossing, currently no ramp or sidewalk to ttvisual numeric countdownsidewalk ends on either side of rampJackson crosswalk heading east leads to nothing
Construction Category:Band Adjust Construct Update Install Trim Remove Grind Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemColor Pole BandingActuator Distance from Crosswalk LineActuator Distance from Curb LineActuator Distance from other ButtonsField Work Identified Signal Non-ConformingPush Button Parallel to Direction of CrossingActuator HeightLevel Clear Floor SpaceClear Floor Space at Push ButtonButtons are old style actuators instead of dome or arrow actuatorPed signal and actuator does not support countdown timer or audible countdownVegetative Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceHard Obstruction in Clear Floor SpaceUplift in Clear Floor SpaceComposite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PageTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $600 $100 $1,133 $250Relocate / ReplaceFOCUS AREA 'A'PRIORITY LEVEL 3 PEDESTRIAN SIGNALSPD SGNL A (S/E RMP at College and Salk) KTUA607 141 2 38.5" Height; 62" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A (S/W RMP at College and Salk) KTUA634 141 2 40.5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 7'10" to curb line0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (N/E RMP at College and Salk)KTUA606 141 2 38.5" Height; 25" to curb line; 30" to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA621 257 2 39" Height; 5' to curb line and 8' to crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A at NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA620 257 2 38" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A at SE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2 37" Height; 21" to crosswalk and curb line0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A on Plaza Dr. and El Camino Real KTUA608 4 2 height of push button: 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000S/E PD SGNL A and B (Same Pole) at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA600 204 2 A: 39" height; B: 39" height; 29" to curb and crosswalk 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$1,850$1,000S/W PD SGNL on Plaza Dr. KTUA613 12 2 compliant0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL B (S/E RMP at College and Salk) KTUA607 141 2 39.5" Height; 32" to curb line and crosswalk0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B at NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2 38.5" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B on Plaza Dr. and El Camino Real KTUA611 4 2 height of push buttons: 39.5"0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$850$850# of signals with this problem726 244 139 104 16 128 162 34 17 0 724 12 9 6$2,106,694 $644,200Count % of TotalConforming0 0.00%Minor557 76.72%Moderate168 23.14%Major1 0.14%Total 726 100.00% exceeds 10' between signalsvisual numeric countdownvisual numeric countdown
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500East side of Holiday Park along Eureka Pl (Handicap ramp)KTUA603 77 or 66 2compliant0Conforming$0$0N/E RMP at Chuparosa and Las Flores Dr.KTUA605 29 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Pio Pico and Las Flores Dr.RMP121 29 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Pio Pico and Buena VistaRMP123 39 2No truncated dome; worn texture0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at Pio Pico Dr and Laguna DrRMP129 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Pio Pico and Las Flores Dr.RMP133 29 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; worn texture0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Valley St. and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP146 42 2No truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300N/W RMP at Monroe St. and Carlsbad Village DriveRMP26 43 2Landing running slope: 9.4%Truncated dome not full pan0.1 0.10.2Minor$300$300NE RMP at Valley St and BasswoodRMP507 56 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip; texture; ramp running slope 6.7%0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300NW RMP at Valley St and BasswoodRMP510 56 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; texture0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Adams StRMP560 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NW RMP at Magnolia Av and Adams StRMP562 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SW RMP at Valley St and Brady CirRMP599 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; 37" landing0.1$1,050$1,050E RMP at End Of Magnolia Av Into Monroe StRMP606 70 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 35" landing0.25$1,000$1,0001281-1299 Carlsbad Village Dr. (S/E RMP)KTUA625 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,7501281-1299 Carlsbad Village Dr. (S/W RMP)KTUA626 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.KTUA630 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.KTUA631 53 2non-compliantthe street. A few uplifts and broken A/C11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Chuparosa and Las Flores Dr.KTUA633 29 2No truncated dome; 1" lip; no texture0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550ygEureka Pl at Horseshoe House (Handicap ramp)KTUA635 66 2non-compliant; slopes good; no truncated dome; no texture; no grooves at pan112Major$500$500N/E RMP at Eureka and ChestnutKTUA636 77 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Eureka and ChestnutKTUA638 77 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Pio Pico and Buena Vista WayRMP122 29 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pio Pico Dr and Laguna DrRMP128 2;p;p gslope 10.7%, cross slope 3.5%; power pole obstruction in side flare/landing; landing will require complete ramp replacement 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.75Moderate$1,683$1,683N/E RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP130 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP131 53 2non-compliantpp ,broken, uplifted in places11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Pio Pico and Buena Vista WayRMP132 29 2no truncated dome; no landing; 0.5" lip0.1$1,050$1,050FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPS
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSN/W RMP at Highland Dr. and Forest Ave.RMP134 19 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 3.2% cross slope0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Monroe St. and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP143 43 2no landing, 6" grooves0.111.1Moderate$700$700S/W RMP at Monroe St. and Carlsbad Village DriveRMP144 43 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Valley St. and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP145 42 2No truncated dome; no landing0.2511.25Moderate$800$800N/E RMP at Monroe St and Carlsbad Village DriveRMP27 43 2non-compliantlarge chunks missing in curb11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Valley St. and McCauleyRMP3546 42 2No truncated dome; 6" grooves; 0.25" lipPath of travel should be replaced; crack in curb0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750N/E RMP at Highland and Buena VistaRMP3727 30 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; Landing running slope: 6%$3,050$2,750N/W RMP at Highland and Buena VistaRMP3728 30 2No landing; no truncated dome; no texture0.2511.25Moderate$800$800S/W RMP at Morning Glory and Las Flores Dr.RMP3734 30 2No truncated dome; cracked pan; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Valley St and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP4435 42 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Valley St. and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP4436 42 2ramp not deep enough; no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at Palomar Airport Rd and Melrose Rd.RMP4437 57 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp running slope 12.3%; landing cross slope 4.6%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,300$2,750SE RMP at Monroe and Gayle Wy.RMP4438 57 2;p;p gslope 9.7%; landing cross slope 4.1%; no sidewalk on one side of ramp0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Monroe and Linda Ln.RMP4439 44 2;p;p gslope 9%; landing running slope 4.9%; p.o.t. has 1" deep run0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550SE at Monroe and Linda Ln.RMP4440 44 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; insufficient landing; p.o.t. needs to be replaced0.1 0.2511.35Moderate$1,050$1,050N/E RMP at Canyon and BasswoodRMP4441 44 2;p;;prunning slope 11%, cross slope 6.6%; 35.5" landing; sidewalk separated at joint; landing 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.05Moderate$6,550$2,750N/E RMP on Carlsbad Village Dr. (Library Entrance)RMP484 54 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP on Carlsbad Village Dr. (Library Entrance)RMP485 54 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP on Carlsbad Village Dr. (Library main drive)RMP486 53 2non-compliantreplaced; slope on each side with dip in middle11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP on Carlsbad Village Dr. (Library main drive)RMP487 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Highland and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP492 41 2cracked pan; 2" lip11Moderate$250$250S/W RMP at Highland and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP493 41 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Highland and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP494 41 2No truncated dome; no landing0.2511.25Moderate$800$800N/W RMP at Highland and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP495 41 2No truncated dome; no texture; 1" lip0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550SW RMP at Valley St. and James Dr.RMP496 42 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Valley St. and James Dr.RMP497 42 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Valley St. and Oak Ave.RMP498 42 2pan cross slope 5%; landing running slope 6%new ramp; everything else compliant0.1 0.10.2Minor$0$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Valley St. and Oak Ave.RMP499 42 2landing running slope 3.6%, cross slope 5.7%; ramp running slope 9%; non-compliant1 0.1 0.251.35Moderate$5,500$2,750NW RMP at Valley St. and Oak Ave.RMP500 42 2non-compliant; 6" grooves; no truncated dome; 2" lip1 0.1 0.25 12.35Major$3,500$2,750S/E RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP508 56 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Valley and BasswoodRMP509 56 2p; ; ; prunning slope:10%; landing running slope: 5% 2" joint in path of travel0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550S/E RMP at Valley and ChestnutRMP514 69 2non-compliantmajor uplift of a/c in path of travel11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Valley and ChestnutRMP515 69 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Valley and ChestnutRMP516 69 2No truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 3%2" separation in path of travel0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Valley and ChestnutRMP517 69 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Basswood and MonroeRMP520 44 2;g p ; prunning slope 10%, cross slope 5.6%; landing running slope 5.7%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$5,800$2,750NW RMP at Basswood and MonroeRMP521 44 2;g p ;beveled lip; ramp running slope 10.2%; landing running slope 3.7%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Basswood and MonroeRMP522 44 2;p;p gslope 12.5%, cross slope 6.4%; landing running slope 6.4%, cross slope 3%; 31" 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$9,300$2,750SE RMP at Monroe and BasswoodRMP523 44 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; worn texture; 32" landing; ramp cross slope 2.7%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Monroe St /Lancer Way and Chestnut AvRMP529 2;p;ggslope 3.8%, cross slope 4.5%; sign post hole and 0.5" uplift to right of ramp0.1 0.1$1,683$1,683SW RMP at Monroe St/Lancer Way and Chestnut AvRMP528 70 2v-ditch in p.o.t.; no truncated dome;0.5" lip; no landing; noncompliant0.1 0.2511.35Moderate$1,050$1,050NE RMP at Monroe St / Lancer Way and Chestnut AvRMP530 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp running slope 9.6%; no landing0.25 0.111.35Moderate$800$800NE RMP at Monroe St/Lancer Way and Chestnut AvRMP531 70 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; no landing; non compliant0.1 0.2511.35Moderate$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Basswood and PineRMP542 65 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 34" landing; side flare a:13%0.25$800$800S/E RMP at Basswood and PineRMP543 65 2;;curb; 0.5" lip; 1" uplift at storm drain manhole; 34" landing; ramp cross slope utility box in middle of transition to landing0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$3,800$2,750S/W RMP at Eureka Pl and BasswoodRMP545 66 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Eureka Pl. and BasswoodRMP546 66 2;;g;0.5" lip; ramp running slope: 15.6%; non-compliant0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$3,300$2,750East side of Holiday Park across street from 3215 EurekaRMP550 66 2no truncated dome; no texture; insufficient landing0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800NE RMP at Magnolia Av and Adams StRMP559 2;p;p gslope 10.2%, cross slope 4.7%; landing running slope 7.5%, cross slope 3.6%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$3,300$2,750SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Adams StRMP561 2;p;p gslope 8%, cross slope 2.7%; landing running slope 6%, cross slope 4%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,750SW RMP at Chestnut Av and Marjorie LnRMP576 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; no texture; 16" deep pansidewalk ends to one side0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Chestnut Av and Marjorie LnRMP577 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 36" landing; landing running slope 3%sidewalk ends to one side0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050NE RMP at Chestnut Av and Donna Dr N /Ct SRMP578 2;p;pslope 5.2%; broken at curb; landing cross slope 3%, running slope 3.8%; 37" landing gutter through p.o.t.0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Chestnut Av and Donna Dr N/Ct SRMP579 2;p;pslope 13.4%; landing cross slope 4.4%, running slope 15.9%; 37.5" landing; steeps 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$9,300$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Magnolia Av and Brady CirRMP594 2;p;p gslope 8.9%; landing running slope 3%; 37" landing; one side of ramp leads to a/c0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Magnolia Av and Brady CirRMP595 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 2.7%; 37" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Valley StRMP596 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 13%, cross slope 2.5%; 37" landing0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.10.8Moderate$3,800$2,750SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Valley StRMP597 2;p;p gslope 10.8%, cross slope 3.6%; landing running slope 6%; 35" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.9Moderate$3,800$2,750NW RMP at Magnolia Av and Valley StRMP598 2;p;p gslope 11.8%, cross slope 8.9%; landing running slope 10%; 39" landing; 11% slope 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$6,900$2,750NW RMP at Valley St and Brady CirRMP600 2no truncated dome; ramp running slope 9.4%, cross slope 3%; 37" landingsidewalk ends to north of ramp, a/c begins0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800SW RMP at Monroe St and Magnolia AvRMP604 70 2;p;gslope 2.6%, running slope 8.1%; 0.5" uplift to left of ramp0.1$3,300$2,750NW RMP at Monroe St and Magnolia AvRMP605 70 2;p;glanding; landing cross slope 9%; 36" landing; ramp cross slope 7.4%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750N/W RMP at Pio Pico and Las Flores Dr.RMP65 29 2No truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Pio Pico and Las Flores Dr.RMP68 29 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; land cross slope: 3.1%0.1$550$550N/W RMP at Spruce St. and Forest Ave.RMP69 18 2No truncated dome; cracked pan0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at Pio Pico Dr and Magnolia AvRMP748 2;p;g p;landing running slope 3.5%, cross slope 2.5%; ramp running slope 10.2%, cross 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Pio Pico Dr and Magnolia AvRMP749 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; cracked and broken concrete; non-compliant0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S RMP at Tamarack Av and Pio Pico DrRMP750 98 2;p;p gslope 13.5%; landing running slope 2.9%, cross slope 4.2%0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$3,050$2,750N RMP at Tamarack Av and Pio Pico DrRMP751 98 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.8%; landing cross slope 2.9%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050N RMP at Tamarack Av and Pio Pico DrRMP752 98 2;p;p gslope 12.1%; landing cross slope 3.4%; 29" landing0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.250.95Moderate$3,800$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack and Adams AveRMP754 98 2pgp, p;landing running slope 12.4%, cross slope 5%; landing 35" wide0.25 0.250.5Moderate$5,500$2,750SE RMP at Tamarack Av and Adams StRMP755 98 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; insufficient landing lip and holes in a/c0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Tamarack Av and Adams StRMP756 89 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant lip and holes in a/c0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NW RMP at Tamarack Av and AdamsRMP757 98 246" pan; ramp running slope 7.3%; landing running slope 9.4%, cross slope 4.1%0.1 0.10.2Minor$0$0SW RMP at Donna Ct and ChestnutKTUA597 2No ramp provided along accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Donna Ct and ChestnutKTUA598 2No ramp provided along accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750Handicap RMP on Eureka Pl along east side of Holiday ParkRMP549 66 2No truncated dome, no detectable warning grooves112Major$500$500NE RMP at Pio Pico and PineRMP537 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$450$450SE RMP at Pio Pico and PineRMP536 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$450$450NW RMP at Pio Pico and TamarackRMP753 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; insufficient landing less than 36" Google maps0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Tamarack and Highland DrRMP590 89 2;p p ;pan width 40"; 41" landing abutting wall; landing running slope 4.51%0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.4Minor$500$500
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Tamarack and Highland DrRMP593 89 2;p gp12.5%; side flare c: 14.9%; 21" landing abutting wall; cross slope of ramp 2.4%; 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.251.05Moderate$3,550$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack and Highland DrRMP592 89 2pgp;17.6%, side flare C: 13.7%; landing cross slope 2.7%, running slope 3.7%; 27" landing 0.250.25 0.1 0.10.7Moderate$3,883$3,883NW RMP at Tamarack and Highland DrRMP591 89 2Ramp cross slope 3%; landing running slope 4.2%; 42" landing abutting wall0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$500$500SE RMP at Tamarack and James DrRMP765 2;p36"; insufficient landing less than 36": 0.25" lip Google maps0.1 0.25$3,800$2,750SW RMP at Tamarack and James DrRMP764 2;p36"; insufficient landing less than 36"; landing slopes exceed 5%; 0.25" lip Google maps0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack and Valley StRMP612 2;p36"; insufficient landing less than 36"; landing slopes exceed 5%; landing abutting Google maps0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750NW RMP at Tamarack and Valley StRMP611 2;p36"; insufficient landing less than 36"; landing slopes exceed 5%; 0.25" Google maps0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750SW RMP at Tamarack and Valley StRMP613 2No truncated dome; pan width less than 36"; side flares lead to parkway; 0.25" lip Google maps0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$3,300$2,750NE RMP at Valley St and AndreaRMP607 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip Google maps0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Valley St and AndreaRMP608 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; insufficient landing Google maps0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Av.RMP351 2No truncated domes, sidewalk approach F 15.3%; Landing running slope 6.2%; Pan 0.25 0.1 0.250.6Moderate$3,050$2,750NW RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Av.RMP352 2No truncated domes, gutter slope 2.5%, Sidewalk approach E 17.2%, Landing is 30", 0.250.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800SE RMP at Pio Pico and Chestnut RMP540 2No truncated domes, ramp slope B: 12.6%; gutter slope: 4.1%; Pan width is 30"; No 1 1 0.25 0.1 0.252.6Major$6,000$2,750NE RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Ave. RMP541 2No truncated domes; ramp slope B 11%; Slope flare C 9.3%, Landing depth 1'; Pan 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$800$800N/E RMP at Cipriano and Forest Ave. RMP3732 18 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Cipriano and Forest Ave RMP135 18 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Morning Glory and Las Flores Dr.RMP3733 30 2No truncated dome; cracked pan; worn texture11Moderate$300$300N/E RMP at Avenue of Trees and Monroe St.RMP29 33 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Avenue of Trees and Monroe St.RMP28 33 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Pio Pico and Stratford RMP126 39 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Pio Pico and Stratford RMP127 39 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Buena Vista and James St.RMP3545 41 2No truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope: 3.6%0.1 1 0.11.2Moderate$550$550N/W RMP at Arland Rd. and Buena VistaRMP3544 41 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; Landing cross slope: 10.9%10.251.25Moderate$3,050$2,750S/E RMP at Highland and Newland RMP4625 41 2 no truncated dome11Moderate$300$300NE RMP at Blenkarne and Truesdell RMP476 44 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10.5%, cross slope 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.11.4Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Monroe and Westwood RMP524 44 2no truncated dome; texture;0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.8% cross slope 9.5%; 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.05Moderate$6,550$2,750NW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne Dr (south)RMP527 44 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.25" lip; ramp running slope 10%; landing running 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$3,300$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSSW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne Dr (south)RMP526 44 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 1" lip; ramp running slope 10.6%; landing running 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.10.7Moderate$550$550N/E RMP at I-5 and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP488 53 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at I-5 and Carlsbad Village Dr.RMP490 53 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Valley St. and Evergreen Cir.RMP502 55 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Valley St. and Evergreen Cir.RMP501 55 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Pio Pico and Oak Ave. RMP480 65 2no truncated dome; no texture; insufficient landing; 0.5" lip (beveled)0.1 0.250.35Minor$500$500SE RMP at Pio Pico and Oak Ave. RMP481 65 2 non compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Adams and Basswood RMP548 66 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip with cracked concrete; ramp running slope: 0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550NE RMP at Monroe St and Karren Ln RMP680 70 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10.4%; landing cross slope 3.5%; 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,750SE RMP at Donna Ct RMP581 70 2no truncated dome; 32" landing with veg obstrtuction; side flare a: 12%; ramp ramp leads to nowhere0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800SE RMP at Monroe St and Karren Ln RMP679 70 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.8%; 33.5" landing; no sidewalk to 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050W RMP at Donna Ct RMP580 70 2no truncated dome; side flare a: 12.9%; 36" landing0.25$800$800N/E RMP at Adams and Chestnut RMP553 77 2no truncated dome; no texture; not 48" deep pan; running slope of landing: 4.8%; 33"$300$300N/W RMP at Adams and Chestnut RMP554 77 2no texture; no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Adams and Chestnut RMP552 77 2 path of travel needs repair0Conforming$0$0S/W RMP at Adams and Chestnut RMP551 77 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack Av and Adair WyRMP759 88 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack Ave and Margaret WyRMP761 88 2 non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Tamarack Av and Adair WyRMP758 88 2cracked/sunken concrete at lip; p.o.t. non-compliant0.10.1Minor$250$250NW RMP at Tamarack Av and Margaret WyRMP760 88 2non-compliant; no truncated dome; no landing11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Adams St and Camino Del Sol CirRMP767 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 9.3%, cross slope 3.7%; worn texturep.o.t. needs replacing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and S I-5 offrampRMP178 2No truncated dome; pan is less than 48"; 0.5" lip0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550Ne Rmp At Laguna Dr @ Kremeyer CirRMP666 2no truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.25" uplift where pan meets curb; chipped 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Magnolia Av and Highland DrRMP588 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp slope 12.5%, cross slope 8.5%; 21" depth; 28" 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.251.35Moderate$9,300$2,750NW RMP at Donna Dr and Lee Ct RMP535 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 4.7%; 37" landing0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Magnolia Av and Highland DrRMP587 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing cross slope 3.5%, running slope 11.2%; 42" 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750RMP174 RMP174 2 Compliant0Conforming$0$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Adams St and Camino Del Sol CirRMP766 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11.3%, cross slope 4.8%; landing 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$550$550SE RMP at Brady Cir and Vicking WayRMP601 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp running slope 7.3%, cross slope 3.3%; landing 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.9Moderate$3,800$2,750SE RMP at Carlsbad Village Dr and S I-5 onrampRMP175 2No truncated dome; pan is less than 48"; 0.5" lip0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550Se Rmp At Cvd @ State St RMP259 20.5" lip; no truncated dome; grooved pan; no landing; 0.5" uplift along entire edge at 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.251.05Moderate$3,800$2,750SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Grecourt WayRMP582 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip; ramp running slope 9.6%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Highland DrRMP589 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; no landing; 1"+ a/c uplift at street; ramp running slope 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.251.25Moderate$6,550$2,750SE RMP at Magnolia Av and Yvette WayRMP585 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 11%, cross slope 4.3%; landing 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.75Moderate$1,050$1,050SE RMP at N Curve of Brady Cir RMP603 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 3%; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050SE RMP at Westwood and Monroe RMP525 2no truncated dome; texture; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 3.5%, cross slope 5%; ramp 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Brady Cir and Viking Way RMP602 2no truncated dome; 0.25"lip;ramp cross slope 5.7%; landing running slope 7.8%; 36" 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750SW RMP at Donna Dr and Lee Ct RMP534 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 6.6%; ramp cross slope 5.3%0.1$3,300$2,750SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Grecourt WayRMP583 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; gutter broken at pan; 24" landing; ramp running slope 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.95Moderate$1,250$1,250SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Highland DrRMP586 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp cross slope 14.8%; landing running slope 15.3%; 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750SW RMP at Magnolia Av and Yvette WayRMP584 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp slope 10.4%, cross slope 7.3%; chunk of concrete 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$6,750$2,750NW RMP at Tuttle St. and Niki Lynn RMP119 2No truncated domes, Side flare A: 14.9%; Ramp slope: 11.4%, Landing width: 37in.0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800NE RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB on rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP744 2;gpole is blocking landing, Utility boxes also blocks landing, Ramp slope B is 10.9%, 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.8Moderate$2,033$2,033NW RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB off rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP745 2No truncated domes; Ramp slope B 12.5%; Ramp flare C 11.2%; 0.25 0.1 0.250.6Moderate$3,050$2,750SW RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB off rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP746 2No truncated domes; Landing depth 27"; Landing cross slope 4.9%0.250.1 0.250.6Moderate$800$800SE RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB on rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP747 2No truncated domes; Traffic light with ped button blocking landing; Gutter slope 4.8%; 0.1$4,183$3,883NE RMP at Pio Pico and Knowles RMP124 2Slope at gutter 6.4%; 40" pan width; 43" landing; landing cross slope 5.8%; 0.25" 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.5Moderate$1,100$1,100SE RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Knowles Ave. RMP125 2No truncated domes, No grooves, Side flare A 12%; Ramp slope B 12%; Gutter slope 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.252.8Major$1,350$1,350NE RMP AT 1-5 NB on rmp and Carlsbad RMP488 2No Landing, Side flare A: 23.8%; approach from side F: 6.1%; No truncated domes 0.25$3,550$2,750SE RMP AT 1-5 NB off rmp and Carlsbad Village DrRMP490 2No Landing, Side flare A: 12.5%; surface slope: 12.2%; no truncated domes, gutter Ramp is Non-Compliant0.25 0.1 1 0.25 0.251.85Moderate$3,900$2,750NW RMP AT 1-5 NB on rmp and Carlsbad Village DrRMP489 2 No Landing, Pan Width is 36"$500$500SW RMP AT 1-5 NB off rmp and Carlsbad Village DrRMP491 2No landing, Side flare A 11.9%; no truncated dome, Traffic signal box is located within 0.1 0.25 0.1$1,050$1,050RMP538 20Conforming$0$0RMP539 20Conforming$0$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSSE RMP at 1-5 Tamarack NB OFF rmp and TamarackRMP740 2No truncated domes; Landing depth 22"; Side flare A 13.8%; Ramp slope B 12.6%; 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$1,150$1,150SW RMP at 1-5 Tamarack NB off and Tamarack Ave. RMP741 2No truncated domes, No curb, gutter slope 8.7%; Uplift at dutter is 1"; Pan width is 43"; pped crossing ramp and may pose safety issues. 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.251.1Moderate$1,400$1,400NW RMP at 1-5 Tamarack SB on rmp and Tamarack Ave.RMP742 2No truncated domes; Ramp slope B 12.2%; Landing cross slope 3.6%; Uplift at D is 1 1 0.25 0.1 0.11.45Moderate$500$500NE RMP at 1-5 Tamarack on rmp and Tamarack av. RMP743 2No truncated domes; Ramp flare c 13.6%; gutter slope 6.9%; Landing depth is 16"; 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$1,150$1,150NE RMP at Carlsbad Village Academy driveway on magnoliaKTUA639 792cross slope 3.4%; no truncated domedriveway in p.o.t., cross slope exceeds 2%0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300NW RMP at Carlsbad Village Academy driveway on magnoliaKTUA640 792no truncated dome; cross slope 4.3%; uplift at ramp connection to sidewalk0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550NW RMP on El Camino Real / Haymar DriveRMP1479 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP on El Camino Real and Haymar Drive at islandRMP1480 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP on El Camino Real / Haymar Drive at Road islandRMP1481 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Haymar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1482 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Haymar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1483 4 2landing: 37" wide; no truncated domes or detectable warnings.110.12.1Major$1,000$1,000S/W RMP on El Camino Real / 78RMP1498 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and 78 EastRMP1499 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP on Plaza Dr. and El Camino RealKTUA608 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500N/E Rmp at El Camino Real and shopping center roadKTUA609 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and PlazaKTUA610 4 2no truncated dome; no detectable warnings; no texture112Major$500$500SE Rmp at El Camino Real and Plaza Dr.KTUA611 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500SE Rmp at El Camino Real and shopping center roadKTUA612 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Plaza DriveKTUA613 4 2no truncated dome; no texture; 43" pan110.12.1Major$1,000$1,000S/E Rmp on Plaza Dr.RMP1334 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500S/E Rmp on Plaza Dr.RMP1434 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500N/E RMP on Plaza Dr.RMP1435 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$500$500S/W RMP on El Camino Real / Haymar DriveRMP1478 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Marron and El Camino RealRMP58 12 2side flare A: 12.2%; pan width: 43"; no truncated domes or detectable warnings1 1$1,000$1,000NE RMP at Marron and El Camino RealRMP59 12 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and MarronRMP1432 12 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings; exceeds 48" to crosswalk stripping1 1 0.12.1Major$1,300$1,300SE RMP at El Camino Real and MarronRMP1433 12 2gp;Side flare C: 10.4%; no truncated domes or detectable warnings.110.25 0.12.35Major$3,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Hosp Wy and El Camino RealRMP4610 13 2gp;Side flare A: 10.5%, Side flare C: 10.2%; no truncated domes or detectable warnings.110.12.1Major$1,000$1,000RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA627 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA628 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA629 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP on Monroe St.KTUA632 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Hosp Wy and El Camino RealRMP4609 24 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Hosp Wy and El Camino RealRMP70 24 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Chuparosa and Las Flores Dr.KTUA605 29 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip0.1 1 12.1Major$750$750N/W RMP at Chuparosa and Las Flores Dr.KTUA633 29 2No truncated dome; 1" lip; no texture0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550NW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne DrRM474 34 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.25" lip; 30" landing; ramp running slope 9%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050SW RMP at El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village DrRMP136 37 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village DrRMP137 37 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village DrRMP138 37 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Carlsbad Village DrRMP139 37 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Donna Dr. and BasswoodKTUA637 45 2;;p;ramp running slope: 11.8%; landing running slope 5.6%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,7501281-1299 Carlsbad Village Dr. (S/E RMP)KTUA625 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,7501281-1299 Carlsbad Village Dr. (S/W RMP)KTUA626 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.KTUA630 53 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Pico Pico and Carlsbad Village Dr.KTUA631 53 2non-compliantthe street. A few uplifts and broken A/C11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Chestnut AveRMP633 60 2ppremoved and redone as part of road widening project0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at El Camino Real and Chestnut AveRMP631 61 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and Chestnut AveRMP632 61 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Chestnut Ave and Catalina Dr.RMP645 61 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Chestnut Ave and Catalina DrRMP646 61 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750ygEureka Pl at Horshoe House (Handicap ramp)KTUA635 66 2non-compliant; slopes good; no truncated dome; no texture; no grooves at pan11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Eureka and ChestnutKTUA636 77 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Eureka and ChestnutKTUA638 77 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Carlsbad Village Academy driveway on magnoliaKTUA639 79 2cross slope 3.4%; no truncated domedriveway in p.o.t., cross slope exceeds 2%0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300NW RMP at Carlsbad Village Academy driveway on magnoliaKTUA640 79 2no truncated dome; cross slope 4.3%; uplift at ramp connection to sidewalk0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$550$550NW RMP at Milano Dr and Triste Dr.RMP4106 95 2ramp leads to street with no connection0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Milano Dr and Triste Dr.RMP4107 95 2ramp goes to nowhere; street once went through but no longer0Conforming$0$0NW RMP at El Camino Real and TamarackRMP640 95 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and TamarackRMP641 95 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack and La Portalada DrRMP4101 96 2gp3.8% running slope; 0.5" lip; no truncated domes or detectable warning system0.1 1 10.25 0.12.45Major$4,000$2,750SE RMP at Tamarack and La Portalada DrRMP4102 96 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and TamarackRMP642 105 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and TamarackRMP643 105 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP on Tamarack between Palisade Dr and El Camino RealRMP845 105 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP on Tamarack between Palisade Dr and El Camino RealRMP846 105 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Kelly DrRMP862 106 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Kelly DrRMP863 106 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Lisa St (Private Drive)RMP958 108 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Lisa St (Private Drive)RMP959 108 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Crestview DrRMP960 118 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Crestview DrRMP961 118 2g; ;truncated domes or detectable warning system1 1$1,000$1,000SW RMP at Cannon Rd and El Camino RealRMP969 119 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Cannon Rd and El Camino RealRMP970 119 2gp;truncated domes or detectable warning system110.1 0.12.2Major$1,000$1,000SE RMP at Cannon Rd and El Camino RealRMP968 120 2landing: 37" wide; side flare A: 13.7%; surface slope: 9.6%0.1 0.1 0.10.3Minor$500$500NE RMP at Cannon Rd and El Camino RealRMP971 120 2landing 34" wide; side flare C: 13.2% slope0.10.10.2Minor$500$500SW RMP at Jackspar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1000 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Rancho Carlsbad Dr. and El Camino RealRMP1001 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Forecastle Ct. and Jackspar DrRMP1015 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Forecastle Ct. and Jackspar DrRMP1016 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Forecastle Ct. and Jackspar DrRMP1017 130 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSSE RMP at Jackspar Dr and El Camino RealRMP999 130 2landing 35" wide; side flare A: 12.5% slope0.10.10.2Minor$500$500N/E RMP at College and SalkKTUA606 141 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at College and SalkKTUA607 141 2No truncated dome; texture112Major$500$500S/W RMP at College and SalkKTUA634 141 2new, truncated dome, ramp cross slope: 5.5%; landing running slope 8.4%0.25 0.25 0.250.75Moderate$5,800$2,750N/W RMP at College and SalkKTUA641 141 2Truncated dome, texture, new0Conforming$0$0NW RMP at Cougar Dr and El Camino RealRMP4703 144 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Cougar Dr and El Camino RealRMP4704 144 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at Cougar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1211 144 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Cougar Dr and El Camino RealRMP1212 144 2g; p;pan width: 46"; no truncated domes or detectable warning system1 1 0.1$3,750$2,750NE RMP on El Camino Real at shopping center exitRMP1213 145 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Faraday and El Camino RealRMP1201 150 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NW RMP at Faraday and El Camino RealRMP1202 150 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Faraday and El Camino RealRMP1203 150 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Faraday and El Camino RealRMP1204 150 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP on El Camino Real at shopping center exitRMP1214 150 2p; ;truncated domes or detectable warning system1 1 0.1 0.12.2Major$500$500NE RMP on El Camino Real at shopping center entryRMP1215 150 2gp;surface slope: 9%; side flare C: 14.7% slope; no truncated domes or detectable warning 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.12.4Major$1,000$1,000SE RMP on El Camino Real at shopping center entryRMP1216 150 2landing: 33" wide; side flare A: 12.8% slope, no truncated domes or detectable warnings1 1$1,000$1,000SE RMP on Faraday just north of College at shopping center entryRMP1178 152 2;;g;ramp running slope 11.2%; side flare A: 13%; landing cross slope 3.9%0.250.25Minor$500$500SW RMP on Faraday just north of College at shopping center entryRMP1179 152 2gp;surface slope: 8.7%; side flare A: 17.3%; no truncated domes or detectable warning 1 1 0.1 0.1 0.12.3Major$500$500NW RMP at Faraday and CollegeRMP1011 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Faraday and CollegeRMP1012 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Faraday and CollegeRMP1013 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Faraday and CollegeRMP1014 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Rutherford and FaradayRMP1180 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Rutherford and FaradayRMP1181 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Rutherford and FaradayRMP1183 153 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP on Faraday at Marriot EntranceRMP1234 153 2no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSNE RMP on Faraday at Marriot EntranceRMP1235 153 2no truncated dome; landing cross slope 2.3%0.250.25Minor$300$300SW RMP on Faraday at driveway just south of Rutherford RdRMP1195 154 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP on Faraday at driveway just south of Rutherford RdRMP1196 154 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Priestly Dr and FaradayRMP1186 155 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Priestly Dr and FaradayRMP1187 155 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Priestly Dr and FaradayRMP1188 155 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Priestly Dr and FaradayRMP1189 155 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750yybetween El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1205 156 2gap at truncated dome; truncated dome does not run length of pan0.10.1Minor$200$200yybetween El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1206 156 2gap at truncated dome; truncated dome does not run length of pan0.10.1Minor$200$200yybetween El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1207 156 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750yybetween El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1208 156 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750yybetween El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1209 156 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750yybetween El Camino Real and Priestly DrRMP1210 156 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP on El Camino Real at driveway south of FaradayRMP1223 157 2no truncated domes0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP on El Camino Real at driveway south of FaradayRMP1224 157 2no truncated domes0.250.25Minor$300$300NE RMP at Orion St and El Camino RealRMP1222 160 2gp;side flare A: 11.3% slope; not truncated domes0.25$800$800SW RMP Palomer Airport Road at Shelter (exit)RMP1389 163 2no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP Palomar Airport Road at Shelter (exit)RMP1390 163 2no truncated dome; landing running slope 2.9%$300$300N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1218 164 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1219 164 2no truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1217 165 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; 46" pan0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1220 165 2no truncated dome; side flare a: 14.3%; 36" landing0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050S/E RMP at Aviara and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1689 168 2;;pinside of curb; side flare a: 13.7%; landing running slope 5.3%; 36" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.65Moderate$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Aviara and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1690 168 2no truncated dome; worn texture; separation of ramp and curb; 37" landing0.1$1,000$1,000N/E RMP at Aviara and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1264 168 2no truncated dome; large chunks missing from ramp; 0.5" lip; side flare a: 11.9%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$750$750N/W RMP at Aviara/ College and Palomar Airport Road (2 ramps)RMP1265 168 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Yarrow Drive and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1376 172 2;p; g;flare a: 16.2%; landing running slope 6%, cross slope 3.3%0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.11.1Moderate$6,550$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSN/E RMP at Yarrow Drive and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1378 172 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 36" landing; landing cross slope 2.6%0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050N/W RMP at Yarrow Drive and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1379 172 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; side flare a: 13.6%, side flare c: 13.2%; 36" landing0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Yarrow Drive and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1380 172 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750W RMP Palomar Airport Road at Shelter (entrance)RMP1387 173 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750E RMP Palomar Airport Road at Shelter (entrance)RMP1388 173 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Gateway RdRMP1672 176 2MISSING11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and Gateway RdRMP1673 176 2MISSING11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at El Camino Real and 6155 North Pointe Tech CenterKTUA614 176 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and 6197 North Pointe Tech CenterKTUA615 176 2surface slope: 8.8%; landing 36" with 2.6% cross slope; no truncated domes0.250.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800N/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Ginger Ave.RMP2185 178 2No truncated dome; no texture2" wide joint in path of travel0.250.25Minor$300$300S/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Ginger Ave.RMP2186 178 2g; ;truncated dome; 0.5" lip at curb; ramp running slope: 10.6%0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.55Moderate$750$750S/W RMP on Paseo Del Norte (Holiday Inn Driveway)RMP1345 178 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP on Paseo Del Norte(Holiday Inn Driveway)RMP1346 178 2non-compliantlarge cracks in path of travel11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1357 178 2insufficient landing; no truncated dome; lip; utility box in landing0.1$1,050$1,050N/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1358 178 2Truncated dome, texture, flush - compliant0Conforming$0$0S/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1359 178 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip0.5" uplift just east of ramp0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1360 178 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" liplarge cracks and a 1" uplift at landing0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$750$750S/W RMP on Paseo Del Norte (Chevron DrivewayRMP1361 178 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP on Paseo Del Norte (Chevron Driveway)RMP1362 178 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP on Palomar Airport Road at Carl's Jr. DrivewayRMP1408 178 2No truncated domeno detectable warning at curb adjacent to road112Major$500$500S/W RMP on Palomar Airport Road at the Carl's Jr. DrivewayRMP1409 178 2No truncated domeno detectable warning at curb adjacent to road112Major$500$500S/E RMP at Armada and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1267 180 2No truncated dome; uplift; grooved panseparation between concrete and A/C0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Armada and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1268 180 2No truncated dome, grooved pan, 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/W RMP at Armada and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1269 180 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Armada and Palomar Airport Rd.RMP1270 180 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; cracked curb; 1" lip0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550S/E RMP at The Crossings and Palomer Airport RoadRMP1363 182 2no truncated dome; 34.5" landing0.250.10.35Minor$800$800SW RMP at The Crossings and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1364 182 2no truncated dome; landing cross slope 3.8%$300$300
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSN/W RMP at The Crossings and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1365 182 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; side flare a: 12%; 37" landing0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050N/E RMP at The Crossings and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1366 182 2no truncated dome; uplift at curb with slope edge; side flare a: 11.8%; 36" landingchunk of concrete missing at utility box0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050NW RMP at El Camino Real and Town Garden Rd.RMP4167 194 2p;slope; landing: 35" wide; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800SW RMP at El Camino Real and Town Garden Rd.RMP4168 194 2surface slope: 8.7%; landing: 36" wide; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800RMP 4165RMP4165 195 2landing: 35" wide; no truncated domessignal pole located within side flare A0.250.10.35Minor$800$800RMP 4166RMP4166 195 2landing: 35" wide; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800NE RMP at El Camino Real and Tricity Wellness DyRMP4880 195 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at El Camino Real and Tricity Wellness DyRMP4881 195 2compliant0Conforming$0$0N/W RMP at Palomar Oaks Way and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1414 197 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; 35" landing; landing cross slope 3.9%0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050S/E RMP at Palomar Oaks Way and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1416 197 2gp; ;p;47" landing; landing cross slope 3.2%, running slope 4.3%0.25 0.250.1 0.10.7Moderate$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Palomar Oaks Way and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1417 197 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Camino Vida Roble and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1381 200 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Camino Vida Roble and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1382 200 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Camino Vida Roble and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1383 200 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Camino Vida Roble and Palomar Airport RoadRMP1384 200 2no truncated dome; crack down middle of ramp; 1" lip; 2.8% cross slope on ramp0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$550$550RMP 1715RMP1715 204 2not compliantcrumbling around manhole11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP 1716RMP1716 204 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA599 204 2compliant0Conforming$0$0S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA600 204 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at El Camino Real and Cassia RdRMP1854 212 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Cassia RdRMP1855 212 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and Poinsettia LnRMP2044 212 2surface slope: 9.5%; side flare A: 12% slope; landing: 38.5" wide; no truncated domesmedian intersects crosswalk0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800SE RMP at El Camino Real and Poinsettia LnRMP2045 212 2landing: 35" wide; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800NE RMP at El Camino Real and Cassia RdRMP4754 212 2ggp;side flare C: 15.9% slope; no truncated domes0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.85Moderate$6,300$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and Cassia RdRMP4755 212 2landing: 35" wide; side flare C: 11.6% slope; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800N/W RMP at Crystalline and PointsettiaRMP1990 217 2No truncated dome; texture; 0.5" lip; landing running slope: 4.8%; 36" pan0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550SE Rmp at Aviara Prky And Poinsettia LnRMP1803 218 2ramp running slope 8.4%, cross slope 2.7%; landing running slope 3%, cross slope 3.2%utility box in path of travel0.1 0.10.2Minor$0$0
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSNE RMP at Aviara Pky and Poinsettia LnRMP1995 218 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Aviara Pky and Poinsettia LnRMP1996 218 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; utility box in p.o.t; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Aviara Pky and Poinsettia LnRMP1997 218 2side flare a:13.5%, side flare c:15.7; 36" landing0.250.10.35Minor$3,250$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Poinsettia LnRMP2043 221 2not compliant; no ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Poinsettia LnRMP2046 221 2not compliant; no ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Harbor Point Rd.RMP2187 223 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and Harbor Point Rd.RMP2188 223 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at Snapdragon Dr. and PointsettiaRMP2166 226 26" grooves; joint in middle; lip; no truncated dome A/C needs repair0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750S/E RMP at Snapdragon Dr. and PointsettiaRMP2167 226 2non-compliant2" gap within path of travel11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Snapdragon Dr. and PointsettiaRMP2168 226 2No truncated dome; flush; texture0.250.25Minor$300$300S/E RMP at Crystalline Dr. and PointsettiaRMP1988 227 2;p;pslope: 8.1%; landing running slope: 8.8%; landing cross slope: 3.8%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,050$2,750N/E RMP at Crystalline and PointsettiaRMP1989 227 2No truncated dome; no texture; flush; joint in middle of curb; ramp running slope: 10.8%yjeast of ramp in path of travel0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Swallow LaneKTUA617 229 2non-compliantrepair, cracked and broken A/C, drainage 11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Swallow LaneKTUA619 229 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and PointsettiaRMP2189 231 2grooved pan; 0.5" lip; no texture; no truncated dome0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and PointsettiaRMP2190 231 2No truncated dome; worn texture; 1" uplift0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550Just north of signalRMP2190 231 2separation of concrete at manhole and small chunk of concrete out of sidewalk0.10.1Minor$200$200S/W RMP at Paseo Del Norte and PointsettiaRMP2192 231 2grooved pan; 0.5" lip; no texture; no landing0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at Paseo Del Norte and PointsettiaRMP2191 232 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Batiquitos and PointsettiaRMP2127 233 26" groove; lip0.1 0.10.2Minor$450$450S/W RMP at Batiquitos and PointsettiaRMP2128 233 2No truncated dome; 6" grooves; lip0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750N/W RMP at Batiquitos and PoinsettiaRMP2129 233 26" groove; no truncated dome; lip; no textureLarge chunks missing in A/C0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750N/E RMP at Batiquitos and PointsettiaRMP2130 233 2No truncated dome; 6" grooves; lip; no texture A/C needs repair0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2075 236 2gp; ;p;35.5" landing; 0.5" uplift just south of signal close to curb0.1$1,050$1,050N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2076 236 2gp; ;p;9% ramp running slope; 11.7% landing running slope; 35" landing0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.8Moderate$3,800$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2077 236 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Dove LaneRMP2078 236 2;pgslope; 7.6% landing running slope; 35" landing0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,550$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSN/E RMP at El Camino Real and 6994 EL Camino RealKTUA616 236 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and 6994 EL Camino RealKTUA618 236 2non-compliantyramp as it is located in the middle of the ramp 0.111.1Moderate$3,883$3,883N/W RMP at Post Office Driveway and Aviara ParkwayRMP2334 239 2gp; ;prunning slope 9.4%; side flare a: 14.4%; landing cross slope 5.3%; 25" landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.250.95Moderate$3,550$2,750N/E RMP at Post Office Driveway and Aviara ParkwayRMP2335 239 2gp; ;a: 13.4%; landing cross slope 3.3%, running slope 3.9%; 33" landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800N/W RMP at Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2336 239 2gp; ;p;ramp running slope 10.7%; side flare c: 11.3%; 34" landing; landing cross slope w/uplifts just west of ramp0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.11Moderate$2,183$2,183N/E RMP at Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2337 239 2grooved pan; 0.25" lip; 9.7% ramp running slope; 3.7% landing cross slope0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550S/E RMP at Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2338 239 2gp; ;a: 13.5%; landing running slope 4.9%, cross slope 3.5%; 39" landing0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800S/W RMP at Manzanita Street and Aviara ParkwayRMP2339 239 2gp; ; prunning slope; side flare c: 11.8%; landing running slope 6.3%, cross slope 3.9%; 36" 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.10.8Moderate$3,550$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3742 239 2no truncated dome; side flare c: 15.5%; landing running slope 7%; 45.5" landing0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.85Moderate$6,300$2,750N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Aviara ParkwayRMP3743 239 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3746 240 2gp; ;p;34" landing; landing running slope 13.3%, cross slope 4.2%0.1 0.250.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,800$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3747 240 2non-compliant pork chop11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3748 240 2non-compliant pork chop11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Alga RoadRMP3749 240 2non-compliant pork chop11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Estrella del Mar and Alga RoadRMP3744 241 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; landing running slope 5%; 37" landing0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050N/W RMP at Estrella del Mar and Alga RoadRMP3745 241 2;pgcrosswalk; side flare a:19.2%; landing cross slope 3.7%, running slope 10.6%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,600$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3227 244 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3228 244 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3229 244 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 3.6%;trench across crosswalk is trip hazard0.1$550$550SW RMP at El Camino Real and Arenal RoadRMP3230 244 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Costa del MarRMP4612 248 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Costa del MarRMP4613 248 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/W RMP at El Camino Real and Costa del MarRMP4614 248 2no truncated dome; 30" deep pan0.250.10.35Minor$800$800S/E RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3331 251 2No landing; no truncated dome; no texture0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800N/E RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3332 251 2no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300N/W RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3333 251 2no truncated dome; no texture; landing running slope 3.8%, cross slope 3.2%stripping in relation to curb, see photo0.250.250.5Moderate$3,050$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa AvenueRMP3334 251 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; 40" landing; 44" pan0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSS/E RMP on El Camino Real at the 76 station Car WashRMP4732 251 2no truncated dome; 0.75" lip; ramp leads to nowhere (guardrail); 36.5" landing0.25$1,050$1,050N/E RMP on El Camino Real at the Albertson's drivewayRMP4733 251 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; 38" landing0.1$1,050$1,050S/E RMP on El Camino Real at the Albertson's DrivewayRMP4734 251 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; no texture; 36" landing0.1$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Levante St. and La Costa AveRMP2835 256 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Levante St. and La Costa AveRMP2836 256 2no truncated dome; landing running slope 4.7%$300$300NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA620 257 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; landing running slope 4%0.1$550$550NW RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA621 257 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 44" pan; 35.5" landing0.1 0.25$1,050$1,050SE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2;p gp5.7%; 34" landing; 2.7% slope leading to ramp0.250.10.35Minor$800$800SW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Camino de Los CochesRMP2597 260 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa AveRMP2837 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa AveRMP2838 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa AveRMP2839 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa AveRMP2840 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SE RMP at 7750 La Costa AveRMP4694 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; landing running slope 3.7%0.1$550$550and 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road DrivewayKTUA601 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0and 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road DrivewayKTUA602 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd along La Costa Ave DrivewayKTUA604 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd along La Costa Ave DrivewayKTUA622 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; curb broken up at ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300SW RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd south driveway along La Costa AveKTUA624 260 2no truncated dome; large cracks0.250.25Minor$300$300NE RMP at El Camino Real and LevanteRMP3166 264 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at El Camino Real and LevanteRMP3167 264 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550Sw Rmp At Ecr @ Levante StRMP3168 264 2p; ; g;landing cross slope 3.8%, running slope 5.3%; ramp cross slope 5.3%; pan width 46"0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.10.75Moderate$1,050$1,050Nw Rmp At Ecr @ Levante StRMP3169 264 2;ggp4.3%; 35" landing; ramp cross slope 3%; crosswalk striping 43" from bottom of ramppstriping to bottom of ramp - possibly 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$800$800NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Camino de Los CochesRMP2595 266 2no truncated dome; cracked and chipped curb; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Camino de Los CochesRMP2596 266 2;pg48" clear into road (N&S); landing running slope 6.9%; 21" landing0.250.25 0.250.75Moderate$3,550$2,750NW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Camino de Los CochesRMP2598 266 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Calle BarcelonaRMP2342 269 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSNE RMP at El Camino Real and Calle BarcelonaRMP2343 269 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; worn texture; cracked ramp down middle; no curb0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at El Camino Real and Calle BarcelonaRMP2344 269 2no truncated dome; landing cross slope 2.7%; ramp running slope 5.8%; 0.25" lip0.1$550$550SW RMP at El Camino Real and Calle BarcelonaRMP2345 269 2no truncated dome0.250.25Minor$300$300SW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Calle BarcelonaRMP2504 276 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; divot out of curb at flare0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Calle BarcelonaRMP2505 276 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Calle BarcelonaRMP2506 276 2no truncated dome; joint running down middle of ramp; no texture; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Calle BarcelonaRMP2507 276 2;p;j gdown middle of ramp; upheaval at curb; 35" landing0.1$1,050$1,050NW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and OlivenhainRMP3078 281 2;p; ;jdown middle; should be directional; ramp running slope 7.2%; 28" landing0.1 0.251 0.251.6Moderate$4,050$3,000SW RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and AlvaroRMP3079 281 2no truncated dome; joint running down middle of ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and AlvaroRMP3080 281 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and OlivenhainRMP4781 281 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and OlivenhainRMP4782 281 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and OlivenhainRMP4783 281 2compliant0Conforming$0$0East side of Holiday Park along Eureka Pl (Handicap ramp)KTUA603 77 or 66 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Pointsettia Ln and El Camino RealRMP2047 2asphalt ramp that does not lead to any accesible p.o.t.ppwarrant the ability to have a compliant ramp 11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and Hosp WyRMP4611 2p; ;landing; raised utility box in p.o.t.; landing running slope 7.4%; ramp cross slope 5%, 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.95Moderate$6,550$2,750SW RMP at Donna Ct and ChestnutKTUA597 2No ramp provided along accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Donna Ct and ChestnutKTUA598 2No ramp provided along accessible route11Moderate$2,750$2,750Sw Rmp At El Camino Real @ College BlvdRMP1004 2p; ;19%; 36" landing; landing cross slope 6%, running slope 7%; ramp running slope 12%, 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.11.3Moderate$9,300$2,750S Rmp At Island @ El Camino Real & College BlvdRMP1005 2;;flare c: 12%; 44" wide pan; 17" landing between detectable warning of adjacent pork chop ramp0.25 0.1$800$800E Rmp At Island @ El Camino Real & College BlvdRMP1006 2;pproad meets bottom of ramp; side flare a: 20%; ramp cross slope 4.8%; 26" landing pork chop ramp0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.250.95Moderate$3,800$2,750N Rmp At Island @ El Camino Real & College BlvdRMP1007 2;p gp12%; 48" landing; landing cross slope 5%; 36" wide pan0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$300$300Nw Rmp At El Camino Real @ College BlvdRMP1008 2p; g gadjacent to ramp; 0.25" lip along edge of truncated dome due to improper 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.10.9Moderate$6,450$2,750Ne Rmp At El Camino Real @ College BlvdRMP1009 2p; ; pexpansion joint left of ramp; landing running slope 7%; ramp running slope 9%, cross 0.10.1Minor$250$250Se Rmp At El Camino Real @ College BlvdRMP1010 2p; ;16%; landing running slope 5.3%, cross slope 3.5%; 35" landing; 8.3% slope directly 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.251.1Moderate$3,650$2,750SE RMP at Rutherford and FaradayRMP1182 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Orion St and El Camino RealRMP1221 2no truncated domes0.250.25Minor$300$300
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSSe Rmp At #204 Pr2 Par @ Yarrow Dr P-3RMP1377 2p; ; ;36" landing; landing running slope 5.8%, cross slope 3.3%; ramp cross slope 5%0.25 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.11.2Moderate$6,550$2,750pGriot Blding 1/4 Mi E Of Camino Vida Roble P-15RMP1385 2p; ; ;detectable warning; ramp cross slope 7%, running slope 4%; 16" landing; ramp running 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 12.15Major$7,100$2,750pCamino Vida Roble Melles Griot Blding Drive P-16RMP1386 2p; ;warning; side flare a: 23% slope; landing cross slope 10.5%, running slope 12%; 19" 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.25 12.05Major$4,350$2,750Ne Rmp At #245 Pr2 Par @ Palomar Oaks Way P-8RMP1415 2p; ; padjacent to ramp; 40" landing; landing cross slope 3.8%; ramp cross slope 3%0.25 0.25 0.1 0.10.7Moderate$550$550SE RMP at Chinquapin Av and RoyalRMP775 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Royal DrRMP776 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Stella LnRMP777 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; ramp running slope 10%, cross slope 3.5%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550NE RMP at Chinquapin Av and Stella LnRMP778 2;p;grunning slope 2.9%; ramp running slope 13%; 36" pan0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,750NW RMP at Breakwater and CarlsbadKTUA578 AW14 2accessible route or curb ramp on west side of Carlsbad Blvd.11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA599 204 2compliant0Conforming$0$0S/E RMP at El Camino Real and Camino Vida RobleKTUA600 204 2compliant0Conforming$0$0and 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road DrivewayKTUA601 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0and 7750 Rancho Santa Fe Road DrivewayKTUA602 260 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd along La Costa Ave DrivewayKTUA604 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.25" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/E RMP at College and SalkKTUA606 141 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550S/E RMP at College and SalkKTUA607 141 2No truncated dome; texture0.250.25Minor$300$300N/E RMP on Plaza Dr. and El Camino RealKTUA608 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$550$550N/E Rmp at El Camino Real and shopping center roadKTUA609 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at El Camino Real and PlazaKTUA610 4 2no truncated dome; no detectable warnings; no texture112Major$550$550SE Rmp at El Camino Real and Plaza Dr.KTUA611 4 2no truncated domes or detectable warnings.112Major$550$550SE Rmp at El Camino Real and shopping center roadKTUA612 4 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at El Camino Real and Plaza DriveKTUA613 4 2no truncated dome; no texture; 43" pan0.25 0.10.35Minor$300$300N/W RMP at El Camino Real and 6155 North Pointe Tech CenterKTUA614 176 2not compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at El Camino Real and 6197 North Pointe Tech CenterKTUA615 176 2surface slope: 8.8%; landing 36" with 2.6% cross slope; no truncated domes0.250.10.35Minor$800$800N/E RMP at El Camino Real and 6994 EL Camino RealKTUA616 236 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at El Camino Real and Swallow LaneKTUA617 229 2non-compliantrepair, cracked and broken A/C, drainage 11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at El Camino Real and 6994 EL Camino RealKTUA618 236 2non-compliantyramp as it is located in the middle of the ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSS/E RMP at El Camino Real and Swallow LaneKTUA619 229 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA620 257 2no truncated dome; 0.25" lip; landing running slope 4%0.1$550$550NW RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA621 257 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 44" pan; 35.5" landing0.1$750$750SE RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd along La Costa Ave DrivewayKTUA622 260 2no truncated dome; worn texture; curb broken up at ramp0.250.25Minor$300$300SE RMP at El Camino Real and La Costa Town CenterKTUA623 257 2;p gp5.7%; 34" landing; 2.7% slope leading to ramp0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800SW RMP at 7730 Rancho Santa Fe Rd south driveway along La Costa AveKTUA624 260 2no truncated dome; large cracks0.250.25Minor$300$300RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA627 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA628 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750RMP at Park Dr. and Wickham Way (Hosp Grove Park)KTUA629 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP on Monroe St.KTUA632 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/W RMP at College and SalkKTUA634 141 2new, truncated dome, ramp cross slope: 5.5%; landing running slope 8.4%0.250.25Minor$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Donna Dr. and BasswoodKTUA637 45 2;;p;ramp running slope: 11.8%; landing running slope 5.6%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,050$2,750N/W RMP at College and SalkKTUA641 141 2Truncated dome, texture, new0Conforming$0$0N/W RMP of Marron and JeffersonRMP14 2 2non-compliantA/C at both sides of access ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP of Marron and JeffersonRMP15 2 2No truncated dome; separation of curb0.250.25Minor$300$300S/W RMP of Marron and JeffersonRMP16 2 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP of at Marron and JeffersonRMP17 2 2No truncated dome; no detectable warnings; Landing cross slope:3.4%110.12.1Major$500$500S/E RMP at Monroe and MarronRMP18 10 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 1" lip0.25 0.250.5Moderate$550$550N/W RMP at Monroe and MarronRMP19 10 2No truncated dome; no texture; 20" wide landing0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800N/E RMP of Marron at 1860 Marron (entry drive)RMP20 10 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; chipped curb; separation of curbreplaced and re-evaluated0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/W RMP on Marron at 1850 MarronRMP21 10 2No truncated dome; 0.25" lip; ramp running slope: 9.6%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550N/E RMP at Monroe and MarronRMP50 10 2compliant0Conforming$0$0S/W RMP at Monroe and MarronRMP51 10 2No truncated dome; grooved pan; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550N/W RMP at Highland and YourellRMP64 19 2No truncated dome; 0.5" lip; Landing cross slope: 3%0.1$550$550N/W RMP on Monroe St.RMP22 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP on Monroe St. (Driveway entrance)RMP32 21 2compliant expect for lack of landing0.250.25Minor$500$500N/E RMP on Monroe St. (Driveway entrance)RMP33 21 2non-compliantPath of travel should be replaced11Moderate$2,750$2,750
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSS/E RMP on Monroe St. (Driveway exit)RMP34 21 2non-compliantPath of travel should be replaced11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP on Monroe St. (Driveway exit)RMP35 21 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP on Monroe St. (Hosp Grove Picnic Area Driveway)RMP36 21 23.8% cross lopePath of travel cross slope: 6.6%0.250.25Minor$2,750$2,750N/E RMP on Monroe St. (Hosp Grove Picnic Area Driveway)RMP37 21 2compliant0Conforming$0$0S/W RMP at Las Flores off-ramp of I-5RMP66 28 26.4% cross slope; no truncated domePath of travel has broken A/C0.25 0.250.5Moderate$3,050$2,750S/E RMP at Las Flores off-ramp of I-5RMP67 28 27.8% cross slope; 16% running slope at ramp; no truncated dome0.25 0.25 0.250.75Moderate$5,800$2,750N/W RMP at Woodridge Ct. and Hosp WayRMP85 32 2non-compliant; no landing, no truncated dome, no level pan11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Monroe and Hosp WayRMP23 32 2non-compliantgdepth; truncated dome does not go all the way 11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Monroe and Hosp WayRMP24 32 21" lip; insufficient landing depth; no truncated domeTwo Facility IDs in GIS database0.25$1,050$1,050S/W RMP at Monroe and Hosp WayRMP25 32 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at Monroe and Hosp WayRMP30 32 2non-compliantPath of travel should be replaced11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Cedarwood Way and Hosp WayRMP81 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S RMP at Cedarwood Way and Hosp WayRMP82 33 2non-compliantPath of travel should be replaced11Moderate$2,750$2,750S RMP at Brentwood Ct. and Hosp WayRMP83 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S RMP at Woodbridge Ct. and Hosp WayRMP84 33 2No truncated dome; sloped landing; uplift at sidewalk0.1$550$550N/E RMP at Woodbridge Ct. and Hosp WayRMP86 33 2non-compliantuplift at storm drain just west of ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Brentwood Ct. and Hosp WayRMP87 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Brentwood Ct. and Hosp WayRMP88 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/E RMP at Cedarwood Way and Hosp WayRMP89 33 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne DrRMP474 34 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.25" lip; 30" landing; ramp running slope 9%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050SW RMP at Westwood and Blenkarne DrRMP475 34 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.5" lip; 32" landing; landing cross slope 3.9%0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050SE RMP at Westwood and FalconRMP478 34 2;;p;ramp running slope 11%; landing running slope 13.2%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.7Moderate$3,300$2,750NE RMP at Westwood and FalconRMP479 34 2;p;road meets ramp; 0.5" uplift at walk; landing cross slope 5.6%; ramp running slope 13.7%0.10.25 0.250.6Moderate$5,750$2,750SE RMP at Blenkarne and TruesdellRMP477 44 2;p; ;ramp cross slope 9.5%; landing running slope 12%, cross slope 5.2%0.1 0.25 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,050$2,750N/E RMP at James Dr and James CtRMP518 55 2No truncated dome; no texture; 1" lip; landing cross slope: 3.1%; 30" landing0.1 0.250.1 0.10.55Moderate$1,050$1,050S/E RMP at James Dr and James Ct.RMP519 55 21" lip; no truncated dome; no texture; 32" landing; landing cross slope:3%0.25 0.250.1 0.10.7Moderate$1,050$1,050NE RMP at James Dr. and Oak Ave.RMP482 55 2no detectable warning; 1" lip; no landing0.25$950$950
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install Stripe Demo & Construct New Ramp Replace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSNW RMP at James Dr. and Oak Ave.RMP483 55 2no truncated dome; 6" grooves; 15% running slope0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NE RMP at Valley St. and Bonita Ln.RMP503 56 2no truncated dome; texture; 0.5" lip0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Valley St. and Bonita Ln.RMP504 56 2compliant0Conforming$0$0NE RMP at Valley St. and Valley Pl.RMP505 56 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; sidewalk ends at east end0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550SE RMP at Valley St. and Valley Pl.RMP506 56 21" lip; no truncated dome; texture; ramp running slope 9.3%0.25 0.25 0.10.6Moderate$550$550NW RMP at Chestnut Av and Highland DrRMP571 67 2;p;pslope 6.3%; landing running slope 9.8%; no sidewalk to one side of ramp; 21.5" landingcracked p.o.t. just off sidewalk0.1 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.251.1Moderate$6,550$2,750S/E RMP at Highland and BasswoodRMP511 67 2;;p;landing cross slope: 7%; 33" landing (variable)0.1 0.250.25 0.10.7Moderate$3,800$2,750S/W RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP563 68 2;;p;ramp cross slope: 4%; landing running slope: 3.2%0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550N/E RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP564 68 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750S/E RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP565 68 2texture; no truncated dome; 1" liplarge chunk missing in pan0.1 0.25 0.250.6Moderate$750$750N/W RMP at James Dr. and BasswoodRMP513 68 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Woodland Wy and ChestnutRMP555 78 2no truncated dome; worn texture; 0.25" lip; ramp running slope 12%0.1 0.25 0.10.45Minor$550$550S/W RMP at Woodland Way and ChestnutRMP557 78 2no ramp11Moderate$2,750$2,750N/W RMP at Woodland Way and ChestnutRMP558 78 2no truncated dome; no texture; 0.5" lip; 40" landing; 41" pan; ramp running slope 14.6%0.1 0.250.35Minor$550$550NE RMP at Spanish Wy and ChestnutRMP574 78 2;;grunning slope 7%; ramp cross slope 7%; water meter box lid broken and uplift east 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.85Moderate$6,300$2,750NW RMP at Spanish Wy and ChestnutRMP575 78 2;;pslope 11%; landing running slope 9.3%; p.o.t. across the street generally in bad 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.10.85Moderate$6,300$2,750NE RMP at Tamarack Av and Polly LnRMP762 88 2;g;preplacing; ramp running slope 10.4%, cross slope 7.3%0.25 0.1 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$3,550$2,750NW RMP at Tamarack Av and Polly LnRMP763 88 2non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Adams St and Chinquapin AvRMP768 99 2;p;pslope 5.9%; landing cross slope 4.9%, running slope 2.8% ; 24" landingmajor gap in p.o.t.; p.o.t. diagonal0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.250.95Moderate$3,800$2,750SE RMP at Adams St and Chinquapin AvRMP769 111 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Harrison StRMP866 111 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; 6" grooves 2" gap across p.o.t.0.1 0.1 0.250.45Minor$750$750SE RMP at Nautical Dr. and Nautical Ln. RMP738 2pg ;Flare A 9.8%; Ramp Slope 11.7%; gutter slope 12.5%; No landing1 1 0.1 0.252.35Major$850$850NE RMP at Nautical Dr. and Nautical Ln. RMP739 2;;slope 12.7%; Uplift at gutter is 1"; Landing cross slope is 3.7%; 0.25 0.1 0.250.1 0.250.95Moderate$1,100$1,100SE RMP at Woodland Wy and Chestnut AveRMP556 2compliant0Conforming$0$0SW RMP at Chestnut Av and Highland DrRMP570 2;p; pp;ramp cross slope 7.4%; landing running slope 8.7%; 0.5" uplift at panel to the side of sidewalk ends to one side0.1 0.25 0.25 0.250.85Moderate$6,050$2,750NE RMP at Chestnut Av and Highland DrRMP572 2;p;gslope 3.8; ramp running slope 11%, cross slope 6.1%; 35.5" landing; cracked ramp; ppis cracked and has excessive slope; a/c 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.11Moderate$3,800$2,750SE RMP at Chestnut Av and Highland DrRMP573 2;p;pslope 4.7%; 19" pan depth; landing running slope 4.5%, cross slope 2.9%jpcracking of apron at ramp in street, 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.55Moderate$550$550
Construction Category:Removal Patching Grinding Scoring Install StripeDemo & Construct New RampReplace Repair Expand Composite all Items Composite all ItemsCompliance ItemObstructions Found in on or Near the RampHorizontal Spacings or Pavement DivotsLip/Uplifts (A/C or Concrete)Detectable Warning (Tactile Grooves)Truncated DomeStriping in Crosswalk or Buffer from Vehicular Traffic LanePedestrian Ramp Non-existentField Work Identified Ramp Non-ConformingPan WidthSide Flares (Not to exceed 10%)Ramp Slopes (Running up the Pan)Ramp Slope (Slope Across the Pan)Landing Running or Cross SlopeRamp Slopes of Approach Apron (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Apex Ramp Used-Protection from Vehicular Traffic Movement Insufficient, Dual Directional NeededSlopes of the concrete gutter adjoining curb ramp (within 48" from top and bottom of curb ramp)Landing Depth Past the Top of the Pan (4' x 4' required)Composite Scores or CostsComposite Rating CategoryGross Costs (some double counting occurs)Net Costs (with Maximum for ramp replacementLocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesIndividual Item Cost:$1,133 $200 $250 $200 $300 $800 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 $3,000 $350 $500FOCUS AREA 'B' CURB RAMPSSW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Syme DrRMP770 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750NW RMP at Chinquapin Av and Syme DrRMP771 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant p.o.t. needs replacing11Moderate$2,750$2,750NE RMP at Chinquapin Av and Syme DrRMP772 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750SE RMP at Chinquapin Av and Syme DrRMP773 2no truncated dome; 0.5" lip; non-compliant11Moderate$2,750$2,750Ne Rmp At Syme DrRMP774 2p;;warning; no landing; 0.5" expansion joint down middle of pan; ramp running slope 0.1 1 1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.252.95Major$6,750$2,750SW RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Av.RMP351 2No truncated domes, sidewalk approach F 15.3%; Landing running slope 6.2%; Pan Ramp runs into 69" wall after landing0.25 0.1 0.250.6Moderate$650$650NW RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Av.RMP352 2No truncated domes, gutter slope 2.5%, Sidewalk approach E 17.2%, Landing is 30", Ramp runs into 69" wall after landing0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.10.8Moderate$3,550$2,750NE RMP at Donna Dr. and Janis Wy. RMP532 58 2 No Landing, No truncated domes0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800SE RMP at Donna Dr. and Janis Wy. RMP533 58 2No landing, No truncated domes, gutter slope: 4.5%, Pan Width is 42"0.25 0.10.1 0.250.7Moderate$1,150$1,150SE RMP at Pio Pico and Chestnut RMP5402No truncated domes, ramp slope B: 12.6%; gutter slope: 4.1%; Pan width is 30"; No 1$9,100$2,750NE RMP at Pio Pico Dr. and Chestnut Ave. RMP541 2No truncated domes; ramp slope B 11%; Slope flare C 9.3%, Landing depth 1'; Pan 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$800$800NE RMP at James Dr. and sandalwood LNRMP566 68 2No truncated domes, Side Flare A: 13.3%, Pan width is 36", Landing depth in 32"Small crack through center of ramp0.25 0.1$800$800SE RMP at James Dr. and Sandalwood LNRMP567 68 2No truncated domes, No Landing, Ramp slope B: 12.8%, Gutter slope: 4.2%, Pan Side C Landing has chunk of concrete 0.10.1 0.25 0.1 0.250.8Moderate$3,800$2,750SW RMP at James Dr. and Sandalwood LN.RMP568 68 2No truncated domes, ramp slope B: 10.4, Landing depth is 34"Small cracks on either side of ramp, could get 0.25 0.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800NW RMP at James Dr. and Sandalwood LN.RMP569 68 2No truncated domes, ramp slope is 10.6%, Landing depth is 35"Smal crack through center of ramp0.25 0.1 0.10.45Minor$800$800NE RMP at Highland and Ratcliff Rd RMP60 92No landing, no truncated domes, side flare C: 14.7%; sidewalk approach E: 6.7%Nice Ramp with no landing. Looks New0.$1,150$1,150SE RMP at Highland and Ratcliff Rd RMP61 19 2No landing, No truncated domes, pan width 41"0.25$800$800NE RMP at Highland and Guevara RMP62 19 2 No landing, no truncated domes0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800SE RMP at Highland and Guevara RMP63 19 2No Landing, slight crack through center, No truncated domes0.250.250.5Moderate$800$800Ne Rmp At Basswood Av @ Highland DrRMP512 2(20"); 32" landing; landing cross slope 3.6%; ramp running slope 12%; side flare c: 18% 0.1 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.10.9Moderate$3,650$2,750# of Ramps with this problem7 13 219 49 346 2 10 187 40 57 94 71 132 2 1 19 174$1,195,628$997,328Count % of Total CostsConforming40 6.51%Minor149 24.27%Moderate387 63.03%Major38 6.19%Total 614 100.00%
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25003Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP14343246" Height; 50" to curb line and 68" to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP14343246 Height; 50 to curb line and 68 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$PD SGNL BRMP14343246" Height; 48" to curb line and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP14343246 Height; 48 to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650gPD SGNL ARMP14443245 5" Height; 36" to curb line; 36" to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP14443245.5" Height; 36" to curb line; 36" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650g; ;$PD SGNL ARMP14542245 5" H i ht 5' t b li d lk l d b010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP14542245.5" Height; 5' to curb line and crosswalk; no clearance around base0.$1,850$1,000g; ;$,$,PD SGNL BRMP14542246" H i ht d 60" t lk d b li l t b010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP14542246" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk and curb line; no clearance at base0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP14546 Height; exceeds 60 to crosswalk and curb line; no clearance at base0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP14642246 5" H i ht d 60" t lk d b01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP14642246.5" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP14646.5 Height; exceeds 60 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP14642246 5" H i ht d 60" t lk d b01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP14642246 5" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk and curb0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP14642246.5 Height; exceeds 60 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,00043203Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2643245 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2643245.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,00043202Mi$650PD SGNL ARMP2743246 5" Height; 55" to crosswalk and curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP2743246.5 Height; 55 to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003Mi$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2743246" Height; 66" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2743246 Height; 66 to crosswalk; 40 to curb line0.$1,650$1,00002$650PD SGNL ARMP443542246" Height; no clearance at base; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP443542246 Height; no clearance at base; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$65001$50PD SGNL BRMP443542245 5" Height; no clearance at base; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line; audible signal01001Minor$50$50PD SGNL BRMP443542245.5 Height; no clearance at base; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb line; audible signal0.100.1Minor$50$5004$8 0PD SGNL ARMP443642246" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk; exceeds 120" between signals; no clearance at base0102501045Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP443642246 Height; exceeds 5 to curb line and crosswalk; exceeds 120 between signals; no clearance at base0.$850$850gg$PD SGNL BRMP4436422exceeds 60" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals; no clearance at base0102501045Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4436422exceeds 60" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals; no clearance at base0.$850$850;g;$PD SGNL ARMP49241245 5" Height; 55" to crosswalk and curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP49241245.5" Height; 55" to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650g;$$PD SGNL BRMP49241245 5" H i ht 37" t b li 40" t lk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP49241245.5" Height; 37" to curb line; 40" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650g; ;$$PD SGNL ARMP49341247" H i ht 34" t lk d b li010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP49341247" Height; 34" to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP49347 Height; 34 to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP49341245 5" H i ht 35" t lk010102Mi$650$650PD SGNL BRMP49341245.5" Height; 35" to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP49345.5 Height; 35 to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650SG941286 6001010201055Md t$1 8 0$1 000PD SGNL ARMP49441248" Height; 64" to crosswalk; 60" to curb line; no clearance around any side0101025010.55Moderate$1 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP49441248 Height; 64 to crosswalk; 60 to curb line; no clearance around any side0.$1,850$1,000412055Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP49441245" Height; no clearance at base; 70" to crosswalk and curb line0101025010.55Moderate$1 850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP49441245 Height; no clearance at base; 70 to crosswalk and curb line.$1,850$1,00003Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP49541246" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 38" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP49541246 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; 38 to curb line0.$1,650$1,00002$650PD SGNL BRMP49541247 5" Height; 48" to curb line and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP49541247.5 Height; 48 to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP528702exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP528702exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL BRMP528702exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP528702exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP5292exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP5292exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP5292exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curbNone01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP5292exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curbNone0.$1,650$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP5302d 5' t lk d b li t i l010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP5302exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line; no access to signal0.$1,850$1,000;g$,$,PD SGNL BRMP5302d 5' t lk d b liN01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP5302exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb lineNone0.$1,650$1,000SG530e ceeds 5 to c oss a a d cu b eoe00003o$ ,650$ ,000PD SGNL ARMP531702d 5' t lk d b01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP531702exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP531exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP531702d 5' t lk d b01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP531702exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP5310exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000982045Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP75098247 5" Height; 19" to crosswalk and curb line01025010.45Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP75098247.5 Height; 19 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,00098203Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP75298246 5" Height; greater than 5' from crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP75298246.5 Height; greater than 5 from crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,00003Mi$1 000PD SGNL BRMP75298246 5" Height; greater than 5' from crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP75298246.5 Height; greater than 5 from crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP754982no access; 44 5" Height; greater than 5' to crosswalk and curb line010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP754982no access; 44.5 Height; greater than 5 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,850$1,00002$650PD SGNL BRMP75498245 5" Height; 60" to crosswalk 52" to curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP75498245.5 Height; 60 to crosswalk, 52 to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$65004$1 000PD SGNL ARMP75598247 5" Height; 74" to crosswalk and 25" to curb line0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP75598247.5 Height; 74 to crosswalk and 25 to curb line0.$2,650$1,000g,$PD SGNL BRMP75598247 5" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP75598247.5 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650g$PD SGNL ARMP75689246 5" Height; 6' to crosswalk and curb linesignal located in p o t010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP75689246.5" Height; 6' to crosswalk and curb linesignal located in p.o.t.$1,850$1,000g;gp$,$,PD SGNL BRMP75689247" H i ht 68" t lk d 47" t b li01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP75689247" Height; 68" to crosswalk and 47" to curb line0.$1,650$1,000g;$,$,
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25003$1 000PD SGNL ARMP75798246 5" Height; 32" to crosswalk and 27" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP75798246.5 Height; 32 to crosswalk and 27 to curb line0.$1,650$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL BRMP75798245 5" Height; 38" to crosswalk and 26" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP75798245.5 Height; 38 to crosswalk and 26 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000g,$PD SGNL ARMP13053247 5" Height; 36" clear path of travel; 55" to crosswalk; 24" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP13053247.5 Height; 36 clear path of travel; 55 to crosswalk; 24 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000gp,PD SGNL BRMP13053246 5" Height; 36" clear path of travel; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 24" to curb0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13053246.5" Height; 36" clear path of travel; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 24" to curb0.$2,650$1,000g; p ; ;$,$,PD SGNL ARMP131532t ll l 45 5" H i ht 48" l th f t l d 5' t lk 36" t b0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP131532not parallel; 45.5" Height; 48" clear path of travel; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 36" to curb0.$1,850$1,000p; g; p ; ;$,$,PD SGNL BKTUA63053243" Height; 30" to crosswalk; 18" to curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BKTUA63053243 Height; 30 to crosswalk; 18 to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650SGU 630000o$650$65053246" H i ht 24" t lk d b li02Mi$650PD SGNL AKTUA63153246" Height; 24" to crosswalk and curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL AKTUA63153246 Height; 24 to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$65053204$1 000PD SGNL ARMP49053246" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 150" between actuators0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP49046 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; 150 between actuators0.$2,650$1,000,$PD SGNLRMP259247" height; less than 30" to curb; no color coding; no audible signal010102Minor$650$650PD SGNLRMP259247 height; less than 30 to curb; no color coding; no audible signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP49153247 5" Height; 40" to crosswalk; 27" to curb line; no clear floor space0102501045Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP49153247.5 Height; 40 to crosswalk; 27 to curb line; no clear floor space0.$850$850$$532532Si l ti l l fl 045Mi$$850PD SGNL ARMP488Signal non-operational; no clear floor space01025010.45Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP488gp; p0.$850$850less than 30" to curb; exceeds 10' to crosswalk; required clear floor space cross slopes 5%; 2less than 30 to curb; exceeds 10 to crosswalk; required clear floor space cross slopes 5%; $PD SGNL BRMP2592traffic control device does not have required color coding; no audible signal010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP259traffic control device does not have required color coding; no audible signal0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP745AH082small push button; 47" actuator height01010103Minor$1 250$1 000PD SGNL ARMP745AH082small push button; 47 actuator height0.$1,250$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP744AH082small push button; 47" actuator height; no clear floor space010250101055Moderate$1 450$1 000PD SGNL ARMP744AH082small push button; 47" actuator height; no clear floor space0.$1,450$1,000p; g; p$,$,PD SGNL ARMP746AH08247" t t h i ht ll h b tt01010103Minor$1 250$1 000PD SGNL ARMP746AH08247" actuator height; small push button0.$1,250$1,000g; p$,$,PD SGNL ARMP747AH082small push button; 0 5" uplifts in clear floor space; no clear floor space01025010101065Moderate$1 700$1 000PD SGNL ARMP747AH082small push button; 0.5 uplifts in clear floor space; no clear floor space0.$1,700$1,000PD SGNL ARMP747ppp p0.$1,700$1,000PD SGNL ARMP740982Height of push button 48"; small push button; no clear floor space010250101055Md t$1 450$1 000PD SGNL ARMP740982Height of push button 48"; small push button; no clear floor space0.$1,450$1,000PD SGNL ARMP740gp ; p ; p0.$1,450$1,000H i ht f h b tt 48" ll h b tt d t d i l l t d i f Height of push button 48"; small push button on ped acuator; ped signal located in grooves of 982Height of push button 48 ; small push button on ped acuator; ped signal located in grooves of 055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP741982ramp minimizing clear surface space010250101055Moderate$1 450$1 000PD SGNL ARMP741ramp minimizing clear surface space0.$1,450$1,000045$850PD SGNLARMP489AD072No clear floor space0102501045Minor$850$850PD SGNLARMP489AD072No clear floor space0.$850$850$PD SGNLARMP742982Height of push button 48"; small push button; 116"' to extended crosswalk; 0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNLARMP742982Height of push button 48 ; small push button; 116 to extended crosswalk;$1,650$1,000,PD SGNLARMP743982Height of push button 48"; small push button; 12' from extended crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNLARMP743982Height of push button 48 ; small push button; 12 from extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP149942<30" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP149942<30 to curb0.$1,650$1,000$,$,42t li t12Md t$$1 000N/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA61042not compliant011011.2Moderate$1 650$1,000N/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA61042p0.110.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,00042h i ht f h b tt 39" d 5' t lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL A on Plaza DrKTUA60842height of push button: 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A on Plaza DrKTUA60842height of push button: 39 ; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000h i ht f h b tt 39 5"03Mi$850PD SGNL B on Plaza DrKTUA61142height of push buttons: 39.5"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL B on Plaza DrKTUA61142height of push buttons:$850$850h i h f h b 40" d 39" d 5' lk04$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP1432122height of push buttons: 40" and 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP1432122height of push buttons: 40 and 39 ; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00003$850PD SGNL ARMP1433122height of push buttons: 39"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1433122height of push buttons: 390.$850$85003$8 0PD SGNL BRMP1433122height of push buttons: 39"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1433122height of push buttons: 390.$850$850$PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP58122not compliant0110112Moderate$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP58122not compliant0.110.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000(,$,PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP59122height of push button A and B: 40"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP59122height of push button A and B: 400.$850$850($$S/W PD SGNL PlKTUA613122compliant010102Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA613122compliant0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$$PD SGNL A d B (SRMP4609132height of push buttons: 40" and 40 5"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4609132height of push buttons: 40 and$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4609gp0.$850$850PD SGNL A d B (SRMP4610132not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4610132not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4610p;$1,650$1,000242055$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4611242not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; large vertical utility box causes horizontal obstruction010101025055Moderate$2 783$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4611not compliant; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; large vertical utility box causes horizontal obstruction0.$2,783$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP70242not compliant; signal B exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP70242not compliant; signal B exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000(,$PD SNGL ARM13936247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SNGL ARM13936247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25002$650PD SNGL BRM13936248" Height; 60" to curb and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SNGL BRM13936248 Height; 60 to curb and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003$1 000PD SGNL ARMP136372not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP136372not compliant; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP13637247 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13637247.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,000,PD SGNL ARMP137372exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' to between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP137372exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 to between signals0.$2,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP13737239" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13737239 Height; exceeds 10 between signals; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP138372not compliant; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP138372not compliant; exceeds 10 between signals; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP138pg0.$2,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP138372not compliant; 40" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010250101065Md t$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP138372not compliant; 40 Height; exceeds 10 between signals; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP138p; g; g;$2,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP63161247" Height; 21" to curb01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP63161247" Height; 21" to curb0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP631612g;$1,650$1,000612A d B 47" H i ht02Mi$$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP632612A and B 47" Height01010.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP632612g0.10.10.2Minor$650$65061247" H i ht 25" t b d 60" t lk03Mi$1 000PD SGNL BRMP63261247" Height; 25" to curb and 60" to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP63261247 Height; 25 to curb and 60 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00046 5" H i ht 43" t b d 60" t lk02Mi$650PD SGNL ARMP64095246.5" Height; 43" to curb and 60" to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP64095246.5 Height; 43 to curb and 60 to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65046" H i h 28" b d lk03$1 000PD SGNL BRMP64095246" Height; 28" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP64095246 Height; 28 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00004$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP641952A: 38 5" Height B: 39" Height; exceeds 10' from crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP641952A: 38.5 Height, B: 39 Height; exceeds 10 from crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$PD SGNL ARMP642105250" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP642105250 Height0.$850$850$PD SGNL BRMP6421052exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP6421052exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP643105247 5" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 60" to crosswalk010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP643105247.5 Height; exceeds 10 between signals; exceeds 60 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP643105246" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP643105246 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$$PD SIGNL ARMP862106247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SIGNL ARMP862106247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SIGNL ARMP862g0.$1,650$1,000PD SIGNL BRMP862106247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SIGNL BRMP862106247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SIGNL BRMP862g;$1,650$1,000SGNL A i f f t SGNL A is for future SGNL A is for future crossing currently no 1062crossing, currently no 1062A: 47" Height B: 47" Height; 25" to curb and 63" to crosswalk; 32" clear p o t between signal ramp or sidewalk to A: 47 Height, B: 47 Height; 25 to curb and 63 to crosswalk; 32 clear p.o.t. between signal ramp or sidewalk to $PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP863pole and edge of walk heading northconnect to0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP863pole and edge of walk heading northconnect to0.$2,650$1,000(,$,PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9691192A: 41" Height B: 40" Height; 22" to curb and 50" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9691192A: 41 Height, B: 40 Height; 22 to curb and 50 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000($,$,PD SGNL A d B (SRMP9701192A: 39" Height B: 39" Height; 15" to curb and 44" to crosswalk010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9701192A: 39 Height, B: 39 Height; 15 to curb and 44 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000($,$,1202A 42" H i ht B 42" H i ht ith ll l t di ti f t l 48" t lk d b03Mi$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9681202A: 42" Height, B: 42" Height; neither parallel to direction of travel; 48" to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP968A: 42 Height, B: 42 Height; neither parallel to direction of travel; 48 to crosswalk and curb0.$850$850sidewalk ends on either 1202sidewalk ends on either PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9711202A: 39" Height B: 39" Height; 18" to curb and 34" to crosswalkside of ramp010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9710A: 39 Height, B: 39 Height; 18 to curb and 34 to crosswalkside of ramp0.$1,850$1,000($,$,PD SGNL A d B (SRMP10001302A: 47" Height B: 46 5" Height; 47" to curb and 52" to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP10001302A: 47 Height, B: 46.5 Height; 47 to curb and 52 to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650($$lk l d t crosswalk leads to 130248" H i ht 62" t b d 65" t lklt d 03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1001130248" Height; 62" to curb and 65" to crosswalkplanter and no ramp01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP100148 Height; 62 to curb and 65 to crosswalkplanter and no ramp0.$1,650$1,00048" H i ht 65" t b d lk03$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1001130248" Height; 65" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1001130248 Height; 65 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000Jackson crosswalk Jackson crosswalk 1302heading east leads to 1302heading east leads to PD SGNL A d B (SRMP9991302A: 47" Height B: 47" Height; 53" to curb and 54" to crosswalknothing010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP999A: 47 Height, B: 47 Height; 53 to curb and 54 to crosswalknothing0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP999ggg0.10.10.2Minor$650$650il i visual numeric 141239" H i ht 7'2" t lk d bvisual numeric td055Md$1 000PD SGNL A (N/W RMP KTUA641141239" Height; 7'2" to crosswalk and curbcountdown010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A (N/W RMP KTUA64139 Height; 72 to crosswalk and curbcountdown0.$1,850$1,00038 6204$1 000PD SGNL A (S/E RMP aKTUA607141238 5" Height; 62" to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A (S/E RMP aKTUA607141238.5 Height; 62 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000visual numeric 1412visual numeric PD SGNL A (S/W RMP KTUA634141240 5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 7'10" to curb linecountdown0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A (S/W RMP aKTUA634141240.5 Height; 74 to crosswalk; 710 to curb linecountdown0.$1,650$1,000SG (S/ aU63g005005o$ ,650$ ,000il i visual numeric 141238 5" H i ht 25" t b li 30" t lkvisual numeric td04Mi$1 000PD SGNL A and B (N/E KTUA606141238.5" Height; 25" to curb line; 30" to crosswalkcountdown0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (N/E KTUA60638.5 Height; 25 to curb line; 30 to crosswalkcountdown0.$1,850$1,0001412exceeds 10' between 1412exceeds 10 between $PD SGNL B (S/E RMP aKTUA60739 5" Height; 32" to curb line and crosswalksignals01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL B (S/E RMP aKTUA60739.5 Height; 32 to curb line and crosswalksignals0.$850$850(
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25041 height; 70" distance to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; distance to opposite crosswalk 150241 height; 70 distance to curb; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; distance to opposite crosswalk PD SGNL BRMP12011502gppexceeds 10'01010250101065Md t$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1201exceeds 10'$2,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP12010.$2,850$1,000150241" h i ht03Mi$$850PD SGNL ARMP1202150241" height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP12021502g0.$850$850150241 5" h i ht di t t it lk d 10'055Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1202150241.5" height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1202150241.5 height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds$1,850$1,00040" h i ht di t t it lk d 10'055Md$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1203150240" height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1203150240 height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds$1,850$1,00040" h i h03$850PD SGNL BRMP1203150240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1203150240 height0.$850$85003$850PD SGNL ARMP1204150240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1204150240 height0.$850$85003$8 0PD SGNL BRMP1204150240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1204150240 height0.$850$8501532PD SGNL ARMP1011153245" Height; 31" to curb and 55" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP101145 Height; 31 to curb and 55 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP10121532exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10121532exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1012153247" Height; 51" to curb and 63" to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1012153247 Height; 51 to curb and 63 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1012g0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP10121532exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP10121532exceeds 10' between signals0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1012g0.$1,650$1,000SG153220" to c rb e ceeds 5' to cross alk04Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1013153220" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk010101010.4Minor$2 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP10131532;$2,650$1,000153229" t b d 10' b t i l055Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1013153229" to curb; exceeds 10' between signals0101025010.55Moderate$2 650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP10131532;g0.$2,650$1,00027" t b03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1014153227" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1014153227 to curb0.$1,650$1,00020" t b03$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1014153220" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1014153220 to curb0.$1,650$1,00003$850PD SGNL ARMP1180153238" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1180153238 Height0.$850$85003$850PD SGNL BRMP1180153239" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1180153239 Height0.$850$850$PD SGNL ARMP1181153238 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1181153238.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,850$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP1182153238" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1182153238 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$,PD SGNL BRMP1182153238" Height; 41" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1182153238 Height; 41 to curb and crosswalk0.$850$850$$PD SGNL BRMP1182153238" Height; 40" to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1182153238 Height; 40 to crosswalk and curb0.$850$850SG8g00003o$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1183153239" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Mi$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1183153239 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1183g0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1183153238" Height; 35" to curb and crosswalk01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1183153238" Height; 35" to curb and crosswalk0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP11831532g;$850$850155240" h i ht 5 5' t b d lk04Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1186155240" height, 5.5' to curb and crosswalk010101010.4Minor$1 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP11861552g,$1,850$1,000155240" h i ht 5 5' t b d lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1186155240" height, 5.5' to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1186155240 height, 5.5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00039" h i ht03Mi$850PD SGNL ARMP1187155239" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1187155239 height0.$850$85039 5" h i h di i lk d 10'055$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1187155239 5" height distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1187155239.5 height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds$1,850$1,000055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1188155239" height exceeds 10' to crosswalk010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1188155239 height, exceeds 10 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00003$8 0PD SGNL BRMP1188155238" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1188155238 height0.$850$850$PD SGNL ARMP1189155239 5" height 9 5' to curb and crosswalk010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1189155239.5 height, 9.5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$,PD SGNL BRMP1189155239" height 10' to curb and crosswalk010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1189155239 height, 10 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL A d B (SRMP12181642A: 45" Height B: 45" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP12181642A: 45 Height, B: 45 Height; exceeds 5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000($,$,PD SGNL A d B (SRMP12191642A: 47" Height B: 46 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP12191642A: 47 Height, B: 46.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP1219gg0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1217165245 5" Height; 48" to crosswalk and 25" to curb01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1217165245.5" Height; 48" to crosswalk and 25" to curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1217g;$1,650$1,000hk ii t chunks missing at 1652chunks missing at 04$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1220165238" Height; 25" to curb and 28" to crosswalkutility box0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP122038 Height; 25 to curb and 28 to crosswalkutility box0.$1,850$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1264168247 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1264168247.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP1264168241 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1264168241.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,850$1,000,
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25003$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1689168247 5" Height; 22" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1689168247.5 Height; 22 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000055$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1689168247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1689168247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,000,16821682A 47 5" H i ht B 48" H i ht d 5' t lk 26" t b "B" t ibl14Md t$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP1690A: 47.5" Height, B: 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 26" to curb; "B" not accessible01010110114Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP1690A: 47.5 Height, B: 48 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; 26 to curb; B not accessible0.$3,650$1,00040" H i ht d 5' t lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1376172240" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1376172240 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00045 5" H i h d 5' lk03$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1376172245 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1376172245.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000172245" clearance between 172245 clearance between PD SGNL ARMP1378172243" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalksignal and road01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP137843 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalksignal and road0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1378gg0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1378172239 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Md t$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1378172239.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0.$2,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1378g; ; g0.$2,850$1,000172247" H i ht 41" t b d lk02Mi$$650PD SGNL ARMP1379172247" Height; 41" to curb and crosswalk01010.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP13791722g;$650$650172239 5" H i ht d 5' t lk04Mi$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1379172239.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk010101010.4Minor$1 850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1379172239 5 eg ; e ceeds 5 o c oss a0.$1,850$1,00045 5" H i ht d 5' t lk03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1380172245.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1380172245.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00039" H i ht d 5' t lk04$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1380172239" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1380172239 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000exceeds 10' between 1782exceeds 10 between PD SGNL ARMP1357178246 5" Height; 23" to curb line; 5'7" to crosswalksignals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1357178246.5 Height; 23 to curb line; 57 to crosswalksignals0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1357178246" Height; 31" to curb line; 44" to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1357178246 Height; 31 to curb line; 44 to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1357g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1358178240" Height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1358178240 Height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1358g0.$850$850L th 10' b t Less than 10' between 1782Less than 10 between 055$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1358178240" Height; 7'3" to crosswalk and curbsignals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP135840 Height; 73 to crosswalk and curbsignals0.$1,850$1,00002$650PD SGNL ARMP1359178245 5" Height; 48" to curb line and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1359178245.5 Height; 48 to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL BRMP1359178248 25" Height; 25" to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1359178248.25 Height; 25 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP1360178245 5" Height; 49" to curb; 58" to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1360178245.5 Height; 49 to curb; 58 to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL BRMP1360178246" Height; 23" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1360178246 Height; 23 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP1267180246" Height; 21" to curb line; 42" to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1267180246 Height; 21 to curb line; 42 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000SG6g00003o$ ,650$ ,000PD SGNL BRMP1267180246" Height; 30" to curb line and crosswalk010102Mi$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1267180246 Height; 30 to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1267g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1268180246" Height; 6'5" to crosswalk and curb line01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1268180246" Height; 6'5" to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP126880g;$1,650$1,000180246" H i ht 47" t lk 40" t b li02Mi$$650PD SGNL BRMP1268180246" Height; 47" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line01010.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP12681802g; ;$650$650180246" H i ht 6'4" t lk 6'9" t b li03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1269180246" Height; 6'4" to crosswalk; 6'9" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1269180246 Height; 64 to crosswalk; 69 to curb line0.$1,650$1,00046" H i ht 54" t lk d b li02Mi$650PD SGNL BRMP1269180246" Height; 54" to crosswalk and curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1269180246 Height; 54 to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$65042" H i ht 7'4" t b d lk045$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1270180242" Height; 7'4" to curb and crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1270180242 Height; 74 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00004$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1270180239" Height; 6'8" to crosswalk; 6'5" to curb0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1270180239 Height; 68 to crosswalk; 65 to curb0.$1,850$1,00002$6 0PD SGNL ARMP1363182247" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1363182247 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL BRMP1363182246 5" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1363182246.5 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL ARMP1364182247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1364182247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,48" Height; broken traffic box causing obstruction; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; not parallel to 48" Height; broken traffic box causing obstruction; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; not parallel to 1822g; g ; ; pt065Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13641822p.o.t.010101010250.65Moderate$2 983$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1364p0.$2,983$1,00047" H i ht d 5' t lk03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1365182247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1365182247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00046" H i ht02$650PD SGNL BRMP1365182246" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1365182246 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65002$650PD SGNL ARMP1366182248" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1366182248 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65002$650PD SGNL BRMP1366182248" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1366182248 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL ARMP4167194239 5" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4167194239.5 height0.$850$850
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25002$650PD SGNL BRMP4167194240" height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP4167194240 height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003$850PD SGNL ARMP4168194239" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4168194239 height0.$850$850$PD SGNL BRMP4168194239" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP4168194239 height; distance between signal poles exceeds$1,850$1,000,PD SGNL ARMP4165195239 5" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4165195239.5 height0.$850$850$$PD SGNL BRMP4165195241 5" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP4165195241.5 height; distance between signal poles exceeds$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP4166195240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4166195240 height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4166g0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4166195240" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP4166195240 height; distance between signal poles exceeds$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP4166g; g p0.$1,850$1,0001972PD SGNL ARMP1414197248" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb; exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP141448 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1414gg0.$2,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1414197246 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1414197246.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1414g;$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1416197247 5" Height e ceeds 5' to cross alk and c rb01010103Mi$1 6 0$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1416197247.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP14161972g;$1,650$1,000197247" H i ht d 5' t lk03Mi$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1416197247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP14161972g;$1,650$1,00019248" H i ht d 10' b t i l045Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1417197248" Height; exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1417197248 Height; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,00046" H i ht d 5' t lk03$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1417197246" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1417197246 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00004$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1381200251 5" Height; 20" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1381200251.5 Height; 20 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1381200246 5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1381200246.5 Height; exceeds 5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP1382200248" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1382200248 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000,200214$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13822002non-compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 28" to curb; signal not accessible01010110114Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1382non compliant; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; 28 to curb; signal not accessible0.$3,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP13832002non-compliant0110112Moderate$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP13832002non-compliant0.110.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000,PD SGNL BRMP13832002non-compliant0110112Moderate$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13832002non-compliant0.110.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP13842002exceeds 10' between signals; 47 5" height; no clearance010250250107Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP13842002exceeds 10 between signals; 47.5 height; no clearance0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1384200246 5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1384200246.5 Height; exceeds 5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1384g0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1715204240" height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1715204240 height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1715g0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1715204240" height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1715204240" height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP17152042g0.$850$850pole obstruction in path pole obstruction in path 2042of travel see photo 2042of travel, see photo $RMP 1716 PD SGNLRMP1716signal pole 72" to crosswalk and curb;0115010101025055Moderate$2 783$1 000RMP 1716 PD SGNLRMP1716signal pole 72 to crosswalk and curb;01150.$2,783$1,000,$N/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA5992042A: 39" height; B: 38 5" height; 27" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000N/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA5992042A: 39 height; B: 38.5 height; 27 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000(,$,S/E PD SGNL A d B (KTUA6002042A: 39" height; B: 39" height; 29" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000S/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA6002042A: 39 height; B: 39 height; 29 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000($,$,PD SGNL ARMP1854212237 5" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1854212237.5 height0.$850$850SG85g00003o$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1854212238" height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1854212238 height0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1854g0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1855212247 5" height010102Mi$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1855212247.5" height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1855g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650212247" h i ht 90" f i l l t b d id lk045Mi$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1855212247" height; 90" from signal pole to curb and sidewalk01025010.45Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP18552122g; g p0.$1,650$1,0002122A 39" h i ht B 39" h i ht03Mi$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP47542122A: 39" height; B: 39" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP47542122A: 39 height; B: 39 height0.$850$85040" h i ht03Mi$850PD SGNL ARMP4755212240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4755212240 height0.$850$85039 5" h i ht03$850PD SGNL BRMP4755212239 5" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4755212239.5 height0.$850$85003$850PD SGNL ARMP1990217240 5" Height; 56" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1990217240.5 Height; 56 to crosswalk; 40 to curb line0.$850$85002$6 0PD SGNL ARMP1803218242" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1803218242 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL BRMP1803218241 5" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1803218241.5 Height0.$850$850$PD SGNL ARMP1995218242" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1995218242 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$$
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250045$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1995218242" Height; 19" to curb and crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1995218242 Height; 19 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00002$650PD SGNL ARMP1996218242" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1996218242 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL BRMP1996218247" Height; 77" to crosswalk and curb line0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1996218247 Height; 77 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,850$1,000,PD SGNL ARMP1997218241 5" Height; over 10' between signals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1997218241.5 Height; over 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1997218241 5" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1997218241.5 Height0.$850$850$$ lti t lk no relation to crosswalk no relation to crosswalk "" di or "ramp"; median 2212or ramp ; median 2212obstructs crosswalk obstructs crosswalk crossing El Camino crossing El Camino $RMP 2043 PD SGNLRMP2043not compliantReal; see photos0102502510101025205Major$4 983$1 000RMP 2043 PD SGNLRMP2043not compliantReal; see photos0.10.250.2510.$4,983$1,000j,,PD SGNL ARMP2044221240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP2044221240 height0.$850$850$$PD SGNL BRMP2044221240" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2044221240 height; distance between signal poles exceeds$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP2045221240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP2045221240 height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP2045g0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP2045221240" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2045221240" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP2045g; g p0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP20462212not compliant0110112Md t$1 6 0$1 000PD SGNL ARMP20462212not compliant011011.2Moderate$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP20462212p0.110.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,0002212t li t12Md t$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP20472212not compliant011011.2Moderate$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP20472212p0.110.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,000226239" H i ht 24" t b li 48" t lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2166226239" Height; 24" to curb line; 48" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2166226239 Height; 24 to curb line; 48 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00042" H i ht 7'1" t b li d lk045$1 000PD SGNL A and BRMP2167226242" Height; 7'1" to curb line and crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and BRMP2167226242 Height; 71 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2168226239 5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 6'9" to curb line010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2168226239.5 Height; 74 to crosswalk; 69 to curb line0.$1,850$1,00003$850PD SGNL ARMP1988227240" Height; 33" to curb line and crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1988227240 Height; 33 to curb line and crosswalk0.$850$850$PD SGNL A and BRMP1989227241" Height; 5'8" to crosswalk; 5'6" to curb line0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and BRMP1989227241 Height; 58 to crosswalk; 56 to curb line0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP2189231246" Height; 28" to curb line; 82" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2189231246 Height; 28 to curb line; 82 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000,$,exceeds 10' between exceeds 10' between 231246" H i ht 58" t b li 7' t lkil055Md t$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2190231246" Height; 58" to curb line; 7' to crosswalksignals0101025010.55Moderate$2 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2190g; ;g0.$2,650$1,000231245 5" H i ht 35" t b li d lk02Mi$650PD SGNL BRMP2190231245.5" Height; 35" to curb line and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP2190231245.5 Height; 35 to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65046" H i ht 5'4" t lk 6'2" t b li03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2192231246" Height; 5'4" to crosswalk; 6'2" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2192231246 Height; 54 to crosswalk; 62 to curb line0.$1,650$1,00046" H i ht 76" t b li d lk03$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2191232246" Height; 76" to curb line and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2191232246 Height; 76 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000Path of travel uneven 2322Path of travel uneven PD SGNL BRMP2191232241" Height; 24: to curb line; 67" to crosswalkw/0 5" uplifts0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2191232241 Height; 24: to curb line; 67 to crosswalkw/0.5 uplifts0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1072233246 5" Height; 62" to curb line; 81" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1072233246.5 Height; 62 to curb line; 81 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1072g0.$2,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2127233245 5" Height; 83" to curb line; 93" to crosswalk; no clearance at base010250250107Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2127233245.5" Height; 83" to curb line; 93" to crosswalk; no clearance at base0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2127g; ; ;$1,850$1,000d 10' b t exceeds 10' between 2332exceeds 10 between 03$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2128233246" Height; 6'7" to curb line; 6'6" to crosswalksignals01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP212846 Height; 67 to curb line; 66 to crosswalksignals0.$1,650$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2128233246 5" Height; 63" to crosswalk; 5'1" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2128233246.5 Height; 63 to crosswalk; 51 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP2129233246" Height; 69" to crosswalk; 65" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2129233246 Height; 69 to crosswalk; 65 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000,PD SGNL BRMP2129233245 5" Height; 80" to crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2129233245.5 Height; 80 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP2130233246 5" Height; 53" to curb line; 73" to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP2130233246.5 Height; 53 to curb line; 73 to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$$PD SGNL BRMP2130233246" Height; 6' to crosswalk and curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP2130233246 Height; 6 to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP2130g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL A t El CRMP2075236247" height010102Mi$650$650S/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP2075236247 height,$650$650S/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP2075g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL B t El CRMP2075236247" height; 65" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Mi$1 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP2075236247" height; 65" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000S/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP20752362g;$1,650$1,000push button A is on the push button A is on the 2362outside for E/W 2362outside for E/W $N/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP207647" heightcrossing010102Minor$650$650N/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP207647 heightcrossing0.10.10.2Minor$650$650
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25003$1 000N/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP2076236246 5" height; 21 5" to curb line and 25" to extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000N/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP2076236246.5 height; 21.5 to curb line and 25 to extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000path of travel around path of travel around psignal pole is not signal pole is not 2362gpcompliant pole 2362compliant; pole p;pb t t th f t l obstructs path of travel 46" h i ht h b tt i t di tl ll l t di ti f t lobs uc s pa o a et b t t th th03Mi$850N/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP207746" height, push button is not directly parallel to direction of travelto bus stop to the north01010103Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP207746 height, push button is not directly parallel to direction of travelto bus stop to the north0.$850$85023622362$N/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP207746 5" height; 29" distance to curb line and greater than 10' distance to extended crosswalk;010250101055Moderate$2 650$1 000N/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP207746.5 height; 29 distance to curb line and greater than 10 distance to extended crosswalk;$2,650$1,000,$S/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP2078236247 5" height 19" to curb line and extended crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP2078236247.5 height, 19 to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$,46" height 24" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance between signal 46" height, 24" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance between signal 2362g, ; gl055Md t$$1 000S/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP20792362poles0101025010.55Moderate$2 650$1,000S/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP2079p0.$2,650$1,000(2) 1" wide expansion 2392(2) 1 wide expansion 2392joints in direct path of joints in direct path of N/W PD SGNL A on MaRMP233637" height 44" distance to curb line and extended crosswalktravel across street01010103Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL A on MaRMP233637 height, 44 distance to curb line and extended crosswalktravel across street0.$850$850$$N/W PD SGNL B MRMP2336239246" height 47" to curb line and extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/W PD SGNL B on MaRMP2336239246 height, 47 to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$6500$$650N/E PD SGNL A MRMP2337239246" height 53" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on ManRMP2337239246 height, 53 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on ManRMP2337g0.10.10.2Minor$650$65046" h i ht 46" di t t b li d t d d lk di t b t i l l 46" height, 46" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; distance between signal poles 239246 height, 46 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; distance between signal poles d 10'045$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on ManRMP23372392exceeds 10'0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on ManRMP2337exceeds$1,650$1,00002$650S/E PD SGNL A on ManRMP2338239240" height010102Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on ManRMP2338239240 height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003$8 0S/E PD SGNL B on ManRMP2338239239" height; 54" distance to curb line; 60" distance to extended crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850S/E PD SGNL B on ManRMP2338239239 height; 54 distance to curb line; 60 distance to extended crosswalk0.$850$850$S/W PD SGNL A on ManRMP2339239245 5" height; push button not parallel to direction of travel01010103Minor$850$850S/W PD SGNL A on ManRMP2339239245.5 height; push button not parallel to direction of travel0.$850$850$push button B is a new push button B is a new 45" height 78" distance to c rb line and e tended cross alk p sh b tton not parallel to paccessible signal ith 239245" height; 78" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; push button not parallel to accessible signal with 2392g; ;p pdi ti f t lgdibl t03Mi$$850S/W PD SGNL B on ManRMP2339direction of travelaudible tone0101010.3Minor$850$850S/W PD SGNL B on ManRMP2339deco o aeaudbe o e0.$850$85046" h i ht 28" di t t b li d t d d lk03Mi$1 000S/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP3742239246" height, 28" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP3742239246 height, 28 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00044" h i ht 83" di t t b li d t d d lk03$1 000S/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP3742239244" height, 83" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP3742239244 height, 83 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00003$850N/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP3743239239" height 48" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP3743239239 height, 48 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$850$85002$650N/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP3743239244" height 54" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP3743239244 height, 54 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650push button A is a new push button A is a new paccessible signal with 2402accessible signal with N/E PD SGNL A El CRMP3 46240239" heightga diable tone01010103Mi$8 0$850N/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP374639" heightaudiable tone0101010.3Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP3746g0.$850$850240246" h i ht 31" di t t b li d t d d lk02Mi$$650N/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP3746240246" height; 31" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010.2Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP37462402g;$650$65045" h i ht3 di ti l02Mi$650S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3747240245" height3 ramp directional010102Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3747240245 height3 ramp directional0.10.10.2Minor$650$65046" height 50" distance to c rb line 63" distance to E/W crossing 57" distance to N/S 240246" height; 50" distance to curb line, 63" distance to E/W crossing, 57" distance to N/S 2402g; , g,i4 di ti l03Mi$$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3748crossing4 ramp directional0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3748gp0.$1,650$1,0000 5" uplifted expansion 0.5 uplifted expansion 2442joint in direct path of 2442joint in direct path of S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP322746 5" height 24" distance to curb line and 45" distance to extended crosswalktravel01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP322746.5 height, 24 distance to curb line and 45 distance to extended crosswalktravel0.$1,650$1,000$,$,46" height 28" distance to curb line and 59" to extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance 46" height, 28" distance to curb line and 59" to extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance 2442g, ;bt l055Md t$$1 000S/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP32272442between poles0101025010.55Moderate$2 650$1,000S/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3227p0.$2,650$1,0002442N/E PD SGNL A El CRMP3228244243" height 31" distance to curb line and 60" distance to extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP322843 height, 31 distance to curb line and 60 distance to extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$6500$$650244224424 " h i h 21" di b li d 2 " di d d lk03$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3228244247 5" height 21" distance to curb line and 27" distance to extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP322847.5 height, 21 distance to curb line and 27 distance to extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25024422442045$1 000N/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP322945" height 15" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk parallel to crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000N/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP322945 height, 15 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk, parallel to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$N/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3229244246" height 47 5" distance to curb line and 51" to extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3229244246 height, 47.5 distance to curb line and 51 to extended crosswalk.$650$650duplicate push button A duplicate push button A pp(same pole) is 54" (same pole) is 54" (p)di t t b li & 2442distance to curb line & 244220" di t t 20" distance to 45" h i ht20 distance to tdd lk02$650S/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP323045" heightextended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP323045 heightextended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65002$650S/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3230244245" height 36" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3230244245 height, 36 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP4612248246" height; 70" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP4612248246 height; 70 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP4613248248 5" height01010103Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP4613248248.5 height0.$850$850N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP4613248248" height; 62" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP4613248248 height; 62 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,N/W PD SGNL El CRMP4614248245 5" height 19" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000N/W PD SGNL on El CaRMP4614248245.5 height, 19 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,S/E PD SGNL A El CRMP3331251244" heightaudible signal010102Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3331251244 heightaudible signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3331gg0.10.10.2Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL B El CRMP3331251244" height; exceeds 5' distance to extended crosswalk and curb line01010103Mi$1 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3331251244 height; exceeds 5 distance to extended crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3331g;$1,650$1,000N/E PD SGNL A El CRMP3332251246" height; 58" distance to curb line parallel to crosswalk010102Mi$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3332251246" height; 58" distance to curb line, parallel to crosswalk01010.2Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP33322512g; ,p0.10.10.2Minor$650$6502512055$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3332251240" height 31" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' in between signal poles010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP333240 height, 31 to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10 in between signal poles0.$1,850$1,000$N/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3333251238 5" height01010103Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3333251238.5 height0.$850$850$N/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3333251238" height; exceeds 5' distance to extended crosswalk; 23" distance to curb line010101010105Moderate$2 850$1 000N/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3333251238 height; exceeds 5 distance to extended crosswalk; 23 distance to curb line0.$2,850$1,000,$,S/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3334251247" height010102Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3334251247 height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$$S/W PD SGNL B El CRMP3334251247" height; 22" distance to curb line; 42" distance to extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3334251247 height; 22 distance to curb line; 42 distance to extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL A t El C iKTUA621257239" Height; 5' to curb line and 8' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A at El CaminKTUA621257239 Height; 5 to curb line and 8 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A at El CaminKTUA621g0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A t NE RMP KTUA620257238" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL A at NE RMP KTUA620257238" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0.$850$850PD SGNL A at NE RMP KTUA620g;$850$850257237" H i ht 21" t lk d b li04Mi$$1 000PD SGNL A at SE RMP KTUA623257237" Height; 21" to crosswalk and curb line010101010.4Minor$1 850$1,000PD SGNL A at SE RMP KTUA6232572g;$1,850$1,000257238 5" H i ht 46" t lk d 40" t b li03Mi$850PD SGNL B at NE RMP KTUA623257238.5" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL B at NE RMP KTUA623257238 5 eg t; 6 to c oss a a d 0 to cu b e0.$850$85048" H i ht d 5' t lk d b03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2597260248" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2597260248 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,00048 5" H i ht 38" t b d 38" t lk d 10' b t i l055$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2597260248.5" Height; 38" to curb and 38" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2597260248.5 Height; 38 to curb and 38 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL ARMP28372602not accessible; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP28372602not accessible; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000055$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2837260238" Height; 33" to curb line and 49" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2837260238 Height; 33 to curb line and 49 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP2840260248" Height; 38" to crosswalk and 26" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2840260248 Height; 38 to crosswalk and 26 to curb0.$1,650$1,000,PD SGNL BRMP2840260242" Height; 18" to curb and 36" to crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2840260242 Height; 18 to curb and 36 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP2938260237 5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2938260237.5 Height; exceeds 5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$,$,2602t ibl 5' t b h d 5' t lk d 10' b t i l055Md t$1 000PDSGNL BRMP29382602not accessible; 5' to curb however exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PDSGNL BRMP2938not accessible; 5 to curb however exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,00040" H i ht 24" t b d 60" t lk04$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2595266240" Height; 24" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2595266240 Height; 24 to curb and 60 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000065$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2595266248" Height; 21" to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010102501065Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2595266248 Height; 21 to curb and exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,650$1,00005$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2596266238" Height; 25" to curb line and 61" to crosswalk010101010105Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2596266238 Height; 25 to curb line and 61 to crosswalk0.$2,850$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP2596266246" Height; 25" to curb and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2596266246 Height; 25 to curb and 34 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP2598266246" Height; 26" to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2598266246 Height; 26 to curb and exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000,$,PD SGNL BRMP2598266248" Height; 22" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2598266248 Height; 22 to curb; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP2342269239" Height; 36" to curb line and greater than 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2342269239 Height; 36 to curb line and greater than 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,0000$,$ ,000
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25004$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2342269240" Height; 27" to curb line and 49" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2342269240 Height; 27 to curb line and 49 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2343269241" Height; 16" to curb line and crosswalk010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2343269241 Height; 16 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP2343269241" Height; 26" to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2343269241 Height; 26 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,PD SGNL ARMP2344269239" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2344269239 Height; exceeds 5 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP2344269239" Height; 39" to curb line and 46" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2344269239 Height; 39 to curb line and 46 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP2345269239" Height; 37" to curb line and 44" to crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP2345269239 Height; 37 to curb line and 44 to crosswalk0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP2345g0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP2345269239" Height; 32" to curb line and 44" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010250101055Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2345269239 Height; 32 to curb line and 44 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP2345g; ; g0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2504276245 5" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk010102501055Md t$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2504276245.5" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101025010.55Moderate$2 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP25042762g;$2,650$1,000276241" H i ht 25" t b li d 34" t lk d 10' b t i l065Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2504276241" Height; 25" to curb line and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501010.65Moderate$2 850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP25042762g; ; g0.$2,850$1,000276247" H i ht 14" t b li d 24" t lk045Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2505276247" Height; 14" to curb line and 24" to crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2505276247 Height; 14 to curb line and 24 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00049" H i ht 33" t b li d 64" t lk d 10' b t i l065Md$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2505276249" Height; 33" to curb line and 64" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2505276249 Height; 33 to curb line and 64 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,850$1,00046" H i h 2 " b li d ' lk04$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2506276246" Height; 27" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2506276246 Height; 27 to curb line; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000065$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2506276248" Height; 24" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010102501065Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2506276248 Height; 24 to curb line; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,650$1,000$PD SGNL ARMP2507276247" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2507276247 Height; 19 to curb line and exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP2507276246 5" Height; 26" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010102501065Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2507276246.5 Height; 26 to curb line; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,650$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP3078281239" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk; button not accessible01010102501065Moderate$2 050$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3078281239 Height; exceeds 5 to curb line and crosswalk; button not accessible0.$2,050$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP3079281239" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3079281239 Height; exceeds 5 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP3079281238 5" Height; 60" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3079281238.5 Height; 60 to curb; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP3079gg0.$2,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP3080281238" Height; 21" to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Mi$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3080281238" Height; 21" to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP3080g;$1,850$1,000SG281240" Height 20" to c rb line and 30" to cross alk e ceeds 10' bet een signals065Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3080281240" Height; 20" to curb line and 30" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501010.65Moderate$2 850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP30802812g; ; g0.$2,850$1,000281240" H i ht d 5' t b li d lk04Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP4781281240" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk010101010.4Minor$1 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP47812812g;$1,850$1,000tilit /0 25" lift di tl b l t t 20" t b d lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10042utility w/0.25" uplift directly below actuator; 20" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 900$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10042utility w/0.25 uplift directly below actuator; 20 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,900$1,00048 5" H i ht 24" t b d lk04$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1004248.5" Height; 24" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1004248.5 Height; 24 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00047" Height; 28" to curb; required floor space cross slope 4-6%; no required color coding or 247 Height; 28 to curb; required floor space cross slope 4-6%; no required color coding or PD SGNL BRMP10052audible signal010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP10052audible signal0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP10062insufficient floor space clearance 25"; no required color coding or audible signal0102501045Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP10062insufficient floor space clearance - 25 ; no required color coding or audible signal0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1006pqgg0.$850$850d 5' f lk t l ll / t i d l di dibl i l exceeds 5' from crosswalk; not paralell w/ p.o.t.; no required color coding; no audible signal; 2exceeds 5 from crosswalk; not paralell w/ p.o.t.; no required color coding; no audible signal; i d l fl l 8% d 10' b t i l09$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10092required clear floor space cross slopes 8%; exceeds 10' between signals0101025010250109Moderate$3 050$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1009required clear floor space cross slopes 8%; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,050$1,000exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; required clear floor space 2exceeds 5 to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; required clear floor space PD SGNL ARMP10102cross slope 7%010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10102cross slope 7%$1,850$1,000$,$,49" H i ht i d l fl l 7% i d l di dibl 49" Height; required clear floor space cross slope 7%; no required color coding or audible 2g; q p p ; q gil055Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP10102signal010102501055Moderate$1 050$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1010signal0.$1,050$1,000required clear floor space cross slopes 4-8%; no required color coding or audible signal; 2required clear floor space cross slopes 4-8%; no required color coding or audible signal; $PD SGNL ARMP13772exceeds 10' between signals010250250107Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1377exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,000,$,40 5" Height; required clear floor space cross slopes 3 5 5%; no required color coding or 40.5" Height; required clear floor space cross slopes 3-5.5%; no required color coding or 2g; q p p ; q gdibl i l d 10' b t i l08Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13772audible signal; exceeds 10' between signals0102501025010.8Moderate$2 050$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1377g; g0.$2,050$1,000204$8 0PD SGNL ARMP1415247" Height; insuficient floor space clearance - 20"; no required color coding or audible signal0102501045Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP141547 Height; insuficient floor space clearance 20 ; no required color coding or audible signal0.$850$85047" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding; required floor space cross 47 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; no required color coding; required floor space cross PD SGNL BRMP14152gqgqpslopes 4%0101010104Mi$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP14152slopes 4%$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1415p0.$1,850$1,0002i i l t t l t d dj t t t hill id i d diti 39" 2minimal actuator access located adjacent to steep hillside causing dangerous conditions; 39" 2a ac ua o access oca ed adjace o s eep sde caus g da ge ous co d o s; 39h i ht i d l di dibl i ld diti055Md t$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP2047height; no required color coding or audible signaldangerous condition010102501055Moderate$1 050$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP2047height; no required color coding or audible signaldangerous condition0.$1,050$1,000 i d l di dibl i l02$650PD SGNL ARMP31682no required color coding or audible signal010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP31682no required color coding or audible signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$650
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25042" clear and utility box w/ gaps and uplifts in p o t next to pole; no required color coding or 242 clear and utility box w/ gaps and uplifts in p.o.t. next to pole; no required color coding or PD SGNL BRMP31682audible signal010250102507Moderate$1 983$1 000PD SGNL BRMP31682audible signal0.$1,983$1,000$,$,d 5' t lk i d l di dibl i l 44" l t t b exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; 44" clear p.o.t. at base; 2;q g g; p ;d 10' b t i l08Md t$1 000PD SGNL ARMP31692exceeds 10' between signals01010250250108Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3169exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,850$1,00041" l t t b / tilit b / lift i t d 10' b t i l105$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3169241" clear p.o.t. at base w/ utility box w/ uplifts in p.o.t.; exceeds 10' between signals010250102501025105Moderate$3 183$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3169241 clear p.o.t. at base w/ utility box w/ uplifts in p.o.t.; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,183$1,00040" Height; required clear floor space slopes exceed 2%; no audible signal or required color 240 Height; required clear floor space slopes exceed 2%; no audible signal or required color PD SGNL A d B (SRMP46112coding01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP46112coding0.$850$850($$47" H i ht d 60" t lk i d l di dibl i l d 10' 47" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10' 2g; ; q g g ;bt i l055Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP46112between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP4611between signals0.$2,650$1,000A 39" h i ht B 39" h i ht 29" t b d lk04Mi$1 000S/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA6002042A: 39" height; B: 39" height; 29" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000S/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA6002042A: 39 height; B: 39 height; 29 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000visual numeric 1412visual numeric PD SGNL A and B (N/E KTUA606141238 5" Height; 25" to curb line; 30" to crosswalkcountdown01010103Minor$1 250$1 000PD SGNL A and B (N/E KTUA606141238.5 Height; 25 to curb line; 30 to crosswalkcountdown0.$1,250$1,000($,$,d 10' b t exceeds 10' between 141239 5" H i ht 32" t b li d lkil055Md t$1 000PD SGNL B (S/E RMP aKTUA607141239.5" Height; 32" to curb line and crosswalksignals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL B (S/E RMP aKTUA60739.5 Height; 32 to curb line and crosswalksignals0.$1,850$1,00038 5" H i ht 62" t b li d lk03Mi$850PD SGNL A (S/E RMP aKTUA607141238.5" Height; 62" to curb line and crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A (S/E RMP aKTUA607141238.5 Height; 62 to curb line and crosswalk0.$850$850h i ht f h b tt 39" d 5' t lk04$1 000PD SGNL A on Plaza DrKTUA60842height of push button: 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A on Plaza DrKTUA60842height of push button: 39 ; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00012$1 000N/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA61042not compliant0110112Moderate$1 650$1 000N/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA61042not compliant0.110.11.2Moderate$1,650$1,00003$8 0PD SGNL B on Plaza DrKTUA61142height of push buttons: 39 5"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL B on Plaza DrKTUA61142height of push buttons:$850$850$S/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA613122compliant0101Minor$50$50S/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA613122compliant0.10.1Minor$50$50$PD SGNL A at NE RMP KTUA620257238" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A at NE RMP KTUA620257238 Height; 46 to crosswalk and 40 to curb line0.$850$850$$PD SGNL A t El C iKTUA621257239" Height; 5' to curb line and 8' to crosswalk010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A at El CaminKTUA621257239 Height; 5 to curb line and 8 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL A t SE RMP KTUA623257237" Height; 21" to crosswalk and curb line0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A at SE RMP KTUA623257237 Height; 21 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A at SE RMP KTUA623g0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B t NE RMP KTUA623257238 5" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL B at NE RMP KTUA623257238.5" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0.$850$850PD SGNL B at NE RMP KTUA623g;$850$850il i visual numeric 1412visual numeric 04$1 000PD SGNL A (S/W RMP aKTUA634141240 5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 7'10" to curb linecountdown0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A (S/W RMP aKTUA63440.5 Height; 74 to crosswalk; 710 to curb linecountdown0.$1,850$1,000visual numeric 1412visual numeric PD SGNL A (N/W RMP KTUA641141239" Height; 7'2" to crosswalk and curbcountdown0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A (N/W RMP KTUA641141239 Height; 72 to crosswalk and curbcountdown0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A (N/W RMP KTUA641g0.$1,850$1,000PD SNGL ARM13936247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Mi$850$850PD SNGL ARM13936247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$850$850PD SNGL ARM139g0.$850$850PD SNGL BRM13936248" Height; 60" to curb and crosswalk010102Mi$650$650PD SNGL BRM13936248" Height; 60" to curb and crosswalk01010.2Minor$650$650PD SNGL BRM139362g;$650$6501302A 47" H i ht B 46 5" H i ht 47" t b d 52" t lk02Mi$$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP10001302A: 47" Height, B: 46.5" Height; 47" to curb and 52" to crosswalk01010.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP10001302g, g;$650$650crosswalk leads to 1302crosswalk leads to $PD SGNL ARMP1001130248" Height; 62" to curb and 65" to crosswalkplanter and no ramp01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP100148 Height; 62 to curb and 65 to crosswalkplanter and no ramp0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP1001130248" Height; 65" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1001130248 Height; 65 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP10042utility w/0 25" uplift directly below actuator; 20" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 900$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10042utility w/0.25 uplift directly below actuator; 20 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,900$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1004248 5" Height; 24" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1004248.5 Height; 24 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,47" H i ht 28" t b i d fl l 4 6% i d l di 47" Height; 28" to curb; required floor space cross slope 4-6%; no required color coding or 2eg ; 8 o cu b; equ ed oo space c oss sope 6%; o equ ed coo cod g odibl i l055Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP10052audible signal010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1005audible signal0.$1,850$1,000i ffi i t fl l 25" i d l di dibl i l045$850PD SGNL ARMP10062insufficient floor space clearance - 25"; no required color coding or audible signal0102501045Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP10062insufficient floor space clearance 25 ; no required color coding or audible signal0.$850$850exceeds 5' from crosswalk; not paralell w/ p o t ; no required color coding; no audible signal; 2exceeds 5 from crosswalk; not paralell w/ p.o.t.; no required color coding; no audible signal; PD SGNL ARMP10092required clear floor space cross slopes 8%; exceeds 10' between signals0101025010250109Moderate$3 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10092required clear floor space cross slopes 8%; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,850$1,000$,$,d 5' t lk i d l di dibl i l i d l fl exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; required clear floor space 2;q g g;q p l 7%055Md t$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10102cross slope 7%010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1010cross slope 7%$1,850$1,00049" Height; required clear floor space cross slope 7%; no required color coding or audible 249 Height; required clear floor space cross slope 7%; no required color coding or audible PD SGNL BRMP10102signal010102501055Moderate$1 050$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1010signal0.$1,050$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP1011153245" Height; 31" to curb and 55" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1011153245 Height; 31 to curb and 55 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP10121532exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP10121532exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1012g0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1012153247" Height; 51" to curb and 63" to crosswalk01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1012153247 Height; 51 to curb and 63 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1012g;$1,650$1,000
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250045$1 000PD SGNL BRMP10121532exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP10121532exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,00004$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1013153220" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1013153220 to curb; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP1013153229" to curb; exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1013153229 to curb; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,000,PD SGNL ARMP1014153227" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1014153227 to curb0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1014153220" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1014153220 to curb0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1072233246 5" Height; 62" to curb line; 81" to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1072233246.5 Height; 62 to curb line; 81 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1072g0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1180153238" Height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1180153238 Height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1180g0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1180153239" Height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1180153239" Height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP11801532g0.$850$850153238 5" H i ht d 5' t lk d 10' b t i l065Md t$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1181153238.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501010.65Moderate$2 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP11811532g; ; g0.$2,850$1,000153238" H i ht d 5' t lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1182153238" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1182153238 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00038" H i ht 41" t b d lk03Mi$850PD SGNL BRMP1182153238" Height; 41" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1182153238 Height; 41 to curb and crosswalk0.$850$85038" H i h 40" lk d b03$850PD SGNL BRMP1182153238" Height; 40" to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1182153238 Height; 40 to crosswalk and curb0.$850$85004$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1183153239" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1183153239 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$PD SGNL BRMP1183153238" Height; 35" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1183153238 Height; 35 to curb and crosswalk0.$850$850$PD SGNL ARMP1186155240" height 5 5' to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1186155240 height, 5.5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$,PD SGNL BRMP1186155240" height 5 5' to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1186155240 height, 5.5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP1187155239" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1187155239 height0.$850$850$$PD SGNL BRMP1187155239 5" height distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1187155239.5 height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1187gpp0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1188155239" height exceeds 10' to crosswalk01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1188155239" height, exceeds 10' to crosswalk0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1188g,$850$850SG155238" height03Mi$$850PD SGNL BRMP1188155238" height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP11881552g0.$850$850155239 5" h i ht 9 5' t b d lk055Md t$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1189155239.5" height, 9.5' to curb and crosswalk0102501010.55Moderate$1 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP11891552g,$1,850$1,00039" h i ht 10' t b d lk055Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1189155239" height, 10' to curb and crosswalk010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1189155239 height, 10 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00041 height; 70" distance to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; distance to opposite crosswalk 150241 height; 70 distance to curb; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; distance to opposite crosswalk $PD SGNL BRMP12011502exceeds 10'0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1201exceeds$1,850$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP1202150241" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1202150241 height0.$850$850$$PD SGNL BRMP1202150241 5" height distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10'01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1202150241.5 height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds$850$850SG0g00003o$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1203150240" height distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds 10'01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1203150240 height, distance to opposite crosswalk exceeds$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1203gpp0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1203150240" height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1203150240" height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP12031502g0.$850$850150240" h i ht03Mi$$850PD SGNL ARMP1204150240" height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP12041502g0.$850$850150240" h i ht03Mi$850PD SGNL BRMP1204150240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1204150240 height0.$850$85045 5" H i ht 48" t lk d 25" t b04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1217165245.5" Height; 48" to crosswalk and 25" to curb0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1217165245.5 Height; 48 to crosswalk and 25 to curb0.$1,850$1,000A 45" H i h B 45" H i h d 5' b d lk03$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP12181642A: 45" Height B: 45" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP12181642A: 45 Height, B: 45 Height; exceeds 5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP12191642A: 47" Height B: 46 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP12191642A: 47 Height, B: 46.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000chunks missing at 162chunks missing at PD SGNL ARMP1220165238" Height; 25" to curb and 28" to crosswalkutility box0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1220165238 Height; 25 to curb and 28 to crosswalkutility box0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1220gy0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1264168247 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1264168247.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1264g;$1,650$1,000SG168241 5" Height e ceeds 5' to cross alk e ceeds 10' bet een signals065Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1264168241.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501010.65Moderate$2 850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP12641682g; ; g0.$2,850$1,000180246" H i ht 21" t b li 42" t lk03Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1267180246" Height; 21" to curb line; 42" to crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP12671802g; ;$1,650$1,00046" H i ht 30" t b li d lk02Mi$650PD SGNL BRMP1267180246" Height; 30" to curb line and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1267180246 Height; 30 to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65046" H i ht 6'5" t lk d b li03$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1268180246" Height; 6'5" to crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1268180246 Height; 65 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25002$650PD SGNL BRMP1268180246" Height; 47" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1268180246 Height; 47 to crosswalk; 40 to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1269180246" Height; 6'4" to crosswalk; 6'9" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1269180246 Height; 64 to crosswalk; 69 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP1269180246" Height; 54" to crosswalk and curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1269180246 Height; 54 to crosswalk and curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1270180242" Height; 7'4" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1270180242 Height; 74 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1270180239" Height; 6'8" to crosswalk; 6'5" to curb0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1270180239 Height; 68 to crosswalk; 65 to curb0.$1,850$1,000$,$,d 10' b t exceeds 10' between 178246 5" H i ht 23" t b li 5'7" t lkil065Md t$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1357178246.5" Height; 23" to curb line; 5'7" to crosswalksignals01010102501065Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP135746.5 Height; 23 to curb line; 57 to crosswalksignals0.$3,650$1,00046" H i ht 31" t b li 44" t lk02Mi$650PD SGNL BRMP1357178246" Height; 31" to curb line; 44" to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1357178246 Height; 31 to curb line; 44 to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65040" H i h03$850PD SGNL ARMP1358178240" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1358178240 Height0.$850$850Less than 10' between 1782Less than 10 between PD SGNL BRMP1358178240" Height; 7'3" to crosswalk and curbsignals0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1358178240 Height; 73 to crosswalk and curbsignals0.$1,850$1,000SG358gg00000o$ ,850$ ,000PD SGNL ARMP1359178245 5" Height; 48" to curb line and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1359178245.5 Height; 48 to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1359g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1359178248 25" Height; 25" to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Mi$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1359178248.25" Height; 25" to curb line and crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP13598g;$2,650$1,000372t li t d 5' t lk03Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP136372not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP136372p;$1,650$1,00037247 5" H i ht d 5' t lk d 10' b t i l02Mi$650PD SGNL BRMP13637247.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP13637247.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.10.10.2Minor$650$65045 5" H i ht 49" t b 58" t lk02Mi$650PD SGNL ARMP1360178245.5" Height; 49" to curb; 58" to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1360178245.5 Height; 49 to curb; 58 to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65046" H i ht 23" t b d lk03$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1360178246" Height; 23" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1360178246 Height; 23 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00002$650PD SGNL ARMP1363182247" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1363182247 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65002$6 0PD SGNL BRMP1363182246 5" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1363182246.5 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL ARMP1364182247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1364182247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,48" Height; broken traffic box causing obstruction; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; not parallel to 48 Height; broken traffic box causing obstruction; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; not parallel to PD SGNL BRMP13641822g; g ; ; ppot010101010105Md t$2 900$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13641822p.o.t.01010101010.5Moderate$2 900$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1364p0.$2,900$1,000182247" H i ht d 5' t lk03Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1365182247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP13651822g;$1,650$1,00046" H i ht02Mi$650PD SGNL BRMP1365182246" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1365182246 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65048" H i ht02$650PD SGNL ARMP1366182248" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1366182248 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65002$650PD SGNL BRMP1366182248" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1366182248 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP137372exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' to between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP137372exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 to between signals0.$2,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP13737239" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13737239 Height; exceeds 10 between signals; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,850$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP1376172240" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1376172240 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$,PD SGNL BRMP1376172245 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1376172245.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,id l fl l 48% id l di dibl i l required clear floor space cross slopes 4-8%; no required color coding or audible signal; 2qpp;qgg;d 10' b t i l07Md t$1 000PD SGNL ARMP13772exceeds 10' between signals010250250107Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1377exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,00040 5" Height; required clear floor space cross slopes 3-5 5%; no required color coding or 240.5 Height; required clear floor space cross slopes 3-5.5%; no required color coding or $PD SGNL BRMP13772audible signal; exceeds 10' between signals01025010250108Moderate$2 050$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1377audible signal; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,050$1,000,$,45" l b t 172245" clearance between 172243" H i ht d 5' t lkil d d03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP137843" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalksignal and road01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP137843 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalksignal and road0.$1,650$1,00039 5" H i ht d 5' t lk d 10' b t i l065Md$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1378172239.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1378172239.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,850$1,00047" H i ht 41" t b d lk02$650PD SGNL ARMP1379172247" Height; 41" to curb and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1379172247 Height; 41 to curb and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65004$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1379172239 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1379172239.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,0000$1 000PD SGNL ARMP138372not compliant; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP138372not compliant; exceeds 10 between signals; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP138372not compliant; 40" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP138372not compliant; 40 Height; exceeds 10 between signals; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,850$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP1380172245 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1380172245.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25004$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1380172239" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1380172239 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00004$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1381200251 5" Height; 20" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1381200251.5 Height; 20 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP1381200246 5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1381200246.5 Height; exceeds 5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,PD SGNL ARMP1382200248" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1382200248 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP13822002non compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 28" to curb; signal not accessible01010102501065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP13822002non-compliant; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; 28 to curb; signal not accessible0.$2,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP13832002non compliant0101112Moderate$650$650PD SGNL ARMP13832002non-compliant0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1383p0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL BRMP13832002non compliant0101112Md t$650$650PD SGNL BRMP13832002non-compliant0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1383p0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650PD SGNL ARMP13842002exceeds 10' between signals; 47 5" height; no clearance010250250107Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP13842002exceeds 10' between signals; 47.5" height; no clearance01025025010.7Moderate$1 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP13842002g; g;$1,850$1,000200246 5" H i ht d 5' t b d lk03Mi$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1384200246.5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP13842002g;$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP1422non compliant0101112Moderate$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1422non-compliant0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650$$1972197248" H i ht d 5' t lk d b d 10' b t i l055Md t$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1414197248" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb; exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP141448 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,00046 5" H i ht d 5' t lk03$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1414197246.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1414197246.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,0002PD SGNL ARMP1415247" Height; insuficient floor space clearance 20"; no required color coding or audible signal0102501045Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1415247 Height; insuficient floor space clearance - 20 ; no required color coding or audible signal0.$850$850$$47" H i ht d 5' t lk i d l di i d fl 47" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding; required floor space cross 2g; ; q g; q pl 4%04Mi$1 000PD SGNL BRMP14152slopes 4%0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1415slopes 4%$1,850$1,00047 5" H i ht d 5' t lk d b03$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1416197247.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1416197247.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1416197247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1416197247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000045$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1417197248" Height; exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1417197248 Height; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP1417197246" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1417197246 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP1432122height of push buttons: 40" and 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP1432122height of push buttons: 40 and 39 ; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000(,$,PD SGNL ARMP1433122height of push buttons: 39"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1433122height of push buttons: 390.$850$850$$PD SGNL BRMP1433122height of push buttons: 39"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1433122height of push buttons: 390.$850$850g03o$$850PD SGNL ARMP149942<30" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP149942<30 to curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP14990.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP152246 5" Height; 6' to curb line and crosswalk01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP152246.5" Height; 6' to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP15g;$1,650$1,0002246 5" H i ht 7' t b d d 5' t lk03Mi$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP152246.5" Height; 7' to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP1522g;$1,650$1,000Entire ramp and signal Entire ramp and signal 22area require 22area require $PD SGNL ARMP16non-compliantreplacement0101112Moderate$650$650PD SGNL ARMP16non-compliantreplacement0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650$PD SGNL BRMP1622non compliant010101113Moderate$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1622non-compliant0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP1689168247 5" Height; 22" to curb and crosswalk010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1689168247.5 Height; 22 to curb and crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP1689168247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1689168247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP1689gg0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A d B (SRMP16901682A: 47 5" Height B: 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 26" to curb; "B" not accessible01010102501065Md t$2 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP16901682A: 47.5" Height, B: 48" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 26" to curb; "B" not accessible0.$2,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP1690g, g; ; ;$2,850$1,000P th f t l h ld Path of travel should 22Path of travel should 03$1 000PD SGNL ARMP172247 5" Height; 70" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalkbe replaced01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1747.5 Height; 70 to curb line; exceeds 5 to crosswalkbe replaced0.$1,650$1,00003$850PD SGNL ARMP1715204240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1715204240 height0.$850$850$PD SGNL BRMP1715204240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1715204240 height0.$850$850pole obstruction in path pole obstruction in path ppof travel see photo 2042of travel, see photo 2042i l l 72" t lk d b,p0115055Md t$$1 000RMP 1716 PD SGNLRMP1716signal pole 72" to crosswalk and curb;01150101010250.55Moderate$2 783$1,000RMP 1716 PD SGNLRMP1716gp ;$2,783$1,00044 5" H i ht 50" t lk 52" t b li02Mi$650PD SGNL ARMP1810244.5" Height; 50" to crosswalk; 52" to curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1810244.5 Height; 50 to crosswalk; 52 to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$65042" H i ht02$650PD SGNL ARMP1803218242" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1803218242 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25003$850PD SGNL BRMP1803218241 5" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1803218241.5 Height0.$850$85003$850PD SGNL ARMP1854212237 5" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1854212237.5 height0.$850$850$PD SGNL BRMP1854212238" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1854212238 height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1855212247 5" height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1855212247.5 height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$$PD SGNL BRMP1855212247" height; 90" from signal pole to curb and sidewalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1855212247 height; 90 from signal pole to curb and sidewalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP1910245 5" Height; 74" to curb line010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1910245.5 Height; 74 to curb line0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP19g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1988227240" Height; 33" to curb line and crosswalk01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1988227240 Height; 33 to curb line and crosswalk0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP1988g;$850$850PD SGNL A d BRMP1989227241" Height; 5'8" to crosswalk; 5'6" to curb line0101010104Mi$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and BRMP1989227241" Height; 5'8" to crosswalk; 5'6" to curb line010101010.4Minor$1 850$1,000PD SGNL A and BRMP19892272g; ;$1,850$1,000217240 5" H i ht 56" t lk 40" t b li04Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1990217240.5" Height; 56" to crosswalk; 40" to curb line010101010.4Minor$1 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP19902172g; ;$1,850$1,000218242" H i ht02Mi$650PD SGNL ARMP1995218242" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1995218242 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65042" H i ht 19" t b d lk045Mi$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1995218242" Height; 19" to curb and crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1995218242 Height; 19 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00042" H i h02$650PD SGNL ARMP1996218242" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP1996218242 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1996218247" Height; 77" to crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP1996218247 Height; 77 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000$PD SGNL ARMP1997218241 5" Height; over 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP1997218241.5 Height; over 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP1997218241 5" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP1997218241.5 Height0.$850$850$no relation to crosswalk no relation to crosswalk 2212or "ramp"; median 2212or ramp ; median obstructs crosswalk obstructs crosswalk crossing El Camino crossing El Camino RMP 2043 PD SGNLRMP2043not compliantReal; see photos0101112Moderate$650$650RMP 2043 PD SGNLRMP2043not compliantReal; see photos0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650$$PD SGNL ARMP2044221240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP2044221240 height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP2044g0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP2044221240" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2044221240" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP2044g; g p0.$1,850$1,000SG221240" height03Mi$$850PD SGNL ARMP2045221240" height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP20452212g0.$850$850221240" h i ht di t b t i l l d 10'055Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2045221240" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'0102501010.55Moderate$1 850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP20452212g; g p0.$1,850$1,000t li t12Md t$650PD SGNL ARMP20462212not compliant0101112Moderate$650$650PD SGNL ARMP20462212not compliant0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650t li t12$650PD SGNL ARMP20472212not compliant0101112Moderate$650$650PD SGNL ARMP20472212not compliant0.10.111.2Moderate$650$6502minimal actuator access located adjacent to steep hillside causing dangerous conditions; 39" 2minimal actuator access located adjacent to steep hillside causing dangerous conditions; 39 PD SGNL A d B (SRMP2047jp ggheight; no required color coding or audible signaldangerous condition010250102502501105Md t$2 250$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP2047height; no required color coding or audible signaldangerous condition0.$2,250$1,000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP2047g; q g gg0.$2,250$1,000S/ SG C236247" height02Mi$$650S/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP2075236247" height,01010.2Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP20752362g,$650$650236247" h i ht 65" di t t b li d t d d lk03Mi$$1 000S/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP2075236247" height; 65" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000S/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP20752362g;$1,650$1,000push button A is on the push button A is on the 2362outside for E/W 2362outside for E/W N/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP207647" heightcrossing01010250250108Moderate$2 050$1 000N/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP207647 heightcrossing0.$2,050$1,000$,$,N/W PD SGNL B t El CRMP2076236246 5" height; 21 5" to curb line and 25" to extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000N/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP2076236246.5 height; 21.5 to curb line and 25 to extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,th f t l d path of travel around path of travel around il l i t signal pole is not 2362signal pole is not 2362compliant; pole compliant; pole obstructs path of travel obstructs path of travel $N/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP207746" height push button is not directly parallel to direction of travelto bus stop to the north010250102507Moderate$2 783$1 000N/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP207746 height, push button is not directly parallel to direction of travelto bus stop to the north0.$2,783$1,000,$,/SG C236246 5" h i ht 29" di t t b li d t th 10' di t t t d d lk055Md t$$1 000N/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP2077236246.5" height; 29" distance to curb line and greater than 10' distance to extended crosswalk;0102501010.55Moderate$2 650$1,000N/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP2077g; g ;$2,650$1,000
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250045$1 000S/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP2078236247 5" height 19" to curb line and extended crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP2078236247.5 height, 19 to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00046" height 24" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance between signal 236246 height, 24 to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10 distance between signal S/E PD SGNL B t El CRMP20792362poles010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP20792362poles0.$2,650$1,000S/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP2079p0.$2,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2127233245 5" Height; 83" to curb line; 93" to crosswalk; no clearance at base010250250107Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2127233245.5 Height; 83 to curb line; 93 to crosswalk; no clearance at base0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2127g; ; ;$1,850$1,000d 10' b t exceeds 10' between 2332exceeds 10 between 055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2128233246" Height; 6'7" to curb line; 6'6" to crosswalksignals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP212846 Height; 67 to curb line; 66 to crosswalksignals0.$2,650$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2128233246 5" Height; 63" to crosswalk; 5'1" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2128233246.5 Height; 63 to crosswalk; 51 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP2129233246" Height; 69" to crosswalk; 65" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2129233246 Height; 69 to crosswalk; 65 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP2129233245 5" Height; 80" to crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2129233245.5 Height; 80 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP2130233246 5" Height; 53" to curb line; 73" to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2130233246.5 Height; 53 to curb line; 73 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP2130233246" Height; 6' to crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2130233246 Height; 6 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000SG30g00003o$ ,650$ ,000PD SGNL ARMP2166226239" Height; 24" to curb line; 48" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2166226239 Height; 24 to curb line; 48 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2166g0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A d BRMP2167226242" Height; 7'1" to curb line and crosswalk0102501045Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and BRMP2167226242" Height; 7'1" to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A and BRMP21676g;$1,650$1,000226239 5" H i ht 7'4" t lk 6'9" t b li055Md t$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2168226239.5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 6'9" to curb line0102501010.55Moderate$1 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP21682262g; ;$1,850$1,000231246" H i ht 28" t b li 82" t lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2189231246" Height; 28" to curb line; 82" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2189231246 Height; 28 to curb line; 82 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000exceeds 10' between 2312exceeds 10 between $PD SGNL ARMP2190231246" Height; 58" to curb line; 7' to crosswalksignals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP219046 Height; 58 to curb line; 7 to crosswalksignals0.$2,650$1,000,$,PD SGNL BRMP2190231245 5" Height; 35" to curb line and crosswalk010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP2190231245.5 Height; 35 to curb line and crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$$PD SGNL ARMP2191232246" Height; 76" to curb line and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2191232246 Height; 76 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,Pth f t l Path of travel uneven 232241" H i ht 24 t b li 67" t lk/0 5" lift05Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2191232241" Height; 24: to curb line; 67" to crosswalkw/0.5" uplifts010101010105Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP219141 Height; 24: to curb line; 67 to crosswalkw/0.5 uplifts0.$2,850$1,00046" H i ht 5'4" t lk 6'2" t b li03$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2192231246" Height; 5'4" to crosswalk; 6'2" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2192231246 Height; 54 to crosswalk; 62 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000(2) 1" wide expansion 2392(2) 1 wide expansion 2392joints in direct path of 2392joints in direct path of N/W PD SGNL A MRMP233637" height 44" distance to curb line and extended crosswalkjptravel across street01010103Mi$850$850N/W PD SGNL A on MaRMP233637" height, 44" distance to curb line and extended crosswalktravel across street0.$850$850N/W PD SGNL A on MaRMP2336g,$850$850/SG2336239246" height 47" to c rb line and e tended cross alk010102Mi$6 0$650N/W PD SGNL B on MaRMP2336239246" height, 47" to curb line and extended crosswalk01010.2Minor$650$650N/W PD SGNL B on MaRMP23362392g,$650$650239246" h i ht 53" di t t b li d t d d lk02Mi$$650N/E PD SGNL A on ManRMP2337239246" height, 53" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010.2Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on ManRMP23372392g,$650$65046" height 46" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; distance between signal poles 239246 height, 46 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; distance between signal poles $N/E PD SGNL B on ManRMP23372392exceeds 10'0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on ManRMP2337exceeds$1,650$1,000,S/E PD SGNL A on ManRMP2338239240" height01010103Minor$850$850S/E PD SGNL A on ManRMP2338239240 height0.$850$850$$S/E PD SGNL B MRMP2338239239" height; 54" distance to curb line; 60" distance to extended crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850S/E PD SGNL B on ManRMP2338239239 height; 54 distance to curb line; 60 distance to extended crosswalk0.$850$850$$S/W PD SGNL A MRMP2339239245 5" height; push button not parallel to direction of travel01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL A on ManRMP2339239245.5 height; push button not parallel to direction of travel0.$1,650$1,000S/W PD SGNL A on ManRMP2339gp p0.$1,650$1,000h b tt B i push button B is a new 45" h i ht 78" di t t b li d t d d lk h b tt t ll l t push button B is a new ibl i l ith 239245" height; 78" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; push button not parallel to accessible signal with 239245 height; 78 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk; push button not parallel to faccessible signal with 04$1 000S/W PD SGNL B on ManRMP2339direction of travelaudible tone0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL B on ManRMP2339direction of travelaudible tone0.$2,650$1,00004$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2342269239" Height; 36" to curb line and greater than 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2342269239 Height; 36 to curb line and greater than 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP2342269240" Height; 27" to curb line and 49" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2342269240 Height; 27 to curb line and 49 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP2343269241" Height; 16" to curb line and crosswalk010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2343269241 Height; 16 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$,PD SGNL BRMP2343269241" Height; 26" to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2343269241 Height; 26 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP2344269239" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2344269239 Height; exceeds 5 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000SG3g00000o$ ,850$ ,0002692269239" H i ht 39" t b li d 46" t lk d 10' b t i l055Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2344269239" Height; 39" to curb line and 46" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP234439 Height; 39 to curb line and 46 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,00039" H i ht 37" t b li d 44" t lk03$850PD SGNL ARMP2345269239" Height; 37" to curb line and 44" to crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP2345269239 Height; 37 to curb line and 44 to crosswalk0.$850$850055$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2345269239" Height; 32" to curb line and 44" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2345269239 Height; 32 to curb line and 44 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,000
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2504276245 5" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2504276245.5 Height; 19 to curb line and exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,0002762PD SGNL BRMP2504276241" Height; 25" to curb line and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Md t$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP250441" Height; 25" to curb line and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0.$2,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP2504g; ; g0.$2,850$1,000SG20276247" Height 14" to c rb line and 24" to cross alk010201045Mi$1 6 0$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2505276247" Height; 14" to curb line and 24" to crosswalk01025010.45Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP25052762g;$1,650$1,000276249" H i ht 33" t b li d 64" t lk d 10' b t055Md t$$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2505276249" Height; 33" to curb line and 64" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between0101025010.55Moderate$2 650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP25052762g; ;$2,650$1,00046" H i ht 27" t b li d 5' t lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2506276246" Height; 27" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2506276246 Height; 27 to curb line; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,00048" H i ht 24" t b li d 5' t lk d 10' b t i l065$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2506276248" Height; 24" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010102501065Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2506276248 Height; 24 to curb line; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,650$1,000055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2507276247" Height; 19" to curb line and exceeds 5' to crosswalk010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2507276247 Height; 19 to curb line and exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000065$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2507276246 5" Height; 26" to curb line; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010102501065Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2507276246.5 Height; 26 to curb line; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP2595266240" Height; 24" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2595266240 Height; 24 to curb and 60 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP2595266248" Height; 21" to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010102501065Moderate$3 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2595266248 Height; 21 to curb and exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$3,650$1,000,$,PD SGNL ARMP2596266238" Height; 25" to curb line and 61" to crosswalk010101010105Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2596266238 Height; 25 to curb line and 61 to crosswalk0.$2,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL BRMP2596266246" Height; 25" to curb and 34" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2596266246 Height; 25 to curb and 34 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,000SG596gg00050055ode ate$ ,650$ ,000PD SGNL ARMP2597260248" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb01010103Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2597260248 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP2597g0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP2597260248 5" Height; 38" to curb and 38" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between0102501045Mi$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2597260248.5" Height; 38" to curb and 38" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP259760g; ;$1,650$1,000266246" H i ht 26" t b d d 5' t lk04Mi$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2598266246" Height; 26" to curb and exceeds 5' to crosswalk010101010.4Minor$2 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP25982662g;$2,650$1,000266248" H i ht 22" t b d 5' t lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2598266248" Height; 22" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2598266248 Height; 22 to curb; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000t ibl d 5' t lk d b li03Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP28372602not accessible; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP28372602not accessible; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,00038" H i h 33" b li d 49" lk d 10' b i l055$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2837260238" Height; 33" to curb line and 49" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2837260238 Height; 33 to curb line and 49 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,850$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2840260248" Height; 38" to crosswalk and 26" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2840260248 Height; 38 to crosswalk and 26 to curb0.$1,650$1,00004$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2840260242" Height; 18" to curb and 36" to crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP2840260242 Height; 18 to curb and 36 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP2938260237 5" Height; exceeds 5' to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP2938260237.5 Height; exceeds 5 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000,$,SG2602not accessible 5' to c rb ho e er e ceeds 5' to cross alk e ceeds 10' bet een signals055Md t$$1 000PDSGNL BRMP29382602not accessible; 5' to curb however exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals0101025010.55Moderate$2 650$1,000PDSGNL BRMP2938;;g0.$2,650$1,000281239" H i ht d 5' t b li d lk b tt t ibl065Md t$$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3078281239" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk; button not accessible010101025010.65Moderate$2 050$1,000PD SGNL ARMP30782812g; ;$2,050$1,00039" H i ht d 5' t b li d lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3079281239" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3079281239 Height; exceeds 5 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000281238 5" H i ht 60" t b d 5' t lk d 10' b t i l065Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3079281238.5" Height; 60" to curb; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP307938.5 Height; 60 to curb; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,850$1,00038" H i ht 21" t b li d lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3080281238" Height; 21" to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3080281238 Height; 21 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00040" H i ht 20" t b li d 30" t lk d 10' b t i l065$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3080281240" Height; 20" to curb line and 30" to crosswalk; exceeds 10' between signals01010250101065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3080281240 Height; 20 to curb line and 30 to crosswalk; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,850$1,00002$650PD SGNL ARMP31682no required color coding or audible signal010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP31682no required color coding or audible signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$65042" clear and utility box w/ gaps and uplifts in p o t next to pole; no required color coding or 242 clear and utility box w/ gaps and uplifts in p.o.t. next to pole; no required color coding or PD SGNL BRMP31682audible signal010250101055Moderate$1 100$1 000PD SGNL BRMP31682audible signal0.$1,100$1,000PD SGNL BRMP3168g0.$1,100$1,000d 5' t lk i d l di dibl i l 44" l t t b exceeds 5' to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; 44" clear p.o.t. at base; 2exceeds 5 to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; 44 clear p.o.t. at base; d 10' b t i l055$1 000PD SGNL ARMP31692exceeds 10' between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP3169exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,650$1,00009$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3169241" clear p o t at base w/ utility box w/ uplifts in p o t ; exceeds 10' between signals0102501025010109Moderate$2 300$1 000PD SGNL BRMP3169241 clear p.o.t. at base w/ utility box w/ uplifts in p.o.t.; exceeds 10 between signals0.$2,300$1,0000 5" uplifted expansion 0.5 uplifted expansion joint in direct path of 2442joint in direct path of S/E PD SGNL A El CRMP3227244246 5" height 24" distance to curb line and 45" distance to extended crosswalkjptravel0101010104Mi$1 900$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP322746.5" height, 24" distance to curb line and 45" distance to extended crosswalktravel0.$1,900$1,000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3227g,$1,900$1,00046" h i ht 28" di t t b li d 59" t t d d lk d 10' di t 46" height, 28" distance to curb line and 59" to extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' distance 244246 height, 28 distance to curb line and 59 to extended crosswalk; exceeds 10 distance 055$1 000S/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP32272442between poles010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3227between poles0.$2,650$1,00002$650N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3228244243" height 31" distance to curb line and 60" distance to extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3228244243 height, 31 distance to curb line and 60 distance to extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3228244247 5" height 21" distance to curb line and 27" distance to extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3228244247.5 height, 21 distance to curb line and 27 distance to extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250045$1 000N/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3229244245" height 15" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk parallel to crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000N/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3229244245 height, 15 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk, parallel to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00002$650N/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3229244246" height 47 5" distance to curb line and 51" to extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3229244246 height, 47.5 distance to curb line and 51 to extended crosswalk.$650$650duplicate push button A duplicate push button A pp(same pole) is 54" (same pole) is 54 (p)distance to c rb line & 2442distance to curb line & 244220" di t t 20" distance to 45" h i httdd lk02Mi$650S/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP323045" heightextended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP323045 heightextended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65045" h i ht 36" di t t b li d t d d lk02$650S/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3230244245" height, 36" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3230244245 height, 36 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$65002$650S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3331251244" heightaudible signal010102Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3331251244 heightaudible signal0.10.10.2Minor$650$65003$1 000S/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3331251244" height; exceeds 5' distance to extended crosswalk and curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3331251244 height; exceeds 5 distance to extended crosswalk and curb line0.$1,650$1,000,$N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3332251246" height; 58" distance to curb line parallel to crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3332251246 height; 58 distance to curb line, parallel to crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL B El CRMP3332251240" height 31" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' in between signal poles01020101055Md t$1 8 0$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3332251240" height, 31" to curb line and extended crosswalk; exceeds 10' in between signal poles0102501010.55Moderate$1 850$1,000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP3332g, ; g p0.$1,850$1,000251238 5" h i ht03Mi$$850N/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3333251238.5" height0101010.3Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP33332512g0.$850$85021238" h i ht d 5' di t t t d d lk 23" di t t b li05Md t$1 000N/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3333251238" height; exceeds 5' distance to extended crosswalk; 23" distance to curb line010101010105Moderate$2 850$1 000N/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3333251238 height; exceeds 5 distance to extended crosswalk; 23 distance to curb line0.$2,850$1,00047" h i ht02$650S/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3334251247" height010102Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL A on El CRMP3334251247 height0.10.10.2Minor$650$65022 203$1 000S/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3334251247" height; 22" distance to curb line; 42" distance to extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL B on El CRMP3334251247 height; 22 distance to curb line; 42 distance to extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00003$1 000S/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP3742239246" height 28" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP3742239246 height, 28 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$S/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP3742239244" height 83" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP3742239244 height, 83 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,$N/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP3743239239" height 48" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$850$850N/W PD SGNL A at El CRMP3743239239 height, 48 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$850$850$N/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP3743239244" height 54" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk010102Minor$650$650N/W PD SGNL B at El CRMP3743239244 height, 54 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$$push button A is a new push button A is a new 2402accessible signal with 2402accessible signal with N/E PD SGNL A t El CRMP374639" h i htaudiable tone01010103Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP374639" heightaudiable tone0.$850$850N/E PD SGNL A at El CaRMP374639 height0.$850$850N/E PD SGNL B t El CRMP3746240246" height; 31" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk010102Mi$650$650N/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP3746240246" height; 31" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.10.10.2Minor$650$650N/E PD SGNL B at El CaRMP3746g;$650$650S/ SG C240245" height3 ramp directional02Mi$$650S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3747240245" height3 ramp directional01010.2Minor$650$650S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP37472402gp0.10.10.2Minor$650$65046" height; 50" distance to curb line 63" distance to E/W crossing 57" distance to N/S 240246 height; 50 distance to curb line, 63 distance to E/W crossing, 57 distance to N/S 03$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP37482402crossing4 ramp directional01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP3748crossing4 ramp directional0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL ARMP4165195239 5" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4165195239.5 height0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4165195241 5" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP4165195241.5 height; distance between signal poles exceeds$1,850$1,000$,$,PD SGNL ARMP4166195240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4166195240 height0.$850$850$$PD SGNL BRMP4166195240" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP4166195240 height; distance between signal poles exceeds$1,850$1,000PD SGNL BRMP4166ggp0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP4167194239 5" height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4167194239.5 height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4167g0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4167194240" height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4167194240" height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL BRMP41671942g0.$850$850194239" h i ht03Mi$$850PD SGNL ARMP4168194239" height0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP41681942g0.$850$850194239" h i ht di t b t i l l d 10'055Md t$1 000PD SGNL BRMP4168194239" height; distance between signal poles exceeds 10'010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP4168194239 height; distance between signal poles exceeds$1,850$1,000h i ht f h b tt 40" d 40 5"03Mi$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4609132height of push buttons: 40" and 40.5"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4609132height of push buttons: 40 and$850$850 li d ' lk03$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4610132not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4610132not compliant; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000242PD SGNL A d B (SRMP4611242not compliant; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; large vertical utility box causes horizontal obstruction010101025055Moderate$2 783$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4611242not compliant; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; large vertical utility box causes horizontal obstruction0.$2,783$1,000(gy055ode ate$,$ ,00040" H i ht i d l fl l d 2% dibl i l i d l 40" Height; required clear floor space slopes exceed 2%; no audible signal or required color 20 eg t; equ ed cea oo space sopes e ceed %; o audbe sg a o equ ed coodi04Mi$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP46112coding0101010104Minor$1 050$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP4611coding0.$1,050$1,00047" Height; exceeds 60" to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10' 247 Height; exceeds 60 to crosswalk; no required color coding or audible signal; exceeds 10 PD SGNL BRMP46112between signals010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP46112between signals0.$2,650$1,000$,$,
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25003$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP4612248246" height; 70" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000S/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP4612248246 height; 70 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,00003$850N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP4613248248 5" height01010103Minor$850$850N/E PD SGNL A on El CRMP4613248248.5 height0.$850$850$N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP4613248248" height; 62" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000N/E PD SGNL B on El CRMP4613248248 height; 62 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000,N/W PD SGNL on El CaRMP4614248245 5" height 19" distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000N/W PD SGNL on El CaRMP4614248245.5 height, 19 distance to curb line and extended crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SGNL A d B (SRMP47542122A: 39" height; B: 39" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP47542122A: 39 height; B: 39 height0.$850$850($$PD SGNL ARMP4755212240" height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4755212240 height0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4755g0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4755212239 5" height01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4755212239.5 height0.$850$850PD SGNL BRMP4755g0.$850$850PD SGNL ARMP4781281240" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk010250101055Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL ARMP4781281240" Height; exceeds 5' to curb line and crosswalk0102501010.55Moderate$1 850$1,000PD SGNL ARMP47812812g;$1,850$1,000PD SGNL B hi hl 102PD SGNL B highly 102PD SGNL B highly 055$1 000PD SGNL A and BRMP5046" Height; 78" to curb line; exceeds 5' to cross walkinaccessable010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and BRMP5046 Height; 78 to curb line; exceeds 5 to cross walkinaccessable0.$1,850$1,00003$1 000PD SGNL ARMP5110245 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 69" to curb line01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP5110245.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk; 69 to curb line0.$1,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP511024 5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk and curb; no clearance on any side of signal010102501055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL BRMP511024.5 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk and curb; no clearance on any side of signal0.$1,850$1,000,PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP58122not compliant0101112Moderate$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP58122not compliant0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650($$PD SGNL A d B (SRMP59122height of push button A and B: 40"01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP59122height of push button A and B: 400.$850$850($$PD SGNL ARMP63161247" Height; 21" to curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP63161247 Height; 21 to curb0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP631g0.$1,650$1,000PD SGNL A d B (SRMP632612A and B 47" Height010102Mi$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP632612A and B 47 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP632g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP63261247" Height; 25" to curb and 60" to crosswalk01010103Mi$1 6 0$1 000PD SGNL BRMP63261247" Height; 25" to curb and 60" to crosswalk0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL BRMP632612g;$1,650$1,00095246 5" H i ht 43" t b d 60" t lk02Mi$$650PD SGNL ARMP64095246.5" Height; 43" to curb and 60" to crosswalk01010.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL ARMP640952g;$650$6509246" H i ht 28" t b d lk03Mi$1 000PD SGNL BRMP64095246" Height; 28" to curb and crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP64095246 Height; 28 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000A 38 5" H i ht B 39" H i ht d 10' f lk045Mi$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP641952A: 38.5" Height, B: 39" Height; exceeds 10' from crosswalk0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP641952A: 38.5 Height, B: 39 Height; exceeds 10 from crosswalk0.$1,650$1,0000" H i h03$850PD SGNL ARMP642105250" Height01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL ARMP642105250 Height0.$850$850045$1 000PD SGNL BRMP6421052exceeds 10' between signals0102501045Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL BRMP6421052exceeds 10 between signals0.$1,650$1,000$PD SGNL ARMP643105247 5" Height; exceeds 10' between signals; exceeds 60" to crosswalk010102501055Moderate$2 650$1 000PD SGNL ARMP643105247.5 Height; exceeds 10 between signals; exceeds 60 to crosswalk0.$2,650$1,000,$PD SGNL BRMP643105246" Height010102Minor$650$650PD SGNL BRMP643105246 Height0.10.10.2Minor$650$650$PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP70242not compliant; signal B exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP70242not compliant; signal B exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000($,$,PD SIGNL ARMP862106247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SIGNL ARMP862106247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000$,$,PD SIGNL BRMP862106247" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SIGNL BRMP862106247 Height; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,650$1,000PD SIGNL BRMP862g0.$1,650$1,000SGNL A is for f t re 1062SGNL A is for future 1062i tl 1062crossing, currently no A 47" H i ht B 47" H i ht 25" t b d 63" t lk 32" l t b t i l c oss g, cu e y o id lk t A: 47" Height, B: 47" Height; 25" to curb and 63" to crosswalk; 32" clear p.o.t. between signal ramp or sidewalk to A: 47 Height, B: 47 Height; 25 to curb and 63 to crosswalk; 32 clear p.o.t. between signal l d d f lk hdi hramp or sidewalk to 065$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP863pole and edge of walk heading northconnect to01010102501065Moderate$2 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP863pole and edge of walk heading northconnect to0.$2,850$1,0001202PD SGNL A d B (SRMP9681202A: 42" Height B: 42" Height; neither parallel to direction of travel; 48" to crosswalk and curb01010103Minor$1 650$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9681202A: 42 Height, B: 42 Height; neither parallel to direction of travel; 48 to crosswalk and curb0.$1,650$1,000($,$,PD SGNL A d B (SRMP9691192A: 41" Height B: 40" Height; 22" to curb and 50" to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9691192A: 41 Height, B: 40 Height; 22 to curb and 50 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP969gg0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A d B (SRMP9701192A: 39" Height B: 39" Height; 15" to curb and 44" to crosswalk010250101055Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9701192A: 39" Height, B: 39" Height; 15" to curb and 44" to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP970g, g;$1,850$1,000id lk d ith sidewalk ends on either 1202sidewalk ends on either 055$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP9711202A: 39" Height B: 39" Height; 18" to curb and 34" to crosswalkside of ramp010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP971A: 39 Height, B: 39 Height; 18 to curb and 34 to crosswalkside of ramp0.$1,850$1,000Jackson crosswalk Jackson crosswalk heading east leads to 1302heading east leads to PD SGNL A d B (SRMP9991302A: 47" Height B: 47" Height; 53" to curb and 54" to crosswalkgnothing010102Mi$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP999A: 47" Height, B: 47" Height; 53" to curb and 54" to crosswalknothing0.10.10.2Minor$650$650PD SGNL A and B (SamRMP999g, g;g0.10.10.2Minor$650$650SG110245 5" Height e ceeds 5' to cross alk 69" to c rb line01010103Mi$1 6 0$1 000PD SGNL ARMP5110245.5" Height; exceeds 5' to crosswalk; 69" to curb line0101010.3Minor$1 650$1,000PD SGNL ARMP51102g; ;$1,650$1,000
Constr ction CategorBandRelocate / ReplaceAdj stConstr ctUpdateInstallTrimRemo eGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all ItemsConstruction Category:BandRelocate / ReplaceAdjustConstructUpdateInstallTrimRemoveGrindComposite all ItemsComposite all Items r r r s oraror b r ores r oeooor rbe tooeerClFlsrye foFOCUS AREA 'B'uth-h a dome Cr Festsorlem fFOCUS AREA 'B'Cotn-eustuw dtimn arceosgoblmFOCUS AREA Bm m Cm oono cePuctowor n tn ieapaCoegubuFOCUS AREA BmmmNotoacPacrrotownonCleSp Cateomrororo Nel tgpaat e aratowtio CSor CadximgfrfrfredlengSp ayler atudonctn or oCe axPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSnge e e meallsir Se tyorcttdwnuc inooesg meMantPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSdicececemrassorceste oacntowtruon lorengoms) MenPEDESTRIAN SIGNALSndncencncemarohtoopad med audostioFlortinsorsh meSSGSananneananePCrghFloSpoldmndcotdbctir coRat(surithemBastLinststDn Ceig FS ooan cntOeucarSRs cuwcee BDisk LDisDisk Dgonof Hear or re dl art ue Ocetrueae Se Rstsoc (wacleDlkDDrkintto oHeaooarof alorcoveacstClteteos os plaoor aor or sWomiuton or Clelos a ornapo ctivpabs CsisiCog stsepPtowtotonsWrmBuiotoCFlnnsd ogpe atSpOben osos Cngosrer atswataton Wforh Bctiatl Cr ononadatsiubleetar S Ocet ipopos tinCop roruaosuaeuatoldnfshecuaveartototeuad s sdibgeorrdaciftmmosunt Cmpolocturoctunectuuttelonusrectueveauttuttstctuedot udegooarpaplomomroouetmCompliance ItemCoAcCrAcLinAcBuFieCoPuDiAcLeClBuBunsacPenoauVeFloHaSpUpCoCoGrcoNeraCompliance ItemCACALABFCPDALCBBinaPnaVFHSUCCGcNrIndividualIndividual LtiF ilit IDMPTiEiti C ditiNtItem Cost:$50$1 000$1 000$1 000$1 000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1 133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotesItem Cost:$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$250LocationFacility IDMap PagTierExisting ConditionNotes$50$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000$200$200$200$200$600$600$100$1,133$25004$1 000N/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA5992042A: 39" height; B: 38 5" height; 27" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000N/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA5992042A: 39 height; B: 38.5 height; 27 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,00012$650N/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA61042not compliant0101112Moderate$650$650N/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA61042not compliant0.10.111.2Moderate$650$650$PD SGNL A (N/W RMP KTUA641141239" Height; 7'2" to crosswalk and curbvisual numeric countdown0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A (N/W RMP KTUA641141239 Height; 72 to crosswalk and curbvisual numeric countdown0.$1,850$1,000(,PD SGNL A (S/E RMP aKTUA607141238 5" Height; 62" to curb line and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A (S/E RMP aKTUA607141238.5 Height; 62 to curb line and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000($,$,PD SGNL A (S/W RMP KTUA634141240 5" Height; 7'4" to crosswalk; 7'10" to curb lineil i td010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A (S/W RMP aKTUA634141240.5 Height; 74 to crosswalk; 710 to curb linevisual numeric countdown0.$1,850$1,000($,$,PD SGNL A d B (N/E KTUA606141238 5" Height; 25" to curb line; 30" to crosswalkil i td0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A and B (N/E KTUA606141238.5 Height; 25 to curb line; 30 to crosswalkvisual numeric countdown0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A and B (N/E KTUA606gvisual numeric countdown0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A t El C iKTUA621257239" Height; 5' to curb line and 8' to crosswalk010250101055Md t$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A at El CaminKTUA621257239 Height; 5 to curb line and 8 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A at El CaminKTUA621g;$1,850$1,000PD SGNL A t NE RMP KTUA620257238" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL A at NE RMP KTUA620257238" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line0101010.3Minor$850$850PD SGNL A at NE RMP KTUA6202572g;$850$850257237" H i ht 21" t lk d b li04Mi$$1 000PD SGNL A at SE RMP KTUA623257237" Height; 21" to crosswalk and curb line010101010.4Minor$1 850$1,000PD SGNL A at SE RMP KTUA6232572g;$1,850$1,00042h i ht f h b tt 39" d 5' t lk04Mi$1 000PD SGNL A on Plaza DrKTUA60842height of push button: 39"; exceeds 5' to crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000PD SGNL A on Plaza DrKTUA60842height of push button: 39 ; exceeds 5 to crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000A 39" h i ht B 39" h i ht 29" t b d lk04Mi$1 000S/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA6002042A: 39" height; B: 39" height; 29" to curb and crosswalk0101010104Minor$1 850$1 000S/E PD SGNL A and B (KTUA6002042A: 39 height; B: 39 height; 29 to curb and crosswalk0.$1,850$1,000li02$650S/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA613122compliant010102Minor$650$650S/W PD SGNL on PlazaKTUA613122compliant0.10.10.2Minor$650$650exceeds 10' between 1412exceeds 10 between PD SGNL B (S/E RMP KTUA607141239 5" Height; 32" to curb line and crosswalksignals010250101055Moderate$1 850$1 000PD SGNL B (S/E RMP aKTUA607141239.5 Height; 32 to curb line and crosswalksignals0.$1,850$1,000($,$,PD SGNL B t NE RMP KTUA623257238 5" Height; 46" to crosswalk and 40" to curb line01010103Minor$850$850PD SGNL B at NE RMP KTUA623257238.5 Height; 46 to crosswalk and 40 to curb line0.$850$850PD SGNL B at NE RMP KTUA623g0.$850$850PD SGNL B Pl DKTUA61142height of push buttons: 39 5"01010103Mi$850$850PD SGNL B on Plaza DrKTUA61142height of push buttons: 39.5"$850$850PD SGNL B on Plaza DrKTUA611gp0.$850$850# of signals with this problem66827314210516127143222566661097$1 047 347$611 500# of signals with this problem66827314210516127143222566661097$1,047,347$611,500Ct% f T t lCount% of TotalCount% of TotalCf i00 00%Conforming00 00%Conforming00.00%Mi48973 20%Minor48973 20%Minor48973.20%Md t17826 65%Moderate17826 65%Moderate17826.65%Major10 15%Major10.15%Major10.15%Ttl668100 00%Total668100 00%Total668100.00%
City of Carlsbad
D: General Grievance Form
The City of Carlsbad provides a General Grievance Form online: www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depart-
The form may be printed and mailed or brought in to the city offi ces at 2965 Roosevelt Street, Suite B,
Carlsbad, California 92008. The form can also be faxed to the offi ce at 760-720-2037.
ADA Transition Plan
E: References
The following agencies, organizations and publications were used in preparation of this Transition Plan
for the City of Carlsbad:
Access to Independence, San Diego
ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG)
Americans with Disabilities Act
Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Transition Plan for Public Rights-of-Way, City of Roseville, CA
Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan, Sacramento County Department of Transportation
California Buildings and Standards Code, Title 24
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
California Disabled Accessibility Guidebook – CalDAG
City of Carlsbad
City of Carlsbad Pedestrian Master Plan
City of San Diego Pedestrian Master Plan
City of San Diego Transition Plan
Division of State Architect (DSA), California, Access Compliance Regulations
Manual of Uniform Traffi c Control Devices (MUTCD)
Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines - Draft (PROWAG)
San Diego Center for the Blind
San Diego Regional Standard Drawings (SDRSD)