HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; TENT; CB003533; Permit• City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 12/19/2000 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB003533 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: 12/19/2000 Applicant: 1 LEGO DR CBAD Tl 2111000900 Sub Type: Lot#: $224,000.00 Construction Type: Reference #: LEGOLAND-SPECIAL EVENT TENT COMM 0 NEW Owner: FEND JIM . LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF>LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: C/O PROPERTY TAX SERV CO ISSUED 09/22/2000 JM Plan Approved: 12/19/2000 1 LEGO DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 760-918-5461 ·Pd BOX 543185. 7087 j2/.19/00 0002 O.t Total Fees: $1,822.92 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Inspector: OALLAS TX 75354 CGP T0tal Payments To Date: $653.95 Balance Due: $1,168.97 $1,055 .. 08 Meter Size . $0.00 Add'I.Recl. Water Con .. fe$ $685J30. Meter Fee $0,00 sotWA Fee -· - $0:0o· CFD Payoff.Fee . $47.04 . PFF ' . $0.mr-.-· PPF (CFO. Fund) $0.00. Licer:ise.Tax $0.Q0 License-Tax (CFO Fund) $0.00 . ··= -. Jraffic,Jmpact Fee · $0.00 · · Traffic Impact (GFD Fund) $0.00· LPMZ Transportation Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL . $0.00 MECHANICAL 'TOTAL Master Drainage Fee: $0.00 Sewer Fee: · $0.00 Redev Parking Fee: TOTAL PERMIT FEES FINAL APPROVAL Date: *~/4/ Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,822.92 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this. permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and <!ny other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacliy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing.or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 Total I of units 0001 01 02 1-. C;t,MT ;b~~ 1 9C:: -• -- 0 kof Betbrooms • .. ~ • .2. Name 3. Name Name ti. CONTRACTOR·-COMPANY:NAME~.'i'·~"'.::.t-i~t~\~Y!,'i~' ·":: . , ' ·., • .. . . . .,. : ,' ' ... ,· Telephone I Fax I (Sec. 7031,5 Business and Prote11ions.Code: Asiy City or County which requiru1 permit to conatruc't, alter, improve; dernoliah or repair 1nystructur1, prior to its issu1nc1, also requires the applicant tor aucfl permit to file • signed 1t1temlrit that he la lie-Id ·~nt to the provlaions of the Contractor's Ucense Law !Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Businlll .and Profusions Codi) or that hi Is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the -1ll1g1d exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applica_nt for a permit 1ubject1 the applicant to a civil ptriatty,.of not more thin five hundred dollars lt500)1. Name Addr111 City State/Zlp. Telephone-I State License I_________ Lie-• Clan-------.------,. ±+aw.q1tc=i A:Yld~$cw) ,A-va\1 iW° · :?-)Cf O City Bualneila Ucll'IH I ______ _ Designer Name Addreu City State/Zip . Telephone State License I ________ _ 8., WORKERS' COMPENSATION,,,i.;'.e:.:::•;J;..;.,.,:';.;,~:.j;_ .... :'.:,;.; . , •. ,. ·-~.... . --..... ··.' , ·:: ~ , .. · .,, ·· ..... '.:r. .... Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following d!lcleratlona: O I have and will maintain-a cenlficate of consent to Hlf-insure·for workers' compensation II piovided bf-Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work tor which thia permit la luued. O I have and will maintain workers' cotn~atlon, 11 required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for-thli perform1nc1 of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company _ . _ ·Polley No.______________ Expiration Date ______ _ !THIS SECTION NEED NOT IE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS•FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS lt100l OR-LESS) O CERTIFICATE 'OF EXEMPTION: I certify that In the pertorm1nce·of the work for which this parmlt l1·i11u1d, I 1h1H not employ any person in any manner 10 as to become subject to the Workers' Compan11tion Lews of Cilifornia. WARNING: Fllllur• to Hcure work••' compenHtion cov11r1191 la ..,..wful. and ahlll lUbject an employer to cilmklel penaltlee and clvll fln11 up to -hundred thouaand dollar• t• 100,0001, In ~ to the cost of compan111tlon, damage• 11 provided for In Section 3708 of the Labor code, lntweat and attorney'• fNa. SIGNATURE ___________________ ____. _______________ DATE...,.. _________ _ 7. OWNl!R•BUI.DER'Dl!CUUIATION,,, :, .. •:: ''.'\'.", ..,,:·;.•-.-•· · •··· ····• · .,.-.. · · · I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's Ucan11 Ll'ft' for tl)e following r1110n: O I, as owner of the property or my employHI with w1g11 as their 1011 compen11tion, wlli do the work. and ttie 1tr&,!:tur1 11 not intended or offered for 11le (Sec. 7044, Bu1in111 and Prof111iona Code: The ContraCtOf'I Lic1n11 L•w d011 not apply to an owner of property who buildl or lmprov11 thereon, and who doH such work himHlf or throu·gh.hi1 own employeu,.provldad that auch Improvements are not intlridild or.-offered tor 1111. If, however, the building-or improvement is i wlthin ona yHr of completion, the·owner-builder will h1v1·-tha burden of proving that.hi did not build or improve fort~ ~11 of 111,1. I, 11 owner of the property, 1m axcluilvely. contracting wltJl llcan1ed contr1ct0f1 to construct the project (Ste. 7044, Buai11N1 and Profauiona Coda: The tractor's Ucena• Law d011 not apply to 1n owner of property who builds or lmprov11 thilraon, and contracts for 1uch projects with contractor(sl licensed pursuant to th• Contractor'• Uc1n11 L1wl, 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Buainei1 and Prof111ions Codi! for this re11on: 1. I personally plan to provide th• major labor and m1tari1l1.for co~truction of the propo11d ~operty lmpri>vem~t. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have/ have not) 1lgnad 1n 1ppllc1tlon for• buHdlng permit for the.propoaad work. 3. I have contracted with tha followl_ng person (firm) to provld1·the prop011d construction (Include name/ 1ddreu / phone number/ contractora license number): 4. I plan to provid1 portion, of the work, but I hive hired the following person to coordinat1,.1upervi11 and provide the major work !include name / addriss / phone number/ contractors licen11 numberl:. ______ ---::-----:-'7'"-------.,---------------------------------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have co di the following·per1on1 to provide the WOfk indicated (include nam1 / addre11 / phone number/ type of workl: _______ --,,...,,~--..,,.~~:::::=+:-==~-..~--,------,----------'-------~L-~-....:::--------- PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE A----,,C,,.-4-----1---------~---------- COMPLETE THIS SECTION FO . NlY--·,!:,:~.1-. .1..:' ·t .• , .h1>:.•):.i Is the applicant or future building program under Sections 25505, 2553 nt rlquired to 1ubmit a bu1ine11 plan, acutely hazardous m1tari1l1 registration ~~ risk management and prevention or 25534 of the Prestey-Tllnnir Hazardous Substance Account Act? , 0 YES 10"" NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain I permit from the air pollution control district or air guallty management district 1 Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 fHt of the outer boundary of a sc~I 1it1? 0 YES ~ O'YES ~ IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NC>T"IEISS\IEQ UNI.ES~ THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND 'l'HE AIR POLLUTION CO~TROL DISTRICT. a. . CONSTRUCTION LENDING)AGEN~i}tt~~r,J,~11\:M\ii,i,;/,'.\l\:J·;:;'.J;f. .. :;; ..... ,;,',:}"'.~ ' :~; ·,:·. · .. · .' ,:,~ ,: · ·· .. ; -,.:·,, .. : , .. :· ;::.:, · · .. ,... .·,< .. : I hereby affirm that there Is • construction lending agency for the pirf9rm1nc1 of the work for w!llch this permit.la issued (Sec. 309701 Civil Codel. LENDER'S NAME _____________ _ I certify that I have r11d th• 1pplic1tion ind 1tite that the 1bov1 Information 11 correct and that the Information on th• pl1n1 11 1ccurat1. I 1grH to comply with 111 City ordinances and State l1w1 relating to building con•tructlon, .1 _har11by 1uthorfH rapr1i1nt1tlv., ·of th• Cltt 11f C1rl1b1d to 1nt1, MPOn tht 1bov1 m,n,lon•d prop1ny ,,,, ln1p1111:Uon pu,p111~!J. I AL•~ AQIIJ:I! TO l~VI!, INPl!MNlflV AND !(HP HARMLl:!IS THI: CITY OF CARLHAP AGAINST ALI. 1.IAIILITll:S, JVOGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AOAINIT IAID CITY IN CONSl!OUl!NCI OF THI! GRANTINQ OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 610• deep and demolition:or construction of structures over 3 stories In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit Issued by the Building flcl1 , n.d•r the provisions of this Code 1h1II expire by llmlt1tlon ind become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit i1 not com • ithl 365 d1y1 from the d1t1 of iuch permit or If tha building or work 1ut~rlze bfasu permit 11 suspended or abandoned at any time after e work I m need f 180 d1y1 (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Cog,11.. ~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE . ~ .... · . .... .. . .. ' PATE ~ ~/ (!)C) -;----· ·,. . L 11 City of Carlsbad Bldg lnsp~ction Request For: 04/10/2001 Permit# CB003533 Title: LEGOLAND-SPECIAL EVENT TENT Description: Type:TI Job Address: Suite: Location: 1 LEGO DR:: Typ•:o coR O t}/ APPLICANT FEND JIM rl/AP(J Owner: Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments Inspector Assignment: PD _...___ Phone: 7608016247 Inspector: SC v Requested By: ED Entered 8y: CHRISTINE 19 Final Structural f7P_...____-------,.-----'-____ --"---'_ 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical' Associated PCRs PCR00040 ISSUED PCR00060 ISSUED PCR00231 ISSUED PCR01056 ISSUED PCR99002 ISSUED PCR99004 ISSUED PCR99007 ISSUED PCR99020 ISSUED PCR99021 ISSUED PCR99022 ISSUED PCR99023 ISSUED PCR99024 EXPIRED PCR99025 ISSUED PCR99026 PENDING PCR99029 ISSUED PCR99034 EXPIRED PCR99064 APPROVED PCR99199 ISSUED LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Geotechnkal and Environmental Engineering Consultants FOOTING OBSERVATION SUMMARY Project Name: • .L~ 6r-d -4,f>.ns-:i@n Project No.: ____ Pl_.~----~--Js ... O:: .... I ____ _ Location: C;.cL,-hc,/ Plan File No.: _____ Permit No.: __ , -.a...----Unit/Phase/1.ot(s): ______ _ Referenced Geotechnical Report(s): --------------------------- Observation Summary ~ Initials /_°7-..Z.7-ti)ate ~ Initials /2.n-~ Date ,#// Initials ~Date --- Initials ----____ Date A representative of Leighton and Associates observed onsite soil conditions. Soil conditions at the site are substantially in conformance with those assumed in the geotechnical report. A representative of Leighton ,and Associates observed and measured footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations extend to proper depth and bearing strata and are in general conformance with recommendations of the geotechnical report. A representative of Leighton and Associates measured footing setback from slope face. The setback was in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. Notes to Superintendent/Foreman 1. Footing excavations should be cleaned of loose debris and thoroughly moistened just prior to pla~ing concrete. 2. ·Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoaking of soil below slabs may be recommen~ed. Consult the geotechnical repon: for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extep.ded period of time ~ncJ the contractor should schedule accordingly. 3. In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.), we should be contacted to perform additional site observations. Notes to Building Inspector 1. Soil compaction test results, including depth of fill1 relative compaction, bearing values, and soil expansion index test results are contajned in the As-Graded Geotechnical Report provided at the completion of grading. Re~and~~I= 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205, SAN DIEGO, CA .92123 Date (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 -FAX (619) 292-0771 (1 • -~ .. Citv of Carlsbad , ~ ; Final Building Inspection .,.,111 .... " ' . , _,,._ . .,..·. , Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite <Eire::. Plan Check #: Permit#: C8003533 Project Name: LEGOLAND-SPECIAL EVENT TENT Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: ED Sewer Dist: CA Phone: 7608016247 Water Dist: CA Date: 03/13/2001 PermitJype: Tl Sub Type: COMM Lot: 0. •••111111111111111111a1 I Ill 1111111111_••••••11 II 1111 ••••••••••••••• 111111111••••••• 1111 II~ 1•••••••••1111~ Ill 111_1111111 II I l,l 1111111111111111111111111'!1111111 lnspectLIZ fu ~ Date ~I ~proved: ___ By: ;' ~ Inspected: Approved: Inspected Date By: -Inspected: Approved; Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ................................................................ -........................................................................................... . Comments:----------------------------'-------'----'----------------,---------------- ,~ ,) I DATE: December 13,..2000 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3533 EsGil Corpo.ration 'l.n Partners.i.ip wit.i. qovemmentfor$uifaingSajetg SEi: III PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Special Events Tent 0 ~CANT 0 JURIS~ cg p~ REVIEWER O FILE D The plans transmitted herewith !'lave been .corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. IS] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building. codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith 'have significc;Jnt deficiencies identified .on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The p!ans -are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. · D The applicant's copy of tne check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy ofthe check list has been sent to: IS] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan·check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has be.en completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person IS] REMARKS: 1. The designer stated that the building official would allow the fire-retardant fabric to be used in lieu of the Class A roofing required by city ordinance. Please verify. 2. Note to city staff: The s!ze of the building has been reduced to 4800 square feet. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D RG . 12/7/00 Encio.sures: tmsmtl.dot. 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (85&) 560-1576 " ' DATE: Nove.mber 2, 2000 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3533 .. . 1.n Partriersnip witlt. (jovemment for '.Buiu{ing Safety -SET:U PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Special Events Tent ~~ANT ~ 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are r~solved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. [:gj The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the· jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy_of the check list has been sent to: Jim Fend 1 Lego Dr. Carlsbad 92008 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. [gj Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Cnt\~ ~uo Person contacted·:. -clim Femt. Telephone#: (760)' 918-5461 Date contacted: 1 l· ~ .. oo (by:~ Fax #: (7~) 9t8-~Lf"1 Mail Telephone _. Fax .... In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC E:nclosures: 10/26/00 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive~ Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92.123 + {858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 I •1 Carlsbad 00-3533 November 2, 2000 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 10/26/00 REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver FOREWORD (PLEASE READ).: PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3533 SET: II DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: November 2, 2000 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation arid disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All' items must be satisfied before the plans Will be in conformance with the cited ·c;:odes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this shf;!et has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. B. The following items have not been resolved from the previqus plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. C. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a· result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly de~cribe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes ONo \ Carlsbac\ 00-3533 November 2, 2000 • GENERAL Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for Gommercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Qepartment, 1635 Faraday Ave.; Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Pl~nning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and Calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Di~go, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. SITE PLAN 4. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, and from all ad;acent buildings and structures on the site plan. THE NEW BUILDING IS TOO CLOSE TO THE ASSUMED PROPERTY LINES SHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE STRUCTURAL FRAME MUST BE DETAILED TQ SHOW APPROPRIATE FIRE- RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION IN THOSE AREAS. AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DOES NOT ELIMINATE THIS REQUIREMENT. . 6. When a new building is to be erected on the same property as an existing building, the location of the assumed property line with relation to the existing building shall be such that the exterior wall and opening protection of the existing building meets the criteria of Table 5-A and Chapter 6. Section 503. THE.'TWO BUILDINGS ON THE EAST AND WEST SIDES OF THE TENT ARE TOO CLOSE TO THE ASSUMED PROPERTY LINES. PROOF MUST BE PROVIDED TO SHOW THAT THEIR EXTERIOR WALLS HAVE ADEQUATE FIRE PROTECTION, BASED ON THEIR DISTANCES TO THE ASSUMED PROPERTY LINES. BUILDING AREA 7. As shown, the building(s) .is/are over area for the Type of Construction shown. Table 5-8. SINCE A FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS ALREADY REQUIRED BY UBC CHAPTER 9, IT CAN'T BE USED TO SUBSTITUTE FOR ONE-HOUR CONSTRUCTION. NOTICE THAT THE FIRSTSENTEN.CE OF UBC SECTION 508 STATES: "WHEN AN APPROVED AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS NOT REQUIRED THROUGHOUT A BUILDING BY ·o.THER SECTIONS OF THIS CODE ... " THEREFORE, ONE-HOUR FIRE-RESISTiVE CONSTRUCTiON MUSTBE PROVIDED. Carlsbad. 00-3533 November 2, 2000 EXITS 9. Exit door$ from Group A occupancies shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Section 1007. WHERE bO THE PLANS SPECIFY PANIC HARDWARE? 15. Per USC Section 1007.2.1, please provide a "main exit." .REVISE SHEET A-7 TO SHOW THAr THE OCCUPANT LOAD AT THE MAIN EXIT IS ONE-HALF THE TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD (NOT 305). ROOFS 16. Please provide evidence to show what the fire-resistive rating is for the membrane covering. Carlsbad ordinance requires at least a Class A roof covering. Also, the city did not adopt the USC appendix chapter regulating membrane structures. (which would allow a lesser rating) .. THE INFORMATION SHOWN ON SHEET A-9 INDICATES THAT THE FABRIC IS FIRE-RETARDANT; WHICH IS DIFFERENT THAN CLASSIFYING IT AS A CLASS A ROOF COVERING. EITHER PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THE FABRIC PASSED THE MORE STRINGENT CLASS A TEST, OR OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM THE "BUILDING OFFICIAL TO DO LESS. FOUNDATION 20. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined ttiat the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated .into the plans. (When required· by the soil report). THE LETTER FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER SHOULD INDICATE THAT THEY HAVEREVIE:WED THE PROPOSED FOUNDATION PLANS. STRUCTURAL· 2"1. No structural plans .were provided for the actual tent structure (only a few faxed sheets that were illegible). Please provide complete structural plans for the tent structural elements, connections, etc. These plans must clearly show the sizes of all members. A. THE PLANS SUBMITTED DON'T SHOW THE SIZES OF ALL FRAMING MEMBERS. ADDITIONAL DETAILING IS NEEDED, TOO. B. PROVIDE EVIDENCE THAT THE ARCHITECT-OF-RECORD HAS REViEWED THE SUBMITTAL MADE FOR THE TENT STRUCTURE. UBC SECTION 106.3.4. ·, Carlsba<J 00-3533 November 2, 2000 23. At detail C/A-12, please specify the maximum height allowed. Also, provide supporting calculations. · A. WHERE IS THE DETAIL REFERENCED BACK TO THE PLANS? B. SPECIFY THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF" RETAINED EARTH AT THE DETAIL. C. SHOW THE SLOPE OF THE FILL BEHIND THE WALL. 24. Show drainage behind the retaining Wall at detail C/A-12. THIS WA$ NOT DONE. ADDITIONAL 28. Please see below for PME corrections. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number,. calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. · Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: O Yes O No The jurisdiction has contracted with ·Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesap$ake Drive, Suite 208, San Die.go, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If y<;>u have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Cl.liver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: :Eric Jensen + · ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW The following design features must be incorporated ih the plans: A common (building) disconnecting means location: If pane/board LPN1 is the disconnecting means location a disconnect for the emergency system must be installed adjacent to LPN1, with appropriate signage detailed. Additionally the grounding electrode system or the building bond connection must show the following three items: Tent metallic structure, Panel LPN1, and the disconnect for the emerg~ncy system. 1. Include the grounding electrode· system for the tent structure on the electrical plans. Include the cold water bonding connection with the design. See above .. Carlsbad_ 00-3533 November 2, 2000 2. Include the structural steel bond required by 250-80(c) if the tent support is not "effectively grounded structure steel" as determined by 250-,81 (b). See above. 3. Show compliance with NEC 225-8(b) for the tent disconnecting means location. See above. 4. Egress illumination is required for this facility. Provide the fixture locations and specifications providing 1 footcandle· of illumination for egress lighting per UBC 1003.2.9.2. A single high bay fixture is shown as the emergency egress lighting. Provide photometrics for this fixture demonstrating 1 footcandle of illumination from the tent floor to the exits. Additionally .address the-appropriates of the fixture type selected: If normal power dies, what is the start-up (or restrike) timing for the high bay fixture selected for egress lighting after emergency power is available? MECHANICAL (1997 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 5. Show how UBC section 1202.2.1 'Ventilation General" is provide at this facility. No mecha~ical ventilation has been shown .. Additional corrections may follow depending upon the respons~ to this plan check item. Removable flaps as referenced on the Title Sheet are not acceptable as the required ventilation. ENERGY CONSERVATION - 6. Pending response to mechanical corrections. · Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560:..1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. l.} l J EsGil Corporation 1n Partnersliip witli (joventment for qjuiftfing Safetg DATE: October 2, 2000 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3533 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 ;Lego Dr. PROJECT .NAME: Special Events Tent SET:I Cl APPLICANT ~- b---P~EVI EWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's buildiAg codes. D The plans transmitted herewith willsubstantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencie~ identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deJiciencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. l:8:] The check list transmitted herewith. is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the chepk list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Jim Fend 1 Lego Dr. Carlsbad 92008 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. l:8:] Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that tile plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Jim Fend Telep_hone #: (760) 918-5461 Date contacted: 1 o/ o f o o (by_: · f-.... ). Fax #: Mail v--telephon.e v Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC J=nclqsures: 9/25/00 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 00-3533 October 2, 2000 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3533 OCCUPANCY: A-2.1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N * · ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: To be determined SPRINKLERS?: No JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: A:ssembly ACTUAL AREA: 6400 STORIES: 1 HEIGHT: -25' OCCUPANT LOAD: -900 REMARKS: * Type V-N not permitted for an A-2.1. DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 9/22/00 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: October 2, 2000· FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 9/25/00 PLAN REVIEWER:'Kurt Culver This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, hoise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering .Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1997 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans Will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this Ust {or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, ~pacification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. • I JI Carlsbad 00-3533 October 2, 2000 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For: expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporatiori and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fite Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to· EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed .by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • PLANS 2. All sheets of the plans are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engiheer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California. license number, .seal, date of.license expiration and the date the plans are signed . .Business and ProfE~ssions Code. 3. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information. for each building proposed:· + Type of Construction (It appears to be Type V-N, which isn't permitted for A-2.1 occupancies.) + Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-B. • SITE PLAN 4. Clearly dimension building setbacks from pr:operty lines, street centerlines, al1d from all adiacent buildings and structures on the site plan. 5. When two or more buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall nave an assumed property line between them for the purpqse of determining· the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements, per Section 503.1. An exception is provided if the combined atea of the buildings is within the limits specified in Section 504 for a single ·building. If this exception is used, show how the building(s) will comply with Section.503. ,_ IJ 11 Carlsbad 00-3533 October 2, 2000 · 6. When a new building is to be erected on the same property as an existing building, the location of tbe assumed property line with relation to the existing building shall b,e such that the exterior wall and opening protection of the existing building meets the criteria. of Table 5-A and Chapter 6. Section 503. • BUILDING AREA 7. As shown, the building(s) is/are over area for the Type of Construction shown. Table 5-8. • EXITS 8. The total width of exits in inches shall not be less than the total occupant load served ·by an exit multiplied by 0.3 for stairways and 0·.2 for other exits (see Table 10-8 for Hor I occupancies). Section 1-003.2.3. a)· The exterior stairs should be wider. 9. Exit doors from Group-~ occupancies shall nof be provided with a latch or lock unle$S it is panic hardware. Section 1007. 10. Exit signs arerequired whenever two exits are required. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 1003,2.8.2. 11. Show two sources of power fot the .lamps at exit signs. Section 1003.2.8.5. 12. Show that exits are lighted with at ·least one foot candle at floor level. Section 1003.2.9.2. 13. Show separate sources of power for exit illumination. (Occl:lpant load exceeds 99). Section 1003.2.9.2. 14. On sheet A-6, please revise the occupaht load factor in the Gathering Area to use 7ft.2/occupant. Then, re-check the exiting. 15. Per UBC Section 1007.2.1, please provide a "main exit." • ROOFS 16. Please provide evidence to show what_ the fire-resistive rating is for the membrane covering. Carlsl::>ad ordinance requires at least a Class A roof covering·. Also, the city did not adopt the UBC appendix chapter regulating membrc1ne structures (Which_ would allow a lesser rating). •1 .JJ Carlsbad 00-3533 October 2, 2000 • Ft'RE EXTINGUISHING 17. Provide fire sprinklers in rooms LJsed by the occupants forlhe consumption of alc;;oholic beverages when the _total area of unseparated rooms exceeds 5000 square.feet. For uses to be considered as separated, a c,ne,.hour occupancy separation is required. Section 904.2.3.1. • MISCELLANEOUS LIFE/SAFETY 18. Gu_ardrails (Section 509.1 ): a) Openings between railings shall be less than 4". The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6". b) Shall be detailed showing. adequacy· of c;onnections to resist the horizontal force prescribed in Table 16-B. · · • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS 19. Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List. Disabled access requirements may be more restrictiv~ th~n the UBC. • FOUNDATION 20. Provide a let1;er from the soils·engineer confirming that tl:le foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (When required by the soil report). · • STRUCTURAL 21. No structural plc;:1ns were provided for the actual tent structure (only a few faxed sheets that were illegible). Please provide complete structural plans for the tent structural elements, connections, etc. These plans must clearly show the sizes of all members. 22. Provide minimum structural specifications on the plans to show that all structural materials will comply with the design calculations arid building code requirements. 23. At detail C/A-12, please specify the maxrmum height allowed. Also, provide supporting calculations. 24. Show drainage behind the retaining wall at detail C/A-12. ., )1 Carlsbad 00-3533 October 2, 2000 25. In seismic zones 3 or 4, if a structure is defined in Table 1'6-K as Occupancy Category 1, 2 or 3, note on the plans that "Structural observation by the engineer/architect shall be performed. A statement in writing. shall be given to the building official, stating that the site visits have been made .and whether or not any observed deficiencies have been corrected to conform to the approved plans and specifications". Section 1702. · a) Please revise the· note on sheet 1/2 (foundation plan) to state that the tent structure itself will be part of the i;,tructural observation program. 26. The structural calculations were based on an ASCE method for wind loads. Please provide a comparison calculation to show that these are at least equivalent to the UBC-prescribedmethod. • ADDITIONAL 27. If the "Entry Arch" is to be part of this permit, provide complete structural plaris and calculations for it. 28. Please see below for PME corrections. 29. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 30. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list:. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and Where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: O Yes D No 31. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 85-8/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. ELECTRICAL, PLl,JMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ·. + ELECTRICAL PLAN .REVIEW 1. Include the grounding electrode system for the tent structure on the electrical plans. Include the cold water bonding connection: with the design. •1 ,, Carlsbad .00-3533 October 2, 2000 2. Include the structural steel bond required by .250-80(c) if the tent support is no~ "effectively grounded structure steel" as determined by 250-81 (b). 3. Panelboard "TS" is shown as 100 ampere on E2, 225 ampere on the single line diagram. · 4. Show compliance with NEC 225-8(b) for the tent disconnecting means location. 5. Egress illumination is ·required for this facility. Provide the fixture locations and specifications providing 1 footcandle of illumination for egress lighting per USC 1003.2.9:2. PLUMBING (1997 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 6. Prov.ide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer, storm draina_ge ·system, and site water n·nes. 7. What system is the trench drainage system connected too? If traps are provided, please show the locations of the required venting. 1 8. Show how the traps are to be maintained. (trap primers) 9. Show the availc;3bility of plumbing restroom fixtures for this facility: . number of and location of. (USC Appendix Chapter 29) · ME.CHANICAL (1997 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 1 o. Show how USC section 1202.2.1 "Ventilation General" is provide at this facility. No mechanical ventilation has been sh9wn. Additional corrections may follow depending upon the response to this -plan check item. ENERGY CONSERVATION. 11. Pending response to mechanical corrections. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. C _, ., Carlsbad 00-3533 October 2, 2000 DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT NON RESIDENTIAL TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS The following disabled access items are tc\ken from the 1998 edition of California Building Code, Title 24. Per Sectiori .101 .17 .11, all publicly and privately funded public accommodations and commercial facilities shall be accessible to persons with disabilities. NOTE: All Figures and Tables referenced in this checklist are prJnted in the California Building Code, Title 24. 1. 2. 3. End • PEDESTRIAN RAMPS Show that the required intermediate landing is provided, per Section 1133B.5.4 as follows: a) ~60" long·where the elevation change is ~30". b) • >72" long ·at diteotion changes >30°. Revise plans to show handrails at each side of ramp(s) which are shown to be ~t:20 (5°(a) in slope, per Section 113~8.5.5. Plans indicate that rarnp(s) are ~10'-0" long (and is(are) not bounded by walls). Revise plan details, or note that curbs or wheel guides are to be provided, per Section 11338.5.6. Carlsbad 00-3533· October 2, 2000 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-3533 DATE: (lctober 2, 2000 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr~ BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A-2; 1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING AREA Valuation Reg. PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier Mod. Tent 6400 35 .. oo: ·- .. Air Conditioning· Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code ', ... • /:~:~:: :.: .. ,:·, cb;,.;,__ · '.,, , .. ·.,•,· ll .-:.-, , ... si:::ordin-~ri-c:e, -, ,, -· -~,. -} -~-,_, ' -- I Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinam::e , ,.. , ./ Plan Check Fee by Ordinance / • / Type of Review: 0 Complete Review D Repetitive Fee [GRepeats Comments: Dother D Hourly Esgil Plan Review Fee VALUE . I D Structural Only ($) 224,000 224,000 1,055.081 685.801 548.641 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc _____ ., --., -· · --M~ckintosh &M~cid~t~~h, In~. CONSUL'tING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 December 1, 2000 Note to Plan Checker regarding 60 ft. x 80ft. hospitality tent for Legoland As you know, the original 80 ft. x 80 ft. tent has been reduced to 60 ft. x 80ft., with the structural frames spanning the 60 ft. direction. We previously submitted structural calculations for the 80 ft. x 80 ft. design. · We hereby certify that those calculations are applicable to (and conserv~tive for) the new 60 ft. wide tent. All extrusions and $teer parts in the riew design are of the same size, cross bracing is the same, and the number of plirlins connecting. the frames is actually increased from the requiremer.its in the calcs. Footings have been designed for the 80 ft. wide configuration and so those footing are acceptable for the reduced loads for the 60 ft. wide configuration. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • L0s ANGELES, CAUFORNIA 90004 • TEL, (323)-662-1184 • FAX, (323) ~~ . Oq 1!/06/09 WED 10:32 FAX 8587551236 f2i0112000 11:13 8582920771 Howard Anderson LEIGHTON SAN DIEGO ~003 PAGE 11}2 . ....__,. t • ~-.,....,, ~ === . ___ ;: Leighton and Associates A GTCi Compeny December l, :ft>Bd' TI! c HNI e,. L C: o N s u LT~ NT s Project No. 960151-016 Tc; Attention: Subject: Reference:· L~goland California One L~io Drive Ca(l.sbad, California 92008 Mr. Chris Romero Oeotechnical Foundation Plan Review, Proposed Special Events Tent Structure (New Location), Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California · Leigbton ar\d Associates, 2000, Oeotechnical UpdattrReport, Prapased SpeGial Events Tent Stmcturo (New Location), Legola.nd Theml'l Park. Carlsbad, California, Ptoject NQ. 960lSl-016,ds.tcdNovember30, 2000. Maokintosh &, Mackintosh, Inci. 2000, $p~fal ;Bvents Tent Foundation, Legoland California One Lego Dri11c Carlsbad, Catifomi8-> i sheets, Job No. svc .. cioo0-1 s9, Dat¢d September 2000, .,___, As requestedi, we have reviewed the referenced foundation plans in an attemp'tto identify potential conflicts with our tefercn.ced ge!ltechhieal report. Based an our review, the p)~s were f~nd to be in general agreementwith the geotechnicalreco.mmendinionscxcept_for the fOllowing com~ents: 1. Sheet I: Gcncrn.l Notes for Foundations, Notes 1 and 2 .refer to pil¢s, however, no piles are propQso4 for the' sµbjcc.t foundation. These notes should-be removed. - 2. Sheet 1 ~ The note for slab e1;init.,ietion should not include gravel as an option for placem~nt underneath the slab. Our report dated November 30, 200() (refc,;enccd above} slloutd be referenced instead <?fthe October 1 o. 2000 Memorandum currently cited. 3. Sheet 2, Details 1/2, 212; 3/2, and 412: These details shou(dshow 2 inches of sand below the slab. the option for gravel sbQuld he cJhninated. the conclusions and recommendationsjn this review arc,bascd in part \lpon data.that were obtained from a limited number of observations; siw visits, excavatior,s, samples, aod tests. Suell jnfor.mation is by necessity inc_atnplete. The:.iiatutc of many sites is such-that differing geotechnie_al or gealosJcal subsurface conditions can and do occur. Therefore, the findings, eom:lusiona and recommendations presented io this review and previous report can be relied upon only if Leighton ha.'i the opportunity ti:> Qbservcthc slibsurfaoeconditions d1.1rin1.:: gradlog and-0,onstruction of this project. Ooly with these-observations are we able to confirm that our prcliminaryfindings are represen~tiv•for the site. 3934 Murphy CanyQn Ro•d, 1a2oa. San Dle90, CA 921-~$-442S (S.H) 21i12•l!Cl30 " 1'4)( (858) 29.2•077't • www.l•lghtang.a.com 12/06/00 WED .10:33 FAX 8587551236 12/01/2000 11:13 8582920771 ( , . .. Howard Anderson LE!8HTbN SAN DIEGO ~004 PA~ ~S 960]5l-016 \._., If you have any questions regardingtMs letter, please contaetthis,ofticcl:. We appreciate this opportunity to be of servfoc .. ' '-... -" \. __ ., Distribution: (2) Addressee Respectfully submitted, t.BIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TBS, !NC. )/~ QL K111vin B. Colson Senior Staff Gcoloaist/ProjectMMager timothyLawson~ ~CE 53388 Principal Consulting EJjgineer (1) M,_ckintosh & ~ckin~osh, Attention; Mr. Ste\'e Provenghi Fax No. (323) 662-7541 (l) Howard Anderson and Assoejates .. Attention: Mr. Louis l3alderas Fax No. (8S8) 755-1236 12/06/00 WED 10:33 FAX 8587551236 l2/0S/00 WED 09: 36 Fil l$51S"t oou,ni Howard Anderson nuwa&~ n.u.~Q~ov~. _'41005 1> Ill· -<USOCIAlU HOWARO ANDERSON &ASSOCIA'r£S .:,RCIIIT~CTS • -4[/CHlTl!.CfURE /N1'£/t/URS ktlldrnt/11I Camwrrt1dl • TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO CONNBCl'ION TEL co?OO:tCTION ID ST, TIM:8 . USAGE T PGS. SENT RESULT ********~************ *** Tl REPOR1 *** *******$$************ .2394 12/06 09:35 01•01 ~ OK 560;1:576 TRANSMITTAL DATE~ 1)'4-0ik-"ZboO . _ TO: 1'lJtUc: QA1.,ll~ COMPANY: ~ 1 v --CofkPo.!::!':¥n tu...:i, :.ts ---- AOC>RESS: ~ )'1..0. ~~;:;;.:, =---=p_4.........,. . ..._ ___ ...,...,.__,,, _____ _ • . ·So,n;; u,r, .. R .. PltojeCT NAME: ~0\A....)'t) ':?~@5::ia-Lz-0)6~2 "lJ?Nl PROJECT #: ___________ _ WE ARE SENQING IQlJ: o CHANGe o•t?!RtS) OGOPY~t.mER Q l'LANS O INVOlr.;EC.s) OsuBMRT~ 01'LAN04~COIIII~ 0 t~ll'fY'$ 0 flfEETINCi MINUTES • , p. ~ fii-:.eiM. Y:<6tfflt' ~ ~,.q.'1E:S VIA; ow.n.. OMl!SSENCb 0 OWRNIGtfTD~Y tf ANDLrt,!G: J:fPIIGI PRIOlll'l"l' (D!UV!ll IMM~IA'l1U') 0 PaOC!SS r,lOIIMAl,U' . 0 QUICX MESSAGB <t;O PAGQSTO FOU.OW) ,,~,'Xi.. 560 ~ f'22i4 _ NUMBEII.OF PAG~ C1'0 POU.OW) ACTION: 0 f0R ~ICiNATUR-' 0 FOR. YOURNl'ilOVAL REMAR.kS! o itS -eo.u.emp ,~ YOUR lfYIEW O·RETlJIIN!D FOil COMec:;noNS 0 Si1i R&MAW sa.r:M L.C. .L 13.tl.L.Ul', A::,.::,1..., ,,-., Cl> ~~ ,..½ 'J 11, Leighton an.d As~9ciates A GTG Company · To: Attention: From: Subject Reference: GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS PJ,lOJECT l\'IEMORANDUM Legoland California One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Mr. JimFend Dharma Shakya ~-- Date: October l O; 2000 Project No.: 960151-014 Alternative Shallow Foundation Recommendations for Special Events Tent Structure, Legoland Theme Park, City of Carlsbad, California Leighton and Associates. Inc., 1000, Geotechnical lhvestigation and Foundation Design for the Proposed Special Events Tent Structure Located at the Proposed West Expansion Area 1, Legoland Theme Park. City of Carlsbad, California, Project No. 960151-014, dated September 18, 2000. As per the .request, Leighton and Associates, Inc., is providing the following alternative shallow foundation recommendations for Special Events Tent Structure, Legoland Theme Park, in the city of Carlsbad, California Foundation Design Recommendations Footings for structures :;;hould have a minimum embedrnent of 24 inches below lowest adjacent grade. A minimum width of 1.2 inches for continuous footings and i 8 · inches for column footings is recommended. Footings bearing on undisturbed natural materials may be designed for a net allowable vertical bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for dead-plus-live loads. This value may be increased by 500 psffor each addjtional foot of width and depth to a maximum value of-J,500 psf. This value may also be increased by one-third for short-term loading. All continuous footings should be reinforced with a :tn:inimum of orte No. 5 steel reinforcing bar at the top and bottom to provide structural continuity and to permit spanning of local irregularities. Actual steel reinforcing should be designed by the structural· engineer. Footing excavations should be kept moist from the time they are excavated until foundation concrete is pl~ced. Water should not be allowed to pond in the bottom of the ex~vations. Areas that become water damaged should be overexcavated to a firm base. · l4] 002 LEIGHTON ASSC ., 960151-014 Maximum anticipated settlement of 18-inch-square or 12-inch-wide continuous footings, constructed in accordance with the above-recommendations, are estimated to be less than ½ inch. Differential settlements are estimated to' be on the order of half of the total settlements. Resistance to lateral loads can be provided by friction ·acting at the base of foundations and by passive earth pressure. A coefficient of friction of,0.35 may be assumed with dead-load forces. An allowable passive lateral earth pressure of 300 psf pet foot of depth up to a maximum of 3,000 psf may be used for sides of footings poured against undisturbed natural materials or properly compacted fill. This allowable p:;t.S$ive pressure is applicable for level (ground slope equal to or flatter than 5:1, horizontal:vertical) conditions .only. Bearing values indicated above are for total dead-load and frequently applied live loads. The above vertical bearing may be increased by 33 percent for short·dur~ons of loading which will include the effect of wind or seismic forces. The .allowable passive pressure may be increased by 33 percent of lateral loading due to wind or seismic forces. Slabs-on-Grade Prior to placing concrete, the exposed, subgrad.e should be scarified to at least 6 inches, moisture- conditioned. and then compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the ASTM Test Method Dl557-91 ,. laboratory maximum density. Slab, subgrade soils should then be presoaked as necessary to obtain a moisture content of at least 1.3 times the optimum-moisture. content to a .depth of at least 18. inches. Subgrade soils should not be allowed to dry prior to cortcr-ete placeii:lent. Slabs-on-grade should be supported on a minimum of 2; inches of gravel or sand to provide a capillary break and mriform support for the slabs. As a minimum, we suggest:that the slabs-on-grade be at least 5 inches thick, and be reinforc.ed with No. 3 deformed steel reinforcing bars at 24 inches on center each way placed at mid-depth through the slab. Actual,slab thickness and reinforcement should be designed by the Structural Engineer. The minimum recommended steel will not prevent the development of slab · cracks but will aid in keeping joints relatively tight and will reduce the potential for differential movement between adjacent panels. Care should be taken to avoid slab curling if slabs are poured in hot weather. Slabs should be designed and constructed as promulgated by the Portland Cement Association (PCA). Prior to the slab pour, all utility trenches should be properly backfilled and compacted. In areas where a moi~e-sensitive floor covering (such as vinyl, tile, or c;upet) is used, slabs can be protected by at least a 6-mil-thick polyethylene vapor barrier between the slab and compacted subgrade. Where the barrier is used, it shQuld 'be protected with 2 inches, of sand placed above to prevent punctures and to aid in the concrete cure. Vapor barrier seams should be overlapped a minimum of 6 ,inches and taped or otherwise sealed. If you have any questions regarding this project memorandum, please do not hesitate to contact this office. We appreci~ this opportunicy-to be of service; ; ' -2- 141003 •; 17' .........--;MORTAR FIIJ.ED BLOCK ~----......-----~-,------------.~ WALL PER CITY ., A. . OF CARLSBAD MASONRY FENC , DETAIL(BID-7) I \ l ROLL ou-r., I i'', I \ . ,----;r,t-91R£-G~ON: ~' '·: OPTION~t RE;CYCLABLE r / , t-, 1 T CONTAINERS )NSTEAD I I ~ATE FRAMlN.G I I I .I OF Br.N-4 .EAC'" I I ,, AND MATERIA[' I I , , , , ,, ,~ . H', -i--r '-,-i~Li,._..-,, I ....... _ _ L-l -. 1-.J _ -----0.5r. (TYP) z , o.sr. (TYP) , ~ . 1 · ~ '-------------' = FERROUS METAL :----l 12·x12· . ~ ._ ~ ~Dt~E • . I AREA DRAIN (TYP) LOADING ' 1 · APPROA(:H ! ---- DRAIN' AWAY I (TYP) -t TYPE A-DRIVE.: AND LOAD FRONT Af='PR.OACH . ,s.o· MIN. 13.0' LEVEL LOADING AREA + ( CONCRETE) ' T(PE B-ORM: AND L,OAD SIDE APPROACH' 13.0' - ' ---, ----- . ('""' .I I ,..:--, --I I '· 45" I SECTION A-A REV. I APPROVE DATE SECTION 8--8 CITY OF_ CARLSBAD . . REFUSE BIN ENCLOSURE FOR 3 CUBIC YARD· BINS SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARD NO. - OF 2 GS--16 " . r· Mackintosh & Mackintosh, Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 M&M File NQ. Date Client Structure Type User or Site Location Span Overall Length Bay Width Roof Slope Column Height/Berid Radius Applicable Code \11/ind Speed 'Snow Load, Seismic Load Suspended Equipment Occupancy Category Number of Purlins per Bay Purlin Size Wall Configuration Anchor Loads X-Bracing Reinforcing Elements/Special Features US-C2000-217 September 18, 2000 S&S Structures, Inc. 4838 Salus Pl. Weed, CA 96094 .0-100 LEGQLAND One U:GO Drive, Carlsbad, CA 80Feet 80Feet 25-degrees 4 feet/ 10 feet 85mph, Exp. C(3 Second Gast) Additi9nal -Loac;fs; (None) (Not Significant) 5 psf 3-1/2 Inch Std. Pipe closed four sides See Reactions Sheet 18 3/8" Wire Rope 2 Bays NOTE: THESE CALCULATIONS AND/OR DRAWINGS ARE ONLY AUTHORIZED FOR USE IF THEY HAVE BEEN REVIEWED FOR SPECIFIC SITE CONDITIONS AND HAVE A WET STAMP AND SIGNATURE IN RED INK BY A LICENSED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER WHO IS EMPLOYED BY MACKINTOSH & MACKINTOSH, INC: IF THESE CALCULATIONS AND/OR DRAWINGS ARE USED WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF MACKINTOSH & MACKINTOSH. THE USER ASSUMES ALL RESPONSIBIL TY AND LIABILITY FOR THEIR USE. MACl(INTOSH & MACKINTOSH, INC. CANNOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE ACCURACY OF ANY PHOTOCOPiJ=p DOCUMENTS WITHOUT OUR Rl;:VIEW. ENGINEER: SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AvrnuE • Los ANGELES.CALIFORNIA 90004 • TtL: (328)662-1184 • FAx: (323)662-7541 Cary Rapoport 1 of 43 r J · Maclzintosh & Macl~into_sh, Inc. . CbNSUL'J;INO :STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 ;OB TITLE_,,, _________ -'--~-------,---, JOB NO. -------'"--'--'--- JOB ADDRESS --------------....,,.--DATE:------'--------'--- ENGINEEI Material ·Properties Aluminum: 6005-T5 or equal.· See "Aluminum Design Manual", 6th Edition, 1994, The Aluminum Association. Portions cited:· Part I-A, Specifications for Aluminum Structures, Allowable Stress Design, and Design Aic,is, -Pages VII-64 and VII-65. Steel Cable: ASTM A603, Class C Suspended Equipme·nt Loads 1) 5 psf over full roof area (equals 100 pounds per lineal foot along horizontal projection of frame). 2) Unbalanced load equal to 5 psf over roof ar~o, one side of ridge only. Wind Loading Calculation Method Wind Speed, V Exposure Mean Roof Height, h Importance Factor, I Coefficient Kh Velocity Pressure, qh = .00256KzV2I Coefficient "a" p~r Fig. 6.4: Least of 10% width 10% length 0.40xh Roof Slope, 0 Internal Pressure, GCp; 3 2 CASE A Per ASCE 7-95, Method of Figure 6-4 125 mph (3-second gust) C 20.0 feet 0.87 (Category I -J~mporary Use, Table 6-2) 0.90 (Table 6-3) 31.~ psf ~ Controls, =. 8.0 feet 25° +0.18 (Table 6-4, outward pressu·re always critical) 1 Load Case #3 ·(Critical frame is 2~ from end; 6ft. trib. from end zone, 14ft. trib. interior zone) Wind force on frame = trib. width x qti(GCpt _GCp;) · (per Tab le 6-1) External pressure coefficients, GCpf per Fig. 6-4 (interpolate for 0 ::: 25°): Zone 1: +0.55 Zone 1E: +0.75 l4 ft. X 3f.3 X (0.55 -0.18)::: 6 ft. X 31.3 X (0.75 -0.18) = Total 162 lb./ft. inward 107 lb./ft. inward 269 lb./ft. inward :.HEETNO. . ,, '~ Maclzintosh & Mackintosh,.Inc .. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE J,94i JQBTITLl:ii ____________________ _ JOB NO. _ __,...--,-----,:-_. ------ 184 "lb./ft. outward JOBADt Zone 2: -0.24 .. Zone 2E: -0.40 Zone 3: -0.45 Zone 3E: -0.61 Zone4: -0.40 Zone 4E: -0.56 14 ft . .X 31.3 X (-0.24 -0.18) = 6 ft, X 31.3 x.(-0.40-0.18) = Total 14 ft. X 31.3 X (-0.45 -0.18) = 6 ft. X 31.3 X {-0.61 -0.l8) = Total 14 ft. X 31.3 X (-0.40 -0.18) = 8 ft. X 20.5 X ('-0.56-: 0.18) = Total· 1' Cotner I CASE A 7£2 Corner U /P-~ · · . • Wind· Direction . Range 109 lb./ft. outward 293 lb./ft. outward 276 lb./ft. outward 148 lb.lft. outward 424 lb./ft. outward 254 lb./ft. outward 140 lb./ft. outward 394 lb.lft. outward Load Case #4 (Critically loaded frames are in zone 3 region) External pressure cc,:· · ·': · · · GCpf: Zone 3: -Q.45 20 ft. X 31.3 X (-0.45 -0.18) = 395 lb./ft. outward Zone 3E: -0.61 20 ft. X 31.3 X (-0.61 -0.18) = 495 lb./ft. outward Side Walls: 20 ft. x 31.3 x (-0.18) = 113 lb./ft. outward ENGINEER: el( \ Zone 1: -0.45 Zone lE: -0.48 Load Case #5 . (Critical frame is 2nd from end; _ 6ft. trib, from end zone, 14-ft. trib. interior zone) External pressure coefficients, GCpt: 14 ft. X 31.3 x (-0.45 --0.18):: 6 ft. X 31.3 X (-0.48 -0.18) = Total 276 lb./ft. outward 124 lb./ft. outward 400 lb./ft. outward :ET NO. 3 . , ·:) ' ' _ -Macl~intosh-\&: Mackintosh,_ Inc . CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS.SINCE 1941. JOB TITLE_'---------------JOBNO. ______ _ JOB ADDRESS ------------~-DATE: _______ _ ENGINEER: Zone 2: -0.69 Zone 2E: -1.07 Zone 3: -0.37 Zone 3E: -0.53 Zone 4: -0.45 Zone 4E: -0.48 14 ft. X 31.3 X (-0.69 -0.18): 6 ft. X 31.3 X (-1.07-0.18): Total 14 ft. X 31.3 X (-0.37 -0.18): 6 ft. x 3-~.3 x (-0.53 -o.rn) = Total 14 ft.X 31.3 X (-0.45,-Q.18): 6 ft. X 31.3 X (-0.:48 -0.18)= Total CLIENT: ______ _ 381 lb./ft. outward 235 lb./ft. outward 616lb./ft. outward 241 lb./ft. outward 133 lb.lft. outward 375 lb./ft. o_utward 276 lb./ft. outward 124 lb./ft. outward · 400 lb./ft. outward load case #6- ( Cri:tically loa'ded frames ate in zone 2 region) . . 5€. Corner 11.-----*-1=-} ~~2a ,~ Wind Direction ~ Range CASE B External pressure coefficients, GCpf: Zone 2: -0.69 Zone 2E: -1.07 Zone 5: +0.40 Zone 6: -0.29 20 ft. x 3-1.3 x (-0.69 -0.18) = 545 lb./ft. outward 20 ft. x 3L3 x (-1.07., 0.18) = 783 lbJft. outward 20 ft. x 31.3 x (0.40-0.1·8~ = 13816./ft. inward 20 ft. x 31.3 X' (-0.29 '""0.18) = 294 ·lb./ft. outward 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELE"s, .CALIFORNIA 90Q04 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: {213) 662-7541 Macl~intosh-& Macl~mtosh, Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 I t' JOB TITLE ______________ _ JOB NO . .,_. ______ _ JOBADDRESS -----"----------DATE: _______ _ CLIENT: .... ---'------ L 1'71...DQ{l <-· '--'/ r-JaOlf... -:# j ( ~(IZ.C U-:'-iJJ Date: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:00:38 Page: 27 ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 Cary RapoP,ort, P.E. ·153 (c) CQP_yright RoboBat/Metrosoff S. 1985-1997 (800100N. 2-0 FRAME: 1 Scale= 1:550 .. Case : ti : DEAD +5 PSF SUSPENDED EQUIPMENT STATIC -------··-.. ··-- ENGINEER: u 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 SHEET NO. ~- \ .._ •1 f'• I I' -fl Macl~intosh &-Macl~mtosh, Inc·. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 JOBTITLE...:.r _____________ _ JOBADDRESS ------------------,. Joo it'! ENGINEER: · JOB NO. -------,-- DA:f!=: -------'--- CLIENT: ______ _ .. : .... · ·· l}fAQ · loAO:+ :s-psf. :: :.-:...-::· · : s:~sPirfam. ltWif.: ·-·-. · •'. ·-... ·, . : ..... . . . . . . . . . . . : lb/{) : C4s~: :-,( z; : ................... rr-zAO: µ>,10 1-: c. :ft.~ : : ·sc;sf P-Of-0 : Ji:.Q.---?,P... : ~ .:~ : SP/I-~.{ . · · · . c.+sL· -It ? . . . :LOAD ..... -.-...>. -- . . ' . . .· . . . . . . . . ....... ) : : Dlv10 : ?--?/:tQ :-+: :cy;...1[) : )\: SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 1 I y I .Mit~khithsh. &·:Ma6kintosh, Inc. · C<;:>N9ULTING STRUCTUML ENGINEERS Su~cE 1941 JbBTITLE --------'----------JOB NO. _____ __, __ JOB ADDRESS------------------DATE: _______ _ ENGINEER: \eie CLIENT: _______ _ ............... p---zAO: GM :+ :~i.;j.i): :r A:-: 12.C?~l"t:D~ : . . . . . . . " .. ,cs rc:. . . . ,,--Lo A{) .. L--:'r. ... tt. --------- Jj;:AO: : l o4.0 : -i-. : 0 / ~:Cj. :'fl/ ,. . :t¼J:\O: : l-<?A-0 : f: : p ?? f) : :r: g ~ r,:p7)t 7(0 ~ SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 -, . , . ' Macl~intosh -& Mackintosh, Inc . CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE ~ 941 JCDB TITLB _____________ ~-'--JOB NO. ______ _ JOB ADDRESS _____________ _ DATE: _______ _ ENGINEER: ce_ CLIENT: ______ _ SYM· GEHERAL RESULTS USER COORD. units :inch kip GeoM.valu.es. n• ·= 49.916 peri = 18.581 IZ = 11.869 HU = 0.000253685 n·z = 19.865 Ehase = 1 ~0 = 2.011 Ghase = 1 Z0 :;:: 4.0891 Ax = 2.5886 Alpha 14:_.323 Ax31E = 2.5886 z Ly~~ r ( --11 · STtlG. A-"f 1S ~ IW·1/;Q:3c,,) "1.. :. ' 1.1.9 .__: r w~ll IFl 1J ~ L{ ( f/, 87) -: 4'7-S--~ .q lt-'D\-ll .<J'/11 ~ (jz-I' /lo,.? 0 "t(l... =--2. .. { 4 .._:_ . 3 ""' SYM- 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL; (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 I ' i i ! I ~l lAi i ' i ----+ Macl~intosh ·:&. Mackintoshf .Jnc. . . CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEl;RS SINCE 1941 JOBTITLI! ---------------'------JOB NO. -----'----- Values 23,. L•nath : .1. 9828.10 f't 24-,. 2a.. c........ = 0.0·. o.8 1 Mat•~•~L~ ALUM 1 s.ct ,.,;n : NS-01 .1211-0 DEAD +5 PS~ SUSPENDED EOUlPNENT X : 0.500000 (rel): 0.991155 ft (ab~) Lc::::111::c::1 L d I·• Lac::•m•n t.. F'i:.. Cl,... I IM ' •nd C, t:. :,c u ... •0,08556 •0.88566 . -0. 08561 --. U1:1 -0. 06858 -ei. 884'11 -0.0ee'i'e Uz orooo s.aa s.ae \ 0.79 0,80 F::w:: Momont~ k I f"t.. Hx Hz -21.38 -22. 1 "1" '----' HY H2 10 k I pf't. L..J FXa FHt. 2 h I p +~ ~ F¼ 'A : f~ -:-M't;-(S :: S.J 1/ro. ]b :: 0.S--,( .,,, Z,?. J<o f/J JJ.S-s.-z.1- oo. ~ I / fLSt. ( Co ,-,.,OM Sl /D;-'l) Ji. 5 '-. ~/Oob ~ -~ 1-'2. 9--/c 5..' (y)d 0 ~)~ ~ ~ 71 ( Sftc_ 3.4. 0 ft1=~ L... o. /(' TH-fifLZ F,JAf: J foll C o f7f I!:, t rJ A!) C-c.ON'(' P. +--/ h.-t .CyFJ ,L /. 0 O.of/ / 1-ZJ t e.zy / '2..f. 0 _<Jsft. '£yr{. T /Jt:.--)0 I ,...JC:, Fl:: zr.o 4, / .. l-3 {tf .. ( Sf'liC. O{C ~ 3838 0Ah'WOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALlfORNIA 90004 • TEL; (213) 662-1)84 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 ], 1./ 2) 9 ,, Macl~tr.itosh/&._:,M~~l~intosh, Inc. CONSU!'.-,TING STRUCTIJ~L ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 - J0,8 TITLE•_---------------"-------'----- JOB ADDRESS----------------'-- '· 21. L•n,et.:h = 1. 982882 ~t 22• 21 r C:amma· = 0. 0 D"".B 2 Ma~•~taL: ALUM L S.clt~n : NS-0L _010 DEAD +S PSF UNBALANCED SUSPENDED N = 0.500000 (r~L) = 0.991191 Ft Ca6A) Lac c, L d I • L Cl c • m • n t. • -f' t. ah I In Cl t. :x: u~ •0.10e1e -0. 1081 '7 -0. l.081.'-t Ut1 -0. 148€;16 -e. 1ese4 -0.15688 Uz oroi:,o e.aa 0.08 -1!3.04 Mo m e n t-<. k I F t- Hx H!.! M:z ·15.23 JOB NO. -------------,---.:..:.. DATE:·_.....,,.._a.-__,,...:..----;.. CLIENT: _______ _ HY H2 5 klpl't. L.J FXa· FHt. 1 I,. 1., /L5.__-( Cot--f( fM ss1.oj IO 9 ( S!-1. 9) S-{,S-i-(½,1J '11 ( Z . .S-7 IL.s._·. 4, /. I -3 0 "2"2./4 . / L.S-7 i" 5.48~ ( ?,.5'.0 o.30· JO. /() Mackintosh. & Mackintosh, Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 JOB TITLE --------------'-'-------JOB NO. ______ _ JOB ADDRESS ______________ _ DATE: ________ _ CLIENT: -~------- Values • Ba,- Nca d • • Cea•• Had• Dl::AD a:a. L•nath -1,882310 Pt Cam"' ca = ·0. 0 D •·e 24. 2a. 8 1 H.;.t. .• ·,-, 1"" L :· ALUM S. ct. I '? n : NS-121 1 . 0 1 0 ),( = +WINO 11'1 0.500000 (~el) ~ 0.99L15$ tt c:,,-. I IM •'n d Cl t.. ,c u ..... 0.17580 0.~?'tes ~-1750'-t uld 0,'i6548 0.55016 0.s104e U:z: oroo o -15.78 -,15. 75 -:3.12 -2.94 Momc:,nt,1;> kl Ft ENGINEER: Hx H!.1 H:z 70.65 74.95 lo/-\-0 cA-Sf -=It J +-°'--:::. /S:71/; ;o. Jeo :: /.5'1.. JL;: {~ ~ 71,Jf'i {I /21.r ,:: Z.C:,.B [LJ,.' Ti!-' 51 o,...) 4,f.Z-1) Ft:-~ I y. 0 It! s: ( SPJt c_ 3. 1. ( ) t:=J -.: l1.0 /l-k· (sf'cc 1~4 .3) zc...s 72.93 (i0Sto~) 4-L~;: /F! -------l4,0 /. ?_O L /. JJ HY H2 eG ktp~t '--' FX.. FXt. 5 I.., P ~ !. 5_3 0/l -z SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CAUfORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 I I Macl~intosh\&-:Macl~intosh··: Inc~-. . . . , . CbNSULTING'STRUciiJRAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 I r JOB TITLE--------------'-------JOB NO. ______ _ JOB ADDRESS ----------------'--DATE:--'---------- CLIENT: • Bcr-2:3, Ncod-• 24, 2a, Cc:r•• 4 Mcd• i Values L.n.a,I:. h =· Camma = M'.;t..r, 11:1 L: S•.c·'f:. I ctn ~ :_ 1. 982:310 4"'1:. 0.0 D•e ALUM NS-01 01=:AD +WIND tfl2 ~ = 0.S00000 (r~L) = 0.991iSS ft (ob~) L c:::a c c:z L d 1 • L t::11 c: -rn • ~n i:. • F i:... CJ r"'1 1 1. M -M d: Uz or o o o F":c Momon t<> k 1 Ft. Mx Mz ENGINEER: 0 •. 0-'i'"7 7 '-t 0. 1.ee;ee- -1·?. 45 -1.5:3 !:?5-59 loAO 0.0'7796 ~-f;:0848 ·Dv ·!5 1 -17.4E; 56.99 MY M:Z eG k1p~t F~a F)-<!. 5 h. 1 P SHEET NO. ~ 3838 0Ak'WOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES', CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 Id-... Macl~mtosh:·& -Mackintosh, Inc. : CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 'SINCE 1941 JOB TITLE!: ----------------~-JOB NO. ______ _ JOB ADDRESS DATE: -:-------------'--------'--.--~ ----------C LIEN t: --------- Values s. 5, s. 5 1 L•nat.h C:c:sffl m c:11 M,,d: •• I'"' I ci L S. i:: f. 1. ci_n 1.98281€ f't. 0.0 D-e ·ALUM. NS-01 +W-IND· *3 M 0.500000 (~el) =.0.991158 f~ c:: c:i6s:1 ) L "" c: ca L d 1 -• L' r::i c: •· rri -.ri ':t. "" F t:. Cl,-,_ I 1 n U!>-4 ca. eeesi'. -,0.sssss U:z oroOo ,· -22.as 0.e:1 F"oc Mcme,nt:,g k'I -Ft. Mx Hz LoAO S-rttllSS 'l, l h/,, ( 19-o + -80-. 28_. z,y. ( 1-9. I/ /Zq.o -Md 0.ee7e0 -0.60578 ( ~r(,~ S, o~) =f:.. 0.eee1s -0.s74e:e -22.97 1. 27 -80.59 /. SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENtl!= • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FA.X: (213) 662-7541 13 ' Macl~intosh:.& Mackintosh,. Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL l;JNGINEERS SINCE 1941· JOB TITLE _t ---------------,---JOB NO. ______ _ JOB ADDRESS ________________ _ DATE: _________ _ .... L ENGINEER: CLIENT: _______ _ Values u .... Uy U:z s. s. G,. s 1 +WIND tfl4 0.s0000a (~~t > = d t, 1111 L c:a c:: • aa n t.. - . ~ ,-I In 0. :le0e0 or-ooo Fx MomontQ k I f'"t Mx Hu H:z L•ne~h = 1.ee2~1s F~ Ceo,..'",. = 0. 0 D-a M.,. t. •,.. 1 a l :. AL UM S. ct. I Cl n = NS -0 :l • 0 1 0 0. 991159 f't ( abs::i) f' t. .... d CJ t. :-. 0. 1 e1 e:.9 0.1e10.e -0 .• 17015 -0.1'i":975 -24-.99 -24.e,·. -2.92 -a:• E·~-· -72.79· -75.79 z.e -s--. ¥5 .. : 5-r MJ.5 :: /. s/ SHEET NO. 3838 0A1''WOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 ... Mackintosh.&. Macltint'osh; ·-Inc ... CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. SINCE 1941 JOB TITLE ----------------,-JOB NO. _...,._ ____ _ JOB ADDRESS--------------~-----DATE: _______ _ ENGINEER: Cl.,IENT: ______ _ GEHEAAL RESULTS uni ts :inch· kip peri = 13.929 HU = 0. 00025522 . Ebase = 10000 Gbase = 3752 Ax = 2.608 Ax•= Z.608 USER COORD. Geon.values. I!/ . = 38. 447 IZ = 6.3465 IYZ = 11.63'.1' \'0 = l.1511 Z0 = 3.4783 AI ha 13.?3. ( t;,q DF' TOTAL . £.y..Tt?J..JS/ ON SHowAJ_) s rte, 1.:>,...J : . A::. ,4 (2-. e:,oo) "' /0,15 I STfUi A-{-( 5 ... 1 (2 8. 4-$] ., J\.toi.)f S. <:l 10 IB ta / 't /-,; / l i7 . < c.... /SJ.8 ..,:. f f.!1':JQ£ ~ /6 J Loli-Q CAS<r. tt .. 5 ( S/i:ft. T('f-T 007PUf ) M= 3 D-/L-ft Z.u ./4 -3 < u,o = iB.<o/tQ.13 G-o0 SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 IS-- .. · Maclzintosh,.& ·MackinJosh, Inc . . CC\).TCTU!rn .. tt~--aT'Ott~.TDA.l-:-FMr.:in.,c~nQ_C!n .. Ta-?--30.A.1---------·-·· , -/l I} · ~r • . l,.J/A/.Q Or--1 v--10 lvA l L C/l,/Tlv:f ,._ C--f ~<L IS A -f2oT,ATKO *------~--------a_----~ : :: ffo' · T'--/P, tJ/ e ~ ·O O htl C/4$R-. <l3. q ·® A<UA " @ . A-<1K4 ::. . \ "tBS St f-~. /.lfo 5t ft (:_.0/'v{(!,/,,...J/;.O laA.Q o,,-J -W;,,...JQl>l/V(Q + ifl.fWAft_Q @ : .(12,5" ·+ '9· oe>;,] l6S'" (§) : (l9-,l. + /3, f"") // ~ :: {pl S'O# =-.3762.?' ToTA l £.A-,r-11--1 L = J-;l 3 L-,H JJ32-/-;_ ((A '15 -=-4 J l.-'-C:, #----#,.____,.._ ENGINEER: Q_j2_ /7;5t ! 11' ±. L +-JL_--rz;o ;4--lo' 4-'.W l OJ(f.(l_ TCJ{lf'-4 ,,,,_ 1J. C; (d t-f7,·.> ::: "2.o' ,R-.'/T oJrPvr t2£r:1 c-n :>,..J s ..I t-{LT UPLI F 1 * "-'/ 0:, o O fMssuA.r.s ~r>.C ( -. 12-;S-, psi- ( £ ,9:.1 pd- 1 -J· oB pd- 4 & -/J,s pf/-- AfU:.: 1;-J I~ Ovf o,.;y (1 : 2-Q.3 ,~s'-· -= -1./l,1-t-Z0-/3 { 0.'fo Y: ( o. fo{ ( -O. tj (-0.43 :== 21,~/L :- .3/.3pst-) ,, ) II ) ,, ) 3838 OAKWOOD AVENU!; • Los ANGELES, CA!'.IF0RNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 SHEE;TNO. Macl~intosh & Mackintosh/I1;1c .. : CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 'S!NCE· 1941 .-, JOB TITLE ______________ _ JO8 NO. ______ _ JOBADDRESS ------.:__ _____ _ DATE: _______ _ CLIENT: ______ _ g C)-J.fr C... IL {JvR_LJ,,J f:)(L J-,A ,-1. y. . 1J[pfb i'f C...0!'-rlf) .. 3 1rz. sto, ALUH. PtP( A-~ 2.b6 ·<. '--.. r= /.J4 f!.,-::.. /7;)-~ ;: ~~0() ~ 1/i ) ~ . /(!_79-:: /, .s-e ks<.· /, S'8 ( z. & B)(!, J~ :: .{". (o 7 IL A (. (. ~ µ ' ),-1'Ji:;fojf-0 f<- 3/e ,, uJ r l1fi. rz~p £. w / · (l{Uv4 t~/ rJ Gi s-r r1J:_) G 74- >-(21-S--078)---I 1,4 k'.. 9t- SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 /7 ... Mackintosh & Mackintosh};In.c;--.- coNsuLTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS S!NCE.1941 •' _ JOB TITLE t JOB NO.-------,-----------------------'------- JOB ADDRESS---------------DATE: _______ _ CLIENT: ______ _ : : J3A-s:r: : &?A-OS: : : . . .. .: ;-~ . . . . . . . . :-· ·,-"· ...... . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . ·. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -· .......... / ·/· . . . . . . . . . .. • : . . . . . . . . ·. . . . . . . -· .. ,/ . .,: . , / ........ · . . . . ..... · · .. · __ :.--· .·.,.··.· . . . . . ~ . . •' . . .. . . _.-. . . . . . . . . .• . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . / ~ .· . . . . . . . . : .. .. . . . . . . . . ~-. . . . . ·, . . . : j< ~ o· iL: ; ~-~~~/1:~ : : : : :: ... D •.. 1,...1':Tl _I<("\ •••..• . X 1o·rr . _·,· . ·o "Fl2A'~ES' . . !.'-'-. c::NI-\. L.-.Ti . . . .. . . . . . :::~:: . . . . . . . . : :;/::: :. : : : : : : : : : : : : . "'J ( r-. {)t "rt.: I . (}. ·°'\ . • . . . j· . A ( _ J<:.. DO. . . . . cJ-' ... ~ /:V~~: I~: : : . : : : ~ ~ ~: : . : -~~; ·r· .......... -' -... . : : r: ... :,; :u . : :; . : . . .. 'Z.1! ~ .... P.W. . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . : ~ ~~~ ~ : ~(_~:·: ~:'~< r~; -~'!: ~ ~:)-:·: . ·-. · ... . . : •, ..... : *: LoA-o S-". :00._C. : T¢>: :t,;; i~{) : ~: >lJP.P.t'?--o.f.41/f.1.tC.: : STMSs: : i;.; ~<;.t:S: : : : NA-y : 8Jt :/l-P,P.(10.: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . E_@_:NJ 0 3838 0Ah'WOOD A\'ENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TE;L: (213) 662-1 f84 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 SHEET NO . . Jk_ Maclzintos'.h & Mackintosh, Inc.· . CONSUr..TING STRUCI1JRAL ·ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 JO'BTITLE1 ----------',-----------,, JOBADDRESS _____________ _ ENGINEER: . .:;. Listing of nodes Node Node 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 all l.To27 X ( ft) o.o 0.000418 0.187552 0.742.282 1.644840 2.863040 4. 353470 · 6.063000 10.595000 30.5920.00 35.562800 36.988800 38.478300 40.000000 41.521700 43.011200 44.437200 49.408000 69.405000 73.937000 75.646500 77.137000 78.355200 79.257700 79. 8124·00 79.999600 ao. o.ooqoo y (ft). '' o.o 4. 000(}00. -5. 973-480 7.876620 9.6415'70 11. 20540-0 12.512400 13.516000 15.629000 24.954000 27. 272400· 27.815000. 28.145200 28.256000 28 .1452•00 •, 27.$15000 27. 272.400 24 .'.95400.0 15.629000 13.516000 12.512400 11. 2054·00 9.641570 7.8766.20 5.973480 4.000000 o.o JOB NO. ______ _ DATE:-~------ CLIENT: ______ _ Supp. xxf xxf SHEET NO. cJl_ 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184, • 'FAX: (213) 662-7541 19 ',, Mackintosh & Macl~int~i~h,.:Inc~ · . CGNSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 · . JOB TITLE'------------''------- JOB ADDRESS---------~------- JOB NO. _______ _ DATE: _______ _ Listing of el_em$nts Element Elem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 all 1To2t, Nodel Node2 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7· 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 1.5 : 14 16 15 17 16 18 17 19 18 20 19 21 20 22 21 23 22 24 23 25 24 26 25 27 26 CLIENT: ______ _ ten,gth Materials (tt) 4.000000 .ALUM 1.98'2333 ALUM 1.982339 ALUM 1.982337 ALUM 1.982~16 ALUM 1.982330 ALUM 1. 9823-49 .ALUM 5.000379 ALUM - 22.064352 ALUM 5.484873 ALUM 1.525743 ALUM 1.525661 ALUM 1.525729 ALUM 1.525729 ALUM 1.525661 ALUM 1.525743 ·ALUM 5. 484873· ALUM 22 .. 0643'52 ALUM 5.000379 ALUM 1.982323 ALUM 1.982382 ALUM 1.982316 .A.LUM· 1. 9823.10 ALUM 1.982330 ALUM 1.982339 ALUM 4.000000 ALUM SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los A,NGEl.ES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 ,!1 Mackintosh & Macl<iritosh,--Inc. CoNSU)'..TINO STR(JCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 I I JOB TITLE----------,.---~---"- JOB ADDRESS ----------'-----,-----,-'- JOB NO. --'------- DATE:-~------- Listing of loads Case Load type Case 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 ENGINEER: ail 1To6 ·Load type DEAD WEIGHT on elements: ELEMENT:...UNIFORM on elements: DEAD v7EIGHT on e1,,~ments: ELEMENT~UNIFORM· on elements: DEAD WEIGHT on elements: ELEMENT-UNIFORM on elements: ELEMENT-UNIFORM on elements: ELEMENT-UNIFORM on elements: ELEMENT-UNIFORM on elements: DEAD WEIGHT on elements: ELEMENT-UNIFORM CLIENT: ______ _ Load values PY Negative 1T626 PY=-0.lO(kip/ft) .Projection 4T6.22 PY Negative 1To26 PY=;=-0.lO(kip/ft) Projection 4To13 PY Nega-;tive 1To26 PY==0~39(kip/ft) Local 1T64 PY=0.42(kip/ft) Local 5T013 PY=-0.29(kip/ft) Local 14To22 PY=0.27(kip/ft) Local 23'i'q26 PY Negative 1To26 PY=0· .. 11 (kip/ft) Local SHEET NO. cL 3838 OAJ...'W00D AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (21~) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 . ', Maclzintosh,:& Macl~intosh, Inc . CONSULTING STRUCTlJRAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 JOBTITLE' ---------------~---'-~ JOB NO.------~ JOB ADDRESS ------------------DATE: _______ _ CLIENT: _______ _ Listing of loads Case Load type Load values on elements: 1To4 4 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY~0.50(kip/ft) Local on elements: 5To8 4 ELEMEN'J;'-UNIFORM PY=0.40(kip/ft) Local on elements: 9To13 4 ELEMENT...:UNIFORM PY=-0.40(kip/ft) Local on elements: 14To22 4 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY=-0.ll(kip/ft) Local on elements: 2.3To26 5 DEAD WEIGHT PY Negative on elements: 1To26 5 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY=0.40(kip/ft') Local on elements: 1To4 5 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY=0.37(kip/ft) Local on elements: 5To13 5 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY=-0.62(kip/ft) Local on elements: 14To22 5 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY=~0.40(kip/ft) Local on elements: 23To26 6 DEAD WEIGHT PY Negative on elements: 1To26 6 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PX=-0.14(kip/ft) Local on elements: 1To4 6 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY=0.78(kip/ft) Local on elements: 5To8 6 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY=0.55(1\ip/ft) Local ENGINEER: SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213). 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 Mackintosh·.&,.Mackintosh,· Inc .. CONSULTING STRUctuRAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 · . JOB TITLE------'------,...-------,----JOB NO. _______ _ JOB ADDRESS ---------'-------DATE:--~----- CLIENT: -'----~--- Listing of loads Case Load type Load values on elements: 9To13· 6 ELEMENT-UNlFORM PY=-0.55(kip/ft) Local on elements: 14To22 6 ELEMENT-UNIFORM PY;:::-0.29(kip/ft) Local on elements: 23To26 ENGINEER: SHEET NO. UL 3838 OAKWOOD·AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 '· Maclzintosh .:& ,Maclzintosh, Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 JOB TITLE_• ------------'------'- JOB ADDRESS -------------,---- JOB NO:-'-------- DATE: -~------- ENGINEER: C 1., 1 ENT: -'------- Listing of reacti.ons Results Case Node Individual 1To6 1To6 1 27 1To27 Case Node FX (kip), FY (kip) Case name i I Sum of val. Sum of reac. Sum of fore. Check Val. Case name ; I Sum of val. Sum of reac. Sum of fore. Check Val. Case name ; I Sum of val. Sum of reae. Sum of fore. Check Val. 1 27 1 27 1 27 --------------- Case name : I Sum of val. Sum of reac. I 1 27 ----' -: ------- DEAD +5 PSF SUSPENDED EQUIPM. 3.13 4.57 -3.1~ 4.48 0.00 0.00 o.oo o.oo 9.05 9.05 -9.05 o. o·o -----. ---. ---··· i -----< ·------- DEAD +5 l?SF 1.75 -1.7:,. UNBALANCED SUSPEN. ------------~-0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -------" -----~ - DEAD +WIND #1 -3.23 12.06 8.83 8.83 -8.83 0.00 -·--,---------· DEAD +WIND #2 -7.82 a. 42 0.60 O.~ 60 3.57 1. 64, 5.22 5.22 -5.22 o.oo ---· ---------- --14.11 -12.31 ---. ---------- -2(5.42 -26.42 26.42 0.00 -15.44 -14.84 -------------- -30.28 -30.28 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • tos ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 9Q004 • TEL: .(213) 6(>2-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 SHEET NO. Mackintosh & Mackintosh, Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 I ' I JOBTITLE ________________ -,----,_ JOB NO. --'------- DATE: JOB ADDRESS _________________ _ Listing of reactions Case Node Sum of fore. Check Val. -----------~ ---Case name : I 1 21 ---------------sum of val. Sum of reac. Sum of fore. Check Val. ---------------Case name ~ I 1 27 ----------· ----Sum of val. Sum of reae~ Sum of fore. Check Val. I FX (kip) -0.60 o.oo --·. ---------- PEAD +WIND #3 -J..0 .• 61 6.08 , _____________ _ -4.52 -4.52 4.52 o.oo --------------DEAD +WIND #4 -13.24 .J)L50 --. -----. --,· -- -.2. 74 -2.74 2.74 o.oo --------- CLIENT; ------- FY (kip) 30.28 o.oo -------------. -17.63. -20.33 -------------- -37.96 -37.96 37.96 o.oo ----. . -------- -22.04 -20.87 ---------------42.90 '-42.90 42.90 0.00 SHEET NO. Il·'= 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: .(213) 662-7541 ,, Macl~intosh .fp\}:iackintosh, Inc. • .. CONSULTING STRUC11JRAL ENGINEERS SINCE1941 :,:•t-I , • JOB TITLE_, _____________ ...:.,: ...:......_ JOB NO. _______ _ JOB ADDRESS DATE:--'--______ _ ENGINEER: Cf_ --------------CLIENT, _______ _ Listing of node displ~cements Results Case Node Case Indi vidm~.l 1To6 1To6 all 1To27 Node ux (ft) UY (ft) -----------------------------_._ _____ . ..,~------ Case name PEAD +5 PSF SUSPENDED EQUIPM. 1 1 o.o Q .:o 1 2 -0.05229 -0.00017 1 3 -0.07371 0.00177 1 4 -0.08962 0.00630 1 5 -0.099+0 0.01103 l 6 -0 .102,48 . o-. 01354 1 7 -0.10118 0.01191 1 8 -0.09730 0.00513 1 -9 -0.08132 -0.02966 1 10 -0.00418 -0.19698 l· 11 0.00029 -0.20694 1 12 · 0.00063 -0.20796 1 13 0.00070 -0.20851 1 14 0.00067 -0.20865 1 15 o. 00064. -0.20842 1 16 0. 00073 -0.20779 1 17 0.00110 -0.20669 1 ra 0.00568 -0.19646 1 19 0.08296 -0.02886 1 20 0.09884 0.00570 1 21 .0.10264 0.-01236 1 22 0.10383 0.01386 1 23 0.10029 O.OlJ,.24 .. 1 . 24 0.09061 0.00640 1 25 ·0.07447 0.00180 1 2-.6 0. 05~8:0 -0.0_0017 1 27 o.o o.o ----------------------------· . ---. --------- case name DEAD +5 PSF UNBALANCED SUSPEN. 2 1 ·o.o o.o 2 2 0.01435 -b. 00_014 2 3 O.OZ387 -0.00111 3838 OAKWOOD AVENL'E • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 ~ TEL: (213) 662-1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 SHEET NO. Maclzintosh & Macl~intosh, Inc. I ( CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 JOB TITLE ----,----------,-----------,,....---'- JOB ADDRESS ------'-----=-------'-----'- JOB NO. ---''-------- DATE: _______ _ CLIENT: ______ _ Listing of node displacements · Case .. Node ux UY (ft) -_(ft) 2 4 0.03564 -0.00462 2 5 0.04931 -0.01169 2 6 ·O. 06386 -0.02311 2 .7 0.07782 -0.03914 2 8 o.0s959 -0.05930 2 9 O.l;I.572 -0.11563 2 10 0.15444 --0.19973 2 11 0.13635 --0.16114 2 12 0.13107 -0.14732 2 13 0.12769 -,..0 .13215 2 14 0.12650 -0.11619 2 15 0.12765 -0.10002 2 16 0.13113 -0.08421 2 17 0 .13·679 -0.06924 2 18 b.15987 -0.01950 2 19 0.20709 0.08283 2 20 0.19876 0.06521 2 21 0.19129 0.05257 2 22 0.17874 0.03832 2 23 0.16036 0.02406 2 24 0.13.605 0.01168 2 25 0.10645 0.00309 2 26 0. 0729"3 -0.00006 2 27 0.0 0.0 ------------------------------------------- case name DEAD +WIND #1 3 1 O.d 0.0 3 2 -0.07854 -0.00022 3 3 -0.12321 0.00378 3 4 -0.17308 0.01792 3 5 -0.22682 0.04471 3 6 -0.28128 0.08600 3 7 "-0. 33200 0.14207 3 8 -0.37406 0.21098 3 9· -0.46419 0.39579 3 10 -0.54180 0.56684 3 11 -0.47989 0.43094 3 12 -0.46469 0.38979 3 13 -0.45589 0.34837 3 14 -0.45330 Q.30865 3 15 -0.45618 0.27215 Ecr;t 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (323} 662-i 184 • FAX: (323) 662-7541 . SHEET NO. Maclzintosh & Maclzintosh, Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 ' ' JOB TITLE ___________ ___,. ___ _ JOB NO. _________ _ JOB ADDRESS _____________ _ DATE:_-______ _ CLIENT:---------'-- Listing of node displacements Case Node ux UY (ft) (ft) 3 16 -o. 46350" 0.23977 3 17 -0.47424 0.21177 3 18 -0~51289 0.12886 3 19 -0.65825 -O._J.8386 3 20 -0. 659·48 -0.18815 3 21 -0.64717 -o .16746' 3 22 -0.61890 -0.13497 3 23 -0.56910 -0.09527 3 24 -0.49441 -0. 05539 3 25 -0.39488 -0.02381 3 26 -0. 2i469 -0-.·00896 3. 27 0.0 -o. o ---------------' ---------------------------- case name -DEAD +WIND.#2 4 1 o.o o.o 4 2 0.07833 .,...0.00011· 4 ' 3 0.10617 -0.00270 4 4 0.1213:5 -0.006'84 4 5 0.12273 -0.00717 4 6 0.11231 0.00132 4 7 0.09444 0.02191 4 8 0.07471 0.05537 4 9 0.02032 0.17000 4 10 -0.08368 0.39749 4 11 -0.06199 0.3"5?41 4 12 -0.05746 0.34102 4 13 -0.05523 0.33193 4 14 -0.05457 0.32622 4 15 -0.05446 0.32435 4 16 -0.05383 0.32606 4 17 -o. 05191 · 0.33047 4 18 -0.04069 0.35268 4 19 .-0 .15680 0.09996 4 20 -0.20114 0.00565 4 21 -0.21417 -0.01683 4 22 -0.22210 -0.02631 4 23 -0.21931 -0.02456 4 24 -0.20176 -0.01585 4 25 -0.16810 -0.00606 4 26 -0.12026 -0.00124 4 27 0.0 o.o ENGINEER: SHEET NO. 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE ~ Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • 'TEL: (323) 662-1184 • FAX: (323) 662-7541 1, ' ' Macl~intosli :'& ·Macl~irit~~h, Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 JOB TITLE _____________ ~--JOB NO. _______ _ JOB ADDRESS ----~--~------'-----___:_ DATE:_· _______ _ CLIENT: -------- Listing of node displacements Case Node ux UY (ft) (ft) -------------------------------. ----------- Case name DEAD -f:WIND #3 5 1 0. 0 · o.o 5 2 0.28702 -0.00963 5 3 0.41417 -0.02547 5 4 0.52046 -0.05930 5 5 0.60086 -0 .102TO 5 6 0.65462 -0.14514 5 7 0.68490 -0.17984 5 8 0.69773 -0.20119 5 9 0.69493 -0.19282 5 10 0.5468:2 0.12872 5 11 0.50515 0.21857 5 i2 0.49242 0.25176 5 13 0.48336 0.29155 5 14 0.47961 0.33778 5 :)..5 0.48280 0.38929 5 16 0.49419 0.44401 5 17 0.51428 0.49918 5 18 0.59817 0.68569 5, 19 0.50750 0.48454 5 20 0,39118 0.24921 5 21 0.33850 0.16374 5 22 0.27685 0.09604 5 23 0.21335 0.04807 5 24 0.15424 0.01860 5. 25 0.10365 0.004;1.5 5 26 0.06273 0.00030 5 27 0.0 o.o ------------------------------------------- Case name DEAD +WIND #4 6 1 o.o o.o 6 2 0.13385 -0.00139 6 3 0.18273 -0.00618 6 4 0.21176 -0.01439 6 5 0.21937 -0.01775 6 6 0.20870 -0.00890 6 7 0.18632 0.01688 6 a· 0.16035 0.06068 6 9 0.08679 0.21411 6 10 -0.05606 0.52510 ENeil 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGJ3LES, CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (323) 662-1 }84 • FAX: (323) 662-7541 SHEET NO. • ( I ) Macl~intosh :& Macl~intosh~ -Inc. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SINCE 1941 JOB TITLE------------,------"-------JOB NO. --'-------- JOB ADDRESS __________________ _ DATE:_· ______ _ CLIENT: --------'--- Listing of node displ&oements . Case Node ux UY (ft) (ft) .. . . 6 11 -0.02846 0.46778 6 12 -0.02291 0.45389 6 13 -0. 0202·8 0.44343 6 14 -0.01954 0.43784 6 15 -0.01920 . 0.43767 6 16 -0.01779 0.44252 6 17 -0.01420 0.45110 6 18 0.00551 0.49105 6 19 -0.14488 0.164-49 6 20 -0.20945 0.02883 6 21 :-0.22990 -0 .-00604 6 22 -0.24479 -0.02351 6 23 -0.24671 -0.02560 6 24 -0.23036 -o .. 0116.6 6 25 -0.19384 -0.00711 6 26 -0.1}949 -0.00163 6 27 o.6 o.o ENGINEER: SHEET NO. lj)_ 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES, CAi..iFORNIA ~0004 • TEL: (323) 662-1184 • FAX, (323)·662-7541 0 · 1 .. z .. 1-• w z 0 co 1-w -~ o<e::J i-:l .,.., Cl O M ._"'<!' ~~ .. Tll w 0~ . ..µ u.i . AU) •,-t ffi ~~ -o-. ca f@ -~·UJ . ,.J .. cZ cc)~ '::> :~ c.: ......... I-< "tl.l C/.l 0~ ..µ-!=;· -~ ;..J . i-(. ::> . •,-I CJ) Mz -a8 i Cl) Cl) w -w a: ....I 0 !:: 0 -l-<( ro ro -0 0 ""? ""? ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 (c) RoboBAT Project: Listing of internal forces Results Individugl Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 ·c:\robot\80ol00n. Last modification: 4/18/1998 Sign conyention -internal forces case El~ment Node Case Case name 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Elem. 11'06 1To6 ~:}..l 1To26 all 1To27 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 Node 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 FX (kip) . . -------------- FY (kip) DEAD +5. PSF SUSPENDED EQU~PMEN'r 4.57 -3.13 4.52 -3.13 4.80 -2.69 4.77 -2.69 5.19 -1-. 75 5.17 -1.75 5.41 -0.75 5.30 -0.80 5.36 0.21 5.25 0.12 5.13 1.10 5.02 0.97 4.74 1.90 Page: 13 Date: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:16:03 MZ (kipft) -----------. -- 0.00· 12.52 12 . .52 17.85 17.85 21. 32 2·1. 32 22.86 22.86 22.53 22.53 20.47 20.47 ci z li:i ~ r() --.j< l/) I'-< ~ -D ~ 0 1 "<!<· . o:i. --· N -D -D ~ ·£:2. .:.i ~ . ~ 0 0 0- :S z "' ~ ~ u <n !:l w 0 ~ s w ::, z w ~ Cl j o:) 12 ("fl It ~~ ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 Page: 14 I i (c) RoboBAT c:\robot\80olOOn. Date: 4/18/1998 Project:, Last modification: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:16:03 :; l/) ,r-, Li$ting of internal forces I, N '° '° M d . I i:-,: N i !:2., z u.i z case-Elem. Node FX FY MZ ~ cl '[!) I-!:!:! 0 <( ...J (kip) ' (kip) (kipft) A -:, Cl 0 u., . )--,1..-i .i, 4.65 1.73 16.88 co ._"<ft 1 7 8 -,,...,c: ~ ~ -1 8 8 4.46 2.16 16.88 N T/.1 gj '° 1 .8 ·9· 4.24 1.70 7.24 '° :0 25 ,;;- ~t/.l 1 9 9 4.24 ,, 1.70 7.24 N d'U) £2: -~ lli 1 9 LO 3.29 -o. 36. -7.49 .:.; ~ ~ . -7. 49 w 1 10 10 ' 3.29 -0. 3·6 f-< 'C).6 3.05 -0.81 -4.11 . rdZ 1 10 11 ..... D ~~ 1 11 11 3.10 -o.. 65 -4.11 D ~ D 3.05 -0,. 80 -3 .. 00 °' 1 11 12 :::!i' tc)~ 1 12 12 3.13 --0.35 -3.00 z "" 0 ~I:!:-1, :J.2 13 3.09 ., -0.51 -2.35 u. • t/.l 1 13 13 3.13 -.o. 06 -2.35 ~ T/.1 0 u .8 ~ 1 13 14 3.12 -0.23 -2.13 !/l w _, i;::~ 1 14 15 3.13 0.06 2.34 w 0 •,-.I z 1 14 14 3.12 6.23 -2.13 ~ ,-.ti:: 0 (/J ou 1 15 16 3.13 0.35 3.00 .3 rd 1 15 15· 3.09 0 .51 2.34 ~ 1 16 17 3. ;LO 0.65 4.10 w ::, z 1 16 16 3.05 0.80 3.00 w > 1 1.7 18 3.29 0.36 7.46 -< Q 1 17 17 3.05 o.87 4.10 0 0 1 18 19 4.24 -1.70 -7.32 ~ 1 18 18 3.29 0.36 7.46 0 co 1 19 20 4.46 -2.16 -16.97 (") I (J) co ,.,- I (") (J) 1 19 19 4.24 -1.70 -7.32 w 20 · 21 4.75 -1.90 -20.57 -w a: 1 __J 0 ie3 -t: 0 ' I-< -en co 0 0 -:, -:, z w I 0 ·1 •• z .. I-• . w z 0 ID I-W ~ 0 c:x: ::J ~ -:, Cl(,) ...... ... 'qi -t::~· T/1 w 0~ ..µ.ci.i A (I) • ,-( ltl ~-W r.---, z o-ro ~ ~ UJ . . ..J c.'i· tc) b ::::i _c: ~ T/1 Cl.) 0 f@ ..µ -A~ • i-< (I) ~~ OU -co ~ ~- ~ - -. I IB w a: ...I 0 f-0 i= <( co co 0 0 --:, --:, ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 (c) RoboBAT Project: Listing of internal forces case I Elem. I Node ·1 20 ·:w 1 21 22 1 · 21 21 1 22 .23- 1 22 22 1 23 24 1 23 23 l 24 25 1 24 24 1 . 2'5 2'6 1 25 25 1 26 27 1 26 26 ------.----------------- ·case name 2 1· 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 2 4 4 2 4 5 2 5 5 I Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 c:\robot\80ol0On. Last modification: 4/18/1998 FX FY (kip) (kip) 4.65 -1.73 5.13 -1.11 5.02 -0.98 5.36 -·o ._21 5.25 -0.12 5.33 0.79 5.3i 0.80 5.11 · 1 .. 77 5.09 1.78 4.71 2.70 4.68 2~70 4.48 3~13 4 .'43 3.13 ----------------,----------- DEAD +5 PSF UNBALANCED SUSPENDED 3-. 57 -1.75 '.3. 52 -1.75 3.67 -1.41 3.65 -1.41 3.85 -0.70 3.83 -0.71 3.89 0.02 3.79 -0.03 3.73 0.68 3.61 0.59 Page: 15 Bate.: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:16:03 .MZ (kipft) -16.97 --22. 63 -2·0. 57 -22.96 -22.63 -21.38 -22.96 -17.87 -21. '.38 -12 • .52 -17.87 o.oo -12.52 ------------' ,- 0.00 7.00 7.00 9.80 9.80 11.20 11.20 11.21 11.21 9.94 ~ (V ~ f'Y"" ' rJ) ,, . ~ t() 1--. ~ '° ~ (2, 1 '<I<" ~ -~- '° fil .:i· ~ . 8 0 °' :s z "' ~ 3 ~ w 0 ~ IJJ 0 ..;J w ;:) z w ~ C I ~ rf) 2 5 6 2 6 6 3.44 1.26 9.94 ________ __JI~ ~ I-w ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 Page: ! ~ tv) 16 (c) RoboBAT c:\robot\80ol00n. Date: 4/18/1998 Project: Last modification: 4./18/1998 Time: 18:16:03 I -""' ll) l'-< "" -.0 Listing of internal forces -.0 i'0 N 0 ·1 ~ !:2. z .. z ~ cl w w El~m. Node . FX· FY MZ ca ~ -case u.. A Q O 5 (kip) (kip) (kipft) . ""' ~-co .. -.... -.._"'3' 2 6 7 3 .. 32 1..13 7.57 N ~~ '° 2 7 7 3.05 1.74 7.57 '° . Tll ~ i'0 .0 ZS 2 7 8 2.95 1 .. 57 4. 29 N .µCf.) !:2. .s ftl 2 8 8 2.79 1~84 4.29 .:.i W, 2· 8 9 ' 2.57 1·. 37 -3.74 I-~~ .. o-2 9 9 2.57 1.37 -3.74 ""' ~ 0 -~IJ.1 2 9 10 1.61 -0.68 -1.1. 35 0 0 -~~ -11. 35 0, 2 10 10 1.61 --0.68 :S z· 't°c)·~ 2 10 11 1. 3.8 -1.1,9 :-6.21 C< 0 2 11 11 l.4q -1,09 -6.21 u. .. ::, ~ . ~ ~Cf.) 2 11 12 1.40 --1.24 -4.43 u T/.l ·C, 2 12 12 1.57 -1.02 -4.43 en ·oz w ..J .µ i::; 2. i2 . 13 1. 53 -1.19 -·2. 74 w 0 ;:is 2 13 13 1.69 -0.95 -2.74 ~ !"'I CJ), • z U) ~o 2 13 14 .. 1.67 -1.12 -1.16 3 ou 2 14 15 1.82 -b. 89 · -0.18 .. ~ w ~ 2 14 14 1.82 -0.87 1.16 :::, z 2 15 16 1.93 -0. €;>3 -1.14 w ~ 2 15 15 1. 93 -0.62 -0.18 Q 2 16 2.01 -0.36 -1.68 0 17 I i 16 16 2.01 -0.35 -1.14 2 17 18 2.06 -0.28 -3.03 co 2 17 17 2.03 -0.22 -1.68 m co m ~-I Cf) 2 18 19 2.17 -0.52 -11.82 Cf) 2 18 18 2.06 -0.28 -3.03 w ~ w a: 2 19 20 2.20 -0.58 -14.56 ..J 0 "~ -I-0 t= <i: ·w w ~ co co z 0 0 a "") "") z w 0 ~ \.n ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 .~~ Page: 17 (c) RoboBAT c:\robot\80olOOn. Date: 4/18/1998 Project: Last modification: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:16:03 I ..... '<I' IC) I'-< N '° Listing of internal forces '° ~ ci · ( ~ £2, z u.i z 1 . a) r. !:!:! Case Elem. Node FX FY MZ 0 0 <( .J . A "") Cl (.) (kip) " (kip) (kipft) ·;1;, H,... --· .._"<3< N ~: 2 19 19 2.17 -0.52 -11.82 -o· '° l'llu 2 20 21 2.26 -0!39 -:_!.5.30 M 02':: 2 -20 . 20 2.24 -0 •. 36 -14.59 N .; .. Hn £2, A gi 2 21 22 2.30 0 .·03 -15.23 .:.; w • """ llJ 2 21 21 4.29 0.05 -15.30 [-< !'l,l·llJ . ~§ 2 . 22· 23 2 .28 0.45 -14.33 "<I' 0 . rt! &3 2 22 22 2.26 0.46 -15.23 0 0 ~.~ 0-2 23 24 2.17 0.85 -12.63 :S z ~~ 2 23 2·3 2.15 0.87 -14.33 c,: i2 2 24 25 2. o·,o 1.24 -10.16 ~ ~ f:: 2 . 24 24 i.98 1. 2!? -.12. 63 CJ rn CJ) ui 0~ 2 25 26 1.75 1.59 -7.QO w ..J w ~ ti 2 25 25 1.73 1.59 -10.16 C, A~ z 2 2.6 27 1.64 1.75 o.oo < •l""I z U) ,~o 2 26 26 1.60 1.75 -7.00 0 oCJ ...J. rt! -------.--------.-----------------------------------, --------------w ~ Case name DEAD +WIND #1 ::, z 3 1 1· -14 .1·1 3.23 0.00 L!J ~ 3 1 2 -14.16 4.81 -17.18 0 3 2 2 -14.55 3.45 -17 .. 18 8 3 2 3 -14.58 4.23 -25.43 ~ 0 3 3 3 -15.11 1.41 -25.43 co r<J 3 3 4 -15.13 2.19 -29.78 co r<J Cl) 3 4 4 -15.28 -0.70 -29.78 J ~ I fB 3 4 5 -15.30 0.07 -30.08 i~ . w a: 3 5 5 -15.04 -2.80 -30.08 "'...J 0 .!:: 0 .. ~ I-<( ~ ~ ~ ..., -, z UJ g'9 I-w . ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 Page: I~(() 18 (c) RoboBAT c:\robot\80olO0n. Date: 4/18/1998 Project: Last modification: 4/18/1998 Time: lBq.7:38 I ~ ll) [--. N '° Listing of internal forces '° ri1 0 . Ii:,.: N ~ z .. z ·cl w w ~ Cl'.) ~ -Case Elem. Node FX FY MZ .J:L ;::: Q Cl d (kip.) {kip) (kipft) .. 1--( ..... -q< CX) ._'<!< ..... .-<, .~~ 3 5 6 -15.06 -1.98 · -26. 38 N '° 'flt gj -14.42' -4.77 -26.3,8 '° 0 ?: . 3 6 6 ,. rn .j..l Cl.l 3 6 7 -14.43 -3.95 -18.83 N ;::: gi !!). 3 7 7 -13.43 -6. 59 · -18.83 .:.i -~ tJJ UJ ~~ 3 7 8 .:..1,3. 45 -5.77 -7.67 I- 06 . 3 8 8 -12.84 -7.02 ...-7.67 -q< ro z 0 Ill 3 8 9 -12.87 -4.95 19.5.8 0 .~~ 0 0-3 9 9 -12. 87 -4,.95 19.58 :S tc)·b 3 4.16 25.83 z ·9 10 -12.98 °" 0 :::, 3 10 10 -12.98 4 .· 16 25. 8'3 tJ., _c:~ 3 lJ.l Cl.l 3 10 11 -13.01 6.43 .,-1.27 0 ~t 3 11 11 -13.44 5.47 -1.27 ui UJ 4-1 6 ..J 3 11 12 -13.45 6.09 -9.49 UJ ;:lo 0 -~ Ul 3 12 12 -14.19 4.08 -9.49 ~ tv.Z ,-..-(0', t/l 0 C) 3. 12 . 13 -14.19 4. 71 , -15.60 s ro 3 l3 13 -14.73 2.60 -15.60 ~ UJ 3 13 14 -14.73 3.23 -19.46 ::, z 3 14 15 -15.04 1.49 2.0. 86 . UJ ~ 3 14 14 -15.04 1.06 19.46 Q 3 15 16 -15.09 -0.27 19.62 i 3 15 15 -15.10 -0.70 20.86 3 16 17 -14.89 -2.03 15.75 0 CX) 3 16 16 -14.89 -2.46 19.62 ('f') CX) CJ) ('f') .; ~ I IB 3 17 18 -14.67 -1.56 1.62 w a: 3 17 17 -14.70 -3.11 15.75 I~ "...J 0 3 18 19 -14.56 4.66 30.84 !::: 0 ~ I-<( ~ co ca 0 0 .., .., z w 0 . I" z .. 1-• .UJ z o co1-UJ A o <{ ::J H -:, 0 O .... .._'<ft ~~ ,TflW 0~ _...jj u.i ·A ti) •,-I ~ 'rv.ttl· ,.......c z t) 6 . re z ~-~ ·tc) ~ ::i ~ ~-. T/l C/) 0~ ~-.A~ • ,-I "' ~B t) (:J ~ CJ) .; I ill i-, w a: ,. ...J 0 I-0 -i= <i:: .,~ ~ ...., ...., ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 (c) RoboBAT Project: Listing of internal forces Case I Elem. I Node I 3 18 18 3 19 20 3 19 19 3 20 21 3 2,0 20 3 21 22 3 2,1 21 3 22 23 3 22 22 3 23 24 3 23 23 3 24 25 3 24 24 3 25 26 .3 2-5 25 3 26 27 3 26 26 . . . ------------------------' . Case name 4 1 1 4 1 2 4 2 2 4 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 ci ~ 1' ~~ (/) Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 Page: 19 c:\robot\80ol00n. Date: 4/18/1998 Last n,odification: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:17:38 I -.... U) r--. c-:i '° I '° ij £2_ ~ FX I FY I MZ I u. . (kip) (kip) (:kipft) .... CX), -,-4• -1.56 1.62 N -14.67 '° '° ,-14. 53 6. 07-57.€>3 rn N -14.56 4.66 30.84 £2_ -15.03 5.24 67.82 .:; Ul -15.04 4.68 57.63 f'-< . --15.73 2.88 73.65 .... 0 0 -15.74 2.32 67.82 0 0-- -15.97 0.44 74.97 :::; z -15.99 -0.13 73.65 "' 0 u.. -15.75 -3.12 70.68 ~ -15.77 -2.57 74.97 u (I) -14.86 -6.56 .59 .. 78 Ul ..J Ul -14.88 -6·. 02 70.68, 0 -~ -13.34 -9.77 42.59 (/) -13.36 -9.23 59.78 s -12.31 -12.06 o.oo Ul -12.36 -10.98 42.59 ::,. z Ul -----·-------------------------------------~ DEAD +WIND #2 Cl -15.44 7.82 0.00 i -15.49 8.27 -30.96 -16.20 6.77 -30.96 CX) (1') -16.23 6.99 -44.15 CX) (1') -17.25 3.82 -44.15 -17.27 4.04 -51.67 -17.72 0.72 -51.67 II~ z I UJ ' ci ~be,, lli~I ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 I il5 I Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 Page: 20 (c) RoboBAT c:\robot\80olOOn. Date: 4/18/1998 Project: Last modification: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:21:44 I .-< "<I' \/} N N -0 -0 Listing of internal forces (11 N 0 . I .. !:2. ..,.. z .. z ~ w w ci ~ ~ :J Case Elem. Node FX FY MZ u.. . A --, 0 0 (kip) ( k_ip) (kiptt) "<I' 00 .~ ...... -.-; ...,. .._"<3< 4 5 --17 .• 75 0.93 .-53.28 N ~~ 4 -0 ' ' '. -0 • ' Ul w 4 5 5 -17.61 -2.42 -53.28 rt) . 0 ~ -4.9. 68 N . ..j.) u.i 4 5 6 --17. 6.2 -1.45 : !:2. A ?.l 4 6 6 -17.04 -4.74 -49.68 .:; .w •.I'"'( w ., 4 6 ,, 7 -i7.05 -.3.78 -41.70 I-M'W . .......... z 4 7 7 -16.04 -6. 92 . -41.70 "<I' 06 o, m&j ,4 7 8 -16.05 : -5.95 -29.57 0 0 ~-~ 0,. '. '4 8 8 -15.4~ .;.,7_44 -29.57 :S z :::i 4 8 9 -15.44 -5.02 -0.36 "" <.c). g ~ "' 4 9 9 -15.44 -5. 0·2 -0.36 ~ ~~ 4 9 10 -15.56 3.45 13-12 u ti.lo 13.12 U) 4 10 10 -15.56 3.45 UJ Oz _, UJ ..j.) 6 4 ·10 11 -15.58 5.56 . -10. 81 0 A:::i 4 ll 11 -15.95 4.41 -10.81 ~ • I'"'( (/) en NB 4 1·1 12 -15.95 4.99 -17.78 0 '°tj~ -J m 4 12 12 -16.51 2.63 -17.78 w ~ 4 12 13 -16;51 3.21 -22.08 :::, . z w 4 13 13 -16·. 80 Q.79 -22.08 ~ 4 13 14 -16.81 l.37 -23.63 Cl 4 14 15 -16.83 -0.50 22.40 8· 4 · 14 14 -16.83 -1.08 23.63 g 4 15 16 -16.57 -2.34 18.41 00 Cf) 4 15 15 -16.58 -2.93 22.40 00 Cf) .,-Im 4 16 17 -16.05 -4.14 11.73 " 4 16 16 -16.06 -4.72 18.41 ~I lit'. w a: 4 17 18 -15.68 -3.19 -11.14 ...J 0 • !:= 0 a: I . .., I-<( ~ I co co (.'.) ' 0 0 z I J J w l ..,_,.,,.,-·- ~o-· ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 Page: 21 I!~ (c) RoboBAT c:\robot\80ol00n. Date: 4/18/1998 Project: Last modification: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:21:44 I :;j: If) N N Listing of internal forces '° '° ;:;:;-0 ·1 i:.: N ~ z .. z ~ ci . LU LU Case Elem. Node FX FY MZ (l'.) ~ -u.. . ·A Q O 5 '(kip) . (kip) (kipft) . sq< :I--( .... co .... ._,sjt .... ~"' 4 17 17 -15.71 -5.29 11.73 N. .... -0 ·m ~ -4 18 J,.9 -15.57 5.29 7.70 -0 ' ff) 0~ 4 18 J,.8 -15.68 .,.,3.19 -11.14 N . ~ Cl.i t2-i::~ 4 19 20 -15.54 7.21 37.31 .:.; •,-,( u:r 4 19 19 -.;..1-5.57' 5.29 7.70 Ul· ~~ i:-,. 4 20 21 -16.14 6.47 48.96 . ~--~ ~ 4 20 20 -.16. 1.5 5.71 37.3.l 0 0 ~·~ 0 ..J 4 21 22 -17.05 4.09 56.10 0--~ ;S tc)~ 4 21 21 -17. 07 3.32 4'8. 96 z ex 4 22 23 -17.50 1. 58 58.52 .o u. ,:::> .:i! --~~ 4 2.2 22 -17.52 0.81 5.6 .10 u t/.l 0 4 23 24 -J,.7.46 -1.5~ 55. 62 Ill-·oz· Ul' 4 23 23 -17.48 58.52 ..J .i 8 -1.74 Ul 0 Ao ,, 4 24 ,, 25 · -16.84 -4.56 46.95' ~ •,-j ~ 4 24 24 -16·. 86 -4.78 55.62 .,,, ~o .3 ov 4 2.5 26 -15.66 -7.43 3,2. 77 ft! 4 25 25 -15.68 -7.65 46.95 w ~ :::, 4 2.6 27 -,14. 84 -8.42 o.oo z w 4 26 2·6 -14.89 -8.87 32.77 ~ C ------------------------------------------------------------------8 Case name DEAD +WIND #3 ~ 5 1 1 -17.63 10.61 o.oo 0 co 5 1 2 -17.68 12.21 -40.44 ('f) co 5 2 2 -18.75 10.48 -40.44 ('f) en en 5 2 3 -18.78 11.28 -59.56 <' ,w w a: 5 3 3 -20.56 7.54 -59.56 i~ >; .J Cl "' I-Cl i= <( .. 0) co -· 0 0 -:, -:, z LU cl r:: ~ ' .... • .._'<}I ~~ .mw ·O~ ....,J ci5 ' i:: U) • ,-( fll ·iY. w "o § . ro al ~..J ~~ ci · 1 i:...: z .. z w w en !::: -0 ....... -I ..,, ·O 0 t'.c)' E;· . ::> ·,:..·o.: ~·!-< T/l Cf.) 0 ft ~~ • ,-( U) ~~ 'Cf O to ~ Cl) Cl) )t I UJ 'UJ 0: ~_J 0 r I-0 ,· .. i= <( ..,10) co 0 0 ..., ..., ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 . ( C) RoboBAT Project: Listing of internal force::; Case 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ·5 ·5 5 . . 5 ·5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Elem. 3 4 4 5 5 6 9 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 Node 4 4 5 5 6 '6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 14 16 15 17 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 c:\robot\80o1oon. Last modification: 4/l8/1998 FX (kip) -20.58 -21.78 -21.81 -22.37 --2.2. 39 -2.2. 30 .-22 .. 32 -21.57 -21.58 -20. 9,8 -21.00 -21. 00 -21.12 · -21.12 -21.14 -21. 41 -21.42 -21.69 -21. 7-t) -21.59 -21.59 -21.11 -21.11 -20.31 -20.32 -19.22 FY ()dp) 8.33 4.31 5.10 0.91 1.63 -2.61 -1. 89 -6.05 -5.33 -7. 3·4 -5.53 -5.53 2.46 2·. 46 4.44 2.89 3.44 0.30 0.85 -2.30 -1.75 -3.94 -4.86 -6.03 -6.96 -7.99 Page: 22 Date: 4/18/1998 Time: 18: 23: 14 MZ (kipft) -72.98 -72.98 -~0.31. ·-80!31 -81.28 -81.28 -75.80 -75.80 -63.99 -63.99 -3-1. 98' -31.98 -5.51 -5.51 -26.52 -26.52 -32.11 -32.11 -33.88 -33.88 -31.80 26.18 31.80 17.41 26.18 5.66 0 ~ (:::> w * ~- ~ ~ N '° '° Ri' £2. 1 "<!< co --~ '° ci'i" a .:.; w I- "<!< 0 0 0 0-, ;:,j z .,,. e .~ u vi w ..;J w 0 ~ (/J s w ::> ·z w < c:, j co ~ ('fl I~ z w ci z f--w ROE}OTV6 v. 4.2 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 Page: I~ 't (c) RoboBAT c:\robot\80olOOn. 23 Date: 4/18/1998 Project: Last modification: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:23:14 I ~ 1/) i--. N Listing of internal forces -a -a ~ 0 · 1 i:..: (2. z .. z Node ~ cl w w case Elem. FX FY MZ co !;;: -u.. (kip) (kip) . (kipft) . A Q Cl d "<II H,.... co. , -· ..... ..• :t :5. 16 16 -19.22 -8.9i 17.41 N ~ ..... 5 17 18 .-6. 05 -32.80 -a -18 .. 56 -a 1l)_W m 0~ 5 17 17 -18.59 -9 .. 37 5.66 N ,,I.Hf.! 5 18 19 -18.44 7.30 -23.07 (2. . Afil • .:.r 5 18 .18 -18.56 -6 .. 05 -32.80 w •!"'( w f-, ~~ 5 19 20 -18.42 10.33 16.11 . 06 '<!< 5 19 i9 -18.44 7.30 -23.07 0 re z 0 . J:.U 0 -~~ 5 20 21 ·-19.30 9.74 32.27 O' :S 5 20 20 -19.31 8. 54 16.ll z ~~ "' 5 21 22 ,. -20.77 7.14 43.32 0 u. ~~-5 21 21 -20.79 5.94 32.27 :;J u-1ll tf.l 5 22 .• 23 -21. 72 4;.32 48.95 (/j 0~ ·W 5 22 22 -21.74 3.11 43.32 ..J w ~a ·o ·Ao 5 23 24 -22.13 0.94 48.58 ~ •!"'( :;2 5 23 23 -22.15 0.16 48.95 [/) ~o s ou 5 24 25 -21.89 -2. 45 41.80 rd 5 24 24 -21.91 -3.23 48.58 w ~ ::, 5 25 26 -21.01 -5.73 28.80 z w 5 25 25 -21.04 -6.52 41.80 i2 Cl 5 26 27 -20.33 ·-6. 08 o.oo 8 5 26 26 -20.38 -7.68 28.80 ~ -------------------------------------- ----------------------------0 Case name DEAD +WIND #4 co rn ,:· I co 6 1 1 -22.04 13.24 0.00 rn Cl) ~·· I ill 6 1 2 -22.09 12.69 -48.87 ~ w a: 6 2 2 -23.18 10.55 -48.87 ,~ ~ .J Cl !:: Cl • I-~ ,--8 8 "") "") --------------- cl. A ~ ' ..... --""" ,....o~ t/l w 0 ft, ~u.i AU) •1""( ffi ~~ 06 :t'd z ~i ~~ ~ I:;: ~ Cl.l tile, $2:: Ag •1""( U) ~5 ou ~ -- ,-: () . I •• z .. ~ w w cc t; -0 ..... J -, Cl 0 I§ ~ w a: --' 0 -If I-0 F ~ ,,, co co 0 0 .. -, -, ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 (c) RoboBAT Project: Listing of internal forces case Elem. Node 6 2 3 6. 3 3 6 3 4 6 4 4 6 4 5 6 5 ·5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 7 6 7 8 6 8 8 6 8 9 6 9 9 0 9 10 6 10 10 6 10 11 6 11 11 6 ;tl 12 6 12 12 6 12 13 6 13 13 6 13 14 6 14 15 6 14 14 6 15 16 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 c: \robot\80olOOn. · Last modification: 4/18/1998 FX FY (kip) (.kip) """23. 21 10.27 .-24.73 5.73 -24.75 5.45 -25.33 0.70 -25.35 0.41. ·-24.98 -4. 36 -25.00 -2.82 -24.0·2 -7.47 -24.04· -5.94 --22. 50 -10.35 -22.51 -8.82 -21.58 -10.90 -:.21. 60 -7.04 -21.60 · -7. 04 -21.71 4.74 -21. 71 4.74 -21.74 7.67 -22.24 6.07 -22.25 .6. 88 -23.01 3.59 -23.01 4.40 -23.41 i.02 -23.41 1. 83 -23.43 -0.77 -23.43 -1.58 -23.06 -3.34 Page: 24 Date: 4/18/1998 Ti me : 18 : 2 4 : 3 5 MZ (kipft) -68.37 -68.37 -78.69 -78.69 -79.58 -79.58 -72.81 -72.81 -60 •. 35 -60.35 -42!56 -42. 50 . -1.. 33 -1~33 16.64 16.64 -.16. 01 -16~01 -25.56 -25.56 -31.40 -31.40 -33.44 31.65 33.44 26.05 ci J z I-UJ UJ ~ :c en -"" ~ N '° '° rn N '[2. ~ LL .. ~ co· -· _, N '° '° rn N [2. .:.; w I-. ~ ,0 ·O 0 °' ::S z "" 0 U.., :il u ui w w w 0 ~ "' s . w ::i z w ~ C I 0 co (1') co (1') mg] ~ I z w 0 ~~ ~~ (/) I ROBOTV6 v. 4.2 Cary Rapoport, P.E. 163 Page: 25 (c) RoboBAT c:\robot\80ol00n. Date: 4/18/1998 I -Project: ...,. Last modification: 4/18/1998 Time: 18:24:35 l/) r--, N '° '° Listing of internal forces m <'I cj . 1 i:..: ['.]. z .. z ~ . w w 0 ~ -~ :J u.. Case El~m. Node FY MZ . A J Cl (.) F.X .... H,.... (kip) (kip} (kipft). co r-< r-< ... ~ N ~~ '°' 6 15 15 -23.07 --4.16 31.65 '° mw ~ 0~ 6 16 17 -22.33 -5.84 16-. 73 -1-).00 (2. . A(/) 6 16 16 -22.34 -6.65 26.05 .:; -~ '-15 .10 UJ -~ w 6 17 18. -21.82 -4.52 1-'-<· ~~ 6 17 17 -21.8.5 -7.44 16.73 . 06 .... 0 C'd· z 6 18 19 -21.70 7.27 7.45 o· ~>IJ 0 ~ ,6 LS · 18, -21.82 -:-4.51 -1,5 .10 0- :S 6 19 20 -21.68 9.94 47.20 z tc) t a.: 6 19 -21.71 7.27 7.45 ·O 19 u. . ::i ~ ~~ 6 20 21 -22.51 8.91 61.89 r< u U) 20 vi . 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',!/. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGINEER: SHEET NO. n Q 3838 OAKWOOD AVENUE • Los ANGELES; CALIFORNIA 90004 • TEL: (213).662,1184 • FAX: (213) 662-7541 ,(YH,t/V '.. . ·), C: C: C: tll C\l C\l 0::: c[ c[ \ ' " . ', I ·., -~ -PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Address .:1. LEGO ,{)riv€ •y Plan Check No. CB 3.S--33 Planner Lba _·/1/e.q _· APN: Z.//-/oo-09 Phone -(619) 438 1161, extemsionGoZ-¥6/2 Type of Project & Use:{¥@i"'/ ~fs 7e,,t--Net Project Density: Al /4 D~/AC . Zoning: C-7-9 General Plan: --r-;<f· . Facilities Management Zone: 13 CFD~out) # I Date of participation: /Z-2/.--93 Remaining net dev acres: I 3,.fX" ~le One · (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: A/( a-thee C0rv11?1eC10! us::es:-· ) Legend: ~ Item Complete (o) Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES_._ NO 2(__ TYPE __ _ DATE OF COMPLETION:------- Compliance with conditions of approvai? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Requir.ed: YES NO TYPE ---'----- APPROVAL/RESO. NO. __ _____,;. __ DATE __ ---'--_ PROJEC1 NO. _________ ___,__ OTHER RELATED CASES: --------,--'-------,-------------- · Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions· which require action. Conditions of Approval: _______ ~------------'-----'-- ,t Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance . Project site located ih Coastal Zone? YEsX NO CA Coastal Commissio·n Authority? YES---'-=-~OX . If California Coastal Commissiorr Authority: Contact them at -31 '11 Camino Del Rio Nortti, Suite 200, San Diego CA 921.08-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coa~tal Permit Required or Exempt): _..: '. J ; .0 ~ '' -• ~ ,-,-• I ,; \ -' · Coastal Petinit Q~ter'"!lihatibh:..:Fo-rrn -~lr'eady.~60.mplet_ed?. YES NO If NO, complete Coastal: P.ermiJ Determination Forrn.:no.w ... , ·•. . .. \ .. Oo,astal.Rerm.it D.etermilil~tic;m Lpg .#~ , .. Fl ... . \ ' " ~ \-;>.' ~~'. ; ', ~ I ' • '!,, ',. :, )\,•,' \ ._ \ ., ,.;,, : ',. 'll-' • . Follc;,w,-U,p,,A,c;tion:s:, .. . · ,_ ,.. . --, . ; , ·.· .. _ '-. ,.. . \ ~':.. t :IE 4 ., •' , f -,, f ~ , ,~ '-, • _ ~ ~. , 1),.' -Stamp Building.iP.lans-;as--~~Exemp:t:'~ or. ".Co.astaJ Permit:'Required" (at minimum ' . ' . . Floor Plans). '.1 •• ··~ • . • I. 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. )s(f'A D . D ==B-0 D=B-0 lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES __ NO _x_ (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES __ NO __ (A/PlDr;;, Activity Maintenar:ice, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y /N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Sit~ Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan dra.wn to scale. Show: North arrow, '' 1. ' • property lines, easements, . existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. · 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. .: '\ Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Structure separation: Required Shown 3. Lot Coverage: Required Shown 4. Height: Required -------Shown ------- 5. Parking: · Spaces Required -------Shown ------- Guest Spaces Required ______ _ Shown -------/\,mf~-:ii& II~ Additional c.;ornments"' I DA TE /2 -/ 3·-(J)