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HomeMy WebLinkAbout; 1990 Traffic Monitoring Program Carlsbad Part 1; 1990 Traffic Monitoring Program Carlsbad Part 1; 1990-01-01ihk & associates ANNUAL REPORT 19 9 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM Prepared For City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 Prepared By JHK & Associates 8989 Rio San Diego Drive, Suite 335 San Diego, California 92108 TABLE OF CONTENTS -J hk & associates Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1_1 Project Overview 1_1 Annual Report Organization 1-3 2. MID-BLOCK LINK COUNTS 2-1 3. INTERSECTION TURN MOVEMENT COUNTS 3-1 Heavy Demand Procedures 3-16 CONCLUSIONS Table LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES -J ihk & associates Figure Page 1- 1 Project Location Map 1-2 2- 1 1990 Traffic Monitoring Program - Arterial Levels of Service 2-2 3- 1 Intersection Location Map 3-2 3-2 AM Peak Hour - Intersection Levels of Service 3-11 3-3 P.M Peak Hour - Intersection Levels of Service 3-12 Page 2- 1 Roadway Segment Levels of Service 2-3 3- 1 Count Date Summary Sheet 3-3 3-2 Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Summary 3-7 3-3 ICU Summaries for Standard and Heavy Demand 3-17 jhk & associates 1. INTRODUCTION PROJECT OVERVIEW In attempts by cities across the country to regulate growth within their communities, Growth Management Plans have been developed. An important part of a Growth Management Plan is a Traffic Monitoring Program. The Traffic Monitoring Program entails the collection and analysis of data at critical mid-block link count locations and major intersections throughout the City. Typically, data requirements for Traffic Monitoring Programs include the average daily traffic volumes recorded at mid-block locations and peak hour turn movement volumes at major signalized intersections. The field data is then reduced and capacity analysis is performed based on existing geometries and lane configurations. The analysis of intersections and mid-block locations enables the jurisdiction to identify potential capacity problem areas where unacceptable operations exist. This information is intended to assist the City in assessing future development adjacent to these problem locations where capacity deficiencies currently exist. This report documents the second year's results of the Growth Management Plan Traffic Monitoring Program for the City of Carlsbad. The City of Carlsbad identified thirty-seven (37) key intersections and eighteen (IS) key mid-block locations for analysis. Data for this report was gathered during July and August of 1990. Similar efforts occurred the previous year for this same time period and provided a basis for comparison. The City of Carlsbad is a coastal community located in Southern California, 35 miles north of San Diego, and the current population is approximately 63,000. Interstate 3 runs north and south near the western edge of Carlsbad and is a major route for commuters to both Orange County and San Diego. The facility also carries a significant amount of through traffic as the primary coastal route linking San Diego to Orange County and Los Angeles. The Carlsbad Circulation system includes the following major arterials: El Camino Real, Palomar Airport Road, Tamarack Avenue, and Carlsbad Boulevard. The project location map, Figure 1-1, shows the alignment of the major roadways throughout Carlsbad and the intersections and mid- block locations evaluated in the Traffic Monitoring Program. 1-1 Intersection Count Locations Mid-Block Count Locations Figure 1-1 PROJECT LOCATION MAP 1-2 -J ;hk & associates ANNUAL REPORT ORGANIZATION As required by the Scope of Work, JHK & Associates (JHK) collected data during the Summer of 1990 at various mid-block locations and intersections within and adjacent to the City of Carlsbad. The results of this data collection effort are included in the appendices at the end of this report. In addition to these technical appendices, JHK has prepared a summary section for this Annual Report. Summary information is presented in this initial section of the report, and a description of the content of Chapters 2, 3 and li is provided below. As mentioned previously, a total of eighteen (18) mid-block link count locations for the collection of 1990 average daily traffic (ADT) volume counts were identified by the City of Carlsbad. JHK coordinated the placement of its counters with City staff and later reviewed the ADT volumes and performed roadway segment analysis. The results of the mid-block link analysis for the summer count period is contained in Chapter 2. Although roadway segment analysis provides a good indication of roadway operations in rural settings, intersections tend to be the dominant factor in traffic operations within the urban sections of most communities. The City of Carlsbad identified thirty-seven (37) key intersections to be analyzed. To help assure that the intersection turn movement counts were completed in a timely manner, JHK utilized personnel from a temporary agency within the Carlsbad area. Morning (6:00 to 9:00 a.m.) and evening (3:30 to 6:30 p.m.) peak period turn movement volumes were collected at each project intersection. The data was reduced to identify the peak hour turn movement volumes, and this information was then analyzed using the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) method for signalized intersections and procedures outlined in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual. Chapter 10, for unsignalized intersections. The analysis conformed with guidelines established by the City of Carlsbad in a document entitled "Guidelines and Instructions for the Preparation of Local Facilities Management and Plan Transportation Impact Studies". The results of the data collection and analysis activities are presented in Chapter 3. Critical project findings and conclusions are documented in Chapter Technical issues are discussed and recommendations for future traffic monitoring activities are also presented in Chapter ^. 1-3 -J hk & associates 2. LINK COUNTS Mid-block link counts were conducted at eighteen (18) locations throughout the City of Carlsbad and can be identified on Figure 2-1. JHK & Associates conducted the link counts using mechanical tube counters which were placed and monitored for two consecutive days (if8-hours). The counts resulted in the determination of average daily traffic (ADT) volumes, and these ADT volumes for the Summer count period are summarized in Appendix A. The City of Carlsbad assumed a one- direction maximum capacity of 1,800 vehicles per lane per hour in the peak period. Roadway segment analysis was calculated by a maximum one-direction lane volume to capacity ratio and the corresponding Level of Service (LOS) was determined. Table 2-1 summarizes the Summer of 1990 roadway segment analysis, and Figure 2-1 graphically illustrates the level of service during the peak hour. After the analysis was completed for the roadway segments, no locations were identified to operate at LOS F. However, Palomar Airport Road, east of Melrose Drive, was identified to operate at LOS E during the 1990 count period. The same location operated at LOS D during the Summer 1989 phase. In addition, La Costa Avenue between Pireaus Street and Saxony Road was found to operate at LOS D during the peak period as it had the previous year. The remaining segments operated at LOS A or B for the Summer 1990 count phase. The locations of the high volume links along with their corresponding levels of service are listed below: 1989 1990 WINTER SUMMER SUMMER Location Ili2i Location LOS LOS LOS 3 Palomar Airport Road east of Melrose E D E ^ Palomar Airport Road between El Fuerte and El Camino Real D D A 12 La Costa Avenue between Pireaus & Saxony DDD 2-1 XX Mid-Block Count Numbers LOS A, B or C LOS D LOS E LOS F Figure 2-1 1990 TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM ARTERIAL LEVELS OF SERYICE 2-2 Table 2-1 City of Carlsbad ' Summer 1990 Roadway Segment Levels of Service I Location Number 1 Segment El Camino Real El Camino Real Palomar Airport Rd. Palomar Airport Rd. Carlsbad Blvd. Jefferson St. Segment Location 10 El Camino Real Carlsbad Blvd. Alga Rd & La Costa Ave. Levante St. & Olivenhain St. East of Melrose Drive El Fuerte 6c El Camino Real Oceanside City Limit & State St. Marron Rd. & 1-3 Palomar Airport Rd. Yarrow Dr. & El Camino Real Palomar Airport Rd. Paseo Del Norte & College Blvd. Marron Rd. & Plaza Dr. Cannon Rd. dc Cerezo Dr. One Direction Link Volume 991 870 1,710 1,687 855 557 1,109 1,932 1,226 675 V/C Ratio 0.18 0.2^ 0.95 0.47 0.31 0.31 0.36 0.23 0.38 LOS A A A A A A A A Table 2-1 (Continued) City of Carlsbad ' Summer 1990 Roadway Segment Levels of Service Location Number Segment Segment Location One Direction V/C Link Volume Ratio LOS 11 12 13 Olivenhain Rd. La Costa Ave. La Costa Ave. El Camino Real & Amargosa Dr. 1,142 Pireaus St. & Saxony Rd. Cadencia St. &: Romeria St. 1,538 1,247 0.63 0.85 0.35 B D A to I -p- 14 Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Melrose Dr. & La Costa Meadows Dr. 1,058 0.59 A 15 Rancho Santa Fe Rd Questhaven Rd. & Cadencia St. 947 0.53 A 16 Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Olivenhain Rd. & Avenida La Posta 585 0.33 A 17 Elm Ave. Victoria Ave. & Pontiac Dr. 278 0.15 Chestnut Ave. Monroe St. &: El Camino Real 239 0.13 A jhk & associates Seven of the eighteen mid-block locations for this 1990 report were also analyzed in the 1989 report. Of these seven locations, four link count stations experienced an increase in ADT from the previous year. The increases ranged from four percent to twenty percent with an average increase of eleven percent. The other three sites showed a decrease in the recorded ADT volumes from 1989 to 1990. In particular, traffic volumes on El Camino Real between Alga Road and La Costa Avenue and between Levante Street and Olivenhain Road decreased an average of 25 percent from the previous year. It is also important to recognize that although roadway segment analysis is an accurate assessment of roadway conditions in rural settings, it is often difficult to assess the overall efficiency of the entire circulation system based solely on the segement analysis. This is especially true in urban settings where intersection operations control the flow of traffic on the system. Thus, the analysis of intersection levels of service at signalized intersections provides a more accurate indication of system operations in urbanized areas. In summary, the information in this chapter coupled with the capacity analysis of signalized and unsignalized intersections in Chapter 3 will enable the City of Carlsbad to accurately determine the current state of the entire circulation system. 2-5 jhk & associates 3. INTERSECTION TURN MOVEMENT COUNTS Intersection turn movement counts were conducted at thirty-seven (37) intersections. Figure 3-1 graphically identifies the location of each of the intersections included in the study. To aid in the data collection, JHK employed temporary staff from a local employment agency. The turn movement counts were conducted during the morning peak period (6:00 to 9:00 a.m.) and the evening peak period (3:30 to 6:30 p.m.). The data from each three-hour period was subdivided into fifteen minute intervals, and vehicle turning movement counts were summarized during each interval. This assured that the peak hour would be clearly identified for both the morning and evening peak periods'. All counts were conducted during the middle of the week (either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) and the actual count day and date are shown on Table 3-1. To aid in the reduction of the field data, JHK developed an in-house computer software application program. The program used a Lotus spreadsheet format to identify peak hour volume conditions to determine the peak hour factor and perform ICU calculations. The ICU calculations for signalized intersections were conducted for both the morning and evening peak hours for thirty-one of the thirty-seven (37) intersections. ICU calculations were completed using guidelines established by the City. The lane group capacities were assigned as follows: Lane Group Capacity* turn lanes 1500 vphgpl thru lanes 1700 vphgpl Note*: Taken from the City of Carlsbad "Guidelines and Instructions for the Preparation of Local Facilities Management Plan Transportation Impact Studies." 3-1 • Intersection Count Locations xx Intersction Count Number Figure 3-1 INTERSECTION LOCATION MAP 3-2 ihk & associates Table 3-1 COUNT DATE SUMMARY SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM Location Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Count Intersection/Location El Camino Real and Elm Avenue El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road El Camino Real and Alga Road El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue Rancho Santa Fe and Melrose Drive Rancho Santa Fe and La Costa Avenue Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain Road Palomar Airport Road and Camino Vida Roble Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas Alga Road and El Fuerte Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road Carlsbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane Poinsettia Lane and Paseo del Norte Monroe Street and Marron Road 3-3 Count Day Tues Tues Tues Thur Tues Tues Thur Wed Wed Wed Thur Wed Wed Wed Thur Tues Tues Wed Count Date 7/24 7/24 7/24 7/26 7/17 7/17 7/12 7/11 7/18 7/18 Thur 7/12 Thur 7/12 7/12 7/11 7/25 7/25 7/12 7/10 7/10 7/25 Ihk & associates Table 3-1 (Continued) COUNT DATE SUMMARY SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC MONITORING PROGRAM Location Count Number Intersection/Location 21 Monroe Street and Elm Avenue 22 Marron Road and Jefferson Street 23 Elm Avenue and Harding Street 24 Tamarack Avenue and Adams Street 25 Tamarack Avenue and Pio Pico Drive 26 Jefferson and Las Flores 27 El Camino Real and College Boulevard 28 El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road 29 Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard 30 Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street 31 Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive 32 Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Meadows Drive 33 Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road 34 Elm Avenue and Pio Pico Drive 35 Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas 36 La Costa Avenue and Saxony Road 37 College Boulevard and Faraday Avenue Count Day Tues Wed Thur Wed Tues Wed Thur Thur Wed Thur Wed Wed Tues Tues Tues Thur Count Date 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/25 7/24 7/25 7/19 7/26 7/18 7/19 Thur 7/19 7/11 7/11 7/24 7/10 7/17 7/19 3-4 J hk & associates When unique lane configurations occurred, capacities were assigned based upon actual lane usage, and these capacities were approved by the City of Carlsbad as a result of discussions with City staff. The intersection ICU was correlated to the level of service for the thirty-one (31) signalized locations as follows: Levels of Service Ranges V/C Ratio Level of Service 0.00-0.60 A 0.61-0.70 B 0.71-0.80 C 0.81-0.90 D 0.91-1.00 E greater than 1.01 p The remaining six (6) unsignalized intersections could not be analyzed using ICU procedures. Two intersections were all-way stop-controlled, and the other four were T-intersections with stop or yield signs controlling the minor street approach. In Chapter 10 of the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual, methodology for analyzing unsignalized intersections is presented. However, the analysis does not provide an overall measurement of intersection LOS. For example, the analysis of T- intersections provides a level of service for the side street and conflicting mainline movements based on reserve capacity but provides no LOS measurement of the mainline through movements. Likewise, the analysis of all-way stop-controlled intersections provides expected capacities for different demand splits and lane configurations but no measurement of the overall intersection LOS. In order to analyze the four T-intersections, a methodology based on average vehicle delay was developed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. Using the HCM analysis for T-intersections, a level of service for each conflicting movement was calculated. Then, the v/c ratio of the nonconflicting through movements was calculated, and a level of service was selected from the V/C vs. LOS table shown earlier in this report. In order to combine the individual movement LOS's into a single, intersection LOS, an amount of delay per vehicle was determined for each LOS as follows: 3-5 -J ihk & associates Delay per Vehicle (sec) Level of Service Range Value Used A 1 5.0 0 B 5.1 to 15.0 10 C 15.1 to 25.0 20 D 25.1 to 40.0 35 E 40.1 to 60.0 50 F > 60.0 80 The combined intersection LOS was calculated by multiplying the appropriate delay by the corresponding volume. The sum of these values was then divided by the total volume in order to obtain a weighted delay value. From the LOS vs. Delay table, the combined level of service was determined from the weighted, overall, intersection delay. Data summary sheets for these four locations can be found in Appendix A. As mentioned earlier, the LOS of the all-way stop-controlled intersections could not readily be determined. Fortunately, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) will be publishing new procedures later this year for calculating all-way stop- controlled intersection LOS's. JHK utilized these procedures in this report to determine the level of service of the two remaining locations. While the operation of a given approach is dependent upon the operation of the other intersection approaches, the methodology for analyzing all-way stop- controlled intersections is based on determining the capacity and level of service of each approach separately. The new TRB procedures include the following steps. First, determine the flow rates and number of lanes for each approach. Then, estimate the ideal capacity of each approach based on the volume and number of lanes. Next, adjust the ideal capacity of each approach based on the proportion of turning movements on the opposing and conflicting approaches. And finalty, calculate the average vehicle delay as a function of the volume/capacity ratio. The results of the LOS calculations for both unsignalized, all-way stop-controlled intersections can be found in Appendix A. The ICU and LOS for both the Winter and Summer 1989 count seasons and Summer 1990 count season are summarized in Table 3-2. In addition, Figures 3-2 and 3-3 graphically illustrate the intersection levels of service for both AM and PM peak periods. The Summer 1990 ICU calculations identified eleven (11) intersections that operate at or below LOS D in tiie morning and/or evening peak period. A discussion of traffic operations at each of these intersections is summarized below: 3-6 Table 3-2 INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS SUMMARY WINTER 1989 PEAK HOUR Count Count No. Intersection/Location 1 El Camino Real and Elm Avenue 2 El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue 3 El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue 4 El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue 5 El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road 6 El Camino Real and Alga Road 7 El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue 8 Rancho Santa Fe and Melrose Drive 9 Rancho Santa Fe and La Costa Avenue AM PM V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS 0.57 A 0.70 C 0.59 A 0.76 C 0.83 D 0.63 B 0.66 B 0.99 E 0.83 D 0.97 E 0.65 B 0.81 D 0.83 D 0.84 D 0.95 E 0.72 C 0.68 B 0.65 B SUMMER 1989 PEAK HOUR AM PM V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS 0.50 A 0.69 B 0.49 A 0.79 C 0.61 B 0.75 C 0.63 B 0.93 E 0.91 E 1.24 F 0.64 B 0.81 D 0.91 E 0.92 E 0.87 D 0.65 B 0.70 C 0.72 C SUMMER 1990 PEAK HOUR AM PM V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS 0.56 A 0.69 B 0.47 A 0.65 B 0.70 B 0.66 B 0.58 A 0.78 C 1.22 F 1.23 F 0.66 B 0.86 D 0.80 D 0.87 D 0.92 E 0.66 B 0.62 B 0.67 B Table 3-2 (Continued) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS SUMMARY I OO WINTER 1989 PEAK HOUR AM PM Count No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Count Intersection/Location Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain Road Palomar Airport Road and Camino Vida Roble Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas 0.44 A 0.52 A Alga Road and El Fuerte * B * A V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS 0.66 B 0.62 B 0.50 A 0.55 A 0.59 A 0.77 C Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road Carlsbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane Poinsettia Lane and Paseo del Norte A * B 0.37 A 0.58 A 0.39 A 0.63 B 0.28 A 0.33 A C * C SUMMER 1989 PEAK HOUR AM PM V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS 0.58 A 0.64 B 0.59 A 0.57 A 0.58 A 0.78 C 0.48 A 0.51 A * A * A A B 0.36 A 0.64 B 0.35 A 0.69 B 0.25 A 0.42 A B SUMMER 1990 PEAK HOUR AM PM V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS 0.59 A 0.69 B 0.52 A 0.59 A 0.76 C 0.98 E 0.63 B 0.55 A * A * A A B 0.37 A 0.62 B 0.44 A 0.76 C 0.29 A 0.43 A D * D Table 3-2 (Continued) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS SUMMARY WINTER 1989 PEAK HOUR SUMMER 1989 SUMMER 1990 I VO Count No. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 AM PM Count V/C V/C Intersection/Location Ratio LOS Ratio LOS Monroe Street and Marron Road Monroe Street and Elm Avenue Elm Avenue and Harding Tamarack Avenue and Adams Street Tamarack Avenue and Pio Pico Drive Jefferson and Las Flores El Camino Real and College Boulevard El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road (City of Encinitas) Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard 0.29 A 0.56 A 0.42 A 0.63 B 0.34 A 0.76 C 0.49 A 0.69 B 0.64 B 0.63 B 0.61 B 0.51 A 0.46 A 0.76 C PEAK HOUR PEAK HOUR AM PM AM PM V/C V/C V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS Ratio LOS Ratio LOS 0.26 A 0.56 A 0.24 A 0.63 D 0.39 A 0.67 B 0.39 A 0.60 A 0.35 A 0.65 B 0.33 A 0.69 B 0.44 A 0.68 B 0.48 A 0.73 C 0.66 B 0.61 B 0.61 B 0.60 B 0.54 A 0.48 A 0.51 A 0.63 B 0.39 A 0.72 C 0.40 A 0.73 C 0.49 A 0.60 B 1.03 F 0.97 E 0.47 A 0.58 A Table 3-2 (Continued) INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Count Count No. Intersection/Location WINTER 1989 PEAK HOUR AM PM V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS SUMMER 1989 PEAK HOUR AM PM V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS SUMMER 1990 PEAK HOUR AM PM V/C V/C Ratio LOS Ratio LOS I 30 Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street 31 Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive (City of Vista) 32 Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Meadows Drive 33 Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road 34 Elm Avenue and Pio Pico Drive 0.68 B 1.07 F 1.36 F 1.16 F B * C B * A 0.39 A 0.56 A 35 Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas 36 La Costa Avenue and Saxony Road 37 College Boulevard and Faraday Avenue 0.51 A 0.89 D D * D 0.24 A 0.27 A V/C ratio not applicable to this unsignalized intersection. XX Intersection Count Number LOS A, B or C LOS D LOS E LOS F Figure 3-2 AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE 3-11 XX Intersection Count Number LOS A, B or C LOS D LOS E LOS F Figure 3-3 PM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE 3-12 El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road hk & associates The ICU calculations identified this intersection as a problem location with LOS F (1.22) during the AM peak and LOS F (1.23) during the PM peak. Heavy demand exists on all four approaches including the westbound through movement in the morning and the northbound right turn movement in the afternoon. The recent opening of a new east/west link between El Camino Real and 1-5 from Alga Road to Poinsettia Lane may divert enough traffic from this intersection so that the operating level of service is improved. El Camino Real and Alga Road Operational problems exist at this intersection during the PM peak period and have worsened during the last year. The level of service has increased from LOS D (0.81) in 1989 td LOS D (0.86) for 1990. A heavy northbound right turn movement of approximately 550 vehicles exists during the peak hour. This movement conflicts with the southbound left turn movement of approximately 400 vehicles during the peak hour. With a relatively light eastbound through movement, a northbound right turn on red manuever is possible. Recently, however, Alga Road was opened to through traffic between El Camino Real and Poinsettia Lane. This will provide an additional east/west link with 1-5 and increase traffic volumes on the west approach. This will reduce the number of opportunities for the northbound right turn on red manuever. However, this new link to 1-5 may divert traffic from the north and south approaches, thereby reducing the number of southbound left turning vehicles which conflict with the northbound right turns. El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue This intersection was operating at LOS E (0.91 and 0.92) during the AM and PM peak periods of 1989. One year later, peak hour volumes for this intersection are less, and the level of service has impoved to LOS D (0.80 and 0.87) for both AM and PM periods. Right turning vehicles contribute substantially to the ICU values for the north approach and to a lesser extent on the south and east approaches. Many vehicles on these three approaches were observed making a right turn maneuver within the limits of the bike lanes. Thus, it may be necessary to make geometric modifications and add an exclusive right turn lane for southbound traffic. However, this intersection will receive operational benefits from the extension of Alga Road 3-13 -J hk & associates to Poinsettia Lane, and the traffic diversion may improve the level of service at this location. Rancho Santa Fe and Melrose Drive As evidenced last year at this intersection, the AM peak period experiences operational difficulties. The ICU calculations for this location show LOS E (0.92). The major impact on this intersection is the large volume of vehicles on the north approach. Geometric modifications are needed on this approach in the near future to increase capacity. . Palomar Airport Road and Paseo Del Norte The volume of traffic that utilizes this intersection has increased significantly over the last twelve months. Approximately 35 percent more vehicles now travel through this location in the PM peak period, and this has led to a decrease in the level of service from LOS C (0.78) in 1989 to LOS E (0.98) in 1990. The main contributors to the worsening conditions are westbound vehicles in the through lanes. This movement accounts for approximately 50 percent of the ICU value. Additional through lane capacity would help alleviate some of the stress on this intersection. Poinsettia Lane and Paseo Del Norte This unsignalized intersection is currently all-way stop-controlled. The TRB analysis method for the overall intersection operations resulted in LOS D conditions for the morning and evening peak periods. Based on the approach delay calculations, the southbound approach operates at LOS F for the morning peak period with an average vehicle delay estimated at almost 90 seconds. This is due in part to the high percentage of southbound right turning vehicles for this approach conflicting with the westbound through traffic. Again in the evening, the southbound approach exhibits a low level of service (LOS E) while the eastbound approach operates at LOS D. The recent completion of the extension of Alga Road to Poinsettia Lane will lead to increased traffic volumes at this intersection. Consideration should be given to increasing the number of lanes or providing signalization at this location. 3-14 J hk & associates El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road This intersection, located in the City of Encinitas, tested poorly during both AM and PM peak periods for this first year of monitoring. In the morning, a heavy westbound left turn volume contributes over fifty percent to the ICU ratio of LOS F (1.03). As expected, return trips making the northbound right turn maneuver in the afternoon contribute over forty percent to the ICU ratio of LOS E (0.97). Both of these movements are made from an exclusive left or right turn lane at present. Conditions indicate the need for additional geometric capacity at this intersection. Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street The ICU calculations identified this intersection as a problem location in the PM peak period with LOS F (1.07). The eastbound through movement of nearly 1600 vehicles during the peak hour is restricted to one lane. Additional through lane capacity for eastbound vehicles would improve the level of service to an acceptable value. Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive Operational problems exist during both AM and PM peak periods at this intersection located in the City of Vista. The morning period shows heavy volumes for the westbound through movement and the southbound right turn movement. These two maneuvers comprise most of the ICU ratio of LOS F (1.36). Return trips using the west approach impact intersection operations in the afternoon and lead to LOS F (1.16). Simiiar to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street, this intersection also lacks adequate through capacity to meet the demand. Additional turn lanes for the critical approaches will also help alleviate congestion problems. Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas Operational problems exist at this intersection during the PM peak period. The northbound right turn contributes twenty-five percent to the overallTCU ratio of LOS D (0.89). Because this signal is split phased, it is possible for most of the right turning vehicles to make the maneuver during the left turn phase of the east and west approaches. By allowing the right turn on red maneuver for the northbound approach, the level of service increases to an acceptable level, LOS C. 3-15 j hk & associates La Costa Avenue and Saxony Road The lack of east/west through capacity at this unsignalized intersection and along this corridor severely impact overall operating conditions. Nearly 1500 westbound vehicles travel this two-lane route in the morning peak hour and contribute greatly to the poor level of service. Similarly, the afternnon peak hour also carries about 1500 vehicles eastbound. Intersection operations would definitely improve with the addition of east/west through capacity along La Costa Avenue. HEAVY DEMAND PROCEDURES The nine (9) signalized intersections were again tested using the Heavy Demand Critera for ICU calculations as required by the City of Carlsbad. This Heavy Demand Method increases the lane group capacities to: Lane Group Capacity* turn lanes 1800 vphgpl thru lanes 2000 vphgpl The results of these additional capacity analyses are summarized in Table 3-3 and calculation forms are contained in Appendix A. The intersections still operating at or below LOS D under this new testing criteria are: Intersection No. Intersection Period 5 El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road AM/PM 12 Paseo Del Norte and Palomar Airport Road PM 28 El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road AM/PM 30 El Fuerte Street and Palomar Airport Road PM 31 Business Park Drive and Palomar Airport Road AM/PM It should be stressed that unique operational characteristics exist at intersections in each specific community and Carlsbad is no exception. The ICU analysis technique does not allow for precise analysis of all operational aspects of signalized intersections. Progression is one particular factor that is not considered in the ICU analysis. The intersection of El Camino Real and Marron, although acceptable under ICU calculations, operates poorly in the PM peak hour due to the poor progression northbound and the proximity of the intersection to Route 78. Another example of unique characteristics in Carlsbad is the greater than normal side friction and pedestrian activity along Carlsbad Boulevard during Summer 3-16 ihk & associates Table 3-3 ICU SUMMARIES FOR STANDARD AND HEAVY DEMAND STANDARD ICU HEAVY DEMAND Count Number 5 6 12 28 30 31 35 Intersection El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road El Camino Real and Alga Road El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue Rancho Santa Fe Road and Melrose Drive Paseo del Norte and Palomar Airport Road El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road El Fuerte Street and Palomar Airport Road Business Park Drive and Palomar Airport Road Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas AM PM V/C LOS y/C LOS " 1.23 F 1.22 0.80 0.92 1.03 1.36 0.86 D D 0.87 0.98 0.97 1.07 1.16 0.90 D E E AM PM V/C LOS V/C LOS 1.05 F 1.05 0.74 C 0.69 B 0.75 C 0.80 C 0.85 D D 0.87 D 0.83 D 0.93 E 1.16 F 0.99 E 0.76 C 3-17 jhk & associates months. Start up lost time increases and vehicular speeds decrease, each of which reduces capacity. Again, factors are not reflected in ICU calculations. The intersections of Carlsbad Boulevard at Elm, Carlsbad Boulevard at Tamarack as well as Carlsbad Boulevard at Cannon may operate slightly below the anticipated ICU calculations due to the aforementioned reasons. 3-18 J hk & associates CONCLUSIONS The scope of work for this project was developed to allow the City of Carlsbad to monitor growth at several intersections and mid-block locations that were studied during 1989, as well as monitor several new locations. In all, twenty-six (26) intersections from last year were again studied this year while data was collected at eleven (11) new intersections. In addition, seven (7) mid-block locations from the 1989 study were included with the eighteen (18) locations studied this year. The results for the mid-block count locations indicate that traffic has increased by an average of eleven (11) percent at four of the locations. The three other locations showed a decrease in ADT volumes between 1989 and 1990. Most notably, volumes on El Camino Real between Alga Road and OUvenhain Road decreased by approximately twenty-five (25) percent over the last year. None of the mid-block locations surveyed this year are experiencing LOS F during the peak periods. However, inadequate capacity is evident on Palomar Airport Road east of Melrose Drive. This location is currently operating at LOS E during the peak hour. Also, La Costa Avenue is operating at LOS D during the peak hour and this has a direct effect on intersection levels of service along this corridor. The information contained in Chapter 3 identifies eleven critical intersections from the thrity-seven (37) study locations. As with last year, the intersection of El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road is the most critical intersection within the study. LOS F was identified for this intersection during both AM and PM periods utilizing the Heavy Demand ICU Analysis. A close second to this location is the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive. Heavy Demand ICU Analysis indicates that the morning peak hour operates at LOS F while the afternoon peak hour operates at LOS E. Other intersections which still have low levels of service after applying the Heavy Demand procedures include Palomar Airport Road at Paseo Del Norte, Palomar Airport Road at El Fuerte Street and El Camino Real at Olivenhain Road. Also, two unsignalized intersections, Paseo Del Norte at Poinsettia Lane and Saxony Road at La Costa Avenue, could not be analzyed using the Heavy Demand ICU procedures. Both locations currently operate at LOS D for the morning and afternoon peak periods. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that these signalized and unsignalized intersections be reviewed by the City to determine if mitigation should be considered. 4-1 ihk & associates -J The remaining signalized intersections which were identified as problem locations utilizing the standard ICU methodology, were found to have acceptable levels of service when analyzed with Heavy Demand ICU methodology. It can be concluded that operations at these remaining intersections require periodic monitoring, and an additional geometric analysis may also be warranted. Options to mitigation may include the reclassification of these intersections as "interim conditions" until future elements of the circulation plan are implemented. This would allow El Camino Real at La Costa Avenue to function at its present LOS until the completion of additional east/west facilities. For example, the recent completion of Alga Road between El Camino Real and Poinsettia Lane provided another east/west link with 1-5. This route should help relieve nearby facilities which are approaching saturation levels. Additional roadways would also provide alternate routes for existing and future traffic volumes. This alternative to mitigation is viable if the elements are anticipated in the short term of 1 to 3 years. Based on the observed volumes on these existing facilities it is recommended that mitigation be provided in the near-term (1 to 3 years). In conclusion, this report was developed for the City of Carlsbad as the second Traffic Monitoring Program for the recently developed Growth Management Plan. Critical intersections have been identified and potential mitigation measures have been discussed. The report represents a conservative estimate of intersection operations based on the guidelines developed by the City of Carlsbad. The Intent of this document is to provide City staff with an indication of the current status of the overall circulation system in terms of intersection and segment capacities and levels of service. In the future, this report will be used as a tool for the accurate identification of conditions in specific areas of the City. Also, the results of this project identify critical locations which warrant close attention in the future. The City may utilize the conclusions of this report to aid in the creation of a future scope of work for additional traffic monitoring. 4-2 jhk & associates TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS LINK VOLUME COUNTS ADDITIONAL INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS LIST OF FIGURES Figure A-1 Intersection Location Map A-2 Summary ADT Map LIST OF TABLES Table A-1 Intersection Count Date Summary A-2 Summary Intersection Levels of Service A-3 Link Count Date Summary A-4 Roadway Segment Levels of Service A-5 Additional Intersection Capacity Analysis -J hk & associates -J ihk & associates INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the data collection for thirty-seven (37) key intersections and eighteen (18) mid-block locations for the Summer of 1990. The information provided for the thirty-seven (37) intersections includes peak period and peak hour turning movement counts (completed by JHK 6c Associates) for the a.m. and p.m. peak periods. The a.m. peak period was from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m., and the p.m. peak period was from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. This document also includes peak hour turn movement diagrams and intersection capacity utilization (ICU) calculations for the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. ICU analysis for signalized intersections and HCM analysis for unsignalized intersections was completed for all thirty-seven (37) study intersections and is summarized in Chapter 3. JHK & Associates followed guidelines established by the City to calculate the ICU ratio. Detailed calculations and summary sheets for the thirty-seven (37) intersections are contained in this appendix. Chapter 2 identifies the eighteen (18) mid-block link count locations and provides summary information for each count. The counts and the capacity analysis were conducted by JHK. The information in this appendix summarizes traffic counts along specified segments over a two-day (48-hour) period. The information includes 15-minute summaries, 24-hour summaries, a bar chart for each day, and peak hour analysis. Also included is a summary table of segment volume to capacity ratios and the corresponding levels of service. Where conditions warranted, heavy demand standards were utilized to calculate ICU. Again these standards were provided by the City, the analysis performed by JHK, and the results are shown in Chapter 3. This additional analysis was required to provide further detail in terms of operations and LOS for nine (9) study area signalized intersections. This chapter also contains a summary table of intersection Levels of Service based on the results of this additional capacity analysis task. -J hk & associates TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS INTRODUCTION Thirty-seven (37) key intersections were identified by the City of Carlsbad to be studied under the Traffic Monitoring Program of the Growth Management Plan. Figure A-1 graphically identifies the location of each of the intersections included in the study. Table A-1 documents the dates on which each turning movement count was performed. The data was collected for the a.m. and p.m. peak periods. The data collection was completed during the months of July and August of 1990 and consisted of turn movement counts for each approach for all thirty-seven (37) intersections. Pedestrian and U-turn data was also collected at each intersection. The data was then reduced and intersection capacity utilization analysis was performed for each signalized intersection while the unsignalized lo.cations were analyzed with procedures outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual. The procedures developed to accomplish the reduction and analysis are shown in this chapter. Table A-2 summarizes the results of this initial ICU or HCM analysis. The table presents calculated Levels of Service for all thirty-seven (37) intersections during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. The ICU capacity analysis revealed that there are nine (9) signalized intersections operating at LOS D or worse for the peak hours. These intersections required additional capacity analysis. The nine (9) intersections were identified as heavy demand intersections and were re-analyzed using the Heavy Demand Criteria developed by the City. The results of this additional capacity analysis is shown in the Heavy Demand Summary appendix. • Intersection Count Locations XX Intersction Count Number Figure A-1 INTERSECTION LOCATION MAP ihk & associates Table A-1 INTERSECTION SUMMARY INDEX Location Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Count Intersection/Location El Camino Real and Elm Avenue El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road El Camino Real and Alga Road El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue Rancho Santa Fe and Melrose Drive Rancho Santa Fe and La Costa Avenue Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain Road Palomar Airport Road and Camino Vida Roble Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas Alga Road and El Fuerte Street Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Carlsbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane Poinsettia Lane and Paseo del Norte Monroe Street and Marron Road Count Day Tues Tues Tues Thur Tues Tues Thur Wed Wed Wed Thur Thur Thur Wed Wed Wed Thur Tues Tues Wed Count Date 7/24 7/24 7/24 7/26 7/17 7/17 7/12 7/11 7/18 7/18 7/12 7/12 7/12 7/11 7/25 7/25 7/12 7/10 7/10 7/25 ihk & associates Table A-1 (Continued) INTERSECTION SUMMARY INDEX Location Number 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Count Intersection/Location Monroe Street and Elm Avenue Marron Road and Jefferson Street Elm Avenue and Harding Street Tamarack Avenue and Adams Street Tamarack Avenue and Pio Pico Drive Jefferson Street and Las Flores Drive El Camino Real and College Boulevard El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard Palomar Airport Road and Ei Fuerte Street Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Meadows Drive Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road Elm Avenue and Pio Pico Drive Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas La Costa Avenue and Saxony Road College Boulevard and Faraday Avenue Count Day Tues Wed Thur Wed Tues Wed Thur Thur Wed Thur Thur Wed Wed Tues Tues Tues Thur Count Date 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/25 7/24 7/25 7/19 7/26 7/18 7/19 7/19 7/11 7/11 7/24 7/10 7/17 7/19 ihk & associates Table A-2 CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 SUMMARY OF INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE AM PM Count No. Count Intersection/Location V/C Ratio LOS V/C Ratio LOS 1 El Camino Real and Elm Avenue 0.56 A 0.69 B 2 El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue 0.47 A 0.65 B 3 El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue 0.70 B 0.66 B 4 El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue 0.58 A 0.78 C 5 El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road 1.22* F 1.23* F 6 El Camino Real and Alga Road 0.66 B 0.86* D 7 El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue 0.80* D 0.87* D 8 Rancho Santa Fe and Melrose Drive 0.92* 0.66 B 9 Rancho Santa Fe and La Costa Avenue 0.62 B 0.67 B 10 Rancho Santa Fe and Olivenhain Road 0.59 A 0.69 B 11 Palomar Airport Road and Camino Vida Roble 0.52 A 0.59 A 12 Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte 0.76 C 0.98* E 13 Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas 0.63 B 0.55 A 14 Alga Road and El Fuerte Street ** A ** A 15 Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street * * A ** B 16 Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue 0.37 A 0.62 B 17 Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road 0.44 A 0.76 C 18 Carlsbad Boulevard and Pointsettia Lane 0.29 A 0.43 A 19 Poinsettia Lane and Paseo del Norte ** D D ihk & associates Table A-2 (Continued) CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 SUMMARY OF INTERSECTION LEVELS OF SERVICE AM PM Count No. Count Intersection/Location V/C Ratio LOS V/C Ratio LOS 20 Monroe Street and Marron Road 0.24 A 0.63 B 21 .Monroe Street and Elm Avenue 0.39 A 0.60 A 22 Marron Road and Jefferson Street 0.33 A 0.69 B 23 Elm Avenue and Harding Street 0.48 A 0.73 C 24 Tamarack Avenue and Adams Street 0.61 B 0.60 B 25 Tamarack Avenue and Pio Pico Drive 0.51 A 0.63 B 26 Jefferson Street and Las Flores Drive 0.40 A 0.73 C 27 El Camino Real and College Boulevard 0.49 A 0.60 B 28 El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road 1.03* F 0.97* E 29 Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard 0.47 A 0.58 A 30 Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street 0.68 B 1.07* F 31 Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive 1.36* F 1.16* F 32 Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Meadows Drive •)(•* 3 * * C 33 Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road •X- * B «•* A 34 Elm Avenue and Pio Pico Drive 0.39 A 0.56 A 35 Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas 0.51 A 0.89* D 36 La Costa Avenue and Saxony Road ** D ** D 37 College Boulevard and Faraday Avenue 0.24 A 0.27 A Note:* Additional capacity analysis performed by JHK in the Heavy Demand Summary of this appendix. ** V/C ratio not applicable to this unsignalized intersection. J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Nvunber: l Intersection Location: El Camino Real and Elm Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Svunmary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram Is;si::ici ales Ti,ii niiiq H CM..'en ent, l":i::iuri ts ciii^z i::iiRi..sBfiD ELCRELM.UKI i:ivl:.(:T:);:i;?,;::l;.:ii..ri of: H/S Street: EL CnniNO RliRL D.=it, E/M Slreet: El.fl WE Cori ected bi.|:E! I Uf;:S IV tr.;;,ft:,. :::oi.trnl : S, ,|i„.,l i .erl "••••••••'''••"ilU |.Je.;:,U ,er: Cl. OUDV 1 l1|::i|;:iro. iicii ';:NI;;I;:I N 1,11 Rp|::.i 0 lach ;;.i;;i;:' End (J I- JS Rp|::.i 0 n ;i 11. 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NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 27 477 8 62 1193 57 100 45 47 58 234 207 Adjusted Hourly Volunie 27 485 0 62 1250 0 100 92 0 58 441 0 Utilization Factor 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.04 0.25 0, .00 0.07 0.03 0.00 0.04 0.13 0.00 Critical Factors 0.02 0.25 0.07 0.1'3 ICU Ratio 0.56 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and ELM AVE Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: ES North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 2104 <- Total 1316 788 <- Subtotals Sub- Total totals 510 318 100 192 45 --> 47 57 1193 66 I I I <-' V North <-, " /-> I I I 27 477 8 Sub- totals Total 207 <--- 234 499 /--- 58 614 115 ELM AVE Subtotals -> 1298 512 Total -> 1810 South Approach Note: Left-turn volutnes include U-turns. ihk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at ELM AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings 13 0 13 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 1500 5100 0 1500 5100 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 70 1187 50 250 669 131 157 331 45 22 129 130 Adjusted Hourly Volume 70 1237 0 250 800 0 157 376 0 22 259 0 UtiIization Factor 0.05 0.24 0.00 0.17 0.16 0.00 0.10 0.11 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.00 Critical Factors 0.24 0.17 0.10 0.08 ICU Ratio = 0.69 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and ELM AVE Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: ES North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 2536 <- Total 1056 1480 <- Subtotals W e s t A P P r Sub- Total totals 131 669 256 863 330 157 533 331 --> 45 <-' I I North I I I 70 1187 50 Sub- totals Total 130 <--- 129 281 /--- 22 I V > 631 ELM AVE 912 Subtotals -> 736 Total -> 1307 2043 South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. jhk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Ntamber: 2 Intersection Location: El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Svunmary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram ,IIIK il: Hs::;:oc:;r a t,i;;':;;: t i„irn:i, ni:;| Mo •.••en ent t;:oi„inLs final i,|:;;::i,:;;: P'nie I of ,l.;::i,t.|: CORtSRf p,-,^,^ ECRCHSNt. Hf:; 1 Data Collected l::.n:i;;iH iter:;;:e.:::t:i, or f: H/S Street: EL COMIND REf E/H Stri;;.et: CHEStHtIt tm: '•'••":i: tOESDOV traftic: Control: S:i, qnal ,i,: Count Date: 07/2']/30 Uea flier: Cf Si:;ii,.itli Hppr ::i(::li (;HB;:I H 1:1 r f ti flpiir . i.=i. li ( ' .f End of IS • - •- - - - „ n:iii. pir d. Left H •Trn tfir 1,1 Riqtit, Peds Left tffrn 1tir-i„i 06: 15 OM :;) 0 39 0 fl 2 0 O'l E\E:30 OM 3 0 :;;i'1 0 tl 1 0 |.::|i::, i;:i6:'i';:. RM :;;i t;i :::,o i o n py? 07:00 RM / tl ,:'.::l ;| (l ;::| , ,;:,.;:|,::, 07: 15 IIH 11 11 EE 2 0 E 0 ||| 07: 1 Rt1 X f) 73 2 0 ,:;'f:,0 1:1/: •'!'::• OH 1,;;: f:i 'ai;;, O ti '1 O i,::'|:; Di;;i:D(:i fiH :•: 1';;; o io::;i ,;• n E \ -i.::!':, '18:15 IIH / 0 162 2 0 8 0 ,'::)f:j OS:'30 iifi s 0 6.1. :;;i o s ti :i'ifi i:ii;;i:'-1S tin ffl f;i 106 0 n C, n |,::.|::, i::i';;i:tiD IIH I,,'' fl i;:;':;;j i rj 3 n i,:;,;, Man. ts rrln. 1/ 0 162 3 0 ';;i 1 3'1S PL. Or- - L'ol . ••11 0 -^33 6 0 19 1 11/1 0/:lS OH Peat: Intersection TraftiLc m PL:. Hr.::: ;::;i::|.::||::j p„.,„,|,,. ||,,, ,:: „,,,, OEl: IS RM H „ir Inters.;; ii i Pdstrns in PL;. Hr.::: IS ;.i;;!;:' H.;;.::;:t 0|;;.|;:.r .:;,a.::;fi tEf; 0 East Rpipir'i::.. ;:ii:::ti iUB':/ 1 5 M:rn. I otal f:S,.::|tit P ed:;;: I „eft tl lrn riir^ri P \ight f 'eds L,eft U trn Thru Ri .::|hf f •eds I..' elrlcls Pe.:L;;: 1 '=1 i::* i;i '1 '1 tl :f 0 ;;:. 11 0 161 •1 '1 /' fl 0 i::;i 11 t;i 0 12 0 22/ ';i '•' 11 0 1 ,;;: i 0 :;;i D 13 13 0 3'15i 5 '2 ';;i i;;i '1 2D 0 '1 0 if;i 13 0 'Ifit;, •::. 3 6 l'l tl 1 11 t;i 1::. 0 16 13 tl :;;ii;;.'i t;. 0 ';:. :i 7 fl f;, 1/ fl :i. t;i 0 12 fl 'iti'i :;;. 1 i S •'\7 ti i:;;i 11 0 :f/ 1/ 0 S60 s 2f;. 13 :::l 6 i;;i :t 1 if;i fl t;. D •^^3 ,'0 0 S';i:;:i 3 2f;. 13 •':' 0 13 so 0 / 0 IE 20 0 S'^lt ;:. '•'-•• ;,i i';;i 0 '1 l'l i;;i / 0 12 lfl i;;i 3f) :i .;;i '••' i;;i :i'i 0 :;;. ';:l tl 6 0 11 l'l 0 3 l'l fl 1 1 ;f I-...::, tl '1 .::',::! 0 5 D l'l ,;;:/ fl :::l/f;. 1 26 6 '1/ 0 13 SD D / 0 •^3 0 593 E ;;;:;;; r;;i 0 37 9t;i tl ,;;: i 0 0'-1 i,'i 0 .;:0';ii;i 15 03:t^5 PM l'l 0 300 / 0 M 0 i:;;i9 fj 19 9 :t 3 0 0 8 0 553 1 '"'•^1 = '"""' '^^'S '-' ^'^^ 0 12 i;;i I'lo 20 0 13 o 20 E 1 2 0 1 • 10 ^rr' f:i'=i:is PM l'l 0 286 6 0 :;;i:;;i o fio i6 • • • - ' ^^"' ^ l>^l:30 PM 1/ 1 226 S 1 21 0 131 l.:1 0 11 13 0 19 1/ 3 / 0 15 10 tl 5/6 '3 9 3 0 16 16 0 '199 '•:"' = '''=• f'fi 3f)6 6 0 i';;i ti i62 iti ti i.:i o ,:;":i j3 E 2 0 m i' f •• '"''3 = '-"•' ^ <:> : i':i 11;: .11 16 0 2'^ IS ]'i .5, 1 n I 05:15 PM ;•; 2D D 331 6 0 1/ 0 151 19 • 30 PH >; 2:;;' ti 3i';i s o 2i;;i ti i.:io iti •IS F'H 1'' 0 '201 7 0 2\ 0 1;:'/ ,;"1 0E:O0 PM 21 D 1'ld 12 0 21 0 100 19 561 S '•' '' 3S lfl S ,;;' 0 lfl :|..:l il |::,3;;) .::; ii:i i:i 33 11, 2 ;;;: o L:I n n E?\ ? 1'' " '?':' '3 13 1 0 22 13 tl '1/2 0 lij fi 29 6 1 1 0 /' 18 tl '151 1 ':"^'=i'' I'" 0 ,23 10 f;i 11 0 in .13 0 2 ,1, „ 'i ^i' 'J' i^":- ^3'"' i« ^ ^ 0 It] 19 tl 913 1 M.::IH. 151 n;i,n. 2/ 1 :331, 12 1 3:;;; 0 162 2':1 II ,;"1 fl •:;':, .:13 .::, ::• o -v". TQ i::.|,. n. II. .1 OI::: O I ... ... •. :. .. . ' •' ' t:~t:: .1 :J PL. fir. l'ol. 85 0 126':1 O'l: 30 PM Peak Interse t:ron Traffic in PL:. Mr.:::; 2''I39 PeaL Or Part or 05:30 PM Hour Intersect;ron Pdstrns :Ln PL. Hr.::: le l-l -'••'•=' ••'I 13 5,'' 0 112 '10 18 6 0 f;,';i '16 0.96 632 ID ;;:'i:3';i its J ihk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at CHESTNUT AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 1 11 111 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 urations 3 11 1 4 y ^ Outside 5 1 Lane Settings 120131011010 Capacity 1500 3400 0 1500 5100 1500 0 1500 1500 0 1500 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Voluine 41 433 6 19 1171 52 75 37 90 21 84 69 Adjusted Hourly Volume 41 439 0 19 1171 52 0 112 90 0 174 0 Utilization Factor 0.03 0.13 0.00 0.01 0.23 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.06 0.00 0.12 0.00 Critical Factors 0.03 0.23 0.00 0.12 ICU Ratio = 0.47 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and CHESTNUT AVE Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM North Approach EL CAMINO REAL Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY 1821 <- Total Name: BW 1243 578 <- Subtotals Sub- 52 1171 20 Total totals III ' Sub- W <-' V >-> I " totals Total E e 177 < I I a s - 69 s t 379 I - <--- 84 174 t 75 I /--- 21 A 202 37 --> II 236 A P 90 North V p P I > 62 p r V I r <-, " /-> CHESTNUT AVE I I I 41 433 6 Subtotals -> 1282 480 Total -> 1762 Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. -J hk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at CHESTNUT AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 1 11 111 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 . urations 3 111 4 1 Outside 5 1 Lane Settings 120131011010 Capacity 1500 3400 0 1500 5100 1500 0 1500 1500 0 1500 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 85 1264 27 82 572 71 57 112 48 6 69 46 Adjusted Hourty Volume .85 1291 0 82 572 71 0 169 48 0 121 0 Utilization Factor 0.06 0.38 0.00 0.05 0.11 0.05 0.00 0.11 0.03 0.00 0.08 0.00 Critical Factors 0.38 0.05 0.11 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.65 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and CHESTNUT AVE Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM North Approach EL CAMINO REAL Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY 2092 <- Total Name: BW 725 1367 <- Subtotals Sub- 71 572 82 Total totals III " Sub- W <-' V >-> I ' totals Total E e 225 < II a s " 46 s t 442 I ' <--- 69 121 t 57 --' I /--- 6 A 217 112 --> II 342 A p 48 North V p P I > 221 p r V I r I <-, ' /-> CHESTNUT AVE Vlll 85 1264 27 Subtotals -> 626 1376 Total -> 2002 Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 3 Intersection Location: El Camino Real and Tamarack Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram 91 ;;pa,,.| 989 c 82DI 1^8.::: 20 L t:t;il;' s,;;'b 91 s LIS SIS Db4-.- S6S I::'2 b 9/2 261 b-I '-i t:'Db !•'! -tt' 0 9 3 iL. r- 9b9 fl l::t £ GbS b6.::: I- I I .•' 0 0 01 8 b 6s::;i SEb fl 0 0 0 7.1 889 f ...| 3 It; 9 £ .;^ 2 122 I b 8 8201 0 bl 82C2 fj 92 • f^'I'tl "'I SI 21 S6 GE '.^t 2E b2 b2 92 12 SI 612 801 0 I 0 0 0 0 D 0 tl 0 t 0 T 0 10 Sb bl 61 f 0 bl n 0 or I tl tl tl bl Dc : 0 0 II M 01 P 1 '. fl t;i Ll 1- SI tl 0 1:. Sf S0"0 89i;:! 19 6S „.i.;i :|,:::.e J - „,in j|i::.a,.j 0 .:::b '31 1 S2 91 89 6S ';;is I 2 0 0 fl 0 0 fl 0 D f) I I 0 21 EI b I 21 n 21 fl Df i;;i b/"D •J';'i:::'e,i :.II;;..;H,..| t;:b 21 6 b 61 S9 [I 91 EI c 61 02 9 01 b2 s | :::. Ei.ja,.i sp. 9 bC 0 E2 0 El 71 0 21 ;;;: t 01 .::b f;i fib tl E\ 31 fl 1;;. 1 h- 3 2 t:.E D IS fl 02 f;i 71 f ':;, 01 2b 0 111.; tl 71' 31 0 51 7 3 21 S2 D 08 fl EE bl 0 SI 2 9 8E 0 8G 0 t;.f;: i. D 11 3 s [ L'9 t;i 21 fl /.;;: E t;i S 7 1 8 a SI 801 D 2S 0 28 fl 0 E2 bl 61 2 i;;i 11 f' 81 2 .' 1 ••:• 1,.. 7. 9';i 8 f)2 fl ';ji i;; i;;i .;„ 1 .:„ 1,.. fll .;:: D c 9b 0 bl 0 91 G t;i !;;i 7 £ 62 0 DI tl 8 2 tl •3 9 S y.\E X Ll '<-"M '•''1.1-0 1.1-3 spa 3 I'll:'Id n..tni '1 IJ, 11 ;iM.":i '!"-'<''• :i-Jdd|,i :|,si;;.:j <.a3:> 'f •• '.I|::l :|,s.;;ifi p.;;.:ii: r j fi i6 1;.::; : |;o„i 1 ,103 :::. 1: 1 11;;. .1 1 OR: fi.::| p. a |:::..;;rn;o3 i::.:|i::.,| 91 989;;; s/b 6E2 99 26 bOI OII 9EI 211 6b 261 2b I 6E2 Lt2f 62b S2I 621 82 f t:.t);;;' 62b JH ->[\ :• I,J u 1, sIt.t I sI;i, J 1,1 o t ^4 ;:i,ss...l^t,-^,,, j :i,;j Ul :;iTi.j.e..jj uo,i.;j-4U j .jni:..H :.ii;;..;;.,-! • ..iH b/.;;: t:'0!;;: 0G2 fl22 911.' Obi 06 'ifino 13 Ib SI f I tp 9 ';;i s II Eb bb t;i/ 2b 16 b9 2 b 9b 9 c! fit;: EI SS £601 06b Ibl bbl • I £2 S6I b££ E:£E D22 202 20E SDE III 06b D I 0 0 D 0 fl 0 D 0 0 D I D bEI ;;:'b 21 02 2 b •;;i c'b :.|.;j Ut su..r:p;;:p,j uo rj, „4a j •'Id "T '^ <^.1.1'^--1.1 ' [>-ia:=:..ja 4U J. ..Jni::i|^^ :.|G..;),.j Hd 00=90 Hd 00=SO " I'^'i'l " -IH -^'Id -UtN C;) -uijij Hd 0£=9D Md SI=90 >; Md 00 = 90 J-i Hd Sb = SO ;< Ud 0£ = SD >: H.::i SI =si;;i Hd 00=so Hd Sb:bO Ud 0£=bD Hd SI :L.D Hd 00=bO Hd Sb:£D HO SI=80 HO SI =2i;;i IMM'HDtHDO L;1 -^^1^3 JO r •a&'i'd fl 112 II SE 11:.£ 2 t;:£ " U'n - • lfl •••'1.1 fl 2 0 £1 £11 I I'I 1,1 i;fc4 Cj -ni;,-tj fl 2 0 8 £11 I 01 HH 00 = 60 0 9 0 f;ii 06 Ld: Hfl Sb = 80 fl .:;' tl 9 £0 i;;i HII OE = 80 fl 9 fl 0 £11 1:1 ;•: HO SI =00 fl Ei tl t 1 00 t;ii HR 00 = 80 II E 0 2 b/ t;. >: Hfl Sb = 20 0 :;;; o 2 b2 0 c >; HO 0£ = 2D 0 2 II I 92 D 0 HO SI =20 f) 3 0 b 69 0 9 HU 00 = 20 t;i tl 0 2 92 0 Cj Hfl Sb = 90 tl I 0 £ EE D .::! HO 0£ = 9D 0 [ 0 D OE 0 1; Hfl SI =90 1,1.1 L1-S3 Sf • .a,:l f'.l6ty "-',1-1 1 l..LaT " (:i-4C • u i:u "3 ::l --•- -- --SI 1 0 pug "3 ::l '31 H I:;OH:> ii::iPO,.jddp| 4:|,riDc; :... ai,|ii::.afi 1:16.•• f^2/2f1 :f'M;;.i;] :.;;.l.i;;.|;| I'll 3 •;3rH ;L;)Hdl:1U0,1, : f .a.-' •'IS M. •;;i io;;id 0HIM03 i;;3 =p3'3 'IS S. •H -.1" ' tioasid 0 i; :|.::;.a:;;. 03 ,ia-|u 1; : fl l, 1:3 i;:l 1 p:i'U 11 S|,1M103 1 i,j.;;ajaaog f;ii,i tu.jn I -••31'•:•'! :::io:;;:s|,| t! MHf ihk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at TAMARACK AVE. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 . 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 1 1 urations 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 Outside 5 1 Lane Settings 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Capacity 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 1500 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 33 341 35 20 1211 21 49 43 157 173 219 26 Adjusted Hourly Volume 33 341 35 20 1211 21 49 43 157 173 219 26 Utilization Factor 0.02 0.10 0.02 0.01 0.36 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.02 Critical Factors 0.02 0.36 0.10 0.12 ICU Ratio = 0.70 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and TAMARACK AVE. W e s t A P P r Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: MG Sub- Total totals 522 273 49 249 43 --> 157 I V North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 1668 <- Total 1252 416 <- Subtotals 21 1211 I I V 20 <-' North I I 35 341 411 Subtotals -> 1543 Total -> 1954 South Approach /-> 35 Sub- totals Total 26 <--- 219 418 /--- 173 516 98 TAMARACK AVE. E a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J Ihk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at TAMARACK AVE. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 1 urations 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Capacity 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 1500 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 134 1093 277 41 475 65 47 268 78 81 95 32 Adjusted Hourly Volume 134 1093 277 41 475 65 47 268 78 81 95 32 UtiIization Factor 0.09 0.32 0.18 0.03 0.14 0.04 0.03 0.16 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.02 Critical Factors 0.32 0.03 0.16 0.05 ICU Ratio = 0.66 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and TAMARACK AVE. Time: 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM North Approach EL CAMINO REAL Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY 1753 <- jotal Name: MG 581 1172 <- Subtotals Sub- 65 475 41 Total totals III " Sub- ^ <-' V '-> I ^ totals Totat E e 294 < I I a s - I... 32 s t 687 I - <--- 95 208 t 47 I /--. 81 A 393 268 --> I I 794 P 78 North V r <-, ' /-> TAMARACK AVE. I I I 134 1093 277 Subtotals -> 634 1504 Total -> 2138 P I > 586 p r Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. -J hk & associates CITY OP CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 4 Intersection Location: El Camino Real and Faraday Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram JHIi iC:l.aL. rurn:ii>i;;( Hcu-^erient CoiirHs I3n.:;il i,|:;;:;i: 1 cl trtcj: 1 lifer ::tj 1 i;;:OUrit, D,::lti o//2f;.,.^';ifi t;rid i;;,f 15 Mill. |;,ii cl. 06:1:;;; tiH 06:30 RM R6:''1S RM fl/:00 DM 0/:IS OM 0/:30 on o/:':is on ;•: 08:00 DM >: 08: IS RM ;•: 08:30 RM >: Df l: 'I';. I IM 09:00 OM „Si;if1l:i p,j 1 e : ELCRFRR.MI'll ot: H,. '•S str 1 :;.ef: EL COMIHD f::i;;oL D.;: it a t ;:ollected bc]: :DS t;;.. •H ';;itr. • 1 : FRRf1t:if1'i' fii't;;. :DS Dai.i: TRIIRSDll'i 1 r atf i i;; Control : S:i cinal ;i, :ii:ed Meat he '1 •: t;:Li;;;fiR Soutti Rpif;ir-i::i. ?ii:::h <; mo Hor'ft 1 Rpipir.; CSSIt He:;;:t Rp|::.i ,; :..;:H:::ti CE o;:' East f1ppr^i::i.::icli aif;i;:i 1S n i 11. total:; „,eft 0- trn Thru Ri qht Pe.:L;;: Left 0 Irn fhr (1 f.'i ,;iLit f 'eds Left 0 frn ILiiii Right P „eft tl Frn Thru Rig Iht Pe.ds t .'eh:i,cls f'eds 2 1 t;i '12 l'l 0 1,8 11 ,•'• f. 111 ,::• t;i .::, 1,1 11 3 11 ;;;; '1 f;i 2fl0 t;i II 2 I fl 2 ••I 11 f;i ft;. 11 ,''f;. 1J i;;i S tl t;. 1 tl ';;. D 1 1 0 l/'O t;i II tl , ••It;. :;) :i. 0 :;i/ 0 150 1/ 0 •"1 tl J1 t;. 0 tl 0 1 1 t;i ::;i:;;if. i;;i 11 i;.f;i 1 /'I :;)';;i 0 'If:! fl :;;i.;;: i '1'.;. tl 3 0 12 ';j 11 III 0 ,;;• 1 II f;.;;;ifi i;;i 11 .:,|;;:. tl 2f;i fl :::i;;' fl 1// 'it;i f;i 2'1 ;;;: 2;;;i IS fl :i5 t;i :;;. 1 tl s ;iii tl 1 to tl ';j';;. :;;i''i a ;;;ii;i i;;i it;.fi .;;!?• t;i 0 tl .... 3 tl 6 D :;;i'i :;;i 0 525 516 1:1 IOD 11 53 .::! ,;;i 2 .;;! .'• i;;i r;i9 6'1 t;i 5 0 15 :if;i ll 1. 11 2 '1 18 1:1 525 516 1 / 1 fl 16';;. :;;iti 0 ..1. f;i '122 •;;i.;;: tl 12 0 .;;: :t l'l tl ;;;'i o 10 '1 18 0 f;i llfl.: tl f.i;;i 0 73 I'-ID 'i:;;i fl fl tl 2;;;:f;i .'• ,;:. tl ';;i t;i ;;;:'i ''i tl ;;;i 0 •;;i 0 f;i :;;.;;;:';i tl 0 33 a 73 I'-ID 13 II 26 0 191 19 0 1,;;; s 10 13 0 11 0 9 3 D 5'16 tl 0 t;.';;i fl I 1 / 1.;;: 0 19 0 16/ 13, 0 i;i 0 '1 fl 1/ D ID '•I tl 'It;./ tl ::;iti tl lot;. It;. 11 ,;;•:;;. tl i:;;i'i i:;;: '•' 0 0 / i;;;! fl lb 0 ':! 0 tl 3 8 ••I tl 1/1 'i:;;io 1 1,65 '•i:;;i 2 i;;.6 tl •^1 ;;;:.;;• 92 fl 2'i ';;. 2'1 ,;;',;;• fl 21 D . 3'1 10 tl lfl'12 2f;.3:;;i 1/1 'i:;;io tl •'i:;;i/ 111 ;;;• i2/^ fl it;i;;;i;;;: .;;"if3 t;i ,''fl 'I.;;: 0 '11 0 3D • 27 tl lfl'12 2f;.3:;;i ;;;: Man, PL. 1!;:. ri :i r i. Ir. l'ol . 0/:30 OM 08:30 OM f'.?.::lL; H.::.ur Inter I nter ::t:ri ::t;r, traffi. P.:L;;:Lrn: in PL. :rn PL. Hr PeaL Hr. Pact D.f.,::; 03 :'"I5 PM PM 3i;;i 11 190 15 f 1 :3 .11 9f;i 6 :;;i l'l 1 5 .;;:'i tl 3.;;: 0 i::i 2 'I'lS 365 5 O'-l: : 00 PM PM •13 0 33 6 C 1 L'l 0 lis 11 .:,) 21 0 9 31 0 3'1 0 15 30 ::. 'I'lS 365 6 0'^: : 15 : 30 PM :•; 2 f ;i D 2/'I If) f 1 5 fl 1D':1 6 0 :;;i9 i lfl 6t) 0 •:;it::I 0 11 16 6 603 11 O'L : 15 : 30 PM :•; ,'i, 0 10/ It;. t 1 0 f) io:;;i 16 2 .;;:5 o 1 :;;i 51 0 2/ 0 16 .;;:8 11 5 16 11 D'-l: :'15 PM X 20 a 20/ 10 t 1 it;i fl IDl 1.;;: '1 i:;i6 0 11 Ml 0 31 75 0 21 12 33 i::j 2 1.1 3 i;;i5: :D0 f'M -A 3:;s 0 3 O'l 16 t;: 1 13 f) i'i:;5 lfl i::' l.l. II '• i 151 0 31 75 0 21 12 26 •;:| (IE 2 I", 05: : 15 I'M 8 0 112 3 \j 1 .;;: 0 '10 ••1 1, if. 0 /;t tl 0 9 3 16 5/6 3 i;;i5: :30 PM 23 0 2 6'•I 15 0 1 13 fl ';;i'i 5 0 ::;iO fl ...1 11. tl 20 0 !'•! 13 •;:'• 3 16 5/6 05: :'15 PH l'l 0 1// 11 0 1 .'' f) i;;ifi 6 :;;i '13 0 0 t;. 1 tl .:o D 11 13 ••1'-13 E 06: :0D l-'M 22 0 2::;io 12 fl 1 i:;;i 0 i,;;;:9 10 :t '10 fl •"1 f12 tl ;;;i i D 12 11 6 O'l 1 f;i6: : :i,s f'M 5 0 if;!0 / tl 3 fl 'l'l :;;i '1 1/ tl f;i "Ifl 0 13 1/ 0 11 '1 '377 fl 06: : ill PM r:j 0 11,6 5 i;;i :;;i tl 02 :;;• 0 11 D D tfl 0 13 1/ 0 1 11 0 271 0 M.::ll 1. 1 ,5 nin '13 :to/ 0 3i;fi 01 0 fl Li;;;i ll::l fl i:;;i6 :i 13 151 D 75 0 21 33 t;. fit;, 2 :;i 1 PI:. , 111 •. l'.:.l '13 :to/ 0 9/2 60 0 :;;if;. fl '1:;;; 1 •;;;.;;' 11;;. 266 :t ,19 'io:;;i fl It;. 5 D 6D ID:3 15 2/l'l :;i 1 D'1: :D0 PM Peat:: Inter sed :.i i::tri Ir .::if f i c: :in PL. Mr 2/l'l Peat:: 1 lr . f .::ii;:;tcir 0./9 05: :00 PM Hour" Inter seel ,i.:.n P.:l:;;:tr IIS in PL. Mr .:::: 31 ihk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at FARADAY AVE. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07-30 AM to 08:30 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (teft) 2 1 1 1 1 urations 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 Outside 5 1 1 1 Lane Settings 2 2 1 2 3 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 Capacity 2700 3400 1500 2700 5100 0 2700 1700 1500 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No) ? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? H Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 430 437 111 127 1032 248. 38 70 42 41 30 27 Adjusted Hourly Volume 430 437 111 127 1280 0 38 70 42 ^1 57 0 UtiIization Factor 0.16 0.13 0.07 0.05 0.25 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.00 Critical Factors 0.16 0.25 0.04 0.03 ICU Ratio = 0.58 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and FARADAY AVE. W e s t A P P r Time: 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Date: 07/26/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: DS Sub- Total totals 868 713 43 155 70 --> 42 North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 1909 <- Total 1407 502 <- Subtotals 248 1032 127 III <-' V North <-, ' /-> I I I 430 437 111 Subtotals -> 1115 978 Total -> 2093 South Approach Sub- totals Total .... 27 <--- 30 98 /--- 41 E a s t 406 A P 308 FARADAY AVE. Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. ^jhk^ EL CAMINO REAL at FARADAY AVE. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1.1 i i i Config- (left) 2 1 i i i urations 3 1 11 11 4 11 1 Outside 5 111 Lane Settings 221230211120 Capacity 2700 3400 1500 2700 5100 0 2700 1700 1500 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 107 972 60 36 451 52 266 39 403 165 60 103 Adjusted Hourly Volume 107 972 60 36 503 0 266 39 403 165. 163 0 Utilization Factor 0.04 0.29 0.04 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.27 0.11 0.05 0.00 Critical Factors 0.29 0.01 0.27 0.11 ICU Ratio = 0.78 LOS = C associates Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and FARADAY AVE. Time: 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM Date: 07/26/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: DS Sub- Total totals 929 220 267 709 39 --> 403 North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 539 52 451 I I <-' V Subtotals -> 1019 Total -> 1880 36 North <-, I I 107 972 1139 2158 South Approach <- Total 1341 <- Subtotals I I <— /--- /-> I 60 Sub- totals Total 103 60 328 165 463 135 FARADAY AVE. Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 5 Intersection Location: El Camino Real and Palomar Airport Road CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram oc:i .afi Ertij: EPIR 1 ril,.;;.r":;;;ec:ti i::ii i fount Dat. i:i//:i/'/';;io ;;.OfiD ::.f: H/S E/M I u I' I I i r I q M o e n e n t E o u n t s 0 n .:i 11, |.;; ;d:.reet: EL CRMIHD RERL ;;treet: PREDMRR RIRPDRf Rl Pari: Heafh. IRESDI ELERR File: ECRPRR.HI<:i DaLa Collected bij: traf f: Control P.::ige 1 of 3 :;;ci, .:in.::i;t :i ;;;;(;• i;:l I II.I ot IS nin. p.rd. Ot>: 15 IIM Ob:::10 RH 06:'15 OM 0/:0D OH 0/: J';;i I IH fl/:3D OM 0/:'15 OM >; i;i8:fit:i tin x t:ii:;i: 15 011 ;»; 00:30 tIM 08:'15 RM 09:00 OM So 1,1 tti Opip.r o.;;icti cHO;:' LefL H -Frri Ihi u R:rt|ht 15 •15 Man. Pt:. 1S r i i r*i. Ir. l'ol. I::. 8 156 0/: i:; 08: i:; OH OM Pe.::lf:; Hciur' 0 tl 11 0 0 fl 0 fl 0 D 0 0 0 0 Inter I 111. I :;iti 10 :i,22 90 99 166 tfl/ 2fl3, lf;i.:' 03 l'i6 166 10 3/ 26 11 Norlh Peds l„.eft ::':1 i;;;: 12 i:;;: tl ippi •Iir, :;:.o;:' Hc'st, tlp.|,:.i I tin,I R:l ght P.;?.Is l„,6.rt 1,1 -I rn 1 1 i;;i t'i'i fi';;i t.f) 3t;. 31 15 6,'' :;;i9 ••10 18 10.;;: .'HI. 2L1 20/ ,;;:2i;i i:;;ii;;i ISO 151 12 13 108 111 11 fl 1 0 0 1 D fl D '1/ 3f:. 9 12 20 13 fl/ to 1 ifi:;;i st;. '16 ••:|2 .;:i.::li Ct llii-u 5';i .::|;::' ••13 56 iii'l :;;i :i i;) 1/1 I, :i,:;;i ';i 1 13:;;: s> Rrght t> ;i5 ;;;: ,t 1/ 3';) 161 I 2^:1 1 f12 .",1 :;;ii;;. 31 ;;;:'^i ds t„ 0 D 0 fl 0 I 0 0 0 D Ea:;;:t, .;; ;.ff U-trn •:icti CMO;:' ••13 I'I'I '111 I'll ;;;i69 103 ;;;i^^i/ 318 99i;;i 161 '116 traffic :rn PL;. ::ti on Pd:;; f r-ri in Pt:: fli- flr l'e,::i|:: lli-E.::ict,i;;.i 111 ••15i PM ••i;;;: 0 1, S 01 i;;i 68 f;i 6i;i 3 0 61 D SI f;ii;;i I'M 3^^1 D l'l 9 ,81 0 ••i:;i i;;i Sfl 1 5 0 60 fl 01 15 f'M '13 D 199 115 0 116 tl 1/5 '• 9 0 S 8 0 01 30 f'M ."' -It 0 202 111 0 69 0 106 1 6 0 3/ D 01 15 PM '30 0 189 12'1 0 35 1 i:;i2 t;. fl 56 0 05 flfl PM ;<; .;;l .::: fl 181 135 fl ,l',l tl 101 1 :;;i ti ••l'l 0 05 15 PH X 32 0 236 ;-;:62 0 IOD i;;i 1,6 1 / 0 01 0 OS 30 PM * '10 0 169 lO'l 0 99 fl 160 1 9 0 ••19 D i;;i5 ••15. PM >; ::j9 0 :t69 1 I..!-!!' 0 12';;; tl c'fj 1 1 9 0 tfit;. 1 fit;. Ofl I'M 12 0 02 ••10 0 1 :,:t; fl 2/ 1 :;;. o i:;;! , i;;i i;;i6 1,5 PH 15 fl 8/ ••18 0 70 i;;i 216 i;i D 10 0 06. 30 PM 12 0 /5 t.l 1 0 ••ID tl /9 2 0 9 fl Hai . i:;;. ni, ri. ••13 0 230 262 0 i,2f;i 1 2/1 '1 9 0 106 1 pf::. Mr. l'ol. 113 0 :? n" •".' 6 ffl 11 :;1IV 1 tl 683 S 3 i;;i 2EID 1, i;t:1: 'i:;:i PM E eat:: I nte ":;>ei;;;ti on 11 .:i •fic m PL. Hr 506 1 l"'e.::,t:: Hi". Fai ti;;ir 05: 15 f'H f our" Inte -secti on Pds rn:; in PL;. Mr-.:::: D 0. i;;i/ 152 :;;: i 150 1,30 i,5';;i ii;;i;;j ;;;:/n 2': 111 2/1 2 O'l 33 20 21 21 '31 '21 21 ' ,'tl 101 ••I 0.08 3^^1 10/ 60 t;.3 16/ 116 10;;;: 73 03 ISO 155 169 31 6'1 180 70 51 60 /9 53 90 03 55 5'1 ,:I9 90 0 0 D tl D t;i 0 fl 0 D 0 0 0 t;i 0 0 0 tl 0 a 0 0 D 0 a 0 1 tir-1,,1 Right Ped:;; I'ehicls 1'"I5 91 '10 So fl i;;i :;;;o'i 36 1 268 -ID D 889 ;;;:i;fi 71 1:1 653 2:;;i i ;:;i;;) ;:* .-1 tl Eii;)i;;i 1 !::• ";• i 3'^i:3 . 1 119 1,1 D I....,' 1 1/9/ ••121 ...I / ;;;: 1915 319 f;i/ tl :i::;i;:;;.:i 185 2/ tl 915 223 26 tl 988 21 ••I 16 0 91'^1 ••121 119 ;;;: 1915 1,356 3:3/ 663/ 119 :t;3;;i 55 7E 0 fl 899 816 1/2 56 0 1225 163 ••15 fl 1019 16;:) 119 fl 1150 :i'fi . 81 0 106'1 130 1 "••' '"1 ••16 0 V^1'16 i;;;:9 51 0 0 1200 i:;;is i 113 .;ltl tl 1061 82 56 0 85'1 110 23 fl 556 1/8 119 0 L^L^16 5 ••ID 2:;;iD 11 506 1 nin. total:;; Peds t;i fl 0 1 ••1 0 tl 0 D -J ihk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:15 AM to "-e^t Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 i Config- (left) 2 1 1 :, ., urations 3 1 ^ .] ' .j 1 1 11 Outside 5 Lane Settings 121121121121 ^^P^<'^^y 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 156 743 75 411 927 369 34 7 998 416 502 1356 337 Adjusted Hourly Volume 156 743 75 411 927 369 347 998 416 502 1356 337 Utilization Factor 0.10 0.22 0.05 0.27 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.29 0 28 0 33 0 40 0 22 Critical Factors 0.22 0.27 0.23 0.40 ICU Ratio = 1.22 LOS = F Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM North Approach EL CAMINO REAL Date: 07/17/90 Day: TUESDAY 3134 Name: JT 1707 Sub- 369 927 411 Total totals I | | <- Total 1427 <- Subtotals W --- e 1881 < s t 3642 I 347 I A 1761 998 --> I P' 416 North P I r u I 1 I " Sub- V I ' totals Total E I I 337 s <--- 1356 2195 t /--- 502 I 3679 A V P > 1484 p r /-> PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 156 743 75 Subtotals -> 1845 974 Total -> 2819 Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. jhk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:45 PM to 05:45 PH Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 i i •] Config- (left) 2 1 i ^ 1 urations 3 1 i 11 ^1111 Outside 5 Lane Settings 121121121121 '^^Pacity 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 143 75 7 604 363 683 5 8 280 1 014 1 07 282 540 230 Adjusted Hourty Volume 143 75 7 604 363 683 5 8 280 1 014 1 07 282 540 230 Utilization Factor 0.10 0.22 0.40 0.24 0.20 0.04 0.19 0.30 0.07 0.19 0.16 0.15 Critical Factors 0.40 0.24 o.30 0.19 ICU Ratio = 1.23 LOS = F Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and PALOMAR AIRPORT Time: 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM North Approach EL CAMINO REAL Date: 07/17/90 Day: TUESDAY 2371 <- Total ''ame: JT 1104 1267 <- Subtotals Sub- 58 683 363 Total totals III ROAD W <-' e 742 < s t 2144 I 281 A 1402 1014 --> P 107 North V P I r V I I I ' Sub- V '-> I " totals Totat E I I a 230 s <--- 540 1052 t I /--- 282 I 3033 A P > 1981 p r /-> PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 143 757 604 Subtotals -> 1072 1504 Total -> 2576 Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 6 Intersection Location: El Camino Real and Alga Road CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram hk ) EL CAMINO REAL at ALGA RD. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:30 AM to _ Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1 1 I 1 & associates 08:30 AM Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings 13 112 112 Capacity 1500 5100 1500 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? no Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? yes Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utitization Factor 0. Critical Factors 851 166 151 428 29 63 14 15 851 166 151 428 29 63 29 0 0.17 0.11 0.10 0.13 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.17 0.10 0.04 0 2 1 0 3200 1500 14 373 553 373 0.17 0.25 0.25 ICU Ratio = 0.66 LOS = B W e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and ALGA RD. Time: 07:30 AH to 08:30 AH Date: 07/17/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: BW Total 154 Sub- totals 62 63 92 14 --> 15 North Approach EL CAHINO REAL 1895 608 29 428 151 I I I <-' V '-> I North <- Totat 1287 <- Subtotals I I <— /--- <-, ^ /-> I I I 19 851 166 Sub- totals Total 373 14 928 541 1261 333 ALGA RD. E a s t A P P r Subtotals -> 982 Totat -> 1036 2018 South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J ;hk & associates EL CAHINO REAL at ALGA RD. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:45 PM to „ "^-'^S PH Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings 13 11 Capacity 1500 5100 1500 1500 2 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Votime Adjusted Hourty Volune Utilization Factor Critical Factors 12 568 546 413 902 12 568 546 413 902 .01 0.11 0.36 0.28 0.27 0.36 0.28 1 1 2 0 0 2 1 1500 1500 3400 0 0 3200 1500 no yes 62 33 12 20 280 15 147 62 33 32 0 0 295 147 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.10 0.02 0.10 ICU Ratio = 0.86 LOS = D Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAHINO REAL and ALGA RD. W e s t A P P r Time: Date: Day: Name: Totat 154 04:45 PH to 05:45 PH 07/17/90 TUESDAY BW Sub- totals 89 65 33 12 --> 20 North Approach EL CAHINO REAL 2137 1383 62 902 419 I I I V «-> <-' Subtotals -> 1202 Total -> 2328 South Approach <- Totat 754 <- Subtotals I I North <-, - /-> I I I 12 568 546 1126 Sub- totals Total 147 15 460 298 989 ALGA RD. 1449 Note: Left-turn vol unes inctude U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 7 Intersection Location: El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram tf Rsscic:i..nit.:"ning Mcna;;.ni;;^ril Eorints Hiial r|s;i : Page 1 of ',:' CRRLSBRD , , , EEERERCHIO Intersection ot : H.'S Street: EL CRMIHR RERL |1.:,,|.::, E, ,J l • i i,,.. i;;;/M str ;;.t: LR i;;:f;i:;;,| R fH'E Count l:iate: f)//12/90 ('•^"ri: tllORSDR'i' traffic Emrfrol- Sio,,..,] Heather: S.:;.ulh Rppu ot>cti CHII :. N.;.r l l i fli .| ,r .la. l i ' EEEt End of 15 - ••- ; '.':':'„.:.:'.: :,: : "fO' ''^^""" 'i^''-' lasl Rpproach <;MB;> 15 nin. folal: Miri. prd. t„c.ft t1"Fr"n ftir-u Ric^tit Red:;;: l,.,.;;.ft tf fin ft,r ci F;:i.::ilit f-ctth I3P':I5 RM 33 0 lfl ,1 0 .-.i m I3e':3 IM 3:3 tl 36 I 0 | ig 9 0 E7 0 '::' 133 'I8 118 o 12,:;: 02 , ., • ':;;: :::: D/:Dfl flM 50 0 63 D 13 6 t> '15 ,t'16 0 :i:: '"' ' ^ 1 '"' Ul 0 6:3 fit o 9,; n sg •:,: ,:!: ^:: ';: i;i/':3i;;i RM 26 tl 100 tl 2i;:i f) fll i';;.£i ti 13 18 fl 80 I ••19 i;;i l"l^- = -l'3 I3M y 50 0 90 3 fl 10 0 n:,.. o I Jo r. i:! ; V '.. "z " '''"',' f;i 8/2 1 0 D tH-i = i3D DM :•: IDO 1 l.:18 3 0 2;:' 0 10'! t flfl: 1';; IIM X Ofl 0 I,::;5 .:,| g [.: iii3::;;iD RH :•: 71 0 120 5 0 If i38:'^i:;;. tin 58 ti 09 t o 2:1 ti ioo fii 139:00 OM 82 0 101 / 0 2':1 0 11/ gg D 10 111 f;i 0 112 131 0 MesI L l1|::.|;.ro.;:i.;;;li CEO;:' East. R|:.proa icti <:MB;> 1 S ni ri. ft 0 Irii ftn 1,1 Ri, .;.|tit P c^..!:;;: t.ef t t I " I rri ttiri„i Riglit, f •'eds I 'ehicls ••15 71 0 22 15 0 0 0 5 0 31/ ::ii;)8 ••15 71 D 3f;. ;;;:i;i 1 t i;;i 86 ID tl 31/ ::ii;)8 122 0 62 3f;. 0 / D 116 El 0 6 i,t;i 1 ::;i 1 I) Sf) '12 fl 3 0 l/'3 18 0 /'36 95 D 59 3'1 0 6 0 113 23 0 219 8/2 1 10 fl 03 'fl 1 1,;;: D HE '37 1:1 219 8/2 i;:ii fl 81 ••IS 0 9 i;;i 151 .'PI 0 fi/::;i t/2 fit;. 0 105 ';;.'1 i;;i t;..'' ••to 0 0 11 .::| tl 122 56 0 1031 I'^ID II 013 2;;;: 2 17 D 1 f 18 ,;) f 1 i:;;;'i 35 tl 11 /9 1 '::i'::! J 116 i;;i .'8 5';;i S 13 fl 15/ 3i;i 0 .,i.„. .1. 07 1, 9/ f) 7E 50 0 i,';;i tl Iflfl 2 1 0 /92 Man. 15 nin. IOD 1 1^:1 f; »::.":::.."<••,:,__!- «L,.._2^ ° " "' § J « :« =S I S S ,g S r;?/ 0/:30 OM Peal: I nter secti , fraffic in PL:. Hr.::: 3i:;„:3::, p,:,,,,p |,|,,. p,,:,,. |, ,.„,- g gg 08:30 tIM Hour Intersection Pdslrns in PL:. Hr. = 2 " .:l6/6 03: ••15 PM Ot;, 0 116 13 6 .;).::: 10 O'l: DO PM •12 8 1:3/ l^^l 0 'ID 10 O'l: 15 f'M Of;, 0 129 10 0 ,:1,:.| 10 D^'1:3D PM 28 D 12'^1 1,6 0 Ml '•^1 O'l: ••IS PM 65 0 160 ;;;:3 0 ••i';i fl 05:00 PH 9'1 0 155 21 1 ••15 0 IIS: 15 PM X 88 D L^ID 10 1 ••1';) D 05:30 PM X 131 0 ;;:D/ ;;;:o j;:. fi;;;. fl 05: ••IS PM X 118 0 131 0 58 0 06: DO PM X 11 ••I 0 15/ 2'1 0 0 06: 15 PM 9/ 0 132 :t8 1 68 fl 06:30 f'M 6.1 0 103 11 1 58 0 Mai 1. 1,5 nin. 131 0 20/ 211 6 85 10 Pf::. I ll ". l..'ol . ••i:;;;i 0 1, IS 89 ,;1 .;;'6'i 0 113,:: 117 0 103 0 lOE 111 106 0 10/ 0 L^l'l 118 6f1 8 9/ 2 I'ifl 121 77 0 9t;. 1 Oi'' 5-:1 630 ••i';is D 505 1 6;)';;i nr'nn PH n""^' Intersection Fraffic in Pt:. Ilr.:=: •:1/91 Peak Hr. Factor-0^ 06:00 IM Hour Intersection Pdstrns in PL. tlr.::^ 3 ''I;?; ';;' i;'?':^ ^ i^^'i o 32 0 12s^36"o""i;,,:,;;,' Cl /8 f) 'i,;;:^:i :t2i;;i o ••1/91 r''i;;^d:H 13 99 2f) 0 9::i2 6 ;s 120 0 1.^1 0 i;;i:i, // o 19 o 9/ 23 o 909 ci (t 0 lis 26 0 1013 0 0 13 D 22 2'^1 0 86 13 f)'^1 251 0 1032 t) 13 '3t) 2/ tl 1D69 1 D 10/1 1 0 l'15f;i 2 13 81 2'3 0 1:1 til 0 126 113 D 131 D ;i,'i,;;: 95 11 r-i y37 109 0 115 0 16'1 91 0 133 1:33 0 :t1:l 1 150 ;;3:i g jc, g ^p^ 1');? i';;i^^i ti ;i,69 o i';)i :ti/ 0 j::..::| n ipf^ J'^13 105 0 1,.:16 0 1,55 9 1 0 1/ 0 81 ":f: i''^ 8/- o lo D 91 31: 0 '•13 9':;. 0 ,|,:::,;;l 1.1 III |.:,] g jj; 13 /6 22 fl 91;:; 8 i '3 0 62 1/ 0 750 1 ihk^ EL CAMINO REAL at LA COSTA AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:30 AM to Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 ^ . ^ ^ Config- (teft) 2 1 i i urations 3 1 i 4 1 1 1 Outside 5 11 i i ^ Lane Settings 230230221120 ^^P^'^^^y 2700 5100 0 2700 5100 0 2700 3400 1500 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 322 491 15 73 402 5 28 5 26 356 220 4 3 535 1 65 Adjusted Hourly Votive 322 506 0 73 930 0 526 356 220 43 700 0 Utilization Factor 0.12 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.18 0.00 0.19 0.10 0.15 0.03 0.21 0.00 Critical Factors 0.12 o.18 0.19 0 21 ICU Ratio = 0.80 LOS = D associates Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and LA COSTA AVE W e s t A P P r Time: 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: HB Sub- Total totals 2487 1385 526 1102 356 --> 220 North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 1003 528 402 I I <-' V 2185 73 North 1182 <- Total <- Subtotals /--• I V Sub- totals Totat 165 535 743 43 /-> 1187 444 LA COSTA AVE E a s t A P P r Subtotals -> 666 Totat -> 323 491 829 1495 South Approach 15 Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. J hk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at LA COSTA AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 05:00 PM to - 06:00 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 i . i i Config- (left) 2 1 i i i urations 3 1 i i 11 4 1 1 1 Outside 5 11 11 i Lane Settings 230230221 120 Capacity 2700 5100 0 2700 5100 0 2700 3400 1500 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 451 635 89 264 630 495 585 639 373 78 424 128 Adjusted Hourty Volume 451 724 0 264 1125 0 585 639 373 78 552 0 Utilization Factor 0.17 0.14 0.00 0.10 0.22 0.00 0.22 0.19 0.25 0.05 0.16 0.00 Critical Factors 0.17 0.22 0.22 0.16 ICU Ratio = 0.87 LOS = D Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and LA COSTA AVE Time: 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM North Approach EL CAMINO REAL Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY 2737 <. f^tal Name: HB 1339 1348 <- Subtotals Sub- 495 630 264 Total totals III " Sub- W <-1 V e 1371 < totals Total E s t 2969 I I a 128 s <--- 424 630 t 586 I /... 78 A 1598 639 --> P 373 North V P I > 992 r V I 1622 A P P r " /-> LA COSTA AVE III 451 635 89 Subtotals -> 1081 1175 Total -> 2256 Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 8 Intersection Location: Rancho Santa Fe Road and Melrose Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram •IHt': ft f1:;;:!;:ociate:;;; f;:i 1,1,1: f;:f1RtSBRD F1,1 r n 1 n g M o !.•• (;• n (;• r 11 E int s tl 11 .::i 1 g:;;: i : Page 1 of I nler secti or 1 of: H/S :;;;tr-eet: RflNEflO :;;;fiHiR t E RL 1 E/M •;;;tr : Mf;;L,Ri:ist; ;; DR. t;:.:.urit l:i,;:iti;;.: Daip: 0//11/98 Heat he •r": Socif 1 ll Rpif:ir"o .:iii:di •:; HB;:I Hor til 1 I1|: :i|::ir" Fnd of r;;i • nin. prd. Left U-Irn Thru Ri,.;|tit Pc^ds Ec^ft l|,.„l r 11 06: 15 RM 0 '19 f) 0 ft tl 06:3f1 OM 6 tl 90 f;i t) 0 fl 06: ••15 OM :t2 tl 10,;;' i;;i f) f;i 1,1 0/:D0 OM X 11 f) t'l;;;: tl 0 fl i;;i 0/:IS OM X 8 0 155 0 f) D 0 f;i:'': :;;ii;i tin x 7 0 216 0 fl 0 tl 0/:':15 OH X .;;: i fl -iii I.J \ tl 0 0 fl DO:DO RH •;) tl 110 i;;i 0 tl fl 08:15 OM 1/ 0 18/ 0 1 0 0 08:3f1 flM f) i:;;;5 0 0 0 fl 08:'15 RM 19 0 163 0 0 0 f;i fl 09:00 RM 10 0 15;;;: tl f) f) f;i fl Hail. IS nin. 21 fl 301 t;i 1 f) 0 0 0 PL. Hr. l'ol. '1/ D Ol'l 0 1 f) 0 0 fl 06: ••IS flM P eat.: Int. ;:^r":;;:ec;1 tion Ir-a ffie in PI.:. Hi" D/:^:15 RM H our 1 nt, ;;• r":;;: e c; 1 :,i 1 Pds Irris in Pl:. llr . :::: 03:'15 PM 15 tl 212 11 f) 0 f;i 0^^1:0D PM .•fl 11 21/ 0 0 0 tl fl O^^l: 15 PM ,:).::: 0 ;;:::i6 fl 0 tl tl fl 0^^1:30 PM X 211 0 321, 0 1 0 tl 0^^1:':15 PM X ;;;:2 0 2/8 0 0 fl 0 05:00 PM X ,:::;) tl 20fl 0 0 0 0 05:15 PM X 39 D 200 0 0 tl 0 05:30 PH 29 f) i::)0 D D 1) fl o:;;i:^^i5 PM '11 0 ,:fii. D 0 0 06:00 PM 31 0 2'12 0 0 0 11 06:15 PM 15 D 188 0 0 fl 0 06:30 PM 21 0 13'1 fl 0 0 0 M.;:iii. IS nin. ••11 fl 321 0 1 tl 0 PL. Hr. l'ol. lO'^l 0 108/ 0 1 0 fl D':1: 15 PM Pf "at:; Inte •rsei:;:t lori fr".:;if tic in PL. Hr 05: 15 PM Hi: ;njr-Inte •r"sec;t ion Pd:;;:f rns ill Pl:. Hr, Fll Dat, Fist Hi;;;i,, ;;:oiiect. HL:I .,:l El.I :3F traf t: Ht;;iiHf;;:;;:i:i f;:Lf;;fiR :i.;:ii:::ti i:;5i;) Fill-1,1 f;i,;:|lit F'ed:;; 11 1 It;. t;i .;;: :t ti .;;:9 ti .;;:/ 0 5 ••I t;i I''.;;: t) :;)f;. f;i ••13 0 :;)';) o ;;;•/ f;i 36 II /2 1 E ill-;;i. 111.. I ;i, ;:i;e.;l .;;:••) ;;;• 2';;i3 210 251 :;)3^^i 1/6 212 218 215 107 '331 loss 2 ISI 1E7 1S3 lEO 175 150 120 171 132 203 151 '1'3': 2f13 632 H.;;.st l"lp.|::.i",;; ..::i.;:;ti ':;f ;;:B;:I E.:jst Rppir i;; i.::icti '::MB;:I 1 5 M i n . total ft 0 "Fr n Ftn 1,1 fti gtit f •i;;.,;!:;;: 1 .eft tftrn thru Rl, lit,I, F 'ed:;;: f.' 'ehicis f'e.;1:;;: 22 0 f) 11 0 0 0 tl 0 t) 1/2 1 2S t;i fl / D • 0 • t;i fl 0 f) 325 fl .fl '•1 fl :t:'' f) 0 tl fl t;i 0 '12 ••I fl :;)'i fl fl ;;;'5 t;i 0 f;i fl tl t;i , '.l'l t:i ••i;;;: 0 0 r;;i .;;• fl t:i 0 0 fl ••161 ' '•••' i;;i 0 .:'i t) tl i;;i fl f;i 8 609 0 31 D 0 '.II :t 0 tl fl tl tl f;if)0 1 31 tl 0 1';;. 1 fl t:i 0 0 D 107. 1 t;.5 0 0 .:::.'::' 8 0 0 0 0 0 SS2 1 l'l 0 fl 29 0 0 fl i;;i t) f) 'ii;;i/ 5f)8 0 :;;;:;;; '18 f;i fl ,"l fl 0 t;i 0 0 D 'ii;;i/ 5f)8 fl 0 :;;;:;;; '18 tl fl ii;;i 0 0 tl 0 fl f:i 'i':i:;i fl 0 lfl 2 fl tl so .;;: 0 tl fl fl g fifiti •3ll 0 0 i;;;'3 0 0 fl D f;i ;;;;':i8.^i :;) p.;;.at: Hr . Factoi- 32 0 ••11 tl fl 19 tl 0 1 3 fl 0 fl '186 g 0 1 It. f;i t;i 27 fl 0 1 ;;i tl 0 0 520 0 :30 0 1 '.0 ti tl i,';i f) 0 f ;;i 0 tl f;i 520 1 ••13 fl '16 0 11 :;)/ I.t f 1 t) f;i t;i 625 1 .::i,'^^ fl :;)/ D tl 1/ 0 D f 1 tl g 11 1^, •::l '"1 1 .;),••' D 'fl 0 tl :i6 0 0 f ) t;i t;i t;i ...1 1 ..1 '•i;36 D 0 I.ll fl ••16 0 tl 16 tl fl t 1 t;i t;i tl 62fl D 0 2';i f. '1 0 '1.;;' t:i fl i:;) i;;i f;i t ;i tl tl t;i 311 i fl " ...1 t.l tl f;i :;)o. tl 0 t ;i tl D t;i 69'1 fl ••If;. f;i 51 t.l tl t;i i';i tl 0 t ;i 0 tl f:i 5 ••13 11 ;;,.' tl 50 tl tl 20 0 0 t ;i i;;i 11 g '••1i''6 II ••19 0 29 0 • 0 :i'^i fl D f 1 tl tl i;;i 3 fit) 0 f.'l 1. 1,.:. D tl ill tl 0 t. 1 t;i tl i;;i t) 69'1 1 8S 0 1/3 8 D 69 0 0 t 1 i;i 0 i;;i t) 2250 1 . Fac; loi" f;i. 9f;i ihk & associates RANCHO SANTA FE RD at HELROSE DR. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Pk. Nr. Time Period: 06:45 AH to 07:45 AH Lane Inside 1 Config-(left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 0 0 0 0 1088 182 230 0 123 0 0 0 0 0 1088 182 230 0 123 0 0 0 00 0.00 0.64 0.12 0.15 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.15 • Lane Settings 120011101 0„„ '^^P^'='*y 1500 3400 0 0 1700 1500 1500 0 1500 0 0 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? YES Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Vottine 47 814 Adjusted Hourly Volume 47 814 Utilization Factor 0.03 0.24 Critical Factors 0.03 ICU Ratio = 0.92 LOS = Turning Hovements at Intersection of RANCHO SANTA FE RD and HELROSE DR. Time: 06:45 AM to AH North Approach RANCHO SANTA FE RD Oate: 07/11/90 Day: WEDNESDAY 23,4 ^. -Total ""^ 1270 1044 <- Subtotals Sub- 182 1088 0 Total totals III " Sub- W e 229 <-- s t 582 230 --- A 353 0 --> V '-> I - totals Total E I I a 0 s 0 t I " <--- 0 I /— 0 P I r V P 123 —' North V p > 0 p I I <-| * /-> MELROSE DR. V I I I 47 814 0 Subtotals -> 1211 861 Totat -> 2072 Note: Left-turn volunies include South Approach U-turns. ihk & RANCHO SANTA FE RD at MELROSE DR. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 >o. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right associates Pk. Hr. Time Period: 04:15 PM to 05:15 PM Lane Inside 1 Config-(left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 0 0 Lane Settings 1 2 Capacity 1500 3400 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 104 1087 0 0 Adjusted Hourly Volune 104 1087 0 0 Utitization Factor 0.07 0.32 0.00 0.00 Critical Factors 0.07 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1700 1500 1500 0 1500 0 0 0 7 NO YES 632 185 173 0 69 0 0 0 632 185 173 0 69 0 0 0 0.37 0.12 0.12 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.12 ICU Ratio = 0.66 LOS = 8 W e s t A P P r Time; Date: Day: Name: Total Turning Movements at Intersection of RANCHO SANTA FE RD and HELROSE DR. North Approach RANCHO SANTA FE RD 04:15 PM to 05:15 PH 07/11/90 WEDNESDAY JT Sub- totals 531 289 242 173 0 --> 69 185 Subtotals -> 701 Total -> 2077 817 632 I V North <-. I I 104 1087 1191 1892 South Approach 1260 /-> <- Total <- Subtotals I I <— /--- Sub- totals Totat MELROSE DR. E a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn volumes inctude U-turns. J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 9 Intersection Location: Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Siunmary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram ft:;; i. ati; Fur ning floec^nent C Citg: CRRLSBRD Int e r-:;;: e i;;; t ;i o 11 o f : H/S :;;; t r- e e t: E/M Street: RRNt:Hf1 StIHtR FE Lfl cti';;;FR iii't;; :il i,|si : Fll, Dat. : fi:;;.i3;;:i;i';;; t;:i::.l 1,.;; f. tR.Mi:: e,:1 l:,g: t)H P.;:i.:ie 1 .;:,t ::) Count Date: i;)//i,o.'';;ifi End of V. Dag: Heal f ie MEDHESDOV FraFfic C f:i„,E;;oR itrol ;;i i:|ri.;;i1 i ;^,;;.,;;l oiitti Rp,|;;ir"o.;),:;;t'i '..tKO n ;i, 11. I ;;n"d. 1 eft H-ti r"r'i thru 06: 15 RM ID 0 20 06:30 RM If) 0 f)5 a6:.:15 RM f) 0 t;. 1 D/:00 RM ::;, 0 61 0/: 15 RM 12 0 .••'2: 02:30 fitl X 10 0 10/ 0/:^^15 flM X f) 0 ffl 08:00 RM X ,;;:^^i 0 132 08: 15 RM X 11 0 70 00:30 tin ft) 0 31 08: ••15 flM .;;: :;;. 0 99 09:00 RM .", 0 100 Man. 1 ts nin. .;;:';;. tl l-1'l Pf.: Hi", l'ol •153 M th Oppir i;;i.: )ch i:;si; ),:i Most lippl ,.a, h •: 1 O.t Ea:st Rp.[;ir~o .::ich CMI i ii t:;;; ru, n. d:;;: t c^ f f 0 "trn ttir ii f ti, ,:ih t Peil:;;: L,i;;^ l t U trn Iln 11 Right Pe ds 1 „eft 1,1" Frn Fhr u P light Ped:;;: t •'eti:i, .:::1 :;;: 0 0 51 15 6 13 0 2 5 0 3 0 16 6 0 F^15 11 ,;;• 0 185 :;) :i f) 73 0 .;;:.;;: 17 0 1 fl 0 31 g tl ••i:''f;. 0 ,;;: 0 'i:. .'0 2 '32 0 3 7 tl .;;i t;i 1:3 ••1 tl 2^:1 :i. fl '1 tl 12:;1 '--j 1 5S 0 E 31 D 6 fl 31 12 D :;;if;..:i 3 ••I 6 0 ,;;: 0 105 ••1-1 6 39 0 3 2-1 0 l'-1 3 19 12 0 0 :;;if;..:i 3 ••I 6 tl fl 0 1/f1 '15 '1 /:;) D 9 ,1. fl 10 f) .;;' 1 18 0 0 ••1/';;, 0 :i. 0 156 ••It;. •"' l.i i:'' 0 1,2 S1 fl 1:;) 1 fl '1/ ;:;:3 g t) 1,1 tl 107 r ( 1 75 fl ';;i ••I,'' t;i •;) 2 ;;;::;;i tl ';;,'is 11 3 0 136 51 6 21 0 12 25 0 15 D 25 13 0 •t33 f) :;;. tl i:;if) st;' fl 70 f;i :t:;;i 3:;;: f) ,l/:| fl 2';;i 11 0 ••1/;;;. t) ;;;i 0 i;;;:;;; O'l 0 E2 f) 1 31 f} 1.;;: fl 22 0 :;;;i;)'i 0 f:i 0 is:;) 1 55 0 S 31 D 9 fl l'l 5 0 ••i3i;i 0 ' , 0 185 8>:1 \ 'l I Jl ' 0 22 51 fl I,';;; lfl '1/ .' 1 0 '"I!! *• i 0 '1 tl 1.0 3 18 1 1/ ill 1 0 12 153 f) ••1/ ;:ti 11,6 7E 0 .;;:D^^I 1 Fatal:;; f'e.1s 6 8 '•1 0 1/ 0/: r; 08: 1'; t)M f1M Pe.::lt:: H II" Inter: Inter: ;: t i o r 1 f r".;) f f i c t. n PL:. 11 r" ::tion Pdstrns in Pk. Hr ;;:D'11 1/ Pe.::l|:: Factor 0.8/ 83:'15 F'M 3'1 0 12/ 6 D t;. 0 ID'1 61 1 '15 D 23 19 0 / 0 a.^1:00 PM ••11 0 160 •;) t) 3 0 1 If) 5f) 1 ';;;/ o 12 2'l 0 1 0 5 0 O'l: i:;;. PM fl 156 9 t) Et 0 105 '.0 tl '16 0 20 3 8 0 1 0 5 0 01:30 PM '12 0 l'l/ ;••' tl 9 tl It) 9 61) tl '.tl 11 2"1 0 :3 1 2 D D^^1:'15 PM 36 0 L^19 8 tl 8 tl lot) 1.'. 1 52 0 .,:D 2'1 0 :3 1 2 D D5:DD PM X 'i:;;i 0 fll ... 0 0 tl 'l'l S'l .;;: 01 0 2'1 0 6 3 6 0 05: 15 PM X 60 0 155 19 0 2t) 0 122 8i;i .;;• l.s 0 2/ 36 0 6 3 6 0 05:30 PM X ••15 0 I'lD l'l 0 l'l 0 108 Si'' 1, 2;;;: ti ;::|,:;' ::;i:;) tl 0 5 II 05:'15 F'M X :;;;8 0 153 ii;;. 0 1:3 0 112 9f) i.'i 0 '32 36. tl 0 6 1 06:00 PM ill 0 ,110 11 tl 1 1, tl 93 3';) ••1 6 ••I 0 10 26 t:i 6 2 06: 15 06:30 PM PH ••13 i'l 0 tl 120 9 El 13 12 0 0 15 S 0 fl 86 91 '16 5 1 3. 57 0 53 0 28 '1';) 2'^1 0 f;i 6 0 t::j ill 21 If) t;, 1/ 1/ 1-1 VI 16 1/ 10 6 11 Man. r; PL. Hr. O^^l: 0';;;: l'ol 60 •Ml. 160 589 19 122 111 PM PM P.;;^aL Hour 1 nter" :n: e.:: 11n f r ..:i f f i,;,; i n 1 r I ter" s e c: tion P d s t r r 1 s 1 n ,,'293 ••1 8'1 290 Pi;;.al: Hi". F.:;ic:t '1'3 123 130 21 51 11 30 D.92 ••i3f;. 51/ ••185 ••1';i2 'i;''9 :;;o'i 6,;;'5 S'l';) 615 ••I'I'I ••169 2293 ihk & associates RANCHO SANTA FE at LA COSTA AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 1 urations 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 53 453 6 4 603 181 301 42 159 47 116 76 Adjusted Hourly Volume 53 459 0 4 784 0 301 201 0 47 192 0 UtiIization Factor 0.04 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.23 1 0.00 0.20 0.06 0.00 0.03 0.06 0.00 Critical Factors 0.04 0.23 0.20 0.06 ICU Ratio 0.62 LOS = B W e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of RANCHO SANTA FE and LA COSTA AVE Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Date: 07/18/90 Day: WEDNESDAY Name: BW Sub- Totat totals 852 350 502 301 42 --> 159 North Approach RANCHO SANTA FE 1618 181 Subtotals -> 809 Total -> 788 603 I V North 53 453 512 1321 South Approach 830 /-> I I <- Total <- Subtotals <— /--- Sub- totals Total 76 116 67 259 331 72 LA COSTA AVE Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. Ihk & associates RANCHO SANTA FE at LA COSTA AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:45 PM to = l-eft Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 i ^ ,| Config- (left) 2 1 i i urations 3 1 i 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings 12 0 12 Capacity 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 206 589 Adjusted Hourty Volune 206 644 Utilization Factor 0.14 0.19 Critical Factors 0.14 0 1 2 0 1500 3400 0 1 2 0 1500 3400 0 0 55 55 441 297 290 123 130 23 54 30 0 55 738 0 290 253 0 23 84 0 00 0.04 0.22 0.00 0.19 0.07 0.00 0.02 0. .02 0.00 0.22 0.19 0, .02 ICU Ratio 0.67 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of RANCHO SANTA FE and LA COSTA AVE W e s t A P P r Time: Date: Day: Name: Total 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM 07/18/90 WEDNESDAY BW Sub- totals 1100 557 543 290 123 --> 130 North Approach RANCHO SANTA FE 1702 297 Subtotals -> 594 Totat -> 793 441 55 206 North I 589 850 1444 South Approach 909 /-> I 55 <- Totat <- Subtotals <— /--• Sub- totals Total 30 54 27 111 348 237 LA COSTA AVE E a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 10 Intersection Location: Rancho Santa Fe Road and Olivenhain Road CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Svunmary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram •1'"'' I' fissociates Turning Moc-^enent Counts Onalgsis City: • CRRLSBRD i:, ,^,^ ^;,,,,;,,l j,,,,, Inter:=:ecLion of: H/S Street: RCHO SRHFR FE RH. Dat,, Collerled hij- E/U Street: OLIl'EHHRIH RO. ' 1 .:.f Count D.ate: MEDHESDR'i' ^'••••' l'^''''^'^' Mealher: CLEHR Ir a f f i c Co r 11 r • o1: Signa11ze d End of 15 Soulh Rpf;iro.:>ch (Hit) Horth Rppt"D.5ch nin. prd. LefL U~Irn Thru 1 (?i ght Peds Left tf" Frn Flir-u 06: 15 RM 6 0 1 16 0 1 0 Of:.: 30 OM 13 tl 1 10 0 0 :;) 06:'15 RM l'l 0 D 2'l 0 3 D 0 3 0/: 00 RM 1/ 0 1 3D tl ,:1 D 0 '1 '1 0/: 15 HM 21 0 0 ••11 0 :3 6 i;i '1 '1 07:30 RM 22 D 2 55 D :3 6 tl :3 0/:.^15 HM X 3^^1 0 0 6/ 0 0 tl 0 11 08:00 RM X 50 0 1 50 0 6 tl 0 11 DO: 15 RM X 38 tl 2 'i;;;: fl '1 II 08:30 11M X 50 0 tl l'l' -.1 0 •;;, DO: -15; RM 35 0 0 ';;i3 •;i 0 l.l f19:00 HM ;i'l I) 0 '•15 0 fl ] M.!>ll. 15 nin. 50 0 p 93 3 8 0 1 1 PL. Llr ". l'ol. 1/2 0 5 21 1 D 23 0 25 0/: 30 RM P eal^: Inte •rsecti on Ir-affic in PI:. Mr . __ 162.1 0 00: 111 HM M OUI" Int,;; •r secti on Pd ::::tr"ns in PL. llr 162.1 0 i::i Mest Rpprc :iai;::li iE B:.I E.:)s1 t Rfipr ,:, acLi I::MB;> 1 15 nin. lotal iglil I •eds Left U-Frn r tir u Right Pe •lis 1 .efl 11-Trn TLir u Rl qhl L •eels I 'ehicls Peds: 1 0 0 1 0 21 1 0 tl ••13 1 0 151 .::'.::: ;;l 0 '- 0 0 t fl ;;;"i ;;;• fl 8t1 0 /'6 1 0 151 .::'.::: ;;l 0 -1 •' i;-:;;i 0 ::)6 1 D 93 0 ti9 ;;:. -:. 2/0 0 -1 :;;i ,;1 0 '13 1 0 1 Ll tl 10/ 0 0 ?;;; I 1 tl 0 t;.;;;' 1 i;i 9';i 0 fi;;;: 0 fl 319 1 3 0 0 t;i 1 tl 0 '12 1 D 13'I tl 11 / D 'i' tl 0 '•• 0 0 t;i 1 0 fit;. 0 0 lltl 0 118 ;::. tl ••135 tl 0 I fl tl t 0 ;•••';) t;i i;;i ';;i';i 0 1-11 5 tl ••L;I/ :i58 0 3 fl tl .;;• D flfl 1 0 ,.,.,.„ fl 102 1 f) ••L;I/ :i58 11 11 6 0 1 0 26 1 11 10 1 fl ':,I6 0 ;39^:| 11 11 '•' 0 1 tl Sfl 1 0 '16 0 1 ;;;"i t;, 0 '13 1 :;)';;; ,;;i :;[ 6 D '3 0 .56 ;;;' 0 ';;i;3 fl ';i/ ••1 tl '13 1 :;)';;; ,;;i D 1... 3 3 tl t;i6 '2 0 13 ••I 0 Ml 6 •::. '13/ '1 ,1.. 0 •' tl 3;;;' i .::' D 3/6 0 '15/ 10 0 162^1 tl 1 PeaL llr. F.:: ictor 0.9:;) 03:-15 PM D^1:D0 PM 26 0 1 '11 0 2 0 '1 1 0 ,:fi 0 1 52 D 2 0 <'* :;) 1 1 21 0 D '10 0 .., 0 1 j;:. 1 1 33 0 •1 1 ID D 1 D I 1 0 tl 29 0 '1 ID't 0 :;i 1) 0 D 0 tl ••1/ fl 5 105 0 ••1 0 1 E 11 3'1 0 c: 70 0 '1 tl 3 1 2'1 0 7 111 D 1 D 1 j:;. 0 2'1 0 l'l 90 0 ;:;i i;;i tl '1 0 3^^1 D '1 116 0 3 tl '1 ;;. 0 26 0 3 '10 0 0 0 D 1 0 .11 0 2 8/ 0 '•1 0 2 D 0 '1/ 0 l'l 116 D fl '1 6 116 0 ;••'.'' ;)';i5 fl 11 0 8 9 •:> 13 'Jl3 3 0 5:3 0 86 1'^' l-l -''-'2 13 0 . 252 0 3/3 18 11 0 ;ii;;i6 i 01:15 pn 21 0 0 do 0 / 0 p . [i t'. " 0-1:30 F'M 39 0 1 IIR fl 1 n 1 1 , ; •• ' '' " ''3 '> t'.EZ ] "•i = 'i-^ pri 29 0 1 mi : , , \\ ''^ ^ «>'' "-'f' ^ i -,3., t 0^ = 130 PM ••!/ tl 5 n :: ' > : 3.. 66 2 0 :;t:i5 0 135:15 PMX 3-1 0 2 2R R •• i 3 ^ i 'i • ' ':' ' 1 ''•'l 1 05:30 PM X 2'1 0 / ill 0 , ,1 ? > n I 1:1 ]^ •' " '"' ^5 3 1 305 3 0 '165 0 0 •116 0 0 '19-1 0 t16:30 PM '1-1 0 2 8/ O ri -i. I'l '. 't t^:^ ''' ' ' ""' ' ' ••'» -' 0 ;;)D3 0 0 ;::i;-s;:: o 0E.= 15PM 26 0 3 '10 o n n n i o lj J [j J 113 U 13 iTIt' 1 0 '12 0 70 1 PL:. Hr. l.'ol . 116 0 2/ 395 O 11 n ,: '. !:'^^ .i: " '"' '3 113 11 1 .ig.:) :;) 1 1/60 3 ni^'nn PH u""*' InlersecLion Iraffi c in PL:. Mr. = 1/60 Pe..L Hr. Factor" 0^89 Ob:DO PM Hour- Intersection Pdstrns in PL. Hr.= 3 ihk & associates RCHO SANTA FE RD. at OLIVENHAIN RD. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:30 AM to = "-^^t Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings Capacity 0 1 1 0 1500 1500 0 1 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 172 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 1 Utilization Factor 0.00 0. Critical Factors 0 1 2 0 1500 3400 1 1 0 1500 3400 1500 211 23 25 17 5 321 2 376 457 10 211 0 65 0 5 323 0 376 457 10 0.14 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.25 0.13 0.01 0.14 0.00 0.10 0.25 ICU Ratio 0.59 LOS W e s t, A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of RCHO SANTA FE RD. and OLIVENHAIN RD. Time: 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Date: 07/18/90 Day: WEDNESDAY Name: JT Sub- Totat totals 974 646 328 321 2 North Approach RCHO SANTA FE RD. 85 17 <-' Subtotals -> 403 Totat -> 65 25 23 172 North I 5 388 791 South Approach 20 /-> I 211 <- Totat <- Subtotals Sub- totals Total 10 <--- 457 843 /-- I V 376 1398 555 OLIVENHAIN RD. Note: Left-turn volumes inctude U-turns. ihk & associates RCHO SANTA FE RD. at OLIVENHAIN RD. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 05:00 PM to ^^^^ Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 111 1111 Config- (teft) 2 i .| urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings 011010120121 ^^P^'^'^y 0 1500 1500 0 1500 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 116 Adjusted Hourly Volune 0 1 Utilization Factor 0.00 0. Critical Factors ICU Ratio = 0.69 LOS = B 395 11 8 9 16 522 13 252 373 18 395 0 28 0 16 535 0 252 373 18 0.26 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.16 0.00 0.17 0.11 0.01 0.26 0.00 0.16 0.17 Turning Movements at Intersection of RCHO SANTA FE RD. and OLIVENHAIN RD. Time: 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM North Approach RCHO SANTA FE ; RD. Date: 07/18/90 Day: WEDNESDAY 89 <-Total Name: JT 28 61 <-Subtotals Sub-9 8 11 Total totals 1 1 1 Sub- W <-' V >-> 1 ' totals Total E e 498 1 1 3 s •^ 1 1 18 S t 1049 1 < 373 643 t 16 ..-/ \ /---252 A 551 522 --> 1 1 1571 A P 13 North V P P 1 928 p r V 1 r /-> OLIVENHAIN RD. 116 27 395 Subtotals -> 273 538 Total -> 811 Note: Left-turn volumes inctude South Approach U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Niunber: ii Intersection Location: Palomar Airport Road and Camino Vida Roble CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram •""'• lls:;;:oci.:hti;;.:;;: Fur rung M ...i;;.n,;;.n I C.;;.i.irits Oii.':i;i, i„|:;;::i : Crtg: CRRtSBRD Irit,,;;.|"se.:;;t,i,ori of: H/S Street: t;:RM;i;Mf1 t.'It)f1 ROBLE F/M :;;;t,r e..;;.i: pfii„fiMRF:: fttF>pi;;iFti f;:i;;ifn:i 1 .::if File: EI..'RPRR.Hi:i Data Eollected bg:DM f;:.;;.i„iril fiat,. I3ag: IRDRSDO'i' tratfic f ctr ol : SI6t. Ot'y 12/30 Heather: f,|„ERf South Rppr o.: ll CHB;:' Hortti Ror.i oarh f M t n- i o i •. . End ot 15 .: ,., „,,. ,':'::!.:::!: ,, :: :, "I'l" '•'"''•' f^^^^- iippi ;:i.:::ti ait;i;:i n nin. pint. total : P.;;..:):;;: 06:15 RM I3B:30 RM 16 0 1 3 I f ''t '^'^ 'I!' ''-' :' 3 0 i/:;i g SE:15 RM ,;;:5 0 't ;: : '::' !" ^2 3 9/ i t. 30 fi 2 I ' 2 .i' i"^> ^ 155 8 0 39.;i 1, ,-iirlli 1 I)|::I|:TCI 1.: ll CHO::' North Rp.p.r i;:..': i.:::h ':;';;;i;);:' H.;;.:;;:t fl|:;,|;.i ft D "tr-n ffir u Rigtit 1 F'eds Left, t) I l 1, 1 fir-1,1 Ffl, gtit, P 'eds 1 eft 0 "frn 11 0 '2 2 fl f;i 0 :t fl fl ,;;: o 1 13 16 fi 1 3 0 ;;:: 0 1 0 fl ,;;: o 1 13 .;;:5 0 2 1 0 1 fl 1 II t;i :t 0 ill f) 2 fl 0 1 fl 0 f;i fl :;;; o ••It) 0 .::' ,;1 f;i 1 0 2. 1 fl 3 tl ,;)2 D ;) 6 tl '1 fl .;;: 1 fl ';;• ll -1 :;;i 0 •::i ,;;, fl 0 fl 1 tl tl 3 0 '19 0 2 2 0 3 0 1 I 0 5 II 31:1 fl :;) ••I f;i '1 8 tl f;i fl 1 0 'l'l 0 :;;. 1 fl :;;i fl ;;;: ,;;! fl E 0 'i:;;i f;i ;;;• :;;, D fl 1 fl f;i 1 0 S'l tl 5 .^i 0 fl ,;;: 1 0 5-1 f;i 5 i;;. 0 ,::| 0 •;;, 0 :: ,f;.2 t) i:;;i 1/ f;i 1 1, 11 '1 ,;;* 0 1/ tl Fhr-1,,1 F!;i,gtit, Pc^ds l„eft tl lrri flir ii Fti, glit Pects I'ehicl: 0 0 .::! 1 D 0 1 0 ;;;: 1 tl ;;;: tl fl .;;• 10 0 0 tl '1 0 1 f) D 0 i ••1 f;i I, t;i D tl 1 DO f'H Of) 0 3 l.:1 0 2 f) t; 2 til 2 0 -'"••"' '•'' '"' " '''^"^ '"' 05:15 PM i';;;6 0 1 ::,:i I g ,1 : j::, : :'; ::' :;'': "•'•' '3 20'^1 5 tl •;;;58 t;i : -""'^' 0 1 21 1 ,1 g , i: I ; , : ^ i ;:' tl 0 '138 1 Of:'= 110 PM •;;,i;; i fi i 2 0 -1 •' n -' •' •' •' ' " -'••-f^' 1 0E:l5En 52 0 I) 12 , ; g | ^.i::' f '::' ' '"' l''"^' 1 '3 ••139 1, 136:30 F'M ;:;::;i ::i 1 3 „ ,::| ]i I::! I:;:;!:' i'.;' '3 0 D 12'^1 t; ;i:;;,3 1 tl Man. 15 nin. 161 0 3 33 1 10 ^" - ^ ^"i' '^' 0 13 n 0 / 0 ,Q ^ ^ ^ ^ ...^^^ .i 1) 6 10 0 3 tl 236 ;••• 1 8 10 '" ;;;:Dfi 5 ••I tl 0 0 1/3 'l'l 8 0 1/':1 lf)0 56 ••1,-' 0 II 0 136 311 tl '1 ll 0 133 26 0 3 0 i';;i:;;; '18 . 0 ,;1 fl i:''3 29 0 1 0 1,2:;;; fis :;;i i 18 0 0 0 0 D 0 ;;;::;) 6 ,-• 1 tl It) •;;, 5 0 0 l-l 0 '1 I..I fl 0 tl 1 0 1 tl 0 f) 1 0 tl 0 tl f) :::i tl 03:30 PM PeaL Intersection fraffic in PL. Hr 0'^1:30 PM Hour Intersection Pdstrns in PL. Hr" 30 Pe.::il: Hr . F.::,c;Lc.r- 0.69 0 62 D -lf;ifj 0 0/':15f1M .10 : 3 '- ' '"' '=•' n 07:15 fiM X -El g g .:, g ,, ,: : :: '::' ' '3 3,,,. 0 ,:;'i;:i p ].:;;,b i,, g ..igcj n 08:00 OH X -ig n . p ' ' 'f:';;1 1-:" I 39 1 1,:'1 E 11 6t , fl '^'«=|'^^"'">^ ' '3 3 1 0 1 8 " ^ 0 flM '1 :i •::, I II ::. || ,;, ., ,„' : '"::: "'3 I 19 f. ,t,:::9 ,D,I I..I .::|.:1i:i ] Of):'I';;, OM 'Fi II g g ' ':,' '::' I'l'' ''-' " 13 ;;;• i:;;:f;i iti o .::ii.':i g o'3:i ill S'l fl s n !' I' i. '::' I::':;! 'r=i '-' '-^ :i. i3:;;i / ti .:ii.,::, g f) '1-11 0 Man. 15 run. . ,, . ,, ,, ,, ,, . , ., „. , PI::. Mr. l'ol. 162 0 13 1/ 0 1.1 0 9 2 ,0 1/ E ' ' " ;':/:!;:' l'"'-"^' intersection traffic m PL. Hr.:::: j::;, ,;:.,:> p^.,,,.^^ |..|,.._ p, '^^^^^^ Do: la HH Hour InLei s,;; Lion PdsLrns in PI;. Hr". ::: 153 51 0 11 1 i;:;:::;, if .:33'^i i;;;:9 s ::;,9 6 i,;'i if 666 ••l-IS ••I 195 15 600 '10 0 21 (;i3:^^i:;;i PM X IOI O 3 1/ ti IFI 0 t- 01:00 PM X 85 0 t) L:1 0 3 n n " 'if'' Cl '::' '" ^'''^ ^ 0 012 0 01:15 f'H X 108 0 1 , 3 " " " " '' ^'^'^ '3 0 360 0 f:i'l:3i M X f:,:3 0 I • " : '::' ':'::!'::' ^''^ '' l'='f' '3 • 601 o '3'3 = 'i5 Ph 115 D 0 .'3 I 1 • : ;: • ISI " i-^^'-' 0 'i^/ 0 05 0 0 202 1 0 ihk & associates CAMINO VIDA ROBLE at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Lane Inside 1 Config- (teft) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings i i ^ .| ^ ^ .j ^ 'Capacity 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 1500 1500 5100 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 162 13 0 1 3 0 1500 5100 Utilization Factor Critical Factors 0.11 17 11 4 2 17 666 445 145 600 40 17 11 4 2 17 1111 0 145, 640 0 01 0.01 0. .00 0.00 0.01 0.22 0.00 0.10 0.13 0.00 0. .00 0.22 0.10 ICU Ratio 0.52 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of CAMINO VIDA ROBLE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD W e s t A P P r Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: DM Sub- Total totals 1892 764 North Approach CAMINO VIDA ROBLE 87 17 2 4 11 I I I <-' V >-> 17 1128 666 --> 445 I V Subtotals -> 594 Total -> 786 South Approach <- Totat 70 <- Subtotals I I North /-> I I I 162 13 17 192 Sub- totals Total E a s t A P P r PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 40 600 800 160 709 1509 Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. Ihk & associates CAMINO VIDA ROBLE at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Pk. Hr. Time Period: 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM Lane Inside Config- (teft) urations Outside Page 3 of 3 So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WS) Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Settings Capacity 1 11 1 1 1 1 3 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 1500 1500 5100 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 417 4 68 28 417 4 68 28 1 3 1500 5100 Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourty Volume UtiIization Factor Critical Factors 0.28 ICU Ratio 13 11 7 709 196 33 743 9 13 11 7 905 0 33 752 0 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.18 0.00 0, .02 0.15 0.00 0.01 0.18 0. .02 0.59 LOS W e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of CAMINO VIDA ROBLE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD North Approach CAMINO VIDA ROBLE Time: 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: DM Sub- Totat totals 2083 1171 7 .../ 912 709 --> 196 11 Subtotals -> 242 Total -> 52 13 72 <-Total 20 <-Subtotals 28 1 Sub- 1 ^ totals Total E 1 1 a 9 s < — 743 787 t 1 /---35 1 1 1594 A North V P 417 4 489 731 South Approach /-> I 68 807 p r PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. jhk & associates CITY OP CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Nvunber: 12 Intersection Location: Palomar Airport Road and Paseo del Norte CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram • )HL: IS: fiss :-ic,ie 1 rirninig Mcieenent Ccnint:;;: Rn.;;i,l i,|sj. Citg: CRRLSBRD 1 "t- :.e.:::ti i of: H/S Street: PRSED DEL HORFE J:.' !'^^^ V„,'''I'l^''!"-^^'^,1 F;;.- H str ,;;.,;;:!,: PRLi;;iMllF:; RI F:;PI;;IF::1 |:;;fifi|;i F-'.::ige 1 of Data Coll.;; ted l;;ig:EU 0//I';L.-9D ' ''' [le;! MI'-ng-ip ' ' •^" l "- ' ' ' «:i = S:'.9n.::d:i. . . '••'"•'•' "PP"":»'-n •rii::i,.. North Opproach <50':> U,. 1 Onnro .c6 .TP'. r i F:.nd ol 15 •'" iippfoach cEb,.' PasL Rpproach CHO::' nin. prd 0/:30 flH r:'i;;.,::it: 88:30 OM 3,;;iur ;;II,JLI" 1 F1|;;ip.r-ci.:; ich CHB;:' Moi f tl fl|::.|;:.i ,;: '.:jc:ti i:;st;i;:' ft H-Ir-ri Ftir-1,,1 Rigfit Pe. ds Lef t tl f, tl Flir 1,1 Ffi gilt '11 0 '1 6 fl 1 .;;• 3 :3 'l'l tl •;) lt> 0 1;;. -1 .;;'f;i 1 ,;;: :;) 't6 tl 6 :;)2 f;i 1;;. -1 .;;'f;i 1 t t;i 1 '10 0 9 S'l tl 61 I / 6 It) '1 -l'l 0 ;;) 5.;;: 0 31 1 / 6 It) '1 t;.;;;: f:i 1/ f;,8 fl '3E 1 1 ,=• t;..-' 0 2.^t 192 fl ••It;, -1 It) lfl ,;):;;. 0 ,;;:f;i -10 f;i ';;i 1 1;;, .' ;) tl fl 2f..:' tl •;;ii;;, 1 1/ :i:;i -I.-' 0 :i:;;i f)-i tl •;;ii;;, 1 11 •' 1 f;.o 0 .;;:i :;.fi fl '33 0 11 i„, ,1 ,11 ,;;• 1 :;;.;) f) 21 .:1fl tl :;)o 1 f;i It) .' 3 0 .•;'f) ;;;:6.;;: 0 fl.-' •::| I.'' ;;;:i ' - '•-1) .'••;) 5;;:'f) 0 .;;•;;;: 9 ,1,;;' 17 EO Intel -:;;:.;;.cti on tr-,; :iff i .;;; in Pl:. Nr.::: 3161 Intel ;;:e.::;tion F'd:; ;:tr-n in Pk. Hr.::: 11 136:15 HM 0 3 16 0 E 3 2 3 0 '':' ;ii ll'i' '::'*• = 'I" 'If' '"' tt '32 0 20 11 .",|"' ' ; f:':-'='"' '111 '""' 13 9 S'l 0 6 1 1 ,::• p " , 0''^ ^'-on 11 0 3 52 0 31 . 11 ;p ; o'^^o t)H t;.;;;: g tp pg g .::|p, , ' ! ;: ':"M = 'l"^' I II-I ^"^ '-^' '"' 21 112 0 IE . 11 g ;; , „,„, , 88 = f I t)H X 3';;. 0 PE .::|n g f.; : ; :' : ,: :i '•' •• -'••i 00:15 on. 7 1 ig ..i;!, ! p, '::; 1; '=:;133 I l8:3f1 OH X .:!,;' g p:: .,| p : ' ,; : ;' -"3 H 03:00 OM ':; ::i n -.1 .: ' :' '" ' '3 ' I '3 6 .^1 1,0';: H.:'in. 15 nin. , ,, ,, ,, ,„., ,, ... ., , , i'i.:. Hr . i.^;;ii. ;;;:;;;:,;;: o ^^g " ^r^a .'l li C!: '::' .'^'i- ^03 0 11.- 3 031 Pe.;;iL Hi . F-,;;ictot- fl.flR 15 nm. tulal: Frri Itirri ftlghf P.;;.cl:;;: t„i;;.ft t,l-1rri Ft„-u ffighf |::.,;;.,;l;j l..i,;,|',-,;;3!:;p^:;!,;|J ;:o 6 1 :i 10 8 fl 0 0 ;;;:';) :;;i 6 ;:i 6 1 :i / tl 1 ft;. / t) 'l,;'2 '11 ::;) ;:ti 2 8 fl 133 i;;. 0 :::.t,ll::l ::;) ;:ti '1 ';) 8 It, 1 ll, II fti-';*' ••1 i9 1 21 8 i:;;.i;;i 111 0 6'10 • 1 1 :,::: .::: 1 i D 16;;;: 39 fl /f;i5 -:. 5 '•" 15 i:;;; fl g if;,fi 1 113 31 0 •::i .'1 n 80i;i 2 :/ :;;i ,;;':;) 0 i:;;;i;;. ..1 1 1,1 :;;i:;:; o f;. f. 3 ';)t)i 3 '6 '3 '1 ••| 19 1 ,-• 0 11 210 1 1" I" 'fl fl .-•';;i.'' 9 1 t) 25 0 .1.1,:' l:> 15f1 2'1 0 2';) 0 6.-'/ 6 16 ,::| 0 1 11 /5 D Tio 11 s 901 11 6'fi f:i'i t) :3:t6i 11 "•tE 03:15 PM 25 2 19 -n.. n '-"1 = '"""' '"3 2 21 2/ 0 30 10 26 3' g :;:;> I:! l^'. ']l " ''^ " ^'^^ 3:3 0 930 0 0^:15 Fn 26 / 16 26 0 :)I1 E 20 '''f " ' i ^'^^ , '^^ '"' ^^ID 25 8 06/ 0 '•"I = '15 F'fi '::' 16 :;).:i 0 3'^) 3 2 : 1 ' ^-'13 20 0 050 0 o^^OE H X -15 5 i:;;i gi g 3,:i ip, ::;,.:;; : ; • II -'M 0 3'^18 ••I 3 EI88 8 0^:15 En X 75 1 21 25 f) 3^^1 2 31 33 io - " •^-•^''-' '-' -'^33 tl "'5 = -:^ Pf1 -33 5 19 36 t:i 55 ig ^^i;:' g' --I '.'^ " '^'0 0 Iz 3:3 D 1055 0 "-^ = ''-' f'fl ?3;> /D 6,:' 0 '••„:•' gg .g , . 'V V '' ^ " ^'^' 20 0 1001 0 ':'f>='" f'" 13 8 12 15 0 12 9 j:;, ;;, •::„ " " 'i'"i :i.3.;;:3 136:15 PM 13 10 2'^1 13 0 1 ^' :• r : I'' ':' •' 39' 0 26 0 121 15 0 3/.:1 0 0l.:30PM 11 I, 13 21 0 I2 2 8 20 0 n 'o? " ii":' " '^o' Han. 15 nin. /9 b^l 70 E7 PL. Hr. l'ol. 266 21 126 169 D.:1:.:15 PM PeaL Intersection Fraffic in PL. Hr '3'-' = '=l'3 ff1 ll.:.ur Interseclion Pdstrns 11 L. Hi •31-19 Pe.;:it:: fh 0 31 ,3,;) 0 191 i;;i :t9;;;: ••11 '12 0 13 0 '37 t) 33/ 0 310 3.3 25 2t;. ••10 D 1/0 tl 2,'l. 65 Sf) 0 ' 30 0 3';) 0 :35:;;, t) 2'•I 3 29 20 38 :;;if) 0 150 0 if;.:;;i ••11 91 0 'L:1 D 9:;) 0 398 0 2/0 9i;i '•i';;i 0 180 71 0 Sfl 0 -i3t;i 3 3 '12 ••1/ 15 fl i/f;i 0 2'F:1 f) 29 ••1:3 /3 39 • t) t;. 1 8 /';) 0 2f;. 0 3';;ii;) 0 .:i;::^,:1 0 121, 28 23 15 2'1 0 10,1 '10 t) 39 D L:|5 If) 12 II 91 36 0 25 0 136 'i';;i 0 ;;;:•• |.:i 71 t) /9 D 171 a 15/2 98 17 E 0 /:;;;/ 231 0 2'11, D 171 a 15/2 111 -. fad S;:.t O./El 0, 390 0 10 3/ /8 0 if5i3 i:^' i3'i if;iE, 0 I?:,:; n ;:;; .icf^ '^i-' '•' i3,?3 o 9199 0 ihk & associates PASEO DEL NORTE at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 nS\n';u^"^ ^"^^ *PP'°^^^ "^st Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) Vll DU AM to . "-^^^ Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 i .| ^ Config- (left) 2 1 i urations 3 i i 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings Capac i ty 1 2 1500 3400 0 1 2 0 1500 3400 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 2 Utitization Factor Critical Factors 1 1 0 1500 5100 0 1500 3400 0 0 79 528 229 47 60 147 894 95 72 644 144 607 0 229 107 0 147 989 0 72 788 0 0.18 0.00 0.15 0.03 0.00 0.10 0.19 0.00 0.05 0.23 0.00 0.18 0.15 0.10 0.23 ICU Ratio 0.76 LOS = C W e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of PASEO DEL NORTE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Time: 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: CW Sub- Totat totals 2078 934 1144 155 894 --> 95 North Approach PASEO DEL NORTE 730 60 Subtotals -> 214 Total -> 348 47 I V 241 I I 222 North I 79 829 1043 South Approach 382 /-> I 528 <- Total <- Subtotals /- I V Sub- totals Total 144 644 72 860 1651 2511 E a s t A P P r PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Note: Left-turn volumes inctude U-turns. jhk & PASEO DEL NORTE at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:45 PM to ^'^ 1-^^^ Tf""^ "'"ght Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 i . ,j Config- (left) 2 1 i ^ ,j urations 3 11 11 i ^ ^ 11 Outside 5 Lane Settings 12 0 12 0 13 0 1 2 0 '^^P^^'^y 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 1500 5100 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Oo you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 266 126 169 180 134 186 176 757 231 241 1572 111 Adjusted Hourly Volume 266 295 0 180 320 0 176 988 0 241 1683 0 Utilization Factor 0.18 0.09 0.00 0.12 0.09 0.00 0.12 0.19 0.00 0.16 0 50 0 00 Critical Factors 0.18 o.09 0.12 0.50 ICU Ratio = 0.98 LOS = E associates Turning Movements at Intersection of PASEO DEL NORTE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD W e s t A P P r Time: 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: CW Sub- Total totals 3188 2024 North Approach PASEO DEL NORTE 947 517 186 134 197 I I I <-' V '-> 176 1164 757 --> 231 I V Subtotals -> 627 Total -> 1209 South Approach <- Totat 430 <- Subtotals North ' /-> I I I 287 126 169 582 Sub- totals Total 111 <--- 1572 1924 /--- 241 E a s t A P P r PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 3030 1106 Note: Left-turn votunes include U-turns. J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Nvunber: 13 Intersection Location: Palomar Airport Road and Avenida Encinas CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram ';:ii;;;:i, .::i 1,.; I i,M"i iiri,;i Mi:;ii...eni;;'n t, f:t:;,r,ii i1;:;;: tli i.:;i;t i,|:;;:;i : Eitg: ERRLSBRD Inlersection of: N/S Str, E/M Sin Rl'LHIDR EHEIHRS pfiifiHRF;: fttfiPfiFif Rt; "1 ll ;:iat. fl'EHPRR.Hi: 1 cl lecled hg: P.::n:i.;;. ;l. i;: int D.::it,;;. 07/ 12/30 Dai,|: Heathe l,IR';;.D ERR Fi-alfic Conti-ol : Signal: outh Rp|::ir o.::icti ( HB H -Ill Opip.! .:;..::i.:;;h ':;f;t;i f;;.;;i:;;:t .r oai;;;h CMEf:' c, r 1 Cl l li l l o - 1 ii-d. 1 ,.;;'ft D-i-n I liru 111 gti t. Pc;..:!:;;: fef f D-Ern Fhl u F igtit t :::: Left D-r 11 F fir 1,1 F light Pe i;;l:;;: 1 eft tt-trn tin 1,1 f,l6: 15 RM fl t;i 2 tfl 0 fl fl j;:. fl g f) -PI •;;. 1 ,'li 0 IS fit;.: 3tl flM .;;: 11 fl 1 1 0 1,5 tl -1 1 11 :i2 fl -Ifl t;. 1 ,:::,;) f;i i:;;. 06 : •15 RM 1 0 1 / tl ;;;::3 0 ,;;: fl 0 9 fl t;. I :•) fl 9.:| tl 0 2-1 o;-^: flM 2 8 1 ,;;'i;;i t;i i:;) 11 -1 t;. 0 ID 0 /5 16 1 62 tl 0 '"j 07 : i,:;;i Rfl '1 8 1 11;. tl 1.-' f;i 1 ;;;' fl g fl /i;;i 19 t;i 29 t;i 10 i:;! 't.'.t 07: ;;ii;) RM 1 8 1 I.;;: 1 i;;i ;;;' :;;i f;i if;i fl 1-1 tl ••if:i t;i 10 i:;! 't.'.t 0/ : •i:;;. flM ."i i;i 1 1,.-' 0 31 0 :;;i fl i;;;i fl i;;if;. '"i j;:. 0 f lf): OM X 10 f:i 1 ;;;'t) 1, 7E 0 1 ••1 f;i ;;;:':i i;;i 119 :;;i i 0 r:j i::j t;i 2i::i 88:: 15 RM X ."1 f;i ::) ;;'::| tl ••If, 11 .;;i l'l i;;i ;;;:f) 0 Sf;. , '11 11 ."!/ tl 1)8 : ;;ii;) flM X f:i fl :if) 0 :;;i';) 0 :;) ••1 t;i ft;. fl 7E ,;;: i D ••11 5f) 0 2 ••I flfl: •1';;. flM X tl ;;;: :;;ii3 tl :;;, i fl '3 :i:;) fl ; •' 3 tl 72 11) .;:, ••11 5f) g 89: f1M tl :3 ;;;: :;;i tl :31, fl 6 12 f;i 0 tl '.II 1,3 t;i 26 0 -19 M.::i;i . ,5 rii 11. 18 f;i :3 :3f) 1 7E 0 ';) :t'i fl 21 tl 11';) :;) 1 -;:, 6;;;' fl g,::| Pl:. Hr . I'oJ . 2'1 11 1 ';;i2 1 212 0 It;. :;;i5 tl 03 tl 2 If):;) fl 102 t;i/: 15 11M Pi; :::it:: Int ,.r sei:;ti .;;ii i l r :rlfic rn PL. Hr . ::: I'I'I 1 ••'eat:; Rr. Fac) c. r f;i. f;i;;;' 1 1.; 81 E7 52 ds t 15 nin. f,:;,tal: hicis Peds 151 1,55 182 2f)''1 291 ;;;:9i3 ••f12 310 29';) ;::63 1 ;;::f):;) :95 OM Fl „ir" Inter ;;ti, 03:95 PM 1/ 09:88 PM -1 89: 15 PM 16 89:30 PM 5 89:95 PM X 9 85:80 PM X 10 05: 15 PM X 20 05:30 PM X •;) 05:95 PM 1.;; 06:00 PM -1 i;:i6: 15 PM 3 06:30 PM 5 Mail. , 5 nin. 20 PL. HI . I.'.;;,I . 56 09:30 PM F'eal: 05:30 F'M Hour- p.:1st I El 1, ;;)9 i'l :t9 1-1 9 m PL. fir.:: 39 -'.'i 13 3E 51 ItiO ;''f;i 66 '12 tl fl Int( Int.; ;,'ii if;i 'If) l'l ?cti,:;in Fr.;:if f i c in PL. Hi". :;•.;;: I i,;;, n P .3 -;: l rn:;;: ;i, 11 F' t::. Hi". 1389 f'e.;:it:: Fli". IS ;:l, 992 1991 D fl 1,:;) f) 1,3 t) f;,, : -1 0 27 0 /3 39 fl 9D;-' 1 11 '1 f) tl l.:| 0 -11 1 -1 0 r;) 0 /6 33 2 2 Of) 2 fl '1 IS 1 f) 0 / ,,, 0 .'.'\ 1::! 0 8/ 32 0 '•18/ 1 0 20 10 1 i:;;i f;i 6' 1 3 1 19 fl 9f;. 12 0 273 0 6 i;;;i 0 (:;• 0 Sl . ;;;: tl 0 D 91 5:3 tl 318 0 0 6 / 2 12 f:i 61 1 1/ D 21 fl 70 11 tl 318 2 0 10 if;i 0 11 0 6 1 2 tl 11 0 3 i 32 0 9t)5 0 0 :;;i lfl 11 If) 0 5, 5 ,;;: 12 0 9:3 91 0 ::)-i:3 p 0 9 18 0 -1 0 1,; 9 0 1;;, tl 69 26 0 ;:"l,i f;i f) 11 3 t;, [::, g It) f;i 9:; t:i 9 tl 6/ .10 0 ,,: ill fl '1 fl 0 l.l '.>'.. 0 -It ••1 0 ... t;i D 6 0 ,:-;;:• ,", fl f:i ;;;:-ii;;, .'09 0 i:;)f)':i -J ihk & associates AVENIDA ENCINAS at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach 1 (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07-45 AM to 08:45 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (teft) 2 1 1 1 1 1 urations 3 / 1 1 1 1 Outside H 5 Lane Settings 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Capacity 1500 3400 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 0 1500 1700 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 24 6 92 212 16 35 83 323 82 183 102 283 Adjusted Hourty Volume 24 98 0 212 16 35 83 405 0 183 102 283 Utitization Factor 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.14 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.24 0.00 0.12 0.06 0.19 Critical Factors 0.03 0.14 0.24 0.12 ICU Ratio = 0.63 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of AVENIDA ENCINAS and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Time: 07:45 AM to 08:45 AM North Approach AVENIDA ENCINAS Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY 635 <- Total Name: JT 263 372 <- Subtotals Sub- 35 16 212 Total totals III " Sub- " <-' V '-> 1 ^ totals Total E e 161 < I I s " 1. I I a 283 s t 649 I - <--- 102 568 t 83 I /--- 183 A 488 323 --> j | P 82 North V P I > 627 p r V I r I <-, " /-> PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 1195 A P 24 6 92 Subtotals -> 281 122 Totat -> 403 Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. ihk & associates AVENIDA ENCINAS at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:30 PM to Appr. 05:30 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 urations 3 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 Outside H 5 Lane Settings 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Capac i ty 1500 3400 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 0 1500 1700 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No) ? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 56 21 133 257 25 48 38 236 26 52 355 137 Adjusted Hourly Volume 56 154 0 257 25 48 38 262 0 52 355 137 UtiIization Factor 0.04 0.05 0.00 0.17 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.15 0.00 0.03 0.21 0.09 Critical Factors 0.05 0.17 0.03 0.21 ICU Ratio = 0.55 LOS W e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of AVENIDA ENCINAS and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: JT Sub- Totat totals 759 459 38 300 236 --> 26 North Approach AVENIDA ENCINAS 526 330 48 25 257 <-' Subtotals -> 103 Total -> 313 South Approach <- Totat 196 <- Subtotals North <-, " /-> I I I 56 21 133 210 Sub- totals Totat 137 <--- 355 544 /--- 52 E a s t A P P r PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 1170 626 Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Ntimber: 14 Intersection Location: Alga Road and El Fuerte Street CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. LOS Analysis (TRB Method) 2 of 3 P.M. LOS Analysis (TRB Method) 3 of 3 ..iFii: fi Ei tg: Inter o c; i .:;i t,;;.:;;: f r,i r" r 11 n g M c;i ...• ,;;• n .;;• n t C o u n t:;;: R r i a 1 rj s i: ERRLSBRl:i ::tioi f: H/S Street: E/M Street: El,, FHERFE fltfif) f;:F:i file: RLGRELF.HFa, Plata Collected hg; BM t;:c.urit r:iate D//ll/9fl End of 15 nin. |,;,i"d. f)6: 15 RM 06:30 RM 06:95 on 07:00 on 07:15 on 07:30 on X f,l/:95 tIM X 08:00 OH X t;ifi: i:;;. RM X 08:30 OH t)fl:95 RM 09:08 RH Dai|: HEDNE: :;;fifi'i' f rattle C rfrol : M.:;.atli.;;.r ft,ERR ;i::iuth Rpipr t: iac:Li iHB) Hoi-fti Rppr.; :i.::ic;ti /' ;;,O;:' Me:;;:t H|;;,f;,r . ft U-Fi-n Lhr u Ri ghL 1 Peds Left 1, 1 -Frn Ftir-1,1 Right P ed:;;: tc;.ft, U 1 rn 0 t) 0 .;;: 0 5 0 0 / 6 tl fl t) f) D 3 fl '1 tl fl 1:;) t;. 0 fl 1, t;i 0 t;. tl lfl 1:1 fl '1 1 fl 1;;. :;;i o 0 0 t) 19 0 6 tl 0 16 '1 1 fl 1;;. :;;i o 1 tl 13 -1 0 El fl tl 12 t;. 2 0 '1 ;:- 1, f) 0 0 13 f:i :ts fl 3 :t6 t;. 2 0 '1 ;:- 1, 2 II 0 1/ 0 If) fl fl p. 1 ••I 1 t;. t;i ;;;' 111! •'.} tl 6 0 9 I,' 6 2 2 ;;;: ti .;;• r;;i f;i 10 fl It;, ••1 ,;;: t) ;;;• o 0 1:3 0 1.;;: fl 0 i:;;i ;;;i ;;;' ti 9 0 tl 1;;;: 0 0 13 fl to 3 5 0 2 tl tl 9 0 „., tl 9 9 t;. 1 fi Ma Pl: ': 1:; S: 1:; 15 n,i, ri. r. l'ol. RM flH Peal: Hour" 03:95 PM 89:00 PM 09: 15 F'M 09:30 PM 09:95 PM 05:00 PM X fiS: 15 PM X 05:30 PM X 05:95 PM X 06: fit) F'H fit;.: ts f'M 06:30 PM Man. 15 mn. PL. Hr. l'ol. 09:95 PM 05:95 PM Pe.,;;iL Hour" 10 0 '1 /,;;: 0 ••19 f) 9 59 Inter ::;;i;:..;:;ti i;;,n I r atfic I 1 1 Pl:. Hr.::: /9';i Inter" :;;:ection Pc Istrris: il 1 PL. Hr.:::: 15 3 0 1 ID 0 1;;. f;i 1 9 9 tl 0 0 6 0 8 13 0 9 9 1 fl 1 13 0 9 t;i 1 13 0 0 t) 11 0 „., 13 1 5 1 tl 1 .:•• D ,;;! f) 5 0 0 1 13 0 6 8 fl 6 .::t t;i 3 t;, D fj 0 tl :;) fl 0 11 D 0 II l'l 0 18 t) f) 10 2 tl 1 i:;;i fl fl '1 0 fl 0 t;. 1 0 1 16 0 9 fl 1 11 1 0 0 6 0 -1 0 0 '•'.'.1 3 tl 3 16 0 18 D 13 „;, 0 9 :;)5 0 28 0 ;;;' 25 Inter-•e. 11 l.n 1 1" .;;iffic j,n PL. Fh- . : :: /26 Inter-sectiori t'lt :;;:t,r"ns in PL. Hr . ::: El P.;;..:;,F.: llr ID 9 11 15 1,:- 1,2 21 1/ l.:1 18 21 ;;;: i 21 6 ••I ::i^::it:ti Ct thr 1,1 19 13 25 39 8 8 fl fl 0 0 tl 0 tl fl 0 P^::ige 1 lali ;i;;ed f);:' Right P. 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 D 51 0.90 f'6^.::,t:: ltr" 9/ ••10 9'3 6/ 59 ;-'9 70 17 i::j •;;. 31. 71 2/t1 0.96 .;;l:=: I, fl 0 i;;i 0 fl 0 0 0 0 fl 0 tl 0 E.;3sl flpprc ii'tt tl trn 10 9 13 I,-' 21 19 15 11 D tl 0 fl t;i 0 0 13 1 0 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 l l '::M8;:' 15 nin. total iru Rigtit P 'eds I'e. hi cis Peds 1.;;' 1 2;-' 8 0 0 9.;;' 6 6:3 f:. 55 f;i fl 112 9 69 0 0 i9i;;i 6 '16 2 fl 113 6 .-• 1 :;) 0 i;-'i '1 i'S :;) 0 19f) 1 1'' 13 .;;:0'3 6 22 1 D 1/1 9 66 ;;;: 0 110 3 99 9 95 2 0 0 111 3 125 6 // .£| 95 10 tl 0 .;;'09 6 /9'3 15 90 '1 t 91 39 9f) 9'1 9;;;; 3/ 2';) 18:;: 6 It) 18 12 0 8 8 8 8 tl 8 tl 8 0 0 13 136 12:8 15/ 198 1,52 160 189 If) 9 188 156 1/1 128 189 ihk & associates Jhk & Associates, San Diego, CA. Intersection: EL FUERTE STREET AT ALGA ROAD Date:02/04/91 Analyst: BCS Time Periotj Analyzed: 7:15 - 8:15 AM Project No:ll<b5 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Filename: c:C19AM dbf APPROACH VOLUMES APPROACH SB UIB NB EB LT 49 54 10 19 NUMBER OF APPROACH LANES APPROACH SB WB NB EB APPROACH SB UIB NB EB LT 0 1 O 1 TH 9 295 4 168 TH RT 59 10 72 5 RT 0 O 0 O SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS DELAY (SECONDS) 3.0 5.7 3.8 2.8 CAPACITY 470 916 358 832 TOTAL 117 359 86 192 TOTAL 2 3 2 3 LOS A B A A PHF 0.86 0.86 0.69 0.84 Average Delay (Intersection) : 4.3 Level of Service (Intersection): A lit**************************** End of Print Job *******»*«K£»*»Dc***#**!(c*#*it:« ihk & associates Jhk & Associates, San Diego, CA. Intersection: EL FUERTE STREET AT ALGA ROAD Date:02/04/91 Analyst: BCS Time Period Analyzed: 4:45 - 5:45 PM Project No:1165 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Filename: c:C14AM.dbf APPROACH VOLUMES APPROACH SB WB NB EB LT 28 68 5 64 NUMBER OF APPROACH LANES APPROACH SB WB NB EB APPROACH SB WB NB EB LT O 1 0 1 TH 2 183 4 270 TH 2 -It RT 25 35 35 7 RT O 0 O 0 SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS DELAY (SECONDS) 3.9 2.7 4.4 CAPACITY 359 935 212 958 TOTAL 55 286 44 341 TOTAL 2 3 PHF 0.69 0.85 0.79 LOS A A A A Average Delay (Intersection) : 3.9 Level of Service (Intersection): A t**************************** End of Print Job *«*«***«#*»***#*****»***««* -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 15 Intersection Location: Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 9 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour HCM Analysis 2 of 9 P.M. Peak Hour HCM Analysis 5 of 9 A.M. Peak Hour LOS Calculations 8 of 9 P.M. Peak Hour LOS Calculations 9 of 9 tf H::; I u r" r I i r 1 g M o ..••«• n ,;;• ii L C .;;i u ii t :s Iln a 1 11 s i : P.::ic|i;;. :l. 02:95 RM 08:95 RM eaL OCll" 1 nt^'l Inter ;::tioii ti"affic in PL ::tion Pd;;;:frns in Pl.; 1891 P.;;.al: Flr l".::iclc,r . llr 89:08 PM 05:00 PH PeaL Ili;,iur- Intersectiori Ir.;:if f i c in ft:. I ri terse, c ti o n P ,3 s t r" r i s in PI:. Hi" FL- Peal: Hr". F.;;ic lor- El Lg: LORE :;;BHD Fi; e: CORES tot .Hin 111 t.?r. "• li:' c i.. 1, 11 :,f: H/5 ;;tr eet: ERRLSf RD Btl'li t,l.::l ..;:i 1; 0) lecled hg: JB E/M ;;tr ee. f : SFR IE SF f;:.::,i,int. DaLe: li.;;ig: MF;;DHf;; ;.DR'i' li •afi ic Control: Dn ;;::i . |i 1. ili;;:;ed t:i//25 ••90 H.;;..:;. I tier" t;:Li;;;iiR End o IS ;;.oiitli t1|:;i :;tr',:,.:;ii",:t'i •:. HB;:' Horth 1 Ippr. ;;t i C ;.B;:' H.;;.:;;:t flpp.i .:;..::i.;;; 1 '::EI i;:' i;;;.;:i:;;:-• 'pl': acti ':;HB;:' 15 mil. folal:; ni n. ;.rd. 1. ;;.ri R-F -n Flir-ii Right Pe.;1s l,„efl tl Frn fhri„i Righl P» .ds tell D"frn t iru F light f eds L. .ft fL-frn Ihi-u Rigtit, Ped ;;: t.'i;;.hi.:::Is P....L. 06: 15 RM 11 fl 2 ••I 0 13 9 13 0 f;i tl fl 0 0 fl fl tl 1;;. D 0 /.'• 0 06:30 RM 0 13 3/ tl 0 ,••1 fl 0 1 0 i:;i t;i fl 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 ;-'':3 '1 06:95 RM f;i 0 36 fl 0 f;i 0 21 tl fl 13 0 t) tl f;i fl 0 1:1 18 0 3 1 .pi 1 02:00 flH 1:1 tl .•19 11 1 2:;) tl f)9 fl I f;i tl t) tl 11 11 0 0 r;) 13 1 fll 2 o;-': i:;:. RM 13 fl -12 0 2 26 fl /1 fl :;;i t;i 0 i;;i tl fl fl 13 0 ;;;: i o 1 11.11 5 I 180 ::;i D/:30 IIM 0 f) -19 tl ';:• 31 "j 0 70 0 1 i;;i tl D 0 D 0 13 0 26 0 1 11.11 5 I 180 ::;i D/:95 HM tl 0 61 13 1 31 D 1.3 0 ;;;: i;;i tl t) 13 fl 0 0 PI 18 11 ;;: i ;••; 5 08:00 flH X f;i f;i ;-'9 fl 0 ';;;:;) fl :i;''Ei fl :;;i t:i f;i 0 0 fl 0 0 fl •12 8 1 •ii;;;;;i 3 08: 15 RH X i,;i 0 51 t;i II ;fl fl ;;:..:-fl tl t) 0 tl tl f) tl 11 0 21 0 3 1136 0 88:30 IIM X 0 fl .''';;;: 0 0 51 fl 0 :i. fl fl f;i 13 fl tl 11 11 ;;;: ;••* ti "1 ;:.::. ',•:* 1 88:95 RM X 0 0 f) 1, tl II 'i'l fl 91 13 1 t;i fl t;i fl f) 1:1 f) ••19 0 ,1 .:. f.. I- 1 3 2/5 1 09:00 flM tl 0 .•93 fl f;i :32 fl i;;.t) f;i tl f;i 0 tl tl 0 0 1:1 -ID 0 ;;: 21,5 2 Man. ::;; mn „ 0 fl 01 tl 2 5';;i tl :t;:'9 fl :;;i t;i 0 tl 0 0 fl 0 -M II 1 3g;::| |::j PL. Mr •. I..'.;:.;t . tl 0 ;;;:o:;) f;i 13 ;;;:f;i2 fl -1;;;:.;;: t;i 5 fl t) 11 tl 13 fl 0 13-1 0 ;i :i,f;i91 5 03:-1';:; PH tl 3 13/ D 0 57 0 lO'l D 0 t;i fl t;i 0 0 0 0 5.;;' 0 1, 350 1 3 09 :t ID PM D ) 139 f) 2 .;;i .•' 0 109 13 0 tl 0 tl tl 0 13 0 66 0 1 0 3/1 96::) 1 3 09: : 5 PM ;<l 0 1 1/3 0 0 23 0 1 ••1:3 fl tl tl tl 13 fl 0 t) 29 fl 1 0 3/1 96::) D9::r f) PM X 0 ;i 11':) t;i 0 6f;i 13 10/ tl 1 Cl 13 tl tl fl 0 0 6f;i g 3i;:,j> 3 09:-:;;. PM X 0 1 155 tl 2 t;.;-' 0 11/ 0 0 0 1:1 0 fl 0 0 0 /9 0 t;i 0 918 05 :f D PM X D 1 163 f) 0 92 0 166 1:1 0 0 f;i 0 t;i tl 0 0 112 0 6 1 0 t;i 0 533 0 05: 1 5 PM 13 1 1 102 fl 1:1 91, tl too 13 0 t;i 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 0 6 1 0 ] JHE ] DS: f) PM fl 1 1 163 t;i 1 60 f) 1 11 fl 0 tl t;i f;i 0 0. tl I) Sll 0 t;i 0 1 05:' 5 PH 0 1 1 211 0 0 91, fl 98 0 D 13 tl 11 0 0 t;i 0 // 0 t;i 0 '12/ Cl 06 :f 06: : fl PM fl 89 13 0 62 0 125 0 ;•:: 0 13 fl 13 fl tl 0 65 D 0 1 33f;. 3 06 :f 06: : 5 PM 0 129 t:i 1:1 9;;;: tl i::;i9 13 fl t;i 1:1 fl fl fl D 11 Sfl D 0 1 13 3 5; 13 1 i;;i PM fl lOf) tl 1 69 fl l;;;'f;i fl 1 '-' 0 tl t;i 0 t) II 51:1 0 1 13 350 Man. 15 r i r 1. 0 1 1 211 1:1 2 92 fl 166 0 3 1:1 13 fl fl fl 0 0 112 0 •;;. 533 -, I 'l::. HI . t ol. . fl 1 1 610 f) ^ tl 'V,i3 f) ••1 fl t) t;i fl t;i D 0 33::;i 0 2 1,//6 8 -J ihk & associates 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page 2 ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 35 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 74 AREA POPULATION 62000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET STATE STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET CARLABAD BLVD NAME OF THE ANALYST KK DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 10/31/90 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 1990 INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE WESTBOUND: YIELD SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT 0 0 202 THRU 0 283 422 RIGHT 134 0 0 NUMBER OF LANES LANES EB WB NB SB LANES — 1 1 2 ihk & associates ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page 3 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.00 NORTHBOUND 0.00 SOUTHBOUND 0.00 VEHICLE COMPOSITION 45 90 90 20 20 20 N N N % SU TRUCKS AND RVS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS 2 2 2 % COMBINATION VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES 0 0 0 0 0 0 MINOR RIGHTS MAJOR LEFTS MINOR LEFTS WB SB TABULAR VALUES (Table 10-2) 5.10 5.10 WB 6.20 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. VALUE ADJUSTMENT 4.60 5.10 6.20 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 FINAL CRITICAL GAP 4.60 5.10 6.20 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET STATE STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET CARLABAD BLVD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 10/31/90 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 ihk & associates CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page 4 POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS P M SH R SH MINOR STREET WB LEFT 0 185 133 > 133 > 133 > D > 896 > 713 >A RIGHT 183 896 896 > 896 > 713 > A MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 276 793 793 793 517 A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET STATE STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET CARLABAD BLVD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 10/31/90 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 -J ihk & associates 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page 5 ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 35 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 83 AREA POPULATION 62000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET STATE STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET CARLABAD BLVD NAME OF THE ANALYST KK DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 10/31/90 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE WESTBOUND: YIELD SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT 0 0 300 THRU 0 610 533 RIGHT 333 0 0 NUMBER OF LANES LANES EB WB NB SB LANES — 1 1 2 ihk & associates ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.00 45 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N' SOUTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION % SU TRUCKS AND RVS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS 2 2 2 % COMBINATION VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES 0 0 0 0 0 0 MINOR RIGHTS MAJOR LEFTS MINOR LEFTS WB SB TABULAR VALUES (Table 10-2) 5.10 5.10 WB 6.20 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. VALUE ADJUSTMENT 4.60 5.10 6.20 0.00 0.00 0. 00 FINAL CRITICAL GAP 4.60 5.10 6.20 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET STATE STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET CARLABAD BLVD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 10/31/90 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 ihk & associates CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page 7 MOVEMENT POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) P M SH RESERVE CAPACITY C = c - v LOS R SH MINOR STREET WB LEFT 0 RIGHT 405 MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 365 107 613 527 41 613 527 > 41 > 41 > E > 613 > 208 >C > 613 > 208 > C 527 162 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET STATE STREET NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET CARLABAD BLVD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 10/31/90 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 Ihk & associates Intersection: CARLSBAD BLVD & STATE ST Date: WED 7/25/90 Analyst: BCS Time Period: 7:45 AM TO 8:45 AM Project Mo: 1165 City/State: CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA Movemen t ', Volume ; (veh) I Capacity ( veh) V/C LOS I'.iB RIGHT ; 134 1700 0.08 A SB LEFT ; 202 1 500 0.13 A SB THRU : 422 1700 0.25 A MB THRU : 283 i 1700 0.17 A Total 1041 OveralI Intersection = L . 0 . S . "A" Note: 1. V = vehicles, s seconds Delay for LOS "A" = 0 seconds. Thus, LOS "A" movements are excluded from the numerator cf the overall intersection LOS calculation. LOS values can be found on Page 4 for conflicting movements. The thru movement LOS's i^ere calculated in a manner simiiar to the peak hour link count ADTs. Page 8 ihk & associates Intersection: CARLSBAD BLVD STATE ST Date: WED 7/25/90 Analyst: BCS Time Period: 4:00 PM TO 5:00 PM Project No: 1165 City/State: CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA Tota] Movement ! V.olLime ; (veh) ! Capacity ; (veh) V/C , LOS WB RIGHT 1700 0.20 C SB LEFT 300 1 500 0.20 D SB THRU 533 1700 0.31 A NB THRU 610 1700 0.36 A 1776 Over a 1 1 1 ntersection L . 0 . S . V * 20 s) + (300 V * 35 5) 1776 V 9.7 5 "B" Note: 1. V = vehicles. seconas 2. Delay for LOS "A" = 0 seconds. Thus, LOS "A" movements are excluded from the numerator of the overall intersection LOS calculation. 3. LOS values can be found on Page 7 for conflicting movements. The thru movement LOS's were calculated in a manner similar to the peak hour link count ADT•£. Pace 9 -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: is Intersection Location: Carlsbad Boulevard and Elm Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary i of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour icu Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram -niK if ft;; t;:i t ::iat, ERRL:;;.8Ri;t 1 rit i;;'r-:;;;,;;^c; lj cn l„:c;ii,jiit 1.1.[ttt: ti/..''2:;;;/';;io 1 c:.t F IJ I" r I i n i: I M o e e n ,;;• n t i;: o i „ii 11,: ri.;:il gsi s H/S Stn E/H Stn t:HRl„SBtlD BLl'D f;;i„n Rt.'f;; Dag: Heallier ige 1 of 3 MEDHE:;;;DR'I' Cl i;;i)R File: CRRLELM.MKl DaLa Collected hg:SD F>• .;s f t i ,,;; t;: , t, ,; , I : S ;i g r,.:) 1, i :H: (;• ,3 End o • 15 S.::.utt Rpipiri;;, acti OIB;:' Hoi ,t,h tiptpn-c acti VSB;: MesL Opf.r'oa ;::ti •:;EB;:i ni ri. .id. LefL R-Lrn T ill i,j Fll gFiL F-'ed:;;: Lett 3-frn Itir-u Rl gilt 1 eds L ;.ft 1 p. 1" flir-r,i Rigtit, t'c.,;);;; t16: 15 RM fl 0 21 15 ::;i 9 0 36 1 0 D 1 0 / i;i 1 Ot;.: :3i;;i RM 8 1 111 ,;;:2 fl 11 13 109 ;;J fl p 0 1 0 / i;i 1 06:95 RM tl tl 31 III ;;;: 0 0 21 ;:. fl 1 fl It II ::;; 1. 11 1 ,:i 0/:00 RM I 8 21 -13 0 ,-' f) f;.6 1 D 0 It II ::;; 1. 11 1 ,:i 0/: 15 Rti 1 1 66 9,:;i :3 ,J tl 90 1 fl 0 0 5 II 5 ID fl ti;;i 07:30 RM X fl tl -15 90 1 9 fl /•9 ,;1 fl 0 •) 0 5 II 5 ID fl ti;;i 0/:95 OH X 1 8 50 -1-1 3 9 0 110 i:j fl 0 •;;, g 1". D 2 08:00 RM X 1 0 20 ';;,8 j::. 6 fl 93 .:;, 0 -1 II It;. 2 2t;i :i,'^l :t ••12 08: 15 flH X 1 2 ';;i2 /;;;: 6 i;-' l-l t;i 0 It;. 2 2t;i :i,'^l :t ••12 08:30 OH 1 0 -;;l f.'. 2.5 0 0 fl 111 2 tl ••1 0 11 ;:•• g «;j i;;i8:9::;; RM 1 1 73 56 ;;;: 15 0 28 • 1 ••1 0 11 :t5 1 213 i;- :t t::;i RH 0 1 69 99 1 9 tl SO 12 0 9 0 :t5 1 213 i;- :t t::;i Man. , PL. llr 5 nin. . l'ol . 1 3 2 9;:: 72 257 211 6 12 1/ 36 0 0 110 389 19 38 1 0 9 12 0 f) 1/ 2 -1/ '16 :3 1 12 ts;ji=:t Rp,p.r",:;,.a,i-Li CMB::' 1 ii'tt D Irn Itir'u Right Peds L 0/: 15 RH 08:15 RM 03:95 PM X 09:80 PM X 09:15 PM X i;)9:30 PM X 09:95 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:95 PM 06:00 PM 06:15 PM 06:30 PM Man. 15 mn. PL. Hr. l'ol. PeaL: H.;:.i,jr Int e r s «• c t, i o r i I r a ffi c i n ft.:. Inter- s e cti o n P .1 s f r- n s i n P1:. tlr 12 1/ 238 l.::6 98 103 221 71 110 177 108 15;2 101 119 2313 565 1:39 88 28 99 ,3(''' 9/ 93 89 61 62 63 139 :365 0 6 9 El ,16 21 29 21 39 21 19 ft) 19 16 1;;;: 03:30 PM 09:30 PM Pe.3L Ilour- Intei-se 1 ri ler :;;:,; :tion Fraff; ::li 1 Pcl:;;:t,ri in PI in PL Hr.:: Fir-. = 12513 129 :I95 118 28 9fl 16/ 68 15,;;' 126 90 135 :I32 111. 195 ••If) 1 ;:239 196 Peal: Hr-. Fact, 10 If) 16 :;) 15 6 1,3 20 15 1,;;' .;;: i 0 13 0 tl 0 tl tl fl 0 tl lfl 16 19 16 20 Pc'aL Or-. F.;;,clor- 19 1::! -"'t 17 17 1,3 ;;;:8 3D :i,9 1,5 r:j t::j 11;:- tl. 6:;;i 11 11 28 26 19 21 19 29 9 50 6.::: 26 i:;si3 ,1-1 :32 913 ;;;:9 95 ill 58 166 91:1 56 913 95 ';)o 39 66 60 66 28 95 -11 217 0 0 1 1 1 9 f;i tl 0 9 10 19 15 10 19 18 29 18 35 ::) 1 21 29 3/ 1/ 18/ 10 '• i -1 28 91 t:. ,;;i 29 39 19 25 3-1 1/ 31 S'l 129 0 13 0 fl 0 0 f;i 13 0 13 0 0 fl 0 0 Cl 13 0 0 0 13 fl 0 13 D 0 :. nj II. ?hicls 91 201;) 133 209 291 ,29.;;: 309 922 165 299 286 922 1258 999 92/ 920 /:36 296 59/ 561 930 595 569 '136 888 223-1 folal:;; f'e.1s to 13 8 19 30 31, 19 i;;;:9 89 1/ 25 20 26 '1 52 ::i9 36 33 1.8 39 89 1'16 hk & associates CARLSBAD BLVD at ELM AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach CNB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:15 AM to 1. Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 i , ,| urations 3 i ^ ^ ^ 4 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 121120110021 <^«P^'='ty 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 0 1500 1700 0 0 3000 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? YES Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volune 3 2 Adjusted Hourty Volune 3 2 Utilization Factor 0.00 0. Critical Factors ICU Ratio = 0.37 LOS = A 214 36 384 30 12 46 3 166 58 41 214 36 414 0 12 49 0 0 224 41 0.14 0.02 0.12 0.00 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.03 0.14 0.02 0.03 0.07 Turning Hovements at Intersection of CARLSBAD BLVD and ELM AVE Time: 07:15 AH to ^'•^^ AM North Approach CARLSBAD BLVD Date: 07/25/90 Day: UEDNESDAY Name: SD Sub- Total totals U e 91 s t 152 A 61 P P r 760 <-Total 450 310 <-Subtotals 30 384 36 1 1 1 Sub- <-' V 1 A totals Totat E 1 1 1 1 -----a \ 41 s 1 A < 58 275 t 12 1 /---176 46 --> 1 1 581 A 3 ...1 North V P 1 306 p V 1 r 1 <-, /-> ELM AVE I I 257 214 Subtotals -> 555 476 Totat -> 1031 Note: Left-turn volumes inctude South Approach U-turns. CARLSBAD BLVD at ELM AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 ihk & associates Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 03:30 PM to 04:30 PH Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 urations 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 (Xjtside 5 Lane Settings 1 2 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 Capacity 1500 3400 1500 1500 3400 0 1500 1700 0 0 3000 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No) ? NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? YES Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 17 565 365 103 481 47 28 117 28 247 107 129 Adjusted Hourly Volune 17 565 365 103 528 0 28 145 0 0 354 129 Utilization Factor 0.01 0.17 0.24 0.07 0.16 0.00 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.09 Critical Factors 0.24 0.07 0.09 0.12 ICU Ratio 0.62 LOS = B U e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of CARLSBAD BLVD and ELH AVE North Approach CARLSBAD BLVD Time: 03:30 PM to 04:30 PH Date: 07/25/90 Oay: WEDNESDAY Name: SD Sub- Total totals 344 171 173 28 --• 117 --S 28 --- 47 <-' I V Subtotals -> 765 Total -> 636 481 I V 1363 108 I <-. 26 North I 565 956 1721 South Approach 727 /-> I 365 <- Total <- Subtotals I \ , <— I— I V Sub- totals Total 129 107 249 485 587 ELH AVE 1072 E a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 17 Intersection Location: Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram Ic:: i .!:i t,,;;.s F u i - r i i n if M.;;,e n e 111 t;:,;;,r,i111 s t in a 11,| s i : Pa,:)e I ,;;,f 3 Citg: I:;:RF :f,:;;.BfiD Inter :;;:ect,:i or 1 .;;.f: H/S Str eet: E/M Str eet: t:: our it. Date: 02/12 /9I:;I t;;nd o Soijfh H ppro ac;h •:; t;;nd o f 15 -ni 11, prd. left R" frn thru Ot;.: IS RM 0 D :;;i';) 06:30 RM 0 1 2/ 06:95 OM D 0 37 02:00 tIM 0 0 95 0/: IS flM tl tl 9/ 0/:30 flM fl fl 50 D/:'15 OM X 0 1:1 58 08:00 RM X tl tl 62 08: 15 HM X 0 tl 71 08:30 RM X ' 0 D 1,1, 88:95 RM 1:1 0 62 09:00 flM 0 0 93 Man. 15 nin. 13 1 93 PL. HI -. l,.'oI. fl II 260 0/:30 tin p i;;.at:: 1 lit. ;.r-:;;:ec1 DO: ::)f) RM fl .::,ur-1 lit. 1 1,1 03:95 PM 0 0 139 09:00 I'M f;i 0 135 09: 15 PM tl 0 18/ 09:30 PM 0 0 215 09:95 PM 0 0 15/ 05:00 PM X fl 0 16/ 05: 15 PM X 0 D 218 05:30 PM X 0 0 It;. 8 05:95 191 X fl 0 199 06:00 PM tl D 15/ 06: 15 1 'M 0 0 158 06:30 PM 0 fl 110 Man. :i 1:3 n:Lri. fl 0 218 PL. Rr ". l,.'ol. fl 0 717 09:95 F'M P( i;..:;iL: Inte .|-sect 05:95 PM Hi: :,ur" Inte .rsecl File: ERREERH.Mlll Dag: Mea flier: H();> Hor-tti l-lp, Ri.:iht Peds Lell II-t 9 / ID 6 / ft 'I 1/ 3:;;i 6 15 1/ 9 D 2/ -1 i';;i -ID / 1/ :;;i';;i 6 r;;, 21 5 10 2:3 / 0 1-1 9 1,9 -to ;;:6 51 :t2/ Dat a t: .::.! 1 ec 1 Led hg:M8 1 iii,it::;;;t:iR'i' F r aft :i .::; i:;:.;:.i itrol : Sl gna t :i,:ii:e.d ELERR itrol : Sl gna t t" '• :.. ;ti ':::;;;B;:I H,;;.:;;:l 1: fl|:;.|;;.i-o.;:icti cE |-li Fhru Rii gill F'e ds 1 Left 0-Frn fhru Ffigtit Peds i;;i -It;. t;i 0 f) 0 fl f) tl 60 fl 10 fl 0 f) 0 0 11 11 / 0 5 fl 0 tl fl 13 11 lOf) 13 5 11 fl fl t;i 0 fl 100 0 tl t) f:i fl f) t;i ;;:: 1, 1:1 -1 f;i i;;i t) t;i 1:1 t 152 f;i 9 0 t) i;;i tl 0 0 120 tl :;;i f:i i;;i fl 0 0 tl 113;:' tl ';;i tl f;i f;i f;i 0 1:1 193 fl 9 tl 0 t) 0 fl fl 106 0 :;;, 0 0 0 0 i:;i tl 9-1 D tl 0 0 D tl 1 152 0 10 13 0 0 0 0 1 517 13 0 D 13 13 i;;i li;i2D /'6 P. f;..:'il: Rr. F act - 0.95 0 fl 162 136 0 11 0 |-| f;i g 0 0 II 11 0 11 0 0 168 fl 0 0 0 f) 0 I..I 0 tl 1/9 0 0 tl fl tl tl tl t) l-1tl fl t) fl t) f) 0 0 f) 1.;;:';) 0 0 0 f) 0 0 0 fl 192 0 13 0 i;;i t) tl 0 fl 1,39 0 13 fl i;;i i;;i fl tl tl 1/;;;: fl 0 f) t;i 1:1 f) fl 13 1:3 2 13 0 fl D t) 0 t) tl L'l 9 0 13 0 1:1 D 0 0 tl :;;;EI tl 0 fl 0 i;;i fl tl fl 19;;;: 0 fl 0 tl t) 0 0 East Rpproach '::MB::' 15 mn. fof als ;i-ft O-Frn Ftir-u Right Peds: I'e.tiicl:;;: Pc..;;ls -:• D fl 10 f) lf)fl -1 -I II fl :3 0 99 15 -•• D 0 19 fl 19-1 12 5 (I 0 21 0 199 12 I:) D 0 19 f) .;;:r;) ::;:.:i '" 0 0 11 0 112 i,';;i 13) 13 0 12 f) .;;:68 9 ?' I'I D 15 0 298 ;;;:;;: 2 t;i 8 ;;;:i:i ti 2'^F^I :;;:6 11 0 0 13 0 2613 19 3 0 0 1,2 0 211 15 ••' 0 0 23 0 212 15 11 I-) D 29 fl 268 26 3D 0 D 60 0 10;^f) 26 tion traffic in PL. tion P.;lstr-ris in Pt:. 1,5 2 31 -1 2 32 13 9 21 9 10 29 5 6 1:3 3 -1 2:;;i 6 / 3.:1 / 8 1 I 9 ';;; 19 6 9 19 / 8 2t;. 6 t;i 25 15 ID 3^^l 25 21 07 0 632 0 f) fl ''-'>• ' traffic in PL. Rr.::: 1/99 PeaL llr. Facto :.ion Pdslrns. in PL. Hr.::: 29 21 1 0 '11 0 909 2 11 I-) 0 3:3 fl 351 2 18 1, 8 913 f) 99/ '1 l':l 1 D 95 0 '101 ID 113 D t) -1/ 0 :30l3 6 20 0 0 ••lfl fl 300 9 IF) 0 fl /D f) 530 / IF) 0 0 62 0 ::;i9/ 0 ;;;:/ o ti • ss t) 9/f;. s 19 D t) 32 0 355 9 11 D t) 3/ 0 :383 0 1. ::' 1 0 2f) f) ,;;'-i/ 8 2. -' 1 • 0 70 0 5'3S 10 Sl 0 D 22/ f) 1/99 21 ; jhk & associates CARLSBAD BLVD at CANNON RD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:30 AM to °2=20 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1111 1 Config- (teft) 2 1 •] urations 3 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 010110000101 Capacity 0 1700 0 1500 1700 OOOO 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 0 260 26 127 517 0 0 0 0 30 0 60 Adjusted Hourty Volume 0 286 0 127 517 0 0 0 0 30 0 60 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.17 0.00 0.08 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.04 Critical Factors 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.04 ICU Ratio = 0.44 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of CARLSBAD BLVD and CANNON RD North Approach CARLSBAD BLVD Time: 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: MG 645 966 321 <- Totat <- Subtotals W e s t A P P r Sub- Totat totals 0 0 --> 0 Subtotals -> 547 Total -> 517 128 I I North 260 286 833 South Approach I I /-> I I 26 < — /--- Sub- totals Total 60 0 30 90 153 CANNON RD 243 Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. J ihk & associates CARLSBAD BLVD at CANNON RD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1111 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 urations 3 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 010110000101 Capacity 0 1700 0 1500 1700 OOOO 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 747 25 87 632 0 0 0 0 81 0 227 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 772 0 87 632 0 0 0 0 81 0 227 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.06 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.15 Critical Factors 0.45 0.06 0.00 0.15 ICU Ratio = 0.76 LOS = C Turning Movements at Intersection of CARLSBAD BLVD and CANNON RD Time: 04:45 PM to 05:45 PH North Approach CARLSBAD BLVD Date: 07/12/90 Day: THURSDAY 1693 <- Totat Name: MG 719 974 <- Subtotals Sub- 0 632 87 Totat totals I I " Sub- " <-' V '-> I * totals Total E s >--- 227 s i 0 I - <--- 0 308 t 0 I 81 A 0 0 --> I I P 0 North V P I > 112 r 420 A P P r /-> CANNON RD I I 747 25 Subtotals -> 713 772 Total -> 1485 Note: Left-turn volumes inctude South Approach U-turns. -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Nximber: is Intersection Location: Carlsbad Boulevard and Poinsettia Lane CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram .,;iiih: ft Rssoci.;: ites El Eg: t::RRL .:;;;F;IFID Inter: se.;;;ti ,;;in of: H/S St E/M st i;;:i;;,cirtt Date: o/,^'if;f /';)i3 :::;.:;.utti F1| :;,p.r End o t 15, nin. 1 ::.rd. 1 eft tl-1 fr-ri 06:15 HH 0 0 06:30 RM tl 0 06:95 RM fl 0 0/:D0 RM 0 t) 0/: 15 RM fl t) 8/: 30 HM 0 0 0/:95 RM f) t;i 08:00 RM t) 1 08: 15 RM X fl 1 08:30 f)F1 X 0 t;i 08:95 HM X 8 0 89:00 Rti X tl fl Han. : PL. Hr t:;;i r-ri, n. -. t^',;;,;i . 0 fl 1 1 08:08 RM Pl? .::ll.: I n1 09:00 RM Hour-Inl 03:95 PM X 0 tl O'l: DD PM X 0 0 09: 15 PM X f) fl 09:38 PM X D 0 89:95 PM 0 0 05:00 PM 0 fl 05: 15 PM 0 0 05:30 PM 0 0 05:95 I'M 0 0 06:00 PM f) 0 06: 15 PM f) tl 06:30 PM 0 D M.:;i: 1. 1 5 nin. f) 0 Fur rii nq McM..'enerit Eoun t s f1ri.;'il i,|;;;:,i : P...|.. I ol :3 CRRLSBRD Btl'fi F93IHSETI;FR LRHE Pl:. Hi-I'ccl, 03:38 PM PeaL 89:30 PM Hour ;;:ti CM ft:' 311 36 92 -16 95 59 59 E.'1 ;-'o /•9 69 Dai,i: Heafhe Hor til itJE:;;.t:iti', i;;:l„EOR File: CRRLPOIH.MKl Data Poll ected hii;MO I I .ll I I 1 Control : Si iri.;:il ;i ; ::.|::.i 1,0 12 2 1 11 25 16 18 12 10 15 11 21 cfi on 1 r .1 I i i;:ti on Pdstr ri 95 86 115 163 /9 59 112 99 98 85 69 62 163 '159 .;:ID 2.3 35 99 19 It;. <10 i c; i n Pf.:. Hr-. :::: ns in PL. Hr- If) 32 :;;i 9 26 1 If) -15 .'.'} 9 12 Cl "I 1 ..' i::. J. '•1 1 10 3';;i .:1 •' 1 1 1 i:.. 1 9 ;;;:•;) ,1 D 11 3:;;; fl It;. 3'3 0 99 16 Intersection IntersectI on Fr-.:: Pd:;; ffie 1-1';;. 1 PL: 1 PL 9 10 M..; I iipi h .::f::i:i::. E.;»sL ;,,pir-i ;;:ti ':;MB; t ft Irn riiru P :;i citvt, f'ed:;;: Left, tl lm Itn-ii R;i i cjlrt, P 'e.:1s 1 eft t )-Frn thr u R ight '•'» 0 21 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 / 0 0 •;;, ...t 1) 30 f) 10 fl 0 f;i tl fl 1 0 9 0 fl 5t) f) l-l 0 fl 0 D f;i lfl 0 D i;;;: 0 f;i 1 '"I tl ,-• 0 f) tl fl t;i 12 fl f) It) 8 fl f) f;i 0 f;i 0 i;;i 10 f) I) 15 16 0 85 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 2;-' 1 0 13 11 0 1 ('•' I.;! 11 6 fl f;i 0 t;i tl .;;:9 D 0 21 5 0 1 f) 1 :i 0 0 t;i f;i 0 ;;;:2 1 fl 26 ;:;2 0 f;,9 0 •;) tl tl f;i tl D 2 :••; D 0 11 1, 69 t) 1,';;; tl f;i i;;i tl tl 2:;;i 0 f) 2' 1 21 8 !::• ...1 0 ;-• 0 0 0 0 0 21 1 0 1 i 1 5';) tl 1,1 i;:i 11 0 0 i;;i 2/ f;i 0 13 ;;;' 85 13 15 D f;i tl D 0 1 f) ;::'i 6/ '•' ;;;:.-'o 0 9,;;' 0 11 0 0 tl 96 1 0 09 f)3 12/ 65 111 116 9';) 9;.' 129 112 fit) EI-1 f);;;' 129 919 Hr Hr 193:: 15 mn. total I'ehicls Peds 59 Peat.: Hr-. F'actc 0.09 6t1 153 Peat:; Ffr-. f'a.;;;!,,: i;;;'2 135 136 198 .;;:89 ISO 213 292 lOf) 292 ••16/ 19::; 11 If) 19 11 10 16 2 1 :i,-i i:;) ;;;:o 0 tl 0 0 0 tl D 25 1 0 35 • i'"' 399 1/ 0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 30 12 253 16 0 fl 0 f) tl fl 0 t) 35 0 tl 2fl l'l 11.9 ;;;:9 f) 0 0 tl 0 0 t) 92 1 D 6t1 lfl ••16/ 19 13 fl 0 fl 0 0 fl 20 0 0 25 / .;;:08 16 fl fl D fl f) 0 fl 21 0 0 i: 1 10 160 21 0 D 0 0 8 0 0 53 0 0 90 15 913 25 fl 13 D tl fl fl t:i '15 0 tl 39 19 3.:1/ 18 fl 13 D 0 D 13 t;i 1', 0 0 • 20 ,'fl ,;:'i9 ;;;:9 11 f;i fl tl D 0 f;i 3 ••I 1 0 26 '1 20/ IS fl fl 0 tl 13 fl 0 ill D 0 21 2/1 ill 13 13 0 D 0 D 0 2^:1 0 0 12 15 283 18 3f) /1 jhk & associates CARLSBAD BLVD at POINSETTIA LANE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 i 1 Config- (left) 2 1 i 1 urations 3 1 i 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 02112000010 1 Capacity 0 3400 1500 1500 3400 0 0 0 0 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volune 0 272 71 67 270 0 0 0 0 96 0 89 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 272 71 67 270 0 0 0 0 96 0 89 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.06 Critical Factors 0.08 0.04 0.06 ICU Ratio = 0.29 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of CARLSBAD BLVD and POINSETTIA LANE Time: 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM North Approach CARLSBAD BLVD Date: 07/10/90 Day: TUESDAY 702 <- Total Name: 339 363 <- Subtotals Sub- 0 270 69 Total totals I " Sub- " <-' V '-> I - totals Total E s " «... 89 s to I - <... 0 186 t 0 I /--- 97 A • 0 0 --> I I 325 . A V p P 0 North V P I > 139 p r V I /-> POINSETTIA LANE I 1 272 71 Subtotals -> 367 344 Total -> 711 r Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. ihk & associates CARLSBAD BLVD at POINSETTIA LANE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 03:30 PM to : 04:30 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 0 2 112 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Capaci ty 0 3400 1500 1500 3400 0 0 0 0 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 0 459 132 145 419 0 0 0 0 125 0 153 Adjusted Hourty Volume 0 459 132 145 419 0 0 0 0 125 0 153 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.14 0.09 0.10 0.12 0. .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.10 Critical Factors 0.14 0.10 0,00 0.10 ICU Ratio = 0.43 LOS = A W e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of CARLSBAD BLVD and POINSETTIA LANE Time: 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM Date: 07/10/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: MG Sub- Total totals 0 0 --> 0 North Approach CARLSBAD BLVD 1196 Subtotals -> 544 Total -> 574 419 I V 155 North I 459 591 1135 South Approach 622 /-> 132 <- Total <- Subtotals <- • /-- Sub- totals Total 153 0 127 280 559 279 POINSETTIA LANE e a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. jhk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 19 Intersection Location: Poinsettia Lane and Paseo del Norte CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. LOS Analysis (TRB Method) 2 of 3 P.M. LOS Analysis (TRB Method) 3 of 3 .)iit^: fl Eitg: Inter ::iati I uI rIi r 1 ,:;| Mo.,'enenf f;: in t:;;: f 111.:;i;i g:;;:i ; 1^''"" • :i t;:RRE:;;;BRti ;:ti. :.f: H,.'S :;;;tr-, E/H str, ;.t: PRSED t:iEI,„ HORFE; •t: PDIHSEFFIH LONE File: f flat a i;;:c; DIHPDN.Mi:i 11.;; ted hg f:i::.i,irif D.;jt,, i;;i;-'/io,'9ti E;iid of i:;;i Daci: M.;;:.::itti.::.r- I i„iE';;.t:iti'i t:i„ERF:; traffic Eontrot ::.i;,ii,jt|-i Rppr-cucti '^.HBy niri. prd. 1 L.i;;.ft U-1 Ir-h Ftirn Rigtit Ped:;;: t„elt ll -Irn 136: 15 RM 3 fl 1 0 fl 0 D 06:30 OM 6 tl 0 0 t) 1 11 06:95 OH 9 0 1 0 f) ••I 11 0/:D0 RH ::;, i:i 1 1 f) ::. 0 02:15 DM 0 0 fl fl fl 1 fl 0/:30 OH 11 0 3 0 0 6 fl 02:95 OM X 9 0 0 0 il ::;i i;;i 08:88 OM X 1/ fl 6 n f) :3 i;;i 08: 15 flH X :t/ 0 :;;, 1 1 ,:, tl 00:30 OM X .., 0 1, 0 f) ';;i f:i 08:95 RH 1;;;: 0 9 1 p -\ tl 09:00 RM 19 tl 11 II 3 13 M.:;iM- t:;;; r-rin. 1/ 0 g 1 ;;;: 9 tl PL. tir. l'ol. '.II D .;;'D 1 :i i';;i tl NOI lfl Rpi|;;.i-oa.;::ti CSB;:' f hr-1,1 Rigtil Peds (,, Hest f1|:.|;;,r-c •ft 0 Frn :P;;I -I ••I ';;.';;i ••if;i t;. 1 I.' I i:;i 1-1 ••L;) i:;;i ,19-1 :if);;;: 1,-F1 121 0 D fl 0 fl 1, 0 f) :DS Nfi :;..::icti Ct; Thru 10 ;;::f) If) B;:' Right P: 0 tl i;;;ast ds I :;i|::.r-i;;..;;n;;;ti CMB;:' rn n . I i:;. t .:;d : IS 29 ';;fi 1,1 Fr-ri Fhr-1,1 F: ;:i:ght Peds I'e •1 11 cl s F'eds 0 0 ill ' 3 1 /•;) 3 tl fl ::j,::j 2 0 1 :i/ 1 1 0 :;;iS lfl :;;i i,.=' :i, ';;i f) t;i 5f;i 9 3 . 'fl/ 9 0 fl 51 / 5 18':;. l'l i;;i 0 31 1,6 :;) 2f.,-' 12 .;;: tl 6:;;; 11, 2 f) 1 13 ss .;;:o :t j 0 tl 0 16 12 2 270 "'"'=! :t 0 '12 P ':;; 21:3 ,tf;i tl 0 6E. 6 9 .' 11. / .;;: fl 91 20 5 389 19 121.: 0/ : :;;it) f)H F:'e.:;i|: Inter :;;:';;.c; li .::n i lr-.: i:iffic in PL. Hi" 1212 |:'.;;.a|:: 1 Ir. Fa. ;::tor 0./9 i;)£i :30 DM H ,ir Inter: :;i:.;;.c t,j on P.;1:; i::ti"ii:;;: in Pf::. Hi" .:::: 2f) ;::tor 0./9 0 1 09 :95 PM PM 1:3 t;. 0 8 1 0 1 0 1 ••1 8 8 9 29 -1 9 !..' 1 55 f) 9/ 8 ••19 19 1 1 8 0 Q ^3 0 2B 11 :;) 21..' 8 1 188 .-• t)9 : 1':;. f'M 11. 0 2 1 1 '•M fl 9 -ID -:. 7E 11 |..,.; ;'•' 0 :;) 21..' 8 1 188 .-• O'l : :;;io PM 11 0 " 0 0 fl 12 fl 92 .;! t;.6 1 SI, 12 11 11 i.-f -'.'} n ••i I) .:'•,' 1 5 O'l :9S PM 11 0 1 2 tl 9 fl :;)';) fl t;.5 0 63 15 i-.i ...11 11 "1 2 .::: ,3 8 :;;, f;i5 : flO PM 8 0 0 0 tl 8 t:i 'it;i .;;: •111 1 5/ 19 1, 11 l 'l "I -\ l""l 9 251 6 fl'::i 1:1';:i : IS : 30 PM PM ;X 9 5 0 0 ,;;l '1 ': fl 13 1:;) 13 13 .;;. f;.-i 9-1 1 1 91. t) /8 t) 09 i;-' 11 11 1 t;i 1 13 0 D 3l;:i u'l 0 ;:::,-•' 1 :3 2 329 '1 .. ... .. 05 : '15 PM X / 0 0 0 19 0 6 52 3 60 2 99 i;-' 11 11 :i t;i 1 13 0 2i;;i ri .'11 1 I'l 1 i::. 1 I >'.} t16 : fii;:i PM / 0 1 0 0 it:i 8 9 -15 9 tl 112 .:;:9 1 11 0 2i;;i ri .'11 c .:;:i;:!/ t. tit;. : I';;. PM 6 0 0 f) 6 f;i -16 6 /5 1 51 t) f,/ 1 l"l 1 ,1, '-I b 131;. F'H / 0 1 0 1 11 D '"i -1:;;; /•;) 1 51 t) f,/ 11 1 i::i I..I ."1 0 99 -l'l .ill I 233 3 ?' 3 7 H.;:ii I'l: . HI 15 n -. I' ,1 r'l . '.;;.I . 1:3 28 D 0 1;;;; 1 1, 0 l'l 1-1 f;i 1/ t;.9 ;;;'f):;;; 6 9 • 18 .;;• ';;i9 .;;: ) )ii 23 68 ,;;t 6 1 0 9';) 8 13/ 11 26 •"1 ciiM 9 S 1133 23 05: tlf.: : of;i PM PM F^'eaL F1.:.ur- Inter; Inter:; ;:ecti ,;;,n section Era Pds rlfic :trns m Pk. in PL. Fir Hr" 1193 2.3 1 "'i;;.al: F Ir. Fac :tor 0.92 ihk & associates Jhk & Associates, San Diego, CA. Intersection: PASEO DEL NORTE AT POINSETTIA LANE Date:02/04/91 Analyst: BCS Time Period Analyzed: 7:30 - 8:30 AM Project ND:1165 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROACH VOLUMES APPROACH SB WB NB EB LT 19 3 50 425 TH 267 20 94 RT 273 51 1 15 TOTAL 295 321 71 534 PHF 0.87 0.74 0.77 0.75 NUMBER OF APPROACH LANES APPROACH SB WB NB EB LT 1 O O 1 TH 1 1 1 1 RT O 1 0 0 TOTAL 2 2 1 rt APPROACH SB WB NB EB SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS DELAY (SECONDS) 86.2 10.8 5.3 17.9 CAPACITY 289 693 210 938 LOS F C B C Average Delay (Intersection) Level of Service (Intersection) 29.9 D ***************************** End of Print Job ***«*«««**»***#«)(C#*)|C*»*!(CKC»* ihk & associates Jhk & Associates, San Diego, CA, Intersection: PASEO DEL NORTE AT POINSETTIA LANE Date:02/04/91 Analyst: BCS Time Period Analyzed: 5:00 - 6:00 PM Project No:1165 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Filename: c:C19AM.dbf i^C ^ jj( 5|c jjC 3|c }jt 3^ 3(c 3^ 1^ )^ }^ )^ 3|C ^ 3)C 3(C 3^ ))t APPROACH VOLUMES APPROACH SB WB NB EB LT 44 1 28 312 NUMBER OF APPROACH LANES APPROACH SB WB NB EB APPROACH SB WB NB EB LT 1 0 O 1 TH 17 137 15 338 TH 1 1 1 1 RT 205 26 4 68 RT 0 1 O 0 SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS DELAY (SECONDS) 33.4 3.1 3-3 21.9 CAPACITY 356 677 178 941 TOTAL 266 164 47 718 TOTAL 2 2 1 PHF 0.81 0.82 0.84 0.94 LOS E A A D Average Delay (Intersection) : Level of Service (Intersection): 21.1 D «««««««««]tc]|cKc««]K«i|c]|c««i|c«]tc«««it:«iK End of Print Job ***«**««*«*««********««»*»* -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 2 0 Intersection Location: Monroe Street and Marron Road CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count svunmary i of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram .:it1L: tf Rs:;; ;:j.,;:il.i 1 r,ir-riin.:i Moe,;;^ni;;^i i I i;;:oi„in I:;;: Rri.;:il g::;::i,: 1 .::.f Ci tg: CRRLSBRD p I , . nONMRR.Hin l"i:'?i"S'?'":l-i 1 td: N/S Street: MONROE St p..:,I..,, pr,ri -led hu-IH E/M Street: MRRRON RD '-'"""''- 0^-A.e: ii,:.„i: HI:;;DHE:;;,DR'I' tr.::itiii E 'I'••'••••--':'••••'HI Heather : CLDOD'i' gnali; "''f'"" '•'^^'^^'••' ^1' '•'•ii3> 15 n;in. i .,:.i;.;;d:;; F:'.;;..;;I:;;: f:rid ot 15 mn. pn ,;1. L,,;;.ft R -I r ri Fhru Ri ght P,;;.ds l„eft 06: IS OM 0 0 1 2 06:30 f)M 19 0 9 5 06:95 DM 1-1 f) „., t;. 0/:00 f)H 20 t) 5 6 0/: :t:;;, fill 19 fl ••1 11 0/: 3D OM 2.^1 D 1 ••1 D/:95 flt1 .;;:5 0 2 .;;i 08:00 flH 30 0 12 10 08: 15 f)H X 15 f) ';;i g 88:30 RH X 2:5 f) -1 i:;;i 08:95 OM X 18 0 6 6 09:00 RM X 29 f;i l'l 1.-' F1ai:. 1 ::;;; nm. ill 0 19 1/ PL. Hr . l'ol . f).-' t;i 29 'Ll ll" frn Ftir 1,1 R:, rgtrt, P 'ed:;;: t. ,;;.tt, 0 -Irn It iru F) :i,gtit P •eds Left 0 •Irn thru R;i ght P eds I'ehicls 2 fl 0 1 1 0 :;;i tl 2 ;;;: 0 0 0 1 0 0 2:;;i 1 fl 0 :3 0 tl '1 f;i 11, ';) 0 5 tl r:| 1 11 E2 ::) fl 9 1 fl t;i ,;;';;;' 1'3 II 2 fl 5 0 0 OE 0 73 .::: fl ;;;: fl fl 1, D I,,-' 1/ II 2 0 fl 0 OE 0 73 '1 13 '•'; '1 fl 2. f;i 16 13 II 3 0 ';;i fl 13 '"I,::' 1 0 1 fl 0 1 0 13 12 1 6 0 1 0 /1 ,;1 fl 1 .;;' f) 0 t) :i,,'' l-l 0 1 t;i l'l 0 8-1 ,;;l t;i 1 .::: fl :;;. t) :i,/ 2,-' t) 6 fl If;. 1 11 1 ill '::' i;;i 1 ' tl 11 1 0 ;;;:'i :i,:;;i 0 3 0 6 3 i;;i 81 2 i;;i 0 0 0 .;;: f;i ;;;::;;i :tf) 1, 5 0 25 8 123 1 0 0 0 0 ;;:: 0 25 22: II 2 0 6 3 0 91 1 0 1 ••1 fl 9 f) 9';) ,;;: i 0 6 fl If) 1 0 1,-33 9 i;;i 5 '1 0 9 t) 9';) 27 1 6 tl 0 l,-'0 t;. 13 2 t;. , f) l-l f) 123 71 1 :t6 fl s:. 9 t;i ••165 t1f;i:t)f) flM Pe.:)k Intei-sec;tion Ir-af t n;:; i ri PL:. Hr . ::: 9i;;,5 P,' llr F,::irtor i:i'3:93D RH Hour Intersection Pdsfrns in PL. Hr.:::: i;:. 03: :95 PM 91 0 29 90 1 32 0 1:3 1';;. 8 21 21 0 09: : 00 PM 10 0 12 0 15 0 21 11 21 21 11 09: : 15 PM .3.::: tl 10 2-1 0 18 0 / 8 19 0 D-1: 30 F'M X 68 8 91 61 8 19 t:i / It) 8 31 tl 09: :95 l-'M X i 3 8 20 .3.::: 1 25 0 1:3 6 f) l'l 0 05: :D0 PM X 51 fl 2t) .if. 0 ';) f:i 6 .;;: 0 0 05: 15 pn X /5 0 39 53 0 11 0 18 0 8 21 0 05: 30 PM 95 0 ;;';••' 31 0 3f;i 0 18 1 :i. ,::. ,::: :;;, fl 0';;;: 95 PM 1/ 0 ID 21 II 5 8 .;;:3 ''i 0 S fl 06: Of) F'H i::! -J 8 1/ 11 0 9 8 12 1 f) 15 f) tl 06: :t5 F'M 9:;;; 0 13 ;):;;. 0 t;. t;i 9 ';) f) It;, f) tl 06: 3D PM 39 0 26 ;•:'/' 1 / 0 6 8 11 0 M.;:ii ! . 15 riiri. :;;. D 91 61 1 31;) 0 23 1,5. 31 11 PL. Hi •'. Vol. 2 f) 12f) 1 fi;;;: 1 ';;.9 0 99 2f;. D 0 09: 15 pn PeaF.: Inter "secti oil Ir.: :iftic in PL. Hr" . :::: .::03/ PeaL: Hr. Fac ;t 05: 15 PM H.::,ur-Inter ":;;:e.:rli c;in Pd:; ;:trns m PL. Mr" 2 Hr. Fac '16 0 20 0 95 1;;;: 0 ~0E 33 1 91 0 122 13 D :-'3i ,;;:'i:;;i i 29 o ::)';;i::;; 35 0 36: 66 I'^l ••18 1) ;:38 D 98 i;;;i 0 502 1 98 2'1 0 9 0 '19 ••I 0 238 0 20E 33 1 20 0 9.;;: ll O 660 1 100 '•19 0 21 tl 122 ID D '19tl 1 ii'i ';;i5 0 10 tl Bt;. E O 133 o 111 95 0 20 0 95 0 0 509 0 Sf) :;)/ 0 8 0 i2ti 11 t;i '129 2 30 21 0 1:3 tl :3i;) . 8 13 ;:'f)f) 13 ••I'^i 15 0 9 D 51 / 0 ;;;:i9 0 t;.i3 26 f) 91 tl 9f;. 1, D ::)t;i/ 0 •02 12 0 10 0 99 5 0 309 1 ihk —J MONROE ST at MARRON RD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 08:00 AM to 09:00 AH & associates Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 Lane Settings 12 0 11 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 1500 3400 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Oo you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? YES Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volune 87 29 44 6 2 6 14 123 74 16 55 9 Adjusted Hourly Volune 87 73 0 6 2 6 14 197 0 16 64 0 Utilization Factor 0.06 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 Critical Factors 0.06 0.00 0.06 0.02 ICU Ratio 0.24 LOS U e s t A P P r Turning Hovements at Intersection of HONROE ST and HARRON RD North Approach MONROE ST Time: 08:00 AM to 09:00 AH Date: 07/25/90 Day: WEDNESDAY Name: JH Sub- Total totals 359 148 211 14 123 --> 74 Subtotals -> Total -> 92 66 14 2 I 87 North I 29 160 252 South Approach 52 <- Totat <- Subtotals I I <— /--- /-> I 44 Sub- totals Totat 9 55 16 80 173 MARRON RD 253 E a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn votunes include U-turns. ihk & associates HONROE ST at HARRON RD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:15 PH to 05:15 PH Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (teft) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 urations 3 / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 1500 3400 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? NO Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? YES Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 227 128 182 59 44 26 88 531 243 79 395 35 Adjusted Hourty Volune 227 310 0 59 44 26 88 774 0 79 430 0 Utilization Factor 0.15 0.09 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.23 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.00 Critical Factors 0.15 0.03 0.23 0.13 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.63 LOS = B U e s t A P P r Turning Hovements at Intersection of HONROE ST and HARRON RD North Approach HONROE ST Time: 04:15 PM to 05:15 PH Date: 07/25/90 Day: WEDNESDAY Name: JH Sub- Total totals 1510 648 862 88 531 --> 243 26 <-' Subtotals -> 366 Totat -> 380 129 44 59 I I I North 227 128 537 903 South Approach 251 <- Totat <- Subtotals I I \.. . <— /— /-> I I I 182 Sub- totals Total 35 395 79 509 772 HARRON RD 1281 Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Nximber: 21 Intersection Location: Monroe Street and Elm Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram .Ifll': ft f1:;;:s.::.c:i,.:;iLi;;.:;;: Eitg: ERRLSBRD Inter" sec;ti cm ::.f: N/S : ;tr eet: E/H : ,tr ,::„=, 1 : f,:i;;,urit Date: ti;:^'/;;;"i .••9f;i '::..::.utti Rpi| ,r"i 1 .::i.::: ti C End .:;. r 15 ri i li -pr-d. t ;;.ft 11-El ri Fhrri 116: p. RM '1 D 5 06:30 RM 10 0 3 06:95 flH 11 8 10 0/:00 RM 9 0 12 0/: 15 RM It;. tl 1 :;;i 0/:3D flM 18 tl ;;;:-i 0/:95 RM X 19 D 22 08:00 RH X ,:i. fl 2. ,;;1 08: 15 flM X 1.;;: fl 10 88:30 RH X 13 fl 1/ 138: 'i::;; RM 3 fl 1/ 89:80 11M It;. 0 11 I ur"r 1 i ng Mo!.• (;• n.;;• n f t;:oun t,:; HONROE :;;.t. ELM Rl'E. :il i, |:;;::i : P.::i.:i.;;. 1, o f File: MONROELM. f:i.::it,.:;l f:c.ll ected Mi:i hg:R: Om^: Heather: fflESDRV f;:tf;;RR I I .'I I 1 • I o n I 1 .. I : '. 1 g 1,| , ; HB;:. H,::,r-t,lr fl|;,|;;ii :;icti C:;;.f;i;:' I Ftl gi lt P.;;.ds t,,t;.ft 1,1 I n i fliru F:;i,.:.|fit Ped:;;: l„,.;;.f l; He t Rppi-o.;; h CEB;:' Fr n Fl iru Rl. it P Han. 1'; PL. fir, D/:30 RM 08:30 RM ni n l..'i;;.I Pe.;;il: H II- Han. 15 nin. :;; PF:;. Rr. l'ol. 5 05:00 PM Peak ll6:t)0 PM Hi;:iur tl t) Inte Int,. 03:9'; PM 10 D " 2 1 2 D9:0t F'M 23 0 23 1 0-1:1!: PM 19 0 20 1 D9:3f PM 11 0 23 3 09:9': PM 10 0 18 9 05: Of PM 13 0 30 2 05: I!: PM X 15 0 3,;;: i 05:3t I'M X 1,2 0 26 i;;; 05:9::-F'M X 9 0 18, 5 06:0C PM X 21 0 29 10 06: r. PM 1/ 0 26 2 III.: il PM 12: 0 2 7 2 15 Inter: Inter: 10 ?ction Fraffic in Pk. tlr ;;•<;:: Iii;;iri Pel:;;:trn:;;: ;i, n Pk _ Hi': ::'cfion traftic in Pk. Rr ;;^ctioii Pdstrns in Pk. Hr 1,1 ';) 11 lfl ;;;: i 1;;;:?; -it;i ';;; i -18 69 12 ,;;:i;;. :i';;; t-l t) .;):;;: t,, 1 6 6 E.::ist, llppi . i;.ft 13-Erri ;:icti CHB;:' Itir-1,1 Ricjtit IS mn Peds l',;;^liic;:t: ;:f;i 8 0 ::8 9 0 •1 ) 1 ,::• I, t;i ;ii;i 6 Cl ;:f;. 10 tl )f) 13 1 lj;. 13 6 '1 18 1 0 f) 0 fl f) 0 0 t) f) 0 :::f;. f;..:i ,-'6 Eifl i'' '•'..< 71 SO 315 0 21 P.;?.;;it:: 51 ';;.f) lo;;; Peak Ml-. Fact. Il'l f)i;:i tfi-1 11/ 11 107 \i . 31 11 18 l'l ;;;:6 :t3 11 1, t'l 8 8 0 t;i 1 0 1 f;i t;i 1 tl f;.5 60 9';) I.'. ••18 /t;i 50 I. 1 i::j t::j 69 ::;i .'•' .-'8 t. 8 19 11 :t'i 81 i3:;;i 16'1 ,'fi'l 1/:::. 1,91;. 219 ;;;:i;;./ i9';;i 20 f;. 2 1.-' ;;:f;./ to fat: P.;:..;:l:;;: t;. 351 ;;)6:3 :;)5/ 3f;.o 'Itis 900 -It;./ 9/6 9;3'i 912 :;;ii;;i9 ;33';;i 9/6 1/09 jhk & associates HONROE ST. at ELH AVE. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:30 AH to „ ^ I-e^t Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 ^ ^ ^ Config- (teft) 2 1 i i •^ t^ urations 3 ^ 1 ^ ^ ,| 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 020111120 120 '^^Pacity 0 3200 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Oo you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? YES Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volune 76 72 8 9 31 128 80 121 18 8 315 21 Adjusted Hourty Volune 0 156 0 9 31 128 80 139 0 8 336 0 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.00 Critical Factors 0.05 0.09 0.05 0.10 ICU Ratio = 0.39 LOS = A Turning Hovements at Intersection of HONROE ST. and ELM AVE. Time: 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: RZ North Approach MONROE ST. 168 341 <- Total 173 <- Subtotals W e s t A P P r Sub- Totat totals 738 519 I 80 219 121 --> 18 128 31 9 III <-' V >-> I I I North <-, - /-> I I I 76 72 8 Sub- totals Total 21 <--- 315 344 /-- 8 138 ELM AVE. 482 A P Subtotals -> 57 Totat -> 156 213 South Approach Note: Left-turn volunes inctude U-turns. HONROE ST. at ELH AVE. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 ihk & associates Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 05:00 PH to Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 06:00 PM Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 0 3200 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? YES Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 57 105 21 38 138 217 321 483 114 9 246 40 Adjusted Hourty Volume 0 183 0 38 138 217 321 597 0 9 286 0 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.14 0.21 0.18 0.00 0.01 0.08 0.00 Critical Factors 0.06 0.14 0.21 0.08 ICU Ratio = 0.60 LOS = A Turning Hovements at Intersection of HONROE ST. and ELH AVE. w e s t A P P r Time: 05:00 PM to 06:00 PH Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: RZ Sub- Total totals 1438 520 918 321 483 --> 114 North Approach HONROE ST. 859 217 Subtotals -> 261 Totat -> 393 138 I V 38 North I I 57 105 183 444 South Approach 466 /-> 21 <- Totat <- Subtotals <— /--- Sub- totals Total 40 246 9 295 542 ELH AVE. 837 Note: Left-turn volunes inctude U-turns. jhk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 22 Intersection Location: Marron Road and Jefferson Street CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram .1HK ft Rssoci ate: El iij: f:flRl„SBl I ri I;,,;;.r-:;;:,;;.,;;:t:i, i;;n i o f F 1,1 r- n i, r i g M .;;i.... e n ,;:• n t t;: o u n f:;;: 0 n a 111:;;: r : H/S E..'H ;; treet; ;; treet; .lEf f I;;;RSI;)M ::;I . MRF:;RfiN ';;;i Fil,; ttat.; lEld-HRf:; 1 ecte t;:.:;.l -HICl 3 hg: P.;:i.;ic. I, E.:;ii„int DaLe: Dag: iEt:iNt;; ;;DO'I' D/.'''2';;; -'90 Death.; r: ,:t„OtiD S iLt R|i|;;ir-,;;, .-tell CNB::' N.;ii It Rppi 0 ;ti •:; ;.B;:' End .;;, t 1,5 Rppi 0 ri i li. :;.rd. Left R-Irn Ftir u R;i gh t. Pc..:1s teft tt trn ftn-u Right 136: 15 RM 2 tl 18 i f;i ••1 • f;i ,:, 12 06: ;3D RM fl 23 0 0 t::j fl ,:::;) 1/ il. 06:95 RH 13 21 0 1 f) :;;i9 1/ il. 0/:00 HM ..•;(' 0 31 0 0 9 0 -16 0/: 15 Rti 0 .",. 0 0 Cij f;i 2,-' ••1;;;: D/:30 f)H 1 :F tl :;);;;: ti fl 1 tl !::,;::; :;;i^:i D/:95 RH 0 f) :;;if) t) 0 1 1 i:;i .'9 f;,2 08:80 l-IH X 9 fl 3t;. 0 ;;;: ,;;::;;, 0 -1.;;' 91 60 Df): i:;;; titl X :;;; 1) 2ti ;;;: 0 1/ tl . :'.i 91 60 D8:3D RM ;«; 0 f) '•If) 2 D 11 ,t ,. -ID 08:95 OM X t;. 11 .;;:f;, o f) 1:3 0 'It;. 61 :;;. 1 09:00 RM 10 fl :;).-' fl fl It) tl 'It;. 61 Man. i::;i nin. 11 0 -It) ,;;: •::. •;:. ,::j . 1 61 91 PL. Ill -. l'ol. .;;:f) 0 1:;;:;;;' -i 2 f;.i;;. 1 IS'I 2-12 0/:95 RM P ;;.,;;it:: i; nt ;.r :;;:,;;• •;;;ti .;,n I r-. itfl c in PL. Hr . :::: 258 08:95 RM ll „iui-I nfl •r secti on Pd: :trns in PL. Hr . ::: ••'.'I 03:95 PM ;•;: 8 121 1 0 f) 119 ,:;l.::: 09:00 F'H 31 98 8 D *t.'.f f) 12;;;: 3-1 O'l: 15 PM 12, 129 1 0 ,:|.:,| fl 109 9 1 09:30 PM 28 It) 5 1 1 95 13 116 111 09:95 PM .J, 13'3 1 0 50 fl 1,20 98 05:00 PM X '2.7 126 3 0 8:;) fl 13t;. 31. 05: 15 PM X 32 i:;)2 0 0 9/ 0 16,;;' 05:30 PM X 25 160 3 0 6/ 2 119 Sll 05:95 PM X 1/ 163 0 fl 5';;i f:i Ifn 3 06:00 PM 16 12:/ 2 fl '.'1 t;i 12t) ill 06: 15 PM ,;;:'i 159 1 0 '.II i:;i 101 i'' 1 •' 06:30 PM i::! 2 0 109 2 0 ';;ii;;. i::i )•!' i 32 Man. : 5 nm. 0 163 3 1 f;. .;:i •;:, 162 PL. Hr . l'ol . 181 0 Sf) 1 6 D 2:;;;i;;. ,;;: 5.:: 1 1/6 09:95 PM P. ;^,;;ik Inti; rsecti on Fr.; ffie in PL. Hr.:::: ;;;:9/E. 05:95 PM Fl. lur I nt,; r-sei:::ti on Pel; tr-ris in Pk. Hi- . :::: 0 ;it f :i, c;; i;;:.;:.iiti .::.;t : ';;.:i gi i.;;i;i, ;i,; Hest tefl I E. P,;;..:;it:: 2-1 10':; Rpprc I - Frn f;i t;i i:;i 0 f;i tl tl f;i 13 0 r;i f;i 13 tl :lCtl CER Itii-u p. tl 1 6 1 -I 19 r;;i 12 igtit P 1 :t;-' 1:3 12 91 f;;.::i:;;:t L(;.ft, I tl 0 fl 0 0 0 tl Ippf :' trn 0 0 fl 0 0 fl ll cMt;i;:' tiri„i Fti, glit Pl tl 1 1 2 1-1 11 :i,'i • 56 E.t) -1:;) 98 /9 51 09 70 60 9:'' 89 15 mn. I ofal ds l..'.;;.1il.;;;I:;;: P,;;.,;1:;;: •-1';) 1 f) 8 1 1 fl t;i tl 1 8 115 13/ 1 13 i,;;;'Ei :t/'9 18';) 201;;. 171 131 132 ISE 56/ '••; 8 661. St) 5 913;;;' 9:1,8 I.I.t, ;;:9?^E. Peal: Hr. Factor 8.93 -J hk & associates JEFFERSON ST. at MARRON ST Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Pk. Hr. Time Period: 07:45 AM to 08:45 AM Lane Inside Config- (teft) urations Outside Page 2 of 3 So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1 1 Lane Settings 1 2 Capacity 1500 3400 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 28 122 28 126 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 2700 3400 1500 1500 1700 0 1 2 0 1500 3400 Hourty Volume Adjusted Hourty Volume UtiIization Factor Critical Factors 0.02 4 66 154 242 68 17 25 0 7 25 0 66 154 242 68 42 0 0 32 0 00 0.02 0.05 0.16 0, .05 0.02 0.00 0.00 0, .01 0.00 0.16 0, .05 0. .01 ICU Ratio = 0.33 LOS = A U e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of JEFFERSON ST. and MARRON ST Time: 07:45 AM to 08:45 AM Date: 07/25/90 Day: WEDNESDAY Name: RZ Sub- Total totals 387 277 110 68 17 --> 25 North Approach JEFFERSON ST. 679 463 242 154 I I <-' V Subtotals -> 179 Total -> 67 North <- ^ I I 28 122 154 333 South Approach <- Totat 216 <- Subtotals /-> /--- I V Sub- totals Total 25 7 0 32 119 87 MARRON ST Note: Left-turn volumes inctude U-turns. ihk & associates JEFFERSON ST. at MARRON ST Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM Lane Inside Config- (left) urations Outside Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Settings 1 2 0 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 2 0 Capacity 1500 3400 0 2700 3400 1500 1500 1700 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 101 581 6 256 521 176 343 84 91 1 54 262 Adjusted Hourly Volume 101 587 0 256 521 176 343 175 0 1 316 0 Utilization Factor 0.07 0.17 0.00 0.09 0.15 0.12 0.23 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 Critical Factors 0.17 0.09 0.23 0.09 ICU Ratio = 0.69 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of JEFFERSON ST . and MARRON ST Time: 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM Date: 07/25/90 Day: WEDNESDAY Name: RZ Sub- Totat totals 849 331 518 343 84 --> 91 North Approach JEFFERSON ST. 2143 <- Total 955 1188 <- Subtotals 176 521 258 I I I <-' V '-> North /-- I V Sub- totals Total 262 54 317 1 663 /-> 346 MARRON ST Subtotals -> 613 Total -> 101 581 688 1301 South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 23 Intersection Location: Elm Avenue and Harding Street CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour icu Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram I liming Moeenenl Eourd.:;: Rnal gsis P.::igi;;. 1, c;, f ::) I, I tg: Inter EflRLSBlID ;Eion ot: H.-;.tr. ;;tr-, i;.t: HRRDINO St ;;.t: F;;f,H F|I,.'E file: HRRDELM.Hia Data Eolfected hg: t;:c.i„ii it, D.:;it,;;. 0/,-•;;;'i;;./913 F;;nd i;;.f i:;;, r-u n. f ind. 06:IS RH 06:30 OM fit;.:9';;; RM 0/:00 RM 0/': 1';;. DM 0/:30 RM 0/:9S RM 08:00 OM t;i8: i::;. DM X 08:3t;i OH I"! 08:95 OH x i;)':):f1i;) RM X Dacp Heather 1 IIDRSD CtODD'i' l i .il I i;;:orrt,r"o;i ;;.i::ii.itLi f)|:;ipr-o,:jcti CNB Left H"trr 9 i:: ID If) 1,8 Thru Ffi, ,.jt"it :;;i / N.:;.i 111 R|;:.|:;n ci.;:i,::;Fi C:;;.fi;:' He:;;:):, flp.pi ,;: Peds Left t,l-lrn Fhru Riglrl Peds F.e.fl II Irn 6 n 15 20 13 21 13 3 15 F';) 1/ J '1 fl fl 0 0 0 tl fl 11 1/ It) Han. : 1,!:;. run. 1,8 tl ifl ji,::; fl 1.' 1 11 .;;: 1 6 0 Pl:. Hr . t.'.;;.I . 58 8 /';) t;.';) 0 Iflfl 0 '1';;; 10 0 08:00 RM Peal Inter se.ct;i,.;; • n I r .;;if tic m Pl:. Hr-i/i;;ii3 P,;;..:;il 09:00 RM Hour Inter secti0 in Pd:;;:ti r ri:;;: i n Pl;. tlr .:::: 36 03: '1'::i PM i:;) 0 16 ;:i. 0 /:;;; tl 213 '1 0 09:00 PM 1/ fl 21 3f) 0 t'l tl ;;;:6 0 09: 15 PM i:;) f) 2.-' :31 0 60 fl 6 0 09:30 PM 16 0 18 2 3 0 '1-1 f) 2t) ;::| t) ll'h'I'i PM X 12 0 28 31 tl 28 t) 39 j::. t) 05:00 PM X l'l 0 31 21 f) /';;; 0 p-p '1 0 05: 15 PM X i;;;: 0 29 9i;;i 0 6'3 0 25 D 05:30 PM X 13 0 32 21 0 89 8 18 8 0 05:95 PM 11 tl 21) ;;;:9 f) 5/ 0 '1 f) 06:00 PM t::I •"! D 32 0 5'1 t;i 18 '1 fl 06: 15 I'M 1,;;; 0 19 15 i;;i '• i '1 t:i fl 06:30 PM ';) 0 :;)9 ;;;:;-' 0 tl 19 6 fl Man. IS nin. ,::;3 0 3'1 '10 tl El 9 0 'If) f) f) Pk. Hr . t.'ol . :::. i fl i2i;) 113 t) 3 11 1 El 12';) It;. f) 09:30 PM Peal: I nter-; sectio n traft "ic iri P|.:. Hr ?/58 63 05:30 PM H .ir-Inter: ;;:.;;^i;;;t, i o n Pdstr -li:;;; in Pk. Flr- ?/58 63 l'l 6 9 13 '1 i:;;i 13 .;;: i ;;loi BM Sl gnali::;; a.;;;ti CI;B;:I Fhru Rii 9'3 '.I. t;.;-' 112 :,.ii ';;i';;; lfl 2 lis ';)/ 112 if;if;i 1,;;;:';) i.;;:9 188 .;;:05 18'1 :t'i8 .'fl6 1'39 i';)t;i 196 It;. 9 177 111 170 i'l II, 291 rl Pe^ils 1, 0 tl 1 12 0 It;. :t9 9 10 19 21 -If) l::..::i:;::t Flpipir-,;; ;.ft R-Frn 8 0 / D •;) t;i 8 0 t;. 0 8 0 9 13 1-1 2f;. :i3 1/ 2-1 39 21 20 102 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 t:i D D ::ic;h CHB;:I I tir 1,1 Rl ,„|trl t:,' 111'I It) 9 if)';;i i9f;. 1-19 1';;;/ 102 109 6:) 9 199 199 19/ 169 299 215 209 196 202 186 1/D 1// 2-1-1 8:;;;';) ::) 1 ;) ,- 11. 9:;;; :t-i'3 ;:)5 99 90 90 9:3 95 61 29 31 t;. 1 137 Ped-: 16 11 19 10 11 16 16 2:0 1/ 10 1,:;;; if;i 2 El I'^i 1:,;. ri;i, r i. I'ehi cl s 11/ 1/-1 .•111, 21';;; .;;'80 318 -if;,-i :3EI9 91, :t 'i3f;. 512 512 i/::;.f) i;;.i5 6:;;i2 f;.3Ei 231 1.1.3 6:;:iD /19 '.'III '•.•III 512 ';;;/f;. /31 t otal : Peds ID 15 16 :F") 11 16 11. 19 lfl 11 16 1,6 20 1/ 10 ,.;;:9 19 ,••1 i;;.3 Factor ll.'l I Ihk & associates HARDING ST at ELM AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 06:00 AM to 09:00 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1111 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 urations 3 /. 1 1 1 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 0 10 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 0 1500 0 0 1500 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 50 79 69 160 45 10 14 446 27 75 634 149 Adjusted Hourty Volume 0 198 0 0 215 0 14 473 0 75 783 0 Uti I ization Factor 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.00 0.05 0.23 0.00 Critical Factors 0.00, 0.14 0.01 0.23 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.48 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of HARDING ST and ELM AVE U e s t A P P r Time: 08:00 AM to 09:00 AM Date: 07/26/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: BU Sub- Total totals 1181 694 North Approach HARDING ST 457 10 14 487 446 --> 27 I V Subtotals -> 147 Total -> 215 45 160 I I V '-> North I I 50 79 198 345 South Approach <- Total 242 <- Subtotals /-> I 69 \ -.. < — /--- Sub- totals Totat 149 634 858 75 675 ELH AVE 1533 E a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. ihk & associates HARDING ST at ELM AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 04:30 PM to Appr. (UB) 05:30 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 11111 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 urations 3 L 1 1 1 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 0 10 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 0 1500 0 0 1500 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 51 120 113 311 129 16 21 791 48 102 859 197 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 284 0 0 456 0 21 839 0 102 1056 0 Uti t ization- Factor 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 0.30 i 0.00 0.01 0.25 0.00 0.07 0.31 0.00 Critical Factors 0.00 0.30 0.01 0.31 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.73 LOS = C Turning Movements at Intersection of HARDING ST and ELM AVE U e s t A P P r Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Date: 07/26/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: BU Sub- Total totals 1786 926 21 860 791 --> 48 North Approach HARDING ST 794 456 16 129 311 I I I <-' V »-> Subtotals -> 279 Total -> 563 South Approach <- Total 338 <- Subtotals North - /-> I I I 51 120 113 284 Sub- totals Total 1... <--- 859 1158 /--- 102 2373 1215 ELM AVE Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Nvimber: 24 Intersection Location: Tamarack Avenue and Adams Street CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary i of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram I' ';;;i t;: t;i2i 11;. - t l t''' 2LH: . 61 81 OSE 0 EE R 331 eo.: -"^^ ^^' ^^' ^01 0 SI 0 19' :;;;2t 0 yi r ii;= " i' " if;e E: I;;: t;./ ti en t)!;;: .io;|,;;:,e3 "-'1 61 "IR • dd Ul SUJ ^•9"'.:1 r3::>a:;;:„ ia;|,u 1 .io;|,;;:,e3 "-'1 1 9'=''3.3 .;;:t:^bi •i|1 •dd II 1 1 1 1 .p;;.,j 1 u.;:i 1 ;pi.;;,s„ lapu] 0 82 0 81 S2 0 e 0 201 12 0 'i: 8 ,:;:i 0 6 01 0 t;: 0 2f;: 01 0 Ec 8 '3 El 9 1;;: f) I 0 f)2 01 D El 8 9 t;i f;: t:^ tl f:i 0 E:I;;: 9 0 •;) 8 S tl I::. i;;: 0 0 tl tit: L D 9 0 2 0 s 9 0 I 0 92 9 0 EII 0 21 0 E •;) tl 11 tl 01;;: 9 tl L';;;' t) L tl '• i 01 tl .;;: 0 12 ';;, fl L';;;' t) 0 tl r p 0 I 0 81 :;;; tl 01 f) .-' tl tl .;;: 0 21: 6 0 91 0 f. El 1: ;;;' 0 D 0 I ;;;• E 0 g t;i 11 t;i L ,;;: 0 0 13 tl 01 t) 21 13 t;. E: 11 ,:;• 0 22 ';) tl II t) •;) 0 ,;;• fl j::| tl 12 s 0 EI ^'"•'H M.:l 00 = •'1'^:''='.:1 Md i;:iti: -UlU c,|; -neg Md OE^OD 11 OEE. II .;;• b,:;' fl p. 11 fi^i ;:.p| to 0 .:i ri '• K» li e n f r " " " ''^''^' '"' 0 Md :;;,i:::' i I2E S fl , 1311 0 f I r' ; ; '::" " '•' '-"••: t. D 9 X M.: I = '30 E: SEE E: i g g cp i, : :^ ' " < 02 3 0 31 x M.I •;;,t:'-;;,o I:- f;:si;;: E i .:.' j:;l( g n a :' '•' '-"=• ' i'^^ n.3 of;:nsti I- i;;i6.;;: E I t' , i '-' '-' '••' 1 xMd';;;i:sfi 1' 0'3i;- L ';;, 11 [ p, ' • ';:' '• '-' oi 5 0 m Md Df):st;i !• 0.:::/ I' 0 62 fl 2 p p , •;: : '::' •' '-' ••-'••: o o 91 ud sb:t:'i;i i;;:62 ';;, 0 011 0 g ' ' '::' " '-' l' 0 0 Md D£::L.I;) L o,:;2 t:. ;•' 1/ n P I T n ^' " -'t H'^i ^'1=1 ,10 :p;;.i::^ .-I '811 92 Ll 13,-::. , r, ;::; ::; ':• '' •"• '-' '' " "i -:: f) •:) f) t 92 E : i:,;: : I::! i:''^ :;:'!=: ';:' ':;' ri 3 0 2 0 i 0 9f;. 0 I • P ^.) • L' "t',1 l'''.1 |'|h in 11 ic| I 169 0 1 bl D SE EE 661 f) ::' D 91 12 9f;:i f) 1 0 ';;ii: 2 b .:;:i;;. 2;;;: I ';;it:.i: 0 f) 0 1 3 0 ;;' t) 1: 0 11 01 ';)):• 8';;, SEI ;;;:2i t) :; ;; i;;i ';;i 1: ,;:: 6t;.i t) :; ;; t) 11 82 t:..:::i t) t 0 ;; 0 ;: El t)i ,::.,;;• ost 6 E. t) ll j; ;' t) 11 81;;: Sfl I b9 t) c 0 E tl ;• t) 1 t) i:^!;;: tl 1 f "Lt 'J-ll -11 l,l.;;i 1 spia. J I'IF;. |;;:1 11,11, "" •" •-• '• ' '•' i:'!-':: 8 ,::;,:;: 11 • , •[ g c n l-l -.1 ,1 f,i",T 11 ..' ,, o , , , ,, ,,, :,: : ;' ':' •" o ...i ,-1 u " ' ' " 11 •• " 9 t;i , 2 9 11 0 ^ 0 ';;; o ti 2 P' ;:; ? o l.l I:;'.: I 11 !.. ii m .::M U i . . .. " 1^' 1:1 n 1: i::i^::i b I Eiir 0 E v ;:; '::' '-' ^ ' i:>'ai s 1: stii 0 2' n c ne , • ':' ^: " 1: 2 0 I:- ';;.•;;;/ i^ t:^ i.:ic,i: n ; i-i iic - ;;: " ' '-' 2 0 0 0 0 0 111131 P J .;:. ] :;;:p..;;.,j i gt;.i;:.| i i,.n„| | u.r p „|i ;pp;;."| sp..:;.,..| :| i„|t;,iy n.,ii,.| j u,i p, '" ''•'l ':»( ':;8M;:. 'F::":i"::cJ.::l.::l|:l :|.si::.3 ..i::!-;)'., i'p:,e,;:,'^,dd|7 p;i:aM I Z 1; |i;:.l,lf:i 1,;~ : |i::,„l ;| 1,1,;;, "| •1'=''='.:1 21311 0 72 21 0 0 11 13 0 2 •;) tl fl ';i .;;: tl 0 1:1 El f;i El 11 '3 '1 I-. 0 0 ):• fl 11 8 I t) fl ';) ,;;: 11 0 i;;j t fl tl ';;; ,:;: 13 El I::' t 13 fl ("j 1 0 :;;:|;..;;.,j t9l""3:1 " "1,1 1,1 „ ':;ff;; ;::• 9 J' i„,i.;; .iifi03:;i 9':' ft .'.tlrlE .9Nff;;iH -JH "dd '": su„j;p;;:p,,i uo ri,::;..;js,j.iJi,u;| .jnoj.) yg i;;;|::gn 'H "dd " i: ='LII'S^M '.JO r;( ;;,s,ia;ju] ::.|i:;.a,.| gg .::,p:,.g;i t;i 0 1: tl I 0 I 2 0 D 0 f) 0 tl 86 • f'^'ri --'R •••Id 62 -uiM ,::j-| -nog 1 •;' MO 00=60 ';;i;;;' HO Sb-930 t;.f H8 DE^BO 12 X Mf) 00 = 80 1..' X MH Sb:20 ';);;;: X Ht) i;)E = 2l3 ;-:;-: HD Sl=20 02 MH 00=20 21 MB Sb=9D EI HD 0E=90 !;;ii MD Sl=90 ;p|,.;:," 1 •pcj,3 -uiu ',1 I" l"i 1 '•'N .: RH . g "•• ' I'l.lg i,f|rio<:; ' I •.I'M fit;. "91 ='if 9'-91 lunog „„,.|::„„, , 3r)D M;. ;3DHDi =3'= 'IS H/9 -',"' ,';I I"-' "^""O .1,::; sm( =!':'•::'-r:|-S S/H =.1'' ' '9 ::.::=-i^::.3u 1 li'in' MHiMHOH -"^l E:! ' ' '' ""'1 sish |eu|i :>3uno3 :|,uauaao|.j Du lu in j OHflS 1;HU3 :I'1 Id •ii' l'i' ! ihk & associates ADAMS ST at TAMARACK AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Lane Inside 1 Config- (teft) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1111111 1 Lane Settings Capacity 0 1 0 1500 0 1 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume UtiIization Factor Critical Factors 0 111110 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 0 98 12 15 3 12 27 22 244 35 14 691 14 0 125 0 0 42 0 22 244 35 14 705 0 00 0.08 0.00 0. ,00 0.03 0.00 0, .01 0.14 0.02 0.01 0.41 0.00 0.08 0, ,00 0, .01 0.41 ICU Ratio 0.61 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of ADAMS ST and TAHARACK AVE U e s t A P P r Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Date: 07/25/90 Day: UEDNESDAY Name: BU Sub- Total totals 1117 816 22 301 244 --> 35 North Approach ADAMS ST 90 42 27 12 I I <-' V Subtotals -> 61 Totat -> 186 South Approach <- Total 48 <- Subtotals North <-, ^ /-> I I I 98 12 15 125 Sub- totals Totat 14 691 719 14 961 262 TAMARACK AVE E a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn volumes inctude U-turns. ihk & associates ADAMS ST at TAMARACK AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 05:00 PM to Appr. Appr. 06:00 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 urations 3 /. 1 Outside H 5 Lane Settings 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 Capacity 0 1500 0 0 1500 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 56 21 107 3 25 18 28 605 186 33 350 10 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 184 0 0 46 0 28 605 186 33 360 0 Utitization Factor 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.36 0.12 0.02 0.21 0.00 Critical Factors 0.12 0.00 0.36 0.02 ICU Ratio 0.60 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of ADAMS ST and TAMARACK AVE U e s t A P P r Time: 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM Date: 07/25/90 Day: WEDNESDAY Name: BU Sub- Total totals 1243 424 28 819 605 --> 186 North Approach ADAMS ST 105 46 18 25 I I <-' V Subtotals -> 244 Total -> 428 South Approach <- Total 59 <- Subtotals North <-, " /-> I I I 56 21 107 184 /--• I V Sub- totals Total 10 350 393 33 1108 715 TAMARACK AVE Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Nvunber: 25 Intersection Location: Tamarack Avenue and Pio Pico Drive CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Siimmary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and . 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram i, at. I u rn 1 n g H oc;. n.;;. 111, t:: i;:, i „i 111:;;: 11 n .;:i 11 „| s :i,: .::i.:ie :t .;:. I :;;i Citg: ERRLSBRD F n t e r :;;: c;. c 11.1 r f : H /';;. S t, r e e t: PI 0 p f f: fl E/H Str eel: fOMHRRCK EIVE i;:.::.i,ii it t:i.;;i t c;.: i;:i:''..''.;;-i.":;ii;,i File: P10PRM.H|i;i Data toll.;; Fed hg: t'':"3= tllESDO'i' fi-aflic Control: Si gnali Heatlier: CEERR End of 15 '^!:::':„.'i::'':"''''' ''i ^' i ':''-' ^: Right Peds Left H Fm Fhru Right Peds I'eliicls Peds 0 0 0 0 7E 3 1 132 i 0 1 0 t) 9-1 t;. 1 l,:3'l 2 0 1 0 0 HE 3 2 2E3 6 13 '•I tl fl lf;i8 12 11 -li:'6 0 2 0 0 If)';;, ,i;;;' ;;;' 3- 10 II ;:;• 0 13 191 -1 :;: p '•' 0 0 0 171 1 5 305 12 0 3 II fl ,,'iii. Ifl 1 .| | I ', II (I t) 0 :t-l9 6 1 ,:'90 I (I tl fl 0 i,;;:9 ,-• 3 29.:i 9 0 2 0 0 133 11 1 2'58 f. '-' 1 0 8 151 17 ,;;: ;:;:9t:i 3 0 6 D 0 206 1/ 5 911 12 '-' I';' l-l 1) 253 '30 11 i:;;i3'3 :;)3 ni 1 li. prij. Left ( l-Ir-n ffirii Right P( ;-ds Left U-Frn Ih(-u fi :ight Peds Left t 1-Ifn Fhl i,j fit;. : 15 RM D 0 fl fl t) f) El tl .;;'2 f;i 5 0 ,;;'f) Dt;. :3t) lltl 13 0 D fl 0 ••1 0 13 •ifl 0 6 11 :;;ig ot;. :-l';;. fIFI 0 t;i fl tl 0 '1 f) 0 3/ 11 El El ';;;•;) t);-' :flf;i RH t:i 13 13 0 D 1 1 0 f;i :;;ii;;. 1 I ';;i tl f;,i;) f;i-^ : 1:;;; RM X f;i 0 0 13 13 f) t;i 13 :;)':;. t;. 1/ 0 t;, 1 o;-^ :;30 Rti X :-i';;. fill X fl El D 0 0 5 t) 0 3.-' 1 1 :F t;i 5/ o;-' :;30 Rti X :-i';;. fill X 13 0 fl D t) 1. II f;i -1.;;' :i p.. t) t;.,-' 08 :00 RM X i;;i D fl 0 f) f) fl fl ';;i;;;' 1 tl 1,0 El 0 6:;;; 88 : i:;^, 13 M 0 0 0 fl f;i 6 0 fl -It) t) 2'l tl 1,0 El 0 6:;;; 88 :3D RM f) 0 fl 0 t;i f;i t;i tl .;;'f) :t 1.;;: ll CO 11 1, 83: :'15 RM tl 0 0 13 t) f) f) 13 It;. ll CO 11 1, 09: :D0 RM 0 fl 0 0 0 9 0 fl ,'ii 13 21 II /,;;• Hai 1. 15 nin 0 D fl 13 0 11 t) 13 5.;;: 6 , „, „. f) ttif) Pk. . Rr". l'ol f;i 0 tl fl t;i 2/ tl t) ft;. 6 ';;i I'D i;;i ,;;:';) 3 0/r :Ot;i RM Pe.;:il.: 1 lit. •rsect: ton Fr.;jff i 1;;; in PL. Hr.:::: 1:3 3 El Pe.ak Hr. Fa ctor 0.81 08: :f)f) RH Hour" Inte •rse t; ron F'd:;;tr n:;;: in Pk. Hr.:::: 3:;) ctor 0.81 03: 95 PM 0 0 0 0 D 1/ 0 13 2/ D 3 1 09: t;io 1 M f) 0 0 0 D IB 0 0 21 ••1 28 09: 15 PM t) 0 0 13 fl 11 t) 0 1 , '11 09: ill F'M t;i 0 0 0 0 19 0 t) 18 .;;: ••13 9 3 ••I 09: 'i';;i 1 M •; 0 0 t) fl 0 ,;;:'i t) tl :;)6 .;;: ••13 9 3 ••I 05: DO PM X tl 0-t) t) D .'II t) fl 21 05: 15 PM X 13 tl 0 0 fl f;i fl :iii '1 :3i;;i 1, -1;-' 05; :;)o F'M X tl 0 0 t) fl ;;;: :i t) fl 19 '1 :3i;;i 1, -1;-' 05; 95 PM 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 19 1 ••12 06: Of) F'M t;i D t) f) 13 fl tl ,'0 Dt;.: 1,';:. F'tl tl tl t) 13 0 tl D 11 ,;;: in 06: -iill.l F'H D 13 0 0 f;i 1;;. t) El ;;l 9 11 M.::in FS mn. 0 0 13 t) t) El 13 36 '1 9/' Pl:. 111 . t.'.;;,I . tl 0 fl f) 0 El,;:: 8 El 101 11 156 0 231 0 1 0 0 1/,;;' ';i fl .::||:i;:' ig 0 >02 0 3 0 0 157 1? 9 91i3 22 0 ;;;:,;;•,;;: ti t;, o o 10/ 15 lo :3';)/ io " '-'••'-- 0 9 t) 0 10,;;: 1,;;: 19 .::|3-| ,::•':; 0 ••ll-' 0 12 t) D 19'^1 11 9 216 25 l-l :^ii':' ll It) t) 0 166 r;:, 9 571 21 0 :;;i;;i:;;; 0 :i,o ti o lo/ 1;:' 10 oi'i ;;'9 0 3f;if) t) :;;, 0 g i';;ii;i ;;;• p, ,::j.;;|-:. yp l-l 189 D 9 0 0 125 f) 6 :3'3/ 11 '•' '"••'•••' 'I '5 0 0 110 i:;:, ID 991=, 1/ '•' 12 E 0 6 tl fl 109 lfl 6 :3^:11 19 l-l 13'-" 1) El D 0 El 9 8 9 ;;;:E,9 1/ l-l ••ll''' i;;i i;;. 0 o 199 1/ 19 211-. .'s '•' '•••''•''- 0 ;;;i.'' 0 0 E// 50 31 '211s 02 09:30 PM Peak Intersecti i traffic in Pl:. Hr.:::: 2998 PeaL Hr Ea.-lor 0 05:30 PM Hour Intersecti i Pdstrns in PL. Nr.:::: 82 d ihk & associates PIO PICO at TAMARACK AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 11111 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 urations 3 / 1 1 1 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 0 10 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 0 1500 0 0 1500 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 0 0 27 0 166 70 293 0 0 753 30 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 0 0 0 193 0 70 293 0 0 783 0 UtiIization Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 1 0.00 0.05 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 Critical Factors 0.00 0.13 0.05 0.23 ICU Ratio = 0.51 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of PIO PICO and TAMARACK AVE Time: 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM North Approach PIO PICO Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY 293 <- Total "3"^= 193 100 <- Subtotals Sub- 166 0 27 Total totals III " Sub- " <-' V '-> I ' totals Total e 919 < I I s t 1282 I .70-' I A 363 293 --> I P 0 North V P I > 320 r E I a '---30 s <--- 753 783 t /--- 0 I 1103 A P P r /-> TAMARACK AVE I 0 0 Subtotals -> 0 0 Total -> 0 Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. ihk & associates PIO PICO at TAMARACK AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM So . Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) Pk. Hr. Time Period: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Config- (left) 2 1 1 1 urations 3 / 1 1 1 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 0 1500 0 0 1500 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0. 10 Hourly Volume 0 0 0 92 0 101 156 1372 0 0 677 50 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 0 0 0 193 0 156 1372 0 0 727 0 UtiIization Factor 0. 00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.10 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.00 Critical Factors 0. 00 0.13 0.40 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.63 LOS = B U e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of PIO PICO and TAMARACK AVE North Approach PIO PICO Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: JL Sub- Total totals 2306 778 156 1528 1372 --> 0 Subtotals -> Total -> 101 399 <- Total 193 206 <- Subtotals 92 North /-> I 0 0 0 /--- I V Sub- totals Totat 50 677 727 0 2191 1464 TAMARACK AVE South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 26 Intersection Location: Jefferson Street and Las Flores Drive CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram E lEg: 1 riLei c;ii;;:;i. .;;i li ;;.ctii I (J r- r I i n g M o.... e n e n t, t:: ,j n I:;;: N/S Str- i-:/M :;;;ii- ;.t: ;'t: .,1EFFERSf;iN St LO';;; Fi„,f;iRf;;s t:iR. lalgsi: F:i le: 3EFL0SFE.HK DaLa Foilected bg P.;;igi;;. I CouiiL DaL.; tl//;;;: 5,."ii::i Dag: Healhe IIEI:'NE:SDRV' CEERR f 1 .ill 1 c 1..1.I 1 ;; i, gnal i ze.:l cuit h R|:;,pr-,;;.ach CHll:' i;;iici a 1 P. nm. 1 ii-il. teft ll trn Itn-u R :igtit 06: 15 Rti D 0 -j 13 06:30 flfl fl fl :;;. -19 06:95 Rti fl tl ID -1t> D/:00 DM tl tl 1,1, ::)';) O.^': 15 RH 0 0 9 35 o;-': ;;ii;;i HM tl f;i IE. ;;;'9 0/:95 DM X fl 0 2 2 .::|,i:| 08:00 RM X 11 f:i 19 '1';;; 08: 15 I II I fl fl 18 •'.'} -'.'.1 f)i;;i: :;;ii;;i HM X 0 tl 29 11 08:95 RM i;i D :;;i i 11 f)'3: fit) t1t1 0 0 29 '33 Ha Pl: t-1 :i, 11 „ I'd . t;i:-'::3t) RM 08:30 OM F'e.ak Flour I riti.r 1 ritH-.r-: :: li i Ir-.;;iff:i ;;ti ori Pd:;;:tr ri:;; Nor t,h R|:;,|::,i-,;..: tl '2;;f t:' He:;;:) :, Rp.p.r.::, -.! h Cf:8;: East I t" ': lach CMB;> 15 mn. total • lis: Lell 1 9-trn I tirn F: :J ght, f'c.d :;;. t„.;;. lt 0 "frn thru RJ .;itit, Pc-•d:;;: I eft t tlrn ftir 1,1 Rl, jhi p c..;1:;;, t .'ehicls Peds 1 t;, f) 13 fl I t) tl fl fl fl •;) 0 0 -;. f) '16 .;: fl -1 11 .::'.;:' fl 1 11 f;i f;i t;i fl 9 tl t;i '1 f) 9::;i 3 :ii3:;) i fl 1) 0 2 7 fl 1 0 fl fl 11 fl 0 fl fl 9 0 9::;i 3 :ii3:;) i 0 ft:. 1/ fl 3f;i fl 1 tl fl tl tl tl 12: 1) 0 "j f;i 119 1 3 ft:. 1/ 0 26 tl I 8 fl 0 0 0 20 fl fl „-,-l 1 110 5 2 1 -1 11 ;) ;:i tl :i II fl fl 0 13 29 0 f;i "I 1 i,;;;::;;i 'i ifi:;;< -i ;::' 16 fl 50 D ,;;: i;;i fl fl tl ll ,3.-t;i II fl 0 i,;;;::;;i 'i ifi:;;< -i , 19 0 .1. I .I fl 1 f;i fl fl 11 i;;i 'F:| D tl t;. 0 .;;::;;i6 :;) fl .•II fl f;,i;i fl 2 0 f;i fl fl tl -1 1 0 f;i ,;j 1 i,.='2 :;) 1,2-1 2 1 t;. tl 9::;i t) i;i t) f;i tl tl tl ';;;3 t;i t;i 1 0 1 i,.='2 :;) 1,2-1 2 t 0 12 It;. t:i 0 5-1 -19 0 1 fl b fl 1 fl 0 13 D fl 0 0 0 t) 33 '10 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 181 / l/'6 2 3 2i;) tl it:i::;i 0 1 :;. 13 fl 0 tl 0 ';;.3 tl tl ,;:, 1 ,' il, / //2 12 ' t;. :i tl ,;;:6<i 1) :;; o 11 0 tl f;i 1/';;. 0 tl 2'1 ,' il, / //2 12 m Pk. Hr.:: in Pk. Hr.:: Real.; Hr. Factor 1,2 M.::iM. 15 ni li. PI:. Ill". t.'.;;.l . 119 :;;i::;iEi ';i5 ;;:/9 09:30 PM EIS:30 PM Peal; tt ir Interse ti i Fraffic Inter-sc tion Pdstrn:;; 3/ 111 in Pl: 111 Pl: l lr-.:: i';;,6i 26 6 19 Peal; 96 9 1 71 I .„ I , 03: '15 PM D tl 96 If 1 g 32 g Sfl tl .. i:;;i ti 19 1 •••I 1 1 09: 09: fit) 15 Pll PM t) 0 D 0 22 s;;; 85 9E 1 1 8 8 69 D 63 0 I..I 1 6 I..I 0 0 0 D 0 13 fl 0 fl f) 0 i;;i g 3.::: 68 96 D 0 11 0 0 PI i:;;i ti 19 1 •••I 1 1 191 2/9 351 0 3 09: ill PM t;i 0 '10 6f; 1 9 L:1 El St;. 0 '•'; f;i 0 El t;i fl 1.2 11 t;i t;i -.' .1 J. 3 3 fl 191 2/9 351 0 1: 95 I'M t) tl ::;;5 5<: 1 2 ::;i'i fl 9i;) fl '1 tl 0 0 0 0 f) 1 tl t;i t;i 53 :t ; •' '3 / 05: tlO I'M -: tl fl 69 61 ;;;: 2D t) 'II. tl 2 tl f:i fl f:i 0 f) 1 0 tl /1 0 59 1 3 '3 El ••1 05: I'i PM X tl fl 119 9';; i;;i ';) 1 0 ';;i D El f;i t;i f;i 26 tl 0 tl /1 0 59 1 ••1,-',-' 'i 05: 111 I'll •: PM tl 0 96 /::: 1 2 20 f) t;.i3 El tl 13 fl 0 0 tl 0 t;i 0 63 ;;;: :3 s f 1 3 8'3 05: 'i:;;. I'll •: PM tl D 35 5.:1 1 ;;;: 20 f) .-'.;;' t) tl fl 0 t;i 0 96 tl t;i 0 63 ;;;: :3 s f 1 •' 6 '••; r:j 06: 06: t;ii;;i PM tl 0 77 11 1 ';;. .;;'f;. 8 '.0 II :i. 0 fl tl t) f;i 21 i::j tl tl 20 2 3 1 06: 06: 1,::;; PH I'M tl 0 33 '3E 1 If;. 0 3-1 0 t:i t;i D t) tl f;i tl 21 i::j 0 11 18 0 2 IS 137 3 1 06: ill PH I'M fl 0 13 11 1 18 fl :ti;) El i::i 0 El fl 0 f;i tl 3D D 0 11 t) 2 IS 137 .1. 1 9// 1561 jhk & associates JEFFERSON ST at LOS FLORES DR. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1111 1 Config- (teft) 2 1 1 urations 3 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 010110000101 Capacity 0 1700 0 1500 1700 OOOO 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 0 83 165 61 264 0 0 0 0 175 0 24 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 248 0 61 264 0 0 0 0 175 0 24 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.04 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.02 Critical Factors 0.15 0.04 0.12 ICU Ratio = 0.40 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of JEFFERSON ST and LOS FLORES DR. W e s t A P P r Time: 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Date: 07/25/90 Day: WEDNESDAY Name: JL Sub- Total totals 0 0 --> 0 North Approach JEFFERSON ST Subtotals -> 439 Total -> 432 325 264 61 I I V '-> 687 South Approach <- Total 107 <- Subtotals North /-> I I I 0 83 165 248 < — /--- Sub- totals Totat 24 0 199 175 425 226 LOS FLORES DR. Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. _jhkA JEFFERSON ST at LOS FLORES DR. Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SS) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 111 1 Config- (teft) 2 1 1 urations 3 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 010110000101 Capacity 0 1700 0 1500 1700 0 0 0 0 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 339 279 111 295 0 0 0 0 291 0 246 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 618 0 111 295 0 0 0 0 291 0 246 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.07 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.16 Critical Factors 0.36 0.07 0.19 ICU Ratio = 0.73 LOS = C associates Turning Movements at Intersection of JEFFERSON ST and LOS FLORES DR. Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Date: 07/25/90 Day: UEDNESDAY Name: JL North Approach JEFFERSON ST 991 <- Total 406 585 <- Subtotals U e s t A P P r Sub- Total totals 0 0 --> 0 0 295 111 1 I I -' V Subtotals -> 586 Totat -> North /-> I I I 0 339 279 618 1204 South Approach Sub- totals Totat ' - - - 246 <--- 0 537 /--- 291 927 390 LOS FLORES DR. Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection N\imber: 27 Intersection Location: El Camino Real and College Boulevard CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Siimmary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram -Ill I'; ;;ial, I uini I ig Moeenei rl Eoun Is Dual gsi : f'.i.:ii;;- 1 t;;:i-tii: Ef)RL,';;;8fiD Inters.;; tioi f : H ;; treet: E/M Street: F;;L f:f)M:FNf;i Rt:f C0LLE6E BEl'D File: EtEOELDE.MK Data Eo31 ecEerl l,i„i F;;';;; I unt D.;;il„i i;;i.-'/:i';;i/';)f) End of 15 nin. prd. Ofj: 15 RM 06:30 OM 06:95 DH 0/:0D OM 0/: 1';;, RM fi:''::3fl flH X D/:95 RM X f;ifl:t1D RM X Df;i: t:;:, RM X 08:38 RM fl8:95 RH 89:80 OM Man. IS mn Pk. fir. l'ol 0/:15 RM 00:15 RM 03:95 PM 09:00 PM i;;i9:1';;; PM 09:30 PM 09:95 PM X t)5:OI3 PM X 05:15 PM X D5::;;i0 PM X 05:9:;;, I'M 06:00 PH f)6: :t':;, PM f;i6: ;;;io PH Man. 15 mn PL. Itr. Dol SorJtli Rpipir o.;ii;;;ti CHO;:' I „,.;;• It D.:;ig: Mealher N.::.r-th FIIRRSDR'i' i:t„t;;f1F) :.|ii .;.acFi c';;;t;i;:i Prat I; Conti Me P.;;..;:ili: 9:30 PM 5:30 PM Pi;;..;;ik Hour t 11-lm I hr u Rl (itit P, ;;.cls t ,eft tl Irn 0 0 cr i::' ...1 -..( 0 13 fl 0 1 0 26 0 fl fl fl 2 0 36 f;i tl 13 0 ;;;: ti 59 f) fl fl fl 2 t) 6/ fl fl - fl f;i :;;i t) 7E 0 0 0 0 2 0 31 tl 0 fl tl :;;i t) 71 0 f;i Q 1,1 .;;• 0 107 fl f;i fl fl '. 0 102 fl 0 0 0 2 11 102 0 i;;i 0 0 ';;; o 121 fl 0 fl D 5 0 121 fl 0 0 tl ID 0 351 8 0 0 0 1 nt. 1 1 1 i Fi-aff 1 C 1 n PL. Hi Inte rsect ion Pdstr n:;;: i l-l Pt-:. 1 Ir- :;;i tl 258 fl 0 0 tl 1 0 ;• 12 8 0 fl fl 9 0 236 tl 0 fl f) 1 tl 9 0 2'33 3 3 0 f) PI D 0 0 ;;;' o ;;);;)f) fl I..I 0 1,1 fl tl f) t) D 918 t) tl tl 0 ;;;: o 299 t:i 0 fl 0 1 D 2-1D tl t) IJ f) 1 0 2f;i5 0 0 fl 0 :i D 196 13 t) fl 13 0 0 :tso t;i f) 0 13 9 ,13 918 tl f) 13 13 i;;i 0 1-195 fl f) 0 fl Intel -secti , .;:ni Fr-.:;iff;i i,.;:; i r-1 Pk. ii r ffiru Right Peds tefl 2i;;i .;;:9 :;;;i. p. 111; o.:i.;;;ti CEEf: I tir 11 F:|;i ill! it Peds I E.;:isl, :;.tt 1 R|;;.|jri:;,acti CMB;:I l-tm Fhru Rl,; it Red:;; 1 ID 121 ill lnt( :;tion Pdst rns in Pk tlr -iti::; 1,89 i:::i6 ••10';; 1265 ii;;i8E 111 ';)':1 152 1:3 6 :t:;;if) 88 11,:;) 109 111 i;;i-i 1:;;;;;;: -1/5 ;'i8/ 0 3 0 0 0 0 11 0 D t:i fl 0 Peaf: llr fl tl f;i fl tl tl El 0 D 1 0 f;i 13 13 tl 0 0 fl D 0 1 0 13 0 ;;:' f;i 0 tl 0 f;i f) ;;' 0 0 tl 13 0 0 13 0 tl 13 t;. 13 0 tl t;i 0 0 0 fl tl 13 6 1,1 0 fl 0 13 0 0 0 D ••1 El t) I tl f;i f:i 13 0 tl 6 tl El ,;;' 0 0 0 tl fl 0 .-' f;i fl tl tl f;i 0 fl 13 f;i 5 fl f;i 1, 0 tl tl El II 1:1 0 tl tl 1 tl t;i tl fl 0 0 3 13 El 1 0 0 tl 0 t;i fl 3 13 0 .;;' 0 tl tl 0 0 fl 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 D 0 I-. ;:L 0.89 15 mn. Lotal : •11 cis Fed:;; If) 8 1 /1 319 ••1;;;:/ :;:isf;i 921 5 i,:;s El 6-I ••1 ;;;6'^i I8E 8 0 8 8 tl El fl 8 0 8 0 It) 0 20 8 El fl tl 0 0 0 D 0 -121 |-| 2:6 13 .:::,;) 0 fl fl tl fl 0 f) • 0 0 398 fl :t:::; f;i 59 f) 0 0 0 11 tl 0 tl 13 • 111 1 tl 13 i;;i 18 El 0 tl fl 0 D fl 1:1 122 fl ';) t) f;i s;::: 0 fl 13 t) • tl 0 13 0 t) 1-l 53 1 PI 1:;;. t) f;i '.tl 1) fl 11 0 tl 0 11 11 t) 1-l .-: .-1 ::. 16 tl 1;;./ fl 0 tl 13 0 D D tl f) .1 • 1 -.1 58';) 0 0 f;i 0 t;i 9.;;' i:;i 0 fl 13 tl i;:i f;i 0 0 0 ••16-1 •3 8 8 tl 0 ';) 0 t;i . "1 i:;i 0 fl 0 0 t) 0 0 0 t) ••16-1 •3 8 8 tl 0 li II ,;):;;. El f;i t;i t;i 0 D 0 tl 11 ;::[|::,;::j lj :i 1 11 0 -3;;;' tl 13 0 tl 0 0 0 tl fl 13 ,1 III 0 :i 1 11 i;;i IS tl 0 t;i '•' D tl 0 0 fl 13 ;;;:6i;;i 8 i'l. 0 6/ D 13 0 tl g 1*1 11 I'l ,::-.! 1 -if;i i;;i ;;;: 11 0 El t:i i;;i 0 0 0 0 • 0 „i :1 ,1 218/ 0 0 Pe.;:,l: ll r. Factor 0.93 ^ jhk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at COLLEGE BLVD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:15 AM to °8=^^ l-e^t Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 i i Config- (teft) 2,1 i 1 urations 3 1 i Outside 5 Lane Settings 120021201000 Capacity 1500 3400 0 0 3400 1500 2700 0 1500 0 0 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 10 351 0 0 1263 235 23 0 3 0 0 0 Adjusted Hourly Volume 10 351 0 0 1263 235 23 0 3 0 0 0 Utitization Factor 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.16 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Critical Factors 0.01 o.37 o 01 ICU Ratio = 0.49 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and COLLEGE BLVD Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Date: 07/19/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: ES North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 1872 <- Total 1498 374 <- Subtotals U e s t A P P r Sub- Total totals 271 245 26 23 0 --> 3 235 1263 I I <-' V North <-, " /-> I I I 10 351 0 < — /--- Sub- totals Total COLLEGE BLVD E a s t A P P r Subtotals -> 1266 Total -> 361 1627 South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. " jhk & associates EL CAMINO REAL at COLLEGE BLVD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (WB) 04:30 PM to -- °5=20 Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 i i Config- (left) 2 1 i i urations 3 1 i i ' 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 120021201000 Capacity 1500 3400 0 0 3400 1500 2700 0 1500 0 0 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 8 1445 0 0 475 48 211 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted Hourly Volume 8 1445 0 0 475 48 211 0 0 0 0 0 Utilization Factor 0.01 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.03 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Critical Factors 0.43 0.00 0.08 ICU Ratio = 0.60 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and COLLEGE BLVD Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Date: 07/19/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: ES North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 2179 <- Total 523 1656 <- Subtotals U e s t A P P r Sub- Totat totals 267 56 211 211 0 --> 0 48 475 I V <-' Subtotals -> 475 Total -> 1928 South Approach I I North /-> I I I 8 1445 0 1453 Sub- totals Totat COLLEGE BLVD Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 28 Intersection Location: El Camino Real and Olivenhain Road CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram •IHF^: il: fls:;;:i::ii::;;i.:;rti;;.s I i,ir-ri;i, ng Movenent C:i;;,i„int,s final i„|:;;::i,;;;: |;:..„,j,::, | ,,,,|:- ::| ',•'^•1= 11^'' trie: EEP .11 .Hia li'l'i'' sjecti i of: H..'S Street: EL ERMINO RERL P,,:,|.::, Eollerled hu-FS F/H Street: OLII'ENHRIN RDRD |;;;':i:',:':;J ..1:!;:;^"= ('•='9= fflORSDR'i' traffi itrol : Signali;H;ed "'• ••'•''•• -'0 Heattier: Et, IR End of 15 : „''':'^:':"^^':' '!::^,„'''^'|" ' '''^'' ^pp'-^ ' '»o> is mn. f,„,iai:; ':!!,^:,..2'!':'. ..I'::"::' ^:':':,'='':''^ ^'"''^^ i-i'i-'-i Ri's'-'^ L,;>ft ft-'i'-nn-iri^'Riaatit f'eds Dehi7i:;P.:ds 00:15 on 0 0 31 33 0 f 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ••'3 0 D -•' l-r^ r 00^30 nn 0 s 13 -iti ti 11 1:1 5 1 , .i .i ',:; „,;; ;:; . -';:. ; ':"::-^''^' '' < '•=' I'-i 0 i;:- fl 66 0 tl 0 0 ,1 p • ' ::: ;:i^ ;::;: =','::' [' '::' " '" '-' '='0 13 m F ti ti 0 ti 0 \i2 -r g 1 ' '::'::•=,:':• " '-' 03 12 0 20 o ill o o o 0 o g g • : - .: . •.: "^^ '"' '•' "-'1 03 0 '32 11 lltl 0 0 11 g pi p, ,: ; ':, j: :i::;: '-'''-•''> ^ '^0 3s 0 52 0 130 0 0 0 0 ";; :;:: :' : '""^^'^'""' ''" ^"^ '"' '"' 102 123 0 11 a 2'35 0 0 0 ii g i. ! ^ i ':";'v:''::•':'[] >^ " '-' i:''' 03 0 so 0 201 t , v g • : , • , '"'= ='" "^1 '"' '"' IS'^^' 11'^' 0 9:;;i t;i ;;;:i/ o g g g g g ^ -,; : ; :„. ':: ';;:':; . ': ':";:'':'" lO'^' 05 0 23 0 200 t , ,1 g g ,.:: ; I ; : ^:':':':^'i,'^" " 0 121 ss 0 22 0 i';)i;) t) 13 tt 0 0 13 t) Isi 0 s 93 2 592 2 M.;;ii-i. :t:;;; mn. 0 D lt;.2 129 0 ' 52 0 2'-\5 11 11 ii n n o ,, ,-, - -- :^«'::' '::' 051 0 0 0 0 0 0 /;;!/ [; i 3fm I 07:30 on Peak Interseclion traffic m Pk. llr.::: 3091 Pcik Hr. Factor 0 85 08:30 RM Hour Intersection Pdstrns in PL. Hr.::: g 83:95 PM '''" '-'•'1 = ' '-' 0 226 11/ 8 9,:- 13 lt;,f, f 0 g g g |-, |,;:,g f, j,:^ ';;' '-' 2^-' ^-^^ 0 ;;i 0 if;,6 ti 0 0 ti ti ti . ;;:,i; '-"'= "-' " I-' l-'ii? 12; ••11) 0 19;;;: 0 ,;;' 1 11 11 n ,;:.3 g ::,: ;' :';: ': ':';;i = 'i'5 '-' 0 203, i:)8 8 ;, B ,;;:1'1 i 13 13 0 t 12 '3 'i^ i i "'' = "'"' '^' '"' '"' ^23 0 50 0 131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 3 ' •, '"I'- f'" >^ '"' ':' 277 177 0 18 0 211 0 f 3 0 0 1,=' si o "-'-^ '11 >^ 0 0 213 157 0 57 fl 1E,S : 1 g g p | g :: , 'i::' '^'^-';i^' '"' '"' 2:31;) i/'6 0 5t:. 0 If). 1; 1 g g p, 11 . ; 'i, i;,-:; '""' = "'"' "1 " '-' ^23 151 0 18 0 165 0 0 1 0 g g .-: p, »"™ s !! - - !: » s s s s - i» s lil i ii "-:"'-„.->:_ L " i ij j ji^,i^"'i;i;j;i[js;i];;""::,s J 01:15 PM Peak Intersection Fraffic in PL. Hr.::: 3].::|g p,„,:,p g,,. p,:,„.,|-,,„,. g pg 05:95 PM Hour Intersection Pdstrns m Pk. Rr.:::: 0 ^jhk^ EL CAMINO REAL at OLIVENHAIN ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 i 1 Config- (teft) 2 1 i 1 urations 3 1 i 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 021120000101 Capacity 0 3400 1500 1500 3400 OOOO 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 607 433 189 851 0 0 0 0 767 0 244 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 607 433 189 851 0 0 0 0 767 0 244 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.18 0.29 0.13 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.16 Critical Factors 0.29 0.13 0 51 ICU Ratio =1.03 LOS = F associates Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and OLIVENHAIN ROAD U e s t A P P r Time: 07:30 AM to 08:30 AM Date: 07/26/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: ES Sub- Total totals 0 0 --> 0 North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 1891 1040 0 851 189 1 I I -' V '-> Subtotals -> 1618 Total -> 2658 South Approach <- Totat 851 <- Subtotals North /-> I I I 0 607 433 1040 Sub- totals Total 244 <--- . 0 1011 /--- 767 1633 622 OLIVENHAIN ROAD Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. ^jhk^ EL CAMINO REAL at OLIVENHAIN ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 04:45 PM to 05:'^5 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 111 1 Config- (left) 2 1 i ^ urations 3 1 i 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 021120000101 Capacity 0 3400 1500 1500 3400 0 0 0 0 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Y Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 937 639 211 749 0 0 0 0 461 0 143 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 937 639 211 749 0 0 0 0 461 0 143 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.28 0.43 0.14 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.10 Critical Factors 0.43 0.14 0 31 ICU Ratio = 0.97 LOS = E associates Turning Movements at Intersection of EL CAMINO REAL and OLIVENHAIN ROAD Time: 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM Date: 07/26/90 Oay: THURSDAY Name: ES North Approach EL CAMINO REAL 2040 <- Totat 960 1080 <- Subtotals U e s t A P P r Sub- Total totals 0 0 --> 0 0 749 211 1 I I <-' V '-> Subtotals -> 1210 Total -> North /-> I I I 0 937 639 1576 2786 South Approach' Sub- totals Total 143 <--- 0 604 /--- 461 1454 850 OLIVENHAIN ROAD Note: Left-turn volumes inctude U-turns. J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 29 Intersection Location: Palomar Airport Road and College Boulevard CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary l of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram Cl fl Inl. ;s.;,;;.:;;: I:::RRI„E.F)RD ::tioi f: H.- E,- I ur ni n,;i Ho ;;.i ri t;: g:;;:j s 1 ,::,f Str, Sir, f:flt„LEt PRfOhRI Count Daf, 117/ \S/30 End of 15 nin. |:,t|-d. t)6: 15 RM 06:30 HM 06:95 RM t)/:00 OH 8/: 15 RM 8/:30 RM X 0/:95 RM X 08:00 RM X t)£l: 15 RM X 08:38 RM 08:95 RM 89:00 OM Han. 15 ni ri PL. Hr. l'ol REDD RtRPOfll Rl Dai,|: M,;;,h. File: PRREEL6E.ML;1 DaLa Eollected hg:M6 MEDNESDI l:l, FOR traffi :;: iti cl Soutl tipipiro ach C HB:> Hor tli f1p|;n-c, ::ich •:' .8;:' Me:;;:t, et I U- Irn Itir u Right P(;.ds Left 0 - Irn fhr-ii Right P« ds .eft D-frn 0 tl 0 0 fl 1 I f) '1 0 20 1 0 0 0 t) 0 :;;i 1 fl 11 f;i 22 1 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 fl 1/ tl ::).-• 1 tl 0 f;i D 0 t;. t) 11 16 f:i 01 1 D tl 0 0 0 5 0 fl 29 t) fl S 1 1 0 0 ft tt 0 i;-;: ;;;: 11 t) fl 89 1 fl 0 0 0 D 1 :t 1 fl '113 tl if)8 :;;i 0 t) 0 t) fl t'l 11 13 2f;i 0 1,9-1 1 fl 0 0 8 0 9 0 0 30 13 1 it;. 1 21 ;;;• fl 11 tl f) 0 ;-• f;i i;:i 31 13 1 it;. 1 21 ;;;• 0 0 tl 13 fl :3 1 fl 26 tl '•1EI El fl D tl 0 0 ;'• 1 i;;i -19 tl 6t) :t tl f) tl R 0 t'l 2 0 -Itl 0 1';19 :;;i fl 0 tl fl 13 9i;;. :;;i tl 1 ,;;'i;;i 0 -15.;;' t;, ';:.:i .:ii i.;i;t ;i, ;i ::i.::icli CEO::' East, Hppir o,;;M;;;ti CHF);:' 15 nin. Eol a I : 8/: 1:; t)Ei: 1':; RM RM F'e..:»k llour 03: D-I: tl-1 95 Dt) 15 30 '•15 05: 15 05:30 05:95 06:00 06: 15 06:30 Ha Pl: PM PM F'M PM PM PM PM F'M PM PM PM PM i:: m n. Del . D 0 tl 0 0 0 D 0 11 0 D 0 0 tl D9::; 05::; PM PM I'ejif:: Flour- Fid,.| Inter tl fl 0 0 0 0 fl fl t) D t) 0 13 t;i Inter:: I lit,.I ,:tion Fraffic in PL. Hr ::tion Pdstrns in Pk. Hr f;i D 0 t) 0 0 0 D 0 0 D i;;i 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 tl tl 0 0 0 0 f) 0 0 fl 0 0 0 fl 1, 0 D 0 0 tl 1 :;lion Fraffi, ::tion Pdstrn: in Pk. Hr in Pk. fir t;i 0 f;i tl 0 fl tl D 0 tl 0 0 fl 0 ;;;'9-io tl 89 69 51 93 89 192 90 B:;;, /1 192 Peal: Hr 8 fl fl 0 tl D 0 t;i tl 0 0 tl Pc..;:,k 31 91 ,::: :;;, 6 31 1/ 2:0 0 2-1 1 91 2 'l-l ';;i lr. F.;:ictor liru F light F eds 1 eft H--1 rn Fhr-1,,1 F ighL F 'eds 1' ?tij i;;;I:;;: 62: tl 0 0 1 2 ••I 1 0 11.;;' 0 1,,;;::;) if;i';) 0 13 t;i 1 i.;;:3 1 0 2'0:3 fl 1,,;;::;) if;i';) 0 ;;;: D 0 115 0 fl ,3:::. f) -;, 3,:;'fj tl 3 0 0 12f;i t;i t) l .l l' l i';;i6 fl fl D 0 136 13 0 ••i2t;i 0 3 10 0 0 0 '2 .;;:39 ;;;: D i.i.'i t;i •'III 13 0 D 1 .'o:. 0 26 1 0 399 0 0 f:i 0 if):;;i 1 0 219 tl ;;i,;;'2 f1 tl 0 0 19';;. 1 0 6/:3 0 ,'-!';) 0 t) fl fl 0 It;. 9 3 0 538 8 F:-'::) 0 t) fl tl 1 1/1 .::-0 92/ 0 HE t;i 0 f;i 1 .;;:D5 9 0 566 fl •••III tl :;;i 0 2 239 9 f) .-•6 1 3 121 0 0 0 :3 82;;;' 11 0 2022 0 F.::ict.;;.r- t).9:;;i 151 2/'6 18';) 216 218 251 218 196 151 12/ 2/6 901 0 D tl D 0 0 0 tl 0 0 13 tl 0 0 0 D 0 tl 0 tl D 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tl 0 0 0 0 18';) :353 2/6 259 303 3'16 516 3 36 265 109 231 1/6 516 1501 933 /56 El 6 6 :;;i66 652 202 999 650 Ei86 '133 969 39.: 999 ^9'18 COLLEGE BLVD at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:15 AH to l-eft Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 2 2 Config- (left) 2 1 ^ ^ urations 3 1 ^ .| ihk & associates 4 Outside 5 1 1 46 0 120 452 1371 0 0 822 11 46 0 120 452 1371 0 0 822 11 03 0.00 0.04 0.17 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.04 0.17 0.16 Lane Settings 000102231231 0 0 0 1500 0 2700 2700 5100 1500 2700 5100 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Y Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volune 0 0 0 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 0 0 Utitization Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 Critical Factors 0.00 ICU Ratio = 0.47 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of COLLEGE BLVD and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM North Approach COLLEGE BLVD Date: 07/18/90 Day: UEDNESDAY 635 . <- Total "anie: MC 169 466 <- Subtotals Sub- 120 0 49 Totat totals III ^ Sub- U e 948 <--• s t 2777 I 458 A 1829 1371 --> P 0 North V P I V I ' totals Total E I I 11 s <--- 822 836 t I /- 3 2256 A r P 1420 p r /-> PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD I 0 0 Subtotals -> 3 0 Total -> 3 Note: Left-turn volumes include South Approach U-turns. -J hk & associates COLLEGE BLVD at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings Capac i ty Hourly Volume Adjusted Hourly Volume Utitization Factor Critical Factors So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (US) Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 1500 0 2700 2700 5100 1500 2700 5100 1500 •th/South phases (Yes/No) ? Y ;t/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N 0.10 0 0 0 8 0 409 99 901 0 0 1501 30 0 0 0 8 0 409 99 901 0 0 1501 30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.15 0.04 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.02 0.00 0.15 0.04 0.29 ICU Ratio = 0.58 LOS Turning Movements at Intersection of COLLEGE BLVD and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Time: 04:30 PM to C5:30 PM North Approach COLLEGE BLVD Date: 07/18/90 Day: UEDNESDAY 546 <. Total Nanie: MG 417 129 <. subtotals Sub- 409 0 8 Total totals III W e 1915 s I I Sub- V I ^ totals Total E I I s 30 ^ 2920 I ^ .... 1501 1531 . ^ 104 I 0 A 1005 901 --> I I P 0 North V P I 2440 A P r > 909 p r /-> PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 0 0 Subtotals -> 0 0 Total -> 0 Note: Left-turn volunes include South Approach U-turns. -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 199 0 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 30 Intersection Location: Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte Street CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram El Eg: I;:RF;;L,SBFID 1111,.;;. r:;;:,;;.,;;; t i ,;;tr-. E.::.urit, D.;;rt,, 02/19/90 E u r ' r 1 111 g M c, e,;;. n,;;. n t, E c;, u 111, s f I n .;:i I i,i:;;: j : :'f: H/S Street: Et FHERFE SF i;;;/M :-;.tr ei;;. t: PflLDHRFI ftlRPI3Rt flOfID F'.::.'!: t tIflRSDf I',' Heather-: CtEfiR 1 .;:. f :;) P:i.Ie: ELFFEPRR.MIvt '•'•••'l^:' FoIlecEed hg:BH FraFfic Control: Signali; 1 11,1 of IS oil tti Hppn-c;i.;icti CNB;:' HorEt 1 tipiir .;, a,;;:li CSF);:' Mg.s t llp,|irc. •::icli CEf );:' F;;.;ist R | Cl acti CMB;:' 15 n 111 _ 1 otal m 1 •'1- pir-,3. Le ft 1 1,1-Irn I hr-u Rl gl,t f: 'H;..:1:;;. Left t,l-"Irn ftn 1,1 Ffi cilrt Pc-i::!:;: t -eft 1 I T ... ffir ri F .eft ft ftn 1,1 Ffi ::l . -eft 11 1 1 ll ffir ri F light F '.;:.cls t .eft ft Irn lFii-1,1 R;L .:ilit P.;;..3:;;: f.'.;;. hid s f'.;:..;1:;;: Ot;. : 1,5 RM 0 tl 11 0 0 0 0 R 0 f) i;i " -- .:ilit III. :30 RM 0 tl tl 0 0 0 0 R 0 1 1 f) i;i 0 fl 0 tl 1 fl g c:' 1 "•' 0 ' 0 f) fl fl tl 21:3 :;) 1 ppp 1 06; :95 RM tl 13 0 0 f) 11 0 fl 0 1 fl g .1 i::. :t 1 0 1:18 1) fl fl 0 0 .•;:';;i6 6 1 -10-1 t 0/: 0/: :0D OM 0 0 fl t) 0 t;. fl 11 tl g II fl g .1 i::. :t 1 1,1 0 1 '•1:3 1 fl fl fl fl :;;i'i6 :i;;;' 0 516 f) 0/: 0/: : 1 ';;i f)M 13 0 0 i;;i f) fl .•1 fl 11 tl g D II .'"7 1,1 0 1 i;;.i;) El fl 1) 0 918 11;;, 1 690 1 11;-'; :;;)t) IIM X fl 13 t;i tl 0 fl .•1 fl 11 El D II 1 1 i:' 1 1 i,;i 1:31 1 ':;i: fl fl tl 1) fl 931 1,-1 0 :;;;i;;i9 0 f;i;''; :95 OM X t;i 13 D tl f) E. 11 ll 1 II 1 i,;i 1,, .1,:. 1 El tl 1) fl i. i I-' 113 1 573 1 08: :0D RM X fl 0 tl tl 0 0 II fl g 1 fl ;;;:f;ii;;: i;;i f) t;i f) g.:1.:,| IE;I 12 1 t.'ii 1 1 08: : ts tIM X fl 0 tl tl 0 0 f) t, 1 11 fl g 1 fl iiilll tl ;;;:::;i.;;: :;) f;i El t;i 919 IE;I 12 1 /i;;ii;) 1 0 08: 3D DM tl 0 fl fl g f, fl II f;i •••"'•' 1 t ';•. :-• tl 0 0 0 11 I.-12 fl 59;-' ';;;:;) 3 1 0 El El: 'i:::. OH tl D 0 f) t) 0 fl g ,;1 :3 f;i i;:lG 3 169 162 191 i;;i tl El fl ll 1-12 0 59;-' ';;;:;) 3 f) 09: 00 DM tl 0 0 f:i t) 0 :;;, fl fl ,;1 :3 f;i 13 169 162 191 tl f;i 0 tl 13 0 fl 0 315 2'18 1;;;' '• i 1 1 5 If) 1 1 H.;;ii PI;. 1., ;l,:::t niri. HI . t.'.;;i t . t) tl 0 0 0 13 0 t;i t) 0 6 t'l tl 11 0 :3 9 0 fl •3B 116 ,:1 1 2-1/ -1 t;i El 0 0 0 0 ••19-1 16:;) 2 10 52 1 /t)l3 ,",,-•1 I 3 o;-': 15 RM Peal I n t .ei-secf 1 oil Ft-,;;,f f i c m PL. Hi . :::: llr.::: 25/9 P,;;..::,|:; III 1-•ac;tor 0. 'I.' fl8 : r:;. DM Hour Int er-:;;:ecti, -i P.Isti -ii:;;: in Pl;. Hi . :::: llr.::: ,:1 P,;;..::,|:; •ac;tor 0. 'I.' f):;): 89: 89: '1';:. I'M fit) f'M 1,';;; PM fl tl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 tl 0 0 f;) 6 18 t;. fl 0 :i fl 0 0 D 1 1 tl fl 11 10 :i,'i 0 1 :350 312 tl 0 11 fl tl 0 tl 1 tl 210 ;;;:/1 0 0 590 601. 0 0 09: ;;;iD F'M 0 tl 0 fl 0 f;) 6 18 t;. f) fl 0 0 D 11 tl 11 tl II ;:::f)t;. tl 0 11 0 tl 0 .;;:;;;: 1 '-•; tl -!> r' D ffl: '15 PM 0 0 0 0 0 if;i 0 Pl tl 11 ,;)':).' 3-15 396 -lfl'3 13 tl 0 tl 150 6 1, E;8O 1 0 0 8 05: 05: 05: 80 PH X 1,5 PM X :;;iO F'M X 0 0 tl 0 0 0 0 0 0 t) 0 t;i 0 tl tl 21 0 fl II 0 0 Pl 1 '1 0 0 D '3 '••; :;) 0 0 tl ,;)':).' 3-15 396 -lfl'3 tl 0 0 tl 0 0 0 0 El 0 0 tl 19:;) 212 ;;;:33 6 1 0 0 fl •'.'.1/ ...t 622 6;-'2 1 0 0 8 05: 9:;;; PM X 0 0 0 fl 0 - ;:;'E. D II 11 '' ';:' ••1 1, :3'3-i IH'I 0 tl 0 0 201 r:j 0 6 If) 8 06:1 00 I'M El t) 0 0 fl D II II •'1 tl .::' 0 :3'3-i IH'I tl 0 0 1 175 2 i:;i 598 t) t;i6: 15 l'F1 13 0 13 0 II ,::j .::, t,i 9 0 .::::! 8 El tl 0 D 1/;;;: 1 0 ,::|.::|.::| PI 06:: :;ii3 I'M 0 0 0 D 0 tl g 13 0 1 8 f) 0 .;;:o5 0 0 0 0 189 1 t;i -ii;;i;;;' 8 1 t,i .:: 0 . '6;' 0 11 0 0 13E; 1 0 9o::;i 0 Man Pk. . i:;;i nin. Hr. Dccl . 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 26 61 1 tl 0 11 11:: 0 II 19 •l .1 1 909 0 0 0 0 1 2/1 6 1 6/2 1 -— 1 tl ,r i„. .1, '1 1, i,E;f)Ei 0 0 0 0 1 82 1 10 0 ;;;'5 ID f) 09:' 15 PM Int. ;?rsecti on traf f i c i ,n Pl;. Hr . :::: ; ;;'5io tl Peak 1" Ir _ r, :;:ii;;; f 111- f 1 '3 •) 05:' 15 F'M Flour Int, ?rsecti on Pd:;;:t|-lis i n PL. Hr.:::: ;;'5io tl :;:ii;;; f 111- f -J ihk & associates EL FUERTE ST at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: . So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:15 AM to - 08:15 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 1 i i ^ Config- (teft) 2 1 1 i i ^ urations 3 1 111 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings IIOII111112O Capacity 1500 1700 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 1500 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 0 0 0 14 0 4 116 747 4 0 1637 52 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 0 0 14 0 4 116 747 4 0 1689 0 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 Critical Factors 0.OI 0.08 0.50 ICU Ratio = 0.68 LOS = B Turning Movements at Intersection of EL FUERTE ST and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM North Approach EL FUERTE ST Date: 07/19/90 Day: THURSDAY I86 <. jotat •^aine: BU 13 168 <- Subtotals Sub- 4 0 14 I " Sub-Total totals I I U <.' V e 1642 < s - ^ t 2510 I 117 I A 868 747 --> | P 4 North P I r V I > I " totals Total E I I 52 s <--- 1637 1689 t /--- 0 I 2450 A V p > 761 p r /-> PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD I 0 0 Subtotals -> 4 0 Total -> 4 Note: Left-turn votimes include South Approach U-turns. ihk & associates EL FUERTE ST at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 04:45 PM to 05 = '^5 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 Config- (teft) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings Capacity Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 0 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 0 Utitization Factor 0.00 0.00 Critical Factors .110 11111112 1500 1700 0 1500 1700 1500 1500 1700 1500 1500 3400 N N 0 61 0 16 14 1588 0 0 821 10 0 61 0 16 14 1588 0 0 831 0 00 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.93 0.00 0, .00 0.24 0.00 0.04 0.93 0, ,00 ICU Ratio = 1.07 LOS Turning Movements at Intersection of EL FUERTE ST and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD U e s t A P P r Time: 04:45 PM to 05:45 PM Date: 07/19/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: BU Sub- Total totals 2441 838 15 1603 1588 --> 0 Subtotals -> Total -> North Approach EL FUERTE ST 101 77 16 0 61 I I V '-> <-' <- Total 24 <- Subtotals North /-> I I I 0 0 0 0 Sub- totals Total «... 10 <--- 821 832 /--- 1 E a s t A P P r PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 2482 1650 South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 31 Intersection Location: Palomar Airport Road and Business Park Drive CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary i of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram •IHi: ft Rssoci at. EiLg: I nLer:; CflRLSF)flt:i ;.E :;t- Furning M.;;i..-.eni;;.| rt, t;:,;;n„in l,s t1i i.::i;i i,|:;;:is H/S E,|''M ;;tri ;;tri FIRSI NESE PREflMflR PRRfi; t:if?lDE )IRPORF ROO Fill DaL. : BDSPh:PRR.Hh:i f 1 lc led hg: l'.:;igi;;. 1 of Eoun I DaL, i;i.-'/19/Eli;) End of li: Sc;iufli flpijiroacti CND;:' Dag: Heafhe Norlli fllHRSDR'r' ELERR :;.|;:ir-.::..:;ii;;;ti C:;;.t);:i lillll c EoriEro) Hi;;.:;;:t Rpp.i gnali;:;; 3 ni n. -tl t-i. L.:;'tL 11"-in t hr r,i Ric|tif Pc.,;;l:;;: Leff 1,1 "trn E El 1.1 F ll .:|h t. 'e.;1s l„,.;:.ft ll" 111 tit;. : 1,';:. OM 11 t) fl 0 0 tl t fl 12/ 1 j-;,,:;. f) f;i6 : ;3t) RH 0 tl fl 13 tl 18 11 fl t:;;i/ :t 'I'--; tl tit;. :9S IIH fl tl f) tl tl 19 fl fl 2i;):;;i f;i ,-'1,1 1 g.:| tl ti;-' : i;;ii;;i OH tl 0 11 fl t;i :;)i,;i tl fl ;;'Sf) 157 11 ,-'1,1 1 g.:| 11 I,).--: ts DM X fl fl fl II 0 18 fl tl ;;'Sf) 157 tl -PI -1:3 II 13/ : :;)f) DM X fl fl fl tl tl ;3-i fl tl ;;;: :i 6 f;i -PI -1:3 fl 11 t).-:95 RH X 0 fl fl 13 i;;i :;:i-i fl fl :;;:Ei';;. 13 fl 11 f)8 :D0 HH X fl f;i 0 a f;i 51 fl fl 382 tl i;;;:-i 13 i;;ii;;i : I 'i IIH fl f;i t;i fl t) .•;:';;i fl f;i 1 tit-. tl :;;. i 1 Of: :3D RM fl 0 tl tl f:i ;;;'i;;i fl fl 156 tl 0 f;if;i :9S 11 Fl fl 0 f;i 0 f;i ;;;: ;;;: 13 fl 193 0 59 0 13 119 IIM fl tl 0 fl 0 ;;;:::;i 1 f;i :i,i36 f;i 21 0 13 H.::i :::. rrin. fl 0 0 fl 13 :;;; :i 1 0 102 1 :t,;;:-i ,;;'fi:3 1 Pl; . Ill . l'ol. t) tl tl 0 0 13/ f) tl f;";;ii;) tl :t,;;:-i ,;;'fi:3 tl 0/ :00 Rti F e.::i|i: 1 lit. .|-s,;;.,;;;t , on I r"a ffic rn PL. t 1- . :::: ;;:f;.::)f;i Pe.::ll:: Hr. Fad i:;,r 1 If) .OD DM F .:;.i,jr-Inte •rsect ,i:iri Pd:;;: I rns m Pk. t r--. ••••• 0 h CER Fill 1,1 P -Ifl ••ii;;i ,-1 I tl t ::;i';) 139 129 11/ t;,::) IIO 92 119 i:;;i-i -i::)-i ight P 0 d:=: L t) t) 0 Ea:;;:t t ;'tt fl- fl 0 tl fl 0 tl if;ir"0.;:i,;;;ti CHB tin I tiru R;i ,;;|tit tl 0 0 0 tl it;i-i i:;;,t;, ist;. .;;'f;.i;;i :t/:;;i 22-1 ;;;:i3.:| i'.'i. :t'i2 19;;;: 199 111 1;; ft) 21 19 I:.';) 15 mn. ll,. Peds I'ehids P 0 3;;;:,;;' i;;i 0 f;i 1:1 0 tl 0 f;i 03:95 PH 09:00 PH t)'i: i:;:. PM 09:30 PM F'M 0' fi:;;;:IS PM 05:30 PM I:;IE; : 95 PM 06:00 PM i;)t;.: i::;. PM 06:38 PM Ma Pt-: . 15 nin Hr. Dol 09:38 PM 05:30 PM PeaL: H.iur Inter: Inter: 0 0 I 0 0 I .. I i on 11 .11 I i . ;"ctiori Pdstrn: :t26 121 '3'i;- 191 ir-i Pl: 111 PL 881 i;)92 lal: 916 :;:;:3.-' i;)f;i :t 9:;;,';) f;.61 65/ Ei';;,:;;i 913 521 '186 't'l 9 8 El 3 21.311 f) 0 0 0 f) D r:- ::. „i -1 tl tl 121 0 l'l 9 t) ,;;:.;;:/ tl D 0 0 i'it;i :31 '16 0 /21 Sfi-l 0 f) 0 13 0 0 0 El 12 fl tl 2f;. f;i 19:;;; f) :t.:i9 tl 0 0 0 131 :31 '16 0 /21 Sfi-l 0 13-tl f) fl 0 El •3 .;;1 1:1 0 El'l tl 1/.-fl 137 0 0 0 0 125 33 0 659 0 g t) 0 0 0 fl 26 tl 0 I.'I 0 i;;::6 0 16-) 0 fl fl 0 •IS 9'1 11 ',,.; 1 0 g ll^ tl 0 tl 8 D tl 3E; t;i -0 •;).^i tl :t9/ f) ;;;:.;;: 6 tl 8 13 0 1:3 8 92 0 /::;i2 0 EI D f) 8 D 0 fl tl f;.t;i 0 i:;;.9 0 ;;;' 19 t) 0 0 0 115 ;30 0 596 t;.8:;) 0 ;": tl 13 13 fl 0 3t;. 0 D 11; 1:3 t;i 19 ••I f) 177 0 0 0 0 136 :;)/ g 596 t;.8:;) 0 1 0 X tl 0 f;i 0 0 t) f) 0 f) fl 0 fl •3,::: 1 f;i 1) El f 11 E.:;) 1 0 i.;;:';;i 0 fitl :i,65 0 0 0 tl 0 tl 1 0 196 10-1 59 • 19 0 tl 11 881 501 0 1 0 tl 0 f;i 13 t) 0 f) fl 0 ,::: ,;;. 0 t;i t;.:;) 0 181 t) If) 6 t) f) 0 D 99 0 tl 11 ',11 1 g 0 0 0 0 t;i ,:::,;) 1 t) 6f) tl 12/ 2 i:;;i9 t) 0 0 0 100 23 0 9/3 0 0 13 13 fl 0 tl ;:):;;i 0 tl /•6 t) ,t2.-' f) :f-i/' t) 0 0 0 26 31 tl 998 0 0 Rl PeaL llr. EacEor ^ ^jhkA^ BUSINESS PARK DRIVE at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM Left Thru Right Left thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 i i i Config- (left) 2 111 urations 3 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 000101110011 Capacity 0 0 0 1500 0 1500 1500 1700 0 0 1700 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Y Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 0 0 0 137 0 880 283 434 0 0 827 69 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 0 0 137 0 880 283 434 0 0 827 69 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.59 0.19 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.05 Critical Factors 0.00 o.59 0.19 0.49 ICU Ratio = 1.36 LOS = F associates U e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of BUSINESS PARK DRIVE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD North Approach BUSINESS PARK DRIVE Time: 07:00 AM to 08:00 AM Date: 07/19/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: SD Sub- Total totals 2424 1707 717 283 434 --> 0 880 1017 0 I . V 1369 137 North 352 <- Total <- Subtotals Sub- totals Totat 69 827 0 /-> E a s t A P P r PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 896 571 1467 Subtotals -> Total -> South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes inctude U-turns. jhk & associates BUSINESS PARK DRIVE at PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 i i ^ Config- (teft) 2 .11 i urations 3 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings OOOIOllioOII Capacity 0 0 0 1500 0 1500 1500 1700 0 0 1700 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Y Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume 0 0 0 126 0 338 783 947 0 0 535 163 Adjusted Hourly Volume 0 0 0 1 26 0 338 783 94 7 0 0 535 1 63 Utitization Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.23 0.52 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.31 0.11 Critical Factors 0.00 o.23 0.52 0.31 ICU Ratio =1.16 LOS = F Turning Movements at Intersection of BUSINESS PARK DRIVE and PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM Date: 07/19/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: SD North Approach BUSINESS PARK DRIVE 1412 <- Total ^^65 947 <- Subtotals U e s t A P P r Sub- Totat totals 338 0 127 2607 875 785 1732 947 --> 0 Subtotals -> Total -> North /-> I I I 0 0 0 0 0 South Approach 163 <--- 535 699 /--- 1 Sub- totals Total E a s t A P P r PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD 1773 1074 Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 32 Intersection Location: Rancho Santa Fe Road and La Costa Meadows Drive CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count SLimmary 1 of 9 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour HCM Analysis 2 of 9 P.M. Peak Hour HCM Analysis 5 of 9 A.M. Peak Hour LOS Calculations 8 of 9 P.M. Peak Hour LOS Calculations 9 of 9 :;i at. I, ;i ti;i: Lt1RL'::;Bf)Li 1 n t,,;;.r :;:,;;.cL i, ,:,.r f : H,. t;;,- '•S St,i- ••'M E.t,r- eet: eet: RfiNt;:fii:;i 1 0 1 0'. i;;;ouiii,, i:i.':ite: 0//11/90 SouLti Rpipirci ach C NB;:. End of 15 nin. prd. Left I 1-frn thru R;i i:)ti t. 06: 15 lin 0 0 55 '-•; 0E:30 on 0 fl 111 fit;.: ••15 flM 13 fl IDS 16 t)/:Oi;;i flM fl 0 131 i:-' O:-': 15 DM fl 13 151 11;;. t)/:30 lltl X 13 0 1/9 18 fl.-:')';;. RH X fl tl ;;;:6i::i 3fl 08: Dfl OM X fl fl ;:;'iEi 2t;. t)8: 15 RM X 0 8 185 16 08:38 RH 0 f;i I'I'I 13 08:95 OM 0 8 1// .;;• 1 t)9:0f;i flM D 13 110 PI Man. 15 nin. 0 0 2:1;;. 8 ill Pk. Hi", t^ol. 0 13 B'IE; 90 07:15 on Peak Init ;.r-:;;:,;;^d ;,ion fra DO:15 OM Hour Inte ^•r-sed ,ii:;ni Pd:;;: i;;i;;;i:«i5 PM X O 8 2 8 El 0 09:00 PM X , D 8 1/9 9 09: IE; PM X 13 0 ,' 1, 1.;;: 0-1:30 PH X 0 fl 28/ 09:95 PM 0 13 258 r:j 05:00 PM D 0 3 05: IE; PM 0 fl 2 18 1 05:30 PM 0 0 218 ;3 05:95 PM 0 f;i 221 t;. 06:00 PM 0 tl 21 1 ,;;! 06: 15 F'M t) 0 196 "1 06::;)i;i PM O tl 1,'t, ;;;: Mail. 15 nin. 0 0 258 1.;;: PI:, llr. l'ol. 0 fl 812 :;)i;;. 03:30 PM PeaL Inte r sect ion Fr.;:i l)9::;;ii;i PM llcnir-I nt e rsecf. 1 .;;.ii I'd::;: tMr I li ng Mcii...i;;.nei i f i;;:i::ii„iii f,;;;: Ri i.;;il i,|s:i,: ;;.f)HFR FE Ri;;ifii:i P.::ii:i.;;. 1 PR Mf; liiOMS i;:iF;it.'f; Daip: Heaftier : File: PSFL EHDH. Mia DaLa ColIecLed hg:DE Mt;;t)Ht;;';;,ti CEERR ti-aFl; Nfl N.:;.r tti flpp.rn.; ti C';;.B Hc.:;;:t flpipii c;i.;:i.;;;ti Ct;;B;:i thru RighL Pe.:1s l. 11 26 tl ;-',' 8 0 tl 13 0 13 11 :i ';;ii;) 0 109 t;i fl tl El 11 0 0 fl 2-1 1:1 :t/f) tl fl tl fl i;;i tl 13 tl t;;;:.;;: 0 It;. El fl tl El El 13 t;i 0 1:1 f;.5 tl 181 tl El fl fl i;;i 0 D t) / 1 11 159 0 11 0 i;;i tl 0 0 tl ';);;;' D 210 1:1 :i fl tl i;;i 0 13 0 // 1:1 16f) 0 tl fl f;i tl f;i El 0 -19 0 191 0 0 fl 0 f;i D D 0 :3-i 13 1,'3/ 0 fl fl 1:1 tl 0 0 0 t) ;-;:i;:, f) r;)f) 0 tl fl El 0 fl 0 0 t) 3'3 0 i!;;;-i tl tl t;i tl tl 0 tl 0 D 0 fl tl D 0 0 1 tl tl PL:. Pl:. 91;;. 93 .;;: i 10 Hr- . Hr . fl /;;;'Ei tl 2039 :t f;i i::^'3 f;i t) 139 1 "7t" tl tl 0 .It' 1-18 tl t;i t) 1/9 tl D 195 0 fl l/f) 0 t;i 1EI8 tl D tl 1/';) 12';) tl D f;i fl i;-':;;. 1,-1/ 0 t:i f'e.::it:: Hr . f-, 0 fl f) 0 f) 0 f) 0 0 tl 11 f;i in Pk, m PL:. lot) :l,986 fl Pi; i;;i tl 0 0 i;;i i;;i 8 0 i:;i 0 fl East f i.ft ft tl 0 9 1 6 • 1 10 Ippir;h CMB;:' 10 fl 93 10 19 ::)9 11 'I'l rri fliru 1 "li gfi t 0 fl D t) S 0 0 ••1 0 11 0 12 fl tl 0 1 :;;i 0 13 1:;;. tl 0 f;i 0 11 :i 3 0 tl 0 t) t) 0 El It) 10 f) 0 0 1:1 66 D fl 11 D 0 II 12t) 2. 0 D 0 tl y.l ':i 20 lO^^I 0 0 0 13 96 35 0 0 11 0 0- 13 • IS 0 0 f) 2 1 10 0 fl 5 120 2';) 2 IS mn. ds I'ehicls 0 161 6 381 .•is:;) 9:3-1 'i::;i:;;i '8 Eifl 1 'if;ifi -lfl 9 '1-1.;;: 331 620 ?i;:i3.:i :;;i9';) '1f)D ';:; i';;i 909 i;;i21 9/'8 '19:3 ill,' 3';)/ 599 r;;i8i;;. lotal :;; F'.:;..:1::;. i;;i 1 fl 1 fl 13 1 8 0 tl 0 0 1 1 Factor 0.8 Hr- -J hk & associates 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page 2 ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 45 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 82 AREA POPULATION 62000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NAME OF THE ANALYST BS DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 11/7/90 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 199 0 INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE WESTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT — 14 0 291 THRU — 0 845 728 RIGHT — 66 90 0 NUMBER OF LANES EB WB NB SB LANES — 1 2 2 Ihk & associates ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBOUND 0.00 90 20 N VEHICLE COMPOSITION % SU TRUCKS AND RVS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS 0 0 0 COMBINATION VEHICLES 0 0 0 % MOTORCYCLES 0 0 0 MINOR RIGHTS MAJOR LEFTS MINOR LEFTS WB SB TABULAR VALUES (Table 10-2) 6.10 5.80 WB 7.90 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST, VALUE ADJUSTMENT 6.10 5.80 7.90 0.00 0.00 0. 00 FINAL CRITICAL GAP 6.10 5.80 7.90 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 11/7/90 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 1990 ihk & associates CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page 4 MOVEMENT POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) p M SH RESERVE CAPACITY C = C - V LOS R SH MINOR STREET WB LEFT 19 RIGHT 89 MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 390 48 0 > 0 > -19 > F > 0 > -107 >F 490 490 > 490 > 401 > A 246 246 246 -145 F IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 11/7/90 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 -J ihk & associates 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page 5 ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 45 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 83 AREA POPULATION 62 000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NAME OF THE ANALYST BS DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 11/7/90 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR-STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE WESTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT 99 0 125 THRU 0 812 622 RIGHT 292 36 0 NUMBER OF LANES EB WB NB SB LANES —12 2 Ihk & associates ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page 6 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.00 NORTHBOUND 0.00 SOUTHBOUND 0.00 VEHICLE COMPOSITION 90 90 90 20 20 20 N N N % SU TRUCKS AND RVS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS 0 0 0 % COMBINATION VEHICLES 0 0 0 % MOTORCYCLES 0 0 0 MINOR RIGHTS MAJOR LEFTS MINOR LEFTS WB SB TABULAR VALUES (Table 10-2) 6.10 5.80 WB 7.90 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. VALUE ADJUSTMENT 6.10 5.80 7.90 0.00 0. 00 0. 00 FINAL CRITICAL GAP 6.10 5.80 7.90 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 11/7/90 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 ihk & associates CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page 7 POTEN- TIAL ACTUAL MOVEMENT FLOW- RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) p M SHARED CAPACITY c (pcph) SH RESERVE CAPACITY c = c - v LOS R SH MINOR STREET WB LEFT 131 RIGHT 387 MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 166 48 531 287 24 531 287 > 24 > -107 > F > 84 > -434 >F > 531 > 144 > D 287 121 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 11/7/90 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION.... 1990 ihk & associates Intersection: RANCHO SANTA FE LC MEADOWS Date: WED 7/11/90 Analyst: BCS Time Period: 7:15 AM TO 8:15 AN Project No: 1165 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Movemen t '. Volume ; (veh) , Capacity ; (veh) V/C LOS WB LEFT/RIGHT 80 1 500 0.05 F SB LEFT 291 1 500 0.19 F SB THRU 728 1700 0.43 A NB THRU 845 3400 0.25 A NB RI6HT 90 1500 0.06 A Total 2034 • vera 11 In tersec t i on L.O.S. (80 V * 80 s) -t (291 V * 80 s) 2034 V 14.6 s "B" •Note: 1. V = vehicles, s = seconds Delay for LOS "A" = 0 seconds. Thus, LOS "A" movements are excluded from the numerator of the overall intersection LOS calculation. LOS values can be found on Page 4 for conflictina mo^\/ements. The thru movement LOS's i*iere calculated in a manner similar to the peak hour link count ADT's. Paae S Ihk & associates Intersection: RANCHO SANTA FE & LC MEADOWS Date: WED 7/11/90 Analyst: BCS Time Period: 3:30 PM TO 4:30 PM Project No: 1165 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Movemen t ; Volume 1 (veh) I Capacity ; (veh) V/C ; LOS WB LEFT/RI(3HT 391 1 500 0.26 F SB LEFT 125 1 500 0.08 D SB THRU 622 1700 0.37 A NB THRU 812 3400 0 .24 A NB RIGHT 36 1 500 0. •;:)2 A Total : 1986 ; Overal1 Intersectio.n L . O . S . (391 V * SO s) + (125 v * 35 s) 1986 V 18.0 s "C" Note: 1. V = vehicles, s = seconds 2. Delay for LOS "A" = O seconds. Thus, LOS "A" movements are excluded from the numerator of the overall intersection LOS calculation. 3. LOS values can be found on Page 7 for conflictina movements. The thru movement LOS's were calculated m a manner similar to the peak hour link count ADT's. Paae 9 -J hk & associates CITY OP CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 33 Intersection Location: Rancho Santa Fe Road and Questhaven Road CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 9 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour HCM Analysis 2 of 9 P.M. Peak Hour HCM Analysis 5 of 9 A.M. Peak Hour LOS Calculations 8 of 9 P.M. Peak Hour LOS Calculations 9 of 9 -IHK If Rss ;:;i ates Fl Iri: CRRLSL D Intersecti or f : H tur"rii ng ,M,:;...-.>;;.nt;;^i, l„ i;;:oi ii its I li i.;;i 11 |:;;:i:;;: l'.::igi;;. 1 t:: ,11 it D.;;iti;;. l)/'/1 l/ElD t;;iid .:;if 15 n;i r i. pn .3. 06:15 OM 06:30 DM 06:95 HM 8/:00 RM 0/:15 OM D/:30 OM i;:i;-':9:;:. tiM x 08:00 RM X t;ii;;i: i';:; RM X 08:38 RM X 08:95 OM f)9:00 OM Man. 15 nin. PL. Hr. Dol. ;.Lri;;.,;;.t: RRHt;:ilO ::;.l1Ntf1 EE Fit: F;;/M ';;.ii"c.ei,: i;:!i,iF;;sTHi3iit;;N F-iotiti flag: .:;n,jt,Ii Rpipi"cacti CNi;i;:i 0/:3D DM 08:30 RM 03:95 PM 09:00 PM O'l: 15 f'M 09:30 PM 09:95 PM 05:00 PM OS:15 PM X OE;:30 PM X 05:95 PM X t)f-.:t:iD PM X 06:15 I'M 06:30 PM P.;;.al-: Roui- M.;:ni. 15 mn. Pk. Hr. l'ol. 05:00 PM f)6:0fl PM t, u 1 "frn Ilir-u f) fl 5.-' 11 0 05 fl tl 109 0 0 159 fl 0 i:;;;-i fl 0 It;. 9 fl D .'-11. t;i fl 2.i'' 3 f;i fl If;. 3 tl II fl i;-':3 •| 0 tl 1. ...I.' 1/3 13 fl 0 tl 2/3 B'^i:;;, InL> ?r-s(;-ct Inte ;^r-se,;:;t fl 0 It;. 3 tl 0 137 13 0 165 D 0 PI,' 13 tl 2t)9 0 D 212: 0 0 1/2 fl |"j 0 21/ -' 1 .•! 0 0 tl .::. 1 '1 2/'9 t;i 13 12:3 0 195 t) 0 2;-'9 18 11 11 11 t; 'lfl t: tion I I .,1 I 1 , in l',;1s t,r ri;;; 15 1 1/ 1-1 19 1,8 15 29 1/ 21 15 11 -lea llier : N "th Hppr ,.etf 0 "trn MEDHESfiO'i FEE flf:; File: RSFQRESE.HIcl DaLa CoH e f 3 hg:M6 traftr .::, C itrol : : 1 c:;;;t);:' H,;;.; thru Right Peds teft 1 9 ,:) :i in Pk. m Pk. Hr.:: /1 119 15-1 186 i:-'f) 19;;;' 1,8 1 If)';) 199 ,;;:8:;;i 1/,;;: 19-1 :t8/-i t;i tl tl tl 0 0 0 13 t, fl|,:.p.i :.i tl" l l 11 0 0 Peak Hr. F f)f).;? t) :;):;;. f;i 191 13 0 f;i 11 0 33 8 195 0 0 0 0 0 :;;i3 tl 152 8 tl 0 11 0 r;) f;i • 1/2 13 0 tl 0 11 25 f;i 1/E; 8 13 0 f;i 0 i 7 f;i 1/,;;: fl fl 0 f;i D p;) tl 208 0 1:1 f;i f;i 0 .'D tl 19fl t;i fl fl 1,1 0 1,;;' t) 2 13 tl 0 fl 11 0 1/ fl 98 D tl tl 13 t) 19 f;i 185 fl 0 tl t;i 1 -13 t) 213 t) 0 El 0 0 68 tl D 0 f;i 1:1 NO ll ci;;t;i;:' hru Rl, 0 f;i tl tl 13 tl t) i;;i f:i tl tl it l'c.,:l:; E;.;:ist f Left, t1" tl 0 fl 0 fl fl 0 f;i 0 fl fl 0 I.ll' t;i tl 0 tl 0 f;i tl tl tl tl t) f;i 1/ 19 ,t-1 to ;;;' i 1,'3 15 ;;;' i t;.;;) 1:;) if;i •;) :t-i pipn-i lr ri t;i tl 8 tl f) t) fl 8 tl :.acti •:;MB;:' Itir ci ffrtitit, f',;;.,;;l:;;: I t;i '1 0 t;i 13 0 tl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.; •;) i;- 31 :tt)3 tl 31 0 ;;;• i 0 28 i;;i 2E. 13 |"| ;33 tl 1;' 8 11 12 33 'i;;;i tl 8 tl 8 f;i tl ;;.hic1 s 192 291 ••1135 39f;. 12'I ••188 ':;i';:;t) -I E.8 :;;i';)9 :;;i';)i lota) :;; P.:;..;1:;;. fl 13 f:i 8 0 t;i tl 0 0 0 13 13 tl I8/-1 t) D g ••126 1 0 ftl tl 0 t) 11 ••1-12 .''t .'1 fl tl fl .„j.,,|,., -i/i;i tl t) t) 39f) 0 13 -105 0 f) 96i;;. f:i 0 s:;;i-i 0 t) ;;;:i;;.Ei D 0 919 0 t;i 559 1, 0 ,t';;ii;)3 f;i Peal: flour' Intersection fraffic in PL. Hr Intersection Pdslrns in Pk. Hr 190;; P.;;.al:: llr . f ,;;ic;t,oi J ihk & associates 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page 2 ********************************************************************* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 45 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 85 AREA POPULATION 62000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET QUESTHAVEN ROAD NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NAME OF THE ANALYST KK DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 10/31/90 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE WESTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT 63 0 98 THRU 0 845 717 RIGHT 103 48 0 NUMBER OF LANES LANES EB WB NB SB LANES — 2 2 2 ihk & associates ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page 3 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.00 NORTHBOUND 0.00 SOUTHBOUND 0.00 VEHICLE COMPOSITION 90 90 90 20 20 20 N N N % SU TRUCKS AND RVS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS 2 2 2 % COMBINATION VEHICLES 0 0 0 % MOTORCYCLES 0 0 0 MINOR RIGHTS MAJOR LEFTS MINOR LEFTS WB SB TABULAR VALUES (Table 10-2) 6.10 5.80 WB 7.90 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. VALUE ADJUSTMENT 6.10 5.80 7.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 FINAL CRITICAL GAP 6. 10 5.80 7 .90 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET QUESTHAVEN ROAD NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 10/31/90 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 Ihk & associates CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page 4 POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c = c - v LOS P M SH . R SH MINOR STREET WB LEFT 75 48 31 31 -44 F RIGHT 122 521 521 521 399 B MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 116 277 277 277 160 D IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET QUESTHAVEN ROAD NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 10/31/90 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 J ihk & associates 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page 5 ***********************************************************^^j^j^jtj^^^^* IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 45 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 86 AREA POPULATION 62000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET QUESTHAVEN ROAD NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD NAME OF THE ANALYST KK DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 10/31/90 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: NORTH/SOUTH CONTROL TYPE WESTBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT 50 0 68 THRU 0 882 783 RIGHT 43 77 0 NUMBER OF LANES EB WB NB SB LANES — 2 2 ~2 Ihk & associates ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page 6 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 0.00 NORTHBOUND 0.00 SOUTHBOUND 0.00 VEHICLE COMPOSITION 90 90 90 20 20 20 N N N % SU TRUCKS AND RVS EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS 2 2 2 % COMBINATION VEHICLES % MOTORCYCLES 0 0 0 0 0 0 MINOR RIGHTS MAJOR LEFTS MINOR LEFTS WB SB TABULAR VALUES (Table 10-2) 6.10 5.80 WB 7.90 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. VALUE ADJUSTMENT 6.10 5.80 7.90 0. 00 0.00 0.00 FINAL CRITICAL GAP 6.10 5.80 7.90 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET QUESTHAVEN ROAD NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 10/31/90 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 Ihk & associates CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page 7 MOVEMENT POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) p M SH RESERVE CAPACITY C = C - V LOS R SH MINOR STREET WB LEFT RIGHT MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 59 51 80 48 498 254 36 498 254 36 498 254 -22 448 174 F A D IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET QUESTHAVEN ROAD NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 10/31/90 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 Ihk & associates Intersection: RANCHO SANTA FE &. QUESTHAVEN Date: WED 7/11/90 Analyst: BCS Time Period: 7:30 AM TO 8:30 AM Project No: 1165 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Movemen t ; Volume ; (veh) 1 Capacity I (veh) : v/c : LOS WB LEFT 63 1 500 0.04 F WB RIBHT 103 1 500 0 .07 B NB THRU 845 1700 0. 50 A NB RIGHT 48 1 500 0.03 A SB LEFT 98 1 500 0.07 D SB THRU 717 1700 0.42 , A Totai ; 1874 ; iDvera 1 1 ( 6" Intersection = L . O . S . * 80 s) -f (103 V * 10 s) -t- (98 V * 35 s) 1874 V = 5.1 5 "B" Note: 1. V = vehicles, s = seconds 2. Delay for LOS "A" = 0 seconds. Thus, LOS "A" movements are excluded from the numerator of the overall intersection LOS calculation. 3. LOS values can be found on Paqe 4 for conflicting movements. The thru movement LOS's were calculated in a manner similar to the peak hour link count ADTs. Paoe S Ihk & associates Intersection: RANCHO SANTA FE & QUESTHAVEN Date: WED 7/11/90 Analyst: BCS Time Period: 5:00 P.M TO 6:00 PM Project No: 1165 City/State: CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA Movemen t ! Volume ; (veh) ; Capacity ; (veh) ; v/c LOS WB LEFT 50 1 500 0.03 F WB RIGHT 43 1 500 0.0-3 A NB THRU 882 1700 0. 52 A NB RIGHT 77 1 500 0.05 A SB LEFT 68 1 500 0.05 ; D SB THRU 783 1700 : 0.46 ; A Total ; 1903 Overal 1 Intersection L.O.S. (50 v * 80 s) -t- (68 V * 35 s) 1903 V 3.4 s "A" Note: 1. V = vehicles, s seconds 2. Delay for LOS "A" = O seconds. Thus, LOS "A" movements are excluded from the numerator of the overaii intersection LOS calculation. 3. LOS values can be found on Page 7 for conflicting movements. The thru movement LOS's were calculated in a manner similar to the peak hour link count ADT's. Paae 9 J ihk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 34 Intersection Location: Elm Avenue and Pio Pico Drive CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram .ItH-: If ft;; i: iafi; Fur-ning Moi.-en,;;.ri t, E.;;ii,iri t s fli i.::i;i i,|:;;: i : Page. 1 c.t Fl lg: CRRLSBRD Intersection of: N/S Street: PIO PICI E/H :;;;tr ec;.l,: f;i,„f1 RDE Fount Da fe: i;;i//.;;:'i/';;ifi File: PI DEEM. Mfi: 1 DaLa Eolle ted hg: PR D.;:ii,|: Heat Fier Ftif;:;;.DR'r El ERR lr.::itf. i t,!' .::. I : ';;;;i, c|rial :i :;;;.;?i;:l (;;nd oF 15 nin. |;;,rd. Soutfi f1pip,roa,;;;h CNB;:' Left, 11-fm fin 11 Rigtit Hoi tti Hppr oacli 3B> Left H frn thru Rigtit Peds LeFl Ue:;;.f, Rp,|;:.r c..::i.;;;ti CEf;i "Eld tin ij R i.:)Iil Pe.ds I, East Hppn :;.ft 0"-Irn .:ich CUB;> Itn ij Ricjht LS nin Peds Detiicl: I..tal : Peds 06 15 RM 9 Of;. ill tm '3 06 95 RM 20 ft;-' 00 Rti 11 ft" 1';;, RM It;. 0/ ill RM ;;:;;;: i;;i/ -15 RM -;;;";;; f;if;i flfl tlH X 3'l 08. 15 RH X .;;::;;i 00: :3f;i tIM X ;;;:9 OS: -i::;; RM X 19 tl9: oil RM 19 M.::ii . lEi nin. :;;i'i Pl:. HI . l'ol . 105 0/: '1!;;; RM P ;;.a|:: t)8: 95 RM II iur- 03: 95 PM .::,;) 09: DO PM ;) 3 09: 15 PM 39 09: 30 PM l'l 0-1: '15 PM il. 85: Of) I'M 25 85: 15 PM :;;i3 BEi: ill PM X ,;) .- 05: 'i:;;, PM X ;;;: i-' 06: 00 PM X 3-1 136: 15 PM X ;;;:9 06: ill PM 3i;) Mai . : 5 nin. :;)';) Pl:. Mr . t.'ol . 12/ 05: 15 PM P, •ak 1 06: 15 F'M Ll, mr- 1 I n 11 6 6 11 0 0 0 tl 0 0 tl 11 I, 1, tl 0 1 I, i;;i 1 I '••; tl 13 ,t f:i 1/ :;Lion traffi, 111L !;;• r s e c I, i o r i P d:;;: L r n 3 5 :i ri Fl: in Pf:; 6 11 0 ';) 11 5 0 11 11 31 3 9 11 13 16 10 8 0 ID 13 I 16 ; 36 ; ;;ti .:;in I r-.;:iffi i :ti .;;iri f'.:;l:;;:t r ri: 11 0 in PL. in PL. Hr tL- 16 99f) 0 6 11 t;. 19 29 -1 ,:i. 1 ,t 0 16 ;) 1 1 0 .;;i-;;l 0 'II. ,;;: 0 ,:1 tl 11;. '. D 5 tl 75 D 123 0 fl ,;' 0 -Itl .-' 1 1 0 1 1 f 1 2 0 ,'fl 3 1 ;3 fl ill 9 tl tl .1- l .l •1 fl D.l. :3 1 13 .;).::: 9 0 -1 0 11 :i 13 PI 1 1 0 9 0 98 15 1 2 0 i2:;;i 0 ;;;'22 i f;i ... f;i -i;;;: 9 1 2 tl 71 ;;) tl 17 E 1 f;i .;• 1 tl 6 ••I 1/ 2 15 tl 11;;. 2 / 13 310 2 t:i It) 13 :;)'i 0 :••; 0 0 g 17E 1 I) :if) tl st;. 31 1 5 t;i 1;;;:.-3 0 0 lfl tl -i;;;: 16 0 ,;;: fl ;-'fi 1 D i/';;i tl t;i l.:| 0 101 2:3 0 2 0 11,6 2 0 311-1 0 21 0 101 31 .;;: 15 0 16;;;: 0 ;;i98 3 t) ';;,9 f:i i';;i6 2 :i 3 2/ tl 9-12 11 fl 9';i8 5 19 19 11 lEl :39 F'.;;.ak tl tl 0 0 0 tl f;i 8 8 F. f,or- 10 1;;;: 12 13 11, 1/ lEi 19 16 19 t.6 l/'2 13/ 1:3 6 .'02 .,".6 1/5 159 i::! 213 107 IOS 151 25E 899 '..1 f--', 1 1, 33 tl *••; ") 2. 35 1 0 9 91 0 11 ;;:9 1 •'.'.i 2.1 0 0 19 -1 •ig 1 1 -1 3 39 213 9 1 119 0 0 tl 13 0 0 0 9 0 0 8 I, ••I 19 12:3 I, 9/ •If. 110 51 92 189 121 II, ';;. 113 82 192 -i5:;;i Peak :36/ :;)5::;. 9:;);;;: 9-1/ 1;- '..i 3-19 3f)l 519 9-1/ '12;:;i 916 3-1;;;' if;i80 PIO PICO at ELM AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 2 of 3 hk & associates Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) West Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:45 AM to 08:45 AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 11111 1 1 Config- (teft) 2 1 1 1 1 1 urations 3 / 1 1 1 1 Outside 5 Lane Settings 0 10 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 2 0 Capacity 0 1500 0 0 1500 1500 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? YES Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volune 105 17 30 6 16 18 59 196 71 27 442 11 Adjusted Hourty Volune 0 152 0 0 22 18 59 267 0 27 453 0 Utilization Factor 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.13 0.00 Critical Factors 0.10 0.01 0.04 0.13 ICU Ratio = 0.39 LOS Turning Movements at Intersection of PIO PICO and ELH AVE Time: 07:45 AM to 08:45 AM North Approach PIO PICO Date: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY 127 <- Total 40 87 <- Subtotals Sub- 18 16 6 Total totals III " Sub- U e 565 s t 891 59 A 326 196 V '-> I * totals Total E I \ P 71 North V P I r V I I ^ /-> ELM AVE Vlll . 105 17 30 Subtotals -> 114 152 Total -> 266 11 s <--- 442 480 t I /--- 27 I 712 A P > 232 p r Note: Left-turn volunes inctude South Approach U-turns. -J hk & associates PIO PICO at ELM AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 05:15 PM to „ „ Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 11111 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings 0 10 0 1 Capacity 0 1500 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? YES Do you want separate East/West phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volune 127 Adjusted Hourty Volune 0 Utilization Factor 0.00 Critical Factors 1 1 1 0 1500 1500 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 31 36 15 39 39 66 849 119 14 453 12 194 0 0 54 39 66 968 0 14 465 0 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.28 0.00 0.01 0.14 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.28 0.01 ICU Ratio = 0.56 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of PIO PICO and ELM AVE U e s t A P P r Time: 05:15 PM to 06:15 PM Oate: 07/24/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: RR Sub- Totat totals 1653 619 66 1034 849 --> 119 North Approach Pio PICO 206 39 <-' 95 39 17 I I V «-> North I I 127 31 111 <- Totat <- Subtotals I I <-- /-- /-> 36 Sub- totals Total 12 453 483 18 904 ELH AVE 1387 Subtotals -> 172 Total -> 194 366 South Approach Note: Left-turn volumes inctude U-turns. -J hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 35 Intersection Location: Poinsettia Lane and Avenida Encinas CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram -i-S'tes furning M .-•enent Fount: tgsi: l-l tg: ERRLSBRD Intersecti i of: H/ 1 ,::if RDEHIDD EHEIND'" F/H Sfreet: POIHSEEfID L Count Date; fl.-'/1fl,.'Elt) South flppii citich C Fnd c.f 15 flppii citich C nin. prd. I,,.? ft t 1 Irn fhr 1,1 Dt;.: ts Rti -:. 0 0 t)f;.::;)l3 fill 113 tl :;) 06:-15 RM 1 0 :t fl/:0O RM ,;1 II 3 0/: i:;:. DM :i ,;;' 0/:30 OM 6 11 2 D/:9S RM 10 0 3 tl8:i;;i0 Rt1 X 1,2 0 9 08:IS DM X fl t) 08:30 RM X i;;;: 0 1 08:95 RM X 15 0 0 09:00 HM 15 11 Man, 15 nin. 1:3 1 7 PL. fh". Dol. -1/ 0 12 0/:95 flM P eak Intersect 08:95 OM tl our Intersect 18 •ic in Pk. Hr -ns in Pk. Hr File: PDINRDEH. UK 1 l:i.::if,.::i 1 :; 1 lected hg:BH ESDR'i' traf 1 EfIR l-ic t; ntro 1 : Sl i:iii.::i3 ;i 1, ;s:i;;.d l-l CE;B::. He^:;i:f fi|::.|;:.rc..:;icl 1 ':;EF J 't iru Rigid Pods Left D-Ei ri fl iru f • i':iEL Peds 1 3 fl 1 0 5 1 5 •::' ;;;i • i;;i 2 1 tl .::' .;;• i;;i 0 I 1 f) f) fl 9 6 1;;. 1 8 6 3 :;;i E, fl 1;;. 13 -1 1. 9 ;3 .;;• 0 ••1 0 12 1. 9 J 3 R ••1 6 0 10 8 8 1-t 1 1 13 / 1. ',1 ••1 13 f,i fl 13 15 16 1) f;i El ••) 11 0 5 ';;. tl -1 El 8 fl 19 1';;. t6 t.;;: / 1 :;;i 28 t:;) ,-• 0 11 fl 1;;;' :33 tl tfl 2 1 0 11 19 f;.9 15 28 ••16 52 ;;;:9 Po.;;,i:: Hr-. F.::ictoi r 13.' II. Dag: | Of Flea ther: EE! NOI t h H|;;.|:ir-o.::ic:t tilt- Red:;;: t„i;;.ft ll fi rp 1:1 fl 1.;;: ti I': I l"l 1:3 f;i ,::• 1 g 11 ,| .-, -'. -• "' " '' ''I l-l ''=1 1:^' 2 13 2 1 g : '^f^ 0 12 12 8 189 1:1 6 fl 2 2 11 t. ;::' ::' " H-i ••! 8 59 I'::' 0 J :•) 0 0 l " 'l '::":l 8 1138 8 t,';;i 11 2'^ 0 1 0 g -g n ;;,:; ,::' :-F El 26.:' 9 -32 0 1; -, . ;::: 1':: : 0 .--El g 210 IE 0 ;if' fl -I 11 11 3 I -;: :: '::' ''^ o 250 l-l ;;fl f) 5 '. 1. o ^'0 0 18 35 0 259 20 26/ 2 111 fl 1;;;' :33 11 ;-'"; ;-; ,-.;;; " '^0 71 0 2E7 E.;:ist H |ipiri;;i.:a,;: Fl CUB;:' 11 0 Irn I lir ij Ri .;|tit F 'c.d:;;: ID 0 6 ,::| fl 23 0 12 12 8 10 0 18 '1 8 21, 0 ,1?' :FEI fl i'l 0 1 :;;i ,;;'3 fl ;;;' i fl 31 ;-'8 8 28 0 31 '••; ••) t;i -10 D ••It;. / :t 0 '•IEI f;i ;;;i :t '11, fl 99 0 .:;:.-' 91 11 58 0 18 • 1' i 0 '10 13 :31 91 0 :;:iO 0 96 /1 0 ',15 0 1 188 f) to lai f'c.i:1s 03:95 PM 0 ll'l: :l-!:> Pl-I 23 0 1 '=,2 1 ;|-. ' r " ^^^'^ 2 :i 25 0 38 ::' i -I, ,! o s so 9 :36 ! 2 ,, : [:; 20 23 0 E 3 22 30 0 3;:' ; 1 "'' = •^1-' ' " '=1'- 1:1 9 t;.EI lfl • .:E3 0 • - , " '"I 33 12 fl igii .: "^i't:'f:".. f'^' " 0 EE 1 25 :, 3 'g '^'^ '"' ^'^^ 20 0 39 1, "'••'='"''"* •-'« l-l 0 100 11 51 0 If r ;- ' •-•' " '^>0 0 30 35 0 ::|::.., '::'•-•^^""' '=-^' i"i E. f)8 ' 2 '::' ^> '"' 05 0 31 3/ ! p, -/ l;: :'^;::;;; [:;[] :^ " :' s 90 , ' ;; .If- 0 I ••ID .33 0 • l'l':Dt) PM X .;ig g ;;:• m , , '• " II f) 35 25 1,1 80 0 ;::'|::, ::r| ,-, - ,: 31 0 , 2 6, / n 0 6 ' g 'v! ^' ' '•' '^'2 0 29 2/ '^^g , ....:;"::'„.,.._ i.: o 7 I::; t ;; :! ^ 0 ^o^ 'p "-••" - •' ' '-' l-l t 1. 22 0 3;:'fl IFI M.;:in. 1,5 rri, n. •:1;;: g 0 2S 3" 10 IPE I il? - S ^ ,3;; 32 0 108 0 90 92 0 -960 00:00 PM Hour InLersei^l^on Pdsii'iis l^. it "dO ''•''^'> 05:00 PM Peal: Intersection traffi, -;;i:i;;i 329 IE 6 0 120 ':•;'•! o i"" ^ -''6 0 960 18 i.;;'9 12 El El lO'^i::; J hk. & associates AVENIDA ENCINAS at POINSETTIA LANE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 2 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) Ho. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 07:45 AM to „ „ AM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right . Left Thru Right 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1500 1700 0 1500 1700 1500 YES NO 33 21 64 46 195 122 188 0 21 110 0 195 122 188 0.00 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.13 0.07 0.13 0.06 0.13 Lane Inside 11 111 Config- (left) 2 i urations 3 i 4 Outside 5 Lane Settings 1110 1 Capacity 1500 1700 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volune 47 12 173 111 12 Adjusted Hourty Volume 47 12 173 0 156 Utilization Factor 0.03 0.01 0.12 0.00 0.10 Critical Factors 0.12 0.10 ICU Ratio = 0.51 LOS = A Turning Movements at Intersection of AVENIDA ENCINAS and POINSETTIA LANE Time: 07:45 AM to •^^ = '•5 AM North Approach AVENIDA ENCINAS Date: 07/10/90 Day: TUESDAY Name: BU Sub- Totat totals U e 202 s t 333 A 131 P P r 377 <-Totat 156 221 <-Subtotals 33 12 111 1 1 1 Sub- <-' V 1 totals Totat E 1 1 1 1 a A \ 188 s 1 A <— 122 505 t 21 1 /---195 64 --> 1 1 853 A 46 North V P 1 > 348 P V 1 r 1 <-. /-> POINSETTIA LANE I I I 47 12 173 Subtotals -> 253 232 Totat -> 485 Note: Left-turn volunes inctude South Approach U-turns. J hk & associates AVENIDA ENCINAS at POINSETTIA LANE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utilization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 05:00 PM to „ "-eft Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 1 Config- (left) 2 urations 3 4 Outside 5 1 1 1 1 1 Lane Settings 1110 1 Capacity 1500 1700 1500 0 1500 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? YES Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? NO Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourty Volume Utilization Factor Critical Factors 1 1 1 1 0 1500 1700 0 1500 1700 1500 113 29 375 176 31 58 36 120 93 355 129 128 113 29 375 0 265 0 36 213 0 355 129 128 0.08 0.02 0.25 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.02 0.13 0.00 0.24 0.08 0.09 0.25 0.18 0.13 0.24 ICU Ratio = 0.89 LOS Turning Movements at Intersection of AVENIDA ENCINAS and POINSETTIA LANE Time: 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM North Approach AVENIDA ENCINAS Date: 07/10/90 Day: TUESDAY 458 <-Total Name: BU 265 193 <-Subtotals Sub-58 31 176 Total totals 1 1 1 A Sub- u <-' V »-> 1 ^ totals Total E e 300 < 1 1 ______ a s A 1 1 128 s t 549 1 A < 129 612 t 36 1 /---355 A 249 120 --> 1 1 1283 A P 93 North V p P 1 671 p r V 1 r 1 <-. ' /-> POINSETTIA LANE Subtotals -> 479 Total -> 113 29 517 996 South Approach 375 Note: Left-turn volunes inctude U-turns. -J Ihk & associates CITY OF CJARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 36 Intersection Location: La Costa Avenue and Saxony Road CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 9 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour HCM Analysis 2 of 9 P.M. Peak Hour HCM Analysis 5 of 9 A.M. Peak Hour LOS Calculations 8 of 9 P.M. Peak Hour LOS Calculations 9 of 9 jiii: ft HSS0C1.::1 les I ur-ni ng Moi-'enc •111 Counts 1 ll .• 1 1 1 1 1 Page 1 EiLi|: CHRL: ;;;i;;iFiD Fl 1 , . •• .: ;.R:'';i,t;:';;;ii-i .F-ii:f I nLer: sc.i;;; t,;i, i;;ii- i . of: N/S :; ;;;t,r-eet: sfi;-;t)Nv RD flat .;;, t;:.: ::.) 1 ected hg:M6 F;;/H •; ;;;tr' eet: tfl I,;:EI:;;;I tl HVE hg:M6 E:oi„iiit li.;;i I,;;.: D.;:iip: 1 IIESDRV f 1 affl ic Eoritr ..1 : DHE ;;i6MREIZED 82/1/, /';)t;i Uealher : ft ERR :;;.Ol,j1„|i R|;;,| :;ir"i;:i :;l i C NB;:I N.;.i ffl f l|;.|;:ir ,: .ach CSB;:' H.;;.;;;:1 fl |;.|:;.r-ii.:;t,,;;t J ci;;f;i;:i f;;ri.;1 c. f i:;;i ri,i 11. 1 prd. L; eft R-Fr 11 Fliru Right Peds I,,.;;, f t, tJ l"fi"n ftir-i,j Rl gtd; Pe (1:;;: 1 .eft fl-Frn Fl ir i,j R;i, .:jh t, P. ;;..:1s Bf;.: IS RM 1 fl 0 6 0 0 0 fl f) fl fl 0 f) :i 6'1 3 f;i 86:30 RH 0 fl 0 0 0 1,1 fl fl 11 0 0 f) :i t:)'1 1 ;: 1 -1 :;) 11 86:95 RM .•;• I) 0 .;;'::. 11 fl fl fl fl fl fl tl .; t:)'1 1 ;: 1 -1 :;) 0 0/:0D flH ;;;: tl fl f) f) D 1,1 t;i fl t;i i;;i tl :i i,f;i.;;: i 0 0/: 15 lltl 0 1,1 0 11 8 8 8 0 0 8 0 0 1 183 1 0 0/:30 tIM X :t fl 0 . 18 0 f;i fl fl 0 D 0 II .;; •13 1 tl 0/:95 RM X I fl 0 :;;i i t) f) fl 8 fl 0 0 II IE'13 1, 0 08:00 flM X 2 0 0 r;;. f) fl 0 fl 0 0 f;i i;;i ;;; ';;;:8 :i 0 0 88: 15 flM X 1 0 tl ;;;'.;;' 0 f) fl 0 • f;i fl tl I) ;;; '69 ;;;• 0 0 08:38 RM '2 0 fl .;;•.;;' 0 fl 0 0 tl f;i tl 0 ;;; 0 08:95 flM 1 0 0 1/ 0 f;i 0 0 0 t;i t) 0 2 '3 :i 5 f;i fl 09:08 RM 2 0 0 2'1 0 13 fl f;i 0 f;i 0 II 2 :9f:i i;;;' f;i fl Man. , ts mil. 9 fl 0 :;) 1 0 f:i fl tl 13 13 t) :;;i i.;?f;i :i,2 0 PL. Hr . Di;;.l . '"' fl El 86 t) f;i f) tl fl tl i;;i 0 ii;;i i:;ii;) 5 tl F:,.::i:;;:t, Rpipn-c Left 0-frn sch CHB;:' Itiri.i Ri i:;:i rn n iht Peds Detricl:; 11 11 ,1-1 1,9 21 D 1 1 fl 0 0 , fl 0 0 0 0 tl i:;)t) .'11 319 '16;:- 2';;; 6 9 11 282 3D I 302 1961 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 D fl 0 15 RM 1';;; RM Pc..::l|:: 11 11- I n t e. 1- s e c; 11 i t r a tti c in PI.; I ri ter-:;;:ecti .:;,ri Pd:;;:trns i ri PI: fir.:: Fact. 0.29 .;;: 11 361 571 102 581 5/0 8-13 ';;; i ••i ;-'^^ii 5:;;.'3 681 total :;; f'e,;1:;;: 0 1 1 0 0 tl fl f) 0 D 0 t) I, f;i-i:;) II II ,;;:f;.f;,i;;i 03:95 PM i;:-0 fl 29 0 0 tl f) 8 fl 13 ;::. ,;;':;;; fl 8 i::;. 0 26 1 0 9 5/9 '1 09:00 09: 15 PM -1 0 0 i;;;: fl fl fl 13 0 tl f) 0 :3fi/ 9 tl ;;;:-i 0 3139 0 tl 1,1,11 fl g 09:00 09: 15 PM 0 0 15 0 13 8 8 8 8 0 0 309 11 8 3-1 0 259 0 0 fl f>3f) fl g 09:30 PM 5 0 0 ;;;:/ 0 0 8 fl 0 t;i f) fl 318 s 0 1/ t) 22 1 tl 0 fl 533 PI 09:95 PM X 3 0 0 35 0 fl 13 8 0 f;i 0 1 311 / 0 29 1 fl 29,-' fl t) g 632 11 05:00 PM X 5 0 D 29 0 fl fl 8 tl tl 0 tl ;•) fl 21 1 fl 2,:-l 8 t) g E 1, • PI 05: 15 05:30 I'M X 2 t) II ::S8 f;i 13 8 fl tl , t) 0 0 525 12: f;i :31 tl 919 tl I 1022 ','i:,, 1 11 05: 15 05:30 PM X 0 t) 8 36 fl f;i 13 8 tl tl 0 0 323 B tl 2t) tl 20f) 16:3 0 D 1022 ','i:,, 1 11 05:95 PM 1 1 11 3;;;: 0 i;;i f;i fl 0 t;i f:i 1 ;;;:53 11 El 2f) tl 20f) 16:3 t) 1 'ii;;if) 1 06:00 PM ;;;i 13 8 39 fl tl fl fl tl tl t;i f;i 362 11 El 29 0 290 f) tl i;;,;-''i fl 11 06:1';:; 06: 30 F'M ••I 0 0 ,'tl D t;i 0 f;i tl t;i 0 f;i 1) i 5 t;i 1/ 0 209 t;i tl t) ';;.Eii;;. -.'•ir' 2 fl 11 06:1';:; 06: 30 F'M 5 0 II ,'0 t) fl fl tl tl 8 t:i f:i 296 9 t;i 16 0 231 0 tl t) ';;.Eii;;. -.'•ir' 2 fl M.;:il 1 . ] :,:j nin. i;^'' 1 0 38 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 -:. 525 12 0 39 1 1 919 iOEi:;;i 0 9 ji:i:;:, 9 Pl;. Hi •- Dol. 10 0 0 i:;;i:3 f) f;i fl f:i 0 tl i;;i 1 1999 311 tl 101 1 1 919 iOEi:;;i 0 1 -2861 I 89:30 PM F'fi;^aF.: Inter :;;:e,:;;tn:tri li .::tfti,;: in pf-:. Hr-;:8f, 1 Pe.::it:: HI . F.::•.;; ;tor 8. ;-'fi 05:30 PH H „ir-Inter-se,;;;t,;i,,iri F',;; l:;;:);i-ris in pf:;. Hr I Pe.::it:: HI 8. ;-'fi -J ihk & associates 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page 2 **********'i('k'k'k'k1c-k1i***-k4c**1stk*tk1s'***'***ie*ie**1c*'k*'k*'*** IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 50 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 79 AREA POPULATION 62000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET SAXONY ROAD NAME OF THE ANALYST - KK DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 11/1/90 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTHBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES LEFT EB 0 WB 73 NB 5 SB THRU 1038 1461 0 — RIGHT 5 0 86 — NUMBER OF LANES EB WB NB SB LANES 1 2 1 _ _ Ihk & associates ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND 0.00 WESTBOUND 0.00 NORTHBOUND -2.00 SOUTHBOUND VEHICLE COMPOSITION 90 90 90 20 20 20 N N N EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS % SU TRUCKS AND RVS 2 2 2 % COMBINATION VEHICLES 0 0 0 % MOTORCYCLES 0 0 0 MINOR RIGHTS MAJOR LEFTS MINOR LEFTS NB WB TABULAR VALUES (Table 10-2) 6.30 5.40 NB 7.70 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADJUSTED VALUE 6.30 5.40 7.70 SIGHT DIST. ADJUSTMENT 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 FINAL CRITICAL GAP 6.30 5.40 7.70 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET SAXONY ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 11/1/90 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 jhk. & associates CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page 4 MOVEMENT POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) p M SH RESERVE CAPACITY c = c - v LOS R SH MINOR STREET NB LEFT 6 RIGHT 99 MAJOR STREET WB LEFT 93 54 156 226 36 156 226 > > > 132 36 > > 156 > 226 30 > E 28 >E 58 > E 133 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET SAXONY ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 11/1/90 ; AM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 jhk. & associates 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Page 5 *************************************************^*^*jif*^^^^yj^^^^j^^^^^ IDENTIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE RUNNING SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 50 PEAK HOUR FACTOR.. 7 AREA POPULATION 62000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET SAXONY ROAD NAME OF THE ANALYST KK DATE OF THE ANALYSIS (mm/dd/yy) 11/1/90 TIME PERIOD ANALYZED PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 199 0 INTERSECTION TYPE AND CONTROL INTERSECTION TYPE: T-INTERSECTION MAJOR STREET DIRECTION: EAST/WEST CONTROL TYPE NORTHBOUND: STOP SIGN TRAFFIC VOLUMES LEFT EB 0 WB 102 NB 10 SB THRU 1494 1093 0 — RIGHT 30 0 133 — NUMBER OF LANES EB WB NB SB LANES 1 2 1 ihk & associates ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Page 6 PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RIGHT TURNS EASTBOUND 0.00 WESTBOUND 0.00 NORTHBOUND -2.00 SOUTHBOUND VEHICLE COMPOSITION 90 90 90 20 20 20 N N N EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND CRITICAL GAPS % SU TRUCKS AND RVS 0 0 0 % COMBINATION VEHICLES 0 0 0 % MOTORCYCLES 0 0 0 MINOR RIGHTS MAJOR LEFTS MINOR LEFTS NB WB TABULAR VALUES (Table 10-2) 6.30 5.40 NB 7.70 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADJUSTED SIGHT DIST. VALUE ADJUSTMENT 6.30 5.40 7.70 0. 00 0. 00 0.00 FINAL CRITICAL GAP 6.30 5.40 7.70 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET SAXONY ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 11/1/90 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 Ihk & associates CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page 7 MOVEMENT POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY v(pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) p M SH RESERVE CAPACITY c = c - v LOS R SH MINOR STREET NB LEFT 14 RIGHT 190 MAJOR STREET WB LEFT 160 54 103 153 103 153 > 0 > -14 > F > 0 > -204 >F > 103 > -87 > F 153 -7 F IDENTIFYING INFORMATION NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET LA COSTA AVENUE NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET SAXONY ROAD DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS 11/1/90 ; PM PEAK OTHER INFORMATION 1990 Ihk & associates Intersection: SAXONY ROAD ft LA COSTA AVE Date: TUE 7/17/90 Analyst: BCS Time Period: 7:15 AM TO 8:15 AM Project No: 1165 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Movemen t ; Vol Lime ; (veh) ; Capacity ; (veh) V/C LOS NB LEFT/RIGHT 91 1 500 0 .06 E WB LEFT 73 1 500 0 .05 D WB THRU 1461 1700 0 .86 D EB THRU/RIGHT 1043 1700 0 .61 B Total 2668 Overall Intersection L.O.S. = (91 V * 50 5)-t-(73 V * 35 s)-)-(1461 v * 35 s)-i-(1043 v * 10 s) 2668 V = 25.7 5 = "D" Note: 1. V = vehicles, s = seconds 2. Delay for LOS "A" •= O seconds. Thus, LOS "A" movements are excluded from the numerator of the overall intersection LOS calculation. 3. LOS values can be found on Page 4 for conflicting movements. The thru movement LOS's were calculated in a manner similar to the peak hour link count ADT's. Paae 8 Ihk & associates Intersection: SAXONY ROAD LA COSTA AVE Date: TUE 7/17/90 Analyst: BCS Time Period: 4:30 PM TO 5:30 PM Project No: 1165 City/State: CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Movemen t ' Volume ( veh) ' Capacity, (veh) V/C LOS NB LEFT/RIGHT 143 1 500 0.10 F WB LEFT 102 1 500 0.07 F WB THRU 1093 1700 0.64 B EB THRU/RIGHT 1 525 1700 0. 90 D Total 2863 Overall Intersection L.O.S. = (143 V t 80 s)"^-(102 V * 80 5)-i-(1093 v * 10 s)-(-(1525 v * 35 2863 V = 29.3 s Note: 1. V = vehicles, s = seconds 2. Delay for LOS "A" = 0 seconds. Thus, LOS "A" movements are e:»;cluded from the numerator of the overall intersection LOS calculation. 3. LOS values can be found on Page 7 for conflicting movements. The thru movement LOS's were calculated in a manner similar to the peak hour link count ADT's. Paae 9 hk & associates CITY OF CARLSBAD SUMMER 1990 INTERSECTION ANALYSIS SUMMARY Intersection Number: 37 Intersection Location: College Boulevard and Faraday Avenue CONTENT PAGE Turn Movement Count Summary 1 of 3 (A.M. and P.M.) A.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 2 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram P.M. Peak Hour ICU Analysis and 3 of 3 Turn Movement Diagram • IHI^: it tl:;;::;;:.;;„;;;;i, a l,;;.s I rir-riirig tlcn., n,;;.nt Coijid;,: g:;:;i : l-::i lij: t:f1F;:LSBRD ' '•' '-'=•'"•:-'=":: l-r '::'n oE: N/S SLreet: F/W Street: Fount Date: 0//19/90 Page 1 of :;i COl,t„Et)E t)l„Di;:i ERRI3DRV' Rt^'E File: ELL8EFRR. Hi: 1 l-'^sl:-a t: Heeled hg:M6 t:i.;:ii ,|: Heallic tllRRSD CEERR 1 11.I of 15 nin. prd. D6: 15 RM 06:30 RM 06:95 OM 0/:00 DH 0/:15 RM o:='::;)o RM ;•; D/:95 OM X 08:88 RH X 08:15 OM X 08:30 DM 08:95 OH 09:00 RH Mai-i. 15 nm. Pl:. Hr-. Dol. 0/:15 RM 08:15 RM Left R-I 0 0 0 fl tl 1 0 0 fl fl l'.;;..;:il: Hcnjr 03:95 PM O'l: OD PM 09:15 PM 09:30 PM 09:95 PM X 05: Dfl PM X 05: 15 F'tl X 05:3i;) PM X 05:95 PM 06:00 PM 06:15 PM f)6:30 PM D 0 0 0 0 D 0 f) Man. PL. 15 nin Ir-. Dol 9:30 PM 5:38 PM Peal: Hour :ipn-o i.;ich CNB;:' Nort h Rpipn ,;; '•:'ictl est 1 |l r ri Ihrci Right Peds Left ll fi-n fin-1,1 f Erglit 8 0 3 8 9 fl g tl 0 23 8 15 13 16 0 fl 0 23 3 10 fl 1,1 fl f:i 8 2 3 -1 fl 1 20 0 .::: :,;i 0 8 5 39 '•; 39 0 0 IS 30 0 f;i '1 98 tl '32 fl I,.--1 f) 8 8.:1 0 51 0 .-'/ 0 f) ::;i 'IEI tl .;;':;;i 13 1 i;;i tl .-' :;;i i tl :i ':;i tl It:. tl i;;i tl /' 36 0 '3 13 19 1 1 / :;;i i 13 El 1 f) fl 1 8 8 01 20 211 ,;;, ,::• 5 ••I L3l:;i fl El 9 1 2 ;ntc •r":;::i;;^c;tj on f r-..;i 111., ;i i,n Pk. Rr . ::: 51/ nt , •r-s.;;.t;li.:;in Pds ti-r i:;;: ;i in PL. Hr- . ::: 51/ 1 1 0 tl 0 1 D 0 0 0 1 15 11 16 1,3 15 2:;;, 20 III 18 19 16 19 1,1 1 1 8 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9 0 D 0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 13 l'l If) I ll t,-i s e 1-1, ior, I r a I I i c i n P I:. ||, I li I.;;. r- s e c; L i on P cl s tin s in PL;. R r 13 i,:;;i l-l, It) 1 0 1 f) 1 0 iflic f: 'ti-ol : Signali; He:;;: I, 13 :ipr- t P.;;.cls L.;;.f t D - fi 0 0 0 0 0 0 fl 0 fl 13 0 0 13 13 ::ik Hr. E, 0 0 fl 13 0 f) t) 0 tl 0 0 f) tl tl fl fl f;i f:i 1 0 ,1, 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 f) 0 :iai:;;li Cf;B;:' Ftir-u Ri 0 0 fl 0 I f f:i fl r;i :t t 1 0 fl 0 1 0 1 0 0 :|lit Pl 0 0 0 0 fl 0 0 fl fl 0 fl East, ds LefL t 0 0 D 0 1 fl 0 1 fl 1 1 0 9 1-1 •;) 11 19 -15 2-1 20 -19 33 6/ 51 39 18 11 11 6/ 195 Rpip.r c -tr-n 0 0 0 0 13 0 f:i 0 i;:i i;;i t;i f:i 13 tl 0 0 D 0 D t;i D 0 0 ::ich CHB;> 1 Frrrj Ri i;;|ti t 0 0 0 t tl 1 0 1 0 :3 1 1 lEi nin. Peds Dehicls total: fed:;;: 19 •;) 98 16 8 11 t) 11 ll 12 8 8 0 0 0 i;i 0 El fl f:i 0 tl 0 . 12 59- 5'•I El';) 91 11/ 116 18;;;' 182 89 89 182 I..,' 13:3 I61;) 119 121 112 56 99 52f) I 1 0 fl 0 8 1, 1 0 tl 9 Peal: llr . fac tor J hk & associates COLLEGE BLVD at FARADAY AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Pk. Nr. Time Period: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Lane Inside Config- (left) urations Page 2 of 3 So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Outside Lane Settings Capacity 2 2 2700 3400 0 2700 3400 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 0 1 2 0 1500 3400 Hourly Volume 1 20 214 148 91 2 Adjusted Hourly Volume 1 234 0 148 93 0 UtiIization Factor 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.05 0.03 0.00 Critical Factors 0.07 0.05 1 3 0.00 0.00 0 1 2 0 0 1500 3400 0 2 25 3 8 0 25 11 0 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 ICU Ratio 0.24 LOS = A U e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of COLLEGE BLVD and FARADAY AVE North Approach COLLEGE BLVD Time: 07:15 AM to 08:15 AM Date: 07/19/90 Day: THURSDAY Name: MG Sub- Total totals 13 3 1 --> 2 271 <-Totat 241 30 <-Subtotals 2 91 148 1 1 1 Sub- V '-> 1 ^ 1 1 totals 1 1 8 <— 3 36 1 1 /--- 1 25 1 North 1 V Subtotals -> 118 Totat -> 1 /-> I I 20 214 235 353 South Approach 399 363 FARADAY AVE E a s t A P P r Note: Left-turn volumes include U-turns. -J hk & associates COLLEGE BLVD at FARADAY AVE Lane Configuration for Intersection Capacity Utitization Page 3 of 3 Pk. Hr. Time Period: So. Approach (NB) No. Approach (SB) Uest Appr. (EB) East Appr. (UB) 04:30 PM to °5=20 PM Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Left Thru Right Lane Inside 11 •) .| .j Config- (left) 2 1 i urations 3 1 i 1111 4 11 11 Outside 5 Lane Settings 2 2 0 2 2 0 12 0 12 0 ^^P^^^^y 2700 3400 0 2700 3400 0 1500 3400 0 1500 3400 0 Do you want separate North/South phases (Yes/No)? N Do you want separate East/Uest phases (Yes/No)? N Efficiency Lost Factor 0.10 Hourly Volume 0 98 33 Adjusted Hourty Volume 0 131 Q Utilization Factor 0.00 0.04 0.00 Critical Factors o.04 ICU Ratio = 0.27 LOS = A 10 41 1 1 1 2 195 3 135 10 42 0 1 3 0 195 138 0 0. .00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0. ,00 0.00 0.13 0.04 0.00 0. ,00 0. .00 0.13 w e s t A P P r Turning Movements at Intersection of COLLEGE BLVD and FARADAY AVE Time: 04:30 PM to 05:30 PM North Approach COLLEGE BLVD Date: 07/19/90 Day: THURSDAY 286 <-Totat Name: MG 52 234 <-Subtotals Sub-1 41 10 Total totals 1 1 1 Sub- <-' V '-> ( totals Total E 4 < 1 1 1 1 - -a \ - _ . 135 s 8 1 1 < 3 333 t 1 1 - I /---195 4 1 --> 1 1 377 A 2 North V P > 44 p r /-> FARADAY AVE 1 98 33 Subtotals -> 239 132 Total -> 371 Note: Left-turn volumes inctude South Approach U-turns.