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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB072419; Permit
11-30-2007 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 CB072419 Job Address Permit Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group Project Title Applicant CHRIS ROMERO 1 LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD 92008 760-846-0842 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD COMMIND Sub Type 2111000900 Lot# $1,024,366 00 Construction Type Reference # LOST KINGDOM CLUSTER & 477 SF CMU RETAINING WALL COMM 0 VN Status Applied Entered By Plan Approved Issued Inspect Area Plan Check# ISSUED 09/19/2007 JMA 11/30/2007 11/30/2007 Owner LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISITI ONE LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot Water Con Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot Water Con Fee Reel Water Con Fee 53,41250 Meter Size $0 00 Add'l Reel Water Con Fee $2,21813 Meter Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee $0 00 CFD Payoff Fee $21512 PFF (3105540) $3,730 40 PFF (4305540) $0 00 License Tax (3104193) $0 00 License Tax (4304193) $0 00 Traffic I mpact Fee (3105541) $000 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0 00 PLUMBING TOTAL $0 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $0 00 Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee $0 00 Redev Parking Fee $0 00 Additional Fees HMP Fee TOTAL PERMIT FEES $000 $000 $000 $000 $18,64346 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $3400 $18500 $1500 $000 $000 $000 $000 $000 $28,45361 Total Fees 528,453 61 Total Payments To Date $28,453 61 Balance Due $000 BUILDING PLANS IN STORAGE ATTACHED Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees dedications, reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as 'fees/exactions ' You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack revow set aside, vo!d; or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any tees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad. CA 92008 760-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719 Fax 760-602-8558 Building Permit Application Plan Check No Est Value t> I, Plan Ck. Deposit ^V-p^ Date JOB ADDRESS . > I CT/PROJECT If 1 LOT^J>™1U.* BEDROOMS SLHTE#/SPACE#/UNIT# # BATHROOMS APN TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR TYPE —DESCRIPTION OF WORK ^ (Sec 7031 5 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter, improve demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he islicensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law {Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption Any violation ofSection 70315 by any applicant for a permit sublets the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}) Workers Compensation Declaration / hereby affirm tinder penalty of per/ury one of the following declarations 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued Isl I have and will maintain workers' compensation as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are Insurance Co _____________ ....... ______________________ Policy No __________________ Expiration Date ___________ This section need no! be completed if the permil is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less O Certificate of Exemption I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California WARNING Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (4100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees NTRACTOR SIGNATURE DATE 1 / hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor s / icense Law for the following mason | ri 1 as owner of Ihe properly or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered tor sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s i /License Law does nol apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided lha! such improvements are not intended or offered for / sale If however Ihe huild'ng or improvement is sold wilhin one year of completion Ihe owner huilder will have Ihe burden of proving that he did nol build or improve for the purpose of sale) f\ I as owner of the properly am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors lo construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contactors License Law does not apply to an owner of * property who builds or imrjroves Ihe'con and contracts for such p.-ojecls wil.h contractor(s) kensert pursuant lo Ihe Contractors License Law) I L! I aTi exempt under Section.. Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and malenals for construction of tho proposed property improvemenl 71 Yes 171 Mo 2 I (havo / have not) signed an application for a building permit for Ihe proposed work 3 I have contracted with the following person (firm) lo provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contrai tors license number) j 4 I plan to provide portions of the work bill I have hired the following person lo coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name' address / phone' contractors license number) i Fi I will provide sonip of tho work hut I have contracted (hired) (ho- following person." to provide the wo^k indicated (mc'ude name / address / phono / tyoe o* work) ^PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required lo submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account AcP G Yes O No Is Ihe applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from Ihe air pollution control district or air quality management distncP D Yes fl No Is Ihe 'acilily to be constructed wvlhm 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site"1 O Yes Cl Mo IF ANY Of T -.1. ANSWERS ARE YES, / EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for Ihp performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec 3097 (i) Civil Code) Lender s Name Lender s Address I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate I agn>e to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction i hereby authorize representatn/e of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5 0 deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stones in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and vcid rf the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit orjf the building owvork aphorized by susbperrrat is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a penod of 180 days (Section 106 4 4 Uniform Building Code) ^APPLICANT S SIGNATURE /! U. , . _ /_ Jl ,, _ &/_ . . „ _ _ DATEvfi^APPL Inspection List Permit* CB072419 Type COMMIND COMM Date Inspection Item 01/22/2009 89 09/11/200892 03/06/2008 19 03/06/2008 39 03/06/2008 49 03/05/2008 34 03/05/2008 49 03/04/2008 34 03/04/2008 39 03/04/2008 44 03/04/2008 49 03/03/2008 44 02/28/2008 18 02/25/2008 14 02/25/2008 34 02/22/2008 14 02/21/2008 14 02/13/200863 02/05/2008 1 1 02/05/2008 12 02/01/2008 11 01/31/2008 11 01/29/2008 11 01/28/2008 66 01/22/2008 14 01/22/2008 14 01/22/2008 34 01/11/2008 31 01/07/2008 22 12/28/2007 11 12/28/2007 12 12/24/2007 11 12/24/2007 31 12/21/2007 31 12/12/2007 11 12/12/2007 12 Final Combo Compliance Investigation Final Structural Final Electrical Final Mechanical Rough Electric Final Mechanical Rough Electric Final Electrical Rough/Ducts/Dampers Final Mechanical Rough/Ducts/Dampers Exterior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Walls Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Grout Frame/Steel/Boltmg/Weldin Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldm Rough Electric Underground/Conduit-Wirm Sewer/Water Service Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Conduit-Wirm Underground/Conduit-Wirm Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Inspector Act TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PD TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP PD TP TP Fl NS CO CO CO PA NR AP we AP we NR AP AP AP CO CO PA AP AP AP NR AP PA AP PA AP PA AP AP AP AP AP CA AP AP LOST KINGDOM CLUSTER & 477 SF CMU RETAINING WALL Comments WAITING FOR SUPER TO RETURN FROM VACATION SITE LIGHTING NO ACCESS MAIN, DSB& SUB PNLS HVAC UNITS FRAMED WALLS N SIDE, CIP TANK WALL 2ND LIFT SECT LITE POLE & POLE BASES P G @ CLMN BASES PIP WALLS TANK ENCL INT WALLS PMTR WALLS extnd 8m Ln for condisate recptor SOG SEE JOB CARD LOG SEE CARD Friday, January 23, 2009 Page 1 of 1 MELCHIOR LAND SURVEYING INC December 5, 2007 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA JN 3030 Attn Chris Romero One Legoland Dnve Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Legoland - Lost Kingdom, Pad Certifications - Permit Number CB072419 Dear Chris, Melchior Land Surveying, Inc Surveyed the Pads located oat the above referenced project on 11-23-2007 and 12-4-2007. The following is the data from said Surveys PAD DESCRIPTION Beetle Bouncer Operator Booth Beetle Bounder Ride Pads Cargo Ace - Operator Booth Cargo Ace - Ride Pad Pharaohs Revenge - Ride Pad Lost Kingdom-Adventure Ride PAD GRADS FF= 169 40-0 75 = 168 65 FF= 169.50-0 75 = 168 75 FF= 169-20-0.75 = 168.45 FF= 169 30-1 50=16780 FF=169 15-067-16848 169 1-2 (per Plan) SURVEYED PAD 16865 168.73 168.47 16885 16849 169 12 The Subgrades used to calculate Pad Elevations were supplied to Melchior Land Surveying, Inc by Roel Construction The Pads are in substantial conformance with the Grading Plans and are +/-0 10-foot of pad grade. If you require further information please feel free to call Sincerely, Melchior Land Surveying, Inc. Dale A Davis, P L S Associate Surveyor MAIN OFFICE 5731 PALMER WAY • SUITE G • CARLSBAD, CA 92010 (760) 438-1726 • FAX [76OJ 438-3991 mlsi@pacbell net LS 4B11 TO .,P_age-lof4 2007-12-18 17 12 05 (GMT) 17605398094 From Bart Hill FAX COVER SHEET TO COMPANY FAX NUMBER 17606028560 FROM Bart Hill DATE 2007-12-18 17:01 38 GMT Legoland Lost Kingdom Attraction-Permit Number CB072419 COVER MESSAGE As per your departmental request, please find the following Special Inspection Certifications for the Legoland Lost Kingdom Attraction Permit Number CB072419. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Henry Barton Hill, M S., P.E Principal Engineer CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND TESTING, INC 261 South Pacific Street San Marcos, CA 92078 HYPERLINK "blocked::mailto:bhill@cit- incorporated.com"bhill@cit-incorporated.com (858) 220-1078 Mobile, (760) 752-1099 Office (760) 539-8101 Fax THIS MESSAGE AND ANY ATTACHMENTS ARE INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL AND EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this electronic WWW EFAX COM Pagcs.2of4 2007-12-18 17 12 05 (GMT) 17605398094 From Bart Hill transmission in error, please delete it from your system without copying it, and notify the sender by reply e-mail or by calling (858) 220-1078, so that our address record can be corrected. Thank you. No virus found in this outgoing message, http //www-avg~antivirus.net/ Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.17.4/1188 - Release Date: 12/17/2007 2:13 PM WWW EFAX COM Page'3of4 2007-12-18 17 12 05 (GMT) 17605398094 From Bart Hill CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND TESTING INCORPORATED December 18, 2007 City of Carlsbad Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Facsimile (760) 602-8560 Reference Permit Number CB0724 1 9 Subject Special Inspection Affidavit for Legoland. Lost Kingdom Attraction Ladies and Gentlemen This letter is to notify that, Special Inspections of Reinforced Concrete, Masonry, Structural Steel Welding, High Strength Bolting, Epoxy Anchor Installation, and Materials Testing are to be performed at the subject project by Construction Inspection and Testing, Inc All work requiring special inspection and/or materials sampling and testing for the structure(s) constructed under the referenced permit are to be performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto, and the California Building Code Respectfully submitted, Construction Inspection and Testing, Inc Henry Barton Hill, Principal Engineer M S,P E #64822 Attachments Principal Certifications 261 S Pacific Street • San Marcos, CA 92078 * 760-752-1099 • 760-539-8101 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION « A N D T £ STING 1 N C O R P O R A T E D LEGOLAND California Inc One Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92006, USA April 8, 2008 Attention Christopher Romero Reference LEGOLAND, LOST KINGDOM ATTRACTION PERMIT NUMBER CB072419 Subject Final Verification of Special Inspection and Materials Testing Ladies and Gentlemen In accordance with your icquest, Engineering Observation, Materials Testing, and Special Inspections of Reinforced Concrete, Stiuctuial Welding and Epoxy Anchors were performed at the referenced project by representatives of Construction Inspection & Testing, Inc To the best of my knowledge, the work requiring Special Inspection was performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, changes thereto, and the California Building Code We appreciate the opportunity of providing our services Respectfully submitted, Construction Inspection & Testing, Inc •'Henry/'Barton Hill', Pnncipal Engineer MS.F^E No C 64822 Distribution (1) Chris Romero, <Chnstopher Romeio@legoland com> (1) Roel Construction, <jamesb@roel com> 261 S Pacific Slieet * San Marcos, CA 92078 • 760-752-1099 • 760-539-8101 EsGii Corporation In ^Partnership with government for 'Bmld.mg Safety DATE October 31, 2007 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION Carlsbad ^-Q-pDtfJREVlEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 07-2419 SET II PROJECT ADDRESS One Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME LegoLand Lost Kingdom Cluster The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to [X] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS The applicant shall provide to the City a "Special Inspection Program " By Kurt Culver Enclosures Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 10/25/07 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGii Corporation In (Partnership vfii.fi government for "Suidftng Safety DATE September 27, 20O7 JURIS JURISDICTION Carlsbad tnPCSNREVlEWER Q FILE PLAN CHECK NO 07-2419 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS One Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME LegoLand Lost Kingdom Cluster The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck 2<J The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person X] The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Chris Romero One Legoland Dr Carlsbad 92008 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed XI Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Chris Romero Telephone # (760) 846-0842 Date contacted /°///^by^fe) Fax # (760) 918-5469 Mail Telephone \/ Fax i /In Person REMARKS By Kurt Culver Enclosures Esgil Corporationn GA n MB E EJ n PC 9/20/07 9320 Chesapeake Drive,, Suite 208 * San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 07-2419 September 27, 2007 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO 07-2419 OCCUPANCY A-4 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-N ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA OK SPRINKLERS'? No REMARKS DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION 9/19/07 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED September 27, 2007 JURISDICTION Carlsbad USE Amusement Park ACTUAL AREA 1107 STORIES 1 HEIGHT Vanes OCCUPANT LOAD DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 9/20/07 PLAN REVIEWER Kurt Culver FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Code sections cited are based on the 2001 CBC, which adopts the 1997 UBC The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 106 4 3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when YOU submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 07-2419 September 27, 2007 Important Notice Regarding the 2007 CBC If you are an architect, engineer, designer or contractor that performs work within the State of California, please be advised that a new building code will take effect on January 1, 2008 The new building code is based on the 2006 International Building Code (IBC) and it is significantly different than the Uniform Building Code (UBC) All plan review applications submitted after December 31. 2007 will be required to comply with the new code The 2007 CBC is currently available for purchase directly from the International Code Council, at www iccsafe org * • GENERAL 1 Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list Submit three new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments 2 Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 2 When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please review Section 106 3 5 Please complete the attached form • PLANS 3 Please provide a construction cost estimate for all work to be done under this permit Fees will be determined then Carlsbad O7-2419 September 27, 2007 4 All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation a) Some sheets are only signed by a landscape architect This is not permitted by State law . STRUCTURAL 5 Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans (required by the soil report) 6 Note on plans that surface water will dram away from building and show drainage pattern Section 1804 7 • ADDITIONAL 7 Please see the following sheet for electrical corrections 8 To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e , plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc 9 Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list9 Please indicate Q Yes a No 10 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation Thank you Carlsbad O7-2419 September 27, 2OO7 ELECTRICAL, ENERGY, PLUMBING, and MECHANICAL CORRECTIONS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ELECTRICAL (2002 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 1 The substation fencing is being replaced by a wall (W2) Does the existing substation have a ground ring installed9 Is the fence grounded and this ground will be interrupted by the solid wall9 (and) Is there a likelihood of stray ground currents to the magnitude necessary to bond any of the rides/equipment9 How are the emergency branch circuits separated from the non-emergency loads on sheet E2 29 Please detail 3 A little skimpy on the electrode conductor sizing for the "Beetle Bouncer" Please upsize to a minimum No 8 (minimum size) conductor 4 No lighting (outside of site lighting) designed for the "Beetle Bouncer" or "Cargo Ace" Is this correct9 5 For all metal buildings include the building steel as part of the electrode system, if applicable Note: If you have any questions regarding this Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Eric Jensen at (858) 560-1468 To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans 15:if ES3IL 560 P. 006 Carlsbad September 27, SOW SPECIAL INSPECTION OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION:- LoVT C-0 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: C 3 ?ol«ft f OWNER'S NAME: L l_ as trio owner, or agent -of foe erwp&r (contractors rrayugt ersptoy th& special jnspector), e&rtify thai I, or ih& an&fiitedi'enginBsr of reeoHf, will be responsible for fcrtlpiloying Ihe spadal irk£pector(85 as rcquimd by Unifbrm Buffdfng Code {U6C} Section 17011 far ito construction —-"* roeated atih^llte ii$ied above. UBC Secd'on t()6,3,S, Signed as tfia enginaer/archit program sfte listed abo ihst I have propanscl Section 105.3.5 for the Signed 1. Uat A H SulIs Compllanc&Pi-ior to Foundation Inspection i| FieWV/oldlng p H Structural Concrete Over 2SOO PS1 Q .High Strength Bolting Q Prcstrcissftd ConGrete Q Bcpanston/Epojcy AnEbpre LJ Strueturail Masonry D Sprayed-On Fireproof In g D Designer Specffled Q Other ^^ 2» Nsme(s) el Indlvidyaft®) orfJrm(s) res^nsfbre for the spsctel,,Inspections ffsted atMave: J\> to- 3. Duties of the specml Inspectors f er the work listed above; A. C,A^i Carlsbad O7-2419 September 27, 2007 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 07-2419 PREPARED BY Kurt Culver DATE September 27, 2007 BUILDING ADDRESS One Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY A-4 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-N BUILDING [I AREA PORTION (Sq Ft) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod % VALUE ($) Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review Repetitive Feen^~] Repeats Complete Review D Other r-1 Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee Comments Fees to be determined Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc Cai-lsbad O7-2419 September 27, 2007 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE (Completed 10/31/07 kc) PLAN CHECK NO 07-2419 DATEE September 27, 2007 JURISDICTION Carlsbad PREPARED BY Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS One Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY A.-4 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-N BUILDING PORTION Amusement Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) cb Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) 1,024,366 1,024,366 Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review ] Repetitive Feen^~j Repeats Complete Review D Other r—I Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee $3,41250 $2,21813 $1,911 00 Comments Foes to be determined Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc City of Carlsbad ^Public -W.dr.ks n.e e r n g BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE BUILDING ADDRESS PROJECT DESCRIPTION PLANCHECK NO CB ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER "L/ / ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal, therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build D A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements EST VALUE DENIAL Please seevthe* attached report of deficiencies marked with oKlvlake necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review By By Date By FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BRING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT Dale ATTACHMENTS D Dedication Application D Dedication Checklist D Improvement Application D Improvement Checklist D Neighborhood Improvement Agreement D Grading Permit Application D Grading Submittal Checklist D Right-of-Way Permit Application [] Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet 0 Storm water Applicability Checklist ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON Name Address Phone City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No Lots Recordation Carlsbad Tract - Carlsbad, CA 92OOf-7314 • (76O) 602-272O » FAX (76O) 602*05102 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN ^ST / ~ND oRD [El D D 1 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale Show A North Arrow F Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets B Existing & Proposed Structures G Driveway widths C Existing Street Improvements H Existing or proposed sewer lateral D Property Lines I Existing or proposed water service E Easements J Existing or proposed irrigation service & D 2 Show on site plan A Drainage Patterns 1 Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course 2 ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building " B Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception D Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards 3 Include on title sheet A Site address B Assessor's Parcel Number C Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc ) previously approved EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION F \BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST D n DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a Project does not comply with the following {Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No C 7) 0-7- D 4b All conditions are in compliance Date DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS CD 5 Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm dram or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ 17.000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18 40 030 Dedication required as follows Dedication required Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 Vt" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person Applications will not be accept by mail or fax Dedication completed by Date IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS D 6a All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ 82.000 . pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840040 Public improvements required as follows Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process The completed application form and the requirements on the F \BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3F D D checklist must be submitted in person Applications by mail or fax are not accepted Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit Improvement Plans signed by Date 6b Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 1840 Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $430 so we may prepare the necessary Neighborhood Improvement Agreement This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit D D D Future public improvements required as follows 6c Enclosed please find your Neighborhood Improvement Agreement Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department Neighborhood Improvement Agreement completed by Date 6d No Public Improvements required SPECIAL NOTE Damaged or defective improvements found adiacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy n n n n GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 15 16 010 of the Municipal Code 7a Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial) This information must be included on the plans. 7b Grading Permit required A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached NOTE The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit Grading Inspector sign off by Date D 7c Graded Pad Certification required (Note Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required ) F \BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST NO1"'/ 2 GZ D n n 5RD D n 7d No Grading Permit required 7e If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 8 A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way Types of work include, but are not limited to street improvements, tree ttimmmg, driveway construction, tying into public storm dram, sewer and water utilities Right-of-Way permit required for INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Cammo Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7138, for assistance Industrial Waste permit accepted by Date 10 NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first 10 a STORM WATER APPLICABILITY CHECKLIST PSWP (project storm water permit) # D Not required '~) -/ } £) n 11 D Required fees are attached — D No fees required F \BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc ,RD D - D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST WATER METER REVIEW 12a Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm) A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street) 12b Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval The developer must provide these calculations Please follow these guidelines 1 If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W" The irrigation service should look like STA 1+00 Install 2" service andO;5 meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach) Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference In general the calculations will include • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection F \BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 3 In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA) As long as the project is located within the City recycled water service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future D D 12c Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) 1 Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above 2 If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this r— , N/D JZK 13 Additional Comments: ~~ & 7 AD F \BUILDING PLANCHECK CKLST FORM doc G D ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal Address .Bldg. Permit No. Prepared by^Date Checked by Date EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses Types of Use Sq Ft /Units Types of Use Sq Ft/Units EDU's EDU's APT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses Types of Use Sq Ft /Units Types of Use Sq Ft/Units FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFD &YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) D 1 PARK-IN-LIEU FEE FEE/UNIT PARK AREA & # X NO UNITS =$_ DNO a a B' n a a n 2 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS 3 BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE / ADT's/UNITS 4 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE UNIT/SO FT <=^</^» 5 SEWER FEE EDU's BENEFIT AREA EDU's 6 SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) 7 DRAINAGE FEES PLDA ACRES 8 POTABLE WATER FEES X FEE/ADT (DIST #1 DIST #2 X FEE/ADT ZONE /^ X FEE/SO FT /UNIT . T0 X FEE/EDU X FEE/EDU HIGH /LOW X FEE/AC =$ DIST #3 ) =$ =$ =$ =$ =$ UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE SDCWA FEE SDCWA FEE F \FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET doc 1 Of 2 Rev 7/14/00 J a 3 I/ DD PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST 2--- Plan Check No Planner APN Address t/M/ (*r*jcU Phone (760) 602-4624 fI-/COOT* Type of Project & Use Zoning C^T General Plan Net Project Density DU/AC CFD (ln/_Date of participation Facilities Management Zone Remaining net dev acres . Circle One (For non-residential development Type of land used created by this permit , ) Legend: [X] Item Complete ^Qjtem Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES _ NO TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO. NO ^_ PROJECT NO YES KNO DATE TYPE OTHER RELATED CASES 07 - Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval m D D Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance vProject site located in Coastal Zone? YES /v NO CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO If California Coastal Commission Authority Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402, (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt). Q Habitat Management Plan , Data Entry Completed? YES _. NO A If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus - , , . ' (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE!) ' • ' \ n Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO A (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21,1993) Data Entry Completed? YES NO (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATEi) H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 3/06 Site Plan Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale Show North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rear yard slopes) Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number Han HDD n n Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1 Applicability YES NO 2 Project complies YES_ NO_ Zoning 1 Setbacks Front Interior Side Street Side Rear Top of sloi 2 Accessory_st rronT Intenor Side Street Side Rear Structure separation 3 Lot Coverage 4 Height / Required Required Required Required Required setbacks Required Required 5 r ' Required Required Required Required JJ/L Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown ^>7 ' //" Shown Shown Shown Shown 0£>r Required • Shown 17 * Spaces Required Shown5 Parking (breakdown by uses for commercial and mdustnal projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments g Ft*aS5- <Zf>&U& T&gTt&tjOfl- <3P 7*<T fT&&- OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER i/.DATE/lf-Lt/07 H \ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 3/06 Carlsbad Fire Department Plan Review Requirements Category COMMIND , COMM Date of Report 10-02-2007 Reviewed by Name Address Permit # CB072419 Job Name LOST KINGDOM CLUSTER Job Address 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD INCOMPLETE The item you have submitted for review is incomplete At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and/or standards Please review carefully all comments attached Please resubmit the necessary plans and/or specifications, with changes "clouded", to this office for review and approval Conditions: Cond CON0002342 [NOT MET] Provide an automatic fire sprinkler system in "LOST KINGDOM ADVENTURE (Dark Ride) Said system shall be installed in occupancies and locations as set forth in the California Building Code and the Carlsbad Municipal Code Cond BP011 [NOT MET] Provide portable fire extinguishers The number and location of fire extinguishers is to be determined by the fire department Cond CON0002343 [NOT MET] Provide a monitoring system for fire protection system and associated valves for "LOST KINGDOM ADVENTURE (Dark Ride) Plans shall be submitted to the fire department for review and approval prior to installation Cond CON0002344 [NOT MET] Provide an automatic fire alarm system for "LOST KINGDOM ADVENTURE (Dark Ride) Plans shall be approved by the fire department prior to installation Cond CON0002345 [NOT MET] Revise Title Sheet' to reflect the required changes Entry 10/02/2007 By GR Action CO - Star Building Systems •to*. J iL P O Box 94910 r ^ Oklahoma City, OK 73143 6/22/2007 rev3 (405) 636-2010 1-800-879-7827 FAX (405) 636-2419 Engineering Data 1) This structural design data includes magnitude and location of design loads and support conditions, material properties, and type and size of major structural members necessary to show compliance with the Order Documents at the time of this mailing Final detailing has not been completed Location of structural members may change during detailing Any change to building loads or dimensions can change structural member sizes and locations shown here This structural design data will be superseded and voided by any future mailing Please check with your Star Builder Service Representative 2) The reactions provided with this engineering data or with the F (anchor rod) drawings has been created with the following layout (unless noted otherwise) a) Reactions are provided in two tables The "Load Group" table provides the reactions for each load group The "Maximum Reaction" table provides the maximum reactions for gravity, wind, and earthquake (seismic) load combinations that were used in the design of the anchor rods b) Rigid Frames (1) Gabled Buildings (a) Left and Right columns are determined as if viewing the left side of the building, as shown on the anchor rod drawing, from the outside of the building (b) Interior columns are spaced from left side to right side (2) Single Slope Buildings (a) Left column is the low side column (b) Right column is the high side column (c) Interior columns are spaced from low side to high side c) Endwalls (1) Left and Right columns are determined as if viewing the wall from the outside (2) Interior columns are spaced from left to right d) Anchor rod size is determined by shear and tension at the bottom of the base plate Rod spacing will generally require the use of a bearing angle, or other means of shear transfer to the concrete The length of the anchor rod and method of load transfer to the foundation are to be determined by the foundation engineer e) Anchor rods are A36 or A307 material unless noted otherwise on the anchor rod layout drawing (F1 sheet) f) X-Bracmg> (1) Rod Bracing reactions have been included in values shown in the reaction tables (2) For IBC and UBC based building codes, when x-bracmg is present in the sidewall, individual longitudinal seismic loads (LEQ) do not include the amplification factor, QO (3) For IBC and UBC based building codes, when x-bracmg is present in the endwall, individual transverse seismic loads (EQ) do not include the amplification factor, QO skumarl SEP I 7 2007 8600S 1-35, Oklahoma City, OK 73149 Star 8600 Building Systems S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME srlo DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 / 17 417 USER NAME JOB NAME skumarl 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 PAGE fra_2 fra SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP FRAME IP #03 LOCATION frame lines 2 NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft(2) The seismic overstrength factor (Omega) is not included in the "LEQ Load Group reactions Seismic "BASE-ONLY" combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 TIME 12 56 3-3 30 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL HR VR LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL LEQ EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL 1 9 6 9 4 6 0 1 -2 9 -13 4 -7 3 -6 3 VL 2 3 7 3 4 9 -9 9 -1 0 -10 8 -16 2 -9 3 LNL 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -1 9 -6 9 -4 6 -0 1 -2 9 6 3 7 3 13 4 VR 2 3 7 3 4 9 -9 9 1 0 -9 3 -16 2 -10 8 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load LL Roof Live Load COLL Roof Collateral Load LEQ Longitudinal Seismic Load [located in perp plane] EQ Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load SEP I 7 2007 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 17 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 /17 417 USER NAME skutnarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILE fra 2 fra PAGE 3-4 MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS FRAME ID #03 LOCATION frame lines 2 TIME 12 56 30 (2) These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads are limit state and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable code for ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and load combinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design The seismic overstrength factor (Omega) is not included in the "LEO." Load Group reactions Seismic "BASE-ONLY" combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft (3) REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL HR VR LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 (4)-l HL VL 375 LNL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR VR LNR GRAVITY LOAD COMBINATION \ 13 5\ 14 5| 0 Q| -13 5| 14 5| 0 Q| WIND LOAD COMBINATION 17 12 13 14 15 0 3 -11 5 -5 4 -4 4 -6 9 -2 1 -8 4 -13 9 -7 0 -3 6 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 0 0 6 9 4 4 5 4 11 5 -0 3 -3 6 -7 0 -13 9 -8 4 -2 1 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 0 0 TRANSVERSE EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 10 5 6 9 9 7 -1 2 5 0 3 4 8 3 1 2 3 4 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 4 -5 0 1 2 -9 7 6 1 3 4 1 2 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "BASE-ONLY" EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 3 2 6 8 2 2 -14 6 -19 4 -28 0 -28 0 -6 8 -2 2 -14 6 -19 4 -28 0 -28 0 LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 DL +LL +COLL DL +2 2LEQ DL +COLL +2 2LEQ DL +1 0714EQ DL -1 0714EQ DL +COLL +1 0714EQ DL +COLL -1 0714EQ DL +WL1 DL +LWL1 DL +WL2 DL +COLL +WL1 DL +COLL +WL2 SEP I 7 2007 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page18 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in OK kips 73149 and kip- ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /17 417 ID #03 LOCATION frame USER JOB lines 2 NAME NAME skumarl 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 fra_2 fra TIME PAGE 3-5 12 56 30 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [1] DL 0 04 0 04 0 04 0 04t t i i t t > t [2] LL 0 21 0 21 0 21 0 21 111111111 1TTT1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tl [3] COLL 0 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 111111111 ITTT1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 SEP 1 7 2007 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page19 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 USER NAME skumari DATE 9/14/07 JOB NAME 82590A FILE fra_2 fra PAGE 3-6 LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICSNOTE All user loads are in kips and kip- ft FRAME ID #03 LOCATION frame lanes 2 TIME 12 56 30 [4] LEQ FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE 72 2 72 [5] WL1 0 29 0 29 0 31 0 20 16] LWL1 0 29 0 29 0 29 'O 29 94 SEP 1 7 2007 skumari 09/14/07 \Page 20 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in OK 73149 kips and kip- ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /17 417 ID #03 LOCATION frame USER JOB lines 2 NAME NAME skumarl 82590A DATEFILE 9/14/07 fra_2 fra PAGE 3 TIME 12 56 -7 30 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [7] WL2 0 29 0 29 0 20 !—'0 31 [8] EQ 2 86 2 86 SEP I 7 200/ skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 21 Star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION USER NAME skumari 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 JOB NAME 82590A DATE FILE SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP FRAME ID #02 LOCATION frame lines 3 NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft (2) The seismic overstrength factor (Omega) is not included in the "LEQ1 Load Group reactionsSeismic "BASE-ONLY1 combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 9/14/07 PAGE 2 fra_3 fra TIME 12 52 -3 11 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL HR VR LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL LEQ EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN 8 OXIO 0X0 375 (4)-l HL 2 6 10 6 7 1 0 1 -4 1 -20 4 -11 2 -9 7 VL 3 0 10 9 7 3 -9 9 -1 4 -16 1 -21 2 -13 9 LNL 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -2 6 -10 6 -7 1 -0 1 -4 1 9 7 11 2 20 4 VR 3 0 10 9 7 3 -9 9 1 4 -13 9 -21 2 -16 1 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load LL Roof Live Load COLL Roof Collateral Load LEQ Longitudinal Seismic Load [located in perp plane] EQ Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load SEP i 7 2007 skumari 09/14/07 \Page 24 Star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION USER NAME skumari DATE 9/14/07 PAGE 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 JOB NAME 82590A FILE fra_3 fra MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS FRAME ID tt02 LOCATION frame lines 3 NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft TIKE 12 52 (2) These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads are limit state and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable code for ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and load combinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design (3) The seismic overstrength factor (Omega) is not included in the "LEQ" Load Group reactions Seismic "BASE-ONLY" combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 2-4 11 REACTION NOTATIONS , HL- VL HR VR LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 <4)-l HL VL LNL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR VR LNR GRAVITY LOAD COMBINATION I 20 3| 21 2| 0 0| -20 3| 21 2J 0 o] WIND LOAD COMBINATION 17 12 13 14 15 0 0 -17 7 -8 6 -7 0 -10 6 -3 6 -13 0 -18 1 -10 9 -5 8 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 0 0 10 6 7 0 8 6 17 7 0 0 -5 8 -10 9 -18 1 -13 0 -3 6 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 0 0 TRANSVERSE EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBUPCTION 10 5 6 9 14 2 -1 8 7 1 5 2 11 9 1 5 4 6 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 2 -7 1 1 8 -14 2 8 8 4 6 1 5 11 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "BASE-ONLY" EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 3 2 10 0 2 9 -11 4 -18 7 -28 0 -28 0 -10 0 -2 9 -11 4 -18 7 -28 0 -28 0 LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 DL +LL +COLL DL 4? 2LEQ DL +COLL +2 2LEQ DL +1 0714EQ DL -1 0714EQ DL +COLL +1 0714EQ DL +COLL -1 0714EQ DL +WL1 DL +LWL1 DL +WL2 DL +COLL +WL1 DL +COLL +WL2 skumari 09/14/07 \Page 25 SEP 1 7 2007 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in OK kips 73149 and kip- ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /26 ID #02 LOCATION frame USER 20 JOB lines 3 NAME NAME skumarl 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 PAGE fra_3 fra TIME 12 52 2-5 11 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE DL 0 06 0 06 0 06 0 06 t t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i jL_i__a:1 1 t [2] LL 0 31,0 31 0 31 0 31n [3] COLL 0 21 r 0 21 0 21 0 2111 n 11111111111111111111ITI SEP I 7 2007 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 26 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICSNOTE All user loads are in OK kips 73149 and kip- ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /26 ID #02 LOCATION frame USER 20 JOB lines 3 NAME NAME skumarl 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 PAGE 2 fra_3 fra TIME 12 52 -6 11 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [4] LEQ 2 72 2 72 [5] WL1 0 43 0 43 0 46 0 31 16] LWL1 0 43 0 43 0 43 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 27 SEP I 7 2007 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 / 26 USER NAME skumarl 20 JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILE fra_3 fra PAGE 2-7 LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in kips and kip- ft FRAME ID #02 LOCATION frame lines 3 TIME 12 52 11 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [7] WL2 0 43 0 43 0 31 I—I 0 46 [8] EQ 4 10 4 10 SEP I 7 2007 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 28 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH NOTE All reactions are in OK LOADkips 73149 GROUP and kip- ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /31 417 ID #01 LOCATION frame USER JOB lines 4 NAME NAME skumarl 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 fra_4 fra TIME PAGE 1-3 12 47 25 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL HR VR LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN B 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL 3 2 13 0 a 6 -4 9 -24 8 -13 9 -11 9 VL 3 6 13 2 8 8 -1 7 -19 5 -18 1 -16 8 LNL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -3 2 -13 0 -8 6 -4 9 11 9 13 9 24 8 VR 3 6 13 2 8 8 1 7 -16 8 -18 1 -19 5 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load LL Roof Live Load COLL Roof Collateral Load EQ Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load SEP l 7 2007 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 31 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTIONsrlo 70 / 14 /31 417 USER NAME skumarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILE fra 4 fra PAGE 1-4 MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS FRAME ID #01 LOCATION frame lines 4 NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft TIME 12 47 25 (2) These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads are limitstate and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable code for ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and loadcombinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL HR VR LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL VL LNL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR VR LNR GRAVITY LOAD COMBINATION 1 | 24 8| 25 S\ 0 0| -24 8J 25 S| 0 o| WIND LOAD COMBINATION 10 12 -21 6 -8 7 -15 9 -13 3 0 0 0 0 8 7 21 6 -13 3 -15 9 0 0 0 0 TRANSVERSE EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 8 3 4 7 17 2 -2 1 8 5 6 5 14 1 1 8 5 3 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 5 -8 5 2 1 -17 2 10 6 5 3 1 8 14 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 DL +LL +COLL 3 DL +1 0714EQ 4 DL -1 0714EQ 7 DL +COLL +1 0714EQ 8 DL +COLL -1 0714EQ 10 DL +WL1 12 DL +WL2 SEP i 7 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 32 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in OK kips 73149 and kip- ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /31 417 ID #01 LOCATION frame USER JOB lines 4 NAME NAME skumarl 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 fra_4 fra TIME PAGE 1-5 12 47 25 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE DL 0 07 0 07 0 07 0 07 i 1 1 t 1 J_LJL [2] LL 0 38 i 0 38 0 38 0 38in 11111111111111111111111 [3] COLL 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 251111111 r 111111111111111 rm skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 33 SEP 1 7 2007 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 USER NAME skumarl DATE 9/14/07 JOB NAME 82590A FILE fra 4 fra PAGE 1-6 LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICSNOTE All user loads are in kips and kip-ft FRAME ID #01 LOCATION frame lines 4 TIME 12 47 25 [4] WL1 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 55 0 55 0 52 0 37 0 37 [5] LWL1 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 [6] HL2 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 37 0 55 0 55 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 34 SEP 1 7 2007 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in OK kips 73149 and kip- ft FRAME Brio FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /31 417 ID #01 LOCATION frame USER JOB lines 4 NAME NAME skumarl 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 PAGE fra 4 fra TIME 12 47 1-7 25 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [7] EQ 4 90 4 90 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 35 I 7 2007 Star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 Endwall EWBPATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ USER NAME skumarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILE REW3BLDG1 PAGE EW-1 SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP NOTE All reactions are in kips and kip-ft TIME 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL 1E VI 1D Endwall B Frame line -1 H2 V2 1C V3 1B H3 HR VR 1A LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD GROUP D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL LEFT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HL 0 008 0 020 0 049 -0 081 -0 081 -0 081 -0 081 0 0 VL 0 415 0 632 1 580 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 0 0 LL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HR -0 008 -0 020 -0 049 0 081 0 081 0 081 0 081 0 0 VR 0 415 0 632 1 580 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 0 0 LR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 575 (4)-3/4 HI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VI 0 828 1 675 4 189 -6 212 -6 212 -6 212 -6 212 0 0 LI -0 038 -0 094 -0 235 2 932 -2 252 0 348 0 348 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 962 1 962 -3 212 3 212 V2 0 466 0 750 1 876 -2 718 -2 718 -4 767 -4 767 -3 354 -3 354 L2 -0 016 -0 039 -0 097 2 542 -2 274 0 141 0 141 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H3 0 0 0 0 0 -1 962 1 962 -3 212 3 212 V3 0 828 1 675 4 189 -6 212 -6 212 -8 425 -8 425 -3 622 -3 622 L3 -0 038 -0 094 -0 235 2 932 -2 252 0 348 0 348 0 0 LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL DEAD LOAD COLLATERAL LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD AS AN INWARD ACTING PRESSURE WIND LOAD AS AN OUTWARD ACTING SUCTION WIND FORCE FROM THE RIGHT WIND FORCE FROM THE LEFT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM RIGHT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM LEFT skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 36 SEP 3 7 2007 Star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 Endwall EWBPATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ USER NAME skumarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILE REW3BLDG1 PAGE EW-2 MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft (2) These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads are limit state and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable codefor ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and load combinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design TIME 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- Endwall B Frame line -1 VL 1E VI H2 1D V2 1C v> H3 V3 1B HR VR 1A LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HL VL LL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HR VR LR INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 (4)-3/4 HI VI J75 LI INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H2 V2 L2 INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H3 V3 L3 GRAVITY LOAD COMBINATION 0 077| 2 627| 0 |-0 077J 2 627|0 | 6 692J-0 367| 0 | 3 092J-0 152[ 0 | 6 692|-0 36T\ WIND LOAD COMBINATION 3 4 8 6 7 -0 073 -0 053 -0 053 -0 053 -0 073 -2 211 -1 579 -1 579 -1 579 -2 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 073 0 053 0 053 0 053 0 073 -2 211 -1 579 -1 579 -1 579 -2 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 384 -3 709 -3 709 -3 709 -5 384 2 894 -2 384 0 216 0 216 0 310 0 0 1 962 -1 962 -1 962 -2 252 -1 502 -3 551 -3 551 -4 301 2 526 -2 329 0 086 0 086 0 125 0 0 1 962 -1 962 -1 962 -5 384 -3 709 -5 922 -5 922 -7 597 2 894 -2 384 0 216 0 216 0 310 TRANSVERSE EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 10 11 0 028 0 028 1 047 1 047 0 0 -0 028 -0 028 1 047 1 047 0 0 0 0 2 503 2 503 -0 1321-3 212 -0 132| 3 212 -2 138 -2 138 -0 055 -0 055 -3 212 3 212 -1 119 -1 119 -0 132 -0 132 LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 + C + L + W+ + C + + C + + WR + C + ,+ C + W- WR WL ER D + C + EL skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 37 SEP I 7 2007 Star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 Endwall EWD PATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ USER NAME skumarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 PAGE EW-3 FILE REW4BLDG1 SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP NOTE All reactions are in kips and kip-ft TIME 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- Endwall D Frame line -5 VL HI VI H2 V2 V3 HR VR 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD GROUP D C L W4 W- WR WL ER EL LEFT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HL 0 Oil 0 032 0 064 -0 129 -0 129 -0 129 -0 129 0 0 VL 0 523 1 028 2 056 -4 162 -4 162 -4 162 -4 162 0 0 LL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HR -0 Oil -0 032 -0 064 0 129 0 129 0 129 0 129 0 0 VR 0 523 1 028 2 056 -4 162 -4 162 -4 162 -4 162 0 0 LR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 175 (4)-3/4 HI 0 0 0 0 0 -3 191 3 191 -5 222 5 222 VI 1 116 2 725 5 450 -9 327 -9 327 -12 93 -12 93 -5 889 -5 889 LI -0 054 -0 153 -0 305 ^3 107 -2 077 0 523 0 523 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 191 3 191 -5 222 5 222 V2 0 594 1 220 2 440 -4 016 -4 016 -7 348 -7 348 -5 454 -5 454 L2 -0 022 -0 063 -0 126 2 609 -2 207 0 208 0 208 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V3 1 116 2 725 5 450 -9 327 -9 327 -9 327 -9 327 0 0 L3 -0 054 -0 153 -0 305 3 107 -2 077 0 523 0 523 0 0 LOAD GROUP DESCRIPTION D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL DEAD LOAD COLLATERAL LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD AS AN INWARD ACTING PRESSURE WIND LOAD AS AN OUTWARD ACTING SUCTION WIND FORCE FROM THE RIGHT WIND FORCE FROM THE LEFT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM RIGHT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM LEFT SEP l 7 2007 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 38 Star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 Endwall EWD PATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ USER NAME skumarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 PAGE FILE REW4BLDbl EW-4 MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft(2) These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads are limit state and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable codefor ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and load combinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design TIME 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- Endwall D Frame line -5 HI H2 VL VI V2 5A 5B 5C LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE V3 5D HR VR 5E COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HL VL LL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HR VR LR INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 T75 (4)-3/4 HI VI LI INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 (4J-3/4 H2 V2 375 L2 INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H3 V3 L3 GRAVITY LOAD COMBINATION I 0 107| 3 607| 0 1-0 107| 3 607|0 | 9 29l|-0 512| 0 | 4 254J-0 21l| 0 I 9 291J-0 512| WIND LOAD COMBINATION 3 8 6 1 4 -0 118 -0 086 -0 086 -0 118 -0 086 -3 639 -2 611 -2 611 -3 639 -2 611 0 0 0 0 0 0 118 0 086 0 086 0 118 0 086 -3 639 -2 611 -2 611 -3 639 -2 611 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 191 -3 191 -3 191 0 -8 211 -9 084 -9 084 -11 81 -5 486 3 053 0 316 0 316 0 469 -2 284 0 3 191 -3 191 -3 191 0 -3 422 -5 534 -5 534 -6 754 -2 202 2 587 0 123 0 123 0 186 -2 292 0 0 0 0 0 -8 211 -5 486 -5 486 -8 211 -5 486 3 053 0 316 0 316 0 469 -2 284 TRANSVERSE EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 10 11 0 043 0 043 1 551 1 551 0 1-0 043 0 [-0 043 1 551 1 551 0 0 -5 222 5 222 -2 048 -2 048 -0 207 -0 207 -5 222 5 222 -3 640 -3 640 -0 085 -0 085 0 0 3 841 3 841 -0 207 -0 207 LOAD COMBINATION DESCRIPTION 1 D 4 C 4 L 3 D 4 W4 4 D 4 C 4 W- 6 D 4 C 4 WR 7 8 10 11 4 C 4 4 WR 4 C 4 L+ C 4 4 C 4 WL ER EL SEP I 7 200? skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 39 ENGINEERING AND PRODUCT DATA r\ STAR BUILDING SYSTEMS Star Building Systems r\ September 17,2007 PO Box 830 Lockeford, CA 952 57-0830 209 727-5504 FAX 209-727-5820 GENERAL STEEL CORPORATION ATTENTION CHARLIE TUCKER LAKEWOOD, CO 80226 Subject (A) LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA SRLO 70'-0" x 100'-0" x 14'-0" Is 2@18'-0", 34'-0", 30'-0", Bay Spacings Star Job Number 11 -B-82590 Gentlemen This is to certify that materials for the subject structure have been designed in accordance with the oider documents, specifically as shown per the attached Engineering Design Criteria Sheet Aspects of code compliance as related to use or occupancy, such as sprinkler requirements, are not addressed by these documents The materials for this building have been designed in general accordance with the 9th edition, AISC Steel Construction Manual and 1996 AISI Cold Formed Steel Design Manual with 1999 addendum Star Building Systems is certified by AISC in Category MB These structural components have been designed at the Oklahoma City, OK, facility and will be fabricated at one or more of the following AISC certified locations Monticello, IA, Lockeford, CA, or Elizabethton, TN These materials, when properly erected on an adequate foundation in accordance with the erection drawings as supplied and using the components as furnished, will meet the attached loading requirements without exceeding the allowable working stress This certification does not cover field modifications or the design of materials not furnished by Star Building Systems The attached calculations are to remain with and form part of this Letter of Certification These calculations and the metal building they represent are the product of Star Building Systems or a division of its affiliate NCI Building Systems The engineer whose seal appears hereon is employed by either Star Building Systems or a division of its affiliate NCI Building Systems and is not the engineer of record for this project SEP Ad Cordially, STAR BUILDING SYSTEMS Materials for Metal Buildings An NCI Company Francois Rambau, P E Manager of Engineering 12101 Hast Brandt Road, Lockeford .CA 9S237 STAR BUILDING SYSTEMS STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS CUSTOMER : LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA JOB NO : ll-B-82590 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO DATASHEET 01-05 DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT 06-14 BUILDING SKETCH 15 FRAME PROFILES AND REACTIONS 16 - 40 SEISMIC CALCULATIONS 41-48 COMPUTER GEN ERATED REPORTS 49-103 Job Number Building Code Building End Use Classification of Building Impact Loads Star Building Systems Engineering Services Design Criteria ll-B-82590 California 2001 Community Normal Dead Load (Star material) (Average weight of panels, purlins, Collateral Loads Sprinkler Ceiling (non-plaster) Lights Other Hanging loads can not be attached to Loads are to be attached to the purl Fixed Service Equipment Designed Roof Live Load Column Lines 1 2-4 5 None 2 2 psf and frames) 8 0 psf (total) 5 0 psf 3 0 psf 0 0 psf 0 0 psf the purlin lip in web None 20 0 psf (Purlins) 20 0 psf (Frames) 12 0 psf (Frames) 16 0 psf (Frames) Roof Snow Load Wind Speed Wind Provision Building Designed W:nd Exposure Importance Factor 0 0 psf 90 0 mph California 2001 Enclosed C 1 (Na) Seismic Zone Zone Factor Z Ca Near-Source factor Transverse R Longitudinal R Importance Factor, Seismic Soil Profile Sd The following seismic force resisting systems are used Ordinary Steel Moment Frames (R=4 5, Cs=0 366) at column lines Ordinary Steel Braced Frames (R--4 5, Cs^O 366) at column lines Ordinary steel braced frames (R=5 6, Cs=0 294) at sidewalls 4 0 4 0 66 1 5 4 5 Perpendicular to eave 5 6 Parallel to eave 01 2-4 1, 5 A, C SEP 1 9 2007 skurrwl 09/14/07 Pagel "Bracing size" as noted ^r Engineering documents and Erection drawings denotes thread diameter for rod bracing and wire strand cable diameter for wire strand cable bracing Bolted joints with A325 Type 1 bolts greater than 1/2" diameter are specified as pretensioned joints in accordance with the "Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, June 23, 2000" The turn-of-nut method of tightening is recommended The cutting or removal of girts shown on the erection drawings due to the addition of open areas, framed openings, or doors not shown may void all warranties and certifications supplied by manufacturer as they apply to this condition Field located framed openings shall be located in the bay and elevation as documented in the order documents and as shown on the erection drawings Installation of the framed openings at different locations may void the warranties and certifications as they apply to the materials supplied by building manufacturer Materials provided by Star have been designed in accordance to the 2001 California Building Code, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2, with exception to provisions, (16A to 22A), which fall under the jurisdiction of the Division of the State Architect (DSA/SS) or under the jurisdiction of the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Developments (OSHPD) skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 2 Wind Loads for ComponenCT= not provided by Building Mmufacturer Interior Zone End Zone Opening Area suction pressure suction pressure Size coef coef coef coef (ft) (ft) (sq ft) psf psf psf psf 3 3 9 -1 28 1 18 -1 58 1 18 -19 15 17 66 -23 64 17 66 37 21 -1 23 1 13 -1 46 1 13 -18 36 16 87 -21 89 16 87 67 42 -1 17 1 07 -1 36 1 07 -17 57 16 07 -20 30 16 07 8 10 80 -1 13 1 03 -1 26 1 03 -16 83 15 34 -18 83 15 34 10 12 120 -1 09 0 99 -1 20 0 99 -16 37 14 87 -17 90 14 87 12 14 168 -1 07 0 97 -1 14 0 97 -15 98 14 49 -17 12 14 49 14 16 224 -1 05 0 95 -1 10 0 95 -15 66 14 16 -16 46 14 16 16 20 320 -1 02 0 92 -1 05 0 92 -15 25 13 75 -15 65 13 75 20 25 500 -0 98 0 88 -0 98 0 88 -14 66 13 17 -14 66 13 17 Notes 1 Above values are based on wind enclosure as Enclosed 2 If roof slope is less than 10 degrees, values may be reduced 10% 3 Eridzone is defined 56 ft from building corners 4 Coef is resultant of [GCp-GCpi] 5 The sizes showned are typical sizes and may not be present 6 For sizes not shown, choose a size with smaller area 7 All doors, windows, and other accessories not supplied by the building manufacturer shall be designed to withstand the applicable wind loads and are not considered as openings when determining if the building is enclosed skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 3 The material supplied by ^;ar has been designed with following minimum deflection criteria The actual deflection may be less depending on actual load and actual member length The frame sidesway for wind loading is based on a 10 year mean occurrence wind interval Roof Purlins Live L / 240 N/A L / 240 Total Gravity_L / 180 Snow_ Wind Roof Rafters Live Snow Wind L / 240 N/A L / 240 Total Gravity_L / 180 Roof Panels Live L / 60 N/A Total Uplift L / 60 Snow Wall Panels Total Wind Wall Girts Total Wind Endwall Columns Total Wind _L / 60 _L / 90 _L / 90 Frame/Portal Frame Sidesway Frame Live H / Frame Snow N/A Frame Wind H / _H / _N/A _H / _H / Frame Seismic Frame Crane Frame Total Wind_ Frame Total Seismic. Frame Total Gravity, Portal Total Wind _H / _N/A Portal Total Seismic N/A 60 60 50 60 50 60 The frame sidesway for seismic loading is the static elastic deflection as defined by chapter 1630 9 1 of the 2001 California Building Code All deflection and sidesway limits shown are at service loads unless indicated otherwise skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 4 Star Building Systems PO Box 94910 Oklahoma City, OK 73143 6/22/2007 rev3 (405) 636-2010 1-800-879-7827 FAX (405)636-2419 Engineering Data 1) This structural design data includes magnitude and location of design loads and support conditions, material properties, and type and size of major structural members necessary to show compliance with the Order Documents at the time of this mailing Final detailing has not been completed Location of structural members may change during detailing Any change to building loads or dimensions can change structural member sizes and locations shown here This structural design data will be superseded and voided by any future mailing Please check with your Star Builder Service Representative 2) The reactions provided with this engineering data or with the F (anchor rod) drawings has been created with the following layout (unless noted otherwise) a) Reactions are provided in two tables The ' Load Group" table provides the reactions for each load gi oup The "Maximum Reaction" table provides the maximum reactions for gravity, wind, and earthquake (seismic) load combinations that were used in the design of the anchor rods b) Rigid Frames (1) Gabled Buildings (a) Left and Right columns are determined as if viewing the left side of the building as shown on the anchor rod drawing, from the outside of the building (b) Interior columns are spaced from left side to right side (2) Single Slope Buildings (a) Left column is the low side column (b) Right column is the high side column (c) Interior columns are spaced from low side to high side c) Endwalls (1) Left and Right columns are determined as if viewing the wall from the outside (2) Interior columns are spaced from left to right d) Anchor rod size is determined by shear and tension at the bottom of the base plate Rod spacing will generally require the use of a bearing angle, or other means of shear transfer to the concrete The length of the anchor rod and method of load transfer to the foundation are to be determined by the foundation engineer e) Anchor rods are A36 or A307 material unless noted otherwise on the anchor rod layout drawing (F1 sheet) f) X-Bracmg (1) Rod Bracing reactions have been included in values shown in the reaction tables (2) For IBC and UBC based building codes, when x-bracmg is present in the sidewall, individual longitudinal seismic loads (LEQ) do not include the amplification factor, QQ (3) For IBC and UBC based building codes, when x-bracmg is present in the endwall, individual transverse seismic loads (EQ) do not include the amplification factor, QO skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 5 8600S 1-35, Oklahoma City, OK 73149 OTCStar Building Systems, OKC, OK Design Summary Program User Design Summary Report Version Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA skumarl 2 9 Page Job Number runOl Date Start Time R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ 1 82590A 09/14/07 12 10 16 MAIN BUILDING BUILDING DATA SRLO 70 '0 x 100 '0 x 14 ' 0 1 12 Bays 2@18'0 34 '0 30 '0 Wind Exposure Category C Seismic Zone 4 DESIGN SUMMARY REPORT Live Load LL Reduction Wind Load Dead Load Collateral Load 20 00 psf YES 90 00 mph 2 19 psf 8 00 psf Main Code Requirements Per 2001 California Building Code Windforce-resistance System Per 2001 California Building Code Seismic-resistance System Per 2001 California Building Code Cold-Formed Steel Design Spec 1996 AISI Allowable Stress Design with 1999 Supplement Other Steel Design Spec 1989 AISC Allowable Stress Design, 9th Edition ROOF PLANE ------- RPA PANEL SDR26 ROOF (DURA-RIB) PURLIN SPACING 2 9755 2 ' 10 7@4 ' 0 1 1912 Bay Length Member Size Brace # (ft) Identification Locations L Lap R Lap Exten Exten 1 2 3 4 18 18 34 30 000 000 000 000 8 8 8 8 5Z57 5Z80 5Z88 5Z88 None None 5 points None S C C C 0 1 3 3 000 083 188 188 1 1 3 0 083 083 188 000 C C C S Purlin Anchorage Hdwe @ Level 5,10 @ Frame Lines 1-5 Note to Drafting - Sag angles to be in bottom web hole skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 6 Star Building Systems, Orc, OK Page 2 Design Summary Program User skumarl Job Number 82'590A Design Summary Report Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 10 18 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ ROOF PLANE RPC PANEL SDR26 ROOF (DURA-RIB) PURLIN SPACING 2 9755 2'10 7@4'0 1 1912 Bay Length Member Size Brace L Lap R Lap # (ft) Identification Locations Exten Exten 1 2 3 4 30 34 18 18 000 000 000 000 8 8 8 8 5Z88 5Z88 5Z80 5Z57 None 5 points None None S C C C 0 3 1 1 000 188 083 083 3 3 1 0 188 188 083 000 C C C S Purlin Anchorage Hdwe @ Level 5,10 @ Frame Lines 1-5 Note to Drafting - Sag angles to be in bottom web hole SWC Eave Strut @ 14 000 (ft) 8 5E92 @ Bays 1-2,4, 8 5E75(D) @ Bays 3, SWA Eave Strut @ 14 000 (ft) 8 5E92 @ Bays 1,3-4, 8 5E75(D) @ Bays 2, BRACING Roof 1 bays rods Plane SWA 1 bays rods Plane SWC 1 bays rods Plane EWB 1 bays rods Plane EWD 1 bays rods skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 7 o^cStar Building Systems, dTc, OK Page Design Summary Program User skumarl Job Number 82590A Design Summary Report Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 10 20 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ SIDEWALL PLANE SWA -- PANELS GIRTS SPACINGS ( 0 000" Inset columns ) SDW26 WALL 3 '0 4'4 3'8 1'6 (DURA-RIB) Bay Elev Length Member Size Brace # (ft-in) (ft) Identification Locations 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3 3 '0 3 '0 3'0 3'0 7'4 7 '4 7'4 7'4 ll'O ll'O ll'O ll'O 12 '6 16 18 34 28 16 18 34 28 16 18 34 28 34 833 000 000 833 833 000 000 833 833 000 000 833 000 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5Z57 5Z57 5Z57 5Z72 5Z57 5Z57 5Z57 5Z72 5Z57 5Z57 5Z88 5Z88 5Z80 None None None(F 0) 4 points None None None(F 0) 4 points None None 5 points 4 points 5 points S S S S S S S S S S S S S L Lap Exten 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 R Lap Ex±en 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S 000 S FRAMED OPENINGS Qty 1 Size 30'0 x lO'O Jamb & 8 5C75 Header Wall SWA Bay 3 Distance Field Located Add 8 5C75 spanners between opening header and girt at elevation 11'0, 7'6" maximum on center in Bays 2 & 4,OK to extend girts at elevations 3'0 and 7'4", by 2'0" into bay 3 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 8 Star Building Systems, Design Summary Program Design Summary Report OK ~ Page 4 User skumarl Job Number 82590A Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 10 20 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ SIDEWALL PLANE SWC -- PANELS GIRTS SPACINGS ( 0 000" Inset columns ) SDW26 WALL 3'0 2'4 2@2'0 I18 (DURA-RIB) Bay # 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 Elev Length Member Size Brace (ft-in) (ft) Identification Locations 3'0 3'0 3'0 3'0 5'4 7'4 7'4 7'4 7'4 9 '4 9 '4 ll'O ll'O ll'O ll'O 28 34 18 16 34 28 34 18 16 28 34 28 34 18 16 833 000 000 833 000 833 000 000 833 833 000 833 000 000 833 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5Z88 5Z80 5Z57 5Z57 5Z80 5Z88 5Z80 5Z57 5Z64 5Z72 5Z64 5Z72 5Z80 5Z64 5Z57 None(F 0) 5 points None None(F 0) 5 points 4 points 5 points None None 4 points 5 points 4 points 5 points None None L Lap R Lap Exten E>cten S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S FRAMED OPENINGS Qty 1 1 Size 3 '0 3 '0 x 7'0 x 7 ' 0 Jamb & 8 5C75 8 5C75 Header Wall SWC SWC Bay Distance 1 Field 4 Field Located Located skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 9 Star Building Systems, Design Summary Program Design Summary Report OTO,OK ^ Page 5 User skumarl Job Number 82590A Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 10 22 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ ENDWALL PLANE EWB Bearing Frame (BF) PANELS SDW26 WALL(DURA-RIB) RAFTERS Mem Description # Member Size Identification Length (ft) Start (ft) End (ft) 1 W8X10 connections 2 W8X10 connections Type-V SEP Type-III Left Type-V SEP Left Type-III 34 620 0 000 34 620 Right Type-III 34 620 34 620 69 241 Right Type-V SEP A325N bolts w/ 3/8" Shear End Plate 1 A325N bolts w/ 3/8" Shear End Plate Flange Braces at following purlins (horizontal distance from eave) PLANE SWA 9 809,13 809,25 809,33 809(FB = S-Type) PLANE SWC 9 809,13 809,25 809,33 809(FB = S-Type) Girts Spacings 3 '0 4 3330 3 6660 Bay # 1 4 3 3 Elev Length Member Size Brace (ft-in) (ft) Identification Locations '0 '0 20 20 000 000 8 8 5Z64 5Z64 none none L Lap Exten S S 0 000 0 000 R Lap E>cten 0 0 000 S 000 S 1 7 3330 2 7 3330 3 7 3330 4 7 3330 1 10 9990 2 10 9990 3 10 9990 4 10 9990 20 000 15 000 15 000 20 000 20 000 15 000 15 000 20 000 8 5Z64 8 5Z57 8 5Z57 8 5Z64 8 5Z64 8 5Z57 8 5Z57 8 5Z64 none none none none none none none none S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S 0 000 S FRAMED OPENINGS Qty 1 Size 3'0 x 7'0 Jamb & Header 8 5C75 Wall Bay Distance EWB 2 Field Located skumarl 09/14/07 \Page10 tcStar Building Systems, OKC, OK Page 6 Design Summary Program User skumarl Job Number 82590A Design Summary Report Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 10 23 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ ENDWALL PLANE EWB Contd COLUMNS 0 0" Inset columns ) Col # IE ID 1C IB 1A Description Member Size Ident W10X12 W8X10 W8X10 W8X10 W10X12 Base plate design Thickness & bolts 0 0 0 0 0 375" 375" 375" 375" 375" BP BP BP BP BP thk thk thk thk thk w/ w/ w/ w/ w/ information (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 750" 750" 750" 750" 750" A3 07 A3 07 A3 07 A3 07 A3 07 ENDWALL COLUMN TO BRIDGE CHANNEL CONNECTIONS COL NO PLANE SWC 1A ID 1C IB 1A PLANE SWA STRUT-TO-COLUMN CLIP ENDWALL FRAME LINE 1 2 12 AND UNDER A325N BETWEEN PURLINS IN ZONE E, TYPE 1 CONN , 2 12 AND UNDER PC64 (0 2500") (2)-l/2" A325N NO COLUMN EXTENSION 8 5C92 BRIDGE CHANNEL AT PEAK, TYPE 1 CONN , PC64 (0 2500") (2)-l/2' NO COLUMN EXTENSION 8 5C92 BRIDGE CHANNEL BETWEEN PURLINS IN ZONE E, TYPE 1 CONN , 2 12 AND UNDER PC64 (0 2500") (2)-l/2" A325N NO COLUMN EXTENSION 8 5C92 BRIDGE CHANNEL skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 11 Star Building Systems, Design Summary Program Design Summary Report OK ^ Page 7 User skumarl Job Number 82(:>90A Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 10 23 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ ENDWALL PLANE EWD Bearing Frame (BF) PANELS SDW26 WALL(DURA-RIB) RAFTERS Mem Description # Member Size 1 W8X10 connections 2 W8X10 connections Identi Left Left f ication Type-V SEP Type-Ill Length Start End (ft) (ft) (ft 34 620 0 000 34 620 Right Type-III 34 620 34 620 69 241 Right Type-V SEP Type-V SEP = ( 4)-1/2" A325N bolts w/ 3/8" Shear End Plate Type-III = ( 4)-1/2" A325N bolts w/ 3/8" Shear End Plate Flange Braces at following purlins (horizontal distance from eave) PLANE SWA 9 809,13 809,25 809,33 809(FB = S-Type) PLANE SWC 9 809,13 809,25 809,33 809(FB = S-Type) Girts Spacings Bay Elev # (ft-in) 3 '0 4 3330 3 6660 Length Member Size Brace (ft) Identification Locations 1 4 3'0 3'0 1 7 3330 2 7 3330 3 7 3330 4 7 3330 20 000 20 000 20 000 15 000 15 000 20 000 1 10 9990 20 000 with Rein forcing Girt 2 10 9990 15 000 3 10 9990 15 000 4 10 9990 20 000 8 5Z57 8 5Z64 8 5Z88 8 5Z57 8 5Z57 8 5Z64 8 5Z88 8 5Z57 8 5Z57 8 5Z64 none(F 0) none none(F 0) none none none none none none none L Lap R Lap Exten Exten S 0 000 S 0 000 0 000 S 0 000 S S 0 000 0 000 S S 0 000 0 000 S S 0 000 0 000 S S 0 000 0 000 S S 0 000 0 000 S S 0 000 0 000 S S 0 000 0 000 S S 0 000 0 000 S FRAMED OPENINGS Qty 1 1 Size 8'0 x lO'O 3'0 x 7'0 Jamb & Header 8 5C75 8 5C75 Wall Bay Distance EWD 1 Field Located EWD 1 Field Located skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 12 tcStar Building Systems, OTC, OK Page Design Summary Program User skumarl Job Number 82590A Design Summary Report Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 10 24 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ ENDWALL PLANE EWD Contd COLUMNS ( 00" Inset columns ) Col Description # Member Size Ident Base plate design information Thickness & bolts 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E W10X12 W8X10 W8X10 W8X10 W10X12 0 0 0 0 0 375" 375" 375" 375" 375" BP BP BP BP BP thk thk thk thk thk w/ w/ w/ w/ w/ (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 750" 750" 750" 750" 750" A3 07 A307 A307 A3 07 A3 07 ENDWALL COLUMN TO BRIDGE CHANNEL CONNECTIONS COL NO STRUT-TO-COLUMN CLIP ENDWALL FRAME LINE 5 PLANE SWA 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E PLANE SWC FRAMES 2 12 AND UNDER A325N BETWEEN PURLINS IN ZONE E, TYPE 1 CONN PC64 (0 2500") (2)-l/2" A325N NO COLUMN EXTENSION 8 5C92 BRIDGE CHANNEL AT PEAK, TYPE 1 CONN PC64 (0 2500") (2)-l/2 NO COLUMN EXTENSION 8 5C92 BRIDGE CHANNEL BETWEEN PURLINS IN ZONE E, TYPE PC64 (0 2500") (2)-l/2" A325N NO COLUMN EXTENSION 8 5C92 BRIDGE CHANNEL 2 12 AND UNDER 1 CONN , 2 12 AND UNDER Type SRLO SRLO SRLO Span 70 000 70 000 70 000 Live Wind 20 OO/ 90 00 20 OO/ 90 00 20 OO/ 90 00 Eave Trib 14 OO/ 31 42 14 OO/ 26 00 14 OO/ 17 42 Frame Lines 4 3 2 Note Use square anchor bolt layout skumarl 09/14/07 \Page13 i i r^—I Oi— —• o<X i. OJex. *-< csn o E *CL C 3 nCX 3 .¥nemoCJ I --i_l O O OJLJ cr> L ~^LJ in cuI- OJ > f</> co --<L.0)-- LJ3 IDpq co ol/lO Qj 0 ,02 '0 ,0 ,91 0£' 0 ,51 0 ,02 'CO ^J i—O Jk Ofr/e/_ _ D j_ " 0 ,02 "" 0 ,91 " 0 ,91 "0 ,02 <S! t)rn-C r~r~ </)-cn /-% _£ LL.\sCu 0q o COq o y CO "^ 0 00 o COX 00 0 CL aM o M \ / ~- v n \x\/ 1 111 // \1 3- / \ i 14' 0 ... CD I O c10 O 00 to T3 S \ \ •H-o,e V ,L 0 ,IT 9 ,21 (/I 12 1 0 M CU o nX ___ — \ / /\ £- .«/t\^ 3x7 SO' 0 15' 0 15' 0 20' 0 a0-K coa ou oaj_i cr.LJLJ <C 1^i- u mc-o no >x>_i <r -H<r pq 2: L LJ ENDWALL EWB <YLJ <E LD CJ skumaM 09/14/07 \P<age 14 « is a u§ § S8B .'jjj; ^ iXl —4-1 a-j^.; i g r~ia: 5"° £ WONOJ H.n'^^g^IQ -11 : w /M iV r • K2TR(h(vrl H I UJCO Q "• X O M W2 W J ,J E-iR H U K Ks w M a 2S£ Tl SJTC 0X9 SZ 0 52 0X9 d I MHJ, H3M J 0 ff\3H I aoH w fi 8 ,- . v_y ^_^ in ^"•v ^ /'"N s!H^ © in rH in |H LDCN < ^ O O1CN 0 CTi rt :0H 4J UA Q*0)Q ^Q IN WCN Uu inr-m oX0 M) <£ j ! J ™ wCN WCN XW ft U t, E-iCO SIg uU] 0)a i|^ 0Xo inOJ OIK;o m ^ ^r- rn O O VD <I ^ in O 0 < S 0 ^ t^ r- Xo 00 ^Q qj nj CM S3 \K: P-I D (D 4-1 m CO ~ j ^ 5: rn CO < £ s £ W4J fti ! rH a! mi skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 15 CNrnb]<Cl*| 0inCM' rH OJ01COSi-H4-1IDUbUlQ) 01g . .a cH : ^5(Dr- wO **-!<H 1•*- 'DO^ i-i i "*"' U UEH J i< HQ In H (3H O0) 3rrt nj010) acO OJ U) 03 C; 0) W i H j-J ^l <C(3 0 3 in ^ CN 01 CO K9 II W PQ 'O tnc rH CDrdrHCtn o cuU H 01EH U CO U rj& CD-HU) CM PCj t-H rH < ,-Hr-H P « EH .-I CN FHWO fr^D ^ o 0 jr; E"1 ^ CJ X g! C3 i 4-1 ^ r-5 1-1 -v. SMI ^t IN 93< m ro ora m CD 2 m c 3 u ^ w m g^ I eg j 5 ^ ; .hi oJo otn r- P u S r-H b in CT^ P ^b jj gu S 13 El :ar Building £OC S 1-35 OkiW co ">0 O CTi ^ ST s^S j^l Qtn "> H , _«J Ol T-l "=T W M ^ rH -d1 eil"" •7 1 1i^ oy in in in EH ujcoco S < — P [lj (U Ofc > 02 i (tf i— iQ) M-l § ~6Ey W o o .a_u_,4-i E EH P OTO N JJ K •* K iJ Vl «££££ B MM^S EH iil"' KQt-i w ^ O |J .-1 EHS HU«B: H W H CD r-lK sxcutjuR 0 F ^-^ © ^-. fe) X"~N v2> in ^ in iH r-t O CN <C a o ^ ^j[ CT>. O] /"~N O d0 o cr, ft 4J ( Oc«u LQo re *-$** CN W CN ft]O H J ra CN H CN EHXW d. u s SI oK W i 0) <ur r-m o o rf* £5 m 0Xo in o o J^i ?fo o d ^-^v. in O Xo ID O -•v. S I ^ {~~ 0) inr^ o 0 CO g Q <U4J <z D?D (U *. rn cx> f£ -v. 5;rn1 CO <c"V. ~^ 1 5 tn-P -U rH rH Ofl^ • fr 1 CQnait-l— L — J8 ±. 09/14/07 \Page 16 Star Buildina Svstems ^f FRAME DESCRIPTION USER^^IE skumarl 86CO S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 JOB NAME 82590A SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP FRAME ID #03 LOCATION frame lines 2 NOTES (1) All reactions are in ki.ps and kip-ft DATE FILE 9/14/07 PAGE 3-3 fra 2 fra TIME 12 56 30 (2) The seismic overstrength factor (Omeqa) is not included in the LEQ Load Group reactionsSeismic BASE-ONLY combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 REACTION NOTATIONS HL - vv X VL — HR VR LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL LEQ EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 M)-l HL 1 9 6 9 4 6 0 1 -2 9 -13 4 -7 3 -6 3 VL 2 3 7 3 4 9 LNL 0 0 0 0 0 0 -9 9! -12 7 -1 Oi 00 -10 8 -16 2-_y 3 0 0 -7 9 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -I 9j -6 9 -4 6 -0 1 -2 9 6 T 7 3 13 4 VR 2 3 7 3 4 9 -9 9 1 0 -9 3 -16 2 -10 8 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 I/OAP_GRQPP DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load LL Roof Live Load COLL Roof Collateral Load LliQ Longitudinal Seismic Load [located in perp plane] EQ Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame! WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL.l Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load skumarl 09/14/07 \Page17 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 /17 417 USER JOB skumarl E 82590A DATE 9/14/07 PAGE FILE fra_2 fr i 3-4 FRAME ID #03 LOCATION frame lines 2MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS NOTES (1) Ml reactions are in kips and kip-ft rIME 12 56 30 (2) These reactions are froni loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads cire limit state and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable codefor ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and load combinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design(3) The seismic overstrength factor (Omega) is not included in the LEQ Load Group reactions Seismic BASE-ONLY combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- - •- vv HR VL VR LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL VL LNL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR VR LNR GRAVITY T.OAD COMBINATION I 13 5| 14 5| 0 Q| -13 5| 14 5| WIND LOAD COMBINATION 17 12 13 14 15 0 3 -11 5 -5 4 -4 4 -6 9 -2 1 -8 4 -13 9 -7 0 -3 6 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 0 0 6 9 4 4 5 4 11 5 -0 3 -3 6 -7 0 -13 9 -8 4 -2 1 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 0 0 TRANSVKRSE FARTIIQOAKE TOAD COMBINATION •BASE-ONLY- EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 10 5 6 9 9 7 -1 2 5 0 3 4 8 3 l_2j 3 4 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 4 -5 0 1 2 -9 7 6 1 3 4 1 2 8 3 1 b~o| 0 0 0 0; 0 0 " 3 .. .. ?' .. 6 8 2 2 -14 61 -28 0 -19 4| -28 0 -6 8 -2 2 -14 6| -28 0 -19 4| -28 0 LOAD_COMBINATION_DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 DL +LL +COLL DL +2 2LEQ DL +COLL +2 2LEQ DL +1 0714EQ DL -1 0714EQ DL +COLL +1 0714EQ DL +COLL -1 0714EQ DL +WL1 DL +LWL1 DL +WL2 DL +COLL +WL1 DL +COLL +WL2 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 18 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73141 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 skumarl DATE 9/14/07 PAGE 3-5 JOB NAME S2590A FILE fra_2 fri LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in kips and kip-ft FRAME ID #03 LOCATION frame lines 2 TIME 12 56 30 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE (1] DL 0 04 0 04 0 04i i i i t_ i r 0 04 [2] LL 0 23 r 0 21 [3] COLL 0 14 0 14 0 14 imrn 0 14 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 19 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73141 FRAME DESCRIPTION USER^pftE skumarl DATE 9/14/07 PAGE 3-6 srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 JOB NAME 82590A FILE fra_2 frii LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS FRAME ID #03 LOCATION frame lines 2 NOTE All user loads are in kips and kip-ft TIME 12 56 30 [4] LEQ FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE E2 72 2 72 [5] WL1 0 29 0 29 0 29 0 31 0 20 0 20 [6] LWLl 0 29 0 29 0 29 L 'O 29 94 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 20 Star Building Systems ^V FRAME DESCRIPTION USER^^IE skumarl 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 7314? srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 JOB NAME 82590A LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS FRAME ID #03 LOCATION frame lines 2 NOTE All user loads are in kips and kip- ft DATE 9/14/07 PAGE 3-7 FILE fra_2 fra TIME 12 56 30 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [7] WL2 0 29 0 29 0 31 [81 EQ 2 86 —-— 2 86 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 21 r Wco ; Q H &• C OO N Jm " 2 ^ 1-.H * B O <U! m CN u. .c > i S WOTS E-i 2^ X Q M U]., o J J E-'@ HU^KS; w H u M55 B><a'0u skumarl d J 09/14/07 MHi 93M \Page 22 SZ 0X9 ! I! CN 53H I aoH ' M 8 ID © ~ in <H T-H in : iH • en/-N ~ "^ SI —v_/;' M ji ro /~\ <"O CN 0 1 < z MCN ^yCN] mr- ox;o 1 >» U H B, o>:inr~ r-j i W^i\ Mf^ PXW ^134r o en CN O <S\ i1 C :! 2 ':&i .§ ft)O XI 3 1— s EHn NK0 S WWft,m cy kur in i.^flK <1 ro 0 j IX ,, ° .1 <^^z CO Jl < J: in o o« ! x0 ; 0 VD ' "-Di CM oX 0 \o mr-m o>iin < Z •^^-_ ro1 CN r-t < K! i.. j_ < z ^ 0) j in ! P 1 S0 00 1 : — . 'zQ 01iJid rH P.na) 1 . — .&j D 0)JJrSrH 4^ < a iH ^r in*JrH0m 09/14/07 \Page 23 Star Building Systems 8600 2 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 /20 JOB skumarl NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILE £ra_3 fra PAGE 2-3 SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP FRAME ID #02 LOCATION frame lines 3 NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft (2) The seismic overstrength factor (Omega) is not .included in the LEQ Load Group reactionsSeismic BASE-ONLY combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 TIME 12 52 11 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- v- VL HR VR LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL LEQ EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL 2 6 10 6 VL | LNL 3 0 10 9 71 73 P.. A -4 1 -20 4 -11 ~2 -9 7 -9 9 -1 4 -16 1 -21 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 bo 0 0 -7 9 -13 9| 00 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -2 6 -10 6 -7 1 -0 1 -4 1_.._. 11 2 20 4 VR 3 0 10 9 7 3 -9 9 "" 1 I - -J.j-.J~ g -21 2 -16~1 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 ' 0 0 b 6 -7 9 0 0 LOAD GRCMP. DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load LL Roof Live Load COLL Roof Collateral Load LEQ Longitudinal Seismic Load [located in perp plane] EQ Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 24 Star Building Systems V^ FRAME DESCRIPTION USER^|ME skumarl 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 JOB NAME 82590A MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS FRAME ID #02 LOCATION frame lines 3 NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft DATE 9/14/07 PAGE 2-4 FILE fra_3 fra TIME 12 52 11 (2) These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads are limit state and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable codefor ASD design It is the responsibility oE the foundation designer to apply the load factors and load combinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design (3) The seismic overstrength factor (Omega) is not included in the LEQ Load Group reactions Seismic BASE-ONLY combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- v- VL vv / — HR VR LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 (4)-l HL VL 375 LNL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 (4)-l HR VR 375 LNR GRAVITY T.OAD COMBINATION I 20 31 21 2| 0 Q| -20 3| 21 2\ WIND I.OAD COMBINATION 17 12 13 14 15 0 0 -17 7 -8 6 -7 0 -10 6 -"3 "6 -13 0 -18 1 -10 9~"-5 ~8~ 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 0 0 10 6 7 0 8 6 17 7 0 0 -5 8! 0 0| -10 9: 0 0 -18 1| -7 9l -13 0| 0 0: -3 6 0 0! TRANSVERSE EARTHQOAKK LOAD COMBINATION 10 5 6 9 14 2 -1 8 7 1 5 2 11 9 1 5 4 6 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 2 -7 1 1 8 -14 2 8 8 4 6 1 5 11 9 0 Oi 0 Oi 0 0 0 Oj •BASE- 1 I 3 2 ONT/V EARTHQUAKE 10 0 2 9 -11 -18 T<O 7 AD COMBINATION -28 0 -28 0 -10 0| -2 9J_ -11 -18 4 7 -28 0 -28 0 LQAP COMBINATION.DESCRIECION 1 2 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 DL +LL +COT.L DL +2 2LEQ DL +COLL +2 2LEQ DL +1 0714EQ DL -1 0714EQ DL +COLL +1 07UEQ DL +CO1A, -1 0714EQ DL +WL1 DL +LWL1 DL +WL2 DL +COLL +WL1 DL +COLL +WL2 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 25 Star Building Systems 3600 s 1-35 Oklahoma City LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICSNOTE All user loads are in OK kips 73149 and kip-ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /26 ID #02 LOCATION frame 20 JOB lines 3 BmE skumarl NAME 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/0,' fra 3 fia TIME PAGE 12 52 2-5 11 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [1J DL 0 06 0 06 0 06 I... I i._..LJ_C i""r~i~i i i i i i r"T"i i 0 06 [2] LL 0 31 0 31 0 31 0 31 [3] COLL 0 21 0 21 0 21 0 21 FTTTTTT rTTTTTl 1111111111 in skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 26 Star Building Systems _ 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 / 26 skumarl DATE 9/14/07 PAGE 2-6 20 JOB NAME 82590A FILE fra_3 fra LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in kips and kip-fc FRAME ID #02 LOCATION frame lines 3 TIME 12 52 11 [4] LEQ FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE 72 2 72 [5] WL1 0 43 0 43 0 46 0 46 0 31 [61 LWL1 0 43 0 43 0 43 0 43 0 43 0 43 X 7 94-0 43 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 27 : Star Building Systems . 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City i LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS . NOTE All user loads are in OK kips 73149 and kip-ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /26 ID #02 LOCATION frame USER* 20 JOB lines 3 HKlE skumari NAME 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 fra 3 fra PAGE 2 TIME 12 52 -7 11 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE 17] WL2 0 31 '--0 46 [8] EQ 4 10 4 10 skumari 09/14/07 \Page 28 nfc "^ H *~~l IT) LD LTl I W coco 1 W ,- 1 COJ H9 Q §H yi 8 /— N 'lO; in : x~\ •^,H in ^J1 ,— I O ^y ' ~ ro V / CN ro <--. * O COm :j i-T ao 4J (0OS o cr» S1 Q ft S 61CN W CN 61U(HJOHtn wn\Um HXm & ...1 Cu EHt/1 SIDiO3; wtn m 91 ^ inr- oXo ^o <\ S LH O inr- oXo *£> <•^ X m o X i Xo V£> inIN 0 in oX r- CN 1^rn oX0 CO zp (UUaJ rH CU o u> < *-xm( CO <S ^p•x. rO1 CNrH <"^ 'x& < S < S IXD Q)S Z, <;-x S i-H 1 •^ u>4Ji-H H Oa 1 ID skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 29 in in in I W co co I -i s ewoo n S nID M O CU C- 2rn Q H co IO J JEn IM W 05 05 I 3 >' •^D ^^^in i 0 /-"^v_y © 0 aoH4J (0ooJ in ^,H LD ^j iH O ViJm < S3 0 COm o CTi as •§ W (N-^. W CN WuHJ &W wm *-s.wro PXCJ li ^u InHm N OSo^n S $ (U 3 t*1 — CVI If r-ro o>;o \D < -\ ^ m oXo U3 in r-m o>;o vo <^^ 2 t/i o«o fN | 0Mo l^J in oW r- CN p 0 X °CO •zB <uJJUS r-H Oj Tncn 5£ . <;-^a <^^s HIo 1)1Jn! rHA *3<-^ ro 1 CO < ---v"z. *$^m CNiH < 2; <--^g i ^p ttiu rH 09/14/07 \Page 30 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD NOTE All reactions are in kips 731^T GROUPand kip- ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /31 ID #01 LOCATION 417 frame USElM JOB NA lines 4 HE skumarl ME 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 fra 4 fra TIME PAGE 12 47 1-3 25 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL HR VR LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL VL 3 2: 36 13 0 8 6 -4 9 -24 8 -13 9 -11 9 13 2 LNL 0 0 0 0 8 8j 00 -17! 00 -19 5! 00 -18 1 -16 8 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -3 2 -13 0 -8 6 -4 9 11 9 13 9 24 8 VR 3 6 13 2 8 8 1 7 -16 8 -18 1 -19 5 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LOAD^ROUP DESCRIPTION DL Roof Dead Load LL Roof Live Load COLL Roof Collateral Load EQ Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] WL1 Lateral Primary Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL2 Lateral Primary Wind Load skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 31 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 FRAME DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 /31 417 SER^KEUS JOB NAME skumarl 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILE fra_4 fia PAGE 1-4 MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS FRAME ID #01 LOCATION frame lines 4 NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft TIME 12 47 25 (2) These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads are limitstate and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable code for ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and load combinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design REACTION NOTATIONS HL VL HR VR LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 (4)-l HL VL 375 LNL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 (4)-l HR j VR 375 LNR GRAVITY TXJAD COMBINATION WIND I LOAD 10 12 I 24 8| 25 COMBINATION I -21 6 [ -8 7 -15 -13 5| 0 9 3 0 0 0| -24 0 0 8 21 8 25 7 6 -13 -15 _5J 00 3 9 0 0 0 0 TRANSVERSE EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 8 3 4 7 17 2 -2 1 8 5 6 5 14 1 1 8 5 3 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 5 -8 5 2 1 -17 2 10 6 00 53 00 18 0 ol 14 l| 00 LCAD_COMBINATION_DBS_CRIPTIOM 1 DL +LL +COLL 3 DL +1 0714EQ 4 DL -1 0714EQ 7 DL +COLL +1 0734EQ 8 DL +COLL -1 0714EQ 10 DL +WL1 12 DL +WL2 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 32 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS NOTE All user loads are in OK kips 73149 and kip-ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /31 417 ID #01 LOCATION frame JOB lines 4 ^ME skuinarl NAME 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 fra 4 fra TIME PAGE 12 47 1-5 25 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [1] DL 0 07 [2] LL 0 38 r 0 38 0 38 0 38 tilt IJj]1 i i i 1 1 1 i [3] COLL 0 25 0 25 TTT1 0 25 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 33 I Star Building Systems ! 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73143 FRAME DESCRIPTION USER^PlE skumarl DATE 9/14/07 PAGE 1-6 srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 JOB NAME 82590A FILE fra_4 fra LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS FRAME ID #01 LOCATION frame lines 4 NOTE All user loads are in kips and kip-ft TIME 12 47 25 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE [4] WL1 0 52 0 52 -r—»—>f 0 55 0 55 '• ' 0 37 ' 0 37 [5] LWL1 0 52 0 52 0 52 i—T—TI 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 52 [6] WL2 0 52 0 52 0 52 0 37 ' ' 0 55 0 55 skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 34 Star Building Systems ^V FRAME DESCRIPTION USER^^E skumari 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 7314!r srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 JOB NAME 82590A LOAD GROUP SCHEMATICS FRAME ID #01 LOCATION frame lines 4 NOTE All user loads are in kips and kip-ft DATE 9/14/07 PAGE 1-7 FILE fra_4 fra TIME 12 47 25 FOR REFERENCE ONLY LOADS ARE INCLUDED IN THE REACTION TABLE 17] EQ 4 90 — - 4 90 skumari 09/14/07 \Page 35 Star Building Systems ^^ FRAME DESCRIPTION 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 Endwall EWB PATH R \Jobs\Active\ENGUl-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP NOTE All reactions are in kips and kip-ft USER^^PE skumarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 REW3BLDG1 PAGE TIME 12 EW-1 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS Endwall B Frame line -1 HL —- VL v'b • H3 1E 1D V2 1C ' V3 1B — HR VR 1A LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD GROUP D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL LEFT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (41-3/4 HL 0 008 0 020 0 049 -0 081 -0 081 -0 081 -0 081 0 0 VL 0 415 0 632 LL 0 0 1 580 0 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (41-3/4 HR -0 008 -0 020 -0 049 VR 0 415 0 632 1 580 0 081 -2 626 0 081 0 081 0 081 0 0 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 0 0 LR 0 0 0 0 "o 0 0 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 375 (41-3/4 HI 0 0 0 0 0 VI 0 828 1 675 4 189 -6 212 -6 212 0 i-6 212 0 0 0 -6 212 0 0 LI -0 038 -0 094 -0 235 2 932 -2 252 0 348 0 348 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 962 1 962 -3 212 3 212 V2 ~0 466 L2 -0 016 0 750J-0 039 1 876 -2 718 -2 718 -4 767 -4 767 -0 097 2 542 -2 274 0 141 0 141 -3 354] 0 -3 354 o INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H3 0 0 0 0 0 V3 0 828 1 675 4 189 L3 -0 038 -0 094 -0 235 -6 212 2 932 -6 212|-2 252 -1 96 '|-8 425 1 96 > -3 21 ' 3 21 ' -8 425 -3 622 -3 62.2 0 348 0 348 0 0 D C L w+ w- WR WL ER EL DEAD LOAD COLLATERAL LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD AS AN INWARD ACTING PRESSURE WIND LOAD AS AN OUTWARD ACTING SUCTION WIND FORCE FROM THE RIGHT WIND FORCE FROM THE LEFT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM RIGHT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM LEFT skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 36 Star Building Systems ^^ FRAME DESCRIPTION 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 Endwall EWB PATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ USE^ JOB 0ME skumarl NAME 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 REW3BLDG1. PAGE EW-2 MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft (2)These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads ire limit state and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable code for ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and loadcombinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design TIME 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL —- Endwall B Frame line -1 VL 1E H2 VI 1D V2 1C H3 V3 1B HR VR 1A LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HL VL ! LL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HR VR LR INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 (4)-3/4 HI VI 375 LI INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 (4)-3/4 H2 | V2 375 L2 INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H3 V3 | L3 GRAVTTY .LOAD COMBINATION I 0 077| 2 627| 0 R) 077| 2 627|0 | 6 692|-0 367| 0 | 3 092J-0 152] 0 | 6 692|-0 36?| WIND I.OAD COMBINATION 3 4 8 6 7 -0 073 -0 053 -0 053 -0 053 -0 073 -2 211 -1 579 -1 579 -1 579 -2 211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0731-2 21ll 0 0 053-1 579 0 0 053!-1 579 0 0 053J-1 579J 0 0 073J-2 211 0 0 o o oo -5 384 -3 709 -3 709 -3 709 -J 38J.J 2 894 -2 384 0 216 0 216 0 310 0 0 1 962 -1 962 -I 962 -2 252| 2 526 -1 502-2 329 -3 551 0 086 -3 551 0 086 -4 30l| 0 125 0 0 1 96' -1 96J -1 96 ' -5 384 -3 709 -5 922 -5 922 -7 597 2 894 -2 384 0 216 0 216 0 310| TRANSVERSE EARTHQUAKE I.OAD COMBINATION 10 11 0 0 028\ 028[ 1 1 047 047 0 0 -0 l-o 028 028[ 047 047 0 0 0 0 1 2 503|-0 503(-0 132 132 -3 3 212 212 -2 -2 138|-0 138|-0 055 055 -3 3 212 212 -1 1191-0 132| -1 ligf-0 132[ LOAD . COMBIKATIOH_iESCRI_PTIOJS 1 D + C + L 3 D 6 7 8 10 11 D D D W+ C + C + WR W- WR WL ER D + C + EL D + C + D + C + skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 37 Star Building Systems ^^ FRAME DESCRIPTION 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 Endwall EWD PATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\ruri01\ skumarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILE REW4BLDG1 PAGE EW-3 SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP j NOTE All reactions are in kips and k.ip-ft TIME 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL Endwall D Frame line -5 - HI ' VI H2 V2 V3 HR VR 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E LOAD GROUP REACTION TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD GROUP D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL LEFT COLUMN 8 OX.9 875X0 375 (4J-3/4 HL 0 Oil 0 032 0 064 -0 129 -0 129 -0 129 -0 129 0 0 VL 0 523 1 028 2 056 -4 162 -4 162 LL 0 0 0 0 0 -4 1621 0 -4 162 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4J-3/4 HR -0 Oil -0 032 -0 064 0 129 0 129 VR 0 523 1 028 2 056 -4 162 -4 162 LR 0 0 0 0 0 0 129J-4 162| 0 0 129 0 0 -4 162J 0 -<fi ' " "o 1 0.. 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 375 (<l)-3/4 HI 0 0 0 0 0 -3 191 3 191 VI 1 116 2 725 5 450 -9 327 -9 327 -12 93 -12 93 -5 222|-5 889 5 222 -5 889 LI -0 054 -0 153 -0 305 3 107 -2 077 [jb 523 r~6 523 I 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 191 3 191 -5 222 5 222 V2 0 594 1 220 2 440 -4 016 -4 016 -7 348 -7 348 -5 454 -5 454 L2 -0 022 -0 063 -0 126 2 609 -2 207 0 208 0 208 0 0 INTEPIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 H3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V3 1 116 2 725 5 450 -9 327 -9 327 -9 327 -9 327i 0 0 L3 -0 054 -0 153 -0 305 3 107 ^2 077 0 523 0 523 0 0 I<0_AD_.GRCWP_DES.CRIPTiQi» D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL DEAD LOAD COLLATERAL LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD AS AN INWARD ACTING PRESSURE WIND LOAD AS AN OUTWARD ACTING SUCTION WIND FORCE FROM THE RIGHT WIND FORCE FROM THE LEFT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM RIGHT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM LEFT skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 38 Star Building Systems ^^ FRAME DESCRIPTION S600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK 73149 Endwall EWD PATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\B]dg-A\run01\ skumarl JOB NAME 82590A DATE 9/14/0; FILE REW4BLDC1 PAGE EW-4 MAX SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR LOAD COMBINATIONS NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft (2) These reactions are from loads determined from the applicable code for ASD design Seismic loads are limit state and include magnification factors when so required by the seismic provisions of the applicable code for ASD design It is the responsibility of the foundation designer to apply the load factors and load combinations appropriate for the concrete foundation design TIME 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- EEndwall D F'rame line -5 HI -- H2 VL 5A V2'• VI 5B 5C LOAD COMBINATION MAXIMUM REACTION TABLE V3 HR VR 5D 5E COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD COMB LEFT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4)-3/4 HL VL ; LL RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 HR (41-3/4 VR i LR INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 HI VI i LI INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 H2 375 (4)-3/4 V2 L2 INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 H3 (4)-3/4 V3 375 L3 JGKAVITY LOAD COMBINATION 1'"f 0 107J 3 607| 0 1-0 107| 3 607|'6"'| 9 29l|-0 512| ~'6'| 4 254J-0 2111" 0 I 9 291J-0 512\ WTND IX3AD COMBINATION 3 8 6 7 A -0 118 -0 086 -0 086 -0 118 n fififi -3 639] 0 -2 611i 0 -2 611! 0 -3 639! 0 ? £i i i n 0 118 0 086 0 086 0 118 n npfi -3 639 -2 611 -2 611 -3 639 9 ATT o 0 0 0 n 0 3 191 -3 191 -3 191 n -8 211 -9 084 -9 084 -11 81 -=; AOf, 3 053 0 316 0 316 0 469 -9 904 0 3 191 -3 191 -3 191 n -3 422 -5 534 -5 534 -6 754 -•> ? n •> 2 587 0 123 0 123 0 186 -•) 909 0 0 0 0 n -8 21l| 3 053 -5 4861 0 316 -5 486! 0 31.6 -8 211: 0 469 -K dflfil-2 ISA TRANSVERSE EARTHQUAKE LOAD COMBINATION 10 ]1 0 043 0 043 1 551 1 551 0 1-0 043 0 [-0 043 1 551 1 551 0 0 -5 222 5 222 -2 048J-0 207 -2 048|-0 207 -5 222 5 222 -3 640|-0 085| 0 -3 640-0 085| 0 3 841 3 841 -0 207| J/OAP. COMBJNATIOILDESCRIPTION 1 D + C + L 3 D + W+ 4 D + C + W- 6 D + C + WR 7 D + WR 10 11 + C + + C + WL ER D + C + EL skumarl 09/14/07 Page 39 DURA-RIB RDDF WITH SAG ANCLES IN BDTTDM HOLES BUILDINGS JOB NO 11-B-'82590 STRUCTURAL SCREW "(TYP) SAG STRUT FIELD CUT 85 FLATTEN SAG STRUT LOCATION PER DESIGN SUMMARY NOTE TO DRAFTING PURLIN ANCHORAGE CLIP IS NOT REQUIRED ON FIRST PURLIN FROM EAVE STRUT UNLESS NOTED ON THE DESIGN SUMMARY ANGLES FROM TOP OF EAVE STRUT TO FIRST PURLIN ARE ALSO NOT REQUIRED skurr 09/1' Page Star Building Systems, Bracing Design Program Design Summary Report OKC, OK Page 1 User skumarl Job Number 82590A Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 09 21 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ **** MAIN BUILDING ROOF LONGITUDINAL BRACING DESIGN **** ROOF STRUT LOADING AND FORCE TRANSMISSION Main Code Requirements Per 2001 California Building Code Seismic-resistance System Per 2001 California Building Code Longitudinal seismic loading case 1 (PLANE EWB endwall to opposite endwall is force direction) Soil Profile Type Sd Seismic Coefficient (Cv) 1 28 Near-Source factor (Nv) 2 Seismic Coefficient (Ca) 0 66 Near-Source factor (Na) 1 5 Longitudinal Building Period (T) 0 155 Seismic Reliability/Redundancy Factor 1 5 Zone force factor "Z" for Seismic ZONE 4 04 Seismic importance factor (I) for standard occupancy structures 1 Seismic importance factor (Ip) for standard occupancy structures 1 Building minimum longitudinal R value 5 6 Building minimum transverse R value 4 5 Roof dead load included in Seismic force "W" (psf) 4 186 Roof collateral load included in Seismic force "W" (psf) 8 000 Roof Brace External loading (W) rho(V) Brc T Brc T Brc strut spans applied to strut line /(I 4) Total /bay Allow PLANE RPC 1 20 000 15 000 15 000 12 317 0 065 2 193 4 143 3 656 i 21 581 0 128 3 839 7 251 6 398 i 18 516 0 118 3 290 6 215 5 484 21 581 0 128 3 839 7 251 6 398 20 000 TOTAL X 1 00 @ FRAME LINE @ BAY 1, 2 @ BAY 3 @ BAY 4 Transfered = TOTAL X 1 00 @ FRAME LINE @ BAY 1, 2 @ BAY 3 @ BAY 4 Transfered - TOTAL X 1 00 @ FRAME LINE @ BAY 1, 2 @ BAY 3 @ BAY 4 Transfered = TOTAL X 1 00 @ FRAME LINE @ BAY 1, 2 @ BAY 3 @ BAY 4 Transfered = = 12 317 1, 5 30 839 = 21 581 1, 5 9 258 = 18 516 1, 5 9 258 = 21 581 1, 5 30 839 9 74 14 58 2 92 3 81 2 92 3 81 0 8750" ROD 14 58 17 20 0 5000" ROD 3 81 5 62 0 5000" ROD 3 81 5 62 0 8750" Ri skumarl -09/14/07 9 74 14 58 14 58 17 20ige41 5 PLANE RPA 12 0 2 4 3 317 065 193 143 656 TTOTAL X @ FRAME @ BAY @ BAY @ BAY 1 3 4 1 00 = 12 317 LINE 1 , 5 ,2 - Using Eq(30-5) V=(2 5CaI/R)W, R=5 6 Roof bracing load E=rhoV, rho=l 50 Roof Combination {E/l 4} skumarl 09/14/07 Page 42 2 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK Page 1 Bracing Design Program User skumarl Job Number 82590A Design Summary Report Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 09 21 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ **** MAIN BUILDING SIDEWALL LONGITUDINAL BRACING DESIGN **** WALL STRUT LOADING AND FORCE TRANSMISSION Wall Brace External loading strut elev applied to strut line PLANE SWC Line 1 30 839 Transfered from roof Tier 1 14 00' 12 317 TOTAL X 1 00 = 12 317 0 065 @ FRAME LINE 1, 5 2 193 @ BAY 1, 2 4 143 @ BAY 3 3 656 @ BAY 4 Transfered = 43 156 Weight (W) V = Using Eq(30-5) V=(2 5CaI/R)W, R=5 6 V = (2 5)(0 66)(1 00)/(5 60)(43 156) = 12 716 Omega*V = 2 20*12 716 = 27 974 Omega*V/Bay = 27 974 / 1 bays = 27 974 Brace Load / Bay = 35 439 (2)0 8750" ROD Brace Allowable = 43 854 Wall Brace External loading strut elev applied to strut line PLANE SWA Line 5 30 839 Transfered from roof Tier 1 14 00' 12 317 TOTAL X 1 00 = 12 317 0 065 @ FRAME LINE 1, 5 2 193 @ BAY 1, 2 4 143 @ BAY 3 3 656 @ BAY 4 Transfered = 43 156 Weight (W) V = Using Eq(30-5) V=(2 5CaI/R)W, R=5 6 V = (2 5)(0 66)(1 00)/(5 60)(43 156) = 12 716 Omega*V = 2 20*12 716 = 27 974 Omega*V/Bay = 27 974 / 1 bays = 27 974 Brace Load / Bay =35 439 (2)0 8750" ROD Brace Allowable = 43 854 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 43 3 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK Page 1 Bracing Design Program User skumarl Job Number 82'590A Design Summary Report Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 09 21 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ ***** TRANSVERSE BRACING DESIGN ***** Frame line-1 STABILITY BRACING AT MAIN BUILDING ENDWALL PLANE EWB Loading Condition Horizontal Force 1) Lateral Wind Load 1 from SWA to SWC 1 962 2) Lateral Wind Load 1 from SWC to SWA 1 962 3) Lateral Seismic from planes SWA to SWC 8 175 Weight (W) 4) Lateral Seismic from planes SWC to SWA 8 175 Weight (W) kips Using 0 6250" RODS in endwall module [ 3] from left to right Width= 15 000 feet Left Height^ 16 917 feet Right Height^ 15 667 feet Load Horz Design Force Active Rod Design Tensile Force Tensile Force Cond This set of X-Bracing Vert Rise Length Applied Capacity 1) 2) 3) 4) 1 962 1 962 6 594 6 594 16 917 15 667 16 917 15 667 22 609 21 690 22 609 21 690 2 957 2 837 9 939 9 535 8 774 8 774 11 L87 11 L87 kips feet feet kips kips skumarl 09/14/07 Page 44 4 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK Page I Bracing Design Program User skumarl Job Number 82590A Design Summary Report Version 2 9 runOl Date 09/14/07 Manufacturing Plant - Lockeford, CA Start Time 12 09 21 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ ***** TRANSVERSE BRACING DESIGN ***** Frame line-5 STABILITY BRACING AT MAIN BUILDING ENDWALL PLANE EWD Loading Condition Horizontal Force 1) Lateral Wind Load 1 from SWA to SWC 3 191 2) Lateral Wind Load 1 from SWC to SWA 3 191 3) Lateral Seismic from planes SWA to SWC 13 293 Weight (W) 4) Lateral Seismic from planes SWC to SWA 13 293 Weight (W) kips Using 0 7500" RODS in endwall module [ 2] from left to right Width= 15 000 feet Left Height= 15 667 feet Right Height= 16 917 feet Load Horz Design Force Active Rod Design Tensile Force Tensile Force Cond This set of X-Bracing Vert Rise Length Applied Capacity 1) 3 191 16 917 22 609 4 809 12 535 2) 3 191 15 667 21 690 4 614 12 535 3) 10 723 16 917 22 609 16 162 16 110 4) 10 723 15 667 21 690 15 505 16 L10 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 45 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK User skumarl Page R- Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job Input Data Echo File fra 2 fra Date srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\ F3- 1 82590A 9/14/07 12 56 30 Main Seismic Force Resisting System Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Standard Use Category Building for Seismic Loadings Seismic Zone Seismic Earthquake Loads Required for Building Seismic Zone Factor [Z] Soil Profile Type Seismic Numerical Coefficient [R] Seismic Importance Factor [I] Storage or Warehouse Building Seismic Story Height [hn] (feet) Seismic Structural Period [T] (seconds) Seismic Coefficient [Ca] Seismic Coefficient [Cv] Seismic Coefficient [Ct] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Na] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Nv] Longitudinal Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGA] Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Force Amplification Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Redundancy/Reliability Factor [rho] Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Snow 111 Seismic Load Combinations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Building Height Limit (feet) Seismic Story Drift Limit Factor Seismic Story Drift Limit Seismic Coeff [Cw] for Design Base Shear Equation V = Cw W Estimated Redunancy Factor this Frame [2-20/(Rmaxi*SQRT(BLD_AREA)] Roof Dead Load = 5 109 Wall Weight = 0 732 Collateral Load = 9 754 Snow Load = 0 000 Rafter Crane Weight = 0 000 Frame line -2 4 Yes 0 4000 SD 4 5000 1 0000 No 14 0000 0 2533 0 6600 1 2800 0 0350 1 2 2 2 2 1 5000 0000 2000 8000 8000 5000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 100 00 50 00 160 0000 No Limit No Limit 0 3667 1 000 Total Roof Weight 15 594 kips Total Roof Weight Mezzanine Weight Col Crane Weight 15 594 0 000 0 000 TOTAL Bldg Weight X Seismic Coeff 15 594 kips X 0 3667 BASE SHEAR 5 7178 kips skumarl 09/14/07 Page 46 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK User skumarl Page R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job Input Data Echo File fra_3 fra Date srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 / 90 /O Start Time R \Jobfo\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\ F2- 1 82590A 9/14/07 12 52 11 Main Seismic Force Resisting System Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Standard Use Category Building for Seismic Loadings Seismic Zone Seismic Earthquake Loads Required for Building Seismic Zone Factor [Z] Soil Profile Type Seismic Numerical Coefficient [R] Seismic Importance Factor [I] Storage or Warehouse Building Seismic Story Height [hn] (feet) Seismic Structural Period [T] (seconds) Seismic Coefficient [Ca] Seismic Coefficient [Cv] Seismic Coefficient [Ct] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Na] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Nv] Longitudinal Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGA] Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Force Amplification Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Redundancy/Reliability Factor [rho] Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Building Height Limit (feet) Seismic Story Drift Limit Factor Seismic Story Drift Limit Seismic Coeff [Cw] for Design Base Shear Equation V = Cw W Estimated Redunancy Factor this Frame [2-20/(Rmaxi*SQRT(BLD_AREA)] Roof Dead Load = 6 705 Wall Weight = 1 092 Collateral Load = 14 560 Snow Load = 0 000 Rafter Crane Weight = 0 000 Frame line -3 4 1 4 Yes 0 4000 SD 5000 0000 No 14 0000 0 2533 0 6600 1 2800 0 0350 1 5000 2 0000 2 2000 2 2 1 8000 8000 5000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 100 00 50 00 160 0000 No Limit No Limit 0 3667 1 013 Total Roof Weight 22 357 kips Total Roof Weight Mezzanine Weight Col Crane Weight 22 357 0 000 0 000 TOTAL Bldg Weight X Seismic Coeff 22 357 kips X 0 3667 BASE SHEAR 8 1976 kips skumarl 09/14/07 Page 47 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK User R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Input Data Echo File fra_4 fra srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 90 /O R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\ skumarl Page Job Date Start Time Fl- 1 32590A 9/14/07 12 47 25 Main Seismic Force Resisting System Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Standard Use Category Building for Seismic Loadings Seismic Zone Seismic Earthquake Loads Required for Building Seismic Zone Factor [Z] Soil Profile Type Seismic Numerical Coefficient [R] Seismic Importance Factor [I] Storage or Warehouse Building Seismic Story Height [hn] (feet) Seismic Structural Period [T] (seconds) Seismic Coefficient [Ca] Seismic Coefficient [Cv] Seismic Coefficient [Ct] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Na] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Nv] Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Force Amplification Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Redundancy/Reliability Factor [rho] Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Building Height Limit (feet) Seismic Story Drift Limit Factor Seismic Story Drift Limit Seismic Coeff [Cw] for Design Base Shear Equation V = Cw W Estimated Redunancy Factor this Frame [2-20/(Rmaxi*SQRT(BLD_AREA)] Roof Dead Load = 7 821 Wall Weight = 1 320 Collateral Load = 17 594 Snow Load = 0 000 Rafter Crane Weight = 0 000 Frame line -4 4 Yes 0 4000 SD 4 5000 1 0000 No L4 0000 0 2533 0 6600 1 2800 0 0350 1 2 2 2 1 5000 0000 8000 8000 5000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 100 00 50 00 160 0000 No Limit No Limit 0 3667 1 140 Total Roof Weight 26 734 kips Total Roof Weight Mezzanine Weight Col Crane Weight 26 734 0 000 0 000 TOTAL Bldg Weight X Seismic Coeff 26 734 kips X 0 3667 BASE SHEAR 9 8023 kips skumarl 09/14/07 Page 48 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK User skumarl Page R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job Input Data Echo File fra 2 fra Date srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\ F3- 1 82590A 9/14/07 12 56 30 20 / 90 /O VERSION V2 9 DIVISION Star DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 FRAME_ID 3 PRINT echo code base connection deflection profile seismic detail flg_brace \ summary stiffeners pro_grplds OPTIMIZATION none *PLANT Ikf *JOB 82590A ANALYZE none *DATASET members combinations wind_array connection base BUILDING LABEL A LOCATION frame lines 2 NUMBER FRAMES 1 *PRICE complete KX METHOD Lui # FRAME LEFT SIDE IS BLDG PLANE SWC # AND FRAME RIGHT SIDE IS BLDG PLANE SWA TYPE LEFT srlo t cs 60 60 TYPE RIGHT srlo t cs 60 60 WIDTH 70 35 LENGTH EAVE 14 100 *ROOF SLOPE 1 GIRT DEPTH 850 *PURLIN DEPTH 8585 GIRT THICKNESS 0 057 *PURLIN THICKNESS 0 057 GIRT FLANGE 2 5 *PURLIN FLANGE 2 5 PURLIN STIFFNESS 4 25 2 692 1 873 1 267 BUILDING CODE CA01 U=Normal DEAD LOAD 2 191 *COLLATERAL LOAD 8 LIVE LOAD 20 reduce SNOW R=0 S=N SEISMIC LOAD Z = 4 %CR=NORM %SR=NORM NSFNA=1 5 RHOL=1 RL=5 6 Ct=0 035 SOIL PROFILE SD ROOF TRIBUTARY TR= 17 417 WALL TRIBUTARY TR= 17 417 S = 0 E=14 LATERAL BRACE LENGTH 18 00 STIFFNESS CHECK SNOW ONLY DEFLECTION ROOF L=240 S=240 W=240 G=180 DEFLECTION WALL L=60 S=60 W=60 E=50 C=100 G=60 SYMKNEE CONNECTION BRACING SIDES LC=1 RA=1 RC=1 GIRT SPACING LEFT 3 2 3333 2 3 6667 GIRT SPACING RIGHT 3 4 3333 3 6667 GIRT BRACE LEFT U 0 B B GIRT BRACE RIGHT U B B PURLIN SPACING 2 9755 2 8333 7@4 PURLIN BRACE LEFT BBBBBBBBB PURLIN BRACE RIGHT BBBBBBBBB LEFT COLUMN BASE W=8 T=0 375 L=10 N=2 D=l 5 R=4 5 LOF=2 2 TOF=2 8 \ TW=60 TE=50 29 0 0=2E I=2E W= LEFT RAFTER CONNECTION 25 11 5 0 CONNECTION RIGHT COLUMN BASE W=8 T=0 375 L=10 9 29 0 11 0 11 15 10 0 T=0 5 D=0 75 6 6 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0=2E I=2E W=6 T=0 375 D=0 75 N=2 D=l 0 25 0 25 0 1489 0 1489 0 1489 0 25 6 6 6 0 3125 0 375 0 25 0 25 0 3125 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 49 RIGHT RAFTER CONNECTION 0=2E I=2E W=6 T=0 5 D=0 75 25 11 5 0 WIND LOAD WIND STEP WIND STEP WIND LOAD WIND LOAD WIND STEP WIND STEP 11 5 15 6 0 25 0 1489 6 0 10 6 0 25 0 1489 6 11 5 0 6 0 25 0 1489 6 WLl 23 504 0 8000 -0 7000 -0 7000 -0 5000 35 000 22 048 23 504 15 000 23 504 23 504 16 917 LWL1 23 504 -0 7000 -0 7000 -0 7000 -0 7000 35 000 WL2 23 504 -0 5000 -0 7000 -0 7000 0 8000 35 000 23 504 22 048 15 000 23 504 23 504 16 917 LOAD COMBINATIONS 1)1 DL 2)1 DL 3)1 DL 4)1 DL 5)1 DL 6)1 DL 7)1 DL 8)1 DL 9)1 DL 10)1 DL 11)1 DL 12)1 DL 13)1 DL 14)1 DL 15)1 DL 16)1 DL 17)1 DL 18)1 DL 19)1 DL 20)1 DL 21)1 DL 22)1 DL 23)1 DL 24)1 DL 25)1 DL 26)1 LL 27)1 WLl 28)1 LWL1 29)1 WL2 30)1 EQ LOADS LC LW$ 1 LL 1 COLL *DEFL 60 180 2 2 LEQ *TYPE U *APP B 1 COLL 2 2 LEQ *TYPE U *APP B 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA L 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA R -1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA L -1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA R 1 COLL 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA L 1 COLL 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA R 1 COLL -1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA L 1 COLL -1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA R 1 WLl *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y 1 LWL1 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y 1 WL2 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y 1 COLL 1 WLl *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y 1 COLL 1 LWL1 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y 1 COLL 1 WL2 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y 2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA L 2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA R -2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA L -2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA R 1 COLL 2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA L 1 COLL 2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA R 1 COLL -2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA L 1 COLL -2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA R *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 50 0 *TYPE D *INCR Y GLOB Y C 0 010000 6 176700 0 250000 \ 0 375 0 25 0 25 # WIND BRACE FORCE LC LW$ GLOB L C 0 010000 7 941400 0 000000 # WIND BRACE FORCE RC LW$ GLOB Y C 0 010000 6 176700 -0 250000 # WIND BRACE FORCE RC LW$ GLOB L C 0 010000 7 941400 0 000000 # WIND BRACE FORCE LC LEQ GLOB Y C 0 010000 9 889900 0 250000 # SEISMIC BRACE FORCE LC LEQ GLOB L C 0 010000 12 715500 0 000000 # SEISMIC BRACE FORCE RC LEQ GLOB Y C 0 010000 9 889900 -0 250000 # SEISMIC BRACE FORCE RC LEQ GLOB L C 0 010000 12 715500 0 000000 # SEISMIC BRACE FORCE END skumaM 09/14/07 Page 50 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Code Summary Report srlo 70 / 14 / 17 OKC,OK - Version V2 417 20 / User skumarl Page 9 File fra 2 fra 90 /O Job Date Start Time F3- 2 82590A 9/14/07 12 56 30 Building A Frame Number 3 Location No of Frames 1 frame lines 2 Main Code Requirements Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Supporting Design Manual (s) ASD - Allowable Stress Design AISC ninth edition 1989 1992 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings Frame Data Eave height Left & Right (feet) Horizontal width from left to right steel line (feet) Horizontal distance to ridge from left side (feet) Roof Slope Left & Right (rise 12) Column Slope Left & Right (lat 12) Purlin depth left & right side (inches) Frame Rafter Inset left & right side (inches) Girt depth left & right side (inches) Frame Column Inset left & right side (inches) Tributary Width left & right side (feet) from Height Tributary Width roof (feet) Frame Design Loads 14 000 70 000 35 000 1 000 0 000 8 500 8 500 8 500 0 000 17 417 0 00 to Height 14 00 17 417 Dead Load to Frame Rafter (psf) Frame Rafter Dead Weight (psf) Total Roof Dead Weight (psf) Collateral Load to Frame Rafter (psf) Roof Live Load Entered (psf) W/ Live Load Reduction Requested Design Roof Live Load Used (psf) Roof Snow Load Entered (psf) Snow Exposure Factor [Ce] Snow Importance Factor [I] -- Standard Use Category Slippery & Unobstructed Roof Surface Roof Snow Load Used (psf) UNBALANCED SNOW LOADING (s) 2 191 1 088 3 279 8 000 20 000 12 000 0 000 0 700 1 000 No 0 000 No Unbalanced Roof Snow Loadings skumarl 09/14/07 Page 51 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Wind srlo Summary Report 70 / 14 / 17 OKC,OK - Version V2 417 20 / User 9 File 90 /O fra_2 fra skumarl Start Page Job Date Time F3- 3 82590A 9/14/ 12 56 07 30 Main Windforce-resisting system Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Eave height Left & Right (feet) 14 000 Wind Elevation on left column (feet) 14 000 Wind Elevation on right column (feet) 14 000 Mean Roof Wind Elevation (feet) 15 458 Total frame width (feet) 70 000 Total building length (feet) 100 000 Number of primary wind loadings 3 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 52 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK User skumarl Page F3- 4 R~Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job 82590A Continue Wind Summary Report File fra_2 fra Date 9/14/07 srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time L2 56 30 Main Windforce-resisting system Per California Building Code 2001 Edition *** PRIMARY WIND COEFFICIENTS FOR MAIN FRAME *** Wind Load WLl Wind from left direction ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) 0 800 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) -0 500 Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal wind ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) -0 700 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700 Wind Load WL2 Wind from left direction ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) -0 500 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) 0 800 Notes Wind coefficients applied to the roof may be located as a percentage of the total frame width (xx x%) If not shown the coefficients are applied fully to their respective rafter skumarl 09/14/07 Page 53 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK User skumarl Page R- Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job Load Combinations Report File fra 2 fra Date srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time F3- 5 82590A 9/14/07 L2 56 30 Load Combination 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) Where DL +LL +COLL DL +2 2LEQ DL +COLL +2 2LEQ DL +1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL +1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL -1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL -1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL +1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL +COLL +1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL -1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL +COLL -1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL +WL1 DL +LWL1 DL +WL2 DL +COLL +WL1 DL +COLL +LWL1 DL +COLL +WL2 DL +2 8EQ (SOA-L) DL +2 8EQ (SOA-R) DL -2 8EQ (SOA-L) DL -2 8EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL +2 8EQ (SOA-L) DL +COLL +2 8EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL -2 8EQ (SOA-L) DL +COLL -2 8EQ (SOA-R) LL WL1 LWL1 WL2 EQ DL = Roof Dead Load LL = Roof Live Load COLL = Roof Collateral Load LEQ = Longitudinal Seismic Load [located in perp plane] EQ = Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] WLl = Lateral Primary Wind Load LWLl - Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL2 = Lateral Primary Wind Load N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N D D D D D A B B A A A A A A A A A A A A A A K K K K K K K K U U P P P P P P P P U U U U U U U U PP PP P P P P Combination Descriptions Y= 1/3 Increase in Allowable for Combination N= No 1/3 Increase in Allowable for Combination B= Base Only Combination K= Knee Connection Only Combination A= Allowable Stress Design Combination - ASD89 U= Ultimate Strength Design Combination (ASD Allowable Stresses increased by 1 7) D= Deflection Only Combination P= Second Order Analysis Combination - SOA skumarl 09/14/07 Page 54 Star Building Systems, R- Frame Design Program User Load Report srlo 70 / 14 /17 We,OK - Version V2 417 20 / User skumarl Page 9 File fra 2 fra 90 /O Job Date Start Time F3- 6 32590A 9/14/07 L2 56 30 * USER INPUT LOADS LOAD MEM NO 1 LC 2 LC 3 RC 4 RC 5 LC 6 LC 7 RC 8 RC NAME LW$ LW$ LW$ LW$ LEQ LEQ LEQ LEQ SYS GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB DIR Y L Y L Y L Y L TYP C C C C C C C C DISTANCE 0 010 0 010 0 010 0 010 0 010 0 010 0 010 0 010 INTENSITY START 6 1767 7 9414 6 1767 7 9414 9 8899 12 7155 9 8899 12 7155 END 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 0 0000 LENGTH 0 250 0 000 -0 250 0 000 0 250 0 000 -0 250 0 000 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 55 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Seismic Summary Report srlo 70 / 14 / 17 We,OK - Version V2 417 20 / User skumarl Page 9 File fra 2 fra 90 /O Job Date Start Time F3- 7 32590A 9/14/07 12 56 30 Main Seismic Force Resisting System Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Standard Use Category Building for Seismic Loadings Seismic Zone Seismic Earthquake Loads Required for Building Seismic Zone Factor [z] Soil Profile Type Seismic Numerical Coefficient [R] Seismic Importance Factor [I] Storage or Warehouse Building Seismic Story Height [hn] (feet) Seismic Structural Period [T] (seconds) Seismic Coefficient [Ca] Seismic Coefficient [Cv] Seismic Coefficient [Ct] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Na] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Nv] Longitudinal Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGA] Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Force Amplification Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Redundancy/Reliability Factor [rho] Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Building Height Limit (feet) Seismic Story Drift Limit Factor Seismic Story Drift Limit Seismic Coeff [Cw] for Design Base Shear Equation V = Cw W Estimated Redunancy Factor this Frame [2-20/(Rmaxi*SQRT(BLD_AREA)] Roof Dead Load = 5 109 Wall Weight = 0 732 Collateral Load = 9 754 Snow Load = 0 000 Rafter Crane Weight = 0 000 4 Yes 0 4000 SD 4 5000 1 0000 No L4 0000 0 2533 0 6600 1 2800 0 0350 1 2 2 2 2 1 5000 0000 2000 8000 8000 5000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 100 00 50 00 160 0000 No Limit No Limit 0 3667 1 000 Total Roof Weight 15 594 kips Total Roof Weight Mezzanine Weight Col Crane Weight 15 594 0 000 0 000 TOTAL Bldg Weight X Seismic Coeff 15 594 kips X 0 3667 BASE SHEAR = 5 7178 kips Seismic Load for Roof at col # 1 2 8589 kips skumarl 09/14/07 Page 56 Seismic Load for Roof at col # 2 = 2 8589 kips SEISMIC LOAD for Roof in TOTAL = 5 7178 kips * SEISMIC GENERAL LOAD CARDS GENERATED LOAD MEM NAME SYS DIR TYP DISTANCE INTENSITY LENGTH NO START END 37 LC EQ YREF X C 12 182 2 8589 N/A 0 000 38 RC EQ YREF X C 12 182 2 8589 N/A 0 000 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 57 OXCStar Building Systems, (5KC, OK R~Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Forces and Allowable Stresses Summary File srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 / 90 /O User skumarl fra 2 fra Page Job Date Start Time F3- 8 S2590A 9/14/07 L2 56 30 Left Column Analysis Length = 12 22ft Kx = 2 29 Weight = 344 Ibs Part Length Web Height at No (ft) Start(in) End(in) 1 11 35 9 000 29 000 Outer Flange Web Inner Flange Taper (in) Thickness (in) Angle 6 00 x 0 2500 0 2500 6 00 x 0 3125 8 35 Point Actual Forces --Allowable Stresses-- Checks No Axial Moment Shear Fa Fbo Fbi Fv (kip) (k-ft) (kip) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi; Unity Shear Axial+Bend Comb Load Oflg Iflg Max Comb 115 Left Part No 2 3 4 Point fViar-i -14 2 Rafter Length (ft) 15 00 10 00 7 83 -138 1 -13 5 29 Analysis Web Start ( 25 000 11 500 11 500 Height in) End 11 11 11 Actual Forces Vc; at (in) 500 500 500 5 30 0 Length = Outer 6 00 6 00 6 00 --Allowable 29 33 5 86ft Flange in) x 0 2500 x 0 2500 x 0 2500 Stress 6 4 0 18 Kx = 0 Web Thickness 0 1489 0 1489 0 1489 eb 0 70 0 73 0 80 Weight = Inner Flange (in) 6 00 x 0 3750 6 00 x 0 2500 6 00 x 0 2500 TTn i -h-\r 73 1 642 Ibs Taper Angle -4 29 0 00 0 00 No Axial Moment Shear Fa Fbo Fbi Fv Shear Axial+Bend Comb Load (kip) (k-ft) (kip) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Oflg Iflg Max Comb 203 -14 5 -132 8 11 8 22 4 30 0 29 4 3 1 0 69 1 0 0 91 1 0 1 314 -13 7 27 5 2 0 28 2 28 2 30 0 13 9 0 08 0 68 0 44 0 68 408 -13 5 31 9 -0 6 28 2 28 2 30 0 13 9 0 03 0 78 0 60 0 78 1 1 Right Column Analysis Length = 12 22ft Kx = 2 29 Weight = 344 Ibs Part Length Web Height at Outer Flange Web Inner Flange Taper No (ft) Start(in) End(in) (in) Thickness (in) Angle 5 11 35 9 000 29 000 6 00 x 0 2500 0 2500 6 00 x 0 3125 8 35 Point Actual Forces Checks No Axial Moment Shear (kip) (k-ft) (kip) -Allowable Stresses- Fa Fbo Fbi Fv (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Unity Shear Axial+Bend Comb Load Oflg Iflg Max Comb 513 -14 2 -138 1 -13 5 29 5 30 0 29 5 64 0 18 0 70 0 73 0 73 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 58 Star Bxiilding Systems, R- Frame Design Program Forces srlo me, OK - Version V2 9 and Allowable Stresses Summary 70 /14 /17 417 20 /90 User skumarl Page F3- 9 Job 82590A File fra 2 fra Date 9/14/07 /O Start Time 12 56 30 Right Rafter Analysis Length = 33 86ft Kx = 0 80 Weight = 642 Ibs Part No 6 7 8 Length (ft) 15 00 10 00 7 83 Web Height at Start (in) 25 000 11 500 11 500 i End 11 11 11 (in) 500 500 500 Outer Flange (in) 6 00 x 6 00 x 6 00 x 0 2500 0 2500 0 2500 Web Thickness 0 1489 0 1489 0 1489 Inner Flange 6 6 6 (in) 00 x 0 00 x 0 00 x 0 3750 2500 2500 Taper Angle -4 29 0 00 0 00 Stresses-Point Actual Forces --Allowable Checks No Axial Moment Shear Fa Fbo Fbi Fv (kip) (k-ft) (kip) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) -Unity Shear Axial+Bend Comb Load Oflg Iflg Max Comb 603 704 808 -14 5 1 -14 0 -13 5 -132 8 -8 4 31 9 11 8 5 8 -0 6 22 4 7 7 28 2 30 0 30 0 28 2 29 4 13 8 30 0 3 1 13 9 13 9 0 69 0 24 0 03 1 0 0 09 0 78 0 91 0 71 0 60 1 0 0 71 0 78 1 1 TOTAL MEMBER WEIGHT = 1972 Ibs skumarl 09/14/07 Page 59 Star Building Systems, OKC, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Anchor Rod and Base Plate Design File srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 / 90 /O User skumarl fra 2 fra Page Job Date Start Time F3- 10 82590A 9/14/07 L2 56 30 LEFT EXTERIOR COLUMN ANCHOR RODS AND BASE PLATE DESIGN Anchor Rod & Base Plate Design Sizes » Use ( 4)- 1 000 in Dia A307 Anchor Rods Rod Gage 4 000 in Rod Spacing (in ) 3 0000, 1 @ 4 0000, 3 0000 Plate Size 8 OOOOx 10 OOOOx 0 3750 in (WidthxDepthxThickness) Controlling Reactions for Anchor Rod Design » Loading Type Rod Tension Rod Shear Shear & Tension Shear (kips) 0 000 28 790 28 058 Tension (kips) 30 859 0 000 30 859 Allowable (kips) 106 814 53 407 88 353 Load No 2 3 2 Check Ratio 0 2889 0 5391 0 3493 Standard Base Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes! Fillet Weld Location Inner Fig Outer Fig Web Plate 0 0 0 Weld Size (in ) 31250 25000 25000 Weld Length 6 6 9 (in ) 0000 0000 0000 Weld Capacity (kips) 47 37 33 3320 8656 4108 Design Force (kips) 10 20 13 1170 8577 4860 Load No 2 2 1 0 0 0 Weld Check Ratio 21375 55084 40364 RIGHT EXTERIOR COLUMN ANCHOR RODS AND BASE PLATE DESIGN Anchor Rod & Base Plate Design Sizes » Use ( 4)- 1 000 in Dia A307 Anchor Rods Rod Gage 4 000 in Rod Spacing (in ) 3 0000, 1 @ 4 0000, 3 0000 Plate Size 8 OOOOx 10 OOOOx 0 3750 in (WidthxDepthxThickness) Controlling Reactions for Anchor Rod Design » Loading Type Rod Tension Rod Shear Shear & Tension Shear (kips) 0 000 28 790 28 058 Tension (kips) 30 859 0 000 30 859 Allowable (kips) 106 814 53 407 88 353 Load No 2 3 2 Check Ratio 0 2889 0 5391 0 3493 Standard Base Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes) Fillet Weld Location Inner Fig Outer Fig Web Plate 0 0 0 Weld Size (in ) 31250 25000 25000 Weld Length (in ) 6 0000 6 0000 9 0000 Weld Capacity (kips) 47 3320 37 8656 33 4108 Design Force (kips) 10 1170 20 8577 13 4860 Load No 2 2 1 0 0 0 Weld Check Ratio 21375 55084 40364 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 60 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Connection Report srlo 70 / 14 / 17 OW, - Yen 417 OK sion V2 20 / 9 File 90 /O User^Psk fra_2 fra umarl Start Page Job Date Time F3- 11 82590A 9/14/07 L2 56 30 Vertical Knee Connection @ Left Rafter Depth BOLTS A325 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) (I S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) PLATE Fy(Min) = 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data 6 00 x 0 5000 inPlate Flanges OS - 6 00 x IS - 5 75 x Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Center of Bolt Pf top (out)- Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- 0 2500 in 0 3750 in 25 013 in 0 250 in 3 000 in to Flange 1 167 in 1 582 in 1 130 in 1 495 in 3 000 in Controlling Shear Load Combinations Fu = 65 00 ksi Right Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 5000 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 6 00 x 0 3750 in Web Depth - 25 013 in Web Thickness 0 149 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 083 in Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Left Side Conn Moments Axial Shear 1 666 in 1 205 in 416 in 000 in Right Side Conn Moments Axial 1 3 (k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips) 1) DL +LL +COLL 13 20 12) DL +WL1 Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) Bolt Unity Check (IS) -138 31 -13 49 102 11 7 28 13 20 -138 31 -13 49 -8 20 102 11 7 28 -8 20 0 9053 Plate Unity Check (0 S ) = 0 9742 0 5911 Plate Unity Check (I S ) = 0 6450 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 61 Star Building Systems, OW:, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Connection Report File srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 / 90 /O User^^skumarl fra 2 fra Page Job Date Start Time F3- 12 32590A 9/14/07 L2 56 30 Peak Connection @ Left Rafter Depth BOLTS A325 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in (I S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in PLATE Fy(Min) = 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data 6 00 x 0 3750 inPlate Flanges OS - 6 00 x IS - 6 00 x Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Center of Bolt Pf top (out)- Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- 0 2500 in 0 2500 in 11 540 in 0 149 in 3 000 in to Flange 1 156 in 1 593 in 1 094 in 1 655 in 3 000 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) Fu = 65 00 ksi Right Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 3750 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in 6 00 x 0 2500 in - 11 540 in 0 149 in 3 000 in I S - Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Controlling Shear Load Combinations Left Moments Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 156 in Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Side Conn Axial Shear 1 593 in 1 094 in 1 655 in 3 000 in Right Sida Conn Moments Axial (k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips) 14) DL +WL2 1) DL +LL +COLL Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) Bolt Unity Check (IS) -17 22 8 06 0 73 30 77 -13 49 0 00 -17 22 8 06 30 77 -13 49 0 2735 Plate Unity Check (0 S ) = 0 4951 0 4131 Plate Unity Check (I S ) = 0 7360 Required Connection Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes; -0 73 0 00 Weld Location Left Side of Conn Inner Fig 0 6067 Outer Fig 0 3383 Web Plate 0 0437 Right Side of Conn Inner Fig 0 6067 Outer Fig 0 3383 Web Plate 0 0437 Welded Joint Type Fillet-BS Fillet-BS Fillet-BS Fillet-BS Fillet-BS Fillet-BS 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weld Size (in ) 2500 2500 1875 2500 2500 1875 Weld Length (in ) 12 12 23 12 12 23 0000 0000 0797 0000 0000 0797 Weld Capacity (kips) 44 59 85 44 59 85 5477 3970 6791 5477 3970 6791 Design Force (kips) 27 20 3 27 20 3 0269 0915 7400 0269 0915 7400 Load No 1 14 13 1 14 13 Weld Check Ratio skumarl 09/14/07 Page 62 Star Building Systems, O^C, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 Connection srlo 70 9 Report /14 / 17 417 20 /90 User^^skumarl Page F3- 13 Job 82590A File fra 2 fra Date 9/14/07 /O Start Time L2 56 30 Vertical Knee Connection @ Right Rafter Depth BOLTS A325 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia (I S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) - Standard (2 bolts per row) PLATE Fy(Min) = 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data 6 00 x 0 5000 inPlate Flanges OS - 6 00 x IS - 5 75 x Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Center of Bolt Pf top (out)- Pf top Pf bot Pf bot (ins)- (out)- (ins)- Bolt Spacing- 0 2500 in 0 3750 in 25 013 in 0 250 in 3 000 in to Flange 1 167 in 1 582 in 1 108 in 1 512 in 3 000 in Controlling Shear Load Combinations Fu = 65 00 ksi Right Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 5000 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 6 00 x 0 3750 in Web Depth - 25 013 in Web Thickness 0 149 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 083 in Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Left Side Conn Moments Axial Shear 1 666 in 1 192 in 1 433 in 3 000 in Right Side Conn Moments Axial (k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips; 1) DL 13 20 14) DL +LL +COLL +WL2 -138 102 31 11 -13 7 49 28 13 20 -8 20 -138 102 31 11 -13 7 49 28 -8 20 Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) = 0 9053 Bolt Unity Check (I S ) = 0 5914 Plate Unity Check (OS) =0 9742 Plate Unity Check (IS) =0 6443 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 63 Star Building Systems , R- Frame Design Program Knee srlo and Stiffener 70 /14 / O^^, ,OK User^^skumarl Page - Version V2 9 Report 17 417 File fra 2 fra 20 / 90 /O Job Date Start Time F3- 14 82590A 9 L2 /14/07 56 30 Left Knee Design Knee Web Thickness Bearing Stiffener Type Bearing Stiffener at Knee Column Cap Plate Use 0 2500 in Thick Web Horizontal 2 7500 X 0 3750 in 6 0000 X 0 2500 in Knee Panel Weld Sizes Required (Due to Weld Shear) Mm Fillet Welds, around the Knee Web Panel are Column Cap Plate to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Horizontal Stiffener to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Column Outer Flange to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Connection Plate to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Right Knee Design Knee Web Thickness Bearing Stiffener Type Bearing Stiffener at Knee Column Cap Plate Use 0 2500 in Thick Web Horizontal 2 7500 X 0 3750 in 6 0000 X 0 2500 in Knee Panel Weld Sizes Required (Due to Weld Shear) Mm Fillet Welds, around the Knee Web Panel are Column Cap Plate to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Horizontal Stiffener to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Column Outer Flange to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Connection Plate to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) skumarl 09/14/07 Page 64 Star Building Systems, ^R, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version Flange Brace Report srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 GIRT SPACES - LEFT COLUMN 1 @ 3 ' 0 @ FLOOR 1 @ 2 '4 1 @ 2 '0 1 @ 3 '8 1 @ 3 ' 0 & EAVE User^^skumarl Page V2 9 File / 90 /O fra_2 fra Job Date Start Time F3- 15 82590A 9/14/07 L2 56 30 VERTICAL MEASUREMENTS 1 @ 1 @ 1 @i e RIGHT COLUMN 3 '0 4-4 3'8 3'0 @ FLOOR @ EAVE PURLIN SPACES LEFT RAFTER 1 @ 2 '11-11/16" @ EAVE 1 @ 2'10 7 @ 4'0 l@l'2-5/16" @ PEAK HORIZONTAL MEASUREMENTS RIGHT RAFTER 1 @ 2'11-11/16" @ EAVE 1 @ 2'10 7 @ 4' 0 1 @ 1 '2-5/16" @ PEAK MEMBER DISTANCE TO BRACE POINTS (Feet) - LEFT RAFTER Measured along T F - RIGHT RAFTER Measured along T F - EXT COLUMNS Measured along T F from left steel line from right steel line from base LFT COLUMN LFT RAFTER RGT COLUMN RGT RAFTER 3 00 (N) 2 99 (H) 3 00 (N) 2 99 (H) 5 33 (0) 5 83 (N) 7 33 (S) 5 83 (N) 7 33 (S) 9 84 (S) 11 00 (N) 9 84 (S) 11 00 (N) 13 86 (N) 13 86 (N) 17 87 (S) 17 87 (S) 21 88 (N) 21 88 (N) 25 90 (S) 25 90 (N) 29 91 (N) 29 91 (N) 33 93 (S) 33 93 (S) "N" Indicates that No flange braces are located at the brace point "S" Indicates that One Standard flange brace is located at the brace point "H" Indicates that One Heavy flange brace is located at the brace point "0" Indicates that Brace point is optional and is not considered in design skumarl 09/14/07 Page 65 Star Building Systems, OC, OK User^skumarl Page F3- 16 R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job 32590A Primary Deflection Report File fra_2 fra Date 9/14/07 srlo 70 / 14 / 17 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time 12 56 30 COLUMN TOP DEFLECTIONS for LOAD COMBS (Positive = X Right Y Upward) (Inches) Ext Left Col Ext Right Col X-Def Y-Def X-Def Y-Def Pos Max 1 009 0 083 1 176 0 083 Load Comb 30 10 8 8 Defl H/144 H/124 Neg Max -1 176 -0 075 -0 961 -0 073 Load Comb 10 30 66 Defl H/124 H/152 MAX RAFTER DEFLECTIONS for SPAN #1 (Positive = Y Upward) Max Downward Deflection Max Upward Deflection Y-Def X-Dist from Left S L Y-Def X-Dist from Left S L Max Def -3 678 in 35 00 ft 2 038 in 30 97 ft Load Comb 1 29 Defl L/220 L/398 PEAK DEFLECTIONS (Positive = Y Upward) Y-Def Pos Max 1 954 in Load Comb 29 Defl L/415 Neg Max -3 678 in Load Comb 1 Defl L/220 Vertical Clearance at the Left Knee is Vertical Clearance at the Right Knee is 11 3562 feet 11 3562 feet skumarl 09/14/07 Page 66 Star Building Systems,Om:, OK R- Frame Design Program - Version Input srlo Data 70 Echo / 14 /26 R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll- 20 / User^^skumarl Page V2 90 B-82590\ver01- 9 File /O fra_.3 fra Job Date Start Time F2- 1 82590A 9 12 /14/07 52 11 skumarl \Bldg- A\ 20 / 90 /O VERSION V2 9 DIVISION Star DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 / 26 FRAME_ID 2 PRINT echo code base connection deflection profile seismic detail flg_brace \ summary stiffeners pro_grplds OPTIMIZATION none *PLANT Ikf *JOB 82590A ANALYZE none *DATASET members combinations wind_array connection base BUILDING LABEL A LOCATION frame lines 3 NUMBER FRAMES 1 *PRICE complete KX METHOD Lui TYPE LEFT srlo t cs 60 60 TYPE RIGHT srlo t cs 60 60 # FRAME LEFT SIDE IS BLDG PLANE SWC # AND FRAME RIGHT SIDE IS BLDG PLANE SWA WIDTH 70 35 LENGTH EAVE 14 100 *ROOF SLOPE 1 GIRT DEPTH 850 *PURLIN DEPTH 8585 GIRT THICKNESS 0 057 *PURLIN THICKNESS 0 08 GIRT FLANGE 2 5 *PURLIN FLANGE 2 5 PURLIN STIFFNESS 4 607 2 424 2 013 1 092 BUILDING CODE CA01 U=Normal DEAD LOAD 2 191 COLLATERAL LOAD 8 LIVE LOAD 20 reduce SNOW R=0 S=N SEISMIC LOAD Z=4 %CR=NORM %SR=NORM NSFNA=1 5 RHOL=1 RL=5 6 Ct=0 035 SOIL PROFILE SD ROOF TRIBUTARY TR= 26 WALL TRIBUTARY TR= 26 S=0 LATERAL BRACE LENGTH 34 00 STIFFNESS CHECK SNOW ONLY DEFLECTION ROOF L=240 S=240 DEFLECTION WALL L=60 S=60 SYMKNEE CONNECTION BRACING SIDES LC=1 RA=1 RC=1 GIRT SPACING LEFT 3 2 3333 2@2 1 6667 GIRT SPACING RIGHT 3 4 3333 3 6667 1 5 GIRT BRACE LEFT U U B Bl B GIRT BRACE RIGHT U Bl B Bl PURLIN SPACING 2 9755 2 8333 7@4 PURLIN BRACE BBBBBBBBB LEFT COLUMN BASE W=8 T=0 375 L=10 N=2 D=l 5 R=4 5 LOF=2 2 TOF=2 8 \ E=14 W=240 G=180 W=60 E=50 C=100 G=60 TW=60 TE=50 29 0 0=3E I=3E W=6 T=0 11 0 11 14 10 0 LEFT RAFTER CONNECTION 33 11 5 0 CONNECTION RIGHT COLUMN BASE W=8 T=0 375 L=10 9 29 0 RIGHT RAFTER 5 D=0 75 6 6 6 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 0=2E I=2E W=6 T=0 375 D=0 75 N=2 D=l 0 25 0 25 0 178 0 1489 0 1489 0 25 0 375 0 0 0 375 25 25 0 375 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 67 CONNECTION WIND 33 11 0 0 = 3E I 11 5 5 0 11 5 LOAD WIND WIND WIND WIND STEP STEP LOAD LOAD WIND WIND LOAD D 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) LOADS LC STEP STEP WLl 22 23 048 504 LWL1 WL2 23 23 504 504 = 3E vPb T=0 5 D=0 75 14 6 10 6 0 6 23 504 0 8000 -0 7000 23 504 15 000 23 504 16 917 23 504 -0 7000 -0 7000 23 504 -0 5000 -0 7000 22 048 15 000 23 504 16 917 0 0 0 25 25 25 -0 -0 -0 7000 7000 7000 0 0 0 - - W 178 6 1489 6 1489 6 0 5000 35 000 0 7000 35 000 0 8000 35 000 COMBINATIONS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL LL WLl LWL1 WL2 EQ LW$ 1 2 1 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 LL 1 LEQ COLL 07143 07143 1 1 8 8 -2 -2 1 1 1 1 07143 07143 COLL COLL COLL COLL WLl LWL1 WL2 COLL COLL COLL COLL *DEFL 60 180 *TYPE U *APP B 2 2 LEQ *TYPE U *APP EQ *DEFL 50 180 EQ *DEFL 50 180 EQ *DEFL 50 180 EQ *DEFL 50 180 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 1 07143 EQ *DEFL -1 07143 EQ *DEFL -1 07143 EQ *DEFL B* *INCR Y * PDELTA L INCR Y * PDELTA R *INCR Y *INCR Y 50 50 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR 50 50 Y 180 180 180 180 *PDELTA L * PDELTA R *INCR Y * PDELTA L *INCR Y * PDELTA R *INCR Y * PDELTA L *INCR Y * PDELTA R *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y *DEFL 60 180 *INCR 1 WLl *DEFL 60 1 LWL1 *DEFL 60 1 WL2 *DEFL 60 EQ *TYPE U *APP K * PDELTA EQ * 8 EQ 8 EQ COLL COLL COLL COLL *DEFL TYPE U *APP K * PDELTA *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA 2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K 2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K -2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP -2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP 60 240 *TYPE D Y 180 180 180 L R L R *INCR Y *INCR Y *INCR * PDELTA * PDELTA K K L R * PDELTA * PDELTA Y L R *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL GLOB 50 0 *TYPE D *INCR Y Y C 0 010000 6 176700 0 250000 \ 0 375 0 25 0 25 # WIND BRACE FORCE LC LW$ GLOB L C 0 010000 7 941400 0 000000 tt WIND BRACE FORCE RC LW$ GLOB Y C 0 010000 6 176700 -0 250000 tt WIND BRACE FORCE RC LW$ GLOB L C 0 010000 7 941400 0 000000 tt WIND BRACE FORCE LC LEQ GLOB Y C 0 010000 9 889900 0 250000 # SEISMIC BRACE FORCE LC LEQ GLOB L C 0 010000 12 715500 0 000000 # SEISMIC BRACE FORCE RC LEQ GLOB Y C 0 010000 9 889900 -0 250000 # SEISMIC BRACE FORCE RC LEQ GLOB L C 0 010000 12 715500 0 000000 # SEISMIC BRACE FORCE END skumarl 09/14/07 Page 68 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Code Summary Report srlo 70 / 14 / 26 &K, OK - Version V2 9 File 20 / 90 /O User^Wskumarl Page Job fra_3 fra Date Start Time F2- 2 32590A 9/14/07 12 52 11 Building A Frame Number 2 Location frame lines 3 No of Frames 1 Main Code Requirements Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Supporting Design Manual(s) ASD - Allowable Stress Design AISC ninth edition 1989 1992 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings Frame Data Eave height Left & Right (feet) 14 000 Horizontal width from left to right steel line (feet) 70 000 Horizontal distance to ridge from left side (feet) 35 000 Roof Slope Left & Right (rise 12) 1 000 Column Slope Left & Right (lat 12) 0 000 Purlin depth left & right side (inches) 8 500 Frame Rafter Inset left & right side (inches) 8 500 Girt depth left & right side (inches) 8 500 Frame Column Inset left & right side (inches) 0 000 Tributary Width left & right side (feet) 26 000 from Height 0 00 to Height 14 00 Tributary Width roof (feet) 26 000 Frame Design Loads Dead Load to Frame Rafter (psf) 2 191 Frame Rafter Dead Weight (psf) 0 797 Total Roof Dead Weight (psf) 2 988 Collateral Load to Frame Rafter (psf) 8 000 Roof Live Load Entered (psf) W/ Live Load Reduction Requested 20 000 Design Roof Live Load Used (psf) 12 000 Roof Snow Load Entered (psf) 0 000 Snow Exposure Factor [Ce] 0 700 Snow Importance Factor [I] -- Standard Use Category 1 000 Slippery & Unobstructed Roof Surface No Roof Snow Load Used (psf) 0 000 UNBALANCED SNOW LOADING(s) No Unbalanced Roof Snow Loadings skumarl 09/14/07 Page 69 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Wind srlo Summary Report 70 / 14 / 26 SR,, OK - Version 20 / V2 9 File 90 /O Use fra_3 r^^skumarl fra Start Page Job Date Time F2- 3 82590A 9/14/07 12 52 11 Main Windforce-resisting system Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Eave height Left & Right (feet) 14 000 Wind Elevation on left column (feet) 14 000 Wind Elevation on right column (feet) 14 000 Mean Roof Wind Elevation (feet) 15 458 Total frame width (feet) 70 000 Total building length (feet) 100 000 Number of primary wind loadings 3 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 70 Star Building Systems, OW, OK User^Pskumarl Page F2- 4 R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job 32590A Continue Wind Summary Report File fra_3 fra Date 9/14/07 srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 / 90 /O Start Time 12 52 11 Main Windforce-resisting system Per California Building Code 2001 Edition *** PRIMARY WIND COEFFICIENTS FOR MAIN FRAME *** Wind Load WL1 Wind from left direction ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) 0 800 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) -0 500 Wind Load LWL1 Longitudinal wind ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) -0 700 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700 Wind Load WL2 Wind from left direction ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) -0 500 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) 0 800 Notes 1 Wind coefficients applied to the roof may be located as a percentage of the total frame width (xx x%) If not shown the coefficients are applied fully to their respective rafter skumarl 09/14/07 Page 71 Star Building Systems, OTC, OK User^skumarl Page F2- 5 R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job 32590A Load Combinations Report File fra 3 fra Date 9/14/07 srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 / 90 /O Start Time L2 52 11 Load Combination D 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) Where DL +LL +COLL DL +2 2LEQ DL +COLL +2 2LEQ DL +1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL +1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL -1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL -1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL +1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL +COLL +1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL -1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL +COLL -1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL +WL1 DL +LWL1 DL +WL2 DL +COLL +WL1 DL +COLL +LWL1 DL +COLL +WL2 DL +2 8EQ (SOA-L) DL +2 8EQ (SOA-R) DL -2 8EQ (SOA-L) DL -2 8EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL +2 8EQ (SOA-L) DL +COLL +2 8EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL -2 8EQ (SOA-L) DL +COLL -2 8EQ (SOA-R) LL WL1 LWL1 WL2 EQ DL = Roof Dead Load LL = Roof Live Load COLL = Roof Collateral Load LEQ = Longitudinal Seismic Load [located in perp plane] EQ = Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] WL1 = Lateral Primary Wind Load LWLl = Longitudinal Primary Wind Load WL2 = Lateral Primary Wind Load N A N B U N B U YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP YAP Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A Y A N K U P N K U P N K U P N K U P N K U P N K U P N K U P N K U P D D D D D Combination Descriptions Y= 1/3 Increase in Allowable for Combination N= No 1/3 Increase in Allowable for Combination B= Base Only Combination K= Knee Connection Only Combination A= Allowable Stress Design Combination - ASD89 U= Ultimate Strength Design Combination (ASD Allowable Stresses increased by 1 7) D= Deflection Only Combination P= Second Order Analysis Combination - SOA skumarl 09/14/07 Page 72 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program User Load Report srlo 70 / 14 / 26 8R:, OK - Version V2 9 File 20 / 90 /O fra_3 r^skumarl Page F2- 6 Job 82590A fra Date 9/14/07 Start Time L2 52 11 * USER INPUT LOADS LOAD MEM NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NAME SYS DIR TYP DISTANCE INTENSITY START LC LC RC RC LC LC RC RC LW$ LW$ LW$ LW$ LEQ LEQ LEQ LEQ GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB GLOB Y L Y L Y L Y L C C C C C C C C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 6 7 6 7 9 12 9 12 1767 9414 1767 9414 8899 7155 8899 7155 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 LENGTH 0 0 -0 0 0 0 -0 0 250 000 250 000 250 000 250 000 skumaM 09/14/07 Page 73 Star Building Systems, R- Frame Design Program Seismic Summary Report srlo 70 / 14 / 26 &K, OK - Version V2 9 File 20 / 90 /O User^^skumarl Page Job fra_3 fra Date Start Time F2- 7 S2590A 9/14/07 12 52 11 Main Seismic Force Resisting System Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Standard Use Category Building for Seismic Loadings Seismic Zone Seismic Earthquake Loads Required for Building Seismic Zone Factor [Z] Soil Profile Type Seismic Numerical Coefficient [R] Seismic Importance Factor [I] Storage or Warehouse Building Seismic Story Height [hn] (feet) Seismic Structural Period [T] (seconds) Seismic Coefficient [Ca] Seismic Coefficient [Cv] Seismic Coefficient [Ct] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Na] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Nv] Longitudinal Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGA] Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Force Amplification Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Redundancy/Reliability Factor [rho] Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Building Height Limit (feet) Seismic Story Drift Limit Factor Seismic Story Drift Limit Seismic Coeff [Cw] for Design Base Shear Equation V = Cw W Estimated Redunancy Factor this Frame [2-20/(Rmaxi*SQRT(BLD_AREA)] Roof Dead Load = 6 705 Wall Weight = 1 092 Collateral Load = 14 560 Snow Load = 0 000 Rafter Crane Weight = 0 000 4 Yes 0 4000 SD 4 5000 1 0000 No 14 0000 0 2533 0 6600 1 2800 0 0350 1 2 2 2 2 1 5000 0000 2000 8000 8000 5000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 100 00 50 00 150 0000 No Limit No Limit 0 3667 1 013 Total Roof Weight 22 357 kips Total Roof Weight Mezzanine Weight Col Crane Weight 22 357 0 000 0 000 TOTAL Bldg Weight X Seismic Coeff 22 357 kips X 0 3667 BASE SHEAR = 8 1976 kips Seismic Load for Roof at col #1 =4 0988 kips skumarl 09/14/07 Page 74 Seismic Load for Roof aol # 2 = 4 0988 kips SEISMIC LOAD for Roof in TOTAL = 8 1976 kips * SEISMIC GENERAL LOAD CARDS GENERATED LOAD MEM NAME SYS DIR TYP DISTANCE INTENSITY LENGTH NO START END 37 LC EQ YREF X C 11 829 4 0988 N/A 0 000 38 RC EQ YREF X C 11 829 4 0988 N/A 0 000 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 75 Star Building Systems, &K, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Forces and Allowable Stresses Summary File srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 / 90 /O UserWskumarl fra 3 fra Page Job Date Start Time F2- 8 82590A 9/14/07 12 52 11 Left Column Analysis Length = 11 87ft Kx = 2 26 Weight = 352 Ibs Part Length Web Height at No (ft) Start(in) End(in) 1 10 68 9 000 29 000 Outer Flange Web Inner Flange Taper (in) Thickness (in) Angle 6 00 x 0 2500 0 2500 6 00 x 0 3750 8 87 Point Actual Forces Checks No Axial Moment Shear (kip) (k-ft) (kip) --Allowable Stresses- Fa Fbo Fbi Fv (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Unity Shear Axial+Bend Comb Load Oflg Iflg Max Comb 114 -21 0 -175 7 -20 3 24 0 30 0 30 0 73 0 24 0 95 0 93 0 95 Left Rafter Analysis Length = 33 84ft Kx = 0 80 Weight = 701 Ibs Part Length Web Height at No (ft) Start(in) End(in) 2 14 00 33 000 11 500 3 10 00 11 500 11 500 4 8 88 11 500 11 500 Outer Flange Web (in) Thickness 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1780 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1489 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1489 Inner Flange Taper (in) Angle 6 00 x 0 3750 -7 29 6 00 x 0 2500 0 00 6 00 x 0 2500 0 00 Point Actual Forces --Allowable Stresses-- Checks No Axial Moment Shear Fa Fbo Fbi Fv (kip) (k-ft) (kip) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi; Unity Shear Axial+Bend Comb Load Oflg Iflg Max Comb 204 301 408 -21 8 -21 1 -20 3 -190 5 -34 5 40 1 17 2 9 5 -0 9 26 1 20 0 28 2 30 0 30 0 28 2 27 7 27 7 30 0 2 6 13 9 13 9 0 69 0 40 0 04 0 93 0 53 1 0 0 98 0 88 0 73 0 98 0 88 1 0 1 1 1 Right Column Analysis Length = 11 87ft Kx = 2 26 Weight = 352 Ibs Part Length Web Height at Outer Flange Web Inner Flange Taper No (ft) Start(in) End(in) (in) Thickness (in) Angle 5 10 68 9 000 29 000 6 00 x 0 2500 0 2500 6 00 x 0 3750 8 87 Point Actual Forces --Allowable Stresses-- Unity Checks No Axial Moment Shear Fa Fbo Fbi Fv Shear Axial+Bend Comb Load (kip) (k-ft) (kip) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Oflg Iflg Max Comb 509 -21 0 -138 5 -20 3 24 3 30 0 30 0 9 9 0 21 0 93 0 90 0 93 1 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 76 Star Building Systems, (3 R-Frame Design Program - Forces srlo and 70 Allowable /14 / 9c, OK Version Stresses 26 20 User^'skumarl Page V2 9 Summary File fra 3 fra /90 /O Job Date Start Time F2- 9 82590A 9 L2 /14/07 52 11 Right Rafter Analysis Length = 33 84ft Kx = 0 80 Weight = 701 Ibs Part No 6 7 8 Point Chec No 604 701 808 Length (ft) 14 00 10 00 8 88 Web Height at Start (in) End(in) 33 000 11 500 11 500 11 500 11 500 11 500 Actual Fore Vc;JYo Axial (kip) -21 8 -21 1 -20 3 Moment (k-ft) -190 5 -34 5 40 1 es Shear (kip) 17 2 9 5 -0 9 Outer Flange Web (in) Thickness 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1780 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1489 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1489 --Allowable Fa (ksi) 26 1 20 0 28 2 Fbo (ksi) 30 0 30 0 28 2 Stre Fbi (ksi) 27 7 27 7 30 0 sses Fv (ksi) 2 6 13 9 13 9 Inner Flange (in) 6 00 x 0 3750 6 00 x 0 2500 6 00 x 0 2500 TT-n n t-y Shear Axial +Bend 0 0 0 69 40 04 Oflg 0 93 0 53 1 0 ifig 0 98 0 88 0 73 Comb Max 0 98 0 88 1 0 Taper Angle -7 29 0 00 0 00 Load Comb 1 1 1 TOTAL MEMBER WEIGHT = 2106 Ibs skumar! 09/14/07 Page 77 Star Building Systems, OUC, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Anchor Rod and Base Plate Design File srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 / 90 /O Use r^s kuma r 1 fra 3 fra Page Job Date Start Time F2- 10 82590A 9/14/07 L2 52 11 LEFT EXTERIOR COLUMN ANCHOR RODS AND BASE PLATE DESIGN Anchor Rod & Base Plate Design Sizes » Use ( 4)- 1 000 in Dia A307 Anchor Rods Rod Gage 4 000 in Rod Spacing (in ) 3 0000, 1 @ 4 0000, 3 0000 Plate Size 8 OOOOx 10 OOOOx 0 3750 in (WidthxDepthxThickness) Controlling Reactions for Anchor Rod Design » Loading Type Rod Tension Rod Shear Shear & Tension Shear (kips) 0 000 20 287 28 129 Tension (kips) 30 120 0 000 30 120 Allowable (kips) 106 814 31 416 88 227 Load No 2 1 2 Check Ratio 0 2820 0 6457 0 3414 Standard Base Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes) Fillet Weld Location Inner Fig Outer Fig Web Plate 0 0 0 Weld Size (in ) 31250 25000 25000 Weld Length 6 6 9 (in ) 0000 0000 0000 Weld Capacity (kips) 27 37 33 8423 8656 4108 Design Force (kips) 7 20 20 9679 7379 2865 Load No 1 2 1 0 0 0 Weld Check Ratio 28618 54767 60719 RIGHT EXTERIOR COLUMN ANCHOR RODS AND BASE PLATE DESIGN Anchor Rod & Base Plate Design Sizes » Use ( 4)- 1 000 in Dia A307 Anchor Rods Rod Gage 4 000 in Rod Spacing (in ) 3 0000, 1 @ 4 0000, 3 0000 Plate Size 8 OOOOx 10 OOOOx 0 3750 in (WidthxDepthxThickness) Controlling Reactions for Anchor Rod Design » Loading Type Rod Tension Rod Shear Shear & Tension Shear (kips) 0 000 20 287 28 129 Tension (kips) 30 120 0 000 30 120 Allowable (kips) 106 814 31 416 88 227 Load No 2 1 2 Check Ratio 0 2820 0 6457 0 3414 Standard Base Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes] Fillet Weld Location Inner Fig Outer Fig Web Plate 0 0 0 Weld Size (in ) 31250 25000 25000 Weld Length 6 6 9 (in ) 0000 0000 0000 Weld Capacity (kips) 27 37 33 8423 8656 4108 Design Force (kips) 7 20 20 9679 7379 2865 Load No 1 2 1 0 0 0 Weld Check Ratio 28618 54767 60719 skumaM 09/14/07 Page 78 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Connection Report srlo 70 / 14 / 26 We, OK - Version 20 / V2 9 File 90 /O User^ skumarl fra_3 fra Start Page Job Date Time F2- 11 82590A 9/14/07 L2 52 11 Vertical Knee Connection @ Left Rafter Depth BOLTS A325 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 3 rows Extended - 3/4 in (I S ) 3 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) [2 bolts per row) PLATE Fy(Min) - 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data 6 00 x 0 5000 inPlate Flanges OS - 6 00 x IS - 5 75 x Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Center of Bolt Pf top (out)- Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- 0 2500 in 0 3750 in 32 946 in 0 250 in 3 000 in to Flange 1 167 in 1 582 in 1 133 in 1 492 in 3 000 in Fu = 65 00 ksi Right Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 5000 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 6 00 x 0 3750 in Web Depth - 32 946 in Web Thickness 0 178 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Controlling Shear Load Combinations Left Moments Pf top (out)- Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Side Conn Axial Shear 1 083 in 1 666 in 1 232 in 1 385 in 3 000 in Right Side Conn Moments Axial (k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips) 1) DL +LL +COLL 19 45 12) DL +WL1 -202 154 62 46 -20 11 29 37 19 -12 45 50 -202 154 62 46 -20 11 29 37 -12 50 Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) = 0 8204 Bolt Unity Check (I S ) = 0 5903 Plate Unity Check (OS) =0 8620 Plate Unity Check (IS) =0 6303 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 79 Ire,Star Building Systems, WC, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Connection Report File fra_3 fra srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 / 90 /O Use^^skumarl Page F2- 12 Job 82590A Date 9/14/07 Start Time 12 52 11 Peak Connection @ Left Rafter Depth BOLTS A325 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) (I S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) PLATE Fy(Min) = 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x Flanges OS - 6 00 x IS - 6 00 x Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Center of Bolt Pf top (out)- Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- 0 3750 in 0 2500 in 0 2500 in 11 540 in 0 149 in 3 000 in to Flange 1 156 in 1 593 in 1 094 in 1 655 in 3 000 in Controlling Shear Load Combinations Fu = 65 00 ksi Right Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 3750 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in Web Depth - 11 540 in Web Thickness 0 149 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 156 in Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Left Side Conn Moments Axial Shear 1 593 in 1 094 in 1 655 in 3 000 in Right Side Conn Moments Axial (k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips; -22 20 12 53 38 40 -20 29 1 08 -22 20 12 53 0 00 38 40 -20 29 14) DL +WL2 -1 08 1) DL +LL +COLL Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) = 0 3664 Plate Unity Check (OS) =0 6632 Bolt Unity Check (IS) =0 4857 Plate Unity Check (IS) =0 8654 Required Connection Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes) 0 00 Weld Location Left Side of Conn Inner Fig 0 7325 Outer Fig 0 4474 Web Plate 0 0673 Right Side of Conn Inner Fig 0 7325 Outer Fig 0 4474 Web Plate 0 0673 Welded Joint Type Fillet-BS Fillet-BS Fillet-BS Fillet-BS Fillet-BS Fillet-BS 0 0 0 0 0 0 Weld Size (in ) 2500 2500 1875 2500 2500 1875 Weld Length (in ) 12 12 23 12 12 23 0000 0000 0797 0000 0000 0797 Weld Capacity (kips) 44 59 85 44 59 85 5477 3970 6791 5477 3970 6791 Design Force (kips) 32 26 5 32 26 5 6320 5769 7683 6320 5769 7683 Load No 1 14 13 1 14 13 Weld Check Ratio skumaM 09/14/07 Page 80 NS - Near side weld, F!^- Far side weld, BS - Both iwdes weld skumarl 09/14/07 Page 81 Star Building Systems, C R-Frame Design Program - Connection Report srlo 70 / 14 / 26 jHc, OK Version V2 9 File 20 / 90 /O User^^skumarl Page Job fra_3 fra Date Start Time F2- 13 82590A 9/14/07 12 52 11 Vertical Knee Connection @ Right Rafter Depth BOLTS A325 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 3 rows Extended - 3/4 in (I S ) 3 rows Extended - 3/4 in PLATE Fy(Min) = 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data 6 00 x 0 5000 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) Fu = 65 00 ksi Right Side of Conn Data Plate Flanges OS - 6 00 x IS - 5 75 x Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Center of Bolt Pf top (out)- Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Controlling Shear Load Combinations 0 2500 in 0 3750 in 32 946 in 0 250 in 3 000 in to Flange 1 167 in 1 582 in 1 143 in 1 473 in 3 000 in Left Moments Plate 6 00 x 0 5000 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 6 00 x 0 3750 in Web Depth - 32 946 in Web Thickness 0 178 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 083 in Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Side Conn Axial Shear 1 666 in 1 258 in 1 367 in 3 000 in Right Side Conn Moments Axial (k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips) 1) DL +LL +COLL 19 45 14) DL +WL2 Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) Bolt Unity Check (IS) -202 62 -20 29 19 45 -202 62 -20 29 154 46 11 37 -12 50 154 46 11 37 -12 50 0 8204 Plate Unity Check (OS) =0 8620 0 5901 Plate Unity Check (I S ) = 0 6323 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 82 Star Building Systems, ^Kc, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Knee arid Stiffener Report srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 / 90 /O skumarl File fra 3 fra Page Job Date Start Time F2- 14 82590A 9/14/07 12 52 11 Left Knee Design Knee Web Thickness Bearing Stiffener Type Bearing Stiffener at Knee Column Cap Plate Use 0 2500 in Thick Web Horizontal 2 7500 X 0 3750 in 6 0000 X 0 2500 in Knee Panel Weld Sizes Required (Due to Weld Shear) Mm Fillet Welds, around the Knee Web Panel are Column Cap Plate to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Horizontal Stiffener to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Column Outer Flange to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Connection Plate to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Right Knee Design Knee Web Thickness Bearing Stiffener Type Bearing Stiffener at Knee Column Cap Plate Use 0 2500 in Thick Web Horizontal 2 7500 X 0 3750 in 6 0000 X 0 2500 in Knee Panel Weld Sizes Required (Due to Weld Shear) Mm Fillet Welds, around the Knee Web Panel are Column Cap Plate to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Horizontal Stiffener to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Column Outer Flange to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Connection Plate to Web Weld is 0 2500 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Pinch Stiffener Design - Left Side Located at end of frame part Width (in ) 2 750 Thickness (in ) 0 2500 Length (in ) 4 0 Pinch Stiffener Design - Right Side Located at end of frame part Width (in ) 2 750 Thickness (in ) 0 2500 Length (m ) 4 0 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 83 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Flange Brace Report srlo 70 / 14 / 26 OiC, OK - Version V2 9 File 20 / 90 /O User^^skumarl Page Job fra_3 fra Date Start Time F2- 15 82590A 9/14/07 32 52 11 1 @ 3 2 1 1 GIRT SPACES LEFT COLUMN 0 @ FLOOR - VERTICAL 1 @ 2 '4 0 @ EAVE MEASUREMENTS RIGHT COLUMN 1 1 1 1 1 @ FLOOR @ EAVE PURLIN LEFT RAFTER SPACES - HORIZONTAL MEASUREMENTS RIGHT RAFTER 1 @ 2 '11-11/16" 1 @ 2 '10 7 @ 4'0 1 @ l'2-5/16" @ EAVE @ PEAK 1 @ 2-11-11/16" 1 @ 2'10 7 @ 4'0 1 @ l'2-5/16" @ EAVE @ PEAK MEMBER DISTANCE TO BRACE POINTS (Feet) - LEFT RAFTER Measured along T F - RIGHT RAFTER Measured along T F - EXT COLUMNS Measured along T F from left steel line from right steel line from base LFT COLUMN LFT RAFTER RGT COLUMN RGT RAFTER 3 00 (N) 2 99 (H) 3 00 (N) 2 99 (H) 5 33 (N) 5 83 (N) 7 33 (H) 5 83 (N) 7 33 (H) 9 84 (H) 11 00 (N) 9 84 (H) 9 33 11 00 (N) (N) 13 86 17 87 (N) (S) 12 50 (N) 13 86 17 87 (N) (S) 21 88 (N) 21 88 (N) 25 90 (S) 25 90 (S) 29 91 (N) 29 91 (N) 33 93 (Si 33 93 (S) "N" Indicates that No flange braces are located at the brace point "S" Indicates that One Standard flange brace is located at the brace point "H" Indicates that One Heavy flange brace is located at the brace point skumarl 09/14/07 Page 84 Star Building Systems, c, OK Use skumarl Page F2- 16 R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job 82590A Primary Deflection Report File fra__3 fra Date 9/14/07 srlo 70 / 14 / 26 20 / 90 /O Start Time 12 52 11 COLUMN TOP DEFLECTIONS for LOAD COMBS (Positive = X Right Y Upward) (Inches) Ext Left Col Ext Right Col X-Def Y-Def X-Def Y-Def Pos Max 1 162 0 103 1 354 0 103 Load Comb 30 10 88 Defl H/122 H/104 Neg Max -1 354 -0 093 -1 111 -0 091 Load Comb 10 30 66 Defl H/104 H/127 MAX RAFTER DEFLECTIONS for SPAN #1 (Positive = Y Upward) Max Downward Deflection Max Upward Deflection Y-Def X-Dist from Left S L Y-Def X-Dist from Left 3 L Max Def -4 142 in 35 00 ft 2 366 in 29 97 ft Load Comb 1 29 Defl L/195 L/342 PEAK DEFLECTIONS (Positive = Y Upward) Y-Def Pos Max 2 228 in Load Comb 29 Defl L/364 Neg Max -4 142 in Load Comb 1 Defl L/195 Vertical Clearance at the Left Knee is 10 6869 feet Vertical Clearance at the Right Knee is 10 6869 feet skumarl 09/14/07 Page 85 Star Building Systems, <^R, OK User^^skumarl Page R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job Input Data Echo File fra 4 fra Date srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\ Fl- 1 82590A 9/14/07 52 47 25 20 / 90 /O VERSION V2 9 DIVISION Star DESCRIPTION srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 FRAME_ID 1 PRINT echo code base connection deflection profile seismic detail flg_brace \ summary stiffeners pro_grplds OPTIMIZATION none *PLANT Ikf *JOB 82590A ANALYZE none *DATASET members combinations wind_array connection base BUILDING LABEL A LOCATION frame lines 4 NUMBER FRAMES 1 *PRICE complete KX METHOD Lui TYPE LEFT srlo t cs 60 60 TYPE RIGHT srlo t cs 60 60 WIDTH 70 35 LENGTH 100 EAVE 14 *ROOF SLOPE 1 GIRT DEPTH 850 *PURLIN DEPTH 8585 # FRAME LEFT SIDE IS BLDG PLANE SWC # AND FRAME RIGHT SIDE IS BLDG PLANE SWA GIRT THICKNESS 0 057 *PURLIN THICKNESS 0 088 GIRT FLANGE 2 5 *PURLIN FLANGE 2 5 PURLIN STIFFNESS 3 701 2 246 1 478 0 86 BUILDING CODE CA01 U=Normal DEAD LOAD 2 191 COLLATERAL LOAD 8 LIVE LOAD 20 reduce SNOW R=0 S=N SEISMIC LOAD Z=4 %CR=NORM %SR=NORM NSFNA=1 5 RHOL=1 5 R=4 5 LOF=2 2 TOF=2 8 \ RL=5 6 Ct=0 035 SOIL PROFILE SD ROOF TRIBUTARY TR= 31 417 WALL TRIBUTARY TR= 31 417 S=0 E=14 LATERAL BRACE LENGTH 34 00 STIFFNESS CHECK SNOW ONLY DEFLECTION ROOF L=240 S=240 W=240 G=180 DEFLECTION WALL L=60 S=60 W=60 E=50 C=100 G=60 TW=60 TE=50 SYMKNEE CONNECTION BRACING SIDES LC=1 RA=1 RC=1 GIRT SPACING LEFT 3 2 3333 2@2 1 6667 GIRT SPACING RIGHT 3 4 3333 3 6667 1 5 GIRT BRACE LEFT U U B B B GIRT BRACE RIGHT U Bl B Bl PURLIN SPACING 2 9755 2 8333 7@4 PURLIN BRACE BBBBBBBBB LEFT COLUMN BASE W=8 T=0 375 L=10 N=2 D=l 38 0 LEFT RAFTER CONNECTION 36 14 5 0 CONNECTION RIGHT COLUMN BASE W=8 T=0 375 L=10 9380 RIGHT RAFTER 0=3E I=3E W=6 14 5 14 0 10 14 5 0 0=2E I=2E W=6 T=0 5 D=0 75 6 6 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 25 T=0 375 D=0 75 N=2 D= 0 25 0 178 0 178 0 1489 0 1489 0 178 6 6 6 0 5 0 5 0 25 0 25 0 5 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 86 CONNECTION 0=3E I = 3E W6 T=0 5 D=0 75 ^ 36 14 5 14 6 0 25 0 178 6 05 14 5 0 10 6 0 25 0 1489 6 0 25 0 14 5 0 6 0 25 0 1489 6 0 25 WIND LOAD WL1 23 504 0 8000 -0 7000 -0 7000 -0 5000 35 000 WIND STEP 22 048 23 504 15 000 WIND STEP 23 504 23 504 16 917 WIND LOAD LWL1 23 504 -0 7000 -0 7000 -0 7000 -0 7000 35 000 WIND LOAD WL2 23 504 -0 5000 -0 7000 -0 7000 0 8000 35 000 WIND STEP 23 504 22 048 15 000 WIND STEP 23 504 23 504 16 917 LOAD COMBINATIONS 1)1 DL 1 LL 1 COLL *DEFL 60 180 2)1 DL 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA L 3)1 DL 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA R 4)1 DL -1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA L 5)1 DL -1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA R 6)1 DL 1 COLL 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA L 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) END 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL LL WL1 LWL1 WL2 EQ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 -2 -2 1 1 1 1 COLL 1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA R COLL -1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA L COLL -1 07143 EQ *DEFL 50 180 *INCR Y *PDELTA R WL1 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y LWL1 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y WL2 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y COLL 1 WLl *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y COLL 1 LWL1 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y COLL 1 WL2 *DEFL 60 180 *INCR Y 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA L 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA R 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA L 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA R COLL 2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA L COLL 2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA R COLL -2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA L COLL -2 8 EQ *TYPE U *APP K *PDELTA R *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 60 240 *TYPE D *DEFL 50 0 *TYPE D *INCR Y skumarl 09/14/07 Page 87 Star Building Systems, ^KC, OK Use^^ skumarl Page Fl- 2 R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job 82590A Code Summary Report File fra_4 fra Date 9/14/07 srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time 12 47 25 Building A Frame Number 1 Location frame lines 4 No of Frames 1 Main Code Requirements Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Supporting Design Manual(s) ASD - Allowable Stress Design AISC ninth edition 1989 1992 AISC Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings Frame Data Eave height Left & Right (feet) 14 000 Horizontal width from left to right steel line (feet) 70 000 Horizontal distance to ridge from left side (feet) 35 000 Roof Slope Left & Right (rise 12) 1 000 Column Slope Left & Right (lat 12) 0 000 Purlin depth left & right side (inches) 8 500 Frame Rafter Inset left & right side (inches) 8 500 Girt depth left & right side (inches) 8 500 Frame Column Inset left & right side (inches) 0 000 Tributary Width left & right side (feet) 31 417 from Height 0 00 to Height 14 00 Tributary Width roof (feet) 31 417 Frame Design Loads Dead Load to Frame Rafter (psf) 2 191 Frame Rafter Dead Weight (psf) 0 754 Total Roof Dead Weight (psf) 2 945 Collateral Load to Frame Rafter (psf) 8 000 Roof Live Load Entered (psf) W/ Live Load Reduction Requested 20 000 Design Roof Live Load Used (psf) 12 000 Roof Snow Load Entered (psf) 0 000 Snow Exposure Factor [Ce] 0 700 Snow Importance Factor [I] -- Standard Use Category 1 000 Slippery & Unobstructed Roof Surface No Roof Snow Load Used (psf) 0 000 UNBALANCED SNOW LOADING(s) No Unbalanced Roof Snow Loadings skumarl 09/14/07 Page 88 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Wind Summary Report srlo 70 / 14 / 31 we,OK - Version V2 417 20 / User^skumarl Page 9 File fra 4 fra 90 /O Job Date Start Time Fl- 3 32590A 9/14/07 12 47 25 Main Windforce-resisting system Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Eave height Left & Right (feet) 14 000 Wind Elevation on left column (feet) 14 000 Wind Elevation on right column (feet) 14 000 Mean Roof Wind Elevation (feet) 15 458 Total frame width (feet) 70 000 Total building length (feet) 100 000 Number of primary wind loadings 3 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 89 Star Building Systems, oW, OK User^^skumarl Page Fl- 4 R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job 82590A Continue Wind Summary Report File fra_4 fra Date 9/14/07 srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time 12 47 25 Main Windforce-resisting system Per California Building Code 2001 Edition *** PRIMARY WIND COEFFICIENTS FOR MAIN FRAME *** Wind Load WLl Wind from left direction ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) 0 800 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) -0 500 Wind Load LWLl Longitudinal wind ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) -0 700 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700 Wind Load WL2 Wind from left direction ******************* Left Wall Left Rafter Right Rafter Right Wall Primary Coeff (Cq) -0 500 -0 700( 50 0%) -0 700( 50 0%) 0 800 Notes Wind coefficients applied to the roof may be located as a percentage of the total frame width (xx x%) If not shown the coefficients are applied fully to their respective rafter skumarl 09/14/07 Page 90 Star Building Systems, ^KC, OK Use^ skumarl Page R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job Load Combinations Report File fra 4 fra Date srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time Fl- 5 82590A 9/14/07 12 47 25 Load Combination 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) Where DL +LL +COLL DL +1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL +1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL -1 0714EQ (SOA-L) DL -1 0714EQ (SOA-R) DL +COLL DL +COLL DL +COLL DL +COLL DL +WL1 DL +LWL1 DL +WL2 DL +COLL DL +COLL DL +COLL DL +2 8EQ DL +2 8EQ DL -2 8EQ DL -2 8EQ DL +COLL DL +COLL DL +COLL DL +COLL LL WL1 LWL1 WL2 EQ DL LL COLL = EQ WL1 LWL1 = WL2 +1 0714EQ (SOA-L) +1 0714EQ (SOA-R) -1 0714EQ (SOA-L) -1 0714EQ (SOA-R) +WL1 +LWL1 +WL2 (SOA-L) (SOA-R) (SOA-L) (SOA-R) +2 8EQ (SOA-L) +2 8EQ (SOA-R) -2 8EQ (SOA-L) -2 8EQ (SOA-R) Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Roof Collateral Load Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] Lateral Primary Wind Load Longitudinal Primary Wind Load Lateral Primary Wind Load N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N D D D D D A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A K K K K K K K K P P P P P P P P U U U U U U U U P P P P P P P P Combination Descriptions Y= 1/3 Increase in Allowable for Combination N= No 1/3 Increase in Allowable for Combination K= Knee Connection Only Combination A= Allowable Stress Design Combination - ASD89 U= Ultimate Strength Design Combination (ASD Allowable Stresses increased by 1 7) D= Deflection Only Combination P= Second Order Analysis Combination - SOA skumarl 09/14/07 Page 91 Star Building Systems,OK Userskumarl R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 Seismic Summary Report srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 /90 File /O fra 4 fra Page Job Date Start Time Fl- 6 82590A 9/14/07 52 47 25 Main Seismic Force Resisting System Per California Building Code 2001 Edition Standard Use Category Building for Seismic Loadings Seismic Zone Seismic Earthquake Loads Required for Building Seismic Zone Factor [z] Soil Profile Type Seismic Numerical Coefficient [R] Seismic Importance Factor [I] Storage or Warehouse Building Seismic Story Height [hn] (feet) Seismic Structural Period [T] (seconds) Seismic Coefficient [Ca] Seismic Coefficient [Cv] Seismic Coefficient [Ct] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Na] Seismic Near-Source Factor [Nv] Seismic Overstrength Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Force Amplification Factor [OMEGAo] Seismic Redundancy/Reliability Factor [rho] Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Snow in Seismic Load Combinations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Force Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Combinations [Used] (%) Mezz Live load in Seismic Load Calculations [Mm Required] (%) Building Height Limit (feet) Seismic Story Drift Limit Factor Seismic Story Drift Limit Seismic Coeff [Cw] for Design Base Shear Equation V = Cw W Estimated Redunancy Factor this Frame [2-20/(Rmaxi*SQRT(BLD_AREA)] Roof Dead Load = 7 821 Wall Weight = 1 320 Collateral Load = 17 594 Snow Load = 0 000 Rafter Crane Weight = 0 000 4 Yes 0 4000 SD 4 5000 1 0000 No L4 0000 0 2533 0 6600 1 2800 0 0350 1 2 2 2 1 5000 0000 8000 8000 5000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 100 00 50 00 150 0000 No Limit No Limit 0 3667 1 140 Total Roof Weight 26 734 kips Total Roof Weight Mezzanine Weight Col Crane Weight 26 734 0 000 0 000 TOTAL Bldg Weight X Seismic Coeff 26 734 kips X 0 3667 BASE SHEAR 9 8023 kips Seismic Load for Roof at col #1 = Seismic Load for Roof at col #2 = 4 9012 kips 4 9012 kips skumarl 09/14/07 Page 92 SEISMIC LOAD for Roof in TOTAL = 9 8023 kips * SEISMIC GENERAL LOAD CARDS GENERATED LOAD MEM NAME SYS DIR TYP DISTANCE INTENSITY LENGTH NO START END 25 LC EQ YREF X C 11 629 4 9012 N/A 0 000 26 RC EQ YREF X C 11 629 4 9012 N/A 0 000 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 93 Star Building Systems, ^C, OK User^skumarl Page R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job Forces and Allowable Stresses Summary File fra_4 fra Date srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time Fl- 7 82590A 9/14/07 32 47 25 Left Column Analysis Length = 11 72ft Kx = 2 04 Weight = 354 Ibs Part Length Web Height at No (ft) Start(in) End(in) 1 10 49 9 000 38 000 Outer Flange Web Inner Flange Taper (in) Thickness (in) Angle 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1780 6 00 x 0 5000 12 98 Point Actual Forces --Allowable Stresses-- Unity Checks No Axial Moment Shear Fa Fbo Fbi Fv Shear Axial+Bend Comb Load (kip) (k-ft) (kip) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Oflg Iflg Max Comb 116 Left Part No 2 3 4 Point Chec No 201 314 407 Right Part No 5 Point Chec No 512 -25 2 Rafter Length (ft) 14 00 10 00 8 13 Acti VcrK.S Axial (kip) -26 6 -25 2 -24 8 Column Length (ft) 10 49 Acti Vc- Axial (kip) -25 2 -226 3 -24 8 24 3 30 0 27 5 1 8 0 95 0 75 0 81 0 95 1 Analysis Length = 33 29ft Kx = 0 80 Weight = 789 Ibs Web Height at Outer Flange Web Inner Flange Taper Start (in) End(in) (in) Thickness (in) Angle 36 000 14 500 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1780 6 00 x 0 5000 -7 29 14 500 14 500 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1489 6 00 x 0 2500 0 00 14 500 14 500 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1489 6 00 x 0 2500 0 00 Moment Shear Fa Fbo Fbi Fv Shear Axial +Bend Comb Load (k-ft) (kip) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Oflg Iflg Max Comb -227 7 20 8 24 6 30 0 28 0 2 1 0 99 0 82 0 85 0 99 1 37 2 3 7 26 8 27 6 30 0 8 8 0 20 0 79 0 39 0 79 1 46 3 -0 4 26 9 27 6 30 0 8 8 0 06 0 93 0 59 0 93 1 Analysis Length = 11 72ft Kx = 2 04 Weight = 354 Ibs Web Height at Outer Flange Web Inner Flange Taper Start (in) End (in) (in) Thickness (in) Angle 9 000 38 000 6 00 x 0 2500 0 1780 6 00 x 0 5000 12 98 Moment Shear Fa Fbo Fbi Fv Shear Axial +Bend Comb Load (k-ft) (kip) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) Oflg Iflg Max Comb -226 3 -24 8 24 3 30 0 27 5 1 8 0 95 0 75 0 81 0 95 1 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 94 A *Star Building R- Frame Forces srlo Design Systems, Program ^K.c,OK - Version V2 and Allowable Stresses 70 /14 / 31 417 User^ skumarl 9 Summary 20 /90 File /O fra_4 fra Start Page Job Date Time Fl- 8 82590A 9/14/07 12 47 25 Right Rafter Analysis Length = 33 29ft Kx = 0 80 Weight = 789 Ibs Part No 6 7 8 Point ChecJ No 601 714 807 Length (ft) 14 00 10 00 8 13 Web Height at Start (in) End 36 000 14 500 14 500 14 14 14 Actual Forcesf fS.O Axial (kip) -26 6 -25 2 -24 8 Moment (k-ft) -227 7 37 2 46 3 Shear (kip) 20 8 3 7 -0 4 (in) 500 500 500 Outer Flange Web (in) Thickness 6 00 6 00 6 00 --Allowable Fa (ksi) 24 6 26 8 26 9 Fbo (ksi) 30 0 27 6 27 6 x 0 2500 0 x 0 2500 0 x 0 2500 0 Stresses — Fbi Fv (ksi) (ksi) 28 0 21 30 0 88 30 0 88 1780 1489 1489 Shear 0 99 0 20 0 06 Inner Flange (in) 6 00 x 6 00 x 6 00 x Tin -i f- -\ Tunity 0 5000 0 2500 0 2500 Axial +Bend C Oflg 0 82 0 0 79 0 0 93 0 Taper Angle omb I fig Max 85 0 39 0 59 0 99 79 93 -7 29 0 00 0 00 Load Comb 1 1 1 TOTAL MEMBER WEIGHT = 2286 Ibs skumarl 09/14/07 Page 95 -, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 Anchor Rod and Base Plate Design srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 9 File 90 /O skumarl Page Job fra_4 fra Date Start Time Fl- 9 82590A 9/14/07 12 47 25 LEFT EXTERIOR COLUMN ANCHOR RODS AND BASE PLATE DESIGN Anchor Rod & Base Plate Design Sizes » Use ( 4)- 1 000 in Dia A307 Anchor Rods Rod Gage 4 000 in Rod Spacing (in ) 3 0000, 1 @ 4 0000, 3 0000 Plate Size 8 OOOOx 10 OOOOx 0 3750 in (WidthxDepthxThickness) Controlling Reactions for Anchor Rod Design » Loading Type Rod Tension Rod Shear Shear & Tension Shear (kips) 0 24 16 000 786 210 Tension Allowable (kips) (kips) 11 0 11 924 000 924 62 31 52 832 416 504 Load No 10 1 10 Check Ratio 0 0 0 1898 7890 2271 Standard Base Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes) Fillet Weld Location Inner Fig Outer Fig Web Plate 0 0 0 Weld Size (in ) 31250 25000 18750 Weld Length (in ) 6 0000 6 0000 9 0000 Weld Capacity (kips) 27 8423 29 6985 25 0581 Design Force (kips) 12 5598 3 9083 24 7862 Load No 1 10 1 0 0 0 Weld Check Ratio 45111 13160 98915 RIGHT EXTERIOR COLUMN ANCHOR RODS AND BASE PLATE DESIGN Anchor Rod & Base Plate Design Sizes » Use ( 4)- 1 000 in Dia A307 Anchor Rods Rod Gage 4 000 in Rod Spacing (in ) 3 0000, 1 @ 4 0000, 3 0000 Plate Size 8 OOOOx 10 OOOOx 0 3750 in (WidthxDepthxThickness) Controlling Reactions for Anchor Rod Design » Loading Type Rod Tension Rod Shear Shear & Tension Shear (kips) 0 24 16 000 786 209 Tension Allowable (kips) (kips) 11 0 11 924 000 924 62 31 52 832 416 505 Load No 12 1 12 Check Ratio 0 0 0 1898 7890 2271 Standard Base Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes) Fillet Weld Location Inner Fig Outer Fig Web Plate 0 0 0 Weld Size (in ) 31250 25000 18750 Weld Length i 6 6 9 (in ) 0000 0000 0000 Weld Capacity (kips) 27 29 25 8423 6985 0581 Design Force (kips) 12 3 24 5598 9083 7862 Load No 1 12 1 0 0 0 Weld Check Ratio 45111 13160 98915 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 96 Star Building Systems, R- Frame Design Program Connection Report srlo 70 / 14 / 31 1ft, - Ver: 417 OK 3 ion V2 20 / 9 File 90 /O Use fra_4 r^ skumarl fra Start Page Job Date Time Fl- 10 82590A 9/14/07 L2 47 25 Vertical Knee Connection @ Left Rafter Depth BOLTS A3 25 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 3 rows Extended - 3/4 in (I S ) 3 rows Extended - 3/4 in PLATE Fy(Min) = 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data 6 00 x 0 5000 inPlate Flanges OS - 6 00 x IS - 5 68 x Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Center of Bolt Pf top (out)- Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- 0 2500 in 0 5000 in 35 951 in 0 178 in 3 000 in to Flange 1 167 in 1 582 in 1 136 in 1 364 in 3 000 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) Fu = 65 00 ksi Controlling Shear Load Combinations Left Moments Right Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 5000 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 6 00 x 0 5000 in Web Depth - 35 951 in Web Thickness 0 178 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 083 in Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Side Conn Axial Shear 1 666 in 1 232 in 1 257 in 3 000 in Right Side Conn Moments Axia L (k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips) 1) DL +LL +COLL 22 91 10) DL +WL1 Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) Bolt Unity Check (IS) -227 74 -24 79 22 91 -227 74 -24 79 176 37 13 99 -14 83 176 37 13 99 -14 83 0 8315 Plate Unity Check (OS) =0 8675 0 6310 Plate Unity Check (I S ) = 0 6618 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 97 Star Building Systems, We, OK R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Connection Report File fra_4 fra srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 90 /O skumarl Page Fl- 11 Job 82590A Date 9/14/07 Start Time ]2 47 25 Peak Connection @ Left Rafter Depth BOLTS A325 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) (I S ) 2 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) PLATE Fy(Min) = 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x Flanges OS - 6 00 x IS - 6 00 x Web Depth Web Thickness Gage Center of Bolt Pf top (out)- Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- 0 3750 in 0 2500 in 0 2500 in 14 550 in 0 149 in 3 000 in to Flange 1 156 in 1 593 in 1 094 in 1 655 in 3 000 in Controlling Shear Load Combinations Fu = 65 00 ksi Right Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 3750 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in Web Depth - 14 550 in Web Thickness 0 149 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 156 in Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Left Side Conn Moments Axial Shear 1 593 in 1 094 in 1 655 in 3 000 in Right Side Conn Moments Axial [k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips) -25 10 15 37 43 22 -24 79 1 31 -25 10 15 37 0 00 43 22 -24 79 12) DL +WL2 -1 31 1) DL +LL +COLL Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) = 0 3547 Plate Unity Check (OS) =0 6344 Bolt Unity Check (I S ) = 0 3777 Plate Unity Check (I S ) = 0 6654 Required Connection Plate Welding » (Using E70 Electrodes) Weld Location Welded Weld Weld Weld Joint Size Length Capacity Type (in ) (in ) (kips) Design Force Load (kips) No 0 00 Weld Check Ratio Left Side of Conn Inner Fig Fillet-BS 0 2500 12 0000 44 5477 27 8457 1 0 6251 Outer Fig Fillet-BS 0 2500 12 0000 59 3970 24 8143 12 0 4178 Web Plate Fillet-BS 0 1875 29 1005 108 0302 8 1761 11 0 0757 Right Side of Conn Inner Fig Fillet-BS 0 2500 12 0000 44 5477 27 8457 1 0 6251 Outer Fig Fillet-BS 0 2500 12 0000 59 3970 24 8143 12 0 4178 Web Plate Fillet-BS 0 1875 29 1005 108 0302 8 1761 11 skuman 0 0757 09/14'07u U / D / page 98 NS - Near side weld, F^- Far side weld, BS - Both^.des weld skumarl 09/14/07 Page 99 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Connection Report srlo 70 / 14 / 31 •- Ve: 417 , OK ITS ion 20 V2 / 9 File 90 /O Use^ fra_4 fra skumarl Start Page Job Date Time Fl- 12 82590A 9/14/07 32 47 25 Vertical Knee Connection @ Right Rafter Depth BOLTS A325 H S - Snug Tight (0 S ) 3 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) (I S ) 3 rows Extended - 3/4 in Dia - Standard (2 bolts per row) PLATE Fy(Min) = 50 00 ksi Left Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 5000 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 5 68 x 0 5000 in Web Depth - 35 951 in Web Thickness 0 178 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 167 in Pf top (ins)- 1 582 in Pf bot (out)- 1 143 in Pf bot (ins)- 1 346 in Bolt Spacing- 3 000 in Controlling Shear Load Combinations Fu = 65 00 ksi Right Side of Conn Data Plate 6 00 x 0 5000 in Flanges OS - 6 00 x 0 2500 in IS - 6 00 x 0 5000 in Web Depth - 35 951 in Web Thickness 0 178 in Gage - 3 000 in Center of Bolt to Flange Pf top (out)- 1 083 in Pf top (ins)- Pf bot (out)- Pf bot (ins)- Bolt Spacing- Left Side Conn Moments Axial Shear 1 666 in 1 261 in 1 239 in 3 000 in Right Side Conn Moments Axial (k-ft) (kips) (kips) (k-ft) (kips) (kips) 1) DL +LL +COLL 22 91 12) DL +WL2 Connection Design Summary Bolt Unity Check (0 S ) Bolt Unity Check (IS) -227 74 -24 79 22 91 -227 74 -24 79 176 37 13 99 -14 83 176 37 13 99 -14 83 0 8315 Plate Unity Check (OS) =0 8675 0 6308 Plate Unity Check (IS) =0 6639 skumarl 09/14/07 Page 100 Star Building R- Frame Design Knee srlo Systems, Program ^KC,, OK - Version User^ V2 and Stiffener Report 70 /14 / 31 417 20 / 9 File 90 /O fra_4 fra skumarl Start Page Job Date Time Fl- 13 82590A 9/14/07 12 47 25 Left Knee Design Knee Web Thickness Bearing Stiffener Type Bearing Stiffener at Knee Column Cap Plate Use 0 1780 in Thick Web Horizontal 2 7500 X 0 5000 in 6 0000 X 0 2500 in Knee Panel Weld Sizes Required (Due to Weld Shear) Mm Fillet Welds, around the Knee Web Panel are Column Cap Plate to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Horizontal Stiffener to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Column Outer Flange to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Connection Plate to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Right Knee Design Knee Web Thickness Bearing Stiffener Type Bearing Stiffener at Knee Column Cap Plate Use 0 1780 in Thick Web Horizontal 2 7500 X 0 5000 in 6 0000 X 0 2500 in Knee Panel Weld Sizes Required (Due to Weld Shear) Mm Fillet Welds, around the Knee Web Panel are Column Cap Plate to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Horizontal Stiffener to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on ONE Side (STD WELD) Column Outer Flange to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) Connection Plate to Web Weld is 0 1875 in on BOTH Sides (STD WELD) skumarl 09/14/07 Page 101 Star Building Systems, R-Frame Design Program Flange srlo Brace 70 / We, OK - Version V2 9 Report 14 /31 417 20 /90 Use^ skumarl Page Fl- 14 Job 82590A File fra 4 fra Date 9/14/07 /O Start Time 12 47 25 GIRT SPACES LEFT COLUMN 1 @ 3'0 @ FLOOR 1 @ 2'4 2 @ 2 '0 1 @ 1'8 1 @ 3'0 @ EAVE PURLIN SPACES LEFT RAFTER VERTICAL MEASUREMENTS RIGHT COLUMN 0 @ @ 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 1 1 @ FLOOR @ EAVE HORIZONTAL MEASUREMENTS RIGHT RAFTER 1 @ 2 '11-11/16" 1 @ 2 '10 7 @ 4'0 1 @ 1-2-5/16" @ EAVE @ PEAK 1 @ 2'11-11/16" 1 @ 2 '10 7 @ 4'0 1 @ 1-2-5/16" @ EAVE @ PEAK MEMBER DISTANCE TO BRACE POINTS (Feet) - LEFT RAFTER Measured along T F - RIGHT RAFTER Measured along T F - EXT COLUMNS Measured along T F from left steel line from right steel line from base LFT COLUMN LFT RAFTER RGT COLUMN RGT RAFTER 3 00 (N) 2 99 (N) 3 00 (N) 2 99 (N) 5 33 (N) 5 83 (H) 7 33 (S) 5 83 (H) 7 33 (N) 9 84 (N) 11 00 (N) 9 84 (N) 9 33 (H) 13 86 (S) 12 50 (N) 13 86 (S) 11 00 (N) 17 87 (S) 17 87 (S) 21 88 (N) 21 88 (N) 25 90 (S) 25 90 (S) 29 91 (N) 29 91 (N) 33 93 (S) 33 93 (Si "N" indicates that No flange braces are located at the brace point "S" indicates that One Standard flange brace is located at the brace point "H" Indicates that One Heavy flange brace is located at the brace point skumarl 09/14/07 Page 102 Star Building Systems, C, OK Useir skumarl Page Fl- 15 R-Frame Design Program - Version V2 9 Job 82590A Primary Deflection Report File fra_4 fra Date 9/14/07 srlo 70 / 14 / 31 417 20 / 90 /O Start Time 12 47 25 COLUMN TOP DEFLECTIONS for LOAD COMBS (Positive = X Right Y Upward) (Inches) Ext Left Col Ext Right Col X-Def Y-Def X-Def Y-Def Pos Max 0 771 0 105 0 899 0 105 Load Comb 28 8 6 6 Defl H/180 H/155 Neg Max -0 899 -0 096 -0 737 -0 094 Load Comb 8 28 44 Defl H/155 H/189 MAX RAFTER DEFLECTIONS for SPAN #1 (Positive = Y Upward) Max Downward Deflection Max Upward Deflection Y-Def X-Dist from Left S L Y-Def X-Dist from Left S L Max Def -2 821 in 35 00 ft 1 621 in 29 98 ft Load Comb 1 27 Defl L/282 L/492 PEAK DEFLECTIONS (Positive = Y Upward) Y-Def Pos Max 1 521 in Load Comb 27 Defl L/524 Neg Max -2 821 in Load Comb 1 Defl L/282 Vertical Clearance at the Left Knee is Vertical Clearance at the Right Knee is 10 4879 feet 10 4879 feet skumarl 09/14/07 Page 103 DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SOS S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE CA 92O54 PH C78QD 366-6355 FX C7BQ] 966-6360 E-mail dsiOsunfdsi com Slructural Calculations for LEGOLAND LOST KINGDOM 1 Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 DSI Project No 07218 Architect RW Apel September 17, 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM DESIGN CRITERIA ADVENTURER'S ATTRACTION QUEUE STRUCTURE ROOF FRAMING COLUMN DESIGN FOOTINGS BEETLE BOUNCER FOUNDATION CARGO ACE FOUNDATION OPERATOR BOOTH THEMED FACADE NEW ROOF STRUCTURE SCREEN WALL FOAM BALL FOUNDATION METAL BUILDING FOUNDATION BRACED INTERIOR WALLS A1-A3 A4-A7 A8-A10 B1-B14 CI-C17 C18-C24 D1-DI7 D18-D21 E1-E4 F1-F27 F28-F36 Structural Calculations for LEGOLAND LOST KINGDOM 1 Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 DSI Project No 07218 Architect RW Apel September 17,2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM PAGE DESIGN CRITERIA 1-3 ADVENTURER'S ATTRACTION QUEUE STRUCTURE ROOF FRAMING AI-A3 COLUMN DESIGN A4-A7 FOOTINGS A8-A10 BEETLE BOUNCER FOUNDATION B1-BJ4 CARGO ACE FOUNDATION C1-C17 OPERATOR BOOTH Cl 8 -C24 THEMED FACADE NEW ROOF STRUCTURE D1-D17 SCREEN WALL D18-D21 FOAM BALL FOUNDATION E1-E4 METAL BUILDING FOUNDATION F1-F27 BRACED IN FER1OR WALLS F28-F36 p --T Mi 1 J^i = fl ^1i| =|=°j . 1 i iJL'— i Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanside, CA 92054 i Tel (760) 966-6355 Fax (760) 966-6360 1 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE LEGO-LOST KINGDOM YS JOB* OF DATE DATE 0721100 9/07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DESIGN CRITERIA Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland-Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE DESIGN CRITERIA CODE 1997 Unifrom Building Code (UBC) 2001 California Building Code (CBC) SEISMIC Cnatilever Columns Z = SOIL TYPE = R = Na = Nv = Ca = 04 1 SC 22 1 0 1 1 044 (Zone 4) V= 25CalW/R V= 0500 W V/1 4 = 0 357 W Steel Moment Frames Z = 04 (Zone 4) 1= 1 SOIL TYPE SC R= 45 Na = 10 Nv= 11 Ca = 0 44 V= 25CalW/R V = 0 500 W V/1 4= 0175 W WIND EAST-WEST 70 MPH EXP B HEIGHT CMS1 20' 25' WIND LOAD (PSF) 102 11 0 11 8 97NDS 2x&3x >3x Douglas Fir-Laich No 2 Douglas Fir-Laich No 1 FOUNDATION CRITERIA ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE FOR D+L FRICTION COEFFICIENT PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE 3500 PSF 035 300 PCF 35 PCF I I I I I Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760) 966-6360 JOB Legoland-Lost Kingdom 07218 00 SHEET NO V OF CALCULATED BY DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE LATERAL ANALYSIS This building consists of cantilever column shear resistence, Therefore, per UBC 97, for the entire structure, R= 2 2 O0= per 1997 Uniform Building Code Chapter 16 1630 2 1 Seismic Coefficients & factors Design Base Shear (30-4) Seismic Zone 4 V= (CV)(I)(W) = 1 057 Z = 0 4 1 4(R)(T) Soil Type Sc Fault Type B Needs Not Exceed (30-5) Dist To Fault 7 5 km V= 2 5(Ca)(l)(W) = 0 357 1=10 1 4(R) R= 22 Na = 1 00 Minimum Base Shear (30-6) Nv= 110 V= 011(Ca)(l)(W) = 0048 Ca = 0 44 * Na = 0 44 C.. = n 5fi * Nv - nfiifi Minimum Base Shear (for Seismic Zone 4) C,= 002 V= 0 8(Z)(N¥)(U(W) = 0160 hn= 20 R T= 02(hn)75 = 0189 Therefore, V= 0357 W 2 W W W (30-7) W I I I I I I I Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760) 966-6355 Fax (760) 966-6360 JOB Legoland-LostKingdom 0721800 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE LATERAL ANALYSIS This building consists of steel moment frame for shear resistence, Therefore, per UBC 97, for the entire structure, R= 4 5 Q0= per 1997 Uniform Building C ode Chapter 16 1630 2 1 Seismic Coefficients & Factors Design Base Shear (30-4) Seismic Zone 4 V= (CV)(I)(W) = 0517 Z = 0 4 1 4{R)(T) Soil Type Sc Fault Type B Needs Not Exceed (30-5) Dist To Fault = 7 5 km V= 2 5(Ca)(l)(W) = 0175 1=10 1 4(R) R= 45 N3 = 1 00 Minimum Base Shear (30-6) Nv= 110 V= 011(Ca)(l)|W) = 0048 Ca = 044 *Na = 044 Cv= 056 *NV= 0616 Minimum Base Shear (for Seismic Zone 4) C,= 002 V= 0 8(Z)(NV)(I)(W) = 0078 hn= 20 R T= 02(hn)75= 0189 Therefore, V= 0175 W 2 W W W (30-7) W I I I I I I •• 1 !i iiii BgEftj1 1! 1•0 \f i | KB DM 1 ' ' ' KS&i-|-| : I 1JuKra iDunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92064 Tel (760) 966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE LEGO-LOST KINGDOM JOB* OF DATE DATE 07211 00 ' 9/07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADVENTURER'S ATTRACTION QUEUE STRUCTURE A I I I I ADVENTURER'S ATTRACTION - OJgUS SHADS CCM5R FRAMING PLAN -=: I '- C DUNN SAVOSE SMC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (7SQ) 966 6355 FAX (760) 966 6360 Email dsi@surfdsi! com JOB, SHEET NO . L c fa g L ft M P L 0 & T K !M & P 0 M CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE OF_ DATE, DATE_ ai I 07 QUEUE - F BEAM (B.-f w, - = Ut5 .fJ Wi TRV 10" d ?OL'£ BEflM PIN E 1 T - n i-1- - Fv' i?- ft p.#.fi- A r er + o.n US 5 Id" Dlft ?OLS S1^ LDPGi rOL& pi N £ DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com JOB. SHEETNO V-E6QLANP LOST KlN<aPOr*l CALCULATED BY CHECKEDBY SCALE OF. DATE q /OT DATE RIPE (CONT-D) 3«» ^ POLE = 5TJ.3 (n"1- S - ZOl Pv' K A- - toer 3?^ E I QK +• 0,Hl" r 2 1 " > A**± sii"i«?o NO 6 OOP , T A r 0 6V + 0,17 POL& pets p IN I DUNN SAVOIE INC, STRUCTURAL 9438 8. CLEVELAND ST. QCCANBlpe, CA. 92OB<* TEL: tveo) 966-63 ss FAX: C76OJ 966-636P JOB Legoland Lost Kingdom 07218 SHEET NO CALCULATED BY HE DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE LATERAL ANALYSIS CANTILEVER COLUMNS This structure consists mainly of cantilever columns for shear resistance Therefore, per UBC 97, for the entire structure, R= 2 2 Seismic Coefficients & Factors Seismic Zone A 2= 04 Soil Type Sc Fault Type B Dist To Fault = 7 km l= 1 0 R= 22 Na= 10 Nv= 11 .Ca= 040 *Na= 040 Cv= 056 *N¥= 062 C, = 0 02 hn= 12 T= 02(hn)75= 0129 Q0=20 per 1997 Uniform Building Code Chapter 16 1630 21 Design Base Shear (30-4) V= (Cy)(l)(W) • 1 551 W 1 4(R)(T) Needs Not Exceed (30-5) V* 2 5(C.)(I)(W)0325 W 14(R) Minimum Base Shear. (30-6) V= 011(Ca)(l}(W) = 0044 W Minimum Base Shear (for Seismic Zone 4) (30-7) V= 0 8(Z)(NV)(I)(W) = 0160 W R Therefore, V= 0325 W DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com ..OB V-E60LANP LOST KlW&POM SHEET NO A* CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE OF DATE. DATE. |0l PARK RU>E uMWS ^ ( "Vt. S')( H^,1?1) I OC 5*1 Isr \00 * IV r r 0357 W ~ D357 PER COLUMN' COL DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966 6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com JOB.LE60LhN£> lost SHEET NO .OF_ CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE HATE DATE RIPE 5LUEME - COLUhM V=(PEP. n1 8" POLE USE JOB.LflVT DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com SHEET NO .A7 OF_ CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE DATE POST OK 14" F\PE COLUMN/ ADVBMTURIR'& ATTRACTION - QUIUR 6HAD1 f^UNOATION PLAN (Key; DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job* Date 342PM, 11 SEP 07 User KW-0602938 Ver 5 61 25-Oct 2002(01963-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Pole Embedment in Soil u\h8»cobedo\»hared\15 Page 1 olh»rtl9golandlo5lK Description Wood pole @ caisson ftg (slab) fp-.; General Information Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Circular Diameter Restrained @ Surface 300 00 pcf 2 500 00 Psf 1330 24 000 in Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom 298 00 Ibs 11000ft 000#/ft 0000ft 0000ft (Summary | Moments @ Surface Point load Distnbuted load With Surface Restraint Req'd Depth Pressure @ Base Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Force 327800 ft-# Total Moment 0 00 Total Lateral 2 '-#" JVIIN, J?£^rW 2 594 ft * 1 035 07 psf 1,035 07 psf 2,009 13 Ibs 3 278 00 ft-# 298 00 Ibs I I I I I DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Title Dsgnr Description Scope User KW-0602938 V»r 5 6 1 25-Oct 2002(0)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Pole Embedment in Soil AID Job* Date 342PM 11 SEP 07 Page 1 u \haKobedotehafed\15-olhertleflolandto8tK | Description Wood pole @ caisson ftg (planter) (F-2.J General Information Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Circular Diameter No Surface Restraint Summary Moments @ Surface Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable 300 00 pcf 2 500 00 Psf 1000 24 000 in 3,27800 ft-# 000 3788 ft 38333 psf 37883 psf Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral PAIN- 298 00 Ibs 11000ft 000#/ft 0000 tt 0000ft 3,278 00 ft-# 298 00 Ibs ^)11w ^ V • • • • m Structural Engineers 9088 Cleveland St Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel (760) 966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE T furnlsiT'iH T net TTiTioHnm *\ JOB# OF DATE DATE 07218 00 9/07 FOUNDATION DESIGN OF BEETLE BOUNCER SPECIAUZSD ANALYSIS ENGINEERING INC THE STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS SYSTEMS DYNAMICS AND TESTING EXPERTS FROG-HOPPER™ STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORTS REVISIONA OPERATIONAL LOADING AND SEISMIC ZONE 4 SEISMIC LOADING PREPARED FOR: S&S POWER, INC. 350 WEST 2500 NORTH LOGAN, UTAH 84341 USA JANUARY 2 1,2000 I Ibe@sae »nc ne' 1770 North Research Parkway, Suite #160, North Logan, UT 84341 Tel 435-7558140 Fax 435-753-2420 Model Assumptions In this analysis it is assumed there are no preexisting flaws (le cracks, unintentional cuts or serious abrasions) in the structure All welds are assumed to have been verified as meeting all applicable weld inspections, procedures and standards as specified by AWS Dl 1. Structural Modeling: Geometry, Loading and Constraints The Frog Hopper™ superstructure (boom and base) was modeled as one structure with the appropriate loadings, connections, operational loads and constraints as shown in Figures 1 and 2 Assembly and weldment drawings of the components are included in Appendix A All unnecessary components were ignored in the model leaving only load bearing members in the model geometry Where applicable, the mass of the ignored members was added to the component model in order to correctly account for all inertia! forces developed by the acceleration loading The geometry as modeled in the Finite Element Analysis is shown in Appendix B The structure was modeled as a collection of plates connected to form the required geometry The plate thickness was specified as the corresponding wall or plate thickness A513 material properties were used for all elements used to model the beams A36 material properties were used for all other members in the model Small variations (~ 0.1") from the specified geometry were allowed to enable the finite element model construction. The seat structure was not explicitly modeled in this seismic analysis as the seismic loads are applied to the superstructure rather than the seat. Therefore, the stress results, as reported in the TUV Frog Hopper™ Report, are still valid and applicable to the operational loads In order to properly account for the dynamic loads induced by the fully loaded seat into the superstructure, a 2 5g acceleration load was assumed to occur when the seat was at the maximum height (travel) The appropriate loads transferred through the wheels to the structure were calculated and applied as shown in Figure 2 The cable and hydraulic forces corresponding to the maximum seat acceleration loads were applied to the structure at the appropriate locations. The loads as applied to the structure are shown in Figure 2 The calculations of all loads are shown m Appendix C All seismic loads are applied to the structure at the center of gravity as calculated in Table 2 Structural Modeling: Boom and Base Structure Model, Constraints and Loading The boom and base structures were modeled as collections of plates connected at their intersections as shown in Appendix B AS 13 material properties were used for all boom members with box cross sections and A36 material properties were used for all plate members m the boom model The boom and base structures were connected into one structure in order to predict the overall stress response of the system when the appropriate boundary conditions are applied to the base-ground interface The seat dynamic forces and the seismic loads were applied to the structure as shown in Figures 1 and 2 SPECIALIZED ANALYSIS ENGINEERING INCORPORATED Page 2 Center of Gravity - located 107" from the ground level (1" below the connection bar tabs on die boom) Frog Hopper™ Boom - Base boh connections Base to ground connection points - all translation degrees of freedom constrained m Finite Element model (both sides) Base to Boom Connection Tubes Figure 1 Frog Hopper™ Component and Model Constraint Identification SPECIALIZED ANALYSIS ENGINEERING INCORPORATED Page 3 Dynamic Loading applied to the boom from the fully loaded seat (1100 Ib) accelerated at 2 5g (transmitted through the 4 seat wheels), each of the four forces is 496 5 Ibs, located at maximum height (seat center at 170 inches from ground) Seismic Load Application Location, Load Case #2 shown Force induced into the structure by Ac hydraulic rams connected to the pulleys, each force is 4125 Ibs Force induced by the cable over the top pulleys, each force is 2750 Ib Figure 2 Position and magnitude of the operational, dead weight and seismic loads on the structure during normal operation Seismic load magnitudes and directions are listed later Structural Modeling - Weight of Members Used to Calculate Seismic Forces The weight and height to the center of gravity of the major components of the Frog Hopper™ are listed in Table 2 The composite structure center of gravity is located 107 inches (2 7m) above the ground level Component Seat loaded with seven 901b(41 kg) passengers Boom with components Base with components Composite Structure Height to CG of the component (in) 170" 110" 18" 107 inches (2.7m) Weight as Modeled (Ibs) 1100 800 800 2700 Ib (1226 kg) Table 2 Overall Center of Gravity and Weights of Structural Components as Modeled SPECIALIZED ANALYSIS ENGINEERING INCORPORATED Page 4 Structural Modeling - Earthquake Load Determination All loads were determined in accordance with the 1997 Uniform Building Code™, Division IV and V (1997 Uniform Building Code™, Vol 2) All factors and coefficients derived from the procedure specified in the UBC All coefficients and factors used in the earthquake load determination are listed m Table 3 for clarification The period of the structure was determined from equation 30-8 3/4 /'im^T= Ct (hn) = 0 020 ^ =010 seconds, where h^, is the height to the center of gravity of the structure (in feet) and C, is specified in the UBC Factor >• Reliability/ Redundance Factor Z Semic Zone Factor (zone 4) Soil Profile Type I Seismic Importance Factor (nusc structures) IP Seismic Importance Factor (nusc structures) R Overstrength Factor Value 100 040 Sp 100 100 2.20 Source UBCEqn 30-3 UBC Table 16-J UBC Table 16-J UBC Table 16-K UBC Table 16-K UBC Table 16-P Factor * 0 Seismic Force Amplification Factor CA Seismic Coefficient Cv Seismic Coefficient NA Near Source Factor Seismic Source Type Nv Near Source Factor Value 200 044NA 064NV 150 A 20 Source UBC Table 16-P UBC Table 16-Q UBC Table 16-R UBC Table 16-S UBC Table 16-U UBC Table 16-T Table 3 Factors and coefficients used in the seismic load determination Using the values of the coefficients listed in Table 3, the coefficients CA and Cv have values of 0 66 and 0 96 respectively The Design Base Shear V is determined from equation 34-2 as V= 056CaIW = 0 56 (0 66) (1 0) W = 0 37 W Further, Equation 34-3 specifies that in seismic zone 4 the base shear shall not be less than V =1 6 Z Nv I „. _ 1 6 (0 40) (2.0) (1 0) R W =220 W = 058W SPECIALIZED ANALYSIS ENGINEERING INCORPORATED PaceS Structural Modeling - Distribution of the Earthquake Shear Force The total design base shear is distributed in accordance with Equation 30-15 The base design shear force V is 0 58 W as detailed above Because of the height of the structure, the entire base shear is applied to the structure at the composite structure center of gravity Note that the top force F, as denoted in the UBC is zero for this structure as the period is less than 0 7 and therefore complies with the specification given in section 1630 5 The earthquake design loads comply with the UBC Eqn 30-1 E = p Eh + Ev E,, is the horizontal component of the earthquake load as specified by Secion 1630.2 of the UBC and Ev is the vertical component Because allowable stress design is assumed, Ev is zero as specified by the UBC The required load cases involving earthquake loads are specified in Section 1612 3.2 "Alternate Basic Load Case Combinations" The worst case load combination involving earthquake loads is given as Eqn 12-13* Applied Loads Dead Weight + Live Loads +Earthquake Load E 14 In accordance with UBC equation 12-13, the seismic shear applied to the structure at the center of gravity becomes Earthquake Load E 0.58 W 14 14 0414 W =(1119 lb(49776N) The live load results from the 1100 Ib (500 kg) cart accelerated at 2 5g and is applied to the structure as shown in Figure 2 Likewise, the dead weight results from gravity as shown in Figure 2 Structural Modeling: Seismic Load Horizontal Direction Table 4 lists the direction of the applied seismic load and the corresponding load case The locations of application of the loads is given in Figure 2 Figure 3 shows the direction of the horizontal seismic load and should be viewed for clarity Load 1 2 3 Description Dead Weight + Normal Operation maximum load 1 100 Ib cart @ 2 5g Dead Weight, Maximum operational loads, Positive X-Dir seismic shear Dead Weight, Maximum operational loads, 45°X, 45aY-Dir seismic shear Load 4 5 6 Description Dead Weight, Maximum operational loads, Positive Y-Dir seismic shear Dead Weight, Maximum operational loads, -45°X, 45°Y-Dir seismic shear Dead Weight, Maximum operational loads, Negative X-Dir seismic shear Table 4 Load Case Identification SPECIALIZED ANALYSIS ENGINEERING INCORPORATED Page 6 Loads on Boom to Base Mountine Bolts 3IOOIb(1240lb@25g) Comments A summation offerees in the vertical direction will produce a reaction force of 3900 Ib at each lower mounting bolts Therefore Fc = 3900 Ib We will consider the boom center of gravity to be in line with the lower mounting bolt A summation of moments about the lower mounting bolts yields a reaction force of 1460 Ib at the upper mounting bolt Therefore FD=14601b Loads on the Base to Ground Mountine Bolts 800 Ib 3900 Ib £> 1460 Ib FE Comments Applying the reaction forces from above and the load of the base, a summation of moments about the forward mounting bolt produces a reaction force of 1590 Ib tension at the rear mounting bolt A summation of moments about the rear mounting bolt produces a reaction force of 6290 Ib compression at the front mounting bolt Therefore FE=1590 Ib Tension FT = 6290 Ib Compression No stress calculation was determined for the front (compression loaded bolt) The rear bolt stress using A, (tensile stress area) F 15901b A 0 606m2 262ksi IMpa Safety factor for tensile load static sf =85/262 = 32 fatigue sf =44/262=17 SPECIALIZED ANALYSIS ENGINEERING INCORPORATED Page 13 8 /IV32 TV* (S f r6 '/« 1 TJ 3 1/41 I 7 I/J1 c 4->i h; ,1/4 — >_ 8 — ^ M 1/4 » 1/2 / / » V4 / X" B ] • 30 1 X S/I6-IBUNC-/ 24 1/2——. IX »7/16 — Jtr-i- 5/iJ I 1 I/0J -V4 -1 • ( 1 i « —5- ) <l | 'V N_ 1 — ~ 1 1/2^ 1 « 4S CHAM / p « 1/2 TW I 'll 1 III _ X -2 1/2 •1 ' « J • n »i/2 111 1 III 4 29 32 TYP • I •/!• MM TVP U 1/2 -JU.I «/4 1/4 1/4^3-3 JOB DUNN SAVOIE INC £/t? STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SHEETNO °F 908 S Cleveland Street CALCULATED BY DATE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY DATE Email dsi@surfdsi com SCALE AT CBC OR DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com JOB. SHEET NO .OF. CALCULATED BY- CHECKED BY SCALE DATE. DATE. t f / ?Ai> I i nssL~^~ic1V^ !• •fti"^Dunn Savoie, Inc i Structural Engineers | 908 S Cleveland Street | Oceanside, CA 92054 i Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope R«V 560100 ,_ . _ . . _ _gSSSSm^U^SL. General Footing Analysis & Design Date 218PM Job* 14 SEP 07 2J.I Description Pad Footing for Frog Hopper_Case 21_w/ Partial General Information Allowable Soil Beanng Short Term Increase Seismic Zone Live & Short Term Combined fc Fy Concrete Weight Overburden Weight Calculations are designed to ACI 318-96 and 1997 UBC Requirements || 35000 psf Dimensions 1330 4 2,5000 psi 60,000 0 psi 14500 pcf 000 psf Width along X-X Axis Length along Y-Y Axis Footing Thickness Col Dim Along X-X Axis Col Dim Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedestal Height 4000ft 6500ft 1800m 3200m 61 00 in 0000 in Mm Steel % onni* Rebar Center To Edge Distance 3 50 in Loads \ Applied Vertical Load Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load Applied Moments Dead Load Live Load Short Term Applied Shears Dead Load Live Load Short Term 4700k k k Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & nght) k-ft k-ft k-ft Creates Rotation about Y-Y Axis (pressures @ left & nght) k k k ecc along X-X Axis 0000 in ecc along Y-Y Axis 20 600 in Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k-ft k-ft 10631 k-ft Creates Rotation about X-X Axis (pressures @ top & bot) k k 1 119k | Summary 1 4 00ft x 6 50ft Footing, Max Soil Pressure Allowable 18 Om Thick, w/ Column Support DL+LL DL+LL+ST 6847 1,3461 psf 3,500 0 4 655 0 psf "X1 Ecc, of Resultant 0 000 in 0 000 in T Ecc, of Resultant g 350 in 23 615 in X-X Mm Stability Ratio 2 079 •) 500 1 Y-Y Mm Stability Ratio No Overturning Footing Design 32 00 x 61 00m x 0 MaxMu Required Steel Area Shear Stresses 1-Way 2-Way Caution Y(short)ecc>Widt Oin high Actual Allowable 0895 k-ft per ft 0244in2perft Vu Vn * Phi 2129 85 000 psi 0710 170 000 psi I Shear Forces Two-Way Shear One-Way Shears Vu@Left Vu @ Right Vu @ Top Vu @ Bottom Moments Mu @ Left Mu @ Right Mu @ Top Mu @ Bottom ACI 9-1 059 psi 0 00 psi 000 psi 000 psi -0 53 psi ACI 9-1 006 k-ft 006 k-ft 000 k-ft -016 k-ft ACI 9-2 0 71 psi 0 00 psi 0 00 psi 000 psi -2 13 psi ACI 9-2 006 k-ft 006 k-ft 000 k-ft -090 k-ft ACI 9-3 0 46 psi 0 00 psi 0 00 psi 0 00 psi -1 37 psi ACI 9-3 004 k-ft 004 k-ft 0 00 k-ft -0 58 k-ft Vn " Phi 170 00 psi 85 00 psi 85 00 psi 85 00 psi 85 00 psi As Rea'd 0 24 in2 per ft 0 24 m2 per ft 0 02 m2 per ft 024in2 per ft Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job* 218PM 14 SEP 07 Rev 560100 UwrKW-06029 (0)1983-2002 EN 38, V«r561 25-Oct-2002 ERCALC Engineering Software General Footing Analysis & Design Page 2 1 Description Pad Footing for Frog Hopper_Case 21_w/ Partial Soil Pressure Summary |j Service Load Soil Pressures DL + LL DL + LL + ST Factored Load Soil Pressures ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 Left 39827 39827 55758 55758 35844 Right 39827 39827 55758 55758 35844 Top 68472 1,34612 95861 1,88457 1,211 51 Bottom 11182psf OOOpsf 15655psf OOOpsf OOOpsf ACI Factors (per ACI, applied internally to entered loads) ACI 9-1 & 9-2 DL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 LL ACI 9-1 & 9-2 ST seismic = ST' 1400 1700 1 700 1 100 ACI 9-2 Group Factor 0 750 ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor 0 900 ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor 1 300 UBC 1921 2 7 "1 4" Factor 1 400 UBC 1921 2 7 "0 9" Factor 0 900 SAE Grade 1 SAE Grade 2 ASTM A307 SAE Grade 4 1/4 to 11/2 1/4 thru 3/4 over 3/4 thru 1-1/2 1/4 to 1 1/2 1/4 to 1 1/2 55 33 33 65 60 74 60 60 115 2,a SAE-Grade 5 85 11/8 thru 1=- ASTMA449. Typel 74 13/4 thru 3 55 120 105 90 SAE - Grade 5 2 1/4 thru 1 85 120 4,b 1/2 thru 1 85 ASTMA325- Typel 11/8 to 1-172 74 120 105 1/2 thru 1 85 ASTM A325 - Type 2 1 1/8 to 1-1/2 74 120 105 4,b A325 1/2 thru 1 85 ASTM A325 - Type3 1 1/8 to 1-1/2 74 120 105 5,b fci^IIrJL^i1" • • • • II1II Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanside. CA 92054 Tel (760) 966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Legoland Lost Kingdom Q JOB* OF DATE DATE 0721800 9/07 FOUNDATION DESIGN OF CARGO ACE Ounn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland Lost Kingdom 07128 00 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY Y S DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE LATERAL ANALYSIS This building consists mainly of cantilever column for shear resistence, Therefore, per CBC2001 , for the entire structure, R= 2 2 Q0 = per 2001 CBC Chapter 16 1630 2 1 Seismic Coefficients & Factors Design Base Shear (30-4) Seismic Zone 4 V= (CV)(I)(W) = 1312 Z = 0 4 1 4(R)(T) Soil Type Sc Fault Type B Needs Not Exceed (30-5) Dist. To Fault = 75 km V= 25(Ca)(l)(W) = 0325 1=10 1 4(R) R= 22 Na = 1 00 Minimum Base Shear (30-6) Nv= 110 V= 011(Ca)(l)(W) = 0044 Ca= 04 *Na= 04 Cv= nsfi *N.. = new Minimum Base Shear (for Seismic Zone 4) Ct= 002 V= 0 8(Z)(NV)(I)(W) = 0160 hn= 15 R T= 02(hn)75= 0152 Therefore, V= 0325 W 28 W W W (30-7) W Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland Lost Kingdom 0712800 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY YS DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE DESIGN CRITERIA CODE 1997 Unifrom Building Code (UBC) 2001 California Building Code (CBC) SEISMIC Z = l = SOIL TYPE' R = Na = Nv = Ca = 04 1 Sc 22 1 0 1 1 044 (Zone 4) V= 25CalW/R V= 0455 W V/14= 0325 W WIND 70MPH EXPB HEIGHT 20' LRFD ASD WIND LOAD (PSF) 102 110 WOOD 97NDS 2x&3x >3x Douglas Fir-Larch No 2 Douglas Fir-Larch No 1 FOUNDATION CRITERIA ALLOWABLE SOIL PRESSURE FOR DL + LL FRICTION COEFFICIENT PASSIVE EARTH PRESSURE AT-REST EARTH PRESSURE ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE 3500 PSF 035 300 PCF 55 PCF 35 PCF o ti O C_) iS << 5 P"^ses1—4" ^•^ __ ii !-*<-> »-*o o cd V in vd li A/ CVJ 1 I I I • «!j8 I I _t '*' Q. 00 *£ II I CI'-3 3/4*1 JOB DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SHEETNO °F 908 S Cleveland Street CALCULATED BY DATE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY DATE. Email dsi@surfdsi com SCALE -Itftfc- - Rev 560100 User KW-0602938 Ver 5 61 25-Oct 2002 (e)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date Job# 235PM 14 SEP 07 Clo Combined Footing Design Page 1 \\server3\usef»\y»hao\shafed\«n9inegf?ng\comm j Description Combine Footing General Information Allow Soil Bearing Seismic Zone Concrete Wt Short Term Increase Overburden Dimensions Footing Size Distance Left Dtst Betwn Cols Distance Right Footing Length Width Thickness Loads Vertical Loads Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load 4 655 0 psf 4 1450pcf 1 33 0 00 psf 1 75 ft 1867ft 175ft 2217ft 400ft 1800m Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements f c 4,000 0 psi Fy 60 000 0 psi Mm As Pet 0 0014 Distance to CL of Rebar 3 50 in Live & Short Term Load Combined Column Support Pedestal Sizes #1 Square Dimension 8 00 in Height 8 00 m #2 Square Dimension 8 00 in Height 8 00 in (3> Left Column (3> Riqty Column. 4 050 k 4 050 k 3 600 k 3 600 kk k | \ k Applied Moments Dead Load Live LoadShort Term Load Applied ShearsDead Load Live Load Short Term Load k-ft 6 790 k-ft 10 920 k-ft k 1460k 1 800k k-ft 6 790 k-ft 10 920 k-ft k 1460k 1 800k | Summary | Length = 22 17ft, Width = 4 00ft Maximum Soil Pressure Allowable Max Shear Stress Allowable Mm Overturning Stabilit Soil Pressures Thickness =18 00m Dist 541 24 psf 6,191 15 psf 1064psi 107 52 psi 7758 1 Soil Pressure @ Left Actual Dead + Live 329 3 Dead+Live+Short Term 238 8 Soil Pressure @ Right End Dead + Live 450 8 Dead+Live+Short Term 541 2 Stability Ratio 7 8 Allowable 4 655 0 psf 6,191 1 psf 4,655 0 psf 6191 1 psf 1 Left = 1 75ft Btwn = 18 67ft Dist Right = 1 Steel Req'd @ Lei Steel Req'd @ Cente Steel Req'd @ Righ ACI Factored Eq 9-1 481 6 psf Eq 9-2 334 4 psf Eq 9-3 170 2 psf Eq 9-1 659 2 psf Eq 9-2 757 7 psf Eq 9-3 385 7 psf Footing Design OK 75ft 0244 m2/ft ,. 0254m2/ft -*}•$**& 0 244 m2/ft 1 Eccentricity 0576ft 1432ft 0576ft 1432ft ! i j i I j i,m m ) • • [ Dunn Savote, Inc Title Job # Structural Engineers £*", * Date 234PM u SEP 07„„ _ ... . . _ . . Description908 S Cleveland Street r\ i j Oceanside, CA 92054 Scope <- ' Phone (760)966-6355 Rev 560100 _ , , _ . _ _. U User KW-«I02938 Ver 561 25-Oct 2002 Steel UOlUITin BSSfi Plate 1(0)1963^002 ENERCALC Engineering Software *»MW»I WIUIIII1 OA9V rirtlC \\setver3\user8\Yihao\Share*En8ineenng\Comm | Description Base Plate General Information Loads Axial Load 4 05 k X-X Axis Moment 1 7 70 k-ft Plate Dimensions Plate Length 18000m Plate Width 18000m Plate Thickness 0 875 m Support Pier Size Pier Length 63 000 in Pier Width 63000m •^••MMHMMLMi^HHMMMH| Summary | Concrete Bearing Stress Bearing Stress OK Actual Bearing Stress 442 4 Allow per ACI31 8-95, A3 1 = 0 3 * f c * Sqrt(A2/A1 ) * LDF 2,394 0 Allow per AISCJ9 2,7930 Plate Bending Stress Thickness OK Actual fb 27,966 8 Max Allow Plate Fb 35,91 0 0 Tension Bolt Force Bolt Tension OK Actual Tension 3 665 Allowable 5 500 Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Steel Section Section Length Section Width Flange Thickness Web Thickness Allowable Stresses Concrete f c Base Plate Fy Load Duration Factor Anchor Bolt Data Dist from Plate Edge Bolt Count per Side Tension Capacity Bolt Area psi Edition ASD and 1997 UBC Requirements | TS8x8x1M 8 000 in 8000m 0 250 in 0 250 in 3,000 0 psi 36 00 ksi 1 330 1 000 in 4 5500k 0 442 m2 Baseplate OK Partial Bearing Bolts in Tension psi psi psi psi k k Anchors systems ANCHORS PAGE NO BASE MATERIALS HVU adhesive anchorwith HAS HIS-N, HAS T7 m HIT-RE 500 Injection technique witti HAS, HS-N tutor HH HtMY 150 Injection tachUqw with HAS, HSNreter HN «T-HY 20 (Action techniquemar-sc m-fum-K Anchor rods Oooo! •oo HDA (tesfQti sncnor Dynamic Set HSL-3 heavy duty anchor Safwings HSC safety anchor HUS-H Concrete Screw Anchor HSA stud anchor HKD-S drop-In anchor HLC sleeve anchor HNInal in anchor HT frame anchor HCAceWng hanger DBZ wedge anchor HHO-S cavity anchor 77 78 75 76 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 86 86 87 HRO-U frame anchor HUD-1 universal anchor HGN anchor for HghtwefBht concmte| HLD plastic toggle anchor HPS-1 Impact anchor HSP/HFP drywall anchor IN Insulation fastener IDP insulation fastener 89 89 89 90 87 91 91 LEGACY REPORT ER-5369 Reissued October 1, 2004 ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. www icc-es org Ota" 5360 Wo*mw RegkxialOflk»« 900 Mortdar Road, Suite A, Bmiingham, Alabama 35213 • (205)5994600 Reghsnal Office-4051 West Ftossmoor Road Counby dub HBs, Knots 604781(708)799-2305 Legacy report on the 1997 Uniform Building Code™, the 2000 International Building Code* and the 2000 International Residential Code9 DIVISION 03—CONCRETE Section 03151—Concrete Anchoring HVA ADHESIVE ANCHOR SYSTEM HILTI, INC 5400 SOUTH 122ND EAST AVENUE TULSA, OKLAHOMA 74146 1 0 SUBJECT HVA Adhesive Anchor System 20 DESCRIPTION 21 General The Hilti HVA adhesive anchor system is for installation in normal-weight concrete, and consists of a two-component vinyl urethane resin adhesive (HVU) and a Hilti threaded rod (HAS) The anchor systems are alternatives to cast-in-place anchors described in Sections 1923 1 and 2107 1 5 of the 1997 Uniform Building Code™ (UBC), and Sections 1912 and 2107 of the 2000 International Building Code* (IBC) The anchor systems may also be used where an engineered design is submitted in accordance with Section R301 1 2 of the 2000 International Residential Code* (IRC) 2 2 Materials 221 Hitti HVA Adhesive The HVA adhesive is contained in a dual-chambered foil capsule that separates the resin from the hardener The capsules are supplied in various sizes that correspond to the anchor diameters The adhesive has a shelf life of one year when stored in the manufacturer's unopened container at temperatures between 40'F (4'C) and 75'F (23 C) 222 Hlltl HAS Threaded Rod Three HAS rods are available Standard HAS rod, Super HAS (high-strength) rod, and HAS stainless steel rod HAS rods are threaded and have a beveled end The rods, with washer and nut, are available in three grades of steel as follows ALL-THREAD ROD Description Standard HAS Rod Super HAS Rod Stainless HAS Rod '/. '/. Stainless HAS Rod '1. 1V. Specification ASTMA36 ASTMA193 B7 ASTMFS93 CW (kin 360 1050 650 450 '.(ktl) 580 1250 1000 85.0 NUT SPECIFI- CATION ASTMA563 Grade A ASTMA663. Grade OH ASTM F 594 Alloy Group 1 WASHER SPECIFI- CATION ANSI B18.22.1 Type A. plain ASTM F 436 ANSI B1&221 Type A, plain For SI 11nch = 25 4 mm The Standard HAS Rod and the Super HAS Rod are furnished with a 5-um zinc electroplate coating in accordance with ASTMB 633 SC1 223 Concrete Substrate Concrete must be normal- weight, stone-aggregate concrete having a minimum 28-day compressive strength in accordance with Table 4 at the time of anchor installation 2 3 Design Allowable tension and shear loads for HAS threaded rod installed in accordance with this report are shown in Table 4 Anchors are permitted to resist live loads, dead loads, wind loads and earthquake loads For allowable short-term shear loads resulting from wind or earthquake based on steel strength, the steel shear values must be calculated as follows • For Standard HAS rods (ASTM A 36 rods), the allowable load based on steel strength is 1 33 times the A 36 value for static loads given in Table 4 • For Stainless HAS rods (ASTM F 593 CW rods), the allowable load based on steel strength is 1 33 times the A 36 value for static loads given in Table 4 • For Super HAS rods (ASTM A 193 B7 rods), the allowable load based on steel strength is 0 94 times the A 193 B7 value for static loads given in Table 4 ICC ES legacy reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or am other attributes not specifically addressed nor are thev to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use There is no warranty b) ICC Evaluation Service Inc express or implied as to any finding or other matter in this report or as to any product covered by the report 'ANSI Copyright ©2004 Pag* 1 of 5 Page 2 of 5 ER-5369 Tension loads in Table 4 are permitted to be increased by 331/3 percent for short-term loads, such as those resulting from wind or earthquake For anchors installed at edge distances less than c^ or at a spacing of less than s^ or both, the bond- or concrete- strength anchor values given in Table 4 must be reduced in accordance with the reduction factors given in Table 3 The reduced bond- or concrete-strength anchor values must be compared with the corresponding allowable steel strength, and the lesser value must be used to establish allowable anchor capacity The allowable load values in Table 4 must be adjusted in accordance with Figure 2 for in-service base-material temperatures in excess of 70 F (21 C) Allowable loads for anchors subjected to combined shear and tension forces are determined using the following equation p v%^ where P, = Applied service tension load P, = Allowable service tension load V, = Applied service shear load V, = Allowable service shear load 2 4 Installation The anchor is installed into a prednlled hole in concrete The hole must be dnlled to the diameter and embedment depth specified in Table 2 of this report, and must be cleaned of debns and standing water The hole for the HAS rod is drilled using a rotary hammer drill with an adapter or setting tool During anchor installation, the hole and surrounding location are permitted to be damp No standing water is permitted in the hole The HVA capsule is inserted into the hole The beveled end of the HAS rod is placed on top of the resin capsule, and the rod is driven into the hole using the rotary hammer drill The combined rotation and hammering action shreds the capsule and mixes the resin with the hardener After the HAS threaded rod is driven to the specified embedment depth, the drilling should immediately stop and the adapter/setting tool withdrawn See Figure 1 for additional installation instructions The anchor must not be disturbed during its cure time The cunng times and temperatures for the HVA system are noted in Table 1 2 5 Special Inspection Special inspection in accordance with Section 1701 of the UBC or Section 1704 of the IBC must be provided for all anchor installations The special inspector must record compliance of the drill bit with ANSI B212 15-1994, the hole depth and cleanliness, the product description, including product name, rod diameter and length, the adhesive expiration date, and verification of anchor installation in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions 2 6 Identification The adhesive material is identified in the field by packaging labels beanng the manufacturer's name (Hilti, Inc), the evaluation report number (ER-5369), the product name and the anchor diameter The head of the Hilti HAS rod is identified by the mark HA36, H193, H304 or H316 30 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Cntena for Adhesive Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements (AC58), dated November 2001 40 FINDINGS That the Hilti HVA Adhesive Anchor System described in this report complies with the 1997 Uniform Building Code™, the 2000 International Building Code*, and the 2000 International Residential Code*, subject to the following conditions 41 The anchors are manufactured, identified and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and this report 42 Anchors are installed In holes predrilled with a carbide-tipped masonry drill bit manufactured within the range of the maximum and minimum drill-tip dimensions of ANSI B21215-1994 4 3 Special inspection in accordance with Section 2 5 is provided for all anchor Installations 4 4 Calculations and details showing compliance with this report are submitted to the local building official for approval 4 5 Anchors are permitted to be used for long-term and short-term allowable shear and tension loads as noted In Section 2 3 4 6 Anchors are not permitted for use in conjunction with fire-resistive construction Exceptions are • Anchors resist wind or seismic loading only • For other than wind or seismic loading, special consideration is given to fire exposure conditions 4 7 Adhesive anchors may be used to resist tension and shear forces in overhead or wall installations only if consideration is given to the effects of elevated temperature conditions on anchor performance Figure 2 shows load reduction factors for elevated temperatures 4 8 Since an ICC-ES acceptance criteria for evaluating data to determine the performance of adhesive anchors subjected to fatigue or shock loading is unavailable at this time, the use of these anchors under these conditions Is beyond the scope of this report. 4 9 Since an ICC-ES acceptance criteria for evaluating the performance of adhesive anchors in cracked concrete is unavailable at this time, the use of anchors is limited to installation in uncracked concrete Cracking occurs when f, > 1, due to service loads or deformations 410 The anchors are limited to interior use, except that installation in severe, moderate or negligible exterior weathering locations, in accordance with Figure 21-1-1 of UBC Standard 21-1 or Figure 1 in ASTM C 62 (IBC and IRC), is permitted when stainless steel threaded rods are installed 411 During anchor installation, the hole and surrounding location are permitted to be damp No standing water is permitted in the hole 412 The adhesive is manufactured by Hilti, Inc, in Kaufering, Germany, with quality control inspections by Underwriters Laboratories Inc (AA-637) This report is subject to re-examination in two years cir Page 3 of 5 TABLE 1—MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDED CURING TIME FOR HVA ADHESIVE1 ER-5369 BASE MATERIAL TEMPERATURE from 23 F to 32'F from 32'F to 50 F from 50 F to 68 F 68 F or above MINIMUM CURING TIME 5 hours 1hour 30 minutes 20 minutes ForSI tC = 5/,(tF-32) 'The anchor must not be disturbed dunng its cure time TABLE 2—SPECIFICATIONS FOR HVA ADHESIVE ANCHORS DETAILS of*. Bit diameter (inches) h^ Mln depth of embedment (inches) t Max. thickness fastened (inches) TM. Max. tightening torque (foot-pounds) h Mm base material thickness (inches) DIAMETER OF HAS THREADED ROD '/, inch % 3V, 1 18 5V. V,lnch '/,. 4V« 1V, 30 63/. '/. Inch "i'« 5 1% 75 TV, 3/4 Inch \ 6V, 2 150 10 '/, Inch 1 6s/. 2V, 175 10 1lnch IV. 81/, 2V, 235 12% 1V« Inches 1% 12 2'/4 400 18 For SI 1 inch = 25 4 mm 1 foot-pound = 1 36 N-m t TABLE 3—ANCHOR SPACING AND EDGE DISTANCES FOR ANCHORS INSTALLED IN CONCRETE1'2 ANCHOR SPACING FACTOR, TENSION AND SHEAR «<r 15X/,.,*n*OSx/i., 1* 07 EDGE DISTANCE FACTOR, SHEAR ONLY C.T 15x/)., c-*, OSx/7., fpv 025 applied load acting perpendicular to edge 065 applied load acting parallel to edge EDGE DISTANCE FACTOR, TENSION ONLY c.. 15X/)., ««*, 05X/7., fm 06 hef = Actual embedment depth s = The measure between anchors centerlme-to-centeriine distance SB = The minimum anchor spacing distance at which the allowable load capacity of an anchor is obtained without influence of neighboring anchors SM, = The anchor spacing at which the anchors are tested for recognition c = The measure between the anchor centertine and the free edge of the concrete member ca = The least edge distance at which the allowable load capacity of an anchor is applicable without reductions CM, = The least edge distance at which the anchors are tested for recognition I* fm, fpN = Load reduction factors applied to the allowable working loads when SB* * s < s,, or c^ & c < ca 1For an anchor affected by multiple anchor spaangs and/or edge distances, the allowable adjusted load is the product of the following factors F=f«*fe f,*f«*f* f«2Load adjustment factors for spacing or edge distance are applied to the allowable bond or concrete strength for tension or shear The lesser of this value and the steel value must be used for the design linear interpolation may be used to determine the allowable load reduction factor for anchor spacings between s^. and s^ and edge distances between c_and C.*, Page 4 of 5 ER-5369 TABLE 4—ALLOWABLE TENSION AND SHEAR VALUES IN NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE FOR THREADED RODS WITH HILTI HVA ADHESIVE1*3***7 (pounds) ANCHOR DIAMETER (Inch..) 1. V, '/, '1. '/. 1 1V, EMBEDMENT DEPTH (Inch!) 3V, 5V. 7 4V, eV. VI, S A 10 6V. 10 13V, «*/. 10 13'(. 8V. 1«. 16V, : 12 16 18 TENSION B*Md on Bond or Concrete Strength r -2 ooo pit 2085 2325 4405 3.250 4,890 6700 3970 5770 11700 6080 9110 15,220 7145 10475 16475 8640 14665 26645 19175 24750 28 535 f c • 4 000 pal 2,595 4185 4895 4735 5455 7545 5245 10,465 12835 8615 14635 15310 9130 18970 23055 13,425 23450 30 805 23920 26855 37920 BMW! on HAS Rod StMl Strength ASTMA36 2115 3755 5870 8455 11,510 15030 23490 ASTM A 193 Grade B7 4555 8100 12655 18725 24805 32400 50620 AISI 30488 Conditioncw 3645 6480 10125 12390 16865 22,030 34425 SHEAR Bawd on Concrete Strength r.»2000ptl 1675 W35 5440 2540 5060 8,245 3575 7125 11620 6095 12,275 19805 6,385 12855 20745 9650 19,225 31350 19510 28510 38865 t - 4,000 p»i 2365 4715 7690 3590 7150 11660 5060 10080 16435 8620 17360 28,010 9030 18180 29335 13645 27190 44340 27590 40315 54965 B«Md on HAS Rod StMl Strength ASTM A 36 1090 1935 3025 4355 5930 7745 12100 ASTM A 193 Gnd*B7 2,345 4170 6520 9390 12780 16690 26080 AW 30488 Condition CW 1875 3335 5,215 6385 8,690 11,350 17735 ForSI 1 inch = 25 4 mm 1 pound = 4 45 N 1psi = 689kPa The tabulated tensile and shear values are for anchors installed in normal-weight concrete having the minimum designated ultimate compressive strength (f c) at the time of installation 'The Hilti HVU adhesive expenences a reduction in tensile and shear capacity with increased concrete temperature Factors noted in Figure 2 must be applied to the allowable values based on bond or concrete strength noted in the table when the anchors are installed in locations where the concrete temperature may exceed 70 F (21'C) 3For allowable loads for wind and seismic forces see Section 2 3 'Spacing and edge distance requirements must be in accordance with Table 3 'Special inspection In accordance with Section 1701 of the UBC or Section 1704 of the IBC must be provided for all anchor installations 'Allowable tensile and shear load is the lesser of bond and steel strength 'Allowable tensile and shear load for adhesive bond is based on a safety factor of 4 0 Page 5 of 5 ER-5369 di« a hot* to »• raqutad hot* depth. Important damn out dmt and debris. Use eompMttad air of vacuum at bottom ol me ho* WheniongaHfematdwd totetanca diamond COM bft, mmediaMy wio* stanolng 2. (men appropriate dimeter HVUadhwivv capsule* into pre^rBM diyholeinbntmtttW. NOTE: THe best method for Mttng. mtiMpkcapsules is to cnoh At M «**($) Mstht hote nl Urn tart B» MM oputo. DONOT cut «8 captules pafl«j? prottudinobuuMhote. •tepsul* tength is longer man tiamlHtSembed, depth BndiMlpnAuto tan tht Me. J. Dmtf t nut an *» HAS wtf. Ml Wd 1MB tfeMd t MCQKl Wtjpyi i on tpp ol tht wuhtr TiQhtM Kit two nots tOQtOwr Mm. H» top mtshouu Iw ttu* «. (man a ta/otn flciw ttcft MO Dw tammr dril and uaehtta prepcrimpaci »ck«t At tb* irtwy hanmir del MHnt; «ngag» «• igp mil o(«w HAS IDE) asstnbV wrih ta aoekat and drtm «»ia» itoiiB twoagh*»cy*^^ upon iMcMng bottom of hok 5 The««t anchor rod may not bedisturbed or haded before the specified curing time elapses FIGURE 1—THE HILTI HVA ADHESIVE ANCHORING SYSTEM—INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HAS RODS HILTI HVA ADHESIVE ANCHOR SYSTEM IN-SERVICE TEMPERATURE 120 1 100 I.. | 60 ffl «A @•o 3 20•s 0 a © © "^s. &^•w it — S 50 100 ISO 200 250 Base Material Temperature, F FIGURE 2—IN-SERVICE TEMPERATURE REDUCTION FACTOR DUNN BAVOIC IN&. BOB B. CLCVCL.AND ST. OCCANVIDEt CA» 9BOS4 TKU C7fiO) 966-fi3S» FAX! 1760} 966*6360 JOB Legol SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE and Lost Kingdom Of HE DATE DATE Cl^ 9/07 DESIGN LOADS OPERATOR BOOTH ROOF DEAD LOADS Corrugated Metal 4x6 Rafters @ 20" o c ME&P Misc £ Dead Load Live Load (DSf) 30 19 05 06 60 160 612 slope reducible 3^3 §<0 !§ zo! z-I 111 o 111 oOil. ttO Pa Q ICorrugated Metal Roofing and Siding Panels Exposed Fastener Corrugated Panels '=*- ^-^T1-*^!^1"'tm * *» lT'% *-T 1^1 .R ir?iT$ ^ :•: •: The slight or small profile of this corrugated profile is often used in decorative applications where strength is not an issue The panels are offered in almost every type of material and mostly made to order The majority of these panels are offered in a 26 wide with 33 in some materials Primarily only offered in light gauge thickness since this profile does not carry a heavy loads ECHANICAL MET.ALS, INC. 82 Walker Lane \ewtovtn, P\ 18940 Ph 800-249-5470 215-860-3600 Fax 215-860-2557 E-Mail Is Visit our Online Retail Store I Request a Quote Corrugated Metal Roofing and Siding Panels Exposed Fastener Corrugated Panels Corrugated Metal Roofing - 11/4" x 1/4" 26" Formed Width - 24" Coverage - — - 1 1/4" Corrugated Galvanized 6-90 - 2 1/2" x 1/2" This corrugated panel primarily comes in a (G 90) galvanized steel but can also be made in Stainless Steel Galvalume Aluminum and Painted finishes The material is also offered in a wide variety of gauge thickness from a lighter 24 gauge thru lo the heavier 16 gauge The galvanized sheets are stock in our location in the 27 % wide by either 8 10 12 or any size up :o 24 custom cut sizes can always be done as well All other materials such as the Stainless Aluminum & Galvalume will all have different overall widths but have the same consistent profile of Vz high & two and a half inches from the peaks of each corrugation Corrugated Aluminum Smooth Natural Finish - 2 67" x 7/8"^^^ ZZ-_Z _______IlzzI-mZZ ^^_ * ' • — The 2 67 x 7/8 Profile is a panel we stock in either a mill finish or stucco-embossed Aluminum We also carry this style in a galvalume as well The deeper grooves in this profile give a more pronounced look and a wavy type of corrugation vlechanical Metal Inc carries this panel as well most others in a perforated version as well Corrugated 4 2 The Deepest wave of all our corrugated curved style panels comes in all matenals Mainly the 42 wide is made in the galvanized and (T304) Stainless Steel with standard stocking sizes of 8 10 & 12 The 4 2 is the distance between each high point in succession to each corrugation The 4 2 is also offered in wide variety of painted colors (This is also known as 'he asbestos replacement panel) < 42* * T 1 V *1 <!G 37 8* Coverage 42" Finish Width CZ| Corrugated Sheets Available Steel & Aluminum 2 1/2" x 1/2" Corrugated Available In Lengths To 34 Steel & Aluminum, 267 x7/8 Corruc InLengt' sTo34'J lated — Available Steel & Aluminum 26" Both Down 271/2' Up & Down 34" WIDTHS Covers 24" ' 21 1/3" ' 24"1 32" 29 1/3" WIDTHS As Siding As Roofing As Roofing or Siding As Siding As Roofing 241/4 29 3/4" 35" 40 1/2" 48 1/3" 51 1/3" Covers Covers Covers Covers Covers Covers 21 1/3" 262/3" 32' 37 1/3" 45 1/3' 48" Roofing or Siding Roofing or Siding Roofing or Siding Roofing or Siding Roof ing or Siding Roof ing or Siding SIDE LAPS All Edges Finish 1 Up & 1 Down to Lap 1 1/2 Corrugations As Roofing or Siding Widths with Both Edges Down Upon Inquiry SIDE LAPS Both Edges Down — Lap 1 Corrugation As Siding — Lap 2 Corrugation As Roofing Edges 1 Up & 1 Down — Lap 1 1/2 Corrugations as Roofingor Siding 1 1/4" x 1/4" Corrugated Available in Lengths To 12' Steel & Aluminum x 1 Ribbed Aluminum Roofing Available in Lengths To 34' WIDTHS 26" Covers 24" As Roofing or Siding SIDE LAP 2 V's Overlap ! WIDTHS ! 47' Covers 44 SIDE LAP Overlapping Ribs with Valley Fastening Flange 5V Crimp — Available in Lengths To 12' Steel & Aluminum WIDTH 26 "Covers 24' As Roofing or Siding SIDE LAPS 1 Edge Up & 1 Edge Down Lap 1 1/2 Corrugation As Roofing or Siding SQUARE FEET PER SHEET 8 10 12' 14 16' 18' 20' 26" 17333 26567 26000 30333 34667 39000 43333 27 V2 * 18333 22917 27500 32083 36667 41250 45833 34- 22667 28333 34000 39667 45333 51000 56667 381-'2 ' 25667 32083 38500 44917 51 555 44V's' 29667 37083 44500 51 917 59333 52 750 ! 66 750 64 167 | 74 167 47" 31333 39167 47000 54833 62667 70500 78333 51 1/3" 34220 42778 51333 59889 68444 77000 85555 WEIGHT PER SHEET (27^" WIDE) 26 24 22 20 18 !&„.,. 8; 1550 1958 2448 2937 4443 52.22 10 1938 2448 3060 3672 5303 6527 12 2325 2937 3672 4406 6364 78.33 14 27 ^3 3427 4283 51 40 7425 91.38 16 3100 3916 4895 5875 8485 10444 18' 3488 4406 5507 6609 9546 11749 20' 3876 4895 61 19 7343 10607 13054 T] PANEL LIVE LOAD 18 231 Ibs/sq : 20 178 Ibs/sq i 22 151 Ibs/sq 24 i 124 Ibs/sq 032 48 Ibs/sq 040 I 48 Ibs/sq ( CORRUGATED 2 1/2 X 1/2 SPAN 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ! 1 2 ) 3 j 20PSF ROOF | WALL 5'-10n 6'-10" 6-6 | 7-7 7-2 5-4 5-9 6-7 5-1 5-4 5-10 4-8 4-10 ; 5-5 4-1 4-4 4-10 4-5 4-9 5-4 8-5 ! 6-2 6-8 < 7-5 5-10 6-1 30PSF ROOF 5'-2" 5-5 6-0 4-8 4-9 5-4 WALL 5'-ll" 6-2 6-11 5-5 5-5 6-1 4-5 | 5-0 4-5 6-10 j| 4-11 5:5 JL.4-P 5-6 fl 4-0 6-2 4-7 4-10 5-5 5-0 j 5-4 i 6-0_j 4:5 3-7 3-7 4-0 3-10 3-11 4-5 5-0 ! 5-7 ; 4-6 4-6 5-0 4-0 I 4-0 ! 4-5 j 4-4 4-4 40PSF ROOF 4'-9" 4-9 5-3 **.. 4-2 4-8 | WALL 5'-4" 5-4 6-0 4-8 4-8 5-3 3-10 ;| 4-4 3-10 j 4-3 3-5 3-5 j 3-10 3-2 3-1 3-5 3-6 3-5 | 4-11 [ 3-10 I 4-4 4-10 3-11 3-11 4-4 3-5 3-5 3-10 3-9 3-9 4-3 50 PSF ROOF 4'-3" 4-3 4-9 3:9 __ 3-9 4-2 3-5 3-5 3-10 3-1 3-1 3-6 2-10 2-9 3-1 ! 3-1 3-1 3-5 j WALL 4'-10n 4-10 5-4 4-2 4-2 4-8 3-10 3-10 4-4 3-6 3-6 3-11 3-1 3-1 3-5 3-5 3-5 r 3-9 DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com JOB LQS.T K1N&EDM SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE !ii OF RATE tJ07 DATE SOOTH - LdTfcp.ftL THIS ANAL/SU 1&POR.THE >007YI, S»Ei\CnN ALSO I.S TH-E 'BEETLE ANALYSIS RbDP WT - = 313* \WT = VB = 0.315" W = V = IW r ( \0i8*) = 3ST3 * (TDTT\U) " * * ^ 700 * - o,K, DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi.com JOB.LE60LftNP LOST SHEET NO . CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE OF. 1 )07 DATE BOOTH- LATERAL POST BftiE r 700#-ff (.PER CMC ON PREVIOUS TR> fcB8^' COLUMN CASE t £»N6LE SHEhfc "MiA I ] *- , \J r ] 1 |I ^ 1,5" 2 POUKUE <J / CD BOLT *-f+ ; j3K = HID #-fr > 7DO #-iV COLUMN (4) )( m }I Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 906 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB, . SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE LEGO-LOST KINGDOM YS JOB* OF DATE DATE 0721100 9/07 THEMED FACADE Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB LegoLand - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE DESIGN LOADS | ROOF DEAD LOADS Built-Up Roofing 1/2" Plywood x2 2x1 0 Roof Joist @ 24" oc Theme Panel ME&P Miscellaneous £ Dead Load Live Load (DSf) 40 34 19 30 10 1 7 150 200 (DSf) 40 34 42 30 10 14 170 200 Themed Parapet = 20 plf (mcl plywood box) WALLS DEAD LOADS Genstone Panel Stone Veneer 5/8" Gyp 1/2" Gyp 1/2" Plywood 2x4 © 16"o c 2x6 & 16"o c Batt Insulation (0 2xThtckness) Miscellaneous 2 Dead Loads Interior Partition (DSf) 44 1 1 05 60 Exterior (psf) 1 5 - 1 7 - 17 . 1 1 60 1 75"x16" Microllam @ 24" o c reducible Exterior (psf) 3 0 Panel @ both sides - 1 7 - 27 . 16 90 Dunn Savoto Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92064 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE [VERTICAL ANALYSIS | Level Roof Members, Mark- f£S~i W2= PI= P2= RLeft= RRight= V atow= «=5-^->f Maltow= e>\L, Aa»ow= -2*5* CD= \^ Span • -7 ft l*X'2*A2>i ~ -TS - - = = ^L^f^3 = '•^yf^pJ - IbS > V max = -Z^ps* IL%*A ^^ miID Tt J> M max = *^f2^\ m > A ""- = ^-"f •> (^Uniform Load plf plf Ibs Ibs • Ibs Ibs Ibs lb*ft ¥*%*?>&£? in Use ^-^i^fi •2*4?' S£^- Grade ^p^^^- #=-3" Mark W2= RLeft= RRight=" Vatow=" 1^1^=" 0 Span =ft Uniform Load plf "plf Ibs ^-r Ibs "lb*ft >Vmax Mmax A- Ibs 'ibs "lb*ft Use Grade- PI= P2=' RLeft=' RRight=' Vallow= CD= Span "7 ft Uniform Load Ibs 'ibs Ibs Vft in V, M,lb*ft in Use Grade U 41*2. Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO CALCULATED BY SRG OF DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Level Roof Members Mark W2= PI=" P2=" RLeft=" R Right=" V, CD= Span =ft I Uniform Load plf Plf , lbs . i;,bs f== t IX1 lbs "lb*ft in > M lbs 'lbs 'lb*ft ATL=.Use Grade Mark W,= P2= RLeft= RRight= CD= Span ft Uniform Load plf "lbs "lbs 'lbs 'lbs -t A-=.Use Grade Mark- W2= PI=" P2=" RLeft=" RRight=" CD= Span |l ft unitbrm Load lb*ft in M Plf lbs 'lbs >s 'lbs Vft Use Grade Leaoland - Lost Kmadom S I" * Structural Engineers SHEET NO TXT OF BOBS Cleveland SL CALCULATED BY SRG "' DATE Octtansidu, CA 92054 ^uc™i=r, ovTal f760^ S66-6355 CHECKED BY Fax (760)966-6360 SCALE •Ml Level Roof Members cSg^i^-r^s'" DATE 9/07 Mark ^5~^ Span = |^*5» ft ^Uniform Load wi= AT-r-^y'2«4/i^ = iM- P'f W2= = plf PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs R Left= = i^n^ Ibs RRght= -•&*& Ibs V = 4— > Ihc N«. V — .— - ^.^, Ihcallow '5:^!*sr' D -^ max "^tfi? M ^ Ik^AAi «^^ RJI _-i- IL^AMallow" \@^5*-~f ID n -^ M max ~ | (s£?fa ID n A^a|tow~ f^^/t^" ln ^ /\ TL = ,'*5*Z?&z? ln CD= |,-Z«^K|J^ V-'\A H/=V Use ^^>^. Grade, •tt'^-i*- $F~ I Mark ^S'^s* Span= rT^" ft ^Uniform Load W1= (Tl^r^H I L*/\2^ ~ *^> P" W2= = plf PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs RLeft= = >f^^ Ibs RRight= = >V^?s Ibs V ^ |i ^^ » » |.alow- t5?ga4- IDS ^> v max = s&f2r&i 'OS M a«ow= '2&Sy>0\ lb*ft > Mmax= |^?-f^, lb*ft /\OOHT erl*^ m uii^i> A TL = c^^^ m CD= |.^^^|fn^ V Use ^xl/^"<& ]Ls5' ^ '/-- Grade ^p^-j, — -«tK I Mark ^S~(j Soan= ^^- ft PvhJnifc W1= A'T-r-^s^Vl//!/!^ = -^1*0 P'f W2= = plf PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs R Left= = ^-3?s) Ibs R Right= = -e5*?z&^ Ibs V altow= U'rOix 'Ds > V max = -t^z^ IbS & • ,^ iu»*ft *Xt Kyi ^ IL. frfl Aaiiow= L, | /? in > A TL = s>2?2- m CD= i , ^ >rm Load Use S^tufi^^ Grade l,^^ \^>^\^' DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com JOB. SHEETNO CALCULATEDBY CHECKED BY SCALE OF DATE. DATE. ,\^, |H & IH - 1M PH DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com SHFFTNO Jr 1 CALCULATED BY ^s*^£ CHFCKFO BY SCALE OF !Jf DATF ^/t7-T DATE & ^ H MH- < H fa* |H JOB_ DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SHEETNO ^^ °F- 908 S Cleveland Street CALCULATED BY J^f-6-r DATE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY OATE. Email dsi@surfdsi com SCALE K1. M Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanskte, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6356 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Level Roof Members Mark Span Uniforrn Load P2= RLeft= RRight= V^ Maltow= bu **• Plf Plf "lbs 'lbs 'lbs 'lbs r in A-=_In Use _ Grade Mark W2= Pi=" P2=" RLeft=" RRight=" CD= Span ft Untform Load lbs > Plf "lbs 'lbs "lbs >s 'lbs "lb*ft ln Use Grade Mark W2= Pi=" P2=" RLeft=" RRight=" Span ft Uniform Load V lb*ft in Plf 'plf "lbs "lbs "lbs jbs 'lbs "lb*ft in Use Grade Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO Tvo OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Level Roof Members Mark W2= Cn= Span'Uniform Load P2= RLeft= R Right= V altow= 'ZsltsA- 'bs M altowr lb*ft Plf plf "lbs "lbs "lbs "lbs "lbs "lb*ft in Ov Use Grade Mark- W2= Pi=" R Left=" RRight=" Span = \2-Load _plf "lbs 'lbs "lbs •*- •^< ln > V ATL = max ' ' max : Use Grade Mark PI= pz= RLeft= R Right= VaNow= M allow= CD= Span ft Uniform Load lbs V max plf plf lbs lbs lbs lbs 'bS lb*ft , tr A TL = |Use ' -try. Grade Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde.CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Level _ Roof Members Mark W2= P2=" RLeft=" RRight=" Span = -7 ft Uniform Load Ibs "lb*ft M TL plf 'plf Ibs 'ibs 'ibs >s 'ibs Vft in Use Grade- Mark ^$?>& Span= j^.^ ft Qumfc wi- fl^^M-^ - ^ plf W2= = plf PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs RLeft= = -^24/ Ibs RRight= = Afo/) Ibs V — . IUn ^s^ \/ » IUaBw- ^*^^*4- 'bs > v max - jppA# 'bs M a«ow= ,^^3^ lb*ft > M max = ij^-2. lb*ft Ay»«<«»= rTT^ If1 > A TL= |>f^ m CD= ^ )rm Load Use tsfcAj? Grade ^F1:^ — ^^- Mark PI= P2=" RLeft=" RRight=" Vall^" Span =ft ^Uniform Load Ibs 'lb*ft in Ibs "ibs "ibs jbs "lb*ft A TL = ,^Use Grade JS-. Dunn Savofe Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO CALCULATED BY SRG CHECKED BY SCALE OF DATE 9/07 DATE ILATERAL ANALYSIS | Roof Area of Roof = Total Weight of Roof = Interior Waff Weight = Exterior Wall Weight =.+ is(&\\&q ft2 Ibs Ibs Ibs Total Diaphragm Weight = W Seismic Design Seismic Zone vf 2= .^f- SoH Type . _g^_ FauttType- ^=" Dist. To Fault = -7 km 1= 1.^ R= g>*=> Nv Ct=002 T= Design Base Shear Needs not exceed V= 25(Ca)(l)(W) = Minimum Base Shear V= w w Minimum Base Shear (for Seismic Zone 4) V= 8(Z)(NV)(I)(W) = Therefore V =W =Ibs Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St. Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE t Shear Wall Design | Shear Wall Designs based on G 3/8" Struct 1 P W Seismic Governed Design Q 1/2" Struct I P W Level \z#s%s~ Direction \~\/<2~ Lateral Force /Overall Floor Area = v= -7£>3*7* = -r.-4^ psf\s4-r* Line ^- TnbutaryArea, TA = \-^*$)Jf.-~r{-2&'te>s = \e*?> ft2 Load, (v)(T A ) = ' = IxHly Ibs Other Loads = = - Ibs Total Load, T L = = U4iLx Ibs Shear Wall Length, L = ^4/1 ^ = Z- ft TL/L = = Trf^ Plf Use. £)per Shear Wall Schedule ^Su^SS^' Overturning ^TF<snse?t ->V» Shear Panel Length = = 2- ft OT Moment = }rf\\s(\& = \^^>&> ft-lb Resisting Moment = ^(a(\^^r\^(\^-^l^(\rr^/z^ = ^^^ ft-lb Net Moment = " = \&\ep>& ft-lb Uplift = = \0fzrr?* Ibs Use ^hn>er Hoidown Anchor Schedule D Holdowns Not Required Line e?^> Tributary Area, T A = ^f^^^^iz^AH-^^^ = Wfif ft2 Load, (v)(T A ) = ~ = |^M^ Ibs Other Loads = = — Ibs Total Load, T L = = \tfZAft Ibs Shear Wall Length, L = = ^ ft TL/L= = 1-1^ plf Use <^>per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning Shear Panel Length = = (/ ft OT Moment = i/M*^!^^? = )-4ylix2. ft-lb Resisting Moment = ,'^[f(\^^\(>^^e:^/2^ = |-2^%» ft-lb Net Moment = = l^^^*^ ft-lb Uplift = = -03&fzs>Ls Ibs Use X^per Hoidown Anchor Schedule D Holdowns Not Required +' 44- Dunn Savole Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92064 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 „ JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO CALCULATED BY SRG OF DATE 9/07 „„-„„„ „CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Seismic Governed Design Level *^%?^ Direction \\-^ Lateral Force / Overall Floor Area = v = = "7A^ Psf Line V,\ Tributary Area, T A = &(\l~/2^+~'2?z4'2:5-r~7(\-~h - \70? ft2 Load, (v)(T A ) = = \?J%s*sr Ibs Other Loads = = -- Ibs Total Load, T L = = \??yi?2? Ibs Shear Wall Length, L = = L> ft T L /L = = *2s&2~ plf Use 4=V>per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning Shear Panel Length = = t> ft OT Moment = \&&Tfr(Y&&) - \"~l. <^<%L* ft-lb Resisting Moment = ^ro^a^^Q^Yci^-/^ = \-z^^ ft-lb Net Moment = = \^a •^t'3&* ft-lb Uplift = = •ztt7&*z:* Ibs Use- vPper Holdown Anchor Schedule D Holdowns Not Required Line &> Tributary Area, T A = --T(\-7)-^|2=^| (/>)-)- \^(^^5^>-^- -y^riis) - ^^=\ ft2 Load, (v)(T A ) = = •z42?^z4' Ibs Other Loads = = — Ibs Total Load, T L = = -zg^A- Ibs Shear Wall Length, L = ^4/^*2- = ^ ft TL/L= = -£fer plf Use Qper Shear Wall Schedule "^S^Z^l Overtiirninci ^^TS^^-L^U— i I-/ 1 Shear Panel Length = = 2- ft OT Moment = foef^A-/^}^ - \&f&3r\ ft-lb Resisting Moment = ^jj^/iar^^WirT^y^ = j'?'^' ft-lb Net Moment = = \<g?^2jg> ft-lb Uplift = = \{?"&-?x& Ibs Use \/per Holdown Anchor Schedule D Holdowns Not Required }***£. Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Seismic Governed Design Level j^^?^ Direction I-4/-5- Lateral Force / Overall Floor Area = v = = -^.^^ psf Line *3 Tributary Area, T A = @?(\'?£} -T I2^"7Y,^) = \&& f? Load, (v)(T A ) = = \i^- Ibs Other Loads = = - Ibs Total Load, T L = = IL^t Ibs Shear Wall Length, L = ^-4-/\2^*-2- = -A ft TL/L= = -^S?\ plf Use (^}per Shear Wall Schedule SSlJSi^^ r\ rf E — — _-___— _____ __^_ _— _ ___! :i^ -, ty. , . y « v VO nil ifi 1 nQ ••''"^ 1 (' '* i -Jfff^ jf* iK^ r Shear Panel Length = = 2- ft OT Moment = f|)2-^-/^^l^> = ~1??#Lr ft-lb Resisting Moment = /.'pr^'|^T/^^irT|57^> = ('Z^ ft-lb Net Moment = = -f|^2^ ft-lb Uplift = = ^ri^" Ibs Use X^Tper Holdown Anchor Schedule D Holdowns Not Required Line Tributary Area, T A = = ft2 Load, (v)(T A ) = Ibs Other Loads = = Ibs Total Load, T L = Ibs Shear Wall Length, L= = ft T L /L = = plf Use \^y per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning Shear Panel Length = = ft OT Moment = = ft-lb Resisting Moment = = ft-lb Net Moment = = ft-lb Uplift = = Ibs Use. \/per Holdown Anchor Schedule D Holdowns Not Required f*- Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Seismic Governed Design Level ^^^ Direction ^V-^ Lateral Force / Overall Floor Area = v = = -£/4*£> psf Line \& Tributary Area, T A = \2/^.^^^/2^/(^^-r/"//2^^jx) = 35^^ ft2 Load, (v)(T A ) = = f2^^^> Ibs Other Loads = = — Ibs Total Load, T L = = -2^>&>&) Ibs Shear Wall Length, L = (^M2^* <z^ = x4- ft TL/L= = -7!xt^ plf Use ^--^per Shear Wall Schedule ^^^w.i Overturning ^^^c^^-V^" Shear Panel Length = = -2- ft OT Moment = fczfs}g?v^/^)(\'2>> - r~/. ^Ps»^r ft-lb Resisting Moment = ,^ \Lf(\7^>-^ |i=^{'^7^^T/'g<>/ir^p5^/^ = 'Yl*^ ft-lb Net Moment = = \r\^(^2^ ft-lb Uplift = = i/^l*^^ Ibs Use: ^xper Holdown Anchor Schedule Q Holdowns Not Required Line ^ Tnbutary Area, T A = l^/^[^^^(^/'^'Z^^^^^\.'^-^-^2^if^i- ^^\^) $ Load, (v)(T A ) = -t-l^-?-?e^-('e!^' = ^?^xyy^ Ibs Other Loads = = - Ibs Total Load, T L = = ^=^>^»-f Ibs Shear Wall Length, L = Y2?sJr-T,(4~f ~ l^.isf ft TL/L= = 1^^? plf Use Q^ per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning Shear Panel Length = = 1"2- ft OT Moment = •y^^^i'(\2^\'l^./^f^l}':?^;t:^) - '12?2->#\'2? ft-lb Resisting Moment = ^^^\^^^^^^^/zS\(\2^>l\\,^^/'^ = ~~f\-~T?5> ft-lb Net Moment = = ^4- ^34*^ ft-lb Uplift = = -2J<(0# Ibs Use X^per Holdown Anchor Schedule D Holdowns Not Required •*-&> Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanstde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 9/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Seismic Governed Design Level te^f Direction ^-/\^r Lateral Force / Overall Floor Area = v = = *~tA^) psf Line <£- Tnbutary Area, T A = = ^|>9 ft2 Other Loads = = — Ibs Total Load, T L = = ;5^^*-f Ibs Shear Wall Length, L = ^-^^(trl = \*5.is1 ft TL/L= = 1*^7 plf [Use ^WP^r Shear Wall Schedule Overturning Shear Panel Length = = -fy^f ft OT Moment = "3xg>g7~J'(^7.ls7'/\*'5.(/>*f)l\?7 *£*) - •Z^.'^'dsZ- ft-lb Resisting Moment = .^(M^,*&x\tf,(s~f)fr;\~r/'2>i> - \'fy£># ft-'b Net Moment = = \<g?*£<3?2- ft-lb Uplift = = 'Z^^f§f Ibs Use v^per Holdown Anchor Schedule D Holdowns Not Required Line ^—f8* Tributary Area, T A = \*>(\^:l^)~*~ "ZJ&fvb - \??72- ft2 Load, (v)(T A ) = «^^»5^/-z-d#=>/<^'^!:i:^^ = 1^*^-4- Ibs Other Loads = " = — Ibs Total Load, TL = = ^<^4~ Ibs Shear Wall Length, L= = ^^ ft TL/L= = >i2- plf Use <^> per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning Shear Panel Length = = •z^? ft OT Moment = \^^A^\^f^^) - l>^pfi^ ft-lb Resisting Moment = ^f^i^-f-l^^^fj/^xy^^r 1*5^2} = -7-2r**>As1 ft-lb Net Moment = = — ft-lb Uplift = = - Ibs Use \/per Holdown Anchor Schedule 0 Holdowns Not Required TS, HOLDOWN ANCHORS 7ECURLY TIED IN PLACE ISP JAL ANCHORBOLT BE VINCH EQUIRE A MINIMUM -IE ENDS OF SILL PLATES A MAXIMUM OF 12V MINIMUM SIZE OF 2 x 2 x 3/lfc N EACH ANCHOR BOLT .AB JOINTS AT NO MORE THAN ? TYP CONCRETE SLAB 4 :> 2 3 4 fe 1 12 14 15 Ifc n IB < 13 SHALL BE FOUNDED TO MAINTAINXTAL TO DAYLIGHT FROM LEADING NTRACTOR REQUESTING A BUILDINGC>ATION INSPECTION THE SOILSADVISE THE BUILDING OFFICIAL IN 3 WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCEILS REPORT TRENCHES HAVE BEEN PROPERLY1 AND COMPACTED AND TION EXCAVATIONS THE SOILSCHARACTERISTICS AND BEARING ONFORM TO THE SOILS REPORT STL TUBE COL « 9FT DC MAX W/ 2 FT DIA x4-8" DP CAISSON DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com JOB.LOST SHEETN°°F- CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE ±K_HATE "1 / 07 DATE _ SCREEN WML - LATS.R&L IW = 1 p Bftf 6 SHE ft* C 1^ = 2. 2.) ) T W = o CT 174* \MINP P= TO WINP JOB. DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com SHEET NO . CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE OF OATP 1 /07 DATE WALL - C.0UUf\N Vfe = FM1 (res cftic Vfr r HSS SxSx a/I* STL COLUMN J> - s11 . n.n ^ MO r U03Ki,)(5D3 s 0 r 30.3 kt.' #.ff >#-t> 3 fc" ,OK ~~ HSS , STL DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Title Dsgnr Description Scope UssrKW-0602938,VerS61 25-Od 2002(0)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Pole Embedment in Soil Job* Date 1120AM 13 SEP 07 Page 1 u\heswb»*tohared\1^jhertjjgotandlostk Description Screen Wall Column Ftg General Information Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Circular Diameter No Surface Restraint Moments @ Surface Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint. Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable 25000pcf 3 500 00 f»f 1 330 24 000 in Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom 658800 tt-# 000 4651 ft 52646 psf 51551 psf Total Moment Total Lateral H'-P " 549 00 Ibs 12000ft OOOff/ft 0000ft 0000ft 6 588 00 ft-# 549 00 Ibs 4(i11• • •1 • m Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St. Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760) 966-6365 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Legoland Lost Kingdom JOB* OF DATE DATE 07218 00 9/07 FOAM BALL » 3 \ -i Sb&£, -Vs 31>US x.33 3W3W.ucxxunaNir-T. •> -S MOU.VOOT Z-OZ IH3I3H » cs aas SQIX 06 AiOVdVO SQVOT INIOd VINdOdHVO I 1CM >l CO "oin j§!8 8: I CO S2 I I "GRDSLAB xls" Program Version 1 4 CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE ANALYSIS For Slab Subjected to Interior Concentrated Post or Wheel Loading Assuming ACI-360 "Type B" Design - Reinforced for Shrinkage and Temperature Only Job Name Job Number Subject Ongmator |Checker Input Data Slab Thickness, t = Concrete Strength, f 'c = Cone Unit Weight, we = Reinforcing Yield, fy = Subgrade Modulus, k = Concentrated Load, P = Contact Area, Ac = Factor of Safety, FS = 6000 2000 150 60000 100 1700 00 1225 200 Results Check Slab Flexural Stress Effective Load Radius, a = Modulus of Elasticity, EC = Modulus of Rupture, MR = Cracking Moment, Mr = Poisson's Ratio, n = Radius of Stiffness, Lr = Equivalent Radius, b = 1 Load fb1 (actual) = 2 Loads fb2(actual) = Fb(allow) = Check Slab Bearing Stress fp(actual) = Fallow) = 1 975 2711227 in psi pcf psi pci Ibs Check Slab Punching Shear Stress Shrinkage and Temperature Remf Friction Factor, F = Slab Weight, W = Remf Allow Stress, fs = Wheel • Top/Slab Contact Area,Ac .., ' ';, ;;v (Subgrade) \Ji <,$$>$'$%£•/,& Concrete Slab on Grade ( Direction of pour Lubricate this end —i |— Stop slab remf (As) at joint Min of 3/4"* Plain Dowels @ 12" -^#;? f l^^'J^yr Typical Construction Joint for Load Transfer (assuming unremforced slab with interior load condition) a = SQRT(Ac/jt) EC = 33*wcA1 5*SQRT(f 'c) MR = 9*SQRT(f 'c) Mr = MR*(12*tA2/6)/12000 (per 1' = 12" width) H = 0 15 (assumed for concrete) Lr = (Ec*tA3/(12*{1 -uA2)*k))A0 25 b = SQRT(1 6*aA2-HA2)-0 675*t, for a < 1 724*t ft)1 (actual) = 3*P*(1+u)/(2*n*tA2)*(LN(Lr/b)+0 6159) (Ref 1) fb2(actual) = N A Fb(allow) = MR/FS Fb(allow) >= fb(actuaf), O K Note Effect of a 2nd load was not considered (assuming working stress) (Ref 4) fp(actual) = P/Ac Fp(allow) = 4 2*MR Fp(allow) >= fp(actual), O K (assuming working stress) (Ref 4) bo = 4*SQRT(Ac) (assumed shear perimeter) fv(actual) = P/(f(bo+4*t)) Fv(allow) = 0 27*MR Fv(allow) >= fv(actual), 0 K (assuming subgrade drag method) (Ref 3) F = 1 5 (assumed friction factor between subgrade and slab) W = wc*(t/12) fs = 0 75*fy As = F*L*W/(2*fs) "GRDSLAB xls" Program CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE ANALYSIS For Slab Subjected to Stationary Uniformly Distributed Live Loads Job Name Subject Job Number Ongmator j Checker Input Data 6000 3000 Slab Thickness, t = Concrete Strength, f 'c = Subgrade Modulus, k = Factor of Safety, FS = Uniform Live Load, wLL =| 11000 |psf 180 2000 wLL psi pa Top/Slab Results Concrete Slab on Grade with Uniform Loads •Note, in an unjomted aisleway between uniformly distributed load areas negative bending moment in slab may be up to twice as great as positive moment in slab beneath loaded area Allowable uniform load determined below is based on critical aisle width and as a result there are no restrictions on load layout configuration or uniformity of loading Design Parameters Modulus of Rupture, MR = Allow Bending Stress, Fb = Modulus of Elasticity, EC = Poisson's Ratio, u, = Radius of Stiffness, Lr = Critical Aisle Width, Wcr = psi psi = 9*SQRT(f'c) Fb = MR/FS EC = 57000*SQRT(f 'c) u. = 0 15 (assumed for concrete) Lr = (Ec*tA3/(12*(1-u.A2)*k))A0 25 Wcr = (2209*Lr)/12 wLL(allow) = 257 876*Fb*SQRT(k*t/Ec) wLL(allow) >- wLL, O K Reference 1 "Concrete Floor Slabs on Grade Subjected to Heavy Loads" Army Technical Manual TM 5-809-12, Air Force Manual AFM 88-3, Chapter 15 (1987) 2 "Slab Thickness Design for Industrial Concrete Floors on Grade" (IS195 01D) by Robert G Packard (Portland Cement Association, 1976) Comments of 1 9/12/2007 1148AM 8 o I I *T •x^S> BMP i ||eg UJBOJ pUB|o6ai\6Ma\||eg UIBOJ puB|o6sn\oBijs ui!i\ tl111^1 M \ • • \ 1 W I •1 M !• Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 90SS Cleveland St Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel (760) 966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Legoland Lost Kingdom JOB* OF DATE DATE 0721800 9/07 METAL BUILDING I fl DESIGN CRITERIA 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2 WIND LOAD a BASIC WIND SPEED 70 MPH b EXPOSURE B 3 SEISMIC 2001 CBC SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS PARAMETER SEIS. ZONE FACTOR, Z SOIL PROFILE TYPE SEISMIC COEFFICIENT, Ca SEISMIC COEFFICIENT, Cv NEAR SOURCE FACTOR, N. NEAR SOURCE FACTOR, Nv SEISMIC SOURCE TYPE LATERAL SYSTEM COEFF , R GOVERN'G BASE SHEAR, V VALUE 04 Sc 04Na 056Nv 1 0 (7 5km) 1 1 (7 5km) B 45 0159W 2001 CBC REFERENCE TABLE 16-1 TABLE 16-J TABLE 16-Q TABLE 16-R TABLE 16-S TABLE 16-T TABLE 16-U TABLE 16-N EQ 30-5 4 FOUNDATIONS FTDN DESIGN BASED ON SOILS REPORT PREAPRED BY DATED SPET 12, 2007 (JOB No 960151-026) a ALLOW SOIL BEARING PRESSURE b MIN CONCRETE DEPTH & WIDTH c MAYBE INCREASE FOR ADD'L DEPTH & WIDTH d SLIDING FRICTION = e PASSIVE PRESSURE f SHORT TERM INCREASE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC 3500 PSF 15" WIDE 18" EMBED No 035DL 300 PCF 1 33 C \Tirn Shao\Legoland Lost Kingdom\Legoland Advanture Attrction\Dwg\Anchor Rod Plan A dwg I I I 1 19'-9' 1 15' 1 15' 1 Vy-V A •fit — , V , i r" r .. r 1 2 2 ! — ) 5 • * ""h if B B " , J. . " < ° < ° <i'-fe"! 6' 19'-9* 15' 15' 19'-9' 70' (D/D Concre-te> 1 »• r1 s U)K V00r* » « I Drder General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 1075 S Yukon St. Ste 250 Lakewood, CO, 80026 Release Service Rep- District Manager Purchaser BUILDING CODE Sue*. Ground Snow Load Mln Roof Snow Load Thermal Factor Seismic Seismic Zone. Spectral R»*ponse(Ss) Spectral Re»ponse|si) /eiocHyCoefficlentt Accelerated Coeffident(Av) Soil type OOOOpsf OOOOpsf Zone 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A (SD) Stiff Soil Plant. Est Date: Project ID- LKF 9/6/2007 Ml 6337 Project Use Category Building Code Live/Wind Live Load: Reduction Wind Load- 1/10 Year Wind: 1/30 Year Wind. Commercial 2001 California 20000psf Yes 90 00 mph N/A N/A Jobsite State Jobsite County Occupancy- Wind Exposure Wind Category- Miles From Coastline' CA San Diego Exposure C N/A N/A Snow Exposure Rain Load- % of Snow Load for Seismic- Acceleration Zone(Za) Velocity ZonefZv) Zonal Velocity Ratio Near Source Factor Design Seismic For Schools Normal Exposure N/A Normal N/A N/A N/A 150 N/A I I Soil types (A, B, or C), (1,2, or 3), (SA, SB, or SC), (SI, S2, or S3) result In smaller forces imposed on a building during a seismic event In the absence of a soils report prepared by a licensed design professional the bulkting code specifies that {he worst case, soil jtvpe, (p), (4U (SD), f$4), be used by the bgNdinqjdesIaner ft,r determining seismic forces. Building Systems requires a letter and copy of a soils report from a registered design professional to document that the specified soil type exists at the site Otherwise the conservative soil type (D), (4$ (SO), (S4) must be assumed for design Ordinarily, for buildings with metal roof and wall and no collateral materials wttn high mass, specifying the conservative soil type will not affect the design or price of materials supplied gte and time printed 09/073007 13 34 52 M16337 sbs Paoe1of16 H General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 BUILDING A-Main Label.Structure.Attachment. A New No Type Frame TypeElevation A. Staid Alone Symmetrical SidewaH GEOMETRY, SIDEWALLS, & END WALLS Width SWA Eave Height' Roof SlopeDist to Ridge- Girts TVpeGirts:Setback:Gable Flash- Insulation Trim1 °urHns'Primary Steel Shop Coat 70'-0" 14'-0" 1000000/12 35'-0" 8 5" Z- Flush Bearing Hot Rolled 85"Z-Ftash System Standard Yes No 85"Z Red Length SWC Eave HeightRoof SlopeDist to RidgeGirts. TypeGirts-SetbackGable Flash-Insulation Trim Galvanized SecondaryFrame Bolt Washers lOO'-O" 14'-0"1000000/12 35'-0" 8 5" Z- Flush Bearing Hot Rolled 8 J" Z - Ftash System Standard Yes No No No Iand time printed 09/0712007 13 34 52 M16337 sbs Page 2 of 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 BUILDING A - Main TRACINGS: ", 18'-0n, 34'-0", Sff-O" 20'-0n, 15MT, 15'-0", 20MT 20'-0", 15'-0", 15'-0n, 20'-0" Bay Spacing (EWB-EWD) EWB COL Spacing (SWC-SWA) EWD COL Spacing (SWA-SWC) SWA Girt Locations (Base to Eave). 3'-0", 7-4", 9'-6", ll'-O", l2'-6" SWC Girt Locations (Base to Eave) i'-9", 3'-0", 4'-5", 5'-ir, 7'-4", 9'-6", ll'-O", 12'-6M EWB Girt Locations (Base to Peak) 5'-ll", lI'-O" EWD Girt Locations (Base to Peak) 5'-11", ll'-O" Purlin Locations (SWA) Purlin Locations (SWC) -RAME GROUPS 3'-9 7/8", 33'-ll 1/8" , 14'-35/16", 18'-27/16", 22'-l 5/8", 26'-0 3'-97/8", 6'-5", 10'-41/8", 14'-3 5/16", 18'-2 7/16", 22'-l 5/8", 26'-0 33'-ll 1/8" 15/16' 15/16' Group Number. 1 frame Lines 2,3,4 SWA Column Tapered Max Col Web Depth 6000" Max Raf Web Depth 60 00" SWC Column. Max Col Web Depth Max Raf Web Depth Tapered 60 00" 6000" Iand lime printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 M16337sbs Paqe3of 16 General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 1 Building A - Main I .OADS, WIND ENCLOSURE, DEFLECTIONS, & DRIFTS gilding L.padsIRoof Snow Load By DesignOccupancy CategoryThermal Factor.— Seismic Design Category Wind Enclosure OOOOpsf Normal Heated N/A _ Wind Enclosure • Are all Framed Openings enclosed with materials designed to resist building wind loads• ' Are all Open Areas for Other enclosed with materials designed to resist building wind loads. P Uniform Collateral Loads Ceiling Load:- Plaster/Sheetrock Ceiling peflections • Purlins Live;'urlfns SnowPurlins WindPurlins Total Gravity._ Purlins Total Uplift I Girts - JBrJfla • Portal Frame Windm Portal Frame SeismicCrane •Frame Live:Frame SnowFrame Wind.• Frame Seismic:Frame Total GravityFrame Total Wind-Frame Total Seismic. 1 1 1 1 • SOOOpsf No 17240 -Default L/240 -Default L/240 -Default L/180 - Default L/N/A -Default L/90 -Default- H/60 -Default H/50 -Default H/100- Default H/60 -Default H/60 - Default H/60 - Default H/50 -Default H/60 -Default H/60 -Default H/50 -Default SprinklerOther Rafters LiveRafters Snow:Rafters WindRafters Total GravityRafters Total Uplift Endwall Columns Calculated - Enclosed Yes Yes SOOOpsf OOOOpsf L/240 -Default L/240 -Default L/240 -Default L/180 -Default L/N/A -Default L/90 -Default > and time printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 M16337 sbs Paoe4of16 F7 General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 " BUILDING A - Main 1 GRACING I SWA Roof- SWC EWB- _ EWD. • Purlin • Girt- 1 Tiered Rod Rod 1 Tiered Rod Rod Rod Angles Angles EWB to EWD) @ Bays1 EWB to EWD I @ Bays EWD to EWB i @ Bays- SWC to SWA) @ BaysSWA to SWC) @ Bays 2 2 3 3 2 *OOF PANEL (7.123 soft)•! Type:Gauge:Finish: Thickness: UL Rating: UL Letter.Standing Seam Clip Not by Star DuraRib 26 Alum-Zinc N/A UL30 No N/A N/A Struct Screws Stitch Screws: 25 Year Coat Guarantee20 Year Perf Guarantee Extended Panel Ridge PanAlignment Strip 1-1/4" Self-Drill 7/8" Self-Drill N/A N/A No No N/A WALL PANEL (4.863 sqft) Type Gaugeish:Fmisl Thickness DuraRib 26 To Be Determined (SIG-200) N/A Struct Screws Provide Washers Stitch Screws 25 Year Coat Guarantee 1-1/4" Self-Drill Yes 7/8" Self-Drill Yes SASE CONDITION Framing: Angle Closure* Foam Plugs Flash Type Flash Finish: NB3 To Be Determined (SIG-200) :LASH FINISH Comer. Eave. Gutters. To Be Determined (SIG-200) To Be Determined (SIG-300) To Be Determined (SIG-300) Gable All Other Downspouts To Be Determined (SIG-300) To Be Determined (SIG-300) To Be Determined (SIG-300) I I I Ite and time printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 M16337 sbs Paae 5 of 16 FS General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 BUILDING A - Main I DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 2 1 Inside Clearance Column 1 (SWC) • Column Death:• Base- Knee- I Anchor RodaQuantity" Diameter • Gauge: Maximum ReactionsVertical: 1 Horizontal.Longitudinal1 Column 2 (SWA) • Column Death:BaseKnee Anchor RodsQuantityDiameter 1 Gauge Maximum ReactionsVertical: _ Horizontal:• Longitudinal- ****************** 1 * These reactions* these reactions * produced f ounda 64'-ll 1/2" 956" 2956" 4 100" 4 14 35 Kips 11 65 Kips 0 00 Kips 956" 2956" 4 100" 4 14 35 Kips 14 48 Kips 0 00 Kips Peak Clearance 15'- 1 7/8"Peak Rafter Depth- 12.50" Knea pSfter Depth 28 63"Clearance 11'- 13/1 6" Base Plate:Length 10 00" Width 8 00"Thickness 038" -19 51 Kips -14 48 Kips-27 86 Kips KneenSfter Depth 28 63"Clearance 11 '-13/16" Baseplate.length 10 00"Width 8 00" Thickness 038" -19 51 Kips-11 65 Kips-27 86 Kips 1t+ It it H it & It'll H ir Irie 1f if 1r 1t 1f1e * 1t if it IT * "if w w ir IT IT tr tf w tr w w w w ir K w IT w w w IF w tf w w w w w w w WIT w w WIT w IT IT w IT w w WTTI control the design of the anchor rods The load combinations which may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of theti.on It is the r-esnonsibilitv at the foundation encrlnaer to determine * the load, combinations which are required for the design of the foundation 1 1 Column 1 I {^1 (SWC) — > t. ? VL Bate and time orinted 09/07/2007 13 34 52 /X\, SJH m. M 16337 sbs r* * * * * t* Paoe6of16 BUILDING A-Main General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 Individual Loads-Unfactored Vertical Horizontal Longitudinal Cojur Lateral Primary Wmd Load 1 Lateral PmnaryWmd Load 2 Lateral Seismic Load Longitudinal Seismic Load LWLlRoof Collateral LoadRoof Dead Load Roof Live Load . „ jLoadl Lateral Pnraary Wmd Load 2 Lateral Seismk Load Longitudinal Seismic Load LWLlRoof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load -10 774 Kips -9 324 Kips -0 974 Kips -9 850 Kips -16 226 Kips 4 877 Kips 2 162 Kips 7 315 Kips -9 324 Kips -10 774 Kips 0 974 Kips -9 850 Kips -16 226 Kips 4 877 Kips 2 162 Kips 7 315 Kips 13 495 Kips 6 328 Kips 2 794 Kips -0 121 Kips 7 392 Kips -4 659 Kips -1 847 Kips -6 988 Kips -6 329 Kips -13 495 Kips 2 794 Kips 0 121 Kips -7 392 Kips 4 659 Kips 1 847 Kips 6 988 Kips 0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips 0.000 Kips -12.664 Kips -7 941 Kips 0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips 664 Kips -7 941 Kips 0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips Q 000 Kips -12 I I I I file and time printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 M16337 sbs Page 7 of 16 Fro General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 | DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 3 1 1 |• 1 1 1 • Inside Clearance Column 1 (SWC) Column Death.Base- Knee AncJutRfifeQuantify Diameter Gauge: Maximum ReactionsVertical HorizontalLongitudinal Column 2 (SWA) Column Death:Base Knee Anchor Rods Quantity Diameter Gauge Maximum Reactions Vertical- Horizontal Longitudinal- 64'-4 1/2" 963" 3363" 4 100" 4 21 19 Kips 17 83 Kips 0 00 Kips 956" 3256" 4 100" 4 21 21 Kips 21 41 Kips 0 00 Kips Peak Clearance. Peak Rafter Depth Knee Rafter Depth Clearance Base Plate. Length Width Thickness -18 70 Kips -21 41 Kips -27 86 Kips KneeRafter Depth Clearance Baseplate.Ldngtn Width* Thickness -18 64 Kips -17 83 Kips -27 86 Kips 15'-1 7/8" 12 50" 3363" 10'-8 1/2" 1000" 800" 0.38" 3363" 10'-8 3/8" 1000" 800" 0.38" I* These reactions control the design of the anchor rods The load combinations which * * these reaction* may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of the * * produced foundation It is the responsibility of the foundation engineer to determine * * the load Combinations which are required for the design of the foundation * I I I Column 1 (SWC) --> / VL and time printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 M16337 sbs Pane 8 of 16 Fit General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 Individual Loads - Unfactored Column 2 YSWA1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2Lateral Seismic Load Longitudinal Seismic Load LWL1 Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Vertical Horizontal -13 920 Kips -16 086 Kips 1 397 Kips -9 846 Kips -21 177 Kips 7 277 Kips 3 021 Kips 10.915 Kips -9 783 Kips -20 475 Kips 4 079 Kips 0 129 Kips -11 378 Kips 7 116 Kips 2 649 Kips 10 674 Kips Longitudinal ?9iumn 1 (SYYQ)Lateral Primary Wind Load 1Lateral Primary Wind Load 2Lateral Seismic LoadLongitudinal Seismic Load LWL1 Roof Collateral LoadRoof Dead LoadRoof Live Load -16 099 Kips -13.933 Kips-1 397 Kips-9 854 Kips-21.195 Kips7 283 Kips2 978 Kips 10 925 Kips 20 481 Kips9 777 Kips4 079 Kips-0.129 Kips11 378 Kips-7 116 Kips-2,649 Kips-10 674 Kips 0 000 Kips 0.000 Kips0 000 Kips-12.664 Kips-7.941 Kips0.000 Kips0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0 000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0.000 Kips 12.664 Kips 941 Kips 0 000 Kips 0.000 Kips 0 000 Kips -7 Iate and time printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 M16337sbs Paae9of16 General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 I DESIGN DATA FRAME(S): 4 _. Inside Clearance 1 Column 1 (SWC) 1 Column Death.Base-Knee 1 Anchor RodsQuantify:Diameter • Gauge Maximum ReactionsVerticalHorizontal• Longitudinal Column 2 (SWA) 1 Column Death:Base*•—******Knee 1 Anchor RodsQuantity- Diameter 1 Gauge Maximum ReactionsVertical-Horizontal• Longitudinal- <*><e>^<e^*fr*fet*Vtfe*fe<^4*a**fr<a?*fr>?h-a»*A>«fei}fc*fr*fr'fe<e>*frwwwirwwvwvwwirwirirwirirwwirwirwir 1 * These reactions control 63'-9 1/2" 956" 36 56" 4 100" 4 25 48 Kips 21.86 Kips 0 00 Kips 956" 3656" 4 100" 4 25 48 Kips 25 80 Kips0 00 Kips A*>fci<fc*fr4<e>'7fct*>>fr<*r<fe-aiAAt*fctfct^-fr Peak Clearance 15'-17/8"Peak Rafter Depth 12.50" KneeHRafter Depth 3475" Clearance 10'-79/l6" gi8fiJ3ai&Length 10 00"Width 8 00" Thickness 0 38" -15 96 Kips -25 80 Kips 0 00 Kips KneeT-Sfter Depth 34 75" Clearance 10'-79/16n Base Plate.length 1000"Width 8 00"Thickness 0.38" -15 96 Kips -21,86 Kips0 00 Kips WWV^^^WWWWmWWWWV^^w^^ir*r-tr'ifjr'W'vr'9f'ic'ir'rrir'ir'**'9r'ir'*f'wc'if'ti*f'*f'if'if'wcw'irir'ifif~'ww'*r'W'ir'irif'ifW'9rw'*fit'ir the design of the anchor rods The load combinations which * * these reactions may not be the controlling combinations required for the design of the ** produced foundation It is the responsibility of the foundation engineer to determine * * the load combinations which are requiredili-ji4jia»a*j|^JJ.m.AXXAiaV^iirJl,' ' - ^ ^ ^ ^ - -- - --* * .-_*..-....*.WT1T1W ww WIVWww •« WrWwlrlt W w wlTirir 1 • Column 1 (SWC) and time printed 08/07/2007 13 34 52 KWWM *f V* MTIC>TKWW*tKW«rW1C L^ —> HI * VI for the design of the foundation * ^v'wwww^'jb'jrwA 1r jflt'lt w w w w w w w w1 "tftfit^c It It w~ «Hr 1t1t1t1t ww^p4rw^w.frwv^lr / ^V , s* VR M16337sbs PaoelOoff General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 Individual Loads - Unfactored Vertical Horizontal Longitudinal Cpfy|rm1($WC) Lateral Pnmary Wind Load 1 Lateral Primary Wind Load 2Lateral Seismic Load LWLiRoof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load -19 452 Kips-16 835 Kips-1 648 Kips-18 143 Kips8 797 Kips3 492 Kips13 195 Kips 25 012 Kips12 085 Kips4 876 Kips14 102 Kips-8 728 Kips-3 148 Kips-13 092 Kips 0.000 Kips0.000 Kips0.000 Kips0.000 Kips0 000 Kips0.000 Kips0 000 Kips Column 2 fi Lateral Pnmary Wmd Load 1 Lateral Pnmary Wmd Load 2 Lateral Seismic LoadLWLI Roof Collateral Load Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load -16 835 Kips -19 452 Kips 1 648 Kips -18 143 Kips8 797 Kips 3 492 Kips13 195 Kips -12 085 Kips -25 012 Kips 4 876 Kips-14 102 Kips 8 728 Kips 3 148 Kips13 092 Kips 0.000 Kips 0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips0,000 Kips 0 000 Kips 0.000 Kips0.000 Kips I and time orinted 09/07/2007 13 34 52 M16337sbs Paoe 11 of 1 1 1 1 1s* 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 I BUILDING A - Main 3esipn Data ENDWALL Column 1 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rods: Anchor Rods Diameter Column Depth Flange Width Column 2 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rods: Anchor Rods DiameterColumn Depth: Flange Width Column 3 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rods. Anchor Rods Diameter Column Depth-Range Width: Column 4 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rods:Anchor Rods Diameter Column Depth Piange Width. Column 5 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rods: Anchor Rods DiameterColumn Depth* Range Width ndividual Loads - Unfactored Column 1Collateral Load Dead LoadLive Load Seismic Force LeftSeismic Force Right Wind Force LeftWind Force Right Wind Load as toward PressureWind Load as Outward Pressure Oouateral JLoad Dead Load lave LoadSeismic Force Left Seismic Force Right Wind Force Left Wind Force Right Wind Load as toward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 3 OeadLoad -we Load Seismic Force Left Seismic Force RightWind Force Left^ FlQ' General Steel Corporation Project ID: M 16 337 (s)1 EWB 4 075" 987" 396" 4 075" 789" 394" 4 075" 789" 394" 4 075" 789"394" 4 075" 987" 396" Base Plate Width- Base Plate Length Base Plate Thick Base Plate Width Base Plate LengthBase Plate Thick Base Plate Width Base Plate Length Base Plate Thick Base Plate Width Base Plate Length Base Plate Thick Base Plate Width Base Plate Length Base Plate Thick Vertical Horizontal 0 01 0 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 1 0 4 0 0 -6 -6 -6 -6 00 1 -3 -3—4 .632 Kips 0 020 411 Kips 0 008 580 Kips 0 049OOO Kips 0 000 000 Kips 0 000 626 Kips -0 081 626 Kips -0 081 626 Kips -0 081 626 Kips -0 081 675 Kips 0 000 818 Kips 0 000 189 Kips 0 000 000 Kips 0 000 000 Kips 0 000 212 Kips 0 000 212 Kips 0 000212 Kips 0 000 212 Kips 0 000 750 Kips 0 000 461 Kips 0 000 876 Kips 0 000 340 Kips 3 198 340 Kips -3 198 .767 Kips 1 962 Kips KipsKips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips Kips KipsKips Kips Kips 396" 987" 038" 396" 987" 038" 396" 987" 0.38" 396" 987" 038" 396" 987" 038" Longitudinal 0 000 0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000.0000 0000 000 -0 094-0 037 -0 2350 0000 0000 3480 3482 932-2 252 -0 039-0 015-0 097 0 000 0 0000 141 Kips KipsKipsKipsKipsKipsKips KipsKips KipsKipsKipsKipsKips KipsKipsKipsKips KipsKipsKipsKips KipsKips s and lime printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 M16337 sbs Page 12 of 1 1 1 • BUILDING A • Main I ndividual Loads • Unfactored I Wind Load as inward PressureWind Load as Outward Pressure • Dead LoadLive LoadSeismic Force LeftSeismic Force RightIWind Force LeftWind Force RightWind Load as toward PressureWind Load as Outward Pressure 1 Column 5 Dead LoadLive Load1 Seismic Force LeftSeismic Force RightWind Force LefTWind Force RightWind Load as toward Pressure• Wind Load as Outward Pressure I # Rafter Type 1 Hot Rolled 2 Hot Rolled 1 1 1 1 I • 1 1 I •tie and time printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 Vertical -4 767 Kips-2 718 Kips-2 718 Kips 1 675 Kips0 818 Kips4.189 Kips-3 607 Kips-3 607 Kips-8 425 Kips-8 425 Kips-6 212 Kips-6 212 Kips 0 632 Kips0 411 Kips1 580 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips-2 626 Kips-2.626 Kips-2 626 Kips-2 626 Kips Horizontal -1 962 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips3 198 Kips-3 198 Kips1 962 Kips-1 962 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips -0 020 Kips-0 008 Kips-0 049 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 081 Kips0 081 Kips0 081 Kips0.081 Kips Longitudinal 0 141 Kips 2 542 Kips-2 274 Kips -0 094 Kips-0 037 Kips -0.235 Kips0 000 Hips0.000 Kips0.348 Kips0 348 Kips2 932 Kips-2 252 Kips 0.000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0.000 Kips0.000 Kips0.000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips Rafter Depth 768"768" M 16337 sbs Paqe13of 1 General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dasipn Data ENDWALL Column 1 (Hot Rolled) Anchor R0ds.Anchor Rods DiameterColumn Depth:Range Width. Column 2 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rod*:Anchor Rods DiameterColumn Depth-•*• — — mijiiLiriange wioxn Column 3 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rode:Anchofftocfs DiameterColumn Depth:Flange Width: Column 4 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rods:Anchor ftrwift ffMfiiTMfar Column Depth:change Width: Column 5 (Hot Rolled) Anchor Rods:Anchor Rods DiameterColumn Depth.Flange Width. ndividual Loads - Unfactored 99,lumn,1CollaEtlralLoadDead LoadLive LoadSeismic Faroe LeftSeismic Farce Right Wind Load as toward PressureWind Load as Outward Pressure Dead LoadLive LoadSeismic Force LeftSeismic Force RightWind Force LefTWind Force Right Wmd Load as Inward Pressure Wind Load as Outward Pressure Column 3 Dead Load jve Load Seismic Force LeftSeismic Force RightWind Force LefP ate and time printed 09/07/2007 13 34 52 (s): EWD 4 075" 987" 396" 4 075" 789" 394" 4 075" 789" 394" 4 075" 789" 394" 4 075" 987" 396" Base Plate WidthBase Plate LengthBase Plate Thick Base Plate Width.Base Plate LengthBase Plate Thick Base Plate Width-Base Plate Length.Base Plate Thick Base Plate WidthBase Plate Length-Base Plate Thick* Base Plate Width-Base Plate LengthBase Plate Thick* Vertical Horizontal 1 0200-4-4 -4-4 2 1 5-5 -5 -12-12 -9 -9 102 -5-5-7 028 Kips 0 032517 Kips 0 Oil056 Kips 0 064000 Kips 0 000000 Kips 0.000162 Kips -0 129162 Kips -0 129162 Kips -0 129 162 Kips -0 129 725 Kips 0 000099 Kips 0 000450 Kips 0 000 865 Kips 5 201865 Kips -5 201925 Kips 3 191 925 Kips -3 191327 Kips 0 000 327 Kips 0 000 220 Kips 0 000 587 Kips 0 000440 Kips 0 000432 Kips 5 201 432 Kips -5 201348 Kips 3 191 Kips KipsKips KipsKips KipsKips KipsKips KipsKipsKipsKipsKips KipsKipsKips Kips Kips KipsKips KipsKipsKips 3.96" 987" 0.38" 396" 987" 038" 396" 987" 038" 396" 987" 038" 3.96" 987" 038" Longitudinal 0 000 0.0000 000 0 0000 000 0 0000.0000 OOt)0 000 -0 153-0 053-0 305 0 0000 000 0 523 0 5233 107 -2 077 -0 063 -0 022 -0 1260 000 0 0000 208 M16337 ebs KipsKipsKips KipsKips KipsKipsKipsKips KipsKipsKips KipsKipsKips KipsKipsKips KipsKips KipsKips Kips Kips Paoe14of 1 1 1 1 I ndividual Loads - Unfactored • Wind Load as Sward PressureWind Load as Outward Pressure Colurnn 4 • Collateral LoadDead LoadLive LoadSeismic Force LeftSeismic Force Right• Wind Force LeftWind Force Rjjjst-Wind Load as toward PressureWind Load as Outward Pressure • Column 5CoUattral ToadDead LoadLive LoadISeisnuc Force LeftSeismic Force RightWind Force Left Wind Force RttjttWind Load as&ward Pressure• Wind Load as Outward Pressure I # Rafter Type 1 Hot Rolled2 Hot Rolled 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I•kte and time minted 09/07/2007 13.34.52 fll General Steel Corporation Project ID: M16337 Vertical -7 348 Kips-4 016 Kips-4 016 Kips 2 725 Kips1 099 Kips5 450 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips-9 327 Kips-9.327 Kips-9 327 Kips-9 327 Kips 1 028 Kips0 517 Kips2 056 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips-4 162 Kips-4 162 Kips-4 162 Kips-4 162 Kips Rafter 768"768" M16337 sbs Horizontal -3.191 Kips0.000 Kips0 000 Kips 0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips.0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips -0 032 Kips-0 Oil Kips-0 064 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 129 Kips0 129 Kips0 129 Kips0 129 Kips Depth Longitudinal 0.208 Kips2 609 Kips-2.207 Kips -0.153 Kips-0.053 Kips-0.305 Kips0.000 Kips0.000 Kips0.523 Kips0 523 Kips3 107 Kips-2 077 Kips 0.000 Kips0.000 Kips0 000 Kips0.000 Kips0.000 Kipso.ooe Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips0 000 Kips Paae15ofl I RS _ General Steel Corporation | Project ID: M16337 Design Notes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ete and time odnted 08/07/2007 13 34 52M16337 sbs Paqe 16 of 1*6' <E PQ 1.31.21 si B § I •p iirnnr <nrnn •P -<nnni 6Mp o:o __x co a. D LJLJ Q CO LU Q CE O o -o ^lA 'JVX < LU cJ CNI < LU <u T CQ O f LLI < 5 Ui cUJ o g«O .C i CM O.•e- t, II II II II 1! II II II II II Ulf?S i tococt-ooEJS O<O<_1DQCQUJCO ffi CO CM+ <M ^T s><s11 -S£ fi £c ""a II II || II II II II a 'i =5IIIOOTOOOlt- <O U>9- 9-^ ^ o o 00 fs^CO r- II II ? I1 Io- 9<i 4 * i>& V & II H ^ 8 VI ^o II rr^ i—i g r+ tl s1 -4- o«ft 1 i Xft£S r; UJO S ittUJ£ < 1 «rf z ^£ u 3 c "3C a io i CQ OJ=uc z £ S 8. ^ 8 oID 1O II II O ,J>» *~Concrete StrengthAnchor Bolt Strength/V * T; X!/• >, c c in ir> 0 0 '" u u u u ii -0- -0- fi X >> L. - % 12 u. to Concrete Tension Fa<Anchor Bolts TensionLT Weight Concrete FBolt Trans SpacingBolt Long Spacing£ X fc CM-Q. '' II - X o V &- S~ *J 2 c* tf S evi ^>+ S + l-S -5. Mj i 1 if* ^ "*" **• "~* -2- ^yo 5 - u O Q yr j£ J£ IC \l c e c c c ct fr^c iL> l_ L_ In t. 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STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SHEET NO - OF 908 S Cleveland Street CALCULATED BY _ DATE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY _ DATE Email dsi@surfdsi com SCALE CApAc>iy AT ">TAL (XWp»T ^ |.6x [jro v ( ric^v' 4 T^t Vx I x ok f 4HrAlL JOB DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SHEETNO OF- 908 S Cleveland Street CALCULATED BY DATE OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 CHECKED BY DATE. Email dsi@surfdsi com SCALE I |£ox /^'x « ftp If' k-PT •+• '4* f XLTTh- 10o ooc •«-> CM OV II £• -e-cSioo to II C-CM 55 w to m a a. Q.* b b exC C .Xo a o•JPoo COIo oo •oo $ o o 10CM COo o X o ,,O O in ^. CDggS^g o II II II II II cy> enQ <o,«- CQ 3> CO ti 75III «0> CO1*1fliJ I O cCD li^r CDII«D o5 Sj>-§CO CC. CO COJd8. CO CO COc c c111 ,££ .££ ^ O) CD O)c c co o o-J _l _J CO CO Q co CO Q oO I_COv.o oo II t_ C C oCOa.COO co•s0CO J£o in <£> r- O CO II -e- coVa E &c JC£ § COI m 45 £O 0o •o§1 i « CO CO ^ .- 'V0. Q. 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ENERCALC EngmMrinfl Software General Timber Beam Page u \hescob«doi«h«fidM5-<altiertl«BOland tost kJ Description H-1, hdr abv dbl door General Information Section Name 4x4 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Our Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements | 3500m 3 500 in Sawn 1 000 Pin-Pin 35000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch No 1 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 800ft Lu ft Lu ft Lu 1,0000 psi 95 0 psi 6250 psi 1 700 0 ksi 000ft 000ft 000ft Full Length Uniform Loads | Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 48 00 #/ft LL#m LL #/ft LL m #ffl 1 Summary | Span= 8 00ft, Beam Width = Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow ft) 684 85 psi Fb 1,500 00 psi Deflections 3 500m x Depth = 3 5m 0457 1 04k-ft 09k-ft 0 41 k-ft at OOOk-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 089 fv 24 97 psi Fv 95 00 psi Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 4000ft 0000 ft "Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 020 k 020k 5 ©Left @ Right ©Left t Center Right Max Max Beam Design OK 03 k 12 k 020k 020k 0000 in 0 331 in 0000 in 020k 020k 1Center Span Dead Load Deflection -0 221 in Location 4 000 ft Length/Defl 434 4 Camber {using 1 5 * D L Defl ) @ Center 0 331 in @ Left 0 000 in @ Right 0 000 m Total Load -0 221 in 4000ft 43441 Left Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 m 00 Total Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# Date 1018AM 14 SEP 07 U«r KW-0602938 Ver 5 61 25-Ocl 2002 |c)1963-2002 ENERCALC Enflineennfl Software Timber Column Design Page 1 u \hescobede\ihamdVI5-ahartleflolandlostk | Description B-1, int wall brace General Information Wood Section Rectangular Column Column Depth Width Sawn Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements | 4x4 Total Column Height Load Duration Factor 3 50 in Fc 3 50 in Fb E - Elastic Modulus Douglas Fir - Larch No 1 1310ft 133 1,500 00 psi 1,000 00 psi 1 700 ksi Le XX for Axial LeYY for Axial Lu XX for Bending 1310ft 1310ft 000ft Loads k Axial Load Eccentncity Dead Load 000 Ibs 0000 in Live Load 0 00 Ibs Short Term Load 393 00 Ibs | Summary | Using 4x4,Width= fc Compression Fc Allowable fbx Flexural Fbx Allowable Interaction Value 3 50m, Depth= 3 50m, DL + LL 0 00 psi 244 72 psi 0 00 psi 1,500 00 psi 00000 Total Column Ht= 13 10ft DL + LL + ST 32 08 psi 246 86 psi 0 00 psi 1 ,995 00 psi 01300 Column OK DL + ST 32 08 psi 246 86 psi 0 00 psi 1,99500 psi 01300 Stress Details I Fc X-X Fc Y-Y PC Allowable Fc.Allow * Load Dur Factor Fbx Fbx * Load Duration Factor 244 72 psi 244 72 psi 244 72 psi 246 86 psi 1,500 00 psi 1,995 00 psi For Bending Stress Calcs Maxk*Lu/d Actual k*Lu/d Mm Allow k*Lu/d CfBendmg Rb (Led/bA2)A5 For Axial Stress Calcs Cf Axial Axial X-X k Lu / d Axial Y-Y k Lu / d 5000 1959 1100 1500 1 000 1 150 4491 4491 DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job* Date 1018AM 14 SEP 07 User KW-0602938 Ver 5 6 1 26-Ocl 2002 (c)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineenng Software General Timber Beam Page 1 u-\he«cobedo\ihar»d\15-oth«rtlegolancl lost K I Description B-2, dbl 2x6 top pi General Information Section Name 2-2x6 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements | 3 000 in 5500m Sawn 1330 Pin-Pin Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch, No 2 Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 925ft Lu ft Lu ft Lu 8750 psi 950 psi 6250 psi 1 600 0 ksi 000ft 000ft 000ft Full Length Uniform Loads I Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 30 00 #ffi LL #/ft LL #ffi LL #/ft #/ft ft/ft (Summary | Span* 9 25ft, Beam Width = Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max Mallow fb 254 57 psi Fb 1,512 88 psi 3 000m x Depth = 5 5m, 0168 1 03 k-ft 19 k-ft 032 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 191 fv 12 61 psi Fv 126 35 psi Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 4625ft 9250 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear- Camber 014 k 014k 5 ©Left © Right ©Left © Center ©Right Max Max Beam Design OK 02 k 21 k 014k 014k 0000m 0111m 0000 in 014k 014k Deflections jj Center Span Dead Load Deflection -0 074 in Location 4 625 ft Length/Defl 1 494 9 Camber ( using 1 5 * D L Defl) @ Center 0111 in © Left 0 000 in © Right 0 000 in Total Load -0 074 in 4625ft 149490 Left Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load 0 000 in 00 0 000 in 00 Total Load 0000 in 00 0 000 in 00 DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job* Date 1018AM, 14 SEP 07 Unr KW-06Q2938 Ver 5 6 1 25-Oct 2002 (0)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam Page u\hes»bedo\sharj<jj1^therttoflolandlostkftkl Description B-3, dbl 2x6 top pi w/ cantilever General Information Section Name 2-2x6 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Load Our Factor Beam End Fixity Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements | 3 000 in 5500m Sawn 1330 Pin-Pin Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch, Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 3000#m LL 30 00 *ft LL #ffl LL 925ft Lu 000ft 2 50ft Lu 0 00 ft ft Lu 0 00 ft No 2 8750psi 95 0 psi 625 0 psi 1,6000ksi #mm#m I (Summary | Span= 9 25ft, Left Cant= 2 50ft, Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max. Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 21 8 73 psi Fb 1,512 88 psi Beam Width = 3 000m x Depth = 5 5m, 0145 1 03 k-ft 19 k-ft 028 k-ft at -009 k-ft at -009 k-ft 000 k-ft 191 fv 13 54 psi Fv 126 35 psi Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 4977ft 0000ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 022 k 013k 5 ©Left @ Right @Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 02 k 21 k 015k 013k 0 061 in 0092m 0000 in 022k 013k Deflections | Center Span DeadLoad Deflection -0 061 in Location 4 742 ft Length/Deft 1,8109 Camber (using 1 5 * D L Defl) @ Center 0 092 in @ Left 0 061 in @ Right 0 000 in Total Load -0061 in 4742ft 1 81092 Left Cantilever Deflection Length/Deft Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Dead Load 0041 in 14798 0 000 in 00 Total Load 0041 in 1,4798 0000 in 00 LOST PH DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com RMFFT MD rAiriNATFriRY ITX. CHFr.KFD BY SI-.AI F OF ["5^> DATF 1 107 DATF BRAC&P WALL.S COLUMN IZ' LOl b_ _ M" _ i\ 3 < ^-^~ tL = 0,66 P = 20 x 5 x Vi - *~ft- DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Title Dsgnr Description Scope 580100 User KW-0602938 Ver 5 6 1 25-Oct 2002(0)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Pole Embedment in Soil Job* Date 1128AM 17 SEP 07 Page 1 I u\he$cobedoVsh«r«d\15-othertl«flolandl(»tk | Description Stl Column Caisson Footing (24" square) General Information Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Rectangular Width No Surface Restraint | Summary | Moments @ Surface Pomt load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable 300 00 pcf 3,500 00 psf 1330 24 000 in 2,56800 ft-* 000 2729 ft 37683 psf 36302 psf Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral 214 00 Ibs 12000ft 000#/ft 0000ft 0000ft 2,568 00 ft-# 214 00 Ibs DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside.CA 92054 Title Dsgnr Description Scope UMrKW-00028».V*rSei 25-032002(c)1983.200g ENEBCALC EngmaertnQ Software Pole Embedment in Soil Job* Date 11 28AM 17 SEP 07 Page 1 u <h»scobedotoh»r»(M5-ol»ertlsBOland tost K Description Stl Column Caisson Footing (24" dia) General Information Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Circular Diameter No Surface Restraint Moments @ Surface Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable 300 00 pcf 3 500 00 Psf 1330 24 000 in 2,56800 ft-# 000 3102 ft 421 17 psf 41251 psf Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distnbuted Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral 21400lbs 12000ft 000 #ffi 0000ft 0000ft 2,568 00 ft-# 214 00 IDS JOB. DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY- CHECKED BY SCALE DATE. DATE. 1 /07 wo^ST CftS \3y V —> r s C •= h -\ 5' *• r = KO T4JST DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SOB S CLEVELANO ST. OCEANSIOE, CA-SpOSW PH C7SQ) ees-sgiss SBB-e3BO _. Platt E-mail- dml0murttM.oam l _ _ , _ _ • ^ Supplemental Structural Calculations for LEGOLAND LOST KINGDOM 1 Legolancl Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 DSI Project No. 07218 Architect: R.W. Apel October 16, TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM Metal Bldg Foundation -revised Dark Ride Entry Ceding - new Retaining Wall btwn service rd and Dark Ride F1-F21 G1-G14 Hla, Hlb,Hl-H17 NOTE TO PLAN CHECKER; The calcs and plans have been updated for the new metal bldg supplier (General Steel Corp) and calcs (Star Bldg Systems). A ceiling at the entry area of the Dark Ride Metal Bldg has been added on sheet S200 with new details 5,10,14,15 & 20 on sheet S401 and det 5A/S301 revised. The retaining walls are referenced on the reference site plan sheet S101 per new details 17,21,23 & 25 on sheet S301. \ 1 1 • • Dunn Savole Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St OcMitskte, CA 9?054 T«l (760)966-6356 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE Legoland Lost Kingdom JOB* OF DATE DATE L0721800 9/07 METAL BUILDING f\ DESIGN CRITERIA 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2 WIND LOAD a BASIC WIND SPEED 70 MPH b EXPOSURE B 3 SEISMIC 2001 CBC SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS PARAMETER SBS 20NE FACTOR, Z SOIL PROFILE TYPE SEISMIC COEFFICIENT, C. SEISMIC COEFFICIENT, Ctf NEAR SOURCE FACTOR, N, NEAR SOURCE FACTOR, Nv SEISMIC SOURCE TYPE LATERAL SYSTEM COEFF , R GOVERN'G BASE SHEAR, V VALUE 04 Sc 04Na 056NV 10 (7 5km) 1 1 (7 5km) B 45 0159W 2001 CBC REFERENCE TABLE 16-1 TABLE 16-J TABLE 16-Q TABLE 16-R TABLE 16-S TABLE 16-T TABLE 16-U TABLE 16-N EQ 30-5 4 FOUNDATIONS FTDN DESIGN-BASED ON SOILS REPORT PREAPRED BY DATED SPET12,2007 (JOB No 960151-026) a ALLOW SOIL BEARING PRESSURE b WIN. CONCRETE DEPTH & WIDTH c MAYBE INCREASE FOR ADD'L DEPTH & WIDTH d SLIDING FRICTIONe PASSIVE PRESSURE f SHORT TERM INCREASE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC = 3500 PSF = 15" WIDE 18" EMBED = No = 0 35 DL = 300 PCF 133 pi/ 9- 1 •ft o < 1 " Jj ; ju<&. t••*""" -SL •£&. oi J, -ti^. r •*»• Tijtts jo irwj.no o- at o-oz o-st o-st o-ot 1, '"* *-• ff"f • • •• •• ' | | • • ' V v ' \ •, N\\ ' ' ' x X * '^ V \ Y^ • • * . •• .... ^ 9-69 • f F>y 0- Of 0- SI 0- til O-OZ 1331S jo ino/ino o-oz i •^ i** 1ict •a 4 I< < / r •^T fs? "^^ f •^>:o hu. ^s 5 O'-IO ** M J 4 BASE DETAIL SECTION "A" 1*0 ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV 700-0 7-J «M «M J 4 BASE DETAIL SECTION "B" 1"0 ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV, lOO'-O «M «M J 4 00 M BL 2 4 BASE DETAIL BASE DETAIL n SECTION "C* ANCHOR RODS SECTION "D" ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV 700-0 BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV 700-0 *$ M. BASE DETAIL i SECTION "E" 1*0 ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV 700-0 SECTION "F" ANCHOR RODS BASE OF STEEL AT ELEV 700-0 a: -<E?<_)1^ *-*_l O OU ONui int- cu o-" Oi. OJc)E <»•3 01J£W OOJto co —_i _ c o.t < o o <u(U Q£ Z — </>•s u w— z st s. -- ui o oj i.3 13 ~) > la.0 ,02~ •0,0 ,91 QLj0 ,91\iht'/£ /\.x£S\/ \*F0 ,02-i jT T XQ,CO ^1 >-0 *. CI1 P4- a. aMo M (U a v. uxX .Q O-oII X I i U ~ 9' 4 - 7' 4 - 5' 4 • 3'0 - ' D O COq X 00 o 00 o 10X 00 o — f tf \ / n> V/ /vf1 ^J 1 // \\ 0,02 0,91 '"0,91 0,02 c (0 >-Q. fl> CO c 10 g in o 00 to 14' 0 12 1 0 \ o b UI1=1 -H-o,et ,^0,11 9,21 .•Pto ENDWALL EWB s_0)c <ct OLCk:c:u UIi—to <tQLU) ZUI 00oo(XI ON <t r>u ro<nca vo<t «PQ 2:to fV 1 <t skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 14 U Q. Star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION: 8600 S 1-35, Oklahoma City OK 73149 Bndwall 8MBPATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\runoi\ USER NAME skumarl JOB NAME 82S90A DATE 9/14/07 FILE REW3BLDG1 PAGE EW-1 SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP NOTE All reactions are in kips and kip- ft TIMS 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- Endwall B Frame line -1 VL X VI H2 V2 H3 V3 HR VR 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A LOAD OROOF MMCTION TABUI COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD GROUP D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL LEFT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4) -3/4 HL 0 008 0 020 0 049 -0 081 -0 081 -0 081 -0 081 0 0 VL 0 415 0 632 1 S80 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 0 0 LL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4) -3/4 HR -0 008 -0 020 -0 049 0 081 0 081 0 081 0 081 0 0 VR 0 415 0 632 1 580 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 -2 626 0 0 LR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4)-3/4 HI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VI 0 828 1 675 4 189 -6 212 -6 212 -6 212 -6 212 0 0 LI -0 038 -0 094 -0 235 2 932 -2 252 0 348 0 348 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4) -3/4 H2 0 0 0 0 0 -1 962 1 962 -3 212 3 212 V2 0 466 0 750 1 876 -2 718 -2.718 -4 767 -4 767 -3 354 -3 354 L2 -0 016 -0 039 -0 097 2 542 -2.274 0.141 0 141 e 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4) -3/4 H3 0 0 0. 0 0 -1 962 1 962 -3 212 3 212 V3 0 828 1 675 4 189 -6 212 -6 212 • 8 425 -8 425 -3 622 -3 622 L3 -0 038 -0 094 -0 235 2 932 -2 252 0 348 0 348 0 0 D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL DEAD LOAD COLLATERAL LOAD LIVE LOAD WIND LOAD AS AN INWARD ACTING PRESSURE WIND LOAD AS AN OUTWARD ACTING SUCTION WIND FORCE FROM THE RIGHT WIND FORCE FROM THE LEFT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM RIGHT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM LEFT skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 36 S RjRjS 8.83 6 feSfcfe te 85SS 3 ?J SjS 88 8 888 S8833 9 S S 8999 S o 999999999w9o>-99N9N 9 9 9 9 9 ° 9 « 9 9 « 9 ^ 9 9 9 - 9 9 « 9 ° 9 9 9 9 9 9 " 1 9 9 o o « <•> « §8g8§503 8SSS? op co'-«-eoo l^iooSo* S^558S555!aSSRS5a!Pg !5j:^55858!5Sg!?S S S ? § t 8 S 8 8 S S 5 5 5 5 $ S 5 5 t ^ g! 8 8999 S S 999999999~9or-99M9^ 9 9 9 9 9 ° 9 " 9 9 « 9 «• 9 9 9 ^- 9 9 - 9 o 9 9 9 9 9 9 n «? 9 9 o 9 n « „ igiS^Poi 88Sgfc88s?3»l!j8???888 8 8 SSg S gft 8 8 8* 8 SgSgS OT_OCJ>CON ^ «vVt>'9T'"'<tr<<>lo'Toc><'"«T'* n99'7<Mf«<>io<oTMN<<' oeMeo^-p> o o o £ £ o o £ 85$S£38S888$88533S 8 ?i ^Sffi g ?j 8 8 SSS gj 88888 •999 999999999N9or-99<v,9N 9 9 9 9 9 o 9 N 9 9 « 9 N 9 9 ° - 9 9 <* 9 o 9 9 9 9 9 9 « •? 9 9 ° 9 " « commoooootoooaoco »-* -1 700000000 888888888888888888 8888888888888 888888888888888888.888888fl) -1- oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo & "• 500000000 888888888888888888 8888888888888 888888888888888888888888-1 oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo oooooo'oooooooooo'oooooooo ? = Ss0o§0S •* o T- o r>l (M ¥§iS00§0§ S555goooS05fe8S8SS8 §885585888838 5 S S S 8 S g S g 8 3 5 5 5 S ° ? 5 5 ° Z S ? -X999 o o 999999999°9oo9oo9o 9999909090090 999999090*999999099909090 88888888888888888 8888888888888 88888888888888888.8888888ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo eoSSSS 888ftft8ft888888 S 8 S88 SSsSssfeftft ft Sff ft ft SR R SS ocslOWWo* CMCMCMOOOOOCMONON §o§ §555S5558B5&888SSg 8 8 8 5 5 8 5 8 S 8 S 8 8 5 &?S SgSSSggSSSS? £ 55? r ^S -o o ooooooooo°°°ooooOo ooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo f - ii| -'-«i JJ"53*»*2§ M zi easBO PBOT o(sea oiseg QSV shi|But»>|V QSV star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION USER NAME skumari 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City, OK 73149 Brio 70 / 14 / 17 417 JOB NAME 82590A DATE FILE SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR BACH LOAD GROUP FRAME ID #03 LOCATION: frame lines 2NOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and kip-ft (2) The seismic overstrength factor (Omega) is not included in the "LEQ" Load Group reactionsSeismic "BASE-ONLY" combination reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 9/14/07 PAGE 3 fra_2 fra p~7 TIME 12 56 -3 30 REACTION NOTATIONS HL-X VL HR VR LOAD OROOT RSftCTXOlf TABLB COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL LEQ EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL 1 9 6 9 4 6 0 1 -2 9 -13 4 -7 3 -6 3 VL 2 3 7 3 4 9 -9 9 -1 0 -10 8 -16 2 -9 3 LNL 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -1 9 -6 9 -4 6 -0 1 -2 9 6 3 7 3 13 4 VR 2 3 7 3 4 9 -9 9 1 0 -9 3 -16 2 -10 8 LNR 0 0 0 Q 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 LOAD DL LL COLL LEQ EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Roof Collateral Load Longitudinal Seismic Load [located in perp plane] Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] Lateral Primary Wind Load Longitudinal Primary Hind Load Lateral Primary Wind Load skumari 09/14/07 \Page 17 Frame Line 2 o 133o S Q LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL LEO. EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 DL+LL+COLL DL+LEQ/1 4 0 9DL+LEQ/1 4 0 9DL-LEQ/1 4 DL+0 75*(COLL+LEQ/1 4) DL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL-EQ/1 4 DL+0 75*{COLL+EQ/1 4) DL+WL1 DL+LWL1 DL+WL2 DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+WL1) DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+LWL1) DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+WL2) Max Mm Abs DL+LL+COLL DL+LL+LEQ/1 4 DL+LL+EQ/1 4 09DL+LEQ/14 0 9DL-LEQ/1 4 0 9DL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL-EQ/1 4 DL+LL+COLL+WL1 DL+LL+COLL+LWL1 DL+LL+COLL+WL2 Max Mm Abs 14DL 1 2DL+0 5LL+1 6COLL 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 5COLL 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8WL1 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8LWL1 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8WL2 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8WL1 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8LWL1 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8WL2 1 2DL+0 5COLL+1 OEQ 1 2DL+0 5COLL+1 OLEQ 0 9DL+1 OEQ 0 9DL-1 OEQ 0 9DL+1 OLEQ 0 9DL-1 OLEQ 0 9DL+1 3WL1 0 9DL-1 3WL1 0 9DL+1 3LWL1 0 9DL-1 3LWL1 0 9DL+1 3WL2 0 9DL-1 3WL2 Max Mm Abs HL 1 9 69 46 01 -29 -134 -73 -63 1340 197 178 164 540 -017 -036 378 1053 -1150 -540 -440 048 505 580 1340 -1150 1340 1340 887 673 178 164 -186 378 000 610 710 1340 -186 1340 266 1309 1562 260 748 828 -269 219 299 168 468 -1 19 461 181 161 -1571 1913 -778 1120 -648 990 1913 -1571 1913 VL 23 73 49 -99 -1 -108 -162 -93 1450 -477 -500 914 067 159 136 278 1145 -850 -1390 -700 335 -070 448 1450 -1390 1450 1450 253 889 -500 914 -064 278 370 -170 520 1450 -500 1450 322 1425 1689 580 148 700 022 -410 142 421 -469 107 307 -783 1197 -1197 1611 -1899 2313 -1002 1416 2313 -1899 2313 LNL 0 0 0 -127 0 0 -79 0 000 -907 -907 907 -680 000 000 000 000 000 -790 000 000 -593 000 907 -907 907 000 -907 000 -907 907 000 000 000 -790 000 907 -907 907 000 000 000 000 -632 000 000 -632 000 000 -1270 000 000 -1270 1270 000 000 -1027 1027 000 000 1270 -1270 1270 HR -1 9 -69 -46 -01 -29 63 73 134 -1340 -197 -178 -164 -540 -397 -378 036 -1053 440 540 1150 -580 -505 -048 11 50 -1340 1340 -1340 -887 -1087 -178 -164 -186 036 -710 -610 000 036 -1340 1340 -266 -1309 -1562 -828 -748 -260 -299 -219 269 -748 -468 -461 1 19 -181 -161 648 -990 778 -1120 1571 -1913 1571 -1913 1913 VR 23 73 49 -99 1 -93 -162 -108 1450 -477 -500 914 067 301 278 136 1145 -700 -1390 -850 448 -070 335 1450 -1390 1450 1450 253 1031 -500 914 064 136 520 -170 370 1450 -500 1450 322 1425 1689 700 148 580 142 -410 022 621 -469 307 107 -783 1197 -1002 1416 -1899 2313 -1197 1611 2313 -1899 2313 LNR 0 0 0 -127 0 0 -79 0 000 -907 -907 907 -680 000 000 000 000 000 -790 000 000 -593 000 907 -907 907 000 -907 000 -907 907 000 000 000 -790 000 907 -907 907 000 000 000 000 -632 000 000 -632 000 000 -1270 000 000 -1270 1270 000 000 -1027 1027 000 000 1270 -12 70 1270 star 8600 Building Systems S 1-35, Oklahoma City, OK 73149 SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUPNOTES (1) All reactions are in kips and ki (2) The seismic overstrength factorSeismic "BASE-ONLY" combination FRAME srlo DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 / FRAME ID p-ft(Omega) isreactions 26 USER NAME 20 JOB NAME skumarl 82590A DATE FILE 9/14/07 PAGE 2 fra_3 fra #02 LOCATION: frame lines 3 rQ not included in the "LEQ" Load Group reactions include an overstrength factor of 2 200 TIME 12 52 -3 11 REACTION NOTATIONS HL-X VL HR VR LOAD OROOP RSACTIOH TABLE COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL LEQ EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL 2 6 10 6 7 1 0 1 -4 1 -20 4 -11 2 -9 7 VL 3 0 10 9 7 3 -9 9 -1 4 -16 1 -21 2 -13 9 LNL 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -2 6 -10 6 -7 1 -0 1 -4 1 9 7 11 2 20 4 VR 3 0 10 9 7 3 -9 9 1 4 -13 9 -21 2 -16 1 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12 7 0 0 0 0 -7 9 0 0 DL LL COLL LEQ EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Roof Collateral Load Longitudinal Seismic Load [located in perp plane] Lateral Seismic Load [parallel to plane of frame] Lateral Primary Wind Load Longitudinal Primary Wind Load Lateral Primary Wind Load skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 24 Frame Line 3 T3<03 s W LOAD DL LL COLL ER EL WL1 LWL1 WL2 DL+LL+COLL DL+LEQ/1 4 0 9DL+LEQ/1 4 0 9DL-LEQ/1 4 DL-K) 75*(COLL+LEQ/1 4) DL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL-EQ/1 4 DL+0 75*(COLL+EQ/1 4) DL+WL1 DL+LWL1 DL+WL2 DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+WL1) DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+LWL1) DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+WL2) Max Mm Abs DL+LL+COLL DL+LL+LEQ/1 4 DL+LL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL+LEQ/1 4 0 9DL-LEQ/1 4 0 9DL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL-EQ/1 4 DL+LL+COLL+WL1 DL+LL+COLL+LWL1 DL+LL+COLL+WL2 Max Mm Abs 14DL 1 2DL+0 5LL+1 6COLL 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 5COLL 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8WL1 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8LWL1 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8WL2 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8WL1 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8LWL1 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8WL2 1 2DL+0 5COLL+1 OEQ 1 2DL+0 5COLL+1 OLEQ 0 9DL+1 OEQ 0 9DL-1 OEQ 0 9DL+1OLEQ 0 9DL-1 OLEQ 0 9DL+1 3WL1 0 9DL-1 3WL1 0 9DL+1 3LWL1 0 9DL-1 3LWL1 0 9DL+1 3WL2 0 9DL-1 3WL2 Max Mm Abs HL 26 106 71 01 -41 -204 -112 -97 2030 267 241 227 798 -033 -059 527 1588 -1780 -860 -710 058 748 860 2030 -1780 2030 2030 1327 1027 241 227 -264 527 -010 910 1060 2030 -264 2030 364 1978 2363 376 11 12 1232 -435 301 421 257 677 -176 644 244 224 -2418 2886 -1222 1690 -1027 1495 2886 -2418 2886 VL 3 109 73 -99 -14 -161 -212 -139 2120 -407 -437 977 317 200 170 370 1665 -1310 -1820 -1090 458 075 623 2120 -1820 2120 2120 683 1290 -437 977 -090 370 510 000 730 2120 -437 2120 420 2073 2469 816 408 992 -018 -426 158 585 -265 1 30 410 -720 1260 -1823 2363 -2486 3026 -1537 2077 3026 -2486 3026 LNL 0 0 0 -127 0 0 -79 0 000 -907 -907 907 -680 000 000 000 000 000 -790 000 000 -593 000 907 -907 907 000 -907 000 -907 907 000 000 000 -790 000 907 -907 907 000 000 000 000 -632 000 000 -632 000 000 -1270 000 000 -1270 1270 000 000 -1027 1027 000 000 1270 -1270 1270 HR -26 -106 -71 -01 -41 97 112 204 -2030 -267 -241 -227 -798 -553 -527 059 -1588 710 860 1780 -860 -748 -058 1780 -2030 2030 -2030 -1327 -1613 -241 -227 -264 059 -1060 -910 010 059 -2030 2030 -364 -1978 -2363 -1232 -11 12 -376 -421 -301 435 -1077 -677 -644 176 -244 -224 1027 -1495 1222 -1690 2418 -2886 2418 -2886 2886 VR 3 109 73 -99 14 -139 -212 -161 2120 -407 -437 977 317 400 370 170 1665 -1090 -1820 -1310 623 075 458 2120 -1820 2120 2120 683 1490 -437 977 090 170 730 000 510 2120 -437 2120 420 2073 2469 992 408 816 158 -426 -018 865 -265 410 130 -720 1260 -1537 2077 -2486 3026 -1823 2363 3026 -2486 3026 LNR 0 0 0 -127 0 0 -79 0 000 -907 -907 907 -680 000 000 000 000 000 -790 000 000 -593 000 907 -907 907 000 -907 000 -907 907 000 000 000 -790 000 907 -907 907 000 000 000 000 -632 000 000 -632 000 000 -1270 000 000 -1270 1270 000 000 -1027 1027 000 000 1270 -1270 1270 Star Building Systems 8600 S 1-35 Oklahoma City OK SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR BACH LOAD NOTE All reactions are in kips 73149 GROUP and kip- ft FRAME srlo FRAME DESCRIPTION 70 / 14 /31 417 ID #01 LOCATION frame USER JOB lines 4 NAME NAME skumarl 82590A DATE 9/14/07 FILB:fra_4 fra PAGE PI 1 TIME: 12 47 1-3 25 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- VL HR VR tOAD OROOP REACTION TABLB COLUMN BASS PLATE ANC RODS LOAD GROUP DL LL COLL EQ WL1 LWL1 WL2 LEFT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HL 3 2 13 0 8 6 -4 9 -24 8 -13 9 -11 9 VL 3 6 13 2 8 8 -1 7 -19 5 -18 1 -16 8 LNL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X10 0X0 375 (4)-l HR -3 2 -13 0 -8 6 -4 9 11 9 13 9 24 8 VR 3 6 13 2 8 8 1 7 -16 8 -18 1 -19 5 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DL LL COLL EQ WL1 LHL1 HL2 Roof Dead Load Roof Live Load Roof Collateral Load Lateral Seismic Load [parallel Lateral Primary Wind Load Longitudinal Primary Hind Load Lateral Primary Hind Load to plane of frame] skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 31 Frame Line 4 o CO yat ID LOAD DL LL COLL ER EL WL1 LWL1 WL2 DL+LL+COLL DL+LEQ/1 4 0 9DL+LEQ/1 4 0 9DL-LEQ/1 4 DL+0 75*(COLL+LEQ/1 4) DL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL-EQ/1 4 DL+0 75*(COLL+EQ/1 4) DL+WL1 DL+LWL1 DL+WL2 DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+WL1) DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+LWL1) DL+0 75*(LL+COLL+WL2) Max Mm Abs DL+LL+COLL DL+LL+LEQ/1 4 DL+LL+EQ/1 4 0 9DL+LEQ/1 4 0 9DL-LEQ/1 4 0 9DL+EQ/1 4 09DL-EQ/14 DL+LL+COLL+WL1 DL+LL+COLL+LWL1 DL+LL+COLL+WL2 Max Mtn Abs 14DL 1 2DL+0 5LL+1 6COLL 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 5COLL 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8WL1 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8LWL1 1 2DL+1 6LL+0 8WL2 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8WL1 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8LWL1 1 2DL+0 5LL+0 5COLL+0 8WL2 1 2DL+0 5COLL+1 OEQ 1 2DL+0 5COLL+1 OLEQ 0 9DL+1 OEQ 0 9DL-1 OEQ 09DL+10LEQ 09DL-10LEQ 0 9DL+1 3WL1 0 9DL-1 3WL1 0 9DL+1 3LWL1 0 9DL-1 3LWL1 0 9DL+1 3WL2 0 9DL-1 3WL2 Max Mm Abs HL 32 13 86 0 -49 -248 -139 -119 2480 320 288 288 965 -030 -062 638 1940 -2160 -1070 -870 080 898 1048 2480 -2160 2480 2480 1620 1270 288 288 -315 638 000 1090 1290 2480 -315 2480 448 2410 2894 480 1352 1512 -520 352 512 324 814 -202 778 288 288 -2936 3512 -1519 2095 -1259 1835 3512 -2936 3512 VL 36 132 88 0 -17 -195 -181 -168 2560 360 324 324 1020 239 203 445 2010 -1590 -1450 -1320 548 653 750 2560 -1590 2560 2560 1680 1559 324 324 -109 445 610 750 880 2560 -109 2560 504 2500 2984 984 1096 1200 -028 084 188 702 872 1 54 494 324 324 -2211 2859 -2029 2677 -1860 2508 2984 -2211 2984 LNL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 HR -32 -13 -86 0 -49 119 139 248 -2480 -320 -288 -288 -965 -670 -638 062 -1940 870 1070 2160 -1048 -898 -080 2160 -2480 2480 -2480 -1620 -1970 -288 -288 -315 062 -1290 -1090 000 062 -2480 2480 -448 -2410 -2894 -1512 -1352 -480 -512 -352 520 -1304 -814 -778 202 -288 -288 1259 -1835 1519 -2095 2936 -3512 2936 -3512 3512 VR 36 132 88 0 17 -168 -181 -195 2560 360 324 324 1020 481 445 203 2010 -1320 -1450 -1590 750 653 548 2560 -1590 2560 2560 1680 18.01 324 324 109 203 880 750 610 2560 109 2560 504 2500 2984 1200 1096 984 188 084 -028 1042 872 494 154 324 324 -1860 2508 -2029 2677 -2211 2859 2984 -2211 2984 LNR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Star Building Systems FRAME DESCRIPTION 8600 S 1-3$, Oklahoma City, OK 73149 Endwall END PATH R \Jobs\Active\ENG\ll-B-82590\ver01-skumarl\Bldg-A\run01\ USER NAME skumarl JOB NAKE:82590A DATE: 9/14/07 PAGEPILBiREW4BLDGl EW-3 SUPPORT REACTIONS FOR EACH LOAD GROUP NOTE All reactions are in kips and kip-ft TIME: 12 10 14 REACTION NOTATIONS HL- Endwall D Frame line -5 VL X VI HI X V2 H2 X V3 V> HR VR 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E LOAD mO09 RBACTIO* TABLB COLUMN BASE PLATE ANC BOLTS LOAD GROUP D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL LEFT COLUMN 8 QH9 875X0 375 (4) -3/4 HL 0 Oil 0 032 0 064 -0 129 -0 129 -0 129 -0 129 0 0 VL 0 523 1 028 2 056 -4 162 -4 162 -4 162 -4 162 0 0 LL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIGHT COLUMN 8 0X9 875X0 375 (4) -3/4 HR -0 Oil -0 032 -0 064 0 129 0 129 0 129 0 129 0 0 VR 0 523 1 028 2 056 -4 162 -4 162 -4 162 -4 162 0 0 LR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 1 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4) -3/4 HI 0 0 0 0 0 -3 191 3 191 -5 222 5 222 VI 1 116 2 725 5 450 -9 327 -9 327 -12 93 -12 93 -5 889 -S 889 LI -0 054 -0 153 -0 305 3 107 -2 077 0 523 0 523 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 2 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4) -3/4 H2 0 0 0 0 0 -3 191 3 191 -5 222 5 222 V2 0 594 1 220 2 440 -4 016 -4 016 -7 348 -7 348 -5 454 -5 454 L2 -0 022 -0 063 -0 126 2 609 -2 207 0 208 0 208 0 0 INTERIOR COLUMN 3 8 0X8 0X0 375 (4) -3/4 H3 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0. V3 1 116 2 725 5 450 -9 327 -9 327 -9 327 -9 327 0, 0 L3 -0.054 -0 153 -0 305 3 107 -2 077 0 523 0 523 0 0. D C L W+ W- WR WL ER EL DEAD LOAD COLLATERAL LOAD LIVE LOAD HIND LOAD AS AN INWARD ACTING PRESSURE WIND LOAD AS AN OUTWARD ACTING SUCTION WIND FORCE FROM THE RIGHT WIND FORCE FROM THE LEFT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM RIGHT EARTHQUAKE FORCE FROM LEFT skumarl 09/14/07 \Page 38 .gK.sS Kg999 m o 999999999«9oT-<?9«9« 9 ,- » CM o> o> ?oooooooo 888888888888888888 8888888.88.8888 888888888.8.83.88888.8.8.88888•*• oooooooooooooooooo oooooo ooooooooooo.. ......ooooooooo oooooooodoooo ooooooododoooooooooooooo . 999 3 3 999999999"9oT-99iM9«M 99999o9«9ocx9N 9 9 9 - 9 9 »• 9 3 9 9 9 9'79 « «7 9 9 o 9« " « ^ en n ^ ri co o o? o <o "V •«• <9 •£> •» 9 9 «?•«<?•* es •» f •* «o * o n u> »- * T 9 S «? 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STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com JOB SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE DATE. DATE. M'L-P A, |io FAp urp = ^/ = 1• )IDunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers BOSS Cleveland St Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE LEGOLAND-Lost Kingdom JOB* OF DATE DATE 0721800 10/07 DARK RIDE ENTRY CEILING DUNN SAVOIC INC. STRUCTURAL. 900 a. £ueveiA,Nc» OoeANMiOK* CA, 92OB4 TCI.* (76O) 966-63S& TAX: JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom 07218 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY EP DATE 10/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE DESIGN LOADS ENTRY CEILING DEAD LOADS 2x8 CJ @ 24" o c Batt Insulation (0 2xThk) MDF Theme Board ME&P Mtsc £ Dead Load Live Load (PSf) 15 08 30 08 09 70 100 WALLS DEAD LOADS MDF Theme Board x2 2x6 @ 16"o c 2x4@16"oc Miscellaneous £ Dead Loads Interior (PSf) 60 - 1 1 09 80 Lost Kindom_DesignCritena 10/15/2007 I DUNN SAVOIE I NO* 8TKUOTURAL CNOINEER* 9O8 s. CLEVELAND ST. acKAN»iDE, DA. 92O94 TCLt (T6O) 966-6399 FAX» C76O) 966-636O JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom 07218 SHEET NO OF CALCULATED BY EP DATE 10/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE CEILING FRAMING Members 3M9T/H'£/\D&P^ Mark L^-\ Soan= lt<£ ft [yjUniform Load Wi-|-7,MteFlll'l l\1»,V>^ = *t PlfSJt W2= = plf W3= = plf PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs R Left= = -Zf b Ibs R Right= = ZJffo Ibs Vatow= (,14 IbS Vmax= 1^[(y IbS Maiiow= |^|8 lb*ft Mmax= g^ lb*ft Aanow= .17 In ATL= c?.1^1/ m CD= liO y . rh Use 1*0 @ Zi^'e L< twP CH<PD Grade Df 1 ^1- Mark ^-T-i Soan= 1<) ft M^Vl ITlUniform Load"-•' - Se/^/^ **J W2= = plf W3= = plf PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs RLeft= = lo-b Ibs RRight= = ^^ Ibs Vaikw= *yVf> Ibs Vmax= lo^ Ibs " alow" \)Uv lb ft M max = (>l () Ib ft A a«ow= tf,?0 m ATL= 6.H"% m CD= /,0 u/t . ,,c.,9 it Use. 2-y.fc & ru\ vt,. Grade PF- H*^ / j- tO U 'C Mark H-| Spans ^ ft iM-*-f+ ITIUniform Load Wi= (7-f|(]p&TJ(l')^ 178FSF\ = *ff P'f W2= = p|f W3= = p|f PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs RLeft= = 107 Ibs RRight= = -2-07 Ibs Va||ow= 11(\ IbS Vmax=7,97 IbS M altow= ^8^ lb*ft M max = 4"IO 'b*ft A a»o«= 0^3 In ATL= Z-t m CD= (0 v Use ^ y f Grade DP- I # 1 DUNN 8AVOIK INC.JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom 07218 EMBIIMCKR* SHEET NO 908 B. CLCVCI-ANO BT. CALCULATED BY OCBANMIOC, CA. 92OS4 TKU1 17 «0) FAXJ EP OF DATE 10/07 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE CEILING FRAMING Members Mark g>-< W2= W3= Pi= P2= - RLeft= ] R Right= Vailow= tO Pft«5 Ma«ow= Sl^ A««ow= 1 7- C0= l.fl Soan= 3"5 ft [l^M fe|o.f75.c) = iZf = = = r Hl^pl-i (T^KOi-j = IITO = WT0 Ibs ,-^p > » max = 17-~1Q lb*ft('?j|j'^V)ll'l M max = /ft jl%0 m ATL= 1,5^ ^ *l " ''/^KU 1 'M? XI *>" LJUmform Load plf Plf plf Ibs Ibs ?>1A)(|APLIbs ' Ibs op. 57f X '4" ru Ibs lb*ft Use. 7 X II 7/o PL in Grade- 2-.C? £ f&L : ' " t ' ' Mark: &-2 wi= l"7f I0p< W2= W3= Span= IS,15 ft >p|f/y.^) fei^x> i^'== J2|Unrform Load plf plf plf Pt= = Ibs P2= = Ibs R Left= R Right* Vatow= Itf^Z Mrtow= if 140 Aatow= I»OS» Co= KG = I0?^> = 10 7^ IbS V max = 102 "7 lb*ft M max = 4 0^0 ln W/|^> ATL= . ^ u/ Ibs Ibs Ibs lb*ft Use H- y \0 m Grade P/^/- ff-V/ i- iu i ; | / -L| y . ..;- --. Mark- W-2 wi= ("7 -fie f5 W2= W3= Span =3 ft Mk^W(BfefW^= |5» = = |V|Uniform Load plf plf plf PI= = Ibs P2= RLeft= R Right= Va«ow= 11<\ Maltow= fl^ A altow= 0 L CD= M a = *2-^ - V)^ Ibs V max = 12$ lb*ft Mmax= c|-jp m ATL= ,0) Ibs Ibs Ibs Ibs lb*ft Use 'M m Grade bF-l&l pBHP^F"! QuiMM BAV«,«. i«r. JOB Legoland - Lost Kingdom 07218 IIlilt^H • n-rD11o-r,,a*L KMEUKICKB* SHEETNO 6?lS OF PPUI^^BM 90S a. CUEV«XAND BT. CALCULATED BY EP DATE 10/07 ^••iHiH OacANBiDE, OA. 9ZO54 CHECKED BY DATE ^H»9 TtXt (760) 966-63 »» SCALE |JjBiEL3l FAXS (760) 966-6360 CEILING FRAMING Members SpftM'b Mark P?-3 • Soan= /(7 ft |7J Uniform Load wi= (7i'(opsp)(|^iS/2. 4|) ,kfii't)i^/lft5a)= 1^1 plf W2= = plf W3= = p|f PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs RLeft= = 11% Ibs RRight= =77$ Ibs Va«aw= mi. Ibs Vmax= 17^ Ibs MaBow= |«|0-7 lb*ft Mmax= /^2.o lb*ft Aa»ow= 0,&7 m ATL= /?, YC m CD= \ 1 0 t/ Use 1 V 6 Grade '•)£-£, if- f Mark S-4 Soan= 5 ft lylunifc ^1= OtiO.RifHlif.S/al (siDU|7?aJ = (7,-f plf W2= = p|f W3= = p|f PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs RLeft= = 3/7 Ibs R Right= = 11 7 Ibs Va»ow= 771., Ibs Vmax= 3/7 Ibs Matew= 886 lb*ft Mmax= wb lb*ft A aitow= fl*?b m ATL= . 0 % m CD= 1 ,6 t-/ - irm Load Use Ixy Grade Df-l#/ /? '* i "L-S / .^rt ""? "* Mark Span = ft [] Uniform Load w,= = plf W2= = p|f W3= = p|f PI= = Ibs P2= = Ibs R Left= = Ibs R Right= = Ibs Valtow= IbS Vmax= Ibs Mallow= lb*tt Mmax= lb*ft A a"iow= m A TL = m CD= Use Grade Title Dsgnr Description Date Job # yn@ 144PM 15OCT07 Scope Rev 560100User KW-0602938 Ver 6 6 1 25-Ocl 2002(0)1863-2002 ENERCAIC Engineering Software General Timber Beam Page 1 || J Description CJ-1 "-bridge top chord at mid-span General Information Section Name 2x8 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements jj 1 500 in 7250m Sawn 1000 Pin-Pin Center Span 1450ft Left Cantilever ft Right Cantilever ft Douglas Fir - Larch, No 2 Fb Base Allow 875 0 psl Fv Allow 95 0 psi Fc Allow 625 0 psi E 1,6000ksi Lu Lu Lu 700ft 000ft 000ft Repetitive Member Full Length Uniform Loads I Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Summary I Span= 14 50ft, Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum MomentAllowable Max Positive MomentMax Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 816 00 psi Fb 1,044 19 psi 1400#ffi LL 2000 #/ft #/ft LL #/ft it/ft LL #/ft = 1 500m x Depth = 7 25m, Ends are Pin-Pin 0781 1 o 9 k-ft Maximum Shear 1 1 k-ft Allowable 089 k-ft at 7250ft Shear 0 00 k-ft at 0 000 ft 000 k-ft Camber 000 k-ft 1 14 Reactions fv 34 00 psi LeftDL 0 10 k Fv 95 00 psi Right DL 010k Beam Design OK *1 5 04 k 1 0 k §Left 025k Right 025k ©Left 0000 in ©Center 0274 in ©Right 0000 in Max 025k Max 025k Deflections | Center Span Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever Deflection -0183m -0444m Deflection Location 7250ft 7250ft Length/Defl Length/Defl 9524 39217 Right Cantilever Camber ( using 1 5 * D L Defl ) Deflection @ Center 0 274 in Length/Defl @ Left 0 000 in @ Right 0 000 in Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 34 680 Le Cf 1 200 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Dead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 600 in 00 00 » 13147ft Sxx 13141m3 Area 10875in2 22 551 Cl 0 865 Max Moment Sxx Reo'd Allowable fb 089 k-ft 1027m3 1,044 19 psi 0 00 k-ft 0 00 m3 1 ,207 50 psi 000 k-ft OOOmS 1,207 50 psi @ Left Support @ Right Support 0 37 k 0 37 k 3 892 m2 3 892 m2 95 00 psi 95 00 psi Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 025 k 025k Bearing Length Req'd 0 263 in Beanng Length Req'd 0 263 in Title Dsgnr Description Date Job # yd® 144PM, 15OCT07 Scope Rev 560100 User KW-0802938. Ver 561 25-Oct 2002 (c)1963-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Sottwaca General Timber Beam Page 1 \Vs9fsef3>UTOra.\«prtani«nN»hara<Meflo>»nd I Description CJ-2 10ft General Information Section Name 2x6 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements | 1 500 in 5500m Sawn 1 000 Pin-Pin Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch, Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 1000ft ft ft No 2 875 0 psi 95 0 psi 6250 psi 1,6000ksi Lu 1000ft Lu 000ft Lu 0 00 ft Repetitive Member Full Length Uniform Loads 1 Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL 14 00 #/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft LL 2000 #/ft #/ft #/ft 1 Summary | Span= 10 00ft Beam Width = 1 Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max Mallow fb 674 38 psi Fb 1,065 07 psi Deflections SOOin x Depth = 5 5m, 0633 1 04k-ft 07 k-ft 0 42 k-ft at OOOk-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 067 fv 30 91 psi Fv 95 00 psi Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 Allowable 5000ft 0000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Shear Camber 007 k 007k 5 §Left Right ©Left @ Center ©Right Max Max Beam Design OK 03 k 08 k 017k 017k 0000 in 0 142 in 0000 in 017k 017k 1 Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 1 6 * D L @ Center ©Left @ Right Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever -0 095 in 5000ft 1,2677 Defl) 0 142 in 0 000 in 0000m -0 230 in Deflection 5 000 ft Length/Defl 521 97 Rjght cantilever Deflection Length/Defl pead Load Total Load 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Stress Calcs | Bending Analysis Ck 34 680 Le Cf 1 300 Rb @ Center © Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 18393ft 23232 Max Moment 0 42 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft © Left Support 025k 2 684 m2 95 00 psi 017k 017k Sxx 7 563 in3 Area Cl 0814 8 250 in2 Sxx Req'd Allowable fb 4 79 m3 0 00 in3 0 00 In3 © Right Support 025k 2 684 m2 95 00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd 1,065 07 psi 1,308 13 psi 1,308 13 psi 0 181 in 0 181 in Tide Dsgnr Description Job # yn@ Date 144PM, 15OCT07 Scope Rev 560100User KW-0602938 Vef 5 6 1 25-Oct 2002(0)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam \\server3\uierrtepeto Page 1 narAdiaredMefloland I Description H-1 General Information Section Name 4x4 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Our Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements jj 3500m 3 500 in Sawn 1000 Pin-Pin 35000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch, Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 800ft Lu 800ft ft Lu 0 00 ft ft Lu 0 00 ft No 2 8750psi 95 0 psi 625 0 psi 1,6000ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 3900#ffi LL #/ft LL #/ft LL 1000 #/ft#m#/ft 1 1 Summary | Span= 8 00ft, Beam Width = Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 698 29 psi Fb 1,31 2 50 psi 3 500m x Depth = 3 5m 0532 1 04 k-ft 08 k-ft 042 k-ft at 000 k-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 078 fv 25 46 psi Fv 95 00 psi Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 4000ft 0000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear- Camber 017 k 017k 5 ©Left @ Right ©Left © Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 03 k 12 k 021k 021k 0000 in 0290m 0000m 021k 021k Deflections \ Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 1 5 * D L © Center ©Left @ Right Dead Load IfiJaJlaad Left Cantilever Dead Load IpMifiad -0193m 4000ft 4965 Defl) 0 290 m 0 000 in 0 000 m -0 239 in Deflection 0 000 in 0 000 m 4000ft Length/Defl 00 00 400 99 R|ght cantilever Deflection 0 000 in 0 000 m Length/Defl 00 00 Stress Calcs jj Bending Analysis Ck 34 680 Le Cf 1 500 Rb © Center @ Left Support © Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 14714ft 7104 Max Moment 0 42 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 031 k 3 283 m2 95 00 psi 021 k 021 k Sxx 7146m3 Area 12250m2 Cl 0 000 Sxx Rea'd Allowable fb 380m3 1,31 2 50 psi 000m3 1,31 2 50 psi OOOmS 1,31 2 50 psi © Right Support 031 k 3 283 in2 95 00 psi Bearing Length Req'd 0 095 m Bearing Length Req'd 0 095 in Title Dsgnr Description Date Job # yD@ 144PM, 15OCT07 Scope Rev 560100 User KW-0602938 Ver 5 6 1 25-Oct 2002(0)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam Page 1 \\servec3\usere\apetennan\8hareiMegoland I Description H-2 General Information Section Name 4x4 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements 3500m 3 500 in Sawn 1000 Pin-Pm 35000pcf Center Span 3 00 ft Lu 0 00 ft Left Cantilever ft Lu 0 00 ft Right Cantilever ft Lu 0 00 ft Southern Pine, Dense structural 65 2 5 - Fb Base Allow 1 ,600 0 psi Fv Allow 1100psi Fc Allow 4400psi E 16000ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 83 00 #/ft LLm LL#m LL 7300 #/ft#m#/ft 1 1 1 Summary | Span= 3 00ft Beam Width = Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max Mallow fb 300 34 psi Fb 1,600 00 psi Deflections 3 500m x Depth = 3 Sin 0265 1 02k-ft 10k-ft 018k-ft at OOOk-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 095 fv 29 20 psi Fv 110 00 psi Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 1 500ft 0000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 013 k 013k 5 §Left Right @Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 04 k 13 k 024k 024k 0000 in 0012m0000 m 024k 024k 1 Center Span Dead Load Deflection -0 008 in Location 1500ft Length/Defl 4,597 0 Camber (using 1 5 * D L Defl) ©Center 0012m @ Left 0 000 in @ Right 0 000 m Total Load -0 014 in 1 500ft 248612 Left Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Bead-Load. 0000 in 00 0000 in 00 Total 1034 0000 00 0000 00 in in Stress Calcs Bending Analysis Ck 25 646 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 0000ft 0000 Max Moment 018 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 036k 3 252 in2 110 00 psi 024k 024k Sxx 7 146 m3 Cl 0 000 Sxx Rea'd 134m3 0 00 m3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 036k 3 252 m2 110 00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd Area 12250m2 Allowable fb 1,600 00 psi 1 600 00 psi 1,600 00 psi 0155 in 0 155 in Title Dsgnr Description Date Job # yn@ 144PM. 15OCT07 Scope Rev 560100User KW-0602938 Ver56.1 25-Od 2002 (c)1963-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam Page \\»erv«f3W»»ri\gp«tenTian\3hOTdU»oolaoclJ Description B-1 General Information Section Name Prllm 35x160 Beam Width 3 500 in Beam Depth 16000m Member Type Sawn Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Our Factor 1 000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35 000 pcf Full, Length Uniform Loads Center DL Lett Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements Center Span 3300ft Lu 1650ft Left Cantilever ft Lu 0 00 ft Right Cantilever ft Lu 000ft Truss Joist - MacMillan, Parallam 2 OE Fb Base Allow 2,900 0 psi Fv Allow 2900 psi Fc Allow 650 0 psi E 2,000 0 ksi 5100#m LL 7300 #ffl#m LL #m #/ft LL m | \ 1 Summary | Span* 33 00ft, Beam Width - Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max Mallow fb 1,505 27 psi Fb 2.190 60 psi 3 500m x Depth -16 in 0687 1 18 7 k-ft 27 3 k-ft 18 73 k-ft at 000 k-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 2726 fv 60 82 psi Fv 290 00 psi , Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 16500ft 33000ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 107 k 107k 5 §LeftRight ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 34 k 162 k 227k 227k 0000 in 1082m 0000 m 227k 227k Deflections || Center Span . Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber(usmg15*DL @ Center ©Left ©Right Dead load Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total Load -0 722 in 16500ft 5488 Defl) 1 082 in 0 000 in 0000 in -1 537 in Deflection 16500ft Length/Defl 257 69 Wgnt cantilever Deflection Length/Defl 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 Stress Pales \ Sending Analysis Ck 21 298 Le Cf 1 000 Rb @ Center © Left Support © Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 30718ft 21 946 Max Moment 18 73 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft © Left Support 341 k 11744m2 290 00 psi 227 k 227 k Sxx 149 333 m3 Area Cl 0 755 56 000 in2 Sxx Reo'd Allowable fb 10261 in3 0 00 m3 0 00 in3 @ Right Support 341 k 11744m2 290 00 psi Beanng Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd 2,190 60 psi 2,900 00 psi 2 900 00 psi 0 998 in 0 998 in Title Dsgnr Description Date Job # yn@ 145PM, 15OCT07 Scope Rev 560100 Uur KW-0602938 Ver 5 6 1 25-Oct 2002(0)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam Page 1 V\Befvef3<usei»V»p«t«nn«n\8hare<Megoland I Description B-2 General Information Section Name 4x10 Beam Width Beam Depth Member Type BmWt Added to Loads LoadDur Factor Beam End Fixity Wood Density Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements | 3500m 9 250 in Sawn 1000 Pin-Pin 35000pcf Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch, Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 1575ft Lu 000ft ft Lu 0 00 ft ft Lu 0 00 ft No1 I.OOOOpsi 950psi 625 0 psi 1,7000ksi Full Length Uniform Loads Center Left Cantilever Right Cantilever DL DL DL 51 00 ft/ft LL #/ft LL #/ft LL 7300 #/ft #/ft #/ft I (Summary | Spans 15 75ft, Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum MomentAllowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max Mallow fb 983 09 psi Fb 1 200 00 psi = 3 500m x Depth = 9 25m, Ends are Pm-Pm 0819 1 4 1 k-ft Maximum Shear * 1 50 k-ft Allowable 4 09 k-ft at 7875ft Shear 000 k-ft at 0000ft 0 00 k-ft Camber 000 k-ft 4 " Reactions fv 48 11 psi LeftDL 046 k Fv 95 00 psi Right DL 046k 5 §Left Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 16 k 31 k 104k 1 04k 0000 in 0312m 0000 in 104k 104k Deflections \ Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 1 5 * D L @ Center ©Left @ Right Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total Load -0 208 in 7875ft 9100 Defl) 0 312 in 0 000 in 0000 in -0 465 in Deflection 0 000 in 0 000 in 7875ft Length/Defl 00 00 40624 Right Cantilever Deflection 0 000 in 0 000 in Length/Defl 00 00 | Stress Gates j| Bending Analysis Ck 33 438 Le Cf 1 200 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 0000ft 0000 Max Moment 4 09 k-ft 000 k-ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 156k 16397 m2 95 00 psi 104k 104k Sxx 49 91 1 m3 Area 32 375 m2 Cl 0 000 Sxx Rea'd Allowable fb 40 89 In3 1 200 00 psi 000m3 1,200 00 psi OOOinS 1,200 00 psi @ Right Support 156k 16 397 m2 95 00 psi Bearing Length Req'd 0 475 in Beanng Length Req d 0 475 in Rev 560100User KW-0602938 Ver 5 6 1 25-Oct 2002 (c)19B3-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Description B-3 General Information Section Name 4x6 Beam Width 3 500 in Beam Depth 5 500 in Member Type Sawn Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35000pcf Title - Dsgnr Hill Dat«Description **" ' Scope General Timber Beam Vtee(VW3Ui Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and Center Span 1000ft Lu Left Cantilever ft Lu Right Cantilever ft Lu Douglas Fir - Larch, No 1 Fb Base Allow 10000 psi Fv Allow 95 0 psi Fc Allow 625 0 psi E 1,7000ksi Job # yn@ 145PM 150CT07 Page 1 | sere\epelerman\sharedUegoland 1 I 1997 UBC Requirements | 000ft 000ft 000ft Full Length Uniform Loads I Center DL Left Cantilever. DL Right Cantilever DL 5800#/ft LL 8300 #ffl#m LL #m #/ft LL #/ft 1 Summary | Span= 10 00ft, Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum Moment Allowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max M allow fb 1 238 36 psi Fb 1,300 00 psi = 3500inx Depth = 5 Sin 0953 1 18 k-ft 19 k-ft 1 82 k-ft at 000 k-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 191 fv 56 76 psi Fv 95 00 psi Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 5000ft 10000ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 031 k 031k 5 §Left Right ©Left @ Center ©Right Max Max Beam Design OK 1 1 k 18 k 073k 073k 0000 in 0256m 0000m 073k 073k Deflections | Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber( using 15*DL @ Center ©Left @ Right Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever -0 171 in 5000ft 7020 Den) 0256m 0000 in 0 000 in -0 397 m Deflection 5 000 ft Length/Defl 302 02 Rignt cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Bead-Lead lelaLLaad 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 m 00 00 Stress Calcs | Bending Analysis Ck 33 438 Le Cf 1 300 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction 0000ft 0000 Max Moment 1 82 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 1 09k 1 1 501 m2 95 00 psi 073 k 073k Sxx 17646m3 Area Cl 0 000 19250in2 Sxx Rea'd Allowable fb 1681 in.3 0 00 m3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 1 09k 1 1 501 m2 95 00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd 1,300 00 psi 1 300 00 psi 1 ,300 00 psi 0 333 in 0 333 in I Title Dsgnr Description Date Job # yO@ 145PM 15OCT07 Scope Rev 560100 User KW-0602938, Ver 561 25Oc(2002 (0)1983-2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software General Timber Beam \\8erver3\uMrs\epeten Page dMegoiai Description B-4 General Information Calculations are designed to 1997 NDS and 1997 UBC Requirements | Section Name 4x4 Beam Width 3 500 in Beam Depth 3 500 in Member Type Sawn Bm Wt Added to Loads Load Dur Factor 1 000 Beam End Fixity Pin-Pin Wood Density 35000pcf Full Length Uniform Loads Center DL Left Cantilever DL Right Cantilever DL Center Span Left Cantilever Right Cantilever Douglas Fir - Larch, Fb Base Allow Fv Allow Fc Allow E 5100#/ft LL#m LLm LL soon LU oooft ft Lu 0 00 ft ft Lu 0 00 ft No1 I.OOOOpsi 950psi 625 0 psi 1,7000ksi 7300 #/ftm#/ft \ (Summary | Span= 5 00ft, Beam Width Max Stress Ratio Maximum MomentAllowable Max Positive Moment Max Negative Moment Max @ Left Support Max @ Right Support Max Mallow fb 666 35 psi Fb 1,500 00 psi = 3 500m x Depth = 3 Sin 0444 1 04 k-ft 09 k-ft 040 k-ft at 0 00 k-ft at 000 k-ft 000 k-ft 089 fv 38 87 psi Fv 95 00 psi Ends are Pin-Pin Maximum Shear * 1 2500ft 0000 ft Reactions LeftDL Right DL Allowable Shear Camber 013 k 013k 5 §Left Right ©Left @ Center @ Right Max Max Beam Design OK 05 k 12 k 032k 032k 0000 in 0054 in 0000 in 032k 032k Deflections jj Center Span Deflection Location Length/Defl Camber ( using 1 5* DL @ Center ©Left @ Right Stress Gales Bending Analysis Ck 33 438 Le Cf 1 500 Rb @ Center @ Left Support @ Right Support Shear Analysis Design Shear Area Required Fv Allowable Bearing @ Supports Max Left Reaction Max Right Reaction Dead Load Total Load Left Cantilever Dead Load Total Load -0 036 in 2500ft 1,6805 Defl) 0 054 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 0000ft 0000 Max Moment 0 40 k-ft 0 00 k-ft 0 00 k-ft @ Left Support 048k 5 012 m2 95 00 psi 032 k 032 k -0 084 in Deflection 2 500 ft Length/Defl 71435 Right Cantilever Deflection Length/Defl Sxx 7 146 m3 Area Cl 0 000 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 0 000 in 0 000 in 00 00 1 12 250 in2 Sxx Rea'd Allowable fb 3 17 m3 0 00 in3 0 00 m3 @ Right Support 048k 5012in2 95 00 psi Bearing Length Req'd Bearing Length Req'd 1,500 00 psi 1,500 00 psi 1 500 00 psi 0 145 in 0 145 in Title Dsgnr Description Scope Date 1 54PM, 15OCT07 Rev 560100User KW-0602938 Ver 5 6 1 25-Od 2002(c)1963-2002 ENERCAIC Enptneerinfl Software Steel Column Page 1 Description HSS 4x2x1/4 General Information Calculations are designed to AISC 9th Edition ASP and 1997 UBC Requirements | Steel Section HSS4X2X1/4 Column Height 10 330 ft End Fixity Fix-Free Live & Short Term Loads Combined Duration Factor Elastic Modulus X-X Unbraced Y-Y Unbraced 46 00 ksi 1000 29,000 00 ksi 10 330 ft 10330ft X-X Sktesway Y-Y Sidesway Kxx Kyy Sway Allowed Sway Allowed 1000 1000 Loads Axial Load Dead Load Live Load Short Term Load 1 18k 120k k Ecc for X-X Axis Moments 0 000 in Ecc for Y-Y Axis Moments 0 000 in Summary Section • HSS4X2X1/4, Height = 10 33ft, Axial Loads DL = Unbraced Lengths X-X= 1033ft Y-Y= 1033ft Combined Stress Ratios Dea<L AISC Formula H1 -1 AISC Formula H1-2 AISC Formula H1 - 3 0 0817 1 18 LL = 120 ST= 000k Live 00837 DL + LL 01654 00353 Column Design OK Ecc = OOOOin PL + ST + (LL if Chosen) 01654 00353 XX Axis Fa calc'd per Eq E2-2, K*L/r > Cc YY Axis. Fa calc'd oar Eo. E2-2. K*Ur > Cc Stresses || Allowable & Actual Stresses Fa Allowable fa Actual Fbxx Allow [F1 -6] Fbxx Allow [F1-7] & [F1-8] Dead 5 89 ksi 0 48 ksi 30 36 ksi 30 36 ksi live 5 89 ksi 0 49 ksi 30 36 ksi 30 36 ksi DL+LL 5 89 ksi 0 98 ksi 30 36 ksi 30 36 ksi PL + Short 5 89 ksi 0 98 ksi 30 36 ksi 30 36 ksi fb xx Actual 0 00 ksi 0 00 ksi 0 00 ksi 000 ksi Fbyy Allow [F1 -6] Fbyy Allow[F1-7]&[F1-8] fb yy Actual 27 60 ksi 27 60 ksi 27 60 ksi 27 60 ksi 27 60 ksi 27 60 ksi 27 60 ksi 27 60 ksi 0 00 ksi 0 00 ksi 0 00 ksi 0 00 ksi Analysis Values \ Fex DL+LL Fey DL+LL F'ex DL+LL+ST Fey DL+LL+ST 17,883 psi 5,895 psi 17883 psi 5 895 psi Max X-X Axis Deflection 0 000 in Section Properties Depth Width Web Thick Flange Thickness HSS4X2X1/4 4 00 m 2 000 in 0 250 in 0 250 in Cm x DL+LL 0 85 Cm y DL+LL 0 85 Cmx DL+LL+ST 085 Cmy DL+LL+ST 085 at 0 000 ft Max Y-Y Axis Deflection Weight 8 29 #m Area 2 44 m2 Rt 0 000 in Cbx DL+LL Cby DL+LL Cbx DL+LL+ST Cby DL+LL+ST 0000 in at l-xx l-yy S-xx S-yy r-xx r-yy 175 175 175 175 0000ft | 449ln4 1 48in4 2245m3 1 480 in3 1 357 in 0779m )(•• I • • Dunn Savole Inc Structural Engineers 9068 Cleveland St. Oceanslde, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE LEGOLAND-Lost Kingdom JOB* OF DATE DATE 0721800 10/07 RETAINING WALL DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966-6355 FAX (760) 966-6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com SHPFTNO FT /OF /£> CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE DATE. tfwl 960151-026 damp to moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium grained sand and overlie Tertiary Santiago Formation It is noted that undocumented fills may also overlie portions of the site that have been raised above the mass graded elevations for landscape contouring purposes The site is suitable for the proposed development provided any undocumented fills that may be present are removed Review of planned site grading and foundation elevations is needed The following design parameters may be used m the design of the structure foundations Allowable Soil Pressure (Spread) Allowable Soil Pressure (Mat) Modulus of Subgrade Reaction Coefficient of Faction Passive Pressure (Level Ground) Active Retaining Pressure At-Rest Retaining Pressures Lateral Surcharge Seismic Zone Factor, Z Soil Profile Type Seismic Coefficient, Ca Seismic Coefficient, Cv Near Source Factor, N» Near Source Factor, Nv Seismic Source Type 3,500 psf (one-third increase for short-term loading) 1,500 psf (one-third increase for short-term loading) 250 pci 035 300 psffft (3,000 psf max) 35 pcf (level backfill) 55pcf (level backfill) 75 psf (auto traffic surcharge) 4 (Table 16-1,2001 CBC) Sc (Table 16-J, 2001 CBC) 0 44Na (Table 16-Q, 2001 CBC) 0 64Na (Table 16-R, 2001 CBC) 10 (Table 16-S.l 997 UBC) 1 1 (Table 16-T, 1997 UBC) B (Table 16-U, 1997 UBC) Spread iootrap should exi^daminimumof 18 inches beneath the lowest adjacent J these depths, footings founded in pafjcriy eosspie&d ftti allowable bearing fffftssura of 3500 pk The aUowsWe prassmpes uw be when considennf loads crfifaoitdiasisa sucto as wa«i OT««PHI|C isra^s. i I be continuous footings ami M ioehss ffo,i aqpue car roraid fiJdtings.™^ _ * ^ *^accoidauee wife ths stn 4. SMs desigrtcd to cany structeral Soads may require increased thiefcness Mid underlayment to mittgtte inoistoe amd motsture vapor should fee designed fey fee prqfeet The reeoHimtsBd^ons coataraed in this report are prettminary geotedHrical report will be developed alter further review of plwined Mte: elevations & Una! -2- Letghton DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE.CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 DSI0SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 456PM, 16 OCT 07 Description Retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope U»c KV-0602338. Vtc 5.8.125-Oo( 2002 (cltm-are ENERCALC Enjn*«fli)g Softmft Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description RW1 9 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Criteria Soil Data Retained Height Wan height above soil Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe Soil Density Wind on Stem 950ft 100ft 000 1 6 00 in HOOOpcf OOpsf Allow Soil Bearing = 3,500 Opsf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method | | Footing Strengths & Dimensions | Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel Footing||Soil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Lateral Load Applied to Stem jj Lateral Load 350 00 3000 00ft 0300 000 in 750#/ft fc = 2,500 psl Fy Mm As % = Toe Width * Heel Width Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth = Key Distance from Toe = Cover® Top = 3 00 in Height to Top Height to Bottom 60,000 pst 00014 375ft 200 = 575 = 1200m = 0 00 in = 0 00 in = 000ft @ Btm = 3 00 in = 950ft = 000ft Design Summary Total Bearing Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable J 3,974 Ibs 1575m 1,695 psf OK 0 psf OK 3,500 psf Sott Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe 1,840 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 30 0 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 19 9 psi OK Allowable = 85 0 psi Wall Stability RatiosOverturning = 157 OK Sliding = 0 58 UNSTABLE! Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding ! Lateral Sliding Force = 2,641 9 Ibs Footing Design Results Factored Pressure Mu1 Upward Mu1 Downward Mu Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Toe.. 1.840 10,888 2.393 8.495 3005 8500 #5 @ 13 00 in None Spec'd None Spec'd Heel Opsf Oft-* 1,446ft-# 1 446 ft-# 1990psi 85 00 psi Stem Construction 1 Top stem Design height ft = Wall Material Above "Ht" = Thickness in = Rebar Size - Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section Ibs = Moment Actual ft-#- Moment Allowable ft-# = Shear .Actual pst = Shear Allowable psi = .E! Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht m = Wall Weight psf= Rebar Depth 'd' m = UsoAnw ftttifl ^ ^~^—masonry tvaia f m psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor = Equiv Solid Thick in = Stern OK600 Masonry 800 # 5 1600 Edge 0671 4769 7095 1.0580 85 194 3000 3000 840 525 1,500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1000 760 2nd Stem OK 333 Masonry 1200 # 6 1600 Edge 0961 1,1290 2,797 7 2,911 7 117 194 3600 3600 1330 900 1,500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1000 1162 3rd Stem OK 133 Masonry 1600 # 7 1600 Edge 0.956 1,7809 5,6842 5.951 9 127 194 4200 4200 1750 1300 1,500 24000 Yes No 2578 1000 1562 4th Bar Lap/Emb 000 Masonry 1600 # 7 1600 Edge 0802 2,2919 8,385 7 10,458 3 164 387 4200 1179 1750 1300 1.500 24000 Yes Yes 2578 1000 1562 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Data f c psi = Fy psi = Other Acceptable Sbet & Sparing*Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd. Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE.CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 DSI®SURFDSICOM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job* Dsgnr rms Date 4 56PM, 16 OCT 07 Description Retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope *t» HOtOOJMf-mMI02S38.V«C.CX2C-Oot 2002o)1M3400ZEICRCAl.CEnglnttiingS0fM<»Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design iMpluouturtdM Page 2 | nglnmtagtoainntrairtbgo-l I Description RW1 9 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments OVERTURNINGForce Distance Moment tern Ibs ft ft* Heel Active Pressure = 1 ,929 4 foe Active Pre»sure = Surcharge Over Toe = i\djacent Footing Load = •Vdded Lateral Load = 7125 Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad 3 50 6.752 8 5 75 4,096 9 Total = 2,6419 OTM = 10,8497 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1 57 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 3,9736 Ibs k/ertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight Key Weight Vert Component = Total = . RESISTINGForce Distance Ibs ft 6967 2063 1,3159 3546 8625 5377 3,9736 Ibs 542 000 1 88 428 480 288 575 RM- i Moment ft-* 3,773 6 3867 5,626 5 1,7005 24797 3,091 9 17,0590 Sliding Restraint 19294* 1695 2psf 8 00005m Mas w/ #5 @ 16 in o/c Solid Grout 12 0005m Mas w/ #6 @ 16 in o/c Solid Grout, DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE.CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 DSI0SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dagnr rms Date 456PM, 16OCT07 Description Retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bkJg and service road Scope U*w KV4M2KB V« S.6.12«-Oot-20(B(0)1383-2002 BgERCALCEngin««(lng8o<t»«.Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description RW2 7 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Criteria j Soil Data Retained Height Wall height above soil Slope Behind Wall Height of Soil over Toe Soil Density Wind on Stem 750ft 100ft 000 1 6 00 in 11000pcf OOpsf Allow Soil Bearing = 3,500 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method I | Footing Strengths & Dimensions | Lateral Load Applied to Stem fc ~^ : J Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel Footing||Soil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Lateral Load 350 00 = 3000 = 00ft = 0300 000 in 75 0 #/ft fc = 2.500 psi Fy Min As % Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe * Cover® Top • 3 00 in Height to Top •• Height to Bottom = 60,000 psi 00014 250ft 200 45fJ 12 00 in 000 in 000 in 000ft @ Btm = 3 00 in 750ft 000ft Design Summary Total Bearing Load resultant ecc 3,059 Ibs 1318m Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,770 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 3,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe 1,985 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 24 0 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 14 8 psi OK Allowable = 85 0 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 156 OK Sliding = 0 69 UNSTABLE! Sliding Giles Slab Resists All Sliding I Lateral Sliding Force = 1,826 9 Ibs Footing Design Results Factored Pressure Mu1 Upward Mu' Downward Mu Design Actual 1-Way Shear AUow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Toe 1,985 5790 1,152 4,638 2402 8500 # 5 @ 13 00 in None Spec'd None Spec'd J Heel Opsf Oft-# 1,082ft-# 1.082ft-# 14 79 psi 85 00 psi Stem Construction | Design height ft= Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness = Rebar Size = Rebar Spacing = Rebar Placed at = fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section Ibs = Moment Actual ft-# = Moment Allowable ft-# = Shear .Actual psi = Shear Allowable psi = El Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht m = Wall Weight psf= Rebar Depth 'd' m = masonry uaia f m psi = Fs psi - Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor = Equiv Solid Thick m = Top Stem Stem OK 533 Masonry 800 # 5 1600 Edge 0223 2452 2362 1,0580 44 194 3000 3000 840 525 1,500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1 000 760 2nd Stem OK267 Masonry 1200 # 5 1600 Edge 0«08 7705 1,5321 2,5630 78 194 3000 3000 1330 900 1,500 24000 Yes No 2578 1000 1162 3rd Stem OK 000 Masonry 1600 # 5 1600 Edge 0.984 1.5469 4,570 3 4,6428 107 194 3000 863 1750 1300 1500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1000 1562 Masonry Block Type = Normal WeightConcrete Data f c psi = Fy psi = Othw Accept Jbl» Sins & Spicings Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE,CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 DSI0SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job* Dsgnr rms Date 456PM 16OCT07 Description • Retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope fev MOWJstr KW-0802838. Vtr 6&V W-Ool-2002 oltSW-2002 ENERCALC EngkiMring SofMMt*Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design w^,***™ Description RW2 7 5ft btwn Dark Ride Page 2 | & service rd Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments OVERTURNINGForce Distance tern Ibs ft Heel Active Pressure = 1 ,264 4 Foe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = \djacent Footing Load = \dded Lateral Load = 562 5 _oad @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad - 283 475 Moment ft-# 35824 2,671 9 Total = 1,8269 OTM = 6,2543 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1 56 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 3 058 9 Ibs i/ertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure RESISTING Force Distance Ibs ft Soil Over Heel Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Welght(s) = Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total- 5500 1375 1,0873 2567 6750 3524 3,0589 Ib 417 000 125 303 356 225 450 s RM = | Moment ft-# 22917 171 9 32954 9146 1,5187 15857 97780 17702psf 12644* Sliding Restraint 8 00005m Mas w/ #5 @ 16 in o/c Solid Grout, 12 0005m Mas w/ #5 @ 16 in o/c 16 OOOSin Mas w/ #5 @ 16 in o/c #5@13 in Designer select *°@°'" all horiz remf DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE.CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 456PM, 16 OCT 07 Description Retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope Uwi-KV-MOMW VW&S.1.2B-OW 2002 (e)19*3-20ft2 ENERCAIC Engfcmring Sottwin Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 •HngtoommHcliHltgo-l Description RW3 5 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Criteria 1I Soil Data Retained Height = 550ft Wall height above soil = 1 00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 000 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6 00 in Soil Density = 11000pcf Wind on Stem = 0 0 psf Allow Soil Bearing = 3,5000 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method I I Footing Strengths A Dimensions ]| Lateral Load Applied to Stem Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel Footing||Soil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Lateral Load 350 00 = 3000 00ft = 0300 = 0 00 in 750#/ft fc = 2.500 psi Fy = Min As % Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width = ~ Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe = Cover® Top = 3 00 in Height to Top = Height to Bottom • 60,000 psi 00014 150ft 200 35(J 12 00 in 000 in 000 in 000ft @ Btm = 3 00 in 550ft000ft Design Summary Total Bearing Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable 2,199 Ibs 10 58 in 1 688 psf OK 0 psf OK 3 500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 2,030 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 170 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 13 8 psi OK Allowable = 85 0 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 161 OK Sliding = 0 87 UNSTABLE! Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding I Lateral Sliding Force = 1,151 9 Ibs Footing Design Results Factored Pressure Mu' Upward Mu' Downward Mu Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Toe 2030 2413 439 1,973 1704 8500 #5@1300in None Spec'd None Spec'd Heel Opsf Oft-# 1,176ft-# 1,176ft-# 13 80 psi 85 00 psi Stem Construction | Top stem Design height ft= 267 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Thickness = 8 00 Rebar Size = #5 Rebar Spacing = 16 00 Rebar Placed at = Edge fb/FB + fa/Fa = 0409 Total Force @ Section Ibs = 352 4 Moment Actual ft-# = 4325 Moment Allowable ft-#= 1,0580 Shear Actual psi = 63 Shear Allowable psi= 194 .El Bar Develop ABOVE Ht m= 3000 Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in= 3000 Wall Weight psf= 840 Rebar Depth 'd' m= 525 Msttminf Oats -masonry L/aia fm psi= 1,500 Fs psi= 24,000 Solid Grouting = Yes Special Inspection = No Modular Ratio 'n' = 25 78 Short Term Factor = 1 000 Equiv Solid Thick m= 760 Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Datafc pat = Fy psi = 2nd Stem OK 000 Masonry 1200 # 5 1600 Edge 0821 9419 2,1049 25630 96 194 3000 600 1330 900 1500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1000 1162 00m Aco»ptibl» Sim tt Spjclngi Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE,CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 456PM 16OCT07 Description Retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope ///o UfW KV-OM293& V« 5 6.12S-CM 2002 [o)l««MOm ENERCALC Englnttring Sol***Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 Description RW3 5 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments Item OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 739 4 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 4125 Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = 217 375 1,6020 1,5469 Total = 1,1519 OTM = 3,1489 Resisting/Overturning Ratio - 161 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2 199 2 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure RESISTINGForce Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# Soil Over Heel = 605 0 Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = 82 5 Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = 676 8 Earth @ Stem Transitions = 103 8 Footing Weight = 525 0 Key Weight Vert Component = 2061 300 000 075 192 233 175 350 1 8150 61 9 1,3000 2421 9187 7212 Total = 2,1992 Ibs R.M =5,059 0 Sliding Restraint 739 37# 16879psf tfn Solid Grout, 12 OOOSin Mas w/ #5 @ 16 in o/c Solid Grout, 6"16000 Sliding Restraint #5@13in @Toe #0@0in @Heel ^,n Mao w/ WpflJQrarara * 1 | ?• 1 j ^"^ **~2 3/4" II i / 2'-8" ^ O" 3" SoiidGr||BI^HHi T 1'-°"' •••^•••1 —*- 3" ' Designer select r-6"2--0" 3'-6" r-o11' i i r 5'-6" I i ! I 6'-6" t ' t r * DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE.CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 456PM, 16OCT07 Description Retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope 860100 UMT KV-OSOM38. V« 5.6125 Ocl-2002 (c)tttt-2aa2 ENERCALC Engtotring Softwv*Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page i Description RW4 3 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Criteria J i Soil Data Retained Height = 350ft Wall height above soil = 1 00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 000 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6 00 in Soil Density = HOOOpcf Wind on Stem = 0 0 psf Allow Soil Bearing = 3,500 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method I | Footing Strengths & Dimensions Lateral Load Applied to Stem ~~j| Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel Footmg||Soil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Lateral Load 350 00 = 3000 00ft = 0300 = 000 in 75 0 #/ft fc = 2.500 psi Fy Mm As % = Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth = Key Distance from Toe = Cover® Top = 3 00 in ( Height to Top = Height to Bottom = 60,000 psi 00014 100ft 150 250 1200m 000m 0 00 in 000ft Btm = 3 00 in 350ft 000ft Design Summary Stem Construction ~| Top stem Total Beanng Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable 1,228 Ibs 853m 1,517 psf OK 0 psf OK 3,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1,953 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 10 4 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 7 8 psi OK Allowable = 85 0 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 1 53 OK Sliding = 1 14 Ratio < 1 5! Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding I Lateral Sliding Force = 616 9 Ibs Footing Design Results Factored Pressure Mu' Upward Mu' Downward Mu Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Toe 1,953 1,010 195 815 1042 8500 #5@1300m None Spec'd None Spec'd Heel Opsf Oft-# 514ft-# 514ft-# 7 77 psi 85 00 psi Stem OKDesign height ft= 000 Wall Material Above "Ht" = Masonry Thickness = 8 00 RebarSize = #5 Rebar Spacing = 1600 Rebar Placed at = Edge Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa = Total Force @ Section Ibs = Moment Actual ft-# = Moment Allowable = Shear Actual psi = Shear Allowable psi = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht m = Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' m = Masonry Data 0671 4769 7095 1,0580 85 194 3000 600 840 525 f m psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor = Equiv Solid Thick m = Masonry Block Type: Concrete Data f c psi = Fy psi = Otlwr Acceptablt Sizes tt Spachgs Toe Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined 1,500 24,000 Yes No 2578 1 000 760 Normal Weight DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE.CA 92054 (760) 966-6355 DSI@SURFDSICOM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 456PM. 16OCT07 Description Retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope ///v ^^^racAu?B52JliS»>ft.«. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 | uA|Sluo<*h«*dMt)hM(ifqtMiHmfel<M*go-l I Description RW4 3 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & Moments I OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Item Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 354 4 1 50 531 6 Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = 262 5 2 75 721 9 Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismlcLoad = Total = 6169 OTM = 1,2534 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1 53 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1 227 6 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure RESISTING Force Distance Ibs ft Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = 3208 550 3780 3750 988 1,2276 Ibs 208 000 050 133 125 250 RM = Moment ft-# 6684 275 5040 4687 2469 1,9156 75 Sliding Restraint 15173psf 35438* 8 00005m Mas w/ #5 @ 16 in o/c Solid Grout 1B.Q005inMasw/#S Adding Restraint Solid Grout #5@13m Designer select ln allhoriz reinf Leighton and Associates, Inc A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY September 12,2007 Revised October 19, 2007 Project No 960151-026 To Legoland California, Inc 1 Legoland Dnve Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention Mr Chns Romero Subject Update Geotechnical Report, Proposed Adventurer's Attraction, Legoland California, Carlsbad, California References Leighton and Associates, Inc, 1999, Final As-Graded Report of Rough-Grading, LEGO Family Park, Carlsbad, California , 2007, Update Geotechnical Report, Proposed East Expansion Area, Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-010, dated December 10, 1999 R W Apel, Adventurer's Attraction, Sheets 3, 6, 8, dated July 6,2007 Introduction Leighton and Associates is pleased to present this Preliminary Geotechnical Recommendations letter report for the proposed foundations at the site of the Adventurer's Attraction We have reviewed previous geotechmcal and grading reports for the project area as well as other published and unpublished literature and sources Below is a summary of our findings followed by recommendations Findings and Recommendations Based on review of the as-graded report, the site of the proposed area of Adventurer's Attraction is situated within a cut area Quaternary Terrace Deposits (Qt) were mapped within the site 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123^425 858 292 8030-Fax858 292.0771 • wwwleightongeocom 960151-026 during mass grading (Leighton, 1999) The Terrace deposits consist of orange to reddish brown, damp to moist, medium dense to dense, silty fine to medium grained sand and overlie Terti.ary Santiago Formation It is noted that undocumented fills may also overlie portions of the site that have been raised above the mass graded elevations for landscape contouring purposes The site is suitable for the proposed development provided any undocumented fills that may be present are removed Review of planned site grading and foundation elevations is needed The following design parameters may be used in the design of the structure foundations Allowable Soil Pressure (Spread) Allowable Soil Pressure (Mat) Modulus of Subgrade Reaction Coefficient of Friction Passive Pressure (l-evel Ground) Active Retaining Pressure At-Rest Retaining Pressures Lateral Surcharge Seismic Zone Factor, Z Soil Profile Type Seismic Coefficient, Ca Seismic Coefficient, Cv Near Source Factor, Na Near Source Factor, Nv Seismic Source Type 3,500 psf (one-third increase for short-term loading) 1,500 psf (one-third increase for short-term loading) 250 pci 035 300psflft (3,000 psf max) 35 pcf (level backfill) 55 pcf (level backfill) 75 psf (auto traffic surcharge) 4 (Table 16-1,2001CBC) Sc (Table 16-J, 2001CBC) 0 40Na (Table 16-Q, 2001 CBC) 0 56Na (Table 16-R, 2001 CBC) 10 (Table 16-8,1997 UBC) 11 (Table 16-T, 1997 UBC) B (Table 16-U, 1997 UBC) Spread footings should extend a minimum of 18 inches beneath the lowest adjacent finish grade This may be reduced to 15 inches for site retaining walls At these depths, footings founded in properly compacted fill soils may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 3500 psf The allowable pressures may be increased by one^third when considering loads of short duration such as wind or seismic forces Reinforcement should be designed by the structural engineer The minimum recommended width of footings is 15 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for square or round footings Footings should be designed in accordance with the structural engineer's requirements and have a minimum reinforcement of four No 4 Slabs designed to carry structural loads may require increased thickness and reinforcing. Slab underlayment to mitigate moisture and moisture vapor should be designed by the project architect Design parameters for Keystone walls can be provided upon request. -2- 4 Leighton 960151-026 If you have any questions regarding this update letter, please contact this office We appreciate this opportunity to be of service Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC Distribution Sean CofiJrado, GE 2507 Director of Engineering (1) Addressee (1) R W Apel, Attention Mr Richard Apel (1) Dunn Savoie, Inc , Attention Mr Rhett Savoie -3- Leighton GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS AND GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW OF PRECISE GRADING AND FOUNDATION PLANS FOR THE PROPOSED LOST KINGDOM ATTRACTION, LEGOLAND THEME PARK, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Project No. 960151-025 October 19, 2005 iLeighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY Leighton and Associates, Inc A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY October 19,2007 Project No 960151-025 To Legoland California One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention Mr Chris Romero Subject Grading Recommendations and Geotechmcal Review of Precise Grading and Foundation Plans for Proposed Lost Kingdom Attraction, Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California Introduction In accordance with your request and authorization, this report has been prepared to provide grading recommendations and to provide foundation plan review relative to the proposed Lost Kingdom Attraction located at Legoland California in Carlsbad, California The purpose of our geotechnical evaluation is to review the existing site conditions and the project geotechnical reports (Leighton, 1999) and provide geotechnical recommendations for the proposed development of the site Proposed Development Based on our review of the precise grading (R W Apel, 2007) and foundation plans (DSI, 2007), we understand the Lost Kingdom improvements will include the construction of the Lost Kingdom Adventure Ride, Cargo Ace Ride, Pharaoh's Revenge Attraction, Beetle Bouncer Ride, several operator booths, retaining walls, landscaping, sidewalks and utilities The proposed structures have a slab-on-grade with spread footings, or be supported on mat foundations 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego. CA 92123-4425 858 292 8030-Fax858 292 0771 «wwwleightongeocom 960151-025 Findings and Conclusions In October 2007, a representative of Leighton and Associates performed a site visit to observe the existing geotechnical conditions of the site Based on our site visit and review of the project as- graded geotechracal report (Leighton, 1998), the subject site has not significantly changed since the rough grading was performed The following items were noted • The location of the proposed structures and improvements appears to consist of an undocumented of fill and topsoil (that are both associated with utilities and landscaping grading activities) which are underlain by sandy Quaternary-aged terrace deposits • The existing topography of the site is gently sloping to the west/southwest Anticipated grade differences across the proposed improvements appear to be less than 2 to 4 feet Minimal grading will be required to construct the proposed improvements • Based on our professional experience on sites m the general vicinity and our review of the project As-graded report (Leighton, 1998), the on-site soils possess a very low to low expansion potential and a negligible soluble sulfate content Laboratory testing upon completion of fine grading operations for pads and ndes is recommended to determine actual expansion potential of finish grade soil at the site • Ground water was not encountered during the grading activites nor was any observed during our current evaluation However, an existing subdram was constructed during rough grading to the west of the site seepage conditions. If seepage conditions are encountered during site grading, recommendations will be made so that ground water does not impact site development In conclusion, it is our opinion that the Lost Kingdom Attraction site located at Legoland Theme Park, California is suitable intended use provided the recommendations presented herein aie incorporated into the design and construction of the proposed improvements Recommendations The following recommendations should be followed during the design and construction of the proposed improvements We anticipate that earthwork on the site will consist of demolition and removal of the existing improvements in preparation for construction of the proposed Lost Kingdom Attraction and associated improvements We recommend that earthwork on the site be performed in accordance with the following recommendations, the City of Carlsbad grading requirements, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications of Rough-Grading included in Appendix B In case of conflict, the following recommendations shall supersede those in Appendix B Leighton 960151-025 1) Site Preparation We anticipate demolition operation will disturb the existing surficial soils We recommend that in the areas of proposed development the surficial soils be removed to a depth of 12 inches, moisture-conditioned to optimum or above moisture content and compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method Dl 557) If additional grading, such as fill placement, is planned on the site, the areas to receive structural fill or engineered structures should be cleared of subsurface obstructions, potentially compressible material (such as loose landscaping soils) and stopped of vegetation prior to grading Vegetation and debrvs should be removed and properly disposed of offsite Holes resulting form removal of buried obstructions that extend below finish site grades should be replaced with suitable compacted fill material Areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, brought to optimum or above optimum moisture condition, and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method Dl 557) 2) Excavations Excavations of the on-site materials may generally be accomplished with conventional heavy- duty earthwork equipment It is not anticipated that blasting will be required, or that significant quantities of oversized rock (i e , rock with maximum dimensions greater than 6 inches) will be generated during future grading However, if oversized rock is encountered, it should be hauled offsite, placed in non-structural or landscape areas Excavation of utility trenches should be performed in accordance with the project plans, specifications and all applicable OSHA requirements The contractor should be responsible for providing the "competent person" required by OSHA standards Contractors should be advised that sandy soils and/or adversely oriented bedrock structures can make excavations particularly unsafe if not all safety precautions are taken Spoil piles due to the excavation and construction equipment should be kept away from and on the down slope side of the trench. 3) Fill Placement and Compaction The on-site soils are generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of organic material, debns, and rock fragments larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension All fill soils should be brought to optimum or above optimum moisture conditions and compacted in uniform lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on the laboratory maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557) The optimum lift thickness required to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the type and size of compaction equipment used In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 4 to 8 inches in compacted thickness. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in general accordance with the cunent City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, sound construction practices, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications of Rough-Grading presented in Appendix B -3- Leighton 960151-025 4) Removal of Unsuitable Soils All undocumented fill soils, topsoil, and Weathered Terrace Deposits should be removed before placement of additional fill or surficial improvements Removals made in these areas should extend to competent Terrace Deposits The existing fills that are present above the mass graded elevations (Leighton, 1998) should be removed and recompacted prior to placement of additional fills Throughout the site, the uppermost 1 foot of the sunficial soils are expected to be disturbed, desiccated or loose and will require removal and recompaction. Additionally, loose undocumented fill and weathered soils should also be removed and recompacted prior to placement of additional fills or surface improvements Existing backfill m utility trenches, if present, on site, are considered undocumented and should be identified, excavated, and recompacted 5) Transition Mitigation From review of the site plan (R W Apel, 2007), shallow cuts and fills are anticipated to fine grade the building pad and ride footprint areas Where transitional conditions are present (hat result in greater than 10 feet of fill thickness differential, we recommend the pad areas be overexcavated at least 1 foot below the deepest footings All overexcavation should laterally extend at least 5 feet beyond the limits of the foundation and all associated settlement- sensitive structures 6) Cut Slopes Based on review of the current site plan ( R W Apel, 2007), proposed cut slopes are anticipated along the northwestern boundary of the site The proposed cut slope is expected to be on the order of approximately 10 feet m height The 2 1 (horizontal to vertical) cut slopes are anticipated to expose Terrace Deposits We recommend geotechmcal consuliant geologically map cut slopes during grading to substantiate geologic conditions Additional investigation and stability analysis may be required if unanticipated or adverse conditions are encountered during site grading -4- Leighton 960151-025 7) Slab Subgrade Moisture Conditioning The slab subgrade soils underlying the conventional foundation system should be presoaked in accordance with the recommendations presented in Table 1 prior to placement of the moisture bamer and slab concrete The subgrade soil moisture content should be checked by a representative of Leighton and Associates prior to slab construction Table 1 Presoakmg Recommendations Based on Finish Grade Soil Expansion Potential Expansion Potential (CBC 18-I-B) VeryLow^oLow '^Optimum Presoakmg Recommendations of at least 12 inches 8) Cement Type for Construction Concrete in direct contact with soil or water that contains a high concentration of soluble sulfates can be subject to chemical deterioration commonly known as "sulfate attack" We anticipate that the on-site soils should possess a negligible potential to attack normal concrete As a result, the onsite concrete design mix can be designed for a negligible potential of sulfate attack and follow the recommendations presented in Table 19-A-4 of the 2001 edition of the CBC Laboratory testing of the actual finish grade soils on the lot upon completion of the grading operations should be performed to confirm the sulfate attack potential 9) Concrete Flatwork In order to reduce the potential for differential movement or cracking of driveways, sidewalks, patios, other concrete flatwork, 6x6-6/6 welded-wire mesh reinforcement is suggested along with keeping pad grade soils at an elevated moisture content Additional control can be obtained by providing thickened edges and 4 or 6 inches of granular base or clean sand, respectively, below the flatwork Reinforcement should be placed midheight m concrete Even though the slabs are reinforced, some expansive soil- related movement (i e, both horizontal to vertical differential movement, etc) should be anticipated due to the nature of the expansive soils A uniform moisture content on the site should be maintained throughout the year to reduce differential heave of flatwork such as sidewalks, flatwork, etc -5-Leighton 960151-025 10) Control of Surface Water and Drainage Control Positive drainage of surface water away from structures is very important No water should be allowed to pond adjacent to buildings Positive drainage may be accomplished by providing drainage away from buildings at a gradient of at least 2 percent for a distance of at least 5 feet, and further maintained by a swale or drainage path at a gradient of at least 1 percent Have gutters, with properly connected downspouts to appropriate outlets, are recommended to reduce water infiltration into the subgrade soils 11) Construction Observation and Testing and Plan Review The geotechnical consultant should perform construction observation and testing during the grading operations, future excavations, and foundation or retaining wall construction at the sile Additionally, footing excavations should be observed and moisture determination tests of the slab subgrade soils should be performed by the geotechnical consultant prior to the pouring of concrete Grading and retaining wall plans should also be reviewed by geotechnical consultant prior to construction Precise Grading and Foundation Plan Review As part of our update evaluation we have reviewed the precise grading plans prepared by R W Apel (R W Apel, 2007) and the foundation plans prepared by DSI, dated October 11, 2007 (DSI, 2007) Based on our review of these plans and project geotechnical report (Leighton, 2007), the plans have been prepared in general accordance with the project geotechnical recommendations Limitations The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data that were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and/or tests Such information is by necessity incomplete The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented m this report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe the subsurface conditions during grading and construction of the project, m order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site Leighton 960151-025 If you have any questions regarding our report, please contact this office We appreciate this opportunity to be of service Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC Mike D Jensen, CEG 2547 Project Geologist Attachments Appendix A - References Appendix B - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications Distribution (2) Addressee (1) R W Apel, Attn Mr Richard Apel (1) DSI, Attention Mr Rhett Savoie Sean A Pnncipal Engineer -7- Leighton 960151-025 APPENDIX A REFERENCES DSI, Lost Kingdom Building/Attraction, Sheets S-100, S-101, S-200, S-203, S-204, S-301, dated October 11,2007 Leighton and Associates, Inc, 1995, Preliminary Geotechmcal Investigation, Lego Family Park and Pomte Resorts, Lots 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No 950294-001, dated October 5,1998 , 1996, Supplemental Geotechmcal Investigation, Lego Family Park, Carlsbad, Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-001, dated July 23,1996 , 1998, Final As-Graded Report of Rough-Grading, LEGO Family Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-003, dated February 10,1998 , 2007, Update Geotechmcal Report, Proposed Adventurer's Attraction, Legoland California, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-026, dated September 12,2007, revised October 19,2007 R. W Apel, Lost Kingdom Center, Sheets AD 101,103,104, dated October 11,2007 A-l Leighton and Associates, Inc GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 1 of6 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROUGH GRADING 1 0 General 1 I Intent These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading and earthwork shown on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geotechnncal report(s) These Specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s) In case of conflict, the specific recommendations in the geotechmcal report shall supersede these more general Specifications Observations of the earthwork by the project Geotechnical Consultant during the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the recommendations in the geotechnical reports) 1 2 The Geotechnical Consultant of Record Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnical Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant) Hie Geotechnical Consultants shall be responsible for reviewing the approved geotechnical report(s) and accepting the adequacy of the preliminary geotechnical findings, conclusions, and recommendations prior to the commencement of the grading Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechnical Consultant shall review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, and document the subsurface exposures to verify the geotechnical design assumptions If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted assumptions during the design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the owner, recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed conditions, and notify the review agency where required Subsurface areas to be geotechnically observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested include natural ground after it has been cleared for receiving fill but before fill is placed, bottoms of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill The Geotechnical Consultant shall observe the moisture-conditioning and processing of the subgrade and fill materials and perform relative compaction testing of fill to determine the attained level of compaction The Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner and the Contractor on a routine and frequent basis 3030 1094 Leighton and Associates, Inc GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of6 1 3 The Earthwork Contractor The Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-conditioning and processing of fill, and compacting 1111 The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, geotechnical report(s), and these Specifications prior to commencement of grading The Contractor shall be solely responsible for performing the grading in accordance with the plans and specifications The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of work and the estimated quantities of daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to commencement of grading The Contractor shall inform the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in advance of such changes so that appropriate observations and tests can be planned and accomplished The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechnical Consultant is aware of all grading operations The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with the applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these Specifications, and the recommendations in the approved geotechnical report(s) and grading plan(s) If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical Consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, improper moisture condition, inadequate compaction, insufficient buttress key size, adverse weather, etc, are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant shall reject the work and may recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified 20 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 2 1 Clearing and Grubbing Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material shall be sufficiently removed and properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, governing agencies, and the Geotechnical Consultant The Geotechnical Consultant shall evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions Earth fill material shall not contain more than 1 percent of organic materials (by volume) No fill lift shall contain more than 5 percent of organic matter Nesting of the organic materials shall not be allowed If potentially hazardous materials are encountered, the Contractor shall stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluation and handling of these materials prior to continuing to work in that area As presently defined by the State of California, most refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc ) have chemical constituents that are consideied to be hazardous waste As such, the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the ground may constitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment, and shall not be allowed 30301094 Leighton and Associates, Inc GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 of6 2 2 Processing Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches Existing ground that is not satisfactory shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section Scarification shall continue until soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction 2 3 Overexcavation In addition to removals and overexcavations recommended in the approved geotechnical reports) and the grading plan, soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading 2 4 Benching Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5 1 (horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and at least 2 feet deep, into competent material as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant Other benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than 5 1 shall also be benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgrade for the fill 2 5 Evaluation/Acceptance of Fill Areas All areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant as suitable to receive fill The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant pnor to fill placement A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for determining elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches 30 Fill Material 3 1 General Material to be used as fill shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable gradation, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material 3 2 Oversize Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 8 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of future utilities or underground construction 3030 1094 Leighton and Associates, Inc GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 of6 3 3 Import If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall meet the requirements of Section 3 1 The potential import source shall be given to the Geotechmcal Consultant at least 48 hours (2 working days) before importing begins so that its suitability can be determined and appropriate tests performed 4 0 Fill Placement and Compaction 4 1 Fill Layers Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per Section 3 0) in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness The Geotechmcal Consultant may accept thicker layers if testing indicates the grading procedures can adequately compact the thicker layers Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to attain relative uniformity of material and moisture throughout 4 2 Fill Moisture Conditioning Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly over optimum Maximum density and optimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM Test Method Dl 557-91) 4 3 Compaction of Fill After each layer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557-91) Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified level of compaction with uniformity 4 4 Compaction of Fill Slopes In addition to normal compaction procedures specified above, compaction of slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation, or by other methods producing satisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechmcal Consultant Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fill, out to the slope face, shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method Dl 557-91 4 5 Compaction Testing Field tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall be performed by the Geotechmcal Consultant Location and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered Compaction test locations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis Test locations shall be selected to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to inadequate compaction (such as close to slope faces and at the fill/bedrock benches) 4 6 Frequency of Compaction Testing Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils embankment In addition, as a guideline, at least one test shall be taken on slope faces for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of slope The Contractor shall assure that fill construction is such that the testing schedule can be accomplished by the Geotechmcal Consultant The Contractor shall stop or slow down the earthwork construction if these minimum standards are not met 3030 1094 Leighton and Associates, Inc GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of 6 4 7 Compaction Test Locations The Geotechnical Consultant shall document the approximate elevation and horizontal coordinates of each test location The Contractor shall coordinate with the project surveyor to assure that sufficient grade stakes are established so thai the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the test locations with sufficient accuracy At a minimum, two grade stakes within a horizontal distance of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart from potential test locations shall be provided 5 0 Subdrain Installation Subdram systems shall be installed in accordance with the approved geotechmcal report(s). the grading plan, and the Standard Details The Geotechnical Consultant may recommend additional subdrams and/or changes in subdram extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions encountered during grading All subdrams shall be surveyed by a land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial Sufficient time should be allowed b> the Contractor for these surveys 60 Excavation Excavations, as well as over-excavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading Remedial removal depths shown on geotechmcal plans are estimates only The actual extent of removal shall be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field evaluation of exposed conditions during grading Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, the cut portion of the slope shall be made, evaluated, and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant 3030 10W Leighton and Associates, Inc GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 of 6 70 Trench Backfills 7 1 The Contractor shall follow all OHSA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations 7 2 All bedding and backfill of utility trenches shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction Bedding material shall have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30 (SE>30) The bedding shall be placed to 1 foot over the top of the conduit and densified by jetting Backfill shall be placed and densified to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum from 1 foot above the top of the conduit to the surface 7 3 The jetting of the bedding around the conduits shall be observed by the Geotechmcal Consultant 7 4 The Geotechmcal Consultant shall test the trench backfill for relative compaction At least one test should be made for every 300 feet of trench and 2 feet of fill 7 5 Lift thickness of trench backfill shall not exceed those allowed in the Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Geotechmcal Consultant that the fill lift can be compacted to the minimum relative compaction by his alternative equipment and method 3030 1094 FILL SLOPE PROJECTED PLANE 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND r*° EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ^V^J "tl2 MIN — ' KEY DEPTH [ ^^^-."j^f^X-^^-XOO^-X-Vl B - -~.~3y IJtlJ ."-"•-•_~.TW aillfe*' 15 MIN LOWEST BENCH (KEY) «•.-. ---• a'""*i i (ENCH I-J LBENCH HEIGHT (4 TYPICAL) ^REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE BENCH HEIGHT (4' TYPICAL) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE -CUT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT TO ASSURE ADEQUATE GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS EXIST1NG- GROUND SURFACE OVERBUILD AND TRIM BACK PROJECTED PLANE 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND 2 MIN KEY DEPTH :UT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL LBENCH HEIGHT (41 TYPICAL) FOR SUBDRAIMS SEE STANDARD DETAIL C LOWEST BENCH (KEY) BENCHING SHALL BE DONE WHEN SLOPE'S ANGLE IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 5 1 MINIMUM BENCH HEIGHT SHALL BE 4 FEET AND MINIMUM FILL WIDTH SHALL BE 9 FEET KEYING AND BENCHING GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS A FINISH GRADE SLOPE FACE is WIN --jK-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-?si:-:-:-:-:-:->: • OVERSIZE ROCK IS LARGER THAN 8 INCHES IN LARGEST DIMENSION » EXCAVATE A TRENCH IN THE COMPACTED FILL DEEP ENOUGH TO BURY ALL THE ROCK * BACKFILL WITH GRANULAR SOIL JETTED OR FLOODED IN PLACE TO FILL ALL THE VOIDS * DO NOT BURY ROCK WITHIN 10 FEET OF FINISH GRADE • WINDROW OF BURIED ROCK SHALL BE PARALLEL TO THE FINISHED SLOPE GRANULAR MATERIAL TO BE' DENSIFIED IN PLACE BY FLOODING OR JETTING DETAIL "JETTED OR FLOODED • GRANULAR MATERIAL TYPICAL PROFILE ALONG WINDROW OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS B \-EX/STING GROUND SURFACE BENCHING _3 REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL UBDRAIN TRENCH SEE DETAIL BELOW CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (9Fr3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)* 6" MIN COVER MIN BEDDING T" COLLECTOR PIPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 6" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE SEE STANDARD DETAIL D FOR PIPE SPECIFICATIONS SUBDRAIN DETAIL DESIGN FINISH GRADE NONPERFORATED 6"0 MIN •PERFORATED 6" 0MIN PIPE ILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (9Fr3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN OUTLET CANYON SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS C 15 MIN OUTLET PIPES 4 0 NONPERFORATEO PIPE. [100 MAX OC HORIZONTALLY 30' MAX OC VERTICALLY BACK CUT 1 1 OR FLATTER E SUBORAIN TRENCH DETAIL LOWEST SUBDRAIN SHOULD BE SITUATED AS LOW AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW SUITABLE OUTLET -KEY DEPTH (2 MIN ) KEY WIDTH AS NOTED ON GRADING PLANS (15' MIN )12 MIN OVERLAP — FROM THE TOP HOG RING TIED EVERY 6 FEET CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (3 FT"3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC \~NO \ OU 4" 0 NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE PROVIDE POSITIVE SEAL AT THE JOINT T-CONNECTION FOR COLLECTOR PIPE TO OUTLET PIPE 6" MIN COVER 4"0 PERFORATED PIPE -FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT) 4" MIN BEDDING SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - subdroin collector pipe shall be installed with perforation down or unless otherwise designated by the geotechnical consultant Outlet pipes shall be non-perforoted pipe The subdroin pipe shall have at least 8 perforations uniformly spaced per foot Perforation shall be 1/4" to 1/2 if drill holes are used All subdram pipes shall have a gradient of at least 2% towards the outlet SUBDRAIN PIPE - Subdram pipe shall be ASTM 02751. SDR 235 or ASTM D1527. Schedule 40. or ASTM 03034 SDR 235. Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plostic (PVC) pipe All outlet pipe shall be placed in a trench no wide than twice the subdram pipe Pipe shall be in soil of SE >/=30 jetted or flooded in place except for the outside 5 feet which shall be native soil backfill BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS D -SOIL BACKFILL. COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION BASED ON ASTM D1557 RETAINING WALL— .. /ALL WATERPROOFING ER ARCHITECT'S ^-\ PECIFICATIONS \ FINISH GRADE — v :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-COMPACTED FILL"-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- \ -:-:-:-:-::*:-:-:- r7r~~Tp'c tiiVi '*. 6 MIN ' OVERLAP o" " o „ 1 MIN 0 ' ° . • ' <!o * •• ••'rAYr, W_3.°°LT^±:r=J -.-.-. 3 2 TYP ..-.-.-.- - :::::-::::::: FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE:-:-:-:x£>-~~(MiRAFi HON OR APPROVED £>£; EQUIVALENT)" :-:-:-:- 3/4" TO i-i/?" CIFAN GRA -:::::- ^, — 4" (MIN ) DIAMETER PERFOR/-•~*r PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR-:-:-:-: EQUIVALENT) WITH PERFORAI:::X> ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTEIr::::::: MINIMUM 1 PERCENT GRADIEK -.-.-.-. IU bUIIABLL UUILLI ^^ 3 MIN WALL FOOTING COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT NOTE UPON REVIEW BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT. COMPOSITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS MIRADRAIN OR J-DRAIN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO GRAVEL OR CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL INSTALLATION SHOULD BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAILS E I AS-GRADED REPORT OF FINE AND POST GRADING, LOST KINGDOM ATTRACTION LEGOLAND THEME PARK, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For Legoland California 1 Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 February 27, 2008 Project No 960151-025 A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY February 27, 2008 Project No 960151 025 1 o Legoland California, Inc 1 Legoland Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention Mr Chris Romero Subject As-Graded Report of Fine and Post Grading, Lost Kingdom Attraction, Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California Introduction In accordance with your request and authorization, we have performed geotechmcal observation and testing services during the fine and post grading operations for the proposed Lost Kingdom Attraction located in the Legoland Theme Park in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1) Fine grading operations for the site were performed by Cement Cutting Inc Construction and backfilling of the Keystone-type retaining wall in the northwest perimeter of the site was performed by Geognd Soils observation and testing services were performed by Leighton and Associates, Inc This as-graded report of fine and post grading summarizes our geotechmcal observations, field and laboratory test results and the geotechmcal conditions encountered dunng grading operations for the proposed site development In addition, this report provides conclusions and recommendations for the construction of the attraction and associated improvements As of this date, fine and post grading operations are essentially complete for the Lost Kingdom Attraction Proiect Description The subject attraction site is located in the southeast portion of the general vicinity of Legoland Theme Park immediately south of the Knight's Kingdom attraction and west of the perimeter maintenance access road We understand the proposed attraction includes the construction of the Lost Kingdom Adventure Ride, Cargo Ace Ride, Pharaoh's Revenge Attraction, Beetle Bouncer Ride, several operator booths, retaining walls, landscaping, sidewalks and utilities 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425 858 292 8030 • Fax 8')8 292 0771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Base Map: AerialsExpress, GDT-Teleatlas Street Data, Spring 2005 Approximate Site Location Lost Kingdom Attraction 1 Legoland Drive LEGOLAND California Carlsbad, California SITE LOCATION MAP Project No. 960151-025 Date February 2008 Figure 1 \\GIS\Administration\AfcGISTemplates\NEW_GDT_SiteLocationMap.mxd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 4' • "3" Leighton 960151-025 Previous Site Grading The subject site was originally graded as part of the Legoland Theme Park development undei the observation and testing of Leighton and Associates (Leighton, 1998) Grading operations in the area of the proposed Lost Kingdom Attraction included cuts to Terrace deposits that overlie Terliary Santiago Formation with minor fills associated with underground utilities and landscaping Summary of Fine and Post Grading Operations The current phase of grading operations for the Lost Kingdom Attraction began in November 2007 and is essentially complete as of the date of this report The fine grading for the current phase of site development was performed by Cement Cutting, Inc, with geotechmcal observation and testing services provided by Leighton and Associates, Inc Our field technicians and were on site on an as- needed and part-time basis during the grading operations The grading operations performed on the Lost Kingdom Attraction site included 1) removal and recompaction of approximately the upper 12-18 inches of the desiccated Terrace Deposits and existing fill soils, 2) scarification and recompaction of removal bottoms to a minimum depth of 6 inches, 3) placement of the compacted fill soils to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557), and 4) placement and compaction retaining wall backfill, subgrade, and utility trench backfills (water, sewer, electrical) soils to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method Dl 557) at near optimum moisture content Field density testing and observations were performed using the Nuclear-Gauge Method (ASTM Test Methods D2922 and D3017) The approximate test locations are shown on the As-graded Geotechmcal Map (Figure 2) The results of the field density tests are summarized in Appendi >c B The field testing performed was in general accordance with the applicable ASTM Standards, the current standard of care in the industry, and the precision of the testing method itself Laboratory testing of maximum dry density was also performed (Appendix C) As with all field and laboratory testing methods, variations in relative compaction should be expected from the results documented herein due to the differences in operator's methods and in the precision of the test methods themselves Based on our observation and testing during the fine and post grading operations, the following items were noted • Site Preparation The upper approximately 12 to 18 inches of the Terrace Deposits and existing fill soils v/ere removed The upper 6-mches of the removal/area was then scarified, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 960151-025 • Fill Placement Native onsite soil used for fill and trench backfills was generally spread in 4- to 8-inch loose lifts at or near optimum moisture content, and compaction was achieved by use of heavy construction equipment and hand operated compaction tampers Based on the results of our testing, the fill and backfill soil was compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557 » Field Density Testing Field density testing and observations were performed by a field technician using the Nuclear- Gauge Method (ASTM Test Methods D2922 and D3017) The results and approximate test locations of the field density tests are summarized in Appendix B and shown on the As-graded Geotechmcal Map, Figure 2 Density test results from the previous grading on the site were presented in the as-graded geotechmcal report for the Legoland development (Leighton, 1998) and are not included herein In addition, please note that test numbering for this latest phase of grading began at with test number 1 and did not continue the sequence from the previous site grading When field testing indicated less than 90 percent relative compaction or less lhan optimum moisture content, the pertinent fill soils were reworked until the recommended compaction and near optimum moisture content were achieved The field testing performed was in general accordance with the applicable ASTM Standards, the current standard of care in the industry, and the precision of the testing method itself Variations in relative compaction should be expected from the results documented herein • Laboratory Testing Laboratory maximum dry density tests of representative on-site soils were performed in general accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557 The test results are presented in Appendix C Summary of Conclusions The fine and post grading operations for the Lost Kingdom attraction site appear to have been performed in general accordance with the project geotechmcal reports (Appendix A), geotechmcal recommendations made during grading, and the City of Carlsbad requirements It is our opinion that the subject site is suitable for its intended use provided the recommendations included herein and in the project geotechmcal reports (Appendix A) are incorporated into the design and construction of the proposed attraction and associated improvements The following is a summary of our conclusions concerning the grading of the subject site • Geotechmcal conditions encountered during fine and post grading were generally as anticipated Based on our review of the grading operations, the geotechmcal aspects of the site were ~4~ Leighton I 960151-025 • addressed in general accordance with the project geotechnical recommendations, requirements of the City of Carlsbad and standard practices in the industry I • • _ I g I I I I I I I I I I I Site preparation and removals were geotechnically observed Fill soils were derived from on site materials Our field density testing indicates the fill soils were placed and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557) and near optimum moisture content in general accordance with the project recommendations and the requirements of the City of Carlsbad No landslides or evidence of landshdmg was observed on the site during the current or previous grading operations Ground water was not encountered during the grading operations for the Lost Kingdom attraction Unanticipated seepage conditions may occur after the completion of grading These conditions usually occur due to site irrigation and landscaping If these conditions should occur, steps to mitigate the seepage should be made by the on a case-by-case basis Recommendations Based on the results of our geotechnical observation and testing during the fine and post grading of the Lost Kingdom attraction site, the site conditions were essentially as anticipated Therefore, the recommendations concerning the construction phases of the project presented in our geotechmcal reports for the site (Leighton, 2007a) are still considered applicable, and should be adhered to during future development of the site Leighton I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 960151-025 If you have any questions regarding our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office We appreciate this opportunity to be of service Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC William D Olson, RCE 45283 Associate Engineer Mike Jensen, CEG 2457 Project Geologist Attachments Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - As-Graded Geotechmcal Map Appendix A - References Appendix B - Summary of Field Density Tests Appendix C - Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results Distribution (6) Addressee -6- ^Vr Leighton .• > • : ' « • , "". ' •<£ jjj I »? XI^ ^*/ • ^^. ' •W- >N* ' ' '>J^ l~~T ^€^' • h r ^ ' #-»x —^4.>-vn l> . ?-^N I ^ 1, f *2is .1. \- —^ (rt%\ '"l .f • I11 » °° '\ ' s' \ . ? '' i. r1 . W> . I . f = ^-xl / I beTTT^?T?:F!FT^TT!!rT7?T^"t"1! - ,:,,! ,i_ • Fl L - 1 ' I = ; v M ' I ' a o1 ^ r \ ^... . . >ir ••, • . . ' ' - ..... ^"^ ,. , * _ -: ' '/* v, X*• • • ^> * d»i \ * ' \': \ -r • , 3 I •? | Q ? 00 TJ-oTO OX I -o-o7)oX I -o OX •oTJ;oOx -o TJTO E 8 oz lg 5 o I to CDO O OS So oz z 00 £ 2 > 20 50 5 3 z z5 x F F • io> TJ-o TO O X 3 o o S 55 oz z • I O) O K> ^IX l_ om TJ-o TO O X -o- x jo O Q r- »O mO X. $ 5O > to CDO no 5 Oo Io3o §i oOoc -oo02 to TO :=m p O DSI, Lost Kingdom Building/Attraction, Sheets S-100, S-101, S-200, S-203; S-204, S-301, dated October 11,2007 • 960151-025 I APPENDIX A • REFERENCES I I International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), 1997, Uniform Building Code, Volume 1 - Administrative, Fire- and Life-Safety, and Field Inspection Provisions, Volume II - Structural Engineering Design Provisions, and Volume III - Material, Testing and I Installation Provision, ICBO Leighton and Associates, Inc , 1995, Preliminary Geotechmcal Investigation, Lego Family Park and I Pouite Resorts, Lots 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No 950294-001, dated October 5, 1995 • ^ 1998, Final As-Graded Report of Rough-Grading Lego Family Park, Carlsbad, • California, Project No 960151 -003, dated February 10, 1998 • , 2007, Grading Recommendations and Geotechnical Review of Precise Grading and ™ Foundation Plans for the Proposed Lost Kingdom Attraction, Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-025, dated October 19, 2007 ™ , 2007, Update Geotechnical Report, Proposed Adventurer's Attraction, Legoland California, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-025, dated September 12, 2007, • revised October 19, 2007 R W Apel, Lost Kingdom Center, Sheets AD 101, 103, 104, dated October 11, 2007 , In-House Unpublished and Published Data I I I I I I I A-l 960151-025 APPENDIX B EXPLANATION OF SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS Test No Prefix (none) (S) (SD) (AD) (W) (RC) (SB) (G) (E) (T) (J) (I) (RW) (CW) (LW) (SF) Test of GRADING Natural Ground Original Ground Existing Fill Compacted Fill Slope Face Finish Grade SEWER STORM DRAIN AREA DRAIN DOMESTIC WATER RECLAIMED WATER SUBDRAIN GAS ELECTRICAL TELEPHONE JOINT UTILITY IRRIGATION Bedding Material Shading Sand Main Lateral Crossing Manhole Hydrant Lateral Cateh Basin Riser Inlet RETAINING WALL CRIB WALL LOFFELL WALL STRUCT FOOTING Footing Bottom Backfill Wall Cell Test of Abbreviations NG OG EF CT SF FG B S M L X MH HL CB R 1 F B C Test No Prefix (SG) (AB) (CB) (PB) (AC) (P) (IT) Test of SUBGRADE AGGREGATE BASE CEMENT TREATED BASE PROCESSED BASE ASPHALT CONCRETE Curb Gutter Curb and Gutter Cross Gutter Street Sidewalk Driveway Driveway Approach Parking Lot Electric Box Pad PRESATURATION Moisture Content INTERIOR TRENCH Plumbing Backfill Electrical Backfill Test of Abbreviations C G CG XG ST SW D DA PL EB M P E N represents nuclear gauge tests that were performed in general accordance with most recent version of ASTM Test Methods D2922 and D3017 S represents sand cone tests that were performed in general accordance with most recent version of ASTM Test M ethod D15 >6 15 A represents first retest of Test No 15 15B represents second retest of Test No 15 "0" in Test Elevation Column represents test was taken at the ground surface (e g finish grade or subgrade) "-1" in Test Elevation Column represents test was taken one foot below the ground surface B-l m m oo oo —0s ON ON. 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Q.O 1 •1 960151-025 APPENDIX C 1 Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results • Maximum Density Tests The maxi materials were determined in accorc tests are presented in the table below Sample, . , Sample DCNumber ^ 1 Red brown, silt 1 2 Red-brown silty fine 3 Red-brown silty i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical ance with ASTM Test Method D1557 The results of these Maximum Dry Optimum Moisture scnption Density (pst) Content (%) /fine SAND 1130 140 to medium SAND 1 23 0 130 nediumSAND 1290 100 C-l STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (SWMP) FOR MINOR PROJECTS The County of San Diego Watershed Protection, Storm Water Management, and Discharge Control Ordinance (WPO) (Ordinance No 9589) requires all applications for a permit or approval associated with a Land Disturbance Activity must be accompanied by a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) (section 67 804 f) The purpose of the SWMP is to describe how the project will minimize the short and long-term impacts on receiving water quality The WPO does not set a minimum size or type of project requiring a SWMP The following types of projects/permits are generally not significant contributors to pollution loading after construction is complete Construction Right of Way Permits, Encroachment Permits, Minor Excavation Permits, Variances, Boundary Adjustments, Minor Use Permits for Cellular Facilities, and Residential Tentative Parcel Maps As such, these projects may not require post construction Best Management Practices (BMPs) that require long-term maintenance This form is to be submitted for these types of projects to fulfill the SWMP requirement of the WPO (section 67 804 f) It is a living document that can be modified at any time even ater construction is complete Changes to the SWMP are documented on the attached Addendum sheet Please be aware that completion of this form does not remove the applicant's responsibility from addressing BMPs dunng construction If it is determined dunng the review process that the project has the potential to significantly impact water quality after construction, then a more detailed SWMP will be required that addresses post- construction BMPs Please describe the proposed project Project Name Permit Number Project Details Project Location Assessors Parcel No Address Hydrologic Unit* _ Hydrologic Subarea** ^O^.^O £^C^^> j-\A- Any previous stormwater action * Hydrologic Unit and Area may be determined from the maps found at the following link. http //www proiectcleanwater org/html/ws map html ** Hydrologic Subarea may be determined from the maps found at the following links http //www stormwater water-programs comA/Vebctswpfinal/lndexfinal htm, http //endeavor des ucdavis edu/wqsid/wblist asp?region pkey=9 Unique Site Features (Check all that apply) D Project is in a river, creek, or lake D Directly discharges to a river, creek, or lake D Project is 200 feet from a river, creek, or lake if Runoff will directly discharge into a storm dram D There are no unique site features Individual designated as stormwater protection contact for the permit Name Address City, State, ZIP Phone Number ^ Cellular Phone Number f7l»o) &•}&>" Fax Number A CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 Potential Pollutant Sources During Construction (Check all that apply) ly There will be soil-disturbing activities that will result in exposed soil areas This includes minor grading and trenching There will be asphalt paving including patching There will be slurries from mortar mixing, coring, or PCC saw cutting and placement H There will be solid wastes from PCC demolition and removal, wall construction, or form work Sj There might be stockpiling (soil, compost, asphalt concrete, solid waste) for over 24 hours D There will be dewatering operations M There will be temporary on-site storage of construction materials, including mortar mix, raw landscaping and soil stabilization materials, treated lumber, rebar, and plated rretal fencing materials I There might be trash generated from the project D This project will involve activities that are not considered to generate pollutants Includes placement of temporary signs (i e elections, events) 2 List the construction BMPs that may be used (Check all that apply) The BMPs selected are those that will be implemented during construction of the project The applicant is responsible for the placement and maintenance of the BMPs selected Attach descriptions of the BMPs and their application (available at the DPW counter) as Attachment A Ss Silt Fence D Desiltmg Baan M Fiber Rolls Si Gravel Bag Berm D Street Sweeping and Vacuuming D Sandbag Bairier B^Storm Dram Inlet Protection B?^Material Delivery and Storage D Stockpile Management D Spill Prevention and Control D Solid Waste Management fr Concrete Waste Management D Stabilized Construction Entrance/Exit D Water Conservation Practices D Dewatenng Operations D Paving and Grinding Operations ^"Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance S^Any minor slopes created incidental to construction and not subject to a major or minor grading permit shall be protected by covering with plastic or tarp prior to a ram event, and shall have vegetative cover reestablished within 180 days of completion of the slope and prior to final building approval D No BMPs needed Activities are not considered to generate pollutants B POST-CONSTRUCTION PHASE ATTENTION THIS PROJECT MAY BE EXEMPT FROM POST CONSTRUCTION BMP REQUIREMENTS IF ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING THREE STATEMENTS APPLY (Check all that apply) D My project is not located within the County Urban Area as defined by the map that is in Appendix B of the County Watershed Protection, Stormwater Management and Discharge Control Ordinance (map on file with the Clerk of the Board as document number 0768626), AND my project will not route Stormwater run-off into or through an underground conveyance other than a road-crossing culvert I have attached project plans that show the location of this project, and that demonstrate that Stormwater run-off will be carried above ground only, except at road crossings IF YOU CHECKED OFF THE STATEMENT ABOVE, SKIP TO ITEM D OTHERWISE COMPLETE ALL REMAINING SECTIONS D My project is physically complete or substantially complete, and the prior work on the project has all been done pursuant to or as required by a valid County permit or approval The permit or approval I am seeking is not related to the construction of any Stormwater management device, and will not be followed by any additional construction that will increase the impervious surface of this project or change the post-construction uses of the1 project area I have attached photographs showing the current state of construction in the areas of the project to which this application for a permit or approval applies My project has no potential to add pollutants to stormwater after construction is complete, AND will not affect the flow rate or velocity of stormwater run off after construction is complete I have attached project plans that demonstrate that the project will not significantly increase impervious surfaces in the project area and will not add any impervious surfaces that are directly connected to the stormwater conveyance system These plans also show the anticipated post-construction use of the project area I understand that this application will not be exempt from the requirement to submit a post-construction stormwater management plan if County staff conclude that these post-construction uses of the project area have the potential to add pollutants to stormwater after construction is complete I acknowledge that at such time that staff makes this determination, I shall be notified and required to submit the appropriate post-construction SWMP List the post-construction BMPs that will be used (Check all that apply) Sf There will be permanent landscaping as part of this project The property owner will maintain the landscaping & Asphalt concrete will be placed over the disturbed areas designated as roadway or parking lots D PCC will be placed over the disturbed areas designated as either roadway, parking lots or building pads D Rock slope protection will be placed along channel banks D Outlet Protection/velocity dissipation devices will be placed at storm dram outfalls to reduce the velocity of the flow D This project will result in a reduction of the amount of asphalt concrete or PCC within the project D Either asphalt concrete, PCC or porous pavement will be placed over a dirt driveway C MINISTERIAL PERMITS (Per Part G 8 of Ordinance No 9426) Please complete this section C if the proposed project is a discretionary permit subject to future ministerial permits, be aware that additional requirements may have to be fulfilled in order to satisfy the requirements of the WPO Provide information for the following steps to determine the impervious area for this project A Total size of construction area (Acres or ft2 whichever is appropriate) B Total impervious area (including rooftops) before construction (Acres or ft2) C Total impervious area (including rooftops) after construction (Acres or ft2) Percent impervious before construction B/A = % Percent impervious after construction C/A = % D For proposals that increase impervious surface, a detailed drawing showing drainage from these surfaces being directed to flat vegetated areas not less that 15 feet wide in the direction of runoff flow A detailed drawing of the proposed activity showing that it will not occupy any of the areas currently used for surface drainage flow, filtering, or infiltration D New walkways, trails, and alleys and other low-traffic areas shall be constructed with permeable surfaces, such as pervious concrete, porous asphalt, unit pavers, or granular materials that allow infiltration If the proposed project is subject to future ministerial permits, please be aware that additional requirements may have to be fulfilled in order to satisfy the requirements of the WPO D ATTACHMENTS 1 Please Attach a Project Map or Plan 2 If applicable, construction BMPs from Caltrans Storm Water Quality Handbooks Construction Site Best Management Practices Manual, November 2000 Available at the DPW Counter, 5201 Ruffin Road, Suite B, San Diego, CA 92123 or on the Internet at http //www dot ca gov/hq/construc/stormwater/CSBMPM 303 Final pdf APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION OF SWMP I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and for knowing violations Date Name and Title Telephone Number STOP The following addendum sheet is only to be completed if changes to the Stormwater Management Plan for Minor Projects form Is necessary ADDENDUM SHEET Please fill in Date Project Name Permit Number Project Location Address Address City, State, ZIP A modification to the SWMP is necessary for the following reason(s) I certify under a penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations Signature Date Name and Title Telephone Number 51to 5 mo o S5 IMO ,0 02 r|2 O g- 8*y02 » I 5 m rn H (7) £— ) S QO O rii o S 3 S oMslst°s* PS .11,'S 5!l Nilails Mis ss-osg^P'jg Bi|ll? S|ls|||6iof- Sj3 lllaplg = i?i •Sl-n'Ssii^aifizrl^fsinsil^i! llS53SS2S§!S|jssseKo;5Jis*i «;?5i5g mia*ftftt*iffixm-,rm >zn,I "-t S?! • > i?r T, «gb %° • • •oo 2 >P ATT A CHE<fSl Project Address Assessors Parcel Number(s) 1 Legoland Drive (Lost Kingdom) 211-100-09 Project # (city use only) Complete Sections 1 and 2 of the following checklist to determine your project's permanent and construction storm water best management practices requirements This form must be completed and submitted with your permit application Section 1 Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements If any answers to Part A are answered "Yes," your project is subject to the "Priority Project Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements," and "Standard Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements" in Section III, "Permanent Storm Water BMP Selection Procedure" in the Storm Water Standards manual If all answers to Part A are "No," and any answers to Part B are "Yes," your project is only subject to the "Standard Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements" If every question in Part A and B is answered "No," your project is exempt from permanent storm water requirements Part A Determine Priority Project Permanent Storm Water BMP Requirements Does the project meet the definition of one or more of the priority project categories7* 1 Detached residential development of 10 or more units 2 Attached residential development of 10 or more units 3 Commercial development greater than 100,000 square feet 4 Automotive repair shop 5 Restaurant 6 Steep hillside development greater than 5,000 square feet 7 Project discharging to receiving waters within Environmentally Sensitive Areas 28 Parking lots greater than or equal to 5,000 ft or with at least 15 parking spaces, and potentially exposed to urban runoff 9 Streets, roads, highways, and freeways which would create a new paved surface that is 5,000 square feet or greater Yes No / / / / / / / / / * Refer to the definitions section in the Storm Water Standards for expanded definitions of the priority project categories Limited Exclusion Trenching and resurfacing work associated with utility projects are not considered priority projects Parking lots, buildings and other structures associated with utility projects are priority projects if one or more of the criteria in Part A is met If all answers to Part A are "No", continue to Part B Part B Determine Standard Permanent Storm Water Requirements Does the project propose 1 New impervious areas, such as rooftops, roads, parking lots, driveways, paths and sidewalks7 2 New pervious landscape areas and irrigation systems'? 3 Permanent structures within 100 feet of any natural water body? 4 Trash storage areas'? 5 Liquid or solid material loading and unloading areas7 6 Vehicle or equipment fueling, washing, or maintenance areas7 7 Require a General NP DES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (Except construction)7* 8 Commercial or industrial waste handling or storage, excluding typical office or household waste7 9 Any grading or ground disturbance during con struction7 1 0 Any new storm drains, or alteration to existing storm drams7 Yes 0 / n0/ No / / / / / / *To find out if your project is required to obtain an individual General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities, visit the State Water Resources Control Board web site at, www swrcb ca gov/stormwtr/mdustrial html Section 2 Construction Storm Water BMP Requirements If the answer to question 1 of Part C is answered "Yes," your project is subject to Section IV, "Construction Storm Water BMP Performance Standards," and must prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) If the answer to question 1 is "No," but the answer to any of the remaining questions is "Yes," your project is subject to Section IV, "Construction Storm Water BMP Performance Standards," and must prepare a Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP) If every question in Part C is answered "No," your project is exempt from any construction storm water BMP requirements If any of the answers to the questions in Part C are "Yes," complete the construction site pnontization in Part D below Part C Determine Construction Phase Storm Water Requirements Would the project meet any of these criteria during construction7 1 Is the project subject to California's statewide General NPDES Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated With Construction Activities7 2 Does the project propose grading or soil disturbance7 3 Would storm water or urban runoff have the potential to contact any portion of the construction area, including washing and staging areas7 4 Would the project use any construction materials that could negatively affect water quality if discharged from the site (such as, paints, solvents, concrete, and stucco)7 Yes / / / No / Part D Determine Construction Site Priority In accordance with the Municipal Permit, each construction site with construction storm water BMP requirements must be designated with a priority high, medium or low This pnontization must be completed with this form, noted on the plans, and included in the SWPPP or WPCP Indicate the project's priority in one of the check boxes using the criteria below, and existing and surrounding conditions of the project, the type of activities necessary to complete the construction and any other extenuating circumstances that may pose a threat to water quality The City reserves the right to adjust the priority of the projects both before and during construction [Note The construction priority does NOT change construction BMP requirements that apply to projects, all construction BMP requirements must be identified on a case-by-case basis The construction priority does affect the frequency of inspections that will be conducted by City staff See Section IV 1 for more details on construction BMP requirements ] A) High Priority 1) Projects where the site is 50 acres or more and grading will occur during the rainy season 2) Projects 1 acre or more 3) Projects 1 acre or more within or directly adjacent to or discharging directly to a coastal lagoon or other receiving water within an environmentally sensitive area 4) Projects, active or inactive, adjacent or tributary to sensitive water bodies | IB) Medium Priority 5) Capital Improvement Projects where grading occurs, however a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is not required under the State General Construction Permit (i e , water and sewer replacement projects, intersection and street re-alignments, widening, comfort stations, etc ) 6) Permit projects in the public right-of-way where grading occurs, such as installation of sidewalk, substantial retaining walls, curb and gutter for an entire street frontage, etc , however SWPPPs are not required 7) Permit projects on private property where grading permits are required, however, Notice Of Intents (NOIs) and SWPPPs are not required \S\ C) Low Priority 8) Capital Projects where minimal to no grading occurs, such as signal light and loop installations, street light installations, etc 9) Permit projects in the public right-of-way where minimal to no grading occurs, such as pedestrian ramps, driveway additions, small retaining walls, etc 10) Permit projects on private property where grading permits are not required, such as small retaining walls, single-family homes, small tenant improvements, etc Owner/Agent/Engineer Name (Please Print) Joseph P/Xfrtqan, P E Title Engineer f^ fc ^ ^ ^SK 5 H §9 ^ v - -I ^^ 3\d^<v 0^'XT1sV®r ^&o K GO N>ai O City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 01-03-2008 Plan Check Revision Permit No PCR07206 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD Permit Type PCR Status ISSUED Parcel No 2111000900 Lot# 0 Applied 12/07/2007 Valuation $0 00 Construction Type NEW Entered By KG Reference # Plan Approved 01/03/2008 Issued 01/03/2008 Project Title LOSTKINDOM CLUSTER-REVISE Inspect Area RETAINING WALL/ NEW PLUMBING PLAN Applicant Owner APEL RICHARD LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA INC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISI H 571-B HYGEIA AVE ONE LEGOLAND DR ENCINITAS CA 92024 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 760-943-0760 Plan Check Revision Fee $420 00 Additional Fees $0 00 Total Fees $420 00 Total Payments To Date $420 00 Balance Due $0 00 FINAL APPROVAL Inspector _/5=-r" Date //£?/»? Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition of fees dedications reservations or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a) and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack review set aside void or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired City of Carlsbad Building Department Plan Check Revision No Project Address 4- Contact Address Original Plan Check No OnvZgLrlAlO Date. Ph General Scope ofW«i* . /S Original plans prepared by an architect or engineer, revisions must be signed & stamped by that person 1 Elements revised Plans Calculations Soils Other 2 Describe revisions in detail S^J2. ^jfcfe^X-*J? 3 List page(s) where each revision is shown 4 List revised sheets that replace existing sheets 5 \ YDoes this revision in any way, alter the exterior of the project? >|N[ Yes G ^^yDoes this revision add ANY new floor area(s)? \_\ Yes j£± No 7 \x- Does this revision affect any fire related issues? Q> Yes No 8 Is this a complete No ^Signature 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 Phone 760-602-2717/ 2718/ 2719/ 2721 Fax 760-602-8558 EsGil Corporation In fartneTsfiip with Qove.rnme.nt for Quitting Safety DATE December 17, 2007 JURISDICTION Carlsbad — ETPEANREVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO 07-2419 REV SET I PROJECT ADDRESS One Legoland Dr PROJECT NAME LegoLand Lost Kingdom Cluster The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff I | The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck _J The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS By Kurt Culver Enclosures Previously-approved Esgil Corporation plans D GA D MB IE1 EJ D PC 12/11/07 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 * San Diego California 92123 *• (858)560 146S + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad O7-2419 REV December 17, 2007 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION Carlsbad PREPARED BY Kurt Culver PLAN CHECK NO 07-2419 REV DATE December 17, 2007 BUILDING ADDRESS One Legoland Dr BUILDING OCCUPANCY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION BUILDING PORTION Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA (Sq Ft) cb Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg Mod VALUE ($) Bldg Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance $420 001 Type of Review [~1 Repetitive FeeRepeats D Complete Review D Other m Hourly 35 Structural Only Hours Esgil Plan Review Fee $336 001 Based on hourly rate Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER ADDRESS I o~r~ 2£>(,DATE RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR PLAZA CAMINO REAL (<$10V000.00) CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES POOL / SPA RETAINING WALL VILLAGE FAIRB COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER PLANNER ENGONEER DATE / 2fo/Q7 DATE Carlsbad Fire Department BU3LDING DEFL COPY Plan Review Requirements Category PCR , Date of Report 12-11-2007 Name Address Reviewed by Permit # PCR07206 Job Name LOSTK1NDOM CLUSTER- REVISE Job Address 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD HfcOMT'l I If "TtiTi'li'iiM illl'Bi submitted for review is incomplete At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes and/or standards Please review carefully all comments attached Please resubmit the necessary plans and/or specifications, with changes "clouded", to this office for review and approval Conditions Cond CON0002486 .[MET] THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW Entry 12/11/2007 By GR Action AP r-w-ApelDecember 7, 2007 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 landscape Subject Revisions to Permit Drawings for architects LEGOLAND Lost Kingdom Permit # CB072419 ' n c To Plan Checker(s) Attached are revisions to the permit set of drawings for the above referenced project for your review and approval The revisions are as follows Sht 001-Cover Sheet Revisions are clouded delta #3 1 The sheet index has been revised to list three new sheets added to the package (PO 1, P2 1, P4 1) Sht AD-103 & AD-104 - Precise Grading. Drainage and Wet Utilities Revisions are clouded delta #5 1 Extension of an existing sewer lateral line to the Lost Kingdom Adventure Ride building is added The sewer line will receive condensate from the air conditioning units at building This is an extension of an existing sewer lateral line that is part of the private inner park sanitary sewer system It was installed during original park construction and capped for future expansion of rides and facilities m this area This sewer lateral will not receive any flow other than the minimal A C unit condensate 2 The location of the point of connection (POC) for the proposed fire water line is moved It was determined that an another POC originally installed to serve this expansion area should be used in lieu of the one shown in the permit drawings Please note that this fire line revision is also shown on the separate Fire Protection drawings submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval Pipe specifications, details and other requirements are specified on those drawings 3 Elevations for the retaining wall located between the Lost Kingdom Adventuie Ride and the existing service road are revised to more closely follow existing grade along the top of the wall (based on updated survey information) This, wall is being changed from a CMU wall to a shotcrete wall (see revisions to shts S-101, S-301 listed below) Sht S-100 - Structural General Notes Revisions are clouded delta #3 & 4 1 Shotcrete added to concrete notes for strength 2 Added soils review letter to foundation notes 3 Special inspection note 1 revised for shotcrete retaining wall 4 Note 3 for CMU deleted 571-B Hygeia Avenue, Leucadia CA 92024 ~ tel/fax (760) 943-0760 ~ rwapel@att net ~ CA l.cense 2825 Sht S-101 - Structural Site Reference Plan Revisions are clouded delta #3 1 Elevations of top of wall and finish surface revised at retaining wall located between Lost Kingdom Adventure Ride and existing service road (to be consistent with Precise Grading Plan, shts AD-103 and AD-104) 2 Detail callouts revised and shoring called out Sht S-200 - Steel Blda Foundation & Framing Plans and Details Revisions are clouded delta #4 1 The layout of some interior walls of the bldg is changed 2 Adjusted location of HHS4 columns where needed due to relocated interior walls 3 Added header callouts 4 Revised top plate bracing due to interior wall changes Sht S-301 - Foundation Details Revisions are clouded delta #3 &4 1 Detail 3 Specified MDF wall sheathing thickness and add header 2 Detail 5 Added 5B condition for 6x beam connection 3 Detail 12 Added MDF wall sheathing to inside perimeter walls of steel bldg with sill plate at base and fasteners The MDF is not for structural purposes, but to provide a finish wall surface only 4 Detail 17 Revised the CMU type retaining wall to a shotcrete wall with soldier piles and lagging This change is made due to the need to use soldier piles and lagging to shore up the vertical cut behind the wall The original CMU design would have required grading into the existing service road This was found to be undesirable due to existing underground utilities in the road that would have been exposed and require relocation The shotcrete with shoring type of wall allows for a much reduced back cut without the need to grade into the existing road and utilities 5 Detail 21 Revised RW3 & RW4 from CMU to shotcrete retaining wall 6 Detail 22 Revised RW1 & RW2 from CMU to shotcrete retaining wall 7 Detail 25 Deleted CMU wall drainage detail Shotcrete wall will use "Mira Dram" and weep holes, as shown in details 21 & 22 Shts PO 1. P2 1 & P4 1 - Plumbing Plans. Specifications and Details 1 These are new sheets in the package A connection is made to the park's existing on-site sanitary sewer system to take condensate from the air conditioning units located at the Lost Kingdom Adventure Ride building These sheets detail the sewer connection to the air conditioning units Note that the sewer lateral line extension is shown on shts AD-103 and AD-104 Best Regards, Richard W Apel, ASLA Principal DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS SOB S CLEVELAND &T DCEANSIDE CA SSOE54 PH C7BO] 9BB-B3E55 FX L C7BD3 SBB-B3E3O E-mail dsi@surfdsi com Plan Change Resubmittal Supplemental Structural Calculations for Delta 3-revise CMU retaining walls to shotcrete Delta 4-revise Dark Ride interior wall layout LEGOLAND LOST KINGDOM 1 Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 DSI Project No 07218 Landscape Architect: R.W. Apel December 6,2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM 11-122 Shotcrete Retaining Walls btwn Service Rd and Dark Ride Replaces previous H calcs for CMU retaining walls Design of Soldier Pile Walls NOTE TO PLAN CHECKER (all plan revisions are clouded and delta'd) The calcs and plans have been updated to change the CMU retaining walls to shotcrete due to the need to use Soldier Pile and lagging as a shoring wall to support the cut 5100 Shotcrete added to concrete notes for strength, add Soils letter to Fdtn notes, Spec Insp note 1 revised for shotcrete walls, note 3 for CMU omitted 5101 At retaining wall adjacent to the Dark ride metal bldg, top of walls and finish surfaces revised, detail callouts revised and shoring called out adjacent to Keystone wall next to service road S200 Relocate interior walls, adjust HHS4 column location at B-l & A-2 5, add r header callouts & revise top plate bracing at B-2, add at A 5-2 5 S301 Det 3 specify MDF thickness and add header Det 5 add 5B condition for 6x beam connection Det 12 add MDF to inside face of ext wall with sill pla Det 17 revised to soldier pile shoring walls Det 21 revised to RW3 & RW4 shotcrete retaining Det 22 revised to RW1 &,RW2 shotcrete retaining PAGE H1-H16 1 1 [) J c tm m \ J11 .'. I™"™-'1 Dunn Savoie Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland St Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel (760)966-6355 Fax (760)966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE LEGOLAND-Lost Kingdom JOB# 01 DATE DATE 0721800 12/07 SHOTCRETE RETAINING WALLS BETWEEN SERVICE ROAD AND DARK RIDE DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 9085 CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE,CA 92054 (760) 966 6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 7 38AM 6 DEC 07 Description shotcrete retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope A// Rev 560100 User KW 0602338 Ver 5 61 25 Oct 2002 (c))S83 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 u M/shaoSsharedl engine* nngVcommerciaKlepo I Description RW1 9 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd | Criteria Retained Height = 9 50 ft Wall height above soil = 1 00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0 00 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6 00 in Soil Density = 11000pcf Wind on Stem = 0 0 psf Lateral Load Applied to Stem [Design Summary 1 Soil Data | ( Footing Strengths & Allow Soil Bearing = 3 500 0 psf f c = 2 500 psi Fy Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Mm As % Heel Active Pressure = 350 Toe Width Toe Active Pressure = 00 Hee| width Passive Pressure = 3000 Total Footing WidthWater height over heel = 0 0 ft _ „,_ .Footing Thickness FootmgllSoil Friction = 0 300„ .. ' Key WidthSoil height to ignore K ' D thfor passive pressure = 000 in * ey ueptnKey Distance from Toe = Cover © Top = 3 00 in a Lateral Load = 750#/ft Height to Top 1 Height to Bottom = q | Stem Construction | Top stem 2nd 3rd Dimensions }i| - 60 000 psi 00014 600ft 1 00 ~ "TDCT 1200m 0 00 in 000 in 000ft © Btm = 3 00 in 950ft 000ft y aaaJAiMaiaiaaiagsaemg^^ uejaa^uAi- ^^fnnun^msf^smi, **aa» stem UK Stem UK bar Lap/hmb Total Bearing Load = 3 254 Ibs Design height ft = 4 00 2 00 0 00 resultant ecc = 1908m Wall Material Above Ht = Concrete Concrete Concrete SOU Pressure® Toe = 1 136 psf OK JJ2~ I # 6 °° # 9 °° 1 # 2 °° Soil Pressure @ Hee, = ( > psf OK SS^J^ng = ?2 00 ?2 00 1200 A"°SWoif)pressureLesST=hanA,,o3w5a0b°ePSf ^K** = <*«" *» *» ACI Factored® Toe = 11 52 psf ft/FB + fa/Fa = 0952 0809 0783 ACI Factored ©Heel = 0 psf Total Force @ Section lbs= 16012 26297 38962 Footing Shear @ Toe = 173 psi OK Moment Actua| ft^= 3 5?8 3 ? 76g 5 14 255 7 Footing Shear ©Heel = 0 0 psi OK Momen, A||owab|e ft.# = 3 75g 8 96013 182008 wn'^h^B* = 85°PSI Shear Actual Ps' = 445 305 337 ^vertumin?^'08 = -, 57 OK Shear Allowable ps,= 931 931 931 Sliding = 050 UNSTABLE! Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = 2136 1318 2563 Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding I Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht in = 21 36 21 36 9 76 Lateral Sliding Force = 2 641 9 Ibs Wall Weight psf= 725 1088 1450 Rebar Depth d m= 300 719 963 Footing Design Results j| Toe Hee Factored Pressure = 1 1 52 Mu Upward = 13829 Mu Downward = 5 166 Mu Design = 8 663 Actual 1 -Way Shear = 1730 00 Allow 1 Way Shear = 85 00 00 Toe Reinforcing = # 5 © 1 3 00 in Heel Reinforcing = None Spec'd Key Reinforcing = None Speed IVIdbUlliy Udld fm psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n1 ~ Short Term Factor = ) psf Equiv Solid Thick 0 ft-# Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight O ft it Pnnrrptp Data Oft-# fc psi= 30000 30000 30000 ) ps| Fy psi = 60 000 0 60 000 0 60 000 0 0 PSI other Acceptable Sizes 4 Spacmgs Toe Not req d Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req d Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE,CA 92054 (760) 966 6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # j Dsgnr rms Date 738AM 6 DEC 07 Description shotcrete retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope Rev 560100 User KV OS02938 Ver 5 61 25 Del 2002(c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 uMjshao\shatecKengtmenng\commercial\lego I Description RW1 9 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Summary of Overturmng&Resistmg Forces & Moments OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment tem Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 1 929 4 3 50 6 752 8 foe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = <\dded Lateral Load = 7125 575 40969 Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = Total = 26419 OTM = 108497 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1 57 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 3 254 0 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure RESISTING Force Distance Ibs ft Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = 3300 9788 3575 1 0500 5377 32540 Ibs 7 00 000 300 635 677 350 700 RM = Moment ft-# 9900 62169 24200 36750 37641 170659 H: OUFJW SAVUiE ii'JC ;x. ")'.f\. uMG.Nt SOUTHi i t'vr-i AND 75 ps Sliding Restraint 19294# 11356psf 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 •-— JP #5@13m • @Toe Designer select #0(3)0 IR.I1 hnn-7 roinf • @ Heel 1 1 1 1 6 00005m Cone w/ #5 @ 12 in o/c 9 00005m Cone w/ #5 @ 12 in o/c 12 0005m Cone w/ #6 @ 12 in o/c S&J^S&SS&XXX^^^VyVVYyVVVyvVVSfSfSfyVS^So<S<ScS(SfSfSfS<S<SfYSfSfSfSfSrS.•988888^ --~ _ ^1,, -_ * -i . *^*. '..^ ^ J ^ ,~^ I,,, - - '••;•'--.- ...'•-' .. ,- .- 6-0 ^ tell 7'0" ^ ^'^ ^:^ .,*w. Ikj' «! ... d •«J I?1 1 r •• • & I n * if ^iT K if if f;i '•" w? §is :• **•'"• ^, wJ •« :• 1 "•Sik i r, •• 0 >6>Ky> 1 $ oiriuGTjn.v ^ 6-6 1 i 2-0 i ^43/4" i --21/23 V 1 _J 3 1 f fiw CNHNETT 1 ,o' ] 1 9 6 r i • i i Mty" 4. L ^ r L 10-6 r 1 DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE,CA 92054 (760) 966 6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 738AM 6 DEC 07 Description Shotcrete retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope fi: Rev 560100 User KV OS02938 Ver 5 61 25 Dot 2002 (0)1383 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 u \ijshao\sharedlengin6enng\comniercialUego I Description RW2 7 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Criteria Soil Data Footing Strengths & Dimensions J| Retained Height Wall height above soil = Slope Behind Wall = * Height of Soil over Toe = Soil Density = Wind on Stem = | Lateral Load Applied Design Summary Total Bearing Load = resultant ecc = Soil Pressure @ Toe = Soil Pressure @ Heel = '»•<;«• »>-.->-f';^ffa-l7»-y™ -*.™* 750ft 1 00ft 000 1 600m nooopcf 00 psf to Stem 1 2 330 Ibs 1682 in Allow Soil Bearing = 3 5000 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure = 35 0 Toe Active Pressure = 00 Passive Pressure = Water height over heel = Footmg||Soil Friction = Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 3 Lateral Load = j Stem Construction Design height Wall Material Above Ht Thirknp<?"5 3000 00 0300 ft 000 in 75 0 #/ft b Top Stem n==_ 1 054 psf OK Rebar S^'e 0 psf OK Rebar spacing Allowable = 3 500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = ACI Factored @ Heel Footing Shear @ Toe = Footing Shear @ Heel = Allowable = ft/all Stability Ratios Overturning = Sliding = 1 157 psf 0 psf Rebar Placed at fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section130 psi OK Momen( Actua| 0 0 psi OK Moment Allowable 85 0 psi 1 55 OK Shear Actual Shear Allowable 0 57 UNSTABLE! Bar Develop ABOVE Ht lidmg Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding ' Lateral Sliding Force =1 826 9 Ibs = _ lbs = ft-# = fM» = psi = psi = m = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht m = Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd fm Fs Solid Grouting psf = m = psi = psi = = Stem OK 200 Concrete 600 # 5 1200 Edge 0661 1 601 2 35783 54163 31 9 931 21 36 21 36 725 419 f c = 2 500 psi F y Mm As % Toe Width Heel Width = Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth Key Distance from Toe Cover @ Top = 3 00 in Height to Top Height to Bottom 2nd Stem OK 000 Concrete 9 00 # 5 1200 Edge 0809 26297 77695 9601 3 305 931 21 36 842 1088 719 = 60 000 psi 00014 500ft 0 75 1200m 000 in 0 00 in 000ft @ Btm = 3 00 in 750ft 000ft Footing Design Results || Toe Heel Factored Pressure Mu Upward Mu Downward Mu Design Actual 1 Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing 1 157 9640 3588 6052 1297 8500 #5 @ 13 00 in None Speed None Speed Opsf Oft-# Oft-# Oft-# 0 00 psi 0 00 psi Special Inspection = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor = Equiv Solid Thick = Masonry Block Type = Normal Weight Concrete Datafc Fy psi = 3 000 0 psi = 60 000 0 30000 60 000 0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacing: Toe Not req d Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req d Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE.CA 92054 (760) 966 6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # LI / Dsgnr rms Date 736AM 6 DEC 07 nt> Description Shotcrete retaining walls btwn Dart Ride metal bldg and service road Scope Rev 560100 User KW 0602838 Ver 5 6 1 25 dot 2002(c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 u lyshacrtsharedlengineenngtoommgrciaKlego) Description RW2 7 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd rSummary of Overturning Forces & Moments Item OVERTURNINGForce Distance Ibs ft Heel Active Pressure = Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = 1 2644 5625 283 475 Moment ft-# 35824 2671 9 62543 1 55 2 329 9 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Total = 1 826 9 O T M = Resisting/Overturning Ratio = Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = Force Ibs RESISTINGDistance It Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe Surcharge Over Toe Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight Key Weight Vert Component Total = Moment ft-# 575 2750 6888 151 3 8625 3524 23299 Ibs I 000 ,>50 529 563 2 88 575 RM! = 6875 3643 1 8508 24797 20262 96873 75psfi Sliding Restraint 12644# 1054 1psf fCJC 00& SOiJTti Ci. t Vi-l AND S i f~V t-AW-Sii ''t i ''A •">?."iu'i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sliding Restraint Kili #5@13m | @Toe • Designer select #0@° '911 honz remf _ @ Heel 1 1 1 1 1 6 00005m Cone w/ #5 @ 1 2 in o/c 9 00005m Cone w/ #5 @ 12 in o/c §v$$v$wy$$v99«y999$§$y$2y$$$$V98y85oooOoooo^v^oOoOoooooooooooooooooooooc 5 V°" ,^l * c fci ;=•» 1 ftS': '1 •:,: '-I f • 4;^* <<•vA-v,' • :-i !' ^ ''*' •'•'•'y- KV ' ^' ''?*' ^^^ 5^-^ " jJ.1- -^"^ ^ws''%^-^f^^ ^"f- ^ Hi ^ ? ;? I 5 ^; i M3& 9 ••j^ ^ * ;fel-«. • it "^"'%' %:•*•"."?• -'-i**,^ *• '^i '" ...X'%. •IP^:'fs-;« «'."-••! ~ 5-0'*n 8 - - t -j xxxxx**-' I ,xS^xS^^ J&£^CjP^ "^ 13/4' 6-6' * ]; f ^ g•^-«»i 5-9 x^ Iv^ »- i ^ 2'-0' ^ 1 3/43' i 1— ^ --* 3, ^ 7-6 1 F i " I ' k | 8'-6 1 r ^i ' f m^^^voicwvc ^K^^I^^S DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE CA 92054 (760) 966 6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 7 38AM 6 DEC 07 Description Shotcrete retaining walls btwn Dart Ride metal bldg and service road Scope Reu 560IOO Us»r KW 0602938 Vet 5 61 25 Ocl 2002 (0)1383 iOOZ ENERCALC Enguweimg Soltwaie Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 1 Description RW3 5 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd Criteria Soil Data Retained Height ~ 550ft Wall height above soil = 1 00 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0 00 1 Height of Soil over Toe = 6 00 in Soil Density = 11000pcf Wind on Stem = 0 0 psf Allow Soil Bearing = 3 500 0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Footing Strengths & Dimensions psi i Lateral Load Applied to Stem Heel Active Pressure Toe Active Pressure Passive Pressure Water height over heel Footing||Soil Friction Soil height to ignore for passive pressure Lateral Load 350 00 = 3000 00ft = 0300 = 0 00 in 75 0 #/ft I Design Summary Total Bearing Load resultant ecc Soil Pressure @ Toe Soil Pressure @ Heel Allowable 1 572 Ibs 1372 in 947 psf OK 0 psf OK 3 500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACI Factored @ Toe = 1 152 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 0 psf , Footing Shear @ Toe = 9 5 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0 0 psi OK Allowable = 85 0 psi Wall Stability Ratios Overturning = 1 55 OK Sliding = 0 70 UNSTABLE' Sliding Calcs Slab Resists All Sliding i Lateral Sliding Force = 1151 9 Ibs Footing| Designi Results Toe Heel Factored Pressure Mu Upward Mu Downward Mu Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing 1 152 0 0 3578 949 8500 #5 @ 13 00 in None Speed None Spec'd Opsf Oft-# OfWf Oft-# 0 00 psi 0 00 psi ft = fstem Construction |j Top stem " Stem OK250 Concrete 600 # 5 1200 Center Design height Wall Material Above Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Ht' f c = 2 500 Mm As % Toe Width Heel Width Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Width Key Depth = Key Distance from Toe = Cover @ Top = 3 00 in Height to Top = Height to Bottom = 2nd Stem OK 000 Concrete 600 # 5 1200 Edge i-y =60 000 psi 00014 400ft 050 4~50~ 1200m 000 in 000 in 000ft ! Btm = 3 00 in 550ft 000ft U/C3IIJII LSdLCI ' fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Ibs = Moment Actual ft-# = Moment Allowable ft-# = Shear Actual psi = Shear Allowable psi = Bar Develop ABOVE Ht in = Bar Lap/Hook BELOW Ht m = Wall Weight psf = Rebar Depth d' in = f m psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = 0224 6503 841 5 37598 181 931 21 36 21 36 725 300 0661 1 601 2 35783 54163 31 9 931 21 36 675 725 419 Special Inspection = Modular Ratio n = Short Term Factor = Equiv Solid Thick = Masonry Block Type = Normal WeightConcrete Data f c psi = 3 000 0 Fy psi = 60 000 0 Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacing: Toe Not req d Mu < S * Fr Heel Not req d Mu < S * Fr Key No key defined 30000 60 000 0 DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE CA 92054 (760) 966 6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # Dsgnr rms Date 7 38AM 6 DEC 07 Description Shotcrete retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope " Reu" 560100 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 6 1 25 Dot 2002 (0)1183 2002 ENERCALC Engineering Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 u tyshaoksharetUengim ermg\corrrmercial\lego I Description RW3 5 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd r e. ^ Item OVERTURNINGForce Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = 7394 4125 217 375 1 6020 1 5469 Total = 1,1519 OTM = 31489 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1 55 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1 572 3 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = RESISTINGForce Distance _ Ibs ft <-50 2200 471 3 6750 2061 Moment ft# 000 200 425 225 450 Total =1 572 3 Ibs R M = 4400 20028 1 5187 9273 ~488~8~1F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 00005m Cone w/ #5 @ 12 in o/c Sliding Restraint 6 00005m Cone w/ #5 @ 12 in o/c #5@13m @Toe Designer select #0@0m allhonz remf @Heel Rf DUNN 5AVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Dsgnr rms Job # /.I i" Date 7 38AM 6 DEC 07 ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sliding Restraint 437 5# 983 92psf mm « 000 oO'J ! H <.. i r V'[ i AMD < Ofi A.I , if > ' /' 02V' DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S CLEVELAND ST OCEANSIDE,CA 92054 (760) 966 6355 DSI@SURFDSI COM Title Legoland Lost Kingdom Job # i Dsgnr rms Date 7 38AM 6 DEC 07 ' Description shotcrete retaining walls btwn Dark Ride metal bldg and service road Scope 'Rev 560100 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 6 1 25 Dot 2002 (c)1983 2002 ENERCALC Engineenng Software Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design Page 2 u *yshao\share(Kengine ringscommerciaMego I Description RW4 3 5ft btwn Dark Ride & service rd [ Summary of Item Heel Active Pressure = Toe Active Pressure = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = SeismicLoad = OVERTURNINGForce Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# 4375 3000 1 67 300 7292 9000 Total = 737 5 O T M = 1 629 2 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1 52 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 11232 Ibs Vertical component of active pressure used for soil pressure Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) Earth @ Stem Transitions= Footing Weight = Key Weight Vert Component = Total = RESISTINGForce Distance Moment Jbs ft ft-#_ 325 151 3 3625 4875 121 9 1 1232 000 1 38 300 1 53 3 25 Ibs RM = 2080 1 0875 7922 3963 24839 1 1 1 1 1 i 6 00005m Cone w/ #4 @ 12 in o/c 1 1 1 M-natPSliding Restraint pp"^ | #5@13m _ @Toe B Designer select #0@0 in a|| horlz reinf • @ Heel 1 1 XoofSfOOVSfVificVSeSfjfVV,/SoQoo/VxxxxXxSoooO & ^ ...i, ;« '•tJiir "••'• ^. v^- •: i f"t; '•&''' •<'.*"? 1 ' '' '•: Solid Grout^^^r?:^ ^c "•"•% 2 91 6 3 3 1-0 i **~ 1 3/4" 5 -0 4 0 > i- i. i" 1-0 JL 3 ?"'V OliMfj if- ?OS£. I Ml )f^OUTHOufVHrt. inc. 5 0 I I I I A EP n 1 Ms ^ i <& if **«. ras in 1 1^ n i B* jpm la Structural Engineers 90S S Cleveland St Oceanslde CA 92054 Tel (760) 966-6355 Fax (760) 966-6360 JOB SHEET NO CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE T C/~1/~\l A "\TP\ I rtr-,4- V«.-.,-^-1~.-.-.LbUULAINlJ-Lost rvingclom JOB* OF D/\TE D^\TE mo i v f\f\0 /Zlo UU 12/07 DESIGN OF SOILDIER PILE WALLS Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY To September 12, 2007 "'j Revised October 19, 2007 '|A/ ' Project No .9601 $1-026 Legoland California, Inc 1 Legoland Drive Carlsbad, CaliferMa-92jQG8 Attention Mi*1 Ohlis Korriero Subject Update Geoteohmcal Report, Proposed Adventurer's Attraction Cegoland California, CafiTsba4 California References Leighlon and Associates, Inc, 1999, Final! As-Shaded' Report of Roiigh-Gradmgv LEGO Fairly Park, Carlsbad^ California — , 2007, Update Geotechflfoal ftepprt; Proposed fi Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, 'PrpJeOt No, 960t5l-OIOj; daiet December 10^ 1999 R W Apel, Adventurer's Attraction, Sheets 3,6, MatediJuly 6,2007 Introduction Leighton and Associates is pleased-to jpreseut letter -report for the proposed fouijdatfojis 'at'tfeis site ofsthe '.-Advefityr^' Attraction; We, have reviewed previous geotechnicaL an<£ gradtng reports'-for the project'aiea as welli another publistiedl and unpublished literature and sources Below is a surtlro^ry1 Q! ou» findings followed by recommendations Findings and Recommendations Based on review of the as-graded report, the site of the proposed lirea of AdWhteer^ Attilaetion is situated within a cut area Quaternary Terrace Deposit^ (JQt)< 'were m&pped within the site 3934 Murphy CanyOh Road, Suite B20&a S>ri B\e$>, CA 92123-4425 '?wwwtelghtongeocom The site is suitable for the proposed development provided any undocumented fills that;niay be present are removed, Review of planned site grading and foundation elevations is needed; .The following design parameters may b.g'used in.the design of the .structure foundations, Allowable Soil Pressure (Spread) Allowably Soil Pressure (Mat) Modulus of Sub-grade Reaction Coefficient of Friction Passive Pleasure (Level Ground) Active Retaining Pressure AfrRest Retaining Pressures Lateral Surcharge Seismic Zone Factor, Z Soil Profile Type Seismic Coefficient, Ca Seismiq Coefficient, Cv Near Source Factor, Na Near Source Factor, Nv Seismic Source Type s= == B* pa 3,500' psf (pneMJiird increase-far short^eiwtaad'ing) 1,5'OQ psf (0ne4bjfd' increase for short-term;- load ing) 250 pel 035 300psf/ft 35pcf 5Spof (teyel backfi}!) 75 psf (avitp- ttafftc 4 Sc (Tables J^ 10 1.1 B Spread footings should extend .a minimum of 18 inches' beneaih the lowest adjacent finish1 This may be reduced to 15 inches for site retaining •walls, At these depth$i footings foundld its properly compacted fill soils m^y be designed for a maximum allowable,bearingipressure'of35QQ psf The allowable ,pressua'es may $Q increased by .one-third, when, considering, loads;df.short deration suefe as wind of seismic forces, Refafbriiemeatf slsouldi be dfesigmed $y the structural engineer The minimum1 recommended width of footings j£ 15 inches fw eontiouous fodjirigs,and 24 inches for squat*? or round footings- Footings should b.e<dei%fe4 ra accordance^wittl the structural engineer's requirements ancl have a rninimum reinforeern,ent' of '"Jhttr Wo 4 • 'Siabs designed to carry structural loads may require increased "thickne&r and' lelnforimg 'Slab underlaynjent to mitigate moisture an&mbigtW vapoy shouldbe designed by the project «rohit«Gf Design parameters for KeyiftoneAvalls can be provided upon request. 960151-026 If you have any questions regarding, this update fetter, please* contact this; office, We appreciate this opportunity to be of service Respectfully $ubm,itteds LEIOHTOH AND ASSOCIATES,, INC. Sean Oo Director of JSng Distribution (1) Addressee (1) R W Apel, Attention Mr Richard Apel (1) Dunn Savoie, Inc, Attention* Mr. Rhett £ayoie -3- Leighton DUNN SAVOIE INC STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 908 S Cleveland Street OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 PH (760) 966 6355 FAX (760) 966 6360 Email dsi@surfdsi com JOB_ SHEET NO CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE OF DATE, DATE. FT pep - 75 ury |io ™ A life 17^7-6 fa*. ^V6L 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CHAP 18 DIV I TABLE 18-1 A TABLE 18-l-C TABLE 18 I-A—ALLOWABLE FOUNDATION AND LATERAL PRESSURE CLASS OF MATERIALS1 1 Massive crystalline bedrock 2 Sedimentary and foliated rock 3 Sandy gravel and/or gravel (GW and GP) 4 Sand silty sand clayey sand silty gravel and clayey gravel (SW SP SM SC CM and GC) 5 Clay sandy clay silly clay and clayey silt (CL ML MH and CH) ALLOWABLE FOUNDATIONPRESSURE (psf)2 x 00479 for IlPa 4000 2 000 2000 1 500 1 OOO7 LATERAL BEARINGLBSJSQ FT/FT OFDEPTH BELOWNATURAL GRADE3 X 0157lorlcPa per meter I 200 400 200 1 50 1 00 LATERAL SLIDING4 Coefficient5 070 035 035 025 Resistance (psf)6 x C 0479for hPa 1 30 'For soil classifications OL OH and PT (i e organic clays and peat) a foundation investigation shall be required 'AH values of allowable foundation pressure are for footings having a minimum width of 12 inches (305 mm) and a minimum depth of 12 inches (305 nun) into natural grade Except as in Footnote 7 an increase of 20 percent shall be allowed for each additional foot (305 mm) of width or depth to a maximum value of three times the designated value Additionally an increase of one third shall be permitted when considering load combinations including wind or earthquake loads as permitted by Section 1612323May be increased the amount of the designated value for each additional foot (305 mm) of depth to a maximum of 15 times the designated value Isolated poles for uses such as flagpoles or signs and poles used to support buildings that are not adversely affected by a '/2 inch (127 mm) motion at ground surface due to short term lateral loads may be designed using lateral bearing values equal to two limes the tabulated values ^- — •'Lateral bearing and lateral sliding resistance may be combined 'Coefficient to be multiplied by the dead load6Lateral sliding resistance value to be multiplied by the contact area In no case shall the lateral sliding resistance exceed one half the dead load7No increase for width is allowed TABLE 18-l-B—CLASSIFICATION OF EXPANSIVE SOIL EXPANSION INDEX 020 21 50 51 90 91 130 Above 130 POTENTIAL EXPANSION Very low Low Medium High Very high TABLE 18-1 C—FOUNDATIONS FOR STUD BEARING WALLS—MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS1 23 NUMBER OF FLOORS SUPPORTEDBY THE FOUNDATION11 1 2 3 THICKNESS OF FOUNDATION WALL (inches) x 25 4 for mm Concrete 6 8 10 Unit Masonry 6 8 10 WIDTH OF FOOTING (inches) THICKNESS OF FOOTING (inches) DEPTH BELOW UNDISTURBED GROUND SURFACE (inches) x 25 4 for mm 12 15 18 6 7 8 12 18 24 'Where unusual conditions or frost conditions are found footings and foundations shall be as required in Section 1806 1 -The ground under the floor may he excavated to the elevation of the top of the footing ^Interior stud bearing walls may be supported by isolated footings The footing width and length shall be twice the width shown in this table and the footings shall be spaced not more than 6 feet (1829 mm) on center ''Foundations may support a roof in addition to the stipulated number of floors Foundations supporting roofs only shall he as required for supporting one floor 2-49 O)-§ CL * CO "° "Fcr-g O, LU T3 CD O O O O O co oo co co co CO OO OO CO OO CD CD CD CD CO 00000 «*-» (A Hi c .E?tnWJ Q) Q Q) •"•M Q. CD D)i_ COJCo!_3 CO c. ni_ cuO +£CO CL) CO £ co to 0 Q O) CD 9> i § ^ teQ. f^• — • JJ? CN _^^ LO LO LO LO Jv. IN_ |N_ fx. CM CM CN CM CD CD CD T> LO LO LO LO LOQ. CO CO CO CO CO 1_ 0) •5 ow CD D) CO CD < Cuz O tl0CQ ooiT1 Q) 0)ii^ 0) ^J CL C § 1^_ (0<u C _l \_ (1)\LJ Jj !— 0 C _l /• koN CO TJCD ^E HI ressureCL CD^ (OCOCDl_ CL CD^3 CO CO/1\CDi_ CO CNX CM i mf\*ff £" N *T^ ^"^ CD tp o5= a CD CP 0 Q. IO ^ CO CN ^ CD ^ oS CD CO CN X CN i oo 0> CD 0 •<fr CM CD O CD CNCN CD O CD CO CN XCM T— IO1^. CO CD O CD O> CD O COt^- CD O CD CO CN XCN T— O IO Tt CD O 00 CD CD O 1^- T~~ CD O CD T— CO CM XCM i mt^. <n O) cocooo T" cr> CO CO•stCN CD OCD 6 CO •D £as••mM O O) 0) x > 5 (0 CO V> &siE co coCD CO COU- CO CD err- o o o o oo o o o o o Q. O O O O O*~^ co co co co co o o o o oo o o o oCD CD CD CD CD CD £ 0 ^CO m E O wti coO 0) -- O LO O -r, h- CD LO CN |Jo CD ^_ ^r M- ^r cn CO CD CD CD CD O CO O. LO CO CO CN CM CO CL • s§.£3 CO COCO CO COh- ro FH Q- CL O O O O O O O O O O CO CO CO CO CO CD CL Q. CD CD CD CD CD CO CO CO CO CO CN CM CN CN CN E S> CjJi^iOlOlOIOCN 01-S,C O) c J5 m in in m Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope 1-7 Rev 580007 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 8 0 1 Nov 2006 (cyi9832QQG ENERCftLC Engineering Soltware Steel Beam Design Job# Date 10 56AM 6 DEC 07 Page 1 legoland soldier pile ecw Calculations Description Soldier Pier Cross Section 9 5ft I General Information Steel Section W12X26 Center Span 9 50 ft Left Cant 0 00 ft Right Cant 0 00 ft Lu Unbraced Length 0 00 ft Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL @ Left DL @ Righl f Summary | 2 850 LL @ 0192 LL@ Code Ref AISC9thASD 1997UBC Fy Fixed-Free Load Duration Factor Bm Wt Added to Loads Elastic Modulus LL & ST Act Together 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 JO 36 OOksi 1 03 290000ksi Note' Short Term Loads Arc WIND Loads jf Left ST @ Left Right ST @ Righl pitef"HB«S8i •!'"-!i-..;'.-is£..:rfK!:~-:,tii- c: k/ft k/ft Statin 1 o Start ft End 3 500 ft E&eam OK ari Tacp finwornc Qfroco I Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope 580007 I User KW 0602938 Ver 5 8 0 1 Nov 2006 |(c)1983 2006 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Beam Design Description Soldier Pier Cross Section 8 2ft Date Job # 1056AM 6 DEC 07 Page 1 legoland soldier pile e w Calculations General Information Steel Section W12X26 Center Span Left Cant Right Cant Lu Unbraced Length 820 ft 000ft 000ft 000ft Code Ref Fixed-Free Bm Wt Added to Loads LL & ST Act Together AISC9thASD 1997UBC 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Fy 36 OOksi Load Duration Factor 1 00 Elastic Modulus 29 000 0 ks [Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL@Left 2487 LL @ Left DL@Righl 0192 LL @ Right ST @ Left ST @ Righl Note' Short Term Loads Are v\ IND Loads EEEESESSSZEHE-• EsSSiU k/ft k/ft Start End ft 8 200 ftrSLSummary | Using W1 2X26 section Span = 8 20ft Fy = 36 Oksi End Fixity = Fixed Free Lu = 0 00ft LDF = 1 000 Moment fb Bending Stress fb/Fb Shear fv Shear Stress fv/Fv Actual 33 048 k ft 1 1 874 ksi 0500 1 11 197k 3 984 ksi 0277 1 Allowable 66 132 k ft 23 760 ksi 40 473 k 14 400 ksi Max Deflection Length/DL Defl Length/(DL+LL Defl) Beam OK 0 1 37 in 1 43£ 4 1 1 436 4 1 Force & Stress Summary Max M + Max M Max M @ Left Max M @ Right Shear @ Left Shear® Right Center Defl Left Cant Defl Right Cant Defl Query Defl @ Maximum 33 05 k ft 11 20k k -0 137 m 0000 m 0 000 m 0 000 ft 11 20 DL Only 000 -3305 11 20 -0137 0000 0000 0000 11 20 «- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted -: LL (a) Center LL+ST (a) Center 0000 0000 0000 0000 Reaction @ Left Reaction @ Rt FacalcdperEq E2 1 K*L/r<Cc I Beam Passes Table B51 Fb per Eg F1 1 Fb = 0 66 Fy Section properties Depth Web Thick Width Flange Thick Area Rt Values for LRFD Design J Cw -0137 0000 0000 0000 11 20 0000 0000 0000 0000 LL+ST k-ft kft kft k-ft k k 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 000 in k k rties W12X26 12220m 0 230 in 6 490 in 0 380 in 7 65 m2 1 720 in )esign 0 300 m4 606 00 m6 ^Tfn^S^^^^'^^S^c^^lrfi^ Weight I XX lyy Sxx Syy R xx R-yy Zx Zy K 25 98 #/ft 204 000 m4 17300 m4 33 400 m3 5 340 m3 5170 in 1 510 in 37 200 m3 8170 m3 0 680 in Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title* Dsgnr Description Scope 7- Job # Date 1056AM 6 DEC 07 Rev 580007 User KW 060293!) Ver 5 8 0 1 Nov 2006 (c)1983 2006 ENERCAI.C Engineering Software ~~ Steel Beam Design Page 1 legoland soldier pile ecw Calculations Description Soldier Pier Cross Section 7 5 ft | General Information Code Ref Steel Section W12X26 Fixed Free Center Span 7 50 ft Bm Wt Added to Loads Left Cant 0 00 ft LL & ST Act Together Right Cant 0 00 ft Lu Unbraced Length 0 00 ft JTiapezoidal Loads #1 DL @ Left DL @ Righl t •;£&.-.;•• . • •%••&$>>. ••"• • ?:*3.£.'.:~* ^•xX$£&lJ£'-'£-<--% Summary [ 2 290 LL @ Left 0191 LL@ Right Using W1 2X26 section Span = 7 50ft Fy = 36 Oksi End Fixity = Fixed Free Lu = 0 00ft LDF = 1 000 Actual Moment 25 781 k ft fb Bending Stress 9 263 ksi fb/Fb 0390 1 Shear 9 499 k fv Shear Stress 3 380 ksi fv / Fv 0 235 1 ST @ Left ST @ Righl Allowable 66 132 k-ft 23 760 ksi 40 473 k 14400 ksi A!SC9thASD 1997 UBC Fy Load Duration Factor Elastic Modulus 2003 IBC 2C03 NFPA 5000 k 36 00 ksi 1 00 29 0000 ksi Note' Short Term Loads Are WIND Loads h k/ft k/ft Start ft End 7 500 ft EJeam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max Deflection -0 090 in Length/DL Defl 2 006 1 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 2 006 1 1 Force & Stress Summary STTETTTr-T-T :"y.;ff:.:.:^x: Max M + Max M Max M @ Left Max M @ Right Shear @ Left Shear @ Right Center Defl Left Cant Defl Right Cant Defl Query Defl @ Reaction @ Left Reaction @ Rt « - These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted — » Maximum 25 78 k-ft 950k k -0090 m 0000 m 0 000 in 0 000 ft 950 DL Only 000 2578 950 -0090 0000 0000 0000 950 LL (5> Center 0000 0000 0000 0000 LL+ST &. Center 0090 0000 0000 0000 950 LL (S> Cants 0000 0000 0000 0000 LL+ST (5) Cants kfl kfl k-fl k-fl k k 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 000 m k k Fa calc'd per Eq E2 1 K*L/r < Cc I Beam Passes Table B5 1 Fb per Eq F1 1 Fb = 0 66 Fy Section Properties Depth Web Thick Width Flange Thick Area Rt Values for LRFD Design J Cw W12X26 12220m 0 230 in 6 490 in 0 380 in 7 65 m2 1 720 in 0 300 m4 606 00 m6 Weight I XX lyy Sxx Syy R xx Ryy Zx zy K 2598 #/ft 204 000 m4 17300m4 33 400 m3 5 340 m3 5 170 in 1 510 in 37 200 m3 8170 m3 0 680 in Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Rev 580007 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 8 0 1 Nov 2006 (c)1983 2006 ENERCALC Engineering Software Steel Beam Design Date .„*. 1056AM 6 DEC 07 Page 1 legoland soldier pil ecw Calculations Description Soldier Pier Cross Section 5 5ft General Information Steel Section W12X26 Center Span Left Cant Right Cant Lu Unbraced Length Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL @ Left 1 731 DL@ Righl 0192 •'.'•• ••• '... -:•..::.••' " •-•":'• ' 5i"-!:-i::i---;;.il ... • Summary % • '. < r i <^i 'A I • :~'. . ' '• ' ~ - • l ••' •••'"••• -f! lii:*^:*^*::* •*::> s- Fixed Code Ref AISC Free 5 50 ft Bm Wt Added to Loads 0 00 ft LL & 000ft 000 ft LL @ Left LL @ Right ST Act Together ST @ Left ST @ Righl Using W1 2X26 section Span = 5 50ft Fy = 36 Oksi End Fixity = Fixed Free Lu = 0 00ft Moment fb Bending Stress fb / Fb Shear fv Shear Stress fv/Fv LDF = 1 000 Actual 1 1 056 k ft 3 972 ksi 0 167 1 5431 k 1 932 ksi 0134 1 Allowable 66 132 kft 23 760 ksi 40 473 k 14400 ksi 9th ASD 1997UBC 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 Fy 36 00 1- si Load Duration Factor 1 00 Elastic Modulus 29 000 0 ksi Note' Short Term Loads Are WIND Loads k/ft Start ft k/ft End 5 500 ft Beam OK Max Deflection 0 021 in Length/DL Defl 6 287 5 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 6 287 5 1 Force & Stress Summary Maximum Max M + 1 1 06 k-ft Max M Max M @ Left Max M @ Right Shear @ Left 5 43 k Shear @ Right k Center Defl -0 021 m Left Cant Defl 0 000 in Right Cant Defl 0 000 in Query Defl @ 0 000 ft Reaction @ Left 5 43 Reaction @ Rt Fa calc'd per Eq E2 1 K*L/r < Cc I Beam Passes Table B5 1 Fb per Eq Section Properties W12X26 & •:^;-: ;• - '\ >: \y,,.< \.-;Am:^ .....„..-.?•: ' '• ^ .:. :,^.. ' ' • '•• •"••;" ~ •-•:?£~.:1tt Depth 12220m Web Thick 0 230 in Width 6 490 in Flange Thick 0 380 in Area 7 65 m2 Rt 1 720 in Values for LRFD Design J 0 300 m4 Cw 606 00 m6 DL Only 000 -11 06 543 0021 0000 0000 0000 543 F1 1 Fb = 066Fy «::-f&*S -1 ?• *i •:- J ,„" ' • { .•; "i •„•. I:','.- , Weight Ixx lyy Sxx Syy R-xx R-yy Zx Zy K «— These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted -» LL LL+ST (5> Center <S> Center 0 000 -0 021 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 543 >: ;.-i :ii'Z ^'.JiAww-s '. ' i • !-'J K,v*~-HCSi ••&m--Sjf.%fc.."f2?^~:>i~: " 25 98 #/ft 204 000 m4 17300 m4 33 400 m3 5 340 m3 5 170 in 1 510 in 37 200 m3 8 170 m3 0 680 in LL LL+ST (® Cants (5! Cants k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft k k 0 000 0 000 in 0 000 0 000 in 0 000 0 000 in 0 000 0 000 in k k Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Joti # Date 1056AM 6 DEC 07 Rov 5S0007 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 8 0 1 Nov 2006 (c)1983 2006 ENERCAUC Enginpemig Soflware „.„__„ „,_„_„_ Description Soldier Pier Cross Section 3 5ft Steel Beam Design Page 1 legoland soldier pile ecw Calculations General Information Code Ref AISC Steel Section W12X26 Fixed-Free Center Span ^ 3 50 ft Bm Wt Added to Loads Left Cant * 0 00 ft LL & ST Act Together Right Cant 0 00 ft Lu Unbraced Length 0 00 ft Trapezoidal Loads #1 DL@Left 1 170 LL @ Left DL@ Righl 0192 LL @ Right > Using W1 2X26 section Span = 3 50ft Fy = 36 Oksi End Fixity = Fixed Free Lu = 0 00ft LDF = 1 000 Actual Moment 3 332 k-ft fb Bending Stress 1 197 ksi fb / Fb 0 050 1 Shear 2 474 k fv Shear Stress 0 880 ksi fv / Fv 0 061 1 ST @ Left ST @ Righl Allowable 66132 kft 23 760 ksi 40 473 k 14400 ksi 9th ASD 1997UBC 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 j| Fy 36 00 1- si Load Duration Factor 1 00 Elastic Modulus 29 0000 ksi Note' Short Term Loads Are WIND Loads h k/ft Start ft k/ft End 3 500 ft Beam OK Static Load Case Governs Stress Max Deflection C 003 in Length/DL Defl 32 C21 7 1 Length/(DL+LL Defl) 32 021 7 1 Force & Stress Summary [] DL Maximum Only Max M + 3 33 k ft 0 00 Max M - 3 33 Max M @ Left Max M @ Right Shear ©Left 2 47 k 2 47 Shear ©Right k Center Defl 0003m 0003 Left Cant Defl 0 000 in 0 000 Right Cant Defl 0 000 in 0 000 Query Defl @ 0 000 ft 0 000 Reaction @ Left 2 47 2 47 Reaction @ Rt FacalcdperEq E2 1 K*L/r<Cc I Beam Passes Table B5 1 Fb per Eq F1 1 Fb = 0 66 Fy Section Properties W12X26 Depth 12220m Weight Web Thick 0 230 in Ixx Width 6 490 in lyy Flange Thick 0 380 in Sxx Area 7 65 m2 Syy Rt 1 720 in R xx Values for LRFD Design R yy J 0 300 m4 Zx Cw 606 00 m6 zy K «- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted -» LL LL+ST LL LL+ST (5) Center © Center (5! Cants (S> Cants 0 000 -0 003 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 0 000 247 25 98 #/fl 204 000 m4 17300 m4 33 400 m3 5 340 m3 5170 in 1 510 in 37 200 m3 8 170 m3 0 680 in kft kft kft kft k k 0 000 0 000 in 0 000 0 000 in 0 000 0 000 in 0 000 0 000 in k k | Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Job# i-"( Date 11 03AM 6 DEC 07 Rev 500002 User KW 0602938 Ver 5 8 0 1 Nov 2006 (i;)1983 2006 ENERCALC Engineering Software •±^!,!JL!l}.,i.l-c;.r' Pole Embedment in Soil Description Sodierpiie,"H=8 2 ft Page 1 legoland soldier pile ecw Calculations General Information Code Ref 1997 UBC 1806 8 2 1 2003 IBC 1805 7 2 2003 NFPA 5000 36 4 3 _.Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole ;s Circular Diameter No Surface Restraint 1 Summary Moments @ Surface Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable 600 00 pcf 3 000 00 psf 1 000 24 000 in 000 ft-# 4501718 9750 ft 1 936 77 psf 1 938 30 psf Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral 0 00 Ibs 0000ft 1 339 00 #/ft 8200ft 0 000 ft 45017 18 ft# 1097980 Ibs Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 9085 Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope LRev 5B0002user KW 0602938 ver 5 8 o i NOV 2006 Pole Embedment in Soil(c)1903 2006 ENERCALC Engineering Software rUI« CIIIUeUllltMl I III OUII Job* l- ' T Date 1 1 06AM 6 DEC 07 Page 1 legoland soldier pile ecw Calculations Description Soldier Pile, H=7 5 ft General Information Code Ref 1997 UBC 1806 8 2 1 2003 IBC 1805 7 2 2003 NFPA 5000 36 4 3 J^•^Oii^^^SB^^^^K^i'-'.v"iS'Jt5!i.-t::S::c.::tvtI£ii^.JrA Allow Passive 600 00 pcf Max Passive 3 000 00 Psf Load duration factor 1 000 Pole is Circular Diameter 24 000 in Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distributed Load ^^ 0 00 Ibs 0 000 ft 1 241 00 #/ft f1. Rev User (c)19 J ( ea "5800 KWC 83 20 :TX i Dunn Savoie, Inc Title Job # *- ' •> 1 Structural Engineers Ds9nr Date 11 04AM 6 DEC 07 ! 908 S Cleveland Street Descnpt.on | Oceanside, CA 92054 Scope | Phone (760)966-6355 602938 ver5so i NOV 2006 Polp EmhpHmpnt in Soil Page 136 ENERCALC Engineering Software VM*» 1-1 1 1 uwui i i<~i 1 1 11 1 \J\jn legoland soldier pile ecw Calculations Description Soldier Pile, H=5 5 ft | General Information Code Ref 1997 UBC 1806 8 2 1 2003 IBC 1805 7 2 2003 NFPA 5000 36 4 3 Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor <. Pole is Circular Diameter No Surface Restraint ; ^..'i^fi •.: .;,=•;*,:.:.:; ! ..•(.l^j«h^^-CL!^ii^]_Summary _ | Moments @ Surface Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable 600 00 pcf 3 000 00 psf 1 000 24 000 in 000 ft# 1453513 6750 ft 1 336 81 psf 1 339 32 psf Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral 0 00 Ibs 0000 ft 961 00 #/ft 5500 ft 0000 ft 14535 13 ft-# 5 285 50 Ibs Dunn Savoie, Inc Structural Engineers 908 S Cleveland Street Oceanside, CA 92054 Phone (760)966-6355 Title Dsgnr Description Scope Rev 580002 User KW OS02938 Ver 5 8 0 1 Nov 2006 (c)1983 2006 ENERCALC Engineering Software Pole Embedment in Soil Job # '- Date 11 01AM 6 DEC 07 Page 1 legoland soldier pil ecw Calculations Description Soldier Pile 3 5 ft General Information Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor' Pole is Circular Diameter No Surface Restraint | Summary |, Moments @ Surface Point load Distributed load 600 00 pcf 3 000 00 PSf 1 000 24 000 in 000 ft-# 4 171 13 Code Ref 1997 UBC 1806 8 2 1 Applied Loads Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral 2003 IBC 1805 7 2 2003 NFP^ 5000 36 4 3 0 00 Ibs 0000ft 681 00 #/ft 3 500 ft 0 000 ft 4171 13ft# 2 383 50 Ibs Without Surface Restraint Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable 4500 ft 892 14 psf 89242 psf SOLDIER PILES RECOMMENDED THICKNESS OF WOOD LAGGING WHEN SOIL ARCHING WIIJ. BE DEVELOPED (FOR LOCATIONS WITHOUT SURCHARGE LOADINGS) Soil Description COMPETENT SOILS Silts or fine sand and ok above water table (medium dense to dense) Clays (stiff to very staff), and-rH/C <S DIFFICULT SOILS Sands and silty sands, (loose) Clayey sands (medium dense to dense) below water table Clays, heavily over- consolidated fissured and aUt below water table POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS Soft clays i«/C > 5 Slightly plastic silts below water table Clayey sands (loose), below water table Unified ML.SM.-ML uW, Or, UM, UC, SW. SP, SM CL.CH CLi CH SW, SP, SM sc CL.CH ML.SM-ML SOILS (apprapnateness of lag] CL.CH ML SC Depth 0' to 25' 25' to 60' O'u>25' 25' to 60' mg is questionable) 0' to 15' 15' »^5' 25' to 351 Recommended Thictaictt of Lagging (rough cut) for dear Spans of 5' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' ^*~^r-^ 3" 3' 3' 4- 4' it- s' 3' 4' 4' 5' 5 3' 3' 4" 5' - 3' 4' 5' 6' - 4' 5' 6' CALIFORNIA TRENCHING AND SHORING MANUAL ^ " LAGGING Wood Jagging is commonly installed in front of, or behind the front flange of wide flange beam soldier piles The procedure of installing lagging behind the back flange of the soldier piling is not recommended because the potential arching action of the supported soil will be destroyed Lagging placed behind the front flange may be wedged back to provide tight soil, to lagging contact Voids behind lagging should be filled with compacted material Lagging may be installed with a maximum spacing up to 1 1/2" to permit seepage of moisture through the wall system Movement of soil through the lagging spaces an be prevented by packing straw or hay in the spaces Construction grade lumber is the most common material used for lagging Treated lumber is used when it is expected that the lagging will remain in place for a longer period of time or permanently Soil arching behind lagging is induced by lateral soil movement within the failure wedge This soil movement causes the lagging Anderson Drilling Sample Calc 11/21/2007 LAGGING DESIGN Wall Geometry H = 10 ft *sb = 8 ft = Maximum Wall Height = Soldier Pile Spacing SECTION = "W12X26" bf = |vlookup(SECTION,BEAM,7)| in bf = 649m L1 = xsb - bf L1 = 7 46ft = Surcharge Area behind Wall = Flange Width of Beam Lo = 3 73ft rsurch = Soil Parameters c)> = 32 deg c = 125 psf Y = 125 pcf Reduction Coefficients C — -1 9f 11 — I ^- CD = 1 15 CR = 1 15 Cp = 1 1 = Maximum Surcharge Load (Construction) = Internal Angle of Friction = Cohesion Value for Soil = Soil Unit Weight = Flat Use Factor (1 2 for 3"x12" and 1 1 for 4"x12") = Load Duration Factor = Repetitive Member = Size Factor Douglas Fir #2 Lagging Parameters F^ = 850 psi = Allowable Flexural Stress for Lagging b = 12 in = Lagging Width = Lagging Thickness 3 d = 2 5 in . ,2 Sv =Sy= 125mA Lagging Design Rev 0 xmccl Anderson Drilling 11/21/2007 Sample Calc Loading / -, ( ^phmax = (Y L2 - 2 c) tan|^45 deg - -J + Psurch phmax=22°Psf Pn = min(Pnmax,400 Psf+PSurch) Ph = 21984psf ^Maximum pressure due to soil arching phLlf5L1 d]Mmay = + — 1 ft MmaY = 1 33 kip ft = Maximum moment on timberIilciA o I -i cj o j MldX " rri3xfb = fb = 731 99 psi = Bending Stress Sx Cfu CD CF CR Fb = 850 psi fb = 731 99 psi Check ="3x12 Lagging Adequate" if Fb > fb "No Good" otherwise Check = "3x12 Lagging Adequate" P Lagging Design Rev 0 xmcd I en T3 eQ2: OI s orol/) I O)•o oro u o a> I EoXIai _O S1 I I I I I 3o UJ cgi10oiQ <L> O) (D O)to EXISTING SERVICE ROAD CURB SLOPE TOP OF WALL 2%, MIN FINISH GRADE — PER CIVIL EXISTS NATURAL GRADE 5LIDIER LE 2x26 2x26 2x26 2x26 2x26 MAX RETAINING HEIGHT 35 FT 82 FT 15 FT 55 FT 35 FT MIN EMBEDM DEPTH 1) 25 FT 315 FT 3 FT 615 FT 45 FT 1' -I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ol -SLOPE TOP OF -, HALL 2% MIN EXISTING SERVICE-7 ROAD 6" SUOTCRETE NALL- N/ *5> MORIZ ® 12" O C CHIP OUT 4 REMOVE - SLURRY CAISSON AS REQ'D FOR HALLS t FTG INSTLLATION 3ouLU gi 10(UQ O) I/)cu r- FINISH GRADE \ PER CIVIL 6" MIN \ X^ 1^ SOLDIER PILE 4 LAGGING SHORING HALL PER DET "30 *£> VERT CNTR'D — — MAX T-fc"MAX © DOHEL « 12" O C &" THK CONC SIDEYARD SLAB ON GRADE PER PLAN POUR SNUG TO HALL 4 TO MTL BLDG FDTN eQ-z.O Qz:z>O d) •Sro CD O J oo(N cu Ii/ifO oT3O) xs _rt> OO)QJ Q N, TAPERED SHOTCRETE W/ *£> « 10" O C HORIZ — MIRA DRAIN OUTLET 4 HATER PROOFING BY OHNER/ CONTRACTOR 12" OC- EA HAY 15- •2 -IgB CO SCALE 3/4' = 1-0' Leighton and Associates, Inc A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY December 5, 2007 Project No 960151-025 To Legoland California One Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention Mr Chris Romero Subject Geotechmcal Review of Revised Grading and Foundation Plans, Retaining Wall Revision, Proposed Lost Kingdom Attraction, Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California In accordance with your request, we have performed a geotechmcal review of the revised grading and foundation plans prepared by R W Apel (2007) and DSI (2007) It is our understanding that the plan revisions were made to revise the retaining wall from a conventional retaining wall to a soldier pile cantilevered wall system Based on our review of these plans and project geotechmcal reports (Leighton 2007a and 2007b), it is our opinion that the plans have been prepared in general accordance with the project geotechmcal recommendations Limitations The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data that were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and/or lests Such information is by necessity incomplete The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechmcal or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions Changes m subsurface conditions can and do occur over time Therefon , the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe the subsurface conditions during grading and construction of the project, in order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425 858 292 8030 • Fax 858 292 0771 • www leiqhtonqeo com 960151-025 If you have any questions regarding our report, please contact this office We appreciate this opportunity to be of service Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC Sean Colorado, GE 2507 Principal Engineer Attachments Appendix A - References Distribution (1) Addressee (1) R W Apel, Attention Mr Richard Apel (1) DSI, Attention Mr Rhett Savoie -2- Leighton 960151-0^5 APPENDIX A REFERENCES DSI, 2007, Site Reference Plan and Foundation Details, Sheets S-101 and S-301, Revision 3 - dated November 21, 2007 Leighton and Associates, Inc, 2007a, Update Geotechmcal Report, Proposed Adventure) 's Attraction, Legoland California, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-026, dated September 12, 2007, revised October 19, 2007 , 2007b, Grading Recommendations and Geotechmcal Review of Precise Grading and Foundation Plans for Proposed Lost Kingdom Attraction, Legoland Theme Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No 960151-025, dated October 19,2007 R W Apel, 2007, Precise Grading, Drainage and Wet Utilities Plan, Lost Kingdom, Sheets AD- 103 and AD-104, Revision 5 - dated November 29, 2007 A-l