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1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB162537; Permit
City of Carlsbad 09-1'5-2016 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commerciai/lndustrial Permit Permit N,o: CB162537 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: Applicant: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD Tl Sub Type: INDUST Lot#: 0 . 2111000900 $11,174.00 Construction Type: NEW Reference# LEGOLAND: PREFAB SAND BLAST Status: ISSUED Applied: 06/28/2016 Entered By: SLE Plan Approved: 09/15/2016 Issued: 09/15/2016 Inspect Area Plan Check #: ROOM ON EXISTING CONC PAD WITH DUST COLLECTION/RECLAMATION SYSTEM Owner: TITAN SPRAY BOOTHS & PRODUCTION SYSTEMS, INC. SUITE F327 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LL C <LF> PLAY US ACQUISI C/0 PROPERTY TAX SERVICE CO 2588 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 760-434-1500 Building Perr.nit Add'I Building Per.mit Fee Plan Check Add'I B1:1ilding Permit Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee STD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee Fire Expedidted Plan Review $132.33· $0:00 $92.63 $0.00 $0.00 $3.13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1.00 $295.00 Total Fees: $524.09 Total Payments To Oate: Inspector: PO BOX·543185 DALLAS TX 75354 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee • SbCWAFee CFO Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) , Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Redev Parking Fee Additional Fees HMP Fee Green Bldg Standards Plan Chk TOTAL PERMIT FEES $524.09 Balance Due: Clearance: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ?? ?? $524.09 $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your prQj~ct includes the 'Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as 'foes/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition 9f these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the,protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cartsbad Muni<;ipal Code Section 3.32.030, Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. Tl-!lal'Ott.OWING APPROVALS ftl:QUIRl;ti PRIOR TO PERMJT 1$SUAflCE: 0PWNJNG 0EMlNEERIN$ CjSU!lOING OF!RE Ot!EALTlt OHAZt.,!\TfAPCD . (Cityof Building. Permit Application Plan CheckNo.~ILOZ.t:5 31 1635 Faraday Ave .. Carlsbad. CA 92008 Est. Value \\.\7'--\- Carlsbad Ph: 760-602~2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 . email: building@carlsbadca.gov Plan Ck. Deposit www.carls!>adca.gov .. Date Lo-256-ll o lswPPP JOB ADDRESS . 1 Legofand· Drive SUITE#/SPACEf/UNITI· rPN 211 -100 -09 -00 CT/PllOJECT I/ rl1# . IPHASEll rOFUIIIITS r·BEDROOMS ~ BAtHROOMS rENANT BUSINESS NAME I CONSTR. TYPE I OCG. GROUP 94-09 18&19 Legoland Maintenance Yard V-B F1 DESCRIPTION·OF WORK: lnctucte Square Fett Of Affected Atet(S) Install prefabricated-sand blast r0Qm1 ·dust.collection and m_edia reclamation system 307:F ,. EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE . 'GARAGE tSfJ PAT!OS(SF) rECKS(SF) FIREPLACE I AIR CONDITIONING I FIRE SPRINKLERS . same YESD N0[ZJ YESONol1] YESONo[I] APPLICANT NAME Micllelle Ble~ker PROPERTY OWNER·NAME Legoland California Prlmanr Contact ADDRESS ADDRESS. 3125 Scott St., Ste A· ·-. 1 LeQoland Drive CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Vista CA 92081· Carlsbad CA 92008 PHONE rAX PHONE IFAX 949-701-5729 760918f;346 EMAIL. EMAIL tmtpermits@gmail.com tim.petsche@legoland.com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME • • · · · Titan Sprav Booths and Production Svstem ADDRESS ADDRESS 3125 Scott St., Ste A 'CITY STATE ZIP . C!TY STATE ZIP Vista CA 92081 PHONE PHONE rAX 7.60434'-1'500 rAX 760-434-1501 EMAIL ·EMAIL kevin@titanbooths.com \2.Z.l'-1-C)(" rTi\TE llC. It . STATELIC.# 'CLASS B I CITY BUS. LIC.# tBe ... ..... , ·8559.69 . .. (Sec. 7-031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any C,ty or County which req1;11res a perm1ttoi:0n~truct, alter; improve. demohsh or repair any .structure, prior to Its issuance, also requires the aRphcant for such permit to file·a signed statement tliat.he 1s hcensed pursuant {o the provisions <if th,:, Contractor's-License Law /Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of.Oivis1on 3 of the Business and Profess,oas Code) or That.he is exempt therefrom, anc1 tile, bas,s ror .ne allegea exem!)tton. Any v101auon or.sectton ?031.5 by any appllcanl'for a permitsubJects the applicant to a civil l)enal\Y ornot more than f~ve hundred dollars l$500JJ, . . . ~}.&ri~'.~,i5¥:t~t,tH.1tr-110.ft~?::•·~· Workers' Compensation Declaration: / herebyaffim1 under penallyof pe,jury one of the fo!/oWing declaraffons: BI have andwlll'maintaln a certtncate of consentto sel,f.insureforworJ<ers' compansatlon as providsd by.Section 3700 of the.Labor Code. for the perfonnance of the work for which this permit is issued. fhave and will maintain workers' compensation, as reQoired by Section 3700 or.the.Labor.Coqe, for !he performance of.the work for.wnlch !fils permitis issued. My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. Policy No. ____________ Expiration Date _______ _ This sec«on need not be completed If the perm ills for one undred dollars {S1001 or less, [ZJ Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the erto a e of the worfdor which this permit Is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as lo become subject to the Workers· Compensation Laws of Califomia. WARNING: Failure to s e workers' co ens•tlon coverage ls unlawful, and shall.subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hund ed thous • d dollars (&100,000), In addition to the cost of compensati n, damages as provld orln Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees, .H$ CONTRACTORSIGNATURE ' . I hereby.a/firm that I am exempt from Con/ractors Ucense Law for the following reason; . ·o J, as ownerof1t1e pcopeny or my employees.with wages1lS their sole compensation. will do'the work and the structure ls notlntended or offered for sale (Sec, 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property wlto builds or improves !hereon. and who does such work: himself or through his own employees. provided lhat such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement.is·sold wilhin one year of completion. the owner-builder Willllave the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale), .O I. .as owner of.the property, am·exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct lhe project (Sec; 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Conlractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and conlracts.for such projects Wilh contttsctor(s) lic&nseif.pursuant to ·1he,Conlractor's license law). D I am exempt under Section ____ Bus,oess and Professtons Code for this reas,,n: · 1. I personally plan to provide the majorfabor andm~tenals for construction of the proposed property improvement. QYes 0No 2. t (have·/.have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed worl<. 3.1 have contracted witMhe followln£I person (firm) to provide Iha proposed construcuon.(include name address/ phone I contractors-license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the 1ollol'ling person to coordinate. superviSe and provide the major work [include name I address 1 phone I contractors· license number): 5.1 will provide some of.Jhe work, bot1 have contracted.fhired) the followlng persons to provida lhe work.indicated (include name I address/ phone I type of work): .H$ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE .OAGENT DATE I Is the applic;mt pr futur~ building occupant required to submUa business·plari, acutely hazardous mateiials reglsttaUon-form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley..Tanner·Hazardous SubstanceAccoonl Act? Yes . No ,Js the applicantorlu(ure building QCCupant required to obtain a permiHrom the alr.pollutiqn control ,listrict-0r air quality management district? Yes No I~ the facility to be constructed within UOOfeet of the <>ut~r.boundaryof as<:hool. site? . Yes . No IF ANY OFT.HE·ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF'OCCUf>ANCY MAYNOTSEISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR JS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 1 1 hereby ~fffrm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of ~e WQrk-tfiis permit is issued (Sec.~097 (Q Civll Code). Lender's,Name ·. Lenders Address . · . . . _··. ' ; ,' , ' ' -'. ' '.'; . I certify.thatf have read.the application and state that the above information is correct and that the iofonnation on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby au!horize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enlerupon the at:ove mentioned property for Inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY .AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGA1NST AlLUABILITIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EX SES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE 0FTHE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required k>r valio~r 50' d nd demolition or construction of s!ruc!Ures over 3 stories ii height. !;XPIRA TION: Ever/ permit issued by 13\lilding Offmnder lli , . visions of this Code shall expire by fmitation and become null and void if the building or v.ol1< auth · by ch pecrnit IS not commenced vii thin 180 days fion\Jhe dale of such pe1Tl1~ orif building or 'Mlrk aulho • . by such pem,ff is susi;eoded or abandoned at any Jirne.affer.lhe work is commenced fora pe of 180 ays (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). ~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE """;?--~-A,___......,.-DATE I:,, 1,-,1 z •. --.-,. f : . . / STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQU.IRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. Cf'f<T!FICATF OF OCCUPANCY (Commerc1al ProJects on I y I Fa)( (760) 602-8560, Email-buifding@carlsbadca.gov or Mail the completed fomi.to City of Carlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92008. CO#: (Office Use Only) CONTACT NAME .. OCl,UPANT·NAME ADDRESS BUILDl~G ADDRESS CITY 'STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA PHO.NE l FAX -' EMAIL OCCUPANrs BUS. LIC. No. ,. .- f)ELIVEftY ,OPTIONS . PICKUP: CONTACT (Listed al.love) OCCUPANT {listed above) CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) MAIL TO: -CONTACT'(Llsted-;iboye) OCCUPANT (Listed .ibqveJ · ASSOCIATED.CB# • CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) NO CHANGE IN USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION MA1L/ FAXTOOTHER: CHANGE OF USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION --.. .KS APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE .. Permit Type: BLDG-Commercial Application Date: 06/28/2016 Owner: Work Class: Tenant Improvement Issue Date: 09/15/2016 Subdivision: Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 09/14/2017 Address: IVR Number: 715497 Actual Scheduled Date Start Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector 04/05/2017 04/05/2017 04/06/2017 04/06/2017 April 06, 2017 BLDG-Fire Final 018463-2017 BLPG-Final Inspection Checklist Item FIRE-Building Final 019134,2017 Checklist lten:i BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final ,, Passed Dominic Fieri COI\/IMENTS P'assed Andy Krogh COMMENTS LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA LLC <LF> PLAY US ACQUISITION CO INC CARLSBAD TCT#94-09 UNIT#02 & 03 1 Legoland Dr Carlsbad, CA Reinspection Passed Yes Passed Yes Yes Complete Complete Complete Page 1 of 1 EsGil Corporation In <Partnetsfiip witfi (]overnment for (}3ui(aing Safety DATE: 9/12/16 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-2537 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Prive SET: III D APPLICANT D JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Legoland Maintenance Yard Sand Blast Room -TI D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes. 1:8:J The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant-deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 1:8:J EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: Applicant stated all electrical was previously permitted un~~-1166 city to ~erify. By: Doug Moody Enclosures: ~ EsGil Corporation ~ D GA D EJ D MB D PC 9/1/16 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT SCREENING SURVEY Date 6-27-2016 Business Name Legoland Maintenance Yard Street Address 1 Legoland Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Email Address tlm.petsche@legoland.com PLEASE CHECK HERE IF YOUR BUSINESS IS EXEMPT: (ON REVERSE S•,OE CHECK TYPE OF BUSINESS) D Check all below that are present at your facility: Acid Cleaning Ink Manufacturing Nutritional Supplement/ Assembly Laboratory Vitamin Manufacturing Automotive Repair Machining I MIiiing Painting / Finishing Battery Manufacturing Manufacturing Paint Manufacturing Blofuel Manufacturing Membrane Manufacturing Personal Care Products Biotech Laboratory (i.e. water filter membranes) Manufacturing Bulk Chemical Storage Metal Casting I Forming Pesticide Manufacturing I CarW~sh Metal Fabrication Packaging Chemical Manufacturing Metal Finishing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Chemical Purification Electroplating (including precursors) Ory Cleaning Electroless plating Porcelain Enameling Electrical Component Anodizing Power Generation MamJfacluring Coating (I.e. phosphating) Print Shop Fertilizer Manufacturing Chemical Etching / Milling Research and Development Film/ X-ray Processing Printed Circuit Board Rubber Manufacturing Food Processing Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Glass Manufacturing Metal Powders Forming Soap I Detergent Manufacturing Industrial Laundry Waste Treatment/ Storage SIC Code(s) (if known): ____________________ _ Brief description of business activities {Production/ Manufacturing Operations):. _____ _ This project Is to Install a sand blast room, dust collection and reclaim system. This proceS§ will not affect the stonn water or drains. Metal carts will be brought into the sand blait .m2m to havQ the ealnt stripped from the metal. The dust collection and reclaim system wm capture all dust and walnut sand blasting materials. Description of operations generating wastewater (discharged to sewer, hauled or evaporated)! . General wash down . Estimated volume of Industrial wastewater to be discharged (gal I day}: .....,o ______ _ List hazardous wastes generated (type/ volume): _n_o_ne ___ __,.. ________ _ Date operation began/or will begin at this locatlon: _A_u .... gu_s_t 1...:.,_20_1;..;;s _________ _ Have you applied for a Wastewater Discharge Permit from the Encina Wastewater Authority? Yes No If yes, when: ___________________ _ -Es·Gil_ Corporation In (l'artnersliip witli. government for (]JuiCaing Safety DATE: 8/3/lG JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-2537 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Drive SET: II 1:1 PLICANT JURIS. 1:1 PLAN REVIEWER 1:1 FILE PROJECT NAME: Legoland Maintenance Yard Sand Blast Room -TI D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the juri$diction's codes. D The pl·ans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified pelow are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of tbe check list has been sent to: D EsGil Corporation staff did not a<,ivise the ~pplicant that the plan check has been completed. IE! EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Michelle Bleeker Telephone#: 949-701-5729 Date contacted: , .... 3 (by:qj() Email: tmtpermits@gmail.com .t. Mail )( Telephone X Fax In Person D REMARKS.: By: Doug Moody EsGil Corporation D GA D EJ tJ MB D PC Enclosures: 7/28/16 9~20 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 20& + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 ...... \ City of Carlsbad 16-2537 8/3/16 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Pl~nnirig, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring two corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. These corrections are in response to items not fully addressed or as the result of information provided, the text in bold print indicates the unresolved issue. 2. Please provide plans and calculations signed by the California State licensed engineer or architect for the structural lateral bracing of the new booth and dust collection system design for wind loading . Include all calc~lations and finding on the plans. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and date plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. Per our phone conversation the booth anchorage will be adequate but a design for the dust collection system (with an equipment height of 10'6") must be designed for overturning. 3. · Please provide complete electrical plans. The reference plans provided do not show the electrical for the new equipment? Provide electrical plans. 4. Please provide panel schedules, indicate new and existing loads. Please indicate on the plans the location of the electrical panel serving the new equipment and detail the required working clearance. No information provided. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any-changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: ,..,., City of Carlsbad 16-2537 8/3/16 Yes .Q No Q The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Doug Moody at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. EsGil Corporation In <Partnersliip witli government for <BuiMing Safety DATE: 7/11/16 JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-2537 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Drive SET: I D ffi'PLICANT ...,..e:r-JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Legoland Maintenance Yard Sand Blast Room -TI D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes . . D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Michelle Bleeker Telephone#: 949-701-5729 /4 Date con)acted;y/ l 1,--(by:('cJ_ Email: tmtpermits@gmail.com C1/ Mail vf elephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Doug Moody EsGil Corporation D GA O EJ D MB O PC Enclosures: 6/30/16 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Cify of Carlsbad 16-2537 7/11/16 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST TENANT IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-2537 OCCUPANCY: Fl TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VB ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: .SPRINKLERS?: Unknown REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 6/28/16 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW ·CQMP~ETED: 7 / 11/ 16 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad USE: Blast Booth ACTUAL AREA: 307 sf STORIES: 1 HEIGHT: OCCUPANTLOAD: 3 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 6/30/16 PLAN REVIEWER: Doug Moody rhis plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 2013 CBC, which adopts the 2012 IBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 105.4 of the 2012 International Building Code, the approval 6f the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e.,. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. ' City of Carlsbad 16-2537 7/11/16 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of pfans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring two corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering arid Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 1. Please provide the UL listing and manufacturer's installation information for all new equipment to be installed. Show all electrical requirements, plumbing requirements, exhaust or mechanical requirements, operational weight, anchorage and seismic restraints if required etc. Section 107.2. 2. Please provide plans and calculations signed by the California State licensed · engineer or architect for the structural lateral bracing of the new booth and dust collection system design for wind loading . Include a.II calculations and finding on the plans. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and date plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 3. Please provide complete electrical plans. 4. Please provide panel schedules, indicate new and existing loads. Please indicate on the plans the location of the electrical panel serving the new equipment and detail the required working clearance .. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed; i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes D No D " City of Carlsbad 16-2537 7/11/16 The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560~1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Doug Moody at Esgil Corporation. fhank you. ' ,. City of Carlsbad 16-2537 7/11/16 [DO NOT PAY -THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Doug Moody BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Drive BUILDING OCCUPANCY: Fl BUILDING AREA Valuation PORTION (_Sq.Ft.) Multiplier Tl 307 City valuation ,. .. Air Conditioning Fire· Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code Cb By Ordinance Bldg. Permt Fee by Ordnance ... Plan O\eck Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: [:] Complete .Review ORepetitive Fee ,.. Repeats Comments: D Other D Hourly EsGil Fee PLAN CHECK NO.: 16-2537 DATE: 7/11/16 Reg. VALUE Mod. D Structural Only ,,_ ___ _,, Hr. @ • ($) 11,174 11,174 $132.33! $86.011 $74.101 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc + ~i:~-.... --------------------------------------.. ~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL DATE: 07-12-2016 PROJECT NAME: 'LEGO LAND MAINTENANCE YARD T.I. PLAN CHECK NO: SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 1 LEG0LAND DR. VALUATION: $11,174 Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov PROJECT ID: CB16-2537 APN: 211-100-09 This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the ENGINEERING Division. By: CG 7/12/16 A Final Inspection by the Division is required Oves 0No · _J This plan check .review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: TMTPERMITS@GMAIL.COM You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuanc,e of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: D ··PLANNING· ··~-4610 Chri$ Sexton 760-,602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov f J Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 . Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: ' ' ' '' .ENGINEE~ING:., . ·. ,76o-eo2~Z7-50 Chris Glassen 760~602-2784 Christopher.Glassen@carlsbadca.gov Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov · .FIR.E, .. PREVINTION/ .. ' '76(H,()2-4665'. ' _ .. _j Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregory .. Ryan@carlsbadca.gov Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov 1 Dominic Fieri ' 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov ~7r ....... _________________________ _ 4 ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST QUICK-CHECK/APPROVAL Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov ENGINEERING Plan Check for CB16-2537 Date:07-12-2016 Project Address: 1 LEGO LAND DR. · APN: 211-100-09 . . . INSTALL PRE-FAB BLAST ROOM, DUST $11174 ProJect Description: COLLECTION, AND MEDIA RECLAMATION SYSTEM, . Valuation: , 307 SQ. FT. ENGINEERING Contact : CHRIS GLASSEN Phone: 760-602-2784 0 RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR 0 RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (<$20,000.00) C CARLSBAD PREMIER OUTLETS O0THER: GYM . BY: CG 7/12/16 REMARKS: NO ADDITIONAL ENGINERING FEE Email: Christopher.Glassen@carlsbadca.gov Fax: 760-602-1052 lZ] TENANT IMPROVEMENT 0 PLAZA CAMINO REAL 0 COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING DAtE:07-1'2-2016· . -<:;' I i ': : ·1 .. ~, . J ' , -,'; ! . i No,tification of Engineeti~g: APPROVA~' ttas be!?' s~ntiQ' TM!PERl'J,1l[S@GMA]LCOM .. • ' : '.' .. '' '.• I · via EMAIL o.n · 01~1-2~2ota· · . -, ·I .;..._ II • ....... ;.. • ....;_ • • -~ • • ---11-11 _..•ti~ I(• ...... • • .....; • a--...,_,,,-11,, .. ---•'•iii,.....,. .. ·•,.;,......,;. -II,....., '11:.-• .,..... II -~-....... •' • .....;. ii • ~ '• • --:. • . Page1of1 REV 4/30/11 . ~ /4f~J~ ~.~ ~·~ ~..,,, Cl.TY Q F CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING PLAN CHECK APPROVAL P-29 Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.2ov DATE: 7/19/16 PROJECT NAME: Prefab Blast Room PROJECT ID: N/A PLAN CHECK NO: CB162537 SET#: 1 ADDRESS: 1 Legoland Drive APN: 211-100-09-00 [XI ihis plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By: Teri Delcamp A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Division is required D Yes ~ No You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. D· This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to: TMTPERMITS@GMAIL.COM For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: . . 'Pi.ANNING '760;.602461:0· · ' --~ ' ' " D Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov D Gina Ruiz 760-602-4675 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov t:8:1 teri Delcamp 760-602-4611 teri.delcamp@carlsbadca.gov Remarks: ,, ,j :_', D Chris Glassen 760-602-2784 Christopher.Glassen@carlsbadca.gov D ValRay Marshall 760-602-27 41 ValRay.Marshall@carlsbadca.gov D Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov D Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Gregory.Ryan@carlsbadca.gov D CindyWong 760-602-4662 Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov D Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov «-~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK Community & Economic REVI ~ ,,.Q~~f¾l9pment Department · . G DEPT Cu ,r' l 1635 Faraday Avenue TRANS Ml ;,, · • Carlsbad CA 92008 www.carlsbadca.gov DATE: 07/26/16 PROJECT NAME: LEGOLAND MAINTENANCE YARD PROJECT ID PLAN CHECK NO: CB162537 SET#: FIRE ADDRESS: 1 LEGOLAN.D DR [gj. This. plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the Fire Division. By: DENNIS GRUBB & ASSOCIATES A Final Inspection by the Fire Division is required ig]_Yes D No D This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked: '' ' ·- PLANNING ENGINEERING · . :f.lRE' PR·EVENTION· 760-60~-4610 760-602-2750 760.£02-4665 ,,·'. ' ' ' D Chris Sexton ·D Kathleen Lawrence ~ DENNIS GRUBB & ASSOC. 760-602-4624 760-602-27 41 Chris.Sexton@carlsbadca.gov Kathleen.Lawrence@carlsbadca.gov Christina.wilson@carlsbadca.gov D Gina Ruiz D Linda Ontiveros D Cindy Wong 760-602-4675 760-602-2773 760-602-4662 Gina.Ruiz@carlsbadca.gov Linda.Ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Cynthia.Wong@carlsbadca.gov D D D Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic.Fieri@carlsbadca.gov a Carlsbad Fire Department BLDG. DEPT COPY Plan Review Requirements Category: TI , INDUST Date ofReport:'07-26-2016 Reviewed by: ___ .=Dc...::G=A-=------ Name: Address: TITAN SPRAY BOOTHS & PRODUCTION SYSTEMS, INC. SUITEF327 Permit#: CB162537 2588 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Job Name: LEGOLAND: PREFAB SAND BLAST Job Address: 1 LEGOLAND DR CBAD INCOl\'IPLETE The item yott have soomittea for revievt is i11em.11plete. At this tinle, this offiee eannot ade€lttately eo11dttet a re1liew to determine eomplianee with the appliea"hle @oaes ruia/or stanaards. Pl@ase r@vie:w e(lfefuUy all @omm@11ts attaeh@d. Please resoomit the 11eeessary plruis and/or speeifieatio11s, v.ith ehruiges "eloMded", to this offiee for review and approval; Conditions: Cond: CON0009030 [METl APPROVED Entry: 07/26/2016 By: DGA Action: AP APPROVED ., Dennis, G:r0:b:b and Associates,, LLC Assisting Cities Builtl Sole Comnumities To: City of Carlsbad RECEIVED· Date: 7/6/16 1635 Faraday Ave DGA P.C. #: C6159 Carlsbad, CA 92008 JUL o 8 2016 Carlsbad Permit#: CB162537 Attention: Fire Prevention Dep~f!Ji~Rf.SBAD . EPARTMENT Project Address: 1 Legoland Dr. PLAN TYPE D Alarm Sys (new) D Architectural New: D Sprinkler Tl D <100 D~ 100 D Underground D Lg D Sm D Special Extinguish Sys D Spray Booth: # D Alarm Sys (Tl) D Architectural Tl: D Sprinkler New D <100 D ~ 100 Risers: D AS Monitoring D HPS D Sprinkler 130 ·D Hood Suppression Sys D Fire Pump D Pre-Action System D AST/UST D Compressed/Med Gas D Solar System D Hazardous Material (Non H) D Chem Class: 0<10 D 10-25 D 26-100 D > 100 D Special Hazard: D Conditional Use Permit D Site [gj Other: Special Equipment PLAN STATUS l [gj APPROVED: The plans have been reviewed for complfance to appl,icable agency codes and standards. The plans are approved for issuance ffr applicable permit(s) pending the approval of any other applicable County/City agencies. D NOT APPROVED: The plans have been reviewed for compliance to applicable agency codes and standards. Corrections are required before the plans can be approved. See the attached correction letter. Comments: 1st PC 3hrs; ,;::: ~-7 tJ 6550 Van Buren Blvd, Ste E, Riverside, CA. 92503 (800) 975-7395 * (951)772-0007 i~~, .. •• ~~l t i J, :. i. 1-1 '~ ., lt.f ~ 'it' f' '" l :Jt~·:"{,: 1{, ' !1i1 .,,t~-r:ir. · 1. · . ·0: :1.:J\-¼. :~~~' t, .::'ffi-,; ,, .. ~ ---~ -. ' ~ ;,;~1/ :t:Yit ~t ·jtiJ~f :tf,S'l~tt1\~~ \f;~*w:i·:;-;!~li~J :1Nf~lf~it >--.'7':"Y ·---· . '··'':i·J.1 la1·~ --• ' • ' -• 'l:}. 'i-1 / · · : _ .~\-:\_ . )1:~ WI · i\h~ . :. --\ \ :>-~-:-~ < . ·-~ .-: . ' ~-)?;.iJ~,~~ ~f ; ~l~l \ \ t~E-CBlVEO.'-'·-... if if· . r·.i}, ... \\, \ 2:-.-~..:_;,~;;,~;,,;;:.:~~'7~~\! ~t: _·. !!~jJ -_:..---:-:-:"."'-:-; ~-,: . . . : -ttE·::p· 1. oc..,0·1·6 ; ,. . , ,,~~ . . ~iJ1 ·----· ---,J · ~JJ_.f.: __ : · --. : Itr: : Ji./f· . {'~! ' . ~ tt,-t" ... . .. ~·t '}. -~ ·, • • 1 ; i' "l J ... 11 ~ l '\ _ l • ,;. ' ·AbP3sive:Recci~E!tf:.:SyStefus· . . . . · ---:~ .. ;·i:: . t:/f·:., ;:_: .. ;· ·. . ..-\·-·,-·.,.· :·t _ _-i:.~:,.-1:ro..-·1·Lo J:)h3· '-:/_. ·~ _'):',:if.. j' '! I' ,,:. ,(;_' ,.• ;:,,<:·)l·t.· ;_!,{,'. •',.i -:~· · '.,,z._.._J•' .. ·,-r:: Abrasive Recovery Systems by Clemco® Save Time and Labor Reduce Abrasive Costs Reduce Disposal Costs with economical, low-maintenance sweep-in recovery systems Cost Saving & Productivity Gains I nstalling a Clemco sweep-in recovery system allows you to select from a . wide range of recyclable blast' media -glass bead, aluminum oxide, plastic, steel shot and grit, cut wire, and more. Expendable abrasives are inexpensive and widely available, but they break down rapidly often after just one use. The used abrasive dust must be packed for disposal, possibly as hazardous waste if it contains paint dust. Recyclable abrasives cost more to buy, but can cut your annual media costs. For example, steel grit costs about ten times more per ton than mineral abra- sives, but can be recycled hundreds of times. Depending on the application, steel grit cleans at rates comparable to mineral abrasives. And when the steel grit does break down, the dust and fine particles are carried automatically to the dust collector and are deposited in the dust drum for disposal. Stop blasting outdoors, where weather dictates your schedule. Blast all day, even •round the clock when production needs demand it -without stirring dis- content among your neighbors or the EPA. A sweep-in recovery system, with a high-efficiency dust collector, is an economical alternative to a full-floor recovery system. It can be installed in an existing blast room or ordered with a new enclosure. ~~e~p~qgveJ!tsy.stem~autoinatic.aUy dep.rtL, _!$~-clable-~brasi-Ve'"$-,-.---at}a transpo~~_r~K,r~tlffl ~ach1n.e:~~tm~dia;liu,y,gs·UP· - ~n the e11clos~re flqQ..i;;~1.4they.;;u-se~~J;,~ co~n;small*aatqr_U9....pJt$A,.the~abras1ve...1 Jnto~es.r~~J:Y,_s,y,ate.niS:--- \-, _ ... ...---~ ~-----rl. ~y"='eleaffihg-ancl'.:"teeytling:the.~"ra!li.~w.ee}):..'in:,~ ~~~syst~~eS"'..matenaFeosts-;-compared·to"using"~ expenaat,fo.ajw.!.sives,;::;-.Aiio~wiifrruFfn-ffi5ori-'ecovt"ry'--"~ <S~~_m:~time:bhrsting;=less~t1me,filmc!Iiiig~ 9i6rastv:es~ ~--- RECLAIMER WITH OPTIONAL BOOSTER EXHAUSTER PRESSURE BLAST MACHINE General a"angement of an M-Section System Standard and Custom Sweep-In Systems M-SECTI ON® Systems for g1~ bead, plastic media and aluminum oxide . . ' ' ! ·.:j 0 ur standard sweep-in M-Section® pneumatic recovery systems efficiently recover and recycle most medium and low-density blast media, such as glass bead, plastic, and aluminum oxide up to 36 grit and others less than 100 lbs per cubic foot. The recovery section unit recesses in a shallow channel, just 8 inches deep, for a true sweep-in operation, or can be surface-mounted where conditions will not allow excavation. HOPPER Systems for steel grit and shot 0 ur hopper recovery systems, with bucket elevator, process up to 180 cubic feet per hour of dense and coarse media, such as steel grit and shot. With the 3 ft. x :3 ft. hopper system, flush mounting requires a pit just 4 1/2 feet deep. Where a high water table prevents '-'-'-~-~~~ excavation, the smaller 2 ft. x 2 ft. system .,, ...... . can be wall-mounted and shovel-fed. 3 X 3 HOPPER SYSTEM BELT CONVEYOR Systems ror steel grit and shot D. esigned primarily for heavy abrasives, such as steel and other heavy coarse-mesh media, our two standard belt conveyor sweep-in systems can continuously reclaim up to 180 cuft of abrasive per hour and are available in standard lengths of 10 feet and 20 feet, and up to 100 feet long by special order. Belt systems feature a durable 12-inch wide belt, 2 HP drum motor, air-wash abrasive cleaner, bucket elevator and floor grat- ing to cover the in-floor belt and recovery hoppers. These systems offer low-cost operation, consuming only a fraction of the power needed to run a screw recovery system, and require little maintenance. The hopper feeds material to the belt through a tube in a controlled manner preventing belt overload and media overflow. .... :,~fl 7 STANDARD JO FOOT ., / BELT CONVEYOR . ,,:,;;·'3/ WITH ADJUSTABLE :'.:?ffo/ DRIVE SECTION ,/ 'y·:.;__ :~~" ···-... , • ' f ) Specifications and Options BELT CONVEYOR HOPPER M-SECTION® Floor Recovery 1 ft. wide continuous belt, 2 ft. x 2 ft. surface-mount 1 ft. wide "M" shaped recovery Components 2 HP drum motor, 10-gauge steel construction Floor Recovery Area 3 ft. wide x 10 ft. or 20 ft. long; longer sections up to 100 ft. by special order Grating 250 lbs/ sq.ft. uniform load Media Transfer Bucket elevator with poly buckets on 4-inch wide belt; 1 hp motor Media-Cleaning . Air-wash abrasive cleaner; l/4hpmotor Media Storage 56 cu.ft. total (50 cu.ft. storage hopper, atop 6 cu.ft. blast machine) Dust Collection Ventilates abrasive cleaner. Blast room dust collector must be ordered separately Blast Machine ASME-code 6 cuit. capacity sta- tionary blast machine with Sentinel metering valve, 1LR-300 pneumat- ic remote controls with ACS, 1- 1/4" ID coupled blast hose and TXP-6 nozzle Electrical Specifications 230/460 volt, 3 phase, 60 hz. Please specify Operator Safety Equipment Apollo 600 HP DLX supplied- air respirator, Clem-Cool air conditioner, respirator hose, CPF-breathing-air filter, heavy-duty blast suit, gloves, and replacement lenses Start-Up Supervision One technician for one day Other Options • 600 cfm abrasive-cleaner dust collector with 1 hp motor or RP-cartridge collector with 1 hp motor (required if room ventilation system cannot accommodate abrasive cleaner ventilation) • 100 or 200 cu. ft. storage hopper Outstanding Distributor Support Our Authorized Distributors can help you plan the blast facility that works best for your application and budget. For the name of your local Distributor and a free Industrial Planning Guide, visit us online at www.clemcoindustries.com. hopper, or 3 ft. x 3 ft. channel recessed hopper NIA 1 ft. wide by 8 ft., 10 ft., or 12 ft. long 250 lbs/ sq,.ft. uniform load 2000 lbs/ sq .ft. uniform load Bucket elevator with poly Vacuum duct to media reclaimer buckets on 4-inch wide belt; .Q:hpiilotor mounted on reclaimer 1 hp motor with optional dry filter) Not included but needed: Air-Adjustable cyclonic separator wash abrasive cleaner; 1/4 hp with wear plate motor. Order separately. 16 cu.ft. total (10 cu.ft. abra-12 cu.ft. total (6 cu.ft. hopper sive cleaner atop 6 cu.ft. blast atop 6 cu.ft. blast machine) machine) Not included; order separate-..J?OO cfm dry filter or self- ly, one for ventilating the cleaning RP-cartridge abrasive cleaner, another for collector .£,2hg.!!i~or mounted ventilating the blast room on RP collector). entilates media reclaimer only. Blast room dust collector must be ordered separately Order Separately ASME-code 6 cu.ft. capacity sta- tionary blast machine with fine mesh Sentinel metering valve, 1LR-300 pneumatic remote con- trols with ACS, 1-1/4" ID coupled blast hose and TXP-6 nozzle 230/460 volt, 3 phase, 60 hz. 230/460 volt, 3 phase, 60 hz. Please specify Please specify Order Separately Order Separately ~ Order Separately Order Separately • 600 cfm abrasive-cleaner • Rubber-lined reclaimer for dust collector with 1 hp aggressive media motor or RP,cartridge • 12 or 18 cu.ft. storage collector with 1 hp motor hopper to extend blasting (required if room ventilation time between recovery system cannot accommodate cycles ~ abrasive cleaner ventilation) • Ramp plates to enhance access to surface-mounted recovery channel Distributed by: ISO 9001:2008 certified. Clemco is committed to continuous product improvement. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Stock No 09315 © 2012 Clemco Industries Corp, • Washin2,ton, MO • 636 239-4300 • fAX 800 726-7559 • info@clemcoindusnies.com 0880 Rev. F, 12/12 , " RECEIVED SEP 12 2016 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DIVISION © 2012 Clemco Industries Corp. One Cable Car Drive Washington, MO 63090 Phone: (636) 239-4300 Fax: (800) 726-7559 Email: info@clemcoindustries.com www.clemcoindustries.com l~!?!!!,!I by Clemco Industries Corp. M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY O.M. 23647 MC FILE NUMBER: 2178-02/03 DATE OF ISSUE: 02/03 REVISION: D 03/12 AWARNING Do not proceed with these instructions* until you have READ the orange cover of this MANUAL and YOU UNDERSTAND its contents. These WARNINGS are included,'for the health and safety of the operator and those in the i(mmediate vicinity. *If you are using a Clemco Distributor Maintenance and Part Guide, refer to the orange warnings insert preceding the Index before continuing with the enclosed instructions. Electronic files include a Preface containing the same important information as the orange cover. t' M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope of Manual 1.1.1 This installation guide assists the user in the assembly of a Clemco Sweep-in M-Section ® recovery system. Reviewing the process before beginning the installation will simplify the assembly. Supplemental manuals are included for the blast machines, accessories, and optional reverse-pulse dust collector. 1.1.2 All references made in these instructions are for 900 cfm reclaimers. If a larger reclaimer is requested, the system will be furnished on a job order and will include a separate reclaimer manual. 1.1.3 Job Order Equipment: If the recovery system is custom designed equipment and furnished on a jot:> order, assembly drawings for the specific M-Section ® and accessories are supplied in the job order manual. This guide is not a shortcut to assemble job order equipment; use the guide as well as the drawings and accessory manuals, for placement and assembly of the M-Sections ® and accessories. Refer to the table of contents shown at the beginning of the job order manual for the tab sections of each component accessory manual and electrical drawings. 1.2 Safety Alerts 1.2.1 Clemco uses safety alert signal words, based on ANSI 2535.4-1998, to alert the user of a potentially hazardous situation that may be encountered While operating this equipment. ANSI's definitions of the signal words are as follows: This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert the user of this equipment of potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death. CAUTION Caution used without the safety alert symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage. A CAUTION Caution indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. AWA~NING Warning indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. A DANGER Danger indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. 1.3 General Description 1,3.1 The Sweep-in M-Section ® system consists of the pneumatic recovery section with grating and transition elbow, 900 cfm reclaimer, 6 cu. ft. storage hopper, flex hoses, blast machine, and choice of a reverse-pulse dust collector or dry filter. Standard M- Sections ® come in 8-foot, 10-foot, and 12-foot lengths. Figure 1 shows the components supplied with standard sweep-in systems with RPH dust collector. Figure 2 shows the reclaimer connected to a dry filter. If the Sweep-in was supplied on a job order 0ob order equipment), refer to the job order general arrangement drawings for the layout of equipment. Optional operator safety equipment is also available. 1.4 Dust Collector Options A WARNING Prolonged exposure to any dust could result in serious lung disease and death. Short term ingestion of toxic materials, such as lead dust or dust from other heavy metals and corrosives, could cause serious respiratory injury or death. Identify all materials that are to be removed by blasting. Use reverse-pulse dust collectors with HEPA after-filters if lead coating or any other toxic materials are being removed by the blasting process. Do not use dust collectors with simple cloth filters for those applications. 1.4.1 Dust collector: The system uses one of two dust collectors, RPH-2 reverse-pulse dust collector, or dry filter. 1.4.2 Dry Filter: Push-through dry filter uses tubular filters which trap dust on their inner surfaces. A dry filter is efficient for moderate dust contamination. The filters must be manually shaken every two hours and the dust drawer emptied regularly. This type of dust collection must never be used in applications which generate toxic dust. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clerncoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page2 Damper / RPH Dust Collector A separate manual is provided with this ,option. Light Flex Hose -------------·-----------------._ ...... ,~ Heavy Lined Flex Hose ~ NOTE: If a customer-furnished dust collector is used. An exhaust damper, Stock No. 22340 must be placed before the dust collector inlet. Externally-Adjustable Vortex Reclaimer Wear Plate Storage Hopper · Blast Machine Separate manuals are provided for the blast machine and remote controls. ~~,.--Pressure Regulator Air Filter / Weighted Air Damper Sweep-in M-Section ® Grating Transition Elbow Transition Elbow Wear Plate / © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D Cover, air inlet hopper Figure 1 M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page3 Light Flex Hose Externally-Adjustable Vortex Heavy Lined Flex Hose From transition "'-._ Debris Screen NOTE: If a customer-fl,Jrnished dust collector is used. An exhaust damper, Stock No. 22340 must be placed between the reclaimer and dust collector. 1.4.3 Reverse-pulse Dust Collector: The pull-thru reverse-pulse dust collector is the moi;;t efficient dust collector option. This type of dust collector used with the optional HEPA filter must be used in applications in which toxic dust is generated. Cartridge filters are -eleaned by a periodic pulse of air. See separate m;anual for operation of reverse-pulse dust collectors. 1.4.4 HEPA Filter: HE:PA filters !!1Y.§! be used when removing lead coatings or ~ other toxic materials. Optional HEPA after-filters provide additional filtration, and are available for use with reverse-pulse collector only. 1.5 Reclaimer NOTE: Rubber-lined reclaimers should be used with systems using aggressive media. Replaceable rubber liners may be field installed. See Optional Accessories in Section 14.1. 1.5.1 Reclaimers are divided into two categories, Push-thru and Pull-thru. • Push-thru reclaimers have an exhauster mounted on · top of the reclaimer. Air is pushed through the filter tubes on a dry filter dust collector. The dry filter is under a slight positive pressure. • Pull-thru reclaimers do not have an exhauster, and are used with reverse-pulse dust collectors. Rather, the exhauster is mounted on the dust collector outlet, and pulls the air through the dust collector; the dust collector is under negative pressure. Dust Drawer Figure 2 1.5.2 Standard reclaimers are 900 cfm. All references made in these instructions are for 900 cfm reclaimers. If a larger reclaimer is requested, the system will be furnished on a job order and will include a separate reclaimer manual. 1.6 Media 1.6.1 Unless noted otherwise, standard M-Sections® accommodate most common reusable media between 60 and 180 mesh that is specifically manufactured for dry blasting. 1.6.2 Steel: Steel shot and steel grit are not recommended for use with standard M-Section ® pneumatic recovery systems. Smaller sized steel may be used on job order equipment, but this requirement must be stated ahead of time so that the equipment may be modified accordingly. 1.6.3 Sand and Slag: Sand should ,nmr be used because of the respiratory hazards associated with the use of media containing free siliQa. Slags are not recommended because they rapidly breakdown. 1.6.4 Silicon Carbide, Aluminum Oxide, and Garnet: These are the most aggressive, high volume abrasives in the blasting industry. Aggressive media such as these may be used with the M-Section®, but accelerated wear will occur on any equipment components which come in contact with the abrasive. To avoid unscheduled down time, periodically inspect the © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page4 M-Section®, reclaimer, reclaimer booster exhauster, , hoses, and nozzle for abrasive wear. When occasionally using_ aggressive abrasive, install an optional aluminum oxide kit. When these abrasives are used extensively, use a full rubber-lined reclaimer and a reverse-pulse dust collector. Interior rubber lining on blasting enclosures is recommended. Nozzles lined with boron carbide are optional, but recommended ·to extend nozzle wear)life. 1.6,5 Glass Bead, #6 thru #12: Most beads have been treated to ensure free-flow operation even under moderately high humidity conditions. Glass beads subjected to excessive moisture may be reused after thorough drying and breaking up of any lumps. 1.6.6 Fine Mesh Media: When using very fine media (180 mesh and finer), the inlet baffle of the reclaimer may need to be removed. Consult the factory before proceeding with its removal. 1.6.7 Lightweight Media, 12 thru 40 mesh: When using plastic m~ia, and some agricultural media, the inlet baffle of the reclaimer may need to be removed. Consult the factory before proceeding with its removal. NOTE: Standard Aerolyte reclaimers are shipped without an inlet baffle. 2.0 PREPARE ASSEMBLY SITE 2.1 Reclaimer and Blast Machine: Provide space to access the reclaimer fill (access) door, blast machine inspection door, and vortex adjustment. 2.2 Dust Collector: Provide space to remove waste drums from under the dust collector hopper, access the sequence control panel, and exhaust damper. Space is needed above the collector to fully open the lid. 2.3 Electrical Service: Make sure electrical service is available for all electrical controls. Standard reclaimer motors ,(motor is on dust collector when optional reverse-pulse dust collector is used) are 3-ph., 230/460 volt. 115 volt power is required for reverse-pulse dust collector sequence panels. 2.4 Compressed Air: Compressed air must be plumbed to the blast machine inlet, dust collector pulse manifold, and any pneumatic accessories such as respirators and air blow-off nozzles. 2.5 If the sweep-in is recessed, make sure the pit is large enough for the M-Sections® and transition. Refer to the foundation drawings. 3.0 PLACEMENT A WARNING Failure to observe these warnings could result in serious injury or death. • Weight and bulk of the components require that erection and placement of the equipment be performed by personnel experienced with handling structural steel, and able to safely operate material handling equipment needed to assemble the eq_uipment. Assembly personnel must take care to recognize and avoid hazards associated with handling this type of equipment. • To move this equipment use the lifting eyes that are provided on each segment. Never hoist the equipment by the legs, handle or piping, or with a sling through anything other than the lifting eyes. • Keep the equipment level and upright when moving and lifting. Use guy-lines to steady the equipment during moving and placement, and to prevent equipment from tipping-. • Always use appropriately rated lifting apparatus (the lifting device, chains or slings, and attachment hardware) rated higher than the weight of the equipment. • Stay clear of equipment while it is being raised or moved; do not work under any elevated equipment. Refer to the individual manuals for detailed installation instructions for each component. 3.1 Move all the large components to their approximate location (refer to the assembly drawing on job order equipment), and position all units before final assembly. 3.2 The blast machine and dust collector must be placed on sound footing that will allow permanent anchoring. 3.3 All components must be protected from weather and water infiltration. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Pages 4.0 ASSEMBLY 4.1 M-Section®¥ 4.1.1 If the M-Section® is recessed, make sure the M- Section® trough is clear of debris. , 4.1.2 Set the M-Section® in the trough or position it on the floor surface. 4.1.3 Remove all debris, bolts, nuts, etc. from the M- Section® hoppers. 4.1.4 Install grating over the M-Section®, and temporarily cover the grate to prevent debris from falling into M-Section® during remaining assembly. 4.2 Blast Machine 4.2.1 Rotate the blast machine to align the blast hose connection toward the blast room, and to provide the best access for the compressed air plumbing. 4.2.2 Apply adhesive-backed strip gasket to the top of the flange on the blast machine. Punch out an opening at each bolt hole. 4.2.3 Place the storage hopper on the blast machine. The access door should be on the bottom, and rotated to allow access to Joad media. Be careful not to damage the flange gasket. An air leak at the flange will carry good media to the dust collector. Bolt into place. Apply adhesive-backed gasket to the top flange of the storage hopper as described in Section 4.2.2. 4.3 Reclaimer (If the system is job order equipment, refer to the Table of Contents for the reclaimer manual, which contains additional essential information.) 4.3.1 Rotate the reclaimer to enable full access to the door and to connect the flex hose from the transition elbow to the reclaimer inlet adaptor, with as few bends as possible. 4.3.2 Using a lift, raise the reclaimer over the blast machine and storage hopper, and carefully lower it in place, being careful not to damage the flange gasket. An air leak at the flange will carry good media to the dust collector. Bolt in place with fasteners provided. A WARNING Do not work under the reclaimer while it is hanging from the lifting device. Severe injury or death could occur if the reclaimer is released before it is secured to the media chamber. 4.3.3 Use ropes or other means to temporarily support the blast machine and reclaimer during final assembly. Do not remove the temporary supports until the equipment is securely anchored. 4.3.4 Rotate the externally-adjustable vortex cylinder and exhauster, to align the exhauster outlet toward the dust collector inlet so flex hose can be connected to the dust collector inlet with minimum bends. 4.4 RPH Oust Collector: Refer to the RPH Dust Collector Manual. See Section 4.5 for dry filter dust collector. 4.4.1 Position the dust collector to align the flex hose from the reclaimer outlet to the dust collector inlet. 4.4.2 Connect a dust drum to the bottom of dust hopper. 4.4.3 Install dust collector filter cartridges if shipped separately. 4.5 Dry Filter Oust Collector 4.5.1 Dry filters can be converted to left or right hand inlet. If it is more convenient to have the inlet on the opposite sfde, switch the inlet adaptor and blank cover. 4.6 Interconnecting Flex Hose Connections Make sure each end is securely fastened with clamps to prevent media and dust from escaping. 4.6.1 Refer to the general assembly drawing in Figures 1 and 2, and connect flex hoses as follows: 4.6.2 Connect the 6" ID heavy-lined flex hose from the M-Section® transition to the reclaimer inlet. 4.6.3 Connect the 7" ID flexible interconnecting hose between the reclaimer outlet and dust collector/dry filter inlet. It may be easier to slip the hose over the adaptors, and create a tighter seal, if the first two or three inches of wire are removed from the inside of the hose. Use care not to damage the hose. Secure with worm clamps. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page6 5.0 COMPRESSED AIR CONNECTIONS 5.1 The following equipment requires compressed air. Refer to the manuals shown in the Table of Contents for the air requirements on job order equipment. • Blast machine requires air to the inlet plumbing. • Optional CPF Air filter requires at least Grade "D" air for the supplied-air respirator. • Optional carbon monoxide monitor requires air from the line supplying air to the CPF filter. • RPH Dust collector requires air to the pulse manifold. 5.2 Refer to the table in Figure 3 to determine the maximum cfm through schedule-40 pipe. Size the air line accordingly. Do not use any restrictive fittings or adaptors that reduce the ID smaller than the size shown. MAXIMUM CFM FLOW THROUGH SCHEDULE-40 PIPE Applle9 Nominal Standard Pipe Size in Inches Pressure Psi 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 5 7 13 27 40 80 135 240 10 11 21 44 64 125 200 370 20 19 35 75 110 215 350 600 40 34 62 135 200 385 640 1100 60 50 93 195 290 560 900 1600 80 65 120 . 255 380 720 1200 2100 -100 80 150 315 470 900 1450 2600 150 115 220 460 680 1350 2200 3900 Figure 3 5.3 Determine where the blast hose, control hose, and respiratc;>r supply enter the blast room, and install the optional CPF filter and optional carbon monoxide monitor close by. Follow the installation instructions in those manuals. 5.4 Install an appropriately-sized isolation valve at each air line branch to enable depressurization for service. 6.0 ELECTRICAL SERVICE A WARNING Electrical power must be locked out and tagged out before continuing. Shorting electrical components could result in serious electrical shocks, or damage the equipment. All electrical work, or any work done inside an electrical panel, must be performed by a qualified electrician, and comply with applicable codes. 6.1 Job Order Equipment: A wiring schematic is furnished for all electrical accessories furnished by Clemco. The schematics are packed in the control panel. An extra schematic is included with the manual. Use the schematics for making electrical connections. 6.2 Standard Equipment: Wire 115 volt to the dust collector sequence (a schematic is packed in the panel) and 3 ph. wiring from the motor to the customer-supplied disconnect and controls. 6.3 After the wiring is completed, observe the warning below, and check the motor rotation. To check rotation, jog the starter (momentarily turn switch on and off). This will cause the motor to rotate slowly. Look through the slots in the fan housing on top of the motor where rotation of the fan can easily be observed. Proper rotation is indicated by the arrow on the exhauster housing. The fan should rotate toward the exhauster outlet. A WARNING Do not look into the reclaimer exhauster outlet while the paddle-wheel is turning. Injury to the eye or face could occur from objects being ejected from the exhauster. 6.4 Check the amperage on initial start up. If the motor draws excessive amperage, gradually close the damper until the amperage is within the specifications shown on the motor plate. The damper is located on the inlet of dry filters, and on the exhauster outlet of reverse- pulse collectors. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page7 7.0 FINAL ASSEMBLY 7.1 Anchors 7.1.1 Holes are provided on the RPH dust collector and blast machine legs. Use the holes to anchor the equipment to sound footings. 7.1.2 Bolt a steel angle from a reclaimer bolt to a nearby, sound structural part. 7 .2 Hose Connections 7 .2.1 Make sure that all compressed-air supply hose connections are secured with safety lock pins and safety cables to prevent accidental separation or disconnection. Safety cables and lock pins are listed in Section 14.1 of this manual. A WARNING. Hose disconnection while under pressure could cause serious injury or death. Use safety lock pins and safety cables on all coupling connections to help prevent hose couplings from accidental ~isconnection. 7 .2.2 Install the blast hose and control hose per instructions in the blast machine and remote control manuals. 7.2.3 Connect the respirator supply hose· from the CPF filter to the respirator per instructions in the CPF filter and respirator manuals. 8.0 PRE START-1,JP CHECKS 8.1 Start the air compressor per the manufacturer's starting and operating procedures. 8.2 Shut off the sequence switch on the RPH dust collector sequence panel. 8.3 Slowly open the compressed air lines and listen for leaks or open valves. Check all compressed air lines for leaks, and fix c;1ny that are found. 8.4 Temporarily set pressure regulators as follows: • Blast Machine 125 PSI Max. • CPF Filter 95 PSI • RPH Dust Collector Manifold 20 PSI 8.5 At the control panel, start the recovery system. 8.6 Switch RPH dust collector pulse sequencer "on" and check pulse operation. Turn sequencer "off'' when operation is confirmed. 8. 7 Test the operation of the blast machine and operator safety equipment. 8.8 Shut off the system at the control panel and shut down the compressed air system. 9.0 LOADING AND UNLOADING MEDIA 9.1 Media Capacity: Media capacity of a standard sweep-in system is approximately 6 cu. ft. The system is full when media reaches the level of the blast machine pop-up valve. Overfilling will result in media carryover to the dust collector and possible blockage in the conveying hose. Under certain circumstances the media capacity can be up to 12 cu. ft., but only if the blast machine and storage hopper are emptied before recovering any media. 9.2 Media Loading: If the system is completely emptied,. media can be loaded by pouring it into the M- Sections® hoppers while the exhauster is running. When .adding media, have the exhauster off, and pour clean, dry media into the storage hopper through the access door. Do not pour media directly into the hoppers if the current media level is unknown, as overfilling or blockage may occur. Refill only after all media has been recovered from the blast area. 9.3 Media Unloading: To empty the blast machine and hopper of media, reduce pressure to 40 psi. Place an empty container, such as a drum, in the blast room. Close the choke valve and begin blasting. Direct media flow into the container. Empty the container when full or before it is too heavy to handle, and repeat the process until the machine is empty. If complete purging of media is required, use a vacuum to remove media residue in the hopper and blast machine head. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcolndustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWl;EP-IN RECOVERY Pages 10.0 ADJUSTMENTS 10.1 Weighted Inlet Baffle (transition elbow) Ref. Figure4 Refer to the appropriate manual for adjustment to respirator, blast machine, and RPH dust collector. Damper Door Weight Figure 4 10.1.1 To adjust, loosen the weight on the damper assembly, and plug two hopper sections. Start the recovery system motor, and slide the weight on the rod until the damper door just begins to open. Tighten the weight to maintain the setting and remove the hopper plugs. 10.1.2 Once adjusted, the damper will open to clear the M-Section® transition should it become plugged. 10.2 Static Pressure 10.2.1 A constant static balance is necessary for efficient separation, as the reclaimer operates by a centrifugal balance of velocity, particle weight, and size. The best way to ensure a constant air balance is to set and monitor static pressure with the manometer. Refer to the instructions supplied with the manometer for its use. Use the table in Figure 5 to establish-the static pressure starting point for given media. Media Glass Bead Al. Oxide At. Oxide Plastic Size Static Pressure 8 to 13 .................... 2-1/2 to 3 inches 60 to 80 ........................ 4 to 5 inches 80 and finer ............ 2-1/2 to 3 inches All * ......................... 2-1/2 to 3 inches * Reclaimers not specifically ordered for plastic media must be modified. Consult the factory. i=igure 5 10.2.2 Adjust static pressure by opening or closing the damper. The damper is located on the inlet of dry filters, and on the exhauster outlet of reverse-pulse collectors. Operate the system until the media has gone through several cycles before making additional adjustments. The objective is to obtain a balance of maximum dust removal without media carryover. 10.2.3 To Remove More Fines: (Too much dust in media) If the damper is not opened far enough, the reclaimer will not remove fines, resulting in dusty media, poor visibility, and possible media blockage in the conveying hose. Open the damper enough to increase static pressure by 1/4 inch. After the media has gone through several cycles, check media and adjust the damper as required. 10.2.4 To Remove less Fines: {Too much usable media is being carried to the dust collector) If the damper is opened too far, it may cause carryover (usable media carried into the dust collector) and result in excessive media consumption. Close the damper far enough to decrease static pressure by 1/4 inch. 10.2.5 If the damper has been adjusted and carryover or excessive dust in the media continues to be a problem, adjusting the vortex cylinder may help retain media. 10.3 Externally-adjustable Vortex Cylinder Before adjusting the vortex cylinder, adjust the damper on the dust collector per Section 10.2. After the static pressure has been adjusted, adjust the cylinder as follows. 10.3,1 The adjusting lever for the vortex cylinder is mounted on the outlet pipe on top of the reclaimer or the spacer between the reclaimer body and exhauster housing depending upon which system is provided. 10.3.2 Adjustments are made by loosening the handle's locking knob and moving the handle to achieve the correct setting. When the correct setting is established, tighten the locking knob to prevent movement. 10.3.3 Start with the lever slightly to the right (about one o'clock) of the vertical position. 10.3.4 To Remove More Fines: {Too much dust in media), raise the cylinder by moving the lever left toward "COARSE0, in 1/4" increments at the indicator plate. Do not adjust again until the media has gone through several cycles, to be certain that further adjustment is required. 10.3.5 To Remove less Fines: If too much usable media is being carried to the dust collector, lower the vortex cylinder by moving the lever right toward "FINE", in 1/4" increments at the indicator plate. Note: If the © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.co1i1 • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page9 cylinder is lowered too far, the reclaimer will again begin to allow usable media to be carried over, and cause abnormally high static pressure. 10.3.6 When using very fine media (180 mesh and finer or any plastic media), the inlet baffle of the reclaimer may also need to be removed. Consult the factory before proceeding with its removal. 10.3.7 Manometer, Optional Accessory NOTE: The following instructions explain the process for taking static pressure readings on reclaimers. Permanent fittings should be installed when rigid ducting is used, or when the manometer installation is permanent. Use silicone sealer or other sealant to seal around the fitting to prevent leaks. To prevent negative pressure air leaks, the fitting should be capable of being capped when the manometer tube is removed. Refer to directions packed with the manometer for filling and operation instructions for the manometer. Connect one end of the 3/16" ID tubing to the tubing adaptor on the manometer, by pushing it over the barbed fitting. · Leaving the needle protector on the needle, insert the needle into the other end of the tubing. The ends of the tubing must fit tight on the manometer and needle; leaks will give inaccurate readings. Open both manometer valves (elbows) one full turn. Magnets on the manometer hold it in position on the· reclaimer body. The manometer must be vertically plumb so the fluid is level on both sides. Pull-through system (reclaimer without exhauster): Remove the needle protector, and insert the needle into the flex hose approximately 8" from the top of the reclaimer. The push-thru method may also be used. Push-through system (reclaimer with exhauster): Open the reclaimer fill door, remove the needle protector and place the needle so the point is inside the door opening. Carefully close the door on the needle. The side of the needle will embed into the rubber, creating an airtight seal. Static pressure readings at the door are generally .5" to 1" lower than those taken above the reclaiml,'!r. The illustration in Figure 6 shows the manometer set-up for taking periodic static pressure readings. A permanent fitting may be installed in the reclaimer door frame or wall as shown in Figure 7 for frequent static pressure readings,. Permanent fittings must have a means of sealing the fitting when the manometer is not in use. Air drawn into the reclaimer will cause carryover of good media to the dust collector. Insert the needle into flex hose 8" above the top of the reclaimer 900 CFM Pull-Thru Place the needle so the point is inside the door opening. Carefully close the door on the needle. 900 CFM Push-Thru Place the needle so the point is inside the door opening. Carefully close the door on the needle. 1200 CFM and larger Push-Thru For reclaimers without stand-off door frames, install a permanent fitting in the reclaimer wall, just below the inner cone as shown. Figure 6 Install a permanent fitting in the~ stand-off door frame, as shown, for a frequent static pressure readings. ,::i Figure 7 Turn the exhauster ON. The negative (static) pressure will move fluid in the tube. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page 10 Adjust the slide rule to align the zero with the fluid level. Refer to Figure 8. NOTE: Readings must be taken with the cabinet door open, and with the exhauster running. To find the static pressure, observe the fluid level in each column, above and below zero, (level line) ' and add the readings together. See the example in Figure 8. The manometer must be vertical when taking pressure readings. With the exhauster OFF, slide the rule to align the zero with the fluid level. To obtain the static pressure reading: With the exhauster ON, add the number of inches the fluid travels up the column, and the number of inches the fluid travels down the other column. The total is the static pressure reading. In the example shown, fluid traveled up the right column 1-3/4 inch, and down the left column 1-3/4 inch. Static pressure is determined by adding the columns together. In the example, the static pressure is 3-1/2 inches. 5 4 3 2 2 ,3 4 5 4 3 2 2 3 4 Figure 8 After taking the readings, replace the needle protector. Close the manometer valves and store the manometer in the original container in a clean area. Note: If the manometer installation is permanent, the manometer may remain on the reclaimer body after the valves are closed. 11.0 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 11.1 Dry Filter Dust Collector 11.1.1 The dry filter uses tubular filters which collect dust on their inner surfaces. A shaker arm accessible from the outside of the collector is used to shake dust from the filters. Every two hours, turn off the exhauster and shake the filters vigorously. CAUTION Do not shake the filters when the exhauster is ,on. Doing so will accelerate wear on the filters around the shaker assembly, but will not loosen the dust. 11.1.2 Empty the dust collector drawer regularly. Begin by checking the drawer daily and adjust frequency based on usage and breakdown rate of media. A CAUTION Do not open the dust drawer door while the exhauster is on. The drawer chamber is under positive pressur.e when the exhauster is on. Opening the dust door while the exhauster is operating or the paddle wheel rotating, will allow dust to escape. NOTE: Blast media is usually non-toxic; however, some materials removed by the blasting process may be toxic. Check with proper authorities for disposal restrictions. 11.2 Reclaimer 11.2.1 Clean the reclaimer debris screen daily: To clean, turn the exhauster off, open the access door and remove screen. Empty the screen and replace it, making sure it is securely re-attached to the inner cone. 11.2.2 Periodically check for wear on the reclaimer inlet and outlet pipes, and flex hoses, and replace as required. 11.2.3 Check optional rubber liners. Replace liners when the rubber is worn-through. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page 11 12.0 SERVICE MAINTENANCE 12.1 Replacing Reclaimer Wear Plate 12.1.1 Remove the inlet adaptor and old wear plate. The wear plate is held in place by screws attached from the outside of the reclaimer. 12.1.2 Angle the new wear plate into reclaimer inlet 1.mtil it is in position with the straight end at the reclaimer inlet. Using a board or similar object as leverage, pry the wear plate against the inner wall and top of the reclaimer, and install sheet metal screws to hold in place. Caulk any gaps or voids around the top of the wear plate to prevent rapidwear. 12.2 Replacing Rubber Reclaimer Liners, Figure 9 Installation Note: The sequence numbers in parenthesis (-) shown in Figure 9 and the applicable paragraph, show the recommended order of installation. When installing the liners, make sure that seams are aligned. The final assembly must be smooth and free of protrusions, edges, and gaps. Any of these imperfections could disrupt the air flow, causing wear, and affect the reclaimer media cleaning efficiency. / Top Liner (6th> . Inlet-Baffle (5th} Bolts_ e~ter ~ Cylinder L,iner (7'h) from inside . . Inlet-Top Liner · (3rd) 'yr El' s·ct L' (4'h) I I t S'd ~--, : ___. 1 e mer ne-1 e : : : __.-- Liner (3rd) v/ . . . ... \ ~_,,,..,.sump Liner {151 ) Sump-Ring Liner (2nd~ E§I Figure 9 12.2.1 Remove the inlet and outlet flex hoses. 12.2.2 Remove the screw that secures the inlet-top liner to the reclaimer top. 12.2.3 Remove the bolts securing the reclaimer top, and remove the top, along with the top liner and cylinder liner. 12.2.4 Remove the bolts located next to the inlet, and remove the Inlet-baffle. 12.2.5 To remove the inlet-top liner, remove the self- drilling screws securing it to the top of the inlet. 12.i.6 Side and inlet-side liners are held in place with self-drilling screws. From the outside of the reclaimer, remove the screws, and remove the liners. 12.2.7 Sump liners and sump ring liners are glued onto the inner cone. Pull the liners to remove them. 12.2.8 Remove remnants of old caulking and adhesive from the weldment. 12.2.9 (1 51) Place the sump liner in the cone with the fabric side down, and check the fit. Apply medium-set contact cement, and install the sump liner. 12.2.10 (2"d) Use contact cement to install the sump liner ring. 12.2.11 (3rd) Position the inlet-side liner and inlet-top liner to make sure they fit. Trimming is occasionally required. Align the inlet-side liner and inlet-top liner and clamp them in place. Use self-drilling screw at each hole location in the weldment to secure the liners. 12.2.12 (41h) Clamp the side liner in place, making sure it is flush with the top of the reclaimer body and aligned with the inlet. Mark the side liner at the three bolt-hole locations for the inlet baffle. Remove the liner and drill the bolt holes. Reinstall the side liner. Align the three bolt holes and temporarily place bolts through the holes to hold it in place. Clamp the liner, and while pushing the liner against the weldment, secure it with self-drilling screws, through each screw hole in the weldment. Remove the temporary inlet-baffle bolts after the liner is secured. 12.2.13 Use silicone caulking to seal seams around the inlet-side liner and reclaimer weldment, and between the inlet-top liner and side liner seam. Apply caulking at the seams of the sump ring liner and sump liner and between the sump liner and side liner. Wipe the caulking smooth. CAUTION All seams between each liner must be sealed, and all seams between the liners and reclaimer weldment must be sealed. Voids will cause premature wear. 12.2.14 (51h) Install the inlet baffle; bolts should be installed from the inside of the reclaimer to attach nuts from the outside. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page 12 12.2.15 (6th) Slide the top liner over the inner cylinder and align the holes in the liner with those in the top. Note that the holes around the inlet are spaced differently from the others. Temporarily install a couple of bolts to keep the alignment. 12.2.16 (ih) Place the cylinder liner over the inner cylinder, and use worm clamps to temporarily clamp the liner to the cylinder. Align it so the seam is on the backside (away from the inlet). Make sure the liner is tight against the top liner, then tack the liner to the · bottom of the inner tube in three or four places. Remove the clamps when the cylinder liner is secured. 12.2.17 Apply caulking to the seam on the cylinder liner and between the cylinder liner and top liner. 12.2. 18 Apply caulking around the top edge of the side liner and inlet-top liner. 12.2.19 Align the reclaimer top assembly and lower it into place being careful not to smear the caulking. Secure the top bolts and inlet baffl~ bolts. 12.2.20 Working through the reclaimer inlet, wipe the caulking seal smooth. Apply additional caulking to seams between the baffle and side liner. Re-caulk any voids. 12;2.21 Install flex hoses. 12.2.22 Allow time for the caulking to cure before putting the reclaimer in service. 12.3 Transition Elbow Wear Plate, Figures 10 and 11 NOTE: If the M-Section® is short and surface-mounted, the wear plate may be replaced by raising the transition end, otherwise remove the elbow as follows: 12.3.1 Remove the bolts securing the top adaptor and remove the top adaptor, as shown in Figure 10. Remove the flex hose if necessary. 12.3.2 Remove the bolts securing transition to the elbow, and remove the elbow. 12.3.3 Remove the screws and wear plate from the outside radius on the elbow. 12.3.4 Attach the new wear plate elbow. .r--.=--i Remove bolts and / remove adaptor. During reassembly, / replace gaskets if worn. Remove bolts and remove transition. Figure 10 12.3.5 Apply a bead of caulking to the top side of the new wear plate as shown in Figure 11, and install the elbow onto the transition. Apply new gasket material if necessary. Appfy caulk to the top sid~ of 7 this edge of the wear plate. Apply caulk to the bottom edge after the elbow is attached to the transition. Figure 11 12.3.6 After the elbow is securely attached to the transition, apply caulking to the lower seam to ensure an air tight seal. ' 12.3.7 Reattach the top adaptor, using new gasket material if required. © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D 12.4 Dry Filter Tube Replacement, Figure 12 CAUTION • Do not bend spring ends tight enough to cause ends to kink. • Do not use a sharp instrument to force spring rings into the opening. This could damage the filter and seriously impair the function of the dust collector. • Install one filter at a time. Check the seating of the top and bottom spring rings, and that tube is not twi$ted, before proceeding to the next 12.4.1 Replace damaged filters immediately. Remove the old filters by pulling the spring rings off the bottom and top tube plates. Working from the back to the front, install one filter at a time. To install new filters, form the end of the spring ringed tubular filter into a shallow "C" shape, push the filter far enough into the hole of the top plate to allow one spring ring to snap into place above the tube plate and the other to snap into place below it. See the illustration in Figure 12. One ring above tube plate One ring below tube plate Spring Ring c=:> c=:> \'-= > Bottom Tube Plate ;----·- Spring Ring Figure 12 12.4.2 The tubular filter is held firmly by spring rings above and below the perimeter of the hole in the top and bottom tube plate. The filters fit tight to prevent dust leakage. Force may be required by the installer. Check for proper seating at both ends, and remove any twist in the tube before proceeding to the next filter. Page 13 13.0 TROUBLESHOOTING 13.1 Excessive Media Carryover 13.1.1 Oust collector damper open too far. Adjust static pressure per Section 10.2. 13.1.2 Vortex cylinder out of adjustment. Adjust vortex cylinder per Section 10.3. 13.1.3 Reclaimer or storage hopper door open or leaking. Check doors and gasket for leaks. Air entering the reclaimer at this point will cause media to be carried into the dust collector. DO NOT operate unless all doors are closed. 13.1.4 Flange gasket between the blast machine, storage hopper, or reclaimer leaking. Check gasket for negative pressure leak. 13.1.5 Leak in reclaimer weldment. Check entire reclaimer for leaks. 13.1.6 Media level too high. Do not fill past the blast machine's pop-up opening. Load media only through fill door. 13.1.7 If using very fine media (180 mesh and finer), the inlet baffle of the reclaimer may need to be removed. Consult the factory before proceeding with its removal. 13.1.8 Reclaimer debris screen clogged with debris. Check screen basket daily. 13.2 Reclaimer Not Recovering Media 13.2.1 Exhauster motor rotating backwards. The motor should rotate as indicated by the arrow on the exhauster housing. If it does not rotate in the proper direction, lockout and tagout electrical power and switch the motor leads as shown on the motor plate. Refer to the system's wiring schematic. 13.2.2 Dust collector damper closed too far restricting air movement through M-Section®. Adjust static pressure per Section 10.2. 13.2.3 Blocked air inlet hopper. Air enters through the hopper farthest from the transition elbow, Ref. Figure 1. Blockage in the air intake restricts incoming air and reduces air movement through the M-Section®. Check for blockages. 13.2.4 Hole worn in flex hose between transition and reclaimer inlet (if reverse-pulse collector is used, also check hose between the reclaimer outlet and dust © 2012 CLEMCO INDUST~IES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RE:COVERY Page 14 collector inlet). Replace hoses and route them with as few bends as possible to prevent wear. 13.2.5 Reclaimer door open. DO NOT operate unless door is closed. 13.2.6 Obstruction in transition, flex hose, or any segment before the reclaimer inlet. Remove hose and check for blockage. 13.2. 7 Exhauster paddle wheel worn. Check wheel for wear. 13.3 Excessively High Media Consumption 13.3.1 See Section 13.1 13.3.2 Media may be too fine or worn-out. Replace media as necessary. 13.3.3 Using media that rapidly breaks down. If the application allows for it, change to durable media. 13.3.4 Blast pressure too high for the media, causing media to breakdown. Lower blast pressure if application allows it. 13.4 Reduction in Blast Cleaning Rate Also refer to the blast machine owners manual. 13.4.1 Low media level reducing media flow. Check media level and refill as necessary. 13.4.2 Reduced air pressure. This may be caused by a malfunctioning regulator, a dirty filter element in moisture separator, partially closed air supply valve, leaking air line, or other air tools in use. Refer to the blast machine owner's manual. 13.5 Plugged Blast Nozzle 13.5.1 Damaged or missing debris screen. VVhen the filter screen is damaged or not in place, all media and blast cleaning by-products, such as paint chips, scale etc. pass directly into the metering valve area, blocking the metering valve or nozzle. Check placement of the 'debris screen. · 13.6 Media Bridging 13.6.1 Frequent bridging or blockages in the media metering valve can be caused by damp media. Media becomes damp by blasting parts that are slightly oily, from moisture in the compressed air tine, or from absorption. 13.6.2 To avoid contaminating media from the workpiece, all parts should be clean and dry. If parts are oily or greasy, degrease and dry them prior to blasting. 13.6.3 Moist compressed air may be due to a faulty compressor that overheats or pumps oil or moisture into the air line, too tong an air line permitting moisture to condense on the inside, or from humidity. Drain the moisture separator and receiver tank regularly. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to change media more onen or install an aftercooter or air dryer. 13.6.4 Absorption: Some media tends to absorb moisture from the air, especially fine-mesh media in high humidity areas. ©:2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D . M-S~CTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY 14.0 ACCESSORIES AND REPLACEMENT PARTS 14.1 Options and Accessories Item Description Stock No. (·) Manometer kit ................................................... 12528 (-) Lock pins, coupling (package of 25) .......... 11203 (-) Safety cable, 1/2" to 1-1/4" OD hose .......... 15012 (-) Safety cable, 1-1/2" to 3" OD hose ........... 15013 Rubber Liners, Figure 13 The reclaimer must be designed for liners and have a removable top. Item Description Stock No. (-) Rubber liner set, 900 cfm reclaimer ........ 23151 1. Top liner, 900 cfm ..................................•. 23059 2. Inlet baffle and cylinder liner (2-piece) ..... 23416 3. Body liner, 900 cfm ........................................ 17008 4. Inlet side liner, 900 cfm ............................. 12830 5. Sump liner, inner cone, (2-piece) ............. 16070 6. Inlet top, 900 cfm .......................................... 22827 7. Screw, self drilling, 10-16 x 3/4" .............. 12722 @=)1 2 3 6~-< ! 7 4 ""-[),-' ! __ / Figure 13 © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP: • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D Page 15 M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page 16 14.2 Reclaimer Assemblies, Figure 14 Reclaimers larger than 900 cfm are normally only furnished on job orders. Refer to the job order owner's manual for job order replacement parts. Note: M-Section® systems come with options shown below with an asterisk ("'). These items are not supplied with standard replacement reclaimer$. If asterisk ("') items are needed on a replacement reclaimer, order separately and request installation. Item Description Stock No. (-) Reclaimer assembly, less exhauster 900 cfm, for 24" blast machine .............. 21823 (-) Reclaimer assembly, with exhauster 900 cfm, for 24" bfast machine .............. 14269 1. Motor, exhauster 900 cfm reclaimer, 2 HP, 3-Ph ............... 12309 2. Plate, motor mount, 900 cfm ..................... 12005 3. Housing, 900 cfm exhauster ..................... 12271 4. Paddle wheel 900 cfm ............................... 12335 5. Gasket, 5/16" x 1" adhesive-backed, specify feet required ............................... 00187 6. Inlet pipe without hose support (std} 900 cfm 611 .... 12363 * with hose support, (option) 900 cfm, 6" .. 16887 7. Gasket, inlet 900 cfm ................................. 11759 8. Wear plate, 900 cfm .................................. 14055 9. Screen assembly 900 cfm standard ................................... 21265 900 cfm, 4.5 mesh Aerolyte ................... 21275 10. Gasket, door, 900 cfm ............................... 11745 11. Spring latch assembly ............................... 12263 12. *vortex cylinder assembly, for 900 cfm Exhauster mounted reclaimer ................ 23047 13. Vortex cylinder assembly, adjustable, pull-through reclaimer, 900 cfm ............. 23046 14. Gasket, 2" adhesive-backed, specify feet required ............................... 13089 15. Top, 900 reclaimer .................................... 23040 16. Eyebolt, 1", 3/8-NC x 1-1/4" ....................... 00430 * Refer to the Note under paragraph 14.2 Figure 14 © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clerncoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D ,- M-SECTION® SWEEP-IN RECOVERY Page 17 14.3 Transition Elbow Assembly, Figure 15 Item Description Stock No. 1. Hose, 6" heavy lined flex (15 ft. only) ....... 12457 2. Clamp, hose ............................................. :11576 3. Gasket, 5/16" x 1" adliesive-backed specify feet required .............................. 00187 4. Wear plate w/ fasteners ............................. 22377 5. Adaptor, 6" outlet pipe ............................... 22375 Figure 15 14.4 Storage Hopper, Figure 16 Item Description Stock No. (.:) Storage hopper, 6-cu.ft., 24-inch dia ......... 21027 1. Gasket, door, 900 cfm .............................. 117 45 2. Spring latch assembly .............................. 12263 3. * Gasket, 2" adhesive-backed, specify feet required .............................. 13089 * Note: Item 3 is not included with replacement storage hoppers. Order separteJy _if required. 1 Figure 16 14.S Dry Filter Dust Collector, 900 cfm, Figure 17 Item Description Stock No. (-) Dry filter, complete, 900 cfm ..................... 12701 1. Hose, 7" ID flex, specify ft. required ......... 12448 2. Inlet adaptor w/ damper 7" for 900 cfm ........................................ 14273 3. Gasket, inlet adaptor 900 cfm .................................................. 11763 4. Gasket, dust drawer ................................. 11771 5. Clamp, hose .............................................. 11576 6. Spring latch assembly .............................. 12263 7. Drawer, dust 900 cfm .................................................. 14276 8. Plate, inlet cover 900 cfm .................................................. 14278 9. Tubular filter, each .................................... 11503 900 cfm requires 40 10. Shaker, tube filter 900 cfm ................................................... 12415 11. Handle, shaker ......................................... 12899 8 4 === === === 10 7 Figure 17 © 2012 CLEMCO INDUSTRIES CORP. • www.clemcoindustries.com • Manual No. 23647 Rev D SAN DIEGO REGIONAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS QUESTIONNAIRE , ,.. OFFICE U~E o.NLf , 8 :) RECORD 10 # Df fl 1..a:i2..-f/t r 'P-I 3 I -:JI . PLAN CHECK# "0£(-1 Z.ib/6('-1-1 t-1 MB P-D0 OS (0 3a 54;_33 BP DATE -3 I (D I IC:, Bu sines'$ Name . Business Contact T~lephone # · Le· oland Maintenance Yard Tim P~ts~b 760-918-5346 Project:Ad~iess · · City state Zip Go"de APN# ·1 Le··ota'nd Drive. _ Carlsb d d.. 200'8 211-100-09-00 Malling Aa(lress City · · St~te Zip Ct;ide Plan Flle# . t Le eland Drive Carlsbad CA 92008 ProJect-Oonlri¢t _ . · Applicant E-mail Telephone ti . ___ . Michelle Ble.eker tmt ermits mail.cer:n 949-:-701-5729 Tho-following questtons.reprosont-iho f~clllty'.s actlvltlosJ.N9T the specific project doserlptlon, .PAR'r.t:. FIRE:OEPARTMENT--. HAZ'ARDOUS, MATERIALS DIVISION: OCCUPANCY ClASSIFICATiON: (n~t tetjulrnd for pro]octs within tho City.of San IThl.CiQl::JfitjiC£1\~ by 'c;lri:Irng 11\~Jl~[Jl;-:~'ltlether yourbt1~\n_es!f\'i1ll.1,1s_e: pr~!ft o,r,stg_re c1ny ·01 ihe' folloWfng·hazardou$-malerlals. If any ofthe Items .are circled, ~nl must·contac~lh~ Fire.Protection Agencywilh·Junsdictlon prior )o.-plan-s.ubmfuc11, Occupancy Rating: Facillty's Square Footage (including proposed project): 1. Explosive or Blasting Agents 5. Organlc·Peroxides 9. Water Reactives 13. Corrosives 2. Comprel!sed Gases 6. Oxfdizera 10. Cryogenics 14. Other Health Hazards 3. Flsmmable/Combustlb~ Liquids -4. Flammable Solids 7. Pyrophorlcs 11. Highly Toxic or Toxic Materials 8: Unstable Reactlves 12. Radloaclhies 15. None ofThese. -PARTII:. SAN DIEGO COUNTY .DEPARTMENT :OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH _:H~ARDOUS :MATERIALS 'DIVISION '(AMD): If lhe·answer to. any of the gt1cst1ons·1s:yeJ;,:~PPll®nt mus1.eQ"ota.ct the Qounty·ol-san,Qfego·Haz~raous Mat~rlal.s:Divfsfori, §500 0v1:l'rliE!n.d-Avcnue, Sulle uo~ San Diego, CA 92123. Call (858)'505-6700 piiorto the Issuance· of a balld!n.iJ permit. FEES ARE REQUIRED Project-Completion Date: Expected Date of Occupancy: D CalARP Exempt YES NO (for new construction or remodeling projects) I 1.-Ii} D ls·your business listed on the reverse side of this-form? (check all that apply). Date Initials i O 00 Will your busines,-dispose of Hazardous Substances or Medical Waste in any amount? 3. {&] D Will .your business store or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities greater than or equal to 55 gallons, 500 0 caJARP Required I 4. IX) s. D 6, 0 1. D 8. 0- pounds and/or 200 cubic feet? D Will your business store or handle carcinogens/reproductive toxins in any quantity? ~ Will your business use an existing or install an underground storag~ tank? !Kl Will your business slore or handle Regul~ted Substances (CalARP}? I!! Will your business use or install a Hazardous Waste Tank System (TIiie 22, Article 10)? .!D Wlllyour b1,111!ness store.petro)eu1'n If! tanks orcontainers atyourfacil[ty Yt'ilh a total f~i:llity storage capacity equal to or· realer. than 1,320 · allons?-(Callfom1a~.Above round Pelroleum·.Slora e Act , Date Initials D CalARP Complele I Date Initial$ }! :r:ni: -SAN DIE o.c u . R POLLOTION,GONT~OL-D'ISTRIC-1' APCD: Any, ¥ES' ,gQSWet r.etjuf,:es J'!,.st~rmi{rom_ APCI:! 1Q124-0ld Grove Rpad1 San · . oj.eA 9~~31. apcdcomq@sdcnunty;c~qov (8,q8) 591,l,2{!5_0)rJ"N?:stamf) r~quifecHf Q1.)':~_S:<!n.d:Q~ Y~s and Q:4-Q6 No). The follo~119 q_oestlons.are lnten~ed -IQ_._ _ II~ lhe _maJorlly.~t.ifrf)Ol(UUon;1~s9es,~t-!h~-plannlng ~ta-9-~. froJei;,ls may r~qufre ar,!ditmn,al'ri:ieas~res nol'ldenlflied _l>y l~~se qpesllons. Fpr comprehens,ve ,req~lrements l;Qntacl:APC(:), Residence!;. are typlc!!IIY-exempt, ~x~pt,~ :)h_Q!l.E! wm, m9.r.e: tl)arrone-·bul[d,ng' on the propeny: .smgle bulldJn·gs with more than four dvleHlr!i ·.units; townhomes; conaiis,.mfxe<.1-comrrierclal. U~?:,gell!)_erateJ,urris, re~ld9n~es (OmiT/19 part,of-a ·IQrQer: project. ('ExcJucl_es gar<1ges &'-small outbuildings.] YES NO 1. D II Wilf.the-pro)ect:dislUrb 1·so squq~ feel ot mo1J;1 of existing building materials? 2. D ~ Will anl load;supP,6[ting ~1q.1ctural memb!Jrs-be .removed? Notification may-.ba r;eqllTred 1 o working days prior to commenclng.de_molltlon. 3. 0 0 (ANSWER,0NtY IFQUESTJON 1 or·2 IS Y.ES) Has an asbestos survey·beeh performed by.a Certified Asbestos Consultant or Slle·Survelllance 4. D 5. 0 6. D Technician? · ·· · · · 0 (ANSWER ONLY IF QUESTION 3 IS YES) Based on the survey results. will the project disturb any asbestos containing material? Notification may be required 1 Q .wi,rking days-prjorto commencing asbeslos·i'~mo11c1I. D Will the project or associal~d consliucllon equipment emit alr-confamlnants? See the reverse side of this form or APCD faclsheet {www.sdapcd.oronnfolfacts/permits.pdn-torfyplcal equipment requiring an.APCD permit. D '(ANSWER ONLY IF Ql:IESTION ~ns·YES) Will the project or associated ~onstruction equipment be located Yt'lthin 1.000 feet of a school IYou11da" . . · Brfefly describe bus In .. ·s·. actlviiles: --. . Briefly describe proposed project: San ·. lasf:-P.?i.rit9 of. ~rts tc;> ptepa@ fQr paititlng . . Inst§!! ~~l}d blast room, dust collection and reclaim system Sigiiaiure. of Owner or Authrirlzed'A'\'.lenl Date FOR OFFJCAL USE <;)NL Y: FIRE DEPARTMENTOCCUPANCY.ClASSIFJCATION:._ .. ___ ~~~~~--~~------------------- BY: DATE:. / I RELEASEO f'OR OCCUPANCY COUNTY-HMO APCD County of San Diego -DEH -Hazardous Materials Division Le -2.<o-\I__D 10 ~o..n, L De) Fu-~ ~ 2 Z;rj-s -to E9j( i 7/2-0/, b- 1 (z-J (1? - Y/30/t&- 9/12/(t.P f (~ 1o ~5- Tt> C56"1'L C9 1£, fr; &<!:»t-(z) R-l I / AJ w~~ ., .,, q.fft,(b ~ ~ -;,/ .0-3/11,. e.;r;J). ?~i ~ Final Inspection required by: D Plan D CM&I D Fire D SW DISSUED Approved Date BUILDING q//2.J/ 1) PLANNING "7 I {q I c--. ENGINEERING t/"12-/l<.Q FIRE Expedite? y N ?( V,./t t, DIGITAL FILES Reauired? y N HazMat CJ./6-r/b APCD ~ Forms/Fees Sent Rec'd Encina lo-2.1S-lt ~ Fire HazHealthAPCD PE&M School Sewer Stormwater Special Inspection , CFO: y N LandUse: Density: lmpArea: FY: Annex: . PFF: y N· Comments Date Date Date Building 'l/ll/llJ; 8/oillJ Planning Erigineenng Fire Need? .,. I Dev. By vm TD C 11 DG- Due? By y N y N y N y N y N y N y N y N Factor: ' Date l " //aq rt/&£ -fe,£ { SU--:sff--~. ~~ ~ ~one· I rkfA) /ooone / 0 Done ODone ., .. ··--·------------------·---·-------------_ ....... _____ _ ' :