HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB002200; Permite,) Cl City of Carlsbad ~6/09/2000 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No:CB002200 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: ~D t>C 1-LEGQ QR CBAD MISC 2111000900 $7,500.00 LEGOLAND Subtype: OTHER Lot#: 0 COLOR JAM STAGE TOWER TRUSS SYSTEM Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Applicant: O,wnec: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOL.AND-E:SIDES AG~ LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOl::AND ESTA1ES:AGr, ~ ISSUED 06/09/2000 MDP 06/09/2000 06/09/2000 C/O PROPERTY TAX SERV CO / r?s rflo PR©~EJtr°l)TAX SERV,,f.Q_. _. _., ~; PO BOX 543185 / fJ\'-: P~if.B0X'\§43l85J"? '-. 7o..:;o 00107','00 DALLAS TX 75354 ~ ~ DALLAS TXv758~ ~ ~ 0001 01 C-PRMT Total Fees: Miscelaneous Fee #1 Miscelaneous Fee #2 / (\ --/ h,, \'."~(::J_j /0\ "'c.::..~ / rJrVIA r-.t\~ \ ( 0 ~J . $120.00 ... ~, ... FINAL APPROVAL Date:&~ z(,~ _(}7) Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90·days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these.fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020{a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service·fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which ou have reviousl been ·iven a NOTICE similar to this,.or-as to which the statute of limitations has reviousl otherwise ex ired. 2075 Las Palmas i>r., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 02 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY . . PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. ~~~ CITY OF CAALSSAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL._,_ ________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ______ _ Validated By -ff.;/r .mfP Date iin-6,LJ::6. µµ. 1. Total I of units I of Bathrooms Name Address C:ity :3. -APPLICANT;:..~: d. Coi:ttr.acto(:.;!IJ':~jjin(f_QrjCO~~or_-,.:..-.::O:·p~ r .. :·o·Agent"for:Ow Name : ... ,·. Name City State/Zip Telephone 5. · CONTRACTOR-~-COMPANY.;NAME::i:1\;~~'.":J1)-P;l;t,~·--:>;.·-t:~::-'.·'.'T''.'-=:-: ·· ., ::·· ·. '· : ·-. .-' '·. ·· ., 'l;, ,. _;,r_ -,~ .. ·::,.,. ·' ·. : ·(:' ..... :~· :·:-~· ... ,:: .. (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code; Any City or Counry which requires a permit to construct, alter1 improve. demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is l_ict"8ed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with_ Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Bu1ines1 and Prof111iona Code) or that ht 11 ·exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjectnht applicant to a clvii penalty of not more than five hundred dollars 1$5001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone I State License I ________ _ license Class ________ _ City Business LiC!lnll, ------- Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License I ________ _ :6.-. .. WORKERS'-. COMPENSA TION.-~;:;'.(zl,;;J;.;~.": . .:,;;1:U:::: ,:· .::".. .· ___ •iL •. ."~ .. _;_ __ .• · •. , ...• _-· .. _ _. · _-_-.: ·· ' -, .::.:':·-_:.:: .... : · .:':; :-_ ._: : : :. : ;··,~ .:." · Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby 'affirm under penalty of parjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to-self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit 11 i11ued. O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the la!)or Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's,compensation insurance carrier and-policy number are: Insurance Company ________ ....,.,...,.------,-----,.-Policy No.______________ Expiration Date ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1noo1 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performince of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compan11tion Laws !)f California. WARNING: Failure to aecure workera' compenaetlon coverage " unlawful, end 1hell 1ubject en employer to crlmlnel penaltlea and civil tlnea .up to one hundred thou1end dollars ($100,000), In addition to the coat of compensation, dilmegea •• provided for In-Section 3708 of the Labor code, lntereat ilnd attorney'• f111. SIGNATURE·----------,------------------,------,--DATE ________ _ 7 •. ·owNER-BUILDER'DECCARATION~·,).,:,::.::;;'.1.=;:.;'::·1-'-,,-_,--•• ,. :-··· •• ~ ' ' ••• _. •• ,' " • ;_ • : •••• , I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's license Law for the following reason: 0 I, IS owner of the property or my employ111 with wages IS their sole compensation, will do the work and -the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Busin111 and Profeaalon1 Code: The Contractor's license L•w does-not apply to an owner of property who build• or Improves thereon, and who does such work him11lf or through.his own employei1, provided that 1uch-lmprovem1nt1 are not Intended or offered for Hie. If, however, the building-or improvemant is Id ithin one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden-of proving that he did not build-or Improve for ,ht purpoae of Hie). , IS owner of the property, am exclusively cpntracting with llcenaed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, BuainN1 end Professions Code: The ctor' s license law dots not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with cootractor(sl licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Lew). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason:· 1 • I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an appliciltlon for a building permit for thit proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed constructlpn (Include name I addr11s / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I h~ve hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license numberl: ___ _._ ___ -'-.....,.--T""---'------------------------------------- PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE -,.,-iiii;iii;,----r---f---7'C...,..-------- :COMPLETE·THIS_.SECTION'FOP/fl0(r Is the applicant or future building occupant uired to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management an~ prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25 34-of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act1 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant·required to obtai_n a permit from-the air pollution.control district or air qualjty management district? O · YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed wjthin 1,000 feet of the outer bound_ary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE- REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POtlUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ·s. , ._. :CONSTRUCTION: ~D!NGiA,GENqY.,r}.[~~~\jfk,~:.,::)/;lI:\iii,;i,:,:,\}(f:_;::1;}.'.:.,:;.:::_:,;;,_',;::":.:· ·:::.:,_::: :i:·· · :.-:: .::;,.,:,,, .. :: : ..... :· .-:::;.;, , _:·:;.. ..,-·· -': .. I hereby affirm that there is a constructio_n lending agency for the performance of the worlc for which this permit'is issi,ted (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME______________ LENDER'S ADDRESS ___________________________ _ •9. · APPLICANT.'CERTIFICA TION,f.~!r;.:/;~;S{;_;}. ;~.,::;~~:':, ;•::,;~'.;_ ':.,\;;;:·;_\::-:-::t/: :·-:·•.--:-:.-. -., ·-:.-·:. ·:--. .' :. : . :-·•: _ _.·'-;': . ·: · ··-·. ·: · ,;-•-:::: · · ·. · . ••;• . . · I certify that I have read the application and stite that the. above Information is correct and that the information on the plans is.accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to_ building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of th' Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS· THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST All LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCflUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction.of structures over 3·1tories lo height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this ·Code ,hall expire by limitation and become null end void if the building or work authorized by such permit Is not comrilenced within 385 da~ from the date of such permit or.if the building or wor~ authorized by-such permit is suspended or abandoned et any time after the work 11 commenc or pari of 180 days (Section 108.4,4 Uniform Building Code). r /4 /2 _ J APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ----::,-;:.-=.-::..-:._-:_7-:'"=,c-9-::......--1-,-::~::::-____ __ ____ DATE '1/ "7 Cl C/ City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request Permit# CB002200 Title: LE'GOLAND For: 6/15/2000 Description: COLOR JAM STAGE TOWER TRUSS, SYSTEM Type:MISC S1,1b Type: OTHER Inspector Assignment: Phone: 1609185461 Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot O ,/J, J- Location: Inspector~ APPLICANT LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs Inspection History Date Description Act Comments Requested By: GRETCHEN Entered By: ROBIN lffr-------- Act lnsp Comments , JM, ENGINEERING Consulting Structural Engineer Email: JMandelli@aol.com 1. LEGOLAND --Carlsbad, California GENERAL NOTES All work shall conform to the USC 97 and· any other acts having jurisdiction in Carlsbad, California. 2. Report any discrepancies between the site conditions and the attached drawings and sketches immedia~ely to the Consultant. Site verify all dimensions prior to drilling for the sonotube foundations. The sonotube foundations are to be drilled and poured against undisturbed soil. Alternatively a hole may be excavated for the founqation, however the pier concrete must then be poured against the excpvation to provide positive active and passive resistance. 6. The foundation concrete shall have a 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi with type 10 cement, w/c rati0 of .55 and ¾" aggregate. · 7. All aluminium truss framing is to be erected as per manufacturers specifications. 8. All stage framing is to be erected as per manufacturers specific~tions. .t' ~ ' ~ ':•. JM CNGINEERING Consulting Structural Engineer Email: JMandel/i@aol.com '\·,-·, II • ~' =-. ··-... y " .,r ij 1 ,, I l :s-:z. ,.. t ..:.I!:> ,,, L E&oLAt-4lJ ~~ RA~- I .. , ...... ~----·-----~~ L .... ~ •• ~:--r:-.. -=-=--~'°==), !.~..:;;:-·.-=--~-c=.;..z:. _$ ~,-\ . '·\ \. '-ii.., ~- Al -,~-~ : .... -... ,./;- (.,; . /Y :<,; -• • /.:7 : ~ . ;. -~· .~1~ .. ,:;e.ccc:cc. ,-(:"' ~ s ,,.,., c-.,.. t," 'If t-~IO "" tl',t;O ~ '1,~..,_ i(J~~-• -~'Nc-;1·1/\, 0 F ~ Ii ~ ~ JlM---A;;~-c~l ~ \ ' 0~riff;,, .7 l \,t, ~0 Lut.r.0 ~ 1 ~ ,,:,:, . ......____... ~ t/' "¾,_·-. /y G, l N f;..VP tJ"" "°"= <>=,=,:::,::,::,t:1?? t ,(/ 6 ~l=i .0 fl I,, I i~ 11i=1 fin, F I R lt W O ~. ~ J FIREWORKS PRODUCTIONS YAHCOWEII Suite 300-1008 Homa Stlc,<:t Vontouv<.-r • BC • V6B 2X1 (604)687-4745 T (604)687-4746 F FIREWORKS PRODUCTIONS CALOARY $Ullo 304-822•11lh Ave:nuc, SW Co1g;iry • AB • T2R OE5 {403)218-2040T FIREWORKS PROJECTS TORONTO Sullo 404-533 COll(lgr., Slrc,&l Toron\o • ont ~ M6G 1A8 (416)967-5115 T ,1,.·-- 11F· 0 Speaker with hard dress the tops of the truss 1--' 000000 Gel frames colour coded 32" -¥---------------40'-Q" I 12'-Q'~ I I l_~_J_-~,: ~1 ,, 16'-0" I l ~llUJ~ ~ ~,6'\ ~\ -~ \ ·c ~ ,.,., scale 1/16"=1'0" 5' Note: This drawing is tl1e property of tl1e FIREWORKaj a;.; : Title: consent of the designer. ._.,, r!~~~~:! QJect: Color Jam -Summer Fest. All riser and step unit tops are black. Colours in plan view indicate FACIA colour Legoland north east funtown I may not be reproduced or used without the expresse~~ -:,-1 The Contractor is responsible for checking and verify,n air'.,, levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies '14h_e....,.::::d:!:o,-,=:::::....,..+::,J-'::... _________________ -J. _________________ r-___ _, the designer and obtain clarification prior to commencing · suefil' Job no: 7293P Location: Carlsbad, CA work. (-.:!::>-==-,,._..,.....:;.;. __ ..,_ ________________ -I @ Fireworks 1999 Drawn By: BL/abh Scale: 1/811 = 1'011 • unless marked A (") c... ~ 3: t:: =t rn s <: u-, Ci) =t -t:: <: a rn ~ ~ --rn <: :::i Ci) Q s· (!) (!) "'I ~ ~ i.1) ... , -'(\ d~ ~ .Cf' ~ 0 ~~ J. ~ ~""- ~ (CT C-. ~ R {./I )> ~ ~ .JM 'ENGINEER/NG Consulting Structural Engineer Email: JMandelli@aol.com LEGOLAND-Carlsbad, California GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall conform to the UBC 97 and any other acts having jurisdiction in Carlsbad, California. 2. Report any discrepancies between the site conditions and the attached drawings and sketches immediately to the Consultant. 3. Site verify all dimensions prior to drilling for the sonotube foundations. 4. The sonotube foundations are to be drilled and poured against undisturbed soil. Alternatively a hole may be excavated for the foundation, however the pier concrete must then be poured against the excavation to provide positive active and passive resistance. 5. The truss structure may be connected to the sonotub~ piers using drilled expansion anchors. The anchors should not be drilled into the concrete for 7 days to permit the concrete time to cure. The truss structure, however, may be erected and placed on the concrete piers the next day after pouring the concrete. 6. The foundation concrete shall have a 28 day compressive strength of 3000 psi with type 10 cement, w/c ratio of .55 and ¾'' aggregate. 7. All aluminium truss framing is to be erected as per manufacturers specifications. 8. All stage framing is to be erected as per manufacturers specifications. _., ,e.;;o-Cc,cC-c-'<". . ,t::17 ... c.~ <::• ff =.,,._ t'"' .e'f_.:;i.,-,,~0.111 ~ ti o~ . vv ~ l ,<e-~NC C~(f:' ···-===,1 (; ~ '< ,. / ~ L !I 't ,, ,9 -·--·--/. ~ ]iil.,., ___ ~,,~" ~ ii ;"-,, ~ N . ANDEliLI ~ \l J I . -·-·-/.----7 ~ \) . _____ ,. ~ \ ~~{Jit~.;~:~~ c~t)~ Legoland Arcade S~ Sb F.on..\~ ~ \.,0 'c¥ffJ~~ 1 ~ •'·~ .,,-~l' " f:.',,_ .,.rs\... A ~ ·-., rV' ~-·-g l's.&~ Y ?'/ ~ ~''" ?!7 "=>-=-=-::::,,_:;::,,,:7? -ntu.'i.S v e-tm cA(. E(-\C.\-\ C,,0(2..tJI::: n.. n~tA~ (escE: ~ ~~) -Y•-12'-0"- I Ecodome lighting protection domes \f..le~WTS -n.uc-..s. e.E:A(\'\ ~ ':.\C>E; . TI\>lCA~ (. SE:E:-SS) • .--- ' @ c;,~E ti-OS>tL 11 Suu.:t. Wl;f t-1----43'-i 1w----------... ·--1+ 1 !!.o p $0)~ ~f-S-"t'At-l~t> STAuE ~l _____ I , _____ ~ ~ot:>E.E:P -r-,qcCM.. loo "t>ll-"'t'AF-,\,1:, 'PVnfoCLIY\ •. ---12'-0" -]~ 40'-0"-[ E::AC.\\-~E:(2. ~..,u..rP.c:..-n.~.e~ e.r SE.~f\ ----t-------64'-o"-----·----1-(. ~(x: s -z..) ~ --\..,~1o-P-s:r \2 5 Q'id': ~ i u,\) ~ LoAco. ~---.:-::--...... --...___ @ @iJ ' I; 6 t$" O 1,,1 ~,~~1 rm, f I 9' Ii. W' Ok II J .f1REWORKS PRODUCTIONS VANeOWlll Suite 300-1008 llomer Street Vancouvur • DC • V68 2X1 1604}687-4745 I (604}6814146 F , FIREWORKS PRODUCTIONS CAI.GAU Sulto 304-822 lllh Awnuc Sw Calgary• AB • l2R OES 1403)218-2040 T FIREWORKS PROJECTS 1QIIOH10 Sullo 404~533 College Slreel lor01110 • Doi • M6G 1AB (4161967 S115 J Note: This drawing is the property of the FIREWORKS and may not be reproduced or used without the expressed consent of the designer. The Contractor is responsible for checking and verifying all levels and dimensions and shall report all discrepancies to the designer and obtain clarification prior to commencing work. © Rreworks 1999 .. ~ Title: Legoland north east funtown Location: Carlsbad, CA ~- Ill o .r :3 0 ~ Ill :) s: ::: en .. c:: ~ .... is· ~·• Ill :c:: ::i Cl) G) g. ... :::: c! :::; --·n ~ ~= fR ~iii.~ n -..... ~ g-<: Q G) 5· C!I ~ t z < -er. ~; · I' Sf t ~ s: ' ,., hr !r- 0 £ !. 0 (/1 p • JM ENGINEERING Con~ulting Structural Engineer Ematl: JMandel/i@aol.com 0 ..._ I ro \l, ""' \Co" \ll,.~ \f(;tl-'t"\C:A-L .t:l ~ ~,~ lu\i\T 311(}(1'(\.\- . . / t!)U"'{'L\,-.>~ Of ~(s. II ¢ S,o\.-)C)-CU~E- ·~ \\ \(g ~\(o -r~~§ \JE:,'jZ.."t"\ ~ GD ...,,._,t<..T ""1:'"'ttu.S.S ~ ~TcW\""t'\i A1>2.':7 3/'l 11 i 1,ot.'TS ~ --;M" f l\sZ5 ~c...·n. ( \*A-t:, Vt)\,\c--1 ') S?. ,,,--e µ\\.,"t\ \½~l. ~;A." 'f ,, ~s •t Et--\~ft:,M.e...>-r ~-"'8\lctz.-r ~ 2~~ ( :> ''couE;t..-,~ E) • l1fl ,r~grfn~ I 4 l W f I. 'I J ,. ' JM 'ENGINEER/NG Consulting Structural Engineer Email: JMandelli@aol.com - ""lo,At-~~\4\\T l\0.~~ + \{U4~ B&.m ~ \'°5 "~ 43~Ltf ., ' 17'·3" 3'-II •JtOOtJICUOUI ~-lfatal Jhl• dra-•lrg Is U,o ~10p~1ty ol lhc FlRE\\ORKS •rd ..,•ZJ:>JP.11111""-'tS~ may not bt rcprO<tJoed c, used wllhDU! tho exprnsed ·--·-=•"11l1l ID4,,'UH14U cu:MJWJ,O.-r cCfl,.,,,t·ol lht desitner. ,,_,,...,._,,,_ The Conlractlx' rs respo..,ldo tar chechlll!l and ,'cM1tnr all --l,C.J04-&:US111,_..•s.., fa.els and dkl'..onsfon• en:l sb~ r11pc11t all dlscrep<1nclcs lo ,,~ni~~i'3 ftlll('JHflllrm!n::i:1"1' the desli,,tr ar.d obtalo mrtncatlon prior ta ccmmenclni ·-work. ,..."'°'""ui~....., © Flre~'Qrl<s 1999 ,_. • ..,. ..... ,All c•• ~r-t.lll t LEE:io LANP·:- SPcC. \ F\tb LoAOtN<., ON\\?.U.SS S3 Tdt'A\.. We\~t\,. L\E:,.~T~ + "TtuA~@€Am I '\'3~ \\.,s ~ 34 1'Lf' ImY-OS/05/00" _____ i:rrcni: lei:filffi'<I TIiie. Legoland ora ... n: Pm)oct: Color Jam -Summer Fesl Tniss Layout R41\1$0d:05/l0/00 l-/oH71;JC. Issue~: Job.no: 7293P 1.oce11011:£artsbad, CA Dra,,n Dy: abh · Sc,le: 1/811 = 1'0" ,i:;ccc~ _.,.. . --....... "" ~-.- I DS'77l ' . ' JM ENGINEERING Consulting Structural Engineer Email: JMandelli@aol.com 1--18' 1A1/4 --l ~ l~IA<;& U:.Ei ti Side ~ .,_ ..,_. LfuOLANO ··~ . ., .• Front C¢~C\~\~ So~T~'BE' fov.NoA"1"u:)N S \'f \?\CAL SGe-'$"2... s4 Legoland REVIllDH A IRA.,...H BY o-ECKED Bl PROJECT NANE TDLCRt TRUSS N/. SCJol.£ DATE nLEHAtlC .)M ENGINEERING -.. _. -=C~o~nsru~ltRin~q~Sditjru~c~tu;;;ra;fl;;;. E~n;1q:!!;in~e::ier~----------~~=fi::.(:::::t~C:_:~-:_-::N~O::_· _______ S S Email: JMandelli@aoJ.com · -r~u<:.~ S6-<."Tl ON =r1'-4"1 I , \J / D A~ "B~c.E;S \ le o.n . ..,.. Yi' (J.JA\,L- l\-\-\C..b.Jc~ -r"i PttA~ • Au..-rt\A-r '= n..~ (o Ob\ -T'2 ~\..V,.N.\f-'U.t'J'i A-\, \..-lJj E::, \.,.'CS 1/ ~ \\ . f \\,,t.,E. \ • ' ~, 11.030 JM ENGINEERING Consulting Structural Engineer Einail: JMandelli@aol.com i----11.030 -----i ?/i~-··~c \'rH.G-t-.1t~ Q-+-----,- 4.419 .. ~-- ,!'-- LcftoLANn le If. Ir -Z o.o. 'f:../1 W~1.1.. l'rHt~N'~ -C-YPLCM- ..• ..• Slo JM ENGINEERING. Consulting Structural Engineer Email: JMande/li@aoI.com TOP VIE\./ 16,800 1----16,800 ----l FRONT VIE\./ 0 16.800 ?/it.'' ~Te l\-\-lt.'CNE;SS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS for LEGOLAND TRUSS STRUCTURE Prepared For: LEGOLAND Prepared By: FLORES, LUND & MOBAYED 7220 Trade Street, Suite 120 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-0626 * FAX (858) 566-0627 PROJECT NO.: 00075 DATE ISSUED: 6/8/00 REVISION DATE: FLM a:;,·~eAOTN•oo I .. . -.. I JM ENGINEERING Consulting Structural Engineer . Email: JMandelli@aol.com . e-• leG.oLAt---ln I I I LPn:~ LoAou•4(, -*\SM.\t. • . . .. -. . . . . . -. I f 00 T\ ~ b. t) E;CS \ ~~\ • .. • • .,. . \~USS. '\)€£\br-l •..•. . . -., . I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, JM ENGINEERING Consulting Structural Engineer Email: JMandelli@aoJ.com · - - ~\A,~\,.\t.lt' O'f --------- I \tp•w~oe ~I.,.~ lxt, ~ ~~ ('t\ @ 2,.:::, ·ti:, S,<;)(.\r,J I I I I I I I I I I I I ' c:\s-o 1 ~0°/.,."' ~~!..o)(. -z)-~ )( 2"2. ~81 ~ 2-\tl.'-A\~-E-\ ; ~o/:, ~ ~!...'.) ~ 1'-4 ~-z..i.. ~ )(. 4 L~~~ -= i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JM ENGINEERING Consulting Structural Engineer Email: JMandelli@aol.com ffiO"T -(QL 0- \ \. \ ~ ~ ------ZLE:bS ....... L-6':loLA~'O ~ . ~4 ~ =-s .. r=t ~ ··• t ro.'fff -r .. ...,.__ / 4 .-.... , l.)eo.~~ I <{ = ~-rA<-(CJ'-\~~~ .:: <YloT + t)t.. cC :: l\. \ 6r "--\--O· 4t;;4. "-.::: :>.,T "--2~S ~(,CZJ=~C~ S.-tn.E-S~ ?c"(\.. 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"fosi-L-eb0 \..A~ L.oAt:>\""'q AN'o SfANS t="" p..cm \(o ~'t2--€t-.lc; ,~~,N Gt At-l~'f'z(\ s Cr \ ~ '\, .. .\ ~" L \h'\tTu..Jt., \ ~v.. ~ ~ ( ~ e~c(t-r 1)~ -r€-t;1 ~ FE:& \ ~o; ~ ) ., w e:--,: , t,.lv., , " & t'n4 'lClM\AM C,~t)(L.lo S-r-n.css~~s To BE ± -:p:,o o ?S"'I. • \ H\S:a \ ~ '2A~€;b ON A \OC>O \l, LoP.t-o APP\.-\~b {\-c-(HE-(1\,PS.P(.lr--l {)f A 'S -e ~o ~-Ci.or-l (£Nl:-.'"1'~ of -r~(AS~ ~u.~ Lt<;S . \oo~ \\,c; r'::. \ Ou~ \\, s. (tz..u.~t o/\1-l ::. \ 'l \=>L f l Mt=-.1. 8 w ~ ,_ ~ "fe -==-l.. 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Kohar, P.Eng. 6 February 1996 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _.,._ . e-· ADLER METAL WORKS 16 INCH BY 16 INCH LIGHTING TRUSS STRUC'.rDRAL ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) Design Summary 2) Truss Design Geometry 3 ) Beam Area Properties · 4) Truss Loads and Boundary Conditions 5) Truss-Deflection Plot 6) Truss Maximum Stress Plot 7) Close Up of Chord Maximum Stresses 8) Top Chord Buckling Calculation 9) Close Up of Top & Bottom Brace Stress 10) Close Up of Side Brace Stress Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 11) Close Up of End Box & Cross Brace stress 12 12) Jaw & Eye Bearing Stress Calculation 13 13) Eye Bending/Axial Stress Plot 14 14) Eye Geometry, Loads,-& Boundary Cond' ns. 15 15) Jaw Bending/Axial Stress Plot 16 16) Jaw Geometry, Loads_, & Boundary Cond' ns. 17 17) Jaw & Eye ~ivet Stress Calculation 18) Pin Bearing & Shear Stress Calculation 19) Definition of ~Worst Stress" Displayed in stress plots 18 19 20_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -,._ ..... ADLER HETAL WORKS 16 INCH BY 16 INCH LIGHTING TRUSS DESIGN SUHHARY A truss, 16" high by 16 11 deep in cross section, made up of 5 welded sections pinned together to form a total span of 40 feet, has been analyzed with a point load of 1000 pounds force at mid span. . .• Weld design, and analysis has been carried out in accordance with the American Welding Society's standard 01.2-90, Structural Welding Code for Aluminum. In particular section 10.0, of AWS Standard D1.2-90, and the Aluminum Association's Specifications for Aluminum Structures -Construction Manual Series, Section 1 for allowable stresses for bridges, and other similar structures, has been used for the 6061 T6 aluminum. In su:mmary, the design has been reviewed and found acceptable in the following areas: 1) Weld stresses. 2) Pin shear and bearing loads 3) Member bending, compression and shear loads. 4) Member buckling. 5) Eye and Jaw Connector Bearing and Axial Stresses :i<ohar Professional Engineer Ontario, Canada \ () -------------------IIIIILA MRJN MENU Rdd Modify Construct FilEs ·inquire Settings scriPt -------- . aUto mesh· Transf Er Render -{]uit .{Est] < ~ ll/.11 4 ,rA · '!HEip 2Undo lz y 3Inp . qsnap / S[ur 55wtc ···1B i g . ElMenu ""~ X 9Top DOraw ' ' Data loaded from file: adler20.esd ,M1 ·,~ r,) II /.· /~ I --:/ 7()/F/ 't'~t::vt-1 C'/~ v.:;:;. /.. O,D, X fovv/!CA.. · _,/ -/I-LL 0"1)1"~£_ M4Ce> /rf>,a y ~ C,tA-C(_ - -/I-LL /Jl/l:-·;.:/!//?C.. ~f -76 //tu/./1,tVt/M. J'.,,1,; JU~ ~ 7i5.P .!?RI'~ ..:: --~II// 8.,l?IJ~ ·· · 7~S U-s/6.u' t:ri.0/lv/f_-//l Y F2.=>t S=~ [II! 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IIIPlil'll!ill '!!'111111'1111'1'11111111111111111/111111111111111111111111!Ji!1ill1ll!lihll1H1I!:, 1111 11 11 !1111 \\il \ Ii '"''"''"''!il!Hi ' I ,., . .. ,,,!1, !t. .... l.11 '" .!,,,. il,J,! .. ,. !,, . ,.,, .,;,., !.,.,..l. .. n, ... , ... ,,, •!,t., .... , .. , .. ... Draw i!:ii,i Ii '\l 1 1'1Fll\ 11l"ll 1 lll'':ll 1 l 1 l''lll 11 I' lll\l\\ll\l\lll\l\lllllll,l:11\ ,:1\ \. !:I i1\l.1!i -!•-: J, File :adler21 S=N LC 1/ 1 Vu= 7 X=:19.G~OB Y==-72.955 Z=-79.£;10 ®) @ 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -,, 06/06/00 14·: 04 FAX 612 506 8844 TECHNOLOGIES INC TO: Mr. Michael Kunz Secoa PROJECT: 2731-Nevada Ave N Minneapolis, MN 55427 PRODUCTION CHECK SINGLE SIDE DECK SECOA .,._. DATE: May 21, 1997 PE,OJECT NO: 3003 70-8351 TRANSVERSE LOAD TEST OF DECK INTRODUCTION: @001 This report presents the results of transverse load testing perfonned by Maxim Technologies, Inc. (Maxim), on a single side deck submitted by Secoa in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The scope of our work was limited to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Performing transverse load testing ori the deck using a uniformly distributed load. Monitoring the deflection during loading. · Obtaining periodic photographs during loading. Reporting the factual results in a written report. Our work was requested and authorized by Mr. Michael Kunz of Secoa on May 19, 1997. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS: The ultimate load was documented to. be 16,500 pounds or 515.6 psf SAMPLE DESCRIPTIO~: One single side deck was submitted to our laboratory on May 19, 1997. The s~mple description is as follows: Sample Type: Manufacturer: Dates Submitted: Submitted By: Single Side Peck Secoa May 19, 1997 Mr. Michael Kunz 30 A more detailed description of the sample is as follows (ill infonnatioh provided by Secoa): ~~~~~5,~":== ,.~ 0 , ~· --·10A"":~ \/ )\ ,.P~ <f ~ o v 1 NM · t<rr :~ -~"' 8 "'-<? ~ ' '{, \ K)' ·"' ~ . ~ ~ & JIM DELLI ~ R,i , ~;;;;// 7 t \ 0 {tf. ~,;,-rfi ~ O ! u·M '9 / ~ 662 Cromwell Avenue• St. Paul, MN 55114-1776 • 612·645·3601 • Fax: 612-659-7348 ~ ~---..____..-:-,..a,. r/' "'::. '!\1,.,--:._-.a~r:::-t ... "' (J" . . . . '-=..::,, -..:, e !°''" t.~ tJ'l Asteco • Austin Research Engineers • Chen-Northern • Empire Soils Investigations • Kansas City Testing -:,,CY::v::;,.:;p:;,::P:7 Maxim Engineers • Nebraska Testing • Patzig Testing • Southwestern Laboratories • Thomas-Hartig • Twin City Testing An Affirmative Action (i . Equal Opportunity Employer I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 06/06/00 14:05 FAX 612 506 8844 SECOA @]002 PROJECT NO: 3003 70-8351 DATE: May 21, 1997 2 PAGE: TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTS OF DECK SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: (cont.) Toe surface of the deck consisted of 3/4 inch Plyron Hardboard. Toe edges of the deck consisted of 6063.-T6 structural extruded aluminum. The edge fasteners consisted of 5/16 inch by 3/4 inch grade 8 zinc plated bolts. Four bolts and corresponding locking nuts were placed at each comer. Toe surface was secured to the edges using 10 by 3/4 inch hex head speed point screws spaced nine inches on center. The deck was supported by four 6063-T6, 12 inch long aluminum legs placed at the comersa. Each leg had an outside diameter of 1.66 inches and an inside diameter of 1.38 inches. TEST PROCEDURES: Laboratory testing was performed Ma,y 20, 1997. The test was essentially performed in accordance with procedures presented in ASTM:E72-95, "Standard Test Method for Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction." A summary of test procedures is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The deck was placed in a horizontal position under a stationary reaction frame and supported by the fourx aluminum legs. A reaction deck was then attached to the reaction frame above the sample. A uniform load was applied to the panel by an inflatable dunnage bag placed between the sample and the reaction deck. The dunnage bag was inflated using a compressed air source in our laboratory. The pressure was measured by means of a water manometer. This manometer had a range of 120 inches of water, and was read to the nearest 1/8 inch of water (0.65 lbs/sq ft). Dial extensiometers were used to monitor the deflection of the sample during the test. The extensiometers were located midspan at the center and at the end of the sample. The extensiometers were placed on the altuninum beam and edge, respectively. Deflection readings were recorded after a five minute period under constant load. After each load increment, the load was released to O lbs/sq ft. The loads were then increased and the panel was loaded until failure. Photographs were obtained every 1000 pounds of force. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/06/00 14:06 FAX 612 506 8844 SECOA ,,._. _,,,_. PROJECT NO: 3003 70-8351 DATE: PAGE: TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTS OF DECK TEST RESULTS: Please see attached data sheet and graph. REMARKS: May 21, 1997 3 ~003 If you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact us at (612) 659-7432. 71~,rnc. Chad B. Johnson Staff Engineer Construction Materials Department GEO\cj\sa:on I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/06/00 1~:07 FAX 612 506 8844 SECOA !4]004 Manufactured by: Panel Construction: Surface - Edge - Bolts - Screws - Legs - Date Panels Tested: Applied Applied Load (lbs) Load (psf) 0 0 1000 31.25 0 0 2000 62.50 0 0 3000 93.75 0 0 . 4000 125.0 0 0 5000 156.25 0 0 6000 187.50 0 0 7000 218.75 0 0 8000 250.0 Readings discontinued _,.,.-,,---· ... TRANSVERSE LOAD TEST OF SINGLE SIDE DECK Secoa Industries Minneapolis, Minnesota 3/4 inch Plyron Hardboard 0.030 inch black hair polypropylene . 0.015 High density polypropylene back -.,_ ~-· Ma."rim Lab No.: 3003 70-8351 Client: Secoa Date: May 21, 1997 T-606-T6 structural extruded aluminum O. 094 inches 5/16 inch by 3/4 inch grade 8 zinc plated bolts six per corner 10 by 3/4 inch hex head speed point screws spaced nine inches on center Four, one at each corner of the platf orfn. Each leg had an inside and outside diameter of 1.38 and 1.66 inches, respectively. May 20, 1997. Deflection ' inches Center Side End Point Point Point 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.288 0.135 0.032 0.078 0.035 0.010 0.638 0.315 0.060 0.163 0.035 0.010 0.854 0.485 0.085 :·· o.~s 0.420 0.015 {'"1:268·· 0.547 0.105 '•• ... r, ~ • 0.050. 0.260 0.020 1.620 0.790 0.120 0.l75 0.062 0.022 2.000 1.025 0.140 0.200 0.080 0.028 2.300 1.203 0.155 0.228 0.090 0.030 2.634 1.410 0.170 Ultimate Load·~· 16,500 pounds or 515.6 ps~ ' ····· ........ ,, ......... , .. 33 --- --- ----- - ----- - TRANVERSE LOAD TEST OF SINGLE SIDE DECK _..., ell . Q) .c (.) _c ...._.., C 0 ~ t) Q) -1o 0 ASTM E:72-95 3 2.5 .r::=·:..:.: ... •• r:: ·•<f :::!;):1''\!iili!'j:t,':::1!:>::,!::!\:(}\;i!:{:';:I::i{}' ,)I:,, , .. :'l(i:;, ',•· :.:.::·::·.: ,:)ili:llf: '' ' ; ,, ' .::!\~l:J: . ...... 2 :'.:i:~i\:':, -, .. , ... ·.:. 1 ·.s 1 ·iii:tt ., ., ... . . ··: . : ··: :]I{,,;, ::,,;;,/:f :,,,;;i\::~::I:::i,, t:,:[:,;, ,. "',. ···,: .. : . ::::::.;·;:;;:::. . :+ ·:, :· .... ::.{~': ·.ri~ ... : ~ ._:.: :·-· 0.5 C . --f> ... :=·,-,.-_ <:t.,t: ,·' \.· -::.::= -.:.:·:: .. : _:.: ":: .. :·:.-··.:.;;,_ .. :-·=.::: . '/;,: .... ·+ .· .. *:--··: :·::: '-)~. O* ":*. * ..... 0 1 2 3 4 .. . ., .. , * .... * ~ .. ;=··_;: .. ·':· .... . ' 5 6 7 Applied Load (lbs) (thousands) MANUFACTURED BY: Secoa of Minneapolis, MN J.-~ 8 D Center + Side * End .....,, ~( 0 C, " 0 C, " 0 0 ..... .,. 0 ---1 ;;: ~ C, ..... N <JI 0 C, co co .,. .,. u, t'?1 () 0 ;,:.. IEil 0 0 tll w ..p.. -.. . . -' ' ·-~ . . ;., . . . . : - ~ - . . - .. POOR··· • , I • !_• • • .. ' . ·-' . -. . . ' :. . '".. . · --_ -UA .. -· Ll'T--·· ·--v· ·--Q ., ._ • ... ,.,,• -, _,,.,,, .. ,_.•.,c ... , C ."_ ' . '.-~= ···-.. :'. · . .. :> ' '·· .... -:.. . _.. . .-: : . . -· l. . . • ' ., ·, • . . .. ' . . -. . 0 ... · .. ::c~,:~--··-,,-:~---·,c,_:,, ... · __ .·--<-_._ .,• .. ,.· .• ·' ( .. -s··'···. )' . -R--::_;: -·-· 1 G··. :, I N-A--:,,,,. L. · ·. . ... ·.,, · . . ' .... _.:,, . ' . . . ··:-:,' . . . -. . -. . .. . . : . . .. . .. . , ,, ' . . ·'· < < I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OH 06/00 l-l: Oil F.-\X 6 i2 506 SllH SECOA PROJECT NO: 3003 70-8351 DATE: PAGE: TRA.J:~SVE:RSE LOAD TESTS OF DECK Load at 6000 pounds Load at 10000 pounds May 21, 1997 6 41 DOH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/06/00 I -l: 09 FAX 612 506 SSH SEGO.-\ .. -----.. PROJECT NO: 3003 70-8351 DATE: PAGE: TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTS OF DECK Load at 11000 pounds Load at 12000 pound~ October 16, 1996 7 @oo, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/06/00 L~:10 FAX 6l2 506 88~~ SECOA PROJECT NO: 3003 70-8351 DATE: PAGE: TRA.i~SVERSE LOAD TESTS OF DECK Load at 15,000 pounds Load. at 15,000 pounds May 21, 1997 8 14]008 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/06/00 14:11 FAX 612 506 8844 SECOA .. r"-· ..... Specifications for the: Stage 100 ];>ortable Platform by SECOA, Inc. Design Requirements: Portable, top-locking platfonn system with detachable and interchangeable legs to create a single or multiple hei&flt platform area. Design Capacities: Platform Size: 4' x 8' x 3-5/8" Surface Thickness: ¾" Allowable Live Load Capacity: 125 psf. Point Load Capacity without Live Load: 2,000 lbs. Material Specifications: Platfonn Deck: Plyron Hardboard Aluminum Extrusions: 6061-T6 or6005A-T6l Structural Tubing: 6061-T6 or 6005A-T61 Fasteners: Zinc-plated through bolts, screws Components: Decks: ..• ··- Decks shall be Plyron.hardboard ¼" in thickness. Optional surfaces shall be carpet, plywood, polypropylene, fiberglass, or applied hardwood flooring. Frame: Frame shall be constructed of 6061-T6 or 6005A-T61 stmctural aluminum extrusions. Frame shall have an extrudedlip designed to protect the edge of the surface deck. Frame shall be of box design with an attached center brace for additional support. Frames shall be equipped with four structural leg sockets constructed of 606 l-T6 or 6005A-T6 l extruded aluminum shapes, permanently attached to the frame. Overall thickness of frame shall be 3-5/8". Legs: Legs shall be fabricated of6061-T6 or 6005A-T61 aluminum pipe. Aluminum pipe shall be 1-1/4" Schedule 40. Inside radi~ of pipe shall be 1.380", outside radius shall be 1.66". Platfom1s shall be provided with four leg sockets to accept detachable legs. Legs shall be joined to platform in a compression loading condition and heid in place with a 3/8" thumbscrew. Legs shall be provided with a nickcfplated glide foot or an optional leveling foot with a PVC pad. Leveling foot shall provide 2" of height adjustment. Stage 100 can also be used with SECOA's Dual Structure Bridging Understructure, and SECOA Adjustable Leg Sets. Lateral Bracing: When necessary, lateral bracing shall be fabricated of 1-1/4" Schedule 40 aluminum pipe (6061-T6 or 6005A-T61) connected to structural fittings. Unit to Unit Connection: All standard platforms shall be interchangeable. Platforms shall lock together using cam-type Dual Locks at equal elevations. Dual Locks shall be top operating, allowing removal of any unit from configuration. Platforms shall be connected at unequal elevations using Leg Clamps. 141009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06i06/00 14:12 FAX 612 506 8844 SECOA lg] 010 · SCALE . DRAWN CHECKED DWG. FILE OAfE ~c FU LL RPC EXT-LIP 3/26/97 ~ Rt.V 'l'he Stage Equipment Company· ~:::......1!--1------------+-----1 Champlin, UN. REV /} A ORIGINAL ISSUE 3/26/97 (612) 546-6313 JOB TITLE EXTRUSION WITH LIP LOCATION SHEEf IDLE STAGE 100 STANDARD FRAME EXTRUSION JOB NO . 2 19/32" ru 1 21/32" -------11-1--.....i---23/64-" 1~ 1/ 4" 3/32" 37 /64" :::: ···C'U ..• (Y) " ..-l ..-l A :::: ('lJ (Y) " .. LO (\j (Y) ' -..... ----... -·-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- 06/06/00 14:13 FAX 612 506 8844 ------------- . . -~-=.: ... . .. . . . . . ~. . : . -~ ·.'scALt::''" NONE .•• -... ,;•, k• ·•: •.. -_. •• ·-• :.--•••••• -': DRAWN,:-,: ).'CHECKEDt'. :;QWG.·:FILE. . .)•• -~· \. . .. ... ......... . . . . -. . .. RE.V 8 REV fl A JOB Tlll..E LOCA110N ISO NO SCALE SECOA _DA:fE ,_ SHEET TITLE JOB NO TOP ·v1Ew . : .... ;_-.. • . ·-,?.· . STAGE 100 ISO VIEWS ISO -BOTTOM VIEW . NO SCALE l4J 011 . . . . -. . . :.-, . . . . . . ... . .. . . .. POOR··· . . . ~-. . ' . ' . . ' . . . . . :. ': ~ . Q . • .... ,··-· . _._. ____ .,._, __ . _______ ,. . -UALITV . .;· ' • • ' l •,. •· I ..... . . . { • ·,~;r.· -':':~-•-... .,n•, . ; . . . . . •. I. • • . -, . . . . ... ' ·. O ___ , · __ . ::-~------------,f.----" .. ___ ,_:_, __ -__ ------·-··--------(---s,.-_ ) --R:·.•1-G-----~-,--:·IN-A-'_,.,,_ L--._ -----·._.· . ' ' . ·-. :·.:·.-. . , .. -~. '. . . . ~ . . . . -. -.. . . : .. . . . ·. ' ' ~· . ,, ' ' . . . :: . < I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/06/00 14:14 FAX 612 506 8844 SECOA 14]012 E)\i;(ml Lo«:k~.<Butt~Joinj ~a~i({!i Lata:€:g~ • D~al-adion take· up provi.des substantial d@sing r;ressure . ~ith minimal operating force on fmii:,ll e ttaipalbBe of llaelping .provide air-tigRwt mud wa'il,J!li1.ti~M s2a1Rs c ~osaihre locking ·and unlocking e Vibration and impad resistant Note: ~astener illustrated in locked position. Broken line shows unlocked position. (.63) G HOLES 06.5 (.257) - PART NUMBERS Latch I Receptacle AS-0074-08 I RS-0079-08 . ,,._ .._. · · Dual Loci<°' Butt Joint Panel Latch shown in partially!atchcd position. Material and Finish HOUSING: Carbon steel. CAM UNlT: HOOKS -Hardened alloy steel, TRIGGER -Carbon steel. CAM -Bronze. All parts are zinc plated, yellow chromate dip (except for CAM) Product Strength Guidelines Installation and Suggested Panel Preparation Ultimat.e tensile load: 11,110 N (2,500 lbs.) Recessed Pocket Side Mount 17.--'-...~ (.66) MIN._..._._ 95 (3.75) MIN. fouthco, Inc. FRAME --~ m1llimeler (inch) mifimeter (inch) e .. s:g1 (.257!~) If used witti a Southco Rivel. Dimensions wilhout tolerances are for reference only. • Slacked proauct. Other part numbers may require leao time and minimum quaniilles •. can for inlormation on desion modilica!lons. or options in ma\ena! and finish. !':-5 • CAD L\\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/06/00 14:15 FAX 612 506 884-1 SECO:.\ I 1 fJJ {! 7 M A II ~ P eu P !ff @ s e 5-u rn° t !ff Ii I a _____________ ...,.. ____ .,.....,,~ , ________ , __________ _ Connector$ iHE STAGE 100™ ALL-PURPOSE PORTABLE Pl.llTFmun \'nsalile, strong and lightweight, the STAGE 1001'M piaLJ'orm i, till· , , "' l'IT,·ccive solution to your indoor staging nt•ccL,. I 1s ~Lancia rd 111<,dular design allows multiple configurations for pcl'!i1r111an<·<· sta~1·s and runways. It is perfect for custom :1pplicaticms ;L~ wl'!I. such ;1s pi< fillers, riser systems, and ADA ramps. The STAGE lQOTM platform has a 3/4" plywood deck fascend,·cl to an ,·xtruclcd aluminum frame. Every platfonn is fitted with Dual Lo,k('9 1·a111-type locks for unit-to-unit connection. Every lock provides 2,:,00 lhs. of tensile strength, ensuring that your platforms are pt'opr.rly , '"''"'<'tee!. The STAGE 100™ is 100% field repairable, allowing yon w 111akc minor repairs at a fraction of the cost of rqilac:ing tlir. (~11Lirc platform. Individual platforms can be stacked, minimizing storage space requirements. STAGE 100™ can be manufactured with many difft::rcnt d~ck sur- fan:s, including (but not limited to): Pulypropyh!nc Plastrc, Plyron I larclboard, Chopped and Rolled Fiberglass, C.irpc:L, Linolt!um, and l'l~wnod. The aluminum frame has a standard mill finish, but Gill bi· ;11wcli1.ecl or powder coated a variety of colors. STAGE 100™ can be used with all SECOA understructure systems, including Standard Legs (with adjustable or glic:Jc feet), DUAL STRUCTURE™ Adjustable Bridging Understructures, and X-FRAMETM Folding Supports. SJ;rn!fard I.ea .vi/11 Glirle Foat ~*'-. ..---r-. -·-·· ,, __ , : .".'t\f.":-\:):\;;;:.. STAGE 100"' Plaffornr 1111/h Slandard Leg Support Right STAGE 100'~ P/al/orm In a Choral Riser configuration DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: :;-.;~ P!ywooa OecK wit'l ,// "'o!ypropylcne Sur•ace / STAGE 100"', exploded view ~ sI,ndard Leg wilh · ~-~ Miustable Foot f!tJI Slafldard Leg support tor a STAGE 100"' Pit F///er. Standard Platform· Size: 8' x 4' x 3-3/4" Deck Surface Thickness: 3/4" Allowable Live Load Capacity: 175 psf. Point Load Capacity without Live Load: 2,000 lbs. Platform Deck: 3/4 AC Grade Plywood Aluminum Extrusions: 6061-T6 or 6005A-T61 Structural Extrusions: 6061-TB or 6005A-T61 Fast~ners: Zinc-plated through bolts, screws 2 I I I I I I I I I I ll1 I .ug Ito not I .lD ries I I I '.!e I en I I I 06/06/00 14:17 FAX 612 506 8844 SECOA .. ,,_ . .,._. @014 ----------------------=----.: .... .::....---_....;....-------------~----~-- SECOA STAIR mms SECOA manufactures thn:l· clifli.·n·nt L~r,,·~ or stair unir. Our Box Stair is a simpk. all-sH·c·I dl'<i!-(11 1h.,1 comes in adjusi:.iblc and non-,1djustalilc· \l:r~ions. Out Folding St.ah-is ;1 non-adjustable stair unit thar rutd, up for storage. Our Acljuslable St;iir i, a lu·a\ \" d11L,. adjustable stair unit designed for nmhiplc h,·i~lll aqjusrmcnt. SECOA GUARonmLS SECOA Guardrails.add a ri1~asure uf s.,fr:)· 1,, '"'"'r platform .o;ystcm. Guardrails an· mam1f:u·111n•d to st,mclard or custom k~ngths, in Stanclarrl 1Jr I ;lit: rr,,u! inch ball nile) ,·ersions. G1mrdrails for STAC:1-: 1001 ·-: Pl,1tforms ate eitht'r all-alumimun or all-~1c·d construction and-can be anodized, po1,·dc:rrnatcd or painted a variety of colors. Guardrails for ST.\t:E 1000™-and STAGE 2000™ Platfom1s ar(· ofall,-stel'l construction and feature SECOA's sturdy clamp system. They can be painted a variety of c-olor~. SECOA CLOSURE PANELS SECOA Closure Panels close off all opl'ning-s arounr! the perimeter of your platform systl~lll. pn·1·c·ntin1; unwanted traffic underneath. SECO:\ C:li,suiT l'arwl, arc made from 3/4" plywood pan.els and L"an lw manufactured to match your platfotm surface. SECOA DRAPERIES SECOA can prmide you with many different l)lH'S of perimeter drapes to dress up your system. S1anclarcl i> black commando cloth. Optional colors and fabrics are available. Drapes attach to stage using Vdcro or SECOA Stage Clips. SECOA CHJURSTOPS SECOA Chairstops prevent the legs of chairs or other pieces of furniture from sliding off the edge of a platform. Our Chairstops feature all-aluminum construction, and can be anodized or powciercc,ated various colors. SECOA STORAGE CARTS SECOA Storage Carts feature all:steel ccmstn.1Ctio11 and four 6" casters. Carts can be manufactured to meet many different storage and tr.msportation requirements, such as stackability, forklift-ability. fitting through narrow doors or 111inim:il stor;\g-e footprint when not in use. SECOA Storage Cad SECOA Bo,: Stairs With HanrfrililS SECOA Chairstops 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· 06106100 ~4:~0 F,;\X 612 506 8844 SECOA -,e._ • ..... 51:C:Ci:51° The Stage Equipment Company Specifications for the: Stage 2000 Reversible Indoor Platform by SECOA, I~c. Design Requirements: Portable platform system manufactured-with two usable tread surfaces to create a single or multiple height platform area. Design Capacities: Platform Size: 4' x 8' x 3-5/8" Surface Thickness: 5/16" Allowable Superimposed Load Capacity: 125 psf. Point Load Capacity without Live Load: 1,000 lbs. Material Specifications: Platform-Surfaces: 1) Polypropylene 2) 26 oz. unitary back carpet Aluminum Extrusions: 6061-T6 or 6005A-T61 Core: 3" structural foam panel 40 psi. Adhesive: Water cured urethane, cured under pressure Components: Deck Surfaces: 141015 Platform shall have two usable tread surfaces. Deck surface structure shall be 1/4" polypropylene on one surface and carpet on the other. Standard colors shall be black polypropylene and gray carpet. Frame: .• Frame shall be constructed of 606 l-T6 or 6005A-T61 strucb,lral aluminum treated for greater adhesion. · Frame shall have protective deck edging and structural channels. Fr.µne shall have four engineered structural fittings at the comers that accept attachment of support systems. Overall thickness of frame shall be 3-5/8". Frame shall have replaceable comer pieces fabricated from UHMW Polyethylene designed to absorb shock. Core: Core shall be structural foam core (40 psi.) 3" thick. <;:ore shall occupy cavity created by frame and deck, providing support and an adhesive base for deck surface. Support Structures: STAGE 2000 is designed to fit SECOA Dual Structurem Bridging Understructures or SECOA X-FR.AME Folding Understructures, as well as custom support systems designed and manufactured by SECOA, Inc. (See Product Specifications for SECOA Understructures for further infonnatioh.) May2000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06106100 14:21 FAX 612 506 884.i SCALE 1/2"=1 '-0" REV # REV# REV # REV # REV# DRAWN CHECKED DWG. FILE J.F. 100000. DUAL LOCK FEMALE (3) 100002 (2) ITEM# 1 STOCK# 04-00110 8'-11 1/4" SECOA DATE 9/22/97 E! PART NUMBER The Stage Equipment Company Champlin, MN. (612) 506-8800 SHEET TITLE T.M. STAGE 100 DECK 4' x 8' ASSEMBLY LOCK SPACER DUAL (2 PER) PART# 04-00125 100000 1/4-20 x 1 ."f:/4 HHCS (2 PER) STOCK# 02-01115 1/4-20 HEX-KEPS NUT (2 PER) STOCK# 02-12160 100002 (2) ITEM# 2 #10 x 3/4" HEX HEAD SPEEDPOINT 1 O" O.C. STOCK# 02-08637 3/8 T-BOLT (4) STOCK# 02-06580 STOCK# (RAW) 01-08030 / 1, _ 11 31132., f-LEG CORNER EXTRUSION ( 4) I ~ DIE# 1840 ,_ __ 3, ,. ...._DUAL LOCK MALE (3) 5/16-18 HEX-KEPS NUT (16)1 -ll 15/16 STOCK# 04-00100 STOCK# 02-12170 5/16-18 x 1 HHCS (16) STOCK# 02-02120 TOP SURFACE PANELAM (POLYPROPYLENE) 100001 -9 ~ r-,..., 0 1§1 -::: 0 u [IJ U) .,.. .,.. 00 00 to 0 in N ..., to >-e: Li: ..., N .,.. ..... 0 0 ' to 0 ' to 0 -1~ 47,94 23,97 I TYP, t~ F 95,93 1 23,97--,1 r-(4) l-23,97- TYP. / __, I TYP, ___ .,_....,. ___ _ r© .... =J::,;.===---'-------' --====== ·====== ·=== 2 f? 1( L1, ---1 3.78J 1------90,74 19,79 STo\GE NlOD CO<PDNENT PART$ m:H• DE:SCRIPTIOH QTY• 1 CORNER DETAIL -4 2 ROTC LOCK ASS'Y, 6 3 SUPPORT RAIL /\SS'Y, 2 4 8' SIDE: RAIL 2 5 -4' END RAIL 2 6 B' SUPPORT BRACE: 1 7 4' X B' TDP <PLYVOOD: 1 --- SECOA ~rc .. ,A\CH ~ .... !!Sltl ~Wri= § ~ ~ c:,~ c:, •• ~~ ~~ ~§ ~~ ~ t1 t) ~ ~ l::l .. co ~ ~ ~ "'m 3/17/98 mAWfW. P.R.8. ,.,,,.., NONE: .._._....,. 90350 - - - --- - - -- -- - - -- - -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 06/06/00 14:22 FAX 612 506 8844 SECOA . :• l--3.427 REF A NOTES: A VIEW A-A SCALE 1:2 ..• ..• 141 O 18 3/8-16 UNC THRU (AS SHOWN) 1. MATERIAL: SECOA CORNER EXTRUSION #01-08030 (ALUMINUM) 2. FINISH: NONE 3. REMOVE ALL BURRS AND SHARP EDGES. NOTICE TO ALL PERSONS RECIEVING THIS DRAWINGS REV THIS DRAWING CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1---1----+---------------t-------r AND IS ISSUED IN CONFIDENCE ON THE CONDmON THAT IT IS RETURNED REV ON DEMAND AND NOT TO BE COPIED, REPRODUCED, DISCLOSED TO 1---1----+--------------t-------r OTHERS OR USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF SECOA. (THE STAGE REV EQUIPMENT COMPANY). 1-----i-----i------'-------'-------1------1 SHEET TITLE TOLERANCE REV 8 ADDED 04-04010 P /N 1 0-1-'99 -CORNER PIECE UNLESS SPECIFIED REV A REVISED AND UPDATED DRAWING 9-22-99 STAGE 100 DECK .030 SCALE DRAWN CHECKED 1 :2 MWE JOB TITLE: LOCATION: JOB No. DWG. FILE DATE 10051 E!-CCI ENG. No. T.M. 04-0401 0 The Stage Equipment Company. PART NUMBER Champlin, MN. (612) 506-8800 10051 <IJ -q- "' ..... 0 c§1l < C u w Ul ""' ""' 00 .co '° 0 It) "' ..... '° >-1 < i:.x. "' "' ST -< 0 0 ' '° 0 ' '° 0 - t~ ~ 4 --- -- r 11,·=E 5/8" " " iJ ""'' ,-f15/8" I 1 2 J 4 QN1Y. 4 4 1 1 3• DESCRIPTION PART# DRAWING # HEX BOLT 5/16-18XJ/4 02-02110 HEX KEEP NUT5/16-18 02-12170 100 CORNER SOCKET 10051 T-BOLT 3/8 (PLASTIC) 02-06580 1 7/16" ,-----t---:-----,-------------./ ---- ------ SECOA aeilf~A'lelt aw,,u, IN. fflll NiW,t= ::i en 2 w VJ VJ <{ n::: w z et: 0 0 0 0 .-- ~ u w 0 J/.,,1/98 =D.W . ......... _ 30017 --- ~ 0 ~ I LEG COLOR, (§1 \~ -.:: I 0 u w Cl) '1' '1' co co :0 0 '" IN .-! :0 >1 -r. ~ .,. IN .. .,. .... 0 0 '-:0 0 '-:0 0 \ l ITEM# ~? 1 2 3 ~ ) 0 0 0 t') A I I -J QTY, JOB# 32" LEG w / LEVELING FOOT DWG/PART# DESCRIPTION QTY 01-06057 ALUM PIPE, 1 1/4" SCH 40 (DIE 1294) 1 04-00200 LEG INSERT, 3/8-16 RISER 1 04-002,10 LEVELER, 3/8" x 3 1 __ ..,. SECOA a:901~Atlt.N QW,RMl,N, M!fl rli~t= t--4 0 0 ·~· g t!l I~~ ·l:t:! ~ ~ ~· E-i ti)' 2'l ~ O· t:.) 't!l ~~ :: t\l ~ "'"'4/15/98 CIIUWf ffl G.R.P. !ICl<I> NONE: ---906J2 -------------------