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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB040233; Permit
City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 03-1,2-2{)04. Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB040233 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD COMMIND 2111000900 Sub Type: COMM Lot #: · 0 Status: Valuation: $172,000.00 Construction TJpe: NEW Applied: Occupancy Group: Reference #: Entered By: Project Title: DINO ISLAND RIDE-FOUNDATION, Plan Approved: ELEC/LOAD&UNLOAD STRUCT/KIOSK/3 SHADE STRUCT/ELEC Issued: Inspect Area: Plan Check#: Applicant: Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLANO ESTATES AG 1 LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 760-918-5461 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee STD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Total Fees: $63,985.29 $768.32 $0.00 $499.41 $0.00 $0.00 $36.12 $255.60 $0.00 $0.00 $0.09 $0.00 $0.ocr $0.00 $0.00 $0.00- $0.00 $0.00 1 LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD CA 920()8 MeterSize .· Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SOCWAFee CFO Payoff i= ee PFF . PFF (CFO-Fund)' License Tax . License Tax (CFO Fund) Traffic Impact Fee Traffic Impact (CFO-Fund) PLUMBING T-OTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer·Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional-Fees totAL PERMIT FEEs Total Payments TQ Date: · Balance Due: ISSUED 01/22/2004 KMT 03/12/2004 03/12/2004 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10;478.00 $0.00 $0.00 $110.00 $0.00 $0.00 $51,837.84 $0.00 $0.00 $63,985.29 $63,344.83 7394 03/12/04 0002 ..91 02 CGP 63344-83 FINAL Inspector: bate: -·--1--...11a::;..,_~-Clearance: ------ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the 'Imposition" of fees, declications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was.issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and.file the protest:and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions-DOES NOT APPLY'to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar iipplication.processing or-servic_e fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any f e x i wh' h h r vi u I n iv N Tl E i ll r · r wh' h h limi i h r vi I " .... PERMIT APPLICATION CIT<Y OF''cARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT _1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008' units· 640°46 (Sec. 7031.5 Business a_nd Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Con.tractor's Ljcense l,.aw [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of D,ivision 3 of the Business and Professiqns Code] or that he is exe·mpt therefrom,. and i:he basis for .the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of-not more than five hundrE!d-dollars [$500]). ' 'Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License#---~~-----l:icense Class _________ _ City_ Business License # ------,---- Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone. State LicensE! # ~6?~-;:~-~QR)~t;Q$~J1fJlgE~$'~~PN:,;~, -~;~:_/;:-:, ,1 :;.~: • "-*~-1-.-~ .. --;~-:; _~--·,:, -", -.,:~:-:"':::,:'~-~~7=:,; ~-;, ,:,:~;:-.:. :;,A,,::_ ,¼~~it~-__ :::;,:li~~~=r:;, \1,:x;.::~:-:h,~~:Ly~~:T:;~~3 Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,. for the performance. of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and-will maintain -workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the-Labor Code, for the performance -of the work for which this permit, is ,:issued. My worker's compensation-insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company ___________ -'----------Policy No. _____ ,c________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS-SECTION-NEED NOT-BE COMPLETE;D IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRl;D DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTIQN: I certify that in the performance of the work for-which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person.in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation ·Laws of California. · WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compiinsation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject ai;i employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorn!!y's fees. SIGNATURE. ___________________ ~---~----,---DATE _________ _ t7£,9LOWNER~Ulllbfil!,[lECIARA;TIOt,i; .·':'. .. · :-;:.·/'· ;'.: :--::~:"~':LI~:'.::~:::::·;:"'": -. ;·: 0 .·;:·: y::-:-;,·".'.~c,;:-:'7":'!c,0'.'.,:.::t7vif'<".~,'.'!~T:·:'·/_~-,~ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the war)< and the ,structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions C:ode: The 'contractor's License Law does not apply tp an owner of propecty who builds or improves thereon, and who do.es such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the.owner-builder will.have the.burden of proving that he did.not.build or improve for. the purpose of sale). ~ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). · D I am exempt under Section ----.,---Business and Professions Code fa~ this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and material!? for construction-of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I 11\ave / have not) signed an application for a building permit fpr the proposed-work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to _provide the proposed construction (include name·/ address / phone number/ contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordin-ate, supervise ·and· provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): _________ .,,._--,-,.-------------------------=---------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but ·I have cont following persons to provide the work indicated (include 11ame / address / phone number / type of work):. ____________ -::::~---z;;;;-,~;;:::-----------~---__.-:------:;;--;----:;"#----------- Is the applicant or future building oc program under Sections 25505, Is the applicant Of future building o. cuparit required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air_quafitv_man~~e~e_nt_<!!_st!ict? D. Y_ES· D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of-the ·outer boundary of a school site? D YES ·O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS.ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS ME:r OR IS MEETING THE , REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ffi'.ti;;1~CiNST,RUCTION1f:Effl»NG;.A_G,l:NC"i>' -r_'::~·r\z:-:-"St:~~"':".;7;":':-:".-._,...._.,~ ·7~--7,:~r::;_;;z:":;,~-:-;:, -.:.::,::-::~::::7:7;:r';;,~·.g.:~.;.;:;-·~1m;;~0.z:::z:'J I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this.permi\ is, issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS [t~~~t~~f!.I;JJ:; __ ~tJ,.;J:..,;1:~;:J;;;IB,--Ti;;;Jf;;!;::;,c;;::.e..;::;,1;;;J:;;P:;fil;:/'=~ 1=.i:.::;~==-_:.:;;:~:;:::: ~=---.:k=~:;:~:.= .. ~=:_=., ;;::s1~;::: ___ ;;::::;~=-~.::.::;:_,~::;:_,, 1::;::~;.,.-~ ,-.-.:...:~::=~~;:,,t_:.:;~;vS~:JfJ:: ~--: -~~:-:. ;,;;.,,,,.-;. __ ··--·:.:·~-_:}~~-:.:~:\:.,~~z::::;J __ ~~~:~~~~~--\\]~~~~~ I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the infprm·ation on the plans i!? accurate. I agree. to comply with all City ·ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDE_MNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF <;:ARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES.WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF'THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep an emolition or construction of structures pver 3 stories in height. ·EXPIRATION: Every permiHssued by the building-icial er. th revisions of this Code shall expire by -limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not cor:nmen,ced withi · s from e dat(:) of such permit or0if the building or w9rk authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for riod o . 80 da !ion 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). · PINK: Finance DATE ~'--~"-· _-_tJ__,ir------ r.====================================================i!, List 1 -Permit-Type From the following list, determine the permit-type that best describes the work you propose to do. Please put the code of.that ~rmit-type .i,n.th~_blank at the top of the page on the front of this application. Residential permits (only) also require the ,. 1dentificatiorf.QJ the:structure-type to be associated with the permit. Choose a structure-type from "List 2 -Structure-Types" and put its code in the appropriate blank on the front of this application. Code APT CONDO CVNNR CVNRN GVNRR ·-' DEMO MOHO MOHON RAD RREISSUE RREPAIR RREPLACE SFA SFD Code COM CREISSUE CREPAIR CREPLACE CTI DEMO ELEC . HOTEL HOTELR INDUST ITI MECH MISC PATIO PLUM POOL RETAIN SIGN SOLAR SPA Residential Permits -~ . '· Description • I ~ " t • \ Apartments -new construction. Condomini~ -new construction. I i •.. Conversion. Convert all' or a portion of a non-r~iden~al building to res~dential use, creating one· or more rtew. residential units. ·· Conversion .. Convert one 1o:r; ~ore resideQc~ iti a build4ig to hpn-residential· usage. - • .. • • ~' \ -"'\ ..... " \ ' .. -... • ~ 1 • • ' • • ~oi!yersi~n, Incre~se or. r~uei:e th~ _mµ_nber qf .d'Wel~g .urii~ .in a resi~en~l structure thr9ugh interior modifi~ations (1;e.: ·a· four \:>edroom house converted io a duplex. with 2 bedrooms each). · · Demolition permit. (Also soecify type of structure from List 2). Duplex -new construction. ,, ' Mobile home, renovation, repair, ~r lfddition of accessdry structure nofyi~lding a new livf:ng unit. Mobile home, pre-fabric1;1ted house, o~ trailer installed (plumbed, wired) in a mobile home park (see distinction from single-family -i;esi~ence, below). . . •. . . · . · . . . · Residential addition/alteration, creating no new dwelling unit(s). Residential permit re-issue. Residential building repair. Damage, fire, etc. Residential building replacement (no additional units). Single-family, attached · new construction. A one-family house attached to one or more other houses, with one or more common walls extending from foundation to roof at, or forming, a lot line. Has own plumbing and heating system (e.S1;.: townhouse, row house, half-plex) Single-family, detached -new construction: A one-family house with open area on all four sides. May have an attached or detached garage, or a business. May be a detached "granny flat". May be a mobile home or trailer on an individual lot, but not in a mobile home park. Non-Residential/ Accessory Permits Description Commercial structure, new construction. Commercial permit re-issue. Commercial building -repair. Damage, fire, etc. Commercial building -replacement. Commercial tenant improvement. Demolition permit. Electrical oermit, for electrical work only. Hotel or motel (including Managed Living Unit hotel) -new construction . Hotel renovation. Industrial structure, new construction. Industrial tenant improvement. Mechanical permit, for mechanical work only. Miscellaneous. Use only if proposed work doesn't fit another activity type. Patio and/or deck. Plumbing permit, for plumbing work only, Gunite pools and spas. Retaining wall permit. Sign consttuttion/..fustallation permit. ' Solar energy system installation permit (specify structure type to be served). Factory-made or Gunite. List 2 -Structure-Type (Use with Residential Permit Only) From the following list, determine the type of residential structure that best describes the structure on which you will be working. Please put the code of that structure-type in the appropriate blank at the top of the pa~e on the front of this aoolication. Code SFA SFD MF2·4 MFS+ MOHO Description Single-family, attached. A one-family house attached to one or more other houses, with one or more common walls extending from foundation to roof at, or forming, a lot line. Has own plumbing and heating system (e.g.: townhouse, row house, half-plex).· Single-family detached: A one-family house with open area on all four sides. May have an attached or detached garage, or a business. May be a detached "granny flat". May be a mobile home or trailer on an individual lot, but not in a mobile home park. Multi-family, 2 to 4 units. A residential structure on a single lot, containing two, three, or four dwelling units. Units may share master heating, plumbing, or electrical service (e.g.: duplex, triplex, quad-plex). Multi-family, 5 or more units. Same as MF2-4, except the building has a t least five attached units on the same lot. Mobile home, pre-fabricated house, or trailer installed (plumbed, wired) in a mobile home park (see distinction from single-family residence, above). - I J City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 04/01/2004 · Permit# CB040233 Inspector Assignment: PD Title: DINO ISLAND RIDE-FOUNDATION, Description: ELEC/LOAD&UNLOAD STRUCT/KIOSK/3 SHADE STRUCT/ELEC BLDG/RET. WALL FOR HANDICAP RAMP Sub Type: COMM --- Type: COMMIND Phont/;_· 760. 9.!l:854 O Job Address: 1 LEGOLAND DR Suite: Lot O Location: lnspecto . APPLICANT LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Remarks: Total Time: Requested By: JIM Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Comment 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs/CVs PCR00224 APPROVED ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR-COASTER; lns12ection Histo!Y Date Description Act lnsp Comments 03/30/2004 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldi'ng AP PD 03/30/2004 34 Rough Electric AP PD 03/19/2004 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 03/17/2004 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 03/17/2004 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP PD 03/15/2004 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 03/15/2004 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding PA PD CIIY of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite ~ Plan ·Check #: Permit#: Project Name: Address: CB040233 . DINO ISLAND RIDE-FOUNDATION, ELEC/LOAD&UNLOAD STRUCT/KIOSK/3 SHADE STRUC 1 LEGOLAND DR Lot: Contact Person: JIM Sewer Dist: .CA Phone: 7609185460 Water Dist: CA Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: 0 04/01/2004 COMMIND COMM ········································································••!!••••··········································································· lnspectedc1 ~~ Date ·0-~r ·C.----' By: . Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ------'Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ........................................................................................................................................................... Comments: ______ _;,_..;...... _____________ __, ________ _ L-1---. I. .. i . '' ~~})ttJt?,:,,?(:~r~-'.,'}J,."'°'~:~;;:..~J!:·a,..,~,"-~: ~-· ,...,._....._.,.........,......_,..,__,...-------=----,-----,----,---------,--- --~ :';-'(-/,-,,,_ •• ',:, .~1,;-lF<'" EsGil Corporation . In <Partner$fiip witn <]ovetnmentfor<JJui{aing Safety DATE: February 20, 2004 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-233 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legolattd Dr. PROJECT NAME: Dino Island Attraction SET: II ~PPLICANT 4FJURIS. Q PLAN REVIEWER l:J FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have beeh corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will. substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applinan_t that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: ' / Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: <f)V Mail Telephone Fax In Person \LI ~ REMARKS: All sheets of the plans must be signed/sealed ·by theti ensed designer. By: Kurt Culver Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 2/13/04 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGU Corporatio·n · In Pa,rtnersliip 'Uli~li (jovemment for $ui{aing Safety DATE: February 3, 2004 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-233 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Dino Island Attraction SET:I D .,...AeRLlQANT lQ.JlIBIS)1 D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes . when minor deficiencies identified be.low are resolved and checked by building department staff. I D The plans transmitted herewith. have significant deficiencies Identified on the enclosed check list and should be correcte<;:I and resubmitted for a complet_e recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for·your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected p"lans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list i~ enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person .. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Jim Fend 1 Legoland Dr. Carlsbad 2008 D Esgil Corporation staff did not·.advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicaht that the pla11 check has been completed. Person contacted: Jim Fend (.J. M ') Telephone #: (760) 918-5461 · Date contacted: ;).. \y ~ '-·f (by: /C-) . · Fax #: Mail v"lelephone,.......-Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver · Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Enclosures: 1/23/04 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 ) Carlsbad 04-233 February 3, 2004 !PLAN 1REVIEW CORRECTION LIST . COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-233 OCCUPANCY: A4 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: OK SPRINKLERS?: REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 1/22/04 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: February 3, 2004 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: Amusement Park ACTUAL AREA: Varies . STORIES: 1 HEIGHT: Varies OCCUPANT LOAD: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 1/23/04 PLAN REVIEWER: Kurt Culver This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuatjon and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enfotced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department .or other departments. Cleatance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1997 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited cooes and regulations. Per Sec~ 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does hot permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck· process·,. please note oli this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you. submit the revised plans. -, Carlsbad 04-233 February 3, 2004 • GENERAW 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commetcial/industriaJ projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). por expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and ·calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Builping. Department, .1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760} 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire. Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all .remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building. Department for touting to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. · NOTE:. Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 2·. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval ·prior to issuance of the .buildir:ig permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. Please complete the attached form . . .-PLANS 3. All sheets of the plans are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 4. Provide a.Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed: + o.ccupancy Group + Description of Use + Type of Construction + Sprinklers: Yes or No + Stories + Height + Floor Area 5. Provide a. statement on the Title Sheet of the_.plans that this project shall comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the 1997 UBC, 2000 UMC, 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC. Carlsbad 04-233 ,February 3, 2004 • ROOFS 6. Please provide the basis of approval for the fabric roof covering. • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS 7. Please justify the "non-ADA" ramps shown on the plans. What is the basis tor this? . • ADDITIONAL 8. Please see below for electrical corrections. 9. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. · 10. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes., please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: 0 Yes -0 No 11. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, 'California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. ELECiRICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen 1. The licensed designer must sign the approved set of the plans. ELECTRICAL (1999 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 2. Provide voltage drop calculations for feeders 2504 and 404. The emergency system uses so·amperes as the.anticipated load on (208v.) No. 8 conductors for 700'? Carlsbad 04-233 February 3, 2004 . . 3. Include the AIC rating required for the new 500 ampere circuit breaker to be installed at DP8. · 4. Describe the grounding electrode system at transformer ''TDSC1 ". 5. Describe the existing pad mount switch (SS-88) in better detail for clearance distances check. I need to know where the door to the switch is located, .how the door swing is made, and the exit route from the switch. See NEC 110-34. 6. Include the grounding electrode connections for: a) Pahelboard "EL TS" and· b) Kiosk building load center and c) Panelboard "PDC1 '\ • Note: If any structures (such as shade covers) have lighting or power, include the electrode system with the design. 7. Complete the branch circuit site and coaster layout: No lighting or power is presently shown. 8. Include the kiosk building load center ontothe single line diagram. Complete with grounding electrode system description. 9. Include the ride $tructural steel (Notjus.t the foundation rebar) with the electrode description 1 0. Include the fault current specification at the· new ride its<:3,lf. Include any motor contribution and complete Note 3 on sheet E1 .03. 11. Include a building disconnect signage description for the coaster Utility Building. Include both disconnects (Emergency and Normal) and the source description of each. • Additional corrections may be necessary after receipt of site branch circuiting layout. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468~ To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected item~ have been addressed on the plans. .. FEB-05-04 14:06 FROl.4-760 918 5469 MAINT T-045 P.07/07 F-322 I ' " --------• _...,....,.. SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: f. ~ ~frN'P 01<.. \ v6" / ~Lf, fs ~ <;A-- . n '?~ l,(3(:::,-0 L .'iftv V _, PLAN CHECK NUMBER: Qt.(-0 ./ OWNER'S NAME: •. ~~ /t-.. Gr .. I. as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractara may not employ the special Inspector), certffy that I, or the arehlteet/englneer of record, will be responsible for employing the special lnspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (USC) Sectlon 1701.1 for the construction project located a · neted above. use Section , 06.3.5. Signed _,.~~"--'---:~~-+-~-;;,--+-.~~~- !, a~ the n · inae architecrt of reeord, eertif'Y that I have prepared the followin9 special insp1!10tion program as re · d by UBC Section 106,3,5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. 1. Ll1t wotk ntq ring 1pecial fnspectlon: . D Soll• Compli,nct Prior to Foundation lnspactionc,.~ield Welding(~JJ-SfEc1Fr~ A. ,11 structural concrete Over 2500· PSI -WAU.S /k O High Strength Bolting / u Pre.,._ec:t Concrete D ~xpansion/Epoxy A"chors a structural Masonry . g Sprayed-On Fireproofing Designer Specified .A.)!!1 other Efo)(y C>H-1f;I) 116/'tl.J 2. Name(•) of Individual(&) or firm(s) responsible for the special inapactions listed above: A. l)u/J~ .ft:\vo, ~ we. { {:?All:'( .. H lvl.. 1 Pc t/ -:/'-13 ~+ at, .,.f (. ... .., ~r4 B, $'1(lo1c'f.,t1A;1... ,,.,,~ ~.lt::'7s,::, CJf FA-f'J o!t:-rr,> . (ti-Mt• fA-'l'.4Ll f!.l.-14) C. -----------------'""------------- 3. Dutf a• of the speci,1 Inspectors for tha work listed above; A. ,P,,t:. lNFoYl..U: /"I, e µf Pl A-Ce I'-\ e {'J'f 1 V...., UU-1' CtC '"' s 1A1M.ri (..l .,., 4 r[ C ~ 1 J'ft=?t /IA IS,. I" -'I /!::P~'( /)Olf II\/ ~'f°,lt":z,,'-P"/h,.J I t,.,i,l,c'"YU" v.Jt-V C, SpiQII I~ than check In.with tt,o City and present their predcntfali, for approval~ oogtnnlrig wottc on tl'le Job iit.e. 9lSt09S8SSt:XE.:J '&Jo:) 7I9S3 Carlsbad 04-233 February 3, 2004 jvALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 04-233 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A4 OATE: Feb:ruary 3, 2004 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N .. BUILDING AREA ·valuation Reg. VALUE PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) MUitipiier Mod. Amus. Struc. .. - .. . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance . J • J Plan Check Fee by Ordinance j ..-j Type of Review: 0 Comple.te Review . D Structural Only D Repetitive Fee 3 Repeats Comments: D Other D Hourly_ · I Hour * Esgll Plan. Review Fee ($) 172,000 172,000 $768.321 $499.411 $430.261 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST PLANCHECK NO.: CB Of/...D <33.~ / . BUILDING ADDRESS~ OJ.JIC {~~o~dtzvflJ /1/--. . .4't77.A'C?"/t:9\J PROJECT DESCRIPTION: EXP. #-01-. I 'ZJ/,AJD l5L/bU1J ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER:. Z.J(~/do ·-CJ Cf EST. VALUE: 17 Z.,,OC>~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL· The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure lo comply with instructions in this . report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is requirec! prior to construction of the following improvements: Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit-Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet H:IWORDIDOCSICHKLST\Bulkflng Plancheck Cklst Fann (Generic).doc Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with D, Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: Date: By: Date: By: --'-------Date: Name: ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON · JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ City bf Carlsbad Address: 1635 Faraday Ave_nue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone:. (760) 602-2775 CFO INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: A-4 Rev. 7/14/00 if 2ND 3RD D D ' D D , d/ D D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 1. A. B. C. D. E. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. 8. C. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North Arrow F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets Existing & Proposed Structures G. Driveway widths Existing Street Improvements H. Existing or proposed sewer lateral Property Lines· I. Existing or proposed water service Easements ,J. Existing or proposed irrigation service Show on site plan: Drainage Patterns 1. Building pad surfacE:l drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building;" Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography· Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service, however, - second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. Include on title sheet: Site address Assessor's Parcel Number Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION H:\WORDIOOCS\CHKLSi\Bulldlng Plancheck Cklst Form (Generlc).doc 2 Rev. 7/14/00 '\ D ~-D D #DD D BUH.DING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. ___________ ----' ______ .........; ________ _ 4b. All conditions are in compliance. Date: _________ _ DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a valLJe at or exceeding $15,000, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: -'-. -~-------------- Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the ·appropriate legal description together with an 8 ½"_ x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. ·All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the requited checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by:____________ Date: ___ _ IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the . construction exceeds $75,000, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. ·Public improvements required as follows: ____________ _ Attached please fihd an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with. the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the H:IWORDIDOCSICHKL5nBulkflng Planclleck Cklst Fonn (RIDDLE. HARVEY 7-12-00).doc 3 Rev. 1~6196 io efo D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities .posted and "fees p_aid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: _________ _ Date: ----- 6b. Construction of the p·ublic improvements may be ·deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $31 O so we may pr~pare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This. agreement must be signed, .notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: D · 6c. Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. D D D D Future Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: 6d. No Public Improvements required ... SPECIAL NOTE: · Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy: GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11·.oe.oso··ot the Municipal Code. 7a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). 7b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed· application form attached. NOTE: The Grading .Permit must be issued. and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading lnspe(?tor sign off by: Date: ---'---------- 7c. Graded Pad Certification requirec;I. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a·grading permit is not required.) H:\WOADIDOCS\CHKLsnBullding Plancheck Cklsl Fonn (Generic 7-14-00).doc 4 A~v. 7/14/00 .') ' ,i ~ ~/ 2ND , D E:1/ D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST . I 3RD D 7d .No Grading Permit required. D 7e. If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 0 · 8. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in Cit¼ Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying D D D D into public storm drain, sewer and water 1,.1tilities. · Right--of-Way permit required for: 9. INDUSTRIAL WASiE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, ·you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance. Industrial Waste permit accepted by.: Date: 10. NPDES PERMIT · Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. 11. .)::e:fRequired fees are attached Q No fee~ required WATER METER REVIEW 12a. Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are ·inaccurate. during low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not ~ccurately bill the owner for the water used. • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service. H:IWORD\OOCSICHKLS1'8uilding Plancheck Ckist Fann (Generic).doc 5 Rev. 7/14/00 •' 1sr D BUILDING P!-ANCHECK CHECKLIST • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the_ "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm). A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached. Once the gpm is provided,· check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter. • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand. (nianifolas are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street). 12b. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval. The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow these guidelines; · 1. If the project is a newer development (newer"than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets: If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there. Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W". The irrigation service should look like: STA 1+00 Install 2" service and 1.5: meter (estimated 100 gpm) 2. If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach). Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection 3. In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA). As long as the project is located within the City recycled water H:IWORDIDOCSICHKLST\Bulldlng Plancheck Cklst Fonn (Gene~c).doc , 6 Rev. 7/14/00 1 D D DD BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST "' service boundary, -the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future. 12c. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 1. Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above. 2. If a project fronts a street with recycled water ~,then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans. Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees. However, ir they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they c;tre charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled w~tet by CMWP, then the applicant can apply for a refund to .the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund. However, let the. applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this. 13. Additional Comments: H:IWORDIDOCS\CHKLSnBulldlng Planchecl< Cklst Fonn (Generlc).doc 7 Rev. 7/14/00 . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based_ on ur:iconfirmed information from applicant. ~ Calculation based on b,Yilding plancheck plan submittal. · :JJ;X/0 !5t.,ftl!!) e}/ ·~air I · · Address: 0/Jt!: Cei;c>l~ 2?7/---Bldg. Permit No. 6/J O<;Z O Z:3'::5 Prepared by: d_ Date: 9/;D;p<;t:-Checkedby: <::SS:: Date: ~ EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: I~~ Sq. Ft./Units: _________ EDU's: 9: ID ~ ~/k"':, k-~ . . r/,/ I) ? Types of Use: ~ 9 /5(> Ce~ v"~ Sq. Ft/Units: EDU's: i-1o,oc.- ' > ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. -5S · ~<-- Types of Use: /v~~ Sq. Ft./Units: ______ ADT's: c/-t> '3,J 3 b'@ ~ 0i4--:;;;.~eiz-Ya8 Types of Use: 1= ¢a 'H-rr_p '/4el > s¾. FtJUhits: _________ ADT's: _____ _ FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFO: ia'YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1., reduced Traffic Impact Fee) D NO D 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE PARKAREA&#: __ _ FEE/UNIT:.____ X NO. UNITS: __ _ =$ ·-----~ TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE , !V ADrs/UNITS: ~~x . FEE/ADT: z c; -=$ 1g(?!~ D 3. BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST. #1 __ DIST. #2 DIST.#3__) ADrs/UNITS: . X FEE/ADT: ~FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE: 5 =$. _______ _ UNIT/SQ.FT.: 6'.J o/ X · FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT: 6. ¢:D =$ ----- ~.SEWER FEE EDU's: S S, Cf' Z-.x FEE/EDU: J Q -=$ .51,, !337 ~ BENEFIT AREA: EDU's: X FEE/EDU:. =$ ----- D 6. SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) =$ ·----- D 7. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA HIGH /LOW ACRES: X FEE/AC: =$ ·----- D 8. POTABLE WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE SDCWAFEE IRRIGATION 1-of 2 . F:\FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET.doc Rev. 7/14/00 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Fi:E CALCULATION WORK.SHEET D 9. RECLAIMED WATER FEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*:$ ________ _ *NOTE: This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. 2of2 F:\FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET.doc Rev. 7/14/00 ~~ ., ~ ~ ~ 2 "* .l!! <11 <11 0 Cl Cl j ~ >, >, .c .c :jj; &11 ~ i3 'U ts Q) Q) Q) .c .s:: .s:: (.) () () C C C <11 "' "' ii: ii: ii: ~DD tiDD ~DD ~DD · PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILD!NG PLAI\! CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB O L/. · 0 23,3. Planner tbo Ne.u Address _J_ · LcQ:)?Azv.(2 Miu£ . Phone (760) 602-_.%-/_Z~------ APN: Z..//-/00..,0C:,-. Type of Project & Use: ~,& ... Net Project Density: ___ Al"--='-,'4'-"'A-_,'---=D=U/:..:..A=Ca..-_ I Zoning:C-7-<y General Plan: T-~ Facilities Management Zone: /3 CFD (!ry'out) # _Date of participation: 12,(21/93 Remaining net dev acres: ,fit · (For non-residential T pe of ed by this Circle One permit: Al. ,...,..,..,w=>r-uses i ,.J,0.,,.-,..,-1--,~.rl ) Legend: IZI Item Complete D Item Incomplete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO .X TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: £1,& qt./-0/ . Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state c~nditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action ·Required; YES_ NO X TYPE_--'---- APPROVAURESO.NO. . . . DATE PROJECT NO. SLJ/J 9Crl¥ (It) . -- OTHER RELATED CASES: _9,?__...if).__ ....... ~ ... ~ ..... -..... IG=-+U.,.....lt,-) ___________________ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: _______________ --'------~-- Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zehe? YES )( NO_. _ CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES __ NO~ If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 · C<)/) 96-/6(/t) .:Issvec/-Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed1 YES If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: NO_ 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or ''Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. ln~lusionary Housing Fee req!,Jired: YES __ NOY.._ (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES __ NO _._._ . (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 )5(o D -BOD -EI-DD l)UDD ~DD ~DD ~DD }40D -BOD 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Policy 44 -Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1. Applicability: YES ____ .NO X 2. Project complies YES . NO tV/.1-f . Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required-----'----'--Shown _____ _ Interior Side: Required Shown _____ _ Street Side: Required Shown _____ _ Rear: Required Shown _____ _ Top of slope: Required Shown _____ _ 2. Accessory structure setbacks:: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Structure separation: .Required Shown 3. Lot Coverage: Required Shown 4. Height: Required Shown 5. Parking: Spaces Required Shown. (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required---'-----Shown~·~----- Additional Comments __________________________ _ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER Q,,, /4 DATE 2-/2--ot/ H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchl<RevChklst Rev 9/01 Carlsbad Fire Department 040233 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA.92008 Plan Review Requirements Category: Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Date of Report: _02_1_04_12_0_04 ______ ......._ _____ Building Plan Reviewed by: Name: JIM FEND --,---'----------~----..;...._--------,- Address: 1 LEGO DR . -------------'-,------,....__-,-_--'---____ -'-- City, State: CARLSBAD CA 92008 Plan Checker: ----,-------------,--.,....-....----,. Job #: _o4_o_23_3_· ___ _ Job Name: Legoland Dino .Bldg #: · GB040233 ------------------------......,..... Job Address: 1 Legoland brive Ste. or Bldg. No. ~ Approved D Approved Subject to D Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for rey,iew hc;is been.approved. The approval is based on plans, information and / or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, il'.lcluding field modifications, must be revi~wed by this office to insure· continued conformance with applicabte codes and standards. Please review car,efully all comments· attached as failure to comply With instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject tb the attached conditions. The approval is based on ·plans, information and/or· specifications pr9vided in your subrnitfaL Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspensi9n of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plarn~ and / or specifications required to indicate compliancevvithapplicable codes ahd standards. The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and / or standards: Please review carefully all comments attached; Please resubmit the necessary plans and / or' specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 040233 ·2nd FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID Ctirlsbad Fire Department 040233 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Review Requirements Category: Fire Prevention (760) 602-4660 Date of Report: _0_21_03 __ 12_0;....0_4_.....__ _____ _,,.. Building Plan Reviewed by: · Name: . JIM FEND _______ _......_ __________________ _ Address: 1 LEGO DR -----'---------------------------------- City, State: CARLSBAD CA 92008 Plan Checker: Job #: 040233 --,------- Job Name: Legoland California Bldg #: CB040233 ------------------"-'----------------· 1 Job Address: 1 Legoland Drive . Ste. ot Bldg. No. --------'---------------- .D Approved D Approved Subject to ~ Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and I or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office _to insure continued conformance witti applicable codes and $tandards. Please review carefully a,11 comments attached as fail.ur'e to comply with instructions in this report can .result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has ·been approved subject to the attached ·conditions~ The· approval is based on plans, ·information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or insta.lJ improvements. Please resubmit to this office· the necessary plans and I or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. The item you have submitted forreview is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conquct a review to determine compliance with the applicable .codes and / or standards. Please :review carefully all .comments attached~ Please resubmit the necessary plans and/ or specifications to this office· for review arid approval. · 1st 040233 2nd 3rd Fb Fila# Other Agency ID Requirements Category: Building Plan Page 1 Requirement: Pending 05.32 Additiqnal Requirements or Comments Provide notes on the plans that the buildings will be equipped with automatic fire ~prinklers and fire alarms. 02/03/04 Feb 12, 2004 09:50:44 ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED IS FOR REVIEW, APPROVAL INTERPRETATION JIND APPLICATION BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER ONLY SKM POWER*TOOLS FOR WINDOWS INPUT DATA REPORT COPYRIGHT SKM SYSTEMS JINALYSIS, INC. 1995-1997 ALL PU VALUES ARE EXPRESSED ON A 100 WA BASE, Page 1 .. Feb 12, 2004 09:50:44 Page 2 FEEDER INPUT DATA FEEDER FROM FEEDER TO QTY VOLTS LENGTH 'FEEDER. DESCRIPTION N.tiME N.tiME /PH L-L · SIZE TYPE DUCT INSUL BUS-01 PDC1 2 480 800.0 FEET 4/0 C ·N Tr-lVvN +/-Impedance: 0.0633 + J 0.0398 Ohms/1000 ft 10.99 + J 6.91 PU zo Impedance: 0.1006 + J 0. 1012 Ohms/1000 ft 17.47 + J 11.57 PU BUS-0006 EMERG BUS 1 208 1000.0 FEET 1/0 -C N THWN +/-Impedance: 0. 1270 + J 0.0432 Ohms/1000 ft 293.55 + J 99.85 PU zo Impedance: 0.2019 + J 0. 1099 Ohms/1000 ft 496.67 + J 254.02 PU ' Feb 12, 2004 09:50:44 Page 3 TRANSFORMER INPUT DATA PRIMARY RECORD NO NAME vans * SECONDARY RECORD VOLTS FULL-LOAD. NOMINAL L-L NO NAME L-L KVA KVA BUS-0005 D 12470.0 BUS-0·1 YG 480.00 1150.00 1000.00 Pas. Seq. Z%: 1.000 + J 5.66 1.000 + j 5.66 PU Zero Seq. Z%: 1.000 + J 5.66 1.000 + j 5.66 PU Taps Pri. 0.000 % Sec. 0.000 % Phase Shift (Pri. Leading Sec.~: 30.00 Deg. BUS-01 D 480.00 BUS-0006 YG 208.00 0.00000 .150.00 Pas. Seq. Z%: 0.000 + J 0.000 0.000 + j 0.000 PU Zero Seq. Z%: 0.000 + J 0.000 0.000 + j 0.000 PU Taps Pri. 0.000 % Sec. 0.000 % Phase Shift (Pri. Leading Sec.): 30.00 Deg. 'I I .1 ,t • "' Feb 12, 2004 09:q0:44 P,J 4 GENERATION DATA -----------~---------.--------------------------------------------------------- BUS NAME GENERATION VOLT SIZE Ini tKW MaxKVAR TYiPE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------·--- BUS-0005 UTILITY 1 pu Three Phase Contribution: 100.00-WA X/R : 8.00 Line to Earth Contribution: 0.00000 MVA X/R: 1.0000 Pas sequence impedance (100 MVA base) 0.1240 + J 0.9923 PU Zero sequence impedance ( 100 MVA base} Infinite SB -' l -' ,, .. Feb 12, 2004 09:50:44 I Pag 5 MOTOR LOAD DATA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 BUS NAME LOAD NAME VOLT SIZE # UNIT TYPE EFF PF LAG/LEAD ----------------------------------------------------J----------------------1 -- PDC1 50HP MTR 480.0 50.0*1.0HP ~A 0.80 0.80 G I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 80B S. CLEVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA 82054 PH. (76DJ 866-6355 FX. [76DJ 866-6360 E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com ARIZONA OFFICE 7150 E. CAMELBACK ROAD SUITE 300 SCOTTSDALE, AZ B5251 PH. (4B0) 425-5B04 FX. (4B0l 423-7088 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS ITEM SECTION A: COASTER DESIGN CRITERIA: PIERS: FOR DINO ISLAND One Legoland Drive TABLE OF CONTENTS GOVERNING COLUMN CONDITIONS PLAN: ENERCALC: SECTION B: STATION DESIGN CRITERIA: MEMBER KEY ELEVATION: VERTICAL ANALYSIS: LATERAL ANALYSIS: ENERCALC: SECTION C: DINO CAMP DESIGN CRITERIA: SHADE KIOSK VERTICAL ANALYSIS: SHADE KIOSK LATERAL ANALYSIS: SHADE KIOSK ENERCALC: CAMP KIOSK VERTICAL ANALYSIS: CAMP KIOSK LATERAL ANALYSIS: CAMP KIOSK ENERCALC: SECTION D: MISCELLANEOUS SITE STRUCTURES RETAINING WALL: SOILS REPORT EXCERPTS: SECTION E: MANUFACTURER GOVERNING CALCULATIONS USER GUIDE: COASTER FOUND A TIO NS CALCULATIONS: Al A2-A6 A7 A8-A61 Bl-B2 B3 B4-B5 B6-B9 B10-Bl3 Cl C2-C6 C7-C9 Cl0-Cl7 Cl8-C21 C22-C25 C26-C34 Dl-D8 D9-D12 E* E*-E** I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I ~~~~~~~,l Dunn Savoie Inc. m $ ·[I] . Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 I Tel: (760) 966-6355 • · Fax: (760) 966-6360 DESIGN CRITERIA (Customary Units) CODE: 2001 California Building Code SEISMIC: Z = 0.4 I= 1 (Zone 4) JOB .LEGOLAND DINOLAND SHEET NO, :& OF CALCUL/1 HBH DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Ct= 0.035 hn= 18 ft >10km from Type B Fault (Rose Canyon Fault) WIND: SOIL TYPE = ,SE (Provided: By Others) R = 2.2 (Amusement Structures} Na= 1.0 Ca= 0.36 T= Ct(hn}314 T= 0.31 s Nv = 1.0 .Cv = 0.96 VMAX = 2.5 Ca ,.w/R VMAX = 0.409 W VMIN = 0.11 Ca IW VMIN = 0.040 W VNONBUILD MIN= o.55 Ca I W VNONBUILci MIN= 0.202 W V= 0.409 W V/1.4 = 0.292 W 70 MPH EXPOSURE B V= Cvf W/RT V = 1.427 W VMINZ4 = 0.8 Z Nv IW/R VMINZ4 = 0.145 w VNONBUILD MIN 24 = 1.6 Z Nv IW/R VNONBUILD MINZ4 = 0.291 w LRFD ASD Dinoland_design loads 03277.00 12/03 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -•• :~ • •,,••-•-•'••'.,~••• ••• .> ,I.,_••~••-~•--•'-••,•--•.-f--..>••-."•• -,s_ ,V,-., ... ,,.~o ..... -• .,.,-,.,_,,._.,,, G~,..-..,-.~<---•~•· .,,•~ ••" ,.., DUNN SAVO,I~ INC. J~s L£&t2LA1./n MJ./oL1:vJD t?a,:,srL:f 0?277, oo .' SHEET NO: . ~ z_' OF flt,/ CALCULATED BY-,/~-/,'_//,~'/!______ DATE 1./t? 1 7 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908-S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. (760) 966-6355 fAX (760) 966s6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com CHECKEffBY_~------DATE _____ _ /7 '0/A ){ 26"' 5t-tfcV£. SCALE ______ ~---------- 31" .... --·.·.:{ I 1·' , (JPt:vflf1i J?;q.5 ,e 1yr/& 2 wJ ( S') # r· 6//~ V,e,Rf. . I . . . ;Pl[/2 -4t1 it:11.,.i', ~ ---·-···-·-·-·-·-·-·-· · · ~--·--···--·--··--·· : .. ···6e:.A=-p;.1£/(.c;t:n ... c. C&J; f>' ..,__ __ ._._ ... __ :-~_··_-~~:t~·.r:-·:· .... ·: . : ·ryp Z Ce1£;. _lfl9SL) . ·:'· I· . ··t---·I .. . . . . 6 '-o'' cSOvAR.€ ?;1.0 RJt,)"/ltJ-""f-T)t;):;/ . [)ET. 0· tJ&w,.,,;IS ~ 8.1. 91 I~-2 ~ -;!. 3 2.4 --·--------·---···------ 5££. £1-1.£.,,zc,4 .t.c.. r/ -CtP1..l/,···N./ . 7 . fto£ &PJ/.£1W,,N'-tr ~",,y.l),,,J"'/t?# ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ •• .,•.-...... , .... ._. ~••• •~•--.,., ,_ .. _,_ ------~·,•-•-·••. ·--o·•-• ,. , ,.> ••• • • ••• • _.,,,.,•,, -••_~•-·/ ••••<",, ... ,..# • ._.,,.,"¼,_,.,_:-·.,.,-.•.',,•e-~• .. ...,, • ...,..,.,... ........... ......,_.,,._,...,_.,..,_~,_-,. ,, ••.1•~-.~ DUNN SAVOIE INC. STR!.ICTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 JOB _l.E&tJLAf-{0 12,-10 LAND f!t:JrJ5T£1? 0?2 77, 00 SHEETNO. Aj OF Abl CALCULATED BY~.~~'_;g,~'j/ ______ DATE 1./tJ-I . 7 PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com CHECK!;DBY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE _________________ _ _,. . ') .. ,, . · I 7 'p/;;. .x 21) ,., $~,£V£ .d" .3. ,. ····,·· ' ' .. IL. I ... f .. , ···· . . -.. , .. ;-.. · ... _ {k;4v;o-?;:/ gAS)!;.. 0'~Jt. 2 w / { s) zr. 9 Bn.e v ,.,e,,t? r .. ?£IL /IL/ 10. g. 4 . I (S$e 0-!€RC#tC.. Cbd-s ......• ·-~-----··--. . -----·-··-..•. ·•··· :· , .... /\ '.f> 2 ·.l!tJt-, 1/,4.$.c) . ,-.....;__-'----'-_·· ... -'I-··:--·..;.....~'"':~:.· .. --··:.t··_---··. ··_ : : . . : _1 . ' J .' :·f -·I : ·· 1· ~ ~ -~---~-_J_ 1( rSQvAR/£ ['40 . E{)U/11).,t,,:fTJt))j Per. 6) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JOB. U61JLAfip Ml-IO LAND_ t?t219.ST£R 0?2 77' 00 DUNN SAVQI~ INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street - OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 SHEET NO. /91 OF A 6/ CALCULAT~D BY_,/-~/,'_//,'--'-'/! _______ DATE ;j CJ '1 7 PH. {760) 966-6355. FAX {760) 966-6360 Email: dsi@:surfdsi.com CHECKEDBY•_ --~-----DATE _____ _ SCALE--"-~~-------------- ,. • ,1 I ; IJ c So ,111£1£ ?,10 c:ovdD.,,,,,.ut?N _ Pe:r 0 ~ t1J:-,'l..t.-,(J Fr/~/ ti' CoM-'-'"' ?2..P.,,j '-... CtJ1,11mlls ~. q .12) .15" ~1,.-zs~ 14 5 /C-,{_ ,Cµe:,e_l r.:i. C-l..-LJ7,!...V ~ M 5"-F Z-Fo~ C;0v-,;:.,i_~ 1.,J<c_ · Co .-.I 1.:>, rt o ~ -t Lt££.P.72..erl Cot:()/ifA.( 2_$' ___ .. . . . ... : .... . ·--------.,. ----, - ctl,_,t,'.,.,,,M g",41,~ 7111 -3, w t ~J ;;:c_rp 6'144?,s 0s.1<"r f'(--/Z .;:g?I 10.!. 4 ( 5/C . .£ /4.r-l&..,ei!..r4t;,t..-&;~, Z§ Ty~ 3 &t7t,.. d45JC) .i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. ·-..... ··-.,,_ .... ·-·-._ ........ ,..,~, .. __ ... _______ .._ _____ ~---~ ·---~-------· ·,----····----. ~-·-. ___ .,._ ... , ... ______ . ~.;,,.., ............... ,..._ .. --··~ __ _,_,._ ..,_ µ....... ½" ...... ,, .. • DUNN SAVC>_IE ·INC. STRUCTU.RAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street- OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 . . PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX. (760) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com · Jos_ L£1,;ZJLAJ.lf2 lJ;;.!01..-AtlD e'.oe.sr.CR 0?277, oo SHE\:TNO. A:5 OF AW CALCULATED BY __ J/,~'_g~'f/_' _____ DATE ;J t} ./ 7 CHECKED BY~-________ DATE _____ _ SCALE ________________ _ :, : •! ., .: ,, 34 .... r I. '. ' . ! f ,, J.'!:" ,":,:·:· .. -CovVr?.4 $"'5£, ;y,,q:;S _ _,...,__ ·-tJ { 6)#9 &9.es · ~,er. . r~ /IM /0.?. 4 . ( fol££, £,;'</ /CA,?;qU-Lot.., 2 7 ..... , ... -··-· .... ··-··--· ., __ ----·------.f-t-f---t---'1-t-----· .. -· --··--., .. ···/_:..~ ,.;, ,..; ;.:,~~-. 'W.5.C) .................... , ....... r·.. .. . / ,... ~ c_:., O'if. .-:-_ -, ----+,: -+j-:;: ·:. ;;-_t::··--1---· .,_~ .-.: .-,;.-"""',-----, J ' . rSOvAR/£ /40· Et)v,;.JD.,,.,,_Tl~}j /;>£T @: C,y,.c.2t..A P.fl/!'14 .&NI>///"!?,,../ .J .,, ·. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ·ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 . PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email: dsj@surfdsi.com '! , '-' ' I :, 'l 1 :i ' ,> , 4 '• ,• It J:;1-rmA/ f Tp :·,2 h4 .e .O'-+ (?;>,,t .Bt? -,.·.r.ttnP.~~wE/?-N.£ (),3Z77. oo SHEET'NQ. __ ~Jf)~~------OF_~ll"-l!'/p_.,/'----- CALCULATED sv~h_'l.?_/1 ______ DATE_/~:?~· +-/2,~'t?,~d.~~'----I CHECKEDBY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE------------~----- :, II .t.. ,, ' I 'I : , 1 . , a . ·' /11/f?AJ == 2s; ,e ,31: · 14,,, • /r /1, _111 ;:r = J. '!,J>S -~I" /,: /IJ ,. 7 tt/1' ,, r11-µ-~ a,5/ 4f°6 0 • PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rev: 560100 DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Ds:gnr: HBH. Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c}1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software · Steel Column u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description Column 5, Pier Type 2 General Information Calculations are.designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Sectioh HSS1 0.0X0.375 Fy Duration Factor Elastic Modulus X-X Unbraced Y-Y Unbraced 36.66 ksi 1.330 29,000.00 ksi 18.500 ft 18.500 ft X-X Sidesway : Y-Y Sidesway : Sway Allowed Restrained Column Height 18,500 ft End Fixity Fix-Free Live & Short Term Loads Combined /Loads Axial Load ... Dea<;l Load Live Load Short Term Load Point lateral Loads ... Along Y-Y (strong axis moments) Along X-X ( y moments) \ Applied Moments X-X Axis Moments At TOP Between Ends At BOTTOM k k 4.92 k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments Ecc. for Y-Y A>,is Moments Kxx ·Kyy _..§L -2.969 k 1.047 k k-ft k-ft 25.83 k-ft 0.000 in 0.000 in Height ft ft 1.000 1.000 Height 0.000 ft Summary Column Design OK Section: HSS10.0X0.375, Height= 18.50ft, Axial Loads: DL = 0.00, LL= 0.00, ST= 4.92k, Ecc. = O.OOOin Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 18.50ft, Y-Y = 18.50~ Combined Stress Ratios Dea_d_ Live DL + LL DL +ST+ (LL if Chosen) AISC Formula H1 - 1 AISC Formula H1 - 2 AISC Formula H1 - 3 / stresses Allowable & Actual Stresses Fa : Allowable fa: Actual Fb:xx: Allow [F1-6] Fb:xx : Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] fb : xx Actual Fb:yy: Allow [F1-6] Fb:yy: Allow·[F1-7] & [F1-8] fb : yy Actual I Analysis Values F'ex: DL+LL F'ey: DL+LL F'ex : DL +LL +ST F'ey: DL+LL+ST Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.4193 .. Dead. Live DL+ LL DL + Short 35,160 psi 35,160 psi 46,762 psi 4?,762 psi ·o.OOOin at 16.92 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi. 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi· 0.00 ksi 0,00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi o.oo ks, Cm:x DL.+LL Cm:y DL+LL Cm:x DL +LL +ST Cm:y DL +LL +ST 0.85 0.60 0.85 1.00 0.000 ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection 16.92 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76_ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi If& · Cb:x DL+LL Cb:y DL+LL Cb:x DL +LL +ST Cb:y DL +LL +ST O.OOOin at 22.51 ksi 0.46 ksi 31.60 ksi 31.60 ksi 12.60 ksi 31.60 ksi 31.60 ksi 0.00 ksi 1.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.000 ft iii • • .J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LE;GOt.AND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Descripti?n : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 {c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Column Description Column 5, Pier Type 2 @ketch & Diagram " (a,+ Axial DL= Ok Axial LL= Ok Axial ST= 4.915k +· (7): Mx:Botlom : DL=O, LL=O, ST=.25,83k-ft (4): y.y Axis Point Load: OL=0, LL=Ds, ST=1.047k @ Oft (3): X-X Axis Poirtt Load: DL=O, LL=0s, ST=--2.969k @ Oft //'1 Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 1·6 JAN 04 u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. ,, ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 9~054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr.; HBH Oescription : Site Structures Scope:· Structural Design I/Jo Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description Column 5! Pier Type 2, F2 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight !Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 1,500.0 psf 1.330 4 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145;00 pcf 0.00 psf 4.915 k k k -Creates Rotation about Y-Y -Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft 6.733 ,k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k -2.969 k Dimension·s ... Width alon_g X-X Axis Length along y;y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along.X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal Height Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance · .•. ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in 7.250 ft 7.250 ft 30.00 in 32.00 in 32.00 in 35.000 in 0.0014 ·3.50-in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis·· (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft. 24.935 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k 1.047 k Summary Footing Design OK 7.25ft x 7.25ft Footing, 30.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 35.0in high DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 513.2 995.1 psf Max Mu 1.614 Allowable 1,500.0 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.445 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 4.159 in Shear Stresses .... Vu Vn * Plii "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 13.615 ifl 1-Way 0.133 85.000 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio 3.195 1.500 :1 2-Way 0.965 170.000 psi Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio _ 10.460 • I Footing Design I Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear 0.97psi 0.62psi 0.40 psi 170.00 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@Left -0.13psi -0.13 psi -0.09 psi 85.00 psi Vu @Right -0.13 psi -0.13 psi -0.09 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Top -0.13 psi -0,13psi -0.09 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Bottom -0.13 psi -0.13psi -0,09 psi 85.00 psi Moments ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 _Ru/Phi As Reg'd Mu@Left 0.55 k-ft 0.73 k-ft 0.47 k-ft 1.2 psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Right 0.55 k-ft -0.05 k-ft -0.03 k-ft 0.9psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Top 0.55 k-ft 1.61 k-ft 1.04 k-ft 2.6psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Bottom 0.55 k-ft -0.93 k-ft -0.60 k-ft 1.5 psi -0.45 in2 per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 920!?4 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: .HBH . . Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6, 1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General'.Fo~ting Analysis & Design Description Column 5, Pier Type 2, Fi / Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures DL+ LL DL +LL+ ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 Left 513.22 660.42 718.51 821.52 528.12 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) Right 513.22 366.02 718.51 455.31 292.70 ¥¥ Top 513.22 995.11 718.51 1,237.84 795.76 If// Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\shared\engineeri \commerc,al\03277. Bottom 513.22 psf 31.33 psf 718.51 psf 38.98 psf 25.06 psf ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.400 1.700 1'.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group.Factor. ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor A~I 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 L,JBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor MOO 0.900 .... seismic = ST * : "'/. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mmm DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIOE, CA 92054 .Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 • (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column Description Column 5, Pier Type 2, Column Sase /J/). Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 \commercial\03277. General Information Calculations are designed to ACI ·318-95 and 1997 USC Requirements Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover !Loads 34.000 in 5 9 5.000 in2 0.551 % 2.500 in fc Fy Seismic Zone 3,000.0psi 60,000.0 psi 4 LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties .Used Dead Load 4.915 k Live Load Sh.ort Term k Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is UNBRACED Delta:S 3.750 ft 3.750 ft 1.000 1.00 Eccentricity in Axial Loads Applied Moments ... @Top @Bottom k-ft k-ft k !<-ft k-ft 25.828 k-ft k-ft Summary Column is Under Reinforced ! Column Diameter= 34.00in, with 5 #9 Bars Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po * .. 80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced ACI 9-1 6.88 k 1,659.06 k 0.93 k-ft 1.6200 in 1.00 .1.6200 in 0.93 k-ft 2,212.08 k 1,08q,07 k 9.7885in Slenderness per AC/ 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.13 Actual k Lu / r 5.294 Elastic Modulus ACI Ea·. 9-1 Neutral Axis Distance 34.5070 in Phi 0.7500 Max Limit kl/r 22.0000 Beta·= M:sustained/M:max 1.0000 · Cm 1.0000 El/1000 0.00 Pc: pi"2 EI/ (k Lu)"2 0.00 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) 0.0000 · Delta 1.0000 Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments· 1.6200 Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 0.0000 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.7'.00 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short term Factor' .... seismic = ST * : 1.100 Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 uac 1910.9.3 ( ACI 9-2 6.88 k 31.28 k 36.16 k-ft 63.0592 in 1.00 126.1184in 36.16 k-ft 2,212.08 k 1,086.07k 9.7885 in 3;122.0 ksi ACI Eq. 9-2 5.7670 in 0.8804 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 .o.oo 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 63:0592 0.0000 0.750 0:906 1.300 ACl.9-3 4.42 k 19.49 k 36.16 k-ft 98.0921 in 1.00 196.1842 in 36.16 k-ft 2,212.08 k 1,086.07 k 9.7885 in Beta ACI Eq. 9-3 5.5970 in 0.8879 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 98.0921 ·in 0.0000 in use 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 907.92 in2 660.52 in2 Min. Spiral Re[nforcement Ratio -Max Spiral Tie Spacing 0.008 21.604 in 0.850 1.400 0.900 ' " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title: LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design /)/£ Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description Column 5, Pier Type 2, Column Base ~ketch & Diagram lll!fiPfflliR Ult DL=4.9, LL=O.Os, ST=O.Ok i 34,n f (5): M:Top: DL=O.O, LL=O.o; ST=25.8k-ft Axial : Pn•phi (k) :-· -y-·-·-··: ---.--il-+R--; • Pu,Mu!Eq9-1):;,659.1k,0'.9k•ft -. ··1 I I • ' ' ! ! , f : ~i; Pu,Mu ~Eq 9-2): ~1.3k, 36.2k-ft : 079 7 ' ' . . "-Pu;Mttf€q-,J,,a)-:-19'5k.·-S6:2k-ft-----, .. ! : ; i I : . : ,8486 f I I- 17.5 I l l ,386.4 I I • ;155.4. I I l I . ! ~l 93.2--:-, --.---:----+-----+---r----,----'-----,.,--. I . 52.1""'" l ----L-~--+---~-31.1 j I I 0.0 77.7 155.4 233.1 310.8 388,5 466.2 543.9 621.6 699.3 777.0 Momeni: Mn•pni (k-ft) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92954 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column- Description Column 5, Pier Type 2, Column Base Core 414 Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:lbhill\shared\e · \commercial\03277. General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size 17.720in 5 9 5.000. in2 2.027% 2.500 in fc Fy Seismic Zone 3,ooo.Opsi 60,000.0psi 4 Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is UNBRACED 3.750 ft 3.750 ft 1.000 Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties Used /Loads Dead Load Live Load Axial Loads 4.915 k Applied Moments ... @Top k-ft @Bottom k-ft Lateral Point Loads #1 k #2 .k Summary Column Diameter= 17.72in, with 5#9 Bars ACI 9-.1 Applied Pu_: Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po* .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Slenderness per AC/ 318-95 Section 10.12.& 10.13 6.88 k 565.69 k 0.65 k-ft 1.1316in 1:00 1.1316 in 0,65 k-ft 778.70 k 262.26 k 8.0083 in Actual k Lu/ r 10.158 Elastic Modulus ACI Eq. 9"1 Neutral Axis Distance 17.6489 in Phi 0.7500 Max Limit kl/r 22.0000 Beta = M:sustained/M:max 1 :0000 Cm 1.0000 El / 1000 0.00 Pc : pi-"2 E I / (k Lu)-"2 O.Oci alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) 0.0000 Delta 1.QOOO Ecc: Ecc Loads+ Moments 1.1316 Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 0.0000 ACI Factors (per AC!, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-2 Group Factor k k-ft k-ft k k ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.400 · 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic = ST * : Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 UBC 1910.9.3 Short Term k 25.828 k-ft . k-ft 2.396 k : ACI 9-2 6.88 k 11.62 k k 36.16 k-ft 63.0592 in 1.00 126.1184in 36.16 k-ft 778.70 k 194.64k 10.9900 in 3,122.0 ksi ACI Eg. 9-2 5.4989 in 0.8730 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 o.odoo . 2.0000 63.0592 0.0.006 b.750 0.900 1.300 Delta:S 1.00 Eccentricity Location in ft ft Column is OK ACI 9-3 4.42k 7.45 k 36.16 k-ft 98.0921 in 1.00 196.1842 in 36.16 k-ft Beta 778.70 k 194.64 k 10.9900 in ACI Eq. 9-3 5.4389 in· 0.8829 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 98.0921 in 0.0000 in 0.850 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 Min. $piral Reinforcement Ratio 0.021 19.612 in 246.61 in2 127;08 in2 Max Spiral Tie Spacing ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rev: 560100 DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title :-LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Osgnr: HBH DescriptiQn : Site Structures Scope:. Structural Design . . User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column Description \ Sketch & Diagram - (3,.. Column 5, Pier Type 2, Column Base Core 27.9 -.,.1 6.2 85.3 044 23.5 T2:°6 61.8 0.9 o.o- M ·1 I ' I I -I i '. I I ' 16.0 ~ 48.1 64.2 lfJS Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhilllshared\engineering\commercial\03277. 80.2 96.2 1123 144.4 160.4 Moment : Mn'""pni (k-ft) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rev: 560100 OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design /f J.b Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW--0602938. Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Column· u:lbhilllshared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description Column 19, Pier Type 1 General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 USC Requirements Steel Section HSS7_5X0_312 Column Height End Fixity 18.500 ft Fix-Free Live & Short Term Loads Compined / Loads Axial Load ... Dead Load k Live Load k Short Term Load 4.92 k Fy Duration Factor Elastic Modulus X-X Unbraced Y-Y Unbraced 36.00 ksi 1-330 29;000.00 ksi 18.500 ft 18.500 ft Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments Ecc. forY-Y Axis Moments X-X Sidesway : Y-Y Sidesway: Kxx -Kyy 0.000 in 0.000 in Sway Allowed Restrained 1.000 1.000 Point lateral Loads... _12.b__ __fil__ -2.969 k 1.047 k Height Along Y-Y (strong axis moments) Along X-X ( y moments ) I Applied Moments. X-X Axis Moments AtTOP Between Ends At BOTTOM Summary k-ft k-ft 12.86 k-ft ft ft Height 0.000 ft Column Design OK Section: HSS7.5X0.312, Height= 18.50ft, Axial Loads: DL = 0.00, LL= 0.00, ST= 4.92k, Ecc. = 0.00Oin Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 18.50ft, Y-Y = 18.50ft Combined Stress Ratios Dead. Live DL + LL DL +.ST+ (LL if Chosen) AISC Formula H1 - 1 AISC Formula H1 -2 AISC Formula H1 - 3 / Stresses Allowable· & Actual Stresses Fa : Allowable fa: Actual Fb:xx: Allow [F1-6] Fb:xx: Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] fb : xx Actual Fb:yy: Allow [F1-6] Fb:yy: Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] fb : yy Actual I Analysis Values F'ex: DL+LL F'ey: DL+LL F'ex : DL +LL +ST F'ey : DL +LL +ST Max X-X Axis Deflection 19,725 psi 19,725 psi 26,234 psi 26,234 psi 0.000in 0.4654 Dead. .Live DL+ LL DL + Short 14.5ffksi 0.00 ksi 14.56 .ksi 19.36 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.75 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 0.00.ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 13.49 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 0.00 ksi 0:Q0 ksi o.oo ksi 0.00 ksi ' * .. Cm:x DL+LL 0.85 Cb:x DL+LL 1.75 Cm:y DL+LL 0.60 Cb:y DL+LL 1.00 Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.85 Cb:x DL +LL +ST 1.00 Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Cb:y DL +LL +ST 1.00 at 0.000ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection 0.000in at 0.000 ft ' • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Column Description Column 19, Pi$r Type 1 I Sketch & Diagram (&~ Axial DL= Ok Axial LL= Ok Axial ST= 4.915k + (7): Mx:Bottom: DL=O, LL=O, ST=12.86k-lt (4): y.y Axis Point Load: DL=O, LL=Os, ST=1.047k @Oft (3): X-X Axis Point Load: DL=01 LL=Os, ST=.2.969k.@ Oft r117 Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:lbhi/1\shared\engineeri \commercial\03277. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rev: 560100 OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software ~eneral Footing Analysis & Design u:lbhilllshared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description Column 19, Pier Type 1, F3 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Comb,ined fc Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight !Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load ShortTerr:n 1,500.0 · psf . 1.330 4 2,5Q0.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf d:00 psf 4.464 k k k Creates-Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft -12.730 k-ft Creates -Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k . k -0.921.k Dimensions... . Width along X-X Axis Lenghalong Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness 6.500 ft 6.500 ft 30.00 in 32.00 in 32.00 in Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col-Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal Height 35.000 in Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc.along Y-Y Axis . o;ooo in 0.000 in 0.0014 3.50 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft 1.862 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k -4.652 k Summary Footing Design OK 6.50ft x 6.50ft Footing, 30.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 35.0in high DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 539.3 1,049.2 psf Max Mu 1.206 Allowable 1,500.0 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.445 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 9.331 iri Shear Stresses .... Vu "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 12.289 in Vn * Phi 1-Way 0.000 85.000 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio '3 .. 174 1.500 :1 2-Way 0.738 170.000 psi Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 4.180 [footing Design Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear o.74psi 0.49psi 0.31· psj 170.00 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@Left 0.00psi 0.00psi 0;00 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Right 0.00psi 0.00pSi 0.00 .psi 85.00 psi Vu@Top 0.00psi 0.00psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Bottom 0.00psi 0.00psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Moments ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru/ Phi As Reg'd Mu@Left 0.45k-ft 0.98k-ft 0.63 k-ft 1.6 psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Right 0.45 k-ft -0.44 k-ft -0.28 k-ft 0.7psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Top 0.45k-ft -0.66 k-ft -0.43 k-ft 1.1 psi -0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Bottom 0.45 k-ft 1.21 k-ft 0.78 k-ft 1.9 psi 0.45 in2 per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lU m DSI STRl)CTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 ·Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW--0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design Description Column 19, Pier Type 1, F3 I Soil Pressure Summary ,. Service Load Soil Pressures DL + LL DL +LL+ ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 Left 539.34 926.46 755.07 1,125.86 723.17 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) Right Top 539.34 539.34 152.22 29.49 755.07 755.07 184.98 35.83 11-8.92 23.04 Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhilllshared\engineeringlcommercial\03277. Bottom 539.34 psf 1,049.19 psf 755.07 psf 1,275.01. psf 819.65 psf ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 .... seismic = ST * : J I -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ::=:mm. DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STR,EET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title :. LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column Description Column 19, Pier Type 1, Column Base /IZ-l> Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. General Information Calculations are designed to _ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Diameter Number of Bars BarSize · Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover / Loads 32.000 in 5 9 5.000 in2 0.622 % 2.500 in fc Fy Seismic Zone 3,000.0psi 60,000.0 psi 4 LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties Used Dead Load 4.464 k · LiveLoad Short Term· k Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is UNBRACED Delta:S 3.750 ft 3.750 ft 1.000 1.00 Eccentricity in Axial Loads Applied Moments ... @Top @Bottom k-ft k-ft k k-ft k-ft 12.865 k-ft k-ft Summary Column is Under Reinforced ! Column Diameter= 32.00in, with 5 #9 Bars Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc .. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po* .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced ACI 9-1 6.25 k 1,490.53 k o.~1 k-ft 1.5600 in 1.00 1.5600 in 0.81 k-ft 1,987.37 k 958.73 k 9.4772 in Slenderness per AC/ 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.13 Actual k Lu / r 5.625 Elastic Modulus ACI Eq. 9-1 Neutral Axis Distance 32.456Q in Phi Q.7500 Max Limit kl/r 22.0000 Beta = M:sustained/M:max 1,0000 Cm 1.0000 El/ 1000 0.00 Pc : pi"2 E I / (k Lu)"2 O.dO . alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) 0.0000 Delta 1.0000 Ecc: Ecc Loads+ Moments 1.56_00 Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 0.0000 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic = ST * : 1.400 · 1..700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor Spiral Tie Requirements per giuat.1910.9.3 ACI 9-2 6.25 k 55.00 k 18.01 k-ft 34.5833 ifl 1.00 69.1667 in 18.01 k-ft 1,987.37k 958.73 k 9.4772in 3;122.0 ksi ACI Eg. 9-2 6.1560 in 0.8603 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.90 0;00 0.0000 2.0000 34.5833 0.0000 0.750 0.900 1.300 ACI 9-3 4.02 k 34.20 k 18.01 k-ft 53.7963 in 1.00 107.5926 in 18.01 k-ft 1,987.37 k 958.73 k 9.4772 in Beta ACI Eq. 9-3 5.8260 in 0.8757 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 53.7963 in 0.0000 in UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 804.25 in2 572.55 in2 Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 0.009 21.478 in 0.850 1.400 0.900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVE~AND STREET dCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : 1,.EGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: f-lBH . Description : Site Structures ·Scope: Structural Design Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938. Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Softwa,e Circular Concrete Column u:\bhilllshared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description Column 19, Pier Type 1, Column Base. I Sketch & Diagram i # DL=4.5, LL=O.Os, ST=O Ok i . 32in i (5). M:Top: DL=0.0, LL=0.0, ST=12.9k-ft ·-----.--1 , i' 7 Pu.Mu /Eq 9-1): 1,4905k, o:8k-ft I ~' Pu.Mu fEq 9-2) : 55.0k, 18.0k-ft . 1 1.,84"2"'.8.--t---,---=~~-+---t----""'-' -Ptt,-M"f't-9-*f'.2~&.°l'"ft--j I I : l ----·· --1--• ...... J,_____ _' _______ ! ___ ---.I ,638.0 i . i : l l .~33.3 j _, ,228.5 I ·, ------..1.--'----'----,-'-' -· .023.8 I 19.0 14.3 04.8 65.3 130.6 195.9 2612 ! : -· ... --i---·-· -·-. --i -·---, ... --· j l i I : : I 326.5 391 8 457 2 522.5 587.8 653.1 Moment: Mn·pni (k-ft) I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lrJ~ DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND 'Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date; 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 . 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREE:r OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column u:lbhilllshared\e ommercial\03277. Description Column 19, Pier Type 1, Column Base Core General Information Calculations are·designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Diameter . Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover j Loads liiiiiii 15.700 in 5 9 5.000 in2 2.583 % 2.500in. fc Fy Seismic Zone 3,000.0psi 60,000.0 psi 4 LL.& $T Loads Act'Separat.e Spiral Ties Used Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is UNBRACED Delta:S Dead Load 4.464 k Live Load Short Term Axial Loads Applied Moments ... @Top @Bottom k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft k 12.865 k-ft k-ft 3.750 ft 3.750 ft 1.000 1.00 Eccentricity in Summary Column is OK Column Diameter= 15. 70in, with 5. #9 Bars ACI 9-1 Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po* .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Slenderness per AC/ 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10. 13 Actual k Lu / r 11.465 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta =M:sustained/M:max Cm El/ 1000 Pc : pi112 E I / (k Lu)112 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 6.25 k 471.08 k 0.56 k-ft 1.0710in.· 1.00 1.0710 in 0.56 k-ft 663.77 k 131.96k 1·2.1648 in Elastic Modulus ACI Eg .. 9-1 15.4178 in 0.7500 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0;0000 1.0000 1.0710 , 0.0000 AC! Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads). ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1 .400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor. ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic = ST * : 1.100 Spiral Tie Requirements per97UBC 1.910.9.3 ACI 9-2 6.25 k 16.98,k 18.01 k-ft 34.5833 in 1.00 69.1667 in 18.01 k-ft 663.77 k '131.96k 12.1648 in 3,122.0 ksi ACI Eg, 9-2 5.4178 in 0:8483 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 ·0.0000 2.0000 34.5833 0.0000 0.750 0.900 .1.300 ACI 9-3 4.02 k 10.79 k 18.01 k-ft · 53.7963 in 1.00 107.5926 in 18.01 k-ft Beta 663.77 k 131.96 k 12.1648 in ACI Eg. 9-3 5.3178 in 0.8679 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0_00 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 53.7963 in 0.0000 in UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 193.59 in2 89.92 in2 Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 0.026 19.022 in 0.850 1.400 0.900 J \. 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lU /TI Rev: 560100 bSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND' STREET OCEANSIDE, CA92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description :, Site Structures Scope: Structural Design /IJJ Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5,6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277, Description Column 19, Pier Type 1, Column Base Core j Sketch & Diagram #WWi A !f DL=4.5, LL=0.0s, ST=0.0k (5): M:Top: DL=0.0, LL=0.0, ST=12.9k·ft II Axial : Pn·phi (k) 1 , r · 1 , 1 1 ' I I I , Pu,Mu /Eq 9-1): '!71.1k, 0.6~-ft I I ':); Pu,Mu fEq 9-2): 17,0k, 18.0f-ft I '1o:o=-, --lc---·"-.,--+---1-----1---'if ;~·-Pu;Mu'(Eq 9•5)·o-i0.8k,18,0l<-ft-·------·1 I ! I I ' I I -i----·---+--·----.,_, __ .,.,_ ·---: .. , ____ . 1 i I I i I <=4,4-~--·-~' . . I I · ' iia.7=---,-~-1----;-----·t---+--- ----! ·-----~ -~ --·------.., ____ ,,_ -·--! ---___ .J _,, ____ ----~-- -·1 3B.9 I i ; I I ! / .l ! : i I : fl:1 _: j-----' -·--·· 1-·--· ·-------__ , .,,,_,_ : ------! -.,., ___ , -; __ ,_, __ -:------- ' ! ; -,i_ ....... , ....... ,., """ i 033 "'"" !"' '.-· l ... ,,, __ [' -···---,!,. ,_ '"" ,•. _,,, l I : i . 36.6 i ' _ _,,,,,;,-·---.. . "" ------t. ----1-----:-·----· 1·-------·; : i ! ! ! l ------....f------·-.; ,__ --·---·-. ------i----·-r-----•-+----; ---; 7,8 ! ' I I I ' I 0,0 O I j • 1 i I I : I 11, ill, 23.7 35,5 47.3 59.1 71.0 82,8 Momeni . Mn'pnl (k-ft) 118.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI · STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural besign Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Column Description Column 25, Pier Type 3 19M Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\sharedle · lcommercial\03277. G~neral Information . Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section HSS12.75X0.375 Column Height 18.500 ft End Fixity Fix-Free Live & Short Term Loads Combined !Loads Axial Load.:. Dead Load 1.46 k Live Load k Short Term Load k Fy. Duration· Factor Elastic Modulus x~x Unbraced Y~Y Unbraced · Point lateral Loads... _QL Along Y-Y (strong axis moments) Along X-X ( y moments ) 36.00 ksi -1.330 29,000.00 ksi 18.500 ft 18.500 ft X-X Sidesway : Y-Y Sidesway : Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moments Kxx Kyy _fil_ -1.206 k -0:491 k 0.000 in 0.000 in Sway Allowed Restrained Height ft ft 1.000 1.000 a I Applied Moments j X-X Axis Moments At TOP Between Ends At BOTTOM Summary k-ft k-ft 14.14 k-ft Height 0.000 ft Column Design OK Section : HSS12. 75X0.375, Height= 18.50ft, Axial Loads: DL = 1.46, LL = 0.00, ST= O.OOk, Ecc. = O.OOOin Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 18.50ft, Y-Y = 18.s'Oft Combined Stress Ratios bead Live DL + LL DL +ST+ (LL if Chosen) AISC Formula H1 ~ 1 AISC Formula H1 - 2 AISC Formula H1 -3 I Stresses Allowable & Actual Stresses Fa : Allowable fa: Actual Fb:xx: Allow [F1-6] Fb:xx: Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] fb : xx Actual Fb:yy: Allow [F1-6] Fb:yy :·Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] fb : yy Actual Analysis Values F'ex: DL+LL F'ey: DL+LL · F'ex : DL +LL +ST F'ey : DL +LL +ST Max X-X Axis Deflection 58,372 psi 58,372 psi 77,635 psi 77,635 psi 0.0059 Dead 18.30 ksi 0.11 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi Cm:x DL+LL Cm:y DL+l,.L -Live a.ob ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi Cm:x DL+LL+ST Cm:y DL+LL+ST 0.0059 0.1351 m ,uu DL+ LL DL + Short 18.30 ksi 24.34 ksi 0.11 ksi 0.11 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 0.00 ksi 4.13 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.85 Cb:x DL+LL 1.75 0.60 Cb:y DL+LL 1.00 0.85 Cb:x DL +LL +ST 1.00 1.00 Cb:y DL +LL +ST 1.00 O.OOOin at 0.000 ft Max Y -Y Axis Deflection O.OOOin at 0.000 ft ..... ,1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mmm DSI STRUCTU,RAL ENGINJ=ERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND S,TREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-blNOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structµres Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineertng Software Steel Column Description Column 25, Pier Type 3 I Sketch & Diagram (1) ... Axial DL = 1.463k Axial LL= Ok Axial ST= Ok + (7): Mx:Bottom: DL=O, LL=O, ST=14,14k-ft (4): y.y Axis Point Load:.DL=O, LL=Os, ST=0,491k @ Oft (3): X-X Axis Point Load: DL=O, LL=Os, ST=1,_2O6k @Oft )}J~· Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\shared\en ineertn \commercial\03277. ¥!&ff :1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTU.RAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 · Description : Site Structures · Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 2,5-Oct"2002 (c)1983-?002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design u:lbhill\shared\engineering\commerclal\03277. Description . Column 25, Pier Type 3, F6 General Information CalculatiQns.are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight 1,500.0 psf 1.330 4 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 0.00 psf Dimensions ... Width along X-X.Axis Length along Y -Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Base .Pedestai Height Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance 4.750 ft 4.750 ft 30.00 in 32.00 in 32.00 in 35.000 in 0.0014 3.50 in Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 1.498' k k k Creates· Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft 'k-ft 12.180k-ft Creates Rotation about y.;y Axis (pressures @ left &. right) k k -1-.215k ... ecc .along X-X Axis ... ecc.along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft -6.810 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k -0.447 k Summary Footing Design OK 4.75ft x 4.75ft Footing, 30.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 35.0in high DL+LL. DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 562.2 1,079.0 psf Max Mu 0.312 Allowable 1,500.0 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.445 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 5.297 ·in· Shear Stresses .... Vu Vn * Phi "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 8.733 in 1sway 0.000 85.000 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio 3.263 1.500 :1 2-Way 0.000 170.000 psi Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 5.381 [ Footing Design I Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACi 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 170.00 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@ Left O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Right O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu @Top O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu @Bottom O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Moments ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru/ Phi As Reg'd Mu @Left 0.15"k-ft -0.11 k0ft -0.07 k-ft 0.2 psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Right OJ5 k-ft 0.21 k-ft 0.13 k-ft 0.3 psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Top 0.15 k-ft -0.21 k-ft -0.14 k-ft 0.3 psi -0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Bottom 0.15 k-ft 0.31 k-ft 0.20 k-ft 0.5 psi 0.45 in2 per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : Ll;GOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General footing An,alysis & Design Description Column 25, PierType 3, F6 I Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures DL + LL DL +LL+ St Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-p Left 562.19 248.74 787.06 265.67 170.79· ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) Right Top 562.19 562.19 875.63 45.38 787.06 787.06 935.23 48.46 601.22 . 31.16 11.z-::, Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. *_) Bottom 562.19 psf 1,079.00 psf 787.06 psf 1,152.44 psf 740.85 psf ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL · ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2-Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 UBC 1921.2.7 "1 .4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0:9" Factor 1.400 0.900 .... seismic ::: ST • : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Psgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circ1-1lar Concrete Column u:\bhill\sh~red\engineeringlcommercial\03277. Description Column 25, Pier Typ.e 3, Column Base General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover j Loads • 38.000 in 6 9 6.000 in2 0.529 % 2.500 in fc Fy Seismic Zone 3,000.0psi 60,000:0 psi 4 LL & ST Loads Act.Separate Spiral Ties Used Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is UNBRACED Delta:S 3.750 ft 3.750 ft 1.000 1.00 Dead Load 1.498 k Live Load · Short Term k Eccentricity Axial Loads Applied Moments._. @Top @ Bottom k-ft k-ft k k-ft k-ft 14.140 k-ft k-ft in Summary Column is Under Reinforced I Column Diameter= 38.00in, with 6 #9 B.ars Applied Pu : Max Facto~ed Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po* .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Slenderness per.AC/ 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.13 ACI 9-1 2.10 k 2,063.39 k 0.30 k-ft 1.7400 in 1.00 1.7400·in . 0.30 k-ft 2,751.19 k 1,224.16 k 12.0669 in Actual k Lu / r 4. 737 Elastic Modulus ACI Eq. 9-1 Neutral Axis Distance. 38.7690 in Phi 0.7500 Max Limit kl/r 22.0000 Beta = M:sustained/M:max 1.0000 Cm 1.0000 El / 1000 Q.00 Pc : pi"2 E I / (k Lu)"2 0.00 alpha: MaxPu /(.75 Pc) · 0.0000 Delta 1.0000 Ecc: Ecc Loads+ Moments 1.7400 Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 0.0000 ACI Factors (per AC!, applied internally to entered loads} ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 AC! 9-2 Group Factor AC! 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 AC! 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 Spiral Tie Requirements per97 uac 1910.9.3 ACl9-2 ACI 9-3 2.10 k 1.35 k 23.80 k 14.75 k 19;80 k-ft 19.80 k-ft 113.2710 in 176.1994 in 1,00 1.00 226.5421 in 352.3988 in 19:80k-ft 19.80 k-ft 2,751.19k 2,751.19 k 1,224.16 k 1,224.16 k 12.0669 in 12.0669 in 3,122.0 ksi Beta ACI Eg. 9~2 ACI Eg. 9-3 6.Q390 in 5.9090 in 0.8882 0.8927 22.0000 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 2.0000 113.2710 176.1994 in 0.0000 0.0000 in 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 0:900 USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.300 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 1,134.11 in2 855.30 in2 Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 0.007 21.81.4 in 0.850 1.400 0.900 :J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OC~ANSIDE;, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH [?escription : Site Structures Scope: . Structural Design Job# 03277.00 . Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2902 {c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engine~ring Software Circular Concrete Column u:\bhlll\shared\en · eering\commerc1al\03277. Description Column 25, Pier Type 3, Column Base l Sketch & Diagram M 9M DL=1.5, LL=O.Os, ST=O,Ok ' 38in i 11 5in 44 r-r-r-C:·:L~~ .. Mu\~~;;;,~,:~~:;k:.~:~k:ft •. , : , ;, Pu,Mu (Eq 9·2) : 23.8k, 19.8k·ft !--+-...;.~:.-:, · 1 Pu;Me-f,1E<!9•S):-j4'Bk;19.8k-ft···-··· ,600.5 - I i i i ' ; l l i 1 j 1 . 1 1 : I \ ,311.6 22.8. . ......... , __ _ I :: ! ----~~r { --i--r:: ,1ss:a · ............ -· /-···· ... I. · ·-·· · ···· ·· J ........ l···· .... , ! I I, I 86 8 .. -• --·. ·-.. -1-·····-··: . . . -. .. . . - I ! 77 .9 • ·---.. -·•• r-----:--·----- I ' j ' ear----·-·j-· :--· -· ·--·-·-- j i I ' I I I i I ; i I ---!-··· --... ; --·-·---. -. --·1 I I I I I I i (5): M:Top: DL=0.0, LL=0.0, ST714.1k-ft . 108.1 218.2 324.4 432.5 885.0 973.1 1,081.2 / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rev: 560100 DSI STRUCTURAL 'ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CL(:VELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054. User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software_ Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH . Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Description Column 25, Pier Type 3, Column Base Core -,Irr]() Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 General Information f'~· -~~---.Calculations are designed to AGI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements r· _:..U. ,, -~ ,. '_#, :><~ ......¼, < -~ ~-~M ... ~:~.~-.•. £,t,A~.A Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size 21.650 in· 5· f'c Fy 3,000.0psi Total Height 3.750 ft 60,000.0 psi Unbraced Length 3.750 ft Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover Loads 9 6.000 in2 1.630 % 2.500 in Seismic Zone ·LL & ST Loads Act Separate .Spiral Ties Used 1-.-« _: ...,~Y,<:;:;>..Z/1:,;,. Dead.Load Live Load Axial Loads Applied Moments ... @Top @Bottom 1.498 k k k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft Column Diameter= 21.65in, with 6 #9 Bars ACl.9-1 Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po* .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Slenderness per AC/ 318-95 s~ctlon 10.12 & 10.13 ~ ---~ ,, & ~ .. - 2.10 k 812.90 k 0.22 k-ft 1.2495 in 1.00 1.2495 in 0.22 k,ft 1,090.92 k 360.54 k 10.3460 in Actual k Lu Ir 8.314 Elastic Modulus ACI Eg. 9-1 Neutral Axis Distance 21.9408 in Phi 0.7500 Max Limit kl/r 22.0000 Beta = M:sustained/M:max 1.0000 Cm 1.0000 El/ 1000 0.00 Pc : pi"2 E I / (k Lu)"2 0.00 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) 0.0000 Delta 1.0000 Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments 1.2495 Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 0.0090 4 Eff. Length Factor 1.000 Column is UNBRACED Delta:S 1.00 14.140 k-ft k-ft ACI 9-2 ,2.10 k 10.17 k -19.80 k-ft 113.2710 in 1.00 226.5421 in · 19.80 k-ft 1,090.92 k 411.70 k 8.7586in 3,122.0 ksi ACI Eq. 9~2 5.9208 in 0.8844 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 :o.oo 0.00 a.boob 2.0000 113.2710 0.0000 .. in Column is OK ACI 9-3 1.35 k 6.71 k 19.80 k-ft 176.1994 in 1.00 352.3988 in 19.80 k-ft Beta 1,090.92 k 411.70 k 8.7586 in ACI Eg. 9-3 5.8708 in 0.8898 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 · 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 176.1994 in 0.0000 in 0.850 ACI Factors (per AC!, applied internally to entered loads) j '--TI•;:;,,.:;,, OSW'-"<iliii·;;;i· ,r,;, :1ifl,miill:, ~-~-.:"<le' ilillr.=~s=:ui.,;;r.,_;m::;;_=,::cr;w:IC· :..-;;;;;--:\ii.,!;;,;.~~-""--~=m.-::i:;;:;,,u=·wlic,,T:11-,_====, +.l.!'1l'==,.,::;m-~-~" ~-~-:it, S<,:::~~::;;.;:-~;. .;;;~_t;:,,.=',:!J, ~"'-""'' ,:J:::, ==:;nm;m·,=~}~ AC! 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 AC! 9-2 Group Factor 0..750 USC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 AC! 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 .... seismic= ST*: 1.100 Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 uac 1910.9.3 ·-Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 368.13 in2 217.73 in~ Min. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 20.403 in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rev: 560100 DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH .Oescription : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design ~7 Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User. KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering ~oftware Circular Concrete Column . u:\bhilllshared\engineeringlcommercial\03277. Description Column 25, Pier Type 3, Column Bas·e Core DL=1.5, LL=O.Os, ST=O.Ok i 21,651n_ i (5): M:Top: DL=0.0, LL=O.O, ST=14.1k-ft Axial : Pn•phl (k) · -----:--·-··r--·-1· 1 1 ... . i ... ·----:--.. L. ··-i.. ! ,027.8 ; ,: . 1· .. 1 1 I • .. 13.6 ..... ' I ............ . i I ·g4· --1 ............ 1 ..... -............ T .. . i ' I ----· •• ...l __ .., ___ ,_ • ---... • 85.2 ; I I I ___ , __ ., -·-·- t HH< HHH H -r H" H ••+ --•H ""' ~-H .. HO . ' ' • Pu,Mu (Eq 9·1): 812.9k, 0.2~-ft (,,. Pu,Mu (Eq 9-2): j0.2k, 19.6~.ft · ~3 ·Pu,Mu (Eq 9•3)·: ~.7k; 19.6klft ; : i : l I ... i. I \ .. ! •I _,,, ,!,-........... . I ' ! "'"'!•• .............. , .. . ·ffo ......... i" · 56:8 ·-· ·; ............ __ .. __ -· -.... . l I ·-· i__ - .... , ...... ,_ ~ . --i j -T·-· : 42.6 .. --.·-..... --...... _: .. ---i ·-· '--·-··· \_. ____ .! ...... .. I o.o G 26.9 53.8 80.7 I l --· l . 107.5 134,4 161.3 188.2 Moment : Mn'pnl (k-ft) 268.9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A':12.-· I] DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINE~RS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH . Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 9Q8 SOUTH CLEVELANO STREET OCEANSIDE, CA92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c:1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Column f" • ~ ~ ~ " ' ;;;t;.¾b ~- Des c rip ti on Column 26, Pier Type 4 General Information : Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 use Requirements , ~,,_.__:s..,.:::~~ -... ~~~i.X~W~:&;t;.:~&.;;;;;-~3£:.;&;~-m~lKiit'Wl.\¾i'iiWs&!L.~Kt&,£;.;Jl.<'o'd~uh;~~i··s;g:k{,~,,,,~.M Steel Section . HSS7.5X0.312 Fy 36.00 ksi X-X Sidesway : Sway Allowed Duration FactQr 1.330 Y-Y Sidesway: Restrained Column Height 18.500 ft End Fixity Fix-Free Live & Short Term Loads Combined Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Point lateral Loads ... Along Y-Y (strong axis moments) Along X-X ( y moments ) 1.32 k k k Elastic Modulus X-X Unpraced Y-Y Unbraced 29,000.00 ksi 18.500 ft 18.500 ft Kxx Kyy Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments Ecc. for Y-Y Axis Moments ST 0.981 k 0.019"k 0.000 in 0.000 in Height ft ft 1.000 1.000 I ~~<ii&futllJl\JlilSlJ\l,,1\Vit½;.,.,:a;i;;,™1li%,JJ,d%;;Jl,-:,,i3/;J·Z..t:JJs.,,™""'~.:..,J,Jl%ilLl&;l;"'",\Urn:Jll\~Ll!¾\!«.¼lllW/d~A"4,~.:rn~""-S\<g X-X Axis Moments _12L _JJ,_. ~ At TOP Between Ends At BOTTOM k-ft k-ft 10.:14 k-ft Height 0.000 ft Column Design OK Section: HSS7.5X0.312, ~eight= 18.50ft, Axial Loads: DL = 1.32, LL= 0.00, ST= O.OOk, Ecc. = O.OOOin Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 18.50ft, Y-Y = 18.50ft Combined Stress Ratios Dead . Live DL + LL DL + ST + (LL if Chosen) AISC Formula H1 - 1 AISC Formula H1 - 2 AISC Formula H1 - 3 0.0138 0.0138 0.3469 »iM,tM;»; ',<t~ Allowable & Actual Stresses Dead . Live DL + LL DL + Short Fa : Allowable 14.56 .. ksi 0.00 ksi 14.56 ksi 19.36 ksi fa: Actual 0.20 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.20 ksi 0.20 ksi Fb:xx: Allow [F1-6] _ 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi Fb:xx: Al)ow [F1-7] .& [F1-8] 23.76 ksi o·.oo ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : xx Actual 0.00 ksi o.oo ksi 0.00 ksi 10.64 ksi Fb:yy: Allow [F1-6] 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi F!J:yy: Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : yy Actual 0.00 ksi 0.00 k$i 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi ~n_ al_rs '..!r~::!;ll,Dw:.Gm<Ni%&ll¼£u:w"""'m;;-,;11..,rn1.11~&ll~,,.s.1""'P, •;:;;iiill\12.IYJ""~'""'''""c:::cm""'a.;;.t£Jt<1,.i,~rn:i:1<.u~-,n:4dX/.'t,,msJ;.s..,.~,,,.;,,u-*.:z..d,I F'ex: DL+LL . 19,725 p.si . Cm:x Di:.+LL 0.85 Cb:x DL+LL 1.75 F'ey: DL+LL 19,72!5 psi Cm:y DL+LL 0.60 Cb:y DL+LL 1.00 F'ex: DL+LL+ST 26,234 psi Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.85 Cb:x DL+LL+ST 1.00 F'ey: DL+LL+ST 26,234 psi Cm:y DL+lL+ST 1..00 Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET Title :. LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Scope : Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 Steel co·lumn (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software ;,->.;/l --~ ,, ,.,;-~-" , :t;:,;..5,;' Description Column 26, Pier Type 4 (Ii+ Axial DL = 1.32k Axial LL= Ok Axial ST= Ok + (7): Mx:Bottom : DL=O, LL=O, ST=1D.14k•ft (4): y.y Axis Point Load: DL=O, LL=Os, ST=O •. D19k ·@ Oft (3): X-X Axis Point Load: DL=D, LL=Os, ST=O.981~ @Oft u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. ,~~~dd~i::mzs:~:•v&~®~'J::-;,....-4.,u.i,.' -~-~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 $OUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design "' u:\bhilllshared\e · · commercial\03277. J::,.~»t;1,, ,,, if£ ' , ' Description Column 26, Pier Type 4, F? General Information ,.,,,,,,_~ All~w~ble Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements ~itLiti'G ... mi:Jkl. ,-t-~eJ~~-SI~~;,c:.:.;,ifdJ->"rn~~¥t~~ .... -,·;:..~ .. ,4,.~,~-,....,...,.f<Ml 1,500.0 psf Dimensions ... 1.330 · Width along X-X Axis 3.500 ft 4 Length along Y-Y Axis 3.500 ft Live & Short Term Combined Footing Thickness 30.00 in Col Dim, Along X-X Axis 32.00 in re 2,500.0 psi Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis 32.00 in Fy 60,000.0 psi Base Pedestal Height 53.000 in Concrete Weight 145.00 pct Min Steel% 0.0014 Overburden Weight 0.00 psf Rebar Center To Edge Distance 3.50 in I ~is-"'4™~™_,;ztt;;:;.~s£1~\)lful;!JID:,-,&<,iAfllllilHiJmThi<.imfrllk;WSd~i..-¾td:m;i;:w::;,..,_341,, k:.lt':.iG\UUi\,-,,ifil_~_..,,,J£Lt.c,J Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 1.320 k k k Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) · k-ft k-ft -10.123 k-ft Creates Rotation ab'out Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k 0.981 k ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft 0.589 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k 0.019 k Summary ,.:t Footing Design OK 3.50ft x 3.50ft Footing, 30.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 53.0in high Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant X-X Min. Stability Ratio Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio DL+LL 842.0 1,500.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 25.056 5.408 DL+LL+ST Actual 1,309. 1_ psf Max Mu 0.058 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 3.883 in Shear Stresses .... Vu 0.838 in 1-Way 0.000 1.500 :1 2-Way 0.000 Allowable 0.445 Vn * Phi 85.000 psi 170.000 psi Footing Design u\4\t: M;; .iiiifa&srM.ili'A-ttti'kB.i™dit.t~\ih.¼--b.<<i;\Mi1.W.~\1.\1,¼¼!'.J¼ ,r-l·Jf ~i,Lt .. &Lkt~~:k..&Mt~~&fa.,4'>1¾iC*,fu.;J «!i!-..:u:w:Ltzm.;&~~,crt~Jt.krrn'"",-·"""""""'"""'===~:J ACI 9-1 ' ACI 9-2 ACI 9°3 \in * Phi Shear Forces Two-Way Shear One-Way Shears ... Vu@ Left Vu @Right Vu@Top Vu @Bottom Moments Mu @Left Mu @Right Mu@Top Mu@Bottom 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 170.00 psi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 85,00 psi ,O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi O.OOpsi O.CiOpsi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OQ psi 85.00 psi ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru/ Phi 0.06 k-ft 0.04 k-ft 0.03 k-ft 0.1 psi o·.06 k-ft -0.02.k-ft -0.01 k-ft 0.1 psi 0.06'k-ft 0.02 k-ft ci.01 k-ft 0.1 psi 0.06 k-ft 0.01 k-ft 0.00 R-ft 0.1 psi As Reg'd 0.45 in2 per ft 0.45 in2 per ft 0.45 in2 per ft 0.45 in2 per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description Column 26, Pier Type 4, F7 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Sit'3 Structures Scope: Structural Design Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 I s~~~~~~~=m,rnismwm,mm,1urnrn~~,b=~;,:~ Service Load Soil Pressures Left Right Top Bottom DL + LL 842.02 842.02 842.02 842.02 psf DL+LL+ST 1,309.11 374.93 942.83 741.20psf Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 1,178.82 1,023.57 658.01 1,178.82 293.15 188.45 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to.entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic = ST * : 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ' " ~ ACI 9-2 Group Fai;;tor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term. Factor Q.750 0.900 1.300 1,1.78.82 737.18 473.90 1,178.82 psf 579.53 psf 372.56 psf UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 9~054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures · _Scope,: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Cqncrete Column ~ ,-, '..,,,:,».,,,;,. ' ,,.._1,t ·,,,,_~:.,a Description Column 26, Pier Type 4, Column Base 1'f§t, Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements " \~ }>'~..:}_ ''..t.-~-;;::,}, ' . • ~ ~ .. ~---, ,.,.~~ ,, N,<.:;@ Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover 32.000 in 5 9 5.000 in2 0.622 % 2.500in f'c Fy 3,000.0psi Total Height 5.250 ft 60,000.0 psi Unbraced Length 5.250 ft Seismic Zone LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties Used 4 Eff. Length Factor 1.000 Column is UNBRACED Delta:S 1.00 I ~~ ... , •• ,. .... ,c-;s4Yi¾:£,t/J:;_,,,,.,\3,¼:iw&;"'-<.-..sfu£'.1\\A£'\1\3,io~s.;,,,:au:w..k~..Y..t:;;;{4..W\•,\Mi.¼"A"'~''i!l;-,/£k;,!i$),frtz.¾•,/4£½!'th\Wt/4/$1¾<*.i,;;,,~;,J::W,J;;,i'i/4ii\Z,i<s,\ks"'4J Dead Load' Live Load Short Term Eccentricity Axial Loads 1.320 k k k in Applied Moments ... @Top· @Bottom Summary k-ft k-ft Column Diameter= 32.00in, with 5 #9 Bars ACI 9-1 Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po* .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Slenderness per AC! 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.13 1.85 k 1,490.53 k 0.24 k-ft 1.5600 in 1.00 1.5600 ih 0.24 k-ft 1,987.37 k 958.73 k 9.4772 in k-tt k-ft 10.140k-ft k-ft ACI 9-2 1.85 k 18.95 k 14.20 k-ft 92.1818in 1.00 184.3636 in 14.20 k-ft 1,987.37 k 958.73 k 9.4772 in Column is Under Reinforced ! ACI 9-3 1.19 k 12.11 k 14.20 k-ft 143.3939 in 1.00 286.7879 in 14.20 k-ft 1,987.37 k 958.73 k 9.4772 in I ') --._,,)';__,A~bW ,, . ,., ~ 'U: .,;.~ .. ,., ''''" ..,'~'ilW Actual k Lu / r 7.875 Elastic Modulus ACI Eq. 9-1 Neutral Axis Distance 32.4560 in Phi 0.7500 Max Limit kl/r 22.0000 Beta = M:sustained/M:max 1.0000 Cm 1.0000 El / 1000 0.00 Pc : pi"2 E I / (k Lu)"4 0.00 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) 0.0000 Delta 1.0000 Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments 1.5600 Design Ecc = Ecc_ • Delta 0.0000 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered load~) •, •' ' 'l•M 1.i:,:;: .,~,:.;.' " ,, ,__..,t'.:<$;,',,..-'..«->'fi>->t '* ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1 .400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1. 700 ACI 9°3 Dead Load-Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic=ST*: 1.100 Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 uac 1910.9.3 ' .... 3,122.0 ksi ACI Eg. 9-2 5.5960 in 0.8~67 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 92.1818 0.0000 0.750 0.900 1.300 Beta ACI Eq. 9-3 5.4960 in 0.8916 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 143.3939 in 0.0000 in UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals ~ 804.25 in2 572.55 in2 Min.' Spiral Reinforcement Ratio 0.009 Max Spiral Tie Spacing 21.478 in 0.850 1.400 0.900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND D~gnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design /l;J-J Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software ·Circular Concrete Column u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description Column 26, Pier Type 4, Column Base · Sketch & Diagram DL=1.3, LL=0.0s, ST=0.0k ' 32In ~ ~ (5): M:Top: DL=0.0, LL=0.0, ST=10.1k-ft ' •. ' 1" • ·-' -··--·-1· I P~.Mu /Eq 9-1) '. ,490.5k, 0;2k-ft ,,,_ Pu,Mu(Eq 9-2). 9.0k, 14.2k-ft -~•' ·Pu,Mu(Eq9•3): 2'1k, 14.2k•ft \ i : ' ' : :6676 i 'f"""""" .. ! ! l 4s9.2 .. T' .... , - · ...... -.... t ) · i I i I I ! I :25ci.1·· r __ .... ·1 · ............ ,. --· ' :- ,042_3...,\ ...... --; ........... -· ! ..... j _,.. .. ; """" .... 1 ...... I l • I ; ; I = . ~ --i ..... j : :.:-! :,' --; l ! I l I ·-"--J---i----l I _ __,__ ' i 16,9 I 1- 1 I , .08.5 ·-+-----, __ ,, ...... --+-....... 1 ......... i .... ..:..--, i ! I ! : i 1 ' I 1 I 00 66.5 133,0 199,5 266.0 531.9 598.4 664 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I] OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr:. HBH D!!scription : Site Structures Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Scope: Structural Design Cah;:ulations ate designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements '. Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size Total Rebar Area Reb.ar Percent Bar Cover Loads 15.700 in 5 9 5.000 in2 2.583% 2.500 in Axial Loads Apglied Moments ... @Top @Bottom fc Fy Seismic Zone 3,0QO.Opsi ,60,000.0 psi 4 LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties Used k-ft k-ft k k-ft k-ft >4 ~~ ' Total Height Unbraced Length Eff. Length Factor Column is UNBRACED 10.140 ksft k-ft Delta:S 5.250 ft 5.250 ft 1.000 1.00 in Summary Column is OK Column Diameter= 15.70in, with 5 #9 Bars ACI 9-1 Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn • Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po* .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced 1.85 k 471.08 k 0.16 k-ft 1.0710 in 1:00 1.0710 in d.16 k-ft 663.77 k 131.96 k 12.1648 in ACI 9a2 1.85 k 6.86k 14.20 k-ft 92.1818in 1.00 184.3636 in 14.20 k-ft · 663.77 k 131.96k 12.1648in ACI 9-3 1.19 k 4.16 k 14.20 k-ft 143.3939 in 1.00 286.7879 in 14.20 k-ft 663.77 k 131.96k 12.1648 in ,~ '_ ( ,,, >Ai! ~~\J,;' -~~:l\Ulf,,.i;~fufa,it:l:ill:!~~:i:QIDk#;Ji,E,Q~&~~;z;...:i;at.,tlW~ Actual k Lu / r Elastic Modulus AC! Eq. 9-1 Neutral Axis Distance 15.4178 in Phi 0.7500 Max Limit kl/r 22.0000 · Beta = M:sustained/M:max 1.0000 Cm 1.0000 El/ 1000 0.00 Pc : pi"2 E I / (k Lu)"2 0.00 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) 0.0000 Delta 1.0000 Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments 1.0710 Design Ecc = Ecc • Delta 0.0000 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic= ST•: 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 "' ACI 9-2 Group Factqr ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 uac 3,122.0 ksi Beta 0.850 ACl~.~2 ACl~.~3 5.2578 in 5.2178 in 0.8799 0.8879 22.0000 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 0.0000 2.0000 2.0000 92.1818 143.3939 in 0.0000 0.0000 in 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.300 ~¾,"')<..;.«.,.-.. /~<->l?.'»,-..,....~-,%,2.::.4,,,$l~j»'-»,._~!t~~..:¼ln,,'\'il~..il.½.."1 ~1,';&;,.;;,,m';i,,i-;:..:,~1h~\ ;,..-.,::...,-,/.,~~;J~rn.,.a:;:;:z;;;:-~;J...';j]bt;,i.,;J t.fuo..:.~t-6.:t',!',.:.,,t,_:h'::£.:"fu/;!!...%<0~\k.;.;,ii!.5:M.9&¼¼.f.£\fJ.t½Jv::~,('s ,£ o .... ~wi,r. Spiral Tie Bar Size # · 3 Min-. Spiral Reinforcement Ratio 0.026 Gross Area of Column 193.59 in2 Core Area Within Spirals 89.92 in2. Max Spiral Tie Spacing 19.022 in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH . Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design --~ Job #;03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Description Column 26, Pier Type 4, Column Base Cor.e DL=1.3, LL=O.Os, ST=O.Ok (5): M:Top: DL=0,0, LL=O,O, ST=10.1k-ft ···-········1 ··········r· ........ j ....... : ·; -·. •.·-;:~":~~·;_·11,J11.~~-~.1~····· ! 8 Pu.Mu (Eq 9-2): o.9k, 14.2kjn , -• , __ ·-~·Pu,Mu\Eq9•3)<·1.2k;14.2kJn-····· I 24.0······ 1 ·•· ··-··· r I I s4.7 ····· ··,··· ··•···· ···I········-· I I I· -- . ·····t················f················· .. 85.4 ; ' I I 16.6 .. •··•··. !·· ·····································! ·-···. I ! ...........• 1 ...•......... ! ................. . 46.7 j ! j ! ,_ ... {---- i I 77.3 I i I I I I -----.l .... _ .. ··----· ---·. 1 •••••• c -- 06.0 ,i ; --· -_,,, __ L_, -·-· -·-· i....................... -----..... ; .. ..... -·-· ·t-- 38.7 I j i . i r II r • ; I I ; ·; ··-·· ··; j. . j 'I I • ' I ·-·· 1_ ---·--: ••......... '···· ...... .1.. ....... -! : I I I ' I I .. J. ____ .J ... ! ' I . ' j ! --:------~--------~--· I I i ! )9.3 ----i ...... · r·--·-·--...... --: · ·-.. ·------·1----· !"'-·--·-·--J-, .. , ... . I 0.0 24.2 . 38,3 48.4 60.5 72.6 84. 7 121 0 Moment: Mn"pnl (k-n) I I I I I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I D51. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER~ Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 908 SOUTH CLEVELAN(? §TR!:ET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 oe·scription : Site Structures Structural Design Rev: 560100 . User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel. Column Description Column 27, Pier Type 5 General Information CalculaUons are designed to AISC 9th Editiqn ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section HSS10.0X0.375 Column Height End Fixity 18.500 ft Fix-Free Live & Short Term Loads Combined Fy Duration Facto_r Elastic Modulus X-X Unbraced Y-Y Unbraced ~,-. ~. 36.00 ksi 1.330 29,000.00 ksi 18.500 ft 18.500 ft X-X Sidesway : Sway Allowed Y-Y Sidesway: Restrained Kxx 1.000 Kyy 1.000 [£~~&&W':a:;;,,.,..,n:.~,,·§hi tiii£\>%i~'-'Zt.)Jdt'.~¥<lt~,zs;a™..,zz,'i1\m;.,W,//ffi;J;;S;;;;,-l\aSi:&'i/GIX:::S:J&,Sl¼-mliiJii1JW:it\&,J;;41Jilil£'.,.,J.. .• ~,.i.fut,iJ Axial Load... · · · Dead Load 4.57 k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments 0.000 in Live Load k Ecc. forY-YAxis Moments 0.000 in Short Term Load k Point lateral Loads ... Along Y-Y (strong axis moments)· Along X-X ( y moments ) _fil_ 2.161 k 0.039 k Height ft ft ~<!~zi=mm:LCT&~~~~"~~.l=™~~~m¼S· fi,, ,:: "' .i,·™¼~~¼6"1MZUZJ&d~:mztJ=:J1 X-X Axis Moments _QL _JJ,_ _ll_ AtTOP Between Ends At BOTTOM k-ft k-ft 17.73 k-ft Height 0.000 ft r--t,,_~~-$,j YT ;,f;,..'~~~~~:-'•,:.-,:~:;C:Eli------------------~------~-------------, .i~Jummary Column Design OK Section : HSS10.0X0.375, Height=·· 18.50ft, Axial Loads: DL = 4.57, LL = 0.00, ST = 0.00k, Ecc. = 0.00Oin Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 18.50ft, Y-Y = 18:50ft Combined Stress Ratios Dead Live.: AISC Formula H1-1 AISC Formula H1 - 2 AISC Formula 'H1 - 3 0:0255 DL + LL DL + ST + (LL if Chosen) 0.0255 0.2929 I stresses . r . . .. •. . ' h i.1.11.\&Rm:Ji~i.:U&X\ .... U.ti'MM&f's,.%.ii,v-/4';,-:....~t,, tt~..u ,(,..,;p:;~hl ::u;;aarn~~~~-.w-'«<1~,S5dJ™~.4LEf;;::Q!™k'$:$tJ#ic.¾!421£¼Jaho,'\&\it',...t'.¼3$il&:&t¼1@£.t!dill1SLU:Qfu.QJtJ.....ZS.:::, L :?:C!ft.S»JkiJL2Zi'":}~ Allowable & Actual Stresses . Dead 'Live DL + LL DL + Short Fa: Ailowable 16.92 ksi 0.00 ksi 16.92 ksi 22.51 ksi fa: Actual 0.43 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.43 ksi 0.43 ksi Fb:xx: Allow [F1-6] 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi Fb:xx: Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi · 31.60ksi · fb : xx Actual 0.00 k~i 0,00 ksi 0.00 ksi 8.65 ksi Fb:yy: Allow [F1-6] 23..76 ksi 0:00 ksi 23.76 ksl 31.60 ksi Fb:yy: Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] 23.76 ksi_, 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 31.60 ksi fb : yy Ac~ual 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi 0.00 ksi F'ey: DL+LL 35,160 psi Cm:y DL+LL 0.60 Cb:y DL+LL 1.00 F'ex: DL+LL+ST 46,762 psi Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.85 Cb:x DL +LL +ST 1.00 F'ey : DL +LL +ST 46,762 psi Cm:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Cb:y DL+LL+ST 1.00 Max X-X Axis Deflection 0.000in at ' 0.000 ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection 0.000in at 0.000 ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI SiRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Column ,sj " > Description (5)~ Column 27, PierType 5 Axial DL = 4.573k Axial LL= Ok Axial ST= Ok +· (7): Mx:Boltom : DL=O,_ LL=O, ST=17,7Jk·lt (4): Y•Y Axis Point Load: DL=O, LL=Os, 5T=0,039k @ Oft (3): X•X·Axls Point Loa~: DL=O, LL=Os, ST=2,161k @ Oft Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I Rev: 560100 DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 sou:rH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design ,Ay-2. Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25-Ocl-2002 General Foot"1ng Analysis & Design (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software · .. u:\bhlll\sharedlenglneeringlcommerclal\03277. ,, -~ < "' ,,.~ ' -J:..:: , '~'J.,' Description Column 27, Pier Type 5, F2 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 a_nd 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Be;;{;;'g,' Short Term Increase Seismic Zone ,, ... ~, Live & Short Term Combined re Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 1,5Cl0.0 psf 1.330 •~ "'·-,,.~-.·:Dimensions .... , 4 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf o.ob psf 4.573 k k k Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft -0;616 k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k 2.161 k Width along X-X Axis Len!;jth along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness 5.500 ft 5.500 ft 30.00 in 32.00 in 32.00 in Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal Height 53.000 in Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance .. ;ecc along X-X Axis ... ecq along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0014 3.50 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) . k-ft k-ft -17.752 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k 0.039 k · Surhm~ry Footing Design OK 5.50ft x 5.50ft Footing, _30.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 53.0in high DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 664.2 1,294.7 psf Max.Mu 0.793 Allowable 1,500.0 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.445 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 8.559 in Shear Stresses .... Vu Vn * Phi "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 10.441 in 1-Way 0.000 85.000 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio 3.161 1.500 :1 2-Way 0.418 170.000 psi Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 3.856 ~~!~~~!,5 ~,~~\\!'2,E;llti fi¾%11'i m:::s; ft , ,1:,:lllilf(' !•ll\c~:i: 1Zllii2$££ZZSIJ;:B.t\,',~'™m~m%::5&ZL:'LU\©~;,,~j!L.:2:t£C.J Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear 0.42 psi . 6.21 psi 0.13 psi 170.00 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@Left Vu @Right Vu@Top Vu @Bottom Moments Mu @Left Mu @Right Mu@Top Mu @Bottom O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi ACI 9-1 0.42 k-ft OA2 k-ft 0.42 k-ft 0.42 k-ft O.OOpsi O.OOpsi ·O.OOpsi O.OOpsi ACI 9-2 -0.26 k,ft 0:69 k-ft -0.37 k-ft 0.79-k-ff 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi ACI 9-3 . -0.17 k-ft 0.44 k-ft -0.24 k-ft 0.51 k-ft 85.00 psi 85.00 psi 85.00•psi 85.00 psi Ru/ Phi 0.7 psi 1.1 psi 0.7psi 1.3 psi As Reg'd 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 per ft per ft per ft per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,4~g DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : L:EGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 908 SO.UTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design u:1bhnI1shared1engIneering1cammerciaI1032n. . ~, ""'~ "-,M~~ t{ .. Description Column 27, Pier Type 5, F2 I Soil Pressure Summary . . . . . . ra ~~3 kt ,iW • &d'.iZMfr?4,-,u-)&:'~ $2·:t'Zdll'> ''P-f.,@~.:®JW iWt&'L''~-3.Jt13.Si6¾C/Js:t~a&rn?.M:f.~~-RW3h.\J~ Service Load Soil Pressures · Left Right Top Bottom DL + LL 664.22 664.22 664.22 664.22 psf DL +LL+ ST 147.40 1,181.04 33.76 1,294.69 psf Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 929.91 159.59 102.59 929.91 1,278.69 822.02 929.91 36.55 23.50 929.91 psf 1,401.74 psf 901.12 psf ~~~~~~~~==.:=:~~=:!:~,UMJ™'-™··ma.~Gl&am~•™·~Z&a~Jo ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1. 700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 .... seismic = ST * :· 1.100 1.400 0.900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title: LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope:· Structural Design AIR Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column u:\bhill\shared\engineerlng\commerclal\03277. Description -·column 27, Pier Type 5, Column '!3a;e '¾,.' ~ >,.>: ' ""' ' ",' < <':!; • Calculations are dei;igned.to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements · -:i&i•' ~ "" , ~~~: 'f' -''\,~ ~ Diameter 34.000 in fc 3,000.0psi Total Height 5.250 ft Number of Bars 5 Fy 60,000.0 psi Unbraced Length 5.250 ft Bar Size 9 Seismic Zone 4 Eff. Length Factor 1.000 Total Rebar Area 5.000 in2 LL & ST Loads Act Separate Column is UNBRACED Rebar Percent 0.551 % Spiral Ties Used Delta:S 1.00 Bar Cover 2.500 in [ ~~m~<mw,nrn:i-~~>->h '" ••·& . '"'~"™"':&""" ~!K'¾,t a; 2:.,., =:::.!t.lit:r1':l3.l.!.M'l\\$.ili"11Mh, WJiJil'li.lllM\A'ili.il&£=·tdH, s,;1,,wm,N Deaa Load · Live Load · Short Term Eccentricity Axial Loads 4.570 k k k in Applied Moments ... @Top @Bottom k-ft k-ft Column Diameter= 34.00in, with 5 #9 Bars ACI 9-.1 Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity . Magnified Design Moment Po* .80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Slenderness per AC/ 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10.13 6.40 k 1,659.06 k 0.86 k-ft 1.6200 in 1.00 1.6200 in 0.86 k-ft 2,212.08 k 1,086.07 k 9.7885 in k-ft k-ft ' Actual k Lu / r i412 Elastic Modulus 17:760 k-ft k-ft Column is Under Reinforced l . ACL9-2 ACI 9-3 6.40k 4.11 k 43.38 k 27.16 k 24.86.k-ft 24.86 k-ft 46.6346in 72.5427 in 1.00 1.00 93.2691 in 145.0853 in 24.86 k-ft 24.86 k-ft 2,212.08 k 2,212.08 k 1,086.07 k 1,086.07 k 9.7885 in 9.7885 in ,, '4l' ,_, ,. ·,,;,; 3,122.0 ksi Beta 0.850 ACI Eq. 9c1 34;5070 in 0.7500 ACI Eg. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 Neutral Axis Distance Phi Max Limit kl/r Beta = M:sustained/M:max Cm El/1000 Pc : pi"2 E I / (k Lu)"2 alpha: MaxPu / (.75 Pc) Delta Ecc: Ecc Loads + Moments Design Ecc = Ecc * Delta 22:0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 1.0000 1.6200 0.0000 ACI Factors (per A<;:I, applied internally to entered loads) "*"~ ' ~ ;{¥,.~~":, 'I* ,_ ~'>' ~~ ' ' ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Fa9tor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor .... seismic = ST • : 1.100 Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 uac 1910.9.3 5.9470 in 0.8726 2-2.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 6.00 0.0000 2.0000 46.6346 0.0000 0.750 0.900 1.300 5.7070 in 0.8831 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.00 0.00 0.0000 2.0000 72.5427 in 0.0000 in UBC 1921.2.7 "1.411 Factor*"~ . ,t"' }¼1~.400 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 Min. Spiral Reinforc~ment Ratio 0.008 21.604 in 907.92 in2 660.52 ili2 Max Spiral Tie Spacin,g I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [I] Rev: 560100 DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBf-:f Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design 44{, Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN·Q4 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column u:lbhill\shared\engineeringlcommercial\03277. .. '• Description Column 27, PierType 5; Column Base DL=4.6, LL=O.Os, ST=O.Ok 1 5.25ft• . (5): M:Top: DL=O.O, LL=0.0, ST=17.8k·ft Axial : Pn•phl (k) -! ·-... , .............. ,.. i . r· .......... r: ......... r i ! • Pu,Mu/Eq9-1):j,659.1k,olek-ft i I , , ,-.,, Pu,Mu lEq 9·2): 43.4k, 24.9k-ft ,lieya.3·-j·-· -----: .. -·-·--'·· ·-tf'·Pu,Mu{Eq 9•3), ~7,2k, 24 9k,.ft· -I ' I I I I , , ! ,, ______ J ·----_: _________ , ____ l,,.,,_., __ ,_,.,t .. --l -• ,_; ;838.5 !. , 1 j i '!_ i j ....... ; .... .. . . -· ........... -.~... ! -Q8:r , 1 , ............. 1.. ........... : ... !! .............. : ... _ -j __ --i.· ,378.9 I l I ! i I I ·,149:r .... t ............... ,. . ... r-... . .. r ... ' i • i : 1rr3--I---r .s ;----i -·-----r--·- · I,, • 1 i t -· .... 1-·-·-· ,·· ···-··1 · --·-· ·-- ' I _ _,___, _'.__·--·+·--· ... L ... . -· .! ..... . .J. -·· ..1 _596 \. , 1 1 I . 1 ! ·-· -·'j 29.8 ........ f·-· ......... ;·· . j .. · ·+ .. ----· !··-······ ! ·-..... : ........ -j ........ -1··- o .. " 77.3 I, i l i ; ! ! . I • l ' I I ; f i : j i I 154.5 231.8 309.1 386.4 463.8 540.9 618.2 695.5 772.7 Moment: Mn·pni (k-ft) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1147 DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND0DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job # 03277.00 ,Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope_.: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Circular Concrete Column ~-~ t, .. , :,n~ ~"""'-~ Description Column 27, Pier Type 5, Column Base Gore u:\bhlll\shared\e \commercial\03277. General Information Calculations ar1;1 designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements z Diameter Number of Bars Bar Size 17.700 in 5 9 5.000 in2 2.032 % 2.500 in re Fy Seismic Zqne 3,dOO;Opsi 60,000.0 psi 4 Total Height Unbraced Length . Eff. Length Factor Column is UNBRACED Deita:S 5.250 ft 5.250 ft 1.000 Total Rebar Area Rebar Percent Bar Cover LL & ST Loads Act Separate Spiral Ties Used 1.00 I Loads . · · _ · . . · . li ~¾~,\'$Q4¼N&i{illMiliil&"'~""'i.i'JW.i:").C%h.,'ifa:J;;m,-..);t,tJl'Jt ~i&,R!<\tf,w\iJl[tut J~WN+k>M'.£.-"'¾¾!i,,,.<allii¼.itw~'Sffitt-SZ2&¼%;;;.:;~~un.w:n¼rn;#.w'mw:.UJ:;h,..;:.¥.,..::'.%AJW,.1 .. .;.£½fl~;;tJR1. · : '. m f 2+nM-&.ww.rn.;u..-,1aM Dead Load Live Load Short Term · Eccentricity Axial Loads 4.570,k k k in Applied Moments ... @Top @ Bottom k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft 17.760 k-ft k-ft Summary ""· Column is OK Column Diameter= 17.?0ir:i, with 5 #9 !3ars ACI 9-1 Applied Pu : Max Factored Allowable Pn * Phi @ Design Ecc. M-critical Combined Eccentricity Magnification Factor Design Eccentricity Magnified Design Moment Po *.80 P: Balanced Ecc : Balanced Slenderness per AC/ 318-95 Section 10.12 & 10, 13 6.40 k 564.74 k 0.60 k-ft 1.1310 in 1.00 1.1310 in· 0.60 k-ft 777.49 k 261.53 k 8.0088 in ACI 9-2 6.40 k 15.75 k 24.86 k-ft 46.6346in 1.00 93.269,1 in . 24.86 k-ft 777.49 k 194.02 k 10.9965 in ACI 9-3 4.11 k 10.35 k 24.86 k-ft 72.5427 in 1.00 145.0853in 24.86 k-ft 777.49 k 194.02 k 10.9965 in '--,;r.;::..,,.,.;;rn;;:re:gSlli'l;~~:;;i:f,;;,i?iii:l~m::;;;nm;;.,m;;;;:_ruz.m;;~:;.m;~:.;:ra;are;;;;~;;i;;:;;;-mr;;;, :;;;, ·JS:,JJ~l'JJ;\l;~il2:l:1;:;zr;~:::,;mifili;;;;=~Emii11Ji;IT::..,.,,.;:;;;;;J@fil!'3i~.&3,.~i:1ID~:mE5%.,.;it.il Actual k Lu/ r 14.237 Elastic Modulus 3,122.0 ksi Beta 0.850 ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eg. 9-3 Neutral Axis Distance 17.6289 in Phi 0.7500 Max Limit kl/r 22.0000 Beta= M:sustained/M:max 1.0000 Cm 1.0000 El/ 1000 0.00 Pc : pi"2 E I / (k Lu)"2 0.00 alpha: MaxPu / (. 75 Pc) 0.0000 Delta 1.0000 Ecc: Ecc Loads+ Moments 1.1310 Design Ecc = Ecc_ • Delta 0.0000 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered lo~ds) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic = ST • : 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 1''• "~i»'' ·~;;,. ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 !;lead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor Spiral Tie Requirements per 97 uac 1910.9.3 5.5588 in 5.4788 in 0.8629 0.8760 22.0000 22.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 QOO QOO -QOO QOO o.odoo 0.0000 2.0000 2.0000 46.6346 72.5427 in 0.0000 0.0000 in 0.750 0.900 1.~00 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor Spiral Tie Bar Size # Gross Area of Column Core Area Within Spirals 3 246.06 in2 126.68 in2 Min. Spiral R~inforcement Ratio Max Spiral Tie Spacing 0.021 19.607 in 1.400 0.900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STRE:ET OCEANSIDE, CA !}2054 Title : bEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design A-YB Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 Circular Concrete Column (c}1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software . . u:lbhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. ~~ '>ll,, ·~ • • ,~--:.m~k~~~~ .. lAk5ifil.Z®™wdt£:d\w,~~~-8iJ.Qf)itU!£>>i.i.kJE:..:s~w~rn., Description Column 27, Pier Type 5, Column Base Core • DL=4 6, LL=0.0s, ST=0.0k ~.25ft (5): M:Top; DL=0.0,cll=0.0, ST=17,Bk·fi Axial : Pn•phl (k) j I I 41.0 i l . ! ........... , ............ I O.Q ! r--- i i ·so.ii" ...... 1 ............. 1 .. . ........... 1 I oo-:-(r--- ' ,20.5 ""·--;--·-.. ····-----i ! I ' ' ·----r--·"--· ...... -------~-·-----t· - . '"'"'t-----.... ... ' I I : Pu,Mu(Eq 8-1): ~64.7k, 0.6~-fl ~ Pu,Mu {Eq 8-2): 5.7k. 24.8<-ft si,!l Pu,Mu (E~ 8·3) : · 0.4k;·24.9~·fl · ! I I -1----"'"""""""""'l"" l i ' !· . -__ ......... ! ···-·· .. _J .... ··-· ··-· -----.. ,· ... _ .. , ..... _,,_.,_ , .... .. .40.4 i ! ' ' ' I 1' ! j I 60.3 ____ ,_ __ ,__ __ ,~--;, ----: ---·-·-·-'.·-·--·---_I_ ---... 7--·----: ! ·o:r· 0,0 .; i i t· ................................. 1 .. . ! ........ l I ! 15.6 ~.;) 31.2 46.B 02.4 78.0 93.5 109.1 Moment: Mn•pnl (k·ft) 140.3 155.9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1{}'19 DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : 1,.EGOLAND0DINOLAND Dsghr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 General Footing Analysis & Design ·(c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software ._ 't'4 -,,., -~, , ~ Description Column 7, Foundation F1 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined re Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight 1,500.0 psf 1.330 4 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 0.00 psf ~,,,, Dimensions ... Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal Height . Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance 6.000 ft 6.000 ft 30.00 in 32.00 In 32.00 in 53.000 in 0.0014 3.50 in I Loads . . . . . . . . r~ fwJ:Mt'i!·:&JJZbMJ&,~.i02£ID~~~-,.JfiU,.,_f:~Rw:;a;;:zufa.(~:smmmt¼iSilii:f~m~~~ Applied Vertical Load... · Dead Load 6.330 k Live Load k Short Term Load k Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Creates Rotation. about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-f\ 1<-ft . 4.992 k-ft Creates Rotation about ¥-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k -1.228 k ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc·alongY-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis . (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft 19.985 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k 0.436 k 6.00ft x 6.0qft Footing, Footing Design OK 30.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 53.0in high Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant X-X Min. Stability Ratio Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio DL+LL 664.8 1,500.0 0.Q00 in 0.000 in 3.122 20.505 DL+LL+ST 1,303.7 psf 1,995.0 psf 1.756 in. 11.532 in 1.500 :1 Actual Allowable Max Mu 1.180 Required Steel Area 0.445 SheatStresses., .. Vu Vn * Phi 1-Way 0.000 85.000 psi 2-Way 0.800 170.000 psi Footing Design • ... ~·-, ... ~;;;.,..,=i ,~=cm--~ra-~=-~-= dUik~&iWZZ··xiJ,i1~1~2:zznt~.kJ,~ .. ~w--:tS1:J;.)~~~~rn~.¼.u~~~'cl:-:;:;~~==.::.=::cl· ~ Shear Forces ACI 9-1 .ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear 0.80psi 0.48psi 0,31 psi 170.00 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@ Left Vu@Right Vu @Top Vu @Bottom Moments Mu@Left Mu@ Right Mu@Top Mu @Bottom 0.00psi 0.00psi 0.O0psi O.00psi ACI 9-1 0.59 k-ft 0'.59 k-ft 0.59k-ft 0.59k-ft 0.00psi 0:00psi O.00psi ·0.0Opsi ACl9-2 0.47k-ft 0.21 k-ft 1.18k-ft -0.50 k-ft 0.00 .psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 p_si ACI 9-3 0.30 kit 0.14 k-ft 0.76 k-ft -0,32 k-ft 85.00 psi 85,00 psi 85.00 psi 85.00 psi Ru/ Phi 0.9 psi 0.9 psi 1.9 psi 0.9 psi As Req'd 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 per ft per ft per ft per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rev: 560100 DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 9~054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures :$c_ope: Structural Design l'J--~ Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54Prv\, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 -General Footing. Analysis & Design (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software . . . . . . . u:\bhill\sharedlengineering\commercial\03277. ~•~J.!s....;.;r~~&-;;q:£@t w'$i$$'/k\i:\®6~t.w ~ Description Column 7, Foundation F1 · Service Load Soil Pressures Left Right DL + LL . 664.84 664.84 DL +LL+ ST 762.10 567.57 Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 930.17 930.77 ACI Eq. 9-2 863.93 643.40 ACI Eq. 9-3 555.38 413.62 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads)· ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic = ST * : 1.400 1.700 1.700' 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor AC! 9~3 Short Term Factor 0.759 0.900 1.300 Top Bottom 664.84 664.84 psf 1,303.74 25.93 psf 930.77 930.77 psf 1,477.94 29.39 psf 950.10 18.90 psf USC 1921.2.7."1.4" Factor 1.400 USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design nov Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 · User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25:oct-2002· General Footing Analysis & Design (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software u:lbhill\shared\e · commercial\03277. ' . . ,, . . . ~~~ Description Coh:1mn 41, Foundation F2 · General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined re Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight 1,500.0 pst"'' 1.330 4 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 0.00 psf ,;xtl Dimensi'ons ... · Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal. Height Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance -i~' 'w:, 6.750 ft 6.750 ft 30.00 in 32.00 in 32.00 in 53.000 in 0.0014 3.50 in J L=i~,;.:,:.'LwL&.li%.,C1,£.Gf~U:.~.:u:u;~:::;8:~;x~~;..&:"""::.;::;;am:_w~'.C\C'"'-™™:lX.iN™""'~==•·J Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 3.582 k k k_ Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft -13.833 k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k ~d.157 k ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft 0.575 k-ft ' Creates Rotation about X-X Axis · (pressures @ top & bot) k k -3.802 k :ry_::;~u~~ai~:::;J>-----------~----------------F-o-o-ti_n_g __ D_e_s_i_g_n_O_K~ 6.75ft x 6.75ft Footing, 30.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 32.00 x.32.00in x 53.0in high Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant X-X Min. Stability Ratio Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio DL+LL 541.1 1,500.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 3.235 5.577 DL+LL+ST Actual 1,042.9 psf Max Mu 1.204 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 7.;262 in Shear Stresses .... Vu 12.521 in 1-Way 0.000 1.500 :1 2-Way 0.868 Footing Design ~UW,:;;':ill:.f.%.4.it.-.. ~W.W:. :¥t.;i2&;«~Z'k!.dU:~~;~~t'l$-At,.,-NH~J?~-A-.!.::.-.:!....~ ·¼~- Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 . ACI 9-3 Two-Way Shear 0.87psi 0.41 psi Q.27 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@Lelt O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu @Right O.OOpsi . O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Top O.OOpsi O.OOpsi. 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Vu @Bottom O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi Moments ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACl 9-3 Ru/ Phi Mu@Left 0.52 k-ft 0.79k-ft 0.51 ksft 1.3 psi Mu@Right 0.52 k-ft -0.34 k-ft -0.22 k-ft 0.8psi Mu@Top 0.52 k-ft -0.75 k-ft s0.48 k-fl 1.2 psi Mu@Bottom 0:52 k-ft 1.20 l<-ft 0.77 k-ft 1.9 psi Allowable 0.445 Vn • Phi 85.000 psi 170.000 psi ""' As Reg'd 0.45 in2 per ft 0.45 in2 per ft -0.45 in2 per ft 0.45 in2 per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D&I STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Descrtption : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c}1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Foo!ing Analysis & Design Description Column 41, Foundation F2 Soil Pressur~ Summary Service Load Soil Pressures DL + LL DL +LL+ ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 w Left 541.07 832.13 757.50 949.77 610.57 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads)· Right Top 541.07 541.07 250.01 39.25 757.50 757.50 285.36 44.80 183.45 28.80 Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Bottom 541.07 psf 1,042.89 psf 757.50 psf 1,190.33 psf 765.21 psf ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-~ Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 .... seismic = ST • : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, ...,, - lU !TI DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCl;ANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 General Footing Analysis & Des'1gn (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software . · u:\bhlll\shared\engineering\conimerclal\03277, ' ,_, ~' "4> '~-~-,J,h;:,;, }>.ti:,..;'., -~ ... , ' ~. Description Column 6, Foundation F3 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements ..2~~ .. ;;:,a;:~~IB.,\Wi&iiJ¾¾B-+Y'.t¼rNJJ..{£;.rJ.!JMUZdEfufuW;hM J:k ·ki¼?dtZZ'.R.i&:fm;:;,;iQ~::X~¼J.JkJ%...~ Allowable Soil Bearing , 1,500.0 psf Dimensions ... Short Term Increase 1.330 Width along X-X Axis Seismic Zone 4 Length along Y-Y Axis Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 0.00 psf Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal Height Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance 6.750 ft 6.750 ft 30.00 in 32.00 in 32.00 in 53.000 in 0.0014 3.50 in [£~~~~~~,ki,/J/4iG~...t~lirnm,™1il:f\W,m@;;ramru,aii~,l1¼\;\,il;™"'1"'±™""""'""''\l'JJ Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load · Short Term 7.254 k k k Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft. k-ft 6.107 k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures-@ left &-righi) k k -1.878 k ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0,000 iii Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft 23.263 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k 0.703 k ary Footing Design OK 6. 75ft x 6. 75ft Footing, ,30.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 53.0in high DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 621.7 r,170.4 psf Max Mu 1.561 Allowable 1,500.0 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.445 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 2,916 iii, Sfiear Stresses .... Vu Vn * Phi "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 11.916 in 1-Way 0.000 85.000 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio 3.399 1.500 :1 2-Way 1.260 170.000 psi Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 1:3.890 Qi.i~~"~~!~'1r.i'ii1it!'l!-::fo£.:Jl,,:tSrMh1*: K11c.111;1,mrnY~rn""""-,z.'~:1.ii;;;Ci;;,&,.,!£'h.Z4'..tli#hJtJim:&i~=N~"x=,~":J Shear Forces ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 · ACI 9•3 Vn * Phi . Two-Way Shear 1.26 psi 0.7!;) psi 0.51 psi 170.00 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@Left Vu @Right Vu@Top Vu @Bottom Moments Mu@ Left Mu@Right Mu@Top Mu @Bottom O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi ACI 9-1 0.76 k-ft 0.76 k-ft 0.76 k-ft 0.76 k-ft O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi ACI 9-2. 0.73 k-ft 0.20 k-ft 1.56 k-ft -0.63 k-ft 0,00 psi 0.00 psi 0:00 psi 0.00 psi ACl.9-3 0.47 k-ft 0.13 k-ft 1.00 k-ft -0.41 k-ft 85.00 psi 85.00 psi 85.00 psi 85.00 psi Ru/ Phi 1.2 psi 1.2 psi 2.5 psi 1.2 psi As Req'd 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 per ft per ft per ft per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering So(tware General Footing Analysis & Design u:lbhilllsharedlen lcommerclal\03277. 1&,~· Column 6, Foundation F.3 I 5.2!~~~=~~~~iti£:™1~.w:hrn¼m~,.k~S:,awl Service Load Soll Pressures · Left · Right Top Bottom DL + LL 621.66 621.66 621.66 621.66 psf DL + LL + ST 755.93 487.39 1,170.37 72.96 psf Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 870.33· 888.15 570.95 870.33 572.64 368.1~ ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) rn ::-i,,_, ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic = ST • : 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ~ ::,a;;' Ji.Cl 9-2 Group Factor AQi'9-3 bead Loc1d Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 _0.900 1.300 870.33 .1,375.07 883.97 870.33 psf 85.72 psf 55.10 psf UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,-' DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEER$ Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined re Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight 1,50'0:0 psf 1.330 4 2,50Q.O psi 60,000.0 psi 145.0,0 pcf 0.00 psf Dimensions ... Width along X-X Axis 6. 750 ft L,ength along Y-Y Axis 6. 750 ft Footing Thi<::kness 30.00 in Col Dim. Along X-X Axis 32.00 in Col Dim. Alohg Y-Y Axis 32.00 in Base Pedestal Height 53.000 in Min Steel % 0.0014 Rebar Center To Edge Distance 3.50 in I ~~~,, .,d.z, ,·z11rn~=~""'"~:..<ltl>=.S...=rnm.m~~="""'""" ,,,.,._.-.. i Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 5.597 k k k Creates Rotatlon about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k.ft k-ft -3.440 k-ft Creates Rbtation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k 4.214 k. ... ecc along X-XAxis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft -16. 777 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k · -0.758 k ~~~~~-,. Footing Design OK 6.75ft x 6.75ft Footing, 30,0in Thick,w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 53.0in high Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant X-X Min. Stability Ratio Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio DL+LL 585.3' 1,500.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 4.087 3.501 DL+LL+ST Actual t:086.8 psf Max Mu 1.349 1,995.0psf Required Steel Area 11.568 in Shear Stresses .... Vu 9.909 in 1-Way 0.000 1.500 i1 2-Way 1,084 Allowable 0.445 Vn * Phi 85.000 psi 170.000 psi Footing Design . ~ ~~™a~ ... J.Tut%.UE.\.b.~~.w,ftfJs:J}~w:~©:...../4\\~!:m.~rn\lf;""s.~==,r..""";;, ... &=··ff1""'U~==w=• ""™""""'"""'""'· ""'tM=,,.u=.""'M£""h.W""%=~'"""',""·~-=-=,.,,.....,=.a=&:i===,,=-,m=, =:m:<1a.,¼~ Shear Forces ACI' 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn *· Phi Two-Way Shear 1.08 psi o:60 psi, 0.~8 psi 170.00 psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@Left Vu@Right Vu@Top Vu@Bottom Moments Mu@ Left Mu@Rlght Mu@Top Mu @Bottom 0.00psi o.oo psi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi ACI 9-1 0.65 k-ft 0.65k-ft 0.65 k-ft 0.65 k-ft O:OOpsi O.OOpsi O'.OOpsi O.OOpsi ACI 9-2 . -0.63 k-ft 1.35 k-ft -0.49 k-ft 1.21 k-ft 0.00 psi . 0.00 psi · 0.00 psi o.oo·psi ACI 9-3 -0.41 k-ft 0.87 k-ft -0.32 k-ft 0.78 k-ft 85.00 psi 85.00psi 85.00 psi 85.00 psi Ru/ Phi 1.0 psi 2.1 psi 1.0 psi 1.9 psi As Req'd 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 0.45 in2 per ft per ft per ft per ft I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I , , - DSI Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Job# 03277.00 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS psgnr: HBH Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET oqEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site 'structures . Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 • User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 General Footing Analysis & Design (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software --, 'l,M, -~~~ Description Column 28, Foundation F4 I Soil Pressure Summary · _ _ _ _ · . ~ ~~-$Mt4'<41 "@;;;,lib' f'¢rt k J;; §A,,'"$ wl#i-'1 i'!:~;tj!~s.:-.... d! .. ~11lrn,l>: kR4'.fudfo0MSV $,.WW1;;;;.,;a;J,Uit.Q;;;tfJbC,{4Ji.£.M:£¼:iMX:£23.$..U~WJdJ Service Load Soil Pressures ~eft Right DL + LL 585.29 585.29 DL +LL+ ST 83.77 1,086.81 Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 819.41 819.41 ACI Eq. 9-2 97.26 1,261.70 ACI Eq. 9-3 62.52 811.09 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST .... seismic = ST • : 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 __ ,, ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load. Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 Top Bottom 585.29 585.29 psf 155.70 1,014.88 psf 819.41 819.41 psf 180.76 1,178.20 psf 116.20· 757.41 psf UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I Rev: 560100 DSI -·· STRUCTURAi.-. ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOt.AND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description-:, Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Softl',are · General Fo.oting Analysis & Design u:\bhllllshared\engineering\commercial\03277. D~scription Column 16, Foundation~ F 5 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete WE)ight Overburden Weight (k~ads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term App_lied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 1;500.0 p·sf · 1..330 4 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 0.00 psf 4.494 k' k k Creates Rotation about Y-YAxis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft ~2.839 k-ft Creates.Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k . 5.607 k Dimen_sioris ... Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y .Axis Footing Thickness . . Col. Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim: Along Y-Y Axis BasePedestal Heignt Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance ... ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in 7.750 ft 7.750 ft 3_Q.OO in 32.00 in .32.00 in 53.000 in 0.0014 3.50 in Creates Rotation abouf X-X Axis . (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft -7.547 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k -1.802 k Summary Footing Design OK 7.75ft x 7.75ft Footing, 30.0in Thie~, w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 53:0in high DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 513.1 976.4 psf Max Mu 1.766 Allowable 1,500.0 i,995,0 psf Required Steel Area 0.445 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 13.994 in Shear Stresses .. ,. -Vu Vn • Phi "Y' Ecc, of Resultant · 0:000 in 7.791 in 1-Way 0.804 85.000 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio ?,968 1.500 :1 2-Way 1.230 170.000 psi Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 3.323 I Footing Design II Shear Force.s ACI 9-1 ACL9-2 ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear 1.23psi · 0.61 psi Q.39 psi 170.00psi One-Way Shears ... Vu@Left 0.30psi 0.80psi 0,52 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Right ·o.sO-psi -0.45psi -0.29 psi. 85.00 psi Vu@Top 0.30psi -0.17 psi -0.11 psi 85.00 psi Vu @Bottom -0.30psi .. 0:53psi 0.34 psi 85.00 psi · Moments ACI '9-1 ACI 9_-2 ACI 9-3 RL!/ Phi As Reg'd Mu@Left 0.68 k-ft -1.09 k-ft • -0.70 R-ft 1.7 psi -0.45 in2 per ft Mu@ Right 0.68 k-ft 1.77 k-ft · 1.14 k-ft 2.8psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Top 0.68 k-ft ~0.46 kaft -0:29 k-ft 1.1 psi 0.45 in2 per ft Mu@Bottom 0:68 k-ft 1.13k-ft 0.73 k-ft 1,8psi. 0.45 in2 per ft ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· D51 '"l.f{ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND0 DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH 908 SOUTH ·CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: · Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design Description Column 16, Fqundation F5 (EPres~_!!: Summary Service Load Soil Pressures DL + LL · DL +LL+ ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 Left 513.14 49.85 718.40 .59.48. 38".24 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered-loads) Right 513.14 975'.44 718.40 1,165.02 · 748.94 Top 513.14 255.21 718.40 304.50 195.75 f'l....J / Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:lbhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. ll!IQ HEU WJI J II l 5 MIS -BQttom 513.14 psf 771.08 psf 718.40 psf -920.00 psf 591.43 psf_ ,J ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.1·00 ACI· 9-2 Group Factor . ACI 9~3 Dead -Load Factor ·ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.3DO UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 0.900 · UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor .... seismic = s·(•·: I I I I- I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. , -- Rev: 560100 OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design u:\bhilllsharedlengineering\commercial\03277. Description Column 12, Founc;lation F4 General Information Calculations-are designed to ACI 315·.95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weig~! I Loads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 1,500.0 psf 1.3'30 4 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0. psi 145.00 pcf 0.00 psf k k k Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressure~ @ left & right) k-ft k-ft -11.840 k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pres~ures @ left & right) k k -2.297 k Dirriensicins ... · Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y.Y Axis BasePedestal Height Min Steel% Rebar Center To Edge Distance ... ecc along X-X Axis · ... eccalong Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in 7.250 ft . 7.250 ft 30.00 in 32.00 in 32.00 in 53.000 in 0.0014 3.50 in Creates'Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft 8.133 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k , -4.715 k · Summary Max. Pressure = O : Unkno 7.25ft x 7.25ft Footing, 30.0in Thick, w/ C';)lumn Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 53.0in high · Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant · X-X Min. Stability Ratio Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio [i=ooting Design Shear Forces . Two-Way Shear One-Way Shears ... Vu@ Left Vu@Right Vu@Top Vu @Bottom Moments Mu@Left Mu@Right Mu@Top Mu@ Bottom DL+LL 0.0 0.0 0.000 in o.doo in ACI 9-1 O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00pf1i O.OOpsi O.OOpsi· ACI 9~1 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft · 0.000 0,000 DL+LL+ST 0.0 psf O;O psf. 0.000 in d.000 in 0.000:1 ACI 9-2 O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OO_psi O.OOpsi ACI 9-2· . 0.00 k-ft O.OOk-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft .Max Mu · Actual 0.000 Required Steel Area Shear Stresses .... Vu 0.000 0.000 ACI 9°3 1".Way 2-Way d.00 psi 0.00 psi- 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi · ACl 9-3 . .0.00 k-ft ·o.oo k:ft o·.oo k-tt 0.00 k.ft Vn * Phi 0.00 psi O.OOpsi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi Ru_/ Phi ·O.O psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi 0.0 psi Allowable 0.000 Vn * Phi 0.000 psi o.ooq psi >;_ • •• As Req'd o.od in2 per ft 0.00 in2 per ft 0.00 in2 per ft 0.00 in2 per ft ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ffi I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH _Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1. 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineertng Softwa(e General _-Footing Analysis & Design Description Column 12, F0t,mdatjon F4 Soil Presswe Summary Service Load Soil Pressures-· DL + LL DL +LL+ ST Factored Load.Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 Left, 6.00 0.00. 0.00 0;00 o:oo ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to ente(ed loads) Right' Top 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo· 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 r1 V/ Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:lbhill\sharedlengineertnglcommercial\03277. Bottom 0.00 psf 0.00 psf . 0.00 psf 0.00 psf .0.00 psf ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9~1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9·-2 ST ·1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor· ACI 9-3 Short Term Fac;tor· 0.750 0.900 1.300 USC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0.9'.' Factor 1.400 0.900 .... seismic :::: ST • : I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH ¢LEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH. Description : Site Structures Scope:_ Str.uctural Design Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design u:\tihill\shared\engineering\commercial\0327.7. Description Column 34, Foundation F4 General lnfgrmation Calculations are designed to ACl-318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone · Live & Short Term Combined. re Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight [!:_oads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load -Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term · Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term 1,500.0 psf 1.330 4 2,500;0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf 0.00 psf 2.724 k k k Creates Rotation about Y~Y Axis {pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft -1.719 k-ft · Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis {pressures @ left & right) k k -3,085 k Dimensiorjs ... Width along ·x-X Axis 6.500 ft length c;1long Y-Y Axis 6.500 ft Footing Thickness -30.00 in Col Dim. Along X-X.Axis 32.00 in Col Dim. Along Y-Y Axis '32.00 in Base Pedestal Height 53.000 in Min Steel% 0.0014 Rebar Center To Edge Distance 3.50 in- ...ecc along X-X Axis 0.000 in ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis· {pressures@ top.& bot) k-ft k-ft ·10.841 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis . {pre.ssures @ top & bot) .k k -0,692 k Summary Footing Design OK 6.50ft x 6.50ft Footing, 30.0in Thick1 w/ Column Support 32.00 x 32.00in x 53.0in· high Max Soil Pressure Allowable "X' Ecc, of Resultant "Y' Ecc, of Resultant X-X Min. Stability Ratio. Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio DL+LL . 534.8 '1,500.0 0.000 in 0.000 in 12.128 3.185- DL+LL+ST Actual 1,038.5 psf Max Mu 1.015 1,995.0 · psf Required Steel Area 12.246 in Shear Stresses .... Vu 3.216 in 1°Way 0.000 1,590 :1 2°Way 0.719 Allowable 0.445 Vn * Phi 85.000 psi 170.000 psi ' I Footing Design • !MIi I I .I Shear Forces Two-Way Shear One-Way Shears ... Vu@ Left Vu @Right Vu·@Top Vu@Bottom Moments Mu@Left Mu@Right Mu@Top Mu @Bottom ACI 9_-1 0.12 psi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.'00 psi . ACI 9-1 0.44 k-ft, 0.44 k-ft 0.44 k-ft 0.44 k-ft ACI 9-2 0.32psi .O.OOpsi O.OOpsi 0.00psi O.OOpsi ACI 9-2 ·1.01 k-ft -0.69 k-ft 0.39 k-ft -0.06 k-ft ACI 9-3 Vn * Phi- 0.21 psi 170.00 psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi 0.00 psi 85.00 psi· o.oo psi 85.00 psi ACI 9-3 Ru/ Phi As Reg'd ·0.65 k-ft 1.6 psi 0.45 in2 per ft -0.44 k-ft 1.1 psi -0.45 in2 per ft 0.25 k-ft 0.7psi ·0.45 in2 per ft -0.04 k-ft 0.7 psi 0.45 in2 per ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , J DSI STRUCTURAL. ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOL:AND Dsgnr: HBH 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scqpe: Structural Design· Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c}1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Des.ign Description Column 34, Foundation F4 [§g[Pressure Summary Service Load Soi( Pressures DL + LL DL +LL+ ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq.9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq:9-3 Left 5§4,75 1,038.51 · .. l:48,67 1, 160.86· 746.26 . ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered I bads) Right 534.76' 31.02 748.67 34.67 -22.29 Top 534.76 667.04 748.67 745.63 479.33 , , ,.,,,, Job# 032-77.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\sharedlengineering\commercial\03277. Wk Bottom . 534.76 psf 402.48 psf- 748.67 psf . 449.90 psf 289.22 psf ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL Ael 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.100 Ael 9.:2 Group Factor Ael 9-3 Dead Load Factor ·ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 use 1921.2.7 "1 .4" Factor UBe 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 .... seismic = ST * : ,I :I ;1 I i ii I I !I I ii ! • I • ! I I I i I I I I I I , J Dunn Savoie Inc. JOB LEGQLAND DINOLAND \ 03277.00 Ill $ [I] Structural Engineers SHEET NO. ·g) OF iJl? 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 CALCULA HBH DATE 1/04 Tel: (760) 966-6355 CHECKED BY DATE I Fax: (760) 9.66-6360 SCALE DESIGN CRITERIA CODE: 1998 California Building Code SEISMIC: _, Z=. 0.4 (Zone 4) * , I= 1 4.8 km from Type B Fault· . SOIL TYPE= SE (Provided By Others) ., R= 2.2 (Cantilever Column Elem~nts) · . Na= 1.0 " Nv= 1.; ,,., ~ . . .. Ca= 0.36 - . . ' ,. V= 2.5 Ca I W/R V= 0.41 w LRi=D V/1.4 = 0.292 w ASD WIND: . 70 MPH EXPOSURE B DESIGN LOADS: STATION ROOF DEAD LOADS ·<osfl 24 GA Metal Deck 1.4 6"x 8" Truss Rafter 1.0 6"x 8" Truss Ceiling Jqist 1.0 4"x 6" @ 24" oc 2.5 Beams and Chords 1.4 •' ME&P 2.0 Miscellaneous 4.7 ~ Dead Load 14.0 Live Load 16.0 ' Dinoland_design loads .I I \ I ! ii ! ~ ~ • I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~~~~~il Dunn .Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 90~ S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 9.66-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 FORCE DISTRIBUTION Station Total Area 1260 sq. ft. Roof Weight 14.0 psf WTOTAL 17.640 'kips TOTAL W = 17.640 kips UN FACTORED BASE SHEAR, V= 0.292 W = 5.1S Kips JOB LEGOLAND DINOLAND SHEET NO. E 2 CALCULATED BY HBH CHECKED BY SCALE LEVEL Wt H1 Wt x H1 F V total f (k) (ft.) . (k) (k) (psf) ROOF~! _1_7_.6__._l·_j_6._0~l_28_2_.2~l~5._2~l.___5.~~~l~4_.0_9~l L= 18 282 I 5.2 0.29 Dinoland_seismic 03277.00 OF g /_J DATE 1/04 DATE LEVEL Max. Ht. (ft) G-R 16 ;1 :1 11 I ll ! I !I I I I ~I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I TIU.E: DUNN 'CC66' COL CAP OOAeTER OIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS . ' 2 &4t) 6x8. eEOTl·ON TFicUM E!..EYATION CD 6CAU:: ---=l'-e.l" ¾t- OF: FAX: (760) 966-6360 PHONE: (760) 966-6355 908 SOUlH ClEVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 ·1 ·1 ' • i I ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I J l J ~~~~~ Dunn Savoie 'lnq. m . $ rn Structural Engineers SHEETND.. . $4 908 S. Cleveland St. . I ' ~ Oceanside, CA 92054 CALCULATED BY H~R Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 __ v_E_R_TI_C_A_L_A_N_A_L_Y_s_1s_ .... 1 Level: _Rpp r Members: A-(. --'--'"----"------..- . CrjECKED BY .. SCALE Mark: A Span= JZ ft [!Uniform Load w1~ t 1(f 1v1,t/) .f 1~),11 = 11 r ?2-plf w2= . . ' 7 · = _______ plf P1= = lbs -----------P 2 = = R Left= -J'""'· 2."""'C,...-..41_+_1_?_1_;, ___ _ --:-'::,-''----,---'--'-'-=-------"------R Right= _ _.lt"""',L,,__, ___ t_,/,_"l, ___ t_,, ____ _ = ;16 = 1,g Vallow= J.-P(}'i) lbs V max= 4'p{) M max= )Pbv Mallow= ~/00 6,allow=-tJ,,S lb*ft in .6. TL='"' 0,31·~ lbs lbs lbs lbs lb*ft in 6 } ll' Grade: D.-hJZ. Pt:1· / OF _?jJ DATE //tJf ; DATE Mark: ;£ Span= LJ,S ft f2]Uniform Load 5,.-&;r: ,if',p?tT/t:J,,../S 4 w1= 12~1!/2 1 -f' )9~-3/z-' = (e_3 + &jt, plf w2= = plf P1= -lbs t<J, P2= ,#. = lbs ts. /\ '. R Left= 1131,1, + ~zz., = /CJ!/5 ·lbs f Ls--5' R Right= 1{5bF ;,-) 3 (J ~ii = 21~'1 .. lbs /~ Jj,17 ,,- t' V ,,, ' Vallow= 11tJt:J lbs V max= ;ft/0 lbs /,.s-~ Ir I ' Mallow= 7'2-tJtJ lb*ft M max= 3~cJ,0 lb*ft 6,aliow= -Q,9~2_ in 6. TL= -fJ,112' in Use: 6 )( ~ ' £t,,._,F/ . Grade: P·Ftl~-Ne,, I Mark: (!. Span =. J,i/. 0 ft l:tJUniform Load w1 = [U,,41 J i 1· -r ,~ -i :it /2 ' =(L7.J:o/t, plf w2= = plf P1= = · lbs w, P2= --lbs t fi,!1 R Left= ?PS .-r ~.'22-= llll lbs Jq.u' LJ.;5' R Right= 7Z4 1" 9J3 = l/J!.<2 lbs I 7 . Vallow= 1ftJo lbs V max·= L7t!70 lbs Mallow= 12110 lb~ft M max= . 1/tJ{) lb*ft ~allow= "'1} ,9 3 z in ~ TL= -t)/41?0 in Grade: p ~Ate /1/v ~ I I· I I I I I I I I' I • I I l I I I I ~ I I I I· I 1 J J Dunn Savoie Inc. StructurarEngineers 908 S. Cleveland.St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 , · VERTICAL ANALYSIS Level: yuF Members: __.,.D'-------- Mark: D Span= w1= w2= ~(.. P1= 5"os'#·+ 'l..1J" !..f, P2= ~ZZi"l-~72~ R Left= 118'/f-,.-,ozb"" R Right= ·u,t:P ~ Zvt&il Vallow= ({/400 lbs Mallow= 71,..po lb*ft 6_allow= I~() in Use: t;;<.ff ~;/Iv~ Mark: Span= w1= w2= P1= P2= .~i·· R Left= R Right= Vallow= lbs Mallow= lb*ft 6_allow= in Use: Mark: Span= w1= w2= P1= P2= R Left= R Right= Vallow= lbs Mallow= lb*ft 6_anow= in Use: CALCULA'fED BY % II CHEQKED.BY SCALE /5', ft IZJUnlforrn Load ~r wr. -plf .,/ pp1,../-U, = plf -~---/ -tzt lbs ,:, ... 13'1'1' ·Ibs 't ~ :::· t.~e.1 lbs 151 V = ~5-0 lbs. 1 . V max= Z.$'0/) lbs I M max= ~?PO lb*ft 6_ TL = -o~ '54' z in Grade: .£)-:PIA u,.,. / I ft 0Uniform Load = plf = plf = lbs = lbs = lbs = lbs V max= lbs M max= lb*ft 6 TL~ in I Grade: I ft 0Uniform Load = plf = plf = lbs ---lbs = · lbs = lbs V max= lbs M max;:: lb*ft !),_ TL= in Grade: I ll l l· '.I j ~ I I ! ' I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I PRo.ECT NAME: . ·· b ,c1/J .a1t1v f.5. SHEET NO: pt, OF: L DATE: I ptlllq DUNN 5AVOIE STRUCTURAL ENGINE:ERS 'AX: (760) 966-6360 PHONE: (760) 966-6355 908 SOUTH ct.ral.AND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054- l ! : I ' ' i i I . ----·-··· 1 ·· ""-""'"""" _ ................... . ~ c1Y6' I ·1i I i cb flloc,fl flJliAl"'f ING PL.AN SCALE, l#•I'-~' l/£ i· 1 +)~-~ ! ~~ . ~~ \~J I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENG'INEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 9.2054 PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com · .£-111.!dP ~.J,.13 _/4,.;I& ,t.1AIA:-~ _ g y, & j)-h.;e { 7,-5 '''-< 7.5 ') /HTO ,rs ff ;I g'-,t.l Tv.8E .f'L.~EY£ ,,i =?ZSrs/ -:.J. . ~7uMi,Y= t~~<1,tJ~s/x_432,if )~ t~~'. /Y1111-r = i42P-(7rj ~ 3'J?S-.;i-rr ,n1t?""7;CN r cJ,41 /"' p~.,, r1 ..,L. ~,e4,1,</ SHEETNQ, __ ---"""_/c...LJ.....:..-____ OF _ _,.,&=~---- 1/ o,I I l,2p()--!_ CALCULATED BY..........£..C!J.:.,:P;:_:_111_;_________ DATE _..x..l=.,-_,_7'-__ _ I CHECK-EDBY ________ DATE _____ _ SCALE ________________ _ I II \ . . Mnlf::3f ..'lf"~n ·: ;1\ : . ~: ~- " ~ l----1--1-------1-1---, ~-,. ,11-1~ It/~ r ( t, 2 C,:;!l, . .,, -,S ~1 5'J·: / / -i"I ';f /\ /• ~~b;C J(_..;. (/1V/ . --v . r -;e'J /111/1~ ::, 73 JC,~ . //)JI -,:' t, .:j) 4 ,11 .. ,,..-. __ , b 5/1 "'""r'/ 39 '?f ;,,.,.,. :.-pg.",y I !)I 8 p-F,1'<' µ •. I ,?,M:'QMr£. ,;. ... I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I ' DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cl~veland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. (760) 966-635'5 FAX (76'0) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com JOFI /£6tl{J!Jt-M 4,,u#.&$.eUAli:J ":@f:rlp,4 ,SHEET NO. Cf OF CALCULATED BY j./.,f ,;¢ DATE / CHECKED BY DATE SCALE---'----'---------------- 1 •, ;; f 1\ I ,, ~ \ '· ~. , ,, • l • l , • : fl l_ ., ,1 J _ •; 1> I fJ I :• :J 4 !i h t ,I I • ' " : ,, ! 11 ! • .£',t,IP/i?/4:.0 n~.K~:· .if 4li,,,~/4 .. ,11/.~ ·C · . ..i..-' • · up7~:,(1-t1;//z s~i) 1· ~ · 3; 5'JI· · /4e,v/Ur :c ,21f$/./G /' ~ ¥7 Ii =II--rf /Yh'M1t,~1r ,~,f,;,~IT/ .L 64ol /I? M =f z5/,; ;< v "h-".& ' f JI,.(, 7'' /'1 t ;91' < 7fJ, I I. ,/ P %1, ~ ,tt;/ 1 "1-I' (,Z;-11~}> /"1,tt,,r -: 17/~_,#:/ I $'/. B'. P ·hR ,ffe. _ I . .;f/~~tll11_.!?r£ I I I I I_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOl'I: INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cieveland·Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX 0'60) 966-6360 Email: dsi@~;urfdsi.com · ,, . .,, . ; ) ,D-h~ {7-S 1t7.5. - ;,./T() rs g ii fl ,1....t T 1/i?E .f'L,/£EV'£ 1 )E ::: t,ZS ,r1s/ .:J., V.rn·~~~ ~-:£~i,. {4,u9f~lt.510F/ )=.5SJII /YJ11t.f'-:: 55z_-P {'J~r)-::-fft,JP -,9' #I / . .,.,,, 5''\. ,''/ . I ,'6,/9~ -: l t_ Z5 r, ~ 1, J -d>J(, J( r / 1:,.1,7 /fl/.FT 111~/I,., = t,.5J I ~':>"'f?tJ# "'r.r:::/1?;4e-r SHEETNO. __ ._,!~9 _____ OF_---,~__.../.f=---- CALCULATED.BY~f/;~',B'._'j/ _____ DATE_,.,,_/~3-_e?o_t:'l~I __ _ CHECKEDBY ________ DATE _____ _ SCALE ________________ _ • IJ t~:nr.f~4?t,'J'.P wFJ' . I ii~~ Al ----'--....,__,__,--~'--'--- , ...__ ---~,...,, ' ? )I. 8 ,{) r fJ /(_ ;JJ? 1 I II/)~ t; I/ !}7/(, I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983·2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:lbhill\shared\e eering\conimercial\03277. Description A) 4x6 @ 24" o.c. General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 4x6 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type 3.500in 5.500 in Sawn. Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 :Fb Base Allow FvAllow 12.00 ft ..... Lu ft , .... Lu ft ..... Lu 1,350.0 psi 85.0 psi 12.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity 1.250 Pin~Pin Fe Allow 625.0 psi 1,600.0ksi Repetitive Member I Full Length Uniform l,.e>ads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever mmary DL DL DL E 21.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 32.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft '" Span= 12.00ft, BeallJ Width = 3.500in x Max Stress Ratio Depth = 5.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 648. 76 psi Fb 2,436.85 psi Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le Cf 1.300 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 0.266 ; 1 . 1.0-'k-ft 3.6 k-ft 0.95 k-ft ;:it 0.60 k-ft a.t 0:60 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 3.58. fv · 23.00 psi Fv 106.25 psi 22.071 ft 10;907 Max Moment 0.95 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 0.44 k 4.166 in2 106.25 p-si 0.32 k 0.32 k Sxx Cl Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable 6.000 ft Shear: @Left 0.000 ft @Right Camber: @Left @Center Reactions ... @Right Left DL 0.13 k Max Right DL 0.13 k Max 17.646in3 0.966 Sxx Req'd 4.70 in3 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 0.44k 4.166 in2 106.25 psi Bearing Length Req'd j3earing Length Req'd Area 19.250 in2 Allowable fb 2,436.85 psi 2,522.81 psi 2,522.81 psi 0.145 in 0.145 in Beam Design OK 0.4 k 2.0 k 0.32k 0.32k 0.000in 0.189in 0.000in 0.32k 0.32k ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,81/ DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS_ Title: LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: J:,BH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:\bhilllsharedlen ineerin \commercial\03277. Description B) 6x8 Rafter General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 USC Requirements Section Name 6x8 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Summary I 5.500 in 7.500 in Sawn 1.250 Pin-Pin 40.000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever -Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow FVAllow Fe-Allow E 63.00 #!ft . #/ft 63.00 #/ft LL LL LL 14.00ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu 5.50ft ..... Lu 1,350.0 psi 85.01psi 625.0.psi 1,600.0 ksi 96.00 #/ft #/ft 96.00 #/ft Span= 14.-00ft, Right Cant=_5.50ft, Beam Width;:: 5.500in x Depth= 7.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio o.502 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 845.29 psi Fb 1,684.94 psi .I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le Cf 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing@ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 3.6 k-ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 7.2 k-ft Allowable 3.63 k-ft at· 6.533 ft Shear: @Left -1.13 k-ft at 14.000 ft @Right a.ob k-ft Camber: @Left -2.58 k-ft @Center 7.24 Reactions ... @Right fv 46.23 psi Left DL 0.44 k Max Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 1.01 k Maf' 4.118 ft 3.501 Sxx Cl , 51.563 ih3 0.998 Area 41.250 in2 Max Moment 3.63 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 2.58 k-ft @ Left Support· 1.51 k. 14.212 in2 106.25 psi 1.11 k 2.31 k Sxx Reg'd 25.87 in3 0.00 in3 18.36 in3 @ Right Suppprt 1.91 k 17.948 in2 106.25 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearin"g L~ngth Req'd Allowable fb 1,684,94 psi 1,687.50 psi 1,684:94 psi 0.324 in ·o.673 in 2.00 ft 0.00 ft 2.00 ft Beam Design OK 1.9 k 4.4 k 1.11 k 1.38k 0.000in 0.198in 0.080in 1.11 k 2.31 k ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STRI;:ET OCEANSIDEJ CA 92054 Rev: 560100 .. Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 {c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:\bhi/1\shared\e ineering\commercial\03277. Description C) 6x8 Rafter General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6x8 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL ummary 5.500 in 7.500 in Sawn 1.250 Pin-Pin 40.000pcf Center Span·. Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow FvAllow FcAllow E 14.00 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu 2.50ft ..... Lu 1,350.0 psi 85.0 psi E,,25.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi 63.00 #/ft #/ft 63.00#/ft LL LL LL 96.00 #/ft #/ft ·96.00 #/ft Span= 14.00ft, Right Cant= 2.50ft, Beam Width= 5.500in x Depth= 7.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.561 : 1 Maximum Moment 4.1 k-ft Allowable 7..2 k-ft 4.06 k-ft· at 6.901 ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable Shear: @Left Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Mo111ent -0.23 k-ft at 14.000: ft @ Right Max @ Left'Support Max @ Right Support Max. Mallow fb 945.03 psi Fb 1,684.94 psi Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le Cf 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 0.00 k0ft -0.53 k-ft 7.24 fv 41.11 psi Fv 106.25 psi 4.118 ft 3.501 Max Moment 4.06 k~ft 0.00 k-ft 0.53 k-ft @ Left Support 1.61 k 15.187 io2 106.25 psi 1.18 k 1.66 k Sxx Cl Cam,ber: @Left @ Center Reactions ... @Right 'Left DL 0.50 k Max Right DL 0.72 k Max 51;563 in3 0.998 Sxx Reg'd 28.92 il)3 o._oo io3 3.79 in3 Area 41.250 in2 @ Right Support 1.70 k 15.959 in2 106.25 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Allowable fb 1,684 .. 94 psi 1,687~50 psi 1,684.94 psi 0.342 in 0.482 in 2.00 ft 0.00 ft 2.00 ft rer Beam Design OK 1.7 k 4.4 k 1.18k 1.23 k 0.000in 0.288in 0.149in 1.18k 1.66 k J I l l I l ~ I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI ·sTRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUT!i CLEVELAND STREET OCEANS10E, CA 92054 DescriP,tion : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:lbhilllsharedlengineering\commercial\03277. Description :0) 6x8 Ceiling Joist General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 _NOS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name ·sxs Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Point Loads Dead Load Live Load ... distance I Summary 878.0 lbs 1,344.0 lbs 3.000 ft I 5.500in 7.500in Sawn· 1.250 Pin-Pin 40.000pcf lbs lbs 0.000 ft Center $pan · Left Cantllever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 15.00 ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu Fb Base Allow · 1,350.0 psi Fv All9w 85.0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E 1,600.0 ksi lbs lbs 0.000 ft lbs lbs 0,000 ft lbs lbs 0.000 ft Span= 15.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 7.5in, 'Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio o. 773 : 1 Maximum Moment 5.5 k-ft Allowable 7.2 k-ft Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment 5.54 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft at at 3.000 ft 0.000 ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable Shear: @Left @Right Camber: @Left 15.00 ft o.oo· ft 0.00 ft lbs lbs 0.000 ft lbs lbs 0.000ft Beam Design OK 2.8 k 4.4 k 1.86k 0.53k O.OOOin Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support 0.00 k-ft @Center 0.362in O.OOOin Max.Mallow fb 1,289.09 psi Fb 1,667.26 psi I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le Cf 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 7.16 fv 67.52 psi Fv 106.25 psi 27.589 ft 9.062 Max Moment· 5.54 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 2.78 k 26.212 in2 106.25 psi 1.86 k 0.53 k Sxx Cl Reactions ... Left DL Right DL 51.563 in3 0.988 SxxReq'd 39.87 in3 .0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 0.79 k 7.390 in2 106'.25 psi 0.79 k 0.26 k Area Bearing LengthReq'd Bearing Length Req'd @Right Max Max 41.250 in2 Allowablefb 1,667.26 psi 1,687.50 psi 1,687.50 psi 0.542 in 0.154 in 1.86k 0.53k I I I e~~~~~i7 Dunn Savoie Inc. · m $1 I [I] Stru'ctural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. bceahside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 9~6-6360 RITERIA 1998 California Building Code 0.4 (Zone-4') 1 4.8 km from Type B Fault SOIL TYPE=. SE . (Provided By Others) JOB LEGOLAND DINOLAND SHEET NO. ·cJ CA~CULA HBH CHE<;:KEDBY SCAlE R = 2.2 (Cantilever Column Elements) Na= 1.0 Nv = 1.0 Ca= 0.36 V = 2.5 Ca I W/R V = 0.41 W LRFD V/1.4 = 0.292 W ASD I WIND: 70MPH EXPOSURE B 1· I I I I I I I I DESIGN LOADS: CAMP KIOSK ROOF DEAD LOADS . 20 GA Metal Deck 2"x 6" Rafter 2"x 4"@ 19.2" oc Beams Miscellaneous ~ Dead Load Live Load Dinoland_design loads fosf) 2.2 ·0:4 0.9 2.0 1.5 7.0 16.0 SHADE KIOSK ROOF DEAD LOADS. {nsf) Canvas Awning 2.0 ~earns 4.0 .Miscellaneous 1._o. I: Dec1d Load 1:0 live Load 5:0 ADDITIONAL WEIGHTS DEAD LOADS {lbs) 1.D. Sigri_ 100 Pino Fa_cade 150 032/ /.UU OF cr4 DATE 12/03 DATE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~~~~ Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Clevel;rnd St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 , · VERTICAL ~NAL YSIS I Level: RatJF S(t,w;& Jt'1fl.S~ Members: ,$'/-,t .#/-if, /.!I-C. Mark: /!l-1-1 /llflf, Span = . ;G,.S ft SHE~T NO. C k , 6 ?2 7 7, c;;(.) OF c;r CALCULATED BY_ /ttff' /-/ DATE JZ//J:s Cl-!ECKEDBY DATE SCALE 0Uniform Load ./8-r.XD j1J/lf, \V1 = & '{f 7,.,sl" -~,q.sl) t-5,..,.dJ plf vJ 1 ;f====· ================ ~:' ~' J P2= lbs iJ'~ , RLeft=-15_/_-t_/_1_.3________ lbs 1' ;~/,::t.! --~--,--,--lbs = = = = '274 ,./74 R Right= __ 1 ___ t5' __ 1 ___ -1-.... 1 ..... 2-..... :s ____ -,--__ t,,?s·cr,: J)l-ft.t- v allow= ____ lbs V max = . z bO _ lbs = M allow= lb*ft M max·= lb*ft ----6,allow= ___ ~in 6 TL = _________ in Grade: I Mark: §h8 /);?/11,Span =. J.$.0 ft . 0Uniform Load /7/1)1, W1 = 7 lOe.s ( --r' ;fi 1) ,... S es i) . = . Z I f3 ~ plf vJ 1 w2= -plf ·-r-rTn-r--__ P1=--------= ___ lbs u::CLIULIJ::, P2= ,.,. = lbs 6 ~. R Left=___,;'--'-7""'5''----t.,...-L..:/.5"'-=0 _____ --,-__ = JZ-5"'° lbs /,S~,~' · /5, O 1,JLl,5 1 R Right= -..<-i...:.7_.,.s_----'-i---<-l..;:;.5 .... 0::....-____ .__ = ~ ?5 lbs Vallow= lbs · · V max= :3/0 lbs -------~--M allow= lb*ft M ~ax = lb_*ft ------6,allow= ____ in 6_ TL·=--___ in ' ,· !.~ • ' Grade: I Mark: .jJ-e,. ;1J11J.Span = ;g, S ft 0Uniform Load /YAX, 'w1= 5' ((7esl-:1J?sf)t-5esf} = 15 f 25" plf \JI) . w2= = plf ~I P1=------------= ____ lbs J-. y . P2= lbs ,--~61 .. , R Left=--'-'"-=----"'-"'-----------_-..... -=-...... -----_-_lbs /.PH 11-5 ,~~ = J/1,, ,I gt = 2~2 R Right= lbs ---~----,--------~-a...--)/tz 1-ft, = 202-- v allow= lbs ------'---'---- lbs V max= 19.0 M allow= .lb*ft lb*ft M max·= --------6, a II ow= in ------,---in 6_ TL= ·Grade: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- I I I I I PRO.ECT NAME: L .. wt? ?,tJNO .,. b.-11/(l;t,..,tJ;I,/ D JOB NUMBER: tJ"?2 , 00 DUNN INC.· STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS FOOTING/CONCRETE CONNECTION-~- 0 .,f>/-1? If'' ,.t').1~ r't?5i . (C/2in&I"?, J..P"11?1 1 . 1 PLAN VIEW TO BE PROVIDED BY STRUCTURAL ENGINEER > Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" " g $ ~ E- ~ G.'" I?/// -i SHEET.NO: OF: CY1 t.3 OATt: /~ 'µ FAX: (760) 966-6360 PHONE: {760) 966-6355 908 SOUlH CIBRAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 \ 3 ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PRo.ECT NAME': lln.E: DUNN SAVOl·E INC. STRUCTURAL. ENGINEERS p;-.g' PLAN VIEW Scale: 1 / 4" = 1'-0" SHEET NO:./ ··cq FAX: (760) 966-6360 PHONE': (760) 966-6355 908 SOUTH CIBRAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PR0.£CT NAME: u ',t:7 -.?4.-y' 049',,vo 1111.E: JOB NUM!lffi: S.#- DUNN SAVOIE. INC .. PJ-c fF1 OhP i17$ c1z1r,ttJIL l,t),Qf.)Jf'I(, PLAN VIEW Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" STRUCTURAL. ENGINEERS ' FAX: (760) 966-6360 PHONE: (760) 966-6355 908 SOUlH a.E\RANO ST. OCEANSIDE. CA. 92054 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • -..... "• ~,.,,,.... ,..., • .,.~ ,"'\ < ,-,• -~ .. .-~., .. "< .... ,. •..,.-, • -' t ,,,-,.,.-.... ,·~ ~ ". --. fa.-•• ' < • ,:--•,~-----....... -....... ~~ ----· -~· .. _.,,. --·•C,r ... ~, ........ -,,.. ~ ............ ,C~ .... -• .... , •• _," --·----... -, ... , ... ,_ ... ,-M . . . DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 94054 _ CALCULATED BY_-r/-'--'-/~_//_____ DATE /2/!J..s PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com CHECKEDBY ________ DATE ______ _ SCAL:E _________________ _ ? I -;::J /1111,K, //,o 1, 1-1 r --J 2 1 7 ,/l'l/1)( :: 3 (5/-/l /.tJAl~/_, .. /t) ::-3//.5/ ;,.-t-/JJ-1) ,4.el'N/111.(?7/t?/(.S . ?J-15 !f'P b//4, . .p-,;~ I'!,~ I I _/7.,C,,c! ~,4_.e,.t.~/U.-(; ff,,.,, 0/11, p.;:-:~ l'lu; I . ~.£ ,,CJ./,f-,e.,. d'r1 ~c,, ' ' D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dunn Savoie Inc. m $ rn Structural Engln'eers 908 S. Cleveland St. 0ceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 SEl~MIL ANAl Y~IS FORCE DISTRIBUTION, Shade Kiosk A Area Roof Weight . WTOTAL TOTALW= UN FACTORED BASE SHEAR, V= 0.292 w = LEVEL . wt Ht WtXHr {k) {ft.) ROOF/ 2 I 14 I 23 I 2'.= 2· 23 SEISMIC ANALYSIS C FORCE DISTRIBUTION Shade Kiosk 8 Area Roof Weight WTOTAL TOTALW= UN FACTORED BASE SHEAR, V= 0.292 w = LEVEL Wt Ht WtXHt {k} (ft.} R0OFl 2 I 14 I 26 I I:= 2 26 SEISMIC A~A!.. YSIS FORCE DISTRIBUTION ' Shade KiQS~ C Area Roof Weight WT0TAL TOTALW= UN FACTORED BASE SHEAR, V= 0 . .292 w = LEVEL W1 Hi WtxH1 (k) (ft.) ROOFl 1 I 14 I 13 I I:= 1 13 I Dinoland_seismic JOB LEGOLAND DINOLAND 03277.00 SHEET NO. cl OF t:5J CALCULATED BY HBH DATE 12/03 CHECKED BY DATE SQALE 230 sq. ft. 7 psf 1.610 ki'ps 1.610 kips . 0.47 Kips F V total f LEVEL Fir. Ht. (k) {k) (psf) (ft) . 0.5 . I 0.47012.04 I 0.29 G-R 14 .0.5 265 sq. ft. 7 psf 1.855 kips 1.855 kips ! 0.54 Kips · GOVERNING CONDITION F V total f LEVEL Fir. Ht. (k) {k) {psf} (ft) 0.5 I o.5421 2.04 I 0.29 G-R 14 ' 0.5 - 135. sq. ft. 7 psf 0:945 kips , 0.945 kips 0.28 Kips i= V total f LEVEL Fir. Ht. (k) (k) (psf) (ft) 0.3 I 0.276 I 2.04 I 0.29 G-R 14 0.3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dunn Savoie Inc. JP~ LE~OLAND DI.NOLAND m $ rn Structural Engineers SHEET NO: (!ft OF 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 CAL:CULATED BY' HBH DATE Tel: (760) 966-6355 CHECKED BY DATE I Fax: (760) 966-636Q SCAtE SHADE KIOSK A, COLUMN Lateral Loading ' IP (Lateral Load Per Column) 118 # Eier Design Depth of Embeddment Nonconstrained Condition (CBC 2001, 1806.8.2.2) P ( Lateral Force) 118 # d (Assumed Depth) 3.4 ft Nonconstrainec;l Condition h (Point of Application) 14.0 ft b (Hole Diameter) 2.0 ft ~ S1 (Lateral Soil Bearing) 150 #/ft/ft S1 (Lateral Soil, Bearing) 170 psf ~ Normal Duration S1 (Lateral Soil Bearing) 226 psf Short Term Duration -, d (Depth of-Emb~ddment) 3.4 ft I Use 3'-8" Deep, and 2'-0" Diameter Pier . - SHADE KIOSK B, COLUMN Lateral Loading IP (Lateral Load Per Column) ')3'6 # .. Eier Design Depth of Embeddment Nonconstrained Condition (CBC 2001, 1806.8.2.2) P ( Lateral Force) 136 # d (Assumed Depth) 3 .. 6 ft h (Point of Application) 14.0 ft b (Hole Diameter) 2.0 ft S1 (Lateral Soil Bear.ing) 150 #/ft/ft S1 (Lateral Soil Bearing) 178 psf Normal Duration S1 (Lateral Soif Bearing) 236 psf Short Term Duration d (Depth of Empeddme_nt) _ 3.6 ft _ l Use 3'-8" Deep, and 2'-0" -Diameter Pier - Dinoland_seismic 03277.00 t59 -12/03 I - I ' I I I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I I mmm Dunn Savoie Inc. JOB LEGOLAND DI NOLAND Structural Engineers SHEET NO. t:-2. OF 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 CALCULATED BY ·HBH DATE Tel: (760) 966~6355 CHECKED BY DATE F~x: (760) 966-6~60 $CALE SHADE KIOSK C, COLUMN Lateral Loading IP (Lateral Load Per Column) 69 # " Pier Desiga Depth of Embeddment Nonconstrained Condition (CBC 2001, 1806.8.2.2) P ( Lateral Force) 69 # d (Assumed Depth) 2.8 ft Nohconstrained Condition h (Point of Application) 14.0 ft b (Hole Diameter) 2.0 ft ~ S1 (Lateral Soil Bearing)· 150 #/ft/ft S1 (Lateral Soil Bearing) 140 psf ~ Normal Duration S1 (Lateral Soil Bearing) 186 psf Short Term. Duration ' d (Depth of Embeddment} 2.8 ft I use 2'-10" Deep, and·21-0" Diameter Pier .. Dinoland_seismic 03277.00 ~Jj 12/03 I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lJj Ill· Rev: 560100 OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design l--/(/ Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC-Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:\bhilllshared\engineeringlcommercial\03277. Description 81-A General Information Calculatiori_s an~ designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name ·6" DIA Beam Width · Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor . Beam End Fixity Wood Density [trapezoidal Loads #1 DL@ Left DL@Righl. #2 DL@Left DL@Right .I Summary I 5.500 in 5.590 in 1..250 Pin-Pin 45.000pcf . 3.00 #/ft 18.00 #/ft 18.00 #/ft 3.00 #/ft Center Span 14.00 ft ..... Lu Left Cantilever 1.25ft ..... Lu Right Cantilever 1.25ft ..... Lu Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 . Fb Base Allow . 1,350.0 psi Fv Allow 85.ci psi Fe Allow 625,0·psi E 1;600.0 ksi LL @Left LL@Right LL@ Left LL@Right 5.00 #/ft 30.00 #/ft" 30.00 #/ft 5.00 #/ft Start Loe . End Loe Start Loe End Loe 14.00 ft 1.25 ft 1.25 ft 0.000 ft 7.000 ft 7.000 ft 14.000 ft Beam Design OK Span= 14.00ft, Left Cant= 1.25ft, Right Cant= 1.25ft, Beam Width= 5.500in x Depth= 5.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.275 : 1 · Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 464.57 psi Fb 1,687.50 ·psi I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area ·Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 1.07 k-ft -0.01 k-ft -0.01 k-ft -0.01 k~ft 3.90 fv 1.1 k-ft 3.9 k-ft at 7.033 ft at 0.000 ft Maximum Shear * 1 .5 Allowable Shear: @ Left @Right Reactions ... Camber: @ Left ·@Center @Right 12.64 psi · Left DL 6.-1·5 k Max Fv 106.25 psi Right DL 0.15 k Max 25.750 ft 7.497 Max Moment. 1.07 kcft 0.01 k-ft 0.01 k-ft @ Left Support 0.38 k 3.598 in2 106.25 psi 0.2Tk 0.27 k Sxx 27. 729 in3 er 0.000 Sxx Req'd · 7.63 in3 _D.05 in3 0.05 in3 @ Right Support · 0.38 k 3.598 in2 . 106.25 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Area 30.250 in2, Allowablefb 1,687.50 psi 1,687.5q psi 1,687.50 psi 0.080 in 0.080 in 0.4 k 3.2 k 0.26k 0;26k 0.061 in 0.230in 0.062in 0.27k 0.27k .) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I_ I I .__,, 0S1 -STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site ~tructures Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908· S"OUTH CLEVELAND ~TREET OCEANSIDE; CA 92054 Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Genetal Timber Beam u:\bhilllshared\engineeringlcommercia/103277. Description 81-8 General information Section Name 6" DIA Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Trapezoidal Loac;ls #1 DL@ Left DL@Right #2 DL@Left DL@R!ght I Summary I 5.500 in 5.500 in 1.250 Pin-Pin 45.QOOpcf 3.00 #/ft 21.00 #/ft 21.00 #/ft ' 3.00 #/ft Calculati_ons are designed to 1997°NDS and 1997 USC-Requirements Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantil~ver 15.00 ft ..... Lu 1.50ft ..... Lu 1.50ft ..... Lu Douglas Fir -Larch,. N!).1 -Fb Base Allow 1,000.0 psi FyAllow · Fe-Allow E LL@-Left LL@-Right LL,@ Left LL@Right -95.0-psi 625.0 psi 1,700.0ksi 5.00 #/ft 35.00 -#/ft 35.00 #/ft 5.00 #/ft Start Loe -End Loe Start Loe End Loe 15.00 ft 1.50 ft 1.50 ft 0.000 ft 7.500 ft 7:500 ft 15.000 ft Beam Design OK Span= 15.00ft, Left Cant= 1.50ft, Right Cant= 1.50ft, Beam Width = 5.50Din x -Oepth = 5.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.478 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 597.28 psi Fb 1,250.00 psi I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 29.908 Le 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports · Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 1.4-k-ft 2.9 k~ft 1.38 k-ft at -0.01 k-ft at -0.01 k-ft -0.01 k-ft ·2.89 fv -15.01 psi Fv · 118.75 psi 27.589 ft 7.760 Max Moment · 1.38'k-ft 0.01 k-ft 0.01 k-ft @ Left Support 0.45 k 3'.·825-in2 118.75 psi 0.33 k _D.33 k Sxx Cl Maximum Shear * 1.5 7.464 ft .o.ooo ft Reactions ... Left DL ·Right DL 27.729 in3 0.000 Sxx Reg'd 13.25 in3 0.10 in3 0.10 in3 @Right Support 0.45 k 3.825·in2 118.75 psi Allowable' Shear: @Left @Right Camber: @Left @Center @Right 0.18 k Max 0.18 k Max - Area 30.250 in2 Allowablefb 1,;250.00 psi 1,250.00 -psi 1,250.00 psi_ Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length ~eq'd 0.095 in 0.095 in 0.5 k 3.6 k 0.31 k 0.31 k 0.092in 0.310in 0.094in 0.33k 0.33k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 .SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND l;)sgnr: HBH -Description : Site Structures Scope:. Structural Design Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 . CT;~;, ~~1°s002938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-Oct-20·02 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:\bhilllsharedlengineering\commercia/103277. Description 81-C General Information Section Name 6" DIA _ Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor- Beam End Fixity Wood Density lJrapezoidal Loads • #1 DL@ Left DL@Right #2 DL@Left DL@Right I Summary I 5.500in 5.5ooiri 1.250 Pin-Pin. 45.000pcf 3.00 #/ft 15.00 #/ft 15.00 ·#/ft 3.00 #/ft Calculations are designed _to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Require~ents _Center Span : Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 ·11.50ft ..... Lu 1.00ft ..... Lu 1.00ft ..... Lu Fb Base Allow 1,000.0 psi Fv Allow · 95.0 psi Fe Allow 625.0 psi E 1,700.0 ksi LL@Left LL@Right LL@Left LL@Right 5.0,0 #/ft 25.00 #/ft 25.00 #/ft . 5.00 #/ft Start Loe End Loe Start Loe End Loe 11.50 ft 1.00 ft 1.00 ft 0.000 ft 5'.750 ft 5.750 ft 11.500 ft Beam Design OK Span= 11.50ft, Left.Cant= 1.00ft, Right Cant=" 1.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 5.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.220 : 1 · Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative M·oment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 275.42 psi Fb 1,250.00 psi I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 29.908 Le 1.000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reac~ion 0.64 k-ft -0.00 k-ft -0.00 k-ft _ -0.00 k-ft 0.6 k-ft 2.9 k-ft at 5.777 ft at 11.500 ft Maximum Shear * 1 ,5 Allowable Shear: @ Left @Right Camber: · @ Left @Center Reactions ... @Right 2.89 fv Fv 9_.14 psi 118.75psi Left DL 'Right DL 0.12 k Max 0.12 k Max 21'.152 ft . 6.79q Max Moment 0.64 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 kaft @ Left Support 0:28 k · ,2.328 in2 ·118.75 psi 0:20 k 0.20 k Sxx 27.729 in3 Cl 0.000 Sx-x Reg'd 6.11 in3 0.0:i in3 0.05 in3 @ Right Support 0.28 k 2.328 in2 · 118.75 psi . Bearing Length Req'.d Bearing, Length Req'd Area 30.250 in2 · . Allowable fb 1,250.00· psi 1,250.00 psi 1,250.00 psi 0.059 in 0.059 if') 0.3 k 3.6 k 0.19k 0.19k 0.023in 0.090in 0.024in 0.20k 0.20k p I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job # 03277.00 ,Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope : . Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 {c)1983-2002 ENERCA~C Engineering Software Timber Column· Design u:\bhill\sharedlengineeringlcommercial\03277. Description P1-A General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Requirements Circular Column Diameter Sawn I Loads Axial Load Eccentricity . 6.00 . 5.500in Total Column Height Load Duration Factor F.c Fb E -ElcJstic Modulus Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Dead Load 151.00lbs 12.00 ft 1.00 1,500.00 psi 1,000.00 psi 1,700 ksi Live Load 123.00 lbs Le XX -for Axial Le YY_for Axial Lu XX for Bending Short Term Load 0.00 lbs 12.00 ft 12.00 ft 6.00 ft Summary Column OK Using= 6.00in round column, Total Column Ht= 12.00ft DL + LL DL + LL + ST fc : Compression Fe : Allowable fbx : Flexural F'bx : Allowable Interaction Vafue 9.69 psi 763.96 psi 71.07 psi 1,180.00 psi 0:0609 9.69 psi 763.96 psi. 71.07 psi 1,180.00 psi 0.0611 · I Stress Details - ~s Fe: X-X · Fe: Y-Y F'c : Allowable F'c:Allow * Load Dur Factor . F'bx F'bx • Load Duration Factor 76.3.96 psi 763.96 psi 763.96 psi 763.96 psi 1, 180.0_0 P!?i 1, 180,00 psi Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS cJnd 1997-UBC Guidelines Section databases have ·been updated a·s of 2-Apr-1999 . Fo~ Bending ·stress Cales ... Max k*Lu / d Actual k*Lu/d Min. Allow k*Lu / d Cf:Bending Rb: (Led I b"2) ".5 For Axial Stress Cales ... ·cf:Axi?II Axial X;X k Lu / d Axiai Y-Y k Lu/ d Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NOS & 1997 UBS values on 2-Apr-1999 To determine Cf value_s for sawn sections, the program looks for·the ident(fying words in the "Stress".entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to determine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth<= 7", Le =.2.06 ~ Lu When 7" < b~am depth<= 14.3", Le= 1.62 ~ Lu +_3d, When beam depth> 14.3", Le= 1.84 • Lu DL+ST 5.34 psi 763.96 psi 39.16 psi 1,180.00 psi 0.0334 .. PW ,I 43.00 19,59 9.00 1.000 1.000 -1:150 24.00 24.00 Htl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL, ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND .Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Description : Site Structures 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND ST-REET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Scope: Struct~ral Design _ Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1 ,, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Sqftware Description P1-B Timber co·lumn Design u:lbhilllsharedlen \commercial\03277. General Information Calculations.are designed to 1997 NDS ~nd 1997 USC Requirements Circular Column Diameter Sawn [Soads Axial Load Eccentricity Summary 6.00 5.500in Total Column Height Load_ Duration Factor Fe Fb E -!;lastic Modulus Dou·glas Fir -Larch, No.1 Dead Load 525.00lbs Using= 6.00in round column, Total Column Ht= 12.00ft DL + LL fc : Compression Fe : Allowable fbx : Flexural F'bx : Allowable Interaction Value / Stress Details • • 34.48 psi 763.96 psi 252.88 psi 1,180.00 psi 0.2230 1·2.00 ft 1.00 1,500.00 psi 1,000.00 psi 1,700 ksi Live Load· 450.00 lbs. DL+ LL+ST 34.48 psi · 763.96 psi ;252.88 psi 1, 180:00 psi 0.2250 Fe: X-X Fe: Y-Y 763.96 psi 763.96 psi 763.96 psi 763.96 psi For Bending Stress.Cales ... F'c : Allowable F'c:Allow * Load Dur Factor F'bx F'bx * Load Duration Factor 1,180.00 psi 1,180.00 psi Max k*Lu / d Actual k*Lu/d Min. Allow k*Lu / d Cf:Bending Rb : (Le d / b"2) ".5 For Axial Stress Cales ... Cf: Axial Axial X-X k Lu / d Axial Y-Y k Lu/ d. Le XX for Axial 12.00 ft Le YY for Axial 12.00 ft Lu XX for-Bending 6.00 ft Short Term Load 0.00 lbs Column OK DL+ST 18.57 psi 763.96 psi 136.17 psi 1,180.00 psi 0.1185 P±#i¥f? 43.00 19.59 9.00 1.000 1.000 1.150 24.00 24.00 • I [}Jotes WIJ ; ,1 Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997'UBC Guidelines Section databases have been updated as of2-Apr-1999 Allowable· stress databases have been updated to 1997 NDS & 1997 UBS values on 2-Apr-1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words.in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1", "Standard" and similar·typical words are used to <;letermine·Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate "Le" When beam depth <= i", Le= 2.06 * Lu · When 7" < beam depth<= 14.3", Le= 1.62 *Lu+ 3d When beam ·depth > 14.3" , Le = 1.84 • Lu I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L-I:> OSI Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 ffi I STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Dsgn~ HBH . Description : Site, Structures 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineeri_ng Software Description P1-c· · Timber Column Design u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. General Information Calculations.are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Requirements Circular Column Diameter Sawn I Loads .IIM Axial Load Eccentricity mmary 5.500in. Total Column Height Load Duration Factor Fe Fb E -Elastic Modulus _ Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Dead Load 348.00lbs 12.00 ft- 1.00 1,500.00 psi 1,000.00 psi 1,700 ksi Live Load 258.00 lbs Using = 6.00in round-column, Total Column Ht= 12.00ft fc : Compression Fe: Allowable fbx : Flexural F'bx : Allowable Interaction Value ~+U -~+U+~ 21.43 psi 21.43 psi 763.96 psi 763.96 psi 157.17psi 1,180.00 psi . 0.1365 157.17psi 1,180.00 psi 0.1373 Le XX for Axial Le YY for Axial Lu XX for Bending Short Term Load o.oo lbs 12.00 ft 12.00 ft 6.00 ft Column OK Dl+ST 12.31 psi 763.96 psi 90.26 psi 1,180.00 psi 0.0778 ' Q;tress Details m C j Fe: X-X Fe: Y-Y F'c : Allowable F'c:Allow * Load Dur Factor F'bx F'bx * Load Duration Factor I Notes WWiSM&EA 763.96 psi 763.96psi 763.96 psi 763.96 psi 1, 180.00 psi 1,180.00 psi Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Guidelines Section databases have been UP.dated c!S of 2-Apr-1999 F«:>r-Bending Stress Cales ... Max R*Lu / d Actual k*Lu/d Min. Aliow k*Lu/ d Cf:Bending Rb : (Led I bA2) A.5 For Axial Stress Cales ... -Cf: Axial Axial X-X k Lu / d Axial Y-Y k Lu/ d Allowable stress databases have been upqated to 1997 NOS /l< 1997 UBS values on 2-Apr-1999 To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program.looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar typical words are used to d~termine Cf category "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to calculate·':Le" When beam depth<= 7",-Le= 2.06 * Lu When 7" < beam depth<= 14.3", Le= 1.62 *_Lu+ 3d When beam depth> 14.3", Le= 1.84 * Lu 43.00 19.59 9.00 1.000 1.000 1.150 24.00 24.00 ' J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELANO STREET Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site ~tructures Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 OCEANSIDE,. CA 92054 Scope·: . Structural Design ·Rev: 560100 - User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 Steel Column (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description Pipe Sleeve General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements Steel Section P3DXS Column Height 3.000 ft End Fixity Fix-Free Live & Short term Loads Combined Fy Duration Factor Elastic Modulus X-X \Jnbraced: Y-Y Unbraced 3(;>.0ei ksi 1.~30 29,000.00 ksi 3.000 ft 3.ooo·tt X-X Sidesway : _Y-Y Sidesway: Kxx Kyy Sway Allowed Sway Allowed 1.000 1.000 \ Loads j Axial Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load l4pplied Moments X-X Axis Moments At TOP Between Ends At BOTTOM Summary 0.98 k 0.44 k k Ecc. for X-X Axis Moments Ecc. forY-Y Axis Moments _fil_ k-ft k-ft 7.59 k-ft 0.000 in 0.000 in Height 0.000 ft Column Des.ign OK Section : P3DXS, Height = 3.00ft, Axial 'Loads: DL = 0.98, LL = 0.'44, ST = O.Obk, Ecc. =-O.OOOin Unbraced Lengths: X-X = 3.00ft, Y-Y = 3.00ft Combined Stress Ratios ·oead Live DL + LL DL +ST+ (LL if Chosen) AISC Formula H1 - 1 AISC Formula H1 - 2 AISC Formula H1 - 3 / Stresses Allowable & Actual Stresses Fa : Allowable fa: Actual Fb:xx: Allow fF3.1J fb : xx Actual Fb:yy : Allow [F3.1J fb : yy Actual Analysis Values F'ex: DL+LL F'ey: DL+LL F'ex : DL +LL +ST F'ey : DL +LL +ST Max X-X Axis Deflection 126;179 psi 126;179 psi 167,818 psi 167,818_.psi 0.0091 0.0041 0.0132 0.8520 Dead_ 19.62 ksi 0.18 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi . Cm:x DL+LL Cm:y DL+LL f - Uve . 19.62 ksi 0.08 ksi 23.76 ksi 0,00 ksi 23.76 ksi 0.00, ksi 0.85 0.85 Cm:x DL+LL+ST 0.85 Cm:y 'DL +LL +ST 0.85 DL +LL DL + Short 19.62 ksi 0.26 ksi · 23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi ·23.76 ksi 0.00 ksi Cb:x DL+LL Cb:y-DL+LL Cb:x DL +LL +ST Cb:y Dl+LL +ST 26.10 ksi 0.26 ksi 31.60 ksi 26.61 ksi 31.60ksi 0.00 ksi 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 0.000 in at 0.000-ft . Max Y-Y Axis Deflection 0.000 in at 0.000 ft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH D~scription : Site Structures OC!=ANSIDE, CA 92054 $cope : Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 Steel Columli (c}1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering·Software Description Pipe Sleeve . Sketch & Diagram Axial DL = 0.975k Axial LL = 0.442k • Axial ST= Ok X (7): Mx:BoHom : DL=O, LL=O, ST=7.59k-ft X ._.. r F Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- I I n t--- t--- t--- t--- r---------t--- t--- i---.. t--- t--- r-- r-- r---- ~ PRo.£CT NAME: l£c-tCJ (..rJ-11//) llllE: . JOB NUMBER: t.!/IM.P _K;¢.t= CJ3 7 . &>() DUNN SAVOIE ING. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS - $2-~. t, // ,[)NJ ,6£/)A-F ' ~ 1,,--.., - IL 11 -g;-R .$4-;?.. Qi ...__ X \I\ -:, /?2··;e &,~(p i~ ' I" /?l-1< · ~ /? " ~ '!>.c ~ \ ,,,../ l ~,. k I ' ,,/: ' I '/ . ~/ l;\J 't x J ~ )~ ,,... ' i t~· !I· l ~, 'II 'l, ~~q j ... ..i ~ r---j '\ . r--i ~~ v -r--~ Ii) . ~ i.-i \\~ -------t-' .. ~ ----' ' ' --t-J. i.-t-t-.,. iS''.'tt !--1;•'-. ?1:.R ?oSI t- !--t-' t-/ -' ' i.-/ I ! -' I.I I( 11 I ' ' ' ~ -~ "\ ' r--r-,....-~ l F=:::: t-' 'l F=:::: j ~ i F=::::1--1 l ::::::: i 1 I I I I I I I' I I I I I I fl;.... I I I I I J. I. I. _I, I LI\ .. ' -' -:,,--.., - [· I I I ' I I ' :... ~ 4 AX:. (760) 966-6360 PHONE: (760) 966-6355 908 SOUTH a.EVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054- -I m I I .EJ--JZ •'-' : - : r I~ (· t ~ ' . \ . ~ ~ ,.__ II ~i l I j ,.__ ._ \ r l t \ l I $ I ' I l:... t ' "-' t- -- I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~~~~ Dunn Savoie. Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 SHEET NO. Cd VERTl<;:AL ANALYSIS · 1 Level: £2,,.-e'u..,"" /4JJ~.K Members: /l/·,f. Rl .,e, ',,1/·l' 7 ' CALCULATED BY ;I##: CHECKED BY . SCALE Mark: RhR Span= $, o ft ~Uniform Load w1= {6 rf 7,t?~I' -44 s£)f-l_b;esf:) = fJ -rJ?b plf w2= . . . = _______ pJf · P1= = lbs ---------------P2= = lbs 6 R Left= 3..9 .. +-l t:?4"' = J.J& lbs J ,g-1.-p" R Right= '!...'1-iP-,r /__Cl1 ff L~ 1.-lbs t!11s,,g;. % ; ;:;i -1-l L-- Vallow= k/:?O lbs V max= zoo lbs Mallow= 1[°DO lb*ft M max= .300 lb*ft 6_a11ow= 0,fP~ in 6. TL "7-t), 3.f5 in Use: 2/4 ~ /9,2 ,, cc.-Grape: P,-/'i;f!, ,.HP. '2-- Mark: 122-JZ Span=· &,5' ft w1= ;,11j·,,1-f-(._D1,,./46 1 = 2,£ /-(is" plf ' w2= = plf P1= lbs P2= ,-,"f,''. = ·lbs 6 R Left= /ft,# r z. 27.,, = -9zg lbs J f!'--t/' /.J1 W' R Right= 116"1-l.ZZ" = "'/Z:?.' lqs 095,£-.f: l)t-_./-LL.-- Vallow= ~U,t) lbs V max= ,&C?~ lbs Mallow= Z1 CftJt) lb*ft M max= .Jt;() lb*ft 6_anow= 0.,425 in 6,_ TL =o,>, /!)'7t.) in Use: Mark: /1·12 Span = 2-"9. I) ft ·@Uniform Load· w1 = 1t.s-'1(7esl' + /bg/) = (;_t) f !.l j/ plf w2= P1=------------,.. = plf = lbs O?Z?J, oz, OF Cd4 DATE /ij.tJ.7 DATE I J I P2= -----------·-lbs 6 ~ R Left= 9t17 .t-. JC? 3 '2. R Right= ,-s-7 o1,; I 6?) L Vallow= (11it7.o lbs Mallow= l-laJ:t.:C) lb*ft = i.fd, lbs ,... 2~,2 lbs V max= '?'h0-0 lbs M max = /-E ..:S-~o lb"'ft 1,,_L -----""'-Z"'--11._i,_@~'1 ___ t 6/fl 6fo-.r : l)l-+ u '6_a11ow= -/,ttJ in 6_ TL= .,-1£1.._r/., . in Use: z.. ft'l '2.. ' · Grade: 12·~ 6~ 1-(Q, I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~~~~ Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland ·st. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 VERTICAL ANALYSIS I Level: 1£17.F ("4,.,,1 4osr Members: .$2-/Z, .6'3 ,< , . _SHEETNO. • (!_ Zt? CALCULATED BY /{ t,f/ _ CHECKED BY SCALE Mark: .£2-,g Span= /J//7 ft ~Uniform Load _OF (34 DATE /2/o.J DATE w1 = (~_sl' r ~I 2? 1 _ =_If I /1) plf , P--z I~ . !:· ;; " w2= . = plf "'11-I'' 11, }1y /7,-/''.JI 151v/ ~ 51~/ol P1= 1..00-11/z -50 j),/1)() P2= L..'fP,,r/4 = ZS" R Left= !St/.'1,: .,,..~v# · = ~5t' R Right= :Jf'/?'l'ft,t# ' ' = 1,rCJ Vallow= /,00 , lbs V rr,a~ = .. ;J_l,00 Mallow= z_9p{) lb*ft M max= ~Z.fJO 6allow= --[Z-7~ in-6 TL= /21!..l. - Use: I'.,,. /?14 Mark: g 3 --R. Span=. z4,0 ft w1= l7p$.f -l-?t11,l )z.f = 14 '+/0 W2= I ... P1= = P2= ¥' ----------------= R Left= = -------'---------,---R Right= ______________ _ = V max= G,00 V allow= 3, 2.po _ M allow= "3i i(i,0.:, .L}_allow= -/.(,~ lbs lb*ft M max = '?s,.e,'(?C) _ '*6 TL= -z,(J4k,, in Use: ~ /I · 01/1 Mark: %4-g Span= 2-4,b ft lbs /'ii :i,' :Ji lbs l lbs · nc.z,.,. lbs lbs lb*ft in Grade: 12-6,e #(). I 18JUniform Load plf plf lbs lbs .6 lbs l- z_,4 ~p'' lbs ,bs lb*ft in Grade: P -/1/!. ,th, I ~Uniform Load w1= -~·$/2.. (7£$/ ~1t1sl) = 3'0fi,!· plf ' ,_ ~= =-~--~ P1=-----------------= lbs P2= =' R Left=-----------,----- R Right= -----------= v allow= 5t,e7(..) lbs V max= ,;&Jo~ lb*ft M max =" l.ioo M allow= / / 1 3 r:, CJ 6,anow= -/-, fty(;) in 6_ TL= -/,.3._1)7 lbs lbs lbs lbs lb*ft in 6 Jr Use: tJl/0 Grade: /)-h/2. )Ip, I , ' ' i,J I ~ I ,.:2., 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street · OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com f'j-.,,f JOB t,&GPL/#11) -P.1Nlh.."11A/01 tbr,e /!t'.,,,i( S1-!EETNO. C21 OF Dq CALCULATED BY_,:._h(.£.!l,6'_:..../jc.:__. __ ~--DATE ljlJ?" CHECKEDBY ________ DATE ______ _ SCALE-------'---"------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL _ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. (760) 966-635,5 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdstcom W,n/J; ?tJ . P'l:r'/1 fi//'ll?il.e,,o .~ B t:)_?2 2Z 00 SHEETNO._~__.e_-~2'""'2'------OF_~c~3"'----'-4 ___ _ CALCULATED !3Y---+/4'-"'/ff.'-'--''/J----'---DATE __,_J-+/-"-,t:J,--'-ef ___ _ l CHECKEDBY-"-·-------DATE _____ _ SCALE---~------------ ? ~ 6 cj 'J-~ ,Z : tJ.6 2 (~1) /2, (. rs f' (/) :::-/#, z_ /91 ~1'•"'AH;f $7,P.tre.;) j;t/1,u,O /?J~t£: Ji.l1J.1.& :: (4, s /1-Z:r') .I~ 1/s ~ ,::-7 ?-~ /i4) :::: J 7 i i P- W/r/J) <!!_ / 7 Z-g ?I' t( ~;t1fi/l'll't-~ l"f t.,,P -;,::; r 1>/!.--111-1,-;,t,.: --~ ---J:--~-~-,.,_I 1--------/4~ I I/ ,;=: D PRODUCT 207 Dunn Savoie Inc. ID $ rn Stnictural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 9.66-6360 ~l=ISM•r J\. ys!S FORCE DISTRIBUTION Camp Kiosk Area . Roof Weight Dino Fa9ade Sign WTOTAL JOB . LEGOLAND DINOLAND SHEET NO. · CALCULATED BY 910 sq. ft. 7.0 psf 0.1 psf 0.2 psf 6.370 · 'kip$ CHECKED BY SCALE 100 lbs 1-50 lbs t~:J HBH I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL W = 6.370 ·kips UN FACTORED BASE SHEAR, V= 0.292 w = 1.86 Kips LEVEL Wt · Hi WtXH1 F V total f (k) (ft.) (k)' . (k) {psf) ROOFI 6.370 I 14 l 89.1'8 t 1.9 I· 1.a60 I 2.04 I 0.29 :E= 6 89. 1:9 I Dinoland_seismic 03277.00 OF cJ4 DATE 12/03 D.A.TE LEVEL Fir. Ht. (ft) G-R 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~~~~~il Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural -Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 CAMP KIOSK COLUMN Lateral Loading IP (Lateral Load Per Column) Pier Design 465 #. JOB LEGOLAND DINOLAND SHEET NO. ()-Z-4 OF CALCULATED BY HBH DATE CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Depth of Embeddment Constrained Conc:lition (CBC 2001, 1806.8.2.2) P ( Lateral Force) d (Assumed Depth) h (Point of Application) b (Hole Diameter) S3 (Lateral Soil Bearing) S3 (Lateral Soil Bearing) Normal Duration S3 (Lateral Soil Bearing) Short Term Duration d (Depth of Embeddment) 465 # 2.8 ft 13.1 ft -2.0 ft 150 #/ft/ft. 426 psf 567 psf 2.8 ft I Use 3'-0" Deep, and 2'-0" Diameter Pier ., •: ,..,~ Dinoland seismic Constrained Condition 03277.00 12/03 I.-------:..:.~~-~··-----__;,"-.-____;_•· -~____;_·--.~ -.....;;...._;_"c•-'•··~·-·· .•• --_ ••. .,, ____ .......... __ •-=''"'"_·,o.-•.~_""'····-.~-·-,--.,--_-··-=·-c_.,.,.,.~-_ .. -,.--_··,--~-----, .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (7~0) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com J;; := z. ()4 rs.I p.s:z.$.f) r;= 3/'Z· *" /1J,,19y ~ ~c7~ ~/1,~z,#:::e-$St'!~ 0 rf; t) -:: / 5, l~1 'J-"') ~ 1,tJ s 1 /,-o? 1.-: JOB i&:&t21. • .t'J/.ICJ ,l) ,;fl/PtJl?NJ:J -r',,:11M1'/4-01,f:'-/'2$21@l) SHEETf'/0. t! 2.5 OF __ (_,;,_e.{ ___ _ CALCULATED B_Y )#'fl DATE / /4 4 l CHECKEDBY ________ DATE _____ _ SCALE-'----''-'---'--------------- ........... ·········· I I- . [ i~ !., D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I ·~ . OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 • 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures ·Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description R1-R General Information Section Name 2x4 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Summary I 1.500 in 3.500in Sawn 1.250 PinsPin 45.000pcf Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 USC Requirements Center Span ~eft·Cantilever Right Cantilever 8.00 ft .. : .. Lu ft ...... Lu ft ..... Lu· Douglas Fir -Larch, No,2 Fb Base Allow 875.0 psi Fv Allow fcAllow E 8.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL . 95.0 psi 629.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi 26.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft 1.00 ft. 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Repetitive Member Beam Design OK Span= 8·.ooft, Beam Width = 1.500in x Depth = 3·.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio o.596 · : 1 · Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 1,117.22 psi Fb 1,875.96 psi I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 31.019 Le Cf 1.500 Rb . @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 0.3 k-ft 0.5 k-ft 0.29 k-ft at 0.00 k-ft at 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.48 fv 37.80 psi Fv 118.75 psi Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowabl-e~ 4.000 ft 0.000 ft Reactions ... LeftDL Right DL Shear: . Qamber: 0.04 k 0.04 k @Left @Right @Left @Center @Right Max Max 2.059ft 6.201 Sxx 3.063 in3 Area 5.250 in2' Max Moment 0.29 k-ft ·o.oo k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 0.20 k 1.671 in2 118.75-·psi 0.14 k 0.14 k Cl 0.994 -Sxx Req'd 1,82 in3 a.do in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 0,20k 1.671 in2 '.118.75 pqi 'Bearing· Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Allowablefb 1,875.96 psi 1,886.72 psi 1,886.72 psi 0.152 in 0.152 in 0.2 k 0.6 k 0.14k 0.14k 0.000in 0.155 in 0.000in 0.14k 0.14 k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LE~Ol:.AND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH· Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: '560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 9205_4 Description : Site Structures Scope:_ Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 {c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description R2-R General Information ·Cah;:ulatjons are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6x6 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End ·Fixity Wood Density · lf ull Length Uniform Load~ Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Summary I 5.500in 5.500 in Sc;1wn 1,250 Pin-Pin 45.ooopcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 FbBase Allow FvAllow "FcA[low E . 25.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 8.50ft ..... Lu fr ...... Lu ft ..... Lu 1,350.0 psi" 85.0 psi 625.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi 65.00 #/ft #/ft #!ft Span= 8.50ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 5.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.230 : 1 Maximum Moment o.9 k-ft Allowable ;3.9 k-ft Max. Positive Moment . Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 388. 70 psi Fb 1,687.50 psi I Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le Cf . · 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 0.90 k-ft at 0.00 k-ft at· 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 3.90 fv 18.7'.8 psi Fv 106.25 psi 2.059 ft 2.120 Max Moment 0.90 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support- 0.57 k 5.347 in2 106.25 psi 0.42 k 0.42 k Sxx Cl Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable 4.250 ft 8:500 ft Reactions ... Shear: Camt:ier: @Left @Right @Left @Center @Right Left DL Right DL 0.15 k _0.15 k Max Max · 27.729 in3 . 0:000 Sxx Req'd 6.39-in3 0.00 in3 · 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 0.57 k 5.347 in2 106.25 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Area 30.250 in2 Allowable fb 1,687.50 psi 1,687.50 psi 1,687.50 psi 0.1~3 in 0.123 in 1.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft _--!3eam Design OK 0.6 k 3.2 k 0.42k 0.42 k 0.000in 0.050il_l 0.000in 0.42k D.42k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill iTI OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND .Dsgnr: HBH Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE,. CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Softwar_e General Timber Beam u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description 81-R General Information Calculations are d~signed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Requi_rements Section Name 6x12 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Full Length Uniform Loads ... Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL I Summary I 5.500in 11.500 in Sawn 1.250 Pih-Pin 45.000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever. 24.00ft ..... Lu ft · ...... Lu ft ..... Lu Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow 1,350.0psi FvAllow FcAllow E . 60.00 #/ft . #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 85.0 psi 625.0psi 1,600.0 ksi 136.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Span= 24.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 11.5in,. Ends are Pin°Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.912 : 1 Maximum Moment 15:5 k-ft. Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable 17.0 k-ft Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment 15.54,k-ft at 12.000 ft Shear: @Left Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 1,537.76 psi Fb 1,685.55 psi j Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le Cf 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 0.00 k-ft at 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 17.03 fv 56.98 psi Fv 106.25 psi 2.059 ft 3.066 Max Moment 15.54 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 3.60 k. 33.941 in2 106.25-psi 2.59 k 2.59 k Sxx Cl 0.000 ft @ Right Camber: @Left Reactions ... Left DL Right PL 121.229 in3 0.999 Sxx Req'd 110.60 in3 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 3.60 k 33.921 in2 106.25 psi 0.96 k 0.96 k Area Bearing Length Req'.d · Bearing Length Req'd @Center @Right Max Max 63.250 in2 Allowablefb 1,685.5.5 psi 1,687.50 psi 1,687.50 psi 0.753 in 0.753 in 1.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 3.6 k 6.7 k 2.59k 2.59k 0.000in 0.801 in 0.000in 2.59k 2.59k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lU rn OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Qsgnr: RBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET· OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Genetal Tim.ber Beam u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. De~cription General Information Calculations are designed to 1997·NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6" DIA Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density [.Eull Length Uniform Loads Center DL . Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL [!>oint Loads Dead Load Live Load ... distance Summary 75.0 lbs lbs 4.083 ft · Center·Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever 1$.17ft ..... Lu 0.42ft ..... Lu 0.42ft ..... Lu 5.500 in 5.500in Sawn Douglqs Fir -Larch, No.1 FbBaseAllow 1,350.0psi 1.250 Pin-Pin 45.000pcf FvAllow Fe Allow E 14.00 #/ft' #/ft '#/ft 50.0 lbs lbs 7.083 ft- 50.0 lbs lbs 12.083 ft LL LL .LL 85.0 psi 625.0psi 1,600.0ksi 10.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft 75.0 lbs lbs 15.083 ft lbs lbs 0.000 ft 19.17 ft 0.42 ft 0.42 ft lbs lbs 0.000 ft lbs lbs 0.000ft Beam Design OK Span= 19.17ft, Left Cant= 0.42ft, Right Cant= 0.42ft, Beam Width = .5:500in x Depth = 5.5in, Ends are· Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio o.563 : 1 Maximum Moment 2.2 k-ft Allowable 3,9 k-ft 2.20 k-ft at 9.625ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable Shear; @Left Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment -0.00 k-ft at 19.170 ft @Right Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 950.54 psi Fb 1,687.50 psi Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le Cf 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction -0.00 k-ft -0.00 k-ft 3.90 fv 21.43 psi Fv 106.25 psi 35.259 ft Sxx 8.773 Cl Max Moment 2.20 k-ft · 0.00 k-ft .o.oo k-ft @ Left Support 0:55 k 6.102.in2 106,25 psi 0.45 k 0.45 k Camber: @Left @Center Reactions ... @Right Left DL. 0.35 k Max RighfDL 0.35 k Max 27.729 in3 Area 30.250 in2 0.000 Sxx Retj'd Allowablefb 15.62 in3 1,687.50 psi 0.01 in3 1,687.50 psi 0.01 in3 1,687.50 psi @ Right Support 0.65 k 6.102 in2 106.25 psi Bearing Length Req'd. 0.131 in Bearing Length Req'd 0,131-in 0.6 k 3.2 k 0.45k 0.45k 0.081 in 1.439in 0.083in 0.45k'· 0.45 k • I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOJJTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Descriptio·n : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam u:\bhlll\shared\engineeri \commercial\03277. Description B3-R General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6" DIA · Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density I Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL 5.500 i11 5.500in Sawn 1.250 Pin-Pin 45:000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow FvAllow FcAllow E 24.00ft ..... Lu 0.42ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu 1,350.0 psi 85.0psi 625.0 psi 1,600.0 ksi Right Cantilever DL · 14.00-#/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 10:00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Summary Span= 24.00ft, Left Cant= 0.42ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 5.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.618 : 1 Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Suppor:t Max.Mallow fb 1,042.17 psi Fb 1,687.50 psi Stress Cales Bending Analysis Ck 24.972 Le Cf 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction 2.4 k-ft 3.9 k-ft Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable 2.41 ksft at -0.00 k-ft at 12,00Q ft 0,000 ft Shear: @Left @Right -0:00 k-ft o.oo k-ft 3.90 fv 19.26 psi Fv 106.25 psi 44.142 ft 9.816 Max Moment 2.41 k-ft - 0,00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft @ Left Support 0.58 k 5.484 in2 106.25 Pl:li 0.41 k 0.40 k· Sxx Cl Camber: @Left @Center @Right Reactions ... Left DL Right DL 27.729 in3 0.000 Sxx Reg'd. 17.13 in3 0.01 in3 · 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 0.58 k 5.483,in2 106.2£? psi 0.29 k 0.28 k Area Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Max Max 30.250 in2 Allowablefb 1,687.50 psi 1,687.50 psi 1,687.50 psi 0.118 in 0.117 in 24.00 ft 0.42 ft 0.00 ft mm Beam Design OK 0.6 k 3.2 k 0.40k 0.40k 0.090in 2.152in 0.000in 0.41 k 0.40k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH v.;J/ Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 ·soUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Gener!=ll Timber Beam u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description 84-R General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Requirements Section Name 6x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt. Added to Loads Load Dur. Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density 5.500 in 9.500in Sawn 1.250 Pin-Pin 45.000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Fb Base Allow FvAllow FcAllow E 24.00ft ..... Lu .ft ..... Lu ft ..... Lu 1,350.0 psi 85.0 psi 625.0 psi ~ .~oo.o ksi I Full Length Uniform Loads Wt Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever I Suminary I DL DL DL 30.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft LL LL LL 68.00 #/ft #/ft #/ft Span= 24.00ft, Beam Width = 5.500in x Depth = 9.5in, Ends are Pin-Pin Max Stress Ratio 0.730 : 1 Maximum Moment 8.2 k-ft Allowable 11.3 k-ft Max. Positive Moment Max. Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max.Mallow fb 1,194.01 psi Fb 1,635.57 psi I Stress Cales Bending Analysis 8.23 k-ft at 0.00 k-ft at 0.00 k-ft 0.00' k-ft 11.28 fv 36.87.psi Fv 106.25 psi Maximum Shear * 1.5 Allowable 12.000 ft Shear: @Left 0.000 ft @Right Camber: @Left @Center Reactions ... @Right Left DL 0.56 k Max RightDL 0.56 k Max Ck 24.972 Le 44.142 ft 12.900 Sxx 82. 729 in3 Area 52.250 in2 cf· 1.000 Rb @Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv: Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max. Left Reaction Max. Right Reaction Max Moment 8:23 k-ft 0.00 k~ft 0.00 k~ft · @ Left Support 1.93 k 18.129 in2 106.25 psi 1.37 k 1.37 k Cl 0.969 · SxxReq'd 60.39. in3 0.00 in3 0.00 in3 @ Right Support 1.93 k 18.129 in2 106.25 psi -Bearing ~ength Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Allowablefb 1,635.57 psi 1,687.50 psi 1,687.50 psi 0.399 in 0.399 in 24.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Beam Design OK 1.9 k 5.6 k 1.37k 1.37k 0.000in 0.825in 0.000in 1.37k 1.37k I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Rev: 560100 OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site .Structures Scope: Structural Design t..-..;> ~ Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54:PM, 16 JAN 04 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Timber Column Design . u:lbhill\shared\engineeringlcommercial\03277. Description P1-R General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 UBC Requirements Wood Section Rectangular Column Column Depth Width Sawn I Loads Axial Load Eccentriei!Y 8x8 7.50in 7.50in 0:000in Total Column· H~ight · l.:oad Duration Factor Fe Fb E -Elastic Modulus Douglas Fir -Larch, No.1 Dead Load 957.00lbs · 15.42 ft Le XX for Axial 15.42 ft 1.00 Le YY for Axial 15.42 ft 925.00 psi Lu XX for Bending 6.00 ft 1,350.00 psi 1,600 ksi Live Load Short Term Load 1,632.00 lbs 0.00 lbs Summary Column OK Using : 8x8, Width= 7.50in, Depth= 7.50in, Total Column Ht= 15.42ft . DL + LL DL + LL + ST fc : Compression Fe : Allowable fbx : Flexural F'bx : Allowable Interaction Value ~tress Dbtails Fe: X-X Fe: Y-Y I Notes ..., F'c : Allowable F'c:Allow * Load Dur Factor F'bx F'bx * Load Duration Factor 46.03 psi 585.98 psi 0.00 psi 1,350.00 psi 0.0785 585.98 psi 585.98 psi 585.98 psi 585.98 psi 1,350.00 psi 1,390,00 psi Calculations are designed to 1997 NOS and 1997 USC Guidelines Section databases have been updatecj_-as of 2-Apr-1999 46.03 psi 585.98 psi 0.00 psi · 1,350.00 psi 0.0785 For Bendjng Stress Cales ... Max k*Lu/ d Actual k*Lu/d . Min. Allow k*Lu / d Cf:Bending Rb : (Le d I bA2) A,5 For Axial Stress Cales ... · Cf: Axjal Axial X-X k Lu / d Axial Y-Y k Lu/ d Allowable stress databases have been updated to 1997 NOS & 1997 UBS values ·on 2-Apr-1999 - To determine Cf values for sawn sections, the program looks for the identifying words in the "Stress" ·entry. "Select", "No.1 ", "Standard" and similar-typical words are used to determine Cf category · "Unbraced length" is multiplied by the following values to c;alculate "Le" When beam depth <= 7", Le= 2.06 * Lu · When 7" < beam depth <= 14.3" , Le = 1.62 * Lu + 3d When b~am depth> 14.3", Le·= 1.84 * Lu DL+ST 17.01 psi 585.98 psi 0.00 psi 1,350.og psi 0.0290 mm 50.00 27.91 11.00 1.000 4.307 1.000 24.67 24.67 I , • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH · Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design {'3.-S . Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design u:\bhill\shared\engineeringlcommercial\03277. Description Post Pad Foundation General Information Calculations ~re designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements Allowable Soil Bearing Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight [!.oads Applied Vertical Load ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Summary 1,500.0 psf 1.330 4 2,500.0 psi 60,000.0 psi 145.00 pcf o.oo psf 0.957 k 1.632'k k Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k-ft k-ft 4.089 k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & right) k k k Dimen$ions ... Width along X-X Axis Length along Y -Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim. Along X-X Axis Col Dim. Along Y-Y Aids Base Pedestal Height 4.000 ft 4.000 ft 20.00 in 8.00 in 8.00 in 1.000 in Min Steel% Rebar Center :ro Edge Distance 0.0014 3.50 in . .. ecc along X-X Axis ... ecc along Y-Y Axis 0.000 in 0.000 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) . k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k 'k , k Footing Design OK 4.00ft x 4.00ft Footing, 20.0in Thick, w/ Column Support 8.00 x 8.00in x 1.0in high DL+LL DL+LL+ST Actual Allowable Max Soil Pressure 403.8 787.2 psf Max Mo 0.865 Allowable· 1,500.0 1,995.0 psf Required Steel Area 0.277 "X' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 7.594 in Shear Stresses .... Vu Vn * Phi "Y' Ecc, of Resultant 0.000 in 0.000 in 1-Way 1.053 85.000 psi X-X Min. Stability Ratio No Overturning 1.500 :1 2-Way 1.881 170.000 psi Y-Y Min. Stability Ratio 3.160 J [!=ooting Design I ACI 9-1 Acl 9~2 ACI 9-3 Shear Forces Vn * Phi Two-Way Shear 1.88psi 1.65psi 0.39 psi 170.00 psi One-Way .Shears ... Vu@Left 0.36psi 1.05psi 0'4:2 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Right 0.36psi -0.42psi -0.28 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Top 0.36.psi 0.32psi 0.07 psi 85.00 psi Vu@Bottom 0.36psi. 0.32psi 0.07 psi 85.00 psi Moments AC! 9-1 AC! 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru/ Phi As Reg'd Mu@Left 0.36 k-ft -0.24k-ft .0.19 k~ft 1.5 psi 0.28 in2 per ft Mu@Right 0.36 k-ft 0.86k-ft 0.34 ksft 3.5 psi · 0.28 in2 per ft Mu@Top 0.36 k-ft 0.31 k-ft 0.07 k-ft 1.5 psi 0.28 in2 per ft Mu@Bottom 0.36 k-ft 0.31 k-ft 0.07 k-ft 1.5 psi 0.28 in2 perft I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures ·scope:· Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering.Software General Footrng Analysis & Design Description Post Pad Foundation . Soil Pressure Summary Service Load Soil Pressures DL + LL DL +LL+ ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq. 9-1 ACI Eq. 9-2 ACI Eq. 9-3 Left 403.81 20.47 595.94 28.64 -13.75 ACI Factors (per ACI, applied i~ternally to entered loadi;;) Right Top 403.81 · 403.81 787.16 403.81 595.94 595.94 1,101.11 564.87 528.91 271.33 t/t Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Bottom 403.81 psf 403.81 psf 595.94 psf 564.87 psf 271.33 psf ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.400 1.700 1.700 1.106 ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 0.750 0.900 1.300 UBC 1921.2.7"1.4" Factor USC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 0.900 .... seismic = ST • : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , -r,. ,. ~ .. ,,,,.,-.,._,,r ,.-..~ .... ,<10;-W"-, .. ~--.~,..~..-~, ..... -~..,.,, ""7&t•,~ ,,.......,_. ~.i• ..... .,,,....., , ~--V-.,.,.,._.::: .. ~t::-rt--:<>,-·~r-...,,...,.-• .:r,"'="~.,.._..,_,.,.,..,y~.~~.,._.,....,....._-r--:-:-;.,., .. ,;:,,--r----::s,.::;,e,.,~,...............,,,,.... .-..........,.,...._...,_,,.,. .. -. . . JOB 7)/tyu LP,.!""0 DUNN SAVOIE INC. SHEET NO. /21 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street CALCULATED BY /e#LJ OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY Email: dsi@surfdsi.com SCALE UJt Cl I/ -, '"' vm1;;·,, c ,;, f/1. ~ p,r,,.. ov<-A(L. (f~ {t,,/ ,.;,itJV . .e ~i, e.-/1.,,.. . .,_/ ··ti§ OF ]>[}. DATE )A,.-.J 'Z,,o,::,4-( DATE ,,--- . D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC. · STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. CJeveland Str€let OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com · r:-~t-1l Ei f O ',"f f-1 (r _) -----{t?1vw· 'v-)'( r:-1-'\) ff f- fc»J! Pl SHEET NO, ____ /)_-_t,. _____ OF___,;1,-(}~/~2, ___ _ CALCULATED BY--~-------DATE -.JAr,i ~~ :t CHECKEDBY _________ DATE ______ _ SCALE---'------------------ J rs¥! ·-Po.u;: ~ f If) 1£'. t),tl... t;'t I 't-/!J"f ,,.... • I r-1 _ _,. -- I ~IO If t ' "7'1--- - ! I l jJ; ~ ~ D PRODUCT 207 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-20D2 ENERCALC Engineering Software Pole Em·bedment in Soil Description fence pole at curb wall as ftg @eneral Information '1!$¥#¥Mf [ ii Applied Load:.'.. = I Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Rectangular Width No Surface Restraint Summary I Moments.@Surface ... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint. .. Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable 300.00 pcf 1,500.00 psf 1.330 36.000 in 1,000.00 ft-# 0.00 1.833 ft 254.92 psf 243.79 psf Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral ,..~~·· ··i;:-.-r., J.ob # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 250.00 lbs 4.000 ft 0.00 #/ft , 3.000 ft 0.000 ft 1,000.00 ft-# 250.00 lbs \comfl)ercial\03277. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STRl;ET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND-D!NOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 {c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Pole Embedment in Soil Description fence pole at pole ftg @eneral ·information mm :n Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Circular Diameter No Surface Restraint I Summary I Moments @ ~urface .... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint. .. Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed ... Actual Allowable 300.00 pcf. 1,500.00 psf 1.330 12.000 in 1,000.00 ft-# 0.00 3.198 ft 432.25 psf 425.38 psf MN :CZ Applied Loads ... Point Loa9 distance from base Distributed Load qistance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhlll\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. !I 250.00 lbs 4.000 ft 0.00 #/ft 3.000 ft 0.000 ft 1,000.00 ft-# 250.00 lbs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Job# 03?77.00 Date: 2:54PM, f6 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design User: KW-0602938. Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering,Software Cantilevered Retaining Wc1II Design u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description seat wall ret wall 3.33ft I Criteria LWW ES • Retained Height = 3.33 ft Wall height above soil = 0.75 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00in Soil Density = 110.00 pcf Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf [ Design Symmary I Total Bearing Load = 1,695 lbs ... resultant ecc. = 4.99 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,235 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 40 psf OK Allowable = 2,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,628 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 52 psf Footing Shear@ Toe = 2.8 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 6.8 psi OK Allowable = 93.1 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding = = 2.76 OK 1.68 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 576.9 lbs less 100% Passive Force= -459.4 lbs less 100% Friction Force= -§08.5 lbs Added Force Req'd = .... for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lps OK 0.0 lbs OK [Footing Design Results Ill '--m, -------~---· • ....To.L Heel Factored Pressure = 1,628 Mu': Upward = 329 f Soil Data ·-L _____________ _ I I Footing Strengths & Di~ensions • Allow Soil Bearing = 2,'/:i00.0 psf fc = 3,000 psi Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 55.0 Toe Active Pressure = 0.0 Passive Pressure = 300.0 Water height over heel = 0.0 ft FootinglJSoil Friction = 0.300 Soil height to igryore for passive pressure = 0.00in Min. As% Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe Cover@ Top = 3.00 in I: Stem Construction I Top Stem Design height ft= Wall Material Above "He' = Thick_ness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section lbs= Momerit .... Actual ft-#= Moment. .... Allowable = Shear ..... Actual psi= Shear ..... All6wable psi= Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. in = . Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = Wall Weight = Rebar Depth 'cj' in = Masonry Data fm psi= psi= = Fs Solici Grouting = = = in= Steni OK 0.00 Masonry 16.00 # 5 16.00 Center 0.169 304.9 338.5 2,008.7 3.6 19.4 30.00 6.00 175.0 7.75 1,500. .24,000 Yes No 25.78 1.000 15.62 Fy = - = = = = = = 60,000 psi 0.0014 0.33 ft 2.33 2.66 15.00 in 0.00in 0.OOin 0.00 ft @ Btm.= 3.00 in I Mu' : Downward = 75 ·52 psf 0 ft-# 0 ft-# 575 ft-# Special Inspection Modular Ratio 'n' Short.Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type = Concrete Data --~------------------------ Mu: Design = Actual 1-Way Shear = Allow 1-Way Shear = Toe Reinforcing = Heel Reinforcing = Key Reinforcing = 255 2.85 93.11 None Spec'd None Spec'd None Spec'd 6.82 psi 93.11 psi fc Fy psi= psi= Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: Heel: K~y: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Title : LEGOLAND--DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6. 1, 25-0ct-2002' (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering;Software Cantilevered RetaininQ Wall Design Description seat wall ret wa·11 3:33ft I Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Mom~nts 11 e Item Heel Active Pressure = Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = Resisting/Overturning Ratio ..... OVERTURNING ..... Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# · 576.9 1.53 880.7 576.9 O.T.M. = 880.7 = 2.76 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1,695.0 lbs Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjace~t Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight{s) = Earth @Stem Transitions= Footing Weight - Key Weight = Vert. Component = Job # 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 u:\bhill\shared\engineeringlcommercial\03277. ""f*! .. ... RESISTING ..... Force Distance lbs ft 365.1 2.16 0.00 18.2 0.17 714.0 1.00 498.7 1.33 99.0 2.66 ... Moment ft-# 789.2 3.0 711.6 663.3 263.3 Vertical component of active pressure used for soH ·pressure ----Total= 1,695.0 lbs R.M.= 2,430.4. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,-, DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title : 1.,EGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures . Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:5~PM, 16 JAN 04 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Scope: Structural Design Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering;Software Cantilevered Retaining Wail Design u:lbhilllshared\engineeringlcommercial\03277. Description worst case·ret wall at coaster station/ramp 7.5 ft I Criteria tAWf • iii!U£iif¥¥ I l~I Data . I Retained Height = 7.50 ft Allow Soil Bearing = Z:-500.0 psf Wall height above soil 0.33 ft Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method = Heel Active Pressure = 35.0 Slope Behind Wall = 0.00: 1 Toe Active Pressure = 0.0 Height of Soil over Toe = 6.00 in Passive Pressure = 3QO.O Soil Density = 110.00 pcf Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Footingl!Soil Friction 0.300 Wind on Stem = 0.0 psf Sojl heigh.t to ignore for passive pressure = O.OOin ,I pllille 111111 s 1111 ig.n_s.u.m 111 m 111111 a 1111 ry._ ____ _.l I Stem Construction • . Top Stem Stem OK Total Bearing Load = 5,242 lbs Design height ft= ... resultant ecc. = 6.48 in Wall' Material Above "Ht" = Soil Pressure@Toe = 1,814 psf OK Soil Presswe @ Heel = 357 psf OK Allowable = 2,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 2,359 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 464 psf Footing Shear@ Toe = Footing Shear @ Heel = Allowable Wall Stability Ratios 0.0 psi OK 43.1 psi OK 93.1 psi Overturning = 3.51. OK Sliding = 1.52 OK Sliding Cales (Vertical Component Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 1,339.8 lbs less 100% Passive Force= -459.4 lbs Thickness -Rebar Size Rebar Spacing· Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force@ Section Moment.. .. Actual Moment. .... Allowable Shear ..... Actual Shear ..... Allowable- = = = = = lbs= ft-#= = psi= psi= Bar Develop ABOVE Ht. 'in = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht. in = Wall Weight = Rebar Depth 'd' in = 0.00 Concrete 9.00 # 5 1?.00 Center 0.715 1,673.4 4,183.6 5,852.3 31.0 93.1 21.36 6.70 108.8 4.50 Footing Strengths & Dimensions re= 3,000 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Min.As% = 0.0014 Toe Width = 0.33 ft Heel Width = 4.50 Total Footing Width = 4.83 Footing Thickness = 15.00 in Key Width = O.OOin Key Depth = O.OOin 'Key Distance from Toe = 0.00 ft Cover@Top = 3.00in @Btm.= 3.00 in less 100% Friction Force= -1,572.7 lbs Masonry Data -----~c.......,.------------------- Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ... .for 1.5 : 1 StabiJity = 0.0 lbs OK l!,~pting Design Results I Factored Pressure Mu': Upward Mu' : Downward Mu: Design = = __ToL ---1:1.filtl_ 2,359 464 psf 126 0 ft-# 18 0 ft-# 108 4,184ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear = Allow 1-Way Shear = 0.00 43.12 psi 93.11 93.11 psi Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing = None Spec'd = None Spec'd = None Spec'd fm . Fs Solid Grouting Special Inspection .Modular Ratio 'n' ~hart Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Blopk Type = Concrete Data fc Fy p_si= psi= = = = = = psi= psi= Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toei: Heel: Key: 3,000.0 60,000.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~[ II DSI STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 SOUTH CLEVELAND STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 .Title : LEGOLAND-DINOLAND Dsgnr: HBH Description : Site Structures Scope: Structural Design VU Job# 03277.00 Date: 2:54PM, 16 JAN 04 Rev: 560100 User: KW-0602938, Ver 5.6.1, 25-0ct-2002 (c)1983-2002 ENEl;<CALC Engineering, Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design u:\bhill\shared\engineering\commercial\03277. Description worst case ret wall at coaster station/ramp 7.5 ft I ,s,,,um.,ni~ry of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments F Item Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load = = = = = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = Resisting/Overturning Ratio ..... OVERTURNING ..... Force ·Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 1,339.8 2.92 3,907.9 1,339.8 O.T.M. = = 3,907.9 3.51 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 5,242.5 lbs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure .. ... RESISTING ..... Force Distance lbs ft Soil Over HElel . = 3,093.8 2.96 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = 0.00 Soil Over Toe = 18.2 0.17 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 851.5 0.71 Earth @Stem Tn,insitions= Footing Weight -905.6 2.42 Key Weight = Vert. Component = 373.4 4.83 ------Total = 5,242.5 lbs R.M.= Moment ft-# 9,142.0 3.0 600.3 2,187.1 1,803.6 13,736.0 I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I 1·· I I 1-· 11 ';_ I- i 4.2 v,- 96Q151-015 Conventional Foundation and Slab Considerations Shallow-spread footings or post-tension slabs are considered suitable for support of the · restaurant and retail structures.-Foundations and slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations· and the following recommendations. These recommendations assume· that the soils encou11tered within 5 feet· of pad grade have a very low to low potential for expansion (i.e. expansion ind·ex less than 50). 4.2.1 4.2.2 Shallow Spread· Footings Foundations ·The prbpnsed structures may be suppoi:te.d.by_conve~!iO!l_?.._l,_~ontinuous perimeter, or isolated spread footings. Footings shqpz{d extend a minim1Jin of 18 inches beneath the Iqwest adjacent finish grade. · At these depths, footings founded in :properly compacted ·fiil soil~ may be designed for a· maximum allowabie bearing pressure. of 2,500 psf. The allowable pressures may be increased by one-third when considering loads ·of."short duration such as wind or seismic forces. The minimum recommended · -wfclffi:._<;_>_f":footirrgs·i-s~1-:S--me:hes-fer~G0ntinu.011s._:fo__Qting~ and 24 inches for square .or round footing~-_-Footings should be design~d -in acco~dance w1tli the structural ·en-gineer.:s_requir.em~!!t§.Jln.g.!-}.~ve a mjni_mum reinforcement of four No. 4 reinforcing ba1·s (two top and two bottom). -.. ·-· ·· · We rec9mmend a minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all structural footings and settlement-sensitive structures. This distance is measured -- from the outside edge _of the footing; horiiontally t~ the slope face·(or to the face of a r.eta:in,~,;:ig wall) and should be a minimum of Hi2, where His the slope height (in feet). The ·setback ·-s~ould not ~be iess than 1 O feet and need not be greater than 15 feet. Utility trenches that parallel or nearly paralleJ structure footings should not encroach within a _1:1 plane extending downward from th~ outside edge of footing. Please note that the soils within the structural setback area possess poor lateral _stability, and improvements (such as retaining walls, sidewalks, fences, pavements, etc) constructed _within this setback area may be subject to lateral moverhent and/or differential--settlement. Petential _ distress to .SUf h ~,1:nprovements may be mitigated ··by providing a deepene_d footing or a pier-and grade beam foundation sys_tem to support the improvement. The deepened footing should meet the setback as described above. .Floor Slabs The slab-on-grade shoulcJ be ·at least.4 inches thick .and be reinforced with No. 3 rebars .18 inches on center each way (minim"l!m), placed at mid-height in the slab. Slabs should be underlain by a 2-incb layer of clean sand or clean crushed gravel. The sand or gravel layer should be additionally underlain by a visqueen mo"isture oarrier und1::rlain by an additional 2 inches of sand or gravel. Sand or gravel should possess .a sand equivalent of 30 or greater. We recommend control joints be provided across the slab at appropriate intervals as designed by the project architect. - 6 - I f r- 1 I .. 11 11 11 11 11 It: 11 Ir If 11 I I. 11 11 If If 11 II II II 4.0 RECO:rvilvlENDATibNS PIO 960151-013 The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data that were obtained from a l_irnited .number of.observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and tests. Such information is by necessity incomplete. The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions. Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. · Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report can be relied upon only if the geotechnical consultant has ·the opportunity to observe the subsurface conditions · during earthwork .operations. and -construction of the project, in order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the· site. 4.1 Earthwork 4.2 The recommenc!aHons for earthwork as. ·enumerated 111····01ir"jievious report (Leighton, 1999} are still valid and should be followed. Seismic Design Parameters The site lies within Seismic Zone 4, as defined \n the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Based ori the 1997, UBC, the following seismic parameters should be used as a minimum for th~ proposed StfUCtUfeS: I • . · , . Causative Fault: Rose Canyon Fault Distance to Site: 4 .. 8 miles· (7.7 km). Maximum Credible Earthquake: 6.9 · 1997, UBC/1998, CBC Site Coefficients: Seismic Zone Factor: 0.40 (Figure 16-2) Soil Profile Type: Sn (Table 16-J) S_ei~mic Source Type: B_ ('.Table 16-Y) Near-Source Acceleration Factor Na: LO (Table 16-S) Near-Source Velocity Factor Nv: 1.1 (Table 1_6-T) Seismic Coefficient Ca: 0.44Na = 0.44 (Table 16-Q) Seismic Coefficient Cv: 0.64Nv =· 0.64 (Table 16-R) -6 - . ,; ~u-&l=-- !"""lliii ----~ ----~ --= I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.5 960151-013 General Pile/Caisson Recommendations It should be noted that the caisson capacities shown are based on soil strengths alone. The actual capadties may be limited to lesser values by the strength of caisson materials and connections. For seismic or other short-term loading, the caisson capacities may be increased by one:-third. All caissons ·should be spaced at a minimum on-center spaci_ng of three· times the caisson width. . . The degree of fixity is dependent upon the characteristics of the pile cap and pile. The · structural engineer should determine which head condition is most app:ropriate for design. -' ' -. -... . . The results of the lateral load analyses do not include a factor of safety. The factor of safety selected is generally dependent upon the load conditions. Th~se values represent our best istimate of deflections unde,f,-the load and condition analyzed. The lateral load analyses are applicable f ot single caision. · · UI' . The-resuits-of-the-JateraHuad...,arralys-es-fordrilted·-cai·ss·ons;-are-rabutated in· Table ·l (Rear __ ... of.Text). 4.6 Retaining Wall Design For design purposes, the following lateral earth pres~ure values for level or sloping ·backfill are recommended for walls backfilled with very low to· 1ow expansion potential. Select materials should be used within the zone defined by a 1 : 1 plane· extending up from the base of the wall. · Static Equivalent _Fluid Weight (pcf) Conditions Level 2:1 Slope Active 35 55 At-Rest 55 85 \ Passive 300· 150 (maximum of3 ksf) (sloping down) (Seismic increment of25 pcf, additive to active or at-rest conditions) Retaining structures should be provided with a ·drainage system, as illustrated on Figure 3, to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. -8 - I I I SUBDRAIN OPTIONS AN.D BACKFILL WHEN NATIVE MAl!:RIAL HAS EXPANSION INDE< OF <;50 I I OPTION 1: PIPE SURROUNDED WITH · CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MA1ERIAL SI.OPE OR LEVEL OPTION 2: GRAva WRAA'ED IN FILTER FABRIC . WATERPROOFING --i--,...i (SEE GENERAL NOTES) SLOPE OR LEVEL I a.ASS 2 PERMEABLE -FILTER MATERIAL (~~E Gl½P_ATION) --<l....--1/" 10 l½ JNO! SIZE LEVEL OR I SLOP!: I. I I 1-JERAL NOTES: 4 INCH DIAMETER PERFORATED PIPE (~E~ N(,JTE3) Class 2 Filter Permeable· Material ·Gradation Per Caltrans Specifications Sieve Size --~,,1-~ . '?J/4" 3/8~ No. 4 No. 8 Na.30 No. 50 No. 200 Percent Passino 100 90~100 40-100 25-40 _18-33 5-1~ 0-7 0-3 I laterprcofing should be provided where moisture nuisance problem through the wali is undesirable. rater proofing of the walls is not under purview of the geotechnical engineer · II drains should have a gradient of 1 percent minimum GRAVEL WRAP.PED IN Fil.1ER FABRIC . 1tlet portion of the subdrain should have a 4-inch qiameter solid pipe discharged into a suitable disposal area designed by the p_roject I Jineer~ The subdrafri pipe ·should be accessible for maintenance (rodding) ·· :her subdrain b_ackfill options are subject to the review by the geotechnical engineer and ·modification of design parameters. tes: I Sand should have a sand equivalent of 3d or greater and may be densified by water jetting. . · l Cu. ft. per ft. of 1/4-to 11/2-inch size gravefwrapped in filterJabric , · ' · · Pipe type should be.AS1M D1527 Apylonitri!!:? iju~q_iene Sty~n~ (A~S) SDR35 or ASTM D1785 Polyvinyl Chlorid~ plastic (PVC), Schedule Armco A2000 PVC, or approved equivalent. Pipe shou!d be installed with perforations down_. P~rforations should be 3/8 inch in I meter placed at the ends of a 120-degre~; arc in two rows at 3-inch on center (staggered) . Filter fabric should be Mirafi 140NC or appr,~ed equivalent. . Weep hole should be 3-inch-minimum diameter and provided at 10-foot maximum intervals. If exposure is permitted, weepholes should located 12 inches above finish~d.-.grade. If exp·osure is not permitted such as for a wall adjacent to a sidewalk/curb, a pipe under the I ewalk to be discharged througti' the curb face or equivalent should be provided. For a basement-type wall, a proper subdrain outlet ;tern should be provided. Retaining wall plans should be reviewed and approved by the geotechnical enginec..r. VIV Walls over six feet in height are subject to a sped al _ri;view _by th_e geotechnical engineer and mcdifications to the above requirements. 1 RETAINING WALL BACKFILL AND SUBDRAIN DETAIL · :::::::1&·1 · _ I FOR WALLS 6 FEET OR LESS IN HEIGHT 5==. . . ~=: WHEN NATIVE MATERIAL HAS EXPANSION INDEX OF <50 p =--.. Rev. 7/00 I FIGURE NO. 3 :t ,. ,. r' [. A B C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project-No.: 0112 Detennination of the Spring Element Data Foundation Soil Characteristics According to [4] Petersen, "Stahlbau", page 235 Page: 1 Pos.: According to [5] Petersen, "Statik urtd Stabilitat der Baukonstruktionen",. pp. 337, 910-913 DIN 4019, part 1 and part 2,_"Setzungsberechnungen von Baug~nd". ___ _;r.-Torsion Spring K = torsion spring constant [ kN/rad ];_ [ kNm/1 ] rp = ~ .. ,[~ad] Rotation according to customer: mar, semi-solid S "" 15 -25 IYIN/m2; coefficient of soil stiffu.ess assumed: S = 17500 kN/m2 µ:::::: 0.4, Poisson's ratio Equivalent modulus of elasticity E: E = l -µ-2µ 2 • S = 0.4667 · S = 0.4667:X 17500 = 8167 kN/m2 :::::: 8000 k.N/m2 1-µ a = foundation width, a = in par~llel to the torque vector b = foundation length. Assessed per column footing a= l.00m b= 1.50 m b . -= 1.5 ~ k = 0.65 refer to [5], page 912. a With t = effective soil depth for which E holds: .!. = 10 ~ i = 4.28 refer to [5], page 912, b K = 1.0 · l.52 • SOOO = 6470 [k:Nrn/1]. 4.28, 0.65 For the purposes ofthe static calculations K::;:: 6500 [ kNm/1 ] is used in global X, Y and Z direction. lngenieurburo Stengel GmbH · Nesselwanger Stra~e 24. D-81476 Munchen · Tel. (089) 74 55 17 -O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I Project-No.: 0112 Linear Spring C = spring constant [ kN/m ] s = N/C [ m ] deformation E .. ::E = 8000 kN/m2 cr ·b·f s = --=--0 -- E DIN 4019, partl Ill , N cro =--. a-b N N·b·f -----c a·b·E .. N·a·b·E · a·E C= 11\ =--m N·b·f f a = foundation length, b = foundation width, f:: 0.5 whereas a ~ b is the longer dimension. Assessed per column footing a= 1.50 m b= l.00m C = l .SO. SOOO = 24000 kN/m 0.5 and with a loading of N = 100 kN s = __.!.QQ_ = 0.0042m = 4.2 mm appears to be realistic. 24000 Page: 2 Pos.: It can be assumed that the spring is less stiff, ifthere is no homogeneous concrete foundation plate present. For the purposes of the static calculations the following constants are used: Cx = Cy= 12000 [ kN/m] Cz = 24000 [ kN/m] lngenieurburo Stengel GmbH -Nesselwanger Strar..e 24 -D-81476 MOnchen -Tel. (089) 74 55 17 - O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project-No.: 0112 LOAD CASES AND LOAD CASE COMBINATIONS: LOAD CASES: LOAD CASE 1: dead load LOAD CASE 2-23: 22 alternative train positions Wind in global X-direction Wind in global-X direction Wind in global Y-direction Wind in global-Y-direction Storm in global X-direction Storm in global -X direction Storm in global Y-direction Storm in global-Y-direction Temperature +25° C Temperature -25° C LOAD CASE 24: LOAD CASE 25: LOAD CASE 26: LOAD CASE 27: LOAD CASE 28: LOAD CASE 29: LOAD CASE 30: LOAD CASE 31: LOAD CASE 32: LOAD CASE 33: LOAD CASE 34: LOAD CASE 35: LOAD CASE 36: LOAD CASE 37: Earthquake in global X-direction Earthquake fu global-X direction Earthquake in global Y-direction Earthquake 'in global -Y-direction For stress checks of all frameworks, the following load cases are combined: Load case group 101 "B" (file: MCG_l3FRS.KIP): Dead load + ride in operation · 1.0 · load case 1 + 1.0 · (load case 2 ... load case 23) Load case group 102 "BT" (file: MCG_BTFRS.KIP): Dead load + ride in operation+ ~-temperature 1.0 · load case 1 + 1.0 · (load case 2 ... load case 23) + 1.0 · (load case 32 ... load case 33) Load case grou,p 103 "BW" (file: MCG_BWFRS.KIP): Dead load + ride in operation + wind m operation 1.0 · lol:l.d case 1 + 1.0 · (load case 2 ... load case 23) + 1.0 · (load case 24 ... load case 27) Load case group 104 "S" (file: MCG_SFRS.KIP): Dead load + storm 1.0' · load case 1 + 1.0 · (load case 28 ... load case 31) Load case group 105 "EG" (file: MCG_EGFRS.KIP): Dead load 1.0 · load case 1 Load case group 106 "BE" (file: MCG_BEFRS.KIP): Dead load + ride in operation + earthquake 1.0 · load case 1 + 1.0 · (load case 2 ... load case 23) + 1.0 · (load case 34 ... load case 37) Dimension of all foundation load files: KIP and KIPFt. lngenieurbilro Stengel GmbH · Nesselwanger Strar..e 24 · D-81476 Milnchen · Tel. (089) 74 55 17 - 0 Page: 3 Pos.: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Project~No.: 0112 Foundation Forces and-Moments Directions for the foundation listings, Page:4 Pos.: The column footing forces and moments include a safety coefficient ofy= 1.0. Foundation loads refer to the global coordinate system; see drawings 01 l2-0l and 0112-03. Legend for the foundation forces and moments: Lille 1:minimum Mx with corresponding My Mz Fx Fy Fz Line 2:maximum Mx with corresponding .My Mz Fx Fy Fz Line 3: minimum My with corresponding Mx Mz Fx Fy Fz Line4:maximumMywithcorresponding Mx Mz Fx Fy Fz Line 5:minimum Mz withcorresponding Mx My Fx Fy Fz Line 6:maximum Mz with corresponding Mx My Fx Fy Fz Line 7: minimum Fx with corresponding Mx My Mz Fy Fz Line 8: maximum Fx with corresponding Mx My Mz Fy Fz Line 9:minimum Fy wit~ corresponding Mx My Mz Fx Fz Line 10: maximum Fy with correspondhlg Mx My Mz Fx Fz Line 11: minimum Fz with corresponding Mx My Mz Fx Fz Line 12: 1naximum Fz with corresponding Mx My Mz Fx Fy Maximum Mres = (Mx2 + My2) 112 at the angle a with corresponding Mz Fx Fy Fz. Y" tz . ·~x global coordinate system Mres=Mx+My My Mx \ .. global X-Axis • Direction of arrow corresponds to positive for Forces. • Direction of arrow corresponds to positive, for Moments. • Forces and Moments react at foundation as shown. • Positiv~ Forces an,d Moments correspond to the global coordinate system. • Reaction forces are working at the foundation. lngenieurbiiro Stengel GmbH · Nesselwang~r Stral1e 24 · D-81476 Munchen. Tel. (089) 74 55 17 - O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Projekt-Nr.: 0112 . Earthquake Earthquake loads are obtained according to UBC (1997) given values: Z = 0.40 Seismic Zone 4 Soil profile SE ( Tab. 16-Q through Tab.16-S ) Na=l.0 Ca=0.36xNa Nv = 1.0Cv = 0.96 x Nv Seite: 1817 Pos.: 5 Ct= 0.035 hn = 0 to 18 feet I= 1.0 for steel moment resisting frames ( 1630 2.2) max. height of structure seismic importance factor ( Tab. 16-K) w total seismic dead load R=2.2 ( Tab. 16-P Pt. 10 ) T = Ct (hn) ¾ ( 30-8 ) Structure period V = Cv x I x W I ( Rx T) ( 3 0-4 ) Design base shear V = 2.5 x Ca x Ix W / R ( 30-5 ) max. value V = 0.56 x Cax IX W ( 34-i) min. value V = 1.6 x Z x Nv x IX W / R ( 34-3 ) min. value ( Zone 4 ) Evaluation: T = 0.035 x 18 ¾ = 0.306s ( 30-8) Structure period V = 0.96 x 1.0 x W / (2.2x 0.306) = 1.426 W ( 30-5) Design base shear V = 2.5 x 0.36 x 1.0 x W / 2.2 = 0.409 W ( 30-5) max. value V = 0.56 x 0.36 x 1.0 x W = 0.202 W ( 34-2) min. value V = 1.6 x 0.4 x LO x 1.0 x W / 2.2 = 0.291 W ( 34-3) min. value according to Uniform building code 1997 Section 1612.3 V = 0.409 W / 1.4 =0292 W V 2:: 0.291W/1.42:: 0.208 W ( Zone 4) This results in four load cases charging the structure in global X-, global -X-, global Y-and global-Y -direction with 0.409 / 1.4 = 0.292 times its dead load. lngenieurbOro Stengel GmbH · Nesselwanger Stral1e 24 · D-81476 MOnchen · Tel. (089) 74 55 17 - 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BTEFRS.KIP ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATiK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL PCS. 3 1601 ' --1 , ",,,,, ' ' -, , ''.~ini-C,dasf~r.1l1ui/ 1ola'n1d,G'ti~i'tib~·;, ':.,,' "i _, ··Ld': o~a·a 16!td'i'1"f'~1JrJl:Ji>W1:'Jfal:¥1f'~JR~ ~1em·\ · ,· · -• 1-.,,t",r~Ri. ..+ -" , /1,1 :-:: .~,--,. ·:\ • .-,.. -:_-J? - PROGRAMM: FR S VERSION 2.17 GERECHNET AUF PC IN DIGITAL-FORTRAN 5.0 GERECHNET AM: 16-DEC-03 15:29:41 EINGABE-DATEI : MCG BTE.FRS ERGEBNIS-LISTE : $PRJ:[0112.FEM]MCG_BTEFRS.KIP;1 AUFTRAGS-NUMMER : 0112 FRS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 FEM-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 · STRESS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 FEM-COMMON-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-ELEMENT-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-STRESS-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FRS-SCHNITT-DATEI : c:\Temp\FRS.100 ANGEFORDERTEFEDERN VON INC BIS [K NUR FORMEL(N)] 1 1 43 ERSTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 1 LETZTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL ANGEFORDERTER FEDERN : 43 .. r~·._. : ... TRANSFORMATIONS-WINKEL FEDERN GLOBAL->LOKAL VON INC BIS WINKEL 1 1 28800 0.000 *DEFAULT* ANGEFORDERTE LASTFALL-KOMBINATIONEN 1: -1 2: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 3: 32 33 4: 34 35 36 37 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN ---------------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1602 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation +earthquake+ temp Page 1 Gov£A!Jlfll6 J.o4-o t!o#l)1t"r(7~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTEFRS.KIP TRAGWERKS-BERECHNUNG PROGRAMM / VERSION .................. : GENF 10,36-99 MASZ-EINHEITEN ( PER DEFINITION ) .... : kip ft FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER/ FEM-SEQUENZ ... : 0112 100 BERECHNUNGS·DATUM/ZEIT (2. KOPFZEILE): 16-DEC-03 15:19:57 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMl;R ............... : 43 . PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG NUR FOLGENDE FEDER-WERTE AUS COB EINGEHOL T , KLEINSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 1 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 43 ANZAHLFEDERN : 43 TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE FEDERN VON INC BIS 1 1 43 ERSTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 1 LETZTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL BEARBEITETER FEDERN : 43 SCHNITT-DATEI-BEZOGENE ANGABEN PROGRAMM / VERSION .................. : STAR2 10.89-99 FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER / FEM-SEQUENZ ... : 0112 100 ·BERECHNUNGS-DATUM/Zl;IT (STRFED) ..... : 16-DEC-03 15:19:57 TRAGWERKS·TYP / MAX. LASTFALL~NR .... : 200 38 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN ''MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE LASTFAELLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 32 33 34 35 36 37 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNP STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: F R.S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1603 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ earthquake+ temp FEDER 1 KNP 207 DIMENSION: klp ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -8.177 -0.123 -0.032 -0.047 2.305 -1.038 MX-MAX 8.249 0.146 0.027 0.039 -2.376 -0.923 MY-MIN 4.862 -11.731 0.001 ·-3.453 -1.242 ,1.028 MY-MAX -5.002 1·2.458 -0.008 3.623 1.121 -3.794 MZ-MIN -2.815 -7.166 -0.052 -2.119 0.887 -0.977 MZ-MAX 2.887 7.190 0.046 2.112 ·0.958 -0.984 FX-MIN 4.862 -11.731 0.001 -3.453 ·1.242 -1.028 FX-MAX -5.002 12.458 -0.008 3.623 1.121 -3.794. FY-MIN 8.249 0;146 0.027 0.039 -2.376 -0.923 FY-MAX -8.177 -0.123 -0.032 -0.047 2.305 -1.038 FZ-MIN -5.002 12.458 -0.008 3.623 1.121 -3.794 FZ-MAX 5.616 -10.630 0.018 -3.129 a1.460 -0:824 Page2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTEFRS.KIP M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY F.Z . RES-MXY-MAX 13.424 111.877 -0.008 3.623 1.121 -3.794 FEDER 2 KNP 227 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ· FX FY FZ MX-MIN -7.114 -2.125 0.002 -0.610 1.955 -1.393 MX-MAX 8.244 2.253 -0.025 -0.668 -2.252 -1.279 MY-MIN 0.503 -10.064 -0.027 -2.947 -0.154 -3.962 MY-MAX 0.371 11.090 0.003 3.282 -0.073 -5.130 MZ-MIN 4.960 2.030 -0.074 0.602 -1.363 -1.378 MZ-MAX -3.830 -1.901 0.052 -0.544 1.066 -1.294 FX-MIN 0.503 -10.064 -0.027 -2;947 -0.154 -3.962 FX-MAX 0.371 11.090 0.003 3.282 -0.073 -5.130 FY-MIN 8.244 2.253 -0.025 0.668 -2.252 -1.279 FY-MAX -7.114 -2.125 0.002 -0.610 1.955 -1.393 FZ-MIN -2.913 10.1366 -0.046 3.216 0.816 -5.229 FZ-MAX 3.589 -8.959 0.021 -2.621 -0.987 -1.159 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 11.250 1()5.006 -0.046 3.216 0.816 -5.229 FEDER 3 KNP 247 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -7.952 -3.863 0.031 -1.139 2.092 -1.663 MX-MAX 10.515 3·.835 -0.064 1.109 •2.770 -1.779 MY-MIN 1.590 -11.920 -0.017 -3.521 -0.505 -5.290 MY-MAX 0.818 12;781 -0.018 3.758 -0.130 -3.476 MZ-MIN 9.168 0.401 -0.091 0.110 -2.533 -1.564 MZ-MAX -6.606 -0,429 0.059 -0.141 1.854 -1.877 FX-MIN 1.590 -11.920 -0.017 -3.521 -0.505 -5.290· FX-MAX 0.818 12.781 -0.018 3.758 -0.130 -3.476 FY-MIN 10;515 3.835 -0.064 1.109 -2.770 -1.779 FY-MAX ~7.952 -3.863 0.031 -1.139 2.092 -1.663 FZ-MIN 2.936 -8.486 0.011 -2.522 -0.742 -5.504 FZ-MAX -0.218 7.392 -0.042 2.179 O.Q18 -1.213 M-RES ALPHA MZ F.X FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 12.807' 86.340 -0.018 3.758 -0.130 -3.476 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BA\JSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDELJSTABEL POS. 3 1604 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation +earthquake+ temp FEDER 4 KN'P 267 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -10.919 -5.606 .-0.714 -1.451 3.242 -3,051 MX-MAX 15.949 5.673 0.349 1.553 -2.795 -2.392 MY-MIN 2.208 -13.637 -1.507 -3.577 ,0.051 -5.969 MY-MAX 2.797 14,543 1.138 3.977 0.504 -1.414 MZ-MIN 0.250 -12.831 -1.556 -3.432 0.465 -4.376 MZ-MAX 4.779 12,899 1.191 3.535 -0.018 ~1.067 FX-MIN 2.208 -13.637 -1.507 -3.577 -0.051 -5.969 FX-MAX 2.797 14.543 1.138 3.977 0.504 -1.414 FY-MIN 14.944 -1.533 0.042 -0.423 -3.187 -0.925 FY-MAX -9.915 1.601 -0.408 0.525 3.634 -4.518 FZ-MIN 3.195 -5.609 •1.202 -1.341 0.347 -9.612 FZ-MAX 1.789 6.469 0.846 1.757 0.143 0.465 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX · FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 16.927 19.581 0.349 1.553 -2.795 -2.392 FEDER 5 KNP 287 DIMENSION: kiP. ft -------~-~ · Page 3· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTEFRS.KIP MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN ·-18.187 -5.976 -0,598 -0.798 3.235 -3.760 MX-MAX . 24.935 6.733 0.521 1.047 -2.969 -4.915 MY-MIN 1.258 -13.261 -1.325 -1.946 0.407 -3.335 MY-MAX 5.551 14.133 1.249 2.175 -0.150 -3.743 MZ-MIN -1.467 -12.343 -1.408 -1.809 0.792 -3.377 MZ-MAX 8.214 13.100 1.330 2.059 -0,!?26 -5.299 FX-MIN 1.258 -13.261 -1.325 -1.946 0.407 -3.335 FX-MAX 5.396 13.409 1.247 2.187 -0.129 -7.660 c:fY-MIN 24.935 6.7;33 0.5~1 1.047 -2.969 -4.915 FY-MAX -18.187 -5.976 -0.598 -0.798 · 3.235 -3.760 FZ-MIN 2.238 4.705 1.124 0.944 0.274 -7.959 FZ-MAX 4.416 -4.557 -1.203 -0.704 0.004 -3.036 ,,,...;.,.._,~M-RES .Ale~ MZ FX .,..F-¥-~~~~ ,RES-MXY-~~ _::~!/15.111 0.521 ~,:J~~ EEP!;,13-.-J A.!tflfx11A9l~fJ~~~f1QN;~rp!ft~FY Fz MX-MIN -18.492 -4.610 -0.357 -0.369 2.249 -5.624 MX-MAX 23.263 6.107 0.316 0.703 -1.878 -7.254 MY-MIN -0.942 -9.794 -1.258 -1.002 0.493 -3.200 MY-MAX 5.808 10.538 1.218 1.148 -0.131 --3.864 MZ-MIN -3.287 -8.937 -1.314 -0.886 0.715 -5.121 MZ-MAX 8.058 10.434 1.273 1.220 -0.344 -7.757 FX-MIN -0.942 -9.794 -1.258. -1.002 0.493 -3.200 FX-MAX 8.058 10.434 1.273 1.220 -0.344 -7:757 ~1~~~ ,:q~~fif ~4~-f,f t· ~t~}~7 ~t~i't\~~if:~-~~~f4 FZ-MIN 3.201 2.684 1.217 0.479 0.107 -7.993 FZ-MAX 3.965 -1.91.6 -1:200 -0.256 0.037 -2.703 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ 0,B§.!;ir~?.9'::;!VINC,. ,24,05:1.t ,H,:~:.1JJ .. ,-,.,Q,3t(>. · 0,l,!l3·a ~M:Z8: ,r'?';2~~~ ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITl'WERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1605 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation + earthquake+ temp ,FE0ERr•,,-·r7«1K:NP,~1}32i7~01MENSIG>Niillkipitft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -17.106 -3.657 -0.293 -0.186 1.651 -7.708 MX-MAX 19.985 4.992 0.274 0.4.36 -1.228 -6.330 MY-MIN -2.676 -7.832 -1.223 -0.661 0.504 -3.365 MY-MAX 5.661 8.415 1.206 0.757 -0.089 -4.268 MZ-MIN -4.515 ·-6.887 -1.273 -0.534 0.~36 -7.163 MZ-MAX 7.393 8.223 1.254 0.784 ~0.213 -6.874 FX-MIN -2.676 -7.832 -1.223 -0.661 0.504 -3.365 FX-MAX 3.333 8.175 1.151 0.796 0.079 -8.063 ~J!l!n&%P.§2r~~fJ;ffi,Q.iY.JJW,~4~§1mlh~~; FY-MAX -17.106 -3.657 -0.293 -0.186 1.651 -7f,,u8 FZ-MIN -2.735 1.248 1.110 0.284 0.513 -8.069 FZ-MAX 3.505 -0.665 -1.180 -0.134 0.062 -3.230 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ di6.S:.M*lr'l,M~~'28~5§"91Sr~fllli!lro~W.~4S6\\IW.lilt28llRii.6~.3!l .j FEDER 8 KNP 347 DIMENSION: kip ft f MX MY MZ FX FY FZ · MX-MIN -14.650 -3.290 -0.787 -0.141 1.092 -6.068 MX-MAX 15.961 4,015 0.562 0.270 -0.700 -4.129 MY-MIN -3.909 -6.496 -1.287 -0:487 0.460 -3.406 MY-MAX 5.295 ·7.105 1.265 0.576 -0.032 -4.441 MZ-MIN -2.832 -5.773 -1.403 -0.441 0.368 -3.640 Page4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTEFRS.KIP MZ-MAX 6.471 6.691 1.362 0.554 -0.087 -4'.658 FX-MIN -3.909 -6.496 -1.287 -0.487 0.460 ~3.406 FX-MAX 5.034 6.927 1.281 0.614 -0.013 -8.222 FY-MIN 15.961 4.015 0.562 0.270 -0.700 -4.129 FY-MAX -14.650 -3.290 -0.787 -0.141 1.092 -6.068 FZ-MIN -1.798 0.776 1.172 0.250 0.368 -9.096 FZ-MAX 3.428 0.536 -1.148 -0.072 0.057 -2.443 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 16.469 14.493 0.746 0.279 -0.663 -4.240 FEDER 9 KNP 367 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -11.804 -3.987 -0.214 -0.207 0.803 1.431 MX-MAX 14.943 3.373 0.436 0.125 -1.065. -7.579 MY-MIN -2.841 -6.857 0.718 -0.513 -0.050 -3.249 MY-MAX 5.414 6.763 -0.344 0.485 -0.200 -0.873 MZ-MIN -5.310 .2.699 -0.899 0.190 0.631 3;750 MZ-MAX 5.738 -2.631 1.301 -0.203 -0.782 -7.602 FX-MIN -1.381 -6.826 0.672 -0.544 -0.132 -6.379· FX-MAX 5.414 6.763 -0.344 0.485 -0.200 -0.873 FY-MIN 14.943 3.373 0.436 0.125 -1.065 -7.579 FY-MAX -11.804 ·-3.987 -0.214 -0.207 0.803 1.431 FZ-MIN 7.966 -3.360 1.163 -iJ:?78 -0.875 -10.317 FZ-MAX -5.310 2.699 -0.899 0.190 0.631 3.750 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 15.319 12.720 0.436 0:125 -1.065 -7.579 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG_B:J'E.FRS --.----,---- PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1606 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + earthquake + temp FEDER 10 KNP 387. DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -9.290 -2.974' · 0.161 -0.198 0.827 0.706 MX-MAX 10.485 2.421 -0.580 0.080 -1.027 -6.123 MY-MIN -1.538 -10.218 0.035 -0.948 -0.015 -5.332 MY-MAX 4.428 9.642 0.072 0.873 -0.432 -1.410 MZ-MIN 10.485 2.421 -0.580 0.080 -1.027 -6.123 MZ-MAX -7.054 -4.006 0.241 -0.291 0.577 -1.331 FX-MIN -1.538 -10.218 0.035 -0.948 -0.015 -5.332 FX-MAX 4.428 9.642 -0.072 0.873 -0,432 -1.410 FY-MIN 10.455 1.721 -0.101 0.068 -1.083 -6.!506 FY-MAX -9.290 -2.974 0.161 -0.198 0.827 0.706 FZ-MIN 1Q.455 1.721 -0.101 0.068 ·1.083 -6.506 FZ-MAX -9.290 -2.974 0.161 -0.198 0.827 0.706 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 10.760 13.004 -0.580 0.080 -1.027 -6.123 FEDER 11 KNP 407 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -9.046 -0.217 . 1.74'0 0.742 0.971 -2.747 MX-MAX 10.710 -1.670 -2.355 -1.101 -1.305 -1.099 MY-MIN 3.384 -13.793 -3.186 -3.181 -0.045 2.654 MY-MAX -2.890 12.900 2.671 2.974 -0.086 -5.126 MZ-MIN 2.187 -13.039 -3.424 -3.153 0.163 3.495 MZ-MAX 0.398 12,651 3.131 3.151 -0.702 -8.365 FX-MIN 3.384' -13.793 -3.186 -3.-181 -0.045 2.654 FX-MAX 0.398 12.651 3.131 3.151 -0.702 -8.365 FY-MIN 10.710 -1.670 -2.355 -1.101 -1.305 -1.099 FY-MAX -9.046 -0.217 1.740 0.742 0.971 ·-2.747 FZ-MIN 0.398 12.651 3.131 3.151 · -0.702 -8.365 Page5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ] I l MCG_BTEFRS.KIP FZ-MAX 2.187 -13.039 -3.424 -3.153 0.163 3.495 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY ,FZ RES-MXY-MAX 14.202 -76.213 -3.186 -3.181 -0.045 2.654 FEDER 12 KNP 427 DIMENS-ION: kip ft · MX MY 'MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -12.057 0.554 -0.373 1.696 3.155 -2.889 MX-MAX 13.679 -2.219 0.334 -2.100 -3.645 0.2~9 MY-MIN 8.133 -11.840 -0.378 -4.715 -2.297 1.493 MY-MAX -6.288 12.242 0.720 5,563 1.784 -6.992 MZ-MIN -2.860 -10.425 -0.700 -3.062 0.603 -0.416 MZ-MAX 3.436 10 827 0.964 -3.932 -0.790 -4.631 ,F:X-MIN• · • 8i133'''Jf1{8~iP·'f6';37iF1r::4(7f5''T2Jfj:-· 1:4lfa FX-MAX -6.288 12.242 0.720 5.563 1.784 -6.992 FY-MIN 13.679 -2.219 0.334 -2.100 -3:645 0.289 FY-MAX -12.057 0.554 -0.373 1.696 3.155 -2.889 FZ-MIN -6.288 12.242 0.720 5.563 1.784 -6.992 FZ-MAX 8.133 -11.840 -0.378 -4.715 -2.297 1.493 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX · .. FY Fl 'S:-• - -RES-MXY~MAX · '15,0681 :i:48.'893'''-0:osf' ':.4.4f1' ·~b2ir: ··0.356 : ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAl:JSTATIK u'Nt> STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS .. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEIJSTABEL POS. 3 1607 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + earthqupke + temp FEDER 13 KNP 447 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY 'MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -8.753 -0.302 -1.272 1.666 4.595 -4.915 MX-MAX 9.664 0.858 1.466 -0.449 -4.342 -0.008 MY-MIN -0.964 -i232 -0.917 -3.174 _0.159 -0.449 MY-MAX -0.891 7.625 0.698 4.514 1.290 -4-499 MZ-MIN -!!.220 -2.099 -1.444 -0.238 3.617 -0.737 MZ-MAX 8.398 2.252 1.500 0.841 -3.346 -2.198 FX-MIN 5.220 -6.242 0.080 -3.258 -2.607 -0.151 FX-MAX -7.074 6.636 -0.299 4.598 4.056 -4.797 FY-MIN 9.664 0.858 1.466 -0.449 -4.342 -0.008 FY-MAX -8.753 -0.302 -1.272 1.666 4.595 -4.915 FZ-MIN -8.057 5.540 -0.568 4.209 4.489 -5.258 FZ-MAX 8.968 -4.983 0.762 -2.991 -4.235 0.335 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 10.259 -29.061 0.762 -2.991 -4.235 0.335 FEDER 14 KNP 467 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -8.458 1.954 -0.660 1.900 5.060 -3.952 MX-MAX 8.354 -1.301 0.723 -1.007 -4.092 -0.764 MY-MIN 0.877 -5.863 -0.886 -2.717 -0.834 -0.444 MY-MAX -1.152 5.522 0.851 2.904 1.478 -3.041 MZ-MIN -5.026 -3.163 -1.122 -1.182 2.167 -0.691 MZ-MAX 5.819 2.685 1.102 0.954 -2.562 -0.574 FX-MIN 0.877 -5.863 -0.886 -2.717 -0.834 -0.444 fl<;-MAX -3.108 5.164 0.500 3.201 2.860 -4.635 FY-MIN 8.354 -1.301 0.723 -1.007 -4.092 -0.764 FY-MAX -8.279 2.960 -0 .. 458 2.478 5.230 -4.559 FZ-MIN -3.108 5.164 0.500 3.201 2.860 -4.635 FZ-MAX 2.658 -3.187 -0.233 -1.656 -1.602 -0.292 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 8.793 160-.324 -0.458 2.478 5.230 -4.559 Page6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTEFRS.KIP FEDER 15 KNP 487 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -8.453 0.044 -0.306 0.478 6.074--4.774 MX-MAX 7.367 1.477 0.566 0.406 -4.092 -0.635 MY-MIN 2.480 -4.217 -0.796 -1.861 -1.807 -0.479 MY-MAX -2.778 3.597 0.714 1.688 2.571 -2.939 MZ-MIN -2.352 -3.660 -0.897 -1.405 1.412 -1.020 MZ-MAX 3.509 3.046 0.773 1.151 -1.967 -0.782 FX-MIN 2.480 -4.217 -0.796 -1.861 -1.807 -0.479 FX-MAX -2.778 3.597 0.714 1.688 2.571 -2.939 FY-MIN 7.233 ·1.571 0.586 0.433 -4.106 -0.641 FY-MAX -8.453 0.044 -0.306-0.478 6.074 -4.774 FZ-MIN -8.453 0.044 -0.306 0.478 6.074 -4.774 · FZ-MAX 6.424 1.360 0.517 0.353 •3.798 ,0.157 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY·MAX 8.453 179.707 -0.306 0.478 6.074 -4.774 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • ,INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS, 3 · 1608 . "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation+ earthquake+ temp FEDER 16 KNP 507 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY Mi FJC --FY FZ MX-MIN -7.547 -2.839 -0.198 -1.802 5.607 -4.494 MX-MAX 6.546 1,134 -0.121 0.784 -3.923 -0.554 MY-MIN -1.509 -5.635 -1.152 -2.406 1.067 -0.814 MY-MAX 2.748 4.966 0.897 2.155 -1.623 -0.809 MZ-MIN -1.509 -5.635 -t.152 -2.406 1 .. 067 -0.814 MZ-MAX 0.546 4.664 1.015 1.806 0.053 ~2.583 FX-MIN -3.707 -5.328 -0;953 -2.598 -3.128 -3.732 FX-MAX 2.748 4.966 0.897 2.155 -1.623 -0.809 FY-MIN 6.546 1.134 •0.121 0.784 ·3.9i3 · -0:554 FY-MAX -7.547 -2.839 .,0.198,----1.802· 5.607 -4.494 FZ-MIN ~3:513 ---o.111("''ir.224--~o . .io9· ·s:3s4 ·.4._499 FZ-MAX 0.880 0.392 0.027 0.280 -0.856 ·0.1!6 M-RES ALPHA MZ · FX FY. FZ RES-MXY-MAX 8.063 -159.389 -0."198 -1.802 5.607 -4.494 • • • , . • ..... ,!" FEDER 17 KNP 527 -DIMENSION: kip ft ·MX MY MZ FX FY FZ . MX-MIN -5.888 -3.562 0.153 -3.056 4.135 -3.537 MX-MAX 5.539 3.284 -0.080 2.435 -3.507 -0.085 MY-MIN -2.335 -8.054 -1.119 -4.626 2.585 -4.025 MY-MAX 0.678 6.560 1.042 3.221 -1.049 -0.096 · MZ-MIN 0.197 -6.659 -1.156 -2.953 0.371 -0.201 MZ-MAX -1.062 5.407 1.097 1.891 0.544 -3.148 FX-MIN -3.768 -7.400 -0.841 -4.692 3.502 -4.743 FX-MAX 0.678 6.560 1.042 3.221 -1.049 -0.096 FY-MIN 5.539 3.284 -0.080 2.435 -3.507 -0.085 FY-MAX -5.753 -5.614 -0.3'11 -4.295 4.630 -4.960 FZ-MIN -5.753 -5.614 -0.311 -4.295 4.630 -4.960 FZ-MAX 5.022 2.310 -0.213 1.993 -3.219 0.189 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 8.386-106.166 -1.119 -4.626 2.585 -4;025 FEDER 18 KNP 547 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -7.114 -0.367 0.876 -1.201 2.246 -3.680 MX-MAX 6.511 •1.918 -0.894 -0.070 -1.951 0.013 MY-MIN -2.165 -10.960 -0.776 -5.363 1.272 ·4.621 MY-MAX 2.023 8.013 0.501 3.366 -0.938 ·0.603 Page 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · MCG BTEFRS.KIP· MZ-MIN 4.944 .5;128 -1.055 -2.099 -1.211 -3.367 MZ-MAX -5.966 2.605 0.948' 0.601 1.693 -0.462 FX-MIN -2.165 -10.960 -0.776 -5.363 1.272 -4.621 FX-MAX 2.614 7.928 0.461 3.515 -1.155 -0.415 FY-MIN 6.436 -0.879 -0.762 0.294 -1.963 -0.254 FY-MAX -7.114 -0.367 0.876 -1.201 2.246 -3.680 FZ-MIN -3.146 -7.554 -0.435 -4.368 1.549 -4.809 FZ-MAX -0.266 4.331 0.552 2.202 -0.272 0.123 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 11.172-101.177 -0.776 -5.363 1.272 -4.621 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BtE.FRS -~ . ...,.......,.. ___ ..,. ·PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1609 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guerizburg LC: Dead load + operation + earthquake + temp .,}:§Qs!L~ .. .!S!!f.-2,~L.P...!M~~-~JQ,ft.}~!e,JJ . MX,.._ • MY, MZ'.'.-,,,.. r-X....._ FY~ ...... Fz ~ . MX-MIN -7.206 1.391 0.813 0.390 1.528 -0.285 MX-MAX 7.035 -4.203 -0.855 -1.476 -1.656 · -3.093 MY-MIN 1.862 -12.730 -0.669 -4.652 -0.921 -4.464 MY-MAX 0.010 9.861 0.416 3.355 0.300 -0.260 MZ-MIN 7.035 -4.203 -0.855 -1.476 -1.656 -3.093 MZ-MAX -7.206 1.391 0.813 0.390 1.528 -0.285 FX-MIN 1.862 -12.7.30 -0.669 -4.652. -0.92~. FX-MAX 0.010 9.861 0.416 3.355 0.300 -0.260 FY-MIN 7.035 -4.203 -0.855 -1.476 -1.656 -3.093 FY-MAX -7.206 1.391 0.813 0.390 1.528 -0.285 FZ-MIN -3.204 -9.716 0.015 -3.529 0.22!f ~4.540 FZ~MAX 5.532 .6.247 -0.345 2.110 -0.936 0.415 FEDER 20 KNP 587 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX -7.941 0.707 0.776 0.466 1.682 0.156 9.218 -6.151 . -0.880 -1,897 -2.482 -4.774 4.653 -11.887 -0.392 -3.070 -1.901 -4.087 -3.374 9.516 0.374 2.398 1.347 -0.300 8.893 -3.313 -0.891 -1.207 -2.189 -3.995 -7.941 0.'707 0.776 0.466 1.682 0.156 4.653 -11.887 -0.392 -3.070 -1.901 -4.087 -3.374 9.516 0.374 2.398 1.347 -0.300 9.218 -6.151 -0.880 -1.897 -2.482 -4.774 -7.941 0.707 0.776 0.466 1.682 0.156 1.006 -10.471 -0.201 -2.693 -1.178 -4.964 0.271 5.026 0.097 1.262 0.379 0.346 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 12.765 -68.623 -0.392 -3.070 -1.901 -4.087 FEDER 21 KNP 607 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -9.570 0.658 0.644 0.214 2.012 -0.271 MX-MAX 12.520 -3.386 -0.758 -0.609 -2.938 -5.595 MY-MIN 0.397 -10.203 0.264 -1.452 -0.453 -0.713 MY-MAX 0.119 8.520 -0.164 1.232 0.348 -0.501 MZ-MIN 12.520 -3 .. 386 -0.758 -0.609 -2.938 -5.595 MZ-MAX -9.570 0.658 0.644 0.214 2.012 -0.271 FX-MIN 0.397 -10.203 0.264 -1.452 -0.453 -0.713 FX-MAX 0.119 8.520 -0.164 1.232 0.348 -0.501 FY-MIN 12.520 -3.386 -0.758 -0.609 •2.938 -5.595 FY-MAX -9.570 0.658 0.644 0.214 2.012 -0.271 Page 8 tyf. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTEFRS.KIP FZ-MIN 8.226 -5.388 -0.495 -0.834 -2.160 -5.643 FZ-MAX -4.568 6.117 0.212 0.903 1.181 0.128 M-RES ALPHA Mz FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 13.217 -23.513 -0.565 -0.848 -2.783 -4.691 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -. INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1610 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland.Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + earthquake + temp FEDER 22 KNP 627 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX·FY FZ MX-MIN -10.684 0.769 0.390 -0.082 1.711 -0.549 MX-MAX 12.200 -0.496 -0.436 0.201 -2.037 -3.843 MY-MIN 0.281 -8.434 0.202 -0.995 -0.035 -0.507 MY-MAX 0.822 ·7.782 -0.267 0.993 -0.208 -4.314 MZ-MIN 11.391 1.125 -0.550 0.417 -2.005 -5.318 MZ-MAX -8.855 -1.804 0.436 -0.373 1.496 -0.487 FX-MIN 0.281 -8.434 0.202 -0.995 ~0.035 -0.507 . FX-MAX 2.255 7.755 -0.316 1.040 -0.475 -5.298 FY-MIN 12.200 -0.496 -0.436 0.201 -2.037 -3.843 FY-MAX -10.684 0.769 0.390 -0.082 1.711 -0.549 FZ-MIN 8.565 -1.831 -0.461 0.055 -1.611 -5.427 FZ-MAX -4.619 1.444 0.301 0.046 0.!!69 -0.039 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES•MXY-MAX 12.211 -2.329 -0.436 0.201 -2;037 -3.843 FEDER 23 KNP 647 DIMENSION: kip ft . MX MY MZ FX FY FZ. MX-MIN -9.672 -1.099 0.082 -0.198 1.076 -1.354 MX-MAX 10.178 0.602 -0.077 0.188 -1.150 -0.485 MY-MIN 0.556 ·-7.437 0.064 -0.783 -O.Q40 -0.679 MY-MAX 0.695 7.532 -0.063 0.857 -0.089 -5.242 MZ-MIN 8.295 0.565 -0.094 0.167 -0.947 -0.752 MZ-MAX -6.595 -2.516 0.094 -0.329 0.768 -1.312 FX-MIN 0.556 -7.437 O.Q64 -0.783 -0.040 -0.679 FX-MAX 0.695 7.532 -0.063 0.857 -0.089 -5.242 FY-MIN 10.178 0.602 -0.077 0.188 -1.150 -0.485 FY-MAX -9.672 -1.099 0.082 -0.198 1.076 -1.354 FZ-MIN -0.903 4.144 -0.051 0.512 0.080 -5.309 FZ-MAX 3.322 -2.856 0.046 -0.293 -0.351 -0.307 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ . RES-MXY-MAX 10.196 3.386 -0.077 0.188 -1.150 -0.48? FEDER 24 KNP 667 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -8.646 -1.997 -0.016 -0.130 0,831 -1.606 MX-MAX 9.023 1.147 0.035 0.085 -0.876 -0.928 MY-MIN 1.955 -6.701 -0.004 -ci.636 -0.190 -1.506 MY-MAX 0.291 6.550 0.015 0.603 -0.017 -2 .. 698 MZ-MIN -5.709 0.953 -0.038 0.131 0.564 -1.336 · MZ-MAX 8.054 -1.620 0.052 -0.173 -0.789' -0.833 FX-MIN 1.309 -6.680 -0.014 -0.638 -0.130 -1.457 FX-MAX 0.291 6.550 0.015 0.603 -0.017 -2.698 FY-MIN 9.023 1.147 0.035 0.085 -0.876 -0.928 FY-MAX -8.646 -1.997 -0.016 -0.130 0.831 -1.606 FZ-MIN -6.763 -o:970 -0.016 -0.075 0.656 -5.033 FZ-MAX 8.537 1.991 0.044 0.151 ~0.830 -0.595 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 9.095 7.242 0.035 0.085 -0.876 -0.928 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIKUND S!AHLBAU • MsNCHEN ' Page 9 ~-· I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I MCG _13TEFRS.KIP -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE f:EM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1611 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation+ earthquake + temp YFEDER 25 KNP 687 DIMENSION: kie ft -~ Mxrn·---M?-··Mz ~-FX FY FZ MX-MIN -11 .. 547 5.759 -2.726 0.812 1.354 -1.499 MX-MAX 12.180 ·6.810 2.738 -0.447 -1.215 -1.498 MY-MIN 4.930 -11.772 0.088 -1.098 -0.422 -1.?03 MY-MAX -2.929 12.220 0.537 2.618 0.849 -5.252 MZ-MIN -9.064 -1.911 -2.974 0.017 1.094 -1.316 MZ-MAX 9.696 0.861 2.985: 0.349 -0.956 -1.681 FX-MIN 4.930 -11.772 0.088 -1.098 -0.422 -1.203 FX-MAX -2.255 12.159 0.753 2.719 0.827. -5.607 FY-MIN 12.180 -6.810 2.738 -0.447 -1.215 -1.498 FY-MAX -10.117. 7.745 -2.025 2.011 1.634 -4.91f:f FZ-MIN -2.255 12.159 0.753 2.719 0.827 -5.607 FZ-MAX 1.214 -10.413 -0.964 -1.012 -0.067 -1.115 ,•*''-·--··----M,RES--ALeHA MZ FX FY FZ l~=~~~~~:~D31.055 2.650 -0.491 -1.206 -1.463 FEDER 26 KNP 707 DIMENSION: kip ft . MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -10.123 0.589 -0.141 0.019 0.981 -1.320 MX-MAX 10.033 -0.748 0.078 -0.036 -0.988 -1.602 MY-MIN 0.021 -5.857 -0.110 -0.657 -0.035 -0.474 MY-MAX -0.390 5.184 0.116 0.619 0.116 -1.610 MZ-MIN -2.486 -1.739 -0.150 -0.269 0.163 -1.104 MZ-MAX 1.566 1.931 0.122 0.300 -0.068 -1.949 FX-MIN 0.021 -5.857 -0.110 -0.657 -0.035 -0.474 FX-MAX -0.390 5.184 0.1"16 0.619 0.116 -1.610 FY-MIN 10.033 -0.748 0.078 •0.036 -0.988 -1.602 ,FY-MAX -10.123 0.589 -0.141 0.019 0.981 -1.320 FZ-MIN 0.363 1.852 0.075 0.2S2 0.039 -5.269 FZ-MAX -1.935 -2.604 -0.115 -0.338 0.149 -0.135 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 10.140· ,176.669 -0.141 0.0.19 0.981 -1.320 FEDER 27 KNP 727 DIMENSION: kip ft ~~~ r•" ~IViZ.i;;:;.FX"""" FY FZ MX-MIN -17.752 -0.616 -0.629 0.039 2.161 -4.573 MX-MAX 16.233 1i165 0.437 0.148 -1.922 -0.665 MY-MIN 1.082 -9.602 -0;258 -1.183 -0.113 -0.468 MY-MAX -4.124 8.616 0.138 1.183 0.584 -4.447 MZ-i\lllN -13.143 -5.032 -0.650 -0.475 1.622 -4.910 MZ-MAX 11.099 5.757 0.487 0.681 -1.315 -0.278 FX-MIN 1.082 -9.602 -0.258 -1.183 -0.113 -0.468 FX-MAX -4.124 8.616 0.138 1.183 0.584 -4.447 FY-MIN 16.233 1.165 ·0.437 0.148 -1.922 -0.665 P.Y-MAX -17.752 -0.616 -0.629 0.039 2.161 -4.5'lL FZ-MIN -12.174 -3.992 -0.464 -0.343 1.569 -4.934 FZ-MAX 9.133 3.006 0.344 0.344 -1.098 0.020 7y/'::5 f h f()Wlb • 7rt1 ~ fv rr-·-·-M--RES--.A!-PHA MZ FX FY FZ . (RES-MXY-MAX 17.~'.';178.0'14 -0.629 0.039 2.161 -4.573 ING-B§ROSTENGEL,:tl~im»r"="'1NGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR 5 SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1612 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation+ earthquake+ temp Page 10 A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I MCG_BTEFRS:KiP ~~8.~ii~!rJtr~,iLM~~ili~~Rti~ FZ MX-MIN -16.777 -3.440 0,134 -0.758 4.214 -5.597 MX-MAX 14.181 0.579 -0.069 0.215 -3:044 -0;874 MY-MIN 0.759 -11.983 -0.138 -2.571 0;657 -4.372 MY-MAX -1.239 10.869 0.262 2.370 -0.091 -0.032 MZ-MIN -5.997 -6.286 -0 .494 -1.242 1.295 -1.290 MZ-MAX 8.076 6.025 0.631 1.181 -1.501 -0.855 FX-MIN 0.759 -11.983 -0.138 -2.571 0.657 -4,372 FX-MAX -1.239 10.869 0.262 2.370 -0:091 -0.032 FY-MIN 13.979 2.930 0.015 0.701 •3.057 -0.649 f~M1~~~b~Ar!i~~A~~f;1 FZ-MAX 3.035 6;446 -0.243 1.554 -1.158 0.115 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ w~~~~;~'/'.M,1m,,ip;m1~J~Q;!,~fj•~m.ti~ FEDER 29 KNP 767 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN ;9_959 -1.527 0.381 -0.912 4.154 -5.058 MX-MAX 9.094 -0.527 -0.384 -0.132 -3.482 -0.250 MY-MIN 1.080 -9.716 -0.482 -4.004 0.012 -5.542 MY-MAX -3.201 9.111 0.561 3.568 1.117 -0.487 MZ-MIN 3.803 -9.359 -0.619 -3.557 ·1.383 -0.676 MZ-MAX -5.367 7.001 0.610 2.363 2.357 -4.868 FX-MIN 1.080 -9.716 -0.482 -4.004 0.012 -5.542 FX-MAX -3.201 9.111 0.561 3,568 1.117 -0.487 FY-MIN 9.094 -0.527 -0.384 -0.132 -3.482 -0.250 FY-MAX -9.969 -1.527 0.381 -0.912 4.154 -5.058 FZ-MIN -1.363 -7.584 -0.127 -3.687 1.335 -6.352 FZ-MAX -0.757 6.979 0.206 3.251 -0.206 0.322 M-RES 'ALPHA MZ FX · FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 10.109 -63.622 -0.613 -3.406 -1.685 -0.439 FEDER 30 KNP 787 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY. MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -7.936 -1.801 0.107 -0.474 2.649 -1.286 MX-MAX 8.776 1.693 -0.046 0.513 -3.101 -2.382 MY-MIN 1.265 -9.031 0.295 -3.235 -0.411 -0.474 MY-MAX '-2~307 8.821 -0.293 3.157 0:734 -1.027 MZ-MIN -2.307 8.821 -0.293 3.157 0.734 -1.027 MZ-MAX ·2.549 -8.367 0.378 °2.777 -1.145 -4.425 FX-MIN 1.714 -9.017 0.294 -3.244 -0.556 -0.413 FX-MAX -2.307 8.821 ·-o.293 3.157 0.734 -1.027 FY-MIN 8.776 1.693 -0.046 0.513 -3.101 -2 .. 382 FY-MAX -7.936 -1.801 0.107 -0.474 2.649 -1.286 FZ-MIN -1.617 1.790 0.136 0.987 0.167 -5.240 FZ-MAX 4.870 -2.923 0.011 -1.20S -1.6Q0 0.147 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 9.178 -79.238 0.294 -3.244 -0.556 -0.413 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1613 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ earthquake+ temp FEDER 31 KNP 807 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -8.824 -2.802 0.021 -0.569 1.728 -1.161 MX-MAX 11.445 1.775 0.232 0.470 -2.557 -3.990 Page 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTEFRS.KIP MY-MIN· -2.542 -7.882 0.198 -1.621 0.546 -0.949 MY-MAX 1.905 6.931 -0.175 1.428 -0.476 -1.010 MZ-MIN -5.696 1.924 -0.217 0.362 1.102 -1.381 MZ-MAX 7.502 -2.807 0.419 -0.451 -1.759 -3.846 FX-MIN •2.542 -7.882 0.198 ·1.621 0.546 -0.949 . FX-MAX 1.905 6.931 -0.175 1.428 -0.476 -1.010 FY-MIN 11.445 1.775 0.232 0.470 -2.557 -3.990 FY-MAX -8.824· -2.802 0.021 -0.569 1.728 -1.161 FZ-MIN -1.947 0.825 -0.010 0.225. 0.149 -4.517 FZ-MAX 5.486 •2.547 0.234 -0.490 -1.104 -0.240 M·RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 11.582 8.819 0.232 0.470 -2.557 -3.990 FEDER 32 KNP 827 DIMENSION: kip·ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -6.475 -0.082 -0.063 -0.028 1:008 -0.651 MX-MAX 7.696 0.097 0.111 0.047 -1.427. -4.770 MY-MIN -2.982 -3.967 0.126 -0.583 0.430 -1.075 MY-MAX 1.884 3.771 -0.112 0.560 -0.352 -1.000 MZ-MIN -4.697 2.365 -0.147 0.345 0;679 -1.236 MZ-MAX 5.323 •2.366 0.206 -0.329 -0.943 -2.926 FX-MIN -2.982 -3.967 0.126 -0.583 0.430 -1.075 FX-MAX 1.884 3.771 -0.112 0.560 -0.352 -1.000 FY-MIN 7.696 0.097 0.111 0.047, ·1.427 ·4,770 FY-MAX ·6.475 ·0.082 ·0.063 -0.028 1.008 -0.651 FZ-MIN 1.115 -1.309 0.074 -0.167 -0.396 -5.006 FZ-MAX 0.995 0.465 0.013 0.068 -0.140 -0.114 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX· FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 7.697 0.718 0.111 0;047 -1.427 -4.770 FEDER 33 KNP 847 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY' . FZ MX-MIN -6.971 0.174 0.188 0.079 1.156 -0.809 MX-MAX 7.962 .0.804 ·0.187 -0.192 ·1.590 ·4.922 MY-MIN 3.151 -4.044 0.038 -0.682 -0.631 ··0,991 MY-MAX -4.400 4.044 -0.029 0.679 0.737 -1.103 MZ-MIN 4.475 2.901 -0.266 0.429 -0.850 -3.212 MZ-MAX -1.766 :3.190 0.290 -0.477 0.122 -3.958 FX-MIN 3.151 -4.044 0.038 -0.682 -0.631 -0.991 FX·MAX -4.400 4.044 -0~029 0.679 0.737 -1.103 FY-MIN 7.962 -0.804 -0.187 -0.192 ·1.590 -4.922 FY-MAX -6.971 0.174 0.188 0:079 1.156 -0:809 FZ-MIN 1.003 -0.119 0.029 -0.020 •0.410 •5.237 FZ-MAX 1.117 0.242 -0.080 0.019 ·0.184 -0.314 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 8.0P3 -5.771 -0.187 -0.192 ·1.590 -4.922 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNDSTAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS -------- PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1614 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + earthquake + temp •FEDER 34 kNP "86t'·'faMENSldN~ l<ip:ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1'0.209 0.487 0.324 0.379 2.720 -1.168 ·MX-M.M<' 10.841''--1·:119'' "-0~264 ·:a0,692 --3;085··,-2.724 · MY-MIN 2.203 -7.474 · 0.158 -2.139 -0.835 -1.118 MY-MAX -3.106. 7.206 0.035 2.230' 1.118 -0.413 MZ-MIN 4.660 4.511 -0.467 1.024 -1.532 -4.170 MZ-MAX -5.794 -5.581 0.537. -1.295 1.479 -1.108 FX-MIN 6.348 -7.192 -0.052 -2:223 -2.244 -5.067 FX-MAX -3.106 7.206 0.035 2.230 1.118 -0.413 Page 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,, MCG_BTEFRS.KIP 10.618 · -1.995 -0.285 -0.802 -3.206 -4.627 FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX -10.209 0.487 0.324 0.379 2.720 -1.168 2.387 -1.344 -0.212 -0.574 -1.093 -5.139 1.377 0.846 0.173 6.409 -0.193 -0.232 M-RES ALP.HA 4 •• MZ ,, ... FX.. , FY FZ RES-MX·Y"MAX . 'fo.9'76 -9.011· , -o:2s4 . ~0.69~( ·.3--:oa!i· :.2;724 FEDER 35 KNP 887 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -6.726 -0.688 -0.197 -0.180 2.767 -0.737 MX-MAX 6.567 -0.981 0.151 -0.251 -2.580 -3.119 MY-MIN -3.014 -6.169 -0.122 -2.476 1.216 -0.790 MY-MAX 2.376 5.323 0.111 2.266 -0.902 -0.803 MZ-MIN -4.763 -0.341 -0.224 0.015 2.018 -0.865 MZ-MAX 4.605 -1.329 0.178 -0.445 -1.832 -2.991 FX-MIN -3.014 -6.169 -0.122 -2.476 1.216 -0.790 FX-MAX -0.085 4.880 0.000 2.274 0.173 -3.713 FY-MIN 6.567 -0.981 0.151 ~0.251 -~.580 -3.119 FY-MAX -6.726 -0.688 -0.197 -0.180 2.767 -0.737 FZ-MIN -2.073 -0.204 -0.150 0.238 1.006 -4.729 FZ-MAX 3.835 0.105 0.178 -0.034 -1 .. 626 -0.244 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.866-116.039 -0.122 -2.476 1.216 -0.790 FEDER 36 KNP 907 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -8.023 0.888 -0.647 1.316 4.010 -3.657 MX-MAX 6.977 -1.234 0.500 -1.022 -3.153 -0.520 MY-MIN -0.053 -6.794 -0.555 -2.813 -0.333 -0.546 MY-MAX -3.086 5.495 0.164 2.885 2.090 -4.617 MZ-MIN -3'.962 -4.265 -0.765 -1.173 1.854 -0.754 MZ-MAX 4.234 2;690 0.647 0.608 -1.931 -0.789 FX-MIN 0.932 -6.705 -0.458 -2.830 -0.731 -0.587 FX-MAX -3.086 5.495 0.164 2.885 2.090 -4.617 FY-MIN 6.977 -1.234 0.500 -1.022 -3.153 -0.520 FY-MAX -7.776 1.889 -0.557 1.834 4.095 -4.639 FZ-MIN -7.776 1.889 -0.557 1.834 4.095 -4.639 FZ-MAX 6.977 -1.234 0.500 -1.022 -3.1'53 -0.520 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 8.072 173.683 -0.647 1.316 4.010 -3.657 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR 5 SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1615 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation +earthquake+ temp FEDER 37 KNP 927 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -9.590 -0.448 -0.254 0.007 5.567 -5.107 MX-MAX 8.609 -1.141 0.038 -0.484 -4.374 -0.187 MY-MIN 3.268 -5.376 -0.615 -1.787 -1.842 -0.372 MY-MAX -4.380 4.405 0.490 1.482 2.916 -3.523 MZ-MIN -5.801 -5.167 -0.796 -1.576 3.40!} -3.887 MZ-MAX 3.322 4.292 0.660 1.330 -1.229 .-3.115 FX-MIN 3.268 -5.376 -0.615 -1.787 -1.842 -0.372 FX-MAX -4.380 4.405 0.490 1.482 2.916 -3.523 FY-MIN 8.609 -1.141 . 0.038 -0.484 -4.374 -0.187 FY-MAX -9.590 -0.448 -0.254 0.007 5.567 -5.107 FZ-MIN -9.590 -0.448 -0.254 0.007 5.567 -5.107 FZ-MAX 7.714 0.480 0.208 0.061 -3.801 -0.172 M-RES ALPl:fA MZ FX FY FZ Page 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BTEFRS.KIP · RES-MXY-MAX 9.601 -177.323 -0.254 0.007 5.567--5.107 . FEDER 38 KNP 947 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY . FZ MX-MIN -9.636 -2.391 0.336 -1,568 3.980 -3.145 MX-MAX 9.298 1.461 -0.353 1.083 -3.!,30 -0.689 MY-MIN -4.975 -7.502 -0.391 -2.975 2.555 -4.628 MY-MAX 4.247 6.514 0.334 2.368 -1.901 0.162 MZ-MIN 4.862 -2.515 -0.448 -0.428 -1.834 -0.983 MZ-MAX -5.200 1.585 0.431 -0.057 2.183 -2.851 FX-MIN -4.975 -7.502 -0.391 -2.975 2.555 -4.628 FX-MAX 4.247 6.514 0.334 2.368 -1.901, 0.162 FY-MIN 9.298 1.461 -0.353 1.083 -3.630 -0.689 FY-MAX -9.636 -2.391 0.336· -1.568 3.980 -3.145 FZ-MIN -5.657 -7.015 -0.290 -2.851 2.764 -4.975 FZ-MAX 4.247 6.514 0.334 2.368 -1.901 0.162 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 9.928 -166.065 0.336 -1.568 3.980 -3.145 FEDER 39 KNP 967 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY -FZ MX-MIN -6.019 -6.791 0.159 -1.893 1.633 -2.154 '· MX-MAX 6.160 5.357 -0.128 1.588 -1.724 -1;662 MY-MIN -4.000 -10.894 0;074 -2.941 1.045 -3.864 MY-MAX 2.589 9.396 -0.007 2.655 -0.718 -0.662 MZ-MIN 6.160 5.357 -0.128 1.588 -1.724 -1.662 MZ-MAX -6.019 -6.791 0.159 -1.893 1.633 -2.154 FX-MIN -4.000 -10.894 0.074 -2.941 1.045 -3.864 FX-MAX 2.589 9.396 -0.007 2.655 -0.718 -0.662 FY-MIN 6.160 5.357 -0.128 1.588 -1.724 -1.662 FY-MAX -6.019 -6.791 0.159. -1.893 1.633 -2.154 FZ-MIN 4.356 2.376 -0.056 0.893. -1.294 -4.579 . FZ-MAX -5.766 -3.875 0.123 -1.180 1.620 0.052 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 11.605 -110.161 0.074 -2.941 1.045 -3.864 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------·-MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 161.6 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ earthquake+ temp FEDER 40 KNP 987 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.492 -5.598 -0.045 -1.383 1.276 -0.819 MX-MAX 4.203 4.912 0.044 1.256 -1.154 -4.717 MY-MIN -2.064 -12.135 -0.130 -2.847 0.583 -2.483 MY-MAX 0.591 11.044 0.113 2.804. -0.153 -2.03!! MZ-MIN -0.913 -12.130 -0.132 -2.937 0.282 -3.935 MZ-MAX 1.526 10:695 0.124 2.699 -0.411 -1.863 FX-MIN -0.913 -12.130 -0.132 -2.937 0.282 -3.935 FX-MAX 0.591 11.044 0.113 2.804 -0.153 -2.038 FY-MIN 4.203 4.912 0.044 1.256 -1.154 -4.717 FY-MAX -4.492. -5.598 -0;045 -1.383 1.276 -0.819 FZ-MIN · 1.923 8.209 0.090 2.208 -0.504 -4.822 FZ-MAX -2.539 -10.611 -0.101 -2.685 0.717 -0.731 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX .FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 12.309 -99.656 -0.130 -2.847 0.583 -2.483 FEDER 41 KNP 1007 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY. FZ MX-MIN -5.553 3.692 0.044 0.969 1.625 -1.;!45 Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I MCG_BTEFRS.KIP MX-MAX 5.712 -4.007 -0.044 -1.005 -1.656 -4.015 MY-MIN 0.575 -13.833 -0.149 -3.802 -0.157 -3.582 MY-MAX 0.902 13.611 0.178 3.783 -0.268 -1.110 MZ-MIN 0.971 -12.918 -0.160 -3.565 -0.260 -4.104 MZ-MAX 0.902 13.611 0.178 3.783 -0.268 -1.110 ,l::!S:i!'/l!,1:11 1 .9.575, ,1,318.~3 -0,149 .~3.8Q;? .:01.15! -3.5!3k FX-MAX 0.902 13.611 0.178 3.783 -0:268 -1.1''10 · · FY-MIN 5.712 -4.007 -0.044 -1.005 -1.656 -4.015 FY-MAX -5.553 3.692 0.044 0.969 1.625 -1.245 FZ-MIN 0.971 -12.918 -0.160 -3.565 -0.Z60 -4.104 FZ-MAX -0.183 11.650 0.165 3.291 0.049 -0.974 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1~.845 -8Z..ll.1.!L ~9~149 -3,~02 ,0.:157,,,:,3.584., FEDER 42 KNP 1027 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -7.456 3.828 -0.008 1.140 2.212 -0.516 MX-MAX 7.606 -3.953 0.01'4 -1.055 -2.179 -2.780 MY-MIN 2.255 -14.514 -0.065 -4.320 -0.694 -0.797 MY-MAX -2.314 15.367 0,073 4.546 0.704 -0.496 MZ-MIN 2.255 -14.514 -0.065 -4.320 -0.694 -0.797 MZ-MAX -1.317 13.125 0.077 3.875 0.404 -0.296 FX-MIN 2.255 -14.514 -0.065 -4.320 -0.694 -0.797 FX-MAX -2.314 15.367 0.073 4.546 0.-704 -0.496 FY-MIN 7.606 -3.953 0.014 -1.055 -2.179 · -2.780 FY-MAX -7.456 3.828 -0.008 1.140 2.212 -0.516 FZ-MIN 2.609 -13.830 -0.057 -4.065 -0.762 -3.279 FZ-MAX -1.317 13.125 0.077 3.875 0.404 -0.296 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 15.540 98.563 0.073 4.546 0.704 -0.496 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRQ FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BTE.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1617 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ earthquake+ temp FEDER 43 KNP 1047 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -8.627 2.209 -0.027 0.655 -2.549 •0.527 MX-MAX 8.660 -2.105 0.029 -0.622 -2.570 -0.987 MY-MIN 4.803 -13.687 -0.038 -4.055 -1.472 -0.666 MY-MAX -5.000 14.661 0.041 4.330 1.494 -0.162 MZ-MIN -3.743 -5:338 -0.054 -1.588 1.069 -0.617 MZ-MAX 2.982 5.431 0.058 1.616 -0.856· -0.646 FX-MIN 4.803 -13.687 -0.038 -4.055 -1,472 -0.6.66 FX-MAX -5.000 14.661 0.041. 4.330 1.494 -0.162 · FY-MIN 8.660 -2.1'05 0.029 -0.622 -2.5'70 -0.987 FY-MAX -8.627 2.209 -0.027 0.655 2.549 -0.527 FZ-MIN 5.000 -12.830 -0.029 -3.768 -1.472 -3.335 FZ-MAX -5.000 14.661 0.041 4.330 1.494 -Q.162 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 15.489 108.832 0.041 4.330 -1.494 -0.162 Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;MOGf.B.FRS~KIP ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURA.NDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1101 ~ "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation PROGRAMM: FR S VERSION 2.17 GERECHNET AUF PC IN DIGITAL-FORTRAN 5.0 GERECHNET AM: 16-DEC-03 15:29:34 EINGABE-DATEI : MCG 8.FRS ERGEBNIS-LISTE : $PR.J:[0112.FEM]MCG_BFRS;KIP;10 AUFTRAGS-NUMMER : 0112 FRS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 FEM-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 STRESS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER: 100 FEM-COMMON-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-ELEMENT-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2,CDB FEM-STRESS-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FRS-SCHNITT-DATEI.: c:\Temp\FRS.100 ANGEFORDERTEFEDERN VON INC BIS [K NUR FORMEL(N)] 1 1 43 ERSTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 1 LETZTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL ANGEFORDERTER FEDERN : 43 TRANSFORMATIONS-WINKEL FEDERN GLOBAL->LOKAL VON INC BIS WINKEL 1 1 28800 0.000 *DEFAULT* ANGEFORDERTE LAST_FALL-KOMBINATIQNEN 1: -1 2: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATlk UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG B.F.RS ------,---. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANflEUSTABEL POS. 3 1102 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation TRAGWERKS-BERECHNUNG Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BFRS.KIP PROGRAMM /VERSION .................. : GENF 10.36-99 MASZ-EINHEITEN ( PER DEFINITION ) ...• : kip ft FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMME~ / FEM-SEQUENZ ... : 0112 . 100 BERECHNUN<;;S-DA l'UM/ZEIT (2.· KOPFZEll!=) : 16-DEC-03 1.5:.19:57 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMIV)ER .............•. : 43 .. PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG NUR FOLGENDE FEDER-WERTE AUS CDS EINGEHOLT KLEINSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 1 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 43 ANZAHL FEDERN : 43 TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE FEDERN VON INC BIS 1 1 43 ERSTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 1 LETZTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL BEARBEITETER FEDERN : 43 SCHNITT-DATEI-BEZOGENE ANGABEN PROGRAMM /VERSION ........... : ...... : STAR2 10.89-99 FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER / FEM-SEQUENZ •.. : 0112 100 BERECHNUNGS-DATUM/ZEIT (STRFED) ..... : 16-DEC-03 15:19:57 TRAGWERKS-TYP / MAX. LASTFALL-NR .... : 200 38 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER"LEGOLAlilD GUENZBURG TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE LASTFAELLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG_B.FRS ----.-·-----PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1103 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 1 KNP 207 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.973 -0.097 -0.016 -0.036 0,255 _-1.018 MX-MAX, 1.045 0.120 0.010 0.028 -0.326 -0.943 MY-MIN 0.291 -0.980 -0.007_ -0.296 -0.107 -1.147 MY-MAX -0.431 1.707 0.00.1 0.466 -0.013 "3.675 MZ-MIN -0.973 -0.097 -0.016 -0.036 0.255 -1.018 MZ-MAX 1.045 0.120 0.010 0.028· -0.326 -0.943 FX-MIN 0.291 -0.98.0 -0.007 -0.29.6 -0.107 •1.147 FX-MAX -0.431 1.707 0.001 0.466 -0.013 -3.675 FY-MIN 1.045 !).120 0.010 0.028 -0.326 -0.943 FY-MAX -0.973 -0.097 -0.016 -0.036 0.255 -1.018 FZ-MIN -0.431 1.707· 0.001 0.466 -0.013 -3.675 FZ-MAX 1.045 0.120 0.010 0.028 -0.326 -0.943 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ Page2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BFRS.KIP RES-MXY-MAX 1.761 104.167 0.001 0.466 -O.Q13 :-3.675· FEDER 2 KNP 227 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.377 -0.122 -0.003 -0.026 0.112 -1.344 MX-MAX 1.506 0.251 -0.020 0.084 -0.409 -1.329 MY-MIN 0.791 -0.926 -0.010 -0.261 -0.214 -3.971 MY-MAX 0.083 1.952 -0.014 0.596 -0.013 -5.120 MZ-MIN 1.506 0;251 -0.020 0.084 -0.409 -1.329 MZ-MAX -0.377 -0.122 -0.003 -0.026 0.112 -1.344 FX-MIN 0.791 -0.926 .:o.010 -0.261 -0.214 -3.971 FX-MAX 0.083 1.952 -0.014 0.596 -0.013 -5.120 FY-MIN 1.506 0.251 -0.020 0.084 -0.409 -1.329 FY-MAX -0.377 -0.122 -0.003 -0.026 0.112 -1.344 FZ-MIN 0.083 1.952 -0.014 0.596 -0.013 -5.120 FZ-MAX 0.594 -0.045 -0.011 -0.001 -0.157 -1.268 M-RES · ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.954 87.583 -0.014 0.596 -0.013 -5.120 FEDER 3 KNP 247 DIMEfl!SION: kip ft . MX MY MZ· FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.107 -0.2Q6 -0.007 -0.071 0.044 -1.700 MX-MAX 2.670 0.178 -0.026 0.040 -0.723 -1.741 MY-MIN 1.425 -1.027 -0.015 -0.316--0.381 -5.161 MY-MAX 0.982 1.888 -0.021 0.554 -0;254 -3.605 MZ-MIN 2.670 0.178 -0.026 0.040 -0.723 .-1.741 MZ-MAX -0.107 -0.206 -0.007 -0.071 0.044 -1.700 FX-MIN 1.425 -1:027 -0.015 -0.316 -0.381 -5.161 FX-MAX 0;982 1.888 -0.021 0.554 -0.254 -3.605 FY-MIN 2.670 0.178 -0.026 0.040 ,0.723 -1.741 FY-MAX -0.107 -0.206 -0.007 -0.071 0.044 -1.700 FZ-MIN 1.425 -1.027 -0.015 -0.316 -0.381 -5.161 FZ-MAX · 1.293 -0.069 -0,016 -0.027 -0.342 -1.556 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY Fi RES-MXY-MAX 2.676 3.805 -0.026 0.040 -0.723 -1.741 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENfEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITlWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1104 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation FEDER 4 KNP 267 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.572 -0.134 -0.233 0.011 0.726 -2.980 MX-MAX · 4.457 0.202 -0.133 0.091 -0.279 -2.463 MY-MIN 2.530 -0,941 -0.184 -0.134 0.211 -4.572 MY-MAX 2.474 1.848 -0.185 0.534 0.242 -2.811 MZ-MIN 0.572 -0.134 -0.233 0.011 0.726 -2.980 MZ-MAX 4.457 0.202 -0.133 0.091 -0.279 -2.463 FX-MIN 2.530 -0.941 -0.184 -0.134 0.211 -4.572 FX-MAX 2.474 1.848 -0.185 0.534 0.242 -2.811 FY-MIN 4.457 0.202 -0.133 0.091 -0.279 -2.463 FY-MAX 0.572 -0.134 -0.233 0.011 0.726 -2.980 FZ-MIN 2.513 · -0.120 -0.185 0.125 0.217 -6.748 FZ-MAX 2.471 0.979 -0.170 o:291 0.274 -2:399 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX. 4.461 2.596 -0.133 0.091 -0.279 -2.463 FEDER 5 KNP 287 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.554. ·o.061 -0.1~2 0.062 0.530 -3.526 Page 3 I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY:MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG BFRS.KIP 6.193 0.696 · 0.046 0.187 -0.265 -5.150 3.279 -0.856 -0.041 -0.074 0.146 -3.484 3.530 1.730 -0.036 0.303 0.111 -3.594 0.554 0.061 -0.122 0.062 0.530 -3.526 6.193 0.696 0.046 0.187 -0.265 .5.150 3.279 -0.856 -0.041 -0.074 0.146 -3.484 3.375 1.005 -0.038 0.315 0.133 -7.511 6.193 0.696 0.046 0.187 -0.265· -5.150 0.554 0.061 -0.122 0.062 .0.530 -3.526 3.375 1.005 -0.038 0.315 0.133 -7.511 3.279 -0.856 -0.041 -0.074 0.146 -3.484 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.232 6.413 0.046 0.187 -0.265 ~5.150 FEDER 6 KNP 307 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX ·FY FZ MX-MIN -0.116 0.411 -0.078 0.111 Oa422 -5.499 MX-MAX 4.887 1.085 0.038 0.223 -0.051 -7.379 MY-MIN 2.229 -0.445 -0.022 -0.004 0.200 -3.578 MY-MAX 2.637 1.190 -0.018 0.151 0.162 -3.486 MZ-MIN -0.116 0.411 -0.078 0.111 0.422 -5.499 MZ-MAX 4:887 1;085 0.038 0.223 -0.051 -7.379 FX-MIN 2.229 -0.445 -0.022 -0.004 0.200 -3.578 FX-MAX 4.887 1.085 0.038 0.223 -0.051 -7;379 FY-MIN 4.887 1.085 0.038 0.223 -0.051 -7.379 FY-MAX -0.116 0.411 -0.078 0.111 0.422 -5.499 FZ-MIN 4.887 1.085 0.038 0.223 -0.051 -7.379 FZ-MAX 2.280 -0.316 -0.021 0.001 0.195 -3.317 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.006 12.519 0.038 0.223 -0.051 -7.379 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRC> FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1.105 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 7 KNP 327 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.591 0.644 -0.061 0.131 0.358 -7.613 MX-MAX 3.469 0.692 0.043 0.119 0.066 -6.424 MY-MIN 1.248 -0.301 -0.011 0.004 0.225 •3.815 MY-MAX 1.737 0.883 -0.006 0.092 0.190 -3.818 MZ-MIN -0.591° 0.644 -0.061 0.131 0.358 -7.613 MZ-MAX 3.469 0.692 0.043 0.119 0.066 -6.424 FX-MIN 1.248 -0.301. -0.011 0.004 0.225 -3.815 FX-MAX -0.591 0.644 -0.061 0.131 0.358 -7.613 FY-MIN 3.469 0.692 0.043 0.119 0.066 -6.424 FY-MAX -0.591 0.644 -0.061 0.131 0.358 -7.613 FZ-MIN -0.591. 0.644 -0.061 0.131 0.358 -7.613 FZ-MAX 1.361 -0.061 -0.!)10 0.019 0.217 -3.686 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX · FY FZ ~ RES-MXY-MAX 3.538. 11:279 0.043 0.119 0.Q66 -6.424 FEDER 8 KNP 347 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ F,X FY MX-MIN -0.827 0.500 -0.142 0.090 MX-MAX 2.137 ·o.226 -0.083 0.040 MY-MIN ·0.439 -0.136 -0.027 0.018 MY-MAX 0.946 0.745 0.004 0.071 MZ-MIN 1.517 0.587 -0.143 0.064 MZ-MAX 2.122 0.332 0.101 0.048 FX-MIN 0.439 -0.136 -0.027 0.018 FZ 0.281 -6.212 0.111 -3.985 0.225 -3.968 0.203 ·-3.879, 0.133 -4,202 0.148 -4:096 0.225 -3.968 Page4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG BFRS.KIP 0.685 0.567 0.020 0.108 0.222 -7.660 2.137 0.226 -0.083 0.040 0.111 -3.985 -0.827 0.500 -0.142 0.090 0.281 -6.212 o.685 o.567 0.020 0.108· 0.222 -7.660 0.946 0.745 0.004 0.071 0.203 -3.879 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.149 6.020 -0.083 0.040 0.111 -3.985 FEDER 9 KNP 367 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX 0.105 -0.237 0.086 -0.019 -0.034 -1.279 3.035 -0.378 0.136 -0.063 -0.229 -4.870 1.092 -0.455 0.226 -0.038 -0.127 -2.159 1.481 0.361 0.148 0.010 -0.124 -1.963 0.105 -0,237 0.086 -0.019 -0.034 -1.279 0.324 0.305 0.317 0.006 -0.116 -2.573 2.552 -0.424 0.179 -0.069 -0.209 -5.288 1.481 0.361 0.148 0.010 -0.124 -1;963 3.035 -0.378 0.136 -0.063 -0.229 -4.870 0.105 -0.237 0.086 -0.019 -0.0.34 -1.279 2.552 -0.424 0.179 -0.069 -0.209 -5.288 0.105 -0.237 0.086 -0.019 -0.034 -1.279 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.058 -7.084 0.136 -0.063 -0.229 -4.870 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 '1106 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 10 KNP 387 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY Fi MX-MIN -1.311 0.057 0.011 0.007 0.096 -0.839 MX-MAX 2.505 -0.610 -0.431 -0.125 -o.;m6 -4.577 MY-MIN 2.476 -1.310 0.048 -0.136 -0.352 -4.961 MY-MAX 0.414 0.734 0.058 0.061 -0.096 -1.780 MZ-MIN 2.505 -0:610 -0.431 -0.125 -0.296 -4.577 MZ-MAX 0.926 -0.974 0.091 -0.087 -0.1.54 -2.876 FX-MIN 2.476 -1.310 0.048 -0.136 -0.352 -4.961 FX-MAX 0.414 0.734 0.058· 0.061 -0.096 -1.780 FY-MIN 2.476 -1.310. 0.048 -0.136 -0.352 -4.961 FY-MAX -1.311 0.057 0.011 0.007 0.096 -0.839 FZ-MIN 2.476 -1.310 0.048 -0.136 -0.352 -4.961 FZ-MAX -1.311 0.057 0.011 0.007 0.096 -0.839 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.801 -27.890 0.048 -0.136 -0.352 -4.96:1 FEDER 11 KNP 407 DIMENSION: .kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.852 -0,987 -0.505 -0.275 0.289 -0.232 MX-MAX 3.516 -0.900 -0.110 -0:083 -0.623 -3.613 MY-MIN 1.792 -2.559 -0.478 -0.534 -0.211 -0.837 MY-MAX -1.298 1.666 -0.037 0.327 0.080 -1,635 MZ-MIN 0.595 -1.806 -0.716 -0.507 -0.003 0.005 MZ-MAX 1.990 1.418 0.422 0.504 -0.536 -4.874 FX-MIN 1.792 -2.559 -0.478 -0.534 -0.211 -0.837 FX-MAX 1.990 1.418 0.422 0.504 -0.536 -4.874 FY-MIN 3.516 -0.900 -0.110 -0.'083 -0.623 -3.613 FY-MAX -1.852 -0\987 -0.505 -0.275 0.289 -0.232 FZ-MIN 1.990 1.418 0.422. 0.504 -0,536 -4.874 FZ-MAX 0.595 -1:806 ·-0.716 -0.507 -0.003 0.005 Pages I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BFRS.KIP · M-RES AhPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.630 -14.360 -0:110 -0.083 -0.623 -3.613 FEDER 12 KNP 427 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.475 -0.092 -0.320 0.155 0:575 -1.435 MX-MAX 4.096 -1.573 0.280 -0.559 -1.065 -1.164 MY-MIN 2.323 -2.059 -0.014 -0.863 -0.634 -0.027 MY-MAX -0.477 2.461 . ·0.356 1.711 0.121 -5.472 MZ-MIN -1.381 -1.491 -0.322 -0.508 0.296 -0.589 MZ-MAX 1.957 1.893 0.585 1.378 -0.483 -4.458 . FX-MIN 2.323 -2.059 -0.014 -0.863 -0.634 -0.027 FX-MAX -0.477 2.461 0.356 1.711 0.121 -5.472 FY-MIN 4.096 -1.573 0.280 -0.559 -1.065 -1.164 FY-MAX -2.475 -0.092 -0.320 0.155 0.575 -1.435 FZ-MIN -0.477 2.461 0.356 1.711 0.121 -5.472 FZ-MAX 2.323 -2.059 -0.014 -0.863 -0.634 -0.027 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX · 4.388 -21.000 0.280 -0.559 -1.065 -1.'164 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR.BAUSTATIK.UND STAHLBA,U -MsNCHEN --------MCG B.FRS _.._. ------- PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNIITWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1107 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation FEDER 13, KNP 447 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.125 0.910 -0.196 1.672 1.665 -4.872 MX-MAX 3,036 -0.352 0.390 -0.454 -1.411 -0.Q51 MY-MIN -0.712 -1.611 · -0.291 -0.721 0.217 -0.537 MY-MAX -1.142 2.005 0.072 2.061 1.232 -4.411 MZ-MIN -1.591 -0.888. -0.368 -0.232 0.687 -0.695 MZ-MAX 1·.110 1.042 0.425 0.835 -0.416 -2.241 FX-MIN -0.712 -1;611 -0.291 -0.721 0.217 -0.537 FX-MAX -1.142 2.005 0.072 2.061 1.232 -4.411 FY-MIN 3.036 -0:352 0.390 -0.454 -1.411 -0.051 FY-MAX -2.125 0.910 -0.196 1.672 1.665 -4.872 FZ-MIN -2.125 0.910 -0.196 1.672 1.665 -4.872 FZ-MAX 3.036 -0.352 0.390 -0.454 :1.411 -0.051 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.055 -6.630 0.390 -0.454--1.411 -0.051 FEDER 14 KNP 467 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.404 0.080 -0.290 0.701 1.953 -3.878 MX-MAX 2.300 0.573 0.353 0.191 -0.986 -0.838 MY-MIN -0.005 -1.786 -0.299 -.0.795 s0.098 -0.594 MY-MAX -0.269 1.444 0.263 0.983 ·0.742 -2.892 MZ~MIN -0.983 -1.368 -0.375 -0:494 0.471 -0.823 MZ-MAX 1.775 0.889 0.355· 0.265 -0.866 -0.442 FX-MIN -0.005 -1.786 -0.299 -0.795 -0.098 -0.594 FX-MAX -2.225 1.087 -0.088 1.279 2.124 -4.485 FY-MIN 2.300 0.573 0.353 0.191 -0.986 -0.838 FY-MAX -2.225 1.087 -0.088 1.279 2.124 -4.485 FZ-MIN -2.225 1.087 -0.088 1.279 2.124 -4.485 FZ-MAX 1.775 0.889 0.355 0.265 -0.866 -0.442 M-RES ALPHA MZ. FX FY F.Z RES-MXY-MAX 2.477 153.964 -0.088 1.279 2.124 -4.485 . FEDER 15 KNP 487 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BFRS.KIP MX-MIN -2.518 0.439 -0.010 0.451 2.573 -4.554 . MX-MAX 1.432 1.081 0.271 0.433 -0.592 -0;854 MY-MIN 0.853 -1.831 -0.349 -0.785 -0.581 -0.617 .MY-MAX -1.151 1.211 0.268 0.613 1.344 -2.801 MZ-MIN -0.142 -1.790 -0.415 -0.715 0.050 ·0.941 MZ-MAX 1.298 1.'.175 0.291 0.460• -0.605 -0.860 FX-MIN 0.853 -1.831 -0.349 -0.785 -0.581 -0.617 FX-MAX -1.151 1.211 0.268 0.613 1.344 -2.801 FY-MIN 1.298 1.175 0.291 0.460 -0.605 -0.860 FY-MAX -2.518 0.439 -0.010 0.451 2.573 .4·_554 FZ-MIN -2.518 0.439 -0.010 0.451 2.573 -4.5~4 FZ-MAX 0.490 0.964 0.221 . 0.380 -0.297 -0.376 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.556 170.104 -0.010 0.451 2.573 -4.554 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG_iB.FRS --. --· --- PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTEFEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL PCS. 3 1108 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 16 KNP 507 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY . MZ F:X: FY · FZ MX-MIN -2.543 -0.485 0,018 -0.584 2.550 -4.434 MX-MAX 1.542 -1.220 -0.338 -0.434 -0.865 -0.614 MY-MIN 0.664 -1.930 -0.482 -0.755 -0.337 -0.802 MY-MAX 0.575 1.260 0.228 0.504 -0.219 -0.820 MZ-MIN 0.664 -1.930 -0.482 -0.755 -0.33Z •0.802 MZ-MAX -1.627 0.959 0.347 0.155 1.457 -2.595 FX-MIN -1.534 -1.622 -0.285 -0.947 1.724 -3.721 FX-MAX 0.575 1.260 0.228 0.504 -0:219 -0.820 · FY-MIN 1.542 ·1.220 -0.338 -0.434 -0.865 -0.614 FY-MAX -2.543 -0.485 0.018 -0.584 2.550 -4.434 FZ-MIN -2.543 ·0.485 0.018 -0.584 . 2.550 -4.434 FZ-~.bJC -0.149 1'.055 0.233 0.455 -0.021 -0._241 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.589 -169.206 0.018 -0.584 2.550 -4.434 FEDER 17 KNP 527 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.483 0.029 0.361 -0.781 1.775 -3.234 MX-MAX 2.135 -0.307 -0.287 0.160 -1.148 -0.388 MY-MIN -0.914 -2:677 -0.383 -1.954 1.354 -3.938 MY-MAX -0.742 1.183 0.306 0.549 0.182 -0.183 MZ-MIN 1.617 ·1.281 -0.420 -0.282 -0:860 •0.114 MZ-MAX -2.483 0.029 0.361 -0.781 1.775 -3.234 FX-MIN -2.348 -2.022 -0.105 -2.021 2.271 -4.656 FX-MAX -0.742 1.183 0.306 0.549 0.182 -0.183 FY-MIN 2.135 -0.307 ~0.287 0.160 -1.148 -0.388 FY-MAX -2.348 -2.022 ·-0.105 -2.021 2.271 -4.656 FZ-MIN -2.348 -2.022 -0.105 -2.021 2.271 -4.656 FZ-MAX 1.617 -1.281 -0.420 -0.282 -0.8g0 -0.114 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.099 -139.260 -0.105 -2.021 2.271 -4.656 FEDER 18 KNP 547 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX i=Y MX-MIN -2.844 -2.204 0.237 -1.514 MX-MAX 2.241 -0.081 -0.255 0.243 MY-MIN -1.717 ·3'.990 -0.192 -2.454 MY-MAX 1.575 1.043 -0.083 0.457 MZ-MIN 0.674 -3.291 -0.417 -1.786 MZ-MAX -1.695 0.768 0.309 0.288 FZ 0.997 -3.401 -0.703 -0.266 0.832 -4.503 -0.498 -0.721 0.038 -3.646 0.444 -0.184 Page7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BFRS.KIP FX-MIN -1.717 -3.990 -0.192 -2.454 0.832 -4.503- FX-MAX 2.165 0.959 -0.122 0.607 -0.715 -0.533 FY-MIN 2.165 0.959 -0.122 0.607 -0.715 -().533 FY-MAX -2.844 -2.204 0.237 -1.514 0.997 -3.401 FZ-MIN -1.717 -3.990 ·-0.192 -2.454 0.832 -4.503 FZ-MAX -1.695 0.768 0.309 0.288 0.444 -0.184 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.344-113.282 -0.192 -2.454 0.832 -4.503 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH ·• INGENIEURBsRO F~R BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG 8.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3· 1109 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg· LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 19 KNP 567 DIMENSION: kip ft · MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.328 ~0.594. 0.282 -0:086 0.491 -0.075 MX-MAX 2.158 -2.219 -0.324 -1.001 -0.619 -3.302 MY-MIN 0.637 -4.729 -0.228 -1.944 -0.422· -4.146 MY-MAX 1.236 1.860 -0.025 0.647 -0.198 -0.577 MZ-MIN 2.158 -2.219 -0.324 -.1.001 -0.619 -3.302 -1: MZ-MAX -2.328 -0.594 0.282 -0.086 0.491 -0:075 FX-MIN 0.637 -4.729 -0.228 -1.944 -0.422 -4.146 FX-MAX 1.236 1.860 -0.025 0.647 -0.198 -0.57.7 FY-MIN 2.158 -2.219 -0.324 -1.001 -0.619 -3.302 FY-MAX -2.328 -0.594 0.282 -0.086 0.491 -0.075 FZ-MIN 0.637 -4.729 -0.228 .1.944 -0.422 -4.146 FZ-MAX 1.691 · 1.261 -0.103 0.525 -0.286 0.021 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.772 -82.332 -0.228 -1.944 -0.422 -4.146 FEDER 20 KNP 587 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY · MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.701 -2.350 0.229 -0.397 0.271 -0.131 MX-MAX 2.978 -3.094 -0.333 -1.034 -1.071 -4.487 MY-MIN 1.202 -4.222 -0.038 -1.098 -0.653 -3.641 MY-MAX 0.077 1.851 0.020 0.426 0.100 -0.746 MZ-MIN 2.654 -0.257 -0.344 -0.344 ·0.778 -3.708 MZ-MAX -1.701 -2.350 0.229 -0.397 0.271 -0.131 FX-MIN 1.202 -4.222 -0.038 -1.098 -0.653 -3.641 FX-MAX 0.077 1.851 0.020 0.426. 0.100 -0.746 FY-MIN 2.978 -3.094 -0.333 -1.034 -1.071 -4.487 FY-MAX -1.701 -2.350 0.229 -0.397 0.271 -0.131 FZ-MIN 2.978 -3.094 -0.333 -1.034 -1.071 -4.487 FZ-MAX -1. 701 -2.350 0.229 ·0.397. 0.271 -0.131 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.389 -74.112 -0.038 -1.098. -0.653 -3.641 FEDER 21 KNP 607 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.775 -2.062 0.142 -0.262 0.116 -0.952 MX-MAX 3.726 -0.665 -0.257 ,0.132 -1.042 -4.915 MY-MIN 0.582 -3.078 0.128 -0.420 ao·.157 -0.614 MY-MAX -0.066 1.395 -0.027 0.201 0.063 -0.601 MZ-MIN 3.726 -0.665 -0.257 -0.132 -1.042 -4.915 MZ-MAX -0.775 ·2.062 0.142 --0.262 0.116 -0.952 FX-MIN 0.582 -3.078 0.128 -0.420 ·Q.167 -0.614 FX-MAX ·0.066 1.395 -0.027 0.20.1 0;063 -!J;601 FY-MIN 3.726 -0.665 -0.257 -0.132 -1.042 -4.915 FY-MAX -0.775 -2:062 0.142 -0.262 0.116 -0.952 FZ-MIN 3.726 -0.665 -0.257 -0.132 -1.042 -4.915 FZ-MAX -0.066 1.395 -0.027 0.201 0.063 -0.601 Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG:_BFRS.KIP M-RES ALPHA MZ FX · FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.192 -37.513 -0.063 -0.372 -0.887 -4.Q10 . ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1110 "Mini-Coaster" Lego'land Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 22 KNP 627 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.260 0.294 0.029 0.030 0.164 -0.927 MX-MAX 2.776 -0.021 -0.076 0.089 -0.490 -3.464 MY-MIN 0.569 -2.279 0.076 -0.261 -0.051 -0.866 MY-MAX 0.534 1.627' -0.141 0.258 -0.192 -3.955 MZ-MIN 1.967 1.601 -0.189 0.305 -0.459 -4.939 MZ-MAX 0.569 -2.279 0.076 -0.261 -0.051 -0.866 FX-MIN 0.569 -2.279 0.076 -0.261 -0.051 -0.866 FX-MAX 1.967 1.601 -0.189 . 0.305 -0.459 -4.939 FY-MIN 2.776 -0.021 -0.076 0.089 -0.490 -3.464 FY-MAX -1.260 0.294 0.029 0 .. 030 0.164 -0.927 FZ-MIN 1.967 1.601 -0.189 0.305 -0.459 -4.939 FZ-MAX 1.980 -1.988 0.029 -0.204 -0.283 -0.527 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.805 -45.114 0.029 -0.204 -0.283 -0.527 FEDER 23 KNP 647 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.469 -0.089 0.007 -0.005 0.147 -1.023 MX-MAX 1.975 -0.408 -0.002 -0.004 -0.220 · -0.817 MY-MIN 0.807 -1.601 0.004 -0.150 -iJ.077 -1.122 MY-MAX 0.445 1.696 -0.004 0.224 -0.051 -4.799 MZ-MIN 0.093 -0.445 -0.020 -0.026 -0.017 -1.084 MZ-MAX 1.608 -1.507 0.020 -0.136 -0.:162 -0.981 FX-MIN 0.807 -1.601 0.004 -0.150 -0.077 -1.122 FX-MAX 0.445 1.696 -0.004 0.224 -0.051 -4.799 FY-MIN 1.975 -0.408 -0.002 -0.004 -0.220 -0.817 FY-MAX -1.469 -0.089 . 0.007 -0;005 0.147 -1.023 FZ-MIN 0.445 1.696 -0.004 0.224 -0.051 -4.799 FZ-MAX 1.975 -0.408 -0.0'02 -0.004. -0.220 -0.817 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.204 -4·3.134 0.020 -0.136 -0-.162 -0;981 FEDER 24 KNP 667 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY' FZ MX-MIN -1.420 -0.399 0.003 -0.019 0.126 -1.290 MX-MAX 1.797 -0.451 0.016 -iJ.026 -0.171 -1.244 MY-MIN 1.681 -1.081 -O;OQ2 -0.080 -0.161 ,1.307 MY-MAX 0.565 0.931 0.013 0,047 -0:046 -2.897 MZ-MIN 1.034 -1.061 -0.013 -0.0&2 -0.100 -1.259 MZ-MAX 1.311 0.393 0.025 0.040 -0.125 -0.9.11 FX-MIN 1.034 -1.061 -0.01·3 -0.082 -0.100 -1.259 FX-MAX 0.565 0.931 0.013 0.047 -0.046 -2.897 FY-MIN 1.797 -0.451 0.016 -0.026 -0.171 -1.244 FY-MAX -1.420 -0.399 0.003 -0.019 0.126 -1.290 FZ-MIN 0.463 0.62i 0.002 0.036 -0.049 -4.717 FZ-MAX 1.311 0.393 0.025 0.040 -0.125 -0.911 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.999 -32.740 -0.002 -0.080 -0.161 -1.307 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND ST,'\HLBAU -MsNCHEN. --------· MCG B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1111 Page9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BFRS.KIP "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 25 KNP 687 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX .FY FZ MX-MIN -1.573 -0.089 -0.564 0.204 0.251 •1.437 MX-MAX 2.205 -0.961 0".576 0.162 -0.113 -1.561 MY-MIN 2.143 -1.448 0.488 0.118 -0.104 -1.525 MY-MAX -0.142 1.896 0.136 1.403 0.531 -4.931 MZ-MIN -1.573 -0.089 -0.564 0.204 0.251 -1;437 MZ-MAX 2.205 •0.961 0.576 0.162 •0.113 -1.561 FX-MIN 2.143 -1:448 0.488 0.118 ~0.104 -1.525 FX-MAX 0.532 1.835 0.353 1.504 0.508 -5.285 FY-MIN 2.205 -0:961 0.576 0.162 -0.113 -1.561 FY-MAX -0.142 1.896 ,0.136 1.403 0.531 -4.931 FZ-MIN 0.532 1.835 0.353 1.504 0.508 -5.285 FZ-MAX .1 .573 -0.089 -0.564 0.204 0.251 •1.437 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX . FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.586 -34.053 0.488 0.118 -0.104 -1.525 FEDER 26 KNP 707 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.745 -0.228 -0.062 · -0.034 0.145 -1.823 MX-MAX 1.655 0.069 -0.00.1 0.017 -0.152 -1.099 MY-MIN -1.194 -1.092 -0.027. -0.103 · 0.131 -0.854 MY-MAX 0.825 0.419 0.034 0.065 -0.051 -1.230 MZ-MIN -1.745 -0.228 -0.062 -0.034 0.145 -1.823 -MZ-MAX 0.825 0.419 0.034 . 0.065 -0.051 -1.230 FX:MIN -1.194 -1.092 -0.027 -0.103 0.131 -0.854 FX-MAX 0.825 0.419 0.034 0.065 -0.051 -1.230 FY-MIN 1.655 0.069 -0.001 0.017 -0.152 -1.099 FY-MAX -1.745 -0.2_28 -0.062 -0.034 0.145 -1.823 FZ-MIN -0.378 0.340. -0.013 0.057 0.056 -4.551 FZ-MAX -1.194 -1.092 -0.027 -0.103 0.131 -0.854 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.760 -172.564 -0.062 -0.034 0.145 -1.823 FEDER 27 KNP 727 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.594 -0.125 -0.267 0.087 0.452 -4.241 MX-MAX 2.074 0.675 0.075 0.099 -0.213 -0.997 MY-MIN -0.416 -1.901 -0.039 -0.219 ·o.071 -0.649 MY-MAX -2.626 0.915 •0.082 0.219 0.400 -4.266 MZ-MIN -3.594 -0.125 -0.267 0.087 0.452 -4.241 MZ-MAX 1.551 0.849 0.105 0.119 -0.145 -0.947 FX-MIN -0.416 -1.901 -0.039 -0.219 0.071 -0.649 FX-MAX -2.626 0.915 -0.082 0.219 0.400 -4.266 FY-MIN , 2.074 0.675 0.075 0.099 -0.213 -0.997 FY-MAX -3.594 -0.125 -0.267 0.087 0.452 -4.241 FZ-MIN -2.626 0.915 -0.082 0.219 0:400 -4.266 · FZ-MAX -0.416 -1.901 -0.039 -0.219 0.071 -0.649 · M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.596 -178.006 -0.267 0:087 0.452 -4.241 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO°FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG -8.FRS ----------. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1112 "Min_i-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation Page 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BFRS.KIP FEDER 28 KNP 747 DIMENSION: kip-ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.915 -1.692 0.097 -0.321 1.360 -5.335 MX-MAX 1.319 -1.169 -0.032 -0.222 -0.190 -1.136 MY-MIN -1.598 -2.297 0.072 -0.465 0.769 -3.493 MY-MAX 1.118 1.183 0.052 0.264 -0.203 -0.911 MZ-MIN 1.002 -1.114 -0.055 -0.209 -0.143 -1.060 MZ-MAX 1.076 0.854 0.192 · 0.148 -0:063 -1.086 FX-MIN -1.598 -2.297 0.072 -0.465 0,769 -3.493 FX-MAX 1.118 1'183 0.052 0.264 -0.203 -0.911 FY-MIN 1.118 1.183 0.052 0.264 -0.203 -0,911 FY-MAX -3.915 -1.692 0.097 -0.321 1.360 -5.335 FZ-MIN -3.915 -1:692 0.097 -0.321 1.360 -5.335 FZ-MAX -0.470 0.184 0.025 0.045 0.147 -0.'795 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.265 ,156.623 0.097 -0.321 1.360 -5.335 FEDER 29 KNP 767 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.936 -1.351 0.088 -0.817 1.466 -4.761 MX-MAX 2.060 -0.703 -0.091 -0.227 -0.793 &546 MY-MIN -1.351 -1.363 0.040 -0.824 0.903 -5.649 MY-MAX -0.770 0.758 0.039 0.388 0.226 -0.380 MZ-MIN 1.372 -1·.007 -0.097 -0.378 -0.491 -0.783 MZ-MAX -2.936 -1.351 0.088 -0.817 1.466 -4.761 FX-MIN -1.351 -1.363 0.040 -0.824 0.903 -5.649 FX-MAx -0.770 0.758 -0.039 0.388 0.226 -0.380 FY-MIN 2.060 . -0.703 -0.091 -0.227 -0.793 -0.546 FY-MAX -2.936 -1.351 0.088 -0.817 1 ;466 -4.761 FZ-MIN -1.351 -1.363 0.040 -0.824 0.903 -5.649 FZ-MAX -0.770 0.758 0.039 0.388 0.226 -0.380 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.232-155.284 0.088 -0.817 1.466 •.4.761 FEDER 30 KNP 787 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.112 -0.409 0.047 -0.123 0.687 -0.992 MX-MAX 2.954 0.302 0.014 0.162 -1.138 -2.676 MY-MIN 0.461 -1.023 0.026 -0.391 -0.166 -0.771 MY-MAX -1.503 0.815 -0.024 0.314 0.490 -0.729 MZ-MIN -1.503 0.815 -0.024 0.314 ·0.490 -0.729 MZ-MAX 1.744 -0.360 0.108 0.066 -0.900 -4.723 FX-MIN 0.910 -1,.009 0.025 -0.401 -0.312 -0.710 FX-MAX -1.503 0.815 -0.024 0.314 0.490 -0.729 FY-MIN 2.954 0.302 0.01:4 0.162 -1.138 -2.676 FY-MAX -2.112 -0.409 . 0.047 -0.123 0.687 -0.992 FZ-MIN 1.744 -0.360 0.108 0.066 -0.900 -4.723 FZ-MAX 1.508 -0.772 0.038 -0.285 -0.532 -0.370 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.968 5.825 0.014 0.162 -1.138 -2.676 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -'MsNCHEN --------MCG B.FRS --------. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITIWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEl/STABEL POS. 3 1113 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 31 KNP 807 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX 'FY FZ MX-MIN -1.104 -0.176 0.052 -0.013 0.156 -0.979 MX-MAX 3.726 -0.850 0.201 -0.086 -0.984 -4.172 MY-MIN 0.335 -1.058 0.026--0.217 -0.077 -0.913 MY-MAX -0.972 0.108 -0.002 0.024 Q.148 -1.046 Page 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BFRS.KIP MZ-MIN -0.972 0.108 -0.002 0.024 0.148 -1.046- MZ-MAX 2.777 -0.991 0.205 -0.113 -0.805 -4.182 FX-MIN 0.335 -1.058 0.026 -0.217 -0.077 -0.913 FX-MAX -0.972 0.108 -0.002 0.024 0.148 -1.046 FY-MIN 3.726 -0.850 0.201 -0.086 -0.984 -4.172 FY-MAX -1.104 -0.176 0.052 -0.013 0.156 -0.979 FZ-MIN 2.777 -0:991 0:205 -0.113 -0.80!? •4.182 FZ-MAX 0.762 -0.731 0.021 -0.152 -0.150 -0.576 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.821 ·12.851 0.201 -O.Q86 -0.984 -4.172 FEDER 32 KNP 827 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.596 0.354 -0.008 0.051 0.047 -1.035 MX-MAX 1.817 ~0.339 0.055 -0.031 -0.466 -4.386 MY-MIN -0.501 -0.550 0.022 -0.073 0;031 -1.040 MY-MAx -0.596 0.354 -0.008 0.051 0.047 -1.035 MZ-MIN -0.596 0.354 -0.008 0.051 0.047 -1.035 MZ-MAX 1.222 -0.355 0.066 -0.034 -0.310 -3.128 FX-MIN -0.501 · -0.550 0.022 -0.073 0.031 -1.040 FX-MAX -0.596 0.354 -0.008 0.051 0.047 -1.035 FY-MIN 1.817 -0.339 0.055 -0.031 -0.466 -4.386 FY-MAX -0.596 0.354 -0.008 0.051 0.047 -1.035 FZ-MIN 1.817' -0.339 0.055 -0.031 -0.466 -4.386 FZ-MAX 0.293 -0.505 0.032 -0.069 -0.070 -0.734 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.848 -10.579 0.055 -0.031 -0.466 -4.386 FEDER 33 KNP 847 DIMENSiON: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.878 -0.498 0.031 -0.074 0.091 -1.064 • MX-MAX 1.869 -0.132 -0.029 -0.039 -0.526 -4.668 MY-MIN -0.878 -0.498 0.031 -0.074 0.091 -1.064 MY-MAX -0.372 0.499 •0.022 0.071 0.014 -1.030 MZ-MIN 1.545 0:042 -0.042 -0.007 -0.393 -3.454 MZ-MAX 1.165 -0.331 0.066 -0.040 -0.335 -3.716 FX-MIN -0.878 -0.498 0.031 -0.074 0.091 -1.064 FX-MAX -0.372 0.499 -0.022 0.071 0.014 -1.030 FY-MIN 1.869 -0.132 -0.029 -0.039 -0.526 -4.668 FY-MAX -0.878 -0.498 0.031 -0.074 0.091 -1.064 FZ-MIN 1.869 -0.132 -0.029 -0.039 -0.526 -4.668 FZ-MAX 0.251 0.254 · -0.022 0.037 -0.01>8 -0.884 M-RES · ALPHA MZ .FX FY FZ RES·MXY-MAX 1.874 -4.044 -0.029 -0.039 -0.526 -4.668 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG -B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1114 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead-toad+ operation FEDER 34 KNP 867 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.095 -0.785 ·0.097 -0.157 0.506 -0.917 MX-MAX 2.727 -0.448 -0.038 ~0.156 -0.871 -2.975 MY-MIN -1.641 -1.006 0.150 -0.183 Q.417 -0.929 MY-MAX 0.738 0;738 0.042 0.273 -0.134 -0.602 MZ-MIN 1 0.507 -0.065 -0.080 -0.089 -0.469 -4.349 MZ-MAX -1.641 -1.006 0.150 -0.183 0.417 -0.929 FX-MIN. 2.504 -0.723 -0.058 -0.266 -0.992 -4.878 FX-MAX 0.738 0.738 0.042 0.273 -0.134 -0.602 FY-MIN 2.504 -0.723 -0.058 -0.266 -0.992 -4.878 FY-MAX -2.095 -0.785 0.097 -0;157 0.506 -0.917 Page 12. I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BFRS.KIP FZ-MIN 2.504 -0.723 e0.058 -0.266 -0.992 -4.878 FZ-MAX 1.260 0.225 0.021 0.101 -0.294 -0.493 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.763 -9.315 -0.038 -0.156 -0.871 -2.975 FEDER. 35 KNP 887 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.213 -0.504 -0:088 -0.128 0.924 -0.695 MX-MAX 2.054 -1.166 0.041 -0.30_3 -0.737 -3.162 MY-MIN -1.318 -1.488 -0.047 -0.532 0.561 -0.783 · MY-MAX 0.680 0.641· 0.036 0.322 -0.247 -0.810 MZ-MIN -2.213 -0.504 -0.088 s0.128 0.924 -0.695 MZ-MAX 2.054 -1.166 0.041 -0.303 -0.737 -3.162 FX-MIN -1.318 -1:488 -0.047 -0.532 0.561 -0.783 FX-MAX -1.781 0.199 -0.074 0.330 0.827 -3.720 FY-MIN 2.054 -1;166 0.041 -0-.303 -0.737 -3.162 FY-MAX -2.213 -0.504 -0.088 -0.128 0.924 -0.695 FZ-MIN 0.478 -0.367 -0.013 0.096 -0.088 -4.559 FZ-MAX 1.284 0.268 0.041 0.108 -0.532 -0.414 M-~ES ALPHA MZ FX FY . FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.362 -29.580 0.041 -0.303 -0.737 -3.162 FEDER 36 KNP 907 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.387 -0.411 -0.238 0.2.37 1.305 -3.506 MX-MAX 1.341 0.065 ·o.091 0.058 -0.447 -0.671 MY-MIN -0.998 -1.890 -0.243 -0.682 0.368 -0.676 MY-MAX -2.140 0.591 -0.148 0.754 1,389 -4.487 MZ-MIN -0.998 -1.890 -0.243 -0.682 0.368 -0.676 MZ-MAX 1.271 0.315 0.125 0.11.7 -0.445 -0.867 FX-MIN -0.013 -1.801 -0.146 -0.699 -0.030 -0.717 FX-MAX -2.140 0.591 -0.148 0.754 1.389 -4.487 FY-MIN 1.341 0.065 0.091 0.058 -0.447 -0;671 FY-MAX -2.140 0.591 -0.148 0.754 1.389 -4.487 FZ-MIN -2.140 0.591 -0.148 0.754 1.389 -4.487 FZ-MAX 1.341 0'.065 0.091 0.058 -0.447 -0.671 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.422 •170.245 -0.238 0.237 1.305 -3.506 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG ,B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITIWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1115 "Mini-Coaster"· Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 37· KNP 927 ·DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.004 -0.317 -0.081 · -0.056 .1.632 -4.687 MX-MAX 1.023 -1.272 -0.135. -0.421 -0.440. -0.606 MY-MIN ·o.299 -1:870 -0.246 -0.597 -0.125 -0.631 MY-MAX -1.410 0.899 0.121 0.292 1.2:00 -3.264 MZ-MIN -1.069 -1.774 -0.257 -0.539 0.980 -3.7-39. MZ-MAX -1.410 0.899 0.121 0.292 1.200 -3.264 FX-MIN 0.299 -1.870 -0.246 -0.597 -0.125 -0.631 FX-MAX -1.410 0.899 0.121 0.292 1.200 -3.264 FY-MIN 1.023 -1.272 -0.135 -0.421 -0.440 -0.606 FY-MAX -2.004 -0.317 -0.081 -0.056 1.632 -4.687 FZ-MIN -2.004 -0.317 -0.081 -0.056 1.632 -4.687 FZ-MAX 0.128 0.348 0.035 0.124 0.133 -0.592 M·RES ALPHA MZ FX. FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.071 -121.068 -0.257 -0.539 0.980 -3.739 Page 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BFRS.KIP FEDER 38 KNP 947 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN ·1.982 0.130 0.164 -0.206 0.850 -2.759 MX-MAX 1.644 -1.059 -0.181 -0.279 -0.500 -1.07!> MY-MIN ·0.351 ·1.955 -0.161 -0.909 0.569 -4.240 MY-MAX -0.376 0.967 0.104 0.303 0.084 -0.226 MZ-MIN 1.644 -1.059 . -0.181 -0.279 -0.500 -1.075 MZ-MAX -1.982 0.130 0.164 -0.206 0.850 :2.759 FX-MIN -0.351 -1:955 -0.161 -0.909 0.569 -4.240 FX-MAX -0.376 0.967 0.104 0.303 0.084 -0.2~6 FY-MIN 1.644 -1.059 -0.181 -0.279 -0.500 -1.075 FY-MAX -1.982 0.130 0.164 -0.206 0.850 -2.759 FZ-MIN -1.034 -1.467 -0.060 -0.786 0.779 -4.587 FZ-MAX -0.376 0.967 0.104 0.303 0.084 -0.226 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX .FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.986 176.254 0.164 -0.206 0.850 -2.759 FEDER 39 KNP 967 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.973 -1.860 0.060 -0.419 0.211 -2.608 MX-MAX 1.113 0.426 -0.028 0.115 -0.301 -1.208 MY-MIN -0.691 -2.553 0.044 -0.580 0.129 -4.125 MY-MAX ·0.720 1,056 0.023 0.293 0.198 -0.402 MZ-MIN 1.113 0.426 -0.028 0.115 -0.301 -1.208 MZ-MAX -0.973 -1.860 0.060 -0.419 ·0.211 -2.608 FX-MIN -0.691 -2.553 0.044 -0.580 0;129 -4.125 FX-MAX -0.720 1.056 0.023 0.293 0.198 -0.402 FY-MIN 1.113 0.426 -0.028 0.115 -0.301 -1.208' FY-MAX -0.973 -1_.860 0.060 -0.419 :0.211 -2.608 FZ-MIN -0.691 -2.553 o:044 -0.580 0.129 -4.125 FZ-MAX -0.720 1.056 0.023 0.293 0.198 -0.402 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.645-105.135 0.044 ~0.580 0.129 -4.125 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTEFEM-FEDER.URANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1116 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 40 KNP 987 DIMENSION: kip ft . MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.121 -0.442 .. 0.010 -0.113 0.324 -1.175 MX-MAX 0.832 -0.245 -0.011 -0.015 -0.202 -4.360 MY-MIN ·0.647 -1.965 -0.018 -0.274 0.191 ~2.927 MY-MAX ·0.827 0.874 0.002 0.231 0.240 -1.594 MZ-MIN 0.505 -1.961 -0.021 -0.364 -0.111 •4.379 MZ-MAX 0.108 0.525 0.013 0.127 -0.018 >1.419 FX-MIN 0.505 -1.961 ~0.021 -0.364 -0.111 -4.379 FX-MAX -0.827 · 0.874 0.002 0.231 0.240 -1.594 FY-MIN 0.832 -0.245 ·0.011 -0.015 -0.202 -4.360 FY-MAX -1.121 -0:442 0.010 -0.113 0.324 ·1.175 FZ-MIN 0.505 -1.961 -0.021 -0.364 -0.111 -4.379 FZ-MAX -1.12·1 -0.442 0.010 -0.113 0.324 ·1.175 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.068 ·108.220 -0.018 -0.274 0.191 -2.927 FEDER 41 KNP 1007 DIMENSION: kip ft · · MX MY MZ FX FY FZ . MX-MIN -1.383 0.122 0.010 0.024 0.401 -1.347 MX-MAX 1.542 -0.438 -0.010 -0.060 -0.432 -3.913 MY-MIN 1.146 -1.353 0.001 -0.298 -0.329 · ·3.391 Page 14 ·,· ·.· ______ , ___ ,._,_,_., _______ ,.,. ... ----.. --..... --- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG_BFRSJ(IP 0.332 1.131 0.027 0.278 -0.096 -1.301 1.542 -0.438 -0.010 -0.060 '-0.432 -3.913 0.332 1.131 0.027 0.278 -0.096 .-1.301 1.146 -1.353 0.001 -0.298 -0.329 -3.391 0.332 1.131 0.027 0.278 -0.096 -1.301 1.542 -0.438 -0.010 -0.060 -0.432 -3.913 -1.383 0.122 0.010 0.024 0.40'1 -1.347 1.542 -0.438 -0.010 -0.060 -0.432 -3.913 -0.754 -0.829 0.015 -0.213 0.221 -1.165 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.773 -49.733 0.001 -0.298 -0.329 · -3.391 FEDER 42 KNP 1027 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY 'FZ MX-MIN -1.495 0.347 -0.003 0.107 0.442 -0.571 MX-MAX 1.645 -0.472 0.009 -0.022 -0.409 -2.724 MY-MIN -0.109 -0;780 -0.009 -0.245 0.025 -0.1530 MY-MAX 0.050 1.633 0.016 0.471 -0.015 -0.663 MZ-MIN -0.109 -0.780 -0.009 -0.245 0.025 -i;l.630 MZ-MAX 1.048 -0.608 0.021 -0.200 -0.315 -0.462 FX-MIN -0,109 -o:780 -0.009 -0.245 0.025 -0.630 FX-MAX 0.050 1.633 0.016 0.471 •0.015 -0.663 FY-MIN 1.645 -0.472 0.009 -0.022 -0.409 -2.724 FY-MAX -1.495 0.347 -0.003 0.107 0.442 -0.571 FZ-MIN 0.245 -0.097 0.000 0.010 -0.043 -3.112 FZ-MAX 1.048 -0,608 0.021 -0.200 :o.315 -0.462 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.711 ·16.014 0;009 -0.022 -0.409 -2:724 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLl3AU • MsNCHEN --------MCG B.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1117 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation FEDER 43 KNP 1047 DIMENSION: l<ip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.419 0:162 -0.011' 0.049 0.414 -0.609 MX-MAX 1.451 .0.058 0.014 -0.016 -0.435 -0.905 MY-MIN 0.114 -0.914 -0.008 -0.274 -0.05f -0.577 MY-MAX -0.311 1.887 0.011 0.549 0.073 -0.251 MZ-MIN -1.419 0.162 -0.011 0.049 0,414 -0:609 MZ-MAX 0.658 -0.069 0.015 -0.022 -0.200 -0.653 FX-MIN 0.114 -0.914 -0.008 -0.274 -0.051 -0.577 FX-MAX -0.311 1.887 0.011 0.549 0.073 -0.251 FY-MIN 1.451 -0.058 0.014 -0.016. -0.435 -0.905 FY-MAX -1.419 0.162 •0.011 0.049 0.414 -0.609 FZ-MIN 0.311 -0.057 O.QOO 0.013 -0.050 -3.246 FZ-MAX -0.311 1.887 0.011 0.549 0.073 -0.251 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.913 99.363 0.011 0.549 0.073 -0.251 Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BWFRS.KIP ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE"FEM-FEDE~URANDEUSTABEL • POS. 3 1301 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation+ wind in operation PROGRAMM: FR S VERSION 2.17 GERECHNET AUF PC IN DIGITAL-FORTRAN 5.0 GERECHNET AM: 16-DEC-03 15:29:36 EINGABE-DATEI : MCG BW.FRS ERGEBNIS-LISTE: $PRJ:[0112.FEM]MCG_BWFRS.KIP;3 AUFTRAGS-NUMMER : 0112 , FRS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 FEM-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 STRESS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER: 100 FEM-COMMON-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-ELEMENT-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-STRESS-DATEI : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FRS-SCHNITT-DATEI : c:\Tenip\FRS.100 ANGEFORDERTEFEDERN VON INC BIS [K NUR FORMEL(N)] 1 1 43 ERSTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 1 LETZTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER :. 43 ANZAHLANGEFORDERTERFEDERN: 43 TRANSFORMATIONS-WINKEL FEDERN GLOBAL->LOKAL VON INC BIS WINKEL 1 1 28800 0.000 *DEFAULT* ANGEFORDERTE LASTFALL-KOMBINATIONEN 1: -1 2: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 3: 24 25 26 27 4: 38 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1302 · .. · "Mini:Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ wind in operation Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TRAGWERKS-BERECHNUNG MCG_BWFRS.KIP PROGRAMM / VERSION .................. : GENF 10.36-99 MASZ-EINHEITEN ( PER DEFINITION) .... : kip ft FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER/ FEM-SEQUENZ ... : 0112 100 BERECHNUNGS-DATUM/ZEIT (2. KOPFZEILE): 16-DEC-03 15:19:57 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER ............... : 43 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND !3UENZBURC3 NUR FOLGENDE FEDER-WERTE AUS COB EINGEHOLT KLEINSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 1 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 43 ANZAHL FEDERN : 43 TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE FEDERN VON INC BIS 1 1 43 ERSTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 1 LETZTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL BEARBEITETER 'FEDERN : 43 SCHNITT-DATEI-BEZOGENE ANGABEN PROGRAMM / VERSION .................. : STAR2 10.89-99 FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER/ FEM-SEQUENZ ... : 0112 100 BERECHNUNGS-DATUM/ZEIT (STRFED) ..... : 16-DEC-03 15:19:57 TRAGWERKS-TYP / MAX. LASTFALL-NR ... : : 200 38 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE LASTFAELLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 38 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN . MCG BW.FRS -. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1303 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + wind in operation FEDER 1 KNP 207 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.834 -9.309 -0.013 -0.098 0.514 -1.015 MX-MAX 1.966 0,650 0.001 0.183--0.596 -0.952 MY-MIN 0.279 -1.634 -0.010 -0.496 -0.086 -1.142 MY-MAX -0.359 2.680 -0.002 0.759 -0.046 -3.687 MZ-MIN -0.051 0.433 -0.024 0.120 -0.015 -1.027 MZ-MAX_ 0.183 -0.091 0.012 -0.034 -0.067 -0.940 FX-MIN 0.279 -1.634 -0.010 -0.496 -0.086 -1.142 FX-MAX -0.359 2.680 -0.002 0.759 -0.046 -3.687 FY-MIN 1.966 0.650 0.001 0.183 -0.596 -0.952 FY-MAX -1.834 -0.309 -0.013 -0.098 0.514 -1.015 FZ-MIN -0.359 2.680 -0.002 0.759 -0.046 -3.687 FZ-MAX 1.033 -0.534 0.007 -0.171 ~0.304 -0.938· Page2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BWFRS.KIP M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.704 97.638 -0.002 0.759 -0.046 -3.687 FEDER 2 KNP 227 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX ·FY FZ MX-MIN -1.325 -0.337 -0.003 -0.088 0,386 -1.341 MX-MAX 3.187 0.793 -0.036 0.242 -0.873 -1.327 MY-MIN 1.126 -1.580 -0.018 -0.460 -0.299 -3.965 MY-MAX 0.480 2.934. -0'.022 0.891 -0.118 -5.12~ MZ-MIN 3.187 0.793. -0.036 0.242 -0.873 -1.327 MZ-MAX -1.325 -0.337 -0.003 -0.088 0.386 -1.341 FX-MIN 1.126 -1.580 -0.018 -0.460 -0.299 -3.965 FX-MAX 0.480 2.934 -0.022 O.S91 -0.118 -5.123 FY-MIN 3.187 0.793 -0.036 0.242 -0.873 -1.327 FY-MAX -1.325 -0.337 -0.003 -0.088 0.386 -1.341 FZ-MIN 0.480 2.934 -0.022 0.891 -0.118 -5.123 FZ-MAX 0.928 -0.700 -0.020 -0.200 -0.243 -1.262 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.284 13.982 -0.036 0.242 -0,-873 -1.327 FEDER 3 KNP 247 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.010 -0.430 -0.009 -0.137 0.302 -1.718 ;-.,,, MX-MAX 5.342 0.737 -0.048 0.204 -1.449 -1.722 MY-MIN 2.295 -1.688 -0.027 -0.518 -0.610 -5.181 MY-MAX 1.882 2.884 -0.032 0.854 -0.493 -3.583 MZ-MIN 5.342 0.737 -0.048 0.204 -1.449 -1.722 MZ-MAX -1.0.10 -0.430 -0.009 -0.137 0.302 -1.718 FX-MIN 2.295 -1.688 -0.027 ·0,518 -0.610 -5.181 FX-MAX 1.882 2;884 -0.032 0.854 -0.493 -3.583 FY-MIN 5.342 0.737 -0.048 0.204 -1.449 -1.722 FY-MAX -1.010 -0.430 -0.009 -0.137 0.302 -1.718 FZ-MIN 2.295 -1.688 -0,027 -0.51.8 -0,610 -5.181 FZ-MAX 2.193 0,928 -0.028 0.273 -0.582 -1.535 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.393 7.853 -0.048 0.204 -1.449 -1.722 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN ---------MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S· SCHNITIWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL PCS. 3 1304 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + wind in operation FEDER 4 KNP 267 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.177 -0.345 -0.446 -ci_.042 1.496 -3.992 MX-MAX 8.']'.44 0.747 -0.178 0.227 -0.738 -3.070 MY-MIN 4.309 ,1.573. -0.311 -0.308 0.368 -5.592 MY-MAX 4.234 2.814 -0.316 0.791 0.396 -3.410 MZ-MIN -0.177 -0.345 -0.446 •0.042 1.4!)6 -3.992 MZ-MAX 8.744 . 0.747 -0.178 0.227 ~0.738 ·-3.070 FX-MIN 4.309 -1.573 -0.311 -0,308 0.368 -5.592 FX-MAX 4.234 2.814 -0.316 ·0.791 0.396 -3.410 FY-MIN 8.744 0.747 -0.178 0.227 -0.738 -3.070 FY-MAX -0.177 -0.345 -0.446 •0.042 1.496 -3.992 FZ-MIN 4.291 -0.753 -0.313 -0.049 0.374 -7.768 FZ-MAX 4.231 1.946 -0.302 0.548 0.427 -2.998 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 8.775 4.882 -0.178 0.227 -0.738 -3.070 FEDER 5 KNP 287 DIMENSION: kip ft Page 3 -----------·---·· ·-· ---. ., -'' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BWFRS.KIP MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.872 -0.132 -0.260 0.035 ·"-:.1:180 -4.438 MX-MAX 12.381 1.200 0.129 0.259 -0.731 -6.025 MY-MIN 5.703 -1.413 -0.066 -0.178 0._232 -4.372 MY-MAX 5.868 2.597 -0.064 0.452 0.209 -4.494 MZ-MIN -0.872 -0.132 -0.260 0.035 1.180 -4.438 MZ-MAX 12.381 1.200 0.129 0.259 -0.731 -6.025 FX-MIN 5.703 -1.413 -0.066 -0.178 0.232 -4.372 FX-MAX 5.713 1.872 -0.066 0.463 0.230 -8.411 FY-MIN 12.381 1.200 0.129 0.259 -0.731 -6.025 FY-MAX -0.872 -0.132 -0.260 0.035 1.180 -4.438 FZ-MIN 1.949 0.811 -0.175 0.287 0.783 -8.423 FZ-MAX 9.466 -0.352 0.043 --0.003 -0.320 -4.360 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX F.Y FZ RES-MXY-MAX 12.439 5.538 0.129 0;259 -0.731 ·f?.025 FEDER 6 KNP 307 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.982 0.279 -0.163 0.098 0.922 -6.397 MX-MAX 10.120 1.430 0.094 0.256 -0.293 -8.276 MY-MIN 3.976 -0.845 -0.035 -0.079-0.324 -4.442 MY-MAX ·4.256 1.801 -0.032 0.246 . 0.297 -4.416 MZ-MIN -1.982 0.279 -0.163 0.098 0.922 -6.397 MZ-MAX 10.120 1.430 0.094 0.256 -0.293 ~8.276 FX-MIN 3.976 -0.845 -0.035 -0.079 0.324 -4.442 FX-MAX 6.507 1.696 0.023 0.318 0.084 -8.309 FY-MIN 10.120 1.430 0.094 0.256 -0.293 -8.276 FY-MAX -1.982 0.27'9 -0.163 0.098 0.922 -6.397 FZ-MIN 6.507 1.696 0.023 0.318 0.084 -8.309 FZ-MAX 4.027 -0.716 -0.035 -0.074 0.319 -4.182 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 10.220 8.045 0.094 0.256 -0.293 -8.276 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------···-· MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: ·FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1305 "Mini~Coaster'.'. Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation + wind in operation FEDER 7 KNP 327 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY -FZ MX-MIN -2.642 0.547 -0.126 0.124 0.774 -8.525 MX-MAX 7.541 0.945 0.097 0.138 -0.053 -7.295 MY-MIN 2.336 -0.632 -0.016· -0.068 0.368 -4.695 MY-MAX 2.671 1.371 -0.012 0.175 0.345. -4.721 MZ-MIN -2.642 0.547 -0.126 0.124 0.774 -8.525 MZ-MAX 7.541 0.945 0.097 0.138 •0.053 -7.295 FX-MIN 2.336 -0.632 ·0.016 -0.068 0.368 -4.695 FX-MAX 0.342 1:131 -0.067 0.214 0.512 -8.516 FY-MIN ·7.541 0.945 0.097 0.138 -0.053 -7.295 FY-MAX ·2.642 0.547 -0.126 0.124 0.774 -8.525 FZ-MIN -2.642 0.547 -0.126 0.124 0.774 "8.!?25 FZ-MAX 5.433 0.192 0.044 0.038 0.098 ·4.556 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 7.601 . 7.145 0.097 0.138 -0.053 -7.295 FEDER 8 KNP 347 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY MX-MIN -2.844 0.416 -0.288 0.084 MX-MAX 5.019 0.446 0.063 0.055 MY-MIN 0.959 -0.458 -0.027 -0.060 MY~MAX 1.292 1.203 0.004 0:158 MZ-MIN -0.501 0.503 -0.289 0.058 FZ 0;614 -7.032 0.089 -5.083 0.376 -4.771 0.363 -4.994 0.465· -5.022 Page4 .·:· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG BWFRS.KIP 5.003 0.552 0.246 0.064 0.126 -5.194 0.959 -0.458 -0.027 -0.060 0.376 -4.771 1.031. 1.025 0.018 0.196 0.382 -8.776 5.019 0.446 0.063 0.055 0.089 -5.083 -2.844 0.416 -0.288 0.084 0.614 -7.032 1.031 1.025 0.018 0.196 0.382 -8.776 1.465 0.423 0.005 -0.007 0.353 -4:681 M-RES .ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.039 5.076 0 .. 063 0.055 0.089 -5.083 FEDER 9 KNP 367 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.183 -0.269 0.083 -0.015 0.097 -0.765 MX-MAX 5.938 -0.262 0.386 -0.068 -0.515 -6.230 MY-MIN 1.987 -0.829 0.344 -0.122 -0.208 -2.459 MY-MAX 2.202 0.818 0.27'.6 0.093 -0.198 -2.509 MZ-MIN -1.183 -0.269 0.083 -0.015 0.097 -'0.765 MZ-MAX 3.227. 0.420 0.566 0.001 -0.402 -3.933 FX-MIN 3.447 -0.797 0.298 -0.153 -0.290 -5.588 FX-MAX 2.~02 0.818 0.276 Q.093 -0.198 -2.50!} FY-MIN 5.938 -0.262 0.386 -0.068 -0.515 -6.230 FY-MAX -1.183 -0.269 0.083 -0.015 0.097 -0.765 FZ-MIN 5.455 -0.309 0.428 -0.074 -0.495 -6.648 FZ-MAX -1.183 -0.269 0.083 -0.015 0.097 -0.765 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.944 ·2.525 0.386 -0.068 -0,515 -6.230 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGEN.IEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEU~TABEL POS. 3 1306 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + wind in operation FEDER 10 KNP 387 DIMENSION: kip ft· MX MY MZ FX ·FY FZ MX-MIN -2.214 0.345 0.049 0.040 0.217 -0.449 MX-MAX 3.878 -1.194 -0:455 -0.185 -0.449 -4.970 MY-MIN 2.766 -2.053 0,013 -0.248 -0.374 -5.161 MY-MAX 0.594 1.181 0.108 0.146 -0.106 -1.583 MZ-MIN 2.794 -1.353 -0.467 -0.236 -0.318 -4.778 MZ-MAX 1.105 -0.528 0.141 -0.002 -0.165 -2.678 FX-MIN 2.766 -2.053 0.013 -0.248 -0.374 -5.161 FX-MAX 0.594 1.181 0.108 0.146 -0.106--1.583 FY-MIN 3.848 -1.895 0.024 -0.197 -0.505. -5.354 FY-MAX -2.214 0.345 0.049 0.040 0.217 -0.449 FZ-MIN 3.848 -1.895 0.024 -0.197 ,0.505 -5.354 FZ-MAX -2.214 0.345 0.049 0.040 0.217 -0.449 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX · 4.289 -26.214 0:024 -0.197 -0.505 -5.354 FEDER 11 KNP 407 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX . 1:'Y FZ MX-MIN -2.738 -0.074 -0.166 -0.006 0.378 -0.695 MX-MAX 4.684 -2.896 -0.965 -0.701 -0.674 -2.513 MY-MIN 2.961 -4.555 --1.333 -1.151 -0.262 0.263 MY-MAX -2.183 2.578 0.303 0.597 0.169 -2.098 MZ-MIN 1.763 -3.802 -1.571 -1.124 -0.054 1.105 MZ-MAX 1.104 2.329 0.762 0.774 -0.447 -5.336 FX-MIN 2.961 -4.555 -1.333 -1.151 -0.262 0.263 FX-MAX 1.104 2.329 0.762 0.774 -0.447 -5.336 FY-MIN 4.684 -2.896 -0.965 -0.701 -0.674 -2.513 FY-MAX -2.738 -0.074 -0.166 -0.006 0.378 -0.6'95 FZ-MIN 1.104 2.329 0.762 0.774 -0.447 -5.336 Page:5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BWFRS.!(IP FZ-MAX 1.763 -3.802 -1.571 -1.124 -0.054 1.105 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.508 -31.728 -0.965 -0.701 -0.674 -2.513 FEDER 12 KNP 427 DIMENSION: kip ft · MX · MY MZ FX FY .FZ MX-MIN -3.919 0.689 -0.319 0.580 0.975 -1.743 MX·MAX ·6.274 -3.203. 0.210 -1.391 -1.676 -0.704 MY-MIN 4.501 -3.689 -0.084 -1.695 -1.245 0.434 MY-MAX -1.921 3.2.42 0.357 2.137 0.521 -5.780 MZ-MIN -0.915 -2.825 -0.436 -1.066 0.146 -0.444 MZ-MAX 2.224 2.377 0.630 1.530 -0.544 -4.450 FX-MIN 4.501 -3.689 -0.084 -1.695 -1.245 0.434 FX-MAX -1.921 3.242 0.357 2.137 0.521 -5.780 FY-MIN 6.274 -3.203 0.210 "1.391 -1.676 -0.704 FY-MAX •3.919 0.689 -0.319 0.580 0.975 -1.743 FZ-MIN -1.921 3.242 0.357 2.137 0.521 -5.780 FZ-MAX 4.501 -3.689 -0.084 -1.695 -1.245 0.434 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 7.044 ·27.045 0.210 •1.391 -1.676 -.0.704 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS ···---------- PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1307 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + wind in operation FEDER 13 KNP 447 DIMENSION: kip ft MX . MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.345 1.135 -0.351 1.867 2.222 -4.902 MX-MAX 4.782 -0.843 0.593 -0.775 -2.189 ·0.043 MY-MIN -0.416 -2.309 -0.327 -1.048 0.069 -0.579 MY-MAX -0.911 2.437 Q.155 -2.262 1.160 -4.392 MZ-MIN -2.811 -0.663 -0:522 -0.037 1.244 -0.725 MZ-MAX 3.517 0.551 0.627 0.514 -1.193 -2.233 FX-MIN -0.416 -2.309 . -0.327 -1.048 0.069 -0.579 FX-MAX -0.911 2.437 0.155 2.262 1.160 -4.392 FY-MIN 4.782 -0.843 0.593 -0.775 -2.189 -0.043 FY-MAX -3.345 1.135 -0.351 1.867 2.222 -4.902 FZ-MIN -1.829 0.212 -0.232 1.345 1.517 -4.914 FZ-MAX 3.266 0.079 0.473 -0.253 -1.484 -0.031 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.856 -9.999 0.593 -0.775 -2.189 -0.043 FEDER 14 KNP 467 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.466 0.065 -0.414 0;754 2.475 -3.872 MX-MAX 3.670 0.596 0.510 0.149 -1.620 -0.860 MY-MIN 0.100' -2.213 -0.363 -0.964 -0.127 -0.623 MY-MAX -0.067 1.879 0.361 1.163 0.658 -2.877 MZ-MIN -2.045. -1.384 -0.499 -0.441 0.992 -0.817 MZ-MAX 3.145 0.913 0.512 0.223 -1.499 -0.463 FX-MIN 0.100 -2.213 -0.363 -0.96<1: -0.127 -0.623 FX-MAX -2.023 1.521 0.010 1.459 2.040 -4.471 FY-MIN 3.670 0.596 0.510 0.149 -1.620 ,0.860 FY-MAX -3.288 1.071 -0,212 1.332 2.645 -4.480 FZ-MIN -2.121 0.661 -0.152 1.109 2.095 -4.51.5 FZ-MAX 1.977 1.323 0.452 0.445 -0.949 -0.428 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.718 9.220 0.510 0.149 ·-1.620 -0.860 Page 6 I 1· I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BWFRS.KIP FEDER 15 KNP 487 DIMENSIQ_N: kip ft MX MY MZ FX. FY FZ MX-MIN -3.451 0.318 -0.070 0.430 3.118 -4.599 MX-MAX 2.498 1.304 0.355 0.495 -1.190 -0.805 MY-MIN 0.832 -2.171 -0.422 -0.927 -0.559 •0.633 MY-MAX -0.998 1.652 0.366 0.795 1.269 -2.781 MZ-MIN -0.163 -2.131 -0.488. -0.856 0.071 -0.957 MZ-MAX 1.452 1.618 0.389 0.643 -0.680 -0.840 FX-MIN 0.832 -2.171 -0;422 -0.927 -0.559 -0.633 FX-MAX -0.998 1.652 0.366 0.795 1.269 -2.781 FY-MIN 2.364 1.398 0.375 0.522 -1.203 -0.812 FY-MAX -3.451 0.318 -0.070 0.430 3.118 -4.599 FZ-MIN -3.451 0.318 -0.070 0.430 3.118 .4·,599 FZ-MAX 1.555 1.186 0.305 0.442 -0.895 -0.327 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY -FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.466 174.738 -0.070 0.430 3.118 -4.599 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG_BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1308 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + wind in operati9n FEDER 16 KNP 507 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.353 -0,640 0.032 -0.685 3.031 -4.459 MX-MAX 2.386 -0.959 -0.332 -0.289 -1.365 -0:586 MY-MIN 0.569 -2.282 -0.553 -0.899 -0.316 -0.762 MY-MAX 0.704 1.716 0.318 0.692 -0.259 -0.858 MZ-MIN 0.569 -2.282 -0.553 -0.!!99 -0.316 -0.762 MZ-MAX -1.498 1.416 0.436 0.343 1.417 -2.632 FX-MIN -1.629 -1.975 ·0.355 -1.091 1.744 -;3.680 FX-MAX 0.704 1.716 0.318 0,692 -0.259 -0.858 FY-MIN 2.3.86 -0.959 -0.332 -0.289 -1.365 -0.586 FY-MAX -3.353 -0.640 0.032 -0.685 3.031 -4.459 . FZ-MIN -2.414 -0.028 0.108 -0.396 2.510 -4.472 FZ-MAX -0.244 0.703 0.163 0.311 -0.001 -0.201 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX · FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.414-169.192 0.032 -0.68.5 3.031 -4.459 FEDER 17 KNP 527 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.187 -0.121 0.422 -0.937 2.166 -3.235 MX-MAX 2.820 -0.074 -0.334 0.353 -1.538 -0.385 MY-MIN -1.171 -3.170 -0.433 -2.172 1.477 -3.886 MY-MAX -0.504 1,757 0.371 0.803 0.060 -0.232 MZ-MIN 1.361 -1.773 -0.470 -0.499 -0.736 -0.062. MZ-MAX -2.246 9,604 0.426 -0.527 1.653 -3.284 FX-MIN -2.604 -2.514 -0.154 ·2.238 2.394 -4.604 FX~MAX -0.504 1.757 ·0.371 0.803 0.060 -0.232 FY-MIN 2.820 -0.074 -0.334 0.353 -1.538 -0;385 FY0MAX -3.052 ~2.173 -0.042 -2.177 2.662 -4.657 FZ-MIN -2.111 -1.448 -0.039 ·1.767 2.1'49 -4.706 FZ-MAX 1.361 -1.773 -0.470 -0.499 -0.136 -0.062 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.747 -144.556 -0.042 -2.177 2.662 -4.657 FEDER 18 KNP 547 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY MX-MIN -3.479 -2.355 0.287 -1.662 MX-MAX 2.833 0.115 ·0.296 0.407 MY-MIN -2.188 -4.933 -0.220 -2.869 MY-MAX 2.005 2.031 -0.046 0.888 FZ 1.216 -3.439 -0.911 -0.229 1.00~ -4.555 -0.664 -0.670 Page? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BWFRS.KIP MZ-MIN 1.267 -3.095 -0.457 -1.622 -0.170 -3.608 MZ-MAX -2.33() 0.616 0.358 0.140 0.663 -0.222 FX-MIN -2.188 -4.933 -0.220 -2.869 1.008 -4.555 FX-MAX 2.595' 1.946 -0.086 1.038 -0.881 -0.482 FY-MIN 2.758 1.154 -0.164 0.771 -0.923 -0.496 FY-MAX -3.479 -2.355 0.287 -1.662 1.216 -3.439 FZ-MIN -2.188 -4.933 •0.220 -2.869 1.008 -4.555 FZ-MAX -1.265 1.754 0.347 0.719 · 0.279 -0.133 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ r RES-MXY-MAX 5.396 -113.923 ~0.220 -2.869 1.008 -4.555 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG_BW.FRS --------. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITFWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEL/STABEL PO$. 3 1309 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ wind in operation FEDER 19 KNP 567 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.847 -0.540 0.316 -0.134 0.595 -0.174 MX-MAX ·2.640 -2.261 -0.354 -0.949 -0.715 -3.205 MY-MIN 0.295 · -6.222 -0.248 -2.451 -0.398 -4,253 MY-MAX 1.541 3.364 0.000 1.158 -0.214 -0.472 MZ-MIN 2.640 -2.261 -0.354 -0;949 -0.715 -3.205 MZ-MAX -2.847 -0.540 0.316 -0.134 0.595 -0 .. 174 FX-MIN 0.295 -6.222 -0.248 -2.451 -0.398 -4.253 FX-MAX 1.541 3.364 0.000 1.158 -0.214 -0'472 FY-MIN 2.640 -2.261 -0.354 -0.949 -0.715 -3.205 FY-MAX -2.847 -0.540 0.316 -0.134 0.595 -0.174 FZ-MIN 0.295 -6.222 -0.248 -2.451 -0.398 -4;253 FZ-MAX 1.996 2.765 -0.078 1.036 -0.302 0.127 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.229 -87.287 -0.248 -2.451 -0.398 -4.253 FEDER 20 KNP 587 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.487 -1.752 0.296 -0.254 0.4f?1 -0.080 MX-MAX 3.740 -3.698 -0.397 -1.177 -1.256 -4.539 MY-MIN 1.305 -5.913 -0.055 -1.507 -0.787 -3.704 MY-MAX -0.049 3.538 0.038 0.835 0.238 -0.683 · MZ-MIN 3.417 -0.860 -0.408 -0.487 -0.964 -3.760 MZ-MAX -2.487 -1.752 0.296 -0.254 0.461 -0.080 FX-MIN 1.305 -5.913 -0.055--1.507 -0.787 -3.704 FX-MAX -0.049 ·3,538 0.038 0.835 0.238 -0;683 FY-MIN 3.740 -3.698 -0.397 -1.177 -1.256 -4.539 FY-MAX -2.487 -1.752 0.296 -0.254 0.461 -0.080 FZ-MIN 3.081 -4.786 -0.349 ~1.443 -1.205 -4.550 FZ-MAX -1.828 -0.664 0.248· 0.012 0.409 -0.069 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.056 -77.552 -0.055 -1.507 -0.787 -3.704 FEDER 21 KNP 607 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.313 -1.250 0.232 -0.132 0.481 -0.75:1 MX-MAX 5.253 -1.486 -0.347 -0.264 -1.405 -5.116 MY-MIN 0.992 -4.467 0.127 -0.639 -0.313 -0.645 MY-MAX -0.486 . 2.774 -0.027 0.419 0.210 -0.570 MZ-MIN 5.253 -1.486 -0.347 -0.264 -1.405 -5.1'16 MZ-MAX -2.313 --1.250 0.232 -0.132 0.481 -0.751 FX-MIN 0.992 -4.467 0.127 -0.639 -0.313 .0.645 FX-MAX -0.486 2.774 -0.027 0.419 0.210 -0.570 FY-MIN 5.253 -1.486 -0.347 -0,264 -1.405 -5.116 FY-MAX -2.313 -1.250· 0.232 -0.132 0.481 -0.751 \ Page 8 I 1- 1 I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BWFRS.KIP FZ-MIN 5.253 -1.486 -0.347 -0.264 -1.405 -5.116 FZ-MAX -1.604 2.207 0.063 0.331 0.427 -0.400 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.910 ·34.803 -0.153 -0.503 -1.250 -4.212 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1310 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation_+ wind in operation FEDER 22 KNP 627 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.079 0.717 0.102 0.043 0.485 -0.84~ MX-MAX 4.593 -0.450 -0.149 0.076 -0.811 -3.551 MY-MIN 0.838 -3:338 0.087 -0.396 -0.100 -0.826 MY-MAX 0.262 2.679 -0.152 0.393 -0:143 -3.995 MZ-MIN 3.783 1.171 -0.263 0.291 -0.779 -5.025 MZ-MAX -1.250 -1.857 0.149 -0.248 0.270 -0.779 FX-MIN 0.838 -3.338 0.087 -0.396 -0.100 -0.826 FX-MAX 1.696 2.653 -0.201 0.440 -0.409 -4:979 FY-MIN 4.593 -0.450 -0.149 0.076 -0.811 -3.551 FY-MAX -3.079 0.717 0.102 0.043 0.485 -0.841' FZ-MIN 3.783 1.171 -0.263 0.291 -0.779 -5.025 FZ-MAX 0.1.61 -1.565 0.102 -0.191 0.038 -0.441 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.615 -5.606 -0.149 0.076 -0.811 -3,551 FEDER 23 KNP 647 DIMENSION:'kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.134 0:072 0.022 -0.008 0.35_2 -1.099 MX-MAX 3.639 -0.573 -0.018 -0.001 -0.425 -0.741 MY-MIN 0.928 -2;565 0.015 -0.271 -0.089 -0.986 MY-MAX 0.324 2.656 -0.014 0.345 •0,039 -4.935 MZ-MIN 1.757 -0.610 -0.035 -0.023 -o·.222 -1.008 MZ-MAX -0.056 -1.346 0.035 -0.140 0:043 -1.057 FX-MIN 0.928 -2.565 0.015 -0.271 -0.089 -0.986 FX-MAX 0.324 2.656 -0.014 0.345 -0.039 -4.935 FY-MIN 3.639 -0,573 -0.018 -0.001 -0.425 -0.741 FY-MAX -3.134 0.072 0,022 -0.008 0.352 -1.099 FZ-MIN 0.324 2.656 -0.014 0.345 -0.039 -4.935 FZ-MAX 2.095 -1.372 0.008 -0.125 -0.232 -0,682 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.684 -8.948 -0.018 -0."001 -0.425 -0.741 FEDER 24 KNP 667 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ- MX-MIN -2.993 · -0.351 -Q.002 -0.009 0.296 -1.326 MX-MAX 3.371' -0.501 0.021 -0.036 -0.342 -1.208 MY-MIN 1.784 -1.991 -0.004 -0.191 -0.171 -1.305 MY-MAX 0.463 1.840 0.015 0.157 -0.036 -2.898 MZ-MIN -0.538 -1.013 -0.018 -0.072 0.070 -1.295 MZ-MAX 2.884 0.344 0.030 0.030 -0.296 -0.875 FX-MIN 1.138 -1.972 -0.014 -0.192 -0.111 -1.257 FX-MAX 0.463 1.840 0.015 0.157 -0.036 -2.898 FY-MIN 3.371 -0.501 0.021 -0.036 -0.342 -1.208 FY-MAX -2.993 -0.351 -0.002 -0,009 0.296 •1.326 FZ-MIN ·1.110 0.675 -0.002 0.046 0.122 -4.753 FZ-MAX 2.884 0.344 0.030 O.Q30 -0.296 -0.1375 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.446 -19.160 0.003 -0.090 -0.332 -1.271 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN Page9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BWFRS.KIP -------MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1311 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC, Dead load + operation + wind in operation FEDER 25 KNP 687 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.699 0.291 -1,040 0.242 0.508 -1.430 MX-MAX 4.332 -1.343 1.052 0.123 -0.370 -1.567 MY-MIN 2.428 -2.949 0.430 -0.097 -0.142 -1.467 MY-MAX -0.427 3.395 0.195 1.617 0.569 -4.989 MZ-MIN -3.699 0.291 -1.040 0.242 0.508 -1.430 MZ-MAX 4.332 -1.343 1.052 0.123 -0.370 -1.567 FX-MIN 2.428 -2.949 0.430 -0.097 -0.142 -1.467 FX-MAX 0.248 3.334 0.411 1.719 0.547 -5.343 FY-MIN 4.332 -1.343 1.052 0.123 -0.370 ·1.567 FY-MAX -2.269 2.277 -0.340 1.441 0.788 -4.924 FZ-MIN 0.248 3.334 0.411 1.719 0.547 ·5.343 FZ-MAX -1.288 -1.590 -0.622 -0.011 0.2:13 -1.379 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.645 -23.198 0.964 0.079 -0.361 -1.532 FEDER 26 KNP 707 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.423 -0.377 -0.080 -0;055 0.329 -1.739 MX-MAX 3.333 0.218 0.018 0.038 -0.336 -1.183 MY-MIN -1.181 -1.805 -0.049 •0.209 0.117 -0.715 MY-MAX 0.813 1.132 0.055 O:i71 -0.036 -1.369 MZ-MIN -1.733 -0.941 -0.083 -0.139 0.131 -1.684 MZ-MAX 0.813 1.132 0.055 0.171 -0.036 -1.369 FX-MIN -1.181 -1.805 -0.049 -0.209 0.117 -0.715 FX-MAX 0.813 1.132 0.055 0.171 -0.036 -1.369 FY-MIN 3.333 0.218 0.018 0.038 -0.336 -1.183 FY-MAX -3.423 -0.377 -0.080 •0.055 0.329 -1.739 FZ-MIN -0.390 1.053 0.008 0.162 0.071 -4.690 FZ-MAX -1.181 -1.805 -0.049 -0.209 0.117 -0:715 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.444-173.721 -0.080 -0.055 0.329 -1.739 FEDER 27 KNP 727 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -6.336 -0.625 -0.346 0.032 0.805 -4.377 MX-MAX 4.816 1.174 0.153 0.155 -0.566 -0.861 MY-MIN -0.708 -3.085 -0.088 ·0.389 0.103 -0.616 MY-MAX -2.334 2.099 -0.032 0.389 0.368 -4.299 MZ-MIN -6.336 -0.625 -0;3·45 . 0.032 0:805 -4.377 MZ-MAX' 4.293 1.349 0.184 0.174 -0.498 -0.811 FX-MIN -0.708 -3.085 -0.088 -0.389 · 0.103 -0.616 . FX-MAX ·2.334 2.099 -0.032 0.389 0.368 -4.299 FY-MIN 4.816 1.174 0.153 . 0.155 -0.566 ~0.861 FY-MAX -6.336 -0.625 -0.346 0.032 0.805 -4.377 FZ-MIN -5.368 0.415 ·0.160 0.164 0.752 -4.401 FZ-MAX 2.326 -1.401 0.040 -0.164 -0.282 -0.514 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.367 -174.368 -0.346 0.032 0.805 -4.377 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1312 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation_+ wind in operation Page 10 I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BWFRS.KIP FEDER 28 KNP 747 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -6.309 -2.320 0.075 -0.461 1.897 -5.399 MX-MAX 3.713 -0.541 -0.011 -0.083 -0.727 -1.072 MY-MIN ·1.843 -4.007 0.083 -0.865 0.924 ·3.688 MY-MAX 1.363 2.892 0.041 0.664 -0.358 -0.716 MZ-MIN -1.392 -1.742 -0.076 -0.349 0.394 ·1.124 MZ-MAX 3.471 1.481 0.213 0.288 -0.600 -1.022 FX-MIN -1.843 -4.007 0.083 -0.865 0.924 -3.688 FX-MAX 1.363 2.892 0.041 0.664 -0.358 -0.716 FY-MIN 3.512 1.810 0.074 0.404 -0.739 -0.847 FY-MAX -6.309 -2.320 0.()75 -0.461 · 1.897 -5.399 FZ-MIN -4.160 -3.402 0.108 -0.720 1.516 -5.530 FZ-MAX -0.226 1.893 0.014 0.444 -0.009 -0.600 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.722-159.814 0.075 -0.461 1.897 -5.399 FEDER 29 KNP 767 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.412 -1.496 0.126 -0.821 1.985 -4.702 MX-MAX 3.536 -0.558 -0;130 -0.222 -1.313 -Q.605 MY-MIN -1.183 -2.918 -0.029 -1.481 0.895 -5.708 MY-MAX ·0.938 2.312 0.108 1.044 0.233 -0.321 MZ-MIN 1.540 -2.561 -0;165 -1.034 -0.499 -0.842 MZ-MAX -3.103 0.203 0.156 -0.160 1.474 -4.702 FX-MIN -1.183 -2.918 -0.029 -1.481 Ci.895 -5.708 FX-MAX -0.938 2.312 0.108 1.044 0.233 •0.321 FY-MIN 3.536 -0.558 -0.130 -0.222 -1,3f3 -0.605 FY-MAX -4.412 -1.496 0.126 -0.821 1.985 -4.702 FZ-MIN 0.125 -1.219 0.001 -0.820 0.384 -5.708 FZ-MAX -2.247 0.613 0.077 0.384 0.745 -0.321 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.659 -161.268 0.126 -0.821 1 .. 985 -4.702 FEDER 30 KNP 787 DIMEN~ION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.325 -0.215 0.054 ·0,01-3 1.088 -1.119 MX-MAX 4.166 0.106 0.007 0.052 -1.539 •2.549 MY-MIN 0.818 -2.327 0.077 -o:863 -0.284 -0.747 MY-MAX •1.861 2.118 -0.077 0~785 0.608 ·0.754 MZ-MIN -1.861 2.118 -0.077 0.785 0,608 -0.754 MZ-MAX 2.102 -1.664 0.161 -0.405 -1.018 -4.698 FX-MIN 1.267 -2:314 0.077 -0;873 -0.430 -0.685 FX-MAX -1.861 2.118 -0.0'!7 0.785 0.608 -0.754 FY-MIN 4.166 0.106 0.007 0.052 -1.539 -2.549 FY-MAX -3.325 -0.215 · 0.054 ·0.013 1.088 -1.119 FZ-MIN 0.532 -0.166 0.115 0.177 -0.499· ·4.850 FZ-MAX 2.721 -0:967 0.032 ·0.396 -0.933 -0.243 . M-RES ALPHA MZ F.X FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.167 1.461 0.007 0.052 -1.539 -2.549 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGEN!EURBsRO FsRBAUSTATIK UNO STAHlBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERLJRANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1313 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ wind in operation FEDER 31 KNP 807 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.181 -0.196 0.046 -0.017 0.380 -0.992 MX·MAX 4.801 .-0.831 0.206 -0.082. -1.209 -4.159 Page 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BWFRS.KIP MY-MIN 0.513 -1.938 0.067 -0.404 -0.111 -o:890 . MY-MAX -1.152 0.986 ~0.044 0.211 ·o.182 -1.070 MZ-MIN -1.152 0.986 -0.044 0.211 0.182 -1.070 MZ-MAX 2.956 -1.871 0.246 -0.300 -0.839 -4.158 FX-MIN 0.513 -1.938 0.067 -0.404 -0.111 -0.890 FX-MAX -1.152 0.986 -0.044 0.211 0.182 •1.070 FY-MIN 4.801 -0.831 0.206 -0.082 -1.209 -4.159 FY-MAX -2.181 -0.196 0.046 -0.017 0.380 -0.992 FZ-MIN 2.598 -0.113 0.163 0.074 -0.771 -4.205 FZ-MAX 0.940 -1.611 0.062 -0.340 -0.184 •0.~52 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.871 -9.821 0.206 -0.082 -1.209 -4.159 FEDER 32 KNP 827 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.346 0.432 -0.0~0 0.059 0.187 -0.861 MX-MAX 2.565 -0.419 0.067 -0.039 -0.607 -4.560 MY-MIN -0.340 -1.107 -0;045 -0.167 0.008 -1.027 MY-MAX -0.759 0.909 -0.031 0.144 0.071 -1.049 MZ-MIN -0.759 0.909 -0;031 0.144 0.071 -1.049 MZ-MAX 1.385 -0.911 0.090 -0.128 -0.334 -3.114 FX-MIN -0.340 -1.107 O.O,f5 -0.167 0.008 -1.027 FX-MAX -0.759 0.909 -0.031 0.144 0.071 -1.049 FY-MIN 2.565 --0.419 0.067. -0.039 -0.607 -4.560 FY-MAX -1.346 0.432 -0.020 0.059 0,187 -0.861 FZ-MIN 2.565 -0.419 0.067 -0.039 -0.607 -4.560 FZ-MAX -0.456 -o·.426 0.021 -0.060 0.071 -0.559 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.599 -9.274 0.067 -0.039 -0.607 -4.560 FEDER 33 KNP 847 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.618 -0.406 0.046 -0;054 0.236 -0.932 MX-MAX 2.607 -0.226 -0.045 -0.059 -0.669 ·4.800 MY-MIN -0.777 -1.146 0.054 -0.189 0.068 -1.074 MY-MAX . -0.474 1.145 -0.045 0.187 0.038 -1.020 MZ-MIN 1.442 0.688 -0.066 0.108 -0.369. -3.444 MZ-MAX 1.266 -0.978 0.089 -0.156 -0.359 -3.726 FX-MIN -0.777 -1.146 0.054 •0.189 0.068 -1.074 FX-MAX -0.474 1.145 -0.045 0.187 0.038 -1.020 FY-MIN 2.607 -0.226 -0.045 ·0.059 -0.669 -4.800 FY-MAX -1'.618 -0.406 0.046 -0.054 0.236 -0.932 FZ-MIN 2.607 -0.226 -0.045 -0.059 -0.669 -4.800 FZ-MAX -0.489 0.348 -0.006 0.057 0.076 -0.752 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.617 -4.962 -0.045 -0.059 -0.669 -4.800 ,,·. ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNDSTAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG_BW.FRS . · . . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1314 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + wind in operation FEDER 34 KNP 867 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.182 -0.729 0.106 -0.138 0.787 -1.018 MX-MAX 3.811 -0.505 -0.046 -0.176 -1.151 -2.874 MY-MIN -1.655 -2.137 0.192 -0.505· 0.394 -0.959 MY-MAX 0.748 1.866 0.001 0.595 -0.111 -0.572 MZ-MIN 0.518 1.064 -0.122 0.233 -0.445 -4.318 MZ-MAX -1.655 -2.137 0.192 -0.505 0.394 -0.959 FX-MIN 2.491 -1.854 -0.018 -0.588 -1.015 -4.908 FX-MAX 0.748 1.866 0.001 0.595 -0.111 -0.572 Page 12 -----------~-~-.. ~·------·-~ ~, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG_BWFRS.KIP 3.588 -0.782 -0.067 -0.285 -1.272 -4.'177 -3.182 -0.729 0.106 -0.138 0.787 -1.018 1.416 -0.668 -0.049 -0.247 -0.712 -4.979 2.345 0.167 0,012 0.082 -0.573 -0.392 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.844 -7.547 -0.046 -0.176 -1.151 -2.874 FEDER 35 KNP 887 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.106 -0.605 -0.119 -0.165 1.293 -0.727 MX-MAX 2.944 -1 .. 067 0.073 -0.267 -1.105 -3.129 MY-MIN -1.413 -2.465 -0.063 -0.947 0.592 -0.784 MY-MAX 0.773 1.617 0.052 0.736 -0.277 -0.810 MZ-MIN -3.106 -0.605 -0.119 -0.165 1.293 -0.727 MZ-MAX 2.944 -1.067 0.073 -0.267 -1.105 -3.129 FX-MIN -1.413 -2.465 -0.063 -0.947 0.592 -0.784 FX-MAX -1.688 1.175 -0.058 0.744 0.797 -3.719 FY-MIN 2.944 -1.067 0.073 -0.267 -1.105 -3.129 FY-MAX -3.106 -0.605 -0.119 -0'.165 1.293 -0.727 FZ-MIN -0.415 -0.468 -0.045 0.059 0.280 -4.591 FZ-MAX 2.175 0.366 0.073 0.144 -0;900 -0.382 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY · FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.164-168.987 -0.119 -0.165 1.293 •0.727 FEDER 36 KNP 907 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX. FY FZ MX-MIN -3.294 -0.525 -0.324 0.255 1,703 -3.507 MX-MAX 2.245 0.178 0.176 0.038 -0.844 -0.670 MY-MIN -1.141 -2.701 -0.328 -0.982 0.420 ·0.678 MY-MAX -2.000 1.400 -0.063 1.053 1.338 -4.484 MZ-MIN -1.141 -2.701 -0.328 -0.982 0.420 -0.678 MZ-MAX 1.411 1.124 0.210 0.416 -0.496 -0.865 FX-MIN -0.156 -2.612 -0.232 -0.999 0.022 ·0.719 FX-MAX -2.000 1.400 -0.063 1.053 1.338 -4.484 FY-MIN 2.245 0.178 0.176 0.038 -0.844 -0.670 FY-MAX -3.047 0.476 -0.234 0.772 1.787 a4.488 FZ-MIN -2.283 -0.220 -0.234 0.454 1.441 -4.489 FZ-MAX 1.481 0.874 Q.177 0.357 -0.498 -0.668 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.335 -170.949 -0.324 0.255 1.703 -3.507 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------. MCG BW.FRS -------- PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1315 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + wind in operation FEDER 37 KNP 927 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.847 '-0.500 -0.119 ·.o.102 2.076 -4.771 MX-MAX 1.860 -1.090 ~0.098 -0.375 -0.880 ·0.519 MY-MIN 0.240 -2.643 -0.344 -0.853 -0.114 -0.607 MY-MAX -1.358 1.670 0.218 0.548 1.192 ·3.284 MZ-MIN -1.127 -2.547' -0.355 -0.794 . 0.991 -3.715 MZ-MAX -1.358 1.670 0.218 0.548 1.192 -3.284 FX-MIN 0.240 -2.643 -0.344 -·o.853 -0.114 -0.607 FX-MAX -1.358 1.670 0.218 0.548 1.:192 -3.284 FY-MIN 1,860 -1.090 -0.098 -0.375 -0.880 ~0.519 FY-MAX -2.847 -0.500 -0.119 -0.102 2.076 -4.771 FZ-MIN -2.847 -0.500 -0.119 -0.102 2.076 -4.771. FZ-MAX 0.965 0.530 0.072 0.170 -0.307 -Q.505 M-RES· ALPHA MZ F.X FY FZ Page 13 I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BWFRS.KIP RES-MXY-MAX 2.891 -170.047 -0.119 -0.102 2.076 -4.771 FEDER 38 KNP 947 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.686 -0.064 0.189 -0.309 1.127 -2.756 MX-MAX 2.344 -0.866 -0.206 -0.181 -0.769 -1.081 MY-MIN -0.313 -2.727 -0.226 ;1,145 0.568 -4.233 MY-MAX -0.420 1.739 0.169 0.534 0.094 -0.236 MZ-MIN 1.683 -1.831 -0;247 -0.514 -0.502 -1,069 MZ-MAx -2.025 0.902 0.229 0.024 0.859 -2.769 FX-MIN -0.313 -2.727 r0.226 -1.145 0.568 -4.233 FX-MAX -0.420 1.739 0.169 0.534 0.094 -0.236 FY-MIN 2.344 -0.866 -0.206 -0.181 -0.769 -1.081 FY-MAX . -2.686 -0.064 0.189 -0.309 1.127 -2.756 FZ-MIN -1.077 -0.695 0.006 -0.555 0.789 -4.597 FZ-MAX -0.338 0.194 0.038 0.068 0.083 -0.219 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.745 -96.544 -0:226 -1.14~ 0.568 -4.233 FEDER 39 KNP 967 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.436 -2.053 0.071 -0.470 0,345 -2.564 MX-MAX 1.585 0.644 -0.039 0.167 -0.436 -1.257 MY-MIN -0.767 -3.481 0.040 -0.850 0.152 -4.189 MY-MAX -0.635 2.008 0.027 0.565 0.174 -0.343 MZ-MIN 1,585 0.644 -0.039 0.167 -0.436 -1.257 MZ-MAX -1.436 -2.053 0.071 -0.470 0.345 -2.564 FX-MIN -0.767 -3.481 0.040 -0.850 0.-152 -4.189 FX-MAX -0.635 2.008 0.027 0.565 0.174 -0.343 FY-MIN 1.585 0.644 -0.039 0.167 ~0.436 -1.257 · · FY-MAX -1.436 -2.053 0.071 -0.470 0.345 -2.564 FZ-MIN -0.767 -3.481 0.040 -0.850 0.152 -4.189 FZ-MAX -0.635 2.008 0.027 0.565 0.174 -0.343 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.564-102.422 0.040 -0.850 0.152 -4.189 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1316 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guen~b_urg LC: Dead load+ operation + wind in operation FEDER 40 KNP 987 DIM~ NSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY i=Z MX-MIN -1.549 -0.641 0.007 -0.160 0-.451 -1°.175 MX-MAX 1.267 0.077 -0.005 0.063 -0.331 -4.355 MY-MIN -0.647 -2.992 -0.026 -0.542 0.191 -2.885 MY-MAX -0.820 2.023 0.012 0.529 0.238 -1.631 MZ-MIN 0.504 -2.988 -0.028 -0.632 -0.111 -4.336 MZ-MAX 0.116 1.673 0.024 0.425 -(l.020 -1.456 FX-MIN 0.504 -.2.988 -0.028 -0.632 -0.111 -4.336 FX-MAX -0.820 2.023 0.012 0.529 0.238 -1.631 FY-MIN 1.267 0.077 -0.005 0.063 ·-o.331 -4.355 FY-MAX -1.549 -0.641 0.007 -0.160 0.451 -1.175 FZ-MIN 0.512 -0.812 -0.011 -0.066 -0.1°13 -4.415 FZ-MAX -1.121 -1.469 0.002 -0.380 0.324 -1.133 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX · FY . FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.061 -102.208 -0.026 -0.542 0.191 -2.885 FEDER 41 KNP 1007 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.989 -0.137 0.007 -0.064 0.585 -1.353 Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG BWFRS.KIP 2.160 0.070 -0.003 0.098 -0.620 -3.910 1.145 -2.305 -0.002 -0.578 -0.328 -3.401 0.344 2.332 0.035 0.629' -0.100 -1.294 1.540 -1.390 -0.013 -0.340 -0.431 -3.922 0.344 2.332 0.035 0.629 -0.100 -1.294 1.145 -2.305 -0.002 -0.578 -0.328 -3.4Q1 0.344 2.332 0.035 0.629 -0.100 -1.294 2.160 0:010 -0.003 0.098 -0.620 -3.910 -1.989 -0.137 0.007 -0.064 0.585 -1.353 1.540 -1.390 -0.013 -0.340 ~0.431 -3.922 -0.742 0.372, 0.024 0.137 0.217 -1.158 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.573 -63.587 -0.002 -0.578 -0.328 -3.401 FEDER 42 KNP 1027 DIMENSION:. kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.109 0.123 -0.003 0.039 0;629 -0:576 MX-MAX 2.216 0.100 0.011 0.150 -0.582 -2.714 MY-MIN -0.068 -1.581 -0.006 -0.487 . 0.012 -0.640 MY-MAX -0.035 2.782 0.016 0.819 0.013 -0.647 MZ-MIN -0.724 -1.003 -0.009 -0.311 0.212 -0.635 MZ-MAX 1.620 -0.037 0.024 -.0.028 -0.487 -0.452 FX-MIN -0.068 -1.581 -0.006 -0.487 0;012 -0.640 FX-MAX -0.035 2.782 0.016 0.819 0.013· -0.647 FY-MIN 2.216 0.100 0.011 0.150 -0.582 -2.714 FY-MAX -2.109 0.1i3 -0.003 0.039 0.629 -0.576 FZ-MIN 0.287 -0.897 0.003 -0.233 -0.056 -3.121 FZ-MAX 0.963 0.540 0.021 0.148 -0.287 -0.447 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.783 90.707 0.016 0.819 0.013 -0.647 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BW.FRS ----------. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWEfffE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 13.17 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ wind in operation FEDER 43 KNP 1047 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.132 -0.014 -0.010 -0.002 0,631 -0.599 MX-MAX 2.085 0.473 0.012 0.142 -0.623 -0.911 MY-MIN 0.110 -1.593 -0.007 -0.479 -0.047 -0.576 MY-MAX -0.388 2.921 0.010 0.862 0.099 -0.248 MZ-MIN -0.784 0.692 -0.013 0.207 0 .. 225 -0.616 MZ-MAX -0.056 -0.244 0.017 -0.073 0.018 -0.643 FX-MIN 0.110 -1.593 -0.007 -0.479 -0.047 -0.576 FX-MAX -0.388 2.921 0.010 0.862 0.099 s0.248 FY-MIN 2.085 0.473 0,012 0.142 -0.623 -0.911 FY-MAX -2.132 -0.014 -0.010 -0.002 0.631 -0.599 FZ-MIN 0.944 0.474 -0.002 0.171 -0.238 -3.253 FZ-MAX -1.025 1.711 0.013 0.498 0.290 -0.241 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.947 97.559 0.010 0.862 0.099 · -0.248 Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -MCG·'SF.RS~KIP' ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR 5 SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1401 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ storm PROGRAMM: FR S VERSION 2.17 · GERECHNET AUF PC IN DIGITAL-FORTRAN 5.0 GERECHNET AM : 16-DEC-03-15:29:38 EINGABE-DATEI : MCG S.FRS ERGEBNIS-LISTE: $PRJ:[0112.FEM]MCG_SFRS.KIP;3 AUFTRAGS-NUMMER : 0112 FRS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 FEM-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 STRESS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER: 100 FEM-COMMON-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-ELEMENT-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-STRESS-DATE! : D:\CDB\ll/lCGTW2.CDB FRS-SCHNITT-DATEI : c:\Temp\FRS.100 ANGEFORDERTEFEDERN VON INC BIS [K NUR FORMEL(N)] 1 1 43 ERSTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 1. LETZTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL ANGEFORDERTER FEDERN : 43 TRANSFORMATIONS-WINKEL_FEDERN GLOBAL->LOKAL VON INC BIS WINKEL 1 1 28800 0.000 *DEFAULT* ANGEFORDERTE LASTFAL:L-KOI\IIBINATIONEN 1: -1 2: 28 29 30 31 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO i=sR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN . MCG_S.FRS . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL · POS. 3 1402 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm TRAGWERKS-BERECHNUNG PROGRAMM / VERSION ......•...•....... : GENF 10.36-99 Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_SFRS.KIP MASZ-EINHEITEN ( PER DEFINITION ) .... : kip ft FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER /'FEM-SEQUENZ ... : 0112 100 BERECHNUNGS-DATUM/ZEIT (2. KOPFZEILE): 16-DEC-03 _ 15:19:57 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER ............... : 43 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG NUR FOLGENDE FEDER-WERTE AUS CDB EINGEHOLT KLEINSTE·FEDER-NUMMER: 1 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 43 ANZAHL FEDERN ·: 43 TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE FEDERN VON INC BIS 1 1 43 ERSTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 1 LETZTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL BEARBEITETER FEDERN : 43 SCHNITT-DATEI-BEZOGENE ANGABEN ' PROGRAMM /VERSION .................. ·: STAR2 10.89-99 FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER/ FEM-SEQUENZ : .. : 0112 100 BERECHNU!\IGS-DATUM/ZEIT (STRFED) ..... : 16-DEC.03 15:19:57 TRAGWERKS-TYP / MAX. LASTFALL-NR .... : 200 . 38 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE LASTFAELLE 1 28 29 · 30 31 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL PCS. 3 1403 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ storm · FEDER 1 KNP 207 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.004 0.342 -0.005 0.093 -0.031 -1.017 MX-MAX 0.110 ~0.120 -0.003 -0.042 -0:053 -1.013 MY-MIN 0.110 .-0.120 ·0.003 -0.042 -0.053 -1.013 MY-MAX 0.004 0.342 -0.005 0.093 -0.031 -1.017 MZ-MIN 0.004 0.342 -0.005 0.093 -0.031' -1.017 MZ-MAX 0.110 -0.120 -0.003 -0.042 -0.053 -1.(>13. FX-MIN 0.110 -0.120 -0.003 -0.042 -0.053 -1.013 FX-MAX 0.004 0.342 -0.()05 0.093 . -0.031 -1.017 FY-MIN °'110 -0.120 -Q.003 -0.042 -0.053 -1.013 FY-MAX . 0.004 0.342 -0.005 0,093 -0.031 -1.01_7 FZ-MIN 0.004 0.342 -0.005 . 0.093 -0.031 -1.017 FZ-MAX 0.110 -0.120 -0.003 -0.042 -0.0~3 -1.013 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.342 89.371 -0.005 0.093. -0.031 -1.017 FEDER 2 KNP 227 DIMENSION: kip ft Page2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG SFRS.KIP MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.401 -0.061 -0.006 -0.008 -0.105 -1.342 MX-MAX 0.676 0.410 -0.017 0.130 -0.177 -1.347 MY-MIN 0.401 -0.061 -0.006 -(l.008 -0.105 -1.342 MY-MAX 0.676 0.410 -0.017 0.130 -0.177 -1.347 MZ-MIN 0.676 0.410 -0.017 0.130 -0;177 -1.347 MZ-MAX ·o.401 -0.061 -0.006 -0.008 -0.105 -1.342 FX-MIN 0.401 -0.061 -0.006 -0.008 -0.105 -1.342 FX-MAX 0.676 0.410 -0.017 0.130 -0.177 -1.347 FY-MIN 0.676 0.410 -0.017 0.130 -0.177 -1.347 FY-MAX 0.401 -0.061 -0.006 -0.008 -0.105 -1.342 FZ-MIN 0.676 0.410 -0.017 0.130 -0.177 -1.347 FZ-MAX 0.401 -0.061 -0.006 -0.008 -0.105 -1:342 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.790 31.259 -0.017 0.130 -0.1.77 -1.347 FEDER 3 KNP 247 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX 0.728 -0.140 -0.007 -0.052 -0.195· -1.700 1.804 0.344 -0.027 0.091 -0.474 -1.679 0.728 -0.140 -0.007 -0.05.2 -0.195 -1.700 1.804 0.344 -0.027 0.091 -Q.474 -1.679 1.804 0.344 -0.027 0.091 -0.474 -1.679 0.728 -0.140 -0.007 -0.052 ,0.195 ·'GOO 0.728 -0.140 -0.007 -0.052 -0.195 -1.700 1.804 0.344 -0.027 0.091 -0.474 -1.679 1.804 0.344 -0.027 0.091 -0.474 -1.679 0.728 -0;140 -0.007 -0.052 -0.195 -1.700 0.728 -0.140 -0.007 -0.052 -0.195 -1.700- 1.804 0.344 -0.027 0.091 -0.474 -1.679 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.837 10.815 -0.027 0.091 -0.474 -1.679 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1404 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzb11rg LC: Dead load+ storm FEDER 4 KNP 267 DIMENSION: kip ft MX. MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 1.238 -0.074 -0.218 0.025 0.536 -2.891 MX-MAX 3.799 0.393 -0.147 0.143 -0.088 -2.675 . MY-MIN 1.238· -0.074 -0.218 0.025 0.536 -2.891 MY-MAX 3.799 0.393 -0.147 0.143 -0.088 -2.675 MZ-MIN 1.238 -0.074 -0.218 0.025 0,536 -2.891 MZ-MAX 3.799 . 0.393 -0.147 0.143 -0.088 -2.675 FX-MIN 1.238 -0.074· -0.218 0.025 0.536 •2.891 FX-MAX 3.799 0.393 -0.147 0.143 -0.088 -2.675 FY-MIN 3.799 0.393 -0.147 0.143 -0.088 -2.675 FY-MAX 1.238 . -0.074 -0.2-18 0.025 0.536 -2;891 FZ-MIN 1.238 -0.074 -0.218 0.025 0.536 -2.891 FZ-MAX 3.799 0.393 -0.147 0.143 -0.088 -2:675 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.819 5.903 ·-0.147 0.143 -0.088 -2.675 FEDER 5 KNP 287 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY .FZ MX-MIN 1.194 0.144 -0.097 0.076 0.453 -3.634 MX-MAX 5.602 0.568 0.021 0.136 -0;194 -3.613 MY-MIN 1.194 0.144 °0.097 0.076 0.453 -3.634 MY-MAX 5.602 0.568 0.021 0.136 -0.194 -3.613 MZ-MIN 1.194 0.144 -0.097 0.076 0.453 -3.634 -Page3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. I I MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG SFRS.KIP 5.602 0.568 0.021 0.136 -0.194 -3.613 3.382 0.156 -0.038 0.065 0.132 ~3.608 3.414 0.555 -0.038 0.148 0.127 -3.639 5.602 0.568 0.021 0.136' -0.194 -3.613 1.194 0.144 -0.097 0.076 0.453 -3.634 3.414 0.555 -0.038 0.148 0.127 -3.639 3.382 0.156 -0.038 0.065 0.132 -3:608 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.631 5.786 0.021 0.136 -0.194 -3.613 FEDER 6 KNP 307 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX . FY FZ MX-MIN 0.345 0.153 -0.061 ·0.052 0.397 -3.516 MX-MAX 4.492 0.442 0.021 0.080 -0.033 -3.514 MY-MIN 2.393 0.149 -0.020 0.033 0.185 -3.493 MY-MAX 2.445 0.445 -0.020'· 0.099 0.180 -3.537 MZ-MIN 0.345 0.153 -0.061 0.052 0.397 -3.516 MZ-MAX 4.492 0.442 0.021 0.080 -0.033 -3.514 FX-MIN 2.393 0.149 -0.020 0.033 0.11!5 -3.493 FX-MAX 2.445 0.445 -0.020 0.099 0.180 -3.537 FY-MIN 4.492 0.442 0.021 0.080 -0:033 -3.514 FY-MAX 0.345 0.153 -0.061 0.05i 0.397 -3:516 FZ-MIN 2.445 0.445 -0.020 0.099 0.180 -3.537 FZ-MAX 2.393 0.149 -0.020 .0.033 0.185 -3.493 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.514 5.616 0.021 0.080 -0.033 -3.514 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -------MCG ,S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm FEDER 7 KNP 327 DIMENSION: kip ft MX .MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.266 0.136 -0.046 0.037 0.358 -3.835 MX-MAX 3.218 0.347 0.029 0.052 0.059 -3.809 MY-MIN 1.445 0.111 -0.009 0.011 0.211 -3.800 MY-MAX 1.506 0.372 -0.008 0.078 0.207 -3.844 MZ-MIN -0.266 0.136 -0.046 0.037 0.358 -3.835 MZ-MAX 3.218 0.347 0.029 0.052 0.059 -3.809 FX-MIN 1.445 0.111 -0.009 0.011 0.211 -3 .. 800 FX-MAX 1.506 0.372' -0.008 0.078 0.207 -3.844 FY-MIN 3.218 0.347. 0.029 0.052 0.059 -3.809 FY-MAX -0.266 0.136 -0.046 0.037 0.358 -3.835 FZ-MIN 1.506 0.372 -0.008 0.078 0.207 -3.844 FZ-MAX 1.445 0.111 -0.009 0.011 0.211 .3·,800 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.237 6.164 0.029 O._q52 0.059 -3.a09 FEDER 8 .KNP 347 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.636 0.175 -0.113 0;036 0.304 -3.846 MX-MAX 1.992 0.358 0.086. 0.048 0.125 -4.005 MY-MIN 0.647 0.133 -0.0.15 0.004 0.216 -3.897 MY-MAX 0.709 0.400 -0.011 0.080 · 0.213 -3.953 MZ-MIN -0.636 0.175 -0.113 0.036 0.304 -3.846 MZ-MAX 1.992 0.358 0.086 0.048 0.125 -4.005 FX-MIN 0.647 0:133 -0.015 0.004 0.216 -3.897 FX-MAX 0.709 0.400 -0.011 0.080 0.213 -3.953 FY-MIN 1.992 0.358 0.086 0.048 0.125 -4.005 FY-MAX -0.636 0.175 ·0.113 0.036 0.304 -3.846 FZ-MIN 1.992 0.358 0.086 0.048 0.125 -4.005 Page4 -MsNCHEN 1405 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_SFRS.KIP FZ-MAX -0.636 0.175 -0.113 0.036 0.304 -3.846 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2;025 10.168 0.086 0.048 0.125 -4.005 . FEDER 9 KNP 367 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.214 -0.131 0.099 -0.014 -0.014 -1.530 MX-MAX 2.347 -0.032 0.283 -0.018 -0.239 -2.606 MY-MIN 1.259 -0.217 0.195 -0.055 -0.127 -2.073 MY-MAX 1.302 0;054 0.187 0.022 -0.126 -2.063 MZ-MIN 0.214 -0.131 0.099 ,0.014 -0.014 -1.530 MZ-MAX 2.347 -0.032 0.;283 -0.018 -0:239 -2.606 FX-MIN 1.259 -0.217 0.195 -0.055 -0.127 -2.073 FX-MAX 1.302 0.054 0.187 0.022 -0.126 --2.063 FY-MIN 2.347 -0.032 0.283 -0.018 -0.239 -2.606 · FY-MAX 0.214 ·0.131 0.099 -0.014 -0.014 -1.530 FZ-MIN 2.347 -0.032 0.283 -0.018 -0.239 ,2.606 FZ-MAX 0.214 ·0.131 0.099 -0.014 -0.014 -1.530 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.347 -0.778 0.283 -0.0fB -0.239 -2.606 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAl)STATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -----------MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1406 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm FEDER 10 KNP 387 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.060 ·0.209 0.046 -0.017 -0.012 -1.226 MX-MAX 0.855 •0.632 0.027 -0.060 -0.115 •1.398 MY-MIN 0.855 -0.632 0.027 -0.060 -0.115 -1.398 MY-MAX 0.060 ·0.209 0.046 -0.017 •0.012 -1.226 MZ-MIN 0.855 -0.632 0.027 -0.060 -0.115 -1.398 MZ-MAX 0.060 -0.209 0.046 -0.017 -0.012 -1.226 FX-MIN 0.444 -0.537 0.029 -0.070 -0.062 -1.315 FX-MAX 0.471 -0.302 0.044 -0.007 -0,065 -1.309 FY-MIN 0.855 -0;632 0.027 -0.060 -0.115 -1.398 FY-MAX 0.060 -0.209 0.046 -0.017 -0,012 -1.226 FZ-MIN -0.855 -0.632 0.027 ·0;060 -0.11·5 -1.398 FZ-MAX 0.060 -0.209 0.046 -0.017 -0:012 -1.226 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.063 -36.454 0.027 -0.060 -0.115 -1.398 FEDER 11 KNP 407 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.070 -0.180 0.013 0.002 -0.030 .0.953 MX-MAX 0.577 ·1.626 -0.663 -0.460 -0.023 -0.080 MY-MIN 0.577 -1.626 -0.663 .0.460 -0.023 -0.080 MY-MAX 0.070 ·0.180 0.013 0.002 -0.030 . -0.953 MZ-MIN 0.577 -1.626 .·0.663 -0.460 -0.023 -0.080 MZ-MAX 0.070 ;0.180 0.013 0;002 -0.030 -0.953 FX-MIN 0.577 -1.626 -0.663 -0.460 -0.023 -0.080 FX-MAX 0.070 -0.180 0.013 0.002 -0.030 -0.953 FY-MIN 0.070 -0.180 0.013 0,002 -0.030 -0.953 FY-MAX 0.577 -1.626 ·0.663 ~0.460 -0.023 -0.080 FZ-MIN 0.070 -0.180 0.013 0.002 -0.030 -il.953 FZ-MAX 0.577 -1.626 -0.663 -0.460 -0.023 -0.080 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.725 -70.459 -0.663 -0.460 -0.023 -0.080 Page 5 I I I I_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_SFRS.KIP FEDER 12 KNP 427 DIMENSION: !<ip ft. MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.052 -0.183 0.029 0.062 -0.016 -0.914 MX-MAX 1.188 -1.345 -0.066 -0.514 -0.353 -0.644 MY-MIN 1.188 -1.345 -0.066 -0.514 -0.353 -0.644 MY-MAX 0.052 -0.183 0.029 0.062 -0.016 -0.914 MZ-MIN 1.188 -1.345 -0.066 -0.514 -0.353 -0.644 MZ-MAX 0.052 -0.183 0.029 0.062 -0.016 -0.914 FX-MIN 1.188 -1.345 -0.066 -0.514 -0.353 -0.644 FX-MAX 0.052 -0.183 0.029 0.062 -0.016 .-0.914 FY-MIN 1.188 -1.345 -0.066 -0.514 -0.353 -0.644 FY-MAX 0.052 -0.183 0.029 0.062 -0.016 -0.914 FZ-MIN 0.052 -0.183 0.029 0.062 •0.016 -0.914 FZ-MAX 1.188 -1.345 -0.066 -0.514 -0.353 -0.644 . M-RES ALPHA r.,z FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.794 -48.551 ·0.066 -0.514 -0.353 -0.644 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG S.FRS ----------. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1407 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm FEDER 13 KNP 447 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.040 -0.160 -0.007 0.057 0.059 -0.796 MX-MAX 0.880 -0,512 0.074 •0.136 -0.312 -0.800 MY-MIN 0.880 -0.512 0.074 -0.136 -0.312 -0.800 MY-MAX 0.040 -0.160 -0.007 0.057 0.059 -0.796 MZ-MIN 0.040 •0.160 -0.007 0.057 0.059 -b.796 MZ-MAX 0.880 -0.512 0.074 -0.136 -0.312 -0.800 FX-MIN 0.880 -0.512 0.074 -0.136 -0.312 -0.800 FX-MAX 0.040 -0.160 -0.007 0.057 0.059 -0.796 FY-MIN 0.880 -0.512 0.074 -0.136 -0.312 -0.800 FY-MAX 0.040 -0.160 -0.007 0.057 0.059 -0.796 FZ-MIN 0.472 -0.352 0.035 -0.045 -0.128 -0.800 FZ-MAX 0.448 -0.319 0.033 ·-0.033 -0.124 -0.796 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.018 -30.189 0.074 -0.136 -0.312 -0.800 FEDER 14 KNP 467 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.079 -0.133 -0.014 _0,025 0.087 -0.803 MX-MAX 0.599 -0.093 0.046 0.044 -0.125 -0.823 MY-MIN 0.079 -0.133 .-0.014 0.025 0.087 •0.803 MY-MAX 0.599 -0.093 0.046 0.044 -0.125 -0.823 MZ-MIN 0.079 -o: 133 -0.014 0.025 0.087 -0.803 MZ-MAX 0.599 -0.093 0.046 0.044 -0.125 -0.823 FX-MIN 0.079 -0.133 -0.014 0.025 0.0.87 -0.803 FX-MAX 0.599. -0.093 0.046 0.044 -0.125 -0.823 FY-MIN 0.599 -0.093 0.046· 0.044 -0.125 -0.823 FY-MAX . 0.079 -0.133 -0.014 0.025 0.087 -0.803 FZ-MIN 0.599 -0.093 0.046 0.044 -0.125 ·0.823 FZ-MAX 0.079 -0.133 -0.014· .0.025 0.087 -0.803 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.606 -8.833 0.046 0.044 -0.125 -0.823 FEDER 15 KNP 487 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY MX-MIN 0.141 -0.054 -0.006 0.003 MX-MAX 0.389 0.129 0.039 0.074 MY-MIN 0.141 -0,054 -0.006 0.003 MY-MAX 0.389 0.129 0.039 0.074 FZ 0.088 -0.862 -0.021 ·-o.8S7 0.088 -0.862 -0.027 -0.857 Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG SFRS.KIP 0.141 -0.054 -0.006 0.003 0.088 -0.862- 0.389 0.129 0.039 0.074 -0.027 -0.857 0.141 -0.054 -0.006 0.003 0.088 -0.862 0.389 0.129 0.039 0.074 -0.027 -0.857 o.389 0.129 o·.039 0.014 ~0.021 -0.857 0.141 -0.054 -0.006 0.003 0.088 -0.862 0.141 -0.054 -0.006 0.003 0.088 -0;862 o.~89 0.129 0.039 0.014 -0.021 -0.857 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.410 18.336 ·0.039 0.074 -0.027 -0.857 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU --------MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ storm FEDER 16 KNP 507 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ · F,X FY FZ MX-MIN 0.148 0.041 0.001 -0.018 0:013 -0.806 MX-MAX 0.231 0.229 0.035 0.061 0;020 -0.803 MY-MIN 0.148 0.041 0.001 -0.018 0.073 -0.806 MY-MAX 0.231 0.229 0.035 0.061 0.020 -0.803 MZ-MIN 0.148 0.041 0.001 -0.018 0.073 -0.806 MZ-MAX 0.231 0.229 0.035 0.061 0.020 -0.803 FX-MIN 0.148 0.041 0.001 -0.018 0.07'.3 -0.806 FX-MAX 0.231 0.229 0,035 0.061 0.020 -0.803 FY-MIN 0.231 0.229 0.035 0.061 0.020 -0.803 FY-MAX 0.148 0.041 0.001 -0.018 0.073 -0.806 FZ-MIN 0.148 0.041 0.001 -0.018 0.073 -0.806 FZ-MAX 0.231 0.229 0.035 0.061 0.020 -0.803 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.326 44.783 -0.035 · 0.061 0.020 -0.803 FEDER 17 KNP 527 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.079 0.142 0.012 -0.028 0.049 -0.776 MX-MAX 0.099 0.156 0.010 -0.016 0.042 -0.778 MY-MIN 0.094 ·o.074 -0.002 ~0.057 0.054 -0.780 MY-MAX 0.084 0.223 0.024 0.013 0.037 -0.774 MZ-MIN 0.094 0.074 -0.002 -0.057 0.054 -0.780 MZ-MAX 0.084 0.223 0.024 0.013 0.037 -0.774 FX-MIN 0.094 0:074 -0.002 -0.057 0.054 -0.780 FX-MAX 0.084 0.223 0.024 0.013 0.037 -0.774 FY-MIN 0.084 0.223 0.024 0.013 0.037 .0.774 FY-MAX 0.094 0.074 -0.002 -0.057 0.054 -0.780 FZ-MIN 0.094 0.074 -0.002 -0.057 0.054 -0.780 FZ-MAX 0.084 0.223 0.024 0.013 0.037 -0.774 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.239. 69.390 0.024 0.013 0.037 -0.774 FEDER 18 KNP 547 DIMENSION: kip ft . MX MY. MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.034 0.102 0.015 -0.051 0.017 -0.805 MX-MAX 0.014 0;020 -0.002 -0.08.5 0.017 -0.807 MY-MIN 0.014 0.020 -0.002 -0.085 0.017 -0.807 MY-MAX -0.034 6;102 0.015 -0.051 0.017 -0.805 MZ-MIN 0.014 0.020 -0.002 -0.085 0.017 -0.807 MZ-MAX -0.034 0.102 0.015 -0.051 0.017 -0.805 FX-MIN 0.014 0.020 -0.002 -0.085 0.017 -0.807 FX-MAX -0.034 0.102 0.015 -0.051 0;017 -0.805 FY-MIN 0.007 0.082 0.005 -0.056 0.012 -0.806 FY-MAX -0.027 0.039 0.007 -0.081 0.022 -0.806 Page 7 • MsNCHEN 1408 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG SFRS.KIP FZ-MIN 0.014 0.020 -0.002 -0.085 0.017 -0.807- FZ-MAX -0.034 0.102 0.015 -0.051 0.017 -0.805 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY. FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.107 108.457 0.015 -0.051 0.017 -0.805 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH ~ INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEU~TABEL POS. 3 1409 "'Mini-Coaster"' Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ storm FEDER 19 KNP 567 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0:047 -0.044 0.007 -0.068 -0.020 -0.814 MX-MAX -0.007 -0.047 -0.003 -0.075 -0.017 -0.815 MY-MIN -0.041 -0.090 0.001 -0.091 -0.017 -0.816 MY-MAX -0.014 -0.001 0.003 -0.052 -0.020 -0.813 MZ-MIN -0.007 -0.047 -0.003 -0.075 -0.017 -0.815 MZ-MAX -0.047 -0.044 0.007 -0,068 -0.020 -0.814 FX-MIN -0.041 -0.090 0.001 -0.091 -0;017 -0.816 FX-MAX -0.014 -0.001 0:003 -0.052 -0.020 -0.813 FY-MIN -0.014 -0.001 0.003 -0.052 -0.020 -0.813 FY-MAX -0.041 -0.090 0.001 -0.091 -0.017 -0.816 FZ-MIN -0.041 -0.090 0.001 -0.091 -0.017 -0.816 FZ-MAX -0.014 -0.001 0.003 -0.052 -0.020 -0.813 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX . FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.099 -114.676 0.001 -0.091 -0.017 -().816 FEDER 20 KNP 587 DIMENSION~ kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.041 -0:078 -0.010 -0.052 -0.049 -0.931 MX-MAX 0.054 -0.144 -0.007 -0.064 -0.069 -0.935 MY-MIN 0.051 -0.172 -0.011 -0.080 ~0.064 -0.937 MY-MAX 0.044 -0.050 -0.006 -0.036 -0.055 -0.929 MZ-MIN 0.051 -0.172 -0.011 -0.080 -0.064 -0.937 MZ-MAX 0.044 -0.050 -0.006 -0.036 -0.055 -0;929 - ·FX-MIN 0.051 -0.172 -0.011 -0.080 -0.064 -0.937 FX-MAX 0.044 -0.050 -0.006 -0.036 -0;055 -0.929 FY-MIN 0.054 -0.144 -0.007 -0.064 -0.069 -0.935 FY-MAX 0.041 -0.078 -0.010 -0.052 -0.049 -0.931 FZ-MIN 0.051 . -0.172 -0:011 -0.080 -0.064 -0.937 FZ-MAX 0.044 -0.050 -0.006 -0.036 -0.055 -0.929 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.179 -73.518 -0.011 -0.080 -0.064 -0.937 FEDER 21 KNP 607 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX 0.111 -0.077 -0;011 -0.011 ,0.058 -0.991 0.215 -0.167 -0.015 -0.024 -0.100 -1.002 0.181 -0.180 °0.015 -0.036 -0.084 -0.998 0.146 -0.065 -0.010 0.000 -0.073 -0.994 0.181 -0.180 -0.015 -0.036 -·o.084 -o.998 0.146 -0.065 -0.010 0.000 -0.073 -0.994 0.181 -0.180 -0.015 -0.036 -0.084 -0.998 o.146 -0.065 -0.01'0 o.oilo -0.013 -0.994 0.215 -0;167 -0.015 -0.024 -0;100 .-1.002 0.111 -0.077 -0.011 -0.011 -0.058 -0.991 0.215 ~0.167 -0.015 -0.024 -0.100 -1.002 0.111 -0.077 -0.011 -0.011 -0.058 -0.991 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY · FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.273 -37.883 -0.015 -0.024 -0.100 -1.002 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN Page·8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_SFRS.KIP --------MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEc:>ERURANDl:USTABEL POS. 3 1410 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm FEDER 22 KNP 627 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.057 0.019 -0.016 0.018 -0.023 -1.014 MX-MAX 0.215 -0.039 -0.023 0.014 · -0.070 -1.023 MY-MIN 0.150 .-0.064 -0.020 -0.001 -0.049 -1.017 . MY-MAX 0.122 0.044 -0.019 0.033 -0.044 -1.021 MZ-MIN 0.215 -0.039 -0.023 0.014 -0.070 -1.023 MZ-MAX 0.057 0.019 -0.016 0.018 -0,023 -1.014 FX-MIN 0.150 -0.064 -0.020 -0.001 -0.049 -1.017 FX-MAX 0.122 0.044 -0.019 0.033 -0.044 ~1.021 FY-MIN 0.215 -0.039 -!).023 0.014 -0.070 -1.023 FY-MAX 0.057 0.019 -0.016 0.018 -0.023 -1.014 FZ-MIN 0.215 -0.039 -0.023 0.014 -0.070 -1.023 FZ-MAX 0.057 0.019 -0.016 0.018 -0.!)23 -1.014 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.219 -10.321 -0;023 0.014 -0.070 -1.023 FEDER 23 · KNP 647 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.012 0.022 -0.009 0.019 0.007 -1.064 MX-MAX 0.160 -0.0:10 -0.013 0.018 -0.038 -1.060 MY-MIN 0.084 -0.047 -0.010 . 0.000 ~0.017 -1.058 MY-MAX 0.064 0.060 -0.011 0.037 -0.015 -1.066 MZ-MIN 0:160 -0.010 -0:013 0.018 -0.038 -1.060 MZ-MAX -0.012 Cto22 -0.009 0.019 0.007 -1.064 FX-MIN 0.084 -0.047 -0.010 0.000 -0.017 -1.058 FX-MAX 0.064 0.060 -0.011 0:037 -0.015 -1.066 FY-MIN 0.160 -0.010 -0.013 0.018 -0.038 -1.060 FY-MAX -0.012 0.022 -0.009 0.019 0.007 -1.064 FZ-MIN 0.064 0.060 -0.011 0.037 -0.015 -1.066 FZ-MAX 0.084 -0.047--0.010 0.000 -0.017, -1.058 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX ·o.161 -3.362 -0.013 0.018 -0.038 -1.060 FEDER 24 KNP 667 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.027 -0.046 0.006 0.010 0.007 -1.185 MX-MAX 0.204 -0.060 0.005 0.008 -0.037 -1.180 MY-MIN 0.123 -0.105 0.005 -0.010 -0.016 -1.183 MY-MAX 0.108 -0.001 0.006 0.028 -0;014 -1.183 MZ-MIN 0.204 -0.060 0.005 0.008 -0.037 -1.180 MZ-MAX 0.027 -0.046 0.006 0.010 0.007 -1.185 FX-MIN 0.123 -0.105 0.005 -0.010 -0.016 -1.183 FX-MAX 0.108 -0.001 0.006 0.028 -0.014 -1.1.83 FY-MIN 0.204 -0.060 0.005 0.008 -0.037 -1.180 FY-MAX 0.027 -0.046 0.006 0.010 0.007 -1.185 FZ-MIN 0.027 -0.046 0.006 0.010 0.007 -1.185 FZ-MAX 0.204 -0.060 0.005 0.008 -0.037 -1.180 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.213 -16.485 0.005 0.008 -0.037 -1.180 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL pps. 3 1411 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm Page 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ] MCG _ SFRS.KIP FEDER 25 KNP 687 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY Mz FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.072 0.062 0.059 0:290 0.150 -1.593 MX-MAX 0.411 0.151 0.053 0.297 0.058 -1.593 MY-MIN 0.133 0.024 0.064 0.262 0.10!> -1.592 MY-MAX 0.205 0.188 0.048 0.325 0.101 -1.595 MZ-MIN 0.205 0.188 0.048 0.325 0.101 -1.595 MZ-MAX 0.133 0.024 0.064 0.262 0.106-01.592 FX-MIN . 0.133 0.024 0.064 0.262 0.106 -1.592 FX-MAX 0.205 · 0.188 0.048 0.325 0.101 -1.595 FY-MIN 0.411 0.151 0.053 0.297 0.058 -1.593 FY-MAX -0.072 0.062 0.059 0.290 0.150 -1.593 FZ-MIN 0.205 0,188 0.048 0.325 _0.101 -1.595. FZ-MAX 0.133 0.024 0.064 0.262 0.106 -1.592 M-RES . ALPHA MZ FX FY. FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.437 20._183 0.053 0.297 0.058 ·-1.593 FEDER 26 KNP 707 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.018 -0.057 0.002 0.005 0.029 -1.096 MX-MAX 0.146 -0.037 0.001 0.008 -0.013 -1.103 MY-MIN 0.064 -0.091 0.001 -0.011 0.008 -1.093 MY-MAX 0.064 -0.002 0.002 0.024 0.009 -1.105 MZ-MIN 0.064 -0.091 0.001 -0.011 0.008 -1,093, MZ-MAX. 0.064 -0.002 0.002 0.024 0.009 -1.105 FX-MIN 0.064 -0.091 0.001 · -0.011 0.008 -1.093 FX-MAX 0.064 -0.002 0.002 0.024 0.009 .-1.105 FY-MIN 0.146 -0.037 0.001 0.008 -0.013 -1.103 FY-MAX -0.018 -0.057 0.002 !l.005 0.029 -1.096 FZ-MIN 0.064 -0.002 0.002 0;024 0;009 -1.105 FZ-MAX 0.064 -0.091 0.001 -0.011 0.008 -1.093 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.150 -14.Q51 0.001 0.008 -0.013 -1.103 FEDER 27 KNP 727 DIMEfllSION: kip ft \VIX MY M:Z FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.078 -0.052 0:013 0.015 0.052 -1.073 MX-MAX 0.119 0.001 0.013 0.021 -0.001 -1.062 MY-MIN 0.012 -0:073 0.013 -0.003 0;026 -1.063 MY-MAX 0.029 0.021 0.012 0.038 0.024 -1.Q71 MZ-MIN 0.029 0.021 0.012 0.038 0.024 -1.071- MZ-MAX 0.012 -0.073 0.013 -0.003 0.029 .-1.063 FX-MIN 0.012 -0.073 0.013 -0.003 0.026 -1.063 FX-MAX 0.029 0.021 0.012 0.038 0.024 -1.071 FY-MIN 0.119 0.001. 0.013 0.021 -0.001 -1.062 FY-MAX -0.078 -0.052 0.013 0.015 0.052 -1.073 FZ-MIN -0.078 -0.052 0.013 0.015 0.052 -1.073 FZ-MAX 0.119 0.001 0.013 o_.021 ~0.001 -1.<i6i M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.119 0.495 0.013 0.021 -0'.001 -1.062 ING-BsRO STENGEL Gml:iH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATJK-UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN --------MOG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANPEU~TABEL POS. 3 1412 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg · LC: Dead load+ storm FEDER 28 KNP 747 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ. MX-MIN -0.107 -0.061 0.040 -0.010 0.120 -1.045 MX-MAX 0.027 0.004 0.044 0.003 0.076 -1.044 Page 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG~SFRS.KIP MY-MIN -0.049 -0.083 CJ'.046 -0.024 0.104 -1.054 MY-MAX -0.030 0.026 0.038 O.o18 0.091 -1.Q36 MZ-MIN -0.030 0.026 0.038 0.018 0.091 -1.036 MZ-MAX -0.049 -0.083 0.046 -0.024 0.104 -1.054 FX-MIN -0.049 -0:083 0.046 -0.024 0.104 -1.054 FX-MAX -0.030 0.026 0.038 0.018 0.091 -1.036 FY-MIN 0.027 0.004 0.044 0.003 0.076 -1.044 FY-MAX -0.107 -0.061 0.040 -0.010 0.120 -1.045 FZ-MIN -0.049 -0.083 0.046 s0.024 0.104 -1.054 FZ-MAX -0.030 0.026 0.038 0.018 0.091 -1.036 M-RES ALPHA M.Z FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.123 -150.231 0.040 -0.010 0.120 s1.045 FEDER 29 KNP 767 DIMENSION: kip ft MX -MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.032 -0.072 0.005--0;073 0.077 •0.886 MX-MAX 0.029 -0.046 0.005 -0.071 0.053 -0.891 MY-MIN 0.004 -0.104 0.004 -0.095 0.065 -0.892 MY-MAX -0.006 -0.014 . 0.007 -0.051 0.065 -0.886 MZ-MIN 0.004 -0.104 0.004 -0:095 0.065 -0.892 MZ-MAX -0.006 -0.014 0.007 -0.051 0.065 -0.886 F:X-MiN 0.004 -0.104 0.004 -0.095 0.065 -0.892 FX-MAX -0.006 -0.014 0.007 -0.051 · 0.065 -0.886 FY-MIN 0.029 -O.Q46 0.005 -0.071 0.053 -0.891 FY-MAX -0.032 -0.072 0.005 -0.073 0.077 •0.886 FZ-MIN 0.004 -0.104 0.004 ·0.095 0.065 -0.892 FZ-MAX ·-0.006 -0.014 0.001 -0.051 o.065 -0.886 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX FY FZ · RES-MXY-MAX 0.104 -88.069 0.004 -0.095 0.065 -0.892 FEDER 30 KNP 787 .DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.021 -0.113 0.015 -0.015 -0.03_3 -0.899 MX-MAX 0.018 -0.118 0.013 -0~021 -0.051 -0.893 MY-MIN 0.013 -0.147 0.015 -0.031 -0:047 -0.896 MY-MAX -0.015 -0.084 0.013 -0.004 -0.036 -0.897 MZ-MIN -0.015 -0.084 0.013 -0.004 -0.036 -0.897 MZ-MAX 0.013 -0.147 0.015 -0-.031 -0.047 -l).896 FX-MIN 0.013 -0.147 ·o.015 -0.031 -0.047 s0.896 FX-MAX -0.015 -0.084 0.013 -0.004 -0.036 -0.897 FY-MIN 0.018 -0.118 0.013 -0.021 -0.051 -0.893 FY-MAX -0.021 -0.113 0:015 -0.015 -0.033 -0.899 FZ-MIN -0.021 -0.113 0.015 -0.015 -0.033 -0.899 FZ-MAX 0.018 -0.118 0.013 -0.021 -O.Q51 •0.893 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.147 -84.974 0.015 -0.031 -0.047 -0.896 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO i=sR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -. MsNCHEN -------·-MCG S.FRS . . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1413 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm FEDER 31 KNP 807 DIMENSION: kip ft MX. MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN . 0.145 -0.330 0.054 ~0.044 -0.075 -0.978 MX-MAX 0.184 -0.347 0.055 -0.047 -0.101 -0;978 MY-MIN 0.183 -0.363 0.054 -0.059 -0.092 -0.978 . MY-MAX 0.146 -0.313 0.055 -0.032 -0;085 -0.980 MZ-MIN 0.145 -0.330 o.os·4 -0.644--0.075 -0.978 MZ-MAX 0.184 -0.347 0.055 -0.047 -0.101 -0.978 FX-MIN 0.183 -0.363 0.054 -0.059 ,0.0.92 -0.978 FX-MAX 0.146 °0.313 0.055 -0.032 -0.085 -o:980 Page 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_SFRS.KIP FY-MIN 0.184 -0.347 0.055 -0.047 -0.101 -0.978 FY-MAX 0.145 -0.330 0.054 70.044_ -0.075 -0.978 FZ-MIN 0.146 -0.313 0.055 -0.032 -0.085 °0.980 FZ-MAX 0.183 -0.363 0.054 -0.059 -0.092 -0.978 M-RES ALPHA MZ · FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.407 -63.330 0.054 -0.059 -0.092 -0.978 FEDER 32 KNP 827 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.027 -0.064 0.013 -0.005 -0.038 -1.014 MX-MAX 0.060 -0.072 0.013 -0.006 -0.062 -1.020 MY-MIN 0.053 ~0.093 0.012 -0.018 -0.051 -1.016 MY-MAX 0.034 -0.043 0.013 0.007 -0.049 -1.018 MZ-MIN 0.053 -0.093 0.012 -0.018 -0.051 -1.016 --MZ-MAX 0.034 -0.043 0.013 0.007 -0,049 -1.018 FX-MIN 0.053 -0.093 0.012 -0.018 -0.051 -1.016 FX-MAX 0.034 -0.043 0.013 0.007 -0.049 -1.018 FY-MIN 0.060 -0.072 0.013 -0.006 -0.062 -1.020 FY-MAX 0.027 -0.064 0.013 -0.005 -0.038 -1.014 FZ-MIN 0.060 -0.072 .0.013 so.006 -0,062 -1.020 FZ-MAX 0.027 -0.064 0.013 -0.005 -0.038 -1.014 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.107 -60.198 0.012 -0.018 -0.05:1 -1.016 FEDER 33 KNP 847 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.027 0.012 -0.013 -0.004 -0.043 -1.003 MX-MAX 0.055 0.007 -0.013 -0.005 -0.065 -1.008 MY-MIN 0.049 -0.011 -0.014 -0.01.6 -0.055 -1.006 MY-MAX 0.034 0.031 -0.011 0.008 -0.053 -1.005 MZ-MIN 0.049 -0.011 -0.014 -0.016 -0.055 -1.006 MZ-MAX 0.034 0.031 -0.011 0.008 -0.053 -1.005 FX-MIN 0.049 -0.011 -0.014 -0.016 -0.055 -1.006 FX-MAX 0.0·34 0.031 -0.011 0.008 -0.053 -1.005 FY-MIN 0.055 0.007 -0.013 -0.005 -0.065 -1.008 . FY-MAX 0.027 0:012 -0.01-3 -0.004 -0.043 -1.003 FZ-MIN 0.055 0.007 -0.013 -0.005 -0.065 -1.008 FZ-MAX 0.027 0.012 -0.013 -0.004. -0.043_ -1.003 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX o:056 7.738 -0.013 -0.0·05 -0.065 -1.008 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -----------------····-MCG S.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITIWERTE FEM-FEDE~t/RANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1414 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm FEDER 34 KNP 867 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ I FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.015 0.038 -0.009 0.003 -0.045. -0.941 MX-MAX 0.007 0.034 -0.009 0.002 -0.063 -o:938 MY-MIN 0.001 0.016 -0.010 -0.010 -0;057 -0.941 MY-MAX -0.010 0.056 -0.007 0.016 -0.052 -0.939 MZ-MIN 0.001 0.016. -0.010 -0.010 -0.057 -0.941 MZ-MAX -0.010 0.056 -0.007 0.016 -0.052 .-0.939 FX-MIN 0.001 0.016 -0.010 -0.010 -0.057 -0.941 FX-MAX -0.010 0.056 -0.007 0.016 -0.052 -0.939 FY-MIN 0.007 0.034 -0.009 0.002 -0.063 -0.938 FY-MAX -0.015 0.038 -0.009 0.003 -0.045 •0;941 FZ~MIN -ff.015 . o.o3g -O;{i09. 0.003 -0.045 -Q.941 FZ-MAX 0.007 0.034 -0.009 0.002 -0.063 -0.938 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ Page 12 I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_SFRS.KIP RES-MXY-MAX 0.057 99.624 -0.007 0.016 -0.052 -0.939 FEDER 35 KNP 887. DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.015 -0:096 -0.001 -0.004 0.009 -0.869 MX-MAX 0.034 -0.100 -0.001 -0.005 -0.004 -0.868 MY-MIN 0.025 -0.108 s0:001 -0.012 · 0.002 -0.869 MY-MAX 0.024 -0.088 -0.001 0.003 0.002 -0.868 MZ-MIN 0.025 -0.108 -0.00:1 -0.012 0.002 -0.869 MZ-MAX 0.024 -0.088 -0.001 0.003 0.002 -0.868 FX-MIN. 0.025 -0.108 -0.001 -0.012 0.002 -0.869 FX-MAX 0.024 -0.088 -0.001 0.003 0.002 -0.868 FY-MIN 0.034 -OAOO -0.001 -0.005 -O;OQ4 -0.868 FY-MAX 0.015 -0.096 -0.001 -0.004 0.009 -0.869 FZ-MIN 0.015 -0.096 -0.001 -0.004 0.009 -0.869 FZ-MAX 0.034 -0.100 -0.001 -0.005 ·-0.004 -0.868 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.111 -77.022 -0.001 -0.012 0.002 -0.869 FEDER 36 KNP 907 DIMENSION: kip ft. MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.087 -0.153 -0.011 0.023 0.064 -0.861 MX-MAX 0.109 -0.161 -0.010 0.018 0.047 -0.861 MY-MIN 0.109 -0.161 -0;010 0.018 0.047 -0.861 MY-MAX 0.087 -0.153 -0,011 0.023 0.064 ·0.86'1 · MZ-MIN 0.091 -0.157 -0.011 0.018 0.059 -0.861 ·MZ-MAX 0.105 -0.158 -0.010 0.023 0.052 -0.860 FX-MIN 0.091 -0.157 -0.011 0.018 0.059 -0;861 FX-MAX 0.105 -0.15& -0.010 0.023 0.052 -0.860 . FY-MIN 0.109 -0.161 -0.010 0.018 0.047 -0.861 FY-MAX 0.087 -0.153 -0.011 0.023 0.064 -0.861 FZ-MIN 0.091 -0.157 -0.011 0.018 0.059 -0.861 FZ-MAX 0.105 -0.158 -0.010 0.023 0.052 -0.860 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.195 -55.851 -0.010 0.018 0:047 -0.861 . ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATI!( UND STA°Fit:.BAU .• MsNCHEN --------MCG :s.FRS PROGRAMM: FR 5 SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEl,:/STABEL POS. 3 1415 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzbur.g LC: Dead load+ storm FEDER 37 KNP 927 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.128 -0.049 -0.007 -0.016 0.069 -0.860 MX-MAX 0.158 -0.053 -0.008 -0.010 0.056 ·0.858 MY-MIN 0.156 -0.055 -0.007 -0.015 0,052 -0.856 MY-MAX 0.131 -0.046 -0.007 -0.012 0.072 -0.861 MZ-MIN 0.158 -0.053 ~0.008 -0.010 0.056 -0.858 MZ-MAX 0.128 -0.049 -0.007 -0.016 0.069 -0.860 FX-MIN 0.128 -l).049 -0.007 -0.016 0.069 -0.860 FX-MAX 0.158 -0.053 -0.008 -0.010 0.056 -0.858 FY-MIN 0.156 -0.!)55 -0.007 -0.015 0.052 -0.856 FY-MAX 0.131 -0.046 ~0.007 -0.012 0.072 -0.861 FZ-MIN 0.131 -0.046 -0.007 -0.012 0.072 -0.861 FZ-MAX 0.156 -0:055 -0.007 -0.015 0.052 -0.856 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.166 -18.546 -0.008 -0.01-0 0.056 -0.858 FEDER 38. KNP 947 DIMENSION: kip' ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.091 0.029 -0.004 -0.044 0.036 -0.887 Page 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG SFRS.KIP 0.142 0.035 -0.007 ~0.033 0.021 -0.885 0.133 0.029 -0.006 -0.041 0.021 -0.886 0.100 0.036 -0.004 -0.037 0.036 -0.886 0.142 0:035 -0.001 -0.033 o.oi1 -0.885 0.091 0.029 -0.004 -0.044 0:036 -0.887 0.091 0.029 -0.004 -0.,044 0.036 -0.887 0.142 0.035 -0.007 -0.033 0.021 -0.885 o.133 o.1ff29 -0.006 -0.041 o.02t -0.886 0.100 0.036 -0.004 -0.037 0.036 -0.886 0.091 0.029 -0.0M ~0.044 0.036 -0.887 0.142 0.035 ~·0:001 -o.033 0;021 -0.885 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.146 13.939 ~0.007 -ci.033 ·o:021 -0.885 FEDER 39 KNP 967 DIMENSION:"kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.015 -0.024 -0.001 -0 .. 044 0.001 -0,814 MX-MAX 0.072 0.027 -0.!)01 -0.024 -0.013 -0.820 MY-MIN 0.015 -0:.024 -0.001 -0.044 0.001 -0.814 MY-MA)(: 0.072 0.027 -0.001 -0.024 -0.013 -0.820 MZ-MIN 0.072 0:027 -0.001 -0.024 -0.0f3 -0.820 MZ-MAX 0.015 -0.024 -0.001 -0.044 0.001 -0.814 FX-MIN 0.015 -0.024 -0.001 -0.044 0.001 -0.814 FX-MAX 0.072 0.027 -0.001 -0.024 -0.013 -0.820 FY-MIN 0.066 0.013 -0.001 -0.033 -0;016 -0.821 FY-MAX 0.021 -0.010 -0.001 -0.035 0.004 -0.812 FZ-MIN 0.066 0.013 ·-0.001 -0.033 -0.016 -0.821 FZ-MAX 0.021 -0.010 ~0.001 -0.035 0.Q04 -0.~12 M-RES . ALPHA MZ FX . FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.077 20.884 -0.001 -0.024 -0.013 -0.820 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUStATIK UND STAHLBAU . MCG .S.FRS PROGRAMM: F RS SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTAl:!EL POS. 3 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + storm FEDER 40 KNP 987 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.139 0,001 0.001 -0,008 0.050 -1.417 MX-MAX -0.083 0.134 0.003 0.035 0.035 -1.418 MY-MIN -0.139 0:001 0.001 -0.008 0.050 -:1:417 MY-MAX -0.083 0.134 0.003 0.035 0.035 -1.418 MZ-MIN -0.133 0:006 ·0.000 -0.002 0.053 -1.419 MZ-MAX -0.088 0.130 0.004 0.029 0.032 -1.415 FX-MIN -0.139 0.001 0.001 -0.008 0.050 -1.417 FX-MAX -0.083 0.134 0.003 0.035 0.035 -1.418 FY-MIN -0.088 0.130 0.004 0.029 0.032 -1.415 FY-MAX -0.133 0.006 0.000 -0.002 0.053 -1,419 FZ-MIN -0.133 0.006 0.000 -0.002 0.053 -1.419 FZ-MAX -0.088 0.130 0.004 0.029 0;032 -1.415 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0,003 -0.035 0.035 -1.4'i8 FEDER 41 KNP 1007 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ . MX-MIN -0.032 0.007 0.002 -0;036 0.010 -1.318 MX-MAX 0.050 0.267 0.007 0.045 -0.014 -1.318 MY-MIN -0.018 -0'.002 0.002 -0.033 0.010 -1.317 MY-MAX 0.036 0.276 Cl.008 0.043 -0.014 -1.319 MZ-MIN -0.018 -0:002 0.002 -0.033 0.010 -1.317 MZ-MAX 0.036 0.276 0.008 0:043 -0.014 -1.319 FX-MIN -0.032 0.007 0.002 -0.036 0.010 -·1.318 Page 14 -MsNCHEN 1416 1_· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG SFRS.KIP FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX 0.050 0.267 0.007 0.045 -0.014 -1.318 0.036 0.276 0.008 0.043 -0.014 -1.319 -0.018 -0.002 0.002 -0.033 0.010 -1.317 0.036 0.276 0.008 0.043 -0.014 s1.319 -0.018 -0.002 0.002 -0.033 0.010 -1.317 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.279 82.634 0.008 0.043 -0;014 -1.319 FEDER 42 KNP 1027 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX_-MIN -0.044 -0.018 -0.001 -0.023 0.008 -0.608 MX-MAX -0.017 9.350 0.003 0.095 0.000 -0.604 MY-MIN -0.021 -0.046 -0.001 -0.027 0.005 -0.609 MY-MAX -0.041 0.378 -0.003 0;099 0.003 --0.603: MZ-MIN -0.021 -o:046 -0.001 -0.027 0.005 -0:609 MZ-MAX -0.041 0.378 0.003 0.099 0.003 -0.603 FX-MIN -0.021 -0;046 --0.001 . ~0.027 0.005 -0.609 FX-MAX -0.041 0.378 0.003 0.099 0.003 -0.603 FY-MIN -0.017 0.-350 0.003 0.095 0.000 -0:604 FY-MAX -0.044 -0.018 -0.001 -0.023 0.008 -0.608 FZ-MIN -0.021 ~O."o46 -0.001 -0.027 0.005 -0.609 FZ-MAX -0.041 0.378 0.003 0.099 0.003 -0.603 . M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY . FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.380 96.091 0:003 0.099 0.003 -0.603 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN --------MCG ;s.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERl/RANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1417 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ storm FEDER 43 KNP 1047 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.092 0:408 0.001 0.117 0.015 -0.622 MX-MAX 0.029 -0.073 -0.002 -0.027 -0.01.7 -0.627 MY-MIN 0.029 -0:073 -0.002 -0.027 -0.017 -0.627 MY-MAX -0.092 0.408 0.001 0.117 0.015 -0.622 MZ-MIN -0.004 -0:043 -0;0!)2 -0.021 -0.010 -0.&26 MZ-MAX .-0.059 0.378 0.001 0.111 0.008 -0.623 FX-MIN 0.029 -0.073 -0.002 -0.027 -0.017 -0.627 FX-MAX -0.092 0:408 0.001 0.117 0.015 -0.622 FY-MIN 0.029 -0.073 -0.002 -0.027 -0.017 -0.627 FY-MAX -0.092 0.408 0.001 0.117 0.015 -0.622 FZ-MIN 0.029 -0.073 -0.002 -0.027 -0.017 -0.627 FZ-MAX -0.092 Ol408 0.001 0.117 ·0.015 -0.622 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.418 102.742 0.001 0.117 0.015 -il,622 Page 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I MCG EGFRS.KIP ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND.STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS ---~---- PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 · 1501 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load PROGRAMM: FR S VERSION 2.17 GERECHNET AUF PC IN DIGITAL-FORTRAN 5.0 GERECHNET AM: 16-DEC-03 15:29:39 EINGABE-DATEI : MCG EG.FRS ERGEBNIS-LISTE: $PR.J:[0112.FEM]MCG_EGFRS.KIP;3 AUFTRAGS-NUMMER : 0112 FRS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 FEM-SEQU~NZ-NUMMER : 100 STRESS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER: 100 FEM-COMMON-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2;CDB FEM-ELEMENT-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-STRESS-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FRS-SCHNITT-DATEI : c:\Temp\FRS.100 ANGEFORDEfffE FEDERN VON INC BIS [K NUR FORMEL(ll,I)] 1 1 43 ERSTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER·: 1 LETZTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL ANGEFORDERTER FEDERN : 43 TRANSFORMATIONS-WINKEL FEDERN GLOBAL,•>LOKAL VON INC BIS . WINKE_L 1 1 28800 0.000 *DEFAULT* ANGEFORDERTE LASTFALL-KOMBINATIONEN 1: -1 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN ____ . __ __,. __ MCG EG.FRS --------. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1502 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC:Deadload TRAGWERKS-BERECHNUNG PROGRAMM /VERSION .................. : GENF 10.36-99 MASZ-EINHEITEN ( PER DEFINITIO.N ) .... : kip ft Page 1 I I I I I I I 1 ] I I j j l I l J l J MCG EGFRS.KIP FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER/ FEM-SEQUENZ .•. : 0112 100~ BERECHNUNGS-DATUM/ZEIT (2. KOPFZEILE) : 16-DEC-03 15:19:57 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER ............... : · 43 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER"LEGOLAND GUENZBlJRG NUR FOLGENDE FEDER-WERTE AUS COB EINGEHOLT _ KLEINSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 1 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 43 ANZAHL FEDERN : 43 TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE FEDERN VON INC BIS 1 1 43 ERSTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 1 LETZTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL BEARBEITETER FEDERN : 43 SCHNITT-DATEl0BEZOGENE ANGABEN PROGRAMM /VERSION .............. , ... : STAR2 10.89-99 FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER / FEM-SEQUENZ ... : 0112 100 BERECHNUNGS-DATUM/*EIT (STRFED) ..... : 16-PEC-03 15:19:57 TRAGWERKS-TYP / MAX. LASTFALL-NR .... : 200 38 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE LASTFAELLE 1 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO F~R BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS -------- P~OGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEWSTABEL POS. 3 1503 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 1 KNP · 207 DIMENSION: kip ft MX. MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.057 0.111· -0.004 0.026 -0.042 -1.015 MX-MAX 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026 ,-0.042 -1.015 MY-MIN 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026 -0.042. -1.015 MY-MAX 0.057 0.111 -0,004 0.026 -0.042 -1.015 MZ-MIN 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026 -0.042 -1.015 MZ-MAX 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026 --0.042 -1.0:15 FX-MIN 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026 -0.042 -1.01·5 FX-MAX 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026' -0.042 -1,015 FY-MIN 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026 -0.042 -1.015 FY-MAX 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026 -0.042 -1.015 FZ-MIN 0.057 0.11f -0.004 0.026. -0.042 -1.015 FZ-MAX 0.057 0.111 -0.004 0.026 -0,042 -1.015 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.125 62.886 -0.004 0.Q26 -0.042 -1.015 FEDER 2 KNP 227 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MX-MIN MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG EGFRS.KIP 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1.345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1'.345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 .0.061 -0.141 -1.345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1:345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0,061 -0.141 -1.345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1.345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1.345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0."061 -0.141 -1.345 0.538 0,175 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1.3.45 o;538 0.115 -0.012 -0.061 -0.141 -1.345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1.345 0.538 0.175 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1.345 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.566 17.958 -0.012 0.061 -0.141 -1.345 FEDER 3 KNP 247 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ . MX-MIN MX~MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX · MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 ·-1.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0,019 -0.335 -1.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 1.266 0:102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 1.266 0.102 -0:011 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 -1'.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0;335 -1.690 1.266 0.102 -0.017 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.270 4.621 -0;017 0.019 -0.335 -1.690 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK"UND STAHLBAU -------MCG EG.FRS . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER · 4 KNP 267 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX ~t FZ MX-MIN, 2.519 0.159 -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 MX-MAX 2.519 0.159 -0.182 0.084 0.22$ -2.783 MY-MIN 2.519 0:159 -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 MY-MAX 2.519 0.159 -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 ,, MZ-MIN 2.519 0.159 -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 . MZ-MAX 2.519 0.159 -0.182 0.084 0:2~5 -2.783 FX-MIN 2.519 0.159 -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 FX-MAX 2.519 0'.159 -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 FY-MIN 2.519 0.159, -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 FY-MAX 2.519 0.159 -0 .. 182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 FZ-MIN 2.519 0.159 -0:182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 FZ-MAX 2.519 0.159 -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 . M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.524 3.622 -0.182 0.084 0.225 -2.783 FEDER 5 KNP 287 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ . MX-MIN 3.398 0.35!$ -0.038 0.106 0.130 -3.623 MX:MAX 3.398 0,3_55 ·0:9?!3 0.1Q6 0.1~0 .-3.(1?3 MY-MIN 3.398 0:355 -0.038 0.106 0.130 -3.623 MY-MAX 3.398 0.355 -0.038 0.106 · 0.130 -3.623 MZ-MIN 3.398 0.355 -0.038 0.106 0.130 -3.623 MZ-MAX 3.398 0.355 -0.038 0 .. 106 0.130 -3.623 Page 3 • .MsNCHEN 1504 I I I I ) I I J J I I l MCG_EGFRS.KIP FX-MIN 3".398 0.355 -0.038 0.106 0.130 -3.623 FX-MAX 3.398 0.355 -0.038 0.106 0.130 -3.623 FY-MIN 3.398 0.355 -0.038 0.106 0.130 -3.623 FY-MAX 3.398 0.355 -0.038 0.106 0.130 -3.623 FZ-MIN 3.398 0.355 -0.038 ·o.106 0.130 -3.623 FZ-MAX 3.398 0.355 -0.038 0.106 0.130 · -3.623 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.417 5.974 -0.038 0.106 0.130 -3.623 FEDER 6 KNP 307 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 2.418 0.297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 MX-MAX 2.418 0.297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 MY-MIN 2.418 0;297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 MY-MAX 2.418 o·.297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 · -3.515 MZ-MIN 2.418 0:297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 MZ-MAX 2.418 0.297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 FX-MIN 2.418 0.297 -0.020 · 0.066 0.182 -3.515 FX-MAX 2.418 0.297 '-0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 FY-MIN 2.418 0.297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 FY-MAX 2.418 0.297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 FZ-MIN 2.418 0.297 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 FZ-MAX 2.418 0.291 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.5:15 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 2.437 7.001 -0.020 0.066 0.182 -3.515 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -IN<;;ENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1505 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 7 KNP 327 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY ·,MZ FX FY FZ _ MX-MIN 1.476 0.242 -0.009 0.044 0.209 -3,822 MX-MAX 1.476 0.242 -0.009 0.044 0.209 -3.822 MY-MIN· 1.476 0;242 -0.009 0:044 0.209 -3.822 MY-MAX 1.476 0.242 -0.009 0.044 0.209 -3.822 MZ-MIN 1.476 0.242 -0.009 0.044 0.2()9 -3.822 MZ-MAX 1.476 0.242 -0.009 0;044 0.209 -3.822 FX-MIN 1.476 0.242. -0.009 0.044 0.209 -3.822 FX-MAX 1.476 0.242 -0.009 0.044 0.209 -3.822 FY-MIN 1.476 . 0.242 -0.009 0:044 0.209 s3._822 FY-MAX 1.476 0.242 -0.009 0.044 0.209 -3.822 FZ-MIN 1.476 0.242 -0.009 0.044 0.209 -3.822 FZ-MAX 1.476 0.242 -0:009 0.044 0.209 . 03,822 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.495 9.309 -0.009 0.044 -0.209 -3.822' FEDER 8 KNP 347 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY i=Z MX-MIN 0.678 0.266 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 MX-MAX 0.678 0.266 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 MY-MIN 0.678 -0.266 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 MY-MAX 0.678 0.266 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 MZ-MIN 0.678 0.266 -0.013 0.042' 0.214 -3.926 MZ-MAX 0.678 0.266 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 FX-MIN 0.678 0.266, -0.013 0.042 0.21'4 -3:926 FX-MAX 0.678 0,266 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 FY-MIN 0.678 0.266 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 FY-MAX 0.678 0.266 -0.013 0.042 Q.214 -3.926 FZ-MIN 0.678 0.266 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 FZ-MAX 0.678 0.266 -0,013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 Page4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_EGFRS.KIP M-RES ALPHA . MZ .FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.728 21.452 -0.013 0.042 0.214 -3.926 \ FEDER 9 KNP 367 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN MX-MAX MY~MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX 1.280 -0.081 0.191 -0.016 -0.126 -2.068 1.280 -0.081 0.191 -0.016 -0.126 -2.Q68 1.280 -0'.081 0.1:91 -0.016 ·0.126 -2.068 1.280 -0.081 0.191 -0.016 -0.126 -2.068 1.280 -0:081 . 0.191 -0.016 -0.126 -2.068 1.280 -0.081 0.191 -0.016 -0.126 -2.068 1.280 -0:081 0.191 -Q;016 -0.126 -2.06~ 1.280 -0.081 0.191 -0.016 -0.1,26 -2.068 1.280 -0.081 0.191 -0.016 -0.126 -2.068 1.280 -0.081 ·0.191 -0.016 ~0.126 -2.068 1.280 -0.081 0.191 °0.016 -0;126 -2.068 1.280 -0.081 0.191 -0.016 -0.126 -2.068 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 1.283 -3.639 0.191 -0.016 -0.126 ·2.068 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNIITWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1506 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 10 KNP 387 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.457 -0.420 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 -1.312 MX-MAX 0.457 -0.420 ·0.037 -0.038 -0:064 -1.312 MY-MIN 0.457 -0:420 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 ,1.312 MY-MAX 0.457 ~0.420 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 -1.312 MZ-MIN 0.457 -0.420 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 -1.312 MZ-MAX 0.457 -0.420 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 -1.312 FX-MIN 0.457 -0.420 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 -1.312 FX-MAX 0.457 -0.420 0.037 .0.038 -0.064 -1.312 FY-MIN 0.457 -0.420 0.037 -0.038 -o:064 -1.312 FY-MAX 0.457 -0.420 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 -1.312 FZ-MIN 0.457 -0.420 0.037 -0.038 -Q.064 -1.312 FZ-MAX 0.457 -0.420 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 -1.312 M-RES ALPHA MZ. FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.621 -42.552 0.037 -0.038 -0.064 -q12 FEDER 11 KNP 407 DIMENSION: kip·ft MX MY MZ FX FY· FZ MX-MIN 0.324 -0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 MX-MAX 0.324 -0.902 -0,325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 MY-MIN 0.324 -0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 MY-MAX 0.324 -0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0,027 -0.517 MZ-MIN 0.324 -0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 MZ-MAX 0.324 · -0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 FX-MIN 0.324 -0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 FX-MAX 0.324 -0:902 ·0.325 -0.229 -0,027 -0.517 FY-MIN 0.324 °0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 ~0.517 FY-MAX 0.324 -Oi902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 FZ-MIN 0.324 -0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 FZ-MAX 0.324 -0.902 -0.325 -0.229 -0.027. -0.517 M-RES ALPHA MZ F_X FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.959 -70.291· -0.325 -0.229 -0.027 -0.517 FEDER 12 KNP 427 DIMENSION: kip ft Page 5 I I I I J I I l I J J MCG_EGFRS.KIP MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.620 -0.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 MX-MAX 0.620 -0.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 MY-MIN 0.620 -ci.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 MY-MAX 0.620 -0.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 · MZ-MIN 0.620 -0.764 ·-0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779· MZ-MAX 0.620 -0.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 FX-Mi'N 0.620 -0.764 -0.01·8 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 FX-MAX 0.620 -0.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 FY-MIN 0.620 -0)64 -0.018 -0;226 -0.185 -0.779 FY-MAX 0.620 -0.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 FZ-MIN 0.620 -0.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 FZ-MAX 0.620 -0.764 -0.018 -0.226 -0.185 -0.779 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.984 -50.935 -0.018 °0.226 -0.185 -0.779 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDELJSTABEL POS. 3 1507 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 13 KNP 447 · DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.4.60 -0'.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 MX-MAX 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 MY-MIN 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 MY-MAX 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 MZ-MiN 0.460 -0:335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 MZ-MAX 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 FX-MIN 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.1~6 -0.798 FX-MAX 0.460 -0.335 0.034 ~0.039 -0.126 -0.798 FY-MIN 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 FY-MAX 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 FZ-MIN 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 FZ-MAX 0.460 -0.335 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 M-RES ALPHA I MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0:569 -36.148 0.034 -0.039 -0.126 -0.798 FEDER 14 KNP 467 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.339 -0.113 0.016 0.035 -0.019 -0.813 MX-MAX 0.339 -0.113 0.016 0.035 -0.019 -0.813 MY-MIN 0.339 -0.113 !l.016 0.035 -0.019 -0.813 MY-MAX 0.339 -0.113 0.016 0.035 .-0.019 -0.813 MZ-MIN 0.339. -0.113 0.016 0.035 -0.019 -0.813 MZ-MAX 0.339 -0.113 0.016 0.035 -0.019 -0.813 FX-MIN 0.339 -0.113 0.016 0.0.35 -0.019 -0.813· FX-MAX 0.339 -0.113 0.016 0.035 -0.019 -0.813 FY-MIN 0.339 -O.:t13 0.016 0.035 -0.0~9 -0.813 FY-MAX 0.339 -0.113 0.016 0.035 -0.019 -0.813 FZ-MIN 0.339 -0.113 0.016 ·0.035 -0:019· -0,813 FZ-MAX· 0.339 -0.113 0.016 0.035 ~0.019 -0.813 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FV: FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.358 -18.446 0.016 0.035 -0.019 -0.813 FEDER 15 KNP 487 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.03~ 0.030 -0.860 MX-MAX 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038. 0.030 -0.860 MY-MIN 0.265 0.038 0.016 .0.038 0.030 -0.860 MY-MAX 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038 0.030 -0:860 MZ-MIN 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038 0.030 -0.860 Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX . MCG EGFRS.KIP 0.265 0.038 0,016 0.038 0.030 -0.860 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038 0.030 -0.860 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038 0.030 -0.860 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038 0:030 -0.860 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038 0.030 -0.860 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038 0 .. 030 -0.860 0.265 0.038 0.016 0.038 0.030 -0.860 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX • 0.268 8.103 0.016 0.038 0.030 -0.860 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1508 "Mini-Coaster" Legol;md Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 16 KNP 507 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.189 0.136 0.018 0;022 0.047 -0.805 MX-MAX 0.189 0.136 0.018 0,022 0.047 -0.805 MY-MIN 0.189 0.136 0.018 0.022 0.047 -0.805 MY-MAX 0.189 0.136 0,018 0.022 0.047 -0.805 MZ-MIN 0;189 0.136 0.018 0.022 0.047 ,0.805 MZ-MAX 0.189 0.136 0.018 0.-022 0.047 -0.805 FX-MIN 0.189 0.136 0.018 0.022 0.047 -0.805 FX-MAX 0.189 0.136 0.018 0.022 0.047 -0.805 FY-MIN 0.189 0.136 0.018 0.022 0.047 -0.805 FY-MAX 0.189 0.136 0.018 0.022 0.047 -0.805 FZ-MIN 0.189 0.136 0.018 0,022 0.047 -0.805 FZ-MAX 0.189 0.136 0.018 0.022 0.047 -0.805. M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.233 35.509 0.018 0.022 0.047 -0.805 FEDER 17 KNP 527 DIMENSION: kip ft . MX MY. MZ FX FY ~z MX-MIN 0.089 0.149 0.011 -0.022 0,046 -0.777 MX-MAX 0.089 0.149 0.011 ·-0.022 0.046 -0.777 MY-MIN 0.089 0.149· 0.()11 -0.022 0.046 -0.777 MY-MAX 0.089 0:149 0.011 -0.022 0.046 -0.777 MZ-MIN 0.089 0.149 0.011 -0.022 0.046 70.777 MZ-MAX 0.089 0.149 0.011 -0.022 0.046 -0.177 FX-MIN 0.089 0.149 0.011 -0.022 0.04.6 -0.177 FX-MAX 0.089 0.149 0.011 -0.022 0.046 -0.777 FY-MIN 0.089 0.149 0.011 -0.022 0.046 -0.771 FY-MAX 0.089 0.149 0.0·11 -0.022 0.046 -0.777 FZ-MIN 0.089 0.149 0.011 -0.022 0.046 -0.777 FZ-MAX 0.089 0.149 0.011 -0.022 0.046 -0.777 M-RES . ALPHA MZ FX . FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.173 59.177 0.011 -0.022 -0.046 -0.777 FEDER 18 KNP 547 DIMENSION: kipff MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.()10 0.060 0.006 -0.068." 0.017 -0.806 MX-MAX -0.010 0.060 0.006 -0;068· 0.017 -0,806 MY-MIN ~0.010 0;060 0.006 -0.068 0.017 -0.806 MY-MAX -0.010 0.060 0.006 -0.068 0.017 -0.806 MZ-MIN -0.010 0.060 0.006 -0.068 0.017 -0:806 MZ-MAX -0.010 0.060 0.006 -0.068 0.017 -0.806 FX-M!N -0.010 O.Q60_ 0.006 ·O:Op_B __ 0'.017 -OJJQ6_ FX-MAX -0.010 o·.060 0,006 °0.068 -0.017 -0.806 FY-MIN -0.010 0.060 0.006 -0.068 0;017 -0.806 FY-MAX -0.010 0;060· 0.006 -0.068 0.017 -0.806 FZ-MIN -0.010 0.060 0'.006 -0.06!f 0.017 -0.806 Page7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I MCG_EGFRS.KIP FZ-MAX -0.010 0.060 . 0.006 -0.068 0.017 -0.806 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.061 99.201 0.006 -0.068 0.017 ,0.806 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-Fl;:DERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1509 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 19 KNP 567 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY · MZ FX · FY FZ MX-MIN -0.027 -0~046 0.002· -0.071_ 00.019 °0.814 MX-MAX -0.027 -0.046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 MY-MIN -0.027 -0,046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 MY-MAX -0.027 -0.046 Cl.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 MZ-MIN -0.027 -o:046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 MZ-MAX -0.027 -0;046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 FX-MIN -0.027 -0.046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 FX-MAX -0.027 -0.046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0:814 FY-MIN -0.027 -0.046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0'.814 FY-MAX -0.027 -0.046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 FZ-MIN -0.027 -0.046 0.002 -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 FZ-MAX -0.027 -0,046 0.0.02 -0.071 -0;019 •Q.81:4 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX · FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.053 -121.037 0.002 · -0.071 -0.019 -0.814 FEDER 20 KNP 587 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058· -0.059 -0.933 MX-MAX 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0.059 -0.933 MY-MIN 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0.059 ·0.933 MY-MAX 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0.0.59 -0.933 MZ-MIN 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0.059 -0.933 MZ-MAX 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 °0.058 -0,059 -0.933 FX-MIN 0.047 -0.111 •0.008 -0.058 -0.059 -0.933 FX-MAX 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0.059 -0.933 FY-MIN 0.047 ·0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0.059 -0.933 FY-MAX 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0.059 -0.933 FZ-MIN 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0:059 -0.933 FZ-MAX 0.047 -0.111 -0.008 -0.058 -0,059 -0.933 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.120 -66.837 -0.008 -0.058 -0.059 -0.933 FEDER 21 KNP 607 DIMENSION: .kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.164 -0.12~ -0.013 -0.018 -0.079 .0.996 MX-MAX · 0.164 -0.1'22 -0.013 -0.018 -0.079 -0.996 MY-MIN 0.164 -0.122 -0.013 ·-0.018 -0.079 -0.996 MY-MAX 0.164 -0.122 -0.013 -0.018 -0.079 -0.996 MZ-MIN 0.164 -0.122 -0.013 -0.018 -0.079 -0.996 MZ-MAX 0.164 -0.1"22 -0.013 -0.018 -0:019 -0.996 FX-MIN 0.164 ·-0.122 -0.013 -0.018 -0.079 -0.996 · FX-MAX 0.164 -0.122 -0.013 -0.018 -0.079 -0.996 FY-MIN 0.164 -0.122 -0.013 -0.018 -0.079 -0.996 FY-MAX 0.164 -0.122 -0:013 -0.018 -0.079 -0.996 FZ-MIN 0.164 -0.122 -0.013 -0.018 -0,07'9 -0.996 FZ-MAX 0.164 -0.122 -0.013 -0.018 · -0.0.79 --0.996 M-RES ALPHA 11112 FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.204 -36.866 -0.013 -0.018 -0.079 -0.996 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG_EG.FRS I I I I I I I 3 l I I I I I I I I I MCG EGFRS.KIP PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1510 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 22 KNP 627 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.136 -0.010 -0;020 0.016 -0.047 -1.019 MX-MAX 0.136 -0.010 -0.020 0.016 -0.047 -1.019 MY-MIN 0.136 -0.010 -0.020 0.016 -0.047 -1.019 MY-MAX 0.136 -0.010 -0.020 0.016 -0.047 -1.019 MZ-MIN 0.136 -0.010. -0.020 0.016 -0:047 -1.019 MZ-MAX 0.136 -0.010 -0.020 0.016 -0.047 -1.019 FX-MIN 0.136 -0.010 -0.020 0.016 -Q.047 -1.019 FX-MAX . 0.136 ,0.010 -0.020 0.016 -0,047 -1.019 FY-MIN, 0.136 -0:010 -0.020 0.016 -0.047 -1.019 FY-MAX 0.136 -0.010 -0.020 0.016 -0.047 -1.019 FZ-MIN 0.136 -0.010 -0.020 ·o.016 -0:047 -1.019 FZ-MAX 0.136 -0.010 -0.020 0.016 -0.047 -1.019 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX fY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.136 -4.253 ·-0.020 0.016 -0.047 ·1.0.19 FEDER 23 KNP 647 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ· MX-MIN 0.074 0.006 -0,011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 MX-MAX 0.074 0.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 MY-MIN 0.074 0·.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 MY-MAX 0.074 0.006 ,0.011 0.018 -0.016_ -1.062 MZ-MIN 0.074 0.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 MZ-MAX 0.074 0.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 FX-MIN 0.074 0.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 FX-MAX 0.074 0.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 FY-MIN 0.074 0.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 FY-MAX 0.074 0.006 -o·.011. 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 FZ-MIN 0.074 0.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.Q62 FZ-MAX 0.074 ci.006 -0.011 0.018 -0.016 -1.062 M-RES ALPHA MZ -FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.074 4.772 -0.011 0.018 -0:016 -1.062 FEDER 24 KNP 667 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.116 -0;053 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 MX-MAX 0.116 -0.053 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 MY-MIN 0.116 -0:053 o·:005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183. MY-MAX 0.116 -0.053 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 MZ-MIN 0.116 -0;053 0.005 · 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 MZ-MAX 0.116 -0.053 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 FX-MIN 0.116 -0.053 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 FX-MAX 0.116 -0.053 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 FY-MIN 0.116 -0.053 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.1"83 FY-MAX 0.116 -0.053 0.005 0.009 .·0.015 -1.183 FZ-MIN 0.116 -0.053. 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 FZ-MAX 0.116 -0.053 0.005 0.009 -0.015 -1.183 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.127 ·24.661 0.005 0.009 -0.015 ·1.183 ING-B.sRO STENGEL GmbH ~ INGENIEURBsRO.FsR BAUSTATiK UNO STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -----·---MCG_!;G.FRS --------. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1511 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg .. LC: Dead load · · Page 9 J I I I I MCG_EGFRS.KIP FEDER 25 KNP 687 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.169 0.106 0.056 0.293 0.104 -1.593 MX-MAX 0.169 0.106 0;056 0.293 0,104 -1.593 MY-MIN 0.169 0.106 0.056 0.293 0.104 -1.593 MY-MAX 0.169 0.106 0.056 0.293 0.104 -1.593 MZ-MIN 0.169 0.106 0'.056 0_.293 0.104 -1.593 MZ-MAX 0.169 0.106. 0.056 0.293 0.104 -1.593 FX-MIN 0.169 · 0.106 ·0.056 0.293 0.104 -.1.593 FX-MAX ·o.169 0.106 0.056 0.293 0.104 -1.593 FY-MIN 0.169 0.106 0.056 0.293 0.104 -1.593 FY-MAX 0.169 0.106 0.056 0,293 0.104 -1.593 FZ-MIN 0.169 D.106 0.056 0.293 0.1'04 -1.593 FZ-MAX 0.169 · 0.106 0.056 0.293 0.104 -1.593 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.200 32.127 0.056 0.293 0.104 -1.593 FEDER 26 KNP 707 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.064 -0.046 0.002 0.007 o.ooa -1.099 MX-MAX 0.064 -0.046 o·.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 MY-MIN 0.064 -0'.046 0.002 0.007 Q.008 -1.099 MY-MAX 0.064 -0.046 0.002 0,007 0.008 -1.099 MZ-MIN 0.064 -0:046 0.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 MZ-MAX 0.064 -0.046 0.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 FX-MIN' 0.064 -0.046 0.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 FX-MAX 0.064 -0.046 ·o.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 FY-MIN 0.064 -0.046 0.002 0,007 0.008 -1.099 FY-MAX 0.064 -0.046 0.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 FZ-MIN 0.064 -0.046 0.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 FZ-MAX 0.064 -0.046 0.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.080 -36.097 0.002 0.007 0.008 -1.099 FEDER 27 KNP 727 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ 1:"X 'FY FZ MX-MIN 0.021 -0.026. 0.013 0.018 0.025 -1-.067 MX-MAX 0.021 -0.026 0:013 0.018 0.025 -1.067 MY-MIN 0:021 -0:026 0.013 0.018 0.025 -1.067 MY-MAX 0.021 -0.026 0.013 0.018 d:025 -1.067 MZ-MIN 0.021 -0;026 0.013 0.018 0.025 ~1.067 MZ-MAX 0.021 -0.026 0.013 0.018 0,025 -1.067 FX-MIN 0.021 -0'.026 0.013 !).018 0.025 -1.067 FX-MAX 0.021 -0.026 0.013 0:018 0;025 -1.067 FY-MIN 0.021 -0.026 0;013 0.018 0.025 -1.067 FY-MAX 0.021 -0:026 0.013 0.018 0.025 -1.067 FZ-MIN 0.021 -0.026 0.013 0.018 0.025 -1.067 FZ-MAX 0.02·1 -0.026 o.61'3 0.018 0:025 -1.067 M-RES ALPHA Mz FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.033 -51.119 0.013 0.018 0.025 -1.067 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTNflK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS ~-------. : PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDl;USTABEL POS'. 3 1512 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 28 KNP 747 DIMENSION; kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY MX-MIN -0.040 -0:029 0.042 .o;003 MX-MAX -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0.003 MY-MIN -0.040 -0:029 0.042 -0.003 .FZ 0.098 -1.045 0.098 -1.045 0.098 -1.045 Page 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . MCG_EGFRS.KIP MY-MAX -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0.003 0.098 -1.045 MZ-MIN -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0;003 0.0.98 -1.045 MZ-MAX -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0.003 0.098 -1.045 FX-MIN -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0.003 0.098 -1.045 FX-MAX -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0.003 0.098 -1.045 FY-MIN -0.040 -0:029 0.042 -0.003 0.098 -1.045 FY-MAX -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0.003 0.098 -1.045 FZ-MIN -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0.003 0.098 -1.045 FZ-MAX -0.040 -0.029 0.042 -0.003 0,098 -1.045 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.049 -144.087 0.042 -0.003 0.098 -1.045 FEDER 29 KNP 7R,7 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY· FZ MX-MIN -0.001 -0.059 0.005 -0.073 0.065 -0.889 MX-MAX -0.001 -0.059 0.005 -0.073 0.065 -0.889 MY-MIN -0.001 -0.059 0.005 -0.073-0.065 -0.889 MY-MAX -0.001 -0,059 0.005 -0.073 0.065--0.889 MZ~MIN -0.001 -0:059 0.005 -0.07'3 0.065 -0.889 MZ-MAX -0.001 -0.059 0.005 -0.073 !l.065 -0.889 FX-MIN -0.001 -0,051) 0.005 -0.073 0.065 -0.889 FX-MAX -0.001 -0.059 0.005 -0.073 0.065 -0;889 FY-MIN •0.001 -0:059 ·0.005 -0.073 0.065 -0;889 FY-MAX -0.001 -0.059 0.005 -0.073 0.065 •0.889 FZ-MIN -0.001 -0.059 0.005 -0.073 0.065 -0.889' FZ-MAX -0.001 -0.059 · 0.005 -0.073 0.065 -0.889 M-RES ALPHA Mz FX FY FZ . RES-MXY-MAX 0.059 -91.290 0.005 -0.073 0.065 -0.889 FEDER 30 KNP 787 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.001 -0.116 0.014 -0.018 . ~0.042 -0.896, MX-MAX -0.001 -0.116 0.0j4 -0.018 -0.042 -0.896 MY-MIN -0.001 -0.116 0.014 -0.018 -0.'042 -0.896 MY-MAX -0.001 -0.116 0.014 -0.018 -0.042 -0.896 MZ-MIN -0.001 °0.116 0.014 -0.018 -0.042 -0.896 MZ-MAX -0.001 -0.116 0.014 -0.018 -0.042 -0.896 FX-MIN -0.001 -0;116 0.014 -0.018 -0.042 -0.896' FX-MAX -0.001 -0.116 0.014 -0.018 -0;042 -0.896 FY-MIN -0.001 -0.116 0.014 -0.018 -0.042 -0:896 FY-MAX -0.001 -0.116 0.014. -0.018 -0;042 -0.896 FZ-MIN -0.001 -0.116 0.014 -0.018 -0.042 -0'.896. FZ-MAX -0.001 -0.116 0.014 -0.018 -0 .. 042 -0.896 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.116 -90.655 0.014 -0.018 -0.042 -0.896 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU' -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL.lRANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1513 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 31 KNP 807 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN MX-MAX MY-MIN MY-MAX MZ-MIN MZ-MAX FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN 0.164 -0.338 0.055 -0.045 -0.088 -0.978 0.164 -0.338 0:055 s0.04!,i -0.088 -0.978 0.164 -0\338 0.055 .0;045 -0.088 -Q.978. 0.164 -0.338 0.055 -0.045 -0.088 -0.978 0.164 -0.3~8 0.055 ~0;045 -0,Q88. -0.978 0.164 -0.338 0.055. -0.045 -0;088 -0.978 0.164 -0.338 0.055 -0.045 -0.088 -0.978 0.164 -0.338 0.055 -0.045 -0.088 -0.978 0.164 -0.J38 0.055 -0.045 -0.088 -0.978 Pa~e 1'1 J I I I ' J FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG. EGFRS.KiP 0.164 -0.338 0.055 -i>.045 -0.088 -0.978 0.164 -0.338 0.055 -0.045 -0.088 -0.978 0.164 -0.338 0.055 -0.045 -0.088 -0.978 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.376 -64.105 0.055 -0.045 -0.088 -0.978 FEDER 32 KNP 827 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.044 -0--068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 MX-MAX 0.044 -0.068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 MY-MIN 0.044 -0;068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 •1.017 MY-MAX 0.044 -0.068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 MZ-MIN 0.044 -Oi068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 MZ-MAX 0.044 -0.068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 FX-MIN 0.044 -0.068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 FX-MAX 0.044 -0.068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.01.7 FY-MIN 0.044 -0.068 0.013 ·-0.006 -0.050 -1.017 FY-MAX 0.044 -0.068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 Fz;MIN 0.044 -0.068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 FZ-MAX 0.044 -0.068 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 M-RES · ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.080 -57.280 0.013 -0.006 -0.050 -1.017 FEDER 33 KNP 847 DIMENSION: kip. ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 MX-MAX 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 MY-MIN 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.0.04 -0.054 -1.006 MY-MAX 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 MZ-MIN 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 .-0.054 -1.006 MZ-MAX 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054· -1.006 FX-MIN 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 FX-MAX 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 FY-MIN 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 FY-MAX 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 FZ-MIN 0.041 0.010 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 FZ-MAX 0.041 OW10 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1.006 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX ·o.043 13.169 -0.013 -0.004 -0.054 -1..006 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEU,RBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1514 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 34 KNP 867 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.004 0.036 -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 MX-MAX -0.004 . 0.036 -0.009 0.002 -d.054 -0.940 MY-MIN -0.004 o:036 -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 MY-MAX -0.004 0.036 -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 MZ-MIN -0.004 0.036 -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 MZ-MAX -0.004 0.036. -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 FX-MIN -0.004 0.036 -0.009 0.002 -0,054 -0.940 FX-MAX -0.004 0.036 -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 FY-MIN -0.004 0.!)36 -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 FY-MAX -0.004 0:036 -0.009 0;002 -0:054 -0.940 FZ-MIN -0.004 0.036--0.009 0.002 -0.054 •0.940 FZ-MAX -0.004 0,036 -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX , 0.036 96.254 -0.009 0.002 -0.054 -0.940 Page 1~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _MCG_EGFRS.KIP FEDER 35 KNP 887 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY. MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.024 -0:098 -0.001 · -0.004 0.002 -0.869 MX-MAX 0.024 -0.098 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.869 MY-MIN 0.024 -0:098 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.8.69 MY-MAX 0.024 -Q.098 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.869 MZ-MIN 0.024 -0:098 -0.0.01 -0.004 0.002 -0,869 MZ0MAX 0.024 -0.098 -0.001 -0.004 0;002 -0.869 FX-MIN 0.024 -0.098 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 ·0.869 FX-MAX 0.024 -Ci.098 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.869 FY-MIN 0.024 -0.098 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 -o:869 FY-MAX 0.024 -0.098 ~0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.869 FZ-MIN 0.024 -0.098 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.869 FZ-MAX .0,024 -0.098 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 -0.869 M-RES ALPHA IVIZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.101 -75.895 -0.001 -0.004 0.002 •0.869 FEDER 36 KNP 907 DIMENSION: kip ft MX · MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.098 -0.157 -0.011 0.02Q 0.056 _ -0.861 MX-MAX 0.098 -0.1"57 -0.01.1 0.020 0.056 -0.861 MY-MIN 0.098 -0:157 -0.011 0:020 0,056 ·0.861 MY-MAX 0.098 -0.157 -0.011 0.020 0.056 -0.861 MZ-MIN 0.098 ·-0.157 -0.011 0.020 0.056 -0.861 MZ-MAX 0.098 -0.157 -0,011 0.020 0.056 -0.861 FX-MIN 0.098 -0.157 -0.011 0.020 0.056 -0.861 FX-MAX 0.098 -0.157 -0.011 Q.020 0;056 -0.861 FY-MIN 0.098 -0.157 -0.011 0.020 0.056 •Q.861 FY-MAX 0.098 -0.157 -0.011 0.020 0.056 -0.861 FZ-MIN 0.098 -0.157 -0.011 0.020 0.056 -0.861 FZ-MAX 0.098 -0.157 -0.011 0.020 o:os6 ·0'.861 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.186 -58.011 -0.011 0.020 0.056 -0.861 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsRBAUSTATIK UNO STAl-jLBAU • ·MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.F:RS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1515 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC:Deadload FEDER 37 KNP 927 DIMENSION: kip ft MX . MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.143 -0;051 -0.007 -0.013 0,062 -0.859 MX-MAX 0.143 -0.051 -0.007 -0.013 0.!)62 -0.859 MY-MIN 0.143 -0.051 -0.007 -0.013 0.062 -0.859 MY-MAX 0.143 -0.051 -0.007 -0.013 0.062 -0,859 MZ-MIN 0.143 -0:051 -0.007 -0.013 0.062 -0.859 MZ-MAX 0.143 -0.051 -0.007 -0.013 0.062 -0.859 FX-MIN 0.143 -0.051 -0.007 -0;0:f3 0.062 -0.859 FX-MAX 0.143 -0.051 -0.007 -0.013 0.062 -0.859 FY-MIN 0.143 -0.051 -0.007 -0.013 0.062 -0;859 FY-MAX 0.143 -0.051 -0.007· -0.013 0.06;2 -0,859 FZ-MIN 0.143 -0.051 -0.007 -0.013 0.062 -0.859 · FZ-MAX 0.143 -0:051 -0.007 -0.013· 0.062 ,0.859 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES~MXY-MAX 0.152 -19.536 -0;007 -0.013 Cl.062 -0.859 FEDER 38 KNP 947 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ . FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.116 0.032 -0.005 -0,039 0.029 -0.886 MX-MAX 0.116 0.032 -0:005 -0.039. 0.029 -0.886 Page 13 I I I 1 J I I j I J i MCG_EGFRS.KIP MY-MIN 0.116 0.032 -0.005 -0.039 0.029. -0.886 MY-MAX 0.116 0.032 -0.005 -0.039 0.029 <0.886 MZ-MIN. 0.116 0.032 -0.005 ,0.039 0.029 -0.886 MZ-MAX. 0.116 0.032 -0.005 -0.039 0.029 -0.886 FX-MIN 0.116 0:032 -0.005 -0.039 0.029 -0:886 FX-MAX 0.116 0.032 -0.005 -0.039 0.029 -0.886 FY-MIN 0.116 0.032 -0.005 -0.039 0 .. 029 -0,886 FY-MAX 0.116 0.032 -0.005 -0.039 0.029 -0.886 FZ-MIN 0.116 0.032 -0.005 -0.039· 0.029 -0.886 FZ-MAX 0.116 0.032 •0.005 -0.039 ·o.029 -0.886 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ - RES-MXY-MAX 0.121 15.551 -0.005 -0.039 0.029 -0.886 FEDER 39 KNP 967 DIMENSION: kip ft. MX MY MZ FX FY F.Z:.. · MX-MIN 0.044 0.002 -0.001 -0.034-· -0.006 -0.816 MX~MAX 0.044 0.002 -0.001 -0;03;4 -0.006 -0.816 MY-MIN 0.044 0,002 -0.001 -0.034 -0.006 -0.816 MY-IIIIAX 0.044 0.002 -0:001 -0.034 -0:006 -0.816 MZ-MIN 0.044 0,002 -0.001 ~0.034· -0.006 -0.816 MZ-MAX 0.044" 0.002 -0.001 -0.034 -0,006 -0.816 FX-MIN 0.044 0.002 -0.001 -0;034 -0.006 -0.816 FX-MAX 0.044 0.002 -0.001 -0.034 -0.006 -0.816 FY-MIN 0.044. 0.002 -0.001 -0.034 -0.006 -0.816 FY-MAX 0.044 0.002 -0.001 -0.034 -0.006 -0'.816 FZ-MIN 0.044 0.002 -0.001 -0.034 -0.006 -0.816 FZ-MAX 0.044 0.002 -0.001 -0.034 -0.006 -0.816 . - M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ· RES-MXY-MAX 0.044 2.437 -0.001 -0.034 -0.006 -0.816 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO F§R BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG EG.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL PCS. 3 1516 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load FEDER 40 KNP 987 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.111 0:068 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.417 MX-MAX -0.111-0.068 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.417 MY-MIN -0.111 0.068 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.4"1.7 MY-MAX. -0.111 0.068 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.417 MZ-MIN -0.111 0.068 0.002 0.01.4 0.042 -1.417 MZ-MAX -0.111 0.068 0.002 · 0.014 0.042 -1.417 FX-MIN -0.111 0.068 0.002 0.014 0.042 ·-1.417 FX-MAX -0.111 0.068 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.417 FY-MIN -0.111 0.068 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.417 FY-MAX·--0.111 0:068 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.417 FZ-MIN -0.111 0.068 0.002 0:014 0.042 -1.417 FZ-MAX -0.111 0;068 , 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.417: M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.130 148.574 0.002 0.014 0.042 -1.417 FEDER 41 KNP-1007 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX·MIN 0.009 0.137 0.005 0.005 -0.002 -1.318 MX-MAX 0.009 0.137 0.005 0:005 -0.002 -1.318 MY-MIN 0.009, 0:137 0.005 0.005 -0.002 -1.318 MY-MAX 0:009 0.137 0.005 ·0.005 -0.002 -1.318 MZ-MIN 0.009 · o.137 o:oos 0.0·05 -0.002 -1.318 MZ-MAX 0.009 0.137 0.005 0.005 -0.002 -1.318 FX-MIN 0.009 0.137 0.005 0.005 -0.002 -1.318 FX-MAX 0.009 0.137 0,005 0.005 -0.002 -1.318 Page14 I ] ] J J j I MCG_EGFRS.KIP FY-MIN 0.009 0.137 0.005 0.005 -0.002· -1.318 FY-MAX 0.009 o.137 o·.005 0.005 -0.002 -1.318 FZ-MIN 0.009 0.137 0.005 0.005 -0;002 -1.318 FZ-MAX 0.009 0.137 0.005 0;005 -0.002 -1.318 M-RES ALPHA MZ -FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 0.138 86.195 0.005 0.005 ~0.002 -1.318 FEDER 42 KNP 1027 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY . FZ MX-MIN -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 0:004 ~Q.606 MX-MAX -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 0.004 -0.606 MY-MIN -0.031 0.166 Q.001 0.036 0.004 -0.606 MY-MAX -0.031 0.166 il.001 0.036 0.004 -0.606 MZ-MIN -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 0.004 -0.606 MZ-MAX -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 0.004 -0.606 FX-MIN -0.031" 0.166 0,001 0.036 0.004 -0.606 FX-MAX -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 .0.004 -0.606 FY-MIN -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 0.004 -0.606 FY-MAX -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 o·.004 -0.606 FZ-MIN -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 0.004 -0.(?06 FZ-MAX -0.031 0.166 0.001 0.036 0:004, -0.606- M-RES ALPHA MZ FX: . FY FZ · RES-MXY-MAX 0.169 100.515 0.001 0.036 ·0.004 -0.606 ING-BsRO STENGEL <;;mbH .• INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN . . MCG_!=G.F:RS _ _ _ . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL -POS. 3 1517 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Gueniburg LC:Deadload FEDER 43 KNP 1047 DIMENSION: kip ft -MX MY MZ FX ·FY FZ MX-MIN -0.032 0.167 -0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.624 - MX-MAX -0.032 0.167 -0.001 0.045 _-0.001· -0.624 MY-MIN -0.032 0.167 -0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.624 MY-MAX -0.032 0.167 -0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.624 MZ-MIN -0.032 D.167 -0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.624 MZ-MAX -0.032 0.167 -0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.624 FX-MIN -0.032 0.167 -0.001 0.045 -O.OQ1 -0;624 FX-MAX -0.032 0.167 ~0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.624 FY-MIN -0.032, 0.167 -0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.624 - FY-MAX -0.032 Q.167 °0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0,624 FZ-MIN -0.032 0.167 -0.001 0.045 -0.001 ~0'.624 FZ-MAX -0.032 0.167 -0.001 0,045 -O.Q01 ,0.624 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX _ FY .FZ . RES-MXY-MAX 0.170 100.670 -0.001 0.045 -0.001 -0.624 Page f5 I 1- I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BTFRS.KIP ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU--MsNCHEN --------MCG BT.FR$ PROGRAMM: FR S s·cHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1201 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + delta temp PROGRAMM: FR S VERSION 2.17 GERECHNET AUF PC IN DIGITAL-FORTRAN 5.0 GERECHNET AM: 16-DEC-0_3 15:29:35 EINGABE-DATEI : MCG_BT.FRS ERGEBNIS-LISTE: $PRJ:[0112:FEMJMCG_BTFRS.KIP;3 AUFTRAGS-!l(UMMER : 0112 FRS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER : 100 FEM-SEQUENZ-NUM.MER : 100 . • ··STRESS-SEQUENZ-NUMMER :· 100 : ·,?;?.: FEM-COMMON-DATEI : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM-ELEMENT-DATE! : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FEM~STRESS-DATEI : D:\CDB\MCGTW2.CDB FRS-SCHNITT-DATEI : c:\Temp\FRS.100 ANGEFORDERTE FEDERN VON INC -BIS [K NUR FORMEL(N)] 1 1 43 ERSTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER ·: 1 LETZTE ANGEFORDERTE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL ANGEFORDERTER FEDERN.: 43 TRANSFORMATIONS-WINKEL FEDERN GLOBAL->LOKAL --------------------- . VON INC BIS WINKEL 1 1 28800 o.oiio *DEFAULT* ANGEFORDERTE LASTFALL-KOMBINATIONEN 1: -1 2: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1& 20 21 22 23 3: 32 33 4: 38 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH. • . INGENIEURBsRO FsRBAUST ATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN ---------.MCG BT.FRS PROGRAMM: 'FR S SCHNITTWERTE,FEM-FEDERURANDJ;USTABEL: . POS, 3 1202 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation + de_lta· temp Page 1 1· I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTFRS.KIP TRAGWERKS-BERECHNUNG PROGRAMM I VERSION .................. : GENF · 10.36-99. MASZ-EINHEITEN ( PER QEF!NITION ) .... , kip ft FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMMER I FEM-SEQUENZ ... : 0112 100 BERECHNUNGS-DATUM/~EIT (2. KOPFZEIL:E) ;_16,DEC-03 15:19:57 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER ............... : 43 _ PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINI-COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG . . . , NUR FOLGENDE FEDER-WERTE AUS CDB .EINGEHOLT KLEINSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 1 GROESSTE FEDER-NUMMER : 43 ANZAHL FEDERN : 43 TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE FE;DERN VON INC BIS 1 1 43 ERSTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 1 LETZTE BEARBEITETE FEDER : 43 ANZAHL BEARBEITETER FEIJERN : 43 SCHNITT-DATEI-BEZOGENE ANGABEN PROGRAMM / VERSION .................. : STAR2 10.89-99 . FEM-AUFTRAGS-NUMME~ tFEM-SEQUENZ .•. : 0112 100 BERECHNUNGS-DATUM[ZEIT (STRFED) ..... : 16-DEC-03 ·15:19:57 TRAGWERKS-TYP / MAX.:LASTFALL,NR .... : 200 . 38 PROJEKT: 0112-100: ACHTERBAHN "MINl•COASTER" LEGOLAND GUENZBURG TATSAECHLICH BEARBEITETE LASTFAELLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ·11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 32 33 38 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO' FsR BAU STA TIK UND ·STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BT.FRS --------. PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE F.EM-FEDE;RURANDELJSTABEi. .POS. 3 1203 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + delta temp · FEDER 1 KNP 207 DIMENSION: kip ft MX · MY . MZ FX FY FZ :. MX-MIN -4.150 1.903 -0.041 0.547 1.132· -1.061 MX-MAX 4.282. -1.561 0.029 -0.462. -1.215 -0.907 MY-MIN 3.527 -2.661 0.013 -0.786 -0.996 -1.111 MY-MAX -3.608 3.707 -0.025 . 1.049 0.864 -3.717 MZ-MIN. -4.150 1.903 -0.041 . 0.547 1.132 ~1.061'.' MZ-MAX 4.282 -1.561 0.029. -0A62 -1.215 -0.907 FX-MIN 3.527 -2.661 0.013 -0.786 -0.996 -1.111 FX-MAX -3.608. 3)07 -0 .. 025 1.q49 0,864 -3.717 FY-MIN 4.282 -1.561 0.029 -0.462 -1".215 -0.907 FY-MAX -4.150 1.903 ·-o.041 · 0.547 1.132 -1.061 FZ-MIN--3,608-'3.707 -0,025 1,049 0,864 -3,-71'7. FZ-M~X 4.282 -1.561 0.029 -0.462 -1.215 -0.907 Page',2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I MCG_BTFRS.KIP M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.173 134.222 -0.0·25 1.049 0.864 -3.717 FEDER 2 KNP 227 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -1.653 -0.071 ~(r.035 -0.011 0.461 -1.392 MX-MAX 3.515 0.526 -0.004 0.165 -0.949 -1.277 MY-MIN -0.484 -ci.874 -0.043 -0.246 0.13p -4,019 MY-MAX 2.090 2.228 0.002 ·0.677 -0,553 -5:069 MZ-MIN 0.231 0.303 -0.053, 0.099 -0.059 -1.376 MZ-MAX 1.631 0-153 0.014 0.055. -0.428 -1.293 FX-MIN -0.484 -0,874 -0.043 -0.246 0.136 -4.019 FX-MAX 2.090 2.228 0.002 0.677 -0.553 -5;069 FY-MIN 3.515 0.526 -0.004 0.165 -0.949 -1.277 FY-MAX -1.653 -0.071 -0.035 -0.011 0.461 -1.392 FZ-MIN -1.194 2.004 -0.047· 0.611 0.336. -5.168 FZ-MAX. ·2.603 0.231 0.005 0 .. 080 -0.697 -1.217 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.554. 8.524 -0,004 0.165 · .,0.949 -1.277 FEDER 3 KNP 247 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN 0.105 -1.755 -0.033 -0.521 -0.071 -1.592 MX-MAx 4.228 2.062 -0.024 0.588 -1.075 -1.848. MY-MIN 1.637 -2.576 -0.041 -0.767 -0.497 -5.054 MY-MAX 2.540 3.772 -0.0·18 1.102 -0.607' ~3.711 MZ-MIN 2.881 -1.372 -0.052 -0.410 -0.838 °1,634 MZ-MAX 1.451 1.679 -!i.005 0.477 -0.309 -1.807. FX-MIN 1.637 -2:576 -0.041 -0.767 -0.497 -5:054 . FX-MAX 2.540 3.772 -0.018 1.102· -0.607 -3.711 FY-MIN 4.228 2.062 -0.024 0.588 .-1.075 -1.848 · FY-MAX 0.105 -1.755 -0.033 -0.521 -0.071 •1.592 FZ-MIN 2.983 0.857 .-0.013 0.231 -0.734 -5.267 FZ-MAX 1.505 ,-1.618 -o:042 ~.0.477 -0.458 -1.448 M-RES ALPHA MZ · FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.703 25.~97 -0.024' 0.588 · -1.075 -1.84~ ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCl-:IEN -------MCG BT.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERT_E-FEM-FEDERURANDEL/STABEL. POS. 3 1204. "Mini-Coaster" Legolanq Guenzburg LC: Dead load +operation+ delta te111p FEDER 4 KNP · 267 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY . MZ FX FY FZ MX~MIN 1.839 -3.571 -0.516 -0:936 0.685 -3.055 MX-MAX 6.728, 3.973 -0.109 1.121' ·9,072 · -4.007 MY-MIN 3.797 -4.377· -0.467 -1.081 0.170 -4.648 MY-MAX 4.746 5.618. -0.161 ·1.564 0.594 -4.354 MZ-MIN 1.839 -3;571 -0'.516 -0.936 0.685 -3:055 MZ-MAX 6.728 3.973 -0.109 1.121 0.072 -4.007 FX-MIN FX-MAX FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX 3.797 ·-4.377 ~0.46T -1.081 0.170 -4.648 4.746 5.618' -0:161 1.564 ·0.594 -4.354· 5.723 -3.234 ·-0.415 -0:855 -0.320 -2.539 2.844 3:636 -0.209 1.040 1.077 -4.523 4.784 3.650 -0.161' . 1.155 0.567 -8.292 3.738 -2.457 -0.453 ·0.656 0.233 -2.475 . M-RES ALPHA ' MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 7.813 30.557 -0 .. 109 1.121 0.072 -4.007 FEDER 5 KNP 287· DIME.NSION: kip ft Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I MCG:,_BTFRS.KIP MX MY MZ _FX FY · FZ MX-MIN 1.356 -4.136 -0.210 -0.536 0.823 -4.569 - "MX-MAX 10.153. 5.203 0.080 0:830 -0.374 .-5.894 MY-MIN 4.080 -5.053 -0.128 -0.673 0.439 -4.527 MY-MAX 7.490 6.237 ·-0.002 · 0.947 o·.002 -4.338 MZ-MIN 1.356 -4.136 -0.210 -0.536 0.823 -4:569 MZ-MAX 10.153 5.203 0.080 0.830· -0.374 -5.894 FX-MIN 4.080 ·-5.053 -0.128 -0.673 0.439 ·-4.527 FX-MAX 7.335 5.512 -0.004 0;958 0.023 -8.255 FY-MIN 10.153 5.203 0.080· 0.830 -0.374 -5.894 FY-MAX 1.356 -4.136 -0.210 -0.536 0.823 -4,569 'FZ-MIN 4.177 -3.192 -0,126 -0.284 0.426 -8.554 FZ-MAX 7.239 3.651 -0.006 0.569 0.036 -4.229 M-RES ALPHA -MZ :FX FY . FZ _ · RES-MXY-MAX 11.409 27.134 0.080 0.83,0 ;0.374 -5.894 FEDER 6 KNP _ 307 DIMENS..!,ON: kip ft .,,. MX MY MZ' FX FY FZ MX-MIN -0.861 -3.357 -0.121 -0.249 0.777 -6.514 MX-MAX 8.999 5.066 0.052 0.603 -0.147 -8.159 MY-MIN 1.484 -4.214 -0.065 -0.365 0.555 -4.593 MY-MAX 6.749 5.171 -0.004 0.532 0.06"6 -4.265 MZ-MIN -0.861 -3.357 -0.121 -0.249 0.717 -6.514 MZ-MAX 8.999 .5.066 0.052. 0.603 ;0.147 -8.159 FX-MIN 1.484. -4.214 -0.065 -0.365 0.555 -4.593- FX-MAX 8.999 5.066 0.052. 0:603 -0.147 -8.159 FY-MIN 8.999 5.066 0.052 0.603--0.147 -8.159 FY-MAX -0.861 -3.357 -0.121 -0.249 0.777 -6:514 FZ-MIN 4.142 -2.684 -0.005 -0.138 0.304 -8.395 FZ-MAX 6.392 . 3:664 -0.007 · o:382 0.099 -4.096 M-RES ALPHA MZ • FX . FY FZ . RES-MXY-MAX 10.327 29.378 0.052 0.603 -0.147 -8.159 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRd' FsR BAUSTATIKUND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG_BT.F~S-_ - PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITlWERTE; FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL pos. 3 1205 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation_+ ~elta te~p FEDER 7 KNP 327 DIMENSION: "kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.615 -2.741 -0.088 -0.119 0.723 -8.507 MX-MAX 7.514 4,234 0.058 0.381 -0.003 -7.312 MY-MIN -0.776 -3:686 -0.038 -0.246 0-.591 -4.71!) MY-MAX 5.782 4.425 0.010 0.354 0.122 -4.706 MZ-MIN -2.615 -2.741 -0.088 -0.119 0.723 -8.507 . MZ-MAX 7..514 4.234 0.058 0:381 -0:003 -7.312 . FX-MIN -0.776 -3:686 -0.038 -0.246 0.591 ;4.710 ~~:~~ /s~14 ti1l6 ~~o~~6 .0~3!;3 ~0~0~~9 -1~3~~2 FY-MAX -2.615 --2.741 -0.088 -0.119 0.723 08.507 FZ-MiN -2.615 -2.741 -0.088 -0.119 0.723 -8.507 FZ-MAX 5.406 3.481 0.005 0.281° 0'.149 -4.574 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX -8.625 29".399 0.058 0.381 -0.003 -7.312 FEDER 8 KNP 347 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ·-FX FY MX-MIN -3.B1°0 -2.508 .-0.196--0.087 MX-MAX 5.985 3.369 -0.029 0.226 MY-MIN -2.544 -3.144 -0.081 -0.158 MY-MAX 4.794. 3.889 0.058 0.257 MZ-MIN -1.467 -2.421 -0.197 -0.113 FZ. 0.627 -7.608 0.076 -4.507 0.571 -5.364 0.168 -4A0.1 0.4.79 . -~.598 Page4 I I I I I I I I I J J ] I l J · MCG .BTFRS.KIP. M·Z-MAX 5.970 3.475 Q.155 0.235 0.113 .4.618 FX-MIN -2.544 -3.144 -0.081 ~0.158. 0.571 °5.364 FX-MAX 4.533 3.711 0.074 0.294 0,1·87 -8.182 FY-MIN 5.985 3.369 -0.029 0.226 0.076 -4.507 FY-MAX -3.810 -2.508 -0.196 -0:087 0~627 -7.608 FZ-MIN -2.299 -2.440 -0.035 -0.069 0.568 -9.056 FZ-MAX 4.794 3.889 0.058 0.257 0,168 -4.401 M-RES ALPHA-MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.908 30.203 0.155 0.235 0.113 -4.618 FEDER 9 KNP 367 DIMENSION: kip ft . MX MY MZ. FX FY FZ. MX-MIN -2.334 -3.538 0.551 -0.218 -0.026 -2.862 MX-MAX 7.090 3.007 -0.083 0.135 -0.392 -4.133- MY-MIN -1.347 -3.756 0.692 -0.237 -0.119 -3.742 MY-MAX 5.536 3.746 -0.071 0.207 -0.287 -1.226 MZ-MIN 4.159 3.147 -0.133 0.179 °0.197 -0·.542 MZ-MAX •2.115 -2.996 0.182 -0.193 -0.108 -4.155 FX-MIN 0:112 -3.725 0.644 -0.268 _ ·!),201_ -6.871 FX-MAX . 5.536 3.74E! -0.071 0.207 -0.287--1.226 FY-MIN 7.090 3:007 -0.083 0.135 -0.392 -4.133 FY-MAX -2.334 -3.538 o.s5·1 -0.218 -0.046 -2.862 FZ-MIN 0.112 -3.725 0.644 -0.268. -0:201 -6.871 FZ-MAX 4.159 3.147 -0.133 0.179 -0.197 -0.542 M-RES ALPHA MZ· · FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 7.701 22.987 -0.083 0;135 ~0.392 -4.133 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH • INGENIEURBsRo' FsR BAUSTATIK; UNO STAHL~AU-. -MsNCHEN -------MCG_BT.FRS . . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM~FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1206 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation + delta temp FEDER 10 KNP 387 DIMENSION:. kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.461 -4.789 0;083 -0.387 0.365 70.656 MX-MAX 6.124 3.939 -0.490 0.241 -0.597 -4.763 MY-MIN -0.674 -6.156 0.120·' -0.529 -0,083 -4.778 MY-MAX 4.032 5.284 0.000 0.427 -0.396 -1.966 MZ-MIN ·6.124 3.939 -0.490 0.241 -!).597 -4,763 MZ-MAX -2.224. -5.820 0.164 -0.480 0.114 -2.693 FX-MIN -0.674 -6;156 ·0.120 :o.529 -0.083 -4.77'8 FX-MAX 4.032 5.284. 0.000 0.427 -0.396 -1.966 FY-MIN 6.095 3.239 -0.010 0.230 °0.652 -5.147 FY-MAX -4.461 -4.789 0.083 -0.387 0.365 .0.656 FZ-MIN 6.095 3.239 -0.010 0.:230 -0.652 -5.147 FZ-MAX -4.461 -4.789 0.083 -0.387 0.36{> -0.656 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX · FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 7.282 32.752 . -().490 0.241 -0.597 -4.763 FEDER. 11 KNP 407 D!MENSION: kip ft MX. MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.512 ·-6.760 -0.995 -1:264 0.731 ().5('.5 MX-MAX· 6.459 3.790 -0.136 0:558 -1.028' -3.782 MY-MIN. -0.867 -8.333 -0.967 -1.522 0.232 -0.030 MY-MAX 1.644 6.356 -o:063 . 0.968 -0.325 -1,805 MZ-MIN -2.064 -7.580 -1.205 -1:495 0.440 0.812 MZ-MAX 4.932 6.107. 0.396 U45 -0.942 :.-5.043 FX-MIN -0.867 -8.333 -0.967 -1.522 0.232 -0.030 FX-MAX 4.932 6.107 0.396 1.145 ·-0.942 ~5:043 FY-MIN 6.459 3.790 -0.136 0.558 -1.028 . -3.782 FY-MAX -4.512 -6.760 -0.995 -1.264 0.731 : 0,575 FZ-MIN 4.932· 6.107 0.396 1.145 -0.942 -5.Q43 P<\lge5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG_BTFRSiKIP FZ-MAX -2.064 -7.580 -1.205 -1.495 0.44() 0:812 M-RES ALPHA MZ · FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 8.378 ~95.940 -0.967 -1.522 0.232 -0.030 FEDER 12 KNP 427 DIMENSION: kip ft · MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.995 -5.084 -0.563 -1.204 0.928 -1.326 MX-MAX 6.349 2.570 0.454 0.393 -1.629 -1.121 MY-MIN 0.804 -7.052 -0.257 -2.221 -0.281 0,082 MY-MAX 1.775 p.604 0.530 2.663 -0.443 -5.429 MZ-MIN -2.901 -6.483 -0.565 -1.8.67 0.6_49 ·0:479 MZ-MAX 4.209 6.036 0.759 2.330 -1.047 -4.415 FX-MIN · 0.804 -7:052 -0.257 -2.221 -0.281 0.082 FX-MAX 1.775 6.604 0.530 ·2.663 · -0.443 -5.429 FY-MIN · 6.349 2.570 ·o.454 0 .. 393 -1.629. -1.121 FY-MAX -3.995 -5.084 ,i).563 -1.204 0.928 -1.326 FZ-MIN 1.775 6.604 0.530 2.663 -0.443 -5.429 FZ-MAX 0.804 -7.052 -0.257 -2.221 -0.281 . 0.082 M-RES .ALPHA MZ FX FY Fz: . RES-MXY-MAX 7.358 55.108. 0.759 2.330 -1.047 -4.415 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH ,; iNGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU • MsNCHEN -------MCG BT.FRS ·a..·--------- PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDl;RL/RANDEl,.ISTABEL POS. 3 1207 · "Mini-Coaster" L~goland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ delta temp FEDER 13 KNP 447 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX i=Y FZ~ MX-MIN -2.209 -2.144 -0.524 0.338 1.608 -4.712 MX-MAX 3.647 2.435 0.766 0:754 -1..575 -0.234 MY-MiN -0.796 -4.665 -0.620 -2.056 0.160 -0.376 MY-MAX -0.531 4.793 0.448 3.269 1.069 -4.594 . -MZ-MIN -1.675 -3.942 -0.696 -1.566 0:630 -0.534 MZ-MAX 2.382 3.830 0.801 2.043 -o·,579 -2.424 FX-MIN -0.796 -4;665 -0.620 -2.056 0.160 -0.376 FX-MAX -0.531 4.793 0.448 3.269 1.069 -..4,594 FY-MIN 3.647 2.435 0.766 0,754 -1'.575 -0.234 FY-MAX -2.209 -2.144 -0.524 0.338 1.608 -4.712 FZ-MIN -1.513 . 3.698 0.180 2.880 1.501. -5,055 FZ-MAX 2.951 -3.406 0.062 -1.788 -1.468 0.109 . M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.823 96.316 ·o.448 3.269 1.069 -4._594 FEDER 14 KNP 467 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX · -FY FZ MX-MIN -3.255 1.918 -0.085 1.650 2.602 -3.989 MX-MAX 3.459 -1.258· 0.181 '-0.747 -1.747 -0.743 MY-MIN 1.154 -3.617 -0.471 -1.733 -0.859 -0.498 MY-MAX -1.121 3.283 0.468 1.931 1·,390 -3.002 MZ-MIN 0.176 -3.198 -0.546 -1.432 .-0.290 -0.728 MZ-MAX 0.924 2.727 0.560 1.214 -0;217 -0.553 FX-MIN 1.154 .-3.617 -0.471 -1.733 -0.859 -0.498 FX-MAX -3.077 2.925 0.117 2.228 2:772 -4.596 FY-MIN 3.459 -1.258 0.181 -0.747' •1.747 -0.743. FY-MAX -3.077 2.925 0.117 2:228 2.772 -4.596 FZ-MIN -3.077 2.925 0.117. 2.228 2.772 -4.596 FZ-MAX 2.934 -0:941 0.183 -0.673 -1.626 -0.347 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.245 136.452 0.117 2.228 2.772 -4.:595· · Page·s I I I I I I ] ] ] J l J j MCG_BTFRS.KIP FEDER 15 KNP 487 DIMENSION: kip ft 'MX MY'MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.371 0.748 -0.016 0.664 3.840 -4.660 MX-MAX 3.417 0.874 0.301 0.261 -1.913 -0.744 MY-MIN 2.838 -2.039 ·-0.319 -0.958 -1.902 -0.507 MY-MAX -3.004 1.519. 0.262 0.826 2.612 -2.907 MZ-MIN -.1.$94 -1.481 -0.42:1 -0,.502 1.317 -1.047 MZ-MAX 3.283 0.968 0.321 0.288 -1.926 -0.750 FX-MIN 2.838 -2.039 -0.319 -0.958 -1.902 -0.507 FX-MAX ·-3.004 1.519 0.262 .. 0.826 2.612 · -2:907 FY-MIN 3.283 o:968 0.321 0.288 -1.926 -0.750 FY-MAX -4.371 0.748 -0.016 ·o.664 3.840 -4.660 FZ-MIN -4.371 0.748 -0.016 0.664 3,840 -4.660· FZ-MAX 2.474 0.756 0.252 0.207 -1.618 -0.266 M-RES ALPHA . !VIZ . FX _ FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX. 4.434 170,288 -0.016 0.6.64 3.840 -4.660 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR'BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------'---MCG BT.FRS. ------------ ·PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM_-FEDERURAND_EUSTA,BEL POS. 3 1208 "Mini-Coaster" Leg_oland Guef!zburg LC: Dead load+ operation + delta temp FEDER 16 KNP 507 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ: FX FY. FZ MX-MIN -4.127 -1.954 -0.204 -1.300 3.660 -4.471 MX-MAX 3.160. 0.355 -0.096 0.325 -1.994 -0.575 MY-MIN -0.920 -3.399 ,-0:104 -1.470. 0.773 -0.839 MY-MAX· 2:193 2.834 0.469 1.263 -1.348 -0.781 MZ-MIN -0.920 -3.399 -0.704 -1.470 0.773 -0.839 MZ-MAX . -0.009· 2.533 0.588 0.914 0.328 -2.555 FX-MIN -3.119 -3.092 -0.506 -1.663 · 2.833 ·3.757 FX-MAX 2.193. 2.834 !).4p9 1.263 -1.348 -0.781 FY-MIN 3.160 0.355 -0.096 0.325 -1.994 -0.575 FY-MAX -4.127 -1.954 -0.204 -1.300 3.660 -4.471 FZ-MIN -4.127 -1.954 -0.204 -1.300 3.660 -4.471 : FZ-MAX 1.469 2.629 0.474 1.215 -1.150 -0.202 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY .FZ RES-_MXY-MAX 4.567 -154.665 -0.:?04 -1.300 3.660 -4.471 FEDER 17 KNP 527 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.793 -2:627 -0.060 -2.182 2.337 -3.381 MX-MAX 2.425 2.432 0.149 1.597 -1.709 -0.239 MY-MIN -1.225 -5.334 -0.803 -3:355 1.916 ~4:085 MY-MAX -0-451 · 3.922 0.742 1.986 -0.378 ,-0.033 MZ-MIN 1.307 -3.938 -0:841 -1.683 -0.298 -0.261 MZ-MAX -2.192 2.769 0.796 0.656 1.215 -3.085 FX-MIN -2.658 -4.679 -0.525 ,3.422 2.833 · -4:803 FX-MAX· -0.451 3.922 0.742. ,1.986 -0.378 -0.033 FY-MIN 2.425 2.432 0.149 1,597 -1.709 -0.239 · FY,MAX -2.658 -4.6?9 -0.525 -3.422 2.833 -4.803 FZ-MIN -2.658 -4.679 -0.525 -3.422 2.833 -4--!!03 FZ-MAX 1.907 1.458 0.016· 1.156. -1.421 0.035 · . . M-RES · ALPHA MZ · FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.472-102.927 -0.803 -3.355 1.916 -4.085 FEDER 18 KNP 547 DIME;NSION: kip_ft MX MY MZ FX FY MX-Mlr,,,t -4.285 0.518 0.683 -0.393 MX-MAX 3.641 -2.759 -0.692 -0.863 MY-MIN -0.317 -6.668 -0.629 -3.560 MY-MAX . 0.133 3.766 0.363 1.578 FZ 1.269 -3.387 -0.964 -0.280 0.571 -4.517 -0.227 -0.707 Page7 I I I I I I I I I J I I I I , 7 J MCG_BTFRS.KIP MZ-MIN 2.074 -5.969 -0.8~3 -2.892 -0.223 -3.660 MZ-MAX -3.137 3.490 0.754 1.409 0.716 .• 0.170 FX-MIN -0.317 -61668 -0.629 -3.560, 0.571 -4.517. FX-MAX 0.723 3.681 0.323 1.728 -0.444 -0.520 FY-MIN 3.565 -1.719 -0.560 -0.499 -0.976 -0.548 FY-MAX -4.285 0.518 0.683· -0.393 1.269 -3.387 FZ-MIN -0.317 -6;668 -0.629 -3.560 0.571 •4.517 FZ-MAX -3.137 3.490 0.754 1.409. 0~716 -0.170 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ . RES-MXY-MAX 6.676 -92.721 ·-0.629 -3.560 0.571 -4.517 ING,-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -. INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIKUND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BT.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM•FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1209 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation +-delta temp FEDER 19 KNP 567 DIMENSION: kip ft · MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.880 0.919 0.626 0.478 1.070 ,0.114 MX-MAX 4.672 -3.720 -0.664 -1.560 -1'.190 -3.265 MY-MIN 3.151 -6:231 -0.568 -2.S03 -0.993 -4.109 MY-MAX -1.316 3.373 0.319 1.210 0.31;11 -0.616 MZ-MIN 4.672 -3:720 -0.664 .-1.560 -1.190 -3.265 MZ-MAX -4.880 Q.919 0.626 0.478 1.070 -0.114 FX-MIN 3.151 -6.231 -0.568 -2.503 -0.993 -4.109 FX-MAX -1.316 3.373 ·o.319 1.210 0.381 -0.616 · FY-MIN 4.672 -3.720 -0.664 -1.560 -1.190 -3.265 FY-MAX -4.880 0,919 0.626 0.478 1.070. -0.114 FZ-MIN -1.915 -3.216 0:116 -1.381 0.157 -4.185 FZ-MAX 4.206 -0.240 -0.442 -0.035 -o:856 0.059 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.982 -63.169 -0.568 -2.503 -0.993 -4.109 FEDER 20 KNP . 587 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.425 -2,208. 0.474 -0.241 0.844 -0.147 1 MX-MAX 5.678 -3--242 -0.575 -1.190 -1:639 -4.472 MY-MIN 3.902 -4.369 -0.28"'1 -1.254 -1.221. 03.626 MY-MAX -2.646 1.994 0.264 0.582 0.672 -0.761 MZ-MIN 5.354 -0.403--0.587 -0.500 -1.346 -3.693 MZ-MAX -4.425 -2.208 0 .. 474 -0.241 0.1;144 -0.147 FX-MIN 3.902 .4;359 -0.281 -1.254 -1.221 -3.626 FX-MAX -2.646 1.994 0.264 0.582 0,672 -0.761 FY-MIN 5:678 -3.242 -0.575 .-1.190 -1.639 -4.472 FY-MAX -4.425 -2.208 0.474 -0.241. 0.844 a0.147 FZ-MIN 0.254 -2.952 -0.088 -0.878 -0.499 -4.503 FZ-MAX 0.999 -2.497 -0.013 -0.553 -0.296 -0.116 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ . RES-MXY-MAX 6.538 -29.724 -0.575 •1.190. -1.639 -4.472 FEDER 21 KNP 607 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX .FY FZ MX-MIN -2.927 ;3.067. 0.274 -0.376 0.506 -0.976 MX-MAX· 5.868 0.332 -0.388 -0.020 -1.430 -4.891 MY-MIN . -1.569 -4.084 0.259 ~0.534 0.222 .-0.638 · MY-MAX 2.076 2.392 -0.159 0.313 -0:325 -0.577 MZ-MIN 5.868 ·o.332 -0.388 :0.020 -1.430 -4.891 MZ-MAX -2.927 -3;067. 0;27:4 -0.376 0.506 -0.976 FX-MIN -1.569 -4,084 0.259 -0.534 0.222 -0.638 FX-MAX 2.076 2:392 -0:159 0.313 -0.325 -0.577 FY-MIN 5.868-0.332 _-0.388 -0.020 -1.430 -4.891 FY-MAX -2.927 -3'.067 0.274 -0.376 0.506 -0:976 Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG 'BTFRS.KIP FZ-MIN 1.573 -1.671 -0.125 -0.246 -0.652 -4.939 FZ-MAX 2.076 2.392 -0.159 0.313 -0.325 -0.577 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.877 3.233 -0.388 -0.020 -1.430 -4.891 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEU'RBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BT.FR'S· . . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNIITWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL · POS. 3 · 1210 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation + delta temp FEDER 22 KNP 627 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ-FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.674 -1.187 0.074 -0.151 0.361 -0.982 MX-MAX 4.188 1.454· -0.120 0.270 -0.687 -3.410 MY-MIN -0.845 -3.761 0.120 -0.442 0.147 -0;920 MY-MAX 1:945 3.102 -0.185 0.439 -0.389 -3.901 MZ~MIN 3.378 3.075 -0.234 0.486 -0.656 -4:884 MZ-MAX -0.845 -3.761. 0.120 -0.442 0.147 -0.920 FX-MIN -0.845 -3:761 0.120 -0.442· 0.147 -0:!)20 FX-MAX 3.378 3.075 -0.234 0.486 -0.656 -4.884 FY-MIN 4.188 1.454 -0.120 0.270 -0.687 -3.410. FY-MAX -2.674 -1.187 0.074 -0.151 0.361 -0.982 FZ-MIN 0.553 0.119 -0.145 0.124 -0.262 -4.994 FZ-MAX 3.392 -il.513 -0.015 · -0.024 -0.480 · -0.4'73 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY . FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4;568 42.309 -0.234 0.486 -0.656 -4.884 FEDER 23 KNP 647 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.269 -1.785 0.013 -0.17!! . 0.231 -1.056 MX-MAX 2.774 1.284 -0.008 0.168 -0.305 -0;784 MY-MIN 0.007 -3.297 0.010 -0.322 0.007 -1.155 MY-MAX 1.244 3.388 -0.010 0.396 ·-0.135 -4.766 MZ-MIN 0.892 1.247 -0.026 0.146 -0.102 -1.0!iO MZ-MAX 0.809 -3.203 0.026 -0.309 -0.077 -1.014 FX-MIN 0.007 -3.297 ·· 0.010 -0.322 0.007 -1.155· FX-MAX 1.244 3.388 -0.010 0.396 ·-0.135 -4.766 . FY-MIN 2.774 1.284 -0.008 0.168 -0.305 -0.784 FY-MAX -2.269 -1.785 0.013 -0.178 0.231 -1.056 FZ-MIN -0.355 ,0.000 0.003 0.051 0.034 -4.833 FZ-MAX 2.774 1.284 -0.008 0.168 ~0.305 -0.784 M-RES ALPHA · MZ ' · FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.608 69.844 -0.010, 0.396 -0.135 -4.766 FEDER 24 KNP 667. DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ, FX FY. FZ MX-MIN -1.660 -2.205 0.007 -0.181 0.146 -1.409 MX-MAX 2.039 1.354 0:013 0.136 -0.192 -1.125 MY-MIN 1.441 •2.888 0.001 -0.442 -0.140 -1.426 MY-MAX 0.807 2.735 0.010 0.209 -0.067 -2.777 MZ-MIN' 1.276 0.744 -0.016. 0.080 -0.121 -1.140 MZ-MAX 1.070 -1.413 0.029 ·-0.122 -0.104 -1.030 FX-MIN 0.793 -2.867 _.0.009 -0.243 -0.080 -1.378 FX-MAX 0.807 2.735 0.010 0.209 -0.067 -2.777 F,Y-MIN 2.039 1.354 0,013 0.136 -0.192, -1.125 FY-MAX -1.660 -2'.205 0.007 -0.181 0.146 -1.409 FZ-MIN 0.222 -1.179 0.006 -0.126 -0.028 -4.836 FZ-MAX 1.553 .2.198 0.021 0.201' ,·0,145 -0.791 ·M=RES A:tPRA' MZ · FX · 'FY' FZ · RES-MXY:MAX . 3.227 -63.490-0.001 -0.242 -0.140 -1.426 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN Page9 I I I ] J I I J "\ MCG_BTFRS.KIP -------MCG BT.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STABEL POS. 3 1211 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + operation+ delta temp FEDER 25 KNP 687. DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX . FY FZ MX-MIN -2.814 · 3.746 -0.440 0.602 0.381 -1.528 MX-MAX 3.447 -4.798 0.451 -0.236 -0.242 -1.469 MY-MIN 3.384 -5.284 0.363 -0.280 -0.233 -1.433 MY-MAX -1.383 5.731. 0.260 1;800 0.661 -~.022' MZ-MIN -0.331 -3.925 -0.688 -0.194 0.121 -1,345 MZ-MAX 0.964 2.873 0.700 0.560 0.017 -1.652 FX-MIN 3.384 -5.284 0.363 -0.280 -0.233 -1.433 FX-MAX -0.709 5.670 0.477 1.902 · 0.638 -5.377 FY-MIN 3.447 -4.798 0.451. -0.236, -0.242 -1'.469. F.Y-MAX -1.383 5.731 0.260 1.800 0.661 -5.022 FZ-MIN -0.709 5.670 0.477 1.902 0.638 -5.377 FZ-MAX -0.331 -3.925 -0.688 -0.194 0.121 -1.345 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.275 -57.360 · 0.363 a0,280 -0.233 -1.433, .FEDER 26 KNP 707 DIMENSION: kip ft ·MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -2.724 1.399 -0.065 0.126 0.238 -1.654 MX-MAX 2.633 -1.558 0.001 -0.142 -0.244 -1.268 MY-MIN -0.215 -2.718 -0.024 -0.262. 0.039 -1.023 MY-MAX -0.153 2.045 0.031 0.225 0.041 -1:061 MZ-MIN -2.724 1.399 -0.065 0.1,26 0,238 -1.654 MZ-MAX 1.803 -1.208 0.036 -0.094 -0.142 -1.399 FX-MIN -0.215 ·-2.718 -0.024 -0.262 0;039 -1.023 FX-MAX -0.153 2.045 0.031 0.225 0.041 -1.061 FY-MIN 2.633 -1.558 0;001 -0.142 -0.244 -1.268 FY-MAX -2.724 1'.399 -0.065 0.126 . 0.238 -1.654 FZ-MIN 0.600 , -1.287 -0;010 -0.103 -0.036 . -4.720 FZ-MAX -2.171 0.535 -0.029 0.056 0.223 -0.685. M-RES ALPHA ·Mz FX FY .. FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.061 152.815 -0.065--0.126 0.238 -1.654 FEDER 27 KNP 727 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ. · MX-MIN -5.898 . 2.083 -0.257 0_.345 0.722 -4.073 · · MX-MAX 4:379 ~1.534 0:065 -0.1~8 -0.482 -1.166 MY-MIN 1.889 -4.109 s0.049 -0.476 -0.199 -0,818 MY-MAX -4.930 3.123 -0.072 p.476 0.669 -4.097 MZ-MIN -1.290 -2.334 -0.277 -0.169 0.183 -4.410 MZ-MAX -0.75.4 3.058 0.115 0.376 0.124 -0.779 FX-MIN 1.889 -4.109 -0.049 -0.476 -0.199 -0.818 FX-MAX --4.930 3.123 -0.072 0.476 0.669 -4.097 FY-MIN 4.379 . -1.534 ();065 a0.158 ,0.482 s1.166 FY-MAX -5.898 2.083. -0.257 0.345 0.722 -'4.073· FZ-MIN -0.321 · -1.293 -0-.091 ~0.038 0.130 -4.434 FZ-MAX_ -2.721 -0.307 ·-0.029 0.038 0.341 -0.481 MoRES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.256 160:549 -0.257 0.345 0.722 -4.073 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIELIRBs_RO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG_BT.FRS ----------. . PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERL/RANDEL/STA~EL: POS. 3 1212 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load+ operation+ delta temp, Page 10 I I I ] J I I J l MCG _BTFRS.KIP FEDER 28 KNP 747 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX. FY FZ MX-MIN -6.846 0.020 0.335 -0.023 2.068 -5.351 MX-MAX 4.250 · -2:881 -0.271 -0.521 -0.898 -1.120 MY-MIN 1.332 -4.009· -0.167 -0.763 ·0.061 -3.477 MY-MAX -1.813 2.895 0.291 0.562 0.505 -0.927 MZ-MIN 3.933 -2.826 -0.293 -0.507 -0.851 -1.044- MZ-MAX -1.854 2.565 0.431 0.446 0.645 -1.102 FX-MIN 1.332 -4.009 -0.167 --0.763 0.061 -3.477 FX-MAX -1.813 2.895 0.291 o.562 0.50·5 -0.927 FY-MIN 4.049 -0.529 .-0.186 -0.034 -0.911. -0.895 FY-MAX. -6.846 0.020 0.335 · -0.023 2:068 -5.351 FZ-MIN -6.846 0.020 0.335 -0.023 2.068 -5.351 FZ-MAX 2:461 -1.528 -0.214 --0.253 -0.561 ~0.779 MsRES ALPHA MZ FX FY -FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.847 179.836 0.335 -0 .. 023 2.068 -5.351 FEDER 29 KNP 767 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ .FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.158 -0.285 0.265 -0.658 2.127 -5.166 MX-MAX 3.282 ·1.770 -0.269. -0.385 -1.455 -0.141 MY-MIN -0.129 -2.429 -0.138 -0.983 .0.242 -5.244 MY-MAX -1.991 1.824 0 .. 217. o·.5~7 0.887 -0.785 MZ-MIN 2.594 -2.073 -0.274 -0.536 -1.153 -0.378 MZ-MAX -4.158 -0.285 0.265 -0.658 2.127 -5.166 FX-MIN -0.129 ·2:429 -0.138 -0.983 0.242 -5,244 FX-MAX -1.991 1.824 0.217 0.547 0.887 -0.785 FY-MIN 3.282 -1 ;770 . -0.269 ·-0.385 -1.455 -0.141 FY-MAX -4.158 -0.285 0.265 -0.658 . 2.127 -5.166 FZ-MIN -2.573 -0.297 0.218 -0.666 .. 1.565 -6,054 . FZ-MAX 0.452 ~0.308 -0.138 0.229 -0:436 0.024 M-RES ALPHA MZ . FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.167 -176.075 0.265 -0.658 2.127 -5.166 FEDER 30 KNP 787 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX. FY 'FZ MX-MIN -3.343 -2.181 0.063 -0.759 1.134 -0.881 MX-MAX 4.184 .2.072 -0.002 0.798 -1.585 -2.788 MY-MIN --0.770 ·2 .. 795 0.042 -1.026 0.281 -0.659 MY-MAX -0.272 2.585 -0.041 0.949 0.042 -0:841 MZ-MIN ·0.272 2.585 -0.041 0.949 0.042 -0.841 MZ-MAX 0.513 -2.132 0.125· -0.569 -0.453 -4.611 FX-MIN -0.321 -2.781 0.041 ·-1.036 ·0.136 -0.598 FX-MAX -0.272' 2.585 -0:041 0.949 o:042 -0.841 FY-MIN 4.184 2.072 -0,002 0.798 -1.585 -2.788 FY-MAX -3.343 -2.181 0.063 -0;759 1.134 -0.881 FZ-MIN 2.975 1.410 0:092 · 0]02 -1.348 -4:834 FZ-MAX 0.277 -".2.544 0.055 -0.920 -O.Q84 -0.258 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX. FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.669 26.346 -0.002 0.798 -1.585 -2.788 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH.. INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BT.FRS . PROGRAMM: FR S. SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL .POS. 3 1213 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg . · LC: Dead load + operation + delta temp FEDER 31 KNP 807 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY· MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.906 -2:681 0.031--0.546 0.945 -1.165 MX-MAX 7.526 1.653 0.222 0.447 -1.773 -3.986 Page 11 I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MCG BTFRS.KIP .MY-MIN -3.467 -3.563 0.005 -0.750 0.712 -1.099 MY-MAX 2.828 2.611 0.018 0.557 -0.641 -0.861 MZ-MIN -4.773 -2.397 -0.024 -0.508 0.936 -1.2·32 MZ-MAX 6.578 1.512 0.226 · 0.420 -1.594 -3.996 FX-MIN -3.467 -3.563 0.005 -0.750 0.712 -1.099 FX-MAX 2.828 2.611 0.018 0.557 -0.641 -0.861 FY-MIN 7.526 1:653 0.222 .0.447 -1.773 -3.986 FYaMAX -4.906 -2.681 0.031° -0,546 o:~45 •1.165 FZ-MIN -1.024 -3.496 0.184 -0.646 -0.016 -4.367 FZ-MAX 4.562 1°.772 0.041 0.380 -0:938 -0.390 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 7.705 12.390 0.222 0.447 -1.773 ,3.986 FEDER 32 KNP 827 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY Fz· MX-MIN -3.888--0.349 -0.026· -0;057 0.562 -1.153 MX-MAX 5.107 0.363 0.073 0.076 -0:982 -4.268 MY-MIN -3.793 -1.253 0.004 -0.180 0.547 -1.158 MY:MAX 2.693 f.056 0.010 0:158 -0.469' 00.917 MZ-MIN -3:888 -0.349 -0.026 -0:057 0.562 -1.153 MZ-MAX 4.512 0.347 0.085 0.073· -o:826 -3.010 FX-MIN -3.793 -1.253 0.0.04 -0.180 0.547 -1.158 FX-MAX 2.693 1.056 0.010 0.158 -0.469 -0.917 FY-MIN 5.107 0.363 0:073 0.076 -0:982 -4.268 FY-MAX -3.888 ·-0.349 -0.026 -0.057 0.562. 01.153 FZ-MIN -1.474 -1.043 0.037 -0.138 0.050 -4.504 FZ-MAX 3.583 0.198 0.051 0.039 -0.585 -0.616 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.120 4.064 0.073 0.076 -0.982 -4.268 FEDER 33 KNP 847 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.359 -0.156 0.139 ·0.012. 0.682 -1.221 MX-MAX 5.348 -0.476 -O.f37 -0.125 -1.115 -4.510 MY-MIN 2.600 -0.842 -0.077 -0.160 -0.498 -0.906 MY-MAX -3.852 0.841 0.086 0.157 0.604 -1.188 MZ-MIN 5.024, -0.302 -0.150 -0.093 -0.983 -3.297 MZ-MAX -2.316 0.011 0.174 0.046 0.255 -3.873 FX-MIN 2.600 -0.842 -0.077 -0.160 -0.498 -0.906 FX-MAX -3.852 0.841 0.086 0.157 0.604 -1.188 FY-MIN 5.348 -0.476. -0.137 -0.125 -1.115 -4.510 FY-MAX -4.359 -0.156. 0.139 0.012 0.682 -1.221 FZ-MIN -1.611 0.210 0.079 0.046 0.064 -4.825 · FZ-MAX 3.729--0.088. -0.130 -0.048 -0.658 -0.726 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 5.369 -5.080 -0.1'37 -0.125 -1.115 -4.510 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGE;NIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHL!3AU -MsNCHEN -------MCG BT.FRS PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1214 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg , LC: Dead load + operation + qelta temp- FEDER -34 KNP 867 DIMENSION: kip'ft MX MY MZ . FX FY FZ MX-MIN -6.095 0.160 0.287 . 0,265 1.664 -0.912 MX-MAX 6.724 -1.394 -0.227 -0.578 -2.028, -2.980 MY-MIN 2.356 -1.953 -0.039 -0.605 -0.740 -0.934 MY-MAX -3.262 1.683 Q.232 0.695 1.023 -0,597 MZ-MIN 4.504 -1.012 -0.271 -0.511 -1,626 -4.354 MZ-MAX -5.641 -0.060 0.341 . 0.239 1.574 -0.~24 FX-MIN 6.501 -1;671 -0.248 -0.688 -2.149 -4.883 FX-MAX -3.262 1:683 0.232 0.695 1.023 -0.597 P~ge 12 I I I I I I ' f FY-MIN FY-MAX FZ-MIN FZ-MAX MCG BTF'RS.KIP 6.501 -1.671 -0.448 -0.688 -2.149 -4.883. -6.095 0.160 0.287 0.265 1.664 -0.912 6.501 -1.671 -0.248 -0.688 -2.149 -4.883 -2.740 1.170-0.211 0.522 0.864 -0.487 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.867 -11.717 -0.227 -0.578 -2.028 -2.980 FEDER 35 KNP 887 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN ~3.196 -0.678 -0.074 -0:225 1,299 -0.631 MX-MAX 3.034 -0.993 0.028 -0.207 -1.111 -3.225 MY-MIN -2.301 -1.663 -0.033 -0.630 . 0.936 -0.720 MY-MAX 1.660 0.815 0.022 0.419 -0.621 :o.874 MZ-MIN -1.233 -0.331 -0.102 -0.031 0.550 -0.759 MZ-MAX 1.071 -1.340 0.055 -0.401 -0.362 -3.098 FX-MIN -2.301 -1.663 -0.033 -0.630 0.936 -0.720 FX-MAX -0.800 0.372 ,0.088 Q.427 0.453 -3.784 FY-MIN 3.034 -0.993 0.028 -0.207 -1.111 -3~225- FY-MAX -3.196 -0.678 -0:074 -0.225 1.299 -0.631 FZ-MIN · 1.458 -0.195 -0.027 0.193 -0.462 -4.623 FZ-MAX 0.302 0.093 0.055 0.010 -0.157 -0.351 M-RES ALPHA ·Mz FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 3.267 -168.021 -0.074 -0.225 1.299 -0.631 FEDER 36 KNP 907 DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ· MX-MIN -4.342 0.854 -0.344 1.056 2.399 -3.610 · MX-MAX 3.294 -1.200 0.196 -0.762 -1.540 -0.567 MY-MIN 0.954 -3.155 -0.137 -1.502 -0.725 -0.572 MY-MAX -4.096 1.854 -0.254 1.573 2.483 -4.591 MZ-MIN -2.954 ·-0.625 -0.348 0.138 1.462 -0.780 MZ-MAX 3.224 ~0.951 0:229 -0.704 -1.538 -0.763 FX-MIN 1.939 -3.066 -0.041 -1.519 -1.124 -0.613 FX-MAX -4.096 1.854 -0.254 1.573 2.483 •4.591 FY-MIN 3.294 -1.200 0.196 -0.762 -1.540 -0.567 .. FY-MAX -4.096 1.854 -0.254 1.573 2.4f!3 -4;591 FZ-MIN -4.096 1.854 ·0.254 1.573 2.483 -4.591 FZ-MAX 3.294 -1.200 0.196 -0.762 -1.540 -0.567 M-RES ALPHA M2: FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 4.496 155 .. 640 -0.254 1.573 2.483 -4.591 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN ----"-----MCG ·sT.FRS ·-------- PROGRAMM: F.R S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1215 "Mini-Coaster" Legola_nd Guenzburg LC: Dead load + !Jperation 'I-delta temp FEDER 37 KNP 927 DIMENSION: kip ft MX 'MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -5.858. -0.260 -0.167 0,020 3.707 -4:889 · MX-MAX 4.871 -1.329 -0,050 -0.498 -2.511 -0.401 MY-MIN · 4.147 -1.927 -0,161 -0.674 -2.197 -0.425 MY-MAX -5.264 0.956 0.036-0.369 3.274 -3.466 MZ-MIN -4.923 -1.718 -0.342 -0.463 3.055 -3.94:1 MZ-MAX 2.438 0.841 0.206 0;216 -0.872 -3-.058 FX-MIN 4.147 -1.927 -0.161 ·Q.674 -2.197· -0.425 FX-MAX -5.264 0.956 0.036 0.369 3.274 -3.466 FY-MIN 4.871 -1.329 -0.050 -0.498 -2.511 -0.401 FY-MAX -5.858 -0.,260 .0.167 0.020 3.707 -4.889 FZ-MIN -5.858 -0.260 -0.167 0.020 3.707 -4.889 FZ-MAX 3.976 0.291 0.120 0.047 -1.938 -0.387 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ Page 13 I- I I I I I I I J I I I MCG_BTFRS.KIP RES-MXY-MAX 5.864-177.454 -0.167 0.020 3.707 ~4.889 FEDER 38 KNP 947 DIMENSION: kip ft MX 1\/iY MZ FX .FY FZ MX-MIN -5.904 -1-.917 0.182 ·-1.167 2.513 -3.001 MX-MAX 5.562 0.987 -0.200 0.677 -2.156 -0-.837 MY-MIN -4.273 -4.001 -0.142 -1.870 2.232 -4:482 MY-MAX . 3.541 3.013 0.086 ·1.259 01.571 0.013 MZ-MIN 5.562 0:987 -0.200 0.677 -2.156 -0.837 MZ-MAX -5.904 -1.917 0.182 ·-1.167 2.513 -3.001 FX-MIN -4.273 -4.001 -0.142 -1.870 2.232 -4.482 FX-MAX 3.541 3.013 0.086 1.259 -1.571 o.ofa FY-MIN 5.562 0.987 -0.200· 0.677 -2.156 -0.837 FY~MAX -5.904 -1.91-7 0.182 -1.167 2.513 -3.001 FZ-MIN -4.956 -3.514 -0.041 -1.746 2.442 -4.829 FZ-MAX 3.541 3.013 0.086' 1.259 -1.571 · 0.013 M-RES ALPHA Mz ·FX FY FZ . RES-MXY-MAX 6.207 -162.015 0.182 -1.167 2.513 -3.001 FEDER 39 KNP 96T DIMENSION: kip ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.238 -5:769 0.095 -1.568 0.848 -2.339 MX-MAX 3.387 4.359 -0.063 1.265 -0.939 -1.482 MY-MIN -2.956 -6:462-0.080 -1.729. 0.76~ -3.856 MY-MAX 1.554 4.989 -0,013 1.4:44 -0.440 -0.676 MZ-MIN 3.387 4.359 -0.063 1.265 -0.939 -1.482 MZ-MAX -3.238 -5.769 0.095 -1.568 ·0.848 -2.339 FX-MIN -2.956 -6:462 0.080 -1.729 0.766 -3.856 FX-MAX 1.554 4.989 -0.013 1.444 -0.440 -0.676 FY-MIN 3.387 4.359 ·-0.063 1.265 -!).939 -1.482 FY-MAX -3.238 -5.769 0.095 -1.568 0.848 -2.339 FZ-MIN 1.583 1_.380 0.009 0.570 -0.5Q9 -4.398 FZ-MAX -2.985 -2.853 0.058 -0.855 -0.835 -0.133 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ '· RES-MXY-MAX 7.105-114.584 -0.080 -1.729 .0.766 -3.856 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UNO STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG_!3T.FRS , . _ PROGRAMM: FR S SCHNITTWERTE FEM-F.EDERURANDEUSTABE_L POS. 3. 1216 "Mini-Coaster" Legoland Guenzbui:g LC: Dead load+ operati<:>n + delta temp FEDER 40 KNP 987 DIMENSION: kip-ft MX MY MZ FX FY FZ , MX-MIN -1.852 -4.632 -0.029 -1.162 0.528 -0;875 MX-MAX 1.570 4.067 0.032 1.065 -0.408 ,4.655 MY-MIN -1.378 -6.155 -li.058 -1.323 0.394 -2.627 MY-MAX -0.089 5.186 0.044 1.311 0.034 -.1.889 MZ-MIN -0.226 -6.151 -0.060 -1.414 -0.093 . -4.078 MZ-MAX 0.846 4.836 0;!)55 1.207 -0 .. 223 -1.714 FX-MIN -0.225· -6:151 -0.060 -1.414 0.093 -4.07!3 FX-MAX -0.089 5.186 0.044 1.311-0.034 -1.889 FY-MIN 1.570 4.067 0.032 1.065 -0.408 · -4.655 FY-MAX -1.852 -4.632 -0.029 -1.162 0.528 -0.875 FZ-MIN 1.243 2.351 0.021 0.716 -0.316 --4.673 FZ-MAX -1.852 -4.632 -0.029 -1.162 0.528 -0.875 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY ·FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.307 -102.618 -0.058 -1.323 0.394 -2.627 FEDER 41 KNP 1007 DIMENSION:.k;ip ft MX MY MZ FX FY F.Z MX-MIN · -1.817 5.107 0.064 1.412 0.524 -1.209 Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- MCG_BTFR$.KIP MX-MAX 1.987 -5.173 -0.059 -1.378 -0.559 -4.054 MY-MIN 1.592 -6.088 -0.048 -1.615 -0.455 -3.532 MY-MAX -0.102 6.115 0.082 1;666 0.027' -1.162 MZ-MIN .1.987 -5.173 -0.059 -1.378 -0.559 · -4.054 MZ-MAX -0.102 6,115 0.082 1.666 o.oi1 -1.162 FX-MIN 1.592 -6.088. -0.048 -1.615 -0.455 -3:532 FX-MAX -0.102 6.115 0.082 1.666 0.027 -1.162 FY-MIN 1.987 -5.1.-73 -Q.059 -1.378 -0,559 -4.054 FY-MAX -1.817 5.107 0.064 1.412 0,524 -1.209 FZ-MIN 1.987 -5.173 -0.059 -1.~78 -0.559 -4.054 FZ-MAX -1.189 4.154 p.069 1.175 0.344 :1.026 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.292 -75.347 -0.048 -1.615 -0.455 .:3,532 FEDER 42 KNP 1027. DIMENSION: kip ft , MX MY MZ FX FY FZ MX-MIN -3.811 5".416. 0.008 1.603 1.129 -0.510 MX-MAX 3.918 -5.193 0.001 -1.413 -1.081 -2.779 MY:MfN 2.165 -5.501 -0.017 -1,636 -0.647 -0--685 MY-MAX. -2.266 6.702 0:027 1.967 0,672 -0.602 ~~:~i ~1 :;;O" "54~f ;1 -o/01i2 ·\~966 ~~;¼ ~0ci~~t "FX-MIN 2.165 -5;501 -0.017 -1.636 -0.647 -!).685 FX-MAX -2.266 6.702 0.027 1.967 0.672 -0.602 FY-MIN 3.918 -5.193 ·0.001 °1.413 -1.081 -2.779 FY-MAX -3.811 5.416 0.008 1,603 1.129 -0.510 FZ-MIN 2,519 -4.818 -0.008 -1.381 -0.715 -3.166 FZ-MAX -1.270 4.461 0:032 1.299 0.372 -0.402 M-RES ALPHA MZ FX FY FZ. . RES-MXY-MAX 7.075 108,683 0.027 1.967 0.672 . -0.602 ING-BsRO STENGEL GmbH -INGENIEURBsRO FsR BAUSTATIK UND STAHLBAU -MsNCHEN -------MCG..:_BT.FRS -----..,.-,..----·_ - PROGRAMM: FR S S~HNITTV)fERTE FEM-FEDERURANDEUSTABEL POS. 3 1217 "Miryi-Coaster" Legoland Guenzburg LC: Dead load + op,eration + delta temp FED!;:R 43 KNP 1"047 DIMENSION: kip ft MX -MY Mi: FX FY FZ MX-MIN -4.965 3.976. -0.018 1.174 1.467 -0.567 MX-MAX 4.91:8 -3.517 0.021 -1.034 -1.459 -0.943 MY-MIN 3.580 -4.373 -0.001 -1.292 -1.075 -0.616 MY-MAX -3.858 5.702 0.004 1.674 U26 -0.209 MZ-MIN -4.96!;i 3:976 -Q.018 t.174 1.467 -0.567 MZ-MAX 4.124 -3:528 0.021 -1.040 -1.224 -0'.692 FX-MIN 3.580 -4.373 -0.001 -1:292 -1.075 ,0.616 FX-MAX -3.858 5.702 0.004 1.674 1.126 -0.209 FY-MIN 4.918· -3.517 0.021 -1.034 -1,459· ,0.943 FY-MAX -4.965 _-3°.976 -0:018 1.174 1.467 -0.567 FZ-MIN 3.777 -3.516 0.006 -1.005 -1.074 -3:285 FZ-MAX --3.858 5.702 0.004 1.674 1.126 -0.209 . M-RES ALPHA · MZ FX FY FZ RES-MXY-MAX 6.884. 124.084. 0.004 1.674 1.126 ,0.209 Page 15