HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB153612; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 11-16-2015 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB153612 Building! Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: Applicant: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD Tl Sub Type: COMM 2111000900 Lot~ 0 $490,122.00 Construction Type: 58 Reference# LEGOLAND-10,182 SF Tl-FROM Status: ISSUED Applied: 10/26/2015 Entered By: RMA Plan Approved: 11/16/2015 Issued: 11/16/2015 Inspect Area Plan Check #: WAREHOUSE TO MAINT & STORAGE, ADD 565 SF OFFICE EXPANSION MEZZANINE Owner: SMITH CONSULTING ARCHITECTS STE 125 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA L L C <LF> PLAY US ACQUISI C/0 PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO 13280 EVENING CREEK DR SAN DIEGO CA 92128 858 793-4 777 Building Permit Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'l Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee Fire Expedidted Plan Review $2,014.11 $0.00 $1,409.88 $0.00 $0.00 $137.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $115.00 P 0 BOX 543185 DALLAS TX 75354 Meter Size Add'l Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWA Fee CFD Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees HMP Fee Green Bldg Standards Plan Chk TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $4,343.74 Total Payments To Date: $4,343.74 Balance Due: Inspector:~~. ~ FINAL APPROVAL Date: ) • 2f ~If Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $470.75 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $51.00 $62.00 $63.77 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?? ?? $4,343.74 $0.00 NCmCE: Please take N0TlCE that~ d'yoor pqect irdudestre "lfTlXJSitibn" d'fees, dedicatiCC1S, reservaticns, crctrerexalicns hereafter rolectively referred to as 'feeslexcrlicns." You ~ 00 days from the date tHs ~t wcs issued to prctest irnx;sitim ct tt"eSe feeslexcrlicns. If yoo poles! trern yoo nus! fdiCM'tre prctest procedures set forth in <?olerrrrent Cede Se::tim60020(a), ard file tre protest and any ctrer reqjred inforrratim wth the aty lv'Bnagerfcr 17<XX'SSing in oo:xll'darrewth Carlsbad Mridpcd Cede Sedim3.32.030. Failt.retotirrelyfdiCM'that prcxmurewll bar anysui:Gequent legal <dim to attock, review, set aside, void, cr anJ'll.i their irnx;sitim. You are rereby FLJR1l-ER N0TlREDthat yoor right to prctest the sp;dfied feeslexcrlicns cx:E3 NOr .APPt... Y to IM'Iler and reMJr ronrroim fees ard capacity c:ha1ges, ncr plaT'Iing, zcring, galing cr ctrer sirrilar applicatim rro:;essirg cr service fees in ronnedim wth this pqect. 1\k:R IXE.S IT .APPt... Y to any fees/exactions ct Wlich \iiJU ~ O"e\Aouslv been aiven a NOTlCE sirrilar to tns cr as to Wlich tre statute ct !irritations has oreviouslv cther'Aise exoired. THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: [~]PLANNING !::JENGINEERING []BUILDING C]FIRE [,JHEALTH i],JHAZMATIAPCD City of Carlsbad Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov Plan Check No.(}? JJ ? £ /.) Est. Value '-410 !:A.J. f) Plan Ck. Deposit fKfJ-Date /1)/d.J:ft.f-jsWPPP JOB ADDRESS One LEGOLAND Drive, Ca1·lsbad, CA 92008 SUITE#/SPACE#/UNIT# 1/ " IAPN 1 211 J.,. U: -lOD -t7'1 o-0 -22 -10 -I CT/PROJECT # _ I LOT# _ I PHASE: I# oF u:rrs I# BEDRO:Ms #BATHROOMS !TENANT BUSINESS NAME LEGOLAND Califo,rnia I CONSTR. TYPE I occ. GROUP V-B f1, S1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Affected Are.a(s) 10,182 s.f. T.l. within an existing 20,140 s.f. industrial (Fac. Maint. & Storage) tilt-up concrete • building including a mez~~anine addition of 565 s.f. with associated structural, me~~'pkal~ plumbing and electrical and minor demolition. P'tl ;! 2 -pwee.... C:: 'Tf r,~ EXJSnNG USE !PROPOSED USE: I GARAG-E (SF) PATIOS-(SF) IDECKS-(SF) FIREPLACE I AIR CONDITIONING I FIRE SPRINKLERS Warehouse, industrial Same 1 YEsO No[Z]I vEs [ZINo D 1 vEslZJ NoD APPLICANT NAME Primary Contact Andrew Ta'rango PROPERTY OWNER NAME LEGOLAND California ADDRESS ADDRESS 13280 Evening Creek Dr. #125 One LEGOI~oAND Drive CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP San Dieqo 92128 Carlsbad CA 92008 PHONE PHONE (858) 793-4777 j[858) 793-4787 I F AX {760) 918-5460 (760} 918-5469 EMAIL EMAIL andrewt@sca-sd.com chris.romero@llegoland.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Cheryl[). Smith CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS 13280 Eveninq Cree~k Dr. #125 CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP San Dieqo CA 92128 PHONE 'FAX PHONE 'FAX (858) 793-4777 (858) 793-4787 EMAIL EMAIL 'STATE LIC.# STATE LIC.# 'CLASS C11.701 I CITY BUS. LIC.# (Sec. 7031.5 Busmess and Professions Code: Any C1ty or County wh1ch reqUires a perm1t to construct, alter, 1m prove, demolish or repa1r any structure, pnor to its issuance, also reqUires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law !Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty ,of peljury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self·insum for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation. as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. Po~cy No. Expiration Date ________ _ This section need not be completed W the perm~ is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of tht! work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars {&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees . .Ji5 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE 0AGENT DATE I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's Ucense Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, wtll do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who buildn or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within on•e year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for suc:h projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law), I am exempt under Section Business and Proft!ssions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. Ov es 0No 2. I (have I have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address I phone I contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name I address I phone I contractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hiired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name I address I phone I type of work): .Ji5 PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ~l • • .. 0AGENT DATE U-l I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances arnd State laws relating to building construction. I hereby au1horize representative of 1he City of Carlsbad to enter upon 1he above mentioned properly for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGM NTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING 01: THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permtt is requi excavations over 5'0' deep and demorllion or construction of slructures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION: Every permtt issu by e Building Official~nde[ · of 1his Code expire by limttation and become nul and void if 1he building or work au1horized by such permit is not commenced wi1hin 180 days from 1he date of su · r if 1he ilding or wo u1h y such permft • pended or abandoned at any time after 1he work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). ~APPLICANT'S SIG ~ DATE I 0 ~ l 6 STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. Fax (760) 602-8560, Email building@carlsbadca.gov or Mail the completed form to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. DELIVERY OPTIONS PICK UP: CONTACT {Listed above) CONTRACTOR {On pg. 1) MAIL TO: CONTACT {Listed above) CONTRACTOR {On Pg. 1) OCCUPANT {Listed above) OCCUPANT {Listed above) MAIL/ FAX TO OTHER:----------------- ~APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE (Office Use Only) CA ASSOCIATED CB##------------ NO CHANGE IN USE I NO CONSTRUCTION CHANGE OF USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION DATE Inspection List Permit#: CB153612 Type: Tl Date Inspection Item 03/29/2016 89 Final Combo 03/29/2016 89 Final Combo 02/29/2016 85 T-Bar 02/16/2016 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 02/08/2016 13 Shear Panels/HD's 02/08/2016 14 Frame/Steei/BoltingM'eldin 02/08/2016 24 Rough/T opout 02/08/2016 34 Rough Electric 01/25/2016 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 01/25/2016 21 Underground/Under Floor Wednesday, March 30, 2016 COMM l(l~p~ctor Act Rl PB AP PB AP PB AP PD AP PD AP PD AP PD AP PB AP PB NR LEGOLAND-10,182 SF Tl-FROM WAREHOUSE TO MAINT & STORAGE, AD Comments NRR Page 1 of 1 EsGil Corporation In (}!artnersliip witli government for CBuiCtfing Safety DATE: November 4, 2015 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 15-3612 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legolland Dr. PROJECT NAME: Legoland SET: I Warehouse TI 1:1 ~LICANT 2JURIS. · 1:1 PLAN REVIEWER 1:1 FILE [61 The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's buildiing codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted here~with have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of thE3 check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of th1e check list has been sent to: [61 EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver EsGil Corporation 0 GA 0 EJ 0 MB 0 PC Enclosures: 10/24/15 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 [DO NOT PAY-THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: S 1 BUILDING AREA [ Valuation PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) Multiplier Tl Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance 1...,1 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance 1..-1 Type of Review: 0 Complete Review 0 Repetitive Fee [ [ ..... [ Repeats Comments: 0 Other 0 Hourly EsGil Fee PLAN CHECK NO.: 15-3612 DATE: November 4, 2015 Reg. VALUE ($) Mod. 490,122 490,122 $2,014.111 $1,309.171 0 Structural Only 1--------~IH'. @ • $1,127.901 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + PLAN CHECK NO: VALUATION: PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL T.l. SET#: ADDRESS: ONE Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov PROJECT ID: CB15-3612 AIPN: 211-22-10-00 This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the ENGINEERING Division. By: CG A Final Inspection by the Division is required Yes 1 No This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached cheddist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: For questions or clarifications em the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Remarks: Christopher.Giassen@carlsbadca.gov Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Gregory.Ryan@carlsbadca.gov Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST ClUICK-CHECKIAPPROVAL Development Services land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www .carlsbadca.gov ENGINEERING Plan Check for Date:1 5 Project Address: APN: Project Description: 1 FT. INTERIOR T.l. OF EXISTING 40 Valuation: ENGINEERING Contact : Email: Phone: Fax: RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (<$20,000.00) CARLSBAD PREMIER OUTLETS OTHER: GYM PLAZA CAMINO REAIL · COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING r··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··, OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT BY: 1 5 REMARKS: Notification of e:ngineering APPROVAL has been sent to via E-36 Page 1 of 1 REV 4/30/11 /'4'~·'''.· . .;· "'~'' ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD STORM WATER COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT B-24 Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov I am applying to the Ci~( of Carlsbad for the following type(s) of construction permit: • Building Permit 0 Right-of-Way Permit 0 My project is categorically EXEMPT from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it only requires issuance of one or more of the following permit types: Patio/Deck Photo Voltaic Re-Roofing Sign Spa-Factory Sprinkler Electrical Fire Additional Fire Alarm Fixed Systems Mechanical Mobile Home Plumbing Water Discharge Project Stc,rm Water Threat Assessment Criteria* No Threat Assessment Criteria • My project qualifies as NO THREAT and is exempt from the requirement to prepare a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) because it meets the "no threat" assessment criteria on the City's Project Threat Assessment Worksheet for Determination of Construction SWPPP Tier Level. My project does not meet any of the High, Moderate or Low Threat criteria described below. Tier 1 ·_Low Threat Assessment C"iteria ~_y project does not meet any of ti1e Significant or Moderate Threat criteria, is not an exempt permit type (See list above) and the project / ffiE:ets one or more of the followin!~ criteria: ·· • Results in some soil disturbance; and/or • Includes outdoor construction activities (such as saw cutting, equipment washing, material stockpiling, vehicle fueling, waste stockpiling). Tier 2 • Moderate Threat AssessmE1nt Criteria D My project does not meet any of the Significant Threat assessment Criteria described below and meets one or more of the following criteria: • Project requires a grading plan pursuant to the Carlsbad Grading Ordinance (Chapter 15.16 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code); or, • Project will result in 2,500 squa1re feet or more of soils disturbance including any associated construction staging, stockpiling, pavement removal, equipment storage, r1~fueling and maintenance areas and project meets one or more of the additional following criteria: • Located within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area or the Pacific Ocean, and/or • Disturbed area is located on a slope with a grade at or exceeding 5 horizontal to 1 vertical, and/or • Disturbed area is located along or within 30 feet of a storm drain inlet, an open drainage channel or watercourse, and/or • Construction will be initiated during the rainy season or will extend into the rainy season (Ocl 1 through April 30). Tier 3 • Signiffcant Threat Assessment Criteria D My project includes clearing, grading or other disturbances to the ground resulting in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, stockpiling, pavement removal, refueling and maintenance areas: and/or D My project is part of a phased development plan that will cumulatively result in soil disturbance totaling one or more acres including any associated construction staging, equipment storage, refueling and maintenance areas: or, D My project is located inside or within 200 feet of an environmentally sensitive area (see City ESA Proximity map) and has a significant potential for contributing pollutants to nearby receiving waters by way of storm water runoff or non-storm water discharge(s). I certify to the best of my knowledge that the above checked statements are true and correct I understand and acknowledge that even though this project does not require preparation of a construction SWPP, I must still adhere to, and at all times during construction activities for the permit type(s) check abctve comply with the storm water best management practices pursuant to Title 15 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code and to City Standards. Project Address: Assessor Parcel No. *The City Engineer may authorize minor variances fr,om the Storm Water Threat Assessment Criteria in special circumstances where tt can be shown that a lesser or higher Construction SWPPP Tier Level is warranted. B-24 One LEGOLAND Drive 211-22-10,11,16 Owner/Owner's Authorized Agent Name: Titie: Andrew Tarango, SCA Proj. Mgr. Owner/Owner's Authorized Agent Signature: Date: City Concurrence: By: Date: (Jfj~ CJYES [J NO Page 1 of 1 Rev.03/09 PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK APPROVAL P-29 Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.e:ov DATE: 10/30/15 PR:OJECT NAME: INTERIOR T.l. AND SCREEN WALL PROJECT ID: PLAN CHECK NO: CBH;3612 SET#: ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAND DR APN: [8J This plan check neview is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: GINA RUIZ/VAN LYNCH A Final Inspection by the PlANNING Division is required Yes C~ No You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. This plan check r~eview is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPFtOVAL has been sent to: ANDREWT@SCA-SD.COM For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: PLANNING 760-602-4610 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov ~ Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov D Veronica Morones 760-602-4619 Veronica.Morones@carlsbadca.~(Qy ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 Remarks: INTERIOFt T.l. WORK & HIGHER SCREEN WALL PROPOSED Raenette Abbey From: Sent: To: Christina Wilson Monday, October 26, 2015 5:32 PM 'ANDREWT@SCA-SD.COM'; Building Qpy Subject: CB153612 LEGOLAND plans do not need City of Carlsbad Fire Dept. plan review Andrew, CB153612 LEGOLAND plans do not need City of Carlsbad Fire Dept. plan review. Thank you, Chris Christina Wilson Fire Prevention Secretary City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 www.carlsbadca.gov P 760-602-4665 phone I F 760-602-8S61 1 To: Andrew Tarango <AndrewT@sca-sd.com>; Building <building@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: CB153612 LEGOLAND plans do not need City of Carlsbad Fire Dept. plan review Andrew, CB153612 LEGOLAND plans do not nE!ed City of Carlsbad Fire Dept. plan review. Thank you, Chris City of rlsbad Christina Wilson Fire Prevention Secretary City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 www .carlsbadca .gov P 760-602-4665 phone I F 760-602-8561 No virus found in this message. Checked by A VG-ww\v.avg.corrl Version: 2013.0.3532 I Virus Database: 4447/10856-Release Date: 10/20/15 2 STRUCTURAL CALCU LA TtONS PROJECT: DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS: CONCRETE STRENGTH AT TWENTY EIGHT DAYS: MASONRY: GRADE "N" CONCRETE BLOCK F 1M= MORTAR: TYPE S 1,800 PSI GROUT: 2000 PSI REINFORCING STEEL: A-615 GRADE40: GRADE 60: STRUCTURP..L STEEL: A-36 LUMBER: DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH JOISTS -'· #2 BEAMS AND POSTS #2 ------PSI __ -____ PSI #4 AND LESS (U.O.N.} #5 AND LARGER STUDS STUD OR BETTER SEISMIC FORCE: ~"' REPORT BY: _N_:/;_1\ _______________ _ WIND FORCE:. tJA REPORT NO.: -'-'N:..L/I.e....!'_,___ __ _ SOIL DESIGN LOADS: ROOF DEAD LOAD SLOPING FLOOR DEAD LOAD INT. WALL DEAD LOAD ROOFING PLYWOOD JOISTS INSUL. & CLG. MISC. TOTAL= ROOF LIVE LOAD SLOPING= FLAT= ;o g m -i ('") :; m ---~ ;;; 0 FLOORING PLYWOOD JOISTS INSUL & CLG. MISC. TOTAL= FLOOR LIVE LOAD INTERiOR 100 PSF INTERIOR EXTERIOR 10 PSF 16 PSF These calcul3tlons are limited only to the items · eluded herein, selected by the client and do not imply approval of any other portioil of the structure by this office. These calculations are not valid if altered in any way, or not accompanied by a wet stamp a:;d signature of the Engineer of Record. ~Job No. San Diego· 14288 Danielson Street, Suite# 200, Poway. CA 92064, (8581 &79·8989, Fax 18581 679·8959 Las Vegas (702) 5015·8225 Say Area (510) 759·9399 los Angeles (424) 703·5485 Design Maps Summary Report Design Mc:.ps Summary Report User-Specified Input ·rme One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Fri October 9, 2015 18:07:37 UTC .CtHJe R~!fl!?''!;f!;-:~ Dor:um~:nt 2012 International Building Code (whi:h utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2008) Sit~ C;;'l'l'w~:lim~~GS' 33.12733°N, 117.30763°W USGS-Provided Output Ss ~ 1.115 g 51 = 0.429 g Site Class D -"Stiff Soil" .SMs = 1.175 g ,SM1 = 0.674 Q .Sos = 0.784 g So1 = 0.449 g Page 1 of2 For information on how the SS and 51 values above have been calculated from probabilistic (risk-targeted) and determiristic ground motions in the direction of maximum horizontal response, please return to the application and select th! "2009 NEHRP" building cCJde reference document. -~·----·-··~--- I'<." ],' " Perio:::!, T ( Kec 1 htto://ehr2-emihquake.wr.usgs.gov/designmaps/us/summary.php?template=minimal&latit... 10/9/2015 \l :::. = w--I .-zs x. -- • 6j \ \1 Sf'A,.j (ts -s. \N\) f~t... '"3tr2-J(. nVt... I r;F .P o. '-?< ,, o fl.r:' o.Q!) 3.sk'-- J i /\l! .,j..,t,..---------;P7J., 1 ; 't.ft .. (o'l I 0' t ---&----b j C.ARf ·'i'-4115f~~ -;' ~l'ArJ ( ZxtDe\eo''~ c:::;')1(,. \ \ ) / < =- X ::. ~Boise Caseate Single 14" BCI® 5000-1.7 OF Dry 11 span I No cantilevers 1 0/12 slope 12 OCS I Non-Repetitive I Glued & nailed construction Joist\J01 October 20, 201511:35:52 BC CALC® Design Report Build 4137 Job Name: File Name: floor joists legoland.bcc Description: Designs\J01 Address: City, State, Zip: , Customer: Code reports: ESR-1336 Specifier: Designer: Company: Mise: .I i ~?"~~------------------------------------------------'"""' 14-00-00 BO Total Horizontal Product Length = 14-00-00 Reaction Summary (Down I Uplift) { tbs.) Bearing Live BO, 2-1/2" 878 I 0 B1 872 I 0 Load Summary Tag Description Load Type 1 Standard Load Unf. Area (lb/ft"2:) Controls Summary Pos. Moment End Reaction End Shear Total Load Defl. Live Load Deft. Max Defl. Vibration Span I Depth Bearing Supports Value 3,545 ft-lbs 1,0471bs 1,0221bs L/560 (0.295") L/672 (0.245") 0.295" 13' 7-1/2" 11.8 Dim. (LxW) Value Dead 176 I 0 174/0 Ref. Start Snow Live End 100% L 00-00-00 14-00-00 125 %Allowable Duration Case 94.9% 96.8% 56% 42.9% 71.4% 29.5% 63.9% n/a 100% 100% 100% n/a n/a n/a 100% o/o Allow Support n/a %Allow Member 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 BO Wall/Plate B1 Hanger 2-1/2" X 2" 2" X 2" 1,0531bs 1,0471bs n/a n/a 86.9% 96.8% Wind Dead 90% 25 Location 07-00-04 14-00-00 00-02-08 07-00-04 07-00-04 07-00-04 00-00-00 00-00-00 Material Unspecified Hanger """V-'-'ib;.;;..r;._;;a;;;.;t.;...;io;..;.n~S..;;.u.;;..;m"'"'m.-:...;:.:a~ry.__,.-,-----------------------~~~~~~~~~--~~ Subfloor: 23/32" OSB, Glue + Nail Gypsum Ceiling: 5/8" Strapping: None Bracing: None Notes -=-''-':""""'--~-:::---:---:-:----;:-:::-:-::7::::-:--:--:--:--:--::---:-:----:~:--------'~"~-~·-~~ Design meets Code minimum (L/240) Total load deflection criteria. Design meets User specified (L/480} Live load deflection criteria. Design meets arbitrary (1"} Maximum total load deflection criteria. Calculations assume Member is Fully Brac•ed. Composite El value based on 23/32" thick OSB sheathing glued and nailed to member. Design based on Dry Service Condition. Deflections less than 1/8" were ignored in the results. Page 1 of 1 81 Roof Live Snow Wind Roof Live OCS 115% 160% 125% 12 Disclosure Completeness and accuracy of input must be verified by anyone who would rely on output as evidence of suitability for particular application. Output here based on building code-accepted design properties and analysis methods. Installation of BOISE engineered wood products must be in accordance with current Installation Guide and applicable building codes. To obtain Installation Guide or ask questions, please cali (800)2:32-0788 before installation. BC CALC®, BC FRAMER® , AJSTM, ALLJOIST®' BC RIM BOARDTM, BCI®. BOISE GLULAMTM, SIMPLE FRAMING SYSTEM® , VERSA-LAM®, VERSA-RIM PLUS® , VERSA-RIM®, VERSA-STRAND®, VERSA-STUD® are trademarks of Boise Cascade Wood Products L.L.C. Combined Stress Analysis Based on 2012 NOS ~ STRU~T~U~R~ArLr=~~~~~~ General Member Specifications Member Type [Visually Graded • Nominal Size : 2 x 6 .,. Spacing 1 t:: !: ··~ 0.<: Species ~gla~A!·La~~ __ ··-···-···-···-· _!'_ Grade No. 2 Grade--For CF Select, No.1, No.2 or· No.3 Custom Breadth Depth Built up 2x'~_?_(Y qrJ"Jj __ . ____ _ Load Duration? :Ten Years (~ve) Operating Temperature Cross Section Shape Wet Service? Incising? Truss Chord Member Characteristics T < 100 F No No No b= d= Axial Compression Load Unbraced Length: for 1-1 axis: for 2-2 axis: P(plf) = End Conditions: for 1-1 axis: for 2-2 axis: Lateral Force: Load= Moment= fo= Fb= Fb'= FcEX= fc= Fe*= FcE/Fc*= Cp= Fe'= Cross-Secton Properties (WE~ak) f 1 = (strong) I 2 = "" ---------- Both ends pinned Both ends pinned 50 psf 895 in-lb 118 psi 900 psi 1,514 psi 1,127 psi 176 psi 1,885 psi 0.249 0.234 442 psi d1= d2= A= ~ SO •r• 5 25 in y ~M~e lbfr'; Jk n 111. l1J ., It'• 1.50 5.50 8.25 in"2 Breadth Depth Area Size Classification Plate Crushing Dimersion Lumber Fcper]>= P ailowoble = 62S p5.1 5,156 lb Title: Units: inches, pounds DVWC Design Values Compressive Strength Modulus of Elasticity Computed Data Slenderness Ratios: Max Slenderness Ratio: Hole Area: Net Area: Adjustment Factors on F c Load Duration Factor Size Factor Wet Service Factor Temperature Factor Incising Factor Adjustment Factors on Fu load Duration Factor Size Factor Repetitive Member Factor Temperature Factor Incising Factor Member Strength Cales Adjusted Material Strength Adjusted MOE Euler Stress Stress Ratio Stress-strain Curve Factor Column Stability Factor Allowable Stress Gross Section Strength Net Section Strength Capacity Unity Check Member Status Combined Stress Check Member Status Deflection Fe= E= le1/d1= le2/d2= le/d= ~= An= Co= CF = CM= Ct= C;== C:J= CF= C,= Ct= C;= F~* = E'= KcE= FeE= Fc~/Fc*= c= Cp= Fe'= Pg= P"= P allm1able = fn I Fn' = Actual= 1,350 psi 1.60E+06 psi 32.0 20.6 32.0 0.00 in"2 8.25 in"2 1.00 1 0'5 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 33 110 1 1? 1 00 1 00 1,418 psi 1.60E+06 psi 0.3 469 psi 0.331 03 0.304 431 psi 3,5561b 11,6941b 3,556 lb 0.408 Oi< 0.251 0.04 in. " 2 ~, . ) -----" 2495 Truxtun Road, Suite 205 San Diego, CA 92106 Tel: (619)677-2004 Fax: (619) 677-2444 LEGOLAND FACILITIES BUILDING ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE C.ARLSBAD, CA 92008 ~ RECEIVED ~ "\ OCT 2 9 2015 '-.) CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION HAZA.RDOUS MATERIALS REPORT Rev 1.1 October 22, 2015 ) ) \ I 'iRevisio1l;;:,, CQmments';, .. ·"1:::;. ""lv;:;;f:,·: I ·.)C'.o.> ; .·: 'mate. .·•:)<::o.:;, By ;; ) . """·' 'Jic\::.> N '" ,., /;fy>, Rev. 1.0 Report submitted to the owners. September 30, 2015 MM Rev. 1.1 Square footages updated. October 22, 2015 MM DISCLAIMER This report is the property ofKlausbruckner & Associates and was prepared exclusively for use by Legoland for the hazardous materials and occupancy conditions described in this report. The conditions and operations addressed herein are based on information provided by Legoland. Discrepancies between the information presented herein and actual conditions and conditions presented on plans are the sole responsibility of Legoland. Verification of compliance with the Code requirements and provisions addressed herein is outsiide the scope of this report. Copies of this report retained by Legoland shall be utilized only by Legoland for the hazardous materials and occupancy conditions and the 2013 California Codes conditions and requirements addressed in this report. This report shall not be used as, or in lieu of, construction documents or plans for this project or any other project or for any other purpose or conditions not specifically addressed in this report. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page ii ) Table of Contents 1. GENERAL SUMMillRYTABLE ........................................................................................................ 1 2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 3 3. CONSTRUCTION ~~ OCCUPANCY .................................................................................................. 4 3.1 CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING DESIGN ............................................................................................... 4 3.2 0CCUPANCY .......................................................................................................................................... 4 4. PROTECTION RE(~UIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 5 4.1 AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM ................................................................................................. 5 4.I.I Office -Outside the Scope of this Report .................................................................................... 5 4.I.2 Manufacturing (HazMat Stockroom/Machine Shop/Weld Area/Etc.) ......................................... 5 4.2 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .......................................................................................................... 6 4.3 WATERSUPPLY .................................................................................................................................... 7 4.3.I General Requirements ................................................................................................................. 7 4.3.2 Fire Hydrant Systems .................................................................................................................. 7 4.4 ALARMIMONITORll~G ........................................................................................................................... 8 4.5 FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESSROADS ...................................................................................................... 8 5. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .............................................................................................................. 9 5.1 GENERAL HAzARDOUS MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................. 9 5.I.I Permits ....................................................................................................................................... IO 5.I.2 Hazardous Materials Management Plan ................................................................................... IO 5.I. 3 Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement ................................................................................ I 0 5.I. 4 Systems, Equ~rJment and Processes ........................................................................................... II Containers, Cylinders and Tanks ........................................................................................................... ll Equipment, ~viachinery and Alarms ....................................................................................................... ll Empty Containers and Tanks ................................................................................................................. ll Maintenance .......................................................................................................................................... 11 5.I.5 Release of Hazardous Materials ................................................................................................ I2 5.I. 6 Material Safety Data Sheets ...................................................................................................... I2 5.I.7 Signs/Placards ........................................................................................................................... I2 5.I. 8 Sources of Ignition ..................................................................................................................... I3 5.I.9 Requirements for Storage/Flammable Cabinets ........................................................................ I4 5.1.1 0 General Safe~v Precautions ....................................................................................................... 14 Personnel Training and Written Procedures ...................................................................................... l4 Separation of Incompatible Materials ............................................................................................... 15 Additional General Safety Precautions ............................................................................................. 15 5.1.11 Storage of Hazardous Materials ............................................................................................... 16 Shelf Storage ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Storage of Flammable & Combustible Liquids ................................................................................. l6 5.1.12 Flammable/Combustible Liquid Transfer ................................................................................. 17 5.I.I3 Separation of Control Areas ...................................................................................................... 17 5.2 EXHAUST VENTILATION OF FLAMMABLE VAPORS ............................................................................. 18 5.3 ELECTRICALLY CLASSIFIED CONDITIONS ........................................................................................... 19 1. Class I, Division J.-Group D Electrical Locations ............................................................................ I9 2. Class L Division 2--Group D Electrical Locations ............................................................................ I9 5.4 ADDITIONAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 20 5.4.1 Permits ....................................................................................................................................... 20 5.4.2 Restricted Areas ......................................................................................................................... 20 Rev I.I -Legoland F aciUties Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page iii -' I 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 5.4.8 Cylinders and Containers .......................................................................................................... 20 General Welding Requirements ................................................................................................. 20 Protection from Combustibles ................................................................................................... 21 Fire Watch ................................................................................................................................. 21 Area Reviews ............................................................................................................................. 22 Electric Arc H"ot Work ............................................................................................................... 23 6. EGRESS ................................................................................................................................................ 24 6.1 OFFICE [B OCCUPANCY] ..................................................................................................................... 24 6.2 MANUFACTURINGII'ACILITIES [F-1 OCCUPANCY] .............................................................................. 24 6.3 STORAGE [S-1 OCCUPANCY]-OUTSIDE THE SCOPE .......................................................................... 24 7. EXPOSURES ......................................................................................................................................... 25 7.1 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION .................................................................................................................. 25 7.2 SEPARATION OF CONTROL AREAS ...................................................................................................... 25 7.3 ALLOWABLE AREA CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................... 25 8. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... "" ................... 26 9. APPENDIX A: ATTACHMENTS 10. APPENDIX B: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Pageiv \ ) 1. Gener•~l Summary Table TOPIC CODE SECTION Type of Construction (Existing) Square Footage See architectural plans. Occupancy CBC 302, 304, 306,311 CBC Table 508.4 Hazardous Materials CFC Chapters 50 and 57 High-Piled Storage CFC Chapter 32 Smoke and Heat Vents CFC 910 Exhaust Ventilation CFC 502 Alarm/Monitoring CFC 903.4 Fire Extinguishers CFC 906, 5703.2.1 & 5704.3.3.1 CFC 3504.2.6 Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA CRITERIAIREQUIREMENTS Type V-B One story with Mezzanine -Fully Sprinklered Offices [B] 2,817 ft2 Manufacturing [F -1] 9,619 ~ Warehouse [S-1] 8,268 ft2 Total: [B/F-1/S-1]: 20,704 ft2 B Occupancy: Offices (accessory occupancy) F-1 Occupancy: Manufacturing S-1 Occupancy: Warehouse/Storage Occupancy separation is not required between B, F-1 and S-1 occupancies. Legoland occupies the entire building and will have one control area for the entire building. All Hazardous Materials will be stored on the Mezzanine [second floor]. • Hazardous material quantities within the control area are below the maximum allowable quantities, stated in CFC Chapter 50, for a sprinklered control area located on the second floor of a building. • See section 5.1 of this report for maintenance and . general requirements for all areas. Outside the scope of this report. Required by CFC if>50,000 square feet of undivided area. Local exhaust recommended for any dispensing of flammable liquids, based on 25% Lower Flammable Limit Calculations. See section 5.2 for details. All valves controlling the water supply for automatic sprinkler systems (if serving >20 sprinklers), pumps, tanks, water levels and temperatures, critical air pressures and water-flow switches on all sprinkler systems shall be electrically_ supervised by a listed fire alarm control unit. Light Hazard Occupancy (Offices) • Occupancy: B • Size: 2A@75 feet • Maximum Floor Area per Unit of A: 3,000 ft2 • Maximum Floor Area For Extinguisher: 11,250 W Ordinary Hazard Occupancy (Manufacturing) • Occupancy: F -1 • Size: 10B@30 feet or 20B@50 feet Welding Area-A minimum of one approved portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 2-A:20-B:C rating shall be readily accessible within 30 feet of the location where hot work is performed. Page 1 TOPIC CODE SECTION Automatic Fire Sprinklers NFPA-13 1[2013], A.5.2, :Fig. 11.2.3 .1.1 & Table NFPA-13 [2013], A.5.3.2, Fig. & Table Access Roads CFC 503 Allowable Area See architectural plans Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA CRITERIA/REQUIREMENTS Offices -[B Occul!anc:y] • NFPA 13 Occupancy: Light Hazard • NFPA 13 Design Density Required: 0.1/1500 • Hose Stream: 100 gpm for combined inside and outside hose stream demand Manufacturing {!!azMat Stockroom/Machine Shoi!IWeld Area/Etc.}-[F-1 Occul!anc:y] • NFPA 13 Occupancy: Ordinary Hazard Group 2 • NFP A 13 Design Density Required: 0.2/1500 • Hose Stream: 250 gpm for combined inside and outside hose stream demand See section 4.1.2 of this report for additional requirements within the Welding Area. Existing sprinkler system design is unknown. Fire apparatus access road shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Building and access roads are existing. No proposed changes to access roads Not within the scope of this report. Existing building. See Architectural_Qlans. Page2 2. lntrodfJction The following is a hazardous materials code compliance report for the proposed tenant improvements within Legoland's Facilities Building located at One Legoland Drive in the city of Carlsbad, California. This report is intended to only specifY the hazardous materials storage and use requirements within this building. It is a technical opinion and report as required by CBC Section 414.1.3 and CFC 104.7.2. This report is intended to help both the owners and the fire department in expediting plan review and effectively determine the requirements necessary to meet the Fire Code. This report is based on Chapter 35 (Welding), Chapter 50 (Hazardous Materials) and Chapter 57 (Flammable/Combustible Liquids) of the 2013 Editions of the California Fire Code and the California Building Code. The scope of this report is limited to storage and use of hazardous materials within Legoland's Facilities Building. All other portions of the building, including office and any high-piled storage are outside the scope of this report. Additionally all other buildings on site, storing or using hazardous materials, are outside the scope of this report. Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 3 3. Construction & Occupancy 3.1 Construction and Building Design The proposed tenant improvements will take place within a 20,705 square foot, fully sprinklered, one-story building with a mezzanine, of Type V-B construction (Attachment #1). See section 7 of this report for exposures, allowable building areas and occupancy separation requirements. 3.2 Occupancy The building is classified overall as B, F-1 and S-1 occupancy, as defined by CBC 302-311 (Attachment #2). Legoland will use the building for storage and facilities center for the Legoland Park. Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page4 4. Protec~tion Requirements 4.1 Automat·ic Fire Sprinkler System Any non-hazardous material related storage is outside the scope of this report. 4. 1.1 Office -Outside the Scope of this Report The following requirements are based on NFPA-13 (2013 Edition) (Attachment #3): CFC Occupancy:: B NFP A 13 Occupancy: Light Hazard Design Density Required: 0.1/1500 Hose Stream Required: 100 gpm for combined inside/outside hose 4.1.2 Manufacturing (HazMat Stockroom/Machine Shop/Weld Area/Etc.) The following requirements are based on NFPA-13 (2013 Edition) (Attachment #4): CFC Occupancy: F-1 NFP A 13 Occupancy: Ordinary Hazard Group 2 Design Density Required: 0.2/1500 Hose Stream Required: 250 gpm for combined inside/outside hose WELDING AREA: Per CFC 3504.1.8 (Attachment #4), automatic sprinkler protection shall not be shut off while hot work is performed. Where hot work is performed close to automatic sprinklers, noncombustible barriers or damp cloth guards shall shield the individual sprinkler heads and shall be removed when the work is completed. If the work extends over several days, the shields shall be removed at the end of each workday. The fire code official shall approve hot work where sprinkler protection is impaired. The existing sprinkler system design is unknown. Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 5 4.2 Portable Fire Extinguishers Per CFC 906, 5703.2.1 and 5704.3.3.1 (Attachment #5), portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in the following locations: • In new and existing Group B/F-1/S-1 occupancies. • In areas where flammable or combustible liquids are stored, used or dispensed. • Where required by the sections indicated in Table 906.1. • Special-hazard areas, including but not limited to laboratories, computer rooms and generator rooms, where required by the fire code official. Portable fire extinguishers shall be located in conspicuous locations where they will be readily accessible and immediately available for use. These locations shall be along normal paths of travel, unless the fire code official determines that hazard posed indicated the need for placement away from normal paths of travel. Portable fire extinguishers shall not be obstructed or obscured from view. In rooms or areas in which visual obstruction cannot be completely avoided, means shall be provided to indicate the location of extinguishers. Per CFC Table 906.3(1) and Table 906.3(2), the following are proposed fire extinguisher types and layouts: + Light (Low) Hazard Occupancy-[Offices] • Occupancy: B • Size: 2A@75 feet • Maximum Area per Extinguisher: 6,000 square feet + Ordinary (Moderate) Hazard Occupancy -[Manufacturing] • Occupancy: F -1 • Size: 1 OB@30 feet or 20B@50 feet WELDING AREA: Per CFC 3504.2.6 (Attachment #5), a minimum of one approved portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 and with a minimum 2-A:20-B:C rating shall be readily accessible within 30 feet of the location where hot work is performed. Legoland agrees to comply with the requirements for fire extinguishers. Fire extinguisher types and locations will be provided by the owners or fire extinguisher vendor and approved by the fire department. Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 6 ' ) 4.3 Water Supply 4.3.1 General Requirements Per CFC 507 (Attachment #6), an approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire protection shall be provided to premises upon which facilities, buildings or portions of buildings are hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. • A water supply shall consist of reservoirs, pressure tanks, elevated tanks, water mains or other fixed systems capable of providing the required fire flow. Private fire service mains and appurtenances shall be installed in accordance with NFP A 24 as amended in Chapter 47. Water tanks for private fire protection shall be installed in accordance with NFPA22. • Fire flow requirements for buildings or portions of buildings and facilities shall be determined by an approved method. • The fire code official shall be notified prior to the water supply test. Water supply tests shall be witnessed by the fire code official or approved documentation of the test shall be provided to the fire code official prior to final approval of the water supply system. 4.3.2 Fire Hydrant Systems Per CFC 507.5 (Attachment #6), fire hydrant systems shall comply with the following: • Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 400 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. • Buildings equipped with a standpipe system installed in accordance with Section 905 shall have a fire hydrant within 100 feet of the fire department connections. EXCEPTION: The distance shall be permitted to exceed 100 feet where approved by the fire code official. • Fire hydrant systems shall be subject to periodic tests as required by the fire code official. Fire hydrant systems shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times and shall be repaired where defective. Additions, repairs, alterations and servicing shall comply with approved standards. • Private fire service mains and water tanks shall be periodically inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 5. • Unobstructed access to fire hydrants shall be maintained at all times. The fire department shall not be deterred or hindered from gaining immediate access to fire protection equipment or fire hydrants. • A 3-foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants except as otherwise required or approved. • Where fire hydrants are subject to impact by a motor vehicle, guard posts or other approved means shall comply with Section 312. The water supply/hydrants and fireflow to the building is existing. There are no proposed changes to the fire hydrant system or fireflow. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 7 4.4 Alarm!Mc'Jnitoring Per CFC 903.4 (Attachment #7), all valves controlling the water supply for automatic sprinkler systems, pumps, tanks, water levels and temperatures, critical air pressures, and water-flow switches on all sprinkler systems (if serving >20 sprinklers) shall be electrically supervised by a listed :fire alarm control unit. Alarm, supervisory and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and shall be automatically transmitted to an approved supervising station or, when approved by the fire code official, shall sound an audible signal at a constantly attended location. One exterior approved audible device, located on the exterior of the building in an approved location, shall be connected to each automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water-flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Where a fire alarm system is installed, actuation of the automatic sprinkler system shall actuate the building fire alarm system. Visible alarm notification appliances shall not be required except wh~m required by Section 907. The owners agree to provide alarm/monitoring system in accordance with CFC 903.4 and additional monitoring requirements specific to the City of Carlsbad. 4.5 Fire Department Access Roads Per CFC 503 (Attachment #8), approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior ofthe building or facility. EXCEPTION: The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet where: 1. The building i:s equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 .1.1, 903.3 .1.2 or 903.3 .1.3. 2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location on property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved altemative means of fire protection is provided. The fire code official is authorized to require more than one fire apparatus access road based on the potential for impairment of a single road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions or other factors that could limit access. The building is existing. Existing access roads have been previously approved. Changes, if any, to access road will be submitted by the Architect of Record and comply with the specifications ofCFC 503. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 8 5. Hazandous Materials A Hazardous Materials Inventory has been provided for Legoland's Facilities Building (see Appendix B). Legoland agrees that all hazardous materials will be stored and maintained to the quantities and locations listed in the hazardous materials inventory report. All hazardous materials will be stored on the Mezzanine [second floor] of the building and used throughout Legoland Park. Below is a summary table of the aggregate quantities of hazardous materials that will be stored/used within the Facilities Building: SECOND FLOOR (75%) PHYSICAL LEGOLAND'S AGGREGATE MAQ PER MATERIAL STATE AGGREGATE CFCTABLES QUANTITY 5003.1.1(1) & 5003.1.1(2) HEALTH HAZARDS Corrosive Solid 4.6022lbs 7,500 lbs Liquid 70.8813 glns 750 glns Toxic Solid 17.5994lbs 750 lbs Liquid 40.788 glns 75 glns PHYSICAL HAZARDS Aerosol Level 1 Aerosol 35.5625 lbs Not Limited Aerosol Level 3 Aerosol 247.9069lbs 500 lbs Combustible II Liquid Liquid 0.7 glns 180 glns Combustible III-A Liquid Liquid 0.5259 glns 495 glns Combustible III-B Liquid Liquid 62.364glns Not Limited Flammable Gases LG 0.4153 glns 22.5 glns Flammable 1-A Liquid Liquid 0.4688 glns 45 glns Flammable 1-A, 1-B, 1-·C Liquids Liquid 5.193 glns 180 glns Oxidizer 1 Liquid 5.1805 glns Not Limited Unstable Reactive 1 Liquid 0.361 glns Not Limited Water Reactive 1 Liquid 4.5732 glns Not Limited Water Reactive 2 Liquid 6.853 glns 7.5 glns As shown in the inventory and the above table, the storage of hazardous materials within the Control Area is below the maximum allowable quantities for a single control area located on the second floor of a sprinklered building, stated in Chapter 50 of the 2013 California Fire Code. 5.1 General Hazardous Material Requirements The owners agree to implement and maintain the following additional California Fire Code requirements: Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 9 5.1. 1 Permits Per CFC 5001.5 (Attachment #9), permits shall be required as set forth in sections 105.6 and 105.7 and as required by the local city regulations. The owners agree to obtain any applicable building and fire department permits. 5.1.2 Hazardous Materials Management Plan Per CFC 407.6 and 5001.5.1 (Attachment #10), where required by the fire code official, an application for a permit shall include a Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP). The HMMP shall include a facility site plan designating the following: 1. Access to each storage and use area. 2. Location of emergency equipment. 3. Location where liaison will meet emergency responders. 4. Facility evacuation meeting point locations. 5. The general purpose of other areas within the building. 6. Location of all above-ground and underground tanks and their appurtenances including, but not limited to, sumps, vaults, below-grade treatment systems and p1pmg. 7. The hazard classes in each area. 8. Locations of all control areas and Group H occupancies. 9. Emergency exits. An HMMP will be provided by the owners only at the specific request of the fire department. 5.1.3 Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement Per CFC 407.5 and 5001.5.2 (Attachment #10), where required by the fire code official, an application for a permit shall include and HMIS, such as the SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986) Title III, Tier II Report or other approved statement. The HMIS shall include the following information: 1. Product name. 2. Component. 3. Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) number. 4. Location where stored or used. 5. Container size .. 6. Hazard classification. 7. Amount in storage. 8. Amount in use-closed systems. 9. Amount in use-open systems. As mentioned previously, hazardous materials inventory reports are provided (see Appendix B). Rev 1.1 -Legoland F acil'ities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 10 \ J ) ) ' I \ ) 5.1.4 Systems, Equipment and Processes Containers, Cylinders and Tanks Per CFC 5003.2.1 (Attachment #11), containers, cylinders and tanks shall be designed and constructed in accordance with approved standards. Containers, cylinders, tanks and other means used for containment of hazardous materials shall be of an approved type. Pressure vessels shall comply with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Per CFC 5704.3.1 (Attachment #11), the design, construction and capacity of containers for the storage of Class I, II and IliA liquids shall be in accordance with this section and Section 9.4 ofNFPA 30. Only approved containers and portable tanks shall be used. Equipment, Machinery and Alarms Per CFC 5003.2.3 (Attachment #11), equipment, machinery and required detection and alarm systems associated with the use, storage or handling of hazardous materials shall be listed or approved. Empty' Containers and Tanks Per CFC 5003.2.5 (Attachment #11), empty containers and tanks previously used for the storage of hazardous materials shall be free from residual material and vapor as defined by DOTn, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) or other regulating authority or maintained as specified for the storage of hazardous materials. Per CFC 5704.3.3.4 (Attachment #11), the storage of empty tanks and containers previously used for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids, unless free from explosive vapors, shall be stored as required for filled containers and portable tanks. Portable tanks and containers, when equipped, shall have the covers or plugs immediately replaced in openings. 5. 1.4.4 MaintEmance Per CFC 5003.2.6 (Attachment #11), in addition to the requirements stated above, equipment, machinery and required detection and alarm systems associated with hazardous materials shall be maintained in an operable condition. Defective containers, cylinders and tanks shall be removed from service, repaired or disposed of in an approved manner. Defective containers, cylinders and tanks shall be removed from service, repaired or disposed of in an approved manner. Defective equipment or machinery shall be removed from service and repaired or replaced. Required detection and alarm systems shall be replaced or repaired where defective. Legoland agrees to comply with the above systems, equipments and process requirements. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 11 ) \ ) ) ) . \ ) ) \ ) 5.1.5 Release of Hazardous Materials Per CFC 5003.3 (Attachment #12), hazardous materials in any quantity shall not be released into a sewer, storm drain, ditch, drainage canal, creek, stream, river, lake or tidal waterway or on the ground, sidewalk, street, highway or into the atmosphere. EXCEPTIONS: 1. The release or emission of hazardous materials is allowed when in compliance with federal, state or local governmental agencies, regulations or permits. 2. The release: of pesticides is allowed when used in accordance with registered label directions. 3. The release of fertilizer and soil amendments is allowed when used in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. When hazardous materials are released in quantities reportable under state, federal or local regulations, the fire code official shall be notified and the following procedures required in accordance with the following: • Accurate records shall be kept of the unauthorized discharge of hazardous materials by the permittee. • Provisions shall be made for controlling and mitigating unauthorized discharges. • When an unauthorized discharge caused by primary container failure is discovered, the involved primary container shall be repaired or removed from service. • The person, firm or corporation responsible for an unauthorized discharge shall institute and complete all actions necessary to remedy the effects of such unauthorized discharge, whether sudden or gradual, at no cost to the jurisdiction. When deemed necessary by the fire code official, cleanup may be initiated by the fire department or by an authorized individual or firm. Costs associated with such cleanup shall be borne by the owner, operator or other person responsible for the unauthorized discharge. Legoland agrees to comply with the above requirements . 5.1.6 Material Sctfety Data Sheets Per CFC 407.2 and 5003.4 (Attachment #13), Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be readily available on the premises. When a hazardous substance is developed in a laboratory, available information shall be documented. EXCEPTION: Designated hazardous waste. 5.1. 7 Signs/Placards Per CFC 407.3 (Attachment #13), individual containers ofhazardous materials, cartons or packages shall be marked or labeled in accordance with applicable federal regulations. Buildings, rooms and spaces containing hazardous materials shall be identified by hazard warnmg stgns. Per CFC 5003.5 and 5003.6 (Attachment #13), unless otherwise exempted by the fire code official, visible hazard identification signs as specified in NFP A 704 for the specific material contained shall be placed on stationary containers and above-ground tanks and at entrances to locations where hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, used or handled in quantities requiring a permit and at specific entrances and locations designated by the fire Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 12 ) ) ) code official. Individual containers, cartons pr packages shall be conspicuously marked or labeled in an approved manner. Rooms or cabinets containing compressed gases shall be conspicuously labeled: COMPRESSED GAS. Signs and markings shall not be obscured or removed, shall be in English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this code, shall be durable, and the size, color and lettering shall be approved. Per CFC 5703.5 (Attachment #13), the fire code official is authorized to require warning signs for the purpose of identifying the hazards of storing or using flammable liquids. Signage for identification and warning such as for the inherent hazard of flammable liquids or smoking shall be provided in accordance with Section 5003.5 and 5003.6 and the following: • Style. Warning signs shall be of a durable material. Signs warning of the hazard of flammable liquids shall have white lettering on a red background and shall read: DANGER -FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. Letters shall not be less than 3 inches in height and ~ inch in stroke. • Location. Signs shall be posted in locations as required by the fire code official. Piping containing flammable liquids shall be identified in accordance with ASME Al3.1. • Warning labels. Individual containers, packages and cartons shall be identified, marked, labek~d and placarded in accordance with federal regulations and applicable state laws. • Identification. Color coding or other approved identification means shall be provided on each loading and unloading riser for flammable or combustible liquids to identify the contents of the tank served by the riser. 5.1.8 Sources of Ignition Per CFC 5003.7 (Attachment #14), the following requirements apply: • Smoking shall be prohibited and ''No Smoking" signs provided as follows: 1. In rooms or areas where hazardous materials are stored or dispensed or used in open systems in amounts requiring a permit in accordance with Section 5001.5. 2. Within 25 feet of outdoor storage, dispensing or open use areas. 3. Facilities or areas within facilities that have been designated as totally "no smoking" shall have "No Smoking" signs placed at all entrances to the facility or area. Designated areas within such facilities where smoking is permitted either permanently or temporarily, shall be identified with signs designating that smoking is permitted in these areas only. 4. In rooms or areas where flammable or combustible hazardous materials are stored, dispensed or used. 5. Signs shall be in English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this code and shall comply with Section 310. • Open flames and high-temperature devices shall not be used in a manner which creates a hazardous condition and shall be listed for use with the hazardous materials stored or used. • Powered industrial trucks used in areas designated as hazardous (classified) locations in accordance with the California Electrical Code shall be listed and labeled for use in the environment intended in accordance with NFPA 505. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 13 ' ) 5.1.9 Requireme,nts for Storage/Flammable Cabinets Per CFC 5003.8.7 and 5704.3.2 (Attachment #15), storage cabinets used to increase the maximum allowable quantity per control area shall be in accordance with the following: • Construction: Th<::~ interior of cabinets shall be treated, coated or constructed of materials that are nonreactive with the hazardous material stored. Such treatment, coating or construction shall include the entire interior of the cabinet. Cabinets shall either be listed in accordance with UL 1275 as suitable for the intended storage or constructed in accordance with the following: 1. Cabinets shall be of steel having a thickness of not less than 0.0478 inch (No. 18 gage). The cabinet, including the door, shall be double walled with a 1.5-inch airspace between the walls. Joints shall be riveted or welded and shall be tight fitting. Doors shall be well fitted, self-closing and equipped with a self-latching device. 2. The bottoms of cabinets utilized for the storage of liquids shall be liquid tight to a minimum height of 2 inches. • Electrical equipment and devices within cabinets used for the storage of hazardous gases or liquids shall be in accordance with the California Electrical Code. • Warning markings: Cabinets shall be clearly identified in an approved manner with red letters on a contrasting background to read: HAZARDOUS -KEEP FIRE AWAY or FLAMMABLE-KEEP FIRE A WAY (for flammable/combustible cabinets) • Capacity: The combined total quantity of flammable/combustible liquids in a cabinet shall not exceed 120 gallons. Per CFC 5704.3.4.4 (Attachment #15), in all occupancies, quantities of flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons used for maintenance purposes and the operation of equipment shall be stored in liquid storage cabinets in accordance with Section 5704.3 .2. Quantities not exceeding 10 gallons are allowed to be stored outside of a cabinet when in approved containers located in private garages or other approved locations. Hazardous material cabinets will not be used for the purposes of utilizing the increase in maximum allowable quantities. 5.1.10 General Safety Precautions Personnel Training and Written Procedures Per CFC 407.4 and 5003.9.1 (Attachment #16), person responsible for the operation of areas in which hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, handled or used shall be familiar with the chemical nature of the materials and the appropriate mitigating actions necessary to the event of fire, leak or spill. Responsible persons shall be designated and trained to be liaison personnel to the fire department. These persons shall aid the fire department in preplanning emergency responses and identifying the locations where hazardous materials are located, and shall have access to Material Safety Data Sheets and be knowledgeable in the site's emergency response procedures. Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 14 Separation of Incompatible Materials Per CFC 5003.9.8 (Attachment #16), incompatible materials in storage and storage of materials that are incompatible with materials in use shall be separated when the stored materials are in containers having a capacity of more than 5 pounds or 0.5 gallon. Separation shall be accomplished by: 1. Segregating incompatible materials in storage by a distance of not less than 20 feet. 2. Isolating incompatible materials in storage by a noncombustible partition extending not less than 18 inches above and to the sides of the stored material. 3. Storing liquid and solid materials in hazardous material storage cabinets. Per CFC 5704.3.3.2 (Attachment #16), materials that will react with water or other liquids to produce a hazard shall not be stored in the same room with flammable and combustible liquids in accordance with Section 5003.9.8. Legoland agrees to separate any incompatible materials in storage and storage of materials incompatible with materials in use (if greater than 5 pounds or 0.5 gallons) by a minimum distance of 20 feet or by hazardous materials storage cabinets. Additional General Safety Precautions Per CFC 5003.9 and 5704.3.3.3 (Attachment #16), the following additional general precautions for the safe storage, handling or care of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with the following: • Security. Storage, dispensing, use and handling areas shall be secured against unauthorized entry and safe-guarded in a manner approved by the fire code official. • Protection from Vehicles. Guard posts or other approved means shall be provided to protect storage tanks and connected piping, valves and fittings; dispensing areas; and use areas subject to vehicular damage in accordance with Section 312. • Electrical Wiring and Equipment. Electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the California Electrical Code. • Static Accumulation. When processes or conditions exist where a flammable mixture could be ignited by static electricity, means shall be provided to prevent the accumulation of a static charge. • Protection from Light. Materials that are sensitive to light shall be stored in containers designed to protect them from such exposure. • Shock Paddilllg. Materials that are shock sensitive shall be padded, suspended or otherwise protected against accidental dislodgement and dislodgement during seismic activity. • Clear Means of Egress. Storage of any liquid, including stock for sale, shall not be stored near or be allowed to obstruct physically the route of egress. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 15 5.1.11 Storage of Hazardous Materials Shelf Storage Per CFC 5003.9.9 (Attachment #17), shelving shall be of substantial construction, and shall be braced and anchored in accordance with the seismic design requirements of the California Building Code for the seismic zone in which the material is located. Shelving shall be treated, coated or constructed of materials that are compatible with the hazardous materials stored. Shelves shall be provided with a lip or guard when used for the storage of individual containers. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Storage in hazardous material storage cabinets or laboratory furniture specifically designed for such use. 2. Storage of hazardous materials in amounts not requiring a permit in accordance with Section 5001.5. Shelf storage of hazardous materials shall be maintained in an orderly manner. Storagre of Flammable & Combustible Liquids Per CFC 5704.3.5 (Attachment #17), storage of flammable and combustible liquids in control areas shall be in accordance with the following: • Storage pile heights. Containers having less than a 30-gallon capacity which contain Class I or II liquids shall not be stacked more than 3 feet or two containers high, whichever is greater, unless stacked on fixed shelving or otherwise satisfactorily secured. Containers of Class I or II liquids having a capacity of 30 gallons or more shall not be stored more than one container high. Containers shall be stored in an upright position. • Storage distance from ceiling and roofs. Piles of containers or portable tanks shall not be stored closer than 3 feet to the nearest beam, chord, girder or other obstruction, and shall be 3 feet below sprinkler deflectors or discharge orifices of water spray or other overhead fin~ protection system. • Combustible materials. In areas that are inaccessible to the public, Class I, II and IliA liquids shall not be stored in the same pile or rack section as ordinary combustible commodities unless such materials are packaged together as kits. Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 16 5.1.12 Flammable/Combustible Liquid Transfer Per CFC 5705.2.4 (Attachment #18), Class I liquids or when heated to or above their flash points, Class II and Class III liquid shall be transferred by one of the following methods: 1. From safety cans complying with UL 30. 2. Through an approv1~d closed piping system. 3. From containers or tanks by an approved pump taking suction through an opening in the top of the container or tank. 4. For Class IB, IC, II and III liquids, from containers or tanks by gravity through an approved self-closing or automatic-closing valve when the container or tank and dispensing operations are provided with spill control and secondary containment in accordance with s~~ction 5703.4. Class lA liquids shall not be dispensed by gravity from tanks. 5. Approved engineered liquid transfer systems. EXCEPTION: Liquids in original shipping containers not exceeding a 5.3 gallon capacity. Legoland agrees that all hazardous material equipment will be listed for its use. Additionally Legoland agrees to transfer their Class I Liquids in accordance with CFC Section 5705.2. There are no proposed heated Class II and Ill liquids. 5.1.13 Separation of Control Areas Per CFC 5003.8.3.1 (Attachment #19), control areas shall be separated from each other by fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 712 of the California Building Code, or both. Per CFC 5003.8.3.2, 5003.8.3.3 and CFC Table 5003.8.3.2 (Attachment #19), a maximum of 4 control areas with 100 percent of the maximum allowable quantities of hazardous materials per control are allowed on the first floor of a building and a maximum of 3 control areas with 75 percent ofthe maximum allowable quantities ofhazardous materials per control area are allowed on the second floor of a building with one-hour fire resistance rating for fire barriers between control areas. As previously mentioned, Legoland will have one control area for the entire Facilities Building; therefore separation of control areas is not applicable. Rev 1.1 -Legal and Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 17 \ j 5.2 Exhaust Ventilation of Flammable Vapors Mechanical exhaust is not required by the California Building and Fire Code, however the following exhaust ventilation is recommended to avoid requirements for explosion deflagration requirements of CFC Section 911 (Attachment #20). Additionally mechanical exhaust to maintain vapors at or below 25% lower flammable limit is an acceptable method of explosion deflagration prevention in accordance with NFPA 69. To limit the areas of classified electrical, exhaust is recommended. Local exhaust ventilation is recommended based on 25% Lower Flammable Limit (LFL) calculations in Attachment #20. Please note that the local exhaust is recommended for flammable/combustibh~ liquids to maintain flammable vapors at <25% LFL. See Attachment #20 for cfm calculations for proposed products in use. Two methods of exhaust calculations have been used to determine the minimum required cfm rate to maintain vapors at or below 25% Lower Flammable Limit: • Fire Protection Handbook [18th Edition]: Section 4, Chapter 6 "Flammable and Combustible Liquids" pp 4-63 ["Calculating Vapor Volume and Flammable Mixtures"] • Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practice [24th Edition], Section 2.5 ["Dilution Ventilation for Fire and Explosion"] Please note that the recommended exhaust rate calculations in Attachment #20 are applicable to the local exhaust/fume hoods only. The exhaust ventilation system shall be designed by the mechanical contractor in accordance with the California Mechanical Code. A minimum exhaust rate of 708 cfm, based on lower flammable limit calculations, is recommended for local exhaust/fume hoods, where flammable liquids are in open-use. Please also note the cfm rate calculations based on 25% LFL includes a factor of safety of 4 [i.e. 4 times the minimum exhaust rate needed to maintain the vapors below the lower flammable limit]. The design of the exhaust shall either meet the cfm rates proposed above based on 25% LFL OR it shall meet the manufacturer's recommended rates for the exhaust hood, whichever is greater. The vapors within the duct system are not considered "flammable vapors" if the above minimum exhaust rates are provided as defined by Section 208 of the California Mechanical Code (Attachment #20). Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 18 5.3 Electrica~lly Classified Conditions Per CFC 5703.1 (Attachment #21), electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Section 605 and the California Electrical Code. Areas where flammable liquids are stored, handled, dispensed or mixed shall be in accordance with Tablt:: 5703.1.1. A classified area shall not extend beyond an unpierced floor, roof or other solid partition. The extent of the classified area is allowed to be reduced, or eliminated, where sufficient technical justification is provided to the fire code official that a concentration in the area in excess of 25 percent of the lower flammable limit (LFL) cannot be generated. Areas where Class II or III liquids are heated above their flash points shall have electrical installations in accordance with Section 5703.1.1. EXCEPTION: Solvent distillation units in accordance with Section 5705.4. The fire code official is authorized to determine the extent of the Class I electrical equipment and wiring location when a condition is not specifically covered by these requirements or the California Electrical Code. See section 5.2 for exhaust ventilation requirements to maintain vapors in areas where flammable liquids or heated combustible liquids are used. If exhaust is not provided in areas: 1. Class I, Di\lision 1-Group D Electrical Locations Equipment Where Flammable Vapor/Air Mixtures Could Exist Under Normal Operations: Area within 5' of any edge of such equipment, extending in all directions. 2. Class I, Di\lision 2-Group D Electrical Locations Equipment Where Flammable Vapor/Air Mixtures Could Exist Under Normal Operations: • Area between 5' & 8' of any edge of such equipment, extending in all directions. • Also, area up to 3' above floor within 5 '-25' horizontally from any edge of such equipment. The owners agree to provide (if applicable) Classified Electrical within the areas requiring local exhaust (i.e. locations where flammable vapors are being exhausted) such as within fume hoods or flammable vapor areas that are exhausted (i.e. where flammable vapors could exist under nonnal operating conditions). As mentioned previously, as allowed by CFC 5703.1.1, the electrically classified zones/boundaries need not extend outside exhausted laboratory fume hoods or exhausted areas when use, dispensing & transfer operations occur within such hoods & areas provided with ventilation and conditions as described in Section 5.2. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 19 5.4 Addition•~/ Welding Requirements 5.4. 1 Permits Per CFC 3501.2 (Attachment #22), permits shall be required as set forth in Section 105.6. 5.4.2 Restricted J~reas Per CFC 3501.3 (Attachment #22), hot work shall only be conducted in areas designed or authorized for that purpose by the personnel responsible for a Hot Work Program. Hot work shall not be conducted in the following areas unless approval has been obtained from the fire code official: 1. Areas where the sprinkler system is impaired. 2. Areas where there exists the potential of an explosive atmosphere, such as locations where flammable gases, liquids or vapors are present. 3. Areas with readily ignitable materials, such as storage of large quantities of bulk sulfur, baled paper, cotton, lint, dust or loose combustible materials. 4. On board ships at dock or ships under construction or repair. 5. At other locations as specified by the fire code official. 5.4.3 Cylinders and Containers Per CFC 3501.4 (Attachment #22), compressed gas cylinders and fuel containers shall comply with this chapter and Chapter 53. 5.4.4 General WE~Iding Requirements Per CFC 3503 (Attachment #23), temporary and fixed hot work areas shall comply with the following: • Hot work program permit. Hot work permits, issued by an approved responsible person under a hot work program, shall be available for review by the fire code official at the time the work is conducted and for 48 hours after work is complete. • Qualifications of operators. A permit for hot work operations shall not be issued unless the individual in charge of performing such operations are capable of performing such operations safely. Demonstration of a working knowledge of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute acceptable evidence of compliance with this requirement. • Records. The individual responsible for the hot work area shall maintain "prework check" reports in accordance with Section 3504.3.1. Such reports shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of 48 hours after work is complete. • Signage. Visible hazard identification signs shall be provided where required by Chapter 50. Where the hot work area is accessible to persons other than the operator of the hot work equipment, conspicuous signs shall be posted to warn others before they enter the hot work area. Such signs shall display the following wammg: Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA CAUTION HOT WORK IN PROGRESS STAY CLEAR Page 20 ) J ~\ I 5.4.5 Protection from Combustibles Per CFC 3504.1 (Attachment #24), protection from combustibles shall be in accordance with the following: • Combustibles. Hot work areas shall not contain combustibles or shaH be provided with appropriate shielding to prevent sparks, slag or heat from igniting exposed combustibles. • Openings. Openings or cracks in walls, floors, ducts or shafts within the hot work area shall be tightly covered to prevent the passage of sparks to adjacent combustible areas, or shielded by metal fire-resistant guards, or curtains shall be provided to prevent passage of sparks or slag. • Housekeeping. Floors shall be kept clean within the hot work area. • Conveyor Systems. Conveyor systems that are capable of carrying sparks to distance combustibles shall be shielded or shut down. • Partitions. Partitions segregating hot work areas from other areas of the building shall be noncombustible. In fixed hot work areas, the partitions shall be securely connected to the floor such that no gap exists between the floor and the partition. Partitions shall prevent the passage of sparks, slag, and heat from the hot work area. • Floors. Fixed hot work areas shall have floors with noncombustible surfaces. • Precautions in Hot Work. Hot work shall not be performed on containers or equipment that contains or has contained flammable liquids, gases or solids until the containers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned, inerted or purged; except that "hot tapping" shall be allowed on tanks and pipe lines and when such work is to be conducted by approved personnel. • Sprinkler Protection. Automatic sprinkler protection shall not be shut off while hot work is performed. Where hot work is performed close to automatic sprinklers, noncombustible barriers or damp cloth guards shall shield the individual sprinkler heads and shall be removed when the work is completed. If the work extends over several days, the shields shall be removed at the end of each workday. The fire code official shall approve hot work where sprinkler protection is impaired. • Fire Detection Systems. Approved special precautions shall be taken to avoid accidental operation of automatic fire detection systems. 5.4. 6 Fire Watch Per CFC 3504.2 (Attachment #25), fire watches shall be established and conducted in accordance with the foUowing: • When Required. A fire watch shall be provided during hot work activities and shall continue for a minimum of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the work. The fire code official, or the responsible manager under a hot work program, is authorized to extend the fire watch based on the hazards or work being performed. EXCEPTION: Where the hot work area has not fire hazards or combustible exposures. • Location. The fin:: watch shall include the entire hot work area. Hot work conducted in areas with vertical or horizontal fire exposures that are nto observable by a single individual shall have additional personnel assigned to fire watches to ensure that exposed areas are monitored. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 21 ) ) ) • Duties. Individuals designed to fire watch duty shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and shall be trained in the use of such equipment. Individuals assigned to fire watch duty shall be responsible for extinguishing spot fires and communicating an alarm. • Fire Training. The individuals responsible for performing the hot work and individuals responsible for providing the fire watch shall be trained in the use of portable fire extinguishers. • Fire Hoses. Where hoselines are required, they shall be connected, charged and ready for operation. • Fire Extinguisher.. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 and with a minimum of 2-A:20-B:C rating shall be readily accessible within 30 feet ofthe location where hot work is performed. 5.4. 7 Area Reviews Per CFC 3504.3 (Attachment #26), before hot work is permitted and at least once per day while the permit is in effect, the area shall be inspected by the individual responsible for authorizing hot work operations to ensure that it is a safe area. Information shown on the permit shall be verified prior to signing the permits in accordance with Section 105.6 Pre-Hot-Work Check. A pre-hot-work check shall be conducted prior to work to ensure that all equipment is safe and hazards are recognized and protected. A report of the check shall be kept at the work site during the work and available upon request. The pre-hot- work check shall detennine all of the following: 1. Hot work equipment to be used shall be in satisfactory operating condition and in good repair. 2. Hot work site is: clear of combustibles or combustibles are protected. 3. Exposed construction is of noncombustible materials or, if combustible, then protected. 4. Openings are protected. 5. Floors are kept clean. 6. No exposed combustibles are located on the opposite side of partitions, walls, ceilings or floors. 7. Fire watches, where required, are assigned. 8. Approved actions have been taken to prevent accidental activation of suppression and detection equipment in accordance with Sections 3504.1.8 and 3504.1.9. 9. Fire extinguishers and fire hoses (where provided) are operable and available. Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 22 5.4.8 Electric Arc Hot Work Per CFC 3506 (Attachment #27), the frame or case of electric hot work machines, except internal-combustion-engine-driven machines, shall be grounded. Ground connections shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the required current. • Return Circuits. Vvelding current return circuits from the work to the machine shall have proper electrical contact at joints. The electrical contact shall be periodically inspected. • Disconnecting. Electrodes shall be removed from the holders when electric arc welding or cutting ils discontinued for any period of 1 hour or more. The holders shall be located to prevent accidental contact and the machines shall be disconnected from the power source. • Emergency Disconnect. A switch or circuit breaker shall be provided so that fixed electric welders and control equipment can be disconnected from the supply circuit. The disconnect shalll be installed in accordance with the California Electrical Code. • Damaged Cable. Damaged cable shall be removed from service until properly repaired or replaced Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 23 •.) \ ; ' ) ) 6. Egress• A complete exit analysis is outside the scope of this report. The following general egress requirements apply to the proposed sprinklered occupancy (Attachment #28): 6.1 Office [B Occupancy] • Per CBC 1005.3.2, egress width components other than stairways shall be 0.2 inch/ occupant. • Per CBC Table 1014.3, the common path of egress travel shall not exceed 100 feet. • Per CBC Table 1015.1, one means of egress allowed if the occupant load for spaces with maximum occupant load of 49. • Per CBC Table 1016.2, exit access travel distance shall not exceed 300 feet. • Per CBC 1018.4 Exception 2, dead ends through common path of egress shall not exceed 50 feet. 6.2 Manufacturing/Facilities [F-1 Occupancy] • Per CBC 1005.3.2, egress width components other than stairways shall be 0.2 inch/ occupant. • Per CBC Table 1014.3, the common path of egress travel shall not exceed 100 feet. • Per CBC Table 1015.1, one means of egress allowed if the occupant load for spaces with maximum occupant load of 49. • Per CBC Table 1016.2, exit access travel distance shall not exceed 250 feet. • Per CBC 1018.4 Exception, dead ends through common path of egress shall not exceed 50 feet. 6.3 Storage [S-1 Occupancy]-Outside the Scope • Per CBC 1005.3.2, egress width components other than stairways shall be 0.2 inch/ occupant. • Per CBC Table 10ll4.3, the common path of egress travel shall not exceed 100 feet. • Per CBC Table 1015.1, one means of egress allowed if the occupant load for spaces with maximum occupant load of 29. • Per CBC Table 1016.2, exit access travel distance shall not exceed 250 feet. • Per CBC 1018.4 Exception, dead ends through common path of egress shall not exceed 50 feet. Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 24 ' I ) .. ) 7.1 Occupancy Separation Legoland's Facilities Building is classified as a B, F -1 and S-1 occupancy. Per CBC Table 508.4 (Attachment #29), no rated fire wall occupancy separations are required between B, F -1 and S-1 occupancies. 7.2 Separati~on of Control Areas Separation of control areas is not applicable. See section 5 .1.13 of this report for additional information. 7.3 Allowable Area Calculations Not within the scope of this report. The building is existing. See Architectural plans . Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Page 25 \ j ~ \ j ) B. ConcllJsion It is the opinion of Klaus bruckner & Associates that the above requirements will meet the requirements, and/or intent of Chapter 35 (Welding), Chapter 50 (Hazardous Materials) and Chapter 57 (Flammable/Combustible Liquids) of the 2013 Editions of the California Fire Code and the Calffornia Building Code. By way of my signature, Legoland agrees that their tenants will maintain the storage and maintenance conditions required and specified in this report. Legoland Rep esentatlve (S1gn ana Pnnt Name) Rev 1.1-Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA Date Page 261 ) ' ) ) ) ) 9. Appendix A: Attachments Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA i -/ ATTACHMENT #1 CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING DESIGN "~-/' PROJECT DATA ZONING: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: SITE AREA: PAVING AREA: LANDSCAPE AREA: EXTERIOR EATING AREA: BUILDING COVERAGE: BUILDING AREA: AREA OF IMPROVEMENT: OCCUPANCY USE: CHANGE IN OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: FIRE SPRINKLED NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING HEIGHT: AREA: MIN. SANITARY FACILITIES: 20,140 5f. (EXISTING) %S 5f. (PROPOSER ADPEP MEZZANINE) 20,10S 5f. (PROPOSED TOT AU 10,182 5f. F-1 I 5-I (INDUSTRIAL I 5TORAc:IE) EXIST. WAREI-IOU5E (5-D TO OFFICE (6): S8f 5f. V-6 YE5 ONE WITI-I MEZZANINE 28'-0' UNLIMITED (~0' YARD5 ALL 51DE5) OCCUPANCY AREA REGl'P UNITS PROV'P UNITS OFFICE: 2,811 5f. I EA. I EA. ',_) \.._ __ , SCOPE OF WORK 10,182 S.F. TENANT IMPROVEMENT WITHIN AN EXISTING 20,140 S.F. INDUSTRIAL (FACILITIES MAINTENANCE AND STORAGE) TILT -UP CONCRETE BUILDING INCLUDED IS A MEZZANINE ADDITION OF 565 S.F. ASSOCIATED STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL AND MINOR DEMOLITION ARE A PART OF THIS PROJECT. NO SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE PART OF THIS PERMIT. NO NEW PROCESSES OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ARE BEING ADDED UNDER THIS PERMIT. NO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS WILL BE STORED AND/OR USED WITHIN THIS BUILDING WHICH EXCEED THE QUANTITIES LISTED IN THE 'HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REPORT' BY KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES, DATED . FORCED AIR (COMPRESSED AIR) OR SIMILAR METHODS SHALL NOT BE USED TO REMOVE DUST FROM SURFACES (CFC SECTION 1303.2). LEGAL DESCRIPTION I APN A PORTION OF LOT "H" OF RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF No. 823, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896. (LOTS 18 AND 19 OF CARLSBAD TRACT CT 94-09) ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS: 211-22-10,11,16 AND 212-041-05 MANUFACTURING: ':l,bl':l 5f. I EA. I EA. (51-!ARED) 1------------------------------------.., WAREI-IOU5E: 8;2~8 5f. I EA. I EA. (51-!ARED) NOTE: QUANTITY OF SANITARY FACILITIES COMPLIES w/2013 CPC SECTION 422 AND T A6LE 422.1 PROJECT ADDRESS ONE LEGOLAND DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ~ 800"1:6 E!LIJOJ!IE:) 'pEqSIJE:) ;:~ ,, ~ ~A!JO ON'Ifl0931 ~uo 'tiN>lOdil't'J f ~ Q~Y10931 . " • ~U!PI!n8 ~~s~ 58!1-!I!JB:J ON'v'l093l lUi ~\S •• :JOJ SUBid ~U9lU9AOJdWI JUBU9! ,. ~ ~ ~~.~ ~ l ... E ,m !~~i i ' ~~ ~~i! ~~~~ • . ~ ~' h,i ~~~i : ~ ~ I' ~~~; . ~;g~~~ • ~ I!! -·l'l.-~~~ iilli c~ ~ -~ ~m~ i "'h l=::tnJ~!I! z: ; l"'rl i~l§j ~w g ~ :!.!~ ~U'II.I<J m: ' ~u i ~~ ~m (ifi;;::; §! :H ~; I I ®8 cr cr 8----L~~- @-----_ @------+ ) @-- @------ @------+ ~ +· ~ ---------! I : I \ : \ \ 8------I ) I z :"i I 0.. a: 0 g LL @)------ t; :I a: u: ~ w 6 llUl~ l J1 Eh !i~ Ji .. .. ~nn! ~ ' ~ ~ ~ 0 J + I I ~ \ + \ ( s:::: I .·.·----@ .. :7:-----® / I-----@) I / . 1------® -----@ -----@ ----@ I 1-----G -----G \ I \ __ --@ ~ <C ATTACHMENT #2 OCCUPANCY ) CHAPTER3 USE J~ND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION SECTION 301 GENERAL 301.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall control the classification of all buildings and structures as to use and occupancy. SECTION 302 CLASSIFICATION 302;l(;(!neral. Structures or portions of structures shall be ci.assified with respect to occupancy in one or more of the groups listed in this section. A room or space that is intended to be occupied at differe11ttimes for different.·~:w:roses shall comply with all of the reql1~rements that are stP.Plicable to ~j:lch .of the purposes· for. which. the room or spate will be otcupied: Structures with nmltipte ()CCUpancies or .uses shall compl.y with Section 508. Where .ai st:nicture is proposed fora purpose that is not specifically provided for in this code, su~}l structure shall be classified in the group that the occupancy ·. most nearly resembles, according to the fire safety and rela- tive hazard involved. 1. Assembly (see Section 303): Groups A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 andA-5 2. Brisirless (see Sectio11. 304): Group B 3. Educational (see Section 305): GroupE 4. Fl}ctory and Industrial (see Section 306): Groups F-1 andF-2 5. High Hazard (see Section 307): Groups H-1, H-2, H- 3, H-4 and H-5 6. Institutional (see Section 308): Groups 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 7. Laboratory (see Section 202 ): Group B, unless classi- fied as Group L (see Section 443) or Group H (see Section 307). 8. Mercantile (see Section 309): Group M 9. [SFM] Organized Camps (see Section 440): Group CJO. 10. [SFM] Research Laboratories (see Section 443): GroupL 11. Residential (see Section 310): Groups R-1, R-2, R-3 andR-4 12. Storage (see Section 311): GroupsS4l:llldSc2 13. Utility and Miscellaneous (see Section 312): Group U [SFM] Existing buildings housing existing protective social care homes or facilities established prior to 1972 (see Section 3413). 302.1.1 Reserved 302.1.2 Reserved 302.1.3 Pharmacies; veterinary facilities; barbering, cos- metology or electrolysis establishments; and acupunc- ture offices. See Chapter 12. SECTION 303 ASSEMBLY GROUP A 303.1 Assembly Group A. Assembly Group A occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for the gathering of persons for purposes such as civic, social or religious functions; recreation, food or drink consumption or awaiting transportation or motion pic- ture and television production studio sound stages, approved production facilities and production locations. 303.1.1 Small buildings and tenant spaces. A building or tenant space used for assembly purposes with an occupant load of less than 50 persons shall be classified as a Group B occupancy. 303.1.2 Small assembly spaces. The following rooms and spaces shall not be classified as Assembly occupancies: 1. A room or space used for assembly purposes with an occupant load of less than 50 persons and acces- sory to another occupancy shall be classified as a Group B occupancy or as part of that occupancy. 2. A room or space used for assembly purposes that is less than 750 square feet (70m2) in area and acces- sory to another occupancy shall be classified as a Group B occupancy or as part of that occupancy. 303.1.3 Associated with Group E occupancies. A room or space used for assembly purposes that is associated with a Group E occupancy is not considered a separate occu- pancy. 303.1.4 Accessory to places of religious worship. Accessory religious educational rooms and religious audi- toriums with occupant loads of less than 100 are not con- sidered separate occupancies. 303.2 Assembly Group A-1. Assembly uses, usually with fixed seating, intended for the production and viewing of the performing arts or motion pictures including, but not limited to: Motion picture and television production studio sound stages, approved production facilities and production locations. (with live audiences). Motion picture theaters Symphony and concert halls Television and radio studios admitting an audience Theaters 303.3 Assembly Group A-2. Assembly uses intended for food and/or drink consumption including, but not limited to: Banquet halls Casinos (gaming areas) Nightclubs Restaurants, cafeterias and similar dining facilities (including associated commercial kitchens) Taverns and bars 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE JANUARY 1, 2014 ERRATA BUFF 91 ~, / II USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION 303.4 Assembly Group A-3. Assembly uses intended for worship, recreation or amusement and other assembly uses not classified elsewhere in Group A including, but not limited to: Amusement arcades Art galleries Bowling alleys Community halls Courtrooms Dance halls (not including food or drink consumption) Exhibition halls Funeral parlors Gymnasiums (without spectator seating) Indoor swimming pools (without spectator seating) Indoor tennis courts (without spectator seating) Lecture halls Libraries Museums Places of religious worship Pool and billiard parlors Waiting areas in transportation terminals 303.5 Assembly Group A-4. Assembly uses intended for viewing of indoor sporting events and activities with specta- tor seating including, but not limited to: Arenas Skating rinks Swimming pools Tennis courts 303.6 Assembly Group A-5. Assembly uses intended for participation in or viewing outdoor activities including, but not limited to: Amusement park structures Bleachers Grandstands Stadiums 303.7 Fixed guideway transit systems .. [SFM] Fixed guide- way transit system buildings shall conform to the require- ments of this code for their occupancy classification in addition to the provisions set forth in Section 433. 303.8 Subterranean spaces for winery facilities in natural or manmade caves. [SFM] For fire and life safety require- ments, see Section 436. SECTION304 BUSINESS GROUP B 3Q~t1 B~~i?ess Group '»• Business Group B occupancy inch,Hl,es, an~()ng oth~rs~the use of a building or structure, or a portion th~f~Q[;for office, professional or service-type trans- actions, includmg st9rflge of records ario a(:cpp~ts. Business occupancies shall include, but not PI< limited to; the follow- ing: Airport traffic control towers Ambulatory care faciliti(;!s se11ling five or /ewer patients 'see Section 308.4.2 for facilities serving more than five pgt~frtt~) ~ ~ ~· . ~ ~ . Animal hospitrus, kennels and pounds Banks Baiberflild beauty shops · Car wash Civic administration Clinic, optpatient (SFM] (m?t classified as G~oup I-2.1) Dry cleaning and laundries: pick-up and delivery stations and self-seniite Educational occupancies for stuc).ents above the 12th grade Electronic data processing · · Laboratories: testing, research and{SFM] instruction Mot()r vehicle showrooms Post offices Print shops · Professional seJ:V;ices (architects, attorneys, dentists, physicians, engineers, etc.) Radio and televisionstations Telephone exchanges Training and skill developJUent not within a school or .academic program 304.2 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter 2: AMBULATORY CARE FACILITY. CLINIC, OUTPATIENT. SECTION 305 EDUCATIONAL GROUPE 305.1 Educational Group E. Educational Group E occu- pancy includes, among others, the use of a building or struc- ture, or a portion thereof, by more than six persons at any one time for educational purposes through the 12th grade. Exception: [SFM] A residence used as a home school for the children who normally reside at the residence. Such residences shall remain classified as Group R-2, or Group R-3 occupancies. 305.1.1 Accessory to places of religious worship. Reli- gious educational rooms and religious auditoriums, which are accessory to places of religious worship in accordance with Section 303.1.4 and have occupant loads ofless than 100, shall be classified as Group A-3 occupancies. 305.2 Group E, day care facilities. This group includes buildings and structures or portions thereof occupied by more than six children 2 years of age and older who receive educa- tional, supervision or personal care services for fewer than 24 hours per day. Exception: [SFM] A Day-care facility not otherwise clas- sified as an R-3 occupancy, where occupants are not capable of responding to an emergency situation without physical assistance from the staff shall be classified as Group I-4. SECTION306 FACTORY GROUP F. ~o6j Factory Industrial Group F. Factory Industrial Group F occupancy includes, among others, t1fe pse of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for assembling, disassembling, 92 JANUARY 1, 2014 ERRATA BUFF 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE > ', / fabricating, ftnishing, manufactwing~ packaging,. repair or processinp ()perations that are not classifiid as a Group H hazardous otGroup S storage occupancy. 306.2 .. Moderate-ha ard fact~~~· indQstrial, ·Group F -1. Factory industrial uses which. aie not classified as Factory Industrial F-2 Low Hazard shall be classified as· F"-1 • Moder- ate Hazard and shall inclilit~; bl.lt not be limited to, the follow- ing: Aircraft (manufacpn:iqg1 not to include repair) Appliances·. ···••····.·····•'·· · Athletic equipment · Automobiles~.:lQther motor vehicles Bakeries Beverages: (rver 16-percent alcohol content Bicycles Boats Brooms or brushes Business machines Cameras and photo equipment Canvas or similar fabric Carpets and rugs (includes cleaning) Clothing Construction and agricultural machinery Disinfectants Qry cleaning and dyeing Electric generation plants Electronics Engines (including rebuilding) Food processing and commercial kitch~!}St10t~~sociated with restaurants, cafeterias atld sinnlar dining facilities Furniture · · ·· · · · · Hemp proc:Iucts ute products ' Laundries Leather products Machinery · Metals Millwork( sash and.~o~r) {SF!)!] Motion, pictu~e and television production studio Sourtd Stag~s, A[iprov,ed . roduction Facilities and production locations (without live audiences)··· Musical instruments ptical goods Paper mills or products Photographic film Plastic products Printing or publishj11g Recreational vehicles Refuse incineration Shoes Soaps and detergents Textiles Tobacco Trailers Upholstering . Wood; distillation ; F • Woodworking (<;a]) in~~) 306.3 Low-ha ard factory industrial, Group F -2. Factory industrial uses that involve the fabrication or manufacturing 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION of noncombustible materials which during finishing, packing or processing do not involve a significant fire hazard shall be classified as F-2 occupancies and shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Beverages: up to and including 16-percent alcohol content Brick and masonry Ceramic products Foundries Glass products Gypsum Ice Metal products (fabrication and assembly) SECTION 307 HIGH-HAZARD GROUP H F 30 .1 igh-ha ard Group . High-hazard Group H occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, that involves the manufactur- ing, processing, generation or storage of materials that consti- tute a physical or health hazard in quantities in excess of those allowed in control areas complying with Section 414, based on the maximum allowable quantity limits for control areas set forth in Tables 307.1(1) and 307.1(2). Hazardous occupancies are classified in Groups H-1, H-2, H-3, H-4 and H-5 and shall be in accordance with this section, the require- ments of Section 415 and the California Fire Code. Hazard- ous materials stored, or used on top of roofs or canopies shall be classified as outdoor storage or use and shall comply with the California Fire Code. E ceptions The following shall not be classified as Group H, but shall be classified as the occupancy that they most nearly resemble. 1. Buildings and structures occupied for the applica- tion of flammable finishes, provided that such buildings or areas conform to the requirements of Section 416 and the California Fire Code. 2. Wholesale and retail sales and storage of flamma- ble and combustible liquids in mercantile occupan- cies conforming to the California Fire Code. 3. Closed piping system containing flanlillable or combustible liquids or gases utilized for the opera- tion of machinery or equipment. 4. Cleaning establishments that utilize combustible liquid solvents having a flash point of 140 F (60 C) or higher in closed systems employing equipment listed by an approved testing agency, provided that this occupancy is separated from all other areas of the building by 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 or 1- hour horizontal assemblies constructed in accor- dance with Section 711, or both. 5. Cleaning establishments that utilize a liquid sol- vent having a flash point at or above 200 F (93 C). 6. Liquor stores and distributors without bulk storage. 7. Refrigeration systems. 93 children two years of age or younger, and which do not have any nonambulatory clients shall not be sub ect to regulations found in Section 42 . ursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 13143 with respect to these exempted facilities, no city, county or pub- lic district shall adopt or enforce any requirement for the prevention of fire or for the protection of life and property against fire and panic unless the requirement would be applicable to a structure regardless of the special occu- pancy. othing shall restrict the application of state or local housing standards to such facilities if the standards are applicable to residential occupancies and are not based on the use of the structure as a facility for ambula- tory children. For the purpose of this exception, ambula- tory children does not include relatives of the licensee or the licensee's spouse. 310.6 Residential Group R-4. This occupancy shall include buildings, structures or portions thereof for more than six ambulatory clients, but not more than 16 persons, excluding staff, who reside on a 24-hour basis in a supervised residen- tial environment and receive custodial care. The persons receiving care are capable of self-preservation. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following: This occupancy classification may include a maximum six nonambulatory or bedridden clients (see Section 42 Spe- cial rovisions for Licensed 24-Hour Care Facilities in a Group R-2.1, R-3.1 or R-4 Occupancy). Group R-4 occu- pancies shall include the following: Assisted living facilities such as: Residential care facilities, Residential care facilities for the elderly (RCFE), Adult residential facilities, Congregate living health facilities, Group homes. Social rehabilitation facilities such as: Halfway houses, Community correctional centers, Community correction reentry centers, Community treatment programs, or furlough programs, Alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities. Group R-4 occupancies shall meet the requirements for construction as defined for Group R-3, except as otherwise provided for in this code. 310. Large Family Day-Care omes. See Section 445. SECTI.QN 311 STORAGE GROUPS 311.1 Storage Group S. Storage Gro~p . ~ pccupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or striicture, ora portion ther~of, for storage that is not classified as a hazl1fd- ous occupancY. · · 311..2 M()(lerat~•ha ard storag1e, Group S-1. Buildings occupiecCforstorage uses thf!tlll"ettot classified as Group S-2, including, but not limited to, storage of.the fqllowing: 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION Aerosols,Leyels2 and 3 Aircraft hangar (storage and repair) Bags: cloth, burlap arid paper Bamboos and raitari Baskets Belting: canvas and leather Books and paper in rolls or packs Boots and shoes Buttons, including cloth covered, pel1fl or bone Cardboard.and cardboard boxes Clothing, woolen wearing apparel Cordage·· Dry boat storage (indoor) Furniture Furs Glues, mucilage, pastes and size Grains ·· Horns· and combs, other than celluloid I,..e:athet; Linoleum Lumber .... Motor vehicle repair garage$; complying with the maximum allowable quantities of hazardous materials listed in Table 307.1(1) (Sye Section 406.8) Photo engravings R~silient flooring Silks :Spa_[)s · Sugar Tires, bulk storage of . , .. Tobacco, cigars,'cigarettes a11d snuff Upholstery and mattresses Wax candles 311.3 Low-ha ard storage, Group S-2. Includes, among others, buildings used for the storage of noncombustible materials such as products on wood pallets or in paper cartons with or without single thickness divisions; or in paper wrap- pings. Such products are permitted to have a negligible amount of plastic trim, such as knobs, handles or film wrap- ping. Group S-2 storage uses shall include, but not be limited to, storage of the following: Asbestos Beverages up to and including 16-percent alcohol in metal, glass or ceramic containers Cement in bags Chalk and crayons Dairy products in nonwaxed coated paper containers Dry cell batteries Electrical coils Electrical motors Empty cans Food products Foods in noncombustible containers Fresh fruits and vegetables in nonplastic trays or containers Frozen foods Glass Glass bottles, empty or filled with noncombustible liquids Gypsum board Inert pigments 101 / ) ATTACHMENT #3 OFFICE SPRINKLERS ',Copyright 2013 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Lieensed, by agreement, for individual use and single download on July 31,2013 to Klausbruckner & Associates, In for designated user Elley KlausbrucknerJ. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted without written permission of NFPA. For inquires or to report unauthorized use, contact licensing@nfpa.org. ') 13-266 INSTALLATION OF SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Table A. Typical Cotton Bale Types and Approximate Sizes Dimensions Bale Type in. mm Compressed, 57 X 29 X 23 1448 X 736 X 584 standard Gin, standard 55 X 31 X 21 1397 X 787 X 533 Compressed, 58 X 25 X 21 1475 X 635 X 533 universal Gin, universal 55 X 26 X 21 1397 X 660 X 533 Compressed, 58 X 22 X 21 1473 X 559 X 533 high density Densely 55 X 21 X 27.6 1400 X 530 X 700 packed to 35.4 to 900 baled cotton International Shore Connection Shore Material: Any suitable for 150 psi (10.3 bar) service (shore) Flange surface: Flat face Gasket material: Any suitable for 150 psi (10.3 bar) service Bolts: Four 5/a in. (16 mm) minimum diameter, 2 in. (51 mm) long, threaded to within 1 in. (25.4 mm) of bolt head Nuts: Four, to fit bolts Washers: Four, to fit bolts Ship Material: Brass or bronze suitable for 150 psi (10.3 bar) service (ship) FIGURE A.3.1 0. 7 International Shore Fire Connection. A.4.4 Biocides and other chemicals that are approved and used for the prevention and mitigation ofMIC and that do not adversely affect the fire-fighting properties of the water or the performance of the fire sprinkler system components are not prohibited. A.4.6 Non-system components can adversely affect the opera- tion and longevity of the fire sprinkler system. Objects connected to the sprinkler system can displace sprinkler system piping, caus- ing obstruction to the spray pattern of sprinklers, delay the acti- vation of a sprinkler, or cause chemical compatibility problems that can cause the failure of sprinkler system components. W 2013 Edition Average Weight Volume Density lb 500 500 500 500 500 500 kg ft3 m3 lb/ft3 kg/m3 226.8 22.0 0.62 22.7 366 226.8 20.7 0.58 24.2 391 226.8 17.6 0.50 28.4 454 226.8 17.4 0.49 28.7 463 226.8 15.5 0.44 32.2 515 226.8 21.1 0.60 22.0 360 A.5.1 Occupancy examples in the listings as shown in the various hazard classifications are intended to represent the norm for those occupancy types. Unusual or abnormal fuel loadings or combustible characteristics and susceptibility for changes in these characteristics, for a particular occupancy, are considerations that should be weighed in the selection and classification. The light hazard classification is intended to encompass residential occupancies; however, this is not intended to pre- clude the use of listed residential sprinklers in residential oc- cupancies or residential portions of other occupancies. A.5.2 Light hazard,oct~~~ncies 1nqude occupancies having uses and conditions~(iJiril~~;;y) the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) Animal shelte~~ Churches Clubs Eaves and overhang~i;if of con:~lmstible construction 'll.ith no combustibles '. ""' Educational (5) (6) Hospitals, including animal hci:4~itals and veterinary fa- cilities (7) InstitU:tional ($) Kennels ~.(Q). l~bJ;;;t.ries, except large Md.CJ\·P./VU" (10) :Museums .• (11) '(~ ,;,(1 ~U:'!J.Rf.!staurant seating areas ' Cl!?J;T~1faters and:auditoriums, -··'·"·.-,~ ... ,., stages and prosce- .· ····mums (16) Unused Note that it is not the committee's intent to automatically equate library bookshelves with ordinary hazard occupancies or with library stacks. Typical library bookshelves of approximately 8ft (2.4 m) in height, containing books stored vertically on end, held in place in close association with each other, with aisles wider than 30 in. (762 mm) can be considered to be light hazard occupancies. Similarly, library stack areas, which are more akin to shelf storage or record storage, as defined in NFPA 232, should be considered to be ordinary hazard occupancies. '~opyright 2013 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Licensed, by agreement, for individual use and single download on July 31,2013 to Klausbruckner & Associates, In for designated user Elley · Klausbrucknerl. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted without written permission of NFPA. For inquires or to report unauthorized use, contact licensing@nfpa.org. ) DESIGN APPROACHES 13-123 FIGURE D~nsity/ Area Curves. (2) The room that creates the greatest demand in accordance with the room design method of (3) Special design areas in accordance with The minimum water supply shall be available for the minimum duration specified in Table The lower duration values in Table shall be permitted where the sprinkler system waterflow alarm de- vice(s) and supervisory device(s) are electrically supervised and such supervision is monitored at an approved, constantly attended location. Restrictions. When either the density I area method or room design method is used, the following shall apply: (1)*For areas of sprinkler operation less than 1500 fe (139m2) used for li~ht and ordinary hazard occupancies, the density for 1500 ft (139m2) shall be used. (2) For areas of sprinkler operation less than 2500 ft2 (232m2) for extra hazard occupancies, the density for 2500 ft2 (232 m2) shall be used. (3)*Unless the requirements of are met for buildings having unsprinklered combustible concealed spaces, as described in and 8.15.6, the minimum area of sprinkler operation for that portion of the build- Table Hose Stream Allowance and Water Supply Duration Requirements for Hydraullically Calculated Systems Occupancy Light hazard Ordinary 0,50,or 0, 189, 250 946 60-90 hazard 100 or379 Extra 0,50,or 0, 189, 500 1893 90-120 hazard 100 or 379 ing shall be 3000 ft2 (279m2). The design area of 3000 ft2 (279 m2) shall be applied only to the sprinkler system or portions of the sprinkler system that are adjacent to the qualifying combustible concealed space. The term adja- cent shall apply to any sprinkler system protecting a space above, below, or next to the qualifying concealed space except where a barrier with a fire resistance rating at least equivalent to the water supply duration completely sepa- rates the concealed space from the sprinklered area. ( 4) The following unsprinklered concealed spaces shall not require a minimum area of sprinkler operation of 3000 ft2 (279m2): (a) Noncombustible and limited-combustible concealed spaces with minimal combustible loading having no access. The space shall be considered a concealed space even with small openings such as those used as return air for a plenum. (b) Noncombustible and limited-combustible concealed spaces with limited access and not permitting occu- pancy or storage of combustibles. The space shall be considered a concealed space even with small open- ings such as those used as return air for a plenum. (c) Combustible concealed spaces filled entirely with noncombustible insulation. (d)*Light or ordinary hazard occupancies where noncom- bustible or limited-combustible ceilings are directly at- tached to the bottom of solid wood joists or solid limited-combustible construction or noncombustible construction so as to create enclosed joist spaces 160 ft3 ( 4.5 m3) or less in volume, including space below insu- lation that is laid directly on top or within the ceiling joists in an otherwise sprinklered concealed space. (e) Concealed spaces where rigid materials are used and the exposed surfaces have a flame spread index of 25 or less and the materials have been demonstrated to not propagate fire more than 10.5 ft (3.2 m) when tested in accordance with ASTM E 8L!, Standard Test Method of Sur- face Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, or ANSI/UL 723, Standard for Test for Surface Burning Char- acteristics of Building Materials, extended for an addi- tional20 minutes in the form in which they are installed in the space. 2013 Edition rn ..... / ' . ) ATTACHMENT #4 MANUFACTURING SPRINKLERS . ~) ) '·c;opyright 2013 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Licensed, by agreement, lor individual use and single download on July 31,2013 to Klausbruckner & Associates, In lor designated user Elley ' Klausbrucknerl. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted without written permission of NFPA. For inquires or to report unauthorized use, contact licensing@nfpa.org. ) ) ANNEXA 13-267 A.5.3 For purposes of these definitions, Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV commodities woulld be considered to have moderate rates of heat release, while Group A plastics would be considered to have high rates of heat release. Stockpiles are considered to include display merchandise (mercantile) and arrangements of combustibles ancillary to operations within the occupancy as opposed to dedicated storage areas where the fire loading is generally more severe. A.5.3.1 Ordinary hazard (Group 1) occupancies include oc- cupancies having uses and conditions similar to the following: (1) Automobile parking and showrooms (2) Bakeries (3) Beverage manufacturing ( 4) Canneries ( 5) Dairy products manufacturing and processing (6) Electronic plants (7) Glass and glass products manufacturing (8) Laundries (9) Restaurant service areas .f\,5.3.2 Ordinaryha~~rd (Group 2) occupancies include oc- cupancies having uses and conditions similar to'tn(;fRJ!2wing: ;~~l'),~,I{}~J,~cultural facilities ' (2) Ba( d stables (3) ills (4) ';,.,(5) -(6)~ Distilleries (7), Dry cleaners (8) Exterior loading docks (Note that exterior'l\i!a~ing docks ~nly use~}or loading ~~d unload,iHS'.~~-ordii1~~~S~~~us-: ··•-.t1bles sh0~~1A be classihe.<ia,:; OH2. Ft>P;the hand1tng'l'9f · ·nammaQlt;:' Ava· combustible iiquii:ls, h~zardous materi~~ ais, or where u!JUZ'ed; for stora15e, exterior loading docks and all lnfel"iodq~~j~gifocks ;;hould be protected based : ..... !JpQJl the actual ocdfpancy and the ma,tpials handled m:l>tlJ.{} dock, as if the were aGtt stored in that ~Qt/fjguration.) (9) Feed mill$'~7;J::, (1 0) Horse stabfe$1 ( 11) Leather goods .. (12) Libraries -larges (13) Machine shops (14) Metal working (15j Metcantile CHi): Pape; <}(i~'htt!P mills (17) J!.~RSr:J>roeess plqnJs (!.§}·•Piers a (f~}"Plastics molding, extrudi~g,'' excll)~dingoperations using combustible offices .•. (21) Printing and ptiblishing (22) Racetrack stable/kennel areas, ,.0,..,""~--·,., kennel areas, barns, and J...l:.'.A'';i•!i~!'i'~;flc<WC. cc/' local products mam,it1{c;:'lii'trjng Wood machining Wood product ""''"'''·u.,~1 A.5.4.1 Extra hazard (Group 1) occupancies include occu- pancies having uses and conditions similar to the following: (1) Aircraft hangars (except as govemed by NFPA409) (2) Combustible hydraulic fluid use areas (3) Die casting ( 4) Metal extruding (5) Plywood and particleboard manufacturing (6) Printing [using inks having flash points below 100°F (38°C)] (7) Rubber reclaiming, compounding, drying, milling, vul- canizing (8) Saw mills (9) Textile picking, opening, blending, gametting, or card- ing, combining of cotton, synthetics, wool shoddy, or burlap (10) Upholstering with plastic foams A.5.4.2 Extra hazard (Group 2) occupancies include occu- pancies having uses and conditions similar to the following: ( 1) Asphalt saturating (2) Flammable liquids spraying (3) Flow coating ( 4) Manufactured home or modular building assemblies (where finished enclosure is present and has combus- tible interiors) ( 5) Open oil quenching (6) Plastics manufacturing (7) Solvent cleaning (8) Vamish and paint dipping A.5.5 Other NFPA standards contain design criteria for fire control or fire suppression (see Section 5.5 and Chapter 2). While these can form the basis of design criteria, this standard de- scribes the methods of design, installation, fabrication, calcu- lation, and evaluation of water supplies that should be used for the specific design of the system. Other NFPA standards contain sprinkler system design cri- teria for fire control or suppression of specific hazards. This information has been either referenced or copied into Chap- ter 22 using NFPA's extract policy. A5.6 Specification of the type, amount, and arrangement of combustibles for any commodity classification is essentially an attempt to define the potential fire severity, based on its buming characteristics, so the fire can be successfully controlled by the prescribed sprinkler protection for the commodity class. In ac- tual storage situations, however, many storage atrays do not fit precisely into one of the fundamental classifications; therefore, the user needs to make judgments after comparing each classifi- cation to the existing storage conditions. Storage arrays consist of thousands of products, which make it impossible to specify all the acceptable variations for any class. As an alternative, a variety of common products are classified in this annex based on judg- ment, loss experience, and fire test results. Table A.5.6 provides examples of commodities not ad- dressed by the classifications in Section 5.6. Table A.5.6.3 is an alphabetized list of commodities with corresponding classifications. Table A. through Table A. and Table A. provide examples of commodities within a specific class. A5.6.1.1 Commodity classification is govemed by the types and amounts of materials (e.g., metal, paper, wood, plastics) that are a part of a product and its primary packaging. How- ever, in a storage or warehousing situation, classification is also affected by such factors as the primary storage or shipping container material, the amount of air space, and the location 2013 Edition ., ) ~opyright2013 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA}. Lic·ensed, by agreement, lor individual use and single download on July 31, 2013to Klausbruckner & Associates, In for designated user Elley Klausbrucknerl. No other reproduction or transmission in any form permitted without written permission of NFPA. For inquires or to report unauthorized use, contactlicensing@nfpa.org. DESIGN APPROACHES 13-123 FIGURE Density/Arel!:~:urv~s5!,< . (2) The room that creates the greatest demand in accordance with the room design method of (3) Special design areas in accordance with The minimum water supply shall be available for the minimum duration specified in Table The lower duration values in Table shall be permitted where the sprinkler system waterflow alarm de- vice(s) and supervisory device(s) are electrically supervised and such supervision is monitored at an approved, constantly attended location. Restrictions. When either the density I area method or room design method is used, the following shall apply: (1)*For areas of sprinkler operation less than 1500 ft2 (139m2) used for li§ht and ordinary hazard occupancies, the density for 1500 ft (139m2) shall be used. (2) For areas of sprinkler operation less than 2500 fe (232 m2) for extra hazard occupancies, the density for 2500 ft2 (232m2) shall be used. (3)*Unless the requirements of are met for buildings having unsprinklered combustible concealed spaces, as described in and 8.15.6, the minimum area of sprinkler operation for that portion of the build- Table Hose Stream Allowance and Water Supply Duration Requirements for Hydraulically Calculated Systems Light hazard Extra hazard 0,50,or 100 0, 189, or 379 Toia:I Combined 500 1893 90-120 ing shall be 3000 ft2 (279m2). The design area of 3000 ft2 (279 m2) shall be applied only to the sprinkler system or portions of the sprinkler system that are adjacent to the qualifying combustible concealed space. The term adja- cent shall apply to any sprinkler system protecting a space above, below, or next to the qualifying concealed space except where a barrier with a fire resistance rating at least equivalent to the water supply duration completely sepa- rates the concealed space from the sprinklered area. ( 4) The following unsprinklered concealed spaces shall not require a minimum area of sprinkler operation of 3000 ft2 (279m2): (a) Noncombustible and limited-combustible concealed spaces with minimal combustible loading having no access. The space shall be considered a concealed space even with small openings such as those used as return air for a plenum. (b) Noncombustible and limited-combustible concealed spaces with limited access and not permitting occu- pancy or storage of combustibles. The space shall be considered a concealed space even with small open- ings such as those used as return air for a plenum. (c) Combustible concealed spaces filled entirely with noncombustible insulation. (d)*Light or ordinary hazard occupancies where noncom- bustible or limited-combustible ceilings are directly at- tached to the bottom of solid wood joists or solid limited-combustible construction or noncombustible construction so as to create enclosed joist spaces 160 ft3 ( 4.5 m3) or less in volume, including space below insu- lation that is laid directly on top or within the ceiling joists in an otherwise sprinklered concealed space. (e) Concealed spaces where rigid materials are used and the exposed surfaces have a flame spread index of 25 or less and the materials have been demonstrated to not propagate fire more than 10.5 ft (3.2 m) when tested in accordance with ASTM E 84, Standard Test Method of Sur- face Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, or ANSI/UL 723, Standard for Test for Surface Burning Char- acteristics of Building Materials, extended for an addi- tional20 minutes in the form in which they are installed in the space. 2013 Edition ) " ) ' ) \ ) \ ' / \ j ' ) ) \ ) ) WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK 3503.5 Records. The individual responsible for the hot work area shall maintain "prework check" reports in accordance with Section 3504.3.1. Such reports shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of 48 hours after work is com- plete. 3503.6 Signage. Visible hazard identification signs shall be provided where required by Chapter 50. Where the hot work area is accessible to persons other than the operator of the hot work equipment, conspicuous signs shall be posted to warn others before they enter the hot work area. Such signs shall display the following warning: CAUTION HOT WORK IN PROGRESS STAY CLEAR SECTION 3504 FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3504.1 Protection of combustibles. Protection of combusti- bles shall be in accordance with Sections 3504.1.1 through 3504.1.9. 3504.1.1 Combustibles. Hot work areas shall not contain combustibles or shall be provided wilth appropriate shield- ing to prevent sparks, slag or heat from igniting exposed combustibles. 3504.1.2 Openings. Openings or cracks in walls, floors, ducts or shafts within the hot work area shall be tightly covered to prevent the passage of sparks to adjacent com- bustible areas, or shielded by metal fire-resistant guards, or curtains shall be provided to prevent passage of sparks or slag. 3504.1.3 Housekeeping. Floors shall be kept clean within the hot work area. 3504.1.4 Conveyor systems. Conveyor systems that are capable of carrying sparks to distant combustibles shall be shielded or shut down. 3504.1.5 Partitions. Partitions segregating hot work areas from other areas of the building shall be noncombustible. In fixed hot work areas, the partitions shall be securely connected to the floor such that no gap exists between the floor and the partition. Partitions shall prevent the passage of sparks, slag, and heat from the hot work area. 3504.1.6 Floors. Fixed hot work areas shall have floors with noncombustible surfaces. 3504.1.7 Precautions in hot work. Hot work shall not be performed on containers or equipment that contains or has contained flammable liquids, gases or solids until the con- tainers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned, inerted or purged; except that "hot tapping" shall be allowed on tanks and pipe lines when such work is to be conducted by,~pproved personnel. 3504:1.8 , Spri11!4~r protection. Automatic sprinkler pro- -t~ction sb::~ll npt be shut off while hot work is performed. \Vh~rehOt-·work is performed closeto_.automatic sprin- klers, noncombustible barriers ordamp"c)pth guards/sl;t~l shield the individual sp(;in](ler heads and shall be remoVed 352 when the work is completed, If the work extends over sev- eral days, the shields shall be removed at the end of each workda)', The fire code official shall fipprove hot work where. sprinkler protection is impaired: . 3504.1.9 Fire detection systems. Approved special pre- cautions shall be taken to avoid accidental operation of automatic fire detection systems. 3504.2 Fire watch. Fire watches shall be established and conducted in accordance with Sections 3504.2.1 through 3504.2.6. 3504.2.1 When required. A fire watch shall be provided during hot work activities and shall continue for a mini- mum of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the work. The fire code official, or the responsible manager under a hot work program, is authorized to extend the fire watch based on the hazards or work being performed. Exception: Where the hot work area has no fire haz- ards or combustible exposures. 3504.2.2 Location. The fire watch shall include the entire hot work area. Hot work conducted in areas with vertical or horizontal fire exposures that are not observable by a single individual shall have additional personnel assigned to fire watches to ensure that exposed areas are monitored. 3504.2.3 Duties. Individuals designated to fire watch duty shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and shall be trained in the use of such equipment. Individ- uals assigned to fire watch duty shall be responsible for extinguishing spot fires and communicating an alarm. 3504.2.4 Fire training. The individuals responsible for performing the hot work and individuals responsible for providing the fire watch shall be trained in the use of por- table fire extinguishers. 3504.2.5 Fire hoses. Where hoselines are required, they shall be connected, charged and ready for operation. 3504.2.6 Fire extinguisher. A mirtimum of one portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 and with a minimum 2-A:20-B:C rating shall be readily accessible within 30 feet (9144 mm) of the location where hot work is performed. 3504.3 Area reviews. Before hot work is permitted and at least once per day while the permit is in effect, the area shall be inspected by the individual responsible for authorizing hot work operations to ensure that it is a fire safe area. Informa- tion shown on the permit shall be verified prior to signing the permit in accordance with Section 105.6. 3504.3.1 Pre-hot-work check. A pre-hot-work check shall be conducted prior to work to ensure that all equip- ment is safe and hazards are recognized and protected. A report of the check shall be kept at the work site during the work and available upon request. The pre-hot-work check shall determine all of the following: 1. Hot work equipment to be used shall be in satisfac- tory operating condition and in good repair. 2. Hot work site is clear of combustibles or combusti- bles are protected. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE __ ~uilllld,iilani,1Witsht•llt • 111\fiJ I L!il1 Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License \ ) \ / \ I j ) ) ) _) ') ATTACHMENT #5 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS pressurized enclosure shall be protected by a degree of fire resistance equal to that required for vertical enclosures in the building in which they are located. Exception: In buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system, laterals that are not located within an enclosed stairway or pressurized enclosure are not required to be enclosed within fire- resistance-rated construction. 905.4.2 Interconnection. In buildings where more than one standpipe is provided, the standpipes shall be inter- connected in accordance with NFPA 14. 905.5 Location of Class II standpip1e hose connections. Class II standpipe hose connections shall be accessible and shall be located so that all portions of the building are within 30 feet (9144 mm) of a listed variable stream fog nozzle attached to 100 feet (30 480 mm) of hose. 905.5.1 Groups A-1 and A-2. In Group A-1 and A-2 occupancies with occupant loads of more than 1 ,000, hose connections shall be located on each side of any stage, on each side of the rear of the auditorium, on each side of the balcony, and on each tier of dressing rooms. 905.5.2 Protection. Fire-resistance-rated protection of ris- ers and laterals of Class II standpipe systems is not required. 905.5.3 Class II system l-inch hos1e, A minimum l-inch (25 mm) hose shall be allowed to be used for hose stations in light-hazard occupancies where investigated and listed for this service and where approved by the fire code offi- cial. 905.6 Location of Class III standpi]>e hose connections. Class III standpipe systems shall have hose connections located as required for Class I standpipes in Section 905.4 and shall have Class II hose connections as required in Sec- tion 905.5. 905.6.1 Protection. Risers and laterals of Class III stand- pipe systems shall be protected as required for Class I sys- tems in accordance with Section 905.4.1. 905.6.2 Interconnection. In buildings where more than one Class III standpipe is provided, the standpipes shall be interconnected in accordance with 1'\rFP A 14. 905.7 Cabinets. Cabinets containing fire-fighting equipment, such as standpipes, fire hose, fire extinguishers or fire depart- ment valves, shall not be blocked from use or obscured from view. 905.7.1 Cabinet equipment identification. Cabinets shall be identified in an approved manrrer by a permanently attached sign with letters not less than 2 inches (51 mm) high in a color that contrasts with the background color, indicating the equipment contained therein. 150 Exceptions: 1. Doors not large enough to accommodate a writ- ten sign shall be marked with a permanently attached pictogram of the: equipment contained therein. 2. Doors that have either an approved visual identi- fication clear glass panel or a complete glass door panel are not required to be marked. 905.7.2 Locking cabinet doors. Cabinets shall be unlocked. Exceptions: 1. Visual identification panels of glass or other approved transparent frangible material that is easily broken and allows access. 2. Approved locking arrangements. 3. Group I-3 occupancies. 905.8 Dry standpipes. Dry standpipes shall not be installed. Exception: Where subject to freezing and in accordance withNFPA 14. 905.9 Valve supervision. Valves controlling water supplies shall be supervised in the open position so that a change in the normal position of the valve will generate a supervisory signal at the supervising station required by Section 903.4. Where a fire alarm system is provided, a signal shall also be transmitted to the control unit. Exceptions: 1. Valves to underground key or hub valves in road- way boxes provided by the municipality or public utility do not require supervision. 2. Valves locked in the normal position and inspected as provided in this code in buildings not equipped with a fire alarm system. 905.10 During construction. Standpipe systems required during construction and demolition operations shall be pro- vided in accordance with Section 3313. 905.11 Existing buildings. Where required in Chapter 11, existing structures shall be equipped with standpipes installed in accordance with Section 905. SECTION 906 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 906;TWhl:!re:sreqJJ,jrecJ,, Porfable"'firr: extinguish(irs shall be installed in the foliowirlg locati!1ns. 1_ In'~e\\-''~nd'existing GJoupA,t, E, F, i-t, I, L, M, R-1, :R-2;Rcz(], ~-J.l~R-4 and~S oscupancies. Exception: In Group R-2 occupancies, portable fire extinguishers shall be required only in locations specified in Items 2 through 6 where each dwelling unit is provided with a pmtable fire extinguisher having a minimum rating of 1-A:lO-B:C. 2. Within 30 feet (9144 mm) of commercial cooking equipment. :~:J:n <J.J~as~:yhereflarrimab1epr c.o~bustibieJiquids are .··. store~,·usetl or msp~vsed: .• .. ····~ .. 4. On each floor of structures under construction, except Group R-3 occupancies, in accordance with Section 3315.1. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ,... __ .,-'~'-• •--·';"~~o~A hu rrr rAT T RIGHTS RRSRRVEO): accessed bv Ellie Klausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ' ! / ) ) Where required' by the s,~ti<;ms indic~:J,t~d in Table 906 .1. "~:>~; 6. Sp~2ial-~azard areas, in:cludhig bht nohimit~q to la6~­ Eatories,.,s;ompllter rooms' and generator roocis; wner~ . required by the fire code of~icial, "· 7. Large and small family day-care homes shall be equipped with a portable fire extinguisher having a minimum 2-A:JO-B:C rating. 8. Where required by California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.29(a) through (d)] Portable Fire Extinguishing Equip- ment. (a) General. Portable fire extinguishers conforming to the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, shall be installed and maintained in accordance with guides established therein. (b) Special Coverage. Additional Class A, Band C units of adequate extinguishing potential shall be provided for any other hazard, as determined by the enforcing agency. (c) Group A Occupancies. ( 1) One additional Class 2-A unit shall be provided in Group A Occupancies as follows: (A) On each side of the stage or platform. Exception: Platforms 1000 square feet or less in area need have only one such extinguishing unit. (B) On each side of every fly gallery. (C) In basements beneath the stage or platform. (D) In every hallway or passageway leading to a dressing room. (E) In every property room, carpenter shop, or simi- lar workroom. (2) Not less than one 10-B.·C unit (not less than 4-B:C for existing extinguishers in existing occupancies) shall be provided: (A) For each motor and fan room. (B) Adjacent to each switchboard on the stage or platform. (C) For each motion picture machine in projection rooms. Exception: One 20-B:C unit (not less than 8- B:C for existing extinguishers in existing occu- pancies) in each projection room may be accepted as providing substantially equal protec- tion. ( 3) The enforcing agency may allow modifications or deviations relative to the number and location of porta- ble fire extinguishers as required by this section pro- vided such authority finds that the basic intent of this section and the ease of accessibility to extinguishers is otherwise achieved. (d) Group R-2.1, R-3.1 and R-4 Occupancies. In Group R- 2.1, R-3.1 and R-4 occupancies, a continuously attached 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS TABLE 906.1 ADDITIONAL REQUIRED PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SECTION SUBJECT 303.5 Asphalt kettles 307.5 Open burning 308.1.3 Open flames-torches 309.4 Powered industrial trucks 2005.2 Aircraft towing vehicles 2005.3 Aircraft welding apparatus 2005.4 Aircraft fuel-servicing tank vehicles 2005.5 Aircraft hydrant fuel-servicing vehicles 2005.6 Aircraft fuel-dispensing stations 2007.7 Heliports and helistops 2108.4 Dry cleaning plants 2305.5 Motor fuel-dispensing facilities 2310.6.4 Marine motor fuel-dispensing facilities 2311.6 Repair garages 2404.4.1 Spray-finishing operations 2405.4.2 Dip-tank operations 2406.4.2 Powder-coating areas 2804.3 Lumberyards/woodworking facilities 2808.8 Recycling facilities 2809.5 Exterior lumber storage 2903.5 Organic-coating areas 3006.3 Industrial ovens 3104.12 Tents and membrane structures 3206.1 Rack storage 3315.1 Buildings under construction or demolition 3317.3 Roofing operations 3408.2 Tire rebuilding/storage 3504.2.6 Welding and other hot work 3604.4 Marinas 5203.6 Combustible fibers 57m~;u Flamni~ble an!;!. combustible liquids, general "'-''····· 570:h3.3.1 Indo~~ stor~p.e of, flammllble and combustible liquids 5704. Liquid storage rooms for flammable and combustible liquids 5705.4.9 Solvent distillation units 5706.2.7 Farms and construction sites-flammable and combustible liquids storage 5706.4.10.1 Bulk plants and terminals for flammable and combustible liquids 5706.5.4.5 Commercial, industrial, governmental or manufac- turing establishments-fuel dispensing 5706.6.4 Tank vehicles for flammable and combustible liquids 5906.5.7 Flammable solids 6108.2 LP-gas 151 r<~-.. ·"~'-• •~ ~" "~~n"~" h., rrr I AT r RIGHTS RFSFRVFDl: accessed bv Ellie K1ausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License \ ) ) ' ) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS [California Code of Regulations, Tiltle 19, Division 1, §570(a) through (e)] Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement for Class B Fires in Flammable Liquids of Appreciable Depth. (a) Portable fire extinguishers shall not be installed as the sole protection for flammable liquid hazards of apprecia- ble depth [greater than 1f4 inch (0.64 em)] where the sur- face area exceeds 10 square feet (0.93 m2). Exception: Where personnel who are trained in extin- guishing fires in the protected hazards are available on the premises, the maximum surface area shall not exceed 20 square feet. ( 1.86 m2). (b) For flammable liquid hazards of appreciable depth, a Class B fire extinguisher shall be provided on the basis of at least two numerical units of Class B extinguishing potential per square feet (0.0929 m2) of flammable liquid suiface of the largest hazard area. For fires involving cooking grease or water-soluble flammable liquids, see California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Sec- tion 566(b) and 566(d). Exception: AFFF-or FFFP-type extinguishers may be provided on the basis of a 1 B rating of protection per square foot of hazard. (c) Two or more extinguishers of lower ratings shall not be used in lieu of the extinguisher required for the largest hazard area. Exception: Up to three AFFF or FFFP extinguishers may be used to fulfill the requirements provided the sum of the Class B ratings meets or exceeds the value required for the largest hazard area. (d) Travel distances for portable extinguishers shall not exceed 50 feet (15.25 m) as shown in California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Section 569, Table 3. (e) Scattered or widely separated haz:ards shall be individ- ually protected. An extinguisher in the proximity of a haz- ard shall be carefully located to be accessible in the presence of a fire without undue danger to the operator. TITLE 19, DIVISION 1, SECTION 569, TABLE 3 Basic Minimum Maximum travel Type of Hazard Extinguisher Distarnce to (in meters) Rating Extinguisfrers (in feet) Light (low) 5B 30 9.J5 JOB 50 J5.25 Ordinary JOB 30 9.J5 (moderate) 20B 50 J5.25 Extra (high) 40B 30 9.J5 BOB 50 J5.25 Note: 1. The specified rating does not imply that fires of the magnitudes indicated by these ratings will occur, but rather to give the operators more time and agent to handle difficult spill fires that may occur. 156 2. For fires involving water soluble flammable liquids, see California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Section 566(d). 3. For specific hazard applications, see California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Section 566. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §571(a)] Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement for Class C Hazards. (a) Fire extinguishers with Class C ratings shall be required where energized electrical equipment can be encountered which would require a nonconducting extin- guishing medium. This requirement includes situations where fire either directly involves or surrounds electrical equipment. Since the fire itself is a Class A or Class B haz- ard, the fire extinguishers shall be si;:ed and located on the basis of the anticipated Class A or Class B hazard. Note: Electrical equipment should be de-energized as soon as possible to prevent reigniting. 9p,6.3.lJ:::Iass A fire hazar;f!s. Portable fire extinguishers for\occupal;l<:<ies tl;lfl,t involve".Pr,imarily Class A fire haz- ards, the miJtiinurri siz~;; and Cfistri,bution shall comply with Table.{£6.3(1). • .•. , ••. TABLE 906.3(1) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR CLASS A FIRE HAZARDS Milirrru~mt'rav<,<l distance to extiiiguisl)~E. ORDINARY (Moderate) HAZARD OCICUPANCY 2-A 1,500 square feet 11,250 square feet 75 feet EXTRA (High) HAZARD OCCUPANCY 4-N 1,000 square feet 11,250 square feet 75 feet For SI: 1 foot= 304.8 mm, 1 square foot= 0.0929 m2, 1 gallon= 3.785 L. a. Two 21/2-gallon water-type extinguishers shall be deemed the equivalent of one 4-A rated extinguisher. b. California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3 concerning application of the maximum floor area criteria. < c. Two water-type extinguishers each with a 1-A rating shall be deemed the equivalent of one 2-A rated extinguisher for Light (Low) Hazard Occupancies. 906.3.2 Class B fiteha~~rds. P01iable fire extinguishers forpcwp~des ittvolving fl~able or combustible liq- uids with depths~~f les~ than or equal to Q .. 25-inch (6.35 mr:n) shallbe selected and plac;~d in a\r:cordaiice with Table 906.3(2):'* ~·· Por:able. fire extin~&1~.1}ers. for oecuparl'cies involving flaQ;llllabl~ ofdQIJl~UStible Jiql1~1~p with a depth Of greater than 0.25-inch (6:35'1!:lrn) shalllJe;s.dected andplacedin ... accw~~~c~:~,~th Calififmia Coq~ o/R~gulations, Title 19, Division 1, Cfiapter3,> < 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ....., ____ ~_t.. ...... _ --e---~-...t Lu Tf"""rt 1 A'' oTnurrc DPt;;.:PDVHn\. ~..-.'"'""'-''-'Pr-1 hv PlliP Khm.;:.hmrlm~r on Ian()_ 2015 1:57:34 PM oursuant to License .. TAB.LE 906.31(2) FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTII:lLE LIQUIDS WITH DEPTHS OF LESS THAN OR EC)i.JAL TC)0.25~iNCH~ BASIC MINIMUM MAXIMUM TRAVEL TYPE OF HAZARD EXTINGUISHER .···. DISTANCE TO EXTINGUISHERS RATING ·(feet) Light(Low) 5-B 30 10-B 50 Ordiliary (Moderate) · .. 10-B 30 20-B 50 ~ Extra (High) 40-B 30 80-B 50 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot= 304.8 mm. a. For requirements on water-soluble flammable liquids and alternative > sizing criteria, see California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter3. 906.3.3 Class C fire hazards.Porta:ble fite.extingqishers ;<30\:):~~ " ,<:;::, ,>,< ,, ' ,~,:,',' ', ', ',;/ ': ' ·'\ for Class c fife:,J:tazarqt;shall be selected and placed on the the anticipatedbass A orB haz;ard. '~~>' s D'fit~ baZ~Ip.s;'Pmtable fir~ extifiguishers • for occupancies involving' combustible metals shalf be > s~Ject('1cJ.<md p~q.ced in accordance ~itll fJf!;.l.ifornia Code of ., · Jf ttJns·,.flll&JQ,pivis.idkl, Chapter'3. ••· 906.' Coohl~g gr~ase fi;~s. Fire extinguish~~s provided for theprot.. Q;tfooki};lggre(l~e fires shrill be cJI'tanapproyed .typ~~9;o h~·with the·autmrratic fire-extinguishmg system • ~gentllnd in accordan9e with Sectiqn ', ,,<' [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §573(a) through (c)] Fire Extinguisher Size and Placement for Commercial Cooking Operations. (a) Fire extinguishers with a Class K rating shall be pro- vided for hazards where there is a potential for fires involving combustible cooking media (vegetable or animal oils and fats). (b) Maximum travel distance shall not exceed 30 feet (9.15 m)from the hazard to the extinguishers. (c) Additional fire extinguishers, required for the control of other classes of fires, shall be provided for commercial cooking areas as required by California Code of Regula- tions, Title 19, Division 1, Section 567. ::;9o6~5;'~;,s;onsw~~ous~;~~~c~ti~li. Port~ble m~:' exti~~ui~he~~: shall if)e locaretlm consptcuous loc'l:11ons where they wtll be ''t.\?adily accessible andilnmedi(ltely li:vailableJor use. These '~lt;~cati9~§: shalLl;:l~ alo~~~orma1 paths of traveli;linles~:filie fir~;:i ',,~ode,~fficia1~:~¢termirth that the h~~~d posed indicates tlie need for placement away fr9,mn()rmal path~ of travel. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.5] Physical Damage Protecti.'on. Extinguishers installed under conditions where they are sub- ject to physical damage, (e.g., from impact, vibration, the environment) shall be adequately protected. ~06 .. 6. Uyg~t>ti'!fe.te<l""and unob~cured ... Portable fire extin-:gijrslieis:~Jia:tfnot be o~~~!uct~(,! (5t,0o§cttte:.d,ftotn y~~:-Y· . rooms or areas in. wqtch visual obstruction caiillotbe com" ":::_':_,'·,:;> '''"":::;.:,,, 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS plet.~~yavofl:lect,ll1eans sliall b'e'prov1dedJ? indicate the loca- tions 'df;';xtinguishers. ... < , ..... · · .... · . . · .. · .906.7.Jfanget~ anlt'bnickets.·H~hii~h~ld portable fire extin- guisner~, n0t. ,housed in C(lbinets, shall.b~~:installed on the P:engers or '!Jrackefs suppli~1c;L. Hangets,o,r brackets shall be 'secl'}rely ag9hored to the moliritip.g surface·i}J, accordance with the marri.ifacii.i.f~(s inSi(lllation irtSf!iUCtions. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.3] Installation. Portable fire extinguishers other than wheeled types shall be securely installed on the hanger or in the bracket supplied or placed in cabinets or wall recesses. The hanger or bracket shall be securely and properly anchored to the mounting sur- face in accordance with the manufacturer's instruc- tions. Wheeled-type fire extinguishers shall be located in a designated location. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.4] Brackets. Extinguishers installed under conditions where they are sub- ject to dislodgement shall be installed in brackets specifically designed to cope with this problem. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.6] Mounting. Fire extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding 40 pounds (18.14 kg) shall be installed so that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than 5 feet ( 1.53 m) above the floor. Fire extinguishers having a gross weight greater than 40 pounds (18.14 kg) (except wheeled types) shall be so installed that the top of the fire extinguisher is not more than 31J2 feet (1.07 m) above the floor. In no case shall the clearance between the bottom of the extinguisher and the floor be less than 4 inches (10.2 em). .~,Q6.8 Cabinets. 'cabi~~fs usedto'hou~e portable fire extin- giiishers slgll not be locked. Excepti~:s"f~~'' · ' 1 ,.;;vhere portable fire;,~xtinguishers subj~Ct to mali- 21ous use0()f damage ;u.~ provided with a means of ready ··· ·· In.Qroup I-3 occupancies artd in mental health areas in Qfi)Up 1-~f;;()ccup<mcies, access to portable fire extinguishers sha:lrifj'~p~;<t;lllitted to be locked or to be :.I~catedin staff locations'providt;).t\ the staff has keys. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567.2] Cabinets. Cabinets housing extinguishers shall not be locked. Exception: Where extinguishers are subject to malicious use, locked cabinets may be used provided they include a means of emergency access and are approved by the authority having jurisdiction. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §567. 7] Sealed Cabinets. Where extinguishers are installed in closed cabinets that are exposed to elevated temperatures, the cabinets shall be pro- vided with screened openings and drains . 157 _________ ,..._._ ... ..,, .... ...,,..,,..,&1 ro~~u-:.-.-h .. + .... ..-. .... 1;..-.a...-.c-.,rl h.., rrr rAT r DTI!J..J'l'c;.! 'R"'Rii;::"PRVPnl· !'lC'rP."'"'~cl hv Flli~ Khmshruckner on Jan 6. 2015 1:57:34 PM oursuant to License ~I ) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS · ~ilis.IJ,~r in~Jallationo:.1'fle installation Qfportable /.; > '"'<>"" ' ,, 0}/fc·, ' \',->, ' '' ,,,,,, ' ' ' ,;;{'"' ,, ,, ., fire· tisn~rs .·shall ··be iii accorq\iliCe'"Wftil SectioJis ·9~6. 9.1. tnrou.gh906.9 .3: . . • 906.9~1 E~tingrlfsher;' weighing 4~;J[)onll1ts ~~"le~~~·Por­ •:;fa.ble1\iJ~ e~ingu~~}J_er&~havilig a gtoss weight nQt exceed- ing 40'pounds (18 kg) shall be installt1d so'that their tO:ps are not mor~ 5 .feet (ln4 mm)'above the floor. · 91J6~9.2'E:~t'f 'I.e;~'weig~in;·'.norf_l.than:•40 pQund~. Hand-held :pqrtabl~. fuS?,,extiiJ:guishers having a gross wmghti:J.X:ceeHiiig 40 pounds (18 kg) .sh1:1.ll bt.:~jnstaUe.dso that tl;wir tgps ar:~potmore,t!Aan$;;~.feetc(i067 mm) above.. tfi:e· ffo'b'r:c·· · ,. · ,., ·• ···• · · . ••• · ·· . ·9o6:9:3•FI<itir•cfearance •• rhe··ol~aran~ttb~~~een and'the bgtt~;Jm ~f installe(fhaniheld P9nabl.<;:Jire,"~xtin- .·.g}lishers shall nd'fbe le~~Jhan&t incft~S (102 mm). . i 9Q6.iO Wll~~eled ~gJts. Whe~led fire exting~isher~sha.ll be con'spicuousJy locateCfin a Cle~!gnate.d location'. . ••• SECTION 907 FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEMS 907.1 General. This section covers the application, installa- tion, performance and maintenance of fire alarm systems and their components in new and existing buildings and struc- tures. The requirements of Section 907.2 are applicable to new buildings and structures. The requirements of Section 907.9 are applicable to existing buildings and structures. 907.1.1 Construction documents. Construction docu- ments for fire alarm systems shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work pro- posed and show in detail that it will conform to the provi- sions of this code, the California Building Code, and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, as deter- mined by the fire code official. 907.1.2 Fire alarm shop drawings. Shop drawings for fire alarm systems shall be submitted for review and approval prior to system installation, and shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following: 158 1. A floor plan that indicates the use of all rooms. 2. Locations of alarm-initiating devices. 3. Locations of alarm notification appliances, includ- ing candela ratings for visible alarm notification appliances. 4. Location of fire alarm control unit, transponders and notification power supplies. 5. Annunciators. 6. Power connection. 7. Battery calculations. 8. Conductor type and sizes. 9. Voltage drop calculations. 10. Manufacturers' data sheets indicating model num- bers and listing information for equipment, devices and materials. 11. Details of ceiling height and construction. 12. The interface of fire safety control functions. 13. Classification of the supervising station. 14 All plans and shop drawings shall use the symbols identified in NFPA 170, Standard for Fire Safety and Emergency Symbols. Exception: Other symbols are allowed where approved by the enforcing agency. 907.1.3 Equipment. Systems and components shall be California State Fire Marshal listed and approved in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1 for the purpose for which they are installed. 907.1.4 Fire-walls and fire barrier walls. For the purpose of Section 907, fire walls and fire barrier walls shall not define separate buildings. 907.1.5 Fire alarm use. A fire alarm system shall not be used for any purpose other than fire warning or mass noti- fication and where permitted by NFPA 72. 907.2 Where required-new buildings and structures. An approved fire alarm system installed in accordance with the provisions of this code and NFP A 72 shall be provided in new buildings and structures in accordance with Sections 907.2.1 l:ilrough 907.2.23 and provide occupant notification in accordance with Section 907.5, unless other requirements are provided by another section of this code. A minimum of one manual fire alarm box shall be pro- vided in an approved location to initiate a fire alarm signal for fire alarm systems employing automatic fire detectors or water-flow detection devices. Where other sections of this code allow elimination of fire alarm boxes due to spriiiklers or automatic fire alarm systems, a single fire alarm box shall be installed at a location approved by the enforcing agency. Exceptions: 1. The manual fire alarm box is not required for fire alarm control units dedicated to elevator recall con- trol, supervisory service and fire sprinkler monitor- ing. 2. The manual fire alarm box is not required for Group R-2 occupancies unless required by the fire code official to provide a means for fire watch personnel to initiate an alarm during a spriiikler system impair- ment event. Where provided, the manual fire alarm box shall not be located in an area that is accessible to the public. 3. The manual fire alarm box is not required to be installed when approved by the fire code official. 907.2.1 Group A. A manual fire alarm system that acti- vates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in Group A occupancies where the occupant load due to the assembly occupancy is 300 or more. Group A occupancies not separated from one another in accordance with Section 707.3.10 of the California Building Code shall be considered as a single occupancy for the purposes of applying this section. Por- tions of Group E occupancies occupied for assembly pur- poses with an occupant load of less than 1000 shall be 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE "~-.,.:~!..• •~ ~· ""AnoAA l..u Trr f !>. T T THr\JCIT~ RF<;;FRVFDl· "ccessed hv Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6. 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS 5701.5 Material classification. Flammable and combustible liquids shall be classified in accordance with the definitions in Chapter 2. When mixed with lower flash-point liquids, Class II or III liquids are capable of assuming the characteristics of the lower flash-point liquids. Under such conditions, the appro- priate provisions of this chapter for the actual flash point of the mixed liquid shall apply. When heated above their flash points, Class II and III liq- uids assume the characteristics of Class I liquids. Under such conditions, the appropriate provisions of this chapter for flammable liquids shall apply. SECTION 5702 DEFINITIONS 5702.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter 2: ALCOHOL-BASED HAND RUB. BULK PLANT OR TERMINAL. BULK TRANSFER. COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID. Class II. Class IliA. Class nm. FIRE POINT. FLAMMABLE LIQUID. Class lA. Classm. ClassIC. FLASH POINT. FUEL LIMIT SWITCH. LIQUID STORAGE ROOM. LIQUID STORAGE WAREHOUSE. MOBILE FUELING. PROCESS TRANSFER. REFINERY. REMOTE EMERGENCY SHUTOF18' DEVICE. REMOTE SOL VENT RESERVOIR. SOLVENT DISTILLATION UNIT. TANK, PRIMARY. SECTION 5703 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5703.1 Electrical. Electrical wiring artd equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Section 605 and California Electrical Code. 5703.1.1 Classified locations for flammable liquids. Areas where flammable liquids are stored, handled, dis- pensed or mixed shall be in accordance with Table 5703.1.1. A classified area shall not extend beyond an unpierced floor, roof or other solid partition. 418 The extent of the classified area is allowed to be reduced, or eliminated, where sufficient technical justifi- cation is provided to the fire code official that a concentra- tion in the area in excess of 25 percent of the lower flammable limit (LFL) cannot be generated. 5703.1.2 Classified locations for ,combustible liquids. Areas where Class II or III liquids are heated above their flash points shall have electrical installations in accor- dance with Section 5703.1.1. Exception: Solvent distillation units in accordance with Section 5705.4. 5703.1.3 Other applications. The fire code official is authorized to determine the extent of the Class I electrical equipment and wiring location when a condition is not specifically covered by these requirements or the Califor- nia Electrical Code. 5703.2 Fire protection. Fire protection for the storage, use, dispensing, mixing, handling and on-site transportation of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accordance with this chapter and applicable sections of Chapter 9. 5703:2.1 Prirtabi~fire e~tinguish~rsand hose lines. Por- table. fire extinguishers shathb9 pro\T:idf:d in accordance "'w,ith'Seetj()tl1c996,. ·Hos.~)ines sh;Ul be pi"tw~ded in .. accor- dance with Secti~~' 905. · · 5703.3 Site assessment. In the event of a spill, leak or dis- charge from a tank system, a site assessment shall be com- pleted by the owner or operator of such tank system if the fire code official determines that a potential. fire or explosion haz- ard exists. Such site assessments shall be conducted to ascer- tain potential fire hazards and shall be completed and submitted to the fire department within a time period estab- lished by the fire code official, not to exceed 60 days. 5703.4 Spill control and secondary containment. Where the maximum allowable quantity per control area is exceeded, and when required by Section 5004.2, rooms, buildings or areas used for storage, dispensing, use, mixing or handling of Class I, II and IliA liquids shall be provided with spill control and secondary containment in accordance with Section 5004.2. 5703.5 Labeling and signage. The fire code official is autho- rized to require warning signs for the purpose of identifying the hazards of storing or using flammable liquids. Signage for identification and warning such as for the inherent hazard of flammable liquids or smoking shall be provided in accor- dance with this chapter and Sections 5003.5 and 5003.6. 5703.5.1 Style. Warning signs shall be of a durable mate- rial. Signs warning of the hazard of flammable liquids shall have white lettering on a red background and shall read: DANGER-FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. Letters shall not be less than 3 inches (76 mm) in height and 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) in stroke. 5703.5.2 Location. Signs shall be posted in locations as required by the fire code official. Piping containing flam- mable liquids shall be identified in accordance with ASMEA13.1. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE r-~--~ . ....:....-h.-t-ro. .-.. .... 1.;.-.o.,C'<>..-1 hu Trr rAT T 1Hf1H'T'"-RP."-PRVFDI· ::~.rc_p~<;:e:rl hv Rllie K1ausbruckner on Jan 6. 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS portable tanks that do not exceed 660 gallons (2498 L) in individual capacity, and limited transfers incidental thereto, shall comply with Sections 5704.3.1 through 5704.3.8.5. 5704.3.1 Design, construction and capacity of contain- ers and portable tanks. The design, construction and capacity of containers for the storage of Class I, II and IliA liquids shall be in accordance with this section and Section 9.4 ofNFPA 30. 5704.3.1.1 Approved containers. Only approved con- tainers and portable tanks shall be used. 5704.3.2 Liquid storage cabinets. '~ere other sections of this code require that liquid containers be stored in stor- age cabinets, such cabinets and storage shall be in accor- dance with Sections 5704.3.2.1 through 5704.3.2.2. 5704.3.2.1 Design and construction of storage cabi- nets. Design and construction of liquid storage cabinets shall be in accordance with Sections 5704. through 5704. 5704. Materials. Cabinets shall be listed in accordance with UL 1275, or constructed of approved wood or metal in accordance with the fol- lowing: 1. Unlisted metal cabinets shall be constructed of steel having a thickness of not less than 0.044 inch (1.12 mm) (18 gage). The cabinet, includ- ing the door, shall be double walled with 11/2- inch (38 mm) airspace between the walls. Joints shall be riveted or welded and shall be tight fitting. 2. Unlisted wooden cabinets, including doors, shall be constructed of not less than 1-inch (25 mm) exterior grade plywood. Joints shall be rabbeted and shall be fastened in two direc- tions with wood screws. Door hinges shall be of steel or brass. Cabinets shall be painted with an intumescent-type paint. 5704. Labeling. Cabinets shall be provided with a conspicuous label in red letters on contrasting background which reads: FLAMMABLE-KEEP FIRE AWAY. 5704. Doors. Doors shall be well fitted, self- closing and equipped with a three-point latch. 5704. Bottom. The bottom of the cabinet shall be liquid tight to a height of at least 2 inches (51 mm). 5704.3.2.2 Capacity. The combiined total quantity of liquids in a cabinet shall not exceed 120 gallons (454 L). 5704.3.3 Indoor storage. Storage of flammable and com- bustible liquids inside buildings in containers and portable tanks shall be in accordance with Sections 5704.3.3.1 through 5704.3.3.10. 432 Exceptions: 1. Liquids in the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, air- craft, boats or portable or stationary engines. 2. The storage of distilled spirits and wines in wooden barrels or casks. 570~:3.3.l'Jlort~blefire extinguishers. Approy~d por- table fire extingu1stiers sl}<tlLhe provided in accordance witl}spet;jfif sections of thl~~fpapter and Section 906. 5704.3.3.2 Incompatible materials. Materials that will react with water or other liquids to produce a hazard shall not be stored in the same room with flammable and combustible liquids in accordance with Section 5003.9.8. 5704.3.3.3 Clear means of egress. Storage of any liq- uids, including stock for sale, shall not be stored near or be allowed to obstruct physically the route of egress. 5704.3.3.4 Empty containers or portable tank stor- age. The storage of empty tanks and containers previ- ously used for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids, unless free from explosive vapors, shall be stored as required for filled containers and portable tanks. Portable tanks and containers, when emptied, shall have the covers or plugs immediately replaced in openings. 5704.3.3.5 Shelf storage. Shelving shall be of approved construction, adequately braced and anchored. Seismic requirements shall be in accordance with the California Building Code. 5704. Use of wood. Wood of at least 1 inch (25 mm) nominal thickness is allowed to be used as shelving, racks, dunnage, scuffboards, floor overlay and similar installations. 5704. Displacement protection. Shelves shall be of sufficient depth and provided with a lip or guard to prevent individual containers from being displaced. Exception: Shelves in storage cabinets or on lab- oratory furniture specifically designed for such use. 5704. Orderly storage. Shelf storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall be main- tained in an orderly manner. 5704.3.3.6 Rack storage. %ere storage on racks is allowed elsewhere in this code, a minimum 4-foot-wide (1219 mm) aisle shall be provided between adjacent rack sections and any adjacent storage of liquids. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438 mm) wide. 5704.3.3.7 Pile or palletized storage. Solid pile and palletized storage in liquid warehouses shall be arranged so that piles are separated from each other by at least 4 feet (1219 mm). Aisles shall be provided and arranged so that no container or portable tank is more than20 feet (6096 mm) from an aisle. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438 mm) wide. 5704.3.3.8 Limited combustible storage. Limited quantities of combustible commodities are allowed to be stored in liquid storage areas where the ordinary combustibles, other than those used for packaging the liquids, are separated from the liquids in storage by a 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE -__:_;,neE> wawL!iW_wawww_w t !f::W W iliif_\1 tiii rnnvri<Yht h or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License \ ) ) WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK 3503.5 Records. The individual responsible for the hot work area shall maintain "prework check" reports in accordance with Section 3504.3.1. Such reports shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of 48 hours after work is com- plete. 3503.6 Signage. Visible hazard identification signs shall be provided where required by Chapter 50. Where the hot work area is accessible to persons other than the operator of the hot work equipment, conspicuous signs shall be posted to warn others before they enter the hot work area. Such signs shall display the following warning: CAUTION HOT WORK IN PROGRESS STAY CLEAR SECTION 3504 FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3504.1 Protection of combustibles. Protection of combusti- bles shall be in accordance with Sections 3504.1.1 through 3504.1.9. 3504.1.1 Combustibles. Hot work areas shall not contain combustibles or shall be provided with appropriate shield- ing to prevent sparks, slag or heat from igniting exposed combustibles. 3504.1.2 Openings. Openings or cracks in walls, floors, ducts or shafts within the hot work area shall be tightly covered to prevent the passage of sparks to adjacent com- bustible areas, or shielded by metal fire-resistant guards, or curtains shall be provided to prevent passage of sparks or slag. 3504.1.3 Housekeeping. Floors shall be kept clean within the hot work area. 3504.1.4 Conveyor systems. Conveyor systems that are capable of carrying sparks to distant combustibles shall be shielded or shut down. 3504.1.5 Partitions. Partitions segregating hot work areas from other areas of the building shall be noncombustible. In fixed hot work areas, the partitions shall be securely connected to the floor such that no gap exists between the floor and the partition. Partitions shall prevent the passage of sparks, slag, and heat from the hot work area. 3504.1.6 Floors. Fixed hot work areas shall have floors with noncombustible surfaces. 3504.1.7 Precautions in hot work. Hot work shall not be performed on containers or equipment that contains or has contained flammable liquids, gases or solids until the con- tainers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned, inerted or purged; except that "hot tapping" shall be allowed on tanks and pipe lines when such work is to be conducted by approved personnel. 3504.1.8 Sprinkler protection. Automatic sprinkler pro- tection shall not be shut off while hot work is performed. Where hot work is performed close to automatic sprin- klers, noncombustible barriers or damp cloth guards shall shield the individual sprinkler heads and shall be removed when the work is completed. If the work extends over sev- eral days, the shields shall be removed at the end of each workday. The fire code official shall approve hot work where sprinkler protection is impaired. 3504.1.9 Fire detection systems. Approved special pre- cautions shall be taken to avoid accidental operation of automatic fire detection systems. 3504.2 Fire watch. Fire watches shall be established and conducted in accordance with Sections 3504.2.1 through 3504.2.6. 3504.2.1 When required. A fire watch shall be provided during hot work activities and shall continue for a mini- mum of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the work. The fire code official, or the responsible manager under a hot work program, is authorized to extend the fire watch based on the hazards or work being performed. Exception: Where the hot work area has no fire haz- ards or combustible exposures. 3504.2.2 Location. The fire watch shall include the entire hot work area. Hot work conducted in areas with vertical or horizontal fire exposures that are not observable by a single individual shall have additional personnel assigned to fire watches to ensure that exposed areas are monitored. 3504.2.3 Duties. Individuals designated to fire watch duty shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and shall be trained in the use of such equipment. Individ- uals assigned to fire watch duty shall be responsible for extinguishing spot fires and commw1icating an alarm. 3504.2.4 Fire training. The individuals responsible for performing the hot work and individuals responsible for providing the fire watch shall be trained in the use of por- table fire extinguishers. 3504.2.5 Fire hoses. Where hoselines are required, they shall be connected, charged and ready for operation. 3504~2.6 Fir~ extinguisher. A rnininlum of one portable fire extinguisher £Omplying with Se~tion 906 and with a ·minimum 2-A:2o..:B:C l"iiting shall be readily accessible within 30 feet (9144 mm) ·of the .location where hot work is performed. 3504.3 Area reviews. Before hot work is permitted and at least once per day while the permit is in effect, the area shall be inspected by the individual responsible for authorizing hot work operations to ensure that it is a fire safe area. Informa- tion shown on the permit shall be verified prior to signing the permit in accordance with Section 105.6. 3504.3.1 Pre-hot-work check. A pre-hot-work check shall be conducted prior to work to ensure that all equip- ment is safe and hazards are recognized and protected. A report of the check shall be kept at the work site during the work and available upon request. The pre-hot-work check shall determine all of the following: 1. Hot work equipment to be used shall be in satisfac- tory operating condition and in good repair. 2. Hot work site is clear of combustibles or combusti- bles are protected. 352 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 010 0 "'"" ~'~-"..:"h' •n nr "~PnoPri hv Trr I AT T RTf:HTS RESERVED): accessed bv Ellie Klausbruckner on Jau 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #6 WATER SUPPLY \ ) FIRE SERVICE FEATURES ground. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Ara- bic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a mini- mum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the pub- lic way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be main- tained. 505.2 Street or road signs. Streets and roads shall be identi- fied with approved signs. Temporary signs shall be installed at each street intersection when construction of new road- ways allows passage by vehicles. Signs shall be of an approved size, weather resistant and be maintained until replaced by permanent signs. SECTION 506 KEY BOXES 506.1 Where required. Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for life-saving or fire-fighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The key box shall be of an approved type listed in accordance with UL 1037, and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. 506.1.1 Locks. An approved lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official. 506.1.2 Key boxes for nonstandardized fire service ele- vator keys. Key boxes provided for nonstandardized fire service elevator keys shall comply with Section 506.1 and all of the following: 1. The key box shall be compatible with an existing rapid entry key box system in use in the jurisdiction and approved by the fire code official. 2. The front cover shall be permanently labeled with the words "Fire Department Use Only-Elevator Keys." 3. The key box shall be mounted at each elevator bank at the lobby nearest to the lowest level of fire depart- ment access. 4. The key box shall be mounted 5 feet 6 inches (1676 mm) above the finished floor to the right side of the elevator bank. 5. Contents of the key box are limited to fire service elevator keys. Additional elevator access tools, keys and information pertinent to emergency planning or elevator access shall be permitted when authorized by the fire code official. 6. In buildings with two or more elevator banks, a sin- gle key box shall be permitted to be used when such elevator banks are separated by not more than 30 feet (9144 mm). Additional key boxes shall be pro- vided for each individual elevator or elevator bank separated by more than 30 feet (9144 mm). Exception: A single key box shall be permitted to be located adjacent to a fire command center or the non- standard fire service elevator key shall be permitted to be secured in a key box used for other purposes and located in accordance with Section 506.1. 506.2 Key box maintenance. The operator of the building shall immediately notify the fire code official and provide the new key when a lock is changed or rekeyed. The key to such lock shall be secured in the key box. SECTION 507 FIRE PROTECTION WATER SUPPLIES 507ilsRequ:ir~d'watel'sp.pply. An•apptdved water supply capable of supplying.the requir~~fire flow for fire protection .. ~haJ:h~e.pE~Y>tc1M,ts>J:1re.m,i~es up(}ti'~JJ,~chfa~iJities, buildings or portions 6f buildings atehereafter,C<.:mstrticted or moved ipto or w· · tlue jurisdiction: ·•.. .. •,.;. "-",~:\:',,;',; : :_ /'f",P:~;lt¥:, ':<:;A~}{J,;, ,',>c:~~;,{, ,,;:;;/' 507.2 Type water supply. A water.s11pplyshall consist·of res~~yoir~.t10pres~~l~e taJ;tks, elxvlited tank~. water mains or other fixed·systeihs caj':l;able of providing the required fire flow. · ·• ··· · ;~"itt>. ,·,,, ,',', ,',~r::.:, ,, ·~07.2;.:r··Priv~te fit~fservice maills. Private fil.·e s.ervice mains and appurten~ces ·s1i~ll be installeq in accordance · •witlf);ffiH£\.24 a~ aJnenrl~d in ·chapte,r 47. · · · 507.i2 Water tanks. w~1er:tanks for phvate fire protec- •;.;.,tiOJ:t.Jl~1all be•installed in accordance with NFPA 22i jf-:, ·/!0 ,;~~ 507.3 Fire flow. Fire flow rtSa~~t.~mehts forbuildings or por-tio~~. of ~\!ildin&~ and;~~cilities."shall be'•detefll1irted by an appro\iect metliodor App2nui~B. ··.. . . \.S07:'bWat~J+.J'UP)l~Ytest..Jh;1'fii-e·code offitial shall.be noti- fied pnor to~the water supply tt<~l. Wat~r.supply tests shallbe ••.. witll.~~sed }~Y the fire cqde offiCial·.~. approved .Q.gcumenta- •. •tionfff thete~t shall be ptpvided to th6fire code official pl'ior to final approval of the watei'>S\lpply system. . ~· · .. ·5&7:5~Fil"eltydratif~stem~.Fire hydrant systems . com-ply.withS~Giions 507.5.1 thfongh 507.5.6 dnd:Append~xC, or,f>y•an.t!;f'JprQV;l!.d meJlJod. • . . .··· ·• r• · . ·•• 507.5.1 Wh~re r~ii~ired:i;W1te~~··a portion ofthe facility (i}J".buil!.Ji.t;& he~~after .• £onstructedr'qr• moved into or Wi~hin the jurisdiction'' is ril@re thap 400 feet '•4122 . .n;t) from a hy~r,ant ~.~·~fir~ apparatus acces~~TO!').g, as measnred by an .approvedrottte arotmd'th~7t;xterior dfti}J<Jacili!Y or.build- ing, ... on.~site . fire hydrants · anchruuains ·shalf'be ptovided ~here•recmired:by the' fire cog~ official. " """ : 1/'/ Exception: 1. For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies, equi- ped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3, the dis- tance requirement shall be not more than 600 feet (183m). < 567 .5. l'.lH:yaittint f~t~~st~m!pipe •:s'ystems. Bqildings ~.QJ.l:ippe~. yvitll .•. ~ standpipe 'syslem. insta..Hed in accor~ f\;," ' <Y>~ ,.,,, 90 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE -_·li*'OI"*•ii*Sat .. ni.IW:Y. 1.4::r&J .til Uoli t!'iJ Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klansbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ' ) ) > I / darice with Section~05~p.all h;,rve a fire hydrant within 100);eet(30m) ofthe fire department connections. .. •·· ~X.S~pti~!F T~t;. dis~anf~, shill penhitted '•.·ex¢eed 100 feef(30 m) where <!ppro.yc:;~by.tlwJire code offjcial. · · ··~· · ··•so1:5:2. i~§pecti6n, testing 11p.d. ·•ll1aint~nanc~0 Fire ~ydre:t!~ sy.stems,.~.shaJs\ be ·~~qbj'ect to'peri6aic tests · .;tequifetl by·fue flre code offici~l. FiFe hy~rant ~)'stems shall .~.e mai,IJ..tain~Q.in:~npeJ;arc!ve cohditiohat aft'times•·,•,., •. and ;.;hilll be r~paired where defective. Additions, repairs, · alterations <tnd servicing,shali;.;,oomp!y witfi·apph';,.ved .~f{J:n- dardsi"~; ''B< •·•: · '·" · •.507.5.3 Pri;~mte fire service mains·':jnd $~te~t~nks:~llii-·;,;:;;: ,,'>;SI"z <'<;1/~· .(')£', "";/'> ',',~,,' , ,·' · vate fire service mains and water tan]s:.s,",c>halJ,.,])e p~~iodi- . ···A.~~lly•in.~pect~g,. teste.~ ans!,.!llaiptained m·accora~ce'.wjth California Co'{Ji£ ofYRegu.lcltions, Title.J9, Division J;•: SQ,7.5.4()bstructioii. Unobstructed access toJir,e hydran'ts sh~fl /be:,rlimntain~that,a,llti!p.~Si· =f)fe fir~ 'dep~ffineiJ.t'Shal~+'• be detened or hindl5red ffom gaining immediate access .·. p~~~ctiQll.,equip!fient or firx0hydt~ts: ;.,; . < "·:::~"' " ' >)v ;( ">:: "<h ,, ,, '.;,' '</ ' Clear space aroumf hydrants. A J.:foot WW) cl~~:•spa$).~·shal].Jle W~i.nta~~jiarotfud th~·'circ~fer-0, ·~ i;ente•!of tn'e .J1yClrants;except as otherwise requited or'l .;:•app[~~ed;~r; )~{;;; .::~~.; •• , f0"507:'5.6 Physicalprotection: Where fire hy~rantsare jt;Rt to.i t.h.Y. a ;!Po tor, y~hicly. g'tlard p()sts;f}J; other @.PPtQ'ye nil'~haifeompiy:witli Section. 312. . . SECTION 508 FIRE COMMAND CENTER 508.1 General. Where required by other sections of this code and in all buildihgs classified as high-rise buildings by the California Building Code and Group I-2 occupancies having occupied floors located more than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, a fire command center for fire department operations shall be provided and shall comply with Sections 508.1.1 through 508.1.5. 508.1.1 Location and access. The location and accessibil- ity of the fire command center shall be approved by the fire chief. 508.1.2 Separation. The fire command center shall be separated from the remainder of the buildihg by not less than a 1-hour fire barrier consltructed ill accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code or horizontal assembly constructed in accordance with Section 711 of the California Building Code, or both. 508.1.3 Size. The fire command center shall be a mini- mum of 200 square feet (19 m2) in area with a minimum dimension of 10 feet (3048 mm). 508.1.4 Layout approval. A layout of the fire command center and all features required by this section to be con- tained thereih shall be submitted for approval prior to ihstallation. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE FIRE SERVICE FEATURES 508.1.5 Required features. The fire command center shall comply with NFPA 72 and shall contain the follow- fig features: 1. The emergency voice/alarm communication sys- tem control unit. 2. The fire department communications system. 3. Fire alarm system zoning annunciator panel required by Section 907.6.3.3. 4. Annunciator unit visually indicating the location of the elevators and whether they are operational. 5. Status indicators and controls for air distribution systems. 6. The fire-fighter's control panel required by Sec- tion 909.16 for smoke control systems installed in the building. 7. Controls for unlocking stairway doors simultane- ously. 8. Sprinkler valve and water-flow detector display panels. 9. Emergency and standby power status indicators. 10. A telephone for fire department use with con- trolled access to the public telephone system. 11. Fire pump status indicators . 12. Schematic building plans indicating the typical floor plan and detailing the building core, means of egress, fire protecltion systems, fire-fighting equipment and fire department access, and the location of fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers and smoke partitions. 13. An approved Building Information Card that con- tains, but is not limited to, the following informa- tion: 13 .1. General building information that includes: property name, address, the number of floors in the building (above and below grade), use and occupancy classification (for mixed uses, identify the different types of occupancies on each floor), estimated building population (i.e., day, night, weekend); 13.2. Building emergency contact information that includes: a list of the building's emer- gency contacts (e.g., building manager, building engineer, etc.) and their respec- tive work phone number, cell phone num- ber, and e-mail address; 13.3. Building construction information that includes: the type of building construction (e.g., floors, walls, columns, and roof assembly); 13.4. Exit stair information that includes: num- ber of exit stairs ill the building, each exit stair designation and floors served, loca- tion where each exit stair discharges, exit 91 __ :_____'llliiillalil,iifatii,IWii::t.hlfiaiiiUitl fl!l Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie K!ausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #7 ALARM/MONITORING ) ' ) ' ) ) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 903.3.8 Floor control valves. Floor control valves and wateiflow detection assemblies shall be installed at each floor where any of the following occur: 1. Buildings where the floor level of the highest story is located more than 30 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. 2. Buildings that are four or more stories in height. 3. Buildings that are two or more stories below the highest level of fire department vehicle access. Exception: Group R-3 and R-3.1 occupancies floor control valves and wateiflow detection assemblies shall not be required. 903.4 Spdnkl~systt::w sup.t~visi(,)n alllclalarms. A1:lvalv~~ CO:i11t:olliQ:Sthe water supply'for automatic sprinkler systems, pumps, tan'k:s, w~tl.,\r Iey,xl,s an1temp~Iatur~, crit!p1l air·pres- 'sures'aiJ.d water-flow sWitches;;t'ln all sprinkler systems shall;\ b~ele!ti'i:~ally~~y:per\f~~~d a listed fire alarm.y'(ontrRJ, tmit. . "~"'>' ''':<::;;:,>, !'1,"',:;;. ::::k:'e;',·, Exceptions: . '<tJ,.;~A;nt~J)Jah((";;spri:rJk!er sy"stelll;~ protes;.ting.,one~.,a ... nd two-fifinily''d'wemtfgs. ; s• 2., :ii:!~~; s~Eying;:{ewerJhaii · ZQ spr~lJ;- 3.,~~tow,etic ~~finkl~[;syst¥rws in~!all&(}.in a~eord~~~ w1th NFPA I::>R wnere a common supply mam1s u~$cl to,.~.~pply;both dome§tJC w~ter ~cl th((~~uto­ill'atic spE~klef;§}'..Stelll;,,ancfn, sep:ifate shutoffr'vaJve;~. for the automatic sprinkler system is not pg)Vided. '; :, '' ,~,,~''"' p~p co11~~1 v~:vesthat ire s~~Ied ~~;/16G:k~d' . open positimf tilves t(ji2col11lll~rdaf kitciien ~6dds, · ~aint spray booths or dip tanks that are locked in t~1~p6n~~!~i.tiq~?v· · '''!• .. 6. Valves controlling the supply to fire pump efliginesitpat or lg~ked 1J:r the; ?open P9Si-tici:R:;' ,.;,,·~~/ <;',' ,' ' ', ,:;, 7. Trim valves to pres sur~ swtches 'i:fi dl-Y:'pteaction ~J-L.de,luge. sptinld~r"$ystems that are sealed ·or I~tkecr.iirtheopen poshion. . . '<+ 96~-~~1 ~~pitor~~~· A~,.BJ:ipervisory and'trati§Ie~ nals shaU;l:)e distmctly :dlfferent an.~,.shalL9~ autQill;atically tran.§mitted to .. an approved ~~wer¥f5:ing statim:J:'tor, wh~n a':p_t)rov¢.!:l,!JY ~~Jire -g~de offiCial, shall sound an audible signal afa'codf~ntly attended loca.~0n. l):~~~pti{>"'I!~: h • • •••• <:?f~, ',',"::::··:, ,:,~:;,v, ·, :::<,,<·;, ','c.:,Z\::v'', 1: Undergratmd ke.Y, orhJJ,b Valves in roadway OQi}~S ,; pro"~9ed QYii:the muniCipality utility m~e' ;;notrequi.redto be monitQredl ,.,;2. ~'~~kflg~pre]~ntio:iidevic\O}~st Y;~lyes located in •. ii[•'i; •. limited area sprinkler sys~eiii suppzy-;ipiping ;p.lmll be lock~,4in:cJbr~. o}'ien position. In occupancies · ·:zreqUhJiCl'to'be:e'qnippe~ with afir!Y;ala~;;ystem,. the backflow(. pre:v:eijter. ~aives shall be eleclli" ,., '-:cally, sUpervised by a tampeJ.:,,~}V4:tc~,.i~sta~~d in ayeordal.).ce with ciated. 903.4.2 Ala.rms. Qne (!}:(e~ior appfoved a~1dible device, loG'<ated "on the~exterti;Jr ofth(': biti~ging in anJapproved loca- tion, shall be .. conn.ected to each iil:itolll;at1~ ~J?rinkler system. Su9h spfil)kle~!watef;,\f\pw ~1~ devices shallb~ activated by waterflow equivalent to th~'tlo~ of a single sprinkler qfthe sillallestor,Jtice.:~zein.~talled ffi·o~~systelll;. Where a fire alarw s)rstemis installed:"aetl!~tion of the; automatic sgrinkler system shall a9t!-late tl1e build1hg.1J~·e alarm §y~tem. Visible ·a{wm *l;?t?fi'tYatfOn' qppll[{J(!<;_es shalt 'nQt be required except when rujttired by Section go:,~, " · · ~Q~.4.~&.FI6bl-i contl'~l vaJy~~';v Approved supervised indi- cating control valves shall·b~,.provided atthe pOint of con- k·. necf.~on t!i.~e ri~'\if:On~;~~h floor inhigh::'iis~ buildings and . . Gr'Ou]J 1-2 occiipancies hav.:~ng oct·upied floorf located more than.Z5 fee( above the liit)dest level offire department 1J..f.hicl~,acd:i~. · 903.5 Testing and maintenance. Sprinkler systems shall be tested and maintained in accordance wi1h Section 901 . 903.6 Where required in existing buildings and struc- tures. A11 automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in existing buildings and structures where required in Chapter 11. SECTION 904 ALTERNATIVE AUTOMATIC FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS 904.1 General. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems, other than automatic sprinkler systems, shall be designed, installed, inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the pro- visions of this section and the applicable referenced stan- dards. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904(a)(2)] Required Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Frequencies. (2) Engineered and pre-engineered fixed extinguishing systems shall be inspected, tested and maintained at least semi-annually, and immediately after a system activation. [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §904(c)] Required Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance Frequencies. (c) Engineered and pre-engineered fixed extinguishing systems, regardless of installation date, shall be inspected, tested and maintained within the time periods specified in California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Sec- tion 904(a)(2) above. [California Code of Regulations, I'itle 19, Division 1, §904.7(a) through (c)] Inspection, Testing, and Mainte- nance Requirements for Engineered and Pre-engineered Fixed Extinguishing Systems . Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance shall be peiformed in accordance with: (a) California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Section 904(a)(2), 144 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE .. __]iiiil;&aURilfani,IW&tal .1.-&ratll\tlliC!ll Copyright to, or licensed by. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ' ) ) ) ) ) I ) ---"' ATTACHMENT #8 FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS ROADS \ . ) \ ) ) ' ) .\ ) I ) ) FIRE SERVICE FEATURES FIRE COMMAND CENTER. FIRE DEPARTMENT MASTER KEY. FIRE LANE. KEY BOX. TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES. SECTION 503 FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS 503.1 Where. req~ired.;,Fire·~~ppa;~tus a~d:~ss roads shall be 'provide~ m:lCfmairttaine[ in accordance with,;§ecti?ns §!):3 .14~ through503.1.3 ..... '· ··· 503.1.1'fJi.udi~gs :rid facilities. ~ppr,(lved~re apparaq~s ,,$(cces~load,~;sha1,\;~ye pJ:(lVid~~Jor'~~veiy facility, building or'pofflon. ofa· btiilding hereafter constmct~g ·m.;~IIlOVI$7!1 intp or "'~!)1in~5tl;te jtlf1~dic.tj~m. · ~e fite apparat_Us acc~ss road shall comply with the requirements . of;.~ls s.~tlO~( "· and:shell t;l4tend to witl}in 150feet.(451~Q'mmtofallpnr­ ··· tions;i8fth.;fa'eility"and:'~1l;p.ci'ftions.5fthe exterior walls of •. ·.the, first,.s~ory pf ~e building as measured QY"eri\<!ppro~¥~d <'rout~r,arou~GI: th~:~xterfor of!}l~ butlsiing 0r fat.ility: · · Exception: The fire code official is f1Hthol;i;i':ed"l~ · •1,,incr~~etb~.ffrme~s1J:Jl}~(lfl5.0,1eetl45.720.mm) where:. · .;:c 1: The .· buildjng it equ~pped t1Irm~ghou~,. with, .. an :; · ':~ppr0vyg ~~t1J);!riatic, .~pri.uJdelhsyst~m installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1 cannot be,instf!lled 'bei-ll'USe;:,gf l(l.~.~tio:t1:;.,on ;:tJ:roperty;~~to~dgrapfty; ·. waterways, nonliegotiable grades or oth,er silllflar co~<!itiOIJ~,.and F. appr,o~ed al ter!;~ti y~~mea'i;l§' of fire protection ii:'pfovid~d. · 5 · ~.t§.~Th~~~~(lfe ~8t thfl:tl two Group0R~3;~rGl'o~p ...•.. 'l'J occupariciesr , .. 503~1~2 A~ditio~~ ac~ess. The firecode otficialjs'•al:ltlJ.o" lizeH'to r~Gtire riiore tlian Orf~ fir§'~apparatus a~cess road .. ]Jased o~ the potential for impairment of a single ~?ad by, vtilli<Jle .. C1:ll~gestion, . c.olldition of. terrain,:clirnt:ttic ~·concll" tions or oi:he\if:act61"s·thafeol-lld ·fi.fuit access. 503.1.3 High-piled storage. J;'ire <;t~pa~.~nu.,x~hicl\1~ . F a~CeSS. t()bUildingS Used f(}f)htgh~pif'ed C0Ill0UStiOie StOr ~ agesh.~ll:towpi~ witlf·fue applicable .. C::hapter 32. ~" "~~·>, · §03i~;5,Spec!J1cati~!J.s.:'IRire:a\)paratus acc~ss ro<L;~S sh~ll be installed ant! arranged in a,<;cor<4t:t}ce.witfi;'Sectr0ns.503.,~.1 :. throu,gh 503.2.8. · · [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.0S(a)] Fire Department Access and Egress. (Roads) 88 (a) Roads. Required access roads from every building to a public street shall be all-weather hard-suifaced (suitable for use by fire apparatus) right-of-way not less than 20 feet in width. Such right-of-way shall be unobstructed and maintained only as access to the public street. Exception: The enforcing agency may waive or modify this requirement if in his opinion such all-weather hard-suifaced condition is not necessary in the interest of public safety and welfare. 503.2.1 Dimellsions. Fir~<:apparatm/access JOads shall · 'h~yean unobst~ucted ,width of not'iess than .20 feet ( 6096 mm); ex~lusi~e::()f sh8uJ1ersi4:~xcept for approv.ed security ..gates in accordance with' S~tuon.503,6; ang an unob- §tructetl verfi0al clel!rance()f not less :than 13 feet6 inches (4115mm). · "· ··'·,, ·~. ~~3:z:2 A'~iithoriry •• ~:rHe ·f1r~, c~~~ Mfi,9ia1 shan have the i~:. al)tpprity :to ~equire an incieas~.jn the minimum ~ccess widths'W:}Jere'tll.~y inagequate f6r·f,tre or rescue opera- tions. · · · ':•;•:;;;. ·· ·• :.,. ·~~og::£j~:s~~f~(\e. appat:a;lis aq~~ss roads· shall be ~;,.designed and maintained tO'·supp()rt the impe~~d loads of :~"fire: apparat!~ ~anQ;Bhall ~!'>~ surface(so as to provide all- weatherdrivirig capabilities) .. ·. · ··· · 5~j:2;4ffirning~il"~di~~. The reqlli~~d tuming'radius of a >:;. fire afparatus access ro~d sh~ll be detea:pined by th.t( fire ·•:2Me offic;;i;:tt ·, "('' ''''">"' ,,, 503.2.5 Dead ends. Dead:endfire apparatus access roads •'·'in d€ess. Of<l~p fe~t.( 45.}f0 mm J~:t1.;tength shill be pro- ·... vided with an approved area·t:or turning ·around fire appa- r:ItlJ.S. ".,~~"' . ;., •';; • 5()3.2.6.B;idg~;'~iul 1~i~~ated~~!Jrfaces. W:l;lere a bridge or·.!an el~~ated §::t}fface.js p~rt of'k,;;~:. ·fire. apparatus access road, the blidgttshal(~'be &<~ttstructed ·~v.~ maintained in aoiordal)'~~. witlJ. AASJITO ;FIB-VI:. Bridges and elevated surfa6'es siiafl:be d\§sigl}ed,J.rr a live lq;J,d sufficient to carry sed loads of fire'npn~~tus. ·vehicle load limits sted•at:,both e . ces'ifo.bridges when r~quired by the fire c;de offiEiaL ; e elevak~.surfaces designed for~.~merg~J;l.CY v~hicle use are adj<tcent f~. surf <lees which are ftbt desr~nedfoL>S~tch~~~· approved bamers, appr,pved i;,Y\<y~,igns or both shall be iUS~al!~~ ~Uld 'm<J.wtained when r~quifed'h~;tne co~. official:" SQ3.2.7~Grad;:The gr,ad:afthe~fire apparatus access.road ~~all o~·~wi.thm the.liillits>establisfleclby the fire code offi- cial based on the fire· department's .apparatus. so3:i~s'A~~Ies:9:f.apJ!l'pac}J ~nd clep~rtuf~. The angles of a,pproach and>aeparl:iii·e for;ifire .appangus acce§s roads sllMI be Within the .limits e§tablisheo by tile fire code offi- cial ba~ed onilletire7aepartfu~pJ's apparatus. s&b Nta'rki~~ ... ci'"by t~e' fire .. code ·official, approved sig~itot e otic'e~ or markipgs that 1nc1t1ete~/¢it::'vworgs NO PAI~XIN FIRE'LA;NE sliall be pr~vided for fir~~;aj)p~r~ms ac~~s roads to igentify.such roads 19.fPrQ);ljbit :th~ ?bstruftion t~erebf, The meaiis,,by which fire laries ar2Clesignat~snaH;p,e ma~ntaint:~Q..in a clean an.d legible ~gpditigl). at all times and be replfl~~.cl or repairt<d. when neces~ s·aiji:oprovi.dtfadegy$!te~isibility. ' , . . · 50~t01.,. Ob~$1)1Ctio;n of. fire·· appara~l!§ access r~~:tds .. Fire apparafus ·ac'e~ss r6;@~;s,hi!lt:,~9tQ~ obstfuct~Q.iJ:! ~y manner, 0A11chJg,ip.g t!J:t::. parking of vehicles:'•The.miniwum widths ~d ·cleaia.rfces e~fablishedjn Section 503.2.1 sMll be maintained "~t~"·~~''' ~ ~ ''""'~"''' ov,v\"'~"'~'::J{"J;;><""'" ' •' '"" 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ~tWL!i::h.WWWL:Zi .... iiW_WW:Y-t .... \::&'::t ... iliif31d Coovri!!ht to. or licensed bv, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie KiausbruckneronJan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to Ucense ) I ) · · 503:4.1. Trat'fic calmi~g devices; •Traffic caln)ing d~vices shall be 1Jrdhibite'c1 {ib.lf;gs ~ppJ'o)&eci,.I;JytvtheJir~code dffi.: cial. ··· 503.? R~quired gafes'ot lia~ii~;;}~~s. TheJir~. ~~de official i:s a~thorizeg .to require rhe installation 'and maintenance o,f gates or otl.ler . apprayed ba.rri<;?adeS• actoss fi:re appaTfi1llcS access•roads,trails or.other accessways,m9t incluc.liug Pl1bliE streets, alleys & liigh'\:V~ys. ':El~ctric gat~· o.J?,erator~: wnere prov~ded, sh,allbe Hsted'in·acc'6rd1tnc~ with'UL32.5. Gate~ intended ;f"~r .. aUtQmatit, operation shall btf. designed;;COJ.t strutted arid in~tal.\ed,to .\:Olll,pl y, wicth ~thec'•requir~egts . ot ASTM·F2200. • ·. . ... ·. . . .. . · 5Q3.5~1 ~eq~;re~ g~!es,.a~~ b~lxri~ac.Ies,, W}len,1:eq~lired, gates ancl ba1Tic~de~ shall M securyd jn a.p., approved man- ner. J~o~ds,)rails a'hd other· liccessways that have·been closed aria ol'istri.ioted•in·the marmerprescnbe'cl+by·..SecMon · 503.5sha11 riot. b~,trespassed gn qr u§ed,.ul1less fiUth,orized ··· by the own~rap.dthe fli:e cCtde offlchil. • . . .. . · .. , " , ·>A,,, <'";, '<t >:, ""'' Excepti~m;.TI).i r~~tri~tiori on w{e ~haU n~'t apply 'to ,pul{Jic 9fficers aetiiig w'ithin the scop~ of iluty: •>• 503.5.2 Fences and Gates. School grounds may be fenced and gates therein may be equipped with locks, provided that safe dispersal areas based on 3 square feet (0.28 m2) per occupant are located bet1-veen the school and the fence. Such required safe dispersal areas shall not be located less than 50 feet ( 15 240 mm) from school build- ings. Every public and private school shall conform with Sec- tion 32020 of the Education Code which states: The governing board of every public school district, and the governing authority of every pri- vate school, which maintains any building used for the instruction or housing of school pupils on land entirely enclosed (except for building walls) by fences of walls, shall, through cooperation with the local law enforcement and fire-protec- tion agencies having jurisdiction of the area, make provision for the erection of gates in such fences or walls. The gates shall be of sufficient size to permit the entrance of the ambulances, police equipment and fire-fighting apparatus used by the law enforcement and fire-protection agencies. There shall be no less than one such access gate and there shall be as many such gates as needed to assure access to all major buildings and ground areas. If such gates are to be equipped with locks, the locking devices shall be designed to permit ready entrance by the use of the chain or bolt-cutting devices with which the local law enforcement and fire-protection agen- cies may be equipped. 50:16 ~~C!lEt'Y:·.g~tes~ Th€ 1D:stallatio,nof se~urity gates across: .. a fire app.ar~$~lS :.~eQ~S& .1Qif(i" s)iall"De ~appr6V€CL by . the fi~~ .... •SP:i!;(f''Wllere·:seciirity gates m:\'! il~S,taU€d, We,Y: •. shall have ·an····· "approye(:l.;means zof ';;mefgeltcy~bJ)(;l:atipn: tlie "s'ecuncy gate§; .• . ab.o tl:ie. ewer&€11CY: opt,:\.ra:tlon shan be>rnairtt~'lirred>opetational 0ataU titii~~: Eledric.gat~ op~ra1QJrs~.2~h~reRrov.t<:Ie(:l\ sl'\all b~ iiSted:,i?"ac2on:fab.c?witn Ut ~25. Gates mtended for ~tttoi 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE FIRE SERVICE FEATURES matic Operation' shall :be c<:le§ign~d,. ~briStRtCted and installed to>~olll,ply ~ith·t:ne·reqtiirefl:eijt~ o¢ ASTM F 2200. SECTION 504 ACCESS TO BUILDING OPENINGS AND ROOFS 504.1 Required access. Exterior doors and openings required by this code or the California Building Code shall be main- tained readily accessible for emergency access by the fire department. An approved access walkway leading from fire apparatus access roads to exterior openings shall be provided when required by the fire code official. 504.2 Maintenance of exterior doors and openings. Exte- rior doors and their function shall not be eliminated without prior approval. Exterior doors that have been rendered non- functional and that retain a functional door exterior appear- ance shall have a sign affixed to the exterior side of the door with the words THIS DOOR BLOCKED. The sign shall con- sist of letters having a principal stroke of not less than 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) wide and at least 6 inches (152 mm) high on a contrasting background. Required fire department access doors shall not be obstructed or eliminated. Exit and exit access doors shall comply with Chapter 10. Access doors for high-piled combustible storage shall comply with Section 3206.6.1. 504.3 Stairway access to roof. New buildings four or more stories above grade plane, except those with a roof slope greater than four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33.3- percent slope), shall be provided with a stairway to the roof. Stairway access to the roof shall be in accordance with Sec- tion 1009.13. Such stairway shall be marked at street and floor levels with a sign indicating that the stairway continues to the roof. Where roofs are used for roof gardens or for other purposes, stairways shall be provided as required for such occupancy classification. 504.4 Roof access. No person shall install or maintain any security barrier such as barbed wire fencing, razor wire fenc- ing, chain link fencing, or any other fencing material, cable, aerial, antenna, or other obstruction on the roof of any com- mercial establishment in such a manner as to obstruct or ren- der egress or access hazardous in the event of fire or other emergency. Exception: Guy wire, rods and aerial antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure having a slope of less than 30 degrees provided there is full clearance of 7 feet or more between the roof and said obstruction. Guy wire or rods required to support aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure a lateral distance from the mast not in excess of one-sixth the height of the mast. SECTION 505 PREMISES IDENTIFICATION 505.1 Address identification. New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their back- 89 -___ J. t.._ __ Tro.ro. rAT T nTr!ll'T'C ot:::CHOVPn\-~rrp..:.:...:.:.P.cl hv Flli~ Klaushruckner on Jan 6. 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #9 PERMITS ) 5001.3.3.4 Spill mitigation. Spill containment systems or means to render a spill harmless to people or prop- erty shall be provided where a spill is determined to be a plausible event and where such an event would endanger people or property. 5001.3.3.5 Ignition hazards .. Safeguards shall be pro- vided to minimize the risk of exposing combustible hazardous materials to unintended sources of ignition. 5001.3.3.6 Protection of hazardous materials. Safe- guards shall be provided to minimize the risk of expos- ing hazardous materials to a fire or physical damage whereby such exposure could endanger or lead to the endangerment of people or property. 5001.3.3.7 Exposure hazards. Safeguards shall be provided to minimize the risk of and limit damage from a fire or explosion involving explosive hazardous mate- rials whereby such fire or explosion could endanger or lead to the endangerment of people or property. 5001.3.3.8 Detection of gas or vapor release. Where a release of hazardous materials gas or vapor would cause immediate harm to persons or property, means of mitigating the dangerous effects of a release shall be provided. 5001.3.3.9 Reliable power source. Where a power supply is relied upon to prevent or control an emer- gency condition that could endanger people or prop- erty, the power supply shall be from a reliable source. 5001.3.3.10 Ventilation. Where ventilation is neces- sary to limit the risk of creating an emergency condi- tion resulting from normal or abnormal operations, means of ventilation shall be provided. 5001.3.3.11 Process hazard analyses. Process hazard analyses shall be conducted to ensure reasonably the protection of people and property from dangerous con- ditions involving hazardous materials. 5001.3.3.12 Pre-startup safety review. Written docu- mentation of pre-startup safety review procedures shall be developed and enforced to ensure that operations are initiated in a safe manner. The process of developing and updating such procedures shall involve the partici- pation of affected employees. 5001.3.3.13 Operating anc:ll emergency procedures. Written documentation of operating procedures and procedures for emergency shut down shall be devel- oped and enforced to ensure that operations are con- ducted in a safe manner. The process of developing and updating such procedures shall involve the participa- tion of affected employees. 5001.3.3.14 Management of change. A written plan for management of change shall be developed and enforced. The process of developing and updating the plan shall involve the participation of affected employ- ees. 5001.3.3.15 Emergency plan. A written emergency plan shall be developed to ensure that proper actions are taken in the event of an emergency, and the plan 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-GENERAL PROVISIONS shall be followed if an emergency condition occurs. The process of developing and updating the plan shall involve the participation of affected employees. 5001.3.3.16 Accident procedures. Written procedures for investigation and documentation of accidents shall be developed, and accidents shall be investigated and documented in accordance with these procedures. 5001.3.3.17 Consequence analysis. Where an acciden- tal release of hazardous materials could endanger peo- ple or property, either on or off-site, an analysis of the expected consequences of a plausible release shall be performed and utilized in the analysis and selection of active and passive hazard mitigation controls. 5001.3.3.18 Safety audits. Safety audits shall be con- ducted on a periodic basis to verify compliance with the requirements of this section. 5001.4 Retail and wholesale storage and display. For retail and wholesale storage and display of nonflammable solid and nonflammable or noncombustible liquid hazardous materials in Group M occupancies and storage in Group S occupancies, see Section 5003.11. 5001.5 P~rili;its; Permits shall~~e requi~ed as set forth in Sec- tions 105.6 an(fit=J5~7. ~~.~, "'"' '\,'' \:Vhen r~quired by the fi{¢, cod2~~fficial, permittees shall apply for apjJr:gyal to p,~rmanfr~t!Y close a storage, use or han- . ,'f'9;cility. >such appl,tGation shall be submitted at least 30 da · ri()r to the terminati6il;of th~::'storage: tis~ or handling of hazardoi'is m~f~rials. Tne'fiJ;~'¥.9ode Qfficial 1s authorized to require that tfie'appUcation be1aa.q.ompani~d by an approved Jacilit'yflosure plan irt accordance with Section 5001.6.3. '"::;JJ:\': \:::5 5001.5.1 Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP). Where required by the fire code official, an application for a permit shalll include an HMMP. The HMMP shall include a facility site plan designating the following: 1. Access to each storage and use area. 2. Location of emergency equipment. 3. Location where liaison will meet emergency responders. 4. Facility evacuation meeting point locations. 5. The general purpose of other areas within the build- ing. 6. Location of all above-ground and underground tanks and their appurtenances including, but not limited to, sumps, vaults, below-grade treatment systems and piping. 7. The hazard classes in each area. 8. Locations of all control areas and Group H occupan- cies. 9. Emergency exits. [For SFM] The HMMP shall comply with Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.95, Sections 25500 through 25545, and Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4. 367 -.___________:::aazsza~••wesw_wcaww + V i::W • iii It ti H r'nnvriaht tn nr 1-irP.no;::.e:cl hv_ TCC. (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED): accessed bv Ellie Klausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ATTACHMENT #10 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY STATEMENT II II II > EMERGENCY PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS TABLE 405.2 FIRE AND EVACUATION IJIRILL FREQUENCY AND PARTICIPATION GROUP OR FREQUENCY PARTICIPATION OCCUPANCY Group A Quarterly Employees GroupB' Annually Employees GroupE See Section 408.3° All occupants Group F Annually Employees Group I Quarterly on each shift Employeesb GroupR-1 Quarterly on each shift Employees GroupR-2ct See Section 408.3" All occupants Group R-4 Quarterly on each shift Employeesb High-rise buildings Annually Employees a. The frequency shall be allowed to be modified in accordance with Section 408.3.4. b. Fire and evacuation drills in residential care assisted living facilities shall include complete evacuation of the premises in accordance with Section 408.10.5. Where occupants receive habilitation or rehabilitation training, fire prevention and fire safety practices shall be included as part of the training program. c. Group B buildings having an occupant load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge. d. Applicable to Group R-2 college and university buildings in accordance with Section408.3. 405.6 Notification. Where required by the fire code official, prior notification of emergency evacuation drills shall be given to the fire code official. 405.7 Initiation. Where a fire alarm system is provided, emergency evacuation drills shall be initiated by activating the fire alarm system. 405.8 Accountability. As building occupants arrive at the assembly point, efforts shall be made to determine if all occu- pants have been successfully evacuated or have been accounted for. 405.9 Recall and reentry. An electrically or mechanically operated signal used to recall occupants after an evacuation shall be separate and distinct from the signal used to initiate the evacuation. The recall signal initiation means shall be manually operated and under the control of the person in charge of the premises or the official im charge of the inci- dent. No one shall reenter the premises until authorized to do so by the official in charge. SECTION 406 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES 406.1 General. Employees in the occupancies listed in Sec- tion 404.2 shall be trained in the fire emergency procedures described in their fire evacuation and fire safety plans. Train- ing shall be based on these plans and as described in Section 404.3. 406.2 Frequency. Employees shall receive training in the contents of fire safety and evacuation plans and their duties as part of new employee orientation and at least annually there- 82 after. Records shall be kept and made available to the fire code official upon request. 406.3 Employee training program. Employees shall be trained in fire prevention, evacuation and fire safety in accor- dance with Sections 406.3.1 through 406.3.4. 406.3.1 Fire prevention training. Employees shall be apprised of the fire hazards of the materials and processes to which they are exposed. Each employee shall be instructed in the proper procedures for preventing fires in the conduct of their assigned duties. 406.3.2 Evacuation training. Employees shall be famil- iarized with the fire alarm and evacuation signals, their assigned duties in the event of an alarm or emergency, evacuation routes, areas of refuge, exterior assembly areas and procedures for evacuation. 406.3.3 Emergency lockdown training. Where a facility has a lockdown plan, employees shall be trained on their assigned duties and procedures in the event of an emer- gency lockdown. 406.3.4 Fire safety training. Employees assigned fire- fighting duties shall be trained to know the locations and proper use of portable fire extinguishers or other manual fire-fighting equipment and the protective clothing or equipment required for its safe and proper use. SECTION 407 HAZARD COMMUNICATION 407.1 General. The provisions of Sections 407.2 through 407.7 shall be applicable where hazardous materials subject to permits under Section 5001.5 are located on the premises or where required by the fire code official. 407.2 Material Safety Data Sheets. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous materials shall be either readily available on the premises as a paper copy, or where approved, shall be permitted to be readily retrievable by elec- tronic access. 407.3 Identification. Individual containers of hazardous materials, cartons or packages shall be marked or labeled in accordance with applicable federal regulations. Buildings, rooms and spaces containing hazardous materials shall be identified by hazard warning signs in accordance with Sec- tion 5003.5. 407.4 Training. Persons responsible for the operation of areas in which hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, handled or used shall be familiar with the chemical nature of the materials and the appropriate mitigating actions necessary in the event of a fire, leak or spill. Responsible persons shall be designated and trained to be liaison personnel for the fire department. These persons shall aid the fire department in preplanning emergency responses and identification of the locations where hazardous materials are located, and shall have access to Material Safety Data Sheets and be knowl- edgeable in the site emergency response procedures. 4o'7:~+Ha~~t'~~u!;,,&~tei"ials Inv~rlf~ty ~tatenw11t. Where required bythe fire"Corle official, each appll(lation for .a per~ 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ·-___:]iiLlii::I.WWW&:Ii.IIWWW:Y. '-':»:'f. \1 itt":'! lll'll Coovri£ht to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6. 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) mit shall include ~J!azar<!Ott:S.~at~;pif!l§ friV:¢.J1!ory Statemenf (HMIS);in aci:Q'i~lanctii'w,it$.Sect!Q.Ji;50Cri :5:~~ .... /;:,>)':;~ ,'i-'J,, \· 40'(;6 :Hazardou~ Materials Management Plan. WI:J,ere required by the fire codeoffici<1;l, each (lpplicatiql}'for aper- mit sh~lindtl:q(,1,i! Ha:z:~~qous/M~,~~rials~~~anageinent Plan mMMF~'irr accori:l:ance with Section 5001.5.1. The fire code offiCial is authmized to accept a similar pl;:t,n requi~ed by other, regulati~p~~,· , ' '/, 'u 407.7 Facility closure plans. The permit holder or applicant shall submit to the fire code official a facility closure plan in accordance with Section 5001.6.3 to terminate storage, dis- pensing, handling or use of hazardous materials. SECTION 408 USE AND OCCUPANCY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS 408.1 General. In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, the provisions of this section are applicable to spe- cific occupancies listed herein. 408.2 Group A occupancies. Group A occupancies shall comply with the requirements of Sections 408.2.1 and 408.2.2 and Sections 401 through 406. 408.2.1 Seating plan. The fire safety and evacuation plans for assembly occupancies shall include the information required by Section 404.3 and a detailed seating plan, occupant load and occupant load limit. Deviations from the approved plans shall be allowed provided the occupant load limit for the occupancy is not exceeded and the aisles and exit accessways remain unobstructed. 408.2.2 Announcements. In theaters, motion picture the- aters, auditoriums and similar assembly occupancies in Group A used for noncontinuous programs, an audible announcement shall be made not more than 10 minutes prior to the start of each program to notify the occupants of the location of the exits to be used in the event of a fire or other emergency. Exception: In motion picture theaters, the announce- ment is allowed to be projected upon the screen in a manner approved by the fire code official. 408.3 Group E occupancies and Group R-2 college and university buildings. Group E occupancies shall comply > with the requirements of Sections 408.3.1 through 408.3.1.1 II and Sections 401 through 403. Group R-2 college and univer- sicy buildings shall comply with the requirements of Sections 408.3.2 and Sections 401 through 403. 408.3.1 Group E Occupancies .. Every person and public officer managing, controlling, or in charge of any public, private, or parochial school, other than a two-year com- munity college, shall cause the fire alarm signal to be sounded not less than once every calendar month at the elementary and intermediate levels, and not less than twice yearly at the secondary level in the manner pre- scribed in Section 907. Afire drill shall be held at the sec- ondary level not less than twice every school year. 408.3.1.1 Emergency Pre-Fire Planning. Each school principal, district superintendent or day nursery man- ager shall, in cooperation with the enforcing agency, 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE EMERGENCY PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS prepare procedures to be followed in case of fire or other emergency. They should include the following: 1. Posting of the telephone number of the fire depart- ment in the office and/or at the main switchboard. 2. Assignment of a responsible person to call the fire department upon notification of any fire or activa- tion of the alarm system for any reason other than fire drills. 3. Posting in a conspicuous place in each classroom or assembly area a plan showing paths of travel to evacuate the room in case of emergency and includ- ing an alternate route. 4. Posting in each classroom instructions to be fol- lowed by the teacher. These should include: 4.1 Maintaining of order during evacuation. 4.2. Removal of roll call book and calling of roll when designated evacuation area is reached. 408.3.2 College and University Pre-Fire Planning. The Chancellor, President, or his designated representative, shall, in cooperation with the enforcing agency, propose procedures to be followed in case of fire or other emer- gency in accordance with the provisions of Section 408.3.1.1. 408.3.3 First emergency evacuation drill. The first < emergency evacuation drill of each school year shall be conducted within 10 days of the beginning of classes. 408.3.4 Emergency evacuation drill deferral. In severe 1 I < climates, the fire code official shall have the authority to modify the emergency evacuation drill frequency speci- fied in Section 405.2. 408.3.5 Time of day. Emergency evacuation drills shall I I < be conducted at different hours of the day or evening, dur- ing the changing of classes, when the school is at assem- bly, during the recess or gyrnnastic periods, or during other times to avoid distinction between drills and actual fires. In Group R-2 college and university buildings, one required drill shall be held during hours after sunset or before sumise. 408.3.6 Assembly points. Outdoor assembly areas shall II< be designated and shall be located a safe distance from the building being evacuated so as to avoid interference with fire department operations. The assembly areas shall be arranged to keep each class separate to provide account- ability of all individuals. 408.4 Group H-5 occupancies. Group R-5 occupancies shall comply with the requirements of Sections 408.4.1 through 408.4.4 and Sections 401 through 407. 408.4.1 Plans and diagrams. In addition to the require- ments of Section 404 and Section 407 .6, plans and dia- grams shall be maintained in approved locations indicating the approximate plan for each area, the amount and type of RPM stored, handled and used, locations of shutoff valves for RPM supply piping, emergency telephone locations and locations of exits. 408.4.2 Plan updating. The plans and diagrams required by Section 408.4.1 shall be maintained up to date and the 83 -__]IWL:t!i .... WIWL:IW .. WIWWW_T_t ... t::w:t ... tii if:J I ffii Convri2:ht to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED)~ accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License 5001.3.3.4 Spill mitigation. Spill containment systems or means to render a spill harmless to people or prop- erty shall be provided where a spill is determined to be a plausible event and where such an event would endanger people or property. 5001.3.3.5 Ignition hazards. Safeguards shall be pro- vided to minimize the risk of exposing combustible hazardous materials to unintended sources of ignition. 5001.3.3.6 Protection of ha;~ardous materials. Safe- guards shall be provided to minimize the risk of expos- ing hazardous materials to a fire or physical damage whereby such exposure could endanger or lead to the endangerment of people or property. 5001.3.3.7 Exposure hazards. Safeguards shall be provided to minimize the risk of and limit damage from a fire or explosion involving explosive hazardous mate- rials whereby such fire or explosion could endanger or lead to the endangerment of people or property. 5001.3.3.8 Detection of gas or vapor release. Where a release of hazardous materials gas or vapor would cause immediate harm to persons or property, means of mitigating the dangerous effects of a release shall be provided. 5001.3.3.9 Reliable power source. Where a power supply is relied upon to prevent or control an emer- gency condition that could endanger people or prop- erty, the power supply shall be from a reliable source. 5001.3.3.10 Ventilation. Where ventilation is neces- sary to limit the risk of creating an emergency condi- tion resulting from normal or abnormal operations, means of ventilation shall be provided. 5001.3.3.11 Process hazard analyses. Process hazard analyses shall be conducted to ensure reasonably the protection of people and property from dangerous con- ditions involving hazardous materials. 5001.3.3.12 Pre-startup saft~ty review. Written docu- mentation of pre-startup safelty review procedures shall be developed and enforced to ensure that operations are initiated in a safe manner. The process of developing and updating such procedures shall involve the partici- pation of affected employees .. 5001.3.3.13 Operating and emergency procedures. Written documentation of operating procedures and procedures for emergency shut down shall be devel- oped and enforced to ensure that operations are con- ducted in a safe manner. The process of developing and updating such procedures shall involve the participa- tion of affected employees. 5001.3.3.14 Management of change. A written plan for management of change shall be developed and enforced. The process of developing and updating the plan shall involve the participation of affected employ- ees. 5001.3.3.15 Emergency plan. A written emergency plan shall be developed to ensure that proper actions are taken in the event of an emergency, and the plan 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL8-GENERAL PROVISIONS shall be followed if an emergency condition occurs. The process of developing and updating the plan shall involve the participation of affected employees. 5001.3.3.16 Accident procedures. Written procedures for investigation and documentation of accidents shall be developed, and accidents. shall be investigated and documented in accordance with these procedures. 5001.3.3.17 Consequence analysis. Where an acciden- tal release of hazardous materials could endanger peo- ple or property, either on or off-site, an analysis of the expected consequences of a plausible release shall be performed and utilized in the analysis and selection of active and passive hazard mitigation controls. 5001.3.3.18 Safety audits. Safety audits shall be con- ducted on a periodic basis to verify compliance with the requirements of this section. 5001.4 Retail and wholesale storage and display. For retail and wholesale storage and display of nonflammable solid and nonflammable or noncombustible liquid hazardous materials in Group M occupancies and storage in Group S occupancies, see Section 5003.11. 5001.5 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Sec- tions 105.6 and 105.7. When required by the fire code official, permittees shall apply for approval to permanently close a storage, use or han- dling facility. Such application shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to the termination of the storage, use or handling of hazardous materials. The fire code official is authorized to require that the application be accompanied by an approved facility closure plan in accordance with Section 5001.6.3. 5001.5.1 Ha~~rft6us Mat~n~ls Man,jlgement Plan (HMMP). Where t~quired by;~t; fire code official, an apfJJication for a peiiffi1i'J:~hall hl'Clude an HMMP. The .H~fl~~~··.~:llf:ll. include a facility site plan designating the foHO:W:inK: . . . I. A~~~~tt8z~~~!J1storage~p~ use ai~it. :" ""4<1;\;t} _; </·.,: 2. Location of emet&~ncy equipment. will meet emergency 'c.I•~'·"'L\•<:<u''u meetJlilg point locations. The generalpP.i.P'Ose of ot:g~r areas within the build- ing. . ,·~,:~,·~ tireas~1lctGroup H occupan- 9. Emergency [For SFM] The HMMP shall comply with Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.95, Sections 25500 through 25545, and Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4. 367 _ ___:3i"h&.iii.Cai .. iii.IWJ.i.i::w::t.11 I tf&i lliii Coovri!>:ht to. orlicensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klansbrnckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) HAZARDOUS MATERIAL5-GENERAL PROVISIONS ··w:~, 5001.5.2 H~rdous ··Materials Inventory Statement {HMI§~.:. Wfi'ere required Q);\ the ~tire c0p.e off!c~i[l, ~11 ;application for a, •. tsha'fi include an HMIS,· strch as Supt?Jftm~ •. ~fi. 'ents and Re~uthori~ayon J\ct of 1986 ·· · (SA7Vi')•±i1le'III, Tier II;~epett~or•ofu~t •app~9ved·§.t~te­ ment. The HM!S sh1tll.iil.Bffide the following informati'8n: 1. ·f!t'Sauct Atime. 2. Comp.9n~t,; .. cGhe~ftal Abstrac\s.ervi~.~/GA~).I1um);1~r. 4. Locati0nwff~te st;¥~~ o~~~s~d. . ... ·,;~',:x;r; ·'" Container si?i.~: "',, /'!f:'tJ; ,0 6 ... ij::t:eanl't1assifiCation. Aw9unt~Jt .stegg~.: ··i•. '"'~'"\'.:fs<·:,', :"'.·>:·,·,, 'J>t;;.,,' < .,,,,, Amorint in use-closed systems. [For SFM] The HMIS shall comply with Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.95, Sections 25500 through 25545, and Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4. 5001.6 Facility closure. Facilities shall be placed out of ser- vice in accordance with Sections 5001.6.1 through 5001.6.3. 5001.6.1 Temporarily out-of-service facilities. Facilities that are temporarily out of service shall continue to main- tain a permit and be monitored and inspected. 5001.6.2 Permanently out-of-service facilities. Facili- ties for which a permit is not kept current or is not moni- tored and inspected on a regular basis shall be deemed to be permanently out of service and shall be closed in an approved manner. When required by the fire code official, permittees shall apply for approval to close permanently storage, use or handling facilities. The fire code official is authorized to require that such application be accompanied by an approved facility closure plan in accordance with Section 5001.6.3. 5001.6.3 Facility closure plan. When a facility closure plan is required in accordance with Section 5001.5 to termi- nate storage, dispensing, handling or use of hazardous materials, it shall be submitted to the fire code official at least 30 days prior to facility closure. The plan shall demon- strate that hazardous materials which are stored, dispensed, handled or used in the facility will be transported, disposed of or reused in a manner that eliminates the need for further maintenance and any threat to public health and safety. SECTION 5002 DEFINITIONS 5002.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter 2: BOILING POINT. CEILING LIMIT. CHEMICAL. CHEMICAL NAME. CLOSED CONTAINER. 368 CONTAINER. CONTROL AREA. CYLINDER. DAY BOX. DEFLAGRATION. DESIGN PRESSURE. DETACHED BUILDING. DISPENSING. EXCESS FLOW CONTROL. EXHAUSTED ENCLOSURE. EXPLOSION. FLAMMABLE VAPORS OR FUMES. GAS CABINET. GAS ROOM. HANDLING. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. HEALTH HAZARD. IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS TO LIFE AND HEALTH (IDLH). INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS. LIQUID. LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (LEL,). LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT (LF'L). MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS). MAXIMUM ALLOW ABLE QUANTITY PER CON- TROLAREA. NORMAL TEMPERATURE AND I•RESSURE (NTP). OUTDOOR CONTROL AREA. PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT {PEL). PESTICIDE. PHYSICAL HAZARD. PRESSURE VESSEL. SAFETY CAN. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT. SEGREGATED. SOLID. STORAGE, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. SYSTEM. TANK, ATMOSPHERIC. TANK, PORTABLE. TANK, STATIONARY. TANK VEIDCLE. UNAUTHORIZED DISCHARGE. USE (MATERIAL). VAPOR PRESSURE. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE iliLOJ:IaiiW.C:at.nWIW:Y.i .t:ii':Y .ill tt&ll M Coovright to. or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ' ' ) ATTACHMENT #11 SYSTEMS, EQUIPMENT & PROCESSES: CONTAINERS, CYLINDERS AND TANKS, EQUIPMENT, MACHINERY AND ALARMS, EMPTY CONTAINERS AND TANKS & MAINTENANCE ~ ' ) SECTION 5003 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5003.1 Scope. The storage, use and handling of all hazardous materials shall be in accordance with this section. 5003.1.1 Maximum allowable quantity per control area. The maximum allowable quantity per control area shall be as specified in Tables 5003.1.1(1) through 5003.1.1(4). For retail and wholesale storage and display in Group M occupancies and Group S storage, see Section 5003.11. 5003.1.2 Conversion. Where quantities are indicated in pounds and when the weight per gallon of the liquid is not provided to the fire code official, a conversion factor of 10 pounds per gallon (1.2 kg!L) shall be used. 5003.1.3 Quantities not exceeding the maximum allow- able quantity per control area. The storage, use and han- dling of hazardous materials in quantities not exceeding the maximum allowable quantity per control area indi- cated in Tables 5003.1.1(1) through 5003.1.1(4) shall be in accordance with Sections 5001 and 5003. 5003.1.4 Quantities exceeding the maximum allowable quantity per control area. The storage and use of hazard- ous materials in quantities exceeding the maximum allow- able quantity per control area indicated in Tables 5003.1.1(1) through 5003.1.1(4) shall be in accordance with this chapter. 5003.2 Systems, equipment and (lrocesses. Systems, equip- ment and processes utilized for storage, dispensing, use or handling of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.2.1 through 5003.2.8. fa5903.2.1 Design' and ~~il'sltucti6ri 1of co~ttti:lu~rs, i'~~li,~~ ?''<ieJ;s and~ nks. Containe~s, cylinders and tanks shall Be desigtiect ~ nstmcted in accordal\~~ ~ with approved, standards. ta:iner~~,~~ylind~ts; tank~,:;~d oJ:ll~B"mean~ used for containment 'of'hazarcf2;us materials shall,"be of an~ ap ed type. Pressure vessels shall comply with the A Boil~illifl!d Pres,§M:re Ves8e1 Cod~;';, 5003.2.2 Piping, tubing, valves and fittings. Piping, tub- ing, valves, and fittings conveying hazardous materials shall be designed and installed in accordance with ASME B31 or other approved standards, and shall be in accor- dance with Sections 5003.2.2.1 and 5003.2.2.2. 5003.2.2.1 Design and construction. Piping, tubing, valves, fittings and related components used for hazard- ous materials shall be in accordance with the following: 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL8-GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Piping, tubing, valves, fittings and related com- ponents shall be designed and fabricated from materials that are compatible with the material to be contained and shall be of adequate strength and durability to withstand the pressure, struc- tural and seismic stress and exposure to which they are subject. 2. Piping and tubing shall be identified in accor- dance with ASME A13.1 to indicate the material conveyed. 3. Readily accessible manual valves or automatic remotely activated fail-safe emergency shutoff valves shall be installed on supply piping and tubing at the following locations: 3 .1. The point of use. 3.2. The tank, cylinder or bulk source. 4. Manual emergency shutoff valves and controls for remotely activated emergency shutoff valves shall be identified and the location shall be clearly visible, accessible and indicated by means of a sign. 5. Backflow prevention or check valves shall be provided when the backflow of hazardous materi- als could create a hazardous condition or cause the unauthorized discharge of hazardous materi- als. 6. Where gases or liquids having a hazard ranking of: Health Class 3 or 4 Flammability Class 4 Instability Class 3 or 4 in accordance with NFPA 704 are carried in pres- surized piping above 15 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) (103 kPa), an approved means of leak detection and emergency shutoff or excess flow control shall be provided. Where the piping originates from within a hazardous material stor- age room or area, the excess flow control shall be located within the storage room or area. Where the piping originates from a bulk source, the excess flow control shall be located as close to the bulk source as practical. Exceptions: 1. Piping for inlet connections designed to pre- vent backflow. 2. Piping for pressure relief devices. 369 _ _jfiliililtUI,IiltUI,IWift1t1llita UJUIIJ Ilia Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klausbrnckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ) ) \ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-GENERAL PROVISIONS 5003.2.2.2 Additional regulations for supply piping for health-hazard materials. Supply piping and tub- ing for gases and liquids having a health-hazard rank- ing of 3 or 4 in accordance with NFPA 704 shall be in accordance with ASME B31.3 and the following: 1. Piping and tubing utilized for the transmission of highly toxic, toxic or highly volatile corrosive liquids and gases shall have welded, threaded or flanged connections throughout except for con- nections located within a ventilated enclosure if the material is a gas, or an approved method of drainage or containment is provided for connec- tions if the material is a liquid. 2. Piping and tubing shall not be located within cor- ridors, within any portion of a means of egress required to be enclosed in fire-resistance-rated construction or in concealed spaces in areas not classified as Group H occup.ancies. Exception: Piping and tubing within the space defined by the walls of corridors and the floor or roof above or in concealed spaces above other occu- pancies when installed in accordance with Section 415.10.6.4 of the California Building Code for Group H-5 occupancies. . ... 5003.2.3 Equipmenh, machinerr .:~nd alar~sl Equip- ment, machinery an? t~g~ired detect£on and alarm systems associated with A!.~ A~e; storage or handling of hazardous materials shall.]:j{Jisted or approved. 5003.2.4 Installation of tanks. Installation of tanks shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.2.4.1 through 5003 . 5003.2.4.1 Underground tanks. Underground tanks used for the storage of liquid hazardous materials shall be provided with secondary containment. In lieu of pro- viding secondary containment for an underground tank, an above-ground tank in an underground vault comply- ing with Section 5704.2.8 shall be permitted. 5003.2.4.2 Above-ground tanks. Above-ground sta- tionary tanks used for the storage of hazardous materi- als shall be located and protected in accordance with the requirements for outdoor storage of the particular material involved. Exception: Above-ground tanks that are installed in vaults complying with Section 5303.16 or 5704.2.8 shall not be required to comply with location and protection requirements for outdoor storage. 5003. Marking. Above-ground stationary tanks shall be marked as required by Section 5003.5. 5t:lli3.2:s~E~~l~~~coutainers anq,.~nks .. ~ri1pty09P,:tainers ·• ai1tr!,t'finks .pFeviously used fCJl%rl~~)it'6rilM:•~.d~~iardoi:Is materials shall be free frQm.~~§\§litil'material aiid'vapor:;}!~:0,;; defined by DOTn, the Resourc~?C::onservation anq ~ecov-·· ery Act (RCJ{]\);o"f:f~~lJ.~!~"I:egulating authority or main- taiJ1ed as spec:ff'f~tt~f:~~.!J:l~ storage of hazardous material. ~: ·".;:::~.,;;:t:,:·~:ri'2;0:~~:~', ,,, ' · '5003~~~<'M~1ntenance. In addition to'tli~;l7¥H~r,ements of . §~ction "5003 .2.3, equipment;'t~tWi!G~nery •'alltf:C.,f~~m\red detection. and al~m sysf~h)~ associat~d. with ha~ardous )1la.terials s1lall be maintained in an·o~~I:a.ble condition. •Defec;ti:Y:~;~ontainers, cylinders and tanks shall be removed from.§ervice;i\!ep~~ .. ~~~disposed;9f in an app1;9yed man- ner. Defective:¢,qJ,1ipinerif7oi'.:.m~:;:hinery shall. be removed from service and repaired 9rreplaced. Required~d¢tection an .. alarm systems shall b~'\sfep!aced OF 'repain::d where de -e· ;,.,.,,. '·!? .. ,,. "'':"~~~t~~~!;~~~Z>::,,: . < ,', ,' ,< 5003.2.6~f T~lJ.ks,ont?f se:ry,ic~. for 90days. Station- ary tanks not used f~['~period .• .qf 90 dayssh11U be prop- erly safeguarded or F~mo:ved i11. an appt;o:vg.d matiner. ilSJt:Ch tanks shall have the filllihe, gauge'typel1ing and 'PllWP ponnection e:cured against tampering. \1 ent.lines slih1lbeproperly ;'.!ained. . 5003. Returll'to servi~e. Tartk:sthat are to be placed back in service shall @~e:sted in an approved , manner. i() . efective containe~s aJ~::tanks. Defective '. containe:rs .... "fa;i:ll$;s,$hall l5~*:r~:moye:d. from service, repaired ih ac9)J."<:lenc~ with apmoved standards or dis- posed of in an approv~t1111annei.' ' <','"'"" 5003.2.7 Liquid-level limit control. Atmospheric tanks having a capacity greater than 500 gallons (1893 L) and which contain hazardous material liquids shall be equipped with a liquid-level lin1it control or other approved means to prevent overfilling of the tank. 5003.2.8 Seismic protection. Machinery and equipment utilizing hazardous materials shall be braced and anchored in accordance with the seismic design requirements of the California Building Code for the seismic design category in which the machinery or equipment is classified. 5003.2.9 Testing. The equipment, devices and systems listed in Section 5003.2.9.1 shall be tested at the time of installation and at one of the intervals listed in Section 5003.2.9.2. Written records of the tests conducted or main- tenance performed shall be maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 107 .2.1. Exceptions: 1. Periodic testing shall not be required where approved written documentation is provided stat- ing that testing will damage the equipment, device or system and the equipment, device or system is maintained as specified by the manu- facturer. 2. Periodic testing shall not be required for equip- ment, devices and systems that fail in a fail-safe manner. 3. Periodic testing shall not be required for equip- ment, devices and systems that self-diagnose and report trouble. Records of the self-diagnosis and trouble reporting shall be made available to the fire code official. 4. Periodic testing shall not be required if system activation occurs during the required test cycle for the components activated during the test cycle. 376 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE __]1JiiibJIJJIIIIJII11WifllalliflliU Dfil)jl\l Copyright to, orlicensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) / FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS portable tanks that do not exceed 660 gallons (2498 L) in individual capacity, and limited transfers incidental thereto, shall comply with Sections 5704.3.1 through 5704.3.8.5. 5704.3.1 Design, construction and cap~~ity ofc()ntain- ers and portable tanks. Th~ . d~sign, ~~hstructi~th~~?d capacity of containers for the stq~g~ of Cl:.ts;;. I; n~iW5l lilA liquids s~U be in'·a~.¢9rdanc~~~with this .. section ahfu:. Section.9.4 ofN·FBA 3o:·c"h ·· • :i;,;, ~Mo~ .. iJ~f Appr~~ed containers. Only.a~pr,oved con- tainers and portable tanks .s.hall be use;::Gl.... ·~ :· :y.;. · 5704.3.2 Liquid storage cabinets. Where other sections of this code require that liquid containers be stored in stor- age cabinets, such cabinets and storage shall be in accor- dance with Sections 5704.3.2.1 through 5704.3.2.2. 5704.3.2.1 Design and construc1tion of storage cabi- nets. Design and construction of liquid storage cabinets shall be in accordance with Sections 5704. through 5704. 5704. Materials. Cabir1ets shall be listed in accordance with UL 1275, or constructed of approved wood or metal in accordance with the fol- lowing: 1. Unlisted metal cabinets shall be constructed of steel having a thickness of not less than 0.044 inch (1.12 mm) (18 gage). The cabinet, includ- ing the door, shall be double walled with 11/2- inch (38 mm) airspace between the walls. Joints shall be riveted or welded and shall be tight fitting. 2. Unlisted wooden cabinets, including doors, shall be constructed of not less than 1-inch (25 mm) exterior grade plywood. Joints shall be rabbeted and shall be fastened in two direc- tions with wood screws. Door hinges shall be of steel or brass. Cabinets shall be painted with an intumescent-type paint. 5704. Labeling. Cabinets shall be provided with a conspicuous label in red letters on contrasting background which reads: FLAMMABLE-KEEP FIRE AWAY. 5704. Doors. Doors shall be well fitted, self- closing and equipped with a three-point latch. 5704. Bottom. The bottom of the cabinet shall be liquid tight to a height of at least 2 inches (51 mm). 5704.3.2.2 Capacity. The combined total quantity of liquids in a cabinet shall not exceed 120 gallons (454 L). 5704.3.3 Indoor storage. Storage of flammable and com- bustible liquids inside buildings in containers and portable tanks shall be in accordance with Sections 5704.3.3.1 through 5704.3.3.10. Exceptions: 1. Liquids in the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, air- craft, boats or portable or stationary engines. 2. The storage of distilled spirits and wines in wooden barrels or casks. 5704.3.3.1 Portable fire extinguishers. Approved por- table fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with specific sections of this chapter and Section 906. 5704.3.3.2 Incompatible materials. Materials that will react with water or other liquids to produce a hazard shall not be stored in the same room with flammable and combustible liquids in accordance with Section 5003.9.8. 5704.3.3.3 Clear means of egress. Storage of any liq- uids, including stock for sale, shall not be stored near or be allowed to obstruct physically the route of egress. .. 5~Q4.3;3;Fti?EmPtY containe~~ O!r Portable tank stor- age:;;The storage oft5tJtpty tafi~s and contai:Qyrs previ-:tl>r:·"". ' ,'''' ,, : • ously used for the stor.~ge of flal;Jlmable or compusttble liquids, unless free from explbsive vapors, shall be stored ~s .. required for filled cori;~~J1ers and pmtable 11~ks. Ppft<\lJ,l~Uanks arid.:;S9J1tairiers, when emptied, sb:allhav§!·,.m~·~ovets•or plugs ·rmmedii:J:t~ly replaced in ~ s,; , , , , , , " , , openings. '"•' • 5704.3.3.5 Shelf storage. Shelving shall be of approved construction, adequately braced and anchored. Seismic requirements shall be in accordance with the California Building Code. 5704. Use of wood. Wood of at least 1 inch (25 mm) nominal thickness is allowed to be used as shelving, racks, dunnage, scuffboards, floor overlay and similar installations. 5704. Displacement protection. Shelves shall be of sufficient depth and provided with a lip or guard to prevent individual containers from being displaced. Exception: Shelves in storage cabinets or on lab- oratory furniture specifically designed for such use. 5704. Orderly storage. Shelf storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall be main- tained in an orderly manner. 5704.3.3.6 Rack storage. Where storage on racks is allowed elsewhere in this code, a minimum 4-foot-wide (1219 mm) aisle shall be provided between adjacent rack sections and any adjacent storage of liquids. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438 mm) wide. 5704.3.3.7 Pile or palletized storage. Solid pile and palletized storage in liquid warehouses shall be arranged so that piles are separated from each other by at least 4 feet (1219 mm). Aisles shall be provided and arranged so that no container or portable tank is more than 20 feet (6096 mm) from an aisle. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438 mm) wide. 5704.3.3.8 Limited combustible storage. Limited quantities of combustible commodities are allowed to be stored in liquid storage areas where the ordinary combustibles, other than those used for packaging the liquids, are separated from the liquids in storage by a 432 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE _ __:juiilllnll,liiiUI,talll1 t.t..:f1\ll UlliJ l!il Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License < ' ) \ ) ATTACHMENT #12 RELEA.SE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ' I / ) ' ) ..., ) ) 5. Approved maintenance in accordance with Sec- tion 5003.2.6 that is performed not less than annually or in accordance with an approved schedule shall be allowed to meet the testing requirements set forth im Sections 5003.2.9.1 and 5003.2.9.2. 5003.2.9.1 Equipment, deviices and systems requir- ing testing. The following equipment, systems and devices shall be tested in accordance with Sections 5003.2.9 and 5003.2.9.2. 1. Gas detection systems, alarms and automatic emergency shutoff valves required by Section 6004.2.2.10 for highly toxic and toxic gases. 2. Limit control systems for liquid level, tempera- ture and pressure required by Sections 5003.2.7, 5004.8 and 5005.1.4. 3. Emergency alarm systems and supervision required by Sections 5004.9 and 5005.4.4. 4. Monitoring and supervisory systems required by Sections 5004.10 and 5005.1.6. 5. Manually activated shutdown controls required by Section 6403 .1.1.1 for compressed gas sys- tems conveying pyrophoric gases. 5003.2.9.2 Testing frequency. The equipment, sys- tems and devices listed in Section 5003.2.9.1 shall be tested at one of the frequencies listed below: 1. Not less than annually; 2. In accordance with the approved manufacturer's requirements; 3. In accordance with approved recognized industry standards; or 4. In accordance with an approved schedule. 5003.3 Release ofhaza~d~~~~Jriat~~ials. Hazardou~s m"r"'"''"'~' als ih any quantity shall nofbe released into a sewer, drain, ditcn;:.:arainage canal, creek, lake or tidal Wate.t:way or2oh the ground, .; ilie:~~~~~~~er~:;;~;:"',;.:~·'' ··. Exceptions:···" ,,,, ..... 1. The release or emission o,~Jl.ifzardoH~.materials is when in coillp}~~ce witJJ;f~~deral,: ~.~ate or gor:.t;J:U:[llent~4~~ncies, regulations:(J~;'permits,~./i er€I;~,of:p~~iH~ictes is anowea wh~nused uC' ac 6rdance with registt;red1abelf<.Iif~ctiql,ls. 3. The release of ferfili~~r. anc!':soil a~e .·.: allowed n"·used in accordance with. illuuL'U."''. ~;;c::''·'~;~;;;~~~s:ipeg eati~~s. '> :'· .· '''1<:,,, . "'"'00500~.:}.'1'"Unauthorized <Ji~~J!ia:fges .... :w:pen : .. Qfl~ardous materials are releaseq:~!)l;!!JUarttJiles reportable. uncier·st<!!e,. federal or;Iat.aln.;glitations; the fire c?de officia.i""shall be·· 11o,tified ·.· "\£oii~wihg proce. es,required in accor- ':::·':~~a~~~~th etions 5003.3J,~,t!g,. ~99.~?1A· .... . · · ··5003.3.1.1 Re~*(rtfl,s:,Ad'C:tirate records shall be ·k(fpt:of · the u. ,:oriieil"discharge materiars by ee. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-GENERAL PROVISIONS .1.2 Preparation. Ptfivisions shall be made for con · and 1Tiit~g3~ting unauthorized discharges. 5003.3.1.3 CoiitrOl: · \Vherl: an unauthori.zed discharge caused by primary ~~ntainer failure:,is discovered, the "'"'""TP.rt ,p.riinary . ·.shall be repaired or re:tlamrect frOID service. 5003.3.1.4 ~~~~bnsibility cleanup; The person, fi,rr,n0r corporation responsible for an unauthorized dis- chat fill institute and complete all actions necessary to re ···'e effects of such unauthorized discharge, whether stidd.en or gradual, at no cost to thejurisdic- .,,:.:7,; tion. Wlle]l deeme'Qv;necessacy~,~Y the fire ~ode official, . '~ae may be initi~fed by tl:ie1ire department or by an · autho &d:;:il;J.diyidual 0r. firm. Costs associated with such cleanup/~li'a::II~~~ b~;rie:~}'. the 6"rner, operator or person respcin~~l?le for fu,e unauthorized dis- ;:;.~/·;, ' ' '' 5003.4 Material Safety Data Sheets. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be readily available on the premises for hazardous materials regulated by this chapter. When a haz- ardous substance is developed in a laboratory, available infor- mation shall be documented. Exception: Designated hazardous waste. 5003.5 Hazard identification signs. Unless otherwise exempted by the fire code official, visible hazard identifica- tion signs as specified in NFP A 704 for the specific material contained shall be placed on stationary containers and above- ground tanks and at entrances to locations where hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, used or handled in quantities requiring a permit and at specific entrances and locations des- ignated by the fire code official. 5003.5.1 Markings. Individual containers, cartons or packages shall be conspicuously marked or labeled in an approved manner. Rooms or cabinets containing com- pressed gases shall be conspicuously labeled: COM- PRESSED GAS. 5003.6 Signs. Signs and markings required by Sections 5003.5 and 5003.5.1 shall not be obscured or removed, shall be im English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this code, shall be durable, and the size, color and lettering shall be approved. 5003.7 Sources of ignition. Sources of ignition shall comply with Sections 5003.7.1 through 5003.7.3. 5003.7.1 Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited and "No Smoking" signs provided as follows: 1. In rooms or areas where hazardous materials are stored or dispensed or used in open systems in amounts requiring a permit in accordance with Sec- tion 5001.5 . 2. Within 25 feet (7620 mm) of outdoor storage, dis- pensing or open use areas. 3. Facilities or areas within facilities that have been designated as totally "no smoking" shall have "No Smoking" signs placed at all entrances to the facility or area. Designated areas within such facilities where smoking is permitted either permanently or 377 _ _)IJJiiliiii:CI,Iillt.11,1Wit11t111'1t111fUIU l!i1 Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ) ATTACHMENT #13 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS & SIGNS/PLACARDS ) \ I ' II -, / II ) EMERGENCY PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS TABLE 405.2 FIRE AND EVACUATION IDRILL FREQUENCY AND PARTICIPATION GROUP OR FREQUENCY PARTICIPATION OCCUPANCY Group A Quarterly Employees Group Be Annually Employees GroupE See Section 408.3a All occupants Group F Annually Employees Group I Quarterly on each shift Employeesb GroupR-1 Quarterly on each shift Employees GroupR-2ct See Section 408.3" All occupants GroupR-4 Quarterly on each shift Employeesb High-rise buildings Annually Employees ) a. The frequency shall be allowed to be modified in accordance with Section ' j --) -, ) ) II 408.3.4. > b. Fire and evacuation drills in residential care assisted living facilities shall include complete evacuation of the premises in accordance with Section 408.10.5. Where occupants receive habilitation or rehabilitation training, fire prevention and fire safety practices shall be included as part of the training program. c. Group B buildings having an occupant load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge. d. Applicable to Group R-2 college and university buildings in accordance with Section 408.3. 405.6 Notification. Where required by the fire code official, prior notification of emergency evacuation drills shall be given to the fire code official. 405.7 Initiation. Where a fire alarm system is provided, emergency evacuation drills shall be initiated by activating the fire alarm system. 405.8 Accountability. As building occupants arrive at the assembly point, efforts shall be made to determine if all occu- pants have been successfully evacuated or have been accounted for. 405.9 Recall and reentry. An electrically or mechanically operated signal used to recall occupants after an evacuation shall be separate and distinct from the signal used to initiate the evacuation. The recall signal initiation means shall be manually operated and under the control of the person in charge of the premises or the official in charge of the inci- dent. No one shall reenter the premises until authorized to do so by the official in charge. SECTION 406 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES 406.1 General. Employees in the occupancies listed in Sec- tion 404.2 shall be trained in the fire emergency procedures described in their fire evacuation and fire safety plans. Train- ing shall be based on these plans and as described in Section 404.3. 406.2 Frequency. Employees shall receive training in the contents of fire safety and evacuation plans and their duties as part of new employee orientation and at least annually there- after. Records shall be kept and made available to the fire code official upon request. 406.3 Employee training program. Employees shall be trained in fire prevention, evacuation and fire safety in accor- dance with Sections 406.3.1 through 406.3.4. 406.3.1 Fire prevention training.. Employees shall be apprised of the fire hazards of the materials and processes to which they are exposed. Each employee shall be instructed in the proper procedures for preventing fires in the conduct of their assigned duties. 406.3.2 Evacuation training. Employees shall be famil- iarized with the fire alarm and evacuation signals, their assigned duties in the event of an alarm or emergency, evacuation routes, areas of refuge, exterior assembly areas and procedures for evacuation. 406.3.3 Emergency lockdown training. Where a facility has a lockdown plan, employees shall be trained on their assigned duties and procedures in the event of an emer- gency lockdown. 406.3.4 Fire safety training. Employees assigned fire- fighting duties shall be trained to know the locations and proper use of portable fire extinguishers or other manual fire-fighting equipment and the protective clothing or equipment required for its safe and proper use. SECTION 407 HAZARD COMMUNICATION 407.1 General. The provisions of Sections 407.2 through 407.7 shall be applicable where hazardous materials subject to permits under Section 5001.5 are located on the premises or where required by the fire code official. 407.2 Mat~rial Safety Data<f~;ne~ts. Material Safety Data ,Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardoU'~materiil:ts shall be either 'ii:eadily a'{ailab ori the premises .. pap~f•copy, or where appmy. . . e permitted to be rf:) }ly retrievable by elec- tr.Q;rM•iie"' . 407.3 ··Ic1enf#'ic~ti9n~~0-lo.div-id):l!fl_ containers of hazardous materials, cartons ot'pa(;)J{age~_s}iall be matke~ or labeled in accordance with appllt'able fede. :nregulatioris. Buildings, rooms and spaces containing lie • : o'us materials shall be identified by hazard warning si~s:in accordance -yvithSec- .tion 5003.~.-· · · 407.4 Training. Persons responsible for the operation of areas in which hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, handled or used shall be familiar with the chemical nature of the materials and the appropriate mitigating actions necessary in the event of a fire, leak or spill. Responsible persons shall be designated and trained to be liaison personnel for the fire department. These persons shall aid the fire department in preplanning emergency responses and identification of the locations where hazardous materials are located, and shall have access to Material Safety Data Sheets and be knowl- edgeable in the site emergency response procedures. 407.5 Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement. Where required by the fire code official, each application for a per- 82 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE _ -~lillillldif,liltlii.JWillhf.illlf1 UHflllll!ll Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ) ) 5. Approved maintenance in accordance with Sec- tion 5003.2.6 that is performed not less than annually or in accordance with an approved schedule shall be allowed to meet the testing requirements set forth in Sections 5003.2.9.1 and 5003.2.9.2. 5003.2.9.1 Equipment, devices and systems requir- ing testing. The following equipment, systems and devices shall be tested in accordance with Sections 5003.2.9 and 5003.2.9.2. 1. Gas detection systems, alarms and automatic emergency shutoff valves required by Section 6004.2.2.10 for highly toxic and toxic gases. 2. Limit control systems for liquid level, tempera- ture and pressure required by Sections 5003.2.7, 5004.8 and 5005.1.4. 3. Emergency alarm systems and supervision required by Sections 5004.9 and 5005.4.4. 4. Monitoring and supervisory systems required by Sections 5004.10 and 5005.1.6. 5. Manually activated shutdown controls required by Section 6403.1.1.1 for compressed gas sys- tems conveying pyrophoric gases. 5003.2.9.2 Testing frequency. The equipment, sys- tems and devices listed in Section 5003.2.9.1 shall be tested at one of the frequencies listed below: 1. Not less than annually; 2. In accordance with the approved manufacturer's requirements; 3. In accordance with approved recognized industry standards; or 4. In accordance with an approved schedule. 5003.3 Release of hazardous materials. Hazardous materi- als in any quantity shall not be released into a sewer, storm drain, ditch, drainage canal, creek, stream, river, lake or tidal waterway or on the ground, sidewalk, street, highway or into the atmosphere. Exceptions: 1. The release or emission of hazardous materials is allowed when in compliance with federal, state or local governmental agencies, regulations or permits. 2. The release of pesticides is allowed when used in accordance with registered label directions. 3. The release of fertilizer and soil amendments is allowed when used in accordance with manufac- turer's specifications. 5003.3.1 Unauthorized discharges. When hazardous materials are released in quantities reportable under state, federal or local regulations, the fire code official shall be notified and the following procedures required in accor- dance with Sections 5003.3.1.1 through 5003.3.1.4. 5003.3.1.1 Records. Accurate records shall be kept of the unauthorized discharge of hazardous materials by the permittee. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL5-GENERAL PROVISIONS 5003.3.1.2 Preparation. Provisions shall be made for controlling and mitigating unauthorized discharges. 5003.3.1.3 Control. When an unauthorized discharge caused by primary container failure is discovered, the involved primary container shall be repaired or removed from service. 5003.3.1.4 Responsibility for cleanup. The person, firm or corporation responsible for an unauthorized dis- charge shall institute and complete all actions necessary to remedy the effects of such unauthorized discharge, whether sudden or gradual, at no cost to the jurisdic- tion. When deemed necessary by the fire code official, cleanup may be initiated by the fire department or by an authorized individual or firm. Costs associated with such cleanup shall be borne by the owner, operator or other person responsible for the unauthorized dis- ,, ''00'<~~.a~~e. 5tlQ3.•fMafef:i~kS~fety Dat}!~Speets: Material Safety Data Sheets (M be readilY,:;(\Vailable.q,n the premises for hazardous mat . ,r;~~ulatedl)yJll.is chapter. When a haz- ardous substance is dev~lqped in a'laboratory, available infor- mation .. shall be documented. -·~~ ·· Ex~eP.tiql!:pesignated,i}fi:Zardous wastt. 5oo3.5 Ha~~5:'!")dentificafi~~ signs. Uhless otherwise exempted byrtl):e:fire code offiCial, visible hazard identifica- ti91l signs as specified irfNFPA 704 fot the specific material cont{I;!X)~g,,shall be plaQtQo.Q1} ~tationarywntainers and above-'·'gt~flj~ilks and at entranct::'ato.locationswhere hazardous mattfiaTs':fu:t;.S.t£?.£td, dispenspd,J~sed or handled in quantities reqtiiring a peim'lti:Wstat specil"io:~ntrances and locations des- ignated by the fire cOd~Qfficial. :.: · .• .· 5003.5.1 Marking$'~~.\~Ipgividual qq.t;ttainers, cartons or .····p:ack(iges shall be conspi.c;.llously marked or labeled in an -.:,. :£:.1,a~1?!7fi2X~d manner. Rooril§'or :abinets containing com- pressed gases shall be conspicuously labeled: COM- PRESSED GAS. ''~'· .S,Q03.6 Signs. Signs and marking~ 1!eqnired by Sections ;50.035 and 5003.5.1 shall flotbe obscured .Gf removed, shall ''~b:e"inEnglish as a primary langU;a.ge or in syn1bols allowed by this cop:e:.,;;~hall be durable, and the ~ize, color and lettering shall be appi·qye.g: ;; . ·· .... !i,~;Le;",~,, 5003.7 Sources of ignition. Sources of ignition shall comply with Sections 5003.7.1 through 5003.7.3. 5003.7.1 Smoking. Smoking shall be prohibited and "No Smoking" signs provided as follows: 1. In rooms or areas where hazardous materials are stored or dispensed or used in open systems in amounts requiring a pennit in accordance with Sec- tion 5001.5. 2. Within 25 feet (7620 mm) of outdoor storage, dis- pensing or open use areas. 3. Facilities or areas within facilities that have been designated as totally "no smoking" shall have "No Smoking" signs placed at all entrances to the facility or area. Designated areas within such facilities where smoking is permitted either permanently or 377 _ ~liiiiiaUI,iilalii,iWit 11 d ilrlf .til UiOltfi!l Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ) ) ' I FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIIJS 5701.5 Material classification. Flammable and combustible liquids shall be classified in accordance with the definitions in Chapter 2. When mixed with lower flash-point liquids, Class II or III liquids are capable of assuming the characteristics of the lower flash-point liquids. Under such conditions, the appro- priate provisions of this chapter for the actual flash point of the mixed liquid shall apply. When heated above their flash points, Class II and III liq- uids assume the characteristics of Class I liquids. Under such conditions, the appropriate provisions of this chapter for flammable liquids shall apply. SECTION 5702 DEFINITIONS 5702.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter 2: ALCOHOL-BASED HAND RUB. BULK PLANT OR TERMINAL. BULK TRANSFER. COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID. Class II. Class IliA. Class IIIB. FIRE POINT. FLAMMABLE LIQUID. Class lA. Class lB. ClassIC. FLASH POINT. FUEL LIMIT SWITCH. LIQUID STORAGE ROOM. LIQUID STORAGE WAREHOUSE. MOBILE FUELING. PROCESS TRANSFER. REFINERY. REMOTE EMERGENCY SHUTOFF DEVICE. REMOTE SOL VENT RESERVOIR. SOLVENT DISTILLATION UNIT. TANK, PRIMARY. SECTION 5703 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 5703.1 Electrical. Electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with Section 605 and California Electrical Code. 5703.1.1 Classified locations for flammable liquids. Areas where flammable liquids are stored, handled, dis- pensed or mixed shall be in accordance with Table 5703.1.1. A classified area shall not extend beyond an unpierced floor, roof or other solid partition. The extent of the classified area is allowed to be reduced, or eliminated, where sufficient technical justifi- cation is provided to the fire code official that a concentra- tion in the area in excess of 25 percent of the lower flammable limit (LFL) cannot be generated. 5703.1.2 Classified locations for combustible liquids. Areas where Class II or III liquids are heated above their flash points shall have electrical installations in accor- dance with Section 5703.1.1. Exception: Solvent distillation units in accordance with Section 5705.4. 5703.1.3 Other applications. The fire code official is authorized to determine the extent of the Class I electrical equipment and wiring location when a condition is not specifically covered by these requirements or the Califor- nia Electrical Code. 5703.2 Fire protection. Fire protection for the storage, use, dispensing, mixing, handling and on-site transportation of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accordance with this chapter and applicable sections of Chapter 9. 5703.2.1 Portable fire extinguishers and hose lines. Por- table fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with Section 906. Hose lines shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 905. 5703.3 Site assessment. In the event of a spill, leak or dis- charge from a tank system, a site assessment shall be com- pleted by the owner or operator of such tank system if the fire code official determines that a potential fire or explosion haz- ard exists. Such site assessments shall be conducted to ascer- tain potential fire hazards and shall be completed and submitted to the fire department within a time period estab- lished by the fire code official, not to exceed 60 days. 5703.4 Spill control and secondary containment. Where the maximum allowable quantity per control area is exceeded, and when required by Section 5004.2, rooms, buildings or areas used for storage, dispensing, use, mixing or handling of Class I, II and IliA liquids shall be provided with spill control and secondary containment in accordance with Section 5004.2. 570~,5~~J)~ling and signage. The .official is autho- rized td~eqttire warning signs for the e of identifying the~:n;r ' ' ·· storing or using flamma ids. Signage for idellffi:: and wanting such as :(q(t e inherent hazard .of flarrill1able lkmi4§. king sha11 be prov~!fed in accor- dance with.this cha Sections,§003.5 and 5003.6. ,., • · '• ;,,,,'"'L>c};..\S/ ,, '~ ·. '' ;·, ··< 5703.5.1 Styl~. W:~njimg.signs sh~ll'be of a dl!r~bl~ mate- rial. Signs warning of'l:lie hazard ;Q.tflammable liquids. shall have white letterin on a red BitkgroJ.md and shall d: J:)ANGER-FL .. ···. LIQUIDS~ Letters shall t.d~ss than 3 inches (76 m ').ih height and lf2 inch ~7o3}s~t3uocaHO.n*: Signs shall be ·posted in .locations as required by the'ffr~~c~<l~···official. Piping containing . .flam- mable liquids shaHbt\~:{denil.fied'ii:l· accordance w!th ASME A 13 .1. .. ,. •' ''!i!ii;;!$·~·:;~~'~\cs .. . • ·~ '• ,<"··.>',:";'''\' P,,,f' 418 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE _ .___::]1Jii8alil.iifal:ti,IWI:t1htll'i:t1lll \IIJ jl§l Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) 5703.5.3'~a)ming latJ~ls; Individual containers, packages and cart;oft§ shall be identified, marked, labeled and plac- , arsJ.~d itf accordance with regulations and applica- ~15ler~tate laws. ia • · . . 5703.5.4<J~g~lltificatio~;:~olor coding 6ther appro~~d ide.QJificatioh irieans shall be provided on each loading and \ill1Ci~tlmg riser for flammable or combustible liquids to · ~'1def:itify the contents of the tank served. by the tiser. "~' /,' ,' ,, '' ' ; 5703.6 Piping systems. Piping systems, and their component parts, for flammable and combustible liquids shall be m accordance with Sections 5703.6.1 through 5703.6.11. 5703.6.1 Nonapplicability. The provisions of Section 5703.6 shall not apply to gas or oil well mstallations; pip- ing that is mtegral to stationary or portable engines, including aircraft, watercraft and motor vehicles; and pip- ing in connection with boilers and pressure vessels regu- lated by the California Mechanical Code. 5703.6.2 Design, fabrication and installation of piping systems and components. Piping system components shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the applicable standard listed in Table 5703.6.2 and Chapter 27 of NFP A 30, except as modified by Section 5703.6.2.1. Power Piping Process Piping TABLE 5703.6.2 PIPING STANIJIARDS PIPING USE Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids Building Services Piping STANDARD ASMEB31.1 ASMEB31.3 ASMEB31.4 ASMEB31.9 5703.6.2.1 Special materials. Low-melting-point materials (such as aluminum, copper or brass), materi- als that soften on fire exposure (such as nonmetallic materials) and nonductile material (such as cast iron) shall be acceptable for use underground in accordance with the applicable standard listed in Table 5703.6.2. When such materials are used outdoors in above- ground piping systems or within buildings, they shall be in accordance with the applicable standard listed in Table 5703.6.2 and one of the following: 1. Suitably protected against fire exposure. 2. Located where leakage from failure would not unduly expose people or structures. 3. Located where leakage can be readily controlled by operation of accessible remotely located valves. In all cases, nonmetallic piping shall be used in accordance with Section 27.4.6 ofNFPA 30. 5703.6.3 Testing. Unless tested in accordance with the applicable section of ASME B31.9, piping, before being covered, enclosed or placed in use, shall be hydrostatically tested to 150 percent of the maximum anticipated pressure of the system, or pneumatically tested to 110 percent of the maximum anticipated pressure of the system, but not less than 5 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) (34.47 kPa) at the highest point of the system. This test shall be FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS maintained for a sufficient time period to complete visual inspection of joints and connections. For a minimum of l 0 minutes, there shall be no leakage or permanent distortion. Care shall be exercised to ensure that these pressures are not applied to vented storage tanks. Such storage tanks shall be tested independently from the piping. 5703.6.3.1 Existing piping. Existing piping shall be tested in accordance with this section when the fire code official has reasonable cause to believe that a leak exists. Piping that could contain flammable or combus- tible liquids shall not be tested pneumatically. Such tests shall be at the expense of the owner or operator. Exception: Vapor-recovery piping is allowed to be tested using au inert gas. 5703.6.4 Protection from vehicles. Guard posts or other approved means shall be provided to protect piping, valves or fittings subject to vehicular damage in accordance with Section 312. 5703.6.5 Protection from external corrosion and gal- vanic action. Where subject to external corrosion, piping, related fluid-handling components and supports for both underground and above-ground applications shall be fabri- cated from noncorrosive materials, and coated or provided with corrosion protection. Dissimilar metallic parts that promote galvanic action shall not be joined. 5703.6.6 Valves. Piping systems shall contain a sufficient number of manual control valves and check valves to operate the system properly and to protect the plant under both normal and emergency conditions. Piping systems in connection with pumps shall contain a sufficient number of such valves to control properly the flow of liquids in normal operation and in the event of physical damage or fire exposure. 5703.6.6.1 Backflow protections. Connections to pipelines or piping by which equipment (such as tank cars, tank vehicles or marine vessels) discharges liquids into storage tanks shall be provided with check valves or block valves for automatic protection against back- flow where the piping arrangement is such that back- flow from the system is possible. Where loading and unloading is done through a common pipe system, a check valve is not required. However, a block valve shall be provided which is located so as to be readily accessible or remotely operable. 5703.6.6.2 Manual drainage. Manual drainage-control valves shall be located at approved locations remote from the tanks, diked area, drainage system and impounding basin to ensure their operation in a fire condition. 5703.6.7 Connections. Above-ground tanks with connec- tions located below normal liquid level shall be provided with internal or external isolation valves located as close as practical to the shell of the tank. Except for liquids whose chemical characteristics are incompatible with steel, such valves, when external, and their connections to the tank shall be of steel. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 421 _ _ji]IIJIIbJ.tl,lillauf,tWil' 1 h 1 ilif 1111 UIIJII!it Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #14 SOURCES OF IGNITION \ ) 5. Approved maintenance in accordance with Sec- tion 5003.2.6 that is performed not less than annually or in accordance with an approved schedule shall be allowed to meet the testing requirements set forth in Sections 5003.2.9.1 and 5003.2.9.2. 5003.2.9.1 Equipment, devices and systems requir- ing testing. The following equipment, systems and devices shall be tested in accordance with Sections 5003.2.9 and 5003.2.9.2. 1. Gas detection systems, alarms and automatic emergency shutoff valves required by Section 6004.2.2.10 for highly toxic and toxic gases. 2. Limit control systems for liquid level, tempera- ture and pressure required by Sections 5003.2.7, 5004.8 and 5005.1.4. 3. Emergency alarm systems and supervision required by Sections 5004.9 and 5005.4.4. 4. Monitoring and supervisory systems required by Sections 5004.10 and 5005.1.6. 5. Manually activated shutdown controls required by Section 6403.1.1.1 for compressed gas sys- tems conveying pyrophoric gases. 5003.2.9.2 Testing frequency. The equipment, sys- tems and devices listed in Section 5003.2.9.1 shall be tested at one of the frequencies listed below: 1. Not less than annually; 2. In accordance with the approved manufacturer's requirements; 3. In accordance with approved recognized industry standards; or 4. In accordance with an approved schedule. 5003.3 Release of hazardous materials. Hazardous materi- als in any quantity shall not be released into a sewer, storm drain, ditch, drainage canal, creek, stream, river, lake or tidal waterway or on the ground, sidewalk, street, highway or into the atmosphere. Exceptions: 1. The release or emission of hazardous materials is allowed when in compliance with federal, state or local governmental agencies, regulations or permits. 2. The release of pesticides is allowed when used in accordance with registered label directions. 3. The release of fertilizer and soil amendments is allowed when used in accordance with manufac- turer's specifications. 5003.3.1 Unauthorized discharges. When hazardous materials are released in quantities reportable under state, federal or local regulations, the fire code official shall be notified and the following procedures required in accor- dance with Sections 5003.3.1.1 through 5003.3.1.4. 5003.3.1.1 Records. Accurate records shall be kept of the unauthorized discharge of hazardous materials by the permittee. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL5-GENERAL PROVISIONS 5003.3.1.2 Preparation. Provisions shall be made for controlling and mitigating unauthorized discharges. 5003.3.1.3 Control. When an unauthorized discharge caused by primary container failure is discovered, the involved primary container shall be repaired or removed from service. 5003.3.1.4 Responsibility for cleanup. The person, firm or corporation responsible for an unauthorized dis- charge shall institute and complete all actions necessary to remedy the effects of such unauthorized discharge, whether sudden or gradual, at no cost to the jurisdic- tion. When deemed necessary by the fire code official, cleanup may be initiated by the fire department or by an authorized individual or firm. Costs associated with such cleanup shall be borne by the owner, operator or other person responsible for the unauthorized dis- charge. 5003.4 Material Safety Data Sheets. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be readily available on the premises for hazardous materials regulated by this chapter. When a haz- ardous substance is developed in a laboratory, available infor- mation shall be documented. Exception: Designated hazardous waste. 5003.5 Hazard identification signs. Unless otherwise exempted by the fire code official, visible hazard identifica- tion signs as specified in NFP A 704 for the specific material contained shall be placed on stationary containers and above- ground tanks and at entrances to locations where hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, used or handled in quantities requiring a permit and at specific entrances and locations des- ignated by the fire code official. 5003.5.1 Markings. Individual containers, cartons or packages shall be conspicuously marked or labeled in an approved manner. Rooms or cabinets containing com- pressed gases shall be conspicuously labeled: COM- PRESSED GAS. 5003.6 Signs. Signs and markings required by Sections 5003.5 and 5003.5.1 shall not be obscured or removed, shall be in English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this code, shall be durable, and the size, color and lettering shall be approved. 5003.7 Sources of ignitioll. SouiCes bf ignition shall comply with 5003.7.1 thtf?J1gh 5003.7.3. :;>"'·%L" ' . Smoking. Smol<ing shalt];),~ prohibited and "No ;~signs provided as. follows:'.·· l .. 'In m£1iDr areas where. hazaidous materials are 2' '"'">*'•JtSV:zJi\0\c',,, , v/<;Ox.::, stored or dispepsed or used in open systems in amountstequirjkg~~ penniti.o. .accordance with Sec- ··=·•":i•\:';;;;t• 5001.5. . .. ''5 (7620.mm) of outdoor storage, dis- ar~~s:. 3. Facilffl~~;~0r areas witilW·~facilities that have been .designateCf~fig=i'otally "n:<l·'~U'ibking'' .. shall have· ''No Smoking" sigri~··plaeed.at all.e.J;Itraiices to the fas;ility 'oli are:;t. Designi:lted .area:S ''wfthm . such facilities wh(';:fe' 'smc:>kjng is permitted either perriiai;lently or 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 377 ----"'!liiilOlaiU .• iiahl.iWd. 1.\•o::t.tli Cfllllili Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie K1ausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ' ~/ ( ) () u 0 c) () (~) 0 - HAZARDOUS MATERIALs-GENERAL PROVISIONS temporarily, shall be idenl;!fied with signs designat- ing that ~p1oking is pemiitted)!fithese area,s only. 4. I1i~~oo~;':t,r:;~H3<;\S where flam~~bl~" ofcombu~tible ~~ ''flazard~us materials are stored, dispensed or used. , •~. Signs reqnired'J)i1~is section shall be in English as a pn~l:l;fy}anguag~.<(!W symbqt~. allowed code and sb~\fc&mply~with sectio~~tP: .. · .·. . . .. ;~;~o'o3:7.2 Open flames. Ope~fl~mes audhl~ti~tempera~e devices shall not be used in a manner which creates a haz- ardous cO:.QOition and shall be listed for use with the haz- ardous !;i~;sstore~lor .~lsed. •• . . • 5003>1j~••~: "·•.' ustril;l\ •. tfl1~ks'.:.£QWefe~· indnstJial·truckl) useJLi1l ·&ea~·de~ignatea as·hazarCious (classifi~d) loca- tions in accordance with Califomia Electrical Code shall belisted:<J1!g}abeled for use in the environment intended in•l:lOQprdam~e!~ifu·NFP A 505. ~ . ~ 5003.8 Construction requirements. Buildings, control areas, enclosures and cabinets for hazardous materials shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.8.1 through 5003.8.6.3. 5003.8.1 Buildings. Buildings, or portions thereof, in which hazardous materials are stored, handled or used shall be constructed in accordance with the Califomia Building Code. 5003.8.2 Required detached buildings. Group H occu- pancies containing quantities of hazardous materials in excess of those set forth in Table 5003.8.2 shall be in detached buildings. 5003.8.3 Control areas. Control areas shall comply with Sections 5003.8.3.1 through 5003.8.3.5. 5003.8.3.1 Construction requirements. Control areas shall be separated from each other by fire barriers con- structed in accordance with Section 707 of the Califor- nia Building Code or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711 of the Califomia Build- ing Code, or both. 5003.8.3.2 Percentage of maximum allowable quan- tities. The percentage of maximum allowable quantities of hazardous materials per control area allowed at each floor level within a building shall be in accordance with Table 5003.8.3.2. 5003.8.3.3 Number. The maximum number of control areas per floor within a building shall be in accordance with Table 5003.8.3.2. TABLE 5003.8.2 DETACHED BUILDING REQUIRED A DETACHED BUILDING IS REQUIRED WHEN THE QUANTITY OF MATERIAL EXCEEDS THAT LISTED HEREIN Material Class Solids and liquids (tons)•·• Gases (cubic feet)"· • Division 1.1 Maximum Allowable Quantity Division 1.2 Maximum Allowable Quantity Division 1.3 Maximum Allowable Quantity Explosives Division 1.4 Maximum Allowable Quantity Not Applicable Division 1.4c 1 Division 1.5 Maximum Allowable Quantity Division 1.6 Maximum Allowable Quantity Oxidizers Class 4 Maximum Allowable Quantity Maximum Allowable Quantity Unstable (reactives) detonable Class 3 or 4 Maximum Allowable Quantity Maximum Allowable Quantity Oxidizer, liquids and solids Class 3 1,200 Not Applicable Class 2 2,000 Detonable Maximum Allowable Quantity Organic peroxides Class I Maximum Allowable Quantity Not Applicable Class II 25 Class III 50 Unstable (reactives) nondetonable Class 3 1 2,000 Class 2 25 10,000 Water reactives Class 3 1 Not Applicable Class 2 25 Pyrophoric gases Not Applicable Not Applicable 2,000 For SI: 1 pound= 0.454 kg, 1 cubic foot= 0.02832 m3, 1 ton= 2000 lbs. = 907.2 kg. 4P a. For materials which are detonable, the distance to other buildings or lot lines shall be as specified in the California Building Code. For materials classified as explosives, the required separation distances shall be as specified in Chapter 56. -b. "Maximum Allowable Quantity" means the maximum allowable quantity per control area set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1). c. Limited to Division 1.4 materials and articles, including articles packaged for shipment, that are not regulated as an explosive under Bureau of Alcohol, -Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives regulations, or unpackaged articles used in process operations that do not propagate a detonation or deflagration between articles, providing the net explosive weight of individual articles does not exceed 1 pound. 378 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE \ ) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-GENERAL PROVISIONS 5003.8.6.1 Construction. Gas cabinets shall be con- structed in accordance with the following: 1. Constructed of not less than 0.097-inch (2.5 mm) (No. 12 gage) steel. 2. Be provided with self-closing limited access ports or noncombustible windows to give access to equipment controls. 3. Be provided with self-closing doors. 4. Gas cabinet interiors shall be treated, coated or constructed of materials that are compatible with the hazardous materials stored. Such treatment, coating or construction shall include the entire interior of the cabinet. 5003.8.6.2 Ventilation. Gas cabinets shall be provided with an exhaust ventilation system. The ventilation sys- tem for gas cabinets shall be designed to operate at a negative pressure in relation to the surrounding area. Ventilation systems used for hilghly toxic and toxic gases shall also comply with Items 1, 2 and 3 of Section 6004.1.2. The ventilation system shall be installed in accordance with the California Mechanical Code. 5003.8.6.3 Maximum number of cylinders per gas cabinet. The number of cylinders contained in a single gas cabinet shall not exceed three. ,·:,, ,, : ::Jy:,"'r~:, ,: , ,,:·:s <:~,. < '/ 5003.8 zardoq~''jllaterials~istorage cabinets. Where storaiet:a inets ~tHised to mcrease maximum allowable quantity per control area or to comply with tl,lis;~ehapt~f~> such "tabi accordance willi'~'Se<:;j:ioris 50Q3.8.7.1 ~\' "'" 5003,: 7~1 Construction. inte1ior of cabinets shall be' .. '''~, coa,ted or constructed of )llaterial are n ' · e wi~\~lte haza£~{}llS ma!~~l!l stor'·'·':~:§uch \~~~Jme . ·ng~0).';13?,()11Stftl<.'!tiQ.Jl shall include the entire inte f the 1tabinet. Cabinets shall either be fisted in accordance with UL 1275 as suitable for integg~,~ storage or constructed)n acco{<'f~:rlce following:. •·· .. , · · , .• · :1.? ¢i),J;lin~t~Z~:Q'~U·b~·~fsfeel having a thiclmess of ··.·.·. not les~'flilnl 0.0478 inch (1.2 mm) (No. 18 gage). The cabinet, including the, d~,Q.r;shaU:I:Je double walled with a l 11z-iJ?.ch (38 rfrlh) airspl.\c~betweetk z · the w,alls. Joip~s?:shall be riveted or welded and ·· be tig;~~~rffti~g. Doors well fitted, se )()Sini fuld device. ~,, ··•. z: 1'1]1.~1bottoms. ~?t cabiffets .utilized for the storage of '',~.~i(c:,~;; liqi.t1 ~11 DeJliquid tight minimum height · ·'~,·;;.Of 2m (51 mm). · · ?7{:;, ,. '/,S,v,, Electrical equipmetit;fl.Jld within cabinets' · u~~~t()r the<§JQ~ag~''of·hazardous ga,s~s or liq~ids shall · be;in accordange with California FJe . 1Goile.~{5,0 .,'·4S003~~.;:2 Warning rna ·.·•~0 ,~tC~binet~s0'.sh~i;.;b~; ' ·.''Clearly identifiec!in:lill £!pprd manner with red let~ ters oi11I'qQ!lSrast1nis'~!lqkground to read: ' ,'~:2;0~~::" HAZ~RbOUS-KEEP 380 5003.9 General safety precautions. General precautions for the safe storage, handling or care of hazardous materials shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.9.1 through 5003.9.10. 5003.9.1 Personnel training and written procedures. Persons responsible for the operation of areas in which hazardous materials are stored, dispensed, handled or used shall be familiar with the chemical nature of the materials and the appropriate mitigating acltions necessary in the event of fire, leak or spill. 5003.9.1.1 Fire department liaison. Responsible per- sons shall be designated and trained to be liaison per- sonnel to the fire department. These persons shall aid the fire department in preplanning emergency responses and identifying the locations where hazard- ous materials are located, and shall have access to Material Safety Data Sheets and be knowledgeable in the site's emergency response procedures. 5003.9.2 Security. Storage, dispensing, use and handling areas shall be secured against unauthorized entry and safe- guarded in a manner approved by the fire code official. 5003.9.3 Protection from vehicles. Guard posts or other approved means shall be provided Ito protect storage tanks and connected piping, valves and fittings; dispensing areas; and use areas subject to vehicular damage in accor- dance with Section 312. 5003.9.4 Electrical wiring and equipment. Electrical wiring and equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with California Electrical Code. 5003.9.5 Static accumulation. When processes or condi- tions exist where a flammable mixture could be ignited by static electricity, means shall be provided to prevent the accumulation of a static charge. 5003.9.6 Protection from light. Materials that are sensi- tive to light shall be stored in containers designed to pro- tect them from such exposure. 5003.9.7 Shock padding. Materials that are shock sensi- tive shall be padded, suspended or otherwise protected against accidental dislodgement and dislodgement during seismic activity. 5003.9.8 Separation of incompatible materials. Incom- patible materials in storage and storage of materials that are incompatible with materials in use shall be separated when the stored materials are in containers having a capac- ity of more than 5 pounds (2 kg) or 0.5 gallon (2 L). Sepa- ration shall be accomplished by: 1. Segregating incompatible materials in storage by a distance of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm). 2. Isolating incompatible materials in storage by a non- combustible partition extending not less than 18 inches ( 457 mm) above and to the sides of the stored material. 3. Storing liquid and solid materials in hazardous material storage cabinets. 4. Storing compressed gases in gas cabinets or exhausted enclosures in accordance with Sections 5003.8.5 and 5003.8.6. Materials that are incompati- 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Copyright to, or licensed by. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License A n-r.,..,.m.,.nt Nn. fnrthPr rPnrnchll•t-inn..: !'l.llthnri7Pcl FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS portable tanks that do not exceed 660 gallons (2498 L) in individual capacity, and limited transfers incidental thereto, shall comply with Sections 5704.3.1 through 5704.3.8.5. 5704.3.1 Design, construction and capacity of contain- ers and portable tanks. The design, construction and capacity of containers for the storage of Class I, II and IliA liquids shall be in accordance with this section and Section 9.4 ofNFPA 30. 5704.3.1.1 Approved containers. Only approved con- tainers and portable tanks shall be used. ,57:04.3.2 Liquid storagetabmets. Where other sections of this code requil:'e~at liquid containers be stored in stor- age ca ·nets, such c~~hltts and storage shall be in accor- dance,:. ctions 5704.3.2.lthrough 5704,,~,~~· 5704.3.2.1 Design and con'g{ttf6ilon .of stor i?aoi~ "'"~"/T;,<,\',f';;,~.'>',,' , ', "'>;<( ~>j~',f;", ' nets. Design and constructio.P.:;2~1i.q~Jid storage:()a :i!lets shall be in accord ~tn Sections 5704. through 5704.3.;2 .. l,:(k, , ,·;e>+~\·y>;~:~, ~704. M~i¢rials. Cabinets shall be listed in e• with UL 1275, or coilstructed of wood or metal in accordance·Mtn the fol- :: ~.;',)",'/ '(/:: ;C:;' /'·",' :--::;~t;:r:JX;i\t ···/","o;{,./:;,;,,~&:~:,~,,, . Unlisted metfll.r;abinets shallb{l2i)fistructed steel having.l;f~tfi ss of not less than 0.044 inch (t: ){ gage). The cabinet, includ- ,ing tli~; p.all be double walled with 11/0- .;inch (3~.~mru) airspace the walls. shall be riveted or tight fitting. 2. Unlisted wooden shall J5e;c.QustJ;ti()ted than mm) exi~lr(~tt?g'f:~~e plywood. Joints shall rabbeted ancf's:haJII;be fastened in two direc- tions with wood'ibtews. Door hinges shall be of steel or brass. Cabinets be painted with an intumescent-type 5704.3.2;1.2 Lab,~li~~·. G;;t]JJ~etL~h~l!~ with a conspi.ppsn~$l~.1~!?ehn red.l~tt~tis on bac\{gtot;in.d. which rea:dsF~'ELAMMABLE-"-KEEP FIREAWAY. . rs shall be well fitted, self- a three-point latch. btittom "of thy :'~":i;5?r64~.;~,2 Capacity. ThC::eom):lined total quat1tity in a cabinet shaUy~~qt exceed 120 gallons (454 5704.3.3 Indoor storage. Storage of flammable and com- bustible liquids inside buildings in containers and portable tanks shall be in accordance with Sections 5704.3.3.1 through 5704.3.3.10. 432 Exceptions: 1. Liquids in the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, air- craft, boats or portable or stationary engines. 2. The storage of distilled spirits and wines in wooden barrels or casks. 5704.3.3.1 Portable fire extinguishers. Approved por- table fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with specific sections of this chapter and Section 906. 5704.3.3.2 Incompatible materials. Materials that will react with water or other liquids to produce a hazard shall not be stored in the same room with flanimable and combustible liquids in accordance with Section 5003.9.8. 5704.3.3.3 Clear means of egress. Storage of any liq- uids, including stock for sale, shall not be stored near or be allowed to obstruct physically the route of egress. 5704.3.3.4 Empty containers or portable tank stor- age. The storage of empty tanks and containers previ- ously used for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids, unless free from explosive vapors, shall be stored as required for filled containers and portable tanks. Portable tanks and containers, when emptied, shall have the covers or plugs immediately replaced in openings. 5704.3.3.5 Shelf storage. Shelving shall be of approved construction, adequately braced and anchored. Seismic requirements shall be in accordance with the California Building Code. 5704. Use of wood. Wood of at least 1 inch (25 mm) nominal thickness is allowed to be used as shelving, racks, dunnage, scuffboards, floor overlay and similar installations. 5704. Displacement protection. Shelves shall be of sufficient depth and provided with a lip or guard to prevent individual containers from being displaced. Exception: Shelves in storage cabinets or on lab- oratory furniture specifically designed for such use. 5704. Orderly storage. Shelf storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall be main- tained in an orderly manner. 5704.3.3.6 Rack storage. Where storage on racks is allowed elsewhere in this code, a minimum 4-foot-wide (1219 mm) aisle shall be provided between adjacent rack sections and any adjacent storage of liquids. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438 mm) wide. 5704.3.3.7 Pile or palletized storage. Solid pile and palletized storage in liquid warehouses shall be arranged so that piles are separated from each other by at least 4 feet (1219 mm). Aisles shall be provided and arranged so that no container or portable tank is more than 20 feet (6096 mm) from an aisle. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438 mm) wide. 5704.3.3.8 Limited combustible storage. Limited quantities of combustible commodities are allowed to be stored in liquid storage areas where the ordinary combustibles, other than those used for packaging the liquids, are separated from the liquids in storage by a 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Copyright to. or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie K1ausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License A .-r-raa ........ ""nt 1\J.-.. f'.., .•• fh.,.,. r""-nrrv.J,,,..hnne> <>11thnri"7.,..-J \ ) ) FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS stration, laboratory work, maintenance purposes and operation of equipment, and shall not exceed quantities set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1). The maximum allowable quantities for storage in wholesale and retail sales areas shall be in accor- dance with Section 5704.3.4.1. 7. Group R occupancies: Quantities in Group R occupancies shall not exceed that necessary for maintenance purposes and operation of equip- ment, and shall not exceed quantities set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1). 8. Group S occupancies: Quantities in dining and office uses within Group S occupancies shall not exceed that necessary for demonstration, labora- tory work, maintenance purposes and operation of equipment, and shall not exceed quantities set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1). 5704.3.4.3 Quantities exceeding limits for control areas. Quantities exceeding those allowed in control areas set forth in Section 5704.3.4.1 shall be in liquid storage rooms or liquid storage warehouses in accor- dance with Sections 5704.3.7 and 5704.3.8. · 'S7Q4~.~~1]tt'B(q!J::i~sf~f~1!i!!.t,?n~ri~e~~I,l~ of)~t~ti~n.of··· · L. ~quipm~pt. In all b'ccupanci~s; quanti ties'of;flarrlill<ir},:fe1 · .. ''~lid combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons (38 L) · used fo aintenq,!J!. urpose~ and the;9peration of e Il?e~s . liq~~Q, ~t()raget inets in ace • <:;e wftw·'Section .Jp4.3~2:>'f'Q~~titl ~ypt · e:~~eding 10 gallons (38 L) are allowed to be st01:ed · outs.idt of a cabinet when in appro~ed containers locatetl in priy:<:Jt~~garages or other app.I;Qved locat.ioJ1s. <' /,, <<iu~~', ,~ A':<,; ' V<;.,' ', ''f+' ~ 5704.3.5 Storage in control areas. Storage of flanJIDable and combustible liquids in control areas shall be in accor- dance with Sections 5704.3.5.1 through 5704.3.5.4. 5704.3.5.1 Basement storage. Class I liquids shall be allowed to be stored in basements in amounts not exceeding the maximum allowable quantity per control area for use-open systems in Table 5003.1.1(1), pro- vided that automatic suppression and other fire protec- tion are provided in accordance with Chapter 9. Class II and IliA liquids shall also be alllowed to be stored in basements, provided that automatic suppression and other fire protection are provided in accordance with Chapter 9. 5704.3.5.2 Storage pile heights. Containers having less than a 30-gallon (114 L) capacity which contain Class I or II liquids shall not be stacked more than 3 feet (914.4 mm) or two containers high, whichever is greater, unless stacked on fixed shelving or otherwise satisfactorily secured. Containers of Class I or II liquids having a capacity of 30 gallons (114 L) or more shall not be stored more than one container high. Containers shall be stored in an upright position. 5704.3.5.3 Storage distance from ceilings and roofs. Piles of containers or portable tanks shall not be stored closer than 3 feet (914 mm) to the nearest beam, chord, girder or other obstruction, and shall be 3 feet (914 mm) below sprinkler deflectors or discharge orifices of water spray or other overhead fire protection system. 5704.3.5.4 Combustible materials. In areas that are inaccessible to the public, Class I, II and IliA liquids shall not be stored in the same pile or rack section as ordinary combustible commodities unless such materi- als are packaged together as kits. 5704.3.6 Wholesale and retail sales uses. Flammable and combustible liquids in Group M occupancy wholesale and retail sales uses shall be in accordance with Sections 5704.3.6.1 through 5704.3.6.5, or Sections 10.10.2, 12.3.8, 16.4.1 through 16.4.3, 16.5.1 through, Tables through, and Figures 16.4.l(a) through 16.14.1(c) ofNFPA 30. 5704.3.6.1 Container type. Containers for Class I liq- uids shall be metal. Exception: In sprinklered buildings, an aggregate quantity of 120 gallons (454 L) of water-miscible Class IB and ClassIC liquids is allowed in nonme- tallic containers, each having a capacity of 16 ounces (0.473 L) or less. 5704.3.6.2 Container capacity. Containers for Class I liquids shall not exceed a capacity of 5 gallons (19 L). Exception: Metal containers not exceeding 55 gal- lons (208 L) are allowed to store up to 240 gallons TABLE 5704.3.6.3(1) MAXIMUM STORAGE HEIGHT IN CONTROL AREA TYPE OF LIQUID NONSPRINKLERED AREA SPRINKLERED AREA• SPRINKLERED WITH IN-RACK PROTECTION•·• {feet) {feet) (feet) Flammable liquids: Class lA 4 4 4 Class IB 4 8 12 ClassIC 4 8 12 Combustible liquids: Class II 6 8 12 Class IliA 8 12 16 Class IIIB 8 12 20 For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm. a In buildings protected by an automatic sprinkller system, the storage height for containers and portable tanks shall not exceed the maximum storage height permitted for the fire protection scheme set forth in NFP A 30 or the maximum storage height demonstrated in a full-scale fire test, whichever is greater. NFP A 30 criteria and fire test results for metallic containers and portable tanks shall not be applied to nonmetallic containers and portable tanks. b. In-rack protection shall be in accordance with Table 5704.3.6.3(5), 5704.3.6.3(6) or 5704.3.6.3(7). 434 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klansbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License -------.. \ ) / \ ATTACHMENT #16 GEl'JERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: PERSONNEL 'TRAINING AND WRITTEN PROCEDURES, SEPARATION OF INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS & ADDITIO-NAL GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ) II II EMERGENCY PLANNING AND PREPAREDNESS TABLE 405.2 FIRE AND EVACUATION DRILL FREQUENCY AND PARTICIIPATION GROUP OR FREQUENCY PARTICIPATION OCCUPANCY Group A Quarterly Employees Group Be Annually Employees GroupE See Section 408.3a All occupants Group F Annually Employees Group I Quarterly on each shift Employeesb Group R-1 Quarterly on each shift Employees GroupR-2ct See Section 408.3a All occupants GroupR-4 Quarterly on each shift Employeesb High-rise buildings Annually Employees a The frequency shall be allowed to be modified in accordance with Section II 408.3.4. > b. Fire and evacuation drills in residential care assisted living facilities shall include complete evacuation of the premises in accordance with Section 408.10.5. Where occupants receive habilitation or rehabilitation training, fire prevention and fire safety practices shall be included as part of the training program. c. Group B buildings having an occupant load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge. d. Applicable to Group R-2 college and university buildings in accordance with Section 408.3. 405.6 Notification. Where required by the fire code official, prior notification of emergency evacuation drills shall be given to the fire code official. 405.7 Initiation. Where a fire alarm system is provided, emergency evacuation drills shall be initiated by activating the fire alarm system. 405.8 Accountability. As building occupants arrive at the assembly point, efforts shall be made to determine if all occu- pants have been successfully evacuated or have been accounted for. 405.9 Recall and reentry. An electrically or mechanically operated signal used to recall occupants after an evacuation shall be separate and distinct from the signal used to initiate the evacuation. The recall signal initiation means shall be manually operated and under the control of the person in charge of the premises or the official in charge of the inci- dent. No one shall reenter the premises until authorized to do so by the official in charge. SECTION 406 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES 406.1 General. Employees in the occupancies listed in Sec- tion 404.2 shall be trained in the fire emergency procedures described in their fire evacuation and fire safety plans. Train- ing shall be based on these plans and as described in Section 404.3. 406.2 Frequency. Employees shall receive training in the contents of fire safety and evacuation plans and their duties as part of new employee orientation and at least annually there- after. Records shall be kept and made available to the fire code official upon request. 406.3 Employee training program. Employees shall be trained in fire prevention, evacuation and fire safety in accor- dance with Sections 406.3.1 through 406.3.4. 406.3.1 Fire prevention training. Employees shall be apprised of the fire hazards of the materials and processes to which they are exposed. Each employee shall be instructed in the proper procedures for preventing fires in the conduct of their assigned duties. 406.3.2 Evacuation training. Employees shall be famil- iarized with the fire alarm and evacuation signals, their assigned duties in the event of an alarm or emergency, evacuation routes, areas of refuge, exterior assembly areas and procedures for evacuation. 406.3.3 Emergency lockdown training. Where a facility has a lockdown plan, employees shall be trained on their assigned duties and procedures in lthe event of an emer- gency lockdown. 406.3.4 Fire safety training. Employees assigned fire- fighting duties shall be trained to know the locations and proper use of portable fire extinguishers or other manual fire-fighting equipment and the protective clothing or equipment required for its safe and proper use. SECTION 407 HAZARD COMMUNICATION 407.1 General. The provisions of Sections 407.2 through 407.7 shall be applicable where hazardous materials subject to permits under Section 5001.5 are located on the premises or where required by the fire code official. 407.2 Material Safety Data Sheets. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous materials shall be either readily available on the premises as a paper copy, or where approved, shall be permitted to be readily retrievable by elec- tronic access. 407.3 Identification. Individual containers of hazardous materials, cartons or packages shall be marked or labeled in accordance with applicable federal regulations. Buildings, rooms and spaces containing hazardous materials shall be identified by hazard warning signs in accordance with Sec- tion 5003.5. 407.2t Trail:iirtg>P~t&2~JS. respopsiblt f?r the;operation of areas in which hazai;i:fQlis · 1lla;~Iials are .~J.ored, . dispensed, ll~.tl4le~ or used. shall be famifliil·$\V~J:la. ~e chellli~afiiature of the ~~tqrials ai}d the appropri~te mitiga~i11g acticii);$ll~cessary in the event of ~ file~;:t~~ 5)r :spill;~.I,}espdn~iqie, persons §hall b~ designated and trained t6 be lfa~~979-personnel for the fire "depar®entc'"These persons shall aid.f.ft~'Jire department. in · prephiiinmg''~m~r~£1¢~¥:f~§QOIJ:~~~,~nd ideuxifi.c;aHon of the locations where hazardt;~~is''mlit · ate locat~i:l. and shall hav~ acfeSS' to Material Safety a'Sheets and be knowl-·•'~~dg~a'fil~~!J1:t~:esit~.J~plergency responseprqcedur~s.'' "'"',' :~;i','J,j,;;;>' <'',,,/,~ 407.5 Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement. Where required by the fire code official, each application for a per- 82 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE _]fbilaaliiSifaiii.IW:J.i. t:W:Y.tll tf0.1 I lli Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License \ -_) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-GENERAL PROVISIONS 5003.8.6.1 Construction. Gas cabinets shall be con- structed in accordance with the following: 1. Constructed of not less than 0.097-inch (2.5 nun) (No. 12 gage) steel. 2. Be provided with self-closing limited access ports or noncombustible windows to give access to equipment controls. 3. Be provided with self-closing doors. 4. Gas cabinet interiors shall be treated, coated or constructed of materials that are compatible with the hazardous materials stored. Such treatment, coating or construction shall include the entire interior of the cabinet. 5003.8.6.2 Ventilation. Gas cabinets shall be provided with an exhaust ventilation system. The ventilation sys- tem for gas cabinets shall be designed to operate at a negative pressure in relation to 1the surrounding area. Ventilation systems used for highly toxic and toxic gases shall also comply with Items 1, 2 and 3 of Section 6004.1.2. The ventilation system shall be installed in accordance with the California Mechanical Code. 5003.8.6.3 Maximum number of cylinders per gas cabinet. The number of cylinders contained in a single gas cabinet shall not exceed three. 5003.8.7 Hazardous materials storage cabinets. Where storage cabinets are used to increase maximum allowable quantity per control area or to comply with this chapter, such cabinets shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.8.7.1 and 5003.8.7.2. 5003.8.7.1 Construction. The interior of cabinets shall be treated, coated or constructed of materials that are nonreactive with the hazardous material stored. Such treatment, coating or construction shall include the entire interior of the cabinet. Cabinets shall either be listed in accordance with UL 1275 as suitable for the intended storage or constructed in accordance with the following: 1. Cabinets shall be of steel having a thickness of not less than 0.0478 inch (1.2 mm) (No. 18 gage). The cabinet, including the door, shall be double walled with a 11/2-inch (38 nun) airspace between the walls. Joints shall be riveted or welded and shall be tight fitting. Doors shall be well fitted, self-closing and equipped with a self-latching device. 2. The bottoms of cabinets utilized for the storage of liquids shall be liquid tight to a minimum height of 2 inches (51 nun). Electrical equipment and devices within cabinets used for the storage of hazardous gases or liquids shall be in accordance with California Electrical Code. 5003.8.7.2 Warning markings. Cabinets shall be clearly identified in an approved manner with red let- ters on a contrasting background Ito read: HAZARDOUS-KEEP FIRE AWAY. 5003.9 Generall~~{~!l: preean:tions. General pr~e~utions for the safe St(lrage, handfingzr{)~X~f!re of hazardous materials shall :.o~in;accor~ance with Sections 5003.9.1 through 500}.9.10. 500J:?i:'.(~~¢rsonneL i~g and writ~en proc~d11res. Persotfs' fe~pQ*I~i~lt; '~'. · ~ 9P~ration .of areas in which hazardous materiafs are sto&(t~.: 1rspensed, handled or u~~d shall be familiar with the cheriflcal nature of the materials and th~,,flppropriate mitigating''~actions necessary injlie ''i~~;~·~.Y~nt offrre~ae~.()l: spill. .·. ::-,--~:,;:~J:J;;;; \,'', ,, ----,,, "/'-:~~>---~~"':~--:~"' ,, -' '>t?:; ;;;;?, '"'-< :-::_:.; 5.Q(}3.9';l~l,:Eir,;~(leparttnent liij~on. Responsible perc sons shall be des{griittefl';and traJJ:l~d to be liais(ln per- sonnel to the fire dep·aftmel1l. These persons. shall' aid '[ . the department i112,11,.Prepl~fining em,~rgency •·1'''·~~~.ffe,_~po11~es audi£i~t?:tifying i:fie?.locations where hazard- ~ ~ot(s materials a'F~.~·iqcated, antl. shall have access to M;terial Sllf~ty Data·!'Slieets an~lbe knowledgeable in the site's emetgehcy t:~sponse rl~~~edures. 5003.9.~ .. ~ecurity. Storage~,dispensllig, use and handling • ~p:eas shall b~ secured against ..• uthorized entr)t:,and safe-"'gtmr~~i~.am,anner approved • .· .... e fire code offiCial. · 'SOo3:9:'3:'~;~t~~tion·from vehid€s; Gual:d.posts or other approved meart~''s1Jal};,b~.p . .t;(,)Vided tO protec~ .S!Orage ·tanks and connected pipin~1. ·v,~ives and!tittings;· dispensing areas; and use areas subje~~t~l':yehicular damage in accor- danc!'; itlJ. Section 312. . ;;s ' ·''s" , '.','. · ·'''500"~h '"''tfic?I wiring art~ 1equipl}l~nt. .·Electrical wmng an e pi;ilept;§);wll be lristalled aiJcl maintained in accordance with Cali ·· lectrical Codei :·' ''"\:,:,:': ·~:When proce~ses or ~ondi­ tions exist where a flammable'·mixtur~.c:ould be ignitedby static electdcity, means shall;;~e provided to prevent the .:.~~~}~~~z!o~xqfa.~tati?charge.:c~.. , ,. ~!i't~Qp3,~?i§*ProtectiQI1;{~~J.ll light;·Materi~ls that are sensi-j~y~\fQ.?>ligbt shall. pe. 'b · ~d in containers designed to pro-ted .tll~m from such'e · 5003.9.7 Shock paddillg;'xl¥I~terialict.hat are shock sensi- tive shall be padded, susp~~4ed or &therwise protected against accidental dislodgement and disl9figeni~nt during seismic:ac:;tivity. ;':P'·"'"so63~~:cs~ · .tion of incompaJj}};l,e materials. Incom- patiblerri . . storage and s~St~ge of materials that are incompati e with. ia,ls in use shall b~ separated when the stored materia . . .. · .. containershavillg a capac- ity of more than 5 pouncis'(i kg) or 05g~Hon (2 L). Sepa- ration shall ~t; a,ccomplished by:. :;;;;• 1. ~egreg~ti~g.~11w;;ompatiblerria.t~palsin storage by a · · ·"Of~tanc~~qftg~t;J.~ss. than 20 fci~t;;.k6096rrim). ·~ 0>~>+ct;;;'"::0f::;',;', ,· ?)t:"\ ·< "~"'"W'F, incomp~lJibly,materi:!i1s'ip storage oy a non- combustible pardti1fif'·ektencling,,~~?t less than. 18 mm) . to tlig~iaes of the stored liazru:dous 4'; ··Storing compresse(J.~:?~·gas~s. gas cabinet~ ..• or e$q~~!Y~. enclosures?1~001l~~~~[~~ce wi~ SeCi1o~s 5003 .. 8.5 and 5003.8:6;MafetiaTs that are mcompati-,.,,,¥><·:-,:;u,:,,, , ,;yu,;/::,':~~:·~: ;<<·;;'·,,: 380 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE _:::n *';aa.tti.Gifatii.IW:::t. I. 1 :r.J. ti hf3 ii<ii Coovriftht to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 I :57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ' ) ) ble shall not be &tored within the same vULHlHAT<\!Jc exhausted enclosure. 5003.9.9 Shelf storage. Shelving shall be of substantial construction, and shall be braced and anchored in accor- dance with the seismic design requirements of the Califor- nia Building Code for the seismic zone in which the material is located. Shelving shall be treated, coated or constructed of materials that are compatible with the haz- ardous materials stored. Shelves shall be provided with a lip or guard when used for the storage of individual con- tainers. Exceptions: 1. Storage in hazardous material storage cabinets or laboratory furniture specifically designed for such use. 2. Storage of hazardous materials in amounts not requiring a permit in accordance with Section 5001.5. Shelf storage of hazardous materials shall be main- tained in an orderly manner. 5003.9.10 Safety cans. Safety cans shall be listed in accordance with UL 30 when used to increase the maxi- mum allowable quantities per control area of flammable or combustible liquids in accordance with Table 5003.1.1(1). Safety cans listed in accordance with UL 1313 are allowed for flammable and combustible liquids when not used to increase the maximum allowable quantities per control area and for other hazardous material liquids in accor- dance with the listing. 5003.10 Handling and transportation. In addition to the requirements of Section 5003.2, the handling and transporta- tion of hazardous materials in corridors elevators and exit enclosures for stairways and ramps shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.10.1 through 5003.10.4.4. 5003.10.1 Valve protection. Hazardous material gas con- tainers, cylinders and tanks in transit shall have their pro- tective caps in place. Containers, cylinders and tanks of highly toxic or toxic compressed gases shall have their valve outlets capped or plugged with an approved closure device in accordance with Chapter 53. 5003.10.2 Carts and trucks re,quired. Liquids in contain- ers exceeding 5 gallons (19 L) in a corridor or exit enclo- sure for a stairway or ramp shall be transported within corridors or exit enclosures, shall be on a cart or truck. Containers of hazardous materials having a hazard ranking of 3 or 4 in accordance with NFP A 704 and transported within corridors or interior exit stairways and ramps, shall be on a cart or truck. Where carts and trucks are required for transporting hazardous materials, they shall be in accordance with Section 5003.10.3. Exceptions 1 through 4 shall not apply where elevators are utilized. Exceptions: 1. Two hazardous material liquid containers, which are hand carried in acceptable safety carriers. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. Not more than four drums not exceeding 55 gal- lons (208 L) each, which are transported by suit- able drum trucks. 3. Containers and cylinders of compressed gases, which are transported by approved hand trucks, and containers and cylinders not exceeding 25 pounds (11 kg), which are hand carried. 4. Solid hazardous materials not exceeding 100 pounds (45 kg), which are transported by approved hand trucks, and a single container not exceeding 50 pounds (23 kg), which is hand car- ried. 5003.10.2.1 Above the lOth story. Above the lOth story of any occupancy, all vertical handling and transporta- tion of hazardous materials in the building shall be in approved carts. 5003.10.2.2 Transportation of hazardous materials above the lOth story The handling and transportation of hazardous materials above the 1Oth story shall be limited to 5 percent of the maximum allowable quanti- ties of Tables 5003.1(1) and (2). Quantities are permit- ted to be increased by 100 percent in buildings with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. Materials where footnote g applies shall not be increased. 5003.10.3 Carts and trucks. Carts and trucks required by Section 5003.10.2 to be used to transport hazardous mate- rials shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.10.3.1 through 5003.10.3.6. 5003.10.3.1 Design. Carts and trucks used to transport hazardous materials shall be designed to provide a sta- ble base for the commodities to be transported and shall have a means of restraining containers to prevent acci- dental dislodgement. Compressed gas cylinders placed on carts and trucks shall be individually restrained. 5003.10.3.2 Speed-control devices. Carts and trucks shall be provided with a device that will enable the operator to control safely movement by providing stops or speed-reduction devices. 5003.10.3.3 Construction. Construction materials for hazardous material carts or trucks shall be compatible with the material transported. The cart or truck shall be of substantial construction. 5003.10.3.4 Spill control. Carts and trucks transporting liquids shall be capable of containing a spill from the largest single container transported. 5003.10.3.5 Attendance. Carts and trucks used to transport materials shall not obstruct or be left unat- tended within any part of a means of egress. 5003.10.3.6 Incompatible materials. Incompatible materials shall not be transported on the same cart or truck. 381 -'1itiLII:I.ti8_Cal.aiiW,WW3 ... i .t:W:Y .... iii tf:::i I 6 Convri2:ht to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED): accessed bv Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6. 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ) ) \ j \ j \ j ) /--\ ') FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS portable tanks that do not exceed 660 gallons (2498 L) in individual capacity, and limited transfers incidental thereto, shall comply with Sections 5704.3.1 through 5704.3.8.5. 5704.3.1 Design, construction and capacity of contain- ers and portable tanks. The design, construction and capacity of containers for the storage of Class I, II and IliA liquids shall be in accordance with this section and Section 9.4 ofNFPA 30. 5704.3.1.1 Approved containers. Only approved con- tainers and portable tanks shall be used. 5704.3.2 Liquid storage cabinets. Where other sections of this code require that liquid containers be stored in stor- age cabinets, such cabinets and storage shall be in accor- dance with Sections 5704.3.2.1 through 5704.3.2.2. 5704.3.2.1 Design and construction of storage cabi- nets. Design and construction of liquid storage cabinets shall be in accordance with Sections 5704. through 5704. 5704. Materials. Cabinets shall be listed in accordance with UL 1275, or constructed of approved wood or metal in accordance with the fol- lowing: 1. Unlisted metal cabinets shall be constructed of steel having a thickness of not less than 0.044 inch (1.12 mm) (18 gage). The cabinet, includ- ing the door, shall be double walled with 11/2- inch (38 mm) airspace between the walls. Joints shall be riveted or welded and shall be tight fitting. 2. Unlisted wooden cabinets, including doors, shall be constructed of not less than 1-inch (25 mm) exterior grade plywood. Joints shall be rabbeted and shall be fastened in two direc- tions with wood screws. Door hinges shall be of steel or brass. Cabinets shall be painted with an intumescent-type paint. 5704. Labeling. Cabinets shall be provided with a conspicuous label in red letters on contrasting background which reads: FLAMMABLE-KEEP FIRE AWAY. 5704. Doors. Doors shall be well fitted, self- closing and equipped with a three-point latch. 5704. Bottom. The bottom of the cabinet shall be liquid tight to a height of at least 2 inches (51 mm). 5704.3.2.2 Capacity. The combined total quantity of liquids in a cabinet shall not exceed 120 gallons (454 L). 5704.3.3 Indoor storage. Storage of flammable and com- bustible liquids inside buildings in containers and portable tanks shall be in accordance with Sections 5704.3.3.1 through 5704.3.3.10. Exceptions: 1. Liquids in the fuel tanks of motor vehicles, air- craft, boats or portable or stationary engines. 2. The storage of distilled spirits and wines in wooden barrels or casks. 5704.3.3.1 Portable fire extinguishers. Approved por- table fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with specific sections of this chapter and Section 906. 5704.3.3;.2 IIJCO:mpatible ni"Mterials~ Materials that will react with Wat~ror other Ii4uids to ~t6clu~e a hazard shall not be stor~d14!n the sarlfec{t;?om with ;flammable and combustible l1'q't1i(f~; accotoance with Section 5003.9.8. .57tr4:3:r3.3Cfe~r means~f,~~ess. St~!·~geof any liq- tlia§, . Jng stock for sale, slfall not be stored near or be all owe fo:o].S,~Et physiea1!~ the route of egress. 5704.3.3.4 Empty containers or portable tank stor- age. The storage of empty tanks and containers previ- ously used for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids, unless free from explosive vapors, shall be stored as required for filled containers and portable tanks. Portable tanks and containers, when emptied, shall have the covers or plugs immediately replaced in openings. 5704.3.3.5 Shelf storage. Shelving shall be of approved construction, adequately braced and anchored. Seismic requirements shall be in accordance with the California Building Code. 5704. Use of wood. Wood of at least 1 inch (25 mm) nominal thickness is allowed to be used as shelving, racks, dunnage, scuffboards, floor overlay and similar installations. 5704. Displacement protection. Shelves shall be of sufficient depth and provided with a lip or guard to prevent individual containers from being displaced. Exception: Shelves in storage cabinets or on lab- oratory furniture specifically designed for such use. 5704. Orderly storage. Shelf storage of flammable and combustible liquids shall be main- tained in an orderly manner. 5704.3.3.6 Rack storage. Where storage on racks is allowed elsewhere in this code, a minimum 4-foot-wide (1219 mm) aisle shall be provided between adjacent rack sections and any adjacent storage of liquids. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438 mm) wide. 5704.3.3.7 Pile or palletized storage. Solid pile and palletized storage in liquid warehouses shall be arranged so that piles are separated from each other by at least 4 feet (1219 mm). Aisles shall be provided and arranged so that no container or portable tank is more than 20 feet (6096 mm) from an aisle. Main aisles shall be a minimum of 8 feet (2438 mm) wide. 5704.3.3.8 Limited combustible storage. Limited quantities of combustible commodities are allowed to be stored in liquid storage areas where the ordinary combustibles, other than those used for packaging the liquids, are separated from the liquids in storage by a 432 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE -~ltL:a:a.na~sai .. iiWI&::t.¥.\:»:J'.iiitt&i I ful Convright to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED): accessed bv Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ~, f ) _) ' I ' j ) ) ) ATTACHMENT #17 STORA.GE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: SHELF STORAGE AND STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE & COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS ) ) ) \ / ) ble shall not be stored within the same cabinet or exhausted enclosure. 5003.9.9 Shelf storag~,ESh~lving s~~Lbe of. suhstantial construction,·. ahd:sb,,aJ! ,.be "5t~cJed.:~~ afithon~d. \11 · actclr" • dance.wiihthe's~~~lJiiccies1gnrequiTeillerlts:ofthe··catifa&;;" niti·iiQ£~iUling Code for the seismic zone in which the · .. , :2,:l};laterial is located. Shelving shall be treated, coated or cbristmcted of rn~teri~ls that .ar~ compatibl~ with the haz- ardous mateJ?iafs stored? Shetves sliit.ll:be. ovidecr with a .c~:q1;:·'"0·i ··<:;':·?:·.;; :·'C!;r . •• • ·•.,. lip or, uard w1S:£S~:.:\).§,ed for the:s.~9f:(lge of1 con-tairi" " >:< .:;· "~"' :>'~';;:" \V :,~~ceptions: 2. Storage of hazardous materials in amounts nqt . , ~ ... ,.~~quiring a permit in accordance with Section be main- 5003.9.10 Safety cans. Safety cans shall be listed in accordance with UL 30 when used to increase the maxi- mum allowable quantities per control area of flammable or combustible liquids in accordance with Table 5003.1.1(1). Safety cans listed in accordance with UL 1313 are allowed for flammable and combustible liquids when not used to increase the maximum allowable quantities per control area and for other hazardous material liquids in accor- dance with the listing. 5003.10 Handling and transportation. In addition to the requirements of Section 5003.2, the handling and transporta- tion of hazardous materials in corridors elevators and exit enclosures for stairways and ramps shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.10.1 through 5003.10.4.4. 5003.10.1 Valve protection. Hazardous material gas con- tainers, cylinders and tanks in 1ransit shall have their pro- tective caps in place. Containers, cylinders and tanks of highly toxic or toxic compressed gases shall have their valve outlets capped or plugged with an approved closure device in accordance with Chapter 53. 5003.10.2 Carts and trucks required. Liquids in contain- ers exceeding 5 gallons (19 L) in a corridor or exit enclo- sure for a stairway or ramp shall be transported within corridors or exit enclosures, shall be on a cart or truck. Containers of hazardous materials having a hazard ranking of 3 or 4 in accordance with NFPA 704 and transported within corridors or interior exit stairways and ramps, shall be on a cart or truck. Where carts and trucks are required for transporting hazardous materials, they shall be in accordance with Section 5003.10.3. Exceptions 1 through 4 shall not apply where elevators are utilized. Exceptions: 1. Two hazardous material liquid containers, which are hand carried in acceptable safety carriers. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. Not more than four drums not exceeding 55 gal- lons (208 L) each, which are transported by suit- able drum trucks. 3. Containers and cylinders of compressed gases, which are transported by approved hand trucks, and containers and cylinders not exceeding 25 pounds (11 kg), which are hand carried. 4. Solid hazardous materials not exceeding 100 pounds (45 kg), which are transported by approved hand trucks, and a single container not exceeding 50 pounds (23 kg), which is hand car- ried. 5003.10.2.1 Above the lOth story. Above the lOth story of any occupancy, all vertical handling and transporta- tion of hazardous materials in the building shall be in approved carts . 5003.10.2.2 Transportation of hazardous materials above the lOth story The handling and transportation of hazardous materials above the 1Oth story shall be limited to 5 percent of the maximum allowable quanti- ties of Tables 5003.1(1) and (2). Quantities are permit- ted to be increased by 100 percent in buildings with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. Materials where footnote g applies shall not be increased. 5003.10.3 Carts and trucks. Carts and trucks required by Section 5003.10.2 to be used to transport hazardous mate- rials shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.10.3.1 through 5003.10.3.6. 5003.10.3.1 Design. Carts and trucks used to transport hazardous materials shall be designed to provide a sta- ble base for the commodities to be transported and shall have a means of restraining containers to prevent acci- dental dislodgement. Compressed gas cylinders placed on carts and trucks shall be individually restrained. 5003.10.3.2 Speed-control devices. Carts and trucks shall be provided with a device that will enable the operator to control safely movement by providing stops or speed-reduction devices. 5003.10.3.3 Construction. Construction materials for hazardous material carts or trucks shall be compatible with the material transported. The cart or truck shall be of substantial construction. 5003.10.3.4 Spill control. Carts and trucks transporting liquids shall be capable of containing a spill from the largest single container transported. 5003.10.3.5 Attendance. Carts and trucks used to transport materials shall not obstruct or be left unat- tended within any part of a means of egress. 5003.10.3.6 Incompatible materials. Incompatible materials shall not be transported on the same cart or truck. 381 _ __::::o,u,;za.ttwsatahW.WW::t. i. t .. ::t. tl I 03 I lil1 Coovri~ht to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 I :57:34 PM pursuant to License -) . \ J \ ) FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS stration, laboratory work, maintenance purposes and operation of equipment, and shall not exceed quantities set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1). The maximum allowable quantities for storage in wholesale and retail sales areas shall be in accor- dance with Section 5704.3.4.1. 7. Group R occupancies: Quantities in Group R occupancies shall not exceed that necessary for maintenance purposes and operation of equip- ment, and shall not exceed quantities set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1). 8. Group S occupancies: Quantities in dining and office uses within Group S occupancies shall not exceed that necessary for demonstration, labora- tory work, maintenance purposes and operation of equipment, and shall not exceed quantities set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1). 5704.3.4.3 Quantities exceeding limits for control areas. Quantities exceeding those allowed in control areas set forth in Section 5704.3.4.1 shall be in liquid storage rooms or liquid storage warehouses in accor- dance with Sections 5704.3.7 and 5704.3.8. 5704.3.4.4 Liquids for maintenance and operation of equipment. In all occupancies, quantities of flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons (38 L) used for maintenance purposes and the operation of equipment shall be stored in liquid storage cabinets in accordance with Section 5704.3.2. Quantities not exceeding 10 gallons (38 L) are allowed to be stored outside of a cabinet when in approved containers located in private garages or other approved locations. 5704,3,1§,§JQrage in cont'i&t;areas~ Stb~age of fiKilimable aridcQ,p;IJ;lirStlll:l~:~\Sjluids in control areas shall be in accor- (:[a,~ce wil.l¥S,~¥tigns'57Q4.3.5.1 through 5704.3.5.4. ,5.'] B?iseme · age. Cl~ss. I liquiqs ~hall be ;;;i~illowed to be store . aseme~t~dn amq~is not ''~':exceeding the maximtl. allowabf&<!~at:itity pet ~ontrol area for use-open systems in Table 5003.1.1(1), pro- vided that atft6in~tic suppression and other fire protec- tion are providefin accordanq!e with Chapter 9. Class ti and IliA liquids"shall.also 1J~~~lpwecftq2,~~.stored'1!\· ,.·" <,<;;/,;<> ,~t,:' ,',' ,,, ,,~,: \' ;, provided that autdfuatic su[!pression and ' :other are provided in accordance with Chapter9. '~;,~·"· 5704.3.5.2 Storage pile. Jfeights. Containers having leS$ than a 30-gallon n:t~.L) capacity whicht sontain Clas&.J;1;gr,)I liquids shali;notbe stackedJil()t·ethauJ (9,14:::j: illihJ or two cont(l,ilflers high, wpi~hever is greater, unle~~ stas:~ea on fixe<}s~elving or otherwise satisfactorily secured. eo~tainers or{5R;t~$I or II liquids havip;g ;t capacity of 30 gal~bn,s ( 114 L ).<o.r,~wore shall not ,.~, red more than one[;(?ntainer high~ Container$ shall ore.d in an uptight position. ~;;L;"/'<,>, ,, 5704.3.5.3 St6r~~e;;4istance fr()~ ceilings and roofs. files of containers or~li),~iJ.ble tailksshitll not be stored .clQts.~Ji;lfhiln 3 feet (914 mm)'1tg;t9e nearest~eam, chord, gircfer 01br~t er obstmction, ane• shall be 3<feet (914 rum) below. : klerfl~flectors ... ~J(dischargeQrifices of water spray or other'o~erhead Jiie'protecti6Ii system. 5.4 .. Combustibl~;>m,at~ri~Is·:•tn .areas that are .,:jn~~c . hl~·to the public, . .c::iass I, II at:id IliA liquids shall not be .in the same pile or raGk section· as ordinary comb us Ie;J;;~.rnmodlt1~$q\11lless stleh materi- als~r.Eackaged togetlief as kits. · ·· · 5704.3.6 Wholesale and retail sales uses. Flammable and combustible liquids in Group M occupancy wholesale and retail sales uses shall be in accordance with Sections 5704.3.6.1 through 5704.3.6.5, or Sections 10.10.2, 12.3.8, 16.4.1 through 16.4.3, 16.5.1 through, Tables through, and Figures 16.4.1(a) through 16.14.1(c) ofNFPA 30. 5704.3.6.1 Container type. Containers for Class I liq- uids shall be metal. Exception: In spriiiklered buildings, an aggregate quantity of 120 gallons (454 L) of water-miscible Class IB and Class IC liquids is allowed in nonme- tallic containers, each having a capacity of 16 ounces (0.473 L) or less. 5704.3.6.2 Container capacity. Containers for Class I liquids shall not exceed a capacity of 5 gallons (19 L). Exception: Metal containers not exceeding 55 gal- lons (208 L) are allowed to store up to 240 gallons TABLE 5704.3.6.3(1) MAXIMUM STORAGE HEIGHT IN CONTROL AREA TYPE OF LIQUID NONSPRINKLERED AREA SPRINKLERED AREA" SPRINKLERED WITH IN·RACK PROTECTION"·b {feet) (feet) (feet) Flammable liquids: Class IA 4 4 4 Class IB 4 8 12 ClassIC 4 8 12 Combustible liquids: Class II 6 8 12 Class IliA 8 12 16 Class IIIB 8 12 20 For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm. a In buildings protected by an automatic sprinkler system, the storage height for containers and portable tanks shall not exceed the maximum storage height permitted for the fire protection scheme set forth in NFP A 30 or the maximum storage height demonstrated in a full-scale fire test, whichever is greater. NFP A 30 criteria and fire test results for metallic containers and portable tanks shall not be applied to nonmetallic containers and portable tanks. b. In-rack protection shall be in accordance with Table 5704.3.6.3(5), 5704.3.6.3(6) or 5704.3.6.3(7). 434 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE _ ---'.JIIiiliiatli,.iltatli,iBJ.t.1•il::t.tli Cfllllll1 Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License \ } ) ATTACHMENT #18 FLAMMABLE/COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID TRANSFER pump suction or other approved location, or shall be pro- vided with interlocks to prevent over-pressure. 5705.2.2 Pressured systems. Where gases are introduced to provide for transfer of Class I liquids, or Class II and III liquids transferred at temperatures at or above their flash points by pressure, only inert gases shall be used. Con- trols, including pressure relief devices, shall be provided to limit the pressure so that the maximum working pres- sure of tanks, containers and piping systems cannot be exceeded. Where devices operating through pressure within a tank or container are used, the tank or container shall be a pressure vessel approved for the intended use. Air or oxygen shall not be used for pressurization. Exception: Air transfer of Class II and III liquids at temperatures below their flash points. 5705.2.3 Piping, hoses and valves. Piping, hoses and valves used in liquid transfer operations shall be approved or listed for the intended use. 5705.2]4 tlass I, II and III liquids. Class I liquids or when heated to or above t}leir flash points, Class II and Class III liquids shall be .transferred ]?y one of t}lyfollow- ing methods: · · 1. From safety cans complying with UL 30. 2. Through an approved closed piping system. 3. From cpn~ainers ort~s by an approved PU!JlPtak- .. ing suction through a11opening in the top ofthec<;m- tainer or tank. 4 .. For Class IB, IC, II and III liquids, from containers or hlil}(~. by gravity t}lrough an approved self-closing or auto1llatic"closing valve. when the cgntainer or tank and dispensihg operations are provided }V~th spill control and secondary containment in accot:7 · dance with Section 5703.4. Class lA liquids shall not be dispensed by gravity from tanks. 5. Approved engineered liqrdd transfer systems. Extepfion: Liquids ill original shipping containers not exceeding a 5.3-gallon (20 L) capacity. · 5705.2.5 Manual container filling operations. Class I liquids or Class II and Class IH liquids that are heated up to or above their flash points shall not be transferred into containers unless the nozzle and containers are electrically interconnected. Acceptable methods of electrical intercon- nection include: 1. Metallic floor plates on which containers stand while filling, when such floor plates are electrically connected to the fill stem; or FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS 2. Where the fill stem is bonded to the container during filling by means of a bond wire. 5705.2.6 Automatic container-filling operations for Class I liquids. Container-filling operations for Class I liquids involving conveyor belts or other automatic-feed- ing operations shall be designed to prevent static accumu- lations. 5705.3 Use, dispensing and miixing inside of buildings. Indoor use, dispensing and mixing of flammable and combus- tible liquids shall be in accordance with Section 5705.2 and Sections 5705.3.1 through 5705.3.5.3. 5705.3.1 Closure of mixing or blending vessels. Vessels used for mixing or blending of Class I liquids and Class II or III liquids heated up to or above their flash points shall be provided with self-closing, tight-fitting, noncombusti- ble lids that will control a fire within such vessel. Exception: Where such devices are impractical, approved automatic or manually controlled fire-extin- guishing devices shall be provided. 5705.3.2 Bonding of vessels. Where differences of poten- tial could be created, vessels containing Class I liquids or liquids handled at or above their flash points shall be elec- trically connected by bond wires, ground cables, piping or similar means to a static gro1mding system to maintain equipment at the same electrical potential to prevent sparking. 5705.3.3 Heating, lighting and cooking appliances. Heating, lighting and cooking appliances which utilize Class I liquids shall not be operated within a building or structure. Exception: Operation in single-family dwellings. 5705.3.4 Location of processing vessels. Processing ves- sels shall be located with respect to distances to lot lines of adjoining property which can be built on, in accordance with Tables 5705.3.4(1) and 5705.3.4(2). Exception: Where the exterior wall facing the adjoin- ing lot line is a blank wall having a fire-resistance rat- ing of not less than 4 hours, the fire code official is authorized to modify the distances. The distance shall not be less than that set forth in the California Building Code, and when Class lA or unstable liquids are involved, explosion control shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 911. 5705.3.5 Quantity limits for use. Liquid use quantity lim- itations shall comply with Sections 5705.3.5.1 through 5705.3.5.3. TABLE 5705.3.4(1) SEPARATION OF PROCESSING VESSELS FROM LOT LINES LOCATION" PROCESSING VESSELS WITH EMERGENCY RELIEF VENTING Stable liquids Unstable liquids Not in excess of 2.5 psig Table 5705.3.4(2) 2.5 times Table 5705.3.4(2) Over 2.5 psig 1.5 times Table 5705.3.4(2) 4 times Table 5705.3.4(2) For SI: 1 pound per square inch gauge= 6.895 kPa. a. Where protection of exposures by a public fire department or private fire brigade capable of providing cooling water streams on structures is not provided, distances shall be doubled. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 443 _ :__ji]iii .. UI.iitaUI.IWIJ'a hhi'IJ'allntl31 1!!1 Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #19 SEPARATION OF CONTROL AREAS \ ) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS-GENERAL PROVISIONS temporarily, shall be identified with signs designat- ing that smoking is permitted in these areas only. 4. In rooms or areas where flammable or combustible hazardous materials are stored, dispensed or used. Signs required by this section shall be in English as a primary language or in symbols allowed by this code and shall comply with Section 310. 5003.7.2 Open flames. Open flames and high-temperature devices shall not be used in a manner which creates a haz- ardous condition and shall be listed for use with the haz- ardous materials stored or used. 5003.7.3 Industrial trucks. Powered industrial trucks used in areas designated as hazardous (classified) loca- tions in accordance with California Electrical Code shall be listed and labeled for use in the environment intended in accordance with NFPA 505. 5003.8 Construction requirements. Buildings, control areas, enclosures and cabinets for hazardous materials shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.8.ll through 5003.8.6.3. 5003.8.1 Buildings. Buildings, or portions thereof, in which hazardous materials are stored, handled or used shall be constructed in accordance with the California Building Code. 5003.8.2 Required detached buildings. Group H occu- pancies containing quantities of hazardous materials in excess of those set forth in Table 5003.8.2 shall be in detached buildings. 5003.8.3 Control areas. Control areas shall comply with Sections 5003.8.3.1 through 5003.8.3.5. 5003.8.3.1 Constfuction requl'f~1nents. Control areas ; sh.~1[1"le•separated fronr•each othef•1Jy fire barriers con- ' ~tnict{fd··iU;\£i,<;<;ordance wiQ},~ection \IO].,,gfthe Califor- . n'itiBuilding Code<or horizontal assemblies constr!lcted in accordarice·~it[Section the California Build- ing Code, or botll:''''/•''•L . .•. so0'~~8.3;2 Percentage·;{)f ·waxirrtfim·· allowable quan~ ;.'>fiti~s. The percentage of riiaximum allowable quantities of1iazardous . · •. als per C()!ltrol area allowed at each floor level wi · ... bpilding sli~U be in accordance with Table.5003.8.3.2.~ ''10~.1 ,, ''' · 5003;·8.3,3 Number. x[}l~ maximum number of control · .. ar~.l!S;,perfloor within a building sha]lbe in accordance •Y with Tabl~''§' · · · · ~ ' ~'"~"':~~'};;/' ,,, ,.:., TABLE 5003.8.2 DETACHED BUILDING REQUIRED A DETACHED BUILDING IS REQUIRED WHEN THE QUANTITY OF MATERIAL EXCEEDS THAT LISTED HEREIN Material Class Solids and liquids (tons)"· • Gases (cubic feet)"· • Division 1.1 Maximum Allowable Quantity Division 1.2 Maximum Allowable Quantity Division 1.3 Maximum Allowable Quantity Explosives Division 1.4 Maximum Allowable Quantity Not Applicable Division 1.4c 1 Division 1.5 Maximum Allowable Quantity Division 1.6 Maximum Allowable Quantity Oxidizers Class 4 Maximum Allowable Quantity Maximum Allowable Quantity Unstable (reactives) detonable Class 3 or 4 Maximum Allowable Quantity Maximum Allowable Quantity Oxidizer, liquids and solids Class 3 1,200 Not Applicable Class 2 2,000 Detonable Maximum Allowable Quantity Organic peroxides Class I Maximum Allowable Quantity Not Applicable Class II 25 Class III 50 Unstable (reactives) nondetonable Class 3 1 2,000 Class 2 25 10,000 Water reactives Class 3 1 Not Applicable Class 2 25 Pyrophoric gases Not Applicable Not Applicable 2,000 For SI: 1 pound= 0.454 kg, 1 cubic foot= 0.02832 m\ 1 ton= 2000 lbs. = 907.2 kg. a. For materials which are detonable, the distance to other buildings or lot lines shall be as specified in the California Building Code. For materials classified as explosives, the required separation distances shall be as specified in Chapter 56. b. "Maximum Allowable Quantity" means the maximum allowable quantity per control area set forth in Table 5003.1.1(1). c. Limited to Division 1.4 materials and articles, including articles packaged for shipment, that are not regulated as an explosive under Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives regulations, or unpackaged articles used in process operations that do not propagate a detonation or deflagration between articles, providing the net explosive weight of individual articles does not exceed 1 pound. 378 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE --=~1iiL:&:&.I i&.ilat.ttW.WW:Y .. i .. i:W:Y _.iII if:!llbi Coovri2:ht to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License HAZARDOUS MATERIAL5-GENERAL PROVISIONS TABLE 5003.8.3.2 DESIGN AND NUMBER OF CONTROL AREAS PE;:f!CENT,t\GE OF THE MAXiMUM AllOWABLE QUANTITY PER CONTRoLA'FiE43 Below grade plane Higher than 9 7-9 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 Lowerthan2 5 5 12.5 12.5 12.5 50 75 100 75 50 Not Allowed 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 4 1 3 2 Not Allowed Not Allowed a. Percentages shall be of the maximum allowable quantity per control area shown in Tables 5003.1.1(1) and 5003.1.1(2), with all increases allowed in the footnotes to those tables. b. Separation shall include fire barriers and horizontal assemblies as necessary to provide separation from other portions of the building. 5003.8.3;4 Fire-resist~nce-rating requirements. The required fire-~esistance rating for fire barriers shall be in.acc6rqance'with Ta,~le 5003.8.3.2. The floor <~:ssem­ bly of the control area and the construction supporting the fl~~r of theco~~ol area shall have a fire-resistance ratiJ.lg of•not less jhan 2-)lours. ,,', Exception: The floor assembly of the control area and. the C()nstruction supporting the floor of. the con- troT area is allowed to be 1-hour fire-resistance rated in b~ildings of Typ~ IIA; IliA ~d V ~ constrllction, proviaed that both of·the following conditions exist: L. The building is equipped. throl}ghout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordarice with Section 903.3.1.1; and · 2. The "hl.lilding.is three stories or •. less .<tbove grade plane. 5003.8.3.5 Hazardous material in Group M display and storage areas and in Group S storage areas. The aggregate quantity of nonflammable solid and nonflam- mable or noncombustible liquid hazardous materials allowed within a single control area of a Group M dis- play and storage area or a Group S storage area is allowed to exceed the maximum allowable quantities per control area specified in Tables 5003.1.1(1) and 5003.1.1(2) without classifying the building or use as a Group H occupancy, provided that the materials are displayed and stored in accordance with Section 5003.1L 5003.8.4 Gas rooms. Where a gas room is provided to comply with the provisions of Chapter 60, the gas room shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.8.4.1 and 5003.8.4.2. 5003.8.4.1 Construction. Gas rooms shall be protected with an automatic sprinkler system. Gas rooms shall be separated from the remainder of the building in accor- dance with the requirements of the California Building 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE Code based on the occupancy group into which it has been classified. 5003.8.4.2 Ventilation system. The ventilation system for gas rooms shall be designed to operate at a negative pressure in relation to the surrounding area. Highly toxic and toxic gases shall also comply with Section 6004.2.2.6. The ventilation system shall be installed in accordance with the California Mechanical Code. 5003.8.5 Exhausted enclosures. Where an exhausted enclosure is used to increase maximum allowable quantity per control area or when the location of hazardous materi- als in exhausted enclosures is provided to comply with the provisions of Chapter 60, the exhausted enclosure shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.8.5.1 through 5003.8.5.3. 5003.8.5.1 Construction. Exhausted enclosures shall be of noncombustible construction. 5003.8.5.2 Ventilation. Exhausted enclosures shall be provided with an exhaust ventilation system. The venti- lation system for exhausted enclosures shall be designed to operate at a negative pressure in relation to the surrounding area. Ventilation systems used for highly toxic and toxic gases shall also comply with Items 1, 2 and 3 of Section 6004.L2. The ventilation system shall be installed in accordance with the Cali- fornia Mechanical Code. 5003.8.5.3 Fire-extinguishing system. Exhausted enclosures where flammable materials are used shall be protected by an approved automatic fire-extinguishing system in accordance with Chapter 9. 5003.8.6 Gas cabinets. Where a gas cabinet is used to increase the maximum allowable quantity per control area or when the location of compressed gases in gas cabinets is provided to comply with the provisions of Chapter 60, the gas cabinet shall be in accordance with Sections 5003.8.6.1 through 5003.8.6.3. 379 ____::]iUiltialtl .• ilaui,IWJat.1ar:tatll tfllll!il Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License \ j ATTACHMENT #20 EXHAUST VENTILATION OF FLAMMABLE VAPORS \ ) ) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS roof pitch, draft curtain location, sprinkler location and structural members. 910.3.5 Draft curtains. Where required by Table 910.3, draft c urtains shall be installed on the underside of the roof in accordance with this section. Exception: Where areas of buildings are equipped with ESFR sprinklers, draft curtains shall not be provided within these areas. Draft curtains shall only be provided at the separation between the ESFR sprinklers and the non-ESFR sprinklers. 910.3.5.1 Construction. Draft curtains shall be con- structed of sheet metal, lath and plaster, gypsum board or other approved materials that provide equivalent per- formance to resist the passage of smoke. Joints and connections shall be smoke tight. 910.3.5.2 Location and depth. The location and mini- mum depth of draft curtains shall be in accordance with Table 910.3. > 910.4 Mechanical smoke exhaust. Engineered mechanical smoke exhaust systems shall be an acceptable alternative to smoke and heat vents. > 910.4.1 Location. Exhaust fans shall be uniformly spaced and the maximum distance between fans shall not be greater than 100 feet (30 480 rom). 910.4.2 Size. Fans shall have a maximum individual capacity of 30,000 cfm (14.2 m3/s). For sprinklered build- ings, the aggregate capacity of smoke exhaust fans shall provide a minimum of two complete air changes per hour, based on the volume of the building or portions thereof without deduction for any commodity storage. For non- sprinklered buildings, the aggregate capacity of smoke exhaust fans shall be determined by the equation: C =A x 300 (Equation 9-4) where: C = Capacity of mechanical ventilation required, in cubic feet per minute (m3/s). A = Area of roof vents provided in square feet (m2) in accordance with Table 910.3. 910.4.3 Operation. Mechanical smoke exhaust fans shall be automatically activated by the automatic sprinkler sys- tem or by heat detectors having operating characteristics equivalent to those described in Section 910.3.2. Individ- ual manual controls for each fan unit shall also be pro- vided. 910.4.4 Wiring and control. Wiring for operation and control of smoke exhaust fans shall be connected ahead of the main disconnect and protected against exposure to temperatures in excess of 1,000°F (538°C) for a period of not less than 15 minutes. Controls shall be located so as to be immediately accessible to the fire service from the exte- rior of the building and protected against interior fire exposure by not less than 1-hour fire barriers constructed in accordance with Section 707 of the California Building Code or horizontal assemblies constructed in accordance with Section 711 of the California Building Code, or both. 910.4.5 Supply air. Supply air for exhaust fans shall be provided at or near the floor level and shall be sized to provide a minimum of 50 percent of required exhaust. Openings for supply air shall be uniformly distributed around the periphery of the area served. 910.4.6 Interlocks. On combination comfort air-handling/ smoke removal systems or independent comfort air-han- dling systems, fans shall be controlled to shut down in accordance with the approved smoke control sequence. 910.5 Maintenance. Smoke and heat vents and mechanical smoke exhaust systems shall be maintained in an operative con- dition in accordance with NFP A 204. Fusible links shall be promptly replaced whenever fused, damaged or painted. Smoke and heat vents and mechanical smoke exhaust systems shall not be modified. SECTION 911 EXPLOSION CONTROL ss2Jl.l:GeneraJ~ ExplQ~ion cCii:ltrgLshall he ~pmvided in the lollowifi§;Jocittens: "'"7~~~> '"",;~;~:c) · · ' 1. \\',h~re a,~t:ructure,''roo~,. or spat'~''ls ()~cupied for pure pose~iilviJlying ~]':plosro11,:hazards as ••. i.dentified in Table 911.1. 'r. ·•·· c:. Wh.~~~. qua~tJ.ties ?{;ltirz~~~ous :iteri!tl~. specified in Tabl~ 911.1 exceea~~e n{~ximum,allowb:ble quantities '·'~m J'ab~.J003,;J~~(l)~"'') ;,~\ · Su~h.areafshall b~t~roviqed wit~~xplosion (d~f!agration) V<tpting, .~ sion (deflagrati9n) pre\tet~tion systeniS,, or bar-/S{h",;,,. ', ''~.<>,, , <'hJc,c' , , , , ,"·, ridides;i qrdanlil@;with this~~~~tion and NFPA' 6.9, or NFP A 495 as applicable. D~f1agralf~n venting sl;l~ll not be uiil~~d aS~;;J}?.eafi.~i·t() protecf'~1ti!dingS.{£Om detonation haz-ards.'; ·":•: ;.·. ·.. ·/: "/>''~,,,_, ' 911.2 Required detlagration venting. Areas that are required to be provided with deflagration venting shall com- ply with the following: 1. Walls, ceilings and roofs exposing surrounding areas shall be designed to resist a minimum internal pressure of 100 pounds per square foot (pst) (4788 Pa). The minimum internal design pressure shall not be less than five times the maximum internal relief pressure speci- fied in Section 911.2, Item 5. 2. Deflagration venting shall be provided oilly in exterior walls and roofs. Exception: Where sufficient exterior wall and roof venting cannot be provided because of inadequate exterior wall or roof area, deflagration venting shall be allowed by specially designed shafts vented to the exterior of the building. 3. Deflagration venting shall be designed to prevent unac- ceptable structural damage. Where relieving a deflagra- tion, vent closures shall not produce projectiles of sufficient velocity and mass to cause life threatening injuries to the occupants or other persons on the prop- erty or adjacent public ways. 184 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE -~l"aa.tta.satauW.IW:J.t .1aa.tlltrllli fill Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License \ ) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS TABLE 911.1 EXPLOSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS EXPLOSION CONTROL METHODS MATERIAL CLASS Explosion (deflagration) venting or Barricade construction explosion (deflagration) prevention systems Hazard Category Combustible dustsa -Not required Required Cryogenic fluids Flammable Not required Required Division 1.1 Required Not required Division 1.2 Required Not required Explosives Division 1.3 Not required Required Division 1.4 Not required Required Division 1.5 Required Not required Division 1.6 Required Not required Flammable gas Gaseous Not required Required Liquefied Not required Required !Elamm~hl~ liquicls "" '''"" lAb Not required Required me ::i' [s,, ;:N@'t,~eqdfrec[ "· Required <:1'1"; •n:?4•:.; •.'; .;. ., '·;·; Organic peroxides Unclassified detonable Required Not permitted I Required Not permitted Oxidizer liquids and solids 4 Required Not permitted Pyrophoric Gases Not required Required 4 Required Not permitted Unstable (reactive) 3 detonable Required Not permitted 3 nondetonable Not required Required Water-reactive liquids and solids 3 Not required Required 2e Not required Required Special Uses Acetylene generator rooms -Not required Required Grain processing -Not required Required Liquefied petroleum gas distribution facilities -Not required Required Where explosion hazards existd Detonation Required Not permitted Deflagration Not required Required a. Combustible dusts that are generated during manufacturing or processing. See definition of Combustible Dust in Chapter 22. b. Storage or use. c. In open use or dispensing. d. Rooms containing dispensing and use of hazardous materials when an explosive environment can occur because of the characteristics or nature of the hazardous materials or as a result of tbe dispensing or use process. e. A method of explosion control shall be provided when Class 2 water-reactive materials can form potentially explosive mixtures. 4. The aggregate clear area of vents and venting devices shall be governed by the pressure resistance of the con- struction assemblies specified in Item 1 of this section and the maximum internal pressure allowed by Item 5 of this section. 5. Vents shall be designed to withstand loads in accor- dance with the California Building Code. Vents shall consist of any one or any combination of the following to relieve at a maximum internal pressure of 20 pounds per square foot (958 Pa), but not less than the loads required by the California Building Code: 5.1. Exterior walls designed to release outward. 5.2. Hatch covers. 5.3. Outward swinging doors. 5.4. Roofs designed to uplift. 5.5. Venting devices listed for the purpose. 6. Vents designed to release from the exterior walls or roofs of the building when venting a deflagration shall discharge directly to the exterior of the building where an unoccupied space not less than 50 feet (15 240 mm) in width is provided between the exterior walls of the building and the lot line. Exception: Vents complying with Item 7 of this section. 7. Vents designed to remain attached to the building when venting a deflagration shall be so located that the dis- charge opening shall not be less than 10 feet (3048 mm) vertically from window openings and exits in the build- ing and 20 feet (6096 mm) horizontally from exits in 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 185 ·--____'.II IL:J:i.llaL:aW.Ii88W-'f-i -'i:::r:Y. iiI h::i I lili Convri~ht to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) ' ) ) I -' } ) ) ) ) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS the building, from window openings and exits in adja- cent buildings on the same lot, and from the lot line. 8. Discharge from vents shall not be into the interior of the building. 911.3 Explosion prevention systems:''J:':~plosiq:U'ptey~ntion systems s!JaUbe~QtJtti :aptl\'gved !~ps~and~ installed ·inac;~?r" dance withrttie provMons ofethis code and NFP A 69. ':. 911.4 Barricades. Barricades shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 495. SECTION 912 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS 912.1 Installation. Fire department connections shall be installed in accordance with the NFPA standard applicable to the system design and shall comply with Sections 912.2 through 912.6. 912.2 Location. With respect to hydrants, driveways, build- ings and landscaping, fire department connections shall be so located that fire apparatus and hose connected to supply the system will not obstruct access to the buildings for other fire apparatus. The location of fire department connections shall be approved by the fire chief. 912.2.1 Visible location. Fire department connections shall be located on the street side of buildings, fully visible and recognizable from the street or nearest point of fire department vehicle access or as otherwise approved by the fire chief. 912.2.2 Existing buildings. On existing buildings, wher- ever the fire department connection is not visible to approaching fire apparatus, the fire department connection shall be indicated by an approved sign mounted on the street front or on the side of the building. Such sign shall have the letters ''FDC" at least 6 inches (152 mm) high and words in letters at least 2 inches (51 mm) high or an arrow to indicate the location. All such signs shall be sub- ject to the approval of the fire code official. 912.3 Access. Immediate access to fire department connec- tions shall be maintained at all times and without obstruction by fences, bushes, trees, walls or any other fixed or moveable object. Access to fire department connections shall be approved by the fire chief. Exceptions: I. Fences, where provided with an access gate equipped with a sign complying with the legend requirements of Section 912.4 and a means of emer- gency operation. The gate and the means of emer- gency operation shall be approved by the fire chief and maintained operational at all times. 2. When acceptable to the fire enforcing agency, fire department connections for Group I-3 detention facilities may be located inside all security walls or fences on the property. 912.3.1 Locking fire department connection caps. The fire code official is authorized to require locking caps on fire department connections for water-based fire protec- tion systems where the responding fire department carries appropriate key wrenches for removal. 912.3.2 Clear space around connections. A working space of not less than 36 inches (914 mm) in width, 36 inches (914 mm) in depth and 78 inches (1981 mm) in height shall be provided and maintained in front of and to the sides of wall-mounted fire depmtment connections and around the circumference of free-standing fire department connections, except as otherwise required or approved by the fire chief. 912.3.3 Physical protection. Where fire department con- nections are subject to impact by a motor vehicle, vehicle impact protection shall be provided in accordance with Section 312. 912.4 Signs. A metal sign with raised letters at least 1 inch (25 mm) in size shall be mounted on all fire department con- nections serving automatic sprinklers, standpipes or fire pump connections. Such signs shall read: AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS or STANDPIPES or TEST CONNECTION or a combination thereof as applicable. Where the fire depart- ment connection does not serve the entire building, a sign shall be provided indicating the portions of the building served. 912.5 Backflow protection. The potable water supply to automatic sprinkler and standpipe systems shall be protected against backflow as required by the Health and Safety Code Section 13114.7. 912.6 Inspection, testing and maintenance. All fire depart- ment connections shall be periodically inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with California Code of Regula- tions, Title I9, Division I, Chapter 5. SECTION 913 FIRE PUMPS 913.1 General. Where provided, fire pumps shall be installed in accordance with this section and NFPA 20. 913.2 Protection against interruption of service. The fire pump, driver, and controller shall be protected in accordance with NFP A 20 against possible interruption of service through dmnage caused by explosion, fire, flood, earthquake, rodents, insects, windstorm, freezing, vandalism and other adverse conditions. 913.2.1 Protection of fire pump rooms. Rooms where fire pumps are located shall be separated from all other areas of the building in accordance with Section 913.2.1 of the California Building Code. 913.3 Temperature of pump room. Suitable means shall be provided for maintaining the temperature of a pump room or pump house, where required, above 40°F (5°C). 913.3.1 Engine manufacturer's recommendation. Tem- perature of the pump room, pump house or area where engines are installed shall never be less than the minimum recommended by the engine manufacturer. The engine manufacturer's recommendations for oil heaters shall be followed. 186 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE L01WER FLAMMABLE LIMIT (LFL) ) ----" ' _j \.._ _ _) '~/ \ ....__,./ Material PVC CEMENT CONDUIT (CLEAR) [52130014] BlACK LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE [52130023] LOCTITE NO MORE LEAKS 16oz [52130036] ELECTRICAL COATING SCOTCHKOTE [52170563] PVC 2725 WET/ DRY GLUE 1 PINT [52270164] PHOTO BATTERY 3V LITHIUM 123 [52370903] CEMENT, 8 OZ, BlACK, ABS [52371150] ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (IPA) [52390025] QUICK TAC 2 ACTIVATOR [60MS0009] TUBE PATCH GLUE 40Z CAN [600R0100] 1 PT. 2711 PVC CEMENT (GRAY) [60WQ0074] 1. PT IPS #P-70 PVC PRIMER [60WQ0075] PVC & RUBBER REPAIR KIT [60WQ0228] WELD-ON 724 LOW VOC CEMENT FOR CPVC PlASTIC PIPE [60WQ0420] PIPE CEMENT, GRAY, 16 OZ, PVC [60WQ0486] PRIMER, PURPLE, 16 OZ, PVC AND CPVC [60WQ0487] TAYLOR TEST #11 2oz [64WQ0016] BRITE-MARK PAINT MARKERS Location of Exhaust: Spill Scenario: Evaportation Time -Worst Case Conditions: Definitions: Calculations 25% LFL: '..____j Legoland [Facilities Building] One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CFM Required for Vapor-Air Mixtures @ </-25% LFL in Exhaust Ducts Cubic Feet of Volumes of Exhaust CFM to Keep Air toOne Specific Vapor Ventilation Air Evaporation Evaporated Liquid at LFL 25% ofLFL Volume of Gravity Density Needed to Keep Rate galls 25% LFL if All of the Location Vapor @25% LFL Per Gal Liquid is Evaporated of Liquid 1.8 0.4500 221.2222 0.89 2.49 8663.1009 0.0006 311.8716 Throughout Park 1.8 0.4500 221.2222 0.88 2.49 8565.7627 0.0006 308.3675 Throughout Park 2.3 0.5750 172.9130 1.37 2.07 12489.9494 0.0006 449.6382 Throughout Park 2 0.5000 199.0000 0.88 2 9578.3893 0.0006 344.8220 Throughout Park 2.1 0.5250 189.4762 0.924 2.49 7685.6349 0.0006 276.6829 Throughout Park 1.6 OAOOO 249.0000 0.867 3.11 7616.8877 0.0006 274.2080 Throughout Park 1.8 0.4500 221.2222 0.805 2.49 7835.7261 0.0006 282.0861 Throughout Park 2 0.5000 199.0000 0.79 2.07 8308.0013 0.0006 299.0880 Throughout Park 1.5 0.3750 265.6667 0.79 2 11523.5369 0.0006 414.8473 Throughout Park 1.2 0.3000 332.3333 0.865 3.18 9949.6640 0.0006 358.1879 Throughout Park 1.1 0.2750 362.6364 0.966 2 19292.7647 0.0006 694.5395 Throughout Park 1.1 0.2750 362.6364 0.858 2 17135.8096 0.0006 616.8891 Throughout Park 1.2 0.3000 332.3333 0.865 3.18 9949.6640 0.0006 358.1879 Throughout Park 1.1 0.2750 362.6364 0.984 2 19652.2572 0.0006 707.4813 Throughout Park 1.1 0.2750 362.6364 0.966 2 19292.7647 0.0006 694.5395 Throughout Park 1.1 0.2750 362.6364 0.858 2 17135.8096 0.0006 616.8891 Throughout Park 2 0.5000 199.0000 1.02 2 11102.2240 0.0006 399.6801 Throughout Park 1.7 0.4250 234.2941 0.88 4.Ql__ -5637.5009 0.0006 202.9500 ___ ___lll_roughout Park ------- Local exhaust at or near the point of vapor generation proposed. Based on largest liquid transfer amount or largest containers, whichever is less --worst case use-open conditions. Hood Face Velocity: >/=1 00 fpm Spill Depth: </=1/4" Temperature: </=72oF Evaporation Rate: </=0.0006 gin/sec CFM -Cubic Feet of Exhaust Ventilation Needed to Keep Vapors @ 25% LFL per Volume of Liquid Indicated LFL = Lower Flammable Limit Reference: NFPA Fire Protection Handbook & NFPA 86 25% of LFL = 0.25xLFL Volume of Air to One Volume of Vapor= (100-25%LFL)/25%LFL Cubic Feet Exhaust Ventilation Needed to Keep @ 25%LFL Gallon of Liquid Evaporated = 4x[(8.33/0.075)]x[(specific gravity/vapor density)] x [(1 00-LFL)/LFL] CFM = (Cubic Feet per Minute Exhaust Ventilation Needed to Keep @ 25% LFL Per Gallon of Liquid Evaporated] x [Gallons per Minute of Evaporated Liquid] Maintaining vapors at </=25% LFL required in work areas and allows ducts to extend through other areas. Some or All Input Data Based On: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9] Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3] Acetone [67-64-1] 1,2-Dimethoxyethane [110-71-4] Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3] Acetone [67-64-1] Toluene [108-88-3] Toluene [108-88-3] N-ButyiAcetate [123-86-4] -- ) ATTACHMENT #21 ELECTRICALLY CLASSIFIED CONDITIONS ) FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS 5701.5 Material classification. Flammable and combustible liquids shall be classified in accordance with the definitions in Chapter 2. When mixed with lower flash-point liquids, Class II or III liquids are capable of assuming the characteristics of the lower flash-point liquids. Under such conditions, the appro- priate provisions of this chapter for the actual flash point of the mixed liquid shall apply. When heated above their flash points, Class II and III liq- uids assume the characteristics of Class I liquids. Under such conditions, the appropriate provisions of this chapter for flammable liquids shall apply. SECTION 5702 DEFINITIONS 5702.1 Definitions. The following tenus are defined in Chap- ter 2: ALCOHOL-BASED HAND RUB. BULK PLANT OR TERMINAL. BULK TRANSFER. COMBUSTffiLE LIQUID. Class II. Class IliA. Class 11m. FIRE POINT. FLAMMABLE LIQUID. Class lA. Class lB. ClassIC. FLASH POINT. FUEL LIMIT SWITCH. LIQUID STORAGE ROOM. LIQUID STORAGE WAREHOUSE. MOBILE FUELING. PROCESS TRANSFER. REFINERY. REMOTE EMERGENCY SHUTOFF DEVICE. REMOTE SOL VENT RESERVOIR. SOLVENT DISTILLATION UNIT. TANK, PRIMARY. SECTION 5703 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ~JO~!~l•';:t;;J~~t~i't;{). Electrical wiringrul}~t eq[tipm~nt shall be ; ilf~~l~~ and inaintainedi~ ac.c,;9tg~~e .. ~ftl;i~!i9f:tioii 60~;~~-t .~CalifiJtnia Electric,gL(;o/1~~'~7ci~c · ~0•0'~; .• · 5703.1.1 · C:!f!§§i!wd""'l~~~ti~~s · fot' flammable liquids. Areasc,,where~flammable liquids are handled, dis-rei:ii~t'Or mixed shalL be in :a~~~·;~~~;-d ~~~~~~!~~~~:, · · x~~~~~~;~;~~j fiA66cll~a·~-~ss~if;ii~eair-.;~~~g~"ruii1tt.;;iliifl~~ The extent of the classified area is allowed to be •;~'"''reduced, .or eliminated •• where •. s:tlf~icientJechnlcal justifi- .... 'c~~\)11•i.s provided)o tl).e lfir~,o9.de ".official tl;lat a concentra- tiorr:in. tl;le"0tlrea:in exceS't;·~f;.~5-perc~nt of the lower flammable limit (L~) cannoF)'lj:}generate€L . _ •. 93.1;~;~" ified~lk •. ·ons tJtwmb~stible liquids. Areaswh~re ass II or . '1iquids~e heate~ above their flash points shall have ele.9trical ifi~t<J:llations in accor- ".)":, ~dance with Section 5703 .1.1. '':\;; .. ·:'•t;~·~·'Ex~ep~io~~~1S"olve~t distillatiofl units •• in accordance with Se~tion 5705.4. ~ ':·• '· ::,,\>,,, ,:,s<,_, .• 5703.1.3 Other applications; The tire code-official is . ~ allf:lloriz~ _ _ eterm:if!e t~e extent of fHe. Class I electrical ~qtiipment an-?:wiring 1ocation · ~hen it~ondition. is not specifically covered by these requir~l)1ents or the Califor- .. nia Electrical Code. 'Yf! 5703.2 Fire protection. Fire protection for the storage, use, dispensing, mixing, handling and on-site transportation of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accordance with this chapter and applicable sections of Chapter 9. 5703.2.1 Portable fire extinguishers and hose lines. Por- table fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with Section 906. Hose lines shall be provided in accor- dance with Section 905. 5703.3 Site assessment. In the event of a spill, leak or dis- charge from a tank system, a site assessment shall be com- pleted by the owner or operator of such tank system if the fire code official determines that a potential fire or explosion haz- ard exists. Such site assessments shall be conducted to ascer- tain potential fire hazards and shall be completed and submitted to the fire department within a time period estab- lished by the fire code official, not to exceed 60 days. 5703.4 Spill control and secondary containment. Where the maximum allowable quantity per control area is exceeded, and when required by Section 5004.2, rooms, buildings or areas used for storage, dispensing, use, mixing or handling of Class I, II and IliA liquids shall be provided with spill control and secondary containment in accordance with Section 5004.2. 5703.5 Labeling and signage. The fire code official is autho- rized to require warning signs for the purpose of identifying the hazards of storing or using flammable liquids. Signage for identification and warning such as for the inherent hazard of flammable liquids or smoking shall be provided in accor- dance with this chapter and Sections 5003.5 and 5003.6. 5703.5.1 Style. Warning signs shall be of a durable mate- rial. Signs warning of the hazard of flammable liquids shall have white lettering on a red background and shall read: DANGER-FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. Letters shall not be less than 3 inches (76 mm) in height and 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) in stroke. 5703.5.2 Location. Signs shall be posted in locations as required by the fire code official. Piping containing flam- mable liquids shall be identified in accordance with ASMEA13.1. 418 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE _ _____'jn;aa.nt .• if•1.11.1WOJ' .1.1•11! • 11 I 011:111!1 Copyright to, orlicensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 I :57:34 PM pursuant to License ~ ~ ~. ~ p !'; ~ l cr" :" R ~ c: ~ CZl ~ j ~ ~ 8. ~ ~ i ~ 0 ~ 1\) !30 " ..... .., (,) LOCATION Tank vehicle and tank carb-continued Loading through closed dome with atmospheric venting Loading through closed dome with vapor control Bottom loading with vapor control or any bottom unloading Storage and repair garage for tank vehicles Garages for other than tank vehicles Outdoor drum storage Indoor warehousing where there is no flammable liquid transfer Indoor equipll)el1t where flammable vapor/air mixtures could exist under normal operations Outdoor equipment where flammable vapor/air mixtures could exist under normal operations Tank-Above ground Shell, ends or roof and dike area Vent Floating roof Office and restrooms -------§ 0 '-<)> ~ C For SI: 1 inch= 25.4 mm, 1 foot= 304.8 mm. I TABLE 5703.1.1-continued CLASS I ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS" GROUP D DIVISION EXTENT OF CLASSIFIED AREA 1 Within 3 feet of open end of vent, extending in all directions. 2 Area between 3 feet and 15 feet from open end of vent, extending in all directions. Also within 3 feet of edge of dome, extending in all directions. 2 Within 3 feet of point of connection of both fill and vapor lines, extending in all directions. 2 Within 3 feet of point of connection, extending in all directions. Also up to 18 inches above grade within a horizontal radius of 10 feet from point of connection. 1 Pits or spaces below floor level. 2 Area up to 18 inches above floor or grade level for entire storage or repair garage. Ordinary Where there is an opening to these rooms within the extent of an outdoor classified area, the entire room shall be classified the same as the area classification at the point of the opening. Ordinary - Ordinary Where there is an opening to these rooms within the extent of an indoor classified area, the room shall be classified the same as if the wall, curb or partition did not exist. 1 Area within 5 feet of any edge of such equipment,,' extending in all directions. 2 Area between5 feet and 8 feet of any edge of such equipment, extending in alLdirections. Also, area up to 3 feet above floor or grade level within 5 feet to 25 feet horizontally from any edge of such equipment.~ ' :: 1 Area within 3 feet of any edge of such equipment, extending in all directions. 2 Area between 3 feet and 8 feet of any edge of such equipment extending in all directions. Also, area up to 3 feet above floor or grade level within 3 feet to 10 feet horizontally from any edge of such equipment. 1 Area inside dike where dike height is greater than the distance from the tank to the dike for more than 50 percent of the tank circumference. 2 Area within 10 feet from shell, ends or roof of tank. Area inside dikes to level of top of dike. 1 Area within 5 feet of open end of vent, extending in all directions. 2 Area between 5 feet and 10 feet from open end of vent, extending in all directions. 1 Area above the roof and within the shell. Ordinary Where there is an opening to these rooms within the extent of an indoor classified location, the room shall be classified the same as if the wall, curb or partition did not exist. ~------- i:5 (g a. Locations as classified in the California Electrical Code. ~ ~ b. When classifying extent of area, consideration shall be given to the fact that tank cars or tank vehicles can be spotted at varying points. Therefore, the extremities of the loading or unloading positions shall be u, l> used. ~ !! c. The release of Class I liquids can generate vapors to the extent that the entire building, and possibly a zone surrounding it, are considered a Class I, Division 2 location. -"":0 "Om B::o -g 0 :;! 0 ~ m s ~ " ~ ., ~ s: s: l> m r m l> z 0 0 0 s: m c: ~ jjj r m r 5 c: c en ATTACHMENT #22 ADDITIONAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS: PERMITS, RESTRICTED AREAS & (:YLINDERS AND CONTAINERS ) CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE-MATRIX ADOPTION TABLE CHAPTER 35 -WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK (Matrix Adoption Tables are non-regulatory, intended only as an aid to the user. See Chapter 1 for state agency authority and building applications.) Adopting Agency SFM HCD DSA OSHPD sse BSCC DHS AGR DWR CEC CA SL SLC T-24 T-19* 1 2 1/AC AC ss 1 2 3 4 Adopt Entire Chapter X Adopt Entire Chapter as amended (amended sections listed below) Adopt only those sections that are listed below [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1] Chapter I Section ... .. * The Califorma Code of Regulatwns (OCR), Title 19, DIVISIOn 1 provisiOns that are found m the Califomza Fzre Code are a repnnt from the current CCR, Title 19, Division 1 text for the code user's convenience only. The scope, applicability and appeals procedures of CCR, Title 19, Division I remain the same. CHAPTER35 WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK SECTION 3501 GENERAL 3501.1 Scope. Welding, cutting, open torches and other hot work operations and equipment shall comply with this chap- ter. ~~·>"T1f1?'::s>: "'· ,'' 3501.2''Rel;'J;Ilits."If~Bnits shall be required as set forth in Sec- tion 105.6: 3501.3 Restricted only d or authorized for that purpose by the per- le :11 a Hot 'X?rk f>rgg;f~m. ork shall 'COn ..... d in follQw~ng areas'tmles O~~~~as 'tained from the 1.re c~d~;crfficial: with reac\jl~' ,igni,t~&le storaig~J· cottofi. of lar ' · uantiti:~~tJf bulk sulfur, baled ust or loo~~ combustibJ~11f1ateri<J.~r{ On board ~~i~~;'imd~;;~6ft§J,\~d{i6rt w; •v"'""""" as s~~cifi~Cfsl:>~ th~V'f~~e;sode q;tt~pial. :,~i,rJ',· ~';}1~~\'",,; , , '\',~,~:~\;',,~· ';,~~;~,,:~ ,~; 3501.4 Cyli~d~!~.~pCJ!~¢O»tainers. Compressed gas cylinders . and ~~l~J §jjnt~i,»et:s :Shall Chap-:!~I'X%~7~~; ~ .~; ... 3501.5 Design and installation of oxygen-fuel gas systems. An oxygen-fuel gas system with two or more manifolded cyl- inders of oxygen shall be in accordance with NFPA 51. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE SECTION 3502 DEFINITIONS 3502.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter 2: HOT WORK. HOT WORK AREA. HOT WORK EQUIPMENT. HOT WORK PERMITS. HOT WORK PROGRAM. RESPONSffiLE PERSON. TORCH-APPLIED ROOF SYSTEM. SECTION 3503 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3503.1 General. Hot work conditions and operations shall comply with this chapter. 3503.2 Temporary and fixed hot work areas. Temporary and fixed hot work areas shall comply with this section. 3503.3 Hot work program permit. Hot work permits, issued by an approved responsible person under a hot work program, shall be available for review by the fire code official at the time the work is conducted and for 48 hours after work is complete. 3503.4 Qualifications of operators. A permit for hot work operations shall not be issued unless the individuals in charge of performing such operations are capable of performing such operations safely. Demonstration of a working knowledge of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute acceptable evi- dence of compliance with this requirement. 351 _'U"iiil•itl,.illauf,IWIJ' olo\a'IJ' • til tfllllld Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #23 ADDITIONAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS: GENERAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE -MATRIX ADOPTION TABLE CHAPTER 35-WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK (Matrix Adoption Tables are non-regulatory, intended only as an aid to the user. See Chapter 1 for state agency authority and building applications.) Adopting Agency SFM HCD DSA OSHPD BSC BSCC DHS AIGR DWR CEC CA SL SLC T-24 T-19* 1 2 1/AC AC ss 1 2 3 4 Adopt Entire Chapter X Adopt Entire Chapter as amended (amended sections listed below) Adopt only those sections that are listed below [California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1] Chapter I Section . . . .. * The Califorma Code of Regulatwns (CCR), T1tle 19, DIVISIOn 1 provJsJOns that are found m the Califorma Fzre Code are a repnnt from the current CCR, Title 19, Division 1 text for the code user's convenience only. The scope, applicability and appeals procedures ofCCR, Title 19, Division I remain the same. CHAPTER 35 WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK SECTION 3501 GENERAL 3501.1 Scope. Welding, cutting, open torches and other hot work operations and equipment shall comply with this chap- ter. 3501.2 Permits. Permits shall be required as set forth in Sec- tion 105.6. 3501.3 Restricted areas. Hot work shall only be conducted in areas designed or authorized for that purpose by the per- sonnel responsible for a Hot Work Program. Hot work shall not be conducted in the following areas unless approval has been obtained from the fire code official: 1. Areas where the sprinkler system is impaired. 2. Areas where there exists the potential of an explosive atmosphere, such as locations where flammable gases, liquids or vapors are present. 3. Areas with readily ignitable materials, such as storage of large quantities of bulk sulfur, baled paper, cotton, lint, dust or loose combustible materials. 4. On board ships at dock or ships under construction or repair. 5. At other locations as specified by the fire code official. 3501.4 Cylinders and containers. Compressed gas cylinders and fuel containers shall comply with this chapter and Chap- ter 53. 3501.5 Design and installation of oxygen-fuel gas systems. An oxygen-fuel gas system with two or more manifolded cyl- inders of oxygen shall be in accordance with NFP A 51. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE SECTION 3502 DEFINITIONS 3502.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chap- ter2: HOT WORK. HOT WORK AREA. HOT WORK EQUIPMENT. HOT WORK PERMITS. HOT WORK PROGRAM. RESPONSIBLE PERSON. TORCH-APPLIED ROOF SYSTEM. ~SEtTION 3503 GENERACREQUIR,EMENTS ;. Gen.~{~J~:Hot work 6~~d,itions and operations shall comply with.tfij'~{?.\l~pter. .. i ;h; 3503.~Temp~~ary·'~~;4.flxed hot work. areas. Terp.porary . cd hot work area~:shall compLy with this section. , ... ~~9 . '~t,wQ,t){ progrJ~p~rmit. Htstwork permits, issued by'~fi appr~r'\L ~ponsible p~~s()n tmdera.hot workjJrogram, shall be availa 'for review by the fire~ t;ode official ;:tt the time the work is contlircted 48 'iiohrs .after work is comp!c~x~.,· ;; •?.C:; ' 3503.4 · Quhlitit;fl.tig9-5i of o~el':~t~rs: A' perJ11it. for hot work operations shalLnotbe.issued unless the:iJ:!f;ii'viduals in charge of performing such:gf>:~J'.ations arecfj.pabie 'of'perfqrrojng such op~r.atiQns safely. De~QXJ.stration;:6f;:il working Kl1o\vledge of ,, th~1Jfrhd.S;~s,ms~9f this chapt})r s}l~ll constitute acceptable evi-'dt~iice 6fcoiliiitl~.se with thG'Ieqliiremen.t, 351 _ _j(j&iliialil,.it.ni.IWitahiar.ifatll U'li.J 11!1 Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ) WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK "",f3),:" ' '"<,, 3503.s'ltecords}~ifhe individual ~v'"'"u''"' for the hot work are:;t shall mairttairi'JfJ'lrework check" reports in acco:nj:")nce with Section 3504.3.1}'~uch ~~iJorts ~~all, be niliintaineif:on the premises. for a minimum of48 ·hOurs after work is com- ·':'>:: ' '"'''"'>':~, '~""""'~'~0;,)/'-'> plete · '"";;Jc ; 3503:6 Signage. Visibi~~~~zari:hr~~J;~tificati9l1 sigrls ~han:·~e .~p7ovided \¥here ~~uired by Chapter 50. Wh:ere the hot work ·area is ace' e f ons other than the operator of the hot wo qtrrpw ·.· ,;c . uaus,~!gns sh<~,1l be ·pasi~d>to .Y~iir" .• 6th 'efore . they enter the 1hot· w6rk.a{e'a. such. signs shall display ]jOT WORKiN PR'dGRESS SECTION 3504 FIRE SAFETY REQUIRIEMENTS 3504.1 Protection of combustibles. Protection of combusti- bles shall be in accordance with Sections 3504.1.1 through 3504.1.9. 3504.1.1 Combustibles. Hot work areas shall not contain combustibles or shall be provided with appropriate shield- ing to prevent sparks, slag or heat from igniting exposed combustibles. 3504.1.2 Openings. Openings or cracks in walls, floors, ducts or shafts within the hot work area shall be tightly covered to prevent the passage of sparks to adjacent com- bustible areas, or shielded by metal fire-resistant guards, or curtains shall be provided to prevent passage of sparks or slag. 3504.1.3 Housekeeping. Floors shall be kept clean within the hot work area. 3504.1.4 Conveyor systems. Conveyor systems that are capable of carrying sparks to distant combustibles shall be shielded or shut down. 3504.1.5 Partitions. Partitions segregating hot work areas from other areas of the building shall be noncombustible. In fixed hot work areas, the partitions shall be securely connected to the floor such that no gap exists between the floor and the partition. Partitions shall prevent the passage of sparks, slag, and heat from the hot work area. 3504.1.6 Floors. Fixed hot work areas shall have floors with noncombustible surfaces. 3504.1.7 Precautions in hot work. Hot work shall not be performed on containers or equipment that contains or has contained flanimable liquids, gases or solids until the con- tainers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned, inerted or purged; except that "hot tapping" shall be allowed on tanks and pipe lines when such work is to be conducted by approved personnel. 3504.1.8 Sprinkler protection. Automatic sprinkler pro- tection shall not be shut off while hot work is performed. Where hot work is performed close to automatic sprin- klers, noncombustible barriers or damp cloth guards shall shield the individual sprinkler heads and shall be removed when the work is completed. If the work extends over sev- eral days, the shields shall be removed at the end of each workday. The fire code official shall approve hot work where sprinkler protection is impaired. 3504.1.9 Fire detection systems. Approved special pre- cautions shall be taken to avoid accidental operation of automatic fire detection systems. 3504.2 Fire watch. Fire watches shall be established and conducted in accordance with Sections 3504.2.1 through 3504.2.6. 3504.2.1 When required. A fire watch shall be provided during hot work activities and shall continue for a mini- mum of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the work. The fire code official, or the responsible manager under a hot work program, is authorized to extend the fire watch based on the hazards or work being performed. Exception: Where the hot work area has no fire haz- ards or combustible exposures. 3504.2.2 Location. The fire watch shall include the entire hot work area. Hot work conducted in areas with vertical or horizontal fire exposures that are not observable by a single individual shall have additional personnel assigned to fire watches to ensure that exposed areas are monitored. 3504.2.3 Duties. Individuals designated to fire watch duty shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and shall be trained in the use of such equipment. Individ- uals assigned to fire watch duty shall be responsible for extinguishing spot fires and communicating an alarm. 3504.2.4 Fire training. The individuals responsible for performing the hot work and individuals responsible for providing the fire watch shall be trained in the use of por- table fire extinguishers. 3504.2.5 Fire hoses. Where baselines are required, they shall be connected, charged and ready for operation. 3504.2.6 Fire extinguisher. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 and with a minimum 2-A:20-B:C rating shall be readily accessible within 30 feet (9144 mm) of the location where hot work is performed. 3504.3 Area reviews. Before hot work is permitted and at least once per day while the permit is in effect, the area shall be inspected by the individual responsible for authorizing hot work operations to ensure that it is a fire safe area. Informa- tion shown on the permit shall be verified prior to signing the permit in accordance with Section 105.6. 3504.3.1 Pre-hot-work check. A pre-hot-work check shall be conducted prior to work to ensure that all equip- ment is safe and hazards are recognized and protected. A report of the check shall be kept at the work site during the work and available upon request. The pre-hot-work check shall determine all of the following: 1. Hot work equipment to be used shall be in satisfac- tory operating condition and in good repair. 2. Hot work site is clear of combustibles or combusti- bles are protected. 352 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ____j III,Oi;&aift•iiani"IW:Y.i.i:W::t.u I 03 I l!ii Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #24 ADDITIONAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS: PROTECTION FROM COMBUSTIBLES WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK 3503.5 Records. The individual responsible for the hot work area shall maintain "prework check" reports in accordance with Section 3504.3.1. Such reports shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of 48 hours after work is com- plete. 3503.6 Signage. Visible hazard identification signs shall be provided where required by Chapter 50. Where the hot work area is accessible to persons other than the operator of the hot work equipment, conspicuous signs shall be posted to warn others before they enter the hot work area. Such signs shall display the following warning: CAUTION HOT WORK IN PROGRESS STAY CLEAR SECTION 3504 FIRE SAFETY REQUIRIEMENTS :~:~~,q4,1 Protection of ~~fit'litl les. Proteotion of -.,v,.l~'-1,1-'."l~r bl~s·'ska!J.Js:b~ in accorda11<;:~,\Y·1t 3504.1.9~Ef2't':i'.~~~ ;.,,,,,. . ' 'C 3504.1.1 Co~bhstibles. Hot areas shall not combustibles or shall be provided with appropriate shield- to prevent sparks, slag or heat from. 'ting exposed ·combustibles. ·· ·:: )~;f,~,f-:<>r,;\',~j ·~~ :.". 35o4.l::Z'·:rrJ}:enings ducts or shafts with. 3504;i~~~ll21!sekeeping~.ft!s>J~~s s1ra,n· be,l).~~t5'K1~~n·~4tm!l the hot work area. • . •<Vt";'; .> . . . 3~04£1~~J:'c()nveyor systems:··conveyor systems that G'c:l" · ¢anying sparks to distant combustibles shall be shi~l ..... · ... ~~h,!Jt down. . . .·:!! . 3504.l~;,~i:itftip:n;s. Partitions segregatin~l;':::·,/ ifk:areas .;,~:J'.;:frpm oth~r·~OO.si~~;fthe building .shaJ.t.b;e iicf ombustil:Jle. h(j . ';'; ;; . eas, thE(. r~tioris~ shall be se'oriiely ...• connected; such:t ...... :gap exists between the ; : floor an· tion. Pc:F. shall prevent the passag~. t of sparks, s d heat frO' ehot work •• •... 3504.1.6 Floors. Fixed hot work areas ... a''"""'""···~ . >. ·• .. . .~sl:.oncontainers or ~·:;;:?Lsoontained flammable solids until the ·······:·•·c~;~:~t~~ .'. );~hat "ho~h~~oughlr, ~~:f~e:~;:; ''"'•· allo\Y~c.l.op:tafiks~ant:l~Il!Be lines "'"~.,.,..,~1r·~"' be : ... conducted by approY~.d personnel:; .. 3504.1.8 Sprinkler protection~ ~~Blhatic sprinkler~c~Jtgr~,; tection·shall not be shut off,~.bil~,i/Iiot work is ,.,.,,rr,.,,rrn·,,tJ,,,,;,, .. Where:hot work is petfowe~f'close to automatic . kle"fS'Jf,"'S ... . .. JJSt{bte' b~ffie'fs Or · shield< ~{ifi(il!\~1~prillkler he~t~l~tai'l.~ ~ "" 2:;/0.JJ> ~ " 352 rk is completed. If the work·e1tends ove.rsev- eral days~, . i~lds shall be removed at~tb«.~nd of each workday. The .. f1·e code pffi~ial sh~H appro~b hot work . where sprillkler prote:cttorr'is'.iu;1Paired. ;;.~504;t,!~"Ji:jre detection sy:st~;~. Appr~yed speCial pre- cautiol:is'Sli'~llb~ taken to ?,yoid accidephl operation of automatlc~fif~~l:letec!Wp systefiis. · 3504.2 Fire watch. Fire watches shall be established and conducted in accordance with Sections 3504.2.1 through 3504.2.6. 3504.2.1 When required. A fire watch shall be provided during hot work activities and shall continue for a mini- mum of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the work. The fire code official, or the responsible manager under a hot work program, is authorized to extend the fire watch based on the hazards or work being performed. Exception: Where the hot work area has no fire haz- ards or combustible exposures. 3504.2.2 Location. The fire watch shall include the entire hot work area. Hot work conducted in areas with vertical or horizontal fire exposures that are not observable by a single individual shall have additional personnel assigned to fire watches to ensure that exposed areas are monitored. 3504.2.3 Duties. Individuals designated to fire watch duty shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and shall be trained in the use of such equipment. Individ- uals assigned to fire watch duty shall be responsible for extinguishing spot fires and commtmicating an alarm. 3504.2.4 Fire training. The individuals responsible for performing the hot work and individuals responsible for providing the fire watch shall be trained in the use of por- table fire extinguishers. 3504.2.5 Fire hoses. Where hoselines are required, they shall be connected, charged and ready for operation. 3504.2.6 Fire extinguisher. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 and with a minimum 2-A:20-B:C rating shaH be readily accessible within 30 feet (9144 mm) of the location where hot work is performed. 3504.3 Area reviews. Before hot work is permitted and at least once per day while the permit is in effect, the area shall be inspected by the individual responsible for authorizing hot work operations to ensure that it is a fire safe area. Informa- tion shown on the permit shall be verified prior to signing the permit in accordance with Section 105.6 . 3504.3.1 Pre-hot-work check. A pre-hot-work check shall be conducted prior to work to ensure that all equip- ment is safe and hazards are recognized and protected. A report of the check shall be kept at the work site during the work and available upon request. The pre-hot-work check shall determine all of the following: 1. Hot work equipment to be used shall be in satisfac- tory operating condition and in good repair. 2. Hot work site is clear of combustibles or combusti- bles are protected. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ·, iliLaa .. na.caJ .. nW.WW::Y .t. \:::r.J. il II t::li fill Coovri~ht to. orlicensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klausbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #25 ADDITIONAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS: FIRE WATCH . ) WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK 3503.5 Records. The individual responsible for the hot work area shall maintain "prework check" reports in accordance with Section 3504.3.1. Such reports shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of 48 hours after work is com- plete. 3503.6 Signage. Visible hazard identification signs shall be provided where required by Chapter 50. Where the hot work area is accessible to persons other than the operator of the hot work equipment, conspicuous signs shall be posted to warn others before they enter the hot work area. Such signs shall display the following warning: CAUTION HOT WORK IN PROGRESS STAY CLEAR SECTION 3504 FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3504.1 Protection of combustibles. Protection of combusti- bles shall be in accordance with Sections 3504.1.1 through 3504.1.9. 3504.1.1 Combustibles. Hot work areas shall not contain combustibles or shall be provided with appropriate shield- ing to prevent sparks, slag or heat from igniting exposed combustibles. 3504.1.2 Openings. Openings or cracks in walls, floors, ducts or shafts within the hot work area shall be tightly covered to prevent the passage of sparks to adjacent com- bustible areas, or shielded by metal fire-resistant guards, or curtains shall be provided to prevent passage of sparks or slag. 3504.1.3 Housekeeping. Floors shall be kept clean within the hot work area. 3504.1.4 Conveyor systems. Conveyor systems that are capable of carrying sparks to distant combustibles shall be shielded or shut down. 3504.1.5 Partitions. Partitions segregating hot work areas from other areas of the building shall be noncombustible. In fixed hot work areas, the partitions shall be securely connected to the floor such that no gap exists between the floor and the partition. Partitions shall prevent the passage of sparks, slag, and heat from the hot work area. 3504.1.6 Floors. Fixed hot work areas shall have floors with noncombustible surfaces. 3504.1.7 Precautions in hot work. Hot work shall not be performed on containers or equipment that contains or has contained flammable liquids, gases or solids until the con- tainers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned, inerted or purged; except that "hot tapping" shall be allowed on tanks and pipe lines when such work is to be conducted by approved personnel. 3504.1.8 Sprinkler protection. Automatic sprinkler pro- tection shall not be shut off while hot work is performed. Where hot work is performed close to automatic sprin- klers, noncombustible barriers or damp cloth guards shall shield the individual sprinkler heads and shall be removed when the work is completed. If the work extends over sev- eral days, the shields shall be removed at the end of each workday. The fire code official shall approve hot work where sprinkler protection is impaired. 3504.1.9 Fire detection systems. Approved special pre- cautions shall be taken to avoid accidental operation of automatic fire detection systems. 3504.2 Fh::e watch. Fire watcft&~' shall be established and conducted 'in 'accpr4<l:tlce with S~s;tions'~B504.2, 1' · thl'ough .3504:2.6. ,,, ... ···•··· ... :',''>,:,">~~:'A,;.k<J,~:C/,f;:.:; ">"Z;<\;0)0~'):~j;;<,>;"''':''~'X',',~">tz,o;;;.,n,, ,, ', 't;, :' , • · · 3~04.2.1 When,reqmre'at~ fire watch sh':IV be provided during hot work activitie:~;y.i.J.:!!P sh~fli~contim\~, for a mini: mum of 30 minutes after the'~~onclusion ofthe work. The fire coc11t; official, or the responsible m;mager tinder a hot . work p:fogram;,isauthorized t~t(fxtendthe fire watch based ·;'ali'tMJ),a~~ds:trr~w~t:k ?eing if~rl'onned, ~' .,. E,;c~;fTdrt1!':Wh,ei"~·~e'hot . . ... ards or comb~s.tibte e~posures. ,)jX:t~h/>, 3504.2.2 Location. The. fife" watch hot work area. Hot work 'cO!'rdu<;;ted with vert:ical OJ horiz?ntal.firt; e~posures thif~re nofi,obse;vabJe by a ,;,, ~sirtgl~'itrfii:.viduai shall have adcHH6nal personnel assigned ·::~\>::""':f;-c_,, : ', '''''>,'\':,"::~:":,,;:;'4 )';'', ','v, · to'fit~it"a;~~es ;to;'~~~}}f~~~~at areas are monitored. 3504.2.3 Drifies.1n4iyia\ials desigl1aSed to fire watc.h duty shall have fire-extinguis?· uiprrt~nt readily available and shal,l be trained in the u such .©kluiprrt~nt. Individ- ; . uals as~g.~~d. to fire watch dtlty shall/be respqnsible ·for o~';~~,,~xtinguishl~tLspot fires and communicating an~Iarm. " ><,·;',:,f?4\\,¢r;::;:, t,j,,,', ' ',, ::· ;''<)::,::~,,'~,"' <>' ',;', ' <';,;'0:1~· 3504::2';4 ,IJ;jJ;~ Jra~niifg:t:1'f):w individual&,cresponsible for performing.tii~:not:Wb:~C~~':l:!!~ indiViduals IfSponsible for providing the fire watch~ shaH. be tralJl~d in the use ofpor- table fire extinguishers. ·· · · "<-:~;, 350~ •. ~~i;fi~e hoses. Wherehoseline~,~~re required, they ~~;s:'sl).~~n,~;,c~J)];ie!VJ~d.L~harged arrdil'<if~Y for ope.(~tion. 3504 .. ~.6 1 i~her; A mi~~um of one portable fire extinguisher com . ",with Sectiqti~+906 and with a minimum 2-A:20~B:C shall be:re:idily accessible within 30 feet (9144 mm) bfthe location where hot work ;)'·+,)~ ,p~rformed~ ·_;,' :;t:" ···.;·,\'o";;',:, 3504.3 Area reviews. Before hot work is permitted and at least once per day while the permit is in effect, the area shall be inspected by the individual responsible for authorizing hot work operations to ensure that it is a fire safe area. Informa- tion shown on the permit shall be verified prior to signing the permit in accordance with Section 105.6. 3504.3.1 Pre-hot-work check. A pre-hot-work check shall be conducted prior to work to ensure that all equip- ment is safe and hazards are recognized and protected. A report of the check shall be kept at the work site during the work and available upon request. The pre-hot-work check shall determine all of the following: 1. Hot work equipment to be used shall be in satisfac- tory operating condition and in good repair. 2. Hot work site is clear of combustibles or combusti- bles are protected. 352 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE ~ ih;;a;o.na.Siit .. nW.IW::T.t.t:r.::t.iii n:;u liil Coovright to. or licensed bv. ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klausbrnckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursnant to License ATTACHMENT #26 ADDITIONAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS: AREA REVIEW ) WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK 3503.5 Records. The individual responsible for the hot work area shall maintain "prework check" reports in accordance with Section 3504.3.1. Such reports shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of 48 hours after work is com- plete. 3503.6 Signage. Visible hazard identification signs shall be provided where required by Chapter 50. Where the hot work area is accessible to persons other than the operator of the hot work equipment, conspicuous signs shall be posted to warn others before they enter the hot work area. Such signs shall display the following warning: CAUTION HOT WORK IN PROGRESS STAY CLEAR SECTION 3504 FIRE SAFETY REQUIRIEMENTS 3504.1 Protection of combustibles. Protection of combusti- bles shall be in accordance with Sections 3504.1.1 through 3504.1.9. 3504.1.1 Combustibles. Hot work areas shall not contain combustibles or shall be provided with appropriate shield- ing to prevent sparks, slag or heat from igniting exposed combustibles. 3504.1.2 Openings. Openings or cracks in walls, floors, ducts or shafts within the hot work area shall be tightly covered to prevent the passage of sparks to adjacent com- bustible areas, or shielded by metal fire-resistant guards, or curtains shall be provided to prevent passage of sparks or slag. 3504.1.3 Housekeeping. Floors shall be kept clean within the hot work area. 3504.1.4 Conveyor systems. Conveyor systems that are capable of carrying sparks to distant combustibles shall be shielded or shut down. 3504.1.5 Partitions. Partitions segregating hot work areas from other areas of the building shall be noncombustible. In fixed hot work areas, the partitions shall be securely connected to the floor such that no gap exists between the floor and the partition. Partitions shall prevent the passage of sparks, slag, and heat from the hot work area. 3504.1.6 Floors. Fixed hot work areas shall have floors with noncombustible surfaces. 3504.1.7 Precautions in hot work. Hot work shall not be performed on containers or equipment that contains or has contained flammable liquids, gases or solids until the con- tainers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned, inerted or purged; except that "hot tapping" shall be allowed on tanks and pipe lines when such work is to be conducted by approved personnel. 3504.1.8 Sprinkler protection. Automatic sprinkler pro- tection shall not be shut off while hot work is performed. Where hot work is performed close to automatic sprin- klers, noncombustible barriers or damp cloth guards shall shield the individual sprinkler heads and shall be removed when the work is completed. If the work extends over sev- eral days, the shields shall be removed at the end of each workday. The fire code official shall approve hot work where sprinkler protection is impaired. 3504.1.9 Fire detection systems. Approved special pre- cautions shall be taken to avoid accidental operation of automatic fire detection systems. 3504.2 Fire watch. Fire watches shall be established and conducted in accordance with Sections 3504.2.1 through 3504.2.6. 3504.2.1 When required. A fire watch shall be provided during hot work activities and shall continue for a mini- mum of 30 minutes after the conclusion of the work. The fire code official, or the responsible manager under a hot work program, is authorized to extend the fire watch based on the hazards or work being performed. Exception: Where the hot work area has no fire haz- ards or combustible exposures. 3504.2.2 Location. The fire watch shall include the entire hot work area. Hot work conducted in areas with vertical or horizontal fire exposures that are not observable by a single individual shall have additional personnel assigned to fire watches to ensure that exposed areas are monitored. 3504.2.3 Duties. Individuals designated to fire watch duty shall have fire-extinguishing equipment readily available and shall be trained in the use of such equipment. Individ- uals assigned to fire watch duty shall be responsible for extinguishing spot fires and communicating an alarm. 3504.2.4 Fire training. The individuals responsible for performing the hot work and individuals responsible for providing the fire watch shall be trained in the use of por- table fire extinguishers. 3504.2.5 Fire hoses. Where hoselines are required, they shall be connected, charged and ready for operation. 3504.2.6 Fire extinguisher. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher complying with Section 906 and with a minimum 2-A:20-B:C rating shaH be readily accessible within 30 feet (9144 mm) of the location where hot work is performed. 3504.3 ii~~i;f'~xiews. Before~~£?&~work is permitted and at least once p~J:~!.I.aY while the perm~tis in eff<(qt: the area shall be inspected tiyihe ll.ldiyidtlal respohsible for:iuthorizing hot work operations w:ep~fgthat it is a fire·safe area. Informa- tion sho\Vll,.on the perln:its .· . e verified tO' signing the penrEllitm\~S:.~Rrdance with'S Jt9111 05.6. <':;,,;,;<;.·\~.~· ' ' 'f,,>?,lJ('>?.'k~:<:.:.,;J,~f, ,'' w<<~'r;~s+S:.:'·::,f, · 3504~3.l}>re::h'of.,work check; A pr<(~~ot-work check shall be coffduCt<(.!;.\tprjor to w'ork\;~to ensure .that all equip- ment issafe and h~~~r.g,sare reco&n!?ied alld protected.A rep9rt ?f .the check sh311l)e kept at ~e,w9rk site during the .•.. ~.work;~rid·ll:Ygtilable up6rii'~qt1est. The;.{n'e-hot-work check ..: .. ~~halllfeferritine all of the following: . c:::x'':f~;~:~,',~',,,:',:~ ' ~·, ~' ,,,,,,, '' '''''"'~''' ~ 1. · H6f';wol-lccequipment t0°oe used shalf])e in satisfac- tory operating ~9ndition hll:tl·in good rep~i:r. Ho.t"~'!Y:0.rk site is et1~~'t)fcombustibfes or combust1- .·.•;y;::•'""''; •. 7 .••.. J... " , o/::z:.<,~v~At:'6;~~..:t,:::, 352 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 1 _j ntliiliai.U,Siilanf,IWI!t o hi aiJ' 0 tl nfl:i I ill Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klansbruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License _) ) ) ) onstructh8~'is of noncombusti~i~ materi- })ustible, then Pr<)te<cte<i. {""::: ~ mgs are'protected. are,!\ypt dean;',:~ eXlom;ea'"'~~tttBI:l:sti~les are l9cated on site side of partitions, waUs, ceil\fi,gs or floors. 7. Fire,wa:tehe~ ~here ,,;"~i':i~giileq,~ d,~~ 1 s"~xe taken to pr~~~nt acci- activation of suppression al'lddetectioh equip~ . in accordance with. Secti' 3504.1.8 and e:ft1"!iggi,sh~r~ '!:£~~·fir~ lloses are operable Jind available. SECTION 3505 GAS WELDING AND CUTTING 3505.1 General. Devices or attachments mixing air or oxy- gen with combustible gases prior to consumption, except at the burner or in a standard torch or blow pipe, shall not be allowed unless approved. 3505.2 Cylinder and container storage, handling and use. Storage, handling and use of compressed gas cylinders, con- tainers and tanks shall be in accordance with this section and Chapter 53. 3505.2.1 Cylinders connected for use. The storage or use of a single cylinder of oxygen and a single cylinder of fuel gas located on a cart shall be al!lowed without requiring the cylinders to be separated in accordance with Section 5003.9.8 or 5003.10.3.6 when the cylinders are connected to regulators, ready for service, equipped with apparatus designed for cutting or welding and all of the following: 1. Carts shall be kept away from the cutting or welding operation in accordance with Section 3505.5 or fire- resistant shields shall be provided. 2. Cylinders shall be secured to the cart to resist move- ment. 3. Carts shall be in accordance with Section 5003.10.3. 4. Cylinder valves not having fixed hand wheels shall have keys, handles or nonadjustable wrenches on valve stems while the cyllinders are in service. 5. Cylinder valve outlet connections shall conform to the requirements of CGA V -1. 6. Cylinder valves shall be closed when work is fin- ished. 7. Cylinder valves shall be closed before moving the cart. 3505.2.1.1 Individual cart separation. Individual carts shall be separated from each other in accordance with Section 5003.9.8. 3505.3 Precautions. Cylinders, valves, regulators, hose and other apparatus and fittings for oxygen shall be kept free from oil or grease. Oxygen cylinders, apparatus and fittings shall 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK not be handled with oily hands, oily gloves, or greasy tools or equipment. 3505.4 Acetylene gas. Acetylene gas shall not be piped except in approved cylinder manifolds and cylinder manifold connections, or utilized at a pressure exceeding 15 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) (103 kPa) unless dissolved in a suit- able solvent in cylinders manufactured in accordance with DOTn 49 CFR Part 178. Acetylene gas shall not be brought in contact with unalloyed copper, except in a blowpipe or torch. 3505.5 Remote locations. Oxygen and fuel-gas cylinders and acetylene generators shall be located away from the hot work area to prevent such cylinders or generators from being heated by radiation from heated materials, sparks or slag, or misdirection of the torch flame. 3505.6 Cylinders shutoff. The torch valve shall be dosed and the gas supply to the torch completely shut off when gas welding or cutting operations are discontinued for a period of 1 hour or more. 3505.7 Prohibited operation. Welding or cutting work shall not be held or supported on compressed gas cylinders or con- tainers. 3505.8 Tests. Tests for leaks in piping systems and equip- ment shall be made with soapy water. The use of flames shall be prohibited for leak testing. SECTION 3506 ELECTRIC ARC HOT WORK 3506.1 General. The frame or case of electric hot work machines, except internal-combustion-engine-driven machines, shall be grounded. Ground connections shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the required current. 3506.2 Return circuits. Welding current return circuits from the work to the machine shall have proper electrical contact at joints. The electrical contact shall be periodically inspected. 3506.3 Disconnecting. Electrodes shall be removed from the holders when electric arc welding or cutting is discontinued for any period of 1 hour or more. The holders shall be located to prevent accidental contact and the machines shall be dis- connected from the power source. 3506.4 Emergency disconnect. A switch or circuit breaker shall be provided so that fixed electric welders and control equipment can be disconnected from the supply circuit. The disconnect shall be installed in accordance with California Electrical Code. 3506.5 Damaged cable. Damaged cable shall be removed from service until properly repaired or replaced. SECTION 3507 CALCIUM CARBIDE SYSTEMS 3507.1 Calcium carbide storage. Storage and handling of calcium carbide shall comply with Chapter 50 of this code and Chapter 9 of NFP A 51. 353 ~ nii&ilihUI •• iliaiJI,IWI:t1f.1...,1tiJ ullil!ii Copyright to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #27 ADDITIONAL WELDING REQUIREMENTS: ELECTRIC ARCH HOT WORK / l ) ) 3. Exposed construction is of noncombustible materi- als or, if combustible, then protected. 4. Openings are protected. 5. Floors are kept clean. 6. No exposed combustibles are located on the oppo- site side of partitions, walls, ceilings or floors. 7. Fire watches, where required, are assigned. 8. Approved actions have been taken to prevent acci- dental activation of suppression and detection equip- ment in accordance with Sections 3504.1.8 and 3504.1.9. 9. Fire extinguishers and fire hoses (where provided) are operable and available. SECTION 3505 GAS WELDING AND CUTTING 3505.1 General. Devices or attachments mixing air or oxy- gen with combustible gases prior to consumption, except at the burner or in a standard torch or blow pipe, shall not be allowed unless approved. 3505.2 Cylinder and container storage, handling and use. Storage, handling and use of compressed gas cylinders, con- tainers and tanks shall be in accordance with this section and Chapter 53. 3505.2.1 Cylinders connected for use. The storage or use of a single cylinder of oxygen and a single cylinder of fuel gas located on a cart shall be allowed without requiring the cylinders to be separated in accordance with Section 5003.9.8 or 5003.10.3.6 when the cylinders are connected to regulators, ready for service, equipped with apparatus designed for cutting or welding and all of the following: 1. Carts shall be kept away from the cutting or welding operation in accordance with Section 3505.5 or fire- resistant shields shall be provided. 2. Cylinders shall be secured to the cart to resist move- ment. 3. Carts shall be in accordance with Section 5003.10.3. 4. Cylinder valves not having fixed hand wheels shall have keys, handles or nonadjustable wrenches on valve stems while the cylinders are in service. 5. Cylinder valve outlet connections shall conform to the requirements of CGA V -1. 6. Cylinder valves shall be closed when work is fin- ished. 7. Cylinder valves shall be closed before moving the cart. 3505.2.1.1 Individual cart separation. Individual carts shall be separated from each other in accordance with Section 5003.9.8. 3505.3 Precautions. Cylinders, valves, regulators, hose and other apparatus and fittings for oxygen shall be kept free from oil or grease. Oxygen cylinders, apparatus and fittings shall 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE WELDING AND OTHER HOT WORK not be handled with oily hands, oily gloves, or greasy tools or equipment. 3505.4 Acetylene gas. Acetylene gas shall not be piped except in approved cylinder manifolds and cylinder manifold connections, or utilized at a pressure exceeding 15 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) (103 kPa) unless dissolved in a suit- able solvent in cylinders manufactured in accordance with DOTn 49 CFR Part 178. Acetylene gas shall not be brought in contact with unalloyed copper, except in a blowpipe or torch. 3505.5 Remote locations. Oxygen and fuel-gas cylinders and acetylene generators shall be located away from the hot work area to prevent such cylinders or generators from being heated by radiation from heated materials, sparks or slag, or misdirection of the torch flame. 3505.6 Cylinders shutoff. The torch valve shall be closed and the gas supply to the torch completely shut off when gas welding or cutting operations are discontinued for a period of 1 hour or more. 3505.7 Prohibited operation. Welding or cutting work shall not be held or supported on compressed gas cylinders or con- tainers. 3505.8 Tests. Tests for leaks in piping systems and equip- ment shall be made with soapy water. The use of flames shall be prohibited for leak testing. SECTION 3S06 ELECTAclC ARC HOT WORK 3506.1 Ge~~ral~ .. The .frame or . case .. ~f electric hot work 1llachitJ.es, except internal-combustion-engine-driven machines, shall be gro~deq ... Ground connections .. shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for t]:le required current. 3506.2 R~turli circuits~ Wel<iillg current return circuits from fhe wo~tcto the machine shall have prpper electfical contact at joints. The elect:rical~«:mtact shall be periodically inspected. . . . 35o6:3 Disconnecting. Electrod~s shall be removed from the holders when electric arc Welding Ot; cutting is discontinued ·for any period of 1 hour or .niore. The holders shall be located to prevent acCidental c;ont(i~t and the madlipes shall be dis- colmected from th~po~er so~ce. .. ·· .3.506.4. Emergency disconnect. A switch or circuit breaker ~hall be provided so that fix~d electric welders and control equ.jpm€?nt can be disconnected from. the supply circuit. The disconnect shall be installed in .accordance with California Electrical Code. . · ·· 35065 ~amageir·cabl,(!~· Damaged ~able shall be removed from s~rvice l!fitil properly repaired or replaced. SECTION 3507 CALCIUM CARBIDE SYSTEMS 3507.1 Calcium carbide storage. Storage and handling of calcium carbide shall comply with Chapter 50 of this code and Chapter 9 of NFPA 51. 353 ~II'ILa::a.hWC:U.tftWW:'t.t.t::»:t.i II 0'&! I i!ii Coovdght to, or licensed by, ICC (ALL RIGHTS RESERVED); accessed by Ellie Klaus bruckner on Jan 6, 2015 1:57:34 PM pursuant to License ATTACHMENT #28 EGRESS ) -____j voice/alarm communication system in accordance with Section 907.5.2.2. 2. For Group H-1, H-2, H-3 and H-4 occupancies the total width of means of egress in inches (mm) shall not be less than the total occupant load served by the means of egress multiplied by 0.7 inches (7.62 mm) per occupant. 3. Means of egress complying with Section 1028. ,1005.3.2 Other egt;~ss COIJ1pon~nts. J'he c~pacity, in Inches (mm), of means of egress 'components other thai) stairways,shall.~e calculated by multiplying the occupant .Jpad .SerVed by .. SU~ COIJlponeJt):t . by a means. of egreSS capacity factor of 0.2 inch (5.1 mm) per occupant. · Exceptions: 1. For other than Group H and I-2 occupancies, the capacity, in inches (mm), of means of egress compo- nents other than stairways shall be calculated by multiplying the occupant load served by such com- ponent by a means of egress capacity factor of 0.15 inch (3.8 mm) per occupant in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and an emergency voice/alarm communi- cation system in accordance with Section 907.5.2.2. 2. For Group H-1, H-2, H-3 and H-4 occupancies the total width of means of egress in inches (mm) shall not be less than the total occupant load served by the means of egress multiplied by 0.4 inches (5.08 mm) per occupant. 3. Means of egress complying with Section 1028. 1005.4 Continuity. The capacity of the means of egress required from any story of a building shall not be reduced along the path of egress travel untill arrival at the public way. 1005.5. Distribution of egress capacity. Where more than one exit, or access to more than one exit, is required, the means of egress shall be configured such that the loss of any one exit, or access to one exit, shall not reduce the available capacity to less than 50 percent of the required capacity. 1005.6 Egress convergence. Where the means of egress from stories above and below converge at an intermediate level, the capacity of the means of egress from the point of convergence shall not be less than the sum of the required capacities for the two adjacent stories. 1005.7 Encroachment. Encroachments into the required means of egress width shall be in accordance with the provi- sions of this section. 1005.7.1 Doors. Doors, when fully opened, shall not reduce the required width by more than 7 inches (178 mm). Doors in any position shall not reduce the required width by more than one-half. Exceptions: 1. In other than Group I-2 occupancies, surface- mounted latch release hardware shall be exempt MEANS OF EGRESS from inclusion in the 7 -inch maximum (178 mm) encroachment where: 1.1. The hardware is mounted to the side of the door facing away from the adjacent wall where the door is in the open posi- tion; and 1.2. The hardware is mounted not less than 34 inches (865 mm) nor more than 48 inches (1219 mm) above the finished floor. 2. The restrictions on door swing shall not apply to doors within individual dwelling units and sleep- ing units of Group R-2 occupancies and dwelling units of Group R-3 occupancies. 1005.7.2 Other projections. Handrail projections shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 1012.8. Other nonstructural projections such as trim and similar decorative features shall be permitted to project into the required width a maximum of 1 Vz inches (38 mm) on each side. 1005.7.3 Protruding objects. Protruding objects shall comply with the applicable requirements of Section 1003.3. SECTION 1006 MEANS OF EGRESS ILLUMINATION 1006.1 Illumination required. The means of egress, includ- ing the exit discharge, shall be illuminated at all times the building space served by the means of egress is occupied. Exceptions: 1. Occupancies in Group U 2. Aisle accessways in Group A 3. Dwelling units and sleeping units in Groups R-1, R- 2 and R-3. 4. Sleeping units of Group I, R-2.1 and R-4 occupan- cies. 1006.2 Illumination level. The means of egress illumination level shall not be less than 1 footcandle (11 lux) at the walk- ing surface. Exception: For auditoriums, theaters, concert or opera halls and similar assembly occupancies, the illumination at the walking surface is permitted to be reduced during per- formances to not less than 0.2 footcandle (2.15 lux), pro- vided that the required illumination is automatically restored upon activation of a premises' fire alarm system where such system is provided. 1006.3 Emergency power for illumination. The power sup- ply for means of egress illumination shall normally be pro- vided by the premises' electrical supply. In the event of power supply failure, an emergency electri- cal system shall automatically illuminate all of the following areas: 1. Aisles and unenclosed egress stairways in rooms and spaces that require two or more means of egress. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE ANUARY 1, 2014 ERRATA BUFF 373 / MEANS OF EGRESS 3. Openings that are provided with window fall pre- vention devices that comply with AST F 2090. 4. Windows that are provided with window opening control devices that comply with Section 1013.8.1. 1013.8.1 indow opening control devices. Window opening control devices shall comply with AST F 2090. The window opening control device, after operation to release the control device allowing the window to fully open, shall not reduce the minimum net clear opening area of the window unit to less than the area required by Sec- tion 1029.2. SECTION 1014 EXIT ACCESS 1014.1 eneral. The exit access shall comply with the appli- cable provisions of Sections 1003 through 1013. Exit access arrangement shall comply with Sections 1014 through 1019. 1014.2 Egress through intervening spaces. Egress through intervening spaces shall comply with this section. 1. Egress from a room or space shall not pass through adjoining or intervening rooms or areas, except where such adjoining rooms or areas and the area served are accessory to one or the other, are not a Group H occu- pancy and provide a discernible path of egress travel to an exit. Exception: eans of egress are not prohibited through adjoining or intervening rooms or spaces in a Group H, S or F occupancy when the adjoining or intervening rooms or spaces are the same or a lesser hazard occupancy group. 2. An exit access shall not pass through a room that can be locked to prevent egress. 3. eans of egress from dwelling units or sleeping areas shall not lead through other sleeping areas, toilet rooms or bathrooms. 4. Egress shall not pass through kitchens, storage rooms, closets or spaces used for similar purposes. Exceptions: 1. eans of egress are not prohibited through a kitchen area serving adjoining rooms consti- tuting part of the same dwelling unit or sleep- ing unit. 394 2. eans of egress are not prohibited through stockrooms in Group occupancies when all of the following are met: 2.1. The stock is of the same hazard classi- fication as that found in the main retail area; 2.2. ot more than 50 percent of the exit access is through the stockroom; 2.3. The stockroom is not subject to lock- ing from the egress side; and 2.4. There is a demarcated, minimum 44- inch-wide (1118 mm) aisle defined by full-or partial-height fixed walls or similar construction that will maintain the required width and lead directly from the retail area to the exit without obstructions. 5. Exits shall not pass through any room subject to loc - ing except in Group 1-3 occupancies classified as detention facilities. 1014.2.1 ultiple tenants. Where more than one tenant occupies any one floor of a building or structure, each ten- ant space, dwelling unit and sleeping unit shall be pro- vided with access to the required exits without passing through adjacent tenant spaces, dwelling units and sleep- ing units. Exception: The means of egress from a smaller tenant space shall not be prohibited from passing through a larger adjoining tenant space where such rooms or spaces of the smaller tenant occupy less than 10 percent of the area of the larger tenant space through which they pass; are the same or similar occupancy group; a discernable path of egress travel to an exit is provided; and the means of egress into the adjoining space is not subject to locking from the egJress side. A required means of egress serving the larger tenant space shall not pass through the smaller tenant space or spaces. 101 . . asement exits in oup -occupancies. For additional requirements for occupancies in Group 1-2, see Sections 407 of the California Building Code. 1014.3 Common path of egress travel. The common path of egress travel shall not exceed the common path of egress travel distances in Table 1014.3. TABLEJ014.3 COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRA EL WITHOUT SPRIN LER SYSTEM (feet) WITH SPRIN LER OCCUPANCY Occupant Load SYSTEM (feet) '<', ,;; 30 30 B. sd 11111 7t:. .... 100" .... u 100 75 75" F ,'IE._ _7fi _. 100" H-1, H-2, H-3 otPermitted ot Permitted 2" R-2 75 75 125b R-3" 75 75 125b 1-3 100 100 100" All others c. f 75 75 75" For SI: 1 foot 304.8 mm. a. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. b. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. See Section 903 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2. c. For a room or space used for assembly purposes having fixed seating, see Section 1028.8. d. The length of a common path of egress travel in a Group S-2 open parking garage shall not be more than 100 feet (30 480 mm). e. The length of a common path of egress travel in a Group R-3 occupancy located in a mixed occupancy building. f. For the distance limitations in Group I-2. see Section 407.4. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE .. II / •II SECTION 1015 EXIT AND EXIT ACCESS DOORWAYS 1015.1 Exits or exit access doorways from spaces. Two exits or exit access doorways from any space shall be pro- vided where one of the following conditions exists: 1. The occupant load of the space exceeds one of the val- ues in Table 1015.1. Exceptions: 1. In Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies, one means of egress is permitted within and from individ- ual dwelling units with a maximum occupant load of 20 where the dwelling unit is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. 2. Care suites in Group 1-2 occupancies comply- ing with Section 407.4.3. 2. The common path of egress travel exceeds one of the limitations of Section 1014.3 .. 3. Where required by Section 1015.3, 1015.4, 1015.5, or 1015.6. 4. In detention and correctional facilities and holding cells, such as are found in courthouse buildings, when the occupant load is more than 20 see Section 408.3.11. Where a building contains mixed occupancies, each indi- vidual occupancy shall comply wilth the applicable require- ments for that occupancy. Where applicable, cumulative occupant loads from adjacent occupancies shall be consid- ered in accordance with the provisions of Section 1004.1. ... .. . TABLE 1015.1 SPACES WITH 01\J~ EXIT OR EXIT ACCESS DOORWAY ",.·: OCCUPANCY · .... MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD .. , ... }\ ... B,E,X, .. ~u 49 H-1, H-2, H-3 3 H-4, H-5, I-2.1, I-3, I-4, R 10 . s 29 See Section 443.6.1 a. For holding cells, see Section 408.3.11. 1015.1.1 Three or more exits or exit access doorways. Three exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load of 501 to 1,000. Four exits or exit access doorways shall be provided from any space with an occupant load greater than 1,000. 1015.2 Exit or exit access doorway arrangement. Required exits shall be located in a manner that makes their availability obvious. Exits shall be unobstructed at all times. Exit and exit access doorways shall be arranged in accordance with Sec- tions 1015.2.1 and 1015.2.2. Exit access doorways, contribut- ing to the total number of exits or exit access doorways required by Sections 1015.1 and 1015.1.1, shall lead to sepa- rate exits. 1015.2.1 Two exits or exit access doorways. Where two exits or exit access doorways are required from any por- tion of the exit access, the exit doors or exit access door- 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE MEANS OF EGRESS ways shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one-half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served measured in a straight line between exit doors or exit access doorways. Interlocking or scissor stairs shall be counted as one exit stairway. Exceptions: 1 Where interior exit stairways are interconnected by a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated corridor con- forming to the requirements of Section 1018, the required exit separation shall be measured along the shortest direct line of travel within the corri- dor. 2. Where a building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, the separation dis- tance of the exit doors or exit access doorways shall not be less than one-third of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area served. 1015.2.2 Three or more exits or exit access doorways. Where access to three or more exits is required, at least two exit doors or exit access doorways shall be arranged in accordance with the provisions of Section 1015.2.1. Addi- tional required exit or exit access doorways shall be arranged a reasonable distance apart so that if one becomes, bloc ed, the others will be available. 1015.3 oiler incinerator and furnace rooms. Two exit access doorways are required in boiler, incinerator and fur- nace rooms where the area is over 500 square feet (46m2) and any fuel-fired equipment exceeds 400,000 British thermal units (Btu) (422 000 ) input capacity. Where two exit access doorways are required, one is permitted to be a fixed ladder or an alternating tread device. Exit access doorways shall be separated by a horizonM distance equal to one-half the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the room. 1015.4 efrigeration machinery rooms. achinery rooms larger than 1,000 square feet (93m2) shall have not less than two exits or exit access doorways. Where two exit access doorways are required, one such doorway is permitted to be served by a fixed ladder or an alternating tread device. Exit access doorways shall be separated by a horizontal distance equal to one-half the maximum horizontal dimension of room. All portions of machinery rooms shall be within 150 feet (45 720 mm) of an exit or exit access doorway. An increase in travel distance is permitted in accordance with Section 1016.1. Doors shall swing in the direction of egress travel, regard- less of the occupant load served. Doors shall be tight fitting and self-closing. 1015.5 efrigerated rooms or spaces. Rooms or spaces having a floor area larger than 1,000 square feet (93m2), con- taining a refrigerant evaporator and maintained at a tempera- ture below 68 F (20 C), shall have access to not less than two exits or exit access doorways. 395 * ) MEANS OF EGRESS Travel distance shall be determined as specified in Section 1016.1, but all portions of a refrigerated room or space shall be within 150 feet (45 720 mm) of an exit or exit access door- way where such rooms are not protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system. Egress is allowed through adjoin- ing refrigerated rooms or spaces. Exception: Where using refrigerants in quantities limited to the amounts based on the volume set forth in the Cali- fornia Mechanical Code. 1015.6 Day care means of egress. Day care facilities, rooms or spaces where care is provided for more than 10 children that are 2 years of age or less, shall have access to not less than two exits or exit access doorways. 101 .7 a e amil da -ca e home. Every story or base- ment of a large family day-care home shall be provided with two exits which are remotely located from each other. Every required exit shall be of a size to permit the installation of a door not less than 32 inches (813 mm) in clear width and not less than 6 feet 8 inches (2,032 mm) in height. A manually operated horizontal sliding door may be used as one of the two required exits. here basements are used for day-care purposes, one of the two required exits shall provide access directly to the exterior without entering the first story. The second exit from the basement may either pass through the story above or exit directly to the exterior. Rooms used for day-care purposes shall not be located above the first story. Exception: Buildings equipped with an automatic sprin- ler system throughout and which have at least one of the required exits providing access directly to the exterior. F A 13R may be used in large family day-care homes. The sprin ler omissions of F A 13R shall not apply unless approved by the enforcing agency. Exit doors, including manually operated horizontal sliding doors, shall be openable from the inside without use of a ey or any special nowledge or effort. Tables 1021.1 and 1021.2 are not applicable to this occu- pancy classification. SECTION 1016 EXIT ACCESS TRA EL DISTANCE 1016.1 eneral. Travel distance within the exit access por- tion of the means of egress system shall be in accordance with this section. 1016.2 Limitations. Exit access travel distance shall not exceed the values given in Table 1016.2. 1016.2.1 Exterior egress balcony increase. Exit access travel distances specified in Table 1016.2 shall be increased up to an additional 100 feet (30 480 mm) pro- vided the last portion of the exit access leading to the exit occurs on an exterior egress balcony constructed in accor- 396 TABLE 1016.2 EXIT ACCESSTRA ELDlSTANCE• WITHOUT SPRIN LER WITH SPRIN LER OCCUPANCY SYSTEM SYSTEM (feet) (feet) A,E, fcl, , R,S~1 ')flfl 250b R-2.1 ot Permitted 250c B ?Ofl c 300c > F-2, S-2, U 300 400c H-1 ot Permitted 75c H-2 ot Permitted 100c H-3 ot Permitted 150c H-4 ot Permitted 175c H-5 ot Permitted 200c I-2, I-2.1, I-3d, I-4 ot Permitted 200c ot ermitted 200c For Sl: lfoot 304.8 mm. a. See the following sections for modifications to exit access travel distance requirements: Section 402.8: For the distance limitation in malls. Section 404.9: For the distance limitation through an atrium space. Section 407.4: For the distance limitation in Group 1-2. II Section 408.3.10 For increased limitation in Group 1-3 1 I Sections 408.6.1 and 408.8.1: For the distance limitations in Group 1-3. Section 411.4: For the distance limitation in special amusement buildings. Section 1015.4: For the distance limitation in refrigeration machinery rooms. Section 1015.5: For the distance limitation in refrigerated rooms and spaces. Section 1016.2.2 For increased limitation in Groups F-1 and S-1. 1 I Section 1021.2: For buildings with one exit. Section 1028.7: For increased limitation in assembly seating. Section 1028.7: For increased limitation for assembly open-air seating. Section 3103.4: For temporary structures. Section 3104.9: For pedestrian walkways. b. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. See Section 903 for occupancies where automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2. c. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. d. ot permitted in nonsprin lered Group 1-3 Occupancies. I I dance with Section 1019. The length of such balcony shall not be less than the amount of the increase taken. 101 . . oup -1 and S-1 inc ease. The maximum exit access travel distance shall be 400 feet (122m) in Group F -1 or S-1 occupancies where all of the following are met 1. The portion of the building classified as Group F -1 or S-1 is limited to one story in height, 2. The minimum height from the finished floor to the bottom of the ceiling or roof slab or dec is 24 feet {7315 mm}, and 3. The building is equipped throughout with an auto- matic fire sprin ler system in accordance with Sec- tion 903.3.1.1. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE ) ) . J MEANS OF EGRESS TABLE 1018.1 CORRIDOR FIRE-RESISTANCE RATING REQUIRED FIRE-RESISTANCE OCCUPANT RATING ( ou s) OCCUPANCY LOADSER ED BY CORRIDOR Wit out Wit spin le sp in le s stem s stemc H-1, H-2, H-3, All ot Permitted 1 H-4, H-5, Greater than 30 ot Permitted 1 N,B,F, ,S,U Greater than 30 1 0 R-1, R-2, R-3, Greater than 10 ot Permitted 1 R-3.1, R-4 I-2•, I-2.1, I-4 Greater than 6 ot Permitted 1 I-3, R-2.1 Greater than 6 ot Permitted 1b E Greater than 10 1 1 a. For requirements for occupancies in Group 1-2, see Sections 407.2 and 407.3. b. For a reduction in the fire-resistance rating for occupancies in Group 1-3, see Sections 408.1.2 and 408.8. c. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 where allowed. d. SFM See Section 1028. 1018.2 idth. The minimum width of corridors specified in Table 1018.2 shall be as determined in Section 1005.1. TABLE 1018.2 MINIMUM CORRIDOR WIDTH OCCUPANCY Any facilities not listed below Access to and utilization of mechanical, plumb- ing or electrical systems or equipment With a required occupancy capacity less than 50 Within a dwelling unit In Group E with a corridor having a required capacity of 100 or more In corridors and areas serving gurney traffic in occupancies where patients receive outpatient medical care, which causes the patient to be incapable of self-preservation Group I-2 in areas where required for bed movement Corridors in Group I-2 and I-3 occupancies serving any area caring for one or more nonam- bulatory persons. For Sl: 1 inch 25.4 mm. WIDTH (minimum) 44 inches 24 inches 36 inches 36 inches 72 inches 72 inches 96 inches 96 inches 1018.3 Obstruction. The required width of corridors shall be unobstructed. Exception: Encroachments complying with Section 1005.7. 1018.4 Dead ends. 'Where more than one exit or exit access doorway is required, the exit ac~ess shall be prr<llJ.ged such that .there are 110 ·dead e'hds in <;orridors more than 20 feet (6096 inmfinJength. . . · . ~xc~ptions: · 1. In occupancies in Group I-3 of Occupancy Condi- tion 2, 3 or 4 (see Section 308.5), the dead end in a corridor shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm) . 2. In occupancies in Groups B, E;F, I-1, , R-1, R-2, R-4, S and U, where the building is equipped throughout . with an. automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, the length of the dead-eM corridors shall not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm). 3. A dead-end corridor shall not be limited in length where the length of the dead-end corridor is less than 2.5 times the least width of the dead-end corri- dor. 1018.5 Air movement in corridors .. Corridors shall not serve as supply, return, exhaust, relief or ventilation air ducts. Exceptions: 1. Use of a corridor as a source of makeup air for exhaust systems in rooms that open directly onto such corridors, including toilet rooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, and janitor closets, shall be permit- ted, provided that each such corridor is directly sup- plied with outdoor air at a rate greater than the rate of makeup air taken from the corridor. 2. Where located within a dwelling unit, the use of cor- ridors for conveying return air shall not be prohib- ited. 3. Where located within tenant spaces of 1,000 square feet (93 m2) or less in area, utilization of corridors for conveying return air is permitted. 4. Incidental air movement from pressurized rooms within health care facilities, provided that the corri- dor is not the primary source of supply or return to the room. 5. For health care facilities under the jurisdiction of the Office of Statewide Health Ianning and Devel- opment (OSH D), see the California Mechanical Code. 1018.5.1 Corridor ceiling. Use of the space between the corridor ceiling and the floor or roof structure above as a return air plenum is permitted for one or more of the fol- lowing conditions: 1. The corridor is not required to be of fire-resistance- rated construction; 2. The corridor is separated from the plenum by fire- resistance-rated construction; 3. The air-handling system serving the corridor is shut down upon activation of the air-handling unit smoke detectors required by the California Mechanical Code; 4. The air-handling system serving the corridor is shut down upon detection of sprinkler waterflow where the building is equipped throughout with an auto- matic sprinkler system; or 5. The space between the corridor ceiling and the floor or roof structure above the corridor is used as a com- ponent of an approved engineered smoke control system. 398 ANUARY 1, 2014 ERRATA BUFF 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE ) ATTACHMENT #29 OCCUPANCY SEPARATION ) ) II • • GENERAL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS TABLE 508.4 REQUIRED SEPARATION OF OCC.UPANCIES (HOURS) R-1, R-2, F-2, S-2b, B, F-1, M•, A, E 1-4, R-2.1 1-2, 1-2.1 1-3 R-3, R-3.1, L H-1 H-2 H-3, H-4 H-5 OCCUPANCY R-4 u S-1 s NS s NS s NS s NS s NS s NS s NS s NS s NS s NS s NS s NS A,E 2 2 2 p 2 1 2 1 2 2 p p 3 4 2 3• 2 p 1-4, R-2.1 1 e 2 p 2 1 p 1 2 2 2 p p 4 p 4 p 4 p 1-2, 1-2.1 2 2 p 2 p ; p 2 p p 4 p 4 p 4 p 1-3 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 R-1, R-2, R-3, R-1' 2' 2 4 p p 3 p 2 p 2 p 3.1, R-4 F-2, S-2b, U , .. 2 1 p p 3 4 2 3a 2 p B, F-1, , S-1 ... ,. •• 1 p p 2 3 1 2a 1 p 1 2 1 1 H-1 p p p p p p p H-2 p 1 p 1 p H-3, H-4 1d p 1 p H-5 p S Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. S Buildings not equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. o separation requirement. P ot permitted. a See Section 420. b. The required separation from areas used only for private or pleasure vehicles shall be reduced by 1 hour but to not less than 1 hotllf. c. See Section 406. 3.4. d. Separation is not required between occupancies of the same classification . e. SFM Group I and F1 occupancies and Group R-2.1 and F-1 occupancies shall have a 3 hour separation . 509.4.1 Separation. Where Table 509 specifies a fire- resistance-rated separation, the incidental uses shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a fire bar- rier constructed in accordance with Section 707 or a hori- zontal assembly constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both. Construction supporting 1-hour fire barriers or horizontal assemblies used for incidental use separa- tions in buildings of Type liB, IIIB and B construction is not required to be fire-resistance rated unless required by other sections of this code. 509.4.2 Protection. Where Table 509 permits an auto- matic sprinkler system without a fire barrier, the incidental uses shall be separated from the remainder of the building by construction capable of resisting the passage of smoke. The walls shall extend from the top of the foundation or floor assembly below to the underside of the ceiling that is a component of a fire-resistance-rated floor assembly or roof assembly above or to the underside of the floor or roof sheathing, deck or slab above. Doors shall be self-or automatic-closing upon detection of smoke in accordance with Section 716.5.9.3. Doors shall not have air transfer openings and shall not be undercut in excess of the clear- ance permitted in accordance with FPA 80. Walls sur- rounding the incidental use shall not have air transfer 188 openings unless provided with smoke dampers in accor- dance with Section 710.7. 509.4.2.1 Protection limitation. Except as specified in Table 509 for certain incidental uses, where an automatic sprinkler system is provided in accordance with Table 509, only the space occupied by the incidental use need be equipped with such a system. SECTION 510 SPECIAL PRO IS!ONS 510.1 eneral. The provisions in Sections 510.2 through 510.9 shall permit the use of special conditions that are exempt from, or modify, the specific requirements of this chapter regarding the allowable building heights and areas of buildings based on the occupancy classification and type of construction, provided the special condition complies with the provisions specified in this section for such condition and other applicable requirements of this code. The provisions of Sections 510.2 through 510.8 are to be considered indepen- dent and separate from each other. 510.2 orizontal building separation allowance. A build- ing shall be considered as separate and distinct buildings for the purpose of determining area limitations, continuity of fire 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 10.Appendix B: Hazardous Materials Inventory Rev 1.1 -Legoland Facilities Bldg One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA ~---! "-~ ... / ',~./ '-_ _/ \ ~/' '~-~ KLAUSBRUCKNER AND ASSOCIATES-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Table of Contents Summary Health Hazards Summary Physical Hazards Hazardous Materials Inventory Sorted Inventory Applicable Codes for Health Hazards Applicable Codes for Physical Hazards Hazard Definitions -Abbreviations Code Definitions KLAUSBRUCKNE 0 ASSOC HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 2 3 4 33 168 172 179 182 Page 1 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(2)-CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(2) SUMMARY-HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 4.6022 Irritants 336.9331 190.5292 Nonhazardous Materials 0.5000 Other Health Hazards 335.5818 253.6537 0.6000 CA-Prop65 134.6074 47.3567 0.6000 Sensitizers 44.0709 15.8964 Taxies 17.5994 40.7880 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A 8, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 2 of 192 , .. , !\ -~ ("""', '~ ,f""'\ ('\ (-'\ r\. ,---"", -~"\ r---..., '~_/I [) ',_j \. __ / __ / HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1 (1) • CFC TABLE 5003.1.1 (1) SUMMARY • PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS 2015 · Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 , Aerosols Level 3 247.9069 Combustible Liquids II 0.7000 Combustible Liquids Ill-A 0.5259 Combustible Liquids 111-8 62.3640 Flammable Gases 0.4153 Flammable Liquids 1-A 0.4688 Flammable Liquids 1-8 4.3782 Flammable Liquids 1-C 0.3460 Oxidizers 1 5.1805 Unstable Reactives 1 0.3610 Water Reactives 1 4.5732 Water Reactives 2 6.8530 ,, 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A 8, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 3 of 192 D HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 POWERBOLT CLEANER [Johnson Diversey Power Bolt Power Spray Cleaner] [Grainger 3UT51]: Alcohol Ethoxylates [34398- 01-1 ][3-7%]; Monoethanolamine [141-43-5][1 0-25%]; Propylene Glycol [57-55-6][0.1-1.5%]; d-Limonene [5989-27-5][0.1-1.5%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.048]; [H3-FO-RO] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 GOJO HAND CLEANER WITH PUMICE [Gojo Natural Orange IR,OHH 3.0000 Gins N N · Stockroom 51200020 Smooth Hand Cleaner] [Grainger 12V407]: Petroleum Distillates [64742-47-8][<10%]; [H1-F1-RO] 3 LEGO-I A 100.0 SMALL WD-40 LUBRICANT 3oz [WD-40 Multi-Use Product AL3, IR, OHH 0.7500 Lbs N N : Stockroom I 52130001 Aerosol (25% VOC)] [Grainger 20JY59]: LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][45-50%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][<25%]; Petroleum Base Oil [64742-56-9][<25%]; Non-hazardous ingredients [MIXT][<1 0%]; Carbon Dioixde [124- 38-9][2-3%]; [FP 138oF; BP 361oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 8]; [SG 0.8; VD>1] 4 LEGO-A I 100.0 BIG WD-40 LUBRICANT 16oz [WD-40 Multi-Use Product AL3, IR, OHH 6.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130002 I I Aerosol (25% VOC)] [Grainger 20JY59]: LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][45-50%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][<25%]; Petroleum Base Oil [64742-56-9][<25%]; Non-hazardous ingredients [MIXT][<1 0%]; Carbon Dioixde [124- 38-9][2-3%]; [FP 138oF; BP 361oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 8]; [SG 0.8; VD>1] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 36334 1 OLB MAGNA CRETE ACTIVATOR [Loctite 1 CL3B. IR. OHH 1.0000 Gins N N 1 Stockroom Fixmaster Magnacrete Activator [Henkel 36334]: Polyphosphic Acid, Ammonium Salts [68333-79-9][30-60%]; [FP >212oF; BP 212oF]; [SG 1.3] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 ! 1/4" NEEDLE OILER [Synco Super Lube Poi][Grainger 44N749]: CL3B, IR 0.0111 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52130004 Polyalphaolefin [68037-01-4][<80%]; White Mineral Oil (Petroleum) [8042-47-5][<20%]; Fumed Silica [68611-44- 9[[ < 1 0% ]; Polytetrafluoroethylene [9002-84-0][ <4% ]; Antioxidant [41484-35-9][<2%]; Polyglycol [25322-69-4][<1 %]; Proprietary additives [<0.5%]; [FP >428oF]; [SG 0.87] 7 LEGO-A 100.0 AERO KROlL PENETRATING OIL [Kane Laboratories Aerokroil]: I AL3, IR, OHH 8.2500 Lbs N N I Stockroom 52130005 Heavy Hydortreated Petroleum Distillates [64742-52-5][30-50%]; Heavy Aliphatic Solvent Naphtha [64742-95-6][30-50%]; Proprietary Ingredients [PROP][1-10%]; Diproylene Glycol Monopropyl Ether [29911-207-1][1-5%]; Diisobutyl Ketone [108- 83-8][0-15%]; Aliphatic Alcohol #1 [PROP][<3%]; Aliphatic Alcohol #2 [PROP][<3%]; Carbon Dioixde Propellant [124-38- 9][1-15%]; [FP 132oF]; [LEL 0.7]; [SG 0.8596]; [H1-F2-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 4 of 192 ~-, ~~-, (""'\ ~---, ;"""'. r, ' ' (\ ,r--· /~\. ~~~ /\ ,r'--._, /~">, ~ '~_/ '---. ./ ~/ '-..__/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 BUTANE GAS REFILL-5oz [Master Appliance Ultratane Butane Fuel] [Grainger 1YMK4]: Liquified Petroleum Gas [100%]; [FP -156oF; BP 9.3oF]; [LEL 1.9; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.574] 9 LEGO-A 100.0 SYNTHETIC GREASE [Sprayon LU 207 Food Grade Synthetic I AL3, IR, OHH 7.1250 Lbs N N 52130008 I Grease Aerosol] [Grainger 12R257]: Propane [74-98-6][10%]; Butane [106-97-8][10%]; Heptane [142-82-5][48%]; Toluene [108-88-3][2%]; [FP <OoF; BP OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.7; VD >1] 10 LEGO-A 100.0 BRAKE PARTS CLEANER [Henkel Loctite Pro Strenght Parts AL 1, IR, OHH, 13.0625 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130009 1 Cleaner, 30548] [Grainger 3EPR2]: Tetrachloroethylene [127 -18-CA, P65 4][60-100%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][10-30%]; Ethylbenzene [100- 41-4][1-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] 11 LEGO-A 100.0 I ELECTRO 140 CONTACT CLEANER [CRC HF Contact Cleaner AL3.1R. OHH 12.3750 Lbs N N I Stockroom 52130010 03125] [Grainger 1 D263]: Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][90-100%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-3%]; [FP 204oF; BP 430oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 5.5]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.5]; [H2-F3-RO] 12 LEGO-L 100.0 WIRE PULL STRING CLEAR GLIDE LUBE [CiearGiide Wire IR 0.5000 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52130011 ; Pulling Lubricant] [Ideal Industries 31]: Water [7732-18-5][<98%]; DMDM Hydantoin [6440-58-0][<1 %]; Oxirane, Methyl-,Polymer With Oxirane, Monobutyl Ether [9038-95-3][<5%]; Amino-Methyl- Propanol [9003-11-6][<1%]; 25322-68-3][<1%]; Carbomer Thickener [9003-01-4][<1 %]; Silicone Glycol Blend [68037-64-9]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.09]; [H1-FO-RO] I 13 LEGO-A 100.0 SUPER 77 ADHESIVE SPRAY 24oz [3M Super 77 Multipurpose AL3, IR, OHH 2.0938 Lbs N N 1 Stockroom 52130012 Adhesive] [Grainger 3MA17]: Acetone [67-64-1][20-30%]; Non- Volatile Componets [TS][20-30%]; Propane [74-98-6][15-25%]; Cyclohexane [11 0-82-7][1 0-20% ]; 2,3-Dimethybutane [79-29- 8][1-8%]; 3-methypentane [96-14-0][1-8%]; 2-methylpentane [1 07 -83-5][1-8%]; 2,2-Dimethylbutane [75-83-2][0-8%]; Pentane [1 09-66-0][<2%]; Hexane [11 0-54-3][<0.8%]; [FP -42oF]; [SG 0.726]; [H2-F4-RO] 14 LEGO-A 100.0 TRI FLOW LUBRICANT 12oz [Sherwin Williams Tri-Fiow AL3, IR, OHH 6.7500 Lbs N N 1 Stockroom 52130013 Superior Lubricant with PTFE] [Grainger2PB97]: Propane [74-98- 6][10%]; Butane [106-97-8][10%]; Heavy Alpihatic Solvent [64742-47-8][24%]; Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum oil [64742-52- 5][41%]; Naphthenic oil [64741-97-5][2%]; Heavy Paraffinic Oil [64742-65-0][3%]; 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol [34590-94- 8][2%]; Amyl Acetate [628-63-7][2%]; [FP <OoF; BP <Oof]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 14]; [SG 0.78; VD >1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 5 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PVC CEMENT CONDUIT (CLEAR) [E-Z Weld Polyvinyl Chloride/Solvent Mixture] [Grainger GHS-US]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][1 0-60%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][0-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][1 0-30%]; Cyclohexanone [1 08-94-1 ][5-30%]; Polyvinyl chloride resin [9002-86-2][<20%]; Silicon Dioixde [112945-52-5]; [FP 15.8oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-R 1] 16 LEGO-A 100.0 HEAVY DUTY SILICONE LUBRICANT [Grainger 19C656]: AL3, IR, OHH 4.8750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130015 Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy [64742-48-9][10- 25%]; Liquified Petroleum Gas [68476-85-7][10-20%]; [FP 144oF; BP 212oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.92; VD >1]; [H1- F2-RO] LEGO-L 100.0 CUTTING FLUID [LPS Tapmatic Natural Cutting Fluid] [LPS I CL3B, IR 0.2500 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52130016 Laboratories 44220]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 350oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H1-F1-RO] LEGO-A 100.0 SPRAY DUSTER STATIONARY NOZZLE-10oz [Eco Duster II AL3, IR, OHH 5.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130017 1 Ooz] [Grainger 5PWH5]: 1, 1-Difluoroethane [75-37-6]; [FP -58oF; BP -13oF]; [LEL 3.9; UEL 16.9]; [SG 1; VD >1]; [H1-F4- RO] LEGO-A 100.0 INSULATING FOAM DAP 12 OZ [KWIK Foam Polyurethane AL 1, IR, OHH, 9.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130018 Foam] [Grainger 5E086]: Chlorodifluoromethane [75-45-6][7-SN,TX 13%]; 4,4'-Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) [1 01-68-6][5- 10%]; Polymeric Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [9016-87-9][5- 10%]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 20 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 242 THREADLOCKER MEDIUM STR. [Loctite 242 1 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockroom 52130019 I Threadlocker Medium Strength] [Grainger 2A269]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][60-100%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004- 96-0][10-30%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propanediol-1 ,2 [57-55-6][1-5%]; . Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300.2oF]; [LEL 2.6; UEL 12.5]; [SG 1.1] 21 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE PERMANENT THREADLOCKER 262 50ml [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH. 0.0792 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52130020 262 Threadlocker High Strenght] [Grainger 5E215]: Polyglycol I SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-1 00%]; Saccarin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydorperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1%]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.05] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 6 of 192 ,/') /-\ ~-~ ~~, ~\ ~ /~"\ \ "\ "-, /~) I r, (~, ~·, ,"-\ ,--~ /""""' --~ L' ' ;' '--~~ '\ _ _) \....__) --..___/ '-.__/ \~/ "-._/ ,~' ''----' '"----" \~ __ .. ) '\.._ _ ___/ \~; ~) \..__ __ / \~_) \ ______ ./' \ -~/ '-.....__/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER 222 50ml [Loctite 222 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0660 Gins N Threadlocker] [Henkel 231127]: Polyglycol dimethacrylate CA, P65 [PROP][30-60%]; Polyglycol oleate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, amorphous, treated [68909-20-6][5-10%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1- 5%]; Propane-1,2-diol [57-55-6][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Titanium Dioxide ]13463-67-7][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [SG 1.08] 1 23 LEGO-I A 100.0 CITRUS DEGREASER 18oz [Sprayon Citrus Cleaner Degreaser] AL3, IR, OHH, 11.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130022 I [Grainger 1LKL4]: VM&P Naphtha [64742-89-8][24%]; d-P65 Limonene [5989-27-5][73%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][3%]; [FP 99oF; BP <OoF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 6.1]; [SG 0.82; VD >1] 24 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE [Brush on Electrical Tape FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.0625 Gins N N Stockroom 52130023 Black] [Grainger 1 MPX8]: Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][35- 45%]; Methyl Isobutyl Ketone [108-10-1][25-35%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][2-6%]; Chromium(lll) Oxide [1308-38- 9][0-1%]; [FP 23oF; BP 176oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] 25 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE C5A A COPPER BASE ANTI SEIZE 8 OZ. [C5-A CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 52130025 1 Copper Based Anti-Seize Lubricant] [Grainger 5E203]: Distillates I CA (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy Naphtenic [64742-52-5][30- 60%]; Calcium Dihydroxide [1305-62-0][10-30%]; Mineral Oil Light Naphtenic Hydrotreat [64742-53-6][1 0-30%]; Copper [7440- 50-8][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][5-10%]; Quartz [14808-60- 7][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >500oF]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] 26 LEGO-L 100.0 TRI FLOW 2oz BOTTLE [Tri-Fiow Industrial Lubricant with CL3A, IR, OHH 0.0469 Gins N N Stockroom 52130026 Telflon] [Grainger 3JDL7]: Heavy Aliphatic Solvent [64742-96- 7][30%]; Naphtenic Oil [64742-53-8][23%]; Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum Oil [64742-52-5][2%]; Highly Refined Maphtenic Oil [64742-53-6][4%]; heavy Mineral Oil [64741-96-4][23%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Solvent-Dewaxed Heavy Paraff [64742-65- 0][4%]; 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol [34590-94-8][3%]; Amyl Acetate [628-63-7][3%]; Barium [0.86%]; [FP 146oF; BP 288oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7.5]; [SG 0.88; VD >1] 27 LEGO-A 100.0 COLD GALV. SPRAY CAN [Rust Tough Zinc Rich Cold AL3, IR, OHH, 7.5000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130027 Galvanizing Primer] [Sherwin-Williams R00859]: Propane [74-98-P65 6][13%]; Butane [1 06-97-8][12%]; Heptane [142-82-5][3%]; Lt. Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent [64742-98-8][3%]; Toluene [108- 88-3][5%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][11%]; Zinc [7440-66- 6][47%]; [FP <OoF; BP <OoF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 10]; [SG 1.15; VD >1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 7 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 28 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 603 1 OML RETAINING CMPOUND 80 [Loctite 603 Retaining Compound Press Fit] [Henkel 231 097]: Methyacrylate Resin [PROP][30-60%]; Methacrylate monomer [PROP][10- 30%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [27813-2-1 ][5-1 0%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-10%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-10%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][5-10%]; Alkylphenol ethoxylate [PROP][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][0.1-1%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][0.1-1%]; Methacrylic acid [79-41-4][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Subsituted Silane [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; [FP >212oF; BP >300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 29 I LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 248 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER IR, OHH, SN, 0.0075 Gins N N Stockroom 52130031 [Loctitie 248 TL 9G Stick] [Grainger 3UU58]: Polyglycol P65 Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][60-100%]; Thixtropic Agent Unknown [10-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Polyglycol Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.097] 30 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 268 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER IR, OHH, SN, 0.0150 Gins N N i Stockroom 52130032 ' [Quickstix 268 Threadlocker High Strength] [Grainger 3UU56]: I P65 Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-60%]; Aromatic Dimethacyrlate Ester [24448-20-2][1 0-30%]; Polyuretheane Methacrylate Resin [PROP][1 0-30%]; Thixtropic Agent [1 0-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1- 5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.0687] 31 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE SILVER 37230 120GM ANTISEIZE LUBE [Loctite LB CR, OHH 0.0219 Gins N N I Stockroom 52130034 8060 known as Silver Grade Anti-Seize Stick] [Henkel 37230]: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic [64742- 52-5][1 0-30%]; Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated, light naphthenic [64742-53-6][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][10- 30%]; Calcium oxide [1305-78-8][10-30%]; Aluminum not powder, dust or fume [7429-90-5][5-1 0%]; Distillates (petroleum), straight-run middle [64741-44-2][1-5%] 32 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 290 1 OML THREADLOCK WICKING [Loctite 290 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0106 Gins N N I Stockroom 52130035 Threadlocker known as Wicking Grade] [Henkel29021]: SN, CA, P65 Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-100%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 8 of 192 r (\, (\ :1 •/\ n~nnnnnn nnn --", /-...._\ /-'"' ,'--) \......._/ '-.__/ '-/ '~ '...._/ '"_/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE NO MORE LEAKS 16oz [Loctite No More Leaks White Threaded Plastic Pipe Sealant] [Henkel1537780]: Talc [14807- 96-6][30-60%]; Rosin, Fumaric Acid, Pentaerythritol Polymer [65997 -11-7][1 0-30%]; 2-Propanol [67 -63-0][1 0-30%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004-96-0][10-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; [FP 96.8oF; BP 180oF]; [LEL 2.3; UEL 12.7]; [SG 1.37; VD 2.07] 34 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 518 50ML GASKET ALUM FLNG [Loctite 518 known CL3B, IR, OHH, N N Stockroom 52130037 as Loctite 518 Master Gasket] [Henkel8222423]: Polyurethane SN, CA, P65 Methacrylate Resin [60-1 00%]; Polyglycol Dimethyacrylate [PROP][S-10%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][5-10%]; Acrylic Acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1- 5%]; 1-Acetyi-2-Phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 8]; [SG 1.1] + I 35 I LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 510 50ML GASKET HI TEMP TB [Loctite 510 known CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52130038 as Loctite 510 Gasket Eliminat] [Henkel 51074]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, Amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydro peroxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propane-1 ,2-diol [57- 55-6][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; 1-Acetyl-2- phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1784] 36 I LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 79040 18oz CHISEL AE [Loctite Chisel Paint Stripper] , AL3, CR, OHH, 3.3750 Lbs N N ; Stockroom 52130040 [Grainger 1 KGU5]: Methylene Chloride [75-09-2][60-1 00%]; CA,P65 Liquified Petroleum Propellant [68476-86-8][10-30%]; Methanol [67-56-1][5-10%]; Propylene Oxide [75-56-9][0.1-1%]; [FP <41oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.789] 37 LEGO-L 100.0 ; LOCTITE 561 19GM PST THREAD SEALANT [Quickstick 561 1, IR, OHH, SN, 0.0157 Gins N N Stockroom 52130041 PST Pipe Sealant with PTFE] [Grainger 3UU53]: Polyglycol CA, P65 Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Dimethacrylate Ester [PROP][10-30%]; Thixtopic Agent [5-10%]; Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382- 25-7][5-1 0%]; Poly(tetrafluorethylene) [9002-84-0][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1394] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 9 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 38 LEGO-s 100.0 LOCTITE 548 20GM HI-TACK GSKT DPRSNG [Loctite 548 CR, OHH, SN, 0.0397 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130042 Stick Flange Sealant] [Quickstix 548 Gasket Eliminator Flange CA, P65 Sealant] [Henkel 39152]: Polyurethane methacrylate resin [30- 60%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Silica, amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [PROP][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82- 8][0.1-1 %] 39 i LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE GRADE LUBRICANT LOC. 34395 16oz CR 0.3750 Gins N N . Stockroom 52130043 [Marine Grade Anti-Seize] [Henkel 275026]: Petroleum Based Grease [30-60%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1 0-30%]; Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated, Light, Naphthenic [64742-53-6][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum}, Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic [64742-52-5][5-10%]; Octadecanoic acid [57-11-4][0.1-1 %]; Boron Oxide [1303-86- 2][0.1-1%]; [SG 1.2648] 40 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE GRADE ANTI SEIZE, 8oz. [Marine Grade IR, OHH 0.1250 Gins N N Stockroom 52130044 i Anti-Seize Metal-free] [Grainger 3KE63]: Petroleum Grease [30- 60%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42- 5][10-30%]; Calcium Stearate [1592-23-0][5-10%]; Boron Nitride [1 0043-11-5][1-5% ]; [SG 1.2648] 41 LEGO-I L 100.0 CONNECTOR SEALING PACKS [Scotchcast 3570G-N (Parts A . CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.8633 Gins N N ; Stockroom 52130045 / & B)] [3M 78-8129-9653-2]: [PART A-Poly(oxypropylene) / SN, CA, P65 Sorbitol, Poly[oxy(methyl-1 ,2-ethanediyl)] Derivative [52625-13- 5][15-45%]; Casto! Oil-Based Derivative [30-40%]; Glycols, Polypropylene [25322-69-4][4-35%]; Styrene, Oligomer [9003-53-, 6][10-20%]; Heavy Naphthenic Distillate Solvent Petroleum Extracts [64742-11-6][<2%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.2%]; [FP <200oF; BP <200oF]; [SG 1.08]; [H1-FO-RO]] [PART B-4,4'- lsopropylidenediphenoi-Epichlorohydrin Polymer [25068-38- 6][70-80%]; (3',4'-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl) 3,4- Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate [2386-87-0][22-30%]; [BP 392oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-FO-R 1] 42 I LEGO-L I 100.0 I LOCTITE THREADLOCKER RED 27710ML [Loctite 277 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0026 Gins N N I Stockroom II I 52130046 i Threadlocker High Strength][Grainger 3KE48]: polyglycol SN, CA, P65 dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-50%]; Bisphenol A fumarate resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1- 5%]; saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1] 43 LEGO-A 100.0 SPRAY WAX, 18 WT OZ [MarkyKate Highlight Spray Wax] AL 1, IR, OHH, 7.8750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130047 [Grainger 19MZ11]: Water [7732-18-5][70-80%]; P65 Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][3-8%]; Synthetic lsoparaffinic Hydrocarbon [64742-48-9][1-5%]; Coconut Diethanolamide [68603-42-9][1-5%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10- 20%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 0.99]; [H1-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 10 of 192 ,--\ (J !\ ., ' I · •• ...J ,_/ ·..___/' \,.._/ '~-_/ \..___/ '---' "-/ "-__ ) \'---__/" \~__/ ·\._ __ ) '--.___./ '--:__) \...___/ '-..,/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ELECTRICAL COATING SCOTCHKOTE [Scotchkote Brand FL1A .IR. OHH. 0.4688 Gins N Electrical Coating] [3M]: Acetone [67-64-1][40-45%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1 0-15%]; Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Polymer [9003-18- 3][10-15%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][10-15%]; Glycerol Esters of Rosin Acids [8050-31-5][5-1 0%]; Phenoi-Formaldeyde Resin [25085-50-1][5-10%]; Zinc Oxide [1314-13-2][1-2%]; Salicylic Acid [69-72-7][1-2%]; Antioxidant [68411-46-11 ][0.1- 1%]; [FP OoF; BP 95oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] 45 LEGO-A 100.0 WHITE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210050 White Marking] [Grainger 6KP41]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas SN, CA, P65 [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][2.5- 1 0%]; Limestone [1317 -65-3][2.5-1 0%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5- 10%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [SG 0.864; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 46 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY GREEN WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 8.5000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210051 , Safety Green Marking] [Grainger 6YH09]: Acetone [67 -64-1 ][1 0-SN, CA, P65 25%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5- 10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43- 7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807- 96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742- 49-0][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][1-2.5%]; Ethylbenzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.836; VD >1] i 47 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION YELLOW WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210052 12PK Caution Yellow Mark] [Grainger 6KN98]: Acetone [67-64-' SN, CA, P65 1][25-50%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317- 65-3][2.5-1 0%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Yellow Iron Oxide [51274-00- 1][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.832; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 48 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY RED WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSR AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N : Stockroom 52210053 12PK Safety Red Marking] [Grainger 6KP40]: Liquefied SN, CA, P65 Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64 7 42-89-8][1 0-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.85; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 11 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ALERT ORANGE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR I AL3. IR. OHH. 10.6250 Lbs 12PK Alert Orange Mark] [Grainger 6KP37]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89- 8][10-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65- 3][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.836; VD >1; [H2-F4-RO] 50 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION BLUE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N ! Stockroom 52210066 12PK Caution Blue Mark] [Grainger 6KP33]: Liquefied Petroleum SN, CA, P65 Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-25%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][2.5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-1 0%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][2.5-10%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96- 6][1-2.5%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49- 0][1-2.5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1 %]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.843; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 51 LEGO-L 100.0 JB WELD KWIK COLD WELD [Resin and Hardener] [J-B Weld IR, OHH, SN, 0.0156 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250001 19863]: Iron [7439-89-6][5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][10-CA, P65 30%]; Oxirane [25085-99-8][10-30%]; Phenol, 2,4,6- Tris[(Dimethylamino )Methyl]-[90-72-2][1-5%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][1-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0.1-1 %]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67 -7][0.1- 1 %]; [H2-FO-RO] 52 LEGO-L 100.0 I KWIK SEAL TUB AND TILE CAULK, WHITE [Kwik Seal Tub & CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3867 Gins N N Stockroom 52250002 Tile Adhevise Caulk-All Colors] [Grainger 4MY71]: Limestone SN, CA, P65 [1317-65-3][30-60%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1-· 5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; n-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][0.1-1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00- 0][<0.02%]; [FP >200oF; BP 210oF]; [SG 1.6; VD >1] 53 I LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE EPOXY CUPS [Fast Cure Mixer Cupes 1 oz Can] CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0178 Gins N N Stockroom 52250004 [Grainger 3KE55]: Aluminium Hydroxide [21645-51-2][30-60%); CA, P65 Polymercaptan Hardener [PROP][30-60%]; 2,4,6-Tris (Dimethylaminomethyl) Phenol [90-72-2][5-10%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Heavy Thermal Cracked [64741-81-7][5-10%]; Styrene [100-42-5][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal- Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Benz(A) Anthracene [56-55-3][0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.4] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 12 of 192 0 (': ~~~-.... 1/---,,\ ~I --, \ (\ ~--, (-\ '---"' /-"'' ,/---....1 '~/ '~_/' '---..-1 "--~? '--~/ "--/ \ _____ / ·------/ '"-" HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 54 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 567 PIPE SEALANT STAINLESS STEEL [Loctite 567 CL3A. IR. OHH. 0.0264 Gins N N I Stockroom PST Pipe Sealant with H PTFE PTFE Thread Sealant) [Grainger 4KM17): Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-4 7 -5)[1 0-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3)[1 0-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3)[1 0- 30%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monococate [61791-29-5)[10-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-free [112945-52-5)[1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2)[1-5%]; Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38- 6)[1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1)[0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF); [SG 1.14) 55 I LEGO-L 100.0 I 732 MULTI PURPOSE SEALANT 10.1 oz IDAP 8641 Silicone IR, OHH, WR1, 0.4734 Gins N N Stockroom 52250006 I Sealant Clear] [Grainger 5A463): Hydrotreated Middle Petroleum P65 Distillates [64742-46-7)[15-35%]; Ethyltriacetoxyislane [17689- 77-9)[1-5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3)[1-5%]; [SG 0.96]; [H1-F1-RO) 56 I LEGO-L 100.0 732 MULTI PURPOSE SEALANT 3 oz [732 Multi-Purpose IR 0.1641 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52250007 Sealant Clear) [Dow Corning Corporation): Ethltriacetoxysilane [17689-77-9][1-5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3)[1-5%]; [SG 1.04]; [H1-F1-RO) 57 LEGO-L 100.0 I LOCTITE INSTANT ADH GEL 39202.14 OZ [Quicktite Instant CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0120 Gins N N Stockroom 52250009 Adhesive Gel] [Grainger 1 LLR]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7085-85-WR1 0][60-100%]; Treated Fumed Silica [67762-90-7)[5-10%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 3) 58 LEGO-L 100.0 90 SEC SUPER GLUE EPOXY [90 Second Instant Epoxy] 1 CL3B, CR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250010 1 [Grainger 3EHR4): [PART A-Resin: Epoxy Resins; [FP >200oF; SN BP >225oF]; [SG 1.1; VD >1]; [H2-F1-RO]] [PART B-Hardener: Modified Polymercaptan [PROPJ[S0-98%]; Tetramethyl bis(aminoethyl) Ether [3033-62-3)[2-6%]; 2,4,6-Tris- (Dimethylaminomethyl) phenol [90-72-2]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.12]; [H3-F1-RO]] 59 LEGO-L 100.0 UNDERWATER EPOXY ADHESIVE - 1 OZ. SYRINGE [Anchor-CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0469 Gins N N Stockroom 52250011 tite Marine Epoxy 1 Ooz -Resin) [Grainger 1 FBH2]: Bisphenol SN NEpichlorohydrin based Epoxy Resin [25085-99-8)[50-80%]; Fillers [20-50%]; Acceleatros [1-10%]; [FP 484oF); [SG 1.4) STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUS BRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 13 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE MARINE EPOXY [Loc Aqua MR Epx] [Henkel Corporation 1427686]: Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][30-60%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][30- 60%]; Calcium Carbonate [471-34-1][10-30%]; Gamma- Glycidoxypropyl Trimethyoxysilane [2530-83-8][0.1-1 %]; Fatty Acids, Tallow, Calcium Salts [64755-01-7][0.1-1%]; Phenyl Glycidyl Ether [122-60-1][0-0.1%]; Methanol [67-56-1][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][0-0.1%]; Lead [7439-92-1][0-0.1%]; [FP 399.99oF]; [SG 1.56] LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 1.3945 Gins N N 52250013 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA, P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly( vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 62 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE UNDERWATER EPOXY [Fixmaster Underwater Repair CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.2188 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250014 Epoxy, 82093] [Grainger 1YDZ8]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; SN, P65 Sodium Aluminum Borosilicate [65997-17-3][10-30%]; Zinc Sulfide [1314-98-3][5-1 0%]; Epichlorodhydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][5-1 0%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][5-10%]; Polymeric Phenolic Amine [326110-77-8][1-5%]; [FP 200oF; BP 500oF]; [SG 1.19] 63 I LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 i IR ,OHH, SN, 0.9844 Gins N N Stockroom 52250018 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA, P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7j[3-8%j; Petroieum Distiiiate [64742-47-8ji·1-5%j; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][ <0. 3%]; p, p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 14 of 192 /".,_, i\ :~ .~ .~ /~ \, ,,.... ~\ .. , ') "~-/ '--"' ..___ ____ / \-~-· HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ALL PURPOSE SUPER BONDER 10oz. [Beats the Nail VOC Construction Adhesive] [Grainger 1HA84]: Limestone [1317-65- 3][30-60%]; Magensium Aluminum Silicate [12174-11-7][1-5%]; Urea [57-13-6][0.1-1.5%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1- 1%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1%]; Vinyl Acetate [108-05- 4][<0.7%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.008%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.002%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.5]; [VD >1] 65 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 401 INSTANT ADHESIVE [Prism Surface Insensitive CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0492 Gins N N Stockroom 52250020 Instant Adhesive] [Grainger 2VFG2]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7082-SN, WR1 85-0][60-1 00%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.05] 66 LEGO-L 100.0 SUPER-FASTSEMI-R!GED ADHESIVE [Duramix Super Fast CL38, !R, OHH, 0.0132 Gins 1'-J N Stockroom 52250021 Adhesive, (10 Seconds)] [Grainger 2KVN5]: [PART A: 4,4'-SN, WR1 Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [1 01-68-8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424-09-9][15- 40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686-28-6][15- 40%]; 3-(Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R1]] [PART B: Polyether Polyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis (2- Hydroxypropyl) ethylenediamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; M-xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; [FP >290oF; BP >400oF]; [SG 1.02; VD >1]; [H1-F1-R1] I I 67 LEGO-I L 100.0 SCOTCH WELD EPOXY ADHE. DP 100 NS [Scotch-Weld Epoxy CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0664 Gins N N Stockroom I 52250023 I Adhesive DP-100 Clear (part B)] [Grainger 3XH43]: Epoxy Resin SN [25068-38-6][1 00%]; [FP 480.2oF; BP 480.2oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2- F1-R1] 68 I LEGO-A 100.0 I HISTRENGTH SUPER 90 ADHESIVE SPRAY [Hi-Strenght AL3, IR, OHH 2.2000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52250024 1 Spray Adhesive 90 (Aerosol)] [Grainger 3MA 16]: Dimethyl Ether [115-10-6][35-45%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][25-35%]; N.J.T.S [TS][1 0-20%]; Cyclohexane [11 0-82-7][7-13%]; 1,1- Difluoroethane [75-37-6][1-5%]; Pentane [1 09-66-0][1-5%]; [FP -42oF]; [SG 0.726; VD 2.97]; [H2-F4-RO] 69 LEGO-L 100.0 HIT HY 200R MASTER CARTON OF 25 HILTI [Hilti HIT-HY 200-CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.7805 Gins N N Stockroom 52250029 R] [Hilti]: Dibenzoyl Peroxide [94-36-0][10-15%]; Methacrylic SN,CA,OX1 Acid, Monoester with Propane-1,2-diol [27813-02-1][5-10%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][25-50%]; Aluminum Oxide [1344-28-1][2.5- 10%]; Silicon Dioixde, chemically prepared [7631-86-9][<2.5%]; [FP <228.2oF]; [SG 1.8]; [H2-F1-R1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 15 of 192 [) -----------------~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 L 100.0 DP 600 GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [3M Scotch-Weld Concrete Repair DP-600, Self-Leveling, Gray] [3M 62264912338]: 4,4'-Diphenylmethane Diioscyanate [1 01-68- 8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424- 09-9][15-40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686- 28-6][15-40%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.11; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R1-] 71 LEGO-L 100.0 DP 600 NS GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250031 Concrete Repair DP-600, Non-sag, gray] [3M 62-2652-1230-8]: SN, WR1 Polyether Poyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis(2- hydrocypropyl)ethylendiamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; m-Xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [68611-44-9][1-5%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) Sebacate [41556-26-7][0. 1-1% ]; Polymeric Benzotriazole Derivative [1 0481 0-48-2][0. 1-1 %]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][0. 1-0.3%]; Polymeric Benzotriazole [104810-47-1][0. 1-1 %]; Substitiuted Piperidinyl Sebacate [82919-37-7][0.05-0.5%]; [FP >390oF; BP 370.4oF]; [SG 1 .03]; [H2-F1-RO] 72 LEGO-L 100.0 SUPERFRLEX BLUE RTV [6M Sensor Safe Blue RTV Silicone] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 52250093 [Grainger 5E222]: Poly(dimethylsiloxane)hydroxy terminated [70131-67-8][>60%]; Amorphous Silica [7631-86-9][5-25%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][<7%]; Ethyltriacetoxysilane [17689-77 -9][<5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][<5%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][<5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7]; [FP >200oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1 .04; VD >1]; [H2-F1-R1] 73 I LEGO-A 100.0 ADHESIVE REMOVER GOOF OFF [Adhesive Remover Low I AL3, IR, OHH 6.0000 Lbs N N • Stockroom 52250094 VOC 20% Aerosol] [Grainger 15E723]: Propanol, 1 (or 2)-(2- methoxymethylethoxy)-, Acetate [88917 -22-0][30-40%]; Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillates [64742-47-8][15-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][15-25%]; Propane [74-98-6][5-15%]; [FP -156oF; BP -44oF]; [LEL 2.1; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.8; VD >1]; [H2-F4- RO] 74 LEGO-L 100.0 3M ADH 560 SCOTCH SEAL GRAY 1/10TH GL CT CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.9844 Gins N N Stockroom 52250095 [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 560, White, Gray, Black] [3M]: SN, CA, P65, Urethane Polymer [30-40%]; Plasticizer Mixture [10-30%]; WR1 Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-30%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Petroleum Distillates [64742-47- 8][<2%]; p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68- 8][<0.3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 16 of 192 '~ ('""": (~--.\ ,/~. //\1 (--~ /'-.,, -~, /~"" ---., /--; ,~-, ,--..., r-''\ (~~,, ·-\, /--\ ~\ , ... -"', ,'-'\ .----"-\ \ ~ _/ \._/ ~_J "'~--/ \_~ ' ~ -~/ "-----"/ '--...-'/ \'-..___/; \ .... _/ \-....____.,' '-.._/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 5 GAL KIT MAGNA-CRETE #95555 [Fixmaster Magna-crete] [Grainger 2VRN2]: Silica, Quartz [14808-60-7][60-100%]; Magnesium Oxide [1309-48-4][10-30%]; [BP 3715oF]; [SG 2.65] 76 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE SUPERFLEX RED HIGH TEMP RTV [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0422 Gins N N Stockroom 52250097 Superflex Red high temp RTV silicone adhesive sealant] SN, P65 [Grainger 5E223]: Silicon Dioixde [7631-86-9][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][5-10%]; Traicetoxyethylsilane [17689-77 -9][1-5%]; Methylsilanetriyl Triacetate [4253-34-3][1-5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7][0.1-1%]; Nonhazardous Components: Silcone Resins [50-1 00%]; [FP >199.4oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1.01; VD >1] 77 I LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL CLEAR CAULK WATERPROOF SEAL [Kwik-Seal CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.2148 Gins N N Stockroom 52250098 Tub & Tile Clear] [Grainger 25F525]: Ethylene Glycol [107-21-CA, P65 1][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1 %]; Gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysila [919-30- 2][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.06%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.004%]; Ethyl Acrylate [140-88-5][<0.0002%]; [FP >200oF; BP 21 OoF]; [SG 1.063; VD >1] 78 LEGO-L 100.0 ALUMINUM AND METAL SEALANT, 2.8 OZ [Momentive IR, OHH, P65 0.0437 Gins N N Stockroom 52250099 Performance Materials] [Grainger 22N774]: Distillates, Petroleum, Hydrotreated [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Methyl Trimethoxysilane [1185-55-3][1-5%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][1 0-30%]; Treated Filled [68611-44-9][1 0-30%]; [FP >199oF]; [SG 1.04]; [H1-FO-RO] 79 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL ADHESIVE SEALANT HIGH GLOSS WHITE [DAP CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3438 Gins N N Stockroom 52250101 Kwik Seal Plus Premium Kitchen and Bath Adhesive Caulk -All CA, P65 Colors] [Grainger 29RV08]: Limestone [1317-65-3][1 0-30%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1-5%]; Petroleum Distillates [64741-88-4][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Texanol [25265-77-4][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1- 1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; Styrene [100-42- 5][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.08%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 80 i LEGO-L 100.0 ACID PASTE FLUX [Worthington Petroleum Based Soldering CL3B, CR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52270002 Flux] [Grainger 1 UY J1]: Petrolatum [8009-03-8][55-85%]; Zinc TX Chloride [7646-85-7][15-40%]; Ammonium Chloride [12125-02- 9][0-5%]; [FP 360oF]; [SG 0.9]; [LC50-Inhalation 4.94 mg/L] 81 LEGO-L 100.0 TOUGH GUY GREASE TRAP SZ 1 GAL [Roebic Grease Trap IR, OHH 4.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52270144 Treatment, GT] [Grainger 2RYP4]: No Ingredients Listed; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD 1] STORAGE AMOUNT = MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 17 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PVC 2725 WET/ DRY GLUE 1 PINT [Weld-On 2725 Wet 'R Dry, FL 1 B. IR. OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Low VOC PVC Solvent Cement] [IPS 2725]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][40-70%]; Acetone [67 -64-1 ][18-28%]; MEK [78-93- 3][2-17%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 2.1; UEL 13]; [SG 0.924; VD 2.49]; [H2-F3-R1] 83 LEGO-L 100.0 ACTIVE CUTTING FLUID 1 GA [Exxon Mobilmet 766] [Grainger CL3B, IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52271022 1MUC3]: Olefin Sulfide [1-5%]; [FP 356oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.88; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 84 LEGO-L 100.0 I LIME SCALE REMOVER-SIMPLE GREEN [Sunshine Makers IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52271029 Simple Green Lime Scale Remover] [Grainger 3UP43]: Water [7732-18-5][78%]; Urea Hydrochloride [506-89-8][6%]; Sodium Citrate [6132-04-3][5%]; Mixed Alcohol Ethoxylate [PROP][5%]; Potassium Iodide [7681-11-0][1 %]; Fragrance [PROP][1 %]; Colorant[PROP][1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.023]; [H1-FO-RO] 85 I LEGO-L 100.0 1GAL ZEP SHOWER TUB & TILE CLEANER [Shower Tub & Tile I CR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52271031 Cleaner] [ZEP ZUSTT128]: Sulfamic Acid [5329-14-6][1-1 0%]; HydroxyaceticAcid [79-14-1][1-5%]; Nonylphenoxy Poly(Ethyleneoxy) Ethanol [9016-45-9][1-5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.052]; [H3-FO-RO] 86 i LEGO-L 100.0 PIPE THREAD SEALANT [LA-CO Slic-Tite Paste with PTFE] CL3B, IR 0.1250 Gins N N Stockroom 52271231 [Grainger 2F896]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP >300oF; BP 350oF]; [SG 1.48]; [H2-F1-RO] 87 LEGO-L 100.0 16 OZ COOL GEL HEAT BARRIER SPRAY [LA-CO Cool Gel] NH 0.5000 Gins N N Stockroom 52275010 [Grainger 2AGV8]: No Ingredients Listed; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD <1]; [HO-FO-RO] 88 LEGO-A 100.0 BLAST A COIL CLEANER [Virginia KMP Blast-A-Coil] [Grainger AL3, IR, OHH, 2.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52310054 2NTK7]: Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9]; Trichloroethylene [79-01-6]; CA [H2-FO-RO] 89 LEGO-A 100.0 EVAP FOAM COIL CLEANER-EVAP FOAM COIL CLEANER i AL1, CR, OHH 1.1250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52310055 [Evap Foam No Rinse-Aerosol (4171)] [Nu-Calgon 4171]: Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8][3-7%]; DiEthylene Glycol monoethyl ether [111-90-0][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol monobutyl ether [111-76-2][1-5%]; Tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate [64-02-8][1-5%]; [BP 388.4oF]; [H2- F1-RO] 90 I LEGO-L 100.0 EVAP. COIL CLEANER SELF RINSING [COIL-RITE Evaporator IR, OHH 0.5625 Gins N N . Stockroom 52310070 Coil Cleaner] [RectorSeal 82612]: Glycol Ether EB [111-76-2][1- 5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 0.99; VD <1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 18 of 192 /---,, ?---...., (-~, ., ,r--...\ /"' " •. , /"">,, "\ '\ ., ., /"'. I ~/ '-.. /' ,,_/ \, __ ./ "--/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 COPELAND COMPRESSOR OIL [Copeland 3MAW Lubricant (32 est)]: Compressor Oil; [FP 455oF; BP >600oF]; [SG 0.99]; [HO-F1-RO] 92 ! LEGO-L 100.0 EVAPORATOR COIL CLEANER [Evap Pow'r-C] [Nu-Calgon IR 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310099 4168]: 2-butoxyethanol [111-76-2][<1 0%]; Sodium Xylene sulfonate [1300-72-7][<15%]; [BP 210oF]; [SG 1.04]; [H1-FO-RO] 93 LEGO-L 100.0 GEAR OIL 634 [Exxon MOBILGEAR 634] [Grainger 6Y785]: No CL3B, IR, OHH 0.4999 Gins N N Stockroom 52310180 Ingredients Listed; [FP 392oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.9; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 94 ' LEGO-L 100.0 SPOUT OIL 3-IN-1 [WD-40 3-ln-One Multi-Purpose Oil] CL38, IR, OHH 0.0900 Gins N N Stockroom 52310239 I [Grainger 16W826]: Severely Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic Oil [64742-52-5][>97%]; Naphtha, Petroleum [64742-47-8][<2%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [PROP][<3%]; [FP >305oF; BP >550oF]; [SG 0.866] 95 LEGO-L 100.0 ' CONDENSER COIL CLEANER [Nu-Brite] [Nu-Calgon 4291]: CR, OHH 3.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310276 Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2][20-30%]; Nonionic Surfactant [PROP][1-1 0%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.252]; [H3-FO-R1] ! 96 LEGO-L 100.0 ICE MACHINE CLEANER GAL [Nickel-Safe Ice Machine CR,OHH 1.0000 Gins N N I Stockroom 52310278 Cleaner] [Nu-Calgon 4287]: Phosphoric acid [7664-38-2][15- 40%]; Citric acid [77-92-9][3-7%]; [BP >199.4oF]; [SG 1.19]; [H2- FO-RO] 97 I LEGO-L 100.0 DUCT SEALANT 1 GAL [Air-Lock 181] [RectorSeal 0213]: No IR 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310295 Ingredients Listed; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.6] 98 LEGO-L 100.0 AIR COMPRESSOR OIL [Ingersoll-Rand All Season T30 Select] CL3B, IR, OHH 1.4700 Gins N N I Stockroom 52310317 [Grainger 2YY83]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 480oF]; [SG 0.92; VD >1] 99 LEGO-L 100.0 AIR COMPRESSOR OIL [Ingersoll-Rand All Season T30 Select] ! CL3B, IR, OHH 1.7500 Gins N N Stockroom 52310317 [Grainger 2YY83]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 480oF]; [SG 0.92; VD >1] 100 I LEGO-L 100.0 BIG BLUE SPRAY BUBBLE TEST [Big Blu Leak Detector IR 1.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52310373 Solution] [Refrigeration Technologies RT1 DOS]: No Ingredients Listed; [BP >212oF]; [SG 1.04]; [HO-FO-RO] 101 LEGO-L 100.0 COMPRESSOR OIL [Trane Oil 45] [Trane OIL00045]: Refined CL3B, IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310409 Petroleum Oil [64742-52-5][98.5%]; Butylated Triphenyl Phosphate [1.5%]; [FP 300oF; BP 500oF]; [SG <0.93; VD >10]; [H1-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUS BRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 19 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building· One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 A/C EASY SEAL [Nu-Calgon 4050-06]: Butane [1 06-97 -8][1 0-AL3, IR, OHH 1.1250 Lbs N 30%]; Propane [74-98-6][10-30%]; Ethanol [64-17-5][1-5%]; [FP 132.23oF; BP 143oF]; [SG 9.1; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 103 LEGO-s 100.0 ' DRY POWDER GRAPHITE LUBE 0.21oz [Superior Graphite IR, OHH, CA 0.0262 Lbs N N Stockroom 52370517 Tube-0-Lube] [Grainger 1 WVK9]: Graphite, Natural [7782-42-5]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7]; [H1-FO-RO] 104 LEGO-L 100.0 WIPES REFILLS [ITW Dymon Scrubs Hand Sanitizer Wipes] CL2, IR, OHH 0.7000 Gins N N Stockroom 52370529 [Grainger 2FLN7]: Water [7732-18-5][60-100%]; Ethyl Alcohol [64-17-5][10-30%]; [FP 100oF; BP 190oF]; [SG 0.97; VD >1] LEGO-LG 100.0 MAPP GAS-14oz DISPOSABLE FUEL CYLINDER FG, IR, OHH 0.2200 Gins N N : Stockroom 52370671 [Worthington MAP-PRO Premium Hand Torch Fuel] [Grainger 2YMW6]: Propylene [115-07-1][99.5-100%]; Propane [74-98-6][0- 0.5%]; [FP -162oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 11]; [SG 0.52; VD 1.5]; [H1-F4- R1] 106 LEGO-L 100.0 LITHIUM BATTERY 6V-2CR5 [Rayovac Lithium lon Battery]: CR, OHH, WR2 0.0703 Gins N N Stockroom 52370676 Lithium Cobalt Nickel Dioixde [12031-55-1][<25%]; Steel [15- 30%]; Lithiated Manganese Dioixde [12057-17-9][<25%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-5%]; Copper [7440-50-8][5-15%]; Nickel [7440-02-0][2-5%]; Aluminum 7429-90-5][2-8%]; Lithium Hexafluorophosphate [21324-40-3][1-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][<15%]; Methyl Ethyl Carbonate [623-53-0][<15%]; Dimethyl Carbonate [616-38-6][<15%]; Diethyl Carbonate [105- 58-8][<15%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][<15%]; Plastic-ceramic [<20%] 107 LEGO-L 100.0 9V BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] [Grainger 16A669]: CR, OHH 2.8125 Gins N N Stockroom 52370679 Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10- 25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5-10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1-5%] 108 LEGO-L 100.0 AA INDUSTRIAL BATTERY-HD AA [Duracell Alkaline CR, OHH 5.0156 Gins N N i Stockroom 52370680 Batteries] [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13- 9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][5-1 0%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1-5%] 109 LEGO-L 100.0 ' AAA INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 5.9062 Gins N N Stockroom ' 52370681 ' [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][1 0-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][5- 10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1- 5%] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. D .r:'i ,r-\ /...--\ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 i r\ j /\ \~_) Page 20 of 192 "---_/ ...__/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 C INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5- 10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1- 5%] 111 LEGO-L 100.0 D INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 1.5234 Gins N N Stockroom 52370683 [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5- 1 0%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1- 5%] LEGO-L 100.0 6V SPRING BATTERY [Spectrum Zinc Chloride Battery] f""D f"'\UU N N i Stockroom Vl'\.1 '-'1111 [Grainger 2V415]: Steel [7439-89-6][8-14%]; Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][28-32%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][16-20%]; Acetylene Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Ammonium Chloride [12125-02-9][1-3%]; Zinc Chloride [7646-85-7][6-10%]; Lead [7439-92-1][<0.02%]; Water, Paper, Plastic, Other [Bal] 113 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 6V LITHIUM [Rayovac Lithium ion Battery]: Lithium CR, OHH, WR2 0.1172 Gins N N Stockroom 52370686 Cobalt Nickel Dioixde [12031-55-1][<25%]; Steel [15-30%]; Lithiated Manganese Dioixde [12057-17-9][<25%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-5%]; Copper [7440-50-8][5-15%]; Nickel [7440-02- 0][2-5%]; Aluminum 7429-90-5][2-8%]; Lithium Hexafluorophosphate [21324-40-3][1-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][<15%]; Methyl Ethyl Carbonate [623-53-0][<15%]; Dimethyl Carbonate [616-38-6][<15%]; Diethyl Carbonate [1 05- 58-8][ < 15% ]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][ < 15%]; Plastic-ceramic [<20%] 114 LEGO-L 100.0 CR2032 3V LITHIUM BATTERY [Guangzhou Top Battery China CR, OHH, WR2 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 52370761 Coin Type Lithium Manganese Dioixde Batteries(CR)] [Grainger 1RK12]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-40%]; Propylene Carbonate [108-32-7][2-6%]; Lithium Perchlorate [7791-03-9][0- 1.5%]; Lithium or Lithium alloy [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1-4%] 115 LEGO-A 100.0 FOOD GRADE MACHINE OIL [CRC Food Grade Machine Oil i AL3, IR, OHH, 2.0000 Lbs N N I Stockroom 52370896 03081] [Grainger 2F132]: Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated TX Light [64742-47-8][60-70%]; White Mineral Oil (Petroleum) [8042- 47-5][30-40%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-3%]; [FP 220oF; BP 424.4oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 5.5]; [SG 0.82; VD >1]; [LC50-Inhalation 7.8481 mg/L]; [H1-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 21 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEGO-L 100.0 PHOTO BATTERY 3V LITHIUM 123 [Duracell Lithium FL 1 B. CR. OHH, 0.9375 Gins N 52370903 Manganese Dioixde Batteries and Cells] [Grainger 10A295]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-45%]; 1 ,2-Dimethoxyethane [110-71-4][5-10%]; Propylene Carbonate [108-32-7][1-10%]; Lithium [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Lithium Trifluoromethane Sulfonate [33454-82-9][0-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][0-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][0-5%]; [FP 29oF] 117 I LEGO-L 100.0 AAAA INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 0.4922 Gins N N Stockroom 52370911 [Grainger 13J052]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide (35%) [1310-58- 3][5-10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5, 7440-44- 0][1-5%] 118 ! LEGO-L 100.0 CEMENT, 8 OZ, BLACK, ABS [E-Z WELD ASS/Solvent Mixture] 1 FL 1 8, IR, OHH 0.1250 Gins N N Stockroom 52371150 [Grainger 1 RG54]: Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][20-50%]; ABS Resin [9003-56-9][18-40%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-30%]; [FP 15oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-RO] 119 I LEGO-L 100.0 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (IPA), 50%,70%,91% and 99% IPA: FL 1 8, IR, OHH 0.6250 Gins N N Stockroom 52390025 , Isopropanol [67-63-0]; Deionized Water [Balance]; [FP 53oF; BP 181oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 12]; [SG 0.79; VD 2.07] 120 LEGO-L 100.0 POWER STEERING FLUID [NAPA Power Steering Fluid]: CL38, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52410001 Hydrotreated Naphthenic Distillates [MIXT][95-100%]; SN Proprietary additives [MIXT][0-5%]; Zinc salts of dialkyl dithiophosphoric acid [68649-42-3][<0.5%]; [FP 379oF]; [SG 0.873; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO] 1" 121 I LEGO-L 100.0 DEXRON TRANSMISSION FLUID [NAPA PREM PERF CL38, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N : Stockroom 52410004 Automatic Transmission Fluid] [Ashland NP75200]: Heavy Paraffinic Distillate [64742-54-7][90-100%]; Mineral Oil [5-10%]; Methacrylate Copolymer [1.5-5%]; [FP >390oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.862]; [H1-F1-RO] 122 LEGO-A 100.0 CARBURETOR CLEANER [Asland Pyroil Carb & Choke AL3, CR, OHH, 0.0625 Lbs N N Stockroom 52410006 Cleaner] [Grainger 1PKT8]: Acetone [67-64-1][50-60%]; P65 Methanol [67-56-1][20-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][15-20%]; Ethyl Benzene [100-41-4][1.5-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1.5-5%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 36]; [SG 0.8132]; [H3-F4-RO] 123 LEGO-L 100.0 MOTOR OIL SAE 30 HEAVY DUTY [Warren MAG 1 HD 30 CL38, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N , Stockroom 52410009 6/1 QT] [Grainger 43Y892]: Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated TX Heavy Paraffinic [64742-54-7][90-99%]; Petroleum Distillates, Solvent Dewaxed Heavy Paraffinic [64742-65-0][3-7%]; [FP 406oF]; [SG 0.88]; [LC50-Inhalation 8.72 mg/L]; [HO-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 22 of 192 t\ ("'. r-, /-\ ·"J r'\ /\ ·"", ,-·~ --· ,,., '--~· '-----' \....____..' \~' '~----' ___ / HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 124 LEGO-A 100.0 GUNK TIRE PUNCTURE SEALANT [Tite Seal Instant Tire 52410017 Repair] [Radiator Specialty Company M1114]: 1,1, 1 ,2, Tetrafluoroethane [811-97-2][10-30%]; 2-Butoxyethanol [111-76- 2][10-30%]; Ammonium hydroxide [1336-21-6][0.1-1%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Polyvinylacetate Latex [9003-20-7][3- 7%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD >1]; [H2-F1-RO] 125 LEGO-L 100.0 MOBILE ULTRA DUTY GREASE EP NLGI 2 [Exxon MobiiGreast CL3B, IR, OHH 0.8812 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52410020 XHP 222 Special] [Grainger 4ZF44]: Phosphorodithoic Acid, 0,0-Di C1-14-Aikyl Esters, zinc Salts (2:1) (ZDDP) [68649-42- 3][<2.5%]; [FP 400oF; BP 600oF]; [SG 0.914]; [HO-F1-RO] 126 LEGO-L 100.0 DOT 3 BR,ll~KE FLUID [Napa DOT 3 Brake Fluid] [\"Jarren f"'l <Hl IR 1"11-11-1 0.3750 G!ns N N , Stockroom _L.....,L.I'' •• ,, -···· 52410045 Unilube 52410045]: TriEthylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [112- 35-6][5-50%]; TriEthylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether [112-50-5][5- 50%]; TriEthylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [143-22-6][5-50%]; Tetrathylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [1559-34-8][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycol [25322-68-3][5-20%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [112-34-5][5-20%]; DiEthylene Glycol [111-46- 6][5-15%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [111-77-3][<5%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether [111-90-0][<5%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [9004-77-7][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [27783-42-8][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycols [9038-95-3][5-20%]; Trade Secret Inhibitor Package [TS][3%]; [FP >275oF; BP 480oF]; [SG 1.0; VD >1]; [H1-F1-RO] 127 LEGO-L 100.0 HIGH POWERED GEAR OIL SAE 90 [GL-5 New Generation CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410084 Heavy Duty Gear Oil (80W90)] [CRC SL2472]: Lubricant base oil, highly refined [MIXT][91-93%]; Gear oil additives [TS][7-9%]; [FP >302oF]; [SG 0.87; VD >1]; [H1-F1-RO] 128 LEGO-L 100.0 ANTI FREEZE PRE DILUTED ZEREX [Ashland Zerex Original CL3B, IR, OHH, 3.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410098 RTU Antifreeze Coolant] [Grainger 2MWE7]: Ethylene Glycol P65 [107-21-1][50-60%]; [FP >250oF; BP 226oF]; [LEL 3.2; UEL 15.3] 129 i LEGO-L 100.0 OIL HYDRAULIC 1 GAL (DTE 24) [Exxon Mobil DTE 24] CL3B, IR, OHH 6.0000 Gins N N · Stockroom 52410118 [Grainger 2LPK1]: [FP 392oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.871; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 130 LEGO-L 100.0 2 CYCLE OIL PERFECT MIX [Olympic Oil Tanaka Perfect Mix] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.5000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410135 [Grainger 1AAJ7]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 252oF]; [SG 0.86]; [H1-F1-RO] 131 LEGO-L 100.0 F21 SUPER PROTECTANT 20.8 OZ [Turtle Wax Super CL3B, IR, OHH 0.4875 Gins N N i Stockroom 52410140 Protectant] [Turtle Wax T-096R]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP >200oF]; [SG 0.997]; [H1-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 23 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland ·Facilities Building· One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 WATER SOLUBLE CUTTING OIL [Super Soluble Oil11 0) [Motor 1 CL3B, IR, OHH Oil 110]: Petroleum Lubricating Base Stock [64742-53-6]; Chlorinated Paraffin [TS]; [FP 356oF; BP 450oF]; [SG 1; VD >5) 133 LEGO-L 100.0 GRADE 68 WAY OIL ISO 1 GAL [Waylube 68 Way Lubricant] CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52530059 [Motor Oil 68]: Petroleum Lubricating Base Stock [64742-54- 7)[<98%]; EP Slide way Additive [TS)[>1.4%]; Tackifier [MIXT][<0.6%]; [FP 442.4oF; BP 600oF); [SG 0.88; VD >5) 134 LEGO-L 100.0 1 PL PREMIUM POLYURETHANE CONST ADHESIVE [Loctite PL CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.0156 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52540079 Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive] [Henkel CA, P65 1390595]: Talc [14807-96-6)[30-60%]; Methylenebis(phenylisocyanate) [1 01-68-8)[1 0-30%]; Hydrocarbon C11-25 dearomatized [64742-46-7)[10-30%]; Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate [26447-40-5)[1-5%]; lsocyanic acid, polymethylenepolyphenylene ester [9016-87-9)[1-5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7)[0.1-1%]; [FP >200oF; BP 341.6oF]; [LEL 1.6; UEL 10.2]; [SG 1.26; VD >1) 135 I LEGO-CG 100.0 SPAN GAS CYL 0.6 CF [Gas Cylinders Containing 35, 50, 95, 0.6000 Cf N N Stockroom 55400065 200, 300, 400 ppm Carbon Monoxide in Air] [3M 08-61 09-6]: Nitrogen [7727-37-9][76.465-80.46%]; Oxygen [7782-44-7)[19.5- 23.5%]; Carbon Monoxide [630-08-0)[0.0035-0.04%]; [BP -317.8oF]; [SG 1.28; VD 1]; [HO-FO-RO] 136 i LEGO-L 100.0 GREASE CARTRIDGES EP 2 Now called GADUS grease [Shell CL3B, IR, OHH 2.8438 Gins N N Stockroom 60BB0162 Gadus S2 V220 2) [SOPUS DEU003514]: Highly refined mineral oil contains <3% DMSO-extract; [FP 356oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 10]; [SG 0.9; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO) LEGO-L 100.0 TRACK LUBE PLUS 1 GALLON -PASTE [Rydon Track Lube IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 60CA0100 Plus]: All Food Grade Approved Ingredients; Limited information provided on MSDS 138 LEGO-L 100.0 URETHANE ADHESIVE ACCUFLEX SEALANT-BLACK [3M IR, OHH, CA, 0.7371 Gins N N Stockroom 60DC0114 Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure (Various Colors)] SN, P65, WR1 A [3M 25-8775-6): Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Poly(Vinyl Chioride) Poiymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Piasticizer Mixture [TS)[10-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7)[<5.4%]; Calcium Oxide [1305- 78-8)[1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7)[<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4)[<2%]; Iron II Oxide [1309-37-1)[<2%]; Petroleum Distillate [647 42-4 7 -8)[ <2%); P, P'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [1 01-68-8)[<0.2%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- piperidinyl) sebacate [41556-26-7)[0.01-0.1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4)[<0.1 %]; Methyl 1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl sebacate [82919-37-7)[0.01-0.1%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.2); [H2- F1-RO) STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 24 of 192 ['· /~, .'~ ' . f'., ,··" -·, \ /,-~ .----\ ~' ('\ ~·. .~ ,'-.__J HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 COLOR DYE PENETRANT FLAW DETECTION RED PENETRANT [SKL-SP2 Aerosol] [Magnaflux 60MIS0019]: Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8][40-70%]; White mineral oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][15-40%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light naphthenic [64742-53-6][1-5%]; 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[[4-(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-, ar-heptyl ar', ar"- Me derivs. [92257-31-3][1-5%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][<0.1 %]; [FP 200oF; BP 455oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.89; VD >1]; [H1- F4-RO] 140 LEGO-L 100.0 QUICK TAC 2 ACTIVATOR [Quick Tac 2] [AS I 60MS0009]: FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 60MS0009 I Acetone [67-64-1][>99%]; [FP <OaF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL P65 13]; [SG 0.79; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] 141 LEGO-L 100 TUBE PATCH GLUE 40Z CAN [Royal Adhesives LA4009[: FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N Stockroom 600R0100 I Toluene [108-88-3]; Acetone [67-64-1]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-CA, P65 93-3]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] i 142 LEGO-I A 100.0 LOCTITE 7471 PRIMER 4.5 OZ. [Henkel Loctite Locquic Primer AL3, IR, OHH, 0.2812 Lbs N N Stockroom 60PSBOOO 1 T 7471 Aerosol, 22477] [Grainger 3HV17]: Acetone [67-64-1][60-SN, P65 8 100%]; lsobutane [75-28-5][10-30%]; 2-Propanol [67-63-0][5- 1 0%]; 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole [149-30-4][0.1-1 %]; [FP 17.6oF]; [SG 0.7953] 143 LEGO-L 100.0 SEASTAR STEERING OIL [Seastar Steering Fluid] [FUCHS CL3B, IR 3.9989 Gins N N Stockroom 60SS0003 Lubricants HA5430]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 230oF]; [SG 0.847]; [H1-F1-RO] 144 LEGO-A 100.0 BATTERY CORROSION PREVENTION, AEROSOL SPRAY AL3, IR, OHH, 6.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom 60SS0086 [CRC Battery Terminal Protector 03175] [Grainger 2F134]: CA, P65 Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][20-30%]; Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][20-30%]; 3- Methyl hexane [589-34-4][1 0-20%]; N-Heptane [142-82-5][1 0- 20%]; Petrolatum [8009-03-8][10-20%]; 2-Methylhexane [591-76- 4][5-10%]; Methylcyclohexane [108-87-2][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Solvent-Refined Heavy Paraffinic [64741-88-4][1- 3%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<1%]; N-Hexane [11 0-54-3][<1 %]; [FP <OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 8]; [SG 0.73]; [H2-F4-R1] 145 LEGO-s 100.0 ! TRISODIUM PHOSPHATE (BUSS RAIL SOAP) [DAP TSP IR,OHH 8.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 60ST0053 General Purpose Cleaner] [Grainger 1 OL522]: Sodium Phosphate, Tribasic [1 01 01-89-0][30-60%]; Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous [497-19-8][10-30%] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 25 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 HI TEMP WATER RESISTANT SYNTHETIC GREASE [Exxon CL3B. IR. OHH 0.8562 Gins N Mobil Mobilith SHC PM 460] [Grainger 12J022]: Zinc Dithiophosphate [68649-42-3][1-2.5%]; [FP 399oF]; [SG 1]; [HO- F1-RO] 147 LEGO-A 100.0 I RIVOLTA SKD 170 CHAIN OIL# 767 0011 OIL CONTAINER AL3, IR, OHH 105.6800 N N Stockroom 60TC0065 [Rivolta S.K.D. 170 Aerosol] [Bremer & Leguil GmbH 170]: Lbs Butane [16-97-8][15-30%]; Mixture of propane and butane [68606-25-7][25-40%]; Mixture of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons [64742-49-0][15-19.9%]; [FP 410oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 11]; [SG 0.94] 148 I LEGO-L 100.0 LGMT 2 [SKF LGMT2]: Naphthenic acids, zinc salts [12001-85-; CL3B, IR, OHH 1.7600 Gins N N I Stockroom 60TC0109 3][<2.5%]; Baseoil, unspecified [60-100%]; [FP >302oF]; [SG <1]; [HO-F1-RO] 149 LEGO-L 100.0 SILICONE LUBE "0" RING 2oz TUBE POOL LUBRICANT CL3B, IR, OHH 0.2188 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0022 [Leslie Pool & Spa Grease] [Finish Line G00352401]: White Mineral Oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][60-80%]; Siloxanes and Silicones, Di-Me, Reaction Products with Silica [67762-90-7][3- 7%]; Silica (Also Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline Free, CAS# 112945-52-5) [7631-86-9][3-7%]; [FP >280oF]; [SG 0.9816]; [H1-F1-RO] 150 i LEGO-L 100.0 1 PT. 2711 PVC CEMENT (GRAY) [IPS Weld-On 711 Low VOC FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0074 PVC Plastic Pipe Cements] [Grainger 6KWU1]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-50%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][5-15%]; Cyclohexane [108-94-1][9-18%]; Acetone [67-64-1][3-11 %]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEI12.8]; [SG 0.966; VD >2]; [H2- F3-RO] 151 LEGO-L 100.0 1. PT IPS #P-70 PVC PRIMER [Weld-On P-70 Low VOC Primer FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.3125 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0075 For PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe] [Grainger 6KWU4]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][45-59% ]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93- ' 3][19-29%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5-15%]; Acetone [67-64- 1][5-20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] I I I 152 ' LEGO-L 100.0 PVC & RUBBER REPAIR KIT [AquaSeal] [McNett 1011 0]: FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.0185 Gins N N i Stockroom 60WQ0228 Toluene [108-88-3]; Copolymer Component (Diphenylmethane Di-isocyanate, Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol) [1 01-68-8]; [FP 68oF; BP 235oF]; [SG 1; VD 3.2] 153 LEGO-I L 100.0 WELD-ON 724 LOW VOC CEMENT FOR CPVC PLASTIC PIPE FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.5000 Gins N N ; Stockroom 60WQ0420 I [Grainger 29JA18]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-70%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][2-15%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5- 20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 151 oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 11.8]; [SG 0.984; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 26 of 192 D (""\ .1\ .~ ~"' r~ r'-, ,.\ 1··, /~\ /\ /"'\ .~..... .~--\ /'-"') ,-·'\ .. , I I . '-_/ I '\...._,r' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 • Legoland ·Facilities Building· One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PIPE CEMENT, GRAY, 16 OZ, PVC [IPS Weld-On 711 Low VOC PVC Plastic Pipe Cements] [Grainger 6KWU1]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][40-50%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][5-15%]; Cyclohexane [108-94-1][9-18%]; Acetone [67-64-1][3-11%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEI12.8]; [SG 0.966; VD >2]; [H2- F3-RO] 155 LEGO-L 100.0 PRIMER, PURPLE, 16 OZ, PVC AND CPVC [Weld-On P-70 FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom Low VOC Primer For PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe] [Grainger 6KWU4]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][45-59%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][19-29%]; Cyclohexanone [1 08-94-1][5-15%]; Acetone [67-64-1][5-20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] 156 LEGO-L 100.0 ELECTRIC GREASE, SIZE 5.3 0 [Henkel Loctite Silicone CL3B, IR 0.0828 Gins N N Stockroom 61AN0006 Lubricant, 51360] [Grainger 5E201]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 200oF]; [SG 0.95] 157 LEGO-A 100.0 INOX-mx3 [Candan Industries 00003]: Butane [106-97-8][<30%]; AL3.1R 5.9535 Lbs N N · Stockroom 61AN0019 Propane [74-98-6][<10%]; Ingredients determine not to be hazardous [to 100%]; [FP 359.6oF]; [SG 0.84]; [LEL 4]; [HO-F2- RO] 158 LEGO-A 100.0 INOX MX4 LANOX LANOLIN LUBRICANT, 300G AEROSOL AL3, IR, OHH, 5.8494 Lbs N N Stockroom 61AN0020 CAN [LPS 2, 00216, C30216 (Aerosol)] [Grainger 6Y744]: TX Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][70-80%]; Mineral Seal (Petroleum) Oil [64742-46-7/64742-52-5][20-30%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [FP 175oF; BP 383oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.7]; [LC50-Inhalation >8.5 mg/L]; [H1- F2-RO] 159 LEGO-L 100.0 OIL FOR LUBRICATOR [Hyspin ZZ 32] [Castrol 451128]: Highly CL3B, IR, OHH 0.2642 Gins N N Stockroom 64CS0001 refined base oil [PROP]; [FP 392oF] 160 LEGO-L 100.0 I DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N Stockroom 64PF0001 Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: SN Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1%]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1%]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 27 of 192 [: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1%]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1 %]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 162 LEGO-L 100.0 SPA ANTI FOAMER DEFOAMER 1 QT [Leslie's Swimming Pool OHH, P65 2.0000 Gins N N I Stockroom 64WQ0005 Supplies Spa Anti-Foam] [Leslie's Pool Mart 24436]: Dimethicone [63148-62-9][1-6%]; [BP 212oF] 163 LEGO-L 100.0 WADER RUBBER CONDITIONER [Lacrosse Rubber IR,OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0010 Conditioner] [McNett 22832]: No Ingredients Listed; [SG 0.99] 164 LEGO-I L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #1 2oz [DPD Reagent #1] [Taylor Technologies IR, OHH 0.0159 Gins N N I Stockroom 64WQ0013 I R-0001]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][80-90%]; Dipotassium phosphate [7758-11-4][5-1 0%]; Disodium phosphate [7558-79- 4][5-10%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.01- 0.1 %]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.24; VD 0.64] 165 I LEGO-L TAYLOR TEST #2 2oz [DPD Reagent #2] [Taylor Technologies CR, OHH 0.1268 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0014 I R-0002]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][90-99%]; Trade Secret [PROP][ 5-1 0%]; N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulfate [6283- 63-2][0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.1- 5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.01; VD 0.65] 166 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #4 2oz [pH Indicator Solution (Phenol Red)] IR,OHH 0.2061 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0015 [Taylor Technologies R-0004]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][90- 99%]; Trade Secret [0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.1-5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.0; VD 0.6]; 167 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #11 2oz [Calcium Indicator Liquid] [Taylor FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.1110 Gins N N 64WQ0016 I Technologies R-0011 L]: Triethanolamine [1 02-71-6][77%]; UR1 Isopropyl alcohol [67-63-0][23%]; Calcon [2538-85-4][<1 %]; [FP 64oF; BP 500oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 12]; [SG 1.02; VD 2]; [H1-F3-R1] 168 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #7 2oz [Thiosulfate N/1 0] [Taylor Technologies R-IR,OHH 0.2378 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0021 0007]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate [1 0102-17 -7][0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.01-0.1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.00; VD 0.6] 169 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #9 2oz [Sulfuric acid .12N] [Taylor Technologies CR, OHH, WR1 0.1902 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0022 R-0009]: Sulfuric acid [7664-93-9][<1 %]; Deionized water [7732- 18-5][up to 100%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.0; VD 0.6]; [H1-FO-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 28 of 192 ,,, /-~, r\ ,,--,\ ·'"I --'1 I ''-..._,./ '~----',: ""-----' ~ _/ '..___/ 'j '-. __ "/ ~/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEGO-I L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #1 0 2oz [Calcium Buffer] [Taylor Technologies R- 64WQ0023 I 0010]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Sodium hydroxide [1310-73-2][0.1-5%]; [BP 230oF]; [SG 1.2; VD 0.6] 171 I LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST R0871 2 OZ [FAS-DPD Titrating Reagent JR. OHH. WR1 0.2219 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0026 I (Chlorine)] [Taylor Technologies R-0871]: Nonhazardous ingredients [<1%]; Deionized water [7732-18-5][to 100%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD 0.6]; [HO-FO-RO] 172 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST R0012 2 OZ [Hardness Reagent] [Taylor IR, OHH 0.2061 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0027 Technologies R-0012]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Edetic acid [60-00-4][0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.01 ~0.1 %]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.00; VD 0.6] 173 LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N I Stockroom 51050311 [ITW A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 174 LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW ' FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050312 A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 175 LEGO-L 100.0 YELLOW-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050313 [ITW A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [647 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 176 LEGO-L 100.0 YELLOW-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N I Stockroom 51050314 A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7 -13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67 -63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 29 of 192 D HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 L 100.0 BLACK-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C. IR. OHH. 0.0240 Gins N [ITW A720M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 178 LEGO-L 100.0 1.2V NICKEL CADMIUM BATTERY 0.001A/HR [Nickel Cadmium CR, OHH 0.0480 Gins N N · Stockroom 52290168 Rechargeable Battery] [Grainger 13M589]: Nickel Hydride [31 %]; Cadmium [39%]; Electrolyte [7%]; CO [3%]; Other [20%] 179 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY LCR067R29 6V 7 AH [VISION Valve Regulated Lead CR, OHH, TX, 0.8000 Gins N N , Stockroom 52290142 Acid Battery]: Lead/Lead Oxide [7439-92-1][60-70%]; Calcium WR1, OX1 [7440-70-2][<0.15%]; Tin [7440-31-5][<1 %]; Aresenic [7440-38- 2][<1%]; Sulfuric Acid (Battery Electrolyte) [7664-93-9][10-15%]; Inert Ingredients [<6%]; [SG 1.25] 180 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 12V 7.5AH (WERKER SLAA12-7.5S) [Selaed Lead CL3B, CR, OHH, 3.6000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290151 Acid-GEL (SLA)]: Lead, Inorganic [7439-92-1][60-75%]; Sulfuric TX, WR2, OX1 Acid [7664-93-9][5-15%]; Anitmony [7440-36-0][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][<0.1 %]; Tin [7440-31-5][0-0.1 %]; Polypropylene [9003-07-0][2-1 0%]; [FP 675oF; BP 235oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 74]; [SG 1.27; VD >1] 181 LEGO-L j 100.0 VALVE REGULATED LEAD BATTERY [Yuasa 853023]: Arsenic CR, OHH, WR2, 1.8000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290157 [7440-38-2][0.003%]; Powdered Lead [7439-92-1][63-78%]; TX, CA, P65 Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.006%]; [BP 203oF]; [VD 1] 182 LEGO-L 100.0 EMERGENCY LAMP BATTERY (LITH= 420717) [Nickel CR, OHH 0.5100 Gins N N Stockroom 52290159 Cadmium Rechargeable Battery]: Nickel Hydride [31 %]; Cadmium [39%]; Electrolyte [7%]; CO [3%]; Other [20%] 183 i LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY POWER SONIC PS 640 4AH 6V [PS VRLA Batteries CR, OHH, WR2, 0.6400 Gins N N · Stockroom 52290160 AGM]: Inorganic Lead/Lead Compounds [7439-92-1][65-75%]; CA, P65 Tin [7440-31-5][<0.5%]; Calcium [7440-70-2][<0.1%]; Electrolyte (diiute sulfuric acid) [7664-93-9][14-20%]; Fiberglass Separator [5%]; Case [5-10%]; [H3-FO-R2] 184 LEGO-L 100.0 MAKITA LXT 18V LITHIUM BATTERY [Lithium-ion Rechargeable FL 1 B, CR, OHH 0.2800 Gins N N Stockroom Battery Pack] [Grainger 12M837]: Organic Solvent and Lithium Salt STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 30 of 192 ('"""'~\ ~ ~', /--~ .~ .~ ,........-~\ ,r',, /"1 ("'-\ 1~......._1 /------., ,--,\ ;--"\ ,-\ ,/--'] "-_,~ ) I '~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 14.4V 1.7AH DEWALT BATTERY [Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1 %]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2] 186 LEGO-L 100.0 18V 2.4AH DEWALT BATTERY[ Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium CR, OHH, SN, 0.4460 Gins N N Stockroom 52550412 Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; CA, WR1 Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310~73~2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310~65~2] 187 I LEGO-L 100.0 ! BATTERY, SEALED LEAD ACID, 12V, 5AH, FASTON [Sealed CR, TX, OHH, 0.3600 Gins N N Stockroom 52550472 Maintenance-Free Lead Acid Batteries] [Grainger 2UKG8]: Lead CAWR2, P65 [7439-92-1][44-57%]; Antimony [7440-36-0][1%]; Lead Dioxide [1309-60-0][19-26%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [15-22%]; Electrolyte (Sulfuric Acid) [7664-93-9][23-27%]; [H3-FO-R2] 188 LEGO-L 100.0 TRAIN BATTERY 18650-7S1P01 [Lithium Battery] [Shenzhen CR,OHH 1.2320 Gins N N Stockroom 60MS0059 Tianlihe 18650-7S1P01]: Lithium [7439-93-2][2-3%]; Manganese dioxide [1313-13-9][30-40%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-4%]; Lithium perchlorate [7791-03-9][1 %]; Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether [110-71-4][5.3%]; Propylene [108-32-7][5-8%]; Carbonate [7439-89-6][25-30%]; Chromium [7440-47-3][8-10%]; Molybdenum [7439-98-7][0.8-1.2%]; Polypropylene [9003-07- 0][2%] 189 i LEGO-L 100.0 12 VOLT-BATTERY-FOR REMOTE CONTROL [Alkaline CR, OHH 0.0468 Gins N N i Stockroom 61DS0008 Batteries-No Mercury Formula] [Rayovac WC71]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][32-38]; Iron [7439-89-6][19-23%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][11-16%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][5-9%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1-5%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][<5%] 190 LEGO-L 100.0 12V BATTERY GROUP 48, AGM, 760CCA [Lead Acid Battery, CR, TX, OHH, 29.4000 N N Stockroom 61JDS001 Non-Spillable Wet] [Industrial Battery, Traction Battery, Stationary CAWR2, P65 Gins 5 Battery, Deep Cycle Battery]: Lead and Lead Compounds (inorganic) [7439-92-1][50%]; Electrolyte [7664-93-9][17%]; Lead Oxide [1309-60-0][20%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.2%]; [BP 203oF]; [SG 1.29; VD >1 ]; [H3-FO~R2] 191 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY-TSX PLP 01 [Primary (non-rechargeable) Lithium CR, OHH, WR2 0.1100 Gins N N Stockroom 61KPT001 metal Thionyl Chloride cells and batteries]: Lthium Metal [7439- 9 93-2][<5%]; Thionyl Chloride [7719-09-7][<47%]; Carbon [1333- 86-4][<6%]; Aluminum Chloride [7446-70-0][<5%]; Lithium Chloride [7447-41-8][<2%]; Glass [<1%]; PVC [9002-86-2][<1%]; PTFE [9002-84-0][<1%]; Steel, nickel and inert components [bal]; [H1-F1-R2] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 31 of 192 D HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 193 LEG0-L 61SS0004 194 i LEG0-L 51050309 BATTERY 0.8AHR 12V [Nonspillable Lead-Acid Battery]: Electrolyte-Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%] CR, TX, OHH, WR2, P65 100.0 BATTERY DRY FIT [Dry Battery-No electrolyte added]: [HO-FO-IR, OHH 112.0000 RO] Gins 100.0 RED-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1 C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins A791M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 32 of 192 /\ ('"'\ ,,..."--\ ,!'-\ (-\, r' ,r'\ /-\, ,,_/ --, ' I / '~ / '~-~/ Aerosols Levei1/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 BRAKE PARTS CLEANER [Henkel Loctite Pro Strenght Parts Cleaner, 30548] [Grainger 3EPR2]: Tetrachloroethylene [127 -18- 4][60-1 00%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1 0-30%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00- 41-4][1-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] 2 LEGO-A 100.0 INSULATING FOAM DAP 12 OZ [KWIK Foam Polyurethane AL1, IR, OHH, 9.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130018 Foam] [Grainger 5E086]: Chlorodifluoromethane [75-45-6][7-SN,TX 13%]; 4,4'-Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) [1 01-68-6][5- 10%]; Polymeric Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [9016-87-9][5- 10%]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 3 LEGO-A 100.0 SPRAY WAX, 18 WT OZ [MarkyKate HighLight Spray Wax] AL 1, IR, OHH, 7.8750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130047 [Grainger 1 9MZ11 ]: \lJater [7732-18-5][70-80%]; P65 Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][3-8%]; Synthetic lsoparaffinic Hydrocarbon [64742-48-9][1-5%]; Coconut Diethanolamide [68603-42-9][1-5%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0- 20%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 0.99]; [H1-F1-RO] 4 LEGO-A 100.0 EVAP FOAM COIL CLEANER-EVAP FOAM COIL CLEANER AL1, CR, OHH 1.1250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52310055 [Evap Foam No Rinse-Aerosol (4171)] [Nu-Calgon 4171]: Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8][3-7%]; DiEthylene Glycol monoethyl ether [111-90-0][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol monobutyl ether [111-76-2][1-5%]; Tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate [64-02-8][1-5%]; [BP 388.4oF]; [H2- F1-RO] 5 LEGO-A 100.0 GUNK TIRE PUNCTURE SEALANT [Tite Seal Instant Tire AL 1, IR, OHH 3.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52410017 Repair] [Radiator Specialty Company M1114]: 1,1, 1 ,2, Tetrafluoroethane [811-97 -2][1 0-30%]; 2-Butoxyethanol [111-76- 2][1 0-30%]; Ammonium hydroxide [1336-21-6][0.1-1 %]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Polyvinylacetate Latex [9003-20-7][3- 7%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD >1]; [H2-F1-RO] TOTAL-Aerosols Level 1/Aerosols 35.56 Lbs AGGREGATE TOTAL -Aerosols Level 1 /Aerosols 35.56 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 33 of 192 Aerosols Leve13/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SMALL WD-40 LUBRICANT 3oz [WD-40 Multi-Use Product Aerosol (25% VOC)] [Grainger 20JY59]: LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][45-50%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][<25%]; Petroleum Base Oil [64742-56-9][<25%]; Non-hazardous ingredients [MIXT][<10%]; Carbon Dioixde [124- 38-9][2-3%]; [FP 138oF; BP 361oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 8]; [SG 0.8; VD >1] 2 LEGO-A 100.0 BIG WD-40 LUBRICANT 16oz [WD-40 Multi-Use Product AL3, IR, OHH 6.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130002 Aerosol (25% VOC)] [Grainger 20JY59]: LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][45-50%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][<25%]; Petroleum Base Oil [64742-56-9][<25%]; Non-hazardous ingredients [MIXT][<10%]; Carbon Dioixde [124- 38-9][2-3%]; [FP 138oF; BP 361oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 8]; [SG 0.8; VD >1] 3 LEGO-A 100.0 1 AERO KROlL PENETRATING OIL [Kano Laboratories Aerokroil]: I AL3, IR, OHH 8.2500 Lbs N j N I Stockroom I 52130005 Heavy Hydortreated Petroleum Distillates [64742-52-5][30-50%]; Heavy Aliphatic Solvent Naphtha [64742-95-6][30-50%]; Proprietary Ingredients [PROP][1-10%]; Diproylene Glycol Monopropyl Ether [29911-207-1 ][1-5%]; Diisobutyl Ketone [1 08- 83-8][0-15%]; Aliphatic Alcohol #1 [PROP][<3%]; Aliphatic Alcohol #2 [PROP][<3%]; Carbon Dioixde Propellant [124-38- 9][1-15%]; [FP 132oF]; [LEL 0.7]; [SG 0.8596]; [H1-F2-RO] 4 LEGO-A 100.0 SYNTHETIC GREASE [Sprayon LU 207 Food Grade Synthetic AL3, IR, OHH 7.1250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130008 Grease Aerosol] [Grainger 12R257]: Propane [74-98-6][1 0%]; Butane [106-97-8][10%]; Heptane [142-82-5][48%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][2%]; [FP <OoF; BP OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0. 7; VD >1] 5 LEGO-A 100.0 ELECTRO 140 CONTACT CLEANER [CRC HF Contact Cleaner AL3, IR, OHH 12.3750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130010 I 03125] [Grainger 10263]: Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][90-100%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-3%]; [FP 204oF; BP 430oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 5.5]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.5]; [H2-F3-RO] 6 LEGO-A 100.0 SUPER 77 .A~DHES!VE SPRAY 24oz [3~ .. 4 Super 77 ~ .. 4u!t!purpose Ill <l 10 n~.H-1 ? na<llll h~ N N Stockroom 1u ... v 1 "'' -•••• "-·"""""""" ......... ~ 52130012 Adhesive] [Grainger 3MA17]: Acetone [67-64-1][20-30%]; Non- Volatile Componets [TS][20-30%]; Propane [74-98-6][15-25%]; Cyclohexane [11 0-82-7][1 0-20%]; 2,3-Dimethybutane [79-29- 8][1-8%]; 3-methypentane [96-14-0][1-8%]; 2-methylpentane [107-83-5][1-8%]; 2,2-Dimethylbutane [75-83-2][0-8%]; Pentane [1 09-66-0][<2%]; Hexane [11 0-54-3][<0.8%]; [FP -42oF]; [SG 0.726]; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 34 of 192 \ I \ I" \ I f j [.. ~-~ ~ --,. ~-, ·~ /', '"\ ,--\ ~~-\ ,1-"', n ,f'--·\ ,, ,.,--~, •'\ ~- 1/ -~) \ ~" \,-~/ j , __ / _! Aerosols Level 3/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 TRI FLOW LUBRICANT 12oz [Sherwin Williams Tri-Fiow Superior Lubricant with PTFE] [Grainger2PB97]: Propane [74-98- 6][1 0%]; Butane [1 06-97-8][1 0%]; Heavy Alpihatic Solvent [64742-47-8][24%]; Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum oil [64742-52- 5][41%]; Naphthenic oil [64741-97-5][2%]; Heavy Paraffinic Oil [64 7 42-65-0][3%]; 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol [34590-94- 8][2%]; Amyl Acetate [628-63-7][2%]; [FP <OoF; BP <Oof]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 14]; [SG 0.78; VD >1] 8 LEGO-A 100.0 HEAW DUTY SILICONE LUBRICANT [Grainger 19C656]: AL3,1R, OHH 4.8750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130015 Naphtha (Petroleum}, Hydrotreated Heavy [64742-48-9][1 0- 25%]; Liquified Petroleum Gas [68476-85-7][1 0-20%]; [FP 144oF; BP 212oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.92; VD >1]; [H1~ F2-RO] 9 LEGO-A 100.0 SPRAY DUSTER STATIONARY NOZZLE - 1 Ooz [Eco Duster II AL3,1R, OHH 5.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130017 10oz] [Grainger 5PWH5]: 1,1-Difluoroethane [75-37-6]; [FP -58oF; BP -13oF]; [LEL 3.9; UEL 16.9]; [SG 1; VD >1]; [H1-F4- RO] 10 LEGO-A 100.0 CITRUS DEGREASER 18oz [Sprayon Citrus Cleaner Degreaser] AL3, IR, OHH, 11.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130022 [Grainger 1 LKL4]: VM&P Naphtha [64742-89-8][24%]; d-P65 Limonene [5989-27-5][73%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][3%]; [FP 99oF; BP <OoF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 6.1]; [SG 0.82; VD >1] ., 11 LEGO-A 100.0 COLD GALV SPRAY CAN [Rust Tough Zinc Rich Cold AL3, IR, OHH, 7.5000 Lbs N N i Stockroom 52130027 I Galvanizing Primer] [Sherwin-Williams R00859]: Propane [74-98-P65 6][13%]; Butane [106-97-8][12%]; Heptane [142-82-5][3%]; Lt. Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent [64742-98-8][3%]; Toluene [108- 88-3][5%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][11 %]; Zinc [7440-66- 6][47%]; [FP <OoF; BP <OoF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 10]; [SG 1.15; VD >1] 12 LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 79040 18oz CHISEL AE [Loctite Chisel Paint Stripper] AL3, CR, OHH, 3.3750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130040 [Grainger 1KGU5]: Methylene Chloride [75-09-2][60-100%]; CA, P65 Liquified Petroleum Propellant [68476-86-8][1 0-30%]; Methanol [67-56-1][5-10%]; Propylene Oxide [75-56-9][0.1-1%]; [FP <41oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.789] 13 LEGO-A 100.0 WHITE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210050 White Marking] [Grainger 6KP41]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas SN, CA. P65 [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][2.5- 10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5- 1 0%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][2.5-1 0%]; Ethyl benzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [SG 0.864; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 35 of 192 L' Aerosols Level 3/AEROSOLS 2015 • Legoland · Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SAFETY GREEN WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 8.5000 Lbs N N Stockroom Safety Green Marking] [Grainger 6YH09]: Acetone [67-64-1][10- 25%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5- 10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43- 7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807- 96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742- 49-0][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][1-2.5%]; Ethyl benzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.836; VD >1] 15 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION YELLOW WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210052 12PK Caution Yellow Mark] [Grainger 6KN98]: Acetone [67-64-SN, CA, P65 1][25-50%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317- 65-3][2.5-1 0%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Yellow Iron Oxide [51274-00- 1][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.832; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 16 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY RED WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSR : AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210053 12PK Safety Red Marking] [Grainger 6KP40]: Liquefied SN, CA, P65 Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.85; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 17 i LEGO-A 100.0 ALERT ORANGE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 10.6250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210054 12PK Alert Orange Mark] [Grainger 6KP37]: Liquefied Petroleum SN, CA, P65 Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89- 8][10-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65- 3][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.836; VD >1; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. /1 r\ (\ ' ) '~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 '\ ~, ~) ~~-\_1 '" (\ (~---, r'-\ (~-,\ Page 36 of 192 / ' ,-.....,, < ' '-; \ ) '-._/ ~ "-._/ -.____./ ~-/ -.___/ Aerosols Level 3/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAUTION BLUE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK Caution Blue Mark] [Grainger 6KP33]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-25%]; Toluene [108-88-3][2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][2.5-1 0%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96- 6][1-2.5%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49- 0][1-2.5%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.843; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 19 LEGO-A 100.0 HISTRENGTH SUPER 90 ADHESIVE SPRAY [Hi-Strenght AL3, IR, OHH 2.2000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52250024 Spray Adhesive 90 (Aerosol)] [Grainger 3~./IA 16]: Dimethyl Ether [115-10-6][35-45%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][25-35%]; N.J.T.S [TS][1 0-20%]; Cyclohexane [110-82-7][7-13%]; 1,1- Difluoroethane [75-37-6][1-5%]; Pentane [109-66-0][1-5%]; [FP -42oF]; [SG 0.726; VD 2.97]; [H2-F4-RO] 20 LEGO-A 100.0 ADHESIVE REMOVER GOOF OFF [Adhesive Remover Low AL3, IR, OHH 6.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52250094 VOC 20% Aerosol] [Grainger 15E723]: Propanol, 1 (or 2)-(2- methoxymethylethoxy)-, Acetate [88917-22-0][30-40%]; Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillates [64742-47-8][15-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][15-25%]; Propane [74-98-6][5-15%]; [FP -156oF; BP -44oF]; [LEL 2.1; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.8; VD >1]; [H2-F4- RO] 21 LEGO-A 100.0 BLAST A COIL CLEANER [Virginia KMP Blast-A-Coil] [Grainger AL3, IR, OHH, 2.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52310054 2NTK7]: Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9]; Trichloroethylene [79-01-6]; , CA [H2-FO-RO] 22 LEGO-A 100.0 NC EASY SEAL [Nu-Calgon 4050-06]: Butane [1 06-97 -8][1 0-AL3, IR, OHH 1.1250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52310454 30%]; Propane [74-98-6][10-30%]; Ethanol [64-17-5][1-5%]; [FP 132.23oF; BP 143oF]; [SG 9.1; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 23 LEGO-A 100.0 FOOD GRADE MACHINE OIL [CRC Food Grade Machine Oil I AL3, IR, OHH, 2.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52370896 03081] [Grainger 2F132]: Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated TX Light [64742-47-8][60-70%]; White Mineral Oil (Petroleum) [8042- 47-5][30-40%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-3%]; [FP 220oF; BP 424.4oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 5.5]; [SG 0.82; VD >1]; [LC50-Inhalation 7.8481 mg/L]; [H1-F1-RO] 24 LEGO-A 100.0 CARBURETOR CLEANER [Asland Pyroil Garb & Choke AL3, CR, OHH, 0.0625 Lbs N N Stockroom 52410006 Cleaner] [Grainger 1PKT8]: Acetone [67-64-1][50-60%]; P65 Methanol [67-56-1 ][20-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][15-20%]; Ethyl Benzene [1 00-41-4][1.5-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1.5-5%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 36]; [SG 0.8132]; [H3-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. ', ___ / HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 37 of 192 Aerosols Levei3/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 COLOR DYE PENETRANT FLAW DETECTION RED AL3, IR, OHH, 0.6615 Lbs N N Stockroom PENETRANT [SKL-SP2 Aerosol] [Magnaflux 60MIS0019]: P65 Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8][40-70%]; White mineral oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][15-40%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light naphthenic [64742-53-6][1-5%]; 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[[4-(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-, ar-heptyl ar', ar"- Me derivs. [92257-31-3][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<0.1%]; [FP 200oF; BP 455oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.89; VD >1]; [H1- F4-RO] 26 LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 7471 PRIMER 4.5 OZ. [Henkel Loctite Locquic Primer AL3, IR, OHH, 0.2812 Lbs N N Stockroom 60PSBOOO T 7 471 Aerosol, 22477] [Grainger 3HV17]: Acetone [67 -64-1 ][60-SN, P65 8 100%]; lsobutane [75-28-5][10-30%]; 2-Propanol [67-63-0][5- 10%]; 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole [149-30-4][0.1-1%]; [FP 17.6oF]; [SG 0.7953] I 27 I LEGO-A 100.0 BATTERY CORROSION PREVENTION, AEROSOL SPRAY I AL3, IR, OHH, 6.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom [CRC Battery Terminal Protector 03175] [Grainger 2F134]: I CA, P65 Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][20-30%]; Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][20-30%]; 3- Methylhexane [589-34-4][1 0-20%]; N-Heptane [142-82-5][1 0- 20%]; Petrolatum [8009-03-8][10-20%]; 2-Methylhexane [591-76- 4][5-10%]; Methylcyclohexane [108-87-2][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Solvent-Refined Heavy Paraffinic [64741-88-4][1- 3%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-3%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][<1 %]; N-Hexane [11 0-54-3][<1 %]; [FP <OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 8]; [SG 0.73]; [H2-F4-R1] I I 28 I LEGO-A 100.0 RIVOLTA SKD 170 CHAIN OIL# 767 0011 OIL CONTAINER AL3, IR, OHH 105.6800 N N ! Stockroom 60TC0065 [Rivolta S.K.D. 170 Aerosol] [Bremer & Leguil GmbH 170]: Lbs Butane [16-97-8][15-30%]; Mixture of propane and butane [68606-25-7][25-40%]; Mixture of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons [64742-49-0][15-19.9%]; [FP 410oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 11]; [SG 0.94] 29 LEGO-A 100.0 INOX-mx3 [Candan Industries 00003]: Butane [106-97-8][<30%]; 1 AL3, IR 5.9535 Lbs N N Stockroom 61AN0019 Propane [74-98-6][<1 0%]; Ingredients determine not to be hazardous [to 100%]; [FP 359.6oF]; [SG 0.84]; [LEL 4]; [HO-F2- RO] I I 30 LEGO-A 100.0 INOX MX4 LANOX LANOLIN LUBRICANT, 300G AEROSOL AL3, IR, OHH, 5.8494 Lbs N N i Stockroom 61AN0020 CAN [LPS 2, 00216, C30216 (Aerosol)] [Grainger 6Y744]: TX Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][70-80%]; Mineral Seal (Petroleum) Oil [64742-46-7/64742-52-5][20-30%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [FP 175oF; BP 383oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.7]; [LC50-Inhalation >8.5 mg/L]; [H1- F2-RO] TOTAL -Aerosols Level 3/Aerosols 247.91 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. (\ 00 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 n ,"\ ,,, "/ ,f\ J Page 38 of 192 ~~~, ,/-\ .--~1 , _____ / \, __ / ' ' -~/ ~ __ / '--...../ ''---/ Aerosols Level 3/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGGREGATE TOTAL -Aerosols Level 3/Aerosols 247.91 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 39 of 192 Carcinogens/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 BRAKE PARTS CLEANER [Henkel Loctite Pro Strenght Parts AL 1, IR, OHH, 13.0625 Lbs N N Stockroom Cleaner, 30548] [Grainger 3EPR2]: Tetrachloroethylene [127 -18-CA, P65 4][60-100%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][10-30%]; Ethylbenzene [100- 41-4][1-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] 2 LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 79040 18oz CHISEL AE [Loctite Chisel Paint Stripper] AL3, CR, OHH, 3.3750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130040 [Grainger 1 KGU5]: Methylene Chloride [75-09-2][60-1 00%]; CA, P65 Liquified Petroleum Propellant [68476-86-8][1 0-30%]; Methanol [67 -56-1 ][5-1 0%]; Propylene Oxide [75-56-9][0.1-1 %]; [FP <41oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.789] 3 LEGO-A 100.0 WHITE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210050 White Marking] [Grainger 6KP41]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas SN, CA, P65 [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][2.5- 10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5- 10%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [SG 0.864; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 4 LEGO-A 100.0 I SAFETY GREEN WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 8.5000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210051 Safety Green Marking] [Grainger 6YH09]: Acetone [67 -64-1 ][1 0-SN, CA, P65 25%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5- 10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43- 7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807- 96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742- 49-0][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][1-2.5%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.836; VD >1] 5 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION YELLOW WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210052 12PK Caution Yellow Mark] [Grainger 6KN98]: Acetone [67-64-SN, CA, P65 1][25-50%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317- 65-3][2.5-1 0%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Yellow Iron Oxide [51274-00- 1][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.832; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 40 of 192 (~~ /' !'\ /\ ,---~) /---.) -----\ ,r\ ...----~\ l, ,_j ',_/ \-....--! , ____ / -~) :,__/ ''---/ \~-~- Carcinogens/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY RED WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSR 52210053 12PK Safety Red Marking] [Grainger 6KP40]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1 0-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.85; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 'I : 7 LEGO-A I 100.0 ALERT ORANGE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 10.6250 Lbs N N 52210054 I 12PK Alert Orange Mark] [Grainger 6KP37]: Liquefied Petroleum SN, CA, P65 Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89- 8][1 0-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65- 3][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.836; VD >1; [H2-F4-RO] 8 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION BLUE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210066 12PK Caution Blue Mark] [Grainger 6KP33]: Liquefied Petroleum , SN, CA, P65 Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-25%]; Toluene [108-88-3][2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][2.5-10%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96- 6][1-2.5%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49- 0][1-2.5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.843; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 9 LEGO-A 100.0 BLAST A COIL CLEANER [Virginia KMP Blast-A-Coil] [Grainger AL3, IR, OHH, 2.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52310054 2NTK7]: Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9]; Trichloroethylene [79-01-6]; CA [H2-FO-RO] 10 LEGO-A 100.0 BATTERY CORROSION PREVENTION, AEROSOL SPRAY AL3, IR, OHH, 6.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom 60SS0086 [CRC Battery Terminal Protector 03175] [Grainger 2F134]: CA, P65 Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][20-30%]; Naphtha (Petroleum}, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][20-30%]; 3- Methyl hexane [589-34-4][1 0-20%]; N-Heptane [142-82-5][1 0- 20%]; Petrolatum [8009-03-8][10-20%]; 2-Methylhexane [591-76- 4][5-1 0%]; Methylcyclohexane [1 08-87-2][5-1 0%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Solvent-Refined Heavy Paraffinic [64741-88-4][1- 3%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<1%]; N-Hexane [11 0-54-3][<1 %]; [FP <OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 8]; [SG 0.73]; [H2-F4-R1] TOTAL -Carcinogens/Aerosols 59.44 Lbs AGGREGATE TOTAL-Carcinogens/Aerosols 59.44 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 41 of 192 Carcinogens/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 242 THREADLOCKER MEDIUM STR. [Loctite 242 Threadlocker Medium Strength] [Grainger 2A269]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][60-100%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004- 96-0][10-30%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propanediol-1 ,2 [57-55-6][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300.2oF]; [LEL 2.6; UEL 12.5]; [SG 1.1] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE PERMANENT THREADLOCKER 262 50ml [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0792 Gins N N · Stockroom 52130020 262 Threadlocker High Strenght] [Grainger 5E215]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-1 00%]; Saccarin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydorperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1%]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.05] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER 222 50ml [Loctite 222 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0660 Gins N N Stockroom 52130021 Threadlocker] [Henkel231127]: Polyglycol dimethacrylate CA, P65 [PROP][30-60%]; Polyglycol oleate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, amorphous, treated [68909-20-6][5-10%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1- 5%]; Propane-1 ,2-diol [57-55-6][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Titanium Dioxide ]13463-67-7][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [SG 1.08] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE GSA A COPPER BASE ANTI SEIZE 8 OZ. [CS-A CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 52130025 Copper Based Anti-Seize Lubricant] [Grainger 5E203]: Distillates i CA (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy Naphtenic [64742-52-5][30- 60%]; Calcium Dihydroxide [1305-62-0][1 0-30%]; Mineral Oil Light Naphtenic Hydrotreat [64742-53-6][10-30%]; Copper [7440- 50-8][1 0-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][5-1 0%]; Quartz [14808-60- 7][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >SOOoF]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] LEGO-L 100.0 I LOCTITE 60310ML RETAINING CMPOUND BO [Loctite 603 CL38, IR, OHH, 0.0133 Gins N N i Stockroom 52130030 Retaining Compound Press Fit] [Henkel231097]: Methyacrylate SN, CA, P65 Resin [PROP][30-60%]; Methacrylate monomer [PROP][10- 30%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [27813-2-1 ][5-1 0%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-10%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-1 0%]; Acrylic acid [79-1 0-7][5-1 0%]; Alkylphenol ethoxylate [PROP][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][0. 1-1%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][0.1-1% ]; Methacrylic acid [79-41-4][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1%]; Subsituted Silane [PROP][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; [FP >212oF; BP >300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 42 of 192 ~ ,~, (--~ ,/-..-,1 ~---~,\ ,--~, ('. ._/ -'\ /-\ ~1 --, '-.,__./ , ___ j _/ Carcinogens/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 290 10ML THREADLOCK WICKING [Loctite 290 Threadlocker known as Wicking Grade] [Henkel29021]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-100%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 7 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE NO MORE LEAKS 16oz [Loctite No More Leaks White . FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N I Stockroom 52130036 Threaded Plastic Pipe Sealant] [Henkel1537780]: Talc [14807-CA. P65 96-6][30-60%]; Rosin, Fumaric Acid, Pentaerythritol Polymer [65997 -11-7][1 0-30%]; 2-Propanol [67 -63-0][1 0-30%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004-96-0][10-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; [FP 96.8oF; BP 180oF]; [LEL 2.3; UEL 12.7]; [SG 1.37; VD 2.07] 8 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 518 SOML GASKET ALUM FLNG [Loctite 518 known CL3B, IR, OHH, N N Stockroom 52130037 as Loctite 518 Master Gasket] [Henkel 8222423]: Polyurethane SN, CA. P65 Methacrylate Resin [60-1 00%]; Polyglycol Dimethyacrylate [PROP][S-10%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][5-10%]; Acrylic Acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-1 ][1- 5%]; 1-Acetyi-2-Phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 8]; [SG 1.1] 9 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 510 50ML GASKET HI TEMP TB [Loctite 510 known CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N N Stockroom 52130038 as Loctite 510 Gasket Eliminat] [Henkel51074]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, Amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propane-1,2-diol [57- 55-6][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2- phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1784] 10 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 561 19GM PST THREAD SEALANT [Quickstick 561 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0157 Gins N N Stockroom 52130041 PST Pipe Sealant with PTFE] [Grainger 3UU53]: Polyglycol CA. P65 Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][1 0-30%]; Dimethacrylate Ester [PROP][1 0-30%]; Thixtopic Agent [5-1 0%]; Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382- 25-7][5-1 0%]; Poly(tetrafluorethylene) [9002-84-0][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1394] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 43 of 192 ~ Carcinogens/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CONNECTOR SEALING PACKS [Scotchcast 3570G-N (Parts A & B)) [3M 78-8129-9653-2): [PART A-Poly(oxypropylene) Sorbitol, Poly[oxy(methyl-1 ,2-ethanediyl)) Derivative [52625-13- 5][15-45%]; Castel Oil-Based Derivative [30-40%]; Glycols, Polypropylene [25322-69-4)[4-35%]; Styrene, Oligomer [9003-53- 6)[10-20%]; Heavy Naphthenic Distillate Solvent Petroleum Extracts [64742-11-6)[<2%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4)[<0.2%]; [FP <200oF; BP <200oF]; [SG 1.08]; [H1-FO-RO)) [PART B-4,4'- lsopropylidenediphenoi-Epichlorohydrin Polymer [25068-38- 6)[70-80%]; (3',4'-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl) 3,4- Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate [2386-87-0)[22-30%]; [BP 392oF); [SG 1.17); [H2-FO-R 1) 12 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER RED 277 10ML [Loctite 277 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0026 Gins N N Stockroom 52130046 Thread locker High Strength][Grainger 3KE48]: polyglycol SN, CA, P65 dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-50%]; Bisphenol A fumarate resin [39382-25-7)[30-60%]; cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9)[1- 5%]; saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1] 13 I LEGO-L 100.0 JB WELD KWIK COLD WELD [Resin and Hardener) [J-B Weld IR, OHH, SN, 0.0156 Gins N N Stockroom 52250001 19863]: Iron [7439-89-6][5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][10-CA, P65 30%]; Oxirane [25085-99-8)[1 0-30%]; Phenol, 2,4,6- Tris[(Dimethylamino )Methyl)-[90-72-2][1-5%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][1-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4)[0.1-1 %]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7)[0.1- 1%]; [H2-FO-RO] 14 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL TUB AND TILE CAULK, WHITE [Kwik Seal Tub & CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3867 Gins N N Stockroom 52250002 Tile Adhevise Caulk-All Colors] [Grainger 4MY71]: Limestone SN, CA, P65 [1317-65-3][30-60%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1- 5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7)[0.1-1%]; n-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4)[0.1-1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7)[0.1-1%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1)[0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00- 0)[<0.02%]; [FP >200oF; BP 21 OoF); [SG 1.6; VD >1) 15 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE EPOXY CUPS [Fast Cure Mixer Cupes 1 oz Can] CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0178 Gins N N : Stockroom 52250004 [Grainger 3KE55]: Aluminium Hydroxide [21645-51-2)[30-60%]; CA, P65 Polymercaptan Hardener [PROP][30-60%]; 2,4,6-Tris (Dimethylaminomethyl) Phenol [90-72-2][5-1 0%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Heavy Thermal Cracked [64741-81-7][5-10%]; Styrene [1 00-42-5)[1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal- Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Benz(A) Anthracene [56-55-3)[0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.4] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. r-' ' ., "', ;\ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 44 of 192 ·-\ '~ ~j '-j c~/ Carcinogens/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 567 PIPE SEALANT STAINLESS STEEL [Loctite 567 PST Pipe Sealant with H PTFE PTFE Thread Sealant] [Grainger 4KM17]: Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3][1 0-30%]; Polyglycol La urate [9004-81-3][1 0- 30%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monococate [61791-29-5][1 0-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38- 6][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.14] .-. LEGO-I -tnn n LOCTITE ~v1ARINE EPOXY [Loc Aqua rv1R Epx] [Henkel 1"1 ";!!t:l 1n nuu 0.0066 Gins .. N Stockioom II ,_ IVV.V VLV01 lr\.1 unn, " 52250012 Corporation 1427686]: Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene SN, CA, P65 Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][30-60%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][30- 60%]; Calcium Carbonate [471-34-1 ][1 0-30%]; Gamma- Glycidoxypropyl Trimethyoxysilane [2530-83-8][0.1-1 %]; Fatty Acids, Tallow, Calcium Salts [64755-01-7][0.1-1%]; Phenyl Glycidyl Ether [122-60-1][0-0.1 %]; Methanol [67-56-1][0-0c 1 %]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][0-0.1%]; Lead [7439-92-1][0-0.1%]; [FP 399.99oF]; [SG 1.56] 18 LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 1.3945 Gins N N Stockroom 52250013 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA, P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 19 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 0.9844 Gins N N Stockroom 52250018 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA, P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 45 of 192 Carcinogens/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 L 100.0 ALL PURPOSE SUPER BONDER 10oz. [Beats the Nail VOC CL3B. IR. OHH. 0.6250 Gins N Construction Adhesive] [Grainger 1 HA84]: Limestone [1317-65- 3][30-60%]; Magensium Aluminum Silicate [12174-11-7][1-5%]; Urea [57-13-6][0.1-1.5%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1- 1%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1%]; Vinyl Acetate [108-05- 4][<0.7%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.008%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.002%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.5]; [VD >1] 21 LEGO-L 100.0 HIT HY 200R MASTER CARTON OF 25 HILTI [Hilti HIT-HY 200-CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.7805 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52250029 R] [Hilti]: Dibenzoyl Peroxide [94-36-0][10-15%]; Methacrylic SN, CA, OX1 Acid, Monoester with Propane-1 ,2-diol [27813-02-1 ][5-1 0%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][25-50%]; Aluminum Oxide [1344-28-1][2.5- 10%]; Silicon Dioixde, chemically prepared [7631-86-9][<2.5%]; [FP <228.2oF]; [SG 1.8]; [H2-F1-R1] 22 LEGO-L 100.0 3M ADH 560 SCOTCH SEAL GRAY 1/10TH GL CT CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.9844 Gins N N Stockroom 52250095 [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 560, White, Gray, Black] [3M]: SN, CA, P65, Urethane Polymer [30-40%]; Plasticizer Mixture [10-30%]; WR1 Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-30%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Petroleum Distillates [64742-47- 8][<2%]; p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68- 8][<0.3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 23 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL CLEAR CAULK WATERPROOF SEAL [Kwik-Seal CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.2148 Gins N N Stockroom 52250098 Tub & Tile Clear] [Grainger 25F525]: Ethylene Glycol [107-21-CA, P65 1 ][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1 %]; Gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysila [919-30- 2][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.06%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.004%]; Ethyl Acrylate [140-88-5][<0.0002%]; [FP >200oF; BP 21 OaF]; [SG 1.063; VD >1] 24 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL ADHESIVE SEALANT HIGH GLOSS WHITE [DAP CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3438 Gins N N Stockroom 52250101 Kwik Seal Plus Premium Kitchen and Bath Adhesive Caulk-All CA, P65 Colors] [Grainger 29RV08]: Limestone [1317-65-3][10-30%]; Branched and Linear Phtha!ates [PROP][1-5%]; Petroleum Distillates [64741-88-4][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Texanol [25265-77-4][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1- 1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; Styrene [100-42- 5][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.08%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] rl-.f.~· STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 46 of 192 [! " ,, ~ -\ /~ .r<"\ r--·\ _/-·\ •, ~' \~,_// --... ___ ./ "-/ '·--~' 'j ·~~/ Carcinogens/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PHOTO BATTERY 3V LITHIUM 123 [Duracell Lithium FL 1 B. CR. OHH. 0.9375 Gins N N Manganese Dioixde Batteries and Cells] [Grainger 10A295]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-45%]; 1 ,2-Dimethoxyethane [110-71-4][5-10%]; Propylene Carbonate [108-32-7][1-10%]; Lithium [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Lithium Trifluoromethane Sulfonate [33454-82-9][0-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][0-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][0-5%]; [FP 29oF] 26 LEGO-L 100.0 i PL PREMIUM POLYURETHANE CONST ADHESIVE [Loctite PL CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.0156 Gins N N Stockroom 52540079 I Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive] [Henkel CA, P65 1390595]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; ~v1ethylenebis(phenylisocyanate) [1 01-68-8][1 0-30%]; Hydrocarbon C11-25 dearomatized [647 42-46-7][1 0-30%]; Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate [26447-40-5][1-5%]; lsocyanic acid, polymethylenepolyphenylene ester [9016-87-9][1-5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1 %]; [FP >200oF; BP 341.6oF]; [LEL 1.6; UEL 10.2]; [SG 1.26; VD >1] 27 LEGO-L 100.0 URETHANE ADHESIVE ACCUFLEX SEALANT-BLACK [3M IR, OHH, CA, 0.7371 Gins N N Stockroom 60DC0114 Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure (Various Colors)] SN, P65, WR1 A [3M 25-8775-6]: Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Plasticizer Mixture [TS][10-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][<5.4%]; Calcium Oxide [1305- 78-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron II Oxide [1309-37-1][<2%]; Petroleum Distillate [64 7 42-4 7 -8][ <2%]; P, P'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.2%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- piperidinyl) sebacate [41556-26-7][0.01-0.1%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.1 %]; Methyl 1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl sebacate [82919-37-7][0.01-0.1%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.2]; [H2- F1-RO] 28 LEGO-L 100 TUBE PATCH GLUE 40Z CAN [Royal Adhesives LA4009[: FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N Stockroom 600R0100 Toluene [108-88-3]; Acetone [67-64-1]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-CA, P65 93-3]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] 29 i LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE -MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050311 [ITW A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 47 of 192 Carcinogens/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 30 LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE -FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1 C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050312 A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 31 LEGO-L 100.0 YELLOW-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050313 [ITW A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64 7 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 32 LEGO-L 100.0 , YELLOW-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050314 1 A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide CA,P65 [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 33 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1 C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050316 [ITW A ?20M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 34 LEGO-L 100.0 VALVE REGULATED LEAD BATTERY [Yuasa 853023]: Arsenic CR, OHH, WR2, 1.8000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290157 [7440-38-2][0.003%]; Powdered Lead [7439-92-1][63-78%]; TX, CA, P65 Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.006%]; [BP 203oF]; [VD 1] <ll; LEGO-L 100.0 B.a:rTERY POWER SO!'J!C PS 640 4AH 6V [PS VRLLI, Batteries I"'R 111--11-1 111/R? 0.6400 G!ns 11.1 11.1 ! Stockroom ~~ _,,, _,,,,, .... ,_, .. .. 52290160 AGM]: Inorganic Lead/Lead Compounds [7439-92-1][65-75%]; ' CA, P65 Tin [7440-31-5][<0.5%]; Calcium [7440-70-2][<0.1 %]; Electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid) [7664-93-9][14-20%]; Fiberglass Separator [5%]; Case [5-10%]; [H3-FO-R2] 36 LEGO-L 100.0 14.4V 1.7AH DEWALT BATTERY [Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium CR, OHH, SN, 0.5400 Gins N N Stockroom 52550005 Battery] [Grainger 11U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; CA, WR1 Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1 %]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 48 of 192 [' f\ '~ '\ ~. /~., (--~ 'i 1', r] \ /\, ,,.....--\ .. -, ,r'\ (~ ,--, .:--\ ,r--.....\ ~~ ~, ~~ -~ -----~ /~') Carcinogens/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 38 LEG0- 51050309 L 100.0 18V 2.4AH DEWALT BATTERY[ Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2] RED-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins A791M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [647 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trlmethylbenzene [95=63=6][1 =5%]; [FP 81 oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1. 7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] TOTAL -Carcinogens/Liquids AGGREGATE TOTAL -Carcinogens/Liquids 13.64 Gins 13.64 Gins j N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 49 of 192 D Carcinogens/SOLIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 100.0 LOCTITE 548 20GM HI-TACK GSKT DPRSNG [Loctite 548 CR, OHH, SN, 0.0397 Lbs N N Stockroom Stick Flange Sealant] [Quickstix 548 Gasket Eliminator Flange CA, P65 Sealant] [Henkel39152]: Polyurethane methacrylate resin [30- 60%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Silica, amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [PROP][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82- 8][0.1-1 %] 2 LEGO-s 100.0 5 GAL KIT MAGNA-CRETE #95555 [Fixmaster Magna-crete] IR, OHH, CA, 50.0000 Lbs N N : Stockroom 52250096 [Grainger 2VRN2]: Silica, Quartz [14808-60-7][60-100%]; P65 Magnesium Oxide [1309-48-4][10-30%]; [BP 3715oF]; [SG 2.65] 3 LEGO-s 100.0 DRY POWDER GRAPHITE LUBE 0.21oz [Superior Graphite IR, OHH, CA 0.0262 Lbs N N Stockroom 52370517 Tube-0-Lube] [Grainger 1WVK9]: Graphite, Natural [7782-42-5]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7]; [H1-FO-RO] TOTAL -Carcinogens/Solids 50.07 Lbs AGGREGATE TOTAL -Carcinogens/Solids 50.07 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 50 of 192 ,..-r--~ __..--,, /----\ ,r, r··-, .~, ("'\ 0 ,c-: '-~/ '~~ ,) ,_j Combustible Liquids II/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 WIPES REFILLS [ITW Dymon Scrubs Hand Sanitizer Wipes] [Grainger 2FLN7]: Water [7732-18-5][60-100%]; Ethyl Alcohol [64-17-5][10-30%]; [FP 100oF; BP 190oF]; [SG 0.97; VD >1] TOTAL-Combustible Liquids 11/Liquids AGGREGATE TOTAL -Combustible Liquids 11/Liquids 0.70 Gins 0.70 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 51 of 192 D Combustible Liquids lil-A/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 242 THREADLOCKER MEDIUM STR. [Loctite 242 Threadlocker Medium Strength] [Grainger 2A269]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][60-100%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004- 96-0][1 0-30%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propanediol-1 ,2 [57-55-6][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1 %]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300.2oF); [LEL 2.6; UEL 12.5]; [SG 1.1] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE PERMANENT THREADLOCKER 262 50ml [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0792 Gins N N Stockroom 52130020 262 Threadlocker High Strenght] [Grainger 5E215): Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-1 00%]; Saccarin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydorperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF); [SG 1.05) 3 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE C5A A COPPER BASE ANTI SEIZE 8 OZ. [C5-A CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 52130025 Copper Based Anti-Seize Lubricant) [Grainger 5E203): Distillates CA (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy Naphtenic [64742-52-5][30- 60%]; Calcium Dihydroxide [1305-62-0][10-30%]; Mineral Oil Light Naphtenic Hydrotreat [64742-53-6][1 0-30%]; Copper [7440- 50-8][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][5-10%]; Quartz [14808-60- 7][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >500oF]; [SG 1.3; VD >1) 4 LEGO-L 100.0 TRI FLOW 2oz BOTTLE [Tri-Fiow Industrial Lubricant with CL3A, IR, OHH 0.0469 Gins N N Stockroom 52130026 Telflon] [Grainger 3JDL7): Heavy Aliphatic Solvent [64742-96- 7][30%]; Naphtenic Oil [64742-53-8][23%]; Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum Oil [64742-52-5][2%]; Highly Refined Maphtenic Oil [64742-53-6][4%]; heavy Mineral Oil [64741-96-4][23%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Solvent-Dewaxed Heavy Paraff [64742-65- 0][4%]; 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol [34590-94-8][3%]; Amyl Acetate [628-63-7][3%]; Barium [0.86%]; [FP 146oF; BP 288oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7.5]; [SG 0.88; VD >1) 5 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 290 10ML THREADLOCK WICKING [Loctite 290 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0106 Gins N N 52130035 Threadlocker known as Wicking Grade] [Henkel29021]: SN, CA, P65 Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-100%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.07) 6 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 510 50ML GASKET HI TEMP TB [Loctite 510 known CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N N Stockroom 52130038 I as Loctite 510 Gasket Eliminat] [Henkel51074]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, Amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propane-1 ,2-diol [57- 55-6][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2- phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF); [SG 1.1784) STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 52 of 192 -~ /~\ r-) 1', (' (~\ i'\ .", r,---\ ~,_ ,.--"-, r-\, I. '---~/ ~' ~~"/ '-._/ \_/ "-_"j Combustible Liquids lil-A/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE EPOXY CUPS [Fast Cure Mixer Cupes 1 oz Can] [Grainger 3KE55]: Aluminium Hydroxide [21645-51-2][30-60%]; Polymercaptan Hardener [PROP][30-60%]; 2,4,6-Tris (Dimethylaminomethyl) Phenol [90-72-2][5-10%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Heavy Thermal Cracked [64741-81-7][5-1 0%]; Styrene [100-42-5][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal- Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Benz(A) Anthracene [56-55-3][0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.4] 8 LEGO-L 100.0 i LOCTITE 567 PIPE SEALANT STAINLESS STEEL [Loctite 567 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0264 Gins N N Stockroom i 52250005 PST Pipe Sealant with H PTFE PTFE Thread Sealant] [Grainger SN, CA, P65 4K~JI17]: Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382-25-7)[30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Polyglycol La urate [9004-81-3][1 0-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3][1 0- 30%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monococate [61791-29-5][1 0-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38- 6][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.14] 9 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 401 INSTANT ADHESIVE [Prism Surface Insensitive CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0492 Gins N N Stockroom 52250020 Instant Adhesive] [Grainger 2VFG2]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7082-SN, WR1 85-0][60-1 00%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.05] 10 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE SUPERFLEX RED HIGH TEMP RTV [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0422 Gins N N Stockroom 52250097 Superflex Red high temp RTV silicone adhesive sealant] SN, P65 [Grainger 5E223]: Silicon Dioixde [7631-86-9][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][5-1 0%]; Traicetoxyethylsilane [17689-77 -9][1-5%]; Methylsilanetriyl Triacetate [4253-34-3][1-5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7][0.1-1 %]; Nonhazardous Components: Silcone Resins [50-100%]; [FP >199.4oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1.01; VD >1] TOTAL-Combustible Liquids Ill-A/Liquids 0.53 Gins AGGREGATE TOTAL-Combustible Liquids ill-A/Liquids 0.53 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUS BRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 53 of 192 Combustible Liquids 111-B/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEGO-L 100.0 POWERBOLT CLEANER [Johnson Diversey Power Bolt Power 51200010 Spray Cleaner] [Grainger 3UT51]: Alcohol Ethoxylates [34398- 01-1 ][3-7%]; Monoethanolamine [141-43-5][1 0-25%]; Propylene Glycol [57-55-6][0.1-1.5%]; d-Limonene [5989-27-5][0.1-1.5%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.048]; [H3-FO-RO] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 36334 10LB MAGNA CRETE ACTIVATOR [Loctite CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52130003 Fixmaster Magnacrete Activator [Henkel 36334]: Polyphosphic Acid, Ammonium Salts [68333-79-9][30-60%]; [FP >212oF; BP 212oF]; [SG 1.3] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 1/4" NEEDLE OILER [Synco Super Lube Poi][Grainger 44N749]: CL3B, IR 0.0111 Gins N N Stockroom 52130004 Polyalphaolefin [68037-01-4][<80%]; White Mineral Oil (Petroleum) [8042-47-5][<20%]; Fumed Silica [68611-44- 9[[ < 1 0% ]; Polytetrafluoroethylene [9002-84-0][ <4% ]; Antioxidant [41484-35-9][ <2%]; Polyglycol [25322-69-4][ <1 %]; Proprietary additives [<0.5%]; [FP >428oF]; [SG 0.87] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 CUTTING FLUID [LPS Tapmatic Natural Cutting Fluid] [LPS CL3B, IR 0.2500 Gins N N I Stockroom 52130016 Laboratories 44220]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 350oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H1-F1-RO] LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 603 1 OML RETAINING CMPOUND BO [Loctite 603 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0133 Gins N N Stockroom 52130030 Retaining Compound Press Fit] [Henkel231097]: Methyacrylate SN, CA, P65 Resin [PROP][30-60%]; Methacrylate monomer [PROP][10- 30%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [27813-2-1][5-10%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-1 0%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-10%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][5-10%]; Alkylphenol ethoxylate [PROP][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][0.1-1 %]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Methacrylic acid [79-41-4][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1%]; Subsituted Silane [PROP][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 518 50ML GASKET ALUM FLNG [Loctite 518 known CL3B, IR, OHH, N N Stockroom 52130037 as Loctite 518 Master Gasket] [Henkel8222423]: Polyurethane SN, CA, P65 Methacrylate Resin [60-100%]; Polyglycol Dimethyacrylate [PROP][5-1 0%]; Silica, ~a.morphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][5-1 0%]; Acrylic Acid [79-1 0-7][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-1 ][1- 5%]; 1-Acetyi-2-Phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; [FP >212oF; BP >300oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 8]; [SG 1.1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. D':) .~ ,/\ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 (---,\ /~~ 1\ j ,~, Page 54 of 192 .,_ r"'-'\ ,.---,\ lJ ,_ '~j .,_J ,/ ,_J ,---/ Combustible Liquids 111-B/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CONNECTOR SEALING PACKS [Scotchcast 3570G-N (Parts A & B)] [3M 78-8129-9653-2]: [PART A-Poly(oxypropylene) Sorbitol, Poly(oxy(methyl-1 ,2-ethanediyl)] Derivative [52625-13- 5][15-45%]; Castel Oil-Based Derivative [30-40%]; Glycols, Polypropylene (25322-69-4][4-35%]; Styrene, Oligomer [9003-53- 6][10-20%]; Heavy Naphthenic Distillate Solvent Petroleum Extracts (64742-11-6][<2%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.2%]; [FP <200oF; BP <200oF]; [SG 1.08]; [H1-FO-RO]] [PART B-4,4'- lsopropylidenediphenoi-Epichlorohydrin Polymer [25068-38- 6][70-80%]; (3',4'-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl) 3,4- Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate [2386-87-0][22-30%]; [BP 392oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-FO-R 1] 8 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER RED 277 10ML [Loctite 277 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0026 Gins N N Stockroom 52130046 Threadlocker High Strength][Grainger 3KE48]: polyglycol SN, CA, P65 dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-50%]; Bisphenol A fumarate resin (39382-25-7](30-60%]; cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1- 5%]; saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1] 9 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL TUB AND TILE CAULK, WHITE (Kwik Seal Tub & CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3867 Gins N N Stockroom 52250002 ' Tile Adhevise Caulk-All Colors] (Grainger 4MY71]: Limestone SN, CA, P65 [1317-65-3][30-60%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1- 5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7](0.1-1 %]; n-Butyl Acetate (123-86-4][0.1-1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1 %]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1](0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00- 0][<0.02%]; [FP >200oF; BP 210oF]; [SG 1.6; VD >1] 10 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE INSTANT ADH GEL 39202.14 OZ [Quicktite Instant , CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0120 Gins N N i Stockroom 52250009 Adhesive Gel] [Grainger 1 LLR]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7085-85-i WR1 0][60-100%]; Treated Fumed Silica [67762-90-7][5-10%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 3] 11 LEGO-L 100.0 90 SEC SUPER GLUE EPOXY [90 Second Instant Epoxy] CL3B, CR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N · Stockroom 52250010 [Grainger 3EHR4]: [PART A-Resin: Epoxy Resins; [FP >200oF; SN BP >225oF]; [SG 1.1; VD >1]; [H2-F1-RO]] [PART B-Hardener: Modified Polymercaptan [PROP][80-98%]; Tetramethyl bis(aminoethyl) Ether [3033-62-3][2-6%]; 2,4,6-Tris- (Dimethylaminomethyl) phenol [90-72-2]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.12]; [H3-F1-RO]] 12 ' LEGO-L 100.0 UNDERWATER EPOXY ADHESIVE -1 OZ. SYRINGE [Anchor-CL3B, !R, OHH, 0.0469 Gins N N Stockroom 52250011 tite Marine Epoxy 10oz-Resin] [Grainger 1 FBH2]: Bisphenol SN NEpichlorohydrin based Epoxy Resin [25085-99-8](50-80%]; Fillers [20-50%]; Acceleatros [1-10%]; [FP 484oF]; [SG 1.4] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 55 of 192 D Combustible Liquids 111-B/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE MARINE EPOXY [Loc Aqua MR Epx] [Henkel CL3B. IR. OHH. 0.0066 Gins N N Stockroom Corporation 1427686]: Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][30-60%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][30- 60%]; Calcium Carbonate [471-34-1][10-30%]; Gamma- Glycidoxypropyl Trimethyoxysilane [2530-83-8][0.1-1 %]; Fatty Acids, Tallow, Calcium Salts [64755-01-7][0.1-1%]; Phenyl Glycidyl Ether [122-60-1][0-0.1%]; Methanol [67-56-1][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][0-0.1%]; Lead [7439-92-1][0-0.1%]; [FP 399.99oF]; [SG 1.56] 14 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE UNDERWATER EPOXY [Fixmaster Underwater Repair CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.2188 Gins N N Stockroom 52250014 Epoxy, 82093] [Grainger 1YDZ8]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; SN, P65 Sodium Aluminum Borosilicate [65997-17-3][10-30%]; Zinc Sulfide [1314-98-3][5-1 0%]; Epichlorodhydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][5-1 0%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][5-10%]; Polymeric Phenolic Amine [326110-77-8][1-5%]; [FP 200oF; BP 500oF]; [SG 1.19] 15 LEGO-L 100.0 ALL PURPOSE SUPER BONDER 10oz. [Beats the Nail VOC CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.6250 Gins N N i Stockroom 52250019 Construction Adhesive] [Grainger 1 HA84]: Limestone [1317-65-CA, P65 3][30-60%]; Magensium Aluminum Silicate [12174-11-7][1-5%]; Urea [57-13-6][0.1-1.5%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1- 1%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1 %]; Vinyl Acetate [1 08-05- 4][<0.7%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.008%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.002%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.5]; [VD >1] 16 ' LEGO-L 100.0 SUPER-FASTSEMI-RIGED ADHESIVE [Duramix Super Fast CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N N Stockroom 52250021 Adhesive, (10 Seconds)] [Grainger 2KVN5]: [PART A: 4,4'-SN, WR1 Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [1 01-68-8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424-09-9][15- 40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686-28-6][15- 40%]; 3-(Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R1]] [PART B: Polyether Polyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis (2- Hydroxypropyl) ethylenediamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; M-xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; [FP >290oF; BP >400oF]; [SG 1.02; VD >1]; [H1-F1-R1] 17 LEGO-L 100.0 i SCOTCH WELD EPOXY ADHE. DP 100 NS [Scotch-Weld Epoxy CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0664 Gins N N Stockroom 52250023 I Adhesive DP-100 Clear (part B)] [Grainger 3XH43]: Epoxy Resin SN [25068-38-6][1 00%]; [FP 480.2oF; BP 480.2oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2- F1-R1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. "\ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 /' .'! (\ ,-..-/1 ,/~1, ·"-._ _ _/ Page 56 of 192 ~, I •, /~'. I. '"--..__/ '----'' '-__ / '-_/, '_/1 Combustible Liquids 111-B/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 HIT HY 200R MASTER CARTON OF 25 HILTI [Hilti HIT-HY 200-CL3B. IR. OHH. 0.7805 Gins N N R] [Hilti]: Dibenzoyl Peroxide [94-36-0][1 0-15%]; Methacrylic Acid, Monoester with Propane-1 ,2-diol [27813-02-1 ][5-1 0%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][25-50%]; Aluminum Oxide [1344-28-1][2.5- 10%]; Silicon Dioixde, chemically prepared [7631-86-9][<2.5%]; [FP <228.2oF]; [SG 1.8]; [H2-F1-R1] 19 LEGO-L 100.0 DP 600 GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [3M Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockroom 52250030 Concrete Repair DP-600, Self-Leveling, Gray] [3M SN, WR1 62264912338]: 4,4'-Diphenylmethane Diioscyanate [1 01-68- 8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424- 09-9][15-40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686- 28-6][15-40%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7Jl1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.11; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R 1-] 20 LEGO-L 100.0 ' DP 600 NS GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockroom 52250031 Concrete Repair DP-600, Non-sag, gray] [3M 62-2652-1230-8]: SN, WR1 Polyether Poyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis(2- hydrocypropyl)ethylendiamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; m-Xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [68611-44-9][1-5%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) Sebacate [41556-26-7][0. 1-1 %]; Polymeric Benzotriazole Derivative [1 0481 0-48-2][0. 1-1 %]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][0.1-0.3%]; Polymeric Benzotriazole [104810-47-1][0.1-1%]; Substitiuted Piperidinyl Sebacate [82919-37-7][0.05-0.5%]; [FP >390oF; BP 370.4oF]; [SG 1 .03]; [H2-F1-RO] 21 LEGO-L 100.0 SUPERFRLEX BLUE RTV [6M Sensor Safe Blue RTV Silicone] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 52250093 [Grainger 5E222]: Poly(dimethylsiloxane}hydroxy terminated [70131-67-8][>60%]; Amorphous Silica [7631-86-9][5-25%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][<7%]; Ethyltriacetoxysilane [17689-77 -9][ <5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][<5%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][<5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7]; [FP >200oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1 .04; VD >1]; [H2-F1-R1] LEGO-L 100.0 3M ADH 560 SCOTCH SEAL GRAY 1/10TH GL CT CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.9844 Gins N N Stockroom 52250095 [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 560, White, Gray, Black] [3M]: SN, CA, P65, Urethane Polymer [30-40%]; Plasticizer Mixture [10-30%]; WR1 Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-30%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Petroleum Distillates [64742-47- 8][<2%]; p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68- 8][<0.3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1. 17]; [H2-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAzARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 57 of 192 Combustible Liquids 111-B/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 L 100.0 KWIK SEAL CLEAR CAULK WATERPROOF SEAL [Kwik-Seal Tub & Tile Clear] [Grainger 25F525]: Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21- 1 ][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0 .1-1% ]; Gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysila [919-30- 2][0.1-1 %]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.06%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.004%]; Ethyl Acrylate [140-88-5][<0.0002%]; [FP >200oF; BP 21 OaF]; [SG 1.063; VD >1] 24 I LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL ADHESIVE SEALANT HIGH GLOSS WHITE [DAP CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3438 Gins N N Stockroom 52250101 I Kwik Seal Plus Premium Kitchen and Bath Adhesive Caulk -All CA, P65 Colors] [Grainger 29RV08]: Limestone [1317 -65-3][1 0-30%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1-5%]; Petroleum Distillates [64741-88-4][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Texanol [25265-77-4][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1- 1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; Styrene [100-42- 5][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.08%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 25 LEGO-L 100.0 ACID PASTE FLUX [Worthington Petroleum Based Soldering i CL3B, CR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52270002 Flux] [Grainger 1UYJ1]: Petrolatum [8009-03-8][55-85%]; Zinc TX Chloride [7646-85-7][15-40%]; Ammonium Chloride [12125-02- 9][0-5%]; [FP 360oF]; [SG 0.9]; [LCSO-Inhalation 4.94 mg/L] I 26 ! LEGO-L 100.0 ACTIVE CUTTING FLUID 1 GA [Exxon Mobilmet 766] [Grainger CL3B, IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N I Stockroom 52271022 1MUC3]: Olefin Sulfide [1-5%]; [FP 356oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.88; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 27 LEGO-L 100.0 PIPE THREAD SEALANT [LA-CO Slic-Tite Paste with PTFE] CL3B, IR 0.1250 Gins N N Stockroom 52271231 [Grainger 2F896]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP >300oF; BP 350oF]; [SG 1.48]; [H2-F1-RO] 28 LEGO-L 100.0 COPELAND COMPRESSOR OIL [Copeland 3MAW Lubricant CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310074 I (32 est)]: Compressor Oil; [FP 455oF; BP >600oF]; [SG 0.99]; SN [HO-F1-RO] 29 LEGO-L 100.0 GEAR OIL 634 [Exxon MOBILGEAR 634] [Grainger 6Y785]: No 0.4999 Gins N N Stockroom 52310180 Ingredients Listed; [FP 392oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.9; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 30 I LEGO-L 100.0 SPOUT OIL 3-IN-1 [WD-40 3-ln-One Multi-Purpose Oil] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.0900 Gins N N Stockroom 52310239 i [Grainger 16W826]: Severely Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic Oil [64742-52-5][>97%]; Naphtha, Petroleum [64742-47-8][<2%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [PROP][<3%]; [FP >305oF; BP >550oF]; [SG 0.866] 31 LEGO-L 100.0 AIR COMPRESSOR OIL [Ingersoll-Rand All Season T30 Select] CL3B, IR, OHH 1.4700 Gins N N i Stockroom 52310317 [Grainger 2YY83]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 480oF]; [SG 0.92; VD >1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 58 of 192 D ,~C":\, r~-, ,./·~ ..... \ ,/"'·\ /r-o.' . .,~ 1...-:--\ .r/"""', /\ ~. ,f'.'. ~~ ~~ .0 ·_,.....-· .. \ /----::---\ 1,---..... 1 /-~ ~ n n .~ ~ .~ ~ ~ .~ /""' --\ '.__/ "'~/ "----/) \.'-._/ ~/ Combustible Liquids 111·8/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 32 LEGO-L 100.0 AIR COMPRESSOR OIL [Ingersoll-Rand All Season T30 Select] 52310317 [Grainger 2YY83]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 480oF]; [SG 0.92; VD >1] 33 I LEGO-L 100.0 COMPRESSOR OIL [Trane Oil45] [Trane OIL00045]: Refined CL3B, IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N 52310409 Petroleum Oil [64742-52-5][98.5%]; Butylated Triphenyl Phosphate [1.5%]; [FP 300oF; BP 500oF]; [SG <0.93; VD >10]; [H1-F1-RO] 34 LEGO-L 100.0 POWER STEERING FLUID [NAPA Power Steering Fluid]: I CL3B, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N 52410001 Hydrotreated Naphthenic Distillates [MIXT][95-1 00%]; SN Proprietary additives [MIXT][0-5%]; Zinc salts of dialkyl dithiophosphoric acid [68649-42-3][<0.5%]; [FP 379oF]; [SG 0.873; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO] 35 LEGO-L 100.0 I DEXRON TRANSMISSION FLUID [NAPA PREM PERF CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N 52410004 Automatic Transmission Fluid] [Ashland NP75200]: Heavy Paraffinic Distillate [64742-54-7][90-100%]; Mineral Oil [5-10%]; Methacrylate Copolymer [1.5-5%]; [FP >390oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.862]; [H1-F1-RO] 36 LEGO-L MOTOR OIL SAE 30 HEAVY DUTY [Warren MAG 1 HD 30 CL3B, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52410009 6/1 QT] [Grainger 43Y892]: Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated TX Heavy Paraffinic [64742-54-7][90-99%]; Petroleum Distillates, Solvent Dewaxed Heavy Paraffinic [64742-65-0][3-7%]; [FP 406oF]; [SG 0.88]; [LC50-Inhalation 8.72 mg/L]; [HO-F1-RO] 37 LEGO-L 100.0 MOBILE ULTRA DUTY GREASE EP NLGI 2 [Exxon MobiiGreast 1 CL3B, IR, OHH 0.8812 Gins N N Stockroom 52410020 XHP 222 Special] [Grainger 4ZF44]: Phosphorodithoic Acid, 0,0-Di C1-14-Aikyl Esters, zinc Salts (2:1) (ZDDP) [68649-42- 3][<2.5%]; [FP 400oF; BP 600oF]; [SG 0.914]; [HO-F1-RO] 38 LEGO-L 100.0 DOT 3 BRAKE FLUID [Napa DOT 3 Brake Fluid] [Warren CL3B, IR, OHH 0.3750 Gins N N : Stockroom 52410045 Unilube 5241 0045]: TriEthylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [112- 35-6][5-50%]; TriEthylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether [112-50-5][5- 50%]; TriEthylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [143-22-6][5-50%]; Tetrathylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [1559-34-8][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycol [25322-68-3][5-20%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [112-34-5][5-20%]; DiEthylene Glycol [111-46- 6][5-15%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [111-77-3][<5%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether [111-90-0][<5%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [9004-77-7][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [27783-42-8][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycols [9038-95-3][5-20%]; Trade Secret Inhibitor Package [TS][3%]; [FP >275oF; BP 480oF]; [SG 1.0; VD >1]; [H1-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUS BRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 59 of 192 Combustible Liquids 111-B/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 HIGH POWERED GEAR OIL SAE 90 [GL-5 New Generation CL3B, IR, OHH Heavy Duty Gear Oil (80W90)] [CRC SL2472]: Lubricant base oil, highly refined [MIXT][91-93%]; Gear oil additives [TS][7-9%]; [FP >302oF]; [SG 0.87; VD >1]; [H1-F1-RO] 40 LEGO-L 100.0 ANTI FREEZE PRE DILUTED ZEREX [Ashland Zerex Original CL3B, IR, OHH, 3.0000 Gins N N ! Stockroom 52410098 ' RTU Antifreeze Coolant] [Grainger 2MWE7]: Ethylene Glycol P65 [107-21-1][50-60%]; [FP >250oF; BP 226oF]; [LEL 3.2; UEL 15.3] 41 LEGO-L 100.0 OIL HYDRAULIC 1 GAL (DTE 24) [Exxon Mobil DTE 24] CL3B, IR, OHH 6.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410118 [Grainger 2LPK1]: [FP 392oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.871; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 42 I LEGO-L 100.0 2 CYCLE OIL PERFECT MIX [Olympic Oil Tanaka Perfect Mix] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.5000 Gins N N I Stockroom 52410135 [Grainger 1AAJ7]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 252oF]; [SG 0.86]; [H1-F1-RO] 43 LEGO-L 100.0 F21 SUPER PROTECTANT 20.8 OZ [Turtle Wax Super CL3B, IR, OHH 0.4875 Gins N N Stockroom 52410140 Protectant] [Turtle Wax T-096R]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP >200oF]; [SG 0.997]; [H1-F1-RO] 44 LEGO-L 100.0 WATER SOLUBLE CUTTING OIL [Super Soluble Oil110] [Motor CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52530022 Oil 11 0]: Petroleum Lubricating Base Stock [64 7 42-53-6]; Chlorinated Paraffin [TS]; [FP 356oF; BP 450oF]; [SG 1; VD >5] 45 LEGO-L 100.0 GRADE 68 WAY OIL ISO 1 GAL [Waylube 68 Way Lubricant] CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52530059 [Motor Oil 68]: Petroleum Lubricating Base Stock [64742-54- 7][<98%]; EP Slide way Additive [TS][>1.4%]; Tackifier [MIXT][<0.6%]; [FP 442.4oF; BP 600oF]; [SG 0.88; VD >5] 46 I LEGO-L 100.0 PL PREMIUM POLYURETHANE CONST ADHESIVE [Loctite PL ' CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.0156 Gins N N Stockroom 52540079 Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive] [Henkel CA, P65 1390595]: Talc [14807 -96-6][30-60%]; Methylenebis(phenylisocyanate) [1 01-68-8][1 0-30%]; Hydrocarbon C 11-25 dearomatized [647 42-46-7][1 0-30%]; Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate [26447-40-5][1-5%]; lsocyanic acid, polymethylenepolyphenylene estei [9016-87-9][1-5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1 %]; [FP >200oF; BP 341.6oF]; [LEL 1.6; UEL 10.2]; [SG 1.26; VD >1] 47 I LEGO-L 100.0 GREASE CARTRIDGES EP 2 Now called GADUS grease [Shell I CL3B, IR, OHH 2.8438 Gins N N I Stockroom 60BB0162 , Gadus S2 V220 2] [SOPUS DEU003514]: Highly refined mineral oil contains <3% DMSO-extract; [FP 356oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 1 0]; [SG 0.9; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO] 48 LEGO-L 100.0 SEASTAR STEERING OIL [Seastar Steering Fluid] [FUCHS CL3B, IR 3.9989 Gins N N Stockroom 60SS0003 Lubricants HA5430]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 230oF]; [SG 0.847]; [H1-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 60 of 192 ['J /~ /"\, .~ r-, ''· r\. :~ ~~': /.,..-._: ,,~\ /--, .. ~. ,----..._, / ~-" /"' f'''\ /----.._ .-, --~, ··/ ~-· I. '--~' Combustible Liquids 111-B/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 HI TEMP WATER RESISTANT SYNTHETIC GREASE [Exxon Mobil Mobilith SHC PM 460] [Grainger 12J022]: Zinc Dithiophosphate [68649-42-3][1-2.5%]; [FP 399oF]; [SG 1]; [HO- F1-RO] LEGO-L 100.0 LGMT 2 [SKF LGMT2]: Naphthenic acids, zinc salts [12001-85-CL3B, IR, OHH 1.7600 Gins N N Stockroom 60TC0109 3][<2.5%]; Baseoil, unspecified [60-100%]; [FP >302oF]; [SG <1]; [HO-F1-RO] I 51 LEGO-L 100.0 SILICONE LUBE "0" RING 2oz TUBE POOL LUBRICANT I CL3B, IR, OHH 0.2188 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0022 [Leslie Pool & Spa Grease] [Finish Line G00352401]: White Mineral Oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][60-80%]; Siloxanes and Silicones, Di-Me, Reaction Products with Silica [67762-90-7j[3- 7%]; Silica (Also Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline Free, CAS# 112945-52-5) [7631-86-9][3-7%]; [FP >280oF]; [SG 0.9816]; [H1-F1-RO] 52 LEGO-L 100.0 ELECTRIC GREASE, SIZE 5.3 0 [Henkel Loctite Silicone CL3B, IR 0.0828 Gins N N Stockroom 61AN0006 Lubricant, 51360] [Grainger 5E201]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 200oF]; [SG 0.95] 53 LEGO-L 100.0 OIL FOR LUBRICATOR [Hyspin ZZ 32] [Castrol 451128]: Highly CL3B, IR, OHH 0.2642 Gins N N Stockroom 64CS0001 refined base oil [PROP]; [FP 392oF] 54 LEGO-L 100.0 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N I Stockroom 64PF0001 Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: SN Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1%]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1 %]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 55 LEGO-L 100.0 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 64PF0001 Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: SN Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1%]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1 %]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 56 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 12V 7.5AH (WERKER SLAA12-7.5S) [Selaed Lead CL3B, CR, OHH, 3.6000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290151 Acid-GEL (SLA)]: Lead, Inorganic [7439-92-1][60-75%]; Sulfuric TX, WR2, OX1 Acid [7664-93-9][5-15%]; Anitmony [7440-36-0][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7 440-38-2][ <0.1% ]; Tin [7 440-31-5][0-0.1 %] ; Polypropylene [9003-07-0][2-10%]; [FP 675oF; BP 235oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 74]; [SG 1.27; VD >1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 61 of 192 Combustible Liquids 111-B/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 TOTAL-Combustible Liquids I li-B/Liquids 62.36 Gins AGGREGATE TOTAL-Combustible Liquids I li-B/Liquids 62.36 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 r\ (\ ~ I I ."\ .c--' I_/ \ Page 62 of 192 r, \,-~, •r' l. \____/ ''---.---/ Corrosives/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 79040 18oz CHISEL AE [Loctite Chisel Paint Stripper] [Grainger 1 KGU5]: Methylene Chloride [75-09-2][60-1 00%]; Liquified Petroleum Propellant [68476-86-8][1 0-30%]; Methanol [67-56-1][5-10%]; Propylene Oxide [75-56-9][0.1-1 %]; [FP <41oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.789] 2 LEGO-A 100.0 EVAP FOAM COIL CLEANER-EVAP FOAM COIL CLEANER AL1, CR, OHH 1.1250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52310055 [Evap Foam No Rinse-Aerosol (4171)] [Nu-Calgon 4171]: Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8][3-7%]; DiEthylene Glycol monoethyl ether [111-90-0][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol monobutyl ether [111-76-2][1-5%]; Tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate [64-02-8][1-5%]; [BP 388.4oF]; [H2- F1-RO] 3 LEGO-A 100.0 CARBURETOR CLEANER [Asland Pyroil Carb & Choke AL3, CR, OHH, 0.0625 Lbs N N Stockroom 52410006 Cleaner] [Grainger 1PKT8]: Acetone [67-64-1][50-60%]; P65 Methanol [67-56-1][20-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][15-20%]; Ethyl Benzene [1 00-41-4][1.5-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1.5-5%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 36]; [SG 0.8132]; [H3-F4-RO] TOTAL -Corrosives/Aerosols 4.56 Lbs AGGREGATE TOTAL-Corrosives/Aerosols 4.56 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 63 of 192 Corrosives/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland ·Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 POWERBOLT CLEANER [Johnson Diversey Power Bolt Power CL3B, CR, OHH 6.0000 Gins Spray Cleaner] [Grainger 3UT51]: Alcohol Ethoxylates [34398- 01-1][3-7%]; Monoethanolamine [141-43-5][1 0-25%]; Propylene Glycol [57-55-6][0.1-1.5%]; d-Limonene [5989-27-5][0.1-1.5%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.048]; [H3-FO-RO] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE SILVER 37230 120GM ANTISEIZE LUBE [Loctite LB CR, OHH 0.0219 Gins N N Stockroom 52130034 I 8060 known as Silver Grade Anti-Seize Stick] [Henkel 37230]: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic [64742- 52-5][10-30%]; Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated, light naphthenic [64742-53-6][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][10- 30%]; Calcium oxide [1305-78-8][10-30%]; Aluminum not powder, dust or fume [7429-90-5][5-1 0%]; Distillates (petroleum), straight-run middle [64741-44-2][1-5%] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE GRADE LUBRICANT LOG. 34395 16oz CR 0.3750 Gins N N : Stockroom 52130043 [Marine Grade Anti-Seize] [Henkel 275026]: Petroleum Based Grease [30-60%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][1 0-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1 0-30%]; Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated, Light, Naphthenic [64742-53-6][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic [64742-52-5][5-10%]; Octadecanoic acid [57-11-4][0.1-1 %]; Boron Oxide [1303-86- 2][0.1-1 %]; [SG 1.2648] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 90 SEC SUPER GLUE EPOXY [90 Second Instant Epoxy] CL3B, CR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250010 [Grainger 3EHR4]: [PART A-Resin: Epoxy Resins; [FP >200oF; SN BP >225oF]; [SG 1.1; VD >1]; [H2-F1-RO]] [PART B-Hardener: Modified Polymercaptan [PROP][80-98%]; Tetramethyl bis(aminoethyl) Ether [3033-62-3][2-6%]; 2,4,6-Tris- (Dimethylaminomethyl) phenol [90-72-2]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.12]; [H3-F1-RO]] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 ACID PASTE FLUX [Worthington Petroleum Based Soldering CL3B, CR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52270002 Flux] [Grainger 1 UY J1]: Petrolatum [8009-03-8][55-85%]; Zinc TX Chloride [7646-85-7][15-40%]; Ammonium Chloride [12125-02- 9][0-5%]; [FP 360oF]; [SG 0.9]; [LC50-Inhalation 4.94 mg/L] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 1 GAL ZEP SHOWER TUB & T!LE CLEANER [Shower Tub & Ti!e 1 rR ()1-H--1 ? ()()()()~"::In" N N Stockroom _, .. , _,,, -................ _,,.., 52271031 Cleaner] [ZEP ZUSTT128]: Sulfamic Acid [5329-14-6][1-1 0%]; Hydroxyacetic Acid [79-14-1 ][1-5%]; Nonylphenoxy Poly(Ethyleneoxy) Ethanol [9016-45-9][1-5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.052]; [H3-FO-RO] 7 LEGO-L 100.0 CONDENSER COIL CLEANER [Nu-Brite] [Nu-Calgon 4291]: CR,OHH 3.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310276 I Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2][20-30%]; Nonionic Surfactant [PROP][1-10%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.252]; [H3-FO-R1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 64 of 192 ['· ,~\ ~\ /-'] r\ ,-·~ .-, .~, !'> /--·~---.....,_ '"' --,/"\, ~\ (""', ~-,' .__/ , ____ / -\ IJ '~-/ ____ ./ ,j Corrosives/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland ·Facilities Building· One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ICE MACHINE CLEANER GAL [Nickel-Safe Ice Machine Cleaner] [Nu-Calgon 4287]: Phosphoric acid [7664-38-2][15- 40%]; Citric acid [77-92-9][3-7%]; [BP >199.4oF]; [SG 1.19]; [H2- FO-RO] 9 LEGO-L 100.0 ' LITHIUM BATTERY 6V-2CR5 [Rayovac Lithium lon Battery]: CR, OHH, WR2 0.0703 Gins N N Stockroom 52370676 Lithium Cobalt Nickel Dioixde [12031-55-1][<25%]; Steel [15- 30%]; Lithiated Manganese Dioixde [12057-17-9][<25%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-5%]; Copper [7440-50-8][5-15%]; Nickel [7440-02-0][2-5%]; Aluminum 7429-90-5][2-8%]; Lithium Hexafluorophosphate [21324-40-3][1-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][<15%]; Methyl Ethyl Carbonate [623-53-0][<15%]; Dimethyl Carbonate [616-38-6][<15%]; Diethyl Carbonate [105- 58-8][<15%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][<15%]; Plastic-ceramic [<20%] 10 LEGO-L 100.0 9V BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] [Grainger 16A669]: CR, OHH 2.8125 Gins N N Stockroom 52370679 Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7 440-66-6][1 0- 25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][5-1 0%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1-5%] 11 LEGO-L 100.0 M INDUSTRIAL BATTERY-HD M [Duracell Alkaline CR, OHH 5.0156 Gins N N ; Stockroom 52370680 Batteries] [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13- 9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][1 0-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5-10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1-5%] 12 LEGO-L 100.0 AM INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 5.9062 Gins N N Stockroom 52370681 [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5- 10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1- 5%] 13 LEGO-L 100.0 C INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 0.3984 Gins N N Stockroom 52370682 [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5- 1 0%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7 440-44-0][1- 5%] 14 LEGO-L 100.0 D INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 1.5234 Gins N N Stockroom 52370683 [Grainger 16A669j: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5- 10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1- 5%] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 65 of 192 D Corrosives/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 16 17 18 LEG0- 52370686 LEG0- 52370761 LEG0- 52370903 19 I LEG0- 52370911 20 LEG0- 64WQ0014 21 I LEGO- . 64WQ0022 L 100.0 6V SPRING BATTERY [Spectrum Zinc Chloride Battery] L L L L L L 100.0 100.0 100.0 [Grainger 2V415]: Steel [7439-89-6][8-14%]; Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][28-32%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][16-20%]; Acetylene Black 1 [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Ammonium Chloride [12125-02-9][1-3%]; · Zinc Chloride [7646-85-7][6-10%]; Lead [7439-92-1][<0.02%]; Water, Paper, Plastic, Other [Bal] BATTERY 6V LITHIUM [Rayovac Lithium Jon Battery]: Lithium CR, OHH, WR2 0.1172 Gins Cobalt Nickel Dioixde [12031-55-1][<25%]; Steel [15-30%]; Lithiated Manganese Dioixde [12057-17-9][<25%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-5%]; Copper [7440-50-8][5-15%]; Nickel [7440-02- 0][2-5%]; Aluminum 7429-90-5][2-8%]; Lithium Hexafluorophosphate [21324-40-3][1-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][<15%]; Methyl Ethyl Carbonate [623-53-0][<15%]; Dimethyl Carbonate [616-38-6][<15%]; Diethyl Carbonate [105- 58-8][<15%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][<15%]; Plastic-ceramic [<20%] CR2032 3V LITHIUM BATTERY [Guangzhou Top Battery China CR, OHH, WR2 0.1875 Gins Coin Type Lithium Manganese Dioixde Batteries(CR)] [Grainger 1 RK12]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-40%]; Propylene Carbonate [108-32-7][2-6%]; Lithium Perchlorate [7791-03-9][0- 1.5%]; Lithium or Lithium alloy [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1-4%] PHOTO BATTERY 3V LITHIUM 123 [Duracell Lithium FL 1 B, CR, OHH, 0.9375 Gins Manganese Dioixde Batteries and Cells] [Grainger 10A295]: CA Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-45%]; 1 ,2-Dimethoxyethane [11 0-71-4][5-1 O%]; Propylene Carbonate [1 08-32-7][1-1 0%]; Lithium [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Lithium Trifluoromethane Sulfonate [33454-82-9][0-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][0-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][0-5%]; [FP 29oF] 100.0 AAAA INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 0.4922 Gins [Grainger 13J052]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide (35%) [1310-58- 3][5-10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5, 7440-44- 0][1-5%] 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #2 2oz [DPD Reagent #2] [Taylor Technologies CR, OHH 0.1268 Gins R-0002]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][90-99%]; Trade Secret [PROP][ 5-1 0%]; N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulfate [6283- 63-2][0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.1- 5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.01; VD 0.65] 100.0 I TAYLOR TEST #9 2oz [Sulfuric acid .12N] [Taylor Technologies CR, OHH, WR1 0.1902 Gins R-0009]: Sulfuric acid [7664-93-9][<1%]; Deionized water [7732- 18-5][up to 1 00%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.0; VD 0.6]; [H1-FO-RO] N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. !'. \ -~ • I HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 (\ /~ ) (\ ('\ i~\ (' (~ ,-----, ,---~\ ! /~-, l~\ /'-\ ") Page 66 of 192 I I/' '-__/ '-..___/ \ . .._ __ / ,j Corrosives/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #1 0 2oz [Calcium Buffer] [Taylor Technologies R- 64WQ0023 001 0]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Sodium hydroxide [1310-73-2][0.1-5%]; [BP 230oF]; [SG 1.2; VD 0.6] 23 LEGO-L 100.0 1.2V NICKEL CADMIUM BATTERY 0.001NHR [Nickel Cadmium ' 52290168 Rechargeable Battery] [Grainger 13M589]: Nickel Hydride [31%]; Cadmium [39%]; Electrolyte [7%]; CO [3%]; Other [20%] 24 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY LCR067R29 6V 7 AH [VISION Valve Regulated Lead 52290142 Acid Battery]: Lead/Lead Oxide [7439-92-1][60-70%]; Calcium [7440-70-2][<0.15%]; Tin [7440-31-5][<1%]; Aresenic [7440-38- 2][<1%]; Sulfuric Acid (Battery Electrolyte) [7664-93-9][10-15%]; Inert Ingredients [<6°/o]; [SG 1.25] 25 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 12V 7.5AH (WERKER SLAA12-7.5S) [Selaed Lead 52290151 Acid-GEL (SLA)]: Lead, Inorganic [7439-92-1][60-75%]; Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][5-15%]; Anitmony [7440-36-0][0-0.1 %]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][<0.1 %]; Tin [7440-31-5][0-0.1 %]; Polypropylene [9003-07-0][2-1 0%]; [FP 675oF; BP 235oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 74]; [SG 1.27; VD >1] 26 LEGO-L 100.0 VALVE REGULATED LEAD BATTERY [Yuasa 853023]: Arsenic 52290157 [7440-38-2][0.003%]; Powdered Lead [7439-92-1][63-78%]; Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%]; Tin [7 440-31-5][0.006%]; [BP 203oF]; [VD 1] 27 LEGO-L 100.0 EMERGENCY LAMP BATTERY (LITH= 420717) [Nickel 52290159 Cadmium Rechargeable Battery]: Nickel Hydride [31%]; Cadmium [39%]; Electrolyte [7%]; CO [3%]; Other [20%] ' I 28 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY POWER SONIC PS 640 4AH 6V [PS VRLA Batteries 52290160 I AGM]: Inorganic Lead/Lead Compounds [7439-92-1][65-75%]; Tin [7440-31-5][<0.5%]; Calcium [7440-70-2][<0.1%]; Electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid) [7664-93-9][14-20%]; Fiberglass Separator [5%]; Case [5-10%]; [H3-FO-R2] 29 LEGO-L I 100.0 MAKITA LXT 18V LITHIUM BATTERY [Lithium-ion Rechargeable 52370999 ' Battery Pack] [Grainger 12M837]: Organic Solvent and Lithium Salt 30 LEGO-L 100.0 14.4V 1.7AH DEWALT BATTERY [Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium 52550005 Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; Cadmium [7440-43-9][1 0-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2] CR, OHH CR, OHH, TX, WR1, OX1 CL3B, CR, OHH, TX, WR2, OX1 CR, OHH, WR2, TX, CA, P65 CR, OHH CR, OHH, WR2, CA, P65 FL 1 B, CR, OHH CR, OHH, SN, CA, WR1 '-__j 0.0480 Gins 0.8000 Gins 3.6000 Gins 1.8000 Gins 0.5100 Gins 0.6400 Gins 0.2800 Gins 0.5400 Gins ' ' ''-.._/ N N N N N N N N ', ___ j '-..__/ "_/ '-/ '~ / ''------'-' ,.._.._/ N : Stockroom N Stockroom N · Stockroom N Stockroom N · Stockroom N Stockroom N 1 Stockroom N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 67 of 192 Corrosives/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 100.0 18V 2.4AH DEWALT BATTERY[ Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium CR. OHH. SN. 0.4460 Gins N Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; Cadmium [7440-43-9][1 0-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2] 32 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY, SEALED LEAD ACID, 12V, 5AH, FASTON [Sealed CR, TX, OHH, 0.3600 Gins N N Stockroom 52550472 Maintenance-Free Lead Acid Batteries] [Grainger 2UKG8]: Lead CA WR2, P65 [7439-92-1][44-57%]; Antimony [7440-36-0][1%]; Lead Dioxide [1309-60-0][19-26%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [15-22%]; Electrolyte (Sulfuric Acid) [7664-93-9][23-27%]; [H3-FO-R2] 33 LEGO-I L 100.0 , TRAIN BATTERY 18650-7S1P01 [Lithium Battery] [Shenzhen CR, OHH 1.2320 Gins N N I Stockroom 60MS0059 , : Tianlihe 18650-7S1P01]: Lithium [7439-93-2][2-3%]; Manganese dioxide [1313-13-9][30-40%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-4%]; Lithium perchlorate [7791-03-9][1 %]; Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether [110-71-4][5.3%]; Propylene [1 08-32-7][5-8%]; Carbonate [7439-89-6][25-30%]; Chromium [7440-47-3][8-10%]; Molybdenum [7439-98-7][0.8-1.2%]; Polypropylene [9003-07- 0][2%] 34 LEGO-L 100.0 12 VOLT-BATTERY-FOR REMOTE CONTROL [Alkaline CR, OHH 0.0468 Gins N N : Stockroom 61DS0008 Batteries-No Mercury Formula] [Rayovac WC71]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][32-38]; Iron [7439-89-6][19-23%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][11-16%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5-9%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1-5%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][<5%] 35 : LEGO-L 100.0 I 12V BATTERY GROUP 48, AGM, 760CCA [Lead Acid Battery, CR, TX, OHH, 29.4000 N N Stockroom Non-Spillable Wet] [Industrial Battery, Traction Battery, Stationary CA WR2, P65 Gins Battery, Deep Cycle Battery]: Lead and Lead Compounds (inorganic) [7439-92-1][50%]; Electrolyte [7664-93-9][17%]; Lead Oxide [1309-60-0][20%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.2%]; [BP 203oF]; [SG 1.29; VD >1]; [H3-FO-R2] I BATTERY-TSX PLP 01 [Primary (non-rechargeable) Lithium CR, OHH, WR2 0.1100 Gins N 1 N Stockroom metal Thionyl Chloride cells and batteries]: Lthium Metal [7439- 9 93-2][<5%]; Thiony! Chloride [7719-09-7][<47%]; Carbon [1333- 86-4][<6%]; Aluminum Chloride [7446-70-0][<5%]; Lithium Chloride [7447-41-8][<2%]; Glass [<1%]; PVC [9002-86-2][<1%]; PTFE [9002-84-0][<1%]; Steel, nickel and inert components [bal]; [H1-F1-R2] 37 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 0.8AHR 12V [Nonspillable Lead-Acid Battery]: CR, TX, OHH, 0.3280 Gins N N Stockroom 61 PSB001 Electrolyte-Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%] WR2, P65 1 TOTAL -Corrosives/Liquids 70.88 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 68 of 192 D n ~ ~ ~' '~ \~ "--' ~' ,_/ Corrosives/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGGREGATE TOTAL -Corrosives/Liquids 70.88 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 69 of 192 Corrosives/SOLIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 548 20GM HI-TACK GSKT DPRSNG [Loctite 548 Stick Flange Sealant] [Quickstix 548 Gasket Eliminator Flange Sealant] [Henkel39152]: Polyurethane methacrylate resin [30- 60%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Acrylic acid [79-1 0-7][1-5%]; Cumene hydro peroxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Silica, amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [PROP][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82- 8][0.1-1%] TOTAL-Corrosives/Solids AGGREGATE TOTAL-Corrosives/Solids 0.04 Lbs 0.04 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 70 of 192 ,Q /"""\ :-', C"'o, /--:..... ,1-", ~ /-----...., .---..,.,, ~' ~ \'--~----'I '-. _ _.) 1\,,, __ ___) \--..__,_/ \J \'-..-------~--'--/ Flammable Gases/LIQUEFIED GASES 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 LEG0- 52370671 LG BUTANE GAS REFILL-5oz [Master Appliance Ultratane Butane Fuel] [Grainger 1YMK4]: Liquified Petroleum Gas [100%]; [FP -156oF; BP 9.3oF]; [LEL 1.9; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.574] 100.0 MAPP GAS-14oz DISPOSABLE FUEL CYLINDER [Worthington MAP-PRO Premium Hand Torch Fuel] [Grainger 2YMW6]: Propylene [115-07 -1 ][99.5-1 00%]; Propane [7 4-98-6][0- 0.5%]; [FP -162oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 11]; [SG 0.52; VD 1.5]; [H1-F4- R1] TOTAL -Flammable Gases/Liquefied Gases AGGREGATE TOTAL -Fiammabie Gases/Liquefied Gases FG, IR, OHH 0.2200 Gins N N 0.42 Gins 0.42 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 71 of 192 Flammable Liquids I-A/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland · Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ELECTRICAL COATING SCOTCHKOTE [Scotchkote Brand Electrical Coating] [3M]: Acetone [67-64-1][40-45%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1 0-15%]; Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Polymer [9003-18- 3][10-15%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][10-15%]; Glycerol Esters of Rosin Acids [8050-31-5][5-10%]; Phenoi-Formaldeyde Resin [25085-50-1][5-10%]; Zinc Oxide [1314-13-2][1-2%]; Salicylic Acid [69-72-7][1-2%]; Antioxidant [68411-46-11][0.1- 1%]; [FP OoF; BP 95oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] TOTAL -Flammable Liquids 1-Nliquids AGGREGATE TOTAL-Flammable Liquids 1-Nliquids 0.47 Gins 0.47 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. '~ ,_j ,.------,,1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 72 of 192 ,r; (--..... ,~ ~ ~/'"''\ .~~ (~...,~ ."""----~ "'\1 /----'"""'·~ :/---~ ___,...-,\ 0 c\ 0 :·,...,.....,\ ,·~ .~, ____ ,\ ~·~ /-:-. ~-, \'>-..._../ •'--/ '-.....___/ '------_/ .____/ Flammable Liquids I·B/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PVC CEMENT CONDUIT (CLEAR) [E-Z Weld Polyvinyl Chloride/Solvent Mixture] [Grainger GHS-US]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][1 0-60%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][0-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-30%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5-30%]; Polyvinyl chloride resin [9002-86-2][<20%]; Silicon Dioixde [112945-52-5]; [FP 15.8oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-R1] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE [Brush on Electrical Tape FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.0625 Gins N N Stockroom 52130023 Black] [Grainger 1MPX8]: Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][35- 45%]; Methyl Isobutyl Ketone [108-10-1][25-35%]; Cyclohexanone [1 08-94-1 ][2-6%]; Chromium(lll) Oxide [1308-38- 9][0-1 %]; [FP 23oF; BP 176oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 PVC 2725 WET/ DRY GLUE 1 PINT [Weld-On 2725 Wet 'R Dry, FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52270164 Low VOC PVC Solvent Cement] [IPS 2725]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-70%]; Acetone [67-64-1][18-28%]; MEK [78-93- 3][2-17%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 2.1; UEL 13]; [SG 0.924; VD 2.49]; [H2-F3-R1] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 PHOTO BATTERY 3V LITHIUM 123 [Duracell Lithium FL 1 B, CR, OHH, 0.9375 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52370903 I Manganese Dioixde Batteries and Cells] [Grainger 1 OA295]: CA Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-45%]; 1 ,2-Dimethoxyethane [110-71-4][5-10%]; Propylene Carbonate [108-32-7][1-10%]; Lithium [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Lithium Trifluoromethane Sulfonate [33454-82-9][0-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][0-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][0-5%]; [FP 29oF] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 CEMENT, 8 OZ, BLACK, ABS [E-Z WELD ASS/Solvent Mixture] FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.1250 Gins N N Stockroom 52371150 [Grainger 1 RG54]: Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][20-50%]; ABS Resin [9003-56-9][18-40%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-30%]; [FP 15oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-RO] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (IPA), 50%, 70%, 91% and 99% IPA: FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.6250 Gins N N Stockroom 52390025 Isopropanol [67-63-0]; Deionized Water [Balance]; [FP 53oF; BP 181oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 12]; [SG 0.79; VD 2.07] 7 LEGO-L 100.0 QUICK TAC 2 ACTIVATOR [Quick Tac 2] [ASI 60MS0009]: FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 60MS0009 I Acetone [67-64-1][>99%]; [FP <OoF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL P65 13]; [SG 0.79; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] 8 LEGO-L 100 TUBE PATCH GLUE 40Z CAN [Royal Adhesives LA4009[: FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N Stockroom 600R0100 Toluene [108-88-3]; Acetone [67-64-1]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-CA, P65 93-3]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 73 of 192 Flammable Liquids I-S/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 9 LEGO-L 100.0 1 PT. 2711 PVC CEMENT (GRAY) [IPS Weld-On 711 Low VOC PVC Plastic Pipe Cements] [Grainger 6KWU1]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-50%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][5-15%]; Cyclohexane [108-94-1][9-18%]; Acetone [67-64-1][3-11 %]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEI12.8]; [SG 0.966; VD >2]; [H2- F3-RO] 10 LEGO-L 100.0 1. PT IPS #P-70 PVC PRIMER [Weld-On P-70 Low VOC Primer FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.3125 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 60WQ0075 I For PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe] [Grainger 6KWU4]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][45-59%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93- 3][19-29%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5-15%]; Acetone [67-64- 1][5-20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO]· 11 LEGO-L 100.0 PVC & RUBBER REPAIR KIT [AquaSeal] [McNett 1011 0]: FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.0185 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0228' Toluene [1 08-88-3]; Copolymer Component (Diphenylmethane Di-isocyanate, Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol) [1 01-68-8]; [FP 68oF; BP 235oF]; [SG 1; VD 3.2] 12 LEGO-L 100.0 WELD-ON 724 LOW VOC CEMENT FOR CPVC PLASTIC PIPE FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.5000 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0420 i [Grainger 29JA 18]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][40-70%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][2-15%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5- 20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 151oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 11.8]; [SG 0.984; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] 13 LEGO-I L 100.0 PIPE CEMENT, GRAY, 16 OZ, PVC [IPS Weld-On 711 Low VOC FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.1250 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0486 I PVC Plastic Pipe Cements] [Grainger 6KWU1]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-50%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][5-15%]; Cyclohexane [1 08-94-1 ][9-18%]; Acetone [67-64-1 ][3-11 %]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEI12.8]; [SG 0.966; VD >2]; [H2- F3-RO] 14 LEGO-L 100.0 PRIMER, PURPLE, 16 OZ, PVC AND CPVC [Weld-On P-70 FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0487 Low VOC Primer For PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe] [Grainger 6KWU4]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][45-59%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][19-29%]; Cyclohexanone [1 08-94-1][5-15%]; Acetone [67-64-1][5-20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] 15 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #11 2oz [Calcium Indicator Liquid] [Taylor FL1B, IR, OHH, 0.1110 Gins N N ' Stockroom 64WQ0016 Technologies R-0011 L]: Triethanolamine [1 02-71-6][77%]; UR1 Isopropyl alcohol [67-63-0][23%]; Calcon [2538-85-4][<1 %]; [FP 64oF; BP 500oF]; [LEL2; UEL 12]; [SG 1.02; VD 2]; [H1-F3-R1] I I 16 LEGO-L 100.0 MAKITA LXT 18V LITHIUM BATTERY [Lithium-ion Rechargeable FL 1 B, CR, OHH 0.2800 Gins N N I Stockroom 52370999 Battery Pack] [Grainger 12M837]: Organic Solvent and Lithium Salt TOTAL -Flammable Liquids I-S/Liquids 4.38 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 74 of 192 :~, .~ /''\ ·/\ (\ /\ ,~, (", /"' (\ 0, /",, .~ ,·-\ ~ (\ ,--.., /' .c-. ~../ \, ___ / "-.._~/ ___ / ..... __ // Flammable Liquids 1-B/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 AGGREGATE TOTAL -Flammable Liquids 1-B/Liquids 4.38 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 75 of 192 Flammable Liquids 1-C/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE NO MORE LEAKS 16oz [Loctite No More Leaks White Threaded Plastic Pipe Sealant] [Henkel1537780]: Talc [14807- 96-6][30-60%]; Rosin, Fumaric Acid, Pentaerythritol Polymer [65997 -11-7][1 0-30%]; 2-Propanol [67 -63-0][1 0-30%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004-96-0][10-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; [FP 96.8oF; BP 180oF]; [LEL 2.3; UEL 12.7]; [SG 1.37; VD 2.07] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1 C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 51050311 [ITW A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [647 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050312 A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 YELLOW-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] I FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050313 [ITW A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81 oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7 .6]; [H2-F3-RO] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 YELLOW-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050314 A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050316 [ITW A720M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60% ]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 76 of 192 ,~. /~\ ~1 !'I t\ ,~~, /----....,,~.~I /---.,, .~, ,.,.-~ .----.... \~ '-__.-/' '-.__/ ,~' Flammable Liquids 1-C/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 RED-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW A791 M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64 7 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2 ,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] TOTAL -Flammable Liquids 1-C/Liquids AGGREGATE TOTAL -Flammable Liquids 1-C/Liquids N 0.35 Gins 0.35 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 77 of 192 ~· Irritants/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SMALL WD-40 LUBRICANT 3oz [WD-40 Multi-Use Product Aerosol (25% VOC)] [Grainger 20JY59]: LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][45-50%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8](<25%]; Petroleum Base Oil [64742-56-9][<25%]; Non-hazardous ingredients [MIXT](<10%]; Carbon Dioixde [124- 38-9](2-3%]; [FP 138oF; BP 361oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 8]; [SG 0.8; VD>1] 2 LEGO-A 100.0 BIG WD-40 LUBRICANT 16oz [WD-40 Multi-Use Product AL3, IR, OHH 6.0000 Lbs N N I Stockroom 52130002 Aerosol (25% VOC)] [Grainger 20JY59]: LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][45-50%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][<25%]; Petroleum Base Oil [64742-56-9](<25%]; Non-hazardous ingredients [MIXT][<10%]; Carbon Dioixde [124- 38-9][2-3%]; [FP 138oF; BP 361oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 8]; [SG 0.8; VD >1] 3 LEGO-A I 100.0 i AERO KROlL PENETRATING OIL [Kano Laboratories Aerokroil]: I AL3, IR, OHH 8.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130005 II ! Heavy Hydortreated Petroleum Distillates [64742-52-5][30-50%]; Heavy Aliphatic Solvent Naphtha [64742-95-6][30-50%]; Proprietary Ingredients [PROP][1-10%]; Diproylene Glycol Monopropyl Ether [29911-207 -1 ](1-5%]; Diisobutyl Ketone [1 08- 83-8][0-15%]; Aliphatic Alcohol #1 [PROP][<3%]; Aliphatic Alcohol #2 (PROP][<3%]; Carbon Dioixde Propellant [124-38- 9][1-15%]; [FP 132oF]; [LEL 0.7]; [SG 0.8596]; [H1-F2-RO] 4 LEGO-A 100.0 SYNTHETIC GREASE [Sprayon LU 207 Food Grade Synthetic AL3, IR, OHH 7.1250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130008 Grease Aerosol] [Grainger 12R257]: Propane [74-98-6][1 0%]; Butane [106-97-8][10%]; Heptane [142-82-5][48%]; Toluene (108-88-3][2%]; [FP <OoF; BP OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.7; VD >1] 5 LEGO-A 100.0 I BRAKE PARTS CLEANER (Henkel Loctite Pro Strenght Parts AL 1, IR, OHH, 13.0625 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130009 1 Cleaner, 30548] (Grainger 3EPR2]: Tetrachloroethylene [127 -18-CA, P65 4][60-100%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][10-30%]; Ethylbenzene [100- 41-4][1-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] 6 LEGO-A II 100.0 ELECTRO 140 CONTACT CLEANER [CRC HF Contact Cleaner AL3, IR, OHH 12.3750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130010 I 03125] [Grainger 10263]: Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][90-100%]; Carbon Dioixde (124-38-9][1-3%]; [FP 204oF; BP 430oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 5.5]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.5]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 78 of 192 ,r\ ."\ ~ ~I /--"A, "\ ~""'. /,.----... \ ~_/ ·~· ~. ·~-_/ '~, Irritants/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUPER 77 ADHESIVE SPRAY 24oz [3M Super 77 Multipurpose Adhesive] [Grainger 3MA17]: Acetone [67-64-1][20-30%]; Non- Volatile Componets [TS][20-30%]; Propane [74-98-6][15-25%]; Cyclohexane [11 0-82-7][1 0-20%]; 2,3-Dimethybutane [79-29- 8][1-8%]; 3-methypentane [96-14-0][1-8%]; 2-methylpentane [107-83-5][1-8%]; 2,2-Dimethylbutane [75-83-2][0-8%]; Pentane [109-66-0][<2%]; Hexane [110-54-3][<0.8%]; [FP -42oF]; [SG 0.726]; [H2-F4-RO] 8 LEGO-A 100.0 TRI FLOW LUBRICANT 12oz [Sherwin Williams Tri-Fiow AL3, IR, OHH 6.7500 Lbs N N ! Stockroom 52130013 ; Superior Lubricant with PTFE] [Grainger2PB97]: Propane [74-98- 6][10%]; Butane [106-97-8][10%]; Heavy Alpihatic Solvent [64742-47-8j[24%j; Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum oil [64742-52- 5][41%]; Naphthenic oil [64741-97-5][2%]; Heavy Paraffinic Oil [64742-65-0][3%]; 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol [34590-94- 8][2%]; Amyl Acetate [628-63-7][2%]; [FP <OoF; BP <Oof]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 14]; [SG 0.78; VD >1] 9 LEGO-A 100.0 HEAVY DUTY SILICONE LUBRICANT [Grainger 19C656]: AL3, IR, OHH 4.8750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130015 Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy [64742-48-9][1 0- 25%]; Liquified Petroleum Gas [68476-85-7][10-20%]; [FP 144oF; BP 212oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.92; VD >1]; [H1- F2-RO] 10 LEGO-A 100.0 SPRAY DUSTER STATIONARY NOZZLE -1 Ooz [Eco Duster II AL3, IR, OHH 5.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130017 1 Ooz] [Grainger 5PWH5]: 1, 1-Difluoroethane [75-37 -6]; [FP -58oF; BP -13oF]; [LEL 3.9; UEL 16.9]; [SG 1; VD >1]; [H1-F4- RO] 11 LEGO-A 100.0 INSULATING FOAM DAP 12 OZ [KWIK Foam Polyurethane AL 1, IR, OHH, 9.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130018 Foam] [Grainger 5E086]: Chlorodifluoromethane [75-45-6][7-SN, TX 13%]; 4,4'-Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) [1 01-68-6][5- 10%]; Polymeric Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [9016-87-9][5- 10%]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 12 I LEGO-A 100.0 ! CITRUS DEGREASER 18oz [Sprayon Citrus Cleaner Degreaser] AL3, IR, OHH, 11.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130022 [Grainger 1 LKL4]: VM&P Naphtha [64742-89-8][24%]; d-P65 Limonene [5989-27-5][73%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][3%]; [FP 99oF; BP <OoF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 6.1]; [SG 0.82; VD >1] 13 LEGO-A 100.0 COLD GALV. SPRAY CAN [Rust Tough Zinc Rich Cold AL3, IR, OHH, 7.5000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130027 Galvanizing Primer] [Sherwin-Williams R00859]: Propane [74-98-P65 6][13%]; Butane [106-97-8][12%]; Heptane [142-82-5][3%]; Lt. Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent [64742-98-8][3%]; Toluene [108- 88-3][5%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][11 %]; Zinc [7440-66- 6][47%]; [FP <OoF; BP <OoF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 1 0]; [SG 1.15; VD >1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 79 of 192 [' Irritants/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SPRAY WAX, 18 WT OZ [MarkyKate Highlight Spray Wax] AL 1, IR, OHH. 7.8750 Lbs N [Grainger 19MZ 11]: Water [7732-18-5][70-80%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][3-8%]; Synthetic lsoparaffinic Hydrocarbon [64742-48-9][1-5%]; Coconut Diethanolamide [68603-42-9][1-5%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0- 20%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 0.99]; [H1-F1-RO] 15 i LEGO-A 100.0 WHITE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210050 White Marking] [Grainger 6KP41]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas SN, CA, P65 [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][2.5- 10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5- 10%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [SG 0.864; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 16 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY GREEN WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 8.5000 Lbs N N · Stockroom 52210051 Safety Green Marking] [Grainger 6YH09]: Acetone [67-64-1][10-SN, CA, P65 25%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1 0-25%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5- 10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43- 7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807- 96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742- 49-0][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][1-2.5%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1 %]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.836; VD >1] 17 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION YELLOW WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875Lbs N N Stockroom 52210052 i ! 12PK Caution Yellow Mark] [Grainger 6KN98]: Acetone [67-64-SN, CA, P65 1 ][25-50%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1 0-25%]; Limestone [1317- 65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Yellow Iron Oxide [51274-00- 1][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.832; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 18 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY RED WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSR AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N i Stockroom 52210053 12PK Safety Red Marking] [Grainger 6KP40]: Liquefied SN, CA, P65 Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64 7 42-89-8][1 0-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.85; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 80 of 192 ii ,.........--,\ r'"-" /', /~, ~--,/~ ~""'\ ___----...., ,~1 '~~ ~/ I' Irritants/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 GUNK TIRE PUNCTURE SEALANT [Tite Seal Instant Tire AL1, IR, OHH Repair] [Radiator Specialty Company M1114]: 1,1, 1 ,2, Tetrafluoroethane [811-97-2)[10-30%]; 2-Butoxyethanol [111-76- 2)[10-30%]; Ammonium hydroxide [1336-21-6)[0.1-1%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1)[1-5%]; Polyvinylacetate Latex [9003-20-7)[3- 7%]; [BP 212oF); [SG 1; VD >1); [H2-F1-RO] LEGO-A 100.0 COLOR DYE PENETRANT FLAW DETECTION RED AL3, IR, OHH, 0.6615 Lbs N N Stockroom 60MIS0019 PENETRANT [SKL-SP2 Aerosol] [Magnaflux 60MIS0019]: P65 Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8][40-70%]; White mineral oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][15-40%); Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light naphthenic [64742-53-6][1-5%]; 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[[4-(phenylazo)phenyl)azo)-, ar-heptyl ar', ar"- Me derivs. [92257-31-3][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4)[<0.1%]; [FP 200oF; BP 455oF); [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.89; VD >1]; [H1- F4-RO) 28 LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 7471 PRIMER 4.5 OZ. [Henkel Loctite Locquic Primer AL3, IR, OHH, 0.2812 Lbs N N ' Stockroom 60PSBOOO ! T 7471 Aerosol, 22477) [Grainger 3HV17): Acetone [67-64-1)[60-i SN, P65 8 100%]; lsobutane [75-28-5)[10-30%]; 2-Propanol [67-63-0][5- 10%]; 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole [149-30-4)[0.1-1%]; [FP 17.6oF]; [SG 0.7953] 29 I LEGO-A 100.0 BATTERY CORROSION PREVENTION, AEROSOL SPRAY AL3, IR, OHH, 6.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom 60SS0086 [CRC Battery Terminal Protector 03175] [Grainger 2F134]: CA, P65 Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8)[20-30%]; Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0)[20-30%]; 3- Methyl hexane [589-34-4)[1 0-20%]; N-Heptane [142-82-5][1 0- 20%]; Petrolatum [8009-03-8)[1 0-20%]; 2-Methylhexane [591-76- 4][5-1 0%]; Methylcyclohexane [1 08-87-2][5-1 0%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Solvent-Refined Heavy Paraffinic [64741-88-4)[1- 3%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4)[<1%]; N-Hexane [11 0-54-3)[<1 %]; [FP <OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 8]; [SG 0.73]; [H2-F4-R1] 30 LEGO-A 100.0 RIVOLTA SKD 170 CHAIN OIL# 767 0011 OIL CONTAINER AL3, IR, OHH 105.6800 N N Stockroom 60TC0065 [Rivolta S.K.D. 170 Aerosol] [Bremer & Leguil GmbH 170]: Lbs Butane [16-97-8][15-30%]; Mixture of propane and butane [68606-25-7][25-40%]; Mixture of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons [64742-49-0][15-19.9%]; [FP410oF); [LEL 1.5; UEL 11]; [SG 0.94) 31 LEGO-A 100.0 INOX-mx3 [Candan Industries 00003): Butane [106-97-8)[<30%]; AL3, IR 5.9535 Lbs N N Stockroom 61AN0019 Propane [74-98-6)[<10%]; Ingredients determine not to be hazardous [to 100%]; [FP 359.6oF]; [SG 0.84]; [LEL 4]; [HO-F2- RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 82 of 192 /~ ' ' ,,, /\, /~ :\, , ___ ; ~\ ~\ ·~ L \ ___ / Irritants/ AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 INOX MX4 LANOX LANOLIN LUBRICANT, 300G AEROSOL CAN [LPS 2, 00216, C30216 (Aerosol)] [Grainger 6Y744]: Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][70-80%]; Mineral Seal (Petroleum) Oil [64742-46-7/64742-52-5][20-30%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [FP 175oF; BP 383oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.7]; [LC50-Inhalation >8.5 mg/L]; [H1- F2-RO] TOTAL-Irritants/Aerosols AGGREGATE TOTAL -Irritants/Aerosols 278.91 Lbs 278.91 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 83 of 192 Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 GOJO HAND CLEANER WITH PUMICE [Gojo Natural Orange Smooth Hand Cleaner] [Grainger 12V407]: Petroleum Distillates [64742-47-8][<10%]; [H1-F1-RO] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 36334 1 OLB MAGNA CRETE ACTIVATOR [Loctite I CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52130003 Fixmaster Magnacrete Activator [Henkel 36334]: Polyphosphic Acid, Ammonium Salts [68333-79-9][30-60%]; [FP >212oF; BP 212oF]; [SG 1.3] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 1/4" NEEDLE OILER [Synco Super Lube Poi][Grainger 44N749]: CL3B, IR 0.0111 Gins N N : Stockroom 52130004 Polyalphaolefin [68037-01-4][<80%]; White Mineral Oil (Petroleum) [8042-47-5][<20%]; Fumed Silica [68611-44- 9[[<10%]; Polytetrafluoroethylene [9002-84-0][<4%]; Antioxidant [41484-35-9][<2%]; Polyglycol [25322-69-4][<1 %]; Proprietary additives [<0.5%]; [FP >428oF]; [SG 0.87] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 WIRE PULL STRING CLEAR GLIDE LUBE [CiearGiide Wire IR 0.5000 Gins N N Stockroom 52130011 Pulling Lubricant] [Ideal Industries 31]: Water [7732-18-5][<98%]; DMDM Hydantoin [6440-58-0][<1%]; Oxirane, Methyi-,Polymer With Oxirane, Monobutyl Ether [9038-95-3][<5%]; Amino-Methyl- Propanol [9003-11-6][ < 1 % ]; 25322-68-3][ < 1%]; Carbo mer Thickener [9003-01-4][<1 %]; Silicone Glycol Blend [68037-64-9]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.09]; [H1-FO-RO] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 PVC CEMENT CONDUIT (CLEAR) [E-Z Weld Polyvinyl FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52130014 Chloride/Solvent Mixture] [Grainger GHS-US]: Tetrahydrofuran UR1 [109-99-9][10-60%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][0-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][1 0-30%]; Cyclohexanone [1 08-94-1][5-30%]; Polyvinyl chloride resin [9002-86-2][<20%]; Silicon Dioixde [112945-52-5]; [FP 15.8oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-R1] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 CUTTING FLUID [LPS Tapmatic Natural Cutting Fluid] [LPS CL3B, IR 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52130016 Laboratories 44220]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 350oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H1-F1-RO] 7 LEGO-L 100.0 ! LOCTITE 242 THREADLOCKER MEDIUM STR. [Loctite 242 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockroom 52130019 Thread locker Medium Strength] [Grainger 2A269]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][60-100%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004- 96-0][10-30%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propanediol-1 ,2 [57-55-6][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1 %]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300.2oF]; [LEL 2.6; UEL 12.5]; [SG 1.1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 84 of 192 D ~-C\. (\ /~'\. 0 ... , ~ . '~-_/ \.._ __ /:' ', __ / '~/ '-......-// Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE PERMANENT THREADLOCKER 262 50ml [Loctite 262 Threadlocker High Strenght] [Grainger 5E215]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-1 00%]; Saccarin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydorperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.05] 9 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER 222 50ml [Loctite 222 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0660 Gins N N . Stockroom 52130021 Threadlocker] [Henkel 231127]: Polyglycol dimethacrylate CA, P65 [PROP][30-60%]; Polyglycol oleate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, amorphous, treated [68909-20-6][5-10%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1- 5%]; Propane-1,2-diol [57-55-6][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Titanium Dioxide ]13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8j[0.1-1%]; [SG 1.08] 10 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE [Brush on Electrical Tape FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.0625 Gins N N Stockroom 52130023 Black] [Grainger 1 MPX8]: Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][35- 45%]; Methyl isobutyl Ketone [108-10-1][25-35%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][2-6%]; Chromium(lll) Oxide [1308-38- 9][0-1%]; [FP 23oF; BP 176oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] 11 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE C5A A COPPER BASE ANTI SEIZE 8 OZ. [C5-A CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.1875 Gins N N · Stockroom 52130025 I 1 Copper Based Anti-Seize Lubricant] [Grainger 5E203]: Distillates CA (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy Naphtenic [64742-52-5][30- 60%]; Calcium Dihydroxide [1305-62-0][10-30%]; Mineral Oil Light Naphtenic Hydrotreat [64742-53-6][1 0-30%]; Copper [7440- 50-8][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][5-10%]; Quartz [14808-60- 7][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >500oF]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] 12 LEGO-L 100.0 TRI FLOW 2oz BOTTLE [Tri-Fiow Industrial Lubricant with CL3A, IR, OHH 0.0469 Gins N N Stockroom 52130026 Telflon] [Grainger 3JDL7]: Heavy Aliphatic Solvent [64742-96- 7][30%]; Naphtenic Oil [64742-53-8][23%]; Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum Oil [64742-52-5][2%]; Highly Refined Maphtenic Oil [64742-53-6][4%]; heavy Mineral Oil [64741-96-4][23%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Solvent-Dewaxed Heavy Paraff [64742-65- 0][4%]; 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol [34590-94-8][3%]; Amyl Acetate [628-63-7][3%]; Barium [0.86%]; [FP 146oF; BP 288oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7.5]; [SG 0.88; VD >1] 13 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 603 10ML RETAINING CMPOUND BO [Loctite 603 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0133 Gins N N Stockroom 52130030 1 Retaining Compound Press Fit] [Henkel 231 097]: Methyacrylate SN, CA, P65 Resin [PROP][30-60%]; Methacrylate monomer [PROP][10- 30%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [27813-2-1 ][5-1 0%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-1 0%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-10%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][5-10%]; Alkylphenol ethoxylate [PROP][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][0.1-1 %]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Methacrylic acid [79-41-4][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Subsituted Silane [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 85 of 192 c Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 L 100.0 LOCTITE 248 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER [Loctitie 248 TL 9G Stick] [Grainger 3UU58]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47 -5][60-1 00%]; Thixtropic Agent Unknown [10-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Polyglycol Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.097] 15 I LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 268 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER IR, OHH, SN, 0.0150 Gins N N ! Stockroom 52130032 [Quickstix 268 Threadlocker High Strength] [Grainger 3UU56]: P65 Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-60%]; Aromatic Dimethacyrlate Ester [24448-20-2][1 0-30%]; Polyuretheane Methacrylate Resin [PROP][1 0-30%]; Thixtropic Agent [1 0-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1- 5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.0687] 16 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 290 1 OML THREADLOCK WICKING [Loctite 290 I 1 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0106 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52130035 Threadlocker known as Wicking Grade] [Henkel29021]: SN, CA, P65 Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-100%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] i 17 I LEGO-L 100.0 ' LOCTITE NO MORE LEAKS 16oz [Loctite No More Leaks White I FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N I Stockroom 52130036 Threaded Plastic Pipe Sealant] [Henkel1537780]: Talc [14807-I CA, P65 96-6][30-60%]; Rosin, FumaricAcid, Pentaerythritol Polymer [65997-11-7][1 0-30%]; 2-Propanol [67-63-0][1 0-30%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004-96-0][10-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; [FP 96.8oF; BP 180oF]; [LEL 2.3; UEL 12.7]; [SG 1.37; VD 2.07] 18 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 518 50ML GASKET ALUM FLNG [Loctite 518 known CL3B, IR, OHH, N N Stockroom 52130037 as Loctite 518 Master Gasket] [Henkel 8222423]: Polyurethane SN, CA, P65 Methacrylate Resin [60-100%]; Polyglycol Dimethyacrylate [PROP][5-1 0%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][5-1 0%]; Acrylic Acid [79-1 0-7][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-1 ][1- 5%]; 1-Acetyi-2-Phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 8]; [SG 1.1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 86 of 192 /--,_\ ,, (\ ,., ,r--._, ,---..,, \ ____ ) l_/ \,_j '-...._ _ __./ '--..__./ \. ___ . ../ "-~./ '-.....___./ \......._.' '-..._/ '-.._.---' '--------' Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 510 50ML GASKET HI TEMP TB [Loctite 510 known as Loctite 510 Gasket Eliminat] [Henkel 51074]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, Amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propane-1,2-diol [57- 55-6][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; 1-Acetyl-2- phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1784] 20 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 561 19GM PST THREAD SEALANT [Quickstick 561 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0157 Gins N N Stockroom 52130041 PST Pipe Sealant with PTFE] [Grainger 3UU53]: Polyglycol CA, P65 Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-4 7 -5][1 0-30%]; Dimethacrylate Ester [PROP][ I 0-30%]; Thixtopic Agent [5-10%]; Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382- 25-7][5-1 0%]; Poly(tetrafluorethylene) [9002-84-0][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1394] 21 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE GRADE ANTI SEIZE, 8oz. [Marine Grade IR,OHH 0.1250 Gins N N I Stockroom 52130044 Anti-Seize Metal-free] [Grainger 3KE63]: Petroleum Grease [30- 60%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42- 5][10-30%]; Calcium Stearate [1592-23-0][5-10%]; Boron Nitride [1 0043-11-5][1-5%]; [SG 1.2648] 22 LEGO-L 100.0 CONNECTOR SEALING PACKS [Scotchcast 3570G-N (Parts A CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.8633 Gins N N Stockroom 52130045 & B)] [3M 78-8129-9653-2]: [PART A-Poly(oxypropylene) SN, CA, P65 Sorbitol, Poly[oxy(methyl-1 ,2-ethanediyl)] Derivative [52625-13- 5][15-45%]; Castol Oil-Based Derivative [30-40%]; Glycols, Polypropylene [25322-69-4][4-35%]; Styrene, Oligomer [9003-53- 6][10-20%]; Heavy Naphthenic Distillate Solvent Petroleum Extracts [64742-11-6][<2%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.2%]; [FP <200oF; BP <200oF]; [SG 1.08]; [H1-FO-RO]] [PART B-4,4'- lsopropylidenediphenoi-Epichlorohydrin Polymer [25068-38- 6][70-80%]; (3',4'-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl) 3,4- Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate [2386-87-0][22-30%]; [BP 392oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-FO-R 1] 23 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER RED 277 1 OML [Loctite 277 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0026 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52130046 Threadlocker High Strength][Grainger 3KE48]: polyglycol SN, CA, P65 dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-50%]; Bisphenol A fumarate resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1- 5%]; saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 87 of 192 [) Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ELECTRICAL COATING SCOTCHKOTE [Scotchkote Brand Electrical Coating] [3M]: Acetone [67-64-1][40-45%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1 0-15%]; Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Polymer [9003-18- 3][10-15%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][10-15%]; Glycerol Esters of Rosin Acids [8050-31-5][5-10%]; Phenoi-Formaldeyde Resin [25085-50-1 ][5-1 0%]; Zinc Oxide [1314-13-2][1-2%]; Salicylic Acid [69-72-7][1-2%]; Antioxidant [68411-46-11][0.1- 1%]; [FP OoF; BP 95oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] 25 I LEGO-L 100.0 JB WELD KWIK COLD WELD [Resin and Hardener] [J-B Weld IR, OHH, SN, 0.0156 Gins N N Stockroom 52250001 19863]: Iron [7439-89-6][5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][10-CA, P65 30%]; Oxirane [25085-99-8][1 0-30%]; Phenol, 2,4,6- Tris[(Dimethylamino )Methyl]-[90-72-2][1-5%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][1-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0.1-1%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1- 1 %]; [H2-FO-RO] ""' 26 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL TUB AND TILE CAULK, WHITE [Kwik Seal Tub & CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3867 Gins N N I 1 Stockroom 52250002 Tile Adhevise Caulk-All Colors] [Grainger 4MY71]: Limestone SN, CA, P65 [1317-65-3][30-60%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1- 5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; n-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][0.1-1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00- 0][<0.02%]; [FP >200oF; BP 210oF]; [SG 1.6; VD >1] 27 LEGO-L I 100.0 LOCTITE EPOXY CUPS [Fast Cure Mixer Cupes 1 oz Can] CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0178 Gins N N Stockroom 52250004 I [Grainger 3KE55]: Aluminium Hydroxide [21645-51-2][30-60%]; CA, P65 Polymercaptan Hardener [PROP][30-60%]; 2,4,6-Tris (Dimethylaminomethyl) Phenol [90-72-2][5-10%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Heavy Thermal Cracked [64741-81-7][5-1 0%]; Styrene [100-42-5][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal- Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Benz(A) Anthracene [56-55-3][0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.4] 28 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 567 PIPE SEALANT STAINLESS STEEL [Loctite 567 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0264 Gins N N i Stockroom 52250005 PST Pipe Sealant with H PTFE PTFE Thread Sealant] [Grainger SN, CA, P65 4KM17]: Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Polyglycol La urate [9004-81-3][1 0-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3][1 0- 30%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monococate [61791-29-5][10-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38- 6][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.14] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 88 of 192 0 (--\ !"'\ /\ 7--.,_,i ~, /-----...1 r', . ' I I/ '-~ ""' \_j '-/ '~--' Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 732 MULTI PURPOSE SEALANT 10,1 oz [DAP 8641 Silicone Sealant Clear] [Grainger 5A463]: Hydrotreated Middle Petroleum Distillates [647 42-46-7][15-35%]; Ethyltriacetoxyislane [17689- 77-9][1-5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][1-5%]; [SG 0,96]; [H1-F1-RO] 30 LEGO-L 100,0 732 MULTI PURPOSE SEALANT 3 oz [732 Multi-Purpose IR 0.1641 Gins N N Stockroom 52250007 Sealant Clear] [Dow Corning Corporation]: Ethltriacetoxysilane [17689-77 -9][1-5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][1-5%]; [SG 1.04]; [H1-F1-RO] 31 LEGO-L !i 100.0 LOCTITE INSTANT ADH GEL 39202 .14 OZ [Quicktite Instant CL38, IR, OHH, 0_0120 Gins N N Stockroom 52250009 Adhesive Gelj [Grainger 1 LLR]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7065-65-Vv'R1 0][60-100%]; Treated Fumed Silica [67762-90-7][5-10%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 3] 32 LEGO-L 100.0 UNDERWATER EPOXY ADHESIVE-1 OZ. SYRINGE [Anchor-CL38, IR, OHH, 0.0469 Gins N N ~ Stockroom 52250011 tite Marine Epoxy 1 Ooz-Resin] [Grainger 1 FBH2]: Bisphenol SN NEpichlorohydrin based Epoxy Resin [25085-99-8][50-80%]; Fillers [20-50%]; Acceleatros [1-1 0%]; [FP 484oF]; [SG 1.4] 33 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE EPOXY [Loc Aqua MR Epx] [Henkel ! CL38, IR, OHH, 0_0066 Gins N N Stockroom 52250012 Corporation 1427686]: Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene SN, CA, P65 Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][30-60%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][30- 60%]; Calcium Carbonate [471-34-1 ][1 0-30%]; Gamma- Glycidoxypropyl Trimethyoxysilane [2530-83-8][0.1-1 %]; Fatty Acids, Tallow, Calcium Salts [64755-01-7][0_1-1%]; Phenyl Glycidyl Ether [122-60-1][0-0.1%]; Methanol [67-56-1][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][0-0_1%]; Lead [7439-92-1][0-0.1%]; [FP 399.99oF]; [SG 1.56] 34 LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 1.3945 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250013 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA, P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether (2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0_3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-teit-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][ <0.3% ]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1 _ 17]; [H2-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 89 of 192 [) Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 L 100.0 LOCTITE UNDERWATER EPOXY [Fixmaster Underwater Repair i CL3B. IR. OHH. 0.2188 Gins N N Epoxy, 82093] [Grainger 1YDZ8]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; Sodium Aluminum Borosilicate [65997-17-3][1 0-30%]; Zinc Sulfide [1314-98-3][5-1 0%]; Epichlorodhydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][5-1 0%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][5-1 0%]; Polymeric Phenolic Amine [326110-77-8][1-5%]; [FP 200oF; BP 500oF]; [SG 1.19] 36 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 0.9844 Gins N N , Stockroom 52250018 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA,P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [1 01-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 37 LEGO-L 100.0 ALL PURPOSE SUPER BONDER 10oz. [Beats the Nail VOC CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.6250 Gins N N Stockroom 52250019 Construction Adhesive] [Grainger 1HA84]: Limestone [1317-65-CA, P65 3][30-60%]; Magensium Aluminum Silicate [1217 4-11-7][1-5%]; Urea [57-13-6][0.1-1.5%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1- 1%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1%]; Vinyl Acetate [108-05- 4][<0.7%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.008%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.002%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.5]; [VD >1] 38 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 401 INSTANT ADHESIVE [Prism Surface Insensitive CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0492 Gins N N Stockroom 52250020 Instant Adhesive] [Grainger 2VFG2]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7082-SN, WR1 85-0][60-1 00%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.05] 39 I LEGO-L 100.0 I SUPER-FASTSEMI-RIGED ADHESIVE [Duramix Super Fast CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N N : Stockroom 52250021 Adhesive, (1 0 Seconds)] [Grainger 2KVN5]: [PART A: 4,4'-SN, WR1 Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [1 01-68-8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424-09-9][15- 40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686-28-6][15- 40%]; 3-(Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R1]] [PART B: Polyether Polyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][10-30%]; Tetrakis (2- Hydroxypropyl) ethylenediamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; M-xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; [FP >290oF; BP >400oF]; [SG 1.02; VD >1]; [H1-F1-R1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 90 of 192 ~ _-, " : ) 1 ' (~ ,~----,.., ,-,---'\, ./""'">., -" \ ___ / ~, lj '--.. _ _/ .__/ '-......../' ,_/ Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SCOTCH WELD EPOXY ADHE. DP 100 NS [Scotch-Weld Epoxy CL3B. IR. OHH. 0.0664 Gins N N Stockroom Adhesive DP-100 Clear (part B)] [Grainger 3XH43]: Epoxy Resin [25068-38-6][1 00%]; [FP 480.2oF; BP 480.2oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2- F1-R1] 41 LEGO-L 100.0 HIT HY 200R MASTER CARTON OF 25 HILTI [Hilti HIT-HY 200-I CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.7805 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250029 R] [Hilti]: Dibenzoyl Peroxide [94-36-0][10-15%]; Methacrylic ! SN, CA, OX1 Acid, Monoester with Propane-1 ,2-diol [27813-02-1][5-1 0%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][25-50%]; Aluminum Oxide [1344-28-1][2.5- 10%]; Silicon Dioixde, chemically prepared [7631-86-9][<2.5%]; [FP <228.2oF]; [SG 1.8]; [H2-F1-R1] 42 LEGO-L iOO.O DP 600 GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [3M Scotch-Weid CL3B, iR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockioom 52250030 Concrete Repair DP-600, Self-Leveling, Gray] [3M SN, WR1 62264912338]: 4,4'-Diphenylmethane Diioscyanate [1 01-68- 8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424- 09-9][15-40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686- 28-6][15-40%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.11; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R 1-] 43 LEGO-L 100.0 DP 600 NS GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N : Stockroom 52250031 Concrete Repair DP-600, Non-sag, gray] [3M 62-2652-1230-8]: SN, WR1 Polyether Poyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis(2- hydrocypropyl)ethylendiamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; m-Xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [68611-44-9][1-5%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) Sebacate [41556-26-7][0.1-1% ]; Polymeric Benzotriazole Derivative [104810-48-2][0.1-1%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][0.1-0.3%]; Polymeric Benzotriazole [104810-47-1][0.1-1%]; Substitiuted Piperidinyl Sebacate [82919-37-7][0.05-0.5%]; [FP >390oF; BP 370.4oF]; [SG 1.03]; [H2-F1-RO] 44 ; LEGO-L 100.0 SUPERFRLEX BLUE RTV [6M Sensor Safe Blue RTV Silicone] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.1875 Gins N N , Stockroom 52250093 [Grainger 5E222]: Poly(dimethylsiloxane)hydroxy terminated [70131-67-8][>60%]; Amorphous Silica [7631-86-9][5-25%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][<7%]; Ethyltriacetoxysilane [ 17689-77 -9][ <5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][ <5%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][ <5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7]; [FP >200oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1.04; VD >1]; [H2-F1-R1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 91 of 192 D Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 46 48 49 50 LEG0- 52250097 LEG0- 52250098 LEG0- 52250099 LEG0- 52250101 LEG0- 52270144 L L L L L 100.0 100.0 3M ADH 560 SCOTCH SEAL GRAY 1/10TH GL CT [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 560, White, Gray, Black] [3M]: , Urethane Polymer [30-40%]; Plasticizer Mixture [10-30%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-30%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Petroleum Distillates [64742-47- 8][<2%]; p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68- 8][<0.3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] LOCTITE SUPERFLEX RED HIGH TEMP RTV [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0422 Gins Superflex Red high temp RTV silicone adhesive sealant] SN, P65 [Grainger 5E223]: Silicon Dioixde [7631-86-9][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum}, Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][5-10%]; Traicetoxyethylsilane [17689-77 -9][1-5%]; Methylsilanetriyl Triacetate [4253-34-3][1-5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7][0.1-1 %]; Nonhazardous Components: Silcone Resins [50-100%]; [FP >199.4oF]; [LEL4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1.01; VD >1] KWIK SEAL CLEAR CAULK WATERPROOF SEAL [Kwik-Seal CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.2148 Gins Tub & Tile Clear] [Grainger 25F525]: Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-CA, P65 1 ][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1 %]; Gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysila [919-30- 2][0.1-1 %]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.06%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.004%]; Ethyl Acrylate [140-88-5][<0.0002%]; [FP >200oF; BP 210oF]; [SG 1.063; VD >1] 100.0 ALUMINUM AND METAL SEALANT, 2.8 OZ [Momentive IR, OHH, P65 0.0437 Gins Performance Materials] [Grainger 22N774]: Distillates, Petroleum, Hydrotreated [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Methyl Trimethoxysilane [1185-55-3][1-5%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][1 0-30%]; Treated Filled [68611-44-9][1 0-30%]; [FP >199oF]; [SG 1.04]; [H1-FO-RO] 100.0 KWIK SEAL ADHESIVE SEALANT HIGH GLOSS WHITE [DAP CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3438 Gins ' Kwik Seal Plus Premium Kitchen and Bath Adhesive Caulk -All CA, P65 Colors] [Grainger 29RV08]: Limestone [1317-65-3][1 0-30%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1-5%]; Petroleum Distillates [64741-88-4][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Texanol [25265-77-4][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1- 1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; Styrene [100-42- 5][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.08%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 100.0 TOUGH GUY GREASE TRAP SZ 1 GAL [Roebic Grease Trap IR, OHH 4.0000 Gins Treatment, GT] [Grainger 2RYP4]: No Ingredients Listed; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD 1] N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 92 of 192 ~r-·"\ ·""' (\ ' I f\ r·\ /"'\ ,'"\ (_,.----." ,~---...., _/ ,r'\ 1/ _ _/ ,_j ''---------\., _/ "--_./ ' ___ / Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PVC 2725 WET/ DRY GLUE 1 PINT [Weld-On 2725 Wet 'R Dry, FL1R IR. OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Low VOC PVC Solvent Cement] [IPS 2725]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-70%]; Acetone [67-64-1][18-28%]; MEK [78-93- 3][2-17%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 2.1; UEL 13]; [SG 0.924; VD 2.49]; [H2-F3-R1] 52 LEGO-L 100.0 ACTIVE CUTTING FLUID 1 GA [Exxon Mobilmet 766] [Grainger CL3B, IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52271022 1MUC3]: Olefin Sulfide [1-5%]; [FP 356oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.88; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 53 LEGO-L 100.0 LIME SCALE REMOVER -SIMPLE GREEN [Sunshine Makers IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52271029 Simple Green Lime Scale Remover] [Grainger 3UP43]: Water [7732-i8-5j[78%j; Urea Hydrochloride [506-89-8][6%]; Sodium Citrate [6132-04-3][5%]; Mixed Alcohol Ethoxylate [PROP][5%]; Potassium Iodide [7681-11-0][1 %]; Fragrance [PROP][1 %]; Colorant [PROP][1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.023]; [H1-FO-RO] 54 LEGO-L 100.0 PIPE THREAD SEALANT [LA-CO Slic-Tite Paste with PTFE] CL3B, IR 0.1250 Gins N N Stockroom 52271231 [Grainger 2F896]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP >300oF; BP 350oF]; [SG 1.48]; [H2-F1-RO] 55 LEGO-L 100.0 EVAP. COIL CLEANER SELF RINSING [COIL-RITE Evaporator I IR,OHH 0.5625 Gins N N Stockroom 52310070 Coil Cleaner] [RectorSeal82612]: Glycol Ether EB [111-76-2][1- 5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 0.99; VD <1] 56 LEGO-L 100.0 COPELAND COMPRESSOR OIL [Copeland 3MAW Lubricant CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310074 (32 est)]: Compressor Oil; [FP 455oF; BP >600oF]; [SG 0.99]; SN [HO-F1-RO] 57 LEGO-L 100.0 EVAPORATOR COIL CLEANER [Evap Pow'r-C] [Nu-Calgon IR 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310099 4168]: 2-butoxyethanol [111-76-2][<1 0%]; Sodium Xylene sulfonate [1300-72-7][<15%]; [BP 210oF]; [SG 1.04]; [H1-FO-RO] J I 58 I LEGO-L 100.0 GEAR OIL 634 [Exxon MOBILGEAR 634] [Grainger 6Y785]: No CL3B, IR, OHH 0.4999 Gins N N Stockroom 52310180 Ingredients Listed; [FP 392oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.9; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 59 LEGO-L 100.0 SPOUT OIL 3-IN-1 [WD-40 3-ln-One Multi-Purpose Oil] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.0900 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52310239 [Grainger 16W826]: Severely Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic Oil [64742-52-5][>97%]; Naphtha, Petroleum [64742-47-8][<2%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [PROP][<3%]; [FP >305oF; BP >550oF]; [SG 0.866] 60 LEGO-L 100.0 DUCT SEALANT 1 GAL [Air-Lock 181] [RectorSeal 0213]: No IR 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310295 Ingredients Listed; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.6] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. ',J HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 93 of 192 Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 AIR COMPRESSOR OIL [Ingersoll-Rand All Season T30 Select] CL3B, IR, OHH [Grainger 2YY83]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 480oF]; [SG 0.92; VD>1] 62 LEGO-L 100.0 AIR COMPRESSOR OIL [Ingersoll-Rand All Season T30 Select] i CL3B, IR, OHH 1.7500 Gins N N Stockroom 52310317 [Grainger 2YY83]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 480oF]; [SG 0.92; VD>1] 63 LEGO-L 100.0 BIG BLUE SPRAY BUBBLE TEST [Big Blu Leak Detector IR 1.2500 Gins N N I Stockroom 52310373 i Solution] [Refrigeration Technologies RT1 ODS]: No Ingredients Listed; [BP >212oF]; [SG 1.04]; [HO-FO-RO] 64 I LEGO-L 100.0 COMPRESSOR OIL [Trane Oil 45] [Trane OIL00045]: Refined CL3B, IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310409 Petroleum Oil [64742-52-5][98.5%]; Butylated Triphenyl Phosphate [1.5%]; [FP 300oF; BP 500oF]; [SG <0.93; VD >1 0]; [H1-F1-RO] I LEGO-I L 100.0 WIPES REFILLS [ITW Dymon Scrubs Hand Sanitizer Wipes] CL2, IR, OHH 0.7000 Gins N N Stockroom I 52370529 ' [Grainger 2FLN7]: Water [7732-18-5][60-100%]; Ethyl Alcohol [64-17-5][10-30%]; [FP 100oF; BP 190oF]; [SG 0.97; VD >1] LEGO-L 100.0 CEMENT, 8 OZ, BLACK, ABS [E-Z WELD ASS/Solvent Mixture] FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.1250 Gins N N i Stockroom 52371150 [Grainger 1 RG54]: Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][20-50%]; ABS Resin [9003-56-9][18-40%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-30%]; [FP 15oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-RO] LEGO-L 100.0 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (IPA), 50%, 70%, 91% and 99% IPA: FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.6250 Gins N N , Stockroom 52390025 Isopropanol [67-63-0]; Deionized Water [Balance]; [FP 53oF; BP 181oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 12]; [SG 0.79; VD 2.07] LEGO-L 100.0 POWER STEERING FLUID [NAPA Power Steering Fluid]: CL3B, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52410001 Hydrotreated Naphthenic Distillates [MIXT][95-1 00%]; SN Proprietary additives [MIXT][0-5%]; Zinc salts of dialkyl dithiophosphoric acid [68649-42-3][<0.5%]; [FP 379oF]; [SG 0.873; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO] 69 I LEGO-L 100.0 DEXRON TRANSMISSION FLUID [NAPA PREM PERF CL3B, IR. OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410004 Automatic Transmission Fluid] [Ashland NP75200]: Heavy Paraffinic Distillate [64742-54-7][90-100%]; Mineral Oil [5-10%]; Methacrylate Copolymer [1.5-5%]; [FP >390oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.862]; [H1-F1-RO] 70 LEGO-L 100.0 MOTOR OIL SAE 30 HEAVY DUTY [Warren MAG 1 HD 30 CL3B, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52410009 6/1 QT] [Grainger 43Y892]: Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated TX Heavy Paraffinic [64742-54-7][90-99%]; Petroleum Distillates, Solvent Dewaxed Heavy Paraffinic [64742-65-0][3-7%]; [FP 406oF]; [SG 0.88]; [LC50-Inhalation 8.72 mg/L]; [HO-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 94 of 192 [! r· ,-----.. \ .. --.... .. ,r--·\, ,-\ /'\ ~"" /-', ~--\ ('"", / '"", /----...1 ' 1 l/ '~-j '-..__/ \, __ / ', __ _/ \, __ ) ', __ / \" _) \ _ ___; ','-.._ j "-----""' '--~/ Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 MOBILE ULTRA DUTY GREASE EP NLGI 2 [Exxon MobiiGreast CL3B, IR, OHH XHP 222 Special] [Grainger 4ZF44]: Phosphorodithoic Acid, 0,0-Di C1-14-Aikyl Esters, zinc Salts (2:1) (ZDDP) [68649-42- 3][<2.5%]; [FP 400oF; BP 600oF]; [SG 0.914]; [HO-F1-RO] 72 I LEGO-L 100.0 DOT 3 BRAKE FLUID [Napa DOT 3 Brake Fluid] [Warren CL3B, IR, OHH 0.3750 Gins N N Stockroom 52410045 Unilube 5241 0045]: TriEthylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [112- 35-6][5-50%]; TriEthylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether [112-50-5][5- 50%]; TriEthylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [143-22-6][5-50%]; Tetrathylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [1559-34-8][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycol [25322-68-3][5-20%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [112-34-5][5-20% ]; DiEthylene Glycol [111-46- 6][5-·i 5%]; DiEthylene Giycoi ivionomeihyi Ether [111-77-3][<5%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether [111-90-0][<5%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [9004-77-7][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [27783-42-8][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycols [9038-95-3][5-20%]; Trade Secret Inhibitor Package [TS][3%]; [FP >275oF; BP 480oF]; [SG 1.0; VD >1]; [H1-F1-RO] 73 LEGO-L 100.0 HIGH POWERED GEAR OIL SAE 90 [GL-5 New Generation j CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410084 Heavy Duty Gear Oil (80W90)] [CRC SL2472]: Lubricant base oil, highly refined [MIXT][91-93%]; Gear oil additives [TS][7-9%]; [FP >302oF]; [SG 0.87; VD >1]; [H1-F1-RO] 74 LEGO-L 100.0 ANTI FREEZE PRE DILUTED ZEREX [Ashland Zerex Original CL3B, IR, OHH, 3.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410098 RTU Antifreeze Coolant] [Grainger 2MWE7]: Ethylene Glycol P65 [1 07-21-1][50-60%]; [FP >250oF; BP 226oF]; [LEL 3.2; UEL 15.3] 75 I LEGO-L 100.0 OIL HYDRAULIC 1 GAL (DTE 24) [Exxon Mobil DTE 24] CL3B, IR, OHH 6.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410118 [Grainger 2LPK1]: [FP 392oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.871; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 76 LEGO-L 100.0 2 CYCLE OIL PERFECT MIX [Olympic Oil Tanaka Perfect Mix] I CL3B, IR, OHH 0.5000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410135 [Grainger 1AAJ7]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 252oF]; [SG 0.86]; [H1-F1-RO] 77 LEGO-L 100.0 F21 SUPER PROTECTANT 20.8 OZ [Turtle Wax Super CL3B, IR, OHH 0.4875 Gins N N Stockroom 52410140 Protectant] [Turtle Wax T-096R]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP >200oFj; [SG 0.997j; [Hi-Fi-ROj 78 LEGO-L 100.0 WATER SOLUBLE CUTTING OIL [Super Soluble Oil 11 0] [Motor CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52530022 Oi1110]: Petroleum Lubricating Base Stock [64742-53-6]; Chlorinated Paraffin [TS]; [FP 356oF; BP 450oF]; [SG 1; VD >5] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. ',J HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 95 of 192 ~ Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building· One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 GRADE 68 WAY OIL ISO 1 GAL [Waylube 68 Way Lubricant] CL3B, IR, OHH [Motor Oil 68]: Petroleum Lubricating Base Stock [64742-54- 7][<98%]; EP Slide way Additive [TS][>1.4%]; Tackifier [MIXT][<0.6%]; [FP 442.4oF; BP 600oF]; [SG 0.88; VD >5] 80 LEGO-L 100.0 PL PREMIUM POLYURETHANE CONST ADHESIVE [Loctite PL CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.0156 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52540079 Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive] [Henkel CA, P65 1390595]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; Methylenebis(phenylisocyanate) [1 01-68-8][1 0-30%]; Hydrocarbon C11-25 dearomatized [64742-46-7][10-30%]; Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate [26447-40-5][1-5%]; lsocyanic acid, polymethylenepolyphenylene ester [9016-87-9][1-5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1 %]; [FP >200oF; BP 341.6oF]; [LEL 1.6; UEL 1 0.2]; [SG 1.26; VD >1] 81 LEGO-L 100.0 GREASE CARTRIDGES EP 2 Now called GADUS grease [Shell CL3B, IR, OHH 2.8438 Gins N N Stockroom 60BB0162 Gadus S2 V220 2] [SOPUS DEU003514]: Highly refined mineral oil contains <3% DMSO-extract; [FP 356oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 10]; [SG 0.9; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO] 82 ' LEGO-L 100.0 TRACK LUBE PLUS 1 GALLON -PASTE [Rydon Track Lube IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom I 60CA0100 Plus]: All Food Grade Approved Ingredients; Limited information provided on MSDS 83 I LEGO-L 100.0 URETHANE ADHESIVE ACCUFLEX SEALANT-BLACK [3M IR, OHH, CA, 0.7371 Gins N N Stockroom 60DC0114 Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure (Various Colors)] SN, P65, WR1 A [3M 25-8775-6]: Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Plasticizer Mixture [TS][10-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][<5.4%]; Calcium Oxide [1305- 78-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron II Oxide [1309-37-1][<2%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][<2%]; P,P'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [1 01-68-8][<0.2%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- piperidinyl) sebacate [41556-26-7][0.01-0.1%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.1 %]; Methyl1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl sebacate [82919-37-7][0.01-0.1%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.2]; [H2- F1-RO] 84 LEGO-L 100.0 QUICK TAC 2 ACTIVATOR [Quick Tac 2] [ASI 60MS0009]: 1 FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N . Stockroom 60MS0009 Acetone [67-64-1][>99%]; [FP <OoF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL i P65 13]; [SG 0,79; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] 85 I LEGO-L 100 TUBE PATCH GLUE 40Z CAN [Royal Adhesives LA4009[: FL1B, IR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N Stockroom ' 600R0100 Toluene [108-88-3]; Acetone [67-64-1]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-CA, P65 93-3]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 96 of 192 ;--,, /---....., (\ ,". (\ '~ ,", /\ .. ~, .• ~, •-..../ --""I ~) '~) . ._/ \_J Irritants/LIQUIDS \~_j \.....___ _ _/ \.. _ _/ \..____/' \_/ \ _ __) \..______./ \.____/ ,,_) ''.J' • .J <_j 2015 • Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SEASTAR STEERING OIL [Seastar Steering Fluid] [FUCHS Lubricants HA5430]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 230oF]; [SG 0.847]; [H1-F1-RO] 87 LEGO-L 100.0 HI TEMP WATER RESISTANT SYNTHETIC GREASE [Exxon 60TC0042 Mobil Mobilith SHC PM 460] [Grainger 12J022]: Zinc Dithiophosphate [68649-42-3][1-2.5%]; [FP 399oF]; [SG 1]; [HO- F1-RO] 88 LEGO-L 100.0 LGMT 2 [SKF LGMT2]: Naphthenic acids, zinc salts [12001-85- 60TC0109 I 3][<2.5%]; Baseoil, unspecified [60-100%]; [FP >302oF]; [SG <1]; [HO-F1-RO] 89 LEGO-L 100.0 SILICONE LUBE "0" RING 2oz TUBE POOL LUBRICANT 60WQ0022 [Leslie Pool & Spa Grease] [Finish Line G00352401]: White Mineral Oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][60-80%]; Siloxanes and Silicones, Di-Me, Reaction Products with Silica [67762-90-7][3- 7%]; Silica (Also Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline Free, CAS# 112945-52-5) [7631-86-9][3-7%]; [FP >280oF]; [SG 0.9816]; [H1-F1-RO] I 90 LEGO-L 100.0 1 PT. 2711 PVC CEMENT (GRAY) [IPS Weld-On 711 Low VOC 60WQ0074 PVC Plastic Pipe Cements] [Grainger 6KWU1]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-50%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][5-15%]; Cyclohexane [1 08-94-1][9-18%]; Acetone [67-64-1][3-11 %]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEI12.8]; [SG 0.966; VD >2]; [H2- F3-RO] I 91 LEGO-I L 100.0 1. PT IPS #P-70 PVC PRIMER [Weld-On P-70 Low VOC Primer 60WQ0075 For PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe] [Grainger 6KWU4]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][45-59% ]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93- 3][19-29%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5-15%]; Acetone [67-64- 1 ][5-20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] 92 I LEGO-L 100.0 I PVC & RUBBER REPAIR KIT [AquaSeal] [McNett 1011 0]: 60WQ0228! Toluene [108-88-3]; Copolymer Component (Diphenylmethane Di-isocyanate, Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol) [1 01-68-8]; [FP 68oF; BP 235oF]; [SG 1; VD 3.2] 93 LEGO-i L 100.0 WELD-ON 724 LOW VOC CEMENT FOR CPVC PLA.STIC PIPE 60WQ0420 I [Grainger 29JA 18]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][40-70%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][2-15%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5- 20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 151 oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 11.8]; [SG 0.984; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] ,j \'-..._) '-..._/ '----' '-.___/ \ ______ ) ' CL3B, IR, OHH 0.8562 Gins N N , Stockroom CL3B, IR, OHH 1.7600 Gins N N ! Stockroom CL3B, IR, OHH 0.2188 Gins N N Stockroom i FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.1875 Gins N ! N · Stockroom FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.3125 Gins N N Stockroom ! FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.0185 Gins N N Stockroom FL 18, !R, OHH 0.5000 G!ns N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. ' '~----~ "---~_/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 97 of 192 Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland -Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 L 100.0 PIPE CEMENT, GRAY, 16 OZ, PVC [IPS Weld-On 711 Low VOC PVC Plastic Pipe Cements] [Grainger 6KWU1]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][40-50%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][5-15%]; Cyclohexane [108-94-1][9-18%];Acetone [67-64-1][3-11%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEI12.8]; [SG 0.966; VD >2]; [H2- F3-RO] 95 I LEGO-L 100.0 PRIMER, PURPLE, 16 OZ, PVC AND CPVC [Weld-On P-70 FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0487 I Low VOC Primer For PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe] [Grainger 6KWU4]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][45-59%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][19-29% ]; Cyclohexanone [ 1 08-94-1 ][5-15%]; Acetone [67-64-1][5-20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] 96 I LEGO-L 100.0 ELECTRIC GREASE, SIZE 5.3 0 [Henkel Loctite Silicone CL3B, IR 0.0828 Gins N N Stockroom 61AN0006 Lubricant, 51360] [Grainger 5E201]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 200oF]; [SG 0.95] I 97 I LEGO-L 100.0 OIL FOR LUBRICATOR [Hyspin ZZ 32] [Castrol451128]: Highly ' CL3B, IR, OHH 0.2642 Gins N N I Stockroom 64CS0001 refined base oil [PROP]; [FP 392oF] 98 LEGO-L 100.0 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N Stockroom 64PF0001 Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: SN Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1%]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1 %]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0.1-1%]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 99 I LEGO-L 100.0 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme I CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N Stockroom 64PF0001 I Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: I SN Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1 %]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1%]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 100 LEGO-L 100.0 WADER RUBBER CONDITIONER [Lacrosse Rubber IR,OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom Conditioner] [McNett 22832]: No Ingredients Listed; [SG 0.99] 101 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #1 2oz [DPD Reagent #1] [Taylor Technologies IR,OHH 0.0159 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0013 R-0001]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][80-90%]; Dipotassium phosphate [7758-11-4][5-1 0%]; Disodium phosphate [7558-79- 4][5-10%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.01- 0.1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.24; VD 0.64] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 98 of 192 ,.,----'! /--'\ r...----.) ~ r'\ ,~'\ (\, ,/-._,\ .~ (~ ,.------"\ /~\ (----'\. ,~---...\ ' J ! ,,_/' :\'-, ___ .. ./ '---~) ·~-/ '\..._/ · .... __ / \ _ _/ --~ ~ '-./ '.._ __ J ~ \..__ -..._/ \..._"/ --~/ ....._ _/ ~~- Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 TAYLOR TEST #4 2oz [pH Indicator Solution (Phenol Red)] [Taylor Technologies R-0004]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][90- 99%]; Trade Secret [0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.1-5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.0; VD 0.6]; LEGO-I L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #11 2oz [Calcium Indicator Liquid] [Taylor FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.1110 Gins N N i Stockroom 64WQ0016 I Technologies R-0011 L]: Triethanolamine [1 02-71-6][77%]; UR1 Isopropyl alcohol [67-63-0][23%]; Calcon [2538-85-4][<1%]; [FP 64oF; BP 500oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 12]; [SG 1.02; VD 2]; [H1-F3-R1] l LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #7 2oz [Thiosulfate N/1 0] [Taylor Technologies R-IR,OHH 0.2378 Gins N i N l Stockroom 64WQ0021 0007]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate [1 01 02-17 -7][0.1 ~5%]; Other components be!ovv reportable levels [0.01-0.1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.00; VD 0.6] 105 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST R0871 2 OZ [FAS-DPD Titrating Reagent IR, OHH, WR1 0.2219 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 64WQ0026 i (Chlorine)] [Taylor Technologies R-0871]: Nonhazardous I ingredients [<1%]; Deionized water [7732-18-5][to 100%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD 0.6]; [HO-FO-RO] 106 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST R0012 2 OZ [Hardness Reagent] [Taylor IR,OHH 0.2061 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0027 Technologies R-0012]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Edetic acid [60-00-4][0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.01-0.1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.00; VD 0.6] 107 LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE -MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050311 [ITW A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 108 LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1 C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050312 i A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 109 I LEGO-L 100.0 YELLOW-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 51050313 [ITW A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 99 of 192 Irritants/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 110 ' LEGO-L 100.0 YELLOW-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60% ]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [647 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81 oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 111 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1 C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050316 [ITW A720M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 112 I LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY DRY FIT [Dry Battery -No electrolyte added]: [HO-FO-IR,OHH 112.0000 N N Stockroom 61SS0004 RO] Gins 113 LEGO-L 100.0 RED -FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050309 i A791M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64 7 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81 oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] TOTAL-Irritants/Liquids 190.11 Gins AGGREGATE TOTAL -Irritants/Liquids 190.11 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 100 of 192 .~ (' r~ (-"\ ~-----\ ,<-\ /'""', !'"--........, ,----...., "--.--/' '...__.-' '-~-/ ...._~_) ', ~/ "-.. _// ''---./ , __ ,/ ,_/' ',, / Irritants/LIQUEFIED GASES - \,__) 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 LEG0- 52370671 LG BUTANE GAS REFILL-5oz [Master Appliance Ultratane Butane Fuel] [Grainger 1YMK4]: Liquified Petroleum Gas [1 00%]; [FP -156oF; BP 9,3oF]; [LEL 1.9; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.574] 100.0 MAPP GAS-14oz DISPOSABLE FUEL CYLINDER [Worthington MAP-PRO Premium Hand Torch Fuel] [Grainger 2YMW6]: Propylene [115-07-1 ][99.5-1 00%]; Propane [74-98-6][0- 0.5%]; [FP -162oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 11]; [SG 0.52; VD 1.5]; [H1-F4- R1] TOTAL -Irritants/Liquefied Gases AGGREGATE TOTAL -Irritants/Liquefied Gases ',_./ '--/ '_J FG, IR, OHH 0.2200 Gins N N Stockroom 0.42 Gins 0.42 G!ns STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 101 of 192 Irritants/SOLIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 3 LEG0- 52370517 LEG0- 60ST0053 s 100.0 s 100.0 5 GAL KIT MAGNA-CRETE #95555 [Fixmaster Magna-crete] [Grainger 2VRN2]: Silica, Quartz [14808-60-7][60-100%]; Magnesium Oxide [1309-48-4][10-30%]; [BP 3715oF]; [SG 2.65] DRY POWDER GRAPHITE LUBE 0.21oz [Superior Graphite Tube-0-Lube] [Grainger 1WVK9]: Graphite, Natural [7782-42-5]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7]; [H1-FO-RO] TRISODIUM PHOSPHATE (BUSS RAIL SOAP) [DAP TSP General Purpose Cleaner] [Grainger 1 OL522]: Sodium Phosphate, Tribasic [10101-89-0][30-60%]; Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous [497-19-8][10-30%] TOTAL-Irritants/Solids AGGREGATE TOTAL -Irritants/Solids IR, OHH, CA 0.0262 Lbs N N Stockroom IR, OHH 8.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 58.03 Lbs 58.03 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. -"'\ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 ('~\ / '· ,-------.., r-\ (~ '--.__/ --\ ('\, ~ ~' /~, CJ Page 102 of 192 ~· Other Health Hazards/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SMALL WD-40 LUBRICANT 3oz [WD-40 Multi-Use Product Aerosol (25% VOC)] [Grainger 20JY59]: LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][45-50%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][<25%]; Petroleum Base Oil [64742-56-9][<25%]; Non-hazardous ingredients [MIXT][<10%]; Carbon Dioixde [124- 38-9][2-3%]; [FP 138oF; BP 361oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 8]; [SG 0.8; VD>1] 2 LEGO-A 100.0 BIG WD-40 LUBRICANT 16oz [WD-40 Multi-Use Product AL3, IR, OHH 6.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130002 Aerosol (25% VOC)] [Grainger 20JY59]: LVP Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][45-50%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-47-8][<25%]; Petroleum Base Oil [64742-56-9][<25%]; Non-hazardous ingredients [MIXT][<10%]; Carbon Dioixde [124- 38-9][2-3%]; [FP 138oF; BP 361oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 8]; [SG 0.8; VD>1] LEGO-A 100.0 · AERO KROlL PENETRATING OIL [Kana Laboratories Aerokroil]: 1 AL3, IR, OHH 8.2500 Lbs N N i Stockroom 52130005 Heavy Hydortreated Petroleum Distillates [64742-52-5][30-50%]; Heavy Aliphatic Solvent Naphtha [64742-95-6][30-50%]; Proprietary Ingredients [PROP][1-10%]; Diproylene Glycol Monopropyl Ether [29911-207-1][1-5%]; Diisobutyl Ketone [1 08- 83-8][0-15%]; Aliphatic Alcohol #1 [PROP][<3%]; Aliphatic Alcohol #2 [PROP][<3%]; Carbon Dioixde Propellant [124-38- 9][1-15%]; [FP 132oF]; [LEL 0.7]; [SG 0.8596]; [H1-F2-RO] 4 LEGO-A 100.0 SYNTHETIC GREASE [Sprayon LU 207 Food Grade Synthetic AL3, IR, OHH 7.1250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130008 Grease Aerosol] [Grainger 12R257]: Propane [74-98-6][1 0%]; Butane [106-97-8][10%]; Heptane [142-82-5][48%]; Toluene [108-88-3][2%]; [FP <OoF; BP OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.7; VD>1] 5 LEGO-A 100.0 BRAKE PARTS CLEANER [Henkel Loctite Pro Strenght Parts AL 1, IR, OHH, 13.0625 Lbs N N · Stockroom 52130009 I Cleaner, 30548] [Grainger 3EPR2]: Tetrachloroethylene [127 -18-CA, P65 4][60-100%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][10-30%]; Ethylbenzene [100- 41-4][1-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] 6 LEGO-A 100.0 ELECTRO 140 CONTACT CLEANER [CRC HF Contact Cleaner AL3, IR, OHH 12.3750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130010 03125] [Grainger 1 0263]: Distillates (Petioleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][90-100%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-3%]; [FP 204oF; BP 430oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 5.5]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.5]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. ./'. I~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 /'\ \, _ _/ .~, /-'.,. ~I Page 104 of 192 ,-~, [j -_/~ '----/ \'-.-'f , ___ / ~j '--/ Other Health Hazards/AEROSOLS 2015 • Legoland ·Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUPER 77 ADHESIVE SPRAY 24oz [3M Super 77 Multipurpose Adhesive] [Grainger 3MA 17]: Acetone [67-64-1 ][20-30%]; Non- Volatile Componets [TS][20-30%]; Propane [74-98-6][15-25%]; Cyclohexane [11 0-82-7][1 0-20%]; 2,3-Dimethybutane [79-29- 8][1-8%]; 3-methypentane [96-14-0][1-8%]; 2-methylpentane [107-83-5][1-8%]; 2,2-Dimethylbutane [75-83-2][0-8%]; Pentane [1 09-66-0][<2%]; Hexane [11 0-54-3][<0.8%]; [FP -42oF]; [SG 0.726]; [H2-F4-RO] 8 LEGO-A 100.0 TRI FLOW LUBRICANT 12oz [Sherwin Williams Tri-Fiow i AL3, IR, OHH 6.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130013 Superior Lubricant with PTFE] [Grainger2PB97]: Propane [74-98- 6][10%]; Butane [106-97-8][10%]; Heavy Alpihatic Solvent [64742-47-8][24%]; Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum oi! [64742-52- 5][41%]; Naphthenicoil [64741-97-5][2%]; Heavy Paraffinic Oil [64 7 42-65-0][3% ]; 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol [34590-94- 8][2%]; Amyl Acetate [628-63-7][2%]; [FP <OoF; BP <Oof]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 14]; [SG 0.78; VD >1] 9 LEGO-A 100.0 HEAVY DUTY SILICONE LUBRICANT [Grainger 19C656]: AL3, IR, OHH 4.8750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130015 Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy [64742-48-9][10- 25%]; Liquified Petroleum Gas [68476-85-7][10-20%]; [FP 144oF; BP 212oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.92; VD >1]; [H1- F2-RO] 10 i LEGO-A 100.0 SPRAY DUSTER STATIONARY NOZZLE - 1 Ooz [Eco Duster II AL3, IR, OHH 5.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130017 1 Ooz] [Grainger 5PWH5]: 1, 1-Difluoroethane [75-37-6]; [FP -58oF; BP -13oF]; [LEL 3.9; UEL 16.9]; [SG 1; VD >1]; [H1-F4- RO] 11 LEGO-I A 100.0 INSULATING FOAM DAP 12 OZ [KWIK Foam Polyurethane AL 1, IR, OHH, 9.7500 Lbs N N I Stockroom 521soo18 I Foam] [Grainger 5E086]: Chlorodifluoromethane [75-45-6][7-SN,TX 13%]; 4,4'-Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) [101-68-6][5- 10%]; Polymeric Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [9016-87-9][5- 10%]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 12 LEGO-A 100.0 CITRUS DEGREASER 18oz [Sprayon Citrus Cleaner Degreaser] AL3, IR, OHH, 11.0000 Lbs N N 1 Stockroom 52130022 [Grainger 1 LKL4]: VM&P Naphtha [64742-89-8][24%]; d-P65 Limonene [5989-27-5][73%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][3%]; [FP 99oF; BP <OoF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 6.1]; [SG 0.82; VD >1] 13 LEGO-A 100.0 COLD GALV. SPRAY CAN [Rust Tough Zinc Rich Co!d AL3, IR, OHH, 7.5000 Lbs N N 1 Stockroom 52130027 ! Galvanizing Primer] [Sherwin-Williams R00859]: Propane [74-98-P65 6][13%]; Butane [106-97-8][12%]; Heptane [142-82-5][3%]; Lt. Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent [64742-98-8][3%]; Toluene [108- 88-3][5%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][11 %]; Zinc [7440-66- 6][47%]; [FP <OoF; BP <OoF]; [LEL0.9; UEL 10]; [SG 1.15; VD >1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 105 of 192 I) Other Health Hazards/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 100.0 LOCTITE 79040 18oz CHISEL AE [Loctite Chisel Paint Stripper] I AL3. CR. OHH, 3.3750 Lbs [Grainger 1 KGU5]: Methylene Chloride [75-09-2][60-1 00%]; Liquified Petroleum Propellant [68476-86-8][10-30%]; Methanol [67-56-1][5-10%]; Propylene Oxide [75-56-9][0.1-1%]; [FP <41oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.789] 15 LEGO-A 100.0 SPRAY WAX, 18 WT OZ [MarkyKate HighLight Spray Wax] AL 1, IR, OHH, 7.8750 Lbs N N i Stockroom 52130047 [Grainger 19MZ11]: Water [7732-18-5][70-80%]; P65 i Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][3-8%]; Synthetic lsoparaffinic Hydrocarbon [64742-48-9][1-5%]; Coconut Diethanolamide [68603-42-9][1-5%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10- 20%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 0.99]; [H1-F1-RO] 16 LEGO-A 100.0 WHITE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210050 White Marking] [Grainger 6KP41]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas SN, CA, P65 [684 76-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [647 42-89-8][2.5- 10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5- 10%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [SG 0.864; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 17 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY GREEN WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 8.5000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210051 Safety Green Marking] [Grainger 6YH09]: Acetone [67-64-1][1 0-SN, CA, P65 25%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64 7 42-89-8][1 0-25%]; Limestone [1317 -65-3][2.5- 10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43- 7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807- 96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742- 49-0][2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][1-2.5%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.836; VD >1] 18 i LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION YELLOW WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875Lbs N N I Stockroom 52210052 12PK Caution Yellow Mark] [Grainger 6KN98]: Acetone [67-64-SN, CA, P65 1][25-50%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317- 65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5~10%,]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Yellow Iron Oxide [51274-00- 1][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.832; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 106 of 192 ~-, n (\, ,., .~~ ~~ n l"c .~', (~\ (\ "'· ~~ (\ ,r'', "' /\ ~, /""\ r-, --; -", '--"' ~, l __ , ',_/ _________ ) '--/' '----' '-._.J "--~/ \~ ..... / ·"'-.~--'~/ Other Health Hazards/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SAFETY RED WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSR 12PK Safety Red Marking] [Grainger 6KP40]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317 -65-3][2.5-1 0%]; Talc [14807 -96-6][2.5-1 0%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.85; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 20 LEGO-A 100.0 ALERT ORANGE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 10.6250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210054 12PK Alert Orange Mark] [Grainger 6KP37]: Liquefied Petroleum SN, CA, P65 Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89- 8][10-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65- 3][2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-1 0%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.836; VD >1; [H2-F4-RO] 21 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION BLUE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210066 12PK Caution Blue Mark] [Grainger 6KP33]: Liquefied Petroleum SN, CA, P65 Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-25%]; Toluene [108-88-3][2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][2.5-10%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96- 6][1-2.5%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49- 0][1-2.5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.843; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] i 22 LEGO-A 100.0 HISTRENGTH SUPER 90 ADHESIVE SPRAY [Hi-Strenght I AL3, IR, OHH 2.2000 Lbs N N i Stockroom 52250024 Spray Adhesive 90 (Aerosol)] [Grainger 3MA16]: Dimethyl Ether [115-1 0-6][35-45%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][25-35%]; N.J.T.S [TS][10-20%]; Cyclohexane [110-82-7][7-13%]; 1,1- Difluoroethane [75-37-6][1-5%]; Pentane [109-66-0][1-5%]; [FP -42oF]; [SG 0.726; VD 2.97]; [H2-F4-RO] 23 I LEGO-A 100.0 ADHESIVE REMOVER GOOF OFF [Adhesive Remover Low AL3, IR, OHH 6.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52250094 VOC 20% Aerosol] [Grainger 15E723]: Propanol, 1 (or 2)-(2- methoxymethylethoxy)-, Acetate [88917-22-0][30-40%]; Hydrotreated Light Petroleum Distillates [64742-47-8][15-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][15-25%]; Propane [74-98-6][5-15%]; [FP -156oF; BP -44oF]; [LEL 2.1; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.8; VD >1]; [H2-F4- RO] 24 LEGO-A 100.0 BLAST A COIL CLEANER [Virginia KMP Blast-A-Coil] [Grainger AL3, IR, OHH, 2.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52310054 2NTK7]: Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9]; Trichloroethylene [79-01-6]; CA [H2-FO-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 107 of 192 Other Health Hazards/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 EVAP FOAM COIL CLEANER-EVAP FOAM COIL CLEANER AL 1. CR. OHH 1.1250 Lbs N N Stockroom [Evap Foam No Rinse-Aerosol (4171)] [Nu-Calgon 4171]: Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8][3-7%]; DiEthylene Glycol monoethyl ether [111-90-0][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol monobutyl ether [111-76-2][1-5%]; Tetrasodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate [64-02-8][1-5%]; [BP 388.4oF]; [H2- F1-RO] 26 I LEGO-A 100.0 NC EASY SEAL [Nu-Calgon 4050-06]: Butane [106-97-8][10-I AL3, IR, OHH 1.1250 Lbs N N I Stockroom 52310454 30%]; Propane [74-98-6][10-30%]; Ethanol [64-17-5][1-5%]; [FP 132.23oF; BP 143oF]; [SG 9.1; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 27 I LEGO-A 100.0 I FOOD GRADE MACHINE OIL [CRC Food Grade Machine Oil AL3, IR, OHH, 2.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52370896 03081] [Grainger 2F132]: Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated TX Light [64742-47-8][60-70%]; White Mineral Oil (Petroleum) [8042- 47-5][30-40%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-3%]; [FP 220oF; BP 424.4oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 5.5]; [SG 0.82; VD >1]; [LC50-Inhalation 7.8481 mg/L]; [H1-F1-RO] 28 LEGO-A i. 100.0 I CARBURETOR CLEANER [Asland Pyroil Garb & Choke AL3, CR, OHH, 0.0625 Lbs N N Stockroom 52410006 Cleaner] [Grainger 1PKT8]: Acetone [67-64-1][50-60%]; P65 Methanol [67-56-1][20-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][15-20%]; Ethyl Benzene [100-41-4][1.5-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1.5-5%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 36]; [SG 0.8132]; [H3-F4-RO] 29 LEGO-A 100.0 . GUNK TIRE PUNCTURE SEALANT [Tite Seal Instant Tire AL1, IR, OHH 3.7500 Lbs N N Stockroom . 52410017 Repair] [Radiator Specialty Company M1114]: 1,1 ,1 ,2, Tetrafluoroethane [811-97-2][10-30%]; 2-Butoxyethanol [111-76- 2][1 0-30%]; Ammonium hydroxide [1336-21-6][0.1-1 %]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Polyvinylacetate Latex [9003-20-7][3- 7%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD >1]; [H2-F1-RO] 30 LEGO-A 100.0 COLOR DYE PENETRANT FLAW DETECTION RED AL3, IR, OHH, 0.6615 Lbs N N Stockroom 60MIS0019l PENETRANT [SKL-SP2 Aerosol] [Magnaflux 60MIS0019]: P65 Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8][40-70%]; White mineral oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][15-40%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light naphthenic [64742-53-6][1-5%]; 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[[4-(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-, ai-heptyl ai', ar"- Me derivs. [92257-31-3][1-5%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][<0.1 %]; [FP 200oF; BP 455oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.89; VD >1]; [H1- F4-RO] l l 31 LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 7471 PRIMER 4.5 OZ. [Henkel Loctite Locquic Primer ! AL3, IR, OHH, 0.2812 Lbs N N Stockroom 60PSBOOO T 7471 Aerosol, 22477] [Grainger 3HV17]: Acetone [67-64-1][60-SN, P65 8 100%]; lsobutane [75-28-5][10-30%]; 2-Propanol [67-63-0][5- 1 0%]; 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole [149-30-4][0.1-1 %]; [FP 17.6oF]; [SG 0.7953] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 108 of 192 [".·• ~ i ' I (r\· .. ·\ ;\ ·~ f) ,r-''\ ,....~ ~. ,.-...-..-....., ,/~ .-\ _,\ •J l '~ _____ / '~-/ Other Health Hazards/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 32 33 34 LEGO- 60TC0065 LEG0- 61AN0020 A A BATTERY CORROSION PREVENTION, AEROSOL SPRAY [CRC Battery Terminal Protector 03175] [Grainger 2F134]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][20-30%]; Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][20-30%]; 3- Methylhexane [589-34-4][1 0-20%]; N-Heptane [142-82-5][1 0- 20%]; Petrolatum [8009-03-8][10-20%]; 2-Methylhexane [591-76- 4][5-1 0%]; Methylcyclohexane [1 08-87 -2][5-1 0%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Solvent-Refined Heavy Paraffinic [64741-88-4][1- 3%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<1%]; N-Hexane [110-54-3][<1%]; [FP <OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 8]; [SG 0.73]; [H2-F4-R1] 100.0 RIVOLT.11, SKD 170 CHAIN OIL# 767 0011 O!L CONT.t\!NER AL3, IR, OHH [Rivolta S.K.D. 170 Aerosol] [Bremer & Leguil GmbH 170]: Butane [16-97-8][15-30%]; Mixture of propane and butane [68606-25-7][25-40%]; Mixture of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons [64742-49-0][15-19.9%]; [FP 410oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 11]; [SG 0.94] 100.0 INOX MX4 LANOX LANOLIN LUBRICANT, 300G AEROSOL AL3, IR, OHH, CAN [LPS 2, 00216, C30216 (Aerosol)] [Grainger 6Y744]: TX Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][70-80%]; Mineral Seal (Petroleum) Oil [64742-46-7/64742-52-5][20-30%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [FP 175oF; BP 383oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.7]; [LC50-Inhalation >8.5 mg/L]; [H1- F2-RO] TOTAL-Other Health Hazards/Aerosols AGGREGATE TOTAL-Other Health Hazards/Aerosols 105.6800 Lbs 5.8494 Lbs 277.52 Lbs 277.52 Lbs N N , __ j N Stockroom N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 109 of 192 Other Health Hazards/COMPRESSED GASES 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SPAN GAS CYL 0.6 CF [Gas Cylinders Containing 35, 50, 95, 200, 300, 400 ppm Carbon Monoxide in Air] [3M 08-61 09-6]: Nitrogen [7727 -37 -9][76.465-80.46%]; Oxygen [7782-44-7][19.5- 23.5%]; Carbon Monoxide [630-08-0][0.0035-0.04%]; [BP -317 .8oF]; [SG 1.28; VD 1]; [HO-FO-RO] TOTAL -Other Health Hazards/Compressed Gases AGGREGATE TOTAL -Other Health Hazards/Compressed Gases 0.60 0.60 STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 11 0 of 192 ,....----""\ ,r\ 7'\ /~ f~. ~-\ ~ ("\ ,~ ·~ f\, /~~\, r~1 .01 ~~. ,,----""'-, /-"'1 [) - /' \'--) '~ I __ j '-...._/ ~-/-' ~~-_/ '-~---' Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS '-_j "--./ ,_/ 2015 • Legoland ·Facilities Building· One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 POWERBOLT CLEANER [Johnson Diversey Power Bolt Power Spray Cleaner] [Grainger 3UT51]: Alcohol Ethoxylates [34398- 01-1 ][3-7%]; Monoethanolamine [141-43-5][1 0-25% ]; Propylene Glycol [57-55-6][0, 1-1.5%]; d-Limonene [5989-27-5][0, 1-1.5%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.048]; [H3-FO-RO] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 GOJO HAND CLEANER WITH PUMICE [Gojo Natural Orange I IR,OHH 3.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 51200020 Smooth Hand Cleaner] [Grainger 12V407]: Petroleum Distillates [64742-47-8][<10%]; [H1-F1-RO] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 36334 10LB MAGNA CRETE ACTIVATOR [Loctite i CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52130003 i Fixmaster Magnacrete Activator [Henkel 36334]: Polyphosphic Acid, Ammonium Salts [68333~79=9][30-60%]; [FP >212oF; BP 212oF]; [SG 1.3] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 PVC CEMENT CONDUIT (CLEAR) [E-Z Weld Polyvinyl . FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52130014 Chloride/Solvent Mixture] [Grainger GHS-US]: Tetrahydrofuran I UR1 [109-99-9][10-60%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][0-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1 ][1 0-30%]; Cyclohexanone [1 08-94-1 ][5-30%]; Polyvinyl chloride resin [9002-86-2][<20%]; Silicon Dioixde [112945-52-5]; [FP 15.8oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-R1] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 242 THREADLOCKER MEDIUM STR. [Loctite 242 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockroom 52130019 Thread locker Medium Strength] [Grainger 2A269]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][60-100%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004- 96-0][10-30%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propanediol-1 ,2 [57-55-6][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300.2oF]; [LEL 2.6; UEL 12.5]; [SG 1.1] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 I LOCTITE PERMANENT THREADLOCKER 262 50ml [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0792 Gins N N I Stockroom ! 52130020 262 Threadlocker High Strenght] [Grainger 5E215]: Polyglycol I SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-1 00%]; Saccarin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydorperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.05] 7 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER 222 50ml [Loctite 222 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0660 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52130021 Threadlocker] [Henkel231127]: Polyglycol dimethacrylate CA, P65 [PROP][30-60%]; Polyglycol oleate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, amorphous, treated [68909-20-6][5-10%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1- 5%]; Propane-1,2-diol [57-55-6][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Titanium Dioxide )13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [SG 1.08) STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 111 of 192 C: / Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 BLACK LIQUID ELECTRICAL TAPE [Brush on Electrical Tape Black] [Grainger 1 MPX8]: Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][35- 45%]; Methyl Isobutyl Ketone [108-10-1][25-35%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][2-6%]; Chromium(lll) Oxide [1308-38- 9][0-1%]; [FP 23oF; BP 176oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] 9 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE C5A A COPPER BASE ANTI SEIZE 8 OZ. [C5-A I CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 52130025 Copper Based Anti-Seize Lubricant] [Grainger 5E203]: Distillates CA (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Heavy Naphtenic [64742-52-5][30- 60%]; Calcium Dihydroxide [1305-62-0][10-30%]; Mineral Oil Light Naphtenic Hydrotreat [64742-53-6][1 0-30%]; Copper [7440- 50-8][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][5-10%]; Quartz [14808-60- 7][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >500oF]; [SG 1.3; VD >1] 10 LEGO-L 100.0 TRI FLOW 2oz BOTTLE [Tri-Fiow Industrial Lubricant with CL3A, IR, OHH 0.0469 Gins N N Stockroom 52130026 Telflon] [Grainger 3JDL7]: Heavy Aliphatic Solvent [64742-96- 7][30%]; Naphtenic Oil [64742-53-8][23%]; Heavy Naphthenic Petroleum Oil [64742-52-5][2%]; Highly Refined Maphtenic Oil [64742-53-6][4%]; heavy Mineral Oil [64741-96-4][23%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Solvent-Dewaxed Heavy Paraff [64742-65- 0][4%]; 2-Methoxymethylethoxypropanol [34590-94-8][3%]; Amyl Acetate [628-63-7][3%]; Barium [0.86%]; [FP 146oF; BP 288oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7.5]; [SG 0.88; VD >1] 11 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 603 10ML RETAINING CMPOUND BO [Loctite 603 I CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0133 Gins N N Stockroom 52130030 Retaining Compound Press Fit] [Henkel231097]: Methyacrylate SN, CA, P65 Resin [PROP][30-60%]; Methacrylate monomer [PROP][10- 30%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [27813-2-1][5-10%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-1 0%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-10%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][5-10%]; Alkylphenol ethoxylate [PROP][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][0.1-1 %]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Methacrylic acid [79-41-4][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Subsituted Silane [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 12 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 248 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER IR, OHH, SN, 0.0075 Gins N N Stockroom 52130031 I [Loctitie 248 TL 9G Stick] [Grainger 3UU58]: Polyglycol no-r= ru'-1 Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][60-1 00%]; Thixtropic Agent Unknown [10-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Polyglycol Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][1-5%]; . Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.097] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 112 of 192 /\ 8 (~, ,..-,,, .-., .. , --"""\ l/ ,j -~-") ''-~/ -......___/ \"------/ '--~/ '" ,_/ '..._ __ ./ -..__~/ Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland ·Facilities Building· One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 268 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER [Quickstix 268 Thread locker High Strength] [Grainger 3UU56]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-60%]; Aromatic Dimethacyrlate Ester [24448-20-2][1 0-30%]; Polyuretheane Methacrylate Resin [PROP][1 0-30%]; Thixtropic Agent [1 0-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1- 5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.0687] 14 LEGO-L 100.0 I LOCTITE SILVER 37230 120GM ANTISEIZE LUBE [Loctite LB CR, OHH 0.0219 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52130034 8060 known as Silver Grade Anti-Seize Stick] [Henkel 37230]: Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy naphthenic [64742- 52-5][1 0-30%]; Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated, light naphthenic [64742-53-6][10-30%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][10- 30%]; Calcium oxide [1305-78-8][1 0-30%]; Aluminum not powder, dust or fume [7 429-90-5][5-1 0%]; Distillates (petroleum), straight-run middle [64741-44-2][1-5%] 15 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 290 10ML THREADLOCK WICKING [Loctite 290 I CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0106 Gins N N Stockroom 52130035 Threadlocker known as Wicking Grade] [Henkel29021]: SN, CA, P65 Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-1 00%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 16 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE NO MORE LEAKS 16oz [Loctite No More Leaks White FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52130036 Threaded Plastic Pipe Sealant] [Henkel 1537780]: Talc [14807-CA, P65 96-6][30-60%]; Rosin, Fumaric Acid, Pentaerythritol Polymer [65997 -11-7][1 0-30%]; 2-Propanol [67 -63-0][1 0-30%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004-96-0][10-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; [FP 96.8oF; BP 180oF]; [LEL 2.3; UEL 12. 7]; [SG 1.37; VD 2.07] 17 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 518 50ML GASKET ALUM FLNG [Loctite 518 known CL3B, IR, OHH, N N 1 Stockroom 52130037 as Loctite 518 Master Gasket] [Henkel 8222423]: Polyurethane I SN, CA, P65 Methacrylate Resin [60-1 00%]; Polyglycol Dimethyacrylate [PROP][5-10%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][5-10%]; Acrylic Acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-1 ][1- 5%]; 1-Acetyi-2-Phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 8]; [SG 1.1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 113 of 192 D Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 510 50ML GASKET HI TEMP TB [Loctite 510 known as Loctite 510 Gasket Eliminat] [Henkel51074]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, Amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propane-1,2-diol [57- 55-6][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; 1-Acetyl-2- phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1784] 19 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 561 19GM PST THREAD SEALANT [Quickstick 561 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0157 Gins N N Stockroom 52130041 PST Pipe Sealant with PTFE] [Grainger 3UU53]: Polyglycol CA, P65 Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Dimethacrylate Ester [PROP][10-30%]; ThixtopicAgent [5-10%]; Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382- 25-7][5-1 O%]; Poly(tetrafluorethylene) [9002-84-0][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1394] i 20 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE GRADE ANTI SEIZE, 8oz. [Marine Grade IR,OHH 0.1250 Gins N N i Stockroom 52130044 Anti-Seize Metal-free] [Grainger 3KE63]: Petroleum Grease [30- 60%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][1 0-30%]; Graphite [7782-42- 5][1 0-30%]; Calcium Stearate [1592-23-0][5-1 0%]; Boron Nitride [1 0043-11-5][1-5%]; [SG 1.2648] 21 LEGO-L 100.0 CONNECTOR SEALING PACKS [Scotchcast 3570G-N (Parts A CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.8633 Gins N N i Stockroom 52130045 & B)] [3M 78-8129-9653-2]: [PART A-Poly(oxypropylene) SN, CA, P65 Sorbitol, Poly[oxy(methyl-1 ,2-ethanediyl)] Derivative [52625-13- 5][15-45%]; Castol Oil-Based Derivative [30-40%]; Glycols, Polypropylene [25322-69-4][4-35%]; Styrene, Oligomer [9003-53- 6][10-20%]; Heavy Naphthenic Distillate Solvent Petroleum Extracts [64742-11-6][<2%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.2%]; [FP <200oF; BP <200oF]; [SG 1.08]; [H1-FO-RO]] [PART B-4,4'- lsopropylidenediphenoi-Epichlorohydrin Polymer [25068-38- 6][70-80%]; (3',4'-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl) 3,4- Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate [2386-87-0][22-30%]; [BP 392oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-FO-R1] 22 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER RED 277 1 OML [Loctite 277 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0026 Gins N N Stockroom 52130046 I Thread locker High Strength][Grainger 3KE48]: polyglycol SN, CA, P65 dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-50%]; Bisphenol A fumarate resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1- 5%]; saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 114 of 192 ,"~.,, (~, (\ C\ ,/"\, !"'\ ~-~1 n ~_/ ~. /'-..., /-'\ L' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _/ '----~ ''-...__/ '"'-_/ '-.._../ -_.-I '--..,_./ Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS ,~, ',j "-/ ',_~/ \,---...-'/ "--/ '"'-/ 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ELECTRICAL COATING SCOTCHKOTE [Scotchkote Brand Electrical Coating] [3M]: Acetone [67-64-1][40-45%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1 0-15%]; Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Polymer [9003-18- 3][10-15%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][10-15%]; Glycerol Esters of Rosin Acids [8050-31-5][5-10%]; Phenoi-Formaldeyde Resin [25085-50-1][5-10%]; Zinc Oxide [1314-13-2][1-2%]; Salicylic Acid [69-72-7][1-2%]; Antioxidant [68411-46-11 ][0.1- 1 %]; [FP OoF; BP 95oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] 24 LEGO-L 100.0 JB WELD KWIK COLD WELD [Resin and Hardener] [J-B Weld IR, OHH, SN, 0.0156 Gins N N Stockroom 52250001 19863]: Iron [7439-89-6][5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][1 0-CA, P65 30%]; Oxirane [25085-99-8][1 0-30%]; Phenol, 2,4,6- Tris[(Dimethy!amino)Methy!]-[90-72-2][1-5%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][1-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0.1-1 %]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1- 1 %]; [H2-FO-RO] 25 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL TUB AND TILE CAULK, WHITE [Kwik Seal Tub & i CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3867 Gins N N Stockroom 52250002 i Tile Adhevise Caulk-All Colors] [Grainger 4MY71]: Limestone I SN, CA, P65 [1317-65-3][30-60%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1- 5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; n-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][0.1-1 %]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0. 1-1 %]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00- 0][<0.02%]; [FP >200oF; BP 210oF]; [SG 1.6; VD >1] 26 I LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE EPOXY CUPS [Fast Cure Mixer Cupes 1 oz Can] CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0178 Gins N N : Stockroom 52250004 [Grainger 3KE55]: Aluminium Hydroxide [21645-51-2][30-60%]; CA, P65 Polymercaptan Hardener [PROP][30-60%]; 2,4,6-Tris (Dimethylaminomethyl) Phenol [90-72-2][5-1 0%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Heavy Thermal Cracked [64 7 41-81-7][5-1 0%]; Styrene [1 00-42-5][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal- Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Benz(A) Anthracene [56-55-3][0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.4] 27 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 567 PIPE SEALANT STAINLESS STEEL [Loctite 567 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0264 Gins N N Stockroom 52250005 PST Pipe Sealant with H PTFE PTFE Thread Sealant] [Grainger SN, CA, P65 4KM17]: Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3][10-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3][10- 30%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monococate [61791-29-5][10-30%); Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38- 6][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.14] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 115 of 192 Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 732 MULTI PURPOSE SEALANT 10.1 oz [DAP 8641 Silicone Sealant Clear] [Grainger 5A463]: Hydrotreated Middle Petroleum Distillates [647 42-46-7][15-35%]; Ethyltriacetoxyislane [17689- 77-9][1-5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][1-5%]; [SG 0.96]; [H1-F1-RO] 29 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE INSTANT ADH GEL 39202 .14 OZ [Quicktite Instant CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0120 Gins N N Stockroom 52250009 Adhesive Gel] [Grainger 1 LLR]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7085-85-WR1 0][60-100%]; Treated Fumed Silica [67762-90-7][5-10%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 3] 30 I LEGO-L 100.0 90 SEC SUPER GLUE EPOXY [90 Second Instant Epoxy] CL3B, CR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N i N I Stockroom 52250010 [Grainger 3EHR4]: [PART A-Resin: Epoxy Resins; [FP >200oF; I, SN BP >225oF]; [SG 1.1; VD >1]; [H2-F1-RO]] [PART B-Hardener: Modified Polymercaptan [PROP][80-98%]; Tetramethyl bis(aminoethyl) Ether [3033-62-3][2-6%]; 2,4,6-Tris- (Dimethylaminomethyl) phenol [90-72-2]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.12]; [H3-F1-RO]] 31 LEGO-L 100.0 UNDERWATER EPOXY ADHESIVE - 1 OZ. SYRINGE [Anchor-CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0469 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52250011 lite Marine Epoxy 1 Ooz -Resin] [Grainger 1 FBH2]: Bisphenol SN NEpichlorohydrin based Epoxy Resin [25085-99-8][50-80%]; Fillers [20-50%]; Acceleatros [1-1 0%]; [FP 484oF]; [SG 1.4] 32 I LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE EPOXY [Loc Aqua MR Epx] [Henkel CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0066 Gins N N Stockroom 52250012 Corporation 1427686]: Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene SN, CA, P65 Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][30-60%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][30- 60%]; Calcium Carbonate [471-34-1 ][1 0-30%]; Gamma- Glycidoxypropyl Trimethyoxysilane [2530-83-8][0.1-1 %]; Fatty Acids, Tallow, Calcium Salts [64755-01-7][0.1-1%]; Phenyl Glycidyl Ether [122-60-1][0-0.1%]; Methanol [67-56-1][0-0.1 %]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][0-0.1%]; Lead [7439-92-1][0-0.1%]; [FP 399.99oF]; [SG 1.56] 33 LEGO-L 100.0 i WHITE ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 1.3945 Gins N N Stockroom Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA, P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloiide) Polymei [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT = MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 116 of 192 [; \ ~~ ,r---: r'\, ,~-----\ ,., ("\ "--------' , _ __; "~-> '--.....-/ ~ _/ '"-' __ /-' Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS '~-/ / ~ ,,_ '~-"' 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE UNDERWATER EPOXY [Fixmaster Underwater Repair 52250014 Epoxy, 82093] [Grainger 1YDZ8]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; Sodium Aluminum Borosilicate [65997-17-3][10-30%]; Zinc Sulfide [1314-98-3][5-1 0%]; Epichlorodhydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][5-1 0%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][5-10%]; Polymeric Phenolic Amine [326110-77-8][1-5%]; [FP 200oF; BP 500oF]; [SG 1.19] 35 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 0.9844 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52250018 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA,P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Po!y(viny! chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 36 LEGO-L 100.0 ALL PURPOSE SUPER BONDER 10oz. [Beats the Nail VOC CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.6250 Gins N N Stockroom 52250019 Construction Adhesive] [Grainger 1HA84]: Limestone [1317-65-i CA, P65 3][30-60%]; Magensium Aluminum Silicate [1217 4-11-7][1-5%]; Urea [57-13-6][0.1-1.5%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1- 1%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1%]; Vinyl Acetate [108-05- 4][<0.7%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.008%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.002%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.5]; [VD >1] 37 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 401 INSTANT ADHESIVE [Prism Surface Insensitive CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0492 Gins N N Stockroom 52250020 Instant Adhesive] [Grainger 2VFG2]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7082-SN, WR1 85-0][60-100%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.05] 38 LEGO-L 100.0 I SUPER-FASTSEMI-RIGED ADHESIVE [Duramix Super Fast CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N N Stockroom 52250021 Adhesive, (1 0 Seconds)] [Grainger 2KVN5]: [PART A: 4,4'-SN, WR1 Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [1 01-68-8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424-09-9][15- 40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686-28-6][15- 40%]; 3-(Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R1]] [PART B: Polyether Polyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][10-30%]; Tetrakis (2- Hydroxypropyl) ethylenediamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; M-xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; [FP >290oF; BP >400oF]; [SG 1.02; VD >1]; [H1-F1-R1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 117 of 192 Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SCOTCH WELD EPOXY ADHE. DP 100 NS [Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive DP-100 Clear (part B)] [Grainger 3XH43]: Epoxy Resin [25068-38-6][1 00%]; [FP 480.2oF; BP 480.2oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2- F1-R1] 40 LEGO-L 100.0 HIT HY 200R MASTER CARTON OF 25 HILTI [Hilti HIT-HY 200-CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.7805 Gins N N Stockroom 52250029 R] [Hilti]: Dibenzoyl Peroxide [94-36-0][1 0-15%]; Methacrylic SN, CA, OX1 Acid, Monoester with Propane-1 ,2-diol [27813-02-1][5-1 0%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][25-50%]; Aluminum Oxide [1344-28-1][2.5- 1 0%]; Silicon Dioixde, chemically prepared [7631-86-9][<2.5%]; [FP <228.2oF]; [SG 1.8]; [H2-F1-R1] 41 LEGO-L 100.0 I DP 600 GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [3M Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockroom 52250030 Concrete Repair DP-600, Self-Leveling, Gray] [3M SN, WR1 62264912338]: 4,4'-Diphenylmethane Diioscyanate [1 01-68- 8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424- 09-9][15-40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686- 28-6][15-40%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.11; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R1-] I 42 LEGO-L 100.0 DP 600 NS GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N I Stockroom I N 52250031 Concrete Repair DP-600, Non-sag, gray] [3M 62-2652-1230-8]: SN, WR1 Polyether Poyol [9082-00-2][ 40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis(2- hydrocypropyl)ethylendiamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; m-Xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [68611-44-9][1-5%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) Sebacate [41556-26-7][0. 1-1% ]; Polymeric Benzotriazole Derivative [1 0481 0-48-2][0.1-1 %]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][0.1-0.3%]; Polymeric Benzotriazole [104810-47-1][0.1-1%]; Substitiuted Piperidinyl Sebacate [82919-37-7][0.05-0.5%]; [FP >390oF; BP 370.4oF]; [SG 1.03]; [H2-F1-RO] 43 LEGO-L 100.0 SUPERFRLEX BLUE RTV [6M Sensor Safe Blue RTV Silicone] 1 1 CL3B, IR, OHH 0.1875 Gins N l N Stockroom 52250093 [Grainger 5E222]: Poly(dimethylsiloxane)hydroxy terminated [70131-67 -8][>60%]; Amorphous Silica [7631-86-9][5-25%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][<7%]; Ethy!triacetoxysi!ane [17689-77 -9][ <5%]; ~v1ethyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][<5%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][<5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7]; [FP >200oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1.04; VD >1]; [H2-F1-R1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 118 of 192 -~ /"', ,--~ ,~, ~1 1'., ,/-, .~ ~. ,r---...., .r--... /-"'\ f'\ ·'' f'". /", <"""""\ ,.--...\ i i ,_ .J '~-j I/ '•~_/ '-./ "-.../ Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS "-_) '-....,_./ 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 3M ADH 560 SCOTCH SEAL GRAY 1/10TH GL CT 1 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.9844 Gins N [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 560, White, Gray, Black] [3M]: Urethane Polymer [30-40%]; Plasticizer Mixture [1 0-30%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-30%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Petroleum Distillates [64742-47- 8][<2%]; p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [1 01-68- 8][<0.3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 45 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE SUPERFLEX RED HIGH TEMP RTV [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0422 Gins N N Stockroom 52250097 Superf!ex Red high temp RTV silicone adhesive sealant] SN, P65 [Grainger 5E223]: Silicon Dioixde [7631-86-9][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][5-1 0%]; Traicetoxyethylsilane [17689-77 -9][1-5%]; Methylsilanetriyl Triacetate [4253-34-3][1-5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7][0.1-1%]; Nonhazardous Components: Silcone Resins [50-100%]; [FP >199.4oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1.01; VD >1] 46 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL CLEAR CAULK WATERPROOF SEAL [Kwik-Seal CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.2148 Gins N N Stockroom 52250098 Tub & Tile Clear] [Grainger 25F525]: Ethylene Glycol [107-21-CA, P65 1][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1 %]; Gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysila [919-30- 2][0.1-1 %]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.06%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.004%]; Ethyl Acrylate [140-88-5][<0.0002%]; [FP >200oF; BP 21 OoF]; [SG 1.063; VD >1] 47 LEGO-L 100.0 ALUMINUM AND METAL SEALANT, 2.8 OZ [Momentive IR, OHH, P65 0.0437 Gins N N : Stockroom 52250099 Performance Materials] [Grainger 22N774]: Distillates, Petroleum, Hydrotreated [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Methyl Trimethoxysilane [1185-55-3][1-5%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][1 0-30%]; Treated Filled [68611-44-9][1 0-30%]; [FP >199oF]; [SG 1.04]; [H1-FO-RO] 48 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL ADHESIVE SEALANT HIGH GLOSS WHITE [DAP CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3438 Gins N N Stockroom 52250101 Kwik Seal Plus Premium Kitchen and Bath Adhesive Caulk -All CA, P65 Colors] [Grainger 29RV08]: Limestone [1317-65-3][1 0-30%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1-5%]; Petroleum Distillates [64741-88-4][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Texanol [25265-77-4][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1- 1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; Styrene [100-42- 5][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.08%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 49 LEGO-L 100.0 ACID PASTE FLUX [Worthington Petroleum Based Soldering CL3B, CR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52270002 Flux] [Grainger 1 UYJ1]: Petrolatum [8009-03-8][55-85%]; Zinc I TX Chloride [7646-85-7][15-40%]; Ammonium Chloride [12125-02- 9][0-5%]; [FP 360oF]; [SG 0.9]; [LC50-Inhalation 4.94 mg/L] STORAGE AMOUNT = MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 119 of 192 l\ Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 LEG0- 52270164 LEG0- 52271022 LEG0- 52271029 LEG0- 52271031 LEG0- 52310070 LEG0- 52310074 LEG0- 52310180 LEG0- 52310239 LEG0- 52310276 L L L L L L L L L TOUGH GUY GREASE TRAP SZ 1 GAL [Roebic Grease Trap Treatment, GT] [Grainger 2RYP4]: No Ingredients Listed; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD 1] 100.0 PVC 2725 WET/ DRY GLUE 1 PINT [Weld-On 2725 Wet 'R Dry, FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.2500 Gins Low VOC PVC Solvent Cement] [IPS 2725]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-70%]; Acetone [67-64-1][18-28%]; MEK [78-93- 3][2-17%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 2.1; UEL 13]; [SG 0.924; VD 2.49]; [H2-F3-R1] 100.0 ACTIVE CUTTING FLUID 1 GA [Exxon Mobil met 766] [Grainger 1 CL3B, IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins 1MUC3]: Olefin Sulfide [1-5%]; [FP 356oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.88; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 100.0 LIME SCALE REMOVER-SIMPLE GREEN [Sunshine Makers ! IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins Simple Green Lime Scale Remover] [Grainger 3UP43]: Water [7732-18-5][78%]; Urea Hydrochloride [506-89-8][6%]; Sodium Citrate [6132-04-3][5%]; Mixed Alcohol Ethoxylate [PROP][5%]; Potassium Iodide [7681-11-0][1 %]; Fragrance [PROP][1 %]; Colorant [PROP][1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.023]; [H1-FO-RO] 100.0 l 1 GAL ZEP SHOWER TUB & TILE CLEANER [Shower Tub & Tile l CR, OHH 2.0000 Gins Cleaner] [ZEP ZUSTT128]: Sulfamic Acid [5329-14-6][1-1 0%]; Hydroxyacetic Acid [79-14-1][1-5%]; Nonylphenoxy Poly(Ethyleneoxy) Ethanol [9016-45-9][1-5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1 .052]; [H3-FO-RO] 100.0 EVAP. COIL CLEANER SELF RINSING [COIL-RITE Evaporator IR, OHH 0.5625 Gins Coil Cleaner] [RectorSeal82612]: Glycol Ether EB [111-76-2][1- 5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 0.99; VD <1] 100.0 COPELAND COMPRESSOR OIL [Copeland 3MAW Lubricant CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.0000 Gins (32 est)]: Compressor Oil; [FP 455oF; BP >600oF]; [SG 0.99]; SN [HO-F1-RO] 100.0 GEAR OIL 634 [Exxon MOBILGEAR 634] [Grainger 6Y785]: No CL38, IR, OHH 0.4999 Gins Ingredients Listed; [FP 392oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.9; VD >2j; [HO-F·1-ROj 100.0 SPOUT OIL 3-IN-1 [WD-40 3-ln-One Multi-Purpose Oil] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.0900 Gins [Grainger 16W826]: Severely Hydrotreated Heavy Naphthenic Oil [64742-52-5][>97%]; Naphtha, Petroleum [64742-47-8][<2%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [PROP][<3%]; [FP >305oF; BP >550oF]; [SG 0.866] 100.0 CONDENSER COIL CLEANER [Nu-Brite] [Nu-Calgon 4291]: CR, OHH 3.0000 Gins Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2][20-30%]; Nonionic Surfactant [PROP][1-10%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.252]; [H3-FO-R1] N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N i Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 120 of 192 ~,, ,~--\ ~~ r ('~ /""' r .~ 0 (" .... ,'>, ("'"' ,j 'j ~- \ ~· '-/ "-. __ /' \ .. ____ . ./ Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS ·,J ,_J ''.. ____ ) ( ' ~j ·~_/ '..~ __ j ·~_J , ______ ) 1"'--/ '\.____/ "'-"/ \,_~) 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ICE MACHINE CLEANER GAL [Nickel-Safe Ice Machine Cleaner] [Nu-Calgon 4287]: Phosphoric acid [7664-38-2][15- 40%]; Citric acid [77-92-9][3-7%]; [BP >199.4oF]; [SG 1.19]; [H2- FO-RO] 61 LEGO-L 100.0 AIR COMPRESSOR OIL [Ingersoll-Rand All Season T30 Select] CL3B, IR, OHH 1.4700 Gins N N Stockroom 52310317 [Grainger 2YY83]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 480oF]; [SG 0.92; VD >1] 62 I LEGO-L 100.0 AIR COMPRESSOR OIL [Ingersoll-Rand All Season T30 Select] CL3B, IR, OHH 1.7500 Gins N N Stockroom 52310317 [Grainger 2YY83]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 480oF]; [SG 0.92; VD >1] 63 LEGO-L 100.0 COMPRESSOR OIL [Trane Oil 45] [Trane OIL00045]: Refined CL3B, IR, OHH 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310409 Petroleum Oil [64742-52-5][98.5%]; Butylated Triphenyl Phosphate [1.5%]; [FP 300oF; BP 500oF]; [SG <0.93; VD >1 0]; [H1-F1-RO] 64 I LEGO-L 100.0 WIPES REFILLS [ITW Dymon Scrubs Hand Sanitizer Wipes] CL2, IR, OHH 0.7000 Gins N N I Stockroom 52370529 [Grainger 2FLN7]: Water [7732-18-5][60-100%]; Ethyl Alcohol [64-17-5][10-30%]; [FP 100oF; BP 190oF]; [SG 0.97; VD >1] 65 I LEGO-L 100.0 LITHIUM BATTERY 6V-2CR5 [Rayovac Lithium lon Battery]: CR, OHH, WR2 0.0703 Gins N N i Stockroom 52370676 Lithium Cobalt Nickel Dioixde [12031-55-1][<25%]; Steel [15- 30%]; Lithiated Manganese Dioixde [12057-17-9][<25%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-5%]; Copper [7440-50-8][5-15%]; Nickel [7440-02-0][2-5%]; Aluminum 7429-90-5][2-8%]; Lithium Hexafluorophosphate [21324-40-3][1-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][<15%]; Methyl Ethyl Carbonate [623-53-0][<15%]; Dimethyl Carbonate [616-38-6][<15%]; Diethyl Carbonate [105- 58-8][<15%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][<15%]; Plastic-ceramic [<20%] 66 LEGO-L 100.0 I 9V BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] [Grainger 16A669]: CR, OHH 2.8125 Gins N N Stockroom 52370679 I Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10- 25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][5-1 0%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1-5%] I 67 LEGO-L 100.0 AA INDUSTRIAL BATTERY-HD AA [Duracell Alkaline I CR, OHH 5.0156 Gins N N ' Stockroom I 52370680 Batteries] [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13- 9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5-10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1-5%] 68 LEGO-L 100.0 AAA INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 5.9062 Gins N N Stockroom 52370681 [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5- 10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1- 5%] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 121 of 192 D Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 C INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5- 1 0%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1- 5%] 70 I LEGO-L 100.0 D INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH 1.5234 Gins N N Stockroom 52370683 [Grainger 16A669]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5- 10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5; 7440-44-0][1- 5%] 71 LEGO-L 100.0 6V SPRING BATTERY [Spectrum Zinc Chloride Battery] CR, OHH N N Stockroom [Grainger 2V415]: Steel [7439-89-6][8-14%]; Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][28-32%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][16-20%]; Acetylene Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Ammonium Chloride [12125-02-9][1-3%]; Zinc Chloride [7646-85-7][6-10%]; Lead [7439-92-1][<0.02%]; Water, Paper, Plastic, Other [Sal] 72 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 6V LITHIUM [Rayovac Lithium ion Battery]: Lithium CR, OHH, WR2 0.1172 Gins N N Stockroom 52370686 Cobalt Nickel Dioixde [12031-55-1][<25%]; Steel [15-30%]; Lithiated Manganese Dioixde [12057-17-9][<25%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-5%]; Copper [7440-50-8][5-15%]; Nickel [7440-02- 0][2-5%]; Aluminum 7429-90-5][2-8%]; Lithium Hexafluorophosphate [21324-40-3][1-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][<15%]; Methyl Ethyl Carbonate [623-53-0][<15%]; Dimethyl Carbonate [616-38-6][<15%]; Diethyl Carbonate [1 05- 58-8][<15%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][<15%]; Plastic-ceramic [<20%] 73 LEGO-L 100.0 CR2032 3V LITHIUM BATTERY (Guangzhou Top Battery China CR, OHH, WR2 0.1875 Gins N 1. N Stockroom 52370761 Coin Type Lithium Manganese Dioixde Batteries(CR)] [Grainger 1RK12]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-40%]; Propylene Carbonate [1 08-32-7][2-6%]; Lithium Perchlorate [7791-03-9][0- 1.5%]; Lithium or Lithium alloy [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1-4%] 74 LEGO= L 100.0 PHOTO BATTERY 3V LITHIUtv1 123 [Duracell Lithiurn FL 18, CR, OHH, 0.9375 Gins N N Stockroom 52370903 Manganese Dioixde Batteries and Cells] [Grainger 1 OA295]: CA Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-45%]; 1 ,2-Dimethoxyethane [11 0-71-4][5-10%]; Propylene Carbonate [1 08-32-7][1-1 0%]; Lithium [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Lithium Trifluoromethane Sulfonate [33454-82-9][0-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][0-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][0-5%]; [FP 29oF] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. n ~. "-._-/ __) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 o o o o~ Page 122 of 192 ,--"'\, -~ ,~-\ /--,\ ~''\ I: , , , , : ' ' , , ' : [__.; \'-. __ /' '----../ \'-....--' \~ \,_/ c__../ '-_j '--._./ ~ \~ ~ '--../' \'--·j '----..-/ \..._j \__/ ''-../ 'J ""----'-'-._ . ! \ ---~) '-_ ___ .) '.._/ Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 AAM INDUSTRIAL BATTERY [Duracell Alkaline Batteries] CR, OHH [Grainger 13J052]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][35-40%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][10-25%]; Potassium Hydroxide (35%) [1310-58- 3][5-10%]; Graphite (Natural or Synthetic) [7782-42-5, 7440-44- 0][1-5%] 76 LEGO-L 100.0 I CEMENT, 8 OZ, BLACK, ABS [E-Z WELD ASS/Solvent Mixture] FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.1250 Gins N N Stockroom 52371150 i , [Grainger 1 RG54]: Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][20-50%]; ABS Resin [9003-56-9][18-40%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-30%]; [FP 15oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-RO] 77 : LEGO-L 100.0 ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL (IPA), 50%, 70%, 91% and 99% IPA: FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.6250 Gins N N Stockroom 52390025 Isopropanol [67-63-0]; Deionized Water [Balance]; [FP 53oF; BP 181oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 12]; [SG 0.79; VD 2.07] 78 LEGO-L 100.0 POWER STEERING FLUID [NAPA Power Steering Fluid]: CL3B, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N I Stockroom 52410001 Hydrotreated Naphthenic Distillates [MIXT][95-1 00%]; SN Proprietary additives [MIXT][0-5%]; Zinc salts of dialkyl dithiophosphoric acid [68649-42-3][<0.5%]; [FP 379oF]; [SG 0.873; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO] 79 ' LEGO-L 100.0 ! DEXRON TRANSMISSION FLUID [NAPA PREM PERF CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N I Stockroom 52410004 Automatic Transmission Fluid] [Ashland NP75200]: Heavy Paraffinic Distillate [64742-54-7][90-100%]; Mineral Oil [5-10%]; Methacrylate Copolymer [1.5-5%]; [FP >390oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.862]; [H1-F1-RO] 80 LEGO-L 100.0 MOTOR OIL SAE 30 HEAVY DUTY [Warren MAG 1 HD 30 CL3B, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52410009 ! 6/1 QT] [Grainger 43Y892]: Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated TX Heavy Paraffinic [64742-54-7][90-99%]; Petroleum Distillates, Solvent Dewaxed Heavy Paraffinic [64742-65-0][3-7%]; [FP 406oF]; [SG 0.88]; [LC50-Inhalation 8.72 mg/L]; [HO-F1-RO] 81 LEGO-L 100.0 MOBILE ULTRA DUTY GREASE EP NLGI 2 [Exxon MobiiGreast i CL3B, IR, OHH 0.8812 Gins N N Stockroom 52410020 XHP 222 Special] [Grainger 4ZF44]: Phosphorodithoic Acid, 0,0-Di C1-14-Aikyl Esters, zinc Salts (2:1) (ZDDP) [68649-42- 3][<2.5%]; [FP 400oF; BP 600oF]; [SG 0.914]; [HO-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 123 of 192 D Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 DOT 3 BRAKE FLUID [Napa DOT 3 Brake Fluid] [Warren Unilube 52410045]: TriEthylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [112- 35-6][5-50%]; TriEthylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether [112-50-5][5- 50%]; TriEthylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [143-22-6][5-50%]; Tetrathylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [1559-34-8][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycol [25322-68-3][5-20%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [112-34-5][5-20%]; DiEthylene Glycol [111-46- 6][5-15%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [111-77-3][<5%]; DiEthylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether [111-90-0][<5%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether [9004-77-7][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether [27783-42-8][5-20%]; Polyethylene Glycols [9038-95-3][5-20%]; Trade Secret Inhibitor Package [TS][3%]; [FP >275oF; BP 480oF]; [SG 1.0; VD >1]; [H1-F1-RO] 83 LEGO-L 100.0 HIGH POWERED GEAR OIL SAE 90 [GL-5 New Generation ! CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N I Stockroom 52410084 Heavy Duty Gear Oil (80W90)] [CRC SL2472]: Lubricant base oil, highly refined [MIXT][91-93%]; Gear oil additives [TS][7-9%]; [FP >302oF]; [SG 0.87; VD >1]; [H1-F1-RO] 84 LEGO-L 100.0 ANTI FREEZE PRE DILUTED ZEREX [Ashland Zerex Original . CL3B, IR, OHH, 3.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410098 RTU Antifreeze Coolant] [Grainger 2MWE7]: Ethylene Glycol i P65 [107-21-1][50-60%]; [FP >250oF; BP 226oF]; [LEL 3.2; UEL 15.3] 85 LEGO-L 100.0 OIL HYDRAULIC 1 GAL (DTE 24) [Exxon Mobil DTE 24] CL3B, IR, OHH 6.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410118 [Grainger 2LPK1]: [FP 392oF; BP 600oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 7]; [SG 0.871; VD >2]; [HO-F1-RO] 86 LEGO-L 100.0 2 CYCLE OIL PERFECT MIX [Olympic Oil Tanaka Perfect Mix] CL3B, IR, OHH 0.5000 Gins N N Stockroom 52410135 [Grainger 1AAJ7]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP 252oF]; [SG 0.86]; [H1-F1-RO] 87 I LEGO-L 100.0 F21 SUPER PROTECTANT 20.8 OZ [Turtle Wax Super CL3B, IR, OHH 0.4875 Gins N N I Stockroom 52410140 Protectant] [Turtle Wax T-096R]: No Ingredients Listed; [FP >200oF]; [SG 0.997]; [H1-F1-RO] 00 I 1::1""'-1""\ I 100.0 \NATER SOLUBLE CUTTiNG OiL [Super Soiubie Oii ·110j [Motor CL38, iR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom uu L-~uv-'- 52530022 Oil110]: Petroleum Lubricating Base Stock [64742-53-6]; Chlorinated Paraffin [TS]; [FP 356oF; BP 450oF]; [SG 1; VD >5] 89 LEGO-L 100.0 GRADE 68 WAY OIL ISO 1 GAL [Waylube 68 Way Lubricant] I CL3B, IR, OHH 1.0000 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52530059 [Motor Oi168]: Petroleum Lubricating Base Stock [64742-54- 7][<98%]; EP Slide way Additive [TS][>1.4%]; Tackifier [MIXT][<0.6%]; [FP 442.4oF; BP 600oF]; [SG 0.88; VD >5] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 124 of 192 .~. (') .~ .~ '_/ ' _I /--.., 1 ) r'~i f"-.. {\ /\ (l\ /,_) \ .~. ., I l~) . ______ / '"---./ \......__/ '~___/ '----./' '-~./ __ ) '\.. __ /) '"----./ '-.. __ j \ __ /,: ,'---__,) \ _____ j -'-----_/ "-__j '---___ j Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS \ ____ / ~) ·-.____./ 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 100.0 . PL PREMIUM POLYURETHANE CONST ADHESIVE [Loctite PL Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive] [Henkel 1390595]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; Methylenebis(phenylisocyanate) [1 01-68-8][1 0-30%]; Hydrocarbon C11-25 dearomatized [64 7 42-46-7][1 0-30%]; Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate [26447-40-5][1-5%]; lsocyanic acid, polymethylenepolyphenylene ester [9016-87-9][1-5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; [FP >200oF; BP 341.6oF]; [LEL 1.6; UEL 1 0.2]; [SG 1.26; VD >1] 91 LEGO-L 100.0 GREASE CARTRIDGES EP 2 Now called GADUS grease [Shell CL3B, IR, OHH 2.8438 Gins N N Stockroom 60BB0162 i Gadus S2 V220 2] [SOPUS DEU003514]: Highly refined mineral oil contains <3% DMSO-extract; [FP 356oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 1 0]; [SG 0.9; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO] 92 LEGO-L 100.0 TRACK LUBE PLUS 1 GALLON -PASTE [Ryden Track Lube IR,OHH 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 60CA0100 Plus]: All Food Grade Approved Ingredients; Limited information provided on MSDS 93 LEGO-i L i 100.0 URETHANE ADHESIVE ACCUFLEX SEALANT-BLACK [3M IR, OHH, CA, 0.7371 Gins N N Stockroom 60DC0114 I I i Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure (Various Colors)] SN, P65, WR1 A [3M 25-8775-6]: Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Plasticizer Mixture [TS][10-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][<5.4%]; Calcium Oxide [1305- 78-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron II Oxide [1309-37-1][<2%]; Petroleum Distillate [64 7 42-4 7 -8][<2%]; P,P'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.2%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- piperidinyl) sebacate [41556-26-7][0.01-0.1%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.1 %]; Methyl 1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl sebacate [82919-37-7][0.01-0.1%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.2]; [H2- F1-RO] 94 LEGO-L 100.0 QUICK TAC 2 ACTIVATOR [Quick Tac 2] [ASI 60MS0009]: FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 60MS0009 ! Acetone [67-64-1][>99%]; [FP <OoF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL P65 13]; [SG 0.79; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] 95 LEGO-L 100 TUBE PATCH GLUE 40Z CAN [Royal Adhesives LA4009[: FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N · Stockroom 600R0100 Toluene [108-88-3]; Acetone [67-64-1]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-CA, P65 93-3]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] 96 I LEGO-I L 100.0 HI TEMP WATER RESISTANT SYNTHETIC GREASE [Exxon CL3B, IR, OHH 0.8562 Gins N N Stockroom I 60TC0042 I Mobil Mobilith SHC PM 460] [Grainger 12J022]: Zinc Dithiophosphate [68649-42-3][1-2.5%]; [FP 399oF]; [SG 1]; [HO- F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. -~--/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 125 of 192 Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LGMT 2 [SKF LGMT2]: Naphthenic acids, zinc salts [12001-85- 3][<2.5%]; Baseoil, unspecified [60-100%]; [FP >302oF]; [SG <1]; [HO-F1-RO] 98 I LEGO-L 100.0 SILICONE LUBE "0" RING 2oz TUBE POOL LUBRICANT CL3B, JR, OHH 0.2188 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 60WQ0022 [Leslie Pool & Spa Grease] [Finish Line G00352401]: White Mineral Oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][60-80%]; Siloxanes and Silicones, Di-Me, Reaction Products with Silica [67762-90-7][3- 7%]; Silica (Also Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline Free, CAS# 112945-52-5) [7631-86-9][3-7%]; [FP >280oF]; [SG 0.9816]; [H1-F1-RO] 99 LEGO-L 100.0 1 PT. 2711 PVC CEMENT (GRAY) [IPS Weld-On 711 Low VOC FL 1 B, JR, OHH 0.1875 Gins N N , Stockroom 60WQ0074 I PVC Plastic Pipe Cements] [Grainger 6KWU1]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][40-50%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][5-15%]; Cyclohexane [108-94-1][9-18%]; Acetone [67-64-1][3-11%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEI12.8]; [SG 0.966; VD >2]; [H2- F3-RO] 100 LEGO-L 100.0 1. PT JPS#P-70 PVC PRIMER [Weld-On P-70 LowVOC Primer FL 1 B, JR, OHH 0.3125 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0075 l For PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe] [Grainger 6KWU4]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][45-59%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93- 3][19-29%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5-15%]; Acetone [67-64- 1][5-20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] 101 LEGO-L 100.0 PVC & RUBBER REPAIR KIT [AquaSeal] [McNett 1011 0]: FL 1 B, JR, OHH 0.0185 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0228 Toluene [108-88-3]; Copolymer Component (Diphenylmethane ' Di-isocyanate, Polytetramethylene Ether Glycol) [1 01-68-8]; [FP 68oF; BP 235oF]; [SG 1; VD 3.2] 102 LEGO-L 100.0 WELD-ON 724 LOW VOC CEMENT FOR CPVC PLASTIC PIPE I FL 1 B, IR, OHH 0.5000 Gins N N Stockroom 60WQ0420 I [Grainger 29JA 18]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][40-70%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][2-15%]; Cyclohexanone [1 08-94-1 ][5- 20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 151 oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 11.8]; [SG 0.984; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] LEGO-L 100.0 0101= rs::ru'll:'f\IT ~DAV -ta: r\7 n\JI"" r1nc-\1\J .... f..J n-1-t .t • -···' 1,....,... , 1 11 '-'"'L...IVII-1' 11 Vl'\#\1 1 IV VL..1 I V\J prv VVCIU-VII I I I LUW VU\...1 FL18, iR, OHH 0.1250 Gins N N I Stockroom 60WQ0486 i PVC Plastic Pipe Cements] [Grainger 6KWU1]: Tetrahydrofuran [109-99-9][40-50%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][5-15%]; Cyclohexane [108-94-1][9-18%]; Acetone [67-64-1][3-11 %]; [FP , -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEJ12.8]; [SG 0.966; VD >2]; [H2- F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 126 of 192 [) 1~'. ,'/-..., /~"\ ;--~ ---~~ .. --.,\ /-----....,., ,~'\ ,-------'\ .~~~ ,/"'-., .!"'\. /\. (----\ , ........ ,\ .~\ '~ ~/ 1\_..._../,' '--~../ "-----j '----../ "-----~/ "--~;' '-...._J '.__ _ _/ ', _ _j \~__/ '-----~- Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS ~/ ~-~/ ,,_/ '~-/ 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PRIMER, PURPLE, 16 OZ, PVC AND CPVC [Weld-On P-70 Low VOC Primer For PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe] [Grainger 6KWU4]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][45-59%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][19-29%]; Cyclohexanone [1 08-94-1][5-15%]; Acetone [67-64-1 ][5-20%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.1; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >2]; [H2-F3-RO] 105 LEGO-L 100.0 OIL FOR LUBRICATOR [Hyspin ZZ 32] [Castrol451128]: Highly CL3B, IR, OHH 0.2642 Gins N N Stockroom 64CS0001 refined base oil [PROP]; [FP 392oF] ' 106 I LEGO-L 100.0 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N i Stockroom 64PF0001 Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: SN rv1olybdenum sulfide [1317 -33=5]1 ~5%]; Phosphorodithicic ~~ .. cid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1%]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1 %]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 107 I LEGO-L 100.0 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N Stockroom 64PF0001 Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: SN Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl} Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1 %]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1 %]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0.1-1%]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 108 LEGO-I L 100.0 SPA ANTI FOAMER DEFOAMER 1 QT [Leslie's Swimming Pool OHH, P65 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0005 I Supplies Spa Anti-Foam] [Leslie's Pool Mart 24436]: Dimethicone [63148-62-9][1-6%]; [BP 212oF] 109 LEGO-I L 100.0 i WADER RUBBER CONDITIONER [Lacrosse Rubber IR,OHH 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0010 I Conditioner] [McNett 22832]: No Ingredients Listed; [SG 0.99] 110 ' LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #1 2oz [DPD Reagent #1] [Taylor Technologies IR,OHH 0.0159 Gins N N : Stockroom ' i 64WQ0013 · R-0001]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][80-90%]; Dipotassium phosphate [7758-11-4][5-1 0%]; Disodium phosphate [7558-79- 4][5-10%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.01- 0.1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.24; VD 0.64] 111 LEGO-L I 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #2 2oz [DPD Reagent #2] [Taylor Technologies CR, OHH 0.1268 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0014 I R-0002]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][90-99%]; Trade Secret [PROP][5-1 0%]; N,N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulfate [6283- 63-2][0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.1- 5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.01; VD 0.65] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 127 of 192 Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 TAYLOR TEST #4 2oz [pH Indicator Solution (Phenol Red)] IR. OHH 0.2061 Gins N [Taylor Technologies R-0004]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][90- 99%]; Trade Secret [0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.1-5%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.0; VD 0.6]; 113 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #11 2oz [Calcium Indicator Liquid] [Taylor FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.1110 Gins N N • Stockroom 64WQ0016 Technologies R-0011 L]: Triethanolamine [1 02-71-6][77%]; UR1 Isopropyl alcohol [67-63-0][23%]; Calcon [2538-85-4][<1 %]; [FP 64oF; BP 500oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 12]; [SG 1.02; VD 2]; [H1-F3-R1] 114 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #7 2oz [Thiosulfate N/1 0] [Taylor Technologies R-IR, OHH 0.2378 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0021 0007]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate [1 0102-17 -7][0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.01-0.1%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.00; VD 0.6] 115 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #9 2oz [Sulfuric acid .12N] [Taylor Technologies CR, OHH, WR1 0.1902 Gins N N i Stockroom 64WQ0022 R-0009]: Sulfuric acid [7664-93-9][<1%]; Deionized water [7732- 18-5][up to 1 00%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.0; VD 0.6]; [H1-FO-RO] 116 LEGO-L 100.0 1 TAYLOR TEST #1 0 2oz [Calcium Buffer] [Taylor Technologies R-CR,OHH 0.2219 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0023 I · 0010]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Sodium hydroxide [1310-73-2][0.1-5%]; [BP 230oF]; [SG 1.2; VD 0.6] 117 I LEGO-I L 100.0 I TAYLOR TEST R0871 2 OZ [FAS-DPD Titrating Reagent IR, OHH, WR1 0.2219 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0026 I (Chlorine)] [Taylor Technologies R-0871]: Nonhazardous ingredients [<1%]; Deionized water [7732-18-5][to 100%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD 0.6]; [HO-FO-RO] 118 LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST R0012 2 OZ [Hardness Reagent] [Taylor IR,OHH 0.2061 Gins N N Stockroom . 64WQ0027 Technologies R-0012]: Deionized water [7732-18-5][95-99%]; Edetic acid [60-00-4][0.1-5%]; Other components below reportable levels [0.01-0.1 %]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.00; VD 0.6] 119 I LEGO-L I 100.0 WHITE-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050311 I, [ITW A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7 -13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67 -63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6j[3-7%]; Petroieum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81 oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1. 7; UEL 7 .6]; [H2-F3-RO] LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE -FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 51050312 A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64 7 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 128 of 192 [\ .~ \ '"" ,'\ ,~ 'I r---,\ (r---.\ (\ /"c--,\ (_.--} /"~\ ,"~: ,r) ;--~ '--,\ ,-~ '1 .---·~) ,~ .... , ~~c ,/ ',_/ '---__/ "~_/ Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS ~' '--~ ''-.._/ . _____ _.~ '-,J 'c/ 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 YELLOW-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64 7 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81 oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1. 7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 122 LEGO-L 100.0 YELLOW-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050314 A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64 7 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 123 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N Stockroom 51050316 i [ITW A720M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 124 ; LEGO-L 100.0 1.2V NICKEL CADMIUM BATTERY 0.001NHR [Nickel Cadmium CR, OHH 0.0480 Gins N N I Stockroom 52290168 Rechargeable Battery] [Grainger 13M589]: Nickel Hydride [31%]; Cadmium [39%]; Electrolyte [7%]; CO [3%]; Other [20%] 125 I LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY LCR067R29 6V 7 AH [VISION Valve Regulated Lead CR, OHH, TX, 0.8000 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52290142 Acid Battery]: Lead/Lead Oxide [7439-92-1][60-70%]; Calcium I WR1, OX1 [7440-70-2][<0.15%]; Tin [7440-31-5][<1%]; Aresenic [7440-38- 2][<1 %]; Sulfuric Acid (Battery Electrolyte) [7664-93-9][1 0-15%]; Inert Ingredients [<6%]; [SG 1.25] 126 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 12V7.5AH (WERKER SLAA12-7.5S) [Selaed Lead CL3B, CR, OHH, 3.6000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290151 Acid-GEL (SLA)]: Lead, Inorganic [7439-92-1][60-75%]; Sulfuric TX, WR2, OX1 Acid [7664-93-9][5-15%]; Anitmony [7440-36-0][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][<0.1 %]; Tin [7440-31-5][0-0.1 %]; Polypropylene [9003-07-0][2-1 0%]; [FP 675oF; BP 235oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 74]; [SG 1.27; VD >1] 127 LEGO-L 100.0 VALVE REGULATED LEAD BATTERY [Yuasa 853023]: Arsenic CR, OHH, WR2, 1.8000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290157 [7440-38-2][0.003%]; Powdered Lead [7439-92-1][63-78%]; TX, CA, P65 Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][10-30%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.006%]; [BP 203oF]; [VD 1] 128 LEGO-L 100.0 EMERGENCY LAMP BATTERY (LITH= 420717) [Nickel CR, OHH 0.5100 Gins N N Stockroom 52290159 I Cadmium Rechargeable Battery]: Nickel Hydride [31%]; Cadmium [39%]; Electrolyte [7%]; CO [3%]; Other [20%] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 129 of 192 D Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 BATTERY POWER SONIC PS 640 4AH 6V [PS VRLA Batteries AGM]: Inorganic Lead/Lead Compounds [7439-92-1][65-75%]; Tin [7440-31-5][<0.5%]; Calcium [7440-70-2][<0.1%]; Electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid) [7664-93-9)[14-20%]; Fiberglass Separator [5%]; Case [5-10%]; [H3-FO-R2] 130 LEGO-L 100.0 I MAKITA LXT 18V LITHIUM BATTERY [Lithium-ion Rechargeable • FL 1B, CR, OHH 0.2800 Gins N N ! Stockroom 52370999 ! Battery Pack] [Grainger 12M837): Organic Solvent and Lithium Salt . 131 LEGO-L 100.0 14.4V 1.7AH DEWALT BATTERY [Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium CR, OHH, SN, 0.5400 Gins N N • Stockroom 52550005 Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%); CA, WR1 Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6)[20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [131 0-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [131 0-65-2) LEGO-L 100.0 18V 2.4AH DEWALT BATTERY[ Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium CR, OHH, SN, 0.4460 Gins N N I Stockroom 52550412 Battery] [Grainger 11 U032): Nickel [7 440-02-0][15-40%]; CA, WR1 Cadmium [7440-43-9][1 0-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2); Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2) 133 I LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY, SEALED LEAD ACID, 12V, 5AH, FASTON [Sealed CR, TX, OHH, 0.3600 Gins N N Stockroom 52550472 Maintenance-Free Lead Acid Batteries) [Grainger 2UKG8]: Lead CAWR2, P65 [7439-92-1][44-57%]; Antimony [7440-36-0][1 %]; Lead Dioxide [1309-60-0][19-26%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [15-22%]; Electrolyte (Sulfuric Acid) [7664-93-9][23-27%]; [H3-FO-R2) 134 LEGO-• L 100.0 TRAIN BATTERY 18650-7S1 P01 [Lithium Battery) [Shenzhen I CR,OHH 1.2320 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 60MS0059 I Tianlihe 18650-7S1 P01): Lithium [7439-93-2][2-3%]; Manganese dioxide [1313-13-9][30-40%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-4%]; Lithium perchlorate [7791-03-9][1%]; Ethylene glycol dimethyl ether [11 0-71-4][5.3%]; Propylene [1 08-32-7][5-8%]; Carbonate [7 439-89-6][25-30%]; Chromium [7 440-47 -3][8-1 0%]; Molybdenum [7439-98-7][0.8-1.2%]; Polypropylene [9003-07- nn~oLl VJLL.IUJ 135 I LEGO-L 100.0 12 VOLT-BATTERY-FOR REMOTE CONTROL [Alkaline CR,OHH 0.0468 Gins N N Stockroom 61DS0008 Batteries-No Mercury Formula) [Rayovac WC71]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][32-38]; Iron [7439-89-6][19-23%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][11-16%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][5-9%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1-5%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][<5%] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 130 of 192 ,~\ ·~ /' r~, .~ /,, /\ ,, __ / I ~/ ',,__/, ,-'---~- Other Health Hazards/LIQUIDS '-...__/ "'-~j '----~ / '-_/ '·~/ 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 12V BATTERY GROUP 48, AGM, 760CCA [Lead Acid Battery, CR, TX, OHH, Non-Spillable Wet] [Industrial Battery, Traction Battery, Stationary CAWR2, P65 Battery, Deep Cycle Battery]: Lead and Lead Compounds (inorganic) [7439-92-1][50%]; Electrolyte [7664-93-9][17%]; Lead Oxide [1309-60-0][20%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.2%]; [BP 203oF]; [SG 1.29; VD >1]; [H3-FO-R2] 137 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY-TSX PLP 01 [Primary (non-rechargeable) Lithium ~ CR, OHH, WR2 0.1100 Gins N N ' Stockroom 61KPT001 metal Thionyl Chloride cells and batteries]: Lthium Metal [7439- 9 93-2][<5%]; Thionyl Chloride [7719-09-7][<47%]; Carbon [1333- 86-4][<6%]; Aluminum Chloride [7446-70-0][<5%]; Lithium Chloride [7447-41-8][<2%]; Glass [<1%]; PVC [9002-86-2][<1%]; PTFE [9002-84-0][<1 %]; Stee!, nickel and inert components [ba!]; [H1-F1-R2] 138 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 0.8AHR 12V [Nonspillable Lead-Acid Battery]: CR, TX, OHH, 0.3280 Gins N N Stockroom 61PSB001 Electrolyte-Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%] WR2, P65 1 139 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY DRY FIT [Dry Battery -No electrolyte added]: [HO-FO-IR, OHH 112.0000 N N Stockroom 61SS0004 RO] Gins 140 LEGO-L 100.0 RED-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins N N Stockroom 51050309 A791 M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide i CA, P65 [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64 7 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] TOTAL -Other Health Hazards/Liquids 253.24 Gins AGGREGATE TOTAL -Other Health Hazards/Liquids 253.24 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 131 of 192 D Other Health Hazards/LIQUEFIED GASES 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 LEG0- 52370671 LG BUTANE GAS REFILL-5oz [Master Appliance Ultratane Butane Fuel] [Grainger 1YMK4]: Liquified Petroleum Gas [1 00%]; [FP -156oF; BP 9.3oF]; [LEL 1.9; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.574] 100.0 MAPP GAS-14oz DISPOSABLE FUEL CYLINDER [Worthington MAP-PRO Premium Hand Torch Fuel] [Grainger 2YMW6]: Propylene [115-07-1][99.5-100%]; Propane [74-98-6][0- 0.5%]; [FP -162oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 11]; [SG 0.52; VD 1.5]; [H1-F4- R1] TOTAL -Other Health Hazards/Liquefied Gases AGGREGATE TOTAL -Other Health Hazards/Liquefied Gases FG, IR, OHH 0.2200 Gins N N Stockroom 0.42 Gins 0.42 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUS BRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 132 of 192 /'~ /'; !~ ~~ nn ~ ~ .~ _/ \ ____ / ~__/ , __ / l,-' ', _/' ''---~/ '--..J --....__/ '----~/ \.-----'-j Other Health Hazards/SOLIDS 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 LEGO-s 52250096 3 LEGO-s 52370517 4 LEGO-s 60S T00 53 100.0 100.0 100.0 LOCTITE 548 20GM HI-TACK GSKT DPRSNG [Loctite 548 Stick Flange Sealant] [Quickstix 548 Gasket Eliminator Flange Sealant] [Henkel 39152]: Polyurethane methacrylate resin [30- 60%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Silica, amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5% ]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82- 8][0.1-1 %] 5 GAL KIT MAGNA-CRETE #95555 [Fixmaster Magna-crete] [Grainger 2VRN2]: Silica, Quartz [14808-60-7][60-100%]; Magnesium Oxide [1309-48-4][1 0-30%]; [BP 3715oF]; [SG 2.65] DRY POWDER GRAPHITE LUBE 0.21oz [Superior Graphite Tube-0-Lube] [Grainger 1WVK9]: Graphite, Natural [7782-42-5]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7]; [H 1-FO-RO] TRISODIUM PHOSPHATE (BUSS RAIL SOAP) [DAP TSP General Purpose Cleaner] [Grainger 10L522]: Sodium Phosphate, Tribasic [1 01 01-89-0][30-60%]; Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous [497-19-8][10-30%] TOTAL -Other Health Hazards/Solids AGGREGATE TOTAL -Other Health Hazards/Solids IR, OHH, CA, P65 IR, OHH, CA IR, OHH 50.0000 Lbs 0.0262 Lbs 8.0000 Lbs 58.07 Lbs 58.07 Lbs N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 133 of 192 Oxidizers 1/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 3 LEG0- 52290142 LEG0- 52290151 L L HIT HY 200R MASTER CARTON OF 25 HILT! [Hilti HIT-HY 200- R] [Hilti]: Dibenzoyl Peroxide [94-36-0][1 0-15%]; Methacrylic Acid, Monoester with Propane-1,2-diol [27813-02-1][5-10%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][25-50%]; Aluminum Oxide [1344-28-1][2.5- 10%]; Silicon Dioixde, chemically prepared [7631-86-9][<2.5%]; [FP <228.2oF]; [SG 1.8]; [H2-F1-R1] 100.0 I BATTERY LCR067R29 6V 7AH [VISION Valve Regulated Lead CR, OHH, TX, 0.8000 Gins Acid Battery]: Lead/Lead Oxide [7439-92-1][60-70%]; Calcium WR1, OX1 [7440-70-2][<0.15%]; Tin [7440-31-5][<1%]; Aresenic [7440-38- 2][<1 %]; Sulfuric Acid (Battery Electrolyte) [7664-93-9][1 0-15%]; Inert Ingredients [<6%]; [SG 1.25] 100.0 I BATTERY 12V7.5AH (WERKER SLAA12-7.5S) [Selaed Lead I CL3B, CR, OHH, 3.6000 Gins Acid-GEL (SLA)]: Lead, Inorganic [7439-92-1][60-75%]; Sulfuric . TX, WR2, OX1 Acid [7664-93-9][5-15%]; Anitmony [7440-36-0][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7 440-38-2][ <0.1% ]; Tin [7 440-31-5][0-0 .1 %] ; Polypropylene [9003-07-0][2-10%]; [FP 675oF; BP 235oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 74]; [SG 1.27; VD >1] TOTAL-Oxidizers 1/Liquids 5.18 Gins AGGREGATE TOTAL-Oxidizers 1/Liquids 5.18 Gins N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 134 of 192 D~ ~~", /---~ c-·1 /""\, (~·, /', ,~ ·, "''· I.J \'-·--/ .'---.-/ ':, ~/' --. _ _/ '-~/ CA-Prop65/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 BRAKE PARTS CLEANER [Henkel Loctite Pro Strenght Parts Cleaner, 30548] [Grainger 3EPR2]: Tetrachloroethylene [127 -18- 4][60-100%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][10-30%]; Ethylbenzene [100- 41-4][1-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [SG 1.3; VD >1) 2 LEGO-A 100.0 CITRUS DEGREASER 18oz [Sprayon Citrus Cleaner Degreaser] ! AL3, IR, OHH, 11.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130022 [Grainger 1 LKL4]: VM&P Naphtha [64742-89-8][24%]; d-P65 Limonene [5989-27-5][73%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][3%]; [FP 99oF; BP <OaF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 6.1]; [SG 0.82; VD >1] I 3 LEGO-A 100.0 COLD GALV. SPRAY CAN [Rust Tough Zinc Rich Cold AL3, IR, OHH, 7.5000 Lbs N N ! Stockroom 52130027 . Galvanizing Primer] [Sherwin-Williams R00859]: Propane [74-98-I P65 6][13%]; Butane [106-97~8][12%]; Heptane [142-82-5][3%]; Lt. Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Solvent [64742-98-8][3%]; Toluene [1 08- 88-3][5%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][11 %]; Zinc [7440-66- 6][47%]; [FP <OaF; BP <OaF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 1 0]; [SG 1.15; VD >1] 4 LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 79040 18oz CHISEL AE [Loctite Chisel Paint Stripper] I AL3, CR, OHH, 3.3750 Lbs N N Stockroom 52130040 [Grainger 1 KGU5]: Methylene Chloride [75-09-2][60-1 00% ]; CA, P65 Liquified Petroleum Propellant [68476-86-8][10-30%]; Methanol [67-56-1][5-10%]; Propylene Oxide [75-56-9][0.1-1%]; [FP <41oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL 9.5]; [SG 0.789] 5 LEGO-A 100.0 SPRAY WAX, 18 WT OZ [MarkyKate HighLight Spray Wax] AL1, IR, OHH, 7.8750 Lbs N N I Stockroom 52130047 [Grainger 19MZ11]: Water [7732-18-5][70-80%]; P65 Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][3-8%]; Synthetic lsoparaffinic Hydrocarbon [64742-48-9][1-5%]; Coconut Diethanolamide [68603-42-9][1-5%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0- 20%]; [BP 212oF); [SG 0.99]; [H1-F1-RO] 6 LEGO-A 100.0 WHITE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210050 White Marking] [Grainger 6KP41]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas SN, CA, P65 [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][2.5- 10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5- 10%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [SG 0.864; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 135 of 192 [ CA-Prop65/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SAFETY GREEN WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR Safety Green Marking] [Grainger 6YH09]: Acetone [67 -64-1 ][1 0- 25%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5- 10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43- 7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807- 96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742- 49-0][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][1-2.5%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1-2.5%]; · Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1 %]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.836; VD >1] 8 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION YELLOW WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N I Stockroom 52210052 12PK Caution Yellow Mark] [Grainger 6KN98]: Acetone [67-64-SN, CA, P65 1 ][25-50%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317- 65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Yellow Iron Oxide [51274-00- 1][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.832; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 9 LEGO-A 100.0 I SAFETY RED WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSR AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210053 ' 12PK Safety Red Marking] [Grainger 6KP40]: Liquefied SN, CA, P65 Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64 7 42-89-8][1 0-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.85; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 10 LEGO-A II 100.0 ALERT ORANGE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 10.6250 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210054 12PK Alert Orange Mark] [Grainger 6KP37]: Liquefied Petroleum SN, CA, P65 Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89- 8][10-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65- 3][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Ta!c [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.836; VD >1; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 136 of 192 ,/" /~ ..... , ~ ,r~'. !'. /r~' ~\ ,-, \ _.-----...., (-~~ '~ ."j /---., ,~-\ • i J "--~/ I~ ~CA-P;opss/AEROSOLS ___ . '-~ ,./ ____ / ~/ 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CAUTION BLUE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK Caution Blue Mark] (Grainger 6KP33]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8](10-25%]; Acetone (67-64-1](10-25%]; Toluene [108-88-3](2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7](2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2](2.5-1 0%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96- 6](1-2.5%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49- 0](1-2.5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4](1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.843; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 12 LEGO-A 100.0 CARBURETOR CLEANER [Asland Pyroil Carb & Choke AL3, CR, OHH, 0.0625 Lbs N N Stockroom 52410006 Cleaner) [Grainger 1PKT8]: Acetone [67-64-1][50-60%]; P65 Methanol [67-56-1 ](20-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7](15-20%]; Ethyl Benzene [100-41-4][1.5-5%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9](1.5-5%]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 36]; [SG 0.8132]; [H3-F4-RO] 13 LEGO-A 100.0 COLOR DYE PENETRANT FLAW DETECTION RED AL3, IR, OHH, 0.6615 Lbs N N Stockroom 60MIS0019 I PENETRANT [SKL-SP2 Aerosol] [Magnaflux 60MIS0019]: P65 Petroleum gases, Liquefied, sweetened [68476-86-8](40-70%]; White mineral oil, Petroleum [8042-47-5][15-40%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light naphthenic [64742-53-6][1-5%]; 2-Naphthalenol, 1-[[4-(phenylazo)phenyl]azo]-, ar-heptyl ar', ar"- Me derivs. [92257-31-3][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<0.1%]; [FP 200oF; BP 455oF]; [LEL 1; UEL 6]; [SG 0.89; VD >1]; [H1- F4-RO] 14 LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 7471 PRIMER 4.5 OZ. [Henkel Loctite Locquic Primer I AL3, IR, OHH, 0.2812 Lbs N N Stockroom 60PSBOOO T 7471 Aerosol, 22477] [Grainger 3HV17]: Acetone (67-64-1][60-, SN, P65 8 100%]; lsobutane [75-28-5](10-30%]; 2-Propanol [67-63-0][5- 10%]; 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole [149-30-4][0.1-1%]; (FP 17.6oF]; [SG 0.7953] i ' I 15 LEGO-I I 100.0 BATTERY CORROSION PREVENTION, AEROSOL SPRAY · Stockroom I A AL3, IR, OHH, 6.7500 Lbs N N 60SS0086 [CRC Battery Terminal Protector 03175] [Grainger 2F134]: CA, P65 Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][20-30%]; Naphtha (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][20-30%]; 3- Methyl hexane [589-34-4][1 0-20%]; N-Heptane [142-82-5][1 0- 20%]; Petrolatum [8009-03-8][10-20%]; 2-Methylhexane (591-76- 4][5-1 0%]; Methylcyclohexane [1 08-87-2][5-1 0%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Solvent-Refined Heavy Paraffinic [64741-88-4][1- 3%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<1%]; N-Hexane [110-54-3][<1%]; [FP <OoF]; [LEL 1; UEL 8]; [SG 0.73]; [H2-F4-R1] TOTAL -CA-Prop65/Aerosols 84.57 Lbs AGGREGATE TOTAL -CA-Prop65/Aerosols 84.57 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 137 of 192 r CA-Prop65/COMPRESSED GASES 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 SPAN GAS CYL 0.6 CF [Gas Cylinders Containing 35, 50, 95, 200, 300, 400 ppm Carbon Monoxide in Air] [3M 08-6109-6]: Nitrogen [7727 -37 -9][76.465-80.46%]; Oxygen [7782-44-7][19.5- 23.5%]; Carbon Monoxide [630-08-0][0.0035-0.04%]; [BP -317.8oF]; [SG 1.28; VD 1]; [HO-FO-RO] TOTAL -CA-Prop65/Compressed Gases AGGREGATE TOTAL -CA-Prop65/Compressed Gases OHH, P65 0.60 0.60 STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 138 of 192 ;~\ /---..,\ (\ ~ ., /'--......, \,~ / 1-',~-/ "----/' <_) '..._/ \._______/ CA-Prop65/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 242 THREADLOCKER MEDIUM STR. [Loctite 242 Threadlocker Medium Strength] [Grainger 2A269]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][60-100%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004- 96-0][10-30%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propanediol-1 ,2 [57-55-6][1-5%]; ' Titanium Dioixde [13463-67 -7][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1 %]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300.2oF]; [LEL 2.6; UEL 12.5]; [SG 1.1] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE PERMANENT THREADLOCKER 262 50ml [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0792 Gins N N Stockroom 52130020 262 Threadlocker High Strenght] [Grainger 5E215]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP][60-100%]; Saccarin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydorperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.05] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER 222 50ml [Loctite 222 I IR, OHH, SN, 0.0660 Gins N N ! Stockroom 52130021 Threadlocker] [Henkel 231127]: Polyglycol dimethacrylate CA, P65 [PROP][30-60%]; Polyglycol oleate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, amorphous, treated [68909-20-6][5-10%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1- 5%]; Propane-1 ,2-diol [57-55-6][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Titanium Dioxide ]13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [SG 1.08] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 60310ML RETAINING CMPOUND 80 [Loctite 603 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0133 Gins N N Stockroom 52130030 I Retaining Compound Press Fit] [Henkel231097]: Methyacrylate SN, CA, P65 Resin [PROP][30-60%]; Methacrylate monomer [PROP][10- 30%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [27813-2-1][5-10%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-10%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-10%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][5-10%]; Alkylphenol ethoxylate [PROP][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][0.1-1 %]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Methacrylic acid [79-41-4][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Subsituted Silane [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 248 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER IR, OHH, SN, 0.0075 Gins N N Stockroom 52130031 [Loctitie 248 TL 9G Stick] [Grainger 3UU58]: Polyglycol P65 Dimethacrylate [25852-4 7 -5][60-1 00%]; Thixtropic Agent Unknown [1 0-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Polyglycol Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5% ]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.097] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 139 of 192 D CA-Prop65/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 268 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER [Quickstix 268 Threadlocker High Strength] [Grainger 3UU56]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-60%]; Aromatic Dimethacyrlate Ester [24448-20-2][1 0-30%]; Polyuretheane Methacrylate Resin [PROP][1 0-30%]; Thixtropic Agent [1 0-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1- 5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.0687] 7 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 290 1 OML THREADLOCK WICKING [Loctite 290 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0106 Gins N N I Stockroom 52130035 Threadlocker known as Wicking Grade] [Henkel29021]: SN, CA. P65 Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROPJ[60-100%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 8 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE NO MORE LEAKS 16oz [Loctite No More Leaks White i FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52130036 Threaded Plastic Pipe Sealant] [Henkel1537780]: Talc [14807-[ CA. P65 96-6][30-60%]; Rosin, Fumaric Acid, Pentaerythritol Polymer [65997 -11-7][1 0-30%]; 2-Propanol [67 -63-0][1 0-30%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004-96-0][10-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; [FP 96.8oF; BP 180oF]; [LEL 2.3; UEL 12.7]; [SG 1.37; VD 2.07] 9 LEGO-L 100.0 i LOCTITE 518 50ML GASKET ALUM FLNG [Loctite 518 known '1 CL3B, IR, OHH, N N Stockroom 52130037 I as Loctite 518 Master Gasket] [Henkel8222423]: Polyurethane SN, CA, P65 Methacrylate Resin [60-100%]; Polyglycol Dimethyacrylate [PROP][5-1 0%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][5-10%]; Acrylic Acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-1][1- 5%]; 1-Acetyi-2-Phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 8]; [SG 1.1] 10 i LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 510 50ML GASKET HI TEMP TB [Loctite 510 known I 1 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N II N Stockroom 52130038 as Loctite 510 Gasket Eliminat] [Henkel51074]: Polyglycol SN, CA. P65 Dimethacrylate [PROPJ[30-60%]; Silica, Amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydrcpercxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propane-1 ,2-diol [57- 55-6][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2- phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1784] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 140 of 192 r'\ ,C\ ~ '\ /~, ~/ 1/ __..-',~' '_/' ~/ ...._ __ j , __ / "-_./~) '-_--./1 "-/ CA-Prop65/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 561 19GM PST THREAD SEALANT [Quickstick 561 PST Pipe Sealant with PTFE] [Grainger 3UU53]: Polyglycol Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-4 7 -5][ 1 0-30%]; Dimethacrylate Ester [PROP][1 0-30%]; Thixtopic Agent [5-10%]; Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382- 25-7][5-1 0%]; Poly(tetrafluorethylene) [9002-84-0][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1394] 12 I LEGO-L 100.0 CONNECTOR SEALING PACKS [Scotchcast 3570G-N (Parts A CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.8633 Gins N N Stockroom 52130045 & B)] [3M 78-8129-9653-2]: [PART A-Poly(oxypropylene) SN, CA, P65 Sorbitol, Poly[o; .. :y(methyl-1 ,2-ethanediyl)] Derivative [52625-13- 5][15-45%]; Castel Oil-Based Derivative [30-40%]; Glycols, Polypropylene [25322-69-4][4-35%]; Styrene, Oligomer [9003-53- 6][10-20%]; Heavy Naphthenic Distillate Solvent Petroleum Extracts [64742-11-6][<2%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.2%]; [FP <200oF; BP <200oF]; [SG 1.08]; [H 1-FO-RO]] [PART B -4,4'- lsopropylidenediphenoi-Epichlorohydrin Polymer [25068-38- 6][70-80%]; (3',4'-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl) 3,4- Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate [2386-87-0][22-30%]; [BP 392oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-FO-R 1] 13 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER RED 277 1 OML [Loctite 277 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0026 Gins N N Stockroom 52130046 Thread locker High Strength][Grainger 3KE48]: polyglycol SN, CA, P65 dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-50%]; Bisphenol A fumarate resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1- 5%]; saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1] 14 LEGO-L 100.0 ELECTRICAL COATING SCOTCHKOTE [Scotchkote Brand FL 1A ,IR, OHH, 0.4688 Gins N N Stockroom 52170563 Electrical Coating] [3M]: Acetone [67-64-1][40-45%]; Toluene P65 [1 08-88-3][1 0-15%]; Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Polymer [9003-18- 3][10-15%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][10-15%]; Glycerol Esters of Rosin Acids [8050-31-5][5-10%]; Phenoi-Formaldeyde Resin [25085-50-1][5-10%]; Zinc Oxide [1314-13-2][1-2%]; Salicylic Acid [69-72-7][1-2%]; Antioxidant [68411-46-11 ][0.1- 1 %]; [FP OoF; BP 95oF]; [SG 0.88]; [H2-F3-RO] 15 LEGO-L 100.0 JB WELD KWIK COLD WELD [Resin and Hardener] [J-B Weld IR, OHH, SN, 0.0156 Gins N N Stockroom 52250001 19863]: Iron [7439-89-6][5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][10-CA, P65 30%]; Oxirane [25085-99-8](1 0-30%]; Phenol, 2,4,6- Tris[(Dimethylamino)Methyl]-[90-72-2][1-5%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][1-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0.1-1%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1- 1 %]; [H2-FO-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. '""-----, ____ / HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 141 of 192 I· CA·Prop65/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 KWIK SEAL TUB AND TILE CAULK, WHITE [Kwik Seal Tub & CL3B, IR, OHH, Tile Adhevise Caulk-All Colors] [Grainger 4MY71]: Limestone SN, CA, P65 [1317-65-3)[30-60%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1- 5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; n-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4)[0.1-1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7)[0.1-1%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1)[0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00- 0)[<0.02%]; [FP >200oF; BP 21 OoF]; [SG 1.6; VD >1) LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE EPOXY CUPS [Fast Cure Mixer Cupes 1 oz Can] CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0178 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250004 I [Grainger 3KE55]: Aluminium Hydroxide [21645-51-2)[30-60%]; CA, P65 Polymercaptan Hardener [PROP][30-60%]; 2,4,6-Tris (Dimethylaminomethyl) Phenol [90-72-2)[5-10%]; Distillates, Petroleum, Heavy Thermal Cracked [64741-81-7][5-10%); Styrene [100-42-5)[1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal- Free [112945-52-5)[1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-1][1-5%]; Benz(A) Anthracene [56-55-3)[0.1-1 %]; [FP >199.4oF; BP >300oF); [SG 1.4] 18 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 567 PIPE SEALANT STAINLESS STEEL [Loctite 567 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0264 Gins N N Stockroom 52250005 PST Pipe Sealant with H PTFE PTFE Thread Sealant] [Grainger I SN, CA, P65 4KM17]: Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382-25-7)[30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3)[10-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3)[10- 30%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monococate [61791-29-5)[1 0-30%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%); Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38- 6)[1-5%); Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-1)[0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF); [SG 1.14) LEGO-L 100.0 732 MULTI PURPOSE SEALANT 10.1 oz [DAP 8641 Silicone JR, OHH, WR1, 0.4734 Gins N N Stockroom 52250006 1 Sealant Clear] [Grainger 5A463]: Hydrotreated Middle Petroleum P65 Distillates [64 7 42-46-7][15-35%]; Ethyltriacetoxyislane [17689- 77-9)[1-5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][1-5%]; [SG 0.96]; [H1-F1-RO] 20 LEGO-L I 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE EPOXY [Loc Aqua MR Epx) [Henkel CL38, IR, OHH, 0.0066 Gins N N Stockroom 52250012 I I Corporation 1427686]: Epich!orohydrin-4,4 '-!sopropy!idene Cl\.1 r'A Oa:t: V1'11 Vr\1 I V-.1 Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6)[30-60%]; Quartz [14808-60-7)[30- 60%]; Calcium Carbonate [471-34-1)[10-30%]; Gamma- Glycidoxypropyl Trimethyoxysilane [2530-83-8)[0.1-1 %]; Fatty Acids, Tallow, Calcium Salts [64755-01-7)[0.1-1%]; Phenyl Glycidyl Ether [122-60-1 )[0-0.1 %]; Methanol [67 -56-1 ][0-0.1 %]; Arsenic [7440-38-2)[0-0.1 %]; Lead [7439-92-1)[0-0.1 %]; [FP 399.99oF); [SG 1.56) STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 142 of 192 •""\ (\ 1\ !~ ··> ~'. / ·~· ,C\ •\ /"'., l~ ',j , _ __) '-,___/ \.,__./' '·,~j \~~ CA-Prop65/LIQUIDS , __ ./ "-.. __ / '--'' '----' \'-,__,) "'-._J "-._/ '--~·/ "---" \,'"-----/ 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 WHITE ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 22 I LEGO-L 100.0 I LOCTITE UNDERWATER EPOXY [Fixmaster Underwater Repair CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.2188 Gins N N Stockroom 52250014 Epoxy, 82093] [Grainger 1YDZ8]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; SN,P65 Sodium Aluminum Borosilicate [65997-17-3][10-30%]; Zinc Sulfide [1314-98-3][5-1 0%]; Epichlorodhydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][5-1 0%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][5-10%]; Polymeric Phenolic Amine [32611 0-77 -8][1-5%]; [FP 200oF; BP 500oF]; [SG 1.19] 23 I LEGO-L 100.0 I BLACK ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 0.9844 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52250018 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA,P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [1 01-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 24 LEGO-L 100.0 ALL PURPOSE SUPER BONDER 10oz. [Beats the Nail VOC CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.6250 Gins N N Stockroom 52250019 Construction Adhesive] [Grainger 1 HA84]: Limestone [1317-65-CA, P65 3][30-60%]; Magensium Aluminum Silicate [12174-11-7][1-5%]; Urea [57-13-6][0.1-1.5%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1- 1%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1%]; Vinyl Acetate [108-05- 4][<0.7%]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.008%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.002%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.5]; [VD >1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 143 of 192 t CA-Prop65/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 26 I LEGO-L . 52250097 27 : LEG0-L 52250098 28 LEG0-L 52250099 29 I LEGO-L . 52250101 30 I. LEGO-L . 52410098 3M ADH 560 SCOTCH SEAL GRAY 1/10TH GL CT [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 560, White, Gray, Black] [3M]: Urethane Polymer [30-40%]; Plasticizer Mixture [10-30%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-30%]; Amorphous '· Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Petroleum Distillates [64742-47- 8][<2%]; p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68- 8][<0.3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 100.0 LOCTITE SUPERFLEX RED HIGH TEMP RTV [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0422 Gins Superflex Red high temp RTV silicone adhesive sealant] SN, P65 [Grainger 5E223]: Silicon Dioixde [7631-86-9][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][5-10%]; Traicetoxyethylsilane [17689-77 -9][1-5%]; Methylsilanetriyl Triacetate [4253-34-3][1-5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7][0.1-1 %]; Nonhazardous Components: Silcone Resins [50-100%]; [FP >199.4oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1.01; VD >1] 100.0 KWIK SEAL CLEAR CAULK WATERPROOF SEAL [Kwik-Seal CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.2148 Gins Tub & Tile Clear] [Grainger 25F525]: Ethylene Glycol [107-21-CA, P65 1][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ammoina [7664-41-7][0.1-1 %]; Gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysila [919-30- 2][0.1-1 %]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.06%]; Acetaldehyde [75- 07-0][<0.004%]; Ethyl Acrylate [140-88-5][<0.0002%]; [FP >200oF; BP 210oF]; [SG 1.063; VD >1] 100.0 ALUMINUM AND METAL SEALANT, 2.8 OZ [Momentive IR, OHH, P65 0.0437 Gins Performance Materials] [Grainger 22N774]: Distillates, Petroleum, Hydrotreated [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Methyl Trimethoxysilane [1185-55-3][1-5%]; Polydimethylsiloxane [63148-62-9][1 0-30%]; Treated Filled [68611-44-9][1 0-30%]; [FP >199oF]; [SG 1.04]; [H1-FO-RO] 100.0 I KWIK SEAL ADHESIVE SEALANT HIGH GLOSS WHITE [DAP CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3438 Gins Kwik Seal Plus Premium Kitchen and Bath Adhesive Caulk -All CA, P65 Colors] [Grainger 29RV08]: Limestone [1317-65-3][10-30%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1-5%]; Petroleum Distillates [64741-88-4][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1- 5%]; Texanol [25265-77-4][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1- 1%]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1%]; Styrene [100-42- 5][0.1-1 %]; Formaldehye [50-00-0][<0.08%]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 100.0 ANTI FREEZE PRE DILUTED ZEREX [Ashland Zerex Original CL3B, IR, OHH, 3.0000 Gins RTU Antifreeze Coolant] [Grainger 2MWE7]: Ethylene Glycol P65 [1 07-21-1 ][50-60%]; [FP >250oF; BP 226oF]; [LEL 3.2; UEL 15.3] N N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 144 of 192 ,~~\ ./ .......... "-1 (~I ~] r, ,......-,\ ,,..-----.."' ,t "'", ,/-\ r\ "'~ \ ,....~1 /~ ----, .. , ·., l_/ '..__) '-.._____/' , __ ) ~-/,' ... , _ _/! , ___ J ''-.. __ / " ,/ ,\ __ ) '--/ ,_/ CA-Prop65/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PL PREMIUM POLYURETHANE CONST ADHESIVE [Loctite PL Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive] [Henkel 1390595]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; Methylenebis(phenylisocyanate) [1 01-68-8][1 0-30%]; Hydrocarbon C 11-25 dearomatized [64 7 42-46-7][1 0-30% ]; Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate [26447-40-5][1-5%]; lsocyanic acid, polymethylenepolyphenylene ester [9016-87-9][1-5%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][0.1-1 %]; [FP >200oF; BP 341.6oF]; [LEL 1.6; UEL 1 0.2]; [SG 1.26; VD >1] 32 i LEGO-L 100.0 URETHANE ADHESIVE ACCUFLEX SEALANT-BLACK [3M IR, OHH, CA, 0.7371 Gins N N ' Stockroom 60DC0114 Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure (Various Colors)] SN, P65, WR1 A [3M 25-8775-6]: Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Plasticizer Mixture [TS][10-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][<5.4%]; Calcium Oxide [1305- 78-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron II Oxide [1309-37-1][<2%]; Petroleum Distillate [64 7 42-4 7 -8][ <2% ]; P, P'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8][<0.2%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- piperidinyl) sebacate [41556-26-7][0.01-0.1%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.1 %]; Methyl 1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl sebacate [82919-37-7][0.01-0.1%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.2]; [H2- F1-RO] 33 LEGO-L 100.0 I QUICK TAG 2 ACTIVATOR [Quick Tac 2] [ASI 60MS0009]: FL1B, IR, OHH, 0.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 60MS0009 Acetone [67-64-1][>99%]; [FP <OoF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.5; UEL P65 13]; [SG 0.79; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] 34 LEGO-L 100 TUBE PATCH GLUE 40Z CAN [Royal Adhesives LA4009[: FL 1 B, IR, OHH, 0.0938 Gins N N I Stockroom 600R0100 Toluene [108-88-3]; Acetone [67-64-1]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-CA. P65 93-3]; [FP -4oF; BP 133oF]; [LEL 1.3; UEL 12.8]; [SG 0.858; VD >1]; [H1-F3-RO] 35 LEGO-L 100.0 SPA ANTI FOAMER DEFOAMER 1 QT [Leslie's Swimming Pool OHH, P65 2.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0005 . Supplies Spa Anti-Foam] [Leslie's Pool Mart 24436]: Dimethicone [63148-62-9][1-6%]; [BP 212oF] 36 I LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] ' FL1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins N N ! Stockroom 51050311 [ITW A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30% ]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; lsopmpyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 145 of 192 D CA-Prop65/LIQU IDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 38 39 40 41 42 43 LEG0- 51050313 LEG0- 51050314 LEG0- 51050316 LEG0- 52290157 LEG0- 52290160 LEG0- 52550472 L L L L L L WHITE -FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW A718M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-1 00%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67 -7][30-60%]; Copper [7 440-50-8][1 0-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [647 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81 oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7 .6]; [H2-F3-RO] 100.0 I YELLOW-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1 C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins [ITW A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium I CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 100.0 YELLOW-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins A719M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64 7 42-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 100.0 I BLACK-MEDIUM TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0240 Gins [ITW A720M]: N-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][60-100%]; Titanium CA, P65 Dioxide [13463-67-7][30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8][10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][7-13%]; Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0][3- 7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6][3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6][1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6][1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO] 100.0 VALVE REGULATED LEAD BATTERY [Yuasa 853023]: Arsenic CR, OHH, WR2, 1.8000 Gins [7440-38-2][0.003%]; Powdered Lead [7439-92-1][63-78%]; TX, CA, P65 Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.006%]; [BP 203oF]; [VD 1] 100.0 BATTERY POWER SON!C PS 640 4AH 6V [PS VRLA. Batteries CR, OHH, WR2, 0.6400 Gins AGM]: Inorganic Lead/Lead Compounds [7439-92-1][65-75%]; CA, P65 Tin [7440-31-5][<0.5%]; Calcium [7440-70-2][<0.1 %]; Electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid) [7664-93-9][14-20%]; Fiberglass Separator [5%]; Case [5-10%]; [H3-FO-R2] 100.0 BATTERY, SEALED LEAD ACID, 12V, 5AH, FASTON [Sealed CR, TX, OHH, 0.3600 Gins Maintenance-Free Lead Acid Batteries] [Grainger 2UKG8]: Lead CA WR2, P65 [7439-92-1][44-57%]; Antimony [7440-36-0][1%]; Lead Dioxide [1309-60-0][19-26%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [15-22%]; Electrolyte (Sulfuric Acid) [7664-93-9][23-27%]; [H3-FO-R2] N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 146 of 192 .~ /-) ,r'-, . .~-'-"~ /~\ :) !\, /.-\: :~ ~ ~, ~ r-..\ /.-~--.._,1 ;,........" --~ .... \ -- I ' I / ~ -.._,/ ~ ''--~/ '-----'"' "--~/ \___ __ / '-..___/) ''-.__/ '-.., _ __/ CA-Prop65/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 45 46 LEG0- 61PSB001 1 LEG0- 51050309 L L 12V BATTERY GROUP 48, AGM, 760CCA [Lead Acid Battery, Non-Spillable Wet] [Industrial Battery, Traction Battery, Stationary Battery, Deep Cycle Battery): Lead and Lead Compounds (inorganic) [7439-92-1][50%]; Electrolyte [7664-93-9)[17%]; Lead Oxide [1309-60-0)[20%]; Tin [7440-31-5)[0.2%]; [BP 203oF]; [SG 1.29; VD >1]; [H3-FO-R2] 100.0 1 BATTERY 0.8AHR 12V [Nonspillable Lead-Acid Battery]: CR, TX, OHH, 0.3280 Gins Electrolyte-Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9)[1 0-30%) WR2, P65 100.0 RED-FINE TIP PAINT PEN [Brite-Mark Paint Marker] [ITW FL 1C, IR, OHH, 0.0080 Gins A791M]: N-Butyi Acetate [i23-86-4j[60-·iOO%]; Titanium Dioxide CA, P65 [13463-67-7)[30-60%]; Copper [7440-50-8)[10-30%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4)[7-13%); Isopropyl Alcohol [67-63-0)[3-7%]; Zinc [7440-66-6)[3-7%]; Petroleum Naphtha, Light Aromatic [64742-95-6)[1-5%]; 1 ,2,4-Trimethylbenzene [95-63-6)[1-5%]; [FP 81oF; BP 252oF]; [LEL 1.7; UEL 7.6]; [H2-F3-RO) TOTAL -CA-Prop65/Liquids AGGREGATE TOTAL -CA-Prop65/Liquids 47.36 Gins 47.36 Gins '---' N N Stockroom N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 147 of 192 ~"; I. CA-Prop65/SOLIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 LEG0- 52250096 s 100.0 LOCTITE 548 20GM HI-TACK GSKT DPRSNG [Loctite 548 Stick Flange Sealant] [Quickstix 548 Gasket Eliminator Flange Sealant] [Henkel 39152]: Polyurethane methacrylate resin [30- 60%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Silica, amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [PROP][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82- 8][0.1-1%] 5 GAL KIT MAGNA-CRETE #95555 [Fixmaster Magna-crete] [Grainger 2VRN2]: Silica, Quartz [14808-60-7][60-100%]; Magnesium Oxide [1309-48-4][10-30%]; [BP 3715oF]; [SG 2.65] TOTAL -CA-Prop65/Solids AGGREGATE TOTAL -CA-Prop65/Solids IR, OHH, CA, P65 50.0000 Lbs 50.04 Lbs 50.04 Lbs N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 148 of 192 (,,j(\1 /'"' --""""" ; l ( I ~, ~., i~ /"'"~ ,/··, ----, L' ' ' ' ' ' / ,_/ ', _ _.. ""-__/ \~-/ -._ ___ / '_/ "-._j \__., "-j ~~j ''-/ Sensitizers/AEROSOLS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoiand Drive, Carisbad, CA 92008 INSULATING FOAM DAP 12 OZ [KWIK Foam Polyurethane AL 1. IR. OHH. 9,7500 Lbs N N Foam] [Grainger 5E086]: Chlorodifluoromethane [75-45-6][7- 13%]; 4,4'-Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) [101-68-6][5- 10%]; Polymeric Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [9016-87-9][5- 10%]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 2 LEGO-A 100,0 WHITE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR 12PK AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210050 White Marking] [Grainger 6KP41]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas SN, CA, P65 [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][2.5- 10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5- 10%]; Titanium Dioxide [13463-67-7][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96-6][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oFj; [SG 0.864; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 3 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY GREEN WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR ! AL3, IR, OHH, 8.5000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210051 ! Safety Green Marking] [Grainger 6YH09]: Acetone [67-64-1][10-SN, CA, P65 25%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1 0-25%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5- 10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43- 7][2.5-10%]; Barium Sulfate [7727-43-7][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807- 96-6][2.5-10%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742- 49-0][2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2][1-2.5%]; Ethyl benzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Toluene [1 08-88-3][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.836; VD >1] 4 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION YELLOW WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [IC LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210052 12PK Caution Yellow Mark] [Grainger 6KN98]: Acetone [67-64-SN, CA, P65 1][25-50%]; Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][10-25%]; Limestone [1317- 65-3][2.5-1 0%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67 -7][2.5-1 0%]; Talc [14807 -96-6][2.5-1 0%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49-0][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Yellow Iron Oxide [51274-00- 1][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.832; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] 5 LEGO-A 100.0 SAFETY RED WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSR AL3, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Lbs N N : Stockroom 52210053 12PK Safety Red Marking] [Grainger 6KP40]: Liquefied SN, CA, P65 Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8][1 0-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8][1 0-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][2.5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Talc [14807-96-6][2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF]; [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.85; VD >1]; [H2-F4-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 149 of 192 D Sensitizers/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ALERT ORANGE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH. 10.6250 Lbs N N 12PK Alert Orange Mark) [Grainger 6KP37]: Liquefied Petroleum Gas [68476-86-8)[10-25%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89- 8)[10-25%]; Xylene [1330-20-7)[2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65- 3)[2.5-10%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7)[2.5-10%]; Ethylbenzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Talc [14807 -96-6)[1-2.5%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF); [LEL 0.9; UEL 12.6]; [SG 0.836; VD >1; [H2-F4-RO] 7 LEGO-A 100.0 CAUTION BLUE WATER BASE MARKING PAINT [ICWB LSPR AL3, IR, OHH, 3.1875 Lbs N N Stockroom 52210066 12PK Caution Blue Mark] [Grainger 6KP33]: Liquefied Petroleum SN, CA, P65 Gas [68476-86-8)[10-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1)[10-25%]; Toluene [108-88-3)[2.5-10%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][2.5-10%]; Xylene [1330-20-7)[2.5-1 0%]; Titanium Dioixde [1317-80-2)[2.5-1 0%]; Aliphatic Hydrocarbon [64742-89-8)[1-2.5%]; Talc [14807-96- 6][1-2.5%]; Naphtha, Petroleum, Hydrotreated Light [64742-49- 0)[1-2.5%]; Ethylbenzene [1 00-41-4][1-2.5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7)[0.1-1%]; [FP -157oF; BP -29.2oF); [LEL 0.7; UEL 13]; [SG 0.843; VD >1); [H2-F4-RO] 8 LEGO-A 100.0 LOCTITE 7471 PRIMER 4.5 OZ. [Henkel Loctite Locquic Primer AL3, IR, OHH, 0.2812 Lbs N N ! Stockroom 60PSBOOO T 7471 Aerosol, 22477] [Grainger 3HV17): Acetone [67-64-1][60-SN, P65 8 100%); lsobutane [75-28-5][10-30%]; 2-Propanol [67-63-0)[5- 10%]; 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole [149-30-4)[0.1-1%]; [FP 17.6oF]; [SG 0.7953] TOTAL -Sensitizers/Aerosols 44.03 Lbs AGGREGATE TOTAL-Sensitizers/Aerosols 44.03 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 150 of 192 !'\ i'"' ,r-~·\ ·'' -~---., .~-, ,•''\ ',_/ I /1 ~--/ '..._ / ·'--j \__ __ /, '-_/· Sensitizers/LIQUIDS \.___/ ''----" \.__,_/ \.__ __ / ~-/ --...-'· 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoiand Drive, Carisbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 242 THREADLOCKER MEDIUM STR. [Loctite 242 Thread locker Medium Strength] [Grainger 2A269]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47 -5][60-1 00%]; Oleic Acid 5.5EO [9004- 96-0](10-30%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5](1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Propanediol-1 ,2 [57-55-6][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300.2oF]; [LEL 2.6; UEL 12.5]; [SG 1.1] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 I LOCTITE PERMANENT THREADLOCKER 262 50ml [Loctite CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0792 Gins N N . Stockroom 52130020 262 Threadlocker High Strenght] [Grainger 5E215]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacryiate [PROP][60-1 00%]; Saccarin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydorperoxide [80-15-9](1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1- 1 %]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.05] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER 222 50ml [Loctite 222 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0660 Gins N N I Stockroom 52130021 Threadlocker] [Henkel 231127]: Polyglycol dimethacrylate CA. P65 [PROP][30-60%]; Polyglycol oleate [PROP][30-60%]; Silica, amorphous, treated [68909-20-6][5-10%]; Saccharin [81-07-2](1- 5%]; Propane-1 ,2-diol [57-55-6][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9](1-5%]; Titanium Dioxide ]13463-67-7](0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82-8](0.1-1%]; [SG 1.08] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 603 10ML RETAINING CMPOUND 80 (Loctite 603 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0133 Gins N N Stockroom 52130030 Retaining Compound Press Fit] [Henkel231097]: Methyacrylate SN, CA, P65 Resin [PROP][30-60%]; Methacrylate monomer [PROP][10- 30%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [27813-2-1][5-10%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin (5-10%]; Polyurethane methacrylate resin [5-1 0%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][5-10%]; Alkylphenol ethoxylate [PROP](1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][0.1-1%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][0.1-1%]; Methacrylic acid [79-41-4](0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine [114-83-0](0.1-1 %]; Subsituted Silane [PROP][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8](0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 248 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER IR, OHH, SN, 0.0075 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52130031 [Loctitie 248 TL 9G Stick] [Grainger 3UU58]: Polyglycol P65 Dimethacrylate [25852-4 7 -5][60-1 00% ]; Thixtropic Agent Unknown [10-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5% ]; Polyglycol Dioctanoate [18268-70-7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9](1-5% ]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.097] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 151 of 192 Sensitizers/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 268 9GM MED STRENGTH THREADLOCKER IR, OHH, SN, 0.0150 Gins N [Quickstix 268 Threadlocker High Strength] (Grainger 3UU56]: Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5](30-60%]; Aromatic Dimethacyrlate Ester [24448-20-2](1 0-30%]; Polyuretheane Methacrylate Resin [PROP](1 0-30%]; Thixtropic Agent [1 0-30%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5](1- 5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.0687] 7 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 290 10ML THREADLOCK WICKING [Loctite 290 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0106 Gins N N Stockroom 52130035 Threadlocker known as Wicking Grade] [Henkel29021]: SN, CA, P65 Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [PROP](60-100%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8](0.1-1%]; [FP 199.94oF; BP 300.2oF]; [SG 1.07] 8 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 518 50ML GASKET ALUM FLNG (Loctite 518 known CL38, IR, OHH, N N Stockroom 52130037 i as Loctite 518 Master Gasket] [Henkel 8222423]: Polyurethane SN, CA, P65 Methacrylate Resin (60-1 00%]; Polyglycol Dimethyacrylate [PROP](5-10%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-Free [112945-52-5][5-10%]; Acrylic Acid [79-10-7](1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [1 07-21-1 ](1- 5%]; 1-Acetyi-2-Phenylhydrazine [114-83-0][0.1-1 %]; Cumene [98-82-8][0.1-1%]; [FP >212oF; BP >300oF]; [LEL 2; UEL 8]; [SG 1.1] 9 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 510 50ML GASKET HI TEMP TB [Loctite 510 known CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N N Stockroom 52130038 as Loctite 510 Gasket Eliminat] [Henkel 51074]: Polyglycol SN, CA, P65 Dimethacrylate [PROP](30-60%]; Silica, Amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07 -2][1-5%]; Cumene Hydroperoxide [80-15-9](1-5%]; Propane-1 ,2-diol [57- 55-6](1-5%]; Cumene [98-82-8](0.1-1 %]; 1-Acetyl-2- phenylhydrazine [114-83-0](0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1784] I r LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 561 19GM PST THREAD SEALANT [Quickstick 561 IR, OHH, SN, 0.0157 Gins N N i Stockroom 52130041 PST Pipe Sealant with PTFE] [Grainger 3UU53]: Polyglycol CA, P65 Dioctanoate [18268-70-7](30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Dimethacrylate Ester [PROP][10-30%]; ThixtopicAgent [5-10%]; Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382- 25-7][5-1 0%]; Poly(tetrafluorethylene) [9002-84-0][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystalline-Free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol (107-21-1](1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde (13463-67- 7][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1394] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 152 of 192 I' ·"'· /\ ,.---\, r-----, ,'-."'1 .~ /.------........, ,/" ....., I , ·. u , __ j \.___ __ __.;' "-~/ \. _ ____/ , _ _/ ~ ''-_j \'-_/ Sensitizers/LIQUIDS \~_/ \, __ _/ •j 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Buiiding -One Legoiand Drive, Carisbad, CA 92008 CONNECTOR SEALING PACKS [Scotchcast 3570G-N (Parts A & B)] [3M 78-8129-9653-2]: [PART A-Poly(oxypropylene) Sorbitol, Poly[oxy(methyl-1 ,2-ethanediyl)] Derivative [52625-13- 5][15-45%]; Castel Oil-Based Derivative [30-40%]; Glycols, Polypropylene [25322-69-4][4-35%]; Styrene, Oligomer [9003-53- 6][10-20%]; Heavy Naphthenic Distillate Solvent Petroleum Extracts [64742-11-6][<2%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.2%]; [FP <200oF; BP <200oF]; [SG 1.08]; [H1-FO-RO]] [PART B-4,4'- lsopropylidenediphenoi-Epichlorohydrin Polymer [25068-38- 6][70-80%]; (3' ,4'-Epoxycyclohexylmethyl) 3,4- Epoxycyclohexanecarboxylate [2386-87-0][22-30%]; [BP 392oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-FO-R 1] 12 i LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE THREADLOCKER RED 277 10ML [Loctite 277 CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0026 Gins N N Stockroom 52130046 Thread locker High Strength][Grainger 3KE48]: polyglycol SN, CA, P65 dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][30-50%]; Bisphenol A fumarate resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1- 5%]; saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; [BP >300oF]; [SG 1.1] 13 LEGO-L 100.0 JB WELD KWIK COLD WELD [Resin and Hardener] [J-B Weld IR, OHH, SN, 0.0156 Gins N N Stockroom 52250001 19863]: Iron [7439-89-6][5-1 0%]; Limestone [1317-65-3][1 0-CA,P65 30%]; Oxirane [25085-99-8][1 0-30%]; Phenol, 2,4,6- Tris[(Dimethylamino )Methyl]-[90-72-2][1-5%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][1-5%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0.1-1%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1- 1 %]; [H2-FO-RO] 14 LEGO-L 100.0 KWIK SEAL TUB AND TILE CAULK, WHITE [Kwik Seal Tub & CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.3867 Gins N N Stockroom 52250002 Tile Adhevise Caulk-All Colors] [Grainger 4MY71]: Limestone SN, CA, P65 [1317-65-3][30-60%]; Branched and Linear Phthalates [PROP][1- 5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][0.1-1%]; n-Butyl Acetate [123-86-4][0.1-1 %]; Silica, Crystalline [14808-60-7][0.1-1 %]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; Formaldehye [50-00- 0][<0.02%]; [FP >200oF; BP 210oF]; [SG 1.6; VD >1] I i 15 i LEGO-L 100.0 1 LOCTITE 567 PIPE SEALANT STAINLESS STEEL [Loctite 567 CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0264 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52250005 PST Pipe Sealant with H PTFE PTFE Thread Sealant] [Grainger 1 SN, CA, P65 4KM17]: Bisphenol A Fumarate Resin [39382-25-7][30-60%]; Polyglycol Dimethacrylate [25852-47-5][10-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3][10-30%]; Polyglycol Laurate [9004-81-3][10- 30%]; Polyethylene Glycol Monococate [61791-29-5][10-30%]; 1 Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][1-5%]; Silica, Amorphous, Fumed, Crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Saccharin [81-07-2][1-5%]; Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38- 6][1-5%]; Ethylene Glycol [107-21-1][0.1-1%]; [FP >199.94oF; BP >300oF]; [SG 1.14] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 153 of 192 Sensitizers/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 90 SEC SUPER GLUE EPOXY [90 Second Instant Epoxy] [Grainger 3EHR4]: [PART A-Resin: Epoxy Resins; [FP >200oF; BP >225oF]; [SG 1.1; VD >1]; [H2-F1-RO]] [PART B -Hardener: Modified Polymercaptan [PROP][80-98%]; Tetramethyl bis(aminoethyl) Ether [3033-62-3][2-6%]; 2,4,6-Tris- (Dimethylaminomethyl) phenol [90-72-2]; [FP >200oF]; [SG 1.12]; [H3-F1-RO]] 17 LEGO-L 100.0 I UNDERWATER EPOXY ADHESIVE-1 OZ. SYRINGE [Anchor-CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0469 Gins N N · Stockroom 52250011 tite Marine Epoxy 1 Ooz -Resin] [Grainger 1 FBH2]: Bisphenol SN NEpichlorohydrin based Epoxy Resin [25085-99-8][50-80%]; Fillers [20-50%]; Acceleatros [1-1 0%]; [FP 484oF]; [SG 1.4] 18 I LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE MARINE EPOXY [Loc Aqua MR Epx] [Henkel CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0066 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52250012 ! Corporation 1427686]: Epichlorohydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene SN, CA, P65 Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][30-60%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][30- 60%]; Calcium Carbonate [471-34-1][10-30%]; Gamma- Glycidoxypropyl Trimethyoxysilane [2530-83-8][0.1-1 %]; Fatty Acids, Tallow, Calcium Salts [64755-01-7][0.1-1%]; Phenyl Glycidyl Ether [122-60-1][0-0.1%]; Methanol [67-56-1][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7440-38-2][0-0.1 %]; Lead [7439-92-1][0-0.1 %]; [FP 399.99oF]; [SG 1.56] 19 I LEGO-L 100.0 WHITE ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 IR ,OHH, SN, 1.3945 Gins N N · Stockroom 52250013 Fast Cure, white, gray, black] [Grainger 4YDG7]: Urethane CA, P65 Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9][20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9][<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3][<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3][ <0.3% ]; p, p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [1 01-68-8][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] LOCTITE UNDERWATER EPOXY [Fixmaster Underwater Repair \ CL38, !R, OHH, I 20 LEGO-L 100.0 0.2188 G!ns N N ' Stockioom 52250014 Epoxy, 82093] [Grainger 1YDZ8]: Talc [14807-96-6][30-60%]; · SN, P65 Sodium Aluminum Borosilicate [65997 -17 -3][1 0-30%]; Zinc Sulfide [1314-98-3][5-1 0%]; Epichlorodhydrin-4,4'-lsopropylidene Diphenol Resin [25068-38-6][5-10%]; Phenol, Polymer with Formaldehye, Glycidyl Ether [28064-14-4][5-10%]; Polymeric Phenolic Amine [32611 0-77-8][1-5%]; [FP 200oF; BP 500oF]; [SG 1.19] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 154 of 192 I) /' ~~ ·"'· ,/, ~ (.---...,1 ( .. -\1 ,,---·\, /,...---.,: ~~ /'~."') /'"" (-.'\ ~~ ~·, ~~ r'...,_ .~, _.r-·--.., /----.., /---\ ~---., \ __ /, \..,_j .j I i ' ' .' I ' ', ' ' [__/ '------) \~/ __ _./ ~ \.____ _ _/ \ ___ j '-_ ____ ) \ ___ ) ''-_/ Sensitizers/LIQUIDS \__ __ / \~__/ \~ __ ... / \....___/ \.______) '---/ '----._/ "--/ \, __ / 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building • One Legoiand Drive, Carisbad, CA 92008 LEGO-L 100.0 BLACK ADHESIVE 550FC [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 52250018 Fast Cure, white, gray, black) [Grainger 4YDG7): Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Plasticizer [70775-94-9)[20-35%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Xylene [1330- 20-7][3-8%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<5%]; Calcium Oxide [130578-8][1-5%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron Oxide [1317-61-9)[<2%]; 3- (Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8)[<1 %]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; p-Toluenesulfonamide [70-55- 3)[<0.3%]; 2,6-di-tert-Butyl-4- (Octadecanoxycarbonylethyi)Phenol [2082-79-3)[<0.3%]; p,p'- Methylenebis (phenyl isocyanate) [101-68-8)[<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 22 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 401 INSTANT ADHESIVE [Prism Surface Insensitive CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0492 Gins N N Stockroom 52250020 Instant Adhesive] [Grainger 2VFG2]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7082-SN, WR1 85-0][60-100%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.05] 23 I LEGO-L 100.0 SUPER-FASTSEMI-RIGED ADHESIVE [Duramix Super Fast CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0132 Gins N N Stockroom 52250021 Adhesive, (10 Seconds)] [Grainger 2KVN5]: [PART A: 4,4'-SN, WR1 Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [1 01-68-8)[30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424-09-9)[15- 40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686-28-6)[15- 40%]; 3-(Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8)[1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.1; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R1)] [PART B: Polyether Polyol [9082-00-2)[40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4)[1 0-30%]; Tetrakis (2- Hydroxypropyl) ethylenediamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; M-xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0)[1-5%]; [FP >290oF; BP >400oF]; [SG 1.02; VD >1]; [H1-F1-R1] 24 LEGO-L 100.0 SCOTCH WELD EPOXY ADHE. DP 100 NS [Scotch-Weld Epoxy , CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0664 Gins N N Stockroom 52250023 Adhesive DP-100 Clear (part B)] [Grainger 3XH43]: Epoxy Resin ; SN [25068-38-6)[1 00%]; [FP 480.2oF; BP 480.2oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2- F1-R1] 25 LEGO-L 100.0 HIT HY 200R MASTER CARTON OF 25 HILTI [Hilti HIT-HY 200-CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.7805 Gins N N Stockroom 52250029 R] [Hilti]: Dibenzoyl Peroxide [94-36-0)[1 0-15%]; Methacrylic SN,CA,OX1 Acid, Monoester with Propane-1 ,2-diol [27813-02-1 )[5-1 0%]; Quartz [14808-60-7][25-50%]; Aluminum Oxide [1344-28-1][2.5- 10%]; Silicon Dioixde, chemically prepared [7631-86-9][<2.5%]; [FP <228.2oF]; [SG 1.8]; [H2-F1-R1] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 155 of 192 D Sensitizers/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 DP 600 GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [3M Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, Concrete Repair DP-600, Self-Leveling, Gray] [3M SN, WR1 62264912338]: 4,4'-Diphenylmethane Diioscyanate [101-68- 8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424- 09-9][15-40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686- 28-6][15-40%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.11; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R 1-] 27 I LEGO-L 100.0 DP 600 NS GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockroom 52250031 Concrete Repair DP-600, Non-sag, gray] [3M 62-2652-1230-8]: SN, WR1 Polyether Poyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis(2- hydrocypropyl)ethylendiamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; m-Xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [68611-44-9][1-5%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) Sebacate [41556-26-7][0. 1-1% ]; Polymeric Benzotriazole Derivative [104810-48-2][0.1-1%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][0.1-0.3%]; Polymeric Benzotriazole [104810-47-1][0.1-1%]; Substitiuted Piperidinyl Sebacate [82919-37-7][0.05-0.5%]; [FP >390oF; BP 370.4oF]; [SG 1.03]; [H2-F1-RO] 28 LEGO-L 100.0 ! 3M ADH 560 SCOTCH SEAL GRAY 1/10TH GL CT CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.9844 Gins N N Stockroom 52250095 [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 560, White, Gray, Black] [3M]: SN, CA, P65, Urethane Polymer [30-40%]; Plasticizer Mixture [1 0-30%]; WR1 Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-30%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Petroleum Distillates [64742-47- 8][<2%]; p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68- 8][<0.3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 29 LEGO-I L I 100.0 LOCTITE SUPERFLEX RED HIGH TEMP RTV [Loctite I CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0422 Gins N N Stockroom I 52250097 I Superflex Red high temp RTV silicone adhesive sealant] I SN, P65 [Grainger 5E223]: Silicon Dioixde [7631-86-9][5-10%]; Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Middle [64742-46-7][5-10%]; Traicetoxyethylsilane [17689-77 -9][1-5%]; Methylsilanetriyl Triacetate [4253-34-3][1-5%]; Acetic Acid [64-19-7][0.1-1 %]; Nonhazardous Components: Silcone Resins [50-1 00%]; [FP >199.4oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 19.9]; [SG 1.01; VD >1] 30 LEGO-L 100.0 COPELAND COMPRESSOR OIL [Copeland 3MAW Lubricant CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.0000 Gins N N Stockroom 52310074 (32 est)]: Compressor Oil; [FP 455oF; BP >600oF]; [SG 0.99]; SN [HO-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 156 of 192 ,r,.-----..,1 ,/"\ "\ !', r"'\ .·~ ,....----"< ,,..----"""""', ,!"'\ '\ .~'1 ~ -----\ /~ '---"' "---~- L ~ u ..._____) ~ '... _ ___) ','-') '--.__/ ',~_j •_/ '~/ \.__/' \.......__./ "--~' '-....__/ ''--/' , __ / Sensitizers/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoiand Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 POWER STEERING FLUID [NAPA Power Steering Fluid]: Hydrotreated Naphthenic Distillates [MIXT][95-100%]; Proprietary additives [MIXT][0-5%]; Zinc salts of dialkyl dithiophosphoric acid [68649-42-3][<0,5%]; [FP 379oF]; [SG 0.873; VD >1]; [HO-F1-RO] 32 LEGO-L 100.0 URETHANE ADHESIVE ACCUFLEX SEALANT-BLACK [3M IR, OHH, CA, 0,7371 Gins N N Stockroom 60DC0114 Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure (Various Colors)] SN, P65, WR1 A [3M 25-8775-6]: Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Plasticizer Mixture [TS][10-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][<5.4%]; Calcium Oxide [1305- 78-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [i00-41-4][<2%j; iron li Oxide [1309-37-1][<2%]; Petroleum Distillate [64 7 42-4 7 -8][ <2% ]; P, P'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [1 01-68-8][<0.2%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- piperidinyl) sebacate [41556-26-7][0.01-0.1%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.1 %]; Methyl 1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl sebacate [82919-37-7][0.01-0.1%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.2]; [H2- F1-RO] 33 LEGO-L 100.0 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N Stockroom 64PF0001 Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: SN Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0, 1-1%]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1 %]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0, 1-1 %]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 34 I LEGO-L I 100.0 DOW CORNING MOLYKOTE G-4700 [Molykote G-4700 Extreme CL3B, IR, OHH, 1.2844 Gins N N ' Stockroom 64PF0001 Pressure Synthetic Grease [Dow Corning 3160726]: SN Molybdenum sulfide [1317-33-5]1-5%]; Phosphorodithioic Acid, mixed 0,0-bis(iso-Bu and Pentyl) Esters, Zinc Salts [68457-79- 4][1-5%]; Boric Acid, Potassium Salt [12712-38-8][0.1-1 %]; Naphthenic acids [1338-24-5][0.1-1%]; Calcium salts of Petroleum sulfonate [68783-96-0][0,1-1%]; [FP 446oF]; [SG 0.87]; [H2-F1-RO] 35 LEGO-L 100.0 14.4V 1.7AH DEWALT BATTERY [Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium CR, OHH, SN, 0.5400 Gins N N , Stockroom 52550005 Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; CA, WR1 Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 157 of 192 Sensitizers/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 18V 2.4AH DEWALT BATTERY[ Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [131 0-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [131 0-65-2] TOTAL -Sensitizers/Liquids AGGREGATE TOTAL -Sensitizers/Liquids N 15.90 Gins 15.90 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 158 of 192 ~ n, 'i i\ ,, n nn n~ nnn~~nn~ '~' I' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' / '_/ ..____/ ' _ _/ '---/ "-.._/ ·~j '~-..• ) '-._ _ _/ \,J \~ \ _____ / \-._ _ _.) ____ ) '-_./ ', __ ) ,_/, \,_/ Sensitizers/SOLIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LOCTITE 548 20GM HI-TACK GSKT DPRSNG [Loctite 548 Stick Flange Sealant] [Quickstix 548 Gasket Eliminator Flange Sealant] [Henkel 39152]: Polyurethane methacrylate resin [30- 60%]; Polyglycol dimethacrylate [PROP][30-60%]; Acrylic acid [79-10-7][1-5%]; Cumene hydroperoxide [80-15-9][1-5%]; Silica, amorphous, fumed, crystal-free [112945-52-5][1-5%]; Hydroxyalkyl methacrylate [PROP][0.1-1%]; Cumene [98-82- 8][0.1-1 %] TOTAL -Sensitizers/Solids AGGREGATE TOTAL -Sensitizers/Solids \, __ / , _ _/ \'-----' '-...___/ 0.04 Lbs 0.04 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 159 of 192 Toxics/AEROSOLS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 INSULATING FOAM DAP 12 OZ [KWIK Foam Polyurethane I AL1, IR, OHH, Foam] [Grainger 5E086]: Chlorodifluoromethane [75-45-6][7-SN, TX 13%]; 4,4'-Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate (MDI) [1 01-68-6][5- 10%]; Polymeric Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [9016-87-9][5- 10%]; [SG 1.2; VD >1] 2 LEGO-A 100.0 FOOD GRADE MACHINE OIL [CRC Food Grade Machine Oil AL3, IR, OHH, 2.0000 Lbs N N Stockroom 52370896 I 03081] [Grainger 2F132]: Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated TX Light [64742-47-8][60-70%]; White Mineral Oil (Petroleum) [8042- 47-5][30-40%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-3%]; [FP 220oF; BP 424.4oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 5.5]; [SG 0.82; VD >1]; [LC50-Inhalation 7.8481 mg/L]; [H1-F1-RO] 3 LEGO-A 100.0 INOX MX4 LANOX LANOLIN LUBRICANT, 300G AEROSOL AL3, IR, OHH, 5.8494 Lbs N N Stockroom 61AN0020 CAN [LPS 2, 00216, C30216 (Aerosol)] [Grainger 6Y744]: TX Distillates (Petroleum), Hydrotreated Light [64742-47-8][70-80%]; : Mineral Seal (Petroleum) Oil [64742-46-7/64742-52-5][20-30%]; Carbon Dioixde [124-38-9][1-5%]; [FP 175oF; BP 383oF]; [LEL 0.6; UEL 7]; [SG 0.82; VD 4.7]; [LC50-Inhalation >8.5 mg/L]; [H1- F2-RO] TOTAL -Taxies/Aerosols 17.60 Lbs AGGREGATE TOTAL-Taxies/Aerosols 17.60 Lbs STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 160 of 192 1\. ~ .,. /'; L/ I I ' I ,/--.,\ /~ /----\ ,,..-'.\ "' /' \ ;-"-" (-"', ~., .. , ---~,, ,---.._\ ,---·-..... l ' ' j ~' \ .. _ _) \ ..... _../ '"--___/ '-__/ '-.__./ ,.____,/ "-._j' \-.___) t,~_/ '-...___...) ·"----) \, ____ ) Toxics/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ACID PASTE FLUX [Worthington Petroleum Based Soldering Flux] [Grainger 1 UY J1]: Petrolatum [8009-03-8][55-85%]; Zinc Chloride [7646-85-7][15-40%]; Ammonium Chloride [12125-02- 9][0-5%]; [FP 360oF]; [SG 0.9]; [LC50-Inhalation 4.94 mg/L] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 MOTOR OIL SAE 30 HEAVY DUTY [Warren MAG 1 HD 30 CL3B, IR, OHH, 4.2500 Gins N N Stockroom 52410009 6/1 QT] [Grainger 43Y892]: Petroleum Distillates, Hydrotreated TX Heavy Paraffinic [64742-54-7][90-99%]; Petroleum Distillates, Solvent Dewaxed Heavy Paraffinic [64742-65-0][3-7%]; [FP 406oF]; [SG 0.88]; [LC50-Inhalation 8.72 mg/L]; [HO-F1-RO] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY LCR067R29 6V 7 AH [VISION Valve Regulated Lead CR, OHH, TX, 0.8000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290142 I Acid Battery]: Lead/Lead Oxide [7439-92-1][60-70%]; Calcium WR1, OX1 [7440-70-2][<0.15%]; Tin [7440-31-5][<1%]; Aresenic [7440-38- 2][ <1 %]; Sulfuric Acid (Battery Electrolyte) [7664-93-9][1 0-15%]; Inert Ingredients [<6%]; [SG 1.25] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 I BATTERY 12V 7.5AH (WERKER SLAA12-7.5S) [Selaed Lead ' CL3B, CR, OHH, 3.6000 Gins N N · Stockroom 52290151 Acid-GEL (SLA)]: Lead, Inorganic [7439-92-1][60-75%]; Sulfuric i TX, WR2, OX1 Acid [7664-93-9][5-15%]; Anitmony [7440-36-0][0-0.1 %]; Arsenic [7 440-38-2][ <0.1% ]; Tin [7 440-31-5][0-0 .1%]; Polypropylene [9003-07-0][2-10%]; [FP 675oF; BP 235oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 74]; [SG 1.27; VD >1] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 VALVE REGULATED LEAD BATTERY [Yuasa 853023]: Arsenic CR, OHH, WR2, 1.8000 Gins N N ; Stockroom 52290157 [7440-38-2][0.003%]; Powdered Lead [7439-92-1][63-78%]; TX, CA, P65 Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%]; Tin [7 440-31-5][0. 006%]; [BP 203oF]; [VD 1] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY, SEALED LEAD ACID, 12V, 5AH, FASTON [Sealed i CR, TX, OHH, 0.3600 Gins N N ' Stockroom 52550472 Maintenance-Free Lead Acid Batteries] [Grainger 2UKG8]: Lead CA WR2, P65 [7439-92-1][44-57%]; Antimony [7440-36-0][1 %]; Lead Dioxide [1309-60-0][19-26%]; Non-Hazardous Ingredients [15-22%]; Electrolyte (Sulfuric Acid) [7664-93-9][23-27%]; [H3-FO-R2] 7 LEGO-L 100.0 12V BATTERY GROUP 48, AGM, 760CCA [Lead Acid Battery, CR, TX, OHH, 29.4000 N N Stockroom 61JDS001 Non-Spillable Wet] [Industrial Battery, Traction Battery, Stationary CAWR2, P65 Gins 5 Battery, Deep Cycle Battery]: Lead and Lead Compounds (inorganic) [7439-92-1][50%]; Electrolyte [7664-93-9][17%]; Lead Oxide [1309-60-0][20%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.2%]; [BP 203oF]; [SG 1.29; VD >1]; [H3-FO-R2] 8 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 0.8AHR 12V [Nonspillable Lead-Acid Battery]: CR, TX, OHH, 0.3280 Gins N N ! Stockroom 61PSB001 Electrolyte -Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%] WR2, P65 1 TOTAL-Taxies/Liquids 40.79 Gins AGGREGATE TOTAL-Taxies/Liquids 40.79 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 161 of 192 Unstable Reactives 1/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2 LEG0- 64WQ0016 L PVC CEMENT CONDUIT (CLEAR) [E-Z Weld Polyvinyl Chloride/Solvent Mixture] [Grainger GHS-US]: Tetrahydrofuran [1 09-99-9][1 0-60%]; Methyl Ethyl Ketone [78-93-3][0-25%]; Acetone [67-64-1][10-30%]; Cyclohexanone [108-94-1][5-30%]; Polyvinyl chloride resin [9002-86-2][<20%]; Silicon Dioixde [112945-52-5]; [FP 15.8oF]; [SG <1]; [H2-F3-R1] 100.0 TAYLOR TEST #11 2oz [Calcium Indicator Liquid] [Taylor FL 18, IR, OHH, 0.1110 Gins Technologies R-0011 L]: Triethanolamine [102-71-6][77%]; UR1 Isopropyl alcohol [67-63-0][23%]; Calcon [2538-85-4][<1%]; [FP 64oF; BP 500oF]; [LEL2; UEL 12]; [SG 1.02; VD 2]; [H1-F3-R1] TOTAL-Unstable Reactives 1/Liquids 0.36 Gins AGGREGATE TOTAL-Unstable Reactives 1/Liquids 0.36 Gins N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 162 of 192 [) /-,, ~~.__,_,, (---.. /_. -'1 'I C"-"', ,/"\ ''-----./ '-.._/ -~ ,__.---~ /----) -,. :! L" \..___; "----.~/ "-____/ '----./ \ . ..__./ '~ \......._) Water Reactives 1/LIQUIDS ',~J ''-_; ',, / '\....... __ ./ \..___/ "-._,_/ .... __ j \__ _ __..) 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 732 MULTI PURPOSE SEALANT 10.1 oz [DAP 8641 Silicone Sealant Clear] [Grainger 5A463]: Hydrotreated Middle Petroleum Distillates [64 7 42-46-7][15-35%]; Ethyltriacetoxyislane [17689- 77-9][1-5%]; Methyltriacetoxysilane [4253-34-3][1-5%]; [SG 0.96]; [H1-F1-RO] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE INSTANT ADH GEL 39202 .14 OZ [Quicktite Instant CL3B, IR. OHH, 0.0120 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250009 Adhesive Gel] [Grainger 1 LLR]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7085-85-WR1 0][60-100%]; Treated Fumed Silica [67762-90-7][5-10%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1,1; VD 3] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 LOCTITE 401 INSTANT ADHESIVE [Prism Surface Insensitive CL3A, IR, OHH, 0.0492 Gins N N I Stockroom 52250020 instant Adhesive] [Grainger 2VFG2]: Ethyl Cyanoacrylate [7082-SN, WR1 85-0][60-100%]; [FP 176oF; BP 300oF]; [SG 1.05] 1, ! 4 LEGO-L 100.0 SUPER-FASTSEMI-RIGED ADHESIVE [Duramix Super Fast CL3B, IR, OHH, 0,0132 Gins N N Stockroom 52250021 Adhesive, (10 Seconds)] [Grainger 2KVN5]: [PART A: 4,4'-SN, WR1 Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate [1 01-68-8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424-09-9][15- 40%]; Poly(diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686-28-6][15- 40%]; 3-(Trimethoxysilyi)Propyl Glycidyl Ether [2530-83-8][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP400oF]; [SG 1.1;VD 1]; [H2-F1-R1]] [PART B: Polyether Polyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis (2- Hydroxypropyl) ethylenediamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; M-xylene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; [FP >290oF; BP >400oF]; [SG 1.02; VD >1]; [H1-F1-R1] 5 LEGO-L 100,0 DP 600 GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [3M Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0.0528 Gins N N Stockroom 52250030 Concrete Repair DP-600, Self-Leveling, Gray] [3M SN, WR1 62264912338]: 4,4'-Diphenylmethane Diioscyanate [101-68- 8][30-60%]; Diphenylmethanediisocyanate Prepolymer [68424- 09-9][15-40%]; Poly( diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate) [25686- 28-6][15-40%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; [FP 290oF; BP 400oF]; [SG 1.11; VD 1]; [H2-F1-R 1-] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 I DP 600 NS GRAY SCOTCH WELD 50ML [Scotch-Weld CL3B, IR, OHH, 0,0528 Gins N N 1 Stockroom 52250031 Concrete Repair DP-600, Non-sag, gray] [3M 62-2652-1230-8]: SN, WR1 Polyether Poyol [9082-00-2][40-70%]; Propoxylated Trimethylolpropane [25723-16-4][1 0-30%]; Tetrakis(2- hydrocypropyl)ethylendiamine [1 02-60-3][1 0-30%]; m-Xy!ene- alpha,alpha'-diamine [1477-55-0][1-5%]; Amorphous Silica [68611-44-9][1-5%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl) Sebacate [41556-26-7][0.1-1%]; Polymeric Benzotriazole Derivative [1 0481 0-48-2][0.1-1 %]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67- 7][0.1-0.3%]; Polymeric Benzotriazole [104810-47-1][0.1-1%]; Substitiuted Piperidinyl Sebacate [82919-37-7][0.05-0.5%]; [FP >390oF; BP 370.4oF]; [SG 1.03]; [H2-F1-RO] STORAGE AMOUNT = MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 163 of 192 Water Reactives 1/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 3M ADH 560 SCOTCH SEAL GRAY 111 OTH GL CT [Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 560, White, Gray, Black] [3M]: Urethane Polymer [30-40%]; Plasticizer Mixture [10-30%]; Poly(vinyl chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-30%]; Amorphous Silica [67762-90-7][1-5%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Calcium Oxide [1305-78-8][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Petroleum Distillates [64742-47- 8][<2%]; p,p'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [101-68- 8][<0.3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.3%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.17]; [H2-F1-RO] 8 LEGO-L 100.0 URETHANE ADHESIVE ACCUFLEX SEALANT-BLACK [3M I IR, OHH, CA, 0.7371 Gins N N I Stockroom 60DC0114 Polyurethane Adhesive Sealant 550 Fast Cure (Various Colors)] SN, P65, WR1 A [3M 25-8775-6]: Urethane Polymer [TS][25-35%]; Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Polymer [9002-86-2][20-35%]; Plasticizer Mixture [TS][10-30%]; Xylene [1330-20-7][<5.4%]; Calcium Oxide [1305- 78-8][1-5%]; Titanium Dioixde [13463-67-7][<3%]; Ethylbenzene [100-41-4][<2%]; Iron II Oxide [1309-37-1][<2%]; Petroleum Distillate [64742-47-8][<2%]; P,P'-Methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) [1 01-68-8][<0.2%]; Bis(1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4- piperidinyl) sebacate [41556-26-7][0.01-0.1%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][<0.1 %]; Methyl1 ,2,2,6,6-pentamethyl-4-piperidinyl sebacate [82919-37-7][0.01-0.1%]; [BP 278.6oF]; [SG 1.2]; [H2- F1-RO] 9 I LEGO-L 100.0 ! TAYLOR TEST #9 2oz [Sulfuric acid .12N] [Taylor Technologies CR, OHH, WR1 0.1902 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0022 1 R-0009]: Sulfuric acid [7664-93-9][<1 %]; Deionized water [7732- 18-5][up to 100%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1.0; VD 0.6]; [H1-FO-RO] 10 I LEGO-L 100.0 TAYLOR TEST R0871 2 OZ [FAS-DPD Titrating Reagent IR, OHH, WR1 0.2219 Gins N N Stockroom 64WQ0026 (Chlorine)] [Taylor Technologies R-0871]: Nonhazardous ingredients [<1 %]; Deionized water [7732-18-5][to 1 00%]; [BP 212oF]; [SG 1; VD 0.6]; [HO-FO-RO] 11 LEGO-L 100.0 I BATTERY LCR067R29 6V 7AH [VISION Valve Regulated Lead CR, OHH, TX, 0.8000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290142 Acid Battery]: Lead/Lead Oxide [7439-92-1][60-70%]; Calcium I WR1, OX1 [7440-70-2][<0.15%]; Tin [7440-31-5][<1%]; Aresenic [7440-38- 2][<1 %]; Sulfuric Acid (Battery Electrolyte) [7664-93-9][1 0-15%]; Inert Ingredients [<6%]; [SG 1.25] 12 I LEGO-L I 100.0 ! 14.4V 1.7AH DEWALT BATTERY [Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium CR, OHH, SN, 0.5400 Gins N N , Stockroom 52550005 Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7440-02-0][15-40%]; CA, WR1 Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [131 0-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 164 of 192 ~'\ /r--....\ (•~I /'\ ,, ,'-\ ,_/ \_ __ ) "------) \..__j \ __ / '---. _ __/ ''-_ __ /; \ __ ) \ ______ ) ,_______/ ~ '----------' '~ J \,_.) \~ Water Reactives 1/LIQUIDS 2015 • Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 18V 2.4AH DEWALT BATTERY[ Cylindrical Nickel Cadmium Battery] [Grainger 11 U032]: Nickel [7 440-02-0][15-40%]; Cadmium [7440-43-9][10-40%]; Cobalt Compounds [7440-48- 4][0-3%]; Carbon Black [1333-86-4][0-1%]; Iron [7439-89-6][20- 65%]; Potassium Hydroxide [1310-58-3][0-5%]; Sodium Hydroxide [1310-73-2]; Lithium Hydroxide [1310-65-2] TOTAL-Water Reactives 1/Liquids AGGREGATE TOTAL-Water Reactives 1/Liquids '---/ "_/ ~_/ ~~J , ___ /- 4.57 Gins 4.57 Gins STORAGE AMOUNT = MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 165 of 192 Water Reactives 2/LIQUIDS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 LITHIUM BATTERY 6V-2CR5 [Rayovac Lithium ion Battery]: Lithium Cobalt Nickel Dioixde [12031-55-1][<25%]; Steel [15- 30%]; Lithiated Manganese Dioixde [12057-17-9][<25%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-5%]; Copper [7440-50-8][5-15%]; Nickel [7440-02-0][2-5%]; Aluminum 7429-90-5][2-8%]; Lithium Hexafluorophosphate [21324-40-3][1-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][<15%]; Methyl Ethyl Carbonate [623-53-0][<15%]; Dimethyl Carbonate [616-38-6][<15%]; Diethyl Carbonate [1 05- 58-8][<15%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][<15%]; Plastic-ceramic [<20%] 2 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 6V LITHIUM [Rayovac Lithium ion Battery]: Lithium CR,OHH, WR2 0.1172 Gins N N Stockroom 52370686 Cobalt Nickel Dioixde [12031-55-1][<25%]; Steel [15-30%]; Lithiated Manganese Dioixde [12057-17-9][<25%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][3-5%]; Copper [7440-50-8][5-15%]; Nickel [7440-02- 0][2-5%]; Aluminum 7429-90-5][2-8%]; Lithium Hexafluorophosphate [21324-40-3][1-5%]; Ethylene Carbonate [96-49-1][<15%]; Methyl Ethyl Carbonate [623-53-0][<15%]; Dimethyl Carbonate [616-38-6][<15%]; Diethyl Carbonate [1 05- 58-8][<15%]; Methyl Acetate [79-20-9][<15%]; Plastic-ceramic [<20%] 3 LEGO-L 100.0 CR2032 3V LITHIUM BATTERY [Guangzhou Top Battery China CR, OHH, WR2 0.1875 Gins N N Stockroom 52370761 Coin Type Lithium Manganese Dioixde Batteries(CR)] [Grainger 1 RK12]: Manganese Dioixde [1313-13-9][15-40%]; Propylene Carbonate [108-32-7][2-6%]; Lithium Perchlorate [7791-03-9][0- 1.5%]; Lithium or Lithium alloy [7439-93-2][1-5%]; Graphite [7782-42-5][1-4%] 4 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY 12V 7.5AH (WERKER SLAA12-7.5S) [Selaed Lead CL3B, CR, OHH, 3.6000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290151 i Acid-GEL (SLA)]: Lead, Inorganic [7439-92-1][60-75%]; Sulfuric I TX, WR2, OX1 Acid [7664-93-9][5-15%]; Anitmony [7440-36-0][0-0.1%]; Arsenic [7 440-38-2][ <0. 1 % ]; Tin [7 440-31-5][0-0.1% ]; Polypropylene [9003-07-0][2-10%]; [FP 675oF; BP 235oF]; [LEL 4; UEL 74]; [SG 1.27; VD >1] 5 LEGO-L 100.0 VALVE REGULATED LEAD BATTERY [Yuasa 853023]: Arsenic CR, OHH, WR2, 1.8000 Gins N N Stockroom 52290157 [7440-38-2][0.003%]; Powdered Lead [7439-92-1][63-78%]; TX, c.a., P65 Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][10-30%]; Tin [7440-31-5][0.006%]; [BP 203oF]; [VD 1] 6 LEGO-L 100.0 BATTERY POWER SONIC PS 640 4AH 6V [PS VRLA Batteries CR, OHH, WR2, 0.6400 Gins N N · Stockroom 52290160 AGM]: Inorganic Lead/Lead Compounds [7439-92-1][65-75%]; CA, P65 Tin [7440-31-5][<0.5%]; Calcium [7440-70-2][<0.1%]; Electrolyte (dilute sulfuric acid) [7664-93-9][14-20%]; Fiberglass Separator [5%]; Case [5-10%]; [H3-FO-R2] STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 166 of 192 I) 0 ~~\ -~. /', "' /""'': f'j .. , r· ""'., -~", '-~, l_j '..__..___./ '~-~ '-__/ '---~/ , __ ,,1 '----/ , _____ ) ~/ '--.._,/ \,_/ '--_.._/) \, ___ ) I'--._/ \ ___ .// \..___) 0 Water Reactives 2/LIQUIDS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 8 LEG0- 61PSB001 1 L 100.0 BATTERY-TSX PLP 01 [Primary (non-rechargeable) Lithium metal Thionyl Chloride cells and batteries]: Lthium Metal [7439- 93-2][<5%]; Thionyl Chloride [7719-09-7][<47%]; Carbon [1333- 86-4][<6%]; Aluminum Chloride [7446-70-0][<5%]; Lithium Chloride [7447-41-8][<2%]; Glass [<1%]; PVC [9002-86-2][<1%]; PTFE [9002-84-0][<1 %]; Steel, nickel and inert components [bal]; [H1-F1-R2] BATTERY 0.8AHR 12V [Nonspillable Lead-Acid Battery]: Electrolyte -Sulfuric Acid [7664-93-9][1 0-30%] TOTAL -Water Reactives 2/Liquids AGGREGATE TOTAL -Water Reactives 2/Liquids ' ' \ __ / '~j '..____) \___j , ___ ; '~-/ '--._ __ ; CR, TX, OHH, WR2, P65 0.3280 Gins 6.85 Gins 6.85 Gins \ _____ ) ,~, ---j , ___ ;' ', __ / N N N Stockroom STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 167 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(2) • CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(2) SUMMARY· HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS 2015 -Legoland • Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 QUANTITIES NOT REGULATED BY THE 2013 CFC/CBC 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(2)/CBC TABLE 307.1(2): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA· H-4 OCCUPANCY REQUIRED ONLY FOR> MAQ STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-NO CABINETS: 7,500 POUNDS-750 GALLONS -1,215 CUBIC FEET-22.5 GALLONS LIQUEFIED GAS STORAGE/AGGR.EGATE MAQ-W!TH CABINETS: 15,000 POUNDS -1,500 GALLONS -1,215 CUBIC FEET-45 GALLONS LiQUEFiED GAS USE-CLOSED MAQ: USE-OPEN MAQ: 7,500 POUNDS-750 GALLONS-1,215 CUBIC FEET [2,430 CUBIC FEET IF IN CABINETS]-22.5 GALLONS LIQUEFIED GAS 1,500 POUNDS -150 GALLONS 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A 8, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 168 of 192 D r' /~ ........ 0 (\ ·"\ .. ~-'. /""'\ /r-.,\ /--.., -, /'""\ /'.---"'-,, ~/ L; \cJ "_/ ,__.,:' \~_/ \'<-.--/J ~~ \.._ .. / '-..__) ''...._.,/ ..,__ _ _/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(2)-CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(2) SUMMARY-HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 QUANTITIES NOT REGULATED BY THE 2013 CFC/CBC \,, __ ,/ \ __ ) "-~/ '~j 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 169 of 192 [) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(2)-CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(2) SUMMARY-HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 QUANTITIES NOT REGULATED BY THE 2013 CFC/CBC CA-Prop65 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 SUBSTANCES -CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER OR REPRODUCTIVE/DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY INCLUDES PRODUCTS CONTAINING CA-P65 REGULATED SUBSTANCES REPORTING/DISCLOSURE THROUGH CUPR*A. ~A.ND/OR LOC,A,L COUNTY HEALTH AGENCIES rv1AY BE REQUIRED 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH < 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 170 of 192 -, ,, (--", (', ,...------..., ;r~\ ·/\ /-~, /"~ --, l, '-__/ \'-......._/ '~ j '~-/) '---./ ' i \~' ~/ \...._/ '.. _____ / \'-. _/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(2)-CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(2) SUMMARY-HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 QUANTITIES NOT REGULATED BY THE 2013 CFC/CBC '-. ___ ) 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(2)/ CBC TABLE 307.1(2): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA-H-4 OCCUPANCY REQUIRED ONLY FOR> MAQ STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-NO CABINETS: 750 POUNDS -75 GALLONS -1,215 CUBIC FEET-30 GALLONS LIQUIFIED STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-WITH CABINETS: 1,500 POUNDS -150 GALLONS -2,430 CUBIC FEET -45 GALLONS LIQUIFIED "-~--/ _/ USE-CLOSED MAQ: USE-OPEN MAQ: 750 POUNDS -75 GALLONS -1,215 CUBIC FEET-22.5 GALLONS LIQUIFIED [2,430 CUBIC FEET -45 GALLONS LIQUIFIED IF IN CABINETS] 187.5 POUNDS -18.75 GALLONS 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF HEALTH HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 171 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1 (1) -CFC TABLE 5003.1.1 (1) SUMMARY -PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2013 CFC 5104.1: UNLIMITED-QUANTITIES NOT REGULATED AS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 0.0 2013 CFC 5104.2: H OCCUPANCY OR SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO ONLY >500 POUNDS IN GROUP A, B, E, F, I AND R OCCUPANCIES MAO PER 1ST FLOOR CONTROL AREA OF LEVEL 2 AND 3 AEROSOLS COMBINED: 1,000 POUNDS OR 2,000 POUNDS IF STORED IN CABINETS. 2013 CFC TABLE 5104.3.1: NONSEGREGATED STORAGE OF LEVEL 2 AtJD 3 AEROSOL COfv1BINED iN GENERAL PURPOSE WAREHOUSES: PALLETIZED OR SOLID-PILE STORAGE: 12,000 LBS RACK STORAGE: 24,000 LBS MAO of LEVEL 2 and 3 AEROSOL COMBINED IN RETAIL STORAGE AREA: 2,500 POUNDS 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, 81 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 172 of 192 [" /~, /,-..\ ~~~,, ,.,....-., ,..--"'-, ,~"'·! (-..--....., / -..\ /--~ _,..., ...... , ,r-"\ -', ,'~ __ J \.._ _ _./ "--..,/ '--~./ '~ J \..__/ '--__ / '" / '~---/ \"------/ ~ ___ j '--'./ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(1)-CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1) SUMMARY-PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1) I CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA '-_/ \._ ._/ H-2 OCCUPANCY FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN OPEN CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS OR CLOSED CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS >15 PSI H-3 OCCUPANCY FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN CLOSED CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS AT <.1=15 PSI STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ -NO CABINETS: STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAO -WITH CABINETS: USE-CLOSED MAO: USE-OPEN MAO: 180 GALLONS 360 GALLONS 180 GALLONS 45 GALLONS LIQUIDS WITH NO FIRE POINTS (IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 92)-2013 CFC 5701.2 NON-APPLICABILITY 7: UNLIMITED '-.._j STORAGE OF STILLED SPIRITS AND WINES IN WOODEN BARRELS AND CASKS-2013 CFC 5001.1 EXCEPTION 10 & 5701.2 NON-APPLICABILITY 10: UNLIMITED 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA H-2 OCCUPANCY FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN OPEN CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS OR CLOSED CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS >15 PSI H-3 OCCUPANCY FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN CLOSED CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS AT <1=15 PSI STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAO -NO CABINETS: 495 GALLONS STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAO -WITH CABINETS: 990 GALLONS USE-CLOSED MAQ: 495 GALLONS USE-OPEN MAO: 120 GALLONS LIQUIDS WITH NO FIRE POINTS-2013 CFC 5701.2 Exception 7: UNLIMITED MEDICINES, FOOD, COSMETICS, ETC.-2013 CFC 5001.1 Exception 1 & 5701.2 Exception 2: <1=50% WATER MISCIBLE FLAMMABLE/COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS & CONTAINERS <1=5 LITERS/1.3 GAL: UNLIMITED 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 173 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(1)-CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1) SUMMARY-PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/ CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-NO CABINETS: NOT LIMITED STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ -WITH CABINETS: NOT LIMITED USE-CLOSED MAQ: NOT LIMITED USE-OPEN MAQ: NOT LIMITED LIQUIDS WITH NO FIRE POINTS-2013 CFC 5701.2 Exception 7: UNLIMITED MEDICINES, FOOD, COSMETICS, ETC. -2013 CFC 5001.1 Exception 1 & 5701.2 Exception 2: </=50% WATER MISCIBLE FLAMMABLE/COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS & CONTAINERS </=5 LITERS/1.3 GAL: UNLIMITED 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/ CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA-H-2 OCCUPANCY REQUIRED ONLY FOR> MAQ STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-NO CABINETS: 22.5 GALLONS - 1 ,500 CUBIC FEET STORAGE/AGGREGATE rv1AQ -VVITH CABINETS: USE-CLOSED MAQ-NOT CABINETS: USE-CLOSED MAQ-WITH CABINETS: USE-OPEN MAQ: 45 GALLONS -3,000 CUBiC FEET 22.5 GALLONS - 1 ,500 CUBIC FEET 45 GALLONS -3,000 CUBIC FEET NOT APPLICABLE 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, 81 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 174 of 192 ~-) ,r~, ~·-.,, ,/-~ / ~ r~ /"~ r'--------.., ... , '· r·-,\ -------\ ,rc~\ ~\, ( .... ---., ,.---.., /---...\ "-·--"' .... [J ~ ''--j \____j \. ___ ) \....__) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(1)-CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1) SUMMARY-PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/ CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA \ _ _/ H-2 OCCUPANCY FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN OPEN CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS OR CLOSED CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS >15 PSI H-3 OCCUPANCY FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN CLOSED CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS AT <1=15 PSI STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ -NO CABINETS: STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-WITH CABINETS: USE-CLOSED MAQ: USE-OPEN MAQ: LIQUIDS WITH NO FIRE POINTS-2013 CFC 5701.2 Exception 7: UNLIMITED 45 G.a.LLONS 90 GALLONS 45 GALLONS 15 GALLONS ,_-} <, ___ __.--) ' ' _/ \..._ ___ j '-/ MEDICINES, FOOD, COSMETICS, ETC. -2013 CFC 5001.1 Exception 1 & 5701.2 Exception 2: <1=50% WATER MISCIBLE FLAMMABLE/COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS & CONTAINERS <1=5 LITERS/1.3 GAL: UNLIMITED 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/ CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA OF FL1A, FL1B AND FL1C COMBINED H-2 OCCUPANCY FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN OPEN CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS OR CLOSED CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS >15 PSI H-3 OCCUPANCY FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN CLOSED CONTAINERS/SYSTEMS AT <1=15 PSI STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ -NO CABINETS: 180 GALLONS STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ -WITH CABINETS: 360 GALLONS USE-CLOSED MAQ: 180 GALLONS USE-OPEN MAQ: 45 GALLONS LIQUIDS WITH NO FIRE POINTS (IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D 92)-2013 CFC 5701.2 NON-APPLICABILITY 7: UNLIMITED STORAGE OF DISTILLED SPIRITS AND WINES IN WOODEN BARRELS AND CASKS-2013 CFC 5001.1 EXCEPTION 10 & 5701.2 NON-APPLICABILITY 10: UNLIMITED 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 175 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(1) • CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1) SUMMARY· PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA OF FL1B AND FL1C COMBINED H-2 OCCUPANCY REQUIRED FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN NORMALLY OPEN CONTAINERS AND SYSTEMS OR CLOSED CONTAINERS OR SYSTEMS PRESSURIZED >15 PSI H-3 OCCUPANCY REQUIRED FOR ONLY> MAQ WHEN USED OR STORED IN NORMALLY CLOSED CONTAINERS AND SYSTEMS PRESSURIZED AT <1=15 PSI STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-NO CABINETS: 180 GALLONS STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ -WITH CABINETS: 360 GALLONS USE-CLOSED MAO: 180 GALLONS USE-OPEN MAQ: 45 GALLONS LIQUIDS WITH NO FIRE POINTS-2013 CFC 5701.2 Exception 7: UNLIMITED MEDICINES, FOOD, COSMETICS, ETC.-2013 CFC 5001.1 Exception 1 & 5701.2 Exception 2: <1=50% WATER MISCIBLE FLAMMABLE/COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS & CONTAINERS <1=5 LITERS/5 GAL: UNLIMITED 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ -NO CABINETS: NOT LIMITED STORAGE/AGGREGATE iviAQ -V"v'ITH CABINETS: USE-CLOSED MAQ: USE-OPEN MAQ: NOT LiiviiTED NOT LIMITED NOT LIMITED 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 176 of 192 D ~~ :\ (\ (j ~\ ~·\ ,_,...---"'\ r---.\ L ', ,_/ \.__J \..____ ./ '\._ __ ) '~j "-.__.-) <_./ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1(1) • CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1) SUMMARY· PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS 2015 • Legoland • Facilities Building • One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Unstable Reactives 1 0.0 0.361 0.0 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/ CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAO· NO CABINETS: NOT LIMITED STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAO-WITH CABINETS: NOT LIMITED USE-CLOSED MAQ: NOT LIMITED USE-OPEN MAO: NOT LIMITED 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1)/ CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAO-NO CABINETS: NOT LIMITED STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAO -WITH CABINETS: NOT LIMITED USE-CLOSED MAO: NOT LIMITED USE-OPEN MAO: NOT LIMITED '"'----,' '"----/ ~-/ '--__.-.! ,_/ 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 177 of 192 I' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS CBC TABLE 307.1 (1) -CFC TABLE 5003.1.1 (1) SUMMARY -PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.1.1(1) I CBC TABLE 307.1(1): MAQ PER 2ND FLOOR CONTROL AREA-H-3 OCCUPANCY REQUIRED ONLY FOR> MAQ STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-NO CABINETS: 75 POUNDS -7.5 GALLONS STORAGE/AGGREGATE MAQ-WITH CABINETS: 150 POUNDS -15 GALLONS USE-CLOSED MAQ: 75 POUNDS-7.5 GALLONS USE-OPEN MAQ: 15 POUNDS-1.5 GALLONS 2013 CFC TABLE 5003.8.2/ CBC TABLE 415.5.2: DETACHED STORAGE REQUIRED FOR LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS WHEN> 25 TONS 2013 CALIFORNIA CODES: CONTROL AREA IS CLASSIFIED AS A B, F1, S1 OCCUPANCY BASED ON THE USE AND STORAGE OF PHYSICAL HAZARD MATERIALS STORAGE AMOUNT= MAXIMUM AMOUNT IN USE AND STORAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOT ALL MATERIALS IN USE AT THE SAME TIME, WITH< 10% IN USE AT ANY TIME UNLESS QUANTITIES ARE INCLUDED. AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PROTECTION. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 178 of 192 !\ (''·, ,"' ,..., /~, (\ !\ ,c~, (~\ (\ ~I ~-~, " [. j ~/ '-~/ '-... _j \_/ \~ __ ,./ Hazardous Materials Classification Definitions , AL1 Aerosols Level 1 AL2 Aerosols Level 2 p AL3 Aerosols Level 3 p CA Carcinogens H CA-CP Carcinogens-Consumer Products H CD Combustible Dusts p CF Combustible Fibers p CG-NH Compressed Gases -Inert/Non-Hazardous ,p CL2 Combustible Liquids II p CL2-NFP Combustible Liquids 11-No Fire Point p CL3A Combustible Liquids 111-A p CL3A-NFP Combustible Liquids 111-A-No Fire Point p CL3B Combustible Liquids 111-B p CL3B-NFP Combustible Liquids 111-B-No Fire Point p CR Corrosives H CRY-F Cryogenic Liquids -Flammable p CRY-NH Cryogenic Liquids -Inert/Non-Hazardous p CRY-OX Cryogenic Liquids -Oxidizing p EX Explosives p EX1.1 Explosives Division 1 .1 p EX1.2 Explosives Division 1.2 p EX1.3 Explosives Division 1.3 p EX1.4 Explosives Division 1 .4 p EX1.4G Explosives Division 1 .4G p EX1.5 Explosives Division 1.5 p HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 179 of 192 Hazardous Materials Classification Definitions FG Flammable Gases FL1A Flammable Liquids 1-A FL 1A-NFP Flammable Liquids 1-A-No Fire Point FL1B Flammable Liquids 1-B FL 18-NFP Flammable Liquids 1-B-No Fire Point FL1C Flammable Liquids 1-C FL1C-NFP Flammable Liquids 1-C-No Fire Point Federal Regulated Flammable Substances FRS Federal Regulated Substances FS Flammable Solids HT Highly Toxics IR Irritants IR-CP Irritants-Consumer Products NH Nonhazardous Materials OHH Other Health Hazards OHH-CP Other Health Hazards-Consumer Products Organic Peroxides -Unclassified Detonable Organic Peroxides I Organic Peroxides II Organic Peroxides Ill Organic Peroxides IV Organic Peroxides V Oxidizer Gases Oxidizers 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 c ~\ ~\ ~~\ "\ r-, ,~ /'-, (~'\, /~, .~ ~/ (\ \,..} p p p p p !P p p p i, p IH H H NH H H p IP IP p p p p p Page 180 of 192 " /", "'' , ., [; ~.J ',_/ ',j -,~ , __ ,: '~.J , ______ / Hazardous Materials Classification Definitions Oxidizers 2 OX3 Oxidizers 3 p OX4 Oxidizers 4 p P65 CA-Prop65 H PSM PSM-OSHA H py Pyrophorics p RAD Radioactive H RADA Radioactive -Alpha H RADB Radioactive -Beta IH RADG Radioactive -Gamma H RMP-T1 RMP Table 1 -Federal Regulated Substances p RMP-T2 RMP Table 2-Federal Regulated Flammable Substances p RMP-T3 RMP Table 3-CA Regulated Substances p SlED Special Industrial Explosive Devices p SN Sensitizers H SN-CP Sensitizers-Consumer Products H SRS State Regulated Substances p TX Toxics H UR1 Unstable Reactives 1 p UR2 Unstable Reactives 2 p UR3 Unstable Reactives 3 ,p I UR4 Unstable Reactives 4 p WR1 Water Reactives 1 p WR2 Water Reactives 2 p I WR3 Water Reactives 3 p HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC_-2015-09-30 Page 181 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS ACID • Corrosive material whose water solutions contain hydrogen ions. • Will liberate hydrogen gas on contact with certain metals. • Forms a salt when it reacts with a base. • Tastes sour. • Turns blue litmus paper red. • Very chemically active. • Burn, irritate or destructively attack organic tissue such as the skin, lungs, stomach. • Generally incompatible with bases [alkalis]. • pH= </=1 to <7 AEROSOL • A product that is dispensed from an aerosol container by a propellant. Level 1 Aerosol: Chemical heat of combustion </=8,600 Btu/lb. Level 2 Aerosol: Chemical heat of combustion >8,600 Btu/lb and <13,000 Btu/lb. Level3 Aerosol: Chemical heat of combustion >13,000 Btu/lb AEROSOL CONTAINER • A metal can, up to a maximum size of 33.8 fluid ounces (1 ,000 mL), designed to dispense an aerosol product; or • A glass or plastic bottle, up to a maximum size of 4 fluid ounces (118 mL), designed to dispense an aerosol product. BASE [ALKALI] • Corrosive materials whose water solutions contain hydroxyl ions. • Chemically opposite of an organic acid. • Forms a salt when it reacts with an acid. • Neutralizes acids. • Very chemically active. • Burn, irritate or destructively attack organic tissues such as skin, lungs, stomach. • pH= >7 to >/=14 CARCINOGEN • Substance that causes the development of cancerous gro'vAJths in living tissue. • Chemical is considered to be a carcinogen if: • It has been evaluated by the International Agency of Research on Cancer (IRAC) and found to be a carcinogen; or • It is listed as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen in the Annual Reporl on Carcinogens published by the National Toxicology Program; or • Regulated by OSHA as a carcinogen. CLOSED CONTAINER • A container sealed by means of a lid or other device such that liquid, vapor or dusts will not escape from it under ordinary conditions of use or handling. KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 182 of 192 D ,~, /-"'-, '~ ("; /'--, /-'-, if) ~ ,,...------.,_1 /-"\ /-\ '...__/ 1/ \ __ / ''--~/ "-._/ \__/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015 • Legoland -Facilities Building · One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CLOSED SYSTEM • The use of a solid or liquid hazardous materials involving a closed vessel or system that remains closed during normal operations where vapors emitted by the product are not liberated outside of the vessel or system. • The product is not exposed to the atmosphere during normal operations. • Examples: • All compressed gases. • Product conveyed through a piping system into a closed vessel, system or piece of equipment. COMBUSTIBLE DUST + Finely divided solid materials which is </=420 microns in diameter and which, when dispersed in air in the proper proportions, could be ignited by a flame, spark or other source ignition. • Combustible dust will pass through a U.S. No. 40 standard sieve. • Generally: Particulate from wood sanding and grinding is 'Combustible Dust.' Particulate from wood routing is not 'Combustible Dust.' • Particulate from wood saving may or may not be 'Combustible Dust.' COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID • A liquid having a closed up flash point >/=100oF. Class II Combustible Liquid: Flash point >/=100oF and <140oF. • Class lilA Combustible Liquid:: Flash point >/=140oF and <200oF. Class I liB Combustible Liquid:: Flash point >/=200oF. • DOT Class 3 Materials. COMPRESSED GAS • A material, or mixture of materials which: Is a gas 68oF or less at 14.7 psia of pressure; and • Has a boiling point of 68oF or less at 14.7 psia which is either liquefied, nonliquefied or in solution, except those gases which have no other health-or physical-hazard properties are not considered to be compressed until the pressure in the packaging exceeds 41 psia at 68oF. • The states of a compressed gas are categorized as follows: Non liquefied Compressed Gases: Gases, other than those in solution, which are in a packaging under the charged pressure and are entirely gaseous at a temperature of 68oF. • Liquefied Compressed Gases: Gases that, in a packaging under the charged pressure, are partially liquid at temperature of 68oF Compressed Gases in Solution: Non liquefied gases that are dissolved in a solvent. • Compressed Gas Mixtures: Mixture of two or more compressed gases contained in a packaging, the hazard properties of which are represented by the properties of the mixture as a whole. CONTROL AREA • Spaces within a building where quantities of hazardous materials not exceeding the maximum allowable quantity per control area are stored dispensed, used or handled. • See also the definition of 'Outdoor control area.' KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 183 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CORROSIVE + A chemical that causes visible destruction of, or irreversible alterations in, living tissue by chemical action at the point of contact. A chemical shall be considered corrosive if, when tested on the intact skin of albino rabbits by the method described in D0Tn49 CFR 173.137, such chemical destroys or changes irreversible the structure of the tissue at the point of contact following an exposure period of 4 hours. This term does not refer to action on inanimate surfaces. + Burns or destructively attacks organic tissues such as the skin, lungs, stomach-i.e.: acids, bases, caustics. + General'rule of thumb': pH </=2-3 and >/=12 + Dot Class 8 Materials. CRYOGENIC FLUID + A fluid having a boiling point lower than -130oF at 14.7 psia. FLAMMABLE GAS + A material which is a gas at 68oF or less at 14.7 psia which: • Is ignitable at 14.7 psia when in a mixture of </=13% by volume with air; or • Has a flammable range at 14.7 psia with air of at least 12%, regardless of lower limit. • The limits specified shall be determined at 14.7 psi of pressure and a temperature of 68oF. • DOT Class 2 Materials. FLAMMABLE LIQUEFIED GAS + A liquefied compressed gas which, under a charged pressure, is partially liquid at a temperature of 68oF and which is flammable. FLAMMABLE LIQUID + A liquid having a closed cup flash point <100oF. Class lA Flammable Liquid: Flash point <73oF and boiling point <100oF. • Class IB Flammable Liquid: Flash point <73oF and boiling point >/=100oF. Class II Flammable Liquid: Flash point >/=73oF and <100oF. + DOT Class 3 Materials. FLAMMABLE MATERIAL • A material capable of being readily ignited from common sources of heat or at a temperature of 600oF or less. FLArv1rtiiABLE SOLiD + A solid, other than a blasting agent or explosive, that is capable of causing fire through friction, absorption or moisture, spontaneous chemical change, or retained heat from manufacturing or processing, or + A solid which has an ignition temperature below 212oF which burns so vigorously and persistently when ignited as to create a serious hazard. + Test Data-CPSC 16 CFR; Part 1500.44: a chemical that ignites and burns with a self-sustained flame at a rate greater than 0.1 inch per second along its major axis. + DOT Class 4.1 Materials. FLAMMABLE VAPORS OR FUMES + The concentration of flammable constituents in air that exceeds 25 percent of their lower flammable limit (LFL). KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 D ,r""• •j '' (\ /\ /..-·~ ,.f"\ ,/·\ I~..._\ 0 '~' "---j .r'\ Page 184 of 192 n ~~, /'-, 0. .~, 1/ j \ ._____/) ,_/ '-. _ _/ '-~-J "~-"--) '-.__/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 HAZARD RATING [DEGREES OF HAZARD] • Health [Blue]: Hazard rating of health hazards ranked according to the probably severity of the effects of exposure to personnel as follows: 4: Materials that on very short exposure could cause death or serious residual injury, including those too dangerous to be approached without specialized protection equipment-i.e.: * Inhalation/Absorption -Skin: Materials that, under normal conditions or under fire conditions, are extremely hazardous through inhalation of through contact with or absorption by the skin. * Ingestion-Oral: Materials whose LD50 for acute oral toxicity is </= 5 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Skin: Materials whose LD50 for acute dermal toxicity is </=40 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Dusts & Mists -Inhalation: Dusts & mists whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is </=0.5 milligrams per liter [mg/L]. * Liquids -Inhalation: Liquid whose saturated vapor concentration at 20oC is >/= 10 times its LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity, if its LC50 is </=1 ,000 parts per million [ppm]. * Gases -Inhalation: Gas whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is </=1 ,000 parts per million [ppm]. 3: Materials that on short exposure could cause serious temporary or residual injury, including those requiring protection from all bodily contact- i.e.: * Combustion Products: Materials that give off highly toxic combustion products. * Ingestion -Oral: Materials whose LD50 for acute oral toxicity is >5 milligrams and </=50 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Skin: Materials whose LD50 for acute dermal toxicity is >40 milligrams and </=200 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Dusts & Mists -Inhalation: Dusts & mists whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is >0.5 and </=2 milligrams per liter [mg/L]. * Liquids -Inhalation: Liquid whose saturated vapor concentration at 20oC is>/= its LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity, if its LC50 is </=3,000 parts per million [ppm] and does not meet the criteria for degree of hazard 4. * Gases -Inhalation: Gas whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is >1 ,000 and <3,000 parts per million [ppm]. * Corrosive: Materials that are either severely corrosive to skin on single, short exposure or cause irreversible eye damage. 2: Materials that on intense or short exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury, including those requiring the use of respiratory protective equipment that has an independent air supply-i.e.: * Combustion Products: Materials that emit toxic or highly toxic irritating combustion products. * Lack of Warning Properties: Materials that, under normal conditions or fire conditions, give off toxic vapors that lack warning properties. * Ingestion -Oral: Materials whose LD50 for acute oral toxicity is >50 milligrams and </=500 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. HAZARD RATING [DEGREES OF HAZARD] -continued + Health [Blue] -continued: * Skin: Materials whose LD50 for acute dermal toxicity is >200 milligrams and </=1 ,000 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Dusts & Mists -Inhalation: Dusts & mists whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is >2 and </=10 milligrams per liter [mg/L]. * Liquids -Inhalation: Liquid whose saturated vapor concentration at 20oC is>/= 1/5 its LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity, if its LC50 is </=5,000 parts per million [ppm] and does not meet the criteria for degree of hazard 3 or 4. * Gases -Inhalation: Gas whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is >3,000 and </=5,000 parts per million [ppm]. * Irritant: Materials that cause severe but reversible respiratory, skin or eye irritation. 1: Materials that on exposure could cause irritation but only minor residual injury, including those requiring the use of an approved air-purifying respirator-i.e.: * Combustion Products: Materials that emit irritating combustion products. * Fire Conditions: Materials that, under fire conditions, cause skin irritation, but not destruction of tissue. * Ingestion-Oral: Materials whose LD50 for acute oral toxicity is >500 milligrams and </=2,000 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Skin: Materials whose LD50 for acute dermal toxicity is >1 ,000 milligrams and </=2,000 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Dusts & Mists -Inhalation: Dusts & mists whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is >1 0 and </=200 milligrams per liter [mg/L]. * Gases & Vapors -Inhalation: Gas & vapor whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is >5,000 and </=1 0,000 parts per million [ppm]. * Irritant: Materials that are moderate respiratory irritants, or that cause slight to moderate eye irritation. KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 185 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 • 0: Materials that on exposure under fire conditions would offer no hazard beyond that of ordinary combustible materials-i.e.: * Ingestion -Oral: Materials whose LD50 for acute oral toxicity is >2,000 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Skin: Materials whose LD50 for acute dermal toxicity is >2,000 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]. * Dusts & Mists -Inhalation: Dusts & mists whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is >200 milligrams per liter [mg/L]. * Gases & Vapors -Inhalation: Gas & vapor whose LC50 for acute inhalation toxicity is >1 0,000 parts per million [ppm]. • Flammability [Red]: Hazard rating of flammability hazards ranked according to the susceptibility of materials to burning as follow: • 4: Materials that will rapidly or completely vaporize at atmospheric pressure and normal ambient temperature or that are readily dispersed in air, and which will burn readily--i.e.: * Flammable Gases. * Flammable cryogenics. * Any liquid or gaseous material that is liquid while under pressure and has a flash point <73oF and a boiling point <100oF [i.e.: Class 1-A Flammable Liquid]. * Materials that ignite spontaneously when exposed to air [i.e.: Pyrophorics]. • 3: Liquids and solids that can be ignited under almost all ambient temperature conditions. Materials in this degree produce hazardous atmospheres with air under almost all ambient temperatures or, though unaffected by ambient temperatures, are readily ignited under almost all conditions--i.e.: * Liquids having a flash point <730F and having a boiling point >/=100oF and those liquids having a flash point >/=73oF and <100oF [i.e.: Class 1-B & 1-C Flammable Liquids]. * Materials that on account of their physical form or environmental conditions can form explosive mixtures with air that are readily dispersed in air [i.e.: dusts of combustible/flammable solids, mists of flammable/combustible liquid droplets]. * Materials that burn with extreme rapidity, usually by reason of self-contained oxygen [i.e.: many Organic Peroxides, dry nitrocellulose]. 2: Materials that must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively high ambient temperatures before ignition can occur. Materials in this degree would not under normal conditions form hazardous atmospheres with air, but under ambient temperatures or under moderate heating may release vapor in sufficient quantities to produce hazardous atmospheres with air--i.e. * Liquids having a flash point >1 OOoF and </-200oF [i.e.: Class II & Class 111-A Combustible Liquids]. * Solid materials in the form of coarse dusts that may burn rapidly but that generally do not form explosive atmospheres with air [i.e.: Flammable Solids]. * Solid materials in a fibrous or shredded form that may burn rapidly and create flash fire hazards [i.e.: cotton, sisal, hemp]. * Solids and semisolids that readily give off flammable vapors. HAZARD RATING [DEGREES OF HAZARD]-continued + Flammability [Red] -continued: 1: Materials that must be preheated before ignition can occur. Materials in this degree require considerable preheating, under all ambient temperature conditions, before ignition and combustion can occur--i.e.: * Materials that will burn in air when exposure to a tempura of 1500oF for </=5 minutes. * Liquids, solids & semisolids having a flash point >200oF [i.e.: Class 111-B Combustible Liquids]. 0: Materials that will not burn --i.e.: material that will not burn in air when exposed to a temperature of 1500oF for a period of 5 minutes. + Reactivity/Instability [Yellow]: Hazard rating of reactivity [instability] hazards ranked according to ease, rate and quantity of energy release as foiiows: 4: Materials that in themselves are readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or explosive reaction at normal temperatures and pressures--i.e.: * Materials sensitive to localized thermal or mechanical shock at normal temperatures and pressures. • 3: Materials that in themselves are capable of detonation or explosive decomposition or explosive reaction, but that require a strong initiating source or that must be heated under confinement before initiation --i.e.: * Materials sensitive to thermal or mechanical shock at elevated temperatures and pressures. * Materials that reactive explosively with water without requiring heat or confinement. • 2: Materials that readily undergo violent chemical change at elevated temperatures and pressures--i.e.: * Materials that exhibit an exotherm at temperatures </=150oC when tested by differential scanning calorimetry. KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 186 of 192 ~~--/ r1 ~---..... , '~ '~, D r"\ ,--\ ''\ /"\ ~ /~'\ I \...__j ',,_) ' ''--' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 * Materials that may react violently with water or form potentially explosive mixtures with water. 1: Materials that in themselves are normally stable, but that can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressure--i.e.: * Materials that change or decompose on exposure to air, light or moisture. * Materials that exhibit an exotherm at temperatures >150oC but </=300oC when tested by differential scanning calorimetry. 0: Materials that in themselves are normally stable, even under fire conditions--i.e.: * Materials that do not react with water. * Materials that exhibit an exotherm at temperatures >300oC but </=500oC when tested by differential scanning calorimetry. * Materials that do not exhibit an exotherm at temperature </=500oC when tested by differential scanning calorimetry. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS + Chemicals or substances which are physical hazards or health hazards as defined and classified in I FC/CFC Chapter 27, whether the materials are in usable or waste condition. HEALTH HAZARD A classification of a chemical for which there is statistically significant evidence that acute or chronic health effects are capable of occurring in exposed persons. The term 'health hazard' includes chemicals that are toxic, highly toxic and corrosive. HIGHLY TOXIC + Material which produces a lethal dose or lethal concentration as follows: • Oral Ingestion = LD50 = </=50 mg/kg -Rat: Median lethal dose [LD50] of 50 milligrams of less per kilogram of body weight when administered orally to albino rats weighing between 200 and 300 grams each. • Skin Absorption = LD50 = </=200 mg/kg -Rabbit: Median lethal dose [LD50] of 200 milligrams or less per kilogram of body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours (or less if death occurs within 24 hours) with the bare skin of albino rabbits weighing between 2 and 3 kilograms each. Inhalation = LC50 = </=200 ppm -Rat: Median lethal concentration [LC50] in air of 200 ppm by volume or less of gas or vapor, or 2 milligrams per liter or less of mist, fume or dust, when administered by continuous inhalation for one hour (or less if death occurs within 1 hour) to albino rats weighing between 200 and 300 grams each. + Mixtures of these materials with ordinary materials, such as water, might not warrant classification as highly toxic. + Dot Class 6.1 Materials. INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS + Materials that, when mixed, have the potential to react in a manner which generates heat, fumes, gases, or byproducts which are hazardous to life or property. + The maximum allowable quantity per control area is based on the material state (solid, liquid or gas) and the material storage or use conditions. IRRITANT + A chemical which is not corrosive, but which causes a ;eve;sible inflammatory effect on living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. + A chemical is a skin irritant if, when tested on the intact skin of albino rabbits by the methods of CPSC 16CFR Part 1500.41 for an exposure of four or more hours or by other appropriate techniques, it results in an empirical score of 5 or more. + A chemical is classified as an eye irritant if so determined under the procedure listed in CPSC 16CFR Part 1500.42 or other approved techniques. LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS (LP-gas) KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 187 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 D."\ • A material which is composed predominantly of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of them: propane, propylene, butane (normal butane or isobutene) and butylenes. LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT (LFL) • The minimum concentration of vapor in air at which propagation of flame will occur in the presence of an ignition source. • The LFL is sometimes referred to as LEL or lower explosive limit. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE QUANTITY PER CONTROL AREA (MAQ) • The maximum amount of a hazardous material allowed to be stored or used within a control area inside a building or an outdoor control area. OCCUPANCY • B Occupancy: Business Group B occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or portion thereof, for office, professional or service-type transaction, laboratories (testing and research), and print shops. • F Occupancy: Factory Industrial Group F occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for assembling, disassembling, fabricating, finishing, manufacturing, packaging, repair or processing operations that are not classified as Group H high-hazard or Group S storage occupancy. • F-1 Moderate-hazard Occupancy: Includes, but not limited to, athletic equipment, automobiles, electronics, food processing, laundries, paper mills, printing and publishing, soaps and detergents, textiles and wood. F-2 Low-hazard Occupancy: Factory industrial uses involving the fabrication or manufacturing of noncombustible materials which, during finishing, packaging or processing do not involve a significant fire hazard. + H Occupancy: High-hazard Group H occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, that involves the manufacturing, processing, generation or storage of materials that constitute a physical or health hazard in quantities in excess of quantities allowed in control areas constructed and located as required in Section 2703.8.3. H-2: >/= Maximum Allowable Quantity of one or more of the following Physical Hazard Materials: 11 Class I, II or I lA flammable or combustible liquids used or stored in normally open containers or systems, or in closed containers or systems pressurized at >15 psig. 11 Combustible dust. 11 Cryogenic fluids, flammable. 11 Flammable gases. 11 Class 1 organic peroxides. 11 Class 3 oxidizers used or stored in normally open containers or systems, or in closed containers or systems pressurized at >15 psig. 11 Pyrophoric liquids, solids and gases, nondetonable. 11 Class 3 nondetonable unstable (reactive) materials. 11 Class 3 water reactive materials. OCCUPA""JCY-continued • H-3: >/= Maximum Allowable Quantity of one or more of the following Physical Hazard Materials: 11 Class I, II or IIA flammable or combustible liquids used or stored in normally open containers or systems, or in closed containers or systems pressurized at >15 psig. 11 Combustible fibers, other than densely packed baled cotton. 11 Oxidizing Cryogenic fluids. 11 Flammable solids. 11 Class II and Ill Organic peroxides. 11 Class 2 Oxidizers. 11 Class 2 Oxidizers used or stored in normally open containers or systems, or in closed containers or systems pressurized at >15 psig. 11 Class 2 unstable (reactive) materials. KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 (\ '\ 0 J C) Page 188 of 192 ,~~--......,, ~/ '"'---_/ ',~ '-.__/ \. ___ / ''---_/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 D Class 2 water-reactive materials. • H-4: >/= Maximum Allowable Quantity of one or more of the following Health Hazard Materials: D Corrosives. D Highly toxic materials. D Toxic materials. + M Occupancy: Mercantile Group M occupancy includes, among others, buildings and structures or a portion thereof, for the display and sale of merchandise, and involves stocks of goods, wares or merchandise incidental to such purposes and accessible to the public. + S Occupancy: Storage Group S occupancy includes, among others, the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for storage that is not classified as a hazardous occupancy. S-1 Moderate-hazard storage: Includes, but not limited to, level 2 and 3 aerosols, books and paper in rolls or packs, cardboard boxes, clothing, glues, motor vehicle repair garages, and soaps. • S-2 Low-hazard storage: Buildings used for the storage of noncombustible materials such as products on wood pallets or in paper cartons with or without single thickness divisions; or in paper wrappings. OPEN SYSTEM + The use of a solid or liquid hazardous materials involving a vessel or system that is continuously open to the atmosphere during normal operations and where vapors are liberated, or the product is exposed to the atmosphere during normal operations. + Examples: Dispensing from or into open beakers or containers. Dip tank and plating tank operations. ORGANIC PEROXIDE + An organic compound that contains the bivalent -0-0-structure and which may be considered to be a structural derivative of hydrogen peroxide where one or both of the hydrogen atoms have been replaced by an organic radical. + Organic peroxides can present an explosion hazard (detonation or deflagration) or they can be shock sensitive. + Organic peroxides can decompose into various unstable compounds over an extended period of time. + DOT 5.3 Materials. • Unclassified Detonable Organic Peroxide: a Organic peroxides that are capable of detonation. There peroxides pose an extremely high-explosion hazard through rapid explosive decomposition. a Regulated as Class A explosive a DOTTypeA • Class I Organic Peroxide: a Formulations that are capable of deflagration but not detonation. a DOT Type B Class II Organic Peroxide: a Formulations that burn very rapidly and that pose a moderate reactivity hazard. a DOT Type C • Class Ill Organic Peroxide: a Formulations that burn rapidly and that pose a moderate reactivity hazard. a DOT TypeD Class IV Organic Peroxide: a Formulations that burn in the same manner as ordinary combustibles and that pose a minimal reactivity hazard. a DOT Type E & F KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC.-2015-09-30 Page 189 of 192 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015 -Legoland • Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ('\ ORGANIC PEROXIDE -continued Class V Organic Peroxide: !I Formulations the burn with less intensity than ordinary combustibles or do not sustain combustion and that pose no reactivity hazard. !1 DOT Type G OTHER HEALTH HAZARD + Hazardous material which affects target organs of both body including, but not limited to, those materials which produce liver damage, kidney damage, damage to the nervous system, act on the blood to decrease hemoglobin function, deprive the body tissue of oxygen, or affect reproductive capabilities including mutations [chromosomal damage] or teratogens [effects on fetuses]. OUTDOOR CONTROL AREA + An outdoor area that contains hazardous materials in amounts not exceeding the maximum allowable quantities of Table 2703.1.1 (3) or 2703.1.1 (4). OXIDIZER pH + A material that readily yields oxygen or other oxidizing gas, or that readily reacts to promote or initiate combustion of combustible materials and, if heated or contaminated, can result in vigorous self-sustained decomposition. + Examples of other oxidizing gases include bromide, chlorine and fluorine. + DOT Class 5.1 Materials. Class 4 Oxidizer: !I Can undergo an explosive reaction due to contamination or exposure to thermal or physical shock and that causes a severe increase in the burning rate of combustible materials with which it comes into contact. Additionally, the oxidizer causes a severe increase in the burning rate and can cause spontaneous ignition of combustibles. !I Acceptable Test Criteria-DOT Packaging Group 1: Material which, in either concentration tested, exhibits a burning time equal to or less than that of potassium bromate. • Class 3 Oxidizer: !I Will cause a severe increase in the burning rate of combustible materials with which it comes in contact. !I Acceptable Test Criteria-DOT Packaging Group II: Material, which, in either concentration tested, exhibits a burning time between that of potassium bromate and that of potassium perchlorate. Class 2 Oxidizer: !I Will cause a moderate increase in the burning rate of combustible materials with which it comes in contact. !I Acceptable Test Criteria-DOT Packaging Group Ill: Material, which, in either concentration tested, exhibits a burning time between that of potassium perchlorate and that of ammonium persulphate. • Class 1 Oxidizer: !I Does not moderately increase the burning rate of combustible materials. + Value used to represent the strength of an acid or base [alkali]: pH 1-<7: Acid [1=Strong; 6=Weak] • pH 7: Neutral [i.e. Water] • pH > 7-14: Base [pH 11 = 10 times more corrosive than pH of 1 0] • Skin: ph 6-8 KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUS BRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 ~~~n ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,/J -\_/ , __ j Page 190 of 192 r', ~\ ,, I ', _) "-._/ "---~/ "---"'' \_______ __ / \ ____ j '-. __ / ,_" / \-_/ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015 -Legoland -Facilities Building -One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 PHYSICAL HAZARD + A chemical for which there is evidence that it is a combustible liquid, cryogenic fluid, explosive, flammable (solid, liquid or gas), organic peroxide (solid or liquid), oxidizer (solid or liquid), oxidizing gas, pyrophoric (solid, liquid or gas), unstable reactive material (solid, liquid or gas) or water- reactive material (solid or liquid). PYROPHORIC + A chemical with an auto-ignition temperature in air, at or below a temperature of 130oF. SENSITIZER + Chemical that causes a substantial proportion of exposed people or animals to develop an allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the chemical. + Chronic effecUreaction. STORAGE + The keeping, retention or leaving of hazardous materials in closed containers, tanks, cylinders, or similar vessels; or vessels supplying operations through closed connections to the vessel. TOXIC MATERIAL + Materials which produces a lethal dose or lethal concentration as follows: • Oral Ingestion = LD50 = >50 mg/kg to 500 mg/kg-Rat: Median lethal dose [LD50] of more than 50 milligrams per kilogram, but not more than 500 milligrams per kilogram of body weight when administered orally to albino rats weighing between 200 and 300 grams each. Skin Absorption = LD50 = >200 mg/kg to 1 ,000 mg/kg -Rabbit: Median lethal dose [LD50] of more than 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight when administered by continuous contact for 24 hours (or less if death occurs within 24 hours) with the bare skin of albino rabbits weighing between 2 and 3 kilograms each. Inhalation = LC50 = >200 ppm to 2,000 ppm-Rat: Median lethal concentration [LC50] in air of more than 200 ppm but not more than 2,000 ppm by volume of gas or vapor, or more than 2 milligrams per liter but not more than 20 milligrams per liter of mist, fume or dust, when administered by continuous inhalation for 1 hour (or less if death occurs within 1 hour) to albino rats weighing between 200 and 300 grams each. + Mixtures of these materials with ordinary materials, such as water, might not warrant classification as toxic. + DOT Class 6.1 Materials. UNSTABLE (REACTIVE) MATERIAL + A material, other than an explosive, which in the pure state or as commercially produced, will vigorously polymerize, decompose, condense or become self-reactive and undergo other violent chemical changes, including explosion, when exposed to heat, friction or shock, or in the absence of an inhibitor, or in the presence of contaminants, or in contact with incompatible materials. + Unstable (reactive) materials are subdivided as follows: Class 4 Unstable (Reactive): ll Capable of detonation, explosive decomposition or explosive reaction at NTP. ll Materials that are sensitive to mechanical or localized thermal shock at NTP. Class 3 Unstable (Reactive): KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS-KLAUS BRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 Page 191 of 192 r HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DEFINITIONS 2015-Legoland-Facilities Building-One Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 r, ll Capable of detonation, explosive decomposition or explosive reaction but which require a strong initiating source or which must be heated under confinement before initiation. ll Materials that are sensitive to thermal or mechanical shock at elevated temperature and pressures. • Class 2 Unstable (Reactive): ll Normally unstable and readily undergo violent chemical change but do not detonate. ll Materials that can undergo chemical change with rapid release of energy at NTP. ll Materials that can undergo violent chemical change at elevated temperatures and pressures. Class 1 Unstable (Reactive): ll Materials that are normally stable but which can become unstable at elevated temperature and pressures. USE (MATERIAL) + Placing a material into action, including solids, liquids and gases. WATER REACTIVE MATERIAL + A material that explodes; violently reacts; produces flammable, toxic or other hazardous gases; or evolves enough heat to cause auto-ignition or ignition of combustibles upon exposure to water or moisture. • DOT Class 4.3 Materials. Class 3 Water Reactive: ll Materials that react explosively with water without requiring heat or confinement. • Class 2 Water Reactive: ll Materials that react violently with water or have the ability to boil water. ll Materials that produce flammable, toxic or other hazardous gases, or evolve enough heat to cause auto-ignition or ignition of combustibles upon exposure to water or moisture. rr-'-, /,......~, r-----... Class 1 Water Reactive: ll Materials that react with water with some release of energy, but not violently. KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOCIATES-2495 TRUXTUN ROAD, SUITE 205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92106-TEL (619) 677-2004; FAX (619) 677-2444 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION ANALYSIS -KLAUSBRUCKNER & ASSOC. -2015-09-30 ~~nn~~~nnnnn~n nn~nnr n (\ Page 192 of 192 '~ ("'> ,,, ', __ / City of Carlsbad CERTIFICATION OF SCHOOL FEES PAID B-34 Development Services Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name Legc,~>la~n~d~----------------------~P~r~o~je~ct~l~D~:=C~T~/M~S=:--------- Building Permit Plan Check Number: CB1-=-5=-36=-1=-=2:.,__ _______________________________ _ Project Address: One,:....!~ L~e~g~o~ta~n~d~DC,!..r _____________________ _ A.P.N 211_,-1'-"-0.><..0-'-"-0.!<.-'9-'-"-0,._0 ------------------- Project Applicant (OwnerName): ~=ol=a=n=d~C~a=li~fo=r~n=ia~-------------------------------- Project Description: new 565 sf of mezzanine for office expansion Building Type ....QQIJ..I.LJmJ..Leo.ur""'c""'ia ..... l _______________________ _ Residential: NEW DWELLING UNIT(S) Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling/s Second Dwelling Unit: Square Feet of Living Area in SOU Residential Additions: Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: 565 Net Square Feet New Area City Certification of Applicant Information: rftg.enette cfthheu. -----=--~------------------------------------------ Date 11/09/2015 SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ Carlsbad Unified School District 6225 El Camino Real Carlsbad CA 92009 (760-331-5000) 0 Encinitas Union School District- By appointment only 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Hd Encinitas, CA 92024 (760-944-4300 x1166) B-34 0 Vista Unified School District 0 San Marcos Unified School District 1234 Arcadia Drive 2 5 5 P i co A v e S t e . 1 0 0 Vista CA 92083 (760-726-2170) xt San Marcos, CA 92069 (760-290-2649) 2222 Contact: Nancy Dolce (By Appt. Only) 0 San Dieguito Union High School District-By Appointment Only 684 Requeza Dr. Encinitas, CA 92024 (760-753-6491 X 5514 ) Page 1 of 2 Rev. 03/09 Certification of ApplicanUOwners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner'') certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration i:s authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) *************************************************************************************************** THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being cluly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER <~ CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 6225 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92009 Signature: JL.~~L~. _Date: B-34 Page 2 of 2 Rev. 03/09 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL WORKSHEET B-18 Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov Building@carlsbadca.gov ProJect Address: / L £.6 0 Pennit No.: C/J {'5 J 6 ) 2..__ Information provided below refers to wor~ being done on the above mentioned permit only. This form must be completed und returned to the Building Division before the permit can be issued. 8-18 Building Dept. Fax: (760) 602.-8558 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains ....................................................... _1_ New building sewer line? ......................................................................................... Ves ___ No _x_ Number of new roof drains? ................................................................................................................ _o_ Install/alter water line? ........................................................................................................... , .............. Yes Number of new water heaters?···························································································~~············· _.Q.__ Number of new, reloc:ated or replaced gas outlets? .................................................................... _o_ Number of new hose bibs? •................................................................................................... ,.............. 0 Residential Permits:: New/expanded servic:e: Number of new amps: ------- Minor Remodel only: Ves__ No Commercial/Industrial: Tenant Improvement: Number of existing amps involved in this oroiect: 50 0 Number of new amps involved in this project: 1 0 0 New Construction: Amps per Panel: Single Phase ................................................................ Number of new amperes Three Phase .................................................................. Number of new amperes. ______ _ Three Phase 480 ......................................................... Number of new amperes Number of new fun1aces, A/C, or heat pumps? ............................................................................. _1_ New or relocated duct wor~? .......................................................................... Ves __Jl__ No __ _ Number of new fireplaces? D ................................................................................................................. _o_ Number of new exhaust fans?............................................................................................................ 1 Relocate/install vent? ......................................................................•...............••....•............................... ~ Number of new ext1aust hoods?........................................................................................................ 1 Number of new boilers or compressors? ........................................................... Number of HP 0 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 03/09 OFFICE USE ONLY RECORDID# __________________ ~ SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HHMBP# ____________________ ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE BPDATE~--~--~----! Business Name LEGOLAND California Project Address One LEGOLAND Drive Business Contact Chris Romero City Carlsbad questions represent the facility's specific project -5460 11 16 P.ART 1: FIRE DEPARTMENT-HAZARDOUS MAl'ERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: (not required for projects within the City of San Diego): Indicate by circling the item, whether your business will use, process, or store any of the following hazardous materials. If any of the items are circled, applicant must contact the Fire Protection Agency with jurisdiction prior to plan submittal. 01ccupancy Rating: Facility's Square Footage (including proposed project): 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organic Peroxides 9. 13. Corrosives 2. Compressed Gases 6. Oxidizers 10. Water Reactives Cryogenics 14. Other Health Hazards 3. Flammable/Combustible Liquids 7. Pyrophorics 11. 4. Flammable Solids 8. Unstable Reactives 12. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials Radioactives 15. None of These. f'ART II: SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION CHMDl: If the answer to any of the questions is yes, applicant must C9ntact the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Division, 5500 Overland Avenue, Suite 170, San Diego, CA 92123. Call (858) 505-6700 prior to the issuance of a buildin!~ permit. F:EES ARE REQUIRED. Project Completion Date: 2 I 12 I 1 6 Expected Date of Occupancy: 2 I 12 I 1 6 (for new construction or remodeling projects) YES NO 1. 0 • ~~-0 • a. o • Is your business listed on the reverse side of this form? (check all that apply). Will your business dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? Will your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? 4. 0 5. 0 0 0 0 1). J. 13. • Will your business store or handle 'carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? • Will your business use an existing 'or install an underground storage tank? • Will your business store or handle Regulated Substances (CaiARP)? • Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (Title 22, Article 10)? • Will your business store petroleum in tanks or containers at your facility with a total facility storage capacity equal to or greater than 1,320 gallons? (California's Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act). 0 CaiARP Exempt I Date Initials 0 CaiARP Required I Date Initials 0 CaiARP Complete I Date Initials :PART Ill: SAN DIEGO COUNTY AIR POLLUTIOIN CONTROL DISTRICT (APCDl: If the answer to Question #1 below is no or the answer to any of the Questions #2-5 is yes, applicant must contact the APCD at 10124 Old Grove Road, San Diego, CA 92131-1649 or telephone 1(858) 586-2600 prior to the issuance of a building or demolition permit. If the answer to questions #4 or #5 is yes, applicant must also submit an asbestos notification form to the APCD at least 10 working days prior to commencing demolition or renovation. (Some residential projects may be exempt from the notification requirements. Contact the APCD for more information.) YES 1. • 2. 0 3. 0 4. 0 5. 0 NO 0 • • • • Has a survey been performed to determine the presence of Asbestos Containing Materials? Will the subject facility or construction activities include operations or equipment that emit or are capable of emitting an air contaminant? (See the APCD factsheet at http://www.sdapcd.org/info/facts/permits.pdf, and the list of typical equipment requiring an APCD permit on the reverse side of this from. Contact APCD if you have any questions). (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 1 IS YES) Will the subject facility be located within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school (K through 12)? (Search the California School Directory at http:f/www.cde.ca.gov/re/sd/ for public and private schools or contact the appropriate school district). Will there be renovation that involves handling of any friable asbestos materials, or disturbing any material that contains non-friable asbestos? Will there be demolition involvin the removal of a load su ortin structural member? Briefly describe business activities: Briefly describe proposed project: Amusement park maintenance facilit Remodel of existin facilit I declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge and belief t e responses made herein are true and correct. Andrew Tarango, SCA I Name of Owner or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner or Authorized Agent Date FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY: FIRE DEPARTMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION:. ______________________________ _ BY· DATE· I I EXEMPT OR NO FURTHER INFORMATION REQUIRED RELEASED FOR BUILDING PERMIT BUT NOT FOR OCCUPANCY RELEASED FOR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMO* APCO COUNTY-HMO APCO COUNTY-HMO APCD . . * A stamp 1n th1s box only exempts bus1nesses from completmg or updatmg a Hazardous Matenals Bus1ness Plan. Other penmtting reqUirements may still apply . Countv of San Diego-DEH -Hazardous Materials Division