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1 LEGOLAND DR; SOILS; CB971456; Permit
SOILS REPORT CB971456 LEGO ADMIN .r~ ., }le_· .. ' ' I i ,' :[' ; l ' ' i li l . l l_ l ' )r I ' \f ' . '. ri -. .. ,[ "-' -.: -.-.,. .... ~ --. ~ . ~"': _,_ . ----~ ·_ --- -. --- -. ---~ ::. -- - • --C . -.. -----:. -= . ._- ------~-- .. , ~-. -~ ~---....... --. .:. ~ ---__ f --·--_-: ~J -•• ·~ -_ .,,.. ----... --..... J: -. --_" _-.: -l - -~ ._.::: =-----r . ·--- -. -:---~ -- ~ -------. - -. ..____LEIGHTON AND•A~oCiA11s··c __ ··,,---~~:1 - ---~-. . -------. -.-. --"'-:-_ ~l Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering-CQn$ult~n~s -"-< _: ~~-----~ · _ ?' :::l - " <=· --: -~ --~::-:~ = \:~-_: :,~-:~:1 -----f t 6'\11'15.,-f J ·-· , --:"" -~ ---~ ~-. ' --. ·, -_,. -_.. ~'· -::... I I I I I I I I I -1 I I I I I I I I I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES; INC. 1 Ge~techl'!_ical a_nd Environmental Engineering Consultants SUPPLEMENTAL GEOT1$CHNlCAL INVEsnGATION, LEGO FAMlL Y PARK, CARLSBAD RANCH -' CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA · -July 23, 1996 Project :No. 4960151-001 -Prepared For: NOLTE AND ASSOCIATES INC. . . -·. . . ' 5469. Keatnf Yill·a Rb&d, Suite 304 S~n Piego,. C~lifo~ia Q4li? ,::;.~ ~--:~ -; :-:-:;~ ·.•' ·.;.1;1; ,. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205, SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 FAX (619) 292-0771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Consultants July 23, 1996 To: Attention: Nolte and Associates, Inc. 5469 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 305 · San Diego, California 92123 Mr. Jim Hettinger Project No. 4960151-001 Subject: Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation, Lego Family Park, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California · · In accordance with your request, Leighton and .Associates, lnc. has performed a supplemental geotechnical investigation of the proposed Lego Family Park site in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of our stuciy was to further evaluate· the extent of n~sary remedial grading and provide additional design recommendations for the ·site ·development. ·Site grading plans were not available for use during this study. · We have incorporated our previous data into this study to provide one comprehensive report for the Lego Family Park site. · If you have any questions regarding our. report, pl~ase contact this office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON ANDCY--AS~· ~SO .... C,,_1A:_-_ms_·, __ IN_c.,...,.._· _ ..... ¼~ ~ JGF/MRS/kar Distribution: ( 6) Addressee MichaelR.Stewart, CEG 1349 (Exp.12/31/97) Director of Geology I 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205, SAN DIEGO CA 921'23 (619) 292-8030 • (800) 447-2626 FAX (619) 292-0771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 TABLE: OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 IN1RODUCIION ............... · ....... -.. ·•· ._ .. · ..••........ ; , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Purpose and Scope .. , ........... " ........... , ........... , ..... , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Site Description ........•..... _ .•.. : ., •.•....... _. "·" ..................... , . 3 1.3 Proposed Development ...... ,·"··· .......... "c" •• -. · ••••.•.••• _............... 3 1.4 Previous Site Investigations ...•... · ..........••...•••.... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.5 Current Site Investigati0n . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . .• • . ; , . , . . . . : . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 5 2.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDlTIONS , .......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.1 Regional Geology ..... , ...... _ ..•.... ; _.,.: .. _ .... ~ ..... ,. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Site Geology .................... , ..• _. -... ; .. -~ •. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . 2.2.1 Santiago Formation (Map Symbol ~_Ts) . . . _. . ·. ,. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.2 Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol -·Qt) ; ... , _ .• , • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.3 Alluvium (Map Symbol -·Qal) -.••... ,: .. -•.•. : . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.4 Colluvium (Map Syml:>ol-Qool) · ..... -: •.• """ ._; ..• ~... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.5 Topsoil (Unmapped, ......... ; .......... , .. : . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.6 Documented Fill (Map Sytnpol -Md} .. · ..... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2.7 Undocumented Fill (Map Symbol ;. Afu) ....... :·' ..... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . - 2.3 Ground Water ....................... ~ : • ,~ .< ... :; ... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.4 Geologic Structure ......... : ..... , .. _,_. ......• -..•... ; .•... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.5 Mass Movement ......... · ....... · ... : . _. ;· .• -~ : ............•..... _. . . . . . . . . . 11 2.6 Faulting and Seismicity . : ..... ; .... : ... ; . ,~-. • . . . . . . . . .. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2. 7 Seismic Considerations . . . . . . • . . • . . . ., . ~ . .·, . • . . .. -. . • .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2. 7 .1 Ground Shaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. -. . -. . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.7.2 Liquefaction/Dyflamic S~ttlement -. ~ ... ~ • . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.8 Existing Slope Conditions ... -...... -....... , ......• ; .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.9 Expansion Potential . . . . . . ,, ~ • . . . .. .. ,. ; . . • . . . . .. . • . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.10 Sulfate Content, Minimum Resistivity and pH . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.0 CONCLUSIONS ......... -..••. , •............ -.·........................... 1-4 -i - LEIGHT(JN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 -- TABLE OF CONTENTS :(co11tinu¢d) . 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ........ ? •••••• -••••••• -· ~ ••••• -••••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 -4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 Earthwork ...............•. -, .--.. _ •. -._~ • _ _;._._-.-. ·--· .-• .-_-. ·--• ................. 16 4.1.1 Site Preparation ............. _ ...••. _ ....... -. >, , . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.1.2 Removal and Recompaction of Potentially.Compressible Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.1.3 Excavations . -... _ .. ~-.. ~ .. _ .. _. ·-..... , ... _ .. : .: • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.1.4 Fill Placement and Compaction ·:· •........... :. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.1.5 Transition l.,ots •. _ .••.. -.• -· . · .. _ . -•••••.... _. -. .••. -.. • . • • • . . . . . . • • . • . . . 18 4.1.6 Earthwork Shrinkage/Bulking .. : •.• ; ........ ~ , .... -· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 -- Control of Ground Water arid Surface Waters ....• ; . ,_. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Slope Stability . -· .....•..... _ ........ -_· ..... _ ... _ . J •• , •••• _. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 20 4.3.1 Graded Slop~ ... : ~ . :· .......• ~ .. -... -.. .-.. , ~ . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Preliminary Foundation Design Considerations .• , •• ~ • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.4.1 Footing Design ......... ~ •. i ••• , """-._,-: ••••••• _. • • . • • • • • • • . . • • . • • • 21 4.4.2 Floor Slab Design ..... _ •... ; ... _-. , _ ..... _. -· • 1 • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21 4.4.3 Foundation Setback . . . . . ~ ~ : . • ~ . ~ ·~-. . . . . _. ~ • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Special Design and Grading Conside~aiions forfill-S~ttlenrent • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Proposed Development in Und<X:\11nented Fill Areas: . ·-.. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Expansive $oils/P_res9ak · _. . . . :" .. • . ·-. . . . -. . ... -. . . _. . ·~ __ . _. .. . . -, . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Retaining Wall Design Considerations .. : f. i. •• ; , : •••• -••••• , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24 Type of Cement for Construction-. ? •• , •. -., ~ •••• -, •••• :__. • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 25 Corrosion Resistance ....... : .. f •• ,~ • -•• : .•••••••• -••••• : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 26 Pavement Design . . . . . . . . . . • ._ . . . :--: .-·-.-: -~-. ._ . . . . :· . . • . . ~ .• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Water Features .....•........ _. ~ -• .-_. -.--~-. •-. -~ .. --...•. -·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATJONS, • ~ .... ; . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Figure Figure 1 -Site Location Map . . . -: . . . . • . .. -. • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • • ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -ii - LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. . . -~--------·--_,-__ -~ .. ~~-'--"-------~'------------' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 TABLE OF CONTENTS ( cpntin\ied)· . Plate 1 -Geotechnical Map . . . . . . • . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . •· ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rear of Text Plate 2 -Removal Map· ...... ~ ......... ~ .............. -....• · ..•.... · ........... Rear or Text ( reduced copies of Plates 1 and 2 are located at the-rear of text) Appendices Appendix A -References Appendix B -Boring and Trench Logs . Appendix C -Laboratory Test Results arid Test Procedures· .. Appendix D -General Earthwork and Grading Specific~tions Appendix E -Slope Stability Calcufatio~ LEIGHTON A.NO A8SOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.1 4960151-001 1.0 lNTRODUCTION Purpose and SC()pe This report provides a sumhlacy 0f our findings, eo_nclusions and recommendations regarding the onsite soil and geologic conditions to be utilized for site development purposes. In preparation of this repbi't we. have utilfaeg. the 100-scale tentative map ( dated March 1995) prepared by O'DayConsulfants, an undated 100-scale topographic map provided by Nolte and Associates,. a conceptual site development plan .prepared by Sasaki and Associates, and the previously issued· geotechnical reports'·relative-to the Car~bad Ranch project. We understand that the grades shown on the project tentative· map will likely change through the planning process. · The purpose of our study was to specifiGaiiy evaluate the geotechnical conditions at the Lego Resort site and tp -provide c0nclusioq.s and recommendations relative to site development based on the additional data and concepttia1 development plans. The main objective was further evaluation of site reinedhd ,grading.·· The scope of our services during the ev~luation included the following: · · • Review of geotechnicalliterature and aerial :photographs pertaining to the general vicinity of the site and geotechnica1 report$ pertairiing·specifically to the site. A list of the items reviewed is included. in Appendix: A - • Field reconnaissance of the site a:p.d general vicinity. • Subsurface investigation ,of thcisite conditions, including the drilling, logging and sampling of 24 additional small diamet~r borings and 26 ~dclitiona.l backhoe trenches. All borings were logged by out geologists .. aiid =backfilied on-completion. The logs of all previous borings and trenches are-included: in. Appendix B and were utilized in preparation of this report. · • Laboratory testing of rep-resentatjve s0il samples to evaluate the pertinent engineering properties of the onsite .soils. _ · • Geotechnical analysis <>f the clata: obfa~ed. • Preparation of this report presenting out findings, conclusions and recommendations with respect to the proposed development. _ 04r report includes the results of the previous subsurface exploration studies and· lab.qratofy · dafa 'applicable to this portion of the Carlsbad Ranch project. · · " · -1 - LEIGHTONJND,ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Base :Map: Aerial Fot~p .Book, San Diego_,.,Coun.Jr, . 19864J'7, AeriarSraphics, Page' 01.i'&lw ' lEU-OLAND l . BLUEPRINT SOURCE & SUPPLY 1113050 ,. I I I I I I I ,Evans ;Pofnt ' I I{} ·1 j 'f' L __ ... .l . -----· ~ \ l ~i,,'--:. \ :"- --1·-· -,. ..... f t-'., -;-, -7-' ~ --.... ~-+-. ·-. ~-.... : . . . -N- 4 -4800-feet ,, i f'p rQ~ima~~ .S,oal~ :ProjecJ No. 4 15!1-QQ1--_, .......___. ___ _ Date l .fltalM ' .! I FIGURE 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.2 1.3 4960151-001 Site Description The site is located north of Palomar Airport Road and east of Paseo del Norte within the Carlsbad Ranch ih Carlsba~ California (Figure ·1). · Carl~bad Ranch, is an irregular_.shaped parcel encompassing·approximately548-~ctes. Ca,dsbadRanch is bounded by Palomar Airport Road on the south, Car. Country Carl~bad ·and the proposed realignment of Paseo del Norte on the west, Agua Hedionda Lagoon on th~ north and H'.idden Valley read and agricultural land on the.-east. The Lego Family Park will be constructed-cm Lot 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch. Lot 18 encompasses ± 1B2 acres atid is located in the southeast corner of the Carlsbad Ranch. Topographically, the site· is characterjzed by nortb,w~t-southeast trending ridges and intervening v&lle~. :Elevations of the.subject site t&fige from approximately 70 feet mean sea level (m.s.1.) in a drainage adjacent to ·Palom&r Airport Road on the south side of the property to approximately 204 feet m.sJ. ne~r_ :tp;f,'. ti,g!7yne ,along the eastern edge of the property. Natural slopes on the site are rel.itively gentle, however, man-made cut and fill slopes (locally with s1op:e inclinatiqns 4p t<:> 1:1 [horizontal to vertical]) are present in places around the perimeter of th,e tract and in. developed areas within the tract. Existing improvement~ on site are generally related t6 past and present agricultural activities on the site. lmproveme~ts associatc;:a. wjtb. the ·aggcllltural-fields include underground irrigation lines and valves, maintenance ~lid storage yards~. cify"water .liiies supplying the water reservoir on the .east side of the site, and minor fills.. Improvements ~sociated with the now removed agricultutal'.paeJdng/disttib1,1tion plant located in the south..;western portion of the site include a .relatively large (ill area creating_. th~ ]?uilding pad,. parking and storage areas, and man-made cut and fill slopes. A.smaller main.tenimce and vegetable packing facility remains in operation in the central portion of the $ite~ . . In the southern portion of the site, one-of the nottrr-south. trending canyons had been infilled with undocumented fill soils placed duclng the site fatm:mg activities and in several phases including during the grading of Car Cou:ntty Carlsbad i1! theJate 1980's and the improvements · of Palomar Airport· Road in the · early .1990's. As-encountered during our Phase II environmental study performed in 1989; a m0derate amount of trash (including vegetation, plastic sheeting and tubihg,.paper;etc;) was encountered~i11 tile undocumented fill soils in this vicinity (Leighton, 1989b)~ . - Proposed Development Our review of the conceptual development plan prepared by Sasaki and Associates, and our understanding .9f the pr9ject, future use of-the slte will include the construction of the Lego Family Park, including several lakes and· ponds,. numerous buildings and improvements associated with the Lego Family Park, ang'.large parking areas. A precise grading plan for site development has not yet been ptepare~t _. · · · Based on our review of the site tentative map, propoS:ed :grad,ing is anticipated to COI1Sist of cuts and fills creating sheet-graded. areas for the -buildifig pads, parking areas and other improvements within the tract. Cut and fill slopes-are anticipated to be constructed at slope -3 - LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151~001 inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal to v~rtical) or flatter. Maximum depths of cut and fill are on the order of ±40 feet from the existing site elevations. Wliil~ sonie changes from this plan are anticipated, the overall site gtciding is uotJikely t_<J0 ciiff~r -sigtiificantly. 1.4 Previous Site Investigations -- A number of previous site investigations haye.been performed for the Carlsbad Ranch project and the adjacent parcels {which have -been annexea to Carlsbad Ranch). The geotechnical investigations which were reviewe~l; and th~ir fip.dipgs, conclusions and recommendations incorporated into this report include the following: • Preliminacy Geotechnicai tnvestl~atiofl for Rancho-Agtfa.Hedionda (1987 through 1989) by Leighton and Associates. This:report evaluated the parcelofland north of Car Country Carlsbad between -the proposed Cannon Road extension-and Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the north. - • Results of Near,.,Surface Soil Sarripling for Hazardous Materials at -Carlsbad Ranch (1989) by Leighton and Assocjates. -Tb-is :Phase Il environmental report mainly evaluated potential sources of hazardous m.atedal$ on the .site :as the r~u1t of the past agricultural activities. However, as_ part ofthis-investigation, tlie undocumented fill area in the southeastern portion of -the site was-partially evaluat_ed. • Preliminacy and Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation of the Proposed College Business Park (1984 through 1991) by Leighton_ and Associates .. ' These-evaluations covered the property east of Carlsbad-Ranch ( of wbi.cb ah approilinate 22-acre parcel was annexed to Carlsbad Ranch). ---- • Phase I Geotechnical Investigation of Carlsbad Ranch'{1992) by Geotechnics Inc. This limited investigatic;>n provided a-pi:elin:)ifrary evaluation-of the Carlsbad Ranch project. As part of this study, the previotJ:S lnvestigatjq:ns perfot$ed by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in 1987 and l;>y San-Diego GeotechnicalC0nsultants in 1988·were reviewed. • Preliminacy Geotechrtical Investi~ation for Units I and II (Phase I) of Carlsbad Ranch (1993) by Leighton -ancf AssoCiates:. ·--This m.vesfigatiOir :Specifically evaluated -the geotechnical conditions of Units I and U of Carlsbad Ranch (including a portion of the proposed Research -att4--Develop_ment/Coimnercial Park,: the Gemological Institute of America Museum site and the specialty retail conip_lex). • Preliminacy:Geotechhical Iilvesti~ation-for:_U_riit IIl:(Phase II) o~-Carlsbad Ranch (1994) by Leig~ton ap.d Associates. This study CQvered Unit ill ofCadsbad Ranch (including a portion of the Research and :Oevel0pment/Cetnmercial Park, a portion of the Lego Family Park complex and the hotel .and r~tail:site). ,. 4 - LEIGHTON ANO-ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.5 4960151-001 • Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation for .Tentative Map Purposes1 Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, Califomfa, (i994), by-Leighton andAssociafes. Tots rep0rt was a compilation of previous reports and, covered the entire Carlsbad :Ranch. Utilized in conjunction with the tentative map submittal - • Preliminary Geotechnical Investi~atioli, Lego Family Park and Pointe Reports, Lot 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad1 California,. (1995), .Leighton and Associates. A preliminary investigatiqn :Of the .Lego and -Pofute Site$. This report addressed, in general, the anticipated remedial site-gradiµg withoucbenefit of a site development plan. Previous investigations included tile eitav~tJ6n-·of . large-and small-diameter borings, exploratory backhoe trenches and: test pits. The ,boring trench aiid test pit logs applicable to Lots 17 and 18 of the Carlsbad; Ranch are. idcluded--within Appendix B. The approximate locations of the.borings, trench and testpits,areshoWI! on the Geotechnical Maps (Plate 1). In addition and also includeq, the previous ,site mvestigations included laboratory testing of representative soil samples collected during the stibsutface··investigations. Laboratory test results relative to the Carlsbad Ranch project: are !ncfuded -in Appendix C The laboratory testing included Atterberg limits, direct she~r, expansiop. . index, moisture/density determinations, maximum dry density, soluble sulfate content, and minimum resistivity and pH tests. Brief descriptions of the laboratory test procedures .and the laboratory test results are presented in Appendix C. The test O,:eslllts of tlie. moisture/density determinations are presented in· the boring logs included m Appendix B. Current Site Investigation · The current site investigation ih.cb1ded the-drilling,. logging and sampling of 24 small diameter exploratory borings· and 26 exploratory trenches. The smaU diameter borings and trenches were drilled predominantly in existing filLa_reas, alluvial areas, and proposed building areas up to 51 feet in depth. All borings and trench~·were1qgged and sampled by our geologists and backfilled on completfon, The small diam.et~r borings drilled· in conjunction with this study have been desigp.ated B-1 through n::24, the trencJ.ies.have been labeled as T-1 through T-26. Logs of these borings ,and trenches, ·as weU as those,from previous studies are included as Appendix B. The locations cjf all exp1<:>ratory·ex~ayations are indicatec,l on Plate Nos. 1 and 2, Geotechnical Map and Rem.oval Map. · · · Representative samples of tbe sdµs e1wountet~ were returned to our laboratory for testing. Laboratory tests p~rformecf included .in-pla~ moisture and density and cpnsolidation testing. The results of the laboratory tests performed :are presented on the boring and trench logs and in Appendix C. · · · · -S- LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCIATES; INC; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.1 2.2 4960151-001 2.0 SUMMARY-OF. d-EOT.ECHNICAL CONDITIONS Regional Geology The subject site is located within the· coastal subptovidence of ·the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Providence, near the western edge of the southern California batholith. The topography at the edge of the bathQlith changes from rugged landforms developed on the batholith to the :more subdued landforms which typify the softer sedimentary formations of the coastal plain. · · · · The subject site is underia1n by terrace deposits lormeq by sea level changes during late Quaternary time. These soHs: were-deposited 9~ waye cut "platforms in the underlying Santiago Formation. · · · · Site Geology As encountered during previous site in:vestigatk>ns and :our r~vieW of geotechnical reports applicable to the tract (Appendix A), the Lego-site is· urtq~rlain-.by bedrock units consisting of the Santiago Formation and Terrace_ Deposits l;!.Ild surficial uriits · comprised of aUuvium, colluvium, topsoil, documented and ui:ldocqme:tited· fill "so"jls. · Toe areal distributions of the units are shown on the Geotechnical. Mapc (Plate 1} and on the Removal Map (Plate 2). Reduced copies of both of thei;e plat~: are included at the ,rear of this: text. 2.2.1 Santiago Formati~n f~fap Syttibol -Ts} The bedrock unit underlying the entire site is the 'tertiary-aged Santiago Formation. In general, the unit consists of massive to poorly bedded sandstone with interbedded clayey siltstone and silty claystone. Th~ sandstone encountered consisted primarily of light gtay, light brown, and light. yellow-brown, -moijt, dense, silty, fine-to occa,sionally medium-grained .sandstone. .lijie sandstone \vas generally friable, slightly micaceous and massive. The siltstone consisted of mecliu$ :brown and olive-brown, moist, stiff, clayey siltstones that vvere fjssile to-indistinctly bedded and contained calcium carbonate, mangan~e-o~de ~ncl iion-oxidest~injng. The claystone typically was gray to brown, moist, stiff to hard, tme-grained, sandy .to: silty·claystone that was moderately sheared. Where encountered~ the t1ppe.r 6,tQ 1:Z il)ches of the Santiago Formation appears to be moderately weathered, pbto~ a,rd=potentially:compressible. This layer should be removed and tecompai;ted in,are·as of fill placement or improvements. . . 2.2.2 Terrace Deposits (Map SymbQl-Qt} Quaternary-aged Terrace Depqsits, locally o.verli~ the Santiago Formation in most areas of .the site ( especially· along the · J,idge1ines). As encountered during the investigations, these deposits generallycoQ.sisfof orange to.red brown, damp to moist, -LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES,.INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 medium dense, silty fip.e-to medi1JII1-gram,ed sand. Tue upper portion of the Terrace Deposits (generally the tipper 3 to S feet) appeared to be :highly weathered and/or disturbed by the agi;icultural ·activities of the. ~ite &nd ar~ anticipated to be slightly porous and potentially compressible. In generat tire Terrace Deposits have a very low expansion potential~ With the exception of the tipper weathered zone, the terrace deposits have favorable engineering. pro11en1es -~nd are suitable to receive the proposed improvements. Th~ weatherec;l portiofi-.of the tert&ce deposits will require removal and recompaction in are~ of proposed improvements or fill soils. 2.2.3 Alluvium (M~p Symool -Qal~ Alluvium was enceu,.nterectdtiring Ql!r investigation of the proposed development in the low-lying ·southerly flowing ·drainages adjacent to Palomar Airport Road and Hidden Valley Road. As encountered the alluvium generally consisted of potentially compressible, moist to saturated, lo9se to :medium dense silty sands with some sandy silts ~nd s~ndy clays. In-the area adjacent to the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Hidden Valley Road, .alluvium depths :are greater than the total depth explored (36.5 feet). North of Palomar Airport Road alluvialdepths remain relatively thick as evidenced by appro~ately 28 feet·of-alluviq.m in boring LB-4. In the central ca_p.yon area-south of the-existing fill are-a, alluvium was encountered to a depth of 12 feet ·at borhig SD-,1; these\ateas were not accessible with the drilling equipment utilized in this investigaffon. _ Unsaturated alluvial-soils are·consideted;potentiallyC9!ll.Pressible and not suitable for the support. of fill and or structural loads. Th~e soils should be removed and recompacted as part of site grading. - 2.2.4 Colluvium ~Map Symbol -Qcol) 2.2.5 Colluvium was encountered Ill the Jow.,lyiilg areas withm and adjacent to the tract; on the lower hillsides north 6f Palomar Airport .Road and in the tributary canyons. As encountered~ the ~ll1,1vium· :typjcally consiste<;l -of. dark red-brown, damp to moist, medium dense, silty to-slightlyclc!Yf?Y sand that was generally'2 to 22 feet in thickness although locally ifmay be $0111~what deeper. The colfovium·was typically.porous and anticipated -to be . potenti,ally oompt~ible 11nder the load of existing fills or improvements. In. places,::it was somewhat difficult to distinguish the sandier colluvial soils from the underlying terrace dep_osits. Topsoil (Unmappeo) Topsoil was encountered-essentially coveri~gthe entire site but was not mapped. The topsoil was. found to b~ geQ.etally dark r¢4-btown; damp, loose to medium dense, silty sands with minor (\mounts_ <>f .clay. The Jop~9il was generally ±2 feet in thickness, - 7 ~ LEIGHTON ANl1 ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 contained minor amounts of decomposed otgani~, and has been disturbed by the past - and present agricultural activitie$' on the sit~~ Thjs unit was evaluated to be potentially compressible undet the, loading of fill soils or improvements. 2.2.6 Documented _Fill (Map Symbol .. Afd). Compacted fill soils are currently bei:gg. pla~e4 a}o:pg the alignment of Armada Drive. Documentation of the :placement ap:d cotnpa(}tion-of tllese soils is being performed by Leighton and Associates. ' 2.2.7 Undocumented Fill (Map Synibol -Afil) • A relatively large amount of UJ!documented fill soils a.re present on the site in various locations. The major fill areas ate designated on the·_ geotechnical map as Areas 1 through 5. Mihor amounts of :unmapped fill soils ar~ also ·present on the site as dirt roadways and utility trench backfills._ Each. of tlle tnajor fill areas is discussed below. • Area 1 --' . - Undocume:gted fill ¾~a 1 consists -of a broad fill area in the southwestern portion of the site. This area. was previously graded-i:p conjimction with site access roads and a -flower/vegetable pacldp.g facility that has. since been removed. As encountered, the und,ocumented . fill-consisted of numerous soil types, but typically the fill soils· were :orang~-btow.n; medium broWQ. and gray, moist. to very moist, loos~, silty sands and-clayey sands. In the vicinity of the agricµltural packing and distribution plant, ,starting at a 'depth. of between '8 and 10 feet, and in the fill area at the southeast portion of ilie sit.e in the lowet portion of the fill, the undocumented mi contained a' moderate :to · ~bundant amount of partially decomposed· organics, pieces,of wooctand brush, trash, plastic;and construction-type clebris (eg. concrete, asphalt; rebai:,pncks~ et¢~)-~ In a number of borings located south of the existing agiicuitural packing and-distribution plant, refusal ( due to abundant chunks of concret~ a~tl asphalt)occurred at depths ranging from 15 to 17 feet -below existing grade. Borings to. the east and north of the packing plants encountered some trash a:nd-debris~-but generally the fil1°soils consisted of relatively clean silty sands. Adjacent to Palomar Airport Road these fill soils extended to depths greater than 33. f~t (Boring B-:6). -Evaluation of the total depthS of fill were not possible due to caving CQI)ditions :in the: borings and the presence of a significant amount of ground water. R~nt removals during the grading of Armada Drive. were -on the order of -10--to 15 -feet in depth along the edge of Armada Drive._ 1.1he majority of this removal did not encounter a significant amount of rubble, although ij large undergrpund storage tank and associated piping was removed from this area .. A large amount of concrete and rubble was removed during recent removals adj~ce_nt-to Palomar Airport Road and Armada Drive. ·-·g' - J.EIGHTDN AND ASSOCIATES, INC, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 • Area 2 Area 2 consists of the hu;gest area of up.documented· fill encountered on the site. In this area large ~fmouri4; offill·sQils were app&rently placed on at least 3 different occasions. The timing of the first event is .unlqiown, but based on a review of previous geote<;hnical reports (ICG, 1988), approximately 20 feet of fill soils existed · on the westerly flank of the canyon. area prior to 1988. This material was likely generated from onsite farming activities. .Fill:soils were then apparently pla~d in the· canyon area to, an elevation-of ±138 feet MSL. This material was imported during rough grading operations on the :g.earby -Car County Carlsbad. Disposal grading plans indic~te4 that an ex~s of 176,000 cubic .yaros of material was to be disposed in the canyon atea. Existing site-elevations .in the canyon area vary from ±140 feet in the centntl:porlions of th¢ ·canyon to ±150 feet on the sides of the canyon. The source of this ·additional layer -of fill is unknown. We understand however, the area may h~ve· been t1tilized as.a disposal site during the improvement of Palomar Airport Road. As encountered during our Jnvestigation,. the fill soils are up tC> 34 feet in thickness (Boring LB-1 ). The upper portions of the fill soils are moderately well compacted, clean soil. However, abundant amounts of trash and debris were encountered in the lower portion of the fill. This ciebli$ corisis~ primarily of larger clumps of plastic debris (visqueen); $Qm~ pvc pipe ~nd minor amounts of wood and other inert debris. No documeritatkm.Qf the placement and <X>inpaction of any of this fill soil exists. In addition, as shown by lCG (1988) and as encountered in our borings, the fm soils -are underlain by potentially compressible alluvium, in the center of the canyon with a thickness Qf -appro:xintately 20 feet. In Trench T-7, the soils were noted to .have strong odors. Samples· were retained a.nd scanned with a-PIO :(photoiohizatic>n d¢tectot} with no evidence of petroleum hydrocarbons noted. • Area 3 Area 3 consists of a small dam or desiltiilg b~in b~rm located south of fill area .2. This fill area has~ maxim.µ111-clepth on the·otderof ±1$ feet and is also underlain by potentially compressible :alluvium. Tue: upper z2 feet of this fill appears highly weathered and disturbed This fill area is also undocumented. · • Area 4 Area 4 is located in th~ same;; general area as: 2, and .3. 'This fill is labeled as having debris.in the fill. We have beeninfonned by several-sources that this area contains trash and debris. The ,deoris is largely anticipated to be plastic pipe and visqueen although one of the onsite farmers; befieves·:there may be an abandoned car contained within· the fi1l soils. Observation oftliis0nll area indicate some plastic and debris on the surface. Previo\lSly, in an-attempt to quantify how much trash exists in Area 4, Boring LB-2 was· drilled. 'this l>origg encountered 8 feet of relatively - 9 - LEIGHTONANQASSOC/ATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.3 4960151-001 . . . clean fill soils overlying :bedrock materials· of .the Santiago Formation with no appreciable trash. During th~ pba&e-of the itJvestigation, Trenches T-11 and T-12 were excavated in this area and enoountered a significant amount of trash. The trash consists primarily of plastic ifrigatiort tlibfn.g and VISqueen. • Area 5 -. . --- Area 5 consists of another relatively sm,all fill are:a, created by onsite farming activity. The fill soils in tb.is ar¢a -are less than JO feet in maximum fill thickness and obviously uhcom:{>acted; With the exception -of the grading cutrently0beihg perfon:nect along Armada Drive, all of the fill soils encountered on the site are undocumented and therefore considered uncompacted. In addition, the major fill ateas are also underlain by potentially compressible alluvium and CQ!].tain an unknown amount of trash and debris. It is impossible to quantify the amount_ of trash that i_s present, however based on our observations and previous experience,. we:-aiJ.ticipate that tra_sh may account for up to 5 percent by volume of the inidocuniented fill~. ltl our opinion, the onsite fill and alluvial soils are not suitable to receive additional fill and/ot structural loads in their present condition. :ft1 addition, gue to the· _preseh~~of the presence of the trash and trash and no1htiniforniity of the fill, _ poten,tial differential settlement cannot be quantified. Therefore, considering "thi types of develQpnients now proposed, we . recommend the existing undbctJmented till -and underlying alluvium be completely removed and recompaded as part.of sitezgradfu.g> The:attached Plate No. 2 (Removal Map) illustrates the anticipated depths .of reJliOVal below existing site grades. Proposed design grades are p.ot.shown on this plan··and: need to be taken into account. Ground Water Ground water was encountered within several of the onsite" Qr!lmages in the lower elevation particularly adjacent to l>alom·ar:Afrport Road. The presence ofground water in these areas is anticipated to limit some of the ·reqioyals of alluvium and undocumented fill that are proposed. · Ground water was also. ~ncountered in borings ::e.:22,. LB-5 and LB-6 at respective dept~ of 18 feet 5 inches, 31 feet and 10 feet below the existing· ground-surface. The ground water appears to be perched on theGtintact between-the.overlying Terrace Deposits and underlying Santiago Formation.-Because of At$ depth and · tocalized nature, ground water is not anticipated to be a constraint to site development provid~ the recommendations of this report are adhered to. · · · -10- LEIGHTON ANDASSOCIATES, (N_C. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.4 4960151-001 Geologic Structure The bedrock units encountered on the site were generally massive with no apparent bedding. However, based on our professional experience in the area, bedding of the Terrace Deposits and underlying Santiago Formation is anticipated to be relatively gently dipping (ie. 5 to 10 degrees) to the west. 2.5 Mass Movement Based on our review of the previous geoteQhnic&l :repoi;-~, :available geologic literature and maps, and aerial photographs, no indication of mass movements (such as landslides, surficial slumps, etc.) were observed within the subject site. · · . . . 2.6 Faulting and Seismicity Our discussion o{ the faults on the site _:is prefaced with a discussion of California legislation and state policies concerning the classification a11d lartd-t1se criteria associated with faults. By definition of the California Mining:and Geology Board, an aetive fault is· a fault which has had surface displacement within Holo~ne tj"me (aboutthe last ii,booyeats)~ The State Geologist has defined a potentially active faµlt as any fault considered to have been active during Quaternary time (last 1,600;000 years). this definition is used in delineating Earthqua~e Fault Zones as mandate.ct by the Alquist-Priolo Earthqua_ke Faulting Zone Act of 1972 and as subsequently revised in 1974, 1975, 1976, 1979, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993. The intent of this act is to assllre that unwise urban development dpes not occur across the traces. of active faults. The subject site is not located within any earthquake fault zones as created by the Alquist-Priolo Act (Hart, 1992). · Our review of available geologic literatu.te indicated that there are no known active or potentially active faults-·that transect· Carlsbad Ranch. However, inactive fault zones were encountered in a -number of places· within· and adjare.nt to C1:1rlsbad Ranch during previous investigations. In addition, during _re~nt .site grading, features were observed within the terrace deposits that may be indications of past episodes of liquefaction on the site. These features include a seri~ of irr~gular fractures that :have been infilled with a clean sand. In addition to these features, inactive fault.zones wei;-e encountered .in the cut slope along the north side of Palomar Airport Road during previo~ geotechnical work performed at the site (Geotechnics, 1992) and in the easteni porti<JP--of the site (Weber, 1982 and Leighton, 1991 and 1992). The location of-the proposed development can be consider~ to lie within a seismically active region, as can all of southern Callfotnia. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone which is located approximately 3.5 miles to the west of the site is considered to have the most significant seismic effect at the site from .a design standpoint A. maximum probable earthquake of moment magnitude 6.25 011 the fault could produce a peak ·hqrizontal ground acceleration of approximately 0.30g at_ the .site.-For design p:uq>()~es, an effective ground acceleration -of 0.40g based on the Uniform· Building Code criteri~ (ICBO, 1991)-may be assumed. -11 - LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.7 2.8 4960151-001 Seismic Considerations The principal seismic ·co.o,sidetations for m.ost Structur~-in. southern California are surface rupturing of fault traces, damage caused · by ground· shaking and7or seismically induced liquefaction or dynamic settlement.: The :probability Qf damage due to ground rupture is considered minimal since active_ faults· ·are not }mo~ tQ cross the site. Ground lurching due to shaking from distant seismic events;is not considered a significant hazard, although it is a possibility thtm~ghout the· southern California regiop. · 2.7.1 Ground Shaking The seismic hazard mqst likely to impact the site is ground shaking resulting from an earthquake on one of the, majt>r regional fault~, ·. As discussed above, a maximum credible event on tlie Rose,C~a1_1y9n:Fault Zpne (considered the design earthquake for this site) could produce.~ peak horizontal-bedtockacceleration at the site of 0.30g and an effective ground-acceleration <:>f 0.40g~ ~-. 2. 7.2 Liquefaction/Dyhamic · SettJem~fit _ Liquefaction of cohesiQiiiess· 'soils cali be caused !)y strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Research and ~torj~a:.l data indicate that1oose granular soils underlain by a near-surface-grdund water tabfo ,are most .susceptible to liquefaction, while the stability of mdstsilfy clays a11d clays is not advers~ly.affected by vibratory motion. Due to the relatively deilse-natute of the onsite Terrace Deposits: and Santiago Formation and the .absence of a near ·surface ground water table, ·the potential for liquefaction on the sitedue to the design e·arthquake is antidpateg ·to be very low. However, due to the presence of perch~d _ground water conditions within the loose and potentially compressible-alluvium, colluviuin and undocunientedfill soils-, liquefaction and dynamic · settlement of these soiis may occur as :a result-of the desjgn earthquake. As a result, remedial measure such as.removal and-r~mpaction are recommended to mitigate this liquefaction ·potentiah - Existing Slope Conditions A number of existing gradei:hlo~ hav~ been c6n$tructed along Palomar Airport Road, and in the vicinity of the 4gricultural packiµg ao.d djstijbution plant within south-central portion of Carlsbad Ranch.-·These slopes.have inclinations ·ranging 'from 1:1 to 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. Iii general, the 1:1 cut -slopes· ate .present around the packing and distribution plant._ Fill slopes associated with· the undocumented Jill slopes are also present on the site atslope inclinations-of'approximately·2,l (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. Slopes having inclinations st~per than. 2:1 sho-qld be considered temporary slopes and should be regraded at maximum slope inclinatiQ~ 9f 2:1 (unless properly~designed with a retaining·wall structure). In addition, we ut;.derstantl the area Qf existing undocumented fill slopes adjacent to Palomar Airport Road may -be ·ptqtected because of the presence of endangered plant LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 species. If these soils are not removed and rewmpacted a$ part of.site grading, some surficial slope instability may be experienced. -In .additioµ, a: stwctu:r~l setback may be required at the top of slope for settlement-sensitive improv~ments. -_ 2.9 Expansion Potential The expansion potential of the soils etic:ountered within the subject site are described as follows: · · -- • Undocumented Fill: Low expansion potertticd for the piajority of the soils. Minor amounts of silty sand/clayey san_d :Soils-may have a moderate expansion potential. . --- • Alluvium and Colluviuin: Low expansion potential. for sandy soils to high for clayey soils. • Topsoil: Low expansion potential.for s~fl~dy soils to high for clayey soils. • Terrace Deposits: Ver/ low to :}ow expansion potential. -. • Santiago Formation: Low expa:tision potentialJor silty _sandstoo.e, medium to high for sandy to clayey silts tones anci high to vecy high for the iilty cl~ystones. ------ . ·- Expansion testing of representative fimsh grade soils -in proposed." building areas should be performed upon completion of rough grading to better ~sess the expansion potential of the finish grade soils so that final fou_ndation ret9Il!lllendations can be provided. 2.10 Sulfate Content. Minimum Resistivi,w and.pH• The test results from the site investigations performed for tpe Carlsbad Ranch project and adjacent tracts ind1cate the onsite soils .possess a· negligible_ to JJlinor soluble sulfate content and a very mild to high potential for corrosion. Laboratory -testing· of finish grade soils at grade or in contact With concrete and/or buried .metal condµits:should be performed once site- specific plans are developed and/or construct_ion is planped. -13- LEIGHTON ANDASSDCIATES; INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 3.0 CONCLUSIONS . - -. -~ Based on the preliminary tentative tract map and the results of our ge0ted:1nical investigation, it is our opinion that the proposed development of the Lego :Family p ark.:is feasible from a geotechnic,;al standpoint provided the following conclusions a).1.d':reoommendatiorts.c1re incorporated into the design and construction of the tract. · -- The following is a summary of the geotechnical factots:which1;11ay affect qevelopment of the site. • Based on the previO\lS subsurface investfgations, the sit~ is underlain ·by the Santiago Formation, Terrace Deposits, alluvium, colluvium, topsoil arid undocumented filr soils.· • The topsoil; colluvium, alluvjµm, weather.¢d fpnnationa:l material and undocumented fill soils are porous and/or potentially compr~sible in their _presentstate and will require removal and recompaction in areas of proposecl develqprtlent. If complete removals ~re not made, settlement should be anticipated. · · • Based on the previous subsurface investigations of the fotmational soils and surficial soils present on the site, we anticipate that these materials will be rippable With ·heavy-duty construction equipment. However, localized concretions-and cemented-layers within the Santiago Formation if encountered, may require heavy ripping <:luring excavatidn. . . --- • Abundant trash and construction debris were eiiooyJitered in the existi1:1g undocumented fill soils between Palomar Airport R&ad ~nd the agiitu1hiral pa-eking ~g.d distribution plant with a large amount of agricultural debris, pl&Stic pipe. and other· debris fa· the ilorth:-south trending canyon in the southeast portion of the tract. Removal·ofcthese deletenous m~tetials will be required in order to utilize the undocumented fill soils during site grctding .. • Laboratory testing resqlts and-our previous experjence in the area :it!dieate the soils ptesen:t on the site have the following soil engineering charai;terijtics: very low to high expansion potential - negligible to minor sulfate content -~ adequate shear strength ih both existing form:atjonal soils or as properly compacted fill soils mild to high potential l'or corrosion: to buried .metal conduits - • The existing onsite soils appear to be sujtable for '.use as fill material. provided they are free of organic material, debris, ~nd t,ock: fragments :larger than 6 inches in m~m:um dimension. • Perched ground water conditions were encou!ltered within the tract.in a number of places. These perched ground water congitions were ~ncountered-in, 1} the ·undocumented fill soils between Palomar Airport Road and the agricultut~l packing ctnd distribution .plant; 2) within the alluvium located in the southeast corner of the site; aJ'.ld 3) in tiie northeast portion of the tract. Ground water is not considered a OOD$ttaint to development, however, gro~nd water seepage or shallow ground water conditions may occu,r .in ar~$ ·where ground water did not previously exist. This is especially true where a: relatively impermeable material such as a claystone or cemented layer :,..14- LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 underlies a relatively permeable m_aterial such as sandstone or sandy fill .soils. After removal of undocumented fill and alluvium, canypn subdtains should be installed to avoid a future buildup of water. Additional subdrainag~ 11iay be reqµired depending our review of final development plans and conditions encountered -during site grading. • Active or potentially active faults are not kn:own to-exist on the: Carlsbad Ranch project. However, inactive faults and ·other seismic feafures,have been mapped and/or observed transecting the tract. · · • The peak horizontal ground 1;tcceleration on the sit¢ due to the design earthquake on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone of momerit-magnitude 6.25 is estimated to be 0.30g with an effective ground acceleration of approximately OAOg. • Based on our evaluation, the potential Jar liquefaction of the ~ite soils is considered very low. However, due to the perched ground water conditions ·and presence of potentially compressible alluvium, colluvium and undocumented• fill soils · in some areas of the tract, the potential for liquefaction is considered significant unless remedial measures are undertaken to remove and recompact the saturated and potentially ·compressible-softs-. • Mass movements sue,h as landslides, stirficial slumps! nJqd flows, etc. were not observed onsite. • The existing 2:1 (horizo'ntai to vertical) or J1latter cut ~lopes present on the south and west sides of the tract are considered sutficially and grossly stable from a geotechnic;al standpoint. However, due to the coarse and somewhat fr.fabl~-I1ature of the onsite,sofls, rilling and gullying of the slopes is anticipated to be significarit. · • Grading of the subject site · may result in a. transition conditio~ ( cut/fill) in proposed building areas. Section 4.1.5 provided tecomII1ettdations to-mitigate -this condition. -JS - LEIGHTON AND.ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.1 4960151-001 . . 4.Q · RECOMMENDA.TiONS Earthwork - We anticipate that earthwmk at the :&ite will consist of site ,preparation, excavation, removal and recompaction -of potentially ·compressible soil_s, fill pfacement, and backfill. We recommend that earthwork on the ·sjte ~e · perfopned in accordance. ~th the following recommendations, the City of:C&tlsbad grading requirements, and the Gep_eral Earthwork and Grading Specifications included in _Appendix D. · In case of .conflict, the following recommendations shall supersede those in Appendix D .. 4.1.1 Site Preparation· Prior to grading, all:areas to teceive'stnictural fill or engineered structures should be cleared of surface aftd'.sµbsurf~ce'obstrucfiQns,:.incl1Jding·any existing debris, potentially compressible ·m&terial (such as togs.oil, colluviuin, alluvium, weathered formation materials, and undocumented fill soils); and stripped'-~f vegetation. Based on this and previous subsurface inv~tjgations~ ilii 'i,mdoctirnented fjll soils contain a significant amount of trash -and construction and familiig cleorisi Vegetation artd cJ.ebris should be removed from the existing :fill soils -and, property aisposed. Holes resulting from removal of buried -obstrttction$ which extend "below finish site grades should be replaced with suitable co111pacted fill: Ill.aterial .. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should:be sc~tified to a minimum depth of 6 inches, brought to near optimum moisture condition, and recoinpacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM t~t Me~hod D1557-91Y. . . 4.1.2 Removal and Recompactioii :of Poteiltialfa1 Compressible Soils In general, alluvit:1m, _ colluvium, -topsoil, ·weathered formational soils, and undocumente~ fill soils not removed by the plalll1ed, grading, should be excavated, moisture conditioned or-dried.back to-o]?tain a near optimum moisture content, and then compacted prior to placing any ·additional fill. Typically, these soils including near-surface soils in areas that h~ve been farmed in the past are anticipated to be porous and potentially compressible in their present state, and may settle appreciably under the surcharge .of fills ()f-: foundatio.I) loadings. In areas that will receive fill or other surfaceimprovements,:th~~,potentially compressible soils should be removed down to competent fo:rmational Qtaterji\ls and-tecoiJ!pacted. Plate No. 2 ilh.1.strat~ Jbe anticipated depth from the existing ground surface to competent :material .• These depths ·do-·not take into account the proposed design grades and should be adjusted accordingly .in cut areas. In the southeast corner of the tract, our investigation indicated in excess of 36.5 feet of alluvium with the ground water :table at approximately 64 feet msl. -.16- LEIGHTONANDASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.1.3 4960151-001 Ground water· was _ also encounter_eq Jit an elevation of ±74 feet MSL in the undocumented fill ·area on the western edge of :the site. Ground water may also be present in the central canyon area adjacent to-Ralomar Airport Road. · We recommend that alltivitiin be either ct>inpletely removed to competent formational material or to Within ±2 feet .of :the_ static groun.11 water table. If saturated alluvium is left-in-place, settlement should be anticipated. · Based on the conditions-encotmterec(duting &ite. grading, the in~tallation of settlement monuments and a monitoring ,period Jiiay ~e r~nimended. Perched ground water was also encount~red in ·bonng SD-6 and SD-9 at respective depths -of 5 and 7 feet. Complete removals of' the topsoil, fill and alluvium in these areas should be performed. -· · In general; we estjinate that the alluvial removal& in the southern portion of the site to be up to ±30 _feet fa depth, the colluvial removals will iil geqeral range from 3 to 7 feet; while removals of topsoil an,d near,.sm;race ~oil disturbed by farming will be on the order of 2 ta: 4 feet. It shouid be noted that deeper removals may be required· in areas due to localized thicker_ zones -o( comptesidble-sdils. In additio11, the undocumentedfiil soils were·fou:nd:to contanj Qrg~foics, trash, and construction debris. This material should be separated-from the soils and disposed of off site. Small fragments of pl~tic sheeting and irrigation lubing maybe mcorporated into the fill soils. However, all clumps of.this material_ should be removed and disposed of off site. Removals of the undocumented f;ill~Iid underlying alluvium are recommended in the central canyon area. In this ar~a/ removal depths am anticipated to have a maximum depth of approximately 50 feet. The e~ent of the undocumented fill and underlying alluvium are shown on the Plate Nos. 1 and 2. ·· Due to the abun4~nce of concrete ciiurtks witlµn th~ undoc1,nnented fill located south of the agricultural packing and. dk;tribution plapt, the drill -rig was unable to penetrate the undocumented fill. As a result,. our investigation was not able to -determine the undocumented fill thickness fu all locations~ · : How~ver, based on pregraded topography, the fill soils are ~til;n:ated to be· a minimum of approximately 35 feet in thickness. Removals of this mate.rial adjctcerti to~Palomar Aii:port Road will also be limited by the presence of ground water. Other areas of undocumented· fill although limited in extent also require complete removal and recompaction. · · ·- Excavations . . Excavations of the onsjte mat_erials may generally be accoIQ.plished with C9nventional heavy-duty earthwork equipmep.t. it is not a_nticipated that blasting will be ·required or that significant quantities .of oversized rock ·(i.e. rock with maximum dimensions . --17 :: LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 greater than 6 inches) will be generated duripg ·grading. However, if oversized rock is encountered, It $bould be placed as fill in accordance with the details presented in AppendixD. · -. Due to the relatively high ·density chatacter~ti~ · and coarse nature of the onsite soils, temporary excavations such. as utility trenches with vertical sides in the onsite soils should remain stable for the penoctrequrr@tb'cb11$truct the utility, provided they are free of adverse geologic · cqnditions. · · liowever, in accordance with OSHA requirements, excavations between; ~ and 15 feet :in depth should be shored or laid back to inclinations ·of 1~1 · €horizontal to vertical) if workers are to enter such excavations. For excavations deeper than is feet,· specific recommendations ca:n be made on a case by case ba~sis. · · · -· · 4.1.4 Fill Placementand Compactfori The onsite soils ate generally suitable for use as compacted fill provided they are free of organic -material, debris, and tock: fragments larger than 6 inches in maximum dimension. All fill soils should be bi:ought .to near-optimum moisture conditions and compacted in. riniform lifts to ~t _ least 90 percent relative compaction based on laboratory standard ASTM Test Method D155,Z.;91. The optimum lift thickness required to prodqce a uniforinly.CQinpaded :fill will depend on the type and size of compaction equjpment ~ed. -In-general, filLshmild be .placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in thickness. · · · · Placement and compaction of:fill should:be performed in general accordance with the current City of Carlsbad grading ordinances, · sound constn,iction practice, and the General Earthwork and ·Grading Specifications ,presented in Appendix D. 4.1.5 Transition Lots We recommend .the _proposed structures• :be planned. such. that they are entirely underlain by competent fomiatiorial · soils. or underlain by a uniform thickness of properly compacted fill. If this is not possibl~, in; or~~r to help minimize the potential for differentiai settlements,. the-entire ~ut portion <>f: tb,~ area planned for structures in daylight areas should ·be -qverexcavated to a :mig.imum -depth of 2 feet below the bottoms of proposed foundations and replaced with properly compacted fill. The 9verexcavatioI1S_ shoulg. laterally extend. ;at Ie~l . 10 f~ef beyond the building pad. Depth of overexcav&tion should ·be deepened when necessary to provide a uniform thickness of fill beneath. the· structure( s ). Please refer to Section 4.5 for recommendations should sfructui:es lle · planned in ar~~-of the site where relatively large differential fill thickiie$ exists .and-extensive overexcavation is not considered feasible. · · · :-18- -. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.2 4960151-001 4. L6 Earthwork_ Shrinkage/Bulking The volume cha:p.ge of excava_ted onsite· m_atetials upon tecompaction as fill is expected to vary with materials and lQcation. Typically, the surficial soils and bedrock material vary significantly in natural and.compacted density, and therefore, accurate earthwork shrinkage/bulking. estimates cannot be determined. --However, the following factors based on the results of our geotecn.Iiical analysis are provided as guideline estimates. If possible, we suggest an area where site grades can be adjusted be provided to µtilize as a balance area: . • Topsoil/Upper 2 feet of site· where farming bas occurred: 10 to 15 percent shrinkage, below 2 feet: 5 to 9_ _percent shrinkage • Undocumented ·fill: 5 to 15 perc~pt shrinkage • Colluvium/Alluvium: 5 to 10 pei:~nt shrinkage • Terrace Deposits: O· to .S::p~rcent 15.ullong • Santiago Formation: 4 to 7 perc¢nt bulking_ ( assuming th:e majority of the s·antiago Formation is sandstone, bulki11gJ11ay he greater in· areas of siltstone or clays tone). * In addition, an unknown quantity ot trash and debris is incorporated within the undocumented fill soils 011 site. This .material wi.11 require export from the site and will influence the overall dirt balance~ Control of Ground Water and Surface Waters Based on previous preliminary investigations, it is our opirtion that except for alluvial areas adjacent to Palomar Airport Roc:!d ~nd the perched ground water conditions encountered in various locations within the tract,. a permafiep.t shallow ground water table does not currently exist at the site. The control of ground Wat~r in a hillsioe development is essential to red1,1te the potential for undesirable surface flow or seepage, hydrostatic pressure and the adverse effects of ground water on slope :stability. · · We recommend that measur~ be talep to properly finish grade each sheet-gradecj atea, such that drainage water -is directed away fr9m top-of-slopes. No ponding of water should be permitted. Drainage design is within the P'1rvi~w oftlie design civil engineer. Even w.ith· these provisions, our experi(?n~ indfoat~ that-shallow ground water conditions can develop in areas where no such gtoul)d water conditions .existed prior to site development, especially in areas where a substantial_ increase in ,surface wat~t infiltration results from landscape irrigation. We recommend that aJ:i engineerip.ggeologist be present during grading operations to observe and record. possible fu{u1:e &eepage. Canyon subdrains should be installed in the canyon bottoms that will<be ,infilled &nd in the removal bottom of the :. 19- LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.3 4960151-001 . . undocumented fill removal are~ in order · to collect :subsurface water and minimize the saturation of the fill soils. The location~ for r~eommerided subdrains should be made after review of final grading plap.s: .Additional ··s1,1bdrains may be recommended based on observations made during site grading and review of final development plans. If seepage conditions occur in cut slopes or :other areas oHh~ tract, shallow subdrains may be installed to collect the ground water and minimize problems associated with saturated soil, The subdrains should be installed i:g. accordance with the details presented in Appendix D. Slope Stability 4.3.1 Graded Slopes Based art our prof~sional experience in the area and knowledge of similar soils, it is our opinion that the.existing 2:1 (horizoI1,tal to vertical) 01; flatter manufactured slopes should have an adeq:uatefactot-of-safety·agai_nst:sutficia:l deep-seated or gross stability, provided the recon:nn:enda.tion.s presented herein are iricorpotated into the design and construction of the ~ite. . .. Site-specific grad:ip.g plans were not 'available for review at the time this report was prepared. As a result, the height: of ptopcised cut arid· fill slopes is presently unknown. However, where free:·of adver~e ge.ologic structures, cut and fill slopes to maximum heights of approximately 20 to 30,.feet should .be gto~11ly and surficially stal;>le at inclinations of 2:1 (horizontal .to vertfoal). ore flatter. It should be noted that manufactured slopes on ~ite may be sµiJject to ~rilling ·and erosion due to a granular nature of the onsite·soils. For plariping ,purposes, we have preliminarily evaluated the stability of cut.and fill slopes to a maximuni"height,of20feet at a maximum inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). We have attach¢ ·out calculations in Appendix E. The engineering charactedstics of the· site .soils· were based on our laboratory testing (Appendix C} and our experience with ·similar soils. Our calculations indicate that cut and fill slope to a. maximum height of 20 feet at :inclinations no steeper than 2:1 are grossly and $Uff:icially stable. J'en\poracy slopes for .underground utilities, retaining walls and other structures mafbe excavated ata grade.of i:1 (horizontal to vertical) tb heights of 20 feet, wher~ free of adverse geotech:nical conditions. Additional recommendations:can-be provided afte~ reviewqfffuatgrading and.development plans. We recommend that all excavations and cut -slopes be observed and mapped.by an engineering _geologist during grading operations· to verify that the soil and geologic conditions enco.untered do not differ sigµi{ica:p.tJy .from those assumed in our analysis. Oversteepenihg of existing slopes should be avoided ·during fine grading and construction unless: supported 'by appropriately.,designed retaining structures. Cut and fill slopes should' be provided with ·appropriate surface drainage features and landscaped with droµght-tolerant: veg--etatioh as . soon as possible after grading to minimize potential erosion. :Jn ~lopes where·:s~page is present, drainage should be provided as shown in AppemUx.1?. Slopes ·which require special drainage features can .. -20 -. LEIGHTONAN[JAS$0CIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.4 4960151-001 be evaluated ;md recommendations provided by the-geotechnical consultant during grading. · Preliminary Foundation Desigt1 Considerations Proposed· building types, final locatiqns,. and foundation l9ads were unknown at the time this report was prepared. Foi plan_mp.g pu._rpqs~S; w~ antjcipate the proposed structures will vary from one to three stories in height ancLwilI utilize b.otli,-~tru-ctural steel and concrete tilt-up construction. Typical column Joads. are assumed. to· be .o_n the orq.¢r of 200 kips. Assuming the pad gtade soils have a . very low to low ·¢~ansion,. the following foundation recommendations may be utilized. Final fou_ndatiqn plans ·should be reviewed by this office. 4.4.1 Footing Design The proposed buildings may utilize a coII1bin;ition ·of continuous perimeter footings and co~ventional interior .isolated-spreact footin.gs for building. support. Footings bearing prope_rly tampaeted fiil $hould extend a minimum of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent compacted soil· grade (24 inches for thtee stories). At this depth, footings may· be designed u~ing an :_allowable soil~bearing value of 2,500 pounds per square foot (pst). ,The allowable s·on bearing pressure may be increased by 250 psf for each· additionai foot of :foundation embedmeljt below 18 inches to a maximum allowable sojl bearing pressure of 3;500 :pounds per square-foot. This value may be increased by one-third· for loads ·of short duration including wind or ·seismic forces. Continuous perimeter footings shoul~lhave ~ inifi.imum width of 15 inches and should be reinforced by placing at least one No. s:rebar ,neat the top and one No. 5 rebar near the bottom of tb.e footing, and in accordance with the structural engineer's requirements. Wt:; recommend a nrlttjmmn. width of 24 inches for isolated spread footings. Utilizing-these recominendations, total and diffete11tial settlement are not anticipated to e~ceed 1 inch ai].d~l/2 inches; r~pectively, approximately one-half of this settlement is expected to occur during co~truction, Mo see Section 4.1.5 for undercut/transition--lot recommendations. 4.4.2 Floor Slab Desiwi All slabs should have a. filill.llllum thicbiess-.'of 4 inches: and be reinforced at slab midheiglit with No; 3 rebars at rs inches Qn -cenJer 'or No. 4 rebars at 24 inches on center ( each way). Additional· reinforcement · and/or concrete thickness to accommodate specific loading conditions· ·should be d~igned by the structural engineer. We ·emphasjze th~t it ~-the responsibili~of the contractor to ensure that the slab teiiµorcenie11ds placed at midheight of the· slab. SI.abs should be underlain by a 2;.inch layer of clean sand (sa:nd ¢quivalent · greater than 30) to aid in concrete curing, which is underlain by a 6.:.mil (or heavier) •moisture barrier which, in tum, underlain by a 2:.inch layer of cle~lll san~ to act as, a capillary break. All laps and penetrations in the moisture bamet should be .appropriately sealed. The spacing of -21 - LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.5 4960151-001 crack-control join~ should be desig_ned by the structural engineer. Our experience indicates that use of reinfor~ment in slabs and_ foundations will, generally reduce the potential for dtyipg· and shrinkage cracking. _ However, some cracking should be expected as the concrete cures. Minor cracking is considered normal; however, it is often aggravated by a high water/cement ratio, .high concrete temperature at the time of placement, small nominal aggregat~ $ize, and rapid moistµre loss due to hot, dry, and/or windy· weather conditions duting placement ·a11d curing. Cracking due to temperature and tnoi~ture fluctuations can also be expected. · The use of low slump concrete (not exceeding 4inches at the time~ot placement) will reduce the potential for shrinkage cracking: A slip sh-eet or equivalent should be used if crack-sensitive floor coverings (such.as ceramic tile~ etc.) are planned directly on the concrete floor. Moisture barriers can retard~ ·btJ.tJ1bt_·elin!iJ:Iat~ moisture vapor movement from the underlying soils up through Jhe, slab. We· recommend that• the floor coverings contractor test the moist1,1re vapor fltix:tate prforto attempting application of moisture sensitive flooring. "Breathable" floor coverings.sJ:iotild be considered if the vapor flux rates are high. · · · 4.4.3 Foundation Setback We recommend a mihitnuin horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all improvements {such as flatwork, .retaining walls, building:footings, etc.). This distance is measured from the outside edge of the footing, hoazontaJly to the slope face ( or to the face of a retaining wall) and should be a nunimqm, of 10 feet. Please note that the soils withi_n the structural 'setback area _p9s~ess poor lateral stability, and improvements (such as r~taining-walls, sidewalks, fences; pavements, etc.) constructed within this setback area may .he subject to lateral movement and/or differential settlement. · :Potential distre$s to such'iniprovements.may be mitigated by providing a deepened footing to sµpport the imptovemefit. The deepened footing should meet the setback recoi,rtniendatio11s described above. Special Design and Grading.Considerations for Fill_ ~ettle~ent Due to their inherent characteristics, fill soils tend to settle due .to their own weight and increase in moisture content. The amouri(of settlement is proportional to the depth of fill and its relative compaction. Base<,i on. labbratorf testing of the materials anticipated to be used as fill (Appendix C) and our experience with similar materials, we estimate these soils may settle on the ord~r -pf 0::2 percent of the total mi thicicness. In terms of differential settlement, 1/2 io.ch of settle111ent shc:n~ld be ~nti~ip!:\led fQr each 20 feet of differential fill thickness. Relatively -deep fill areas, placed orr~teep existihgtopography, are most likely to be impacted by the effects of differential settleDj,e11.t. In areas where the propos¢ structures cann,c:# toletit~ the amount of anticipated differential settlement mentioned above, special design -arid· grading considerations may be required. These considerations piayincluge: . -22 - /$IGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ·-I I , I I I I I I I I I. 1·· I. I I I I I I 4.6 4960151~001 • The proposed structu:res maY l:5e planned such: that they are entirely founded into competent formation.al material. This.may be ae®mp&_hediby constructing the structure on the cut portion of .the lot or by deepening foundation into th,.e formational soils by the use of a pier and grade beam . systeiii Qf, deepened footings. Geo technical recommendations for these foundation systems piay be provided based upon the proposed location and design of the structures. , · · · · • The proposed structures may be located. iJ). areas, of uniform fill thickness such that the anticipated differential settlement is within tolerate -limits. Ih daylight areas, the cut portions should be· overexcavated and replaced _with prope.rly compacted fill. The depth of the overexcavation will· be ·b&~ecl qpon .the amount of differential fill thickness and structural requirements. · • The potential differential settlements may be decre~~ by compacting the fill to a higher relative compaction (i.e., gteater·than 90 .percent). Tentatively, if this alternative is chosen, the fill should be compacted to 95 percent _relative compaction (ASTM Test Method D1557-91) in areas where the differe11tial fill thickn,ess is greater than 10 to 20 feet. • Additional structural consideration such 1as post-tensioned fou:ndation and slab systems and additional concret~ slab-on-egrade/foundation depth and reinforcement may be required to mitigate the effects of differential settlement. We recommend the structural engineer consider the effects of dif'ferentiaLsettle_nient oft the design of the proposed structures. Proposed Development in tJndocuiilertt~ ·Fiil *eas_ Two major undocumentec,i fill areas exist on. the .. site~ The westerly most area is adjacent to Palomar Airport Road in the south-central pottioi:1.-.pf th.¢" site. This is the area previously utilized partially for the now temov¢(f packing facility. 0_ b_u_r investigation of this fill area indicated that at least in localized areas it:contai.ns· an extensive amount of debris derived from a variety of sources and was likely fill~d iir ovet :a. l6ng p~riod of time. Our experience indicates that on otllet sites with similar histories, cap.yon areas $uch as this were utilized as a dump site for excess dirt and debris~ The compaction of tlie materials encountered in our borings varied from. loose to mediµin .dense. The-material is considered to be potentially compressible and not suitable for the support of. structUJ;aJ loads; As a result, the area may · be prone to differential settlement p-articularly if water is iri:tt<)duced into the fill soils. :Because of the nonunifotni natute~of these n11 soils and the presence of organic material, the amount of future settlement is diffic;ult to predict and may be in excess of several inches. -23 - LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.7 4.8 4960151-001 Development along the westerly portion ()f this fill .area ip.cludes the proposed alignment of Armada Drive. In this area, removal of the · unaocumented fill soils has recently been completed. A 15-foot wide stability: filfhas..also b¢'en constrqcted for a portion of the slope north of Palomar Airport Road and east 9f AriJJJ1cia Ddvi. While thi~ reduces the potential for surficial slope instability, the t1IJ.docun1enteq fiU-remainsinplace behind this slope. In this area, a structural setbackot use ofdeepened·founclation"willb~ required if the undocumented fill is left in place. · . . . In order to minimize the potential for differel)tfaLsettlementc>f.pa.rking areas, we recommend that removal of undocumented fills be-perfcmfled. An alt:eroative to complete removals would be the removal and recoinpaction of a. -minim.Um of the ·upper 5 · feet of soil below existing grade. Additional fills coul<;l then_ be place~:F and· the :parking lots constructed. it should be understood that even with the partiai 5-foof removal~ .. s~gnificantaniotifits of settlement should still be anticipated and· there will ·likely be cracking/separations and increased maintenance costs for the parking .• areas. ~ In addition,. because of the potential. for settlement, no settlement-sensitive utilities such as water, sewer, ;storm dr~il!,-etc. should be constructed in this area without special design to to1eratethese potentially significant differential settlement. We also recommend that 1andscaping/irrigatk1n be severely r~tricted or eliminated in areas of partial removals so that consolklation triggered by the infiltration of water is kept at a minimum. If future development of settiement-sensitive improvements are proposed, complete removal and .recompaction, special design cpns{deratio~ or-use of deep foundations will be required. · · ----- The undo9umented fill area in the southcent~al portion of the tract is also extensive. The fill area is again undocumented, underlain· by alluvium,. and as a· result may also be considered potentially compressible. However; th(} .<:any.on: fjll ~ also· believed to contain an unknown quantity of debris. The upper portions of-the.J'Ul appear to ~ relatively uniform. However, we also understand that major improvements -will be. proposed in this area. Therefore, we recommend that the .entire fill area and ·underlying all(lvium be removed and recompacted. Expansive Soils/Presoak .. Based on faboratory testing of r~pres~ntf,{tiv~ soils during the previous investigations, the majority of the soils on. site have a low,t~ _very lo~ ~~ansion potential (Appendix C). Expansion testing pf the actual soils placed at flnish gt&de alid.,recominendatjons concerning potentially expansive soils should be: made. after :site grading .has·. been completed. lf soils other than very low (less than.20 per UBC 18-~)-expansion potential are placed at pad grade, presoaking of slab subgracle soils will be recommended prior to concrete placement. Retaining Wall Design O?nsiderations Embedded structural walls shm.ild be designed· £or lateral ·earth pressures exerted on th~m. The magnitude of these pressures ·depends oti the aqioun.t Qf ·deformation that the wail can yield under load. If the wall can yield enough to mobilize the full shear strength of the soil, it can be designed for "active " press.ure. If the wall cannot yield under the applied load, the · -24- LEIGHTON ANO ASSOCiATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.9 4960151-001 shear strength of the .soil cannot be mobilizea ·and the ~~rth pressure will be higher. Such walls should be designed for "at rest" conditio~s. If a structure moves toward the soil, the resulting resistance developed by the soil is the "passive" J"~istance. For design purposes, the recomiri.endecf equivalent fluid pressure for each case for walls founded above the static ground water table and pacldilled with soils of very low to low expansion potential {less than 50 per UBC 18.a.2) is :provided below. I Equivalent Fluid Weight (pct) I I Condition I Level: I 2:1 Slope I .- Active --35 55 At-Rest 55 : 65 Passive 350 ·-----. -. The above values assume free-ciraining conditions. tr conditions: other than those assumed above are anticipated,. the equivalent fluid pressure v~lues should be provided on an individual-case basis by the geotechnical engineer.: -· AU -retaining wall structures should be provided with appropriate drainage. The outlet pipe should be sloped to drain to a suitable outlet. Typical drainage design is illustrated in.Appendix ·:o. Wall back cut excavations less than $. feet in heightcan be made near vertical. For back cuts greater than 5 feet in height, but less than 15 feet in heigbt, the back cut should be flattened to a gradient of not steeper than 1:1 (hori~rttal to vertic~l} slope inclination. For back cuts in excess of 15 feet in height, specific r~mtnendations, should be requested from the geotechnical consultant. Soil resistance developed againstfateral structural movemeg.t-can be obtained from the passive pressure values in the. previous table. Further, for sliding-resistance, a friction coefficient of 0.35 may be used at the concrete and soil i_nteifa~. -These ·values-may be increased by one- third when considefi4g loads. of short duration including wind or seismic loads. The total resistance may be taken as the sum of the frictional arid: passive resistances provided the passive portion does !}Ot e:x~d two-thirds of the total resistance. Type of Cement for Cortstn_iction Representative samples of the soils anticipated te> b¢ neat finish grade should be obtained and tested for soluble sulfate content upon ·completion of tough _grading in order to determine the type of cement for construction~ However, -the ptelitninacy tests performed during the previous irivestigatiops · indicated the .soil po8$e8$ -~· n¢gligible soluble sulfate content (Appendix C). As a result, concretejn contact with; the o.nsit¢-spilscan most likely be normal Type II cement ( or equivale11t). -- --25 - LEIGHTON ANO A$SOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 4.10 Corrosion Resistance Samples of the representative onsite soils w~r~ t~st~d-for minimum resistivity and pH by California Test Method-643 during the previou$ investigations at the subject site. The results of this testing ( Appendix C) incHcate · th.at the s_oils have @ mild to high potential for corrosion to buried uncoated metal.conduits .. · A.corrosion engineer should be consulted for further evaluation of this potential· if burfod 1netal '.conduits are proposed. 4.11 Pavement Design Final pavement recommendations should be· provided bas.ed 01.1 R-value testing of roadway subgrade soils as final grade~ a.re achieved. :For planning ptifJ)o~es, we have assumed the sandy onsite soils will have ai1 R--v,alµe of 40; UJil~ing &SSuiiied traffic indices of T.I. = 5.0., T.I. = 6.0, and T.I. = 7.0,. the following structural pavement sections can be assumed for planning purposes. · ~--- ... -· -~--·---.. -•. Assti~ect·• ·nesig!.1 . Recoinmeniled Structural Use Traffic Index ' R-V~lu;e ·-: P;ivement Oesig~ .. .. .. -· : Parking and T.l.·=5.0 R =40· 3 facheit Qf -~ppalt cpgqete over light auto. traffic ·--··· ----4 inches-ofCaltrans Cla~.2 base --·---.. ~-----.. Drive Areas T.I. = 6.0 R=40 iHnchei of 1:!,llpbalt concrete over . 5· inches a£ Ca_ltrans Class 2 base -· .. .. -------Truck areas and T.I. = 7;0 R=40 -. +inches ofasppa_lt !X)ncrete over fire lanes . 7 jil(:b~ of caitr!lnS. Class 2 base .. . . -- The upper 12 inches _of stibgtade soils should be scarified, moisture conditioned and compact~d to a mininn.1m of 9S perceIJ.t .relative: compaction b~ed oil ASTM Test Meth6d D1557-91. If fill .is requir~ to reach subgrade design grade, fill placement should be performed in accordance'with the recommend_<ttiqns pres~nted in.Section 4.1. The aggregate base material should be compacted~to-.a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. -. Untreated Class2 aggreg&te Baseshould meet the requiremen~ ofCaltrans specifications. We recommend that the curb~;.gutters, ·aiid sidewal~, be designed by the civil engineer or structural engineer. We suggest control joint:$ at apprQpriate interva~ as determined by the civil or structural engineer be ·oonsjde,red~ We also suggest a minimum thickness of 4 inches for sidewalk slabs. ·· · , · · · In accordance with City of Carlsbad guidelines~-coJicrete improvements within city right of ways should be underlain t,y a ,minimum,oL6 .inches of -Caltr.~11$ Cl~s 2 aggregate base. If pavement areas are adjacent tQ ~heavily· watered landscape areas, we recommend some measures of moisture CQntr.ol be taken to prevent tfie subgracfo,soils from becoming saturated. It is recommended that the ·concrete curbing separating the landscaping area from the pavement extend below the aggregate·.base to:help~seal the: end~ of the sections where heavy ... 26- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, IN(l. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 landscape watering may have access to the aggregate base and subgrade. Concrete swales should be designed in roadway or parking ~_re8$ sµl:>ject to concentrated surface runoff. For loading areas subject to impact loadings (i.e., -trash trucks, delivery trucks bays, loading docks, etc.), we recommend a miilinmrn:7Jnch _concrete pavement. The Portland Cement Concrete (P.C.C.) should be provide"d with approprfate ~teel reinforcement and crack-control joints as designed by the.project structural engineer: Wereconiinend that crack-control joints be spaced no more than 12 feet oli center -each way-. -lf sawcuts are used, they should be a minimum depth of one-quarter the slab thickness and ·made within 24 hours of concrete placement. We recommend that sectidns be as-nearly sqµare as possible. A 3,250 psi mix may be utilized. Asphalt Con;crete (AQ.)j :Portland .Ce.ment Concrete (P.C.C.) and base materials should conform to and be placedJn acooroaiici with the latest revision of the California Department ofTtansportation Standard -Specific;atiop.s (Caltrans) and American Concrete Institute (ACI) codes. -- 4.12 Water Features We understand the proposed Lego. Family -Park will incotporate several water features into the design. The location a:nd extent of these feat1.1res ar~ ~ yet unknown. For pond areas, we recommend that the: ponds ~ Uned with gunite lining having a :Qlinimum thickness of 4 inches and be reinforced-with 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesli._ The possibility of impact loading may increase the thickness and reinforcement,of gunite/ooncrete. -A 2 to 4-inch layer of clean sand (S.E. > 30) ·should be placed below the-gunite to-aid in curing. The sand layer should be underlain by a syntheticpdnd liner-(60 to 801ml) which is underlain by a layer of geofabric such as Mirafi 140N ot equivalent to protect the-liner. A subdrain or sump system should also be constructed below the_pond Uner Jo tQUect-seepage water, to inhibit uplift forces during pond cleaning, and tcHeduce the poteJJ.tial for-infiltration of water into the subsurface soils. Final tecommendati<;>n$ can:b~ pt6vi_ded ~fter·,completion of project plans. We note that several ponds may be -in ·are~ ,of anticipatecl differential fill settlement, and, thus additional reinforcement recommen~ations may be JJ,etessary. -27-= LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I 4960151.:001 5.0 CONSTRUCTION -OBSERVATIONS The conclusions and recommendations· provided -in this r:eport ate -ba~ecl on subsurface conditions disclosed by widely spaced exploratory borings, trenches and test pits. The 'interpolated subsurface conditions should be checked in the field d.utfug construction., by a representative of Leighton and Associates. We recommend that all cut ar:eas and c\lt.sl.opes ·be geologically mapped for the presence of potentially adverse geologic conditions and potential ground water seepage zones by an engineering geologist from Leighton and Associat~ 'QU.ll!lg grading. Afl .grading operations should be observed by a representative of this firm:so that c;op.Stl1!ctioli i~ performed in· accordance with the recommendations of this report. Final graaing and development plan$ should also be reviewed by this office. · · · ·-28 - LEIGHTON AND AS$0CiATES, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEGEND ilso-g ......... Approximate locaflon of small diameter J:ioring (Leighlon & Assoc. 9/11/95) Approximate location of small diameter boring· ·(Leighton. & Assoc. 3/23/9.lr) ~-Approximate locaflon of small diameter boring (Lel~hton & Assoc .• ,7/23/96)· 411:.,f, Approximate location of large diamete~ boripg (L!!ighfon ·& Assoc., 9/ 11 /95) _ fli;:-..,.. Approximate location of exploratory trench (Leighton & Assoc. 3/23/94) fi1;.'\1 Approximate location of exploratory trench (Leighton & Assoc .. 7 /23/96) \lf:;? Approximate location of explorat9ry test pit excavated by Geotechnlcs (9/26/92) LEGEND GEOLOGIC UNITS ( circled where burled ) Afu Undoucumented Artlflclal FIii (Areas 1-5) Afd Compacted FIii (Documented by Leighton & Assoc.) Qa I Quaternary alluvium Qco·I Oualernary Colluvlum Qt Quaternary terrace deposits TS Tertiary Sanllago formation Profeet No. 4960151-001 I LEGQLAND G[QTECHNICAL PLATE 1 ~~;~~/Geol, ;~,,=· rl8'fiJ CARLSBAD, CA. M·A P· Drofltd By .c.c"'="---LLW L. __________ _J1.,_ _____ .,,..._..,.,.....,..._::.:..:,,·:..:·.:..!,......,---,...,,......,--,.,...,.-..-...... .L-----...l_:::Dot:::•_....:';;;-2;;;3-~96~;;;;;.---.J ·,,,-:/· I I REMOVAL MAP .. ' ' NOTE• R belo.; emoval depth De • existing site s shown are sogn grade NOT grades. shown. PLATE 2 1· 1: I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II -,,: ,,..._ ,~- ','i -"', A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A REFERENCES 4960151-001 Eisenberg, L.I., 1985, Pleistocene Faµlts and Marine Terraces, Northern San Diego County in Abbott, P.L., Editor, On the Manner ofDepositio:p. of the Eocene Strata in Northern San Diego Cou1:1ty, San Diego Association of G~ologists, Field Trip Guidebook, pp. 86-91. Geotechnics, 1992, Phase 1 Ge<;>technical Investigation, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 0054-0001-00, dated September 25, 1992. Hannan, D.L., 1975, Faulting in the Oceanside, Carlsbad, and Vista Areas, Northern San Diego County, California in Ross, A and Dowlen, R.J., eds., Studies on the Geology of Camp Pendleton and Western San Diego County, California, San Diego Association· of Geologists Field Trip Guidebook, pp.· 56-60 .. Hart, E.W., 1992, Fault-Rupture H.azard Zones in California, Alqnist-Priolo Special studies Zones Act of 1972 with Index to Special Study ·Zones Maps: Department of Conversation, Division of Mines anq Geology, Special Publication 42. ICG, Inc., 1988, Geotechnical Map and Cross Section A-A', Plates 2 and 3, Job 05-7379-002-00-00, dated January 1988. International Conference of Building Officials (IC8O), 1991, Unifor~ Building Code. Jennings, C.W., 1975, Fault Map of California: Caljfornia Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Map No. 1, Scale 1:750,000. ----, 1992, Preliminary Fault Activity Map of Californim California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 92-03, Scale 1:750,000. Leighton and Associates, Inc., 1985, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Huntington Palomar Business .Park, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4841363-02, dated April 5, 1985. . ----, 1987, Prelimfuary Geotechnicallnvestigation, Portion ofJ.,otH of Rancho AguaHedionda, Partition Map No. 823, Northeast Corner of Interstate 5 and Cannon Road, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8870059-01, dated February 17, 1987. --~-, 1988, Geotechnical Investigation, Lot 7 of Carlsbad Tract 87-3, Car Country Carlsbad, · Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8881329-01, dated September 26, 1988. ----, 1989a, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigatio~, Proposed Carltas Rancho Agua Hedionda Regional Shopping Center, Northeast of interstate 5 and Cannon Road, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 8891551-01, dated September 29, 1989. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 APPENDIX A ( continued) ----, 1989b, Results of Near-Surface Soil Sampling and Analysis for the Presence of Volatile Organic Compounds, Herbicides, Pesticides, Organic Pesticides, and Total Petroleum at.the Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California; Project No. 8891800-01, dated November ZS, 1989. . ----, 1991, Supplemental Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed College Business Park, Carlsbad Tract 85-17, ·carlsbad, California, Project No. 8841363-04, dated January 16, 1991 revised September Z4, 1991. ----, 1992, City of Carlsbad Geot~hnicalHazards Analysis and Mapping Study, 84 Sheets, dated November, 1992. ----·, 1993, Preliminary Geotec1:)lricalIIi.v~tigation, Uri.its I and II (Lots-1 through 7), Carlsbad Ranch, Phase 1, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4930489-01, dated July 22, 1993. ----, 1994a, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Carlsbad Ranch Phase II, Carlsbad, california, Project No; 4930489-03, dated Ma:rch 23, 1994. ----, 1994b, Preliminary GeotechnicalEvaluationfotTentative Map Purposes, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4930489-04, dated July 5, 1994. ----, In-house unpublished data. Lindvall, S.C., Rockwell, T.K., and Lindvall~ C.E., 1990, The Seismic Hazard of San Diego Revised: N~w Evidence for Magnitude 6+ Holocene Earthquake on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone: Proce¢clings of fourth tJ.s. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Volume 1, pp. 679-688. · O'Day Consultants, 1993, Grading· Plans for Carlsbad Ranch, Phase I, 9 Sheets, Scale 1 "=100', dated May 27, 1993·. - ----, 1995, Master Tentative Tract-Map for Carlsbad Ranch, Scale 1"=100', Job No. 89-104, dated March 31, 1995. ----, undated, Revised Grading Plans for Carlsbad Ranch, Unit ill, 3 Sheets, 1 "= 100', undated (received March 9, 1994). ----, undated, Site Plan, Carlsbad Ranch, Scale 1"=300', undated (received June 20, 1994). Reichle, M.S., and Kahle, J.E., 1990, Planning ScenariQ for a Major Earthquake, San Diego-Tijuana Metropolitan Area: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 100. Seed, H.B., and Idriss, I.M., 1982, Ground Motions and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes, Monogram Series, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Berkeley, California. A-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 APPENDIX A ( continued) Weber, F.H., Jr., 1963; Geology and Mineral Resources of Sari Diego County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology, County Report 3, 309p. ----, 1982, Recent Slope failures, Ancient Landslides and Related.Geology of the North-Central Coastal Area, San Diego County; California, California Division of Mines and Geology, Open File Report 82-12, LA. Wilson, KL., 1972, Eocene and Related Geology of a· Portion of the San Luis Rey and Encinitas Quadrangles, San Diego, California. Ziony, J.I., .and Yerkes, R.R, 1985, Evaluating Eartbquake·and Surface-Faulting Potential in Ziony, ed., 1985, Evaluating Earthquake Hazards in the Los Angeles..:i:legion -An Earth - Science Perspective: U.S; Geologica1 Survey, .Professional Paper 1360, pp. 43-91. I Date I Source I Flight No. I Photo No. I Scale I . 1978 San Diego Cou,nty 210-1513 30 and 31 1"=1000' 4-11-53 USDA AXN-14M 17, 18 and 19 1"=2000' 4-11-$3 USDA AXN-8M 99,100,101 and 102 1"=2000' 1928 San Diego County 30 P1,D2,E1 and E2 1"=1100' A-3 I I I I B I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I Iii I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I J GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG KEY Date ----------Sheet 1 of 1 · KEY TO BORING LOG GRAPHICS Project~ ---Pro J ect DrillingCo. -----------------------,,-----...------,-Hole Diameter . 'Iype of Rig ------ Drive W~ight . . Drop _ in ------Elevation Top of Hole +/- C o,.. -.... .... cu ~: .!!'-' UJ C, .r=" -........ .CD! a. cu a.o cu: f..l c"' (!) 0 1///2 ~ ,..A,...A .. A,..4 4 A A A ........... •" s----~ 10 15 - - l:.r: .. ,. ~&. r,..,!; • : ~~ .. ········ ········ !·•:•:::• ::=.:;./ :1:.: : : .... ·.· . 1/;i"/./. V.(.~,). -~~· o·,..•-~ > V ( o· ... ·. 'r~ ~ ••.,.C... ~- ----------- 505ACUm> CII cu .... 0 z • 0 z cu a. E fU en - - ~ .. ft Ref. or Datum .... CII 0 3·0 olL -c.. ,a cu 0.. . ·' ndicatc .SPT Sample rndkatc Cal Sample .,.. "' . =Cl.> • -c., CJ • _en . . -::::, ~"' a. CH GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By· Inorganic clay.of low to medium plasticity; gravelly clay; sandy clay; silty clay; lean clay . Inorganic clay of high plasticity; fat·clay O~H Organic clay, silt or silty clay-clayey silt mixtures ML Inorganic silt; very fine sand; silty or clayey fine sand; clayey silt with low plasticity .MH Inorganic silt; diatQmaccous fine sandy or silty soils; elastic silt - ... CL-ML Low plasticity clay to silt mixture ML-SM Sandy silt to silty~d mixture . . a,.sc Sandy clay to clayey sand mim!~ 2. 1----,-·_ -f-..,......----__,..;---,--------------+-t -~ SCSM Caycysindtosiltysand·mhturc • watef liYal at line o) ctang . SW WcU graded sand; gravelly sand, little or no fines . SP SM SC ow GP GM GC Poody graded sand;.gravellysand, little or no fines Silty sand; ~dy graded sand-cilt mixture aa,ey.sand;·poody graded sand-day mixture · WcU graded gmcl; gravekand mixture, little or no fines Poorly gntdcd:gmcl; gravel-and litixturc, little or no fines Silty gmel;_gravckallckUt mixture ~~ grayckand-claymixturc Suldstoclc ~ (aagulargm'Cl·aild cobbles or matrlx-cupportcd coagtomcratc) . .. ~ (rouodcd ~ ~~le, clast-cupportcd) 1pous granitic or gruldc type rode Mctawlcamc or~ rode Artificial or~ fill Aspbaltic c:oaczcte · Portland Cement Concrete LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES - - .. - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-1 Date ____ -=6·""'5-"-96'-=---- Project ____________ _.:::;Leg:.::;a.o=-=l=an=d=-· -'------,-----'---'------- Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop _fill in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-163 ft Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level . :::n " . " C 0 +-+-QI~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,... .r:." 0 z lllo ·-C,. V Ill(/) --.... ·-Ill Ill" :::,+-Ill • +-QI +-+-.r:. D) QI QI 3 0 Clf--u I'll QI 0. QI 0.0 +-oLI. QI 0 +-C u. QI QI 1'11..J 0 -co. Ill QI >c+-0. -c.. _Cl> ~v c~ t. z e IC QI V ·-.... Logged By KAB (.!) :::n Oc ·-::i L1J I'll a. c.. :c 0 ~v Cl) C u Sampled By KAB 0 .. 1 1,9 113.S · 6.0 SM TOPSOIL ... -: .. @0': B~ to reiidish brown,.Jnoist, slightly silty, fine to medium SAND .. . . ... -.. . . . . 160 -. .. tighter drilling reported ·at.3-feet . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . 5-... 2 23 @ 5': As above, sample disturbed (3 rings) .. ... 50/S"• -Co: =~ -sM-JERRA;CEDEPQSITS ------------------------... .. Very hard @ 6 feet, reddish brown, damp, dense, silty, fine to medium SAND -... . . . 155 -: ..... ... : : . : -: .. .. . . . . . 10-.. 123.9 11.8 @10': Reddish brown, damp to-moist, veey dense, silty, fine to medium SAND ... 3 33 .. .. 50/4" -... . . . . . -.. . . . . .. 150 -... .. . . . -· .. . . . . . . 15--:-... . . . . . .. 4 15 .@ 15': As at 10 feet with: dark green-gray, fine to medium SAND, stringers .. ... 15/S"' throughol.!t -· .. ... . . -. . . .. . . . 145 -.. .. ... . ·@·181:4-Rocks in boring reported:.by driller ... .,·-. . . . -. . . . . .. . . : . 20-:-: : : . . .. .s 29 @ 20': As at 15 feet . : . . .· so7s• -T9~ Depth = 21 Feet No Ground Water.Encountered at Ttme of Drilling Backfilled: 6/5/96 · · 140 - - 25- ... - - 135 - - ~ SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON &.ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-2 Date 6-5-96 Sheet ___ 1_ of _1_ Project --------------------=Leg=o==la=n==d:....,...-__ __,,._______ Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service_ Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight __,.------------,---"""1::.;.:4e><0...1:P,,,o~u:::nd=s"--,-__________ Drop _fill in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-168 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea,Level ·-. ::n ,... ,;;... C 0 +-+-QI~ GEQTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" 0 z UI 0 ·-·t.....,. UI • .c" ·-UI .,,,... 111(1) +-+-+-+-.cm QI ::30 cc+-' :,+-. Ill QI 11. QI 11.0 +-'QI cu. QIO ti C -u >QI QI QI 111.J 0 --c 11. u . 11. -c.. ·-QI _en .!!!~ c~ t. z m QI ....,. o+-Logged By KAB (!) e ::n . Ill a.' :C C ·-::::, -· UJ (I) t. 0 ~....,. S~mpledBy. KAB C u ,- 0 -- .. 1 45 113.5 4.4 SM ARTIEICIAL EILL . . .. @0': Reddisl,t brown,damp.to-moist; dense, silty, fine to coarse SAND -... . . ... -.. . . . . . . 165 -... . . '. -... . . . . 5-... 2 52 '127.9 7.9 @'5': Browp, damp to mc:iist, dense, sµghtly clayey, silty, fine to medium SAND . ·.· . . . . -,..: =~ -sM'" \,@ 6': Driller rsx>rts tighter dtilµng_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 7 . : . . -. . .. J'ERRACE DEPOS~ (Ot) ... . .. 160 -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -... . . 10-. . . .. 3 75 SM @ 10': Reddish brown, damp to moist, dense, slightly clayey, silty, fine to coarse ... .. SAND -... . . . . . -.. . . . . . . 155 -. . ... .. . . . -. . . . . . . . . . ·.· . 15-... .. 4 50/6" SM/CL @15~: Light brown, moist, de_nse, clayey, silty, fine to coarse SAND . . .. .. . . . -. . . . . . . . -... . . . . . 150 -· .. ... . . -· .. . . 20-:: ~&di ,5 -50/5" 119.4 10.5 sr:i.Jci: SANTIA,ao roRMATION cr&l ------ '.½. @ 20': Yer, lill'ht 21'11V, <h!niP, dense, clavcv, fme to coarse SAND -Total Depth-= 21 Feet No Ground Water &countered at Tune of Drilling Backfilled: 6/5/96 · -... 145 - ... - I-25-... --- I- 140 - I-- -.... SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-3 Date ____ -=6·-=5...::-96;.:.... __ _ Project ---------------=Leg=o=-=I;:.:;an:=cd=-..:..· ""'". ------,,-------'-----,----Project No. Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight -----------"1"'"'4~0..1:p~·o=un::cds=-. ________ Drop __fill in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-176 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level ., - Sheet _1_ of _1_ 4960151-001 . ji ...... . ...... C: 0 +-+-cu~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .~ ...... 0 z 1110 . ·-t. V 111(1) ........ .I:." ·-Ill 111 ...... i+ Ill • ........ .I:. m cu cu ::3 0 C:'t--u Ill cu 0. cu 0.0 + oLL CU 0 Ill C u ·• :::,.G.I QI Q.I 111..J 0 -co. 0. -c.. __ G.1 _(I) ~t ct t. z e al cu V o+ Lo~edBy KAB (.!) l'· :c C: ·-:::i IJJ Ill . 0.; Cl) 0 ~v Sampl~_By_ KAB C u -· .. ·O .. SM Ttlle_d.topsoil to 4 feet, brown, moist, loose, silty, fine to coarse SAND ... . . '-175 -... . . ... -.. . . . . . L -. .. . . . . -.. .• ... • i.:..: . . 5-.. . .,. 1 23 88.7•· il.9 -Sl'd -TERRACE DEfQSITS (Qt) . . . .. 50/5". @ 5': Orange-brown, damp to moist, dense, silty, fine to medium SAND 170 -. . . .. . . . -.. . . -. . . . . . ... -.. . . . . L 10-... @lQ': .. 2 27 120.4 .12.6 As.at5 feet ... . 50/5" 165 -. . . . . . . . .. ' ,_ -· .. . .. . . . ,_ -· .. : . . . . . -. . . . . . . . 15-.. . . ; · -·@ 15': Orange-brown, moist, dense, silty, fine to medium SAND with manganese '"" ... . 3 23 . 50/6"' staining " .... 160 -· .. . . . . . -.. . . ' ... . . .. L -.. . . . . . . . -... . . . 20~ . . . . . ~ .. .. 4 71 111.8 8.2 SP ··@20': Light brown with black staining throughout, moist, dense, medium SAND . . -·:. . .. 155 -Total Depth = 21 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 6/5/96 '-- - 25- 150 - - ,, - - .... 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I .. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-4 Date ____ ....:6a<.-'-5"-·.::.:96~--- Project -----------'----=Leg=o~Ia==n==d=------------- Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140·pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-174 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level . :JI " . " C 0 +-+-Qlx .,, . GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" 0 z .,,o ·-'-'-" .,,Cl> .c" ·-.,, . .,,,.., I'll • +-+-+-+-.CO> QI . QI 3 0 C&f-::,+--u I'll QI Q. QI Q.O +-oLL Ql·O 1,;c (.J .• >QI QI QI 1'11...1 0 -CQ. Q. iii fu . ·-QI _en ~0 00 C. z '-" ·o+-Logged By KAB (!) e :JI . Ill 0. :,cC . ·o=> I.LI en C. 0 C (.J en'"" Sampled By KAB 0 .. •' .. SM @ O': Tilled'topsoil to 4 feet: Brown, diy at surface to moist, loose, siltr, fine to -: .. coarse·SAND .. . . .. -.. . . . . -... . . . 170 -. :..· •-: ...; ---TERRACE DEPOSITS{Ot) . ' ·.. . . . . . . ... SM 5-: .. . -··· @4':,:Orangc-brownr,motStrdense, silty, fine to medium SAND .. Bag-2 31 l20.2 13.8 .. . . . . @5'-7' . 50/4". -.. .. -: . . .. . . . . . -. . . . . . .. ,- 165 -· .. . . . . 10-. . .. ... 3 39 @ 10': As at 5 feet .. 50/4" -. . . . . . : . -. . . . . . .. -· .. .. . . . 160 -· . . . . . . . . 15-. . . .. .. .. 4 32 1233 12;3 @ 15': Orange-brown, moist, dense; silty, fine to medium SAND with minor clay .. . . . 50/5" · component as·thin stringers scattered throughout, -:: : .. .. ' ... -. . . . .. . . . . . -: : : .. .. 155 -. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 20-... 5 31 @20': As at 15:feet with slightly coarser sand component . . . ... . 50/5" . ' -Total Depth = 21 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling 13ackfilled: 6/5/96 - 150 --25-----. - ,- 145 - .... 505AC11/77) LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING ~OG B-5 Date ____ --=-6-....;::5-=-9....;::6 __ ~_ Project -------------=1,eg=·:ao=I=an::::d=-,---------------------Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling_Service_ Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight ----------=1=--=4-><-0_..p""o=un=d==s==------------Orop 30 in. Sheet _1_ of _1_ Elevation Top of Hole + /-162 ft Ref or Datum Mean-Sea Level . . :::n ,... . ,... C 0 .... .... cue Cl) • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,... CJ z Cllo ·-'-Ulen ·-.... .t:." ·-Cl) 111,... :,,._ Ill • .... cu ........ .t:,D) cu cu 30· C'+--u Ill cu 12. cu 0.0 .... -oU. CU 0 'tic o . >.., cu cu 111...1 0 12. ic '-co. ·-cu _(I) .!!!---00 '-z E '-' a+-LoggedBy KAB (!) -cu :::n ·-::i UJ Ill a.. '-:CC- Cl) 0 ~---Sampl~By KAB C u--- --0 .. : ... 1 82 SM @ 0': Brown, dry to damp, dense, silty fine to coarse SAND with abundant roots .. and debris -... . . ... 160 -.. . . . -. . . . . . -.. . . . ·~· . . 5-.. .. ·."':'. 3 35 -sM-TERRACEDEPOSITS (Ot) _ . . . -: .. Bag-2 50/3" @ 5': Orange-bf9Wll, moist, dense, slightly clayey, silty fine SAND; slightly . . @5'-7' . porous .. . . . 155 -.. . . . . -: . . .. --. . .. . -. . . , ... 10-~rt.di~ ... -~1, 4 56 SM-CL @ 10': Mixed orange-brown, mo~t, c;Iense, silty fine to coarse SAND with -~~:~ green-gray, mojst, stiff clay to sandy clay - 150 -,:~1, i~~ -Driller reports difficult drilling ... .;~~ @13': -1;~~ ;~z.t 15-;~! ... ~ ·:r.;1 5 50/6" SM-CL ----SANTIAGOFORMATIONO'() . -----------------. --\® 15'6": · Very liglit gray to almost white, damp to-moist, dry dense, clayey, 145 -· medium to coarse SAND ·-..... -·· .. 1'otat.Depth-=: J6 ~eet . ·_ .-_ _ . _ -01 No·Giound'Water,-Encountered at'Tw-e· of Drilling Backf!lled: 6/5/96 ... - 20- -... 140 - L.. -... -... 25- -... 135 -... - L.. - -~ 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON a ASSOCIATES I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG e .. s Date ____ ~6~-5::..·96~--- Project ___________ __:::Leg=o=la=·n=d=-----------,----Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter s·in. Drive Weight -----~-,------=1"-'-40:::...cP.::,ou=n:d=s::.,.. ________ Drop _fill in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-·142 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level Sheet _1_ of _1_ . . ::n ,. I"\ . '"' C 0 +-+-QJ~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o'"' .c'"' u z. 111g LV lllcn :;:+-·-Ill Ill'"' ::, . I'd • ..,_+-.cm QJ ·111 ~LL C'+-..,_+-. u~ I'd QJ Q. QJ Q.0 +-1110 Ill C ::,.Ill QJQJ td.J 0 0. jijL cc. ·oi _·(/) ~~ c~ L z V Logged By KAB (!) e QJ ::n . m a. .. ·-::::, UJ L :c 0 ~v C u Sampled By KAB •. 0 ~~-TOPSOIL -~~~ @ 0': Tilled field: brown, dry to moist, loose silty fine to-medium SAND ~rra~ 140 -;~~ -~rra~ ~~~ -•• • ,I ~~-,1" • ,I 5 . . '/ -~~ 1 25 i16.S 15.7 SM-CL-CQLLUVIUM (OcoJ) ,I~--;~\ 50/4" @ 5': Brown~ moist, dense.to stiff clayey fine to medium SAND 135 -:;i - -;t.d; ~r.i( Bag-2 > ••• / @9'-11' 10-: : ;· · f; 3 22 119.1 14.4 SM @ iO': . Orange-brown to gray, moist to very moist dense, silty, fine to medium .. 50/S" SAND -... . . . . . . . 130 -. . . . . . . . . . . -. : . .. @ 13': .Roc!cs in borehole . . . -.. . . . . : ~: .. 15-.. SANIJAGQ FORMATION (Is) . . :: . 4· 50/5" 124.1 7.6 -sM -... . .. . @ 15': Mixed orange-brown and green-gray, moist, dense, silty fine to medium . "" -... • . SAND with very light gray, clayey, medium to coarse SAND at tip of sample · . . tube . . ... 125 -.. . . . . -: .. . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . 20-: . . .. .. .. ,_5 ' ·.so/5• · @ ~·: lipit brown,.moist, vecy: dense, silty fine to coarse-SAND, light gray to tan ... '• .. 1225 7.8 ' . . . . . . attio · . 120 -·Total Depth = 21 Feet ,-. No Ground Water.Encountered at Tnne of Drilling Backfilled: 6/5/96 ,-. - ,-. --25- --115 - - ,-. - .. --- 505A(11/n) Ll;:IGHTON & ASSOCIATES 1- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-7- Date ____ --=6--=5--=-9=6'-----Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project --------------'---=Leg=o=-=l=an=:d:;:..--____ ~-,----- Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole + /-154 ft Ref or Datum ' Mean Sea Level . :::n ,... en" C : +-QI~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,... 0 0 +-·-L...,. Ill • .t:." ·-Ill z U'I 0 11),-.. ,uen :;::+-........ .J:.C) QI ::30 C'+-::,..,_. . IU QI 0. QI 0.0 +-QI oLL QI 0 1;i C -u >QI QI QI tll..J 0 -co. u. 0. -L ·-QI _en _!!!0 c0 L z 10 QI ..,.,. 0°E Logged.By KAB (!) e ::n ·-:::i Ill a. .. UJ en L ,:C 0 ~...,. Sa1'J.pl~By KAB C u 0 . . .. SM @ 0': Tilled topsoil, brown, ·dry to moist, silty fine to coarse SAND ... . . . . -... . . . ... -.. . . . . . . . . ... -... . . -. . . ... 150 . . . . . . . .. 5-~17·,.· . 1 60 122.1 13.4 s:t.i~a-TERRACE DEPOSITS -----------~~~ -If " · @ 5': · Weathered orange-brown-to brown, damp to moist, dense, clayey, fine to medium SAND with manganese staining throughout -1;~ - 145 . -~~t • . II ~~c 10-~ . :~. 2 25 SM· @ 10': & at 5 feet with scattered stringers of green-gray silty SAND ... .. .. . 50/3" -... . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . -... . . . . . . 140 -.. . . . . . . . 15-. . ... .. 3 50/6" , 126.i 10.9 @ 15': Orange-brown, moist to very moist, dense, silty, fine to coarse·SAND with .. .. . ... scattetcd gravel clasts -. . . . . . . .. -... . .. . ... -. . . ... ; ·@'.18'::.-.Rocks encountered (Santiagq?): _ . . . 135 -... .. . . . . . 20-....: :."':'. SANTIAGO FORMATION Qi) -... .. 4 50/6" SM ... .. _ @20': .Olivc.green-lll'Bv, moist, vcrv dense, siltv fine to coarse SAND -Total Depth = 21 Feet _ ... . 'No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Driiling Backfilled: 6/5/96 ... - ... 130 - ... 25-... - -,_. -... 125 - 505AC11/77) LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-8 Date 6-5-96 Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project ---------------=Leg=o:.::la==n:.:d~-----"'------,-- Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger . 140 pounds Drop ~ in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-ft Ref or Datum . -Mean Sea Level . ~ ,.., ,ii,.., C 0 +-. +-a,~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~,.., .r:."" 0 z. U'I 0 ·-t. V Ulen ·-U'I U'I,,... Ill . ++-++-.t:.D> a, 30 ,c'f-i+-. 111°' 0. a, . a, cl.I. : -u 0.0 +--a, 0 U'lc u. >°' a, a, 111...J 0 0. iii·~ C·O. ;-_:! _en _!0 00 t. z V Logged By, KAB (.!) E ~ Oc . IJ.J ·Ill a:a t. :c 0 ·-:) (I) C u ' ~v Sampled By KAB .. .. 0 . . ,_ ... 1 26 133;0 4.0 SM ARTIFIC£AL EILL -.. 50/4", @ 0': Brown, damp, dense, silty, fine to coarse SAND ... . . ... -.. . . . . . -. . . . .. . . . -.. . . . . . 5-. ;, · . · . 2 ·. 24 117.8 11.6 sM.a,-QI.IA TERNARY AI,LllYIIlM (0111) :;~~ -I~! @ 5': .Oi;ange-browri, moist, medium: dense, clayey, silty fine to coru:se SAND -J .-·.·I. lf.;t --~7 :~/. .. @8': Difficult drilling encountered (Santiago Formation) -,~/ • • 7 ,~-y .· .,I 10-::;·< 3 , 50/5" 120.4 11.6 -sM-SANTIAQQ EQRMATIQN Qi) .. @10': Ve~light gray, damp;verydense, silty fine to coarse SAND -... . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . . -... . .. . : . -. . . . : • . . . . . . . 15-. : . .. 4 50/5" @ is•: As at 10 feet .. .. 1}.4.4 8;3 . . . . . . -Total Depth = 16 Feet . . . . -· . , NQ 019und Water:Encountered ·at illme of.DnWng .:.. Backf'illed: ·6/5/96 - - 20- - - -... - -25- - --... -... - .... 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-9 Date 6-6-96 Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project ___________ ......____;;;Leg=o=I=an=d=---:_......__-'--______ _ Drilling Co. Barge's.Drilling.Semce Hole Diameter 8 ·in. Drive Weight Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop ~ in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-143 ft. Ref. or Datum . Mean Sea Level . :::JI ,... . ,... C .o +-+-Qj~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPtlON o,... (.) z 1110 ·-t."" 111(1) ·-.... .J:." ·-Ill Ill" ::,+-ftl • +-ai ........ .J:. 0) Qj Qj :30 CCf--u ftl Qj Q. Qj Q.O +-oLL Qj (.) °tjc u • Qj Qj ftl..J 0 -. C Q. >Cf-Q. -c.. ·-Qj _Cl> ,!v 00 '-z. e m ai V o+-Logged By KAB (!) ftl a. ·!' :C C ·-:;j UJ Cl) 0 ~v . Sa:111pled By KAB C u 0 .. SM ARTIFICIAL FILL (Afµ) . . . ... .. @ O': Light brown to brown, moist, medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to -... mediumSAND . . ... -.. ;,·@ 2': · Orange,brown,·.damp to moist, dense, silty fine to medium SAND ... 1 37 128.4· 10.1 .. 50/4" 140 -. . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . 5-... ,2 50/4" '122.7 5.9 @ S': Brown to dark gray at tip of sample, damp, dense, silty fine to coarse SANr '-.. ... Bag-3 with dry grass and weeds througliout -· .. ... . @5'-8' . . . -... . . . . . 135 -· .. ... .. -. . . .. . . . 10-l~~I~ 4 62 125.7 8.6 SM-CL @ 10': Brown to orange-brown, moist, dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium .~~L, -. . I; SAND . I,~. -~~~ ... ~~~ 130 -~~~ ... I.( .. I; -~~-~?.d~ 15-. . I; '-;~1~ 5 32 113.2 145 @·151: Brown to green-gray, ~oist, medium dense, clayey, silty fine to coarse -~~ . SAND ... -~~tt -~~? ... ~~?t 125 -~~~ '- -~~I! 20-~ :~~ ... ·.·. 6 37 SM @ 20': Oreen,gray, moist, medium dense, silty SAND with several rings all plastic .... ,. ... sheeting, trash in spoils (plastic wood, piping, etc.) -: : : .. . . . . . . -.. . . ... ,'• . . .. 120 -... . . . . . -. . . . . . : : : .. 25-.. .. 30.9 @ 25.': As at.20 feet with slightly less plastic sheeting . . .. 7 12 · 86.3 . . . . . -. . . . . . . . -... . .. . . . 115 -. .. . . . . . -... .. . . . . . ·~ SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-9 Sheet _2_ of _2_ Date ____ ......:6::...-6:...·=96:e...._ __ _ Project -----------'-'-~-=Leg=o=la=·n=.::d=----'-------..,....----Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight ________ ...::1:....:4!!.0~p~ou=n::.:ds~--------Drop 29._in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-143 ft. Ref. ot Datum . Mean Sea Level C . -~"" 0 0 .I:."" ·-ti) z .,_+-.,_+-..CD) cu . cu Ill cu Q. cu 0.0 +-:> cu cu cu 111.J 0 -Q. ~0 00 L z E (!) L1J Ill (/) 8 110 9 105 10 100 11 95 · ·12 90 55 85 SOSA( 11/77) J'I "" +-+-cu~ 1110 ··-t. v ti)"" 30 C&f-::,.,_ oLL CU 0 °tjc -L co. -~! al cu '-" J'I -~C a. L 0 C u . "" Ill • Ill(/) I'll, • -u u . _(I) . ·-::::,, ~'-" GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LoggedBy :sampled By KAB KAB 45 103.6 24.2 SM-CL · ARTIFICIAL FILL (Contjnucd) @ 30': Green-gray, moist, dense, clayey, silty, fine to coarse SAND with plastic sheeting common 23 99.7 18.9 25 97.4 · 25.9 @ 35': As at 30 feet, no visible·plastic sheeting, rubber debris in sample @ 40': Green-gray, moist, medium dense, clayey, silty, fine to medium SAND with scattered rubber debris 50/6" 117:i 11.3 SM-SW . sANTIAGO FORMATION Cfs.) @ 45':~light-gray to white, ·moist, very dense, slightly clayey, fine to coarse 50/6" . 116.9 13.9 · 2 soi: As at 45 feet saturated Total Depth = 51 Feet Ground·Water.Encountered.at 48'6" at Time of Drilling Backfilled : 6/6/96 LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I- I I I I I I I·· I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-10 Date _____ 6:::..·=-S-..:;.9=-6 __ _ Project ----------'-------=Leg=o.;:;.:l;;:;;a=;nd=-----'----------Project No. Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight --'-----'-------=1::..:4=0_.p=oc=u=n=ds==-----'------Drop 2Q._ in. Elevation Top of Hole + /-150 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level Sheet _1_ of _1_ 4960151-001 ·' --· . ::J'I ,... . C 0 .... .... QI~ Ill" GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,... 0 . ' ·-Ill • .c" ·-Ill z 1110 I/IA '-·'"' 111<1? ·-.... i+-+-QI ........ .cm QI QI 3& C'+--u IIIQI 0. QI 0.0 +-o·. QI 0 l/l·C u. ,, QI QI 111..J 0 -co. >'+-0. -c.. ·-QI _Cl> ~ ..... c~ '-z IC QI '"' o+-Logged By KAB (!) e ::J'I .. Ill 0:. :C C ,.o=> UJ '-0 (I) C (.J cn'"' Sampled By. KAB .. 150 0 .. . . SM ARTIFICIAL ELL (Afu) . ... .. @ O': ·a~, damg, medium dense, silty fine to coarse SAND with scattered ,_ -. .. trash and de ris . . ... . -.. . . . . . . ~ -. .. . . . . . ... -.. . . . 145 S---:-. t;,' ~-· • SM--CL ,_ -~17 -1 50/5" 116.0 ·11.s. : @ 5': Orange-brown, damp to·moist, dense, silty fine SAND-to gray-green, -~~j Bag-2 .-· ____ ,slijh}ly_clayey, fllieto coarse SAND _______ . _________ ,_ ~r12' @S.5-8' SM-CL SANTIAQQ EQRMATIQ~s) -~~i . @ 6': G!'8y-green, moist, sli tly clayey, si}.ty, fine to coarse SAND (bulk) -~ -i~i I.< • './ 1; 140 10-I). ;:.. • ... : : : ·.·: ~ 50/5" 122:S 10.4 SM @m: Light gray,damp to moist, dense, silty fine to coarse SAND -: .. .. . . . . . ,_ -.. . . . . -: . . .. . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . . 135 15-. . ... .. 4 50/6"' @ 15': As atlO feet .. .. . . . . . . ' -.Total Depth = 16 Feet . ,. -.;No:Ground•,Water;Encountercd atTime•of. Drilling Backfilled: :6/6/96 · - ,_ -. . ,_ 130 20- : ... -... -... -... - -· 125 25-... ... - ,_ - ,_ - -- 1?0· -" 505AC11/77) LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-11 Date ____ _,6,._-6=-·=96::...'---Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project ---------------'-----==Leg=_ B:o~I=an:::d~-----------Project No. Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 4960151-001 Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight ....,....---'----'---'--'----=· 1::..:4..,,0-1:pe,:oc::u-=nd=s"-'-. .._. _______ Drop ...fil!.. in. Elevation Top of Hoie +/-152 ft. Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level . C: 0 -~""' -~ z .r::.""' Ill ++-++-.cm QI 111G.I a. Qj Q.·O +-. QI :::,.CLI QI Qj 111..J 0 -a. ~~ c~ L z E (!) Ill IJ.I (I) 0 .. . . . . .. -... 150 _ ..... 1 145 2 140 3 135 - - - 20- - 130 - - - 2.5- - 12.5 - - - . .., 505A(11/77) :,, ,,... +-· +-G.lx Ill 0 ·-L '-" 111---. 30 . C:'+-::,+- oU. 'Qj 0 +-C: ca. . Ill Qj -L ID QI 'V ·o+- . Q. :,, :c C: L 0 C u . 55 122.1 12.4 . ,,... .::: . 111(1) ' . .,..0 u. ... en ·-::i. ~'V SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SaqipledBy KAB ARTIFICIAL FILL (Afy) . . @' 0': Brown to dark brown, moist, silty fine to coarse SAND I- SM-GL"" r:;QUATERNARY,@LIMtJM.(Qal)'-.· ·· -. :,--------------- ,·-'@'3':iBrown;~damp·to·nioist;-clayey, •silty fine'~. @S: Dark brown, moist-to very moist,.dense, clayey, silty, fine SAND; slightly '- porous 50/4" 120.3 13.4 SM-CL SANTIAGO FdRMAjIDN O's) . @ 10~: Olive gree~-gray,_ moist, (ilense, clayey, fine to coarse SAND, weakly to moderately md:urated . 50/4" 112.6 12.7 @ 15': As at 10 feet To~ Depth = 16 Feet_ . , . . . . . . .. . . .,;;No:Oround ,Water.,Encountered•·at-Tunc,of Drilbng · -Backfillea: ·6/6/96 . ,I- .. L. L. LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-12 Date ____ -..:c6-=-6c..::·96;.:..._..;.. __ Project -------------'---=Leg=-=-=ol=a=n=d---'------------- Drilling Co. Barge;s Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. . Drive Weight Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop ~in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-157 ft Ref or Datum .. Mean Sea Level . :JI " ~" C 0 +-+-QI~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o.,.... 0 ·-t. V Ill • .J:." ·-Ill z Ill 0 ~Q 111(1) ·-.,_ +-+-.J:. C) QI ::3 0 .i!+-. +-QI QI -u Ill QI Q. QI Q.O +--oLL QI 0 C u • >1.t-QI QI 111.J 0 Q. -c.. co. -~ QI _(I) ,!v c::!:; t. z e ID QI V o+-Logged.By KAB (.!) :JI :c 5. ·-::i w Ill . a.· t. ~v (I) C u SampledBy KAB 0 .. SM @ 0': Tilled topsoil: Brown, dry to damp, loose, silty fine· to medium SAND ... . . . . -... . . ... 155 -.. . . . -~~ll sM-q:-: SANITAGO FORMATION,(Tu) .. . lz.t -~~I~ ·-@3':··.0live green:gray; damp,,dense; clayey;·silty,fine to coarse SAND 5-~~; ~~I! 1 37 @5': Olive.green-gray, damp, dense, clayey, medium to coarse.SAND -~~; 50/3" 150 -~~t ~~-. . I, -t~I;_ ~~:~ -t~,~ 10-t~i 2 50/4" @ 10': As at 5 feet with large gravel clast in tip of sample. tube; no recovery -~~~t 145 -f; •• ~ -iW.£ f; ••• ·I< --~, t<' .-; ~=~-15 ·,t)~. 3 50/5" ML-CL @ 15': Olive green-gray, damp, dense, siltstone to claystone -~ 140 -~ ... -~ ... ~ -~ ... 20-~ -r · 1 4 50/5" SM . @ 20': Light gray to off-wlijte, damp, !Jensc, silty fine to coarse SAND . =.· .:_ . . . . . 135 -Total Depth = 21 Feet ~ No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 6/6/96 ... - ... - 25-... ... - 130 -... ... - 1-. - ·~ .. 505A(11/77) LE.IGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-13 Date ____ ....:6:...:-6"""-9::;.,6~---- Project -------------'----=Leg=o::.=:la=n=d=------------'---~- Drilling Co. · Barge's Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop ...ML in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-153 ft Ref or Datum . Mean Sea Level . :,'I " Iii" C 0 +-+-QI~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" 0 ·-'-v Ill .• .c" ·-Ill z 1110 111,-.. 111CJ? .,._+-.,._+-.cm QI . QI 30 cc.+--:,.,._ """'(.) Ill QI Q. QI n.0 +--0LL QI 0 t;c (J • >QI QI QI ftl_J 0 Q. ...., '-en. __ .QI _en ~0 c0 '-z E a:l QI '-" 0+-Logged By KAB (!) Ill a.· :,'I :cC ·o:::i·. IJ.J (I) '-. 0· C (.) (l)v Sampled By KAB 0 .. SM @0': Tilled topsoil: Brown, damp, loose, silty fine to coarse SAND : .. -: .. : -.. : 150 -: .. : .. : -.. . . . 5-·.~· --: -sM·-QlJATERNARl:-ALLlMllM (Oil!)· .. 1 45 114.9" 9.7 .. @ 5': .Dark orange-brown, damp, dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium -.. SAND .. . . -.. . : .. 145 -. : .. : . -.. . . 10-· : 55 @ 10': .Dark brown, damp, dense, silty fine to coarse SAND .. 2 124.3, 7.(, : -. . . : .. -· : .. : 140 -· .. . . . _.: . . . . . is-: . . .. 3 28 126.0 10.2 @15': Dark brown,.danip, dense, silty fine to medium SAND .. 50/6" -· : .. : -. .. . . . . . . 135 -: : .-. _. .. . : .. 20-: : .. 4 28 127.5 10;1 @20': As at.15 feet slightly inore moisture : -: .. @8;,tb 50/5" .. . . . : -.. . : .. -130 -.. . . . : .._ -.. : 25-:: .. . . . 6 56 @25': Olive ~n-gray, damp, dense, clayey fine to coarse SAND : .._ -. : .. --· : .. : 125 -· .. I-: .. .._ -· : . -.. . . . -· 505A(11/77) LEI.GHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I 1·-. ., I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 .. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG ·B-13 Date ____ ---=6-6~-9"""6 ___ _ Sheet _2_ of _2_ Project ________ --,-____ Leg_o_l_an_d ____ ~------Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service 'I)l>e of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Driv~ Weight 140 pounds Drop _fill in, Elevation Top of Hole +./-153 .ft. · Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level . ·JI " . " C 0 +-+-QJN UI • GEOtECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,.. .c" 0 z UI 0 ·-L -v Ulen ·-+-·-UI u,,-. ::,+-Ill • +-QJ +-+-.cm QJ QJ :3 0 cc+-· ....,u Ill QJ a. QJ 0.0 +--oU. QJ 0 t;c u. >c+-Q,I QJ 111..J 0 a. -L ca. ·-QJ .... en ~'V 00 L z e ta QJ 'V o+-Logged By KAB (.!) Ill a.. .. JI. ., :C C ·-:::i IJ.I . en . L 0 ~v Sampled By KAB p (.J .. ·30 . . I SANTIAGO FORMATION cr(l . 7 23 SM . . . .. 50/5" @ 30':~tgaJtslightly·weathered, moist, dense, silty fine to coarse SAND to--. . . . . ... -.. ... I . . 120 -. . . . . . . -. .. . . . 35-;t7· ;-·. .g 50/6" SM/CL @ 35': As at 30 feet rock~ top of sample with slough slightly clayey -~~ '·.·~:7-· t, .-·.· ~ -Total Depth = 36-Fcet -., No .Ground Water E~countered at Time of Drilling 115 -Backfilled: 6/6/96 - - 40- - - 110 - - 45- - -- 105 -- - so- - - 100 -' - 55- - -- 95 - - ~ SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. I . GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-14 Date ____ -=6·-=-7-=-9=6 ___ _ Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project ____________ __;:Legc;:;-CLo:c.::l~an=d=-----''-------'------Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service 140·pounds Drop 30 in. Hole Diameter 8 in._ Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole + /-196 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 0 195 5 190 185 180 175 170 505A(11/77) 0 .cm 0.0 f...J (!) ... . . .... . . . .. . . . . . ... -: ... .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... , .. ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m +-0 z . 0 z . QI n. E Ill (/) 1 2 73 60 3 57 4 · · 66 5 35 50/4" " QI~ L '-' ::,+-1;i c ·-QI o+. :c 6. u SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By . ----'--------""KAB=:;___ ______ _ Sampled By KAB .. @ 0': Tilled topsoµ: Oranie-l?iown, dainp, loose, silty fine to medium SAND 123.5 11.s . -SM -IBRRACE DEPOSITS (00 ·@s•:. Orange-brown, moist,.dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium SAND with blackmaI)ganese staining throughout SM-CL @ 10': As-at 5 feet with some free water @ 15': As at 10 feet . SM-CL , @ 20': Orange-brown, moist, dense,.claycy, silty fine to medium SAND with manganese staining throughout SM @ 25': Oranie-brown, damp, dense, silty fme to medium SAND LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I 1-. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-14 Date ____ ....;6::..·7~-.:::;..96=----- Project ____________ .,.:Leg=o==l=an=d=-·----------- Drilling Co. Baq?e's Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Sheet _2_ of _2_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop __ML in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-196 ft Ref or Datum . '" Mean Sea Level . :n ,',. ....... C 0 b' +-QI~ Ill • GEOTECi-lN_ICAL DESCRIPTION -~""' 0 z ·-t. '-" lllcn .£:.""' ·-Ill lllo 111 ...... Ill • ........ ........ .£:. C) QI QI ~u. CCf-:::,+--u Ill QJ 0. QJ 0.0 +-QI 0 1n C u ,. :::,.GJ QI QI 111.J 0 Ii. .... t. co. ·-QI _en ~~ c~ t. z IO QI '-" o+-Logged.By KAB E . (!) Ill 0. :n :C C . ·-:::, LLJ (J) t. 0, ~'-" Sampl~By KAB C u 30 .. 6 30 SM TEE.BACH D.EfQSITS (CQntiinl!:!1) ... 165 -: .. . 50/4": @ 30': Tan to orange-briw.'.n, damp, dense silty fine SAND . . . . .. -. . . . . . -. . . .. . -. . . . . . . . 35-~~~-·:.: 7 50/6" SP @ ~·: Tan to black, moist, dense fine SAND (Beach?) 160 -{'.} - -}) -.. . . 40-,., -~ 8 48 ML-CL @·40': Mottled lighq~reeil-gray to brown, damp, stiff, silty clay to clayey SILT 155 - - -S1 -... 45-9 59 @ 45': No recovery, ground watel" 150 ,. · -Total ne· th = 46 Feet . -· Oround~Water,Ericountercd'at,43,Feet ... I- ~ ,, Backfilled: !6/6/96 - ... - so-... 145 -... - I--... - 55- 140 - - '' I-- I-- N 505A(11/77) LEI.GHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I. -- 1 G'EOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-15 Date ____ _,6::....-7.:....·=96'"----- Project ____________ ..::Leg=o=la=n::.:d~--'-----------Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight ----,----'---,----=1:....c4-=-0..,p.ac.ou=n~d=s'--_-,--_____ Drop 2!Lin. Elevation Top of Hole +/-202 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level Sheet _1_ of_2_ .. . ::1'I ,... . ,... C 0 +-. +-QIX Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" .c" -~ z Ill 0 ·-'-..., Ulen Ill 11),-.. Ill • ........ ........ .cm QI QI 3 0 c ... i+-..,.u Ill QI 0. QI 0.0 +--oLL ,~~ Ill C. u . >Q) Q) Q) 111..J 0 0. --'-·-.:! _en QI ... ct '-z al QI ..., Logg~By KAB _....., CD E ::1'I ~c ..... ;:; Ill a. UJ en '-0 o..., Sampled By KAB C u en 0 .. . @ 0': Tilled Topsoil: Brown, damp, loose, silty, fine to medium SAND with . . -: : .. · organic debris from recent crop throughout .. : 200 -: .. -.. . . : -.. : ·~· .. 5-. .,. -sM -------------------------------------'--.. 1 54 119.5 13.9 IBRRACEDEPOSITS (.Qt) · -: : .. @5': Reddish brown, moist,,dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium SAND, . slightly porous L. . . . . . 195 -.. . . . . I--. .. Bag-2 .. <@8'-W -.. . . . . L. 10-: @10;: .. 3 23 SM A,s atS feet : 50/5" -. . . L. . . .. . . L. 190 -. : . . . . . I--. .. . : .. L. -. . . .. : I-15-: .. . : 4 29 @15': AB at 10 feet still porous with black manganese staining throughout . . . -· .. 50/5" .. . . . 185 -.. . ~ : . .. : -.. . . I--· .. . .. 20-· : . L. .. . 5 28 @20': Orange-brown, moist, dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium SAND .. -: .. 50/5. · : .. 180 -.. . . -: . . : L. .. : -.. : 25-: .. : . @25': L. .. . 6 22 AB at 20 feet : 58/5" -. . . . . .. L. 175 -· : .. : -. . . . : .. ~ -· : .. : -~ , SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I __ I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-15 Date 6-7-96 Sheet ___ _2_ of _. _2_ Project ----------'-~--'------=Leg=o:c.:l=an:=cd=----------~-- Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight , _ Elevation Top of Hole +/-202 ft Ref or Datum . Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds · Drop 2!!._ in. · Mean Sea Level .. . :n ,... . "' C 0 +--+-QI~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DES.CRIPTION -~"' 0 z 1110 ·-LV lllen .r:."' ·-Ill ~~ Ill • +-+-+-+-.cm QJ 30 :::,-+- I'd QJ 0. QJ 0.0 +-QJ olL-QI 0 1;ic u~ -:> QJ QJ QJ 1'11..J 0 0. -,-L co. ·-QJ _en ~t c.,._ L :z ID QJ ...,. o+-Logged By __ KAB V (!) E :11 • I'd a.. :C C ·-:::, LLJ en L 0 ~v Sampleci'-_By KAB C u ·-. 30 . . ... 7 28 SM TERRACE I!EfQSITS (CQotiDJ.!~ll) -: .. 50/5" --@'30': Orange-brown, damp, den:se, silty fine SAND .. . . ... . 170 -.. . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . 35-. . . @ 35': As at 30 feet ... .. 8 29 --... 50/5" -· .. ... . .. 165 -. . . . .. . . . -. : : ·.·-. ~ .. -. .. ... . . . . . . . 40-:~:·=t.: ... 9 50/6" SP @ 40': Light brqwn tQ ,tan, moist, dense, fine SAND (Beach?) -//? -@41': Rocks in. boring 160 -:·::>.·:: .·. ·.· .. .. . ~(@43': 17 Refusal flame rocks) -· .. --· · Total Depth = 43.Feet " ·' No ,Ground.Water Encountered-at Time of Drilling 45- _ Backfill~: 6/7 /96 - 155 -... - ... - 50- ... --. 150 -... ... - - 55-... - 145 -,_ ... -... - N 505A(11/77) -LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LO.G B-~16 Date ____ __:6::;_·7._-.::;_96::...·--- Project --------------'----=Leg:.::a.o:;.:l::::an=d~.--'----'--------- Drilling Co. Barge's -Drilling Service. Hole Diameter . 8 in. Drive Weight Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 2!!._ in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-144 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level . ::n ,... . ,... C 0 .... +-a1c Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" .r::." 0 z .,,o ·-. t. 111(1) ·-Ill .,,,... Ill • ........ ........ .r::.m QI . QI 30 C:'f-::,,._ -u IIIQI Q. QI Q.O .... oLL QI 0 t;c (.) . >QI QI QI 111...J 0 -·c n. Q. -t. ..... QI _(I) .!!!0 00 t. z E al QI .,_,, o·+-Logged By_ KAB t!) Ill a. . ::n ·:c 5 . .,..:::; - l1J (I) t. ~"-' Sampl~By KAB C (.) .. 0 .. . SM ARTIFICIAL FILL . . . . . .. @ 0': Brown, m:oist, silty fine SAND '--... . . ... I--.. . . . . -: . . .. I.. . . . . . I.. 140 -.. . . . -.. . . s-. . ... . . 1 49 123.0 8.0 @S': Dark brown, moist, dense, silty fine SAND .. . . . I.. -· .. ... . . . ~ -. .. . . . . . . '--. . . . . . .. 135 -. .. . . . . . ~ 10-.. . . . ... . 2 26 @10': Rock.no recovery .. 50/~· -... . . . . . -.. . . . '-' ... Bag-3 @12': Dark-brown, moist,.medium dense, silty fine SAND . . -... .. @12'-15 .. . . . 130 -.. . . I-... . . 15-. . . .. .. 4 17 @ 15': .SampJe tube· empty dark brown, moist to wet, silty fine SAND in spoils, . . ... . . .. strong organic odor -... . . -. . . ,_ .. 5 24 109.0 14.9 · .@ 17':: Dark brown with'.green-gray-mottling, wet, slightly clayey, silty fine SAND ... . . .. . ,_ -... . .. . . . I.. 125 -.. . . . . . . . 20-~ ... . 6 18 @ 20': No recovery retainer added to sample tube .. . . . '--.. . . . . . . "¾' .. ·7 · 13 .-95.S ··17.6 SM-CL @ 22': · Mo~y-green to dark brown, moist, soft to medium dense, clayey, ~~--t~~ ·silty · · ~ 120 -i.;~1: c~~ 25-. • I; ~ ~~-s· 41 96.9 13.9 @ 25': As at 22 feet to 25·feet 6 inches·then olive-green damp, dense, clayey fine I) ··,;'{ :~~ ,sM-CL- _ _ _ to coarse SAND 0'7z3thered Santia_so ?) . _______________ :~~~ SANTIAGQ ·EQRMAllQN Cl)) -'"' @ 26': · Olive-green-gray, dainp to moist, dense, clayey fine to coarse SAND '- ~~( - 115 -~~al '-. . Li ~:0-••• i,, .. .... 505AC11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-16 Date ____ ....;6,.__-7.,_-=96=------- Project ____________ ...;;cLeg=o=l=an=d:;;;... --------'-"------ Drilling Co. Ba9?e's Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/-144 ft Ref. or Datum Sheet ___ 2_ of _2_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger · 140 pounds . _ Drop _fill in. Mean Sea Level ,, . :JI ,... . ,... C 0 +-+-QI~. m<I? .GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,... 0 z Ill 0 ·-'-...,. ·-+-.I:." ·-Ill II),... ::,+-+-QI ........ .J:. m QI QI :30 C't--u Ill QI Q, QI 0.0 +-oLL. QI 0 t;c u . QI QI 111..J 0 -ca. >..., Q, -c.. ·-QI _Cl> GI...,. 00 '-z e ID QI "" o+-Logged By KAB (!) :JI . Ill 0... :c C: ·-:::, .. 11.J (I) '-0 Jl'-" Sampled~y KAB C u ... .. 30 v~-9 50/6" 118.4 11.4 SM-CL SANI'IAQQ EQRMAllQN -It~~ @ 30': Olive green-gray, moist, dense, clayey fine to coarse SAND ~~~ -~~i @ 32': Very· hard drilljng -v~~ ~~i 110 -• Li ~~-• • I,, 35 ~. ··~~ .. 1-·. 10 . 50/6"' SM @ ~·: As at 30 feet with slightly more coarse SAND component ... •' . . ·. ·.· .. . . . . . -Total Depth = 36 Feet ·:No Ground Water Encountered at Ti!lle of Drilling "Backfilled:· 6/7 /96 - 105 - 40- - - - 100 - 45- - - - 95 - so- - - -fa 90 - 55-.. - - - 85 - -.. SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I Gl;OTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-17 Date ____ .,..!6~-7~-9~6~--- Project -----------'----=I.eg=o==la=n=d=------"-------- Drilling Co. Barge's DrilUng Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 2!!_ in. Elevation Top of Hole + /-134 ft Ref or Datum .. Mean Sea Level . :::n ,-.. . C 0 ... .... QI~ Ill,-.. GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~,-.. 0 ·-Ill • .J:.,-.. ·-Ill z 1110 111.i"'\ L v .111~ ...... ...... .i::.m QI QI ::30 cc+-::I+ -u Ill QI 0.. QI 0..0 ... 01.L. 'QI O . +c o. >QI QI QI 111.J 0 ---'-C 0.. Cl! Cl.I ~0 c0 L z a. ID QI 'V ·-.... _en µ>ggedBy KAB (.!) E . :::n 0c ·o:j UJ Ill ·o... L :c 0 (/) C u (/) v. Sampled By KAB .. 0 . . . ... SM ·ouAIBRNARY cot.uJVIuM (Ocol) . . I--... · . . . -... @ 2'-5': Light brown, moist, medium.dense, silty fine SAND I- . . . Bag~l . . .. @2'-5' -. . ... . . ... -130 -.. . . . . . . . -5-... 2 48 107.5 9.2 @5;:. As·at2 to5feet, dense .. . . . I--· . . ... . . --... .. . . . I--· . . ... .. •. -125 -... .. . . . -10-·. . .:. . 3 42 ·-ill.2. 16.2 'SM-ML @ 10': Ught brown, damp, dense; fine sandy SILT to silty fine SAND .. I---- - I-120 - 15-·. 4 36 106.0 15.8 @ 15': As af 10 feet . - -.· . --· 115 - 20-· ~ 5 .. . 48 107.3 19.5 . ML-CL . @ 20':. Uglit brown, damp, dense, silty fine SAND to brown, damp, dense clayey -g§ silt to silty clay at top -~ - 110 -~ 25-~ 50/5" @. 25': Ughi brown, damp to moist, very dense fine sandy SILT to silty fine 6 116.3 12;0· Mi SANI;> - - - 105 - . . SOSA( 11/77) . LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNIOAL BORING LOG B-17 Date ____ _.,..6·....:.7....::·9=6'-----Sheet _2_ of _2_ Project --------------"Leg=o=l=an=d"'--------'--'---------Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. ---------=Ba=rg=e'..;;.s.;;;D;.;;;n=·1=1in=g:z..S;:;;.e=rvi...;.;·=c.;;..e ____ ~------Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 2!!._in. Elevation Top of Hole + /~ 134 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level . .. . :::n ,.., ui,.., C 0 +-+-cuX GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION· -~,.., 0 z 1110 ·-. t.v 111c,; . .i::.,.., ·-Ill 111,-.. _Id • ....... ...... .i::.m QI QI 30 C'+-::,,._ ~u 111CII Q. (LI Q.O ... -oLL CIIO 1n C u. ::,.CU QJ(LI 111..J 0 Q. ,-c. en. . ..,~ _en ~0 c'+-t. z Q'.l QJ -..,,, Logged By KAB V (!) E ~-Oc ··-:::i Id a. . :c 0 l1J en o..., Sampled By KAB C u en· 30 .. •·. llL 7 50/5" 116.3 13.6 ~~~~ QlJAlEBNAR'Y COLLtMUM (Q:intiDJ.1~!1) . -'...®.3-9':... hight_b~..1. <!_al_!!& <!_e~ ~tr fin~~ 1o_sa_!1<!}r§I!,1'.. ______ ·-1' SANTIAQQ ·EQRMAllQN Cfi) @ 30'6": Light btown·damp, very dense,-SANDSfONE, well indurated - -soJs·· 114.9 @-33': .. Refusal light.browp,'damp;,very de~~~LTSf9NE 8 '.12.6 ML 100 .. 35-TotafDepth·= ·34 F~t No ·Ground Water Encountered at 'J;'ime of Drilling Backfilled: 6/7 /96 - - - 95 - 40- - - - 90 - 45- - - - 85 - so- - - - 80 -,_ ss-... - -... -... 75 - ~- SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING. LOG B-18 Date ____ .....::6._·7.:....·=96~--- Project ----------'---...:1.eg=:· o::::l:::an=:d~---'---"--~-------- Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling·Ser:vice .. Hole Diameter 8 in. brive Weight Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger i40 pounds Drop ~in. Elevation Top of Hole + /-113 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level , , . ::n ,.., . ,.., C 0 +-+-QI~ = ·· GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" 0 ·-v· J:." ·-Ill z Ill 0 Ill" '-111(1) +-+-+-+-J;. 0) QI :3 0 C't-::,,._ . Ill QI 0. QI 11.0 +-. QI cl.I.. QI O. +-C -u >QI QJ QI 111.J 0 -C·ll. II). QI (.) . 11. -'-_(I) QI ... c0 '-z IXl QI V 'ci+-LoggedBy KBC _v (.!) e ::n . Ill 0. :C C ·-::, UJ (I) '-0 ~v SaiµpledBy KBC C (.) 0 .. SM QUATERNARY COLLlMUM (Ooo!) ... . ,• . @ 0': Brown damp, ittedium dense, silty fine to coarse SAND -... . . ... ~ -.. . . . . . . 110 -. . . . . . . . ... -. . . . . . . . . . . 5-... 1 23 111,6 8.8 @ 5': Light b~, moist; medium dense, silty fine SAND .. . . . . . ~ -· . . . . . . . ' .. .... -. .. . . . . I-105 -. .. . . . . .. . I--· .. . . . . . ... 10-. . ·. 2 26 106.2· 16.S SM-ML @.10': Light qrown·wi.th light gray mottling, moist to wet, fine sandy SILT to silty fine SAND ... -. - I-100 - - 15-· ,. --ML-3 50/6". 1.li.0. 16.6 SANITAQQ EQRMATIQIS: (00 . @ 15': Brown, moist, dense, fme sandy SILT; moderately to well indurated - - 95 - - 20-4 50/5* 117;4 11.9 @20': Light brown, damp, very dense, fine sandy SILTSl'ONE , - I- 90 - - 25- - - 85 - - ·~ SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-19 Date ____ 6:<..·=10"-'·9=6'-----'--Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project -----------'-----..;;;;Leg=<>. ""'ol;;.;;;a;;;;;;nc::d'""' ___ ----'---------'---Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole C o'"' 0 ·-..-.c'"' ·-Ill -1-QI .._-1-.CC> QI Ill QI 0.. QI 0..0 -1-QI QI IUJ 0 > ... ~ ..... 0 ... L z '"' (!) w 170 0 .. ... .. -... . . ... -.. . . . -: .. . . .. . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . 165 s-... .. ... -. . . ... . . -.. . . . -. . . . . . .. -... . . . . . . . 160 10-i-: ::: . .. .. -... . . . . . -.. ... . . . . -... .. . . . -.. . . . . . 155 15-... .. - - - - .150 20- - - - - 145 25- - - - - 1An, -- 505A( 11/77) 8 in. +/-170 . 0 z "QI -0.. E Ill (I) 1 2 ·3 Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drive Weight .ft Ref. or Datum . :n. ,... . '"' +,, -t-· QIX Ill • 1110 ·-. L'"' lllcn Ill'"' ::,+-Ill • :30 c ... --u oLL QI 0 "tic u •. C 0.. -L ·-l _en a::i QI '"' :n .~ C .·-:::i 0. L 0 ~'"' q u SM 69/12" 111.8 8.8 50/6~ 113.S 15.8 SM 5015" 140 pounds Drop ..1!L in. Mean Sea Level - GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By K8C Samp~edBy KBC QUATERNARY COLLUVIUM (Ocol) @ 0': Brown, dry, loose, silty, fine to medium SAND; organic material common @ 5': Red-brown, moist, dense, silty, fine-to medium SAND; slightly clayey, moderately cemented, one near0vertical fracture in·sample @6': Dijlling became more diffi~lt (per driller) sANTIAGQ FORMA'TIQN ml @ 10':~ light green to off-white, tnoist, very dense, silty, fine to medium ; sliglitly clayey, moderately cemented Q · -@.15':sXm light green·to off-white, moist very dense, silty, fine to medium "\ _ . ;.sliimtlv clavev; well cemented I Total Depth = 15 Feet 5 Inches . No Ground Watet·Encouritered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 6/10/96 - LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-20 Date ____ -=6-=-1=0...::c·9=6 __ ---'- Project --------------=1.eg:.:a· CLo;:.;;l;;;;an;;;;d=-----------'------ Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Hole Diameter 8 in. Driv<} Weight Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4960151:.001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds. Drop _fill in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-170 ft Ref or Da:tum Mean Sea Level . .. . . . :n ,,.... . ,,.... C 0 + + Qj~. m . GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .~ ...... .c,,.... 0 z 111.g ·-c,.'-t -Ill~ ·-Ill 111 ...... ...... ...... .cm Q,I Qj ~LL C'f-. .::J,._ -u Ill QJ Q. Qj 0.0 + -QJ 0 lj' u. > QJ QJ QJ 111.J 0 ll. -c... co. _en QJ ... c~ c.. z e IO QI. V' Logged:By :~BC _...,, (!) :Ji Oc -·-::i UJ Ill ·a;, ' c.. :co· o...,, en C u en Sample4By KBC 170 0 .. ~M OUAIBRNARYCOLLUVIUM (OcoJ) .. . . .. @ 0': Light brown, dfy, loose, silty, fine SAND; organic material common -... . . ... -.. . @·2•: Drilling became more difficult (per driller) . . . . . . -... . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . 165 s-... •'. 1 &1/10" @ 5': · Red-brown, damp, very dense, silty fine SAND; slightly clayey, micaceous, .. ... · few fine pores -· . . .. . . -... . . . . . -· .. ... .. -. . . .. 160 10-.. . . ... 2 49/12" @10': Light.reddish-brown, moist, medium dense to dense, silty, fine SAND; . . micaceous -.. .. . . . -.. . . . . . . . . . . -.. . . .• -. . .. ... 155 15-. . . .. .. 3 77/12"· 108 .. 0 10.1 @ 15': tight brown, ~oist, dense, silty, fine to medium SAND; micaceous weakly ... . . .. cemented -... . . . . . -.. . . . . . -.. . . -.. . . . . . . 150 20-... 4 (,8/12" @ 20': Very light green ~d-light·orange-brown, moist, d~nse, silty, fine to .. ... . · medium SAND; micacequs, weakly cemented -.. . . . . ·i.:..: .. ·-. :: . -,sl\f-',_@ 22': · DriWn~ became more diffiCUI~ (P,_er diille!) ______________ 7. .. .. -: .. SANOAGQ;fORMAlJON q'&,) .. . . . . . . -.. . . . . 25-: .. 145 .. s 50/5• · @ 25': :Ufot green-gray, iµoist, very dense, clayey, silty, fine to medium SAND; .. ii \ . we . cemented · -Total Depth = 25 Feet 5 Inches No-Gro\lnd Water Encountered at Time of Drilling -Backfilled: 6/W/96 - - un- 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOC~ATES I I- I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I G'EOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-21 Date ____ ---'6"-·:,10"-·a<.:96,.__ __ _ Project ----'----------_.;;cLeg=o=I=an=d=------------'------Project No. Drilling Co. Barge~s Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight ----"------'----"'1=4:::..0.a:p~ou=n::.;d,.,s.___ ___ ""--__ -,--Drop _fil)_in. Sheet _1_ of _1_ 4960151-001 Elevation Top of Hole +/-123 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level .. ''' . :JI "' . "' C 0 -t--t-QI~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~"' 0 z .,.o' ·-LV Ulen ..--1-.i:::."' ·-Ill Ill"' i..-Ill • ..--1-.i::. D) QI QI-3 0 Cc+-' -u Ill QI a. QI Q.0 -t-oU. QI 0 .,.c (.J • > QI QI QI 111...J 0 -ca. a. -L ·-QI ...,.en .!!!~ c~ L z S· o::IQI V o-t-Logged By .KBC t!) :JI . Ill 0. :C C ·-::, L1J en L 0 ~v Sampled By KBC C U- . 0 '' •' .. SM QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (Oal) ... . . -... Bag-1 ·@ 1': Gray-brown, damp, loose, silty fine SAND; organic material common -... @l'-5' '-.. . . . . . ... 120 -. .. . . . . . ... -. . . . . 5-~ 2 33/12" 107.0 · 12.0 SC @ 5': Light brown, moist,.medium dense; clayey, fine SAND - -~ 115 -~ -~ 10-3 40/12" @ 10': No recovery -~ -~ 110 -I - 15 : . -~ 4 55/12" 102.7 il.5 MC-sl\f SANTIAQQ EQRMA]lQN m) . .·. @ 15': Light green-gray, moist, :stiff, silty CI.A Y and light green-gray, moist, -dense, silty, fine SAND; weakly cemented .·. -.· . . ·. 105 -.·. -.· . . ·. 20-5 10.5/11' @ 20': Olive-green, moist, hard, silty CI.A Y and light green, moist, very dense, .·. -silty, fine SAND, moderately cemented, ~ charcoal present -.· . . ·. -:• .. ·- 100 -.· . . ·. .. -.·. 25-.·. .·. - -Total Depth = 25 Feet 11 Inches No· Grou~d Watei: Encountered at Tune of Drilling Backfilled: 6/10/96 95 - - ~- 505AC11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I -I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-22 Date 6-10-96 Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project No. 4960151-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Project -------------=Leg==_.,..o=-=I=an=d=---------;...._----'----'------~--- Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service 140 pounds . _ Drop 2!L in. Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Mean Sea Level Elevation Top of Hole +/-110 ft. Ref. or Datum C -~" J:." ........ ........ I'll Qj 0. Qj >QI QI QI ~0 C0 llJ 110 0 90 .20 85 25 SOSA( 11/77) 0 ·-J:. 0) 0.0 111..J L t!) .. : .: · ... . . . . . :• .· .... . . . . -· .. ·.·:: ·_·.·:-· .. : : : : . . -·.:-_.· .... -. :--· : : : : . . . : .: .... .... ·.:. ..... . ·. ·.· .... . · .. _ .. . . . . .... . . . . . ·. ·.· .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . . . . . . . .... Ill Qj +-0 z . :JI " 0 .... .... Qj~ z 1110 L '-" 111,-.. ::, .... :3 0 C'+-. Qj ou. Qj 0 t;c 0. ji:iL C-0. ·-QI '-" o-+-E QI I'll a.. :JI :cC (I) L 0 C u 1 19/12"· 1Q8.4 16.6 2 23/12" 105.3 20.7 .3 71/17" 4 .. ~/12" 5 34/12". . " Ill • lllcn I'll-. -u u. _en . ·-:::, ~'-' SC-SP SP SC GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By !KBC . KBC QUATERNARY ALLUVIUM (OaJ) @0': Brown,_moist, loose, slightly clayey, fine to medium SAND; organic material present ·@ 5': Brown, wet, medium dense, fine-to medium SAND; micaceous @ '10': Brown, wet, medium dense, clayey, fine to medium SAND; charcoal fragments common @ l'l,': Drilling became more difficult (per driller) SC-CL @ 15': Olive~green and light bfO!Vll, moist, dense, clayey, fme to medium SAND and fitie to medium sandy CI.A Y; few fine gravels @1$'5":··Groundwater.encountered · · .. -. · , ·. _.;··· SM -, ·@ 20':· light,green, moist, medium dense, slightly clayey, silty, fme SAND; · micaceous @ 21': Drilling became more difficult (per driller) @ 25': light brown, wet-saturated, medium dense, silty,.fine to medium SAND; micaci:9us · LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHN.ICAL BORiNG LOG B-22 Date ____ ..::6:..::-1:=.:::0:..::·9:.:::6'---,---- Project -------'-------__;;;;Le=go=l=a=nd=-------------------- Sheet _2_of_2_ Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop A in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-110 ft. Ref or Datum C o" £" 0 ·-.... ·-........ £ m +-QI Q. QI I'll QI Q.O >..., QI QI 1'11..J ~v c'+-t. V (!) UI . ::n " . +-QIX 111"' 0 +-. ··-Ill • Ill z 1110 Ill" L V 111<1! QI QI :30 C'+-:,+-. -u +-oLL QI 0 t;c u .. 0 -CQ. Q. ...,. t. ·-· QI _·en z E tll QI V o+-::n 'c!j:::> I'll a.. t. :c 6 en C u. ·env 80 30 6 84/11" SW -. ·=· -. •:::: ··z·:· -:=:::::: Mean Sea Level GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC @ 30': Orange-brown, wet, very dense, fine ·1:o coarse SAND; few fine gravels @ 32': Drilling became more difficult (per driller) 15 35-·;.:.~:.:-:: :· .·.: 7 50/6" -SP--SANTIAGOFQR1JATIONO'&.) i--:-~...a+---+----A---'--1---+-""--+-'----h @ 35': Light gray to light gray-brown, moist, very dense, slightly clayey, fine to -medium SAND· inicaceous '=---'~==-==-=c.z..:;:;;;~""'-';;;_--------------i Total n·epth = 35 Feet ·6 Inches -Ground Water Encountered at.18'5" Backfilled: 6/10/96 - - 70 40- - - - - 65 45- - - - - 60 so-,_ - - - - ss ss- - - - - en. ~- 505AC 11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL"BORING LOG B-23 Date ____ ~6c...::·1..,.0...::::·9:.,:;6 __ _ Sheet _1_ of-. _2_ Project No. 4960151-001 Project ______________ _..;:;;Leg=_o;;.;:l;;;:;an:;;.;d=-·----------- Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Drilling Co. Barge's DrillingService 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Hole Diameter 8 in. Dnve Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/-_8_5_ ft. Ref. ·or Datum Mean Sea Level C -~" .s:::." ,._+-+-+-Ill QI a. QI > QI QI QI ~0 00 IJJ 85 80 70 15 65 20 60 25 505AC11/77) 0 ·-.s:::. 0) n.o 111.J '-(.!) : : : : : .. : : . . . .... . ·. ·.· .... .... . ·. ·.· .... . . . . . . . . ·. ·.· .... Ill QI +-0 z . :Jl +-0 +-z Ill 0 u,,-.. . QI 3 0 C'+-oLL QI 0 a. -c.. o.n. al QI . ....,, e :Jl Ill a.. (I) '-0 ,... . ,... ~ Ill • f-~ lllcn Ill • i+--u ·Ill C u .. ·-l _en ~c. ..:.::i . 0 o....,, U· (I) SC GEOtECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By KBC KBC OUA'IERNARY ALLUVIUM (QaO @ 0': Light brown, damp,Jqose, clayey, fine; SAND; organic material common Bag-2 52/12"• 117.5 11.9 SC-CL @.5;: Brown to darjcgtay-brown, moist, dense, clayey, fine SAND to sandyfme @5'-8' CI.A Y; organic rich 3 38/12"· 111.7 13.0 4 20/12" 93;8 12.9 5 42/12" 108.7 ·17.4 6 50/12": SC SM CL SM @ 10': Light brown, damp, medium dense, clayey, fme to medium SAND @ 15': Light gray-brown, moist, medium.dense, silty, fme SAND; charcoal fragments common. @ 20': . Green-gray with orange-brown mottles, moist, hard, fine sandy CI.A Y; abundant charcoal ~gment,5 @ 24'5": Qroun4 water enl:Quntered @ 25': Light gray-pn, saturated, dense, silty fine to medium SAND; micaceous LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I ,; GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-23 Date 6-10-96 Sheet _2_ of _2_ Project ----------------=Leg=a.o=-=l;::::an=· d=------'-----,---------Project No. 4960151-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service . Type of Rig Hollow-Stem-Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight ----------'1=-4:.::0'--'p:.::oc;::u=-nd=s.__ _______ Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole + /-85 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 55 30 u .CO) Q.0 ~..J .·. .·. :• .· -:-\·:-: -. ··.·. : : :· .. -::=::::\. ... -~·>·< 50 35-(\) -~:\:\ -:.=.:;.:.:= . . . . -:·:::·:·:: -.... -:-<-:-:: 45 40-\\) -:.=.:;.:.:= -\>/ -\)\ ... -)\) 40 45-=~ - - Ill QI .... 0 z . 0 z QI Q. e c7J 7 8 .... 1110 3 0 oLL -L '° QI 0.. 81/11" 23/12". 9 50/12• ·10 38/12" :::n ,... . ,... .... QI~ Ill • ·-L'-' XlCJ? Ill" C'+-:::s .... QI 0 +-c -u 0 • CQ. -~: _en V :::n Oc ·-:::i L :c 0 ~v C -o SP CL GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION- LoggedBy Sampled By KBC KBC @ 30': Gray, .saturated, very dense, fine to medium SAND; micaceous · @ 35': Gray, saturated, medium dense, fine to medium SAND; micaceous @ 38': Drflliilg became more difficult (per driller) @ 40': -Gray, ·saturated, medium dense, fine to medium SAND; slightly clayey, micaceous , ·@ 45': Greenish brown, wet, hard, fine sandy, CIA Y; micaceous @ 46': Drilling became more difficult (per driller) .35 _, .. ~0;,J--~ ..... ~"""' ..;.({..,_ . ..,._ ___ 1...__1 , .... rr~-c:n,,..,_A·•-..;._--4-_---4_-..... .;-;w~'i,i-11---4-..-~G(fFORMATION(Tsf--------------------- ·@ 50': Light greenish brown, damp, very dense, silty, fin.e 'SAND to fine sandy - - - - 30 55- - - - - -,,:_ .. 505A(11/n) SILT . . · Total De_pth i= 50 Feet 4 Inches Ground Water Encountered at 24 Feet5 ~ches Backfilled: 6/10/96 ., LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES .... L.. L.. .... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOtECHNICAL BORING LOG B-24 Date ____ --=6'""'·1=0...:;·9-=6 __ _ Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4960151-001 Project -------------'---=Leg=o::;.::la=n=d::.,'"""· -'------'-'-------..---- Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Service . Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop ~ in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-144 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level C: -~" +-+-IIIQI > QI ~~ I.LI 140 135 130 125 120 115 .s:." 0 ·-+-+-.J:. 0) C. QI c..o QI QI 111.J 0~ C. (!) 0 .. ... .. -... . . ... -.. . . . . . -... . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . 5-... .. ... --... . . -. . . . . . . . -· . . ... .. 20 ···.:···,; ·-:~:··':-: .. -... . . . . . -.. . . . . -: . : .. . . . -.. . . . .. 25-:,o..: ·< - - - - 505A(11/77) . 0 Ill z QI . QI +-0 a. z e Ill en 1 2 3 4 5 :r, " +-+-Qlx . 0' ·-t. V Ille Ulr. ~u. C'+-:::,+- QI 0 ·t; C ·-c. ·ca. ·-QI IO QI V o+- 0. :r, :C C C. 0 C u 37/12" 107;6 8.6 40/12" 110.9 17.5 30/12" 109.5 13.5 46/12" · 112.2 . · i3.9 5015" . " Ill • Ulen Ill • -u u. _en ·-:::i Ov en SM SC SW GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled-By .KBC 'KBC QUATERNARY CQLUJYIUM (Ocol) @0': Reddish brown,.damp,Joose,.clayey, silty, fi11e to medium SAND; micaceous; organic material common @·5;: Redabrown, .moist, ,medium·dense, slightly clayey, silty, fine to medium SAND;, miC<!Ceous @ 10':. Light.brown to greenish gray, moi!;t, medium dense, fine to medium sandy CLAY; ch~oal fragments common @ 15': Gray-brown, moist, medium dense, slightly clayey,Jine to coarse SAND; :micaceous SM @ ~·: Liglit gray-brown, J110ist; medium dense, slightly clayey, silty, fine SAND; micaceous · -SM_.,. SANTIAGO roRMATioN·Q'(l @ 25': Lildlt pinkish brown, moist, very dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium . SMiID;· inoderatelv to well cemented To~! Depth = 25 Feet 5 Inches · No Oround'Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 6/10/96 LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES ,_ -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. :----'T--1=---- Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number:. 4960151-01 Elevation: +144' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: _________ _ : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density · ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) . - TOPSOIL Topsoil · SM ; @ 1.5': Light brown, damp, loose (tilled),silty fi,ne to medium sand . : TERRACE DEPOSITS Qt SM • Reddish brown, damp, dense, silty fine to coarse sand; .moderat.ely indurated. I " I r lo \ ' f Total Depth= 8 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Dr:il ling Baekfilled: 5/30/96 11------,-....__------,---...,.---~---------,--------......,..----------,,,--......... ---~------------------1 ~ GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: l" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE:. 6~ TREND: .N60.E .. I ----1--I I -----.,. I ;·-·--_,:... ~· .. ~ :-----.,. I I I, I I I .I I I I I I . I I .1 I I I I I I I I I' I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I 'I I I I I 'I, I, I I' r;:•..:,.:-••::·/·':•,'.;.,'.-'._;~_7, I I I I I I I I I I l'I I I I I I I I I -' ~ : . . . . . , .: .. ; : ._:.:, :..:: ~ . --- ""'""" -t _ ••• ·: :.: .......... •• -~ .; --- I-- • ~ : •• :-·... • • ' ....... -~ ·y· ·:. . . ---. .._ . . ..... · •". : . .. . : . . . . . . ' ""'""" -!--I· , ••• . •• • • • • .• -i--- •• ,· ••• _, • • •: I •.,, : :•. •_• ---\:·;:~.--v ---. . . . ---. . .. . -. : ---.... -~ ---:_.:_·---' --------- -- - - --- --- --· - ----- - LOG OF:TRENCH NO.: _T-2 Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB I ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: +160' mean_sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: ~ GEOLOGIC . GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density -t ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) >t-----+---------------------------------------+----+----+----+------+-----11 TO~OIL I -~ 0 ..... (0'' 0 - I;' s· ·::r Light brown, dry to damp, lQos~, silty fine sand with scattered organics TERRACE DEPOSITS Reddish .brown, damp, medium dense to dense silty fine to coarse sand with pockets of light gray to greenish gray silty fine to coarse sand; upper 1..5 to 2. O feet is weather~d ahd slightly porous with scattered open pores visible Total Depth= 9.5 Feet No Groung Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 5/30/96 Topsoil I SM Qt I SM :r g-____ _._ __ --"-----------------------------------------_,_~_..,___ ___ ..,___ __ ....___ :1. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION: ; . SCALE: l" '"' 5' )> a, t-a, Oi-c, a;· .... cl 0>·1 t- t- I- I- t- t- t- t- .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I -+- -t- -t- I I lr.-:f·~~ L_I _J I I~ I .L I I I -,:--I . .;...-• , .... -t-1 ·. . ...... '·. --1-I • ' • •• • ., • ...... , _ ~~.... ' ... :·' ·: _: :.: ·.<:./ I\··--/;'·~:-::::-.. ::::·:.·· : ....... : · ... · ... ·.: .. : •_, : • o • • • • • I :· ... ·. . . . . .. . .. . ... ,} ... ~ . SURFACE SLOPE: 3! TRENO: N5°E ; -.!. I I. - I - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO.:_T_-3 __ _ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevati'on: +150' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density 'ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) • ~ TOPSOIL Topsoil SM I Light brown to reddish brown, damp, loose, silty fine to i medium sand (tilled_) ) . TERRACE DEPOSITS Qt SM Reddish brown, damp, loos~ at upper 1 foot t9 medium dense; becoming dense at bottom of trench, silty fi.ne to coarse sand with' gr.~enish gray, pockets of fine to c.oarse sand, p9rous at upper contact, becoming less so with depth ' Total Depth= 12 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling 5/3Q/96 Backfilled: ' -I .. I r ~ _ .;. I .. ~. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ·· SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 4°W TREND: NS Ii I·-... --';'--I 1------I r-~-~--. ---~ . ;::i-2·.·-:-::. ., .:,_ ~.:-::·..:i. ·:~ . ----:--~-~.:...:_ ·. ~...:_.:.. ·., :._ D;' --- I I I I I I I I I I I I i::;-.::;_· . ..:..,.·. ,:_:'I~ ,.:_.:_'.'j :_';__:_: · . .:.a:.: .·,: . .J. ••• j •: . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. -• •I• ',1. .. .. ~ •• • : • •• • : ••• • •• .. . . · ...... •I• I•) ,,1,/ :_ · ........ .,· . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---· ......... . .. . .. . . . 7[7 ---. . . . .. .. . . " . . · . . ., ..... --= j:i:f \;: :·. -{/{<F : ... ·. . ... ---. . . . --.. .. . . . . .. ---.. ·· ........ ---... · ......... .. · .... ·.·· ---·.: :· :! -\~ ·.-:-:-.: ·_._ . .,,,..-.. ~:-'--. -. : . . . . .. · .... . · ... : .: : .: : :_ ... : g;? ~ . --i,-•••• • .·: •• ---: <_(-<\ . ,--. ---. -. ----. . ---· ..... ··. I ---.. I•• .,<:, "• -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. : ___ T_-4,.__ __ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: +174' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: ~ GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density 'ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/_96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ' ' . ' TERRACE DEPOSITS Qt SM I ' Light reddish brown, damp, very den$e (near refusal 1, w/310C), fine to coarse sand I . Total Depth = _3.5 Feet No Ground. Wa_ter Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled:_ 5/30/96 . : . ~ . • . I .,. ~ · GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION ! _SCALE: 1" • 5' SURF~CE SLOPE: q,._· TREND: _ N5°W I . • 1------I, ,_ -----I 1------~ I· .-...,,:.. --- I I I I I I I I I I I 'I. j I I I I_ I I I -I. I I,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I ·1 1· I I I I I I I I I 1-1: .I• : r ••.I • •I • • :JJ)Y j' I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --~ ··.:· ·:'. ~~:: ·_: .. : ·: ; .. ~-. ---. --.... (_.<·:·:· i· :: : . ------···-: ... -.,r ---...... ------ --i------i---------------- -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. :__,_T-_...5 __ Project Name: _ _....Le=g=o'-'-l=an=d=----------Project Number:___,4-9 __ 6,;,-,;0l=-=5=1--0=1"--_____ ,--__ Equipment: Backhoe Logged by:~KA=B _______ _ Elevation: +172' mean sea level Location: ________ _ ENGINEERING PROPERTIES ~1 GEOLOGIC I \GEOLOGIC! I Sample IMoist.lDensity -t ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) > i '" (0. :r TOPSOIL I Topsoil! Light brown in tipper 6 inches then reddish brown, damp, loose silty fine to medium sand .. TERRACE DEPOSITS . . I --Reddish brown to dark brown, damp to. moist, medium dense to Qt I dense, silty fine to coarse sand with gray fine to coarse sand pockets throughout becomes denser near bottom of trench Tot~l Depth= 13 Feet No Ground .Water Enc<>untered at Ti.me .of Drilling Backfi 11 ~d: 5/30/96 . :1 I SM IT-5@2' I 6.8 r 112.0 SM I T -5 @ 4' I 12.1 1. 99.9 IT-5@6'112:5 I 125.9 g-.,__ _________________ ..,.._ _________ ...,.... __ .,...... _________ _._...,.... __ __.__.....,...___._ _______ ___._ __ ___._ __ ---1 : GRAPHlC REPRESENTATION· :> 0) ·C'O ·o i-c,. i~ I- I- I- ~ f,- I- I- I- I I I I .·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;• SCALE: l" • 5' SURFACE SLOPE:~ -+-,, ··==-·. __ ......... , .... , ..... . +vi;Tf~~l~Jt~ "-~~ I J •. , •. I· ·I•• 1=1::-::,.-.. , .. j.~.= . 'f . .'~:_:_· .... / .. ·_,::;:-.·~ ::·.-: ... : -:~·-,=-~--->;: ::: ·.: I + '<·' .. l;_'J :".: _-1. ·.1: :.!•."J ·.· ·.·_I .I, I I t · .. _.-.· ::.-:. ···,::. ·.·_-;.'·; -·.·.·· ---+-- , •••• # • • * : ., ·. : ... ' ·. : .... ·. ·,,.· .... : : : ·. ..... ~·.·.·····.-:-:-:':,··~· ,:,:,;:.;·.:/:.:: :·:·.::t: (: ·:; . ·,: i.·t. :.lt'':,1 .... -~" .. # :·· \\l/1 \{.~\/ ·-· -·:, -;~!}· ··! .. • ;~--~ , , r·•· -·. -+- -+- -+- -+- TREND: N20E - -- - - - - - -., - - - -------------------LOG OF, TRENCH NO. : ____ T_-6 ____ _ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: +165' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: ~ GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density · ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ' Surface 2 to 3 inches: A.C. broken weathered then; Asphalt AC I TERRACE DEPOSITS I Reddish brown, damp, dense, silty fine to coarse sand I becomes very dense at base of trench Qt SM .Total Depth= 4.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Tim~ of Drill i.ng Backfilled: 5/30/96 ' . . . ~ . I . , .. i GRAPHIG REPRESENTATION ! SCALE: l" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE:2°S TREND: NS t • 1------I' ,_ ------I .. 1-------"' I,_ ----.., I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I I I I 1 I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I 'I I I I I I I t<zr--~ y -. -(-/} ---. --. ---. -.--........ ,-4, ---vi·~.::. . --.. ~ ,/ :/ --- ------ ------ .... ----------- -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. : ___ T-'-7 ____ _ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENG~NEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: +156' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density · ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) · I " TERRACE DEPOSiTS Topsoil SM . Reddish brown, slightly damp, very dense, silty fine to 1. ' coarse sand I I . SANTIAGO FORMATION Ts SM-CL 01 ive green-gray, 111oi.st, medium dense to dense sandstone to claystone 4 to 6·inches thick, cobble layer at cont~ct with Qt ; Total .Depth= 7 Feet No Ground Wat~r Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: ~/30/96 . I•, I r ~ I I GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION: t SCALE: 1" • 5; SURFACE SLOPE:JOfSW TREND: N20W I . J < '' .. -' 1------I : I,.,. --_ _. -I ' I a·-, -----" 1_ I "" ..;; -... - I I I I I I I I 'I I I I '' 1_'. 11 I I I I -1 I . I I. I I. I I I •I I I I I I ·I I: I I• I I I I I I I I I. I I I · ,,._,_, .. • •I 1. • I •I• /'' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --::.~:t_t/ . :.;.;~>:::y -----. . .. . . . ---. . . . . . . . :·:. ~: · .. _ .... : .. --.· , ... · .. ·=.: ... ---. . ,.. . . . . -·.· · .. · ---.. ...... ---t,:·,· --I"'. :::i_:-J' ·~,_:..:.:, -::: -~ ;y ·---: .-:-_:: ---..... ,... --· -:.~. ------------------ -------------------LOG OF.TRENCH NO.:~T~-8 __ _ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGiNEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: +164' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density · ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ' , TOPSOIL Topsoil SM . Brown, ciamp, loose, silty fine to medium sand I I · TERRACE DEPOSITS Qt SM I Dark reddish brown, damp, very dense, silty fine to coarse . sand, moderately to well indurated Total Depth·.= 6 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Dri 11 ing. Backf i 1 led: ' 5/30/96 . ·-I, ,, I : r • !: I .. I GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION . SCALE: l" "" 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 4°SW TREND: N27° It • .... -----I ·------I r--,-·-... -.. :--... --- I I I I I I I I I I I I _l I • • I I I I I I I I 1-I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " . ..:-.,. ,.~: -.-~ ·..:..,. • ·:.L.:· .L-. w· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' . .. . .... ( .. ::.:._,_ :.;:::-./~ f: , ... -..: .. ~:,..;_· \ ·~ ---• • • .. • I ., .. ... -: f ·::;:._'(:. ;_-v ---... ----·:·: ~._!_ •• ~ ..... . . : : : . ... -... : __ · .. :·:: ~-=·-. ".: I "• o<I' ---. . . .. . . \.:.:..:_'··.:.:_,,; ii""" .. ... -----... ----- ------------ '·--·--·-- -·-:-- - - - - - - - - - LOG OF 1RENCH NO.:_T_-9~-- Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: +158' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density · ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) • TOPSOIL Topsoil . SM T-9@2' 11.6 110.2 • Light brown to brown, damp to moist, loose, silty fine to . ,, ,, • -~ . medium sand . • ARTIFICIAL FILL UNDOCUMENTED Afu SM • . 6 to 20 i rich lifts ·of dark brown to light gray, silty fine to coarse pebbly sand with scattered debris (plastic. sheeting, wood, concrete, etc.) at approximately 10 feet very strong organic. odor, woo~i' debris with petrochemical odor bagged and reta i.ned for tests ,, ' TERRACE DEPOSITS Qt SM Reddish brown, damp to moist., dense, silty fine to coarse sand -Total Depth= 15 feet f No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling I r . Backf i 11 ed1: 5/30/96 ~ I ' ' f GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION' SCALE: 1" .,. 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 8~~W TREND: N20E I .. ~-.• :.f". --r::·:·. =:--:-:-/· ;f_:+_1: :? :-: : :. •• : --~: .• • r y -·--,.,.;,.,.-, .. -· . ... -~(fa}it . ·-:~.·· · .. ·:;_ . • ··-··-··-· . ·--~-·.:.::...,:·.::·.·.= :·-~ f/t:i?J· -I--• i---I--.. :·::-~:_=: ::-_:--::_:_ . ---I--• I . I I' I I I .I I I I I I .:. .-. I.. lo • I., • • ·1 ••• 1 · .: ,; · . I t • •· ·1 ." j • ·, •. I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • • .' • •.I• • ! : • • :.'s,-' _! ' •• '.: ···':/' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. • ... ---~ \°-' .:-:\ ·::-:,: .. . . . . ~ . ... . .. ·. ---: : ,· ...... · .. ~ .. . . . ' . --I-• • -. ., . . . . . ---•. ' . .. . ..... ·· .... : ' ·:y . . .. ---. . . . ·. . . . .. .. , : . .. ·· .. ---' ... : -: . :. ''. . . . . . . •• J I---..... , . ... . ' ... .. -----... . .... "• . .. ... . . . . . ·:. ·. : : . · :., • • • i 'ti/J . • :: V . ... · 1 ---. , .. ,.,,.-'. . .., . . . . -,--.. -· .. ---~ .. · ... _.; ~-: .. -7 -1--: , ... , ... ...... · .. ---\i ... ·=y -1--... . ... .. . .. . . .. . . --1-. ·: ; . ··: · .... -1--. . · .. ·. -------------------LOG OF. TRENCH NO. : ___ T--1::..;:;.0 __ Project Name: _____ Le .... a ... o ...... l ___ an .... d ________ _ Logged by:__,_KA=B _____ _ ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number:_4....,9-6.,,._0=15=1,_-"""01 _________ _ Equipment: Backhoe Elevation: +150' mean sea level Location: ________ _ g GEOLOGIC . . GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density -t ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION·: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) > . -~ 0 ..... (0 0 - I;' i!'J' =r TOPSOIL . Brown to dark-brown, damp, loose, siTty fine to medium sand with abundant organic debris (green·leafy matter from recent strawberry harvest) TERRACE.DEPOSITS ' . Reddish brown, damp, dense, silty fine to coarse sand, massive, wi-th scattered pockets of gray silty fine to medium sand Total Depth.:=; 4.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backf i 1 Ted: : 5/3Q/96 · Topsoil! SM Qt I SM 8' ~. ' : GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION .'. ... $CALE: l" "" 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 2~SW TREND: N25°W > OH-CO 0 () i co - ~ r- .... .... r- I- r- -+- .....,_; -+-i . . . . . . . . . -+- -I- -I- -I- - - -- ---- - --- -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. :---:.T__,-1=-=1 __ Project Name:_---;:L-:;..eg.-.:o.._.l""'a.,..nd....,...,. _______ _ Project Number:_4 __ 9 __ 60 __ 1;;.;;;5 ..... l __ -0 __ 1 _______ _ Logged by:---:KA.::...=B ______ _ Elevation: +130' mean sea level ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Equipment: Backhoe. Location: ________ _ g GEOLOGIC. . GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density T ATTITUDES DATE: _ 5/30/96 OESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) > . ' ..... 0 ..... (0 0 r (D (0~ ::r TOPSO'lL . I Topsoi 11 SM 4 inch thick brown,-damp, loose, silty fine to coarse sand ARTIFICIAL FILL -UNDOCUMENTED I Afu I SM-CL D~rk gray to dark brown, damp to moist, silty to clayey fin~ to coarse s~nd·w;.th abundant debris and organics, 2 foot thick layer Qf organic debris with extremely strong odor at contact with: · SANTIAGO FORMATION . I Ts Olive green-gray, damp to moist, very dense, fine to coarse sandstone to claystone Total Depth ·=. 9 Feet. . No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 5/30/96 !I GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. I ;: SCALE: .,. 1" "" 5' SURFACE SLOPE:15!SE TREND; N75°E -> (I) Cl:I 0 () .m· i ·:·7:-'_--:, =-.l~ .-,--. b' .. :::·. ·;;:·=·· :.f:£.: :: ..;----~ -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. :__.,T__.-1=-=2 __ Project Name: Legoland Project Numbe_r_:-==4~9~60~1""'=5~1-=--0~1~--------Logged by : ___ KA.::-:;--B .,...,._ ___ ...,,,....__,,.. Elevation: ±110' mean sea level ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Equipment: Backhoe Location: ________ _ ~ GEOLOGIC . . GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density -t ATTITUDES DATE: 5/30/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) > - -..... 0 ..... (0 0 ,_.f r CD s· =r ARTIFICIAL FILL UNDOCUMENTED Dark gray to. brQ~m, damp, loose, silty fine to ·coarse sand with abundant "ebris mostly plastic sheeting and strapping ·material throughout, spoils are mostly plastic debri's SANTIAGO FORMATION . . Olive green-gray, damp to moist, silty, fine to coarse sandstone to claystone., massive Total Depth = 11 Feet ·No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 5/30/96 Afu ts ~ . SM SM-CL : GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION .t SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 12*E TREN[): EW > C'nt-0) Ot-o i~ ~ ~ ~ I- "'" ~ ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I· I ·1, I I I. -t--+- -I- 11; ·:. · .. ·. ~: · · · · ·1 -=1·· I I I I ~ 't ' t' ' I. -...L...-...~ -...'J~L I' 'I' ' •• I ~l . ~ ,· . .. -~ ·. : . .: : . . . I ·1 I '-L. I -t- -t-I I -1-I -t-I I -1-I -t-I I -1-I -t-I I -1-I ·- - - ---- --- - -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-13 Project Name :_--=L=eg::i.=o:..:.l=an=d=---_....;._ _____ _ Project Number:_4=9-6O_,1::.:::5-=-1---O"""1._ ______ _ Equipment: Backhoe Logged by: __..KA=-=-B ,--------,------Elevation: +92' mean sea level Location: ________ _ ENGINEERING PROPERTIES g GEOLOGIC ·GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density T ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) >1------"---+-------......_ ___________________________ --+ ___ +--....,.,_.--+--.----+---+-----1 -...a. 0 ..... (0 0 - ID" i5' a: ALLUVIUM Light brown to dark gray, moist, medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to medium sand, minor plastic debris at approximately 3 feet depth SANTIAGO tORMATION Gray to olive green-gray, moist, stiff to dense; silty to fine sandy clay to clayey sandstone Total Depth= 1.9 Feet 6 Inches No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drill i ng Backf i l led: . 5/31/96 0 . Afu SM-,CL IT-13@ 3'1 10.8 I 101.9 Ts ·ML-CL : GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION :: 'SCALE: I" ,.. 5' SURFACE SLOPE: O; TREND: N35°E ~ •. ~ .. -..... g --. . . ... -=-·--~___,;~==-..:... () ~~~~~~-·-:· ~-=t-----!!!!s:Siiiiil!=-!!!$ii!!!:=:!~,:-:---;i I --t=--.... co -t--.:...~_.__ •. J..-~__;, _ _._ _J I I I L I . I I _. ·.LI I ' ~-...i:1_:·· .·_ I • I • .... • __ • •....,_...:,..;'--f_L___J •••• 1 •.••• 1 '\·.'-:··.:.· ... ~·--=>··:·:"--.. --.· .... ·v·--·-·· .. .... ' .. · .. · ... :.· ...... · '. .. '., . : I-I I • .. :· .•• • t I I .. . , . , . . . ;/ I I I I--~/4 ,:1·· .: , ~- I- I- . ! . . . , ~1 · . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . ' ... -. i:--. -1-. . ·. . . 1· . . . . -. .. ... .. . ..... ~ -- - -- - - -- - -- - - -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-14 Project Name: ____ L __ eq __ o __ l __ an __ d __________ _ Logged by: __ KA ..... B _______ _ ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number:_4 .... 9=6~01=5=1_-0.._.1 ________ _ Equipment: Backhoe Elevation: +104' mean sea level Location: ________ _ gil GEOLOGIC I I ~ ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/9~ DESCRIPTION: Test Pit GEOLOGIC! I Sample IMoist.,Density UNIT yscs. No. . ... (%) (pcf) -:..a. 0 ....... U)'' 0 - r.-1, (I) i!J'. :::r - ALLUVIUM Light brown to dark gray; moist, medium dense, slightly clayey, silty fine to coa.rse sand, weakly bedded to . 1 aminated SANTIAGO FORMATION Olive green-:gray, moist, dense, clayey, fine to coarse sand to sandstone (weakly to moderately indurated} Total Depth= 15 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 5/31/96 Qal Ts 0 . ' lsM-cL IT-14_@·s·I 10.2 I 102.1 ·1 SM-CL I :. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. ·SCALE: 1" == · 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 1o·sw TREND:: N25°I >' :II) ' i(I) 01-C> or1--Ir- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- • ~~L~I~ 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I ., , .. ,. I _i____t , . ·~·-·~··-~ I I I I .J_ , 'I I .I . I. I'• I. I I I -t-. ' I - -t- -t- -t- -t- - ., -- - - - - - - -- -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-15 _. Project Name_: Legol and c Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 .. Elevation: ±136' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: ________ _ GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. . (%) (pcf) TOPSOIL Topsoil SM , Dark brown, damp, 'loose, silty, fine to coarse sand with 1 . roothairs and organic litter throughout , COLLUVIUM Qcol SM-CL · Light brown to dark brown, moi~t, weakly bedded, silty. fine to coarse sand and minor clay SANTiAGO FORMATION . Ts . SM-CL Olivs green-gray,. moist, dense, clayey, fine to coa-rse sand, weakly indurated, minor reddish brown. oxidation lining fractures and coating grains Total Depth= 15 Feet No Ground. Water Encountered at Time of Drilling . , · Backfilled: 5/31/96 . . ·' 1 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION : SCALE: 1" '"' 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 6~SW TREND: N40°W .. ~-'-: · . ..-.:-· ~-.· ~: ·-:-:--. · --:-: , :7 .... -:-: · .-. · I : --~-:· -:-;· ·-:-=:-= .,;..-. -.--=-· .. ~ -:--:-... --r. -=-r, -~ - ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :-:· =-"·.-::2:...:.~ ~\~:..~:;;-::·~·:.;t == = ~ o • 0 ' O Io• I o o J. 0 o o o I .. 0 -~ I~ • • -• ,_ •->--' .. .,.,,,,,,,_-_ r -r-:' , • -~ - I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I , .. ··1 • •, ' • •• • • • •• : : .' ·• • • • • • ,.-I I I I .I I .I I I I I I I I , . I, I I I I I · I I I I I I I I -,• :• I., ,• • I • • ,"I • ~-• .~ • I•°'.• _. • .-: '.-1 • • r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -i--• - ' • • • ·-... • t - -- •• .• • .• I o o o o '• o o o ' I • • • --~ 0 o I • , 0 o o o O • • 0 I --- = == \~:_:: ·::_~: ......... --.~j~::_ .. :~>i:.-_.-~ == = \: . . . ' . . .. ·. ·.' . -~ '\ ---\'·.': ·. ·.· :_ ·. :-.... · .. ·: : ... / --- ---\(.~· -:-~~-:;)_:,;:·:----~ -~ .' ·. . ·-:· _.::· -~ --. -. ·--. ~ -~ . . -.. ' . -~ ----.: ....... -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-16 Project Name :_--=L=eg.._o .... l..:::a.,_nd~--------Project Number :_4 __ 9 __ 60 __ 1_.5 __ 1_-0 ___ 1 _________ _ Equipment: Backhoe Logged by: ___._KA"'-=-B ....,.....-------~ Elevation: +140' mean sea level Location: --------- ENGINEERING PROPERTIES ~ GEOLOGIC . GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density t ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ~ . II .. .... ::, ... 0 -:? D s·· ~ TOPSOIL Dark brown, damp, loose, silty, fine to coarse sand with scattered organic debris and roothairs COLLUVIUM Light brown to dark brown,. moist, medium dense, clayey silty fine to medi.um sand; weakly bedded SANTIAGO FORMATION Olive green-gray to light brown, moist, stiff to dense claystone to sandstone·; slightly weathered at upper contact Total Depth = -12 Feet·. .. No Ground Water Encountered at. Time of Drilling Backf i Tl ed: 5/31/96 · , Topsoil SM Qcol I ML-CL Ts ISM-CL ) 1-------'------------,----. ---,....----.::.......,.--"--------------_.___----. .:..---'------J----..L-----'---------1 ~ GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION :: SCALE: 1" ;.=-5-' SURFACE $LOPE:l8°SE TREND:N46°W ~ ,u- 0 ) I-, 6"1-' ... D.,_ 0 I- I- I-... I- I- I- I- I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~··~~ I :5fu::2fr#liJ;E ·-. ·~ ~-:·_~. -~7~· -_.,_ _.,_ _.,_ -- - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO.: T-17 Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 ,. Elevation: +136' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: : .GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density · ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT .u.scs No. (%) (pcf) ' .. TOPSOIL Topsoil SM-ML T;:17@ .. 2' .. 9.6 10t4 -Brown, damp;. loose, slight 1 y c 1 ayey, s i 1 ty, fine to coarse • I . sand with abundant rootlets and organic litter I I COLLUVIUM Qcol SM-CL . Mixed brown to yellow-brown, moist, medium dense, clayey, . . .silty fine to coarse sand; weakly bedded SANTIAGO FORMATION ' Ts SM-Cl ··· ·olive green-gray to blue .. gray, moist, medlum dense to dense, ~layey, fine to coarse sand to coar$e sandy claystone;·scattered slitkensides in clayey portions from ~hrink/swell Total Depth=~ Feet . No Ground Water Encountered at Time of .Drilling I Backfi 11 ed·: 5/31/96 " I r ~ I .. I GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION' SCALE: i" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 6°S TREND: EW I -. ~ •-_;.. ---I 1------· -I . i'.-----.. -.. : -----. - I I' I I I . I I I I I. I I . :. I I .I I I , 1· I I I . I I I I I I I I. I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f\.:: . ,_: .:_.;. .~.·.-:-.·-~. f''' I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I -..; ~·.~.: -'·-.. -·----•: -r-I I~ . '--·-· . ...:.....· -,·' . . . : . --~ ---. . . . . --. · .. ·. ·.·. · . . ·-· . -----. . . . ·./ . . .. .. . .: .: ·:·., ·.i -I • ---- • ' :a--· ..... · .... I. . . . f -.. --\·' ..... 7 --. . . -. . . . • • I • o I -. -. ---\' ... ... ---• • I "• • • · ... --~ .· . '. ---.. :..:....• ~1 -------- -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO.:~T--1~8 __ Project Name :_--"'L.,..eq_._o"""'l-"a..,..nd--,-, _______ _ Project Number:_4 __ 9 ___ 60 __ 1 __ 5 __ 1_-0 .... 1 ________ _ Equipment: · Backhoe Logged by : ___ KA __ B=--------El evati on: +150' mean sea level Location: --------- ENGINEERING PROPERTIES ~ GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density t ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ~ . ... ... ::>,, ..... 0 ::, - D s· ':I' TOPSOIL Brown, damp, loose, s.ilty fine to coarse sand with scattered roots and.grass litter SANTIAGO FORMATION Light brqwn to light gray, damp to moist, silty, slightly clayey, fine tq coarse sand; moderately indurated Total Depth= 5 Feet No. Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 5/31/96 Topsoil SM Ts SM-CL ) ___ __,_ ____________ _,.. __________ ------------__._, __ __._ ____ _.__ __ ~I· GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION t1-,:a )1-2. f~ I I I ,_( ·' I· I I I I I I I I I I I .... .... I- I- .... .... .... I- '.. SCALE: 1" = 5' -+- 4- -t- -t- I I ·I I L I I, I I I I I I I ""f ~-· -t- -t- -+- -+- -+- -+- SURFACE SLOPE: S~E TREND: NS ...,, - '" - - -- - -+-- -+-- -t-- -t-- -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. :____.._T_-1 ..... 9 __ Project Name:_--=L=eg=o:..:.l=an=d=-_ _;... _____ _ Project Number:_4'""'9_.,60=1=5=1---0=1 ____ '"--___ _ Equipment: Backhoe Logged by: --:.;KA::,,::::::..B ,--------::,----.,,..... Elevation: ±90' mean sea level Location: ________ _ ENGINEERING PROPERTIES ~ GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density t ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) si-___________________________________________________ _ I .... .I, :::, .... 0 :::, - D s· TOPSOIL ALLUVIUM Light brown, damp to moist, loose, silty sand A B Dar.k brown, moist, ~tiff, silty clay to clayey silt; near top _jn drainage area . Light brown, damp to motst, loose to medium dense, sflty ftne to coarse sand; weakly bedded and lanii nated ·. sands Totai Depth. = 1a· Feet 6 Inches No Gr.ound Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backf i 11 ed: 5/31/96 *Alluvium to· total depth excavated Topsoil SM Qal ML-CL SM :,-.... ) 1--------...,__ _____ _.;... ___ ____, ______ .;..._ __________ '---____ "'--__ __.. ______ ___._ __ _,.J;. ______ _.J:. __ __._ __ ___... ~ GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION·, SCA~E: . 1". :;a 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 2;sw TREND: N~5°E iii,, 7:.:·-:-. -0 . . . ·o ...:.-=...... . . . . ) ·J~===;~~T: -+-,, i" ;-o . . . . . . .. . . . . _L I I I I I I I I I I, I · ·, · 1·· 1' • L_' • I: •I . 'L,_I ·_·. : t' L_'_J_'. I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,~r~,----r 1 1 ,---, ± \· 1· • 1 • 1· • 1 1 1. 1 I 1 · 1 • 1 .JI 1 1 1 · ct:·_;-.-: ..... :·::-:·:~~-; I.. - -t- -t- -+- -+- -+- -+- .. __ __,__.~-·-·· \... . ~ . --;..,· ; :, .. :-; . . :-.~-·-·-"··.·,·· .. . • ••• ,. t: ••• •• •. . .... ·. -. ' . . . . : ... . . . ...... . ... \ .. ..._ ·-~ . . . . . .. •I'• • \.:; · .... :/ ~ -·· - - - I I I I - - - -- - --- -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO.:_T_-2~0 __ Project Name :_~Le""""g"""'o...,_l ~an'--d~--------Project Number:_4 __ 9 __ 60 __ 1 __ 5 __ 1_-0 ___ 1 _________ _ Equipment: Backhoe Logged by :......:.:KA~B --,-----~~ Elevation: +110' mean sea level Location: ________ _ ENGINEERING PROPERTIES :IGEOLOGJC I I I I I I I : ATTITUDES . DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit GEOLOGIC! I Sample IMoist.lDensity UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ALLUVIUM . ~ ) i ) . Light brown, damp to moist, medium dense, silty to slightly clayey; laminated fine to coarse sand to total depth of 17.5 feet Total Depth= 17.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time· of Drilli.ng B~c~filled: 5/31/96 'J Qal SM-Cl • GRAPHiC REPRESENTATlON SCALE: 1" = 5' .SURFACE SLOPE: 2~SE TREND: NS ' I ·-~--~·. I I I I I I I I I I ~ I- I- I- I- .. ·: .. '. ' ' . .. • •• ,, 1•, .. • _.,_ _L L I .. ~~-~~~-•._ LL__".1 _ I I ___L__I I ''''I''-',' '··:1 ''' .. '. '·.l'_., .. , . .r I'''' --~ -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -+- -a.::-1· :,.·,· 1 '' . ... :, _,. • • .. • -••• .r • • • . . ·. . . . . . ,. . •. ' : . ---;2j;. · .... v· .. -" . . ,. . ' ' . -.. . . ... -. . ,. . ' -'t 1 "¥ -~· .. ~-. . . . . . .. . . "-.. . .. ---. / '-·... . '•/ • • C • -t- -t- -t- -+- -+- -t- -t- -t- I I I I -I 1 · I I _ I l I I . I I - -- - -- .,. - -- - - -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. : ____ T-""""2-=-1 __ Project Name :_--=Le ..... a...,.o __ l __ an __ d ___________ _ Project Number:_4 .... 9=6=0=15=1 __ -=0=-1 _______ _ Equipment: Backhoe Logged by :__,_KA=-=-B ,--------Elevation: +84' mean sea level Location: --------- ENGINEERING PROPERTIES : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density ~ ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ·------+-------------------------------------------1 .. ~ , i , .. TOPSOIL Dark brown, damp, loose, silty fine to coarse sand with scattered cobbles and gravel clasts COLLUVIUM Light brown to gray, moist, medium dense, silty fine to medium sand, weakly bedded and laminated with cobbles at contact with is.below SANTIAGO FORMATION Olive green..:gray to light gray, slightly clayey, s.ilty fine to coarse sand; weakly to moderatley indurated Total Depth= 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 5/31/96 Topsoil SM Qcol I SM Ts ISM-CL ,. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' J SURFACE SLOPE: 4~·sw TREND: N18E --+- I,., t I I I I I I I I I ~ -+- -+- -+- I I ·I I 1,: I I I .t I f. I I _:!__I '--I _.__ I 1 -·1-----r I- I- I- I- \}· ... ,.· ... · ... ·.:r· ., -. . . l ~: ~:.: ;. : ~ .:. ''. j·. ~ __ .-..,.._;;;, . l ---~· .=:-~_;_ .. .. ,,,,, -. --- -: ---- --- - -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. :___,_T--=2-=-2 __ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: ±167.9' mean sea lev Equipment: Backhoe Location: : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density 'ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ' .. t TOPSOIL Topsoil SM Dark brown, moist, loose to medium dense, fine I i to med'ium sand w-ith very s.l ight organic odor·; trench is I located at edge··:of plowed field . TERRACE DEPOSITS Qt SM Reddish brown, damp, dense, silty fine to coarse sand with ' scattered pockets of li.ght green-gray fine sand, minor clay Total Depth= 9 Feet N,o Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling ( aackfilled: 5/31/96 ~ . . . . . GRAPHIC REPRESENTATlON ', 'SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOP-E: 2°S TREND: N41°E t ; .. ---.,.._ - ------. -.. , ,' -. -----. ------- I I I I, I. I I I . I I . I I. ·. I 1· I I I I I. I I i I I I I I I I I I I · I I · 1 :I I I I I I I I I I I •I I 'I I I I •I• I • -.. • • .. • .. .!.-"'' V". I I I I I I I I I I I I I I•· I· I --~ .--.: ~ . __ . ·::-:-·: ··-:-:: .. .. ·. . . . --- '• ··..:.: _:_: · ... ~ -·-.-:-.. ---I-• .. • •• , I "'• • • • • • -1--. . ~~Lp · . ....:.-.---I-• • • • •• -1-----. ~-·:-=-:; . . . . . ... ---.. , ... _..; .-. --. - • • I • ...... y-. . ·~r ·~---:-·· I---' . .. \ ._ ---., ... -··..:. ~-...... ---~ .. ---~:· ·y ---.. .;.;: ----~ ,,,;.·_· ---· . ---. -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. :--=-T-=-2:.,:;,..3 __ Project Name:_~Le __ g.._o __ l=an __ d _________ _ Logged by: ___ K--'AB=--------ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number:_4.:.::9=6=01=5=1_-0...,1 __________ _ El evati on: +178' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: ________ _ :IGEOLOGIC I I I I I I I : ATTITUDES . ; DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit GEOLOGIC! I Sample IMoist.,Density UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) • • ) ; ) . · TOPSOIL Dark brown, moist, loose, silty fine to medhim sand with abundant organic litter (strawberry plants) TERRACE DEPOSITS . Reddish brown, damp to moist; dense, silty fi.ne to coarse sand with scattered 1 ight green-gray, fine to medi-um. sand Total Depth= 7 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: 5/31/96 Topsoil SM Qt SM ,, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: s·sw TREND: NSOW ... t- f i I I I I I -L____J ___J, . I I I I L__l I 'I [ -+- -+,,,; -t- -t- I J_ I I I ,I I ..L I I ,I I I -+, I I I -t- -t- -t- -t- ~--1-:-/ ~ - - - - - - -- --- - -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. : ___ T---=2_,_4 __ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 .. Elevation: ±194' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density 'ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96. DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) ' TOPSOIL Topsoil -SM . Dark brown, .moi$t, lo·ose-, silty fi'ne to medium sand· with • • t scatterec\ Qrgani.c litter (strawberry) TERRACE DEPOSITS -Qt SM-CL . · Reddish brown, damp to ·mo.ist, de.nse, silty fine to coarse sand with scattered pockets of light green-gray, fine to medium. clayey sand Total Depth= 7 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backf i 11 ed: 5/31/96 . ·, • ! .. . 1 . GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. ;-SCALE; 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: 5°W TREND: NS .. ·------------. ---,. ---. --,---- I I I I I I I I 1· I I I : I I I I I I ...J. I ~1 I I I I I I I I I .I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I ,I \~ ..... _.· _.,_. .•• i-.:..i -~· · · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .... I--~-.. -· ... ··:7. ·,,,-,. :.:.. -i--• # • • • •• ~ .._.·..:..7 I-·---------' -i--\-··· 7 I--,;.. . · ... ·. -1---:~·.· ,:: ... : ---. . . ,, -- o • t •, I :~ V --. , .. --' --:-- I------ --i---------- -----·--------------_LOG OF TRENCH NO. :__...T_..-2 ___ 5 __ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: +140' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: : GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample. Moist. Density · ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test 'Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) • TOPSOIL Topsoil SM • Light brown to dark brown, damp, medium dense; silty fine . • • to coarse sand • TERRACE 'DEPOSITS Qt SM . Reddish brown, damp, very dense, silty fine to coarse ,, sand; moderately to well indurated Total Depth= 4 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfil·le(J:. 5/31/96 . . . . , GRAPHIC REPRESENT~TION SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE: o·• . TREND: NS . " " '' • -------. -1----. --1----. !--!---- I I I I I I I I I I I I ·i _-· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' . I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I , I I I I I I I I, I 1· I I I I I I ,I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I :~·-. ··v ·--. -. ,. -f"· .... ~ ... -~ -.-.. -• ,# . . --. '""' ---. -1--........-:. . 1: ·-... . .. . . . .. ---·::-. & ..... -1--. , .. ---· --- --1------1---- !------ !------ -------------------LOG OF TRENCH NO. : ___ T_-2 ___ 6 ____ _ Project Name: Legoland Logged by: KAB ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Project Number: 4960151-01 Elevation: ±143' mean sea level Equipment: Backhoe Location: l GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC Sample Moist. Density 'ATTITUDES DATE: 5/31/96 DESCRIPTION: Test Pit UNIT uses No. (%) (pcf) I TOPSOIL. Topsc;,il . SM . Brown, dry to damp, dense, spty fine to medium sand ' • I TERRACE DEPOSITS Qt SM I . Reddish brown, damp to moist, medium dense, silty, fine · to coarse sand Total Depth= 4 Feet . . .. No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling Backfilled: ,5/31/96 · . . . . .. t GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION SCALE.: 1" =. 5' SURFACE SLOP~: z·s TREND: NS • .., _,.. _,.. - : -_,.. -i---. · . ------. -----"" I I I I . .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I• I I I I ~~-:~ . : . . . ~ ,. ·-~··· I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I I I I i---w ---. . .. , .. . ..... · .. : i---~ ·.·.: ... · .. ·. ~ :/ --- ,... · ......... ". , ----. -' . ' ·:. '. : ' . ------- "'" ------ i------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIXB LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF SMALL AND LARGE-DIAMETER BORINGS EXCAVATED DURING THE PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION LEGO FAMILY PARK AND POINTE RESORTS (Leighton, 1995) (18 borings) B-1 4960151-001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG KEY Sheet 1 of 1 Date _________ :-- Project KEY TO BORING LOG GRAPHICS ---· Project No. Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole +/- . C 0 -~" u z s:." ·111 ........ ....... s:.m GI GI Ill QI 0. QI 0.0 .... -> QI QI QI 111.J 0 0. ~~ c~ '-z E· (.!) Ill I.LI (I) 0 w ~ 1••"' .............. A A A A A A A <I I 5 ~ ·,-·.r. .·. ij ~ '" ~ • ",I .. . . ;;:;:;:; 10 : . : . :; . : ~:= ... . . ¼0. ••• • !_/. -~_\,.,.l• °:',_o.~ ~ \l .i:. .,.. 15 o:. '" )i \) ~ ' . . --=-· ~---=-~ ~~ I,,. ------------20 Q(J.Q(J o.,,., 6 .-~ ' \ ' 1 ... -I "'· ,-< ~-" '- Ill~//. 25 .. I I I l -- -'" TypeofRig Drive Weight -------------------------------------Drop ft. Ref. or Datum in. .. :JI ,... . ,... ·, .... .... ., :-: Ill .• GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -1110 -C.,V lllcn .,.,... ::,,._ fl • 3af Clf--c., 0 QIU ~c (.) . ·ui '-.C 0. -: ... en GI V Oc . Lo" edBy Q. ~ J: 0 --::, ' gg ~v C (.) Sampled By ,. " .. .. . . CL· Inorganic clay of low to mcdiuf!l plasticity; gravelly clay; sandy clay; silty clay; lean clay . ,.. CH Inorganic clay of high:plasticity; fat-clay . OL-OH Organic clay, silt or silty clay-clayey silt mixtures ML I_norganic silt; very fine-sand; ~ilfy or clayey fine sand; clayey silt with low plasticity MH : ·Inorganic silt; diatomaceous fine. sandy or silty soils; elastic silt CL-ML Low pl~ticity clay to silt mixture .. .ML-SM' Sandy silt to silty sand-mixture --CL-SC Sandy clay to clayey sand mixture SC-SM Clayey sand to silty sand mixture --.. SW Well graded sand; gravelly sand, little o~ no fines . SP Poorly graded sand; gravelly sand, little or-no fines SM Silty sand;.poorly graded sand-silt mixture SC Cayey sand; poorly graded sand-clay mixture ow Well graded grave~ gmcl-und mixture, little or no fines QP . · Poorly graded gmcl; gravel-And mixture, little or no fines ... GM Silty gmcl; gmcl-und-iilt mixture GC Caycy gmcl; gm-cl-sand-clay mixture Sandstone Sil~cine Ca~911C .. Breccia (angular gmel and cobbles or matrix~pportcd conglomerate) Conglomerate (rounded ~I and cpbble, clast-npportcd) lgneous-granitjc or pnltic type iOck Metm>lcanic or meta1119rpllic rock Artificial or man-made rdl As~ltic concrete ---- . Portland Cement Concret~ ... ... I 505A(11/77) Aft ... LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I GEOTECHNICAl-BORING LOG S0~1 Date ____ -"9'-'-1=-=1=---9::;.;::5'--_____ _ Sheet _1_ of _1_ I Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Drilling Co. Ba:rne's Driiling Company Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight · Project No. 4950294-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Elevation Top of Hole +/-82 ft Ref or Datum . ,, Mean Sea Level . ::l'I " . " C 0 -f--f-. a,X Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" .r:." (.) z 1110 L...,. lll·cn ·-Ill 111,-.. Ill • .._..-.._..-.cm a, 30 cc+-:,.._ Ill a, 0. a, 0.0 -f-a, oLL QI (.) -t-c -u >a, QI QI llf.J 0 ... co. Ill a, ' u . 0. -L _Cl> a,'+-c'+-L z IC QI \J ' "ci-t-' Logged By SCB _...,. \J (!) e ::l'I . Ill Q. :C C ·-::, UJ (I) L 0 ~\J Sampled By SCB C u '' -.. '' 0 . :1 ··. SM ALLlMUM . : ... . · .... @ 0-1': Light brown, dry, loose, silty SAND with trash debris ~;? SM-CL @ 1'-S': Orange/brown, moist,·toose, silty SAND with graysiltyCIAY ~~~ 80 -;72" - -~~ -~?.½~ -~~~--,::½~ s . ' •. ,1, ~ 1 16 109.S 16.3 ML-CL @ S': Dark gray wfth rust nodules, moist, stiff silty CIA Y to clayey SILT with -small root hairs 15 - -~ -~ . - 10-~ @ 10': bark gray, JllOist, stiff dense, clayey SILT with small pebbles 16 ML - 70 -I---MC-WFATHEREO SANIIAGQ EQRMATION -- - -2 ~ 105.6 20.2 -@ 12': Light gray, wet, medi"m stiff SlLT with fractured SILTSOONE rip-up clast · · -- 15-.3 31 106.1· 16.7 .ML @ 15': P~~~oist, medium dense, fine 5andy SILT with small inten::last ·9fsn; . - 6S - - -.- 20-4 50/6" 14.8 --· -. -w:-SAN'JlAGQFORMA'OQN ---. ------. ------- (i() --·@21':. Pinkish gray, moist, verydense,.fine sandy SILTSOONE i.: - - 25-5 73/11" 114.9 15.9 -@ 26': Gray to light brown, damp, ~ry dense SILTSTONE with dark magnesium ,' \. stainine: and some fractures . r ss -. ';rotal Depth = 26.S-Fcct I -No Ground Water &countered at T'IDle of Drilling Hole Backfilled on September 11, 1995 - SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-2 Date ____ ..:a.9..:a-1=1·..::;9=5 ____ __.____ Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project _________ ...:Leg=1.:aol==a=n=d/'-'C:::.:a:::ra.:::Is:.:::h:::a=d.:::Ra=nc::::h:.-__________ Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. _______ ....,.........:;;;B.;;;a=..rg:i.;;;e-='s;..:D~rl;..;;;l=li=ng;g:"'FCc.=o;;.:;m;..a;p;.::;;;an;;c,Y,.____________ Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 In. Drive Weight . . 140 pounds Drop 2!l.in. Elevation Top of Hole + /-78 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 15 70 60 55 so 0 (,) .cm 0.0 111...J t. (.!) .. ... .. -... : .. ... -·· . . . . -=.: .•• .. . . . . . -.. . . . s-:::··: .. . . . . . . . -1--·, ·- - - - 10- - - - - 15- -.... •':' : : : . : -: : : .. : .. -. ,.:.: ~.;,~ ·--~· -:;;~ 2A)-: /~ -.::~ ~ -.;;~ -. ==r:z --;~~ 25-·=·f::0 -.. ·10, - -.· -. 505A(11/77) fil .... 0 z • 0 z QI 0. e Ill (/) 1 2 3 4 s GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By SampledBy SCB SCB SM .EILL @ 0-5': Tan to ~llow, damp, medium dense, silty SAND with slight clay binder (Roadway Fill) 22 · ,107.2 · .15.9 SM @·.s•: Dark brown, moist, medium dense silty SAND ~ 107.3. 17.6 25 14 106.1 iu 21 100.S 23.8 -ML -ALLlMUM . @ 6': Dark brown, moist, medium dense SILT with small pebbles SM SM-SC SM-ML @ 11': Same as at 6 feet @ 13.5': Driller icports·change in material @ 16': Tan to brown, wet, medium dense silty SAND @ 18': -Ta_n to brown, wet, medium dense silty SAND with clay binder @ 2AJ': Same as at 18 feet @ 26': Grll}' with orange staining, wet, medium dense, fine silty SAND to sandy SILT LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES ,_ I te ____ -"-9-=-1=1""'-9=5 __ _ I Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 8 in. I Elevation Top of Hole + /-78 • C GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-2 Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch . Barge's Drilling Company Drive Weight ft. Ref or Datum . :n " + + QI~ . " Ill • Sheet _2_ of _2_ Project No. 4950294-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop ...fill.. in. Mean Sea Level . . 0 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" .E:." u z .. 1110 .-C:.. V 111(1) ........ ·-Ill "''"' :J+ Ill • ....... 30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill QI > QI ~~ LI.I 45 40 35 30 ~ 20· Q, QI QI QI c~ 30 - - - - 35- - - - - 40- - - - - 45- - - - - so- - - - - ss- - - - - -I 505A(11/77) I .E:. m QI QI Q.O +-f.J 0 -Q, z (.!) e Ill (I) fil 6 .. ~ .. .. .. ~ .. . . ½ .. . . . . -½ .. . . . . ~ .. 7 ~ ~ cc+-oU olL QI u 1,;c ca. . -c:.. ·-QI _Ct> co QI V o+-Logged By SCB :n . a.. ::cC .·-::) '-0 ~v Sampled By SCB C 0 '. .. 13 102;9 23.4 CL-Sr-4 @ 31': Brown to tan with dark.s~ wet, soft, sandy CIA Y intcrbcddcd with tan silty medium. to coarse 22 104.6 21.8 . @ 36': Samc,as abQvc Total Dc~h .. 365,Fcct Ground atcr &countered at 16 Feet · · H;olc Backfilled on September 11, 1995 > ,- ,- ' I- I- ,., LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-3 Date ___ --'9~·=11::..:·9=5'----- Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch' Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Company Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/-182 ft. Ref. or Datum Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4950294-001 Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger . 140pounds Drop 2!!.,in. Mean Sea Level . :n r. Iii" C 0 +-+-QI~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" 0 z ·1110 -'-V' 'Ill • .s::." ·-Ill Ill" 111CI> ........ ........ .J:.0) QI 30 CCf-:,,._ ' . QI -u ' ffl QI Q. QI Q.O +-oLL QI 0 "t,c u .. > QI QI QI ffl_J 0 CQ. .!~ c~ Q, -'-·-QI _;,Cl> '-z E tn QI V o+-· Logged By SCB (!) :n . ffl 0.. :C C ·-:::, UJ (I) '-0 ~"' C U. Sampled By SCB 0 .. . SM IBRRACE DEPQSITS(FIIL?? . . . -: .. @ 0:.2': Light reddish brown, dry, loose silty SAND .. . ~ .. 180 -·i:..· •':' -sM"" IBRRACE DEPOSITS . . ... . .. . 1 31 124.8 .10.1 ·,. @ 2':-, Orange-brown, ,moist,;mcdium,densc to .dense, fine.silty SAND with iron -. .. · .. oxide staining and manganese staining . . . . . . . ,_ -. . .. . . . . . . . .. s-. : . . 2 46 124,0 11.2 .. . . . . . I--. ... .. @ 6': Same,as above I- 11S -Total Depth '"' 6.S'Feet -No Ground Water Encountered at Tillie of Drilling Hole Backfilled on September 11, 199S - 10- I-- 170 - - - 15- - I- 16.5 - - -~ 20-~ - 160 - - - 25- - 15S - - - ' ' ~ I 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-4 Date 9-11-95 Sheet _1 _ of _L I Project ________ __::Leg::2a::o:::.::la::::n::dL/C:::::a=r.::::ls::::ba::.:d~Ra=n~c=-h--'-__ --'-_ _..___ Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. Barge's Drllllng Company Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 in-. Drive Weight ----'---------'--.,...__.:::.14~0<-Jpi:.::oaa:u..,n,...ds......_. _______ Drop A in. I Elewtlon Top of Hole +/· 142 ft. ~ or °:tum '_ Mean Sea Lim,! C: 0 ,._ ,._ QI~ 111·; -~" .i:;" u III z III o III c....., :Gen GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,._-1-,._-1-.c: m QI 3 o c:~ :,,._ -c.i I'll QIQI 0. QIQI 0.111..JO -t-GI 0 LL. QI U 't: C: U • > QI ZO 0. -C. C 0. .::: QI -en Ql't-0~ '--. ...., ,._ _...., -S ... QI O -• LU <!> Ill Q. 0 ~ :Ca "o::> Logged.By _ _....___,.---__,..__,..::s-=c=B ______ _ 0 140 10 130 15 125 20 120 2S 115 .. ... . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · ... . . . . . . . . .... .... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .. .... . . .. . . . . . . . · ... .... ... · ... ..... . . .... . . . . . . . _ ... en u en...., Sampled By . SCB 1 3 4 5· 23 121.4 1().6 27 SM .ELL . @ 0-1': Brown, dry, loose, silty SAND SC @ 1'-51: Dark brown, mois~, medium dense clayey SAND @ 5': Brown,. tan and gray (inottled),.moist, medium dense, silty clayey SAND _ with small pebbles to 1/8 incl,t diameter SP /ML @ 10': Orange.medium-to coarse-grained SAND with gray clayey SILT. SM/SC @11': Orangc_and gray, moist, medium dense, silty clayey SAND 32 118.2 6.1 SM @ 15': Orange to rust, moist, medium-dense, poorly graded silty·SAND 27 116.2 11.9 51 @ 20': Orange and gray, moist, medium dense, silty SAND with decomposing "YCgetative debris, small weed husk -SM-SANJIAGQFQRMADQN ---------------:-------- @ 24':s'lf:{;~f/itense, poorly graded, fine to medium coarse silty '(otal Depth -= 26.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Tune of Drilling Hole Backfilled on September .11; 1995 I 1-1..3'1:==-=======:;;::;;:;;;;;=~==~==~======-LE I G Hr o N & ASSOCIATES 505A(11/77) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL·BORING LOG SD-5 Date ____ .::.9~-8:...:·9~5~--Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project ----------=Leg::.=io:::.:l=an::;d::./_;::C~a=rls=s=ba::.:d::..::.:Ra=n::.:c==h:.,__· ------,----Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. · .Barge's Drliling Company Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 In. Drive Weight -----------...::1::..:4:.::c0 .... p:.,::o"°u=n=ds"----.---------Drop ~in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-145 ft. Ref. or Datum. .Mean Sea.Level C o .... .1:.'"' ·-+ +QI ++ Ill QI 0. QI >Cf-QI QI .!'-' c~ UJ 145 0 140 5 135 10 130 15 505A(11/77) 0 ·-.I:. 0) 0.0 111.J c.. (.!) .. ... . : .. . :-·.· . . . . . . . : ..... ..... . :-·.· . . . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . . ·. ·.· . . . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . ·. ·.· .... . ·. ·.· : =-: -:-.... . :-·.· . . . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . : . · .. .... . ·. ·.· .... . · .. _ .. . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . : .... . . . . . ·. ·.· . . : .. . :-·.·. ..... . ·. ·.· .... . . .... .... . ·. · .. . . . . . : ..... . . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . . .... (II QI + 0 z . ~ QI 0. e Ill (I) 1 Bag-2, @5'-9' 3 4 s Bag-7 18'- 6 8 :n '"' ' + + QIX. 1118 ' 111 .... c.. '-' ~u..; C't-. ::,+ QI 0 tic -c.. C 0.. ·-QI IC QI '-' o+ . :n 0..' ::cC c... 0 C u 47 . .128.9 . 8.5 38 131.2 8.; 83 134.S 7.9 28 112.6 .. 14.7 18 102.1 13.8 ui'"' (II • 111(1) -J u • _en ·-. o=> Cl)'-' SM. GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By. Sampled By .ELL @ 0-2.S': Ta~, dry,loose, silty SAND SCB SCB SM .. ,• .. @.:2.5': ,Orange-brown;-moist,. medium.densef silty SAND with clay binder @·2.s•-s•: Same as above · @ 5': Grayish black (olive), damp, dense, fine to ~edium coarse silty SAND @ 10': Orangish dark brown, damp, dense, fine to medium coarse silty SAND @ 12': Driller reports harder drilling. Dark b~/olivc, damp, very dense, rme to medium coarse silty SAND SC ·,@ 1616•:-Gray~n, moist; ~~ium·dense, clayey SAND with piece of black ... ·. fibetcd·plastic compos,.te m sample . ,SM AI,UMUM . . > . ,.,.@ 21.5': , ),llack, wet; inedium·dense,.fine to medium coarse silty SAND; organic odor and-decomposing organic debris 29 . 123.2 12.8 sc @ 23': ar.y, moist; medium dense, coarse-grained clayey SAND LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-5 Date ____ ..:;.9-8~·...:::;9:.5 __ _ Sheet _2_ of _2_ I Project ----------=Leg=""ol:;;:;:a::.:n.=.dli...:C::::a:::r=ls==b=-ad=Ra===-nc;;;h=-...--------"-""'---.,,. Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Company . Project No. 4950294-001 'Iype of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop 30 in. Hole Diameter 8 In. Drive Weight I Elevation Top of Hole +/· 145 ft. Ref. or Datum I . .. • ' ::n ·" . " C 0 +-+-QJ~ ell • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -~" .s::." (.I z Cllo ·-. ''-..., lllcn ell e11·,... Ill • ........ ..,_+ .s::.m cu cu ::30 C't-:,..,_ -u Ill QJ 0. QJ 0.0 + oll. QJ (.I 'tic u . >QJ QI QJ 111..J 0 -.ca. a. -c.. ·-QI _en m'+-c'+-·l!, z al QJ ..., o+-Logged By SCB _..., ..., e :::n ·-::i llJ Ill D. 1:·5 .. Cl) '-o..., Sampled By SCB C u Cl) Mean Sea Level 11S 30 : : : ~ 9 38 SM/SC AI,I,UVIUM -: : : ~ ~-10 @ 30': Gray and.brown, moist, medium dense, silty, clayey, coarse-grained SAND ,_ : : : @ '-35 -.. ~ . . . -: : : ~ : : : 0 -~ : : : 110 35-: : : 53/6" .. ~ 11 --~--.7;.;------------· -------------------------= .. . SANTIAOQ l!QBMAllQl'.i \@ 36~: Grav, moist, vcrv dense, fine siltv SAND 1 -Totai'Depth"' 36.SFeet . · _ · -No Ground Water &countered at 'lime of Drilling Hole Backfilled on September 8, -1995 ... - 105 40- - - -.., -- 100 4S- - - - -.. 9S so- - - - - 90 ss- - - - - .,,,._ -.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-6 Date 9-8-95 Sheet _1_ of _1 _ Project ----------=Leg=o:::la::::n::.::d:t.../C:::::a::::_ r:.::ls=-=b=ad=-·:;Ra:::n::::c:h ___________ .......,,.. Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. -------'---.....=:B::arg~e:.::'s:.;D::.::r:.::il::::Ii::.ngr:i..:::C~o=m:1:p:::an::,Yl..-..,__________ Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 In. Drive Weight __________ .:::14;:.:0~p~o~u~n~ds~----------Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole +/--148 ft Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level . . --. • :JI ,,... . ,,... C 0 +-..... QI~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,,... 0 .... -V lllen z II\ 0 '---.... .c""' Ill "'""' ::::1,... Ill-• +-QI ........ .cm QI QI 30 C't--u Ill QI 0. QI 0.0 +--oU. QI 0 'tic u . >..,. QJQI 111.J ~ 0. -c.. co. ·-QI _en ,!v c!!; '-E al QJ V o+-· Logged_By SCB C.D Ill ll.; :JI ;cC -:;j UJ en L 0-~v Sampled By SCB C u ·--. " 0 . . . : . . SM TOPSOIL/FILL -: : : .. @ 0-~': Dark brown, moist, loose, silty SAND . . . . ... -. . . . . . . . ~r; . . 145 -t·~ sM/s<T -AI,Ll.!YIUM - -: : : ~ · @ 3': =e-brown, tth gray and black areas), moist, medium dense, silty .. · . with clay inder : : : a St " , . -@ 3'-10': ,Orangc-brown,-wet;,medium dense, silty SAND with clay binder s-.. : : : ~ 1 38. }17.8 14.-F -: : : Bag-2 : : : 0 @S'-8' -.. ~ --... 140 -: : : ~ : : : ~ -... . . . 10-: : : ~ @10'; Gray, and orange-brown, wet, loose to medium dense, siltyclaycycoarsc : : : ~ 3 13 93.1 · 29.0 -SAND -.. 1Y ... ~ : -: : : ~ .. ... ~ 135 -: : : -: : : ~ : : : ts-... ... @ -4 23 112.0. 18.9 · @ ts': Gray and orange-brown, wet, ntcdium dense, silty clayey SAND -: : : ~ : : : -'I-SM/SC -----·----. -----·-·-.-------------------: : : s so1s• 121.1 13.8 SANTIAGO FORMAllQl'll 130 -... ~ .@17':· Gray, wct,-vciy-dcnsc,silty·claycySAND ... ;}' . ·-,_ -Total-DeptJJ .. 18-Fcct 6 Inches , . --· -20- Ground Water &countered at S Feet at T'une of Drilling Hole Backfilled on Scptc!llbct 8, 1995 -I- I--- 12S - - 2S- - - 120 - - --I SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-7 Date ____ _.9~-8!<..·~95:::..,_ __ _ Sheet _1_ of _1_ I Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch. Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Company Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight Project No. 4950294-001 'Iype of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds Drop ..M_in. I Elevation Top of Hole +/-146 ft Ref or Datum . . -· . . " . ::n " iii" QIX GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Mean Sea Level I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C -~" u ~" -4-+ -4-+ ~O) Ill QI Q. QI Q.0 >QI QI QI 111..J QICf-c~ L _...., (!) UJ 0 .. : .. 14S . -. . . . .: ... .. -· : . . . . . : . -· . . . . . . . . . . -· . . . . . . . . s-: : : . . . . . . . 140 -. . . . . . . . . . . -· .. ... . .. . . . . -. ·.· .. .. .. · . .. . . . . . -... . .. . ... 10-. . .. . ... . .. . 135 -: . . . . . . -.. . : : : . . -.. . . . -.. . . . . . : : : .. . 15-. .. . : . 130 -. . . . . : : . . . . . -· .. . .. . . : : . -· .. . . . . .. -· : . . . . . . . . 20-: .. . : : . . . 12S -· .. . .. . . . -· . . . . . . .. ~= . . -· -~I• .. . . . -: .. . . . . .. . ... 25-. : : . . . .. 120 -. . . . . - - - .,. 505A(11/77) 0 UI z QI QI -t-0 -z Q. e 111·· Ct) 1 ' .,; N/R -t--t-·-UI •- 1110· Ill" t.'-' 111U> :3 0 CCf-:,,._ . -u oU. QI u +c u. co. -~ QI iii L ...., o+ .... U> Logged By. SCB QI ::n :C C ·-:::; a.. ,t. - 0 . 0 Ct)...., Sampled By SCB C u SM EII.LlmfSQIL @0-18•: Tan to orange-brown, dcy to damp, loose, silty SAND .... ·-sl'i--------------------------------------HLL @ 18"-8':. Orange-biown, moist, medium dense silty SAND ' ?O . ·@ 8': Brown to olive and orange (ul}iform color) damp, vccy dense silty SAND with small pieces of glass .. - ' . . ·~ -@15.': PlasticjVJSqueen ~red in sampler with dark olive silty SAND matrix ! ' 1-- 18 -@21': Plastic recovered in sampler ~-----------_,_ --' -----. ------------------"""" SM SANflAGO·FQRMATION @~!: Gray, moist, vccy·dense, fi11e silty SAND 88. 124.1 10.0 Total Depth = 26.S Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Time-of Drilling -Hole Backfilled on Septembel' 31, 199S LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATl;S I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-8 Date ____ ...::9,_-8=-·=95"----- Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Company Hole Diameter 8 in. .Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/-148 ft Ref or Datum . . . Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4950294-001 'fype of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger 140 pounds · Drop 30 in. . Mean Sea Level . :n " ui" C 0 .... .... GI~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,.. u ·-411 • .r." ·-Ill z 0 111,-. '-v 111(1) -.... lllo. ::,,._ .... GI ........ .cm GI ·GI ~u. CCf--. IIJ GI Q. GI i~ .... GI U +-c oU GI GI 0 -co. 411 GI . >c+-Q. m'-· __ en ,!v c~ '-z V ·-.... Logged By SCB (.!) s . t :n O-c ·-. UJ Ill '-Eo o=> . Cl) C 0 Cl)v SampledBy SCB .. 0 . . .. SM .E.ILL . . . · . .. . @ 0-8': -Dark ~rown, moist, medium dense silty SAND ... -. ·.· .. ... . ,--. . . . . . . . . . 14S -. : . . .. . : . . ,--.. . . . . . . . .. s-. . -... . . N/R @ S;: <;>range, damp, medium dehse silty SAND .. 71 SM . . . : . . ... -.. . •. ... . . . ... -. . . . .. . . . . . ,- 140 -· .. . . . . .. f--. . . . . . . . . -10-.. . . . ... . 1 45 119.6" (>5 . . ·.· . -... .. . . . . . -I @ 1,•: ~y, moist, medium dense clayey SAND SC 135 - -~ ... ,. 1S ···½ 2 3S ti2.4. 11.9 SM/SC @ 15': Fill coi:nprise4 ofSantiago and Terrace de~it materials with corroded -~;·;~ metalic debris, gray, brown and orange, moist, medium dense, silty clayey SAND -:::!@ -~ ::_:~ 130 -::_:~ -~ -:'.·\i .,. @.19': Same as~t.1SJeet;.piece ofo,.•hite.plastic fQuµd in sample :~;~ .. 20-3 so C 113.S 12.7. SM SAN'J]AC'..O FORMADQN . . . ..... . . . . . . .. . @ 20': Gray; moist, dense, fine silty~ -... . .. . . =.· . -. . . . . ·.· . . . . . . 12.S -. . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . .. 2.S-. .. . . . . . . : . . . . . -. . . . . . •· -Total Depth = 26.S Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Tune of Drilling 120 -Hole Backfilled on September 3, 199S - -~ .. 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-9 Date ____ .::..9-8~·~9.::..5 __ --'-Sheet _1 _ of _1_ Project No. 4950294-001 . I Project . Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Company Type of Rig Hollow-Stem Auger Hole Diameter 8 In. -Drive Weight 140 pounds Drop 30 in. I Elevation Top of Hole +/-165 ft. Ref or Datum . . -. ::n " .;" +-cuX GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Mean Sea Level I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C o,.. -.... +-cu ca cu >c+-_!..., LIJ' 16S 160 15S 150 145 140 u .J:." -........ J:D) 0. cu 0.0 QI QI 111..I c~ '-(!) 0 ... -. . . . . . -~i:· . . ..., : : ~-: :· -..., ·-· ~ : :· ..., -~· : :· ..., ~-: :· s-..: ~· : :· ..: ·-· -~ ..: : :· ·-· ~ : :· --.:-~ii,; : :· . -· · .. . . . : : . . -· : : .. . . . . 10-. . . .. .. . .: .. .-.. ·:::. ... -... . . .. ... . -· .. . . . . . .. . -. : : . . . ... . -· .. . : : . . . . . . . . 15-... . . .. . . . . ... -. .. ... : I: - --- - 20- - - - - 25- - - - - 1'itC. ·.r I 505A(11/77) I 0 Ill z cu cu b 0. z e Ill Cl) 1 Bag-2 @S'-8' . 3 :-. 4 s +--Ill • 0 Ill" '-..., 111(1) CII 0 ,:, . ..,_ ~LL C'+--cJ QI 0 +-c u • -'-co. Ill cu _Cl) m QI ..., -.... Logged By SCB ::n Oc ,-:::; a.. '-:c 0 C u ~..., Sampled.By SCB ----' @ 0-114": j\S>halt Concrete _______________________ SM , -ft':i74"-2':-Dark brown, moist-to damp, loose, fine-to medium-coarse silty SAND . .. sw..sM ]ERRACB IlBEQS[I .· .@2'-6'~-' Brown, .. moist,, medium dcnsc,-.fine to_ coarse, slightly silty SAND 22 113;1 7:3 22 @6': Orange-brown, wet, medium, slightly silty SAND ,. ~- ·27-113.8 '-12.9 . --·SM , ,@ 1.5': ·Orange-brown.with some dark-brown to black areas of staining, wet, .• .. .medium dense silty SAND with small pebbles to 1/8 inches 68 123.2 11.9 ----SM SANTIAQQ EQRMAJlQIS: @ 10'6": Gra~n with black staining, moist, vcty dense, coarse-grained silty SAND NE SS/6" 127.0 12.0, @ 15'6•: Same~ above Total m • 16.S-Fcct ,, .. Pcldled · und Water at 7 Feet atTunc of Drilling Hole-Backfilled on Septcmbcr.8, 1995 · - I-.. · 'LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES - - - - - I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SD-10 Date 9-11-95 Project _________ ..:Leg=·.:::.:ol:::a.::.nd::il,...;:C::::::a:::.r=ls=b=ad::..:.:Ra=n:;:;c=h:... ________ _ Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project No. 4950294-001 Type of Rig Truck Mounted Drilling Co. Barge's Drilling Company Hole Diameter 8 in. Drive Weight · . 140 pounds Drop ~in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-182 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level C o,... -... ... GI CU GI > .... .!"' I.I.I 180 17S 0 .r." ·-...... .r.m 0. GI QJ QJ 0.0 f...l c~ (.!) 0 .. .... -·-· :~: . . . . -: .. ··: .. . -. :-.. : ... -: : ... : ... s-:.: ·>: . . . . .. -. . . : .... . : . . -. . . . : . . .. -··· . .. ... -. . .. . . . . C 10_:.:':•: . . · ... . . . 170 165 160 15S -. . .. . : . - - - ts- - - - - 20- - - - - 25- - - - - 505A(11/77) . 0 Ill z GI GI ... 0 Q. z E ~ 1 - :n " ... ... QJ~ 1110 ·-t..., 3 0 Ill" .;!-+-C't-oLL QJ 0 Ille -c.. co. ·-QI ID QJ "' o-+- 0. :n :C C '-8 .c C 67 118.3 12.3 50/S" i27.7 12.t . " Ill • CIICI) cu. -. u~ _Cl) ·-d o· Cl)"' . GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By SCB SCB SM TOPSOIL ___ ~ _ @l 0-1': BIQWJt.i;derisc.J. loose, silttSAND _________________ _ SM TRRRACE DEPOSITS @ 1'-S': Orange-brown,. damp, dense, silty SAND witb trace of clay binder; · slightly.cemented @ S': Same as above @ 10': Same as above Total Depth = 11.S .Feet • . No Ground Water Encountered at Tlllle of Drillmg Hole Backfilled on September 11, 199S LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES ... - ... ... ... ... ... ... - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I GEOiECHNICAL BORING LOG ~B-1 Date 9-26-95 Sheet _1_ of _3_ Project _________ _,!:Leg=·o:::l:::an::,:d~/~Ca=r~ls:::b:=ad~Ra~n=ch::__ ______ _,,..._ Project No. · 4950294-001 Type of Rig . Bucket Auger Drilling Co. Daves Drilling Hole Diameter 24 In. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole 139 ft. Ref. or Datum J:." u -........ J:. m 0. QI 0.0 ~~ td..J 0 t. (!) ·.·. ... .. -... .. _ ..... . . . -::: .. . . . . -... . . . s-:::·:·: .. ·.·. -· .... ... . . --: : .. . . . -· .. . . . .. -··· .. . . . 10-:.:·· - - - - 15- -..... . . -..... . . . -===·. .. . . . -.. . . . 20-:.:·:·: .... ... -.. ... . . -. : : .. . .. -· .. . . . . . _.;: .. ell QI "C :::, +-·-+-+-(C . 0 z QI Bag-1 Bag-2 Bag-3. Bag-4· Bag-5 - 0-27=4,500#: 27-52=3,700# Drop .Jl...in. · Mean Sea Level GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION .Logg¢By ______ ___;::ML=F ______ __ Sampled By . MLF SM' UNDQCQMENTED FILL Brown and reddish bl'OWJ!, moist, loose, fine to coarse silty SAND with fine SP SM SC gravel .@ 7': Rcddish.brown,,moist, medium dense, fine to medium silty SAND @ 11': Dark brown, moist, loose, fine to medium SAND; small pieces of plastic: strong organic smell @ 12': Piece of metal 12 inches by 8 inches @ 15': -Dark brown to gtay-grcen; moist, medium dense, silty SAND . @ 18': Piece.of wood; burned.approximately 16 inches long @ 20': Dark.brown, moist, fine to medium silty SAND with·somc gray-green coloration @ 21': Large clumps of plastic debris (visqueen) @ Z5': Brown to gray-green; moist; fine to,mediuni clayey~ with ~ionaUinc gravel; some pieces of wood; organic odor @28'-29;:. Large pieces of plastic/visqueen, clumps of debris 505AC11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES . Date 9-26-95 Project Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 24 in. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Elevation Top of Hole 139 I I I ~,... ........ 0. QI QI QI c~ 3S 40 45 50 55 u ·-~ 0) 0.0 111..J t. (!) .... . ·. ·.· .... . ·. ·.-.... . ·. ·.· .... . ·. ·: .... . ·. ·.· .... . : .... . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . . . .. . I 505A(1~;:· I Ill QI "C :, .... +-+ <C GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-1 Sheet _2_ of _L_ Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Project No. Type of Rig Bucket Auger 4950294-001 ft. . 0 z QI -Q. e 111· (I) Bag-6 Bag-7 ·Bag-8 . Daves Drilling ___ .........,.; ___ ___.;..._,o:...:··2=·;_=...a4=,5,:.00=-c#_.:""'2:.:..7· __ 5;::;;..2=--'·3=17=·o=o.:.:.#_· -·.......------Drop _ll_in. Dr{ve Weight Rel or Datum . ::n ,... .... QIX .... 1110 t.'"' CII"' . :3 0 C&f-. :, oLL Ql·O +-1; CQ. Ill QI -t. al QI. '"' ·-· .... :n Oc Q. '-:c 0 C u . ,... Ill • 111(1) Ill • 0~ _(I) • -:::::, ~'"' . ··· SC ---- SM-SC SM Mean Sea Level · GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Loggedj3y _______ =ML=F __ . _____ _ Sampled By MLF @·30':Asa~ . · @.31';. Dark' gray with iron oxide staining; very moist, medium dense, fine to medium clayey SAND;,organic odor ALUMUM ,J@ 36': ,Li8'!t ,cllowish-brown,.moist,· loosc to medium dense, fine.to medium si)tySAND @ 40':~h brown, moist, medium dense, fine to medium clayey silty @41': Light ,cllowish bl'QIV11, very moist, rme to coarse silty SAND . c·.-· •• :SP· :-.. ·@.U': Brown,-moist,-loosc, fine to medium·~ @ 45': As above with chunks of gray clay sc @46': ~yis!t green, moist, fine to medium claycf'SAND @50': As above; faint bedding (Wcatherecf'Santiago Formati(?ll) . @53': · Grades to rane to coaisc clayey SAND -cL -SANTIAGO·FQRMATION . ------ @.56': Pale olive, damp, hard CIA Y; faint laminations SM @. 58': Light gray, saturated, de,isc, fine to coarse silty SAND LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES I GEOiECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-1 Date ___ ___,9:...:·2~6:...::·9~5___ Sheet _3_ of _3_ I Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. . Daves Drilling Type of Rig Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 24 ln. Drive Weight --,---...,_ ..... 0,._·=27::...·=_4~j5=00=#_._; 2=7::...·5=2=-=-=3=17....,00=#,_,__ ____ Drop ..Y...in, I Elevation Top of Hole 139 .ft. Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 .J:." ·-........ .J:. 0) a. QI a.o QI QI 111.J c~ lr, 60 - - - .... 65- - - - - 70- - - - - 15- - - - - 80- - - - - ss- - - - - on 505A(11/77) . Cl) 0 +-QI z Cllo 'C :, :30 QI +-oLL -·-a. -'-+-IC QI +-e <C Ill a... en .. :n ,... . ,... +-QI~ Cl) GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ·-'-\J Cl) • Cl)" cu Cl> C'+-:,..,_ • -u QI 0 1n C u . ca. ·-QI _en \J. o+-· LoggedBy MLF :n . C . '-:c 0 --::, . o\J Sampled By MLF C u en . .. \@ 60': Olive, damp, ClA YSfONE, randomly oriented shears/parting surfaces @ 60': Stohhed dnlline: due to severe cavine: from nert:hed water .. Total Depth • 60 Feet ~atS8Fect Ba I led on September. 26, 1995. . ' - ,.. - - : '" - i.. ., i.. LEIGHTON &.ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-2 Date ____ ..::;9-=-2=6""'-9'-"S __ _ Sheet _t_of----1._ I Project Legoland/Carlsbad.Ranch Drilling Co. Daves Drilling Project No. 4950294-001 Type of Rig Bucket Auger 0-27=4.SOO#; 27-52=3,700# Drop ..ll_in. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hole Diameter 24 ln. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole ft. Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level . :n ,... .ii" Ill 0 ... ... QI~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 0 QI ·-Ill • .J:." "C z 111·0 I/Ir.. '-\J tll(I) ...... .cm ::, QI :3 0 Cc+-::,,._ ~u 0. QI 0.0 +.-olL QI 0 -t-c QI QI 111...J iii '-• co. Ill QI . c~ '-... 0. \J ·-... _en Logged By MLF. (!) ... E QI :n Oc ·-::i <C Ill a. '-::Co (/) C u ~\J Sampled By MLF 0 .. ~g-1 SM UNDOCUMBNfEQ FIIJ, .. -: .. Brown, dry, loose, fine to medium silty SAND; metal and plastic debris .. . . ... -.. . . . . -... . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . s-. . ... . . . . . . . . . -· .. ... . . -... . . -~ SC @ 8': Tan, very moist, loose, fine to mediu.m clayey-SAND; occasional coarse -· SAND; plastic debris · 10-~ -~ -.. ,0 -sM -SANDAQOFORMATION -. ------------: : : ... : -. . .. @ 12': Driller indicated hard drilling; light gray, damp, dense silty ... SANDSTONE .. . . . -.. . . . . . . . 15-. . . . .. Bag-2 ... -.. . . . . . . . -... . . . . . -.. . . . . . -... . . . . . . . 20-.. . . . ·@·20': Tan, moist, fine to coarse silty SAND, SANDSTONE; gradcli from .. . . . , . . . abowc -... . . . . . -. . . . . . .. -· .. .. @23': Occasional fine gravel, rounded, quartzite pebbles . . . -. . . . . . . . ~-: .. .. ·.· . . . -· . . .. . . _ . . . . . .. . . . . . -: . . .. ~ . . -@29': Asa~ ... . ... 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES. ... ... I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-2 Date 9-26-95 Sheet _2 _ of _2_ I Project __________ =Lei?=o=la:==n=~'-'/C=a=r=ls=b=ad::..::;:Ra:::::n:::c::::h"--,-________ .,...__ Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. Daves Drilling 'Iype of Rig BucketAuger Hole Diameter 24 ln. Drive Weight 0-27.=4,500#: 27!"52=3,700# Drop J1.Jn. I Elevation Top of Hole ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level . . - :n " . Iii" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 .s::." ·-...... J:.C) 0. QI 0.0 QI QI 111...J c0 '-(!) 30 . . . . . . . -... ... -.. -. : .. -.. 3S - - - - 40- - - - - 45- - - - - so- - - - - ss- - - - - 1ft 505A(11/77) . CII 0 QI "O z :, QI +--·-0.'· +-+-e Ill <C en +-+-QI~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ·-...., Ill • Cllo Cl),-.. '-"'en 3 0 C't-:,+-• -u 0~ ,QI 0 t;c u • co. -'-... : _en ID QI ...,,, ·I,.ogged By MLF :::n Oc . 0. :c 0 -::::, '-i"" . Sampled By MLF C u .. @ 34': & above Total Depth = 35-Fcet . No Ground Water Encountered at Time of Drilling -Backfilled on September 26, 1995 ,. LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES· I- - f- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOtECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 Date 9-26-95 Sheet __!_ of _2 _ Project ---------=Leg=o=la:::n:.:dL.;/Ca=ra.::.:ls::=b::::ad=Ra=n:::c~h~--------------Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. --------------·-=D;.;;a:..:.ves~b::;.:rl:=I=Iin=igcz....... _____ ....,... _________ -,--:_ 'fype of Rig Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 24 In. Drive Weight 0-27=:4.SOO#: 27-Si=3,700# Drop _!!_in. Elevation Top of Hole ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level . . - . :n .,-.. ell" Ill 0 .... +-QI:-: GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION CJ QI Ill • .s::." "C z 1110 ii),-,. t. 'V lllen ++-J:.C) :, Cl) iJ& C'+-::i...,. -cJ 0. QI a.o +-QI 0 +-c u . QI QI f..J ·--ca. -~i-c~ 0. -c.. _en +-E 10 QI 'V Lqgged~y MLF (!) +-.. :n -:j. (C IIJ 0. t. :Co ~'V en C u Sampled By MLF .. .,-o ;Bag-1 ML :IE,RRACE DBfQSITS Reddish yellow with iron oxide staining; damp, loose, SILT with fine SAND - - - - s-@S': Driller reports harder-drilling - '"" - - - 10-'-• . -: Y elloyiish rcd'with. iron oxide staining, moist, dense, silty fine SAND .. 2 .S SM @10': . . .. -: : .. I--,• ... . . -... .. . . -. . . . . . . . . . 15-... . . .. -· .. . . -... . . . . -. .. . . -· . . .. . . . . . -20-: : : ·.·. 3 .6 @20': 'AHbovc I--· .. .. . . " -. . . .. _. . . . . : .. -: 25-: .. .. . . -.. . . I-. . -: '"" -. : .. --... --.. SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-3 Date ____ ..::;9-=·2~6-=-9=5___ Sheet _2_ of _2_ I Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Project No. · 4950294-001 Drilling Co. __________ .:D:.::a:.,:.;ve::::s:..:D::.::ri:.::l:::li=ing1:1--....-----,----'--'Iype of Rig Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 24 in. Drive Weight 0-27;4,S00#: 27-52 =3,700# Drop .J!.. in. I Elevation Top of Hole · ft. Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level . • ::n " . " Ill +-~-Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 .s::." ........ .s::.m Q. GI Q.0 QI QI 111.J 0~ '-(!) 30 . . ... . . -... . . ... -.. . . . . . . . -... . . . . . -.. ... . . 35-... .. . . . -· ... -... . . . -· ... -.. . . 40-.. - - - 45- - - - - so- - - - - ss- - - - - -- 505AC11/77) QI 0 'tJ z :, GI +--·-Q. +-+-e Ill (C en 4 s +-·-ft-: lllen 1110 Ill" Ill • 30 cc+-:,..,. -u oll. GI 0 +-C u . .!!! QI -C. CQ. .... en al. QI . ...., o-+-Logged By MLF ::n :C C ·-:i c.. '-0 ~v Sampled By MLF ·c (.) .. SM 8 @ 35':~ pale brown, with iron oxide staining, mo~t, dense, silty fine 7 @ 40': Anbovc; last S feet completed on September 27, 1995 Total. Depth a: 41 Feet · No Ground· Water Encountered at Tune of Drilling Backfilled on September 27, 1995 : ~ ' LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES .... .... ... ~ ... ... ... ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-4 Date ____ ""'9-=-2:.:..7..:;;-9.::;.5___ Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. ---------,------'-.--..,.a·;;;;;.D.aa.av"-'e;;:.s..;;;;D;..;;;rl.::::l;;;;;.lin;;:,g"--__,...-'-.....,..-------'Iype of Rig Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 24 In. Drive Weight . 0-27=4,SOO#; 27-52=3,700# Drop _!!_in. Elevation Top of Hole 103 ft. .Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level .i::.,... ++ 0. QI QI QI c..,. V 0 s 10 1S 20 25 0 .i::. C) 0.0 111..J L (.!) . . .... . . . . . .... ·.· . . . . . . . ... . . . .... . ·. ·.· .... . ... . . . . . . . . ·. ·.· .... ....... . . . . . : .... . ·. ·:: .... . ·. ·.· .... . ·. ·.· ..... . : ..... . . . . . . : ..... . . . . . . .-..... ..... . : ..... . . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . ·. ·.· .... . ·. ·.· ..... . : .... .· · . . . . . . . : ... 505A(11/77) Ill QI "C :, + + + <C . _g QI a. e Ill en Bag-1 @()-5''' :JI + :t 0 ~:O 111,... . ~oll.. C&f-QI O -'-co. £0 QI V 0.. :,-, ls ,... QI~ LV, :,+ 'tic ·-QI o+ :C C 8 SM GEOtECHNICAL DESCRIPTION . Logged By ___ ..,....... __ ---"MLF==--------- SampJ.e4 By MLF ' . TQPSOIL/CQJLUVIUM Brown, damp, silty fine SAND -SM -ALLUVIUM -- @ S': Pale yellow, moist,.silty fine SAND with iron oxide staining Bag-2 · @ 10': Light olive-brown, moist, loose, silty, fine to medium SAND with minor iron oxide staining SC/SM_ @ 12': Increase in clay content; c.Iayey silty rme SAND · ··· · ·· · .... CL .. ·· @14': Gray,moist,softsiltya.AYwithminorironoxidcstaining Bag-3, - Bag-4 SP fML · · @ 25': Gray, very moist, loose, fine to medium SAND with SILT; occasional · roun4ed gravel( cavin_g) • • @ 26': Rounde<I cobble 14 inches by 10 inches quartzite @ 28': Ground water encountered LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-4 Date ____ .,..:9--'·2=7---9::.::Sa.--__ _ Sheet _2_ of _2_ .. I Project ¼oland/Carlsbad Ranch Drilling Co. Daves Drilling Project No. 4950294-001 'Iype of Rig Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 24 in. Drive Weight 0-27=4,500#; 27-52=3,700# Drop ...!!.in. I Elevation Top of Hole 103 ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level ~ ~ - :II ,... . ,... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u .i;;,... ...... .cm 0. QI 0.0 QI QI 111...J c~ '-(.!) 30 -~ - - 35- - - - - 40- - - - - 45- - - - - so- - - - - ss- - - - - -- 505A(11/77) . en 0 QI ~ "C ::, QI + -·-Q. ... ... e Ill <C en nft __ ._. -:- . ' +-... QI'~ en • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 0 ·-'-..., encn eno en,-.. Ill • 3u. C&f-::, ... , -u 0 QI u +c 0 • co '-CQ. en QI _en ..., ·-... Logged By MLF QI :II Oc ·-::i 0. :c 0 '-~..., .SanipledBy MLF C u CL SANTJAQQ EQRMADQN (CQntin111:!I) @ 30': Pale brown and light tan, silty CIA Y with pieces of vciy hard, diy, CIA Y approximat~ly .S to 1 inches in diameter Stobocd drillinst due to bcinst in bedrock and cavinst due to 2l'Ound water Total Dc/c1h =.32 Feet . Pctclied Ground Waterat 28 Feet ~ at.28 Feet Bae. illcd on September 27, 199S LEIGHTO.N & ASSOCIATES ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Gl:OTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-5 Date 9-27-95 Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project ----------===:.:L..:=====--------'---Legoland/Carlsbad_Ranch Project No. 4950294-001 Type of Rig ·Bucket Auger Drilling Co. Hole Diameter 24 In. Elevation Top of Hole 260 s:." u ·-........ ,I;. C) 0. QI 0.0 QI QI tll.J c~ C. (!) 0 .· .. =HH! =<) s-;;-;·;·: . ·. ·.· -: :·: -:-: .... -::·:·:·: . ·. ·.: -: ·-: <·: .... _: :·: ·:·: . ·. ·: 10-·:.,·,:..· 20-·.-·.·· 505AC11/77) ell QI "C :, .... .... .... <C ft. . 0 z QI -0. E RI Cl) Bag-1 2 3 4 Daves Drilling Drive Weight Ref. or Datum 0-27=4,500#; 27-52=3,700# Drop ..!!.in. Mean Sea Level :n ,... . ,... +-.... QI:,: ell • 1110 ell" C. '-' X:cn 30-·CCf-:,..., . oLL QI u +-c· -u ell QI u • -c. co. ... ,<n '-' -.... IC GI :n Oc • a. -:::, '-:c 0 ~'-' C u Gl:OTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By ----------=ML=F"---------- Sampled By ______ __..;;;ML=F"-------- SP TOPSOIL . Rcd-b~ m:oist, loose to medium dense, fine to medium SAND, trace or · S~1; mica~us . -SM -. TERRACE DEPOSITS - -- @ 4':· :Y cllowish brown, moist, medium dense silty SAND 7 SP @ 10': AB aboYc; with trace of S~I,'I' 8 SP @ 20': AB aboYc; dense 6 SP @ 29!: AJ; aboYc; dense LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-5 Date ____ .::;9.;;::-2:,!,.7-...:::9~5 __ _ Sheet _2_ of _2_ Project No. 4950294-001 Type of Rig . Bucket Auger I Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Drilling Co. Daves Drilling Hole Diameter 24 in. . Drive Weight 0-27=4.500#: 27-52=3,700# Drop J!_in. I Elevation Top of Hole 260 ft. Ref. or Datum .. . :JI " In" cli~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Mean Sea Level I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 .r::." ++ .cm 0. QI 0.0 QI QI 111..J c~ '-CD 30 . . .. -.. - - 35- - - - - 40- - - - - 45- - - - - so- - - - - ss- - - - - N 505A(11/77) Ill 0 +-QI z . 111g "C :, + QI ~u. --0. -'-+ ID QI + e Ill ; Q. (C (/) .. .. - +-·-'-...,, Ill • ·111,-.. caU> . C&f-i+ • QI 0 111C 0~ co. -QI _en ...,, o+ ·LoggedBy MLF ~-. :a::i . :C C B C . (/)...,, Sampled By MLF SP-SM .~ @ 32': Yellowish red, wet, fine to medium SAND with fine to coarse gravel ,• . : ·: ,and,cobblcs;,roundcd;-uo to 6,inchcs diameter auarlzite ,. --St~ 32·fcct·due.to,caving•~uscd by-Ground Water To Dcih -= 32 Feet .. · :Ground aterEncountercd:at:3l~Feet -~ at-31 to 32.Fcct Ba died on· September 27, 199S ,' LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES 7 ,_ ,_ ,_ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG .LB-6 Date 9-27-95 Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project ----------===~===-==::,__--___,.,-----Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Project No. 49S0294-001 Type of Rig Bucket Auger Drilling Co. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole .J:." ++ Q. a, a, QI c~ 2S u ·-.J:. C) Q.0 IIIJ L t!) .. .. ·.· : .--: :-:-.... . . :-. .... : .. -: :-:-::-::.:. .... . · ·.=·: ::-::-> ::-::-:. .... . . :-. : .. -: :-: . · .-: .. · 505AC11/77) Ill QI "ti :, + + + (C 24fn~ 228 ft. . 0 z .GI Q. E . Ill' en -· -,· Bag-1 2 . - 3 Daves Drilling Drive Weight Ref. or Datum :n ,.. + + a,;,: o· .,,,.. L v- Ill 0 i+ 3LL CCf-0 QI 0 .,,c jii L co. ·-QI V' o+ QI . :n a. :c 6 L C u push g_' 4 .n" 411 • 111,~ -u u . _en • ·-::, ~V' SP 0-27=4;500#; 27-S2-=3,700# Drop _!!_in. Mean Sea Level GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Lqggecl:By _...,. _______________ :::.:ML==-F _____ _ Sampled By-MLF TERRACE DEPOSITS Yellowish rc!1, inoist,.fine to medium SAND; trace of SILT; micaccous; uppcrl toZ feetdisturbcd by farming -cC -1 \.~ ~·:.. ~if&h!. •!112u~tot ~ea&e JU!t !~ !_h~ c!ar l!!)'C_r _______ _ SANTIAGOFQRMATION -@ 10':. I;.ight olive-gray; moist, ClA Y; laminations; randomly oriented sh~rs/parting.surfaccs . · .· -·, .. ·" @· 18': ,-Driller indicated,drilling,bec:ame bud SP @20':~~ gray~ micaccous, damp, medium-dense, fine to medium SAND; @ 26': Becomes damp, driller having trouble keeping sand in bucket, friable SAND - LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I-GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB~s Date ____ ...::9~-2~7.;;::-9:.:::5 __ _ Sheet _2_ of _2_ Project No. 4950294-001 'fype of Rig Bucket Auger I Project I.egoland/Carlsbad Ranch Drilling Co. Daves -Drilling Hole Diameter 24 in. Drive Weight 0-27=4.SOO#; 27-52::;:3,700# Drop _ll_in. I Elevation Top of Hole 228 ft Ref or Datum . . . :n '"' ..... Ill +-QI~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION · Mean Sea Levei I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .s::.'"' +-+-a. cu cu QI ct 30 - - - - 35- - - - - 40- - - - - 4S- - - - - so- - - - - ss- - - - - CJ ·-.c 0) 0.0 IU.J C. CD --I 50SA(11/77) I 0 +-QI z 1110 "O :, cu 30 +-oU. -·-Q. -'-+-e Olcu-+-Ill 0.. (C (/) .. ' ~ ·-t."' lllcn 111,-.. Ill • C't-:,+--u QI 0 , 1n C u • ca. . ·-J!!· _en .., Logged By MLF :n Oc ·-:::, :c 0 '-~.., Sampled By MLF C u " . ... Total Depth ., 30 Feet D11c to No Recovery Seepage at 10 Feet _ _ Bacld"tllcd-on Scptcmbcr.27, 1995 ' . LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES L... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-7 Date 9-27-95 Sli:eet _1_ of _2_ Project _________ --=Leg=::::ol=a=-nd::i/t..::C::::a:::.r=ls::::b:ad=Ra=n:c=h=---_...._______________ Project No. 4950294-001 Daves Drilling Drilling Co. ------------==~==----------------'-----Type of Rig Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 0-27~4,SOO#; 27-52=3,700# Drop ..Y...in. Elevation Top of Hole Mean Sea Level 24 In. Drive Weiglit .J:." 0 ·-...... .J:. C) Q. Cl.I Q.0 GI: IU.J Cv l!J · -0 .. .... . . . . . -.... ·.· . . . . . . . ·. ·.· -: :·: ,: . . . . . -: :·: ·:· -: ::: ::: ... . . . . s-:::::~: -~ :·; . ~-. :-... -~ /; -~-. -: :·: ·:· : =·= ·.· -. ·. <· : .... 10-·c:.:·::.;· =!::I/ :\\ B~I:l:1:1 -//( 20-.·.-.. ·.··. 505AC11/77) 186 ft. Ill Cl.I "C . 0 z :, of-Cl.I - of-of- <C a. e Ill (I) Bag-1 2 3 I-. Ref. or Datum :n ,... of-of-Cl.Ix 1110 Ill,... c..'"' 3af C&f-::1+ 0 G.10 t;c -c.. ca. '.o~ V al Cl.I :n a.. c.. J: 0 C u 4 In" Ill • ,ucn -cJ u • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION _en -. o=> ~v Logged By.--'-_____ _..;;;.ML=F'--_'---___ _ Sampled By _· MLF SM TOPSOIL @ 0': Dark brown, moi11t, silty fine to medium SAND . .. :·1.-Encotintercd abandoned,steel~tct:line·at 4 feet, moved 10 feet north and rcdrilled ""s!'d -mBBACEPEPosrr--------------------- SJ,> @ S': Yellowish red,.moist; dense, silty fine to medium SAND @ 10': Yellowish red, moist, medium dense, fine to medium SAND; slightly micaceous @ 20': As above LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATE$ .. I GEOTECHNICAL BORING· LOG LB-7 Date 9-27-9S Sheet _2_ of _2_ I Project Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Project No. 49S0294-001 Drilling Co. __________ ,-;;::;;D.;::;;a;a.;ves=-=D;;;.;;rla=al;;;:.;li;;;;;na.g_"--_______ 'Iype of Rig Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 24 In. Drive Weight 0-27=4,SOO#; 27-S2=3,700# . Drop ..!!..in. I Elevation Top of Hole 186 ft Ref or Datum Mean Sea Level . . ::n " In~ Ill +-QIX GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u .J:." ·-...... .J:. 0) 0. QI 0.0 QI CII 111..J ct '-(!) 30 .· .. ·.·. . : .. ·. =t{: ::::::::::: 35-.· ·.:·.··. :.=-::-·.=: -~-\·/ - - - 40- - - - 45- - - - - so- - - - - 55- - -.... - - --I 505A(11/77) I 0 QI z 'tJ ::1 +-QI ·-0. +-E +-Ill (C en 4 5 ·t- ~ +- 1110 ·-LV Ill • 111,.. 111(1) 30 C&f-::1 ... . oU. QI u 1;ic c::;~ co. . -'-. _cu _en 110 QI V o+-. LoggedBy MLF 0. ::n :cC ·-:::, C. 8 ~v C Sampledijy MLF 10 SP SANTIAGO FORMATION @ 30!: Vef(t; ~le brown, moist, dense, fine to medium SAND @ 30': Dri !er indicated hard drilling 8 CL @40': Light olive-gray, damp, very stiff CIA Y Total Depth = 41 Feet . No. Ground Water Encountered· at nme of Drilling Backfill~ 011 September 27, 1995 '. . ' LEIGHTON &ASSOCIATES ~ - .. L L I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG LB-8 Date 9-27-95 Project ---------'-=Leg=o=la::::n::d1..,.;{Ca:::. ==r=ls:.:::b:ad=Ra=n~c==h=-· _______ _ Sheet _1_ of _2_ Project No. 4950294-001 Type of Rig_ Bucket Auger Drilling Co. Daves Drilling Hole Diameter 24 ln. Drive Weight 0-27=4,500#; 27-52=.3,700# Drop ..!!_in. Elevation Top of Hole ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level .t:." 0 ...... .i:.m fl. QI '2.0 QI QI tll..J ct t. (!) 0 .. .... -: :< <· : ..... . ·. ·.· -: :-:-:.: ..... -: :·: ·:· . : .... -: : -: <· . s-: ;·>:< ... . . . . . . -: : ·: -:-. -:~: :~·. . : . . . . .. -. : . ... 10--;_: .. .., .. . . . . . -~ :-; . ~. ~ . :-... < ;·; <·: -: : ·: ·:·: . ·. ·.·. - : ·-: <·: .... is-:):::: ..... -. ·. ·.· . . . . . -: :·: ·:·: . : .... -: :·: -:-: ..... _: :·: ·:·: . :-·.· ..... 20-_; : ... =l?J}:: -~·)·< ~~i.:1~!i ... -:·:·:=-:<: :·:·:=·:·:: 505A(11/77) Ill QI "O :, +- +-+-<C . ~ QI fl. E ~ Bag-1 2 3 1 3 iii" Ill • 111(1) ---d u . _en . ·-:::::, ~..., SM ML/SP ---- SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By ------'--ML==-F ______ _ Sampled By.,.._ ------------=MLF=------- ELL . Reddish brown, moist, silty, fine to medium SAND with fine rounded gravel, plastic @7': -Dark-brown, moist, sandy SILTwith fine SAND TERRACE-DEPOSITS•. ---------------------- -@9': Yellowish red, moist, loose, silty.fine to medium SAND @ 10': As above @ 20': Yellowish red, very moist, fine to medium SAND; trace of SILT ... -SP--\:~:ge~=: drilli~-_ _ _ _ _ _ · _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ t, @ 26': liltht gray, damp, fine to medium·SAND; trace of SILT; occasional cob6lcs LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I GEOTECHNICAL BORING· LOG LB-8 Date ____ ..::;9...::·2=7...::·9=·s __ _ Sheet _2_ of _2_ I Project -----..-----=Le=g=o=la=n=d._/C=a=r=Is=b=ad=Ra=n=c=h.-_....______ Project No. 4950294-001 Drilling Co. . Daves. Drilling 'Iype of Rig Bucket Auger Hole Diameter 24 ln. Diive Weight 0-27=4$00#; 27-52=3,700# Drop Jl_in. ~ I Elevation Top of Hole ft. Ref. or Datum Mean Sea· Level I Logged By _______ ML ____ F ______ _ ell .s::." (J QI "'O ...... .s::. 0) :, 0. QI 0.0 +-QI QI 111...J c~ L +-(.!) +-(C . :n ,.... } .;.,.... +-QI~ 0 +-·en • z ell 0 ell,... L"" ,aen 0 :,+-QI ~LI:. CCf--d QI (J" 1h C u . 0. ... L co. ·-QI _en ma, "" o+-e :n ·-:::i Ill 0.. :C C en L 0 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION SampJed By ________ ML_F ______ _ l·~~~=t:;:.=::~·-=:··::t==========t==~:!===::t====t===::t::====1~@=~==,:=&=a=bovc==;=d=c============================:::::I =>::::::: =?U: ~"" C u 4 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I 35-(\( -:->>} =:::::::::: 4S-.... · .. =JU: -:.= ::/ -.· :-:-::. . . . so-\\\ - - - ss- - - - - S 12. 6 12 @40': As above @SO': Asabovc · Total Depth != 51 Feet No Ground Water Encountered at Tune of Drilling Backfilled on September 'fl, 1995 ... I- I- .... I- - - - I LW,;""===~======:;::::::==;;;=~========- 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIXB LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF LARGE-DIAMETER BORINGS EXCAVATED DURING THECARLSBAl> RANCH-. PHASE-II INVESTIGATION (Leighton, 1994) B-6 0 TD 33' (6 borings) B-1 4930489-05 I I I I I I I I I I I_ I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG-B-1 Date ____ .=2c..:·2:..:4...::·9c...:4 __ _ Sheet·_l_of_l_ Project _________ C=ar;.:l~ta;.::;s.,_/.;:;;;C.;;,.ar;.:l:;:;;sb""a;:;:d::..;Ra=n:.::.:c:;;:.;h;..;P;..;;h:;..;;a;.::;s..;..e""'II;;...-______ _ Project No. 4930489-03 Drilling Co. San Diego Drilling Hole Diameter 30 In. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole +/-· 109 ft. Ref. or Datum . ::n " . " C 0 .... .... QI~ ~ . o,... 0 Ly . .c"' "' z u,O "'"' . ftl(I) ·-.... ........ .c DJ QI :30 cc+, :,,._ . .... QI QI -u ftl QI a. QI a.o .... oLL QI 0 tc u. >ct-GI QI ftl..J 0 a. .,... t.. ca. ·-QI __ (I) .!'--' c~ t.. z s CCI QI y o+-C.D ftl a.. :11 :C C ·-:5 UJ t.. 0 ~y (I) C u 0 "• SM ... ... . . ... ... Bag-1 . . . . . . 105 SM/SC 1 · ush/1 89.S 25,1 100 2 ush/1 109.0 13.9 SC Bag-2 9S 3 ' 1 100.9 · 14.7 90 20 8S 2S Type of Rig Bucket Aguer 0-27' 2,290#, .i4...a2' 1_,44S# Drop _!Lin. See Geotechnical Map GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 'Logged By Sampl~By_ RKW RKW UNDOCUMENI'ED FILL @ O': Orange to medium brown, mQist, medium dense, silty fine-grained SAND; -scattered pieces of plastic sheeting, asphalt, and cemented sandstone chun · .-· @ 4~: Contains fill,litts· of-1iark-brown olivc;grcen clayey SAND and sandy Cl.A Y . @-8': Contains medium to dark gray slightiy silty to clayey SAND fill lifts with noticable organic odor .. @ 10': Medium to dark gray, moist, medium dense, clayey SAND; scattered chunks of asphalt, decomposed pieces of wood and angular gravel and cobbles 16.5': Abundant.chunks ofconctcte?, Refusal at 17feet Total Depth • 17 Feet -No Ground Water Encountered Geologically [pggcd, to 16 Feet Backfilled on 2/24/94 ,.t_,".,·· 80 I 505A( LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-2 Date ____ -=2..::·2:..:.4...::·9...:.4 __ _ Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II Drilling Co. · San Diego Drilling Project No. 4930489-03 Type of Rig Bucket Aguer Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole 105 100 95· 0 0 .COi Q.0 tll..J ~ .. ... -: . : .. .. -.. . . . .. -: . : .. . . . -... . : . s-:.:·:. .. . : . -· .. ... . . -· .. . . . . . -. . . . . . .. -· = · .. . . . . . 10-· .·.· · ..... =~ =i ll-~ -~:: -~··. 90 -~:: 20-~·-. 8S 80 e,.·, ... -· =· .. .. ~ .. -. . .. : . . .. -. ·.· .· .. .... -. ·.· .... ... . . . 2.5-: .. ,:. : - - - -- . . . . ... 505AC11/77) 30 In. +/· 109 . ~ QI Q. e Ill en 1 2 - :.. I- Drive WeigJ}t ft Ref. or Datum 0-27' 2,290#, 24-42' 1,445# Prop _!!_in See Geotechnlcal Map 5 · 119.3 13.1 i3 122.6 12.0 . ui"" C/1 • tacn GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION c5J =~ LoggedBy ~'"' . Sampled.By RKW RKW SM UNDOCUMENJJ3D F1LL . @ O' Medium brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine SAND; abundant asphalt . chunks; scattered concrete, brick and other construction debris· (no evidence - of wood or plastic); appears to have 4 to 6 inch thick fill lifts :< ~: I J @·6': Fill lifts arc 2 to 4 inches thick and near horizontal SC @ 10.S': Medium and,dark gray,.moist to very moist, medium dense, clayey SAND; scattered organics; moderate organic odor . @ J,2!: Dark ~y moist, to very moist, medium stiff clayey SAND; scattered ch~i:iks or asphalt; rather homogeneous .. SC/SM . @ 16': .. Conta{ns lifts or.sort to very sort very mo"t, plastic clay and medium-dense . · . · ·silty SAND; scattered organics (not decomposed) I t~ @20': Gray-brown, moist, medium dense, slightly clayey SAND; homogeneous, --\ · ~ttercd ,;ootleJ, ~ibly topsoil layer; about 6 to 8 inches thick; ' SM " __ padaticinal. u_epcrand lower contacts ________________ _ SAN]]AGO FORMATION ' @ 20': Ulthfbrown to off-wftite1 moist, dense, silty, fine-to medium-grained -SANDSTONE; in~ivc;·ltght b~ randomly oriented· infillC<f joints, decreasing with-depth; gradational upper contact dipping approximately 2S depes to the west . · . TcitalDepth • 26 Fee( No Oroµnd Water·Encountercd. Geologically Logged to 24 Feet Backfilled on.2/24/94 LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORI_NG LOG B-3 Date -----=2~-2:..:4 ... -9;..:4 _ __._,-,-Sheet ·_1_ of _1_ Project · Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase Ii Project No. 4930489-03 Drilling Co. _____________ s--·a=n....;D=l=eg=o;...;D=ri=l=ll=n=g------,...a----,-_ Type of Rig Bucket Agner Hole Diameter 30 hi. Drive Weight 0-27' 2_,290#, 24-42' J,445# Drop _g_ in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-109 ft Ref. or Datum See Geotechnical Man . -. :JI ..... . "' , C: 0 +-+-QIX ~ . GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTIO'N o"' 0 z CII 0 ·-'-.._, ·-.... .c."' ·-CII CII'°' i+-Ill CJ? +-QI ........ .c.m CII CII :30 C:'+--u Ill QI 0. CII 0.0 .... oU. QIU 111C u. •· QI QI 1'11..J _g --'-'-00. >..,. 0~ 0. ·-QI _en ~..,, L e ,:o CII ..,, o+-Logged By RKW (.!) Ill 0.. :JI :c5 ·-::j l&J (/) '-Ov 0 u (/) S~mpledBy . RKW . 0 ,. .. •,. SM L!MlQCL!MBNTEQ Ell,L .. @ o•:· Orange-brown and:medium gray-brown, medium dense, silty fine-to -... medium-grained SAND . . --~: .. ,; ... SM/SC . @ 2': -Contains off-white-silty SAND and orange-brown· clayey SAND lifts; -. · scattcred:asphalt chunks · "' ... . . . . 105 -! ... . s-. . ... .l· ·6 5.S @·5': Contail)ubundant·concrcte dlunks I-. N/A ... -. . ... -. . . -... -..: .. @ 8': Contains abundant pieces of wood, asphalt and partially decomposed pieces '-.. SM -: .. . of brush in black silty SAND;.strong organic odor . 100 : = . . . . 10-. . . . . ·-.. . . . . . . . -... . . .. 2 4 N/A N/A .· @ 11 ': Material in sampler is loose and ntost likely highly disturl>ed . . . -.. . . . . . . . -... •. .. . . . . 95 -. .. . @ 14': Abunda11t concrete debris . . . • . . ,. '. 15 \@ 15'.:· Refusal on toncrcte chunks? 'T -Total Depth • 15 Feet· · . No Ground Water Encountered -.. -Not Geol1cally Logged Due to the Strong Organic Odor and Loose Nature of . . the di Soils Backfilled-on 2/24/94 - 90 - 20-I-.. : .. - -.. -I-. 8S - 25- I-- -.. - 80 - ·~ I 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICA-L BORING LOG B-4 Date ____ -=2-=·2:..:.4..::-9..:,4 __ _ Project __________ ..;;C;.;;;a=rl~ta;;.;:s.._/~C=ar'""ls;:;.;b::.;a:.::d..;;Ra=n:.a:.ch==-=-P.;;;;h=as::.;e..;;l'"""I __ __,... ___ _ Sheet _1 _ of _1_ Project No. 4930489-03 Type of Rig Bucket Aguer Drilling Co. San Uiego Drilling Hole Diameter 30 in. Drive Weight Ref or Datum 0-27' 2,290#, 24-42 1,445# Drop _g_ in Elevation Top of Hole +/-118 ft . See Geotechnical Map . JI "" . "" C 0 +-+-QIN Ill • Gl:OTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,.... .c."" u z Ill 0 '-..., lllen ·-.... .1/1 111 ..... :, +-Ill • +-QI ........ .C. OI QI QI :30 C'+-... u Ill QI Q. QI 0.0 +--oU. QI u ~c u. >..,. QJ QI 111-1 0 Q. -c:. ·Oil:. ·-QI _en .!'-' c .... '-z e a::i-QI ..., o+-J.,ogged By RKW ..., (.!) JI ·-::5 -Ill Q. :cC UJ (/) ·'-0 ~..., Sampled By RKW C u ·• 0 ,. ... SM L!~JlQCL!MENTED· EllJ. -: : . -@ O': -Orange-brown,.moist, medium dense, silty fine-to medium-grained SAND; .... scattered-rou.nded gravel and asphalt pieces .. ... ,· -.. ... . . 115 -. : . . @ 3': Contains lif~ of off,white silty fine-to coarse-grained SAND .. . . -. . . , .. @4': Contains·-cloth rags, plastic-sheets and·styrofoam pieces ... . . . . s-. . ... . . . . . . . -. . . 9.8 . : . 1 2 116.8 .. .. ,--· .. .. . . . ..... 110 -· .. . . .. -: .:..-.-.· SW @ 9': Light brown to light gray, very moist, loose silty to clayey fine-to ::::::::. ~o-........ coarse-grained SAND ........ 2 ~ush/12 110.7 13.7. ....... - lliillll -I- 105 -~ nnnn @ 13': Dark brown tSANl dark gray, moist, medium dense clayey fine-to I -: • .-, ., .coarse-grained. . D;.scattered decomposed.organics; occasional lifts of --:::::::: _ light B?Y ,fine-sand _and off-white clay fine-to coarse-grained sand; free IS-11mm water 1n sdty sand tarts between 13-and 15 feet - 3 3 102.3 9..0 -. :~:~:,-·1! SM ·@ 16.2': Medium brown, m_oist,.loosc, silty fine-grained SAND; near horizontal . .. -. . . . · · bedding; very. friable; sharp lower contact · . : . . . SM . . .. . . ..... 100 -. ·.· .. -. . . . . . . -·":· ::+. '• ----SANTIAOOFORMAnON - - - - - - -, - - --. - - - . . ·.· 20-. . .. @.19':sXtr.t brown, stightlf moist-to moist, dense, silty fine-to coarse-grained ... 4 10 119.2 12.7 · osroNE; massm:; abundant ·quartz grains .. . . . -Total Depth • 21 Feet No Ground Water Encountered, Free Water Encountered at 13 to 15 Feet 9S -oco:;cany ~cd to 19 Feet Backfi led on 2 24/94 · : - 25-·' - -I- 90 - - = 505A(11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-5 Date ____ ..:2:...:-2::..:4:...:-9'-'4'----'--_..;..., Sheet _1_ of _1_ Project Carltas/Carlsbad. Ranch Phase II Drilling Co. San Diego Drilling Hole Diameter 30 In. Orive Weight Project No. 4930489-03 Type of Rig Bucket Aguer 0-27' 2,290#, 24-42' 1,445# Drop _ll_ in. Elevation Top of Hole +/-125 ft Ref. or Datum . See Geotechnlcal Map . :JI ,... . ,... C 0 +-.... QI~ Ill • GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o,... u z 1110 ··-.t....,. lllen ·-.... .r:." Ill 111,-.. :,,..,. Ill • +-GI ........ .c.m QI GI ::30 C&f-' -u Ill QI 0. GI 0.0 +-.... oLL QIU ~c u. >&f,, QI GI 111..J 0 0. -c. 00. ·-GI .... en .!!'-" 0~ '-z 10 GI ...,. i~-Logged By RKW (!) e :n ·-::i UJ Ill a. '-en .o ~...,. Sampled By ·RKW C. <.,.> . 125 0 -.. ... SM l!ISDQCl!MENI'ED BLL .. @O': <;lraitgc-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-to medium-grained SAND; -... @l': Contains lifts or light brown silty fine-to coarse-grained SAND . . ... . . -.. ·.·. 1 -~ .H7J .11.2 : . -: .... -.. I-..... -:, :,=.1, -sw -SANTIAGO FORMATION ... -........ :::::•: . ' . . · @.3.5!: .. l1fo~Y to light brown, ·slightly moist; dense silty fine-to coarse-grained : . : . : : : . . SA D ONE; massive; sh'aro horizontal uooer .contact · 120 5 ....... . -Total Depth • S Feet No ·oround Water Encountered -: . Oeologically ~d to S Feet Backfilled on 2 24/94 - --- 115 10-=· I-- -... - - 110 15-1-, -. -• -... - IOS 20-... - ·-I- -- -. 100 25-... .. -.. . - -~ --·~ ·-·· SOSA( 1 1/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-6 Date ____ -=2--"-2a..;.4-~9--=-4 __ _ Sheet _!_ of _2_ Project Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II Project No. 4930489.03 .Type of Rig Bucket Aguer Drilling C9. Hole Diameter Elevation Top of Hole C o"' .i:::."" ·-.... +-QI ........ Ill QI 0. QI >..., ~~ ~,., LI.I 0 105 5 100 10 95 15 90 20 85 25 80 SOSA( 11/77) 0 ·-.J:. D) 0.0 111.J L (.!) .. : : ... .. : . . . . . . . . . : . .... ·. : : ·: -: . : ..... :'.:::::. : :·:-:-. .... . : ..... . . . . . : ..... . . . . . . : ..... ..... : :·: ·:· .... ·.·. ..... : :·: ·:· . : ..... ..... . : ..... : :-: ·:-: ; ;-; ·; · ~' . : ..... ..... . : ..... . . . . . . ... ·.· . . . . . . . ·. ·.· .... . ... ·.· Ill QI +-~ 30 In. +/-107 0 z QI -0. E Ill (/) Bag-l 1 San Diego Drilling Drive Weight . 0-27' 2,290#, 24-42' 1,445# . Drop _g_ in ft. Ref. or Datum See Geotechrilcal.Map + 1110 ~& -L ID QI a. 1 :::n "' +-a,X Ill" t."" ::,..,. C'+-QI 0 ~ C co. ·-QI ,., o+-:JI :C C L 0 C u 1043 10.4 U\'°' Ill Cl) Ill • -u u .• ...,.en ·ad. (I)"" SM GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION Logged By Sampled By RKW RKW UNDOCUMENTED FILL @ O': Onin~e-brown, moist, medium d.ensc silty fine-to medium-grained SAND S'M./$C -@ 4': .Cort ta ins lipt-btown and medium gray silty to clayey SAN)); scattered rounded coob!CS' @ 11': Light to medium gray, moist, medium dense silty to slightly claycyfine SAND; relatively homogeneous -@ lT.:. Medium gi:ay-brown, moist;·loosc to medium dense silty fine-to medium-pined SAND . @ 22': Dark gray to black mottled light gray, moist to-very moist, loose, clayey · . SAND and silty SAND; scattered organics, plastic sheeting, concrete . chunks, and pieces of wood; strong organic odor LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-6· Date ______ 2;;..;~2=4 __ .9 __ 4--·_-- Project Carltas/Carlsbad Ranch Phase II Drilling Co. San Diego Drilling Hole Diameter 30 in. Drive Weight Elevation Top of Hole + /-107 ft Ref or Datum . . .. . ~, , Sheet _2_ of _2_ Project No. 4930489-03 Type of Rig Bucket Aguer 0-27' 2,290#, 2442'' 1,445# Drop 12 in. See Geotechnical Map . :JI " .ii" C 0 .... .... QI~ GEOTECHN.ICAL DESCRIPTION -~" u ·-L SJ Ill • .&:." ·111 z 1110 Ill" Ill(/) ........ ........ .l:,,D) QI 30 C'+-::, ,._ . Ill QI Q. QI 0.0 ,._ QI oLL· QI u 1n C c:;u > QI QI QI f..J 0 -cil L .c Q. . Q. ·-QI _en .!!~ c~ z SJ o-t-Logged By · RKW. (.!J E QI :JI ·-:::i Ill Q. :C C UI L 0 ~SJ ·en C u Sampl~By RKW . ' 30 .. FILL (Contioµcs!) ... . . . '--... . . ¥ 7S -... . . .. ·.·. ,,2 3 NIA .. @.32': Contains1slight~·.silty fine-to.coarse-grained SAND; moderate seepage no ... ·N/A : sample rccovcrc . · · @ 33': · Becomes loose saturated-running sands; boring keeps filling in with : · saturated sands unable.to drill:anv deener due to hole cavinir -Total De&!h • 33 Feet · . . . 35-.. •· , .. , Ground · · ater Seepage/Perched Ground Water at 3~3 Feet 1-, Not·Geol~cally ~ Due to the Strong O~nic or, Loose Nature of the· Fill ils, and Ying of the Boring at 32 33 Feet -~ckfillcd on 2/24/94 70 -.. - -- 40-... - 6S - - - 45-- -. 60 -.I- - I-- ' so-I- -- SS· -1-, - - ss- - 50 -... -I- ... -- -- SOSA( 11/77) LEIGHTON & ASSOCIATES POOR QUALITY ORIGINAL S I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I. I- I I I I APPENDIX B ( contlnued) LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES . OF SMALL-DIAMETER BORINGS EXCAVATED DURING THE COLLEGE BUSINESS PARK INVESTIGATION (Leighton, 1991) B.-8 CD TD·30'· (1 boring) B-2 ~.930489-05 . I ; . GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG oate~..Jr.1""2/'--1~2~_/~6:r.4 __ ..;Drill Hole No~ 0-8 _ ·· ·sheet 1 of 1. -- Project Huntington/Palomar· Job No. 4841363-02 Drillini Co. Morrison type of Rig 8-53 Hollow .Stem Auger . Hole Diameter 611 Drive Weight 140 1 bs. Drop 30 in. Elevation Top of Hole 78'± Ref. or Datum Mean Sea Level 0 ..:,_:_ . . . -. . --.·. .. -.. ' . . . .. - -:-.. • ., C/1-~ .. : en GEOTeCHNICAL DESCRIPTION ::, ~ ..... ~ 53 U ~: Loaaed by .,.. ~ ,... tn . •• _..:.R::.l.:.:.W __________ _ i = •"4 • 8 ~ 2, Sampled by RLW .. SM ALLUV.IUM: Light brown, moist, medium dense, silty sand. ~~-~-----~----~-- I I I I I I I I I I I -. . . --:--:---CL/ Very dark brown, very moist, stiff, fine SC sandy clay to 1 oose, c 1 ayey fine sand. · I 5 -. ·. :---.- -'.:. •, I ----.. ·-·· . . . -7 .. -.-.- .7.-:---· . . 10-5 .i,·o 0 0,0, • ·O• ,0 . . --·-. . -. . . .. . . -. -. . . . -: .·. 15 -·.·--:-. . -. -. . . . . . ·: . .:..:· ' .. -· ,i I .:. 't •• ! • ' -~ . • .. i :--20-.:__·· .. I . . . -:-;--.. -~--:-' .. .. , . ..:__, I t .• ' . ' ... --~ . --t ... .: . -~ .--. . ,.. ... . 125-...;... . .! •• ,r-_· . . . • f.• •• \ -. I .. : .. :-. . . ~. .·: ..!,_ I 30 . . .... :__:.: . . ' S00A (2/77) I i I CD i- -- 2 ... ,, ... ;. 3 - 14 108.E 19.1 32 Dist 1rbed @ 9 1 Becomes clayey sand. @ 91 -10 1 Lense of gravel-size clasts to· l" in di·ameter. ~----~~ -----------~----~---- SW/ SM Light brown, damp, medium dense, s1 ight1y silty .sand. fg Dist ~rbed @ 16' ·secomes wet. - .. - @ - V "s°M--_:Brown, wet, -;-;;o;,-;,; :nd. ---1 - 4 9 106.'i 18.5. .. 'H ~~-~-· ----· -------~ ---....... -...-~ ---------...... --· SANTIAGO. FORMATION: .. 5 · 1 70· 110.E ·17 .4 --- · Ught brown to brown, wet to saturated, dense, silty sand. Total Depth= 30 1 Ground water-measured 12/13/84 7:30 a.m. at a depth of 18i No caving ~ t Backftl led 12/12/84 Leighton· & Associates I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I APPENDIX B (continued) . ' . ' . ' LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF SMALL-DIAMETER BORINGS . EXCAVATED DURING THE PHASE-II ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF CARLSBAD RANCH (Leighton, 1989b) . i3-5 @ TD 10' (5 borings) B-4 4930489-05 I I I I I I I I I I 1- I I I Date ID /io /5 9 Project· (1,0:cl5td~. GEOTECHNlCAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. B-\ Drilling Co. H:-F, D rd\, 08 _:. Hole Diameter 8 '' Drive Weight Sheet_Lof.J..:. · Job No. 884 ( 800 -O I Type of Rig f~,1""'~ f-·ID (H.s.~ t"-lo lb-!. ··Drop '30 in. Elevation Top of Hole u .... -= -= 04 '"' '"' 0. 0 0. 4) (IS -1 4) 4) M =i t.1.. c., I 0 . ---. -. . . . -. . -. -. . . -.• . . . -5-. . . . ---~-. -. . . ----. . -. . . . .. It> -. ----. ... . , __ . . .. . . --. ----. ; • . . . -15'-. -- -. . -. -. . . -•. . -. . ---• . -. .. . - - . - C, C .... "C V1 re, +.J QJ .... s.. C: ::, Cl ...,. C 0.. .,... I • 0 +.I z Ill 0 V 3 0 ..0 V 0 u. ' :, ........ '.e-:, 0. l:Q M ~ ~ Cl) ' .. ~\ · 1 =,s .. la .. Wz. z.o. . .. . . .. - ... .. .. .. -.. ~ #'!> 1:ro .. .. ... : - la . >.. • +.I tlf' .Ill-·~ . ~ .. : tn Gi;OTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION . C: l+-4 :, +.I, ~ • vu"'c:uu -Q· c. -.~ ~ ..... vi _Logged by_S_-_K:..------------:":" ·o c: -.-c • ~ ~ a: ~ a, S~pled by____,_S'-\ .... :4..._ ____________ _ S',3- SC. . @'S' _ ·S\~c..~ 1 Mt>\1.\-1 loose.. -l-o W\e..~u .. ,.m dev\S.€.J • sdh.r .fW\t. fo mech'-'-W\ s~\'\A > So L\ s+~w.e1 b'1 cle,~po1ed. orf>~\C~ . @.s' C.OLo-r c,~t.A~~ ~ t "~"""' be.l'be 1 \IE!K''1 ... ~ l. ~+ I l co be.. +o . IV\e,d. Ll.\.vV\ 0 tK\Se, ) we,L\ • so-r.\-e.J. s~ w,+h ~OM~ c.La_, 1 • ~=fl-Mo¼H~J. b\~c.X. ~ l,aCw be.Ls-e:,} .• VUj ~u+1 t&o~-t. 4-o Me.rlU.\.W\d~s.e._/ 1_ .~ :)-6.(-.\til. s~ ,W\.~ ~ C!.l~ j - 1\1,()ciu:-~ CV"~LC., oeU,-("" . ' @10 ~\.o-r ~ -1-o lo(~ ~~ -~d.c.A-r~---~ 0 ~ (!.151 tole-<' e~ ~ la~ to ~~W\ be.\.Jh~ I n.o 0~ t\C\1 L"-?sh-+ ~ me.du,"vn be"«:,t. ) fV\.olS-l-l -'le<'1 deM.1~ > we.\\ Scr<+e-~ sw "-h¼ . . . - ,_ I 2S~. .. .. I ~ • , . !oW\e. Cl:):-<--t...&..--------7_.:._ ______________ -'' &bh,l de,p~ = 1q 1 ... I I Jo - . - . 1500,\ (2/77) ... ... ... ... Nb ~.i'b4f'd· wa:~e< t,.~CCl~\1\.-\-e..<e.cl f>o~\~i ba.c.k.M.lle.,d. -\o s~~~c.e. W\tli\ _e..wlVf"C>~lu.~ (be.¥\~l~ cav-~~) on 10/10/~l=t . Leighton & Associates . . . I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Date IP/ 10/ sq Drill Hole No. · 6-:J. Sheet..J._ofl.:_ I Project Cg.,r\~+a.-s Job No. 8-B~ ls 00 - 0 I . I Drilling Co. tf. f. 'Dl'""dl,"'cl . Type o-f RigFed'LYlJ f-fQ (tt;.s.A.) Hole Diameter B" Drive Weight Ii O • fb'!at . Drop "30 · in. Elevation Top of Hole Ref. or Datum 1)·te~e\ ~""-e,.\_ '\~\<. t-Jc. '2- 0 . . . . . . . . en C ,,- "O "' ,u .µ QJ ,,- S-C ::, Q -c 0. .,- >,, • .., fll'. 111-- •"4 ~ Ill • Ill J-4 .. (UCI) c:: {,M :, .., ....... ~u ..,= uu o -0. -·~ ! . .-4 en Logge4 by....,. __ s ___ K ___________ _ ~ i 8 ~ e. Sampled by_··_s-.a,K..._.·------------ GEOTECHNICAi DESCRIPTION :If l .. .~-.. . I . . . . . . S'P. . 2>v-~"', d~P, loo~e. \ sd~ .r~_ ~a I sl,:f\.\-~ W\,Od.M~e.. ttyc\.ro.. • -Ca...r-bes"Y\ (ttc..) ode-'(""' -· I . . . --. . . -. . . I ..!-s-- ~ . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . ~ . . . . .. . . I . . . . 10 --. -- . I . - I IS~ . I - -II - 2.0- 11 -- 11 : • ZS"- - . I . - looA (2/77) z.o .i#~ l'Z, .. .. :Ii I 35 -.. .. -.. ----.. ... .. ... -- --- i-.. ~ .. .. . ~w· @'b' L\llhf i-.,('ch.:)"' +o _be;lflt.J 1\1\oL.e.+, loo~e.1 SM a -t-o mecl t~IM'\ c::lcV\~E:.) .f\Y\e. +o C.~<S.e. , .,_ 5~, no ode<' · . "'-·· s~ ~51 Me.d..t.l.;\,W\ -~~'l'\s.~ b"'o"'°V'\ > VV\,Ol,t,¼-,_ '• ~ ,-, . Loob~, me.c\i.~IM ~~d., no tfe odc-r '"e,'("'('.\l'.P t)p.OOSt.ft. · sP ~"' A~ ~me.-) ~o ~\ bc..c..c,-.N\e.~ V'fle.dlMW\ c\eM.Y.~ To4a.\ cl~+h = lo 1 . · .. NO .i""O~~c\-~--W.~ ... r,e,,c, .e.V\C,OCA,,~~e.cl ?,c,<'\.~ b LCJ,(.~L\-\e.c!, 40 ~'(",{ ~C.t.. W ~ ~'lt.C-Opl""-~ (b~~\'tt.. ~~CH~ .. -\,) CY\ to/10-/&ct · . .. - -. - . - I• I• 1. . - . . . I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I 1· I I I I Date Io /Io / 5°t Project CeeV' \~fa.s. GEOTI;CHNICAL BORING LOG Drill Hole No. fa-5 Sheet --L-.of J.::. Drilling Co. ±f, f. ])n.ll,n~ Job No. seq, e,oo-o 1 Type of Rigfa.1llV'I~ F-IQ (tf.S.R.) /'-/(:) lbs Drop 30 in. Hole Diameter 8 11 Elevation Top of Hole en 0 C .... .,.. ..c:: -= CIO -o en .., .., c.. 0 ,a.+J C. Q,) cc~ C1J .,.. Q) Q) ~ s.. C ~"'-t,:, ::I Q I -c C. .,.. Drive Weight • «' 11)-Q,) II) • ~ .. ~ti) ::s ~ ..... ~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION µ = uu 111 Q,). •· Logged by sK · .,.. ._. .... en . __ __._.._.,_ _______________ _ .oi::•rot• :Ii: 8 ~ e, Sampled br.., .... -.i.~ ... K ....... ~-------------- C>-~. :#' I I . .. -. . .. SM J:.Jl·. sv"~1t'\.,.~a~P, Loose..Jstl't"f s~~, I'\.(;)~. ' --· .. ' . . . =------.. . . -_,__ .#?> -- ~'i- .. .. . --. . ' -. - 1-6'-.i,, . -. -.. .. -i---- -:i- -- --~-. . ... . i- . ... . -. .. 30 500A (2/77) · l.f6° St> .. , . .. ~ c)' Be\ 'o e.. 1 M b \ s. +, Med.'-"-' V'tl\ de"' s.e.., ::f;. "'e.. • +o Cba.v"Se. S t I-hi S ~d , n D . ocl er<' · 16'\-a.\ deR+~ = lO I .No 5,.-o~V\d ·, ... H ... .\-e-<'.' e"'c.o~"'-\~e.d. ·Bo~L~ ba..c:kki-lle..c:l 4c,· ~v..~~t, t..)l\-~ ,e~-1\-l'ofl-"'D"(b~-\-°'"'t~e.. ~v-au..-\-) en'\ ~b/«o/e,o. . · . Leiahton & Ass~i:dA!ll . .. i.. . . . . - . . 1. . .. . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4930489-05 APPENDIX B ( continued) LOGS BY GEOTECHNICS . OF TEST PITS EXCAVATED DURING THEIR CARLSBAD RACNH INVESTIGATION (Geotechnics, 1992) TP-16 -T07' (16 .trenches) B-9 I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . .. TEST PIT NO. 1 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Method of Excavation; Backhoe (JD 51 O) Elevation: 138' --- c·EPTH DESCRIPTION •.. '!t 1ft. FIii: Silty sand (SM), medium Qt'ained, 20% non-plastic silt, dark brown, moist, very dense scattered plasti~ netting and sheets, weakly cemented .•. 2 ft. i,-- - - - - - - -.. - - - - --- - - - ------~-- - - --·-- - - - - --·-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· 61 of clay (CH), highly plastic, reddish gray, very moist, (irm, old •c• horizon 3 ft. 4 ft. Qin: Sandy clay and clayey sand (CL.SC), 20%-80% fine to medium grained sand, 20%-80% medium plastic clay; dark red sand, 111edium gray clay, moist, hard to 5ft. . dense; sand Is mottled with clay· · ·-6ft. 7 tt.· Bulk Sample 'from 3'-6'. 8ft. Total Depth 6' 9 ft. No Water, No Caving Backfilled 9/26/92 10 ft. .. . TEST PIT N0.2 ~ -- Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Metho_d· of Excavation: B~ckhoe (JO 51 O) Elevation: 168' DEPTH ... .. DESCRIPTJON -. : 1 ft. Topsoil: Silty sand (SM), medium grained, 15% non-plastic slit. dark brown, moist, very dense weakly cemented · 2 ft. . Grades to 3ft. .. Qin:--. .. Slfty,$and (SM), fine to.medium gralnecf,;,15%:;non~plastfc:sflti"1dark-reddish brown, 4ft. moist, very dense, indistinct lenses and vertical zones of pale yellow, clean sand 5ft. 6ft. . 7 ft. Bulk Sample 0'-6' 8ft. Total Depth 6' No Water, N<> Caving 9ft. Backfilled .9/26/92 10 ft. PROJECT NO. 0054--001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT . FIGURE: 8-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT NO. 3 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JO 51 O) . · ElevaUon: 163' . DESCRIPTION -. DEPTH Topsoil: Poorly graded sand (SP), -fine to medium grained; non-plastic, dark brown, damp, 1 ft. verv dense, weakly cemented . 2ft. Qlrt: Poorly graded sand(SP), fine to medium grained, trace of plastic clay,·dark red brown, moist, very dense 3ft. 4ft. 5 ft. 6 ft. ,. 7ft. ., 8 ft. 9ft. Total Depth a• . No Water, No Caving 10 ft. Backfilled 9/~6/92 --- TEST PIT N0.4 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Method of Excavation: _ Backhoe (JD !>10) Elevation: 165' DEPTH DESCRIPTION Topsoil: Silty sand· (SM) fine:gfalned, 15% non-plastic silt, C,amp, very dense, weakly 1ft. cemented 2ft. Qin: Poorly graded-sand:(SP),.trace of p_lastic-clay,,meglum red.brown, very moist, very dense: red sand is mottlechvlth pale·yellow·,fine grained, clean sand, ml.nor 3ft. lndistlnet horizontal lamanae 4ft. 5 ft. .. 6ft. . 7ft. 8ft. ' .. 9ft. Total Depth 8'. No Water, No Caving 10 ft. Backfilled 9/26/92 . IPROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLOR-ATION TEST PIT FIGURE: B-2 I I I I 1· I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT NO. 5 ... \ . f: ...... J Logged by: WLV Date: 1on6t92 . Method <>f Excavation: Backhoe· (JO 51 O) Elevation: 121• DEPTH DESCRIPTJON Topsoil: Silty sand (SM), fine :grained, 20% non:.prastic silt, brown, dry, very dense, weakly __ 1ft, ·cement~d . 2ft. ... ------c1at ccR5: 'piasti6;-b"rownTs'fl 'gTa'yt moist,lirm ------------------------... 3ft. Gradatlonal Contact 4 ft. Taa:. Sandy clay (CH), 20% medium grained sand, plastic, brownish gray, moist, firm 5ft. 6ft. At 6' grac;fes to clayey sand (SC),-medium ·grained, 20% plastic clay, brownish gray wet, dense; .seepage in sand 7ft. 8ft. BUik Samples at_3' and4'·7' 9ft. Total Depth :1· Seepage at 6', No Caving 10 ft. · Backfilled 9/26/92 · --· . TEST.PIT N0.6 ... {.?· '"' Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Method c;>f Excavation: s·ackhoe (JD SfO) _ Elevation: 116' DEPTH , .. . PESCRlPTION '• 'fopsoll: Clayey s~ (SC), fine grained, 20% plastic clay, dark brown, dry, loose 1 ft. .. .. 2ft. Taa: Clayey sand (SC}, .medium.grained; :.20%:ptasttc. clay,-.graylsh·.yellow,-'very moist, dense-very dense, massive 3ft. 4ft. 5ft. .. _. 6ft. Bulk ~amples at 1'·5' 7ft. Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving 8ft. Backfilled 9/26/92 9ft. 10 ft. PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST.PIT FIGURE: B-3 I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I 1. I I I I I .. TEST PIT NO. 7 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Method of Excavation: B~ckhoe (JD 510)_ Elevation: 109• .. · DEPTH r:;>ESCRIPTION ... ' Topsoil: C,layey sand (SC); fine gratn·ed, 20% plastic clay, dark brown, dry, loose 1ft. . . 2 ft. Taa: Clayey sandstone. (SC), medium-grained, 20% plastic clay, yellow gray, moist very dense, .moderately cemented; discontim,i_ous lenses of gray clay (CH) with t 3 ft. brittle fracture at 2• -spacing. · 4 ft. 5 ft. - 6ft. . . 7 ft. Total Depth 6' No Water, No Caving 8ft. Backfilled 9/26/92 9ft. 10 ft. TEST PIT NO. 8 . Logged·by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 .. Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JO 510) Elevation: 143' DEPJ"H 01:SCRIPTION 1 ft. Topsoil: Silty sand (SM), fine-grained, 20% non:-plast{c silt, dark.brown, damp, very dense 2ft. w~akly cementa~ .. 3ft. Qal: Clayey sand (SC),.fine·to;medlum,gralned;-,10%:-plastlc,clayi~:dark-red brown, moist· dense 4ft. 5ft. ' .. ~ '· ~ ': ,. -~ -. ". . .. .. 6ft. Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving 7ft. Backfill~d 9/26/92 8ft. 9ft. 10ft. I PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF.EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE: 8-4 I I I· I I I I I I 1, 1· I I I I· I I 1· I -. TEST a,rr NO. 13 Logged by: WLV Date: 10/16/92 Method of Excavati.on: Backhoe (JD 510) Elevatlon: 161' DEPTH DESCRIPTION 1ft. Topsoil: Silty sand (SM), fine grained 10% non:..plastic silt, trace of plastic clay, dark brown dry, dense, weakly cemented 2 ft. ~---------------------~-----------------~----------------- 3 ft. at 2' becomes moist-very moist, red brown 4 ft. Gradational Contact Qin: clayey sand,(SC), fine-medium grained, 10% plastic clay, dark red brown, very, 5 ft. moist, dense 6 ft. Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving 7 ft. Backfilled 9/26/92 8 ft. 9ft. .. 10 ft. ... . TEST PIT NO. 14 .. Logged by: WLV .Date: 10/16/92 · Method of Excavation: Backhoe (JD510) Elevatlon: 160' " DEPTH · DESCRIPT.ION ... . . I • . • I 1.ft. Topsoil:. Silty sand (SM), fine grained 15% non-plastlc·sllt. dark brown, dry, dense, weakly. cemented .. 2ft. 3ft. . . 4ft. 0111: . Clayey sand (SC), fine-medium grained, 20% plastic clay, dark red brown, very . moist, dense, friable. · 5ft. 6 ft • . . .. 7ft. Total Depth 5' No Water, No Caving 8 ft. Backfilled 9/2f$i92 9ft. 10 ft. PROJECT NO. 0054-001-00 LOG OF EXPLORATION TEST PIT FIGURE: B-7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ---·-. -----~---···· APPENDIX B (continued) . . LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES · OF E~LORATORY TRENCHES EXCAVATED DURING THE COLLEGE BUSINESS PARK INVESTIGATION (Leight<>n, 1991) T-2 E8 TQ7'- (2 trenches) B,-7 4930489-05 - - --· - - - - --· - - - - - - - - - ~ IProject ·Naml!: Huntington/Palomar ~ Project Number: 4841363-02 Logged By: __ RL .... w ___ _ Elevation: + 89' TRENCH NO. T-1 ~ Equipment: . JD-310 Backhoe Location: See Geotecbni cal 'lap I ~ I GEOLOGIC I I j : ATrIWD~ DATE: 1/15/85 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC UNIT ALLUVIUM C: Undulating · (D Medium to dark brown, moist, · clayey, abundant rootlets in loose, silty sand; slightly top 2' SANTIAGO FORMATION c-- (D .... og. ' ® Very light brown to light golden brown, moist, medium dense to dense,. silty fine·to medium sand; @5' discon.: tinuous lense of fine sandy silt rt 0 ::s Total Depth = 7' .i;n No grQund water encountered f No caving : o Backfilled 1/15/85 n . Qal I I I I Ts .... . . ' -~ GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION: North Wall' SCALE: 1" = 4' SURFACE SLOPE: Horiz TREND: CD Ill ... ~ ~ -t-t--t--tl I I I I I 7 I . . t I I-... ~ ... I-.,.f. + -+-... -,--. ·©71 ·--.. ,~ .. '1- ~ .: -~~ :~----~-: ........ :·/._--::=:----1 ··w. ~-·; ~ /_;_~y-"-=·:··.:-'~<r-:. -; \-~_ .. __ :· I I • I I I ... ,. •--~:-. • ~ ,.. .._ • I I I • I I' I 1-------. 'J .... + ""'"--':Tl .... ... -+-+ ""I · . . . ' --:;/ + +- I-... + ... ..... _,_ . 1 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C en ~ ,....... C . II> "d CD en ~,a ,....... .... 0 ::s . df' Ill Hl Ill n . .... ~ rt ~ .... . CD C: rt en 1-J '< . CD SM SM· I I ,, -t"" 8 0 'Tl ., I I . ---..--,. :,:, m z n ::i: z -· 0 ---I I ..... I I -- - - -------------------~ !Project Name: Huntington/Palomar ~ Project Number: 4841363-02 Logged By: RLW ---------Elevation: __ +..,..-9_,0.._1 ___ _ TRENCH NO. T-2 Equipment: JD-310 Backh.oe Location: See Geotechnical Map I - ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C C/l 3: ,....._c:, . Pl 0 't:S 0 (/) ~~ -.... n:, . o\O 1/1 H) Ill n . ..... .__, r-t "-J .... . r-t ~ GEOLOGIC . GEOLOGIC :j A1TITl)DES DATE: 1/15/85 DESCRIPTION: UNIT I :-· I : 1 1 0 i:: ,,.. 11 '< I <D ...._,, I I I • • C:Undulating ALLUVIUM <D Medium brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine to medium sand; brush covered, abundant rootlets in top 1.5' SANTIAGO FO.RMATION J·NJaow.65oNE 1® -light to ~edium golden. brown, mottled medium brown,-• ' · moist, dense., silty fine to medium grained sand; jointed, t"' 1 B:N71°W,2°SW o· .... ~ t+ g J;'ft > Ill Ill 0 0 bedded·surf~ce is finely developed and_ generally dips to t~~~-r · Total Depth =5.1 1 No ground water encountered No caving Backfilled 1/15/85 Qal SM Ts SM .... L----------'-------....... ------------------------------------__,_ ____ _...,_.,_ _ _,,L.. __ _.._ __ ___._ _ __,.--1 ~ G'RAPHIC REPRESENTATION.South Wall SCAJ;E: · 1u = 4 1 SURFACE-SLOPE: 10:1 TREND: N42°E : ' . ~ I I I I t-f-t-t ,;.a. +~:·.=.~: :·.:~---:: :~ tf2J :..,;_•. :·-· .: .• --~1 .· ·. · .. · '..-\~· ,: :•.' •. --:-7 ... '... •• ·• ~ •. • ......... \ .. : • ·-•.••• :· .:._:.•.:. ·--=.:.. :: .: .· •' ••• t I t • r t I _I_ 1• 0 0 •1•• ~t' _ ... • • _ • • •,. ,.-. • - t L .. 1 I r r--0 C) 0 "Tl -¾ ::o· tTi :z: n ::c: :z: 0 T -i I N f I' I . I-+ ~ I--- I-.. - I--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B ( continued) LOGS BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES OF EXPLORATORY TRENCHES . EXCAVATED DQlUNG THE 4930489-05 CARLSBAD RANCH PHASE I AND PHASE II iNVESTIGATIONS· (Leighton, 1993 and 1994) T-36 r:..il. TD 10' (36 trenches) B-6 -------------------Project Name : Csrltas/Carlsbad Ranch Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-01 'Elevation: 161 feet TRENCH NO. T-4 Equipment: JD 410 &tend-a-hoc Location: see Gcotcchnical Mae GEOLOGIC l ATIITIJDES DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: GEOLOGIC ' UNIT 'TOPSOIL Dart red-brown; moist, loose, silty fine-grained saild; m~ive; disturbed; approximately · · -18 inches thick RR-ACE. DEPOSITS. B Orange-red-brown, moist, m~iuD1 d~nsc, s(lty fine-to medium-grained sand; slightly clayey, -mamvc; slightly porous Total Depth = 5.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on· July 12, 1993 Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C C/l 3: ,...._ c::, . p., 0 -0 Cl) en Z!:1 ,...._ ..... n ::, . 0 "'C 0\0 ti) M, VI n -'-' rt '-'1-'• . Cl) C rt en ,; '< . Cl) SM 1129 1120.7 SM I 120 I 116.3 '~ I ~RAPHiC RE~RESENTATI_ON, West wan _ 1 SCALE: 1" ~ s• 1 SURFfCE SLOPE: ~ TREND: -~.isw-- 1 I I ~~I I I I t I -.--,---I I -~ .. ·m·_· ·· ···0·A·---·v· ·----~----v.-·· .. . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~' ..... ~--... --~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I I I I • • _ .. • • I • I • 4 •I • I I I I If o • • ~-• ... ·•.·.·.·.· ., .. , = ~----:--:_:.@:: :'.'::-::-· ' . :-: ·.-: ·.-: : ._. ._ .. :: : :-. ... + -'-I -I -r 0 C) 0 'T.I ~ I ,:, m z '("') ::i:: z 0 I I I J r-i I ~ I- I- ... I- + -+- + + ! 11 -- - - -------------------n :) ... > .._ ~ ... .J .J ~ D ... ·~ -r 't -~ ;n ·> .,, •JI ,, ., ... . i) + D ,,, Project Name: car1tas1cartsbad Ranch Logge~ By:· , RKW Project Number: 4930489-01 Elevation: . 1s1 feet TRENCH NO. T-5 Equipment: ID 410 :Extend-a-hoe Location: see Geotechnical MaQ GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC DATE: July 12, 1993 DESCRIPTION: ATTinJDES UNIT TOPSOIL ~ Dark red-brown, moist, loose to medium dense, silty fine-grai[!ed sand; massive; disturbed; approximately 18 to 24 inches thick WEATIIERED TERRACE DEPOSITS I!!) Datt orange-red brown, ~ medium dense to dense, ·slightly clayey silty fine-grained sand; Qt mas.,i.ve;.scattercd block carbonized organic blebs; .slightly porous TERRACE DEPOSITS Qt ~ . Orange-red-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine-to medium-grained sand; inaMive . Total Depth.= 7 Feet-· No Ground Water Encountered . Backfilled on July 12, 1993 .. . . I ' .GRAPHIC REPltESENTATION West Wali SCALE: 111 = S' _$URFACE SLOPE: 00 TREND: ----- -. . . -.......... ·w. .. ........... ~-··· . ·0.· ..... ~ . . . . . . ....... ••' .... , ' ... A ..... .. .. .,.,....,.~ .. ~--:-.. .. .. .. .. .. -.. -. . . .. ~ .. : · .. ·.'.:.:. :-.-. '. · .. . . . . . . . . . ... ... ····-....,_.... .. ·-· ·-···· -. :,-'. "• .· •• -~.-:-=-:-.-.--:-". •...c-•••• : :-=-:-:,.;.. :: . ... .. • '""°' . ........... .,,..... ... , t . . . " . . . . . ~., ... . . . : .. .. .. • # -• I •, • • t •• , • • • . . . • . . ·-t : . -~ .-· .. : :•: :•:: . }· . ·' -··. ·:. ·.•. ·: •• ~• ··=1 I I I I ' I I I I I I .. I .,. ~ \_!" :_. ....... ···@·-··· ·.·.·.· .. ·.· ......... ·--· . . .. . ...... ... ... --@~---· ..... ..,..._ . . . ..... .:.:...: i-,.:·~--~ .. . . w· .. -. -.. ~ .......... @I· . ·: ·:. C ·: . ·-. . . . . . . -. . ---.• ... , -. -- .. -· -- i.-.. ,. ... .. ... .. --.... ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C: C/) . 3: ,...._c:, . Pl 0 "O Cl> C/) Z9 ,...._ I-'• n ::s . 0 'tj o,o (/) I-ti(/) n . ..... .._, rl .._, I-'• . Cl> C rl C/) '1 '< . Cl> SM e) @2' 121 125.1 SM @ @4' 13.9 . 116.7 SM N70E- . .. . ' . . . 1• • --, 'I ' I I I I - - - ..: -- - - -- - - r 0 Cl 0 'TJ .., ,::, m t!5 ::z: ~ .. ''-i !1 u, -------------------n :::> -I > ... ~ .... .J .J ,J D ... ~ ,._ + :> j ;n 'I> .n n ·:, ., ... I) + I> ·;n Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW ENGINEERING PROPERTIES . Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±128' TRENCH NO. T-17 Cl) 3:: ,-..o C: Equipment: Case 450B Baclcboc See Geotechnical MaE . II) 0 "CS en Location: en za ,.... ..... 0 ::s O"CS o,o (/) 1-t)!JI n -._, r-1' ._, ..... GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC . en C: M' DATE: 2/25/94 DESCRIPTION: en '1 '< ATII11JDES UNIT . en A UNDOCUMENTED F1LL: Red-brown, orange-brown and medium brown, moist, medium Afu SM/SC dense, silty to clayey fine-grained sand; scattered pi~ .of plastic sheeting; 2 to 6 inc~ thick fill lifts; numerous rootlets B SANTIAGO FORMATION: Ught gray to ·off-white, slightly moist~ dense, silty fine-to Ts SW ',' coarse,.grairied sandstone; m~ive; slightly cemented '. '. .. Total Depth = 5 Feet No Ground· Water Encountered Bac~tl~ OQ 2/25/94 ; GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION, -W Wall · SCALE: I" = S' SURFACE SLOPE: O" TREND:. N25°W . .. '' . -... -... --.. -', ... >ti _;_. k .. \: i-:-. ·~ ..}...:... ~/ . . ~ .. .. . -!:-:-..:...·_ ~ . . . A . ... .. :-: .· . -:-. . . • • • • • I • -. . I . . ... . . ,. t I I . . . . . . . . . I I I I I ·~ ~·-:-:-'~ ~ ., ., . Iii' I I . I I . ' ' . . I I • 'I I I . ' . ---RJ~ -~-~:y .. .. --e.· .. -. -:--·-::-: . .. ... . -·-. . . . . .. --... .. ... -~-... --... .. ... ,_ ... ~-.... I - - - - -- - - -- - - c-o C) ·o 'Tl ..., ::0 m z n ::x: 5 i4 """ ...., - - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - - - :, . 11 I Project Name: Carltm/Carlsbad .. Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: :!:132' TRENCH NO. T-18 .,,,. Logged By: RKW ENGINEERING PROPERTIES > . C ~ ~ Equipment: Case 4SOB Backhoe Location: Sec Gcotechnical Map oo z ~ ,...... g_ ' • Q "'C o\O (,I) .. . n . .... -.Jr-t ....... o "O (1) n :, I-ti V, -.J f-o• 4 GEOLOGIC GEOLOGIC · CP c j AITI11JDES DATE: 212Sl'J4 DESCRIPTION: · UNIT ~ _ci • ~ . · I I r-t '< ) .. ~ ·1' ) ' ,.. > 'l ·11 )· ) ~ TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, slightly moist to moist, dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive, homogeneous; upper 6 inches is disturbed and contains scatt~red <;hunks of asphalt, .concrete and pieces of trash (plastic, paper, etc.) ~ SANTIAGO FORMATION: . Light olivc-~n, moist, dense, silty fine-to coarse-grained . sandstone; massive; contains abundant qua$ gtains Total Depth = 8.S Feet. · No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/2Sl'J4 Qt SM Ts .SW .. L-------L-----~..;.;.. ________________ ~~---------------1,------'--------'---...... ~---'-----i ! GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION WWall · SCALE: 1" = S' SURFACE SLOPE:· O" TREND: N40"W _;, . ' .. '11 ... ... I- I- I I I I t I • I . . . f I • -.---T-T I I I I I- I- I- I- t r II I \ ..... , ... ·=1v2· -·-. . -·-. -·-. .. . . • ... : -. . . . . -· -... I•• I I • .-• I • I • t I _I_ ·~-I • • • • J I ---:....: rii • '--;-JV' ·1-I ·. ·. ·.~ ~ .=-y·._-. :-. . . ' . . . . 0 • • -·-. . . . . .. . ! • . --. -----· ·- I -c--8 0 I- •. "11 -! :,::, m t z n :I: 1 z I I 0 Ji~ I- I- ~ ~ I- .... ~Hw=-------- .·~: -·-[!]' .... I I I 00 I I -- . I I - - -------------------Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: :!:136' TRENCH NO. T-19 Equipment: Case 450B Backhoe Location: Sec Geotechnical Ma.e, GEOLOGIC . GEOLOGIC : AlTinJDES DATE: 2f}.Sl'J4 DESCRIPTION: UNIT I ., ;11 IA COLLlMlJM: Orange-brOwn mottled dark brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; ·slightly porous @ 2': Dark brown, very moist, medium (Jense, sil_ty fine-grained sand;.homogeneous;slightly porous 1B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orapge to red-brown, vecy moist,. medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; mass~ · @ 9': Contains rounded gravel and fine cobbles . ~ SANTIAGO FORMATION: IJght ol~-green, moist, dense, silty fine-to coarse~grained sandstone; massive Total Depth = 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2{}.S/94 Qcol Qt Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C: . en . n en SM SM SW en ll> 5-e ..... (P 1@5'· 3: 0 ---.... o\O f.A .._,r+ C "1 (P ---o "Cl in n ::s 1-t) UI .._, ..... rt '< ,11 GRAPHIC REPRESENT~TION W Wall SCALij:. l" = 5' SURFACE SLOPE.~ O" TREND: . N58°\V I--+--+- I--t-'" t-·-I- __L_J_ I I I I -I t ' . . ~- 1-- I- I- • I t ~ • -½-t • • • I' · · 1 • ·J I ...... , .. ' . -·--·. . __t___~ • ~ • I •j I •i , t • I • • I• • I I t •~-, __ t I-I "• l,l•ol I 1,vl• I Ill I I ~-·--.. · ... · . . . . . . . . . -· -. . . . . . . . . . . + . : . . . . : -·-:--: : I -· ---• t • • •• • '• •••• ---~ _J_ ..1--------1 ----'-----1 ' - I- 'I- t- '"" I @] --+- ~ -+- ~§ 0 "t] --3· :;o· m :z n ·::c :z 0 Ji~ ·.I .... '° _I I 1 -.. : . - - - --- ------------ - - -Project Name: cadras(Cadsbad Project Number: 493Q489-03 Logged: By: RION Elevation: ±156' ENGINEERING PROPERTIES Equipment: GEOLOGIC A'ITITIJDES TRENCH NO. T-20 Ow; 4SQB Backhoe Location: Sec C'-.eotcclm.iral Map DATE: 'Jl].51')4 DESCRIPTION: IA TERRACE DEPOSITS: Medium brown, mottled orange-and red-b~, very moist, medium dense; silty fine-grained sand; scattered too~; slightly porous, .upper; 12 to 18 inches .m disturbed · @ 3'-5': Becomes medium brown in color Total Depth = 10.S Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/151')4 GEOLOGIC UNIT Qt C: CJ] . n CJ] SM ' I I I I en ll> ~,e -(D 1@0' GRAPHiC REPRESENTATION· WWail SCALE: .1" = 5' $U~FACE SLOI>E:: ~ · TREND: NSCY'W :1- I- I- I- LI __I_ I I • I I- t- I- t- ... I- t- I- I I ., ' ,. -I -I . ' l I I t_ I I I _L .. _l_ .. _ __1_ I I I t I I I I + -+ ..... + + ... + -t- + + ~ ·-. .. . . . . . I t • __ \ • 1-I 4-. -·---• • • • •.• !" •' ~ • ·. · · · · · · ~ · · · · rt . . . -· . . . . . ,, . • , , L' L. I •• '>r, . I • I I • I • I • • • • • .. ·-V I • ! •••I I • • ,:-::--:-'t -·-. . '•. . .·.. . . .. / : :.·.:. ~ .:;._:;. . : . . . . . . . . . . ..:_, . . . . . . . ' . . . . .. -·-----. . . .... '\j .. ·y . . . . . .. . -:-.. ,. . . . . . + - , ... 3: 0 ........... o,o tn .._, r-t s:: '1 (D ,-..c, '"O (D n::, ..,, Vl __, .... r-t '< -5 Cl 0 'Tl ~ ~ tn z n ::x: z ... 0 -I 1-4 I N C I I -·.,._ __ I - _, -- --- - --- - - ---Logge.d By: RKW ~ rroj ect Name: Olrlla,/Cadsbad 1 Project Number: 4930489-03 c,, Elevation: ±156' ·TRENCH . NO. T-21 .... N ..... .J .J ., ) .. ~ -~ ) ' ft > ',\ ·~ ) ') Equipment: GEOLOGIC ATTITIJDES case 4SOB Backhoe Location: Sec Geotecbnical Ma£ I DATE: 2/25/<)4 DESCRIPTION: 1,-\ TOPSOIL: Dark brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; massive; porous; scattered roots '3 TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-red brown; moist fo very moist, medi\im de!]SC, silty fine- grained sand; massive; slightly porous in upper 12 ii:iches t: SANTIAGO FORMATION: _Light to mcdium_olive-green, moist, de~, silty fine-to Jile<iium-graincd sandstone; massive; slightly micaceous Total Depth = 6.5 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2/25/<)4 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil or Ts -- ---ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C: en 3: -o P> 0 -0 (!) en ~~ ,...... .... n ::s . o'P VI >-1') VI n ..... ._, M ._, .... . (!) t: M en '1 '< . (!) SM SM ~M ! ~G-RA.,..,'P.,.., H-I-C-'"'!"RE-P'!",'RE~SEi..NT ... _ -'A-T""!"IO'!"". N~W~w-=--a~ll ---,--S~CA_L.,.._ E-:----l-:-,,-=---:5~,----~-~-----S\'"'".U-RF_A_C_E_SL_O_P_E,_: -:00:-::,---T-R_E_N_D._: __ -:'.N:-:S°W~_---------...... ~-, ) : . ' ' . ~ ' I-;-+ .., t"" t-, t- t- I I I -t- -t- -I I I I _L__l_J I I ~ I I I, I I I- I- 1-- :• ' . ' . T k [!] I I R\i,.. ·1·""i· -~-1-15'. ··r"~ .--._, _,:, ...... ' 1 . l •J .. .. --· · .. . -· .. . . . . . .. -t-•• .... • ;- . I 0 Cl 0 ' 'TJ ~ ~ m z n ::t: z 0 -t ..• . ""' I--I -1 11 .. N .... • !r • I- I- . I-C JI - ~ r-- ~ + - ;, ! ~ • I - - - - - - - - - - - - --·-- - - - Project Name: Carltas/Carlsbad Logged By: RKW Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±11g TRENCH NO. T-22 Equipment: Case 450B Backhoe Location: Sec Geotcchnical Map_ GEOLOGIC ATIITIJDES DA TE: 2/251')4 DESCRIPTION: iA TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, loose to medium dense silty fine-grained sand; homogeneous;abundantro:ots B COLLUVIUM: light gray to off-wl_litc, moist,. medium dense, silty to slightly clayey fine sand and light olive-brown, moist, s~ silty clay layers; clay appears to be discontinuous, plastic and.sheared . · C SANTIAGO FORMATION: Light gray to off-white, moist, dense; silty fine-to coarse- grained sandstone; m~ivc; abundant quartz.grains Totaf Depth == 6 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on W/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qcol Ts ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C: (/l n (/l SM (/l P> ~-a . .... (D ~M/CL I 1@ 2'-4' SW 3: ,..._c, 0 't:I (D '""' ..... n ::s o,o t/) I-ti tll ._, r-t ._, ..... t: r-t '1 '< (D 'I GRAPHICREPRESEITTATION WWall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURFACE ,SLOPE:· 00 TREND: . I · · I · I I I I I I I I N15°W ,·,I-+ -+-I I - I- I- t- -t-1 I I I- I I I I I I -----"-----1 • -,----' I .--, I I I- I--+-I· I I-+ I I - I--+-- I- I-1 ... --... I--~ I-..._ --- C':"' 0 C) 0 "Tl ' --3 ~ m z n ::c z 0 -I I N N -------------------Logge~ By: RKW ; 'Project Name: ~ C Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±139' TRENCH NO. T-23 ... ~ ... .J ..,J J D ... ~ .. ::) :, ;n ,.1> m '~ ., Equipment: GEOLOGIC A'ITITIJDES Case 450B Baclcboe · Location: . Sec Gcotechnical Map_ I DATE: 2/lS/94 DESCRIPTION: A TOPSOIL: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand;_ scattered roots; slightly porous B TERRACE DEPOSITS: Orange-brown, moist to very moist, medium dense, silty fine-' grained .sand; n;umive · @ 6': Bccom~ medium brown mottled orange-brown in color Total -Depth = 10 Feet No ~nd Water Encountered BacJdilled on 2/25/94 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C: C/l 3: ,-.,.o . Ill 0 '"Cl CD C/l ~,a ,...,. ..... 0::, . o,o (/1 J-ti!/1 C") -._, t"t ._, ..... . CD C t"t en "'S '< . CD SM SM -'·L----------L---------------------"!-----------------'-----:-----1.----L--~"'"""'."'----., ~ . GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION· WWall SCALE:· 1" = S' SURFACE SLOPE: 0----TREND: . N75"E ~ L-----------.-----r-----r--------,-----' " ,•fl) I- I- I- t- H I I I I • I I I • -I I ~T I f I I J I I I- + I- I-.. : ·. ~-~~:.-~· :_ . ~ . :+-~~r. .. - . A . . . . . . . ' ,,. ·= •. . . ....:_ . .:.. . . ,' . __ , '• . a • • I•• ~ I •1 • I __ • I -• • I , • \• ~ • t I I . . . ·: . . . I' ... 7: .·_-: . . . [[I .: ..... : . . . •• •• • • :_ :-· '-:-: ::_/ 1, - . I-.. . ---. . . . . . . r -t"' g t +-i 0 ' I ' "Tl ,; ::0 tn ~ ::c: :z: ~9 i' ~ - --·-t - - - - - - - - - - - -·-- - -. - - - - - ~ I Project Name: Carltas/Cartsbad Logged By: RKW : Project Number: 4930489-03 Elevation: ±142' TRENCH NO. T-24 Equipment: Case 450B Backhoe Location: See Gcotechnical Map , I I ~ GEOLOGIC j ATTITIJDES I DATE: 1,/251')4 DESCRIPTION: ~ ,. ,. I ,r" ~ ~ -~ I I I I IA TOPSOil.: Dark red-brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; scattered roots; slightly to moderately porpus · , 1B COILUVIUM: Medium brown and orange-brown, mottled dark brown, very moist, medium dense, silty fine-grained sand; occasional zones of slightly clayey sand; slightly poroui\ IC TERRACE DEPOSITS: ~ge-brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine~grainecl sand; massive; ~ry gradational upper contact Total Depth = 10 Feet No Ground Water Encountered Backfilled on 2(251')4 GEOLOGIC UNIT Topsoil 0001 .. Qt ENGINEERING PROPERTIES C: C/1 3: ~ C . II> 0 "t:S (I) C/1 ~-e """"'J-1• n ::, o'-o (/1 1-t,!II n -.._, rt ....., ,_.. . (I) C rt C/1 '1 '< . (I) SM SM SM .. l-----~L---~~~---------=:-------,------:--~-----:7---..__-:-::~:------...&-----~ ~, GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION W Wall SCALE: 1" = 5' SURF ACE SLOPE; ~ -:-:_: ~ N35°W TREND: : . I ;I- I- t- t- __L_J I I t I I I I I I • I I t- I- t- t- t- I- I- t- -t:--+ . . . . .. A . !i. . • --x:: • • • • • • -· ---• I\-~® · r ~ · · a· -· ~21· ·· · · x: :....,.u· · : .• .., ·-·-· . ....._ .. . T ' I I I I •:. •, • I•• • .• • • • • • :.,__;,,__,:__--;', • • • • • .:.:....:...:• • • IJ I • + I I ·'. . .. --v=·~ . . I -·-. I I l .::_:_ ~ ,_ .. ' ... . + .. -.. . -t- + t- ... .,. ' . - \l··,.-~··· ... @]. C . :-. :-.. . ' . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ~ -.. -:::_ -· . ---·~ + -+.- .... -+- ·+ -+- I JS C) 0 'Tl ~ ':::c m :z n :t: :z -II ~ ;r ·~·· _ . .., .. - - I I I 1. I l -·1 ' ' . I c· '• ' I ' /1 ' i .. ,' i I 1· I I. I I. I I I I I Iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 APPENDIXC Laboratory Testing Procedures and Test Results Moisture and Density Determinations Tests: Moisture content a:p.d dry density determinations were performed on relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the test borings and/or trenches. The results of these tests are presented in the boring and/or trench logs. Where applicable, only moistute content was determined from "undisturbed" or disturbed samples. · Classification or Grain Size Tests: Typical materials were subjected to mechanical grain-size analysis by sieving from U.S. Standard brass screens (AS:TM Test MethocJD422). Hydrometer analyses were performed where appreciable quantities of fines were encountered. The data was evaluated in determining the classification of the materials. The grain-size distribution curves are presented in the test data and the Unified Soil Classification (USCS) ·is presented fa both the test data and the boring and/or trench logs. Atterberg Limits: The Attetberg Limits were determined in accordance with AS1M Test Method D423 for engineering classification of the fine-grained materials and are presented in the table below .. ... - Sample Liquid Plastic .PJastic uses Soil Location Limit(%) Limit(%) Index(%) Classification B-1 #4 @26' 68.0 40.9 27.1 MH . ' Direct Shear Tests: Dir~t she~t tests were performed on selected temol4ed and/or undisturbed samples which were soaked for a minimum of 24 hours under a surcharge equal to the applied normal force during testing. After transfer of the sample to the shear box, and reloading the sample, pore pressures set up in the sample due to the tra1,1Sfer were allowed to dissipate for a period of approximately 1 hour prior to application of shearing force; The samples were tested· under various normal loads with a motor-driven, strain-controlled, direct-shear testing apparatus at a strain rate of less than 0.001 to 0.5 inches pet minute ( depending upon the soil type). The test results are presented in the test data and summarized below: '' Sample Type of Friction Angle Apparent Cohesion Location Sample (de~ees) (pst) .. ' B-2 #1 ~ 20' Undisturbed 48 1,400 B-4#1@ 10' '' Undisturbed 27 150 T-2 #1 @2' Remolded 42 60 T-6 #1@ 1' Remolded 33 100 B-1 #2@ 11' Und~turbed 29 350 B-2 #3 @ 18.5' Undisturbed 20 1,040 . ' B-3 #2@ 15' . Undisturbed 28 160 B-5 #2@25' Undisturbed 15 640 B-7 5' -6' ' . Undisturbed· 43 450 C-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 APPENDIX C (continued) Maximum Density Tests: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical · materials were determined in accordance with ASTM D1557-78 (five layers). The results of these tests are presented in the t~t data. · .. Sample Sample· Maximum Dry Optimum Moisture Location Description -Density (pct) Content(%) B-1 #2@ 13'-14_' Gray silty to clayey sand 128,0 9.0 .. B-4 #1@ 10'-il' Dark brown clayey sand 125.0 9.5 T-2 #1@ 2' Terrace Deposits (~ilty sand) . 124.5 8.5 T-3 #2@3' Colluviuin (sHty sand with clay) . 127.0 10.0 . T-6 #1@ 1' Topsoil (silty sand) __ 133.0 9.0 T-2 #1 @ 1.5'-3' . Medium brown sandy clay 117.0 13.0 T-5 #1 @ 2'-7' ··Orange-brown silty sand 121.0 11.0 .. . . T-6 #1 ·@ 4'-7' Orange-brown silty sa:nd 122.0 12.0 Expansion Index Tests: The expansion potential of selected materials was evaluated by the Expansion Index Test, U.B.C. Standard No. 18-2. Specimens are molded under a given compactive energy to approximately the optimum moisture co~tent and approximately 50 percent saturation or approximately 90 percent relative conipaction. The prepared 1-inch thick by 4-inch diameter · specimens are · loaded to an equivalent 144 ·ps{ surcharge and ate inundated with tap water until ' . :volumetric,equilibrium is· reached. · The results -of.these -t~ts are-presented:in the· table below: Sample Sample Compacted Ory · Expansion Expansion Location Descripti<,m. Density Epcf) Index Potential B-4 #1@ 10'-lr Clayey sand . 115'.2 35 Low · T-3 #2@3' Colluvium 106.6 .· 0 Very Low T-8 #1@3' Topsoil. 113.8 0 Very Low T.;19 #1 @5' Silty san~ 120.6 ·. 0 Very Low T-1 #1 @ Q',..3' Slightly ~ilty sand 125.1 0 Very Low T-2 #1.@ 15'-3' Sandy Clay 113.5 98 High TP-5 # 1 @3' Clay NIA 127 High - TP-6 #1 @4' Clayey Sand NIA 15 Very Low TP-12 #1 @ 2'-6' Medium Sand NIA 12 Very Low B-10, 6' -8' MediUlllSand 108.6 22 Low B-15, 8' -10' Medium Sand 113~0 10 Very Low C-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 APPENDIX C ( continued) Consolidation Tests: Consolidation tests were performed on selected, relatively undisturbed ring samples. Samples were placed in a consolidometet and loads were applied in geometric progression. The percent consolidation for each load cycle was recorded as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the origincll 1-inch height. The consolidation pressure curves are presented in the test data. Samples that were tested fot hydroconsolidation only ate presented below: Sample Location % TT. • ... ~, -'O ... ..,,-... - B-22, 11' 0.03 ij-23, 16' 0.15 B-'24 16' ' - 0;03 B'-9, 11' 0.02 B-17, 16' ().02. B-18 6' 0;08 , ---' B:-18, 11' 0;03 B-13, 16' (}:01 - .. B-13, 11' Q;02 -· B-9 26' ' - 0;08 -- B-9 3' -' , 0;0 . B-20, 16' 0~02 , , B.:.21 6' ' 0.07 , - B,.22, 16' 0.02 B-17, 11' 0.03 B-6, 6' 0.35 B-6, 11' 0:02 ·- B-13, 6' 0.14 -., C-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4960151-001 APPENDIX C ( continued) Soluble Sulfates: The soluble sulfate contents of selected samples were determined by standard geochemical nietpods. The test results are presented in the t~ble below: - Sample_ . Sulfate Content Potential Degree of Location (%) Sulfate Attack· T-10 #1 @0.5' 0.024 Negligible . ,. T-13 #1@ l' less than 0.015 Negligible T-20 #1 @·0' less than 0~01s Negligible T .:28 #1 @ ·0.5' less than 0.015 Negligible T-1 #1 @ 1'-3' iess than 0.015 Negligible TS #1 @2'-7' less than 0.015 Negligible B-3 #1@ 10' less than 0.015 Negligible . B-5 #1 @20' less tha;n 0.015 Negligible • Based on the 1991 editions of the Uniform Building Code, Table No. 26-A-3, prepared by the International Conference of B1,1ilding Officials (iCBO, 1991 ). · '-Minimum·Resistivity.and ·pH ,Tests: Minim.um.:resistivity,and·pH-tests were. performed in general accordance with California Test Method 643. The results are presented in the table below: I Sample I I Minimum Resistivity I Location pH (ohms-cm) .· ·.-..,:_· T-:1 #1@ 1' 6.9 2,900 ; T-13 #1@ 1' 7A S,000 T-20 #1 @0' 6.6 5800 . ' . T-28 #_1 @ 0.5' 6.5 8,900 T-1 #1 @ 1'-3' 7.5 53,009 T-5 #1@ 2~-7' 6.3 53,000 B-3 #1@ 10' 8.1 26,700 B-5 #1 @20' 7.5 33,400 C-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4950294-001 APPENDIXC Laboratory Testing P!ocedtires · and Test Results Moisture and Density Determinations Tests: ·Moisture content and dry density detenninations were performed on relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the test borings and/or trenches. The. results of these tests are presented in the boring and/or trench logs. Where applicable, only moisture content was determined from "undisturbed" or disturbed samples. Classification or Grain Size Tests: Typical materials were subjected to mechanical grain-size analysis by sieving from U.S. Standard brass screens (ASTM Test :Method D42i). :Hydrometer analyses were performed where appreciable quantities of fines were encountered. The data was evaluated in determ.ming the classification-of the materials. The grain-size distnbution·curves are.presented in the test data and the Unified Soil Classification (USCS) is presented in both thetest data and the boring and/or trench logs. · Atterberg Limits: The Atterberg Limits were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D423 for engineering class~cation of the fine-grained materi$ and are-presented in the table below •. .. Sample Liquid Plastic Plastic uses Soil Location Limit(%) Limit(%) Ind~(%) Classification B-1 #4@26' 68.0 40.9 27.1 MH Direct Shear Tests: Direct shear tests were performed on selected remolded and/or undisturbed samples which were,soaked for a minimum of 24 hours under a surcharge equal to the applied normal force during testing. After transfer of the sample to the shear box, and reloading the sample, pore pressures set up in the s$ple due to the transfer were allowed to · dissipate .for a period. of approximately 1 hour prior to application of shearjng for¢e. The ~pies were tested under various normal loads with a motor~n, strain-controlled, direct-shear testing apparatus at a strain rate of less than 0.001 to 0.5 inches per minute ( depending upon the soil type). The test. results are presented in the test data and summarized below: .. Sample iypeof Friction Angle Apparent Cohesion Location Sample (degrees) (psf) B-2 #1 @20' Un~turbed 48 1,400 .. ... B-4 #1@ 10' Undisturbed 27 150 . T-2 #1 @2' Remolded 42 60 .. T-6 #1@1' Remolded 33 100 B-1 #2@ 11' Undisturbed 29 350 B-2 #3@18S Undisturbed · 20 1,040 B-3 #2@ 15' Undisturbed 28 160 B-5 #2@25' · Undisturbed 15· 640 C-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4950294-001 APPENDIX C ( continued) Maximum Density Tests: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical materials were determined in accordance with AS1M D1557-78 (five layers). The results of these tests are presented in the test data. Sample Sample MaximumDcy Optimum Moist-un: Location --Dcsctiption Density (pd) Content(%) B-1 #2@ 13~-14' qray silty.to clayey sand 128.0, 9.0 B-4 #1 @ 10'-11; J)ark brown *ycy sand 12.S.O 9.5 " - T-2 #1 @2' Terrace Dcposi~ 1~.S 8.5 · (ailty sand) T-3#2@3' P>Uuvium (ailty sand with 127,0 10.0 day) T-6#1@1' Topsoil (ailty sand) 133.0 9.0 --- T-2 #1 @ 1.5'-3' Medium brown sandy clay 117.0 13.0 T-5 #1 @ 2'-7' Orange-brown illty sand · 121.0 11.0 _. T-6#1@4'-7' Otangc-brown ailty sand 122.0 12.0 Expansion Index Tests: The expansion potential of selected mat~rials·was evaluated by the Expansion Index Test, U.B.C. Standard No. 29~2 Specimens are molded oo.der a given compactive energy to approximately the optimum. moisture content and approximately 50 percent · saturation or approximately 90 .percent ,relative compaction. The prepared : 1-inch thick by 4-inch diameter specimens are loaded ,tQ ~ equivalent 144 psf surcruµ-ge and are ht-up.dated with tap water until volumetric equilibrium is. rea¢hed. The results of these iests are ptesen~ed in the table below: Sample -Sample Compacted Dcy &paniion Blpanaion Location I>cscription Density (pcf) Inda: Potential B-4 #1 @ 10'-11' · Caycyaand 115.2 -~ Low T-3#2@3' Colluvium 106.6 0 Very Low T-8#1@3' ToplOil 113.8 0 Very Low T-19#1@5' _ Siltyaand 120.6 0 Very Low T-\ #1 @ 0'-3' -Slightly ~ty sand 125.1 0 Very Low ·--- T-2 #1 @ ~.S'-3' . ~Cay 113.5 98 High - TP-5 #1@3' : Cay ·N/A 127 High TP-6#1@4' CaycySand . N/A 15 Very Low ·-. TP-12 #1 @ 2'-6' -MccliumSand N/A 12 Very Low Consolidation Tests: Consolidation tests were performed .on selected, relatively undisturbed ring samples. Samples were placed in a consolidometer and loads were applied in geometric progression. The percent consolidation for ~ch load cycle was recorded as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original 1-inch height. The consolidation pressure curves are presented in the test data. C-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4950294-001 APPENDIX C ( continued) Soluble Sulfates: The soluble sulfate contents of selected samples were determined by standard geochemical methods. The· test results are presented in the table below: Sample Sulfate Content Potential Degree of Locatiqn (%) . Sulfate Attack· T-10 #1 @0.5' 0.024 Negligible T-13 #l .@ 1' less than 0~015 Negligible T-20 #1 @0' less than 0.015 Negligtble T-28 #1 @ 0.5'. .. less than 0.015 Negligtble T-1 #1 @ 1'-3' less than 0.015 Negligtole . T-5 #1 ~ 2'-7' less than 0.015 · Negligible . B-3 #1 @10' less than 0.015 Negligtble B-5 #1 @20' less than 0.015 Negligtble • Based on the 1991 editions of the UnifoJ;lil Building Code, Table No. 26-A-3, prepared by the International Conference of Building Officials .(ICBO, 1991). Minimum Resistivity and plf Tests: Minimum resistiviiy and pH tests wete performed in general accordance with California Test Method 643. The results are presented in the table below: SampJe Minimum Resistivity LocatiQn ' pH · (ohms-cm) T-1 #1@1' 6.9 2,900 · T-13 #1@ 1' 7.4 5,000 .. T-:20 #1 @0; 6.6 5,800 T~28 #1 @ 0.5' "6.S 8,900 .. T-1 #1 @ 1'-3' 7.5 53,000 T-5 .#1 @·2'-7' 6.3 53,00Q B-3 #1@ 10' 8.1 26700 . ' .. B-5 #1@20' 7.5 33,400 .. C3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 II-~ i-,.__ l.. 1 ~~ 2 "' 3 ~ • 4 '\.. \. : 5 I\ r-. 6 .. \ 7 r, I\. 8 I\ r.. 9 . - 10 11 12 .. 0.1 . 1 · 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) .. • Before Adding Water Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 • After Adding Water - Boring No. SD-!1 · Dry-Density (pcf) 105.0 1 , Sample No. Moisture Content (%): ·Depth (feet) §'.5 Before 17.4 Soll Type SC After 17.5 .. Type of Sample Undisturbed -... CONSOLIDATION Project No. 4i~Q2i4-tUU -PRESSURE CURVE·-Project Name Leg91andfCarlsbad Ranch [fjOJ Date . 10l3l95 Figure No. _1_ I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ' 0 1 . ---r--...... ........ 2 l"'-il , .... I".. 3 ,, "' ~-· 4 .. I'---' 5 ,, .. .. '~ 6 "\, ' '\ '\ 7 r-,._ ,. 8 . , ' ' 9 .. 10 . 11 12 0.1 1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) , . ,, .. ,. .. • Before Adding Water Test Method : ASTM. D2435-90 •• After Adding Water Boring No. s0~2: Dry Density (pcf) -:103~7 Sample No. 4 Moisture Content(%): ., Depth (feet) 2Mi Before g2.§ Soll Type SM-ML After 20.4 Type of SampJe Undisturbed ., CONSOLIDATION ProJect No. 49§0294-QQj -PRESSURE CURVE -Project Name Leg9land/Carlsbad R,nch rnITJ Date 10l3l95. Figure No. _2_ .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 .. , ' ... r---...' 1 ...... ' N l; r,.. 2 .... ' 3 '\ 4 ~ \ 5 .. '\ \ 6 ·-II.. \ 7 ~ \ 8 ' . \ 9 ' '\. '. 10 11 12 .. 0.1 1 .. 10 VERTICA~ STRESS (ksf) ., Before Adding Water Test Method : ASTM 02435-90 • After Adding Water .. . ' Borlng'NO. SD-2 Dry Density (pct} '102.2 Sample No. 6 Moisture Content(%): Depth (feet) a11§ . Before 2a.2 Soll Type ML-CL After 18.7 Type of Sample Undisturbed .. CONSOLIDATION Project· No. 49§0:!&4-QQ 1 -PRESSURE CURVE -Project Name. Legoland/Cartsbad Ranch []ITJ Date 10l3£95 Figure No. _3_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 ---' ... --r-----: .... 1 ·w ~ 2 ' .... I'-. 3 "' ' ' ' "''9 4 ' ' ,, ' 5 6 ·-- 7 8 9 ' ' 10 11 ' - 12 0.1 1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) '' •• Before.Adding Water Test Method : ASTM 02435-00 • After Adding Water BorlngNo; SD-4 Ory Density (pct) · 121.2 $ample.No. 1 Moisture Content (%): Depth (feet) ~-~ Before 1Q.Q SoDType . SM-S.C . After 13.9 Type of'Sample iJrtdlsturbed '. CONSOLIDATION Project No. 4i~Q2i4-0Q1 • PRESSURE CURVE -· Project Name L'9olahd/Carlsbad Ranch []~ Date 10l3l95. Figure No. _4_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 ,._ '. r----,__ 1 , .. I'-,,,_ ~ -2 -. r--....... ,-....._ -3 -r-.. r--.r-- "'r-e 4 5 ~ --- 6 .. 7 8 9 10 ' 11 12 0.1 1 · 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) .. _,. r. • Before Adding Water Test Method : ASTM D2435~00 • After Adding Water Boring No. SD-5 Dry-Oenslty (pct) .···100.0 Sample No. 6 Moisture Content (%): Depth (feet) -21.§ Before 1g.3 Soll Type SM-SP After 22.8 Type of Sample Undisturbed - CONSOLIDATION Project No. . .. 4~50294-001 ' -[]IT] -PRESSURE CURVE -Project Name • Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Date 10£3[95 Figure No. _5 __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 1 . . . ... '--.. ' 2 ..... r-,..· r,. 3 ' ... " 4 .. ~-- 5 '. ~ 6 .I'\ . '\ i r-. . \ \ ·s \ \ ·9 '-.. 10 11 .. 12 . 0.1 1 10 . VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) .. ·- Test Method : ASTM 02435-90 • Before Adding Water . • After Adding Water .... Boring No. SD-6 .. Dry Density (pcf) 104.1 Sample No. 3 Moisture Content (%): Depth (feet) 11.§ Before 22.2 Soll Type SM-SC After 19.2 Type of Sample Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION Project No. 4i~Q2i4-QQ1 -PRESSURE CURVE -· -.Project Name _ Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Date 10/3/95 .. Figure No. _6 ___ : [fjITJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . - .. 0 ~ ·2 3 ·4 ·5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .12 0.1 - 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : ASTM 0243~~9() • Bef~re Adding Water • After Adding Water .. .,__ ___________ .,__ __________ ---f .. Boring No. Sample No. Depth (feet) Soll Type Type of .S,;1mple SD~ 2 16.5 SM Dry Density .(pct}. . 117. 1 .Moisture Content (%): Before 9.7 After 13.6 . Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION Project No. 4950294-001 -PRESSURE CURVE -Project Name . Legoland/Carlsbad Ranch Date 10/3/95 Figure No. _7 __ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . 0 1 •--H.._ --11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 . ,,.12' · 0.1-1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method :.ASTM 02435-90 • Before Adding Water • After Adding Water ... • ... ·t------------------------------1 Boring No. Sample No. .Depth .(feet) Soll Type Type. of Sample CONSOLIDATION -PRESSURE CURVE - SD-9 1 4.5 . SM' Ory Density (pcf) · :110.8 Mc;,lsture Content(%): Before . 7.4 After 13.8. Undisturbed Project No. 4950294-001- Project Name legolandtcarlsbad Ranch .. Date. 10/3/95 Flgur~ No. _8_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 1 ... ...___ ......_ H .___ 2 ~~ 3 "11 "'. -4 ,- 'e ' 5 K ---. " "'r. 6 7 8 -9 10 11 12 0.1 1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : AStM 02435-90 • Before Adding Wa,ter ., :After Adding Water Boring No. 8-11 Dry Density (pcf) -120.1 --Sample No. 1 Moisture-Content{%): Depth (feet) .. 6.0 Before 12.9 Soil Type .SM After 12~9 Type of Sample Undisturbed -- CONSOLIDATION Project No. 49601~1-001 -PRESSURE CURVE --Project Name Ltg~land Date 7l23£96 Figure No. _1_ ' [1j[TI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 2 •• ~ I'--~I'--~~ 4 -~ . ' .___ 6 \ 8 '\ ', ' • 10 .. -' \ ,. " I\' 12 \ ' . I\ • 1,4 ... I\ 16 ... I\ ., .. ~ 18 0.1 1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (k$f) • Before Adding Water ... Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 •· · After Adding Water I I••' -. - Boring No. B_.16 Dry l:>enslty (pct) ·, · · 95~6 Sample No. 7 Moisture Content(%): Depth (feet) 2~.Q Before 17.§ Soil Type SC. After 20.9 Type of Sample . . Undisturbed .·. ... CONSOLIDATION Project No. 4~601§1-QQ1 . - rnDJ -PRESSURE CURVE -. Project Name L~Ollnd Date 7l23l96 Figure No. _2_ .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . - -- - - .. 0 -,_ rt ""'"' kr--._.. 1 "' -~ 2 . -~ 3 . ·"- 4 -~ -- 5 6 --, ,. __ . -- 7 8 9 10 -- 11 12 ·-0.1 1 10 · vERTICAL STRESS (ksf) • Before Adding Water Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 -. • :After Adding Water ~ . ': Boring No. B-.23 Dry Density (pct) ···'108:6 Sample No. ti Moisture Content(%): _ Depth (feet) 21.g -Before 17.7 .SoifType CL After 19.0 . Type of-Sample Undisturbed CONSOLIDATION Project No. 496Q151-001 -PRESSURE CURVE -Project Name Legoland [fja] [)ate 7[23[96 Figure No. _3_ --. - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -2 -rw j'-..,_ ', ' -0 a..: ----.... h-'""--.1 2 4 ... .. : 6 ·8 . .. 10 .. 12 . ' '" 0.1 1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 • Before Adding Water ,,,. ;After Adding Water Boring No. 8-8 · Dry Density (pcf) . .,c·:1'23,1 SampieNo. 1 Moisture Content(%): Depth (feet) _ 1.g Before 10.7. _Soll Type SM-SC After 16.2 Type of Sample . Undisturbed .. CONSOLIDATION Project No •. 49§0151-001 -PRESSURE CURVE -Project Name :LegOlan" · Date 7l23l96 Figure No. _4_ ,. Cfj[I] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . 0 1 ~ 3 4 5 , 6 7 8 ,, ·9 10 11 -12 0.1 10 VERTICAL STRESS (ksf) Test Method : ASTM D2435-90 • Before Adding Water • · After Adding Water ., .•. 1-,., _________ ......_ __________ ..__ ______________ --I Boring No, $ample No. Depth (feet) .. Soll Type. Type of Sample B-8 2 6.0 SM Dry-Density (pcf) ·115.9 . Moisture Content(-%): Before u.s After 13.7 Undisturbed. CONSOLIDATION Pr9Je~ No. 4960151-001 -PRESSURE CURVE -Project Name _--'-_-=L=eg~o=la=n=d __ _ Date 7 /23/96 Flgu.re No. _5_ []DJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· "' ... 5000 4000 ~3000 V Cl) Cl) UJ a:: t; a:: V v' / V / ~ 2000 en V • 1000 0 0 '- - 500 u 00 1500 NORMAL STRESS (psf) Boring Symbol " . Boring No. B-2 Depth (ft) 20.0 Sample No. _ 1 Soll Type SM Type of Sample Undisturbed Friction Angle (deg.) Cohesion (pst) 48 1400 2000 DIRECT SHEAR . TEST RESULTS . Project No~ 493Q489-03. Project Name Carlsbad Ranch, Ph~se II Date _ 3/15/94 Figure .No. _1_ / 250 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " ... 2500,----------,----'-'---.----'----'-~--r-----....------ 20001-,---,.----+-----+-------;'4---,--,------,-+----~ ~ 15001----,-----t----'-'----·-t---~....;.._-1-----+-------1 ..., (I) f3 ~ ~ (C ~ 1000. (I) 00!.------,----;-·: -=5~0=-0----....,.....-------=01'=00=-----,------~15~0=0.----,2=0~0=-0----=2='"50·0 NORMAL STRESS (psf) Boring Symbol " .Boring No. B-4 Sample No. ---=-1-----'-- Type of Sample Friction Angle (deg.) Cohesion (psf) Depth (ft) · 10.0 Soil Type · -=SC~ Remolded 27 158 DIRECT SHEAR TEST·RESULTS Project No. 4930489-03 Project Name Carlsbad Ranch, Phase II Date 3/1§/94 Figure No. _2__ I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I " Cf- 2500,-----'---'-,----,----,---,--~-----,,---------.-----,--, ~ 15001:-• --------'+---------+-----+--+-----f---------1 '',J en I3 ~ i ' ·--1.1.1-10001--------+---,------+,,<----__,...-~1-----+--------1 i}i .. 0~----;::;t.~--~--=:------,----:-:t!.=------,==1::------=='· 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 NORMAL STRESS Cpsf) Trench Symbol iiii.:I Boring No. T-2 Sample No. _ 1 Type of Sample FrfctlonAngle (deg.) Cohesion (psf) Depth (ft) ___ 2=.o=--- Soil Type . SM Rem91c1ec1 42 '80 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No. 4930489-01 Project Name _ __,:iC,uca.._.rtta........,1/..,.Cs=rl=s&:lba=d..___ Date· 7/21 /93 Figure No. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,... Cf- 2500,----,--..,......--,--------r---:-----'--,-----~-----, 2000t-----;...,...aa-----+------,--t------+------I ~ 1500t-----'----t-,--------+-----+---,.....,.,--+-----,..:..:...---1 ..., (/) i en ~ ; 1000t-----,--t----'--...,.....a--+------,,--,.c;.-+---,..----+-------1 (/) 00/i,-------'.....-:0=0-------------0-'=0=0-------..... 1~50"""0 .... ,-------,,2"""0:'.::0=0---. -2="~0·0 NORMA~ STRESS (psf) Trench Symbol~ Boring No. T-6 Sample No. _________ 1 ____ _ Type of Sample Friction Angle (deg.) Cohesion (psf) D~pth (ft) ·son Type Rem91c1eci_ 33 ~7 1.0 _ SM DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Pr~Ject No. 4930489-01 Project Naine _-_....,;Czia=r1ta,.__,,s'6-/C_a_r1....,s=ba=d,.___ D~te 7/21 /93 _ · · Flg~re No._ -4...__ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4000 I ' I I I .i I I I I ,_ ... ...... t ! I I I ; I. ' 3000 ! ! I I i ': I· u:-en I I I r . !: I I I I ., en en I I w a: ! ! I I .... 2000 I I I en I I a: I < I ,. w I I .... :z: I I I JI en :: I L..o"" I ~·· ---.. ; I ·--1000_ .. i -I . --,. :1-,.__... I ,_ ~ I .. I ... I I I i ! , .. I I I I 0 0 1000 Boring Symbol DESCRIPTION SYMBOL BORING NUMBER Undisturbed • B-1 Undisturbed • B-2 ' I . I ' ! 'i _; i I I I ; I. I ; I I . I' . ·I I I :. ' I I ·' ! ., I· I I ·1 I i I I . I I i I I I. ,. I ! I I I I. I ·I ; I ., I I .. I i ' I i I I . I l , I I I I I ,. I . I ,.. ~ I I I I ..... ' ,_ I ! I I. . ' ·-, t.A I I -. • I I ·~ ;·. I I I I I I i I I I, I i I I ! I I I --! I I I 1,, ......... . I I I :i ' I . I -I •. I I I ... ,. I I I I . I , . I I I I, : I • i I ' -i I I I 11 I I -I ' I .I . . I I ,T 1 : I I I I ! ' I ,i .. I i I i I I I I I I i ; I .. I I I I ! 1 i 'i I i '·' I . ; . I I I ; ' ' I I I I I I I : I I. I I 2000 ~000 '4000 NORMAL STRESS (PSF) .SAMPLI DEP'TH (FEET) NUMBER 2 10.5' -ll' 3 18' -18.5' COHESION FRICTION SOIL (PSF) ANGLE TYPE 350 . 29 SM 1,040 20 SM Project No. 8870059-01 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Figure No._..:;5 __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I ,Soil De1crtption: Fine Sands r I Type of.~: 0.Remolded to_, .. . Relative Compaction 3000 ~ Undlltln>ed I -i Loacfing Rate: 0. 005-k"!./mh· .. , ~ I I I .. ,. I I I . I 2500 .. i . I I i i • ! i I I : I .. . . -.. i ' .. i • I I ! . ~ t I ! I ' ~ • • ~ ·-·~ §;'.Z .1 I i ___..· i,..,,--~ i 1000 I ~ / ! I ·. ! __,..-. I ~ V I J....---'" / __...-!, • .v: L--"' I • ./ ,, ,, 500 / i ' .. I ...... i • ~ ,, .. I . t _/ , I I I .... I ,0 '. 0 500 10 ,0 1500 2000 2500 NORMAL $TRESS, ~f Boring Symbol EB Average Moisture Contents Sample Location Syntbol aefore After Frlctlc,n Angle CQhealon Remark• -B-3 #2@ 15' • 7.4 N/A ~so 160psf B-5 #2@ 25' •• 28.3 N/A 19° . 640psf DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS : ProJect No. ·_a_89_1 ... s_·s1_-_0_1 ______ ~ Project Name Carl tas/Carl sbad LJ._j_J figure N·o. 6 3015 1088 I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I (/) (/) w z :.:: u :i: ..... w ..I Cl. == <t Cl) u. 0 ... z w (J a: w Cl. I z· 2 ti Q . ..I i z 0 (J 0 • ---- --,-. • I . . ·r: I f I I . _[ • • I • 5,0 I -. I l . _[ ··7 . . ·:--t-·.fi· I .. -!,± . .,. . . I _t' ' --~-,--·· ··-;··-+---.. 7-. . -·--··-t~-r-17r-- 1 •· , ' -+-1-l-. . . -t···-· ··-~-~ i I . 77 , r -~---·-· --+-1-""1-r-, l-:-! 1 ±ES::;=·=·i-r-=·=· =t=-=·~_[~~-, .Ef. ·=:+t .. ±f.-!-,j· ·~·t:=··=· -~·1·t~·-~-t-=··tt:i:f-; :1:· :f' -=··t·-;1E1j1±==·=:E=t=tlt~ . I • . :.· r-1 f • • ,·.I• 1 ·----f--t-,-;-,, 6.Q _:---,-~--'+_I "°". -=-t~=--t==r.:.t-·\~=+-m-:-.::_:= ::: __ -r-r- --t-!-,-r,-,_ ---~...l-; I ·-····1-r-r ••••·r--··r····:~-1-T-P::::::tt+ ••••••••-••••••-••,--- 7.0 ~ 1 ---:. . --r··:-~ .... ·~r =: ~·~-~ :r i':: :1:::;::::t· ···~-t 1_ --t···~··l++ .. : ~ ~ ~::: :::t. ·:t ~~. . • _J . ----:--··-:-r:-j-r.---····+=rr .. · · -··!···+·-·-+-" ·'-'--!···-r··1·:-:t"1"":: · ······ .... ,'·······t-r-· + ·--·--~---. . + i ....... , ........ ,., .. ·-+···:--·t·· .-·-r-·-... .... -, •• ,-,--r::' .•. -••~••• ••-••••••~-~ .. ·r:.c·•• r-• .. ,•••-j-•••; .... 1. •. -·+·••J, .• i•••~·, •• ••••••• ••••! I ::+ . . . -• -. -.. . ::: :;_ :: ~ : : : .. ! . :··t-'-t-j ::::j::-.;_ : : : : : : :: ::::i:::. .::t ::-ao + -·-r ···-:·----_;_ht.···1-·L---.. ·······!····:····!······-r _•. , ... • .. ~ ......... ·'··t·······1·· ·-.. . l=:: : : ::-:: ::::-:= :::;.-r1::::1=1= ff, •• : j : l : : i~~f :::tij-; : : ; ;: ; :: ;:::t:: ;;~;: 9.0 ··J--;: :: : :.: :: :: :: ::::::: ~t1 l+H .... : : · : 1: ·: :J:::t~~ :::,:t~ .... -· · · · ·:::1:::: :ti= ::J~~f ~-~ .:: .. :··:~ :-·~--:::· . , . ::r::r~:.!-::;:.:i-: :_:: :_ .. ·.J····!··+···:.···1-·..;. .-···!-t·'"'""~-... -. .... . . - 10.0 Boring Symbol FIELD MOISTURE BORING NO.: B-8 . Project No. 4841363-02 SATURATED SAMPLE NO.:-1 LOADING DEPTH (FT): 5' CONSOLIDATl~N TEST REBOUND SOIL TYPE : CL/SC RESULTS Figure No. __]_ _ ------------- .. &. I* 100 to I 10 ' ,o i 10 • ,. i so .. ! u ., ' l :, • :r ) 1 I) OJoi [ . EXPLORAllON NUMBER TP""'l U.S. Standard Sle.,. Openin1 In lnchaa U.S. Standard Slava Numbera • • :a 2 "' ' " ,.~ ,:I ... I ,1,,1014 11 20 :JO 40 50 70 100 1•0 200 I I I I I "' I -~· I I I I ii ~ ~ ~ . 1\ . ' \ \. . " -'. ... \ ' '' ~ ~ ; "' . " ' .. .. . 100 IO l 10 . I. 1 O.A Grain ,Sl1e 'Ira Milllmttera 1,,,,.. , Mtdlyms. nd , a.,' 0.01 ·Cebla ... ar....e fiat f.lDI. I .. ' ELEVAllON PLOT' UNIFIED SOIL Trench Symbol -SAMPLE ORDEPTH SYMBO CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION 2-6 ~ 0 SC Clay~y sand - ' . -- - - - Hydrometer '. . . . 0.01 0.005 Silt or Clay 0 10 20 :JO 40 ,_ ·o .. 0 ·- .. &. -'i i • • l .. • 0 u ... ' C • u a ... 00 0.001 PLASTICllY LL PL Pl GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED I PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS I PROJECT NO. 0 0 5 4-0 o i ... op FIGURE a ] -----·-------------u.s. Staftd .. d si. ... Openin1 In IMhfl U.S. Standerd SIii¥• Nurnbare .. ~ ~ 100 10 I •o 70 i 10 ,. • ~ • S 5 I .. 'c • u ., l ~ ,:,, , 2 II ii • • I . \\ii (·. Cebltln EXPLORATION. ,ELEVATION NUMBER ORDEP1H. TP~l2 2.,..6 l 3 2 1,. 1 " ":JI• 3 ,,A I .A.10 H 11 20 :JO •o 50 70 100 1•0 200 ' I I I .I\. I -~ I I I I I I I ' ~ I " . \ \ \ i ) ' .. .. \, t;) " ,. ,! : '' '. . ' . ' .. 100 IQ 10 . 5 1 0.1 G.raln SIH 111 Milllmeltttl 0.1 0.01 I G• I . Send I' ctr"'· I ·flat ctl'n I Mpdfvm i ~to,· -PLOT UNIFIED SOIL Trench Symbol -SAMPLE· · SYMBO CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION . G) .SC Clavev sand '' Hydrometer . . . . . '' 0.01 D.005 Silt cw Clay 0 ,o 20 30 •o 50 ~o "0 - ':'' .. ~ -• -~ ,. • ! • 0 u c • u ~ • &. 1 00 0.!)01 l PLASTICITY LL PL - Pl GEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED I PARTICLESIZEANALvs1s I PROJECTNO. 0054.,...001-~o FIGURE g. ] ------------------- 100 IO ' 10 I 70 .. . &. .I' ) I 10 ,. • i. 5; ~ c • u • ' .. :a 2, I . ' t ) I) 0 . \'iii ( U.S. Standard Sieve Openin1 in lnchH • • 3 2 1'4, 1 " '4i::ll:I 3 !. I I I ( I ,, ' tf . '". " ,. 100 IO 10 a I 91,," Ceblilet a ...... 1 ~~rtm U.S. Standard Sleva Numbera I . .l,1014 ~ 2D :ID •o 50 7D 100 1•D 200 ""J -w ~ ~ ~ I I I I I ,. ' \ '. \ \ 1 .· 1 ) .. \ \ \ ' \ ,r.) ..... ~ ~ ~ . . . . 1 . o.a Grain Slae ln.Milllmete,1 ~1 0.01 .. I c0,:. I ¥•dtwm s.nd 1 'f.lDa EXPLORATION ELEVATION PLOT UNIFiED SOit. · Trench Symbol -SAMPLE : NUMBER ,OR DEPTH SYMBO ClASSIFICATION . DESCRIPTION TP-2. 0-6' 0 SC Clayey sand Hydrometer '. . . ' ) 0.~1 0.0Q5 Slit or Clay 0 ,, :I ~ ~ A: -• D ~-,. • 150 i I~ ' " • ,0 u 0 i u : ~ 0 O· D ,po o.oo, PLASTICITY LL ·PL QEOTECHNICS INCORPORATED [ PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS PROJECT NO. 0054-001-~0 FIGURE 10 Pl ] l1 I I I I I I I I D I . I ' I I I - 1: I I I Iii I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4950294-001 APJ>ENDIXD General Earthwork and .Grading Specifications 1.0 General Intent These specifications are presented as general procedures and recommendations for grading and earthwork to be utilu.ed in conjunction with the approved grading plans. These general earthwork and grading specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report and shall be superseded by the recommendations in the geotechnjcal report in the case of conflict. Evaluatioll$ performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendatiops which could supersede these specifications or the recommendations of the geotechnical report. It shall be the· responsibility of the contractor to read and understand th~ specifications as wen as the geotechnical report and approved grading vlans. 2.0 Earthwork Observation and Testine Prior to the commen~ment,of grading, a qualified geotechnical consultant should be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these specifications. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor· to JlSSist the consultant and keep him apprised of work schedules and changes, at least 24 hours in ~dvance, SO· that he may schedule his personnel accordingly~ .No grading operations should be perfotme4 withoQt the knowledge of the geotechnical co_nstiltant. The contractor shall not assume that the geotechnical consultant is aware of all ·grading operations. It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the. work in accoroance with applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, recommendations in the geotechnjcal report and the approved grading.plans not withstanding the testing and observation of the geotechnjcalconsultant. H, in the opinion o( the consultant, unsatisfactory. conditions, such ·as. unsuitable soil, poor JnOisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc.,. are r~ulting in a qu~ty of work less than recommended in the opinion of the consultant, unsatisfactozy condiUons, -such as unsuitable soil, poor moisture condition, inadequate compaction, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than recommended in the-geotechnical report an(! tile specifications, the consultant will be empowered to reject the work and recommend that cc;,nstiuction be stopped until the conditions are rectified. · · Maximum dry density-tests used to evaluate the degree of compaction should be performed in general accordance with the latest version -of the American Society for Testing and Materials test Method -ASTM D1557. 3.0 Preparation of Areas to'be Fdled 3.1 . Oearing and Grubbin&: . S1,lfficient · brush,. vegetation, root&,. and all other deleterious material should be removed or properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, design engineer, governing agencies, and the geotechnical consultant. D-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.0 4950294-001 General Earthwork and Grading Specifications (Cont'd.) The geotechnical consultant should evaluate the extent of these removals depending on ·specific site conditions. In ge~erai no ·more than 1 percent (by volume) of the fill material should consist of these materials and nesting of these materials should not be allowed. 3.2 Processing: . The existing ground which .has been evaluated by the geotechnical consultant to be satisfactory for support of fill, should be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground which is not satisfactory should be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Scarification should continue until the soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clo4s and until the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat, and free of uneven features which would inhibit uniform compaction. 3.3 Overexcavation: Soft, dry, organic-rich, spongy, highly fractured, or otherwise unsuitable ground, extending to such a depth that surfa~ processing cannot adequately improve the condition, should be overexcavated down to competent ground, as. evaluated by the geotechnical consultant. For purposes of determining quantities of materials ov~rexcavated,-a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer should be utilized. 3.4 Moisture Conditionin,:: Overexcavated and processed soils should be watered, dried- back, blinded, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a uniform moisture content near optimum. 3.5 Recompaction: Overexcavated. and processed soils which have been properly mixed, screened ·of deleterious materi~ and moisture-conditioned should be recompacted to ·_a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent or as otherwise recommended by the geotechnical consultant. 3.6 Benching: ,. Where tiUs are. to be. placed on ground-with slopes steeper. than 5:1 (horiwntal to vertical), the ground should be stepped or benched. The lowest bench should be a minimum of· ts· feet wide, at least 2 feet into competent material as evaluated by the geotechnical consultant . ·Other ·benches should be excavated into competent material as evaluated· by.·the geotechnical consultant. Ground sloping flatter .than 5:1-•hould be benched. or otherwise overexcavated •whemrecommended by the geotechnical consultant. 3. 7 .. Evaluation of Fill Areas: All areas to receive fill, including processed areas, removal areas, and toe-Of.;fill benches, should be evah1ated by the geotechnical ·consultant prior to fill placement Fill Material 4.1 General: Material to be placed as fill should be sufficiently free of organic matter and other del~terious substances, and should be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant prior to placement. Soils of poor gradation, expansion, pr strengtbcharacteristics.should be placed as recommended by the geotechnical consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material D-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4950294-001 General Earthwork and <Jrading Specifications (Cont'd.) 4.2 Oversize: Oversize material, defined as rock or other irreducible material with a maxim.uni dimension greater than 6 inches, should not be buried or placed in fills, qnless the location, lllaterials, and dJsposal methods are .specifically recommended by the geotechnical con&ultant. Oversize disposal .operations should be such that n~ting of oversize material does not occur, and such that the oversize material is COIIlpletely surrounded by compacte4 or densified fill. Oversize materials should not be placed within 10 feet·vertically of finish grade, within 2 feet of future utilities or underground construction, or within 15 feet horirontally of slope faces, in accordance with the attached detail. · 4.3 Import: If importing of fill material is-required for grading, the import material should meet the requiteinents of Section 4.1. Sufficient time should be given to allow the geotechnical consultant to observe ( and test, if n~ary) the proposed import materials. 5.0 Fill Placement and Compaction 5.1 Fill Lifts: Fill material should be __ placed in areas prepared and .previously evaluated to receive fill, in near-horirontal layers.approximately 6_ inches in compacted thickness. Each · layer should be spread evenly and thoroughly mixed to attain uniformity of material and moisture throughout. 5.2 Moisture-Conditioning: Fill soils should be watered, dried-back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a uniform moisture cpntent near optimum. 5.3 Compaction of Fill: After each layer has been evenly spread, ·moisture-conditioned, and mixed, it should be uniformly compacted to not 1~ than 90 percent of maximum dry density ( unless _otherwise specified). Compaction equipment-s1:1-ould be adequately sized and be either specifically designed fot soil compaction or of proven · reliability, to efficiently achieve the specified degree and uniformity of compaction. 5.4 Fill Slopes: Compacting -of-slopes -should. be accomplished, in additional to normal compacting procedures, by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at incremen~ of 3 to 4 feet iiJ. .fill elevation gain,· or by other methocls producing satisfactory results. At-the-completion of grading, the,relative,compaction 'of the-fill-out to:the-slope face should be at least 90 percent. 5.5 Compaction Testin&: · Field tests of the moisture content· and degree of coµipaction of the fill soils should be performed by the geotechnical consultant. The location and frequency of tests should be at the consultant's discretion based on fi~ld conditions encountered. In general,· the tes~ should b¢ .taken at approximate intervals of 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted filhoils. In addition, on slope faces, as a guideline approximately one test should be taken {or each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or ea~h 10 feet of vertical height of the slope. D-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4950294-001 General Earthwork and Grading Specifications (Cont'd.) 6.0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems, if recommended should be installed in areas previously evaluated for · suitability by the geotechnical consultant, to conform to the approximate alignment and details shown on the plans or herein. The subdrain location or materials should not be changed or modified unless recommended by the geotechnical consultant The consultant, however, may recommend changes in subdrain line or grade depending on conditions encountered. All subdrains should be surveyed by a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation. Sufficient time -shall be allowed for the surveys, prior ta commencement of filling over the subdraips. 7.0 Excavation Excavations and cut slopes should be evaluated by a representative of the geotechnical consultant ( as necessary) during grading. If directeq by the geotechnical co~ultant, further excavation, overexcavatipn, and refilling of (:tlt areas and/or remedial grading of cut.slopes (i.e., stability fills or slope buttresses) may pc recolilJllended. 8.0 Quantity Determination For purposes of determining quantities of materials excavated during grading and/or determining the .limits of overexcavation, a licensed land surveyor/civil engineer should be utilized. D-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- TRANSIT'I_ON LOT DETAILS · CUT-FILL LOT ---------. ----~ --. ~ EXISTING GROUND SURFACE 1----... _,,...- ~ . -. . . ---- cur LOT OVEREXCAVATE AN~ RECQM~ACT . · COMPETENT BEDROCK ./ ~R MATERIAL EVALUATED__....,.., . BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT *NOTE: EXISTING GROUND SURFACE J__ Deeper or laterally more extensive ov.etexcavation and recompaction may be recommf[tnded by the geotechnical . consultan.t based on actual field conditions encountered' and locations of proposed improvements I I I I I I I I ·1· I I I I I I I I I I CANYO·N SUBDRAIN DETAILS '------EXISTING GROUND SURFACE SUBDRAIN TRENCH SE;E. BELOW REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL- SUBDRAIN TRENCH DETAILS 314•-1-112• CLEAN GRAVEL .(9ft.3/ft •. MIN.) e• MIN. coyr;R 4• MIN. BEDDING . ..____.....;..._ e• pi MIN. ----'--~ PERFORATED PIP-E DETAIL OF CANYON. SUBDRAIN 'TERMINAL SUBDRAIN TRENCH · $EE ABOVE *IF CAL TRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MA TERI AL IS us·Eo IN PLACE--OF . 3/4•-1~112• GRAVEL, FtL TER FABRIC MAY BE OELETED . · SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U.S. Standard Sieve S-ize 1" 3/411 3/811 No. 4 No. 8 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 % Passing 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 Sand Equivalent>75 Subdratn ahould be c·onatructed only on competent material aa evaluated by Jhe geotechnlcal· consultant. SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION Subdraln pipe ahould be Installed· wl'th perforations down aa d•plcted. At locations· recommended by the geotechntcal consultant, nonp~;forated pipe should be Installed. · SUBDRAIN TYPE-Subdratn :type ahould be Acrylonttrlle Butadtene Styrene (A.B.S.), Polyvlnyl Chlorlde (PVC) or approved equivalent. c1a,a 12.6, SOR· 32.6 should be uaed for maximum fill deptha of 36 feet. Ci'aaa 200,SDR 21 should be uHd for maximum fill deptha of 100 feet, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROCK DISPOSAL DETAIL FINISH GRADE SLOPE FACE OVERSIZE WINDROW GRANULAR SOIL (S.E.~ 3!)) TO .Qij 0ENSIFIED IN PLACE BY FLOODING_,......::;;.__ __ _ DETAIL .------~----. -··------------.,....---- ---_..;;..-,-----------------.. --. --- -. --~~-[_)_ OQL_~Q=--j .. -------·-~ -·-.------------------------------- -: ---- - - --d:h . - - - - TYPICAL PROFILE ALO.NG WINDROW 1) RQck with ma}(imum dimensions greater ·than 6 inches should not be i.,aed within 10 feet vertically of.finish grade (or 2 .feet below depth of lowe•t utility whichever I~ greater), and 15 feet horizo.ntally of slope face~. 2) Rocks with maximum -dimensions gre.ater -than 4-feet should not be utilized In fills. 3). Rock placement, flooding of granular soil, and fill placement -should be obaerved by the geotechnlcal consultant.. · -- 4) Maximum size and spacing of windrows should be in accordance with. the above. details Width of windrow should not exceed 4. feet. Windrows should be staggered vertically (as depicted). 5) Rock should be placed in excavated trenches~ Granular soil (S.E. greater than or equal to 30) should be flooded in the windrow to completely fill voids around and beneath rocks. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SIDE HILL STABILITY FILL DETAIL FINISHED SLOPE FACE PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOP OF SLOPE TO · OUTSIDE EDGE OF KEY OVERBURDEN OR UNSUITABLE MATERIAL EX·ISTING GROUND ----- SURFACE~ ------ _,------.,/ . / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / FINISHED CUT PAD ·r· COMPETENT BEDROCK OR . MATERIAL AS EVALU~T.ED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULT ANT ·. -. NOTE: Subdtaln details and -key width recommendations to be provided baaed on expos~d subsu_rface conditions I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I KEY AND BENCHING DETAILS FILL SLOPE EXISTING GROUND SURFACE _ PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOE OF SLOPE FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE --- CUT.SLOPE (TO :ae: EXCAVATED . PRIOR TO FILL · PLACEMENT) / ,,/' CUT-OVER-FILL SLQPl: PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO COMPETENT MATERIAL -- EX,STING // GROUND / / SURFACE----..,,/ ,g // ~\~? . / 1..,,~ I CUT SLOPE (TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STABILITY FILL / BUTTR:ESS DETAIL KEY DEPTH 2 l~(ll MIN. f FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT)* OUTLET PIPES 4• flJ NONPERFORATED PIPE,· 100' MAX. o~c; HORIZONTALLY, 30' MAX. O.C. VER-TICA LL Y SEE T:-CONNECTION . . ·DETAIL . 4• f2f . PERFORATED PIPE SUBDRAIN tRENCH DETAIL NOTES: BACK CUT 1:1 OR FLATTER SEE SUBORAIN TRENCH DETAIL LOWEST SUBDRAIN SHOULD ' BE SITUATED AS LOW AS POSSIBLE TO ALLOW SUIT ABLE OUTLET ·-. 0. 10' MIN · PERFORATED W__J EACH SIDE PIPE~ · CAP NON-PERFOR~ TED OUTLET PIPE T-CO.NNECTION OETAIL * IF CAL TRANS CLASS 2-PERMEABLE MATERIAL. IS USED IN PLACE OF 314"-1·1/2!' GRAVEL, FILTER FABRIC MA y 'BE DELETED ·SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL U.S. Standard Sieve Size l" 3/411 3/811 No. 4 No. 8 No. 30 No. 50 .No. 200 % Passing 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 Sand Equi va 1 ent > 75 For buttreaa dlmenalons, aee geotechnlc_al -report/plan,. Actual dlmenalona of buttre11 and. Iub_draln ma)'. be changed by the geotechnlcal consultant baaed on field condltl'ona. SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION-Subdraln pipe should be Installed with perforations down •• depicted. At location• recommended by the geote_chnlcakconeultant~ nonpei'forated pipe ehould be lnetalled SUBDRAIN TYPE-Subdraln type should -be Acrylon trtle Butadlene Styrene (A.B.8.), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) or approved equivalent. Clau 126,SDR 32.6 ehould be uHd for maximum fill depth• of 36 feet. Claes 200, SOR 21 should be used for maximum fill depth• of -100 feet •. I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL RETAINING WALL. WALL. WATERPROOFING PER ARCHITECT'S SPECIFICATiONS-· __ FINISH GRADE --------------------=---=---=--=--=--=--=--=--=-·:.::..-:: ~------:..-=----=--------=--:..-:..-----------:..--:...-:..-:..-:..-:.-:.-:..-:..-:..-:.. ·--=--==:=t=t~=t~OMPACTED FILL;:=t=t=t=t=t~ ---------:.::...------=--=--:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:: -·----------- N01" TO SCALE ·SPECIFICATIONS FOR CALrAANS. CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL · U.S. Standard Sieve Size 111 3/411 3/811 No. 4 No. 8 % Passing 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 SOIL BA0t(FILL, COMPACTED TO-: 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION* ---------· ------------:2".:..TYP, ___ ::-- o ~~fl~~~~~~~==-=- I o e• MIN_. 0 ~~~~"7 FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE OVERLAP --=-:: ( ·. 0 0 0 • =t=t=t=¥ MIRAFI 140~ OR APPROVED , :~• MIN.' 1111 .::~~~.:::.N::N GRAVEL** I o 4•:.(MIN.) DIAMETER PERFORATED I ' o·· O o ·pvc PIPE c·scHEDULEf-io Off. - EQUJVALENT) WITH PERFORATIONS ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTED MINltitUM 1 PERCENT GRADIENT TO SUITABLE OUTLET COMPETE NT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT *BASED ON ASTM D1557 **IF CALTRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE M.ATERIAL (SEE-·GRADATION TO.LEFT) 18. USED IN PLACE OF 314•-1.:112• ·GRAVEL, FILTER FABRIC MAY BE DELETED. CAL TRANS CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAt-SH.OULD BE COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION* No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 5-15 0-7 0-3 N0T~:COMP0SITE DRAINAGE PRODUCTS SUCH AS tvtRADRAIN OR J-DRAIN·MAY BE USED AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO GRAVEi.. OR Sand Equiva1ent>75 CLASS 2. iNSTALLA1i_ON SHOl.JLD BE PERFORM3> IN ACCOROANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIRCATIOOS. I I f I I I I I I I I I . E-, I I I 1· I ,, . I I Iii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIXE STABILI1Y ANALYSIS FOR HOMOGENEOUS EARTH SLOPES Design Parameters :and Assumptions Type of Slope: 2:1 cut slope Type of Soil Materials: Santiago Formation Sands H = Height of Slope p = Angle of Slope . Yt = Total (wet) Unit Weight cl> = Angle of Internal Friction C = Cohesion • No seepage forces :;:: 20 feet. = 26 degrees = 130 pcf = 34 degrees = 150 psf • Total shear strength parameters are used 'in iieu of effective strength Analysis Dimension!~ Parameters = Y ·1I·tan"' '-t1 = , . C v = 12 Stability Number (from Figure 10 of Reference 2) = Ne/ = 36 4950294-001 Minimum Factor ·of Safety = RS. cm1a.> = N.., • C ~ 2.0 V 'II ·H ·1 t (::e1.5 O.K.) References 1. Bell, J.M., Dimensi<,>nless Parameters· for Homogeneous Earth Slopes, Journal, Soil Mechanics and Foµndation Division, American Society of Civil &.gineers, No. SMS, September 1966. 2. Janbu, N., D~ion for (Reference -1), Journal, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, No. SSM(i, November 1967. .E-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX E ( continued) SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS • 2:1 Cut Slope • Santiago Formation ASSUMED PARAMETERS z = Depth of Saturation =3ft. i = · Slope Angle = 26 degrees 'Yw = Vnit Weight of Water = 62A pcf 'Yt = Saturated l.Jnit Weight of Soil = 130 pcf 4> = Apparent Angle of Internal Friction ::;: 34 degrees C = Apparent Cohesion = 150 pcf FS = C + atan cf>.= C +(y, -yJZ cos'-i tan cf> T y, Z sin i ·cos i FS 1.7 (> 1.5; o.k.) E-2 4950294-001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX E ( continued) STABILITY ANALYSIS FOR HOMOGENEOUS BARTH SLOPES Design Parameters and Assumptions Type of Slope: 2:1 Fill Slope Analysis Type of Soil Materials: Sandy soils from Santiago Formation H = Height of Slope p = Angle of Slope Ye = Total (wet) Unit Weight cf> = Angle of Internal Friction · C = Cohesion • No seepage forces = 20 feet = 26 degrees = 125 pcf · = 32degrees = 125 psf • Total shear strength parameters are used in lieu of effective strength Dimensionless Parameters = Y, · H • tan 4> }..tf = · · · · . = 12 C Stability Number (from Figure 10 of Reference 2) = Ne/= 36 . 4950294-001 Minimum 11'actor of Safety = F.S. Caiia.> = N • C_ = 1.1·. (~1.5 O.I{.) tf 'Yt • H References 1. Bell, J.M., D~ensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth Slopes, Journal, Soil Mechanics and Foun,dation Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, No. SMS, September 1966. 2. Janbu, N., Discussion for (Reference -1), Journal, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, · American Society of Civil Engineers, No. SSM6, November 1967. E-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • 2: 1 Fill Slope APPENDIX E ( continued) SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Sandy soils from Santiago Formation ASSUMED PARAMETERS z = Depth of Saturation =3ft. i = Slope Angle = 26 degrees Yw = Unit Weight of Water = 62.4 pcf Ye = Saturated Unit Weight ofSoii = 125 pcf 4> = Apparent Angle of Internal Friction = 32 degrees C = Apparent Cohesion = 125 pcf FS = C + atan 4> -= C +(y,. -. y.)Z cos'-i tan cl> . "J' Yt Z sin i cos i FS = 1.5 (> 1.5; o.k.) E-4 4950294-001