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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB143473; Permit
01-02-2015 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad.CA 92008 Retaining Wall Permit Permit No: CB143473 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: Area: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD RETAIN 2111000900 Lot#: $15,869.00 Construction Type: 0 NEW LEGOLAND-DEATH STAR STRUCTURE: 250 SF DECK //112 SF CANOPY // NEW RETAINING Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: ISSUED 12/11/2014 RMA 01/02/2015 01/02/2015 Plan Check#: Inspect Applicant: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISI c/o PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO POBOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 760 918-5300 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISI c/o PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO POBOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Checl< Add'l Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Standards (SB1473) Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee other Building Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $167.11 $0.00 $116.98 $0.00 $2.06 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $287.15 Total Fees: $287.15 Total Payments To Date: $287.15 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: J'^V^ Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest Imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure wlll bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previouslv been oiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise expired. 01-02-2015 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: CB#: Project Title: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad.CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No.SW 140435 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD SWPPP 2111000900 Lot#: CBI43473 LEG09LAND-RETAINING WALL @ Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Tier: Priority: ISSUED 12/11/2014 RMA 01/02/2015 1 M Applicant: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISI C/O PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO P O BOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISI C/O PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO POBOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 Emergency Contact: MANNED SECURITY GATE MANNED 24 HOURS 760 918-5431 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees $53.00 $224.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $277.00 Total Fees: $277.00 Total Payments To Date: $277.00 Balance Due: $0.00 FINALAPPROVAL QMEJ-Y^I SIGNATURE THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMiT ISSUANCE: ZJPLANNING •ENGINEERING •BUILDING •FIRE •HEALTH OHAZIV!AT;APCO PlanCheckNo. Cyf)l^ J ^ Ccityof Carlsbad Buiiding Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Est. Value Plan Ck. Deposi; SWPPP JOB ADDRESS One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA SUITE#/SPACE#/UNIT# 211 100 09 00 CT/PROJECT # # OF UNITS # BEDROOMS # BATHROGIWS TENANT BUSJNESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE OCC. GROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Area(s) Construct retaining wall taller than 4' in height. The retaining wall total square footage Is 482 square feet. The retaining wall value is less than $50,000. ^ / -ES^-^' oCM^^ /7 i . . fl ./I t (I-.2. (UVJ<J<^ EXISTING USE Commercial PKbPOSED I/6E Commercial PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) FTREPU\CE YESri# NOTTI AIR CONDITIONING YES I jNOfT] FlRESPRINKLERS YESQ NO|n APPLICANT NAIVIE Primary Contact Tim Petsche PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS One Legoland Drive ADDRESS One Leqoland Drive CITY Carlsbad STATE CA 92008 CITY Carlsbad STATE CA ZIP 92008 760-918-5300 FAX 760-918-5469 PHONE 760-918-5300 760-918-5469 EMAIL tim.petsche@leqoland.com EMAIL tim.petsche@leqoland.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Stuart Engineering CONTRACTOR BUS. NAIVIE Unknown at this time 7525 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 308 ADDRESS CITY San Dieao STATE CA ZIP 92108 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE 619-296-1010 FAX 619-296-9276 FAX EMAIL l(greenhaw@stuartengineerinq.com 27232 CITY BUS. LIC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuantto the provisions ofthe Contractor's License Law {Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 ofthe Business and Professions Code} or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500}). Workers' Compensation Declaration: / herefcy affirm under penalty ofpeijuiy one of tlie following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to seif-insure for worlcers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfonnance of the wori( for which this pennit is issued, 11 have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for Ihe performance of the work for which this pennit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co, Policy No. Expiration Date This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred doiiars ($100) or less. I I Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the perfonnance of the worts for which this permil is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of Caiifomia. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. JS^ CONTRACTOR SiGNATURE • AGENT DATE / hereby affirm tliat I am exempt from Contractor's Ucense Law for tlie following reason: [ I I, as owner of the praperty or my empioyees with wages as their sole compensation, wiii do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such wort( himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the buiiding or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the bunlen of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). I I I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contrxting with Icensed contractors to constmct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contrxtor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who buiids or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contrxtor's License Law), I I I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally pian to provide the major labor and materials for constructnn of the proposed property Improvement [^Yes I |No 2.1 (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3,1 have contracted with the following person (fimn) to provide the proposed constnjction (include name address / phone / contractors' license number): 4.1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supen/ise and provide the major wori< (include name / address / phone / contrxtors' license number): 5.1 will provide some of the work, but I have contraSsdjhired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of work): DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, xutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sxfons 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Yes No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Yes No Is the fxility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a consfruction lending agency for the performance of the work this pernilt is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address I certily that I have read the application and state that the .above informaton is comxt arid that tl)cinformation on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with aH I hereby authorize representative of the City ot Carisbad to enter upon the above mentnned property for Inspection purposes, I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT, OSHA: An OSHA permit Is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or oonstructcn of structures over 3 stories in heighL EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Buikiing Oflicialunder the provisbns of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or wori< auihorized by such pemiit is not commenced within 180 days fom the date of such permit or if the buikling or^)rl(.authorized by suda pemiit is suspended or abandoned at any (me after the mk s commenced for a perfod of 180 days (Sectbn 106.4,4 Unifomi Building Code). vfiS"APPLICANT'S SIGNATUrfl~ A"^^ J TTS DATE /^////f STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. Fax (760) 602-8560, Email buildinq(5)carlsbadca.qov or Mail the completed form to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, Califomia 92008. C0#: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAIVIE OCCUPANT NAIVIE ADDRESS BUILDING ADDRESS CITY STATE CfTY STATE Carlsbad CA FAX EMAIL OCCUPANT'S BUS. LiC. No. DELIVERY OPTIONS PICK UP: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) IVlAlLTO: CONTACT (Listed above) OCCUPANT (Listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAIL / FAX TO OTHER: ASSOCIATED CB#_ NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION jeiAPPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Inspection List Permit*: CB143473 Type: RETAIN Date Inspection Item 03/03/2015 89 Final Combo 03/02/2015 89 Final Combo 03/02/2015 89 Final Combo 02/24/2015 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 02/24/2015 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 02/19/2015 13 Shear Panels/HD's 02/19/2015 15 Roof/Reroof 02/18/2015 13 Shear Panels/HD's 02/12/2015 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin 02/03/2015 84 Rough Combo 01/29/2015 84 Rough Combo 01/21/2015 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 01/20/2015 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Inspector PB PB PB PB PB PB PB PB PB PB PB Act AP Rl NR Rl CA AP AP NR PA AP NR AP NR LEGOLAND-DEATH STAR STRUCTURE: 250 SF DECK //112 SF CANOPY // NEW R Comments Wednesday, March 04, 2015 Page 1 of 1 To: Page 1 of 2 2015-01-09 19:00:17 (GMT) From; Henry Hill HiTE HILL-INSPECTION TECTING / ENGINEERING RECORD COPY January9,2015 City of Carlsbad Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Facsimile: (760) 602-8560 Reference: Permit Number CB 143473 Subject: Special Inspection Affidavit for Legoland. Death Star Attraction Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is to notify that; Special Inspections of Reinforced Concrete, Masonry, Structural Steel Welding, High Strength Bolting, Epoxy Anchor Installation, and Materials Testing are to be performed at the subject project by HiTE (Hill-inspection/Testing/Engineering). All 'work requiring special inspection and/or materials sampling and testing for the structure(s) constructed under the referenced permit are to be performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto, and the Califomia Building Code. Respectfully submitted, HiTE Henry Barton Hill, Principal Engineer M.S., P.E. #64822 Attachments: Principal Certifications PO Box 771, San Diego, CA 92038-0771 San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • Imperial • San Bernardino www.h-ite.com • (858) 220-1078 Office • (858) 220-7421 Fax Ui X ^1. I .s BOARD POR PRoFBSSMWAt- ENGmEERS „, lJ!\M» SURVEYORS. AND GBGiUKJfSTS. I IIIIlijffVMi,Mill.. 233S CAPlTSl OAKS DRIVE, SURE 30C %Hm-iMfm^KS--i SACfWIWSTO, CA 9S833-294* 316 S63 Cf RTtPlGAr* (»--> C 64«22 CIVIL ENGlNEEIt HENRV BARTON HILL PO BOX 771 LA JOLLr CA >2038 f=(ec6i?T so ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade I ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technician MR HENRY B HILL Gi&rtfficatiofl ID #0(KJa5533 Expires on: 02/23/2018 jitSficanoii Verify at CheckACl.org ACr A^regate Testing Technician - Level 1 MR HENRY B HILL Certification JD #00003533 Expires on: 02/23/2018 Verify at CheckACt.org j MR HENRY B HILL Certification JD #00005533 Expires on: 07/19/2019 ;©rt!fit.=ition Verify at CheckACI.org AC! Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Level 1 MR HENRY B HILL Certification ID #00005533 Expires on: 02/23/2018 certification Verify at CheckACI.org To: Page 2 of 3 2015-02-02 16:56:46 (GMT) From: Henry Hill HiTE HILL - INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING February 2,2015 City of Carlsbad Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 Facsimile: (760)602-8560 Reference: ^g|(g||pt|||l43473 f Subject: Special Inspection Affidavit for Legoland, Death Star Attraction Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is to notify that; Special Inspections of Reinforced Concrete, Masonry, Structural Steel Welding, High Strength Bolting, Epoxy Anchor Installation, and Materials Testing are to be performed at the subject project by HiTE (Hill-inspecti on/Testing/Engineering). All work requiring special inspection and/or materials sampling and testing for the structure(s) constructed under the referenced pemiit are to be performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto, and the Califomia Building Code. Respectfully submitted, HiTE Heniy Barton Hill, Principal Engineer M.S., P.E. #64822 Attachments: Principal Certifications PO Box 771, San Diego, CA 92038-0771 San Diego • Orange • Los Angeles • Riverside • Imperial • San Bernardino www.h-ite.com • (858) 220-1078 Office • (858) 220-7421 Fax Ui 1 if I ll X 7;. •32 in- «5- -W, - E)<p Q-immir Act Concrete Strength Testing Technician MR HENRY B HILL Certificafion ID #00005533 Expires on: 02/23/2018 srtlJica'iwi Verify at CheckACLorg ( BOARD Pt« PROFBSSl€*lAL EVGINIERS ,...l-AKD SURVEYORS. AND GB0iL06fSTS •1 •"'^<toy''*Saa 2336 ("AWiai. OASS DSPrt, SUrfE 300 " 916 263-2222 CEmif'tGATf SO. C 64822 CIVIL ENGINEER EXPIRATION I OS/30/15J HEN8Y BARTON HILL PO BOX 771 LA JO^L/ ^^^^^^ 3r3?0813 Spatial tusp^t^. Si/2;«saOtr »' o THg C4TY OF SAK DIEGO ACr A^regate Testing Technician Level 1 MR HENRY B HILL Certification ID #00003533 Expires on: 02/23/2018 Verify at CheckACI.org ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician - Grade I MR HENRY B HILL Certification ID #00005533 Expires on: 07/19/2019 CeitKic-nort Verify at CheckACI.org ACI Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Level 1 MR HENRY B HILL Certification ID #00005333 Expires on: 02/23/2018 r'itScatifin Verify at CheckACI.org O 3 : (0 I HiTE HILL - INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address 1 Legoland Drive Building Permit Number CB143473 ( Jurisdiction / File Number Carlsbad Project Name Death Star Attraction Architect Legoland California Construction Maierial Design Strength Reinforced Cone. fc=2500 psi Source Robertson's RMC Engineer DSI Description of Materials A.STM A615, Grade 60 Reinforcing General Contractor Commercial Builders Sub Contractor CCl other Inspection Date/ Start of Woric /End of Worit 2-Feb-15 Provided special inspection for the reinforcing steel in Perimeter Wall Footings along Lines 3 & A of the approved plans at the referenced project. The Footings are reinforced, per Sheet S4, Detail 6. All steel sizes, laps and clearances are in substantial conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVEI CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton Hill, PE 64822 ICC, No.: 1113681-M[ REGISTRATION NUMBER February 2, 2015 DATE San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino Carlsbad 14-3473 12/30/14 EsGil Corporation In Partnership xvitH government for (BuiCding Safety DATE: 12/30/14 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLANCHECKNO.: 14-3473 PROJECT ADDRESS: One Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Death Star Attraction Structure • APPLICANT • JURIS. • PLANREVIEWER • FILE SET: II K! The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: [XJ EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. I I EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Telephone #: Email: Person contacted Date contacted: Mail Telephone • REMARKS: (by: ) Fax In Person By: Chuck Mendenhall EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • MB • PG Enclosures: 12/26/14 EsGil Corporation In tPartnersAip witfi government for (BuiCcfing Safety DATE: 12/22/14 • APPLICANT JURIS. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLANCHECKNO.: 14-3473 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: One Legoland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Death Star Attraction Structure I I The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ^ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ^ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Stuart Engineering 7525 Metropolitan Dr, suite 308, San Diego, CA 92108 I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. 1X1 EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Stuart Engineering Telephone #: (619) 296-1010 yOate contacted: 1^*7^ (biV\A~^ Email: kgreenhaw(gstuartengineering.com •o^ail V/Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS: By: Chuck Mendenhall Enclosures: EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • MB • PC 12/15/14 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, Califomia 92123 • (858)560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 14-3473 12/22/14 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST TENANT IMPROVEMENTS PLANCHECKNO.: 14-3473 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad OCCUPANCY: B USE: Amusement Display TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB ACTUAL AREA: 250 sf ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 9,000 STORIES: one HEIGHT: 15ft approx/ per CBC SPRINKLERS?: OCCUPANT LOAD: REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/15/14 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: 12/22/14 PLAN REVIEWER: Chuck Mendenhall FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 2013 CBC, which adopts the 2012 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2012 International Building Code, the approval ofthe plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed. I.e.. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when vou submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 14-3473 12/22/14 Please make all corrections, as requested in the correction list. Submit FOUR new complete sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (THREE sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 1. Special inspection is required, the designer shall complete the city's "Special Inspection Agreement". See the attached. 2. Clarify on the plans whether the deck area surrounding the Death Star display is a walking deck. If this is a public walking deck area, design the deck for 100 PSF LL ( Public Area) and detail access from grade to the deck. 3. The lateral force resisting cantilever must qualify as "Special cantilever column" per ASCE 7-10 item G.I. This requires compliance with ASCE 7-10 section 14.1 which requires compliance with AISC 341. AISC 341 Section 9.2c requires "demand critical" weld connection. Revise detail 10/S4 to show the column weld to the base plate is a FP groove weld to qualify as demand critical weld. 4. The deck plywood shown in 11. 14 & 16/ S4 must be pressure treated where the joists are less than 18" above grade and there is no ventilation provided. END OF REVIEW To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to periderm the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Chuck Mendenhall at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 14-3473 12/22/14 City of Carlsbad Building Department BUILDING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF REOUIREMENT FOR SPECIAL INSPECTION Do Not Remove From Plans PlanCheckNo. 14-3473 Job Address or Legal Description One Legoland Dr. Owner Address You are hereby notified that in addition to the inspection of construction provided by the Building Department, an approved Registered Special Inspector is required to provide continuous inspection during the performance of the phases of construction indicated on the reverse side of this sheet. The Registered Special Inspector shall be approved by the City of Carlsbad Building Department prior to the issuance of the building permit. Special Inspectors having a current certification from the City of San Diego, Los Angeles, or ICBO are approved as Special Inspectors for the type of construction for which they are certified. The inspections by a Special Inspector do not change the requirements for inspections by personnel of the City of Carlsbad building department. The inspections by a Special Inspector are in addition to the inspections normally required by the County Building Code. The Special Inspector is not authorized to inspect and approve any work other than that for which he/she is specifically assigned to inspect. The Special Inspector is not authorized to accept altemate materials, structural changes, or any requests for plan changes. The Special Inspector is required to submit written reports to the City of Carlsbad building department of all work that he/she inspected and approved. The final inspection approval will not be given until all Special Inspection reports have been received and approved by the City of Carlsbad building department. Please submit the names of the inspectors who will perform the special inspections on each of the items indicated on the reverse side of this sheet. Carlsbad 14-3473 12/22/14 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUIVIBER: OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701.1 forthe construction project located at the site listed above. UBC Section 106.3.5. Signed I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106.3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. Engineer's/Architect's Seal & Signature Here Signed 1. List of work requiring special inspection: D Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection Q Field Welding • Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI • High Strength Bolting • Prestressed Concrete • Expansion/Epoxy Anchors Q Structural Masonry • Sprayed-On Fireproofing D Designer Specified • Other 2. Name(s) of individual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: A. B. 0. 3. Duties of the special inspectors for the work listed above: A. B. Carlsbad 14-3473 12/22/14 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Chuck Mendenhall BUILDING ADDRESS: One Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B PLANCHECKNO.: 14-3473 DATE: 12/22/14 BUILDING PORTION AREA ( Sq. Ft.) Valuation Multiplier Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) deck area 250 18.66 4,665 canopy 112 11.48 1,286 wall 432 22.96 9,919 Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 15,869 Jurisdlctbn Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinanoe Plan Check Fee by Ordinance • Type of Review: 0 Complete Review • Structural Only CH Repetitive Fee Repeats • Other ^ Hourly EsGil Fee Hr. @ * $167.81 $109.08 X $93.97 Comments: N/A In addition to the above fee, an additional fee of $ $ /hr.) for the CalGreen review. is due ( hours @ Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK Community & Economic ^ CITY OF REVIEW Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD TRANSMITTAL Carlsbad CA 92008 w/w/w.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 12-15-14 PROJECT NAME: LEGOLAND RETAINING WALL PLAN CHECK NO: 1 SET#: ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DR. VALUATION/SCOPE OF WORK: $11,067 RETAINING WALL PROJECT ID: CB14 3473 APN: 211-100-09-00 This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the ENGINEERING Division. By: CG 12-15-14 A Final Inspection by the Division is required Yes / No This plan check review is NOTCOMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. NOTE: ONLY ITEMS THAT NEED CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION ARE MARKED X. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: TIM.PETSCHE@LEGOLAND.COIVI You may also have corrections from one or more ofthe divisions Iisted below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should Include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FiRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov / Chris Glassen ^ 760-602-2784 ChristoDher.Glassen@carlsbadca.gov Gregorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Any outstanding issues will he marked xvith an I X I Make the necessaiy corrections for compliance -with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to the Building division for re-submittal to the Engineering divisions. Items that confonn to permil requirements are marked with | ^ | 1. SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show. / North arrow / Existing & proposed structures / Property line dimensions Easements Show on site plan: / Drainage patterns Existing & proposed slopes Existing topography / Retaining Walls (location and height) Indicate what will happen with soil excavated from pool area. Include on title sheet: / Site address / Assessor's parcel number / Legal description/lot number Grading: Quantities of Cut Fill Import Export Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no: Conditions were complies with by: Date: LOT NO, MAP NO. 13408 REF. NO. E-37 Page 2 of 4 REV 6/2012 2. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This information must be included on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" Grading Permit required. NOTE: The grading permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained priorto issuance of a building permit. A separate grading plan prepared a registered civil engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. / No grading permit required. 3. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS N/A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in city right-of-way and/or private worl< adjacent to the public right-of-way. A separate right-of-way issued by the engineering division is required for the following: Please complete attached right-of-way application form and return to the engineering department together with the requirements on the attached right-of-way checklist, at the time of resubmittal. Right-of-way permit and pool permit wlll be issued simultaneously. E-37 Page 3 of 4 REV 6/2012 4. STORMWATER Construction Compliance Project Threat Assessment Form complete / incomplete / Requires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete attached form and return (SW u- ) Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance ^ Storm Water Standards Questionnaire complete / incomplete Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water Management Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http://vww.carlsbadca.qov/business/buildinq/Documents/EnaStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2.pdf Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways: Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) Vegetated Roof Bio-retentions cell/rain garden Pervious pavement/pavers Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape Other: 5. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS NO ADDTIONAL ENGINEERING FEES E-37 Page 4 of 4 REV 6/2012 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK APPROVAL P-29 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carisbadca.eov DATE: December 15, 2014 PROJECT NAME: Lego Deathstar PROJECT ID: SDP 96-14 PLAN CHECK NO: CB143473 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DR APN: 211-100-09-00 3 This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: Van Lynch A Final Inspection by the Planning Division is required • Yes ^ No Vou may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions iisted below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted pians should inciude corrections from ail divisions. [[] This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to: For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 1 1 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov 1 Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregory.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cynthia.Wong@carisbadca.gov 1 1 Van Lynch 760-602-4613 Van.Lvnch@carlsbadca.gov • 1 1 Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Retaining wall for new Deathstar exhibit. _City of STORM WATER COMPLIANCE FORM TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP E-29 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov STORM WATER COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE <^ My project is not in a category of permit types exempt from the Construction SWPPP requirements My project is not located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area with a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s). My project does not require a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 ofthe Carlsbad Municipal Code) ^ My project will not result in 2,500 square feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas that meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • located w/ithin 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean; and/or, • disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical; and/or • disturbed area is located along orwithin 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse; and/or • construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Oct. 1 through April 30). I CERTIFY TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE CHECKED STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. I AM SUBMITTING FOR CITY APPROVAL A TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF CITY STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I MUST: (1) IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) DURING CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICABLE TO MINIMIZE THE MOBILIZATION OF POLLUTANTS SUCH AS SEDIMENT AND TO MINIMIZE THE EXPOSURE OF STORM WATER TO CONSTRUCTION RELATED POLLUTANTS; AND, (2) ADHERE TO, AND AT ALL TIMES, COMPLY WITH THIS CITY APPROVED TIER 1 CONSTRUCTION SWPPP THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL THE CONSTRUCTION WORK IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. 'PUTSCH ME (PRINT) OWNEI R'S AGENT NAME (SIGNATURE) DA" ,TE ' STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION NOTES 1. ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE TO FACILITATE RAPID INSTALLATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. 2. THE OWNEFWCONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. 3. THE OWNER/CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEERING OR BUILDING INSPECTOR DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. 4. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT (40%). SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE .REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. 5. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGATE. 6. ADEQUATE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND PERIMETER PROTECTION BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED. SPECIAL NOTES PROJECT INFORMATION Site Address: 1 Legoland DR, Carlsbad, CA Assessor's Parcel Number: 2111000900 Project ID: Construction Permit No. Estimated Construction Start Date 12/19/14 Project Duration 1.5 Months Emergency Contact:j£etXfr-^ Q)^rTLH^^Si^ Name: Legoland California Resort 24 hour Phone: 760-918-5431 Perceived Threat to Storm Water Quality (^edium^ Low If medium box is checked, must attach a site plan sheet showing proposed work area and location of proposed structural BMPs For City Use Only Approved By: CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD TIER 1 SWPPP Da.e:__IV!llil E-29 Page 1 of 3 REV 07/14 Erosion Control BMPs Sediment Control BMPs Tracking Control BMPs Non-Storm Water Management BMPs Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control BMPs Best Management Practice (BMP) Description -> Geotextiles & Mats Wood Mulching Earth Dikes and Drainaae Swales Slope Drains 1 Cover w/plastic Silt Fence Sediment Trap Check Dam Fiber Rolls Gravel Bag Berm Street Sweeping and Vacuumina Sandbag Barrier storm Drain Inlet Protection Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress Stabilized Constmction Roadway Water Conservation Practices Paving and Grinding Operations Potable Water/I nigation Vehicle and Equipment Cleanina Material Delivery and ' Storaae Material Use Stockpile Management Spill Prevention and Control Solid Waste Manaaement Hazardous Waste Manaaement Concrete Waste Manaaement CASQA Designation -> Construction Activity EC-7 EC-8 EC-9 EC-11 1 EC-12 SE-1 SE-3 SE-4 SE-5 SE-6 SE-7 SE-8 SE-10 TR-1 TR-2 NS-1 NS-3 NS-7 NS-8 WM-1 WM-2 WM-3 WM-4 WM-5 WM-6 WM-8 X Grading/Soil Disturbance X X X X Trenching/Excavation X X X X Stockpiling X X X Drilling/Boring X Concrete/Asphalt Saw cutting X X Concrete flatwork X X Paving X Conduit/Pipe Installation X X X Stucco/Mortar Work X X X Waste Disposal X Staging/Lay Down Area X X X X X X X X Equipment Maintenance and Fueling Hazardous Substance Use/Storage Dewatering Site Access Across Dirt Other (list): Instructions: Begin by reviewing the list of construction activities and checking the box to the left of any activity that will occur during the proposed construction. Add any other activity descriptions in the blank activity description boxes provided for that purpose and place a check in the box immediately to the left of the added activity description. For each activity descrribed, pick one or more best management practices (BMPs) from the list located along the top ofthe fonm. Then place an X in the box at the place w/here the activity row intersects with the BMP column. Do this for each activity that was checked off and for each of the selected BMPs selected from the list. For Example - If the project includes site access across dirt, then check the box to the left of "Site Access Across Dirt". Then review the list for something that applies such as "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" under Tracking Control. Follow along the "Site Access Across Dirt" row until you get to the "Stabilized Construction Ingress/Egress" column and place an X in the box where the two meet. As another example say the project included a stockpile that you intend to cover with a plastic sheet. Since plastic sheeting is not on the list of BMPs, then write in "Cover with Plastic" in the blank column under the heading Erosion Control BMPs. Then place an X in the box where the "Stockpiling" row intersects the new "Cover with Plastic" column. To learn more about what each BMP description means, you may wish to review the BMP Reference Handout prepared to assist applicants in the selection of appropriate Best Management Practice measures. The reference also explains the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) designation and how to apply the various selected BMPs to a project. E-29 Page 2 of 3 REV 07/14 DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 90B S CLEVELAND BT. OCEANSIDE. CA 92054 760.965.6355 PH. 760.966.6360 FX. DSpgpBUNrDBi.BOM EMAIL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Legoland - Death Star Attraction 1 Legoland Dr. CarlsbadCA. 92008 (DSI PROJECT NO 14-205.00) (CLIENT: Chris Romero, Legoland) DECEMBER 10,2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM DESIGN CRITERIA DESIGN LOADS FRAMING KEY PLANS VERTICAL ANALYSIS LATERAL ANALYSIS SHEAR WALL DESIGN ROOF SUPPORT FLAGPOLE DESIGN DEATH STAR ATTRAaiON FLAGPOLE DESIGN CMU RETAINING WALL DESIGN PAGE 1 2 3,4 5-14 15-17 18,19 20-39 40-54 55-66 DUNN SAVOIC INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB 90e E. Ci-EVELAND BT. OCEANSIDE, CA. <3znB^ PH: (V6D) 96S-6355 FAX: (veo) 966-636D JOB LegoLand - Death Star SHEET NO. 1 OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 12/14 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE DESIGN CRITERIA CODE: 2012 International Building Code 2013 California Building Code SEISMIC: V/1.4= 0.286 W (ASD) for Cant. Steel Column V/1.4= 0.110 W (ASD) for Plywd. Shear Walls STEEL: AISC Steel Construction Manual (13th Edition) WOOD: 2012 NDS 2x & 3x No. 2 >3x No. 1 Design Loads DUNN SAVOIE: INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 9DB S. CUEVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA. 92aB4 PH: (veo) ge6-e3B5 FAX: (VeO) 966-636D JOB LegoLand - Death Star SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 12/14 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE DESIGN LOADS 1 ROOF DEAD LOADS (psf) Built-Up w/ Re-Roof 4.0 1/2" Plywd. Sheathing 1.7 Dbl. 2x6 @ 16" o.c. 3.4 Stucco Soffit 10.0 ME&P 1.0 Miscellaneous 2.9 £ Dead Load 23.0 Live Load 20.0 reducible DECK DEAD LOADS (psf) Waterproofing Membrane 3.0 3/4" Plywd. Sheathing 2.5 2x6 Deck Joists (g 12" o.c. 2.2 ME&P 1.0 Miscellaneous 1.3 £ Dead Load 10.0 Live Load 40.0 reducible WALLS DEAD LOADS Interior Partition (psf) Exterior (psf) Stucco 10.0 Stone Veneer 5/8" Gyp 1/2" Gyp 4.4 10.0 3/8" Plywood 1.1 2x4(g 16"o.c. 1.1 1.1 2x6@ 16"o.c. Batt Insulation (0.2xThickness) Miscellaneous 0.5 0.8 £ Dead Loads 6.0 23.0 Desian Loads 2x4 STUD WALL ABV CMU W/ 3/8' STR I PLYWOOD W/ 8d E.N. « fc" O.C, F.N. e 10" O.C. ifes.i TW (b.y) I5fc.8 BW ALL ANCHOR BOLTS, MOLDOWN ANCHORS, < REINF. MUST BE SECURLT TIED IN PLACE PRIOR TO FDTN. INSP. THE MINIMUM NOMINAL ANCHOR BOLT DIAMETER SHALL BE 5/8" INCH NOTE: THIS WILL REQUIRE A MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE ENDS OF SILL PLATES TO BE 4 3/8" CAND A MAXIMUM OF 12"; ALL SILL BOLTS SHALL HAVE 3" x 3" x 1/4" THK. PLATE WASHERS. CPLATE WASHERS MAT HAVE A 13/lfc" x 1-3/4" DIAGONALLY SLOTTED HOLE WITH A STANDARD WASHER BETWEEN PLATE WASHER AND NUT; SEE DETAILS 11, 12, 14, 15 4 lfc ON SHEET S2 FOR TYPICAL CONCRETE < CONCRETE BLOCK fCMU; DETAILS SEE DETAILS V^S2y4 V,S2y FOR PLYWOOD INSTALLATION AT ROOF, DECK AND WALLS SEE DETAILS VSr7<V^FOR FOR ALLOWABLE NOTCHES AT JOIST, BEAMS 4 STUDS 1. SEE DETAILS ' FOR TOP IE LAPS 4 PENETRATIONS 0 «i (S> <• H r B> ari. a B M Lie. #: KW-06002938 Desalptlon : 10' long 2x6 roof joist Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Calculations per NDS 2012, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: ASCE7-10 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stre.ss Design Load Combination ASCE7-10 Fb - Tension Fb - Compr Fc-Prll Fc - Perp Fv Ft Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling Wood Species : DouglasFir-Larch Wood Grade : No.2 900.0 psi 900.0 psi 1,350.0 psi 625.0 psi 180.0 psi 575.0 psi £; Modulus of Elasticity Ebend-XX 1,600.0 ksi Eminbend-XX 580.0 ksi Density 35.0 pcf D(0.031U.rf0.026) 2x6 Span = 10.0 ft Unifonn Load: D = 0.0310, Lr = 0.0260, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft, (wl mm Service loads eniered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Design OK Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual = FB: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span = Span # where maximum occurs = Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 0.773 1 2x6 1,130.58 psi 1,462.50 psi -HD+Lr 5.000ft Span # 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for ttiis span fv: Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 0.177 in Ratio: 0.000 in Ratio = 0.388 in Ratio = 0.000 in Ratio = 678 0 <360 309 0 <180 0.230 : 1 2x6 51.82 psi 225.00 psi +D-M.r 0.000 ft Span # 1 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Ooa Combinations Load Combination Segment Length Max Stress Ratios Cd C F/V Ci Cr C m Ct Moment Values Shear Values Load Combination Segment Length Span# M V Cd C F/V Ci Cr C m Ct CL M fb F'b V fv F'v DOnly 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.584 0.174 0.90 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 614.88 1053.00 0.16 28.18 162.00 +0+L 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.526 0.157 1.00 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 614.88 1170.00 0.16 28.18 180.00 -^0+Lr 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.773 0.230 1.25 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.71 1,130.58 1462.50 0.29 51.82 225.00 -fO+S 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.457 0.136 1.15 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 614.88 1345.50 0.16 28.18 207.00 +DtO.750Lr-K).750L 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.685 0.204 1.25 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.63 1,001.65 1462.50 0.25 45.91 225.00 +O-t0.750L-K).750S 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10,0 ft 1 0.457 0.136 1.15 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 614.88 1345.50 0.16 28.18 207.00 Project Tille: Engineer: Project DesCT: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Lie. #: KW-06002938 Desaiption: 10' long 2x6 roof joist mm, Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Fiiiitij •jL'b' an ; '"rn Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span# M V Cd C FA/ Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M fb F'b V fv Fv +O-K).60W 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.328 0.098 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 614.88 1872.00 0.16 28.18 288.00 +D-K).70E 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 tt 1 0.328 . 0.098 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 • 614.88 1872.00 0.16 28.18 288.00 +O-K).750Lr-K).750L+0.450W 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =10.0 ft 1 0.535 0.159 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.63 1,001.65 1872.00 0.25 45.91 288.00 •K)-K).750L^.750S-tO.450W 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =10.0 ft 1 0.328 0.098 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 614.88 1872.00 0.16 28.18 288.00 -»O-K).750LtO.750S-»O.5250E 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.328 0.098 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.39 614.88 1872.00 0.16 28.18 288.00 •K).60D-K).60W 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.197 0.059 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.23 368.93 1872.00 0.09 16.91 288.00 •tO.60D-K).70E 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 10.0 ft 1 0.197 0.059 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.23 368.93 1872.00 0.09 16.91 288.00 Load Combination Span Max.'-' Defl Location in Span Load Combination Max."+" Defl Locatton in Span 0.3877 5.036 Support notation: Far left is #1 0.0000 Values in KIPS 0.000 Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 0.285 0.285 Overall MINimum 0.093 0.093 DOnly 0.155 0.155 +D-H. 0.155 0.155 +0-H.r 0.285 0.285 •K)+S 0.155 0.155 +D-K).750Lr-K).750L 0.253 0.253 +O+0.750L-t0.750S 0.155 0.155 +O40.60W 0.155 0.155 +O-K).70E 0.155 0.155 -H3-K).750Lr-i{).750L-K).450W 0.253 0.253 +D-tO.75OL-K).750StO.450W 0.155 0.155 -KD-K).750L-KI.750S-<O.5250E 0.155 0.155 •K).60D+0.60W 0.093 0.093 -K).60D-K).70E 0.093 0.093 DOnly 0.155 0.155 LrOnly 0.130 0.130 LOnly SOnly WOnly EOnly HOnly DUNN SAVOIC INC. STRUCTURAL ENQINEERINQ SOB B. [CLEVELAND BT. • CEANBIDE, CA. PH: (760) 966-63SB FAX: (V6D) 966-6360 Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Ucr#TKW-06002938 ' Description: b-1 rev 12/9/14 EBENfiES.'i Proiecl ID: 14-205 t,-'. M,. L< )!•., A^^ji I'jL^, iimi Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Calculations per NDS 2012, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: ASCE7-10 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Load Combination ASCE7-10 Wood Species Wood Grade ; Truss Joist : Parallam PSL 2.0E Fb Tension 2,900.0 psi £: Modulus of Elasticity Fb Compr 2,900.0 psi Ebend- xx 2,000.0 ksi Fc-PrII 2,900.0 psi Eminbend - xx 1,016.54 ksi Fc-Perp 750.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Density 35.0 pcf 3.5x11.25 Span = 15.50 tt Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Varying Uniform Load: D(S,E) = 0.0330->0.1220, Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual FB : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span = Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Lr(S,E) = 0.0280->0.0 k/fl, Extent = 0.0 -» 15.50 ft. Trib Widlh = 1.0 ft, (wl to w2 0.2091 1 3.5x11.25 758.10 psi 3,625.00 psi -KD-H.r 8.429ft Span # 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for ttiis span fv: Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 0.105 in Ratio = 0.000 in Ratio = 0.242 in Ratio = 0.000 in Ratio = 1764 0 <360 767 0 <240 0.148 :1 3.5x11.25 53.70 psi 362.50 psi +D-H.r 15.500 ft Span # 1 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Segment Length Max Stress Ratios Cd C F/V Ci Cr C m Ct Moment Values Shear Values Load Combination Segment Length Span* M V Cd C F/V Ci Cr C m Ct CL M fb F'b V ^ F'v DOnly 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.164 0.115 0.90 1.000 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 2610.00 0.79 30.09 261.00 +D+L 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lenglh = 15.50 ft 1 0.148 0.104 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 2900.00 0.79 30.09 290.00 +0-tLr 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.209 0,148 1.25 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.66 758.10 3625.00 1.41 53.70 362.50 +0+S 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.128 0.090 1.15 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 3335.00 0.79 30.09 333.50 +O+0.750Lr-K).750L 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.186 0,132 1.25 1.000 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.16 675.58 3625.00 1.25 47.80 362.50 • UNN SAVOIE INC. ETRUCTUHAU ENBINEERINB SOS E. CLEVELAND ET. QCEANBIDE, CA. gzQE^i PH: (760) 966-6355 FAX: (760) 966-6360 Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Project ID: 14-205 - — -• Description : b-1 rev 12/9/14 Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span# M V Cd C F/V Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M fb Fb V fv F'v +O-tO.750Li0.750S 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 tt 1 0.128 0.090 1.15 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 3335.00 0.79 30.09 333.50 •HD+0.60W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.092 0.065 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 • 428.05 4640.00 0.79 30.09 464.00 -•O-I0.70E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.092 0.065 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 4640.00 0.79 30.09 464.00 •*O-K).750Lr-»O.750L-K).450W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.146 0.103 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.16 675.58 4640.00 1.25 47.80 464.00 +OtO.750L+0.750S+0.450W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 O.QO 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.092 0.065 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 4640.00 0.79 30.09 464.00 +O-tO.750L-K).750S+0.5250E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =15.50 ft 1 0.092 0.065 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 4640.00 0.79 30.09 464.00 •K).60D-*0.60W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.055 0.039 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.58 256.83 4640.00 0.47 18.05 464.00 -K).60D-K).70E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.055 0.039 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.58 256.83 4640.00 0.47 18.05 464.00 13iQ3 "'.•'••.'Ji: Load Combination Span Max."-"Defl Location in Span Load Combination Max. "+" Defl Location in Span -KJ-K-r Load Combination Support 1 0.2424 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 0978 1410" Overall MINimum 0.336 0.474 D Only 0.560 0.790 •K)+L 0.560 0.790 +D+Lr 0.978 1.410 +0+S 0.560 0.790 -K)-tO.750Lr-K).750L 0.874 1.255 -tO-K).750Lt0.750S 0.560 0.790 +O-K).60W 0.560 0.790 -HD-tO.70E 0.560 0.790 +O-K).750Lr-K).750L-H).450W 0.874 1.255 -K)+0.750L-K).750S-K).450Wf 0.560 0.790 -K)-iO.750L-K).750S-K).5250E 0.560 0.790 -*0.60D-K).60W 0.336 0.474 -K).60D+0.70E 0.336 0.474 D Only 0.560 0.790 LrOnly 0.419 0.620 LOnly SOnly WOnly EOnly HOnly 7.920 Support notatwn: Far left is #1 0.0000 Values in KIPS 0.000 • UNN EAVaiE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 90s E. CLEVELAND BT. • CEANBIDE, CA. 92054 PH: (760) 966-635S FAX: (76D) 966-6360 Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Projecl Descr: New Conslruclion Proiect ID: 14-205 Dim Description: Lie. # : KW-06002938 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS b-2 rev. 12/9/14 Calculations per NDS 2012, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: ASCE7-10 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Load Combination ASCE7-10 Wood Species Wood Grade Beam Bracing : Truss Joist : Parallam PSL 2.0E Fb-Tension 2,900.0 psi £: Modulus of Elasticity Fb-Compr 2,900.0 psi Ebend- xx 2,000.0 ksi Fc-PrII 2,900.0 psi Eminbend - xx 1,016.54 ksi Fc-Perp 750.0 psi Fv 290.0 psi Ft 2,025.0 psi Density 35.0pcf 3.5x11.25 Span = 15.50 ft Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Varying Uniform Load : D(S,E) = 0.0330->0.1220, m :: Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for ttiis span fb: Actual FB: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection Lr(S,E) = 0.0280->0.0 k/tl, Extent = 0.0 -» 15.50 ft, Trib Width = 1.0 ft, (w1 to w2 0.209t 1 3.5x11.25 758.10 psi 3,625.00 psi -HD+Lr 8.429ft Span # 1 0.105 in 0.000 in 0.242 in 0.000 in Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv: Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum xcurs Ratio = 1764 Ratio = 0 <360 Ratio = 767 Ratio = 0 <240 Design OK 0.148 :1 3.5x11.25 53.70 psi 362.50 psi -fO+Lr 15.500 ft Span # 1 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Segment Length Span* Max Stress Ratios Cd C F/V Ci Cr Cm Ct Moment Values Shear Values Load Combination Segment Length Span* M V Cd C F/V Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M fb F'b V fv F'v DOnly 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.164 0.115 0.90 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428,05 2610.00 0.79 30,09 261.00 +OiL 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.148 0.104 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 2.63 428,05 2900.00 0.79 30,09 290.00 -K3+Lr 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 Length = 15.50 fl 1 0.209 0.148 1.25 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 4.66 758,10 3625.00 1.41 53.70 362.50 +D+S 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.128 0.090 1.15 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 2,63 428,05 3335.00 0.79 30.09 333.50 -HD-K).750Lr-K).750L 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.186 0.132 1,25 1,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 4,16 675.58 3625,00 1,25 47.80 362,50 • UNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINQ gOa S. CLEVELAND BT. • CEANBIDE, CA. 92054 PH: (760) 966-6355 FAX: <760) 966-6360 Lie. #: KW-06002938 Description: b-2 rev. 12/9/14 Project Title: Engineer: Projecl Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Conslruclion Project ID: 14-205 Printed: 10 OEC 2014,12;40PM . ia}iat,v..< ..»ki<...«.Mw>rl!l»ifir.j U..1 M../».tda w Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1 Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segnfient Length Span* M V Cd Cp/V Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M fb Fb V fv F'v +O-i0.750L-K).750S 1.000 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.128 0.090 1.15 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 3335.00 0.79 30.09 333.50 +O-t0.60W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.092 . 0.065 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 • 428.05 4640.00 0.79 30.09 464,00 -iO-K).70E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.092 0.065 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 4640.00 0.79 30.09 464.00 +O+0.750Lr-H).750L-iO.450W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =15.50 ft 1 0.146 0.103 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.16 675.58 4640.00 1.25 47.80 464.00 +O-»O.750Li{).750S-K).450W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =15.50 ft 1 0.092 0.065 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 4640.00 0.79 30.09 464.00 4O-K).750Li0.750S-K).5250E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 15.50 ft 1 0.092 0.065 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.63 428.05 4640.00 0.79 30.09 464.00 •iO.60D-»O.60W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =15.50 ft 1 0.055 0.039 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.58 256.83 4640.00 0.47 18.05 464.00 +O.60D-tO.70E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length =15.50 ft 1 0.055 0.039 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.58 256.83 4640.00 0.47 18.05 464.00 nDeflSS Ma Load Combination Span Max."-•Defl Location in Span .oad Combination Max. -f'Defl Locatton in Span •K)-H.r 0.2424 7.920 Support notation: Far left is #1 0.0000 Values in KIPS 0.000 Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 0.978 1.410 Overall MINimum 0.336 0.474 DOnly 0.560 0.790 +0+L 0.560 0.790 •K)+Lr 0.978 1.410 +0+S 0.560 0.790 -K3-K).750Lr-iO.750L 0.874 1.255 •KD-K).750L+0.750S 0.560 0.790 +D+0.60W 0.560 0.790 -K)-K).70E 0.560 0.790 •K)40.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W 0.874 1.255 +O-tO.750Li0.750Si0.450W 0.560 0.790 +O-K).750LiO.750S-K).5250E 0.560 0.790 •H).60D+0.60W 0.336 0.474 •K).60D+0.70E 0.336 0.474 DOnly 0.560 0.790 LrOnly 0.419 0.620 LOnly SOnly WOnly EOnly HOnly LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Lie.# : KW-06002938 Printpri 1fl npr Q IftAM mm Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS DesCTiption: • COC b-3 rev. 12/9/14 Calculations per NDS 2012, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: ASCE7-10 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Load Combination ASCE7-10 Fb - Tension Fb - Compr Fc-Prll Fc - Perp Fv Ft Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling Wood Species : Boise Cascade Wood Grade : Versa Lam 2800 Beam Bracing 2,800.0 psi 2,800.0 psi 3,000.0 psi 750.0 psi 285.0 psi 2,100.0 psi £; Modulus of Elasticity Ebend-xx 2,000.0ksi Eminbend-XX 2,000.0ksi Density 32.210pcf 5.25x11.25 Span = 22.0 ft Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Load for Span Number 1 Varying Uniform Load: D(S,E) = 0.0230->0.1270, Lr(S,E) = 0.020->0.0 k/ft, Extent = Varying Uniform Load: D(S,E) = 0.1270->0.0230, Lr(S,E) = 0.110->0.0 k/ft, Extent = 0.0 -» 11.0 ft, Trib Width = 1.0 ft, (w1 to w2 11.0 -» 22.0 ft, Trib Width = 1.0 ft, (w2 to w1 Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.348 1 Section used for this span 5.25x11.25 fb: Actual = 1,216.39 psi FB: Allowable = 3,500.00 psi Load Combination +0-111 Location of maximum on span = 11.000ft Span # where maximum occurs = Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.330 in Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Max Downward Total Deflection 0.767 in Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv: Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Ratio = 799 Ratio = 0 <360 Ratio = 343 Ratio = 0 <240 Design OK 0.120 :1 5.25x11.25 42.80 psi 356.25 psi +D+Lr 22.000 ft Span # 1 Maximurri Fbrceis & Stresses forLoad Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span* M V Cd C FA/ Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M fb F'b V fv F'v DOnly 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.275 0.096 0.90 1.000 1.00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 6.39 691.92 2520.00 0.97 24.64 256.50 -HD-H. 1.000 1.00 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.247 0.086 1.00 1.000 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.39 691.92 2800.00 0.97 24.64 285.00 +0+Lr 1.000 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.348 0.120 1.25 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.23 1,216.39 3500.00 1.69 42.80 356.25 +0+S 1.000 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 tt 1 0.215 0.075 1.15 1.000 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 6.39 691.92 3220.00 0.97 24.64 327.75 +D-K).750Lr+0.750L 1.000 1,00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 cn u rsi r>i tm >wt31 m. t a . Project Tille: Engineer: Projecl Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construciion Proiect ID: 14-205 > ai I «l-l n f B •> I. rs C9 M Printeil inDEC2Q14 918AM Description: b-3 rev. 12/9/14 Load Combination Segment Lenglh Span* Max Stress Ratios Cd CpA/ Ci Cr Cm Ct Moment Values Shear Values Load Combination Segment Lenglh Span* M V Cd CpA/ Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M fb F'b V fv Fv Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.310 0.107 1.25 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.02 1,085.27 3500.00 1.51 38.26 356.25 +D-K).750L-H).750S 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.215 0.075 1.15 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.39 691.92 3220.00 0.97 24.64 327.75 +D-I0.60W 1,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 O.OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.154 0.054 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.39 691.92 4480.00 0.97 24.64 456.00 +O-I0.70E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.154 0.054 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.39 691.92 4480.00 0.97 24.64 456.00 +O-»0.750Lri0.750L+0.450W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.242 0.084 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.02 1,085.27 4480.00 1.51 38.26 456.00 •iO-K).750L-iO.750S-K).450W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.154 0.054 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.39 691.92 4480.00 0.97 24.64 456.00 +Oi0.750Lt0.750S-K).5250E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.154 0.054 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.39 691.92 4480.00 0.97 24.64 456.00 •iO.60D-iO.60W 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 fl 1 0.093 0.032 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.83 415.15 4480.00 0.58 14.79 456.00 •iO.60D40.70E 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 22.0 ft 1 0.093 0.032 1.60 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.83 415.15 4480.00 0.58 14.79 456.00 Load Combination Span Max."-" Defl Location in Span Load Combination Max.'+' Defl Location in Span 0.7675 11.080 Support notatton: Far left is *1 0.0000 Values in KIPS 0.000 Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 1.685 1.685 Overall MINimum 0.582 0.582 DOnly 0.970 0.970 0.970 0.970 *0-*Lt 1.685 1.685 0.970 0.970 •K3-K).750LriO.750L 1.507 1.507 •HD-K).750L+0.750S 0.970 0.970 •K)iO.60W 0.970 0.970 •*40.70E 0.970 0.970 -K)iO.750Lr-K).750L-K).450W 1.507 1.507 •IO-I0.750L+0.750S+0.450W 0.970 0.970 -^•K).750L^K1.750S^K).5250E 0.970 0.970 -K).60D-tO.60W 0.582 0.582 -K).60D-tO.70E 0.582 0.582 DOnly 0.970 0.970 LrOniy 0.715 0.715 LOnly SOnly WOnly EOnly HOnly Lie. # : KW-06002938 Desaiption : Worst Case Deck Joist Projecl Tille: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Projecl Descr: New Construction Project ID: 14-205 „ .A r,,-^ . „ Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Calculations per NDS 2012, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: ASCE7-10 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Stress Design Load Combination ASCE7-10 Wood Species Wood Grade Beam Bracing Fb - Tension Fb - Compr Fc-Prll Fc - Perp Fv Ft Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsion buckling : DouglasFir-Larch :No.2 900.0 psi 900.0 psi 1,350.0 psi 625.0 psi 180.0 psi 575.0 psi £; Modulus of Elasticity Ebend-XX 1,600 Eminbend - xx 580, Density 35, D(0.01) Lr(0.04) Oksi Oksi Opcf Span = 9.0 ft Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Section used for this span fb: Actual FB: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 1.0 fl, (wr 0.54a 1 2x6 803.31 psi 1,462.50 psi •KD-H-r 4.500ft Span # 1 0.178 in 0.000 in 0.223 in 0.000 in Ratio: Ratio: Ratio = Ratio: Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv: Actual Fv: Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 605 0<360 484 0 <240 Design OK 0.182 :1 2x6 40.91 psi 225.00 psi •KD-H-r 0.000 ft Span # 1 Maximum Forces & Stresses foirLoai Combinations Load Combination Segment Length Max Stress Ratios Cd C FA/ Ci Cr C m Cl Moment Values Shear Values Load Combination Segment Length Span * M V Cd C FA/ Ci Cr C m Cl CL M fb F'b V fv F'v DOnly 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.153 0.051 0.90 1.300 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 0,10 160.66 1053.00 0.05 8.18 16200 Oil 1.300 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 fl 1 0.137 0.045 1.00 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0,10 160.66 1170.00 0.05 8.18 180.00 •K)-*Lr 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.549 0.182 1.25 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0,51 803,31 1462.50 0.23 40.91 225.00 -HD-i-S 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.119 0.040 1.15 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0,10 160.66 1345.50 0.05 8.18 207.00 •^Oi0.750LriO.750L 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.439 0.145 1.25 1.300 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0,41 642.64 1462.50 0.18 32.73 225.00 •^••tO.750L-tO.750S 1.300 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9,0 fl 1 0.119 0.040 1,15 1,300 1,00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1,00 0,10 160.66 1345.50 0.05 8.18 207.00 Project Title: Engineer: Projecl Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiecl ID: 14-205 Lie. #: KW-06002938 Description : Worst Case Deck Joist Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span # M V Cd C FA/ Ci Cr Cm Ct CL M fb F'b V fv F'v -iO-t0.60W 1.300 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.086 0.028 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 160.66 1872.00 0.05 8.18 288.00 •CI-I0.70E 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 fl 1 0.086 • 0.028 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 160.66 1872.00 0.05 8.18 288.00 4Oi0.750Lr-K).750L-K).450W 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.343 0.114 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.41 642.64 1872.00 0.18 32.73 288.00 •fD-tO.750L-^).750S^fO.450W 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.086 0.028 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 160.66 1872.00 0.05 8.18 288.00 •iOi0.750LiO.750S-i0.5250E 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.086 0.028 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.10 160.66 1872.00 0.05 8.18 288.00 •K).60D^K).60W 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.051 0.017 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.06 96.40 1872.00 0.03 4.91 288.00 •*O.60D^iO.70E 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Length = 9.0 ft 1 0.051 0.017 1.60 1.300 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.06 96.40 1872.00 0.03 4.91 288.00 '•viir'a • »Mr«w«r''iWiiiaiMe! OveralLMaximum. Deflect IV- Load Combination Span Max. Defl Locatkjn in Span Load Combination Max. "-t-" Defl Location in Span lO+Lr 0.2231 4.533 Support notatton: Far left is *1 0.0000 Values in KIPS 0.000 Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 0.225 0.225 Overall MINimum 0.027 0.027 DOnly 0.045 0.045 +0+L 0.045 0.045 •fO+Lr 0.225 0.225 •fO+S 0.045 0.045 -K3-K).750Lr-i0.750L 0.180 0.180 -HD-iO.750L-K).750S 0.045 0.045 •H3-*0.60W 0.045 0.045 •K340.70E 0.045 0.045 +O+0.750Lr+0.750Li0.450W 0.180 0.180 -tO-K).750L^f0.750S-»0.450W 0.045 0.045 •€HO.750L-»O.750StO.5250E 0.045 0.045 -K).60D-K).60W 0.027 0.027 -iO.60D-K).70E 0.027 0.027 D Only 0.045 0.045 LrOnly 0.180 0.180 LOnly SOnly WOnly EOnly HOnly s Dunn Savole Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760)966-6355 Fax: (760)966-6360 JOB Legoland - Death Star SHEET NO, OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 12/14 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Soil Site Class D Table 20-3-1, Default = D Method 1 Input Project Zip Code 92008 Response Spectral Acc. (0.2 sec) S5 = 125%g = 1.251 g Figure 22-1 through 22-14 Response Spectral Acc.( 1.0 sec) Si = 47%g = 0.472 g Figure 22-1 through 22-14 Site Coefficient Fa = 1.000 Table 11.4-1 Site Coefficient Fy = 1.528 Table 11.4-2 Max Considered Earthquake Acc. SMS = Fa-Ss = 1.251 g (11.4-1) Max Considered Earthquake Acc. SMI = Fv.Si = 0.721 g (11.4-2) @ 5% Damped Design SQS = 2/3(SMS) = 0.834 g (11.4-3) SDI ~ 2/3(SMI) = 0.481 g (11.4-4) Method 2 Input the coordinate of project Latitude 33°07'39.61"N (24° to SO") Longitude 117''18"41.37"W (-125''to-65°) LATERAL ANALYSIS This building consists mainly of wood shear panels and hardy panel for shear resistence. Therefore, per 2009 IBC, for the entire structure, R= 2.5 Oo= 1-3 Cd = 2,5 Per IBC2012 (1613), ASCE 7-10 Chapter 11,12,13 Seismic Design Criteria From the Ground Motion Parameter Calculator by USGS The seismic design parameters are Ss= 1.122 g Fa= 1.051 S1 = 0.432 g Fv= 1.568 SMS= 1.180 SM1= 0.677 SDS= 0.786 SD1= 0.451 Use the seismic parameters from Method 2 to supercede those from Method 1. Seiemic Design Category (SDC) Determination Building Occupancy Categories 11 Seismic Design Category for 0.1 sec D Seismic Design Category for 1 .Osec D SI = 0.432 < 0.75g Therefore, SDC = D Equivalent lateral force procedure To Determine Period Ct = Building ht. H„ = Cu = Approx Fundamental period, Tg = Calculated T shall not exceed < Per Section 11.6 Is Structure Regular & < 5 stories ? Response Spectral Acc.( 0.2 sec) Ss = @ 5% Damped Design SDS = Response Modification Coef. R = Over Strength Factor = Importance factor I = Seismic Base Shear V = Cs = or need not to exceed, Cs = or Q.^ Cs shall not be less than • Min Cs •• Use Cs • 0.02 15 1.4 C,(h„)'' Cu.Ta T < 0.8TS = Yes 1.50g %(Fa.Ss) 2.5 1.25 1.00 Sps R/l Spi (R/I).T SQITL T^(R/1) 0.01 0.5Sil/R 0.314 0.75 Table 1-1 Table 11.6-1 Table 11.6-2 Section 11.6 NOT Apply! Section 12.8 Tablet 2.8-2 ft for SDI of 0.451g Table12.8-1 = 0.152 Tt= 8 Sec Figure 22-15 = 0.213 UseT= 0.152 sec. = 0.8 SDI/SDS = :0.010g 0.459 sec. OK! Section Fa= 1.00 (11.4-3) Table-12.2-1 Table 11.5-1 =0.314 = 1.183 N/A N/A For T < TL For T > TL For Si > 0.6g (12.8-2) (12.8-3) (12.8-4) (12.8-5) (12.8-6) Design Base Shear V = 0.314 W X 0.7 (ASD) X 1.3 (r) = 0.286 W Dunn Savole Inc. Structural Engineers 908 S. Cleveland St. Oceanside, CA 92054 Tel: (760)966-6366 Fax: (760)966-6360 JOB Leqoland - Death Star SHEET NO, \i/ OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 12/14 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE LATERAL ANALYSIS This building consists mainly of wood shear panels and hardy panel for shear resistence. Therefore, per 2009 IBC, for the entire structure, R= 6.5 fio= 3.0 Cd = 4,0 Per IBC2012 (1613), ASCE 7-10 Chapter 11,12,13 Seismic Design Criteria Soil Site Class Method 1 Input Project Zip Code Response Spectral Acc. (0.2 sec) Sj = Response Spectral Acc.( 1.0 sec) S, = Site Coefficient Fa = Site Coefficient F, = Max Considered Earthquake Acc. S^s = Max Considered Earthquake Acc. SMI = @ 5% Damped Design SQS = SDI ~ Method 2 Input the coordinate of project D 92008 125%g 47%g 1.000 1.528 Fa-Ss Fv-S, 2/3{SMS) 2/3(SM,) Latitude Longitude = 1.251 g = 0.472 g = 1.251 g = 0.721 g = 0.834 g = 0.481 g 33°0r39.6rN 117°18'41.37"W Table 20-3-1, Default = D Figure 22-1 through 22-14 Figure 22-1 through 22-14 Table 11.4-1 Table 11.4-2 (11.4-1) (11.4-2) (11.4-3) (11.4-4) From the Ground Motion Parameter Calculator by USGS The seismic design parameters are Ss= 1.122 g Fa= 1.051 SI = 0.432 g Fv= 1.568 (24° to 50°) (-125° to-65°) 1.180 0.677 0.786 0.451 SMS= SM1 = SDS= SD1 = Use the seismic parameters from Method 2 to supercede those from Method 1. Seiemic Design Category (SDC) Determination Building Occupancy Categories 11 Seismic Design Category for O.lsec D Seismic Design Category for 1 .Osec D S1 = 0.432 < 0.75g Therefore, SDC = D Equivalent lateral force procedure To Determine Period Ct = Building ht. H„ = Cu = Approx Fundamental period, Tg = Calculated T shall not exceed < Per Section 11.6 Is Structure Regular & < 5 stories ? Response Spectral Acc.( 0.2 sec) Ss = @ 5% Damped Design SDS = Response Modification Coef. R = Over Strength Factor = Importance factor 1 = Seismic Base Shear V = or need not to exceed, Cs = or Cs^ Cs shall not be less than •• Min Cs •• Use Cs • 0.02 15 1.4 C,(h„)" Cu.Ta T < 0.8TS: Yes 1.50g %(Fa.Ss) 6.5 3 1.00 CsW Sps R/l Spi (R/I).T SpiTt^ T^(R/I) 0.01 0.5Sil/R 0.121 0.75 Table 1-1 Table 11.6-1 Table 11.6-2 Section 11.6 NOT Apply! Section 12.8 Tablel 2.8-2 forSpiOf 0.451g Table12.8-1 = 0.152 Ti= 8 Sec Figure22-15 = 0.213 UseT= 0.152 sec.^ OK! 0.8 Spi/Sps = 0.010g =0.121 = 0.455 N/A N/A 0.459 sec. Section Fa= 1.00 (11.4-3) Table-12.2-1 Table 11.5-1 (12.8-2) ForT<T|. (12.8-3) ForT>T|. (12.8-4) (12.8-5) (12.8-6) Design Base Shear V = 0.121 W For Si > 0.6g xO.7 (ASD) X 1.3 (r) 0.110 w DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB gos E. CLEVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA. gza54 PH: 1760) eee-easB FAX: (vec) eee-esec JOB Legoland -Death Star SHEET NO, OF CALCULATEO BY SRG DATE 12/14 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE [LATERAL ANALYSIS Roof: Area of Roof = Total Weightof Roof =^ Interior Wall Weight = Exterior Wall Weight =' = ^.^>-t»f r 1-71*'^ lbs = _ Ibs Ibs Total Roof Diaphragm Weight = 0tpy^i^ Ibs Total Diaphragm Weight = W = 0?^^:^ Ibs Desiqn Base Shear: (Taken from previous page) Therefore V = 1^ W - lbs DUNN SAVOIE INC. .STRUCTURAL ENBINEERING gas E. CLEVELAND ST. QCEANBIDE, CA. g2DB4 PH: (VeC) 9e6-6355 FAX: {76iD) gee-easD JOB Legoland - Death Star SHEET NO, % OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 12/14 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE I Shear Wall Design | Seismic Governed Design Level: Direction: Shear Wall Designs based on: 0 3/8" Struct. I P.W. • 1/2" Struct. I P.W. Lateral Force / Overall Floor Area = v = ^^<5=^ = \A'.^(/ psf l^^^f^f^^'^^) Line -h Tributary Area, T.A. = Load, (v)(T.A.)=; Other Loads = Total Load, T.L. =" Shear Wall Length, L=' T.L./L =• Use per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning: Shear Panel Length = OT Moment = Resisting Moment = Net Moment = Uplift =" ft" "lbs 'lbs 'lbs = ^ft = plf ft "ft-lb "ft-lb "ft-lb "lbs Use: ^x^per Holdown Anchor Schedule • Holdowns Not Required Line Tributary Area, T.A. = Load, (v)(T.A.)=' Other Loads = Total Load, T.L. =' Shear Wall Length, L =" T.L./L =• ft" "lbs "lbs "lbs "ft "plf Use: ^^^per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning: Shear Panel Length = OT Moment = Resisting Moment = Net Moment = Uplift =• ft •ft-lb •ft-lb •ft-lb "lbs Use: ^y^per Holdown Anchor Schedule ^ Holdowns Not Required DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB goB B. CLETVELAND ST. OCEANSIDE, CA. 9205-4 PH: (760) gee-GSBS FAX: (VeO) 966-63GO JOB Legoland - Death Star SHEET NO. OF CALCULATED BY SRG DATE 12/14 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Seismic Governed Design Level: '><^/^ Direction: Lateral Force / Overall Floor Area = v = = psf r^M^^'^k^ ^^^^ (.^^-^^^>4>^y-^ Line Tributary Area, T.A. = Load, {v)(T.A.)=; Other Loads = Total Load, T.L =" Shear Wall Length, L=" T.L./L=" Use per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning: Shear Panel Length = OT Moment = Resisting Moment = Net Moment = Uplift =" ft" "lbs "lbs "lbs ^ft = plf ft "ft-lb "ft-lb "ft-lb "lbs Use: ^^per Holdown Anchor Schedule • Holdowns Not Required Line Tributary Area, T.A. = Load, (v)(T.A.)=" Other Loads = Total Load, T.L. =' Shear Wall Length, L =" T.L./L=" ft^ Ibs Ibs --T-^s^ Ibs lU'--^ ft plf Use: ^(^^per Shear Wall Schedule Overturning: Shear Panel Length = OT Moment = Resisting Moment = Net Moment = Uplift =" ft ^ ft-lb ft-lb ft-lb - Ibs Use: \xper Holdown Anchor Schedule ^ Holdowns Not Required Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineering 908 S. Cleveland St., Oceanside, Ca 92054 Ph: (760) 9(56-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com SHEET NO,. 0F_ CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE DATE. DATE_ DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 9De S. CLEVELAND BT. • CEANBIDE, CA. 9ZOB4 PH: f/ea) 966-6355 FAX: (76D) 966-6360 Lie. # : KW-06002938 Description: Worst Case Steel Roof Column Project Title: Engineer: Project Desa: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 ' DEC 2014, 5;51PM *T.^ " ''nisV{]^allnd6\SI»yU£B57|^\jl^ " U ' CNERC)\LCTiNe'i98Sl201%;1^u1l3By4.11^^^^ I Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Calculations per AISC 360-10, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-10 Steel Section Name: Analysis Method: Steel Stress Grade Fy: Steel Yield E: Elastic Bending Modulus; Load Combination: HSS5x5x3/8 Allowable Strength 36.0 ksi 29,000.0 ksi ASCE 7-10 V^^..^*^*^t.JMh^^llha••>*. Overall Column Height 15.0 ft Top & Bottom Fixity Top Free, Bottom Fixed Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns: X-X (width) axis: Fully braced against buckling along X-X Axis Y-Y (depth) axis: Fully braced against buckling along Y-Y Axis Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Column self weight included: 334.524 Ibs * Dead Load Factoi AXIAL LOADS... Axial Load at 15.0 ft, D = 1.517, LR = 1.133 k BENDING LOADS... EQ. Trib. Load: Lat. Point Load at 15.0 ft creating Mx-x, E = 0.6750 Bending & Shear Check Results PASS Max. Axial-*ending Stress Ratio = 0.3792 :1 Load Combination •*-D-i-0.70E+H Location of max.above base 0.0 ft At maximum locatton values are... Pa: Axial 1.852 k Pn/Omega: Allowable 133.222 k Ma-x: Applied -7.088 k-ft Mn-x / Omega: Allowable 19.042 k-ft Ma-y: Applied 0.0 k-ft Mn-y / Onwga: Allowable 19.042 k-ft PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.01324 :1 Load Combination +D-f0.70E-i-H Location of max.above base 0.0 ft At maximum location values are... Va: Applied 0.4725 k Vn / Omega: Allowable 35.688 k Maximum SERVICE Load Reactions.. Top along X-X Bottom along X-X Top along Y-Y Bottom along Y-Y Maximum SERVICE Load Deflections.. Along Y-Y 2.075 in at for load combination :E Only Along X-X O.Oin at for load combination: 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.6750 k 15.0ft above base 0.0ft above base Load Combination Results Maximum Axial + Bendino Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios Load Combination Stress Ratio Status Location Stress Ratio Status Location -^0-^H 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft •^D•^L•^H 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft -KD-H-r-HH 0.022 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft +D-HS-HH 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft •K)-K).750Lr-K).750L+H 0.020 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft •I£)-»O.750L-K).750S-HH 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft •KD1O.6OW+FI 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft •HD-K).70E-i+l 0.379 PASS 0.00 ft 0.013 PASS 0.00 ft -HD-K).750Lr-K).750L-K),450W-tH 0.020 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft HO-K).750L-K).750S-K).450W-HH 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft -HD-K).750L-K).750S-K).5250E-»f) 0.286 PASS 0.00 ft 0.010 PASS 0.00 ft -K).60D-K).60W-K).60H 0.008 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft •K).60D-K).70E-K).60H 0.376 PASS 0.00 ft 0.013 PASS 0.00 ft DUNN BAVDIE INC. STRUCTURAL EiNBiNEERiNfB 9Qa E. CLEVELAND BT. OCEANEIDE, CA. 92054 PH: (VeC) 966-6355 PAX: (76D) 9ee-636D Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 olumn Lie. # : KW-06002938 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ' . {3fa'=Ulsgalln'do\ShaiBdU£B57g)*IU ENERd^^^ !N^>198i2014. BulldSSIifM^ Description: Maximum Reactions Load Combination Worst Case Steel Roof Column Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Note: Only non-zero reactions are listed. X-X AXIS Reaction ) Base @ Top Y-Y Axis Reaction ) Base @ Top Axial Reaction @ Base k k 1.852 k k k 1.852 k -K)-H.r+H k , k 2.985 k -^0-^S-^t^ k k 1.852 k -iO-i0.750Lr-i0.750L-4t k k 2.701 k ••O-iO.750Li0.750SiW k k 1.852 k iO-K).60W-iH k k 1.852 k 1O-I0.70E-IH k -0.473 k 1.852 k -»Oi0.750Lr-i0.750L-»0.450W-iH k k 2.701 k •iO-K).750L-K).750S-»0.450W-iH k k 1.852 k •iO-iO.750L-»0.750S-H).52£i0E-iH k -0.354 k 1.852 k -iO.60D-K).60W-K).60H k k 1.111 k •iO.60D-K).70EiO.60H k -0.473 k 1.111 k DOnly k k 1.852 k LrOnly k k 1.133 k LOnly k k k SOnly k k k WOnly k k k EOnly k -0.675 k k HOnly k k k •., Maximum;Denections.forL6ad'Comblnati6ns. Mr- Load Combination Max. X-X Deflection Distance Max. Y-Y Deflection Distance -lO-iH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft -K)-H.-iH 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 0.000 in 0.000 ft -HD-H-r-tH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft •tO-fS-iH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft •HD-K).750Lr-K).750L-i+l 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft ••O-tO.750L-K).750S-iH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft -K3-K).60W-fH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft •^D•KI.70E-^t^ 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 1.452 in 15.000 ft •iO-^).750Lr-K).750L-K).450W-HH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft ••D-»O.750L-tO.750S-K).450W-iH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft -IO-I0.750L-I0.750S-I0.5250E-HH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 1.089 in 15.000 ft -K).60D-K).60W-iO.60H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft -K).60D-tO.70E-K).60H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 1.452 in 15.000 ft DOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl Lr Only 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft LOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft SOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 tt 0.000 In 0.000 ft WOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft EOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 2.075 in 15.000 ft HOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft Steel Section Properties : HSS5x5x3/8 • UNN SAVQIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 9DB B. CLEVELAND ET. • CEANBIDE, CA. 9ZD54 PH: (760) 966-6355 FAX: ('760) 966-6360 Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Printed: 9 DEC 2014, 5;51PM <'~f|le^0Asgallna6\SliaiKni£B ENERCM.C,' INC 198aa014[SfllCllB'!" 1 Llc. #: KW-06002938 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Description: Worst Case Steel Roof Steel Section Properties : Column HSS5x5x3/8 Depth 5.000 in Ixx 21.70 inM J 36.100 inM Sxx 8.68 in*3 WkJth 5.000 in Rxx 1.870 in WallTtiick 0.375 in Zx 10.600 in*3 Area 6.180 in"2 lyy 21.700 InM C 14.900 in'S Weigtit 22.302 plf Syy 8.680 in"3 Ryy 1.870 in Ycg 0.000 in K Loa(Jl 5.00in !•«« M-X Loads Loads are total entered value. AITOWS do not reflect absolute direction. I3> i-J r-j r-J m IK I r-j tJ . e> a • <9 •> n ^ E» v •. B C31-1 Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Projecf Descr: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Code References Calculations per AISC Design Guide # 1, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: ASCE 7-10 General Information Material Properties AISC Design Method Allowable Strength Design Steel Plate Fy = 36.0 ksi Concrete Support fc = 3.0 ksi Assumed Bearing Area :Full Bearing il c : ASD Safety Factor. Allowable Bearing Fp per J8 2.50 2.782 ksi Column & Plate Column Properties Steel Section : HSS5:x5x3/16 Depth 5 in Width 5 in Flange Thickness 0.174 in Web Thickness in Plate Dimensions N: Length 11.0 in B: Width 11.0 in Thickness 0.750 in Column assumed v/elded to base plate. Area Ixx lyy 3.28 in*2 inM inM Support Dimensions Width along "X" 12.0 in Length along "Z 12.0 in mm Applied Loads D: Dead Load 1.517 k L: Live k Lr: Roof Live 1.133 k S : Snow k W : Wind k E : Earthquake k H : Lateral Earth k " P" = Gravity load, sign is downward. V-Z M-X k-ft k-ft k-ft k-fl k-ft 0.6750 k 10.125 k-ft k k-ft Moments create higher soil pressure at +Z edge. Shears push plate towards •^Z edge. Anchor Bolts Anchor Bolt or Rod Description 5/8" dia. Max of Tension or Pullout Capacity Shear Capacity Edge distance: bolt to plate Number of Bolts in each Row Number of Bolt Rows 6,90 k 3.680 k 1.250 in 2.0 1,0 I * • EdgcIManot cn L-l rsi r-J Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 KW-06002938 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Desaiption: Roof Flagpole Base Plate GOVERNING DESIGN LOAD CASE SUH/IMARY Plate Desiqn Summary Design Method Goveming Load Combination Goveming Load Case Type Design Plate Size Pa: Axial Load.... Ma: Moment Allowable Strenqth Desiqn •tD-K).70E-HH Axial •^ Moment, L/2 < Eccentricity, Tension on Bc 11" X11" X 0-3/4" 1.517 k 7.088 k-ft Load Comb.: +D+H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... Design Plate Height Design Plate Width Will be diflerent from entry il partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area A2: Support Area sqrt(A2/A1) Distance for Moment Calculation •m" " n" X Lambda n' n' * Lambda L = max(m, n, n") Xoad Comb.: +D+L+H Loading Pa: Axial Load.... Design Plate Height Design Plate Width Wiii be different from entry ifparlinl bearing used. Al: Plate Area A2: Support Area sqrt( A2/A1) Distance for Moment Calculation ' m" " n" X Lambda n' n' * Lambda L = max(m, n, n") 1.517 k 11.000 In 11.000 in 121.000 in*2 144.000 inA2 1.091 3.125 in 3.125 in 0.000 in*2 0.000 0.010 in 0.000 in 3.125 in 1.517 k 11.000 in 11.000 in 121.000 in''2 144.000 |nA2 1.091 3.125 in 3.125 in 0.000 in*2 0.000 0.010 in 0.000 in 3.125 in Mu: Max. Moment fb: Max. Bending Stress. Fb: Altowable: Bending Stress Ratio fu: Max. Plate Bearing Stress.... Fp: Allowable: min{ 0.85*fc*sqrt{A2/A1), 1.7* fc)*Omega Bearing Stress Ratio Tension in each Bolt Allowable Bolt Tension Tension Stress Ratio 2.334 k-in 16.596 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.770 Bending Stress OK 1.113 ksi 1.113 ksi 1.000 Bearing Stress OK 4.209 6.900 0.610 Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Aclual Fb: Allowable Stress Ratio 1.113 ksi 0.013 ksi 0.011 0.061 k-in 0.435 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.020 Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Stress Ratio 1.113 ksi OOI 3 ksi 0.011 0.061 k-in 0.435 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.020 iZ5 LJ r-j r-1 I IK I o . Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Desa: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Lie. # : KW-06002938 Desaiption : Roof Flagpole Base Plate Load Comb.: +D+Lr+H Loading Pa: Axial Load.... 2.650 k Design Plate Height 11.000 in Design plate Width 11.000 in Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area 121.000 in«2 A2: Support Area 144.000 jnA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Distance for Moment Calculation • m • 3.125 in •n" 3.125 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.040 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.125 in Load Comb.: +D+S+H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... I-^I^ k Design Plate Height 11.000 Design Plate Width 11.000 in Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area 121.000 in«2 A2: Support Area 144.000 jnA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Distance for Moment Calculation "m" 3.125 in " n" 3.125 in X 0.000 in''2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.010 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.125 in Load"Conlb;T^HD+^.750Lr•^0^.75yL+^ Loading Pa: Axial Load.... 2.367 k Design Plate Height 11.000 in Design Plate Width 11.000 in Will be different from entry if partiai bearing used. Al: Plate Area 121.000 in«2 A2: Support Area 144.000 jnA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1,091 Distance for Moment Calculation " m' 3.125 in " n" 3.125 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.030 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.125 in Licensee ; DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Stress Ratio 1.113ksi 0.022 ksi 0.020 0.107 k-in 0.760 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.035 Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Altowable Stress Ratio Axial Load Only, No Moment 1.113ksi 0.013 ksi 0.011 0.061 k-in 0.435 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.020 Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearinq Stresses Fp:Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L»2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio 1.113ksi 0.020 ksi 0.018 0.096 k-in 0.679 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.032 Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Lie. #: KW-0600293B Desaiption: Roof Flagpole Base Plate LoadComb.: +m0.750L+b.750S+H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... ''•517 k Design Plate Height 11.000 |n Design Plate Width 11.000 in Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area 121.000 in«2 A2: Support Area 144.000 |nA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Distance for Moment Calculation "m" 3.125 in " n" 3.125 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.010 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m,n,n") 3.125 in Load Comb.: +D+0.60W+hr Loading Pa: Axial Load.... ^•5'\7 k Design Plate Height 11.000 in Design Plate Width 11.000 in Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area 121.000 in*2 A2: Support Area 144.000 |nA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Distance for Moment Calculation • m" 3.125 in " n" 3.125 in X OOOO in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.010 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.125 in Load Comb. : +D+0.70E+H Loading Pa: Axial Load.... 1.517 k Ma: Moment 7.088 k-fl Eccentricity 56.065 in Al: Plate Area 121.000 in'^2 A2: Support Area 144.000 in*2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Calculate olate moment from bearing ... "m" 3.125 in "A": Bearing Length 1.623 in Mpl: Plate Moment 0.194 k-in Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Altowable Stress Ratio 1.113ksi 0.013 ksi 0.011 0.061 k-in 0.435 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.020 Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu*L«2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Altowable Stress Ratio Axial Load Only, No Moment 1.113 ksi 0.013 ksi 0.011 0.061 k-in 0.435 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.020 Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > U2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension . Tension per Bolt Tension: Allowable Stress Ratio Dist. from Bolt to Col. Edge Effective Bolt Width for Bending Plate Moment from Bolt Tension Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Stress Ratio 4.209 k 6.900 k 0.610 1.875 in 7.500 in 2.105 k-in 1.113 ksi (set equal to Fp) 1.000 2.334 k-in 16.596 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.770 Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction ^iie» Project ID: 14-205 Lie. #: KW-06002938 Description : Roof Flagpote Base Plate Load Comb. : +D+0.7MLr+6.750L+0.4MW+H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... 2.367 k Design Plate Height 11.000 in Design Plate Width 11.000 in Will be different from entry if partiai bearing used. Al: Plate Area 121.000 in«2 A2: Support Area 144.000 jnA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Distance for Moment Calculation " m" 3.125 in " n" 3.125 in X OOOO in''2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.030 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.125 in Load Comb.: +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... 1-517 k Design Plate Height 11.000 Design Plate Width 11.000 in Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area 121.000 in''2 A2: Support Area 144.000 jnA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Distance for Moment Calculation " m • 3.125 in " n" 3.125 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.010 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.125 in Load Comb.: +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H Loadinq Pa : Axial Load .... 1.517 k Ma:Moment 5.316 k-tt Eccentricity 42.048 in Al: Plate Area 121.000 in''2 A2: Support Area 144.000 in''2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Calculate plate moment from bearinq ... "m" 3.125 in "A"; Bearing Length 1.229 in Mpl: Plate Utoment 0.155 k-in Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearinq Stresses Fp: Altowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L''2/2 fb: Actual Fb; Altowable Stress Ratio , 1.113ksi O020ksi 0.018 0.096 k-in 0.679 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.032 Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb; Allowable Stress Ratio Axial Load Only, No Moment 1.113ksi 0.013 ksi 0.011 0.061 k-in 0.435 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.020 Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > L/2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension .. Tension per Bolt Tension: Allowable Stress Ratio Dist. from Bolt to Col. Edge Effective Bolt Width for Bending Plate Moment from Bolt Tension Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Stress Ratio 3.001 k 6.900 k 0.435 1.875 in ^ 7.500 in 1.501 k-in 1,113 ksi (set equal to Fp) 1.000 1.856 k-in 13.200 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.612 LiC. #: KW-06002938 Desaiption: Roof Flagpole Base Plate Load ComR: 4^.60b+0.60W+a Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... 0-910 k Design Plate Height 11-000 in Design Plate Width 11.000 in Witt be different from entry if partiai bearing used. Al: Plate Area 121.000 in'>2 A2: Support Area 144.000 |nA2 sqrt{A2/A1) 1.091 Distance for Moment Calculation "m" 3.125 in " n" 3.125 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.010 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.125 in Load Comb.: +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... 0.910 k Ma: Moment 7.088 k-ft Eccentricity 93.441 in Al: Plate Area 121.000 in*2 A2: Support Area 144.000 in*2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.091 Calculate plate moment from bearino... •m" 3.125 in "A": Bearing Length 1.575 in Mpl: Plate Moment 0.190 k-in Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Project ID: 14-205 "'rinted; 10 DE* Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowabte fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Aclual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio , 1.113 ksi 0.008 ksi 0.007 0.037 k-in 0.261 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.012 Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > L/2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension... Tension per Bolt 4.364 k Tension: Allowabte 6.900 k Stress Ratio 0.633 Dist from Bolt fo Col. Edge 1.875 in Effective Bolt Width for Bending 7.500 in Plate Moment from Bolt Tension 2.182 k-in Bearinq Stresses Fp:Altowabte 1.113 ksi fa: Max. Bearing Pressure (set equal to Fp) Stress Ratio 1.000 Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax 2.278 k-in fb: Actual 16.201 ksi Fb:Altowabte 21.557 ksi Stress Ratio 0.752 13 l-l rsi rM M Av« IK I' Lie. # : KW-0'6002938 Desaiption: Roof Flagpote Ftg @ gl 3-B Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Desa: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Piinte(1.10DEC201A, 3,A9PM »r> 11 I (r^.i.'aiginr<?i«)»'s>lHiy^i|.^v Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Calculations per ACI 318-11, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-10 Material Properties f c: Concrete 28 day strength fy: Rebar Yield Ec: Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density (p Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow % Temp Reinf. Min. Overtuming Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safefy Factor Add Ftg Wt for Soil Pressure Use ftg wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear 3.0 ksi 60.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pcf 0.90 0.750 0.00180 1.128 1.128 Yes Yes No No Width parallel to X-X/\xis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thicknes Pedestal dimensions... px: parallel to X-X Axis ~_ pz: parallel to Z-Z Axis Height Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete, at Bottom of footing Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars parallel to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Sizi 4 # 6 8.0 # 6 Bandvi/idth Distribution Check (AC115.4.4.2) Direction Requiring Closer Separationig Z-Z Axis # Bars required within zone 90.4 % # Bars required on each side of zone 9.6 % ^i^lied Loads Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface = Altowable pressure increase per foot of dept= when footing base is below = Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of dep = when maximum length or width is greaten= 3.50 ksf Yes 300.0 pcf 0.350 ft ksf ft ksf ft 6.250 ft 5.160 ft 15.0 in c CO in in in 1 1 Eo 3.0 in 4-illl6B«i xoc SHLIMI mmiiiu lu *z ' — < L W P: Column Load OB: Overburden M-xx M-zz V-x V-Z 1.517 0.6750 1.133 10.125 k ksf k-ft k-ft k k D i_i rM rM M .^v-va i K I FM D . Project Title: Engineer: Project Desa: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction B •> I <9 • •-• n C E> •! I . e C3 M LiC. #: KW-06002938 ^ Description : Roof Flagpote Ftg @ gl 3-B Proiect ID: 14-205 Printed: 10 DEC 2014, 3:49PM ^ •) _ -Jkbii'J_i^ ' !„' iJ Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Design OK Min. Ratio Kem Applied Capacity Governing Load Combination PASS 0.1462 Soil Bearing 0.5382 ksf 3.681 ksf •»0.60D-K).70E-K).60H about X-X axis PASS 1.501 Overturning -X-X 7.594 k-ft 11.397 k-ft -K).60D-K).70E-K).60H PASS n/a Overturning -Z-Z 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft No Overturning PASS n/a Sliding-X-X 0.0 k 0.0 k No Sliding PASS 3.818 Sliding - Z-Z 0.6750 k 2.577 k PASS n/a Uplift 0.0 k 0.0 k No Uplift PASS 0.03072 Z Flexure (-t-X) 0.5501 k-ft 17.905 k-ft +1.20Di-1.60Lr-K).50L-i-1.60H PASS 0.03072 Z Flexure (-X) 0,5501 k-ft 17.905 k-ft 1-1.20D•^1.60Lr•K).50L-|•1.60H PASS 0.04132 X Flexure (•^Z) 1.199 k-ft 29.013 k-ft •K).90D+E-K).90H PASS 0.02223 X Flexure (-Z) 0.6450 k-ft 29.013 k-ft 1-1.20D-K).50LtO.20S-*E+1.60H PASS 0.01984 1-way Shear (-i-X) 1.630 psi 82.158 psi •*-1.20D-i-1.60Lr-K).50L-i-1.60H PASS 0.01984 1-way Shear (-X) 1.630 psi 82.158 psi -Hl.20D-i-1.60Lr-K).50L-i-1.60H PASS 0.05016 1-way Shear (-i-Z) 4.121 psi 82.158 psi -K).90D-tE-iO.90H PASS 0.02755 1-way Shear (-Z) 2.263 psi 82.158 psi •t-1.20D-K).50L-K).20S-t€-i-1.60H PASS 0.03711 ligaiiBiK'BltSliMiii 2-way Punching 6.097 psi 164.317 psi •Hl.20D-i-1.60LrtO.50L-Hl.60H Soil Bearing Rotation Axis & Actual Soil Bearing Stress Actual / Allowable Load Combination... Gross Allowable X6CC ZGCC Bottom, -Z Top, +Z Left, -X Right, l-X Ratio X-X. •^D-^H 3.681 n/a 1.375 0.1984 0.2582 n/a n/a 0.070 X-X. -KD-H.-HH 3.681 n/a 1.375 0.1984 0.2582 n/a n/a 0.070 X-X. +D-H.r-HH 3.681 n/a 1.192 0.2335 0.2933 n/a n/a 0.080 X-X. -HD+S+H 3.681 n/a 1.375 0.1984 0.2582 n/a n/a 0.070 X-X. -fO-K).750Lr-K).750L,ifl 3.681 n/a 1.233 0.2247 0.2846 n/a n/a 0.077 X-X. •HD-K).750L-K).750S+H 3.681 n/a 1.375 0.1984 0.2582 n/a n/a 0,070 X-X. -^D-K).60W•^fl 3.681 n/a 1.375 0.1984 0.2582 n/a n/a 0,070 X-X. +D-K).70E+H 3.681 n/a 12.927 0.0 0.5176 n/a n/a 0.141 X-X. iO-K).750Lr-K).750L.-K).450W-t+H 3.681 n/a 1.233 0.2247 0.2846 n/a n/a 0.077 X-X. +D-K).750L•K).750S+O.450W•^H 3.681 n/a 1.375 0.1984 0.2582 n/a n/a 0.070 X-X. -K:-K).750L-IO.750S+O.5250E-I4H 3.681 n/a 10.039 0.009911 0.4467 n/a n/a 0,121 X-X. •K).60D-K).60W-K).60H 3.681 n/a 1.375 0.1190 0.1549 n/a n/a 0,042 X-X. -K).60D-K).70E-K).60H 3.681 n/a 20.629 0.0 0.5382 n/a n/a 0,146 Z-Z. -HD-HH 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2283 0.2283 0,062 Z-Z. -KD-H.-^ 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2283 0.2283 0.062 Z-Z. -HD-H-r-HH 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2634 0.2634 0.072 Z-Z. -K)-HS-HH 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2283 0.2283 0,062 Z-Z. -HD-K).750Lr-K).750L,-ifl 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2546 0.2546 0,069 Z-Z. +D•K).750L•K).750S-^H 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2283 0.2283 0,062 Z-Z. •^O-^0.60W-^H 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2283 0.2283 0,062 Z-Z. -H3-K).70E-tfl 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2263 0.2283 0,062 Z-Z. -K)-K).750Lr-K).750L-K).450W-i+l 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2546 0.2546 0,069 Z-Z. -HD-K).750L-K).750S-K).450W-HH 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2283 0.2283 0,062 Z-Z. -HD-K).750L-K).750S-K).5250E^-H 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2283 0.2283 0,062 Z-Z. •K).60D-K).60W-K).60H 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.1370 0.1370 0,037 Z:Z. +<).60D*0.70E-HD.60H 3.681 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.1370 0.1370 0,037 Rotation Axis & Load Combination ... Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Stability Ratio Status X-X. -HD-i+l 0.8438 k-ft 18.995 k-ft 22.512 OK X-X. •^D-^L-^H 0.8438 k-ft 18.995 k-ft 22.512 OK X-X. -^0-^Lr-^fl 0.8438 k-ft 21.918 k-ft 25.977 OK X-X. -HD-I-S-HH 0.8438 k-ft 18.995 k-ft 22.512 OK X-X. -HD-K).750Lr-K).750L-<+l 0.8438 k-ft 21.187 k-ft 25.111 OK X-X. -i-D-K).750L-K).750S-HH 0.8438 k-ft 18.995 k-ft 22.512 OK X-X. +D-K).60W-HH 0.8438 k-ft 18.995 k-ft 22.512 OK X-X. -HD-K).70E-41 7.931 k-ft 18.995 k-ft 2.395 OK X-X. •i-D-t{).750Lr-K).750L-K).450W-HH 0.8438 k-fl 21.187 k-ft 25.111 OK X-X, -I-D-K),750L-K),750S-K),450W-HH 0,8438 k-ft 18.995 k-ft 22.512 OK Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Project ID: 14-205 Primed; 10 DEC 2014, 3:49PM Lie. # : KW-06002938"^ Description: Roof Ftegpote Ftg @ gl 3-B ^(SleauB|ggjStabll Rotation Axis & Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Load Combination... Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Stability Ratio Status X-X. •tO^K).750L-i0.750S-K).5250E-HH 6.159 k-ft 18.995 k-ft 3.084 OK X-X. -K).60D-K).60W-K).60H 0.5063 k-ft 11.397 k-ft 22.512 OK X-X. •K3.60D-K).70E-K).60H 7.594 k-ft 11.397 k-ft 1.501 OK Z-Z. -IO-+H None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z, -KD-H.-ifl None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z. tO-H-r-i+l None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z, •KD-t-S'+l None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z. •K)-K).750Lr-K).750L-i+l None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z. -tD-K).750L^K).750S-HH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z. -KD^K).60W^fH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z. •K)^K).70E^HH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z. •*£)-H).750Lr^K).750L-K).450W^HH None 0.0 k-fl Infinity OK Z-Z. •KD-K).750L^K).750S-K).450W-HH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z. -KD-K).750L-K).750S-K).5250E-ifl None 0.0 k-ft infinity OK Z-Z. -K).60D-H).60W-tO.60H None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK Z-Z, •K),60D-K).70E^K).60H None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK All units k Force Application Axis Load Combination... Sliding Force Resisting Force Sliding SafetyRatio Status X-X. -lO^fH X-X. -HD-+L-HH X-X. -KD-K-r-HH X-X, •K)-HS^HH X-X. •HD-K).750Lr-K).750L-tH X-X. •K)-K).750L-IO.750S-HH X-X. •HD-tO.60W-tH X-X. •K)-K).70E-ifl X-X. •HD-K).750Lr-K).750L-tO.450W-HH X-X. •tO-K).750L-K).750S-K).450W-HH X-X. •K)^K).750L^K).750S^K).5250Eifl X-X. •K).60D+0.60W-tO.60H X-X. -K).60Di{).70E-K).60H Z-Z, -HD-HH Z-Z. -KD-il-ifl Z-Z, -HD-H-r-HH Z-Z. -HD-HS-HH Z-Z. •HO-K).750Lr-K).750L^HH Z-Z. •HO-K).750LI0.750S-HH Z-Z. •HD-K).750L-K).750S-K).450W-HH Z-Z. -HDIO.750LIO.750S^K).5250E-HH Z-Z. •K).60D-K).60W^K).60H Z-Z. •K).60D-K).70E-K).60H Z-Z. -HO-K).60W-HH Z-Z. •HD-K).70E-HH Z-Z,, +D-K).750Lr-H0..750Lt0.450W-HH Footing Flexure 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 0.4050 k 0.4050 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 0.6750 k 2.577 k 2.577 k 2.973 k 2.577 k 2.874 k 2.577 k 2.577 k 2.577 k 2.874 k 2.577 k 2.577 k 1.546 k 1.546 k 2.577 k 2.577 k 2.973 k 2.577 k 2.874 k 2.577 k 2.577 k 2.577 k 1.546 k 1.546 k 2.577 k 2.577 k 2.874 k No Slidinq No Slidinq No Slidinq No Slidinq No Slidinq No Slidinq No Sliding No Slidinq No Slidinq No Slidinq No Sliding No Sliding No Sliding 3.818 3.818 4.405 3.818 4.258 3.818 3.818 3.818 3.818 3.818 3.818 3.818 4.258 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu k-ft Whicti Side? Tension @ Bot or Top? As Req'd in«2 Gvrn. As in«2 Actual As in*2 Phi'Mn k-ft Status X-X.-H1.40D-H1.60H 0,3137 -HZ Bottom 0,324 Min Temo % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X.+1.40D-H1.60H 0.1247 -Z Bottom 0.324 Min Temn % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -Hi .20D-K).50Lr-Hl .60L-H1 .60H 0.3273 -HZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -H1.20D-K).50Lr-Hl .60L-H1 .60H 0.1654 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -H1.20D-H1,60L-K).50S-Hl .60H 0.2688 •HZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -H1.20D-H1.60L-K).50S-H1.60H 0.1069 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -H1 .20D-H1.60Lr-K).50L-Hl .60H 0.4559 -HZ Bottom 0.324 MIn Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -Hi .20D-H1.60Lr-K).50L-Hl .60H 0.2940 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -Hi .20D-H1.60Lr-K).50W-Hl ,60H 0.4559 -HZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. •Hl.20D-Hl.60Lr-K).50W-Hl.60H 0.2940 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -H1.20D-K).50L-H1.60S-H1.60H 0.2688 -HZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -Hi .20D-K).50L-Hl .60S-H1 .60H 0.1069 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -Hi .20D-H1,60S-K),50W-Hl ,60H 0,2688 -HZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.5632 29,013 OK I rM rM Ml IK I rM 13 . Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction LiC. #: KW-06002938 Proiect ID: 14-205 Printed: 10 DEC 2014, 3:49PM / • •. V'.: • ''M^mmiMnmmm!^.Mm•im \mfim:jjM Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCf URAL ENGINEERS Desaiption: Roof Flagpote Ftg @ ( 13-B Foofang/Jcxure, , , Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Wliich Tension @ As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status Flexure Axis & Load Combination k-ft Side ? Bot or Top? in»2 in*2 in*2 k-fl Status X-X. -Hi .20D-H1,60S-K).50W-H1,60H 0.1069 -Z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -Hl,20D-K).50Lr-tO.50L-HW-Hl.60H 0.3273 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. •Hl.20D-K).50Lr-K).50L-HW-Hl.60H 0.1654 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. •Hl.20D-HC.50L-tC.50S-HW-Hl.60H 0.2688 +z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. -Hl.20D-tO.50L-tO.50S-HW-Hl.60H 0.1069 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. •Hl.20D-t0.50L^t0.20S+£^Hl.60H 1.137 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. •Hl.20D-tO.50L^tC.20S^HE^Hl.60H 0.6450 -z Top 0.324 Min Temo % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. •tC.90D^HW^t0.90H 0.2016 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X, •tO.90D^HWtO.90H 0.08017 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. tO.90D-HE-tO.90H 1.199 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.5632 29.013 OK X-X. tO.90DtE+O.90H 0.5423 -z Too 0.324 Min Temo % 0.5632 29.013 OK Z-Z.t-1.40D^H1.60H 0.3216 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z,+1.40D+1.60H 0.3216 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20DtC.50Lr-Hl .60L+1.60H 0.3614 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20Dt0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H 0.3614 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z, +1.20D-H1.60LtO.50S-Hl .60H 0.2756 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60LtO.50St1.60H 0.2756 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. t-1.20D+1.60Lrt0.50L+1.60H 0.5501 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60LrtC.50L+1.60H 0.5501 +x Bottom 0.324 Min Temn % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. -Hi .20D+1.60LrtC.50W+1.60H 0.5501 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. •Hl.20D+1.60LrtO.50Wt-1.60H 0.5501 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z, -H1.20DtO.50L+1.60S-H1.60H 0.2756 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z, +1.20DtO.50L+1.60S+1.60H 0.2756 +X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. -Hi .20D-H1.60StC.50W+1.60H 0.2756 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20D+1.60StO.50W+1.60H 0.2756 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. tl.20DtC.50LrtC.50L-HW+1.60H 0.3614 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. t-1.20DtC.50LrtO.50L-HW-Hl.60H 0.3614 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20DtC.50Lt0.50S+W+1.60H 0.2756 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20DtO.50LtO.50S+W+1.60H 0.2756 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20DtC.50LtO.20StE+1.60H 0.2756 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. +1.20DtO.50LtO.20S+E+1.60H 0.2756 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. t{).90D+Wt0.90H 0.2067 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. tC.90DtWtC.90H 0.2067 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z-Z. tO.90DtEtC.90H 0.2067 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK Z;Zu1)5J9D^H£tC.90H 0.2067 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3411 17.905 OK |« •IB Min Temp % Load Combination... Vu @-X Vu@ •HX Vu^ g -Z Vu @ +Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu/Phi*Vn Status t-1.40D+1.60H 0.9528 psi 0.9528 psi 0.3874 psi 1,028 PSi 1.028 psi 82.158 osi 0.01252 OK +1.20DtC.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H 1.071 osi 1.071 DSi 0.5209 Dsi 1.07 osi 1.071 Dsi 82.158 DSi 0.01303 OK +1.20D+1.60LtC.50S+1.60H 0.8166 psi 0.8166 psi 0.3321 psi 0.8815 DSi 0.8815 Psi 82.158 osi 0.01073 OK +1.20D+1.60LrtO.50Lt1.60H 1.63 psi 1.63 psi 0.9364 Dsi 1.486 psi 1.63 psi 82.158 DSi 0.01984 OK +1.20D+1.60LrtO.50Wt1.60H 1.63 osi 1.63 psi 0.9364 psi 1.486 PSi 1.63 DSi 82.158 DSi 0.01984 OK +1.20DtC.50L-Hl.60S-Hl.60H 0.8166 osi 0.8166 DSi 0.3321 psi 0.8815 DSi 0.8815 DSi 82.158 PSi 0.01073 OK t1.20Dt1,60St0.50W+1.60H 0.8166 Psi 0.8166 psi 0.3321 psi 0.8815 Psi 0.8815 Psi 82.158 PSi 0.01073 OK +1.20DtC.50LrtO.50L+W+1.60H 1.071 psi 1.071 PSi 0.5209 psi 1.07 PSi 1.071 psi 82.158 PSi 0.01303 OK tl ,20DtO,50LtC,50S+W+1,60H 0,8166 psi 0.8166 psi 0.3321 psi 0,8815 psi 0.8815 psi 82,158 PSi 0,01073 OK +1,20DtC.50LtO.20S+E-Hl,60H 0,8166 osi 0,8166 osi 2.263 Dsi 3.839 Dsi 3.839 DSi 82,158 osi 0,04672 OK tC,90DtWtC.90H 0.6125 osi 0.6125 psi 0.2491 psi 0.6611 DSi 0.661 iDsi 82.158 DSi 0.008047 OK tO.90D+EtC.90H 0,6125 Psi 0,6125 PSi 1.754 psi 4.121 PSi 4.121 Dsi 82.158 DSi 0.05016 OK Punching Shear All units k Load Combination... Vu Phi'Vn Vu / Phi'Vn Status +140D+1.60H 3.564 DSi 164.317DS 0.02169 OK +1.20Dt0.50Lrt1.60L+1.60H 4.006 DSi 164.317DS 0.02438 OK t1.20D+1.60LtO.50St1.60H 3.055 DSi 164.317DS 0.01859 OK t1,20Dt1.60LrtC,50Lt1,60H 6.097 DSi 164.317DS 0.03711 OK t1.20D+1,60LrtC.50Wt1.60H 6.097 DSi 164.317 DS 0.03711 OK t1.20DtC,50Lt1.60St1,60H 3.055 Dsi 164.317DS 0.01859 OK +1.20D+1.60St{).50W+1.60H 3.055 DSi 164.317 DSi 0.01859 OK tl .20DtC.50LrtO.50LtWt1.60H 4.006 DSi 164.317 DSi 0.02438 OK tl .20DtO.50LtC.50S+Wt1.60H 3.055 DSi 164,317Dsi 0.01859 OK tl .20DtC.50LtC.20StEt1.60H 3.102 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.01888 OK Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Project ID: 14-205 Printed:JO DEC 2014, 3:49PM • Lie. #: KW-06002938 Licensee DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Desaiption : Roof Flagpote Ftg @gl3-B Punching Shear All units k Load Combination... Vu Phi'Vn Vu / Phi'Vn Status tO.90D+WtO.90H 2.291 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.01394 OK tC.90D+EtO.90H 2.538 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.01545 OK CP LJ rsi r-j B BIKSP B LJ n m VI I rMB. Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Project ID: 14-205 Printed: 10 DEC 2014. 4:00PM 1 Lie. # : KW-06002938 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Desaiption: Roof Ftegpote Ftg ^ - codiM^i^mm''^ §gl4-A Calculations per ACI 318-11, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-10 Material Properties fc: Concrete 28 day strength fy: Rebar Yield Ec: Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density <p Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow % Temp Reinf. Min. Overtuming Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Ftg Wt for Soil Pressure Use ftg wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear 3.0 ksi 60.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pcf 0.90 0.750 0.00180 1.128 : 1.128 : Yes Yes No No Width parallel to X-X Axis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thicknes Pedestal dimensions... px: parallel to X-X Axis pz: parallel to Z-Z Axis " Height Rebar Centeriine to Edge of Concrete, at Bottom of footing = 5.750 ft 4ft 15.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in 3.0 in Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars parallel to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Sizi Bandwidth Distribution Check (AC115.4.4.2) Direction Requiring Closer Separatiomg Z-Z Axis # Bars required within zone 82.1% # Bars required on each side of zone 17.9 % Applied ioiads Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing = 3.50 ksf Increase Bearing By Footing Weight = Yes Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) = 300.0 pcf Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. = 0.350 Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface = 0.0 ft Allowable pressure increase per foot of dept = 0.0 ksf when footing base is below = 0.0 ft Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of dep = 0.0 ksf when maximum length or width is greater 0.0 ft - . 3-#« Bars ' Si '-^ -1. V 1^ ~—•-•'x-xsKBPfi mbmndw"-*?— Si '-^ -1. V L-L beclion LooKing lo *K mi.-' D Lr L s w E H P: Column Load 1.517 1.133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k OB: Overburden 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ksf M-xx 0^0 OO 0.0 0.0 o7o 0.0 0.0 k-ft M-zz 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.125 0.0 k-ft V-x 0.6750 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k V-z 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k D LJ rsi fJ tm /"K-VCP IK i rM C3 . >*l(9**LJP«VErSI.BC9» Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: Lie. #: KW-06002938 Desaiption: Roof Flagpote Ftg @ gl 4-A j.'.''-*'''fS'"'i LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construcfion Proiect ID: 14-205 Printed: 10 DEC 2014, 4:00PM Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS DESIGN SUMMARYc '> Design OK Min. Ratio Kem Applied Capacity Goveming Load Combination PASS 0.2321 Soil Bearing 0.8545 ksf 3.681 ksf t0.60Dt0.70Et0.60H about Z-Z axis PASS n/a Overturning - X-X 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft No Overturning PASS 1.292 Overturning - Z-Z 7.594 k-ft 9.808 k-ft tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H PASS 2.948 Sliding - X-X 0.6750 k 1.990 k tO+H PASS n/a Sliding - Z-Z 0.0 k 0.0 k No Sliding PASS n/a Uplift 0.0 k 0.0 k No Uplift PASS 0.1180 Z Flexure (tX) 2.046 k-ft 17.340 k-ft tC.90DtEt0.90H PASS 0.05037 Z Flexure (-X) 0.8734 k-fl 17.340 k-ft +1.20Dt0.50Lt0.20StE+1.60H PASS 0.01579 X Flexure (tZ) 0.3159 k-ft 20.015 k-ft +1.20D+1.60Lrt0.50Lt1.60H PASS 0.01579 X Flexure (-Z) 0.3159 k-ft 20.015 k-ft t1.20D+1.60LrtO.50Lt1.60H PASS 0.02559 1-way Shear (tX) 2.103 psi 82.158 psi +1.20D+1.60LrtO.5OLt1.60H PASS 0.02559 1-way Shear (-X) 2.103 psi 82.158 psi +1.200+1.60LrtO.50L+1.60H PASS 0.01335 1-way Shear (tZ) 1.097 psi 82.158 psi +1.20D+1.60LrtO.5OLt1.60H PASS 0.01335 1-way Shear (-Z) 1.097 psi 82.158 psi t1.20D+1.60LrtO.50Lt1.60H PASS 0.03680 2-way Punching 6.046 psi 164.317 psi +1.20D+1.60LrtO.50Lt1.60H Soil Bearing Rotation Axis & Actual Soil Bearing Stress Actual / Allowable Load Combination... Gross Allowable Xecc Zecc Bottom, -Z Top, tZ Left, -X Right, +X Ratio X-X. tOtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2472 0.2472 n/a n/a 0.067 X-X. tOtLtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2472 0.2472 n/a n/a 0.067 X-X. tD+LrtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2965 0.2965 n/a n/a 0.081 X-X. tO+Stfl 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2472 0.2472 n/a n/a 0,067 X-X. tOtC.750LrtC.750LtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2842 0.2842 n/a n/a 0,077 X-X, tOtC.750LtC.750StH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2472 0.2472 n/a n/a 0.067 X-X. +DtC.60WtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2472 0.2472 n/a n/a 0.067 X-X, tOtC.70EtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2472 0.2472 n/a n/a 0.067 X-X. tDtC.750LrtO.750LtO.450WtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2842 0.2842 n/a n/a 0.077 X-X. tDt0750LtC.750StC450WtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2472 0.2472 n/a n/a 0,067 X-X. tOtC.750Lt0.750St0.5250EtH 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.2472 0.2472 n/a n/a 0,067 X-X. tO.60DtO.60WtO.60H 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.1483 0.1483 n/a n/a 0,040 X-X. tO.60DtC.70EtC.60H 3.681 n/a 0.0 0.1483 0.1483 n/a n/a 0,040 Z-Z. tOtH 3.681 1.781 n/a n/a n/a 0,2096 0.2848 0,077 Z-Z. tDtLtH 3.681 1.781 n/a n/a n/a 0.2096 0.2848 0,077 Z-Z. tDtLrtH 3.681 1.485 n/a n/a n/a 0.2588 0.3341 0,091 Z-Z. tDtStf! 3.681 1.781 n/a n/a n/a 0.2096 0.2848 0.077 Z-Z. tDtO.750LrtC750Ltfl 3.681 1.549 n/a n/a n/a 0.2465 0.3218 0,087 Z-Z. tOtC.750Lt0.750StH 3.681 1.781 n/a n/a n/a 0.2096 0.2848 0,077 Z-Z, tDtC.60WtH 3.681 1.781 n/a n/a n/a 0.2096 0.2848 0,077 Z-Z. tDtO.70E+H 3.681 16.739 n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.6334 0,172 Z-Z, tDtC.750LrtC.750LtO.450WtH 3.681 1.549 n/a n/a n/a 0.2465 0.3218 0,087 Z-Z. tDtO.750LtO.750StO.450WtH 3.681 1.781 n/a n/a n/a 0.2096 0.2848 0,077 Z-Z. tDtO.750LtC.750StC.5250EtH 3.681 13.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.5242 0.142 Z-Z. tO.60DtC.60WtC.60H 3.681 1.781 n/a n/a n/a 0.1257 0.1709 0.046 Z-Z. tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H 3,681 26712 n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.8545 0,232 Overturning Stability Rotation Axis & Load Combination... Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Stability Ratio Status X-X, tDtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK X-X. tDtLtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tO+Lr+H None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK X-X. tDtStH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtO.750LrtC.750LtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtC.750LtC.750StH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtC.60WtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtC.70EtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtO,750LrtC,750LtC,450WtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X, tDtC,750LtC.750StC,450W+H None 0,0 k-ft Infinitv OK D Ul rM rM m A VC311 Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Printed: 10 DEC 2014, 4:00PM Lie. # : KW-06002938^ Desaiption : Roof Ftegpote Ftg @ gl 4-A £fKV »* iSX A'J '''jgs}lJ.;i&v^^j):ii.''i§S j:'? Licensee : DUNtg SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Rotation Axis & Load Combination.. Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Stability Ratio Status X-X. tDtC.750LtO.750StO.5250EtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tO.60DtC.60WtO.60H None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tC.60DtC.70EtC.60H None 0.0-k-ft Infinitv OK Z-Z. tOtH 0.8438 k-ft 16.347 k-ft 19.374 OK Z-Z. tOtLtH 0.8438 k-ft 16.347 k-ft 19.374 OK Z-Z. tOtLrtH 0.8438 k-ft 19.604 k-ft 23.234 OK Z-Z. tD+StH 0.8438 k-ft 16.347 k-ft 19.374 OK Z-Z. tOt0.750Lrt0.750LtH 0.8438 k-fl 18.790 k-ft 22.269 OK Z-Z. tOtC.750Lt0.750StH 0.8438 k-ft 16.347 k-ft 19.374 OK Z-Z. tOt0.60WtH 0.8438 k-ft 16.347 k-ft 19.374 OK Z-Z. tOt0.70E+H 7.931 k-ft 16.347 k-ft 2.061 OK Z-Z. tOtC.750Lrt0.750LtC.450WtH 0.8438 k-ft 18.790 k-ft 22.269 OK Z-Z. tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.450WtH 0.8438 k-ft 16.347 k-ft 19.374 OK Z-Z. tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.5250EtH 6.159 k-ft 16.347 k-ft 2.654 OK Z-Z. t0.60Dt0.60Wt0.60H 0.5063 k-ft 9.808 k-ft 19.374 OK Z-Z, t0.60DtC.70EtC.60H 7.594 k-ft 9.808 k-ft 1.292 OK All units k Force Application Axis Load Combination... Sliding Force Resisting Force Sliding SafetyRatio Status X-X. tOtH 0.6750 k 1.990 k 2.948 OK X-X. tD+LtH 0.6750 k 1.990 k 2.948 OK X-X. tD+Lrtfl 0.6750 k 2.387 k 3.536 OK X-X. tOtStH 0.6750 k 1.990 k 2.948 OK X-X. tDt0.750Lrt0.750LtH 0.6750 k 2.287 k 3.389 OK X-X. tDtO.750LtC.750StH 0.6750 k 1.990 k 2.948 OK X-X, tDtO.60WtH 0.6750 k 1.990 k 2.948 OK X-X. tDtO.70EtH 0.6750 k 1.990 k 2.948 OK X-X. +DtO.750LrtC.750LtO.450WtH 0.6750 k 2.287 k 3.389 OK X-X. tOt0.750Lt0.750StC.450WtH 0.6750 k 1.990 k 2.948 OK X-X. tDt0.750Lt0.750StC.5250EtH 0.6750 k 1.990 k 2.948 OK X-X. t0.60Dt0.60Wt0.60H 0.4050 k 1.194k 2.948 OK X-X. tO.60DtO.70EtC.60H 0.4050 k 1.194 k 2.948 OK Z-Z. tDtH 0.0 k 1.990 k No Slidinq OK Z-Z. tDtLtH 0.0 k 1.990 k No Slidinq OK Z-Z. tDtLrtH 0.0 k 2.387 k No Slidinq OK Z-Z. tDtStH 0.0 k 1.990 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tDt0.750LrtC.750LtH 0.0 k 2.287 k No Slidinq OK Z-Z. tDtC.750LtO.750StH 0.0 k 1.990 k No Sliding OK Z-Z, tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.450WtH 0.0 k 1.990 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tOtC.750Lt0.750St0.5250EtH 0.0 k 1.990 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tO.60DtC.60WtO.60H 0.0 k 1.194 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. t0.60DtC.70EtC.60H 0.0 k 1.194 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tOtC.60WtH 0.0 k 1.990 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tDtC.70EtH 0.0 k 1.990 k No Sliding OK Z-Z, tp,tO,750LrtC.750LtC.450Wtfl 0.0 k 2.287 k No Sliding OK Footing Flexure Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Which Tension @ As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status Flexure Axis & Load Combination k-fl Side? Bot or Top ? in*2 in"2 in"2 k-ft X-X t1.40Dt1.60H 0.1847 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X.t1.40Dt1.60H 0.1847 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. tl ,20DtC.50Lrt1.60Lt1.60H 0.2076 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. tl .20DtC.50Lrt1.60Lt1.60H 0.2076 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20Dt1,60LtC,50St1.60H 0.1583 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X, t1.20Dt1,60LtC.50St1.60H 0.1583 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20Dt1,60Lrt{).50Lt1.60H 0.3159 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20Dt1.60LrtC.50Lt1.60H 0.3159 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. tl .20Dt1.60LrtO,50Wt1.60H 0.3159 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20Dt1.60LrtC.50Wt1.60H 0.3159 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20DtC.50Lt1.60St1,60H 0.1583 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20DtC,50Lt1,60St1,60H 0.1583 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X, tl .20Dt1,60StC,50Wt1,60H 0.1583 tZ Bottom 0,324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK C9 l-l rM rM •i.A.vaiK irMi •7«ci. worn . o B Ese> mf. Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Project ID: 14-205 Lie. # : KW-06002938 Desaiption : Roof Flagpote Ftg @ gl 4-A Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu k-ft Which Side? Tension @ Bot or Top? As Req'd in*2 Gvm. As in''2 Actual As in«2 Phi'Mn k-ft Status X-X, t1.20Dt1,60StO.50Wt1.60H 0.1583 -Z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20DtO.50LrtO.50LtWt1.60H 0.2076 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20DtO.50LrtO.50LtWt1.60H 0.2076 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20DtO.50LtO.50StWt1.60H 0.1583 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. tl .20DtO.50LtC.50StWt1.60H 0.1583 -Z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20DtO.50LtO.20StEt1.60H 0.1583 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temn % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. t1.20DtC.50LtC.20StEt1.60H 0.1583 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. tC.90DtWtC.90H 01187 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. tO.90DtWtC.90H 01187 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X, tO.90DtEtO.90H 0.1187 tZ Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK X-X. tO.90DtEtO.90H 0.1187 -z Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.3826 20.015 OK Z-Z t1.40Dt1.60H 0.2340 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z.tl.40Dt1.60H 0.5292 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. tl .20Dt0.50Lrt1.60Lt1.60H 0.3024 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z, t1.20DtC.50Lrt1.60Lt1.60H 0.5554 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z, t1.20Dt1.60LtO.50St1.60H 0.2006 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. tl .20Dt1.60LtO.50St1.60H 0.4536 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60LrtO.50Lt1.60H 0.5263 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60LrtC.50Lt1.60H 0.7794 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60LrtC.50Wt1.60H 0.5263 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temo % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60LrtC.50Wt1.60H 0.7794 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temn % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtC.50Lt1.60St1.60H 0.2006 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtO.50Lt1.60St1.60H 0.4536 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60StC.50Wt1.60H 0.2006 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60StC.50Wt1.60H 0.4536 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtC.50LrtC.50LtWt1.60H 0.3024 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. tl .20DtC.50LrtC.50LtWt1.60H 0.5554 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtO.50LtO.50StWt1.60H 0.2006 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtC.50LtC.50StWt1.60H 0.4536 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtO.50LtO.20StEt1.60H 0.8734 -X TOP 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z t1.20DtO,50LtC.20StEt1,60H 1.910 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. tO,90DtWtC,90H 0.1504 -X Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. tO.90DtWtO.90H 0.3402 tX Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z-Z. tO.90DtEt0.90H 0.6742 -X Top 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK Z;Z tC90DtEtC90H_ it. 2.046 ^x Bottom 0.324 Min Temp % 0.330 17.340 OK TOniflfaMear; . it. Load Combination... Vul g-x Vu@ +X Vu( g -Z Vu @ i*Z Vu:Max PhiVn Vu/Phi'Vn Status +1.40Dt1.60H 1.229 PSi 1.229 PSi 0.6412 PSi 0.6412 DSi 1.229 PSi 82.158 PSi 0.01496 OK t1.20DtC.50Lrt1,60L+1.60H 1.381 PSi 1.381 PSi 0.7207 PSi 0.7207 nsi 1.381 psi 82.158 PSi 0.01681 OK t1.20Dt1.60LtC,50S-Hl,60H 1.053 PSi 1.053 PSi 0.5496 PSi 0.5496 Dsi 1.053 DSi 82.158 PSi 0.01282 OK +1,20Dt1.60LrtC.50Lt1.60H Z103 PSi 2.103 Psi 1.097 PSi 1.097 PSi 2.103 DSi 82.158 PSi 0.02559 OK t1.20Dt1.60LrtC.50Wt1.60H 2.103 DSi 2.103 DSi 1.097 DSi 1.097 Dsi 2.103 osi 82.158 DSi 0.02559 OK t1.20DtC.50Lt1.60S+1.60H 1.053 PSi 1.053 PSi 0.5496 PSi 0.5496 PSi 1.053 DSi 82.158 osi 0.01282 OK t1.20Dt1.60StO.50Wt1.60H 1.053 PSi 1.053 PSi 0.5496 PSi 0.5496 PSi 1.053 DSi 82.158 DSi 0.01282 OK tl .20DtC.50LrtC.50LtWt1.60H 1.381 Psi 1.381 psi 0.7207 PSi 0.7207 PSi 1.381 PSi 82,158 DSi 0,01681 OK tl .20DtC.50LtO.50S+Wt1,60H 1,053 PSi 1.053 PSi 0.5496 PSi 0.5496 PSi 1.053 PSi 82,158 DSi 0,01282 OK tl ,20DtC,50LtC,20S+Et1,60H 1,053psi 1.053 PSi 0,5496 PSi 0.5496 PSi 1.053 PSi 82,158 DSi 0.01282 OK tO.90DtWtC.90H 0.7901 PSi 0.7901 PSi 04122 PSi 0.4122 PSi 0.7901 PSi 82.158 DSi 0.009617 OK tO,90DtEtC.90H 0.7892 PSi 0.7892 psi 04122 PSi 0.4122 PSi 0,7892 PSi 82,158 DSi 0,009606 OK Piinchirig Shear All units k Load Combination... Vu Phi'Vn Vu/Phi'Vn Status t1,40Dt1.60H 3.535 Dsi 164.317DSi 0,02151 OK t1.20DtO,50Lrt1,60L+1.60H 3.973 Dsi 164.317DSi 0,02418 OK t1.20Dt1,60LtC.50S+1.60H 3.03 Dsi 164.317DSi 0,01844 OK t1.20Dt1.60LrtC.50Lt1.60H 6.046 DSi 164.317DSi 0,0368 OK t1.20Dt1.60LrtC.50Wt1.60H 6.046 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.0368 OK t1.20DtO.50Lt1.60S+1.60H 3.03 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.01844 OK t1.20Dt1.60StC.50Wt1.60H 3.03 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.01844 OK t1.20DtC.50LrtC.50LtWt1.60H 3.973 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.02418 OK t1.20DtC.50LtC.50S+Wt1.60H 3.03 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.01844 OK t1.20DtC,50LtC,20StEt1.60H 3.193 DSi 164.317DSi 0.01944 OK D «-i r>4 N mt ^>^€=j IK i ISI B , Lie. #: KW-06002938 Description: Roof Flagpote Ftg @ gl 4-A Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Project ID: 14-205 Printed: 10 DEC 2014, 4:00PM Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS All units k Load Combination... Vu Phi'Vn Vu / Phi'Vn Status tO.90DtWtC.90H tO.90DtEtO.90H 2.273 DSi 2.639 Dsi 164.317Dsi 164.317Dsi 0.01383 0.01606 OK OK Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineering 908 S. Cleveland St., Oceanside, Ca 92054 Ph: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com SHEET NO,. CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE 0F_ DATF DATE : - \^t^-^- : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERIKO 908 E. CLEVELAND ST. • CEANBIDE, CA. 92DE4 PH: (76a) 966-635S FAX: (ve>D) see-eaeo Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Project ID: 14-205 Lie. # : KW-b6002938 Description : Death Star Flagpote Cdffe References < A-ENERC Ir ili,.] --.j 1 jiu£'3l)7^ti3 .DPM Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Calculations per AISC 360-10, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-10 ^i@]^^tiatrt>ifi steel Section Name: Analysis Method: Steel Stress Grade Fy: steel Yteld E: Elastk; Bending Modulus Load Combination: PipeS x-Strong Allowable Strength 36.0 ksi 29,000.0 ksi ASCE 7-10 Overall Column Height 12.0 ft Top & Bottom Fixity Top Free, Bottom Fixed Brace condition for deflection (buckling) along columns: X-X (width) axis: Unbraced Length for X-X Axis buckling = 10 ft, K = 2.1 Y-Y (depth) axis: Unbraced Lenglh for Y-Y Axis buckling = 10 ft, K = 2.1 Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. AXIAL LOADS ... Axial Load at 12.0 ft, D = 1.929 k BENDING LOADS... Seismic Load: Lat. Point Load at 8.0 ft creating Mx-x, E = 1.5161< Bending & Shear Check Results PASS Max. AxialtBending Stress Ratio = 0.1581 :1 Load Combination •HDt0.70E+H Location of max.atx)ve tiase 0.0 ft At maximum locatnn values are... Pa: Axtel 1.929 k Pn / Omega: Allowabte 171.908 k Ma-x: Applied -8.490 k-ft Mn-x / Omega: Allowable 55.689 k-ft Ma-y: Applied 0.0 k-ft Mn-y / Omega: Allowabte 55.689 k-ft PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.01379 :1 Load Combination -HD+0.70EtH Location of max.above base 0.0 ft At maximum location values are... Va: Applied 1.061 k Vn / Omega: Allowable 76.958 k L^d^bcHnbiMtion Results: Maximum SERVICE Load Reactions.. Top along X-X Bottom along X-X Top along Y-Y Bottom along Y-Y Maximum SERVICE Load Deflections. Along Y-Y 0.2686 in at for load combination :E Only 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k 1.516 k Along X-X 0.0 in for load combination: at 12.0ft above base 0.0ft above base Maximum Axial t Bending Stress Ratios Maximum Shear Ratios Load Combination Stress Ratio Status Location Stress Ratio Status Location tDtH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tDtLtH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tDtLrtH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tDtStH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tOtO.750Lrt0.750LtH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tDtC.750LtO.750StH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tDtC.60WtH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tDtC.70EtH 0.158 PASS 0.00 ft 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft tDt0.750LrtO,750LtC,450WtH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tDtC,750LtC,750St0.450WtH 0.011 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tOtC,750Lt0,750StC,5250EtH 0.120 PASS 0.00 ft 0.010 PASS 0.00 ft tC,60DtC.60WtC,60H 0.007 PASS 0.00 ft 0.000 PASS 0.00 ft tO,60DtO.70EtO.60H 0.156 PASS 0.00 ft 0.014 PASS 0.00 ft DUNN SAVDIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB SDB E. CLEVELAND ST. • CEANBIDE, CA. 92D64 PH: (76D) 966-635B FAX: I76D) 966-ea6D Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 -.-es ".'-'ff"-"*" ^ ^ IS ENERl )14, 6:20PM rjL'DEA^IECe Lie. #: KW-06002938 Desaiption : Death Star Flagpote MaxinfiumjReactions Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Note: Only non-zero reactions are listed. Load Combination X-X Axis Reaction @Base Y-Y Axis Reaction Axtel Reaclten @Base tO+H k k 1.929 k tO-»L-»H k k 1.929 k +0+Lr+H k , k 1.929 k tOtStH k k 1.929 k tO+0.750Lrt0.750LtH k k 1.929 k tOtO.750Lt0.750StH k k 1.929 k tOtO.SOWtH k k 1.929 k tOt0.70EtH k -1.061 k 1.929 k tOt0.750Lrt0.750Lt0.450WtH k k 1.929 k tOtO.750Lt0.750StO.450WtH k k 1.929 k tOt0.750Lt0.750S-K).5250EtH k -0.796 k 1.929 k tO.60DtO.60WtO.60H k k 1.157 k tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H k -1.061 k 1.157 k DOnly k k 1.929 k LrOniy k k k LOnly k k k SOnly k k k WOnly k k k EOnly k -1.516 k k HOnly k k k f:: - Load Combination Max. X-X Deflectton Distance Max. Y-Y Deflection Distance tOtH 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 0.000 in 0.000 ft tO+L+H 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 0.000 in 0.000 ft tO+Lr+H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl tOtStH 0.0000 in OOOO ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl tDtO.750LrtO.750LtH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft tOt0.750LtO.750StH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 tl tOtO.eOWtH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl tOt0.70EtH 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 0.188 in 12.000 ft tOt0.750Lrt0.750LtO.450WtH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl tOtO.750LtO.750StO.450WtH 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 ft tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.5250EtH 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 0.141 in 12.000 ft tO.60DtO.60WtO.6OH 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 0.000 in 0.000 fl tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.188 in 12.000 ft DOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl LrOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl LOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl SOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl WOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 ft 0.000 in 0.000 fl EOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 0.269 in 12.000 ft HOnly 0.0000 in 0.000 fl 0.000 in 0.000 ft Steel Section Properties Pipes x-Strong DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB 50B S. CLEVELAND ST. • CEANBIDE, CA. 92064 PH: (760} 966-6355 FAX: (76D) 966-6360 Project Title: Engineer; Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Project ID: 14-205 LiC. # : KW-06002938 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Desaiption : Death Star Flagpote Steel SeciSii^ert'es PipeS x-Strong Depth Diameter Wall Thick Area Weighl 8.625 in 8.625 in 0,500 in 11,900 in*2 43,505 plf Ixx Sxx Rxx Zx lyy Syy Ryy 100.00 in*4 23.10 in*3 2.890 in 31.000 in*3 100.000 inM 23.100 in*3 2.890 in 199.000 inM Ycg 0.000 in M-X Loads Loads are total entered value. Arrows do not reflect absolute direction. DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB 9D8 E. CLEVELAND ET. • CEANBIDE, CA. 9ZDB4 PH: (760) 966-6355 FAX: (76D) 966-636D Project Title: Engineer: Project Desa: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Project ID: 14-205 9 DEC 2014, 6,34PM mm LiC. # : KW-06002938 Desaiption: Death Star Flagpote Base Plate Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS iil Code References Calculations per AISC Design Guide # 1, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: ASCE 7-10 General Information Material Properties AISC Design Method Allowabte Strength Design Steel Plate Fy = 36.0 ksi Concrete Support fc = 3.0 ksi Assumed Bearing Area :Full Bearing n c : ASD Safety Factor. Allowable Bearing Fp per J8 2.50 2.550 ksi Column & Plate Column Properties Steel Section : PipeS x-Strong Depth 8.625 in Width 8.625 in Flange Thickness 0.465 in Web Thickness 0 in Plate Dimensions N: Length 13.0 in B: Width 13.0 in Thickness 0.750 in Column assumed welded to base plate. Area Ixx lyy 11.9 in*2 100 inM 100 inM Support Dimensions Width along "X" 13.0 in Length along "Z 13.0 in Applied Loads D : Dead Load 1.929 k L : Live k Lr: Roof Live k S: Snow k W: Wind k E : Earthquake k H: Lateral Earth k " P" = Gravity load, "t" sign is downward. V-Z M-X k-ft k-fl k-fl k-fl k-ft 1.516 k 12.128 k-ft k k-ft Moments create higher soil pressure al +Z edge, SheaiB push plate towards tZ edge. Anchor Bolts Anchor Boll or Rod Description 3/4" Max of Tension or Pullout Capacity Shear Capacity Edge distance: bolt to plate Number of Bolts in each Row Number of Bolt Rows dia. 6.90 3.680 1.250 2.0 1.0 I DUNN EAVDIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 9as B. CLEVELAND ST. • CEANBIDE, CA. 92054 PH: (76D) 966-6355 FAX: (76D) 966-636D Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Project ID: 14-205 Bilate Lie. # • i<W-06002938 Desaiption : Death Star Ftegpote Base Plate Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS GOVERNING DESIGN LOAD CASE SUMMARY Plate Desiqn Summary Design Method Goveming Load Combinafion Goveming Load Case Type Design Plate Size Pa: Axial Load.... Ma: Moment Allowable Strenqth Desiqn tO.60DtC.70EtO.60H Axial t Moment, L/2 < Eccentricity, Tension on Bt r-1" X r-1" X 0-3/4" 1.157 k 8.490 k-ft Load Comb.: +D+H Loading Pa: Axtel Load.... Design Plate Height Design Plate WWth Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Ptete Area A2: Support Area sqrt( A2/A1) Distance for Moment Calculation "m" " n" X Lambda n' n' * Lambda L = max(m, n, n") Load Comb.: +D+L+H Loading Pa: Axtel Load.... Design Plate Height Design Plate Width Wilt be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area A2; Support Area sqrt( A2/A1) Distance for Moment Calculation " m" " n" X Lambda n' n' * Lambda L = maxim, n, n") 1.929 k 13.000 In 13.000 in 169.000 in«2 169.000 jnA2 1.000 3.050 in 3.050 in 0.000 in*2 0.000 0.310 in 0.000 in 3.050 in 1.929 k 13.000 In 13.000 in 169.000 in«2 169.000 |nA2 1.000 3.050 in 3.050 in 0.000 in''2 0.000 0.310 in 0.000 in 3.050 in Mu: Max. Moment fb: Max. Bending Stress. Fb: Allowabte: Bending Stress Ratio fu: Max. Plate Bearing Stress.... Fp: Allowabte: min{ 0.85*fc*sqrt(A2/A1), 1.7* fc)*Omega Bearing Stress Ratio Tension in each Bolt Allowabte Boll Tension Tension Stress Ratio Bearinq Stresses Fp:Alk)wable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L''2/2 fb: Aclual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio 2.106 k-in 14.974 ksi 21.557 ksi 0,695 Bending Stress OK 1.020 ksi 1.020 ksi 1.000 Bearing Stress OK 4.211 6.900 0.610 Axial Load Only, No Moment 1.020 ksi 0.011 ksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 Bearinq Stresses Fp:Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L«2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Stress Ratio Axial Load Only, No Moment 1.020 ksi 0.011 ksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB 90s S- CLEVELAND ET. • CEANBIDE, CA. 9ZOB4 PH: (760) 966-6355 FAX: (76D) g66-636D Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Printed: 9 DEC 2014, 6:34PM Lie. #: KW-06002938 Desaiption: Death Star Flagpote Base Ptete Load Comb.: +D+Lr+H Loadinq Pa: Axtel Load.... Design Plate Height Design Plate Width Wiii be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area A2: Support Area sqrt(A2/A1) Distance for Moment Calculation "m" "n" X Lambda n' n' * Lambda L = max(m, n, n"). Load Comb.: +D+S+H Loadinq Pa: Axtel Load.... Design Ptete Height Design Plate Width Will be different from entry if partiai bearing used. Al: Ptete Area A2: Support Area sqrt( A2/A1) Distance for Moment Calculation "m" "n" X Lambda n' n' * Lambda L = max(m, n, n") Load Comb.: +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Loadinq Pa: Axtel Load.... Design Plate Height Design Plate Width Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area A2: Support Area sqrt( A2/A1) Distance for Moment Calculation " m" " n" X Lambda n' n' * Lambda L = max(m, n, n") ~-^Ai* iii«4r.v*.> Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1.929 k 13.000 in 13.000 in 169.000 in''2 169.000 |n/>2 1.000 3.050 in 3.050 in 0.000 in''2 0.000 0.310 in 0.000 in 3.050 in 1.929 k 13.000 in 13.000 in 169.000 in''2 169.000 |nA2 1.000 3.050 in 3.050 in 0.000 in»2 0.000 0.310 in 0.000 in 3.050 in 1.929 k 13.000 in 13.000 in 169.000 in»2 169.000 |nA2 1.000 3.050 in 3.050 in 0.000 in"2 0.000 0310 in 0.000 in 3.050 in Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowabte fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu*L''2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Altowabte Stress Ratio , 1.020 ksi 0.011 ksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio Axial Load Only, No Moment 1.020 ksi 0.011 ksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowabte fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress flatio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowable Stress Ratio Axial Load Only, No Moment 1.020 ksi 0.011 ksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB 908 S. CLEVELAND ET. • CEANBIDE, CA. 92054 PH: (760) 966-6355 FAX: (76D) 966-6360 Lie. # : KW-06002938 Description: Death Star Flagpote Base Plate Load Comb! 7 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... •'•929 k Design Plate Height 13.000 in Design Plate Width 13,000 in Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area 169.000 in*2 A2: Support Area 169.000 1^*2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.000 Distance for Moment Calculation ' m • 3.050 in • n" 3.050 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.310 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.050 in Load^Comb.: +D+0.60W+H Loading Pa: Axtel Load.... •'•929 k Design Plate Height 13.000 in Design Plate Width 13.000 in Win be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area 169.000 in*2 A2: Support Area 169.000 |nA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.000 Distance for Moment Calculation " m" 3.050 in " n" 3.050 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.310 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.050 in Load Comb.: +D+0.70E+H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... 1.929 k Ma : Moment 8.490 k-ft Eccentricity 52.812 in Al: Plate Area 169.000 in''2 A2 : Support Area 169.000 in*2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.000 Calculate plate moment from bearinq ... " m" 3.050 in "A": Bearing Length 1.502 in Mpl: Plate Moment 0.163 k-in Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS I Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowabte fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendino Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio...... 1.020 ksi 0.01 Iksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowabte fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio 1.020 ksi 0.011 ksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > L/2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension , Tension per Bolt.. Tension: Altowable Stress Ratio Dist. from Boll to Col. Edge Effective Bolt Width for Bending Plate Moment from Bolt Tension Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowabte fa : Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio 4.014 k 6.900 k 0.582 1.800 in 7.200 in 2.007 k-in 1.020 ksi (set equal to Fp) 1.000 2.007 k-in 14.271 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.662 OUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB 90B E. CLEVELAND ST. • CEANBIDE, CA. 92054 PH: I760) 966-63B5 FAX: (760) 966-6360 55... ' * - Lie. #: KW-06002938 Desaiption: Death Star Flagpote Base Plate Load Comb. : +D^^).750Lr+0.750L•^ Loading Pa: Axtel Load.... •'•929 k Design Plate Heighl 13.000 in Design Plate Width 13.000 in Will be different from entry if partiai bearing used. Al: Plate Area 169.000 in*2 A2: Support Area 169.000 jnA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.000 Distance for Moment Calculation " m" 3.050 in " n" 3.050 in X 0.000 in''2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.310 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max{m, n, n") 3.050 in Load Comb.T+DS[).750L+0.750S+0.450W+H Loading Pa: Axtel Load.... •'•929 k Design Plate Heighl '' 3-000 in Design Plate Width 13.000 in Will be dHerent from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Ptete Area 169.000 in»2 A2: Support Area 169.000 jnA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.000 Distance for Moment Calculation " m" 3.050 in " n" 3.050 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' 0.310 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.050 in Load Comb. : +D+dj50L+0.750S+0.52^ Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... 1.929 k Ma: Moment 6.367 k-ft Eccentricity 39.609 in Al: Plate Area 169.000 in''2 A2: Support Area 169.000 in'^2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.000 Calculate plate moment from bearing.,, " m • 3.050 in "A": Bearing Lenglh 1.148 in Mpl: Plate Moment 0.130 k-in Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearing Stresses Fp: Allowabte fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bending Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio 1.020 ksi 0.011 ksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearino Stresses Fp: Allowabte fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L*2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio 1.020 ksi 0.011 ksi 0.011 0.053 k-in 0.378 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.018 Axial Load + Moment, Ecc. > L/2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension . Tension per Bolt Tension: Allowable Stress Ratio Dist, from Bolt to Col, Edge Effective Boll Width tor Bending Plate Moment from Bolt Tension Bearinq Stresses Fp: Allowable fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio 2.842 k 6.900 k 0.412 1.800 in 7.200 in 1421 k-in 1.020 ksi / set equal to Fp) 1.000 1.562 k-in 11.107 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.515 DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENBINEERINB 9DB B. CLEVELAND BT. • CEANBIDE, CA. 920S4 PH: (76Q) 966-6355 FAX: (760) 966-6360 Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Lie. # : KW-06002938 Description: Death Star Ftegpote Base Plate Load Comb. T +0^6D+0.60W+6.66H Loadinq Pa: Axial Load.... •'••'57 k Design Plate Height •'3 000 |n Design Plate Widlh 13.000 in Will be different from entry if partial bearing used. Al: Plate Area 169.000 in*2 A2: Support Area 169.000 |nA2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.000 Distance for Moment Calculation "m" 3.050 in " n" 3.050 in X 0.000 in*2 Lambda 0.000 n' O190 in n' * Lambda 0.000 in L = max(m, n, n") 3.050 in Load Comb.: +0.60D+070E+0.60H Loadinq Pa: Axtel Load.... 1.157 k Ma: Moment 8.490 k-fl Eccentricity 88.021 in Al: Plate Area 169.000 in*2 A2: Support Area 169.000 in*2 sqrt(A2/A1) 1.000 Calculate olate moment from bearing... " m" 3.050 in "A": Bearing Length 1.445 in Mpl: Plate Moment 0.158 k-in 2014, 6:34PM Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Axial Load Only, No Moment Bearinq Stresses Fp: Altowabte fa: Max. Bearing Pressure Stress Ratio Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax = Fu*L«2/2 fb: Actual Fb: Allowabte Stress Ratio....... 1.020 ksi 0.007 ksi 0.007 0.032 k-in 0.227 ksi 21.557 ksi 0.011 4x/a/ Load + Moment Ecc. > L/2 Calculate plate moment from bolt tension... Tension per Bolt 4.211 k Tension: Allowabte 6.900 k Stress Ratio 0.610 Dist. from Bolt to Col. Edge 1.800 in Effective Bolt Wklth for Bending 7.200 in Ptete Moment from Bolt Tenston 2.106 k-in Bearing Stresses Fp: Altowable 1.020 ksi fa: Max. Bearing Pressure (set equal to Fp) Stress Ratio 1.000 Plate Bendinq Stresses Mmax 2.106 k-in fb: Actual 14.974 ksi Fb: Altowabte 21.557 ksi Stress Ratio 0.69S CZ> LJ r~i r-J m -•Kva i K I r-j tJ tic. # : KW-06002938 Description: Death Star Flagpote Footing Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Descr: New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 prii-e-i iC'DE.::-;'; Licensee ; DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Calculations per ACI 318-11, IBC 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : ASCE 7-10 Material Properties fc: Concrete 28 day strength fy: Rebar Yield Ec: Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density <p Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow % Temp Reinf. Min. Overtuming Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Ftg Wt for Soil Pressure Use ftg wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear 3.0 ksi 60.0 ksi 3,122.0 ksi 145.0 pcf 0.90 0.750 0.00180 1.128 1.128 Yes Yes No No Width parallel to X-X Axis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thicknes Pedestal dimensions... px: parallel to X-X Axis pz: parallel to Z-Z Axis : Height Rebar Centeriine to Edge of Concrete, at Bottom of footing = 4.750 ft 4.750 ft 24.0 in in in in 3.0 in Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars parallel to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Sizi 6.0 # 6 6.0 # 6 Bandwidth Distribution Check (AC115.4.4.2) Direction Requiring Closer Separation n/a # Bars required within zone n/a # Bars required on each side of zone n/a Applied Loads , . Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Conaete Friction Coeff. Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface = Allowable pressure increase per foot of dept= when footing base is below = Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of dep = when maximum length or width is greater^ 3.50 ksf No 300.0 pcf 0.350 ft ksf ft ksf ft ma^WWMhWw s->°" ^™^i^i° Lr W P: Column Load OB: Overburden M-xx M-zz V-x V-Z 1.929 12.128 1.516 k J<sf k-ft k k CZJ LJ r-j r-< m .<wtj IK I r<4c3 . B MIldVaiLJHf B Ml. OSM Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 Lie. # : KW-06002938 Desaiption : Death Star Flagpote Fooling Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS DESIGN SUMMARY Design OK Min. Ratio Item Applied Capacity Governing Load Combination PASS 0.6769 Soil Bearing 2.369 ksf 3.50 ksf tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H about Z-Z axis PASS n/a Overturning - X-X 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft No Overturning PASS 1.138 Overturning - Z-Z 10.612 k-ft 12.073 k-ft tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H PASS 1.677 Sliding-X-X 1.061 k 1.779 k tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H PASS n/a Sliding - Z-Z 0.0 k 0.0 k No Sliding PASS n/a Uplift 0.0 k 0.0 k No Uplift PASS 0.04795 Z Flexure (tX) 2.453 k-ft 51.159 k-ft tO.90DtEtO.90H PASS 0.01914 Z Flexure (-X) 0.9794 k-ft 51.159 k-ft t1.20DtO.50LtO.20StEt1.60H PASS 0.006599 X Flexure (tZ) 0.3376 k-ft 51.159 k-ft t1.40Dt1.60H PASS 0.006599 X Flexure (-Z) 0.3376 k-ft 51.159 k-ft t1.40Dt1.60H PASS 0.003661 1-way Shear (tX) 0.3008 psi 82.158 psi t1.40Dt1.60H PASS 0.003661 1-way Shear (-X) 0.3008 psi 82.158 psi t1.40D+1.60H PASS 0.003661 1-way Shear (tZ) 0.3008 psi 82.158 psi t1.40Dt1.60H PASS 0.003661 1-way Shear (-Z) 0.3008 psi 82.158 psi t1.40Dt1.60H PASS 0.009215 2-way Punching 1.514 psi 164.317 psi +1.20DtO.50LtO.20StEt1.60H Soil Bearing Rotation Axis & Actual Soil Bearing Stress Actual/Allowable Load Combination... Gross Allowable Xecc Zecc Bottom, -Z Top, tZ Left, -X Right, tX Ratio X-X, tDtH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0.107 X-X. tOtLtH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0.107 X-X. tOtir+H 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0.107 X-X. tDtStH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0.107 X-X. tDtO.750LrtO.750LtH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0.107 X-X. tDtO.750LtO.750StH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0.107 X-X. tDtO.eOWtH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0.107 X-X. tDtO.70EtH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0,107 X-X. tOt0.750Lrt0.750Lt0.450WtH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0,107 X-X. tDt0.750Lt0.750St0.450WtH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0,107 X-X. tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.5250EtH 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.3755 0.3755 n/a n/a 0,107 X-X. tO.60DtO.60WtO.60H 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.2253 0.2253 n/a n/a 0,064 X-X. tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H 3.50 n/a 0.0 0.2253 0.2253 n/a n/a 0,064 Z-Z. tDtH 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0,107 Z-Z. tDtLtH 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0,107 Z-Z. tOtLr+H 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0,107 Z-Z. tOtStH 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0,107 Z-Z. tOt0.750LrtO.750LtH 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0,107 Z-2. tOt0.750Lt0.750StH 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0,107 Z-Z. tDtO.eoWtH 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0,107 Z-Z. tDt0.70EtH 3.50 15.031 n/a n/a n/a 0.0 1.047 0,299 Z-Z. tDtO.750LrtO.750LtO.450WtH 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0,107 Z-Z. tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.450WtH 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.3755 0.3755 0.107 Z-Z. tDtO.750LtO.750StO.5250EtH 3.50 11.273 n/a n/a n/a 0.0 0.8207 0,235 Z-Z. tO.60DtO.60WtO.60H 3.50 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.2253 0.2253 0.064 Z-Z. tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H 3.50 25.052 n/a n/a n/a 0.0 2.369 0.677 ^Overtuming Stability Rotation Axis & Load Combination... Overtuming Moment Resisting Moment Stability Ratio Status X-X. tDtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtLtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtLrtfj None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtS+H None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtO.750LrtO.750LtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtO.750LtO.750StH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtO.eOWtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK X-X. tDtO,70EtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDt0,750LrtO.750LtO.450WtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tDtO.750LtO,750StO,450WtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK D u INI rj 3IK IfMI Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand srg New Construction Death Star Proiect ID: 14-205 Lie. # : KW-06002938 Desaiption : Death Star Ftegpote Footing Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ling Stability. Rotation Axis & Load Combination... Overturning Moment Resisting Moment Stability Ratio Status X-X. tDtO.750LtO.750StO.5250EtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tO.60DtO.60WtO.60H None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK X-X. tO.60DtO,70EtO.60H None 0.0-k-ft Infinitv OK 2-Z. tDtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK 2-Z. tOtLtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK 2-Z. tOtLrtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK 2-Z. tOtStH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK 2-Z. tOt0.750Lrt0.750LtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK 2-Z. tDtO.750LtO.750StH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK 2-Z. tOtO.eOWtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK 2-Z, tDtO.70EtH 10.612 k-ft 20.121 k-ft 1.896 OK 2-Z. tDtO.750LrtO.750LtO.450WtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK 2-Z. tDtO.750LtO.750StO.450WtH None 0.0 k-ft Infinity OK 2-Z. tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.5260EtH 7.959 k-ft 20.121 k-ft 2.528 OK 2-Z. tO.60DtO.60WtO.60H None 0.0 k-ft Infinitv OK 10.612 k-ft 12.073 k-ft 1.138 OK All units k Force Application Axis Load Combination... Sliding Force Resisting Force Sliding SafetyRatio Status X-X. tOtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tOtLtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tDtirtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tDtStfj 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tDtO.750LrtO.750LtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tOt0.750Lt0.750StH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tDt0.60WtFl 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tDtO.70EtH 1.061 k 2.965 k 2.794 OK X-X, tOtO.750LrtO.750Lt0.450WtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.450Wtfl 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK X-X. tDtO.750LtO.750StO.5250EtH 0.7959 k 2.965 k 3.726 OK X-X. tO.60DtO.60WtO.60H 0.0 k 1.779 k No Sliding OK X-X. tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H 1.061 k 1.779 k 1.677 OK Z-Z, tDtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tOtLtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tDtLrtfl 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tDtStfl 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tDtO.750LrtO.750LtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tOt0.750Lt0.750StH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tOt0.750Lt0.750St0.450WtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tDtO.750LtO.750StO.5250EtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tO.60DtO.60Wt0.60H 0.0 k 1.779 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tO.60DtO.70EtO.60H 0.0 k 1.779 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tDtO.60WtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z. tDtO.70EtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Z-Z, tDtO.750LrtO.750LtO,450WtH 0.0 k 2.965 k No Sliding OK Footing Flexure Flexure Axis 8L Load Combination Mu Which Tension @ As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status Flexure Axis 8L Load Combination k-ft Side? Bot or Top ? in»2 in"2 in"2 k-ft X-Xt1.40Dt1,60H 0.3376 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. t1.40Dt1.60H 0.3376 -Z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. +1.20DtO.50Lrt1,60L+1,60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. t1,20DtO.50Lrt1.60Lt1.60H 0.2894 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X, t1,20Dt1,60LtO,50St1.60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temo % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. tl .20Dt1.60LtO.50St1.60H 0.2894 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. ti ,20Dtl .60LrtO.50Lt1,60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X, tl.20Dt1.60LrtO,50Lt1.60H 0.2894 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X, t1.20Dt1,60LrtO,50Wt1,60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X, tl .20Dt1.60LrtO.50Wt1.60H 0.2894 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. t1.20DtO.50Lt1,60St1.60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. t1,20DtO,50Lt1,60St1.60H 0.2894 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X, t1.20Dt1.60StO.50Wt1,60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51,159 OK CD LJ r-J r-^ Project Title: Engineer: Project Descr: LegoLand - Death Star srg New Construction Proiect ID: 14-205 > •ii(9aiLjm'>» Bl Lie. #: KW-06002938 Desaiption : Death Star Flagpote Footing Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Footing Flexure Flexure Axis & Load Combination Mu Which Tension @ As Req'd Gvrn. As Actual As Phi'Mn Status Flexure Axis & Load Combination k-ft Side ? Bot or Top? in"2 in«2 in*2 k-ft X-X. tl .20Dt1.60StO.50Wt1.60H 0.2894 -Z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51,159 OK X-X. tl ,20DtO,50LrtO,50LtWt1.60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51,159 OK X-X, t1.20DtO.50LrtO.50LtW+1.60H-0.2894 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. t1.20DtO.50LtO.50S+Wt1.60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. t1.20DtO.50LtO.50StWt1.60H 0.2894 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temo % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. t1.20Dt0.50LtO.20StEt1.60H 0.2894 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. t1.20DtO.50LtO.20StEt1.60H 0.2894 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X, tO.90DtWtO.90H 0.2170 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. tO.90DtWtO.90H 02170 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. tO.90DtEtO.9OH 0.2170 tZ Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK X-X. tO.90DtEtO.90H 0.2170 -z Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z.t1.40Dt1.60H 0.3376 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z.t1.40Dt1.60H 0.3376 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tl .20DtO.50Lrt1.60Lt1.60H 0.2894 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tl .20DtO.50Lr+1.60Lt1.60H 0.2894 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tl .20Dt1,60LtO.50St1.60H 0.2894 -X Bottom 0.5184 MIn Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60LtO.50St1.60H 0.2894 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temn % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tl .20Dt1.60LrtO.50Lt1.60H 0.2894 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tl .20Dt1.60LrtO.50Lt1.60H 0.2894 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60LrtO.50Wt1.60H 0.2894 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60LrtO.50Wt1.60H 0.2894 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtO.50Lt1.60St1.60H 0.2894 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tl ,20DtO.50Lt1.60St1.60H 0.2894 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60StO.50Wt1.60H 0.2894 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt1.60StO.50Wt1.60H 0.2894 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temn % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtO.50LrtO.50LtWt1.60H 0.2894 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtO.50LrtO.50LtWt1.60H 0.2894 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtO.50LtO.50StWt1.60H 0.2894 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20DtO.50LtO.50StWt1.60H 0.2894 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. t1.20Dt0.50LtO.20StEt1.60H 0.9794 -X Top 0.5184 Min Temo % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tl .20DtO.50LtO.20StEt1.60H 2212 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tO.90DtWtO.90H 0.2170 -X Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tO.90DtWtO.90H 02170 tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tO.90DtEtO.90H 0.7361 -X TOP 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK Z-Z. tO.90DtEtO.90H 2.453^^ tX Bottom 0.5184 Min Temp % 0.5558 51.159 OK One Way Shear, 2.453^^ Load Combination... Vu ( 8-X Vu@ •tX Vu^ I-Z Vu@-fZ Vu:Max PhiVn Vu/Phi'Vn Status t1.40Dt1.60H 0.3008 PSi 0,3008 DSi 0.3008 PSi 0.3008 Dsi 0.3008 PSi 82.158 nsi 0.003661 OK t1,20DtO.50Lrt1.60Lt1,60H 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 psi 0.2578 PSi 82.158 osi 0.003138 OK t1.20Dt1.60LtO,50St1,60H 0.2578 osi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 Dsi 0.2578 psi 0.2578 DSi 82.158 DSi 0.003138 OK t1.20Dt1.60LrtO.50Lt1,60H 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 psi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 psi 0.2578 PSi 82.158 PSi 0.003138 OK t1.20Dt1,60LrtO,50Wt1.60H 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 psi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 psi 0.2578 PSi 82.158 PSi 0.003138 OK t1,20DtO,50Lt1.60St1,60H 0.2578 psi 0.2578 psi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 psi 0.2578 PSi 82.158 PSi 0.003138 OK t1,20Dt1.60StO,50Wt1,60H 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 DSi 0.2578 DSi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 PSi 82.158 DSi 0.003138 OK tl ,20DtO,50LrtO.50LtWt1,60H 0.2578 osi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 PSi 82,158 PSi 0.003138 OK tl .20DtO.50Lt0.50StWt1,60H 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 Dsi 0.2578 PSi 82.158 PSi 0.003138 OK t1,20DtO,50LtO.20StEt1.60H 0.2576 PSi 0.2576 PSi 0.2578 PSi 0.2578 DSi 0.2578 psi 82.158 PSi 0.003138 OK tO,90DtWtO,90H 0.1934 PSi 0.1934 psi 0.1934 PSi 0.1934 PSi 0.1934 psi 82,158 DSi 0,002354 OK tO.90DtE-K),90H 0.1929 PSi 0.1929 psi 0.1934 DSi 0,1934 psi 0,1934 PSi 82,158 DSi 0,002354 OK Punching Shear All units k Load Combination... Vu Phi'Vn Vu / Phi'Vn Status t1,40Dt1.60H 1.325 osi 164.317Dsi 0.008064 OK t1,20DtO.50Lrt1.60Lt1.60H 1.136 DSi 164.317 DSi 0.006912 OK t1.20Dt1,60LtO.50St1.60H 1.136 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.006912 OK t1.20Dt1.60LrtO.50Lt1.60H 1.136 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.006912 OK t1.20Dt1.60LrtO,50Wt1,60H 1.136 Dsi 164.317Dsi 0.006912 OK t1,20DtO,50Lt1.60St1,60H 1.136 DSi 164,317DSi 0.006912 OK t1.20Dt1.60StO.50Wt1,60H 1.136 Dsi 164.317DSi 0.006912 OK tl .20DtO.50LrtO.50LtWt1,60H 1.136 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.006912 OK tl ,20DtO.50Lt0.50StWt1,60H 1.136 DSi 164.317Dsi 0.006912 OK tl ,20Dt{),50LtO.20StEt1,60H 1,514 Dsi 164.317Dsi 0,009215 OK C=> LJ r-j r-J iVAVCsiK I r-1 tj Project Title: LegoLand - Death Star Engineer: srg Project Desa: New Construction Project ID: 14-205 Licensee : DUNN SAVOIE INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS All units k Load Combination.. Vu Phi'Vn Vu / Phi'Vn Status tO.90DtWtO.90H tO.90DtEtO.90H 0.8519 DSi 1.431 DSi 164.317Dsi 164.317Dsi 0.005184 0.008707 OK OK Dunn Savoie Inc. Structural Engineering 908 S. Cleveland St., Oceanside, Ca 92054 Ph: (760) 966-6355 Fax: (760) 966-6360 E-mail: dsi@surfdsi.com SHEET NO.. 0F_ CALCULATED BY_ CHECKED BY SCALE DATE_ DATE. DUNN EAVOIE INC. ETRUCTURA I. CNBIHCEHING ODB E. CLEVtLj-iND BT. OCCAHMDE, CA. FAX: I76D) Title Death Star level Sft Job # 14-205 Dsgnr: Description.... Page: '^Ifi srg Date: 10 DEC 2014 This Wall in File: U:\sgalindo\Stiared\LegoLand - Deatti StarMegoland-deattistar.RPX ^^'l^fZ- RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2014, Build License: KW-D60S9007 License To : DUNN SAVOIE INC. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design i^ode: CBC 2013,ACI 318-1 i,ACi 530-11 Criteria Retained Height = 3.00 ft Wall height above soil = 0.50 ft Slope Behind Wall = 0.00:1 Height of Soil over Toe = 0.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft I I Soil Data Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = o.O psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding 8i Overtuming Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 234.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary | Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding Total Bearing Load ...resultant ecc. 2.61 OK 1.55 OK 905 lbs 2.50 in 1 Allow Soil Bearing = 3,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure IVIethod Heel Active Pressure 35.0 psf/fl Passive Pressure 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe 0.00 pcf FootingllSoii Friction 0.350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 in I |Latera^oa^ppliedU^tenf^J| [^acen^oot|ngToad Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft The above lateral load has been increased 1.00 by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 psf 886 psf OK 147 psf OK 3,500 psf Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E CBC 2013,AC1 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.000 1.000 Adjacent Footing Load Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio 0.0 Ibs 0.00 ft 0.00 in 0.00 ft Line Load 0.0 ft 0.300 Soil Pressure @ Toe = Soil Pressure @ Heel = Allowable = Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACl Factored @ Toe = 1,064 psf ACI Factored @ Heel = 177 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 5.1 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 0.9 psi OK Allowable = 75.0 psi Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 280.0 Ibs less 100% Passive Force = - 116.7 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 316.6 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Load Factors Stem Construction Design Height Above Ft£ Wall IVIaterial Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fb/FB + fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment....Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' 1 2nd Bottom Stem OK Stem OK ft= 2.00 0.00 = Masonry Masonry = 8.00 8.00 = # 5 # 5 = 16.00 24.00 = Center Edge = 0.015 0.144 lbs = 17.5 157.5 ft-# = 5.8 157.5 ft-# = 1,272.4 1,231.2 psi = 0.4 2.5 psi = 44.7 45.2 psf = 78.0 78.0 in = 3.75 5.25 Masonry Data f m psi = Fs psi = Solid Grouting = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor = Equiv. Solid Thick. in = Masonry Block Type = Masonry Design Method = Concrete Data f c psi: Fy psi = 1,500 20,000 Yes 1,500 20,000 Yes 21.48 21.48 1.000 1.000 7.60 7.60 Medium Weight ASD DUNN GAVDIE INC. E TRUCT URAL CNGINCCHlMG ODB E. CLCVELJINO Et. DCEANBIDE, CA. 92054 PH: C76D) FAX: I760I 5bCi-&360 Titie Death Star level 3ft Job# 14-205 Dsgnr: Description.... srg Page: ^ Date: 10 DEC 2014 This Wall in File: U:\sgalindo\Shared\LegoLand - Death StarVlegoland-deathstar.RPX RetainPro 10(c) 1987-2014, Buiid License: KW-060S9007 License To : DUNN SAVOIE INC. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design ^ode: CBC 2013,ACI 3i8-ii,ACi 530-11 Footing Dimensions & Strengths | Toe Width 0.75 ft Heel Width 1.00 Total Footing Width = 1.75 Footing Thickness = 12.00 in Key Width 6.00 in Key Depth = 4.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 0.67 ft fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in Footing Design Results Toe 1,064 264 17 247 5.10 75.00 #5@ 18.00 in #5@ 18.00 in #4 @ 14.14 in Heel 177 psf 13 ft-# 64ft-# 51 ft-# 0.92 psi 75.00 psi Factored Pressure Mu': Upward Mu': Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 9.26 in, #5@ 14.35 in, #6@ 20.37 in, #7@ 27.78 in, #8@ 36.57 in, #9@ 46 Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key: #4@ 18.77 in, #5@ 28.95 in, #6@ 40.99 in, #7@ 48.25 in. ^ummar^^v^^ Item ..OVERTURNING. Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# RESISTING Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = 280.0 1.33 373.3 Soil Over Heel = 110.0 1.58 174.2 Surcharge over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = 234.0 1.08 253.5 Load @ Stem Above Soil = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = 273.0 1.08 295.8 Total 280.0 O.T.M. 373.3 Stem Weight(s) = 273.0 1.08 295.8 Total O.T.M. 373.3 Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weighl = 262.5 0.88 229.7 Resisting/Overturning Ratio 2.61 Key Weight 25.0 0.92 23.0 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 904.5 lbs Vert. Component = Total = 904.5 Ibs R.M.= 976.1 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Tilt J Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.049 in The above calculation is not valid if the fieel soil bearinq pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. ns^ir @Heel 1"4)' 1'-9" Kl t>l Use menu item Settings > Printing & Tit^j^^|jf l^^yQjy; to set these five lines of Informatiori,^T. H.AI -k -in , -rvr^ for your program il ^iCTUHAL cMliNbtF© ' Program. aoinn CLEVtUMO ST. J.'-.*!i,L>E, C.-^ 9ii'S4 This Wall in File: U:\sgalindo\Shared\LegoLand - Death StarMegoland-deathstar.RPX Titie Legto - Death Star 5.9ft Job# 14-205 Dsgnr: srg Description.... Page: Date: 10 DEC 2014 RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2014, Build License: KW-06059007 License To : DUNN SAVOIE INC. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design :ode: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11,AC1530-11 Criteria Retained Height = 5.90 ft Wall height above soil = 0.50 ft Slope Behind Wall = 2.00:1 Height of Soil over Toe = 0.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft I I Soil Data Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding Overturning Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overtuming Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 234.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Desigr^ummar^ Wall Stability Ratios Overturning Sliding Total Bearing Load ...resultant ecc. 1.54 OK 1.50 OK 2,210 lbs 12.40 in ACI Factored @ Toe = ACl Factored @ Heel Footing Shear @ Toe = Footing Shear @ Heel = Allowable = Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force less 100% Passive Force = less 100% Friction Force = Added Force Req'd = ....for 1.5 :1 Stability = Load Factors 1 Allow Soil Bearing = 3,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 55.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe 0.00 pcf FootingllSoii Friction 0.350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 in I I Lateral Load Applied to Stem | [ Adjacent Footing Load Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft The above lateral load has been increased 1.00 by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 psf Adjacent Footing Load Footing Width Eccentricity Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio 0.0 Ibs 0.00 ft 0.00 in 0.00 ft Line Load 0.0 ft 0.300 Soil Pressure @ Toe = 1,671 psf OK Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 3,500 psf Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable 2,006 psf 0 psf 15.1 psi OK 2.2 psi OK 75.0 psi Stem Construction Design Height Above Ft£ Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data fl3/FB t fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment....Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actuai Shear Allowable Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' 1 2nd Bottom • Stem OK Stem OK ft= 2.67 0.00 = Masonry Masonry = 8.00 12.00 = # 5 # 5 = 16.00 16.00 = Center Edge -0.219 0.611 lbs = 286.9 957.3 ft-# = 308.9 1,882.6 ft-# = 1,526.9 3,183.7 psi = 6.4 8.9 psi = 45.3 45.6 psf = 78.0 124.0 in = 3.75 9.00 1,471.5 lbs 1,434.4 lbs 773.4 Ibs 0.0 lbs OK 0.0 lbs OK Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E CBC 2013,AC1 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.000 1.000 Masonry Data f m psi: Fs psi: Solid Grouting = Modular Ratio 'n' = Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method Concrete Data f c psi = Fy psi = 1,500 24,000 Yes 1,500 20,000 Yes 21.48 21.48 1.000 1.000 in= 7.60 11.60 = Medium Weight = ASD Use menu item Settings > Printing & Title Block.^^ oi ^-jt to set these five lines of Information iWfw ifUK. for your program. Title Legto - Death Star 5.9ft f*^- Job # 14-205 Dsgnr: Sl7»i,i*::TUHALc;Naifvii3tBl&cription.... iDiJTH CLEVeiAND ST. UCI^Wt.De, CA 9l£u54 srg Page: i/'^' Date: 10 DEC 2014 This Wall in File: U:\sgalindo\Shared\LegoLand - Death StarMegoland-deathstar.RPX RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2014, Build License: KW-06059007 License To : DUNN SAVOIE INC. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design ^ode: CBC 2013,ACI 3i8-ii,ACi 530-11 Footing Dimensions & Strengths | Toe Width 2.50 ft Heel Width 1.33 Total Footing Widtii = 3.83 Footing Thickness = 15.00 in Key Width 12.00 in Key Depth = •24.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 1.00 ft fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in Footing Design Results 1 Toe 2,006 4,292 377 3,916 15.08 75.00 #5 @ 18.00 in #5@ 18.00 in #4@ 14.14 in Heel 0 psf 0 ft-# 139ft-# 139ft^ 2.23 psi 75.00 psi Factored Pressure Mu': Upward Mu': Downward Mu: Design Actual 1-Way Shear Allow 1-Way Shear Toe Reinforcing Heel Reinforcing Key Reinforcing Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 7.41 in, #5@ 11.48 in, #6@ 16.30 in, #7@ 22.22 in, #8@ 29.26 in, #9@ 37 Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key: #4@ 9.51 in, #5@ 14.60 in, #6@ 20.62 in, #7@ 28.03 in. ^ummar^o^Overtu^^ Item OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure = Surcharge over Heel = Surcharge Over Toe = Adjacent Footing Load = Added Lateral Load = Load @ Stem Above Soil = 1,471.5 2.44 3,588.0 Total 1,471.5 O.T.M. 3,588.0 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1.54 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,209.7 lbs Vertical component of active pressure NOT used for soil pressure Tilt Force Ibs .RESISTING Distance ft Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weighl = Key Weight Vert. Component = 214.2 3.0 234.0 622.0 118.4 718.1 300.0 3.67 3.72 3.00 2.92 3.33 1.92 1.50 Moment ft-# 784.9 11.1 702.0 1,817.6 394.8 1,375.2 450.0 Total = 2,209.7 lbs R.M.= 5,535.6 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overtuming resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soii (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.078 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearinq pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. Use menu item Settings > Printing 8i Title Block Titie Legto - Death Star 6.9ft to set these five lines of Information J*"** 3Ai[/lilE I!fC. Job# 14-205 Dsgnr: srg for your program. i^iCTURrtL ENaif^tstf^escription.... SA*i 5t>J IH CLEVeLAND ST CCi<k>ti,C€, CA 9::U54 This Wall in File: U:\sgalindo\Shared\LegoLand - Death StarMegoland-deathstar.RPX Page: Ifi^ Date: 10 DEC 2014 RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2014, Build License : KW.0605g007 License To : DUNN SAVOIE INC. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design :ode: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11,ACl 530-11 Criteria Retained Height ' 6.90 ft Wall height above soil = 0.50 ft Slope Behind Wall = 2.00 :1 Height of Soil over Toe = 0.00 in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft I I Soil Data Surcharge Loads Surcharge Over Heel = 0.0 psf Used To Resist Sliding & Overtuming Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overtuming Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 234.0 lbs Axial Live Load = 0.0 lbs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in Design Summary Wall Stability Ratios Overtuming Sliding Total Bearing Load ...resultant ecc. Soil Pressure i Soil Pressure ( Allowable iToe iHeel Allow Soil Bearing = 3,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 55.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe 0.00 pcf FootingllSoii Friction 0.350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 in I I Lateral Load Applied to Stem \ \ Adjacent Footing Load Lateral Load = 0.0 #/ft ...Height to Top = 0.00 ft ...Height to Bottom = 0.00 ft The above lateral load has been increased 1.00 by a factor of Wind on Exposed Stem = 0.0 psf 1.55 OK 1.55 OK 2,873 lbs 15.12 in 1,782 psf OK 0 psf OK 3,500 psf Adjacent Footing Load = Footing Width = Eccentricity = Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Above/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio = 0.0 lbs 0.00 ft 0.00 in 0.00 ft Line Load 0.0 ft 0.300 Soil Pressure Less Than Allowable ACl Factored @ Toe = 2,139 psf ACl Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 20.0 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 5.2 psi OK Allowable = 75.0 psi Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 1,979.9 Ibs less 100% Passive Force = - 2,054.2 lbs less 100% Friction Force = - 1,005.6 Ibs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 0.0 lbs OK Stem Construction Design Height Above Ft£ Wall Material Above "Ht" Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data ft)/FB t fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment....Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' 1 2nd Bottom • Stem OK Stem OK ft= 2.67 0.00 = Masonry Masonry -8.00 12.00 = # 5 # 5 = 16.00 16.00 = Center Edge = 0.474 0.968 lbs = 492.1 1,309.3 ft-# = 693.8 3,011.3 ft-# = 1,526.9 3,183.7 psi = 10.9 12.1 psi = 45.6 45.8 psf = 78.0 124.0 in = 3.75 9.00 Masonry Data - fm Fs Solid Grouting psi = psi = 1,500 24,000 Yes 1,500 20,000 Yes Load Factors Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E CBC 2013,AC1 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.000 1.000 Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method Concrete Data fc Fy 21.48 21.48 1.000 1.000 in= 7.60 11.60 = Medium Weight = ASD psi: psi: Use menu item Settings > Printing & Title Block ifkitmi 3AV04£ !!«C.Ti«e Lego - Death Star 6.9ft to set these five lines of information ST?f^iCTUHAL E^ial^l^s^8fe* 14-205 Dsgnr: for your program. .^.^^ OLEVeLANff'gf "P*'"""" CCG(;>ti„L>e, Cr, 9U064 srg Page: (/^ Date: 10 DEC 2014 This Wall in File: U:\sgalindo\Shared\LegoLand - Death StarMegoland-deathstar.RPX RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2014, Build License: KW-06059007 License To : DUNN SAVOIE INC. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design ^ode: CBC 2013,ACI 318-11 ,ACI 530-11 Footing Dimensions & Strengths | Toe Width 3.00 ft Heel Width 1.67 Total Footing Width = 4.67 Footing Thickness = 15.00 in Key Width 12.00 in Key Depth = •31.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 1.00 ft fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in Footing Design Results 1 Toe Factored Pressure = 2,139 Mu': Upward = 6,639 Mu': Downward = 392 Mu: Design = 6,248 Actual 1-Way Shear = 19.97 Allow 1-Way Shear = 75.00 Toe Reinforcing = #5@18.00in Heel Reinforcing = # 5 @ 18.00 in Key Reinforcing = #4@14.14in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 7.41 in, #5@ 11.48 in. Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key: #4@ 9.51 in, #5@ 14.60 in. Heel 0 psf on-4 455ft-# 455ft-# 5.17 psi 75.00 psi 16.30 in, 20.62 in. 22.22 in, #8@ 29.26 in, #9@ 37 28.03 in. Summary of Overturning & Resisting Forces & IWoments Item OVERTURNING Force Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# Heel Active Pressure Surcharge over Heel Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above Soil •• 1,979.9 2.83 5,599.7 Total 1,979.9 O.T.M. 5,599.7 Resisting/Overturning Ratio = 1.55 Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 2,873.1 lbs Vertical component of active pressure NOT used for soil pressure Tilt 1 Force .RESISTING Distance Moment Ibs ft ft-# Soil Over Heel = 508.5 4.34 2,204.5 Sloped Soil Over Heel = 12.3 4.45 54.9 Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = 234.0 3.50 819.0 Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) 700.0 3.41 2,388.6 Earth @ Stem Transitions = 155.1 3.83 594.6 Footing Weighl = 875.6 2.34 2,044.6 Key Weight 387.5 1.50 581.3 Vert. Component = Total = 2,873.1 lbs R.M.= 8,687.3 ' Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overturning resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.078 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. Use menu item Settings > Printing & Title Block OWMK iftCTitie Lego - Death Star 6.9ft EQ to set these five lines of information SFr^^iCTUHAL Ef«3lfMis^^ 14-205 Dsgnr: srg for your program. WMS *>J1-H CLE''/£LAf>i5^."P''°" -• uCS«^>lt,.l>E, Cl-, 3>o54, Page: l^A' Date: 10 DEC 2014 This Wall in File: U:\sgalindo\Shared\LegoLand - Death StarMegoland-deathstar.RPX RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2014, Build License: KW-06059007 License To : DUNN SAVOIE INC. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design ^ode: CBC2013,ACI 318-11,ACI 530-1 I Criteria Retained Height = 6.90 ft Wall height above soil = 0.50 ft Slope Behind Wall = 2.00 :1 Height of Soil over Toe = O.OO in Water height over heel = 0.0 ft Surcharge Loads Axial Load Applied to Stem Axial Dead Load = 234.0 Ibs Axial Live Load = 0.0 Ibs Axial Load Eccentricity = 0.0 in I I Soil Data Surcharge Over Heel = o.O psf Used To Resist Sliding 8> Overtuming Surcharge Over Toe = 0.0 psf Used for Sliding & Overtuming Allow Soil Bearing = 3,500.0 psf Equivalent Fluid Pressure Method Heel Active Pressure 55.0 psf/ft Passive Pressure 300.0 psf/ft Soil Density, Heel = 110.00 pcf Soil Density, Toe 0.00 pcf FootingllSoii Friction 0.350 Soil height to ignore for passive pressure = 12.00 in Latera^^a^Apglie^^^e^^l Lateral Load = 380.9 #/f I factor ( Wind on Exposed Stem ; 0.0 psf Stem Weight Seismic Load | Fp / Wp Weight Multiplier Adjacent Footing Load Adjacent Footing Load = Footing Width = Eccentricity = Wall to Ftg CL Dist Footing Type Base Atjove/Below Soil at Back of Wall Poisson's Ratio 0.314 g Added seismic base force 0.0 Ibs 0.00 ft 0.00 in 0.00 ft Line Load 0.0 ft 0.300 153.9 Ibs Design Summary 1 Wall Stability Ratios Overtuming Sliding Total Bearing Load ...resultant ecc. 1.19 Ratio < 1 1.11 Ratio < 1 2,929 Ibs 24.68 in Soil Pressure @ Toe = 3,698 psf NG Soil Pressure @ Heel = 0 psf OK Allowable = 3,500 psf Soil Pressure Exceeds Allowable! ACl Factored @ Toe = 4,438 psf ACl Factored @ Heel = 0 psf Footing Shear @ Toe = 19.8 psi OK Footing Shear @ Heel = 5.2 psi OK Allowable = 75.0 psi Sliding Calcs (Vertical Component NOT Used) Lateral Sliding Force = 2,514.6 Ibs less 100% Passive Force = - 1,776.0 Ibs less 100% Friction Force = - 1,025.3 lbs Added Force Req'd = 0.0 lbs OK ....for 1.5 : 1 Stability = 970.6 lbs NG Load Factors — Building Code Dead Load Live Load Earth, H Wind, W Seismic, E Stem Construction Design Height Above Ft£ 5! Wall Material Above "Ht" 5' Thickness Rebar Size Rebar Spacing Rebar Placed at Design Data ft)/FB t fa/Fa Total Force @ Section Moment....Actual Moment Allowable Shear Actual Shear Allowable Wall Weight Rebar Depth 'd' Masonry Data - fm Fs Solid Grouting CBC 2013,ACI 1.200 1.600 1.600 1.000 1.000 1 2nd Bottom • stem OK Stem OK ft= 2.67 0.00 = Masonry Masonry = 8.00 12.00 = # 5 # 5 = 16.00 8.00 = Edge Edge = 0.773 0.941 lbs = 1,035.1 1,997.9 ft-# = 1,637.3 5,662.9 ft.* = 2,175.4 6,167.2 psi = 16.4 18.5 psi = 45.6 45.8 psf = 78.0 124.0 in = 5.25 9.00 psi = psi : 1,500 24,000 Yes 1,500 20,000 Yes in: Modular Ratio 'n' Short Term Factor Equiv. Solid Thick. Masonry Block Type Masonry Design Method Concrete Data fc psi Fy psi 21.48 21.48 1.000 1.000 7.60 11.60 Medium Weight ASD Use menu item Settings > Printing & Title Block SA/OiS; S?^^ Lggp . ogath Star 6.9ft EQ tn cpt thecD flue linoc nf infnrmatinn jt r*V>CTl.JH,«iJ. e.^al^J4^E)pS 14-205 Dsgnr srg itiri CLE\'tUO®cBption.... to set these five lines of information for your program Page: lA^ Date: 10 DEC 2014 This Wall in File: U:\sgalindo\Shared\LegoLand - Death StarMegoland-deathstar.RPX RetainPro 10 (c) 1987-2014, Build License : KW-06059007 License To : DUNN SAVOIE INC. Cantilevered Retaining Wall Design ^ode: CBC 2013,ACI 318-II,ACI 530-11 Footing Dimensions & Strengths | Toe Width = 3.50 ft Heel Width 1.67 Total Footing Width = 5.17 Footing Thickness = 15.00 in Key Width 12.00 in Key Depth = •28.00 in Key Distance from Toe = 1.00 ft fc = 2,500 psi Fy = 60,000 psi Footing Concrete Density = 150.00 pcf Min. As % = 0.0018 Cover @ Top 2.00 @ Btm.= 3.00 in Footing Design Results Toe Heel Factored Pressure 4,438 0 psf Mu': Upward 18,122 0 ft-# Mu'; Downward 654 455 ft-# Mu: Design 17,468 455 ft-# Actual 1-Way Shear 19.77 5.17 psi Allow 1-Way Shear 75.00 75.00 psi Toe Reinforcing = #6@11.48in Heel Reinforcing = #5@ 18.00 in Key Reinforcing = #4 @ 14.14 in Other Acceptable Sizes & Spacings Toe: #4@ 5.24 in, #5@ 8.13 in, #6@ 11.53 in, #7@ 15.73 in, #8@ 20.71 in, #9@ 26. Heel: Not req'd, Mu < S * Fr Key: #4@ 9.51 in, #5@ 14.60 in, #6@ 20.62 in, #7@ 28.03 in. ^urmrgr^^ve^ Item Heel Active Pressure Surcharge over Heel Surcharge Over Toe Adjacent Footing Load Added Lateral Load Load @ Stem Above Soil •• Seismic Stem Self Wt Total ..OVERTURNING.. Force Distance Moment lbs ft ft-# 1,979.9 380.9 153.9 2,514.6 2.83 5.39 4.54 O.T.M. 5,599.7 2,052.9 697.8 8,350.5 Resisting/Overturning Ratio Vertical Loads used for Soil Pressure = 1.19 2,929.4 lbs Vertical component of active pressure NOT used for soil pressure If seismic is included, the OTM and sliding ratios be 1.1 per section 1807.2.3 of IBC 2009 or IBC 201 Soil Over Heel = Sloped Soil Over Heel = Surcharge Over Heel = Adjacent Footing Load = Axial Dead Load on Stem = * Axial Live Load on Stem = Soil Over Toe = Surcharge Over Toe = Stem Weight(s) = Earth @ Stem Transitions = Footing Weighl = Key Weight = Vert. Component = Force Ibs ..RESISTING Distance ft 508.5 12.3 4.84 4.95 Moment ft-# 2,458.7 61.1 234.0 4.00 936.0 700.0 3.91 2,738.6 155.1 4.33 672.1 969.4 2.59 2,505.8 350.0 1.50 525.0 Total = 2,929.4 Ibs R.M.= 9,897.3 * Axial live load NOT included in total displayed, or used for overtuming resistance, but is included for soil pressure calculation. Tilt Horizontal Deflection at Top of Wall due to settlement of soil (Deflection due to wall bending not considered) Soil Spring Reaction Modulus 250.0 pci Horizontal Defl @ Top of Wall (approximate only) 0.147 in The above calculation is not valid if the heel soil bearing pressure exceeds that of the toe, because the wall would then tend to rotate into the retained soil. 1^ ivr <3—C>kh-t><i- <3- f-8- •4>Kl—^—N 5-2' ECHNICAL UPDATE REPORT •-•^wi-woED DEATH STAR ATTRACTION LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: MERLIN ENTERTAINMENT GROUP/ US HOLDINGS, INC. C/O LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, LLC One Legoland Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 ProjectNo. 10075.005 December 15, 2014 4 Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY 4 Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY December 15, 2014 Merlin Entertainment Group/US Holdings, Inc. c/o LEGOLAND California, LLC One Legoland Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 ProjectNo. 10075.005 Attention: Mr. Chris Romero Subject: Geotechnical Update Report, Proposed Death Star Attraction LEGOLAND Theme Park, Carlsbad, California Introduction In accordance with your request and authorization, Leighton and Associates, Inc. (Leighton) has conducted a geotechnical update for the proposed LEGO Death Star Attraction that is located in the Miniland area of LEGOLAND Theme Park in Carlsbad, California (Figure 1). This report presents the results of our review of pertinent geotechnical documents, previous laboratory testing, limited geotechnical evaluation and analyses, and provides our conclusions and recommendations for the proposed redevelopment area. Based on the result of our current geotechnical study, the proposed redevelopment project is considered feasible from a geotechnical standpoint provided our recommendations are implemented in the design and construction of the project. Proposed Development Based on our review of the conceptual plan (Figure 2) and topographic map (Stuart Engineering, 2014), we understand the site improvements will include the construction of one structure in the east-central region of the park. Associated improvements include a retaining wall, underground utilities, graded pad, flatwork, and landscaping. Grading 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 • San Diego, CA 92123-4425 858.292.8030 • Fax 858.292.0771 • www.leightongroup.com 10075.005 will consist of cuts up to 9 feet and minor fills up to 1 foot from the existing ground surface. 1) Site Preparation We recommend that in the areas of proposed development the surficial soils be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, moisture-conditioned to optimum or above moisture content and compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). Areas to receive fill or pavement should be cleared of subsurface obstructions, potentially compressible material (such as loose landscaping soils and undocumented fill) and stripped of vegetation prior to grading. Vegetation and debris should be removed and properly disposed of offsite. Holes resulting from removal of buried obstructions and abandoned utilities that extend below finish site grades should be replaced with suitable compacted fill material. Areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 12 inches, brought to optimum or above optimum moisture condition, and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, or to 95 percent relative compaction in pavement sections (based on ASTM Test Method D1557). 2) Excavations Excavations of the on-site materials may generally be accomplished with conventional heavy-duty earthwork equipment. It is not anticipated that significant quantities of oversized rock (i.e., rock with maximum dimensions greater than 6 inches) will be generated during future grading. However, if oversized rock is encountered, it should be hauled offsite, or placed in non-structural or landscape areas. Excavation of utility trenches and cuts for the retaining wall should be performed in accordance with the project plans, specifications and all applicable OSHA requirements. The contractor should be responsible for providing the "competent person" required by OSHA standards. Contractors should be advised that sandy soils and/or adversely oriented Terrace Deposits structures can make excavations particularly unsafe if not all safety precautions are taken. Cohesionless sand encountered in previous excavations in Terrace Deposits should be anticipated during wall backcut, grading, and trenching. Leighton 10075.005 3) Fill Placement and Compaction The on-site soils are generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of organic material, debris, and rock fragments larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension. All fill soils should be brought to optimum or above optimum moisture conditions and compacted in uniform lifts to at least 90 percent relative compaction, 95 percent in paving areas, based on the laboratory maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557). The optimum lift thickness required to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the type and size of compaction equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 4 to 8 inches in compacted thickness. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in general accordance with the current City of Carisbad grading ordinances, sound construction practices, and the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications of Rough-Grading presented in Appendix B. 4) Foundation Recommendations We anticipate that the proposed improvements will be supported on conventional spread and continuous footings. The following sections address the recommendations for these types of foundation systems. Conventional Foundations Footings should extend at least 18-inches beneath the lowest adjacent finish grade. At these depths, footings founded in properiy compacted fill soil or formational material may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 3,500 psf. The allowable pressures may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration such as wind or seismic forces. The minimum recommended width of footings is 15 inches for continuous footings and 18 inches for square or round footings. Continuous footings should have a minimum reinforcement of four No. 5 reinforcing bars (two top and two bottom). Footings should be designed in accordance with the structural engineer's requirements. The recommended allowable bearing capacity for spread footings is based on maximum allowable total and differential settlements of 1-inch and 3/4-inch. Since settlements are functions of footing size and contact bearing pressures, some differential settlement can be expected between adjacent columns, where large Leighton 10075.005 differential loading conditions exist. With increased footing depth to width ratios, differential settlement should be less. We recommend a horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes and retaining wall for all structural footings and settlement-sensitive structures. The distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the slope face (or to the face of a retaining wall) and should be a minimum of H/2 and need not be greater than 15 feet. Utility trenches that parallel or neariy parallel structural footings should not encroach within a 1:1 plane extending downward from the outside edge of footing. Please note that the soil within the structural setback area possess poor lateral stability, and improvements (such as retaining walls, sidewalks, fences, pavements, etc.) constructed within this setback area may be subject to lateral movement, and/or differential settlement. Potential distress to such improvements may be mitigated by providing a deepened footing or a pier and grade beam foundation system to support the improvement. Deepened footings should meet the setback as described above. 5) Seismic Parameters The site can be considered to lie within a seismically active region, as can all of Southern California. The effect of seismic shaking may be mitigated by adhering to the California Building Code and state-of-the-art seismic design practices of the Structural Engineers Association of California. Provided below in the Table 1 are the risk-targeted spectral acceleration parameters for the project determined in accordance with the 2013 California Building Code (CBSC, 2013a) and the USGS Woridwide Seismic Design Values tool (Version 3.1.0). 4 Leighton 10075.005 Table 1 2013 CBC Mapped Spectral Acceleration Parameters Site Class D Site Coefficients Fa= 1.051 Fv= 1.568 Mapped MCER Spectral Accelerations Ss = 1.122g Si = 0.432g Site Modified MCER Spectral Accelerations SMS = 1.180g SMI = 0.677g Design Spectral Accelerations SDS = 0.786g SDI = 0.451 g Utilizing ASCE Standard 7-10, in accordance with Section 11.8.3, the following additional parameters for the peak horizontal ground acceleration are associated with the Geometric Mean Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCEG). The mapped MCEG peak ground acceleration (PGA) is 0.444g for the site. For a Site Class D, the FpGA is 1.056 and the mapped peak ground acceleration adjusted for Site Class effects (PGAM) is 0.469g for the site. 6) Retaining Wall Desiqn For design purposes, the following lateral earth pressure values in Table 2 for level or sloping backfill are recommended for walls backfilled with very low to low expansion potential (Expansion Index less than 50). Table 2 Static Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Conditions Level 2:1 Slope Active 35 55 At-Rest 55 85 Passive 300 (maximum of 3 ksf) 150 (sloping down) -5-4 Leighton 10075.005 Active earth pressures are considered are considered appropriate for walls that are allowed to rotate an amount equal to 0.002H at the top of the wall, where H is equal to the wall height. Where walls are not allowed to rotate that minimum amount, at- rest pressures are considered appropriate. Retaining structures should be provided with a drainage system, to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. For sliding resistance, a friction coefficient of 0.35 may be used at the soil-concrete interface. The lateral passive resistance can be taken into account only if it is ensured that the soil against embedded structures will remain intact with time. Retaining wall footings should have a minimum embedment of 12 inches below the adjacent lowest grade unless deeper footings are needed for other reasons. To account for potential redistribution of forces during a seismic event, retaining walls providing lateral support where exterior grades on opposites sides differ by more than 6 feet fall under the requirements of 2013 CBC Section 1616A.1.11 and/or ASCE 7-10 Section 12.7.2 and should also be analyzed for seismic loading. For that analysis, an additional lateral seismic force of 8H pounds per foot acting at 0.6 of the wall height needs to be considered for the design of the retaining walls, where H is the height of the wall. A surcharge load for a restrained or unrestrained wall resulting from automobile traffic may be assumed to be equivalent to a uniform lateral pressure of 75 psf, which is in addition to the equivalent fluid pressure given above. For other uniform surcharge loads, a uniform lateral pressure equal to 0.35q should be applied to the wall (where q is the surcharge pressure in psf). 7) Concrete Flatwork Concrete sidewalks and other flatwork (including construction joints) should be designed by the project civil engineer and should have a minimum thickness of 4 inches. For all concrete flatwork, the upper 12 inches of subgrade soils should be moisture conditioned to at least 2 percent above optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557 prior to the concrete placement. These recommendations are assuming low expansive materials are present within the upper 2 feet below subgrade. Control joints should be provided at a distance equal to 24 times the slab thickness in inches, not exceed 12 feet. Expansion joints should be incorporated where paving abuts a vertical surface, where paving changes direction and at 30 feet maximum -6- Leighton 10075.005 spacing, joints should be laid out so as to create square or neariy square areas. Sidewalks should be reinforced with 6x6-6/6, or heavier, welded wire mesh slip dowels should be provided across control joints along ADA walkways, curbs, and at doorways, if any. 8) Control of Surface Water and Drainage Control Positive drainage may be accomplished by providing drainage away from structures at a gradient of at least 2 percent toward area drains. Eave gutters, with properiy connected downspouts to appropriate outlets, are recommended to reduce water infiltration into the subgrade soils. 9) Construction Observation and Testing and Plan Review Final foundation and any revisions to the grading plans should be reviewed by Leighton. The geotechnical consultant should perform construction observation and testing during the grading operations, future excavations, and foundation or retaining wall construction at the site. Additionally, footing excavations should be observed and moisture determination tests of the slab subgrade soils should be performed by the geotechnical consultant prior to the pouring of concrete. Limitations The conclusions and recommendations in this report are based in part upon data that were obtained from a limited number of observations, site visits, excavations, samples, and/or tests. Such information is by necessity incomplete. The nature of many sites is such that differing geotechnical or geological conditions can occur within small distances and under varying climatic conditions. Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. Therefore, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report can be relied upon only if Leighton has the opportunity to observe the subsurface conditions during grading and construction of the project, in order to confirm that our preliminary findings are representative for the site. Leighton 10075.005 If you have any questions regarding our report, please contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Mike D. Jensen, CEG 2457 Senior Project Geologist William D. Olson, RCE, 45289 Associate Engineer Attachments: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Conceptual Map Appendix A - References Appendix B - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications Distribution: (2) Addressee Leighton Figure Projecl: 10075.005 Eng/Geol: WDO/MDJ Scale: 1 " = 2,000' Date: December 2014 Base Map: ESRI ArcGIS Online 2014 Thematic Information: Leighton Author: Leighton Geomatics (mmurphy) SITE LOCATION MAP Legoland California 1 Lego Drive Carlsbad, California 4 Leighton Map Saved as V:>dralling\100r5\005\Maps\10075-005_F01_SLM_2014-11-17.mx() on 11/17(2014 2:54:57 PM Legend I I Approximate Location of Redevelopment Area Project: 10075.005 Eng/Geol: WDO/MDJ Scale:1 " = 200' Date: December 2014 BaM Map: Thematic Inbmtatlon: Lalghton Author: LalgMon Geomatics (mmuiptiy) Mip Saved at V;Vlnftl«et 10075100S\Mapi\10075-006_F CONCEPTUAL MAP Legoland Califomia 1 Lego Drive Carlsbad, Califomia Figure 2 Leighton IT.mtdan 13n5'2014 10:38:54 AM APPENDIXA References 10075.005 APPENDIXA References California Building Standards Commission (CBSC), 2013, California Building Code. Kennedy, M.P., and Tan, S.S., 2007, Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30'x60' Quadrangle, California, California Geologic Survey, 1:100,000 scale. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1995, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Lego Family Park and Pointe Resorts, Lots 17 and 18 of the Carisbad Ranch, Carisbad, California, Project No. 950294-001, dated October 5,1995. , 1996, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation, Lego Family Park, Carisbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 960151-001, dated July 23. , 1997, As-Graded Condition, Legoland Family Park, Carisbad Ranch, Carisbad, California, dated October 15, 1997. —, 1998, Final As-Graded Report of Rough-Grading, LEGOLAND, Carisbad, California, Project No. 4960151-003, dated February 10. NOMA, 2009, Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls, 3'^^ Edition Stuart Engineering, 2014, Topographic Survey Death Star 2015 Legoland, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 1082-14-11, September 30, 2014. Tan, S. S. and Kennedy, M. P., 1996, Geologic Maps of the Northwestern Part of San Diego County, California, Division of Mines and Geology (DMG) Open-File Report 96-02, San Luis Rey and San Marcos Quadrangles. Treiman, J.A., 1993, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Southern California: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open-File Report 93-02, 45 p. A-1 APPENDIX B General Earthwork and Grading Specifications LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications 1.0 General 1.1 Intent These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading and earthwork shown on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geotechnical report(s). These Specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s). In case of conflict, the specific recommendations in the geotechnical report shall supersede these more general Specifications. Observations of the earthwork by the project Geotechnical Consultant during the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the recommendations in the geotechnical report(s). 1.2 The Geotechnical Consultant of Record Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnical Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant). The Geotechnical Consultants shall be responsible for reviewing the approved geotechnical report(s) and accepting the adequacy of the preliminary geotechnical findings, conclusions, and recommendations prior to the commencement ofthe grading. Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechnical Consultant shall review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing. During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, and document the subsurface exposures to verify the geotechnical design assumptions. If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted assumptions during the design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the owner, recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed conditions, and notify the review agency where required. Subsurface areas to be geotechnically observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested include natural ground after it has been cleared for receiving fill but before fill is placed, bottoms of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill. The Geotechnical Consultant shall observe the moisture-condifioning and processing of the subgrade and fill materials and perform relative compaction testing of fill to determine the attained level of compaction. The Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner and the Contractor on a routine and frequent basis. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications 1.3 The Earthwork Contractor The Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-condifioning and processing of fill, and compacting fill. The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, geotechnical report(s), and these Specificafions prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for performing the grading in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of work and the esfimated quantities of daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall inform the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in advance of such changes so that appropriate observations and tests can be planned and accomplished. The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechnical Consultant is aware of all grading operations. The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with the applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these Specifications, and the recommendafions in the approved geotechnical report(s) and grading plan(s). If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical Consultant, unsafisfactory condifions, such as unsuitable soil, improper moisture condifion, inadequate compacfion, insufficient buttress key size, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant shall reject the work and may recommend to the owner that construction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. 2.0 Preparation of Areas to be Filled 2.1 Clearing and Grubbing Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material shall be sufficiently removed and properiy disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, governing agencies, and the Geotechnical Consultant. -2- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications The Geotechnical Consultant shall evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site condifions. Earth fill material shall not contain more than 1 percent of organic materials (by volume). No fill lift shall contain more than 5 percent of organic matter. Nesting of the organic materials shall not be allowed. If potenfially hazardous materials are encountered, the Contractor shall stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluafion and handling of these materials prior to continuing to work in that area. As presenfiy defined by the State of California, most refined petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc.) have chemical consfituents that are considered to be hazardous waste. As such, the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the ground may consfitute a misdemeanor, punishable by fines and/or imprisonment, and shall not be allowed. 2.2 Processing Existing ground that has been declared safisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Exisfing ground that is not safisfactory shall be overexcavated as specified in the following secfion. Scarification shall continue unfil soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction. 2.3 Overexcavafion In addifion to removals and overexcavafions recommended in the approved geotechnical report(s) and the grading plan, soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. 2.4 Benching Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched. Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration. The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and at least 2 feet deep, into competent material as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant. Other benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications Consultant. Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than 5:1 shall also be benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgrade for the fill. 2.5 Evaluation/Acceptance of Fill Areas All areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mappeci, elevafions recorded, and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant as suitable to receive fill. The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant prior to fill placement. A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for determining elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches. 3.0 Fill Material 3.1 General Material to be used as fill shall be essenfially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement. Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable gradafion, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve safisfactory fill material. 3.2 Oversize Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 8 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant. Placement operations shall be such that nesfing of oversized material does not occur and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of future ufilifies or underground construcfion. 3.3 Import If importing of fill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall meet the requirements of Secfion 3.1. The potenfial import source shall be given to the Geotechnical Consultant at least 48 hours (2 working days) before importing begins so that its suitability can be determined and appropriate tests performed. -4- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications 4.0 Fill Placement and Compacfion 4.1 Fill Layers Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per Section 3.0) in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. The Geotechnical Consultant may accept thicker layers if tesfing indicates the grading procedures can adequately compact the thicker layers. Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to attain relative uniformity of material and moisture throughout. 4.2 Fill Moisture Conditioning Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or slightly over opfimum. Maximum density and opfimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance with the American Society of Tesfing and Materials (ASTM Test Method D1557). 4.3 Compaction of Fill After each layer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be uniformly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method D1557). Compacfion equipment shall be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified level of compaction with uniformity. 4.4 Compaction of Fill Slopes In addition to normal compaction procedures specified above, compacfion of slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevafion, or by other methods producing safisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant. Upon completion of grading, relative compacfion of the fill, out to the slope face, shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method D1557. 4.5 Compaction Tesfing Field-tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall be performed by the Geotechnical Consultant. Location and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discrefion based on field conditions encountered. Compaction test locations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis. Test locafions shall be selected to verify adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications inadequate compaction (such as close to slope faces and at the fill/bedrock benches). 4.6 Frequency of Compaction Testing Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils embankment. In addition, as a guideline, at least one test shall be taken on slope faces for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of vertical height of slope. The Contractor shall assure that fill construction is such that the tesfing schedule can be accomplished by the Geotechnical Consultant. The Contractor shall stop or slow down the earthwork construcfion if these minimum standards are not met. 4.7 Compaction Test Locations The Geotechnical Consultant shall document the approximate elevation and horizontal coordinates of each test location. The Contractor shall coordinate with the project surveyor to assure that sufficient grade stakes are established so that the Geotechnical Consultant can determine the test locations with sufficient accuracy. At a minimum, two grade stakes within a horizontal distance of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart from potential test locations shall be provided. 5.0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems shall be installed in accordance with the approved geotechnical report(s), the grading plan, and the Standard Details. The Geotechnical Consultant may recommend additional subdrains and/or changes in subdrain extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions encountered during grading. All subdrains shall be surveyed by a land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial. Sufficient time should be allowed by the Contractor for these surveys. 6.0 Excavation Excavations, as well as over-excavafion for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. Remedial removal depths shown on geotechnical plans are estimates only. The actual extent of removal shall be determined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field evaluation of exposed condifions during grading. Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, the cut portion ofthe slope shall be made, evaluated, and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement of materials for construcfion of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise recommended by the Geotechnical Consultant. -6- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. General Earthwork and Grading Specifications 7.0 Trench Backfills 7.1 Safety The Contractor shall follow all OSHA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations. 7.2 Bedding and Backfill All bedding and backfill of utility trenches shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of Public Works Construcfion. Bedding material shall have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30 (SE>30). The bedding shall be placed to 1 foot over the top of the conduit and densified. Backfill shall be placed and densified to a minimum of 90 percent of relative compacfion from 1 foot above the top of the conduit to the surface. The Geotechnical Consultant shall test the trench backfill for relafive compaction. At least one test should be made for every 300 feet of trench and 2 feet of fill. 7.3 Lift Thickness Lift thickness of trench backfill shall not exceed those allowed in the Standard Specifications of Public Works Construcfion unless the Contractor can demonstrate to the Geotechnical Consultant that the fill lift can be compacted to the minimum relative compacfion by his alternafive equipment and method. 7.4 Observation and Testing The densification of the bedding around the conduits shall be observed by the Geotechnical Consultant. FILL SLOPE PROJECTED PLANE 1:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL) MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GRCXINO EXISTING GROUND SURFACE ^REMOVE -r- UNSUITABLE BENCH I t MATERIAL ' L-BENCH HEIGHT (4 FEET TYPICAL) 2 FEET MIN KEY DEPTH LOWEST BENOI (KEY) RLL-OVffl-a/T SLOPE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE BENCH l-BENCH HEIGHT (4 FEET TYPICAL) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL -CUT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIW TO / . FILL PLACEMENT TO ALLOW \flEWING y / OF GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS CUT-OVBRH=LL SLOPE EXISTING GROUND OVERBUILD AND TRIM BACK PROJECTED PLANE 1 TO 1 MAXIMUM FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO APPROVED GROUND 2 FEET MIN.- KEY DEPTH UT FACE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL LOWEST BENCH (KEY) BENCH HEIGHT (4 FEET TYPICAL) BENCHING SHALL BE DONE WHEN SLOPE'S ANGLE IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER WAN 5:1 MINIMUM BENCH HEIGHT SHALL BE 4 FEET AND MINIMUM RLL WDTH SHALL BE 9 FEET KEYING AND BENCHING GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAIL A 4 FINISH GRADE SLOPE FACE .:-\S> MIN.. OVERSIZE WINDROW • OVERSIZE ROCK IS LARGER THAN 8 INCHES IN LARGEST DIMENSION. • EXCAVATE A TRENCH IN THE COMPACTED FILL DEEP ENOUGH TO BURY ALL THE ROCK. • BACKFILL WITH GRANULAR SOIL JETTED OR FLOODED IN PLACE TO FILL ALL THE VOIDS. • DO NOT BURY ROCK WITHIN 10 FEET OF FINISH GRADE. • WINDROW OF BURIED ROCK SHALL BE PARALLEL TO THE FINISHED SLOPE. GRANULAR MATERIAL TO BE' DENSIFIED IN PLACE BY FLOODING OR JETTING. DETAIL •-^JETTED OR FLOODED GRANULAR MATERIAL TYPICAL PROFILE ALONG WINDROW OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAIL B 4 EXISTING GROUND SURFACE BENCHING REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SUBDRAIN TRENCH SEE DETAIL BELOW CALTRANS aASS 2 reRMEABl£ OR 12 ROCK (9FT'^3/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC // FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI UON OR APPROVEO EQUIVALENT)* 6' MIN. COVER 4" MIN. BEDDING COLLECTOR PIPE SHALL BE MINIMUM 6' DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC PERFORATED PIPE. SEE STANDARD DETAIL 0 FOR PIPE SPECIFICATIONS SWBPRAIN DETAIL DESIGN FINISH GRADE NONPERFORATED 6 0 MIN. PERFORATED 6" 0MIN. PIPE ILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EOUIVALENT) CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE OR #2 ROCK (9Fr3AT) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN QWTIET CANYON SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAIL C 4 IS' MIN. OUTLET PIPES 4" 0 NONPERFORATED PIPE. 100' MAX. O.C. HORIZONTALLY. 30" MAX O.C. VERTICALLY ;EE SUBDRAIN TRENCH OETAIL LOWEST SUBDRAIN SHOULD BE SITUATED AS LOW AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW SUITABLE CXiTLET -KEY DEPTH (2' MIN.) KEY WIDTH AS NOTED ON GRADING PLANS (15" MIN.) 12 MIN. OVERLAP — FROM THE TOP HOG RING TIED EVERY 6 FEET CALTRANS CLASS II PERMEABLE OR |2 ROCK (3 FT'a/FT) WRAPPED IN FILTER F^RIC V4" 0 NON-PERFORATED OUTLET PIPE PROVIDE POSITIVE SEAL AT THE JOINT T-CONNECTION FOR COLLECTOR PIPE TO OUTLET PIPE 6 MIN. COVER 4 0 PERFORATED PIPE -FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140 OR APPROVED EOUIVALENT) 4" MIN. BEDDING SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAIL SUBDRAIN INSTALLATIWJ - subdroin collector pipe slioll be instolled with pertorotion down or. unless otherwise designated by the geotechnicol consultont. Outlet pipes shcMl be non-perforoted pipe. The subdrain p'^e shall hove ot leost 8 perforotions uniformly spoced per foot. Pertorotion sholl be 1/4" to 1/2" if drSI holes ore used. All subdroin pipes sholl hove o grodieht of ot leost 2% towords the outlet SUBDRAIN PIPE - Subdroin pipe sholl be ASTM D2751, SOR 23.5 or ASTM D1527. Schedule 40. or ASTM D3034. SDR 23.5. Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plostic (PVC) pipe. All outlet pipe shall be placed in o trench no wider thon twice the subdrain pipe. BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAIL D 4 CUT-FILL TRANSITION LOT OVEREXCAVATION REMOVE UNSUITABLE GROUND• TYPICAL BENCHING OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT UNWEATHERED BEDROCK OR MATERIAL APPROVED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT- S' MIN. TRANSITION LOT FILLS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAIL E 4 SOIL BACKFILL. COMPACTCD TO 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION BASED ON ASTM D1557 RETAINING WALL WALL WATERPROOFING PER ARCHITECT'S SPECIFICATIONS WALL FOOTING FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI HON OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)" •3/4" TO 1-1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL 4" (MIN.) DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR EQUIV/U.ENT) WITH PERFORATIONS ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTED MINIMUM 1 PERCENT GRADIENT TO SUITABLE OUTLET COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT NOTE: UPON REVIEW BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT. COMPOSITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS MIRADRAIN OR J-DRAIN MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO GRAVEL OR CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL. INSTALLATION SHOULD BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAIL F 4 ACTIVE ZONE GRAVEL DRAINAGE FILL MIN 6" BELOW WALL MIN 12" BEHIND UNITS FOUNDATION SOILS REAR SUBDRAIN: 4" (MIN) DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR EQUIVALENT) WITH PERFORATIONS DOWN. SURROUNDED BY 1 CU. FT/FT OF 3/4" GRAVEL WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140N OR EQUIVALENT) OUTLET SUBDRAINS EVERY 100 FEET, OR CLOSER, BY TIGHTLINE TO SUITABLE PROTECTED OUTLET GRAVFI DRAINARF Fll 1: SIEVE SIZE 1 INCH 3/4 INCH NO.4 NO. 40 NO. 200 % PASSING 100 75-100 0-60 0-50 0-5 NOTES: 1) MATERIAL GRADATION AND PLASTICITY RFINFORCFD 70NF: SIEVE SIZE % PASSING 1 INCH 100 NO.4 20-100 NO. 40 0-60 NO. 200 0-35 FOR WALL HEIGHT < 10 FEET, PLASTICITY INDEX < 20 FOR WALL HEIGHT 10 TO 20 FEET, PLASTICITY INDEX < 10 FOR TIERED WALLS, USE COMBINED WALL HEIGHTS WALL DESIGNER TO REQUEST SITE-SPECIFIC CRITERIA FOR WALL HEIGHT > 20 FEET 2) CONTRACTOR TO USE SOILS WITHIN THE RETAINED AND REINFORCED ZONES THAT MEET THE STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS OF WALL DESIGN. 3) GEOGRID REINFORCEMENT TO BE DESIGNED BY WALL DESIGNER CONSIDERING INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, AND COMPOUND STABILITY. 3) GEOGRID TO BE PRETENSIONED DURING INSTALLATION. 4) IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE ACTIVE ZONE ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO POST-CONSTRUCTION SETTLEMENT. ANGLE a=45+*/2, WHERE * IS THE FRICTION ANGLE OF THE MATERIAL IN THE RETAINED ZONE. 5) BACKDRAIN SHOULD CONSIST OF J-DRAIN 302 (OR EQUIVALENT) OR 6-INCH THICK DRAINAGE FILL WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC. PERCENT COVERAGE OF BACKDRAIN TO BE PER GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW. SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DETAIL G 4 <A> SPECIAL INSPECTION °C.>.<<.>>.CPjJ?CrWjr« ^ CITY OF AGREEMENT 1635 Faraday Avenue r"ADI QRAn B-45 760^22719 V^/Af\L.«}D#\Liy www.carlsbadca.gov In accordance wHh Chapter 17 of the CalHtomia Building Code the fbllowlns must bc compleled when work being perfbrmed requires special Inspection, structural otMeivatlon and constructkin material testing. Projedff'ermlt p»,j,H Aririm««- I U60LfcKiVbR. CAftts&Ai>. CA. nzooft A. THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER/AUTHORiZBD AGENT. Please check if you are Owner-BuiMer dl. (If you checked as owner-buiider you must also complete Section B of this agreement) Name: (Plaa«eprlnil___iilifil^ goMgjRC^ (FM) (Ul) OLHt) Mailing Address i L^&QtA,MT> Tw. /'Afl.LSt^Ate n< ^tt09K lam: •Property Owner QProperty Owner's Agent of Record •Architect of Record •Engineer of Record State of Califomia Registration Numbed Expiration Date: AGREEMENT: 1, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Caiifomia, that I have read, understand, acknowledge and promise to comply with the City of Carlsiiad requirements for special inspedions, structural observationa, coiutruction materials testing and off-site fabrication of building components, as prescribed in the statoment of special InspecUofS/ioted oiylhe approved plans and, as required by the Califomia Building Code. °ltl"1vn- IJii, Jhii'Trri Date: / ^ '^-'^ " / V B. CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILrTY (07 CBC, Ch 17. Section 1706;. This section must be completed by the contractor / builder / owner-buiider. Contractor's Company Name: Phase ctiecfc v you OMwr-auMer a Name: (Reaie print); (FlBl) (M«J Mailing Address:__ Email: Phone: State of Califomia Contractor's License Number Expiration Date: * I acknowledge and, am aware, of special requirements contained in the statement of special inspecttons noted on the approved plans; * I acknowledge that control wiH be exercised to obtain confonnance wHh the construction documents approved by the building officiai; * I will have in-place procedures for exercising control within our (the contractor's) organization, for the method and frequency of reporting and the distributnn of the reports; and * I certify that I wili have a qualified person within our (the contractor's) organization to exercise such control. * / Witt provide a final noort I tetter /n comD/fance wWi CBC Sectfon 1704.12 p/tor fp reauestina ffwaf Ifisoecffofi. Signature- Date: 8-45 Page 1 ofl Rev. own Carlsbad 14-3473 12/22/14 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Ont LGsnUA^ o(L PLAN CHECK NUMBER: /M-'^^ >1 OWNER'S NAME: P Ur, k Q^etMtSy*f» I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may ost employ the special Inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responslbie for employing the spedal inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701.1 forthe construction project located at lhe sitalisted abova. UBC Section 106.3.5. Signed. I, as the mgmegr/architect of record, certify tbat I have prepared tlie following special inspection program as required tiy UBC Section I06J.S for tlie construction project located at the site listed above. Signed 1. List of work requirlno special inspection: y SI Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection g[ Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI • Prestressed Concrete ^\ Structural Masonry Designer Specified gTpield Welding High Strangtfi Bolting Expansionf Epoxy Anchon Spnwed^n Fireproofing • Other 2. Name(s) of Indlvldual(s) or flnn(s) responsible for the special Inapections listed abova: A •Sixi r B. i?eM4t^.AA- ^'i U;Te i4ir/xi»'< g.^«>'' i^n '?^.»-'?ri-io?;> c. 3. Duties of the special inspectora for the work listed above: A FtkU v^>3-o>/tf>- (^ffl.v4 f^i^p U/C^».*^ If- Ai^PAvcO <I^V SpedillMpectwiihrtchedt In iiHih lha Citv and PfMwH their ctedwrt^ CB143473 1 LEGOLAND DR LEGOLAND-DEATH STAR STRUCTURE ,'.'?,^^9f 12 SF CANOPY // RETAIMIMn lysujUD IL Final Inspection required by: a Plan • CM&I • Fire s}N (LfQ ^ QissoED acv. Approved Date f f By BUILDING PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE Expedite? Y N DIGITAL FILES Required? Y N HazMat APCD Health Forms/Fees Sent Reed Due? By Encina Y N Fire Y N HazHealthAPCD Y H PE&M Y N School Y N Sewer Y N Stormwater Y N Special Inspection Y N CFD: Y N 1 LandUse: Density: ImpArea: FY: Annex; Factor PFF: Y N Comments Date Date Date Oate Building Planning Engineering Fire Need? • Done • Done • Done • Done