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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB150578; Permit
03-04-2015 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad.CA 92008 Retaining Wall Permit Permit No. CBI50578 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation; Reference #: Project Title: Area: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD RETAIN 2111000900 Lot#: 0 $3,674.00 Construction Type; NEW LEGO- NEW 160 SF RETAIN WALL BY STABLE BUILDING- PER SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STDS- Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Plan Check*: ISSUED 02/24/2015 RMA 03/04/2015 03/04/2015 Inspect Applicant: COIVIMERCIAL BUILDERS INC STE 740 525 B STREET SAN DIEGO CA 92101 619 564-7555 Owner: LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY U S ACQUISI C/O PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO P O BOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee Strong Motion Fee Green Bldg Standards (SB1473) Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $61.27 $0.00 $42.89 $0.00 $1.00 $1.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $106.16 Total Fees: $106.16 Total Payments To Date: $106.16 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINALAPPROVAL Date: ^^f^'l^ Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE tliat approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or ottier exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions," You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest Imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure wlll bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees In connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exar.tlons of which vou have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: • PLANNING DENGINEERING nBUILDING • FIRE • HEALTH • HAZMAT/APCD jp^' Building Permit Application v-'lty 01 ""^-^^ Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 ^^^1 1/ J Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 y^Qj^J_3|j^(J email: buildin9@carlsbadca.gov /) h www.carlsbadca.gov /I/'J Plan Check No. J ^/) Est. Value jp^' Building Permit Application v-'lty 01 ""^-^^ Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 ^^^1 1/ J Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 y^Qj^J_3|j^(J email: buildin9@carlsbadca.gov /) h www.carlsbadca.gov /I/'J Plan Ck. Deposi^ ' jp^' Building Permit Application v-'lty 01 ""^-^^ Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 ^^^1 1/ J Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax:760-602-8558 y^Qj^J_3|j^(J email: buildin9@carlsbadca.gov /) h www.carlsbadca.gov /I/'J Date ^^hu l/s-SWPPP '°55^'LQx<.\(if>k Drive ,rAW. cA^om SUITEf/SPACEyAJNIT* APN "l ' A/A aN\ - \oo - 0^ -CT/PROJECT # 0 LOT# PHASE # \9 # OF UNITS # BEDROOMS # BATHROOMS TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTR. TYPE OCCGROUP DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet ot Affected Area(s) » ii — jfr-txil^X i-»>\_v<vv/\A V/\\ \ V.l\ P EXISTING USE PROPOSEPUSE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) DECKS (SF) /V/A FIREPLACE AIRCONDITIONING FlRESPRINKLERS YEsQ* Nog[ YES QNO 13 YES| |NO|^ APPLICANT NAIME tT? \ \ L<' / prinan Contact ry^beT-T r\<w PROPERTY oty ^ER NAME . \ \ ADDRESS 1 1 -V p\ ^ STATE^ , ZIP ^ _ . CITYo \ \ \ STATE . ZIP ^ PHONE ^ FAX PESION PROFESSIONAL ^ GxNSoW.ACt CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME ~\ O \\ v ADDRESS ^ \ \ \ CITY^ /~v STATE ^ . ZIP ^ _ PHONE ^ . S\0'5^8-8157 FAX PHONE , 0 J STATE LIC. # SrATEUC.^^^^^^ CUae CITY Blj;^ Lie./ / / M—h\.' (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, priorto its issuafide, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Sectjpnjf000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). WORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaration: / hereby affirm under penalty ofpeijury one ofthe following declarations: • I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to selMnsure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the perfomiance of the work for which this perniit is issued. I 11 have and will maintain wortiers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration Date This section need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. I I Certificate of Exemption: I certify that In the perfonnance of the wort for which this pennit is issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of Califomia. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employerto criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attomey's fees. /fiS" CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ^"^i-^^^ n AGENT DATE OWNER-BUILOi'n OECLARATION ; hereby affm that I am exempt from Contiactoi's Ucense Law for the follrmng reason: I I 1, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such Improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). I I I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to constmct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Ucense Law). I [ I am exempt under Section _ eBusiness and Professions Code for this reason: 1.1 personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvemenl QYes I INO 2.1 (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3.1 have contracted with the following person (timi) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contractors' license number): 4.1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone / contractors' license number): 5.1 will piovide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the foliowing peisons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone / type of wort): yg^PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE GENT DATE COMPLETE THIS; SECTION FOR N O N - R tl i O B N T IA i B II11 O 1 N iQ P M ONJUY Is the applicant or future buikjing occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration forni or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? • Yes ijf No Is Ihe applicanl or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quali ly management district? O Yes 4j'No Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? • Yes WHo IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. CONSTRUCTION tBHOiNi^ AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the perfonnance of the wodt this permit is Issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civii Code). Lender's Name APPtlCANT CERTiriCATION Lender's Address I certif that I have lead the applkatkin and state thatthe above Information is conect and that the Information on the plans Is accutate. I agree to compiywith all City oidlnances and State laws relating to building constmctton. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection puiposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST Aa LIABILfriES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMiT. OSHA: An OSHA pennit is requj[B**5r8!Srail!lnsover 5'0' deep and demolition or constnictkin of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit isi^ed by the Buikling Official under Ite provis'ions of this Code shall expire by limitatkin and become null and void if the buikJing or vwrk auihorized by such 180 days ttom the dale of such permit or if the buikijiig or work aum^[ized by such pemytk suspended or abandoned at any time after the viork is commenced for a pei^ of 180 days (: vgS"APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE lit is not commenced within in 106.4.4 Uniform BuikJing Code). Inspection List Permit*: CB150578 Type: RETAIN LEGO-NEW 160 SF RETAIN WALL BY STABLE BUILDING- PER SAN DIEGO Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 03/09/2015 69 Final Masonry PD AP Tuesday, March 10, 2015 Page 1 of 1 HiTE HILL - INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Pns/ectAddnsss 1 Legoland Drive Building Peimit Numlier Jurisdiction 1 File Number CB150578 Carlsbad Project Name Friends Exhibit Arctiitect Legoland California Construction Material Design Strength Source Reinf. Masonry fm=1500 Oreo / Quikrete Engineer DSI IJescrif^ion of Materials ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing General Contractor Commercial Builders ASTM C90 Grade N-1, Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU), 8", 12" Sub Contraaor CCl Mortar, Type S, 1800 psi, Quikrete Mason Mix Sub Contraaor CCl Ottier Ottier Inspection Date/Startof Work/End of Work 26-Feb-15 Provided Special Inspection for the layout and placement of 8" CMU for the Retaining Wall Type 1, adjacent the Stable Building, per Regional Standard Detail C-1. Verified that all material and joint construction are in substantial conformance with the plans and specifications. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVEEIINI CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino 1 HiTE HILL - INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address 1 Legoland Drive Buifding F>ermit Number Jurisdiction /File Number CB150578 Carlsbad Project Name Friends Exhibit Architect Legoland California Construction Material Design Strength Source Reinf. Masonry fm=1500 Oreo / Quikrete Engineer DSI Descnptfon of Materials ASTM A615 Grade 60 Reinforcing General Contractor Commercial Builders ASTM C90 Grade N-1, Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU), 8", 12" Sub Contractor CCl Mortar, Type S, 1800 psi, Quikrete Mason Mix Sub Contractor CCl Robertson's-3000psi, 3/8" Grout, Mix Design RS300G42 Other Other InspecSon Date /Start of Work / End of Work 27-Feb-15 Provided Special Inspection for the grouting of approximately 200 s.f, running-bond, at the CMU Retaining Wall Type 1, adjacent the Stable Building at the referenced project. Prior to deposit of grout, cells & clean-outs were visually examined, and found to be properly aligned, reasonable clean and free of excessive mortar protrusions. All cells are full-solid grout. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED|iNi CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton HIII, PE 64822 DATE San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino HiTE HILL • INSPECTION TESTING / ENGINEERING Office (858) 220-1078 Fax (858) 220-7421 hill@h-ite.com Special Inspection Report Project Address 1 Legoland Drive Building Permit Number Jurisdiction 1 File Number CB150578 Carlsbad Project Name Friends Exhibit Architect Legoland California Construction Material Design Strength Source Reinforced Cone, f c=3000 psi Robertson's RMC Engineer DSI [Jescription of Materials ASTM A615, Grade 60 Reinforcing General Contractor Commercial Builders Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 560C3250, 3250 psi Sub Contractor CCl Sub Contractor CCl Other Other Inspection Date / Start of Wortt / End of Worit 25-Feb-15 Provided Special Inspection of the reinforcing steel in Retaining Wall Footings at the referenced project. The Footings are reinforced, per Regional Standard Detail C-1, Masonry Retaining Wall Type 1. All steel sizes, laps and clearances are in substantial conformance with the approved plans, specifications, and changes thereto. In addition, observed the deposit of approximately 6 cubic yards (cyd) Robertson's RMC, Mix Design 560C3250, 3250 psi, into the footings. The concrete was placed by chute and bucket, and vibrated mechanically for consolidation. Fabricated one set of cylinders from concrete for testing. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THE WORK INSPECTED IS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED|ii CONSTRUCTIOBN DOCUMENTS, AND APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE GOVERNING BUILDING LAWS. Henry Barton HIII, PE 64822 San Diego • Orange • Imperial • Los Angeles • Riverside • San Bernardino Project Name: LEGOLAND Friencfe Project No.: 10075-007 Date: 2-24-15 Report No. Location: Carlsbad Author: S.Lynn Reid Day: MTW • MU T F S S • •• • Client/Contractor: Lego/Commercial Bullders/CCP Supt/Foreman: Robert Kay Weather: Clear 74+- F Field Supervisor: WDO Geologist: Soil Engineer: 2-24 Observation/Testing of: Footing excavation/grading Tecli SLR Equipment Working: Hours 2.0 Equipment Working: Today's Yardage: Equipment Working: Yardage to Date: Summary of Operations: 2-24-15 (IS) SLR on site as scheduled by Robert Kay w/Commercial Builders. The CCl crew observed completing the footing excavation forthe retaining wall on the southeast/east side ofthe planned stable building. The wall footing bottom exposed moist silty sand fill materials and probed firm in representative locations. The final excavation was found to be in general conformance with the site geotechnical recommendations. A footing observation summary issued. Note that the grading operations to develop the carousel and stable pads have left center area of the site approx. 36" +- low as of this AM. Fill placement should be performed as per the recommendations ofthe site geotechnical reports (fill placed at above optimum moisture, in appropriate lift thickness, compacted to minimum 90% rc, and observed by Leighton at time of work). Leighton and Associates DAILY FIELD REPORT Received By: Print 3910 1098 Circle Distribution File Copy Client Copy Field Copy Client/Agency Copy Project Name: iegoLand/Friends Project No.: 10075.007 Date: 2-24-15 Location: Carlsbad, CA Unit/Phase/Lots: Retaining waii southeast/east Stabie building Client: Lego Observation Summary: SLR 2-24-15 A representative of Leighton observed onsite soil conditions. Soii conditions at the site are substantially in conformance with those assumed in the Geotechnical Report SLR 2-24-15 A representative of Leighton observed and measured footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations extend fo proper depths and bearing strata and are in general confonnance with recommendations of the Geotechnical report. SLR 2-24-15 A representative of Leighton measured footing setback from slope face. The setback was in general accordance with recommendations ofthe Geotechnical report Summary Notes: Retaining wail footing southeast/east stable building Notes to Superintendent/Foreman: 1: Footing excavations should be cleaned out of loose debris, caving materials, and mud priorto placing concrete. 2: Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoaking of soil below slabs may be recommended. Consult the geotechnical report for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time and the Contractor should schedule accordingly. 3: In the event of site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.) we should be contacted to perform additional site observations. Notes to Buiiding inspector: 1: Soil compaction test results, including depth of fill, relative compaction, bearing values, and soil expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical Report provided at the completion of grading. Leighton. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY FOOTING OBSERVATION SUMMARY For Leighton: Siegert Lynn Reid (SLR) Signature: 5"^ ^ Date: 2-24-15 Page 1 of 1 j Project Name: LegoLand/Friends Project No.: 10075.007 Date: 2-24-15 Location: Carlsbad, CA Unit/Phase/Lots: Retaining wall southeast/east Stable building Client: Lego Observation Summary: SLR 2-24-15 A representative of Leighton observed onsite soii conditions. Soil conditions at the site are substantially in conformance with those assumed in the Geotechnical Report SLR 2-24-15 A representative of Leighton observed and measured footing excavation depth/width. Footing excavations extend to proper depths and bearing strata and are in general conformance with recommendations of the Geotechnical report. SLR 2-24-15 A representative of Leighton measured footing setback from slope face. The setback was in general accordance with recommendations ofthe Geotechnical report Summary Notes: Retaining wall footing soutiieast/east stable building Notes to Superintendent/Foreman: 1: Footing excavations should be cleaned out of loose debris, caving materials, and mud prior to placing concrete. 2: Based on expansion potential of underlying soils, presoaking of soil below slabs may be recommended. Consult the geotechnical report for presoaking recommendations. We note that clayey soils may take an extended period of time and the Contractor should schedule accordingly. 3: In the event of site change subsequent to our footing observation and prior to concrete placement (i.e., heavy rain, etc.) we should be contacted to perform additional site observations. Notes to Building inspector: 1: Soil compaction test results, including depth of fill, relative compaction, bearing values, and soil expansion index test results are contained in the As-Graded Geotechnical Report provided at the completion of grading. Leighton. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY FOOTING OBSERVATION SUMMARY For Leighton: Siegert Lynn Reid (SLR) Signature: :^ J^^ /2 ^ Date: 2-24-15 Page 1 of 1 PLAN CHECK PLAN CHECK Community & Economic CITY OF REVIEW Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD TRANSMITTAL CarlsbadCA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 02-26-2015 PROJECT NAIVIE: LEGOLAND RETAINING WALL PLAN CHECK NO: 1 SET#: ADDRESS: ONE LEGOLAND DR. VALUATION/SCOPE OF WORK: PROJECT ID: CB15 0578 APN: 211-100-09-00 • Tills plan check review is complete and lias been APPROVED by the ENGINEERING Division. By: CG 2/26/15 A Final Inspection by the Division is required ves / No This plan check review is NOT COIVIPLETE. Itenns missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. NOTE; ONLY ITEMS THAT NEED CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION ARE MARKED X, Plan Check Comments have been sent to: CHRIS.ROIVIERO®LEGOLAND.COIVI You may also have corrections from one or more ofttie dllvlslons iisted below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the Issuance of a building permit Resubmitted plans should Inciude corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov / Chris Glassen 760-602-2784 Chrlstopher.Glassen@carlsbadca.gov Greg Ryan /1> 0 - C'i 1) '2." 4' CS Q 3 Grefiorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov Linda Ontiveros 7 6 0-60 2-2 7/3 Lmda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.fiov Cincfy Wong Cvnthia.Wonfi@carlsbadca.gov Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: Any outstanding issues will he marked with an I X I Make the necessary corrections for compliance ivith applicable codes and standards. Snbinit corrected plans and/or specifications to the BuiMing division for re-snbmittal to the Engineering divisions. Items that confonn to permit requirements are marked ivith | ^ | 1. SITE PLAN Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: / North arrow / Existing & proposed structures / Property line dimensions Easements Show on site plan: / Drainage patterns Existing & proposed slopes Existing topography / Retaining Walls (location and height) Indicate what will happen with soil excavated from pool area. Include on title sheet: / Site address / Assessor's parcel number / Legal description/lot number Grading: Quantities of Cut Fill Import Export Project does not comply with the following engineering conditions of approval for project no: Conditions were complies with by: Date: LOT NO, MAP NO. 13408 REF, NO. E-37 Page 2 of 4 REV 6/2012 2. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that require a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities in cubic yards (cut, fill, import, export and remedial). This information must be inciuded on the plans. If no grading is proposed write: "NO GRADING" Grading Permit required. NOTE: The grading permit must be issued and rouqh grading approval obtained priorto issuance of a building permit A separate grading plan prepared a registered civil engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. / No grading permit required. 3. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS N/A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do worl< in city right-of-way and/or private work adjacent to the public right-of-way. A separate right-of-way issued by the engineering division is required for the following: Please complete attached right-of-way application form and return to the engineering department together with the requirements on the attached right-of-way checklist, at the time of resubmittal. Right-of-way permit and pool permit will be issued simultaneously. E-37 Page 3 of 4 REV 6/2012 4. STORM WATER Construction Compliance RETAINING WALL INCLUDED IN SW14-361 Project Threat Assessment Form complete incomplete Requires Tier 1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Please complete attached form and return (SW w- ) Requires Tier 2 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Requires submittal of Tier 2 SWPPP, payment of processing fee and review by city. Post-Development (SUSMP) Compliance Storm Water Standards Questionnaire complete incomplete Project is subject to Standard Storm Water Requirements. See city Standard Urban Storm Water IVIanagement Plan (SUSMP) for reference. http://www.carlsbadca.qov/business/buildinq/Documents/EnqStandsw-stds-vol4-ch2.pdf Project needs to incorporate low impact development strategies throughout in one or more of the following ways: Rainwater harvesting (rain barrels or cistern) Vegetated Roof Bio-retentions cell/rain garden Pervious pavement/pavers Flow-through planter/vegetated or rock drip line Vegetated swales or rock infiltration swales Downspouts disconnect and discharge over landscape Other: 5. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS E-37 Page 4 of 4 REV 6/2012 ' ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK APPROVAL P-29 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 2/24/15 PROJECT NAME: RETAINING WALL PROJECTID: PLAN CHECK NO: CB150578 SET#: ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DR APN: ^ This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: GINA RUIZ A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Division is required • Yes |^ No You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should Include corrections from all divisions. Q This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to: RNETZER@CBi-SD.cOM For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 1 I Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov 1 Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregorv.Rvan@carlsbadca.gov 1 1 Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Q Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov • 1 1 Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fleri@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: -Edge of Footing Layout Line PLAN Mortar Cap H= 2.44nn (8'-0") H= 1.63m (5-4") H= 991 mm (5) Bars Mortor Cap 13mm (#4) Key 305mm (12") © 305mm (12") TYPICAL SECTION over 1.63m (5'-4") 13mm (#4) ELEVATION Horizontal reinf. not shown 203mm Key (8"X8") TYPICAL SECTiON 1.63m (5'-4") max. DIMENSIONS AND REINFORCING STEEL H (max.) T (min.) W (min.) ® Bars Bars (g) Bo rs (D Bo rs max soil press. 1.12m (3-8") 203mm (0'-8") 762mm (2'-4") #13®813mm (#4®32") #13 (#4) Total 4 23.9 Kpo (500psf) 1.63m (5'-4") 254mm (0'-10") 1.12m (3-6") #13®813mm (#4®32") #13®813mm (#4®32") #13 (#4) Totol 5 28.7 Kpa (eOOpsf) 2.44m (8'-0") 305mm (I'-O") 1.63m (5'-4") #13®813mm (#4@32") #13®813mm (#4®32") 406mm (#6® 16") #13 (#4) Total 6 38.3 Kpo (800psf) NOTES: 1. See Standard Drawings C-7 and C-8 for additional notes and details. 2. Fill all block ceils with grout. Revision By Approved Date SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANOARDS COMMITTEE ^Q^^tUlTK) ' Slot 12003 ORIGINAL Kercheval 12/75 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANOARDS COMMITTEE ^Q^^tUlTK) ' Slot 12003 Add Metric T. stonton 03/03 MASONRY RETAINING WALL TYPE 1 (LEVEL BACKFILL) RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANOARDS COMMITTEE ^Q^^tUlTK) ' Slot 12003 MASONRY RETAINING WALL TYPE 1 (LEVEL BACKFILL) Clt8irperson R.C.E. 19246 Dote MASONRY RETAINING WALL TYPE 1 (LEVEL BACKFILL) DRAWING r 1 NUMBER ^ ' MASONRY RETAINING WALL TYPE 1 (LEVEL BACKFILL) DRAWING r 1 NUMBER ^ ' August 2009 DESIGN CONDITIONS: Walls ore to be used for the loading conditions shown for each type wall. Design H shall not be exceeded. Footing key is required except as shown otherwise or when found unnecessary by the Engineer. Special footing design is required where foundation material is incapable of supporting toe pressure listed in table. DESIGN DATA: Reinforced Concrete: Fc=8.3 Mpo (1200 psi) F'c=20.7 Mpo (3000 psi) Fs=138 Mpo (20.000 psi) n=10 Reinforced Masonry: F'm=41.4 Mpa (600 psi) Fs=138 Mpa (20,000 psi) Fm=1.4 Mpo (200 psi) n=50 Earth=1922 kg/cu m (120 pcf) ond Equivalent Fluid Pressure=1.76 kg/sq m (36 psf) per 305nnm (foot) of height. Walls shown for 1 1/2:1 unlimited sloping surcharge ore designed in accordance with Ronkline s formula FENCING: Safety fencing shall be installed at the top of the wall as required by the agency. INSPECTIONS: Call for inspections as follows: A. When the footing has been formed, with the steel tied securely in final position, and is ready for the concrete to be placed. B. Where cleanout holes ore not provided: (1) After the blocks hove been laid up to a height of 1.22m (4') or full height for wolls up to 1.52m (5'), with steel in place but before the grout is poured, ond (2) After the first lift is properly grouted, the blocks hove been laid up to the top of the wall with the steel tied securely in place but before the upper lift is grouted. Where cleanout holes ore provided: After the blocks hove been laid up to the for unlimited sloping surcharge with a 0 = 33' 13m(42'). REINFORCEMENT: Intermediote grode, hard grode, or roil steel deformation shall conform ASTM A615, A616, A617. Bars shall lap 40 diameters, where spliced, unless otherwise shown on the plans. Bends shall conform to the Manual of Standard Practice, A.C.I. Backing for hooks is four diameters. All bar embedments ore clear distances to outside of bar. Spacing for parallel bars is center to center bars. C. D. top of the wall, with the steel tied securely in place, but before grouting. After grouting is complete ond ofter rock or rubble wall drains ore in place but before earth backfill is placed. Final inspection when all work has been completed. CONCRETE GROUT AND MORTAR MIXES: MASONRY: All reinforced masonry retaining walls be constructed of regular or light weight standard units conforming to the "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction." JOINTS: Vertical control joints shall be placed at 9.75m (32') intervals maximum. Joints shall be designed to resist shear and other lateral forces while permitting longitudinal movement. Vertical expansion joints shall be placed at 29.3m (96') intervals maximum. CONCRETE: Footing concrete sholl be 332 kg/M-C-22Mpo (560-C-3250), using Type B aggregate when placing conditions permit. BACKFILL: No backfill material shall be placed against masonry retaining walls until grout has reached design strength or until grout has cured for a minim'um of 28 days. Compaction of backfill material by jetting or ponding with water will not be permitted. Each layer of backfill shall be moistened as directed by the Engineer and thoroughly tamped, rolled or otherwise compacted until the relative compacting is not less than 90%. Concrete grout shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 13.8 Mpa (2,000 psi) in 28 days and mortar shall attain 12.4 Mpa (1,800) psi in 28 days, All cells shall be filled with grout Rod or vibrate consolidation. Bring grout within 10 minutes of pouring to insure grout to a point 51mm (2") from the top of masonry units when grouting of second lift is to be continued at another time. MORTAR KEY: To insure proper bonding between the footing and the first course of block, a mortar key shall be formed by embedding a flat 2x4 flush with and at the top of the freshly poured footing. The 2x4 should be removed after the concrete has started to harden (approximately 1 hour). A mortar key may be omitted if the first course of block is set into the fresh concrete when the footing is poured, and a good bond is obtained. WALL DRAINS: Wall drains shall be provided in accordance with Standard Drawing C-8. SOIL All footings shall extend at least 305mm (12") into undisturbed natural soil or approved compacted fill. Soil should be dampened prior to placing concrete in footings. Revision By Approved Dote SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ siotisoos ORIGINAL A. Kerchaval 12/75 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ siotisoos Add Metric T. Stanton 03/03 GENERAL NOTES FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALLS RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ siotisoos GENERAL NOTES FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALLS ChWrperson R.C.E. 19246 Dote GENERAL NOTES FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALLS DRAWING r 7 NUMBER ^ ' GENERAL NOTES FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALLS DRAWING r 7 NUMBER ^ ' August 2D09 No surcharge loads within this areg for level backfill design. Rlter Material, 25.4mm (1") max. crushed aggregate, 0.113 cu m (4 cu. ft.) per 102mm (4") dia. drain or .028 cu m (1 cu. ft.) per 305mm (ft.) of open head joints. 102mm (4") dio. drain with 6.35nim (1/4") golv. wire mesh screen, 2.44m (8') on center, or one horizontal row of open head joints. Une of undisturbed natural soil. TYPICAL SECTION 133mm (5 1/4' Mortar or cast-in-place concrete Finished Ground Line Vertical Reinf. Vertical Reinf. -Grout filled block cells Top of Footing • Horizontal reinf. thru bond beam block 51mm {2") X 102mm (4'^ (nominal) Key CAP DETAIL KEY DETAIL NOTES: 1. All masonry retaining walls shall be constructed with cop, key and drainage detoils as shown hereon. 2. 102mm (4'0 diameter drain may be fonned by placing a block on it's side. Revision By Approved Date SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ "^Qj^Mi!^ 3I01ISOOS ORIGINAL Kercheval 12/75 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWING RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ "^Qj^Mi!^ 3I01ISOOS Add Metric T. Stonton 03/03 DETAILS FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALL RECOMMENDED BY THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE ^ "^Qj^Mi!^ 3I01ISOOS DETAILS FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALL Clt^lrperson R.C.E. 19246 Dote DETAILS FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALL DRAWING n o NUMBER ^ 0 DETAILS FOR MASONRY RETAINING WALL DRAWING n o NUMBER ^ 0 August 2009 CB150578 1 LEGOLAND DR LEGO- NEW 160 SF RETAIN WALL BY STABLE BUILDING- PER SAN DIEGO REGIONAL A f n f\/t^ f^UO JhJ ijil^^^JAM^SU) iHOl>i>l 'Mfl/CP