HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; MINI GOLF; CB051589; PermitCity of Carlsbad CC;. 06-07-2005 * Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: END JI 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Commercial/lndustrial Permit Permit No: CB051589 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD TI Sub Type: COMM 2111000900 Lot#: 0 Status: ISSUED $30,000.00 Construction Type: NEW Applied: 05/04/2005 LEGOLAND Plan Approved: 06/07/2005 MINI GOLF COURSE Issued: 06/07/2005 Reference #: Entered By: MDP Inspect Area: Plan Check#: Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC cLF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG 1 LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee Recl. Water Con. Fee $242.99 $0.00 $157.94 $0.00 $0.00 $6.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Meter Size Add'l Recl. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWA Fee CFD Payoff Fee PFF PFF (CFD Fund) License Tax License Tax (CFD Fund) Traffic Impact Fee Traffic Impact (CFD Fund) PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $442.23 Total Fees: $442.23 Total Payments To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $442.23 BU DINGPLANS -ATTACHED STORAGE FINAL APPROVAL Inspector: Date: e/nbc Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the 'Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as 'feeslexactions.' You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these feeslexactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified feedexactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any - PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438- 1 1 6 1 IFOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. 6s EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By I Date n ra Total 8 of UN~S 8-of I of Bathrooms 6. CONTRACTOR-COM ISac 7031 .b Business and 1Chopt.r 9, commuuhng wlth S.ctlon 7000 of DivbIOf~ 3 Of ths &rkuu ud PrOfuJanr cod.] or t)ut ho b 03IOIlW tbffm. and ths bucs for rh. axemption. Any violation of Section 7031.6 bV .ny Sp@kmt lor 8 Wdl .ubi.nr the .pp(iunr to dvu pwvky Of no( mUt0 thu, fk0 hUrcb.6 doYlars 1)6001). Nam. Ad&- Ckv suump Takphocw 8 Stat. Llcnro 8 ucrnu CIoso U~VBUO~~SOU~~~O~ Dompmt Nonu Ad&- utv SUr.mp T.kphonr Stat. UCMn I many whkh &so a vumk to constfuct, &or, hnpow. dwndbh or repair MY structwo, pnor to its ISSWllCO. also fOqWoS tho appkcMt for WCh pmnl( 10 tlk Jawd aat.clM Ihrt h0 b yawvd PlWWNlt 10 Ih. Of tho COntrlctor'S Law e. " CoyRWIAnoN LA--".*-.... I. * .. Worky.' c-tk,,, wtkn: I undw pwvhy or pwlvv O(W d th. rdlowhg d.dw~t)aw: 0 of ths work for WhKh thu pumtl b bud. 0 Irswd, My wwkw's mmpwUrtim hrumr urrk md PdkV nunkr U.: tnsuranco Company poHcv No. Expiration Data (THIS SECTION 0 to bocomo swoct to ths Worky.' Componoottm Lam of CaUfonw. I hove and wiw nuint.in a cutlfkmto of coIu.nt to rJ(.(nura for workus' compomorion os pr0Vld.d bv Sution 3700 of tho Lobof Coda. tor tho p.rform~c0 I hovo and will nuh.ln work-' com#nrtlon, u roqdmd bv Sod011 3700 of tho Lobor Cod., for tho puforrnmco of tho work for which tNs pumit IS NOT BE COMPUTED IF TME PERMIT IS FOR ONE WNDMD WUILRS 101001 OR LESS) CERTWlCATE OF EXEMPTION: I cutify thot In th. pofformanco of tho work tor which thh pumit is tsswd. I shol) not omploy any porson in any mannw BO as WARNINO: Fdhuo 10 ucuo wal~r' -th thousmd dollom (~100,000). h ddkbr, to tho cost of SIGNATURE DATE 7. ~-~-~. .n. *# - "- . . I hafaby atfwm tho1 I am axompt from the ConWactdS LiCaUO Low for tho fdowlrtg room: 0 I. DS ownu of tho propony or my .mOrOvm with wow u choir do compmrstlon. WIN do ths work and tho stNCIwo ia not intondod or oftuod tor a010 (Sac 7044,BU.inoas and RofuJocu Cod.: Th. ContfrclW'S UCuUO Uw hS Mt DWIy 10 M OM Of pr0Pw)V who kJ#r OI hptOvU thuoon, and who dor such work homaalf or through hi8 own amployon, pmvidod thot such ImprOVOMta aro not 1ntnd.d or 0ffu.d for S.k. If. howmr, ths buldlng or improvomont II sot (8.c. 7044, burkrwr ond Profossionr Cod.: Tho ontractor's ~mnro ~aw dou not .eplv to M ownor of p~o~wry who bud& or improvoa thoroam, md controcta for ruch proi.ctr with contrmor(rl bunsod I# UhWM. nd Jul .ub(.sc m mprSr to Uh&ld PUIdth nd dvl th.8 ~IP to OIY Wod dnup.. U porlbd for h &dm 3706 d th. W aod.. hrut md o~nuy'a toms. - withon on. year of cornplotion. tho own~.kr#w WNI ~SW tho of prow th.t ho did not Wd or Unpr0~0 for th. purp000 of aak). I. as ownor of tho propony. am o*duivdy cOmr.cthg with Ik.rud camr.CtQn to Co(utNc1 th. pursumnt to tho Comranor'a Lkumo Low). 0 I 2 3 4 numbor I contractors hcnsa rmmbor): k*lnu ond ProfaJon, Cod. forth& rouon: PQ I am axompt under sution I prsona~y plan io prod th. nul~r IO- ~d mat- lor #mu~nion ~l \h. I (hova I haw not) rignod an applkation for 0 krydlnp pwmh for th. pmpo8od work. I hsvo contractod wlth tho foclowlng puwn (fkml to provldr tho plop0l.d conatfucth (indud. rumo 1 4ddrru I phDnr numbw I contmtws IICOW -1: I plan to provido ponionr of tho work. but I how hirod tho f propony Wanm~n. 0 YES ONO COM#ETE THIS SECTION FO Is tha applmnt or futuro buildi cut.lv huordour matuiob nak managamant and provmtlon progcam undr Sutlons 26506 Subrt.nc.~Act? 0 IF ANY OF TM ANSWERS ARE YES. A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT MAS MET OR IS MEETINO THE nmuinmwis OF THE OFFICE OF I~OIIYCY SUIVICU AND THE AIR POUUIION CONTROL DISTRICT. 6. c(wuIIIUcn0N ~~~~~~*. .. I hareby orfirm thot thoro 1s a construction londjng LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS of tho work for which this portmil ir iuuod (k. 309711) Civil Coda). I certify thot I hava rwd tho opplicatbm and date k\fO#mation 11 oo(r.Et urd th~t Ih. bfWm~tion on th. pl.N 1s .ccwsts. I a9tr to comply with all city wdmancas and Stat. lrwa rrktlng to buHding cwtruction. I hwobv ruthadz0 ropfmontmtivoo Of tho cit) of culrbrd to ontor upon tha @born mmntiond proparty for Inrpactlon pwposu. I AUO AQllEL TO SAVE. lNDuuI(cv AND NEE? HARMLESS W CITY OF CMLSUO ACIAINST AU UABIUTIES. OSHA: An OSHA pormit IS roquirod for orcrvotionr ovor I' EXPIRATION: Evuy parmh Isad by work authorlrrd by such pormlt Io Or abandonod It any tI JUD~MENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES wwcn MAY IU ANY WAY ACCRUE AUT SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF HE QRANW~ OF THIS PERMIT. od domolltion 01 contruction of *tructur.i ovw 3 ah In hoipht. vbhs Of thh cok rhJl 0- bV ~m(totl0n md kcome null and vold if the bdldlng or h. PIIlnh of t)u kJMng or work luthorlr by s pumit la suspondrd doyr IS.ct(on 100.4.4 Uniform BuHdlng Cod.). DATE 77 3 oc APPLICANT'S SIGNA - City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 06/21 /2005 Permit# CB051589 Title: LEGOLAND Description: MINI GOLF COURSE Inspector Assignment: PD Type: TI Sub Type: COMM Job Address: 1 LEGOLANDDR Suite: Lot 0 Location: APPLICANT FEND JIM Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> LEGOLAND ESTATES AG Remarks: GOLF COURSE Total Time: Requested By: JIM BEND Entered By: KAREN CD Description Act Com men t 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs/CVs InsDection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 06/14/2005 14 FramelSteeVBoltingWelding AP PD 06/13/2005 84 Rough Combo AP PD 06/13/2005 89 Final Combo WC PD PCR00224 APPROVED ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR COASTER; . EsGil Corporation In Partnership with Sjovcrnrnent for Building Safety DATE: May 10,2005 JURIS D I CTI 0 N : Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 05-1589 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Leg0 Dr. 0 APPCGANT cyJisRis3 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE SET I PROJECT NAME: Legoland Mini-Golf Course The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction’s building codes. w The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction’s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. 0 The applicant’s copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. c [7 The applicant’s copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: Fax #: REMARKS: Msheetso ans must be signed. Mail Telephone Fap ,er on By: Kurt Culver Enclosures: Esgil Corporation 0 GA MB 0 EJ 0 PC 5/5/05 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad’ 05-1589 May 10,2005 Valuation Reg. VALUE ($) vm1 Multiplier Mod. Misc. 25,000 JURIS D lCTl ON: Carlsbad Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver c 25,000 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO.: 05-1589 DATE: May 10,2005 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Leg0 Dr. Jurisdiction Code Icb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance j V 1 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance I V I Type of Review: Complete Review 0 Structural Only 0 Repetitive Fee Repeats Other 0 Hourly n Hour * Esgil Plan Review Fee I $21 5.1 91 I $1 39.871 I $1 20.51 I Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: &61&3- PLANCHECK NO.: CB 05 - 15237 BUILDINGADDRESS: I lqB D!. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY THORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: l% Date: &-/,+54DC PROJECT DESCRIPTION: &,m/> && Gb// &--zp, ASSESSOR’S PARCEL NUMBER: Z//- /OD - 6 9 EST. VALUE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. @A Right-of-way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: DENIAL Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked with 0. Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans andlor specifications to this office for review. By: Date: By: Date: By: Date: ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-way Permit Application Right-of-way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Frank Jimeno City of Carlsbad Name: Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 602-2758 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: Rev. 7IfUCQ 1 Y:\Ch&lists\BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM.dc-c BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN 2ND 3RD 0 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: A. NorthArrow F. Right-of-way Width &Adjacent Streets B. Existing & Proposed Structures G. Driveway widths C. Existing Street Improvements H. Existing or proposed sewer lateral D. Property Lines I. Existing or proposed water service E. Easements J. Existing or proposed irrigation service d 0 2. Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns 1. Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: “Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5’ away from building.” B. Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C. Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. D. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per stand a rd s. d 0 0 3. Include on title sheet: A. Site address 6. Assessor’s Parcel Number C. Legal Description For commerciaVindustria1 buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRl PTlON Y:\ChecklislS!BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM.doc 2 Rev. 7/14/M) BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 3RD DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE I;; 2ND 0 0 4a. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for d‘ 0 4b. All conditions are in compliance. Date: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS 0 0 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 15,000 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 %” x 11” plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: Date: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ 75,000 , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. 0 Public improvements required as follows: Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the YChecklirViBUILDING PUNCHECK CKLST FORM.dOC 3 Rev. 7/14/00 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by: Date: q, 0 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $310 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: - 0 6c. Enclosed please find your Neighborhood Improvement Agreement. Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Neighborhood Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: 0 6d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adiacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancv. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. 7a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading 0 0 requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). 0 0 7b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Gradinn Permit must be issued and rounh qradinq approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by: 7c. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) Date: /&@ 0 0 Y:IChackliN\BUILDING PIANCHECK CKLST FORM.doc 4 Rev. 7llUOO BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 3RD 0 0 0 0 0 7d .No Grading Permit required. 7e. If grading is not required, write “No Grading” on plot plan. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 8. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-way permit required for: 9. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: Date: IO. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City’s requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. 11. 0 Required fees are attached 0 No fees required WATER METER REVIEW 12a. Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used. 0 All single family dwelling units received “standard” 1” service with 5/8” service. Y:\Chedllsls~UILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM.doc 5 Rev. 7/14Kul BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST If owner/developer proposes a size other than the “standard”, then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm). A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached. Once the gpm is provided, check against the “meter sizing schedule” to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. Maximum service and meter size is a 2” service with a 2” meter. If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2”, suggest the installation of multiple 2” services as needed to provide the anticipated demand. (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street). Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval. The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow these guidelines: 1. If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets. If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there. Irrigation services are listed with a circled “I”, and potable water is typically a circled “W”. The irrigation service should look like: STA I +00 Install 2” service and 1.5: meter (estimated 100 gpm) 2. If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach). Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: 0 Hydraulic grade line 0 0 0 0 Elevation at point of connection (POC) Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection 3. In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA). As long as the project is located within the City recycled water Y:!Checklisb\EVILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM.doc Rev. 7114100 6 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future. 0 0 12c. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 4t 1. Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above. 2. If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans. Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees. However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund. However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this. 0 0 [7 13. Additional Comments: Y:\ChecklislJ\BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM.doc 7 Rev. 7/14/00 Planner 00- nleQ Phone (760) 602- L APN: - 00-07 (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: &j&w wmw<-/ use^ er'detfifiar8) Circle One ccc mmm Legend: Item Complete Environmental Review Required: 0 Item Incomplete - Needs your action YES - NO x TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: !R 9Wl 3; Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE PROJECT NO. 3) Q6-/5/f4) OTHER RELATED CASES: CAP %Z-[C[&) Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: YES - NO x TYPE - GnS;&y &d%"W;MQf7'W )$n 0 Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance I Project site located in Coastal Zone? YESX NO- CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES- NOX If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): WP sc-/16(#) LaSrled - YES- NO Follow-Up Actions: 1) 2) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES - NO x (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) -€mu Data Entry Completed? YES - NO - (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 ko UO I7 -8-0 0 site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right- of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes). 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor’s parcel number. Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1. Applicability: YES NO 2. Project complies YES NO Zoning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Top of slope: Required Shown Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown Structure separation: Required Shown Lot Coverage: Required Shown Height: Required Shown Parking: Spaces Required Shown (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required1 Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments n OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE S4/8a H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevCh klst Rev 9/01 Carlsbad Fire Department 051 589 1635 Faraddy Ave. Fire Prevention Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Review Requirements Category: Building Plan Date of Report: 05/10/2005 Reviewed by: Name: JIM FEND Address: 1 LEG0 DR City, State: CARLSBAD CA 92008 Job #: 051589 Plan Checker: Job Name: Legoland-Golf Crse Bldg #?$j051589 Job Address: 1 Leg0 Ste. or Bldg. No. Approved The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and / or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. 0 Approved Subject to The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and / or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Incomplete The item you have submitted for review is incomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and / or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and / or specifications to this office for review and approval. Review 1 st 2nd 3rd Other Agency ID FD Job # 051589 FD File # Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY April 29,2005 Project No. 9601 5 1-024 'TO: Attention: Subject: References : Introduction Legoland California, Inc. 1 Legoland Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Mr. Jim Fend Update Geotechnical Recommendions Report, Proposed LEG0 Family Park, Carlsbad, California v Woods Miniga Leighton and Associates, Inc.? 1998, Final As-Graded Report of Rough-Grading, LEG0 Family Park, Carlsbad, California Dunn Savoie, Inc., 2005, Mini Golf drawings, Sheets S-1 and S-2 Collaborative West, Inc., Site Location Map Leighton and Associates is pleased to present this IJpdated Geotechnical Recommendations report or the proposed kiosk and pedestrian bridge structures at the site of the Wild Woods Minigolf attraction. We have reviewed previous geotechnicai and grading reports for the project area as well as other published and unpublished literature and sources. Below is a summary of our findings followed by recommendations. Findings and Recommendations The site of the proposed area of Wild Woods Minigolf attraction is overlain by shallow 6 fi to 10 ft documented compacted Mificial Fill (Af). Quaternary Terrace Deposits (Qt) underlie the fill materials. The Terrace deposits consist of orange to reddish brown, damp to moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium grained sand and overlie Tertiary Santiago Formation. Top 3 A to 5 ft of Terrace deposits that were weathered and/or disturbed by agriculture was removed 3934 Murphy Canyon R 858.292.8030 m Fax 858.292.0771 = www.leightongeo.com 960151-024 and replaced by compacted fill during grading operations (Leighton. 1998). Per the as-graded report. the Artificial Fill was compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D 1557). 'The site is suitable for the proposed development. The fotlocving design parameters may be used in the design of the kiosk and pedestrian bridge structures. Allowable Soil Prcssure Coefficient of Friction Passive Pressure (Level Ground) ,4ctivc Retaining Pressure Iateral Surcharge Seismic Zone Factor. Z Soil Profile Typc Seismic Coefficient, C, Seismic Coefficient, C, Near Source Factor, N, Near Source Factor, N, Seismic Source 'Type 2.500 psf (one-third increase for short-term loading) 0.35 300 psf% (3?000 psf ma) 35 pcf (lcvel backfill) 75 psf (auto trafic surcharge) 4 (Table 16-1. CBC, 1997) S 1) (Table 16-J. CBC, 1997) 0.44Na (Table 16-Q. CBC, 1997) 0.64Na (Table 16-R, CBC, 1997) 1 .o (Table 164, CBC, 1997) 1.2 (Table I6-T, CBC, 1997) B (Table 164, CBC, 1997) Spread footings should be at last 18 inches below lowest adjacent soil. Reinforcement should be designed by the structural engineer. Where existing landscaping is present, the surface should be stripped of vegetation and loosddisturbed soils should be recompacted to at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum at above optimum moisture content per ASTM Dl 557. If you have any questions regarding this update letter. please contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to bc of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. No. 2!Q: Director of EGineering Distribution: (1) Addressee (1) Collaborative West, Inc., Attn: Richard Ape1 (1) Dunn Savoie, Inc., Attention: Rhett Savoie -2- Leighton c c c c P c c c c c c c JCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. CLEVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH. [7601 966-6355 FX. C7601 966-6360 E-mail: dsiasurfdsi .corn STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR LegoLand Kiosk & Bridge Design One LegoLand Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (DSI PROJECT NO. 05162.00) (CLIENT: Jim Fend) APRIL 27,2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM DESIGN CRITERIA DESIGN LOADS VERTICAL ANALYSIS LATERAL ANALYSIS & DESIGN FOR KIOSK LATERAL ANALYSIS & DESIGN FOR PAGE 1 - 2 3-6 7-15 Dunn Savoie Inc. JOB Legoland Kiosk & Bridge SHEET NO I OF Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 4/05 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE _- - :ODE: 2001 California Building Code ;EISMIC: Z= 0.4 (Zone4) I= 1 >10 km from Type B Fault SOIL TYPE = SD (assumed) R= 2.2 (Cantilevered Column Systems) Na = 1 .o Nv = 1.2 Ca = 0.44 V= 2.5 Ca V= 0.50 V11.4 = 0.357 YIND: 70 MPH EXPOSURE C YOOD: 97NDS 2x & 3x No. 2 >3x No. 1 WIR w W LRFD ASD Design Loads Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 KIOSK ROOF DEAD LOADS ( psf) Standing Seam Metal Roof 2.0 JOB Legoland Kiosk & Bridge CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 4/05 SHEET NO z OF CHECKED BY DATE SCALE factor 1.054 2.1 ESIGN I OADS 6x12 Beams 6x10 Ridge Beam Miscellaneous 2.3 0.8 1.5 112" Plywood Sheathing I 1.7 I 1.8 2x8 Rafters @ 24" O.C. 1.4 1.5 Z Dead Load Live Load 10.0 16.0 reducible .DEAD LOADS Treated 2x6 Decking 2x8 Deck Joists @ 16l O.C. 2x12 Beams (psf) 4.4 2.1 1.4 Miscellaneous Z Dead Load Live Load1 100.0 lreducible 1.1 9.0 WALLS Kiosk Hand Rails DEAD LOADS Exterior Interior Partition ( psf) (Plf) I I 12x4 Rail TOD & Bottom I I 2.6 (0.2xThickness) Miscellaneous Z Dead Loads 2x6 @ 16"o.c. I I Batt Insulation 0.9 1.3 6.0 11.0 Design Loads c c c Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 JOB Legoland Kiosk & Bridge SHEET NO 3 OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE Apr-05 CHECKED BY DATE I VERTICAL ANALYSIS 1 Level: Roof Members: Mark: J+v-lpps Span= 5 ft HUniform Load R Left= = (30 Ibs R Right= = pL7 Ibs Mark: Span = ft UUniform Load Mark: Span = ft UUniform Load Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 JOB Legoland Kiosk & Bridge SHEET NO 4 OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE Apr-05 CHECKED BY DATE Mark: p4 Span= 13.5 ft DUniform Load w,= Mark: W-2 Span= I%,G ft NUniform Load R Left= = 3b5 Ibs R Right= = g)~rti Ibs Mark: W-s Span= 1r7 ft nUniform Load R Left= = bw Ibs R Right= = (ow Ibs I Level: Roof Members: &+qq-+ Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 c JOB Legoland Kiosk & Bridge SHEET NO. .G OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE Apr-05 CHECKED BY DATE SCAI E Mark: JAW+ Span= (D ft MUniforrn Load 5Hlde Mark: Span = ft [7uniform Load Ibs P,= - Ibs R Left= - Ibs R Right= - v allow= IbS > Vm,= Ibs M allow= Ib*ft > Mma, = Ib*ft /\ allow= in > /\TL= in - - - CD= Mark: Span = ft OUniform Load Ibs P,= - Ibs R Left= - Ibs R Right= - V allow= Ibs > V,, = Ibs M allow= Ib*ft > Mm,= Ib*ft Aallow= in > ATL= in - - - CD= c Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 JOB Leaoland Kiosk & Bridae SHEET NO. cp OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE Apr-05 CHECKED BY DATE Level: Deck Members: [Grade: a Mark: Span = ft OUniform Load Mark: Span = ft UUniform Load Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 JOB Legoland Kiosk & Bridge SHEET NO. -7 OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE Apr-05 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE ILATERAL ANALYSIS 1 " Kiosk" - Roof: Area of Roof = )(p(14,5) = 31% ft2 = 31~ Ibs - Ibs Exterior Wall Weight = b(&/dFloI = 24~7 Ibs Total Weight of Roof = Interior Wall Weight = - la@ - r *lS+=-l I .I - Total Roof Diaphragm Weight = 33@ Ibs Total Diaphragm Weight = W = -bfl Ibs Seismic Desian: DesiQn Base Shear: Seismic Zone: .Lt z= ,Jf SoilType: + Fault Type: e7 Dist. To Fault = 7 km 1= I,d R= 2.2 Na= ),I Ca = &IN,) = & N,= 1,s C, = ,/A- (N,) = ,760 c,= 0.02 T = .02(h,)~~ = , ~95 Minimum Base Shear: V= .ll(Ca)(l)(W) = f74eJ w Minimum Base Shear (for Seismic Zone 4): V = .8(Z)(Nv)(l)(W) = ,175 w R ThereforeV = W = 1200 Ibs JOB a &s-w SHEET NO. 4 OF DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE. CA 92054 CALCULATED BY-, DATE 4/ H5 P,H. (760) 966-6355 ‘FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY DATE Email: dsi@surfdsi.com ““n "4. \a Post Sleeve Shear Transfer Design 6x6 DFL #I FCI 625 psi Width 5.5 in. Sleeve HT Moment Uplift of Anchor Bolts (in.) #-ft # 5 1194 796 6 1719 1146 7 2339 1560 8 3056 2037 9 3867 2578 IO 4774 3183 11 5777 3851 12 6875 4583 13 8069 5379 14 9358 6238 15 10742 7161 8x8 DFL #I FCI 625 psi Width 7.25 in. Sleeve HT Moment Uplift of Anchor Bolts (in.) #-ft # 5 1573 1049 6 2266 1510 7 3084 2056 8 4028 2685 9 5098 3398 10 6293 41 96 11 761 5 5077 12 9063 6042 13 10636 7091 14 12335 8223 15 14160 9440 JOB SHEETNO.- OF DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE. CA 92054 CALCULATED BY,- DATE */@3 PH. (760) 966-6355 ’FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY DATE Email: dsi@surfdsi.com SCALE To specify'your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS main menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information. Title : Legoland Kiosk & Bridge Dsgnr: srg Job # 05162 Date: 4:47PM, 26 APR 05 Description : Kiosk & Bridge Design SH, I2 Scope : Structural Engineering Description Kiosk Footing Longitudinal Dir'n. 1 General Information Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements h Allow Soil Bearing 2,500.0 psf fC 3,000.0 psi Seismic Zone 4 FY 60,000.0 psi Concrete Wt 145.0 pcf Min As Pct 0.0014 Short Term Increase 1.33 Distance to CL of Rebar 3.50 in Overburden 0.00 psf Live & Short Term Load Combined Footing Size ... Column Support Pedestal Sizes Distance Left 1.00 ft #I : Square Dimension 0.00 In Dist. Betwn Cols 13.50 ft ... Height 0.00 in Distance Right 1.00 R #2 : Square Dimension 0.00 in Footing Length 15.50 ft ... Height 0.00 in 1.25 R 15.00 in Width Thickness 1 Loads 'I L a Vertical Loads ... 6 Left Column 6 Riaht Column Dead Load 0.780 k 0.780 k Live Load Short Term Load Applied Momen ts... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Shea rs... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load 1.248 k k k-ft k-ft 2.400 k-ft k k -0.300 k 1.248 k k k-ft k-ft 2.400 k-ft k k -0.300 k Length = 15.50ft, Width = 1.25ft, Thickness = 15.00in, Dist. Left= 1.00ft, Btwn. = 13.50ft, Dist. Right = 1.00ft Maximum Soil Pressure 471.51 psf Allowable 3,325.00 psf Steel Req'd @ Lef 0.193 in2lft Max Shear Stres: 13.95 psi Steel Req'd @ Cente 0.193 in2/ft Allowablc 93.11 psi Steel Req'd @ Righ 0.193 in2/ft Min. Overturning Stabilit 12.375 :I I soil Pressures Soil Pressure @ Left Actual Allowable ACI Factored Eccentricity Dead + Live 390.6 2,500.0 psf Eq. 9-1 585.5 psf 0.000 ft Dead+Live+Short Term 309.7 3,325.0 psf Eq. 9-2 433.5 psf 0.535 ft Eq. 9-3 186.8 psf Soil Pressure @ Right End Dead + Live 390.6 2,500.0 psf Eq. 9-1 585.5 psf 0.000 ft Dead+Live+S hort Term 471.5 3,325.0 psf Eq. 9-2 660.1 psf 0.535 ft Eq. 9-3 284.4 psf Stability Ratio 12.4 :I To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS main menu selection, choose the Printing 8 Title Block tab, and ent vour title block information. I Title : Legoland Kiosk & Bridge Dsgnr: srg Date: 4:47PM, 26 APR 05 Description : Kiosk & Bridge Design Scope : Structural Engineering Job # 05162 34. IS - Description Kiosk Footing Longitudinal Dir'n. I Moment & Shear Summarv ( values for moment are given per unit width of footing b Moments ... ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Mu @ Col #I Mu Btwn Cols Mu @ Col#2 One Way Shea E... Vn : Allow * 0.85 Vu Btwn Cols vu @ Col#l vu @ Col#2 Two Way Shears ... Vn : Allow * 0.85 vu @ Col#l vu @ Col#2 0.17 k-fun -7.39 k-fun 0.17 k-Wn 93.113 psi 0.100 psi 13.954 psi 0.100 psi 186.226 psi 5.499 psi 5.499 psi 0.09 k-Wn -6.90 k-Wft 0.20 k-Wft 93.113 psi 0.054 psi 10.707 psi 0.123 psi 186.226 psi 5.030 psi 4.686 psi 0.01 k-Wn -2.64 k-fun 0.06 k-fun 93.113 psi 0.007 psi 0.835 psi 0.037 psi 186.226 psi 1.424 psi 1.127 psi I Reinforcina ( values uiven Der unit width of footinu ) b c @ Left Edge of Col #I Between Columns Ru/Phi As Req'd Ru/Phi As Req'd RulPhi As Req'd @ Right Edge of Col#2 ACI 9-1 1.39 psi 0.193 in2/ft 62.1Opsi -0.193 in2m 1.39 psi 0.193in2/ft ACI 9-2 0.78 psi 0.1 93 in2lft 57.95 psi -0.193 in2lft 1.69psi 0.193 in2M ACI 9-3 0.11 psi 0.1 93 in2/ft 22.17psi -0.1 93 in2/ft 0.50psi 0.193in2/ft - ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 .... seismic = ST : 1.100 To specify your title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS main menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent vour title block information. Title : Legoland Kiosk & Bridge Dsgnr: srg Job # 05162 Date: 4:47PM, 26 APR 05 Description : Kiosk & Bridge Design *. \Y Scope : Structural Engineering Description Kiosk Footing Transverse Dir'n. Seismic Zone 4 FY 60,000.0 psi Concrete Wt 145.0 pcf Min As Pct 0.0014 Short Term Increase 1.33 Distance to CL of Rebar 3.50 in Overburden 0.00 psf Live & Short Term Load Combined Footing Size ... Column Support Pedestal Sizes Distance Left 1.00 ft #I : Square Dimension 0.00 1n Dist. Betwn Cols 10.00 ft ... Height 0.00 In 0.00 in Distance Right 1.00 ft Footing Length 12.00 ft ... Height 0.00 in #2 : Square Dimension Width Thickness 1.25 ft 15.00 in 1 Loads b Vertical Loads ... Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Momen ts... Dead Load Live Load ShortTerm Load Applied Shea rs... Dead Load Live Load ShortTemLoad @ Left Column @ Riaht Column 0.780 k 0.780 k 1.248 k k 1.248 k k k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft 2.400 k-ft 2.400 k-ft k k -0.300 k k k -0.300 k I Length = 12.00ft. Width = 1.25ft, Thickness = 15.00in, Dist. Left = 1.00ft, Btwn. = lO.OOft, Dist. Right = 1.00ft Maximum Soil Pressure 586.65 psf Allowable 3,325.00 psf Steel Req'd @ Lef 0.193 in2ift Max Shear Stresz 12.73 psi Steel Req'd @ Cente 0.193 in2/ft 0.193 in2/ft Allowabk 93.11 psi Steel Req'd @ Righ Min. Overturning Stabilit 8.625 :I I soil Pressures Soil Pressure @ Left Actual Allowable ACI Factored Eccentricity Dead + Live 451.6 2,500.0 psf Eq. 9-1 682.2 psf 0.000 ft Dead+Live+Short Term 316.6 3,325.0 psf Eq. 9-2 443.3 psf 0.598 ft Eq. 9-3 180.0 psf Soil Pressure @ Right End Dead + Live 451.6 2,500.0 psf Eq. 9-1 682.2 psf 0.000 ft Dead+Live+Short Term 586.6 3,325.0 psf Eq. 9-2 821.3 psf 0.598 ft Eq. 9-3 333.5 psf Stability Ratio 8.6 :I To specify $our title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS main menu selection, choose the Title : Legoland Kiosk & Bridge Dsgnr: srg Job # 051 62 Date: 4:47PM, 26 APR 05 Description : Kiosk & Bridge Design *. 14. Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information. Scope : Structural Engineering Description Kiosk Footing Transverse Dir'n. Moments ... ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Mu Q Col #I Mu Btwn Cols Mu Q Col#2 One Way Shears ... Vn : Allow * 0.85 Vu Btwn Cols vu Q Col #I vu Q Col#2 Two Way Shears ... Vn : Allow * 0.85 vu Q Col #I vu Q COl#2 0.21 k-fuft -5.14 k-fufi 0.21 k-fuft 93.1 13 psi 0.129 psi 12.730 psi 0.129 psi 186.226 psi 5.331 psi 5.331 psi 0.10 k-fun -5.0 1 k-Wft 0.28 k-Wft 93.1 13 psi 0.057 psi 8.753 psi 0.171 psi 186.226 psi 4.983 psi 4.435 psi 0.01 k-ft/ft 2.49 k-Wft 0.08 k-fuft 93.113 psi 0.005 psi 0.000 psi 0.051 psi 186.226 psi 1.425 psi 1.053 psi @ Left Edge of Col #I Between Columns RulPhi As Req'd RulPhi As Req'd RulPhi As Req'd @ Right Edge of Col#2 ACI 9-1 1.80 psi 0.1 93 in2lft 43.20 psi -0.193 inZft 1.8Opsi 0.1 93 in2/ft ACI 9-2 0.84 psi 0.193 in2lft 42.1 1 psi -0.193 inZft 2.34psi 0.193 in2/ft ACI 9-3 0.09 DSi 0.193 inP/ft 20.91 Dsi 0.193 inZft 0.70~si 0.193 inZ/fl ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL 1.400 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0.750 UBC 1921 2.7 "1.4" Factor 1.400 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL 1.700 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 0.900 ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST 1.700 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1.300 .... seismic = ST * : 1.100 Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Englneers JOB Legoland Kiosk & Bridge 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760) 966-6355 SHEET NO Ib OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE Apr-05 Fax: (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY DATE ILATERAL ANALYSIS I " Bridae" - Roof: AreaofVi = I'J .35((P) = ft2 = Ibs - Ibs Total Weight of Pe& = Interior Wall Weight = - Exterior Wall Weight = \i&vrb+bl = 1-72 Ibs Total Roof Diaphragm Weight = 5/\ Ibs - g& f,q I IC J Total Diaphragm Weight = W = Ibs Seismic Desian: Seismic Zone: 4 SoilType: s, FaultType: & Dist. To Fault = 7 km I= I,/ R= 2.2 N,= i,a Ca= 844 (Na)= ,'Wt NV= llz cv = A" = ,71*8 ct= 0.02 z= -4 T = .02(h,)-~~ = - Needs not exceed: V= 2.5(Ca)(I)(W) = ,-7 w +=w I.qR Minimum Base Shear: v = .11(Ca)(t)(W) = .P49 w Minimum Base Shear (for Seismic Zone 4): v = .8(UN")(l)(W) = ,175 w R ThereforeV = ,-7 W = 179 Ibs JOB ML7cM-w WV? SHEET NO. I7 OF DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S. Cleveland Street CacuuTED ByL DATE 4//5 OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 Email: dsi@surfdsi.com PH. (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Title : Legoland Kiosk & Bridge Dsgnr: srg Date: 1 :01 PM, 27 APR 05 Job # 051 62 To specify iour title block on these five lines, use the SETTINGS main menu selection, choose the Printing & Title Block tab, and ent your title block information. Description : Kiosk 8. Bridge Design *. IB - Scope : Structural Engineering - Description 6x6 Pole Flagpole @ Bridge Allow Passive 300.00 pcf Applied Loads ... c Max Passive 3,000.00 Psf Load duration factor 1.330 Pole is Rectangular Width 16.000 in No Surface Restraint Point Load 185.55 Ibs distance from base 6.106 n Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom 0.00 #lft I .ooo n 0.000 ft Moments @Surface ... Point load Distributed load 1,132.97 n# Total Moment 0.00 Total Lateral Without Surface Restraint ... Required Depth 2.478 ft Press Q 113 Embed ... Actual 343.58 psf Allowable 329.54 psf 1 ,I 32.97 ft# 185.55 Ibs