HomeMy WebLinkAbout6618; AGUA HEDIONDA STREAMBANK RESTORATION; Agua Hedionda Stream Bank Repair Construction Special Inspection Reports; 2017-01-27 Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants 5710 Ruffin Road San Diego, California 92123 Phone: 858/ 576-1000 Fax: 858/ 974-6989 TO: Ms. Sherri Howard DATE: January 27, 2017 City of Carlsbad PROJECT NUMBER: 107544012 1635 Faraday Avenue PROJECT NAME: CARLSBAD/Coman Property Carlsbad, California 92008 Creek Restoration Project PERMIT/APPL NUMBER: 6618 PLAN FILE NUMBER: We are sending you the following via: U.S. Mail DSA Box Email sherri.howard@carlsbadca.gov Copies Description 1 Special Inspection Reports DISTRIBUTION: Client: Ms. Sherri Howard City of Carlsbad Email Architect: Structural Eng: Construction Mgr.: Building Official: Project Inspector: Mr. Joe McMahon City of Carlsbad Email Other: Mr. Daniel Zimmy City of Carlsbad Email Other: REMARKS: BY Mark Cuthbert Principal Engineer Transmittal □ □ ~ □ □ □ □ ~ ~ □ FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 6710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: November 11, 2016; Friday Project Name: Coman Property Creek Restoration Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: City of Carlsbad Permit No.: 6618 Sunny Creek Rd Plan File No.: Project Street Address: Carlsbad CA Contractor: Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site as requested to obseive proposed fill materials and collect a representative sample. Upon arrival I spoke with the contractor foreman about the scope of work and was directed to the stockpile location. Material appeared to be a sandy clay with some gravel and appeared to be well above optimal moisture. A representative sample was collected and will be transported to the Ninyo and Moore lab in San Diego for a proctor. Recommended contractor flip flop stockpile and or spread out material to allow to aerate over the weekend due to high moisture content. Weather: Attachments: clear STAFF START STOP REG. Q.T. #OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S-17 7:00 9:30 2.50 CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST = Standby WC = Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK [glwas D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED [glmet D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING [gj was D was not 0 N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Delly Report 2013 v 1.6 Timothy L Timmerman Name of Field T':.S!Jllician J -_ __£ Signature of Field Technician 11[11[2016 ICC-8035412 Date Certification Number JOBSITE CONTACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTION HOURS ONLY, THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012_DR_ TL T -2016-11-11.doc FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 6710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 r Report Date: November 14, 2016; Monday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . 5855 SUNNY CREEK RD, Plan File No.: ProJect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA. 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO. Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day for the observation and testing of compacted fill. On arrival I met with the foreman Brandon with BLT const. co. and Dana, consulting design engineer and we discussed the work to be performed. Today the contractor will be constructing a keyway for the proposed natu- ral log crib retaining system. The contractor has perform the removals to the F/L of the creek bed and has lined it with the mirlfy 140 and the perimeter boulders per plan. The 308 mini excavator began digging a keyway to the north side north of the existing 36" storm drain and wing walls with the soils being thrown onto the cut ramp where the bobcat Is being used to remove and placed in a stockpile adj. the existing barn. The soils being dug where the surrounding topsoil of 1'+-to expose the underlying the yellowish coarse grad- ed alluvial sands and water table. At this elevation of contact, the keyway was constructed with a cantering to the heel of 1. 5' +-. It was observed at the back of the first course of logs the vertical backcut to 5'+. The wall will have a slight canter to which required the contractor to start at the top of the backcut and recut an additional 3' in width so as to keep the additional crib logs on compacted fill. ***** At the toe of the keyway, per design, the toe is part of the line of large perimeter boulders mentioned. These are to aid In support of the first stretchers of logs. The contractor place crushed rock in the keyway zone that equaled 8" just behind the toe boulders to as much as 1.5' at the heel. Once leveled, the area was then cov- ered with the Mirify 140N filter fabric with the crew hoisting the first stretcher logs Into the keyway. This operation will continue tomorrow morning. Weather: Attachments: Sunny & Hot STAFF START STOP REG. Q.T. #OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0630 1500 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST= Standby WC = Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK 18] was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED □ met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING □ was D was not 18:J N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Dally Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician r-u&8r Signature of Fi Technician 11/14/2016 Date Certification Number JoesrrE CONT ACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTION HOURSONL Y. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107644012_DR_ WEB_2016-11-14 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 6710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: November 15, 2016; Tuesday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . SBSS SUNNY CREEK RD, Plan File No.: ProJect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA, 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO. Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC, On site this day to continue the observation and testing of compacted fill of the natural log retaining wall. On arrival I met with the foreman Brandon with BLT const. co. and Dana, consulting design engineer and we discussed the work to be performed. Today the contractor will be constructing the log units to create the crib wall to the north side of the 36" existing SD. The logs were set In-place in a stacking fashion perpendicular to one another. The labor used an electric and gas powered drill with a 5' long l" drill bit to drill through the first two eucalyptus logs. All thread bolts were inserted with a 3" steel washer plate and two nuts to each end and tightened. No torque requirements were made, but, will be serviced and maintained for the first year after completion. Once the first course of the logs were set and bolted the contractor placed 15"+-sized boulders up against the back side of the face of the logs. These oversized rock are to prevent the finer material from being eroded from the cell create by the fastening of the logs. Once the o.s. rock were in-place. The excavator was used to mix the native soils with some 6"-rock to an unknown percentage and was placed Into the cell from the back of the o.s. rocks to the front side of the rear log. This material was then leveled and hit slightly with the hand whacker. The excavator then used the stockpiled soils from the initial dig to place behind the wall up against the back- cut and the mlrify 140N filter fabric. Testing conducted showed the minimum requirements set by the plans. Today a meeting of all parties involved in making this project possible took place with Q&A on various proce- dures with the success In building the wall. Jeff Kent was among the percipients. This operation will continue tomorrow morning. Weather: Attachments: Sunny& Warm STAFF START STOP REG. O.T. #OF TEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0630 1500 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST = S1andby we = Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours l THE WORK i8J was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED i8J met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING O was D was not i8J N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Dally Report2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician ("""'uc,3r Signature of ~7fl'echnician 11/15/2016 Date Certification Number JOB SITE CONTACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFYINSPECTlON HOURS ONLY. THE CONTENT OF lHIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITVOF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012_DR_ WEB _2016-11-15 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 5710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: November 16, 2016; Wednesday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107S44012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . 58S5 SUNNY CREEK RD, Plan File No.: Pro1ect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA, 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO, Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of compacted fill of the natural log retaining wall. On arrival I met with the foreman Brandon with BLT const. co. and Dana, consulting design engineer and we discussed the additional courses that will be added today. The contractor will continue placing the log units to the second course. The logs were set In-place in a stacking fashion perpendicular to one another. The labor used an electric drill with a 5' long 1" drill bit to drill through the eucalyptus logs. All thread bolts were inserted with a 3" steel washer plate and two nuts to each end and tightened. No torque requirements were followed. Once the 2nd course of the logs were set and bolted the contractor placed a 31<1 course and placed the 15"+- sized boulders up against the back side of the face of the logs and inner sides. Once the o.s. rock were In-place. The excavator placed the mixture native soils with the 6"-crushed granitic rock and was then leveled and hit lightly with the hand whacker. The excavator used the stockpiled soils behind the wall up against the backcut separated by the mlrlfy 140N filter fabric. These soils were placed in 8-12" lifts and compacted by the hand whacker. These lifts were also tested to show the minimum requirements per plan and to be 3%+-above optimum. This operation will continue tomorrow morning. Weather: Attachments: Overcast, Mild STAFF START STOP REG. Q.T. #OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0630 1500 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST = Slandby WC = Work Cancelled Code-(No. of hours) THE WORK 12<:J was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED 12<:1 met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING O was D was not 12<:J N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Dally Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician rw.9r Signature of ldTechnician 11/16/2016 Date Certification Number Joe SITE CONTACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTION HOURS ONLY. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT ANO FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012 _ DR_ WEB_2016-11-16 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 6710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: November 17, 2016; Thursday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . SBSS SUNNY CREEK RD, Plan File No.: Pro1ect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA. 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO, Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of compacted fill of the natural log retaining wall. On arrival I met with the foreman Brandon with BLT canst. co. and Dana, consulting design engineer and we discussed the additional courses that will be added today. The contractor will continue placing the log units for the forth course. The logs were set In-place in a stacking fashion as other courses perpendicular to one another. The labor used an electric drlll to drlll through the eucalyptus logs. Bolts were inserted with the steel washer plates and two nuts to each end of the bolts and tightened. As with previous days, no torque requirements were followed. Once the 4th course of the logs were set, bolted and tightened, the contractor placed the 15"+-sized boulders up against the back side of the face of the logs and Inner sides. Once the O.S. rock were In-place. The excavator placed the mixture of native soils and 6"-crushed granitic rock into the inner portion of the cell created by the logs. The hand whacker was used to provide light compac- tlon so to allow the rooting system of chosen plant to take. The excavator used the stockpiled soils behind the wall up against the backcut that is separated by the mirify 140N filter fabric and fill. These soils were placed in 6-8" lifts and compacted by the hand whacker. These lifts were placed above the 4th course in the slope zone that will D/L out at the top of the backcut as a short top fill. Testing of the fill was conducted "less the upper 1' due to rooting Issues" to show the minimum requirements ***** per plan of a ?.90%RC above optimum. The contractor decided to begin the excavation for the Rip Rap rock zone Adj. the headwall spillway and start the 1:1 backcut for the northwest crib wall Adj. the headwall spillway. The Rip Rap will not be available until tomorrow. Due to this rock not on site today, the contractor informed me that only Rip Rap placement would be performed tomorrow with the keyway excavation performed on Monday. I Informed the N&M dispatch of the rescheduling for Monday. Weather: Attachments: Sunny & Mild STAFF START STOP REG. O.T. # OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0630 1500 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rewotk NIC = Not In Contract ST= standby WC = Wolk Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK 121 was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED 121 met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING □ was D was not 121 N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Dally Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician r1k,.8'r Signature of F,"[dTechnician 11/17/2016 Date Certification Number Joe srre CONTACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTION HOURSONL Y. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF 011-IERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012_DR_ WEB_2016-11-17 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 6710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: November 22, 2016; Tuesday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . 5855 SUNNY CREEK RD. Plan File No.: Project Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA. 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO. Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of the wall backfill of the natural log retaining wall. On arrival I met with the foreman Brandon with BLT canst. co. and we discussed the results of the storm damage. The contractor had placed the BMT's on Friday into Saturday with little damage done to the improvement to date . . The work today will include the removal of the remaining backcut for the north wall and keyway zone. At early morning hours the 308 excavator through a track and causing delays to the focused work. Once the track was repaired the excavator removed a large root ball from a previously fallen tree. Once re- moved the backcut was cleaned up when the city PM and inspector showed and inspected the work to date. They suggested additional rip rap be placed at the southerly side of the southerly wall where during the last rain fall over the weekend washed out fines to the lower section outside the crib wall Into the natural ground. Once these rocks were placed, the excavator began digging the very north portion of keyway. The material exposed was the underlying old alluvium that was an SC-wet modeled grayish green in color with very slight porosity present. The keyway was founded Into this material with the remaining keyway length extended to the south up to the designed rip rap that runs parallel with the existing 36" storm Drain. The keyway was cut to equal 6' In width with a 1' tilt to the heel applied. The contractor then place 1'+-of the 6" crushed rock in the bottom of the keyway and will have a section of 140N filter fabric placed over the rock. This operation continued to end the day at 1530hrs. and will continue tomorrow morning. Weather: Attachments: Sunny& Mild STAFF START STOP REG. 0.T. #OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0700 1530 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Nolin Contract ST= Standby WC = Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK i:gj was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED Omet D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING O was D was not i:gj N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Dally Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician cue-a Signature of Fi~nician 11/22[2016 Date Certification Number Joa SITE CONTACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTION HOURS ONLY. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012 _DR_ WEB_ 2016-11-22 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 6710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: November 23, 2016; Wednesday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . 5855 SUNNY CREEK RD, Plan File No.: ProJect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA, 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO, Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of the wall backfill of the natural log retaining wall. On arrival I met with the foreman Brandon and today will be the continuation from yesterday's stoppage. The contractor placed three stretcher logs running perpendicular to the keyway with two cross logs. One log was placed at the front with the second placed at the rear. These logs were then bolted together creating two different cells. These cells were then lined with boulders from 1' to 2' in diameter to the inside front. Once these boulders were in place, I observed the excavator place a mixture of the 6" crushed rock and na- tive soil into the cells. The native soils without the rock were then placed at the very back of the wall behind the logs and in front of the 140N lined backcut. The hand whacker was then used to apply compaction effort to the 8" lifts to the rear of the logs to achieve the minimum requirements of a ~90% RC at above optimum. The moisture levels are approaching the maxi- mum above optimum to maintain the 90%RC. I spoke to the foreman and he is aware. The hand whacker was also used within the cells themselves to moderately compact the soils to the 85%RC. No testing was conducted within the cells. Due to the forecasted rain for Sunday the 27th the contractor spend the remaining part of the day placing plastic over the work area. This operation continued to end the day at lS00hrs. Weather: Attachments: Sunny& Mild STAFF START STOP REG. 0.T. #OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0630 1500 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Nolin Contract ST= Standby WC = Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK [8J was D was not tested In accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED [8J met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING O was D was not [8J NIA performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Daily Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician cue, a Signature of F~hnician 11/23[2016 Date Certification Number JOBSITE CONT ACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFYINSPECTION HOURS ONLY. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012_DR_WEB_2016-11-23 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 5710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: November 29, 2016; Tuesday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . sass SUNNY CREEK RD. Plan File No.: ProJect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA. 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO. Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of the wall backfill of the natural log retaining wall & to observe the storm damage from Sunday's rain. On arrival I met with the foreman Brandon and the crew who removed the plastic laid over the work area to reveal a grade that weathered the storm. The upper couple of inches of the surface soils of the backfilled area were mucked out down to the compacted zone. Additional logs were placed as in previous days, with additional backfill placed behind the wall. The labor used a shovel to spread the 8" lift evenly. The hand whacker was used to apply compaction effort. Moisture and density testing was conducted on the backfill with a 2,90% RC recorded. The moisture content is slightly over 3% above optimum with the foreman stating that in the middle of the stockpile, drier soils are present and will be used. These operations continued to end the day at 1530hrs. Weather: Attachments: Sunny & Cool STAFF START STOP REG. O.T. #OF TEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0700 1530 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST= Standby WC= Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK [8J was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED [8J met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING O was D was not [8J NIA performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Dally Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician r,uc.,Z?r Signature of F~d Technician 11[29[2016 Date Certification Number JOB SITE CONTACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTION HOURSONL Y. lHE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012_DR_WEB_2016-11-29 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 5710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: November 30, 2016; Wednesday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . 5855 SUNNY CREEK RD. Plan File No.: ProJect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA. 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO. Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of the wall backfill of the natural log retaining wall. On arrival I met with the foreman and the compaction effort will continue first thing this morning on the 2nd course of logs behind the back of the crib wall. The hand whacker applied compaction effort making several passes over the 8" lifts. Additional logs were placed to create the 3rd course of the crib wall with additional backfill compacted behind the crib wall and in the crib cells. Rock to 2' was placed at the front of the cells behind the expander logs. The labor used a shovel to spread the 8" lifts evenly throughout. Moisture and density testing was conducted on the backfill with a ~90% RC recorded. The moisture content continues to be on the wet side of the curve but performing in density. These operations continued to end the day at 1530hrs. and will resume tomorrow morning. Weather: Attachments: Sunny &Cool STAFF START STOP REG. O.T. #OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0700 1530 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST= Standby WC = Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK ~was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED ~ met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING □ was D was not ~ N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Daily Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician (""°'uc-3 Signature of ~hnician 11[30/2016 Date Certification Number JOB SITE CONTACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY1NSPECTION HOURS ONLY. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE TI-IE RESPONSIBILITY Of OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012_DR_ WEB_2016-11-30 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 5710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: December 01, 2016; Thursday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107S44012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . 5855 SUNNY CREEK RD. Plan File No.: ProJect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA. 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO. Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of the wall backfill of the natural log retaining crib wall. On arrival I met with the foreman and the compaction effort will continue on the 3rd course of logs behind the back of the crib cells. ***** The hand whacker continued compaction effort making several passes over the 8" lifts. It was observed that the backfill soils that were being supplied from the stockpile had become again wet. I spoke with the foreman about my observations and he elected to use this material in the 90%RC zone behind the wall. When compact- ing with the hand whacker left ruts in the grade and pumping was observed. Moisture and density testing revealed <the minimum 90% requirement at 5.5% above optimum moisture. The foreman elected to perform the removals of the wet soils and mix in dry soils in attempt of drying back the failing zone and re-compact. This method chosen was performed with the use of the bobcat and retested to show the minimum requirements of the ;::90% RC at near optimum. Additional logs were placed to create the 41n course of the crib wall with additional backfill soils placed and compacted. Again the material was wet with additional testing showing the same results as this morning. The contractor performed the same repair method with re-testing passing. The contractor then placed rock to 2' at the front of the cells behind the expander logs. The labor used a shovel to spread 8" lifts evenly throughout the inside cell area and moderately provided compaction to the 85% ***** zone. Due to variances in the cell area of soil and rock, no testing was conducted. The design engineer Dana has also discontinued the use of the 140N filter fabric between the 1: 1 back cut and the compacted fill behind the wall. These operations continued to end the day at 1530hrs. and will resume tomorrow morning. Weather: Attachments: P/C Cool STAFF START STOP REG. Q.T. #OF TEST ERIC BRYAN TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS Name of Field Technician S17 0700 1530 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST= Standby ruc-8r Signature ofldTechnician WC= Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK [8J was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED [8J met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING O was D was not [8J N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Daily Report 2013 v 1.6 12/1[2016 Date Certification Number JOB SITECONTACTISASKEDTOSIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTION HOURSONLY. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 1 07544012_DR_ WEB_ 2016-12" 1 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 5710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: December 02, 2016; Friday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107S44012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . 5855 SUNNY CREEK RD. Plan File No.: ProJect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA. 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO./ HABITAT WEST Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPT!ONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of the wall backfill on the natural log retaining crib wall. On arrival I met with the foreman and the compaction effort continued on the 4th course of logs behind the back of the crib cells. The Dual steel drum roller is providing the compaction effort today as the wall has come up in elevation and gotten wider. The soils continue to show high moistures to 3% above optimum with densities demonstrating the minimum RC. The contractor has reached the F.G. for the top of the wall leaving the slope zone to be rebuilt. The bob cat continues to feed in the backfill and level for the steel drum roller. ***** At the very north portion of the north wall between the toe of the wall and the creek bank. Habitat West has begun constructing a soil type burrito with a special weave wrapping. This burrito will act as a buffer between the crib wall and the creek bank void and contain stockpiled Soils that are being consolidated by means of the hand held tamper. Several layers will be constructed in this manner to equal 4'+-in height. ***** The contractor states that they will be working tomorrow to backfill over this burrito and at most 2'. The city Inspector Joe McMahon of Carlsbad has stated that N&M doesn't have to be on-site for this amount of fill placement and that Monday morning it could be tested and probed. These operations mentioned above continued to end the day at 1530hrs. And will resume Monday morning the 5th, Weather: Attachments: Sunny, Windy & Cool STAFF START STOP REG. O.T. #OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0700 1530 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST= Standby WC= Work Cancelled Code-(No. of hours) THE WORK IZ] was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED IZ] met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING O was D was not IZ] N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Dally Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician c,uc,:3 Signature of Fi~nician 12[2[2016 Date Certification Number JOB SITE CONTACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTION HOURS ONLY. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT ANDFEECHARGESARETHERESPONSIBIUTYOFOTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 107544012_DR_WEB_2016-12"2 FIELD TECHNICIAN'S DAILY REPORT 5710 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123 I Report Date: December 05, 2016; Monday Project Name: CARLSBAD/COMAN PROPERTY CREEK RESTORATION PROJECT Project No: 107544012 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CARLSBAD Permit No.: . 5855 SUNNY CREEK RD. Plan File No.: ProJect Street Address: CARLSBAD, CA. 92010 Contractor: BLT CONSTRUCTION CO./ HABITAT WEST Approved Documents: CODE DESCRIPTIONS OF WORK PERFORMED, SAMPLES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PROGRESS, REMARKS, ETC. On site this day to continue the observation and testing of the wall backfill on the natural log retaining crib wall. On arrival I met with the foreman and the compaction effort will be concentrated on the rebuilding of the slope zone above the crib wall. The wall portion of backfill is complete with the filling above for the daylight fill. Roughly 5' of slope zone needs filling with the backhoe feeding 6-8" lifts to the 4-6ton dual steel drum roller. Oversized rock to 8" and deleterious material is being removed from each lift with the drum roller making several passes in compaction effort. Moisture and density testing was conducted on the backfill soils to show one failure which was reworked to the minimum relative compaction of a > 90% at above optimum. ***** This operation continued throughout the day to end the construction of the two contracted walls. This will also end the services of N&M in providing soil inspection. I notified N&M dispatch, P.M. and the city of Carlsbad. Weather: Attachments: P/C Mild STAFF START STOP REG. O.T. #OFTEST TIME TIME HOURS HOURS SPECIMENS S17 0700 1530 8.00 0.00 N/A CODE: RW = Rework NIC = Not In Contract ST= Standby WC = Work Cancelled Code -(No. of hours) THE WORK [81 was D was not tested in accordance with the approved documents. THE WORK TESTED [81 met D did not meet the requirements of the approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING □ was D was not [81 N/A performed in accordance with the approved documents. Field Technician's Dally Report 2013 v 1.6 ERIC BRYAN Name of Field Technician ruc-3r Signature of Fi Technician 12/5/2016 Date Certification Number JOB SITE CONT ACT IS ASKED TO SIGN TO VERIFY INSPECTlQN HOURS ONLY. THE CONTENT OF THIS REPORT AND FEE CHARGES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. Signature: Owner-Authorized Job Site Contact Page 1 of 1 1 07544012_DR_ WEB _2016-12-5