HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB111086; Permit11-16-2011 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad.CA 92008 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No: CBl 11086 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD MISC 2111000900 $0.00 Subtype: Lot#: OTHER 0 LEGOLAND UTILITY RELOCATION TO PREPARE SITE FOR GRADING FOR HOTEL status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 05/23/2011 KG 11/16/2011 11/16/2011 Applicant: WILKES EVAN 3152 LIONSHEAD CARLSBAD CA 92010 760-692-4013 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISI C/o PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO POBOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 Miscelaneous Fee #1 Miscelaneous Fee #2 Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES pemiit fee PLANCHECK $300.00 $215.00 $0.00 $515.00 Total Fees: $515.00 Total Payments To Date: $515.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL Date PPROVAL Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project Includes the Imposition" of fees, dedications, resen/ations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactlons. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required Infomiation with the City Manager for processing In accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their Imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or sen/ice fees In connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously be^n given a NQTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv othemvise expired. 11-16-2011 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad.CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Pemnit No:SW110166 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: CB#: Project Title: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD SWPPP 2111000900 SDP9614C Lot#: LEGOLAND HOTEL(GRADING SWPPP) HOTEL WITH RESTAURANT Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Tier: ISSUED 05/02/2011 LO 11/16/2011 Priority: Applicant: HOFMAN PLANNING & ENGINEERING Owner: MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP US HOLDINGS INC 3152 LIONSHEAD AV CARLSBADCA 92010 760-692-4100 1 LEGOLAND DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 760-918-5322 Emergency Contact: EVAN G WILKS 760-692-4013 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees $801.00 $2,580.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $3,381.00 Total Fees: $3,381.00 Total Payments To Date: $3,381.00 BalanceDue: $0.00 PPROVAL ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719 Fax 760-602-8558 www.carisbadca.gov Plan Check No, Est Value Plan Ck. Deposit SWPPP iOB AOORESS 1 LEGOUND DRIVE Cr/PR0JECT# SDP 96-140 PHASE* 1 Tmmr 1 250 « BATHROOMS INMI^ 211 100 09 CONSTR.TYPE N/A occ. GROUP 18 1ENANTM MERLIN ENTERTAINMENT DESCRimONOFWORK: IneMtSquanF—toiAH»etmiAr—(». UTILITY RELOCATION PLAN FOR PRIVATE UTILITIES TO PREPARE SITE FOR ONSITE GRADING FOR PROPOSED HOTEL. EXISTINO USE PARKING LOT PROPOSED USE HOTEL GARAGE (SF) N/A PATIOS (SF) N/A DECKS (SF) N/A FIREPLACE YESC]» M/A NoQ AIR CONDITIONINQ YES[~|N0f71 FIRESPRINKLERS YESQNOJT] CONTACT NAME (HDHf rant Fom AppHcant) EVAN WILKS. PE APPUCANTNAME HOFMAN PUNNING & ENGINEERING ADDRESS 3152 LIONSHEAD AVENUE ADDRESS 3152 LIONSHEAD AVENUE CITY CARLSBAD STATE CA ZIP 92010 CITY CARLSBAD STATE CA ZIP 92010 PHONE 760.692.4013 FAX PHONE 760.692.4105 760.692.4100 FAX 760.692.4105 EMAIL ewilks@hofmanplanning.cofn EMAIL ewilks@hoftnanpianning.com PROPERTY OWNER NAME MERLIN ENTERTAINMENT GROUP ADDRESS 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE ADDRESS _ / . ^ CITY _ «- STATE, ^ ZIP CITY CARLSBAD STATE CA ZIP 92008 FAX PHONE 760.846.0842 FAX PHONE, EMAIL christopher.romero@legoland.com ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & AODRESS STATE uc. # cnv BUS. uc.* (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requiies a permit to construct alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant fbr such permit to file a signed statement that he Is licensed puisuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Ucense Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Dhfision 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for tlie alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any appHcantfor a permK subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). WORKERS' COMPENSATION Worinrs' CompensaUon DedaraUon: / heivby sffirm under penalty ofpeijury one ol tlie folowing dedaraUons: Bl haw and wM maintain a certificat* of consent to selHnsura fbr woikers'campensation as pro^ 3700 of the Labor Code, for Ihe peribmiance of the woric fbr which Ihis pemiit is issued. I hav* and wW maintain workerjljcpmpensation, as rsouirsd by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, Ibr the peifbrniajice of the worttfonfri^ this Dermit is Issued. My woksis' compensi number are: Insurancs Co ^^^j/ j/?fr PoDcy No. u/(L ^^y" i O Expiration Date. nsalioii^t^^ce^^rrier and polky Bsection need not be compMed If the permit Is tor one hundred detars ($100) or less. Certificat* of Ex*mp(lan: I ceriify that In the perfbrmance cf the woik for which this permit Califomia: WARNmG: Failure to secur* worksis' compensalion coverage is unlawful, and shaH subjiet an emplojw to criminal penalties and cIvH fines up to one hundrtd thouaand dolai* (t100,000), hi lirtlllnn In thi mil nf rnmpnnntinn tyimufi M ||iiii<diilfi|MiiTiii lliiii TTnn iif Ihn I iliiii iiulii liiliiriil mrt iH ni'ifnii CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE •AGENT O W NER-BUILDER DECLARATION / hsrsby affirm t/M / am exenipr Itorn ConlmAjr's Uwnss Law Ibr Ills foff^^ I I I, as owner of the property br my emplbyees with wages as their Sble cbmpensaibn,wMdb Ihe worit and Ihe stnx^ Lk»nse Law does net apply to an owner of prbperty who bulkls or improves thereon, and who does such wori(h^ safo. If, however, the buMIng or Improvement Is Sbkl wllhin bne year of Cbmplelnn, Ihe owner-^wlklsr wll ha^ nfl I, as owner ofihe prepsriy, am exckisively Cbntracting with Ik^sed contracters to cbnstruci the prb^ nbl apply to an bwner bf pioperty whobuiklsbrjmprovss lhareon, and contracts forsuch projects wl^ f~[ I am exempt under Seclion Business and Professions Cbde for this reasbn: 1.1 personally plan to pibvkle Ihe major labor and materials fbr cbnstiuctkin cfthe propbsed praperty 1^^ l~lYes I INO 2.1 (have / have not) signed an applealkxi for a buikling permit for the praposed worit. 3.1 have contiacled with the toltowing person (Iirm) to provkle the proposed constnxAm (nckx^ 4.1 plan to provide poritons of the work, but I have hired the toltowing person to coordkiate, supeivise and provkte the 1^^ 5.1 wHI provkte some of the wbrtt, but I have cbntracted (hired) the lblk)wnig peisens to provkte Ihe Wbrit 1^ tt >CS'PR0f>GRTY OWNER SIGNATURE COMPLETE THIS SECTiON FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY b Ito applk»rt or future buiUing bccupant required to submK a business oju, acutely hazaidcus mate^ Prestey-Tanner Hazantous Substance AocbunI Act? •Yes EjNb b the applkavit or future building occupant required to obtain a penntt from the akpolkitm QYOS f/l NO tethefacilHytobeconstnjctedwllhin1,000feetbrihebuterbbijndaiybfa8chbbl^^ llYaa who IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A fUM. CERTIFICATE Of OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPUCANT HAS MET Of? IS MEETING THE REQUREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DiSTRiCT. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of ttie vrark ttiis permH is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Ch/il Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address A PPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certifythati have read the appltostton and state that the above ktfoimattonteconect and that the infemialto^ Ihereby auttiorize representaiive of ttte Oty of Carisbadtoenter upon Ihe^ AGAINST Aa UABILrnES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMfF. (3SHA An OSHA pemt Is required fbr excavalions over SV deep and deiinflion or consln^^ E)(PIRAT10N: EvBiy peirnX issued by ttte BuUhg OAkial under ttte prmsi^ 180 days fnm ttte date of such pemit or if ttw buidkio^ worit auttiorizBd by such p^ ^APPUCANTS SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Permit#: CB111086 Type: MISC OTHER LEGOLAND UTILITY RELOCATION TO PREPARE SITE FOR GRADING FOR H Date Inspection Item Inspector Act 05/23/2012 89 Final Combo PD AP 05/23/2012 92 Compliance Investigation -Rl 01/05/2012 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD AP 01/03/2012 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD PA 12/22/2011 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD AP 12/08/2011 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD PA Comments OK TO FINAL? Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Page 1 of 1 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 05/23/2012 Permit* CBl 11086 Inspector Assignment: PD Title: LEGOLAND UTILITY RELOCATION Description: TO PREPARE SITE FOR GRADING FOR HOTEL SubType: OTHER 1 LEGOLAND DR Lot: 0 Type: MISC Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT WILKES EVAN Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISI Remarks: OK TO FINAL? Phone: Inspector^ Total Time: CD Description 92 Compliance Investigation Requested By: NA Entered By: JANEAN Act Comments Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs/SWPPPs Original PC# O- NOISE FROM FIREWORKS; Z- BANNER; Z- CAR DEMO COURSE IN PRK LOT; VIOLATION OF INTENDED USE ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR COASTER; LEGOLAND; SPLIT UP GAMES BLDG @ PIRATE SHORE LOSTKINDOM CLUSTER- REVISE ; RETAINING WALL/ NEW PLUMBING PLAN LEGOLAND-SEALIFE MISC; REVISIONS LEGOLAND: EXTERIOR FRAMING &; CALCS-DEFERRED LEGOLAND: DEF. SUBMITTAL/ELEC; FOR AQUARIUM LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM LEGOLAND: DETAILS ON EXTERIOR; STAIRS LEGOLAND: REVISIONS TO DUNE; RAIDER SLIDE LEGO HOTEL- REVISE UNDERGROUND; PLUMBING, ELECTRIC CIRCUITS & ROOF I LEGOLAND HOTEL; ROOF TRUSS SUBMITTAL LEGOLAND EXPANSION; LEGOLAND WATERWORKS CLUSTER LEGOLAND; LEGOLAND; WATERWORKS CLUSTER LEGOLAND HOTEL(GRADING SWPPP); HOTEL WITH RESTAURANT LEGOLAND HOTEL & POOL; LEGO- "PIRATE ISLAND" RIDE W/; LEGOLAND; NEW PIRATE ISLAND ATTRACTION LOST KINGDOM CLUSTER; LOST KINGDOM CLUSTER & BOOTHS & SHADE STRUCT CV050664 CLOSED CV060175 CLOSED CV060295 CLOSED PCR00224 APPROVED PCR06076 ISSUED PCR07206 ISSUED PCR08010 ISSUED PCR08041 ISSUED PCR08042 ISSUED PCR08057 ISSUED PCR09059 ISSUED PCR12030 PENDING PCRl2047 PENDING SW090066 PENDING SW110027 FINAL SWll 0080 FINAL SW110166 ISSUED SWll 0318 ISSUED SW110364 ISSUED SWI 20043 PENDING SWPP0710 APPROVED www.mtgllnc.com MTGL Project #: ( Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave. Ste. A Analieim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 San Diego/Imperial County 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5060 ( Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pkwy,#1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760.342.4677 Fax: 760.342.4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Permit #. ^SII/DW> PG. 4_ OFO- DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File#:_ DSA/OSHPD APPL#:. DSA/LEA #: Report #_ Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days of the Inspection. Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distributed immediately Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting the inspection. PROJECT NAIVIE DATE iVEO ARCHITECT TIME ARRI' TIME DEPARTED \ ENGINEER TRAVELTIME LUNCHTIME CONTRACTOI SUB CONTRACTOR iACTOR V INSPECTION ADDRESS TYPE OF INSPECTION • BATCH PLANT • ENGINEERED FILL SW>T CONCRETE • FOUNDATION • SHOTCRETE • BACK FILL • CONCRETE ADDRESS OF PROJECT • MASONRY • HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING • WELDING • SHOP WELD • FIREPROOFING • ANCHOR/DOWEL • NDE FIELD • NDE SHOP • CEILING WIRE • • • DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT: APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAIUBLE: APPROVEDPLANS YS^-ND SOIL REPORT YD ND SPECS: YD ND APPROVED SHOP DRAWING Y • N • MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): ^'1^1^ ^T^^ •nif''^n^<^ ^^^^ /tp^^^f^ CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED; jj^.-fy' L f \ -9 fCLf^P ¥-^(Sl-/oz £/^Ai^ ^i^-i. ^hkt ^^//f g*-^ <^f:^yt^ar/k/ii^ f/f/z^/) 3 AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES INSPECTED: . w A, ,/y STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETOIL, OR RFIS USED: REMARKS, mauomiKcviiGS: . REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THEWORK WASO^ASNGTD Inspected in accordance with the requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING WASD WAS NOT • N/A>S»^ Performed In accordance with DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. THE WORK INSPECTED MET^ DID NOT MEET • The requirements ofthe DSA/0§HPD/PROJECT approved documents. Samples taken Weather: cc Project Architect Structural Engineer DSA Regional Office School District Contractor Building Department Owner Certification #:. Verified by:. U6r fi(V/YiLi/^'^J^ Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anafieim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch; 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax; (858) 537-3990 Branch; 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel; (951) 653-4999 Fax; (951) 653-4666 Branch; 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel; (760) 342-4677 Fax; (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 1/20/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 11-01657 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl11086 1251A01 LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/29/2011 4X8 12.57 23,550 1,870 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 43,860 3,490 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 45,500 3,620 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 39,980 3,180 Cone 28 H 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 2,500 PSI Sampled By: MATTHEW JACKSON ASTM C172 Date Sampled: 12/22/2011 Date Received: 12/23/2011 Location: SOLDIER PILE Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 835P Ticket No.: 95520 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: 11 Mix Time: 90 mm. Concrete Temp: 60 Ambient Temp: 60 °F ASTMC1064 °F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.50 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 3430 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch; 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 1/20/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 11-01656 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl11086 1251A01 LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/29/2011 4X8 12.57 49,970 3,980 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 67,220 5,350 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 72,310 5,750 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 70,540 5,610 Cone 28 H 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: BEN WARREN ASTM C172 Date Sampled: 12/22/2011 Date Received: 12/23/2011 Location: CONDUIT ENCASEMENT FOR COMMUNICATION & ELECTRICAL Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSON'S READY MIX Mix No.: RS300P41 Ticket No.: 7843897 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By PUMPER Cement Type: Mix Time: 90 Concrete Temp: 68 Ambient Temp: 65 °F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: NORTH SIDE AT ACCESS ROAD Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 5570 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax; (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel; (858) 537-3999 Fax; (858) 537-3990 Branch; 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax; (951) 653-4666 Branch; 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax; (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 1/19/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 11-01657 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl11086 1251A01 LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) Obs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/29/2011 4X8 12.57 23,550 1,870 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 43,860 3,490 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 45,500 3,620 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 39,980 3,180 Cone 28 H 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 2,500 PSI Sampled By: MATTHEW JACKSON ASTM C172 Date Sampled: 12/22/2011 Date Received: 12/23/2011 Location: SOLDIER PILE Concrete Supplier: Mix No.: 835P Ticket No.: 95520 Water added at Site: Cement Type: 11 SUPERIOR READY MIX gal. By Mix Time: 90 nun. Concrete Temp: 60 Ambient Temp: 60 »F ASTMC1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 5.50 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 3430 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate; 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax; (714) 632-2974 Branch; 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel; (858) 537-3999 Fax; (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel; (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 1/19/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 11-01656 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl11086 1251A01 LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/29/2011 4X8 12.57 49,970 3,980 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 67,220 5,350 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 72,310 5,750 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 70,540 5,610 Cone 28 H 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: BEN WARREN ASTM C172 Date Sampled: 12/22/2011 Date Recei ved: 12/23/2011 Location: CONDUIT ENCASEMENT FOR COMMUNICATION & ELECTRICAL Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSON S READY MIX Mix No.: RS300P41 Ticket No.: 7843897 Water added at Site: 10.00 gaL By PUMPER Cement Type: Mix Time: 90 Concrete Temp: 68 Ambient Temp: 65 »F ASTM C1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: SanDiego Remarks: NORTH SIDE AT ACCESS ROAD Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. 5570 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Cotporate; 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax; (714) 632-2974 Branch; 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax; (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax; (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 1/5/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 11-01614 File No.: Perinit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CB111086 1251A01 LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/15/2011 4X8 12.57 50,620 4,030 Cone 28 1/5/2012 4X8 12.57 74,260 5,910 Cone 28 1/5/2012 4X8 12.57 70,410 5,600 Cone 28 1/5/2012 4X8 12.57 71,840 5,720 Cone 28 H 1/5/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: JOHN NORBY Location: ELECTRICAL TRENCH - NORTH WEST CORNER OF SITE Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSON'S READY MIX Mix No.: RS300P41 Ticket No.: 7843601 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 60 min. ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/8/2011 Date Received: 12/9/2011 Concrete Temp: 68 Ambient Temp: 74 °F ASTMC1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Eduardo Dizon, R.C.E. 5740 PSI 28-day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch; 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 12/30/2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 11-01656 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl11086 1251 AOI LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/29/2011 4X8 12.57 49,970 3,980 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strengtii: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: BEN WARREN ASTM C172 Date Sampled: 12/22/2011 Date Received: 12/23/2011 Location: CONDUIT ENCASMENT FOR COMMUNICATION & ELECTRICAL Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSON'S READY MIX Mix No.: RS300P41 Ticket No.: 7843897 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By PUMPER Cement Type: Mix Time: 90 mm. Concrete Temp: 68 Ambient Temp: 65 "F ASTMC1064 "F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: NORTH SIDE AT ACCESS ROAD Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Q—w-*c^ Eduardo Dizon, R.C.E. www.mtglinc.com Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave. olt. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 ' :: /liopefi?' Tounty D295 FerriS Square, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5060 'Mi r -ii.. 14467 fvieridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pkwy,#1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760.342.4677 Fax: 760.342.4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 MTGL Project*:. Permit* Report #_ PG. _LOFX DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File#:_ DSA/OSHPD APPL#:. DSA/LEA #: Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed beiow within 14 days ofthe inspection. Reports of non-compiiant conditions must be distributed immediately. Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting the inspection. PROJECTNAME tf DATE I ARCHITECT TIME ARRIVE! TIME DEPARTED ENGINEER TRAVELTIME LUNCH TIME CONTRACTDR SUB CONTRACTI TOfl <^ INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT / /^oUfJ> )^ue. TYPE OF INSPECTION • ENGINEERED FILL • FOUNDATION • BACK FILL • BATCH PLANT •^T CONCRETE • SHOTCRETE • CONCRETE • MASONRY • HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING • WELDING • SHOP WELD • FIREPROOFING • ANCHOR/DOWEL • NDE FIELD • NDE SHOP • CEILING WIRE • • _____ • DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT: APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE: APPROVEDPLANS YD ND SOIL REPORT YD ND SPECS: YD ND APPROVED SHOP DRAWING Y/g-M • MATERIALS USEO BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: \ T \ J \ puiup, j^t(U4^ ^SV-I(^ (cAu%0/^ uhoJz^>jr). f W AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES INSPECTED: \ ^ .it- j. STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: REMARKS,/AlCtUOWfiMffrWeS: - . /ofe5^/gp 'Pp^f^ -fmniuj ' »e^ne:-^/iCi^^e>iL fiPcms u>T^ hidn/^^ £>pBtim^ efes^t;^ ftfi^ f/S^/^A fPa<:i^/^^. /fz^-72r> %f(C^^oic- /\pa,$t^5> ^>i^^^sce^SPUio/ • REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THEWORK WASS^ASNOTD Inspected in accordance with the requirements ofthe DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPUNG WASD WAS NOT• WMf^ Performed in accordance with DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. cc Project Architect Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Owner School District THE WORK INSPECTED MET PTDID NOT MEET • The requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. Samples taken:_ Weather: ^..4>Sll^ Tempj^x^^2t^-'^g,^ Verified by Corporate; 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel; (714) 632-2999 Fax; (714) 632-2974 Branch; 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch; 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653 4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax; (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 12/30/2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 11-01657 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl 11086 1251A01 LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/29/2011 4X8 12.57 23,550 1,870 Cone 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 28 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H 1/19/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strengtii: 2,500 PSI Sampled By: MATTHEW JACKSON Location: SOLDIER PILE Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: 835P Ticket No.: 95520 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: 11 Mix Time: 90 min. ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/22/2011 Date Received: 12/23/2011 Concrete Temp: 60 Ambient Temp: 60 "F ASTM C1064 °F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.50 in. ASTMC143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Eduardo Dizon, R.C.E. Corporate 2992 E La Palma Ave. Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 San DIego/lmperial County 6295 Ferris Square Ste. C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5060 Inland Empire 14467 Meridian Pkwy., Bldg 2A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indlo 44917 Golf Center Pkwy., Ste.1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760.342.4677 Fax:760.342.4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 MTGL PROJECT*: 1251 API Pemiit # CBl 11086 DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File # DSA/OSHPD Appl. #. DSA/LEA # Report #1 Page lofi Special Inspection Reports nnust be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days of the inspection. Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distributed immediately. Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of spacial inspection on a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by tha special inspector conducting the inspection. PROJECT NAME: Legoland Hotel Date: Dec. 22, 2011 ARCHITECT Delawie Wilkes, Rodrigues Baricer Archltechs TIME ARRIVED 12pm TIME DEPARTED 4pm ENGINEER GSSI Structural Engineers TRAVELTIME LUNCH TIME CONTRACTOR RD Olsen SUB CONTRACTOR Anderson INSPECTION ADDRESS 1 Legoland dr. Carlsbad ADDRESS OF PROJECT same • BATCH PLANT • PT CONCRETE •SHOTCRETE H CONCRETE • MASONRY • HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING • WELDING • SHOP WELD • FIREPROOFING • ANCHOR/DOWEL • NDE FIELD • NDE SHOP • CEILING WIRE • TYPE OF INSPECTION • ENGINEERED FILL • FOUNDATION • BACK FILL SOIL REPORT Y • N • SPECS: Y • N • APPROVED SHOP DFtAWING YDN • DSA/OSHPD PROJECT APPROVED DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE APPROVED PLANS Y la N • MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): Superior 2500psl, 1" hard rock, mix design 835P CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES INSPECTED: Ot)esrve & verify the delivery & placing of 10 yards 2500psl concrete for temporary soldier pile construction. Supplied by Superior, mix design 835P, placed by tmck delivery chute. Sample & tested; 1 set of (5) 4" x 6" cylinders were cast for compressive strength testing. STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL OR RFIS USED: REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: Concrete constmction is on going. REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: THE WORK WAS Bl WAS NOT • Inspected in accordance with the requirements of the DSA/OSPHD Project approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING WAS Kl WAS NOT • N/A • Performed in accordance with DSA/OSPHD Project approved documents. cc Project Architect Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Owner School District PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THE WORK INSPECTED MET El DID NOT MEET • The requirements ofthe DSA/OSPHD Project approved documents. Samples taken: 1 set of 5 cylinders Weather sunny clear Temp: 60* Signature of Special Inspector Matthew Jackson -pmnsm-Certification #:5269061 Verified I wvvw.mtglinc.com Corporate: 2992 E. La Raima Ave. Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatch; 800.491.2990 San Diego/Imperial County 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel; 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5060 Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pl<wy,#1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760.342.4677 Fax: 760.342.4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 MTGL Project #:_ Permit# \\\Ci%\^ DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File #:_ Report #_ PG. OF. DSA/OSHPD APPLJI DSA/LEA #: Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days of the inspection. Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distributed immediately. Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a dally basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting the inspection. PROJECTNAME 0 \0^//\O ARCHITECT DATE . i ARCHITECT , . , ^ \ TIME/RRIVED ENGINEER ., , ' . , ' 1^ TRAVELTIME TIME DEPARTED LUNCH TIME SUB CONTRACTOR INSPECTION ADDRESS . . ADDRESS OF PROJECT NIPEC TYPE OF INSPECTION • ENGINEERED FILL • FOUNDATION • BACK FILL • BATCH PLANT • PT CONCRETE • SHOTCRETE ^CONCRETE • MASONRY • HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING • WELDING • SHOP WELD • FIREPROOFING • ANCHOR/DOWEL • NOE FIELD • NDE SHOP • CEILING WIRE • • • DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT; APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE: APPROVEDPLANS YD ND SOIL REPORT YD NO SPECS: YO NO APPROVED SHOP DRAWING Y • N • MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPOBTS): _ , ^ .^An '\ . j I i CONTMCTOIB EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: AREA, GRID UNES, PIECES INSPECTED: I /* 1 \ V 1 I t 1 ' STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: pi^yC plow £ 10,1 REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: £1 3'k REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THEWORK WAS-^ WAS NOT • Inspected in accordance with the requirements ofthe DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. MATERIAL SAMPLING WAS^WASNOTO N/AD Performed in accordance with DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. cc Project Architect Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Owner School District THE WORK INSPECTED METKIl DID NOT MEETO The requirements of the DSA/OSHPD^PiJOJECT approved documents. Samples taken: \ ^(^ '-O^ S.^^^fAO Weather:, rAjM^"'MAi' ^^TT^^jZliJ 1 1^1 'tV Signature of Special Inspector • \ Cejitification #:. vierified by: Print Name Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 12/15/2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 File No.: Perniit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1251A01 LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 11-01614 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) abs.) (psi) Fracture 7 12/15/2011 4X8 12.57 50,620 4,030 Cone 28 1/5/2012 4X8 12.57 28 1/5/2012 4X8 12.57 28 1/5/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H 1/5/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: JOHN NORBY Location: ELECTRICAL TRENCH - NORTH WEST CORNER OF SITE Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSON'S READY MIX Mix No.: RS300P41 TicItetNo.: 7843601 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 60 min. ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 12/8/2011 Date Received: 12/9/2011 Concrete Temp: 68 Ambient Temp: 74 °F ASTMC1064 °F ASTMC1064 Slump: 5.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarlts: Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Eduardo Dizon, R.C.E. /ilMijMilll Verification Test Dr.^;.-.r-v Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 oauyc IU Pump ID Mark IZVJ - 1 IO EQ-113 1 izu IB8.305 23.231 112 /o of Design Load Test Load klps Gauge Reading psi Movement In. Notes 0.2S 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 28 56 84 112 146 0 0 0 410 820 1230 1640 2132 0, oo o I, 34^4^ li£1\:SuP^ef^ 7k>^ T/P liPO I /3 4.-:2- 0 0 0 0 0 0 -C> Ul>3 /r 10 min. /35/ Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 840 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 20 TR Mark Lock off load (Klps) 84 % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement Notes of Design Load kips psi in. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0rt?cy O 0.25 21 308 0.50 42 615 0.75 63 923 <^re^ Tssr x^/m 1.00 84 1230 fi/iip 1.30 109 1599 1 i, 0 0 z. 0 0 /.^9;^ 0 0 A- //z^fz^/^ 10 min. li9fl //z^fz^/^ Project Legoland Date 1/18/2012 Ram ID EQ-113 Gauge ID EQ-113 Pump ID EQ-113 Beam 20 TR Mark Verification Test Calibration Lab Calibratin Date 200 Ton EQ - 840 68.305 23.231 113 amec November 29, 2011 Y=23.231x + 68.305 Lock off load (Kips) 84 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading £S/ Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 21 42 63 84 109 0 0 0 308 615 923 1230 1599 I li 0 0 0 0 0 0 A: lim il 7-/ i-hi-/A- I 10 min. A 7// Verification Test Project Date Legoland 1/18/2012 Calibration Lab Calibratin Date amec November 29, 2011 Ram ID Gauge ID Pump ID EQ-113 EQ-113 EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 840 68.305 Y=23.231x +68.305 Beam iviaik Lock off ioad (Kips) 84 % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement Notes of Design Load kips psi in. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2S 21 orto , /f -c 0.50 42 615 0.75 63 923 /9,A^9 c^^f^T yy^r >iml 1.00 84 1230 1.30 109 1599 1 ltl9'/ 0 0 1.19V.- 0 0 \,i^P. 0 0 CV ik^fz^/^ 10 min. r ik^fz^/^ /JiWiiMili] D R 1 I- 1_ Verification Test Project Date Legoland 1/18/2012 Calibration Lab Calibratin Date amec November 29, 2011 Ram ID Gauge ID Pump ID Beam Mark EQ-113 EQ-113 EQ-113 20 TR 200 Ton EQ-113 840 68.305 23 231 Y=23.231x +68.305 Lock off ioad (Kips) 84 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading £S/ Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 21 42 63 84 109 0 0 0 308 615 923 1230 1599 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 10 min. 0, -f^^ Verifiication Test Project Date Legoland 1/18/2012 Calibration Lab Calibratin Date amec November 29, 2011 Ram ID Gauge ID Pump ID EQ-113 EQ-113 EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 840 68.305 oo oo^ ,'.0 . £.0 1 Y=23.231x+68.305 Beam Mark 20 TR £_^l/tU^ 1 - Lock off ioad (Kips) 134 % of Design Load Test Load klps Gauge Reading Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 21 42 63 84 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 308 c 923 1230 1599 0 0 0 10 min. 0,000 JL3AC ±1 Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Daie 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 840 Pump ID EQ-113 68 305 23.231 Beam 20 TR Mark Lock off ioad (Kips) 84 % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement of Design Load kips psi in. Notes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 21 308 0.50 42 6^5 0.75 63 923 1.00 84 1230 1.30 109 1599 <c:^ep Tier ir/irrV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 21 308 0.50 42 6^5 0.75 63 923 1.00 84 1230 1.30 109 1599 0,o&€> <c:^ep Tier ir/irrV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 21 308 0.50 42 6^5 0.75 63 923 1.00 84 1230 1.30 109 1599 <c:^ep Tier ir/irrV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 21 308 0.50 42 6^5 0.75 63 923 1.00 84 1230 1.30 109 1599 <c:^ep Tier ir/irrV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 21 308 0.50 42 6^5 0.75 63 923 1.00 84 1230 1.30 109 1599 <c:^ep Tier ir/irrV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 21 308 0.50 42 6^5 0.75 63 923 1.00 84 1230 1.30 109 1599 . ^. /-> <^ / I JJV V Ull'' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 21 308 0.50 42 6^5 0.75 63 923 1.00 84 1230 1.30 109 1599 1 1. 9^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 z. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 min. 10 min. www.mtglinc.com Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave. Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632,2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Dispatcti: 800.491.2990 San DIego/lmperial County 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Dispatch: 888.844.5060 f Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pkwy, #1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760.342.4677 Fax: 760.342.4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 MTGL Project!:. Permit* Report # DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File #:_ DSA/OSHPD APPL #:_ DSA/LEA^ Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days ofthe inspection. Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distributed immediately. Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting the inspection. PROJECT NAME DATE ARCHITECT TIME ARRIVED TIME DEPARTED /5/ 3a ENGINEER TRAVEL TIME LUNCHTIME . 30 ^(P CONTRACTOR "K-i?. 6>i^i> • \DpRESS ^ SUB CONTRACTOR, JRA VV, INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS Of PROJECT UJtcl V TYPE OF INSPECTION [ ] ENGINEERED FILL • FOUNDATION BACKFILL • BATCH PLANT SH=T CONCRETE • SHOTCRETE CONCRETE L! MASONRY Li HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING [' WELDING ^ SHOP WELD : FIREPROOFING " ANCHOR/DOWEL , NDE FIELD n NDE SHOP CEILING WIRE • n DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT: APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE: APPROVEDPLANS YL! N' SOIL REPORT Y- i N LJ SPECS: YH N_ APPROVED SHOP DRAWING Y\gL N • MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): ^'UJr£^ -^frrZ^V ^01U /}/^^gyf^5^ CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: I f \ A AREA GRID LINES, PIECES INSPECTED: . *t / a. STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAII,. OR RFIS USED: cTAII. OR Rf REMARKS, INCLUDING MCETINGS: ^B^^^ ^ PP£>fi^?e. fiD^uO^,-^. /f/fyik^ ^/Vfe^^ /i^D/MJbu/tL. h^ci/»^ i?U>t^6rrpo^> {lUoupm^} /h^o ^-z^ REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THEWORK WAS^WASNOT^ Inspected in accordance with the requirements ofthe DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents, IVIATERIAL SAMPLING WAS_i WAS NOT J N/A^yt^ Performed in accordance with DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents, cc Project Architect Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Owner School District THE WORK INSPECTED MET DID NOT MEET L The requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. Samples taken:_ Weather: f>ll/^Y ^^^^^^/ Temp Certification #: Verified by: Verification Test Project Legoland Date 1/18/2012 Ram ID EQ-113 Gauge ID EQ-113 Pump ID EQ-113 Beam 6-18tr Mark L^m- 1 Calibration Lab Calibratin Date 200 Ton EQ - 1550 68.305 23.231 113 amec November 29, 2011 Y=23.231x +68.305 Lock off load (Kips) 155 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading psi Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 0 0 0 10 min. o,oco 0, & 1-^ IE 1-—y--— Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23,231 Beam 6-18tr Mark Lock off load (Kips) 155 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading psi Movement in. Notes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 39 568 0.50 78 1135 0.75 116 1702 1.00 155 2270 1.30 202 2950 ,\ 0 0 z, 4-4 e-0 0 0 0 •z. 4-4- 10 min. /jlMiAMdOi^ Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68,305 23.231 Beam 6-18tr Mark Lock off load (Kips) 155 % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement Notes of Design Load kips psi in. 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 0 0 0 £>,3Z3> -^^3Zo iijn Jj.kZj It hi,Z/ c^zi 10 min. /. 611 Verification Test Project Date Legoland 1/18/2012 Calibration Lab Calibratin Date amec November 29, 2011 Ram ID Gauge ID Pump ID Beam Mark EQ-113 EQ-113 EQ-113 6-1 Str 200Ton EQ-113 1550 68.305 23.231 Y=23.231x +68.305 Lock off load (Kips) 155 % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement Notes of Design Load kips psi in. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, oc>c> 0.25 39 568 0.50 78 1135 0.4-II 0.75 116 1702 1.00 155 2270 1.30 202 2950 1 i^Z-T-^ I UHZT- 0 0 /.9z^ 0 0 l.'iZ^ 0 0 1 h W 10 min. //9Z^ /iliMiiMilJJ Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x+68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 6-1 Str Mark / -^/O Lock off load (Kips) 155 % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement Notes of Design Load kips psi in. 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 0 0 0 0 0 0 -U I Z^CZ^/'Zy 10 min. Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200 Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x + 68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 6-18tr Mark Lock off load (Kips] 155 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading gs/ Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.«) 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 0,0 00 O, IG^ liojl 0 0 0 0 0 0 I, / Z^/Ze>/Z^ 10 min. I. Verification Test Pi'oject Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29. 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200 Ton EQ-113 Y=23,231x +68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68,305 23,231 Beam 6-1 Str Mark Lock off load (Kips) 155 ; % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement Notes of Design Load kips psi in. 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oi^(^^ d?, f,/,o MM I, t^f / /. gg/ M. 10 min. I Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 6-1 Str Mark Lock off load (Kips) 155 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading gs/ Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 0 0 0 10 min. O, OOQ /.^-g4- i __ /. 7 .56 /. ^5:& D R 1 1_ l_ 1 M O Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 6-1 Str Mark l0J^ 1 Lock off load (Kips) 155 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading gs/ Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 JJAIIL 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 min. Is ^-Of ( , (fi O ^ Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68,305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 6-1 Str Mark Lock off load (Kips) 155 % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement Notes of Design Load kips psi in. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 39 568 D,ZoB^ 0.50 78 1135 0.75 116 1702 1.00 155 2270 1, o^Z^ 1.30 202 2950 1.614-i 0 0 Z- 0 0 ltl-/^'i- 0 0 4-1,1//^r . h'O/^ 10 min. 1 O M 1 L l_ Project Legoland Date 1/18/2012 Ram ID EQ-113 Gauge ID EQ-113 Pump ID EQ-113 Beam 6-1 Str Mark /.^^ / Verification Test Calibration Lab Calibratin Date 200 Ton EQ - 1550 68,305 23.231 113 amec November 29, 2011 Y=23.231x + 68.305 Lock off load (Kips) 155 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading gs/ Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 0 0 0 &, 0£>C? -Jam 777^ Hip z fir hWT iimzi I, Bh/ 10 min. 4- Verific^ation Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68,305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 6-1 Str Mark Lock off load (Kips) 155 of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading gsi Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 O, 00 IP Ol ggg Hip 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 min. Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date Ram ID EQ-113 200 Ton EQ-113 Gauge ID EQ-113 1550 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 6-1 Str Mark I c> amec November 29, 2011 Y=23.231x +68.305 Lock off load (Kips) 155 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading psi Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 39 78 116 155 202 0 0 0 568 1135 1702 2270 2950 aw I, ZB/ ^gj^f-n^ p/\m I 0 0 0 0 0 0 'Z,0'C->7- .'-7 ZiO'o^- 10 min. /iiMiMijyuuj Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab amec Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date November 29, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 200Ton EQ-113 Y=23.231x +68.305 Gauge ID EQ-113 1000 Pump ID EQ-113 68.305 23.231 Beam 19 TR Mark Lock off load (Klps) 100 1 of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading gs/ Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 130 0 0 0 366 732 1098 1464 1904 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 min. /' 0/A 1,^4^ www.mtglinc.com MTGL Project #:_ Corporate: 2992 E, La Palma Ave, Ste, A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714,632,2999 Fax: 714,632,2974 Dispatcti: 800,491.2990 San Diego/Imperial Caunty 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537,3999 Fax: 858,537.3990 Dispatch: 888,844.5060 { Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkw., Bldg, 2-A Riverside, CA92518 Tel: 951.653,4999 Fax: 951,653,4666 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pkwy, #1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760.342,4677 Fax: 760,342,4525 Dispatch: 800,491.2990 Permit # <^-^////^^^ Report #_ PG. OF. DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File #:. DSA/OSHPD APPL#:. DSA/LEA #: Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed below Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on within 14 days of the inspection. Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distributed immediately, a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting the inspection. MD. PROJECT NAMi DATE ARCHITECT TIME ARRI '-'it TIME DEPARTED ENGINEER TRAVEL TIME LUNCHTIME CONTRACTOI SUB CONTRACTOI OB . V.., INSPECTION ADDRESS / ADDRESS Of PROJECT TYPE OF INSPECTION ENGINEERED FILL FOUNDATION : BACK FILL L, BATCH PLANT IsTPT CONCRETE n SHOTCRETE L: CONCRETE MASONRY LJ HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING • WELDING L SHOP WELD FIREPROOFING ANCHOR/DOWEL NDE FIELD NDESHOP CEILING WIRE • • n DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT: APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE: APPROVED PLANS YH Nl SOIL REPORT Y N' SPECS: YT] NL APPROVED SHOP DRAWING TV N MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 7' i.j/£e^-$71/1/^^? '^aiL /^^^^fffp^ CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT .'MANPOWER USED: 1 I \ -lim, 4/»ty^^ ^A^- ^ pu^/> f^^wp^^ {^^^HB^ Thlu/ri^ ^M^*^ AREA. GRID LINES. PIECES INSPECTED: ^ tt i i STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: ^^^^i/^ 'fee0f^ 71^77' /Ji^ Tit^'^^z^ foil. j^0£//be^ u^T^ ¥(3oiy^r. 0FeeA"io0^ t^e^^T REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETE: THEWORK WAS^T-WASNOT . Inspected in accordance with the requirements ofthe DS/VOSHPD/PROJECT approved documents, IVIATERIAL SAMPLING WAS WAS NOT N/A Performed in accordance with DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. cc Project Architect Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Owner School District THE WORK INSPECTED MET.TTJlD NOT MEET' The requirements of the DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. Samples taken:^ Weather: p'^gg-^T^ _ Tem;)j ^O' Print Name / Certification #:. Verified by: .c- Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab Smith-Emery Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date March 25, 2011 Ram ID EQ -102 1 JiO Ton Y=30.069x-3,169.891 Gauge ID Oto 10,000 psi WIKA 840 Pump ID EQ -102 30.069 3.169.89 Beam 3 TR Lock off load (Kips) 84 % Test Load Gauge Reading Movement Notes of Design Load kips psi in. 0 105 0 105 0 105 0.25 21 804 0.50 42 1502 o.s^^z 0.75 63 2201 1.00 84 2899 1. -ft aie (p^ihi) 1.30 109 3737 1 0 105 2. • :• 0 105 -7, /. & ZO 0 105 J 'x h(^zC^ 10 min. h(^zC^ /ilMiMiUl Verification Test Project Date Legoland 1/18/2012 Calibration Lab Calibratin Date Smith-Emery March 25, 2011 Ram ID Gauge ID Pump ID Beam Mark EQ-113 EQ-113 EQ-113 4TR 10Z^ J 150 Ton 1120 30.069 3,169.89 Y=30,069x-3,169.891 Lock off load (Kips) 112 of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading gsi Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 28 56 84 112 146 0 0 0 105 105 105 1037 1968 2899 3830 4948 105 105 105 0,000 I, g5 z- 4 2.1 Z>7^ Z,z(f^ 10 min. idMMdiUl Verification Test Project Legoland Calibration Lab Smith-Emery Date 1/18/2012 Calibratin Date March 25, 2011 Ram ID EQ-113 150 Ton Y=30.069x-3,169.891 Gauge ID EQ-113 1010 Pump ID EQ-113 30.069 3,169,89 Beam STR Mark Lock off load (Kips) 101 % of Design Load Test Load kips Gauge Reading gsi Movement in. Notes 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.30 0 0 0 25 51 76 101 131 105 105 105 945 1785 2625 3464 4472 O, OOZ^ O, O 4-1 a IZ- lUiP ^r?g^. 0 0 0 105 ro5 105 —J— I 10 min. Corporate: 2992 H, La Palma Avenue. .Suite A. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 6.32-2974 Branch: 629.5 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego. CA 92121 Tel: (8.S8) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537--3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653 -4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway # I. Indio. CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE A.STM C.^9 Date Printed: 3/9/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 12-0142 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1251A02 LEGOLAND PIRATE ISLAND ATTRACTION ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Incli) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 3/9/2012 4X8 12.57 44,260 .3,520 Cone 28 3/30/2012 4X8 12.57 28 3/30/2012 4X8 12.57 28 3/30/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H 3/30/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strengtli: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: HANS KLEHMET Location: DRILLED PIER FOUNDATION - GRID LINE G / 6 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 3/2/2012 Date Received: .V-3/2012 Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSONS Mix No.: 38301 Ticket No.: 7983417 Water added at Site: 10.00 gaL By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: Mix Time: 127 Concrete Temp: 73 Ambient Temp: 72 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM CI064 Slump: 3.50 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. LEGOLAND SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue. Suite A. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square. Suite C. San Diego. CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-.3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A. Riverside. CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1. Indio. CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 3/14/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 12-0148 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name; 1251A02 LEGOLAND PIRATE ISLAND ATTRACTION ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 9 .3/12/2012 4X8 12.57 46,530 3,700 Cone 28 .3/.31/2012 4X8 12.57 28 .3/.31/20I2 4X8 12.57 28 .3/31/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H .3/.31/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: HANS KLEHMET Location: DRILLED PIER FOUNDATION - GRID LINE D / 0 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 3/3/2012 Date Received: Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSONS Mix No.: 38301 Ticket No.: 79834.35 Water added at Site: 20,00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: Mix Time: 71 Concrete Temp: 74 Ambient Temp: 75 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 4,25 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT, LEGOLAND SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E, La Palma Avenue. Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square. Suite C. San Diego. CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway # I, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 3/14/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 12-0152 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl 11977 1251A02 LEGOLAND PIRATE ISLAND ATTRACTION ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 .3/1.3/2012 4X8 12,57 43,910 3,490 Cone 28 4/.3/2012 4X8 12,57 28 4/3/2012 4X8 12,57 28 4/3/2012 4X8 12,57 28 H 4/.3/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: HANS KLEHMET Location: DRILLED PIER FOUNDATION - GRID LINE F/ 13 ASTMC172 Date Sampled: .3/6/2012 Date Received: 3/7/2012 Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSONS Mix No.: 38301 Ticket No.: 7893503 Water added at Site: 5,00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: Mix Time: 26 Concrete Temp: 70 Ambient Temp: 68 °F ASTM C1064 °F ASTM C1064 Slump: 4 25 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. LEGOLAND SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E, La Palma Avenue. Suile A. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714)632-2999 Fax: (714)632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square. Suite C. San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside. CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1. Indio. CA 92201 Tcl: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: .3/12/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 12-0150 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: 1251A02 LEGOLAND PIRATE ISLAND ATTRACTION ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD. CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 .3/12/2012 4X8 12.57 47,750 3,800 Cone 28 4/2/2012 4X8 12.57 28 4/2/2012 4X8 12.57 28 4/2/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H 4/2/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: HANS KLEHMET Location: DRILLED PIER FOUNDATION - GRID LINE 2 / F ASTMC172 Date Sampled: .3/5/2012 Date Received: Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSONS Mix No.: 38301 Ticket No.: 7983457 Water added at Site: 10.00 gaL By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: Mix Time: 45 Concrete Temp: 75 Ambient Temp: 77 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 4.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. LEGOLAND SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E, La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 6.32-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside. CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1. Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: 3/16/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 12-0163 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl 11977 1251A02 LEGOLAND PIRATE ISLAND ATTRACTION ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 3/16/2012 4X8 12.57 40,360 3,210 Cone 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12,57 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: HANS KLEHMET ASTM C172 Date Sampled: 3/9/2012 Date Received: 3/12/2012 Location: DRILLED PIER - SUBGRADE TO FINISH ELEVATION. GRID LINE 13 / D Concrete Supplier: ROBERTSONS Mix No.: 38301 Ticket No.: 8045138 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 115 Concrete Temp: 76 Ambient Temp: 79 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 4.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. LEGOLAND SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) SUFFOLK-ROEL CONSTRUCTION (SD) **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 2^ Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E, La Palma Avenue, Suite A. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suile C, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside, CA 92518 Tel: (951) 657-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: .3/16/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 12-0161 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CB111086 1251A01 LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 .3/16/2012 4X8 12,57 28,670 2.280 Cone 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12,57 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H 4/6/2012 4X8 12,57 Specified Strength: 3.000 PSI Sampled By: RAMZI JAMMA Location: GRADE BEAM, GRID LINE 12 / C - E ASTMC172 Date Sampled: 3/9/2012 Date Received: 3/12/2012 Concrete Supplier: HANSON AGGREGATE Mix No.: 3033500 Ticket No.: 438214 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 85 Concrete Temp: 70 Ambient Temp: 72 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 4,00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. \ Corporate: 2992 E, La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C. San Diego. CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-.3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A, Riverside. CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Center Parkway #1. Indio. CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE ASTM C39 Date Printed: .3/16/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 12-0160 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl 11086 1251 AOI LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 .3/16/2012 4X8 12,57 26,560 2.110 Cone 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 H 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3.000 PSI Sampled By: RAMZI JAMMA ASTM C172 Date Sampled: .3/9/2012 Date Received: .3/12/2012 Location: PAD. WALL & GRADE BEAM FOOTING - GRID LINE A - B.5 / 2 - 3 Concrete Supplier: HANSON AGGREGATE Mix No.: 3033500 Ticket No.: 438301 Water added at Site: 15.00 gaL By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: Mix Time: 120 Concrete Temp: 74 Ambient Temp: 73 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 4.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim. CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C, San Diego. CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-,3990 Branch: 14467 Meridian Parkway Bldg 2A. Riverside. CA 92518 Tel: (951) 653-4999 Fax: (951) 653-4666 Branch: 44917 Golf Cenler Parkway #1, Indio, CA 92201 Tel: (760) 342-4677 Fax: (760) 342-4525 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-CONCRETE A.STM C39 Date Printed: .3/16/2012 CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD. CA 92008 Client: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS Set No.: 12-0159 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: Project Name: CBl 11086 1251 AOI LEGOLAND HOTEL ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROA 462 STEVENS AVENUE SUITE 106 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (Ibs.) (psi) Fracture 7 .3/16/2012 4X8 12.57 30.480 2,430 Cone 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 28 4/6/2012 4X8 12,57 28 H 4/6/2012 4X8 12.57 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: RAMZI JAMMA ASTM C172 Date Sampled: .3/9/2012 Date Recei ved: .3/12/2012 Location: GRADE BEAM. WALLS & PAD FOOTING. GRID LINE A / 8 - 10 Concrete Supplier: HANSON AGGREGATE Mix No.: 3033500 Ticket No.: 439371 Water added at Site: gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 50 Concrete Temp: 73 Ambient Temp: 76 "F ASTM C1064 "F ASTM C1064 Slump: 4.00 in. ASTM C143 Tested at: San Diego Remarks: Distribution: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ADVISORS LEGOLAND CITY OF CARLSBAD-BLDG INSPECTION DEPT. RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION RD OLSON CONSTRUCTION **LAB COPY** Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. Sam Valdez, R.C.E. www.mtglinccom MTGL Project #:. ( Corporate: 2992 E, La Palma Ave. Ste, A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714,632.2999 Fax: 714.632,2974 Dispatcii: 800,491,2990 San Diego/Imperial County 6295 Ferris Square, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537,3999 Fax: 858,537,3990 Dispatch: 888,844,5060 Inland Empire: 14467 Meridian Pkw., Bldg. 2-A Rive:-side, CA 92518 Tel: 951,653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 Dispatch: 800,491.2990 Indio: 44917 Golf Center Pkwy, #1 Indio, CA 92201 Tel: 760,342,4677 Fax: 760,342,4525 Dispatch: 800.491.2990 Permit # Report*. PG OF^ DAILY INSPECTION REPORT DSA/CITY File #: DSA/OSHPD APPL #: DSA/LEA #: Special Inspection Reports must be distributed to the parties listed below within 14 days of the inspection. Reports of non-compliant conditions must be distributed immediately. Separate reports shall be prepared for each type of special inspection, on a daily basis. Each report shall be completed and signed by the special inspector conducting the inspection. PROJECT NAME 1- 9-1-2^ '•^ y ' y . I / D I TIMEARRIVED /•' , TIME DEPARTED 3; ^o;^At ENGINEER TRAVEL TIME, CL I I IVIC/ LUNCH TIME CONTRACTOR SUB CONTRACTOR / ADDBESS OF PROJECI < T\ ~/ ~J j INSPECTION ADDRESS TYPE OF INSPECTION ENGINEERED FILL FOUNDATION BACKFILL r i BATCH PLANT n PT CONCRETE n SHOTCRETE «. CONCRETE L.I MASONRY 1 : HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING [' WELDING 1 SHOP WELD FIREPROOFING ANCHOR/DOWEL NDE FIELD NDESHOP n CEILING WIRE • • • DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT APPROVED DOCUMENTS: AVAILABLE: APPROVED PLANS YXT N SOIL REPORT YJT N SPECS: Y^ N_ APPROVED SHOP DRAWING YK N MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS) _ CONTRACTOR'S EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED. INFS PIFCFS IIMSPFCTFD ' \ ~f 7^ i j. . I .' \ ^ ARR. GRID LINES. PIECES INSPECTEO ^ CC^(/ 6. f^^ ft^lr.^ /^4^. T STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USED; . luri iinikin nuccTiunc. / - * AO-REMARKS wayows Mff rwcs. . J /) i ' / J I A - 't~ A- l~a^ti/Lp- Ytrn^iA ly^'iCtji^ -^P^d:. iTtft*^^', I fr>.^^r ic^/^^ >^^-M^i Ao^ei( s:e f~ o/"<^«^,o>fe PERCENT PROJECT CmPLEJE-.S^t^ U^^u ^^^\ REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY; THE WORK INSPECTED MET V" DID NOT MEET 2. I^r 5 The requirements of the DSA/OSHPOpROJECT approved documents. Samples taken: ^ ^•g'fs t>\'^^<^. ^j^J C«.c:^C._ Weather (IJ'^^M' Temp: 11 P THEWORK WAS .X WAS NOT Inspected in accordance with the requirements ofthe DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. IVIATERIAL SAMPLING WAS;' WAS NOT N/A Performed in accordance with DSA/OSHPD/PROJECT approved documents. cc Project Architect Contractor Structural Engineer Building Department DSA Regional Office Owner School District Certification #: EsGii Corporation In (Partnersliip witA government for (BuiCding Safety DATE: 10/26/2011 • APPLICANT or JURIS. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 11-1086 SET II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Drive PROJECT NAME: Legoland Site Utilities Modifications for Hotel Preparation The plans transmitted herewith are being returned to the City at their request. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. IXI Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: 760 692-4013 Date contacted: (by: ) Email: ewilks@hofmanplanning.com Fax #: 760 692-4105 Mail Telephone Fax In Person El REMARKS: The applicant is Hofman, who has submitted some ofthe civil wet utility plans but a note was included with the plans that the civils were included "for reference use only? The other plans included dealt with the electrical site work in the hotel area. • The electrical is fine as submitted. If the private site utilities are under this permit, complete the plan design and justify the (hotel) sewer and water piping design based upon existing and new demand loading. Plans returned to City at request of Mr. Will Foss. By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 10/26 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858)560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (Partnersfiip witfi government for (Building Safety DATE: 10/07/2011 • AE^yq^NT 'JURIS. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad • >I:AIT^ EVI EWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 11-1086 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Drive PROJECT NAME: Legoland Site Utilities Modifications for Hotel Preparation I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. XI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: I I Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ^^/^"^ ^J^'t-\^'5 64./-f)"elephone #: 760 692-4013 Date contacted: /o (by:v^ ) Email: ewilks(a)hofmanplanninq.com Fax #: 760 692-4105 6 Mail ^ Telephone-^ Fax— In Person • REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 09/28 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 11-1086 10/07/2011 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLANCHECKNO.: 11-1086 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Drive DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: ESGIL CORPORATION: 09/28 10/07/2011 REVIEWED BY: Eric Jensen FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. The approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. • Please make all corrections and submit two new complete sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. • To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. • Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? • Yes • No / Carlsbad 11-1086 10/07/2011 PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, and ENERGY COMMENTS PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen ARCHITECTURAL PME ITEMS • I'm a little unclear as to what this permit is for: The applicant Is Hofman, who has submitted some of the civil wet utility plans but a note was included with the plans that the civils were included "for reference use only? The other plans included dealt with the electrical site work in the hotel area. • The electrical is fine as submitted. 1. If the private site utilities are under this permit, complete the plan design and justify the (hotel) sewer and water piping design based upon existing and new demand loading. • The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Eric Jensen at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 11-1086 10/07/2011 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLANCHECKNO.: 11-1086 PREPARED BY: Eric Jensen DATE: 10/07/2011 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Drive BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION AREA ( Sq. FL) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: • Repetitive Fee Repeats • Complete Review • Other • Hourly EsGil Fee $215.00 • Structural Only $86.00 Hrs. $172.00 * Based on hourly rate Comments: 2 hours plan review. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + PLANNING/ENGINEERING APPROVALS PERMIT NUIVIBER CB 11-1086 DATE5/26/2011 ADDRESS 1 LEGOLAND DRIVE RESIDENTIAL ADDITION- MINOR (<17,000.00) RETAINING WALL POOL/SPA TENANT IMPROVEMENT COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING VILLAGE FAIRE SOLAR PANELS OTHER RELOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN PREPARATION OF GRADING FOR HOTEL PROJECT SDP 96-14(C) PLANNER Van Lvnch DATE 5/26/2011 ENGINEER DATE H:\ADMIN\Cni)NTER/PUNNINf./ENCINEERINC APPROVALS Raenette Abbey Promt lentt Tot Cct lubjectt Glen Van Peski Thursday, December 22,20117:43 AM Frank Jimeno Will Foss; Mibe Peterson; Linda Ontiveros; Raenette Abbey RE: Legoland Hotel Building Permit Private Services Will indicated Esgil will be fine with it. —Originai IViessage— From: Frank Jimeno Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 201111:10 AM To: Glen Van Peski Cc: Will Foss; Mike Peterson; Linda Ontiveros; Raenette Abbey Subject: RE: Legoland Hotel Building Permit Private Services That works for me. We"ll need to find out if this will meet EsGil's requirements for them to certify the laterals meet plumbing code. From: Glen Van Peski Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 20119:55 AM To: Frank Jimeno Cc: Will Foss; Mike Peterson; Linda Ontiveros; Raenette Abbey Subject: RE: Legoland Hotel Building Permit Private Services Ah, good point. We could do something like this, not sure if it clarifies or makes it worse: [ALL PRIVATE SEWER AND WATER LATERALS ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY, AND WILL BE PLANCHECKED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION AS INCORPORATED INTO THE BUILDING PLANS, CB —Original Message— From: Frank Jimeno Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 20119:52 AM To: Glen Van Peski Cc: Will Foss; Mike Peterson; Linda Ontiveros; Raenette Abbey Subject: RE: Legoland Hotel Building Permit Private Services Glen, We need to refine the note a little more because we do check some private utilities, e.g.; SD > 12". Maybe we can refer to the wet utilities and only the water and sewer laterals. Ilaenette Abbey Promt lentt Tot Cct lubjectt Frank Jimeno Tuesday, December 20,20115:17 PM Bill Hofman 'Evan Wilks'; Glen Van Peski; Will Foss; Mike Peterson; Linda Ontiveros; Raenette Abbey; Terie Rowley RE: Legoland Hotel Building Permit Private Services Bill, The purpose of the meeting was to coordinate the response to EsGil's comments on the building permit plancheck. Clearly this is a very confusing issue. Land Development Engineering (LDE) reviews wet utilities (storm drains, sewer, water & reclaimed water) in the public rights-of-way (public easements). In some cases private wet utility main lines (e.g.; storm drains & sewers) are also reviewed. LDE does not review the private laterals connecting the buildings to the main lines. For water services, the review stops just past the water meter, which is within the public easement, (see W-3). In the case of fire services, the review stops just before the Double Check Valve Detector (see W-22). For sewer laterals, the review stops at the edge of the easement, where a clean out is installed in the private side (see S-7). For the Legoland Hotel, the water supply comes off a public main in the parking lot. The meters are shown in the improvement plan DWG 473-2 (not approved yet). Once approved, this improvement plan is usually attached to the architectural drawings. The sewer system within the park is all private. The utility relocations were shown in a building permit, which included the new sewer lateral to the building. It was suggested this lateral be shown in the hotel architectural plans for reference. Building and Engineering had agreed to show the private laterals, clearly labeled for reference, in the engineering drawings. It was suggested that they be shown in the grading plan DWG 473-2A, since that's the only one showing the building footprint. As pointed out by EsGil, the private laterals need to comply with the California Plumbing Code, which is under the purview ofthe Building Department, not LDE. The "civil site utility plans" mentioned by EsGil are not the engineering drawings, they are "architectural civil site plans." All water line sizing calculations for the building water demand are also the purview ofthe Building Department and are to be shown in the architectural drawings. If you wish to meet to discuss this further, I'll be available Thursday 10 am to noon and after 3:30 pm, or Friday between 8 am and 5 pm. Since I won't be here tomorrow, please contact Terie Rowley at (760) 602-2774 to set-up the meeting. Thanks, 4. ^ cut Of CARLSBAD Frank J. Jimeno, PE Associate Engineer |.and Development Engineering www.carlsbadca.gov P: 760-602-2758 F: 760-602-1052 Frank.iimenoOcarlsbadca.gov From: Bill Hofman [mailto:bhofman@hofmanplanning.com] Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 5:04 PM To: Frank Jimeno Cc: 'Evan Wilks' Subject: Legoland Hotel Building Permit Private Services Hi Frank, We know one of the main purposes of having a meeting today was to clarify the private utility service connections including potable service and fire service. This was one of the comments from EsGil on the building plan check; reading: "Identify the extent ofthe private sewer, water, and gas systems on the plumbing site plan. Clearly specify, on the plans, which City Department is responsible for the permitting, plan check, and inspections for the private utility systems. If private, the responsibility ofthe City Building Department, and under the California Plumbing Code, provide complete civil site utility plans for plan check, or obtain a separate permit from the City for the civil site pians." It is our understanding that the Engineering Department does not review nor approve private services and that there is no expectation that these would be shown on our civil grading and improvement drawings but instead would normally be included in the architectural plumbing drawings. The EsGil comment regarding the "civil site plans" is confusing and that is why we are asking for your clarification. We want to help clarify for our team the City's requirements for these private services and on which drawings they are typically shown. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Would you recommend that we meet this week to discuss this subject in more detail? We understand that your time is limited and you are out next week, so we appreciate any time that you could give us. We would like to have our plumbing contractor present. He is not available tomorrow. We will forward your response to the rest of the team. Bill Hofman HOFMAN PLANNING & ENGINEERING 3152 Lionshead Avenue • Carlsbad • CA • 92010 760-692-4012 Direct • 760-692-4100 General 760-692-4105 Fax www.hofmanplanninq.com Raenette Abbey Fromt Frank Jimeno lentt Thursday, October 27,20114:51 PM Tot Raenette Abbey lubjectt FW: LEGOLAND CA Hotel: Building Permit From: Will Foss Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 4:49 PM To: Ted Giesing; David Mann (dmann@a-dwrb.com) Cc: Bill Hofman (bhofman@hofmanplanning.com); Frank Jimeno; Glen Van Peski; Chris Romero; Craig Backhus; Evan Wilks (ewilks@hofmanplanning.com) Subject: RE: LEGOLAND CA Hotel: Building Permit All, 1. Please resubmit 3 complete sets of plans for the Private Utility Relocation Building Permit to the building counter for review and approval. This submittal should include plan sheets that relate to the direction Frank gave in our meeting and previously submitted sheets regarding electrical and plumbing sheets. Slip sheeting is not an option. 2. It is not advisable to refer to CB1086 in the verticai construction Hotel Building Permit set of plans. The Hotel submittal should stand alone as a plan package. This is my take on keeping the submittals separate and distinct. We can discuss further at the next meeting. Will Will Foss Building Official City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad,CA. 92008-7314 T 760-602-2716 F 760-602-8560 From: Ted Giesing [mailto:tedg@pmainc.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 6:04 PM To: David Mann (dmann@a-dwrb.com) Cc: Bill Hofman (bhofman@hofmanplanning.com); Frank Jimeno; Glen Van Peski; Will Foss; Chris Romero; Craig Backhus; Evan Wilks (ewilks@hofmanplanning.com) Subject: LEGOLAND CA Hotel: Building Permit David, Per our discussion, there are drawings that were submitted to the City of Carlsbad that were included for both: 1. Private Utility Relocation Building Permit 2. Hotel Building Permit (vertical construction) This has caused some confusion. To clarify, when you make your resubmittal for the Hotel Building Permit, please label any drawings that were submitted with the Private Utility Relocation Building Permit with the following label on the title block: "BY OTHER PERMIT: Reference CBll 1086". We are aware ofthe following drawings that need this label. If there are any others not listed below, please also label them accordingly: - E2.1 - E2.2 - E2.5 - E8.1 - E8.2 - E8.6 - ElO.l - E10.2 - E10.4 - P2.0.0 Regards, Ted Ted Giesing, P.E., LEED'AP PROJECT iMANAGEiVIENT ADViSORS, INC. DEVELOPMENT IVIANAGEIVIENT j PROJECT MANAGEiUIENT | INVESTOR REPRESENTATiON 462 Stevens Avenue, Suite 106 | Solana Beach, CA 92075 direct 858.704.1976 j cell 858.729.4280 | fax 858.704.0795 www.pmainc.com Piease consider the environmeiit before printing this e-mail. He '-' sis n C_ 11 V# V 3^ 1- 58 e 3^ 1- 58 e 1 •"^ G 2 J> >; C 2^ 2 zO z e 29 DR FOR HOT m