HomeMy WebLinkAbout6618; AGUA HEDIONDA STREAMBANK RESTORATION; Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report; 2019-12-03\ AECOM 401 West A Street Suite 1200 San Diego, CA 92101 www.aecom.com 619.610.7600 tel 619.610.7601 fax Memorandum PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Carlsbad implemented the Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project (Project) to restore a degraded section of Agua Hedionda Creek in Carlsbad, California. Project construction activities included removing existing grouted rip-rap, controlling erosion by reducing incoming storm water velocity, replacing the culvert outfall ramp with ungrouted rip-rap, and replanting the stream bank with native riparian habitat to help stabilize the stream bank. The Project also involved construction of two crib walls (one on either side [upstream and downstream] of the existing culvert) using cut tree logs. To add structural integrity to the stream bank, the crib walls were built on 3-foot-diameter foundation boulders that tie into the finish grade. The crib walls were backfilled with angular rock and soil mix to support riparian plants within each crib. Existing grouted rip-rap was removed below the culvert outlet and replaced with an ungrouted rock-lined ramp and stilling pool to reduce flow velocity before entry into Agua Hedionda Creek. Existing grouted rip-rap in the creek was removed and replaced with two rock-lined step pools. The step pools were contoured with boulder risers, and pool bottoms were restored with streambed material appropriate for Agua Hedionda Creek. The self-mitigating Project was permitted to temporarily impact 0.001 acre (8 linear feet) and permanently impact 0.038 acre (152 linear feet) of streambed waters of the United States and/or state. The Project resulted in a stabilized stream bank and streambed where fluvial action had resulted in mass wasting of the former stream bank, and also undercut the grouted rip-rap below the stormwater outfall (Figure 1). The Project was issued a Clean Water Act Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) (File Number SPL-2015-00840-WSZ) using Nationwide Permit 13, Bank Stabilization. The Project was also issued a Clean Water Act Section 401 General Water Quality Certification for Small Habitat Restoration Project from the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) (File Number R9-2015-0184). California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) issued a letter dated January 20, 2016, regarding Streambed Alteration Application No. 1600-2015-0238-R5 indicating CDFW did not meet the permit review end date of January 13, 2016; as a result, by law (i.e., Operation of Law), the Project may be completed (as described in the permit application/notification) without an Agreement (i.e., permit). Project permits, the USACE signed certification of compliance, and the CDFW letter are included in Attachment A. To Max Roseman (USACE), Alan Monji (RWQCB), Kelly Fisher (CDFW) CC Daniel Zimny (City of Carlsbad), Jim Prine (ESA) Subject Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project Year 3 Annual Report From Aaron Andrews (AECOM) Date December 3, 2019 Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 2 Consistent with the Project permits listed above and in accordance with the goals presented in the restoration plan (Balance Hydrologics, Inc. 2015), revegetation of the stream bank occurred concurrently with construction and included both native container plants and a native seed mix of coastal San Diego plants that support bank stabilization and sediment control. While four coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) trees were recommended for removal to facilitate the work and the agreed replanting ratio was 2:1 for each oak tree removed, only two coast live oak were removed and a total of eight were planted. In compliance with the permits issued by USACE and RWQCB, an “as-built” memorandum (fulfilling special conditions 5 and 6 of USACE 404 Permit and condition 6 of RWQCB Section 401 Certification) was submitted to the respective agencies on January 25, 2017, which documents Project construction activities and final impacts. The Project’s 6-month plant establishment period (PEP) began on December 21, 2016, following completion of container plant installation and seeding; the 6-month PEP was completed on June 20, 2017. The Project included 2 years of restoration maintenance and monitoring, and an additional year of monitoring required by RWQCB. REPORT OVERVIEW The purpose of this final Year 3 report is to document the required revegetation maintenance and monitoring activities performed during Years 1 through 3. Provided below is a summary of native container plant installation, qualitative monitoring, maintenance, erosion control, and quantitative monitoring conducted during Years 1 through 3. Representative photographs are also included. NATIVE CONTAINER PLANT INSTALLATION Native container plant and seed installation was initiated on December 12, 2016, and the bulk of the native container plant installation and broadcast seeding was completed on December 21, 2016, which marked the beginning of the 6-month PEP. Some additional planting occurred in May 2017, for plants that were not ready for installation in December 2016, as noted in Table 1. Tables 1 and 2 provide the plant palette and seed palette, respectively, and list the species and quantities installed. Plant species substitutions and changes to species quantities from the restoration plan are reflected in Table 1. All planting deviations were approved by the Project team and documented in the “as-built” drawings (Attachment C) and memorandum submitted to the agencies on January 25, 2017. No supplemental planting was required in Years 2 or 3. Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 3 Table 1 Native Plant Species Installed from Containers and/or Cuttings Scientific Name Common Name Size On-Center Spacing Composition (Approximate) Restoration Plan Prescribed Quantity Final Installation Quantity Canopy Species Baccharis salicifolia mulefat gallon 5 ft. 5% 8 8 Heteromeles arbutifolia toyon gallon 5 ft. 10% 16 16 Platanus racemosa1 western sycamore treepot 10 ft. 10% 8 8 Quercus agrifolia2 coast live oak treepot 15 ft. 20% 8 8 Salix exigua3 narrow-leaf willow cuttings 6 in. - 2 ft. 10% 12 0 Salix gooddingii black willow cuttings 6 in. - 2 ft. 5% 8 35 Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow cuttings 6 in. - 2 ft. 40% 32 64 Salix lasiolepis4 arroyo willow gallon 12 in. - 0 8 Understory Species Anemopsis californica yerba mansa gallon 2 ft. 10% 15 15 Carex spissa San Diego sedge gallon 3 ft. 10% 12 12 Elymus triticoides creeping wild rye gallon 3 ft. 10% 14 14 Iva hayesiana San Diego marsh elder gallon 3 ft. 5% 10 10 Juncus acutus spp. leopoldii spiny rush gallon 1 ft. 5% 14 14 Juncus mexicanus Mexican rush gallon 2 ft. 10% 15 15 Muhlenbergia rigens deergrass gallon 2 ft. 10% 48 48 Rosa californica California rose gallon 3 ft. 20% 25 25 Rubus ursinus California blackberry gallon 3 ft. 20% 25 25 Salix exigua3 narrow-leaf willow cuttings – – 240 0 Salix gooddingii black willow cuttings – – 120 130 Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow cuttings – – 360 400 Total recommended and installed plants 990 8555 1 This plant species was not ready for planting at the time of initial installation but was installed May 9, 2017. 2 Not all individuals of this plant species were ready for planting at the time of installation but were installed May 9, 2017. 3 This species was not available and substitutions of other willow species listed in Table 1 were made. 4 These trees were added after repairs were made to the fiber encapsulated soil system. 5 All differences in quantities were approved by the restoration ecologist and the City of Carlsbad. Table 2 Native Plant Species Seed Palette Scientific Name Common Name Pure Live Seed Pounds/ Acre Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed 6 2 Artemisia douglasiana Douglas mugwort 10 2 Artemisia palmeri San Diego sagewort 10 1 Distichlis spicata salt grass 70 2 Elymus triticoides creeping wild rye 80 4 Juncus bufonius common toad rush 60 3 Muhlenbergia rigens deergrass 60 1 Total 15 Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 4 QUALITATIVE MONITORING Qualitative monitoring was conducted quarterly during the 3 years of the Project by an AECOM restoration ecologist (Aaron Andrews or Alexandra Fowler). During each qualitative site visit, the following Project aspects were evaluated: • Overall site conditions • Hydrologic function • General condition of plants, including plant health/vigor and mortality • Native plant recruitment • Potential issues, including temporary irrigation problems (too much or too little), nonnative species of concern, erosion, vandalism, and other problems that need to be addressed by the maintenance contractor Following each qualitative site visit, the restoration ecologist provided the City of Carlsbad with an observation report detailing topics such as replacement of dead or diseased plants, weeding, irrigation scheduling, erosion control needs, trash removal, and pest control if needed. In addition, the restoration ecologist coordinated with the City’s maintenance contractor to schedule maintenance based on the needs and priorities of the restoration site and provide support to the maintenance personnel in the identification of nonnative species. MAINTENANCE Maintenance, which included nonnative plant treatment and irrigation, occurred monthly, or as needed in Years 1 and 2. Maintenance in Year 3 consisted of the removal of plastic mesh from old fiber rolls. No additional maintenance was required. EROSION In Year 1, some minor erosion occurred at the downstream end of the site and eroded portions of the fiber encapsulated soil rolls. Repairs were conducted to the eroded area, which included placement of a root wad at the toe of slope and repair to the fiber encapsulated soil rolls, followed by installation of additional willow plantings. No erosion was noted during Years 2 and 3. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Permanent photo points (Figure 1) were established prior to construction and photos are included in Figures 2 through 6. Photographs were taken prior to construction, December 2018 (Year 2), and in July 2019 (Year 3) to track and compare site conditions during the 3 year Project. Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 5 QUANTITATIVE MONITORING Quantitative monitoring for the Project was conducted after completion of the PEP by assessing the site in comparison to the following PEP performance criteria, presented in the restoration plan (Balance Hydrologics, Inc. 2015): "Container plants will have a minimum of 90% survival, cuttings will have a minimum 60% survival, and seeded areas will have a minimum of 50% cover with native vegetation and free of nonnative invasive species." Table 3 represents the performance criteria and results at the end of the PEP. Table 3 Performance Criteria and Site Status Performance Criteria Monitoring Results Performance Status Container plants 90% survival 99% survival Criterion achieved Willow cuttings 60% survival 75% survival Criterion achieved Seeded areas 50% cover native species 70–75% cover Criterion achieved 0% nonnative invasive species 0% invasive species Criterion achieved RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUTURE WORK The Project is at the end of the 3 year performance period and has achieved all performance criteria; there are no additional recommendations for future work. PROJECT APPROVAL Success criteria outlined in the restoration plan were achieved at the end of the PEP and subsequent plantings were not required during Years 2 and 3 as native plant cover was determined to be successful and continued to increase. Permit requirements have been satisfied and sign-off of the Project by the respective agencies was provided on November 13, 2019 (Attachment B). Source: Microsoft Bing. Scale: 1:300; 1 inch = 25 feet Sunny Creek Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report 25 0 2512.5 FeetI i!Permanent Photo Point Survey Area Agua Hedionda Creek Impacts Permanent (0.038 Acre) Temporary (0.001 Acre) Figure 1 Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Stabilization Year 3 Annual Report Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 7 Photo point 1 (southeast corner) facing northwest (post-construction). Photo point 1 (southeast corner) facing northwest (end of Year 2). Figure 2 Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project Permanent Photo Points Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 8 Photo point 1 (southeast corner) facing northwest (Year 3). Photo point 2 (from the north bank across from the site) facing south (post-construction). Figure 3 Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project Permanent Photo Points Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 9 Photo point 2 (from the north bank across from the site) facing south (end of Year 2). Photo point 2 (from the north bank across from the site) facing south (Year 3). Figure 4 Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project Permanent Photo Points Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 10 Photo point 3 facing east (post-construction). Photo point 3 facing east (end of Year 2). Figure 5 Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project Permanent Photo Points Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 11 Photo point 3 facing east (Year 3). Figure 6 Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project Permanent Photo Points Subject: Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Year 3 Annual Report December 3, 2019 Page 12 REFERENCES Balance Hydrologics, Inc. 2015. Revegetation and Plant Establishment Plan and Notes, Sheets 1–2. Prepared for City of Carlsbad, California. October 7. ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT A: Project Permits USACE – File Number SPL-2015-00840-WSZ and signed certification of compliance RWQCB – File Number R9-2015-0184 CDFW letter – Streambed Alteration Application No. 1600-2015-0238-R5 ATTACHMENT B: Email Correspondence of Resource Agency Project Sign-off ATTACHMENT C: “As-Built” Drawings ATTACHMENT A PROJECT PERMITS San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board January 27, 2016 In reply refer to I attn: EnMUNr> G. BROWN ,JR. GOVERNOR ~ MATTHEW RoDRIQUEZ l."-._~ SF.CRF.l.~RY FOA ~ [NVrRONMENTAL PROTECT!ON Ms. Sherri Howard City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Drive Carlsbad,CA 92008 R9-2015-0184:819481 :amonji Subject: Notice of Applicability, Clean Water Act Section 401 General Water Quality Certification for Small Habitat Restoration Projects, (File No. SB09016GN) Ms. Howard: By application dated November 9, 2015, AECOM, a consultant acting on behalf of the City of Carlsbad (Applicant), submitted a Notice of Intent (NO I) for the Applicant to be enrolled under and comply with the Clean Water Act Section 401 General Water Quality Certification for Small Habitat Restoration Projects (General Certification) for the Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project (Project). The NOI is complete and the Applicant is hereby enrolled as a Discharger under the General Certification and subject to the terms and conditions of the General Certification and this Notice of Applicability (NOA). The General Certification can be accessed electronically at: http://www. waterboards.ca.gov/water issues/programs/cwa401/generalorders wb.shtml General Order Enrollment Information This NOA is applicable for the Applicant, Project Location, and Project Facility, Enrollment, and Administrative Information summarized in Tables 1 through 4 below. Table 1 -Disch ---<01-----------------Applicant City of Carlsbad Name of Project Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project 5855 Sunny Creek Ad Project Location Carlsbad, CA San Diego County -------~-HENRY ABA.RBANEL, PH.D .. CHAiR I DAVID GIBSON, EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2375 Northside Drive. Suite 100, San Diego. California 92108-2700~ I www.waterboards.ca.govisandiego 0 RECYCLED PAPF..R City of Carlsbad Sunny Creek Rd Restoration R9-2015-0184 Table 2 -Discharge Location - 2 -January 27, 2016 Discharge Waste Discharge Point Discharge Point Receiving Water Point Description Latitude Longitude Agua Soil, Grouted Hedionda Rock, 33.14273926 -117.27 486522 Agua Hedionda Creek Vegetation Creek Tab I Facil" d Enroll WOlD 9000002925 Project Contact, Title and Phone Sherri Howard, Principal Engineer, 760-602-2756 Authorized Person to Sign and Michelle Fehrensen, AECOM Submit Reports Mailing Address 1635 Faraday Ave Billing Address 1635 Faraday Ave Type of Project Stream Bank Stabilization Fee Category Restoration Projects Fee Amount $200.00 Permitted Dredge Volume 1 09 cubic yards Watershed Carlsbad Hydrologic Unit Receiving Water Agua Hedionda Creek Receiving Water Type Stream Temporary Impacts 0.001 acres, 8 linear feet Permanent Impacts 0.038 acres, 152 linear feet Table 4-Administrative Information This NOA was approved by the San Diego Water Board Staff on: January 27, 2016 This NOA is effective as of: January 27, 2016 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Applicant's Sunny Creek Road Stream Bank Restoration Project proposes to restore a section of Agua Hedionda Creek by removing existing grouted rip-rap, controlling erosion by reducing incoming storm water flow velocities, replacing the culvert outfall ramp with ungrouted rip-rap, and replanting the stream banks with native riparian habitat. The Project will build one crib wall on the east and two crib walls on the west side of the existing culvert with cut tree logs. To add structural integrity to the stream bank, the crib walls will be built on three foot diameter foundation boulders which will conform to the finished grade. The crib walls will be backfilled with angular rock and soil mix to support riparian plantings at each step. Four oak trees along the stream bank will need to be removed to facilitate the work and the minimum setback from all other trees will be 1 0 feet. The Applicant will plant new oak trees at a 2:1 for each oak tree removed for this Project. See Enclosure 1 and 2 for the Project location. City of Carlsbad Sunny Creek Rd Restoration R9-2015-0184 - 3 -January 27, 2016 Existing grouted rip-rap in the culvert will be removed and replaced with a rock lined (ungrouted) ramp with a stilling pool to reduce the velocity and turbulence of the flow before it enters the Agua Hedionda Creek. Existing grouted rip-rap in the Creek will be removed and replaced with two rock lined step pools. The step pools will be contoured with boulder risers and pool bottoms will be restored with streambed material appropriate for Agua Hedionda Creek. Revegetation of the stream banks will occur concurrently with the construction and will include both native container plantings and broadcast seed mix of persistent coastal San Diego native plants that will support bank stabilization and sediment control. See Enclosure 3 for the conceptual design. Project activities will result in temporary impacts to 0.001 acre (8 linear feet) and permanent impacts 0.038 acre (152 linear feet) of streambed waters of the United State and/or State. The Applicant has also applied for a Clean Water Act section 404 permit coverage from the United States Army Corps of Engineers for the Project (USAGE File No. SPL-2015-000840-WJZ) using Nationwide Permit 13, Bank Stabilization. MITIGATION AND MINIMIZATION MEASURES It is not anticipated that the Project will create temporary or permanent impacts of a size, severity, and/or duration that would have a significant adverse impact on beneficial uses of waters of the State. STATEMENT OF CEQA FINDINGS The City of Carlsbad is the Lead Agency for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA; Pub. Resources Code, § 21000 et seq.) for the Project. The Project conforms to the requirements of CEQA through the Categorical Exemption for Small Habitat Restoration Projects (Section 15333). The San Diego Water Board finds the Project qualifies as a Small Habitat Restoration Project, and that, if implemented as proposed, the conditions in the General Certification and this NOA are adequate to reduce water quality impacts to less than significant levels. ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 1. The Applicant must notify the San Diego Water Board in writing at least 5 days prior to the start of Project construction. 2. Restoration Plan Implementation. The Applicant must fully and completely implement the Revegetation and Plant Establishment Plan and Notes, Sheets 1-2, prepared by Balance Hydrologies, Inc., October 7, 2015 (and any subsequent versions of the Revegetation and Plant Establishment Plan and Notes). Any significant deviations from, or revisions to the plan must be pre-approved by the San Diego Water Board. City of Carlsbad Sunny Creek Rd Restoration R9-2015-0184 - 4 -January 27, 2016 3. Performance Standards. Restoration required under this Certification shall be considered as achieved once it has met the ecological success performance standards contained in the Revegetation and Plant Establishment Plan to the satisfaction of the San Diego Water Board. 4. Waste Management. Except for a discharge permitted under this Certification, the dumping, deposition, or discharge of trash, rubbish, unset cement or asphalt, concrete, grout, damaged concrete or asphalt, concrete or asphalt spoils, wash water, organic or earthen material, steel, sawdust or other construction debris waste from Project activities directly into waters of the United States and or State, or adjacent to such waters in any manner which may permit its being transported into the waters, is prohibited. 5. Post-Construction Discharges. The Applicant shall not allow post-construction discharges from the Project site to cause or contribute to onsite or off-site erosion or damage to properties or stream habitats. 6. Annual Project Progress Reports. The Applicant must submit annual Project progress reports, for a minimum of three years, describing status of BMP implementation and compliance with all requirements of this NOA to the San Diego Water Board. The Annual Project Progress Reports must contain monitoring information sufficient to demonstrate how the Project is progressing towards accomplishing its objectives and meeting its performance standards. Annual Project Progress Reports must include, at a minimum, the following: a) The names, qualifications, and affiliations of the persons contributing to the report; b) The status, progress, and anticipated schedule for completion of Project construction activities including the installation and operational status of best managemen~ practices Project features for erosion and storm water quality treatment; c) A description of Project construction delays encountered or anticipated that may affect the schedule for construction completion; d) A description of each incident of noncompliance during the annual monitoring period and its cause, the period of the noncompliance including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and the steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance; City of Carlsbad Sunny Creek Ad Restoration R9-2015-0184 -5 -January 27, 2016 e) Monitoring data interpretations and conclusions as to how the project(s) is progressing towards meeting performance standards and whether the performance standards have been met; and f) Stream photo documentation, including all areas of permanent and temporary impact, prior to and after mitigation site construction. Photo documentation must be conducted in accordance with guidelines posted at http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/sandiego/water issues/programs/401 certific ation/docs/StreamPhotoDocSOP.pdf. In addition, photo documentation must include Geographic Positioning System (GPS) coordinates for each of the photo points referenced. 7. Electronic Document Submittal. The Applicant must submit all reports and information required under this Certification in electronic format via e-mail to SanDiego@waterboards.ca.gov. Documents over 50 megabytes will not be accepted via e-mail and must be placed on a disc and delivered to: California Regional Water Quality Control Board San Diego Region Attn: 401 Certification No. R9-2015-0184:819481 :amonji 2375 Northside Drive, Suite 1 00 San Diego, California 921 08 Each electronic document must be submitted as a single file, in PortableDocumentFormat (PDF) format, and converted to text searchable format using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). All electronic documents must include scanned copies of all signature pages; electronic signatures will not be accepted. Electronic documents submitted to the San Diego Water Board must include the following identification numbers in the header or subject line: Certification No. R9-2015-0184:819481 :amonji. In the subject line of any response, please include the reference number R9-2015-0184:819481 :amonji. For questions or comments regarding this Notice of Applicability or the requirements of the General Certification, please contact Alan Monji by email at Alan.Monji@waterboards.ca.gov or by phone at (619) 521-3968. Respectfully, at-14r·· Alan Monji Environmental Scientist Enclosures: 1. Sunny Creek Streambank Restoration Project -Regional Map, Figure 1 City of Carlsbad Sunny Creek Rd Restoration R9-2015-0184 -6-January 27, 2016 2. Sunny Creek Streambank Restoration Project -Project Location Map, Figure 2 3. Balance Hydrologies Inc., Bank and Stabilization, Agua Hedionda Creek, Coman Property, City of Carlsbad, CA, Sheets 1 and 2, October 7, 2015. cc via email: State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality 401 Water Quality Certification and Wetlands Stateboard40 1 @waterboards.ca.qov U.S. EPA, OWOW, Region 9 75 Hawthorne St. San Francisco, CA 941 05 R9-WTRB-Mailbox@epa.gov Ms. Michelle Fehrensen AECOM Michelle.Fehrensen@aecom.com Mr. Eric Becker San Diego Water Board Eric. Becker@waterboards. ca.qov Mr. Winston Zack U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Winston.S.Zack@usace.army.mil Tech Staff Info & Use File No. R9-2015-0184 WDID 9000002925 Reg. Measure ID 403656 Place ID 819481 PartyiD 7836 Person ID 268327 ATTACHMENT B EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE OF RESOURCE AGENCY PROJECT SIGN-OFF From:Monji, Alan@Waterboards To:Fisher, Kelly@Wildlife; Andrews, Aaron Cc:Daniel Zimny; Jim Prine (JPrine@esassoc.com); Gaunin, Anais@Waterboards; McMurray-Cathcart, Kimberly@Waterboards Subject:RE: Agua Hedionda Creek Streambank Stabilization. USACE No. SPL-2015-00840-WSZ, RWQCB No. R9-2015-0184, CDFW No. 1600-2015-0238-R5 Date:Wednesday, November 13, 2019 3:51:20 PM Good Afternoon Aaron: I have reviewed the electronic file and annual reports and satisfied that City of Carlsbad has met all the requirementsfor the Sunny Creek Stream Bank Restoration Project under permit R9-2015-0184, Place ID 819481. Annualmonitoring and reporting is no longer required. The project can now go into the long-term maintenance andmanagement phase. Our database file will be updated from an active project to historical which should close out theproject. Please keep a copy of this email for your files. No other letters will follow. Congratulations. Alan T. MonjiEnvironmental ScientistRegional Water Quality Control Board - San Diego2375 Northside Dr. Suite 100San Diego CA 92108619-521-3968 ><((((º>>`·. .· `· ><((((º> ><((((º>`·. .· `· ><((((º> -----Original Message-----From: Fisher, Kelly@Wildlife <Kelly.Fisher@wildlife.ca.gov>Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 3:01 PMTo: Andrews, Aaron <Aaron.Andrews@aecom.com>; Monji, Alan@Waterboards<Alan.Monji@waterboards.ca.gov>Cc: Daniel Zimny <Daniel.Zimny@carlsbadca.gov>; Jim Prine (JPrine@esassoc.com) <JPrine@esassoc.com>Subject: RE: Agua Hedionda Creek Streambank Stabilization. USACE No. SPL-2015-00840-WSZ, RWQCB No.R9-2015-0184, CDFW No. 1600-2015-0238-R5 Aaron, Thank you for the invitation. I will not be able to attend the site visit. The good news is that, since we did not issuea permit and your project was approved by operation of law, tyhere is no requirement for you to get signoff from theDepartment. Kelly FisherEnvironmental Scientist(858) 467-4207kelly.fisher@wildlife.ca.gov California Department of Fish and Wildlife Lake and Streambed Alteration Program3883 Ruffin RoadSan Diego, California 92123 Every Californian should conserve water. Find out how at: SaveOurWater.com · Drought.CA.gov -----Original Message-----From: Andrews, Aaron <Aaron.Andrews@aecom.com>Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 1:20 PMTo: Monji, Alan@Waterboards <Alan.Monji@waterboards.ca.gov>; Fisher, Kelly@Wildlife<Kelly.Fisher@wildlife.ca.gov>Cc: Daniel Zimny <Daniel.Zimny@carlsbadca.gov>; Jim Prine (JPrine@esassoc.com) <JPrine@esassoc.com>Subject: FW: Agua Hedionda Creek Streambank Stabilization. USACE No. SPL-2015-00840-WSZ, RWQCB No.R9-2015-0184, CDFW No. 1600-2015-0238-R5 Alan, Kelly,I wanted to forward the email below for your records, the USACE has sent this email as notification to sign-off onthe Agua Hedionda Creek Streambank Stabilization (aka, Sunny Creek Stream Bank Restoration). Thank you Aaron AndrewsSenior Restoration Ecologist, AECOMM 1-619-495-3208 -----Original Message-----From: Roseman, Max E CIV USARMY CESPL (USA) <Max.E.Roseman@usace.army.mil>Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:17 AMTo: Andrews, Aaron <Aaron.Andrews@aecom.com>Subject: RE: Agua Hedionda Creek Streambank Stabilization. USACE No. SPL-2015-00840-WSZ, RWQCB No.R9-2015-0184, CDFW No. 1600-2015-0238-R5 Hello Aaron, Pursuant to the Department of the Army (DA) permit dated December 7, 2015 to discharge dredge and/ or fillmaterial into waters of the U.S., in association with the Sunny Creek Stream Bank Restoration Project ( SPL-2015-00840-WSZ). Based on the information provided in the Sunny Creek Year 1 Annual Report dated March 8, 2018 I havedetermined all special conditions of the permit have been achieved. Accordingly, no further compliance actions arerequired in association with the DA permit. If you have any questions please contact me. Thank you for participating in the Regulatory Program. Sincerely, Max RosemanRegulatory Project ManagerU.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Division5900 La Place Court, Suite 100Carlsbad, CA 92008PH: (760) 602-4832Max.E.Roseman@usace.army.mil Please be advised that you can now comment on your experience with Regulatory Division by accessing the Corpsweb-based customer survey form at: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com_-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Furldefense.proofpoint.com-252Fv2-252Furl-253Fu-253Dhttp-2D3A-5F-5Fcorpsmapu.usace.army.mil-5Fcm-2D5Fapex-5Ff-2D3Fp-2D3Dregulatory-2D5Fsurvey-2526d-253DDwIFAg-2526c-253DTQzoP61-2DbYDBLzNd0XmHrw-2526r- 253DhY78Z10mBk1iNHVfyPWbCwn-2D1aUo-5FHd2h9LZ9e-2DcHUs-2526m- 253DlRxoX9Sis43sOshNied0InTQZCZPfVQGJGqcCUorWwA-2526s-253DnVIx- 5Fuo03MNSAdfws5QhSXRZGATLpwdLwrnpUm8lyd8-2526e-26amp-3Bdata-3D02-257C01-257CAlan.Monji-2540waterboards.ca.gov-257C8971172227a7405544b308d7688d4e59-257Cfe186a257d4941e6994105d2281d36c1-257C0-257C0-257C637092828432556975-26amp-3Bsdata-3DaGVmIS1QxMkHD3r0gcnkmcj0fovlW5bB3iKXqzzdf5A-253D-26amp-3Breserved-3D0-3D&d=DwIFAw&c=TQzoP61-bYDBLzNd0XmHrw&r=hY78Z10mBk1iNHVfyPWbCwn-1aUo_Hd2h9LZ9e-cHUs&m=jimSjwQfLbvuN6_wNxkUFdheDDMDvOLHZXg9-4CSzK4&s=0uNZon-wp2eA3tM9jo7F_YbK18rYgK4qm9X_acguNxw&e= -----Original Message-----From: Andrews, Aaron [mailto:Aaron.Andrews@aecom.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2019 2:11 PMTo: alan.monji@waterboards.ca.gov; Kevin Hupf (Kevin.Hupf@wildlife.ca.gov) (Kevin.Hupf@wildlife.ca.gov)<Kevin.Hupf@wildlife.ca.gov>; Dahl, Kyle J CIV USARMY CESPL (USA) <Kyle.J.Dahl@usace.army.mil>;Roseman, Max E CIV USARMY CESPL (USA) <Max.E.Roseman@usace.army.mil>Cc: Daniel Zimny <Daniel.Zimny@carlsbadca.gov>; Jim Prine <JPrine@esassoc.com>; Alanna Sullivan<ASullivan@esassoc.com>; ghurst@habitatwest.comSubject: [Non-DoD Source] Agua Hedionda Creek Streambank Stabilization. USACE No. SPL-2015-00840-WSZ,RWQCB No. R9-2015-0184, CDFW No. 1600-2015-0238-R5 Hello, As we approach the end of the Agua Hedionda Creek Streambank Stabilization project (completion planned forDecember 21, 2019) we would like to have an on-site meeting to make sure that there is not anything outstandingprior to preparation of the final report and request for sign off of the project. A few weeks back we sent an emailoffering a site visit prior to the end of the project and the dates we offered have pretty much passed by. We wouldlike to extend the offer again and suggest the following dates, December 5, 6, 12, and 13. Please let me know if youwould like to participate in a site visit and what day and time works for you. Thank you Aaron AndrewsSenior Restoration EcologistD +1-619-610-7582M +1-619-495-3208aaron.andrews@aecom.com <mailto:aaron.andrews@aecom.com> AECOM401 West A Street, Suite 1200San Diego, California 92101, USAT +1-619-610-7600aecom.com <Blockedhttp://www.aecom.com/> ATTACHMENT C “AS-BUILT” DRAWINGS - RECORD DRAWINGS-SPECIAL USE PERMIT SUP-15-02THESE LANDSCAPE RECORD DRAWINGS DOCUMENTTHE PROJECT CONDITIONS AS-CONSTRUCTED ANDFIELD MODIFICATIONS ARE INDICATED IN BLUE. THERECORD DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON RED-LINE PLANMARK-UPS PROVIDED BY THE CITY AND THEIRCONTRACTOR TO SHEETS P-1, P-2, AND I-1, ANDFIELD VERIFIED BY DUDEK IN JANUARY 2017. - RECORD DRAWINGS-SPECIAL USE PERMIT SUP-15-020+200+100+009080THESE LANDSCAPE RECORD DRAWINGS DOCUMENTTHE PROJECT CONDITIONS AS-CONSTRUCTED ANDFIELD MODIFICATIONS ARE INDICATED IN BLUE. THERECORD DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON RED-LINE PLANMARK-UPS PROVIDED BY THE CITY AND THEIRCONTRACTOR TO SHEETS P-1, P-2, AND I-1, ANDFIELD VERIFIED BY DUDEK IN JANUARY 2017. - RECORD DRAWINGS-SPECIAL USE PERMIT SUP-15-02THESE LANDSCAPE RECORD DRAWINGS DOCUMENTTHE PROJECT CONDITIONS AS-CONSTRUCTED ANDFIELD MODIFICATIONS ARE INDICATED IN BLUE. THERECORD DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON RED-LINE PLANMARK-UPS PROVIDED BY THE CITY AND THEIRCONTRACTOR TO SHEETS P-1, P-2, AND I-1, ANDFIELD VERIFIED BY DUDEK IN JANUARY 2017. FIELDMODIFICATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION DID NOTAFFECT THIS SHEET. - RECORD DRAWINGS-SPECIAL USE PERMIT SUP-15-02THESE LANDSCAPE RECORD DRAWINGS DOCUMENTTHE PROJECT CONDITIONS AS-CONSTRUCTED ANDFIELD MODIFICATIONS ARE INDICATED IN BLUE. THERECORD DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON RED-LINE PLANMARK-UPS PROVIDED BY THE CITY AND THEIRCONTRACTOR TO SHEETS P-1, P-2, AND I-1, ANDFIELD VERIFIED BY DUDEK IN JANUARY 2017. - RECORD DRAWINGS-SPECIAL USE PERMIT SUP-15-02THESE LANDSCAPE RECORD DRAWINGS DOCUMENTTHE PROJECT CONDITIONS AS-CONSTRUCTED ANDFIELD MODIFICATIONS ARE INDICATED IN BLUE. THERECORD DRAWINGS ARE BASED ON RED-LINE PLANMARK-UPS PROVIDED BY THE CITY AND THEIRCONTRACTOR TO SHEETS P-1, P-2, AND I-1, ANDFIELD VERIFIED BY DUDEK IN JANUARY 2017.