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1 LEGOLAND DR; DINER; CB004302; Permit
City 01f Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 02/22/2001 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB004302 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: 02/22/2001 Applicant: 1 LEGO DR CBAD COMMIND Sub Type: COMM 2111000900 Lot#: 0 $480,700.00 Construction Type: NEW 17 Reference #: LEGOLAND -TECHNIC DINER EXPANSION RESTAURANT 6,325 SF Owner: Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 11/17/2000 JM Plan Approved: 02/22/2001 PERUZZI JOHN LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG 2390 02/22/01 0002 Ol 301 C/Q PROPERTY TAX SERV CO 8800 VENICE BLVD PO BOX 5431-85 LOS ANGELES CA 90034 · DALLAS TX 75354 310-838-9766 - Total Fees: $63,642.38 Total Payments To_ D?tt~: $1-,270.48 Balance Due: $62,371.90 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee_ Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Inspector: $1,954.58 $0.d0 $1,270.48 $0,00 $0.00 $100.95. $2,530.00 $0.00 $0.Q0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0:00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Meter Size Add'I' Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF P-FF (CFD Fund) License Tax .License Tax (CFD Fund) Traffic Impact Fee Tr~ffic Impact (CFD Fund) LFMZ Transportation Fee . PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee: Sewer Fee: Redev Parking Fee: TOTAL PERMIT FEES FINAL/7Z/AL Date: O Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $19,890.00 $8,748.74 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,040.08 $0.00 $0.00 $343.00 $310.00 $85.50 $0.00 $25,369.05 $0.00 $63,642.38 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been qiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise exoired. O'") , .. 6237i:i9(} "°IL--~ _;j/),!/? j =.J:i7;£5p . J,,-f ~ FOR O'fFICE USE 0~ l PERMIT APPLICATION / • • PLAN CHECK No. ~ t5oZ EST. VAL. ,fi:361 ~?(), ~t!J I Cl~Y OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Address (include Bldg/Suite #) 1 1 ~ t-£~o ~~ve: Busines~Name (at this address) t-J= ""O~ -.,..-f:c+\rJ I e, Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel# Existing Use Proposed Use Name Address ·City State/Zip Telephone # Fax # · ,'.!'••;,' fARPLIC"N~liJ17-"'c(>l1trao¥or ·:::-i"Ai-renttor'-Go'ritra-ctor7:::-:oo.w'iieF:r.i::gent;fo· 0-wner'c·· ~~"'~~~ ____ lai:l ... ~ .... Jz/··""':.J., ·"'r!f°-ocr --· ----;... ··M·--~ ·--: ---'"·a.£·· ~7~ Name Address ·City S.tate/Zip-elephone :~rK~:E-~~~-:::::~i~~~rZif:&iQ~~;~:_·;:_:~~~/£~~::1-~~:::~~~ci::~~~:-~n-~i:%2·:~~~~'i f$l;.;,:-;_C~NI~Q:1J)R]t~]re4~)'.,ij°'AMI;:.::. '.:,: ~ : ::7 (Sec. 7031.5 Business and.Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's l;icense Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # _________ _ License Class~--~-----,--City .Business License # ________ _ Designer Name Address City Telephone State License # 1§.:.x;:;-w.9.Rl{~R;;. __ $,,:I.;;·:P;;J;; __ >r.,;;_e;:.:;,_:e;;;N:;:;.s;:::;_~;:;;T;;:;;TP:;;:.'.N;:'..::::: .. ::::,,-=.·_::::,_::::; -~ __ ;_,_::..:::-:::·, .: ::::::.::-~::::;-.~._::,:~:':.·:::rL .: ::~:, ~~I2x,.:h ,;.:,::'~~::?!?;;; __ ., :·.:;·:'.'I;,· Workers' Compensation. Declaration: I hereby affirm under-penalty of perjury one of the following·,declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as. required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company _______ -'----..,---------Policy No. ______ -'------Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100] OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance-of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as .to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage_ is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000i, in addition to-the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE'-------------------,--------------,-~-DATE ________ _ ,~;,~:;~=::=::~;:!:::~:;::::~~::::::~~~~":::~ offered to,"'' (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of. property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees; provided that such improvements are not intended br offered for sale. If, however, the ·ouildirig or improvement is sold within one year-of completion, the owner-l;>uilder will have the burden of. proving that he did not build or improve for. the purpose of sale). ~ as own!!i of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of' property who builds .or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed ·pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). · D I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. D YES ONO 2. ~/ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (includ!! name / address / phone numper / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address I phone number/ contractors license number): _____________________________________________ _ ·5, I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address / phone number/ type of work): ____________ -=:.c:::;n---'------------~----,---~----~--.-----'---------- PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATUR~E~~~i~~~~~~~m~~~~;:::,:-:::::;;;::;:;;;::~:::;--;:=:;;~~;:;:~;,:,::-~~---.«-"~:-:-c------t~.Q'M,.~i?kt!:Jl~-~-~9J:!9.l'Ji?fQJfaY,(}/V:. . . . ,f/ttL.B.l!l~PlfJ:GlP.li8M!i.$;.."9°NtYL;,:e:~~-,-.,:~:::.-:, ....,,. ,. ,.;,..."· Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan; acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505'. 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substan_ce Account Act? D YES .p;(°No _ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES "S NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? D YES Ji! NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES.AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT .. is,,,;;,;.tciNs1tii,u¢Tfo]ll1tENDING'"AGENCV'i~~--:-3::.·:.;.~-:,:-!JF';;.:·;."":_-·::~:::'.'';7:':-:-/f:T~+>'. :~;:;-3;t70_77-f:ii'.:~~-;;-;:;;:::;~:::7'.!"':';',:;-:""· I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME :;;;;;,;;;;;:;;;:;::;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;::-:::;:~::;_::;:::;;;::::;::;;:::;;::;_::;::=:;::::; LENDER'S ADDRESS:;::;::;::;::;::;;::;:;=::;::;;:;;;;:::;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:-;::::;;;::::::;;;::;::::=:::;:;;::::;;;:-:;::::::::::::;:;::;::;::;;;:;;:;;;:::=::::;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;:; 1~_,,,, -/~eect.CA~.T-:Q~~;r1f,1p~pr,1;.;;;ii£ ... 2:-:,,·b1;;> :"iflE:,..1:;:1.:-~:.::.:, ""'-~-~ .. :z.:,_-::;~:i:"::, [-..2'.~\~-::~~~:,::_":J-:'07il.:__·.: ~ ._;,:f::;7:7z: ::: t,T:C~~;·_ ,,: . , ./.;~:L ~~;:_;:·;; I certify that I have read the application and state that. the ab9ve information is correct and that the information on the p)ans is apcurate. I agre!! to comply with all City ordinances and S\ate laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Cit~ of Carl_sbad tb enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMtESS THE CITY OF CARL:SBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" c(eep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by th building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenc within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is com'menced fo a period of 180 da s (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). YELLOW: Applicant PINK:.Finance DATE __..l"-+I /-=-11...__J~_l?,_o __ _ I I . List 1 -Permit-Type From the following list, determine the permit-type that best describes the work you propose to do. Please put the code of that • permit-type in the blank at the top of the page on the front of this application. Residential permits (only) also require the J identification of the structure-type to be associated with the permit. Choose a structure-type from "List 2 -Structure-Types" and put its code in the appropriate blank on the front of this application. Code APT ,, C9NDO CVNNR CVNRN CVNRR DEMO DUP MOHO MOHON RAD RREISSUE RREPAIR RREPLACE SFA SFD Code COM CREISSUE CREPAIR CREPLACE CTI DEMO ELEC HOTEL HOTELR INDUST lTI MECH MISC PATIO PLUM POOL RETAIN SIGN SOLAR SPA Residential Permits Description Apartments · new construction. t Condominiums · new construction. Conversion. Convert all or a portion of a non-residential building to residential use, creating one or more new residential units. Conversion. Convert one or more residences in a build41,g to non-residential usage. Conversion. Increase or reduce the number dt dwelling units in a residential structure through interior modifications (i.e.: a four bedroom house converted to a duplex, with 2 bedrooms each). Demolition oermit. (Also specify type of structure from List 2). Duplex -, new construction. , • . • ~ .. t • ' • Mobile home, renovation, repair, or addition of accessory structure not yielding a new living unit. Mobile home, pre-fabricated house, or trailer installed (plumbed, wired) in a mobile home park (see distinction from sµigle-family residence, below). · Residential addition/alteration, creating no new dwelling unit(s). Residential permit re-issue. Residential building repair. Damage, fire, etc. Residential building replacement (no additional units). Single-family, attached -new construction. A one-family house attached to one or more other houses, with one or more common walls extending from foundation to roof at, or forming, a lot line. Has own plumbing and heating system (e.g.: townhouse, row house, half-plex) Single-family, detached -new construction: A one-family house with open area on all four sides. May have an attached or detached garage, or a business. May be a detached "granny flat". May be a mobile home or trailer on an individual lot, but not in a mobile home park. Non-Residential/ Accessory Permits Description Commercial structure, new construction. Commercial permit re-issue. Commercial building -repair. Damage, fire, etc. Commercial building -replacement. Commercial tenant improvement. Demolition pe~t. Electrical permit, for electrical work only. : Hotel or motel (including Managed Living Unit hotel) · new construction. Hotel renovation. Industrial structure, new construction. Industrial tenant improvement. Mechanical permit, for mechanical work only. Miscellaneous. Use only if proposed work doesn't fit another activity type. Patio and/or deck. Plumbing oermit, for plumbing work only. Gunite pools and spas. Retaining wall oermit. Sign construction/installation permit. Solar energy system installation permit (specify structure type to be served). Factory-made or Gunite. List 2 -Structure-Type (Use with Residential Permit O~ly) From the following list, determine the type of residential structure that best describes the structure on which you will be working. Please put the code of that structure-type in the appropriate blank at the top of the pa9:e on the front of this aoolication. Code SFA SFD MF2-4 MFS+ MOHO Description Single-family, attachecl. A one-family house attached to one or more other houses, with one or more common walls extending from foundation to roof at, or forming, a lot line. Has own plumbing and heating system (e.g.: townhouse, row house, half-plex). Single-family detached: A one-family house with open area on all four sides. May have an attached or detached · . garage, or a business. May be a detached •granny flat•. May be a mobile home or trailer on an individual lot, but not in a mobile home park. Multi-family, 2 to 4 units. A residential structure on a single lot, containing two, three, or four dwelling units. Units may share master heating, plumbing, or electrical service (e.g.: duplex, triplex, quad-plex). Multi-family, 5 or more units. Sam(;! as MF2-4, except the building has a t least five attacb,i=!d units on the sa,ni!.'! lot. Mobile home, pre-fabricated house, or trailer installed (plumbed, wirea) in a mobile,hbme park (see distinction from single-family residence, above). FEB-16-2001 FRI 02:29 PM CITY OP CARLSBAD FAX NO. P. 04 ·A-. ' -~~1 i__. -{~ fr /J/J ~ /l -I OD -o '71)~ CF-'() I 2.. 1 1/?J :;: PERMlf APPLICATION -. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ava., Carlsbad, OA 92008 · exemption, can&truct, illtor, ·improve, demolish or rapi,ir MY $trl.loture, prior ta its 1~1 licensed pursuant to tha provisions of the Contractor's Llcen:ie Law )1& Code] or that ha Is exempt therefrpm, and the basis for the alleged leant to a civil p!!nalty·of n0'! more tnao five hundred dollars I$ 5001). Name Addrciss !: City State/Zip Tl!llophone # State Lic1mu (I ---------'-Ucense Class ----'------,;w;.!11 CltV·Business Licen_se # ---"""""---- 1~ Designer Namo Address ~t11te/Zip Telephone Statt Lloense # _________ _ ,~l~t~d~l:RUfilin>:~P.ida-~N:~m~:~1~;::rt~~:t~r~;~ifg~~ft~i~,~;;~~:R;J~/mn~~:i1[~~i~:t~~i~E!t:1.~;~.:;~;,~~i-::!~~t:~1~ Workars' Componsation Declaration: I heroby ilff(rm under penalty of i:,erjury or,e of the· 0 I t'lave end will maintain a conltlc11te of consent to self.Insure tor workers' comperi cf tho work for which thi& permit IS IS$Ued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' camp1n111tion, ·as required liy Section 3700 of Issued, My worker's compenntlon Insurance carril!lr and pollcv number ars: Insurance CompillY . Sxpir11tlon Oeite"" _______ _ . RS 111001 OR LESSI . 'tuhis-pcrmlt Is ll1s~ed;l ehall·not employ any person in any m11nnat so eis to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Lilws of Callfornla. \ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DO 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I cenify that in the p~rformanca of tile work for w WARNING: Falluro w aecura warkara'' c11mD1n1111lon oovilt111g11 la Ufll11wflll, and· ahall 0,1 -an employer to c;lmlnaf. panaltlH and civil linea· up to one hundred thousl!lnd dollnra 1111 DO.ODDI. _In addition ta the coil of c11mp1n11tlon. d1maga1 u prov for In ~ectlon 3706 of tho Labor cade, lntareat and attorney's feaa, 'fl SIGNATURE . ·_ . CATE __________ __,,._ ;i!P.lijmlYM1tm1i!iliatill¢'i!~~"~Tio.'1:;. -· ... :.1:: !~;;~it3~qr;1~:;i1i ;1:~~:1~;~;-~;~1~\~;i1l~~~11~iw:1.i~i,k1~1ti:1i1~!~~~-~ilf 1;\ii?f.~~~1r~;rnf~11.~=~~~1~k~\~Lii~t:t~t-:?:1:~;:!!:~~r~~t~:~!:~~~!~~~:~1g~~i~!!:f~:l~!:;~:1(i:i~:~:~i?-:~;!:~:?i;i;J:1i;~!~t;;~· ::; hereby affirm that I am axempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following rea n: 0 I, u owner of the property· or my employees with w119ea as their aole compj!nsa (Sec. 7044, euslneas Bl'ld Professions Code: Th• Coniractor's License Law does not ap such work himsalf or through-nla·ololln employees, provided thet sucl'l lmprovamenta ue 11~ld ~n one year or co~pl1tioo, th• owner-builder will have 1he burdeo of proving th [9" I, a:s owner of the propenv, em excluaiv,ly contractlnQ with Ucenae!l contractors Contractor's Licoo11e L11w does nci apply to an owner of property who builds or imp pursuant to the Contractor•, License Law), · 0 I am oxempt under Se~lon ______ Buaina111 and Pr0f01elon11 Code for thl , . -~~nally plan to provide the m•Jor labor and rneterlals for construction ·of the pr 2, ·-1 have / have nail signed an application tor a building i:iermlt for the proposed w111 3. I h11ve contracted _witli the following p11rs0n (firm) to provide the pri>posad consu 4, I plan to provida portions of the w r n, will do ·the worle ond-'1h11 structure Is noi Intended or offered for sale t11 an owner of pr012orti, who builds or Improves thereon. end who does · · inte_nded or offered for 11ale, If, how.-vor, tho building or lmptovenient Is , e did not build or improve for the purpose of i;alel, ,. canstruct thl project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code; The ·yes thereon, and cont_ract& for such projects with contractar(sl licensed J . 'ason: _ -~-/ j sad properw·lmprovement. ,,,,:es ~o I' ,i Jon (include name / address / phone nl.lmber / contractors license number!; number/ conm1ctors llcens11 numberl:-4-,· r-..&.-:i~-¥-=!.1.!=..~==,:;.i....i:::;.::.!..:.:;. ..... -ilffi"'~-'--...;:z.:t-::,~~..µ.ie-4~~c:::_~4.q....a,:::,:."l#-------- 5, f wlfl provide &oms of thD work, but f hav c provlcle the work indicated (in~lude n11mc, / addrc,ss I phone number I wpa ot wotKl: __________ --F~=-\.\-~k!"'rl-;-_ ..;-"::i,-""' .. t,l~......,--------aiii-----------...,...,_,:..,~------------- Pf!OPERTV OWNER SIGNATURE 1,...1i1••i!.illiilii""'-..:"'·'i111~-...-... 111 · ·· ..11\ii;;i.,;,i:~ l/i~- DATE "'lljg,,,Jilli!;(,ijl;l!l:ml~1~111,1;u~,.. •. f10'1'J,Itlollll::ff 1 Is tha appllcant or futura buildins occupant required to liubm a usine111s plan, acutei program under Sectit!ns 26506, 2ti533 01 26534 of the Pre_sley-Tannar H_ezar~ous-Sub Is th111pp1Jc1nt or 1uturo bulldlne occupant required to-obtain a p•rmit from-tho air pollu Is tho h1c:llltv to be conotri.tcted within 1",000 feet of the outsr boundary of I school site IF ANY 0F THE ANSWERS ARE ves. A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY N REQUIREMEN1'S OF THE Off)CE OF EMERGENCY SERVICSS AND THE AIR POLLUTIO :~mm1,ri'(;i&Jm~~,~~i;'.ffl~f~~~~r,rt~;:i:!i I hereby affirm thn there Is a construction landing agency for the pertorm11nce ot the Ll:NOER'S NAMlo t--/3<!?0 1rrieNr1•~~ttM•11r,111ig1;1r:1i!i-r1t I certify that I have read the application and stets that the above iriformalion i& correct City otdinnocllli and State laws r111adn; to building ccns~ruction. I hereby 11U1hcriza· property far inapection purposes, I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDliMNll'IY AND JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPl:NSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST azatdous · malerh1ls registration form or riak management and prevention co Account Ac:t? 0 VES JI;(' NO cpntrol district or air quality management district? 0 VE:S tij NO jl CJ YES -NO _ leE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE . ONTROL DIStRICT_-·-- rimJIJ~m:r~iiii~~mmmMlilfJJ1Ji~1a1m;~Fiiifii!1:ifilii~~~~I1i;il~::~rtr:fr:!1::"1;1e!!-:·'.'; ·!:-;r,:}::.}: ,::::: f 1':·· il:i,; :,1 ::":}---. which tliis permit is issued (Sec, 3097(i) Civil Code). L '-60 -that tho Information ·on the plena la accurate. I agree ta comply with all esentatives of the Citt or -Carlsbad to enter upon the above menilcnad P HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, ID CITY IN CONSEQUEI\ICE OF THS GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required fa, excavations DV!lr 5'0" deajl end dilmolltlon or c ttuctlon ot struoturocs over 3 @torlell in height. EXPIRATION: !:very permit Issued by th building Official under the provialons of 1hls !: e shall elCplte by !Imitation Md become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit Is not oommenc within 180 days from the date of such perml 'r If the bulldlng or work authori.:ed by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work Is commenced fc a period of 100 days (Section 106,4.4 Unllor ·1 aulldlng Code). / APPLICANT'S SIGNATURS ~ , !:_ _ DATE u /n ?-0eto ' Inspection List Permit#: CB004302 Type: COMMIND COMM Date Inspection Item 09/28/2001 89 Final Combo 09/28/2001 89 Final Combo 06/29/2001 89 Final Combo 06/20/2001 89 Final Combo 06/19/2001 89 Final Combo 06/18/2001 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 06/14/2001 21 Underground/Under Floor 06/08/2001 63 Walls 06/07/2001 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 06/06/2001 21 Underground/Under Floor 06/06/2001 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 06/04/2001 24 Rough/Topout 05/25/2001 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 05/24/2001 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 05/23/2001 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 05/22/2001 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 05/21/2001 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 05/18/2001 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 05/16/2001 16 Insulation 05/16/2001 24 Rough/Topout 05/15/2001 16 Insulation 05/15/2001 34 Rough Electric 05/14/2001 15 Roof/Reroof 05/14/2001 24 Rough/Topout 05/11/2001 24 Rough/Top0ut 05/11/2001 34 Rough Electric 05/08/2001 13 Shear Panels/HD's 05/01/2001 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 04/30/2001 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 04/30/2001 97 T-24 H-Cap Consultation 04/04/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 04/04/2001 12 Steel/Bond Beam 04/02/2001 21 Underground/Under Floor 03/23/2001 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 03/15/2001 21 Underground/Under Floor Monday, October 01, 2001 Inspector JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC ~c TP JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC JC PD PD JC JC JC JC JC Act AP RI PA PA CA AP CA AP AP PA PA PA AP AP NR PA PA PA AP PA PA AP NR AP PA PA AP PA PA AP AP AP AP AP AP LEGOLAND -TECHNIC DINER EXPANSION RESTAURANT"6,325 SF Comments FINAL T.C.O. NOTICE ON FILE GAS FITTING TESTON FILE OK TO BACK FILL · INSUL DUCT@ SKYLITE, HRD CEIL EXTERIOR WALLS INSULATION ON EXTERIOR WALLS MC CABLE CONSULTATION NEED IN$PECTION REPORT FROM DEPUTY NEED DRAWINGS -PLUMBING LINES- FIRE WATER LINES Page 1 of 1 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 09/28/2001 Permit# CB004302 Title: LEGOLANI;) -TECHNIC:: DINER Description: EXPANSION RESTAURANT 6,325 SF Type: COMMIND Sub Type: COMM Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Location: APPLICANT PERUZZI JOHN Owner: Remarks: Total Time: Lot 0 Act Comments Inspector Assignment:' JC ------- Phone: 7609185461 Inspector: . J':() , Requested By: CINDY Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description 19 Final Structural _pf;__· ---------------------- 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated. PC Rs PCR00040 ISSUED PCR00060 ISSUED · PGR00231 ISSUED PCR01056 ISSUED PCR99002 ISSUED .PCR99004 ISSUED PCR99007 l~SUED PCR99020 ISSUED PCR99021 ISSUED PCR99022 ISSUED PCR99023 ISSUED PCR99024 EXPIRED PC::R.99025 ISSUED PCR99026 PENDING PCR99029 ISSUED PCR99034 EXPIRED PCR99064 APPROVED PCR99199 ISSUED CilY of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St LitecEiW Plan Check #: Permit#: Project Name: Address: CB004302 L.EGOLAND -TECHNIC DINER EXPANSION R!=STAURANT 6,325 SF 1 LEGO DR . Contact Person: BRIAN Phone: . 6197788396 Water Dist: CA Sewer Dist: CA Date: 06/19/2001 Perinit Type: COMM IND Sub Type: COMM • __ Lot: 0 •••••• 11111 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••• 11111111 I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Inspected ~ Date h/r~/. -----By: 711. Inspected: _ Approved: · Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: . Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ I lllllltl•••••••••••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11111••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11111111111••••••••••1111•••••••••••1 Comments:---------------""-------------------------- CilV of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building En~g Planning. CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: CB004302 Project Name: LEGOLAND -TECHNIC DINER EXPANSION RESTAURANT6,325 SF Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: BRIAN Phone: 6197788396 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Inspected Date By: Inspected: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Lot: Date: 06/19/2001 Permit Type: COMMIND Sub Type: COMM 0 Approved: Disapproved: __ . Approved: Disapproved:_ .. _ ····························································~····•••!!•• .. ··············~···································································· < JUN-14-2001 09:49AM FROM-CARHILL COMPANY I 111r1n,••~"'"' ; ...... ., T-902 P.002/009 F-941 JllY l ;ii~,.11 l!I( l'f • . +J 3237246553 ( ·i\r.U:OltNIA /(,td,11•k"I lr1ll11,: 1.-1,..,,.,.,,7 ,• lJll'll,•,t•r"""' , i ... .,. .... ,,, IJ J: KANON Al.l'l.ltl' vws .. nr.w.111'1 Jl'.AHEr l E /\rrlH,A l r; M,\Jll'I. 1·11ANCJ Al.l·:J/\HI mo rM >II.I.A / /.G6-0 /) If A11ti1 :n. 191m • Ill\ 'IIAltl> J. JtlllROAN Mi\)111\ . Lw/\nrka.CA roo1t.111tJ (ll l) 415.lJ ·~. ru.: (111)4Afim l\tll>RIIW A Al•tJ.MJ\N RICIWW 11\H.<:IIIN rtn<U,1~w,a1• • )'1·1lct:til111 c:oipl\llliion ,UJ.. Lnkc Sltt·d, ('~: ~. (ocle ~oo~ -P~ 3 /3 ~ Code_ =tf 1?-·q.3 Madi.son, t.Jhii, •MU'>"/-i t_l{l) ±es +k'(_ c 5 (.) 1 J 1\lk11tio11: lvh·. F,:mk R. Vol~~slmlt, VP H~:,rmch, C<idcs & St1m :11·d '1-u> f•O\l'e.J ~e,/>Cc) l.l111h:,l',H11111tl <.ia!> l.li!ihibution Pipi11g l'lrnse h1: infornmtl llrnl Cmiadin11 St.1ml.ml /\ssm:iution ( t:-;A ), Ontario, Canad;i, is n City of l..o~ /\ugdi::; 1c1;0µ11i:1.c<l tcsling and lisline. :1r.cncy for gt:rit:rnl l'.tts tc:;ting um.I cct lificalion. /\ b,, l.,.,s Augdc:s City Uuifo1 rn Plw11l,i11g Ct>(k, Sccfion 17. JO. I, s1:1tcs tiiut u1,pwvcd l'E niJ>l~ may ht: ;,i:;ctl iu cxtcriw··hurit:d pi pine. sysltlll, l.J' your prnllucl is cum!nlly listed nm.I ccr t\Iicd by ( ::-;A aml 1m.:d:i ull ils listing rcq11ircmcnts, ir c!(lt'!> not 1cquircd uuy additiorwl Idling 1.lm.J 11pp1 ov.il firnn I .u:; /\ng,~k~ City t-.·kd1:111icul TL:stiue, I .abc,rato, y. l I y11u have :lily 1111.11c <1uc:1tiu11s, pkm:c.: c:ill ,ia; or \' ogcu Thakar :st 7. I 'J.,185 .. 231 '1. -~ __ _/ ,;,. ,, Ml f:</lll\l. l:1111·LOYl\tf:N 1' lllTOlllllNI l'Y -AfHJ(M,\ l'IVT. ,\("110.N F.llfl'LOn:n 111',-f /.11'!1 .'.Jl'I ,'Jl'I •:,1,1)"1-.I :-n11.1n.1:il~llr:> n :HJ 11!',C,l-£1-AUW /}/I JUN-14-2001 09:49AU F80U--CARHl~L ~OUPANY · t 13237246553 -T--902 P. 003/009 F-941 · <G)b· CU· IN:TERNAtlONAL - f. R. VOLGS1'AOT JUNO 7 20Dll --- ~ertificate of Compliance • Certificate: 1053427 (LM-40195) Project: 1053427 lnued to: Perf'ectfo.~ Corporatlon 22_2 Lake Street Madison, OH 44057-3i89 Mast~ir Contract: 159367 Date bsued:· M.ar 18, 2000 The products listed helo~ are· eligible to bear the CSA Mark show_n ') (I. Issued l>y:. --S. A AJJidina. M.Eng., P.Eng . PRODUCTS . _· !ID . . . Signature: CLASS _7615 01. -PLASTIC PlPE.,. Gas Piping Systems -Pipe and Fittings New Generation style (new design) NGS risers and transition fittings for use with PB240.6 and PE3406 CSA Certified gas pipes. AWJCABLE BEQJJJREMJ!iNT~ CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Bl37.4-92 ' Polyethylene Piping.Systems for Gas Services .~ l ' JUN-14-2001 09:50AM FROM-CA~HILL COMPANY +13z31i4ss~3 T-902 P.004/009 F-941 -CSA IHtUilATIONAL -Supplement to Certificate of Compli(Ulce f.R. VOLGSTAOT JUN o 1 2000. Certificate:. 1053427 (LM 40195) " · Master Cc,ntnct; 1S9361 Project: Issued to: Project 1053427 -71 -70 -59, -60,-62 -54 .. 52 • 1053421 PERFEctJON CORPO~T[ON 222 Lake Street Madison, OH 44057-3189 '$ ' "ey .. The products l#ted, includingth11 /atut revision tu!Scribedl,elow, 11re _sllgU,/11_ ID b11 11111rked in accor4a1'CII with tfie·referenced CerlUfcate. Date MaylS,2000 Jun. 26, I 995 May30, 199S Mar7, 199S Nov. 1_8, 1993 Feb21.1992 .. 1a,11ed By; S. A, Allidina, M.Eng., P.Eng. Product Certification History Description · Edition6 Editions Edition4 Edition3 · Edition2 Edition l Change in material and de-'ign of 2 JPS riser adapter (PRSR risers). Also deletion of 3/4 by 1/2 JPS SDR 9.3 _trimsition fittings. Md NGS ·gas risers; 6, 8 in IPS. Modificati<>ns m.ado-19 previously Certified NGS gas risers and ttansitions for 2,3,4,6, and 8 in JPS sizes. :Add ·"Groovo Seal" riaets, "!obber" risers and transition fittings. Add polyethylene gas pipi, NGS transition fittings, 6, 8 in. OfiginalCertificatio.ri. -"NGS" Risers and transition fittinp; 1/2 mtbroup4mincbJiiv~ . ., . -;, ' ,. • DATE . 6,L7·/4/ -I JOB ADDRESS __ .,_.,/...-e: ..... '= __ o ___ ........ -~--,..._...;.;---:---------- DESCRIPTJON __.:..._....~__;_~ _ .. _________________ _ CODE . DESCRIPTION ACT COfy.[MENTS \ DATE · t;"µ"(/0 ( · PERMIT# {;A od ¾J ac2, ~ . INSPECTOR ,/ .. C :·. PLAN CHECK# ____ _ JoB ADn~ss ---+ii,........_.. --L=--4~. 4_0.__P _,,,,__...n~_.c.i.n: _________ _ DESCRIPTION ______________________ _ CODE . DESCRIPTION ACT COM]v.IBNTS . •,_. ... -- . I . ·~ .. . .. :\ '. _. c:::, '? \ ~ \ l \ 'I f 1-.1 ..... ;r:.. ffei= I '\'f d t '\ ·:' · '"";"i'-'.·•c•-< -~,., ·•~>->,,·••.---.-.-,_,_.=,-,..., ,.,~ .. ,-.. ---.. '-,,.,.., .. i !" · · .,, .. ,-~~;' f,,., ... ,} I} -._ "'r"'''' '4,~ ,• .. •} •• .-I,,' LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. · Geotechnlcal and Environmental Engineering ConsuHants FOOTING OBSERVATION SUMMARY Project Name; LI! (;,,o.,. 60:,f tfj.;1e;,-,J/,:J11 ' Project No.: Location: lPVJ~/4 "/, CA, ;Ian File No.: _ 7 ___ 1 _ Permit No.: ___ Uilit/Phase/1.ot(s): f2~5 ~Af'"t/"f f- Referenced Geotechnical Report(s): -------------------- Observation Summary /'/Jfr! Initials 7,f t I/ "I Date .}'!J, Initials fp/.,1 Date )J~ Initials 1hJ/"I Date ' ~ft 11,, Initials 'U-1;/w Date A representative of Leighton and Associates observed onsite soil conditions. Soil conditions at the site are substantially in conformance with those assumed in the geotechnical report . A representative of Leighton and Associates observed and measured footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavatioI)S extend to proper depth and bearing strata and are in general conformance with recommendations of the geotechnical report. A representative of Leighton and Associates measured footing setback from slope face. The setback was in general accordance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. Poc-h"W5 s · he' t:($f-~IJI/''"' f Notes to Superintendent/Foreman .... ,... ... (J'-Footing excavations should be cleaned of loose debris and thoroughly moistened just prior to L) placing concrete. (~ Based on expansion potential of' .underlying soils, presoaking of soil pelow slabs may be recommended. Consult the geotechnical report for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time and the contractor should schedule accordingly. (i In the event of a site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.), we should be contacted to perform additional site observations. Notes to Building Inspector 1. Soil compaction test results, including depth df fill, relative compaction, hearing values, and soil · expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical Report provided at the J~a/ Representative of Leighton and .Associates, Inc. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B2.05, SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 Date ·(6t9Y2n-ao30 • csoo) 447-2626 ,. . FAX (619) 292-0771 Project No.: 961? 5/· t)/ 5r Date, ,/ )Jj'f z J1l1 Report No. Location: . . (o /2/;4// (/lJ Author: b!f t/1;1 . J: ~P1J/f1I / Day: lP"@T F S S Client/Contractor: hop l . , I . J/r I'-'. I/, Y1 v-f/Svf<./ Supt/Foreman: Weather: Jv,1r1y;, ('/.::>..,4~ Field Supervisor: Geologist: Obseryation/Testing of: .<" J,,. , · , . . . J-/1-rr r,l)/'_ ;~ _·.:;;.·•-Equipment. Workina: ~/111'/Y -ti' Hours / ,::,, Z,o Today's Yardage: Yardage to Date: Summary of Operations: {/4µ J . . j 7 !'1 __, , /2., h'Ci 1ft' j,;{ / il fl ~· ./ l~....:.__/,~~----=-_____;__...!....l:::._~~-=4--..!a...L..-~L.-;.......!.....:..-~:.!........,,!:.....-___:.______:~--=----...:.._J_--~---ll IIP.rr-1 . v { /ooJY'1' /11 [J.,,,,;J . ~ // U /174 ; w/ SfiO/YJ ,' . w6 P. f ;l,, (,,-).: ,,1.-, tol/o/k ~ . 5:/~q k. Page_of_._ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Received By: ~ I DAILY FIELD REPORT 3910 1098 White -File Copy Yellow.,. Client Copy Pink -Field Copy Gold -Client/Agency Copy ,.,,--. ,_ ', .tr{'«"'~., ... r J., .. -· ..... ~ ·~'"1•;,:.-;:s,~ ........ ,Y,~l~'~rr;:..,<"·~~-1~ .. ~~,--=;-~:"' ·'. r: ~ r, ·, ··-, '. . ' ,, ~E: R.AT ~ST. MATERIALS INSP'E'CTION & TE$TIN-G ~A~S',~~ DAILY REPORT · 17781 Cowan .Ave.; Ste. 150 . Irvine, CA 92614 office 949. 253. 5922 dispatch 949. 222. 5321 fax 9_49. 263. 8843 COVERING WORK PERFORMED WHICH ·REQUIRED APPROVAL BY THIS SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF_:, . D 0000 NDT Inspector D 0201 Welding D 0022 Technician-Field . · Job No. ja 0200 Reinforced Concrete · D 0201 Bolting D· Q210 Batch·Plant-Contrete . Bldg, Permit or DSA No; c 1)"0 o ft' 1~ '<-D 0200 Post-Tensioned Concrete D 0205 Fireproofing D 0250 Welding Inspector Fab. D 0202 Reinforced Masonry D , 0209 Epoxy Injection/ Anchors [j 0000 Other Fi!e No: -it-I ,f 1:J c/ .. D 0201 Structural Steel Assembly D 020s ·Shotcrete/Guriite Jurisdiction e «-~ :client p /? .q C c.,J --z_ ~ r,, Date 1 -1-15 -e,..;; / I s l>-1 T rw I TH IF 1.5 Job Name rec.li,rt;-C. c/., ,,,,.,., e. r'(. General Contractor iJ .1::> /( C ._:>.,,-{'.rr~ .. Job Address I t t:-C; <v c::/4/ ('.: ,,_n .. lJ'/:f.c:;-c.c/" Subcontractor f= f-'¢-l(--~ Architect t e,. o/? I_ et. "'.l . .;,,-. p /Je..v-c... I;;,,? ,&,-1.. -e... ,:.z 7 Weather Condition t, . C,I V ·e.. Yt... c.::.... j r-· Engineer D ve-v1 YI.. ·'5 .4.. V ~ / e-' Laboratory . I' rl.C r-,!_ 4-C.-. /-<: s r-. /1" • ¾·.; . ::--. ~ 1 ... ., . \ .. •, '~ REPORT-ING RiioufREMENTS: 0~1y:one permit, no, re~orted per sheet. ldentifylyf of work, it~m &specific area inspected (floor, gridlines, etc.): identify all joints Whe~ inspecting welds and bolts identify accepted/rejected work by item,ahd specific location, record all jpb problems alfd;OISCUSSIONS with Contractor, Architect, Engineer, etc.: record amount of material pla.ced and samples taken; write certification of work, referencing apRJi~ code, specifications, and ~PP!o.vlltl plan~,~nd/ or shop drawings. SUMMARY OF WORK INSPECTED .d (){'Q 4 " \~" .. f ri . _,. ,, \./ ):'Z.. /,:)/~I;--7 -:J C <:: 7 / ~i.? --Z.... . ,;r7-,,. c...-t ,,/ C'.;.. c:,,. ' (.., ~ ,, -:-t-~. µ/-,' . \. ts ' \X . ,. (~,_-x q :J~;r 35-e,,_t...' ,c (-<., yn..~ '/'; ' ..... t::, '-" ,-1., C ~1;;...re , CA,ef - .] ,:;.,;> <./ ,..;? ' ) 'dt)~ ... .. \l eef" /./7' /7 u.... 'l ,-:-C: /-;;, '5 ; /. v'" e·""!..-.r: <!;?>:t. C t.::>,,.-;/ <:. k.. C .,. , . , \'-\ '\ \. .. (..,. (") . ,/ v ~ --!,' .,c -. ~ /., .<\-1 "'"'" / v\;p., .. --?-o/ S' #-0-,,z_"":' c/" C O_c ~ ~ .f /:%--G,., ,...<. T·-c ' \ \ ~ T .:.._\'/..c,_ I< ~ . ,,, /2 <. -r.::~,~ ....:... / .. f( I. \." , ' ~' .. . . ,' . ', I. i . . . . 1/ t' ~,rt, c.&<-<!-/.f: _> .,;;L. .4/4..-/f / t:. ,.,, ~v/dc: qc' /~G/;t,.. /-'C, 5·r,, ,...z y ( OF ( TIMEIN TIMEOLff REG.HOURS OT l.5X OT2X PAGE ---.-.--g '7;._.:;;,...::, 111..'tfi'~ CERt1i=:1cATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of my knowledge, all of-the reported work, unless otherwise noted, is in conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and applicable sections of th!) governing building laws. . All inspections based on a minimum of 4 hours. Over 4 hours = 8 hours minimum. Any inspections extending past noon will be charged as an 8 hour minimum: APPROVED ~--BY: --~ /2t.-~ ,,,.., ~ PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT /41.,c;,,,,z._/,r /? 4-t. > l ~ ( / /,:.,} 7 .. • . r' Signature of Special Inspector Please Print Name Certification Number REPRESENTING -· ! WHrrE • OFFICE YELLOW ·.OWNER/CLIENT PINK· INSPECTOR-COPY GOLDENROD • CONTRACTOR/SUPERINTENDENT · ) : '. ·: ·., . ' · . .: ' , ' ~--•,'' -·, I I I I -~ -. -. . .. • • ~t . . . • " f . . . . .. . ... . . -. . . . . .. POOR.· · . . :· . . . .. . . . . . ' . . . . . :. . ·. . Q ... • .. 4.0·,· , ,,: .. ,".•_. .. v.• " -UA1 LITV • • • .. ~ • • •! ' ., I .... ;r.· . ' ,;";:,:, ·"'·: ' . ::'. . ~ . . -.. . -~.,-. . ·.-· . . :··"_... . . . . ... l. • . . . . . . ... . . 0 ... -· .. :::a.:,~~-·-.·.f,.--··;~--,:., .. · ..... , .. , .. :.,· ··' ('' s·;,,• )'. . -R::,c ·: __ 1-G·. : .. I: NA-·~-L. · ·. . .... · · . . .. :.'~:. . .. ,, { . ~ . _,, . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ·. ' . . ' • • I .:. ' ' I I 'f"1P .. ~··· ... ; /4 " ... 11642 ~A~~~s~~. G~ a-. ~.228:'i NoN-DESTRUCTIVI; . · .•.. _·. · ...•.. _·. -< ... TOMA(: (714) 892-998) ~!~: .. r~~)89&-6172 .. :··-~·-. '•_;,. :·" ., .. TESTI~G ~EL~· REPORT .. :-age I ot. ,J .. · .· · ;.;.._ __ ~, ... .,,. .. '. "'\•: ... ~ .... : .. ~,-. \ ... :·~1*::.?~·::~\:::.~· ~: .... ,.~~ .. :~.':. •',•' .. : ........ ::io,··~· . .:.i~--. _ .. ·· ... ''\;_;:; ,' ' . ·. . ... ,.·. ' ..... p.' .. ,:. ·, ,.-: ..• ·:.-:-,·.---~-:-.. ,:····." ': ~aw£ .. :ne:t.ll/(¢~~~-·:tJr~FiL·::·;)'~,,:,·:~; ·::_:: .·:::..·.:~~r·, .. ~ ·.·: ;;;;,~~ ·.. . .. OA~,'·,t11JW-ol_·. ~~ ··lt:G6LAtJb -. ~ .CA?,tSJMQ. ~A. · · . . . .· _.a.·,-~--v ... : .. I ... ,n-. . . . lJrv , I. . . . . '""""'•... . ~--.: . .,. --~e. ~;~t.ff·· VQ·'"BllJPIENTMFQMJOEL: l:J\.-· .. , . . P,FOBENOLES· ~V ·. ~- ~SQB:'.·.· .· o,1r'~-""0~1·r.. MT'OAY.·-Mr"1Q --PARTD.£MfQ· ·. --· ~ : 14\lSIIAL: &n2· Gr-Sb: ·. ~ A»s..knAe, ,.r LEVEL•~:-: PlAGOAl:1ivo::r1>P1t.1A1r.Jr-. . ~--.· ·.rE:rtA:itti. · ·. ~ ·. · · · ·-/· · ': .. ... : . ~ ... ··-. ,. I . . . . . . • . :: ·.·-:-· -, :,;-·, • •> . ' .. fh' G:R I () l It \t, . , . : ' . . . ' . ~ " : . ' . : .,_ ' .. . ; . . · f.:-i) G.!'l lb· Lt.,Jt: -~. · .... ·:., . : . .. .. · TZ hr.' · :·· ··. ' ... · ,• ' ~ . . . . . . ,' ( .. ·: .. ~.:~ . ' : ,': .. : . ' ,• l. : ' . ,:,, . . ' . . : .. ·.· ' : ,'•' . ', .. '' •'' .. : '• . . ' '2.· · 1mr, ·.·: · · · .. 'L . . . . . . . ' ··.-.L: .i.-.,~, ... ·. \A·tUL .: : irr&V· ... ','' . ·. · .. ' ' . ' ... ,; ',: · ... ~--,-. : . .. •. ,_;. ' .... . •-•". ,-~---11----t-------------i-.....;-__,;.,,-.;... ________ -it---+---+----------.....J·'· . ·. r •, ~-·· ' ' •', .·,::, ', '' '. · ... 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ENGINEER· // ,., "' I LAB TESTING SAMPLES: I POST-Tf<NSIONED CONCRETE ' i STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY " ~ ;'r ! TYPE OF INSPECTION: X, RF.lNFORCRD CONrRJ:TE '· \ NONDES'll~llr.T/YE TESTING . ., I FIREPROOFING''·•""' .. .,. ) REINFORCED MASONRY fEPOXY ,, SHOTCJlETE GUN/TE I I OTHER: .,. __ •., -.~ .,, REGISTERED SPECIAL INSPECTORS DAILY REPORT ' .... "' /[,., . /' ,/ (;r _.,. ,,/ff,< c;:,· .. ,;, r",~>;'.,· 'h:. !P" i'r" $,:;r,,,..,,..,,.,,,,,....,,, .. -:/-·>,. '.,/d ',..~,.,,, ,, .. .-' "r..,:r.: . r,1' ·-r ,,,, ,. .. -.., .... , c ,,/ , •' .," .i'~ ,,· ,-. ,• .. / /'' ,,.-,.., . /o,<. .. ,., >·T· l'_-:., -~·\,,., _('"'./ .r.::..'"/ .... ,f.,.,".'~ r ,,,.< ....... ) ~-• .,~..,·!"""" ',? " \? ~1 ·• ,:"' ,,·· i ,,,.~,.,(---.... ,·.,-t"'" .• ,,,..J ~ ,.·. - ' {~., . .. (.'.,-'.J :-",,1',-';.f Ir i _,,{, .A ti,,r,,. r:,; ,vf ,:; /i"'h.i-~ ~"" ,p /S,,,P.f-·6/ . .,, / ,' /16 ''r"/l # S/rP6' /! /ti er',//} ,,,,.. ·.., / ? C/,o l'':.,.J ,/ t'J,.,., , t.,,. .. Unless otherwise noted, to the best of m y mowJeq em g sp ected work coruorms to ro ect s 1eancauons, a p ~ p pp roved drawm gs and applicable Uniform Building Code requirements. lhereb~-~sr¢Y ,t~enalty/ perjury ~~Jhe,/ntents of ~-rep~rt ~d all above statements are t"1,~· , ,,.. . .. ) / .,,,,·:1:-·~" .<'7 · ,--;:::;>:,,.,,:-.. 1::..' y,. <;,," <) / (,,· c~·6 / ~---· ~NSP~,OT~:-Print/ Signature .. ., Date .,, Certification Number TIME IN: .'?t:v1 /r, TIME OUT: C; i(? t"'l HOURS: ~ {reg.) (xl.5) {x2) • All Inspections based on a minimum 4 Hrs. & over 4 Hrs. equal an 8 Hrs. minimum. 'IV )J ,,.,_ '• TERA-TEST saJIJ' Pro·ect Name: Pro·ect Address: Owners Name/ Address: General Contractor/ Address: Sub-Contractor/ Address: En ineer/ Address: TYPE OF INSPECTION ~ WELDING O EPOXY 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE O H.S. BOLTS 0 MASONRY O FIREPROOFING WELDERS· LIC.#-EXP. DATE ·\ SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT 0 GUNITE 0 N.D.T. 0 SHOTCRETE 0 STRUCTURAL STEEL: ASSEMBLY 0 PRESTRESSE0 CONCRETE ci SOILS Date S--J-Qj City Of Ce,.._r !J' 6 ~ cf-- Permit# CtS O O -:j/..7 ~·c_ Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: 0 OTHER I--------__..::_::_ _ _:_====:....:.:==::::::::::::=====;:_;:_;·===-=-=·-::;-~--=·==·==="==-===----------~~==- HOU.RS DATE REG. o:r. TIMEIN TIMEOUT r-J-01 9' . l I ;2,.:3 0 '3 ;30 SAMPLES GROUT MORTAR CONCRETE. BLOCK PRISMS DENSITY All inspections~· b.aseo QO_ a min_im"uh:i of _4 :h6urs & over 4 ·hours -'a --h~~r -~ini;,-,Grh.: Hl -additiOn/oVer 8 hours and Saturday will be "billed at time anp halt: . ' . . . . . ; . . . c· .a, . . .. ATTORNEY'S .FEES---.If any-actiqn .,cit law .or in_ .eqLJity i~ Jioµ9ht to enforce or interpret the terms of this Contract;' the prevailing party shaJI be entitled to ·reasonable attorney's fees, cost._ and necessary afsbursements in ·addition lo any ottienelief to which S½!Ch party may be entitled. lnspecto'r Name Gi~-s £ .t.-'.... ~-;,.r., ~~~"'~;;.'::o~M~t~~:~;.. ~ ~ I.D. No.7 . --has been filed and it states that the above work to the best of his/her knowledge complies with the provisions of the Building Co nd meets Approved Plans and Specification. Approved by Respectfully Submitted By .,. .f.iit: Angstadt Inspection ... . :,_:~ ... City of Carlsbad Bldg-Inspection Request For: 06/13/2001 Permit# CB004302 Title: LEGOLAND -TECHNIC DINER Description: EXPANSION RESTAURANT 6;325 SF Type: COMMIND Sub Type: COMM Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Location: APPLICANT PERUZZI JOHN Owner: Lot 0 Remarks: GREASE DUCT INSPECTION ? Total Time: CD Description Act Comments 22 Sewer/Water Service !LE-Hamals !i.!:L /?oqtrlf Dtm-~ Associated PCRs PCR00040 ISSUED PCR00060 ISSUED PCR00231 ISSUED PCR01056 ISSUED PCR99002 ISSUED PCR99004 ISSl)ED PCR99007 ISSUED PCR99020 ISSL,JED PCR99021 ISSUED PCR99022 ISSUED PCR99023 ISSUED PCR99024 EXPIRED PCR99025 ISSUED PCR99026 PENDING PCR99029 ISSUED PCR99034 EXPIRED .. PCR99064 APPROVED PCR99199 ISSUED lns~ection Histo[¥ Date Description Act 06/08/2001 63Walls AP 06/07/2001 23 Gas/Test/Repairs AP R-P lnsp Comments JC. Jc. TESTON FILE Inspector Assignment: JC --- Phone: 6197788396 Inspector: ~ c.__ - Requested By: BRIAN, DPR Entered By: CHRISTINE 06/06/2001 21 Underground/Under Floor PA JC OK TO BACK FILL 06/06/2001 23 Gas/Test/Repairs PA JC 06/04/2001 24 Rough/Topout PA JC ' ,J ____ I_ iE&-o £).R . ' -·-----.... __ ~p.1/lff " 31\11 flR£t/¥flR GREAtiE DUCl' SY,.STElvf . This is to ce.rtify that F. ANTHONY ANDERSON '7liotpe Insulation Company Has s.uccessf ul ly completed the flRf{!J!JS'lN . !,: -. . - ,, , ,H~-,£-j~'\..-'{,.,.._, ···· __ _ · \\TES E. BRO\\''\'. . /71staller :lra1i1t?'lf tJ?ro11r111n . · · · . ,, ~ 21 " I I . ' · · ~ ,tn&"'-~a.\~-- BRENDA GAFIN/ . .,dt'Ut & GC'nera_L Man;tger Fire Protection SpeciaHst -!! ,. jll._ It I . I! ' Ire Safety ?5m.CsC.0.'ni~3 -do· . ~-flREefj5>fER' II . .. LI Authortzc 1stnbutor ~VII r ~:,. -. -q ~ 111111r11111•1111• 1111111111 I I r f " . 31\11 FIR.Bl GREASE DUCT SYSTEM Th is is to certify that (lrC# (lardizer Has successfully completed the flREIJ!J"lN · / 998 It1J"tatler '7ra1'i1i1111 tProgram . · · . ~-~~<tLfi, );AAI (£/, ~EST.{f;O\VN - · 'ice President & General Manager ·-~~ Fire Protection Speciaiist ~ Safety ?&~c~ff3 Authorized Distributor 3IVI flRE(15SfEN'· TERA-TEST Pro·ect Name: Pro·ect Address: Owners Name/ Address: General Contractor/ Address: Sub-Contractor/ Address: En ineer/ Address: TYPE OF INSPECTION ~WELDING 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE 0 MASONRY WELDERS· LIC.# -EXP. DATE DATE D EPOXY D H.S.BOLTS 0 FIREPROOFING REG. SPECIAL INSPECTION Rl;PORT D GUNITE D N.D.T. D SHOTCRETE 0 STRUCTURAL STEEL ASSEMBLY 0 PRESTRESSED CONCRETE D S.OILS HOURS O.T. TIMEIN Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: 0 OTHER TIME OUT .r-J-6/ 1/ I 1z.:1 o 3 ;30 SAMPLES GROUT MORTAR CONCRETE BLOCK PRISMS DENSITY All inspections based on a minimum of 4 hours & over 4 hours - 8 hour minimum. In addition, over 8 hours and Saturday will be billed at time and half. ATTORNEY'S FEES -It any action at law or in equity is brought to enforce or interpret the terms of this Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, cost and necessary disbursements in addition to any other relief to which such party may be entitled. /? ~ s . t. , / ..,_ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ~ ~ /7' /. /..-,e. lnspecto'r Name: ~~ · c.,... ,_, I ct t Inspector's Signature: ~--,c,::_=-:=:.,....--=-A __ &~_.:..· --=------- 1.D. NO. i:,,2 . has been filed and it states that the above work to the best of his/her knowledge complies with the provisions of the Building Co nd meets Approved Pians and Specification. Approved by Respectfully Submitted By ,·~¥, Angstadt Inspection February 21, 2001 Jim Fend, Director of Maintenanc;e LEGOLAND California One LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 EAST EXPANSION AREA Dear Jim: The Development Services Division of the Engineering Department 11as agreed to the following breakdown of the Traffic Impact Fee and the Sewer F~e for the referenced project's building permits: Traffic Impact Fee First Building Permit: Second Building Permit: Sewer Fee First -Building Permit: Second Building Permit:. 23.9% 76.1% 61.2%. 38.8% 530 ADTs 26.67 ADTs 403.33ADTs 21.16 EDUs 12.95 EDUs 8.21 EDUs Both fees will be charged at the fee rate in effect at the time of building permit issuance . • Please acknowledge your agreement to the fees breakdown by signing below. Sincerely, ~/4~ . ~~~ FRANK JIMENO Associate Engineer- C Deputy City Engineer Wojcik Senior ·Civil Engineer Hammann Senior Building Inspector Peterson Engineering Counter / 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-2720 • FAX (760) 602-8562 @ EsGi I Corporation 'l.n Partnersliip witli (jovemment for '13uilaing Safety DATE: February 9, 2001 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4302 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Technic Diner SET: IV Restaurant a APPLICANT lJ'J~ crPLAN REVIEWER a FILE ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ' D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. [SJ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Chris Rooney Telephone#: appt. Date contacted: 2/9/01 (by: kc) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person [SJ REMARKS: Plans hand-carried to city. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Enclosures: log trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 L.......__ - ------ - EsGil Corporation 1.n Partnersli.ip Witli. (jovernment for '.Builaing Safety DATE: January 30, 2001 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4302 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Drive PROJECT NAME: Technic Diner SET: III Restaurant CJA.~~-NT CJ JtJRIS. CJ ~CA REVIEWER CJ FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comP,ly with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a cdmplete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. · ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: John Peruzzi 8800 Venice Blvd., #301 Los Angeles 90034 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: John Peruzzi Telephone#: (310) 838-9766 Date contacted: / ( t,o( o 1 (by: fp.x) Fax #: -0760 Mail ~phone Fax/ In-Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver . Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA .D MB O EJ D PC · 1/23/01 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (a58) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 00-4302 January 30, 2001 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Drive DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 1/23/01. REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4302 SET: UI DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: Jan,uary 30, 2001 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained rn the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by tbe Pl~nning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, th~ sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. 8. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we· have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. C. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? OYes DNo Carlsbad 00-4302 January 30, 2001 • GENERAL Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercic;1l/industrial prbjects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building D~partment, 1.635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGi,1 Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive,. Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123.,. (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. · PLANS 4. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance ofthe building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. FOUNDATION 14. Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 1804. 15. Investigate the potential for seismically induced soil liquefaction and soil instability in seismic zones 3 and 4. Section 1804.5 16. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (When required by the soil report). Carlsbad 00-4302 January 30, 2001 ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1996 NEC + PLAN REVIEWER: MORTEZA B~HESH"fl/Eric Jensen 1. Specify the wiring method you intend to use for this project (Le., EMT, Metal Flex, NMC etc.). NEC 1 t0-3(a) and (b) The City of Carlsbad does not allow the use of armored cable (AC) or non-metallic cable (romex) in commercial applications. Please note so on the plans. 2. Show exit signs on the lighting plan(s) at all required exits and specify them as being self- luminous or having a second source of power (batt~ry or generator). This is required when two exits are required per the UBC. UBC 1003.2.8.2 and NEC 700-16. The fixture schedule identifies the exit signs as .self-luminous however they are shown with an emergency circuit to them. Please ac/dress. 3. In all occupancies where the exit system serves 100 or more occupants, provide a minimum of 1 foot-candle of emergency illumination at the floor level and specify a second source of power for the emergency illumination (battery or generator). UBC 1003.2.9 .. 2 & NEC 700- 16. How is the exitpath (egress) lighting provided? · 4. Rebar is not an acceptable grounding electrode for commercial applications in the City of Carlsbad. Please describe what the "LIFER" ground Will be. (footage, conductor material and size, depth in footing.) A ground rod is not accept~ble for th~ primary grounding electrode. The City of Carlsbad requires a "ground ring" type of electrode: Minimum 20' #4 copper ground installed in the lower part of the building footing. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti/Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. PLUMBING (1997 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 1. The detail for the condensate waste shows the vent on the wrong side of the trap. 2. Detail the underslab gas piping on the plumbing plans. The detail should include all of the pertinent requirements specified in UPC 1211.3. 3. Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter; and the Sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines .. Carlsbad 00-4302 January 30, 2001 4. As per UPC, Section 710.0, provide backwater valves on all building drains which serve plumbing fixtures with flood rim elevations below the public or private .upstream manhole rim elevations. Only fixtures with flood rim levels below the public upstream manhole rim elevation may flow through a backwater valve. Please show the elevation of the upstream public or private sewer manhole cover. 5. Detail the required listed reduced pressure principle backflow preventer as protection of water connection tb carbonator. (All locations) UPC, Section 603.4.13 6. Provide a detail (design and sizing) for the roof scupper/downspout system. Take special note of the scupper located at grid line A4, it receives all of the upper roof drainage. 7. Pot sinks, scullery sinks, dishwashing sinks. silverware sinks, dishwashing machines, silverware-washing machines and other similar fixtures shall be connected directly to the drainage system. A floor drain shall be provided adjacent to the fixture; and the fixture shall be <::onnected on the sewer side of the. floor drain trap, provide that no other drainage line is connected between the floor drain w~ste connection and the fixture drain. The fixture and floor drain shall be trapped and vented as required by this Code. UPC, Section 704.3. · MECHANICAL (1997 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 8. Provide an air balance schedule for the kitchen/dining are~s. Include the required interlocks. 9. Provide smoke detection in supply air duct of 'air-moving system' for required shut-off for smoke control as per UMC, Section 608 and also see Section 203. Show on the mechanical floorplan the locations of the duct detectors. "Air-moving system is a system designed to provide heating, cooling, or ventilation in which one or more air"".handling units are used to supply air to a common space or to draw air from a common plenum or space." Please provide the required smoke detection in supply air duct of 'air-moving system' for required shut-off for smoke control as per UMC, Section 608 and also ~ee Section 203. ENERGY CONSERVATION 1 O. Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. The L TG design is missing. 11. Provide automatic shut-off controls for lighting as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 131 ( d). 12. Show the daylit areas and required daylit area lighting controls for new or relocated lighting in daylit areas. Title 24, Part 6, Section 131(c). · 13. Show bi-level lighting controls as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 131.(b). Carlsbad 00-4302 January 30, 2001 14. Detail required exterior lighting controls. "Exterior lighting controlled from a lighting panel within the building shall be controlled by a directional photocell or astronomical time switch that automatically turns off exterior lighting when daylight is available." Note: If you have any qaestions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (898) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected .items have been addressed on the plans. •• EsGil Corporation 'l.n Part:netsli.ip witli. (jovemment for '.BuififingSafetg DATE: December 29, ·2000 JURISDICTION:. Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4302 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Drive PROJECT NAME: Technic Diner SET: II Restaurant d APP~NT D JURIS. 1:1 PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes When minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff: D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 1:8:] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation tmtil corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant cont~ct person. · 1:8:] The applicant's copy of the· check list has been sent to: John Peruzzi 8800 Venice Blvd., #301 Los Angeles 90034 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. 1:8:] Esgil Corpor9tion staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed . . Person contacted: John Peruzzi. Telephone#: (310) 838-9766 Date contacted: IZ.-'Z.'t-oo {by~) Fax #: -0760 Mail_,, Telephone Fax.,.,. In Person 1:8:] REMARKS: On 12/21/00, Esgil Corporation received electrical plans for this project. The attached sheets show the electrical corrections that now apply. All other corrections from our 12/1/00 list remain outstanding. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 12/21/00 Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 00-4302 December 29, 2000 + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW _+ 1996.NEC + PLAN REVIEWER: MORTEZA BEHESHTI 1. Submit completed service and feeder one ,line diagram. Complete the feeder size for panel "LP-1 ". NEC 215-5. 2. Show the available fault current (lsc) from the serving utility co. and at the equipment where lsc exceeds 10,000 amps. Otherwise if the building_ is being fed from another include the existing service and show location. 3. Show t~e ampere interrupting capacity (AIC) ratings of the service and subservice equipment. NE.C 110-9, 230-65. · 4. Show the metbod used to limit fault cutrents to 10,000 amps on branch circuits. 5. Complete on the single line diagram the conduit and wire sizes. 6. Specifythe wire type (AL or CU) and insulation (i.e. THWN). NEC 310. 7. Show the grounding system required for each building, sttucture, or service. NEC 250-24, 80(a), 81 (c). 8. Show the grounding electrode conductor size and wire type {AL/CU). NEC 25Qa.94. 9. Submit summary load calculations. Include long continuous load~-(LCL) and the largest motor loads. NEC 220. 10. Show or identify _new loads proposed for the existing equipment. 11. Indicate main service size (amperage rating) and the total load demand on the existing service. 12. Specify the wiring method you intend to use for this project (i.e., EMT, Metal Flex, NMC etc.). NEC 110-3(a) and (t?l 13.Show on the plan the.location of the existing servi9e(s). NEC 110-16, 230-2. 14. Show the location of all panels, load centers, switchboards, and transformers. NEC 110- 16,240-24,300-21. , 15. Provide the requited working space-about electrical equipment. NEC 110-16. 16. Provide GFI protected receptacle(s) within 25 feet of HVAC equipment. NEC 2t0-8(b)2 & 210-63 Carlsbad 00-4302 December 29', 2000 17. Show exit signs on the lighting plan(s) at all required exits and specify them as being self- luminous or having a second source of power (battery or generator). This is required when two exits are requireci per the UBC. UBC 1003.2.8.2 and NEC 700-16. 18. In all occupancies where the exit system serves 100 or more occupants, provide a minimum of 1 foot-candle of emergency illumination at the floor level and specify a second source of power for the emergency illumination (battery or generator). UBC 1003.2.9.2 & NEC 700- 16. 19. Each commercial building and each commercial occupancy accessible to pedestrians shall be provided with at -least one o.utlet in an accessible location at each entrance to each tenant ·space for sign or outline lighting system use. NEC 600,·'S(a) 20. Note the following requirements on the prints for panelboards supplying fire alarm equipment: Lockable cover, identified circuit breaker (red), and a breaker "lock-off'' device to be installed. 21. Rebar is not an acceptable grounding eI·ectrode for commercial applications in the City of . Carlsbad. Please describe what the "LIFER" ground will be. (footage, conductor material and size, depth in footing.) · 22. Specify, on the floor plans, the method and locations of providing conduit sealing to the cooler boxes. NEC 300-7(a) · 23. Note on the single line diagram that all service disconnect devices. shall be labeled as a "Service Disconnecting Means". NEC 230-70(b) 24. If utilizing a series-rated system, note on plans: "Over.current device enclosures will be identified as series-rated and labeled in accordance With NEC 110-22" and " The overcurrent devices s~all be AIC rated per manufacturers. labeling of the electrical equipment". Note: If you bave any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact Morteza Beheshti at (8$8) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected item$ have been addressed on the plans. ESGIL CORPORATION-Fax:858-560~1576 Feb 13 2001 10:27 P.02 EsGII Corporatio'n In PartQershlp with Government for BuUdiJJI Safety DATE: December 1, 2000 JURISDICTION: Carl1bad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4302 PROJECT AOORESS: 1 ·Leso Drive PROJECT NAME: Technlc Diner SET:I Restaurant 0 APPLICANT 0 JURIS. Q PLAN REVIEWER C FILE 0 The plans transmitted herewith have .been corrected where necessary and substantially ·comply with the jurisdiction's building· codas, 0 The plans transmitted herewith wit.I substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies Identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. 0 The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. rgj The check list transmitted herewith 1$ for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck, D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to_ forward to the applicant contact person. ' C8:I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: · John Peruzzi 8800 Venice Blvd., #301 Los Angeles 90034 ' 0 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. IZI Esgil Corporation staff--dld advise the applicant that the plan cheek has been completed. 0 Person contacted: John Peruzzi Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone-Fax In Person REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation 0 GA D MB 0 EJ OPC 11/20/00 Telephone#: (310) e3S-9766 Fax#: -0760 Enclosures: tm,mH.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Dieao, California 92t23 + (858) .560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 ESGIL CORPORATION Carlsbad 00-4302 De~embe:r 1, 2000 Fax:858-560-1576 Feb 13 2001 10:27 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMl!RCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.:. 00-4302 OCCUPANCY: A3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N spr. ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 18000 SPRINKLERS?: Yes REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 11/17/00 DATE INITIAL PLAN RE:VIEW COMJ=>Ll;TED: December 1, 2000 . FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE:. Restaurant ACTUAL AREA: 6325 STORIES:· 1 HEIGHT: .. 1'2' OCCUPANTLOAO: -150 DATE PLANS RECEIVl;D BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 11/20/00 PLAN REVIEWER: Kurt Culver P.03 This plan review Is llmlted to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled, This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Oepartn,ent, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Code sections cited are based on the 1997 UBC. The following Item~ listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance With the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec, 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does. not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. Io •a••d up the r1ch11e1< process, please note on this 11st (or a cgpy) whert 1ach correction ;tam b•• bttD gddr,ssad, 1,e .. plan shttt number, sp9clfic,tlon sectiqn, etc. Be sure to enclose th• marked YR 11st when you submit t~e rev11ed p11n1, ESGIL CORPORATION Fax:858-560-1576 Feb. 13 2001 10:27 Carb'bad 00-4302 Decem'beJ:" 1, 2000 • GENERAL P.04 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracing$, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for .residential projectf$). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted' In one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City WIii route the plans to EsGII Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and oalculatlons/reports to EsGII Corporation, 9320 Ches~peake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560;.1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans anc;t calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Plan·ntng, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submltt~d directly to EsGII Corporatlol"! only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire ·oepartments until review by EsGII Corporation Is complete. • PLANS 2, All $heets of the plans and the first sheet of the calc~lations are required to be signed by the. California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date Ofllcense expiration. and the date the plans are signed. eusiness and Professions Code, 3. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with the 1998 edition of the Callfomia Build Ing Code (Title 24 ), which adopts the 1997 U.BC, UMC and UPC and the 1996NEC. 4. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall . p~pare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building pffloial for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. Please complete th• Qttaohed form. • SITEPLAN 5. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerll.nes, IW! from ,11 adiacent buildipas and structures ()n the site plan. 6. When a new building is to ·be erected on the same property as an existing building, the location of the assumed property line with relation to the existing building shall be such that the exterior wall and opening protection of the existing building. meets the criteria of Table Q .. A ·and Chapter 6. Section 503. ESGIL CORPORATION Fax:858-560-1576 Carlsb•d 00-4302 Dcc•mber 1, 2000 ~eb 13 2001 10:28 P.05 • EXITS 7. Exit doors from Group A. occupancies shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless It is panic hardware. Secti,on 1 007. 8. Exit signs are required whenever two exits are required. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 1003.2.8.2. 9. Show two sou roes of power for the lamps at exit signs. Section 1003.2.8,5. 10. Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Section 1003,2.'9.2. . 11, Show separate sources of power for ~xlt lllumln.ation. (Occupant load exceeds 99). Section 1003.2.9.2. • ROOFS 12. Specify roof slope·. 13. Provide $kYlight details to show compliance with Sections 2409 and 2603, or specify on the plan, the following Information for the skylight(s), per Section 106.3.3: a) Manufacturer'$ name. b) Model name/number. c) ICBO approval number, or equal. • FOUNDATION 14. Provide a eopyof the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendatlQn, based on the engineer's findings. and ~hall .comply with UBC Section 1804. 1 15. Investigate the potential for selsmloally Induced sofl liquefaction and soil instability in seismic.zones 3 and 4, Section 1804.5 16. Provide a letter from the sons engineer confirming that the foundation plan, .grading plan and· specifications have been reviewed ~md that It has been determined that the recommendations In the soil repQrt are property Incorporated Into the plans. (When required by the soil report). • STRUCTURAL 17. Sheet S5 ·refers to detail 9/S7 along Line B, but that detail doesn't exist. Please review this @Dd other SUQh dlscrepancie1. 18. Please clarify the span lengths for the parallams along Line 3. ESGIL CORPORATION Fax:858~560-1576 Carlsbad 00-4302 December 1, 2000 Feb 13 ·~001 10:28 P.06 19. Please provide detailing (and basis of approval) forthe "Dietrich'' header · specified along Line A, etc. The basis of approval should be something more than just the manufacturer's cut sheet. 20. In the lateral analysis, please provide ·a collector ("drag") design. 21. Please show in the calculations how the redundancy was determined, per Section 1630.1.1. • ADDITIONAL 22. Please submit complete plumbing, mechanical and electrical plans/calculations. Additional corrections will follow at that time. 23. Please complete the door schedule. 24. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction Item has been addressed,le., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. · 25. Please Indicate here if any changes have been mac;le to the plans that are not a result of.corrections from this 11st. If there are other changes, please briefly descl'ibe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: CJ Yes IJ No . 26. The Jurisdiction ·ha$ contracted with Esgll Corpo~tlon located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, Callfomla 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please .contact Kurt Culver at Esgll Corporation. Thank you. ESGIL CORPORATION Fax:858-560-1576 Carkl,ad 00-4302 December 1, 2000 Feb 13 2001 10:28 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: ____ OWNER'S· NAME: P.07 l1 as the ,owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may om employ the special Inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of,reccrd, will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as reQuired· by Uniform Building Code (USC} Section 1701.1 for th& construction project located at the site listed above. UBC Section 106.3.5. Slgn•d __ ......, _______________ _ I, as the engineer/architecl of record, certify that I have prepared the following special Inspection program as required: by USC Section 106.3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. Signed ------------------------- 1. List of work requiring spe<.ial Inspection: ~ ·Soila Compllanc• Prior to Foundation lnapectlon structural Concrete Ov•r 2800 PSI . Prestreased Concrete Structural Ma1onry . D Designer Specified ~ , Field Welding High Strength Bolting Expanalon/Epoxy Anchors Spray,d-On Fireproofing Other _____ _ 2; Name(s) of lndividual{s) or firm(•) rasponslblt for the spacial inspection, liated above: A. ________________ ..,......._.._ ___________ _ 8. -------------------------------- c. -------------------------------------- 3. Duties of tne 1p1cl~l lnsp~ctor1 for the work list,d above~ A. e. c. Spa01al Inspectors shall ch•ok ln with the City .and preunt thl!ir cradentfal; for appr,ovel erJu beginning work on !he Job site. ESGIL CORPORATION Ca.rlabad 00-4303 - December 1, 2000 Fax:858-560-1576 · .Feb ·13 2001 10 :28 P.08 VALUATION ANO PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlabad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4302 DATE: December 1, 2000 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 te10 Drive BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A3 · TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING AREA PORTION (Sq.Ft.) Restaurant 6325 r Afr Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurlsdiotlon c«le cb ', ... _ ·---· ·-·-··-· ; !lldg, Permit.Fee t:,y OrdJn1nO!. .• ~ i Plan Chec.t Fee by Ol'clinanc:e ·C!J '--··-··-· .. -·-·· ·-·-' ve1uat1c;,n -Reg,. Multiplier Mod. 1e:oo .. By Ordtnanoe Type of Review: 0 complete ~1v1ew 0 Repetitive Fee ,. ·-.. : • jRepeail Comments: Oothet o·Hourly 1!1gll Plan Rtvi,w Fee · VALUE ($} - 480,700 ,. 480,700 1,954.SS! D Slrut'tl.lral O,ly I Sheet 1 of 1 mar;value.doc r BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: 2 -L.0 -C>/ • · L PLANCHECK NO.: CB tV ,c. -J;OZ- BUILDING ADDRESS: o~ .. ~ 2)~ . . . PROJECT DESCRIPTION: L-o/u &-r: <5d:/t:?4?~ : ljc-6& C: .~~ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: . EST. VALUE~ ~Zt:c ENGIN.EERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL.11 • The item you have submitl;ed for ieview has been approved. The approval is based on . plans, · information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to; these items after this date, including. field modifi9ations, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable code$. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result -in suspension of. permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: ATTACHMENTS Dedication Applica,ion Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submitta·1 Check.list and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet DENIAL Please· see the .attachecf report of deficiencies marked with D. Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications · for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. Date: ?/~-0/ By: Date: ----....a...--------'~ By: Di:;ite: ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ City of Carlsbad Addresi;: . 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: .. (760) 602-2775 CFO INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordatiom Carlsbad Tract: A-4 J H:IWORDIOOCSICHKLSnBuildlng Plancheck Cklst 'Form (Generic),doc if .,: Rev. 7/14/00 o. D D BUILOING PLANCH~CK CHE.CKLIST SITE PLAN 1. Pro.vide· a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: .A. North Arrow F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets B. Existing. & Proposed Structures G. Driveway Widths C. Existing Street Improvements D .. Property-Lines H. Existing or proposed sewer lateral I. Existing or proposed water service E. Easements J. Existing or proposed irrigation service 2. Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns 1. Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. · ADD THE. FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to· swale 5' ~way from building." B. Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography ,C. Si:ze, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service, however, second. dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. D. Sewer and Water laterals should· not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. 3. A. B~ C. ',. Include on title sheet: Site address Assessor's Parcel Number · · Legal Description For commercial/industriai buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building squ~re footage with · the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT ,NUMBER DESCRIPTION H~WOROIDOCSlCHKLSTIBuM,g Plandlec:k Cldst Form (Generlc).doc 2 Rev; 7/14/00 ~ D D D D D D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a. Project does not comply With the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. __ -----___,,-~-~-----------,-------- 4b. All conditions are in compliance. Oate: ----.,..------- DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all .new buildings .and ·for remodels with a value at or exceeding $15,000, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. · DediGation required as follows:-----~----------------- Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the ·appropriate legal description ·together with an 8 ½" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must .be approved and · signed by owner(s) prior to .issuance of Building Permit Attached· please find an application form ~nd submittal. checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by:__________________ Date:-----'--- IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a. All nee,ded public improvements upon am;f adjacent to the building site must be constructed at ·time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds-$75.000, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements requ'ired as-follows:--------------------- · Attached please find an application form and submittal checkUst for the public improvement · requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare .the appropriate improvement plans and submit them tog.ether with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Depijrtment through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on. the H:IWORD\OOCSICHKLSnBuilding Plancheck•Cklst Fonn (RIDDLE • HARVEY 7• 12.00).doc 3 Rev. 12126196 pf D D D D D D · BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by:-~--~-----Date: ---- 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a. recent property title report or current grant deed on the property· and processing · fee of $280 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood. Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Neighborhpod Improvement Agreement will inc.lude the following: 6c. Enclosed please find your Neighborhood lmprovement'Agreement. Please return agreement signed and no~c:1r:ized to the Engineering Department. Neighborhood Improvement Agreement completed by:. ---------Date: 6d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective · improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction ofthe City Inspector prior to occupancy. · · · --- GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Mlmicipal Code. 7a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading .. requirements. Include accurate· ~r~ding quantities (cut, fill import, export). 7b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form c;1ttached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained -prior to issuance of a Building Permit. 3qo-~//-· - Grading Inspector sign off by: --,------~--'--"-----Date: 7c. Graded Pad Certification required. '(Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) H:IWOROIOOCSICHKt;SnBullding Plancheck Cklst Fonn (RID\)LE • HARVEY-7-12•00).doc 4 Rev. 9128100 _, 1sr 2No p( D ~D Jto BUILDING PLANCH~CK CHECKLIST . 3RD D 7d .No Grading Permit required. D 7e. If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. D D D D MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS a. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT _is required to do work 'in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of.,Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of .. Way .permit re(;luired.for: 9. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your f;3cility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to· contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Gamino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can provide forms -and assistance, and will' check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438:-2722, extension 7153, for assistance. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: · ---------------Date: ·--·· ------------ 10. NPDES PERMiT Complies with the City's requirements . of the · National Poilutant · Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) · permit. The applicant ·shall' provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first · 11. 0 Required fees are· attached 0 No fees required WATER METER REVIEW 12a. Domestic (potable) Use . Ensure that the meter proposed .by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for the life -of the meter, the City will not accurately ~ill the owner for the water used. • All single fam!IY dwelling units received "standard" 1 " service with 5/8" service. H:IWORD\OOCSICHKLST\Buldlng --Cklsl Fann (G~):doc 5 Rev. 7/14/00 /fo D . BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST • If owner/developer proposes .a size other than the· "standard", then ·owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total_ fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm}. A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is. attache<;I. Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter. • If a developer is proposing . a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services · as needed to provide the anticipated demand. (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street}. 12b. .Irrigation Use (where recycled water is ·not available) . All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm} prior to approv~I. The developer must provide the·se calculations. Please follow these guidelines: . 1. · If the pr9ject is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent fmprovement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets. If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there .. Irrigation servfces are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W". The irrigation service should· look like: .. ---~ ---..... · STA 1+00 Install 2" service and 1:5: meter (estim~ted 100 gpm) 2. If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans ·or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course}, then the applicc!mt must provic;le irriga'tioa:i calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest ·zone with the farthest teach}. typically, Larry Black l:ias already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. Once you have received a ,good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC} • · · Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (l~rgest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head} • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of cotmection- 3.. In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no.HOA}; As long as the·project is located within the City recycled water H:IWORD\DOCS\CHKI.STI Ptanclreclc Cldst F~ (Generic),doc 6 Rev, 7/14/00 r , 1ST D D DD BUIL,DING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation ~ervices/meters to a new recycled water line in the future. 12c. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 1. Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above. 2. If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then the;y should be connecting to -this line to i_rr'ig~te slopes within the development. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans. Installing ,recycled water meters -Is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the-San Diego County Water C1;1pacity fees. However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there,· but is not live (sometimes they are .charged with potable water until recycled water Js available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Oiego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund. However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal With the SDOWA for this. 13. Additional Comments: H:\WORD\DOCSICHKLST\Buldlng Pfancheck Cldsl Fonn (Genellc).doc 7 Rev. 7/14/00 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Jstimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. ~ Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: ~~L~('>I-\. ~ _ · Bldg. Permit No .. c.£cm '{ 3e>6l Prepared by: £if: Date: ol/f6/of Checked by:_ Date: ____ _ EDU CALCULA_TIONS: . List types_ and square footages for all uses. Types-of Use: <re.r --~ Sq. Ft./l,lnits:_____ EDU's: · /;;l. 9 5 _ Types of Use:-~-'----'-----Sq. Ft./Uhits:______ EDU's: -----~- ADT CALCULATIONS: Li$t types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: <g ec-~..J.. Sq. Ft./Units: _____ ADT's: J;l 6 , G 7 Types of Use:----'--'-----·sq. Ft./Units: ______ ADT's: -~---'---- FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFO; ~6 bridge. & thoro~ghfare fee. in District #1, reduced ~raffic Impact Fee)· ONO D 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA & #: ---'---- FEE/UNIT:-'-. ---,---- ~RAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS: :-fa_~-~~,~?/ X NO·. UNITS: __ _ X. FEE/ADT: ). '( 0 3. BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST. #1 -: _ DIST. #2 ADT's/UNITS: X FEE/ADT:._--'----- ~ACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE:__.{_,3=,-,-___ _ UNIT/SQ.FT.: b, ;3 ;l.;, X ~ SEWER FEE 1 - FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: EDU's: /J.&f 5 X FEE/EDU: l't ~1 BENEFIT AREA: -'----'--'""" EDU's: ---'--'----'--'-,-- 0 6. SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) X FEE/EDU:. __ _ =$ __ ____,... __ _ =$ ~01/0. os DIST. #3 __ . ) =$ _____ _ =$ _____ _ =$_"'------- 0 7. DRAINAGE FEES Pl:.bA. __ __,____, HIGH ___ . __ /LOW'-' __ _ ACRES: ------'---X .FEE/A~:. ___ _ =$ _______ _ 0 8. POTABLE WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION· FEE METER FEE SDCWA FEE IRRIGATION 1 of2 Word\Docs\Mlsforms\Fee Calculation Worksheet Rev. 7/14/00 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D 9. RECLAIMED WATER FE!:~ UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*: $ ---'-------- *NOTE: This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also 'be required with Building Permits. 2of2 Word\Docs\Mlsfonns\Fee Calculation Worksheet Rev. 7/14/00 ~ / .. { ~· February 21, 2001 Jim Fend, Director of Maintenance LEGOLAND· California One LEGO .Drive Carlsbad; CA 92008 EAST EXPANSION AREA Dear Jim: The Development Services Division of the Engineering Department has agreed to the following breakdown .of the Traffic Impact Fee and the Sewer Fee for the referenced project's building permits: Traffic Impact F'ee (;30ADTs 23.9% 76.1%' Sew~rFee 21.16 EDOs 61.2% 38.8%. Both fee$ will be charged at the.fee rate in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Please acknowledge your agreement to the fees breakdown by signing below. Sincerely, .·. ~ I~~ / FRANK JIMENO Associate Engineer· LEGOLAND concurs with th~ fee breakdown Jim Fend Director of Maintenance C Deputy City Engineer Wojcik Senior Civil Engineer Hartirnann Senior Building .Inspector Peterson /Engineering Counter _I 1635 Faraday Avenue• Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (760) 602-2720 • FAX (760) 602-8562 .@ r 02/21/2001 07:47 FAX 760 438 4178 ENG. INSPECTION$ "")?.?'. -~i~~. \(.~'{ .Jo°"""-r\~ Cl1Y OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKUST FOR PARTIAL Sl1E RELEHE . PROJECT INSPECTOR: Duane Soilf•Y PROJECT ID Leqoland East E>epanfion . .DATE: . EfbNIIY20, 20()J GRADING PERMIT NO. Q0-027 LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE:._]be....,._.T<,_ech-..a.<:Qic~Qi=ne--r _,pad _________ _ NIA• NOT APPLICABLE "'•COMPLETE 0: fNCOMPLETl;_OR UNACCEPTABLE 1st 2nd .. ..J ..J "" ..J NIA ..J ~ NIA ,J 1. StteacctH to ieguested ,-edequate and logically grouped . ~-Site erosion control rneaSutN· adiquam. 3. OWrall site.adequate for~. safety and w.,trare of pUbHc. 4. L,tter of request for partill re1ea1e submittvd. 5. e ~-x 11111 11te ptan (ettachment) &howtng requested Jots . iUbmitted, 6. Compaction report from sous en;ln•r submitted. 7. ·Engineer of Work cer1fflcaticrl °' work doM and pact' el8Ylltions. 8. Geok>gie engin..,.• letter if unusual geologic or sub1urface conditions exist · 9. Fire .hydrants within SOO feet of buHdl!'IQ com~ ano •N wealhtr roads access to lite. laJOl c:J Partial rwleaae of grading for th• above stated 10'5 ii approved for the purpoH of building permit issuance. lssuan'* of building permits Is still subject to a11 · nonnal City requirements n,quinad pursuant to,fhe building permit proce•s. CJ Partial re1•11e of the ~ite ls denied for the following fNSOJlS! · ):::iL()au.·~,Z> ffJ)ruatv tQ. 2001- Projea Inspector -~ . Date · "l, ;'k ~ Io l Conatruction Manager PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. C,B Ob .1/3q2 A~dress I ~ca <)il'tVE Planner ·/Joa A/eq Ptforte·'"fe19) 4~8:..J 161, exte11sion -Coz .. ~e. APN: -/ao -6 _ ., .. ·L..G~ ~ . , Type of Project & Use:7E:-Mv1¢. vAJd,f Net ProJect Density: . A//.;'1 DU/AC Zo~in : c.rr--9 General Plan; 7:-~ · Facilities Management Zone: 13 CF (i Vout) # I Date of participation: /2-21,:..93: Remaining net dey acres: /3,S-± 1rcle One · (For non-residential developmemt: Type of land used created by <. this permit: A-II p-t./,er c.o,..,,Merc/9 / /d,;e, t . ·) Legend: ~ Item Compl.ete (o) Item Incomplete -Needs your action. Environmen1a1 Review Required: YES_· NO X TYPE ---. DATE OF COMPLETION:----,..,.-......--- Compliance with conditions of approval.? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: C:j,.,,/Jkdeo/. ~ 6_,v; Ac. *19-f?O -. Discretionary Action Required: · YES __ NO -----+-TYPE ___ _ .Ac . ..ee.n, . /J /o APPROVAL/RESO. NO. q7ss; DATE 7.,--/-;-00 PROJECT NO .. S,l),P %-:-lo/(A) OTHER RELATED CASES: ·~Co:;;.c,'1~f'-.-L.%---=·__,,n.....,'2<.-1,:-0,",-A:'7,.) _______ --.-___ _ Comp!i~nce with ~onditions. or approval? If not., state co~ditions wh~ re~=on. ~?{It,,, ....£wld'1!9.a" ~~C. 4-n, <'17..n: C»,o/riioas : 1, 1r:, ~ .1/¼ IS";'~ · ~IG ~ 3.3) ~tZ.-12{. .,. -. . . k. 2f!--f2-e},/ I • ~Jg[~. Cc;,astal Zone -Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YE$__ NO . CA Coastal Commission Authority? · YES NO If -California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite- 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): . . Coastal. Permit Determination Form ~,r.eady completed? YES NO If NO, .complete·Coastal P.ermit Determination Form now. , , Coe-stal Permit Determination Log.#: --~----- Follow-lJp Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or ;'Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complet·e Coastal Permit Determination Log ~s needed. , ., lnclu~ionary Housing Fee required': YES . NO _k_ (Effective date ·of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993 .. ) Data Entry Completed? .YES · _ NO ·(A/P/Os, Activity Nl.aintenance, enter CB#, tooibar, Scre~ns, Housing Fees, Construct Housing YIN, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensionc1l .si\e: plan ·dr~wn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements: existin'g · and p·roposed structures, streets, existin~ street improvements, right-of~way width, dimensionc1I setbacks .and existing topogn~phical lines-. · · 2. Provide legal description of prop·erty and assessor's parcel number. :\' I Zoning: 1 .. Setbacks: Front: Required----------Shown ________ _ Interior Side: Required Shown ------Street Side: Required . Shown ------Rear: Required Shown --------'· ~ 2. AcGessory structure setbacks: Front:. Required Shown ,---------------'-1 n t er i or Side: Aequire·d · 1 Shown ----.---,---------------'-Street Side: Required · ·Shown -'------- Rear: Required Shown _____ _ Structure separation: Required : Shown _____ _ I • I ' • ~ . ~. -B-~ 3~ Lot Coverage: ·-Required ---------,-. Stiown ------ Jli't;l..rf 4. Height: Hequired ___ . _____ _ Shown -------=--- 1itj Shown ------ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED AP PROV AL INTO COM PUT ·oA "(E 2--/'-f-0/. ~I ~I "Carlsbad Fire Department 004302 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Review Requirements Category: Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Date of Report: 0113112001 ----------'----- [S-uilding Plan , Reviewed by: Name: JOHN PERUZ;z'.I Address: 1 LEGO DR City, State: Carlsbad CA, 92008 Plan Checker: Job #: 004302 -----------, Job Name: Technic Diner Bldg #: Ci:3004302 ------------,--------------------,,--------------- Job Address: 1 Le~oland Drive Ste. or Bldg. No. [8] Approved D Approved Subject to D Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for review bas been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/ or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued ·conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval .is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct ot install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. The item you have submitted for review ls incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable code~ anc;I / or standards.-Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/ or specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 004302 2nd_ FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID ~carlsbad Fire Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Review Date of Report: 0113112001 -------,.,-------_,,; Name: JOHN PERUZZI· Address: 1 LEGO DR City, State:. Carlsbad CA 92008 Plan Checker: Job Name: Technic Diner Job Address: 1 Legoland Drive Reviewed by: 004302 004302 Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Ste. or Bldg. No . . All exit doors except the Main exit shall be equipped with panic hardware. --la • 11 • llil 1Ll I• 11111 L DUNN SAVOIE INC. ARIZONA OFFICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 7150 E. CAMELBACK ROAD SUITE 300 SCOTTSDALE, AZ B5251 808 S. CLEVELAND ST. PH. (760) 886-6355 PH. (602) 425-5B04 OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 FX. £760) 866-6360 FX. (602) 423-7099 Framing calcs E-mail; dsi@surfdsi. corn STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR TECHNIC DINER Check roofjoists for kitchen hood (DSI PROJECT NO. 99169.00) (Architect: Peruzzi Architects) June 11, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1-3 Layout and.connections 4 -~ I ------- DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 -- 1.vl(,Yb"9- , . /.Jf.1 j fc.,,-,1 ~ Z. I ' -G t,· -/D, 7-S'' _ >-'S .. =-'iO 1 --. "L z r o~'YL~ '13LO /,-'O"'C .J\ 1-,,.... C.-0 f'-'~Y\,V(:orl".lv 'DL.::c '2-0'fH--L./MlcC{,{'l -'t-•SK1Hr ~ 11,S' fS(r ~ I,', M€'PM.iSG' /1,;;<~ t.L-== fke-1'v/.l'\.. Kt'f~,-., t-k:,i;,o w1 ..:::: -z_ 1 o'"' t:f. 1..,11; -a.,:~0 f(1s.5 1 _v 8/r'):: /s,G f'si- r-u.rc_ .1*f'r• ~ ' ' . WI;; '2.' ( 1-,,/.\ -z.o} ':; ·,: ·r {vt,f-. t,_L..I ~ P-,,(,,.r ~'- (,.),)2..1,\.,~ ;;-i··:1t,~·ic1.·1 ''.t-11,7.. f~ . SHEET No: __ ~-'--------OF Y: . CALCULATED 9y_. __ ·_,_f<~.,..__~5"_. ~· ---DATE (Yl. A-1 1-s;_, "'2,o --l CHECKEDl?Y-~--------. DATE ______ _ SCALE--~----------------- I ' ' 'l , ··--·-. __ ---·-· ·-1 I 1 r' · t·--l ' . ' . -,, : . -I ·. ~. . . · . , f_o6r--rfo-P'vJXJf_:__-:_~·-·--:: .. ·-__ , __ r 7:1r J , : : : :. : ! K .:--;--~ ~:~~·:··~=--·· ........... . 7 'i$ /·Y·l~-r,. ,,: .... ~ .. .31,}·l . .fS . . . , . .. , .. . ..... ·. ·1··, _:~·--__ ... '--. +· '-1--"·++--... _ ..... -l ... ·~·· _·_· .. _. ~·· ·+· .. _ ... -f .. ;_ ... _··· _· -1-----=-'·+· '1--"''": .. , ............. , .. . : .. , ' ·,. ... , ,. _., . : f. ..:; .. L, . .; I : • ···: ,. : • . '2.1 \.)I:) ·:1 ---· ; •. .. /~'2.· • ! f ' ' . • •• •• • J. . . ~ ...... ' . :.. ..... .... ·-.. ,.,. .. . ! .; .... -:- '~ j ... . : .:J.-:;·~.'.:: .. :·_' ·:_::··(":·:' _:_: .. ·:::::(: ::-.:-.. .. .. ::.:; .. :r·.;.-:: .--_-.. ; >·::.: ... . .... -::: , ___ .-· ..... ~· .... -~.--.1 ......... -.· .... ____ ·; ..... _. ... .' ....... ·.:~--; __ :,.:: ..... : : ... ' ···: • . f ·llf_v i . :-i-··_c;~,L ...... 1.·.·-w,1 Rd?. ~r--.. ·.+izi_-.. . . · -fi:>--.~ '?--.._ h, .,, -----;.,J 1··.: c,,.., l }O ~ :0 e>A ,;--;,;-: .. ). ' t /.". ; . ~:t-!·. C PRODUCT 207 Rev: 510300 User: KW--0602938, Ver 5.1.3, 22.Jun-1999, Win32 (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC - Ounli S~voie lnci 908 S. Clevelarid Str. Oceanside, CA 92054 760-966-6360 fax • · !60-~66-6355 tel. Title: Psgnr: Description :. ·Scope: ~Emera! Timber Beam Description check 14"deep T JI Pro roof joist' at 2ft o/c at kitcheo hdod __ ,.,-,' J(>b# Date: 2:53PM, 12 JUN 01 Page 1 c:\ec\technic.ecw:Calculations General Information ·Calculations are design~d to 1997 NbS and 199_7 UBC Requirements Section Name Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity TmbrStrnd: 2x14 i.500 in 13.:250 in 1'.000 Pin-Pin Center Span 20.00 ft ..... Lu Left Cantilever ft ..... Lu Right Cantilever ft .... :Lu Truss-Joist -MacMillan, TimberStrand L Fb B~se Allow 2,250.0 psi Fv Allow 285.0 psi Fe-Allow 650.0 psi E ·1,500.0 ksi 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft I Full Lengti Un!fo:rm Lo~ds Center bl 40:60 #/ft b:L 40.60 #!ft Left Cantilever DL #/ft LL #/ft Right Cantil.ever D_L #/ft LL. #/ft. I Trapezoidal Loads I· #1 DL@Left 31.20 #/ft LL@Left DL@Right 31.20 #/ft L[@Rjghf #2 DL@Left 22.90 #/ft .. LL@L~ft DL@Right 22.~0 #/ft Ll@Right Summa(Y··· ·"·~---1:----· -----·--·------- Span= 20:00ft, Bea~ Width = 1.500in x Depth = 13.25iri, !=nds are Pin-Piff #/ft Start Loe #!ft _End L,oc #lft Start Loe #!ft Enc;floc 3.500 ft 18:000 ft 7.300 ft 12.7.00 ft ,.,, J Beam Design OK Max Stress-Ratio 0.725 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. ·Negative Moment 6.Q k-ft 8:2 k-ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 - . AlloWable 1.7 k 5.7 k 1.07 k Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max. Mallow fb 1,631.73 psi Fb 2,250.00 psi 5;97 k:-ff -0:00 k-ft at 10.080 ft at 20.000 ft 0.00 k-ft - _ 0.00 k-ft 8.23 fv Fv 83;40 psi. 285.00 psi Reactions ... Left.bl Right DL $hear,: 9amber: 0;67 k. 0.70 k @L,eft @Right @Left @Center @Right Max Max 1.10 k 0.000 in. 0.963 · in. 0.000 in 1.07 k 1..10k • / Deflections • Center Span ••• Deflection ... Location ... Length/Def! I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 20.940 Le Cf 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction Deaa Load -0.642,in 10.000'ft 373;9 0.000 ft 0;000 Max Moment 5.97 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft - @ Left Support 1:61 ~ 5.637 in2 285.00 psi 1:07 k 1.10 k Total Load -0:972 in 10.000 ft 246.92 Left Cantilev~r ... Deflection ... LengthJDefl Right Cantilev~r ... · .Deflection ... Length/De.fl Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 Sxx 43.89'1 in3 c1 o.obo Area 1 ~.875 in2 ·sxxReq'd. · 31'.8:fin3 0:00 in3 6.00 in3 @Right Support -~.66 k 5.816 in2 285:00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearihf! Length Reqlcj Allowablefb 2,250.0Q psi 2,250.00 psi 2,250.00 psi 1.099 in 1.13_3 in Total Load 0:000-in 0.0 0.000 in o.d • Dunn· $avQie Inc. 908 S. Cleveland Str. Oceanside, CA 92QS4 760-966-6360 fax 760-966~6355 tel Title: Dsg·nr: Description : ·$cop~: Rt:v: S10300 Us,:r. KW-0602938, Ver S.1.3, 22-Jun-1999, Wiu32 (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC General. Timber Beam Description check 14"deep T JI Pro roofjoist at 2ft o/c at kitchen hooq I Query Values M, V, & D @Specified ·LocatiQf1S @ Center Span Location = @ Right Cant. Location = @ Left Cant. Location = j Sketch & Diagram 0.00 ft Q.0Q ft 0.00 ft M9men·t 0:00 ~-ft o.6.Q k-ft 0.00 ~-ft 801'rnn11n1mm1m1n1111m1mnn11m 8-0///ft 314H 1111J~!#ri11111w1u.m1111 u I 3!.2#/fl Rmax = l.lk Vmax@left = l.lk Rm.ri • l.lk Vmax@n -l,tk -Shear . 1.07 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Job# Date: 2:53PM, 12 JUN,01 .Page 2 /;: \ec \technic. ecw:Calculations Deflection 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0:0000 in • • ;·. ·:. . _..__; ___ ; .. ~: .. ::::: .; .. · .-. . 1· ..•. . : : i . ' ..... '.. '. [ : ' .. ; : ·, : PROJECT NAME, Le· oland Ca. : Tschnic Diner: kitchen hood support TITLE: · JOB NUMBER: DA TE: '3'3i.30 ·Ma~ 16, 2001 DUNN I I ' I I I ! I ! I ! I I 11 ; I :1 : I : I :1 I :1 :1 :1 !I II ' DUNN SAVOIE INC. 80B S. CLEVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA 82054 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PH. (760J 866-6355 FX. C760J 86B-636b E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR TECHNIC DINER (DSI PROJECT NO. 99169.00) (Architect: Peruzzi Architects) January 16, 2001 PLAN CHECK RESPONSE REVISED CALCULATIONS: LATERAL ANALYSIS OVERTURNING FOUNDATION ANALYSIS DIAPURAM ANALYSIS MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING DESIGN LOADS: BUILDING WEIGHT: LATERAL ANAL VSIS: WIND SEISMIC. LATERAL LOADS SHEAR WALL ANALYSIS: OVERTURNING ANALYSIS: MOMENT FRAME ANALYSIS: FRAMING ANALYSIS: BEAMS COLUMNS HEADERS WALL STUDS ROOF JOISTS FOUNDATION ANALYSIS: MISCELLANEOUS FRAMING: TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PCR 1R-7R 8R 9R 10R-15R 16R-17R 1-2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-16 17-18 19-22 23 24 25 26 27-30 31-32 ARIZONA OFFICE 7150 E. CAMELBACK ROAD SUITE 300 SCOTTSDALE, AZ B5251 PH. (602J 425-5B04 FX. (602) 423-7088 /) ~ U ;/ l/5 ~-\{{) --~---t5··. I I I I ,I :1 I I ii I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. ARIZONA OFFICE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 7150 E. CAMELBACK ROAD SUITE 300 SCOTTSDALE, A~ 85251 908 S. CLEVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. C760J 966-6355 FX. C760J 966-6360 E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com PH. C602J 425-5804 FX. (602) 423-7099 ITEM 17 18 19 20 21 Structural Plan Check Response For Technic Diner (DSI PROJECT NO. 99169.00) , January 16, 2001 RESPONSE See revised roof plan, details added and correctly referenced See revised roof plan, lengths clarified and connection details referenced. Header changed to Parallam, see revised connection detail ll/S6 Please see revised calculations lOR-15R Please see revised calculations 1R-15R , !I I I .1 I 1 \ I I I I .I I I I I I I I I ' DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 9'2054 Tel: (760) 966-~355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 f)1 ~ /1'} ~ /.,J T F 12--Prlr'I 6"' > SHEErNO.__;,_/_f\,._~-"-----'----OF_' -----'--~- CALCULATED BY_~P~""'--~---DATE / z. /7,., "Z-/ () c:, CHECKi;DBY ________ DATE ___ __,_ __ _ SCALE--,-------"----------- _,._. -/, s- E =-/, o Eh _ ([/~rl-M11tm-S · Di '11..~"&-ft~n.) =========== 0 PRODUCT-207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEAN~IOE,· CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 :; H<Trtit w ¥1-LL $ ---- V 201 p.tr (.i1, ;;') -:: 4. 4-s tt T/41Ns. - z -_ ··20 ·-. ·~ ~ &,o~'3 J v~"?-9 Joe Tu-hn re-_ 7:?t,1~/1- .;.,. ·•' . . . ' sHEETNO .. -!:::Z:oR--'-'------'---OF ______ _ CAL¢Ui.ATED ~Yc_L.P~w:::___'------DATE_1-2-_J,_2-_-z-_,__/...;;_P_tl __ CHECKEDBY ___ ~----DATE _____ _ SCALE--:.,...,-----'------:---~----,--- i :- O, 4 ( L 1-(} -/.03 ~_/.i> ·- .f :::: /-0 . 'ulllf;'r; D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I 1. .I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 R€,!(! ~ e-b /)7 v' in~AJ T P/lPl-/1? G .5 . '- WJF I (5-a.10 L-tl"'IS I ~() E ;;. C-z4c ""(/,s) ~ 'j-:Jt-o ,,, : $To~'( b;z..1FT L\M L -CJ .o z..s-A - :::: 0 · 0 ~ ~ ( 2c>j(j"t-·-) ~ G, ,, A~-=-o, 7.(1--.s )( /,·'t 1,;--z.:') ~ '$. 'S 7 , • ~ ~ gc11-n1 De-Ft:..l:<''l:.fl PAI l ~ ..f 2P '_(,~··2 -7 -" mi>C--1'-Z.4-o ..,-Z:40 =-I ,(j.::-tJ. ICC,,, ,, L.. I,, Cl, k_ ~ D t:S I c, rJ Tee-Ari,-'-}),"'};~t1...._ (9<J1t;.c;) JOB_.:....c...:.___:___:::___..:... ____ __,,'--_ __,_'------ SHEET NO. ~ {R. · -. OF __ ~---- cALcuLATED sv_-=-P-=-""~----'~--DATE_1_2_,_/_,,2-~~-+/~a~<'~- CHECKEDBV _____ ~~-DATE __ ____; ___ _ SCA~E _________________ _ i .. .· .. t,J, ~41,,,{ P.PI' • Ml· 4 3 G-0 -,(· l JI t.l--l . I.,. (' L I.,. / , -1 \ l L ~ l. l ,c:;: Wt>t.-::-4 '!. S' P.f.-,r -,,, i. 6} ~ • ~ {j) 2v ....... I 3 r 'h'--1. ,, \ I,. r 1 20' , ., ~ , - w J(,, j( 4 0 t '() 'Vi ~ ~ '-\}. ~--...; s ::s D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dunn Sa\ltlie inc. Title · :: TECHNIC DINER 908 s~ Cleveland Oceanside, CA 92054 760-9E;i6,-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel Joo# ·: 99169 Dsgnr: PW Date: 1 o/20/00 Description .... v1vP-( 11:03AM, 22 DEC 00 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis v·s.o.a-Page ... Nodes .•. Node Node Coordinates Label X y X Restraint ft ft 1 0.000 0.000 Fixed 2 0.000 20.000 · 3".__ 20:000 20.000 · 4 ,. 20.CXXJ 0.000 Fixed Member:~. Member I Property Label I Endpoint·Nodes Label 1 2 3 W16x50 W16x40 . W16x50· I Node ' 1 2 3 Member Stress Chee~ Data ..• JNode 2 '3 4 ·, Node YRestralnt z Restraint Temr I. deg FIXT:?d / 0 , 0 ,( 0 F~ 0 .. I Member I _,, !'End Releases I J End Releases Length x· y z X y z ft 20.000 I 20.000 · 20.000 I Member Unbraced· Lengths Slenderness Factors AISC Bending & Stability Fi;ictors Label Lu:Z ft 1 20.000 2 10.000 3 20.000 Materials ... Member l Yoyngs Label ksi Default· I . 1:00 Steel 29,000.00 Section Sectio_ns ••• Prop Label Material Group Tag W16x40 Steel W16x50 T Steel T Node Loads .... Lu:XY 20.000 10.000 20.000 l Density kcf I 0.000 0.490 Area 11.800 in2 14:700 in2 K:Z . 2.00 0.65 2:QO. l I . .. Depth Width 16.010 in 6.~5·in 16.260 in 7.Q70 in Node label Coocentrated Loads a11d r.,oments X y Moment 2 9.3&lk Member Distributed Loads .... Load Magnitudes Load Extents Member Label Start Finish Start Finish ft ft . 2 -OA35 -0.435 k/ft 0.000 20.000 2 -0.464 -0.464 k/ft .0.000 20.000, Load Combinations ••• Load Combination ) s~ Gravity Load Factors Description Increase. X y . DEAD I fooo DEAD+LIVE 1.000 DEAD·+ SEISMIC 1.000 K:XY 2.00 0.65 2:0() "f:hermal. in/100d 0;000000 0.0CX)j3&) I #1 . I 1.000 Load Direction GlobalY GlobalY #1 1.000 l r Cm Internal Internal Internal Tf Tw 0.505in 0.305 in 0.630in 0.380 in Yield ksi 1.00 36.00 Cb Internal Internal Internal lxx lyy '. 518.00 in4 28.90 in4 659.00 in4 37.20 in4 Load Case Factors t/-2 #3 #4 #5 Load Case Factors ,#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Load Combination Factors #'2 #3 #4 #5 1.000 1.0QO 1 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I]] [I] Dunn Savoie Inc. Title : TECHNIC DINER $ 9Q8 s.-c1eve1anc:1 Joo# : 99169 Dsgnr: PW Date: 10/20/00 O~ide, CA 92054 Description .... r11,Pl I 760-966-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel 11:03AM, 22 DEC 00 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis· V5.0.8-Page 2 Node Displacements & Reactions . Node Label I Load Combination ,, Node:01splacements I Node Reactions X y z X y z in in Radian$ k k k-ft 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0 0 -0,00986 -4.20686' · -5.01000 0 ' 1 DEAD 0 0 0!00024 ~0.47~ 4.35000 0 'k DEAD+LIVE 0 0 0.00049 ·o.98265 8.99000 0 2··, DEAD+ SEiSMIC 1.85857 0.00282 . ·-0.00352 0 0 0 2 ' DEAD 0.00017 -0.00245 / -0.00048 0 0 0 2 DEAD+LIVE 0.00034 -0.00506 .,l} -0:00099 0 0 0 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC 1.85496· -0,00772 -0.00255 0 () 0 3 DEAD --0:00017 -0.00245 0.00048 0 0 0 3 Dl;AD+ LIVE -0.00034. -0.00506 0.00099. 0 0 0 4 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0 0 -0.01032 -5.15314 13.71000 0 4 DEAD 0 0 -0.00024 --0.47548 4.35000 0 4 DEAD+ LIVE 0 0 -0.00049 -0.98265 8.99000 0 Member End Forces ... Member Node " I " Erid Forces Node " J " End Forces Label Load Combl11atlon Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k. k ft-k k k ft-k .. 1 Dl;AD.+ $EISMIC -5.01000 ·4.20686 0 5.01Q00 -4.20686 84.13727 1 DEAD 4.35000 -0.47548 0 -4.35000 0.47548 -9.50952 1 DEAD+LIVE 8.99000 -0.98265 0 -8.99000 0.98265 -19.65300 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC 5.15314 -5.01000 -84.13727 -5.15314 13.71000 -103:06273 2 DEAD Cl.47548 4.35000 9.50952 -0.47548 4.35000 -9.50952 2 DEAD+LIVE 0.98265 8.99000 19.653CXJ -0.98265 8.99000 -19.65300 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC 13.71000 5.15314 103.06273 -13.71000 -5.15314 0 3 DEAD 4.SSOOO 0.47548 9.50952 -4.35000 .,0.47548 0 3 DEAD+LIVE 8.99000 . 0.98265 .19.65300 -8.99000 -0.98265 0 Steel Stress ChecksH. Member Load.ComblnatlQn Overall @LQftEnd 1/4·Span 1/2Span 3/4Span @Right Enc Shear Label Maximum 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.592 0.016 0.155 0.294 0.433 0.59. 0.047 1 DEAD 0.079· 0.014 0.030 0.045 0.061 0.07· . ·0,005 1 DEAD+LIVE 0.164 0.029 0.061 0.094 6.126 0.16 0.011 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.905 0.743 0.491 0.153 0.313 0.90 0.195 2 DEAD . 0.107 0.084 0.057 0.107 0.069 0.08 0.062 2 DEAD+LIVE 0.929 0.173 0.182 0.475 0.717 o.~2 0.128 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC o:t50 0.750 0.580 0.409 0.239 0.04 0.058 3 DEA_[) 0.079 0.079 0.063 0.048 0.032 0.01, 0.005 3 . DEAD+ LIVE ' 0.164 0.164 0.131 0.099 0.066 0.02· 0.011 Member Overan Envelope Summary . Member Section Axial Shear Moment Deflection l\l!axlmum Label k k ft.:-1( in S~Ratlo · 1 W16x50 8.990 4.207 84.137 1.885 0.592 2 W16x40 5.153 13.710 107.715 0.447 0.929 3 W16x50 13.710 .5.153 103.063 1.822 0.750 .. ... .. -> Deflection values listed are the maximum of a sampling of 31-pomts.across the-meml:x;!r !I .I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S .. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (76Q) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 Sio ,z. v i> ,~ 1rT 6rvt, -L t:J, () 2..5" t, ~ o · o ?..,,;; (J 3 ')(rz.·) ~ i . 1 ,, SHEETN0. __ 4-<-.:...;R"--, _,,_' _____ OF_-'------- CALCULATED BY_._,__P_W...c_______ DATE__,_/....,.)1,_I..._L -""'.:2-.,_./=•(l-=(/ __ CHECKEDBY~-________ DATE. _____ _ SCALE-,-.--'---,--'--,----'------:---------- .t:9-k._ , ' ·_;,. k I 11 lLLc.,// JA)U, .. ~&4 pJ.f' / z:z,, ~1' .... I I.._ I L 1..-t, L "\ ---, ,:,.. @ -4 l,,)r:,i,.,, '° 35 p.R-F ·, 13 (j} ;I,:__ I A L zo' J',\. fr'il . J o-._k. WI/;, x. ~7 D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1])$[1] Dunn Savoie Inc. Title : TEOHNIC OINER 9Q8 s~ Cleveland O~side; CA 92054 760-966-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel Joo# : 99169 Dsgnr. PW Description .... Date: 10/20/00 11 :21AM, 22 DEC 00 FastFrame 2:-D F'Fame Analysis V 5.0.8 • Nodes ... Node Label 1 .2 3'-.. 4 ',. Member:· •• Node Coordinates X y ft ft 0.000 0.000 20.000 20.CXXJ' 0.000 13.000 13:000 0.000 X Restraint YRestralnt Fll<ed / Fixed· F~ ZRes~int Node Temp degF 0 0 0 0 Member Label I . , . Endpoint Nodes Property Label I Node · J.Node .I . Member length ft r X ,, t·End ~leases z X J End Releases y z 1 2 3 W16x67 W16x57 W16x67 1 2 3 Member Stress Check Data ••• 2 3 4 13.000 20.000 13.000 Member Unbraced Lengths Slenderness Factors Label Lu:Z ft Lu:XY K:Z 1 ·20.000 . 20.000 2.00 2 10.000 10.000 0.65 3 20.000 20.00Q 2.QO Materials •.• Member I Youngs I Density I Label ksi !<cf Default I 1:00 I 0:000 I Steel 29,000.00 0.490· Section Sections •.• Prop Label Material Area Depth Group Tag Width . W16x57 ·16.800 in2 16.430 in Steel 1.120 in W16x67 T steel T 19.700 i~ .16.330 in 10.235 in Node Loads ••.. ' Conce,itrated Loads and Moments Node label X y Moment 2 .22.89Jk Member Distributed Loads •••• Member Load·Magnltudes Load Extents Label Start Finish Start Finish ft ft 2 . -0.515 -0.515 k/ft 0.000 20.000 2 .-0:536 . -0.536. k/ft 0.000 26.000 . Load Combinations ••• Load Combination Stress I Gravity Loitd Factors Description Increase X y DEAD 1.000 I DEAD+LIVE 1.000 DEAD+ SEISMIC ·1.dOO K:XY 2.00. 0.65 2:00 Thermal in/100d 0,000000 0:OOQ650 I #1. I 1:000 .. Load Direction GlobalY GlobalY .. #1 ·-~ . 1.000 AISC Bending & Stability Factors ! I .. . Cm · Internal Internal Internal Tf Tw 0.715in 0.430 in 0.665in. 0.395 in Yield ksi 1.00 36.00 . Cb Internal Internal Internal lxx lyy 758.00 in4 43.10 in4 954.00 in4 119.00 in4 Load.Case Factors #.2 #3 #4 #5 Load Case Factors #1 .#2 #3 #4 #5 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 L011d Combination Factors. #2 #3 #4 #5 1.000 1.000 . '., '' ~.· . ·, ---. ' . ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dunn Savoie Inc; Title .: TECi:INIC DINER 11) $ [I] 908 S: Cleveland Job# : 99169 Dsgnr; PW bate: 10/20/00 Oceanside, CA 92054 Description .... I 760-966-6360 fax mP-i- 760-96&6355 tel ' ·-- 11:21AM, 22 DEC 00 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V5.0.8· Page Node Displacements & Reactions Node label I Load Combination I Node .Displacements I Node Reactions X y z X ·Y z in in Radia11;5 k k k-ft 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC ·o 0 -0.00819 --10.47981 -9.72850 ' 1 DEAD 0 0 0'.00014 ,Q:98095 5.15000 '1, .. DEAD+LIVE 0 0 0.00029 . · 2.00190 10.51000 2 ·, DEAD+ SEISMIC 1.03867 0.00266 . · -0:00359 0 0 2 ' DEAD 0.00024 -0.00141 I' -0.00029 .. 0 0 2 DEAD+LIVE d,00049 -0.00287 , ' -0.00059 0 0 " ·" 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC 1.03256 -0.00547 · --0,00298 0 0 3 DEAD -0.00024 -0.00141 0.00Q29 0 0 3 DEAD+LIVE ..();Q0049 -0.00287 0.00059 0 0 4 DEAD+ S~ISMIC 0 o. -0.00844 -12.41019 20.02850 4 DEAD 0 0 -0.00014 -0.98095 5.15000 4 DEAD +_LIVE O_ 0 -0.00029 -2,00190 10.51000 Member End Forces ... Member Node·" I " End Forces Node" J " End Forces Label Load Combination Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ... ft-k k k ft-k 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC -9.72850 10.47981 0 9.72850 -10.47981 136.23758 1 DEAD 5.15000 ..().98095 0 -5.15000 0.98095 -12.75234 1 DEAD+LIVE 10.51000 -2.00190 0 -10.51000 2.00190 -26.02467 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC 12.41019 -9.72850 -136:237~ -12.41019 20.02850 -161.33241 2 DEAD 0:98095 5.15000 12.75234 -0.98095 5.15000 -12.75234 2 DEAD+LIVE 2.00190 10.51000 26.Q2467 · ~2.00190 10.51000 -26.02467 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC 20.02850 12.41019 161.33241 -20.02850 -12.41019 0 3 ·BEAD 5.15000 0.98095 12.75234 -5.15000 -0.98095 0 3 DEAD+LIVt 10.51000· 2.00190 26.02467 -10,51000 -2.00190 0 Steel Stress Checks ••• Member Load Combination Overaii @LeftEild 1/ASpan 1/2Spah 3/4Span @RightEn<l Shear Label Maximum 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC o.im 0.023 0.179 0.336 0.492 0.67 0.113 1 DEAD ,. 0.073. 0.012 0.027 Q.042 0.056 0.07 ·0.011 1 DEAD+LIVE 0.149 0.025 o.oss 0.085 0.115 0.14· 0.022 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC 1.006 0.855 0.536 0.144 0.388 1.00 0.197 2 DEAD 0.081 0.079 0.039 6.081 0.050 0.07· 0.051 2 DEAD+LIVE 0.801 0:162 0.136 0.387 0.601 0.80 0;103 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0:815 0.815 0.6;30 . 0.444 0.259 0.04 0.134 3 DEAD 0.073 0.073 0.058 0.044 0.029 0.01: 0.011 3 DEAD+LIVE 0.149 .. .0.149 0.119 0.089 ·0.059 0.02-0.022 Member Overall Envelope $urnmary_ Member Section ·1 Axial. Shear Moment Deflection Maximum Label k k_, ft-k in S_tress Ratio 1 W16x67 I 10.510 10.480 136.238 1.051 0.671 2 W16xfi7 12.410 20.028 161.332 0.381 1.006 3 W16x67 20.028 12.410 161.332 1.018 0.815 ... •· -> Deflection values l1Sted are the maximum of~ sampling of 31 p01ilts across the member -...... ··--...... .._ --·--··--·--... -------' 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I .1 .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 ' rn F 3 G~ 1P 1,.-1t1e ,,.. t: f' £-;; 7 r,,o de,-~) -:--/140 II- /2. I l I~•-) __ 0 . () 'Z-t, , • -- JOB, ,ed..tt te--C?tn :e IL SHEETNO .. ~s-R -OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY--1-P_W~. --=-----DATE~[ _z...,_/ -z_--'--i,+,b..::.tJ_O __ CHECKEDBY~--------DATE __ __;_ __ _ SCALE---~--'"----:---------- , •. }' o.(', ,, (!).k._ / I l'J L ,., .- Wtz. ."-11 .. D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l])$[1] Dunn Savoie Irie. 9Q8·S:CleY!liarid Opeanside, CA 92054 760-~f~ 760-966'6355 tel Title : TECHNIC DINER Joo# : 99169 Dsgnr: PW Date: 10/20/00 Description .... t11F3 11:41AM, 22 DEC 00 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V5.0.B· Page Nodes ••• Node Label 1 .2 3', 4 '- Member: .. Node Coordinates X y ft ft 0.000 0.000 12.000 12.CXXJ 0.000 13.000. 13.000 0.000 Node XRestralnt Y Restraint Z Restraint Temf deg Fixed Fixed 1 0 0 0 Fi>.red Fi),ce(:l. 0 Member Label . Endpoint Nodes I I .. .. Property lJlbel i Node J Node I Member Le~gth I · . .,, .i Enc! ~eleases . X Y Z J End Releases y z 1 2 3 W12x16 W12x19 W12x16 1 2 3 Member Stress Chec·k Pata~ .. 2 3 4 13.000 12.QOO 13.000 Member Unbraced Lengths ·Slenderness Factors Label Lu-:Z ft Lu:XY K:Z. 1 . 20.000 20'.000 2:00 2 10.0QO 10.000 0.65 3 20:000 .. 20.0QO 2,00 Materials •.• Member I Youngs I Density I Label ksi kcf". Default I · 1.00. I 0.000· I Steel . ~.000.00. 0.490 ·-. Section ~ections~·· Prop Label Material Area Depth Group Tag Width .. W12x16 Steel 4.710 in2 C 11.990 in 3.990 in W12x19 T Steel . T 5.570 .in2 12;160 in 4:005 in .. Node Loads .... Concentrated•Loads and·Moments. Node Label X y Moment 2 1.140k Member Distribut~d _Loads, ••• Member Load·Magnltudes Load Extents Label Start Finish Start Finish ft ft 2 ..Q.293 ..Q,293 k/ft . 0.000 12.000 2 ..Q.293 ..Q:293 · k/ft . 0.000 12:000 Load Combinations ••• Load Combination Stress , .Gravity Load Factors Description Increase X y DEAD 1.000 I DEAD+LIVE 1.000 DEAD+ SEISMIC 1.CiOO K:XY 2.00 0.65 2.00 Thermal inf100d · 0.000000 0.000650 I #1" ·1 1.000 Load Dlr~on GlobalY Global Y #1 1.000 #2 ,. AISC Bending & Stability Factors I I Cm ·internal Internal Internal Tf Tw 0.265in 0.220 in 0;350in 0.235 in - Yield ksi 1.00 36.00 Cb Internal Internal Internal lxx lyy ' 10~.oo in4 2.82 in4 130.00 in4 3.76 in4 Load Case-Factors #2 #3 #_4 #5 Load Case Factors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Load Cor,iblnatlon Factors #3 #4 #5 .. 1.000 1.000 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [I] Dunn Savoie Inc. Title : TECHNIC DINER I]] $ 908 S; Cleveland Joo# : 99169 Dsgnr. PW Date: 10/20/00 Opeanside, CA 92054 Description .. ,. V\1,l~ 3 I 760-966-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel ' 11:41AM, 22DECOO FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V5.0.8-Page Node Displacements & Reaction.s Node Label I Load Combination ,. Node Displacements I N~de Reactions X . y ·z X y z in in Radians k k k-ft 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0 0 -0.00272 -0.42887 0.52300 . 1 DEAD 0 0 0:00019 .,.-0.14142 1.75800 '1-., DEAD+UVE 0 0 0.00038: ··o.28284 3.51600 2 ~ DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.33317 -0.00060 · -0.00097 (j .0 2 ' DEAD 0;00006 -0.00201 /. -0.00038 0 0 2 DEAD+LIVE 0;00013 -6.00402 . ~ -0.ooon 0 0 DEAD+. SEISMIC -0.00342 ,, -0.00()20 . 0 0 3 0.33253 3 DEAD -0.00006 -0.00201 0.00038 0 0 3 DEAD+LIVE -0.00013 -0.00402 0.00077 0 0 4 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0 0 -0.00310 -0.71113 2.99300 4 DEAD 0 0 -0.00019 -0.14142 1.75800 4 DEAD+.LIVE 0 0 -0.00038 -0.28284 3:51600 . Member End Forces ••• Member Node " I " End Forces Node " J " End Forces Label Load Combination Axial Shear ·Moment Axial Shear Moment k k. ft-k k k ft-k 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.52300 0.42887 0 -0.52300 -0.42887 5.57529 1 DEAD 1.7589() -0.14142 0 -1.75800 0.14142 -1.83843 1 DEAD+LIVE ~.51600 -0.28284 0 -3.51600 0;28284 -3.67686 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0:71113 . 0.52300 -:5.57929 -0.71113 2.99300 -9.24471 2 DEAD 0.14142 1.75800 1.83843 -0;14142 1.75800 -1.83843 2 DEAD+LIVE 0.28284 3;51600 3:67686 -0.28284 3.51600 -3.67686 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC 2.99300 0.71113 "9.24471 -2.99300 -0:71113 0 3 DEAD 1.75800 0.14142 -1.83843 -1.75800 -0.14142 0 3 DEAD·+ LIVE 3.51600 0.28284 . 3.67686 . -3.51600 -0.28284 0 .. Steel Stress Checks ••• " Member Load Combination Overail @Left End 1/4Span 1/2Span 3/4Sj>an @Right End Shear Label Maximum 1 Dl;AD + SEISMIC 0.510 0.005 0.127 0.249 o.:m 0.51• 0.011 1 DEAD 0.185 Q.018 0.058 0.098 0.139 0.18 ·0.004 1 DEAD+LIVE 0.369 0.036 0.117 0.197 0.277 0.36· 0.007 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC Q.246 0.151 0.158 0.102 0.030 0.241 0.073 2 DEAD 0.164 0.089 0.097 0.164 0.114 0.08· 0.043 2 DEAD+UVE 0.616 0.098 0.149 0.346 0.497 0.61• 0.085 3 DEAD +·SEISMIC 6.868 0.868 6.666 0.464 0.262 0.03 0.019 3 DEAD 0.185. 0.185 0.144 0.104 0.064 0.01, 0.004 3 . DEADtLIVE 0.369 0.369 0.289 0:208 0.128 0.03' 0.007 Member Overall Envelope Summary Member Section Axll!I Shear Moment Deflection Maximum Label ~ k. ft-k in Stress Ratio 1 W12x16 3.516 0.429 5.575 0.338 0.510 2 W12x19 0,711 3.516 23.600 0.136 0.616 3 W12x16 3.516 0.711 9.245 0.325 0.868 .. -> Deflection values listed are the maximum of a sampling of 31 p01nts across the ~ber 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :, I __ .!:f-________ ----~- DUNN ~AVOIE INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STRUCTURAL ENGINEER~ 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 LtNEk_~I ~,4-s: "(lB = 21,·-51 _. # ,, ee _1,, o -& ,, C #~@ {, 0 •. t L/;ve F . I 3,8o_k /fo'f-l'J' -tt:i @ 1-•• (J,C. /'sD P..t.f -= Z/-5, T ?.7~' ~g~ 1 "o. c. 'Joa __ ,e.:;_ec::;..:;;c,.;_}·_11.;._;;/C-;..._ . .,....D_-_l.;._N_;;.e_;,;fl.;..._~( ...... 9_9/._(p;.....· '=-·~) ___ ~·,---: SHEETNO:_---~_[< _______ OF-__________ _ CALCULATEDBY P,v DATE _ _!/8.Lo....:.f __ _ 'CHECKEDBY~-~-------DATE __ ~---- '.SCALE ----------------------- : j' US-£ ½ ft £ Tll-UC t I :5ffcHTI//N/;, l,V I/JO . fl X J II 5 C ~--c! vU s SC. /l;fi' vtJ > h:/-CIN i2:, U' ,, C • t:-. ~, 1-I II .f.-·;t.. 7 E-,-) tdtL . J::;<c-etOt-~o,~ '14 Q F US e -1-,. ,::!?. c.. 0 PAOOUCT207 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ' ',~, ----------'--'------------------------------------· .. ~--··--·---~--------------,:.a .... DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-~355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 .JOB .{e cl 4 t'_C, SHEET NO. .· ) R. OF_-_______ _ CALCULATED 1,3v____,Vc;_0 ....c..l'V.c...,-----'--'----DATE_· ;+-'/~s+/~o'--': I __ _ CHECKEDBY ________ DATE _____ _ SCALE---'-,,----,--'-------------- . $€R-vrr-e -~·-·· L 0 2.5':3 :ti , . -, ,_ ... , ·, ' ' , I '-· -_ . > " ..... I ,./ . ,, W:=: ;9.17-tl ~,c------'-------'---'------,--c-,---~------+~ LINE b t,\J::, /b~-r-(v.~·)(11')-:: "3781-11- tcJR == 2/J rsr( /t-'f~') ::o /t,6 P1-r ~= 20 ?sr (116;f8)(~) -::a 497" . . 11- fJJ ::o /6 PS-f'(-z.,•)( 11') -:::-3SZ /f J :;:: ~ 4, 7:f" I'( (1 I '). =-/ 3 4 .z.-S: If• I o.r, . fl1R :: b7g1 H(_z.r-s)';2.-)+ 1"'~1Ztl'(21-r·~ r --- /./·' 2/,§ I b D PRODUCT 207 ·I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I ' ~.. .::"',:.:---;f-1 !' ~.. . ~ _~;).;,:~-"• -·~\:':;-.;: ---------------·-·---·--·-····-···-------,:·.?~t:; DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, C,A 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 {)VER.. TU /2. /IJ / AJ 6 cP ,,__J 7 'd ~ ' I L11v E f. W-;: /b ?~.f'(!7·>S')(/1) ~ 312~..I' t ~ IG f5-F(z:)(_11 1) ~-3S2 ,1-. 11, ~ IZ?s.t:{2')(19'):: 4s-r,,, -tt Mp. -r. :: 3 l 9{ ,if (JI') ::. b s-/1& .V•I MR ;:: [!_121 # (17,?5') -f· ~ 1 J "' 9 -:;.- LINE F w~ · 1i r~-F(;1,')(11')-=:-'2-ff>11,, a. fho. r.. :: -~ 3t:?4 "'Crt') ==-"-CJ:111 d· 1 /t{R-:::. &-8/l,, -11(/b ½_] ( t>,~) ::-zo ~7S .,;~t . ;JOB -Tcc/1nrc D J~/1 e? l'L SHEETNO. ~'....:./Z--'--_____ OF----:....----'-- cALCU!cATED BY·-'--..J.P_hl:...:.-~----DATE _ _,:i [_8_/,,__0 .,_!· __ :CHECKED BY---'-------DATE, __ --,-__ _ SCALE---~--'----------- ! // / ! /7,75 I ~:;; ~93-11 -#-;_ 2~2.7r---~)f~, _ .3o&>?n U5€' SrlYf./JS()rJ · s/HPl'!-HD?...c_ 0/ 10-t:1-10 ~c.lJ.-e.w5 1 gortl wrftlS IV~ JI Ps-l'{l'J )(111 -=-3 311-# l1l,. 7, ; 718''7 "'(11 ') -;,-fi'i.11-{, #· 1 JM11__ -;;;2_"31-4.:ll(l'J')/4.. ]{0,9) --2'?~?/lf,( T-=::-&_23"(-6., t:l·I_ 2e~91 vj/n' -:::::; 2.~29 /:t If 1 t w-.. 331-4 ft- 0 PRODUCT 207. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I DUNN SAVOIE iNC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. 908 S. 'Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760} 966-6360 JoB Tee.I. ,(1 ,~c.., Q~,..,--e rL ( 9'7/6. t; J > SHEET NO.---"-#: ;J_,_fZ.._,___.---.---~--OF----,------ •CALCULATED BY~· -4/'-;::,--"-W"----'--,--,-----DATE~/_2-..,..../_2--_~_,/'-0"-=/) __ CHECKEDBY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE----...,..,.-,-----:-----.------ I /Z, ' I ' ' fic'-12- , '' ,,,, J i"~t1?... . ' .. 3 1• ,, -o D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·-DUNN SAVOiE. INC. Title: Technic;: Diner Job#99169· ... ~-"',f; m rn ,•';-$ STRUTl)RAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr. PW Date: 12:26PM, 2 JAN 01 ·-- 908 S. CLEVJ:LAND Description : -- I - OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope: (160) 966-6355 :: '-~'"< ~ '.){1~~ff- /:,' !:'· ,' "',., User: KW--0602938, Ver5.1.3, 22.Jun-1999, Win32 I Rev: 510300 (c) 1983-9'1 ENERCAI.C __ Combined Footing Oesign Page 1 I c:\technicdiner (99169)\technicdiner.ecw:Calc Description Typical Moment Frame Footing General lnformatiora Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements , Allow Soil Bearing "Seismic Zone Concrete Wt Short-Term Increase Overburden I Dimension_s Footing Size ... I Loads Distance Left Dist. Betwn Cols. Distance Right Footing Length Width Thickness Vertical Loads, •• Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ••• Dead Load Live Load Sftort Term loi:iq Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load I Summary· I 2,500.0psf 4 145.0pcf 1.33 109.00 psf 7.50 ft 20.00 ft 7.5_0 ft 35:00ft- 3.QO ft 30.00 in fc • 3,000.0 psi ,·· Fy 60,000.0 psi .Min As Pct Q.0014 Rebar Cover 1 3.50 in Live & Short Tem\J:,oad Combined Column Support ~edestal Sizes #1 : Square Dimension @ Left Column 6.350 k k k k-.ft k-ft .297.QT0 k~ft k k 22.890 k . .. Height #2 : Square Dimension ... Height @ Right Column -6.350 k k k k-ft k-ft 297.570 k-ft k k 22.890 k o.oo in 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 in Footing Design OK Length = 35.00ft, Width := 3,00ft, Thickness = 3J.00in, Dist. Left = 7.50ft, Btwn. = 20.00ft, Dist, Right = 7.50ft Maximum Soil Pressure 2,26fl. 75 psf AliowablE. --3,345.00 psf Max Shear Stresf 34,2.4 psi AllowablE 93.11 psi Min. Ovarturning Stabili· _ 1.534 :1 / Soil Pressures Soll Pressure @ Left Actual Allowable Dead+ Live 592.5 2;q()(}.0 psf Dead+Live+Short Term 0.0 3,325.0 psf Soll Pressure@ Right End Dead+ Live 592:5 2,500;0 psf Dead+Live+Short Term 2,268.7 3,325.0 psf Stability Ratio 1._5 :1 Steel Req'd@ Lef Steel Req'd @ Cente1 Steel Req'd @ Righ ACI Factored Eq. 9-1 829.4 psf Eq. 9-2 0.0 psf Eq. 9-3 0.0 psf Eq. 9-1 8,29.4 psf Eq. f)-2 3,176.2 psf Eq. 9-3 2,041.~ psf 0.445 in2/ft 1.233 ln2/ft 0.665 in2/ft Eccentricity 0.000 ft 11.407 ft 0.000 ft 11.407 ft • ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P/l</5. m $ rn DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title : Technic Diner Job#99169 STRUTURAL ENGINEERS Qsgnr: PW Date: 12:26PM, 2 JAN 01 908 S. CLEVELAND Description : I OCEANSIDE; CA. 92054 · Scope: (160) 966-6355 . I Rev: 510300 User: KW-0602938, Ver5.1.3, 22-.1111-1999, Win32 Combined Footing Design Page 2 I (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC . c:\technicdiner (991691\technicdiner .ecw:Calc Description Typical Moment Frame Footing Moment & Shear Sum.mary . Moments ... ~Mu@Col#1 Ml! Btwn Cols Mu@Col#2 One Way Shears ... Vn : Allow* 0.85 Vu@Col#1 VuBtwnCols Vu@Col#2. Two Way Shea,rs ••• Vn : Allow* 0.85 Vu@Col#1 Vu@Col#2. ACI 9-1 4. 76 k-ft/ft 4. 76 k-ftlft 4.76 k-ft/ft 93.113 psi 2.818 psi 4.153 psi 2.818 psi 186.246psi 2.871 psi 2.871 psi Reinforcing (vafuesgiven'perunftwidthoffoQting) ACI 9-1 ACl9-2 ACl9-3 @ Left Edge of Col #1 Ru/Phi As Req'd 7.54psi o.445in2/ft 29.37 psi --0.445 in~/ft 18.88psi --0.445:in2/ft ACI Factors (per AC.I, applied internally-to entered-loads) ('v(;llues,for momen.t are given per unit wk:Jth offuoting) ACH~-2 -18,57 k-ft/ft d 33.65 k-ttitt , J, 58:55 k-ft/ft 93.113 psi 10.984 psi il.OOOpsi 34.220 psi 186.226 psi 4.311 psi 0:261 psi Between Columns . Ru/Phi As Req'd •. 7.54psi 0.445'in21ft 211.47.psi 1.172iri21ft 221.96psi 1.233.in21ft ACl9-3 -11.93 k-ft/ft 140.28 k-ft/ft 37.64 k-ft/ft . 93.113 psi 7.061 psi 0.000 psi 21.998 psi 186.226 psi 2.998 psi 0.168 psi @ Right Edge of Col #2 Ru/Plii . As Req'd 7.54psi 0.445in21ft 92.64psi 0.685 in2/ft 59.55psi 0.445in21ft ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2·Group Factor 0.750. UBC192t2.7"1.4"Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7"0.9" Factor 1.300 1.400 0.900 ACI 9-1 &-9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACl9-1 &9-2 ST 1.700 ACl9-3ShortTermFactor .... seismic = ST * : 1;100 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -<' VERT Lo: DL=6.3, LL;=O.O, ST=O.O K . SHEAR: DL=O:O; L:L;=O.O, ST=22.8.K 7;50FT 4 ., 20.00FT 35.00FT ~,f&G:·-,,'c. -. > ~:. :>·_;JtiifJl VERT Lo: DL=6.3, LL=O.O, ST=O.O K SHEAR: DL=O.O, LL=0.0! ST=:;!2.8 K 7.50Ff '·. ,J ·-,'" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 96~-6355 Fax: (760) 96(?-6360 Ull4-Ptfr2vfrn lJESJ~ ~ SL.oPEb ll-oc r '• lu-=-3,94 fsr{_t,-z--z..) (49 ·) =. Ztl·~ ,?t;, M 71::= k .5.82. 1't' ·V i>) JOB Tec.:/2n, ... c... Ph7~a.. SHEET NO. 'Jt) f{ · OF_-.--____ _ CALCULATED Bv__,_?~w~-~---DATE . · 1 / $ / P I CHECKEDBY-~------DATE __ __:_ __ _ SCALE....c-~·'----------':--------- @ .. ·t " l ~~ @ I t I_/ 1· r l L l l lff ' ~ \\ IJ I .. ,I, ·1, /J 101'· 6'S ,, , ""'J- -tb,.b ""1• D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '- ,DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE'., CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 SLIJPc"l) Ti..PtJ 1::: /.J)t.JC:, I Tlli:>11>1'4L DtP.tiC.f-t p,-J U, -'d,,._p1i -V d :- JoB. Te.e-:hnrc .. v(r1-e,z.. SHEETNO._.e....c//-'-JZ._,____, ______ OF ______ _ cALcuLATED BY~-~P~W~-----DATE _ _._, +-/3=-_ -,;-/.=o..L1 __ CHECKEDBY __________ DATE_~~--- SCALE_~--'---------------- " _, ·/1'\ (k-1). - 1u ~ :&-6'-fi p.tr · j(ll\ ((l(( /'I-I I, ! .,, 1' 4o' \'.. ,, D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I .-1 .I :I I I I -I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE~ GA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 VI tfl:prf/2-ff/'Vl . DFS /(J,, N FLttT.__ Roc_r r IHI': "·S'' Joe Tec..-h n tc · Dr !'l 1: ,~ (9911,,,9) ., SHEETNO. /ZIZ.._ , -~ OF_-'------- CAlCULATED sv_17.:...1 _n1 ______ DATe__.1_,/-'J'--=/_c_, __ _ ·CHECKEDBY~'---------DATE __ __:~--- SCALE ----'----------,----------- Ci-lo/2D@) ~ 'r>-N ., 0 f' .,. j. ~ -1-ef:'. -c;p ~ D PRODUCT 207 I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----~~ ... DUNN SAVOIE INC. Jos, _ _._Tt.-=e!c-=-,,h-'--'11'--'-r,-"'ic.'--_v_,~_n...,..e_t2-. __ (.,._tJ--'9'-1-=-·~--='1.,,_,) ___ _ SHEETNO. /38 OF· ______ _ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland $treet OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 CALCUlATED sv__._P...:.W..:....------DATE_l,_/---'7/_D _/ __ _ CHECKEDJ;3Y ________ DATE __ __:... __ _ SCALE ...c.· -----------'---------'-- "-FLl/r. Roe; ,c /J)/J, = J .. ~1 f"~F~)> IC'I P.N WtJ-i =-3,94 P,;,r( 3·1f ),-;; ue iT'i/ t,Jw~ ~ 3. <} -1 P~f'(~o.rj) ~-z4~ r.£?· . f r/ cum-?, -::: 3,°14 r.tP(47,i>~') .::;.--;g~ p;;.;-(, .. ~) -, .z.7 8 P..l-t: £4-,z.,....~z.-:. 'l>,CJ4 f.lt{67,'/I') ~. 2z~ p..t,P (;,,;'):: 3:J9 p..£,C- ~ I . . r4'1-.. S 3 ~ .3.<14' ?.-If' L74,~3) -::: 295 f.Lctc (/·$)-=-44 3 p..er t:). . 3· ,a-4 ;;,.t.,r 1J'l,_ :,75';) c::-7P P:JP (j,J!J) ~ /o S-p..t,'p T/fm,s 1 -.. -, r• \~ I/ /Ot_ P~--r. c~ 7, 3) :::-.1, 9/p 1c 'Z-, ' / ~ . R,,;._,, C 11,. ,r') --" · 2, e µr (!t-,,, )(,s. 3'i ·) -"n ;:u,;-t 1,, ,, ·) t.u., d -_ 113 (i ~ J'> 2 2... + 1~ P.Lf_:_/37~ ?4 ·) _ /, 9t. x (~7-?4 ') .::: 0 R = 7, IP'} 1c ~ 'm-s ~, :: 7. n p.1,-& 1,. "·) \ 5 J9 p..tF {b-! Xt9: n •) + 4~ 3 Mr" {zi-s, (!1-n•) + 10 > P.lF {p.34/t.._ i) lrnwis · · -z..... · · , D PRODUCT 207 I I I -I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL. ENGiNEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 FL'i4:T. R..()O F Jos Tet:Ao,c. SHEETNO. • /it/-.& OF_.... _____ _ CALCULATED BY---!...P...C...vv---'-----DATe__._l_,_/4~.,_/_~~/~. -- CHECKED BY ________ DATE _____ _ SCALE.....,..,....--------'----------- ' -•' ~ .ziJR = 210 rHt7"1 ,· )"' + t Is p,t.p (t, · n ·) ( z-,, ;7 ) ,-,,-, 'ifz" (;7-,,) .,_ 1&1 ,u (4 , ')( st, > < ~ 'jL&,:f' + 7.93k(~t.7~') -f<ll.P-f (71-75';) ~ D R,u4-·-==-15>1-~ k D PRODUCT 207 ·j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN _SAVOIE .INC. STRUCTURAL EN~INEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 k .,4+ 1}.~· //:,,-Sf!' ' -""li (E) M~ :: -z_, ,, -z. vt -; @ M.C.v..:: 1,111,-<-.-f "' ~- I "6 JOB T ev/2 f1 ,-C. ( ';9/4,9 ) 7 SHEETNO . ....a·_....:./=$;-'-'; f:....~-------OF _______ _ cALcUlAT1;0 ~v-'-P+w-=---'----"--· ·oATE--"''-'"/-'-~L.1-/.-""o_,_1'---- cHEcKEo sv _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE __________________ _ V-1,,, -o , ~ "J 2 J_J,r -v • ...,--=, q. -z.1·k7T .... l·t ,, q1 0 ,, D PRODUCT 207 I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIOE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 Cull f,tri,v ~l.l:i«.. e f 1" 0-ll4!-~-"'-r br?A-u~ \..I l;)O Le.;,~ .s: t I P5 (--' 'f R I B 1 ,. 1-p d 13,b("r =-11_1 ,k (I() ff-_; 0 ~ f µ-- g,~ c-e--e_ I \.:) I <>l ,._ Pc. lo'),-(;6 P~ .:.-b{:;,o /:I- '( c,P R-/31>f1 re_ J 0tZ I?.'' wtO,if f/Z- S.,,.. 1.2.. ht_::--Co l,'.l..f'\ -::: I 2 ( I/JV ~~ ''x 1,''w,~ I<--e IM-«-] ,(u/3e $1b~ c:? ru-rr JOB 1e0-/NI c.. SHEET NO. ______ / "~R....,,__ OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY-· -----'---~~-=/1/1---' . .c...)__ DATE CHECKEDBY----'-------DATE~------ SCALE_~------------'------- j,' ~-... ~-~--1' 5" ;,-,.,.. ),-(S-/J l --6, . l.f I -· II :: 0 ,'16,,-,'?> / o-J.-.(._ &~ Qf,+~n)/ f ;-C,C::,o"'".Jr-1'.::, '2,(;l/0¥.' -I 5 1z r t?...-J<Zb't.,, /, i -:; IN J -~? "(T7 I. ':/-1 ,rJ > l ,;· N "3 "lo f,f() /'1 l'e-s---=- -0(2.. 15 ?,.k1>e >11 {, y-.i:-/,':/3tt/) ---.. D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------··-~--·--· ----~-.. --·----.... --.. ---. -w. ~ . • • •"-•' •-••-·•• _,.,.->• •••••• •-·•-••-•-•-••-••• •-M•-·----------- ---·· ~- -DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966~(;;355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 JOB,_...!.Ti_!=:.e.!<:c;.:.f,£U/:.L.7 T,!...!.i'_·~·{):::,....:...:rl1~-C:...:,;IL~.--_~(:.,_9_'J...,../_b_'J~),:__ __ _ 17° SHEET NO .. _ _:__:._ ...:., 1·.l..-J---'-~~--OF . .. · cALcuLATEosv·_!..P....:w:__ _____ DATE_J//-'ft;-"-h_O....;_/ __ -'-- cHEcKEb av _______ __.__ DATE __ --,-___ _ SCALE--'--"------'-------------- / ,·· ,, LIN ii-,4 {_!-1-c: ,, .. c/.c ,L e · v, P PINN ,,--ic2) ( I(.~ i<. ,) l:;; /2 I . l?L ( l-t/ I? {30 rsP 1-2ci P~~)(~.)(17-f-S') => P-:..-71/o 4 /}1A--y. Po/,1 -f· . Lo,c.~ /812 Di-c:-/AJc/ · TIZ /1'1,') G. t<t::"H-D y' /7CPt-c/.c /L t-J/ &,11 .S,Tut>s,, /·2..'' LEJ. 1· IZ.r-c-,,;/',,,f-/V (_P.ell: l/l-,dA--rr/2 JA.J/vst.£i'e1/ P= I() s-o r:,!-> 7/~ 4 c:?. k. l>ta,.J< (JS 6 [>le f/1...rc . Sfvc/s ~'-/2. ,,. LGC. V/1:f 0, O-L/ ,, D PRODUCT 207 • I I 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL ALLOWABLE DESIGN STRESSES ' . (100% LOAD DURATION) Shear modulus of elasticity G 125,000 psi Modulus of elasticity E 2:0 x 106-psi Flexural stress Fb 2900 psi(I) Compression perpendicular to grain parallel to wide face of strands Fc1 = 650 psi(Z)(J) Compression parallel to grain Fc11 = 2900 psi Horizontal shear perpendicular to wide face of strands Fv = 290 p;i / (1) For 12-inc~'oeeth. For others, multiply by [~JO.Ill I (2) F c1 shall not be i~"creaied for duration of load. (3) 750 psi for all Eastern Species Para/lam® PSL and· I¾" thick Western Species Parailam® PSL ~· I ALLOWABLE DESIGN PROPERTIES (100.% LOAD DURATION) 1¾" 2.0E Parallam® PSL I I I I I I I. I 3,215 3,805 '4,020 4,735 '125 210-245 . 400 5.2 6.2 6.5 7.7 7,615. 8;035 9,475 10,825 12,180 415 . 490 800 . 1;195 1,700 13.0, 15.3 17.5 19.1 7" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSl 12,520 12,855 15,225 16,070 18;945 21,655 24,360 500 830 975 1,600 2,390 3,400 20.8 . 24.6 26.0 30,~ . ~~-0 . 39.4 21½6" 2.0E PARALLAM® PSL 4,935 5,845 6,170 7,275 8,315 9,350 190 320 375 615 915 1,305 8.0 9.5 10.0 11.8 · 13.4 15.1 5¼" 2.0E PARAlLAM® PSL 9,645 11,420 12,055 14,210 16,240 18,270 375 625 . 7.35 1,200 1,7?0 2,550 15.6 18.5 19.5 23.0 2,6.3 2~.~ GENERAL ASSLJMPTIONS FOR NON-TREATED PARALLAM® PSL • Lateral support is.required atall bearing_points and along compression edge at intervals of 24 • on-'center or closer. • Parallam® PSL beams are made without camber; therefore, in addition to com- plying with the qeflection limits of the applicable building code, other consider- ations, such as long ·term deflection under-sustained.loads (including creep), ponding (positive. drainage is essential) and aesthetics, must be evaluated. • Roof members shall either be sloped for drainage or designed to account for load' and deflection as specified in the applicable building code. • Reductfons applied in accordance with: 1994 UBC 1606, 1996 NBC 1606 and 19?4 ~BC 1604 for floorlive load; 1994 UBC 1606, 1996 NBC 1607 and 1994 S~C !'~04 for rooflive .(oad in non-snow (125%) conditions. • 3½" members may·be two pieces oft¾" or a single 3½" width beam. 5¼" members may be three pieces 1¾", one piece 1¾" with one piece 3½", or a-single 5¼" width beam. 7" members may be two pieces 1¾" around one piece 3½", two pieces 3½", or a single 7" width bea{11. See pages 1.6 and 1 7 for multiple member beam connections. D I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROOF DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS. 908 S. Cleveland Street OC!:ANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 ~ '·KITCHEN -- DEAD LOADS TRUSS JOIST <osf) 3 Ply w/Cap Sht + ReRoof 4.5 5/8" Plywood t._8 T JI t@ 24"o.c. 2.9 Batt Insulation (0.2xThickness) '.' 1.5 5/8" Gyp. Cejling _ 2_.8 ME&P 4.0 Miscellaneous 2.q I; D,ead Loads 20.0 .. ' " -'. Live Loads Flat/Sloped (0-200') 20/16 ,_ DINING AREA ,_ .. DEAD LOADS OPEN WEB TRUSS (psf) Metal Roof Deck 3.0 Vulcraft Truss 2:0 FraminQ (to RiQid Insulation_ 1.5 ME&P 1.Q - Miscellaneous 1.5 I: Dead· J.;o~ds 15.0. Live loads -Flat/Sloped (201~00') . 1~/14 JOB Tec-hnr? Dr,r.e l'L SHEETNQ __ /',-. -"-----,---..,.;--OF ______ _ CALCUL:ATEDBY--"-'--P_w_-'-------DATE_/_,_/ t-=· (pc....L./-C-e,....:o:....-__ CHECKED BY_·.,_--'--------'----DATE ______ _ SCALE-------,,----,-,-----~---~---- I ' ' / , ' j' D PAODUCT2JJ7' I I I I I 'i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL. ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIO~, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 DESJGN LOADS ',, WALLS .. Interior DEAD LOADS Partition (psf) Vision Glass - Metal Sideing - 1/2" Plywd - Stucco - 5/8" Gyp 5:6 Studs@ 16110.c. . 1.4 Batt Insulation (0.2xThickness) - Miscellaneous. 1.5 :E D~ad Loads 8.5. SHEETNQ. __ Z. ___ -'-------OF ______ _ CALCULA.TEDBY ?W DATE J//t, /Cl&/ . CH.ECKEDBY--c-c----.c.------DATE ______ _ SCALE__,.-------'----------- ' I . .-..·. Ext. Metal Ext. Stucco Ext. Panels Glass (psf) (psf) (psf)_ --10.0 2.Q -- 1.5 1.5 -_8.0 - 2.8 2.8 -· 1.4 1.4 - 0.8 0.8 - 1.5 1.5 2.0 ·10.0 16.0 12.0 D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, cA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 BuJ.LDrt-J ~ w I? I C ff T -· '-•. ' :.\ .. wi:: ,,4 R E' tt 0 itJ I ,v C /1.;2. G}I (P5P~-- · R·ooF 1/S-,o 2$CJ'j ,F-t;').-- SHEETNO.~-"----'-~~-~---,---OF __ ~---- CALCULATED av___.P........:...w..c.__· .,.-'--'----DATE--'-/_tJ..,_6_;_/_~.J..t..:..o...;.d __ CHECKED BY-~---,-~---,---DATE_'-----'---- SCAL.E __ ---"'---'--------------- I - / ; .! .•. ' .. t,J-b " ',. (!: rpJ) J! .5 ,F- -::. 2'-i'91 3'7.0 W>'I-Li..S /Z.,O fl_' (z'j, '1Z 1) + '?£!(ti') + ~ (-i ')(1-1, q z-·)(z.) -=--/lo 7. "12. J 3;3() 7-'2------.. D-r,.i,nc . --'J f1t2.t'A· DL= ~z.3k krl-c-li-< 11 I 5e,,-,(17e.e I ~,;;-gr 7/.t.i"" RoCJF 'LO,O /Q78-rt, .... + 7igf-k_<-+ /7Z.7-~ .... ;:;. €)(.t · Wvftl S, N,.-0· [!7 ,}S1 + ~8.'f>'-r' ?.,;.'??' :f 4.t-,5'&'-Jf~ t r.-;-) n..-c,.pe-7 3 ""' ;lo1-? 32., 78'< J:,,J;. r,+/l-Tr rt O',J ~' '!:' .ftz' + Jo' ,z.9 • .f //' -I-2(/3 ') 1--17.o,;>J -I :z. '9-1 jlJ•:SS-1(_ . f-3 (_le,, ';;°lJ I) -f-Zi I .. .. .. ktf-Jie,. / (_,~,vrc DL -:: /11.')5/< ' . Wl't/TING A-11...efl {?.ovr-<..(?,·O _-/~ct 1"'t -L.. ::,'·/ S--? ' ".;:,,18/c:.', -- E1-T _w .+LL{stl-ts) ,f{;:-o '¾ (r~, z_~ If-1'?, ,.,. ) :::, "204,;l.3 · 3-"2-71(. '¼(Ji-') 4 '= . /N 14-/ I G I,,,_ 5 S (~t•f) / z.., () ::;: 7 g' .o CJ, CJ ' t,v' kt rt tJ (, ~G4 j)J_: -:Z,.~'f_k' D PRODUCT 207 i l I I I I I i I I I I :I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE -INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street· OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 ( 99/IP '2) 7 SHEETNO . ..,.._.,___-"-----'---OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY pvt/ , / -"-'---'-"---------DATE 10/IIL/JO CHECKEDBY-----'-:-----DATE __ ~--- SCALE---,-------------- r--------:-;;::-----":----,-------"-. . & .4.11" I Plvr~ ' ' II,, ~ -"' N ;;;J- ' M ('xi 'If.. (\ . -I' l'l ~ .;; ....... ' ' "' ',;/-. r---. . ' ;, ,r-:i1rt,~--??irP·-t~~-s~·'l'"-------'----------;-;:-;:;-:-.:~.---------LJ &O· .-..?~ I "1 "f-,S-8 ,I/,~· • O,,n'(/1•7>') ~ /P?-S F<~ , 14-z.:·-11, -~~'·C 47. o s') ~ 7 '?; rt:.= '4 111, s-e' ''(4 ). / 2,i/:3 k ~~l · --1,.,;;t/ 7,oi'+Jo.n· ~ /7?-?..-fe::: ..... fl1-= J-i.'(n-2-~·) ~ 1~9 ft:;.,_ A~~ 1o2 ' (41.11.•1 ~-· 2-s-n rt:,.... D PRODUCT 207 '! I I I I I 'i I I I I I I .I -I I I I I I I DUNN· SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland 'Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92Qq4 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 LA-r/Fi2-r1r L 11-N 11-L 1/ s r c;_ '-, w,,v-o TRl'1'$ VliR..-5 'O IR. ~t:.:r,o rJ ' !\ " ' I' ~ fl-,. - I. ' l '1 11-,-;;-_/'?, I (f?g.'5'):;.. u s-1 r-e 7,.- ,1-7., ~ ;;_'( 1-( ') =--$5?,-·rf::7-- 43 ~ Yz (s)(t-1') '=" 10.3 re"l, JOI;! Te_c/2 t1 IC._ ])rf16'/2- SHEETNO,-,,--:~'---------OF· _______ _ CAL9ULATED BY · prv DATE / O fr /II I) CHEQKED BY~-~,-----,------DATE __ __.; ___ _ SCALE-'---~---,------------- I j I' i i ! , .-y I - I ~i ·"~·· I ! I i ---= r--- I I D PRODUCT 207 1 I I I I I 'i. • I I I I I I I I I I -I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC~ JOB 7~e-A ore. Dc1~tL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street SHEET NO. OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-63!,;5 cALcuLATEDsv pw Fax: (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY SCALE · Lr1TE!l.4L Jfr, ,f 1-YS ,-~ . .-:· ' W/iv.D l.(} tJ GI rv DIN /4-L 0! R.Gcr1p.-J .:": ' " . " i:==========~1--.~ ---4--1----l-......,...+---+-'-!--l---+--t--t--;1 f\ I 17• / 5° 1 I /1., ~ {3'(!7,7$): C 2-3-/; ,rt;,.,_., A--z_ ;: /5' (r,, z ') =:. 't 30 ,f't:, ~ . - ,4-3 -::. s '[1, i·) .,,.. 310 ,f'-c .,__ ,44 -= 13. zS' (,3·) -=-/'l"Z. 'P~ -r.-. .• 11 ~Z..' ('7 7/(p 9) OF DATE Jo/S/IJ {) I DATE ~ /3.7.S' I D PRODUCT 207 _ _J ~. I I I ~ ·\' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 9205.4 Tel: (760) ~66-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 ',~IND Exposure B Wind Speed = 70mph Assume Building Height = 20' Wind Pressure P = Ce *Cq *qs *lw ce{0-1s') = 0.62 ce{1s·-201 = o,67 Cq = 1.3 Qs = 12.6. lw= 1.0 (Table 16-G) (Table 16-H) (Table 16-F) (Table 16-K)' LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION "· Height Area p Total- (ft.) :(W'2) . ·(psf) _ (kips): 4-15' 1412 10.16 14.34 15-20' 231 10.97 . 2.54 Vwind = 16,87 LATERAL DIRECTION Height Area p · Total (ft.) (ftA2) (psf) (kips). _ 4-15' 120;3 10.16 12.22 15-20' 103 1Q.97 1.13 Vwind = 13.35 JOB-fe~/, (l{C, SHEETNO._,__ ____ ~--OF_'------- CAlCULATED BY~-~f~>w ______ DATE_/'-f'-'/~:;....o/c....:/J"'-'(...,_j __ _ ·cHECKEDBY-'·------'----DATE _____ _ SCALE_,_~-'--"-------,--------- .J.' i } ,,:· D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·"'~- DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966,6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 SHEETfl!O._;:_fJ ___ '"---,------'--OF ______ _ cALcuLATED sv~P~w--...,-----DATE----'--11.L./....::C~_,/'---,-=-o __ _ CHECKEDBY _________ DATE __ __: ___ _ SCALE~.------'-----'----.--------- ' i ' LATERAL LOADS / SEISMIC .. y KITCHEN / SERVICE AREA {Bearing Wall System) Seismic Zone 4 Zone Factor Z := 0,40 Soil Profile = So Structure Height hl.l :=: .12.0 N:v := u N ~ := 1.0 R ':=·s:s L:= 1:0 C v := 0.64·N v C a := 0.44·N a T := Ct°(hn)°'75 (C ·I) Vb:= --5_ W R·T __ (2.5·C a·IJ, V2·-· W . R . Cv= 0.704 Ca= 0.44 T = 0.129 Vb= 0.99J V 2 = 0.2. v 3 = 0,048 . (0.8·Z·N v·I) V 4:= · W R , V 4 = 0:064 Vb shall notbe < V3 orV4 and Vb need no~ be> V2 Use ·Vb= 0.2 vb VB:=-W 1.4 V 13 = 0.143 W ':-- Eq. 30.4 Eq 30.5 Eq. 30.6 Eq. 30.7 ~ -::: D,I 4'J t Sz-11e. ·+ 111.~ !' te -r 7,'39 k-) ~ Z.<1.cf7 1c > I l.,-'iT1 le X'?'i 'Pf: -z. r ::n-!?(fl-r--ti-Is-~ r't '!P. C,3111,1 2 £;,&°fSrYt?C CPll-511.-n ~- D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---___________ ,_ .................. ---~--- ·'-.... __ DUNN SAVOIE INC. Jos Te~h'IJ,-t C>t11-e/L.- STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 sHEETNo. __ -'"'--''1'-· -------OF---,,------- ,p~ I I CALCULATE_b E!Y--------DATE_./'-'st,1-,-, -""k+, _.,,,0:...::0;__ __ CHECKEDBY----'--------DATE __ __.:. ___ _ SCA\.E' __________________ _ LATERAL LOADS SEISMIC DINING AREA {Moment Frame) Seismic ZoneA Zone.Factor z := ·0.40 Soil Pr:ofile = So , Structure Height h n := 20.0 N v ,= 1.1 Na :;: 1.0 R := 4._5 C v := 0.64-N v Ca := 0.44·N a T :=Ct°(hn)°"75 (C ·I) Vb:= _v_ W -R·T ( 2.5·C a·I) V2:= --W . R C v =-0,704 Ca= 0.44 T-= 0.331 ( 0.8-Z·N v·I) V 4:= --W R- I:= 1.0 V 2 = 0.244 V 3 = 0.048 V 4 ,; 0.078 ' ' _, ct:= o.035 Eq. 30.4 Eq30.5 Eq. 30.6 Eq. 30.7 Vb shall not be< V3 or V4 and Vb need nptbe > V2 Use V b = 0.244 vb VB:=-----W l.4 VB= 0.175 W (2-17, ~ · . tJ,/4,3 ·-/. 2.-Z.. tri c 11. -e ,:....s{] Fl:4-&-:Iv-~ Fo/Z-,r/Qn'l l!=,Jf P?z-,,,._.,~ .s 1 D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I 'i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \_ DUNN SAVOt'E INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 / LING ',f (mP) 3-C/'f~~r(f..z-z-)( ~s-~rt.._) -:: t,.2-f '< LINE 3 (jw) LIN€ 6 &w) JOB. Techn ,~ SHEET NO. /f? OF ______ _ CAlCUtATED BY__,_<p_,_W_,_______ DATE----<-/-"-0.,_&.,_/=s.,_l...::.l')..c..() __ CHECKEDBY~·-----~--DATE __ _____:_ __ _ SCALE------~----'-------- I ./ ,,,- ,, " j) 3-?1~~r [72.7----f-r:-z,,( t-;:f )+ 7~,F~-z-J --4,~5k /_IN£ ;'g__w) D PRODUCT 207 l 'I I I I I 'i .,. ' " I I I I I I ·I I. I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 LtµE F (svv) JOB r~c--A~t-L Din-elL ,SHEETNO.~-....;/('--_ ......._ ______ OF ______ _ CALC:ULATED.BY__,_p_w'.....:·------DATE_I_C?~/_/_~_./._od __ CHECKEDBY..o.··~-~-~-~-·DATE_~---'----- SCALE---'--'--'._'--------:---------- / I / f,C/f~s.fcJ_s-'J9-f'e-'?-( 71:2~ t-1,i.~_'\+/?zz~~c 7'1-~"¼) r -(...2. , / ;;r7. "II ' . ' -::: )'3,8-DK /... IN e If ([YU'') D PRODUCT 207 , jl I I ·1 .I 'i. '' I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I _'JI_¢,.__ ______________________________________ _ L/Nc k DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 1,'f-?-~ /J {) 71 DA/"> 21,--51 ·· ,;:. P'""' 'r-c,,r- #~ @ t, " o . C, L/lvc F . I 3, 3o.'<. //e, I f-/°It -tf::'6 @ 1" IJ,C, LtN£ ;f !::-1.0_, fi~S~"--~ -:: Z/, 5 '.,. ?.7s;-' -tf:g~ 1-"0.C- Joa __ --'-le:;:_c-::::..!lr:..:....r:.:..(].:....:/i;...:;___D_rc....N....;.c_fl...,.-'-. ____,,(_9_9_/CP_?~) ___ _ SHEETNQ __ /'-",'J-'----,-'-----OF ______ _ .cALcuLATED av.,.._ -=-P_rv~-----DATE~L~'o""""'1,_/,_1 F'-'/'--~-o __ CHE;CKEDBY-'-'----"------DATE __ __;_ ___ _ SCALE-,------'-------------- , i f U5,E ½ (( $ TIJ-UC..f / 5/fe,t-T/-I/NC.. w/ /Jo -S' X }" 5c~-e<-<J S- SC a.if' vu > /J rtc.tN <2:,, . I ' . U' "C) • ~. @ ,ht GJ£ Tb~1-lt'l11-. c:;cc-e/J 1' L01-t!! '/4 fl P US<: 1-'' C?-C .• D PRODUCT 207 I ;'..• :i- J I{' ,· 2 ·1"997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ~ -- .' ,~_:·' . \,;-~:'-~1;.::, CHAP. 22, 01i',Vii1:::;:i{, TABLE.22-Vlit-P;,:.\' · ,: TABLE 22-Vlll-C, -.. : ;-. TABLE 22 VIII A NOMINAL SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER 00 - --F T FOR SHEAF.IWALLS'FRAMED WITH COLD-FORMED STEEL,1,2 ASSEMBl,.Y DESCRIPTION FASTENER SPACING AT PANEL _ED~ES3 (inches) FRAMING SPACING (inches o.c.) x 25.4formm x 0.0146 for N/mm .. _x 25.4 for mm 6 4' 3 2 x 25.4formm IS1J2-inch Structural 1 sheathing (4"-ply) orle·side !;0654 -'-- -24 7/winch rated sheathing (OSB) one sic)e 9104 . 1,410 / 1,735 1,910 24 1 Nominal shear val4es shall be multiplied by the appropriate stre,ngth reduction factor, <i>, to deteijfiine design sirength:or divided'by the appropriate safety factor, Q, tu determine allowable shear value_s as set forth in Section 2219.3. _ · / _ 2Unl~,otherwise shown, studs shall be a minimu_m 15/s inches-(41 mm)-by 31/z inches (89 ~in) with a 3/g-inch (9.5 mm) return.lip. Track shall be 11 minimum 11/4 inehes (32 mm) by 31/z inches (89 inm). Both-studs and track shall have a minim4m uncoated base metal thickness of 0.033 inch (0.84 mm) and shall be ASTM A 446 Grade A [or ASTM A 653, SQ, Grade 33 (new designation)). Framing screws shall.lie N<>.-8 by 5/s-inch (16-mlJl) wafer head self-drilling, Plywood and osr screws shall be approved and shall be a minimum No. 8 by I-inch (25 mm)-flat head Y:ith a minimum heac,I diameter of 0.292 inch (7.4 mm). Stud spacing show are maximums. J, , 3Screws in the field of the panel shall be installed 12 inches o.c . .(305 mm) unless otherwise shown. 4Where fully blocked gypsum board is applied.to the-opposite side of thi_s assembly,pc;r Table 22-VIII-B, these nominal values may be increased by 30 percent. TABLE 22-Vlll~B-NOMINAL SHEAR VALUES FOR WIND FORCES IN POUNDS PER· FOOT FOR SHEAR WALLS FRAMED WITH COLD-FORMED STEEL $TUDS AND FACED WITH GYPSUM WALLBOARD1,2 WALL CONSTRUCTION l?CREy,' S_PACING '(edge/field) (Inches). NOMINAL SHEAR VALUE (lbs/ft) x 25.4for mni ORIENTATION x 25.4formm x 0.0146 for N/mm ½-inch gypsum.board on both sides Gypsum board applied perpendicular 7/7 585 of wall with studs 24 inches o.c. to framing with strap blocking behind the horizontal joint and with, , solid 'bl<icking between the first two ' 4/4 850 end-studs; . 1Nominal shear values shali be·1J1ultiplied:by.the appropriaie stn:ngth re.duction factor, <I>, to deti,rmine·design strength or divided by the appropriate safety factor, Q, to determine allowable-shear values as'set. forth in Section 2219.3. · · 2Unless otherwise shown, studs sh·an be a, ~inimum 15/s-inches,(41 mm) by 31'2 inches (89 mm) with a 3/s-inch (9.5 mm) return lip. Trac!<s!Jall be a minimum 1 ¼ inches (32 mm) by-31'2 in_ches (89 mm). Both studs and track shall·h·ave a minimum l!IJC<?l!ted.base metal thickness of0.033 inch (0.84 mm)11!1d shall be ASTM A 446 Grade A [or'ASTM A'(i?3, SQ, Grade 33 (new designation)]. Framing screws shall'be No. 8 by 5/s-inch.(16 mm) wafer head self0drilling. Drywall screws shall be a minimum_ No. 6 by 1 inch (25 mm). , TABLE 22-Vlll-C-NOMINAL SHEAR VALUES FOR SEISMiC ,FORCES IN POUNDS PER FOOT FOR SHEAR WALLS FRAMED WITH COLD,FORMED STEEL STUDS1,2 .. FRAMING SPACING ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION f:ASTENER SPACING AT PANEL E_DG_ES3 (inches) (lnches o.c.) · .x 25.4 for mm X 0.(1146 f9r N(mm,..-~/.. I~ c;-o x 25.4 for mm 6 ...... 4 .:,e,f,,., ·3.,. 2 x 25.4formm 15'32-inch Structural I sheathing (4-ply) one side 78cr' -990"' 1,465 1,625 24 7116·inch (OSB) oqe side 70i),, . '' 91-1/ -1,275/ 1,62¥ 24 Nominal shear values shall be multiplied by the-appropriate strength reduct)on"fm!t6~ <P, ·to,de~rfflQTe·design sir~g'f~-6r divtcie1rbJ the appropriate safely factor, Q, to determine allowable shearvalµes,as set forth in Section 2219.3. 2-fi'() 3~(,:, S-1 D &, ,;-o Unless otherwise shown,'studs s~all be a minimum 15/s inches (41 mm)°by 31'2 inches (89-mhi) ,vith a 3/s-inch (9.5,mm)-return lip. Track shall be a minimum 11/-4 inches (32 mm) by 31h inches (89 mm). Both studs and track shall'have a minimum uncoa_ted base metal thickness.of0.033 inch (0.Q84 mm) and shall not have a base metal lhickness greater than 0.043 inch-(1. l0·mm) and shall be ASTM A 446 Grade A [or ASTM' A 653, SQ, Grade 33 (new qei;ignation)]. Stud spacing shown are riaximums. Frari1ing screws shall 'be No. 8 by 5/s0 inch ( 16 mm) wafer_ head self-drilling .. Ply.wgod·:ind OSB screws shall be approved and shall be a minimum No. 8 by l-inch.(25' mm) flat head with-a minimum head diameter of0.;29~ inch (7.4 mm). 3 Screws in the field of the panei s·hall be installed 12 inches (305 mm) o.c. unlesi; otherwise shown. 2-267 ~ ii I I I I l • I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN $AVOIE INC.. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6.355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 Jos k?h 1 re SHEET.NO. /Lf OF _____ ~_ CALCULATED sv__,,p"-. .:;..::w_--'----DATE_/ o~/'-1_<8-'-/c_tJ_t'J __ CHECKEDBY-'-· _______ DATE __ ---=----- SCALE __ --'--------------- I .. $f'~vfc.£, . -~ 1 ?,.,-;.//B7 ~ :If . · ;·~_,)R. ~ z.oo P~-r . ....... \ w::;. 1b0-r(2-,.~·)C11')-= s781# t'v~ :: 21) ?s,t:>( /t,'f:~') :: /t,6 P~-r ~ ;= 20 ?5 ~ ( /(., J8 )(¾) ; 4 97 ;,,I 'b ::: /6 ps.r(-z_·•)( II') i::: 35'2-#- lf10 ·T-:;::-14SZJ 6 (11') = 4$9 S°V· 'If• I ( 0-ZS.3 - · > , , ,. '-'-'---'-- I 11. w~ 19 n-tt zo;,.5' II' 2/,§ I /l1R ~ b7?1u(zr,~)~)+ l-"'~12tf'(21,f'~ r ~1Jo,9o --3 4--S3 D 'II•( + .CJ., CJ f{ _.p }i_g9 s-o if·t _ .'3·1 ~ 'J'c> ~-' --o, CJ (Y>"2-~ )(v-si}jz,.~' b D PRODUCT297 1 l1 I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL 'ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054' Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 {)V€R.TV/2/1.JIA16 CP---.Ji'c/ ' ' I L.11vE I W-; /b f5.f'{j?-?s')(11) ~ 212-1:/ 't ~ /!, f~-F( 2-')(// ') ~ 3 S Z. ,I f-1 -=-/2Ps~(2.){19 1) ::: 4S~-#- fJl/11 .r.-::: 2r?oi:1(;1 1)::. Ji?R. , 'f!._121 # (17,"J~~ + LINE F W ~ /t, ?5-F(_;1, ')(11 ') -::.. Z f? /(p d- fhtJ,r. :::. ~ 'stJ4 11(1t') ~ 6 931-1 .d·t ~R ::: [je11P "' (lb:'½_} [ 0, q) ::::-."2-0 2-7S :,1~i /::;: /tp9341 -#•/~ 2c,2.:7s'1'-IJ,: I -=:, .3CJb?-II t...: j11G " u5e Srl'Vlf7S"l-'1 s/HPl1HD2~ hJ/ /f)-1:1-/0 Sc.t2,eW5, 1 iJortf IN ,4-t/S JOB .· Tea,/tn,~c O 1/1 "t!?/L SHEET NO; /-§, · . OF ______ _ CALCULATED Bv__,_P_hl-'.--~~-DATE_l__,o/,'-/_c9e._/_tJ_o __ CHECKED.BY-'-'---~-----DATE __ __,__ __ _ SCALE--"--______________ _ // I .,. 0-... /,t,75 I It' I&:, I 74-f6 #-l:: . >i------,.-------,,, N =. H Psl'{l'J, ~[" j -:::. 6 3 41 #- 111c. 7. ; 718'" 11 (11 ') 7 S'Z 11-f. 'Fl• 1 JMQ.. -;; /2 s 1-1 .tt (l'J }/4_ ]( o, 9) --2 '? ~q I 11'1 If' t w --3 31-4 fl- T:;;. r?2"s10-r:1-,_ 2~~c;, 'Jt'j;.,:; .2.~29'# /.!._ 'I J"l . D PRODUCT'2SJ7 I I I I I l • I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN $AVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDll, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 LINE ,4 W:: 16 0-r(21.~)(11·) ~ 37l?<f. u lvR: 2oPs-r(17;_41) -::-171-P~r ¼._ = /h f5./:'(z')(11') :::. 3Sz. #- 'b = 20 ?sr('7·!:-)(1i) ~ 381#- ' ;1tJ ::: )6-04.u(!t'1 -= ffZS-41 f:l·l o.T. I (l1R ~ [ 37&'1 11 (z 1,¾) -J-/71 MF{z1,s.½_ 4 -::: 7 2. 'i?o-f *~1 -1--O, 9 P., _f ~ W.:.. /6 Pf?F{_~.7~')(_11') = /.~10 tt- WR.~ 2iJ Ps-P( 17' ~') :::: /71 f..tC r:..-=-Zo P5-P c 0 -~x ~) =-381-tt- T-l .,,, Z,O P:;p C'7·;_?:;"x.._ :2:._) --;:;., 2 O 9 () #' fl1 ; 3cJ>1-lf{11'.) ~ '395"91-~-( ~,T. jos Tee/i l'1 re . ·v, n -r!! 11- sHEETNo.~ ...... L 6=-·---'----,----OF·----,------ CAL,CULATED av___._?_,tJ~. ---'------DATE_/c_.;. o~/2""""'/$==--./._e,::..io""---- CHECKED BY---,-------DATE--~--- ~CALE----~-------'------- ;!'. b ::; /30 #- fvff< ~f 5'4t ~ce;t',7~) + /71 /J.tF(j-?s))z_ -t f{f] 0,9 l'/•t . 9 II -:;::. IZ o5'9 +-(;), i}-( -c ~ /j_3 '5 '71 :e· ' -I 2..0 S-9 :t1-, -o. CJ (18'~ "')(_?, '~')}&'~?s-, -:::.-2/IG:,.# D PRODUCT 207 :I I I ,1 :I i ' . •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------··- DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 Ltrv E· I (vi1F(i mp2-) / 4Z' ') ' ~L-::: !SP'f>FL -:z:_.i8 . -::: 43~ p.f.f' lJLL.,, I tr: es F ( 1¾_'+ '3') -=;-4/t,LJ ?.fr AddeJ W-e,7 U-hfl:. ff/P"'?-(FM,,, tu.,; Rt-~dc-hc-11) wD(-' zo p-:,P (-Z..0Jz-') --z.e1o p.,t,c- wlL -;. 2,6 P,r-c 20½) ::.. 20~ l's~ t1 -::: o, 7 "R .ti5 . n,t . JOB Tee-hoi? D.r(letZ- sttEE'rNo._~/~tl _______ OF ______ _ CALCULATED av_.,_P_vv----,-~. _____ DATE~/_o_,_/_/~'7 /4_o_o __ CHECKED BY--..,--'--,------DATE __ ~--- SCALE ---,-,--"'-----~--------- ' '. i -~·. . ' _!,' ~~-'---r-...,--,----:-.--,-,· // wLL ~ 4-v'f p..L.;::- -~~,---,.~~~~--=-t· ~ 1 l<-\~L ::. 4 ?) /'>~ r' 20 1 -0, 7 (1,s){J .. S?J~-tr) """=--,tf,<t3'~·L_,u,·'1 -. . tp,k ..:::..--- Llrvi=:--t'J,7 (1.s-)(_().91.")-=-J.os''L... 3-~'' C) ~ t(_ ::..---- /Jm ~ · 0,02$ A ..:.. tJ ,o 2. s ( zo ')(rz') -::::. t, ,-AJ ~IP. , (__12 .. •j :;r, I ,, ~"'It> o,k. ~ I " - I z_~(_,-i, ~ - -C), ~ If ----z.4-u k/MJ( o ~ ~ ')( /3 ( "" ...... :-s D PROPUCT207 I I I I 'i • I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dun.n Savoie Inc. Title : TECHNIC DINER 11)$[1] ~ 908 $. Cleveland Oceanside, CA 92054 760-966-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel Job# : 99169 Dsgnr: PW Dt;iscription ... : ·-CA,,~O L~ E I Date: 10/20/00 9:48AM, 2 NOV 00 t-astt-rame :.:::'.-U t-rame_ Analysis V5.0.8-Page Nodes ... Node Node Coordinates Label X Y ft .ft 1 0.000 2 0.000 I ,,3 20.000 ~ 20.000 Membe{ .... 0.000 20.000 20.0Q0 0.000 X Restraint Fixed Fixed Node Y Restraint Z Res~raint Temf deg Fixed ; 0 I 0 0 Fixed 0 . .. Member I Property Labe I Endpoint Nodes I ·Member I · · ) I End Releases I J End Releases Length Label I Node J Node ft X y z X ·y z .. 1 W14x48 I 1 2 20.000 I 2 W16x40 2 3 20.000 3 I W14x48 3 4 20.000 Member Stress Check Data ... Member Unbraced Lengths · Slenderness F~ctors AISC Bending & Stability Factors Label Lu :Z ft. Lu:XY K:Z K:XY Cm Cb n erna 2 10.000 10.000 0.65 o:65 Internal 3 20.000 20.000 2.00 2.00 Internal Materials ... Member Yo1,1ngs Density Thermal Yield Label ksi kcf in/100d ksi 29,000.00 0.490 0:000650 36.00. Prop Label Material Area Depth Tf lxx Group Tag Width Tw Iyy Steel ·m m. m 6.730 iii 0.270 in W14x34 T Steel T 10.000 in2 13.980 in 0.4!55 in 340.00 in4 . 6.745 in .0:285 in 23.30 in4 W14x38 T Steel T 11.200 in2 14.100 in 0.515 in 385.00 in4 6.770 in 0.310 in 26.70 in4 W14x48 T Steel T 14.100 in2 13.790 in 0.595 in 485.00 in4 8.030 in 0.340 in 51.40 in4 W16x40 T Steel T 11.800 in2 16.010 in 0.505 in 518.00 in4 6.995 in 0.305 in 28.90 in4 .. Node Loads .... ., .. J Concentrated Loads and Moments I Load Case Factors Node Label X y Moment #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 •· 2 6.240k I 1.000 Member Distributed Loads .... Member Load Magnitudes Loaa 1;:xtents Load Load Case Factors Label Finish Start Finish Direction #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Start .ft ft 2 -0.435 -0.435 k/ft 0.000 2Q.000 GlobalY 1.000 1.000 ·,1.000 2 -0.464 -0.464 k/ft b:000 20.000 ~!obalY 1.000 Load Combinations .•• . .. Load Combination Stress Gravity Load factors Load Combination Factors . Description Increase X y #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 DEAD 1.000 1.000 DEAD+ LIVE 1.000 1.000 DEAD + SEISMIC I 1.000 1.000 (c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\TECHNICDINER (99169)\DININGMF1 .FFW V5.0.8 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I /"7.b :Dunn Savoie Inc. Title : TECHNIC DINER Ill m [I] 908-_S. Cleveland .Job#~PW Date: 10/20/00 Oceanside, CA 92054 vl/t P< Descr1p ·. n .... c a,10_ 1tr g I I . 760-966-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel .. 9:48AM, 2 NOVO0 i,-a:sn-rame 2-u t-rame ·Analysis VS.0.8-Page .. .. . . , ... -.. .. Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label I Load Combination I Node Displacements I Node Reactions X y z X ,. y z in in Radians k k k-ft -. " . l . :: Ut::AU-·u u .. 01uuu.:i:, . U.4232!:I 4 • .JOUUU 1 DEAD+ LIVE 0 0 p.0006Q 0.87479 8.99000 ' 1 DEAD,+ SEISMIC 0 0 -0.008.13 <-2.69810 ~'1.89000 "'2 DEAO 0.0.0Q15 -0.00255 -0.00058 0 0 2', DEAD+ LIVE 0,00031 -0.00528 -0.00120 0 0 2 ' DEAD + SEISMIC 1.50928 0:00111 ,0.00261 0 0 3 DEAD -0.00015 00:00255 , ,. 0.00058 0 0 f/ 3 DEAD+ LiVE -0.00031 -0.00528 0.00120· 0 0 3 DEAD + Sl;ISMIC 1.50679 ,0.00622 -0:001'44 0 0 4 DEAD 0 0 -0:0002"9 -0.42329 4.35000 4 DEAD+ LIVE 0 0 -0:00060 -0.87479 8.99000 4 DEAD + SEISMIC 0 0 -Q.00870 -3.54190 10.59000 Member End Forces ..• .. . - Member Node "·1 ·" .End Forces Node " J ".End Forces Label Load Combination Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment .k ~ ft-k k k ft-k .. ., . 1 DEAD 4.35000 -0.42329 0 -4.35000· 0.42329 -8.46572 1 DEAD+ LIVE 8.99000 -0.87479 0 -8:99000 0.87479 -17.49582 1 DEAD + SEISMIC 01.89000 2.69810 0 1,8.9000 -2.691310 53.96204 2 . DEAD 0.42329 4.35000 8.46572 -0.42329 4.35000 -8.46572 2 DEAD+ LIVE 0.87479 8.99000 17.49582 -0.87479 8.99000 -17.49582 2 .DEAD + SEISMIC · 3.541$0 01.89000 -53.96204 -3.54190 10:59000 -70.83796 3 DEAD 4.35000 0.42329 8.46572 -4.35000 00.42329 0 3 DEAD+ LIVE 8.99000 0.87479 17.49582 -8.99000 -0.87479 0 3 DEAD + SEISMIC 10.59000 3:54190 70.83796 · -10:59000 -3.54190 0 Steel Stress Checks ..• - Member overan· @·.Left End 1/4Span .. ·111 Span 3/4 Span @Right Enc· Label Load Combination Maximum Shear 1 DEAD 0.081 . 0.015 0.031 0.047 0.063 0.08 0.006 1 DEAD+ LIVE 0.168 0:030-0.063 0.097 0.130 0.16; 0.013 1 DEAD + SEISMIC 0.432 Q.006 0.109-0.212-·o.315 0.43: . ' 0.040 2 DEAD 0:115 0.074 0.0!36. ·0.115 0.078 0.07, 0.062 2 DEAD·+ LIVE 0.947 0:154 0:200 0.494 0.735 0.94' 0.128 2 DEAD + SEISMIC 0.622 0.477 0.355 0.146 0.177 0.62: 0.151 3 DEAD 0.081 0.081 0.065 0.049 0.033 0.01: 0.006 3 DEAD+ liVE 0.16g 0.168 0.135 0.101 0.068 0.031 0.013 3 DEAD + SEISMIC 0.595 0.5$5 0.460 0.325 0.190 0:03: 0.052 Member Overall Env·elope Summary .. . .. Member Section· I. Axial Shear· Moment Deflectio·n Maximum Label k k ft-k in Stress Ratio 1 I W14x48 8.990. 2.69a · 53.962 1.532 0.432 2 W16x40 3.542 10.590 109.872 0.445 0:947 3 W14x48 10.590 3.542· 70.838 1.476 0.595 -> Deflection values listed are the max.imum of a samplin ·of 31 points across the member g {c) 1988-97 ENERCALC C:\TECHNICDINER {99169)\DININGMF1 .FFW V5:0.8 2l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1])$[1] Dunn Savoie Inc: 908 s. cievel~ · Oceanside, CA 92054 760-966-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel Tdle : TECHNIC DINER Joo# : 001s~ ~ Desqriptit C .R.IDLI 3 t7~--:,, Date: 10/20/00 2:57PM, 1 NOV 00 Fastf=rame 2-D Frame Analysis VS.0.8- ·- Nodes .•. Node Node Coordinates Label X y ft ft 1 0.000 0.000 ,2 0.000 13:QOO }, 20.000 13.000 20.COO 0.000 Membei" ••• -< . XRestraint YRestraint Foced Foced , ; , ! Foced FJ?(eCI z Restraint .,.· . ~ . Node Temp degF 0 0 0 0 1------..... --------------...... --------------------...,.-------------i- j I Endpoint NodEIS I Member I y H~nd Releases I Member Label Property Label I.Node J Node Le~gth X Y Z X J End Releases y z 1 2 3 W14x48 W16x40 W14x48 1 2 3 Member Stress Check Da~ •.. 2 3 4 I . - 13.000 1· 20.000 13.000 Member Unbraced Lengths Sleni;ternes$;Factors · Label Lu:Z ft Lu:XY K:Z 1 20.000· 20.000 2.00' 2 10.000 10.000 0.65 3 20.000 20.000 2.9() Materials ••. Member I Youngs I Density ~ /. Label ksi kcf Default I 1.00 ,. 0.000 I Steel 29,0QP.OO 0.490 Section Sections ••• Prop Label Area Depth Material Group Tag Width W14x48 Steel 14.100 in2 13:790 in 8.030 in W16x40 T Steel T 11.800 in? 16.010 in 6:995 in Node Loads •••• I Concentrated Loads arid Moments Node Label X y Moment 2 12.510k Member Distri,:>uted Loads .. ~. Member Load Magn_itudes Load Extents Label Start Finish Start Finish ft ft 2 -0;515 -0.515 k/ft 0.000 20.000 2 -0.536 -0.536 k/ft 0.000 20:000 Load Combinations •.. Load Combination I Stress Gravity Load f!lctors Description Increase X y DEAD r 1.000 DEAD+LIVE 1.000 DEAD+ SEISMIC 1'.000 K:XY 2.00 0.65 2.00 Thennal in/100d .. 0.000000 0.000650 I #1 I. 1.000 Load Dlrectlcm GlobalY GlooaiY #1 1.000 .. #2 Al~C Bending & Stability Factors I I Cm ·Internal Internal Internal Tf. Tw 0.595In 0.340 in 0.505in 0.305 in Yield ksi 1.00 36:00 Cb Internal Internal Internal lxx lyy 485.00 in4 51.40 in4 518.00 in4 28.90 ih4 toad Case Factors #2 #3 #4 #5 Load Case Factors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Load Combination Factors #3 #4 #6 1.000· 1.000 -. --........ ____ -----... ·· ' ..... -...... ·--------- I I I I I 'i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Du11n Savoie Inc. iM pi---T~ : TECHNIC.DINER m [I] 908 S. ·Cleveland Job# : 9!:1169 _ Dsglir. PW Date: 10/20/00 $ Oceanside, CA 92054 Descripti~) I 76Q!~fax 760:~5 tel - 2:57PM, 1 NOVOO FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V5.0.8· Page .. '' Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label I Load Combination. I Noqe Qlsplacements I Node Reactions X y z / X y z in in Radia¥ k k k-ft 1 DEAD + SEISMIC ·O 0 -0.00779' -5,36110 -2.98150 1 DEAD 6 0 ~.00026 .,..0.90161 -?-15000 ·1, DEAD+·LIVE 0 0 :0.00053 . '1.83998 10.51000 -DEAD +·SEISMIC 0.97465 0.00114 / -0.00316 0 0 2 '\,., DEAD 0.00032 -0.00196 ·' -0.00052. 0 0 2 DEAD+LIVE 0.00065 -0.00401 ' --0.00107 0 0 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.96!;l64 -0:00507 p -0.00209. 0 0 3 DEAD -0.00032 -0.00196 0.00052 0 0 3 DEAD+LIVE -0.00065 -0.00M)1 0.00107 0 0 4 DEAD + Sl;ISMIC -Q () -Q.00828 -7 . .14890 13,28150 4 DEAD -0 0 -0.00026 -0.90161 5.15000 4 DEAD+ LIVE 0 0 -0.00053 -1.83998 10.51000 Member End Forces .•• Member Noqe" I " End Forces Node" J" End-Forces Label Load Combination Axial ~hear Moment Axial· Shear Moment ,k k 'tt-k k k ft•k 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC -2.98150 5.36110 0 2.98150 -5.36110 69.69426 1 DEAD 5.15000 -0.90161 0 -5.15000 0.90161 -11.72089 1 DE;AD+LIVE 10.51000 -1.83998 Q ~10.51000 1.83998 -23.91971 2 DEAD + SEISMIC 7.14890 -2.98150 -69.69426 -7.14890 13.28150 -92.93574 2 .. DEAD· Q.90161 5.15000 11.72089 -0.90161 5'.15000 -11.72089 2 DEAD+LIVE 1.83998 10:51000 _23:91971 -1.83998 10.51000 -23.91971 3 DEAD + SEISMIC 13.28150 7.14890 92;93574 -13.28150 -7.14890 0 3 DEAD 5.15000-0.90161 11.72089 -5.1500() -0.90161 0 3 DEAD+ LIVE 10.51000 1".83998 23.91971 "'."10.51000 -1.83998 0 Steel Stress Checks~-· .. .. - Member Load-Combination Overall @Left End 1/4~pail 1/2Span 3/4Span @RightEil(j Shear Label Maximum 1 DEAD + SEISMIC 0.560 -. 0.010 0.143 0.276 0.408 0.56 0.079 1 DEAD 0.110 Q.017 0:040 Q.062 0.084 0.11• ' ·0.013 1 DEAD+UVE .0.224 0.035 0.081 0.126 0.172 0.22. 0.027 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.826 0.626' 6.451 0.173 0.264 0.82 0.189 2 DEAD 0;124 0.104 0:065 0.124 0.080 0.10 0.073 2 DEAD+LIVE 1.160 ,. o:i13 0;211: 0.569 0.875 1.16 0.149 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC .. 0.778 0.778 6.601 0.424 0.247 0.04 0.106 3 ol:Ar)· 0.110 0.110 0;()87 0,065 0.043 0.01' 0.013 3 DEAD+ LIVE 0.224 0.224 0.-178 0.133 0.087 0.03-0.027 Member Overail Envelope Summary Member I Aldal Shear Moment --Deflection Maximum Label Section k k ft-k in Stress Ratio . ~ 1 W14x48 I 10.510 5.361 69.694 0.987 0.560 2 W16x40 7.149 13.281 134.288 0.556 1.160 3 W14x48 13.281 1.149 92.93-6 0.953 0.778 -> Deflection values listed are the maximum r:l a sampling of 31 points acrQSs the member 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Clev~land Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax:. (760) 966-6360 {:,JPL-=--.Z--O P$F('~~, +-S'r) := 29 3 P.l.P WLL -~ Zo f-:. F(11=}!~ t ') -:;. -Z.(}·3 f'll ----···------·------------ JoB_-=-7:.:::..e-=-v..;.;..i..:.ci1:....:.1-_,,l--;:....__D_·_,r1_-e_r1--__ .,.__(_'1_?_,_6'_1-L_) ___ _ SHEET NO.--'-..... ./"-'.?}.,_· ""'---"--_____ OF_~----- ?'>J 101-:t, loo CALCULATED BY~-~-~-~-----DATE___,_=+-,-...,_---'--+-1 _,.,__..>,:e_ __ CHECKED BY~-'---------DATE __ __:. ___ _ SCALE _________________ _ 13 ,- / i _t,.._ ;ni;r '4~ sr~ A-'( '!? ~I Fr 'l.,_L ~-'-----,171 l'2..1 Awi ~ o. 7 i?. i!5 ·::: ~,7 ( 4,s")(, <.5-Y, ") --(), 7', I( ,<_ '1-, 4 •t O ~_k, IJ. '111 f:. 0 , C 7-5"' /,, --0, 0 2-s-(14 ')(!2 .. ..'') -4,2., (( (-z..'(c'l-') -=----.,.. ---{!), {p I( ,, . o, f 3{, . L.._ cJ. ~ '' t9,k D PRODUCT 207 I I 1. I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dunn Savoie Inc. Title : TECHNIC DINER 908 s~ Cleveland Oceanside, CA 92054 760-966-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel Joo# : 99169 Dsgnr: PW Date: 10/2()/00 Descriptioo .... Ca.A o 1., , "' ~ ti. ·r1'1P3 12:54PM, 2 NOV 00 FastFrame 2-D Frame Arialysis: v5.o.a-Page Nodes ••• Node Label Member; .. Node Coordinates X y ft ft 0.000 0.000 12.000 12.CXX> 0.000 1': 13.000 13.000 0.000 )<;R~ralnt Fixed Fixed Y Restraint Fixed / i Z Restraint ,,... Node Temr deg 0 0 0 0 Member I I Endpoint Nodes · 1 Member I ··" I End-Rele~ses Label · Property Label I Npde J Node . . _ Le~gth X Y z J End Releases X Y Z 1 2 3 W12x14 I W12x19 W12x14 · 1 2 3 Member Stress Check Da~ .•.. 2 3 4 I 13,000 12.000 130Q(j .. Member Unbraced Lengths Slendern!)SS.Factors Label Lu:Z ft 1 20.000 2 10.000 3 20.0QO Materials .•• Member I Youngs Label ksi Default 1. 1.00. Steel 29,0QO.OO Section Sections'. .. Prop Label .Material Group Tag W12x14· Steel· W12x19 T Steel T Node Loads .•• ~ Lu:XY 20.000 10.000 20.000 I . I - Area 4 .. 160 i~ 5:570 iil2 Density kcf 0.000 .· 0.490 K:2: 2.00 0.65 2.0Q. I J Depth \'Vidth 11.910 in 3.970 in :12.160-in 4.005 in r Concentrated Loads ~nd Moments .. Node Label X ·y . Momel'.lt 2 0.700k Member Distributed Loads •••• Member Load Magnitudes Loade$nts· Label Start Finish Start Finish ft ft 2 -0.293 . -0.293 .k/ft Q.000· 12.000 2 .0.293 -0.293 k/ft 0.000 12.000 Load Combinations •••. . . Load Combination l stress . Gravity Load Factors Description Inc~ X y DEAD I 1.000 DEAD+LIVE. 1.000 DEAD+ SEISMIC 1.000 K:XY 2:00 0.65 ·2.po Thennal in/100d 0.000000 . 0:000650 .. .1 #1 I 1.000 Load Direction . GlobalY GlotlalY #1 1.000 ·. . ' #2 AISC Bending & Stability Factors I I cm Internal Internal Internal Tf Tw 0.22l?in 0.200 in 0.350in 0.235 in " Yield ksi 1.00 36.00 Cb Internal Internal Internal lxx lyy '. &13.60 in4 2.36 in4 130.00 in4 3.76 in4 l,.oad Case Factors #2 #3 #4 #5 Load Case Factors #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Load·comblnatlon Factors #3 #4 #5 1.000 1.000 11 I I I I -' . ., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (ii b. Title : TECHNIC DINER I]] $ [I] Dunn Savoie Inc. 908S:Cleveland Oceanside, CA 92054 760-966-6360 fax 760-966-6355 tel Job# ; 99169 Dsgnr: PW Date: 10/20/00 I Description,... C ft.-1 o '-' N ~ ti 12:54PM, 2 NOV 00 FastFrame 2-D Frame Analysis V 5.0.8 • Page Node Displacements & Reactions Node Label I Load Combination I .Node ·01splacements I Node Reactions .x y z X y z in in Radiarµi k k k-ft 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0 0 -0.00199 . -0.24893. 0.93467 1 DEAD 0 0 Q'.00021 ,...0.13125 .t,75800 ''i DEAD+_LIVE 0 .o .0.00041, · ··o.26250 3.51600 2 ' DEAD + SEISMIC 0.24856 -0.00121 · -0:00081 0 0 2 ' ·, DEAD 0.00006 -0.00227 , -0.00041 0 0 2 DEAD+LIVE 0.00012 -0.00455 , ' -0.00083 0 0 3 DEAD + SEISMiC 0.24811 -0.00334 J/ O.Q0()02 . 0 0 3 DEAD -0.00006 -0.00227 0.00041 0 0 3 DEAD+LIVE -0.00012 -0.00455 0.00083 0 0 4 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0 0 -0.00240. -0.51107 2.58133 4 DEAD 0 0 -0.00021 -0:13125 1.75800 4 DEAD+ tlVE 0 .0 . :-().00041 -0.26250 3.51600 Member End Forces .•. Member Node" I " End Forces Node" J " End Forces Label Load Combination Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment k k ft4c. . k. k ft-k 1 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.93467 0.24893 0 -0.93467 -0.24893 3.23604 1 -OEAD 1.75800 -0.13125 0 -1.75800 0.13125 -1.70626 1 DEAD+LIVE 3.51600 -0.26250 0 -3.51600 0.26250 -3.41251 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.51107 0.93467 -3.23604 · -0.51107 2.58133 -6.64396 2 DEAD 0.13125 1.75800 1.70626 -0.13125 1.75800 -1.70626 2 DEAD+LIVE 0.26250 3.51600· 3.41251 -0.26250 3.51600 -3.41251 3 DEAD + SEISMIC 2.58133 0;51107 6.64396 -2.58133 -0.51107 0 3 DEAD 1.75800 0.13125 1.70626 -1.75800 -0.13125 0 3 DEAD+LIVE . .3.51600 0.26250 .3.41251 -3.51600 -0.26250 0 Steel Stres~ Checks ... Member Load Combination Overall @Left End 1/4Span 1/2.Span 3/4Span @Right End Shear Label Maximum .. 1 . DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.409 0.011 0.107 0.203 0.299 0.40 0.007 1 DEAD -0.230 0.021 0.071 0.122 0.172 0.23• '·0.004 1 DEAD+LIVE o.466 0.041 0.142 0.244 0.345 0.46 0.008 2 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.177 0.088 0:127 0.101 . 0.012 0.17 0.063 2 . DEAD 0.170 0.082 0.1Q4 0.170 0.120 0.08: 0.043 2 DEAD+UVE 0.622 0.091 0.156 · 0.352 0.504 0.62 0.085 3 DEAD+ SEISMIC 0.847 0.847 0.650 Q.452 0.255 0.03 0.015 3 DEAD 0.230 0.230 0.180 0.129 o.ots 0.02 0.004 3 DEAD+UVE 0.400 0.460 0.359. 0.258 0.157 0.04 0:008 Member Overall Envelope Summary_ Member Section I Axt,1 Shear Moment Deflection Maximum Label k k ft~ in Stress Ratio .. 1 W12J(14 r 3:516 o.~ 3.413 0.252 0.460 2 W12x19 0.511 3.516 23.865 0.136 0.622 3 W12x14 3.516 0.51.1 6.644 0.242 0.847 .. --> Deflection values fisted are the max1mum of a sampling of 31 pomts across the member -. --· ····---.... -·--·--··· .. ··· ···----.... 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. I I I I I l I I I I I I I I Fllrl-mrrv? ."'-I, ' ' ' ,, DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92Q54 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 ktt<( 4 SHEETNO., _ __,_/.,___ ______ OF-'-~----- , CAl,CULA"f!:D BY_+-p--"w'-=------DATE.---'/_o-+/_2_3'-/2'-1_0_~ CHECKED BY-'-· -'-'--------DATE. ______ _ S,CALE --=---'-------,----------- I , [i) f ~< I ;· ®--~==;;===;;;;;;;;;;:=;;::=;:l::::;=l:;=:;=;=;:==;:=::;i;;:==¾==;::±:::;:::~ l!:::xoae=~ l·®,---~~~~~~~==--~==:_=is~~~ I I I I I '-.•·' .,,_ D PRODUCT 2fJ7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '· ,, DUNN.SAVOIE INC'. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054. Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 P17L;, I> Psr(_10 ')( 1½ ,-B') :::. ~ 3 I:"- Fj__L -=---it, Psr{!o')( 4~ -,-8 ')' = 4. t.1· k.. /jMw,< trtlo.,J I ?O '(r'l.-') 2-4-·o -I I( I f• '--1-~---VV-lf X '3 6 j ~ . V.$/;' t .J_ 1o'lJ2<') -= ;z4o -:;. -' C)rG 2-4t> (.( I Use 2)(.k DF: N.o. JOB Te t;:hd [C · l) /-/1 -&' /l-( 99/u/7) SHEET N0. __ .2-_0 _______ OF ______ --'- CALCULATEDEiY pvi/ DATE /oh-:s /4o , CHECKEDBY..c..·--------DATE __ --'---- §CALE ________________ _ , , i I, JJ lb 1 (SP!) . , ,I/ .-: ·'Fbt--:. 1, 351<.. ~L:;, LJ-,f,'7' k. 20 1 .tJl'lUv.,._ -;::-·o. "2-79 If I .. 12-- 0, k., - ' . L__ cJ, ::;·, a# k., D PRODUCT 2ff7 I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title: Techhic biner ',' Job#-99169 -: m rn Dsgnr: PW Date: 2:39PM, "' $ STRUTURAL ENGINEERS 2 NOV00 .•, SOB S, CLEVELAND Description : I OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope: (760) 966-6395 I Rev: 510300 -Steel-B~~m-Design . Page 1 f Ycm~~fJ~~~X~t s.1.3. 22-J~n-1ss~ •. Win32 ,, " · c:lte<:hnicdiner (99169)\technlcdiner.ecw:Calc Descript1on BM1 -Dinning Area (Gnd Line 1} ' General Information Calculations are-designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and'1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section: W14X30 I ' ; y -~ Center Span Left Cant. Right Cant Pinned-Pinned Loacrburation Factor ·,. Elastic Modulus SI 1.33 29,000.0 ksi 20.00' ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Bm Wt. Added to LQads LL & ST Act Together · Lu : Unbraced Length 10.00 ft j Point Loads #1 Jd #3 Dead Load Live Load Short Term Location ummary 4.350 4.640 10.000 Using: W14X~0 section, Spiln = 20.00ft, Fy = 36.0ksi End Fixity= Pinned-Pinned, Lu= 10.00ft, LDF = 1.330 Actual Moment fb : Bending Stress fb/ Fp Shear fv : Shear Stres . . fv I Fv I Force & Stress Summary Maximum Max. M + 46,45 k-ft Max. M- Max. M@Left Max. M-@ Right Shear@Left Shear@ Righf Center Deft. Left Cant Deft Right Cant Deft ... Query Deft@ Reaction @ Left Reaction@Rt 4.80 k 4.80 k ~o:32oin 0.000in 0.000 in 0.000 ft, (LBO) 4,80- Fa calc'd per 1.5-2, .K*L/r > Cc j Section Properties oeptfi Width Web Thick Flange Thickness Area W14X30 13.840m · 6.730in 0.270in 0.385 in 8.8!?in2 46.453 k-ft 13.256 ksi 9.664: 1 4.796k 1.?83,k~i 0.089 : 1 DL Only 23,25 2.48 2,.48 -0.161 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.48 2.48 Weight. I-xx 1-yy S,xx S-yy ' ' j! 14 Allowable 69.986 k-ft 19.971. ksi 53.810 k 14.409 ksi #5 #6 Max. Deflection Length/DL Deft Length/(DL+LL Deft) #7 k k k ft -0.320 in 1,488.1 : 1 750.9: 1 <<;:. These columns are Dead + Live .LO'ad placed_ as rioted -» LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @ Center @ Center @ Cants @ Cants . 46.45 k-ft 4.80 4.80 -0.320 0.000 o.odo 0.000 4.80 4.80 -0.320 0;000 0.000 0.000 4.80 4.80 291.00in4 19.60 in4 42.052in3 · 5.1325in3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 r-xx r-yy .Rt k-ft k-ft k-ft k k 0.000 in 0,000 in 0.000 in 0:000 in k k 5.734 m 1.488 in 1.740 in • • • I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m rn Di.JNN SAVOIE INC. Title: Technic Diner Job#99169 $ STRUTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: PW Date: 11 :56AM, 1 NOV 00 908 S. CLEVELAND Description : I OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 · Scol)(l: (760) 966-6355 ' I Rev: 510300 General Timber Beam Page 1 I User. KW-0602938, Ve, 5.1.3, 22-J..,.f999, Wln32 (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC . . c:ltechnicdiner (99169)\techriicdiner.ecw:Calc Description SP1 -SUB PURLIN@ DINING RM General Information Calculations a're designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Requirements I ' -, , . Section Name 2x6 ',,Beam Width Beam Depth Me'nber Type 1.500'in 5.500in Sawn 1.000 Center Span Left Cantilever / Right Cantilever _ .. Douglas Fir -Larch, No.2 Fb Base AIIOIN .f/ i=v-Allow 10.QOft ,;,( ... Lu ft ..... Lu -ft .... ,Lu 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin FcAIION 900.0psi 95.0psi 625.0psi 1,600.0ksi Repetitive Member I Full Lengh Uniform Loads Center Left cantilever Right Cantilever I Summary I DL DL DL ·f: 20.00#/ft #/ft #/ft. LL LL Li. 21.30 #/ft, #/ft #/ft Span= 10.00ft, Beam Width= 1.500in x Depth =·5.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.609 : 1 Maximum Moment o.5 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable o.s k-ft Allowable Shear: Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max@ Left Support Max@Right Support Max. M alloN fb 819;17 psi Fb 1,345.50 psi I Deflections Center Span ... Defleciion ... 1,.ocation ... Length/Defl I Stres~ Cales Bending Analysis Ck 34.195 Le Cf 1.300 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ RightSupport Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction I Query Values 0.52k-ft O.OOk-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k~ft 0.85 fv 'Fv 'DeacfLoad -0:135in 5.000ft 887.4 0.000 ft 0.000 MaxMoment 0.52 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 0.31 k 3.261 in2 95.00 psi 0.21 "k 0.21 k at at 5.0()() .ft 0.000 ft @Left @Right Camber: @Left @Center @Right 37.55 psi 9$.00psi Reactions ... leftDL Right DI:, 0.10 k 0.10k Max Max Total Load · -0.279 in· 5.000-ft 429.71 Left cantilever ... Deflection .. ;Length/Defl Right Caritllever ... Deflection .•. l.ength/Defl Dead Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 in 0.0 Sxx 7.563 in3 Area 8.250 in2 Cl 0.000 SxxR~'d 4.60 in3 0.00in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 0.31 k 3.261 in2 · '95.00~i Becring length Req'd Bearing length Req'd Al(gNablefb 1,345.50 psi 1,345.50 psi 1,345.50 psi 0.220 in 0.220 in M, V, & D@Speclfled Locations @Centers~ location= 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Moment 0.00k-ft o.ook-ft O.OOk-ft Shear 0.21 k O.OOk O.OOk @ Right Cant Location = @ Left Canl Location = Beam Design OK 0.3 k 0.8 k 0.21 k 0.21 k 0.000 in 0.203 in 0.000 in 0.21 k 0.21k Taal Load 0.000 in 0.0 0.000 In 0.0 Deflectlon 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in I • ,· .j i I I I I .I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN $AVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 90~ S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966.6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 ,.., .. - /. JOB ree,,A f'l ,-r i), '11 ~ /2-- SHEET No.___..2.-=<C..(' _ __,.., _____ oi=_--,-_;.,___:_ __ cALcuLATED BY~-,_P~w-~----DATE_/()-· /_2.._4~/~tJ_tJ __ CHECKEDBY~-------DATE _____ _ · SpA~E ----------------- .1 Z4-o 22'(1?.-') 2--4 (} ,, -.... /. I ,r · B rYI "3 (,_G /Lt!::> hi tvC B) t: wt4(( l,U/)L::: W Pt>-r( I'½_) + 1'1 p~~c !)(1') - -~ 4 -;;,-Z-40 -= /116-J( /Jflrw -~ /. ( " z.1 '1 J \JS€ Wt<J x 4o ; / U5.€ rrz.u~s. :rrJFs.f- 31/,z t.. 'I 'iJ /J'J re M I ,4-m I• 'J 15' O· k. ~ c).-'< .. I D PRO.DUCT 207 I I I I ., - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC; Title : technic Diner .... ;--· ' Job#99169 ID $ rn STRUTURAL ENGINEl;:RS Dsgnr: PW. Date: 4:05PM, 24 OCT 00 908 S. CLEVELAND Description : I ,' OCEANSiDE; CA. 92054 $cope: (760) 966-!3355 User. KW-0602938, VerS.1,3, 22-Jun-1999, WN132 I Rev: 510300 · · · (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC General Timber Beam Page 1 ~ c:\technicdiner (99169)\technicdiner.ecw:Calc Description BM2 -GRID LINE 4 General Information Calculatioris are.designed.to ·1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name '".Beam Width 'Beam Depth Mem.ber Type . Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity TmbrStrnd: 8x24 3.500ih 18.000in 1.000 Pin-Pin I Full Lengh Uniform ~oads ' ·, Center Span · / 22.00 ft -;.-· .' .Lu Left Cantiiever · ft : ; ... Lu Right Cantilever . ft ..... Lu Truss Joist -MacMillan, MicroLam 1.9 E Fb Ba~e Allow . , 2,600.0 psi Fv Allow :P 285.0 psi Fe Allow 750.0 psi E 1,900.0 ksi Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 300.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL ·LL LL 300.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft ummary Span= 22.00ft, BeamWidih = 3.500in x Depth= 18.in, Ends are Pin-Pjn Max Stress Ratio 0.886 : 1 Maximum Moment 36.3 k-ft 40.9 k-ft Maximum Shear* 1.5 Allowable Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment 36.30 k-ft 0.00 k-ft at 11.000-ft at 22.000, tt Shear: @Left @Right Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 2,304.76'psi Fb 2,60Q;00 psi Deflections I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 21.924 Le Cf 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction I Query Value~ 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ff 40.95' fv Fv 157.14psi 285.00 psi ea oa · -0.489 in 11.000 ft 539.6 0.000 ft 0.000 Max Moment 36.30 k-ft Q.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 9.90 k 34.737 in2 285.00 psi 6.60 k 6.60 ~ Sxx GI M, V, & D @ Specified Locations @ Center Span Location = 0.00 .~ 0.00 ft 0.00 ft @ Right Cant. Location = @ Left Cant: Location = Camber: Reactions ... @Left @Center @Right Left DL Right DL 3.30 k 3.30 k Max Max Right Cantilever ... Deflection ... Length/Def! oa O.000in 0;0 0.000 in 0.0 189.000 in3 Q,000 Sxx Req'd 167.54 in3 0.00 in3 0.00in3 Area 63.000 in2 @ Right Support 9:90 k 34.737 in2 285.00 psi Bearing Length R,eq'd Bearing Length Req'd ·Moment · 0.00k-ft 0.00 k-ft . 0.00k,ft Allowablefb 2,600.00 psi 2,600.00 psi 2,600.00 psi 2.514 in 2.514 in . Shear 6.60 k 0.00 k 0.00 k . 0.00 ft ~. 0.00 ft Q.00 ft Beam Design OK 9.9 k 18.0 k 6.60 k 6.60k 0.000 in 0.734 in 0.000 in 6.60 k 6.6qk_ 0.000 in 0.0 Deflection 0.0000 in 0.0000 in 0.0000 in • • • I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I m $ m DUNN SAVOIE INC. Tltl, : T eclinic Diner Job#99169 SiROTORAL ENGiNEERS Dsgnr: PW Date: 10:48AM, 2 NOVOO 908'5. CLEVELAND Description : I OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope: (760) 966-6355 I Rev. 510300 , ~teel Beam Oesi~n Page 1 l User. KW-0602938, Vee 5.1.3, 22-Jun-1899, Wln32 (c) 1883-99 ENERCALC . c:ltechnicdiner (99169)\technicdiner.ecw:Cafc. Description BM3 -VIP DINING (Grid Line B) General Information Calcu]ations:are design~ i:o AiSC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements : Fy . -,. • Steel Section: W18X40 ""·Center Span Pinned-Pinned LoacfDuration Factor Elastic Modulus 36.00ksi 1.00 29,000.0ksi Left Cant. 42.00 ,ft 0.00 ft 0:09 ft 2.00 ft 8m wt. Added to Loads LL & ST Act Toget~ Right Cant Lu : Unbraced Length I Distributed Loads #1 0.222 0.190 #2 #3 DL LL ST Start Location End Location Summary Using: W18X40 section, Span= 42.00ft, ·Fy = 36.0ksi End Fixity = Pinned-Pinned, Lu = 2.00ft, LPF = 1.CXXJ Moment fb : Bending Stress fb/Fb Shear fv: Shear Stress fv/Fv I Force & Stress Summary _Maximum Max. M + 99'.68 k-ft Max. M- Max. M @ Lefl: Max. ·M @Right Shear@ Lefl: Shear@ Right Center Defl. Left Cant Defl Right Cant Defl ... Query Defl@ Reaction @ Lefl: Reaction @ Rt 9.49k 9.49k -1.783in 0.OOOin O.OOOin 0.000 ft. 9.49 9.49 Fa calc'd-pet 1.5-1, K*Ur < Cc I Section Properties, · W18~40 Depth 17;900in . Width 6:015in . Web Thick -0.315 in Flange Thickness 0.525 in Area 11.80 in2 Actual. 99.684 k-ft 17.494 ksi 0.736: 1 9.494 k 1.684 ~i 0.117: 1 DL Jmly_ 57.79 5.50 5:50 -1.034 0.000 0.000 0;000 5.50 5.50 Weight I-xx 1-yy s-xx· ~'ff #4 Allowable 135.392 k-ft ·23.760 ksi 81.194 k 14.400ksi #5 #6 #7 k/ft k/ft k/ft ft ft Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max.Deflection Length/DL Defl Length/(DL +LL Defl) -1.783 in 487.5: 1 282.6: 1 <<-These colUllllll? are Dead + t:.h,,:fLoacl placed as noted -->> LL LL +ST LL LL+ST @ Center @Center @ Cants @ Cants . 99.68 k-ft 9.49 9.49 -1.783 0:000 0:1)00 0.000 9.49 9.49 -1.783 0.000 0.000 0;000 9.49 9.49 40.08#/ft 612,00 in4 19:10 in4 68:380in3 . 6.351 in3 0.000 0.000 O.boo 0.000 r.;.xx r-yy Rt k-ft k-ft k-ft k k 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in k k 7.202 in 1.272 in 1.520 in • • • I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC .. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966,6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 t;) /,ffN,_ 1 '/{·1 Rf ~L-::-/> PsF-(,o·)[ 4¾_) -=-3 J $' It:. ':L ~ / r, F$.P(u;') ( 1~) -;: 3. 3~ k tc/-ldven:), -t,,,,., Rf' li;t zorsf (-20/2) -= ;?oo ;:•.t/' ?c)LL ~ 26 f7.c ( zc,j{) ---2-cJo ~..tF -:::-2o I (tZ-t) '2.--10 I IJSE Wllf J< 30 I S_HEETN0. __ 2_____:c'),,, ______ OF ______ _ CALCULATED sy__,_p..;..W.:c.------DATE__,_,_/f.µh~/...:c()-=O:....... -~- CHECKED BY---'---'-----DATE _____ _ SCALE-'--'----....,...,....----------~ I .' ,,.. I '' Ll :;::. Or 1-b h -'( Z I /( . rn·"-:F- D PRODUCT 207 1. I I ~ l • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title: Technic Diner Job#99169· m $ rn $TRUTURAI,. ENGINEERS Dsgnr: PW Date: 2:39PM, 2 NOVOO 908 S. CLEVELAND Description : I OCEANl;ilDE, CA. 92054 Scope: (760) 966-6355 I Rev: 510300 · • User. KW-0602938. Ver 5.1.3, 22.Jun-1999, Win3~ (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC . St~el Beam Design Page, 1 I c:\technicdiner (991 !39)\technicdiner.ecw:Calc Description .. BM4 -DINING/KITCHEN (Gnd ,lme 3) General lnforina:tion Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section: W14X30 · Pinned-Pinned ·"\., Center Span 20.00 ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads 1.~ft Cant. 0.00: ft LL & ST Act Together Right Cant 0.00 ft Lu : Unbraced Length 10.00 ft .;" J Distributed· Loads -#1 #2 #3 #4 IJL 0.200 LL 0.200 ST Start Location End Location I Point Loads #1 #2 #3 #4 Dead Load 3.150 Live Load 3.360 Short Term Location 10.000 ummary Using: W14X30·section, Spar;i = 20.00ft, Fy·= 36.0ksi End Fixity = Pinned-Pinned, Lu = 10.00ft, LDF = 1.000 Actual Allowable 69.986 k-ft Moment fb : Bending Stress tb-/ Fb Shear fv : Shear Stres fv I Fv· / Force & Stress Sunm1ary 54.053 k-ft · 15.425 ksi 0.772.: 1 7.556 k 2.022 ksi 0.140: 1 · 19.971 ksi 53.810 k · 14.400 ksi : #5 #5 y Load-Duration Factor·,. Elastic Modulus #6 #6 . Max. Deflection Length/DL Deft Length/(DL +LL Deft) SI 1.00· 29,000.0 ksi #7 #7 k/ft k/ft k/ft ft ft k k k ft -0.406 in 1,167.1 :.1 591.7: 1 «-These-columns are Dead.+ Live Load placed as noted-» · DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Maximum ~ @Center @Center @Cants @Cants Max. M + 54.05 k~ft 27.25 54.05 k-ft Max. M-k-ft Max. M@Left k-ft Max. M @ Right k-ft Shear@ Left 7.56 k 3.88 7.56 k Shea~@ Right 7.56-k 3.88 7.56 k Center Deft. '-0.406in -0.206 -0.,406 -0.406 0.000 0.000 in Left Cant Deft O.OOOin 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Right Cant Deft 0.000 in 0.000 0 .. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in ... Query Def!@ 0.000 ft 0.00'0 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reaction @ Left 7.56 3.88 7.56 7.56 k Reaction@Rt 7.56 3.8.$ 7.56 7.56 k Fa calc;:'d per 1 •. 5-2, K*Ur > Cc I Section Properties W14X30 oeptfi 13.840m · We,gfif M.os#M 5.734 m r-xx Width 6.73Qjn I-xx 291.00 in4 :r-yy. 1.488 in Web Thick 0.2.70in 1-yy 19.60 in4 Rt 1.740 in Flange Thickness 0.385 in S-xx 42.052 in3 Area '8.85 in2 S-yy 5.825ih3 • • • -1 I I ,I I ·i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C2.. i. .... DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE,CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 (_ D / t-JNt rJ ?· -R fV1 ":,:-/1 Te ,¢r0 '-4-) Joa _ __,_,u""'"· c,!::::../2:...!....C.:Cn-_,-==c.'--J<C..!)..:...r'....:.../ __ , ,!t.:c.....:....;/l-__ ,(-=--c;:_9_1_t,_e;.,?._)~_ --'--- SHEETNo. __ ~2$""'-"!..cc-----'------OF ______ - CALCULATED ElY--1.C_· vv_--'-____ oATE-..:../.;;_o_,_/~z=---"3:~/.'->e,~o::;.___ CHECKEDBV __ --'-_____ DATE~----- SCALE-'-'---,----------------- , ~i ' '. ·~- I -r--'. ' p[ ---- p-:--17~-G't.,K. ~-=-.3.q'J f';)F [2"'(4i) + zo'{zP') + ~rz!(l7·75') ]1 -:. "3.'UK. i t ~ d 4 us~ WtZ-x. z_(p -. I ---",l-- D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . -,.>;> ' ·'-<i)D\,,. m $ rn DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title : T echnic Diner · Job#99169 STRUTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: PW Date: 1 :39PM, 6 NOV 00 9Q8 S. CL.EVELANO Description.: I OCEANSIDE, CA:. 92054 Scope: (760) 9~6-6355. User. KW-0002938, v..-5.1;3, 22'.!un-1999, Wn32 I Rev: 510300 (c) 1983-99 ENERCAt<; . • _ Steel· Column Page 1 I c:\technicdiner <99169)\technicdiner.ecw:Caic Description C1 -Column @ Dinning Rm Exterior Comers General Information . Calculations are designef to AISC 9th-Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements -~,teel Section W12X26 Coiutnn Height 20.000 ft End Fixity Pih-Pin. Live & Short term Loads Combined. I Loads · ~lat-Load ... Dead Load !-tveload · Short Term Load Distributed lateral: Loads ••• AlongY-Y AlongX-.X Summary. 15.10 k k k Fy 36,l)o ksi. Duration-Factor 1'330 Elastic-Modulus 29,000.00 ksi X-X'Unbrac;ed · ?0.000 ft Y-Y Unbraced ·20,000 tt' Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments EGc. forY-Y Axis Moments LL ST 0:.1101</ft 0.110 k/ft "'. X-X Sidesway :-,. Restrained Y-Y Sidesway: Restrained Kxx 1.000 Kyy 1.000 in in Start End -> 20.000 ft -> 20.000 ft Column Design OK · Section: W12)(26, Height= 20.00ft; Axial Loads: 'DL = 15.10, LL= . Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 20.00ft, Y-Y = 20.00ft 0.00, ST = O.OOk, Ecc. = O.CXXJin Combined Stress Ratios Dead AISC Formula H1 - 1 0.3367 AISC Foonula H1 ~ 2 0.0914 AISC Formula H1 -3 XX Axis: Fa calc'd per 1.5-2, K"l)r >·Cc YY Axis: Facalc'd per 1.5-2, K*Ur> Cc. I Stresses · · · Allowable·& Actual S~ Fa : Allo.vable fa:Actu~ Fb:xx: Allow [F1-6] Fb:)O{: Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] _ fb : xx Actual Fb:yy: Allow [F1-6J Fb:yy: Allow [F1-7] &-[F1-8]. fb : yy Actual I Analysis Values . Dead 5.86 ksi 1.97 ksi 10.oo·ksi 17.66 ksi ·o.oo ksi 27:00 ksi 27.00· ksj 0:00 ksi -· Live o.op ksi 0.00 ksi O.OOksi 0.00 ksi O.OO·ksi. 0.00 ksi -0.00.ksi 0.00 k~i Cm:x DL+tl Cm:y DL+Ll Cm:x 'Dl+Ll+ST bL+LL 0,3367 0.0914 DL +ST+ (LL ifChosen} 0,8652 DL+Ll 0.60 · 0.00 1.00 5.86 ksi 1.97 ksi 10.09 ksi 17.66 ksi 0.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.5607 DL+ Short. 7.80 ksi 1.97 ksi 13.42 ksi 13.42 ksi 1.98 ksi 35.91 ksi 35.91 ksi 12.38 ksi Pex: DL+LL Pey:DL+LL Pex: DL+Ll +ST Pey: Dl+LL +ST 69,135 psl 5,863 psi 91,949 psi 7,798 psi -0.067 in at Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Cb:x DL+Ll . Cb:y DL+Ll Cb:x DL +LL +st Cb:y DL +Ll+ST 1]5 1.75 1.00 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflectiqn 10.000 ft MaxY-Y Axis Deflecti~ -0.789in at 10.000 ft • I • I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title-: Technic Diner m m ill STRUTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: PW 908 S. CLEVELAND Description·: I OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope,.: (760) 966-6355 I Rev: 510300 . User: KW--0602938, Ver 5.1.3, 22-.1'"1-1999, Win32 (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC . Steel Column Description C1 -Column @ Dinning Rm Exterior. Comers I Section Prop~rties W12X26 ,, Depth 12.22 in Weight 25.98#/ft Width 6.490 in Area. 7.65in2 Web,Thick 0.230in Rl .. ·1.720 in Flange Thickness 0.380,in , . ,P 2:.3:··b .· '--,· .... , > ........ .-~' -, • .. ' < '; Job#99169 · , .. _. ~ Date: 1:39PM, 6 NOVOO. Page 2 .I c:\technicdiner (99169)\technicdiner.ecw:Calc. I .< I-xx -~ .. 204.00in4 1-yy 17.30in4 s-xx 33.388in3 S-yy 5.331 in3 r-xx 5.164in r-yy 1.504in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,, •' DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title : T echnic Diner Jo_b # 99169· ·'. ',:• m $ m - STRUTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: PW Date: 1 :52PM, s,Novoo . ' 908 S. CLEVELAND Description : OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope: ' (7GO) 966-G355 I Rev: 510300 ', Steel Column Page 1 :1 User. KW-0602938, Ver5.1.3, 22-Jtn-1999, Win32 . (c) 1~ ENERCALC _ • c:\technicdiner /99169}\technicdiner.ecw:Calc · Description C2 -Column @ Dinning Rm Interior General Information _ Calcuiatlo~s are desig1_1~'to AISC 9th-Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements , Steel Section· -W12X26 ·"'-ColU(!ln Height .13.000 ft End Fixity Pin~Pin Live & Short Tenn Loads 9onibined I Loads Axial Load •.• Dead Load Live load Short Ten:n Load Point lateral Loads ••. Along Y-Y (strong axis moments) Along X-X ( y moments .) 1.7.56 k k k -FY Duration Factoc Elastic Modulus X-X Unbraced Y-Y Unbraced 36.00 ksi 1.330 29,000:00 ksi · · J3.000 ft ..,13.000 ft ,;: X-X Sidesway-~- Y-Y Sidesway: Ecc. for X-X Axis-Moments Ect. for Y-Y Axis Moments Kxx Kyy ST 3.910 k 3.910k in in Restrained Restrained Height 13.000 ft 13.000 ft 1.000 1.000 Summ11ry Column Design OK Section: W12X26; Height= 13.00ft, Axial Loads: DL = 17.56, LL= Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 13.00ft, Y-Y = 13.00ft' 0.00; ST = ·O.OOk, Ecc. = O.CXXJin Combined stress Ratios _ Dead DL+LL 0.1836 0.'j063 . bl+ ST+ (LL if Chosen} AISC Formula H1 -1 0..1836 AISCFortni.Jla H1 -2 0.1063 AISC Formula H1 -3 XX Axis : Fa calc'd per 1-.5-1; K*L/r < Cc YY Axis : Fa calc'd per 1.5-1, K*Ur < Cc I Stresses ·· · Allowable & Actual Stresses - Fa: Aflcmab~ fa:Actual Fb:xx: Allow [F1-6] Fb:xx: Afla.v [F1-'7)_ & [F1-8] fb : xx Actual Fb:yy: Allow [F1-6J Fb:yy: Afla.v W1-7] & [F1-8] fb : yy Actual · I Analysis Values Pex:DL+LL F'ey:OL+LL Pex: DL+LL +ST F'ey: DL +LL +ST :Dead 12.50 ksi 2:30 ksi 17.03 ksi 21.60 ksi 0.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 21.00 ksi 0.00 ksi ' Live 0.bOksi 0.00,ksi o.oo:1csi o:oo ksi 0.00 ksi 0.OO·ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Cm:x DL +LL 0.60 Cm:y DL+LL ·0.60 Cm:x DL+LL+ST 1.00 Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 0.1381 DL+LL DL+Short 12.50 ksi 2.30-ksi 17.03 ksi 21.60 ksi 0.00 ksi 27.00 ksi 21.00 ksi 0.00 ksi ' Cb:x DL+LL Cb:y DL+LL Gf>:x ·oL+Lt+ST 'cb:y DL +LL +ST 16.62 ksi 2:30 ksi 22.65 ksi 22.65 ksi 0.OOksi 35.91 ksi 35.91 ksi 0.00 ksi 1.75 1.75 1.00 1.00 MaxX-XAxis beffection 163,633 psi 13,877 psi 217,632 psi 18,456 psi OJ)OO in at 6.000 ft Max y .. y Axis ~ion 0.OOOin at 0.000ft • • I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title: Technic0Dilier m $ rn STRUTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: PW 908 S, CLEVELAND Description : I OCEANSIDE, C:A. 92054 Scope: (760) 966-6355 User. KW-0602938, Ve, 5.1.3; 22-Jui-1999, Wln32 I Rev: 510300 . . (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC Steel· Column Description . C2 -Column @ Dmnmg Rm Interior I Section Properties, W12X26 / ; ,_ Depth 12:22 in Weight 25.98#/ft Width ' 6.400 in Area 7.65in2 Web.Thick 0.230 in ,Rt A.12o·in '· Flange Thicl<ness 0.380 in· ' . I! · Job#99f69 ... D~te: 1 :52PM, 6 NOV 00 . ., · Page 2 I c:\technicdiner (99169)\technicdiner.ecw:Calc •· ,,., I-xx ·:-204.00in4 1-yy 17.30in4 S-xx 33.388in3 S-yy 5.331 in3 r-xx 5.164in r-yy 1.504in I I I I I ' I I .I I I I I I I I I I I ' DUNN SAVOIE. INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street · OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) ·966-6355 Fax:_ (760) 966-6360 /_ ::;. /2 I Joa 1ec-k,1 r~ (91/b-9) SHEETNO._.=Z:_1..,__~-----OF ____ -,,--__ _ cALcuLATED av-_.,__P_w ______ DATE 10/zLJ I 11 c; CHECKEDBY--'--'--------DATE ____ ___,a __ SCAtE-----,'--,------:----------- ' , ~i / v'l-. /? L'-. p := {3-0 P$P f-2-" fJf/0(?:Ji.)( 0;5 ·/ ~> P~ 7/o :tt . /h A-y._ {/c) /yd-Lo ;r,_ ,::I M 12-D i-c-/.,,,_ ic /,_ -Tfl. (l'f i)c; i<e,1-,-:> V µ.,,;t,c/4 /L 01/ ~// .slt)D,/ /2-'' LE"rft I IZ-r-t:-~/"#-rl c~,L Vi-efA--rdi JAJ/v1;J;Ll'e~ > 7/tJ ,ct. o.k US6 1,./e>cvt--· Ai~"O'V!> JJ'f"-)+"':l-,5')o1~.6r-~ ~ ~ . +-7.,-o "Z, . 4 ~ .,., I~ ~ g 0 L/ o r ----+ · V ff >~ A" 'j-4_ p~_, ~ . C), 0 '--/ " .,r ~ -- ff PRODUCT 2Q7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --DIETRICH INDUSTRIES, .INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF Iii WORTHINGTON INDUSTRIES SCREWS AS REQUIRED---...,.__-~~~ JAMB WINDOW HEADER TYPICAL WALLi STUD ·. THE TRADE READY® HEADER* s pan .L endtn (ft.) 3 -5 7 9 Woll Stud leg Truss /Joist Point· Uniform ·.Point Uniform Ppint Uniform Point Uniform Size (in.) Length (in.) S pocing(in.) Lood(in.) lqod(plf) lood(in.) Lood(plf) L6od(in.) Lood(plf) Lood(in.) Load(plf) 12 258,0 2580 .r470. ,1470 770 770 470 470 8 16 2950 ,22'13 .. ]790 1343. 1020 765 620 465 3.625 24 3·170 1585 2170 1085, 1480, 740 920 460 12 3310 3310 .. 2200 . 2200: 1460 1460 900 900 12 16. .,, 3620 2715 2'550 1913 1750 1313 1190 893 24 3750 1875. 2940 1470 2200 1100 1650 825 12 ' 260,0 . 2600 1490 1'490 790 790 48.0 480 8 16 2970 2228 1810 1358 1040 780 640 ·480 6.00 24 3190 1595 2190 . 1095 . 1490 · . 745 940 470 12 3360 3.360 2250 2250 . 1510 1510 940 940 12 16 3660 2745 26:10 1958 . .1810 ·1358 1250 938 24 37'.50'. 18)5 2990 1495 2260 '1130 1700 850 Notes: 1 )All moteflol,is· 14 go. 50 ksi. 3)Minimum allowable joist or truss bearing 1s 1, 5 in.. S)Stock lengths ore 82" & 118" 2)Deflection based on l/360 for total load. 4)Not for use·where wind uplift controls des·ign. 6)Nonstock sizes ovo1loble on request. Cost Com par.is on 9 ft Span Total 12" Deep Installed Header Cos·t Boxed C- Stud $ 7 3.Q5 Header T rode Ready® $45.55 Header Savings, S27.50 per Header f -= /0 'S'o P-rn.1<-,-. 17-,P-c 5/J,4-,v DIETRICH DESIGN GRO-UP: 800.873.2443 FURTHER INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE PLANT NEAREST YOU OR BY SEARCHING "HEADERS" ON OUR CD-ROM I I I I -·l .. ~, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC~ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street . OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-635~ Fa.x: (760) 966-6360 &.rvl:>5 2o Ps.p t-JtNO H-e-tc,H-r = I z. ' JOB 'I Z::t!-b t2 iL . SHEEr·NO. ·· ·2-/{' OF· ______ _ 'CALCULATEDBY__,_Pi...:.,~,c._--'-----DATE 1>/1/u 0 CH.ECKEDBY--'--------DATE __ ___,:__-'--_ ·scALE ~· --'---------,------------'-- ' i ! ... j' ~&~~ ~·· 2o p,;.p (h,~')(1~z:). = 4-73 # ( 1 VS € t;, IE' TPJ C If t:; S :'fl UJ ~ Le t,, " f l'u e/2 (;;' Psr GfR- t/e?c;/ff ;:::-/2,.. I F;,,,A--<-~ ·u; PsP( zo' t J/J ')/"2-( -I~,-) ~· too· 11- I U5t' S"P~iP '£~ tflf'tutl ~ 12-' , 0 PRODUCT 207 -- - .~-·-.. --·--·-------,·"":,.,.---· - TABLE II -MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN HEIGHT IN FEET (2.3,4.6) , A.i'-t5El'f~l. HEAVY DlJTY DRVWALL STUDS (STH~22 GAUGl:1/.---· '::._? / '·17 -.. • .... U' . W'u,d I SIi inch I 21/llnc:I, .1 l 1/2 incl, I 15111,,d, I . ./4 !,,cl, I s 112...i. I ' lnda Lo..t Dcllec&A • SiucfS~(lncbMOIICOlld) / .. .. (s,sl) Oll«ia 12 " 24 12 I~ 24 12, '' 24 _.,2 11 ' " 24 ,/ 12 " 24 12 " 24 12 '' 24 s UllO II' s• "iO' .j• 5l' 0" U'&" H'4" ,r.,• 20' s-ir,· 16':r' 21'0" IV-0" 16''.r ,'Jl'T, isrr 1r_o-?V'r 2Q6" 21'1" 11'4" 21' $" 23'2" l/240 5l'O" rr 7' 2• 12'6" 11'4" vii• 16'2" , 14',I" 12' 10" 16'1" ts•_j• Jfr 1r0" 1, •• 14'4" 23'2" 21' 1• tr.s• 24• u• :irr 1vr l,JJ60 T II" rr 6'·4• . 10' 11· 9' II~. , .•. 14' i· irlO" 11'2" · 1.-v r ll':l' ~ ..... ,,.r H'1" 12'6" 20'r. ir$" 16' 1· 21'1" i,.r 17'2" 10 U120. till' . 1'2" 7'·1" 12'6' 11'4" ti,• l612"' 14'7". II; 11• 16'1" wi1• 12'2". lrO" 16'0" 13' 1• 22'4" 1v.-' IS'IO" 23'2" · 20' 1• 16'$' l.1240 rr ,.,. S' a• ,. ... 9'_0" r 11· 1.2'.l,0" i1•r. ,. IO'l" ll'l" 12'0" 10''6" 14'4" ll'O" 11'4'" 1r.s-16'r H"T l5l'r ITII" u•r 1;1)60 . 6' 4" 5' 1· '" 'S'O" . ,•·r 1' 11• 6' 1.1• 11'2" ' ·1a,r , ... 11•,• 10' ,. 9'2" ,r,• 11•'4• !I' 11• 16' 1• · 14'7' 12' 10" 11'2" IS;r ll'r IS Ul20 tu• 7' .~ S' 10" .. 10' II" : 9'6: 7' ~-n•r II' II' 9'1" ' 14' I' 12'2" '1.0'0" IYI" 13' j• .1,c,.r i M'2" tS'lO-~ i:r II" 1r 11• 16•s• l'S'S' . 'Ul40 6'4' 5'1" s·cr 1•r 1' II" 6' 11· 11'2" 1~2" ,·11· i1•,• 10' 6" ,9,'2'.' 12'6" 11'4" 9' II' 16'·1· 14'7' ' 12!11r 11r 15'1" ll'S' l.ll60 s·f,. S'O" ...... 7'7" · 6'_11" 6'0" ,. 10" r i1• 1'10' 10',l"' 9'l".' rrr . 1<1,11• 9,' 11· rr 14'0" 12'10". II' I' IS' I' 13'1' 12'0" 20 11120 1' ,. 6'2". S'O" '16' r.2" 6'S' . '. II' ii• 1.0'4' rs• 12'r ' 10'7" rr ll''I" 11'4~ 9'2" 15' 10" il'7' . 1,1' 1· .16' s•. 14'2" 11'7' l./l40 s•r S'.2" 4' ,. 1' 11· . 7' 1· . 6'2" . 10'2' !1';4" .r,J• 10'6". 9'6' ' 1'4'' 11'4" 10'4"· . 9'0" 14'7" 1r.4· II' 1• IS'r 14'1" 11'7' tl.l60 S'O" 4'6" 'J' ,.,. 6' 11· 6'2" s•,• a•_il" r1• 1' 1· . h• r4• 7·4• ,. W .. '!l'O' , 1'10:-' 12' 10" 1.1•.r 10' ... 13'1" 1r's· 10' 11· '25 1:/120' 6',S' S' 6" ... ,. ..,.' 1'4" 6'(1' 10'·7' : '12" 1'6" . 10'. II" : .. ,, 6" i'r 11•r ,10' ·~ , .. 141• I" 12'2" . 10'0" ·14'r Irr 'i0'$" L/l40 s•,4• • 4' 10" . 4'2" .. 7'4" ·, 6'7' S'IO" . 9'6" 1'7' 1' fl' ti· ' r·10-1' .. uw 9'·6"· .... iJ'6" 12'2"' 10'0" 14'6" 1ri· IO'S' lJJ60 4'7' 4'2" l' , •. 6' s· S' 111' s• ,. 1'4" T.6" .. 6'7',' · r·6" rr 6'r 9' 'l' r1•' . 74'· , it' 111' ,a 10' 9' S" · 1rr 11'6" 10' j• )0 . , . IJJ20 . , S' ID" 5'.0' 4' ·~ j,r 6'1" S16•.' !r&• I'S-·. ~11·· ·10' O' ·rr 1'0' 10'1" vr ir 12' 11• .II' i• . 9' •• n• s• 1i'•r 9' 6" Ul40. , S'O" 4' 6· l' 11· 6' 11• fr s•,· i'W I' .. . · 6' 11· '12" .... trr ,,·,1· 5l'U-1'7' 12' 10" II' I" 9'·1" ll; s• . ll'T 9'6" U.,60 •••• 3' ti· 1• S·~ (,10" , ; S1'6• . ' ~· 10" 7' 1(1' 1'.14 ,•i' . , r o-. . 7''4" ', .•. a•r. 7' 10" 6' 11· 11' 1• 10' •• · rtrr 12' 0"· 10' 11• ,. 6" ' JS Ul20 s·.s·· 4'1" l'.10" '. 1' ••. 6'2" . 's· 1• vrr ·flO" '6'.S-• ' 9,'2" rll' 6.,. ' 9' 11" rr 1'0" 11'·11" 10' 4• rs• ,is· iO'I" •• 6" Ul40. 1•r ' ~· ... 3'1~· 6~,· S' 11• ·. S' 1• .. , ... 1',I" : 6•s• .... 1' 11•, . 6'6" 9' .s• .., .. iO" II' 1,1" ' 10'4~ r.s-12'5' 10' , • ,,. 1./J~ 4' ,. J'r 3•4• S' I~ · s•r 4'6", rs-6'1~. S' 11• TT 6' 11· 6',0" . rr 7'6" 6'6" ·10'f ir , .. s .. ll'S" • 111,4" t,· 40 IJJ20 ·: S'O" •· s• J'7' 6•1• s•-10" 4'.I~ rs~. 7'4" '6'0" 1'7' '7'6" ,, , .. 9'·2" l'O" i/6". II' j• .. !1-,t •, 7' 11• .. 11'7:" 10'0" 77'. LJ240 4' ,. 4' ••. 3'·7"' fr · s•r 4•r· .. r1•. 7'4" t,•:rr r1· 7'6" , .. ,. , ,. 0" ·rrr .. , .. ,. II' I~. 7' i1· _ll'T . l(!',0" TT ,. .. Lll60 :r i1·· .. ]' 7" :i• ,., S'6" S'0" ...... : 7' 1• ''.S" . s•r ' 7'4" 6'7' '5' 10" 7'-1(1' r·1· ~r 1,0' .~ 9'2" 7' 11• ··~ Jci 11· ',. 11·· T 7" PHYSIGAL/STRUCTURAt. PROPEflTIES (1) •.(STH-22 GAUGE) ---- Stlld :nula• Mlaim11~ W clsbt Oro u Seetlo• r,ropcrtlc~ , E f,fec IIV •· Sec 110 a Prop c'rt lea M oaeat To11loa·a1 Scctloa Propc~lics Size ·Thickness, 0.cllvcrcd· (lb,.tr,.) Arca Ix Sx . ~ll. ly Sy -~,Y. lx(6)» Sx Yea c:apachy · Xo J Cw ro ' Bell TH;kn!u (ln."2) (la,"4) (la."3 f , (la.) .(la,"4) Cl•-"l) · (la,) (1•·."4 ~ (la_.''l·) (la,) (la .-Iba,), (In.) x 1·0.00_\ I S/1". 0,0213" ·o,p.20" o.•os 0.124 0.057 0.070, 0,671 0,,024 O,,O~ I o.,t'O 0·:oH O.OH 0·;177 1,147 ., ,013, o.on.•· 0,0., 1:,353 , ,0,3'0 2 1/2" 0,0213" 0,026.9" 0,416 0.147, . O,,Ul 0,12.1 1.00., 0,021 0,0·33 0.432 ·o.u, 0.102· ,.n, 2_,0 II -0.941 .0.0390 0,036 , •• , 1 ·o.sn 3 1-/2" 0,021.3" 0.0269" 0,579 0.177 o,n,. · 0,111 1.3'4 0;011 0.034 0.4 IS 0,32'3 0,162 I.ISi l,197 -0 .134 0,0HS· 0.076 1.65 I O.HS ] ,,. .. 0,0211" O,OlU" o.,,o 0.110 0.35:7 0,197 1.407' 0.03 I 0,03-4 0.41 J 0,3' I 0,170 l.91S l,3$7 .0,122 0,047$ 0,012 1.610 0,761 4 " 0,0213" 0,026,9" 0,6:ZS 0,191 0,4H 0.22, 1.,)6 O,OJ2 0,034 0,407 O.Hl o.us 2,107 J,ISI -0.711 O.OSOJ 0,103 . 1.771 0,102 S I /2" 0 •. 0211" . O,j)l69" 0,7U 0.234 o.u, 0,3~ I 2.0JJ 0.034 0,0JS O.Hl 0,949 0.214 2,914 S,603 -0.671 0.0'16 0,213 2.171 0,.90] ' " 0:021·3" 0.02'69" 0,110 0,241 1.1_92 0,)97 2.111. 0,03' 0,035 O,JH 1.171 0,307 3·.3 I 9· 6,061 .o.,u. 0,0654 0.260 2.3 12 0.921 NOT~: ,, 1. Yield strength is 33 ksi. ·. . . 2. Limiting heights are b;sed on stud properties· alon~, based on.depecti~n, she.ar and stress with-th~ allowaple one-third increase per Section 2303 (d) of the Uniform Building Code. Web crippling must be checked using Table No. VI. · .. ~~ 3. Deflection calculations for limiting height are based on Procedure I of U.B.C. Standard No. 27-9. 4. Limiting heigh!S are bas_ed on both stud flanges being fully braced by-'sheathing·material. 5. Studs not intended for exterior or load bearing applicati.ons. 6. ~ective Ixx is based on Procedure.I for deflection-determination at the allowable mome~t {Ma). ----~ (Q (I) .r:. a ..., ' ·:o;~/ . (l):<i:0:..': '"O· -:~\ . o··. !·:' J0i:~~ :--26 . --------Allowable Axial Loads For 611 Studs (lbs.) Wind Load=5 PSF · 2303 I 3190 I 4814 I 6297 6857 I 9051 I 13865 I 3256 1· 4899 I 8521 I 11450 l:1TT48 2303 I 3190 I 4814 .I 6297 6857 I 9051 113865 I 3256 I 4899 .1 8521. I 11450:1:17748 ·2303 I 3190' I 4814 I 6297 6857 I 9051 I 13865·1 3242 I 4874 I 8463 I 113351·17567 . 2303 \ 3190 I 4814 I 6297 6857 I 9051 I 13865 I ·3242 I, 4874 I 8463 I 113351'17567 2303. I 3190-I 481.4 I 6297 6857 I 9051. I 13865-I 3242 I 4874 I 8463 I 11335117567 2303 I 3190 I 4814 I 6297 6857 l 9051 l -13865 I 3223 l 4842 I 8391 I 11190 1 ·17339· · 2303 l 3190 I 4814 I 6297 6857 1,.9051 1·13865 I 3223 I 4842 I 8391' I 11'19o I 17.339 2303 r 3190 I 481.4 I 6297 2909 I 4060. 6857 I 9051 I 13865 I 3223 ·1 4842 I 8391 I 11190 111339· 2303 I 3190 I 4814 I 6297 .. 2892 I 4033 ·6840 I 9051 I 13865'1' 3200 ·1 4802 I 8302 111010 117055 · 2303 I 3190.14814 I 6297._ 2892 I 4033 . 6840 I .9051 I 13865 I 3200 I 4802 I 8302 11101 o 117055 2303 I 3190 I 4814 I 6297 . 2892 I .4033 6840 '.I 9051 I 13865 I 3200 I 4802 I 8302 111010111055 2303 I 3190 I 4814 I 6297.. 2870 I 3'997 6735 I' 9011 IJ3865 I 3171 I 4752 I 8167 110190 I 16707 2303 I, 3190 I 481'4 I 6297 2870 I 3997 6735 I 9011 !'13865'1 3171 I 4752 I 8167 110190 I 16707' 2303 I 3190 I 481'4 I 6297 2870 I 3997 6735 I· 9011 I ·13865 I 3171 I 4752 I 8167 110190 I 16707 2303 I 3190 I 4814 I 6297·. 2809. I 3899 . 6440 ·1 8612 I 135881' 3097 I 4607 I 7739 110223 I 15808 2303 I 3190 ,I '4814 I 6297 , 2809 I 3899 · 6440 I 8612 I 13588 I 3097 I 4607 I 7739 1102231·15808 2035 I 3064 I 481'4 I 6297 2638 I 3899 6440 I 8612 I 13588 I 3044. I 4607 I 7739 I 10223-115808. 2273 I 3190 I 4814 I 6297 '2719 I 3756 5011 I 8031 I 126281 2999 I 4419 I· .7179 I 9481114632 2060 1· 3075 I 4814 ·1 6297 2584 I 3755· 601'1 I 8031 I 12628 I 2979 1 ·4419 I 7179 I 9481 I ·14632 · 1678 I 2625 I 4576 I 6240 2103: I 334.4 5986 I 8031 I 12628 I 2572 I 4189 I 7179 I 94811·14532 ----,,; .. _ 1,.:JI ---... -""5 IE DIETRICH 4814 I 6297 I 2919.14060 I 6857 I 9051 1·13865·1 3256 I '18~9 I 8521 I 11-150117748 4814 I 6297 l 2919 I 4050 I 6857 I 9051 1.13865 I 3256 I 4899 I 8521 111450 117748 4814 I 6297 I 2919 I 4060 I 6857 I 9051 I 13865.I 3242 I 4874 I 8463 1'11335 I 17567 4814 I 6297 I 2919, I 4060 I 6857 I 9051 I 13865 I 3242 I 4874 I 8463 111335 I 17567 30521481,4,_I 6t91 U718 L4050_ 16857 I 9051 I 13865 I 3161 I 4874 I 8463 I 11335 I 17567' 3190 I 4814· I 6297 I 2909 I 4060 I 6857,l 9051 I 13865 l 3223 I 4842 I 8391 111190 I 17339- a19ol4814 I 6297l 2875 I 4060,I 6857 I 9051 l13865l'3223 I 48421'839t l1119olm39 2748 I 4814 I 6297 I 2415· I 3794 I 6857 I· 9051 I 13865 I 2850 I 4821 I 8391 111190 I 17339 3190 I 4814 I 6297 I 2892 I 4033 I 6840 1-9051 I 138651 3200 I 4802 I 8302 111010 I 17055 2981 I 4814 I 6297. I 2626 I iloo9 I 6840 I 9051 I 13865 I 3054 I 4802 I 8302 111010 I 11055 . 2415 1-4575 I 6297 ·1 2084 I 3400 l 6840 I 9051 I 13865 I 2511 I 4398 I 8302 111.010 I 17055 3064 I 4814' I 6297 I 2687· I 3997 I 6735 I 9011 I 13865-I 3108 I 4752 .I 8167 110190 I 16707 2114 I 4814 I 6297 I 2354 I 3678' I 6735 I 9011 1-13865·1 2774 I 4661 I 8167 110190 I 16707 2061 I· 4174 I 5889 I m7 I 2977 I 6285 I 8882' I 13865-\ 2151 I 3938 I 8039 I 10190:116707 2573 I 4624 I 62'97 I 2185 I 3423 I 6440 I 8612 I 13588' I 2588 I 4335 I 7739 110223 I 15808 2126. I 4148 ·1 5809. I 1773 l 2949 l 5925 l 8309 l 13588 I 2169 I 3844 I 7492 I 10223 I 15808 1327 I 3295 I 4836 mt03'8'll 2101 I 4963 I 7180 I 12293 I 1415 I 2960 I 6462 I 9291 I 15377'• 2036 l 3932 I 5495 I 1658 I 2736 l'5296 I 7390J.12091Uo3!I 3555.l 6663 I 9268114632 1519. 3310 4846 !&li19Si. 2200 4696 668{ ·nm 1556, 2993 6020 8538 13882 =1:\_~~ ~'4.0.'&i 3732 ?;1:27,0J 3668 •!)479 9623 it17.23S, ~!~01'5] 4917 . 7289 12292 Wind Load=20 PSF Wlnd Load=25 PSF ''-'ff,._t i ~t-J,'( ·5J:-'7'1-/J..f//Jj. • ss21 111450 I 17148· 8521 I 11450 117748 8463 I 11335 I 1756Z 8463 I 11335 I 17567'. 8463 111335:( 17567 .8391 I 11:190 I 17339 ,. 8391 I 11190 I 17339 8391. I 1.1.190 I 17339 8302 111010 I 17055 8302 I 11010 I 17055 8058 11,1010 117055· 8167 110190 I 16707 8167 I 10790 I 16707 7262 I 10413 I 16707 7492 I 10223'115808 ,, 6789 I 9659 I 15808 5556 I 8273 ·I 14081 6020 I 8538 I 13882 7681112789 6221110941 ,I• ~ r.-!I, 4899 I ~21 F11450·l 17748 • 4886 I 852i I :11450 I 17748, 4874 I 8463 I 11335 1.17567 .4874 I 8463111335117567·• . 4390 I 8463 111335 I 17567 4842 I 8391 I 11190.I 17339 •· 4652 ,. 8391 I 11190 I 17339''' 3840 I 8223 111190 1:17339' · 4705 ·I 8302 l'11010 I 17055 4392 6152 1912 I 3205 6677 ·I 9051 l 13865 I 2337 I 4198 I 8302 1 :11010 I 17055 •· 3522 5180 1101 I :t287 ·5551 I 8137 I 13706 1·-1515 I 3252 I· 7417 110108.I 17055 • 4504 . 6259 2038 I 3320 6673 I 0011 I 13865 I 2456 I 4292 I 8167 110190 \ 16707'' 3961 5650 1543 I 2756 . 6036 I 8593 I 13865 I· 1954 I 3710· I 7773 110190 I 16707' 2969 4531 . &i'i64Sl 1730 4881 I 7253 I 12543 I· 1037 I 2644 I ·6540 I 9614 \ 16269:I; 5428' . 7723 · 13000 1780 . 3388 6959 9849 15808' ,..,vu,m ,..,,,vvu,. vvv, , ,vvu, w,u,ue ,v,, 4670 6837' 11849 ,,1;1M~ 2689 6149. 8939' 14928',' .,:, ,; lf!J1°A'~p;:!!, IP'"A'!l";,,("°,!t f'-:_:;;,,.A·,..~ WAiiu,;....-,: ,..,,.,..;;, ""'"'"""' JI.P..ll'l"H"..-(>' ~-"'"". _,.,.." ~ ...... ~ .. ~ ., 5306 1393 I 2511 ,~J < :_, ~ ,: ~·;}i\{t1 I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN. SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGiNEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street . OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 Roc:q=-.ro15T DJN(N& ·bL --'2-0 P sr J.-L --20 PS,C .Ljo ?5 P ~ l{ ... US c 14. 5/J'9-r-f -::: 48 I b.L ~ I'S' P5 f LL--l~ PS,:;· ,,, JOB _ _.]i_,,e:.,.veAunLa(<...>-c"---'D::......;_~--n_T!!._tz.... ___ (~~:.....:9_/--=(1:,=--'?~)_._· --'-- _z P SHEfITNO._._...:::-:_.e:lt!>c__ _____ OF ____ --'------'-- c;ALCUl:ATED sv__,_V__:..W.:..______ DATE._,_/ o....,,,-.~"-1..;;_7,_/_o,_c:, __ CHECKEDBY-.--'--------DATE _____ --'-_ SCAlE--'------"------::--------- / ,·: I : .. \ . 3'/ 'FSf' @. /0 I O. c..' ::, 3/ 0 P .. lf' ,-.. US e "VULC-R,4-t==r· Sok... . 3&4;//f>c:,. /1-llfJ,_,.,,.__b/-e, DL-t-LL. ~ i3{p!f 1-:7...l--F / 31~ PL+' D PRODUCT 207 . ' " . ,. . . .. ' . . ,, . . ; ' . . . . .... . . . . . . · .. POOR·· . . :· . . . . .. . . . ' . . . . ' : . ·. . . . ·. Q"· u·· . A:.····· .. L" l"T·':·:~:--··:_:v··· ·'' ·-· :;: ,. , : ., :'." . : -~ . ; . . .. . . . .,_ . . . . . . . . . "' .. O __ ... ·R ____ :;a_~,:~---,,7;,-·G· ·.:----.: .... _ .,-.. _N ... ,. .._. A_. __ ,. .L·' ( ... S_:.-·. ). . . . . . • ~--· _:: -~ ~---.!~-• • • ·-•-., -• ·: .· . -~--. . . --~~~:-· , .. ..·,,. . ;,·-~-~ ... -. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . --. . ·. . ' ' ,.. . ' ' : . . ., ,. ' .,. _· , -~:. ROOF SPAN TABL . ...;J-'> 9~' . How TO USE THIS TABLE I 1. Dete~niine the roof loading (liv~ load, dead load and'load duration factor) and find :the appropriate section of the table. . __ 2. If your slope is 6"/12" or less use the LOW slope column. If your slope is-greafer than 6" /12" through i2" /12" use the HIGH slope column: • 3. Move down in the column until-you equal or exceed the horizont;il span. of your application. I 4. Move left in the row to identify the TJI® joist and on-center spacing. · I I t I I I I I··.) I I I I I ·21'-7" 22'-7" 241-3" 27\-3" 25'-ib· 27'-8" 31'-0" 28'-9" .30'-10" 3f-,5" ., 16'-10" 17'--8" io·-r 21'-3" 22'-J0' ~51-7' 24'-3" .26'-0" 29'-l" 271-6• 281-11·· 32'-4" 15'-7' f6':..5• 18•:.9• 1.9',-8" ti ·~1 • 2r-:-8" 22'-6" 24'-1 • 27'-0" 2$'-1" 26'-10" . ,, 29'-11 • I GENERAL NOTES Table is based on: • Uniformly loaded joists. I • Roof surface slope of ¼" in 12' minimum •. • Total load limits joist deflec9on to l/180. • live load is-based onjo'istdeflection.ofl/~40. • Horizontal clear distance between ·~upports. 20.'-1" 23'-0" 24'-2" 25'-FI" 29'-2" 27'-7" 29'-7" 33'-3." 30'--9" 32'-'11" . 36'-11" 18'-0" _18'-11:' 21 '-8' 22'-8" 24'-4" ·27•_5_·· 25'-11" 27'-9" 31'-3" 28"-10" ' 30'-11" 34'-:8' 16'-8" 2-1 '-0" 22'-6" 25'-:4" 24• .. o· 25'-8" .28'-11" 25'-3" 28'-7" 3l-1" il • Support beam O[wall at.high end is required (ridge board applications do not provide adequate·support). • Most restrictive of simple or multiple span. • Increase for repetitive member use has been included. I 17'-lQ" 20'-5" 21 '-5" 23'-0" 25'-10" 24'-6" 26'-3" 29'·-5" 27'-3" 29'·-2" . 3?'-8" f5'-11 • 16'-9' 19•.:.2• 20'-2' 21'-7" 24'-3' 23'-0"' 24'-8" 27'-8" 25L7• 27'-5' .30'-9" 14'-9' 15'-6' 17'-9" 18'-8" 20'-0' 22'-6" 2J•..:4• 22·-10· 25'--7" 23•,:9• 25'-5" 28'-,5" 20'-3" '18'-l" 17'-6" 17'-2" 15'-7" 23'-2" ; ~ ZQ'--9" 22'-3" 20'-0" 20'-10" rs··-10· 19'-7" 17'-10" 24"-3" 21.'-9" i3'-4" 21 '-0" 21 ·-10· 19'-9" 20'-8" 18'-9" 26'-l"' 23'-4" 25'-1" 22'-6" 23'-5" 21 '-2" 22'-2" 20'-1" 29'-4" 26'-3"' 28'-3" 25'-4" 26'-6" 23'-11" 25'-1" 2f-9" ?7-.'-9" 2.4'--10" 26'-8" 24'-0" 24'-J-1" 22'-7" 21'-5" 21 '-5" 29'-9" 26'-8'· 28'-·7" 25'-9" 26'.a.9" 24'-2' 24'-6" 22'-11" 33'-5" 29'-10' 32'-2" 28'-11" 30'-2" 27'-3" 28'-7" 25'-il II 30'-11 • · 27'-8" 29'-8" 26'-9" 25-'-4' 25'-2" 21 '-5" 23'-4" 3_3'-0" 29'-1" 31'-9' 28'-7" 29'--o· 29'-11 • 24'-6" · 25'-6" 3_7'_-1 N 33'-:-2" 35'-9" 32.1-1_· 33'-6" 30'-3" 31 '-9" 28':..9• 18':..1' 161-t· 1-7''--5" 15'-8" 16'-3" 14•.:g• 15•.:.4• 13'-lP 19-'-0" 17':-0' 18''-3' 16'-5' 17'-1' ·JS'-5' w-1· 14_1-"$' ,2.1 1:.9• 19'-6' 20'-11' . 18'-10" 19•,,.5'• · 17'-8" 16'-7" 16'-9' 22'-IO' 20'-5" · 2-1 '-11" -19'-9" 20'-6' 18'-7" 17'-10" 17'-7' 24'-5' 21'-·11' · 23'-6' 21 '-2' 22'-0' )9'-11' 20'-5" 18'-11' 27'--6" 24'-8' 26'-6" .23'-10' 24'-10" 22'-6" 23'-6" 21 '-4" 26'--1" 23•;.4• 25'-1 • 22'-6" 21 '-1" lfJ;:2" 17'-10" 19•..:5• 27'-11" 25'-0" 26'-10" 24'-2" 24'-1" 22~: 20'-5" 21 '-7" 31'-.4" 281..:1 • .. 30'-3" 27'-2" 28'-4" 25'.!7" 26'-IO" 24'-4' 29'-0" 26'-0" · 25'-10" 2.5'-1' 21 '-1" 22'-10" 17'-10" 19'-5" 31 '-0" . 27'-10" 29'-6" 26'-10' 24'-1" 25'-3" 20•:.5" 22·-i· ·34'-W 31'--2" 3:3-'-7' 30':-2' 31 '-5' . 28'-5" 28'-8" 27'-0" 16-'-9" 1·5'-0" 16'-1" 14'-6" 15'-0" 13'--7. 13'-3" 12 .. -11 • 17'-7" J.5'-9' -16'-11' 15!-2~ 15'-9" -14'-3' 14'-3" 13'-7" 20'-i" 18'-0" 19'-1" 17'-5" 15'-8" 16'-,-4" 13'-3" 14'-5" 21 '-l" 1-8'-1'1" 20'-3" 18'-3' 16'-10" 17'-2" 14'-3" 15'-6" 22'-8" ,W-4" 2.1 '-9' t9'-7" 19'-3" 18'-5" 16'-3" 17'-6" 25':'"6' 22·-10· 24'--6"' 22'-1" 23'-0" 20•:..9_• 11''-9" 19'-9'" : 23'-,.2" 21 '-7" 20'-7" 29•.-10· 16'-10" 18'-3" 14'--3" 15'-6" .25'-10" 23'-2" ?3'-7' 22'-4' 19'-3" 20'-10" 16'-3" 17'-9" 29'-:0" 26'-0" ~7'-11'" 25'-1 • 26'-2' 231-'~· l2'-11" 21'-7" 23'-2" 24'-1" 20'-7" 22'-2" 16'-10" 18'-3' 14'-3" 15'-6" 26'-6" 25'-9" 23'-7" 24'-10" 19'-3" 20·-10· 16'-3" 17'-9" 32'-~· 28'"-lQ" 31 '-1" 27'-11" 26'-11 • 25'_-o· 22'-11 • 21 '-7' W!;B STIFFENERREQUIREMENTS • Spans shown assume no web stiffeners-.at intermediate bearings. . • Required if the si(les of the hanger do· not laterally support the TJI® joist · top flange Of per footnotes on pages 20 and 21. • TJl®/Pro"'· 150; 250 and 350 joists: Required at all sloped hanger and birdsmouth· c;:ut locatfons. • TJI®/ Pro"' 550joists: Required at all hanger and birdsmouth cut locations. I I I .I I i • I I I I .I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC~ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908· S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 RJ(J·A,J t:>t'f·Td ,-J ,?-Al ll'L 'r' S I 5 . \.,. ' ,· ' TirHc.el J11om~J F/l~Me Ff-t;- (e,lltft>~ B>~ /'Z,Sf k ( WI 1=2) I I?.' fVl~ /'2,.S'11c:(,3') r_.. /'7-z...r..:s.· k· r suAc.r+lf1i.&.£ .,, 11-~.,.,_4-e'(/4··)= /o9 rsr' .f<. •, {,, 3<;; . Jos Tec::.h n,: c. SHEEfNO.~. -..!::Z.=-i.7:_. ----~-OF ______ ~ cAt:cuLA~r;> sv __ ..LP-'-'. N-=-------DATE _ __,_/_,/ /c......c_:J.,__/:_1_0 __ _ QHECKEDBY_~------DATE ___ '----- SCALE.-----,---,-------,---------"- ' / IHI'",, I d=)/lr, /~Z-~ 3 .,., 5 1 Clf'MTt LE t-'ErL ff1'1/fl ~,';(/~ O!' Afr' .,, ' 113 f I .• ,, ~ ,, CLll-.. ,. z·' -"" 0 PRODUCT 207 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I m DUNN $AVOIE INC. Title: Technic Diner Job#99169 ID ill Sa~UTURAL !=NGINEERS ,Dsgnr: PW Date: 9:50AM, 6 NOVOO 908 S, CLEVELAND · Description : . OCEANSiDE, CA. 92054 Scope: (760) 966-6355 Rev: 510300 I Combined Footing Design Page 1 .I User. KW-0602938, Ver.5.1.3, 22-Jun-1999, Win32 (c) 1983-99 ENERCf,,LC _ ' c:ltechnicdjner (9~169)\technic:cfiner.e_cw:Calc__ _ . -. Descnpt1on ,., Typical Moment Frame Footing General'lnfo.rmation Calculations ar~'designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allow Soil. Bearing '"'-Seismic Zone ~ncreteWt ·shor.t Term Increase Overburden Dimensions ootmg Size ... · Distance left Dist. Betwn .Cols Distance· Right j Loads Footing Length Width Thickness Vertical Loads ... bead Load Live Load Short Term Load· Applied Moments ... Dead L.oad Live Load ~:fhort Term Load Applied Shears ... Dead L,6ad Live Load Short Term Load I :;ummary I 2,50().0 psf 4 145.0 pcf 1.33 109.00 psf 5.00 ft 20.00 ft 5.00 ft 30.00 ft . ;2.50 ft 18.00 in I fc 1 3;qoo.o ps! . ....-· Fy , 60;000.0 psI · ·· Min As Pct 0.0014 Rebar Cover 3:50 in Live & Short Ter111,;Load Combined ., #2 : Square Dimension ... Height Izes @ Left Column @Hight Column . 6.350 k k k ksft k-ft 162.630 k-ft k k 12.510 k . 6.350 k k k k-ft k-ft 162.630 k-ft k k 12.510 k o.oo in 0.00 in 0.00 in 0.00 in Footing Design OK Length= 30.00ft; Width= 2.50ft, Thickness= 18,00in, Dist Left= 5.00ft, Btwrt. = 20.00ft, Dist. Right= 5.00ft Maximum Soil Pressure 1 ;890.94 psf Allowabl . 3,325.00 psf Max Shear Stres 40. 7$ psi All.owabl 93.11 psi , Min. Overturning Stabili 1.538 : / Soil Pressures Soil Pressure @ Left 'Actual ,Allowable Dead+ Live 495.8 2,500.0 psf Dead+Live+Short Term 0,0 3,325;0 psf Soil Pressure @ Right l;nd Dead+ Live 495.8 2,500.0 psf Dead+Live+Short Term 1,890.9 3,325.0 psf Stability Ratio 1.5 :1 Steel Req'd @ Lef $tee! Req'd@ Cente Steel Req'd@ Righ ACI Factored Eq. 9-1 694.2 psf Ecj. 9-2 0.0 psf Eq. 9-3 0.0 psf Eq. 9-1 694.2 psf Eq. 9-2 2,~47.3 psf ·eq. 9-3 1,701.8 psf 0.244 in2/ft 1.591 in2/ft 0.499 in21tt Eccentricity 0.000 ft 9.756 ft 0.000 ft 9.756 ft • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title : Technic Diner Job #99161{ ·' '·: ID m rn • r . STR0TURAL ENGINEE:RS Dsgnr: PW Date: 9:50AM, 6 NOVOO 908 S. CLEVELAND Description : OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope: I (760) 966-6355 .. I Rev: 510300 .. Combined Footing Design Page 2 I User. KW-0602938, Ver 5.1.3, 22.Jun-1999, Wm32' (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC . . c:l\echnicdiner (99169)\technicdiner.ecw:Calc Descnpt1on .. Typical Moment Frame Footing Moment & She~r Su~mary ( values for moment are given per unit width of footing) Moments ... '~ Mu@Co!#1 'fl.:1u Stwn Cols M·u@Col#2 One Way She~rs ••• Vn : Allow·* 0.85 Vu@Col#1 Vu Btwn Cols Vu@Col#2 Two Way Shears ••. Vn : Allow * 0.85 Vu@Col#1 Vu@Col#2 . ACI 9~1 2.96 k-ft/ft -8.89 k-ft/ft 2.96 k-ft/ft 93.113 psi 5.166 psi 11.990 psi 5 .. 166 psi 186.'226 psi 10.159 psi f0.159 psi · Reinforcing ( values given per unit Width of f9oting). ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 @ Left Edge. of Col #1 . Ru/Plii As Req'd 15.66 psi 0.244 in2/ft 30.20 psi · -0.244 in2/ft 19.41 psi -0.244 in2/ft ACl.9-2 .,, -5.71 k-ft/ft · 90,61 k-ftlft 23.87 k-ft/ft .. fJ 93.113 psi 9.961 psi 0.000 psi 40.776 psi 186.226 psi 11.364 psi 7.675 psi Between Columns Ru/Phi As Req'd 4l3.98 psi -0.244 jn2/ft 478:87 psi 1'.551 in2/ft 48$.65 psi 1.591 in2/ft ACI Factors (per AQI, applied internally to ~ritered lqads) ACI 9-3 -3.67 k-ft/ft 92.65 k-ft/ft 15.35 k-ft/ft 93.113 psi 6.403 psi 0.000 psi 26.213 psi 186.226 psi 8.062 psi 4.934 psi @ Right Edge of Col #2 Ru/Phi As Req'd 15.66 psi 0.244 in2/ft 126.16psi 0.499 in2/ft 81.10psi 0.318in2/ft ACl-9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Grq1,1p Fac~or Q:750 use 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factpr 0.900 USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2. ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 .... seismic = ST * : 1.100 i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOiE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 9~~-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 tYPJCl'fL W/ll/ PTt;.. ( C,/4..t-r:,1; . 8' m) (C/llO 1,..1 NI: ~ fyp: /~O 4 ti-(1t •) -.,,. f?z. ~</ t<· f p-; 3 ~'2-tf -I-. 378:r" . .,. i71_1<t;t-(?r-~ ') ~ . ' ~ ~ --4tl§" -11-. 17J'1,t! ~ -;.-3 g 1 t1. -t ~ -t- {i, ::=-4/1-7 tt- . ·3' C/fi}Nrt /....G 1/E IL e-11dl 6 ,d~ 6"-r ~-. I ? '1 ,P..LP( -z..t. '!:" 'J -z_ ~ :Jld, Td 4 6"T"/lf :?)$.r~ir'. --, : ',:,;~ JoB Tec/20 re D ,-,..., e ,t.. SHEET NO.· __ 2-_·· ._(J_·. --------''---OF ______ ---'- CALCULATED BY_/7_,-J_· ---~-DATE_-'/-'-('-/"--3 /'-=-()-=()::...--__ CHECKED BY---'----,--'-'----~ DATE __ ---'----- SCALE __ -,a..--------------- .f/ i 1 _.,,._,. 21··~' ,-, ... '3 Cl.:/L D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,_ .. ,-. - m rn DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title·:. Technic Diner Job# 991ef9._· ;·· · · $ STRUTURA!,. ENGINE;ERS Dsglir: PW Date: 11 :46AM, 6 NOVOci ,· · .. 908 S. CLEVELAND Description ; , 1', . OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope: (760) 966-6355 .. -· ~--: : .-, -~ ·?" User. KW--0602938,.Ver 5.1.~, 22..Jun-1999, Win32 I Rev: 510300 · (c) 1983-99 ENERCALC Combineg Footing Design Page ·1 I c:ltechnicdiner-(99169)\technicdiner.ecw:Calc. Description TYPICAL SHEAR WALL FOOTING General lnformatipn · Calculations are designed tciACI 318-95 and 1997 USC Requirements Allow ·SoiJ. Bearing '" Seismic Zone Concrete Wt Short Term Increase Overburden Dimensions ootmg 1ze ... I Loads Distance Left Dist. Betwn Cols Distance Right Footing Length Width Thickness Vertical Loads ••• Dead Load Live Lo~d Shdrt Term Load Ap·plied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Appiied Shears ••• Dead.Load live Load Short Term Load I ::;ummary .1 2,500.0 psf 4 145.o pct 1.33 :109:00 psf 3.00 ft 21.50 ft 0.00 ft 24.50 ft 1.50 ft 18.00 in ; fc / 3,000.Q psi . Fy / 60,000.0 psi .-:: Min As Pct 0.0014 Rebar Cover ,,-3.50 in Live. & Short Term. Load Combined . ,JJ #2 : Square Dimension ... Hei~ht @ Left Column @ Right Column 4.120 k k k k-ft k-ft 41.270 k-ft 3.750 k . k k 4.150k k k k-ft k-ft 4.1.270 k-ft 3.750 k k. k 0.00 in o.cio in 0.00 in 0.00 in Footing Design OK Length = 24.50ft, Width = 1.50ft, Thickness = 18.00in, Dist. Left= 3.00ft, Btwn. = 21.50ft, Dist. Right= 0.00ft Maximum Soil Pressure 1,287.87 psf Allowabl 3,325.00_psf Max Shear Stres 20.40 psi Allowabl 93.11 psi· Min. Overturning Stabili 2.519: / Soil Pressures . Soil Pre·ssure @ Le~ Dead+ Live Dead+Live+S~ort Tern, Soil Pressure @ Right End Dead+ Live De!:!d+Live+Short Terin Stability Ratio Actual · 391.8 0.0 711.3: 1,287.9 2.5 :1 Allowable 2,500.0 psf 3,325.0 psf 2,500.0 psf 3,325.0 psf Steel Req'd @ Lef Steel Retj'd @ Cente Steel Req'd @ Righ Eq, 9-1 Ecj. 8-2 Eq. 9-3 Eq. 9-1 Eq. 9,2 Eq. 9-3 ACI Factored 548.5 psf 0.0 psf 0.0 psf 995.8 psf 1,803.0 psf 1,159.1 psf 0.244 in2/ft 0.775 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft Eccentricity 1.183 ft 5.255 ft 1.183 ft 5.255 ft •· I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I mmm DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUTURAL ENGU•~EERS ·sos s. CLEVELAND ,OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 (-760) 966-6355 Title : Tectink: Diner Dsgnr: .PW Description : Scope: I Rev: 510300 . User. KW·0602938, VerS.1.3, 22.Jun-1999, Wtn32 (c) 1963-99 ENERCA~C _ • . Combined Footing ·oesign Descript1on TYPICAL SHEAR WALL FOOTING -Job# 99169 : Date: -11 :46AM, 5· NOV 00 . ; · Page 2 11 c:\techr]ic;piner {99169)\technlcdiner.ecw:Calc -I . ,. Mom!3nt & Shear Summary· ( v_a/ues for moment are given per unit width of footing) ' . Moments ••• -~ Mu@Col#1' ~u Btwn Cols ,M-u@Col#2 One Way Shears ... Vn : Allow * 0.85 Vu@Col#1 · Vu Btwn Cols Vu@Col#2 Two Way Shears •• ; Vn : Allow * 0.85 Vu@Col#1 Vu@Col#2 ACI 9-1 0.49 k-ft/fl: -20.08 k-ft/ft 0.00 k-ft/ft 9.3.113 psi 1.109 psi 20.396 psi 0.000 psi 186.226 psi 6.605 psi' 5.992psi Reinforcing ( values.giw;m per unii width-of footing) ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 @ L~ft Edge of Col #1 Ru/Phi As Req'd 2.61 psi . 0.244 in2/ft 10.87psi -0.244 in2/ft 6.9.9 psi -0.244 in2/ft I ACl.9-2 .~2.06 k-ft/ft ~.,-_,·. ,. · ·-4 7 :92 k-ft/ft 0.00 k-ft/ft , i 93.11~ psi 4.7.07•psi . 15.634 psi O.O00psi 186.226 psi 7:645 psi 4.662 psi Betw~en Columns Ru/Phi As Req'd 106.12 psi .:o.418 in2/ft· 253.25 psi -0.77fJ in2/ft 218.37 psi -0;663 jn2/ft ACI Factors (per Ac1, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-3. -1.32 k-ft/ft -41.32, k-ft/ft 0.00 k-ft/ft 93.113 psi 3.026 psi 2.696 psi 0.000 psi 186.226 psi 5.406 psi 2.997 psi. @ Right Edge of Col #2 Ru/Phi As Req'd 0.00 psi 0.244 in2/ft O.00psi 0.244in2/ft 0.Q0psi 0.244in2/ft ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1,400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.750 01900 1.300 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor WBC 1921.~.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 1.700 AGI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST * : 1.100 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ~08 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDI;, CA 92054 · Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 I ·use· zff s«t< .-/E ;,,ef, . ·~,,,., '',. Joa . Teeh n ;c, SHEETNO.~-2~2~---~~-OF ____ ----'--- CALC0LATED BY_?~---v ______ DATE--'-'/ l+/_,:;..,_/2_Cl_O.....;.· __ CHECKEDE!Y-~------DATE __ ---=------'- SCALE_,--___ -,--------,----'------- . ' j' I ~-t· 37 t . ~ •. "'/' ' D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I i '< ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . m $ rn DU.NN SAVOIE INC. Title ; T echnic Piner ,JoJ> tH19169 •· S:tRUTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr; PW Date: 12:18PM, 6.NOVOO ,. ~08 S. CLEVELAND pescriptlon : I OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope: .. (160) '966.-6355 " I Rev: 510300 User: KW-0602938, Ver,5.1.3, 22-J1.n-1999, Wln32 (c) 1983-99 ENE!!MC . Square Footing .Design Page 1 I c:\technicdiner (99169\\technicdiner.ecw:Calc · · Description Column Ftg, (Grid Line G-1) General lnformatiqn , DeadLoacl "-.Li~Lpad Sboit Term.Load ·,. Seismic Zone Overburden Weig!rt . , Concrete Weight LL& ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 6.870k 0.000 k 0.000 k 4 109.oeio psf 145.00 pcf 1.330 0.00·in ... I Reinforcing · I Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 200/Fy As Req'd by Analysis Min, Reinf% to Req'd Sum111aiy. I 14.750 in 0.0033 0:0001 in2 0.0014 % 2.00ft square x 18.0in thick With 4-#4.bars Max. Static Soii Pressure 2,044.00 psf AIION Static Soil Pressure 2,500.00 psf Max. Short Term Soil.Pi'e$~ure 2,044,00 psf Allow Short Term Soil-.Pressure 3,325:00 psf Mu :Actual 1.43 k-ft Mn * Phi : Capacity 25.84 k-ft Calcul~tions-~11;1 desigmKfto ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements . . Footing Dimensiot!· 2,000 ft Thick~s 18.00 in ,.-#of Bars 4 Bar Size 4 ', j/ Rebi;ir cover 3.000 fc 3;000.0 psi Fy 6Q;00().0 psi Allowable Soil Beactng 2,500.00 psf • As to USE; per foot .of Width 0.248in2 Total As Req'd 0.496 in2· Min Allow %.Reinf 0.0014 Footing OK V1,1 : Actual One-Way 0.00 psi Vn*Phi : Allow One-Way 93.11 psi Vu : Actual TWO:-Way 8.18 psi Vn*Phi : Allow Two-Way 186.23 psi Alternate Rebar Selections: .. 3 #4's 2 #S's 2 #6's ·1 #Ts 1 #S's 1 #9's 1 #10's I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I job#99169 • !}:'I DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title: TechnicDiner . ,.-,~, m $ rn STRUTURAL ENGfNEf;RS Dsg·nr: PW De$: 12:44PM, 6NOVOO 908 S. CLEVELAND Description : ,•, I OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 Scope.: (760): 966-6355 .-·.'-{-~;_ \":··~. I Rev: 510300 . . · Square Footing Design Page 1 I User: KW-06()2938, Vet 5.1.3, 22-Jin-1999, Vw>32 (cl 1983-98 ENEflCALC . ' . . c:\technicdiner (991691\technicdiner.ecw:Calc -Description Column Ftg (Grid Line G-3) General lnformc1tion Dead Load ·-...__ __ Live Load Sh_~ T~nn Load Seismic Zone Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 8.370 k O.OOO·k o.oook 4 109.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1,330 0.OOin I Reinforcing I Rebar Requirement_ Actual'Rebar "d" depth-used 200/Fy, k. Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to R,eq'd Summary I 14.750 in 0.0033 0.0001 i114 0.0014% 2.00ft square X 18;0in thick with 4,. #4 bars Max. Static Soil Pressure- PJ.lr:Ni Static Soil.Pressure Max. Short Tenn Soil Pressure PJ.lc,.v Short Tenn Soil:Pressure Mu :Actual Mn * Phi : Capacity 2,419.00 psf 2,500.00 psf 2,419.00 psf 3,325;00 psf 1.69 k-ft 25.84 k-ft Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements F©ting•DimenSiOI), Thickness .·#of Bars Bar Size · I-Rebar COO=r fc Fy Allowable Soil Bearing k. to USE ~ foot of Width Total~ Req'q Min Allc,.v % Reinf Yu : Actual One-Way Vn*Phi: PJ.lc,.v One-Way Vu.: Actual Two-Way Vn*Phi : PJ.lc,.v Two-Way Memate Rebar Selections ... 3 #4's 2 #S's 1 #7's 1 #B's 2 1 2,..()00 ft 18.00 in 4 4 3.000 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 2,500.00 psf 0.248 in2 0.496 in2 0.0014 Footing OK 0.00 psi 93.11 psi 9.69 psi 186.23 psi #6's #9's 1 #10's • I ., ·1 ;. I I I 'i I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleverand Street OCI::ANSIDE, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 . ~ (· .~ . ' :• Joa·_..c..Te_· _e-A_'~t1~t_c. __ D_,_-:-n_~_IZ-_ __,_( c;_· _<!J_l'-_·G-_c;-=-) ___ ...._'-- SHEETN9.: 3Q · OF ______ _ CALCULATED B'(__,/._:;;,_vJ_--'--____ DATE~/'-f/ '"'"'· &,,"-'_+/_,_t1_c> __ _ CHECKED BY_,._--,-------DATE ___ '-------'- SCALE --,--,-----,,----~----------'-- •' ./ ,/ .fl (15 p~F r /C-Ps,c )(!a' ,t42.'¼(/ue>o) 1- ~ p;; 7-S-t,~ ;t F/bn1 @m"{- "Flt-VS) --((J / .Jc. -/7. oc, ( D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I i \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,; ..... m $ rn DUNN SAVOIE INC. Title: Technic Diner Job#99169 STRUTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: PW Date: 12:57PM, 6 NOVOO . 908 S. CLE;VELAND Description : I OCEANSI0E, Cf,.. 92054 Scope·: (760) 966-6355 I Rev: 510300 Square Footirt9 Design · Page 1 ·l User: KW-0002938, Ver5.1.3, 22-Jllr>-1999, Win32 (c) 1983-99.ENERCALC . c:\technicdiner (991691\technicdiner.ecw:Calc Description Column Ftg. (Grid Line B-1) General Information , Dead Load "-.,_Live Load Sn~ Tenn Load Seismic Zone· Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 15.100 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 4 109.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1.330 0.OOin I Reinforcing I Rebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" ~th. useq 200/Fy As Req'd by Analysis Min. Reinf % to Req'd Summary I 14'.500 in 0.0033 0.0003 in2 0.0014 % 3.00ft square x 18.0in thick with 4-#4 ·bars Max. Static Soil Pi'elisu~ Allow Static Soil Pressure Max. Short Tenn Soil Pressure Allow Short Tenn Soil Pressure Mu :Actual Mn * Phi : Capacity 2,004.28 psf 2,500;00 psf 2,004.28 psf 3,325.00 psf 3.16 k-ft 17.09 k-ft Caiculations a,-e designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 USC Requirements . Footing Dimensi09:· Thickness ,.-#of Bars Bar Size ',. J: Rebar Covet fc Fy Allowable $oi1Bearing As to USE per foot of Width Total As Req'd Min Allow% Reinf Vu : Actual One-Way Vn*Phi : Allow One-Way Vu , Actual Two-Way Vn*Phi : l\llow Two-Way Alt~ate Rei?ar .Selections ... 4 #4's 3 #S's 2 .#7's 1 #8'~ 2 1 3.000 ft 18.00 in 4 4 3,250 3,000.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 2,500.00 psf 0.244i~ 0.731 in2 0.0014 Footing OK . 4.70 psi 93.11 psi 25.16 psi 186.23 psi #6's #9's 1 #10's • I I I I I l.. ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -·:·,:·~-,~:...:.-~~ ,•. ,., )~ ~! - Tltie : Technic Diner . ',\· DUNN SAVOIE INC. Job#99169 · ID $ rn STRUTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgnr: PW ~: 12:59PM, 6NOVOO 908 S. CLf:VEl-AND DeScrlptlort: I OCEANSIDE:, CA. 92Q54 Scope: .· (760) 966-63~5 I Rev. 510300 . Square Footing Design Page 1 I User: KW-0002938, Ver5.1.3, 22-Jin-1999, Wln32 (c) 1883-99 ~RCALC c:\technicdiner (99169lltechnicdiner.ecw:Calc Description ,. Column Ftg (Griq Line B-3) General-lraforma.Jicm Dead Load -~LiwLoad S~ort Term Load Sei;mic Zone · Overburden Weight Concrete Weight LL & ST Loads 'Combine Load Duration Factor Column Dimension 17.qOO'k o.oook 0.QOO·k 4 109.000 psf 145,00pcf 1.330 0.OOir'l I Reinforcing I ~ebar Requirement Actual Rebar "d" depth used 200/Fy As Req'd by Analysis Min, Reinf% toReq'd Summary I 14.750 in 0.0033 0.0003 in2 0:00:14 % 3.00ft square x 18.0in thick with 4-#4 bars· Max. ~tatic Soil Pr¢ssuie 2,277.61 psf Allow Static Soil Pressure 2,500.00 psf Max. Short term Soil Pressure 2,277.61 psf Allow Short Tetm Soil Pressure 3,325.00 ,psf Mu :Actual 3.59 k-ft Mn '* Phi : Capacity 17:39 k-ft Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements . ' . F®ting OimenSiOI). ~-000 ft Thickness · · · 18.00 in #of Bars 4 Bar Size 4 • J: · Rebar Cover 3.000 fc 3;000.0 psi Fy 60,000.0 psi AllowableSoil Bearing 2,500.00 psf I As to USE,per foot of Wi<:tth 0.248in2 Total As Req'd 0.743 in2 Min Allow% Reinf 0.0014 Footing OK Vu : Actual'One-Way 4;88 psi Vn*Phi : Aliow One-Way 93,11 psi Vu : Actual Two-Way 27.44 psi Vn*Phi : Allow Two-Way 186.23 psi Alternate·Rebar Selections ... 4 #4's 3 #S's 2 #6;s 2 #Ts 1 #8's 1 #9's 1 #10's I I I I i \ I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I ' '- PUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, GA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 /IJ • 1-.17!/r ?-;; . I~ ·.f. P1Y:-( &-'~ ..,;;.-'4!, t, .d-z_. . ( ,o SHEET NO.. ;3 ( OF _____ ~_ CALCULATED BY P 0 DATE Lt,lc.. loo . CHECKEDBY ________ DATE ______ _ SCA~E-'-· ----------------- _-(,' 0, JL, . l \ ti -r I US!c 4" 4 " !4 ,?wt;µ; 1 D PRODUCT 207 . I I I I ' I. ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cieyel~nd S~reet OCEANSIDE, CA ~2.054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 e': -.l!L ;;,-.c - ,IC 'b - Jos . Te vh, ,., re. SHEET No. :32,.,, OF ___ ~--- CALCULATEDB,Y_?,___,J_-,---,---DATE 1i/1, /uc . CHECKED .. BY-~------DATE _____ _ SCALE _ ____c ______________ _ I 57,3 d, l'i . / i . . il- ,4 /, l, . /'CI '. 41-t.. ':ff f r . I ltS!' 1 ;<.. 4 ;< Y4 if-;,~ Ltf I D PRODUCT 207 To: Attention: Subject: References: Leighton ~nd Associates G.EOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS LEGOLAND California I Lego I>rive February 7, 2001 Carlsbad~ California 920084 Mr. Jim Fend Project No. 960151-015 Review ofLiquefactionHazard~.Proposed East.Expansion Area, Carlsbad, California. ' .. Leighton· ~d Associates, Inc.,. 1999, . Updated Geotechnical Report, Proposed East Expansion Area,, LEGOLA:ND Theme Park, Cadspad, California, Project No.: 960151- 010, datedDecember 10, .1999 -· As requested we have provided this letter to restate our opinions regarding the potential for liquefaction within the East Expansion Area of the Legolatid site. Liquefaction and dynamic settlement of soils can be C!J.USed by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Both research and historical data indi¢ate that loose, saturated, granular soils are susceptible to liquefaction and dynamic settlement. Liquefaction .is typified by a loss of shear strength in the affected soil layer, thereby causing the .soil to· behave as a viscous: liquid. The onsite materials (Artificial Fills, Terrace Deposits, and Santiago Formation) at~ not considered 'liquefiable due the their relatively high in- place densities. If you have any questions regarding our letter, please. contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. · · . Respectfully submitted, SAC Distribution: (2) Addressee 3934 Murphy Canyon Roacj, #8205, S;m Diego, CA 92123-4425 (858) 292-8030 • FAX (858) 292-0T71 • www.leightongeo.com -02/08/2001 15: 06 To: Attention: Subject: References: 8582920771 LEIGHTON SAN DIEGO PAGE 02/02 Leighton and Associates LEGOLAND C.aHfomia l Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 920084 Mr. Jim Fend GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS February 8, 2091 Project No. 960151-015 Geotechnical Review of FouQdation Pl~ns, ProPQsed East E~pansion Area, Carlsbad, California. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1999, Updared GeotechnicaJ Report, Proposed East Expansion Area, LEGOLAND Theme Paik,Carlsbad, California, Project No.: 960151- 0 ro, dated December I 0, 1999 Dunn Savdie, Inc., 2001, Foundation Plans, Legoland 3, Sheets SI, S2, S4, S6, and S7, dated January 16; 2001 As requested, we have reviewed the referenced foundation plans (Duon Ss,vqie, 200 l) to confirm whether the recommendations contained within the referenced soils report (Leighton, l 999) are incorporated in the plans. Based on our review, the plans were found to incorporate the recommendations of the s~ils report. If you have any questions regarding our letter, please contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. · Distribution: (2) Addressee Respectfully submitted, Sean \.-Ul"'4iWJa;:il.J Director of Engineering (l) Esgil Corporation, Attn: Mr. Curt Culver 3934 Murphy c,-nyon Road, #B205, San Diego, CA 92123-4425 (858) 292-8030 • FAX (858) 292-0771 • www,!eightongeo.com -~ ---;c . ,-. ,.._.,__~ -------------~ . ---------~ I lO 0 D D D D D D D D D D D D io I ID D 0 10 "\- Leighton an,dAssocia(fJs -----y - ---- -·, . ---~ -·I --.-. -~ --- . ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I iebrati,z~ --1e,e &l:;;'o\ ;:::: !II ~ :::----== . -: 1961 -2001 Leigh-ton; and Associates GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS UPDATE GE07'pCHNICAL REPORT, -PROPOSED EAST EXP ANSI ON AREA, . LEGO LAND THEME p ARK --. , CA.RLSB:Ab, CM.,IFORNIA ProjectNo. 960f51-0l0 December_ to,_ i 999 Prepared For LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 3934 Mur-phy Canyon Road, #82.05, San Diego, CA 92123-4425 (858) 292-8030 • FAX (858) 292-0771 • www.leightongeo.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To: Attention: Leighton and Associates GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS Legoland California One Lego Drive December 10, 1999 Carlsbad, California 92008' Mr. Jim Fend Project No. 960151-010 Subject: Update Geotechnical Report, Proposed East Expansion Area, Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California · · ·· · In accordance with your request and authoritatfon; wci .have conducted, a geotechnical review for the proposed east expansion area at the Legoland theme· .park in Carlsbad, California. Our review was performed to provide a summary of .the as-gtcJ,ded geotechitical conditions present at the site. Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion that the site can be ixnprqved to receive the proposed improvements. The accompanying report presents a suinrri;iry of oµf current investigation and provides planning-level geotechnical conclusions and recommen~ations relative to the proposed site development. If you have any questions regardin~ :our repoit, plelise do not hesitate to contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service.· SAC/MRS Distribution: (2) (4) Respectfully submitted, Addressee R.W. Apel, Landscape .Architec~ 3934 Murphy c·anyoh :Roa·d;. "#B205, San Diego, CA 92123-4425 (858) 292-8030 • FAX (:858) 292-Q771 • www.leightongeo.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 990217-001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................... 0 ............................................................................................... 1 1.1 PURPCiSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRJPTION ............................................................................................... 1 1.3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................... : ....................... 3 3.0 SUMMARY O)i' GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................... 4 3 .1 GEOLOGIC SETTING ....... ; ............................................................................................................... 4 3.2 SITE-SPECIFIC GEOLOGY .......... , ......................... , ..... ,., ............... , ...................................................... 4 3.2. J Documented Fill (}.,fap Sj>mbol-_A,f) ............................................................................................... 4 3.2.2 Undocumented Fill (Map Symbol-Afu) ............................................................................................ 5 3.2.3 Quaternary Terrace Depo$itS (Map Symbol-Qt) .......... : ................................................................. 5 3.2.4 Tertiary Santiago FormatiOn (Map Symbol-Ts) ............................................................................. 5 3.3 GEOLOGiC STRUCTURE ............................. ; ..... .-....... , ................................................................... 6 3.4 LANDSLIDES AND SURFICIAL FAILURES· ........................................................................................ 6 3.5 GROUNDWATER ................... , ................... , ................ , .................................................................. 6 3.6 CUT-FILL TRANsmoNs-............................................................................................................... 7 3.7 EXPANSIVE SOILS., .............................. , .......................................................................................... 7 4.0 FAULTING AND SEISMICITY .......................... · ............ , ........... , ................................................................ 8 4.1 FAULTING ..................... : ................................. -............................................................................... 8 4.2 SEISMICITY .......................................... ,, ....................... , ..•........................................................... 8 4.2.1 Shallow Ground Rupture ......................... , ....................................................................................... 9 4.2.2 Liquefaction and:Dynamic Settlement ......................................................................... , .................. 10 4.2.3 Tsunamis and·Seiches ............. , ......................................... : ............................................................. 10 5.0 CONCLUSIONS ·························••!•••································ .. ~·-······································································· 11 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 12 6.1 EARTIIWORK ....... , ....................•........................................ : ........................................................ 12 6.1.1 Site Preparation. .. : ............. , ...................................... , ...................................................................... 12 6.1.2 Exc:avations and Oversize Material.. .............................................................................................. 12 6.1.3 Fill Placement and Compaction ................................................... : ................................................ 13 6.1.4 Removal'of Unsuitable Soils ............................................................................... :· ........................... 13 6.1.5 Transition Mitigation .............................................................. , ..................................................... 14 6.2 CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATION AND SLAB CONSII)ERATIONS' ...................................................... 14 6:2.J- 6.2.2 6.2.3 Shallow Spread Footings Foundations ........................................ · ................................................... 14 Floor Slabs .......................... , .... , ............... , ............................ .' ...................................................... 15 Settlement ....................... , .. , ........................................................................................................... 15 1, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 990217-001 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 6.3 POST-TENSIONED FOUNDATION SYSTEM ................................................................................... 16 6.4 MAT FOUNDATION ................................................................................................................... 17 6.5 LATERAL EARm PREssUREs ..................................................................................................... 11 6.6 GEOCHEMICAL CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................................. 18 6.7 SLOPE STABILITY ....... , ............ , ...................................................... , ........................................... 18 6. 7.1 Deep-Seated Stability ............................. _ .. _ ..................................................................................... 18 6. 7.2 Surflcial Slope Stability ................................................................................................................. 19 6.8 SURF ACE DRAIN'AGE_AND .EROSION .......................... ·-· ............................................................... 19 · 6.9 ADDIDONAL SITE INVESTIGATION' ............................ _ ................................................................... 20. 6.10 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION .......................... _ ........................................................................ 20 6.11 PLANREVIEW ..........•................ , ....................•........................................................................... 20- 7.0 LIMITATIONS .........................................................................•.................................................................. 21 Table l -S~ismic" Parameters for A.ctive Faults -Page 8 Table 2 -Post-Tensioned Foundation :Design Recommendations -Page 17 Table 3 -Static _Equivalent Fluid Weight (pc:f)-Page 18 · Figures Figure 1 ~ Site Location Map -Page 2 Plate 1 -Geotechnical Map -In Pocket Appendices Appendix A -References Appendix B -General Earthwork and Grading Specifications u I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I .1.1 1.2 960151-010 LO INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope This report presents the results of our geotechnical review of the proposed east expansion area within the Legoland theme park in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of our review was to identify and evaluate the existing geotechnical conditions present at the site and to provide preliminary conclusions and geotechp.ical recommendations relative to the proposed developme_nt. Our scope of services included: • Review of availab_le pertinent, published and unpublished geotechnical literature and maps. • • • References cited are listed in Appendix A. Field reconnaissance of the existing onsite geotechnical conditions . Compilation and analysis of the geotechnical data obtained from the literature review, and field reconnaissance. Preparation of this report presenting· our findings, conclusions, and geotechnical recommendations with respect to the as-graded· geotechnical conditions and design and construction of the proposed improvements. Site ~ocation and Description The site is situated within the Legoland theme park in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1, page 2). The proposed improvements will occur within the easterly portion of the park as shown on the conceptual gradirtg plan.prepared by R.W. Apel, Landsc&pe Architect (Plate 1). Topographically, the site consists of a mildly sloping sheet-graded pad. Elevations range within the site range from approximately 1-82 feet mean sea level (msl) within the northeast portion of the expansion area to appro~ately 154 feet msl along the south side. The existing attractions of the Legoland campus are situated immediately to the no~ and east of the proposed east expansion area. · The existing Legoland administration building is adjacent to the expansion area to the south. A. landscape maintenance building, water tank, and agricultural or open-space parcels are. situated east of the site. The site is unimproved and is currently being utilized as storage for landscaping item:s (numerous trees, shrubs, and decorative plants) and parts for a future entertainment feature, with some landscaped areas along the perimeter of the site. A stockpile ofundocumented loose :fill is present within the central portion of the s1te. -1~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NO·RTH BASE MAP : Thomas Bros. GeoFinder for Windows, San Diem> County, 1995, !?age 1126 LEGOLAND Californi~ East Expansion Area One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 1."=2,000' . SITE lOCA.T'ION MAP PROJECT SITE · Pro feet No. 960151-010 Date December, 1999' II Fi-gure No. 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.3 960151-010 Proposed Development Based on our review of the preliminary plans (Apel, 1999), we understand the Legoland expansion will include the construction of a restaurant structure, a retail structure, and six new theme park rides. Structures are anticipated to be of wood construction with slab-on-grade floors. The rides are expected to include a water boat ride, four spinning rides, and a roller coaster. Specifics on the constructiol). materials and structural loads for the rides were not available at the time this report was prepared. Landscaping, sidewalks, and utilities are also anticipated -as part of the proposed improvements. -3'- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.1 3.2 960151-010 3.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS Geologic Setti11g The site is located in the coastal section of the Peninsular Range Province, a geomorphic province . . with a long and active _geologic history_ throughout Southern California. Throughout the last 54 million years, the area known as "San Diego Embayment" has undergone several episodes of marine inundation and subsequent marine regression, resulting in the deposition of a thick sequence of. marine and nonmarine sedimentary. rocks on the basement rock of the southern California batholith. Gradual emergence of the region from the sea occurred in Pleistocene time, and numerous wave-cut platforms, most of which were covered by relatively thin marine and nonmarine terrace deposits, formed as the sea receded from the land, Accelerated fluvial erosion during periods of heavy rainfall, coupled with the lowering of the base sea level during Quaternary times, resulted in the rolling hills, mesas, and deeply incised canyons which characterize the landforms we see in the general site area today. Site-Specific Geology Based op_ our review of pertinent geologic literature and maps, the east expansion area is underlain by Quaternary Terrace Deposits which are underlain by the Tertiary Santiago Formation. Undocumented FiU and Documented Artificial Fill were also encountered on the site. A brief description of the geologic units encountered on the site is presented below. The approximate locations of the geologic contacts between the units are mapped on the Geotechnical Map (Plate 1). 3.2.1 Documented Fill (Map Symbol-A±) Documented fill -pla9ed during previous &rading under the observation and testing of Leighton is present along the west; east and south boundaries of the expansion area (Plate 1). These fill soils were derived :from onsite or adjacent sites and as encountered during grading, generally consist of orange-brown to light gray, slightly clayey to silty, firte to medium grained sand. Based on the mapped locations of these fills, we expect they will be generally be outside the planned footprints of the proposed structures. The existing fill along the west boundary of the expansion area may encroach beneath the planned footprints of the Aqµa Drag and Caterpillar rides. If encountered: beneath the planned footprint of the rides, measures to mitigate the transition from cut to fill ate recommended (Section 6. 1.5). -4- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-010 3.2.2 . Undocumented Fill (MaP. Symbol-Mu) A stockpile of urn;locumented fill was observed during our reconnaissance of the site. We suspect these soils were generated during construction activities within the park and are expected to be suitable for reuse on site. These materials should be tested for pertinent properties prior to use as fill on site. In addition to the stockpiled materials, any backfill within existing utility trenches that transect the expansion area are considered undoc1,1mented, as Leighton was not on site to observe or test the previously placed backfill. As such, these soils are not consid~red suitable for support of proposed improvements and will require. removal and recompaction where encountered beneath planned improvements. · ~.2.J Quaternary Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol -Ot}, Quaternary Teuace Depos1ts stratigraphically overlie the Tertiary Santiago Formation in most areas of the site. As encountered during previous grading, these deposits generally consisted! of orange to reddish brown, damp to moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine,. to medium-grained sand. These soils are expected to generally exhibit very iow to low expansion potential and favorable engineering properties for foundation support. The upper 1 to 2 feet of these materials 1s ·expected to be disturbec:l and wiil require removal and recompaction. 3.2.4 Tertiary Santiago Formation (Map Symbol-Ts} The bedrock unit underlying the entire site is the Tertiary Santiago Formation. As encountered during grading operations, the unit consisted of massive to poorly bedded sandstone with ·interbedded clayey siUstone and silty claystone. The sandstone encountered con!;,isted primarily of light gray to light brown, and light yellow-brown, moist, dense, silty :6.ne-to occasionally medium-grained sandstone. The sandstone was generally frjable, slightly micaceous anq massive. The siltstone consisted of · me,dium brown and olive brown, moist, stiff, ciayey siltstones that were fissile to indistinctly bedded and. contained calcium .carbonate, mangane~e oxide and iron oxide staining. The claystone was typically gray to brown, moist, stiff to hard, fine- grainecl, sandy to silty. claystone that was moderately sheared. -5- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-010 3.3 Geologic Structure Based on our review of the geologic mapping completed during the rough-grading operations, literature review and our professionai experience on nearby sites, bedding on site is slightly dipping (on the order of 5-10 degrees) to the. west southwest. Localized steeper bedding which can be .attributed to cross bedding ·_can be observed m areas. Based on our field explorations and a review of published geologic maps of the site and vicinity, no active faults have been mapped or were encountered on or immediately adjacent to the site. Toe significance of faulting is discussed in the following section on Faulting and Seismicity. 3.4 Landslides and Surficial Failures Based on our review of the project geotechnical reports (Appendix A) and our geologic mapping during rough-grading, indications of landslides or other surficial failures within the graded portions of the subject,property were not observed. 3 .5 · Groundwater A localized perched groundwater congition was exposed during previous. grading for the Service Administration Area. and a subdrain was installed to direct water away from this area and into the main canyon. subdrain running parallel to Hidden Valley Road. The drain consisted of a 6 inch perforated PVC ·pipe and approzjmately 9 ft:3/ft of 3/4 inch gravel wrapped with Mirafi 140N geofabric. Where saturated conditions made installation of this· drain impractical and/or unsafe, the drain was placed as a minimum ten foot.deep trench backfilled with 3/4 inch gravel to 5 feet below finish grade and a layer of Mirafi 140N geofabric was placed over the gravel prior to continued backfilling with· compacted native soil. An additional area of seepage was noted south and west of the proposed expansion area. This seepage wa$ observed along a clayey bed within the relatively porous Terrace deposits near the relatively dense (less permeable) Tertiary Santiago formation .. A subdrain was installed at the · base of a temporary I: 1 cut at the approximate location shown on the Geotechnical Map (Plate I) located at -the rear of the text.· This drain consisted of 6 inch schedule 40 PVC perforated pipe, 3 · ft3 /ft of gravel wrapped ·in a layer of Mirafi 140N geofabric. A panel drain consisting of Miradrain .. 6000 was. placed horizontally-along the backcut at the ·elevation of the seepage and extended downward to tie into the subdrain. The subdrain was outletted into the storm drain collection box located immediately west of the proposed expansion area as shown on the Geotechnical Map (Plate It _The proposed· site development wUl include shallow cuts extended· to near the anticipated water level. . As a result, to further mitigate the potential for accmp.ulation of a shallow perched groµndwater condition, we recommend: additional' subdtains oe installed! during site grading. The. locations of the proposed subdrains should be detemuned after additional field investigation. -6- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.6 3.7 960151-010 Cut-Fill Transitions Based upon the conceptual grading plan, shallow cuts and fills are anticipated. Remedial measures to mitigate these conditions are discussed in Section 6.1.5. Expansive Soils Based upon our review of previous geotechnical reports, on site Terrace Deposit~ are expected to generally possess a very low to low expansion potential. Soils generated from excavation in the Santiago Formation ate expect to possess a low to high expansion potential. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.1 4.2 960151-010 4.0 FAULTING AND SEISMICITY Faulting Our discussion of faults on the site is prefaced with a discussion of California legislation and policies concerning the classification and land-use criteria associated with faults. By definition of the California Mining, and Geology Board, an-active fault is a fault that has had surface displacement within Holocene time (about the. last l 1,_000 years). The state geologist has defined a potentially active· fault as any fault considered to have been active during Quaternary time (last 1,600,000 years). This definition is used in ,delineating Earthquake Fault Zones as mandated by the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fa,ult Zoning Act apd as subsequently revised in 1997. The intent of this act is to assure that unwise urban development and certafo habitable structures do not occur across the traces of actjve faults. The subject site is not included within any Earthquake Fault Zones as created by the Alqµist-Priolo Act (Hart, 1997), Our review of available geologic literature (Appendix A) indicates that there are no known major or active faults on or in the immediate vicinity of the site. The nearest active regional fault is the Rose Canyon Fa,ult Zone located approximately 4.8 miles west of the site. Seismicity The site ,can be considered to lie within a seismically active region, as can all of southern California. Site specific evaluation of the eart_hqµake hazard was performed using a deterministic and a probabilistic approach. The earthquake source data used for deterministic and probabilistic evaluations of the design ground motion was obtained from the California Division -of Mining and Geology (CDMG, Open File Report .. 96-08). A summary of our deterministic evaluation is provided in Table 1. Table l Seismic Parameters for Active Faults (Blake, 1996 and 1"998, CDMG, 1996) Distance Maximum Malmitude Earthquake Fault · from Fault to Moment Peak Ground Acceleration . · Site-(Miles) _ Mamutude (.g) i Rose Canyon l 4.8· 6.9 ' 0-.50, i ,( \ : I : ., ' \ Newport-7 6.9 0.41 Inglew:ood '' i Coronado ijank : 2.1 ' 7.4.. \ 0.24 ' ! ., ! / -8- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-010 Based on a deterministic approach, Table-I presents the peak ground accelerations that we predict could be produced by the an earthquake of the maximum moment magnitude on the respective fault. The maximum moment magnitude earthquake is defined as the maximum -event that a fault is capable of producing considering the known tectonic setting. Site-specific seismic parameters reported are the distances to the causative faults, earthquake magnitudes, and .expected peak ground accelerations. As indicated in Table 1, the Rose Canyon fault zone· is · considered to have the most significant affect at the site from a desigu standpoint. The maximum moment magnitude earthquake is expected to produce a peak ground surfa9e acceleration at the site of 0.50g. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone is considered a type B seismic source according to Table 16-U of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC). From a probabilistic approach, the design ground motion for this project (ICBO, 1997, Section 1629) is the :ground motion having a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years. This ground motion is referred to as. the maximum probable ground motion (CBSC, 1998). A maximum probable ground motion of 03 lg is predicted for the site. The upper bound earthquake ground motfon is the ground motion having a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 100 years. The upper bound ground inotion is predicted to be 0..40g. The effect of seismic shaking may be mitigated by adhering to the Uniform Building Code and state-of-the-art seismic design parameters of the Structural Engineers Association of California. The site is· located within Seismic Zone 4 as designated by the Uniform Building Code (ICBO, 1997, Figure 16-2). The soil profile designation for the site is estimated to be type Sc per the 1997 UBC, Table 16-J. However, we recommend deep borings be performed to confirm the soil profile type. In lieu of performing deep borings, a soil profile designation of So may be assumed in design. Near source factor$ Na and Nv for the site equal to 1.0 and 1.1, respectively, are appropriate based on the seismic setting and criteria of Tables 16-S and 16-T of the 1997 UBC. If dynamic analysis is to be performed, a response spectrum can be provid,ed upon request. Secondary effects that can be associated with severe ground shaking following a relatively large earthquake include shallow ground' rupp.ire, soil liquefaction and dynamic settlement, seiches and tsunamis. These secondary effects of sei_smic shaking are. discussed in the following sections. 4.2.1 Shallow Ground Rupture Ground rupture because of active faulting is n,ot likely to occur on site due to the absence 0£ knowp. active faults," Cracking due· to. shaking from distant sei_smic events. is-not considered a significant ha?:ard-, although it is a possibility at any site. -9-' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-010 4.2..2 Liquefaction and Dynamic Settlement Liquefaction and dynamic settlement of soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Both research and historical data indicate that loose, saturated, granular soils are susceptible to liquefaction and dynamic settlement. Liquefaction is typified by a loss of shear strength in the affected soil layer, thereby causing the soil to liquefy. This effect may·be manifested by excessive settlements and· sand boils at the ground surface. The Terrace Deposits are not considered ljquefiable due to ·their physical characteristics and linsaturated condition. The Santiago .Formation, which may be below the water table at depth,, is not c<;>nsidered liquefiable d'ue to its very high-density characteristics and indurated nature. 4.2.3 Tsunamis and Seiches Based on the distance between the site and large, open bodies of water, and the elevation of the site with respect to sea level, the possibility of seiches and/or tsunamis is considered to be very low. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-010 5,0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of our planning-level geotechnical review of the site, it is our opinion that the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical sta.IJ.dpoint, provided the following conclusions and recommendation,s are incorporated. into the project plans and specifications. The following is a summary of the-significant geotechnical factors that we expect may affect development of the site. • • • • • • • • ., • Active faults are not known to exist on or in the immediate vicinity of the site . A peak ground acceleration of 0.50g is predicted as a result of the maximum moment magnitude earthquake along the Rose Canyon Fault Zone. By probabilistic methods, a peak ground acceleration of 0.3 lg is predicted as the maximum probable ground motion. The upper bound earthquake ground motion is estim~ted to b(;: 0.40g. Based on previou~ $Ubsurface. exploration of the formatfonar materials, artificial fills·, and surficial soils present on the ·site,· we anticipate that these materials should be generally rippable with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment. The undocumented fill soil_s stockpiled on site are not suitable for support of structural loads or fill soils in their present conclition. Remedial grading measures will be necessary to mitigate this condition (Section 6.1.4). Based on previous testing, onsite Terrace Deposit materials are expected to generally possess a very low to low expansion potential (exp;msion index less than 50). Based on prev.ious testing, onsite soils ~te expected: to have a low to moderate potential for sulfate attack on concrete and moderate potential for corrosion of buried metal piping. A corrosion engineer should be consulted for recommendations for mitigation of corrosion. . . The existing onsite soils appear to be suitable material for use as compacted fill provided they are relatively free of orgat;ric material, debris, ~d rock fragments larger than 6 inches in maximum cl4nension. To address the potential for accumulation of a shallow perched groundwater condition and obtain data on shallow geotechnical conditions, we . recommend a. supplemental subsurface investigation be performed, Surficial soils throughout the site are generally disturbed and desiccated·. Surficiaf soils will reqµire remedial grading measures (Section 6, 1.4).-Additionally, soiis. near the mapped contact between the Terrace Deposits and· the artificial: fiU will likely require overexcavation arid recompaction if . . encountered beneath distress-sensitive structures. Where earthen berms are proposed, filfs should be properly benched prior to raising grades . -1 l:'- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.1 960151-010 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Earthwork We anticipate that earthwork at the site will consist of site preparation, excavation, and fill operations. We recommend that earthwork on the _site be performed in accordance with the following recommendations and the Generai Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading included in Appendix B. In case of conflict, the following recommendations shall supersede those in Appendix B. 6.1.1 Site Preparation Prior ·to grading,. all areas to receive structurai fill, engineered structures, or hardscape should be cleared of surface ancl subsurface obstructions, including any existing debris and '. undocumented or loose fill soils, and stripped of vegetation. Removals should extend the competent formational .soils-. Removed vegetation and debris should be properly disposed· off site. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, brought to above optimum moisture conditions, and recompacted to at least 90 percent· relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1551-91. 6.1.2 Excavations and Oversize Material Shallow excavations of the onsite materials may generally be accomplished with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment.· Localized heavy ripping or breaking may -be required if cemented.and concr~tionary lenses are encountered in deeper excavations. Shallow, temporary excavations, sm;h as .utility trenches with vertical sides, in the engineered fill and formational materials should remain stable for the period required to construct the utility, provided they are free· of adverse geologic conditions or seeps. In accordance with OSHA requirements, excavations deeper than 5. feet should be shored or be laid back to if workers are to enter such excavations. Temporary sloping gradients -should be determined in the field by a "competent person" as defined by OSHA. For preliminary planning, sloping -of sqrficial soils at 1: 1 (horizontal to vertical) may be assum~d. Excavations· greater than 20 feet in height will require an alternat1ve sloping pl'cUl oF shoring pl'an prepared by a California registered: civil engineer. -12- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-010 Althoµgh we do not anticipate that oversize material will be generated during onsite excavations, recommendations for treatment of oversize material are included in the attached General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading (Appendix B). In addition, oversize material may be utilized in approved surface applications or hauled off site. 6.1.3 Fill Placement and Compaction All fill soils should be brought to a moisture content at or above the optimum and compacted in 1,mifonri lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on laboratory standard ASTM Test Method D1557-91. In pavement and hardscape areas, the upper 12 inches of subgrade and all aggregate base should be .compacted to at least 95 percent. The Qptimum lift thickness required to produce a unifotmly compacted fill will depend on the type and si:z;e of compaction equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8· inches in thickness. The onsite surficial soils typically-'posse~ses cl moisture content below optimum and may require·moisture conditioning prior to use as compacted fill. Fills placed on slopes steeper than 5: 1 :(horizontal to vertical) should be keyed and benched into competent formational soils as indicated in the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading presented in Appendix lt Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in general accordance with the current City of Carlsbad gracling ordinances, sound construction practice, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications for Rough Grading presented in Appendix B. 6.1.4 Removal of Unsuitable Soils Ali' undocumented fill soil~ and surficial' soils should be removed before placement of additional fill or surficial improvements. Removals made in these areas should extend to competent Terrace Deposits or engineered fill materials. Throughout the site, the uppermost 1 to 2 feet of the surificial soils are e;xpected to be desiccated or .loose and· will require removal and recompaction. Additionally, loose and weathered: soil's at the cut to fill transitiqn should also, be removed and recompacted prior to placement of additional filrs or surface improvements. Existing backfill in utility trenches, if present; on site, are considereq.: undocumented and should. be identified, excavated, a.Qd recompacted. . -B- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.2 960151-010 6 .1.5 Transition Mitigation From, review of the conceptual grading plan (Apel, 1999), shallow cuts· and fills are anticipated to fine grade the building pad and ride footprint areas. Where transitional conditions are present, we recommend the pad areas be overexcavated at least 1 foot below the deepest footings. All overexcavation should laterally extend at least 5 feet beyonq the limits of the building foundation .and all associated settlement-sensitive structures. Alternatively, footings may pe deepened to bear informational materials. Conventional Foundation and Slab Considerations Shallow-spread footings or post-tensfon slabs are considered suitable for support of the restaurant and retail sttuctutes. Preliminary foundation loaqirtg. information was not available at the time of this report for.the four amusement rides. Specific foundation design. data should be developed for these structures once loading conditions are better known. Foundations and slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations and the following recommendations. These recommendations assume that the soils encountered within 5 feet of pad grade have a very low to low potential for expansion with an expansion index less than 50. 6.2.1 Shallow Spread Footings Foundations The proposed structures may be supported by conventional, continuous perimeter, or isolated spread footings. Footings should ,extend a minimum of 18 inches beneath the lowest adjacent finish grade. At these depths, footings founded in properly compacted fill soils may be designed for a maximum.allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. The allowable pressures may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short .duration such as wind or seismic forces. The minimum recommended width of footings is 15 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for square or round footings. Footings should b~ designed in accordance with the structural engineer's requirements and haw a minimum reinforcement of four No. 4 reinforcing bars (two top and two bottom). · We recommend a minimum horizontal setback distance. from the face of slopes for all structural footings and settlement-sensitive structures. This distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing·,. horizontally to tne siope face ( or to the face of a retaining wall) and shouid be a minimum of H/2, where H is the slope height (in feet). The setback shotildnot be less than 10 fi;et and need not be greater than 15 feet. Please note that the soils within the structural setback area possess poor lateral stability, and improvements· (~ucfi as· retaining, walfs, sidewalks~ fence·s·, and imprnvements (such as, retaining walls, sidewalks, fences, pavements, etc}constructed within this setback area may be· subject to faterali movement and/or differentiat settlement. -14- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.2.2 6.2.3 960151-010 Float Slabs the slab-on-grade should be at least 4 inches thick and be reinforced with No. 3 rebars 18 inches on center ecJ.ch way (minimum), placed at mid-height in the slab. Slabs should be underlain ,by a 2:..inch layer of clean sand ot clean crushed gravel. The sand or gravel layer should be additionally underlain by a visqueen moisture barrier under.lain by an additional 2 inches of sand or gravel. Sand or gravel should possess a sand equivalent of 30 or greater. We recommend co11trol joints be provided across the slab at appropriate intervals as designed by the project architect. Prior to placement of the vapor barrier, the upper 18 inches of slab subgrade should be moisture conditioned to a moisture content at or above the laboratory determined optimum. The potential foF slab cracking may be further reduced by careful control of water/cement ratios. Toe contractor should take appropriate curing precautions during the pouring of concrete in hot weather to minimize cracking of slabs. We recommend that a slipsheet (or equivalent), be utilized if grouted tile, marble tile, or other crack- sensitive floor coveril!g is planned directly on concrete slabs. All slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations. If heavy vehicle or equipment loading is proposed for the slabs, greater thickness and increased reinforcing may be required. Settlement 'The recommended allowable-bearing capacity for the restaurant and retail structures is based on maximum total and differential settlements of 3/4 inch and 1-1/2 inch, respectively. Since settlements are a function of footing size and contact bearing pressures, some differential sett:leinent can be expected between adjacent columns or walls: where a large differential lo~.ding condition exjsts. With increased footing depth to width tatios, differential settlement should be less. -15- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.3 960151-010 Post-Tensioned Foundation System We recommend that the post-tensioned Slabs be designed in accordance with the following design parameters .presented in Table 2 and the criteria of the 199T edition of the Uniform Building Code (ICBO, 1997). Table 2 Po~t-Tensioned found~tion Design Recommendations .. Expansion Index (UBC 18-2) Design Criteria, E.I. > 50 Edge Moisture Variation, .em Center Lift 5.5 feet .. .. ' . Edge Lift: 4.5 feet : Differential Swell~ Ym Center Lift: 1.0 inches : . , Edge Lift: 0.4 inches Differential Settlement: 1/2 inch The post-tensioned foundations and slabs should b~ designed in accordance with structural considerations. Slab~;:should be aUeast 5 inches thick. ·Continuous footings (ribs or thickened edges) with a mirti.Inuin width of 12 inches and a minimum depth of 12 inches below adjacent grade may be designed fot a maximum allowable beat:ing pressur~ of 2,000 pounds per square foot if founded· in properly compacted fill soils. The perimeter edge should extend at least 12 inches below the lowest adjacent grade. The allowable pressures may be increase by one-third when considering loads of short duration such as wind or seismic forces. . Slabs should be underlain by a miniml.l111 of 2 inches ·of clean sand (sand equivalent greater than 30) which is in turn underlain by a vapor barrier and 2 inches of clean sand. The vapor barrier should be sealed at all penetrations ·and laps. Moisture vapor transmission may be additionally reduced by use of concrete additives. Moisture barriers can retard, but not eliminate moisture vapor movement from the unde!lying soils up through the slabs. We recommend that the floor covering installer test the moisture vapor flux rate prior to attempting applications of the flooring. i'Breathable" floor coverings should be considered if the vapor flux rates are high. A slip-sheet or equivalent should be utilized above the concrete slab if crack-sensitive floor coverings (such as ceramic tiles, etc.) are to be placed directly on the concrete slab. The upper 18 inches of subgrade beneath the slab should be moisture conditioned to a moisture content at or above of the laboratory determined optimum -16- I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I 960151-010 6.4 Mat Foundation Although use of mat foundations are not anticipated, the following parameters are provided for consideration during planning. A sqil modulus of 1.50 pounds per cubic inch is recommended for design of mat foundations. Mat foundations should be designed by the project structural engineer utilizing parameters outlined for post-tensioned slabs and an allowable bearing pressure of 1,000 psf 6.5 Lateral Earth Pressures For design purposes, the. following lateral. earth pressure values for level or sloping backfill are recommended for walls backfilled with very low to low (EI < 50) expansion potential. Select materials should be used within t4e zone defined by a 1: I plane extending up from the base of the wall. Table 3 Static Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Conditions : Level: 2:1 Slope Active 35 55 : At-Rest 55 85 .Passive 300 150 (Maximum of 3 ksf) (sloping down) Unrestrained (yielding) cantilever walls up to IO feet in height should be designed for an active equivalent pressure value provided above. Irt the-design of walls restrained from movement at the . top (nonyielding), the at-rest pressures should be used. . If conditions other than those covered herein are anticipated, the equivalent fluid pressure values should be provided on an individual case .basis by .. the.geotechnical engineer ... A.surcharge load for a restrained or unrestrained wall resulting from automobile traffic may be assumed·to be equivalent to a uniform pressure of 75 psf which is in addition to the equivalent fluid. pressure given above. For other ·uniform surcharge loads, a uniform pressure equal to 0.35q should be applied to the. wall (where q is the surcharge pressure in psf). Surchar~e from heavy moving trucks can be analyzed by this office once design traffic loads are determined. The wall pressures assume walls are backfilled with free draining materials and water is: not allowed-to accommoclate behind, walls. A typical drainage design is. contained in Appendix B. Wa11 backfill should be compacted by 1t1echanical methods to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM D1557). Wall footings should be designed in accordance with the foundation design-recommendations and reinforced in accordance with structural considerations-. For aU retaimng1 walls~ we teGommenct a miniml,lm horizontal distance from the outside base of the footing to daylight of 10 feet. -17- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.6 6.7 960151-010 LateraJ soil resistance developed against lateral structural movement can be obtained from the passive pressure value provided above. Further, for sliding resistance, the friction coefficient of 0.35 may be used at the concrete and soil interface. These values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration including wind or seismic loads. The total resistance may be taken as the surµ of the frictional and passive resistance provided that the passive portion does not exceed two-thirds ofthe total resistance. Geochemical Considerations Concrete in direct contact with soil or water that contains a high concentration of soluble sulfates can be subject to.chemical deterioration commonly known as "sulfate attack." Results of previous testing indicated a negligible soluble. sulfate content. Uniform Building Code Table 19-A-4 provides minimum concrete design requirements based on sulfate exposure conditions. Although test results indicate negligible exposure according to Table 19,-A-4, we recommend moderate exposure be assumed .. Additional testing of the finish grade soils ~hould be performed. The site soils are believed to p:resent a moderate potential for corrosion of buried uncoated metal conduits and pipes: Further analyses by a-corrosion engineer is recommended where buried metal is being considere& Slope Stability We understand the finish slopes up to 10 feet in height are planned at inclinations of 2: 1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. The proposed configuration was analyzed for gross stability. 6. 7 .1 Deep-Seated Stability · Analysis of the proposed slope configuration was performed using the computer program GSlope. Based on our field observations and. previous testing of similar materials. strength parameters of cJ> = 32 and c = 200 psf were used for Artificial Fills. Our analysis mdicates .that the proposed slopes have a calculated factor of safety of 1.5 or greater, with respect to potential d~ep rotation~! failur~ We· reeommend that .the g~otechnical consultant document and geologically map all excavations during grading. The purpose· of this mapping is to substantiate the geologic conditions assumed in-our analysis. Additional investigation and stability analysis may be req,uired if unanticipated or adverse conditions are encountered. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.8 960151-010 6. 7.2 Surficial Slope.Stability Methods of slope stabilization should be implemented as soon as practical to reduce the potential for erosion. Erosion and/or surficial failure potential of fill slopes may be reduced if -the following measures are .implemented during design and construction of the slopes. Selective Grading of Fill Materials · We recommend against.the exclusive use of either highly expansive, clayey soils or poorly graded sands in the face of the fill slopes. Highly expansive soils are generally known to be subject to surficial failures when exposed in slope faces. Poorly graded sands utilized in slope faces may be subject to excessive erosion and rilling. A thorough mixture of onsite soils is recommended. We recommend that mixture of soils be approved by the geotechnical consultant prior to placement in fill slopes. · Slope Face Compaction and Finishing We recommend slope faces be·· compacted by backrolling with a sheepsfoot roller generally at 2-to 3-foot intervaJs of slope height. Slope. finishing should be achieved by trimming and/or track rolling. · Slope Landscaping and Drainage We recommend that all graded slopes be landscaped with drought-tolerant, slope stabilizing vegetation as soon as possible to minimize the potential for erosion. Erosion control measures should be considered while vegetation becomes established.. In addition to the sit\;: drainage recommendations outlined in Section 6.3, design of surface drainage provisions are within the purview of the project civil engineeF. ·surface.Drainage and Erosion .Surface drainage should be controlled-at all times. The proposed structures should have appropriate drainage systems to collect roof runoff. Positive surface drainage should be provided to direct surf'ace water away front the structures toward, the street or suitable drainage facilities. Positive drainage may be accomplished: by providing a minimum 2 ·.percent gradient from the structures. Below grade planters should not be situated adjacent to structures or pavements unless provisions for drainage such as. catch basins and drains-am made. -In general, ponding of water should be avoided a,djacentto structures or pavements. -19-, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-010 To help reduce the potential for excessive erosion of graded slopes, we recommend berms and/or swales be provided along the top of the slopes and lot drainage directed such that surface runoff on the slope faces is minimized. Protective measures to mitigate excessive site erosion during construction should also be implemented in accordance with the latest City of Carlsbad grading ordinances. 6.9 Additional Site Investigation Following preliminary planning, we recommend additional subsurface studies be performed to investigate shallow soil conditions, facilitate design of subdrains, and, if desired, to explore upgrading the assig11ed soil profile type. 6 .10 Construction Observation The recommendations provided in this report are based on preliminary design information, our experience during rough grading and' subsurface .. conditions disclosed by widely spaced excavations. The interpolated sqbsurface conditions should be checked in the field during construction.· Construction observatiop. of all onsite excavations and field density testing of all compacted fill should be performed by a representative of this office so that construction is in accordance with the recommendations of this report. We recommend that cut slopes be mapped by a geologist during.grading for the p~esence-of potentially adverse geologic conditions. 6.11 Plan Review Grading and foundation plans should be checked by Leighton and Associates before grading to see that the recommendations in this report are incorporated°in project plans. · -20- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-010 7.0 LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data that were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and tests. Such information is by necessity incomplete. The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions. Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe the subsurface conditions during grading and construction of the project, in order to confirm ·that our preliminary findings are representative for the site. -21-' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Blake, 1996, EQFAULT, Version2.2. ---, 1998, FRISKSP, Version 3.01. APPENDIX A REFERENCES California Building and Safety Commission (CBSC), 1998, California Building Code. 960151-010 CDMG, 1996, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California, Open-File Report 96- 08. Hart, 1997, Fault Rupture Hazard Zones m California, Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act of 1972 with Index to Special Study Zone Maps; Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publicatiop..42. International Conference of Building_ Officials (ICBO) l994, Uniform Building Code, Volume I- Administrative, Fire-and Life-Safety, and Field Inspection Provisions; Volume II-Structural Engineering Design Provisions; and Volume III-Material, Testing and Installation Provisions: ICBO. ---, 1997, Uniform Building Code. Leighton and Associates, Inc. Inc., 1995, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Lego Family Park and Pointe Resorts, Lots · 17 and 18 of the . Catlsl,ad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4950294-001, dated October 5, 1995. ---, 1996, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation, Lego Family Park, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4960151-001, dated Juiy 23, 1996. ---, 1998, Final As-Grad~d Report of Rough Grading, Lego Family Park, Carlsbad; California, Project No. 4960151-003, dated Feb~ary 10, 1998. Tan, S.S. and Kennedy; M.P., 1996, Geologic Maps of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, California, DMG Open-File ~eport 96'-02, San Luis Rey a.IJ.d· San Marcos Quadrangles. PLANS R.W. Apel, Landscape Architect, 1999, Site Development Plan Arp.enchnent for East Expansion Area, tegoland'. Cali:fomia,. d\ited $((:pterribef 16~_ 199~):.. A-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK ANO GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page l of 6 1.0 3030.1094 LEIGHTON AND AS SOCIA TES, INC. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROUGH GRADING General 1.1 Intent These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading and earthwork sh<;>wn on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geotechnical report(s). These Specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s). ln case of conflict,. the specific recommendations in the geotechnical report shall supersede these more general Specifications. Observations of the earthwork by the proJectGeotechnicalConsultantduring the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the .recqmq1endationsin the geotechnical report(s ). 1:.2 . The GeotechnicalConsultantofRecord: Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnieal Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant).· The Geotechnical Consultants sha:11 be responsible foF reviewing the approved geotechnical report(s) and accepting the adequacy or the preliminary geotechnical :findings, conclusions:, and recommendationspriorto the commencementofthe grading. · Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechnical Consultant shall review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel: to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing. During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, and document the subsurface exposures. to verify the geotechnical design assumptions. If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted-assumptions during.the design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the _owner, recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed conditions, and notify the review agency where required. Subsurface areas to be geotechnicallyobserved, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested include natural ground after it has been cleared fot receiving fill but before fill is placed, bottom$ of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill. The Geotechnical Consultant shall observe the rp.Qisture-conditioningand processing of the subgrade and fill materials and' perform relative-compaction testing of fill to determine the a~ined level of compaction. The Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner and the Contractoron a routine and frequent basis. · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page2 of6 2.0 3030.1094 1.3 The Earthwork Contractor. The Eart:hwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, -· . -experienced, and knowiedgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-conditioning and processing of fill, and compacting fill. The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, geotechnical report(s), and these Specifications prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for perfonning the grading in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Conu:actor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that-indicates the seq_uence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of work and the estimated quantities of daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to . commencement of grading. The Contractor shall inform the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in advance of such changes so that appropriate observations and tests can be planned and accomplished. The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechnical Consultant is aware of all grading operations. The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to .provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accord~ce with the applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these Specifications, and the recommendations in the approved geotechnical report(s) and grading plan(s). If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical Consultant,.unsatisfactoiyconditions~ such aS unsuitable soil, improper moisture condition, inadequate compaction, insufficient buttress key size, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of Wo~k less than. required in these specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant shall reject the work and may recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified, Preparation of Areas to be Filled 2.1 Clearing. and Grubbing; Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material shall be sufficiently removed and properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, governing agencies, and the GeotechnicalConsultant. The Geotechnical Consultant shall .evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions. Earth fill material shall not contain more than 1 percent of organic materials (by volume); No· fill lift shall conta,in more than 5 percent of organic matter. Nesfin$ of the organic materials·sha:IJ: not be allowed. It potentially hazardous materials are encountered, the Contractor shall stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluation and h~dling of these materiais prior to continuing to work in that area. . As presently cleftned' by the· State ofr California, most refined' petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc.) have chemical constituents that are considered · to be h~rdous waste. As. such', the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the ground may constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fines ancl/or imprisonment, and shall not be allowed'. · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTI-fWORKAND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page3 of6 · 3.0 3030.1094 2.2 Processing Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for Support of fill by the ·· -Ge_oi~chnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. . Existing ground that is not satisfactory shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Scarification shall continue until soils are broken down and ·free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction. 2.3 Overexcavation In addition to removals and overexcavations recommended in the approved geotechnical report(s) and the grading pla,n, soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, . organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. 2.4 Benching: Where fills are to be placed on ground: with slopes steeper-than 5: 1 (horizontal to verticafunits), the ground shall be stepped or benched-. Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration .. The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide _and at least 2 feet deep, into <;:ompetent material as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant. Other _benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than S: l shall also be benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgrade for the fill. 2.5 Evaluation/ Acceptance of Fill Areas~ AU areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, filapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested prior to being· ~ccepted by the GeotechnicalConsultant as suitable to receive fill. The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant prior_ to fill placement. A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for determinin~ elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches. FiU Material: J.1 Generak Material to be used as fill shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to · placement. 'Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable-gradation, high · expansion potential; or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consu{tantor mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material-. 3.2 Oversize:· Oversizematetial defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension. greater than 8 inches, shall rtot be buried or placed ~n fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant. Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur and such. that. 9vetsi:ze materia[ is:compl'etely· surrounded1 by compacted or densified fillr. Oversize material shall not be placed within IO vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of future utilities oz: undetgtound'construction .. 3 .3 Import If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall meet the requirements of Section 3_. l. The potential import source shall be given to the I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 of6 4.0 3030.1094 Geot(?chnical Consultant at least 48 hours_{t working days) before importing begips so that its suitabilitycan be determined and appropriatetests performed. Fill Placement and Compaction 4.1 Fill Layers: Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per Section3.0) in near-hodzontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. The . Geotechnical Consultant may accept thicker layers if testing indicates the grading proce4ures can adequately compact the thicker layers. Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to. attain relative uniformity of material and moisture throughout. 4.2 Fill Moisture Conditioning Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly over optimum. Maximum density and optimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in .. · accordance with the .American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM Test Method, Dl557-91). 43 Compaction ot Fill: After· each fayer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dzy density (ASTM Test Method D 1557-91). Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and be either sp·ecifically designed for soil compactic;m or of proven -reliability to efficiently achieve the specified level ofcompaction with uniformity. · · · 4.4 Compaction of Fill Slopes: In addition to normal compaction procedures specified above, compaction of slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at · increments of ? to 4 feet 1n till elevation, or by other methods producing satisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant.· Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fiU, out to the slope face, shall be at least 90 percent.of maximumdensityper ASTM Test Method D1557-91. 4.5 Compaction testing:. Field tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall.be performed by the GeotechnicalConsultant. Location and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered. Compaction test·focations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis. Test locations shall be selected, to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to inadequatecompaction{such a!> close to slope faces and at the fill/bedrock benches). · 4.6· . Frequency of Compaction Testing: Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in verticalrise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill' soils embankment. In addition, as a guideline, at least one· test shal1 be taken on: slope faces foF each 5,000 square feet of slope fa¢e and/or ea:ci't 10;feet ofvertieal1 height of siope; The ContractoF shall assure that fiU construction is such-that the testing schedule can be accomplished by the Geotechnical Consultant. the Contraetor shall stop or slow d9wn the earthwork construction if these minimum standards are hot met. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of6 5.0 6.0 7.0 3030,1094 4.7 Co_mpaction Test Locations: '.[he Geotecpgical Consultant shall document the approximate -· -elevation and horizontal coordinates of each test location, The Cqntractor shall coordinate with the project surveyor to assure that·sufficient grade stakes are established so that the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the test locations with sufficient accuracy. At a minimum, two grade stakes within a horizontal distance of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart from pQtential test locations shall be provided. Sub drain Installation Subdrain systems shall be installed in accordance with the approved geotechnical report(s), the grading. plan, and the Standard Details. The Geotechnical Consultant may recommend additional subdrains and/or changes in subdrain extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions · encountered· during grading. All subdi·ains shall be surveyed by a land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial. Sufficient time should be allowed by the Contractor for these surveys. Excavation Excavations, as well as over-excavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by ·the Geotechnicat Consultant during grading. Remedial removal depths shown on geotechnical plans are estimates only. The actual extent of removal shall be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field evaluation of exposed conditions during grading. Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, the cut portion of the slope shall be made, evaluated~ and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to. placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. Trench Backfills 7.1 The Contractor shall follow all OHSA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations. 7.2 All bedding and backfill of utility trenches.shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction. Bedding material shall have a-Sand Equivalent greater than 30 (SE>30). The bedding shall be placed to 1 foot. oven th~ top of the conduit and densified by jetting. Backfill shall be placed and dertsified;fo: a minimum of 90 percent ofinaximum from I foot above the top of the conduit to the surface. · 7.3 The jetting of the bedding around the .conduits shall be observed by the Geotechnical ConsulfanL 7.4 The Geotecfinfoaf Const1lta_nt shall test the trench backfill for relative compaction. At least one test should be made forevery30b feet of trench and 2 feet of fill. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK.AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 of6 3030.1094 7.5 Lift_ thickness of trench. backfill shalLnot exceed those allowed in the. Standard -Specificatio_ns of Public Works Construction unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Geotechnical Consultant that the fill lift can be compacted to the minimum relative compactionby his altemativeeguipmentand method. I I I I I, I 1· I I I I I' I I I I I I I PROJECTED PLANE ~~~~~ ---- NATURAL GROUND '\.--REMOVE' UNSUITABLE MATERIAL FILL SLOPE FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE 2' Mitt KEY DEPTH CUT FACE SHALL BE CON8TRUCTEO PRIOR TO Fll PLACEMENT TO ASSURE ADEQUATE GEOLOGIC CONOIT10NS DESIGN. SLOP!: PROJECTED Pl.AN£ 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM: TOE OF SLOPE TO 2' MIN •. KEY DEPTH KEYING AND: BENCHING CUTFACE TO BE:CON8TRlJCTEO PRIOR .,,.- TO Fll PU.CEMENT / / / CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE For Subdrains See - Standard Detail C GENERAL EARTHWO~K AND GRADING [][!] SPECIFICATIONS _: -~ _· ~-. STANDARD DETAILS A REV. 4111,,ga I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I FINISH GRADE ....,; __ ....,:______ ' N ----coM.PA'CTED FILL·----· --·---------10 Ml .---· -----SLOPE __ --. -_-__-_•---_-_ . ~"""."'_--_-:_-_-_-·_-_-_-__-_-_-:--_-_:-_-_--: FACE _-:-===~--~---__ -----. __ · ---"".""=-==.:...-_-,:;._-:.z:'5n~·==----=--n ---=---=-=--a----::: __ -...::--:-:~~--:--~----~ ---------_-- -------:_7:--~-_;._ .·. . . --= -:--=-= -:-:-:::-:-::--:-:?. ------=-----_-.;..._-.;;;_,-~--;_;_~--n--,-------""=-~-------.;...=~~~f;~-=~~===~!f-~=~-==---~h~====-=i=M====~-· ------~---------,---. ::4• MIN :--~15' MIN~_.-_:-_-__-__-_-:-· = ======~=-~ ~-=~~-=-=~----==~#=-=------~--=----~----------7~--.;...~ -~--~---~~:-r-:..:__ ___________ _ = --==-==-~~v;is~zi'"': · =======------~---~---~-...:~:--:---JETTED ~R FLOODED ,;_.:.~-=-==-;_~WINDROW-::-: _..:-::..;.:~-=--~-~---=---------. GRANULAR MATERIAL • Oversize rock is iarger than 8 Inches· in largest dimension. · • Excavate a trench in the compactect, fill deep enough to bury all the rock. • Backfill with granular soil jetted· or flooded In place to fill all the voids. • Do not bury rock within 1 o feet of . finish grade. • Windrow of buried rock shall be para11e1 to the ~ished s1ope fill. ELEVATION A-A' PROFILE ALONG WINDROW -· A~---=----~ =-=-----. . . . --~~--. -----=---. JETTED OR FLOODED1 GRANUlAR MATERIAL OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL · GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING rn~ ... [l] SPECIFICATIONS .· &r,.cs . ij STANDARD DETAILS e· . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BENCHING CAL TRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (9FT:3/FT.) WRAPPEQ IN· FILTER-FABRIC Fil TER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140 OR"-. APPROVED '-COLLECTOR PIPE SHALL EQUIVALENT) BE MINIMUM&• DIAMETER . SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED CANYON SUBDRAIN OUTLET DETAIL PIPE. SEE STANDARD DETAIL D DESIGN FINISHED GRADE PERFORATED PIPE G•cl> MIN~ . f--20' MIN.~'. . '. . '. NON-P.ERFORA TED . . : 5' MIN~. 6 + MIN. , . · CANYON· SUBORAINS " FOR PIPE SPECIFICATION FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) #2· ROCK WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC OR CAL TRANS CLASS 11 · PERMEABLE. GENERAL l;ARTHWORK AND GRADING rnOJ· SPECIFICATIONS : c; . U ·. STANDARD DETAILS C . . . '4/95 I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I· I I OUTLET PIPES 4•41 NON-PERFORATED PIPE, 100' MAX. O.C. HORIZONTALLY, 30' MAX. O.C. VERTICALLY • SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION .. Subdrain col~or pipe shall be Installed with perforations down or, unless otherwise ~nated by the geotechnical consultant. Outlet pipes shall be non-perforated pipe. The subdrain pipe shall-have at least 8 perforations_ uniformly spaced per foot. Perforation shaU be-¼1 to ½1 If drilled holes are used: All subdrai~ pipes shall have .a gradient .at least 2% towards the ~~ - • SUBDRAIN PIPE -Subdrain pipe· shall be ASTM 02751, SOR 23.5 or ASTM 01527, Schedule 40, or ASTM 03034, SOR 23;5, Sched~le 40 Poly,viny,! Chloride Plastic {PVC)_ pipe. • All outlet pipe shall be placed .ih a trench no wi'der t~an twice the subdrain pipe. Pipe shall be in soil of SE>30 ~ed or flOQded in place e>ecept for the outside 5 f~ which shall be native son. backfill. BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL- SUBDRAINS . GENERAL EARTHWORK ANO GRADING rnaJ SPECIFICATIONS '. ~ ~ STANDARD DETAILS D I I I I I I I 1· I I I ·1 I I I I I I I RETAINl,NG WALL DRAINAG.E DETAIL RETAINING WALL WALL. WATERPROOFING· PER ARcH1T·ecf;·s· SPECIFICATIONS::c---- FINISH GRADE SOIL EMCKFI.LL, COMPACTED .TO . 90 PERCENT;RELATIVE COMPACTION* ---------------------------------j2.TYP!." __ ---------------------· --------------------------------------------~ -------...;. ____ - . -, o~h7'1 ~~~~~~.,. o _.., .. f I =t~=t=t=t:-· IO 6-~ MIN:.;~ ~~~~ FILTER FABRIC-'ENVELOPE· '• <:)V_~,~~-'-'~· -~=t~' ·(MIRAFI · 140N OR-APPROVED · l ·Ol) O o O 1 ----EQUIV Al::_EN.T~** . I! 0 1' MIN. ,314•-1-112• CLEAN GRAVEL** 4•·.(MINS DIAMETER PERFORATED -·~---~ . ~-.. -----·· ~----------·pvc PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR -::..~------=----------=-----------· ---------=--::..~"":...-=--=-~-=-"":.::.: f/ I/ . E0u·1v ALE NT> WITH PERFORATIONS ORIENTED: DOWN: AS DEPICTED MINIMUM f PERCENT G.RADIENT --~--=-=~~=:::t:=~OMPACTED Fl~-1.:.~=t=t=t~~ TO SUIT ABLE OUTLET ------------- NOT TO SCALE ·SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U.S. Standard Sieve Size l" 3/4" 3/8" No. 4 No. 8 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200- %~ l?assfngr 100 90-lQQ; 40-100; 25-40 18-33 ~-15 0-7 0-J Sand Equi'vaTent>75, COMPETENT ,BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT * BASED ON ASTM D 1557 **'IF CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL (SEE-GRADATION TO LEFT) IS USED IN PLACE OF 3-14•-11-112• GRAVEL, FILTER FABRIC MAY BE .DELETED. CAL TRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO 9Q PERCENf·:RELATIVE COMPACTION* . NOTE:COMPOSITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS MIRADRAIN OR,' J,-DRAIN MA Yi BE USED AS AN' Al. TERNA TIVE TO GRAVEL OR CLASS Z.INSTALLA TION SHOULD BE PERFORtvED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. TITLE 24 'REPORT ~{ \,_ .~ ....... 1, Title 24 Report for: TECHNIC DINER-1;..EGOLAND CARLSBAD~ CA Project Designer:. PERUZZI ARCHITECTS 8800 VENICE BLVD., SUITE. 301. LO$ ANGELES, CA 90034 31:0-838-9766 Report Prepared By: KRISHNA C.V .KUMAR P.E . Guthrie & Associates 530 Maple.Avenue Torrance, CA ·90503 (310) 781-9079 JobNulJlbe() 001013. Date: t 1·1/9/00 The EnergyPro computer program has been 1,1sed to perform the calcll!ations s1,1mmari;zed· in this compliance r~port. This program has c:!PProval c:!nd is _authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with-both the-Residential and Nonresidential 1998 Building En~rgy Efficiency .Standards. ·" i/ This program developedbyGabel.Dodd/EnergySoft, LLC (415) 883-5900. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft Job 'Number: 001013 User Number: 1645 --TABLE. O.F CONTENTS Cover Page Table of Contents Form ENV-1 Certificate of Compliance Form ENV-2 ·overall Envelope Method Form ENV-MM Envelope ·Mandatory Measures Form MECH-1 Certificate of Compliance Form MECH-2 -Mechanical Equipment Su~rnary - Form MECH-3 Mechanical Ventilation Form MECH:-4 Mechanical· Sizing-and Fan Power _ Form MECH.;MM Mechanical Mandatory Measures HVAC System Heating and Coonng. Loads 'Summary Room Load Summary Room Heating Peak Loads . Room Cooling Peak Loads · Room Co.onng Coil Load$ EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft 1 2- 3 5 to 11 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 29 User Number: 1645 ICERTIFICATE OF CO.MPLIA-NCE Part 1 of 2 ENV-1I PROJECT NAME . TECHNIC PINER-LEGOl-AND ROJECT ADDRESS, CARLSBAD TELEPHONE DATE 11/9/00 ;· ....,, A,, S , ~: ¥, .... ¥,;,,'-., ... ~J,;:,,,,,.,.,,,,_' ... ..::: t', ·. +-s~u~. il~di""'ii,...,li-=P"'"'er'""'m"'"'it""".•#=,·-. · 310-838-9766 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Guthrie & Associates TELEPHONE (,310).781-9079 • .. Ch~ck~~ ~y/Q!l'te ·. · ' ·.E~fqf,~~in~.(lt-1>.geflcy Us~ RARE/I, CLIMATE ZONE 5,500 Sq.Ft. 8 BUILDING TYPE i29 'NONRESIDE.NJIAL . D HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL D HOTEUMOTEL GUEST ROOM . . . PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION [!] NEW CONSTRUCTION D .4:PDITION' D ALTERATION D EXISTlt,IG + ADDITION METHOD OF ENVELOPE. COMPLIANCE 0 COMPONENT -~ OVERALL.ENVELOPE [J The docume.ntation preparer hereby certifies that the_ 10Gument is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR KRISHNA <;.V .KUMAR P.E:. PERFORMANCE The Principal Envelope Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented ip this set of construction . . -r documents is consistent with the other-compliance .forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other alculations submitted with tl')is permit application. The proposed building bas .been designed to meet the envelope requirements contained in.Sections 110; 1-16 through 118, and.140, 142, 143 or 1·49 of Title 24, Part 6. I hereby affirm that I am eligible undt3r the ,provisions of Division 3 of the Business ;md Professions Code to sign this ocument as the person tesponsihle tor its preparation; and that I am licensed in the state of California as a civil engineer or m chanical engineer, or I am a licensed architect. D I affirm that I am eligible under fhe exemption to DivisJon 3 of the ;Business and Professions Code by Section 5537 .2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsi.b!e for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work. D I affirm that I am eligibleulider,Division~ of\he Business and ~rofessions Code.to sign this doc~ment because 1t pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions-Code Sect,1ons 5537, 5538, and 6737.1. PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER -NAME SIGNATURE;:, DATE LIC.# PERUZZI ARCHliECTS . l}c- For detailed instructions on the use of this ar;id .all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California ·Energy Commission. ENV-1: Required oli plans for all submittals. Part 2 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. Used for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on method of envelope compliance. Optional. Use if default U-values are not used. Choose appropriatever1:1ion for ~ssembly U-Value to be calculated. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft Use~ Number: 1645 · Job Number: 001013 Page:3 of30 IENVELOPE COMPLl~NCE SUMMARY-_ Part2 of2 _ENV-11 . . . ' .. PROJECT NAME . ,PATE TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLANO 11/9/00 _·-:-.!',~~t: ~t.;~r.,_n. -=;:.~ ,., .. Solar Surface Framing · Act. Gains # Type Type 'Area U-Val. Azm.• Tilt Y/N Form 3-Referenc.e Location / Comments 1 W~I.I Metal 549· _o_.112 180 · _ 90. X .. ,R-1 ~ F~ME_ WAL[ DINI.NG ~M/VIP/TL TS 2 Door Non~ 25 · 0,51!1 11!0 90 X . Hollow Metal Door DINING ~MNIP/TLTS 3 vvau Metal 352 0.112 "270 9u· X ~-1 ~ FRAIIIIE WAL!-. u1~1N"' RMNIPrrL Ts 4 1vva11 !Metal . ~65 . U,11:.!:. :IU :IU X ·K·HI l"KAMI: VYAL_L , --' UI_NIN\:ll "'"'' Y ,r-1.I_.L I;:» 0 1vva11 !me ... , -,>,>U u.112 0 ~u X R-19:feRAME WALL, _ .... ~ ••• , I LI <> 6 IROOf .. 1Meta1 3,o:.!:':1,-_ o.uo:, 180 0 X K•1_:> -,._ il"';~(,,G. .-.. ... , .• ., ,TL1;:; I 1vva11 :metal (U't U,11:.!:._ ;(,/U . ;:JU'' X R>19 FRAME WALL . "' I "!11:N I: I l., 0 !Door ,, r,ione _150_ u.00·1 ,t,/,U :,u X HOIIOVf Metal Door n, t 1-<tlEN c_11.,. .. 9 1wa11 M~tal ' 3:-.!:0 . , 0.112 · 180 ~o_ X ·K-19 l"KAmcWALL r\l fCHEN't: Iv • 10 !Door None ..:o ' 0.001 ·1ou ' 9U X 1.HOIIOW·Metal Door -. ·. l\l·fCHEN t: t~. 11 Wall Metal _I:>~:.!: 0.112 0 llU X K~1ll l"KAMI: WAJ,.L I\U vl11:N I: I \.., 1:-.!: uoor None ' 01) l},001 ,, 0 :,u IX 110110w Meta1 Door. ll\l I vl1t:_N.c, ...,._ 13, KOOT !Metal , 1,,ou u.uoo 1ou u· X · K:15 Kvv,-,.,,.r.r-.;vLI,?, ,11\11...,ncN c,...,, ',. ,. -'. --- '" -- - ''' --f"t:Nt:~ I !'(A IUN .~UM_f"A\,,C .:> .. . " . ' Area Act. # Type U-Val. Azm. SHGC _ (_;lazins;t type Location / Comments ,,, 1 Window 80 1.17Q ,, 1a_o. 0.67 SINGLE TINTED GLASS DINING RMNIP/TL TS 2 Window 24 -1.170 270 0;67 . ! SING!-,~· I ;~TED GLASS 01N1N~ t-iMiv1PdL n, 3 Window '24_ 1.110 ~7,0 0.57 SINGLE HN t c_u'GLASS DINING-KM/Vlt"/Tl:.•1;:, 4 Window 928 1.1.70 90 0.67 SING!-E TINTED GLASS DINING RMN,IP/TqS 5 Window SQ _1.170_ ~o 0:67 l;)INGLE .TINlEi;> ~!,;AS~ -DIN!NG RMNIP/TL TS 6 Window . 220_ . · 1.170 · I?' 0'.67 , ~INGL.,f; TIN I t:!,J GLf\SS, D_ININ\:ll RM/V11"'/TL·1;:, .. 7 Window 72 1'.170 ·o . 0;67 ·, _ SINr..1· "'Tl.I'! I t:U'G,l..~SS , DINING Kmtyll"'/1 1;:, 8 Skylight 126 1,720' 180 Q.67 ,Slt,IGlE Tl!IITE_D GI.,ASS D!NING RMNIP/TL TS ,' ---- ' - ,- ,. - t:J I t:~!. -·~ ::>HP,,UINU " --... vvmaow · overh~ng Left Fm Kight Fm # Exterior Shade 'Type· SHGC_ H~t, Wd. [en_. RgJ, J:Exf.R:Exf. Dist [en. FJgt: Dist. ·[;en; Rgt . ... 1 None 0.7.6 '. 2 None 0;7Q. . -- 3 None 0.7.6 .. -, 4 None 0:1:~ 16.0 58.0 a:9 Q.f s:9:_ s.o·_ 5 None 0.76 8.() 7;0 8.!) 0.1 8.0 · a.o 6 None 0.76 7 None -,!).76 .. -- '' 8 None ' 1_.(!Q '' ,. - .. ~--· - .. -- ·" '. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Numb!lr: 1645 --Job Number: 001013 Page:4of30 " IOVERALL ENVELOPE METHOD Part 1 of 5 ENV-21 PROJECT NAME DATE TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 11/9/()() A. DISPLAY PERIMETER <---c--~----,---~__,0/ ft.X ·6 = -----~g sf PISPLAY AREA B. GROSS EXTERIOR WALL AREA '-----5_,_5_0~2/ sf X 0.40 ::; _____ 2_,2_0~1 sf 40% AREA C. GROSS EXTERIOR WALL.AREA '-----5_,_5_0_,2/ sf X 0.1 o =/ ~-----5_5__,q sf MINIMUM STND. AREA D. ENTER LA.RGER OF A or B E. ENTERPROPOSED WINDOW AREA ~----2_,_2_0_,1 sf MAXIMUM STND. ARE ~----1_,_4_0_,~ sf PROPOSED AREA IF E IS GREATER THAN D OR LESS· THAN C, PROCE_ED TO THE NEXT CALCULATION FOR THE WINDOW AREA ADJUSTMENT. IF NOT, GO TO PART 2 OF 5. 1. IF E GREATER THAN D: D.'MAXIMUM.STANDARD ARE.A 2. IF LESS THAN C: C. MAXIMUM STANDARD AREA . -. E. P,ROPOSED WINDOW AREA , , (IF E=0, THEN ENTER C) -- WINDOW ADJUSTMENT FACTOR GO TO PART 4 OF 4 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREAS. E. PROPOSED ARE.A WINDOW ADJUSTMENT FACTOR . .... ·T - (IF E=0, THEN ENTER' 1) GO TO PART 5 TO CALCULATE ADJUSTED AREA . ATRIUM.HielGHT~.FT. IF<= 55~---J ·L1F > 55' ,&;LLOWE! % ~ 5 . ALLOWlD·% = 10 5o/~· X I 5,500/ = I , 2751 L..-c..A_L_L_O_WE_D_'¾_o·--' ,GR. ROOF AREA STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA t IF THE PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA IS GREATER THAN THE STANDARD SKYLIGHT· AREA,, PROCEED TO THE NEXT CALCULATION FOR THE SKYLIGHT AREA ADJUSTMl;Nf. IF NQT, GO TO PART 2 OF 5. 1. IF PROPOSED SKYLIGHT AREA >'STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA: STANDARD SKYLIGHT AREA . -. PROPOSED SKYLIGHTA~EA -- SKYLIGHT ADJUSTMENT FACTOR GO TO PART 5 OF 5 to CAL,CUl.ATE ADJUSTED AREAS. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User·Number: 1645 Job Number: Q01013 Page:5 of30 IOVERALL ENVE·LOPE METHOD, Part 2 of 5 ~NV-2 ,I PROJECT NAME DATE TECl-fNIC DINER".' LEGOLAND 11/9/00 v'ERAl,.,L Ht:AI LO:S:S .a<> .v NAmc (e.g:Wail-1, Floor-1) SOUTH Window WEST Window Window HEAT ~ ,, " ,PROPOSED· ,, TABLE VALUES AREA CAPACITY U-VALU!;: y' N 849' 1.72 0,112 1!1 D 80 1.110 D [!] 352 1.72 0.112 129 D 24 1.110 D [!] 24 [!] ~ ~ STANDARD UA AREA" (BXD) (Adjusted) U-VALUE 95.4 849 0.18S 93.6 80 1.230 39.5 352 0.18S 28.1 24 1.230 28.1 24 1.23( 1.110 D [!]" f-------------'---,-,j I-'' '-----'-+----!---'-----+-,-,e-=-i,--+-------l 1..12 0.112. eg .o EAST '666 74.8 666 o.~85 Window 928 1.110 D ~ 1,085.8 928 1 .• 23C Window '56 1 •. 170 .o '129 65.5 56 1.230 NORTH 330 1'.72 0.112 t!J .D· · 37.1 330 0.18S Window 220 1.110 D ·129 257.4 220 1.230 Window 72 H70 D.~ 84.2 72 1.230 R-15 ROOF/GYP:CLG. -3,624 1'.46 0;055 [29 D 198.2· 3,624 0.078 Skylight 12~ 1.720 D [!j 216;7 126 1.31( • ,_w_E_sT __________ __, l---'---10~41---~· _· _1._.12+--_o._11~.2+·~l!l-',-. -1-D_._· +-----I SOUTH 325 1.72 0.112 [!j D 79.1 704 0.185 36.5 325 0.185 NORTH 622 1.72 0.112 [!ID 69.9 622 0.185 R-15 ROOF/GYP. CEILING 1,750 1.46 0,055 [!ID 95;7 1,750 0.07B DD D.D ·o:o D·D o·.o .:DD DD DD Do·· DD .DD "If Window and/or Skylight Area Adjustment is Req~ire Column E shall be • use Adjusted Areas from Part. 5 of'5.. . nc;, greater than <;:olumn·H 2;586 This Page Total 2,586 Building Total [!!l ,, UA (F XG) 16().5 98.4 66.5 29.5 29.5 125.9 1,141.4 68.9 62.4 270;6 88.6 282.7 165.1 13:3.1 61.4 117.6 136.5 3,038 3,038 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1645 Job Numbe·r: 001013 Page:6 of30 · 1ovERALL, ENVE~OPE M~THOD Part3 of 5 ENV-2 I PROJECT NAME , , ,, 'DATE TECH.NIC OINl:R-U:G.OLAND. 11/9/00 'Vl:KALI... Hl:f\ I (.:jAIN Fl"(UM \;,UNUU\., I IUN , , ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ [!l [] ~ EJ [!] ~ , 'PROPOSED STANDARD ·. 1"ABLE · HEAi HEAT ASSEMBLY NAME HEAT U-VALUES GAIN AREA* GAIN Q Q' (e.g. wan-1; Floor01) AREA TF CAPACITY VALUE ·y 'N (BxCxE) (Adjusted U-VAL.UE TF (GxHxl) ., , . ~ [] $OUTH 849 33· 1;12 0.112 3,147 849 0.189 33 5,295 ,, . , Window 80 33. 1.170 D ~ 3,089 80 1:230 33 3,247 .,, ,. ... ~ ,D WEST 352 33 1.12 0.112 1,305 352 0.189 33 2,195 " ,, ,, Window 24 33 1.170 D -~ 927 24 1.230 33 974 . , Window 24 33 -1.170 D ~ 927 24 1.230 33 974 l:AST 666 33 .' · '1.72 0.112 ~-·o·· 2,468 6.66 0.189 33 4,154. Window 928 33 ', 1.170 D. -~ 35,830 928 1.230 33 37,668· Window 56 33 , 1.170 D :~ 2,162 56 1.230 33 2,273 NORTH 330 .33 1,72 0.112 ~ tJ 1,223 33Q 0.189 33 2,058 0 , Window 220 33, 1::110 D [!] 8,494 220 1.230 33 8,930 Window . 72 33 1.170 ·tl ~ 2;~80 72 1.230 33 2,922 -, , :~ R-15 ROOF/GYP.CLG. 3;624 33· 1)16 · 0.055 D 6,542 3,624 0.078 33 9,328 Skylight 126 33 1.720 D ' T~r 7,152 126 1.310 33 5,447 ,, [!J D EST 704 33, 1.72 0:1-1-2 2,609 704 0.189 33 4,391 ,, $OUTH 325 33 1.12 0;112 .~ .0 1,205 325 0.189 33 2,027 , ·; l!J NORTH 622 33 1.72 0.112 D 2,305 622 · 0.189 33 3,879 R-15 ROOF/GYP. CEll.;ING 1,750 33 1.46 ();Q55 ~ D . 3,159 1,750' 0.078 33 4,504 , , ,, :o ·D , , . CJ :CJ D· D. ,_ 0 tJ ·, -D ·o , ·o. D . ., D ·o ,, ·o :CJ ,, .. ', D. :0 tJ· [j ,, ,, ·D' ·o ' D CJ,: II' D D , ' * If Window and/or Skylight Area A!ijustment is Required, 85,323 This Page Total 100,268 • use Adjusted Areas from Part 5 of-5. . . 85,323 Building Total 100,268 ,, I EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User N,uinber: 1645 Job ,Number: OQ1013 Page:7 of30 IOVERALL ENVELO.P,E METHOD Part 4 of 5 l:NV-21 PROJECT NAME TECHNIC DINER-LEG.OLAND DATE 11/9/00 10VeRALL HEAT G,AIN FROivnt401AfioFJ ·-. [~] [!] ~ I~ . f!J I~J I!l-l!!J. . .[!] PROPOSED. STANDARD . . WINDOW/SKYLIGHT NAME WEIGHTING OVERHANG HEAT GAIN AREA* RSHG HEAT GAIN e.g. Wind-1, Sky-1) ORIENT,. FACTOR . Q Q .. AREA · SF .SHGC H V HN OHF (BxCxDxExH) (ADJUSTED) (orSHGC**) SF (BxJxKxL} Window .. ~ 1.31 80 1-23. 0.67 8;637 80 0.62 123 7,992 ,. .. Window w 1:34 2~ 1,,23; 0.67'. . 2,!>50 24 0.62 123 2,453 Window w 1.34 2~ 123_ ().67 _ 2;650 24 0.62 123 2,453 Window I; 1.02 _ 9~E _123 0.67 8.0 16.1 0.50 0.63 49,087 928 0.62 123 72,185 Window . E -. 1.02 5~ 1~3 0.67 ·8.o '.~.1 0;99 0.43' 2,037 56 0.62 123 4,356 -. Window -N 0,34 22C 123 0.67 -6,164 220 0.82 123 7,544 Window N 0,34 7~ 123 0.67'. 2,017 72 0.82 123 . 2,469 Skylight H 2.30 · 12~ 123. Q.67 2~;882 126 0.61 123 21,744 . ' .. -. .. .. I . - --.. .. , .. I .. r _97,1261 This Page Total 121,1951 • *If Window and/or Skylight Area ** Only SHGC is Column I .must· be Adjustment is Required, use .usecf .for Skylights ·1ess'than.c0Jumn-M Adjusted Areas from Part 5 of 5. I 97,1261 Building Total 121,1951 · I . ITotal Heat Gain From Conductiurr 100,2681 85,323. (From Part 3) I 182,449.1 Total Heat Gain 221,4631 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergyPro User. Number: 1645 Job. Number: 001013 Page:81of 30 l:~VERALL 'ENVELOPE MET.HOD Part 5 of 5 ENV-21 -PROJECT NAME .,DATE ,, TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 1'1/9/00 .. . . . . . . WINpuvv AREA A_DJU~ ,·MEN1 rAi ,. Ul,.A 11vN.::, .. [!j CHECK ll='NOT APPLICABLE (See part 1· of 5.) -~ -~ ~ ~ [!] ~ ~ WINDOW. ADJUSTED . ADJUSTED ADJUST. WINDOW WALL WALL NAME ,"I QRIENTATIO~ I GRQSS DOOR · WINDOW FACTOR AREA AREA (e.g. Wall-.1, Wall-2) ·,NIE Is I WI A.REA AREA AREA' (From Part 1) (DX E) B-(F + C) " ·o·ooo ' ' 'i' ' ', -. . ' . '' . ' o·ooo -" DODD .. DODD - a. 0-000. . .. .. DODD ' . ' . -. ; ~ ' O.D·DD .. '. ODDO ', ODDO . ' " - ODDO I ·.DODD. ·O.O·DD - ODDO .. • 0-00:0 ', - DD.OD , -' ·DD.DD -' - .DODD C - ---·D.DDD .. ' -.. -.. I: TOTALS i- ,., I L I NIAi . I I '. .. -. .. - SKYLIGMI AREA 'AA ll_l~IMl:NI PA_~ :"11 ATIONS [!j CHECK IF NOT APPLICABLE (~ee P.art 1,of s:) {~ ~-~ .. ~ [!) ~ SKYLIGHT ADJUSTEO ADJUSTED ADJUST. SKYLIGHT ROOF ROOFNAME . '. , GROSS FACTOR AREA AREA ' SKYLIGHT· (From Part 1) (CXD) (B-E) (e.g. R,oof-1, Roof-2) AREA AREA ' .. ·' .. .. , .. , - , ,, C I TOTALS ll I I NIAj I I ., ' . .- EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number ·1645 Jo~ Number: ·001013 Page:9 of30 !ENVELOPE ~ANDATORY ME~SURES· ENV-MMI PROJECT NAME DATE TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 11/9/00 ~ DESCRIPTION Designer Enforcement ~ § 118(a) -lnstalledJnsulating Material shall 'have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the-California Q1,1ality Standards for insulating material, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 3. [!] § 118(c) All lnsulating,Materials shall be installed in-coi;npliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density· requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, P;1rt 2. [!] § 117(a) All Exterior Joints and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leak;1ge shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. [!] § 116(b) Site Constructec! Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked·between the unit and the building, and shall .be weatherstripped (except for-unframed glass doors,and fire doors); [!] § 116(a)1 Manufact1,1red Doors and Windows instailed shall have air infiltration rates not exceeding those.shown.in-Table Number 1-E. ofthe St;1ndards. Manufactured fenestratiQ!l products must be labeled for U-valile according to NFRC procedures. D § 118(8) 'Demising Walls in NonresidentiaFBuiidings: The opaque portions offramed demising walls in nonresidentialbuildings shall'have insulation with an in~talled·R-value-of no less th~n R-11 between framing meni~ers, EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number:-1645 Job Number: 001013 Page:10 of 30 ICERTIFi.CATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 1 of 2 MECH-11 E DATE TECHNI.C .DINl=R-LEGOLAND 11/9/00 5.;.500 Sq.Ft. BUILDING TYPE ~l · N.ONRESIDENTIAL D 1-liGH RISE RESIDENTIAL D HOTEUMOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRliCTION :~ NEWCONSTRUCTION D ADDITION D ALTE~TION ·. D EXISTING + ADDITION METHOD OF MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE . PRESCRIPTIVE D. PERFORMANCE. PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE D PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT tJ ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE.ATTACHED The documentation preparer hereby oertifies that the documation is accu ate and complete. KRISHNAC.V .KUMAR P.E. The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies th~t th proposed buildiog desigA I ep1 esented ·in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with tbe-Specific~tions, and with any other alculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contained in Sections 110 through115, 120 through 124, 140through 142, 144 and 145. echeckone: I hereby affirm that 1. am eligible under .the provisions of Division 3 of the .Business and Professions Code to sign this ument as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licenced in the State of California as a civil engineer, or mechanical engineer or I am ~ licensed ~rch1tect. D I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Divisipn 3 of the Business.and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 or 6737.3 to sign this document as the person responsible for·its.preparation; and that I am a · . licensed contractor performing this wbrk. D I affirm th_at I am_ eligible under the exemption to Divisi~n 3 of the Business ~nd Professions C?de to sign this_ doc;:ument because 1t pertains to a structure or type of work descr:1bed persuant to Business and Professions Code sections 5537, 5538, and 6737.t. · PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER· NAME GUTHRIE & ASSOCIATES For detailed instructions on the use ofthis arid ali Energy Effic;:i$1ipy St~ndards compfiance forrns, please refer to .the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Com.mission. MECH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 2 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. MECH-2: Required for all submittals, but form does not have t6 be-completed ifloc;:ation of mechanical equipment schedule is indicated on the form per Section _4.3.3. . . · Required for all submittals unless required outdoor ventiiation rates and. airflows are shown on plans per Section 4.3.4. ECH-4: Required for Prescriptive sµbmittals. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1645 Job Number: 0010.13 Page,11 of 30. ICERTIFICPtTE OF c:OMPLIANCE Part 2 of 2 _MECH-11 PROJEC'F NAME .. .. IDATE TEC.HNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 11/9/00 .. '. J . .:» I CIYI l"t:AI UKt:~ ' ' ~- · MECR~ti!ICAl;:.SYSTEMS .. I I I SYSTEM NAME . I .. 1:1 I .I NO'rE . .TO · ·DHW Heater .2-10 TON A/C 5 TQNA/C ' l '' ' • ' , ·FIE!-D . . . .I . . . .I ' ,,. ,:-, TIME CONTROL n/a Programmable Switch · Programmable Switch : . ,; ' y ' '••' SETBACK CONTROL n/a Heating:Required Heatjrig Required .. ISOLATION ZONES ri/a n/a n/a C. .. .. .. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? n/a nt, nla -, ', ~: / . . .. > ," ELECTRIC HEAT? n/a nla n/a .. .. ' . .. .. FAN CONTROL. n/a Constant Voiume Const,mt Volume ',,,'' f" -.,.:.:·: .... ·., " VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONT~OI,.? n/a Yes No ,,. .. . . .. ~ --: , ' SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? n/a. Yes No ;'' ... "'.,,, .. HEATING SUPPLY RESET ... n/a Constant Teri'lp Consta.nt Temp _,--~ " COOLING SUPPLY R~SET n/a Corjstant Temp .. Constant Temp .. , '' ~ , VENTILATION :nfa Air Balance Air·Balance ., .. , '"'"' OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTRO_L n/a ·Grav,ty Gravity .. .. ECONOMIZER TYPE Fixed Temp.(lntegrated) No Economizer ' ,, .n/a -,• _, .,,,,; , ; DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-3, COL!JMN H . n/a 1875-cfm 438.,cfm ; ''"' -... HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE Gas Fired Gas-Furnace . Gas Furnace .,.: ..... . ' • . . '. HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY -78% 80%AFUE 80%AFUE ,. ,.. L :- COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE· .. '" N' n/a Pac}taged DX Pac~aged DX , : '',' /~ .. .,, COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY ri/a 9.0-~_ER 10.0 SEER (.8.7 EER :_.;. ·,. '1"1.1.Clnu,.:.,u "'""' '1U 1:1e11·0r Le i~ vr,.n.,,,._,, -.u I V"4U t"'•·r,.iv '-·~.!".!"' .. ~ '+0 I Jl.lUUI>· 1-\/v MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER ,_' \, ' " ... ' HEATING DUCT LOCATION· R-VALUE n/a nla · . Ducts in Conditioned n/a Ducts in Attic 4.2 -__ , ~ ,' .. ,. . COOLING DUCT LOCATION R-VALUE n/a nta· Ducts in Conditioned n/a 'oucts in Attic 4;~ ', ,, •", DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? nt, Yes Yes .. . .. PIPE TYPE (SUPPi,. Y, REtURN, ETC.). . ~upply & Return HW ,_ ',,' ' -. -· .,\ PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? Yes Yes Yes .. ; .. -;:, ' I CODE fj;B[ES: Enter code from µ1ble 6elow into columns a6.ove. I .. . . HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? TJ~E C0NTRQL. SET.BACK·CTRL. ISOLATION ZONE~ FAN CONTROL S: Prog. Switch · · H:·Heating En.ter Number of · · I: lnletVanes ELECTRIC HEAt? .. O: Occupancy C: Cooling ,Isolation Zones. P: Variable Pitch VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? Sensor 8: Both V:VFD Y:Yes M: Manual Timer 0: Other C: Curve SIMULTANEOUS HEAT /COOL? 'N:No - HEAT AND COOL SUPPL y RESET? VENTILATION 'OUTDOOR DAMPER · !;:CONOMIZER -'0.A.CFM B: Air Balance A:Aiito · A:Air ·Enter Outdoor Air HIGH EFFICIENCY? C: Outsi~e-Air Cert . G: Gravity W:Water CFM. DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? · M: Out. Air Measure . N: ·Not Required 'Note: This shall be nc~ b: :Demand Control · less than Col. H on PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? N: N~tur"'i . MECH~3. INV It:~ 1 v l"lt:LL.l . .;; !"or l;jumung uepanment use uniy ., ,,_,,,, "','" ,,,,, .. ... -,, ... ',_,,,,, .. _,,,, .. .. ',,, .. -,. ,. ,,,,, • < ... ',, ... ,, .. '. ___ , ,, ' . . . .. ,, . . '','" ', ' ... ",,,_ ... ... ... ,, '"'"' ',)v ·' / .. ·-· . . .. .. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 1645 Jcib·N1,1mber: 001013 Page:12 of 30 fMECHANICAI~ EQUIP:MENT SUMMARY Part 1 of 2 MECH-2f PROJECT NAME 'DATE TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 11/9/00 ~ . . -' . . ,, . ilLLt:K Al'll./ l'l,,'VVCl"'I. ~l "uuu,il.l"'l. l . t'UMt'~ -.. Tot. Motor Drive Pump Equipment ·Name Eq.uil)ment type '' Qty: · Efficiency Tons ,Qty ,GPM BHP Eff. Eff. Control . ' . ' ., . unvv I t:SUILt:K ;:;iUMM~K·Y ,. . . ·' Energy Factor :standby I Al'II'\ IN~UL. Rated Vol. or Recovery Loss or Ext. System Name S}'stemType Distr}butio~ Tyee · Qty Input (<3als.) Efficiency Pilot R-Val. Standard Gas 50 gal or .. Less . Small Gas ·Sta.ridard 1 40,000 50 0.53 n/a 12 ··, .. vCN I KAL ~ T .:» I i;;;1v1 KA, 111'1\:l.:I :·ni::_A1,1Nu ·-·· Aux. System Name Syst~m Type :dty .. · Outpllt kW ~ft, Output. Sensible Efficiency Economizer Type CARRIER 48T JQ012• A/C Packaged·DX 2 144,000 o.o 80%AFUE : 120;00!) 90;000 9.0 EER d) Fixed Temp (lntegrat i, CARRIER 48TJ1.1uu1:1-A/C .. Packaged DX 1 59,200 0.0 80%AFUE 60;Q00 45,~0C 10.0 SEER/ 8. 7 EER No Economizer ., .. . . . . ., - .. . . CENTRAL SYSTEIVI FAN SUMMARY . .,, ._v FAN . t<.C.IUl'<.l'I FAN ----"· ,. Motot Drive Motor Drive System Name ·F;:in Type. Motor Loc.~tion CfM l;JHP !=ff. Eff. CFM BHP Eff. Eff. 8 "';,:-''-"';, 46 IJI.IU'IZ• A/.C:. . . Constant Volume Driiw-Ttirough 4,000 2.30 84.0% 97:0% none ·n..,.. IJI.IUUl:l•A/C ,. . constant.Yoluro~ . ·· Draw,Throl.igh · 2,000. 0.70 77.0% 100.0% none .. . . .. ; ~, .. . , ·-"· • EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User·Numbflr: 1645 Job Number: 001013 Page:13 of 30 IMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Part 2 of 2 .. ... . . MECH-21 '. ,_,, . ... .;CTNAME . . !DATE . . . TECHNIC. DINE;R-LE;GOLAND. 11/9/0(J I t:l'(IVllfllAL "'' '"""n ".I'( T . .. · · . ,;, . -. -. .. . . . . . VAY I :::!"M·.-~ DVA ,; ·-· ,n, l"AN ,.. ,n .. ---·--.Min.CFM Reheat Co/I Flow Motor Drive '· ~one N<!me . Sy~tem Type Q_ty; -·. Ratio !;YPe [L!e.mu Ratio CFM BHP Eff. Eff. Type . Output DINING RMNIP/TL TS VAV~QX 1 0% No.he .. 0 0% none none n/a . ,. .. .. .. . .. -. . ., . . .. " .. ,, ' ' • '·- . ... .. - . . .. .. . . ,. . . -.. , . . ' .. -' t:XHAU::S I l"AN ~UMMAKT. . ·:::.&.. •• .:~-I-rru, I ,-~,, Mofor D'rive .. ... Mot_~>r Drive I. Room Name Qty. CFM BHP Eff. Eff. · RoQmName Qty. CFM BHP Eff. 'Eff. . . • . .. .. EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1!i45 · Job Number: 001013 Page:14 of30 IMECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-31 PROJECT NAME DATE TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND' 11/9/00 .[!] Q] . IBJ -AREABASI~ OCCUPANCY BASIS REQ'D DESIGN vVNU, MIN. '' NU. l,,;l"M min, O.A. OUTDOOF VAV TRANS· ZONE/SYSTEM AREA CFM CFM OF PER CFM (MAX OF AIR MIN. FER (SF) PERSF · (BxC) PEOPLE PERSON (ExF) DORG) CFM RATIO AIR r--- DINING RMNIP/TL TS 3,750 0.50 1,875, 1,875 · 1,875 0% r--- 2-10 TONA/C Total 1,875 1,875 -KITCHEN ETC. 1,750 0.15 262· 262 438 f,-- 5 TONA/C ' : Total 262 438 f,-- .. - .. - - f,-- f,-- -r--- -.. - . , - - - -- f,-- ., ... - - ,. .. - - - - - - . - :1 'I ~ . . '' .. ~ Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section 121, Table 1-F. Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 50% of Chapter 10 1997 UBC Occupant Density. Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer A_ir. Design Outdoor Air includes ventilation from Supply Air System & Room Exhaust Fans. Must be greater than or equal to (H minus I), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (H-J), EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1645 Job Number:· 001013 Page:15of30 IMECAANICAL SIZING AND FA~ POWER MECH-41 PROJECT'NAME .DATE TECHNIC DINER-LEGQLANO 11/9/00 2-1'0TONA/C NOTE: Provide Qne cqpy of this fqrm for each meclJanical systeni when using the Prescriptive Approach. 1s1ziNGANP EdOIPMENt setE¢tioN· • 1. DE$1GN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR DRY BULB TEMPERATURE -OUTDOOR WET BULB TEMPERATURE -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING: -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR -ROOM LOADS -RETURN VENTED LIGHTING . -RETURN AIR DUCTS -RETURN FAN -SUPPLY FAN -SUPPLY DUCTS SAFETY/ WARM-UP FACTOR (APPENDIX C) (AP.PENDIX C) · SEE ASHRAE CHAPTER. 8, 1993 OR APPENDIX B 1 ;8751 CFM (MECH 3; COLUMN I) TOTALS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ WARM-UP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY (ADJUSTED FOR DESIGN CONDITIONS) IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM . ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN 1rAN t"VVvi;;n. \,;VNSUMt' flON [~ ~. -~ ~: [~] .. DESIG!'-J EFFICIENCY NUMBER FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE HP MOTOR DRIVE OF FANS Sup,ply Fan 2.300, 84.0% 97.0%· 2 COOLING ~ 9'. OF OF 70 OF 76 OF 70l°F 30,280 78,728 156,63' 120,88~ 0 n/a 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 1_86,9111 199,61~· 1.2· 1.43 226,162 285;443 199,141 · 2aa,0001 Btµ / Hr Btu/ Hr [!] [!] . PEAKWATTS CFM Bx Ex 746 / (C X D (Supply Fans) 4,212 8,000 NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see Section 144). Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8Watts/cfm for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/cfm for VAV systems. TOTALS , . 4,2121 I 8,0001 TOTAL FAN SYSTEM I O 5261 . POWER DEMAND . , . WATTS/ CFM Col. F / Cot: G EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User N'umber 1645 Job·Nuniber: 001013 Page:16 of30 ' I MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POW·ER MECH4·f PROJECT NAME . TECHNIC DINER-L.EGOLAND DATE 11/9/00 5 TONA/C NOTE: Provi~~ one copy of this foffil for each mechanical·system when using tile Prescripti".e Approach. 1slziNG .A;ND EQUIPMENT SELE6TION • 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOORDRY BULB TEMPERATURE -OUTDOOR WET BULB TEMPERATURE. -INDOOR, PRY ·BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING: (APPENDIX C) (APPENDiX C) . SEE ASHRAE CHAPTER 8, 1993 · OR APPENDIX B -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR ~--·_4_3~81 CFM (MECH 3; COLUMN IJ -ROOM LOADS -RETURN VENTED LIGHTING -RETURN AIR DUCTS -RETURN FAN -SUPPLY FAN -SUPPLY DUCTS TOTALS SAFETY/ WARM-UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY /WARM-UP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUI_PMENT-CAPACITY (ADJUSTED FOR.DESIGN CONDITIONS) IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEl;>S MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN ~ [!J ~ ~ [!J COOLING 9' Of 70°F 76°F 7,021 40,836 0 204 0 0 204 48,2651 ~ ~ 49,5771 Btu/ Hr [!] 18,340 27,52~ n/a 138 0 .. 0 138 46,1371 1.43 65,976 59,2001 Btu/ Hr ~ DESIGN EFFICIENCY NUMBER PEAK WATTS CFM FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKEH'P '. MOTOR Supply Fan 0.100 77.0%. NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding.25 HP (see Section 144). Total Fan System Power De!'fland may no,t exceed 0.8 Watts/cfm for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/cfm for VAV systems. EnergyPro 2.1 By Energy$oft User Number 1645 DRIVE OF FANS Bx E.x 746 / (C X D (Supply Fans) 100·~.0% 1 678 2,000. TOTALS I 6781 I 2,0001 ' TOTAL FAN SYSTEM I . 0 3391 POWER DEMAND . • . WATTS / CFM Col. F / Col. G Job'Nurnber. 001013 , Page:17 of 30 i IMECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 1 of 2 MECH-MM I PROJECT NAME TECHNIC ,DINER,-LEGOLANP. DATE 11/9/00 DESCRIPTION ' Designer Enforcement Equipment and Systems Efffoiencies ~ §111 Any·appliance for which there is a Californiitstandard established in the Appliance Efficiency Rt;,gulations wi,ll·compty·with the applit:able·standard. D § 1.15(a) Fan·type central furnaces shalt.not-have a prloi light. ~ § 123 Piping,.except t_hat conveying fluids at temperatures between 60 and 105·degrees Fahrenheit, or w.1thin .HVAC equipment, shall· be insulated in accordance with Standards .Section 123. ~ § 124 Air handling, duct systems shall be installed and insulated in compliance with Sections 601·, 603 ;md 604 of the Uniforjn Mechanical.Code. Controls § 122(e) Each space conditioning system shall,be installed,with one of the followi,ng: ~ § 122(e)1A Each spacEI conditioning system serving building fypes-such·as offices and manufacturing facili_ties (and all others not e)(plicitly exempt from the requirements of Section, 112 ( d)) shall be installed with an, automatic time switch with ;m accessible manuafoverride that allows·operation-of the system during off-hours for up-to 4·hours. The time·switc;fi shall be-capable of prograrrirri1ng different schedules for weekdays and-weekends; incorporate an•automatic hoiiday "shut- off' feature ~hat turns.off all loads for at.feast 24. hours, then resumes.the normally scheduled operation; and has program backup capabilities tl")at prevent the loss of the-device'.s proQrain·and time setting for-at least 10 hou·rs if-power-is interrupted; or D § 122(e)1B An occupancy sensor to control the operating period of the system; or ~ § 122(e)1C A 4-hour timer·that can be manuaUy operated to control the operating period of the system. D § 122(e)2 Each•space conditioning syst~prshall. be:,insfalled with controls-that temporarily restartand temporarily operate the system as required to maintain a setback heating and/or a setupcooling-thermostatsetpoint ~ § 122(9) Each space conditioning,system·s,rving multiple zones with a c_ombined condition~d fioor area more than. 25,000.square· feet.shall be.provided with-isolation zones. Each zone: shall·not ~x~e!)d is;ooo square fElet; shall be provided with isolation devices, such as valves O!'. dampers,.that·allow.the supply of heating or cooling to be setback or shut off indElpehd!mtly ofotherJsolatiQn areas; and shall be controlied by a time control device as described above. · ~ § 122(a&b) Each space ~onditioning system shall.be controlled !>Y 11.n individual thermostat that responds to temperature within.the-zone. When~ used to control heating, the control shall be adjustable down to 55,degrees F or lower. For cooling, the control shall be-adjustable up to 85.de!iJrees For higher. Where,used·for both h_eatiilg and cooling, the control shall be capable of providing a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply ,of heating· ~nd cooling-is shut off or reduced to a minimum·. ~ § 122(c) Thermostats shall have numeric s~fpoints in degrees Fahrenheit (F).and adjustable setpoi_nt stops accessible only to authorized.personnel. D § 112(b) Heat pumps shall-be installed with coritrols·to·preve11t eiec;tric resistance suppleme11tary'heater operation when,the:heating'load can be.met by the heat pump alone. C EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1~45 Job Number: 001013 Page:18 of30 - IMECHANICA·L MANDATORY MEASURES Part 2 of 2 MECH-MMI PROJECT NAME . . . . TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND Descrjption · Ventilation. § 121(e) · Controls shall be,prpvided to allow-outside,air dampers or devices to be operated at the ventilation rates as specified on these plans •. ~ § 122(f) Gravity or automatic dampers interlocked· and clo~ed oil ~n shutdown shall.b, provided on the.outside air intakes and disc;harges of all-space condi\ioning and exhaust systems. [!) § 122(f) All gravity :ventilating sy~tems shall be provided w,th automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers in all openings to ·the outside, e,ccepUor combustion air opening~. ~ § 121(f)1 Air Balijncing: The system shall-be.balanced in·accordance with the National Environmental.Balancing·Bureau (NEBB)Procedural Staridards.(1983), cir Associated Air Balance Council'(AABC)National Standards (1989); or ~ §121(f)2 Outside Air Certificc!ltioil: The system.shall provide.the minimum o~tside air as ~hown on the mechanical drawings, and shall be measu·red and certified by the installing licensed C-20 mechanical contractor·and.certJfied'by (1) the design mechanical,engineer, m the ilistc!llling licenced C-20 mecf'!anical contractor, or (3) the person with overall. responsibility for the <!esign of the ventilation.system; or ~ §121(f)3 Outside.Air Measurement: The. systenrshall be equipped with a .calibrated local or remote device capable-of measuring the quantity of outside air on a continuous basis and.displaying that-quantity on·a readily. accessible display divice; or ~ §121(f)4 Another 111et'1od approved,by the ~1:>mmission. D D D Service Water Heating Systems § 113(b)2 U a circulating·hpt water system-is installed, it shall have .. control capable of automatically turning off the circulating. pump(s) when-hot water _i.s not required. § 113(b )38 Lavatories in ,restrooms of puplii; facilities shall pe equipped witti coritrols to limit the outlet temperature to 110 degrees F. § 113(b)3C Lavatories in res.trooms of public facilities shali be equipped with one of the following: · · Outlet devices that.limit 'tile flow of hot ,water to .a mal(imufT! of 0.5 gaflons per minute. Foot actuated control valves, and outlet devices.that limit the f.low of hot water to a maximum ·of 0.75 gallons ·per minute. Proximity· sensor actuated control valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water·to a maximum of 0.75 gallons per minute. Self-closing valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow-of hot water to a ·maximum · of 2.5 gallons Rer minute, ·and 0.25 gallons/~ycle (circulating system). Self-closing valves, and.outlet <!evices that !imit the flow-of hot water to a maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute; anc;f0.50.gallons/cycle (rion-circuic,ting system) .. Self-closing valves, and outlet devicei, tf'!at limit the. flow of hot water to a. maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute, and 0.75 gallons/cycle (foot switches and:j)roximity sensor controis): EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft ·User Number: 1645 Job Number: 00101·~ DATE. 11/9/00, Designer Enforcement' Page:19 of30 fHVAC SYSTEM HE·ATING AND COO.LING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND DATE 11/9/00 YSTEMNAME FLOOR AREA 2-10.TON A/C 3,750 . . .. . . .. ENGll'IIEERING CHEC~~ SYST~MLOA[;> !Number of Systems I 21 COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK Heating System CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible Output per System 144,000 Total Room Loads 7,42 156,631 15,884 4,621 120,882 . Total Output (Btuh) 288,00Q Return Vented· Lighting 0 Output (Btuh/sqft) 76.8 Return Air Ducts 0 0 Cooling System Return Fan 0 0 Output per System 120,000 Ventilation 1,875 3!),280 13,605 1,875 78,728 Total Output (Btuh) 240,000 · Supply Fan 0 0 Total Output (Tons) 20.0 Supply Air Ducts 0 0 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 64.0 · TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD r 186,91~ 29,4891 I 199,61~ · Total Output (sqft/Ton) 187.5 Air System HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION CFM per Syst'='m 4,000. ~ Airflow (cfm) 8,000 CARRIER 48T JQ012-A/C 199,14' 35,960 Airflow ( cfm'/sqft) 2.13 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400.0. • Outside Air(%) 23.4 Toti;il Adjusted System Output I 199,1411 35,9601 I 288,0001 (Adjusted.for P.eak Design Conditions) Outside Air.(cfm/sqft) 0.50: TIME Or SYSTEM PEAK .1 Jul·3pml I Jan12aml Note: values above g_lven at ARI conditions HEATING ~H::; .1 CIY.1 l"'i:> f\,,Hl"\UIVIC I Kl\,;~ lAlrstream I emperatures at I ,me OJ'. tteaung l"'eaKJ 31.0 6F 60.9°F 94.3 °F 94'.3 OF L _J "' ..... .. ~h Supply Air Ducts g ~ Outside Er . , , • , __ : 1875 cfm )'f 94.3 OF Heating Coil Supply Fan .. ~ 8000 cfm I ROOMS! 70.0°F 70.0 °i= R~turn Air Qucts q< I ~ _J. ~. h ~ r ' .. . - l,;UULINl:i ~.T.:, I t:Wi t"~Y .;:,:f!~ ,n"l.-.1 Kil,;::; (A1rstre~m Temperatures at .lime OT \,;OOimg t'eaK) .. 91.0 / 69.7 °F 79.5 / 64.5 °F °F 56.4 / 55.0 6i= Supply Air Ducts q ~ ~ ~ ~ .... --~ b -.~./•' -, /' #" ~ Outside Air 1875 cfm )'( Cooling Coil Supply.Fan 56.4 / 55.0 OF ,~ 8QOO cfm 48.1% R.H. I ROOMSj 76.0 / 62.8 OF 76.0 / 62.8 OF I ~ _., ~ h ·Return Air Ducts qE ' r ' EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft Us~r Number: 1.645 ., _, Job Number: 001013 Page:20 of 30 IHVAC SYST'EM· 'HEATING AND COOLING LOADS. SUMMARY . .. .. PROJECT NAME· .. DATE TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 11/9/00 YSTEMNA~E 1:'LOORAREA 5 TONA/C 1,750 ..... . .. ENGINEERING CJiECKS ' SYSTEM LOAD jNumber of Systems I 11 CC)IL COOLIN<; PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK Heating System CFM .I Sensible. Latent CFM · Sensible Output per System 59,200 Total Room Loa~s 1,938 40,836 6,930 1,356 27,522 Total Output (Bt1,1h) 5~;200 . Return Vented Lighting. 0 Output (Btuh/sqft) 3,3;8 · Return Air poets 204 138 Cooling System Returti·Fan 0 0 .. Output per System 60,000:. Ventilation 438 7,02' 2,513 438 18,340 Total Output (Btuh) 60,000 Supply Fan 0 0 Supply Air Ducts .. Total Output' (Tons) 5.0 204 138 48,265r. Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 34.3 • TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD I 9,4431 I 46,1371 Total Output (sqft/Ton) 350.0 Air System HVAC EQUIPMENT, SELE;CTION CFM per System 2,000 ~ Airflow (cfm) 2,000·. CARRIER 48T JQ01>6-A/C 49,577 9,451 Airflow (cfm/sqft) 1.14 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400:0 .. .. ~ OutsldeAI,(%) . 21.9 Totai Adjusted-System Output I 4~;5771 9,4511 I 59,2001 . . (Adjusted forPea.k·Design Conditions) Outside Air (cfm/sqft) 0.25. .. I Jul 3 pn'II I Jan12amj . TIME OF SYSTEM. PEAK Note: values above ~ive~-at ARI conditions ... Hl::AIINU ~H:UcM't"~J-, ... _ .. 1 Ktli~ \Atrstream 1 _emperatures ·at T ,me of Heating Peal<) 31.0 OF 61.4 OF 88:9°F 88.9°F .... _; . .. .. . . ~h Supply Air Ducts g ~ Ou~deAir r , .. ·•f . 438 cfm 'i, ... 88;8 OF Heating Coil Supply Fan ' I\ 2000 cfm I ROOMSj 70.0°F 69.9 °i= I ~ J .,,. h Ret~rn Air Dl,Jcts g~ ~ r ~ .. .. . ~VVLIN~ ~ T .:> I t:M il-...... . 1 K11.,;:, _(Atrstream l emperatures at Hme ~r ·coo1mg PeaKJ .. 91.0/69.7°F 79.4./-64.7°F -56.3 / 55.0 °F 56.3 / 55.0 q: -; h Supply Air Ducts q ~ .. _,, .. :.. .,,,, ,,, 11 Ou~ide.¼ , , .. :]I>:·< 438 cfm /' ... 56.4 / 55.0 °F Cooling Coil Supply Fan '~ 2000 cfm 49.8% R.H. I ROOMSj 76.1 / 63.3 °F 76.0 I 63.3 °F .,,. ~ .,,. h Return AirDucts SE -I ~ r ~ EnergyPro 2.1 By Energy.Soft ·user Numbe~: 1645 Job Number: 001013 Page:21 of 30 ·I IROOM LOAD SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE TECHNIC .D(NER-l-EGOLAND 11/9/00 -YSTt:.M NAMt:. _, FLOOR AREA 2-10 TON A/C 3,750 ... IKUUM LOAP ~')llM~A~Y ·- ROOM COOLl~G PEAK ·, COIL COOLIN<;;.PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK ZONE NAME ROOM NAME fJ!ult • CFIVI , ~ENSIBl,.E LAT~NT CFM ~ENSIBLE LATENT CFM SENSIBLE II ,wul-lLI,;) DINING RMNIP/TL TS 1 7,453 157,311_ 15,897, 7,421 156,631 15,884 4,621, 120,882 ' .. .. .. -.. .. - ' - .. '-· -. ' -- ., .. .. ·- .. ... ., .. - ,• ' ,· .. .. : .. ' -· PAGE TOTAL I 7/4211 156~6311 15,884.11 A,iml 1~0.ss2I · TOTAL. I 7,4211: 156;6311 15,88411 4,6211 . 120,88~1 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1645 -Job Number: 001013 Page:22-of 30 _ I IROOM LOAD SUMI\IIA'RY I .. PROJECT NAME .. . . . _ DATE TECHNIC ·DINER-LEGOLAND 11/9/00 ,, YSTcm NAMC ·FLOOR AREA 5 TONA/C 1,750 lt<.UUM LOAP ::;UMMA_~y . ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK RQOIYI NAM!;: ., SENSIBL!= ZONE NAME Mµ,lt ; CFIYI . LAJ'ENT CFM SENSIBLE LATENT CFM 51;:NSIBLE . 'r\l I \;;".'CN c.11,,; • KITCHEN ETC. 1, 1,938, 40,836 6,930 1;$38 40,836 6,930 1,356 27,522 " ,. '., ,, " . . '' ' -,-, '. " ', ·• " . . " '' . , ' . . . < . '. . , ' . ., .. . . " ·--. .. . . " " 'PAGE TOTAL i ·1,93.8·1 40i836.I s,93oll 1,3561 27,5221 TOTAL I 1,~381 40;8361 6,93011. 1,3561 27,5221 ., . EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1645. Job Number: 0·01013 Page:23 of 30 I ROOM "HE_ATIN,G PEAK LOA~S. Project Title TECHNIC .DINER-1 .. l;GOLANP Date 11/9/00 DININGNIP/'f-LTS Time of Peak Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature , 3,750 'Outdo9r Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F Conduction -.. Slab-On-Grage R-19 FRAME WALL .. SINGLE TINTED GLASS Hollow Metal Door .. R-15 ROOF/GYP. CLG. SINGLE TINTED GLASS ,, ... - .. -,_ -~ ,. .. Area ~tjmeler = 225.0 . 2,197:0 1,40~.o 25.0 · 3,624.0 126.0 X X ·x X X X X X X X X X X: X X X , X 1----~~-, X X X. X X ·X X X X x X X X :x X X X X X X x X Items shown with an asterisk (*)·denote conduction through an interior surface.to another room. U-V~li.le 0,1123 1.1700 0;5511 . 0.0547 1.7200 ,. . ' Infiltration: ~ xT 1.Q77I x I · -3,75ol x l 16;ool x I · · 0;59J / 601 x ~ Air Sensible · Area t:elllng Height ACH :J Fraction- TOTAL Y EAT LOSS FOR ROO~ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X: X X X x X X X X :x X X X X 42.0 = 39;0 39.0 39.0 = 39.p = 39.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Page Total: c__ _ _:3_J9\ :::: t::,.T Jan12am 31°F Btu/hr 9,450 9,623 64,065 567 7,732 8,452 99,888\ 20,9941 120,882 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number:· 1645 · Job Number:. 00·1013 Page:24 of 30 I RO'OM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Title· TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry ~ulb Temperature Conduction R-19 FRAME WALL Hollow Metal ·Door Slab-On-Grade R-15 ROOF/GYP. CLG. - - . .. . . . .. .. ... - " .KITCHEN etc. Time of Peak \ . 1,150 .outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 70°F · Area 1,651.0 225.0 penmeter=·127.o 1,1so:o .. ' . .. X X X ,x X X X X X X ~ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ~ X :ic X 'X X ~-x x )c X X U-Value !).1123 0.5811 0:0547 . ' ... X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Date 11/9/00 39.0 = 39.0 ·= 42.0 = 39.0 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote co11duction through an interior surface'to anottier room. Page Total: 1,75!>1 xr 10.oi>I ~ I . Q.501 , sol X ~-A-r-ea-'-'--·-'--' Celling Height ACH · :J .____3__,91 = t:,,,T Jan12am 31°F Btu/hr 7,232 5,100 5,334 3,734 21,3991 6,1231 .a,___;_TO.;;..T.;.;.A..;;;L;;.;.H.;.O,;..U;;.;.R.;., L;;.;.Y..;.H.;.;;E;;;.A.;.;.T_L..;.O_s_s_F_O __ R_R_o_o_M ___ .......,'""""""....,. _____________________ 21_,5_22__.I EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User·Number: 1645 Job Number: 001013 Page: ~5 of 30 IROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS _Date TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 11/9/00 Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Conduction R-19 FRAME WALL $1NGLE TINTED GLASS Hollow Metal Door R-19 FRAME WALL. R-19 FRAME WALL SINGLE TINTED GLASS R-19 FRAME WALL $1NGLE TINTED GLASS R-15 ROOF/GYP. CLG. DINING/VIP/TL TS Time of-Peak 3,750 Outdoor Dry Bulb_ Temperature t6'l= Outdoor Wet $ulb Temperature Area 849.0, 184.0. 2~.Q 3~2.0 666.!) ~28.0 330.0 . 292.0 3,624.0 X X X X X X x X X U-Value 0.1123 1.1700 !).5811 ... ·0.1123 0.1123 1.1700 0.1123 1.1700 0.0547 X X X X X X X X X DETD 1 21.1 = 7.8 = 25.5 = 29.0 = 18.7 = 1.8 = 16.2 = 7.8 = 47.9 = 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Weighting Factor Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conduction through-an interior surface to another room. Solar Gain Orientation .Area (South) 80:o ·(W~~t) 24.0 (West) 24.0 (!=ast) 928:0 (East) 56.0 (Nqrtl:l) ~20.0 (North) 72,0 (Skylight) 126;1) Sched: Internal Gain Frac. Area HeatGairi ights ~i' 3,750 X 2.200 Watts/sqft Occupants 1.0 X 3,750 X 250 Btuh/occ. Receptacle 1.0 X _3;750 X 0.500 Watts/sqft Process . 1.0 .. X 3,750 X 0.000 wa~/sqft .. X X X X X X X X x· X X I X X ·SGF 73 173 173 47 47 47 47 294 3.41 6 3.41 3:41 X. X X X X X X X X X SC 0.705 0.705 0.705 0.705 0.705 0.705 0.705 0.770 Btuh/Watt sqft/occ. Btuh/Watt · Btuh/Watt Infiltration: ~ X 1.017. X ·. 3,1sol x ~ 16,ool c e u e 1r ens e Areaelllng Height 0.5ol'l 6~ X I ., ACH Fraction !TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Occupants 1.00 X 3,750· X 21Q ~t1,1h/occ. I 60 Receptacle _____j_&Q_ X .3,750 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 0 rocess 1.00 X 3,750 X MOO Watts/sqft x 3.413 X X X X X X X X X X 0.650 _0.390 0.390 1.268 1.013 !).708 0.708 0:628 = = = = = = = = = = Page Total Weighting Factor X 0.998 -= X 1.00 = x· 1.00 = X 1.00 = X 15J = ,6.1 sqft/occ. = Btuh/Watt = Btuh/Watt = Infiltration: ~ Fraction xi · 482;1 x I Air-Latent 3,75ol x J . 16.ool x I· o.50\ 1 sol x I 0.00115 \ = Area _ eihng Height ACH :J ,6.W L HOURLY 'T F. Jul 2pm 90 't 70 't Btu/hr 2;010 1,681 371 1;146 1,399 8,480 600 2,668 9,497 27,8531 Btu/hr 2,678 1,142 1,142 38,950 1,880 5,162 1,689 17,913 70,5571 Btu/hr 28,111 15,625 6,399 0 157,3111 Btu/hr ~ 2,1121 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1645 · 001013 Page:26 of 30 . I IROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS l Date TE:CHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 1119/00 Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry ·Bulb Temperature Conduction $INGLE TINTED GLASS .. . .. . 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) DININGNIPJ:rLTS Time of Peak 3,750 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 76<l= Outdoor Wet Bµlb Temperature Area 126.<f X x X X x x: X X X U-Value 1.7200 X X X X X X X X X DETD 1 3.2 = = = = = = = = = Items shown with an asterisk (*)·denote conduction:throligh an interior surface to ano\her'room. Page Total w.eighting Factor Solar Gain . Orientation Area S<:hed. Internal Gain Frac. · Area Heat Gain ights ;· 3;750 X 2.200 Watts/sqft Occupants .X 3,750 X 250. Btuh/occ .. ~eceptacle X 3;750 X 0.500 Watts/sq~ Process X 3,750 X .. 0.000 Watts/sqft ,, SGF SC X X X X ·x X X x X x· X X X X X X X X X X X x: X X X X X X X X X: 3.41 Btuh/Watt x = = = = = = = = = = Page Total Weighting, Factor 0.998 = I f--'---6-1 sqft/occ. x 1.00 = X 3.41 Btilh/Watt X 1-.00 = X • 3.41 Btu.h/Watt x 1.00 = Infiltration: U x 3,750 I X ~-16.0<!I XI' c e u e · r Areaelhng Height x I-· a.sol / 6~ x I 15_'1 = AC,:H .6, I Fraction !TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLEHEATGA!N~FORROOM Sched. Latent Gain i=rac. Area Heat Gain Jul 2pm 90 9= 70 9= Btu/hr 690 6901 Btu/hr ol Btu/hr 28,111 15,625 6,399 .0 8,0751 157,3111 -Btil/hr t)ccupants {QO X Receptacle 1.00 X . , --· Process 1·.00 . X x l;ltuh/c;,cc. / so sqft/occ. x Watts1sqft x .3.413 Btuh/\/Vatt x Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/W;;ttt " 3,~50·,: 3,750 3,750 ~19 " 0.000 .. 0.000 =~ Infiltration: rr--:-::i ~ xj. : 418211 x I 3,75ol x r 1$:ool x I _A"Ho:5ol l sol x I . 0.00115.I Air L.aient '---A-re=a '-". = Ceiling Hei_ght · v :J L::,.W 2,1121, Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAiN FOR ROOM 15,897 I EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft . User Nl/mber: 1645 001013· ·Pa_ge:27 of 30 · / -_IR_o_o_M_c_:o_o_L_1N_G_P_E_--~_K_L_o_A __ o_s ___ ~----~-----' TECHNIC DINER-LEGOL.AND· Date 11/9/00. Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Conduction R-19 FRAME WALL Hollow M_etal Door R-19 FRAME WALL · Hollow Metal Door R-19 FRAME WA!-L - Hollow Met_al Door R-15 ROOF/GYP; CLG. .. --.. KITCHEN ETC. : Time of Peak 1,750 Outdoo~ Dry Bulb Temperature ·• 769= Outdoor Wet BUib Temperature Area 7Q4.0 150;Q _325~0 2Q;0. 622.0 ' 50.0 1,750.0 - •· X X. X X X X X X X U-Value 0.1123 · 0,5811 0.1123 0.5811 0.1123 0.5811 0.0547 X X X X X X X X X DETD 1 34.7 = 44.6 = 19.6 = ·22.7 = 16.6 = 17.9 = 44.1 = = = 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Items shown with an asterisk(*) denote-conduction through·an:interior surface to another-room. Solar Gain Ori~ntation Area SGF SC Weighting Factor X X X = ·x X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X ·X X = X X X = Page Total Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area H~at Gain Factor ights ~r 1',750 x· Occupants X 1,!50 x Receptacle . X 1,750 X Process _x 1,750 X -Watts/~qft .x 3.41 Btuh/Watt Btuh/occ. / >---~6_, sqft/occ. Watts/sqft x 3.41 -Btuh/Watt Watts/sqft x 3.41 Btuh/Watt .· 1.700· =250_ 0;250 1.000 X 0.998 = X 1.00 = X 1.00 = X 1.00 = lnfiltratibn: ~ X . c e u e ·r Fraction x I · · 1,1_50·\ x J · 10.00\ x I -Ar,ae1hng Height · 0,50\ , sol x I 15\ = ACH ~ t--L::,.~T~~ !TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM Sched. Latent Gain Frac-. Occupants Receptacle 0rocess 1.00 --. . 1:00 1.00 Infiltration: ~ Fraction L HOURLY ENT HEAT Area Heat-Gain X 1,750 · X .i10 $tu hf occ; / 60 sqft/occ. = :X 1,750 X MOO Watts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = X 1;750 X 0;000 W~tts/sqft x 3.413 Btuh/Watt = ~--~~ xi_ ·48211 x I 1,1501 x r · 10.ool x t · o.5011sol ·x I 0.001141 Air Lafent >---.A=rec='l! ~-. Celhng Height • -· ACH J L::,.W = i= M Jul 3'pm 919= 70 9= Btu/hr 2,744 3,891 714 330. 1,162 519 4,225 13,5861 Btu/hr ol Btu/hr 10,137 7,292 1,493 5,973 2,355\ 40,8361 Btu/hr ~ . 8051 6,930 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1645 001013 Page:28 of 30 / IROOM COOLING COIL LOADS , Date TECHNIC DINER-LEGOLAND 11/9/00 Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature Conduction ~-19 FRAME WA'LL -., . SINGLE TINTED _GLASS Hollow Metal Door fM9 FRAili'IE WP.LL R-19 FRAME WALL ~-19 FRA!V(EWALL R-15 ROOF/GYP: CLG. $INGLE TINTED GLASS DININGNIP/TLTS Tillie of Peak .. 3,750 ·outdoor Ory B.ulb Temperature 769= · Outdoor Wet Bulb Temp·erature Area U-Value g49;0 1-,404!0 2!?.!)' 352.b, ; 6~6.0 330.0 . 3;624.0 1:26,.0 . X X x· X X X X X X ., 0.1123 1.1700 0.5811 0.1123 0.1123 0.1123 ();0547 1.7200 X X X X X X X X X DETD 1 19.6 = 8.1 = 22.7 = - 34~7 = 18,9 = 16.7 = 44.2 = 3.5 = = Jul 3pm 919= 70'l: Btu/hr 1,869 13,337 330 1,37~ 1,416 617 8;764 749 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Page Total Weighting Factor 28,4561 Items shown with an asterisk{*) denote conduction !hroug!i,an interic;,r.·;;urface, to another roo111. Solar Gain indow indow indow mdow indow indow Sched. Internal Gain Frac. ights ~r Occupants 1.0 X Receptacle 1.0 X Process . 1.0 X Infiltration: [ · h ~-:~_o.l c e u e Fraction Orientation (S9uth) (w~st) . . (West) · (~ast), .. (l,:ast) (Nortfl) .(~orth) (Skylight) Area Heat Gain 3,750 X 2.200 3,750 X ·250 . 3,750. X · 0.500 3,750 X 0.000 · Area 80.0 24.0 24.0 928.0 ~6:_0, 220;0'· 72.0, 126.Q Watts/sqft · Bt1,1h/occ. Watts/sqft Watts/$qft X X X X ·x X X X X X X I X X SGF 50 233 233 42 .. 4~ 4;2 42 246 - 3,41; 61 3.41;· 3.41: .. 3,750'1 X b 16;001 X xi xi · Ar11ae1hng H11lght X X X X X X X X X X SC 0.705 0.705 0.705 0;705 0.705 0.705 0.705 0.770 Btuh/Watt sqft/occ. Btuh/Watt Btub/V\/att -o:~ol / 6~ At;H X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0;912 = 0.382 = 0.38~ = 1.366 = 1.110 = 0:801 = 0.801 = 0:757 = = = P.age rota( Weighting Factor 0.999 = 1.00 1.00 1.00 1!>1 = L:I. I Btu/hr 2,573 1,507 1,507 37,539 1,841 5,222 1,709 18,062 69,9~81 Btu/hr 28,116 1_5,625 6,399 0 8,0751 !TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBL~ HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 156,6_3tl Sched~, Latent Gain Frac. bccupants !Receptacle !Process 1.00 1.00· 1.00 Infiltration: u.J Fraction EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft Area X 3;750· X . 3,750. X 3,750. xi· 48271 x I A)r !-aient User Number: 1645 Heat Gain, Btu/hr X X X Btuh/occ. I sqft/occ. ::_ §. · 1a,12~5 Watts/sqft x Btuh/Watt , Watts/sqft x Btuh/Watt -~1.0 0.000 0:000 .. 60 3.413 3.413 . 3;7501 X r . . . 16.ool X I . 0;501 / sol X I 0.00114 I = 2,759 I · Area · Celling Height ACH J L::,.W 15,884 , 001013 Page:~9 of 30 I IROOM C()OLING, COIL LOADS TECHNIC PINER-'LEGOLAND Date 11/9/00 KITCHEN ETC. Jul 3pm Room Name Floor Area Indoor Dry Bull:> Temperature ·1,750 Outdoor.Dry Bulb Temperature 769; Outdoor WetBtilb Temperature 919= 70 9= Conduction Area R-19 FRAME WALL 104.0 Hollow Metal-Door . ' 150,0 R-19 FRAME WALL 325.0 .. Hollow Metal Door 25.0 R-19 FRAME WALL 622;Q Hollow Metal Door 50.0 R-15 ROOF/GYP. CLG. 1,750.0 .. 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD). Items shown with an asterisk (*) denote conductio.n·through an intl;!nOr· surface to anoth.er room. Solar Gain Orienta,tion Area Schad. Internal Gain Frac. Arec1 Hec1t Gain ,..ights ~r 1,750. X 1.700 Watts/sqft Pccupants X 1,750 X 250 Btuh/occ. Receptacle . X 1,750 X 0:250 Watts/sqft Process X 1,750 X 1.000 Watts/sqft X X X X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X I x X U-Value SGF 3.41: 6( .3.41', ·3A1: .. X X X X x X X X X X 0;1123 0.5811 0.1123. Q.5811 :0.1123 0.5811 0.0547 SC X X X X X X X X X Btuh/Watt sqft/occ. Btuh/Watt Btuh/Watt • 1,75~ I X l • 10.ool Infiltration: U X· c e u e r Area ·ellmg Height ~/6~ X Fraction !TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBl,.EHEAT GAIN FO~ ROOM Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain . f-O_,cc_u.,__pa_n_ts __ ~---1 ~ X >-------< Receptacle 1.00 X 1--,--~C-J 1,750· X 210 Btuh/occ. I ijO 1,750 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 Process 1.00 X 1,750 X 0.000 Watts/sqft x 3.413 DETD 1 34.7 = 44.6 = 19.6 = 22.7 = 16.6 = 17.9 = 44.1 = = = Page Total Weighting Factor X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = X = ·x = PageTotal Weighting F-actor X 0.998 = X 1:00 = X 1.00 = X 1.00 = X I 151 = .c,,.I sqft/occ. = Btuhiwatt = Btuh/Watt = Btu/hr 2,744 3,891 714 330 1,162 519 4,225 13,5861 Btu/hr ol Btu/hr 10,137 7,292 1,493 5,973 2,3551 40,8361 Btu/hr ~ Infiltration: ~ ~ xi · 4 ~211 x I 1,1501 x I ' · 10.ool x I A"Ho.5ol ! Gol_ x I Air Lalent ~-A~r=eac--"~ Celling He,ght · v J 0.00114 I = I . so5 I .t:::,.W ·Fraction T HOURL TE TH AIN FOR .ROOM 6,930 EnergyPro 2.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 1645 001013 Page:30 of 30 / NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Non-Residential Land Owner, please read this option carefully and be sure you thoroughly understand the options before signing. The option you chose will affect your payment of the developed Special Tax assessed on your property. This option is available only at the time of the first building permit issuance. Property owner signature is required before a building permit will be issued. Your signature is confirming the accuracy of all information shown. Name of Owner Address City, State Zip Code "-\ \ - l<;oo. 9 f '? , s ~oo Telephone i l.cGo \.A->!) () (\., 1.,v{-- Project Address Carlsbad, California City, State ~CH.'.:>• 9200<? Zip Code Assessor's Parcel Number or APN and Lot Number if not yet subdivided by County Assessor. Building Permit Number(s) As cited by Ordinance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City of Carlsbad, California, the City is authorized to levy a Special Tax in Community Facilities District No. 1. All non-residential property, upon the issuance ofa building permit, shall have the option to (I) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE- TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX -DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Please indicate your choice by initialing the appropriate line below: OPTION (1): OPTION (2): I elect to pay the SPECIAL TAX -QNE-TIME now, as a one-time payment . Amount of One-Time Special Tax: $ \ '?( ( 8 '1. 0 . Owner's Initials rofttt . I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY for a period not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Maximum Annual Special Tax: $ 1...1 7 '-\J . Owner's Initials _____ _ I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH T PROV SI l-'\S ST A TED ABOVE. Title Print Name The City of Carlsbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Page 1 of 1 - City of Carlsbad · 1~notou1,1-,a-t111,,,e1;.1 . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school di~tricts· and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. 'The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name:. Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N.: Project Applicant (Owner(s)' Name(s)) Project Description: Building Type: Residential Second Dwelling Unit: Res. Additions: LEGO LAND TECHNIC DINNER CB00430i ]LEGO DRIVE 211-:--100-09-00, LEGOl,..AND ESTATES RESTUARANT -DI ~ER IYPE Y .cQNSTRUCTIQN J HOUR {steel with wood joist) Number of New Dwellin9 Units . Square Feet qf Living Area in New (?welling Square Feet of Living Area in SOU Net Square Feet New Area Com~rc./ Ind.: ,, Square Feet Floor Are~ 6325 sf Applicant's information: ~· ~ .......... ='~J:d-=:;....=(1G=:;:ekL--:;.;...:..;:. =----· ----z;)s-· '---....... fJa...--,.;.;:{):;;.., .. "---------- City Certification of ~ fl Date: / HOOLDJSTRICTS ~ITHIN THE Cl~ OF CARLSBAD Encinitas Union Sc oo · 1s c · 101 South Ranch Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4300) San Marcos Unified School District -215 Mata Way San Marcos, CA 92069 736-2200 San Dieguito Union High Schoi;>I District 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant /OWners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner'') certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the-building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/ developer of -the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. · · Si 11~,..,_,..2009,1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 •-__1 - SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district{s)) ***************************~*********************************************************************** THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL.OISTRICT Rl;QUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation· for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page. t has paid all amounts ot completed other applicable . school mitigation _determined by the School Di~trict. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER ...... i,l<IJ<t , ma mu . FEB-16-2001 09:52 GARVERBECK DIRECTOR MN DIEGO OFFICE : 1255 IMPERIAL AVE., .3RO Fl.R SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (619) 338-~22 FROM R W SMITH & CO TO ••• I, . - ' I , '. .. . . . ' 17608047959 P.02 . _·.j/ !Ji;/~ .l. ' -7... ~ IA ,A.s: . (U~un:tg .-£-~a11·~i~-g.a .:P) 531/3 . . .. RICHARD HAAS · OEPARTMENT Ot ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH P.O. BOX 12928 , SAN DJeGO, CA 92112-9281 {619) UII• ~2 FAX (619) 338.2377 ' ' ,I ,. · ASSISTANTDIRECTOR NORTH COUN]Y 338 VIA ViAA,~UZ, .SUITE 201- .!;AN MAllC'OS,.CA Q:2069 (760)· 471-0730 .. -------------------------------------·· .... ____ _ --------------------· 1-...,.-----'-----------------------1 . ' --------------------1··-------------------------- . DBH:CF!i-llSG (R.e,v, 2/Hl NCR u:i.ai:tlbu,;:1.cni ll'l•!i.,, -l".l.l.c ' · Yell<1w ; Cui:i:.cm.er ~-inl,; . .:. Buildin'., Oep.eu:• t:aent ~o1dMirod -Field Suf-f · ,•,. ' /• . ·./ . : .. ·:, r CB004302 1 LEGO DR CBAD ... ___ ~---LEGOLAND -TECHNIC DINER \, EXPANSION RESTAURANT 6,325 SF c.., COMM IND COMM --._----=---~-------____ ,., ·"--·r---"·~---· ---·-··-· ·····""'·4 --~"-t#;: PERUZZI JOHN '~ ~ y j ··.. j' ~"'-····-/ _____ ·J. ____ -- ll(t7?1)--;;; 4, £3/1 I <J £~ . 1. /2, ~ af St/J C:z,/45 •. §4~b ~~~.~ l :1 · ENGIN~fllNG 1i i )_-2q-o/ 6 J CJ-~ :: [jp,$C 0 ' ~·:_¢:to1frRM ~ -' "' CJ_ -HAZ MAT/ Al~8_UAL -- ' i / ~. CJ I_ h ,(_,, CL IYL., .. . . OTHER SEW~~,a. I 111,101-CM.!'hf:n: 1z, u,10/,t,y-,1-r.,0,_ w/~r AITT.~-~~~~::::::· > !~ (: L ~-, ~I /1 ;} . ENGCOc 0 T ~ ~ ·. · . SCHOO; .. =ir.t I:::·· . ' . ~~ I • -< . Vi . p E & ·, . _.,...__ . ~ { ~30~0 / t;:.s9JM Cl--vi r/ .:..1)...-~ _ · "-..... 0 ,-,,¥;iGtt«sH I , . ///I I~ ~ .t-L; ~ f "J& &tJ~ f I -~ fK I ;c5 " u,ot-i PD/""'! 300 """' . o ••ssco• .J · ~ r--L {Ji;; s:I -(,/'di' J. J ~ qi/,_ 5~ /r /, a 111--ft JX; ..JZ.; c,__ { ~ ./j)L, ~ J4-ff ];t:_ c~ -i~ . I ~i~b1~Jf?I°. ~ //rs i J~,-£ alu/0/ff P ~5-~..J?@R I ei'7ff@ /;J_s ,:$/Ji~ j . !J./ / IP( 0 I ,_ !/ 0( J {) 0/?AA~J / (!, p_() .~ Jo ~ t ~ . ! ~ ' II ~ is-;--~ , ' . r--v~ -. --• -l (' " J J '(/wL_. ~~-, 1 ~ ,-~~~~~~ll fl! b ~ II I -O i fi a, ' "ii j >Fll,li NV_,. P I"''" "''""-II'>-~~ I!/ I( 7 "!!7 / , I City of Carlsbad 1635. Fa~aday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 t, \( Co$ '2--z_. 03/28i2001 Plan Check Revision · Permit No:PCR01056 Building, Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1 LEGO DR CBAD Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PCR , 2111000900 $0.00 C800435,D::i.. Lot#: 0 Construction Type: NEW Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: ISSUED 03/02/2001 JM 03/26/2001 03/28/2001 Project Title: MARKET PLACE-EXHAUST HOOD Inspect Area: Applicant: Owner: ANDERSON HOWARD LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND'ESTATl;:S AG 2154 CARMEL VALLEY RD DEL MAR CA 92014 858-755-5009 Total Fees: $109.0Q Plan Check Revision Fee Inspector: C10 PROPERTY TAX SERV CO PO BOX 5-43185 . 5256 03/28/01 0002 01 DALLAS TX 75354 CGP TofalPaymerits'To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $109.00 .$109.00 ' . ~ ,' ' ' ,'' FINAL APPROVAL Date: Clearance: -NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval ofyour project includes the "Imposition" of fees; dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest fmposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set·forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/\,lxactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service.fees ln·connection_ with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been qiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. 02 .109 .. 00 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO./Je;/((J/ ..... :J 0 -'-·.. ,. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 dj(Jof37f ¾1~~~Ti1NfJ>J1M~J.(Q~7'~if;}~/!t!:_::::<'.T:;'f;(~·. ;~~'f'I.~~~~"f!l! 1~ EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit_,. _______ _ Validated By <,, JW\, jr Date S/if}L . usiness Name (at this address) Legal Description · Lot-No. Subdivision. Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # Existing Use Proposed Use Name Address City State/Zjp Telephone# Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# ~\itcPlifB~~1:g,13~QJ~t19e~r.X1,N~r.,1_e~~~~:t:~1·~~~~1i~~~~~1:e~~~~~~4;i~f::~~~~~~t.~]! (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any ·City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant ·for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to thei provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commendi.ng with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the B\lsiness and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031. 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant t9 a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars I$ 5001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # _________ -'-License Class-~--------. City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _________ _ ~~Vl.OlM.R~,g@Jt~il~~L~Z~~&Ct:~~i-:~~frl~~B;q:;TT~~~?J~~~~~~l!kf:3~~~1i¥m::ITwN~~tt~2'~!:7?~J~0:l:;gp;1 Workers' Compensat.ion Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of-perjury one of the following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workert compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is. issued. D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the iabor Ce>de, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and:policy number are: Insurance Company ___________________ ..;....__ Policy No .. ____ -'---------Expiration Date. _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS i$100J OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance.of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' co_mpensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,QOO), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorn!!y's fees. SIGNATURE. ________ ---'-------------------'----DATE ___ ~------ ~ri~½f,(iWJlijJIQQ1lP.(6ffE..ti~~fJj'tjl{~~Jtt-~-i:i1f~~{~14lifii-t':Ei:?;:0:Q;il~~2rs¾:Ji.~l:.:J}J~/-~~j~~S1~?i~ttt~i~}t~~~~1fil[·~~X.:{f~1[t~t:1~1~1~L~1 I hereby affirm that I am exeinpt from the Contractor's 'l:icense LaY( for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does·not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through liis own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licens.ed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an .owne_r of property who builds or improves thereon, am;! contracts for such ·projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions,Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to.provide the major labor·and·materials·for construction of the proposed property improveinent. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an a·pplication for a building permit for the proposed·work. 3. I have contracted _with the following person (firm) to provi<;fe the proposec;l-construction (include name./ address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and· provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number>=-----~-------------~---~------------------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to prnvide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work): · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE~:;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;:;,;;;;:;_:;;;;;;::;;:;;:;;~;;;;;::;:;;;;;:;::_;,,:::;;;;::;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;::;,:;::;:;:;:;:;::;;;;:;;:::;::: DATE. ________ _ ~13m~t$:l!;.c~;qs1!{99l.«~1PM:~'jjj.M!!@Plrtl1~ll~:~m;1:1;i;,t]~~~11~l{z,~";,t1'.\1~'i&~1t~~\~[+;r£fRt~'!r'41~~~r~~~~:t~ Is the applicant or future building occupant required tq submit. a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? CJ YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a perrpit from the air pollution control district or air qu~lity management district? .0 YES O NO ls the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES [J NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES' AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. . ~WffiiV:QJ19.1~t~e~ro.R<l"A~~Yi~~~~?~4;~~~~'!?~~~~0a"E'.;~1I~z~1n~:~t:;;f,;Q~:~WI'.~~:IBt~'.$~~~?;'"~~,:,·~t".~7;,i~;,:~'-§t~:1 ;~z-;;;;r: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of-the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME ----=-;:::;::::;;:;;:::;;;:;:---------LENDER'S ADDRESS ________________________ _ I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information o'n the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, .INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEOl.!ENCE OF THE ~RANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or co.nstruction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permitissued by the building Off · under the provisions of this Cod.e shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work. authorized by such permit is not'comme h' O days from the date of si.Jch,permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is comme~~~~eriod of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Gode). DATE _-"'J_.--_z_...-._6_/ ____ _ PINK: Finance · EsGil Corpo-ration 1.n Partnersfiip wit/i.f}Q'ller.nment for '.Bui/aing Safety DATE: 3/21./2001 . ! JURISDICTION: C_arl~bad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4394 (PCR 01-56) PROJECT ADDRE;SS: Legoland PROJECT NAME: 'l'yp_e II hood@ West Complex . . SET: II ti ~_jfANT CJ~ 0 PLAN REVIEWER . D FILE ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with t_he jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a cornplete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plc;3ns are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check 11st is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent tct ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ielephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB 0-EJ D PC_ 3/16 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, Ciµifornia 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 r1 I ·EsGil Corporati.on 1.n Part:nersliip witli {}overnment for 'lJuitifi.ng Safety DATE: 3/13/2001 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4394 (PCR 01-56) PROJECT ADDRESS: Legoland SET: I PROJECT NAME: Type JI hood installation @ West Complex D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantic1lly comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until .corrected plc;1ns are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Howard Andersen 2154 Carmel Valley Road Del Mar Rd. OM 92014 D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did aqvise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: rte'-0Aw (J.)v{J Telephone#: 858 755-5009 Date contacted: o I,~ f <J '· (by: )I\., ) Fax #: Mail (.....--"Telephone ~ Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Esgil Corporation D GA D MB [J EJ D PC. Enclosures: 3/5/2001 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + Sail Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 ) Carlsbad 00-4394 (PCR 01-56) 3/13/2001 -GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad. PROJECT ADDRESS: Legoland DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 3/5/2001 REVIEWED BY: Eric Jensen FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 00-4394 PCR 01-56 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: 3/13/2001 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation · and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, E;ngineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plan~ and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to E;sGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, nextto each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. Carlsbad 00-4394 (PCR 01-56) 3/13/2001 • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. Jf there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? D Yes tJ No PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric J~nsen M~CHANICAL (1997 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 1. Show how supply air is provided for the new hood. My primary concern is when the roll- up doors are in the closed position. •!• The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If y9u have any que$tions regarding these plan review items, please contact Eric Jett$en at E:sgll Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 00-4394 (PCR 01-56) 3/13/2001 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Eric Jensen BUILDING ADDRESS: .Legoland BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING AREA PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) .. Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Valuation Multiplier - ' - -. ". Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance 1994 UBC Building Per.mjtFee r -I , ... PLAN CHECK NO.:00-4394 PCR 01-56 DATE: 3/13/2001 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Reg. VALUE ($) Mod. -·· . - .. I I 1994 UBC Plan Check Fee $108.941 Type of Review: D Repetitive Fee =8Repeats * Based on hourly rate D :omplete Review D Structural Only D Other 0 . Hourly 11 Hour(s) * Espil Plan Review Fee Comments: 1 hour mechanical plan check . $87.151 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc { Carlsbad Fire Department -~ . ~ 01056 1635 F::iraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Plan Review Requirements Category: ~Oilding Plan } Reviewed by: Date of Report: 03/16/2001 ------------ Name: Howard Anderson Address: 2194 Carmel Valley Rd City, State: Del Mar CA 92014 Plan Checker: --------------,-----.---Job #: _0_10 __ 5_6 __ ...,.... __ Job Name: Lego Marketplace Bldg #: P.CR01056 ----------------'-------------------- Job Address: 1 Legoland Drive Ste, or Bldg. No. ~ Approved, D Approved Subject to D Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and / or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this dc;1.te, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office tq insure continued conformance with· applicable codes and standards. Please· review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with .instructions in this report can result _in ·suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the . attached conditions. ·The approval is based on plans,. information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the rtecessary plans and/ or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a teview to determine compliance with the applicable codes and./ or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and l or specifications to this office for review arid approval. 1st 01056 2ric;I FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID ,: ~,_,., Carlsbad Fire Department 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Review Date of Report: 03/16/2001 ----,-;.--------------'---- Name: Howard Anderson Address: 2194 Carmel Valley Rd City, State: Del Mar CA ~201.4 Plan Checker: Job Name: Le,go Marketplace Job Address: 1 Legoland Drive Reviewed by: 01056 01056 Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Ste. or Bldg. No., ------ Plans and permits are required for the sprinkler system and hood and duct suppression system. 6" AQUA ZONE LEGO SHOW ' 1' "'· a \\ . \ \\.--\ ·,, I, ,\ ' ··1 •; . \ .; ' I' el 11.f i·f--·' . •/ ~ .,,.. .... _. ""' • ---1,,0-__ RESTAURANT ffi 110.00 " ........ SW 16".00 \ \ ADMINISTMTION BUILDING \ \ \ -------- Qt--............ ,/ ........ ., ....... / ~I \ \ \ ' ' \ \ . LEQOLAND Callfornla, Inc. One LEGO Drive cartabed, CA 92008, USA (780) 918-S300 GEOTECHNICAL MAP LEGOLAND California / East Expansion Area One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California PLATE 1 ~11 PROJECT: 960151-010 I SCALE: 1"=30' l DATE: 12-9-99 =::: --ENGINEER/GEOLOGIST: SAC/MRS I DRAFTING BY: KAM ~ := ' Leighton and Associates, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL CONSUL TAN TS -------··-, .. -, , __ -.,-.. -.--~- GRADING LEGEND '-~ -Exl&tlng Gcntour , ??9 -Propoeed ContoUI" 6rai::Un9 ..ill1fl Exletlng Spot Elevation \ ~ Pr-opoeed Spot Elevation n Slopes ~ Pedeetrlai Pavement ~ (Conerete, Paver& or Asphalt) -Vehleulc:r Asphalt Pavement ~=~~ 4" -6' high i::.oni::.. curb ..... ,_,.m Retaining Yic:111 DRAINAGE and UTILITIES LEGEND -ss--Exr11t1ng Sel'lor Main -w--Exl11tln9 Reclaimed Water Main -v-Exletlng Potable Yiater Main ___ Ex111t1n9 Rec.I. Yiater lrrrgatron Secondc:ry Main · --s--..Exrstrng 6all Marn --,!'---'-Existing Eloctrlcc:al Main l Exletr~ Main storm C,,.aln --•• .,.J Inlet • stub = = = New Main storm Drain Pipe • Now catch ea.in IQ] Now storm Drain Cleai Out A Noy,i CUrb Inlet Note, Main storm drain lln.s ehoM onl~. Dotolted drainage de111gn to be pt"OVlcfed at permit dray,ilng i,haee. Secondan.4 drain line& and Inlets .-.11( conneet to main etorm drain lines ehoy,in here. ABBREVIATIONS Ex. • Existing FFE " Finish r'loor Elevation FS • F'lnlllh Surfac;e Elevation F'6 • Finish &'ade Elevation TG • Top oP CUrb Elevation ec. • eottom or Gllrb Elevation ffi = Top of Yic:111 Elevation e~ • 6ottom of Wall Elevation PAD • Pad Elevation SC.ALE, 0 1• • 90' 60' NORTH 60' LEGEND GEOLOGIC UNITS Af Afu Qt Ts Artificial fill -documented by Leighton and Associates (circled where buried) Artificial fill -undocumented (circled where buried) Quaternary Terrace Deposits (circled where buried) Tertiary Santiago Formation (circled where buried) MAP SYMBOLS ? _.,,. ,,,,.,,-" Geologic contact (dashed where approximate, ,-dotted where buried, queried where uncertain) •• Approximate limits of fill (tick marks on fill side) Approximate location of existing subdrain with arrow showing direction of flow Approximate elevation of subdrain ..., .... Prepared by: r.w. Apel, landscape architect 671-B Hygeja Avenue Leucadia, CA 9202-4 (780) 943-0761 Description Date PRELIMINARY Cf1Y REVIEW EAST EXP ANSI ON AREA Conceptual Grading, Drainage & Utilities Drawing Number EE-103