HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; STRUCT; CB972027; Permit~, I I _I I 1 GARL-5BAD I I- I I I IG~P II Z es PACKA I S1 U DI OE Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. 21 JULY 1 9 9 7 l&I ::E = 1MC/1~7 --- 1 J-~,o [W, 'D,-i : S.!Yf q~-14 _- -. / ... _. MODEL MA TRIX ~ SIGNAGE MATRIX C8172/Ju7 I I 1· I I I G A. R. L -' B A D I I I I I I .I I I .I I I I I S'TUDIO~ Hellmuth Ohata+ Kassaba'Q.ID., Inc. -'21 JULY 1 9 9 '7 . Ill . :E ::::,. .... o- > MODEL MATRIX SIGNAGE ·MATRIX ------·----- -·-----·-,---------------------·-·----·----·---·---------------------··--------------, Soft Dig Founcio t'lons by AC's /__~ 1-: .. ::: ... · ·: ·. I 2 1, ..... ~ 3' ·C>.~-- 4 L~-~/-·-...,.· ' ' ::.t= '. :.:.:_ ... :·:,,· .',,· ~ ,.- ~-~ 6 :1.E --~~-. .,.~· - ' . •. ~-.. : · ... ·,, ------~- Soft Dig 1 [ .. ,.;.··,:, 2 L- . I ~4 -~~ [, .. _.·.·:;·:,·., -~ ' 3 ' . . ..... ' ---~ ~~--~- 4 Block Po ving 1 I.::.: ... 2 /- I ~ r.-::-L.::... 3 ~-~ :-. .. .. ' ·. -,/ ... ----· ~~-- 4 Ashpholt 1 I L~.::/·· :.: 2 /- I ~(? . c:=J:_,.' ," .. ' ' ' ' 3 4 ~ _.:. -~-"'.'"" .--·-'"". · ~-··, ij r·~f<-- -... :_ ' :~.::.: . ..:::. ~~ t~~---.----;:-!=; ... ~--=--- , -. : 5 -x'\ ---· t=~-tr~--- 6 11 ~~~ c~----.. -c,::~:.. 'isz- 12 J:--_,__ ! ~~---- ~ ,l.::. ~T. ~=:=-j 13 · - . ~ I ~----,·. ~-=~~-:-.=:.:b~-' ·5 5 '-··-g-:-_~>- 1 r ~,.,---4IDP-J;lt·-~--. ' L: .. -~· -~:..~. . ,, 6 1 ---- ~ --· ' ~~--.... -~-=1 ==-~ --' -, ______ _ ~~--~-;f~-~~-- 1 -~--::~i .... : .. '. ,• . 6 11 11 Ji l~-,-·<-·---. [~~. c-"~-' _:_, --'~-~--~- ~ ~---t\. ..... .. -S4 12 ' 12 ___ .. _..:_.,_ __ -·-, . ' '\. ---~ = -----=~ -L~ ----'F~-- -------------------------·· ¥-·---· ---• ---··-----___ __,_ Concrete ~ ' --cz= , .. _, ~ 2 -B ~ r ;J; .,·Sff.~--- 3 ;-~... i"""~~-~~, ·! ·.~' :' ~. ... --~-7-' ' ------~cz= ·-. ',. ' .... ---··-Llall-~ .. --.... --... --":''-·-· .. ~·n,_, __ "'~ .... -,-~-... .. -~ 1.....:,-.. , ... , .. "1 ........ 1:""", ..... * -~-~~--;.:~:;;J.;;::;-;;;~:£~-;7 _-;: ;:~ =-.:;r··-c--:.t ...... -.... ,· .......... _ ~:.;~~·-·. --·----, .. -·-. ____ ,. ___ ., __ IC (.ii~i~~~::.::-··· ~ .. -~ ·:-+..:.~=.::.......,.:.. ..... -..~r=:-:::--r~:t-:' ...... ~""'$ .. :'..~~ .. ____ , ~----····~------·---···--·~·· ·-····•' .. - LEGOL:JD GARL.3BAt> LECOLAND Cubbod.loc. ... ,.,... ........... . c..w..1,CA ..... UM ..... 1111 ..... ,., ....... l.EGOLAND Attraction Cellttr, 8Wuad ( __,I,.__, -... 1u111• ..... ..,.,,,.,,,.,_ LECOLAND-.., c..,,,, Wt..lNrJ , .. -............ ~Ulf.KANJ ' Mt 1111 UMN'V.._ ++1 nu1'UU,- HOICStudloE ~,,, ..... ,.,.. ...................... 0. .... J11-a,1•....,_ 11,aaJMJ._ SuulAa.octate.,h,e.'. --. ............................. KA.tll'r.l &1TnU•v.._ ,11m:r,41,- 'Nolle and Anoclate., Inc. a.II......... . ._.._,.,......_...._.,..,~CA.nlu ttn,_nn..,.._.i,m...,...,. McCnw/B,aJdwla Arddteeu _..,_.., ,_I ................ Dllp,CAt:lltl .. 111 ,_1ns1m1w.. ,1,111ctN,- l\f,rilnl,"0..,,.Iae. --JMI ...... C....-Q,, .......... ca.,u .. ,,,,.,u111~11t.ff11Clt,_ a-i,..g+...__. ................... ~~I 1mw.~-.... .. -. ... .......,a.,... lll&tltlGV--JII .. I'.*~ c.. .... -./·.:±_:~-=~---~~ Rkcrw:~ Jj•/i'"l(i.J 11?,i,,._ ·'Ill!!% /·······-.._\ \ \ \ ....... ______ ..... / ..... ,_.No. ~ PAlllCWIDE ...... ..__ Medel ln1tallatlon Precetfuret ..... ?-300%ffi:1~. - '! -------- --·------.. ------------·----------·--···---------·------- ~-=z~J. II lj l, l' y. f . jp...,..li, ' I ·p---i,; , S£C noN A-A. 1: 1 S£CnON B-B, 1:2 ,!!:\.!..!;'. ..,._,__ -'-'!! . . . ~--__] r ,,b_ ~ ~ '::[;' PlA.tl TYPE 0-26 i'ireaded ,11i'd cast irllo eoncrete, ' ·, ~~...ficcl.ci.tcWuneat.D.f...lb.e.AIOdd, . ~v~ l _ _J . Note; / This f,xing ,lype is for sdft dig only () PLAN TYP[; B· n -----------------------------------------------. ~-~-:.:-.::·=~·~==----- ' .LJ Ii 'f l, r ,t, 'E:tf~:-·_, ~-11 1 · _..J,, -·------.!"~l,~ g.£1~~ ~ ::-I! __ ~ __ /...._,, . i[---a I I h --- ~ · J14~ PLAfl_2Y!_E~ ..... ,Soo STANDARD FIXING DETAIL FOR FLOOR MOUNT(D MODELS; Tormoc or A~pholl Interior wooden ceck Block pcving Soft dig ond top soil See Drawing P·-300 61 Yl01 for instollotion p.-ocedure. riG•e: U.,_"fRI"'-'>. SOIJIO.l 'VB[SSJ,L/11tESSSTITlr1:.c21:>w<J, llttt'S. BUTT .,,nos Al<t 11/!J.T 'll(tOfO fJlltf\l,[L0<;,1,1;.('tJJt, eo._JS l,ll.1.!1£A,12' ANtkr'AS hlLTl.-,l(D ,\,11,urASl)P(J.lt:tnS AAf" l,t!J T1Pt(l•:li; ...._,.,, lO~:> or 1,1cou• 2~ kG SQ,JAA~ lUOl!.\ !~,1~,1.s Atl.l 00!.IS NO'i.~ 6/161NC'lt.SCl:I >NCl"OftS r.OS.•HJ<.1>•11a ,fl<>E.•e~::e W"lC..U)J..OOF\IOO[l•!i01<C ,Sc,J,I.Rf Tt!!Ji:S: )G.»,:!_D,1,11,i• 801..TS.. 1tDS •3/8"1HOilSCR a\NCHORS. JIOS. • l'l<O MIO nPrB~30 M ... \.LOJ..()<S'Llw.t:1:lekC. S')l/>JI'( 11.ill~S: 60,60130 1,1',I 80C.T~ hOS .,.,/elNQj['SOP. ,\flC><OflS NOO.tlik!>1.112 Em>nOtlS, , In so111e(QSCs theverfl,;,J\ ,cct!OO w111 nc,l lil lnlo th"e leg of tht>11'1Ddtl,lh'e1efOl'e-0lhi11tle't Sec'tiOI' tno,Y be used E;<lrn v,uticol s'Jclioos shou'd hi>! crJded lo tne bone fr-;in,P. ~1f lhe moCel hos more tho" One, or lwo le9:1, Model:; tho~ require bellt>r shffrleS moy h'lve the te:escoiii0 odjuslrneot removed In l~ri, case It Is cpll.:ot l'1cl lhe distance b~t ... een the top or the. eorcrele pod end the base or the LE.GO model ~the origlonol odd)1stob!e, 'por'.~ I~ t:etween ~ o:.ZO 6 incf•,.s ~-------------------------------------~ -------------·- . t..,· . r; •••• LEGOLAND;:: C.ARL-'BAt> LEGOLAND Cul.bod, Inc. . (J .................... , ~CAnM.UIA • ., .. .,.v..',i, .. ...,,_ LECOLAND Altn.dloa c..i.r, em-i D · DK,,a,. .... -+ann11MV.. +t1J1J11tJ1'- LECOLANDAttnoettoaC.."" Wlndooi: ii IA.Mo,. .... """""-' ......... Ulf,, ....... +M1m1»..,....,_1m1HMJ .... HOI( Bludle i D .._ .. _ -1•:MMo...-. ..... ._,..,.__CAINM s1e.-)11,-v..J11•u•n,_ · · Suald-, Inc. '[j --.................. W---.HA111D Uf~llllV.. •1Jf'M2T•Pa NolteandANoclate.,Jnc. ,tJ !:l~:;tw: .. --:t;=-.=-,:-..... CA~l:.i~- Mc:Craw/BaJdwl.n Arehltedl ?o .................... 11, ................. CAftltl-llll 11,u1m1v.,,,,.'.itn1.,.._ Moriln. Dwm, Inc. CJ !.....__.. .......... ,, ' 71tl"""--=--0ro ........... CAt21N .iun2111v.._,.,..,,..n,,._ - n-i...r+.....,.,.. D ~ ................. ~ mi.:·.=:ti:=~~0.-- D --N > U~~~~ -,-• -<' ~ • ! f/rCf•!Vf.l,) ,ll![J,7,~ "01(,_ ... 1((',r'~ _..._ .,. ... / ............ f \ \ . ._ ) .............. - u.,-..1 ..... ,_ ..... ,o.,...,.1 21•! '91 PARKWIDE Model fuloir Detail ~ -1----~ P-30061 ffocr .. •; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I J 0·1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · .. 1' l . ,, "b; -, '·i • •. .61· ! . :' I. . s' .• ~-1. : : t· . ; if. ; ··-f . ' , I . ,,-, ! ... : . v-.. _;·: _.:._·. · · . '.f~{ · r , ·· .. , '"·· · r\ .. I /! Y·O,i... . :-0· · ··· 1 .t () ., 11' ~-. ' •'I' ' r il . ,:: ,.• .. -( f/. ~,· . :_.-· •• . ---. .. . .t I .:J.. . . ,~. .. ~ :.!• :: ,. .. . _v •• /. -""' •• _; t~··} 0 /,.. ,. • •· V .tt . I . ··· 1 · ~ ,: ... ~ . . -~, I X>1 f' ;;,_,,..,,1-:. ' ' ~--1 ~ °\,V'v!< . "9, »4'0-> <~, ~i~~f ~"-,/ ¥~/~ ~/ .·· .. '· \ f-' I . ·1 I . , ! ; ... \ . f . !. ··--• 0 j:. ·~· :.' i '. .. ·"r> 'it. ' I t . ' j): .... -· .:: ... 0. l -! J R I , hr-t. ,t. I l,. 1~\ I U ~- r .l. .I ? ·, . ; :; \ . ,__, ! . s- -· t-.• :. -. ~ ! -ff?··:')?·· -~--., ,•, _ , ·.-:· {~:-'_,·.,-.. :_ ,, . : ;·.'~ ,'',' . ' -·1· :1-: ' ~ ... ' • /1'1 •• ~.,·.· ,.· :_:~rt ;,:·· · .. _. ., ... ·. ,.· .. ·,·,.' '' - 1 - I I ., I I j I I I ,. /' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I. I \ I I \ \ \ \'' \ \ \-\ \ \ \ \' \ •\ -- - --- - . ·---.---·k-.h __ , --···-· -- ', '" . ' '"-, '"-, '"-... ·--~\' ~' \ '"-, - \ ' \ \ '\ \ I I \ I I r ~ ·, --------·-·· .. _______ :;;m -- -- --- I I -·M·.:-":·.-·?:w:; . -. . : : . ~EGo..:lo· .:_.<;: , A R L ~-B A ~-. ; . , _ -. ~~~Atftadloa~ter,isw~,9~. ----+t111:n1, • ..._.._nJ129a,-0' ,-,-_Oltle(TAlle'IM,0, ® ~TIOtW.~llllttt @ fiJ LECOLANI> ,\~ Ce..ltr, WlndHr {J n--........... N. ....... ...... IM.aAIW +<4t1m,,._,,..........,,m1M4:'t,_ ROUM WyaUAltocl.Ues .', .o· Am-*"'I>-.~ . 111, ....... ...-.-l>N.ClodaMll,.OH ... 11:t>lltll.SY .... Sll)ll:Mtl,_ HOKStudle~ 0, ~="' ............... CA,... 11ect11•"'""'-Jl141lMUl'M ' S...UAffodatcs.lnc. ......,._ 1U .......... -""..-n ......... l,. ,.,..s,m,:w-~"tMll'1ti,... Ne-Ito ud. AHocWes, Inc. ""-J4't.._,.,....., ..... ,.,S-OioF,CAt11:D t!U71'"1V ... ,1tnt<K_21r- MtCn.w/Bddwhl An::hltecu' ........,.,_ ~!::S==;~~=--~n111-1111 ii 0 O"· Marlin & l>wui, Inc. 0 ; --71tl .... ~Ct,, ...... a..i,c.a.n111 •ltfflJIIIV.. 'IJ"'7Nlfl'-= ~~...::~ 0 lfJJW~..,.._.,..,.._ ........ CA,_.. )~1~114:IV..Jll.al ...... , -, •• -.. · .:1!..:S::"' .. ~ .. :;.:,-;:;=..,=;~ ' - .......... -.... '-, 1 JCMl'C ...... n-,i -·---~..,_ INNERPARK SIGN ,._ ... SAi 6153'.io --·---,c-·:-tr-·· P-1001o~Jµs5 ·_ APP-ROVED FOR •PLANTING AND iRRIGATION ONLY INCLUDING J:Rru~.ll LOCATION OF PLANT[NG AREAS 'AS Bull r: ~---;,tlll'-:-;-:--~J( C' ,.Ptv11::1;cD",IY• 1NSF1:C:"TOR'----~ D~~u l ~-oo ocee'~"' . J lt(111510t,1 DESCR1PNlN ~=J::- r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LLCI GRA-P'.HICS ·MATRIX DEFINITIONS AND TERMS The following definitions and terms relcJte to the -LLCI Graphics Matrix. The graphics program includes signs (typically three-dimensional elements), flags (i11cluding banners and pennants), and graphics (typic;ally two-dimensional elements, such as murals and decals}. Not every column heading is called· out in.this document, as some are deemed to be self-explanatory. Those which may be ambiguous or require clarification are listed below. lCr f<A kJ\_ GjL SHADED ROWS in-dicate work which does.not fall within the graphics program. These elements may simply be .LEGO model.s or GRP articles. As some parties may think of'these elements as "signs", they are listed in the Graphics Mattix and their progress will continue to be tracked as necessary. FUNC -Function DEC Decorative, such as is the case with many flags DES Descriptive, such as fairy _poems, how a mod.el works, ~tc. DIR Directional, such as fingerpost signage RECEIVED JUN J 3-1997 tt.O.t<~.A- p;H):~ ~~ ~ 6/IJ: ~H ~ft-;· mO ID Identification MENU Menus, both interior and exterior OP Operational RET Retail, excluding ID signs for retail ST Statutory IDENTIFIER Unique number used to refer to each slgn, flag or graphic, based on project component list. The number i$ followed:by an "S" for sign, an "F" for flag (includes banners and pennants), or a "G" for graphic. The number is then followed by a "b" if .a detail design is required. GRADE A Detailed, complicated or.difficult fabrication methods such as those including models, props, special effects, etc. B Less complicated tha11 .grade A, but-indicative of some facility or area development impact su9h a$ additional support or foundation requirements. · C Simple signs, flags or graphics _ - ADD'L FEATURE -Additional feature included with, on, or around the graphic _ AM-x Animated model -followed by a number ff more than one SM-x Non-animated model -followed by a number if more than one AP-x Animated prop -followed by a number if more than one_ SP-x _Static prop -followed by a number if more than one SFX Special effect, such as mee fog1 pepper's ghost, .steam; etc. f:;13,l,.e.._ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DWG bSK-Drawi11g disk; indicates whether design will-be available on disk for supplier MOUNT -· Type of attachment or mounting DECAL Decal DOOR FAC FP FREE LP p pp RAIL SP WALL Door Facility exterior wall or pergola. Flagpole Freestanding, typically requiring substantial concrete foundations Light post, lc:1mp post · Single post Double post Railin_g. Special, see Remarks column for acf ditional information Interior wall COLOR -General design s1:;olors only L X W X D ... Approximate dimensions only, in inches WT-Approximate weight only, in pounds, ba.sed qn dimensions, material, and additional features LIGHT -Lighting type required AMB Ambient A TT · Attached "" may also specify uplit or down lit INT Internal · NEON 'Neon REM Remote, unattached; differs from ambient in that it is placed and focused specifically to provide lighting for the graphic · SP Special, see Remarks column for additional information AM -Attraction Manager DSGN CMPL -Detail desi_gn complete Generated by. l;isa Jagmin File: Graphics Matrix Definitions & Terms.doc ---- LLCI GRAPHICS 'ORIGIN/ATOR: L J111mln ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Jui¥_ 97 - -- - - - -------- ' ' , ~-~;. ··:·;~..,~1\t,:.,/,i;~~i:,lJ:':t\:.siG~':,{,:~·., :"uXA~:;¥ :..~~·~-;_::\\":.:,:<:.~::I_:. :-':i •· ::·:1,, .,1-,:~·:;/'-r/ A~L DWG, ::'! _: tf'. ~. ' •• 'f < ,':,'' ';::,~l~i-Z-\:,_1:~{t•.:.J: .. -i~;;ti,:;rwr,~.-.:1.·t:i l~ ~~; ~GN PROJ.. ' NO.,' qtmFIER~~.;, FUNC GRADEQTY~\·:O:DWG#~':,·:>,~ 1PI..AN.,_,.:: LOCATION/DESCRtPTK>N·\,, •-• ~ -TEXT:t" /'! ·· ... 'FX. CMSK MOUNT: MATERIAL.·_.,;.:. COLOR.~,At··:· • FONT;.~--..... INCHES:r~~;LBS':UGHT,-_REQS RESP CMPL MGR,. SUPPLIER REMARKS ~~ •• -~: 'i r~~ .~'"i!·.;.~~t-J\ .. i::':,_,;~~.~:~r-at~,:,; ... :g~:.:uta~-tifi'itj~~~~~\:~f\::',:.{ t~>;l~.~}·;~t.~:;;. ~-~l_-;_t__~.t~-~·~. _ _J_~'' :-~---~-' ,,:: ;"1!.f~-~·.\ ;, : '-:., .. , ...... ~ ,f_•_;1\ 2·'. t._tJ'!_J,f_?, ·=, . __t_~l -t, !;:;' 1.· •. ,. ... ~ r:,,'H ... ~\~. ~t·t'.,:·· ·t-'·' . -",··.,' ' •. 1 0 102 35 :01 F;D DEC-c Le' 0-10200(142 LEGO Or. entiy flagpole 1 NIA 2 0•102 35 02 F DEC-C 0-10200L142 LEGO Dr, enlry fl111Pole 2 NIA 3 ' 01102 35 03 F DEC C 0-102 00 L 142 LEGO Or. enlry flagpole 3 NIA' : 4. 0 102 35,04 F DEC C 0-10200L142 LEGO Or. enlry flagpole 4 NIA, 5 0,102'35c05'F ,DEC' c' '10-102 00 L142 LEGO Dr. enlry flagpole 5 NIA 8 0·102 35 06 F oEc· C, 0-10200L142 LEGO Dr. enlry fl111pole B NIA 1 LEGO Or. H8S, banner . 7 0 -102 35 07 FD oEc: C 112 0-10200L142 HghlpoSt 1' NIA , LEGO Or. seas, banner :s 0 102 35 08.F• DEC: C 0-10200L142 Nghlposl2 NIA LEGO Or. HU,'banner 9 0,102'35 09 F,, DEC C 0-102 00 L143 , llghlj>os\3 'NIA LEGO Or. Hu. banner 10 0 102 35· .10 F DEC C 0-102'00L143 llghipo,14 . ·NIA_, , LEGO Dr. seai. banner 11 0 102 35 11 F DEC C 0-.102 00 L 143 lighlpo,t5 NIA 12 0 102 '35 12 F DEC C LEGO ,Or. Has. banner 0-10200L143 lighlpost8 NIA: , LE(_,O.Or: seas. banrer ' 13 0 102 35.13 F DEC. C 0-10200L1« lighlpost7 -NIA 14, 0 ,102-35 14 F 'DEC c, , LEGO Dr, seas, banner 0-102 00 L1« llghlposl8 • NIA LEGO Or. seas. banner, 15: 0 102 35 15 F . DEC C 0-10200L1« Nghlpost9 NIA, •. LEGO Or. seas. banner 16 0 ,102 35 16 F DEC C 0-10200L145 lightpoSt 10 , NIA LEGO Dr. seas~ banrier 17 0 102 35 17 F ' DEC C 0-10200L145 lightpost 11 NIA' LEGO Or. seas. bann~ 18'' 0 102 35 18 F DEC C 0-102 00 L 145 lightpost-12 NIA 19 01028101S[ DEC C --1 7 :.;;, .} ', .. ' • LEGODr:welcomelelter1 "L" , NIA. 20 0 102 61 02 S DEC c•" F•,: '1~· '1/!';'1,,: ,t'I---... ·'J • LEGO Dr. welcome letter 2 , -e· NIA. 21 0 102 81, 03 S DEC C LEGO Dr.welcome letter 3, ."C" NIA 22 0,,102 61, 04 S DEC ,c LEGO Dr.,welcome letter 4 ·o: NIA'' 23 o 102 61 oss· DEC ,C. LEGO Di. welccme letter 5 "M' NIA 24, 0 102 81 06 S . DEC C _,:,,·, [EGO.Dr. welccmeletler6 "E'. ' NIA 25 0 102 61 07 S DEC C. ILEGO Dr. welccme letter7 w NIA 26 o 102-61 oe s·c '-bee j' '/ ',' I, .i:, p~enger drop-off area A' WELCOME algn , "WELCOME" SM-4 27 0 )03 35 01 F C ,DEC C '. •54 0-101 00 L 131 carpark lightpost 1 · "A1"' NIA, 28 0 103 35 02 F DEC C 0-101 00 L131 ca~a~ hghtpost 2 'A2" NIA FP fabnc; FP fabric FP fabric FP fabric F~ fabric FP fabric LP fabric ., . ' LP. fabric LP' fat>ric 'LP ', fabric LP fabric LP, fabric .. LP fabric, LP. fabric ,. L~ fabric LP, fabric LP fabric LP fabric FREE LEGO models . , '. ( ,•I 1'_,, FREE , LEGO models .. •, ,FREE LEGO models . ,, ,'•, 'FREE LEGO models ., FREE LEGO models ., ... FREE LEGO models . ,., . FREE LEGO models .. ,, ... , .. :., , ... ·,· ' FREE LEGOinodels ,. ''' ' petfontled LP , aluminum perfO[Bled LP, aluminum Page 1 1 REM NIA , JOL 1 REM NIA JOL. 1 REM NIA JDL 1 REM-' NIA JOL • 1 REM NIA JOL 1, REM, NIA .• JDL 1' REM NIA JDL. 1 REM NIA, JDL, 1 REM NIA JDL 1 REM NIA JDL ,1, REM NIA JDL 1 REM NIA , iDL 1. REM NIA JOL ,1 REM NIA JDL 1 REM : NIA JOL 1 , REM NIA JDL 1 REM. NIA JDL 1 REM NIA JDL '' , REM., NIA ' REM NIA. , REM., NIA, REM NIA REM NIA : ,· REM·_ NIA: REM , NIA REM NIA 2 AMB N/A JDL 2 AMB, 'NIA joL I : .. RA RA RA RA RA, RA RA RA RA RA , RA RA RA RA RA RA RA RA , RA, RA RA RA RA , RA RA RA . RA RA Deaeased 1 from G.B. due to# of fight~ ~sts between entry fl~_s_~ _ _e_~j kiosks , lncreeSed by 7 from G.B. dUe to greater# of pk(i. spaces available - ------ L,.LCI GRAPHICS. ORll?INIATOR: L, Jagmln ORIGIN DATE: 29Ma\197 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 ju_l}, 97 --Illa, -... .. -.. ----..,, - -~·_;_.,,,:~-'.-_ .. ":.·!.· .. ~~ ->./:~t~;~\\--:r~°t~N f~f/.:L~nciN:.:~;:;·.:~t;,~..,t~·;_:i!-.:~;.;.:~:.·~-~:-~·./\··~:·;-,~;,,:'":·_: ~~DD'L DWGi'f;,i·:~:;.t,.), ;.:·;,,.,, .. : .~:1·· ,·.,)~:~~~ /., ~.: "I:\-LX~)C,D,<""wr,/·i,,:;~~PWR DS~N:·OSGN,•,pROJ•.:,' • . ',' , ·, _' ~ ;:',IDENTIFIER'.~· FtJNC'GRAOEQTY,:,~.~-t>WGf~~\~';', PLAN#•:~}· LOCATION/DESCRIPTION·· .·1~-;:1.:...~. l'EXT,;;,,,:f ~ .~,..,~ ·FX'I:-,DtSK''MOUNT"{'MATERlAL d..~;·_:, COLOR ·r·.·"• . FONT: \.J, INCHES :· LBS LIGHT 'REQS· RESP ,CMPL MGR_,SUPPUER REMARKS .._~/i, ...... ?··?.,,···;,-,'.;:;..;::~~:it,;·:.;;-_:t,::~;i-;,r,;1~':#1-"~-: •• ,.,-i.""~·~_._·Jif;::~r}~_,.:fs'--.l?~.-· .. ~-~J:\:·_:::f~··:; ~~--c:-·-,~i.-·.\:.·.,.';-;1,':::.·· --~-,-, ... • .... : ·-~~1l···~~--~-·1~~1 __ ',~ __ :~,~ •. _ .. :,:· -" ',,_. -._: •· ·_;_~-~-: __ , · • ~·· ·, . ,29 IO 103•35,03 F l·DEc,1 C I0-.101 OOL131 ,, perforat~' carpinc llghlpoS1 3 ' "A:J" NIA LP aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDL RA 30 0 103 35 04-F, DEC I, ·C pedorated RA 0-101 OOL131., cspartc llghlposl 4 , "A4" NIA, LP aluminuin 2 AMB NIA, JDL pedorated '31 0 103 35 05 F DEC I C 0-101 OOL131 . C8IJ)8II< Hghlpost 5 • "AS"' NIA., LP aluminum . ' 2 AMB NIA JDL RA 32 0 103 35·08 F DEC I C pedorated 0-101 OOL131 caiparlclighlpost8 "AS' , NIA LP aluminum 2 AMB NIii JDL , RA, " perforated ,33 0 103.35 07 F DEC I C 0-101 OOL131 carpark Hgh-17 '•Ar NIA .·LP aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDL RA 34 0 103 35•08 F DEC I C 0-101 OOL131 carplrkligh-18 :111· . NIA· ~led AMB , LP aluminum 2 NIA JDL RA 35' 0 103 35 09 F OEC I C l~1orooL131. pedorated carplrk Nghlpost 9 "B2" ',NIA LP aluminum \ 2 AMB. NIA.' JDL RA 36 0 103' 35 10.F DECI C I ~led . 0-101 OOL131 caiparlc lighlpost 10 "B3" NIA .LP aluminum \2 AMB NIA', JDL RA '.· ~orated · '37' 010335,hF DEC I• C 0'101.00L131 caipOfk lighlpost 11 "84" NIA LP aluminum 2 AMB NIA. JDL RA 36 0 103 35 12 F DEC c 0-101 00 L 131 . carport< llghlpoS112 "BS" . , 'NIA perforated 'LP aluminum 2 , AMB NIA JDL RA 39 0 103 35 13 F ·DEC C 0-101 00 L131 , carplrk loghlpoS113 '.'BB" NIA pe,1ora1ed· LP aluminum .. 2 AMB. NIA JDt , RA <Cl) Cl .103 35 14.F ,DEC .c perfcnted 0-101 OOL131 earpark llghtpost 14 -er NIA LP alumlnURl 2 AMB, NIA JDL RA 41' O 103 35 15'F DEC' C " J)t!rforated 0-101 OOL131 earpark lightpost.15 ·sti-NIA LP aluminum 2 AMS NIA JDL RA J)erforated 42 0 103 35 16 F, ,DEC C 0-101 OOL131 carpark llghtpoSt 16 ·c1•_ •NIA ·LP· alumlnuin 2 AMB NIA JDL RA perforated 43 0 103 35 17 F DEC C 0-101 OOL131 carpark llghtpost 17 <> ·cz-NIA LP aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDL RA. -perforaled 44 0 103 '35 18 F ·DEC C 0-101 OOL131 earpar1c:hghtpost 18 "C3" NIA LP aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDL liA ,45 0 103 35 19 F DEC C 0-101 00 L131 carpark lrghtpost 19 "C4" NIA perforated· LP aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDL RA 46 0·103 35 20 F', DEC C 0-101 00 L 131 " carpari< l!ghlpost 20 ·cs· NIA perforated · ; LP aluminum 2 AMS NIA JDL RA Perforated 47 10 103 35 21 F I DEC I C 0-101 00 L131 earpark llghtpost 21 "CB"., ,NIA -LP aluminum 2 ·AMB NIA JDL RA 46 10 103 35 22-F I DEC I C perforaled ,• 0-101 00 L131 carpari< lighlpost 22 ·01· NIA LP aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDL RA 49 10 103 35 23 F I DEC I , C 0-101 00 L131 carpark hghtpost 23 -02" NIA LP perforated aluminum 2 AMS NIA JDL RA perforated 50 10 103 35 24 F, I DEC I C I0-101 OOL131 carparic lfghtpost 24 :03· NIA LP Blumlnum 2 • AMS NIA JDL , RA 51 10 103 35 25 F I DEC I C, 10-101 OOL131 perforated ~ earpark llghtpost 25 "D-4" NIA LP aluminum -----..: 2 AMB NIA JDL RA Page? -- -..-,-, iiilll - LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: i... Jagmin ORIGIN DATE; .29 Mey 9? REVISION•: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!¥_ 97 l@I -1ii(ll·i .. .... ... ~ .. -.. .. - ~\.}::~s~;:ii;,~~-~~~~~ . .!)j~tA:~~~i15%~~di~~~:;';J;: :,J;;··fui:~·:~:~~-t~ ~-~~~~. ~~~~-:;,~t·~~i;:~?.~;:_:-;~~~;~~:o.~;~~~~~:: ~~~f? ~:=,.~~--?'· ·:~UPPUE~-·RE~R~ pef/Olllled 52 0 103.35 26 F DEC C 0-101 OOL131 caq,"'1< hghtpost 26 "05" NIA LP aluminum 2 AMS· NIA JDL , RA· 53· 0 103 35.27 F DEC C pe,foroled 0-10100L131 caipw1t lightpost 27 "06" NIA LP aluminum .. 2 AMS NIA JDL RA •.54 0·103 35 26 F 'DEC· :c Pet1~ted 0-101 00 l131 caq,"'1< llghtpost 28 . "Dr NIA. LP aluminum 2 AMS NIA JDL RA 55 ·. 0 103 35 29 F DEC. C .,0-101 OOL131 carpOl1< Hghtpost 29 :-OS-NIA peffonded ,LP aluminum ... .2 AMS NIA JDL RA pedonlled 56 0 103 35 30 F DEC C 0-101 OOL131 """'""' lightpost 30 "E1" NIA LP aluminum 2 AMS NIA JDL RA .. ' pe,foroled ' ,57 0 103 35 31 F DEC C 0-10i'OOL131·, carpe,tc llghtposl 31 . ·er ··.NIA LP ' alumlnUm 2 AMS . NIA JDL RA pe,foroled 58 0 103 35 32 F DEC C 0-101 00 L 131 """'""' ffghtposl 32 "E3" NIA LP alumlrlum 2.AMS NIA JD( RA ' peffon,led '59 ci 103 35·33 F ·DEC· C 0-101 00 l131 ca,pOl1<llghtpost33 "E4" NIA LP aluminum 2 AMS NIA JDL RA ., . pe,foroled 60, 0 103. 35 .34 .F .. • DEC ·C 0-101 OOL131 .. carp"'1< llghtpost 34 '"ES-, NIA •LP afuminum 2 AMS 'NIA JDL RA 61 0 103 35 35 F -DEC. C peffonded AMS 0-101 00 L131 ca,Park Hghtposl 35 "E8 NIA LP aluminum ,2 . NIA ' JDL. RA 62 0 103,35·36 F DEC I C .. pedOlllled 0-101 OOL131 carpark lightpost 38 "Er NIA LP afumlnum· 2 AMB . NIA JDL RA 63· 0'103 35.37 F DEC·! C NIA·' ~rforated I 0-101 00 L 131 ' carpark llghtposl 37 • '.F1" LP afumiriulTI ' · , r . 2 AMS NIA JDl. RA perforated 64 b·103 35 38 F DEC I C 0-101 OOL131 carpark hghlpost 38 "FT . . NIA ·LP atumlllum .. 2. AMS NIA JDL RA 65 0·103 35 39 F DEC I C 0-101 00 L 131 carpartc liQhtpoSt 39 "F3" NIA LP ' Perforated aluminum 2 AMB NIA , JDL RA 68 0·103 35 •o F DEC I C perforated JDL 0-101 OOL131 carparic llghtpost 40 "F4" NIA · . LP atumln\Jril 2 AMB NIA RA 67 0 103 35· •1 F DEC I c· ., perforat~ ·•0-101 00 L 131 carpark hghtpost41, "F5" NIA LP. . aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDL RA 68• 10 103 35 •2 F I DEC I C catpark 11'1htpoSt 42 Perforated ,' 0-101 00 L 131 . :F's-NIA LP aluminurri -2 AMB NIA JDL RA 69 10 103 35 .3 F !'DEC I C 0-101'00L131. carpark hghtpo,t 43 "Fr NIA LP perforated aluminum 2 AMB NIA ' JDL RA perforated 70 JO 103 35 .. F \ DEC \ C 0-10100L131 carpark llghtpost 44 "Fe· NIA LP alulTlinum 2 AMB NIA JDL RA 71 Jb 103,35 •5 F I DEC I C 0-101 OOL131 carpark llghtpOst 45 "G1" NIA LP perforated aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDL RA 72 10·103 35 •s F l DEC I c 0-101 OOL131 . carpark l1ghtpost 46 , "G2" NIA, LP perforated aluminum· I 2' AMB N,A ·JoL RA' perforated 73 ·10 103 35 .• 7 ~ J DEC'! .c 0-101 00 L 131 carpark lightpost,47 "G3" NIA LP aluminum 2 AMB NIA JDt, · RA '74 Jo 103 35 46 F I DEC I c perforated 0-101 00 L 131 CB~rk llghtp~sJ 48 ·G4· N/A LP aluminum 2 AMB . NIA JDL RA Page3 -.. --'· -.. LLCI GRAPHICS ORiGIN/ATOR: L, Jogmln <ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97, REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Jul}'_ 97 --.. , .. 111F ,..., .. ~ ~ , , ':~·· .... ·.> · · .~· .. : /:·,;·\ .,·" • .,..Jt .. SJGN ··~:, i.ocA.rK)N ::·~\1:~· :: -~ l/:-~~-:;~,;~ -~ :)·:: · .. .., , .:. ADO"L •OWG, ,·, ,· \,:. ,• • , ',,:. ', '·i.) \~ , ,-i~ ~-: ,., _-,,'.lxH~D· ~ r.1.,_ )DENTIFIER. FUNC GRApEQTY~ .:ApwG# ,· ,·,-_,, PtAN• FLOCATIONIOESCR1PTION~1t,,,~ '-~,.TEXT.'.~, t,h' FX ,. DtSK MOUNT~ t MATERlAL'' ' d COLOR,~::} ,FONT '-c'.';·, INCHES ~-::.t•,:!·, "r. ',• ', ~:-.1, .... i·-\,, :~:'::•!\'-··,·· .. -~,··,. -~.~.-:;: -r,·-.·~··";'·:,,;_. .... :.-~·.:_.r!'i.·: .', •, !• .. :4•,.'...·'·"':'·~\-.. ;··· ·.~.:~-.~:~ •. '\,;:.: ,.-;.::,.~ ,,. ,r·t~··· i·· .75 IO 103 35 ~9'F I DEC I C 0-10100 L131 · 76' IO 103 35 50 F I DEC I C 0-101 00 L 131 77 IO 103 35 51 .F I DEC I C 0-101 00 L131 78.IC>'103 35 52,F I DEC! C 0-101 00 L131 · 79 IO 103 35 53-F I DEC' I, C 0-101 OOL131 80 IO 103 35 M F 'I DEC I C 0-101 OOL131 ' e1 10 100 82 01 sol DEC I B' -I il.10-103 si x101 82 o 103. 62 02:s, ·Dec · a .. r : · 0:.1o:ie'1 x102 ,-~,: B3 0--103·62 03 S· 'DEC· :'-.B" ( I 0:1031S1X103 84 0 1~ ;· 04.i '·~EC . ~·-I '~ ~~~81X104 e5 o 103 82' os s -De~· ·:e · . C:1·~ e1 x1os 88. ci 103 62· oo s, Dec·' e · '.. 0-1ros1x100. 87 0 201 35 01 F"C DEC C 6 88 o 201 35 02 F 'Dec c 69, 0 201 35 03,F .DEC, C 90 02013504 F DEC C 91 02013505F DEC C 92 02013506F DEC C 93 02013507FC DEC C I 6 . I !M 02013508F DEC C 95 02013509F DEC C 96 · 0 201 35 10·F DEC C 97 0 201· 35 11 F DEC C ,',.: ~-rk lightpoS\49, "G5" carpaik Ughlpost 50 "HI" c:a,pOlk Ughtpost 51 "HZ" , , corpOlk llghfeoll 52 "H3" CO'!'_Olk l~h~l 53 "H4" ciorparkUgh~IM "H5" ;, :~ • ' ' l ~ \. '' -• ~kg,..,.,._,_1 "A" '~L~~~2 "B" pko:~'tc...ieti.ra . : .1-c-, ,: ! ~ ,I '· •• pkg.1p11,e-,-4 "[)" ~ki{~I~.~~ .. ,~ ,, "E" _e_k~lnei~lettere: '.F" e_k~~osk fl~pole banner 1A pkg. ldo~k ftag~e baniier 18 , _e_kg. kiosk flagpole banner 2A pk~osk tla_ipole banner 28 _e_k~losk flajl'e_ole banner 3A pk~osk tlai_pole banner 3B e_k~~losk na_gJ>ole peniianl 1A pkg__'.__~losk flagpole pennant 1B p_!(g. klosk_flagpole ~_nnant 2A _e_kg kiosk flagpole ~_nant 2B e_kg_._~l_osk flageole pennant 3A NIA •NIA, NIA NIA , NIA .NIA . SM, ,.,'SM ,,·', SM st.ii SM, ,,SM NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA N/A NIA perforated, 'LP !aluminum . perfontted LP l•lumlnulll perfontted ,LP lotuminum perfon,ted LP laiuminurri perforated LP Jotuminun\ . 'perforated LP ,!aluminum FREE !LEGO models . FREE (LEGO'~ I~'\": ·:-:·, ,,, 'FREE :IL~GO oriod~.: ' FREE !LEGO moclell· ;;/ FREE Ii.EGO dis ,I~.'' ·,,.FREE. keGo ~els fP !fabric FP liabnc FP (fabric FP lfabric FP !fabric 'FP !fabric FP 'lfabric FP !fabric FP (fabric FP lfabrlC FP !fabric Page4 ·(i·./':Li;·, ,/' ... ', ,,,,: I 3 11111> .. l!!!lt --- (; .'Wf..1 ,,._..·,:,,._,i.:~ DSGN·DSGN'PROJ' r• LBS -~GHT RE~~~-~R; ~ ~ \ 2 IAMB INJA IJDL , RA . 2 IAMB (NIA (JDL RA , , 2 IAMB IN/A IJDL RA 2 IAMB IN/A IJDL RA 2 IAMB_ (NIA IJDL RA 2 IAMB . INJA IJDL ,,RA REM ' IN/A IS&E . I Y IRA IS&E "'Rei,(' lwi. IS&E · I y IRA ls&e ,,, ;;.':' .!Rei.. ~INJ..:·· lsi.e :/ lliA S&E • ','-IR_EM_'J~ ls&e, I . Y, IRA ·IS&E REM.· INJA·:IS&E. Y' IRA -IS&E :I,:·,,: l~~M . IN/A lil&e ,. i IRA ls&E REM IN/A IJDL RA REM !NIA IJDL :IRA ''REM IN/A IJDL RA REM !NIA (JDL RA REM IN/A IJDL ·•RA REM IN/A IJDL RA REM I NIA IJDL RA REM I NIA I JDl RA REM IN/A IJDL RA REM INJA IJDL RA REM IN/A IJDL RA ---.. .. LLCI, GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L. Jagmin ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 July_ 97 ... , .. ·:il!!!lt ... -.. , 111111 ... ... --.. .. .. ~Llfr;:..:,: ·:~: -_: . z,.) .. ,fA ,':_~ -~ .' .' ·.:~··1\·:i~~ ~-·:".-t ~ ~OCA110N'-~"':~~ .: .~.t:;: ;_ .:~: '; ':,:.~?-:~ .•'/._~ ,1, •• ;;, '~Y; AD01= .~ ... ::~k, • -.::· ·~.: ::·~---/\ :: ·: , --... i';t-=~ •,; _-, ~--.'.1:{~~:r~xHX,D :..,:~-·:·, , · .'t,,~ ~~,-1?5:GN: ~OJ .. , , : -_-, , ·~·f.·,;,. IDENTIFIER~, FUNC GRApEffi·~~<.'·DWG#, :,.::-~'-~ PLAN#'·~\ LOCATIONIOESCRIP110Nt'f'1-_~,/: (·1~. TEXT, ,"-,_,.'; F>C DISK MOUNT" .MATERIAi.-;",•:' ,COLOR ~-' ,('~'FONT•.~!,., INCHES ,r, LBS, LIGHT REQS RESP' CMPL MGR_,,SUPPUER REMARKS ·.,.,'(i""\t/.,_1,.!>•~,;-}('<'t.·1,: _____! ... -.:·~'t''.,t_~··'-____ ~ __ :_?,·~~--·-~~:v~_L_ __ t_•,',1"' ______ ,,.•!!,,1,":\1>,",1':..,_, ___ ;· \~,,.,-:, •... ,•f.-.· '•,.. i~~;,. ~::·~J:,1~···· ... : ..• ~--'--'---·\,·-•_,~·!_____-f._.;'1<._ •.,_,,,',,. ,.•~ :. --~,'-·-~· •' '• ~ Ci_·. 98 0 20L35 12,F DEC C· ', ' pkg. kiosk flagpole pennant 38 · NIA , FP fabric REM NIA JDL . RA -'Nelcome to LEGO- ,99 0 201 35 13,S C OP C 3, •. p1<g. kiosk flagpole we1ccme LAND, pk hrs,; pkg. $ NIA FP ' ~ REM NIA JDL • RA Welcome to LEGO- 100'· 0 201 35 14 S OP C, pl<g. kiosk llagpole welccme LAND, pl< hrs,: pl<g. $, • NIA FP REM NIA JDL RA Welcome lo LEGO. 101. 0 201. 35 15 S OP C pl<g. kiosk flagpole wela,me LAND, pk hri.: pkg, $ NIA FP REM NIA JDL RA P811< orientabon map CD , .. 102 B 115.32 01 SD 'OP B ·1 P32,0 P-10000L255, Beginning , NIA FREE '25 REM' NIA SAi RA , ModuJex I four posts w/pan'ets in between Fingerpost, Beginning E. of 103-B 115 32 02 SD DIR C 1 P33.0 P-100 00 L255 seasonal exhibit ·NIA, p 5 REM NIA , SAi RA ModuSex 'DIR Flngerpast, Beginning w: d 104 B 115,32 03 SD C 1 · P33.0 P-10000L255 dincisaur NIA. p 5 REM NIA SAi RA ModuJex 105, B 115 32 04-5 C slg~ OP· C ·1 Dinosaur Noc::lmiHng NIA P. wlapplied vinyl 1 REM NIA SAi "' RA e 118 83\01 s.c -Credit card tkt vending facade, •credit Card Ticket, "NIA; 1()6; ID/OP C • 1 outsldepk . .;,lry. ' Vending~ AMB NIA SAi RA I !shared among 2 machines C,red1l card tkt vending, IJ'.Ulslde 107" B 118 63 02 SC , OP C 2 , pk entry, Instructions NIA AMB NIA Supir RA -~ ·I Provided by machl~~ co.? Credit card tkt verxhng, outside 108 B 118·63 03 S OP C pk.entry . lnstrudions NIA AMB NIA Suplr, RA ; 109 B 116 65 01 SD OP C 3 Prior to lid booths, freestanding VVelcome ... events NIA AMB NIA SAi . RA Modulex 110 B, 116,85 02 S ·op ,C Prior to tkt booths, freestanding Welcome.,,events NIA AMB , NIA-SAi RA Modutex 111 8 118 85 03 S • OP C Prior to,tkt booths, freestanding Welcome ... f!Venls NIA ,,., AM8 NIA ' SAi , RA Modutex ',112 8 118 66,01,G C 0RET C. 1 Re'tall cart#-1 NIA N 'DECAL apphed vil'lyt NIA ATT 'JDL MZ 113 8 118' 66 01 G RET-C 1 Retail cart#i. NIA' N DECAL applied vinyl NIA ATT JDL MZ '114 B 118 66-01 G RET, -, C 1 Retail C8rt#3 NIA N CECAL al)phed vinyl .. NIA ATT JOL MZ 115 B1186601GC RE7 C 1 Retail cart,_. NIA N DECAL appliedvinyt NIA ATT JDL MZ ,. ,-1 lbs .. do not indude LEG00 friend model; B-215 65 G200, Palk entrance stgn over licket '"LEGOLAND bl & red ltrs w/~4 reuse/ LEGO logo 2 sided; att to space frame: 116 821565015D ID A 1 G201,G202 P-300 65 G200 ' booths CARLSBAD" SM-1 y SP FRPlmetal LEGO logo (2 sided) 388'X 138 X 12 150 REM HOK y MZ _____ pla~ on tOe_ of tkl booths 117 8 215,65 02 SD .OP C 6 Tkt booth facade Pricmg NIA AMB NIA CK., MZ 118 8 215 65 "03 S OP C Tkt booth facade Pricing NIA·· AMB NIA -CK MZ 119 82156504S OP C Tkt booth facade Pricing NI~ AMB NIA' CK. . 'MZ 120 8"215 65 05'5 OP C• Tld booth f&cade Pricing ,, NIA AMB NIA CK MZ 121 8 215 65 06 S OP C Tkt booth facade Pncirig NIA AMB NIA CK MZ 122 8 215 65 07 S OP, C Tkt booth facade Pricing • NIA AMB , NIA CK MZ 123 B 215-65 08,S OP C 6 Tkt booth facade Instructions NIA AM8 NIA CK MZ 124 8•215 65 09 S OP C Tkl booth facade Instructions 'NIA AM8 NIA CK MZ Pages .. -. -.. , .. LLCI GRAPHICS (?RIGIN(ATOR: ~.Jagmin, ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 · REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!¥_ 97 .. .. .. ... .. )Iii) . ··t···~-lf:::-:\~":'f ': ·~t--;-.'SIGN . -LOCATION:.-: -. :-;.1.~{-~-·:-... i!!l!:·::: !!!fil!!!f!filt: f!!!!!.f!f!!Q!l9!!c°''; !!'!!!!.! •. PLANj. · LOCAT10N/DESCRIP110N .I-'.·,';· ••· ; •. · .. ADD'I. DWG• . ·TEXT· .• ~ ·,, 'FX·<: DISk-MOUNT ., MATERIAL ".:~:· ~ .• -~"!:-},, ;,;t•.:. ·.h'~*'r:.•?t":_.,·.·· ·""r-~. ':;!;~·:·~·,-·.:.-~):J~· ;.i_ .:-.. -.. -, .. ., .. ;._.',.~-;:-,-.-.-.----.--.- 125 B 215 65 10 S ,OP ·c Tkl booth facade lnslrucbons NIA 126 B 215 65· 1,1 S OP ·c Tkt'booth facade lnstt'uc:tions , NIA• 127· B 215 65 ·12·s ·op C. Tklboolhlacode lristrudlOOs NIA 128 a· 215 65 13 s· OP C Tkt booth facade lnSlructiOfls NIA.: 129 B'215'65·14'SC 'OP' C 12 ' Tkt booth facade Legalese NIA '130 0·215 65 15 s OP C Tkt booth facade L9galeie NIA , 131, B 215 65 ·16 S 'op C Tkt booth facade LeQalese NIA 132: 8'215 65 17 S , OP' C Tkl booth facade (eglfese NIA ,133 8 215 65 18 S OP c. Tkt booth feeade, , Legalese NIA 134 8 215·65'19,5 · OP ,C Tkt booth facade LeQaJeie' :NIA· • 135 8'215 65 20 S OP C Tklboothlocade Legalese NIA ' .. 136 8 215 65·21 S OP C Tkt booth facade Legalese NIA ,137 B 215 65 22 S• ' OP C Tklbooth facade Ll!;alese NIA 136 8 215 65 23 S OP C Tkl booth feeade Legalese NIA 139 8.215 65 24·S OP C ' Tk1 booth fecade ' te'.ga1ese , NIA , 140 8 ·215 65 25 S OP C ,,. Tkt booth facade Legalele . NIA .. .. ,,.. . . .. .. ... , .. - ••• :, ::, : 0"r" /1/:-. ,\ :,,.',, ~xHx'o•,-,·wr .. -... ~,:':,, PWR DSGN DSGN PROJ .··COLOR•:•,,,:, FONT·/ ·111ciles· ,·,i.es LIGHT RE0S,RESP CMPL MGR SUPPLIER REMARKS ·_,,_ 1" , ~'. •• 1··. '.· :.:':' '. : , "': ·,,· ' .,, • ~ _,_ .. -: ' .. ... ·• .-. . . •AMB. NIA CK '' , MZ ·-AMB NIA CK MZ AMB, NIA CK MZ AMB NIA CK MZ AMB NIA CK MZ AMB NIA CK M2 AMB' NIA CK MZ AMB NIA CK MZ. AMS NIA CK , MZ, AMS NIA CK .. M2 AMB. NIA CK MZ AM8 NIA CK , MZ,. , AMS NIA CK. MZ , AMB NIA CK 'M2 AMS NIA CK MZ AMB NIA, CK M2 .each Hr. 60H x 141 10 216 62'01.S cl ID I 13-216 65 G200, A ._I _1_JG201,G202 P-300 65 G200 Big Shop W. entry on pergola, "The 8_1o Shop" SP,SMI 10 N r SP 12D;each' liNT.' I IJDL 1. y IMZ I ls'ignboards lwh.tnori"blue&red lhelveU~ sipnbd 84 x 30 x( 'I adj. to LE~O friends on top & front of w/aaylic _, backgrounds bold 8' pergola; LEGO brick attached (not In~ 142 8 216 62 02 SC ·10 A- 143' 0 216 62.03,s·c • ID C 144 8'216 55·01 St ID/OP C 145 s·216 65 02 SD OP c· 146 8 216 65',03 S D ID/OP .c 147 8'216 65 •. 04 SD OP .c 146· 0 216 65 ·os,s c ID/OP C 149 8 216 65 06 SC ID C . 150 8 216 65 07 SC ID/OP C 151 B 216 65 08·S ID/OP ·c 152 8 217 16 01:G C DEC C 153 B 217 18-02 G DEC C 154· B 217 18 03·G· DEC, ·c 155 8 217 18 04 G DEC C 156 8 217 16 05 G DEC C B-216155 G203, 1 IG204, G205 IP-300 65 G200,~g_Shop E. enlty on pergola_J"The Big Shop" 1T·--------,P-30065G20() l8igSh"!'_Ctr.enlty _·:_ .. j"TheBlgSh01>" Guest svc. E. P~ola "Group Sales" GrOU_e_ sales window Le'iiSltese Guest ave. e: per_iol• ' "Guest Services" Guest Services Window Legalese Guest Svc. E. _p~ola .!. I ·Season Passes• Guest svc. E perQ_ola "RetallPlck:Up" Guest svc. E. Pe!i_ol• ATM G'uest SVC, E. pejo1a ATM' Tkl taker _e_anel face 1 face graphics, , Tkl taker e_anel face 2 face graphics Tkl taker panel face 3 ,face _J;l_raphics Tkt. taker panel face 4 face graphics Tkt taker _e_anel face 5 face gra_e_hlcs SP,SM 8. N .NIA NIA N NIA NIA N NIA NIA· 'N NIA N NIA N NIA N· NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA eachltr~60Hx 12D:each MZ· I signboards wh. ttrs on blue & red . helvetica s1gnbd 84 x 30 x ladj. lo LEGO friends on top & front of, SP . W/acrylic .. backgrounds bold. 9 INT JDL ' Y. ' pergola; LEGO bnck attached (not In~ FAC REM· NIA JDL M2 I IJ)Ossibly_~_pergola FAC REM NIA JDL MZ. FAC AMB NIA CK MZ FAC REM NIA JDL M2 FAC' ', AMB NIA CK MZ, FAC REM NIA JDL M2 FAC REM NIA JDL MZ FAC AMB NIA JDL MZ FAC AMS NIA JDL M2 I I GRP'ofmetal pp w/appl. vinyt, AMB NIA JDl RA GRPormetal RA I I pp w/appl.vinyl AMB NIA JDl · GRP or,metal ,pp w/appl. vinyl AMS 'NIA JDL RA GRPormelal pp wfappl. vinyl AMS NIA JDL RA GRPorm'etal pp w/appl. vinyl AMB NIA JDL RA PageG .. 'i I ,. -· -.. .. LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L. Jagmln ORIGINOATE: 29May97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Jui}'_,97 .. .. ....... .. .. .. .. ,____. ..-,:: .. .. -- / ( ;~,: '• '"i',• ·:::/l,? }'.~~ ,J,. .• ~:1~··51aN ·,;';.': LOCATIOtr .: \ °;;.f• •I •,. :.' ' J,,' ~i , ... -~.,-~~arv~f.:'m!l!',~-'-:-J:· PUN•::. I.OCATION10ESCR1PT10N ;.;. !_•, ,'' '-,,~• ",J-~,·;,\•',,•<.,,',•? .,;•J~;:l:,•.,-.,•,,.,:•'-,.!:, :,n ;:,::~·,,-.·:~~;:: .:,"'.,--.:•,~~• ,{, rgr, .. ;i-~~-~ ;if'~'.· ~i*t:::~--r ~~~&7;;:YiL~~:::~~~/::t~-: -~~ --~ ~~ ;~; -~i -~UPPUER REMARKS 157 S 217 18'06 G DEC C Tkt. laker panel face 6 race graphics NIA GRP or metal pp w/appl.vinyt AMS NIA JDL RA .'PP · GRPormetal ,158· B'.217 18 07 G, :DEC· C .. Tkl takef panel face 7' , fjee graphics 'NIA w/appl.vinyt AMB NIA. JDL, RA Strofler & haindicap 159 s 211 85 01 s·c OP C, 2 Entry date W. ofW. lumslile p1citogram NIA RAIL, signboard AMS , NIA JDL ;RA Slff>ller & handicap 160 S 217 65 02 S OP C Entry gate e. or E. tumstUe pictogram NIA RAIL slgnboan! AMS NIA JDL RA 161 S 217 68,01 f,C DEC' C 6 Banner 1 above 1kt taker NIA FP fabric REM NIA JDL RA· '162 s· 217 66 02 F '•DEC .c eanner 2 above 1kt. taker N/A FP fabric REM NIA JDL ' RA 163 S2176803F -DEC, .c. Banner 3 above,tld taker NIA FP fabric 'REM NIA . JDL RA '16>1 S2176804F, DEC, C Bannef-4 above tkt: 18er NIA FP fabric REM_ NJA" JDL_ RA 165, B 217 68 05'F DEC-C Banner 5 above 1kt taker '_NIA FP fabric REM NIA. JDL RA ,168 S 217 68 06 F DEC C Banner 6 above tld:lakef' . NIA F.F! fabric REM, NIA JDL RA 167" S,217 68 07 F·D ',DEC' C 3 . Penrlllnt,1 above tkt. takel" NIA NIA 'fp fabnc' REM NIA. JDL _ RA 168 B 217 66 '08,F DEC C Pennitnt 2 above tkt. taker NIA NIA FP. fabric REM NIA .. JDL RA 169 B 217 68 09 F •DEC C ... P9nnant 3 above lkl laker NIA '_ NIA FP ' fabnc REM 'NJ)\ JDt RA ·stro11er.¥A1eelchair/ .. 170 S 218 85 01• S C ID/OP C 1 P-300 85 G200 Guest IYC. W, ~-Locker,Renlar' NIA, FAC REM NIA JDL MZ 171 B ,218 85 02·S C ID C .1 , P-30065G200 Guest svc: w. peigola Conveflience store NIA FAC INT JDL MZ· ,,. ID/ 172 S 218 65 03 SC MENU C '1 P-300 85 G200 Gue1tsvc.W. , Food Stand SM FAC. ATT JDL MZ OP/ " 173 B 218. 85 04 S C ST C 4 'w. compl'ex toilets-boy, P1ctogl'8ms NIA y FAC AMB NIA ' JDL , MZ OP/ ,, 174 0·218 65 05 s c sr ·C 'w. complex toilets. wheelchair Pictograms i NIA y FAC AMS NIA JDL MZ OP/ 175 S 218 65 06 SD ST C ' W. complex toilets -diaper P,ctograms NIA y FAC AMB NIA JDL MZ , OP/ ' 178 B 218 65 ot SD ST C W. compiex toilets -girt P1ctogiams NIA y FAC AMB NIA JDL MZ 1n S 219 66 01 FD DEC C 1 Seasonal exhlblfpennanl, NIA NIA·, FP REM NIA JDL MZ 178 82916501SC ID C 1 P-300 65 G200 First aldnost kids "First Aid/Lost Parents" N/A FAC REM NIA JDL MZ Flngerpost, Duplo pathway S IModulex 179 D 120 32,01·s C .,DIR C 1' P-10000L255 of Comer Shop N/A .p REM -NIA SAi RA Fingerposl, Ouplo pathway W. 1Modulex 160 D 120 32 02 SC DIR C ,1 P-100 6o L255 of Puppet Theatre NIA p REM NIA SAi RA 181 D 123 68 01'G RET C 1 Retail Cart " NIA' 'DECAL ATT JDL MZ 0-22065.1 INT/ 182 D2206501S[ , ID A, ,1 2101 P-300 65 G200 Magic Show entry archway ·Magic Secrets':' SP ',FREE .,, REM, RWA ES 183 D2206502S :•OP' C 1 Magic Show' eiitry 'Showtunes NIA pp .. , ATT JDL ES Magic Show back of green Stroller parking 18-4 D 220,65 03 SD OP C 1, screen pictogram 'NIA, FAC AMS NIA JDL RA 185 D 220 65 04 S,D ,DIR ' C 2· Magic Show exit queue "Exit only" NIA DOOR AMB NIA JDL MZ Pag~7 .... .. _, -... .. LLCI GRAP·HICS ORIGIN/ATOR: l. Jagmln ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!}'_ 97 .. .. ) .. .... ... .. ... .. .. ... , .. .. -.. ~: ·.: ~~~1~} ~~-8#.-~~-:$1;;· :-~~.:; l~~~;~~~:~· .-,'. ~-.· , · .. ~[. = ~~<~TE~~-. _:?::\·.~~:~!.fl(~~-· f~~~~~~,~~':r&:~= == ~~ ~°; SUPPLIER, REMARKS 186 ID 220 65,05 S cl DIR I c I I I ,Magic Show exlfqueue l"Exltonly" I I I I ' I I r 167 ID 220 65 06 S o{ ID \ A D-220 65 G200, 1 I \ 1 \G202 · P-30065G200 Com«ShopNortluntry l-coRN°ER SHOP" I D-220 65 G200, 188 o 220 65,07 st ID_, A 1 G201 P-:ioo 65 G200 Comer Shop East entry "CORNER SHOP" "Pasta Patch '.189 D2218201St ID A 1 Pasta Patch entry Restaufllnr 190' D,22f 65 01 SI MENU ·e '\: P8sta Patch outside entry OP/ 191' D 221 65 02'S D ST. C "4 Pasla Patch toilets· boy Pk:tograms OP/' 192 D22165038 ST C Pasta Patch toilets .. whee1ehair Pk:tograms qp, , 193, 0·221 65 04 S ST C Pasta Patch 'toilets .. diaper · p,ctogra"1s OP/ 194 D2216505S 'ST. C .' , , Pasta Patch todtlts -girl .. Pldograms· , D-320 65 G200. 195' D3206501St .. ID B 1 il206 • p.300 65 G200 . Safan Rid9 entry ' "SAFARI, TREK" 196 D 320.65 02 St OP' ·c i Safari Rtde@ entry Rules& regs 197 D 320·65 03 S t OP C 1 Safari Ride C entry Height restriction '196• D-320 .05,04 so OP C 1' Safari Ride @ e'.ntry ,Waitllm8. 199 D3206505SD DIR' C 1 Safari RKfe@exil platform "Exlr: 200 D3206506SC DIR . C 1. Safari Ride @ exit "Exiionty": Strol'lerparldng 201 D3206507S[ OP C 1 Safari Ride Inside enlfy pictogram D-321 65 G200, 202· D 321 65 01 St ID A 1 G201 P-300 65 G200 FTB on topiary "Fairytale Brook" 203 D3216502S[ OP. C 1 FTB next to entry' RuleS & regs 204 D 321 '65 03 S D OP· C 1 FTB next to entry Height reStnction 205 D 3216504 SD DIR C .1 FTBatentry ·enter". , 206 D3216505SD • ,op· C .1 FTB at entry Walt time 207 D3216506S0 OP' C 1 FTB Inside entry , Walttiriie Stroller pa111ing 208' D.321 •65 07 SC • OP C 2 FTB at exit platfonn pictog'ram· 209 D3216508S DIR C FTB al exit platform ~xir 210: D3216509S[ DIR C 1 FTB'atend ofexll palh "Exllonly" - ·I NIA .I LDOOR I· .. .I ·1 1 · I I frank-furter bmber hlghllghJ, I I I lt'·Isi•boatd & rd badcgrolJnd wlbl, plain& . ,SP-1 Y FAC GRP ltrl. gr.ylwltrl,. : mistral, lli£'x26X32 I I I . I frank-furter timber • h)ghllghl w/slgnboard & rd badcground w~. plain&. 'SP-1 ,Y -FAC GRP Hts. gr;ylwltrl. mlslnll 149x26x5 SM.SP SM p NIA y FAC . NIA. y FAC : ; NIA ,Y . FAC • ·NIA . y FAC red&anlmal :v patterned ltrs on 12a;2oxe SM-1: FREE timber bl'OWntimber frank-furter NIA p NIA N, 'FREE CUP.LO bricks · 12x"6x<4 NIA p NIA NIA .. .. NIA .. SFX, signboard w/ red 111>. wlylw SM.SP FREE ~hcltrs. backgmd. frank-furter 114'x32X7 NIA SP NIA • N FREE OUPLO bncks 12x?x4 NIA, NIA· p NIA p NIA NIA NIA Page8 I IAMB IN/A IJDL I I IREM I~ IJ~ I REM NIA JDL · REM' NIA JDL. ATT JDL AMB.' NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL' AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JD~ REM NIA JDL AMB. NIA JDL . AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL REM/ INT NIA SH. AMB' NIA ' SH AMB NIA JDL AMB • NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL IMZ Y. IMZ y MZ MZ MZ MZ. MZ · MZ MZ Y,, KVR. KVR . KVR· KVR KVR KVR KVR Y , IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS structure must sustain sign ,.. monkey model modei of monk!)' wlb'asketbalf aboV'e "o"; mounled In between timber beams.sing le Jtri In "shoi"....P~trude @ drfferent angles structure musfsustaln sign + monkey model model of mon'key w/basketba!rabove "SHOP"; mounted in between timber beams LEGO model leaning aiiah1sl topi'ary tower on pos_t wn.EGO fnend '1hoiz. canopy post mOunt; lanterns adj,; LEGO ~arrot att.; LEGO mOnkey adj. vert C8nop_lpost motint KVR E_refers stroller pkg: inside elfLEG9 model, fiberop!Jcs in wand & topiary1 sign w/book prop att, to topiary sei into topiary L -t -_, .. LLCI GRAPHICS 'ORIGIN/ATOILL. Jagmin ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION #: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 July 97 .. ,_ .. .. .. .. 1111111> ~:,:.:·:·~~~~~_;;.(:~~?.Y~~f.1-~~~:~:~' .. '.t-~~~~--~~~~t:'1.~;~i.'·';~:-~ .. t~-'I•', AOD'L·OWG FX DISK MOUNT , -MATERIAL 7· -._---, ---.-~ ,• ' . ~· , 211 0,321 65 10 SD DIR C ,4 FTB 81~ exit ~th "Exit->· -NIA 212 D 321 65•11 S DIR C 'j FTS~exit~th -exit->· NIA 213 0 321 65 12 S DIR ,C 1 FTB along exit _e_alh _ ("Exit->" NIA 214' D 32(65, 13 S ' 'DIR·, ,C ,1 FTB along exlt l)Olh l"Exlt->" , NIA 215 0 321 65 14 SC OP C 1 FTB O appn,ai;t, to 1umtable !watch you, iiep NIA 218 0·321 65 15 S C : OP • C 2 FTB O~tounload-Pleaiestayse~~-_l._NJA 11. 'P 217 0 321 65 16 S 'OP _c ''FTB O approach_ to unload P18ase 1~ teated I 'NIA p 218 o' 321 65 17 S C OP C 2 FTB Maint, Sidi_. Slaff Only I 'NIA DOOR 219 0 321 65 18 S OP , C FTB Maln~Bldg_. SLlffOnJi f 'NIA DOOR 220 0 321, 66 01 G C OP C I 26 (FTBboal#1 Keep hands Inside boat NIA DECAL (applied lrinyl 221 0 321 66,02 G C OP C FTB boat#2 Keep hands Inside boat' NIA DECAL (apphed _YI")'! 222 0 321 66 03 Gt . OP C ,IFTe'bollt#3 Keep hands Inside boal 1 -N/A 'OEcAl. !applied vlnyl 223 03216604GC OP. C FTBboat#4 Keep hands Inside boat NIA DECAL·l~ied vlnyl 224_ D 321 66,05 G C -OP C FTBboal#5 KffJ) hinds Inside boat _NIA DECAL lapphed vlnyf 225 D 321, 66•06 G C _DP. C FTBboal#6· Keep hands Inside boat NIA DECAL l•£1>i1ed vmyl _, J .. : .. ... ... .. .. , .. .. • ~j .4;':../•-:t/ ;'J :;,:r,,\ l" .;,,,l:XHXb .. ·;·wr•,~. PWR DSGN DSGN PR0.l ,; _COLOR''';. :;·,·FONT-·,·. INCHES ,-LBS''LIGHT REOS RESP CMPL,MGR-SUPPUER•REMARKS ·r·: :,...:..:.> ·,..--,~.--:: • • .:.,: •1 _::, -~ :~--: -• •• • :t · ,: : -· · · · AMB (NIA (JOL IS AMB IN/A (JDL IS AMB (NIA IJDL _ ;11s, AMB (NIA -IJDL ' IS AMB• ,(NIA ,(JOL IS AMB 'IN/A (JOL IS , ,AMB IN/A (JDL IS AMB (N/A-(JDL IS,. AMB IN/A (JOL IS fN/A IAMB IN/A ICK IS NIA IAMB (NIA_ ,(CK IS NIA.IAMB·. IN/A ICK IS NIA IAMB IN/A (CK IS, I NIA IAMB, (NIA (CK IS NIA fAMB (NIA (CK IS I I 226 0321 66~ ng " FTBboal"7 Keep hands Inside boat NIA' , ... ,,--~ -· I -.I I , I -, .. -· ~--. I:··~·"··:··....... • I •• ., I , I DECAL,l••ptied v1ny1 , I · , -. I ·I • I "''"' IAMB IN/A lcK I l1s 'I I 1 227 D 321 el 08 GC OP C FTBboat#8 Keep hands inside boal NIA DECAL lapphed vlnyl NIA IAMB IN/A (CK IS ,,226 0'321-66 09 G C , 'OP C Fie boat#9 Keep.hands Inside' boat ,NIA DECAL lap_e_Ued vlnyl NIA IAMB IN/A (CK IS 229 0 321 66 10 G C OP c_ FTBboal#10 Keep hands inside boal ,N/A DECAL lap_elied vinyl, 'NIA-IAMB IN/A (CK is 230 o' 321 66 "11· G C OP C FTB_boat #11 Keep hands Inside boat NIA' DECAL I applied vinyt NIA IAMB_ IN/A (CK IS 231 D 321 66 12 G C OP.· C FTBboal#12 Keep hands mslcfe boat NIA , DECAL lapphed vlnyl NIA IAMB (NIA (CK IS 232 D 321 66 13 G C OP C FTBboal113 Keep hands inside boat NIA' DECAL lapphed vinyl NIA IAMB 'IN/A (CK_ IS " 233 D 321 66 14 G C OP C FTBboai#14 Keep hands Inside.boat NIA DECAt lappl,ed vlnyl NIA IAMB (NIA (CK IS 234 D 321 66.15 G C OP C FT8boatl15 Keep hands Inside boat NIA' DECAL !applied vi~yl NIA IAMB IN/A ICK' -IS 235 D 321 66 16 G C OP C FTBboall16 Keep hands lnside,boat NIA DECAL !applied ~myl NIA IAMB, (NIA ICK, IS 236 D 321 66 17 G C OP C FTBbo8t#17 Keep hands inside boat NIA, DECAL l~pplied !-'inyl NIA IAMB IN/A ICK IS -- 237 i:J 321 66 18 G D OP -C FTBboal#18 Keep hands Inside boat NIA DECAL l8p_e_lied ~~yl NIA IAMB IN/A (CK IS Page9 -·· -.. ) ( .. LLCl GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L Jogmln ORIGIN.DATE: 29l!ar97, REVISION,, 04 REVISiON DATE: 15 ;July_ 97 f-,'~ ..... .. , .. -· ... .. : .. .. ..i, .. -· .. -~:~;/.Jti!"~~~~~9~r.if;~~t~~&!'.~~~Hi~f-~~~~;'.)f !~;~~ .. /~,-~ 5~-::~;·MA~~t,;:~~'{:!'. ~~~;~t.~'.~::;: '.~~·::z~1.~~~~J:\~}~tf'..~-~~ ~:~,:;~~~~ER.REMA~ 238 lo 321 ee 19 G_DI ·OP C 239 lo 321 ee 20 G _DI' OP ,6. 24ti.lo 321 ee-21 ~ DI OP I c 241 ID_ 321 ee 22 G pl OP I c 242 10 321 ee 23 G~ L. .c 243 ID 321 ee 24 G_DI op-I c 244 lo 321 ee 25 G_[ll OP 245 ID 321 ee 2fl G'DI, OP 246 Ii> 322 ee .01 G_!: ID- 247.ID 322 66 02 G ID, 246 lo 322 ee b3 G ID ,c C A ; '·1 ',A, A ·:r 249 10-322 65 01, SDI OP c I 22 250:ID 322 65 02 S I OP C, , 251 ID 322 65'03 S I OP I . C 252 ID 322 65 04 S I OP I C 253 ID 322 65,05 S I DP I C 254 ID 322·65 06 S I DP, I C 2ss 10 322 65 01-s I OP I c 256 ID 322 '65 08 S l DP J C - 257 ID 322 65•09 S I _OP j C, 2ss lo 322 65 10's I OP I c 259 ID 322 65 11 S I OP I C 260 ID 322 65 12 S I OP, I C 261 ID 322 65 13-S I OP I C, 262 ID 322 65 14 S j OP j ti 263 ID 322 65 15 S I. OP I C. 264-ID,322 65.16 S .I 0~ I C 265-ID 322 65 17 S I OP.' I C 266 ID 322 es· 16 s 1· OP I. c 267 ID 322 65 19 S I DP I C 2ea ID 322 65 20-s I DP. I' c 269 ID 322 65 21 S I DP I C FTBbollt#19 FTB boa1#20' FTB bollt#21 FTBbollt#22 FTBbollt#23 FTB boal#24 FTBbollt#25 FTBboat#26 /··> ,> _:~~ -. -? ~, IY1at~~-.. ,, ,, ·1 ·. , .... : I'··.-.. :,,:-, ... :. -1 ··--: .\ /1,t,• ... , '1,_.' .. :,~~-entry ·'>" Wilerwo!uentiy ''WatefWOl'iti activibes waterworks activities Waterworks 8ctMbes Waterworki activdieS 1Waterworksaetivitles WatefWOIU activities WaterworkS llcbvilies Waferworks activities Wate'.rworks acbvibel Waterworks acbvibes Waterworks activities Waterworks activities ,Waterworb 8ctivities Waterworks activities waterworks activities ,,W&tesworks acbvibeS Waterworks activities Waterwofits activities WaterworkS adlvities Wat1'rviorks 8cbvtties ,Waterworks acbvibes c1Keep hands Inside boat I NIA DECALla~iedvl")'.I. Kee,, hands lnalde boat!. NIA DECAL !applied vln!1_ K~handslnlldeboat I NIA DECAL l•PEfled_ vl")'.I K~ hands lnllde boat I NIA DECAL !applied vl!IYI Keep hands Inside boa! I NIA DECAL l•Pplled vlll)'I_ Keep hands lnllde boat I 'NIA DECAL jappl'ted ""1!1_, Keep hands lnllde boat I NIA DECAL !applied vl")'.I Keep'hand• lnllde boa! I ' NIA DECAL !applied vlnyl 'WATERWORKS" . NIA ,I · N· I., SP. lconcm• 'WATERWOili<s;'. • , I' NIA •N SP , I~•, 'WATERWORKS" · OpenltiOOal instr. O~tiOOal Instr. O~rationa!iristr. O~rational Instr. ' 'lopel'llliDnal instr. 0£!!rational Instr. ,10peralional instr. O_Rerational Instr. O_e_erabOflal'inslr. Operabonal Instr. Operabonalinstr. O_e_erational instr. O_e_el'BtiOOal instr. Operational instr. Operabon&finstr. Operational in'str. ·•op9rational instr. OperatiOl"lal instr. Operational mStr. o~rtitional instr. Operational instr. NIA I N I . SP lconcme ..NIA NIA NIA ' NIA ,NIA. NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 'NIA NIA NIA ' NIA NIA' NIA NIA NIA NIA Page10 ,1 , ,.-.--~>;'·,r:\J: 1 ·NIA IAMB· !NIA ICK NIA IAMB IN/A ICK · NIA.IAMB· IN/A ICK NIA IAMB, IN/A ·ICK NIA IAMB !NIA , ICK NIA IAMB IN/A -ICK, NIA IAMB IN/A ICK NIA IAMB IN/A !CK F~!u<a~B , .... ,,. ; ,: . , : .. • ·I"' ,. Round I ', ? x38' ; '-. ',''' ·NIA INT"" Fu1urasB·1·:-,·· \.,.,_.: .. , .. ,1,··. ,_.,, ,,j ,'. Round ~ ~. ?x138 ·:~ .. 1, :: ' ·NIA 1Ni:; ,, ·' 1=~~:1;.~;_:!,' c, I WAIINT ·•Fr'MA ,1RVJ!, RWA- ''AMB· IN/A . IRWA AMS_ IN/A IRWA AMS· IN/A IRWA AMB.. IN/A IRWA AMS '!NIA IRWA AMB IN/A IRWA AMS IN/A IRWA AMB IN/A IRWA AMS INIA "IRWA AMS IN/A IRWA AMB INtA IRWA ''AMB INIA .IRWA ,AMB -IN/A IRWA AMS IN/A IRWA AMB' IN/A IRWA AMB· !NIA IRWA AMB· !NIA IRWA AMB IN/A IRWA .,AMB :!NIA ,IRWA AMS IN/A IRWA ,AMS IN/A-IRWA IS IS IS IS ,11S IS ·•IS IS ":11s. • 1 flush lri _E.avemenl In outline_,_ ::1':\s .. flush In pavement in outline· . IS. flush in ~avementin OutSln~, IS ··1s ''IS ''IS IS ·•1s IS IS IS IS IS IS -,15 IS IS \115 IS IS IS IS IS .. -.. .. ' ' ' .. LLC·I GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L Jagmin ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION 11: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju~97 ... t .. , ... llill!I) .. -· , .. ... .. ,, .. -ir -... • ' ' :~ • ~ + : •• ·:-· ·,~~~;"(i.:.';ir:~r ,:_~;{,::~ ~-{~}·~~H \,i:-\,,LOCAno,,i >:_ff::-~:,.. ~'.£..., •;', 'i_:,! •• '.' j!lQ:. IDENTIFIER.; FIJNCGRADEQTY,.';,:DWG#;•.:.,, ,Pl.AN#· •·LOCA110N/DESCRIPTION ,• .t.·.·:·:--·-', --~~ .. •• :t·~:-,_; •. ,~:.,;-,. .. .:~~~~it~>,•" ~-: ;.:-;;,.:_::>-~ :•', ... ~.--''(,P i":f"l. :_--..,.,, .. ' .f f::,,::~_:_:,:.F~~;~~-,MATE'~~--;~;3;,+~)'.\,Ftf.~:, .. ,~:;~:*'::~:-9~~}~~.~~.:i~~~ER RE~A~ 270 ID 322 65 22 S I OP. I C Waterworks adiviUes l~eratlonll instr, . 'l NIA AMB IN/A IRWA 211 lb 323 65 01 s of IDJOPI c ·I 2 Puppet show outside seating !Theater flame, show P.300 65 G200 ,.,.. P""'10 &_ tilJle! .• _ I-NIA_ j , I _ p~ · ATT I IJDl 272 ID 323 65·02 s l!DJOPI c , _ ._ _ IPtippet Show ou~ Haling I Theater n~me. show p,300 65 G200 area promo &times I NIA I I PP ATT I IJDL 273 ID 323 65 03 S of: OP I' C ,, 2 Puppet show O front of seating area ' \IMleelchalr pictogram I 'NIA I I p ATT I IJDL 274, ID 323 65 04.S I OP I C ''Puppetlhow@lronto!Hatingl I . I' area . \Mleelchalr pictogram NIA I P , ,ATT . I IJDL 215 10 324 44 01 s_D[__._Ql'_l_ _2.__1. 1 DUPLOtralnen_try _ ~-_IRules&~eg_s I NIA I , I PP AMB IN/A IJDL 278 ID 324 44 02 s_()I OP I c DUPLO train en_lr\,_ jHelght reilrl_, I NIA I N I FREE 12x?x4 AMB • IN/A IJDL · 2n ID 324 ,44 tJ3_S_()I OP C 'I Stroller pllftdng DUPLO train entry pictogram NIA. AMB INIA \JDL 278 ID 324 '44 04,S·DI DIR C .1 '1DUPLO train exit ~onn J-ex.r AMB IN/A IJDL 279 lo 324 44 05 S DI DIR C DUPLO train exit ~"Exitcnly" .NIA AMB IN/A ,IJDL 2eo 10· 324 82 01 s.ol. '10·' l :_;,, -; ,~J:~~ li~~~-looPl.i·~::,;w~ · 10\J_Pi.O~~~;J;~ip, N ·'-7:,_ ',ly1w11rscniii ,:•,;,,-;-,,,·-1•.,.,,, .. ,,,, .. ,;,,-,,. FRE{IGRP_ ·,·'.:___--__-Jbad<gn,unc1 • · ··, •• ~ic-iui1.r 212~163~M ", llNT/,·.,1··"· , •.•. -REM,', t ~!_'} Jbt:. .. ,' 281 \D 324 tl2 02 S cl ID l A .1 1~~:5~ IP,30085G200 louPi.oplll)'lowrum.antry· lweLc<iME ----~--, NIA ,{ I. FREE.)GRP =.::r.:~·:t:..-l~k-~l~;.~::::::i::J.,·E~i'J~i: Joi. IOI, ·282' lo,324· ee 01 G ol MENuJ· c ·1 OUPLO playtown' lee aeam p.300 65 G200 !stand !Food Stand 2B3 10 324 ee 01 F-DI DEC I _ c 2 ID-324<43X104 Brickpa~l1onpeMan1#1 )NIA 284 10 324 ee 02·F I DEC I c. ,1D-3244'3X104 Brickp8villone!_nnant#2 , " INJA • , 285·10 324 88·03.F _()I' DEC I. C 1 ID-324.43 X104 ( !Maze house~···· INJA . '.288 IR 130 32 01 s DI DIR I C 287 IR 330' 24 01 G DI DEC I C f ? 288' IR 330 65.,01 S of' '10 I A 288 IR 330 65 02 SDI OP I C 280 IR 330 65 03 s of DIR· I c 291 IR 330 65 04 S DI 'DIR ·I C I 4 292 IR 330 65 05 S I DIR C 293 IR 330 65 06 S I DIR C 294, \R 330 '65 07 S I DIR C 295 IR 330 65 08 S DI DIR c· 296 IR 330 85 08 SDI 10 ,A .297 ·IR 330 05 ·10 s DI OP C 298 (R'330 65 11 s·DI DIR C 299 'IR 330 55· 12, SDI-OP C Fingerpost, Maze, N.E. comer P.·10000L255 'lo!MazePlaza .. : Maze ~raphlc panels •1P·30065G200 IMIZewaikw!l Maze en~ Maze·@en!!Y_ Maze@e>c11 Maze~exit Maze~exit Maze _m_ e,at, inner side Maze~ exit, outer side P-300 65 G200 )Tower~ entry Tower@en~ Tower@en~ Tower@en~~ "The Tower Maz'e• Rules&~s "Enter:' •ex,r ·ex,r ·Ex1r ·exJr "Exltonl_~ "P0WerTower" RuleS & reg_s "Enter, Height restriellOll WA NIA NIA NIA NIA, NIA, ·sp NIA · NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA FAC FP. )fabric FP -'!fabric FP !fabric timber or composite , PP IP_lastlc - 1FREE FREE pp NIA I · N I FREE I DUPLO bnci<s Page 11 NIA NIA NIA 12 X? X4' ·•ATT. I· IJDL ._1 IRE~-)NIA_, IJDL 1 IREM IN/A 'IJDL 1 'IREM (NIA (JOL REM INJA ISAJ REM fNJA fJDL REM IN/A IJDL, REM IN/A IJDl AMB IN/A IJDL AMB \NIA IJDL AMB !NIA IJDL AMB IN/A (JDL AMB IWA IWL AMB IN/A IJD~ REM/ INT SAi AMB IWA IJDL AMB 'INIA IJDL 5 IAMB IN/A IJDL IS IS IS IS IS KVR KVR KVR KVR KVR, v, IKVR ;,; IK\fR . KVR ·,IKVR·, KVR· KVR RA Modulex RA RA att. to GR~ & lop~ry RA RA RA RA RA RA RA IS archwayen_!_rr IS IS IS -.. --.. : .. LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L. Jegmln ,ORIGIN DATE: 29May97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!¥_ 97 -, .. ... -\ • I .. .. \ __ .. .. ... ... .. ... - !,~: :. J .\:..~'. .. ~::) ,/,-;;~;' •:~.:'~ •• )··),r.~:~\·~i..:-)J '1 S~it /1.,.\~ i.9CA110N ':~;·l,~ r~···-'·.~-I • :,;.:;.}?~:.',_,-,_ ·:. ,.; : ;/: ---~-~-~~001; O\YG~ ,-:· .. ~ 1 i i:.. ., '-,:1-::.:_ :: .,"./ •/(.\ LX'~x'~ ·:;\ wr 'f-. , ' " PWR DSGN DSGN PR0J .'". ~} . ~.IDENTIFIER.'~f ·FUNC GRADE QTY~. 7 .. DWCi# .'.. .: --;i ,PLAN# ~ LOCATION/DESCRIPTION··~·:.-_<.•;.·,: TEXT -' ·. "· FX, DISK-,MOUNT -MATERIAL ·--··•'-COLOR·,,·'/ _' FONT-;'•{"~· INCHES ,,:;·LBS LIGHT' REOS RESP, CMPL MGR SUPPLIER! REMARKS :.~.:i ;:' ti"-:'•'.,,·~;.,"·if.-,,t:C,t-~z-~,·t--; ·;;.-"";-.·.~,;~.\(-'!1'-~.!~·(Z~,..n}~.:~·_::f-:~~7[~-.... J· .... : ';, ;·.;, !t., <.f~ .. r~_.·~;f~>·, ':~',, ,, . '_.-:.-.;?:/ .".•: .''', ,.' <· ·, -~~-/ _. _'_,_,1.! .• ,._~·:.~_~J i'~· ·-... ::_!-..,·~ i,;• 1>".i., :'1~ .,.,. -.~;-' •• '\.. ~ ! ',:· ,; 300 R ·330 65 13 S D OP C. 301 R-330 65 14 SD DIR C 302 R 330 65 15 SC DIR C 303 R 330'68 01 F C DEC ·c. 304' R3306802F DEC C 305, R 330 ·68 03 f' 'DEC C 306 R 330 68 04 F' DEC' C 307 R 330 66.05 F DEC C 306 R 330 66 'oe· F DEC C. 309 R 330 66 '07 F DEC C 310 R330 66'08 F DEC C 311 R 330 66 09,F t Dec· c· 312 R 330 66, 10 F DEC C 313, R33068,11F DEC• C 314 R 330 68 12 F, DEC c· 315-R 330 66 13 F DEC C 316 R 330 68 14 F, C Dec· : ,C. 317 R 330 66 15 F, DEC C 318 R 330 66 16 F-DEC ·c 319 F, 135 32 01 SC DIR, C - '320 F 135•32·02 St 'DIR .C 321 F 135 32 03 SC DiR c 322 F 135 32 04, S.f DIR •c 323 F 136 62 01 S ,ID. B 324 F 136 65 02 S 'DEC B 1"1' ,1 ,1' Tower@enlry Sb"ollerparklng pl_ctc>gram Tower@exllgate,lnalde ,l"Exlr, . Tower~g11~1Slde ~.,~ly" VJewinci deck pennant #1 Viewi!lQ deck ~Mnt #2 V,ewing deck pennanl #3 -•Vtewingdeck~antM. Viewing deck ~ant #5 Viewing dedt peooanl #6 Viewing deck pennant #7 :IVIIWinQ cieck pefinant#8' 0ueue cover pennan1 •1 aueue cover pennant #2 aueue cover l)en_nant #3 aueue cover pennant #4 Queue COYef pen_nant #5 T0Wef''perlrlant #1 Tower pennant #2, Tower pennant #3, · Perk ~ntalion map O Fun .,P_-1_0000_l255 lTownS,""-_olHellcopl ... p.1()0 00 L2SS' .1~:~~~ Flin Town NE. of Fingerpost, Fun Town s.e. P-10000l255 lcomerof,TownSquan, P•100 00 L255 IFin_ge'~st,'FUn Towii N. F-135 65 G200, 1 'IG201 1P-30065G200,1FunTownS.enlly_ "FUNTOV'.1'1" i 1F-13643Y-100, Fun Town Traffic Jam ctr. NIA NIA' NIA NIA' 'NIA NIA 'NIA ,'N/A', N/A, 'NIA NIA NIA ·NIA ' NIA NIA ,•NIA., 'NIA ' , NIA ,NIA NIA ,NIA NIA NIA I, SM-2 I N I SM-1 I j AMB · NIA JDL IS · AMB N/A'' JDL , IS AMB NIA JDL IS FP. , REM NIA JDL IS FP·'· ,, REM NIA JDL , IS FP, REM NIA JDL IS FP . " REM NIA JDL IS' FP REM NIA JDL IS FP REM NIA JDL IS ,FP REM ·NIA .. JDL 'IS, F~ REM NIA JDL' IS FP REM NIA, JDL IS. -FP , REM• NIA JDL 1s·. FP REM NIA JDL IS FP REM NIA, JDL IS FP REM NIA, JDL 1s·· FP REM NIA JDL IS ,FP ' REM NIA JDL, is· ,FP., REM NIA JDL IS ' pp REM NIA, SAi AA ' Modulex " '"' p REM NIA SAi RA Modulex ' ' p " ,, REM', NIA' ' SAi RA Modulex p REM NIA SAi RA Modulex mtl cabirlet centUry modified Windsor reu~e: model painting w/acryhcltrs& gr pl'.lst w/rd ltrs & ytw school- p aeryllcpanel accent book 22.75x3x6.5 INT JDL ' y RA sign~ 2•sided; localed in planlers requll'eswaterproofing: LEGO seagull to p B7.x 144 x87 REM' NIA SH RA attach lo top mtl C8binet century .. F-135 65 G200, w/acryh~ltrs& gr posl w/rd 1"' & y1w school-modified Windsor reuse. model fixing sign, 2· 325 F 139 62 01 SC ID B 1 G201 P-300 65 G200 Fun Town N. entry "FUNTOWN" SM-2 N ,p acryf1cpanel accenl book 22,75 X 3 X 6,5 INT • JDL y RA srded; IOC8fed in planters ·ID/ , 326 i'2356801GC MENU C ·1· P-300 65 G200 ' Fun Town S. food stand Food Stand' NIA FAC ATT JDl MZ 327 F2366501SC ID B 1 P-300 65 G200 Marche restaurant pediment ~arche Restauran'l" NiA REM NIA, JDL MZ 328 F2366502S! MENU B 1 : Marthe restallrant entry Menu board p ATT JDL MZ OP/ 3211 F2368503SC ST C 4 Marthe toilets. boy Ptciograms NIA y FAC AMB NIA JDL MZ OP/.' 330 F 236 65' 04 S ST C· Marche toilets. wheelchair P1ctograms NIA y FAC AMB 'NIA JDL MZ Page 12 -,, .. -.. LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L. Jogmln ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION it: 04 , REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!¥_ 97 ., , .. ,, .. : till-, .. ... -.. .. J -.. , .. , .. :, - ~1~i'·i~~f ;~~~ ~~~~-~~fa:;\i<i~~igf~:~N!~~~~::: >\~-"}.ADD"LDWG _ .... :r).?~ 1.~:.~--i::·.,,.·~··.·,_.:.½,._. ·-... ~ 'lXH~D····,:\vr·· ... : .... PWRDSGNDSGN.PRoJ ''-:'.-V fl(. DISK MOUNT':• MATERIAi:,,_' : '. COLOR',-,:,~:· FONT, .INCHES_ ::_LBS LIGHT _REOS RESP CMPL MGR' S\JPPUER REMARKS ,,_:.·. :",~~"'·· .. ~.:,. :::.\,:,=':.~ . .-,.'r.···:·-,~~ ... '_,,_;,.-· !;~.·-_____ ;· .. ~.:-:::-,~·.: __ :::,, OP/' 331 F2388505S ST· C • OP/ 332 F. 238 65 06 S ST ,C ID/ 333' F 238 66·01 Gt MENU C '.334 IF 237 65,_01 SD , ID C ,·, 335 IF 237 85 02SC ID C '336, F 237 65•03 SC DIR .c 337'[F 237 65 04 SC DIR 'c 338 F2376505SC DIR C 339 F 237 85 06'5 ,[ , ID'' C 340 F2376507SD ID B 341 F 237,65 06SD ID/OP C 342 F2376509SD MENU C ,343 F 237 65 10 s:t:l OP C 34-4 IF 237 65' 11 ,s_ct ID I . A 345 IF 237 65 12 S ct ,DIR ,, C 346 ,;, 237 65 13··s·c1 10 t: , • .- 1 F-23765 G200 t.&i:;202 F-237 65 G200 1 &G201 1. 1. .1 1 '1 1. 1, ,. 1 F-237 6503 1 IG203. G204 1. ·•F-237 65.05 G205:G2b1, Marchetollels-dl-Pietograms NIA I Y FAC Matdle toilets· girt i Pictograms ', NIA ., Y' 'I FAC P-300 65 G200 Mlld!efood stand' Food Stand. NIA P-300 65 G200 Factory Tour entry "I.EGO,f.ac!ory" 'NIA I y P-30065G200 Fact01yTour enby (2) . "Fact01yTOUt" AP y , Fac!Oly,Tourenby "Enter" Fact~ Tourlnllde exit door "Exl1" , FadoryTourOUllldeexltdoor "E>ltOnly" FactoiyTourend of quetJe , no food/beverages P-300 85 G200. Cool Cafe enlty . "Cool Cafe" I NIA ·1 N Cool Cafe 2nd entry "Cool Cafe" I •NIA _l :N Cool'Cafe C!I enby .. Menu board I Cool Cate lntenor . Showdod< l 'NIA P-30065G200 !Expicxefslnslenlr}< ---~lorers'Ciub" 1 _NIA. I Y E_xp15>fer's I~ exit (lueue "Exlt only" I NIA _ ·, -:r ,· P,,,·, ··, · '"SrlckBrolhersTrading: P-30()85G200 ,IBrid<Bros:ba1i:on/.;/en_t,r Co." 'I SP I ,N FAC ·'applied gnipt,lcsl on marine ply ' w/signboard rd,bl,ytw.dkgrayon FAC. litrs. . ' ' "· gray'bacl!ground limpact •151 X 59x.1.5 ffletra1orGRP lbl,rd.ltn:onlt.gray !impact& FAC lw/slgnboard ltrs. background . · mistral l33dia x 160 ·WAL~ DOOR DOOR WALL FAC !neon FAC !neon_,_, p WALL FAC lslp_Oboard FAC lmodel/GRP ytw, gr, rd, org, br on bi&H bl background Jperdisk l41x6,5x3 ·1 .,, ,' a9)(48x?· 347 IF 237 65 14 s ct· .10 F-23765.05 I . , ' I . ·, A I 1 IG205,G206' ~30tl_8~G200_j_llricl<_ero,.caoopied'entry l"BrickBros." SP I N ,I FAC· IGRP -+-':1?X14x?. 3,18 IF 237, 65 15 S ct 'ID C I' 1 I 'IP-300 65 G200 IBabyeare enl!y NIA F-238 65 G200, 349 IF 238 65 01 S ct· ID I B G201 IP,-300 65 G200 I Play pavilion above archway !"Brick Bwiders, SP-2 I N I FAC lmelai or GRP I various impact 93.5x12x105, 350 'IF 238 65 02-·s ct OP I c 351 IF 238 65 03 S ct OP: I C 352 IF 238'65 04 S ct OP I. C ID/ 353 IF 239 66 01 G oJ MENU! C 354-IF 335 65 01 S ct ID ,, B, 355IF3356502Sct OP I C 1 i, F-335 65 G200; F-336 65 G200, Plal.E_avilion on Int. col. 1 _ fnegative age label Pl_~_ pi.viii on _on Int. cot 2 _____ (!!__~abve age label Play_pavllion _@_en~~ Jno food/beverages P-300 65 G200 !Food Sland Fun Town NOl1h !Food Stand NIA NIA NIA NIA 1 IG201 JP,-300 65 G200 !Mini dnvini_ school_ga~tiy_ • Junior Onvlni Sdlool" I NIA Mini dnvini school ~n_!!y Rules & regs I NIA y FAC painted marine, grade ply FREE IW/apphed vtn}1_ lvanous_on_rd backgnf.f{rank•furter (80 x -42 x 6 pp Page ,13 AMB !NIA IJDL AMB !NIA !JD[ ATT. JDL REM ,,JDL REM ''AMB AMB AMB AMB ':!INT INT JDL ·•ATT JDL INT NIA 1:iii' REM N/A JDL AMB NIA f JDL ., ,• ,·:Ri•fl'. NIA JDL ', •' :,. I, REM'., NIA' JDL REM NIA JDL ATT REM JDL AMB, NIA HBo' AMB NIA HBo • AMB NIA JDL ATT JDL ATT I IJDL AMB IN/A IJDL MZ MZ MZ Y IRIRo Y ·IRIRo, , RIRo RIRo RIRo RiRo, KVR ~ KVR KVR Y !IS IS, ,/ !BC Y IBC, MZ Y IMZ MZ MZ MZ MZ y ,,s IS bracket off wall; conveyer belt wlprop charact~ s1tt~ng on belt gplng arou11:d: possible +,J)Oster on FAC bracket off Wall: CC>nveyer beH w/prop characters sitting on belt gOlng around; possible t poster.on ~c:J;sided 811 LEGO models: Wndsor reuse ,1a11 LEGO models: 'MndSOfreuse over archway entry space frame wnegs in planter on spa'ce frame - -·-.. - LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L. J,agmln ORIGIN DATE: 29 Moy 97 REVISION iJ: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 ju'¥_ 97 --<tflll: ... .. , __ .. ... .. } .. -'. .. .. .. . . .. : , :;~-~--.~· \::~f', i.:XHxD-·. vti<.,t · PWR DSGN DSGN.PROJ -~tf:·**f~~:ft:.~~-~~~~~i;N;W7~f'.'.;'.~t~~h.~~½;~~ra~l;f~'.~ :·S { ·,~, ~.~. =~UNT MATERIAL .,,r., ·: COLOR' ·2·.c ... foNT :;.:-.;INCHES:" LBS LIGHT Rias,·RESP cuPi. MGR , '•1_'. ~ ' --:··\ >+, •• ~ ..... ,,( '.. • • ' • ' -""· ~lli>PLJ~~ ii'~MARKS 358 F ,335 85,03 SC OP C 357 F3356504SC OP· C 358 F 335 85 05 S·C DIR C, 359· F 335• 65·06 SC ,DIR C 380' F 335 65-07 St OP C 361,' F3388501SC ID, B. 362 F .336 85'02 s·c OP C 363 F'338 65·03 SC OP C 364 F,3386504SC DIR c .. 365: F'338 65 05 S DIR' C 366 F3386506S 'DIR C .. 367': F3386507SC DIR, C 366 F3386506S DIR C :,369· F 338 65 09,S C DIR ,C 370 F 338 65 10 SC DIR c· 371 F 338,65 11 S DIR C 372 F,3366512S0 OP ,c 373 F3386513SC OP, C 374 F3386514SC OP C 375 F3376501SC ID A ID/ .376 F3376502SC DEC A 376 F'337 65 03 s· t ·op C 377 F3376504St OP C 376, F337•6505St DIR C 379 F3376506SC DIR C 380 F 337,65 07 SC DIR C 361. F3376506S DIR C 362 F 337'65 09SC DIR, C 363 F 337 65 10 S, . DIR C 364 F337·6511S DIR t: 365 F. 337 ,65 12 S DIR C 366 F,3376513SC OP C 367 F 337 65 14 S OP C Mini driving IChoof entry Mini driving school enlry 11 I Mlril driving achool ixll , H . r . Mini driving school exit • I . M,nl driving school queue I F-338 6s'G20Q, G201,G202, "F.or Drivers Ages 3-8" Stroller 'paritlilg pictogram -:Exir "Exit only" Watt•me NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA SP, ,P painted marine grade ply G203 '"'300 65 G200 jDrivlng ~ gantry . rDrivlng ~ . _ 1 . NIA Orivlngsdioolentry _._ Rule1&~1 1N/A Y I FREE lwtapplledvlnyt lvariousongrbacl<g_rd,lhelvetica .IBOx42x6 pp 1 Drivlngschoolenl,y "For DnversAges 6-12" ~· ' Driving school lood/unload, .·ExJr Drivtngschoollood/li,toad "Exlr , Driving sctioot exit "Exlr· 2 Orivingscttool8xit _ , ·ExJ1ony Driving Ktlool video room door :'Exllonly" 1' , Driving.~ load/unload, "Exit->" 2 Driving sehool loadlunload ·<-Ex1r Driving school toad/unload ~<-Exir, 1 DrivinO school viewiiig area · · "Viewing Area 1 , Driving schooa'outslde entry,. Waittime ,1•' Orivirig school malnl bldg. "Staff Only" ' F,337 65 G200 1 &0201 p.300 65 G200 Helicopters above queue "SkyPatrcr. , F-~7 65 G200 t-telicopters Windsock adj: to 1 &G201 P,-300 65,G200 qlieutt (2) "Sky Patrol" 1·· HeliCOpters.entry Rules & regs '1 Helicoptel'S entry · Height restriction 1 Hehcoplers exit area "Exit" 1, Helicopters-exit area "Exit only" 2 HelicopteB vehlcle perimeter "<-Exir Hellcoriters vehlde penmetel' "'--Exit", 3 Hel1copt8rs vehicle perim'eter "Exil:-->"' . Helicopters Yehide perimeter "Exit->". Helicopters vehldf! perimeter "Exit->" Hehcopteri .vehicle perim'eler "E,:it->" 2 Hehcopters entry gate "'NO Entry'" Helicopters path lo control rm. "No Entry" NIA SP 'NIA' NIA NIA NIA NIA DOOR ~- N/A NIA ,NfA NIA ,NIA -=r: FAC !aluminum NIA N FP IGRP NIA NIP! I N I FREE IDUPLO bncks ' NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA. NIA NIA NIA NIA , NIA. Page 14 blue blue llrs on redlwh backiround FlltureHV BT (114x13x3 FutureHV et ,, 194? x 16dla?' 12x? x4 AMB NIA jDL AMB NIA JDL AMB , NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL IAMB NIA JDL ATT JDL AMB NIA JDL . AMB; N/A JDL AMB NJA. JDL AMB NIA JDL •1AMB NIA JDl AMB NIA ' JDL I JDL 'AMB NIA 'IAMB NIA JDL IAMB NIA JDL -rAMB 'NIA JDL IAMB NIA JDL AMB NIA JDL IAMB· NIA JDL INT SH INT SH AMB IN/A IJDL AMB .INJA ICK AMB IN/A IJDL AMB . IN/A IJDL AMB IN/A IJDL AMB IN/A IJDL, AMB INIA IJDL' AMB IN/A IJDl, AMB IN/A IJDL AMB INiA IJDL AMB ' • IN/A IJDL AMB !NIA IJDL IS is , IS IS IS v I~ IS ~ IS IS IS, IS ~ IS IS IS ~ IS IS ~' s IS IS IS IS ·•IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS ha~Jng dOW!l frOm gantry s_eace !!!._~ wn~g~planter ''han_g~ng'down from gantry 30 ltrs. on lop of,.queue stn.i~ure; llgf'!bng indicated as fluC>rescenl 2•sided .. .. -.. , - LLCI GRAPHICS ORiGINIATOR: L. j~mln ORIGIN DATE: 29 Mll)I 97 ~~~~b~6ATE: 15Ju!¥_97 ... .. ·-: ... .. -! -.. 11111 .. -· .. .. .. lr' ~ :.:/r(/~-1.'·1l:~{~;:~,~~~1~~~-J,.,..)~N'~iJ .. i.qcATIOj:(/\·;,., .·'>,;',,.,:~:·:,.-,•:.~·-·~-~ -<· ~·:· ?;;:, ,At>irt.·~· .·.1 ,~--, ,:· ?·'-.:•'!<':·;,:·.~ , .· ~XH~D·J,:.~wr.;:(,~1·f'WR DSGN•DSG~PROJ· ,, .. 1!!2,• .. .I IDENTIFIER ;: FUNC GRADEQ!Y·'~o.DWG#':,; ', :, PUN#, ~.LOCATION/DESCRIPTION'•·:•,: • /.TEXT,.;-.'· -,, FX DISK MOUNT MATERIAi!: -.. ', _COLOR FONT. '_',,· INCHES'< 'LBS ,LIGHT· REOS RESP CMPL ·MGR-SUPPLIER REMARKS ··\t•'f'i•',\:·";:i;,,-: .. ~':t',,;·"'-(';·:·:;f•·t-.:"/t·~.-:,;;:,;.•·: "-:';:,-' h··-··.:i·.·-.::,.:.r-·· '-,·!-'~ .:_l,:, _;~._ . ., --;: .t':. • ~_ ... :: _-~;-_,_11·· •• •.,:· f, .. l .. _,,;,, ·,/.';:· ' • • .• Helicoplers oulslde enlry Stroller parkmg, . 388 F, 337 65 15 S C OP C , 1 ; pictogram . ~ .. C ,, ,i : ~, ·:: . '' j ,.1-._ ;'~,· ~~;~~iock ~. ·:: '. Ni,; I ,'~ 1' ,•,.~ ~ .' 389· F'337, 65 , 10 F C ,DEC-:."',.J':•/J, • ', ,'' , NIA '\,' I i>. . :".'< V: <: INT/· ' IREM.'· JDL · IS wind ~ to be lit lntemal_!l Fh'e engine show OUtside Thea,ler name, show 390 F3386501St ID/OP c 2 ' , P·30065G200 seabng area_ promo&times NIA p INT JDL RA same as Fun Town entry" posts F1rft engine show ,outside Theater name, lh0w 391 F 338 es· 02 S· ID/OP C seating area promo & times , NIA 'pp IATT JDL ES Fire 91lglne show' OUbide ~troMerpartQng 392 F3386503SD OP-' C 4 seating area plclogram NIA p signboard ,AMB NIA JDL ES., ' ,, Fire engloe lhow,outslde Slrolierporklng 393 F,3388504S OP C seating area pictogram , NIA p sl_9nboard AMB_ NIA JDL ES Fire engine ~ow outside Stroller parking 394, F.',338 65 05 S OP C nahng area pictogram NIA p liinboard AMB NIA JDL ES , Fire ~glne show CMJ!side Stronerpar1cing 395 F:i386506S OP C, sealing area , pJclogram NIA p , ilgnboard I AMB: NIA JDL' ES · · Fire engine show alfronl of Handicap access 398 F33865,07SC OP C •. ,; seating area pidogram ,NIA , WALL signboard AMB NIA SAi ES fire eriglne 'ahol¥ at front or , Hand16ap access 397 F 338 '65 06 S OP C seating area-p1dogram NIA WALL signboard •IAMB, : N/,&, SAi ES ,, ,, Fi~ e~gine ahow at front of Hand_lC8p 8CCeSs 398' F3388509S OP C , 5eabrig area pictbgram NIA WALL' signboard AMB NIA SA( ES Fire eflgine show at front of Hltl1di~p acce~ 399 F. 338 65 10 S ' OP,, C-seatirlg area pictogram NIA WALL signboard ,AMB NIA SAi ES Fire engine show at,badc of Handicap access 400 F 338 65"01 G C OP ,C 4 seabng area pictogram NIA FLOOR paint AMS NIA SAi' ES Fire engme show' at ti!'* of' Handicap access 401 F3386502G OP C seating area , pictogram NIA FLOOR paint AMB NIA SAi ES _ Fire engine show at back of' Handicap access 402 F3386503G , OP. C seating area pldogram NIA FLOOR paint I AMB , NIA SAi ES Flrl!'eng1ne _show at ba·dt 'Of Handicap access 403' F3386504G , OP C seating area pictogram NIA F-LOOR paint , AMB NIA SAi-ES F339 65 G200 & 404, F3396501SD ID' A 1 G201 , p.300 65 G200 SC>ating school entry,'(3} ·skipper Schoot · 1b1:1trsonwhite SP N SP' sailcloth/alum. background ATT/ fulura l72x276x36 I REM SH Y, IS masl & sails 10 hold sign~ 3 sails to be .spotl,llbaekht ' 405 F3396502SD OP C 1 Boating school efltry : Rules&regs NIA pp-AMB NIA JDL IS 406 F 339,65 03 S OP C 1 B08tlng School e'.ntry Heigh!. reslndion NIA PP AMB NIA JDL , IS 407' F3396504SD DIR C ,1 BoatlnD school entry ·Enter" 408 F3396505S OP C_ 2 Boatmg Sctiool,que'ue Operational Instr.' NIA 'NIA AMB NIA ~DL IS AMB NIA JDL IS 409 F 339 65-06 S OP C Boatln0 school queue· OJ)enilional instr. NIA AMB NIA JDL IS 410 ,F3396507S DIR C 1, Boating school exit "Ex1r NiA AMB NIA JDL. IS 411 F3396508SC DIR C 1 Boating school exit -Exit only" NIA AMB NIA JDL IS, 412 F3396509St , DIR C 2 , Boatmg school load/unload ·exit-:.>" NIA AMB NIA JDL IS 413 , F 339·65 10 S' DIR C Boating school bottom of {amp ·Extt->,· NIA AMB NIA JDL " IS 414 F3396511SD DIR C 2 e·oatin_q_ school load/unload "<-Exir NIA AMB NIA JDL IS Page 15· - r ---.. LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L Jagmln OJJIGIN OATE: 29 May 97 REVISION#: ·04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!¥_ 97 .. 7:t . t',:'· t , • ·'.·~ • , , • : SIGN , LOCATION l!!2: -,'IOENTIAER ~-GRADEQ!! :· ~ ~ •• .,:;!,: ~~·· , •• ~-. ... ': :·,."' •• •. • \1,..:· . ' . , 415 .• IF. 339 65 :12·s ·I .. DIR I c 416 IF 339 65 13 SDI DIR I C -, 1 417 \F 339 65 14 SDI DIR .I C \ 1 416·IF 339 65 15 s DI OP 419 IF 339 65 16 S I OP 420 IF 339 65, 17 .s DI _OP 421:\F 339-65 1e s I -o~ 422 IF 339 65 19 S I. OP. 423 'IF 339 65 20 S ) OP 424 IF 339 65 21 S Dl OP 425•IF 339 65 22 S I OP' 426 IF 339 65 23 SD\ OP ·427 IF 339 65 24 S Dl OP -~26 IF 339 65-25 S Dl OP 429 IF 339 .65 26 SD) OP 430 IF 339 65 ·27 SD) OP 431 le 339 65 28 S D) . OP 432'IF 339 65 29 S D[_QP: 433 IF 339 66 01 F _cl DEC' c I 2 C .c I 3 c" C - C C .l,2 C C 1.7 C I 7 C; ,I 7 C 'I 7 c I, 7 C I· 7 C I. 7 c I 1 434 IF 339 66-02 F_[>)-DEC 1-__ c, J 10 435 IF. 339 66 03 F I DEC I C 436 IF 339 66 0,4 F I DEC I . C· 437 IF ,339 66 05 F I DEC I C 438 IF 339 66 06 F ·I DEC I C 439 IF 339 66 07 F I DEC·! c 440,IF 339 66 06 F I DEC I' C 441 \F 339 66 09 F \ DEC I C 442 IF 339 66, 10, F ,I DEC I C ,i•· .. ... -- . .,, ,;, LOCA T10N i OESCRlPTION ~ Boatin_g_ school 'bottom of stairs 'I"<-Exrr Soatlng~lopof~ ~ngArea->"' Boalln~ ~chool t~ of s~ I"<-Viewiilg Are'a" eoaUng school path to maint, bldg, . Boating school path to mainl bldg. Soatini, scti~ maln't ~. . ' )Boating_ school ato<age bldg. Boating school gate O op9rator's console ,,eOlibng 'school O operator's coris°'8 :;::~o~ .• Boating school O ride departure S0ating sch~~ ride arrival "No En!Y: "NoEn!Y: "SlaffOn'i'_ "SlaffOnlr'_ "StaffOnl( "Please wait here" caullon-"'l'_ caubon~ caution_~ Boatirig school@ ride arrival , lcaubOClary :1~oatlrlg~~ool@rid8~ -IC8utiona~ Boating sch~@ ride llm\181 )caubOllary Boating school ~~e arJlval ,_ lcauliona,Y BoaUng school@rlde-a-mval· ')eiullonary' : eCiatln~~ool ft ride arriva1 lcautiOna,Y Boating ~lop of~~-, Boatingscfl~penriantslnlm~, _ w/raillni_S ' '' -,. 'NIA Boating sch~ pennanls In line w/ralhngs .. IN/A Boatini school pennants in line w/raUillis fNtA Boating school pennants in line w/taihnis IN/A Boating school pennants in line ·tw/rallfngs, (NIA eOating school pennants In line w/railings IN/A Boating school pennants in line w/ralllnis -' I NIA Boating school pennahts In lin'e w/railin_~s (NIA Boating sctiool pennants in hn_e1· w/rallings-· NIA,. .. -· AOO'L DWG .. f!! . DISK .!!Q!lli! ~ wA NIA NIA NIA p NIA p ', NIA FAC NIA FAC NIA, ,DOOR NIA p NIA -•,p NIA; p_ NIA p NIA ·-P. ' NIA p NIA .P" NIA, p ·NIA· .. P NIA' p NIA 'p 'NIA' FP NIA FP NIA ,FP NIA Fi> NIA. FP, NIA FP , NIA FP NIA FP NIA' FP Page 16 - coi.OR· ., .. !Qfil - i..~HXD INC~ES -11111: .. .. -.. : WT PWR DSGN DSGN PROJ LBS LIGHT RED~ RES~ ~ MGR S_UPPUER ~ AMB IN/A IJDL IS, AMB !NIA IJDL IS AMB \NIA \JDL. IS AMB NIA IJDL IS AMB NIA IJDL ,11s AMB NIA !JD( IS AMB NIA lJDL IS AMB !NIA IJDL IS AMB !NIA IJDL IS AMB IN/A )JOL IS- . ,AMB ·!NIA \JDL IS AMB IN/A IJDL IS, AMB !NIA, ,IJDL ,11S' AMB IN/A IJDL IS' AMB IN/A IJDL, IS, AMB IN/A IJDL IS AMB NIA IJDL. IS AMS NIA IJDL IS. REM NIA !SH IS, REM IN/A IJDL IS REM \NIA \JDL IS REM IN/A IJDL IS REM IN/A IJDL IS REM .INIA IJDL IS REM. )NIA )JDL IS REM IN/A IJDL IS REM ·\NIA IJDL IS REM !NIA IJDL IS - -... - LLCI GRAP.HICS. ORIGIN/ATOR: L Jagmin ORIGIN DATE: 29 May97 REVISION t: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 July_ 97 .. -.. -· .. --.. -.. .. .. - J.:i:/t~~;:••·· ~~~1!-:;~J,:b~:".~.~/i~•f, ·,.-: •i.i"; SIGN. ·i:"._-\:• LOCA~., ,· ;:,,/,., · • ~ ', ~~-i~ :~-/ :.;_:;·,,,:' ,/ ";i .c' · •• ADD1. DWG ~ , ·•:: ', . .'1!,'" , , , ' :·',r/-.~ C~HXD. '. ?"w:t', · ;·., :. PWR ·05,GJ:f ~~ P~OJ , '~~~ •.. r,:·IDENTIFJER·,i-FUNC GRAOEQTY '/, DWG#:,:.~r,_ ..... PU.NII~ i' LOCATION/OESCRIPllON.'-·t:-~ ~;/:-•TEXT. i'",i ;, · ,FX DISK MOUNT;."' MATERIAL:, , 1·.r~ COLOR,·/·· ·'. FONT',, ,t,. INCHES,.'•· LBS' UGHT, REOS RESP CMPl. MGR . SUPPLIER REMARKS ·;t:!?~~-f::r.;,-?i;1.'_·~:•;"!.t~i·:_'!.:,t1.' _:_-~_·t!.f,),~_,L_~·_Jt··'-:f2'.i-:·~~-,.~-!'}·:-:~~::::.··. ·.;._, .. ,. ~\~ .. i-:.r~:~--·.;.;:· ··~· '<~ ·· ··t·,\~~--. , Jt!_~1_--.'_~_-····· :·!' ~ :•: · -· ···. "~· · · · - 1 Boating school pen}lants in hoe ,443 F 339· 66 11· F ,DEC C w1ramf1g1 · NIA NIA FP REM N/A JDL, · IS : -'F 339 66 01-<lC OP C 'I 23 Boating school boat #1, Keep hands Inside boat NIA 'DECAL applied vinyl NIA AMB NIA CK IS 445-F 339 66 02.G 'OP c Boating sdlool hoot#2 Keep hands Inside boat J NIA DECAL appNedvinyl· NIA AMB N/A CK IS -F339·66D3G OP C Booting -boot t3 Keep hands inside boat NIA .-, DECAL· epplledvinyl NIA AMB NIA CK IS 447 F3396604G OP, c, I 1 Boating school boat M_ , Keep hands Inside boat NIA ,DECAL applied vtnyi , ! NIA AMB NIA CK IS -F.339-66 05 G OP, C Boabng school boalt5 · keephandslnsldeboat NIA 'DECAL epplledvmyt -NIA AMB NIA CK IS I, •' 449 F 339 66 06,G ,.OP C Boabng school boat #6 Keep hands lnSlde boat NIA DECAL Bpplled vinyt NIA AMB NIA CK IS .. 450 F3396607G· OP C Boobng school boalt7 Keep hands Inside boat , ,NIA DECAL appUedvinyf NIA AMB NIA CK IS ,451, F 339 ,66 06 G. • OP'' 'C Boating school boot t8 Keep hands Inside boat NIA DECAL applied vinjt 'NIA AMB NIA CK IS 452 F3396609G OP C Boabng school boat #9 Keep hands Inside boat NIA· DECAL epplled.,;nyt NIA AMB· NIA CK IS .. 453 F 339 66 10 G' OP, C Boating achoolboat#10 Keep hands Inside boat NIA '·DECAL applied vinyl • NIA AMB NIA CK IS .454 F'339·,66 11 G OP C Boating schoof boat #11 Keep hands lnskle boat NIA .. DECAL applied vmyl NIA AMB NIA CK IS 455 F 339 66,,12 G .OP C Boating sc:hoot boat #12 KffP hands inside boat NIA DECAL apphedvinyt NIA AMB NIA CK IS 458 F 339 66 13G OP C • 1B0atinQ schoot boat #13 Keep hands Inside boat, NIA ·DECAL applied vinyl NIA AME! · NIA CK IS 457 F 339 66 14 G0 OP C Boating sch~ boat #14 Keej) hands inside boat NIA DECAL applledvcriyt NIA AMB' ' NIA CK IS 458 IF 339 66 15 G I OP -I C Boating schoot boat#15 Keep h8nds inside boat NIA DECAL applied vinyl NIA AMB NIA CK IS 459-IF 339-66' 16 G I OP I C Boating school boat#16 , Keep hands inside boat t,IIA DECAL applledvinyt NIA AMB NIA CK IS 460 IF 339' 66 17 G I OP I C Eloatmg school boat#17 Keep hands lrislde boat NIA 'DECAL ~pplied vinyl NIA AMS NIA CK IS 461 IF 339 66 18 G __ r 01'_] .c Boating school boat #18 Keep hands inside boat NIA DECAL applled\llnyl ,NIA AMB NIA CK IS a• 462 IF 339 66 19 G, I OP I C Boating school boal #19 Keep hands inside boa! NIA DECAL applied vinyl NIA AMB NIA CK IS 463 IF 339. 66 ~G I OI'_ I __ c )Boating school boatt20 Keep hands inside boat NIA DECAL applied vinyl 'NIA AMB NIA CK IS 464 IF 339 66 21 G I OP I c Boating school boat #21 Keep hinds Inside boat NIA DECAL appl1edV1nyt NIA AMB NIA CK IS 465 IF 339·66 22 G I OP I C Boating school boat #22 Keep hands inside boat · NIA DECAL applied vinyl 'NIA AMB NIA. CK IS Page 17 ... .. I I - - -- LL.Cl GRAPHICS ORIGIN/..,TOR: 'L. ~agmin ORIGI.NDATE: 29Mey97 REVIS!ON •: 04 REVISION DATE: ,15 Ju!¥_ 97 --.. -.. - -.. .. --.. -- AOD1. DWG / ~~ L~Hxti'.'. WT:;,,:) /PWR OS(;N OSG_N.PROJ , ~> E~~-~~~~:I~~:~;~'.~rvJ{~YUt~~~'.;_.~i~!~f+::. <, :;-.. Im •· B_: .:~. MOUNT MA~:AL ·<·:,:/~J'-I\)Sr· • INCHES, : LBS -LIGHT! REQS RESP, CMPL MGR ,SUPPLIER REMARKS -•• ·, ' J. •, (..,,. • • '466' IF 339, 66 23 G I . OP C, Boahng school boat 123 Keep hands inside boat I: NIA DECAL lap_plled vinyl._ "67 IG ,1:40 32_ 01 ~-_[)IR' t: _c:_ L 1 466 'fG' 1!1() 32 02 S ol DIR 'j C "69 (G 140 66 01 .Got 'RET. I C I -1, Pllfl< orientation map 0 p.1()000L255 IGardenW.ofrestaurant Flnge,poSt, Garden E. of P-100 OO.L255 !Garden rntauronl Retallcart NIA . pp NIA,, pp ',NIA ,DECAL 470 IG'240' 65 01 Sol ID I• B 1·· 1 ~-300 65 G200 I Garden rest, "Ten-.c:ehr_theLake" I. ,NIA FAC 471 IG 240 65 02 s_[)f~Nul _!I_ I 1. 472 IG 240 65 03 S_[ OP/ ST OP/ C 473 jG240 65 04 S I .ST. I C _ OP/ 474 IG 240 65 05,S I ST I C · OP/ Garden rest outside entry , Menu board Garden toilets -b~ Plct~_rams Garden toiJet1 -wheelchair Pict~ram• Garden· toilets-diapei' Pldograms 475 (G 240 65 oe s I' .ST I i:: '1Garden toilets -girt _, __ _l_~ict~rama 476 IC' 145 32 01 S Of ,'DIR, I• C 477 IC 145 32·02 S Of DIR I C 478 IC 145 32 03 s o1: DIR l ,C 479 IC 1<5 65 01 F Of· ID A 480 IC 145 65 02 s o! ID B 481 (C 145 66 01 F Of DEC C 482 (C.145 66,01 Qol RET, C 463 IC 146 66,01 G Di RET C, C-146 65 G200 1 l&G201 . C-146 65 G200 1 l&G201 .1 1: P-100 00 L255 IFlnge,post W, of g_em wash FingerposfS. of hcne nde, E. P-10000L255 ,jolbrealhlaker FingerP;Ost between Cast1e~H1II P-10000L255,.i&Minil~nd , P-300 65 G200 ICasUe Hill turret bariner' P-300 es G200 ICastfe Hill wall e!_as_uit _ ,Casue Hill turret pellnant RelaiCcart Relail,CSn. ID/ I I iC-147 65 G200, 464 IC 147 65 01 S~C _!I_ 2 G201,G202 ~JP-30065G200 ICasUeH,11S.ent,y ID/ 485 IC 147 65·02 S I' DEC,I B C-147 65'G200, 'G201', G2ci2 IP-300_65 G200 !Casile HIii S. enlly ~ Castle Hill CasUeHill NIA CasUeH1ll CasUe Hill ·iC-147 65 G200 486 (C 147 66 01 F oJ DEC I C J 6 & G201 IP-300 65 G200 ICasUe Hills. enlly banner B fN/A C-147 65 G200 467 IC 147 66 02 F DI DEC,! C I l&G201 · IP-30065G200 fCasUel:lillS ent,ybannerC IN/A ·-p N/A .v iFAC ,NIA I y FAC NIA I y F,AC, 'NIA I y I 'FAC ·NIA I ·I P NIA I I P N/A p SFX, y pp timber/metal/ Weigh led _f'!bri~yfw wired & gm Zapf Chancery Bold l56x66x15 Zapf I NIA ,Y :L,FAC painted Qraphlc on timber, ,w/GRP 1yfww~_&gm .Chance_!! l36x47.5x7 NIA FP GRP red NIA NIA .DECAL NIA DECAt 1' fabriC: on limber SP,-2 I Y FP l_e_ol~~!£astiron lytw~/red&_gm ,1e_erdisk l36x157x4 SP,-2 I Y fabric on limber ; FP 'eote w/cast iron ylw wired & gm per disk 136 x 157 x 4 SP-2 I Y fabric on limber !LEGO rd, gr, ylw, bl; tt 1 , FP I pole w/casl lro~_JQ_r, violet ~ NIA 36X157x4 SP-2 I Y - fabric on llmber.lLEGO rd, gr, ylW,' bl; It FP le_ote w/cas!_lro~ q_r, viotet IN/A 36x157x4 Page 18 NIA l~B INIA ICK REM INIA ISAI REM !NIA ISAI All j, (JDL JDL All -• I .jJDL ' AMB NIA ,(JDL AMB' (NIA (JDL AMB (NIA (JDL AMB. ,(NIA IJDL REM INIA ISAI REM IN/A . ISAI REM !NIA · (SAi ,1ATT/ REM REM REM All, All gas· IJDL NIA IJDL N/A (JDL, . ,JDL JDL REM !NIA IJDL REM IN/A iJDL ''REM !NIA (JDL REM (NIA jJDL '115 ,,RA IModulex , ,1RA IModulex RA. MZ '.IMZ MZ ''MZ MZ, MZ, RA RA RA y IMZ Y .IMZ y"(MZ MZ MZ Y IRA Y IRA y IRA Y IRA Includes fire torch; N. entry ID; dragon from LEGO product '1N. entry ID: dragon from LEGO product banner Bttached ~ bottom banner attached~ bottom banner ~tfached ® bottor;n, brass beils @: bottom banner attached ® bottom: brass bells @ bottom .. --_, - LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L, Jagmin ORIGIN l)ATE: 29 May 97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 July_ 97 .. -.. . ·,~,~-·,,.,_,.\;::.":t: :,f'. ·.:·1· ~ :.~~;/StGN·· :."• \~ocAnoN'·.1 ·., ·: , · ·-~: ~ ~-·.' .. IDENTIFIER·;~ FUNC~GRAOE0TY:1~ .. T~-DWG# ;~;·,..,PLAN#·,; LocAT10N10EScR1PTION '· ~·~->~· ·.!··~::f~,i,.-:~·,;tv',',,r-:,.·~~,i.J-V.. ":}\:,,.:,'·'~';-(\~ .... .:.:•. -i-- .mer ADO'L~, . .flL ~!!2!!!!! -~ -- ---.. .. - ,-<::' ., LXHXD fill!&!!,', ' . . FONT ; ', IN~HES ,., : -..· '. WT ', :_. f'Wi! DSGN DSGN ~RO.I' , -LBS ~ ~ ~ fil!fb ~ ~ ~- ,,. T C.147 85 G2oci fabric on Umber Le'Go rd, gr, yfw, bl; It banner attached @ boHom, brass bells@ ,488 C 147 66 03 F DEC C &G201 P-30065G200 CasUeH1IIS.entrybilnnerO NIA SP-2 Y FP poiew/casliron gr;violel -NIA 36x157x4 REM NIA JDL _y RA bottom C-147 65 G200 489 IC.147--66 04.F cl DEC I C _f;, -'l&G201 ·IP-30085G200 lcasueHIIIS:en_llibanner,E IN/A 'SP.-2 I Y !fabric, on lim .. ber I LEGO.rd, ~r.·ylw, bl; It FP .. pole w~tlron 9-r. violet IN/A 36x"157x4 ''REM. IN/A IJDL" v IRA C-14765G200 fabricontimber LEGOrd,gr,ylw,bl:lt 490 C 147 66 05 F DEC C &G201 P-30065G200 CastleHtllS.enbybannerf NIA 'SP-2. Y FP pofe\'llcasllron gr.violet NIA 36X157x.C REM_ NIA, JDL Y IRA :I 491· IC 147 66 06 F of DEC I c C•147 65 G200•, . &G201 . IP-30065G200 'lcasUeHIIIS en_l!y_bannerG IN/A ·ID/. 492 IC 246 66 01 G olMENUI C ,. P-300 65 G200 ICasUe Hill food stand north I Food Stand C-247 65 G200 493 IC 247 ,85 01.S [ ID B '1' I& G201 'IR-300 65 G200 lcal11e HIii play pavilion en_l!y_ · l:'lhilders Gui<!" 494 IC 247 65 02 ·s DI op C J ·1 495 IC 247 65 03 s ol oi> C 496 IC 247.66 01 sol DEC I C 1 IC-247.85 G200 C-249 65 G200 Castle HIii play paVlllon O Interior gate ~ Ca1Ue Hjlf play pavilion Q en_!ty Castle Hill play,pavll1on , 1£!nnant, ' n8gat1veage no foodlbeverages ,.1N/A, 497 IC 249 65 01 S DI ID A 1 I& G201 IP-300 65 G200 ICasUe reslauranl' "Tuck Inn" 498 IC"249 65,02 S olMEN.Ul ',B OP/ C-249 65 G200 1 '.l&G201 ··499 le 249·65 03 s_ol DEC I C I 4 OP/ 500 le 249 65 04.S I DEC I c , OP/ 501' IC 249•65 05 S I' DEC I· C . OP/ 502 IC 249 65 06 S I DEC I C C-250/651, Ca1t1e rest outside en~ Menu board Castle tollell-b~~~-_ I Pte1ograms Castle tollefs-wheelchair , 1 Plct~rams Castle toilets -d1a~ P1ct6orams Castle toilets -_iir1 P1d~rams 503 IC 250 65 01 S_[)\ ID A 1 IG200 & G201 IP-300 65 G200 lcasue coaster entry en:h ·Mer1m's Dra~on" 504 IC 250 55 02 S DI OP 505 IC 250 65 03 'SD\ OP 506 IC 250 .55:04 SDI OIR 507 I c. 250 65 05 S of DIR 508 IC 250 65 06 S DI DIR 509 IC 250 65 07 S I DIR c ·I 1 ·c 1.1 c I 1 C I 1 C I 3 C Castle coaster entsy_ C8stle cciaster en~ Castle coaster exit .9.ueue c8st1e coaster exit _9_ueue Castle coaster exit plltrorm Casue coaster exit platf0nn Stroller parking pictogram Rules& regs ·exir · ·exatonly" ·exit->· ·ex1t->" SP-21 Y fabric on tlmt>e,rJL.EGO. fd, gr, ,ylw, ~I; H FP lpo1ew/castiron gr,_!{~~ . IN/A 36x 157x4 REM I NIA IJDL Y IRA NIA· FAC ATT JDL MZ SP-21' Y , FA<::. ,IGRPl~gnboard ·\blue w/red,ylw,gray ·li,etd,sk 38 x52 X9 ''ilEM .. INIA IJDL y IMZ ' NIA .. AMB IN/A IHBo. MZ NIA AMB,, 'INIA IJDL MZ 'NIA I N' 'I ~P lfabrio N/l'i '•AMB IN/A IJDL Mi: signboard on lytw ttrs on stained SM-2 I Y· I ·FREE ·lumber Umberwl_greenouUlnelperdisk l102x13x3 REM IN/A IJDL Y IMZ SP N I' FREE tl~wliedtrifn NIA 2.Cx38 REM,: \NIA IJDL,, I Y IMZ NIA. I Y FAC_ AMB INIA IJDL MZ NIA I y FAC AMB INIA ,,IJDL MZ NIA I Y FAC AMB IN/A IJDL MZ NIA I Y FAC AMB IN/A IJDL MZ SM-3, 1· I 1•c,yllc lir.; on I !Zepf SFX-2 N ' FREE slgry>oa~ bluew/yellow~~hance't l120x2Bx9 INT/ ATT loas IJDL Y IMZ NIA AMB. 'IN/A IJDL IS NIA AMB IN/A IJDL IS NIA AMB I NIA IJDL IS, NIA AMB IN/A IJDL IS NIA AMS IN/A IJDL IS NIA AMB IN/A IJDL IS Page 19 ballner attached @ bottom: bras~ bells tm bottom ' ' · banner attached @ bottom: brass belts(!!! bottom banner attached @I b0ttom: brass bells ® bottom .' ,12 LEGO grp brlcks'att. ' a~: 2 LEGO mice att. exact dims. to be venfied b_r M~~~J'.IPick HOK to d~slgn struci~re: d1'11ls"d9 NOT iricr, pillars: LEGO dragon blows bubbles; LEG( mice hold llluffl;nahng wand 1 .. ---- LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L. Jagmin ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!}'_ 97 .. -.. ----.. --- --- •, .. ·:,J,;{;~,iici(-1-.,~·~ .. .?.;~~--~1:,.~"-~i-!1::~·~SIGN,~.st;:JOCATION7~·~· ·+:·,,\;1:\,:.~;: ·.,.-&~~----,J ... ,_ .":f •. _,:·\:·,1. ADO"L DWG.' .. : ' -!·~ 1<;:r::::,:/~;· ,,~···:,\'~,c'xff,x~.,:~·~\YT';'.·11';,/'<~'-DS9N.DSG~-~ROJ ~ # :.-. 1DENT1FIER~'k FUNC GRAl)EQTY~!ti!!!:DWG# ~~;~-::;· PLAN#1~~·.LOCATIONIDESCRfPTION •,. ; TEXT:·.:t ~ ·,.,~ FX • DtSK• MOUNT . MATERIAL .""A~· ;j COLOR1,·:1 \. FONT ,',.,~INCHES:•.-: LBS·_:UGH't REQS, RESP CMPL MGR SUPPLIER, REMARKS I, ~ ,:: :::' r 'f.f-';,-; _\~~. • .... ,.~ ' ;:;;.,:>i: / tt>,{;,;.;i, -:t:;f ~~"?',",•' ;~ ~~{ ;j;•:~-. ·: :, ~,~~-' "'~:-~--~,', , .' ," ~~~~-~--• •' 1 ',' ~ _.·' ~~Jo. f • __ L_ __ ~--; l; '_' ' • '• ·,. ".: '· • ' • ' • • . • 510 C2506508S DIR C Castle coaster exit piatrOfin ·<-Exir NIA ,AMB IN/A •IJDL. IS .511-C2506509SC OP C 1 Castle coaster queue oul!ue Wait bme :NIA AMB IN/A IJDL IS 512 C 250 65 10 SC OP C 1 castle coaster queu8 ' Height reSlriction N/A, I N I FREE IDUPLO bricks 12x?ic4 ,5 IAMB 'IN/A ·ICK IS 513, C-250 65 11 SC OP C •1· ' ' Handk:ap~ss Castle coaster toad platform ' pldogi'am, NIA IAMB INIA H-10K IS 5i4 C 250 65 12 SC ID B ,1 P-300 65 G200 Castle Ice cream , scream· , NIA JDL IS Bl back'ground, while C-250 65 G202 SM, tknberhnelal/ ' ""' ylw, bl & rd l~apf I Im loas 515 IC 25065 1:i S cl ID I A I 2 &G203 P-300 65 G:200 Castle retail marketplace W. "Kings Market" SFX y p GRP accents chance,y 'is& X 127 X 4 ,~_\'_li!__J ___ l1nc1.2o~!~e!~J LEGOllonhead ,: C-250 65 G202 Bl b!'ckoiound, wf,lte· SM, .. timberhnetal/ ~,bl&rd I l;nc1. 2 gas torches & 1·LEGO lionhead ·518· c 250,65 14,S ID A &G203. P-300 65 G200 , cuuereta1trna<1<eii,i.c.E. ', "Kings Marll:et" SFX• p GRP·. 58x127x? A'IT gas JDL .y IS Theater name. show 517 C 250 65 15 SC ID/OP C .2: P-300 65 G200 Caslle outdoot show promo&bmes NIA pp REM NIA JDL IS Theater name. shOII!' 518 C 250 65 16 S ID/OP C P-300 65 G200 Castle outdoor show " promo & times· NIA PP REM. NIA JDL IS 519• C 250 66.,01 G C . OP: , C :30 , Castlecoastercar#1 Keep hands Inside car , •N/A 'DECAL applied vinyl · ,NIA• AMB · NIA CK IS 520 C 250 66'02 G OP C CasUecoas1ercar12 _ Keep hands Inside car NIA DECAL applied vinyl 'NIA AMB NIA CK IS ' 521 C 250 66 03.G OP C ' Castle coaster car,#3 Keep hands Inside car NIA DECAL applied vinyl NIA AMB NIA , CK IS 522 C 250 66, 04-G OP C ·. , Castle coaster car#4, Keep h8nds,lnslde car, 'N/A 'CECAl applied vinyl, NIA AMB N//'i CK IS ,c 523 c 250 66 os'G OP C Castle coaster car #5 Ke'.ep hands inside car NIA CECAL apphed vinyl NIA AMB N/A ck IS 524, C2506606G· OP C Castle coastercar#6, KeeP hands Inside car N/A CECAL apphed virlyl N/A AMB NIA CK IS, ',525 C2506607G OP C Castle coaster car#7 ' Keep hands inside car 'NIA' CECAL' applied vmyl NIA AMB N/A CK , IS 526 C2506608G OP ·c C~stle C08ster car #8 Keep hands Inside car I NIA" oecAt' applied vinyl NIA AMB NIA, CK IS 527 C2506609G OP C Castfecoastercar#9 Keep hands inside car NIA DECAL applied vinyl N/A AMB . NIA CK IS Castle coaster c:ar#10 . IS . 526 C 250 66,10 G OP C Keep hands inside car . NIA DECAL applied vinyl NIA AMB NIA CK 529 C25066,11G OP, C Castle co~ster car #11 ' ' Keep hallds Inside car NIA, DECAL applied vinyl ,, •, NIA (\MB' ' NIA CK IS. 530 C 250 66 12,G OP C Castle coaster car #12 Keep handsJns1de car NIA DECAL epphed vinyl ·NIA AMB NIA CK IS 531 C 250. 66 13 G OP C Castle coastercar#13 Keep hands inside car NIA 'DECAL Zlpphed Vlnyt NIA AMB· NIA CK IS 532 'C 250 66 14 G OP C Castle coaster car #14 Keep hands lllside car NIA '. DECAt ~pplied vinyl NIA , AMB N/A ck. IS Page 20 ., - I 1 I I --.. - LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR;. L. Jagmln ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!\'_ 97. --.. - ·1 •• _ , ~ ·: •• ~ ,{.~ -{: /> .-., ~~:i?slGN~t,~ ~:~ ~OCATION i.\' \·.~;.{\. ·: ··:.>5,~l, ... ·•· ;,_ --~·.. , .. !!Q..-·: ~. fl!!!!.J!!!!~9!!~f ~o·J'.'·;,;~ ,!, LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ,, •::c, ~ , ~-~:· · ::, ,1, • '"'l~..,:•.·' -. · ,.:r~.·.; ...... , .. 1.·,:·;.··:,·. :\·l..~.1•• ~ .,·;.-.:.:,3:viA , 1: --:~·.-.1,.;.·,. 533 C 250 66 15 G OP C Castte coastercar•15 Keep hands lnslde,car 534· C 250 66 16 G OP,. C CUtlecoastercar#16 Keep hands inside car I 535 C 250 68 17 G OP :c-Caatle coaster car #17 ' ' Keep harids Inside car 538 C250.6618G OP C Castle COUter car #18 Keep hands inside car 537' C 250 66 19 G OP C Castle coasler car #19 Keep hands inside car 538 C2506e20G OP C Castle coasier car #20 Keep hands Inside car 539 C2506621G OP,. C ,,Castle 'coaster car#21 • Keep hands Inside car 540· C 250 68,22 G OP C Castte coaster car #22 Keep h81lds inside car 541 IC 250 66·23 G I' OP C Cade coaster "car #23 Keep hands inskfe car 542 C 250 66 24 G OP C Castle coasler car,#24 Keep hands Inside car ---.. _, -- ---_, A~ ~ -~~<-~TERl~l: .. ;.·_.\~O!i;·:·:r:L: i+· :;::·~:c~~ (~ -~ -~;J = == ::~ ; SUPPLIER REMARKS NIA DECAL applied vinyl. NIA IAMB, NIA CK . IS NIA' DECAL applied vinyl, WA AMS NIA CK IS 'I , NIA DECAL applied vinyl 'NIA' AMS NIA. CK IS' NIA DECAL· applied vinyl NIA AMS NIA CK IS NIA DECAL applied 1/inyl .NIA AMB NIA CK 'IS NIA DECAL applied vmyt NIA AMS NIA CK • IS .. . NIA; DECAL applied vinyl. ,NIA' AMB NIA. CK IS NIA,' DECAL lllpphed vinyl NIA• AMS NIA CK : IS NIA DECAL apphed11inyl NIA AMS NIA CK IS NIA ·DECAL apphedvinyl .. NIA AMS NIA CK IS 543 C 250 ·66 25 G OP, C Castle coaster car #25 Keep hands Inside car ,NIA ,DECAL appl<ed 1/inyl (:NIA AMS. NIA CK ., IS ~ ------·-----··-----·-· ··--.-·-··-- ··-·----· ,---· --,-,-··--•..• ,. . •...• -··-' '' ·-' f' ,544 C,250•66 26,G ,OP. C, CasUe coaster car #26 Keep hands Inside' ear NIA, DECAL applied vinyl NIA AMB· NIA CK ,' IS 545 C2506627G OP C Castle coaster ear #27 Keep hlinds inside car 'NIA DECAL applied vmyl NIA AMS NIA CK IS I 546 C 250·66 28 G OP C CasUe coasIerC8r#28 Keep hallds Inside car, NIA DECAL applied vinyl 'NIA AMS NIA CK IS 547 C2506629G OP C Castle coastercar#29 Keep hands Inside car NIA • 'DECAL i,ppfled vinyl NIA AMB NIA CK IS 548, C 250 66.'30 G •OP C , ' CBS He coaster car #30, Keep hands inside car '•NIA OE_fAL a~~ vi(l1_I . ,NIA AMS NIA ' CK IS C-250'46.2 2102 & C-250 CasUe coaster queue banner .549 IC 250 66 01 F D! DEC I C « 2-150 #1 I I NIA I I WALL !REM , NIA JDL IS 550 IC 250 66 02 F 1 DEC 1 C C,25046.2 2102&C-250 CasUe coaster queue banner « 2-150 #2 I I NIA I 1 WALL ,~EM NIA JDL IS IC-25046 2 '12102 & C-250 CasUe coasler queue b~nner, 551. Ic 250 66 .03 F , I DEc·I c « 2-150 #3 , ' N/A WALL REM NIA JDL IS C-25046.2 CBsUe coaster q'ue\Je bariner 552 Ic·250 66 04 F I DEC I c 2102. #4 NIA WALL REM NIA JDL IS C-25046.2 Castle coaster qUeue banner 553 Ic·2so 66 os F I DEC I c 2102 #5 NIA WALL REM NIA JDL IS Page 21 ---- LLCI' GRAPHICS ORIGINIATO_R, ,L. Jilgmin ORIGIN Of.TE: 29Mey97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15-Jul)I_ 97 --.. -.. --.. -11111 ----- ~-.,-' --~~~~E•R 1~=+~:.~~~~tjf :;:~~:;..~~£~fut~~~>.:~~,-:.·.:.·~,.-. -/1t.,~ ,~-,~~ MA~~~'._''·::~;_ '. : f,}.:... . 't·., . : Lx'HxD .:. wr~·.. ~ 'DSG.N DSG"41 PROf - - ~~OR~.,",;/.'~·,., ~~~.::~t,."' •tNCHff ·•, 1 • ~ J. ':9°HT' ~RE1~ ~p l"CM~, ~GR; S~PPLJER REMARKS . ~.,) ,,,,,•,• .,.. -,"''-;,_,.,I<,, t , ,. t•, ,• · 554 C,250 66 06.F t DEC C 8 C-2!5000A30G ca,tte blltltement pennant ,1 NIA NIA FP NIA REM · NIA JDL IS 555 C2506607F DEC C C-2!5000"307 c..ue battlement pennant •2 NIA NIA FP NIA REM NIA JDL IS 556 C 250-66 06 F DEC C --C-250 00 A30II Casile batthtment pennant #3, NIA NIA FP NIA REM_ NIA JDL IS 557 C 250, 66 09 F' DEC·' C C-2!50 00 "309,, CaalSe battlement pennai,t #4 NIA •; NIA F~ NIA REM NIA· JDL, IS .,,, ,558 c-250 66 10 F -:DEC' c, c-2roooiia10 Caslle ... battfement pennant #5, NIA NIA FP 'NIA REM NIA JDL IS 559 C 250 66 11 F DEC 'C, C-2!5000A311' Calle battlement pennant #8 NIA NIA FP NIA REM NIA JDL IS ID/ 560 C 252 66 '01 Gt MENU C 1 -P-30085G200 Culte HiU food llland sooth Food Stand ',NIA ,FAC ATT JDl IS Tree.siem only 96X24dla@ C-345 85 G200' natural WOOd stained bottom, 1~dia C I-1L~GO beaver and woodpecker att.; '561' C3458501SC ID e 1 &G201 e-300 85 G200 Enchanted Walk enlJy -e:nchanted,Waik· SM-2· ' y SP timber/rock ' • wlredltrs. per disk lop REM NIA JDL __ y u engraved in real tree w/rocks f~_su_eport Enchanted Walk'Scene ,1, I I ,562 C 345 ;65 '02 S.D >DES C 1 ,. Rabbil famlly descriptor • NIA '' p REM, NIA SAi -w. i563 c·.345 85 03 ·s·D DES C 1 , Enchanted,Walk scene 2 , FoXes Oen descriptor 'NIA.' p REM, NIA',·' SAi' '· u ,., "· .. 564' C'345 '65 04 S 0 DES· ,C '1 enc11an1ec1w.ik &:en. 3, Fawn & Doe descriptor NIA' p REM NIA SAi ,LJ .. 585 C345'8505SC DES C 1 . Enchanted Walk Scene 4 ' Duck Family descriptor NIA p REM NIA SAi LJ 566 C345.6506SC DES, .c 1 Enchanted Walk Scene 5 Butterfhes desaiptcir ' NIA P. REM NIA SAi LJ • 567 C 345 es 07 S,t DES C 1 . Enchanted Walk Sc.ene 6 Owl Fal'l111y descriptor NIA p REM NIA SAi LJ Enlarged lns'ects r----------11 568 C,345 es 06 St DES C 1 Enchanted Walk Si::eiie 7 descriptor NIA p REM NIA SAi LJ 569 C3456509St DES C 1 Encharlted Walk Scene 8 P.he8sants descriptor NIA• p REM NIA SAi LJ, 570 c 345 65 1o·s c DES 'C '1 Enchanted Walk scene 9 . ' Bear cubs descrip'tor NIA, p REM NIA SAi . lJ 571 C 345 65 11 St DES C ·1 '-· ; Enchanted.Walk sterie 1o : Beaver familY descriptor NIA;' ' p ., REM . NIA SAi LJ Squirrel family ' 572• C345es12SD •DES C 1 : Enchanted Walk 'Scene 11 descriptor NIA p REM NIA SAi LJ 573 c 345 85 13 s_D DES C 1 Enchanted Walk Sc:elle 12 Flsh,descnplor NIA p REM NIA SAi. LJ 574 C 345 65·14 SC DES C 1 Enchanted Walk fairy poem NIA· p REM NIA SAi LJ 575 C34565,15SC DES C 1 Enchanted Walk fal,Y poem NIA -p REM NIA SAi LJ 576 C345 es 16SC DES, C 1 Enchanted Walk fairy poem WA p REM NIA SAi' . LJ 577 C 345 65 17 SC DES c· 1 ' Ench'anted Walk fairy poem NIA. p REM NIA SAi LJ gl~ng light'@ lop: 2-slded veft!iage on 576 le 346 tis 01-s ol ID l A I 1 C-348 es G200 S_M., tlmbertcopper/c , b~ ltrs on Stained Zipf ' 'REM/. cauldn:in; LEGO draQon w/fog fx; casl iron &'G201 P-300 85 G200· Gem wash cauldron -rhe Royal Treasure• SFX-5 ·y FREE ast Iron/brass bmbef Chancery 88X196x88 INT JDL y IS dragon wlsteam fx: 3 addl fog rx . 1 ..J IDl'l r . C-34665G200· ~e1ghted fabric ylw b8ckground, rd Zapf ; 579 C 346·!~5-~ OEf ' C ' 1 &_G20!__,__~---P-30065_G~.5!!mwashfromPqSbldg. i.!.,~ Royal Treasure", ' NIA y p llrs&trim Chancery 24x30 REM NIA JDL y IS 2-slded verbiage. to be w~g~ted @ bottom Page22 ---- LLCI G·RAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L. Jagmin ORIGIN DATE: ,29 May ~7 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 Ju!¥_ 97 -- --.. ----... - --- ~~~--d~~~E~·~:.~-~-~~~~~~~;-~~~J~~!i~~~\L ··.\~':;~:~L:~~~--~"r: -~~mAL' " ... ccit.~::::: ~'.--:~i>HT ·'.-:_. :>~~~-., ;F~ -~Hi;_;~~.,~~ -~; _suPPUER REMARKS 580 le 346, 65 03'SJJI OP I c I 3-· Gem wash retail/promo'@ ,1en~ N/A,· REM IN/A IJOL IS Gem wash retall/prcmo @, 581 IC 348 65 04 s I OP I c I I . I len_lrl I I NIA I I I I 1 • I I !REM !NIA ·IJOL I· 11s 582 C 348'65',05 S 'OP C Gemwash@POS 583 C 347 85 01 s· 10· · A 1 P·30005G200 Tree&R0peent,y , ~ "Robin Hood's Climb• _ _. _____ ='-'--;..__..___ indudedinShowSelpkg. · 584IC34765.02Sol OPT···c I 11,' ,~. li'ree&R~-~:---1,i;,'1es'&rea~·~ I .1 I ~-. ~-~ 585 IC 347 65 03 Sol DIR I C I 1 I I (Tree& R"!"'enlry . "Enllll" I I I 586 IC 347 65 04 S ol DIR C 587 IC 347 65.05. S ct, DIR c· 588 lc:347 ,65 05 S ol DIR CH' 589 IC 347 65 08 S·ol ,OP C C-348 65 G200, Tree & Rope e,dt next lo gate i'ex1r Tree & R~ ~ gate, Inside I"<-Exir : 1Tree & R~~~g~~e. outside )"Exft oniy: Tree & Rope l!l_side enll}'_ Handicap ~Ss pk:tograffl 590 IC 348 65 01 S ol IQ, A 1 ,IG201,G202 '(P-30065G200 (Horserudeen"l_arch -n,., R<>)'_at Jousr 591 IC 348 65 02 Sol OP 592 1c 348 65 03 ·s:c,i OP· 593 IC 348 65 04 Sol DIR. .594 1c._:i.8 65,()5 s·ot Qi~ 595 IC 348 65 ,08 s .1. DIR 596 IC,348 65 ,07 S I. DIR 597 IC-348 65·oe sot DIR 598 IC 348 85-09,S ol OP 599 1c 348 65 10 s·ot OP C C C C c· C C C C 1' 1. 3, C-348 65 G200, G201,G203, HorseRldeen_!Y Horse Ride en.!!l_ Horse,R1dt(exlt gate, lnsidO HOBe R1d1( exli i&lfi, OUtsidt Horse R1d'e,exirpath, Horie Ride-exit _e_atti Horse' Ride load -~lalform . Horse Ride en~ Knighting ceremony Rules & reQ_s , ,Height' l°estricbOO :Exlr •E.xitonli:_ ''-Exltonly• ·exi1on1_t·. ~Exit->· alleUe wait timt Ope'rational instr. 600 IC 348-66 01 F ol· DEC I C I 6 (<3204 -~ IP-300 65 G~Ho"!_R~de enlry areh fl~ #1 !NIA 601 IC 348 66 02 F ol DEC I C 602 IC 348 66 03 F ol DEC I' C 603 IC 348 66 04 F ol DEC I C 604 IC 348 66 05 Fol DEC I C C-348 65 G200, G201,G203. G204 IP-300 65 G200. l~orse Ride entry areh fl~ #2 IN/A C-348 65 G200, G201,G203. G204 IP-300 65 G200 !Horse Rode en"l_ areh fl~ #3 IN/A C-348 65 G200, G201,G203, G204 IP-300 65 G200 I Horse Ride en"l_ areh flag #-4 IN/A C~865§200, G201,G203, G204 IP-300 65 G200 (Hor>e R;de enby areh fl~ #5 INIA NIA .NIA 'NIA NIA SM,SP 2 NIA NIA NIA ... NIA NIA N/A N/A NIA NIA y Y,, N 'DOOR ,1000R p GRP.melal, FREE lbnxu:e, timber pp FREE. IDUPLO brides timberw/ytw ttrs on· redlwhlances LEGO rd. ylw, bl, gr, _E!rd1sk N/A I Y I FREE lwe;ghled fabric lblk, wh IN/A LEGO rd, ylw, bl, gr. NIA ,I Y I' FREE lweo~hledfabric lblk,wh (NIA, LEGO rd, ylw, bl,-gr, NIA I. Y 'I. FREE lwelghled fabric lblk, wh !NIA LEGO rd, ylw, bl, gr, NIA I Y I FREE lwe,ghled fabric lblk, wh IN/A LEGO 'rd, ylw, bl, gr, N/A I Y I FREE lwe;ghled,fabric lblk. wh IN/A Page 23· AMB IN/A IJOL . ,AMJ!..-IN!A_JJOL, · AMB )NIA )JOL AMB !NIA !SAi 195x216x 14 REM IN/A ' )JOL AMN IN/A IJOL 12x7x4 AMB IN/A ICK At.is·· IN1A IJot AMB IN/A IJOL AMB !NIA IJOL AMB IN/A IJOL AMB , IN/A )JOL AMB IN/A IJOL JOL 53x34 REM I NIA IJOL 53x34 REM IN/A IJDL 53x34 REM IN/A IJDL 53x34 REM IN/A IJDL 53x34 REM IN/A .IJDL IS IS,·. IS: IS, y y y y y y LEGO helmet w/plume held by 2 horiZ. lances+ 2 ven. Janee$ wimetal pennant ea.: 6 freestanding lances r~arch'way behind. angled metal lance approx. 18.5' H ang)ed metal lance approx 18 5' H angleEI metal Janee approx. 18 5' H angled metal lance approx. 18.5' H angled ~ta! fallce ape_rox. 18.5' H _, l ---- LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L.-Jagmln ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION#: 04 REVISIO'N DATE: 15 Ju!¥_ 97 ----- ---------- ~l!t~~*~'.'l~l~~;~~~~tit;~:m~~\~*'i~:~~,;~~:·~~~1.(~:.!~e~':_:;~~,~ ·. :>1--y~~-··:,~: ·-~~~ ··:r::,~~~~;\ ~-:~~:~-~~ -~~-~G°; SUPPLIER ~MA~ C.348 65 G200; ' ' G201;G203, : 'NIA ~elghled taMc ' ~EGO '!I, ylw; bl, gr, • 605 i::· 348, 68 08 F C •,,DEC c, G204 P-300 65 G200 Horse Ride enlry arch flag #6 NIA· y 'FReE-blk,wh ,NiA. 53x34 • 1 ReM NIA· JDL ·I. y : langle_d metal lance ap_~ro~. ,18.s· H c 348 68, oH ·c , C-3-4852.3 Ho<se Ride Knliihr• c.mp 606 DEc· c· 4 Z152 -· Surrender pennant #1 · NIA ' NIA , .. fabric ,· . .. : REM· NIA : JDL C.:i,4,852.3 · Ho<se Ride 1<n1ir~_r, c~ .,_ 607, C 348 615 OB'F ·DEC C' Z152 surprise pennant #2 NIA. NIA fllbric REM NIA JDL 608 C3486809F , 0'34852.4 Horse Ride Knlghr1 Camp DEC C Z153 surpais peMant #3 NIA NIA fabric REM N/A JDL Horse Ride KniQhra camp 609 C348 6810F ,DEC C pennantl-4 NIA NIA' fabric , REM , NIA -JDL- C.349 65 G200 610 C3496501SD ID A '1 &G201 P-300 65 G200 -Breath Tak.,. enlry (2) 13reathTaker" 611 C3496502SC OP C ·1 Breath'Takerentry' Helghlreslriction 612 C 349,65-03 SC DIR C ,1 Breath Taker entry Enter ~ N NIA stained timber wlytw limberllign-!background, red Hrs, FREE lboanl orangeaccenl ______j)>!'dlsk l96x64x17 FREE IDUPLO bricks 12x?x4 I reg fx from nosltlls on loop: red lighl from REM/ mouth and eye; rocks @ base & extension; 2 INT JDl. y IS sided sign ·5 AMB NIA CK IS AMB NIA JDL IS 613 C,349 65 05 SC OP C 1 BrollthTakerenlry RuJes&feQ_S NIA AMB NIA JDL IS 614 C3496508SC DIR C 1 Breath 'rakerexil gate, Inside :Exit" ,NiA I AMB NIA JDL IS ,- 615 C3496507SC DIR C 2 -' Breath Taker exit gate, outside E>dtonly" ~ AMB NIA. JDL IS , Breath Taker G end of exit 616 C3496507S . DIR C path_ Exit only" NIA· AMB NIA JDL IS P-10000L255 Park orienta~on map O 617 M 155 32 01 SC DIR· C 1 Minlland N. NIA pp REM NIA SAi RA IModulex , Fingerpost W. of events ,618 M1553202SD DIR .C 1 P-100 00 L255 stadium NIA p REM NIA SAi. RA'. IModulex1 619 M ,155 "32 03 ·s C 'DIR' C 1, p:100 00 L255 FlngtirpOst e, of WashirlOton · NIA, ,p. REM NIA: SAi , RA I Mo<!ule>i 620 M 155 ;ea' ,01 G C .RET' C 1: Retail'C8rt ,;NIA DECAL, ATT JDL MZ 621 M,255.65 01 SC ID 1. · P,300 65 G2D<i ModelM8ke!' erltry "Master B"'uilder" LL 622 M.255 e5 02 s'c · ,ID· 1 ~ sPBceAgeenlry .,, LL 623 M 255 65 03,S C OP .. ,, C '2 Spate Ag9 N'. staff entry ·staff only" NIA WALL 'AMB .' NIA. JDL' LL 624 M 255 05-04 S ··.op C Space Age S. staff entry . ·sta"only" NIA, " . ,' WALL AMB NIA' JDL •' LL -625 M 255 65·05 SC DIR C 2 Sp.ice ,?.ge S. inside entry ·<-Exir NIA WALL AMB' NIA JDL LL 626 M2556506S DIR C Space Age S. next to exit ·<-Exit" NIA , WALt AMB NIA JDL lL 627 M 255'65 07 S DIR C Space Age S. outside enby ·enter" NIA WALL AMB NIA JDL -LL 628 M2556508S., DIR C Space Age S. outside exit "E~IOnly" NIA WALL'I 'IAMB NIA .. JDL LL OP/ 629 M255 65 09SD ST C 4 Mmfland toilets • boy Pidogrims NIA y ' ~AC AMB NIA JDL MZ OP/ 630 M255 6510 S ST C Mrnlland toilets. wheelchair P1dograms NIA y FAC l AMB NIA JDL MZ 'OP/ 631 M 255 65 11 S ST C Miniland toilets. diaper Pidograms NIA y FAC AMB NIA JDL MZ Page24 ---- LLCI GRAPHICS qRIGIN/ATOR: L.Jagmin ORJGINDATE: 29May97_ REVISION#: 04 REVISION DATE: 15 July 97 ---- --- -- ---- --· ~:: ::'.:.:.~~~~?~}i~~~s~~t~'#~.~~·)'.')~~f~~~~A~~~~t,~;.:~·:~·.·:'.::.t£:~~f.'~~,-~t~~.~.~~~~~:~~:<;; ~~~:·::?;i~·::.fr ':;:_~~~~:~:::~~.Y~f --~-.~~-: ~~ ~~~ .SUPPLIER ~MARKS OP/ . 632 M2556512S ST C Mlnlland toilets, gl~·. IPictogram• 633 I 160 32 61 S· DIR C. P-10000l255 Flngerposflmag, E, 634 I 160 32 02 S . DIR ,C P-100 00 L255 Flnge/pi,stlmag, w; 635; I 160 6&•01 F,C DEC C 8 p.300 65 G200 I mag, S; enlry banner #1 ' ,636 I 160 66 02 F DEC' ,C p.300 65 G200 lmag, S, onlry banner#2 637' L160.6& 03F DEC C p.300 65 G200 lmag, S, enlry banner#3 .638 I· 160 .66 04·F DEC C P-30085G200 lmag, S, onlry bannerll4 639 I, 160 66 05 F, DEC C, P.-300 65 G200 lmag. S. 9ntry banner#5 '640 lf606606F, DEC C P-300 65 G200 lmag, S, enlry banne, #B 641 I 160 66 07'F. 'DEC, C· p:aoo 65 G200 ,mag. s. entry banner #7 642 I 160 66 OB E: ;DEC ;C,. . p.300 65 G200 1mag. S. et'ltrybanner#B '643 I 160· 66 ... 09 F DEC C p.300 65 G200. Jmag. E. entry banner #9 ·644 1·150 6610F' 'DEC .. c ' p.300 65 G200 Jmag. E, enliy banner#1D 645 I 160 66.i'I I\. DEC C p.300 65 G200 lrriag. E.entrybannef'l1t . 646· I 160.66 01 G C RET C .1 Retail cart (N, enlry) 647 I 160 66 02 G C RE7 C 1 Relaii'c:art (Family Boal Ride[ ,~26065.01 lmag, Installation Play Enl,y (2) !"BUILD & TEST" 648 II 260 65 01, S cl ID I A I 1 IG200& G201 P-300 B5 G200 I. . 649.I I ·280 65 02'.G C 1-260 65.01, .ID· A 1 G202 &:G203 , P,-300 65 G200 . Free Piay blocks (2). ' "dupli> PLAY" . 1-260 6502 650. 12606503SD ID B 1 G204&G205 P-300 B5 G200 lmag. Cafe (2) -P1zzana" , 651 12606504S0 MENU B 1 lmag:Caf6@entry MenU b6ard 12606505S0 lm9g.·Free PlaynnstaJI Play 652 OP ·c 2 Inside workshop Blea wkshptimes lmag Frl!e Play/Install Play 653 I 260 65. OO·S OP C inside workshop area wkshp times I 260,·65 07 SC , Free Playni:istall Play 654 OP C 2 ' storeroom 1 Slaff Only ; OP free Playnnstall Play 655 I 260 65 08•S ·C storeroom2 Slaff Only Free Pl}IY'nristall, Play NW' 656 I 260 65 01 •GD OP C 5 entry, no fooc:IA>everages 657 12606502G OP C Free Playnnstall Play NC entry nofoodn>everages 656 ,I 260 65.03 G 'OP C Free PlaynnStaJ) Play NE entry, no food/beverages 659 I 260 .65 04 G OP C J='ree Playnns~ll_ Pl~ SW entry no foodlbe~rages N/A' -y FAC NIA p NIA p N/A FP NIA FP . NIA FP NIA FP NIA FP NIA FP _. · N/A , FP NIA., FP 'NIA FP NIA FP ... NIA FP NIA DECAL NIA' DECAL SM y. FAC signboard red,bl&)'lwll!Son ,I technlc bl background Impact '160x27x26,5I' vinytltrs'& ~ & ~lue ltrl wf.vhltel gl'Bphlcson1 SM I Y .I SP IGRPblocks 1tars&du_~lol~o J~d,sk 15H SM I Y signboard & I I I neon tube 560; FAC Jneof1 ytwtltsw/redneon ~-Slin130x32 p .. NIA I N NIA. NIA, I N NIA NIA I N I 'DECAL NIA I N' I DECAL NIA I N I DECAL NIA I N I DECAL NIA I N I DECAL N/A. I N I DECAL Page25 AMe• NIA JDL MZ REM NIA SAi RA REM NIA SAi RA REM NIA JDL RA· REM NIA JDL RA REM NIA JDL RA REM NIA JDL RA REM NIA JDl RA REM NIA JDL RA REM, . NIA •' JDL RA REM NIA JDL RA REM NIA , JDL , RA·. REM , l'UA JDL RA REM NIA JDL RA AU. JDL MZ. ATT JDL MZ hNT I IJDL y HBo "'REM IN/A IJDL y lf:IBo, NEON JDL I, v tHeo ATT JDL I IMZ AMB !NIA IJDL HBo ·•AMB IN/Iv IJDL HBo AMB IN/A IHBo y . Heo AMB IN/A IHBo y HBo AMB IN/A IHBo y HBo AMB jN/A IHBo y HBo AMB IN/A IHBo y HBo llAMB IN/A IHBo y HBo Modulex Modulex I Attached to LEGO Helicopter racing car & I siructural column, lightiiig for s1~_n on model· ltrs ONLY ap_e_lied to Dncks, S&E has bid both sides of comer; wfg1taffe street feature; S&E hBS bid rolllngJlgn rollin_p_sign 1 J Hbo to procure Hbo to __e_rocure Hbo to procure Hbo to procure r ---- LLCI ·GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L. Jag'!'ln ORIGIN DATE: 29 May 97 REVISION •: 04' . REVISION DATE: 15 July_ 97 - --- -- - ------ -- ~~:,i::~~b~~6~ .. ,~~~~~:,~~~A:~~t~:.~~~-.. l~+._;+~~~~~~~;:.·~·.~;t/:~.· _;.~ ~~MOU:Mf/f~~£~rt~~~E~~-~ ~ONT::,;,·~~~~;=~~ LM;~,= ~~-:;~ = SUWJER REMARKS 660 12606505G DP C Free PlayAnstall Play SE entry no food/beverages 861 126065,0GGD DP C 3 Free Playnnslari Play IN/ enby negative age label 862 i2606507G DP C . · Flff Playnnslall Play NC enlry, negative -label .863 12606508G , OP. c Free PlaynnataN Piay SN entry negative age label 1-261 6501 864 i2616501St ID A 1 G200&G201 p.300 65 G200 Leamfng Cir. on model "MIND STORMS- 1-261 65'.2 G202 "MANIAC 665 i2616502SD ID A 1 &G203 p.300 65 G200 Sinldu111 play on model CHALLENGE" Leaming Ctr .IS_truc:ture Play 866 ic2616503St OP C 3 outslde wkshp area wkshp promo & topics Sinlctu111 Ploy Inside wkshp ~P promo & topics 867 12616504SD OP C ..... Structure Play Inside wkshp 686 l2616505SC ,OP C ..... wkshp promo & topics 869 I 261 65 OB S·C OP, C 2, ' Leaming Ctr. Inside wkshp area wkshp activities & times 670 I 261 65 07 S.[ ·.OP C Leaming Ctr. inside wkshp are, wkshp activities & times 671 I261650BSC .OP C , '2' ~earning Ctr./Structure Play on sloreroom Stat!Only L:eamtng Ctr .IStruFbJre Play on 672, 12616509SD OP C storeroom 'Slat!Only Leaming Ctr ./Struc:ture PIB)' O ,, 673 12616501GC OP C 6 enlry negative age label Le~mmg Clr./Strudure Play@ 674, 12616502G OP C enlry negative age label .. Le~mlng Ctr./Structure Play@ ·,675 f 261 65 03 G OP C enlry negalive age label Leaming Ctr ./Structure Play@ 676 12616504G OP C enUy negative age label Le~ming Ctr JStructure Play@ 6n 12616505G OP C enUy negative age label Leaming Ctr JStructure Play@ 678 I2616506G OP C enUy i,egative age label Lea.ming Ctr ./Structure Play O 679, I 261,65 07 GO , OP ·c 6 Bntry no foodlbeverages ,660 I 261 65 ,06, G 0~ C Leaming C;tr~tructure Play@ entry no food/beverages Leamtn'g Ctr JSlructure Pllly @ 681 J 261 65 09,G .OP c. entry no food/beverages NIA N 'DECAL NIA ,N DECAL NIA N DECAL NIA N DECAL alum. or timber SM-t y FAc· &aaylic Jgr background Jperd1sk I 192x29x8 GRP,metal, Jred~on? SM N SP signboacd background !?. I 216x39x11 NIA N NIA NIA N NIA NIA N .NIA :NIA N 'WALL NIA N , WALL NIA N NIA NIA N , NIA· NIA N NIA N• NIA N NIA N NIA N NIA N NIA· Ne NIA' N NIA, N Page 26 AMB IN/A IHBo y IHBi> AMB IN/A IHBo Y IHBo AMB IN/A IHBo I Y IHBo AMB IN/A IHBo I . Y IHBo INT REM/ INT/ NEON JOL JDL ,AMB IN/A IJDL . IAMB' NIA JOL AMB NIA JbL I AMB NIA JDL 'AMB NIA JDL 'AMB NIA JOt. AMB 'NIA JDL AMB NIA HBo AMB· NIA HBo AMB NIA HBo 'AMB. NIA HBo AMB , NIA HBo AMB, NIA, HBo AMB , NIA Hao AMB 'NIA HBo AMB · NIA HBo· y, IHBo y HBo HBo HBo , HBo , HBo HBo HBo HBo, HBo HBo HBo HBo Hao HBo HBo HBo HBo Modulex Modulex Modulex Modulex Modulex. Hbo to procure 4 LEGO planets & ~o.ears attached hekl by model; very detailed; consists of ltrs, !Paeellechno rehef plate, a backgroun~_plale rollingslgn rollin_g_~lgin rolltn_i~n I -- -- · LLCI: GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: L Jogmln ORIGIN DATE: 29 Moy 97 , RE'I/ISION #: 04 REVISION·DATE: .15 Ju!¥_ 97 - --------------· .ffl,;;}!Jf.~~~:~~~~~~1~i~£t~\~~r~~~~~;·;~\7'~;::~~;_~:;·:~:::~~-.~~:~~~~~~~~~-1&N~~~~f 1:::J~-: .·,:._-~e¥:;;!f,·':~~:~~~-:,~~ ~~ :S~PUER RE~RKS 682 ,, 261 6510G I OP C 663,1 I 261 65 11 G I OP C 684 I I 261 65 12 G I OP .c 685 I I 262 65.01.s DI ID A 666 ll.262 65 02s Dj DEC! C 6117 II 262 65 OJSDj OP I C 6116 II 262· 65 04, S Of, DIR I C 6119 II 262 irs 05S I DIR·!, c. ,69011-262·65 06 S ,, DIR.I C. 1Leammg CtrJStructure Play O · enlrt_ ____ , __ · lnor-veiages Leaming CtrJStructure Ploy G. eni,y_ . lll()_lood/beverage1 Leaming ClrJSWdu!9 Ploy G en"¥_ ~~;1~~~·~,P-30065 G200 ILEGOoxe, lhowiac:.de no food.be~ ,_EGO'E,q>ei1enoe -LEGOexp,lhowfacade !ENTER show starts approx. LEGO e~. show queue "!1~ 1~-"'?T minutes LEGO e>q>. show audltonuin exterior • l"Exitonly"_ LEGO exp. iohow oudrtorilMII exterior. ____ __J"Exitonly"' LEGO e,q:,. lhow -.Ud11orium exterior • l·E>dtori_rr_ NIA I. N NIA·I N· NIA I N. AM-1, SM-71 N NIA NIA ''NIA 'NIA NIA, B91 l1'26265;01si:,I OP'I c J2 l~26265Z103 lr~265~3 ~showqueue#1 ,,'.CAUTION WORKERS ' OVERl:IEAD" ' I NIA I N B9i.l,r 262 65 06 s DI OP C I 2 ll-26265Z103 l1-26265Z103 ·ILEGOshowc(ueue#1 "CAUTION WORKERS OVERHEAO" ·1DANGER • CONSTRUCTION 693 'I I 262·65 09 S cl OP., C i-26265Z103 ll·26265Z103, fLEGOshowqueue#2 AREA . 694 II 262 65 10 S cl OP"I C I 2 (1-26265Z103 lr-26265Z103 fLEGOshow.9.ueue#2 DANGER CONSTRUCTION AREA 695 I I 262 65 11 SD\ OP C I 2 l~26265Z103 lr-262652103 fLEGOshowqueue#3 WARNING HARD HAT AREA . 696 II 262 65 12 s cl , OP C I 2 fl-262 65 Z103 fl-262 65 Z103 fLEGO show queue #3 WARNING HARD HAT AREA Stroller parking 697 I I 262 65 13 S Of OP' I · C. 1 '.fl-26245 Z100, ,,LEGO exp. show facade IPi~~ram 698 If 252·,es 14 s DI OP f· .c 3' LEGO exp: ol>ov~ ent,y show ''ectioii doors l.9Ueue'cloc:k 699 II 262 65 15 S I ·OP C :, l~==:o"".~t,yshow !~dock' LEGO exp. above ent,y show 700l12626516S I OP C action doors l.9ueue dock 701 ,, 262·65 17 SOI DECI C LEGO e~. show facade 8ITOW NIA N· NIA N NIA N NIA N NIA ,N NIA ~ NIA NIA NIA NIA I. N ·sp !LEGO Bricl<I LEGO 13ricb· .. GRPOR 'FAC !METAL pp.• •DOOR, DOOR· DOOR' 1taintltss w/appl.~' SP •lvin1'_ SP stainless w/appl, 1, ly1ny1, stainless w/appl.1 SP fy1ny1 stainless w/appl.1 SP IYiny1 stainless w/appl. SP lvinyl stainless wlappl SP vinyl , sen.tra wlappl. SP, VI~~ Galvanized FAC !metal , Page 27, AMB NIA Hilo HBo AMB NIA HBO' · Hilo AMB . NIA Hilo Hilo, ·':_., " NIA '. REM RWA Hl!o _e_artof~se!P~ltQe_ REM NIA RWA HBo AMB NIA JDL CK AMB NIA JDL HBo AMB NIA JDL HBo ' AMB' .. NIA JDL HBo,: heiW:uca .. bold . modified I 14x10 IAMB NIA RWA HBO on .9ue~ scaffolding helveUcii bold modified I .14x1·0 \ IAMB NIA RWA 'HBo on ~Ueue scaffofd1ng tielvetica bold modified I 14x10 1 AMB NIA RWA HBo on que~ scaffofd1ng helvetiC8 ,,bold modified I 14x10. AMB NIA 'RWA Hilo On .9ue~~ scaffolding helvetica bold modified I 14x10 AMB NIA-RWA HBo on .9ueue scaffolding helvetica bold I ·14x10 modified AMB Nik RWA HBo on .9ue_!!e scaffolding AMB NIA RWA. HBo on .9ue~e scaffolding INT' ,., ... , ck di]!ltaldock INT-,, CK digllalclock - INT CK d,gharclocl< REM NIA RwA HBo must have samed1rt'ls es LEGO arrow modf' ---- LLCI GRAPHICS ORIGIN/ATOR: ~-Jagmin 'ORIGIN DATE: 29 Moy 97 REVISION#: 04 REVISION DA TE: 15 Ju_l)t_ 97 -- -- -- - ------ - .JP:i~~I'.~ ;~; 5~r.t~$.~f;.~k~1\.· /·';~ ~.;;~.; ~:,· 1 !!!filfilfilR,,::, fY!!£ ~9! ,; ! ~(.~_!:".', :..-: r,::: ;"/\':'\i.;,, "--.!{•tr;;{,•/, (.f,}I -·~·::-~~x~:~~~~~~·~~---/:t~±=~;·~~t::t.·~.i,~~~~~f:t:~i~~:.f~~~~;.~::~::~~=·= ~-_SUPPLIER. REMARKS -signboard, -Stencil 702 I 360 65 01,SO ID A 1 1-360652104 P-300 65 G200 Constr. site over vehldes ·construction Site• SM N FREE wlapplled vinyl modified ATT RWA I y I I l~bove queue scaffolding, set In 30 frame 703 13606502S0 ·OP C 1 Constr. Site rules & regs rulei & reg,, Ind. &ge NIA pp AMB, NIA JDL I I, I I 704 13606503S0 ID/OIR B 1 1·360 65 Z104 p.300 65 G200 ' Con11r. lite.entry "SlleEnlly'" NIA N FREE stencil ATT RWAJ y L l Jan:hway 705 I 360 65'04 SC OIR' C 2 Constr:site·e'"xit gale, Inside "Exit" NIA AMB NIA JOL 706 13606505S DIR C Constr. ·lite flxft gate. inside "Exit" NIA AMB NIA JDL 707 1.360 65 05 SC DIR C 1 Constr/site in queue area "Exit->· NIA AMB NIA JDL 708 i3606506St 'DIR C 2 ' Constr. lite exit gate, outside "Exilonly" NIA· AMB NIA JDL " '709, I, 360 65 rri S DIR C, Constr. Ille exit gate, outside' "Exilonly" NIA' AMB·, NIA 1.JOL 710 I 360 65 06' S't ,OP, C. 1,, · Con1tr.1:fteWaitt1me · • NIA, p '. AMB NIA JDL 711 I 360 65 09-S'D OP C 6 Conltr'. &lie safety fence be---1"& :i "Wolch )'OU( siep• NIA ,. AMB NIA JDL Conslr. lite ufety lencAI 712 13606510S OP C '' between llehides3 & 4 , "Watcb yoor step• NIA AMB NIA JDL Con11r. lite ~etyf""'"! 713 I 360 65 11 S op C between,_ides 5 & 6 'Watch )'OU( step". NIA AMB NIA JDL, Constr. aite safety fence 714' 13606512S OP C ; between vehicles 7 & 8 -W.leh your Step· NIA AMB NIA JDL , Cdnitr. site lllfety tence ' 715 I 360,65 13 S OP ,C , between Yehldes 9 & 1o 'Walch your step• ,NIA ' AMB NIA JDL ' ' Consti. ·site safety fence' ' 716· I 360 65 ,14·5 OP C belweenvehidesf1 & 12, -W.tch your step• NIA AMB NIA, JDL 717 I 360'65 15 St OP. C 3 Constr. site queue Operating instr. NIA ',, AMB NIA JDL 718 I 360 65 16 S OP C Constr. site queu8 Operating.instr., -NIA 'AMB NIA JDL 719. ,, 360 s5· 11 s OP C Constr. site qUeue Operabllg instr. NIA AMB NIA JDL 720 I 360 66 01'GD OP C 24 Constr.-site'lehides operabng instr. NIA DECAL applied vinyl . • AMB NIA Suplr 721 I 360 66;02 G OP C Constr. siie vehides Operabngmstr. , NIA DECAL applied v;nyt AMB NIA Suptr 722 360 66 03.G OP C Constr. site vehicles Operating instr. NIA DECAL 8pj)hed.vinyl AMB NIA Suplr 723 360 66 04,G OP, c· Consb'". site \'ehicles Operating instr; NIA DECAL· applied "1nyl AMB NIA Suplr 724 360 66 05 ll OP C, cOOstr. s1fe wihlcles , Operating instr: NIA DECAL apphed vinyl • AMB, NIA', Stlplr 725 360 .66' 06 G' OP ,c Constr. s11e veh1c1eS . OpffltmO inStr. NIA DECAL, apphed vlnyt AMB , NIA Suplr 1726 360 66 07,G 'OP., C c'onStr. stte vehicles operating Instr, NIA ,DECAC apj,tiecfvinyl AMB NIA Suplr 727 360 66 06 G OP C Constr. site vehlc14's Operabng instr. NIA DECAL applied vinyl ,AMB NIA Suptr 728 360 66 '09 G OP C , Consti. stte vehicles Operabng instr. NIA DECAi: al)pl1ed vinyl AMB NIA Suplr 729 360 66 10 G , OP C Constr. site vehicles Operabng instr. NIA DECAL applied vlnyt AMB NIA Suplr 730· 360 66 11 G OP C Constr. site vehicles Operahng instr. NIA DECAL apphed vinyl AMB NIA Suplr 731 360 66 12.G OP C Constr. site vehicles oPerabng Instr. NIA DECAL "ppliedvinyl AMB NIA Suplr 732 360 66 13 G OP C Constr. sue vehides Operabng instr. NIA DECAL a'Pplied vinyt AMB NIA Suplr' 733 360 66 14 G OP C Constr. site vehicles Operatmg instr. NIA DECAL api,hedvmyl AMB NIA Suplr ,73" 360 es· 15 G OP C ,. _ Constr. site 'lehldes Operabng~·-~ -~CAL applied vmyl · AMB NIA Suplr Page28 - - ·:·,, --- LLCI G"RAPHICS (?RIGINIATOR; L. Jagl)lin ORIGINDATE; 29May97 REVISION I; 04 • REVISION DATE: 15 July_ 97 --- --- - -- --- - - . AOO'L ,DWG ·:·.' 1i~~:~··(\.':~~-~.1~· i··~~·-,,.,. '. ·.· /;1i~:·SIGN_;·:~-~ LOCATION•,. , · ·, · _ ~/:·\IDENTIFIER:; ~GRAOEQ!!'~ ~ ,"/:t~ ... f!!!!!; LOCA110N/OESCRIPTION. :f.: TEXT·-_, -' f! .E!fili MOUNT ;; _--. ; L.XHX•D _; WT PWR OSGN OSGN PROJ ~TERIAL .. ~: ;'; · _ COU>R ·-:·p __ :. FONT . , ~~CHES ;/· ~ LIGHT REOS RESP CMPI. MGR._.~-REM:'_~ ~=-;: .... •.,,,;.· '0-{~'··~---· '..?~~.:1·:"_t_~ ,.s;•f~J_.· • .• • • :._ "'~:~!:='~~·-~!~: ··._ ~~_.<, ,·,,._ ·~:·',;\\., ..• .-' . : ,. ,;'.'.;: ~·· -, . ·-• ,, • • • " • '· ~ • • •• ' ....... , ,· - • ' • '• • ' ., •• ,IJ,',"j 735 I 360 66. 16 G OP C Constr. Site vehicles , Operating instr.: , . NIA DECAL al)pl1ed vinyl AMB NIA Suplr :738 I 360' 66 17 G . OP C Constr. site vehicles Operating instr. __ NIA OECAL applied Yin)1 AMB NIA· Suplr, , 737, I' 360 66 :18.G-OP :C Constr. site veh1dti1 C)peratmg iris'tr. . ,NIA DECAL, applied vinyl AMB NIA Suplr _738 '1 360 88 19 G OP C Constr. site vehicles Operating initr. ..NIA. DECAL applied viriyl AMB NIA Suplr 739 13606820G OP ·c Constr.;sitevehicleS Operllting instr. NIA DECAL apphed'vinyl AMB' NIA Suplr :.740 t":!60 68 21.G -OP C Constr. site vehicles-Operating Instr. NIA DECAL apphedvinyl . AMB NIA, Suplr 741 13608822G OP! ·c Constr. site vehides Operating in'str. NIA DECAL applied,vmyl AMB NIA Supir _742 I3608823G OP C Constr.'site vehk:lea Operating lnstr. NIA. DECAL applied vinyl AMB NIA SuPlr ,743 I 360 65° 24 5 OP c· Constr. sit8vehides; Operating instr •. NIA DECAL apphedvin'yl AMB NIA Suplr 74-4 L 165 32 01 S , DIR C P-10000L255 -Fingerposl N. Lltg00r1' NIA ~ REM_ NIA SAi 1 ]RA ]Modulex . ' SAi 1 lRA JModulex 745 L _165 32 02 5 DIR ,C" -P-11)(Jl)(JL255. Fingerpost S. Lagoon @ FBR -. NfA p REM NIA , FRP, signboard or marine grade zap! ID'., , L-381 65 G200,' plywfyinyt . blue stgnboard wlwh. chancery~ SPs LEGO themed anctwr@ base of 746 L 361 85 01-S C A 1 G201.G2G2 P-300 65 G200 FBR-"arch,,nlry. . •coast Cruise" SP-2: y FREE applledllnl. hrs&~aece"ots wirled .. ?x?x? REM NIA JDL y 15 : COtumn end wheel C back of sign 747 L38165025 OP c' -1 FBR enJry Rules& regS NIA PP., AMB NIA JDL 15 L3616503SC FeR entry "<-Entei->'" adjustabl.i to C.C.vet' errows mdependentty as ·1,e DIR C 1 NIA AMB NI,., JDi.. IS rieeessa:y 749 L 361 65 04 5 [ DIR" ,c· 1· r'BR exil pl8tform · "Exit->" NIA AMB NIA JDL 15 750 L 381 65-05 5 [ DIR . . C ,.-.. fBR exit platfoml ·Exii½>" NIA AMB NIA JDL IS 751 l36165065D _DIR .c 1 · FBR'exit path °E>dlonly' NIA. AMB NIA • JDL 15 752· L 381.65 o; SD OP C 1 FBRef1try ' Wait time NIA. AMB' NIA JDL "I5 -· S_trollerp~mg 753 L 381 85 OB·S D ·.OP C j FBRenJry pfctogra'm NIA• AMB · NtA JDL. ,s ·uIR1· FBR queue prior to load 754 L 361 65 O!! S•D DEC C 1 platfonn FBR aerial map, NIA· PP 36x-4Bx AMB NIA JDL 15 •755 L3616601GD OP· C 6 FBR load/uilloitd 'Vl/atch your,slep" , NIA :FLOOR paint or infill NIA AMB NIA JDL IS 756 L3616802G 'OP C FBR lo8dlu0toad' '"Vl/atch your step" N!A FLOOR paint or infill NIA AMB' NIA ' JDL 15 7~7 L ,361· 66 03.G', , OP C FBR load/Unload ":'VValch youi step" NIA FLOOR paint or infill' NIA AMB NIA JDL 15 758 L 361 66 04G OP C FBR load/unload "'Natch your slep" NIA FLOOR pamtorlnfill NIA AMB NIA JDL 15 759. L 361 66 05G ·OP C FBR load/unload "'Nalcti your step" NIA FLOOR Paint or infill NIA AMB NIA JDL 15 760 L 3616606G OP ·c FBR !oad/unioad "\'Vatch your slep" .. ,__NIA FLOOR pamtorinfill -NIA AMB NIA JDL, I IS Page29 - I I I I I ! I \ ---- - ----- - -- ------Explanation The Model Matrices. These matrices are the most up to date information on models, and should com,ply with what is listed oh the Attraction drawings. They will be updated al, soon as inforr)lation is available by model suppliers. The following are a list of explanations for some of the cells; Supplies estimate provided by: Air in liters per minute/bar: ., Electrical power: Water supply in li\ers per minute/bar: ConJrois provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Standard Foundation type: Surfac~ Finish: ,,Note;,· The moqel supplier who is responsibl!:! for the estimates provided and there.up dates. The volume-and-pressure of air recjuired·for the models'only in the whole attraction. The c;:urrent and vol(age of electric::ity requi~ed forthe models only, iri the whole attrac;:tion. · The volume arid pressure of water ·required 'for the models only in the whole attraction. This is.·the company ,or model supplier who has agreed to· provide· the controls for the models; and special effects for the whole attraction, generally ACB;ACW or ETI . . This-cell.indicates the c;ompany who needs to provide an "extra 1/0 sheet" see sample that provides the control provider above, with the extra inputs and outputs thatwill be needed to _control their component~. I~ will also need a basic timing schedule to write a provisional Pt.C program. This is the foundation pad size.provided by Martin and Dunn to be completed l,)y·Martin and bunn. This is the finish grade type provided.by Sasaki e.g. block P.aving. · The general rule is that the model supplier wiil make the sound cabinet fo{models that.have sound coming from within. The 1/0 sheet must contain the extra outputs required for the sounds, bearing .in mind that the control Wires will not be traveling out to the _model· butojust to the adjacent control-cabinet in 'the EER ·room. This should always-be the c;ase unless otherwise stated. Yellow cells that have are empty rather than.stating,NA mean that.the information has not yetbeeri.provided. Cells-containing,NA. mean Not Applicable and nothing is require for that item. Carlsbad LEGO Models , Attraction Ret No.: Attraction Name: Updated 'Date: Updated By: ~ . • ~ • I --- ,,,',d~-~ ·iM~ei MID#: jModel Name: Please always en'ter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Metric Dimensions: j j StJpplies estimate provided _by: Air in liters per minute/bar: Electrical po\\'.er: · Water supply .in liters per minute/bar: Gontrols provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: lmp_erial Dimensions: Page·1 _:~-~~ ... :'' ,,.-.-,· ' ---- 1'' -J--.. -~·,_,,, •l:'(..i::f.'·i '1 -:~·~.~,;,-,~·,\:,-~--~-' Infrastructure: ------- ---- - ------ --Explanation Utility m Require-~-> Requires ments SFXType i ~ Oversized Electrical Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (sound, C: Height Width Depth Model Approval men! Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, water Surface C. !!!. x x Helahtcni Width cm Depth cm Weiahtka inches inches inches Weicht-lb lves/nol ' Ives/no\ Tvne Tvne Cves/nol electricitvl ·(ves/nol smoke\ Finish 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :o.o' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 . ' -· Page2 ----· .. 11111' ·---.. .... , .. -·--·-Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: =-=:::....=-=--:..c:..=-..-'-'----'--=-........ --"-""'-'--'--"-'-'-'--...:..;:_-.,___-'-_~ Attraction Name: Updated Date: =='-'~-'-'-'--"'-'--"..:.;...:=-'-.;:_...;""'-'--+"-,.,.·· Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Updated By: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 she~t by: Model MID #:· Model Name: ,. l Metrtc.Diniensions: . lmoertal.Dimensions: '" .. ',. i ,)> Requires, D. Oversized Electrical ... ' Attach-~ a. i: 'ci~oth cm Height, Width , Depth Model . Approval . ment 'inches' 'wei!lhMb I (yes/no), 'x. >< Heiilhtcm Width cm WeiQhtk!l inches· inches · (yes/no\ T,ype Model contents unknown -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0'.0 . 0,0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 : .. ,'' ,o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 o.o-0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 . o:o .. 0.0 · 0.0 .0.0 0.0' ' ' . I ·o:o -0.0 0.0 o,o .. .. o.o 0.0 0.0 0;0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. o.o 0.0 ,0.0 o:o 0.0 ·o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0. 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 ·,. ·" ' .o:o ,o:o o:o 0.0 .. 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 ,. .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:0 0.0, o:o ·, ' .. 0.0 . 0.0. ·o.o 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. ---.. .. ACW , ~ _ .,, . · ... , , N~ .. ·,: ... , .... , ..... ,. , ...... 'NA-~,::·,.,. . ., .. k,,, N~' : : ~,_.:,, ~ ~ ' 'L ._:, '.__:_:____._._ -_:, c, \ \ N,A/ .:. ·,c·· . ·"\ •• ,:· '·'--"'--' ", "-.:-:· NA, .. '•"',~_._ ,~ ·(·.,,':,_,",:··· . .'.: .. Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments Standard Interface (air.water -Foundation · Sketch l!rainage, Movement Tvoe (yes/no) electrtcitYl (yes/no) .. ., ... .. ,, 'SFXType (sound, !ight, water smoke) " '" '" Surface Finish -..... .. l!!lit .. --· ... .. -·-- : Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: i3-2Hif51 . , ..... Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: Retail :sho . < -- Updated Date: 8~Ju1~97',, , .; .. : .' .. : .. ,: "' •,:'.. ''. ':·,,' ;,,,. '.~'._!!!..!_!', Updated By: · sjp !,'i .'. -'.' _.::·,i, ·., ... -, __ . .: -~· ' ~ti:~ ,, ' - Model MID #:• Model Name::: ... Metric.Dimensions:. .. .. . . . m !ll. ir ·> la 5l B. .~ ... )( )(• Heiahicm Width·cm Deothcm Welahika ' Madel contents unknown ,, .. .. . ' . .. .. ' .. '. , .. ' ... .. .. . Air in litres per minute/ban Elec;:trical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: ·Imperial Dimensions: Requires Oversized Electrical Height Width . Depth Model , Approval inches· 'inches: . inches . Welahtlb (ves/no) (ves/nol ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 ·.o:o. 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 .· 0.0' o.o'. . .o.o' 0.0 .... 0.0 ·. 0.0 ·0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 .0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 o.o' 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o' 0.0 ·o.o .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0'.0 0.0' o.o 0.0 · ,0.0 'o.o o.o ,. 0.0. ."0.0: 0.0 ·. ·o.o 0.0 .0.0 0.0 . o.o 0.0 · o~o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 . o.o .. o:o: 0.0 .· 0.0' o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .. o:o 0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0,0 0.0 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0' 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. .. -... -.. S&E "' '1. __!__!__!_ NA:·, ;: . -~~-·;i' ,, .NA.'•': ~· .... _. ..-;1 •i',::_. NA .. , :· .. , '·:·::_ Nt,/·:. -~-1_ • __ -< ;L-' '-~ • -,.; NA: ···· ---1 .~,. ,- .---1:", .!.'~ ". Infrastructure: Utility Require- nients SFXType Attach-. , Standard Interface (air,water · (sound, men! ·Foundation -Sketch drainage, Movement iight, wale, . Surface. Tuno .Ti,;;e lves/n61,. electricitv) ·(ves/nol. ·.smoke) . Finish · " ., .. : " ... ',, , .. -... .. .. ... Carlsbad LEGO Models '-,._ ---------... -· Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix . .. .. Attraction Ref. No.: i-,;:::...::...,,.::......::..;::......;_....,...-'-.:.....,..:...-;,'-:":--:--,,-.:......,-'-:-:''---.....,...-,----.._---;---j Attraction Name: ;· , ·.:· ,' ,..,, Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: Updated By: .:J-. ·~- Model MID·#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: m .. ' gj, ·, Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by:. Extra 1/0 sheet by: Imperial Dimensions: '. Require~· 3• I ~ Oveisized Electrical' C. Height ' Width Depth Model Approval .. 'x 'x Heioht'cm Width cm Deothcm Weiohtko inches inches· Inches Weiahtlb Ives/no) Ives/no\ WestEntrv: ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 S&E0448C LEGO Friend Bov 1 X, ·0.0 · o.o 0.0 0.0 S&E0449C LEGO Friend Bov 2 X 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 S&E0450C LEGO'Friend Boy 3 X 0.0, 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ' S&E0451C --LEGO Friend Bov .4 x 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ',. S&E0452C LEGO 'Friend Bov 5 X 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 S&E0453C LEGO Friend Girls 6 ' X .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 S&E0454C LEGO Friend Girls 7 X 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 S&E0455C l:EGO Friend Girls 8 x 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 S&E0456C LEGO Friend Girls 9 X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 S&E0457C LEGO Friend Girls 10 X ... o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . East Entrv: .. 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 S&E0458C . LEG0·FriehcH3ov 11 X 0.0. 0.0 · 0.0. · · ·o.o S&E0459C LEGO Friend Bov·12 X 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o S&E0460C . LEGO Friend Bov :13 X 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o S&E0461C LEGO Friend Bov 14' x 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 S&E0462C LEGO Friend'Girl 15 X . 0.0 o:o 0.0, 0.0 S&E0463C LEGO Friend Girl·16 X 0.0 o:o .0.0 0.0 S&E0464C LEGO Friend Girl,17 X . o.o 0.0 · ·o.o, o:o. S&E0465C LEGO Friend Girl 18 X o:o 0.0 '.o.o' 0.0. .. 0.0: 0.0 0.0 o:o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. -0.0 0.0 ·o.o ,o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. o.o ,, .. ' . ·.o.o ·o.o 0.0 o:o .. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o. o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o .. .. --· .. .. Infrastructure: : Utility R~quire- ments , SFXType' Attach-Standard lnte'rfil.ce (air.water (sound, men! Foundation Sketch 'drainage,, Movement light, wa\er !3urface Tvoe Tvbe (yes/no) electricity) (yes/no) smoke) Finish ·• .. .. " .. ... •. .. '· . -.. .. ... .. ,.. -.... -.. .. .. .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: ~='-'=--=-..;-.-..;:-,-_--=----'-----.....:..c.;'--'-''---"-----i Attraction Name: Updated Date: Updated By: JS.J · .. ,·.,:·:,,:i,;,':'.:, ::'. ,: f ·ii.:..··, .... ;:,---< \',· ,:,'. ;,:: .... ,:., ',. Model MID#: Model Name: · Metric Dimerisions: m ~-i·it ., C: C. !!!. -~ x Height cm -Width cm Depth·cm Weighlkg S&E0429C ' DUPLO .Clown Mirror modelcA (female). ·x 200: 122 " "12 ·13. S&E0430C DUPLo·c1owr\.Mirror model B lmalel : x· ·.· 200 122. 12 ·13 .. .. ,_ . ' ·-. ' .. . . ' '' '. .. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: ExtrEJ. ·1/0 sheet by: " Imperial Dimensions: .Requires Oversized. · Electrical Height-Width ' Depth Model Approval inches · inches ·inches-Weight-lb ·(yes/rio) Ives/no) .78.7 ·48.0 4.7 28.7 no . no·· '78.7 .48.0 4.7 28:7 mi no 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 -· 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 o:o .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. . 0.0 ,0.0 , 0.0 . ,0.0: 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 · .'O.O o:o :o.o 0.0 o:o 0.0 0:0 0.0 : 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o:o 0.0 · -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. 0.0. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . •, 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 " .0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 .. Attach- men! :rvoe A ,._, ,, .. .... , .. S&E·: .. :· NA NA 'NA ... N~,-- 'NA Infrastructure: Standard, Interface Foundation Sketch Tvoe (yes/no) no ·. no. .. ,. .., .. ' Utility Require- ments SFXType (air,water. (sound, . drainage,. MoveJTient light,wate1 electricitvl Ives/no).· smoke) no no : no· no rio ., rib :, : . - ,- .. Surface · Finish : l', .. .. -.. , .... .. .. .. -.. --.. Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: i-::B;...;~3;;;..1;..;;:5c...;"6;;.;.i'""."'"'·~· "'"'" ....a·--· -..,..:..---...:------'-..:...:....,..:..~---1 Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: WELCOME· GOODBYE:VEHICUt '.. --,~ Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: a:;j'J1;97~··,·::· __ ; ·,,'· ' :> ·:· . i· · ··· . .-:· , :,·. , Electrical power: Updated By: SJP. .. /{';:-.",_'" '.,, '.-~''.:'.-··! .. _, ,,. _.: Water ~upply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: .. Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions:. Imperial Dimensions: · ni U>• Requires 3' )> ., 9. Oversized· · El~ctrical , (D, C , Height Width' Depth ,.,.. Model Approval a. !!!. )( )( Helohtcrr Width cm Depth cm Weight k~ Inches .inches Inches Weight lb (yes/no) (yes/no) ACW2900C MONKEY X 46 . 23 48 5 18.1 9.1 18.9 11,0 NO NO· ACW2901C' PARROT X 38 15 20.5 4 15.0 5.9 8.1 8.8 NO NO ACW2902C. BELL: X 53 . 15 38 3 20.9 5.9 15.0. 6.6 NO NO ACW2903C HORN x· 25 25 69 4 . 9.8 '' 9.8 272. 8.8 NO NO. ACW2904C. F.LOWERSX2 X, 38 46 23, ,3 .. 15.0 . 18.1 9.1 ,6:6 NO NO ,, ''.0.0 o:o. 0.0 .-0.0, " 0.0 .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0. .. 0.0 .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 .. , .. 0.0 0.0 . o.o' 0.0 ': ·0.0 ·o.o o:o ·:o.o. .. 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 • 0.0' o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o' 0.0 · ·o·.o · 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 ·0.0 . ' 0.0 o.o o:o .. o:o o:o .o:o .. o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o' 0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o ., . 0.0 0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o.o ·O.O .. 0.0 0.0 .o.o . 0.0 ., 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ~ ' '' 0.0 0.0: . 0.0 0.0. .o.o 0.0 . o.o ·o.o o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:0 ·o.o 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o -o.o ,. · Att11,ch-, ment Tvoe SP SP SP SP . SP ·- .. --.. ... .. ~endor·. -:~:'_ '•,> ,, tijA-~'..:· .. ·.,,.-' :::·:,:1"' ,, .. ,, ~-,,'!~ _,.', .r -,•, :,. ' ';\ l '11,,,,i~,.h NA~'":'·:. : : .--:-, ~ - NA.:.:-· t •:.-:: ._.-·:··-<\·.: . .-:-.. ·:-~': ·: :'. ,··;·:::, .: NA·; ',) ;':', ',~ -. -~"-:·;. : .. 1 ~:1~ ~l ·~:,._:~,I"~-~~--~:-. ::1 , -:i-1 \_,_;;:. :-I ~,.·. ·.'~r Infrastructure: Utility ·Require- ments SFXType · Standard Interface .(alr,water, (sound, · Foundatio'n , Sketch drainage, Movement light,w.,ite Surface · tvoe (yes/no) electricitv: (yes/no) smoke) Finish YES CAR BAT YES YES CAR BAT NO SOUND YES CARBATI NO SOUND . YES. . CARBATI NO. SOUND YES,' CAR·BATI NO'. WATER , . , _, ,, " ', -.. .. .. .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: B-3.t6-61 · ··: · .. .. .. .. lliill .. I .. - Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Nam~: .-Giarit::IJinosa.ui, in' Lagooof' .. : : ~, ',' Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: ' a~J.ul~97, :, . , :e:t',r, ,'' Electrical power: Updated By: '.SJp:. -,: ·:· ... ·· l ~r.·' ;·,, Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: .. ... . S&E C ...: - -~ ' . ,,,,¥ Model MID #: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: Infrastructure: Utility gi _ Require-. , .. .. §' ,. , . . . . . Req~\res . . i:nents . SFX ,:ype a s , · Oversized. ' Elec)ncal Attach-Standard ,,Interface . (air.water (sCltind, :g_ [ Height Width Depth Model Approval ment F9uhdalion Sketch drainage, Movement light, wateI Surface x >7< Heighi cm Width cm Deoth cm Weioht.ko inches inches inches Weiohflb (yes/no)· (ves/nol T""" TvnA. Ives/no) electricitvl lves/nol smoke)· F.inish . S&E0239C. Giant Dinosaur x 290 200 ·1oso 1800 1.14.2 78.7: 413.4 3,968!3 no no . . B Ives. Ives .. S&E0240C LEGO Friend . • x 70 50 20 8 27,6 19.7 7.9 17.6 no no Ives: ., no -0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 .0.0 :o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o o.o 0.0 · .. . . , ' ' 0.0 0.0 .' o.o 0.0 ' o.o o·.o o.o o.o .. ·o.o o.o .. _o.o ·. o.o . 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o ,o.o , 0.0 0.0 ., • o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . . o·.o o.o • o.o o.o o.o . ·o.o .. o.o o.o . 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · . 0.0 0.0 ... o.o 0.0 o.o . . : . ' · . , · . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 o.o o:o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. ., . 0.0 ' 0.0 ' 0.0 . 0.0 o.o o.o ·o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ..... _, .. .. .. ...... ... ... .. .. .. .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: D-·r20~63 .. ,. , .:-.. Suppli~s estimate provided by: Attraction Name: Maalc. lcbn ,--: '. . •. c: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 13 .. Jfif~97_.: : .. :_. ..... :.. .. '" .. , ... :: ...... Electrical power: U d t dB . s···oio' .• -. ', ···: '', ,":·,'.,,,,' ': . .', -·:·: · .. "' p ae y. \JI"'; , .. ,,, ,; ... • .. -, , ... ·,· ·.,, .. ',, c•• '""·'-· Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Nania: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: fg 3 > Requires a $l Oversized Electrical a,· C: \:!eight. Width Depth,: Model Approval C. e!. )( )( Heiahtcm width cm Deothcm Weiahika inches ·inches inches Weiahtlb Ives/no) · .Cves/nal · Model contents unknown 0.0. o:o. 0.0 0.0 ·o.o · ·o.o 0.0 .·o.o 0.0 ·o:o 0.0 0.0 . " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . -'" 0.0 0.0 0.0, .o.o' ,, 0;0 ·. o:o' . 0.0 ·o.o '• " '' 0.0. . ,0.0 o.o 0.0 . , ' 0.0 , ' 0.0 ·o.o. 0.0. " 0.0 o:o· 0.0 ·o.o .,. 0.0 0.0: o:o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 :0.0: 0.0 .. '··· o:o . 0.0 0.0. ·o.o 0.0 0:0 ' 0:0 0.0 " 0.0 0.0. 0.0 · . o:o ... o:o ·o.o o.o ... ·o.o , .. 0.0 0:0' -0.0 0.0 0.0 .o:o -o:o 0.0 .. ·o.o · 0.0 . 0.0, 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0. o.o 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 ' -. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 '' 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.Ci 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '. o:o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 .. "0.0 o:o 0.0. 0.0, 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0, . 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 Attach- men! Tvoe ........ , -.. 1A.cw.: · NA:~- N.(· NA'·. j H • ~ • ··NA-_;~',,.,; '·<~ :;,.--- NA ·,-_._,, .-..;-:.·, -=-= Infrastructure: - 'l/lility .Require- ments SFXType Standard . Interface (air,water (SOUl)d, Foundation Sketch drainage; Movement l_ight, water Surface T""" (ves/nol electricitv) (yes/no) smoke) .Finish. - ,. ' " ' .. ' - . ., ·-.. .. .. .. ... .. .. .., ... !-.. .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: D·121-621/ _ i-=-=:..==---_;;;_--;--,-;;--:--'----'---'-------''------i Attraction Name: DUPlO,Villa ·e;SouthiEntry· Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 30::,:liJn~si , -·-.. .,., Electrical power: Updated Byi Jt-t.;,::i,.:}\,, . .,: ,',,',:\:;J:,:L;,: il:;,c,, ,· Water. supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID,#: Model Name: Metric-Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: ~ _, 3 ?r Requires ·!!!. Oversized· -Electrical m· C: 'Height Width Depth., Model· Approval C. !!!. '.& )( Height cm Width cm Deothcm Weiahtka · inches , inches, inches Weiahtlb · ,/ves/nol · (ves/nol· S&E0027.C. Monkev.1' x 44. ' 15 --, 67. 1.7 1'1\3 5:9 , 26.4 3.7 no .. no S&E0028C . Monkev2· ,X 31:. 12: 36, 1.3 12.2 '4.7. 14:2 2.9: no. -no S&E0029C Monkev:3 X 31 12 42 1.3 122 4.7 16.5 2.9 no no S&E0030C Monkev-4 X 48 26 55 4.1 18.9 10:2 21.7 '9.0 no no S&E0031C Monkev5 X 32 31 ·34 2.1 12.6 12.2 ;13.4 4.6 no .no. 0.0 ·o.o o.o 0.0, 0.0 0.0 _ o.o 0.0 -, · 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .o:o -0.0 0.0 ,_ "' ,0.0 o:o. o:o 0.0 , .. , . o.o ... 0.0 .. 0.0 o.o '• .... o.o 0.0.' 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o.o · 0.0 , 0.0 o·.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ o.o 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. ·0.0 0.0 -o.o 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - :0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 --0.0 o:o ·0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, . .. 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · b.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,_ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Attach- ment Tvoe --B B B B, B ,_ Jlllli, .. _ .. -.. Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments· ·SFXType Siandard Interface (air,water (sound, ·Foundation sketch drainage,. Movemel]t light, wale Surface Tvoe · · ·ives/nol · electricity) (yes/no)· :smoke)_ Finish_· ves _ _ nci ·. ,ves no ·ves .. no :ves no , ,ves ·no ,_ ., , ' " .. .. ,, , .. .. -.... .... .. .. -· ... -· .. .. -. , Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix . Attraction Name: Attraction Ref. No.: 1~~12f~63.:_ . .-_, .. --: -_ , . . . ·I Safari;Liohs s&_yv;;,<:,,__:__::· ·: -· · .. c,Y Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: a~Ju!i97' : ,· ,_ .. , ., .. • .<.~ ·. · , , Electrical pow1:1r: Updated By: SJ'e:,_:r:'. :=:-:~ .: ·,_· . >>i, ·.~ ,. Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: -· Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions:. Imperial Dimensions: m .. ~ Requires . 3 i'r a Oversized Electrical Attach-a, C Height Width Depth Model _Approval· men! Q. ~ . >< '5. Height cm ,Width cm Depth cm Weight kg · inches inches inches Weiohtlb lvesinol Ives/no) T= S&E3423C. 1 Biiif'emale Uori X 65 26, · 163 . '23.5, 25;6 10.2 '64.2 51:8 no no· B. S&E3427C Small Lion X, . 36 17 55 2.7 · 14.2 '6.7 21.7 6.0 no no B S&E3452C Small Lion X . 41 19 59 2.8 16:1 , 7.5 23.2 6.2 no. no B ., ., 0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, . 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 'o:o 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 , O;O o:o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o:o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 . ' " .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ., ' ·o.o 0.0, 0.0 0.0 '. :o.o 0.0 0.0 '. o:o 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 . ' ~ '' 0.0 ·0.0 o:o . 0.0 0.0 .: 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0:0 0.0. o:o 0.0 '. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ., 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 " 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 ..... -: -- s&E NA-:. 'l' ._ ... · NA _·,:·, -- NA, _;,; ''NA./.: .. , ..... ,1-., ~ .::· • I NA;.'·· .'' ~ ' j " Infrastructure: \Jlility Require- ments SFXType Standard Interface: :,(air.water ·(sound, Foµndation Sketch drainage, Movement light, wate1 Surface T""" Ives/no) electricitv\ (yes/no) smoke) Finish Ives no no · no ves no no · no ves no no no· ., ----... ... Carlsbad LEGO Models ... .. .. , ... 11111, ··-Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -... Attraction Ref. No.: 1.., '. ... ,_ v... .. . . ..I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Updated Date: .!..,_ '"' .. Ele.ctrical power: Updated By: ·L:.i.•· Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: McidelMID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: . m ~ Requires §. §'. Oversized Electrical <D C .Height Width .Depth Model. . Approv,1I a. !!!. 'x 'x Hei!lhtcm Width cm Depth cm Weight kg inches .inches inches Weight lb (yes/no) (yes/no) S&E0033C. Sh""" 1 . X 86 110 60 10 ·. 33.9 . 43.3. 23:6 22,0 ·no no S&E0034C . Sheeo2 '· X 86 110 60 .. 10 33.9 43.3 23.6 22.0 no no S&E0035C Sheeo3, X 86 110 60 ·10 33.9 43.3 23.6 22.0 no no S&E0036C 2 Plavina Lanibs X 80 100 so .8 31.5 39.4 19:7 17.6 na nci 0.0 · o.o ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 " ,o:o. 0.0 o·.o 0.0 ' . 0.0 o:o 0.0, 0.0 ,. " .0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 . .. ' .. .,. ,. . o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 o.o o:o 0.0 .. o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. o.o o.o 0.0 '. 0.0. o.o 0.0 0.0 ·, o.o· ·o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 .0.0 · ,0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 , .0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 ·o:o · 0.0 ·o.o .0.0 . ·0.0 .o.o 0.0 ·0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o.o 0.0 0.0 ·O.O 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · o:o· o·.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 . ·o.o 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 '" .0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o ... .. \ .. -\--.. ·l(,:_,~!.__,~ •'L· '•_:c_ •'r ' '·, Infrastructure: Utility . Require- ments SFXType Attach-· Standard Interface ·(air.water (sound; ment ,Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement 1i'ght,wate1 Surface _Type Tvoe (yes/no) electricity) (yes/no) smoke) Finish a: ves water no B ves water· . nb . B ves. water. no ·a ·ves water .no ,--- '' ·' .. ., .. ., . .. ., .. -· --.. .. .. --· - -- --· Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: ID~220~!>1:J ,:_, . ,· ;; ,I MaQi<;-Stlid[o·. Attraction Name: Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: Updated By: Electrical power:· Water supply·in litres per minute/bar: 8'-Jtil~9'1-_,: __ ·, : ,, , SJP~:-::",,~ ii~-:_-:-~:::::-=-: ·_::;":e· / -,h, -, '! ,_, ,,,, Controls provided by: Extra 1/9 sheet by: -. Model MID#: Model-Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: m ~ Requires 3 )> a g, Oversized Electrical ~ e. Height Width Depth Model Approval 'x' 'x Heiahtcm Width cm Deothcm Weiohtko inches inches inches Weiahtlb Ives/no\-· Ives/no\ Control Board X 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 LEGO Maaic Machine X, 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 Small Tovs for,the LEGO machine· X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ... o·.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ,0.0 0.0 -0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... ,. . 0.0 0.0 .0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 -. o.o 0.0 0.0 · o.o' ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 --0.0 0.0 ',o:o 0.0 --,I 0.0 0.0 ':0.0 0.0 .. ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0. .. ... .. -: :-- ACW.· ',! 1! ~;', ·-ll ---. ;, •'I,,_ ., ', :~ ' 1!. ~ _., N N ·,' j "i:,,,_,l ~,, ·~·,::i;-,, .~,-." :'.: _,.,~": ;-;~'/ !' j '-. • _i j. N,. j ,: ,,• ,,.,. -,- . i' 1'. 1.i / •• -.. t~,~2'' -~___:_:' _·.:-ii/> ,,i'/''1'1'.,:,~ -l' ;.~J ,,~,~ ,, ·-'<- Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments _SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, wate Surface Tuna T•= Ives/no) electricitv\ Ives/no\· smoke) Finish - ,, " - ----.. -· - ----- -Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: D-220°61.2 . F.-=:::;:;;.-=-..;,=-:+-,'-::"------,---'-.,....,..,,-:.,----"---~--'-----, Attraction Name: bUPlO'·Refaii:'Shd · Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 1-8_,·J"""u""'i~_97"'".:'"'"'. '--'-'=--;-,-.,.,.,...--,.,-"-'-'-,---,,, Updated By: Sjp,. :'.;-::: · · _:;: 7,.' · ·. • ·' rl'l. 1·' Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sh!3et by: Model MID.#:· Model Name: · Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: m '!!l. Requires 3' > !!l. ll. Oversized Electrical ~ i Height Width Depth Model Approval --· )( )( Hei!:1htcm Width cm Deothcm Weicihtko inches inches inches. Weiohtlb Ives/no) Ives/no) Model contents unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .. ·0.0 0.0 ,. · 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 · 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o' 0.0, 0.0 0:0 o.o 0.0 0.0,. 0.0 ., 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0. 0.0, o:o . ' " 0.0 0.0. o.o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 · 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ,0.0. ,0.0 ·o:o o:o '. 0.0 · o:o' 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0' ·.o.o. ·o.o o·.o " o:o . 0.0 o:o ·o.o "0.0 0.0 0.0. .. ·o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 '. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ", 0.0 .. o:o 0.0 'O.O . 0.0 · ., '. " 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 '. o.o,, ·o.o ·o.o . 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o' . 0.0 :· 0.0" 0.0 . 0.0. "0.0 >' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o. , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:0 ,0.0 0.0 ·o.o '0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - Attach- men! Tvoe - S&E . '· --· l, ,' ,t ,, I '" ~ ' ','-" ~ '· ' ' ' ·1 - -'~ ,-.! ,, ;-, :! ;,-' ·~ ~ '' , ' •f_!~;' ·:-:, ',,, ·-:=• .. ·~:~~~ ~; ,, , !• r'' - .. L--~-!< •;, ', ,' ', -~~~ -~: ,' ,, ~ ~ ... ,.._ .. _ :~;·-:;------:-- ·-· -u, ; ,,, · . Infrastructure: Utility .. Require· ments SFX'Type Standard Interface (air.water (sound, Foundation Sketch 9rainage, Movement light, water Surface- Tvoe Ives/no) electricitvl Ives/no) smokel Flnish . ' ' .. '. ,, .. .. ., ,,. ' '.,, ,, ,'' • > : ,' -.. --.. -.. - -... -- - Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: D-221·,si.:1 . _ _ . ,. _ Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: OIJPL:O\~iliaae Public Tdiiets, Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8'-dul•9i.i~·._.. \ , .: .. ·.· i ,,;;:~.,-,'•.' >i·.· .. · ... , _.,. ,,1,,,.,·' Electrical power: Updated By: SJP·'. -' .. ~;. ::' ;:,:":::~--.':· ·_. ,:·::·' ,.···.-:,-._ · .,:··_-,:: · ·: · .'' :!". ':-~! Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet:by:_·· Model MID#: Model Name: ·-·. Metric.Dimensions: . . · Imperial Dimensions: · · !XI =--Requires ~ i'r Oversized· · Electrical : [ ,i_ .Height ' ·\'{idth, : Qepth Model Approval· : . ' g -· Height cm -Width·cm Deoth·cm Weiahtkg · inches 'inches inches Weight lb Ives/no) .Ives/no)·· '5. S&E0432C DUPLO Clown Mirror Model A (male) X 200 122 12 13 78.7 .48.0 ,4.7 28.7 no no. . S&E0433C DUPLO·Clown Mirror Model B !female)· X .200 122 12 · 13 · . -78.7 48.0 4.7 28.7 no no .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 " •, 0.0. 0.0. 0.0 0.0 ,, 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0'.0 . . 0'.0 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.b .-o.o 0.0 0.0' 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 " 0.0. o:o. 0.0 . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .. o.o .. 0.0 0.0 . 0,0. 0.0 0;0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 .. O'.0 ,0.0 0.0. 0.0 . I . ' ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 o:o o:o' 0.0 0.0 0.0 . -o:o 0.0. 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ·o.o 0.0 ,, '. 0.0 '' o:o 0.0' "o.o .. 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0'.0' 0.0 ,0.0 . 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o:o .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. ... , ----· S&E NA. NA-i,:.',,_' ---~'-',:?:',1.:Ui+::,i:;·1, i',,f,;l;,1;' ,;;.,, ,,,,,!< ,nl~, N~:. · .. _, ··, ··.-c:,:·· :·. ,,, ,\ · 1-,,,: .. ···.:'.!.-:~r: .. -.----?!<:\--=· __ .,._-'. Infrastructure: Utility , Require- ·ments SFXType Attach-Standiird . . interface ·(air.water · .(s9und, -ment · · Foundation Sketch · ·drainage, Movement light, water ; ·s'urface' Tvoe Tvbe (yes/no) electricity) · (yes/no)· smoke) Finish A .. no no no rio. A -no no -no no -· ., ,, .. '. ,, : . . •,. ' ., -----Carlsbad LEGO Models -.. ---- -Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. alii - Attraction Ref. No.: D~2i~i.2~·.:·:>~---·-_; _ , . Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: 'Pasta. P.atc::h Bestauranf , : . , -: Updated Date: i3iJ1.1i~97,r:.. ; ,,.~: · / • ~ .-., --· Updated By: SJP, :, •; • "a,:! I .- Model MID#: Model-Name: Metric Dimensions: m ~ 3 ( Ill, [ :g· ~· Heightcin Width cm Depth cm Weighfk!I S&E0033C Menu Holder Italian· Chef-X '-. -· S&E0034C. Italian· Rizza Cook ic' ... S&E0035C Children's.Entertainment Unit -1 ·x . ' . S&E0036C Children's Entertainment Unit 2 : x·, . S&E0037C ChildiEih's Entertainment Unit 3 x: -- ' -.. ; '• ---- ( : ·- Air in litres per minute/bar: -Electrical-power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by; Extra 1/0 sheet by: lmoerial-Dimensions: · Height Width· I;lepth inches: , inches, ''inches Weight lb .0.0 0.0 .'0.0 _o.o o:o. 0.0 0.0· 0.0 0.0 :o.o .:o.o 0.0 , o:o 0.0 ·0.0 ,• 0.0' 0.0: · _o.o __ . 0.0. 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :o.o o.o 0.0 0.0' :0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 ·o.o ,0,0 Oversized Model, (yes/no)' 0.0 . 0.0. 0.0. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 _ 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o -o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 · 0.0 0.0' ·.o.o· 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o , .o:o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0. 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0. 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 o:o 0.0 .o·;o _ 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 . -·o·,o 0.0 0.0 ·o:o o.o .0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. 0.0 0.0 .0.0 . ---0.0 •' 0:0 0.0 .. ·o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 ,: ", 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 'O'.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Q.0. 0.0 . Requires. Electrical . J\pproval . , (yes/no) : , , ' ., ' .. Ill, .. - -- S&Et _:·:::---'' -_,, ' _., -:·.:.:;· ~~ '. ·,, ·+:-:• C ,- ;r·, . .,. __ -- Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments SFXType Attach-Standard Interface . (air.water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light.water Surface Type . Type ·iyesiiioi ,electiicitvl '(ves/no)·, smoke!·, Finish, , -,, ,. ; .. - - ' . - .. ., .. •" ,, ,. " --· ----,. ----.. -Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: ICC-=c......::..;;._;_...:.........:...--.:...--'-'----'--'-......... "-------'------1 Attraction Name: Updated Date: ., , ._ , .... Updated By: 1,: ,:_:: .· ~· .·-1·0-)."· Model MID#: Model Name: -·---Metric Dimensions: i-)> !!!. a"· ID•, !!!. C. )( )( Heiahtcm Width cm Deothcm Weiahtka North Entrv:· . -. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: EJectdcal power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by:. Imperial Dimensions: Requires Oversized · Electrical Height Width Depth Model Approval inches -fnches' inches :weiahtlb (ves/nol -lves/nol 0.0 -. o.o' 0.0 ,0.0 . , S&E0466C Monkev 1 X '. 0.0 0.0 o;o 0.0 . East'Entrv: 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 S&E0467C _ Monkev2 X 0'.0. 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 · 0.0 . 0.0· 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 ·0.0 o.o 0.0 · o·.o 0.0 o.o __ 0.0 , 0.0 ·o:o · o:o '0'.0 -- ' o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 M 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .· 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 .0.0 0.0 ,0;0 · , ... 0.0. -0.0 0.0 .. 0.0, ' ' 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 · . 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o M 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 .o.o o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; 0.0, .o.o 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 --· ---- ,',', ' ' ~:· '1',, H ',,:' ·11:,; .. :,.,· ,;,, ,,,i,11',,>-,, ',,: Infrastructure: Utility 'Require- ' ments .SFXType Attach-Standard · Interface (air,water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, wate1 Surface , Tvoe Tvoe .Ives/no\ electricity) (yes/no\ smoke)· Finish· . ... ·,· '• .. .. --- --Carlsbad LEGO Models ---- --Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: i-:,---:.-:-:'. ..... , ,. . _, .. . .. , . · · : . 1 Supplies estimate provided py: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Updated Date: ·"' i't'.:_ ~r,, Electrical power: Updated By: ·:·•-;;' • ~-J !_i___~~~ ,-Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: " m "' Requires, §' )> a ~ Oversized Electrical ~ e.. Height-. Width , Depth Model ApprOV!II E x' Heiohtcm Width cm Depth cm Weiohtko inches · inches inches Weight lb (yes/no) (yes/no) Model contents unknown o:o' 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. AwalttniiRWA _ 0.0 0.0, ·,o.o ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, .. ,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, .. 0.0 ·o.o ,'0.0 0.0 . ' 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 .. '' 0:0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . , 0.0 0.0 • , 0.0, 0.0 . ,,, 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. " 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 o:o o:o 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. .. 0.0· o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 . 0.0 ,o.o 0.0 'o:o. " 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,o.o , 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o -_ 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o , 0.0 .. 0.0. o.o 0.0 ' .. :: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. •, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 ·. 0.0' ,0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0:0 0.0 -·o.o 0.0 0.0 '0.0 - Attach-, !llent Tvoe .. .. - ----- :"•,:' --~~e,,, 'L~-~ ,. . ~ ,l,. 1: •• "j :·-,, ' [: ~·,' ' " I -:;~, . • .. , .. -.·t,~--- Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments Standard Interface (air,water ·Foundation Sketch drainage,. Movement Tvoe '(yes/no) electricity) (yes/no), ,. " -.! ,.. --' _, -..'' .::··:;: ; ,:~_ ~ ' .!, ~ ".,. _:., . ~~ ----,· SFXTYJ)e . (sound, light, wate1 smoke)" -. .. " . :-.._ "' Surface Finish ' -.. ' . ' ------- --- - --1111 ----Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: 0~§20:h 1--,-C.a.=-;;....,;;c...;.;...._._;.....;.;....-...... -......:..__,;;_.--'--'-'---'-'-.;..;:_---1 Attraction Name: S~farLRide, ,. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: ,ol. ·-·~ Updated Date: a~Ju·l-97, ,:, _ ·.· ,,. ,/. ___i_-Electrical power: Updated By: SJP· 1_.:. , ·) ' ,, '._ =~-. 1--Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID.#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: . i Requires ~ lr Oversized Electrical· [ i H!,!ight Height Width Depth Model Approyal X'x' cm, Width cm Depth cm Weight kg inches· inches inches Weight lb (ves/nol lveslnol S&E3390C Gnu A X 105 40 120 21.5 -41.3 15.7 47.2 .47.4 nci no S&E3391C GnuB , X· 105 40 . 120 21.5 '41.3 15.7 47:2 47.4 no · no S&E3392C Gnuc · · X 105 40 120 21.5 41.3 15.7 47.2 47.4 no no S&E3393C GniJD X 105 40 120 21.5 .41.3 15:7 47.2 47.4 nci no S&E3394C Gnu E x. 105 40 . ,120 20 41.3 ·15.7 47.2 44;1 no no S&E3395C . GnuF' X 105 40 120 20. 41.3 15.7 ,47.2 44.1 mi· no S&E3396C Giraffe Cub ,x: 195 ,34 ,. 160 ,30 ,6:8 13.4 . 63.0 66.1 110 no ' S&E3397C GlralfeB ic '. 288' ·52 '227 72.5 . 113.4. 20.5 '89:4. 159.8 no no S&E3398C GiralfeC .X '288 ,52, 227 ,68:5 , '.'113.4 20;5 89.4 151.0 no-. · no S&E3399C · Ostrich A 'X• .. · 134 54 · 115 '23.5 52.8, 21.3 45.3 ·51.8 rio, no S&E3400C Ostrich B X 134 54 115' '23.5 52:8 21.3 ,45.3 51,8 no -no S&E3401C · OstrichC " X 90 54 132 .23 35.4 .21.3 52.0. 50.7 no no S&E3402C Ostrich D X 90 . 54 .132 ,23 35'.4 '21.3 52.0 50.7 no no S&E3403C Ostrich E X 90 55 100 21.6, 35.4 21.7 39.4 47.6 n·o no S&E3404C Ostrich F .. X 90' 55 100 21.6 35.4 21'.7 39.4 47.6 no .. no S&E3405C Rhino A X 108 · 65 210 60 42.5 25.6 82.7 132.3 no. no S&E3406C RhinoB X '108 65 210 ·60 42.5 25.6 · 82.7 132.3 no no S&E3407C Eleohant A ... x 240 110 235 221 94.5 43.3 92.5 487.2 no. no . S&E3408C · Elephant B x·. 240 ·110 305 _ 292 94.5 1 . 43.3 120.1 643.7 no no S&E3409C. Crocodile A X '",47 .. 92 270 27.5 18.5 36.2 106.3 60.6 no no S&E3410C Crocodile B X . 47 92 270 27,5 18.5 36.2 . 106.3 60.6 no no S&E3411C CrocodileC 'ic .. 47 92. . ,270 , 27.5 _ '18.5 36.2 , '106.3 '60.6 no. . no S&E3412C ' CrocodileO >x .' 45 92 ', 270. '68 ' .. 17/7 ' 36.2 : 106.3' 149.9 no no S&E3413C Vulture A , ,, X ·70 33 50 4.3 · 27.6: ,13.0 . 19.7 ,9.5 no .. no S&E3414C . Vulture·B ·x 70 33 50 .·. 4.3 . 27.6 13.0 ',19.7, 9.5 rio no S&E3415C Vulture C x·. 70 33 '50 .4.3 ... 27.6 13.0 19.7 9.5 no,-no S&E3416C Snake· X, ,. 13 78 220 8.5 5.1 30.7 86.6 18.7 no no S&E3417C Gorilla A .. X, ,100 50 92 32.5 . 39.4, 19.7 36.2 71,6 no no S&E3418C GorillaB X , 87 50 90 33.5 34.3 19.7 35.4 73.9 no no S&E3342C. FlaminaoA X 98 22 60, 4 38.6 8.7 23.6, 8.8 no no S&E3343C flaminooB X ·98 22 60 .4 38.6 8.7 23.6 8.8 no no S&E3344C . Flaminaoc • X 98, 22 60 4 38.6 8.7 23.6 8.8 no no S&E3345C Flaminoo·D X 98 22 60 4 38.6 8.7 23:6 . 8.8 no no S&E3346C Flaminao.E ·x 121 22 57 4 .. 47.6 8.7 22.4 8.8 no no S&E3347C Flaminoo F X 121 22 57 4 47.6 8.7 22.4 8.8 no• no S&E3348C Flahlinao·G : x· 121 22 57. 4 47.6 fl.7 22.4 8.8 no no S&E3349C' Rlanilnoo H _ X :60 22 57 4 23.6 8.7 22.4 · 8:8 no , no S&E3350C Flaminao I· x. :so 22 ·57, 4. 23.6 8.7 22.4 8.8 no no. S&E3351C Flamini:ioJ X 116 40 57 4 45.7 15.7 , , ,22.4 8.8 no ·no . S&E3352C' FlaminaoK X 116 40 57 4 45.7 15.7 22.4 8.8 no no· S&E3353C Flamirii:toL X 55 40 57 4 '21.7 15.7 22.4 8.8 no no S&E3354C Flamlnoo·M X 55 40 57 4 21.7 15.7 22.4 8.8 no . no , Attach- ·ment Type ·B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B. B B B B B B B B B B B B B ,B ·a B B B B B B B B B S&E: ,~' , .. -. -".:;-..:_ ·,,.' _\ _ _:: .• --"'.-,_' '.' ,Et:1; ',· __ .,-'-·· S&F·., ,,-' J '_,! -'. ,, ,--- -: ! ':_,,, '-'J • ~ I. ' ____ , _,_,, --.::J ~' ,_ . · Infrastructure: Utility ; Require- ments Standard Interface ·(air.water ·-;-· - sFxType, (sotind, light, Foundation Sketch ·drainage, Movement water Type (yes/nol electricity) (yes/no) 'smoke) ves no ves. · no ves no .. Ives no Ives no Ives no : ves· no ves air ves· . '. ... lies. rio ves no ... ves rio. ves no ves no ves no 1ves no Ives no Ives . no ves no · ves air/water. ves water ves no ves rio· ,, ves no ves· air ves · 'ves no, ves· no · ves no Ives no '. Ives no Ives no Ives no . Ives·· no Ives no Ives no. ves . no ves no .. . ves no ves. . no " ves no ves no ves no ves no Ives no ''-. •, Surface Finish ., - ------- - -----.. - -----S&E3355C FlamlnaoN X 69 22 57 4 27.2 8.7 22.4 8.8 no no 8 ves no S&E3356C FlamlnaoO X 130 22 57 4 51.2 8.7 22.4 8.8 no no 8 ves no S&E3357C Flamlnao P X 130 22 57 4 51.2 8.7 . 22.4 8.8 no no 8 .ves no S&E3358C FlamlnaoQ X 130 22 57 4 51.2 8.7 22.4 8.8 no no 8 Ives no S&E3359C Flamlnoo R X 130 22 57 4 51.2 8.7 22.4 8.8 no no 8 Ives no S&E:33600 MonkevA X 52 .30 51 2 20.5 11.8 20.1 4.4 no no 8 Ives no S&E3361C Monkev8 x 52 30 51' 2,1 20.5 11.8 20.1 4.6 no no 8 Ives no. S&E3362C Monkevc ,X 44 15 67 1.7 17.3: 5.9 26.4 3.7 no no 8 Ives no S&E3363C MonkevD X 44 15 .. 67, 1.7 17.3 5.9 26.4. ·3.7 no no 8, •Ives no S&E3364C. Mor\kev E ,X· 44 15' 61. 1.7 17,3 · 5.9 '26.4 3.7 no no 8 Ives. no S&E3365C'. Monkey F ·X 20 · 9 30 0.3, 7;9 .3.5. 11.8 0.7 no 'no ,8 .. ves no S&E3366C . MonkevG X 21 · 9 .' 30 ,. 0.3 8.3, 3.5 '11.8 0.7 no . no '8 iles r\o S&E3367C MonkevH X 19 8 28 0.4 . 7.5 3.1 .11.0 o.9 no no 8 ves no S&E3368C Monkev I . X 19 5· . ·25 · 0.4 ,7.5 3.1 11.0 · -0.9 no 110 8 ves no . S&E3369C MonkevJ X .31 · 12 36. 1.3 12,2 4.7 14.2 2.9 no · no 8 ves no S&E3370C MonkevK -, X 31 12 36 1.3 12:2 4.7 .-14.2 2.9 no. no 8 · ves no S&E3371C MonkevL X 31 12 36 · 1.3 12.2 4;7 14.2 2.9 no no 8 ves .. no S&E3372C Monkev M X 31 12 42 1.3 12.2 4.7 16.5 2.9 no no 8. ves: no S&E3373C . MonkevN' X 48 26. 55 , . 4.1 18.9 10.2 21.7 9.0 no no 8 Ives no S&E3374C Monkevo· X 32 31 .34 2.1 ·12.6 12.2 13.4 4.6 no no 8 Ives-. no· S&E3375C Monkev.P x. ' . 32 31 34 2.2 12.6 . 12.2 13.4 . 4.9 no no 8 Ives. no S&E3376C Monkeva X 31 31 ·35. ' 2:2 12.2 12.2 13.8 4.9 no no 8 . ves no S&E33nC Pelican A X 91 31 65. 5.5 35.8 12.2 25.6 12.1 no no 8 ves no S&E3378C · Pelican 8, x 91 31 65 5.5 ,35.8 ·12.2 25.6 12.1 no no 8 ves mi S&E3379C Pelican 0, X 91 31 65 5.5 35.8 12.2 25.6 12.1 no no 8. ves no S&E3380C PellcanD X 91 . 31 65 · 5.5 35.8 12.2 25.6 12.1 no no 8 . ves no S&E338.1C Pelican E X 102 103 66· 5 40.2 40.6 26.0 11.0 no no 8 ves no S&E3382C Pelican F . X 102 . 103 66 5 40.2 40.6 26.0 11'.0 no no 8 ves no S&E3383C PellcanG X 102 103 66 5 40.2 40.6 26.0 11'.0 no no 8' ves no S&E3384C PelicanH X 54 32 · .30 3.3 · 21.3 12.6 11.8 7.3 no no 8' 1ves no S&E3385C Pelican I X 54 32 30 3.3 21'.3 12.6 11.8 7.3 no no 8 Ives no- S&E3386C. · PellcanJ .x 54 32 30 .3.3 21.3 · 12.6 11.8 7.3 no no 8· ;1ves no S&E3387C Pellcan'K ic 54 32. .. 30 3.3 21.3 12.6 11.8 7.3 no no 8 ves no S&E3388C Pelican L . ' X 54 .32 30 3.3 21.3 12.6 11.8 ,7.3 no no 8 ves . no . S&E3389C PellcanM X 52 27 52 3 20.5 10.6 20.5 6.6 no no 8 ves no . . ' S&E3419C AntelooeA X 91 26' 89 14.7 35.8 10.2 35.0 32.4 na. no 8 ves no S&E3420C AntelooeB X 91 26, .89 14.7' 35.8 10.2 35.0 32.4 rib no 8, ves nci • S&E3421C. Antelooec X 77 26. 82' 14.7 30.3. 10.2 32.3 32.4 no no. 8 · ves. no .. S&E3422C Antelooe D X 77 '26 82 _' '14:7 '30.3, 10.2 32.3 32.4 no no .8'' ,, ' ves' no S&E3424C Female Lion ·x 56 82 ..... 150 •. 21.5. 22.0 ,32.3 59.1 47.4 no no . ,8 '. ves no S&E3425C' Male lion . ·X, . 75 . 50 '' 1.54 ,32 . 29;5 19.7 60.6' 70.5 no no 8, ·.ves, ho . S&E3426C.· Smallt:lonA X 36 17 • ,' 55 2.7 '1'4.2 6:7 .'2(7, 6.0 no , no 8 .. Ives 'no S&E3428G' , Sniall:Lion C )(,' 25 15: 60 2.2 9:6 ,5.9 23.6 4;9 no. no ·8 • Ives rio S&E3429C Small·UonD .x '". 25. 15 ·•. ,•60 2.2 . 9.8 ·5.9 23.6 4,9 no no B '' Ives . nci -.. S&E3451C · Small Lion E ', X 41 19 59 · · 2.8 16.1 , . 7.5 ', '23.2 6.2 no no B .· . Ives no S&E3430C Zebra A: X' 1,16' 45, . 150 ·37-.5 45.7 17.7 59.1 ' 82.7 no· no ·s .. ·.1ves •. no S&E3431C Zebra'B . x·, 116 '45 150 37.5 45.7' 17.7 59.1 82.7 n·o . no B IVes · no · S&E3432C Zebra.C X 116 45 150 37.5 45:7 17.7, 59.1 82.7 no no B" .Ives· no S&E0192C GorillaBabv 'x 50 45 50 5 ,19.7 17.7 19.7 , 11.0 no. no, B ves no 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -- -- - ----- --Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Name: Attraction Ref. No.: 1D-32~·6_5~ _ _ ___ -_---_ -~ _ . ,. I Safart.Ride,ID.Sign ,·_,,-,, -·:., -.~0:;,. ~- Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: J-Jt.Jls9T·.~, _ Cc_· .. ~--• ·-"-'· -Electrical power: Updated By: usiL> _:.,'-, .:~ ,.~ ·· ~·· -.---.I'' Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: ' ni -~ ·:i:,, ; Requires ·. ffl-, Sl: Oversiziid 'El11ctrical C: C.' !!!. ' ' -H11ight Width: Depth , . Model , Approval: -;i >i-·. Heiaht·crn Width cm Deothcm Welahtkg inches. inches .inches .. Weight lb (ves/nol ' lves/nol S&E0468C · Monkev x "' . ' o.o o.o· o:o -·o.o ; · S&E0469C Parrot·· ,·x '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o·.o · 0.0 0.0, : 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 :· ·O.O o.o . 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. , 0.0' ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0, .0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0' o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 "" 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o _ . 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 · 0.0. 0.0 , 0.0 . ' ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·. o:o .. ,,, ' ,0.0. , 0.0, , 0.0 0.0 : ,. o:o' ·0.0 · 0.0 0.0' ' ,0.0 .0.0 0:0 :o.o ' 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 -- -- _,- . --·'·~··-' ~· ,-:, _;_. ~·· :,:,'. ·, ~ :-:~-- Infrastructure: U!ility '' Require• ments Attact,-Standard Interface (air,waier ment ' .'Foundation Sketch drainage,-Movement Tvoe. ! Tv<ie · Ives/no) electricitv\ ives/no) - : ,. ,, '.' .. , " ,, --- ~''. ';, , , ' ·,· -; -1,,i·,, ·.SFXType . (sound_; light, water smoke\ '' ~ ·-_,_' Surface Finish --- --Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: o:.S2fs1,. Attraction Name: Fairvt~le.'Bro6k: : Updated Date: 1·~Ju1,9t ·;, .: _ ··.-':.-· ·:._ Updated By: SH',.'~ Model MID#: Model Name: Queue: _ -. S&E0024C ½ EH in Book with Dandvlion Sian (non,LEGOl. Delivered tiv others Book (non LEGO). DeA~ered bv others S&E0025C EH on Toad-Stool " Lohdina: ,_, __ 'S&E0026C . EH·and-Topfarv Arcti·with Dandvlion -. ... Scene. i IThe RAninninal:' S&E0194C LLRr-i S&E0195C Wolf in Water -S&E0196C 5 Small Water111vs S&E0197C 2 Bia Water1ilvs S&E0198G 2 Bunches of Reed S&E0199C. 2 Flower on Water1ilv Leaf' ... S&E0200C Woodoecker Scerie :i-'(Three uitie PIQS): S&E0048C Modem Item . " S&Eb201c. Pio# 1-hanoillQ in·anns ,: S&E0202C Pia # 2 cursino S&E0203C · PiQ'# 3 wavinQ with boih hands S&E0204C Blowinn WoH. S&E0205C P.iQ #' 3'S ,Brick· House S&E0206C Washinos on washina line ·- S&E0207C Cookina Pot on-Fire S&E0208C Cook Book and Cutlerv Scene 3 (Billv Goat Gruff\: S&E0221C Little Billv Goat S&E0222C Troll . S&E0223C Miildfe·B11iv Goat - S&E0224C : Bia Billv GoatGruff S&E0225C Troll Head -- - -- - --------Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. J.!_.,l,t_·_·,,, !,\• ''"~' ,,,, ,! ',.,, ~ } 'r •:' ,' .-·--·, . ·\;:,\"., ':·, ~<;: :~-- Metric Dimensions: m I i Q, )( ~ HeiQhtcm Width cm Depth cm WefQhlkQ X 60 25 80 15 Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar:. Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: · lmoerial Dimensions: ... ·i Ri,iquires Oversized Electrical · Height Width Depth' Model Approval inches inches inches 'WeiQhllb (ves/no) (ves/no) 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.c 23.6 9.8 31.5 33.1 Ives NO 0.0 0.0 0,0 ,o.c o.c 0.0 0.0 .0. At111,ch- m~nt Tvoe·. SP .,i ... 60; 25 60 1E 23.6 9.8 23.6 33.1 no NO· .. B-28. ,' o.6 0.0 0.0 , o.c -~. ' _, '60 25 " " 60 1E 23:6 e:8 ' '23.6 33.1 NO SP .. x ves .. .0.( 0,0 0.0 0.(. X,' 125 50 70 25 '49_2 19), 27.6 ,55.:t no no B-28 X 70 60 65 15 27.6 23.6 25.6 33.1 no _ no SP 0.0 0.0 o.6 -0.0 SP " X no no -x ; " 0.0 o:o 0.0 ,_ o.c . SP no no X 0.0 ·o.o o.o 6.c no no SP. X o:o. 0,0 o.o ,o.i: no no SP· X 30' 20 10 -~-11.8 . 7.9 3:9 . 6.E iio, no. SP. 0.0 0,0 0.0 ·o;c X 40 40 40 f 15.7 15.7 15.7 4.~ NO NO SP X 100 45 50 1E 39.4 jf7 19.7 33.1 no no SP " X 85 50 60 ,15 33.5 19.7 23.6 33.i no no . B-28 :x 85 .• 60 45 15 33.5 23,6 17.7· 33.1 no · no B-28 , X ,90." ,50 175 50 -35:4 19,7 68.9. 110.2 110' no· .. . SP. , X 190 175 160. 150 14:0 ,68.9· 63.0: 330.7 no no SP X 40 200 20 E 15.7 78.7 7.9 11.C no no SP X 70. 60 60 2C 27.6 23.6 23.6 44.1 no no SP X 45 60 60 E 17.7 · ·2s.6 23.6 11:c no no B-26 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 40 70 35 1(. 15.7 27.6: 13.8 22:c ,_ 8'28 X no no )( 1'70 155 700. 75 66.9 61.0 275.6 165.~ YES no SP X 110 35 65 10 43.3 13.8 . 25.6 22.0 no no. SP ·x 150; • ·60. 65 25 . 59.1 23.6 25.6 -55. 1 no no . B-28 X 70 90 55 1C 27.6 35.4 21.7 22.C no no SP ~f!,;._W ,· ,:,::;11' .,,,., .•• , ·<2_l.i1:,,1,,,-:· ·~S_._-._~:1 2500 (;J'.MiaB:i,' -' ' .. '._:., : ; ' ,•:,: 40A·@,2i¥oc .. : ,:,--_""".· .· .·: .-· ,,:, ., ·, .. , ·,,_.__,_,_ .,,,,/· 56 ;-' .. . ' ,,:·<0~ ''. " infrastructure: .Utility ,- Require- ' ' · .m·ents :SFXTy'pe Standard . Interface· (air,water (sound, Foundation Sketch · drainage, Movement iight,wate1 Sulfac~ Tv"" , (ves/~ol electricitvl Ives/no\ · smoke) Finish ves CONTROL no Hahl PROP P300-61- Y100 CONTROL NO sound SOFT " Ives CONTROL, ·TREE. ' no liaht no CONTROL YES· soft . CONTROL/ SOUND ves AIR \res EXT CONCRETE YES NO CONCRETE YES. NO CONCRETE YES NO CONCRETE, YES NO CONCRETE . CO!'ffRO,L/ SOUND' .. , ' . Ives AIR ves EXT: .PROP, YES CONTROL . NO " LIGHT P.ROP Ives. ves ., 'PROP CONTROL/ no aiR ,yes SOFT CONTROL/ no AIR' Ives SOFT; CONTROL/ YES alR .. .Ives sound SOFT---. SOFT no. no " CONTROL/ ·- Ives alR Ives SOFT CONTROL/. LIGHT/ · YES 'WATER· NO MIST SOFT no no SOFT no no soFT. Ives CONTROL NO sound' PROP'. ves CONTROL no sound PROP ,, . no CONROL YES.· sound--SOFT.,. CONTROL/ SOU.ND ves AIR Ives EXT CONCRETE - ---------- ---- ----S&E0226C 12 Big and 1 Small Watertily Leaves X o.o: o.o: 0.0. o.qno no SP no no CONCRETE S&E0227C I Bunch of Reed X 0.0I 0.0 o.o: o.qno no SP' no no CONCRETE S&E0228C IWatertily Flower on Leaf X 0.0I 0.0' 0.0I o.qno no SP no no CONCRETE Scene 4 (Sleepy Castle): 0.01· o.o: 0.0 o.c CONTROL/ S&E0209C )Prince on Horse X 140 80 70 3_C 55.1 31.51 27.6 66.11no no SP YES AIR IYES sound MODEL CONTROL/ S&E0210C )White Horse X 210 210' 80 7! 82'.7i 82.71 31.51 165.31YES no B-30 no AIR !no SOFT CONTROL/ S&E0211C )Sleimfrlg_ Guard X 120, 150 55 2! 47.2 59.11 21.7, 55.11no no B-38 no AIR Ives sound· SOFT S&E0212C )2 Castle Decorations /Shield and Sword) X 80 85 80 ,1( 31.5 33.51 31.5! ·22.~no no SP Ives no PROP CONTROL/ S&E0213C !Good Fajry X 95' 60' 120' ~ 37.4' 23.61 47.2' 55.11no no SP lyes AIR Ives light, IPROP CONTROL/ S&E0214C . )Kneeling Prince X 100 50 80 2! 39.4 19.7) 31.5! 55.11no no B-28 no AIR IY.es sound !BLOCK S&E0215C ls1eeplngJ3eauty ·x 25'' 170·· 50 gCJ 9.8 66.91 19:7 44.11no no SP YES no ''PROP Scene 5 (Hansel and.Gretel): 0.0 0.01 0.0 o.C: CONTROL/ S&E0216C Hansel x ... 1101 so,, 60 43.3!· 19.7) 23.6 o_._qno no )3-28 no AIR )yes SOFT CONTROL/ S&E0217C Gretel. X 105 55, so: .1~ 41.3 21.11. 2:i.s,, 26.Slno no ·-1B-28 no AIR· IYES ,,SOFT S&E0218C Hanser Eaiino X .110' 40: 30' ~ 1~ .43.3I 15,71 11,81 26.51rio no. SP YSE ·•eONTROL/ · AIR :IY.es sound )PROP ·•CONROL/ S&E0219C-Gretel' at Glngelbread'l-iouse X. .105 40: 40 121 4.1.3I 15.71. 15:71 26.._Slno' no '1B-28 -•no, AIR Ives sound " ISbFJ: CONTROL/ ,,S&Ei>22oc OldWHch o_.Qf ____.Q.oJ _ o.oL J).qno no SP Ives AIR, IYES sound !PROP Scene 6JJack and the Beanstalk): . . I I I I I I ·1 O.ol o.ol . o.ol o.c S&E0023C Waterin Can · , X 59 24 23.2 · 30;7 9.4 SP es no PROP S&EOOSOC Spade X _110 7 1 43.3 9.1 __ 2.8 ~ B-26· no SOFT S&E0051C 1Jackon°Beanstalk -IXL I ~oL --~ _501 _ @I._ 59.11 19.71 19.7L._11Q.2'yes _ _mo -lql>_ _J Ives I lno I !PROP S&E0053C IGoose:nestan~gs_.· ____ -_ _lxl r sol '30! sol sf, 19.71 11.8L 19.71 11.dno·· lno IB-26 I ,jl,Q_ _ ___l. ____ )no_' J. '!SOFT S&E0052C !Chainsaw IXL I 1001 ~--.@I_ 15' 39.41 19.71 19.7L__33.1lno _lri_o·_·_· Jfil'_ __J Jyes. I lno I !PROP Scene 7 (Aladdin's Cave): · I I I I I I I o.ol · o.ol a.al· o.c CONTROL/· S&E0229C !Magician X 140I 140 1151· 5C 55.1 ss.11 45.3I 110.,gtno no SP. IY.es AIR . IYES .. souncl . IS0FT. S&E0230C . !Aladdin X 80 55 55) 1_! 31.5I 21.71 1 21.7 33.11no no B-26 no CONTROL/ AIR Ives sound IFRC· ·•SOUND/ S&E0231C !Genie X. 120 90 sol 0c 47.2 35.41 19.7' 176'.4lves no SP Ives CONTROL !no LIGHT. IFRC. S&E0232C )Treasure Cave X 0.0 0.01 o.o: Q._qno ''no SP .. YES ,,no FRC S&E0049C ISnabel lnliners, X 25' 15 251 9.81' 5.9) 9.8 11,qno no. .,B-26 no no FRC Scene·8_,(Gram_y'_11_Ho~: 0.01 0.0) o.oi' ()_J S&E0233C LRRr-i·Knocklng on Door. ·x 125' 150' 70,. 2i: ,49.2' 19;7' 27:6' 55.1lmi no B-28· no ·1CONTROL/ :I'· , AIR.. ves sound SOFT CONTROL/ .,S&Eo2·34c LRRH Beath,g'Wolf X O.Oi a.a 0.0I o.qno _ .no, ,,B-28· no AIR , IYES. so·und SOFT S&E0235C Wolf in Bed X 70 65 75 ~ ,,27.6 25.6! 29.5 44.11no no SP no COTROL/' AIR Ives sound PROP S&E0236C Flowers'· X 0.( ·o.c a.a' o.qno no s·P no ·•no PROP. S&E0237C ITV and Remote In Granny's House· X 60 45 35 2! 23.6 17.71 13.8 55.11no no sP· no no PROP Scene 9JGrande Flnar'e): 0.01 o.oL iJ.01 o.c CONTROL/ S&E0055C .!Pig 1 X 85 60 60 1! 33.5 23.61 23.6 33.11no no B-28 no AIR Ives sound !SOFT CONTROL/ S&E0056C )Pjg 2 X 85 60 60 15 33.5' 23.61, 23.6 33.11no no. B-28 no· AIR , lyes sound !SOFT CONTROL/ S&E0057C I Pig 3 X 85 60 60 151 33.51 23.61 23.6 33.11no no B-29 no AIR Ives sound !SOFT S&E0061 C !Little Re_cl Riding Hood x··· 130 .80 50,. 3( 51.21 . 31.51 19.7 66.1lnci no SP Jyes no EXT · !PROP SOUND S&E0062C !Wolf X 150 50 100 3( 59.,11 19.71 · :fa.4' 66:11no no SP Ives no EXT IPROP S&E0064C )¼ Troll X 170 155 70 5( 66.91 61.0I 27.6 110.21no no SP jyes no SOFT S&E0065C !Goat X 130 80 50 3( 51.21 . · 31.51 19,7: 66.11no no SP Ives no SOFT I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I ·q·-. 00 00 00 00 ci ci 9q 00 f2 ., ,5 0 1i 'C I!! ., ~ Q) C _.: 0 CJ w ..J C: 1l ~ 8 m I ·::rci d~ 00 ci ci 99 00 - ----Carlsbad LEGO Models ------Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: I':"'":'~_._,~:--_ _: ·, ,__ .. --I Attraction Name: Supplies estimate ·provided by: Air in litres per minute/b~r: Updated Date: Updated By: Model MID#: Model Name: 'm "' "" -·~ ?i: ~ i "!. )( S&E0024C Elf on Tooiarv ,X .. ' '' ----- .. ... ,',, Height cm ,' • 1« · Metric-Dimensions:: Width cm Deothcm Weiahtkg " ., ,. .. ·- •' •' -. Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls-provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Imperial Dimensions: Requires .oversized Electrical Height Width Depth Model Approval inches , inches inches Weiahtlb lves/n~l lves/nol 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,o:o 0.0 0.0 "'0;0 ·o.o ·o.o 0'.0 , 0.0. 0.0 0.0 •. 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .0'.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,' . 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 .. o.o' ·o.o . 0.0 , 0.0, ; · 0.0 · 0.0 · ·o,o ·· 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 · o;o · ·0.0 0.0 0.0. , o:o .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .·. 0.0 0.0 ·o.o ,0.0 . ·o.o 0.0 ,0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 o;o. ·o.o .o:o 0.0:, 0.0 ·o.o o:o o:o 0.0 0.0 , . ,0.0 0.0' 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 b.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. 0.0 0.0 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ------ '' z ., ,• .,~:~ ... ' •!,' .,,:. ' ' -1-~~'.c' ,'_ •'l,,1!_ '' ·--=:..!_ ! ' , ,, ,, i ·/,,"::: '.1''' i'-·~-.1: :,_, .,,;, ·_:-~: h' ·'I' ,:i_, .... ·--~ --~ ,, 1 ·-',, ', __ -:..._,_ '' -'·•'...!.,' -_...,,---:: ~--_· .: . Infrastructure: ,, Utility ,-Require- ments ·SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (sound, men! Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement !ight, wale1 Surface T~ T= Cves/nol electricitvl (yes/no). smoke) Finish .. : ',' ,, ,, .. .. ' '. ,_ --- --Carlsbad LEGO Models - -----Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. --- Attraction Ref. No.: ID-322~61,, . ·: I waterJvorks Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Updated Date: 8.:J~i~97,. Electrical power: Updated By: SJP''--'·,,:l_;.,··: -, ,-. ' ' ---l Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet.by: Model MID#: Model.Name: . Metric,Qim'ensiohs: lmoerial Dimensions: : ~ I )>. Requires a Oversized Electrical.' Attacli-C: Height Width Depth Model Approval men! C. !!!. x x Heiaht-cm Width cm· Deothcm Weiahtkg inches,, inches inches Weight lb (ves/no) (yes/no)·. Tvoe. Musical Instruments: o:o· 0.0 0.0 0.0. ',. . . Haro, ., 0.0 0.0 o:o o:o .,,, Bass Drum , 0.0 0.0. o.o ·o.o Snare Drum .. 0.0. o.o 0.0 0.0 Cvmbal ... '• 0.0 0.0. 0.0 ·o.o Tuba ,. 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 Saxoohcine ... t·, 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 .. , Double Bass .. 0.0 ·o.o o.o 0.0 Clarinet 0.0 o:o 0.0: o.o Cehteroiece: ' ... 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 Chicken 0.0 .0.0 o.o 0.0 Flowers 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o.o LEGO Svstem Flower 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o Tea Pot 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o Farmer. 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 · Umbrella Man 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , Sea Lion 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0' Sealioh2 0.0 .. ·o.o 0.0 0.0 .... DUPLOZoo: 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o Giraffe + Taraet 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hi=·+ Taraet 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o Alliaator 1 + Taraet 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 o.o Alliaator 2 + Taraet. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Elenhant + Taraet 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 Monkev -i-Taraet .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 FrOQs and Allia'ators: 0.0 0.0' 0.0 o.o ½Alliaator1 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ½-Alliaator2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ½Allioator3 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ½ Alliaator 4 (static) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Froa.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Froa2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frog3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · Froa4 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Froa 5 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o Froa6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 ,o.o. 0.0 0.0 - --- AcW·.· -.... , . 60.0"UM.68 . ·_ 20A. ~ 240.ct NA<': ~:'.:i· ~. ET('."· .. ·-->:·;,_ J!,..cw.:,:·,>·;···-.-.. Infrastructure: Standard Interface Foundation Sketch , · Tvoe (yes/no) : .. .. , .. .'.·'I,_ ,-!l 't ·-,, • -'~. ., • ,_' ' -~ ' j_l ,·',:~· -~ -· ... '!_l,. -:: Utility Require- ments · SFXType (air,water (sound, · drainage, Movement light,-wate1 'electricity) (viis/no) smoke) ., .. ., - :'• ·-t:· Surface Finish --- - - ----- - - - Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: lb~324'.·6t~ .. :. , _ ~ . I Attraction Name: ouPto. Plavtown, a~Jul~9i:.'~~.: .. ·.-. , ,. , . Updated Date; Updated By: s.:.1p::-'.:(fr":. , . , ···:,.-: ·: :· ":°· .:.-::.: ·.:: .:> / .. Model MID.#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: '- w §' > !!!. ll CD C: 0. !!!. )( )( Heiohicm Width cm Depth cm Weightko S&E0188C' 24·Carrots ,• X' . 20 . ·12 , ·12 .. 0.5 S&E0187C· 24.Com X 60 30. 30 . 1 S&E0189C 24 Leeks ·x 30. 15 15 0.5 S&E0190C. Grandma X 120 60 80 25 · S&E0013C Fireman X 120 80 80 . 20 . S&E0012C :rooLO-Mechanic . x '135 60, 90 . 20 .. . .. ,, . " . ' ,. •' ,r. '' ., '' Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply iri litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 ·sheet by: lmoerial Dimensions: Requires Ove~jzed' . Electrical . Height Width Depth Model Approval inches inches , inches Weiohtlb (yes/no) (ves/nol 7.9 4.7 4.7 1.1 no no ,· . 23.6 11.8 , 11.8 2.2 no no' 11.8 5.9 5.9 . 1.1 no no 47.2 23.6 31.5 55.1 no no . 47.2 31.5, 31.5. 44.1 no no 53.1 23:6 ,35.4. . '44,1 no. no . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .,0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o.o 0.0 . ·o.o 0.0 · ' o.o' "o:o 0.0 0.0 .. o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0 . .'0.0, o.o .. 0.0 o.o' :o.o' , 0.0 "' 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o 0.0 · 0.0, o.o 0.0 0.0' 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0' o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·. o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o' ' 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 .o.o' 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 o.o ,. - .. Attacli- men) 'Tvoe B B B B B B. ·, ----- S&E '' ~ ""'' ' ' ~' "1·1,-:;~\ "; -~ ,' ,, ,. <i\:\'1!, • ;,_ ! ;-l . ' . ' . '-·~·~ • '. '!.__! ,_., ,_.,, _,_,.-_, ____:__ --: .!'.'.... • _1 -;_., , • --• '" ~-~·'.:. 1\~ . y ,-,, ' '·-'-'' Infrastructure: , . Utility · Require- ,SFXType ·ments Standard Interface (air.water (sound, Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light.water ·surface Tvoe Ives/no) electricitvl Ives/no) .smoke) Finish no , no. no . no no no no no. . sound ... no no no ' no '. ... . '' ., : ,. . ----· -·-.. -------Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: R~fao~.63 ic-:--.:..=..:c.:.:.::..;;;...__=,.. ___ ..;.:,...;;..._-'-.:....:...-___;_,__ _ ___;_-="-----l Attraction Name: binos;Goin .o 'the .Hili'S&W : .;,. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8-J.ui~97,:,: ,, ' ·. :-·, Electrical power: Updated By: SJP;/ :-"',. ,_:: ::-'.::·: :::/·~· .:': ;: :).,r•,< ... .i· .. ,r,,,, '._t;, ,~·-.. Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metrtc Dimensions: . · lmoertal Dimensions: m ,,, Requires "" ?i' 3 Oversized · Electrical !!!. <D C: .Heigh) Width .Depth , Model Apprqval C. I!!.' >< X. Heiohtcm .Widthcril Deoth cm Weiohtko ·inches inches inches Weiohtlb lves/nol. · lves/nol S&E0328C Lower Dino7Dino 11 X 160 126 · 200 110 63:0 ". 49.6 78.7 242.5 no no S&E0329C Uft=r Dirio,IDiho 2l X :110 72 228 100 43.3 '28.3 89.8 220.5 no· no : 0.0 • · 0.0 o.o' 0.0 . ' .-.v o:o '' 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 '' ,0.0' . :o:o o.o · .. o.o . mo 0.0 o.o 0.0 . '. ' ... 0.0 0.0. .o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 ," o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 'o.o 0.0 o·.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, •, 0.0 o.o ·· 0.0 .o.o' ,· ·o.o. 0.0 .o.o ,0.0 '' .. ,, ' .. ' 0.0, ·o.o: 0.0 · 0.0 a .. ·O:O' . ,0.0. 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 o:o' .0.0' o:o. ·o:o · 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o .o.o . o.o . ' .. o:o. ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0. 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o . .0.0 0.0. 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 0.0 o.o ·0.0 --- - -- S&E. NA.·. NA Infrastructure:· Utility Require-,. ments SFXType Attach· Standard Interface (air.water (sound, men! Foundation Sketch 'drainage, Movement light, wale Surfa_ce . Tuno Tvno (ves/nol electrtcitvl Ives/no) smoke) . Finish B rio no B no no .. ' . ., ' '' ,, .,, : ' ., ' . .. ', ... .. ----..., .. ----------.. -.. ---Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: R~330Ji:,'1 , , ,. : , · . .. , , '.I Attraction Name: Nature :Maze:./·.· · , ,, . , : :. .:· .. Updated Date: 8•Ju[~97 . ,, ·::, ·,.·, ·: ·.·:_· / . ::,., ,, , · __ _-, .. ·:: Update(! By: SJP,·~·<,.::,,·.··'.)::·:>:/\ ··,, .: :-1·.>-.. .. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provi,ded by: · Extra 1/0 sheerby: S&E ;, NA.:.,-,, 'NA/ NA i.l,,. r~A' i~A:',:, . Model MID#: Model.Name:. . .. . Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: Infrastructure: t ,,_, Utility '· gi . _ Require-, §' > Req11ires ments SFX Type ;:: ' . {: I . !!!. a , Oversized Electrical Attach-Standard Interface· (air;water (sound, [ Ii Height Width Depth , Model Approval r11ent Foundation : Sketch drainage, Movement light, water Surface x' x' Heiilht cm Width cm Deoth cm Weioht ko inches . inches ·inches Wei<1ht lb ives/nol (yes/no) Tvoe Tvoe. (yes/no) electricity) (yes/no) smoke) Finish Model contents unknown 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 o.o 0.0 ,0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ·. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o o.o o.o .. . .. . o.o o.o o;o o.o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. ,, o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . . ' ' ' ... . . ·, . .0.0 .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . ' .. ' ,. ' ' .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 · o:o · . . ' · .. · 0.0 0.0 ·. 0.0 ·0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 , o:o . 0.0 . . .. .. 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . :o.o o:o ... 0.0 . o:o .. . .. 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' , , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , , .. o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ., 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 : . . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . ·0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. ... -.. .. .. ,, . ., .. -, .. -.. ... .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. AttractionRef.No.: F-135~65.. , ... ,, .. ··, .... Attraction Name:.· F.un'Tciwn-t~emect:sj· ria ·e., Updated Date: ' r~ul.~97'.'-, .. , ; .... ,::· ... ~ .·. · ,,, Updated By: Jsj, ;::, ; .. ,/:. · -;··. / .. · ,-;·,,:::.:·:. · < Model MID#: Model Name: m !''.· 'Metric Dimensions: Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by, Imperial Dimensions:· .. .. , i it Requires· ., Oversized Electrical Attach-[·i Height Width Depth Model Approval ment x x Heiahtcm Width cm Deothcm Weiahtka inches inches inches Weiahtlb Ives/no\ Ives/no\ .T= North Entrv: .. 0.0 0.0 ·.o.o · 0.0 ' S&E0470C Towri Sian Model X 0.0. .0.0. 0.0 0.0 S&E0471C · LEGO Friend with hammer and nail ,X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 South Entrv: ... 0.0 ,0.0 .0.0 0.0 S&E0472C Town Sinn Model x .o.o 0.0 o:o'. o.o S&E0473C ' LEGO Friend with oalnt .. x 0.0 · 0.0 ·0.0. ·0.0 · .. 0.0· o:o o:o. 0.0 .. " 0.0 .. _ .0.0 0.0 0.0 .. . 0.0 .0.0 0.0 ·0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 . 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 · ··,o.o 0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . ' 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 .. '. ',' 0.0 0.0 0.0 . -o.o '' ·.o:o · 0.0 0.0 '• 0.0 ,. 'o:o ·o.o 0.0' 0.0 ,. . ., . . . ... 0.0 0.0 o:o o:o . 0.0 .0.0. ·o.o · 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 Ci.O o.o ' 0.0. 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . ' o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. --·-.. .. "' '' ~, ~,,,.," ,, ,,·~~ ;r I -• 1•' -;1·'!;, -·. ,-,,,, ,, i ,,,1;l~·---',J" ; 1-,·, ;·,>:,~· ~' '~--_:,,i'.,' :f.1 · Infrastructure: \Jtili\y ·Require- ments SFXType Standard .Interface (air.water ' (sound, : Foundation Sketch cfrainage, Movement light; wateI · Surface T•= Ives/no) electricitvl (ves/nol smoke) Finish ,,, ,, ,. '· ' ,. "' .. '' '. ·' ----,. -· -.. ; .. , .. -· .. .. .. .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix . Attraction Ref. No.: Ft36l-"6,L . , .. ,, Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: TRAF'.FIC:ZONE: ·,1:-, "'' •. ,, ::, r '" •" i' ' Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: ,r:Julf.97 ,. . · . ,-: ·:. ;·,":, :~:,,.>;,,.: · .. ,,,. .,· ' --',,.' I Electrical power: Updated By: Si-t·--.' ';~'-·.•' ,-:.-i.: " ' ,_ -':-r'1 -,, 1•,-· Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: · .. Metric.Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: m· ~ Requires 3 > a s. Oversized Electrical m c: Height Width Depth Model. Approval. C. !!!. , .. x, -x: Heii:ihtcm Width.cm Deothcm Weioht'ki:i -inches inches. · inches Weii:ihtlb (ves/nol ives/nol ACW2700C EYE,IN THE SKY PILOT IX 150 .. . 60 60 30, 59.1 23.6 .23.6 66.1 NO· NO, · ACW2701C SEAGULL ·x 50 60 ·,.45 3;5 19.7 23.6 ·11.1 ,7-.7 YES NO 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ·O.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 o:o 0.0 · . 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. 0.0 0.0, 'o:o -o;o 0.0 0.0 O'.o 0.0 . ' 0.0 . 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 . ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ,0.0 o.o .. o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 -,--'• '' 0.0 · 0.0:. 0.0 0.0 .I .. .. .. o:o :0.0 0.0 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0 .0.0 . 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 •0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... o:o ·0.0 ·o.o 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .. 0.0, 0.0 0.0. . 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -··----.. - ACW. '.!..'~ I ,i .,. ', ~~,/1 ',, '.:,: .. ., •' ·; ,, ; NA: ___ _ '.!...":'.:'. ---, ',,· NA.· ', ~,, --. __ NA; .. 'r,,. NA,.· ' ~ ·;._,:'_>! -~ •. -,.,, '' '~ , .. ,-.... ,''·, NA· ·--:. ·.::-"-·-r, . ·,:-,1-., Infrastructure: · Utility Require-... ments SFXType Al)ach-Standard Interface (air,water (sound, ment. Foundation Sketch . · drainage, Movement light,wateI Surface Tvoe · . Tvoe lves/nol electricitvl Ives/no) smoke) Finish B-28 NO '. . NO •. SOUND ·. SAFETY· SP YES, NO METAL ' .. . .. ,, .. . . '. ----·---Carlsbad LEGO Models -.. ----.. Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. .. , __ __ Attraction Ref. No.: 1~~1:3.9·6t _: :, ·, " · ~: ·, .· I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: d! Updated Date: Electrical power: Updated By: .::c,.,.~-"l Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model' MID.#:' Model Name:· : Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: m i . Requires )> ei,, a . Oversized 'EleclriClll' Attach- I' ~ i · Height , Width Depth '' Model Approval" men! •" E ,.. ' Heiahtcrri .Width cm Deoth'cm Weiahtka inches inches inches·, 'Weiahtlb lves/riol ' · lves/nol TvnA · S&E0261C 'AJ'Arrn" Fireman Monument X 150 . 80 150 . 50 59.1, . 31.5 59.1 110.2 Ives no B S&E0262C Doa. X 60 60 100 10 23.6 23.6 39.4 22.0 no no B S&E0263C Fire Hvarant X 60 60 120 10 23.6. 23.6 47.2 22.0 no rio B 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 "·o.o. 0.0 0.0, 0.0 '' 0.0 0.0 · o:o .0.0 · '. · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o. 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o " .. 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 •0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 ) .0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 / 0,0 0.0, 0.0 • 0.0 ., ' " o:o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 : ,' , ·0.0 0.0 0.0, -o:o '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. " 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, 0.0 0.0 o;o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 , ·o.o 0.0 .0.0 0.0' 0.0 ,' 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o:o o:o 0.0 . 0.0 · 0.0 ,•H 0.0 . 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 · ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 ·0.0, 0.0 ·o.o .··o.o ,, .. ----- s&E NP.,.,,···.,: .,,_., .. • '1·:\ NA'.· NA··.·._,,. -.-;-, ,, I~,~-' .-/:-~', NA·,:.;.·,<,_____'._'_'.,'.''~--~ ' =-i.____'._ '! __ -: :,; NA/_::.' ; ': ~:·:,:-~-. ,.r____:!__ ,l, [ , Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments ·sFXType ' Standard' Interface (air,water (sound, Founciaiioir Sketch drainage,. Movement light,'.water Surface TvnA (ves/no) electricitvl . (yes/no) smoke) Finish no water no water no no no no '. . . . ' " ., . .. -~ --.. .. ·-· -... --... ... -\ Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: F-236·6-1-, 1 . · .:' .-:::· .·: .. · . , ,.. .. ·, · ,.. . .. . . Supplies estimate ·provided by: Attraction Name: .· Fun.Townj::iublic-Toiiets. , ...... · '. i.: .. . > ' ,. ,, I : • <' * • ,' I • • ' ( ~ r I ,; ,,:, ', Updated Date: 8:;tlul-9,7. ,, . ;, .:.,.· . . ) . " ·!· . • . , ... , • , . • , ,., • ' j 'HH H Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: U d t dB . gJo··,. ·· .. ;: _, .. ::., \''.· :.f;. ,,·::.·, ... "·!:,,,·;····:·· p a e y. re, _. _ "--. , _ • ~·" .... , .. __:.~, •I ,)r,~ J'.'' Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: E~ctra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: 'Mellie Dimensions: lmoelial Dimensions: '"' . .. I -IXI· I . §' '> 'Requires !!l. !l : Oversized ' · Electrical .. .. --· - S&E NA· .. _._ .. _.;· ',•' ,,.,,. ,'.,' NA:'. ~t:::\}.':":.:./:'•" ,:' .. , ,-~-.. ,,, ·. .. -A·, .... , -~-1 .. · Infrastructure: .. . Utility Require-· . ,ments 'SFXType • Aita.ch-· '. Standard : lhterfa~e ·(air,water (!,\OUnd, C: ~ .,. Heigh! · Wipth Depth ~' Width cm· beoth,cm inches Model Approval. . ,meht-· .Fou~dalion ,-(ves/nol Sketch . drainage,· ·Movement light, wateI x' Heicihtcrri Weiohlk!I .'inches inches. Weight lb' ·(ves/no) fvnA · Time ,(ves/nol: 'electlicitvl Ives/no) smoke). S&E0427C Plunibe'r .. •X 158 62 ' 85 67.5 62.2 . ,24.4 33.5 . ,148.8 no·· . no . .B no rio ·o:o · 0.0 0.0 '. o.o .. 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 · , 0.0 . o.o' 0.0 . 0.0 '• .. .. 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 ---0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o:o o.o •'" 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o ·. o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,·· 0.0. 0.0 .0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o -· 0.0 0.0 0.0. ·o.o _ ·o.o 0.0 -0.0 ·0.0 -. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0. 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 ·o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 --·· o:o 0.0 "o.o 0.0 0.0' o.o. ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - , . ', ·~ •" f /, Surface Finish ---: --.. .. ·-., -·-· .. .. llllil; -... ... .. : --Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: Attraction Name: Updated Date: Updated By: Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Supplies estimate provided by: ,i, •,,,' ,,',/1• Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: S&E. NA..:-_.,, ·,,,,:· NA·~_:-~ NA..:·.".:·, . - NA":·::: ;) .. : : .- NA::::~>-.·~·::' Model MID#: Model·Name: Metric.Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: Infrastructure: , , Utility '"!'¥l ,,.,, ·,1,'1'' ~ ';J; •'.-'-,' m Require-, i > .. , ' '· . Requires. ' .ments . , SFX T.ype ' a ~ Oversi;zecl' Electrical' Attach-Standa(d, Interface· (air,water · (sound, · : [ !!!. Height . Width Depth Model Approval ment Foundation Sketch drainage,, Movement light, water Surface E >5. Height cm Width cm Depth cin Weight kg inches · inches inches .Weight lb (yes/no) (yes/no) T.ype Tvoe . :(ves/no) electricity)· . (ves/nol smoke) · Finish S&E0490C' Menu Holder Fun'nv Head Waiter o.o o.o o.o 0.0 ·· S&E0491C LEGO Friend Bov 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 -- S&E0492C LEGO.Friend Girl 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LLU22n LEGO Train 1 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 LLU2278 LEGO Train 2 .. 0.0 ·O.O 0.0 . 0.0 LLU2279'. . . LEGO Train 3 o:o 0.0 0.0 · .o.o S&E0493C , L:EGO'Tov Features 1 0.0 .0.0 .0.0' 0.0 S&E0494C LEGO.TovFeatures2. · ·o.o o.o. o;o 0'.0 ... · S&E0495C l'.EGO Tov Features 3 o.o ... o.o o.o. . o.o · · · S&E0496C . Children's Entertainment Ur\it 1 -; .o.o o.o o.o o.o · .. ' . , S&E0497C Children's Entertainment Unit 2 ' 0.0 o:o 0.0 . 0.0 S&E0498C , Children's Entertainment Unit 3 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 S&E0499C ·. Children's Entertainment Unit 4 0.0 · 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 __ S&E0SOOC : Children's Entertain'ment Unit 5 •. 0.0 0.0 o:o ,0.'0 S&E0501C Ghildren's Entertainment Unit 6 o.o .. o.o .. 0.0 0.0 " S&E0502C Children's Entertainment Unit 7 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o . 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 ' .. 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .. .. o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. . • • .. i ... ·o.o · ·o.o o.o o.o · · . , " ' · 0.0 · ' . 0.0 o:o o:o : , .. ' '-o:o o.o . 0.0 .o.o .. .. '• . ·o.o o.o . o.o , o:o · · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . . 0.0 .-.. 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o.o ', 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o ' . . o:o 0.0 0.0 .o.o . . . ' · 0:0 0.0 0.0 o.o . . 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 .o.o . , ... . .. 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 . r -.. , ----Carlsbad LEGO Models , .. , .. -- -.. Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix . .. --.. Attraction Ref. No.: _., ,-. . . _ , ,, , , Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: -:-:· Electrical power: Updated By: ~· ':.' ~:,-,. :--:,;':··: ::. Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra.'1/O sheet by: Model MID #:'· Model.Name: , · Metric· Dimensions: lmnerial Dimensions: 'i ,, : li' : Requi_res , , ·!!?. Oversized· -Electrical Attach-, CD. C: , Height Width, Depth 'Model. . Approvai men! a. !!!, wel~htlb x' ~ Heiohicm Width cm D,eothcm Weiohtkci inclies, Inches. inches <ves/no¥ · {yes/no)· Tvoe S&E0264C Clocktoiver· ION HOLD\ 0.0 .o.o 0.0 o:o, S&E0265C · Santa Claus k 170 · ·so ·so -60 . '66.9 31-.5 23.6 132.3 no no soecial · S&E0266C Raindeer x 170 50 150 30 . 66.9 19.7 59.1 66.1 no· no soocial , S&E0267C Ladv Wateiino Flowers X 75 40 70 .20 29.5 , 15.7 '27.6 44.1 no no B S&E0303C Flowers X 50. 20 . 20 .1 ,· '19.7 7,.9 7.9 2.2 no. no B S&E0268C, 15 Pioeons·and Birds . ',X 15 20. . 10 '0:5 5.9 '7.9 3.9. 1.1 no no B S&E0269C 3Catson L"""e X ·ao .30 .. 20 3 11.8 11.8. 7.9 6.6 no no-B S&E0304C Extra-Cat X 25 40 20 ,, 1 · .9.8, 15.7 7.9. 2.2 no no B . , S&E0270C Diver In F.ountain X 75 66 ·so 10 ., 29.5 23.6 19.7 22.0 no. no snecial S&E0271C . Bov and Girl bv oueue X 180 40' 120 25 70.9' 15.7 · 47.2 55.1 rio no B S&E0272C Exolorei' Model X 80 · .40 20 .12 31.5 15.7 7.9 26.5 Ives no . A. S&E0273C Crocodile in-Window X 40 60 200 75 ..15.7 23.6 78.7 165.3 no no SnAr.ial S&E0274C Old Ladv with 3 Pioeons X 165 80 70 30 65.0 31.5 27.6 66.1 no no B S/&E0275C 4 Piaeohs X 20 ·25 15 0.5 7.9 9.8, 5.9 .1.1 no no B S&E0276C Limo with·Drtver X 170 80 60 .60 . 66.9 31.5 23.6 132.3 ves no B S&E02TTC Worker in Manhole. X 80 64 44 16 31.5 25.2 17.3 35:3 no no s· S&E0278C Policeman X 170 ··,so ·so 60 66.9 31.5 · 23:s 132.3 no · no soecial S&E0279C Rainier with EaseUS&E0280Cl X 160 110 110 80 63.0 43.3 .43.3 176.4 no no B Telepnone Box (NON LEGO PROP\ )(' 200 80 . 80 150 78.7 . 31.5 31.5 330.7 no no soecial S&E0314C Teleohone X 30 30. .30 2 11.8 11:8 11.8 330.7 no · no A S&E0315C Sign X 15 70 2 ,· . 2 5.9 27.6 o:a 4.4 no no A S&E0281C Fireman X 165 .70 60. 55 .65.0 27.6 23.6 . 121.3 rio no B S&E0282C Alien X 90 60 60 15 35.4 23:6 23.6 33.1 no no s· S&E0283C. Diver , X· 170 70 60 , 60. 66.9 27.6 '23.6 132;3 no no B · S&E0284C LEGO Friend· X 160 • 60 60 .. 40 ·. 63.0 23.6 23.6 88.2 no. 110 B S&E0285C Another LEGO Friend X 170 60 45 . 50 66.9 . 23.6 17.7 110.2 no rio B S&E0286C Letters .x 50 40 5 20' 19.7 15.7 2.0, 44.1 no no B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. . ' 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 mo . 0.0 o:o o.o ,o:o 0.0 '·0.0 o.o · ·o.o. 0.0 -----.. S&E ., ·;-~ 1: ~ -~: : '; ., •.1,•t, ,,,, .. " ! •· ,:.~_,_ • I i,';;<-'.! .:-•,. .,, '.:f _:.:ff1,:~ff ~:\,.::, ;', ',,.,,:>· :;;;, Infrastructure: ,, Utility. · Req!,]i'ril- ments SFXType Standard , · Interface (air.water (sound, '' -Foundation· . Sketch :cirainag\l, Movel)l¢nt lighi, wale S,uiface Tvoo {ves/no\, electricitv\ ,(ves/rio\ ·smoke\· ,Finish Ives -ho Ives no . Ives · water+elec no water+sound,. . no no no ··. no '. rfo no, no no ' electri<;ity water ves drainaoe no sound. ves no Ives no Ives electri~m1 ves sound Ives no sound no no Ives no ves no sound' ves . no 'sound ves electrical ,ves , ves · no ves electricitv. no sound lies no · ves no ves no sound ves water no water ' ves electricitv ves sound Ives · electricitv . ves .. · sound· · ' Ives no -·---- -.. -... -.. .. -Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix . I Attraction Ref. No.: F-237~ih,2 i..:,.....;=~=---'---':._....;.-'--'----'--....:.....---_;_---'-'-'--l Attraction Name: Fact<>': tour '., .' .:... .. -. , ,,: . . . , • Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: s~Jui-9i: . · -· ,, : ··, N' ,,,! • Electrical power: Updated By: SJP ,:,= .... ~.-~: ,c'·'·. J-,·--··'-:°·-Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 .sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: .. · Metric Dimensions: . . Imperial Dimensions: i 111 ~ Bequires 3 I Oversized .. Electrical '. : ;-··Heigh! : WidJh ,.Qepth Mogel .. Approval· • C. -;t x'. Height.cm Width cm Depth cm Weight kg 'inches .inches. · inches Weicihtlb (yes/no\ (veslno) S&E0259C LEGO Factoiv.Model X 170 500 ·50 · 150 66.9 · 196.9. 31.5 330:7 no nb S&E0260C' · Wall of Bricks ·x. 220' '700. 35. 2000 86.6, 275:6, 13.8 4,409.2 Ives' no .. 0,0 0.0 , .. 0.0 o:o : 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0. - : , 0.0 . :o.o o:o '·0.0' . ,, 0.0 ·0.0 .0.0 d.0: 0.0 ·o:o . o:o 0.0 · : .. 0.0 · '0.0. 0.0 , ' 0.0 . " 0.0 .. . 0.0 0.0 . :o:o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 ',0.0. .0.0 . ' ·o.o 0.0 .-0.0' 0.0 " 0,0 o:o . , 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 ,0.0 .. ., o:o ·o.o '0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 '0.0 0.0 o·.o .... I . ' '0.0 0.0 ·o.o · 0.0 I ., 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 . '. .. ., .o.o . 0.0, ,0.0 '0.0 ' .. ,, o:o . 0.0 0.0 .d.O , 0.0 0.0 0:0 · .0.0 .o.o' 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 · ... 0.0 ' , 0.0 '. ·o.o 0.0 o:o M 0.0 0.0 : 0.0 o:o. •0.0 . 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 , ,,.0.0 . ' ,0.0 0.0 ,0.0 -0,0 •' . 0.0 0.0 ·o.o · . 0.0 . ., 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o·.o' 0,0 o:o 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. ' ·0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... .. 1111 -· -.. S&E. !'" Infrastructure: Utility, Require·,. ments SFXType ' Attach-f'itandard Interface (air,waier.: ,(sound,· ment Foundation · Sketch drainage, Movement lig!lt,wa\er Surface· 'fvoe Tvoe ·(yes/no). electricity) · (yes/no)· smoke) ,Finish B no , electricitv ves light B. no. no " . . '• .. . . .. ,, : .. .. ,, , . . . ' ) ., : --- -.. -.. -.. -.. --.. - -.. -Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: F'~2s1~a1 .. a· .. :: , . , : ... :,;· : ... : ,:,· Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: Cbot.Cl:i(~:.· :·t: t: . .:" .·.:1 ..... .., ,J, ·,, .,..-," ·.:;; . ,;;·: · Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8~Ju1~9.7,,;.:. ·,". ,··,:"",: :··,' .:, ::, ·,:,.,.;,::,: ·: ,:: ·:,J·,· ,, Electrical power: Updated By: .SJP.::_;,:'-:.-~: : .',,, :/: '.Y, 1: :,,:·,;, /:', ,:: ·:· ,: ,•: c ;:,:,, '-'---=-'=--' ,·o·· c",, , .!_, _ _,t' Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: -..... Extra 1/0 sheet by: ... Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: lg 3 )> ' Requires la !l ' Oversized ·Electrical "' C: Height . !-!eight Width . Depth. Model Approv!II C. !!!. X>< cm Width.cm Depth'cm Weightk~ Inches Inches ··inches Weight lb (ves/no) (ves/no) MAX0001C' Robot 1 In Rock'Band:Guitiir ·,·· " X 170 '80 · 80 66.9 31.5 31·.5 , 0.0 no MAX0002C: Robot·2 In Rock.Band Bass X .170'.. 80: . 80 ,66.9 . 31.5 • 31.5 ...o.o. . no . MAX0003C Robot 3 in Rock Barid Hom X '. 170 . -' 80 ' 80 66.9 31.5 · 31.5 :-o:o no MAX0004C Robot 4 in Rock Band Drums X 170 80 80 66.9 31.5 31.5 0.0 no MAX0005C Roadie In Truck X :100 60 60 39.4 23.6 23.6 0.0 no S&E0396C LEGO Friend 1 wltti Musical Instrument X o.o 0.0 .0.0 ·o.o S&E0397C lEGO Friend 2 with Musical ·Jnstrument X 0.0 o.o .-0.0 0.0 S&E0398C LEGO Friend 3 with.Musical Instrument X o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 S&E0378C Relief 1 The WHO X 76.2. 76.2 30.48 30.0 30.0 12.0. 0.0 no no, S&E0379C Relief 2 The Beach Bovs X 76.2 76.2 30.48 30.0 30.0 :12.0 -0.0 no no. S&E0380C .. Relief 3 The Beatles X 76.2 76.2 . 30.48 30.0 30.0 12.0 0.0 no no S&E0381C Relief 4 ZZ-T<io .x 76.2 76.2 30.48 30:0 30.0 12.0 0.0 no· no S&E0382C· Relief 5 Jimi Hendrix X 76.2 76.2, 30.48 30.0, 30.0 12.0 0.0 no no S&E0383C Relief 6 Michael :Jackson X 76:2 76.2 .30.48 30.0 ,30.0 12.0 0.0 no no S&E0384C Relief 7 Elton John X 76.2 76.2 . 30.48 30.0 30.0 12.0 0.0 no no S&E0385C. Relief 8 MADONNA X 76.2 "76.2 30.48 · 30.0' 30.0 -12:0 0.0 no. no. S&E0386C ' Relief 9 Willie Nelson . ·x: .,76.2 76.2 30.48 '30.0 '30.0 . 12:0 o:o no 110, S&E0387C Relief 1 o Mick Jaooer x' · 76,2 76.2 . 30.48 30.0. ,,30:0 . · 12.0' 0.0 no nci· S&E0388C Relief 11 Meat', Loaf . .X· 16:2. .76.2 , ... '30.48. , ,30.0' 30.0' 12.0. ,o.o no · no , S&E0389C Relief 12 Jirri'Morrison· X 76.2 76.2. 30.48 . 30:0, 30.0, 12.0' 0.0 n'o-no S&E0390C Relief 13 Bruce Sorinosteen . . ·x .. 76.2 76.2 30.48 30.0 ' 30.0 12.0 0.0 ni:> nci S&E0391C Relief 14 Elvis Presle'l X 76.2 '76.2 30.48 30.0 30.0 12.0 0.0 no.· no S&E0392C Relief 15 Bob Dvlari ., X 76.2 .76.2 30.48 30:0 .30.0 12.0 0.0 no no . S&E0393C Relief 16 Aretha Franklin x 76.2 76.2 30.48 30.0 30.0 l2.0 .. o.o no no S&E0394C Relief 17 Prince X 76.2 76.2 30.48 30.0 30.0 12.0 0.0 no no S&E0395C Relief 18 B.B.Kina. -X 76.2 76.2 30.48 30.0 30.0. 12.0 0.0 no no ·o.o o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o· o:o o:o 0.0 · . ' 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 . 0.0 o.o o.o. 0.0 0.0 ,. 0.0 o.o . 0.0 ·, ,0.0 0.0 o.o .o.o .. o:o --~ -~~ -,, '-,,,. - ET-I , · -, .. s&EJJi..cw:·: 1 Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air,water · (sound, ment Foundation , Sketqh drainage, Movement light, water tvoe-· tvbe · (ves/no) eiectriciiv) · Ives/no) : smoke) . B-ves Ives. Ives · sciund/liaht/loa B .. ves ·Ives ·Ives sound/light/loo . . B . ves Ives· ves soondlliaht/loa ' B ives ves " ves soi.Jnd/liaht/loa . lrisideoroo· Ives no no :·no. - ' A Ives 12vac· no LIGHT .A ·Ives 12vai: no LIGHT A ves 12vac no LIGHT A ves 121i ac no LIGHT A ves 12\.tac no LIGHT A ves 12v,a:c no LIGHT A ves 12vai: no LIGHT A ves :12v,ac no. LIGHT.. A ves 12v.ac. ho LIGHT. A '' ves · 1211 ac no LIGHT A ,,ves · 12v·ac no LIGHT A Ives 12v·ac · no LIGHT A Ives 12v·ac no UGHT A Ives 12vac no LIGHT. A Ives 12vac rio LIGHT A ves · 12v ac no · LIGHT A ves 12vac no LIGHT A .. ves 12vac no LIGHT ' I '' - ~urf.ace 'Finish '. - ----Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: F~2ai-e1,.4: Attraction Name: Explore;:s Institute . Updated Date: ( ~ ' Updated By: 8~Jul4i:·,. __ S\:lp.·:·Vi::>.·,: .'.\~· · ; -~-~. Model MID#: Model Name: ' ' . Base camp Entrv: S&E0072C. Primitive Sculoture 1 S&E0073C . Pith·Helmef S&E0074C Camel S&E0075C Pot·Plant S&E0076C Rosette S&E0077C Native·Shield S&E0078C · Primitive· Sculoture 2 · ,,Ra1n:Forest: . S&E0079C JaauarCub S&E0080C . 3 Silk Monkevs '. S&E0081C Toucan S&E0082C lauana S&E0083C. 2 Freas S&E0084C Lizard S&E0085C. Yellow Snake· S&E0086C .. 2 Hummlna Birds S&E0087C. 2·Butterflies S&EOOBBC Entrance 2 ReliefFlaures S&E0089C 3 Small'Monkevs sa;Eooooc · Parrot. S&E0091C. Panther Egyptian Temple:· S&E0092C Ornate Carved Ooenina · S&E0093C 10.Torches .. S&E0094C SarcophaQus S&E0095C Tut's Deathmask S&E0096C Skeleton S&E0097C. 8Ccilumns S&E0098C. Casket. .. S&E0099C Vulture " S&E0100C. 2··Larae Birds S&E0101C , Larae Statue 3 . ' '· S&E0102C . larae Statue 2 S&E0103C 4 Hieroglyphs S&E0104C Relief Wall;Haimlna 1 S&E0'105C Relief Wall Han!'iini:12 ---· ... - -.. -.. m Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: 1_ ,/I Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided l;>y: Extra 1/0 sheet by: · Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: ·, '· ~' · · Requires .. 3 )> ~ e' ; · Oversized · · Electrical. Attach- ~ ~ 1-ieiglil Width Depth Model . · Approval ment :g x. Height cm Width cm Depth cm Weight kg inches .Inches Inches· Weighflb (yes/no) (yes/no) Type .0.0 0.0 · 0.0, 0.0 X 82 46 25.5 ·5.3 32.3 18.1 10.0 .11.7 no no B X 30 30 15 1 11'.8 11.8 5.9. . 2.2 no no B X ·140 80 .3.2 21.5 55.1 31.5 1.3 47.4 Ives no B X 28, 27 17 1:2 .11.0 • 10.6 6:1 2.6 ho no, B '' X 20 22 2. 0:4 7.9 8.7 0.8 0.9 no no B .x 92:5 53' 3 7.5 36.4 ·20.9 1.2 16.5 Ives no .B .x '50 45 27 3.4: 19.7 17.7 10:6' . 7,.5 no, . no :B 0.0 0.0 :·o.o '0.0 X . 45 .•18 35 "2.9. . 11:7 7.1 . '13.8 6.4 ves . no B ... . X. 90 25 25 3 35.4 · 9.8 ·9.8 6.6 no no B-. X 51 21 40 2.4 . 20.1 8.3 15.7 5.3 no no B ., X 84' 92 .30 . 7.8 33.1 .36.2 . 11.8 17.2 ho· no B. X 12 .. 26 23 0:3 4.7 10.2 · 9.1 0.7 no no. B X 5 14 56 0.5 2.0 5.5 22.0 , .1.1 no no B X 29 160 9 4,5 11.4 63.0 3;5 9.9 no no B ·X 13 22 17. 0.2 5.1 ,8.7 '6.7 0.4 rio no B x·· 7. 31 17 0.4 2.8 12.2 6.7 ···o.9 no no. B x .. 107 .. 54. 3.' .14 .42.1 .21.3 1.2 30.9 ves .. · no A. X .47· 11 . 16 :2: 18.5 ,t3 ,6.3 4.4 no no B _- ·x ·. 40 ·14. ,26 2.5 .. 15.7'. 5.5 10,2 . 5:5 r\6. ' no B X 43 40 105 . 14 ·, 16.9 15.7 41':3 30.9 ves· · rio B "0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o x 235 220 43 166 92.5 86.6 16.9 · 366.0 no no B ' ,i< 37 13 17 1.4 . 14.6 5.1 6.7 3.1 no no A X 128 38 25 7.5 50.4 15.0 9.8 16.5 no no B X 58 48 20 5 22.8 18.9 7.9 11.0 1veii no A x· 100 64 90 12 39.4 25.2 35.4 26.5 no no B X 40 40 40 10 15.7 15'.7 15.7 22.0 Ives· iio A X 67 100 43 46. 26.4 39.4 16;9 . 101.4 no no B x 40. ,40 62 6 15.7 ':15.7, 24.4 . . 13.2 no no B. x· 157. ·50 ,77' 26.5 61.8 ·.19:7. 30.3 · 58.4 i,es no B X 200 , 60 88 54 78.7 23,6 34.6' 119'.0 ves no B X 123 38 25 9, 48.4 · 15.0 9.8 19.8 ves no B X 200 120 .· 5' 54 78.7 47.2 2.0 119.0 ves no A X 98 169 3 35. -38.6 66,5 1.2 • .77.2 ves no A. X 97.5 35.5 5.5 67.5 38.4 14.0 2.2 148.8 .ves no A. ----- S&E.. ·.:.-. n soo·:uM·6B ~· '5,6/@' 2400. :,;:-;:'' NA\ .... ,,. / .. '\'.' ,ETI,,':. ", <:: :' ,,·,:-·.·: S&E~ :.:· .. : , Infrastructure: Utility Requl,re0• merits SFXi'ype Standard, ' Interface (air;w11ter· (sound, Foundation Sketch 'drainage, Movement llght, water "(ype (yes/no) ·electricity) (yes/no) smoke) ves no ves no ves , no ves no , ves no ives no . ,ves no ' .. · Ives electrical lies \,es electrical ves ves electrical ves ves electrical \,es ves . -no . ves no ,ves , no .. Ives no· Ives rio. Ives. no Ives no· i Ives 'electrical ves. Ives . electrical. ves ... ves no ves · electrical no lighf · ves no ves no yes no ves no ,ves no 1ves no Ives· no Ives 'no Ives no lies no ves ; ho ves no --- -- -- -... --, __ - --- - --S&E0106C Relief Wall Hanalna 3 X 171 123 3 44 67.3 48.4 1.2 97.0 Ives no A Ives na I Nortn Po1e: o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 S&E0107C Abominable Snowman X n 92 30 10.5 30.3 36.2 11.8 23.1 na na B Ives electrical no sound S&E0108C Father Christmas X 75 52 120 16.6 29.5 20.5 47.2 36.6 no no B Ives na S&E0109C 2Wol!Babies X 45 20 75 9 17.7 7.9 29.5 19.8 na no B Ives no S&E0110C Wolf 1 Howlina X 95 25 93 11 37.4 9.8 36.6 24.3 no no B Ives no S&E0111C Seal Head X 38 26 28 3.5 15.0 10.2 11.0 7.7 no no B Ives no S&E0112C Wolf 2 Growlino X 74 24 123 12.8 29.1 9.4 48.4. 28.2 no no s· Ives no S&E0113C Polar Bear. X 76 80 .,.165 78 29.9 31.5 65.0. 172.0 Ives no B. :ves electrical Ives sound S&E0114C l£GOF.riend '. •X .64 ~o 42 7.3 252· 15.7, 16.5 16.1 no no B .ves no S&E0115C Wolf 3'Runnlnii X 60 -27 143 13. . 23.6 · 10.6 ;55_3 28.7 no no .. B. Ives nci IBase camp:Exlt: 0,0 0,0 0.0 0,0 s&eon6c Cai>tain:F/loud X 104 50 78 17.5 40.9 19.7 30.7 38.6 no no· B-Ives no· S&E0117C Primitive Sculoture. -X 36 17 ·30 1.5 14.2 6,7 1.1.8 3,3 no no B Ives. . nci S&E0118C The·Kevs . ic 41 18 . .. 4 0:5 16.1 7.1 1,6 . .. 1.1 no no A · Ives no S&E0119C 3·P,rimltive Masks X 45 30 ·12 -1 H.7 ·11-.8 4.7 , 2.2 rio . no. A Ives 110 S&E0120C Maior·onel )(, 107 60 .75 21 42.1 23.6 29.5 46.3 no no B Ives no·. 0:0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. .0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o b.O 0.0 .. o.o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, ----·-Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: F-237-61.6 Attraction Name: Bricks· Brothers Shoo Updated Date: 5-Mar-97 Updated By: JSJ :,:,, , . " ' Model MID#: Model Name: -Model contents unknown. ,. ' .. ,. " . , - -- -----Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. ,, ' ', ,-·-•, Metric.Dimensions: m (/J =-3 ·> ill, ~. '~ e?. >< >< Heiahtcm Width cm Deothcm .Wei!1htk11 . ' ' ,, ,, .. ; ' . .. .,. .. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by, Extra 1/6 sheet by: lmoerial Dimensions: Oversized Height Width ·Depth ,Model inches · inches :inches Weiohtlb (y'es/nol , 0.0 o:o ··o.o · 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o· · 0.0 0.0, 0.0: 0.0 .' 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o.o o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o :o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o' 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 ,, ·o;0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0' o.o 0.0 .o.o 0.0 o.o . ,0.0 ,0.0' 0.0 o.o 0.0, 0.0. o:o ,o:o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. .0.0 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0: 0.0 '. ,0,0, 0.0 O:O, o.o ,o:o o:o. 0.0 , . o.o 0.0 ·o.o . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 .' 0.0 0.0 o.o .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o Requires Electrical ,Approval, Ives/no), " . -. .. - --- -- S.&Et> 1_0Q"l/f>A'68--. 5A .@ 24DC .. · ·: .. ~i~r:'?<' :' J Infrastructure: Utility ; Require- ments SF?(Type Attach-Standard Interface · (air.water·, (sound, nient Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, wate, Surface Type Tvoe '. (ves/nol electricil\/l Jves/nol smoke) F.inish ... J ... .. .. ,,, ... ., ' --- --Carlsbad LEGO Models -- - ---Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: l~-237;55_5 .. . . . . I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Baby,Gare Updated Date: 8~J.l.1(79i L. . -~ :,, ;'.' .::1:,. , Electrical power: Updated By: SJP ·,,:,_,,-.; ~~,~ Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet'by: Model MID #:· Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: . ~: 3 li Requires a Oversized' Electrical. ' <1> C: Height Width Depth Model Approval a. !!!. ,? 5c Heiohtcm Width cm Depth cm Weiohtko , inches inches inches Weiohtlb (yes/no) (yes/no), Model Contents Unknown . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. o.o 0.0. 0.0 ... 0.0 . ·. o.o ' 0.0 0.0 .. . 0.0 0'.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 · .0.0 0.0. .0.0 o.o 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ., . .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o:o 'O.O 0.0 0.0 •. o.o. .. 0.0 ·o.o .. 0.0 ., ... ,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . " 0.0 . ·.o.o 0.0 0.0 ' ,. .. . ,, 0.0 o·.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ... o:o .o.o 0.0 0.0 '. . 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 " o:o 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - -- -- ,S&E. ,, !·,,, •:, ' " '~-' J, ~ ~-~ ,.· '.•, ' / . ~~ . ·;'_;,_ _/ ,.~ ' _ ,,''-:...::' ·' ::"· , ,(_~ •l_ • -;-.:' ,.:_,,~ '..::.:c:.' _ ,.1,' t.·,·· ,i· ,,,, i_,~~1: ~~:'.,..,d-~.;.'l,,.;-.,:'1:.·., ,,-1.r i,1,1,~·:.,,:,,··1 .. .Infrastructure: Utility •, Requ[re-· Attach-Standard Interface ments $f;X'Type (alr,water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light,water Surface Tvoe Tvoe (yes/no), electricitv) . (yes/no) smoke) Finish ·, . • ... " ,, " .. , ,, .. ,. ' " .· ; -----Carlsbad LEGO Models ------Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Name: Attraction Ref. No.: IF~~3~-~~-. . __ , . I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: LEGOJ~Jay Ftrri Towh, Updated Date: 08/007/1997, Electrical power: Updated By: SJP :--,;. Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: .. m ~ · 'Requires 3 ), ' !!l. 0. Oversized · Electrical (D C: . Height Width Depth Model · Approval C. !!!. 'x 'x HeiQhtcm Width cm .Depth cm WeiQhl-kQ '.inches inches · inches Weight lb (yes/no) . (yes/no) S&E0410C 2 Candle Liahts X 25 10 10. '9,8 · .. 3.9 3.9 o.o no no S&E0411C Bird-· --X 25 15 15 9.8 5.9 5.9 .o.o no no S&E0412C Sheet of Music X 30 _45 1 .. 1-1:8 --17.7. 0.4 • 0.0 no .no S&E0413C 4 Flowers . --: .. X. .20 60 :: 60 7.9 . "'23.6 23.6, 0.0 rio , no S&E041'4C 20 Pictures x· 40 ',30' 1' 15.7 . 11.8 0.4 0.0 no rio ---0.0 ',0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0:0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0' · 0.0 . , 0.0 . · ·o.o · o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -· 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, .. . 0.0 : 'O;O · o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·.o.o 0.0 -0.0 ,-0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ",, -· '' o:o'. 0.0 0.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 ·-0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 0,0 -0.0 '. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ---- -- s&E · ~,.,.' ,,, -ffff , ----· --··-1::,_ •E'l71. ~_'-f.-':':, -, ,:-,:,: , "_/:;: soUNhis&:E·, · , ... ; --J. ;_:,.-\.i"-:, .. ·:· , :_ ·:;,. 1-.::1· .. ...::. ---:,: .. :,:~: :·:: Infrastructure: Utility Require- · ments ·SFX'Type .f\lt~ch-. Standard· Interface ·(air.water-(sound, Foundation· Sketch drainage, Movement !ig!i!, water Surface men! -Type Tvoe (yes/no) electricity) (yes/no)_ smoke) Finish A no soecial electricitv . no sound· A .. na l B no A. no .. .. ' ',> .. " ----- --- --- --Carlsbad I-EGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: F335-61 !'-=..;;..;.....;;..;...---..:......---,---'----------'--I Attraction Name: MINI DRNING.SCHOOL Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 1-Jul•0? , Electrical power: Updated By: SH C ,i :,j .--.. :' .. a',, ,. ,., . • I Water supply in litres per mim,1te/bl:lr: Controls provided-by: Extra ,1/0 sh.eet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: lmperial'Dimensions: ' i m gj,, Req\JirE!S 3 )> !!l. .Oversized Electriqal - Attach-! ~ Height Width · Dept~ -Model Approval , m.enf .lvesino) >< )5. Heiahtcm 'Widthcin :Deothcm Weiahtka :.inches · inches .inches, Weiatitlb · Ives/no), . T.vnA ACW2600C. WALK/ DONT WALK.IQUEUE): x· 64 ·so. .27 .11 25,2 11.8 10.6' '24.3 NO YES .. SP ACW2601C TRAFFIC LIGHT RIDE X. 64 30 27 11 .25.2 11.8 10.6 24.3 YES YES' SP ACW2602C SIGNMODEL2 X 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 _·o.o YES SP 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o ,,, -'0.0. 0.0 . 0.0 ". 0.0 .. .. . ' '• 0.0 :o.o .. .o.o ·o:o · -··o:o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0: .. o.o .. ' ·o.o 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. ,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. " ... .. .o:o. 0.0 0.0' . 0.0 " 0.0 'O.O. 0.0 0.0 ". '· 0.0 ·0.0 · 0.0 · · o:o " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0'.0' o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0. o.o 0.0 :o.o . " · _·o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 b.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. -0.0 0.0 o:o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - ---- ACW. NA-_ :~ aA.@12o·c _ NA-~'.··=-----'-.,.:. ACY:L;."·,'.,::·.,;.· ,,~·~" ;,,; ··N·,·A' ,. .. ,, ' ,·', ,-, Infrastructure: ,_ Utility Require- ments SFXType . Standard lnterfac;e· (air.water . (sound, F.oundation S,ketch drainage, .Movement light,w11te,1 Surfare,. Tvoe · Ives/no\' electricitv\ Ives/no) ' smoke\· Finish,. YES CONTROi NO LIGHT' PROP YES CONTROi NO, LIGHT PROP YES .. " . - r· --- --- -- ------Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: F-336-61 1 Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Narpa: DRIVING SCHOOL . Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 1~Jul-9.7--. -.. , ,_,,, .-:.. , '.1,:1il' Electrical power: U d dB '•' ·, ... ·:·--· . ·. ' p ate y: SH.,_:_.-, ··,"'-,_.· :-:. ,,,_., "·'· Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID #:-Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial •Dimensions: i ,, m : ~-'. Requires -3 )> Oversized a !l Electrical ~ C Height Width Depth· Model Approval !!!. 'x-'x Height cm Width.cm Depth cm weight kg inches ini:hes inches· Weight lb (yes/no) Ives/no) ACW22ooc· TRAFFIC LIGHT UNIT 1 X 64 30 27 11 25.2 11.8 10.6 24.3 YES YES ACW2201C · TRAFFIC LIGHT UNIT 2 X 64 30 27 11 25.2 . 11.8 10.6 24.3 YES . YES. ACW2202C TRAFFIC LIGHT UNIT 3 X 64 30 27, 11 25.2 .11.8 10.6 24.3 YES YES ACW2203C · TRAFFIC t::IGHT UNIT 4 .X. 64 30 27 t:1 25.2 1.1.8 10.6 24.3 YES . YES ACW2204C -· TRAFFIC LIGHT UNIT 5 X •64 ·30 . 27 1.1 25.2 . 1-.1.8 '10.6 24.3 YES YES -- ,. Attach- ment Tvoe SP. SP SP SP SP , ACW2205C. · TRAFFIC LIGHT UNIT,6: .. x. 64 30 27. 11 25.2. 1-1.8 .10.6 . · . 24.3 YES . YES .. SP. ACW2206C TRAFFIC'LIGHT UNIT 7, x. '64 30 · .. ·21' 11 25:2 .. 11.8, 10.6 ·24:3 YES:· . YES' SP · ACW2207.C · TRAFFIC LIGHT lJNIT'8 , . -x -64 · 30 ,, 27: 11 25.2 1-1.8: 10.6 24.3 YES-· YES SP · ACW2208C. TRAFFIC LIGHT UNIT 9 · X 64 ·30 27 · 11 25.2 11.8 10:6 24.3 YES YES SP " ACW2209C. TRAFFIC LIGHT UNIT 10 X 64 30 27 11 25.2 1·1.8 10.6 24.3 YES' YES SP ACW2210C PEDESTRIAN LIGHT 1 X 50 30 27 9 19.7 11.8 10.6 19.8 NO YES SP ACW2211C VULTURE 1. .. X 90 40 40 16 35.4 15.7 15.7 35.3 NO NO B-26 ACW2212C VULTURE2 X 90 40 40 16 35.4 15.7 15.7 35.3 NO NO B-26 ACW2213C SIGN'MODEL 1 , ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SP 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 ·, ', , 0.0. ,0.0 0.0 0.0 '. ,0.0 ,,0.0 · 0.0 0.0. '•, 0.0. 0.0 , o.o '0.0 ... ,• 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,' ·o.o 0.0 o.o. -· 0'.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .'0.0 ,-<-· .o·.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ', 0.0 . ' 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 o:o ' . 0.0 0.0 · · '0.0 ' . ·o.o .. o:o . ..0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -- --'-, Acw. NA ,. 33A @:,f2DC{'/ ~----· .. , .,, :,, ·,, ,., •,:: ·: NA':1···':--· ___ ::···1-.:'.:< ..... •. ·_.:·:( ACV:I.',· :.::,; ·:,_ :., . _,.-:·,. " ,,., '. -~ -~-.. ::. ;.; ,,.' ':::'. NA·:-," ',·-.. -·:, , .... ' Infrastructure: __ Utility · Require' mentir SFXType . Standard. · Interface (air.water (sound, Foundation 'Sketch drainage, Movement light, wateI Surface. . Type (yes/no). electricity) (yes/riol ·smoke} · Finish .. YES CONTROi NO LIGHT. . PROP YES CONTROi NO LIGHT PROP YES CONTROi NO 'LIGHT PROP YES. CONTROL NO LIGHT PROP YES CONTROL NO LIGHT PROP YES:. CONTROL NO LIGHT . PROP. YES CONTROL NO ·LIGHT. PROP YES ., CONTROL NO. LIGHT PROP' YES . · CONTROi NO LIGHT . PROP YES' CONTROi NO LIGHT .. · PROP YES CONTROi NO LIGHT P-ROP NO NO SOFT NO .. NO SOFT YES .. ' ', ... •' C ,, . , ,- ------·-- --- -----Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: F-337-6'.1 -------------'--------'-----------1 Attraction Name: HELICbPTE:RS ic,..;..c='-':c:.=...;.;;;;;.;..;.:::,__--"'-'----'"'-''-----'------'-------t Updated.Date: 1-JuHit . · . ----------.,.,--;-----'-"--',---------------~-----1 Updated By: SH. , .. : : . .... , : ... , Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet'by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: Requires i->. : ' ... ~ Oversized. Electrical· Attach-iii, ~ .. Height Height Width , Depth Model Approviil ment '5. ~ cm Width cm Depth cm ·weight kg inches· inches ·Inches· Weight lb (yes/no) (yes/no) Type ACW2800C FRIEND WITH PADDLE X 80 4( 35 16 31.5 15.7 13.8 35.~ NO NO 'B-26 ACW2801C FRIEND WITH PADDLE X :8c; 4( 35 16 31.5 15.7 13.8 35.: NO NO B-26 , . ACW2802C FRIEND .WITH ICE CREAMS X 8( . 4( 35 1€ . 31.5 15.i 13.8 35.: NO, NO B-26 ACW2803C CONTROL X 65 4( 35 1C . . 25.6 15.i 13.8 22.( NO NO SP ACW2804C ON X ·5c 40 35 14 31.5 15.7 .13.8 30.9 NO NO SP .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o o.o •. o:o 0.0. ... : 0.0 ', . •0.0 'o:o ·o.o · " .. 0.0: o.o 0.0 0.0 . . 0.0 o.o ·o.o 0.0 .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0. 0.0 . ·,o.o. .• .. .. . ' '0.0 .o.o" ·0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 .. o:o o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0. o:o 0.0 0.0 : 0.0 ':o.o ·0.0 '0.0 • . .. 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ,. 0.0 o.o. 0.0 ·o.o . 0.0 o'.o .. ·0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 · 0.0 ·o.o :. o.o . 0.0 ,o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 · o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·_o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ·o.o o.o . 0.0 0.0 . ' .. /jQW ~ ', !.::_,:•~_:_;~ ·soour: . .f as· · NA> NA"., . . . ··. t,t,,•. ACW,'. Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments. Siandard Interface (air.water · Foundation' Sketch drainage, Type (yes/no). electricity) CONTROL NO /AIR CONTROL NO /AIR: CONTf!OL ·NO /AIR YES "NO YES NO : '. : --- C SFXType · (sound, .light, Movement water Surface (yes/no) snioke) Finish YES. ·ASPHA;LT ' 'YES :ASPHAl.T , YES ASPHALT NO. PROP NO PROP '" , .. . .. I'" ---- - Carlsbad LEGO Models -- --/--Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: 1-i=--3'--'3'--,8_,i3_'1"""~·-------'---'-'-,-"""--'--.....,....,,-----------1 Attraction Name: Fire Eh ine ·show. Supplies estimate provided by: 1 ',•, Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 20-juh,~j. Electrical power: Updated By: Jsj ·.:.,C;.· I -I· -Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID.#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: m "' Requires "" ~ i :oversized Electrical !!!. Height' Width . Depth Model Approval ~· x Heloht-cm Width cm Deothcm Weioht·ko ,inches . inches ··inches· 'Weiahtlb' · (ves/nol . · lves/nol · S&E0004C Dalmatian X 90 124 41 40 35.4 48.8 16.1 . 88.2 no no 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ., 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 .. . .0.0 ' .. ·o.o .0.0 'o:o . " 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 ,• . 0.0. 0.0 .0.0 · 0.0 .. 0.0 . .0.0 .0.0 0.0 o:o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O'.O . ' 0.0 .. 0.0 · 0.0 o:o. . , " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. .0.0. 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0, :o.o o:o. .. .. 0.0 , o·.o · 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 -o:o -0~0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o O'.O 0.0 .o.o 0,0 ... 0.0: o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ------ : i,, -' •• ,'' i..~ --: ,._.: ~· I !l ':,~. ,:, " -,: ,•,.:::!\:.'~,1,1, ·.. ,;'.,:i,'·:,'·~\1·'?~\.,;,:;, ,', (, ,•1; ,•!,/•', ',' : .. 0--' 'N-,,•,,, ),~:::',' ';,,':.,;_-'~,,' -!; ,~r·~t•,i r,, l}' .. Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air,water . (sound, . ment Foundation · 'Sketch. . draiQage,. Mo.vement light;_wate1 Surf11ce ·, Tvoe Tvoe Ives/no)· electricitv)' Ives/no) smoke) Finish B no no no no ·, .. : , . .. .. , . ! '. ' ,. ' - --- - - -- - - ------ ---Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: "'-F_;-3;;.,;;;3=9.....;-6'-,;.1 ___ .,........ ___________ _ Attraction Name: BOATiNG SCHOOL Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per'minute/bar: Updated Date: 1-Jul,97_ · : . 1-'--''-=-.;;..;..;.~---',.;.-,---------'--------'------- Up~ated By: SH , .. ,· .. · Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: . Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions:· ACW NA·:··:· , ....... . sk.@12bc ... , .. NA:, · ;:·: .. ::··:.< .,,.,,. . ,, Acw.'; -~~~~. ,.1.:,1;,J .• ::·,~~; 7 ~:.,:-~~: .•.• , s.ctwNo rAcvt:~ ~:· r:. ;::> i,,. -.. ,J, .. Infrastructure: · Utility · Require-SFXType gi ~-fi Requires· ments (sound, Oversized Electrical Attach·· Standard Interface (air,water light, & i Height Height Width Depth ' · ,Model' Approval rilerii ·Foundation , Sketch . dr.iinage,· Movement water Surface .. >?x cm Width cm Depth cm WelQhtk!l Inches inches inches· Wel!lhtlb (vesinol Ives/no) Tvoe Type Ives/no) electricitvl Ives/no) smoke)· Finish ACW2302C PELICAN X 66 35 80 9 26.0 13.8 · 31.5 19.8 NO NO SP YES NO. NO PROP ACW2300C SHARK( PHOTO OPPI . X . 70 70 35. 25 27.6' '27.6 13:8' 55.1 NO ., NO, SP YES NO NO PROP . ACW2303C SEACAPTIAN X 130 60 70 40 51.2 23.6 27.6 88.2 NO NO B-28· NO · NO NO CONCRETE ACW2304C FRIEND.LIFEGUARD· x· 60 40 50 ,14 23.6 15.7 19.7 30.9 NO NO SP . YES • NO NO-PROP ACW2301C SEAGULL 1 X' 50 60 45 ·3_5 19.7 23.6 17.7 -7.7 NO NO , SP YES NO NO PROP ACW2305C SEAGULL 2. x· 50 60 45 3.5 ·19.7 23.6 17.7 7.7 NO NO SP YES NO NO PROP ACW2306C SEAGULL3 X', , 35 . 12 · ,45 , : , 1\5: 13,8 . 4.7 • 17.7 · 3:3 NO NO: SP •YES NO' 'NO . 'PROP ACW2307C SEAGULL4 X 35 12. 45 1.5 . 13.8 4.7 . 17.7 3.3 NO NO SP •. YES NO NO' ROOF ACW230BC FRIEND LOOKOUT X .76' 40 40-14 "29.9 15.7 . 15.7 30.9 YES NO SP YES NO NO PROP ACW2309C HERRINGSX5 ·x 30 7.5 5 o:5 1-1':8 . 3.0·. 2.0 ·1:1 NO NO SP Yes: .. •NO NO '. ROPE ACW2310C LIGHTHOUSE X 18 65 65 35 7.1 25.6' 25.6 77.2 NO YES SP YES CONTROL NO LIGHT i=Fic ACW2311C CAPTAIN IN BATH BOAT X 180 60 70 20 io.9 23.6 .. 27.6 44.1 NO YES SP YES SOUND,· CONTROL NO WATER CONCRETE ACW2312C DUCK IN LIFE RING X 30 30 35 8 11.8 11.8 13.8 17.6 NO NO SP YES .. NO NO CONCRETE , ACW2313C TURTLE ON ISLAND. X . 20 , 60 40 ·5 . 7.9 23.6 15.7 :11.0 NO NO. B-26, NO NO:-' NO f'RC ACW2314C ·SEAGULL WITH FISH ON ISLAND x, 35 25 35 ·'3 13.8 9.8 · . 13.8 6.6 NO NO B-26 NO NO NO FRC ACW2315C LOBSTER ON. ISLAND X 15 30 60, 2 5:9 11.8 23.6 .. 4.4 NO NO. B-26, NO NO NO FRC , ACW2316C ICEBERG·AND PENGUINS X 75 . 50 50 12 "29;5 :19.7 19.7 · ,26.5 NO .. NO SP: . YES NO• NO CON8RETE PERISCOPE I AIR/ ACW2317C )( 120 22 45 9 47.2 8.7' ·17.7 19.8 NO• NO. SP YES, CONTROL YES. NO. CONCRETE ·. 0'.0 : 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0'.0 '. 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0 .. .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 .o.o ... ·o.o ·0.0 0.0 0.0 .. , '. 0.0, 0.0 0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '' 0.0: 0.0 0.0' 0.0 "' ' .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ., -.. 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 M ·o.o o:o' 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, o.o r -- - - - Carlsbad LEGO Models --- - --Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Name: Attraction Ref. No.: IG-240-6~ .2 .· I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Garden .Restaurant Updated Date: 8-JUl797' . . ·~ , , ElectricE!I power: Updated By: SJP ... , ' · " ' • '~ " . .!.' ~_J,_ Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: " ' m (/) =: Requires 3·:i,. a a · Oversized Electricai' CD C Height Width Depth Model 'Approval Q. !!!. )( )( Heiahtcm Widthcin Deothcm Weiahtka inches ··inches inches Weiahtlb (ves/no\ . ,Ives/no\ Robins tnot1s"""'fied vet\, o.o' . 0.0 " 0.0 . o.o S&E0039C:: Menu Holder Clumsv Bird ·x o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o .,. o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 o.o o.o '. o.o' 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 ·O.O 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 b.O o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 .. o.o ·o.o 0.0 o.o o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0. " 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 o.o .0.0 o.o o:o · 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 ·, 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 o.o o.o .. " 0.0 0.0 o:o · ·o.o .. o.o 0.0 o.o o.o ,' 0.0 ·o.o ·o.o o:o :· ; 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o : . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . o.o 0.0 o.o' o.o ·0.0' 0.0 0.0 o.o . o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o ," . ' 0.0 . 0.0 o:o' o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ··o.o 0'.0 0.0 0.0. '· o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o . 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ·o.o o.o 0.0 0.0. '•0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - - -- -- Acw NA NA:.:,·:_·,; ,_, . '•.'_; '.,<;', NA<.·. '---"--'-'-'---'"-'--NA::· ·'),~ . NJ\: .. ,: ..... , Infrastructure: Utility ., . Requi.re-' SFXType ments Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (sound,·. ment Foundation sketch drainage, Movement light, water Surface Tun.o . TvnA (ves/no) electricitvl Cves/nol smokel -Finish ' ,, ... .. ·- . ' '' " '' ... ,, - : ------- --- --Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: IG-340-61 . I Piaving-binosaurs _S&W Attraction Name: Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8-Jul-:97 ~ Electrical power: Updated By: SJP'.,:,,L: ,·,.,, ,.,,:, Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 shel;)t by: Model:MID #: ModerName: --Metric Dimensions:· Imperial Dimensions: ; !~ 3 )>· Requires i !l Oversized Electrical C: 'Heiglit Width Depih Moqel Approval !!!. ~ ~ Height-cm Width'crti Deothcrri .Weiahika .:inches. ·inches· :,inches Weight lb _!ves/rio) . . Ives/no\ S&E0017C · Yellow Dirio no. 1. X 120 .70 90 20 47.2 27.6 35.4 -44.1 no no· .. S&E0018C Blue Dino no. 2 X 120 70 90 20 47.2 21:6 35.4 . 44.1 no no S&E0019C Red Dino no. 3 X l20 '70 90 20 47.2 27.6 35.4 44:1 no . no S&E0399C Diriono. 4,. :.x 90 ·-90. ··100 ·25 35:4 '35.4' 39A ss:1 no no S&E0400C Dinorio. 5 x. 120 70 90 20 _ 47.2 27.6 35.4 · 44.1 no· no o.o 0.0 0.0 .0.0 --· o.o 0.0 . 0.0 .' o.o -, .. o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 . o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o o:o _· 0.0 o.o ' o:o '·., .0.0' .0.0 o.o .o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 -o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 -. o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o.o o:o o:o o.o: 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 .. . ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o .. -0.0 ·0.0 0.0 o.o cr:o 0.0 .o.o . o.o o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o·.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 o:o 0.0 O'.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 . o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 --- --- S&E. I~A. NA.,, 'NA--,~.::_.,,,~., NA--~-;;·,,_ NA·:· , ····:·,:: -f,, ' ( , .. , '~" ~ .. ~ ,.-:-'.-i:, ',1:-:1:---:: ,, :..~ ' .~ !l____.'.:._ __ ,--~ ~' Infrastructure: ·Utility ' Require- ments .SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage,' .Movement light, water Surface T.voe Tvoe (yes/no\ :electricity) (yes/no), smoke) ·Finish B no no · rio · . no B -'" no no no no B no no· no no B no '. no no. n·o B no no no no .. .. ., -- ., .. .. --:-... Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: C-145-61 .. --(-,' -1· -Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. .. .. Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: Castle. 1-:iili Primary Themeing . Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8:JUl'97 Electrical power: Updated By: SJFt. ,':::,_:i • ' . ' Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: . Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions, . ' ·m gj, Requires 3 ·> [ !l ·. Oversized Electrical [, Height Width Depth Model Approvai "><, 'x Heiohtcm Width cm Deothcm Weiohtk!i inches; inches . inches Weiohtlb · Ives/no) (veslnol Stained Glass Window X, ' o.o ·0.0 . ,0.0 0.0 rio · rio Stained Glass Window ,x o:o 0.0 o.o o.o Friezes X 0.0 0.0 ,' 0.0 o.o Crests X ·o.o · 0.0 0.0 o.o Shields X o:o 0.0, o:o o.o. ' Weap0ns X .. 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 o.o Garaovles x, o.o 0.0 · . ·o.o _ o.o Castle Show Props ,x ' ., o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 Castle Market Guild Sion X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... ·o:o 0.0 0.0 .o.o o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 ·o.o. 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o:o ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0' . 0.0 0.0, 0.0 .. 0.0' o:o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 "• 0.0 0.0 0.0. ,0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. " 0.0' o:o ' .0.0 :· 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 .. 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0. .o.o ,.0.0, . ·0.0 '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · o·:o ·o.o· 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 .0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. Attach-' ment TVDA wall wall .. -----.. SBIE .... .. • _-.-,,,~-, •1,,,.·; ·:, '.".' "'! r,, ,, "." 1.,, ,, • , ,, ,, ; -J•!'i~ ,': ,· ,•:. ~· L -~,, .: ~ ,.::-? ')/\,:<:·,:,::~·,,:~:.·.: ~·i· ,.:_· :<:~·.'\,·.,:' ;_, '·, ,,,, ' ¥,., ',,,,', ,-' ·~ --~ ' ,.,, ' Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments SFXType sia:ndard Interface , (air.water , (sound, ,Foundation Sketc!i. ·drainage, Movement iight;wate Surface Tun,,; (ves/nol electricitvl • Ives/no) smoke) ·Finish .,. .. Ives . no no no . . .. '' ... : ~· - '' .. ' " I ' r, -.. - -.. ·-·---.. -.. - ,' Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: C-146~6f l---'-'--'-----"-------,----'--'--------1 Attraction Name: North:Eritiv. · .. I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres perminute/bar: Updated Date: 8-JuH:i7i,, .. · .· .... Electrical power: Updated By: SJP ,>-,.if'. ,.,:i:·:,··, · _;;_o, ,,·_ j ,, 1,::,1:L1: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID.#: Model.Name: Metric. Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: m gi, R\)quires 3 > ., ll Overi;ized . Electrical [ ~ Height Width Depth Model Approvai >< )( Heiaht cm Width cm Deoth cm Weiahtka inches inches. inches Weiahtlb .. Ives/no\ ,. Ives/no\ . S&E0253C Enchanted Kniaht X 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o·.o o.o 0.0 -0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0' · 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0. 0.0, ·o.o ., '0.0 o:o 0.0 o:o ·. 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 -0.0 . 0.0 0.0 • 0.0 .·o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 ., 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 l O;O. o:o 0.0. 0.0 0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0 · o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ' . " 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ., 0.0 · o.o 0.0. o.o \ 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 --o:o. 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 • , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 . · ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 ... Aitach- ment T= - S~E NA. 'NA.:···. NA)· .. :;,;:· NA.. NA· .. /.''1 --.. - - ''l ,,, ,;, ,',' ,_ ,.,··.J -_j _!.' ·';,,i,•~,~ ,·,~~ ,:; :~'.·-~~.\, ! l, t, ', ' , ;;; '.'.; :_, 1,,-, '" ' ,, , ,' :· :';_: 1 ::,;·~ -~'1-,1 ,;.· .-, .. :-·. 1: :.-/ ', :) Infrastructure: ,, lJtjlity· Require-, ments SFXType. Standard . Interface (air,water (sound, · Foundation . Sketch ,drainage; Movement light, wate1 Surface ., Tvno Ives/no\ .electricitv\ Ives/no) smoke) Finish .. '. .. .. .. -·-.. --Carlsbad LEGO Models --.. ---)--Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: IC·146-IS3 I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Ghost Well Updated Date: 8-Jlih97.-Electrical power: Updated By: sJp::,-: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided-by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric.Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: w : 3' )> Requires. !!l. !l Oversized· Electrical " ~ ·§. . ,Height Width 'Depth.· Model Approval -15-'5. Height cm .Wldth cm Deothcm Weiahtka .inches inches inches, .Weiahtlb . (ves/no\ (ves/no\_ S&E0003C Witch with Cat X ., 198 96 132 ·100 78.0 • 37.8 -52.0 220.5 Ives no 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 .. .. '. ,-0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 o.o · 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0, 0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , I 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · ·o.o ·_ 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 · 0.0-o:o ·0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 · .o.o ,0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, " 0.0 . 0.0 · .0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o _ 0.0. 0.0 0.0 --0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0' .. 0.0 o:o · ·o,o · . o.o 0.0 · 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 '. 0.0' 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0' 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 1 - · Attach- m!)nt Tvoe .. NB ,. .. -----.. S&E •,•: ''!, ·"~~- ~~-A ~~-'j,·j~ . -· ',, '.!'.''J!•',•' Infrastructure: Utility · Require- ments Standard Interface (air,wate( ·Foundation . Sketch drainage, Tvoe Ives/no) electricity) -· ',_ __ ·,:-:,,·t ·)!::. ··_.,,:·:-·},;~ -,_ -,,,,, ,.,.i ... ,,,,, . SFXType. (sound, Movement light, water Surface . (ves/no\ smoke\ · · Finish no no _ no no ". " '• .· : r -... .... -.. Carlsbad LEGO Models .. . -.. .. --, ... Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. ... .. .. Attraction Ref. No.: C-147~61 i-:;:.....:...;.:;--,;;.:::___.,........,. __ -,---'-'------------1 Attraction Name: South,:lfot · . Supplie$ estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: EbJui~~1.: " .... --~ Electrical power: Updated By: SJP i.,;;.'.: . ·_; i :_,,·._ri Water supply jn litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model.MID #:-Model Name: Metric.Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: m gi, · Require~ 3· li !a Oversized Electrical Attach-ig_, C:' . ' ,Height · Width Depth ' Model . Approval ment ; !!!.' ., 'x 'x Heiohtcm Wicfthcm· Depth cm ·weiohtkg inches 'inches ·Jnches Weight lb : ·(yes/no)· (yes/no) Tvoe S&E0248C LEGO Friend Bov/Girt 1 X .0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 S&E0249C LEGO Friend Boy/Girt 2 X 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 S&E0250C. LEGO Friend Bov/Girl 3 X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . ' ., 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ·o.o 0.0 .0.0 0.0 ·o.o o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -o:o .o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. o·:o 0.0 ' 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 ,, ' '0.0 O.ll .0.0' . 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0'. 0.0 0.0 . ··o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. . .. . ' 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 ... 0.0 · o.o o:o 0.0 · . ., ... · .. ,1:· .. ., 0.0' 0.0 o:o ·. 0.0 · .. ·' .. .. , ,. ' o.o· 0.0 0.0 0.0 ~.-. 0.0 o:o 0.0 • 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0. 0.0. 0.0. 0.0 ,,. 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0. . ' ,o:o 0.0 . ·o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' . 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. o.o 0.0 .. -(-· S&E , .. ,, · .,.., NA·; .... ·,,, ·>_,;-···:,~ /1· ''·," N~:.-.-,"=-''i..:-:-,· NA::/.··_-:. -:· • ~ J • -:..,_.:-' .~ ' -- NAt:_,.,\,. . ,-·) -' ","i ,, l~ ,; -, :, ;:.- NA:·· .. ··:·'",,, ~ ' .. ~~; \:'.',' ··1,! ~· ', · Infrastructure: Otility Require- ments ~FXType Standard: Interface (~ir,water (sound, · ,, Foundation Sketi:h araJpage, Movement light,wate1 · Surface l'voe (yes/no) electricity) (yes/no) smoke}. Finish •· .• . ' .. .. .. ,., ,, ., . •· . .. ' -,. ... -.. .. - -.. .. .. .. : .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: l-'C...;·2=-4'-'-7_-6;;..;1'-------,---"------------'-! Attraction Name: LEGd.Plav Castle Hilt Updated Date: 8.-Jul~97; _ . · · ··" Updated By: ·sJp -:. . ,. -. _ ,,, .. ,_. . Model MID#: Model Name:· -.Metric.Dimensions: '' m· gi, '3 !!?. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/ban Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by:· Extra lio sheet by: · Imperial Dimensions:: : Requires Oversized . Ele_ctrical .. Attach-i [ :Height Width . Depth Model Apprgval · men!'. 5c' Weiahtlb ,, x Height cm Widihcm Deothcm Weiohtka ·,inches inches. inches ·(ves/nal · · ·(ves/no) Tvr\A S&E0415C' 2 Dra!lcins ·x 76.2 25.4 76.2 . 30.0 10:0 30.0 0.0 no no ·s. S&E0416C. · Unfinished Castle X. · -· . 60.96 60.96 60.96. 24.0 24.0 24.0 0.0 no no B S&E0417C Princess X 50.8 30.48 15.24 ,20.0 12.0 6.0 . 0.0 110 no B S&E0418C .. Kniaht' .x 50.8 . 30.48 15:24 20.0 12.0 6.0 0.0 na rio B " o.o ·o.o 0.0' . 0.0 0.0 :o.o' 0.0 0.0 '' 0.0 -0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0' .0.0, o.o . 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 · ·o.o . 0.0 '' ,, 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 _ 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 _o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 -0.0 · o:o \ " ,. 0.0. "o.o . 0.0 o.o ., " 0.0' 0.0 0.0. 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 .. 0.0. o:o '' '' ,, ,, ·o.o _·o:o 0.0 · 0.0 " o.o : ·o.o 0.0 0:0 o.o 0.0 ,0.0 o.o -0.0 _ 0.0 _ · 0.0' o.o o.o .o.o 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0' ·o.o o.o 0.0 . 0.0. 0.0. 0.0 o.o' . 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :o.o ·0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o o.o -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o " " ---) ... ... S&E f.ii'\ · ,.:,,: N,~/ ': __ :_-_: : Infrastructure: Utility Require- -ments SFXType Standard Interface . (air,water · (sound, Foundation_ Sketch· drainage, Movement light; .water · S!Jrface Tvoe lvesinol electribitvl Ives/no) smoke) Finish '' · no no no __ ,' ria. " ' -, ., . " ., " --... r -... -· -... Carlsbad LEGO Models .. .. .. -.. -Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into thi,s model matrix. .. -) Attraction Ref. No.: i-;C:...-2=-48.:.::...'".:::c.6.1:... . .;._· ---'"-----'--,---_.....------'-'---I Attraction Name: 'Rova'i Paviillon· Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8-Jul-91-.:.: ... · Electrical power: Updated By: $JP .. ,:-.--... ·:' ..... :.'~,,'\· :: ,. ·~ Wi;iter supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions:· . Imperial Dimensions: , i-,, ', )> ·Requires, e !l.' Oversized Electrical CD C Height Width ,.Depth Model Approval C. !!!. .. ~ )( Heiaht,cm Width cm Deothcm ·weiohtka .inches , inches . inches· Weiohtlb Ives/no) · Ives/no) LEGO·ArinourPl\oto Oi>oortunity x, .. 0,0 0.0 . ,0.0 0.0 ,, .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0,0, .o.o o:o ·o.o . ' 0.0' 0.0 '0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ., 0.0 0.0, 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0, ,0.0 0,0 0.0 ··o.o 'O'.O 0.0 0.0 ·o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 ,, 0.0 ·, o:o 0.0 ,. :o:o o:o 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0. .o.o 0.0 o.o" 0.0 0.0, , ' 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 " ', 0.0 0.0 Ci.O 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ,, . 0.0 :o.o _;o.o· · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ,' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o:o 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 ·o·.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o, 0.0 0.0 o·.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11111 Attach- rnent Tvoe ,, .. ... -t .. ,,,,,,,., .:, ,., .. l)IA,, '._ NA.< Nf(.7: '~k,·.·_-;_·:·« NA,·>~- '!,' · Infrastructure: Standard Interface · Foundation Sketch Tvoe .Ives/no\ , , ... ,,,; :; __ }/'", : . .,,,,' .\• _,,1: ' . ',' -'' ~.:. ' .-~-~ ' Utility . Require-. · ments SFXType (air,water (sound, drainage, Movement light, wat,er electiiclty) , (yes/no) smoke) ' ' - Surfac,e Finish' r --... -.. -.. -\ .. --.. .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: C-249·61 .1 Attraction Name: Castle Hill PubiicJ".oiiets , ,,; ; Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Supplies estimate provided by: ,f i, Air in litres per minute/bar: .. ----I -... S&E -,. .' -!.:...'. 'l--'NA ... ,::--· ,,,,.., ·•: r' 11, II '.!."'.':, '''.:.-':'.__,, ._ ' Updated Date: s-Jui~s1 · SJP , :,:_:_, - , ,,,,._\·-: ... ,, Electrical power: .NA.':-'. d ,,_, ~ ., ,-;"!.!."' , .:·~ ' -~.; I ' ' Updated By: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: NA:':'.;_.:_..,-_ .:· _:,_ -::- Controls provided by: ~xtra 1/0 sh~ef by: N7(,:-:'" __ ,. -----___ t:·,: , .,, ' -·,, --,,_ ·,;·;_,:·:::" NA 'l; ;,·::·: ~ . ::'.1 : .. ?,.',:'·' :::;: _·,::.\ _· ( ·; . .-_;, ;-· , , .. :· ···, ~ S ~, .i:,11:: :· ... t~-/~ i.'·:;·,..::~t· Model MID #: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: Infrastructure: I U@fy gi , , ', Require-,, , §' > Requires ments ,SFX Type a !l Oversized Electrical Attach-Stanaard . Interface (air;water (sound, ~ Ji ' Height . V'fidth Deptti · Model Approval men! ·Foundation , Sketch drainage, Movemen\ light, wate1 ·Surface · E x Heioht cm Width cm Depth cm Weioht kd inches . inches inches. Weioht lb (yes/no) Ives/no) Tvoe Tvpe Ives/no) electricitvl Cves/nol smoke) . Finish . , S&E0436C Castle.Mirror-Gentleman "x . 200 122 --.12 13 78:7: ·48.0 , : 4:7 · 28.7 rio , no · ; A no ho .. no no ' S&E0~37G 'Castle Mirror Ladv X 200' 122 12 13 78.7.. 48.0 4.7 '28.7 no" no A no no·: no no 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0 .0.0 ·-' · 0.0 0.0 :o.o . 0.0 · ' " 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o _ 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 , . o.o o.o o.o M .. , ' , 0.0 . 0.0 . o:o .o.o -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 . .. .. ., o.o: o,o · ·o.o .o.o; .. . , o.o ·o.o , · .o.o · o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 · .. . . "o.o . · o.o o.o o.o -, .. .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 . . .. .. 0.0 · 0.0 . 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 : 0.0 0.0 0.0 . ' · 0.0 ," .0.0 o:o 0.0 .. 0.0 . .0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 , .. r --_, --Carlsbad LEGO Models .. --: -.. -Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. .. .. Attraction Ref. No.: IC~249·6t.2 . .. I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: CastleJnh/TuckJnn. Updated D~Je: s-Ju@t ... Ei~ctrical power: Updated By: Wa_ter supply in .litres per minute/bar: jsJ -":-, u;,' 'J_' _ _iL Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID #:· Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: '. . m-, "' = . Recfulres 3·> a a Oversized Electrical CD C ·Height Width. Depth Model Approval 0. !ll. >< >< Height cm Width cm Deothcm Weiahtka 'inches. inches -inches Weiahtlb (ves/no) -!ves/no)' ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 S&E0241C Robin Hood 'ic 0.0 0.0 _ o:o 0.0 S&E0242C Medieval Character 1 X ,0.0. 0.0 o.o 0.0 · : S&E0243C . Medieval Character.2 . 'X 0.0 0.0 o.o' 0.0 .. S&E0244C' Medieval Character:3' x.' ., "o:o: 0.0 . • 0.0 ·o.o S&E0245C Medieval·Cliaracter 4 X o:o . 0.0 0.0 -0.0 , S&E0246C Medieval.Characters.· ,x 0.0. 0.0 -o:o 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0: 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0 ·o.o · 0.0, 0.0' -, 0.0 -_ o.o: ·o.o ·o.o, 0.0 " 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 --o:o 0.0 .o.o 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 o:o -o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 --,0.0 0.0 0.0 --0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 o:o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 ,.o.o 0.0' .... 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 --0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · . 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ · 0.0 -0.0 . ,0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 --0.0 0.0: 0.0 o.o .. ,0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o ----I -- ~G_--:...~~-~~ -, ,~II -,,;:~~·-, -,-,,'·:,(",,,,_., .. ;,., "-•-',I• \ --: ,,, I'' L~;·I~"\' i .. ,·,:'.'.'r),,,":·,.;::;·: ,i'L.f"; l;'.:1• -,_:. ,1-~·:::-;·--,, ·- -: =,-,! H"! ·--; ,-~_=,.,~:. :,1,:,--.~,·:·~--~ = :-r--!.' , , -, ,_ -., --' ,,::~~---,--,-<--~ ,:-·~--.":..,~'',.~' Infrastructure: ' Utility 'Require-; -. ments SFXType Attach-.Standard Interface (air,water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage, ~ovement light, wate1 ~urfaqe TvnA Tvoe (yes/no) -electricity) (yes/no) ·smoke) _ Finish - ' . : ., --,, --- ---. --- .. , . ' ' " r ---.. , .• ----· .. --11111 _, Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: C-249,155. i-:;;...~:....::..:::..:....._-"--'C-,-,,.,..;-,'-'-..,.....;...:..-:.:--..:...._---'"---'----'--.....,.....;.i Attraction Name: Castle· Restaurant ·1os'ii:tn. · · Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 3.ju1:.97.:, _.. ·, :_,-, _ ,;;,_ Electrical power: Updated By: JSJ , : \ , i•-. -'L -:.,,, Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls· provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet.by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: · ,Imperial Dimensions: m-gi. )>' ' ,. -·Requires 3 [ !l . : Oversized. . Electrical C:' f-ieight Width . Depth Model Approval !!!: x x Height cm Width cm Depth cm Weight kg inches inches inches. Weight lb Ives/no) (ves/nol S&E0474C Monk X 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0 S&E0475C Mouse 1 x 0.0 .0.0 o.o . o.o S&E0476C Mouse2 x 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ',, " ·0.0 ·0.0 0'.0 • o.o ., o.o 0.0 '0:0 o·.o .. .. 0.0 o:o 0.0, o.o .. o.o 0.0 . -0.0 o.o ' 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0:0 .. ·0.0 '0.0 .-o.o' o.o' '" 0.0' , 0.0 ' ·o.o o.o ',., '. " . . o.o 0.0 -0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ·o.o o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' o.o • .. . 0.0 0.0 . ·o.o o.o' -· '' ·0.0 0.0 •. ·. 0.0 .o.o " .. 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·o.o .. -0.0 0.0 -·o.o o.o .. 0.0 0.0, 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 · o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o .. ' . .o.o ·o.o ·o.o o.o .. .. 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 · 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·-o.o 0.0 ,0.0 0.0. o.o 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o - Attach-. merit' Tvoe· ,. . ---- '' ,; .,, '' r• • .. 'Infrastructure: Standard Interface ,Foundation Sketch Type, · (yes/no) '' ' Utility Requir~ ments· (air,water drainag~,. Movement electricity) · (yes/no\ ., .. - - '.' ,l ~~' : ~-L~ I •-,1 SFXType (sound, iight, water Surface _smoke) Finish '. .. r. -----Carlsbad LEGO Models - --.. -... Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. --· Attraction Ref. No.: 1c~?~e1.2-. . ., -I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Ni:ime: Castle Coaster Queue Updated Date: 8-Jul~9'7":, , ... Updated By: SJP J.. :. ' -":. t_' Model MID#: Model Name:. Metric Dimensions: m ~ )> i !l Ii x ~ Heiohtcm Width cm Depth cm Weight kg Scene1:· S&E0005C 3Mlce'. X 25 10 10 "" '2: S&E0006C Wizard's Wand ·x •. ·50 15 15' 2 S&E0007C Wizard's Hat .. .X 60 40 40 5 Scene 2: S&EOOOBC 3Mice X 25 10 ·10 2 S&E0009C · Wizard's Wand .x 50 15 15 .2 S&E0015C Wizard's Haf ., X 60 . 40 40 5 S&E00.16C Cat In Snackles ·x·. .50 40 40 5 .. .. , ., ... .. .. ,. . . .. Electrical power: Water supply io litres per minute/bar: Controls provideq by:. Extra 1/0 sheet by: · lmoerial Dimensions:· . Height' Width Depth Requires Oversized Electrical Model ··Approval .inches· inches inches. Weight lb (yes/no) (yes/no) . o.o o.o o:o o.o 9.8 · 3.9 3.9. .4,4 no. : no ,19:7 5:9 '5,9 ,· 4.4 ho no 23.6 . 15.7 15.7-11.0 no. no 0.0 o.o 0.0 . o.o 9.8 3.9 3.9. 4.4 no no 19i7 5.9 5.9 4.4 no ilo . 23.6 15.7 15.7 11.0 no no 19.7 15.7' 15.7 11.0 no no 0.0 0.0 · · ·.·o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o · 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o ·o:o · ··o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o. 0.0 0.0 0:0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0: o.o 0.0. 0.0 , 0.0 :o.o I · •0.0 0.0 ·0.0. .. o.o 0.0 0.0 o;o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 .0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o o:o ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. o.o -- --1111 - S&E. ..::-~. ·::..:--_. -----::' ., ,_,,._,, ,,>:,· ,,, ' h,'.:, it ... , ,' ' Infrastructure: . Utility Require· ments SFXType .Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (sound, ment Foundation "Sketch drainage, Movement light, water Surface .. Tvoe Type (yes/no) eieclricitv) (yes/no) smoke) ,Finish Soecial . no no. rici Special no elei:tricitv no light Soecial rio no no Soecial no no no Special no electricitv no light • Soecial . no. no. no Special no no , no . ,. .. I : r· -- --Carlsbad LEGO Models - - --Please always enter date of update and lnltials when entering data Into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: C-250-61 ;3 Attraction Name: '-'cccast=1e""c"'o"'a;.st,.._ e.,.r."'"' . .:.: ,,-'----,----;---,--'-,---+----,;,-;"1 Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8-Jul-97 Updated By: SJP_ M~I MIDt:IModeWame: ·Mettle Olmensk>ns: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 110 sheet by: Reqliires· Electrical '1?i & i Height ~ :E: I ~Wld!h_c_mloopth cmlWolghtk( ·x x' .! '_)(_ !'! '_)(_ •_)(_ '_><_ '_)(_ ,_)(_ ~·· '-"- .!!.' ·~ X :i '.!!. X· -,,,~ ... illL ~ _l48 240 110 ~ 10 60 145 69 158 69 701- 360 ':16.51- 371, . 120 128 185 170 165 120 80' 90 -=-rro1- 1361" ,5,5 123 ,.To 881', '20 ,_§§ ·102 -:-io •. 60 52 137 _140 -70 90 ,Jn 22 20 ,, 1l ·56 35 80 IO 52 250 75 IQ 20 80 ~ 120 s_g 171 7' ' 95 33 ~ 33 .11§ 24 25 150 74 70 96 43 :is 400 10 '63 ill 1401• 85 BS 90 filL: 85 130 175 1QQ 92 205 280 ,150 11Qi, ~ 48 m: ,so 24 '84 96 65 98_._§_ _1_151• 19 .15 16 60 ~ 80 1_QQ 24 150 258 §_SI• 25,. 50 ~ 50 M • 195 --8 93 "s 7Q 1! 23 25 150 ~ .. BS TI. 80 -~,, 2~ 6311 ~ so_ 100 100 .150 Tso M 110 u: li ~-~~ 20 ····-' 170 _§§_ 4 70: .(01• 2i §0 40 !12. '1Q_ 1§. . .ft 1§. 3Q_1, .@ 60 ~ §9. 40 60 ~ "f2t 25 23 80 6 1 50 .. 10 58 10.51, ,1.Q,_5' li · .. o.s 15 9JI 39 23,6 57.1 9.8 Ji_QJ_ 29.1 •27.6 37.8 m ~~ . 21.21 ' 16,9 .n&L_17.7,. H!',Zl:'_1s1_.i; : 651_ 39 32.51 50,41 ~1 50 72.8 . 33.5 50 669 . 33.5 E 70 2U' 28.5 7 .§9_ .650 354 47.2 43.3 3L~ 33 5 ~ ~ ·53,§1_ 39,4 2 '2.2 • 36.2 59 .flU 80.7 60 . ,27.6 110.2 ,so, 3"6 ~9'1 751' ' 7.9, 66.9 7' 260 ·11.3 -·-----',8.5 18 . ·12 2 . 231 . 5391 33.1 15.5 55.1 37.8 , 9.8 ~1 36,6 14.2 sis 30~ 31,_5·1, ~-6 9~. •24.B To _31.,_5 1e;z 39.4 39.4 59.1 59.1 25,_g 43,3 ~ 29.,_5 0,6 15.7 472 80.,1 ·86.9 ~ 1,6 .!H ,157 eJ 08 n ().0 I o .• 1-•. o~ l!i _ 27..f/. --·25:,6~ Bl 35. ;41 38.B.L..!hl_ 5.7 ~L 69,1 __ 45.aL_ 43 3 1) 8.71· 7.Sl___L§_ · 2.s\ . 25' 1.5 22.0 , 23.6 ' 6.3 3, 138 '·98 '11.8 12 ,· '31.5 31.5, '7.9 25 27.6 39'4 ' 23.6 ~L 2ML ~.4L~_91 0.0 o.o 0.0 350 s0.4 59.1 1n2 70 29.5 . 101.6 15.7 15 , 27.6 M,_6 23.6 1 10 12.S 15.5 14.71 00(,_ 0.0 561 ' 67:31 . 76.8 1,7 3.1 3.,_1 :0.0 0.0 9,8 2.0 1~.6 0,0 9.8 9,1 oii 0_._Q_ 315 2.4 0,0 33.:.!.Jn_o _1_7.6(no_ 11.Q,gjn_o _2.2(n~ ~ ~Sine. ~ ·Mio<>. 123.5 es, 3.7 no 0.0 !!!! no !!!! no !!!! no !!!! !!!! no !!!! no C Q ---- S&E· '',' ! : 'I, ,,1 -'~, '.-,~ ,; ''.!·~~: .. ,"' ,.''1· ,::('' ~:j ,l J , ,,-F, ~-~ '.!·-.,•-!•!._::· ' ,,, . ~·~-· ·,,.:./-,,,, '· -~~ _,. 1-: -' -1,-_ ,, ,_ Infrastructure: Utility millts ·(sound, (air.water ' light, Require-I I SFX Typo d.r.ajnag&,, MOY.e~nt ~,ter 1· Surf_ac., , 1 electricity) fils/no) .. smoke) Finish •lnQ_ !!!! !!!! -1no !!!! _I!<)_ !!!! no )10 no_ _I!<)_ !!!! •l_flO M. ''!!Q.' ,mo.!. M. no -'- !!!! !lQ. !!!! !!!! no )10 !!!! )10 air air air olr .,_,ajr_ elect!!91 air <!Ir !!!! )10 M. ·~ ~ !QUnd .!Q_Und ligh! sound ,11ound,, sound !make sound soun_d soun_d '1_~ound sound sou_m! jlght ----- - ----Carlsbad LEGO Models -- - ---Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Name: Attraction Ref. No.: IC-25?_"61.5 _ ... : . _ . I GastleJce·Creant. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in lit.res per minute/bar: h1.,_._',:1!!r_,_ Updated Date: Updated By: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: a~Ju.F9'7:'. _,. sJP:,:,: ·. . . ,t_,. - ' l,_1, -~ ;,:-.,, ~ ~ ' Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: .Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions:· ., ·, ,' ~ . ~r )> Requires a a ovkrsized Electrical '' '~ i Height Widlh . Depth Model Approval "· ~-Height cm Width cm ·Depth cm Weight kg inches inches inches Weight lb (yes/no\ (ves/no) Model Contents Unknown 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · :o.o. ·o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 .o.o 0.0 · 0.0 I . , 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 .0.0 . 0.0 o:o 0.0. .0.0 0.0 -0'.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,.-, ' o.o · 0.0 0.0 .-0.0' .. . ' 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0: : 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 -0.0 0.0 ·0.0 o.o 0.0. ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o:o .. . ' 0.0 . 0.0 .0.0 . 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0. 0.0 :o:o '. 0.0 :o.o · 0.0. ".O'.O. 0.0. 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0;0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 .. - Attach- ment .Type .. - s&E ',, ,,, I\ , 1 --,.~ l ,,,, , ··~ k\· :, -·.:~ - -- - '_._',.!L.!...•...1. '-. '.!!.' ) ' " '"' ' •!' ,,,, ,.•1''. '....!:.:.......~· ' '' • - -\_,_ ' -----=-· -,--,----,--- --'·· ·_:.c ., '' ; _,'_,!_ ·'-.:. .. :,:~_'· 1,,•..--,_~;-:..<:._: '~ ·/ .~-<..'/ \ Infrastructure: .. Utility· Require- ments SFXType Standard Interface '(air,water (sound, . .Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, water Surface Type (yes/no) electricity) (ves/no) smoke) ·Finish .. I' ., .. , . .. . ' .. r· ---- - Carlsbad LEGO Models - - --- - Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: l-=c:l.C."'2=:5;.::0:.;_;'"6:;:5:..c. -~-··•..i.L"'-'• ··--'-',-~---'-'--+-,,.-+-,-----'--------=i Attraction Name: Castle, Retail:.10:.Si h .: Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: .. ~·.,. Updated Date: . ,1:~Ju1;97, . . :· :..' ,',,', ,,, .. , Updated By: JSJ· Li'' " .. {i:·t:,;:' .. _'._~_} Electrical power: Water-supply in litres per minute/bar: controis provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: --- Model MID#: Model Name: Metric'Dimensions: . lmoerial Dimensions: Infrastructure: -- Utility m -~ g· l> Requires ments SFX Type - a !l Oversized Electrical · Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (sound, :g_ [ · Height Width Depth Model : Approval ment Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, wateI Surface >< >< Heiaht cm Width cm Depth cm Weiaht ka inches inches inches Weiaht lb Ives/no) Ives/no) ' Tvns TvnA Ives/no) electricitvl Ives/no) smoke) Finish S&E0479C Lion's Head 1 · · x 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · S&E0480C Lion's Head 2 . x . 0.0 · 0.0 · · 0.0 0.0 S&E0481C Shoe x 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. S&E0482C Bee Hive x 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o:o · S&E0483C Helmet with Sword and Arraw . x o:o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 , . , ·. . , , . . 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ' . 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 . . 0.0 .. ' .. . 0.0 . 0.0 · 0.0 o.o · ., . • . . . '0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 : .: ; . , , . . .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . . . . · , 0.0 • 0.0 0.0 o.o . . 0.0 0.0 0'.0 0.0 .0:0 0.0 0.0 · . o:o , . .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 . 0.0 . · , 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 :0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o . o.o o.o o.o · · . . . . 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·o.o o.o o.o o.o · · 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 •. 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 · 0.0 ·0,0 0.0 0.0 ·. . . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · o.o , o.o . 0.0 . . . ' . 0.0 . 0.0 :o.o 0.0 o.o ·0.o o·.o o.o .. o.o o.o o:o ·o.o o.o : o.o · · o·.o o.o , 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 -· . 0.0 .. 0.0 o.o --· -- - - - ------Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: i.=C::..c-2:.:5:..::. 0:;..:~6:..::5:.:...1:.:..·· ___;·.:;.· ___ ...:._:.......,--'"'-_;._cc,-:-,--------'-----1 Attraction Name: Castle Coaster.IQ Sidn , , : . , .... .'· · .. · Updated Date: · 1..Jul~9:1 . Updated By: J.SJ .:.r·:.: ,' ~~ ~ ''} '.--_, Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: : :~', ' 3:,'> a si (1) C: a. !!!. 'x' ><. Heiohtcm Width cm Deothcm Wei!lhlk!l · S&E0477C Draaon X S&E0478C 2 Mice X ' . ' ' .' .. ,. .. .. .. .. ,. .. . Supplies estimate provided by: Air in_ litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar:. Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: . ·lmoerial·Dimensions: · Requires Oversized Electrical, Height Width , Depth Model Approval inches. inches inches Weight lb · (yes/no\ Ives/no\ 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · ·o.o 0.0 0.0 · .0.0. 0.0 . . o.o. .0.0 0.0 0.0.' 0.0 0.0 . o:o; 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 -·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 M 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 · ·-o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o·:o 0.0 . 0.0 · ' o:o .. · 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 ·o.o ·o.o 0.0. .o.o .. . ,0.0 '.. 0.0 . , 0.0 ..• ·: 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 . 0.0 .0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 o:o' 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ---- -- Infrastructure: .. Utility · :Require- ments SFXType. Attach-Standard Interface · (air,water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch ~rainage, Movement light, wale Surface Tv"" TVnA Ives/no\ electricitv\ Ives/no\ smoke) Finish .. .. . . .. .. ., . . . .. ' .. ·' , '. ', J - ------ --- ---Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: IC-250-65,12 . . I Attraction Name: Castle Ice Cr:ea_m ID Si!ln Updated Date: 1-JuI~et, Updated By: JsJ· . " ... ,. Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: .. r ~ ~ [.[ 'X: ><. Heighl'cm Width cm· Deoth'cm Weiilhfkg Model Contents unknown AwaitinaLPD ,, .. . .. , .. .. ,. ' .. .. •,-~ , .. ,, ,. i " Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls .provided by, Extra 1/0 sheet by: Imperial Dimensions:· : Oversized Height Width. . Depth, Model Inches, inches inches . Weight,lb · lves/ilol 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 . o:o ·o.o o·.o 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 · ., 0.0 0.0. . ,0.0' · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 '0.0 0.0 .0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 . 0.0 ,0.0. 0.0 ·0.0 · . ,o.o ···o.o . 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 .. 0:0 ·-. 0.0 · . o.o: 0.0 o:o 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0' o:o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . Requires Electrical Approval· •/ves/no\ .. .. ----- -; i' . ) ~," ' ' ','',d' ,7_ -' ·,,:i.,• ,, :.:.,·; Infrastructure: " .. .. ' Utility Require- ments SFXType Attach-Standard Interface. ·(?ir,wa\er (sound, ·ment Foundation ·Sketch drainage, Movement light,.w,ite,1_ Surface Tvoe . Tvoe· · lves/nol electricitvl · (ves/no\' smoke) Finish .. . -. .. -. . . .. .. .. I .. ------- ------Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: C~345~61 .·_ ~-=,,,.:.:~::..--;..----,,-,,-----,'-"--,-'----------'--------, Attraction Name: ·e'n6h~nted Wlilk . Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: l)pdated Date: 8.-Ju1~~7: " ·/ . : , ·: Electrical power: Updated By: SUP.;!,)~: -::.,;,:,1-/:::1h':. /, ... ,.:,: ·.::,-.,,:: Water supply in litres per-minute/.bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: '' . Model MID#: Model Name: : Metric Dimensions:· ,, Imperial Dimensions: m : ' ~-Requires ,3 )> a !l Oversized Electrical ID C Hejght Width Depth.· 'Model . Approval '' C. !!!. x ,i-Height cm Width cm Depth cm Weightkil inches .inches inches .Weight lb (yesino). · (yes/no). · Model contents unknown 0.0. 0.0 'o.o 0.0 ', '' ·0.0' 0.0 0.0 o.o' '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. o.o 0.0. 0.0 o,o ,, · ·0.0 o.o 0.0 . ·o:o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o· 0.0 0.0 o:o :. 'o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '' 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 o.o ·' . . 0.0 ·o.o ' 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o' ' . "0.0 0.0 0.0 ,'0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' . ·O.O 0.0 ·o:o ·o:o -' ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 • 0.0 0.0 .o.o 0.0 o.o ' -o.o 0.0, o.o o.o o:o 0,0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o . 0.0 o.o' 0.0 0.0 . -,, 0.0 o.o ... 0.0. . 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o .0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0. ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 --- - -- Infrastructure: Utility Require- me'nts · 'SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air,water (sound, ment :Foundation Sketcl\ drainage, Movement light, wate1 Surface Type Tvoe · (yes/no) electricity)' (yes/no) smoke) Finish ' / ' "' '. . '' .. - ' ' - ·,, ,, ---- -- -- -- ---Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: C-345-6,5 , 1-'i'--~...,,=.:;~-,----'--,----'----:--,---'--'----'-------i Attraction Name: Enchanted Walk JD Sign -' Supplies estimate provided by: Air in _litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: i-.lu1:g'z ·. Electrical power: Updated By: JS.:C.-Water supply in litres per minute/bar: ------ ·-' ,·,--.. '-t·" ··,1;,:1; =,--.. .!.1-:f__J_-·~,_,_ ~ _-~.i , • ,:-" Controls provided by: ·.,--:-.~-_,,,/>;-•·: --~~~~-~. 2..._ .,;,,,,IJ :·-··...,:1--· Extra 1/0 sheet by: .l:~J' ,;';,~ :,·:,~ -··1' .-, ---"-''---'---"'=.:.;_-'-":.,.i.~ Moclel MID'#:· Model-Name: .Metric Dimensions: ,Imperial Dimensions: Infrastructure: ~ ' - Utility I R~~· - 3-> Requires ments . SFX Typ11 a !l Oversized ·Electrical -Attach-Standard· · Interface-'(air.water-·(sound, : · :g_ Ii . Height Width Depth ·Model Approval · ment Foundation · Sketch drainage,, Movement light, water Surface x x. Height cm Width cm Deoth cm Weight ka inches inches inches. Weiaht lb (ves/nol (ves/nol TvnA TvnA (ves/nol electricity) (yes/no) . smoke) 'Finish S&E0484C Beaver. x. ·· ,, o:o · ·O.O o.o o.o , ,. . . , .·., .. -S&E0485C;" Wo<idni>rker x 0.0, 0.0' . '0.0 0.0 ,. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .: . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . . .. ' 0.0 o.o ,' o.o o:o , . _ · ·. o.o .. o:o o.o ·o.o ,., 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 . o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 ' _ 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o ' ' , 0.0 . 0.0 o:o 0.0 . -. -. 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 , . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , " ' . , 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 · ·0.0 .. ,0.0 -o:o. 0.0' 0.0 o.o o.o o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. _ 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · o.o o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o o.o ·o.o -.. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -----Carlsbad LEGO Models - - ----Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: IC"346-65 . . . I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Gem Wash ib Sign Updated Date: 1~Jul-97. Updated By: JSJ. ,,!' Electrical power: Wa\ei' supply in litres per· minute/bar: - Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: --- : 1:'', Model MID.#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions:. Imperial Dimensions: Infrastructure: -- -\'' '.'l ,.,_,, Utility , m· Require-' ~ > · ' : Require~ · · · : · ments SFX Type - . a !l. Ov'3rsized Electrical Attach-Standard lnterfacEl (air.water , (sound. · ~ ' ~ Height Width Depth Model Approval men\ Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, water Surface 'x x' Height cm .Width cm Deoth cm Weicht ka · inches inches inches Weicht lb lves/nal lves/nol TvnA Tvoe (yes/nol electriciivl (yes/no) smoke) Finish S&E0486C Draaon x· o.o o.o o.o · o.o · · 0.0 0.0, o:o .o:o · · ·· · · o.o · ·o.o o.o . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o _ o:o 0.0 0.0 · o.o o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 , o.o o:o o:o .o.o . · · ' . ', o.o 0.0 . 0.0 ' . o.o ' " .. o.o ' .0.0 . o:o . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o ·o.o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 ' . o.o 0.0 .. 0.0 . 0.0 o.o .. ' ,, 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o.o ... • .. . . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 . o.o 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o ' ' 0.0 . o.o , o:o •0,0 . , . ' 0.0 . 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . . o:o .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .0.0 . 0.0 o.o . ' . ' . , : 0.0 · . 0.0 0.0 0.0 • . 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o:o o.o .o.o . 0.0 0.0 · · · · o.o ·o.o o.o · o.o , .. 0.0 .0.0 0.0 o.o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o.o r ------ -- -- ---Carlsbad LEGO Models C-347,61 Attraction Ref. No.; Attraction Name: Robin Hood Rooe Climb Updated Date: 8-Jul-97, .. ' . Updated By: SJP : ... : ' ~ . . -· Model MID·#: Model.Name: m ~-a <1> ' a. x Model contents unknown .. ' . .. -· -. _ .. .. ·- .. )> il C !!!. x ... ,, Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: , .. .,,. Electrical power: . ' Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Metric Dimensions:' ·lmoerial Dimensions: Requires Oversized Electrical Height ' Width, Depth ,, Model Approval· Heiahtcm Width cm Deothcm .Weioht.ko · inches inches inches Weight lb 'Ives/no\ -Ives/no\ 0.0 ·o.o. 0.0 0.0 . o.o ,, 0.0 0.0 · . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o • 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 :o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 ·. o.o· 0.0 0.0 .. ,. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .· 0.0 .o.o ,' ci.o ,o;o . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 .0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '•. o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·o.o · '"0.0 .' ·. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0' ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o:o ,0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 · 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. -0.0 0.0 o:o '', o.o , .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o. 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 . .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -- ---- Acw:- •• ",,;··:/_::. ,), !_;_:-:', ·'!.lL~_,· .!.,~.' '• -. ,~ . ~ ', ; . -. ,,•, ,~~--::,h,,~'. { ·,1,'i,.,',~ <it):,:;,', .~.: 11,:~~'/~~-",',~,.'.·1:i:;- ~ -,' ,-:.: ~· . ' ' ' ~ . -',,. ; ',, : " Infrastructure: Utility 'Require- ments ,SFXT~ Attach-Standard,, · Interface (afr,water . (so4nd, men! Foundation Sketch drainage; Movement light, wate1, Surface Tvno Tv= Ives/no\ electricitv\ Ives/no\ smoke\· Finish -; .. r ---- - Carlsbad LEGO Models ------Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: IC-348;~:1. I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Horse Ride Updated Date: 8,juli-!#, • E;lectrical power: Updated By: sJp ,;'. l I l Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: . Metric Dimehsions: Imperial Dimensions: m ' '~ ' 3 )> Requires ~-n· Oversized Electrical . a. hi . , 1-jeight Width DeRlh , Model-, Approval· ~ )( Height cm Width cm ·oepthcm Weight kg inclies ,inches inches· Weiahtlb (yes/no) (yes/no) Blacksmith X ·, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · Target on Quintain X· 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 4 Shields ori Flaa Posts· X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o:o 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o · 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0. .. . 0.0 0.0 o.o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 ·o.o o:o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 · . ·o.o · 0.0 '0,0 .' 0:0 .. 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '" ·-0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . " ·0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .:o.o 0.0 . o.o · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ', , , ·0.0 o:o • .0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o' 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o:o. 0.0 .. 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ., 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 .o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - --- -- Acw. . ,, '·' ,, ,ll~ .i'' ' l ~-"'._ -- ';'..r ~:_.~'. _:,__ I\; ·. ~,'' -~1,:~'1 :{f";j..'u~•: ',•,,"'l','~c~j,':,~ \ ,--;1:1~," •,'p,·i.r:·,I, Ii'.": <, ,: \/~ I .. -.. ~ ' L·:,,~·-?;_,''.!' '",·1'•11 t ,.'l, :,, ~ ,:", Infrastructure: Utiiity Require-· ments _Si=XTyp~ Attach-. ·. Standard Interface (air.water (sound, m·ent ·Foundation ~ketch drainage,· ,Movement ligh!; wate1 · Surface Tvoe Tvoe . (yes/no) electricitvl (ves/no) smoke) Finish .. .. ,. r' --- - - Carlsbad LEGO Models - -- -- - Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: l~-348~65 .~ . I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Hofse;Ride ID Sign Updated Date: ., .. 1~Jui~97,,., .. :,,'---"",:_, .. _ .. :_. , .. ,_'__i', Updated By: JsJ ,, . r'.''· ,. .. Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: - m-~. 3· > * El' a. I!!. )( )( Hei!lht.cm Width cm Depth cm Weightk!l S&E0487C Helmet ·x· " .. .. ,, . ' ,, . ., .. •. ; ., ",, .. .. . Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Control$ provided by:. Extra 1/0 sheet by: lmoerial Dimensions: Oversized, _Height Width Depth Model · inches inches inches Weight lb .{ves/no) 0.0. 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' ,0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0. 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o' 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0, .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·.o.o ·o.o: 0.0 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0-0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0:0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 · ,. o·.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0' 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o. o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. Requires. Electrical Approviil {yes/no) ------ '' l, ,', ', ,. :-.,!, '',,, i • • ,,' / i\ ,~ r ~·,r "' Infrastructure:· Utility Require- ments $FXType '. Attach-Stanc1ard· Interface (air.water .. (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, water Surface Tvoe 'rvoe (yes/no) electricitv) {ves/no) smoke\, Finish ,, ,, " . . ... ,, r - -- - -Carlsbad LEGO Models -- --- -Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: IC-349-61 I Supplies estimate proviped by: Air in litres per minute/bar:. Electrical power: Attraction Name~ Updated Date: Updated By: Model.MID#: Model Name: Breath raker 8-Jul-9'7, .. .§jP.: No Models. ln'thls Attraction '" I -' '' " '' - '. ', m ~ ~ it ar, c:, a, !!!, x x "' .,,-,,: .. ~ ,, Heiahtcrn '' Metric.Dimensions:· Width cm' Deothcm Weiaht·ka Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: · Imperial Dimensions: Oversized Requires Electrical Height Width Depih Model Approval inches inches inches Weiahtlti . (ves/no\· · Ives/no\ o:o 0.0' 0.0 · . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0. · ' '.o.o . 0.0 0.D' 0.0 0.0 •0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ',0.0. 0.0 0.0. 0.0 ·0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o· 0.0 ·o.o o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :0.0 .o.o' 0.0 0.0' .0.0 0.0. ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,o.o' 0.0 0.0 o;o .· 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0. 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 · o:o -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 'o:o 0.0 .' 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, ·"o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0:0 0.0 o·:o 0.0. .0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 ---- -- Acw NJ.\ .. ', ,. ' NA .. __ ... NA ,,--. ,. :·· -, ' '~ ,' ' ",-I r NA:·.J· ,___,,-~~-.j_' ·,· ~--·:1::' ,,:\ NA· · ;:-;;:. . __ , .. ~_r. Infrastructure: : ·Utility Require- ments ,SFXType, Attach-&tanc!ard Interface '(air.water (sound; ment Foundatio'n Sketch drainage, Movement light, wate1 Surfa~ T"""· Jvne . Ives/no) electricitvl . /ves/nol smoke) Finish. , . _, "' ,, " - - " " r __ , __________ , __ / ____ _ , ! Utility Requirements Miniland _Utility Requirtements. Please note there is no actual mo_del .matrix for miniland models. This sheet is for power and air supplies only. · Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this ·model matrix. At·t . t· .-R · f .. N M . .,~~.:tr~t*~_s:_-. :·:---' .,-.... :-.'.: ·-· · · ·· ·· ··: .:,,i : · -. : ... ,.: ;:.·:°:.''· ·1 .rac1on. e. o ... ·· ....... · .. ,,,.·,r. .... ... ,::.:.-.-....... .-· ... , ..... :,,:, .. :,· ·,_ .. ,, ......... · : .. : ~-, .. -_,,· __ · .. . Attraction Name: .. Minilahd./1 :.:··:_: -·· .• ·•· •• • U d .. ·, _,.;;:/-:'.:r,:~f;,:,.:"'i;;,:,,.,;·., . "' ,_,,,',' .. · ., .. ,,,· .. ·, .. , .,•, .,. ,,,,,,'.,:.,.':."·,':.'.::.:.,::.· .:':.:,""'" p ated Date: .8,r::·J!::Jlt .. r7:,,_?,.:-:.·,.-: ,i . .-... ,. ....... , .... , •. , , ...... ,.. ., ...... , •.. ,.. . , .. , .•. , ... ,, •.. ,, .... - Updated By:. ::s~J'.p;'..:",) _,;).(.,/: .... ,..,_,:, ....... ,, .. , .... , .. ,... . ...... , . , ... , .. ·" ... ,, ._· .. ::: ,')c:_·.·, 1,.;•, ,, ·-.,,-,_ (·::~BJ7:~kjJl .···.•p:'\ .'.:; ·t··.\.·. ::. : -. :_:· .. , .. :·:-:-. - . . 00 .. : ·., _, (9J8C . . . ., · . ·, : ;. . :-Raf,No/: ·· j={~t,::N_b· · .:~ Attiaditm,.Nan,~ .... ·· · "·'-"· .. I::·,:,;··.},:::. ' ~.JMINll:.AND:AREAS: 1 • .2._·.: M-301· M-358/61 NEW YORK ACW See Bellow See Bellow NA ACW NA M-301' M-357/61 · HARBOUR ACW See Bellow See Bellow NA ACW NA M-301 UNDERWATER ACW See Bellow See·_Bellow NA ACW NA M-301 M-'3q9/~:1 WA9HINGTON DC ACW· See Bellow Se«;i Bello.-.y . NA. ACW NA M~301: · UNo'ERGRdUND ACW See Bellow See·Beliow NA (',.CW NA M-'301 HOLD) ACW See Bellow See Beliow NA ACW NA Supply to Sound Cabinet ACW NA 55A@ 24DC NA ACW NA Supply to Cabinet 1 ACW NA 22A@ 24DC NA ACW NA Supply to Cabinet 1 ACW NA 18A@ 36AC NA ACW NA supply to Cabinet 1 ACW NA 10A @24AC NA ACW NA Supply to Cabinet 2 ACW NA 53A@ 24DC NA ACW NA Supply to Cabinet 2 ACW NA 2A @36AC NA ACW NA Page 1 ------------------- \,_ Utility Requirements Supply to Cabinet 2 ACW NA 15A @ 24AC NA ACW Manhole E1 ACW 67 A @ 12AC NA NA Manhole E2 ACW 117A @ 12AC NA NA Manhole E3 ACW 50A@ 12AO, NA NA Manhole E:4 ACW 23~A @ 12AC -NA NA Manhole E5 ACW 50A @ 12AC NA , NA Manhole E7 .ACW 50A@ 12AC :NA NA Manhole E8 ACW 67 A @ 12AC NA NA ~~~~:i--,,i~~~~~~~~-:g,.c,,:l~::~-J~)_,,p:-;,j~, ;;;2:1~~---;,· l;c·,·- 00 , • l Ms301 M-356/61 M~soi M-355/61 M-301 FRANCISCO/FERNDALE NEW ORLEANS LOOSE PARTS MODEL MAKER ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ACB · See Bell.ow See Bellow , NA ACB ACB NA NA NA NA M-302_.1 M-255/42 Supply to Sound Cabinet 2_ Supply to Cabinet 3 Supply to Cabinet 3 Supply to Cabinet 3 Supply·to Cabinet 3 Supply to Ca,bihet 4 Supply to Cabinet 4 _ Supply to Cabinet 4 · Supply to Capioet 4 Manhqle·E10 Manhole E11 ManhoJe E,12' ManholeE13 Manhole E14 -Manhole E15 Manhqle 'Et6 Manhole E17 ACB NA NA . NA NA ACB ACB ACB ACB ACB ACB ACB. ACB ACB· ACB ACB ACB ACB ACB ACB ACB ACB NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Page 2 22A @ 24DC ·NA aA@ 18AC NA 15A@ 24AC NA 16A@33AC NA 19A@ 24DC _ NA 8A@ 11;JAC NA 13A@ 24AC NA 8A @ ,33AC -' , NA 10A@ 240C NA 24A@ 1-~AO NA 24A @ 1~AC ,· · NA 99A@ 1~AO . NA 99A@ 12AC NA 28A@ 12AC NA 37A@ 12AC NA 37A@ 1~AC NA 37A@ 12AC NA Ace ACB ACB ACB ACB ACB' ACB ACB ACB NA ,NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [,, , . J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA· NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA -y -·----Carlsbad LEGO Models -----· -Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: M~255~61 1-"-'-=-'-';;.;..,::...;;...,-...,__--'-'-'-"-,--'--'---',---""-,--------- A tt r action Name: Miniland,$ ace.Ag~ . Supplies estimate· provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 5-Mat.,97, Electrical power: ----·-·- ·:-:~:,, ,---.-; •,r!,!',..! ,_;:I ~ ; ''_,_: t, ,,, ' .,~· I " ~· Updated By: ti.SJ. ' Water supply in litres per minute/bar: "-'''"'· I',, l' __ f,; Controls provided by: . Extra 1/0 sheet by: ,_;- < ,_- Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: • Infrastructure: ------,--.Z." --~ _-1'.-, - Utility m · · · Require• l > ' ' . : flequires . , ments SFX Type a a · ' Oversized · Electrical Attac~-Standard ' Interface · (air,water (sound, · ' l!l. Ii Height. Width Depth Model . Approval ment Foundation Sketch . drainage,. ,Movement light, wate1 Surface g x Heiahtcrn Width cm Deoth cm Weiaht ka inches inches inches Weiaht lb Ives/no)· · (ves/no) TvnA T""" (ves/noi electricitvl Ives/no) smoke). Finish Sta·rt Relief 0.0 · 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 Laridina Relief · · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · · Scace Shuttle on Ramo 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Centre o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 satellites o.o . o.o o.o o;o Radars 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o .. · Moan and Earth 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ., o.o · . o.o o·.o o.o · o.o 0.0 . ' 0.0 0.0 , ... o.o . o.o o.o · ·o.o .. . , 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . ·0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .. 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .. . o.o . . ·o.o .o.o o.o · 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . , , . o:o . o:o 0.0 . 0.0 . , ' .. ' " . .o.o · ·o.o o.o o.o, · · . 0.0 0,0 .o.o 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .. o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 0.0 · o.o . . ,0.0 . 0.0 , 0.0 o.o - - - --Carlsbad LEGO Models -... -- --Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: IM~255~42 . . . · , , I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: ModelMakef Updated Date: 1-Jul~97 C , Electrical power: Updated By: JSJ .,.:~, .. -;. -,.-' _,, .... ~: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID #:· Model Naine: · ·" Metric Dimensions: '' Imperial Dimensions: .. . ' ' ,, m, ~ , . Requires 3 ~ !!l. Oversized Electrical ~ C Height Width Depth Model Approval !!l. E ~ Height cm Width cm Deothcrri Weight kg inches , inches inches' Weiahtlb (yes/no) · (ves/nol LLl9901 Ship demo model X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LLl9902 Caroussel from oier 39 X . 0.0 ·o:o 0.0 0.0 LLl9903. 'Ri\lam'· · X 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o LLl9904 sea: plane Cessna: X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LLl9905. . Thirblue !adv/bride X 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 · LLl9906 .' Firetruck , X· ; 0.0, 0.0 · 0.0 0:0 LLl9907 Nash car racer ,X·· . '' o.o' . o:o 0.0 o.o "· LLl9908 'Oldtiirier 1 x .... -0.0' 0.0 ·o.o o.o LLl9909 Oldtirrier2' .. X ' 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 · LLl991.0 Owl. X 0.0 •0.0. 0.0 0.0 LLl9911. Ball X 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o LLl9912 Mole· X . o:o' 0.0, 0.0 0.0 LLl9913 Inca X 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LLl9914 Colordrawirl!I of model on 1 /# oaoer X 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 LLl9915 . Facade of buildina ·x 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LLl9916 Colomnoto of drawn model •x 0.0 ·o.o 0.0, 0.0 LLl9917 · Elements.for modelbuildina x,' ' .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. .. LLl9918 Drawiril:ls and ohotos laminated·on olate X 0.0 .o.o Ci.O 0.0 ,.. 0.0 o.o' 0.0 0.0 .. .. '. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. .. , . " ,0.0 o:o 0.0 o:o' o:o .o.o' 0.0 o:o . ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 · o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o· o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. . 0.0 ,0.0 , 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 •: ·o.o 0.0 • 0.0 0.0 -- --·-·- -1 --. ~,. ":: -, __ _._ ,_ -.: :- _,: __ , ,.::.,-. l~ :-,: .-" ',,~· j' -, -·I, -,,,. \ ' ·----· Infrastructure: ' Utility Require- r'nents SFXType Attach-Standard· Interface (air,water ·(sound, merit Foundation Sketch ;drainage, Mqvement light, water ' Surface T""" Type .(yes/no) electricity) (yes/no) smoke) Finish . ,1, ,; . .. '. ; - -- - Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: Attraction Name: Updated Date: · Updated.By: ModeLMID #: IModelName: ACW800C BUILDING SITE & 2 CRANES ACW802C ·•CORONET ACW805C' FULLEFI ACW806C" FRED FRENCH ACW807C WORLD WIDE PLAZA ACWBOBC. PARAMOUNT ACW809C TIMES ACW810C BERTLESMAN ACW81'1C UNKNOWN ACW812C WOOLWORTH ACW813C EMPIRE STATE ' ACW814C 575•FIFTH AVENUE ' ''ACW815C' 1532,BROADWAY ACW816C EMBASSY SUITE ACW817C ''750 SE\/1:NTH AVENUE: ACW818C RAMADA_BEN HOARDING ACW819C TIMES SQUARE TICKET OFFICE ACW820C 701 SEVENTH AVENUE ACW821C CHANEL NO. 13 ACW822C HERMES NO. 11 ACW823C BURBE:RRYS NO. 9 ACW824C ESCADANO. 7 ACW825C CHANEL:NO. 5 ACW826C LEVER HOUSE ACW827C BANCO SANTANDER ACW986C GRAND.CENTRAL ACW987C GRAND CENTRAL (As above) ACW828C SEAGRAM. ACW829C G:E.BUILDING ACW831C 610 FIFTH AVENUE ACW832C 620'FIFTH AVENUE ACW833C. RADIO'CITY ACW834C 1251 MCGBAW HILL ACW836C LINCOLN ACW837C EAST RIVER 1 - ACW838C EASTRIVER2 -- -- - - M-301-61 Please always enter dat~ of update and initials when entering data into this,model m,atrix. -- Supplies estimate provided by: MiNtjjjjD ~:l\iEw!vooK .: · Air in·litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Metric Dimensions: lmpeifafDimens1ons: Infrastructure: · · m - --- -- ,'1 ._':' i • _, --.... r~~: ,_ ''' ''.',, . ,: '~· ' !1 -'•,: ,,: I~ 1', ", L, _-:·.:.-",~ :·.~ :,~"'!; :._;,'-.------~.,_ ·--·-__ ... -_ _, !_-,r-_ -·.· ~·; '•[ l__;: Utility. ··.~,,. e,,S (D' C a. !!!. ~ :x 'IR~4ires 1· ·1: · 1· , : ::~~:e-1·· , ,ISF>(Type Oversized Electrical' Attach-Standard Interface (air.water ' (sound, Height . Width Depth M'odel Approval meni. Foundalion Sketch cfralriage, ' Movement llght,;_.ater Surface HeightcmlWidthcmlDepthcmlwelghtkgl inches I inches I inches lwelght,lbl(yes/no)· ~-(yes/no) IYJJII... Type__ (yes/no) electricity) (yes/no) smoke) !Finish X .x X X· X ,X X x, X X X X ·x, X' X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ._x X X X' .. X X X X '2391 '--1231 22.QL ~1jJI ~ _ ICUSTot,U~ __ INQ' !SOUND 100 196 86 70 , 39:4 NO, SOUND 213 60 30 · . 56 83.9 --"-=--NO ,1751 751 4§1 -561 . 68.!!I I -INO 365\ -1201 ~, 1201 _:143,71 --INO 2351 601 6()1 601 --jl2:51, --INO 1561 1481 4JI 721 -11141 58.~l_JS.11. 1§_8.7INP _Jr,IQ__ L__ I --· INO -)CONTROUNO 2091 631 861 80 82.3 24.8 33.9 , 176.4 NO NO CONTROLJNO . . 3501 651 11_0) 1'10 N],8 25.6 · 43,3 ~2.5 YES . NO CONTROLJNO 3451 641 761' 901 135.81 '25.2) . 29.91 1_51_8.4IYES I )NO )CONTROUNO 4721 ' 1541 1021 2201 185.81 ·60.61 40.21 4!!_5.0IYES I . )NO _ )CONTROUNO 2331 ~ 861 -1131 ·601 91.7'.I 33.~~ ~2.31' I ' )NO )CONTROLINO F. OPTICS 271, ~ 861 72) 151 --1Q&L_~.91: 28.3L_ 33,1 INO INO . · 1 I ' INO' .. ICONTRoi.lNO', ''RU_N.LIGH 1041 ',_ 1151, 611' ' ' 401 ·40.91' 45.31 24.0I 88.2INO -INO· ,I "I ' INO -ICONTROLINO RUN.UGH 2441 651 'sol' · sol . -96.11 ·25:sl 23.sl, 132.3IYES · I . . ·1B36 Y , INO '·.1coNTROLINO SOUND I 1301 _ 241 43) 201 .,___fil.gJ 9.4l__.1_6.9I 44.1INO . ___L_._:__ 1B36 . _ I __ . )NO __ JCONTROL)NO . RUN.UGH 201 101 tQ] __ _,21 _,_1._91 . 3.fil,__3.91 ~4llliL' ~-L.:_'_ I ---INO ICONTROUNO 261 601 ®I · 301 _ _1Cl.2I 23.§l_J4.2I _E1_6.1INO _J_ _ I__ I' _ INO ICONTROLlNO 1061 241 4?1· 281 ~_1.71 9.~I, _ jS.91· , _E1_1.7INO. _ L ·L_ I INO ICONTROL)NO 431 241. 431 161 16.91 9.41 16.91 35.3INO I I I INO ICONT.ROLlNO 431 _ 241 , 43) . 161 ___1ML ~ 9.~I_ 35.3)NO . _l___ L__ I . __ INO . ~JQ_ONTROL)NO 431 241 . 4?L _ ·_ 161._j§.!!J 9.4l__l6.9I ~5.3INO· ,.,_J__ , L....:.:_ I' _· 'INO' . )CONTROL)NO 1321 241 4?1 • 281 _ .§2.0I 9.41_ 16.91· _E1_1.7INO _J I ·I INO ICONTROLINO 1631 871 651 321-64.21 '34.31 25.61 -70.5IYES -I . 1B36 I, INO ICONTROLINO" 1301 431 ' 351 '361 51.21 16.91 13.81 79.4INO-I 1B36 I INO ICONTROL)NO: . 2131 3361 1agJ ___ 4201 _ ~.9[. 132.:tl__J1.1I _ 925'.9IYES _ l L__ I . I · IAIR · .IYES SOUND 0.01: . 0.01 0.01 _0.0IYES l I I' I . . IAIR . IYES F.OPTICS ,227•· 66 55 80 89.41 26.0I 21.71 176.4IYES' _ I · .• 1B36 .I INO IWATER' SOUND/WATER 369 '76 155 120 145.31 29.91 61.0I 264.SIYES INO 1B36 I INO NO "66 , 32 82 26 26.0I 12.61 . &31 57.3INO '> INO .I I INO NO 66 32 82 26,, 26.0I. 12.61 .32.31 57.3INO INO I I INO NO 30 20,, 91 28 1'1.81 7.9)' , 35.81 61.7INO INO' I . I· INO ·•F.OPTICS' 360'. 160,, 70 210 141.7:I 63.0I 27.61 463.0IYES . INO 1B36 I INO YES 313 78 78 80 123 21. 30-71 30,71 176.4IYES INO 1B36 I INO 326 122 92 -110 128.31 48.0I 36,21 242.5INO 'INO 1B36 I INO 326 122 85 110,. 128.31 . 48.0I , 33.51 242.5IYES INO 1B36 I INO Page 1 - r· ---- --- -- --- -- -- - --M-301-61 ACW839C CHRYSLER. X 456 85 85 120 179.5 33.5 33.5 264.6 YES NO B36 NO F.OPTICS ACW840C LIPSTICK X 270 87 35 96 106.3 34.3 13.8 211.6 YES NO B36 NO ACW842C CITYCORP X 397 91 91 120 156.3 35.8 35.8 264.6 YES NO B36 NO ACW843C HELMSLEY X 220 137 85 64 86.6 53.9 33.5 141.1 YES NO B36 NO YES ACW845C' MET LIFE X 356 117 155 90 140.2 46.1 61.0 198.4 YES 'NO B36 NO AIR. YES SOUND ACW847C 100UN PLAZA ·x 302 61 45 63 118.9 24.0 17.7 138.9 NO NO. B36 NO ACW848C FLATIRON X 140 30 68 48 . 55.1 11.8 26.8 105.8 NO NO B36 NO · ACW849C SONY X. 272 88 ·. 42 84 107,1 ,34.6 16.5 185.2 NO NO B36 . NO : ACW850C ZIGZAG X 340 80 42 65 133.9 '31.5 16.5 143.3 NO NO B36 NO ACW851C AMERICAN RADIATOR X 160 70 45 · ·49 63.0 27.6 17.7 105.8 NO NO B36 NO ACW852C BERGDORF-GOODMAN X 200 87 52 60 78.7 34.3 20.5 , 132.3 NO NO B36 NO ACW853C . ESSEX HOUSE X 222 87'. 32 .. 64 . 87.4 34;3 12.6 · 141.1 NO NO B36 N0 ACW854C HAMPSHIRE HOUSE . ' X 222 46 32' 64 ' . 87.4 18.1 12.6 141.1 NO NO B36 NO '• '. ACW855C SAN REMO APARTMENTS X. 165 ' .96 71 60 65.0 37.8 28.0 132.3 NO NO NO ACW856C LANGHAM APARTMENTS X .40 85 20 48 15.7 33.5 1:9 105.8 NO NO NO ACW857C DAKOTA APARTMENTS X ..45 91 91 48 . 17.7 .35.8 . 35.8 ·105.8 NO ' .. NO NO ACW858C GUGGENHEIM APARTMENTS x· 98 '98 150 77 '38:6 . -38.6 59.1 169.8 NO .. .NO NO F.OPTICS 0 0 0 ·o Page2 --- --Carlsbad LEGO Models Attraction Ref. No.: Attraction Name: Updated Date: Updated By: Model MID#: Model Name:. S&E0123C-. 2Swims L-.165.-63 Wetland Fowi S&W a~Jul-97., SJP ·/'.; -- -S&E0124C 3 Mallard Ducks S&E0125C Heron 1' - S&E0126C . Herbn2 . - ·" -. --· -- --- -- m . !/l '3'. .)>. ~ !l C a. !!!. x x X , x· X X ; Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Eledricai power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions': - Requires Oversized· 'Electricaf · Height Width Depth Model Approval. Heiaht·cm Width cm Deothcm Weiahtka ·inches inch~s inches Weiahtlb (yes/no\ Ives/no) 70 45 95 26.5 27.6 17:7 ·37.4 . 58.4 no no 21 35. 13 2 -8.3 .. 13.8 _ 5.1 4:4 no · no· · ·Attach- ment TvnA SN>Cial soecial .. 93 90. 16 6 -36.6 35.4' 6.3 ·. 13.2 no_ rib. ·s 113 70 '16 6.5 44.5 27.6 6.3 ·. 14,3 no no B 0.0 ·o.o .o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .0.0 -·o.o · 0.0 0.0. ,-'O.O 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 ·o:o 0.0 0.0 .. , .. 0.0 ·o:o 0.0 .o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 o·:o 0.0 -0.0, :o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0: -0.0 '. 0.0-0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 o:o ', 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 · .0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 · 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 .' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -- 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 _ 0.0 -- - - S&E. ,,, , NA NA._ .. · .... _. --,.,.. ···~ NJf ;,:?t1 ) :. 1~~.~~1'.--:-:1::, _. __ ... ~ ·;.,.·· NA,·· .. -.. '.: __ )'-.-_:c-,.'''. s _ ,; 1' ~A./' ..... :'.:.· :· .. , ·, a·: " ·Infrastructure: -- Utility Re_quire-· ments '9FXType: Standard Interface · (air.water (sound, Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light,.wate1 TvnA. (ves/nol 'electricitvl (ves/no) smoke)' no . no c no. .. no. '. · rio no ' no ho ·-.. .. . - --- ' . .. ... ' - .,,, ' I' Surface Finish ' ' . -----Carlsbad LEGO Models - --- --Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: IL-166::61 . . _ , I Mainlsland.Bridge Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Updated Date: 8-Jul-!~7 Electrical power: Updated By: .,SJP·>··.·. Water supply in litrE!S per minute/bar: Controls provid~d by: · Extra 1/0 sheet by, Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: ~ ' Requires· 3 ?i: ,-Oversized Electrical ' a ,, CD C: Model· C. !!!. Height , Width,-Depth Approval 'x 'x Heiahtcni Width cm Deothcm Weiqlitkq inches inches inches WeiqhHb (vesinol (yes/no) S&E0300C Bia t:lcins I3·ocsl · X 132 9b 120 25: 52.0 35.4 47:2 55.1 nb, no S&E0301C LEGO Friend with Lion X 50 50 25 10 19.7 19.7 9.8 22.0 no no 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 _ o.o · 'o:o 0.0 o:o "' 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 .. ,,, 0.0 · 0.0 . ,0.0 ·o:o , ' 0.0 0.0 o.o "0.0 - '' 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0. o:o. o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o .0.0 ,0.0' o.o 0.0 0.0 ,, , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o "0.0 "' .. " 0.0 0.0: 0.0 0.0 ... ,, 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ·o.o · , . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 .0.0, 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 . 0.0 · ·o:o. .0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ·-0.0 -0.0 0.0 •0.0 ,, 0.0 , 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 0.0 -_ 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 ·o.o · o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o o.o 0.0 ·.o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ---- S&E .!.,. --.:.-- :,,·~ Infrastructure: Utility Require', Attach-'standard · Interlace , ,ments· ,(ai_r,waier : · ment Foundation Sketch (lrainag1;1,, .Movement Tvne Tvoe_ _(ves/nol · electricitvl (ves/nol B no electricitv no B no electricity no ' , . -' - SF.X"J:ype · (sound,. light, water smoke) sound sound -, - '', ·'-'"' Surface Finish ·- -- -- --· - -- ----Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: IL~36t-61, I Family 'BoatHlde Supplies estimate provided.by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Updated Date: a-Jul:91. Electrical power: Updated By: SJP . L__c,. WatE!r supply in-litres per minute/bar: Controls provided·by: Extra J/d shee~ 'l;>y: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: ·g;a '. "" ' . Requires. 3 > !!l. t· Oversized· Electrical '~-! Height' Height· 'Width Depth. . Model Approval )( ,t cm Width cm Deothcm Weiahtkc . Inches , inches inches Welahtlb Ives/no) , (yes/no) Scene 2: 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 , S&E0505C 8 Octoolis Tentacles (S&EI LATE .START 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0506C OctobusHead IS&EI LATE START 0.0 o:o o.o 0.0 Scene3: · o:o o:o o.o 0.0 B-316/61 Giant Dino (B'eafnhina\: .. . ,0.0 ,' 0.0 o.o 0.0 · S&E0306C' Dinosaur Mixer IS&EI 0.0 ·:o:o. o.o , O;O · . , S&E0507C LEGO Fiiend with fiao IS&El . 0.0 ,, 0.0 o.o 0.0 scenes: .. .. 0.0 ·o.o o.o 0.0 R-130/63 Dinos Goina uo the Hill lRidael ·o.o 0.0 o.o o:o S&E0307C LEGO Friend on Bio Blocks (S&E) 0.0 ·0.0 . . 0.0 0.0. S&E0309C LEGO.Friend Hanalna IS&El . ,. 0.0 ··o.o o.o 0.0 Scene&: 0.0 o:o •' 0.0' .. o.o' -,,'. · LLU 2171 . , ' Sldney,Operahouse IACB) ,, o.o o:o ' ', o.o ·o:o. ' Giant Cartoon 'Animal's Head IACB\LATE START 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 Scene 8: : .. 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 LLU 2132 Tai MahatlACB\. 0.0 0.0 o.o o:o Scene 9: 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0. LLU 2151 Eiffel Tower (ACB) 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 1 O Miniland.=nnle in tour arouo ohoto CACB\ ,I,, ,, o:o ,0.0 ·0.0 0.0 '" 5, Mlnlland beople + f'doo In ilicilic IACB\ : o:o. ·o:o . . o.o .,o:o. ... Scene 10:. , . 0.0 ' .. 0.0 o.o .o.o. LlU.2195 Mount Ruslimore IACB\ •. 0.0 0.0 o.o .0.0 Scaffoldin!l (ACB) 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 2 Minilarid oeooie with animated Q-tlo CACBl 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0, Scene 11: .. , ' ,0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 LLU 2201 Statue of libertv IACBI 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 . , , Scene 12:. ·. 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 S&E0320C tEGO Friend Gulliver. w.2 mlhi·fiaures (S&El 0.0 ·o.o. o.o o:o S&E0310C Gulliver's hat w. mini fiaure fishiria IS&E\ 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0311C 9 mlniland people CS&El 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0305C 2 miniland ememen'cv vehicles IS&E\ . . 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0313C Scaffoldin!l (S&El 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0321C Rescue'Boat-lS&EI 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 Scene 13 (Tlie Blues Band\: 0.0· 0.0 o.o' , ,0.0 S&E0508C' Octoous olavlna drums IS&E\ 0.0 0.0 ·o.o. o.o S&E0509C Hammerhead'Shark·olaYiri!l ciultar (S&El ,, 0.0 ,0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0510C Starfish olavina 2 clams IS&EI 0.0 0.0 M o:o S&E0511C Lobster with 2 castanets IS&El 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0512C Crab· cl a Vina turtle IS&E\ -0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0513C 2 Sea Horses (S&El 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 S&E0514C 6 Groupies ·cs&E) 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 -- ---- ACB/S&E· I(,,, .~ ('./'\·;,,,::.\: ·\·::-,+:::,: i.), ,:,,[: \:;:·,: .. ,-' .~,:, :'.:'·:,:t:<·., ::·::: :.·'· ·',: ,. Infrastructure:· Lltility · Require-SFXType. ,ments (sound, Attach-St11ndar<!· . lilterfacii (air.water, . : 'light, ment Foundation Sketch , ;drai_nage, Movement water Surface · · Type Type .(ves/no\, electricity) eves/no\ smoke\ Finish <, '• .. .. '' '. . -----Carlsbad LEGO Models --·· ----Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. ---· Attraction Ref. No.: 11-1_~{~62. I Street-Features pupplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Updated Date: s-Jui~9i,_· Electrical power: Updated By: SJP,,:/::: Water· supply in litres per minute/b;u: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: rh (/) ' ~r ~-Oversized Requires·- !!!. C:' . Electrical Attacfi• " :g_ I!!. . Height Width .,Depth·' 'Model App(OVal ·. ment ,,X 'x Heiahtcrri Width cm' Deoth.cm Weiahl'ka· ,nch'es' inches inches ·weiahtlb ·Ives/no). Ives/no) TvnA S&E0287C Time Machine X 250 290 370 400 98.4. 114.2 145.7 881.8 Ives no A S&E0288C Photo Onnortunitv X 100 100 150 200 '39.4 39;4. 59.1 440.9 Ives no A S&E0289C Greek Column X 380 180 250 250 • 149.6 70.9 98;4 551.1 ves no· B/A S&E0290C Landscaoe Picture X 300 275 10 130 118.1 108.3' 3.9 286.6 mi . ho A S&E0291C Giant Dinosaur X . 580 370 670 3000 228.3 145.7 263.8 6,613.8 ves no , 8/A . S&E0293C. Father Giraffe X 400 . 460, 430 350 -157:5 181'.1 169.3 771.6 ,ves no B S&E0294C Mother Giraffe X 550 120 300 350 216.5 47.2 118.1 771.6 no no B. S&E0295C Sister Giraffe X 245 275 120 200 96.5 108.3 47.2 440.9 no no B S&E0296C Brother Giraffe· X 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o no . no B. S&E0297C Comic Strio Relief X 220 430 fo 150 86.6 169.3 3.9 330.7 Ives rio A S&E0298C Yellow Submarine X . 360 450 180 2000 141.7 177.2 70;9 '4,409.2 no-no B S&E0299C. 5 Buffalos , , X . 150 250' 75. 100 .. 59.1 '98.4 29.5 ·220.5 no no B· LLU 2310 · Einstein's Head X 472,44 365,76' 274,32 500 186:0 144.0 108.0 1,102.3 no , no BIA LLU2350 Thouaht Bubbles X 0.0 o:o 0.0 . 0.0 no. no .. A S&E0401C' Soft'Drink euo .. ·.x , 0.0 ·-o.o O'.O ·o.o ves no B. S&E0402C · Mouse'Hole X .. o.o· 0.0. o.o o.o no .' no B. S&E0403C. Show Letters· X 91.44 396.24 15.24 36.0 156.0 '. 6.0 0.0 tves:' no C S&E0404e · S'LEGO Friends .. ·.x 81.28 40.64 • 20.32 '32.0 16.0' . 8.0' 0.0 Ives/no no B; " S&E0405C , LEGO.Show'Relief· X ·365.76 279.4 10.16 1'14.0 · 110:0. 4.0 0.0 Ives no· A. o:o 0.0 . 0.0: o:o' .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 6.0 o.o ·o.o ·0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o o.o· o·.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,· 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 , _ _ , --- ACB/S&E·' ·,,.H ...: 7-... - ' ' ..:· -~." ; -',, : ;,:i 1,rt,\ - 17·0-. '-' ~' ·::_,,. / .,.~: '· ,_-',:, -,.,.,, J.'L '.., : ,, ,, ~ ', 'I ,, ' -h_ ' 1-,_,-..---: Infrastructure: .-., Utility ' Req4ire-· m!3nls $fXTypf! : ; :standard Interface. ,-(air,water -(sound, Foundation · Sl<etch · ·drainage, Movement iight, water . Surface Tvoe · (yesino) electrtcilv) (yes/no) smokei Finish ves· electricitv Ives· liaht ves no ,ves . no no sound light Ives electricitv ves . water ve~; no ves electricitv :ves ves no ho no sound electricity light Ives water no water Ives water no -Ives electricitv ves liaht -· ves no lioht ' .. ves elei:tricitv' ?', ,' yes ves· · no ' . ves ,. '. ., . -- ----- --,_ ... ... -- ------Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: 11-26(}-61.1 I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: S&E ---,-l .!. Attraction Name: Free.Pla.v Updated Date: 8-JuH:lo/; Electrical power: Updated By: sJ~e ... ;: Water supply in litr~s per minute/bar: Contrqls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: . Model MID #: Model Name: . Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: . Infrastructure: Utility m ~~ i > Require~ _ ments SFX Type a !l Oversized Electrical Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (sound, ~ i Height Width Depth Model : Approval ment 'Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, water . Surface · 'x 'x · Heiqht cm Width cm Deoth-cm Weiqht kq inches inches inches WeiqhMb (ves/no) (ves/no) TvnA -T""" (ves/nol -eIectricitv) (yes/no) smoke) Finish S&E0419C BrickTumblin<iMoael X 198.12 121.92 134.62 o.o o.o _o:o .. o.o no no B no electricilv no· S&E0420C Eai1hauake Model x 198;12 121.92 _ 134.62 o.o _ _ 0.0 · o:o " 0.0 no no B_ no electricitil no liqht S&E0421 C DUPLO Animal lnteracthies X 25.4 30.48 · 30.48 0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o no no B rio electricitv no sound S&E0422C DUPLO Kids' Komer Models x 76.2 45.72 · 30.48 o.o 0.0 · 0.0 0.01ves no Special no. . . S&E0423C TECHNIC Disolav Models (Box models! x o . o -o _ o.o 0.0 __ 0.0 o.o no no B no S&E0424C LEGO.Gear Rack. " x -1.49.86 · -129.54 . 30.48 0.0 0.0 -o.o · 0.0 no no . A no no ... S&E0425C Graohic/Miidel.Wall' X' 304.8 304.8 12.7. 0.0 ·. 0.0 0.0 _ '. 0:0 no no 'A. no , -S&E0426C' Unfinisheil LEGO. PaihtirtQ X 0 '. 0 0 -. -0.0 0.0 -o:o . 0.0 no : no _' A . _ mi ' 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 . .'0.0 .0.0 · 0.0 0.0 -. 0.0 --- 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0'.0 0.0 0.0 . -0.0 _ -. 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o 0.0 -- 0.0 _ 0.0 o.o -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 o.o, o.o ·o.o o.o . _ _. 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o - 0.0 0.0 0.0 -. 0.0 o.o -0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 .. -0.0 .o.o 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 • 0.0 •0,0 . " _ 0.0 · o:o -0.0 , 0.0 ,. 0.0 : 0.0 0.0 0.0 : , 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 _ o:o 0.0 ,. -- --.. Carlsbad LEGO Models .. , .. ---.. Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. .. - Attraction Ref. No.: 11-260-612 I Supplies e~timate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: lmaQination Cafe Updated Date: 8-JuP·97' Electrical power: Updated By: SJP Water supply in litres. per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by, Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: : u;i. ·,· ., "" Requires 3. ~ i Oversized. Electrical !!!. ' Height Widt_h Depth Model Approval 'x )( Height cm Width cm Deothcin Weiahtka inches inches :inches Weiahtlb .Ives/no) Ives/no) Model contents unknown .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 o:o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 .·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 " ,. 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0. .. . ,. .. 0.0 .. 0.0 ·o.o· 0.0 .. ',,. :0.0 ·o.o ·o.o 0.0 -,,, .. 0.0 'o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o · 0.0 .. " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 ,. 0.0 o:o' 0.0. ·O.O 0.0 .o.o . 0.0. 0.0 .. 0.0 -0.0 · .0.0 0.0 -. o.o 0.0, ·o.o 0.0 .. 0.0. 0.0 ·. o:o 0.0 ,. " 0.0. 0.0 0.0 .o:o. 0.0 0.0 O;O 0,0 0.0 ·o.o o.o 0.0 0:0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o. o:o 0.0. ·o:o o.o' ·0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 '. 0.0. . ·0.0 0:0 0.0 -- - --- s&E , .. ,,,}',, " '' ! 1; ~ ·, ' -., -----.. .: " ' '' -' ;-_---~, .:-_.: -,,-, ,/ ,-~---~ .~~,-, I.·~),, ~r ·-~ t _~--~ '.1;;~ :-',';_~·:i.. ~,,·;:; ,\~ ,:>·::;·:::~~ ;: Infrastructure:. \Jtiljty Require- -ments SFX'Type Attach-Starnjard Interface . . (air,water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage,· Movement liglit, water Surface T""" Tvoe (yes/no) electricity) (yes/no) smoke) Finish ' .. ,' .. ,_,. '' .. I . . .. .. . . " .-... .,. -·--· -.. ---.. ---.. .. Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix . Attraction Ref. No.: 11-2ao~s~~2 . . . . I Attraction Name: Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Imagination Cafe ID Sign Updated Date: 1.-Jui~97;· Electrical powe.r: Updated By: jsJ. '...:··:·-: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Qontrols provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Mi:>tlelMID#: Model Name: Metric'Dimensions: lmoerial Dimensions: ' m "' Requires :::: -3 ~ Oversized· Electrical' a a, C: . Height· Width Depth Model Approval C. !!!. g x' Heiahtcm Width cm Deothcm Weiahtka inches inches inches Weit1htlb (ves/nol Ives/no\ . S&E0488C 1/6 Pizza x· 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 . 0.0, ·, .o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0, : , . .. ... 0.0 .0.0 0.0 ,o.o '''"' . ' '0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 .. •0.0 I . 0.0: 0.0, 0.0 ... -' ·o.o . 0.0 ·.o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 -.. 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 ·o.o · ' ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 .. . ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 "' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 .. : 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 .. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 -. o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 M 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 .o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o -0.0' 0.0 0.0 o.o ------ . ~:,, ~ I• ,,,_ .,"., '~- ~ _,_ ~ ,,_, ;--':,i'.. i,' ·,, ':;:. -=-~' ~.' ':•' ·.~ .!.-!' ;,_,:·-- ',, .!. -~ ,.~ Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air,waier (sound, men! Foundation · Sketch drainage, Movement iight, wate1 Surface J'vru> Tvne Ives/no\ electricitvl .Ives/no) smoke) Finish .. ., " .. ·• C" ----.. -------.. .;-Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: i-261-61;,1, t,--...,.-,,----,--.,----,,,.....c.---------,-------------1 Attraction Name: 'Leamlh' ·-Center .... _ ·· Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: ·a.ju1~97.,:'··"·':,. 1-/.,<·.:, ., . , ... ill,,,· Electrical power: Updated By: sJp·t.:•· ·.'·· -,:,,. 1~ Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: lmberial Dimensions:· ~ u;a ' §' ?i Requires ·a Oversized, Electrical <!) i Height Width D(1plh Model Approval C. >< >< Heiohtcm Width cm Deothcm Weiohtko inches inches inches Weiohtlb (ves/nol Ives/no) S&E0409C Robosoort Interactive X 114.3, 213.36 15.24 45.0 84.0 6.0 0.0 no no o:o 0.0 ·o.o · 0.0 .. .0.0 -o:o. 0.0 o:o -~ ' 0.0 0.0 " 0.0 · 0.0 ·' .. .. o:o o·.o o:o 0.0 . " '. 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .. 0.0. o:o 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 .. 0'.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 .. 0.0 · o:o . · 0.0 ·o.o " .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o . ' 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 o.o· 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0· 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. o.o 0.0 . ·o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o:o ·o.o 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0; '' 0.0 0.0 ·o.o .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , . . ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 o.o ,0.0 o:o: 0.0 0.0 . . '0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 ... ------ S&E.:.: ·f~,:',' ',',:. ~ ,, " .,,!,,.', \/, H .'' -, ~H< ,'';: .. J,;:_• Infrastructure: ,, ,Utility· Require-: mehts .SFXType Attach-Standard. ·Interface ·(i:iir,water (sound, ment Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, wateI Surface Tvoe. Tvoe Ives/no)· electricitvl Ives/no) smoke) Finish no electricitv ., ves . .. ., . ; .. '. ' r-- ----· .. Carlsbad LEGO Models -· ---- ---Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. ·-- Attraction Ref. No.: l-'-l-""'"'2..;;,.61"'"'"·""""6"""'1.---'-2 __ --'-___ ........ __________ ___, Attraction Name: Structt.ired Piav Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8..Jul-97 Electrical power: Updated By:· SJP · . ~.-1·,1,·' .!'....'...!..'..J.' ' ' ,\!t,-Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: ... Model MID.#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: . -lmoerial Dimensions: .. rii . !/l. Requires· 3' i'i: a Oversized El~ctrical 'ig_ [ Height Width. Depth Model Approval x' )C l:feightcm Width cm' Depth cm Weight kg inches inches ·.inches Weight lb (yes/no) (yes/no) S&E0406C. 4 Test Talile Toos X, 2 -. 90 100. 0.8 '35.4 39.4 0.0 no S&E0407C' DUPLO Gear Racks . ' X,, .' 149.86 ·129.54 30A8 ,59·,o -51·,o . 12.0 o.o ho· S&E0408C I£GO Interactive Gear Rack X 149.86 129.54 30.48 59.0 51.0 12.0 o.o no 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o:o o.o· o.o '' 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 o.o. -., 0.0 .0.0 . 0.0. o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o. . 0.0 0.0,. 0.0 o.o ; 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o' ,, ·o.o ,o.o 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 ·o.o o.o '' ---.·0.0 -0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 , 0.0 · ,0,0 . 0.0 .. ' .. '' " 0.0 ·0.0 · ·o:o o.o " : _, 0.0 o:o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0. o.o 0.0 · ·o:o 0.0 o.o '' . ' 0,0 ·0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0. o:o 0.0 ·o.o' .. 0.0 0.0 o.o . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . . ,_ 0.0 .0.0 0.0 o.o .. 0.0 . 0.0. o:o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0, o.o 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 " 0.0 0:0. 0.0 o:o . 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·, 0.0 0.0 .o.o . 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o' ----- - s&:e·' _.·,· ,,, ., .,_.. ·~i-r -· ;,';1:,-~ "\(,\ ~----. ·,' l:,,1.::~i -•--<•n> ··= ~ -::-·,· ·.!_ 1:,',l-..; ___ 1 ~ 1'·. ·---,,'-)'' ,,_-·,,,--. Infrastructure: Utility Require- ments :SFXType 'Attach-Stan(lard Interface (air,water · (sound, ment Foundation Sketch·· drainage, Mpvement light, water Surface .Tvoe Tvoe (yes/no). electricilvl' (yes/no) ·smoke) Finish .. no· no ' A no no. A no no ; '' '. " . ' -' ,·. ' - .. -- - - ------- --Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: l!-1·-=2=-6.:..f·..:::6=-5::.:..1_· ·_· --,----.,.,.....-,---,;:.,.....,..---'------,-----; Attraction Name: Leamin ·.center iD Sign ... Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 1,:.JtJl~97;;:; , . .' .. :· ";::'_', Electrical power:. Updated By: JSj ),;: ., ' .' ·, . : . .,,_.,,!:• Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 $heet'by: -_, -- :. . ~ ,,',il '' ":--,:1 ·.:-~·, ~-~· ' ! I'' ,, . . . , . ' ~-• ---=-. ' ·.:_ • _;:_ --- ··: 1''-_ ::; ·,-:::. --~=--=_::/-:, . ',f, "'• ·~!.!. " .~_ ... .,_, ' -'\' ,--.-, ., --~ Moilel MID#: Model Name: Metric Dimensions: · -Imperial Dimensions: .' · · Infrastructure: Utility - ', [, m Require- fg, > Requir~s ments : 'SFX Type - 1,.J,' -\ ~'-· -~ i a , Oversized· !electrical Attach-Stahd!ud Interface .(air,wate_r (sound, ~ Ii . . . • ' Height ·. Width · Depth Mode!-Approval merit . . Foundation· Sketch . <!rainage,' Mqveinent light, \vate1 Su~a~e · . >< >< Height.en\ Width cm· Deoth cm Weiaht kc' inches · iriches · inches Weiaht lb Ives/no) · lves/nal · Tvoe TVOA Ives/no) electricitvl (ves/nol smoke) .Finish. S&E0489C 4·Glol:ies . x . . . . . 0.0 . 0.0 o;o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . . .. 0.0 . o.o · 0.0 . . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 , . ,0.0 , o:o 0.0 . . 0.0 .. ' ·' , . . 0.0 ' . . 0.0 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o:o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0 o:o .. o.o · ·o.o o.o o.o . ' 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 · · .. . ·o.o . o.o .o.o · ·o.o . . . 0.0 · o:o ·0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 ,.0.0 . .. 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 · o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 • . o.o ·o.o o.o o.o · · .. . 0.0 ·0.0 o.o o.o . . .. o:o 0.0 o.o o.o ' . 0.0 ' 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 o.o ' . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 .0.0 .. o.o 0.0 0.0 . o:o · .. .. o.o o·.o o.o . . o.o · · . . o:o 0.0 .. .' -0.0 . .O.O .. o.o o.o ·o.o o.o · · 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o · · 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o:o r -- -- - Carlsbad LEGO Models ---... - -Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: p-262~61: _ ___ I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Updated Date: · Updated By: · Model MID#: Model Name: S&E0020C LEGQShow ·. 8;.:h:ii+,9'7:.,: : ' ~:' ' ·.t i: ·::, SJP., .. .:.:·_,)::. ,,._,,._. Construction Site-Worker 'Al'. .. -- , .. ·'~ ~ ,~-- Metric Dimensions: I m ~ 3 ~ !!l. Cl> C: . a. !!!. x '5c' Heiahtcm Width cm Deotlicm Weiahtka x·· ., ,. Electripal power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided·by: !=xtra 1/0 sheet by: Imperial Dimensions: ·oversized . Height Wiilih ·Depth Model . inches· · inches inches Weiahtlb (vesino) .o.d 0.0 0.0 0.0 ves. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 . . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0. o:o 0.0 . 0.0, <5.o 0.0 ·o.o -0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · . 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o o:o .. 0.0 '0.0; 0.0 0.0 -, ·o.o ·· · ·o.o .. o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0;0; 0.0 o:o · 0.0'. 0.0 0.0 ,· 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o·.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0. ·0.0. o.o 0.0 ·o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Requires Electripal Approval-· (yes/no) ? - Attach- ment Tvoe .. on oroo, , .. --- -- 'S&E NA'. __ :_:-_ NA.··: .. ',•,, _, __ !' NA<\~··: a -~ r: - ,, •• _L ET:f .-.f ~~~·. . • .:i "<:: ,~.-·-.r -~~-::~r .:,:___'_ ,s&:e.:·:::···· Infrastructure: Standard ·Interface Foundation 'Sketcli TVM (ves/no)· ,,-,1·' '· Utiliiy Require- ments (air,Water . 'drainage, Movement electricitvl Ives/no) Air SFX'Type (~ound,. · light, wate1 smoke) . Electricity 1 · So4nd/ ves water Yes movement' '" .. .,, I, .. •, ·,· ' .. , ' .. Surface Finish r· -- -------------Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: 1-263-61. . Supplies estimate provided by: Attraction Name: Ima in, C.enter PIJblie Toilets. Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8-JuliiF ,. "' ,J•»,. Electrical power: Updated By: SJP :: .: ,i ·: . . .--, . Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: ., MboelMID#: Model Name: ,. ,. Metric··Dimensions: .. Imperial Dimensions: m' - "' =--Requires , , ~ ?i Oversized .Electrical Attach-[ i Height· Width ' 'Depth., Model l\pproval m\!nt >< >< Heiahtcm Width cm Deolhcm Weilihtka ·inches· inches inches Weiahtlti Ives/no) · : Ives/no) TvnA · S&E0438C DUPLO Clown Mirror Model A X 183 -122 10 15 72,0 • 48,0 ·3_9 33.1 no no A S&E0439C DUPLO Clown Mirror Model B· X 183 122 10 '_ 15 .72:0 48.0 3.9 33.1 no. , no. A ' " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. ''. ,. 0.0 · o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,. . 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 · ·o.o · 0.0 ' ' :o.o o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 ·o.o o:o' 0.0 0.0 0.0. . o.o · .o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 '-o.o .,. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ,, 0.0 0.0 , . , 0.0. o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o -- " , 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. ·o.o · '0.0 'o.o .. o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o . o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,'. , .0.0. 0.0. -0.0 ·o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 .o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 O;O • 0.0 0.0 ·,o.o -. o.o -, 0.0 o:o ' 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' -o.o 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 o.o o:o o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o -- --- S&E:. NA,,·· _NA, ...... ,,,,,':,.,; ./. ,.,.,_, N,( .7,, -•NA::·;t."\\.:·:::_ \i~· ,.:·t: · \;.r:~.. >1-.-'-,x ·.i ,, .. J ~:M~ ~::.!J ''NAi:,:1~. 1(,,.1;·., ·• ,.,?'.:.: :.:~ .. ,,,.~11';11::','.;1 ·:·:,,,;\,,,:,._, ~!i': ,),-~if r=·~::·· -Infrastructure: Utility Require· ments , SF~'Type. · Standard · · Interface (air.water (sound, Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light, water Surface Tvrn:,· Ives/no) electricitvl Ives/no) smoke)· Finish no rio no no no no no no .. " ,· -. ' .. " .. . ' ',. '• - ----Carlsbad LEGO Models ---- --Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: 11-360-6_1 . . I Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Construction·Site Updated Date: a-Jul-9i :~ ,:_, _ .. _. ,~ .·. Electrical power: Updated By: Sjf>_"." .:i'. ·-.;:,:.,:, Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extr~ 1/0 sheet by: . Model MID#: Model Name: .. Metric'Dimensions: . lmoerial'Dimensions: -· ,, ' ., ·m i > Requires .,, s Oversized Electrical (D,C Height· Width bepth Model Approval C.' !!!. x, ~ Reiohtcm Width cm Deothcm Weiohtko inches inches inches Weiohtlb (ves/no). ·(ves/no) · Construction Worker.1. ,. .. 0.0' 0.0 .0.0 0.0. Gonstrilction'Woiker'.2. ; 0.0, "o·.o 0.0 · 0.0 Various Small Proos 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0, .. ' 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0' 0.0 0.0 o;o 0.0 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 ,0.0. ·-o.o 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :o.o . 0.0 0.0 o.o ·o.o ·o.o ·o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o·.o o.o .' 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 "0.0' 0.0 o.o. .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '. . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' .. 0.0 . 0.0 'o.o ·Q'.o 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 ·o.o . 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 _ 0.0 . ·.o.o 0.0 .' " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 · 0.0. .. "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 · .. .. 0.0 .0.0 · . 0.0 0.0 . . 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 ,. .0.0 ,0.0 0.0. 0.0 -- ---- SatE. J•I' 'L ~·~-·~-- i 1,1. ·,': ',i:",) ~~" ~,/' --·;_:,: ,i:'.1,,:··,· :'.:/•;:· ','~.!, ~·; !.._!_' -~y,, '1 :':'.~,:,·:!:~--·, '.'~·~· i--~· ('1'·1s,,': ,,,''<, ·,·;,. 1: ~1.·.: _1:,'''.,'"i,,n(·,·,:.:·,: ,,.,',·:":_~·:~·:··,, ··::-··1·,1i Infrastructure: Utility . Require, ments SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air,water . (sound, men! · · Foundation• ,·Sketch: .drainage, Movement light.water Surface Tvoe Tvoe (yes/no) · electricity) (yes/no)' smoke) Finish . .. .. .. ,,:- --- --Carlsbad LEGO Models - - --- - Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Atlraction Ref No., I I ~~=~n ~!;"" : . ; ~ : · .. • ... • .... ·. • ". ~; ·. ·. Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model MID#: Model.Name: ·Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: rn ~ Requires i §'. Oversized Electrical ~ i Heigtil Wiclih . Depth Model Approval ·x )C Height err Width cm Deothcm Weiahtka inches inches inches Weiahtlb Ives/no) (ves/nol 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 o.o .. . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ... 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . o.o' -0.0 0.0 ·o.o .. o.o 0.0 0.0. ·o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o ., o.o' 0.0 0.0 .o.o .. . o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 .0.0 o.o .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 ·. o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o . 0.0 0.0 .o.o. o.o. 0.0 o:o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o . 0.0 0.0 o.o' .. o.o' 0.0' o·.o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o: 0.0 . o.o . ·O.O o.o' 0.0 .. 0.0 . 0.0 ·o.o · o.o . ·o.o 0.0 o.o ' . o.o 0.0 . 0.0 o.o o.o' 0.0 o:o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o. o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 ·0.0. '" •, o.o o:o 0.0 . o:o ','. o.o 0.0 0.0. o.o · o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 ·-o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o: o.o o.o · ·0.0 . . o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o - --- -- 1·,,11,·1,. ' ~' ! . -~, ::;.~~.±.!_'~~ ,,',•1 • "'-,:'· ; >•p ' '.: -l -. .,'3. --,., ,,! ,, ,,•<~:~ ;~~ ·,",'' -.,,;I / ,::;~[ t,._,,1t 'J ,~~:-~:;, !" ·~ ''·~ . .. Infrastructure: Utility . Require- ments SFXType Attach-Standard Interface (air.water (souhd, ment ;Foundation Sketch drijinage, Movement light, waie1 · Surface Tvoe Tvoe Ives/no) electriciM Ives/no) smoke) "Finish .. ' , .. ·, .. . ' ,. ,. " - - - --- -- - ------Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: 0-:102-61 .• 1 . -~.;__-'--.:,.._--,',----,-,--"-----,,'------~---1 Attraction Name: Welcdme Letters A(S&E) ,' Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: 8-Jul•91 ! .. Updated By: S.JP~~·~·' ---;--;:; Electrical power: Water supply in litres per minut~/bar: Controls,provided by: Extra 1/0-sheet by: Model MID·#: Model Name: --· · Metrfc'Dimensions:: Imperial Dimensions: -' "" m gj,, 'Requires' " 3 > !!!. s Oversized·· Ele~rfcal· ~ C: Height ''Width' Depth Model ,Approval· !!!,, :g 'x' Heiahtcm Width cm Deothcm Weiahtka inches inches inches Weiohtib {yes/no) {yes/no) S&E0356C LetterW " 'X, 161' • , 216 '51 180 '63.4, -85'.0 20.1 396.8 no no -' - Attach- nient Tvrna B . S&E0357C, Lettiir E _X 161 ' 141 51 130 '63.4 55.5 20.1 206:6 110 no . B , S&E0358C , Letterl X 161 1:18 51 75 63.4 46.5 20.1 165.3 no. no B S&E0359C LetterC. ·x 161 -.162 51 · 130 63.4 .' 63.8 20.1. ,286.6 no no B S&E0360C LetterO " X 161 · 164 5.1 130 63.4, .64;6 ' 20:1 286.6 no rio B S&E0361C. LetterM X 161 174 51 180 63.4' 68.5 20.1 396.8 no no B S&E0362C Letter-E _x 161 141 ,51 130' 63.4 55.5 20.1 286.6 no no _ B ,, 0.0 -0.0 o.o o.o O;O 0.0 0.0 · 0.0, 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 ,0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 i 0.0., ·o.o · 0.0 --0.0 0.0 -·o.o 0.0 --0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 _ -0.0 0.0. .0.0 ·o.o ' ',, ,, I '' . ' 0.0 -0:0 0.0' 0.0 '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0 0.0, ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 ' 0.0 -_ ·o.o · 'o.o' 0.0. 0.0 o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,.0.0 '. '• ·o,o _ 0.0 -0.0 ' o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,, 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0. o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 'o:o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 --- -- ACW NA.:· .. "_, ~! ~. :, ,. ·" · .. ·:\'.'.-,_ ·.--· .... L ''-2 " , ........ : NA·, :: ;·: ·:~_,c_r.:-~ ,;;,~: ,, ,__,,,, .. = . -" NA.·: -:; .. _,_ ,,.~:-~··· ~- Infrastructure: Utility Require-.· ments Sf'XType Standard Interface (air.water (sound,. .Foundation Sketch drainage, Movement light;wate1 Surface Woe .(Yes/nol electrfcitYI {yes/no) ·smoke) Finish no no , n'o . no no no no no 110 no • no no no nci. no no n6 _ no· no· no no no no no no no . no no : - ,, '' '" •' '. " " - - --- - - -- - - --Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: i-:O=-·...;..10~2;;;...:'..::.a61.;.;.;.:.=::?....:·---"=----'--"-------'-------- Attraction Name: Welcome Letters, B (ACW) ,1: Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated Date: i3-Jul"91'-1.··, '-.: , . , Electrical power: Updated !3y: SJP.·~··.:, ',;::_;, ,,. :. · _.,,,, .. ,, .. Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by: Model'MID#: Model Name: ·Metric Dimensions: Imperial Dimensions: gi, . " '' Requires :=, > 3 ! ~-Oversized Electrical ,!!!. Height Width Depth Model , Appr<;ival ,. )( )(' Heighrcm Width.cm ·oeothcm Weiahtkci inches : inches inches Weiahtlb ·(ves/rio\ Ives/no\ LetterW 0.0 0.0 o:o o.o '. LetterE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Letter.L o.o 0.0 0.0 .0.0 LetterC 0.0 ·o.o o:o o.o LetterO. ·0.0, 0.0 0.0 o.o LetterM 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o Letter,E 0.0 0.0 ·o.o. 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0· 0.0. 0.0 o.o '' 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.0 o.o o:o 0.0 '• 0;0 0.0 o·.o · ·0.0 . o.o 0.0 .0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·o.o 0.0 o.o ' o:o 0.0, ·,0.0 ., . ···o.o 0.0 o:o o.o , .. " 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ,. 0.0 0.0 0.0 .. .o.o .. 0.0 .. 0.0 ,0.0, ',0.0' '. ,, " .. .o.o '.0.0 0.0 ·o.o -· 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o .. o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o o.o' . 0.0 0.0 0.0 ; ' ., ., 0.0. 0.0, 0.0 ' o.o ·o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o ,0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ·0.0' 0.0 ·o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . ., 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0;0 0.0 0.0' ·-0.0 o:o ,0.0 o.o - ----- APW, 'N~· ,_ j ,, _,_ ., i' ,-• ''1' ~ • -' NA, ... ~J:(;.: 'NA\ .NA· . Infrastructure: Utility, Require- ments SFXType Attc!ch·' · Standard , Interface · (air.water -'(sound, ment Foundation Sketch ,drainage, Moyement light:w,:iter Surface Tvoe fvnA Ives/no\ electricity) (yes/no) -smoke) · Finish ' .. . ,. , . . ' '. ' . ·, .. ,. .. .. - ---- - - - - - - --Carlsbad LEGO Models Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. Attraction Ref. No.: 6~103-61 . ~.:..:,.;;;...::..,:..._,,....,.;-----'--"-,----,+----'----------i Attraction Name: Pedestrian, S -ine, arid, ligbtiho jll,;,'" Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Updated .Date: a~JuHlfi· :. ,:' ·,. ··.:: : . . Electrical power: Updated By: sJp./},: ;;:,·:.: <":../,}. ··,,,:'., ·~., Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided py: Extra 1/0 ·sheet by: · Model MID #:• MO<lel Name: Metric Dimensions: · lmoerial Dimensions: m ',' ~ R11quires 3 ~ [ ;Oversized ·Electrical C Height ' Width Depth Model Approval·· !!!. .)!_ ~· Heinhtcm Width.cm Depth cm Weight kn inches inches. inches Weight lb · (yes/no) , ' /ires/no) Model contents imkriown 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o . 0.0 .. 0.0 '. ·0.0 o.o ·.o.o . 0.0 . ' 0.0 o.o . · .0.0' o.o 0.0 o·.o ,0.0 o:o ·o.o .o.o . 0.0 0.0 " ·, 0.0' o.o 0.0 ·o.o .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 o:o' 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 .. 0.0 .0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0.0 ,,0.0 0.0 o.o ' . 0.0 0.0 b.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o "' : . o.o' :o.o o.o o.o. " 0.0 .o.o o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0, 0.0 . " ·o·.o -o.o _ 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 , 0.0 0.0 ., o.o o.o· 0.0 .0.0 .. o.o 0.0 0.0 o:o .. 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o ·.o.o 0.0 -0.0. 0.0 ·o.o o.o· · o·.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o:o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 · o.o 0.0 0.0' o.o -o.o ------ s.&e-·.·, ·~ ~ B • J ,1,,:,·1i:;' '1/.' ,,'•,:.,h .• ·.;1 . ,,,, - t\i,,:,;~'., :,:·. ~--: · :·~ >.:·,:-'>·,:~:; .·., :~ ,: ;::.· ~-: :,':'.:: '">: .. ,,., ,:;', ,::~::\·<~; HJ! ',-~.,-.;~, • ~· ,·,-· , L~· • H~ ,_ • ·infrastructure: ,, Utility , _ .Require·, " ments SFXType .Attach-Standard Interface (air,water· (sound, ment Foupdation · Sketch . drainage,· Movement light.water Surface Tvoe 'l"lioe , (yes/no). electricity)' (yes/no) smoke) Finish ., ' '. ,. ,. : '' -. r - ----Carlsbad LEGO Models -- - -- -Please always enter date of update and initials when entering data into this model matrix. -- Attraction Ref. No.: IO-103-62 . _ ·. I Parking,·lcons Supplies estimate provided by: Air in litres per minute/bar: Attraction Name: Updated Date: 7,/8/97 . ., ·.. . ~:2.:_._;-, /, ~" :.. Electrical power: Updated By: sjpC/;:':·,~ ... -.~·· l: Water supply in litres per minute/bar: Controls provided by: Extra 1/0 sheet by:. Model MID#: Model Name: · Metrtc Dimensions: · lmpertal Dimensions: ,, m ~. ?i'. .. Requires a Oversized Electrtcal '! [ Height Width Depth Model Approva_l · -~ 'x' H0eightcm Width cm Deptlicm Weightka inches inches inches Weiahtlb (yes/no) lves/nol S&E0322C· Letter.A X 575 235 ... 61 690 ·226.4' s2:5 24.0 1,521.2 ves no S&E0323C LetterB ·x 550 230' 64 690 216.5 90.6 25.2 1,521.2 ves no S&E0324C LetterC .x. ·530 · .195 51 '624: 208.7 76.8 20.1 1,375.7 ves ., no S&E0325C LetterD X 545 230 55 663 .214.6 90.6 21.7 1,461.6 ,ves no . S&E0326C Letter E x, '· 550 200 ,,65 670 216:5 78.7 25,6 1,4n.1 ves. ·no.'. S&E0327C Letter,F X 550 200 . 65 670 216.5 78.7 25.6 1,477.1 ,ves no 0.0, .·0.0 o:o .o.o 0.0' 0.0 o.o· 0.0 ,0,0 0.0 0.0 o.o. 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0 .o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o:o 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 0.0 O'.O 0.0 0.0 · 0.0 .o.o ' 0.0 :o.o 0.0 ·.o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o:o 0.0 · . 0.0 ·o.o .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0. 0.0 0.0 o.o , . ' ',: o·.o . ·0.0 0.0 0.0 . . . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 ' ·o.o . 0.0 0.0 · ·o.o .. 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FIXTURE SCHEDULE 0 > 1 DIMMER / RELAY • LOAD SCHEDULE I; I I, I I .I 1· I I 1: I I I I I, I I I· I A R L BAD I 21 JULY 1 9 9 7 STUD 1.0 E Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. w :E :::, ..I 0 > FIXTURE SCHEDULE 1 DIMMER / RELAY • LOAD SCHEDULE I I I, I I I 1· ·I I ,1 ' I I I l1 I I I· I ~-·' LEGOLAND Carlsbad, CA •- . Lighting Fixture Schedules Dimmer / Relay Schedules Gallegos Lighting Design . · 8132 Andasol A venue .-Northridge; C~lifornia-91325 phone-818.343.5762 fax 818.343.2041 .. -.. -...... _ -.. .. -...... ',' ..,, .. ~--...... LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste No Type D 6 p D 7 p D 8· ·p D 9 p SHEET D120-31-H102 Q120~31-H102 D120-31.-H1,02 0120-31-H1-02 FIXTURE SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI ti Dlml Relayllocation !Focus Mounting 1 ol 120i al 1 0~ 120! i'! 1 o!: 120! .. ~i. oi ,: 1 ' 1gol ...... 9! --------I_~' D t 1otG 10120-31-H102 1.::. ·· · 111 I oi l 10! .D ........................ 1.1 G.; ....... ·::: ........ 0120-31-H1.02 .. ·.·c::--:----:···_· .... =:······:·· .. ·: .... · 1· ........ · .............. or·:: .... j ..... :::L 513:==· ,· .......................... ~ ....................................... . D 12 G. 0120-31-H103 1 oi --: ' ~ 12! [) 202 ·01.~ 012Q-~1-H102 . 26v,P.L ... 1 2.6 ·261. 211! . 512 •P!Jppet Path , -Pattiway Bolt Pad Q. 203 81.3 :D120-31-H-:102 . iswPL 1 • 26 26i 277i . 512 Puppet Path Pathway ·sc;,Jt Pad D ~04 CLP~D1 .. D1·2Q-31-H102 (2) 5.0MH 1. 1,00 1,opj 277! 51'1 ,Puppet Path· Bolt Pad 'D 205 CLP-01 ... 01'20-31-H102 (2) 50MH 1' 100 1.00! 2771· ; 511 -Puppe~ Path Bolt Pad D .206 ·CLP-D1 -----------····-······--------,D120-31.-H102 ____ .. -(2)_50MH ........................ . 1 100 1 oo! 2nl-· ! 5·11 ----------·-·--·---------___ !_ ---=--------f>uppet Path · Bolt Pad ~---.. --+ · :::1::-:: ~ J;:::;:::::: -!~:::~ · J . ·:I ~:I ---::!. :~;L--l !iii::::.:: ····· ··I:::~::~ ----t::: ::---····-··-· - --- ------------------------------------- -D, 211 '81,3 . D120-31-H102 · 26wP.L 1 . 26' 26! 211!' I 5,12 Puppet Path Pathway BQlt Pai:I .D 212 81,.'3 · D120-31-H102 . 26wPL 1 . 26 26! ·211! -:, .512 Puppet Path Pathway Bolt Pad D. 21.3 '81.3 ,D120-31-H102 26YJPL 1 26 25·j 277! ! 512 Puppet Path 1,Pathway ·Bolt Pad D 21·4 :81.3 D120-31-H102 26wPL. 1 26 26! 211!' l 51.2 Puppet Path lPa,thw;:iy . Bolt Pad D 21'$ :L4 D1·20-31-H1'02 250PAR56 1 250 250! 120L 15J. Puppet Path ,G.rai:le_ 11 0 I 216ICLP-D1, j'.01g0-31-H·102 {(g)_EiQMtL ........... J. 1J19,<>L 1<>Qi g77[ ........ 1511.\PuppetPath I !Bolf Pad ·~ ............... t ...... ~.:·:l:~:p.01 ............. 1.~:::~::~::·:: ......... I ;~0 ::::~ .......... J .. ~ .. l~~:t-... ~:~J .... :·~·~1 .... ·141 .. ···· 51.1-1":~:::·:::~· ............. , ................................. t:::~:~d·· ................... . D 219 CLP-b1 D120-31-H102 (2) 50MH 1 100 1 ooi 277 ~ 511 .Puppet Path Bolt Pad =· D 220 CLP-D1 D120-31-H102 (2) 50MH 1 100 100) 277 511 Playtown Path . Bolt Pad .. ' D . 221 L4 D120-31-H102 25.0PAR56 1 ,25,0 25Q( . 120 161, Playtown Path Gr9-de D 222 CLP-D1 D120-3,1-H 102 (2) 50MH _1 100 1 ooi 277 I 511 Playto""'.n Path Bolt Pad D 223 L4 D120-31-H102 250PAR56 1 250 2i;;oj 120 17) Play.town Path . Grade D 224 L4 D120-31-H102 250PAR56 1 250 250) 120 16\ Playtown Path Grade No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity GALLEGOS Lighting Design LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # J>age 1 ---.. .. - -'~ - -' ~ . -.. ... ....,, ---.. ..... ~ ---...,. ... -. , . '. , .... --.; ... -.... ,,~ -~ ,_,. .... LEGOLAND FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 Progress Set DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Clustel No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI Viti _Diml Relay Loca\ion -Focus Mounting D 225 L4 D120-3t-H102 ·250PAR56. 1 250 · 250\ 120) 17\ Playtown Path Grade -, D 226 O1s D120-31-H10? 70MH 1 70. 70i 277i : 514 Playtown Path Grade ; D 227 O1s· D120~31-H10? 70MH 1 70· 101 277L : 514 Playtown Path Grade i ·D .228 .·O1s • D120-31-H1:02 ·70MH ---'-·------..... 1·· l., • .?-0 ,. 70j. ~tl7! l 51 :4 f>laytown. Path_ · .. -· . . , Gr~d~ ---------·-------·--------------··-·------------------------···-------------------------~ .......... _ .. J ..... :::f ~:: ...... -----··· .-.1·~:::~:.~~:::: ._ ....... 1.~::: ................................ ,.-·. :-1··;:l .. ..-.... ;~r ~;~r·· .-... 1 .. :: :1:·:::::~·:~:~ ........ , .......................... +:~:::·----------- D 236 L4 D120-;31-H1Q2_ 250PAR56 1 ·25Q 2~0 1.20) 17 Playtown Path Grade .. D 237 O1f 0120-3-1 ·H~ 02 70MH 1 70 70 277) 515 Pla}1own. Path Gra~e D 23~ O1f · · Dt20-31-H1:02 70MH 1 · 7:0 70 277) 515 ·P..lijytown Path Graqe· D 239 O1f D:1'20·3l-H102 70MH. 1 t<:J 70 277.! 51'5 Play:town path · Grade .. D 240 01f D120-31-H1Q2 · 70MH 1 70 70 277) 51 5 Playtown Path Grade D I 241 I O1f I D120·3l·H1'02 j70MH I 1. I 701 19\ 271L __ J 515JPlc1)'t9wn Path I I Grade D ............. ,, ...... 242,.011 ........... -....... ·tDt20-31.~H102 ....... J 70MH ............................ , ·.t ...... 1.l, ... 7o.,_. ......... ..70fJ277f ....... l ...... 51.5 Playtown .. Path ........ 1 ................................. 1 G .. ·r·a· .d .. e .. . . D · 243 ·011 . . D120-31--H102· l10Ml-l · . . 1,I to 70! 217f, . l 51'5 Pia town Path · ... : Grad~ D 244 CP-D2 D120-31-Hto2 150 A19 1 1·50 150! 12! 13! Pasta Terrace ·Pend~nt [) 245 CP-D2 D120-31-H1'02 150 A19 1 150 150! 121 13i Pastl:l' Terrace Pendant· D 246 CP-D2 D120-31-H102 150 Al9 1 1~0 1:~0i 12.i 13! Pasta Terrace .. P1:1n~ant-.. D 247 CP-D2 · D120-31-H102 150 A19 1 1$0 150! .• 12i 13! ·pasta Terrace -:Pendant . - D 248 L4 '1;)120·3·1-Ht0,2' ·· 250PAR56 1 2.50' 250j_ 1-2Qj t~l ·. Pa'st~ Terr~pe . Gracje D .J 24Ql9f'-[)2, .-. lo12<>-;317H102 · 1150 A19 I · 1 l150F 150! 12l 13! !Pasta Terrace I !:Pendant . . ~ ........... ., J-.... ::~.t~:~: .. ~ ...... 1~::;~:~~;: .. :-: .......... 1 ::: .. ~:: ............................ 1 ....... :-1.:;:t ......... :-::1_ ....... ;;L_ ~:L ____ J.;:::.-;::~::: ........ I ........ -.· ... -.............. -·I.::::::: ................... ... D 252 CP-02 · D1:20-31-H102 150· A19 1 150 1-50! 121 13 Pasta Terrl:lpe P!:!ndant . ' 1 soT ~ 2! .D' 2~3 CPsD2 :0120-31_-H1°02 · :150 Ai9 1 150: 13 -P~sta terrace Pendant •c 1 OOj D 254 CLP-D1 . D120-31-H1Q2 (2) 5QMH 1 1 00 · 277! 511 Past~ Terrace Bolt Pad D 255 L4 D120-31-H102 250PAR56 1 250 2501 1201 15 N. W. of Water ·Grade D 256 CLP-D1 D1~0-31-H102 (2) 50MH 1 100 100! 277! 511 N. W. of Water B.olt Pad D 257 .L4· · D12Q-31-H102 250PAR~6 1 25Q-250! 12.ol ·14 N. W. of Water ·Grade Np = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity GALLEGOS Lighting Design LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # Page 2 ~~~~~~~ra.~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development/ Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste No .Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLW. Viti" Dlm!Relay Location Focus Mounting D 258 L4 D120-31-H102 250PAR56 1_ 250 250) 120) 15) N. W. of Water Grade D 259 L4 O120-31-H102 ·250PAR56 1 250, 250i 1 gol 14) N. W. of Water Grade, D 260 L4 Dt20~31-H1"Cl"2 250PAR56 1 250 250) 1.29l . 15! N. W. of Water Grad13 D 261 PP-D2 · D1_20-3H-J102 150 A19 1 150 150\ 12i 11i . Pasta Terrace Pen.dant .!?................ 2 6 2 2.~.:P..?. ................. !?..). ~P.:~.!.:.tt~.~-?.... ......... 1.?..~'. .. ~!.~............................ 1 15 0 1 5 0 ! 1 2 ! . . 11 ! . -~~~!~ .. !~.~~~-~ ............................................ -~~!,!.~~~~ .................... .. D 263 CP-D2 D120-31-H102 150 A19 1 150 150i 12! 1ti Pasta Terrace Pendant D 26~ CP-D2 . D120-.31-H102 150 A19 1 H~0 150) 12\ H\ Pasta Terrace '.Pendant D 265 L4 D120-31-H.102· 250PAR.56 1 250 250) 1"20i 12\· N. W. of Water Grade D 266 'L4 D120-31-H1.02 ;!50PAR56 1 250 2soi 129\ · 12i N. W. of Water Grade . ·o 267'CP-D2 D120-;31-H102 150 A19 1 150 150\ 1?.i. 11i Pasta Terrace. Pendant D 268 CP-O2 D120-3i'-HH)2 150 A1~ 1 ·150 150i 12i 11l Pasta T~rraqe Pendant D 269 CP-D2 ·0120-31 ~H1-02 · 1'50 A19 1 Hi0 150\ 12i 11 l Pas~a. Terrace Pendant .· D , 270 ·CP-b2 . D120-3hHt02 · .150 A19 , · 1 150 · 1'501 · 1·.2\ ·12\ · Pasta Terrace · Pendant · . .......................... ~ ......... :.,· ... , ... · .......................................... -. ... , ...... ~--··· . .. .-.. , ..... ,................ .. ................ , ............. , ............. , .. , ................ , ...... _ ........ , ........ , ....... ,................................. , ............. , .... ' D. 271 L4 D120-3.1-H102 2~0PAR56 . 1' .250 250) 12oi 14) · ·Pasta Terrac~ Grade , D 2.72 C.LP-P1 Di 20-3:1-H1 o,a (2) 50MH ,1 :1,90 tooi 2111. L 5,1,0 N:. w. 9f Water. Bolt P~d ' .p 273 CP,D2 ... .Dt20-31-H1'02 '150 M.9. 1 l50 150 12f. 11.i Pasta T~~race .Pendant . D 274 CP-O2 D120-31-.H10~. 150 A19 J 1~0 150 12) 11'f Past~ Jerra:c~ Pe,,ndaf)t O 275 R4 •D120-31-H1'02 . ,25_0w 1 250 2soi, 12_<:>l l2l E. qf Re,stroom R~ssed D 276 O2m . D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 70! 211f 50f! E. of Restroom Grade . D 277 O2m D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 70l 2T7l 5.08 E. Qf Restroom :Grade .!?................ 278 .. ~.t: ..................... J?.J._g_~:~.!.:.~.1.~.~ .... : ...... ?:~~~................................... 1 250 250! 120! 13! · . _E. _of_ Restroo!ll ........................................... -~~.?.~~~~: ................. .. D 279 'L4 D120-31-H102 250PAR56 . 1 250 250i 1201 . 12i E. of Restroom Grade D 280 L4 D120-31-H1. Q2 250PAR5~ 1 250 250! 120! 13) E. of Restroom Grade D 281 O1s D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 70! 21ii · 508 E. of Restroom ~rade p ~82 Q1m D120-31-H1Q2 70MH 1 70 70) 277) 508 E. of R~stroom. Grade D 283 O2m D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 70) 277) .508 E.of Restroom Grade D ~85 Q1m D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 70! 277! 508 E. of Restroom Grade D 286 O1m D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 70) 277) 50.8 E. of Restrqbm ,·Gr~de IIJo = fixture # lo = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 3 ....... ,. -------/--·-;\ .. ( .. ~ ............ _ LEGOLAND Progress Set Clustel NolType D I ·287I01m D · I 289IL4 D I 290IL4 SHEET D120-31-H102 D120-.31-H102 D120-31-H·102 · FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 DUPLO VlLLA:GE -Area Development/ Architecture Exterior Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI ti Diml Relay Location I Focus Mounfing 70MH 1 70 1oi 211i i 508 E .. of Restroom Grade 250PAR56 1 250· 2sol 12oi 12\· · E. of Restroom Gr~de 250PAR56 1 -250 250! 120! 1-3l E. of Restroom Grade D I 2.91 I L4 I 0120-31--H-102. I 250PAR56 I t j 2soI . 2soj 12oi 1 2! .. LE, of.fl~!ltroprn I ,...... I Gr~~e . ··1 · . · 1· ..... ·1 1 ·1· i ... T ............ i I ·-----1-· .· · .~ ........... l ..... :::f~ ..................... · ·~~;::~:~_::~·:: ....... · :~:-:::Rss · .................. ·.~· ·~:: ........ ~::1 .. ,.::;1 ....... 13! ...... 507 ·::·::·:;::om ...... : ................................ 1-:::sed ................. .. D 294 R2 ·0120-31-H102 150M_H 1 150 159\ 277\ i 507 $. of Water Recess!;ld :D 295 R2 0120-31,H102 150MH 1 150 150! 2771. 507 S. of Water Recessed .. -D :305 01s. D12Q-31-H102 70MH 1 70 10! 277! ' !;>04 S, of Wat.er 10' On 30' Pole . ' D 306 01s . · Dj20-3'h,H102 .,'.?OMH t' 70 70.j 211\. ! ~04 S. of Water ' · 1 Q' On :30.~ Po.le '! D 308 01f .. D120-31-H102 70MH 1.oi 211i ·. 1 7Q i' 505 S. of Water Gradt3 b 309 011 D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 70! 211! I ..... sos ·S. of Water Grade . ~ ' ! ... ··········--··········------·-··· ~· .. --. t .. :::1~::-..... -1~::::::::::: .. ·-Ji:::--...... _ .. _ ·+ .. ·:+ .. i:l·-· ... ·;:I· :;:L:·-i .... :::1::·: ::::-----.. + ................ _ ....... !:: ...... -. ·-- D . I · 313101f l.0120-31-1-1102 I 70MH I 11 701 1oj 2111 i 5951 S. of W,ate.r I I Grade .o 314. 0:1.m · ,0120.-31-H.1:02 70MH 1' 70 10L 211 505 S. of Water Gra~e D 315 B1.3 .0120-31-H102 26wPI,. 1 26 2si 277 ·Soo s: of Water Pathway Bolt.Pad D 316 B1.3. D120-31-H1.02 26wPL 1 26 26i 277 500 S. of Water Pathway ·Bolt P~d D .' 317 R3 D120-31-H102 · ·150MH 1 · 150 .1 sol 277 506 S. of Water RElC8SSed .. .. .. D 318 R3 D120-31-H102 150MH 1 150 150! 277 506 $. of Water Recessed D .................... 31_9 R2 ..................... .'D120~31-l·JJ.02 ........... 150MH. ......... .,. .................... \ _1.so .......... 1 ~Or .. ?77! ............ ! .... _.5Q7 .S.)>f Water ................................................ Re¢e_s~ed ................. . . D.. .320 R3 D120-31-H1·02 · 150MH 1 150 150! 277! l 506: .s .. of Water. .;Recessed- D 321. B1.3 D120-31-H:102 26wPL . . 1 26 26\ 211! l ~OE3 S. of Water Pathway Bolt Pad ---------~~-----------~------~----------------- - -----~~----------- D 322I0H D120-31-H102 70MH 11 701 7'.0j 211i 50:4:I S. of Water Gracie· D 323l01f D120-31-H102_ 70.MH 11 701 70) .-?Ti'i 5041 $. of Wate.r GradE3 D ;324101s D120-31-H102. 70MH 11 70 10! 211! 5041 S. of Water 10' P9l~ D· ~271 Ots 01'20-31-H;I 0.2 70MH. 11 70 10! .211i 5041 s. of Water 10·· Po.le D 328IR3 D1.20-31-H102 150MH 11150 tsoj 211! 5061 S. of Water Recessed No= Fixture,# LO.,; !-~mp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 4 ... -.. .. -: -) -· . ·-. ...... , .. --)-........ ---LEGOLAND FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 Progress Set DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI ti Dlml Relay Location !Focus Mounting D 329 R3 ·D1·20-31-H102 150MH t 150 1soi 2nl i 506 S. of Water R.ecessed D 330 ·R~ .D120-31-H10~ 150MH Recess81;1 1 150 1so! 211! i 506 s. of wa,er : D 339 01s 0120.31-H103 11 7<H 10! 211! i 5041 S. of Water I I 12' Pole I 504 s. ~ D I 34olms lo120-3·1-H103 l70MH I 11101· to! 21il i 504IS.ofWater l' · l12'Pole . --' . . .. I ! ·.~ .............. -t-• .... :::t :: :: ................. .,1:~.: ~~::_:~::-~:.__1-~:::.~·.·····-----...... ·l .. ·· a.::t ............ ::1 ... :~;;· ..... · ..... , ...... :~,; ;~i~: -;:::r..· ............. ·:::~::;· ... · ....... -1-:::: ::~ ........... · ........ . D I' 343101m ro120-31-1:-11 ()3 11.oMH I 11 10·1 10! 277i . i 5031:Falry Pa~h ·I -···· .. I Grade -D I· 34·41 Q1i:n IDt?Q-31-JH 03 j701'.1H I. . 1·1 701 10! 2nL ... • J 5031-Fairy Pa.th I H~rade D 345 01m. D120-31-Hl03 ·70MH 1· 70 70i 277i !50~ 'FaJry Pa.th Gra!J,e D 347 B1.3 D120-31-H103 26wPL 1 .26 26l 211! . 500 Fairy Path ·pathway BolJ Pag D 348 81.3 D120-.31-H103 26wPL 1 26 21?1 ;277j L ... SQQ Fairy. Path_······ ·····-Pathwa.y Bolt pad D I ~491B1.3 ID120-3J-H103 Jg6wPL ····-···-·--·-----·· I 1j26I .. 26L211L ....... L 500!Fairy Path · i:>~~·~"'.~Y. !Bolt Pad -.~ -1. -· :::1::::-·-····---1~: ::::: ::: : ..... -, ::::~ ..... _ · .. ----1--:1 .. ::L .. ~:r:::r-~ r :::~::~ .. :: -...... -. :::::; -1 :: ::: -....... --· ------~---------··-----·-----------~~--·-----------· ----~-------------------·------- D . I 352101m ID120s3hH103 l70MH I 11 701. 70! 277! L 503IFairy Path I l~rade o I 353IB1:3 ,D120-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 2si 2111 500 Fairy Path Pathway Bolt Pad ·O 35.4l81.3 D120-31-H1. 03 .. 26wPL ~ , 26 2ai 211.L l soo Fafry Path Pathway E;lolt Pa_d D 35.15181.3 0·120-31-H103 26wP~ _ ··-·---····-······· 1 26 26l .2ni J .... soo Fc1iry i:>c1t~ .. . . . P~t~\'lfl}' Bolt Pad D I 356JQ1.111 . . ... toJ_g_C>::~J~~J~3, ..... Jz~~tl ·--·-·-··· .... L JJ.JQI .7~j .. 2?_?} ..... J .. fi03ffl:liry Path I I Grade D I 357101m l·D120-31-H103 l7QMH I ·11 701 1oi · 2.77j . j 503l·Falry Path I !Grade -0 ·359Q4f D120-3t-H103 175MH_ 1_175 17.5 211! j !503F~iryP{l~h . . 4'Pqle . D 359 04f D120-31-H103 175MH . 1 175 . 175 . 277\ ·i 503 Fairy Path . . . 4' Pql~ . . D 360 01m D120-31-H103 70MH 1 _7.Q 70 277\ j'. 503 F;;i.iry Patt:, Grade D 361 81.3 0120-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 26 277! 5.00 Fairy· Path Pathway Spit Pad D 362 81.3 D120-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 26 277i 500 Safari Path Pathway Bolt Pad D 363 81.3 D120-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 26 277i 500 Safari Path Pathway E;lolt Pl:ld D 364 81.~ p120-31-H193 26wf,'L 1 26 26 277i· 500 Safari Path Pathway Bolt fad D 365 81.3 D120-31-H103 26wPL 1-26 26 21ii 500 Safari Path ·Pathway Bolt Pad No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS ,Lighting Design Page S ... -· --.. -.. ,_; .._ _,,. -. -.. f -· ·1111;·, ........ 1111 ., ....... \-.. LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Clustel NolType SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI VIII 01ml Relay Location Focus Mounting D I 366181.3 D120.31-H103 26wPL . 1 26 26) 277! I 500 Safari Path Pathway Bolt Pad D 376IQ1s ''D120-31-!:i103 70MH 1 70 10! 2.77i I 503 Safari P~th 4' Pole D 377IO2f D12Q-31-H103 : 70MH 1 70 70) 211! i 502 Saf1:1rl Path !3rade P I 378jO2f JDl_20-:31:JiJ<>:3 .. J70~l:I... LJL7oL 7'0! 2nl ... j ~<>gtsaf~ui Path L !Grade .~ .................... :::. ~:; ....................... ~::~:::::~:: ........... ;_::: ........................................ :··· .. :: ........... ·;:l· .. ·:::l ............ } ... ·::: ·:::::··::::·· ................................................ :::::· ........................ . D 381 IQ2f 0120-31-f:110.3 70MH 11 70 70i 211i ' ~ ___ ____::___~--5021 Safari Path Grade D 3~~1O2f D1'20-31-H103 70MH 11 70 70! 211! ! · 501 I Safari Path Grade ·•:o 38~IO2f D120-31-J·M 03 70Ml-;I 11 70 7Qf 277·i i,.o 21 Safari Path G~ade D 384I-Q2t D120-31-H.103 70MH 11 70 7p) 277i' 50.1 I Saf~ri Path Grade D 385IO2f D120-31-H103 ·70MH 1 l 10· 10I i11I 502l·Safari Path Grad~ D 'I 3~6fO2f . J0120-31-HJ03 l!9Ml:L. . .. L 1J .. ?-QL .. zol 2}7! . ...:! .... ~.Q.1J~c:l.fl:l..ri P~t~ ...... .J ..................... , ........ J<3ra~e ~ ............... l .. · .. ·::·:1 ~~! ................. · .. -t~:::~::.~:: ::·· ...... i ;:;:R30/H/NFL2~0+· .. ··:+·~:, ............. ;:t-.. ·~::l···.J· .. ···50 _ 2t :::::: .. :::~ ............ + ............................... ,~:::: .............. · .......... ,, D . I 389IA1 1O120-31-H-103 l-Z5PAR.30/H/NFL25° I 1 I· 751 75! 120! 21 !Si;l,f_c:l.ri· path · I IJ-box ·D I 390l·O2m ... Jo120-31-H103 l70Ml-l . L 1 Lrol ,JoL .-2J!L __ L ~<>:IJSaJ~rl f'a.,th ·········· J ~-....... __ JGr~9e D. l 391IA1 ID120~31-H10;3 j75f>AR3Q/l:i/NFL25° L 1·1 7'51 75') 120! 2J J~~tari P~th ..... J ·-·-.. _.JJ-~ox D · I 392IA1 I-D120-31~H103 j75PAR30/H'/NFL25° I 1 L1sl 75/ 120) 21 JS~farJ Path I I J-box ,o 393181.~ D120-31-H103 26wPL 11 2~ 2,6! .277! 5QOI Safari Path .Pathw~y_ Bolt Pad D 3~4181,3 D120-31-1-:1103 26wPL 11 26 2~) ?771' 5001 Saf~ri Path Pathway B9lt Pad , , . , . I ~ .............. -t, .... ·::~1~:: .................... 1~: ::~::~:.:·:: ......... !·~:~: .................................. , ...... ~·l ... ~:t ... ~ ....... ;:1·· .. :;;, .... · ...... ·.I ... ::: ::~::: .. :::;;-±~~···-~=J::::: ........................ .. D 398 O2f D1 ~0-31 •Hl03 7QMH. 1 70 70) 277 502 Safari Path Grade D 399 O2f D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 70! 277 502 Safari Path Grade D 400 O2f D120-31-H103 70MH 1 · 70 70) . 277 502' Safari Path. Grade D 401 8·1.3 D12Q-31-H103 ~6wPL 1 26 26! 277 500 Safari Path Pathway_ Bolt Pad D 404 -O2m D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 70) 277 501 Recessed D 410 O2f D120.31-H103 70MH 1 70 10·) 277 5021 Safari Path Grade No ,,,; Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 6 .. -· .. ; .. .. .... -..... .. : ... ' ' -' , .... .. .. .. , ... -.. LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste No D 411 D 412 ., p 413 0 414 D· 415 ................... D 4t6 'D . 41? D 418 "[) 421 [) 422 ,p 423' .0 424 ·o 425 ................... D 426 .b .. 427, :o 428 'D 429 I) 430 D 43,1 ::o 4',32 433 Type 021 ,O2f 02f B1.3 B1.3 .............................. B.1,3 . : 81.3 B.1,.3 •,, A6.3 A6;3 A6::3. ' CPB-Dt CPB-D1 .............................. 02m A3 ... A3 A3 ,A.3 A3 .A3 A3 FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development/ Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI ti Dim Relay Location Focus Mounting D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 1oi 211t i 502 Safari Path Grade .D1.20-31-H1. 03 70~H 1 70 70! 21,ti ! 502 -S11farJ Path Grade i. D120-~1-H103 70MH 1 70 70! 277! i 502 Safari . Patti Grade •D129-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 261 2771 : 500 ! Safari Path Pathway Bolt Pad D120-31-H103 . . 26¥.'.PL ................ · .............. 1 26 261 2771 i 500 Safari Path· _Pathway ............... -Solt,Pad ..................... ............................................ 26i 211i · i .~oo .................. , ..................... .D1?0-~1-H103 26WPL 1 26 · Safari .Path Ra.i.hway .BoJJ Pad D120-31-H103 ,: 277!' '~ '.Pathway 26wPL 1 · 26 2~l 500 Safa~i Path 'Bolt Pad .Dl.20-31-H103 ·26WPL 1 26 261 27_71 500 Safari Paih :p1ithway Bolt P~d ; D120-31-H103 75MR16/NSP 3 75 225\ 12,i ! 502 6' Pole D,1.20·31-H103 ·. 75MR16/N~P 3, 75 2_25! 12!. : 502 6' Pole 0120-31sH103 75MR16/NSP 3 · 75 · 22si 12!· 502 .. .. · 6' Pol~ D.i 20-31-H103 100 A19 1' 100 1 oo! 1201 500 Entry Bridge .. P~destal . . . 1 ooi 120! ! soo D·120-31-H103 100 A19 1 100 Entry .. Bridge ............ Pedestal ...... -................................... . .............................................. ............................................................... .................................. ....................................... D120-31-H103 7QMH 1, 10· 1oi 211\ i 501 · Safari Path ;Grade l:$t20,.~1,H103 . 75MR16/NFL 1 . 7,5 ts! 12:) . 1 i Safiui. Pa,ti . Qnc;l~r Bridge 75,i 12! 1! .. 01.20-31-.H103· . 75MR16/NFL 1 75 Safari Path U_rider Br.idge 7sf - Pt20-31-H1_03 75MR16/NFL 1 . 75 12! 1 S~fari Path Und,er Bridge 'D.·120-31-H103 75MR16/NFL 1 75 75i 12i 1 Safari Path Under eridge D1.~.0-;31-H10;3. 7ijMR16/NFL 1 75 1s! 12! 1 -~~(ari P~th . Unc;l1:1r Bridg~ D120°31°H1:03 75MR-16/NFl 1 75 1~-i' 12i 1. Safari Pa1h Under Bridge D12·0-31-H103 75MR16/NFL 1 75 75i 12! 1) Safari Path D . _Under Bridge ........... ................... .... · ....................... · .. ............................................ ............................................... . 1si 12i 1 j ........................................ .................................. D 434 A3 D12Q-31-H103 75MR16/NFL 1 75 ~afari Path ' l:Jnder Bridge . D 435 O2m •D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 70) 277) 501 Safari, Path Gra(1e D 436 CPB'-D1 ·Df20-31-H103 100 A19. i 100. 1001 120! 500 Entry Bridge Pedestal D 437 . CPB-D1. D120-31-H.10:3 '·100 A19 1 100 1 oo\ 12.01 500 Entry Bridge P1:1dl,lstal D .·O2s 2000 D2_21-31-H322 70MH 1 70 70! 277) 518 Roof Structure Roof D 2001 O2s D221-31-H.322 70MH 1 70 1oi 277! 518 Roof Structure Roof D 2002 O2s · D221-;31-H322 70MH 1 70 70! 271! 518 Roof Structure ·Ro9f No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 7 --.. , .. , .. ·-.. : ~> , .. ; .. .. ... ... .. ; 1111:i .. .. .. .. LEGOLAND FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 Progress Set DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior <Huste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI tj Dlml Relay ·Location Focus Mounting .0 2003 02s D22t-31-H322 .70MH . 1 70 10! 21.1! : 518 Roof Str1.1cture .Roof ., 0 2004: 01f D2.2_1-31-H322 70MH 1 70 10) 277) ! 517 Roof Structure Roof 70! 211! : 517 0 20135 01f D221-31-H322 70MH . .. 1 70 '! Roof Stn-1cture ·~oof -· 10! 277·1 10· 2006 01f D22J-3.1-H3.22 70MH . . .t 70 : 517 .Roof . :$tructure Roof " . . [o ............ . 101· 211i i 517 " . . · .. 20Q7: 01f . D221-31 ~H322 .70MH ................................. 1 · 70 .Root .............. · ............. Structure · Roof ...... __ ............. · ........ ._ .......................................... . -... · ... . 7o:i 2ni :i .-·516 ................................... ... · ...... ........... 0 . 2Q08 ·01,t D221·-31-H322 . 16MH 1 70 Roof Structure Roof D2.21-31 ·J-1~22 7,0MH. 70 7Ql 211i i 51.6 -Rpof l:ltructure -Root 0 · · 2009 01f' 1 ., '•:\ 12oi ! 0 ,2029 ~3 P221-31-H303 PL-9 1 9 9j : 519 Corridor 'Area Recessed ' . ' 9.i 12Qi Corridor 0 2030· ·03 ·0221-31 •H.303. PL-9 1 9 ; 519 Area ·Reces.s~ 1·0 203t Q~ 0221.-31.-H303 PL-9 1 Q 9! 1:20i .. '~ 519. CQr.ridQr A~ea R~S!!ed [o 1 soi 12.oi 20! 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CWMsD5 0221-3'1-H303 150 A19 .. 1' 150 120 1.9 Te~race A,rea JBQ~ - No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity GALLEGOS Lighting Design LW = Lanip Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # Page 8 ~~~~~-~~~~~-~~~-~~-~ LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Clustel NolType SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWl VttT 01,;;fnetay Location Focus Mounting 0 I 20501 CWM-01 0221-31-H303 150 A19 1 150 1 soi 1·20! ~4i Terrace Area JBox 0 2()51102 0221-3.1-H~03 F13TBX/SPX30 1 13 13l ?171 5?0 T~rrace_ Ar.ea Rece~sep 0 2052102 0221-31-H303 F13TBX/SPX30 1 13 1'3) 277), ! 529 Terrace Area Recessed 0 I 2053102 I0221-31-H303 IF13TBX/SPX30 I .1f 131 13j 277j .! 520ITerrace )Area IRece!lsed :~ ............. t ... :~::f ~:~:~: .......... 1,~::: __ ~:~_:.::: . I:::·:::· ~·-·--J_· ... :·I :::t .. -...... ::;l .. ·: :::.,.u ~:1· .... _ ...... ,~:::::: ....... ' ....... · ...... 1:::: ................. ,~::: .................. -...... .. . 0 0 0 0 D b 20561 GWM-04. 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I 1.50 A19 r11001 1 ooi 12oi. ~1i Area Wall ·~: ......... _+ .. ::::1~:~~6: ........... ,.~:::~::: ~::::· ......... ,.::: ::: ....... -......... · -.. _ + ..... : 1:.:~t .......... : ::I···:::} ... · .. ::1 ................ 1_ ......... · .......................... ·l·:::: ..................... 1,::::----·, D I 2081ICWM-P3 lo229-31-H3_02 l1so A19 . I 1!100'1 100) 120L 28) I !Area !Wall b I 20821 CWM0D3 I D?20,31-H302 150 A19 1 10,0 100 1201 28! .Area Wall D 2Q86j,CWM~Q3 D220-31-H302 150. A1.9 1 100 100 n~o) 21). Area . Wall D 208 71 CWM-D3 .0220-31-H302 150 A19 1 100 100 120! 27) Area Wall D 208alw1 D220-31-H302 70MH 1 70 70 277! ' 509 Ar~a JBox D 2089l,W1 D220-31-H302 70MH 1 70 70 277! i 5.09 Area JBox No= Fixture# LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW ;= Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 9 --, .. -.................. -....... \ .... -! .. . LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluate No D 2090 D 2091 D 2092 .D 2093 Type SHEET CWM-D1· P220-31-H302 .cwM-Dt , O220-31-H302 CWM-D1 .D220s31,H302 CWM~D1. · D220-31-H302 FIXTURE SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Lamp LQ LW TLWI Viti DlmlRelay Location 150 A19 1 150 15oi 12oi 26! Magic Entry i : .26i 150 A19 1 .150 1'50! 12oi ~agic Entry 150 AH) 1 150 15Qi -~ioi 26) . Magic Entry 150 At9. .1 .150 15oi 12oi 25!;-. . '.. . · Magic Entry No= Fixtur13 # · LO= Lamp Quantity · LW = J_amp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area Over Door. . Area ·Over Door Area Over Door Are~ Over Door Page 10 -~~~---~~~~-~~-~~-~ ,. 'LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste No F . 1 Type G F 2 J< F 3 p SHEET F135-31-H10.5 f=135-31-.H1 P5 F135-31-H1·.05 FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Lamp LO LW TLW[ v1tf DimlRelaylLocatlon 1 0i i 503 1 0 : 510 ' 1 0 120! ~ 5p7 F' I 41P lfl35-31-H1.0!5 I L 1J I gL1:2<>L L 568 7/21/97 !Focus Mounting ., F 5 ·p F135-31-H105 . 1 ol 12oi i. 508 F . : p P. . . F135-31,-H1:05 . . . ,' . . 1 · . oi 12oi j 508 . . . , . F .~.~ 7 P F135-3!-H105 _____ ~· 1 oi 120! 71P I F135-31-H1 Of ,, 508 . F 8 p .. F135-31-HlQ~. 1 oi 12oi 508 F 9l · 120! ' .. 9 p .F135-31-Hi 05, 1 508 F 10 p F135-3:1-H105 1 o! 120! 508 .F •,F 11 p i=1.35-31-.H1'Q5 . 1 12 P· F135.-31-H105 1 ol. 120.i oL 1?.~J ·; 508 ---:r: 508 .. . I · 1 I . . . ., : .......... 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I 1· I t . . . . .F .............. · ... · ..... 21· ·p .......................... _F1.3'5°31sH103-......... ·. · ... · ...... _ ....... · ............. _ ..... : ......... 1. ·.-....... _ ............. ·o·\ ..... 1·20:.·, .... 23i ............... 1_ ....................................... 1 ............................ -. ,, F . 22 -P F1~5-31-H10~ · _ 1 · O! 120i 24i F 23 F' . f·135-31-H103 1 _ oj 12o)~si F 24 p f=135-31,-H1-03 1-0i 120i 2_6-j F 25 G -F135-31-H104 1 oI 566 F 26 G F237-31-H304_ 1 oJ 47i F 206 on .F1 35-31_. A 1 04 70MH 11 · 10 F 201 O2f F135-31-H104 .70MH 11 70 70! 277! 70i . 277'[ ~--i\ :::1-I I Grade ~ ! Grade No = Fixture # LQ = Lamp Quantity ·LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 1 . -~-~-----~~-~~~~--~ . . . . - LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7 /21/97 FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI ti Diml Relay! Location F·ocus Mounting F 202 02f F135-31 °1-1104 70MH 1 70 10! 211! i 548i Grade F 203 CLP-F1 i=135-31-H104 150 A21 1 150 150! 120! : 546 Area Bolt Pad F 204 Bj.;3 f135-31-H104 26wPL 1 26 2.13.L 2111 '. 547 ' ______ t" ____ c ____ Pat~YlaY: ,Bolt pad F I 2051 !31.:3 ................ lf:-1._:3~::~J.~.tlJ~.1 .. J4Ei~PL , .................... J ... JL,gsJ 2EiL_gnL ........ i §4-7.L . .. ... , .................. J.ec:1~~.\\'~)' I Bolt Pad F 206 B1.3 . Fi 35-31-H104 26wPL 1 26 2s! 277j ! 54 7 . . · Pathway . .Bolt Pad F 207 B1 .3 . F1,3q-31-H104. 26wPL. l' . 26 . ~al 211.i ! p4 7 Pathway . BQlt Pafl .. ,1 F135-31-H104 26) 211!' . 547' Pathway 'Bolt Pad F 208 Bt,3 26wPL .. 1 26 ! F 209 B1.3 F135~31-li104 26wPL .. 1 26 26 211! : 547 Pathway Bo.It Pad F .,' 210 B1,.3, . ·Ft3~-31-H104 46'f'PL 1 .. 26 26 271) . ; 547. , . _Pat_hwa,y BpltPacj ,:, F 21_ 1 81.3 F135~3hH104 2.6wPL 1. 26 26) .2t1i 547 Pathway Bolt pa,d -F 212 ·.B1;3 f135-31-H104 26wPL 1 26 26l 277l i 547 . Pathway BoltPa.d : F 21~ :B1'.3 F1_~5-;31,-H104 ......... . 26wP.L.. .......................... ·. -...... 1. ----------------------------... ,26 26L 211.! ......... i ~47 --------------------------1.Patt,way Bo!t Pa,d : .............. 1 ..... :: :'l::,:: ................... l:: ::~::~::~: ._ .... t :·:::~ ........................ : .... 1-.... ·~·l .. ::1 ............. ::t--.. :~~t· ........... t ...... ::~t........ · ......... · ... l:::~::~ ............. l:::: ·:::· ................... · --------· . ---- f, , .. I 21s1s1.a l,f:~5-:3,1-Hto4 l·2Ei\YPL ___ l .. !'Lg§I 26j .211j . i 5471: Pathway .Bolt f'ad .. F 217 B1.3 .. , :t=135-31.-H104 26.wPL 1 26 26) 277 547 ,Pathwav . Bolt Pad F 218 B1.3 · F135-31-H104 26wPL 1 26 26i. 27_7 547 ·Pathway Bolt Pad ci'F ., ?,6i 2,77 219 B1_,3, Ft;35-~·1c,1-h04 , ·?,6wPL. 1 2.6 547 .. , Pathway .. Boli Pa<:i (F ' 2sl ?.77 220 81.3 F135-31-H104 .?,~wPL 1 ' 26 547 !Pathway_· Bolt Pad F I 221 I B1.~ I F135-31-H:104 ..... 126\VPL ................... L 1L2s.1 ....... gEif. .g:uL ..... .i .. ~4-Zl. . ........ , ................. J~.c:1.tti.\\'~)' I Bolt Pad .'7 ............ .J . ,.2221cLP7F1. ........... F1.35-;31_-H1.·94 .......... 150 ... A21 ........................ • ... 1 .. 1.50 : .......... 1.50! ..... 1.20L, ....... J ..... :?_46 .................... · ....... .-.... .-_Area ........ · ............. BqltPad ................... : •. F I 223ICLP-F1 F1'35-31-H104 150A21 1.150 · rsoi' 120L i.546 .. Area BoltPad F 224 CLP-F1 F135-31-H104 150·. A21 1 150 1,50i 120 546 J\rea Bolt Pad F 22~ 01f_ F-135-~1-H104 .. 70MH 1 70 70.i • 2.77 . , 549· : Grad.a F 235 OH F135-31-H104 70MH 1 70 70) 277 549 .. . GradE! .F 236 01f F1·35-31-H_104 70MH 1 70 70! 277 549 GradE! F· 23.7 02f F135-31-H104 70MH 1 70 toi 277 549 '' GradE! F 238 Ott F135-31-H104 70MH 1 70 70! 277 549 Grade No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 2 -~-~-----~~--~~~~--LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste No F 239 F 250 F 251 F 252 Type SHEET 021 F135-31-H10~ . QPB,F1 'F13.5·31-H103 CPB-f1 F1 35-31,'1-l 1 0~ Rt F135-31-H103 -.-· FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Lamp LOI LWI TLWI VI~ Diml Relayl Location Focus !Mounting 70MH 1 70 70 277) '.! 549 Grade 150 .A19 1' 150 '. HiO 120! 540. .Area Bol~ Pad 150 A19 1 150 150 120) 540 Area Bolt Pad 150MH 1 150 150 2771 541· Path'!Yat ., ·Recessed ·: .... · ......... t ..... ·~::t:: .................... · ... 1::·::~::.~:~::: .......... 1:::~: .. . : =:+ .... : 1::~t-.... · .... :·::l: .. : ~;;1 .. : ........... l:: .... ::::1· ......................... ·· .. :··: .... 1:::~::; ............. ,.::::: .................... ~· F135-31.-Hl03 HiOMH · ___ ..... I _·_t .... l·1_5_0I_._. 1so·I 2111 i 541 i' Ji:>_a_th.\Yiiy p3ece.ssed F 256fR1 fl 35-31-H103 · ~50MH 1 1.50 150 277( j 541 Pathway Recessed F 25'71 i=l1 F135-31-H.103 150MH . 1 150 150 277! I s41 Recessed F 258IR1 F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 150 277) 541 ·Recessed F135-31-H103 .. j 150MH I 1 I 1501 1·50! 277! i 541 I I I Recessed I 1 I 1501 1·50 F135.31-H1 P3 · I 1'59 A2t. . .. J. iJ1:§9L 1 50) 1 ~o.L · i . 528L .................... J~.rea !,Bolt Pad :: ........... , ...... :::l~~P-.F1 ·· .......... t.:: ::~:.: ~:~·~: ........ l~:~M:21 · ...... ·· .. ·.· .. =·· .. J .. · .. ~l::~l· .......... ~·::t-::· ~.::t--· ......... t .· .. ·::~t ........... _ .......................... t;:::way· .... · ........ t::~f:::· ................... . F 263 CPB~F1 F135-31-H.103 150 A19 1 f50 1501 120) 534 Area 'Bolt Pad F -->< 264 ·01s · F135-31-i:i103 . 70MH 1 7Q 70 277 539 .. .20' Pole F 265 .01s .. F135.3~ -ff103 '70MH.. 1 70 7Q . 277 5·39 : ·Pathway: .,20' Pbl!! F 266 01s · F-135-3i-H103 ·70MH 1 70 70 277 539. Pathway ·20' Pole F 267 01f F135,31-H103 70MH 1 10 1oi 2.11 536 Grade F 268 Z1 F135-31-H103 25-Lb 194 2.4w 5 300 15ooi 24 8i Pat~way 'Surface ·: ...... ·· ...... t ... · .. :~:1·~1~f ........... · ........ 1,.:~·::~:~~~.:;:, :J;::~194 ,2.4w .......... y :1~:1 ... ,.15:;:~::1., .... ·~t ... 5 , 361 .. · ................. C .. • ............. 1Pa th way ............. r:::~:c~ ................ · .. .. F 271 01'f .F135-31-H:t 03 70MH 1 70 70 2tti · 536 Grad~ F 272 01s. . F135-31-H103· 70MH 1 70 70 277i, 538 20' Pol'3 F 273 01s F135-31-H1.03 70MH 1 70 70 211i 538 20' Pole F 274 01s F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 · 70i 277) 538 20' Pole F 275 21 f=1~5-31,H103 25-LQ 194 2.4W 5 300 15ooi .~4i 9 .Surface " 1s_()'L.12oi F 276 CPB°F1 ,F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150· 534 --·---·-Area I Bolt Pad No= Fixtur~ # LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 3 ---~. ~ ------ ---~. ~ ----LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -A,.rea Development / Archit~cture Exterior 7/21/97 ChJ.Ste Nol Type SHEET Lamp LO LW TLWI V 1tT Diml Relay Location Focus Mounting F 285 CPB-F1 F135:31-H103 150 A19 1 150 150) 1~oi 534 Area Bolt Pad F 286 CPB-F1 F13!5-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 150! 120! :· 534 .Area Bo.It Pad 287 01L .. , . .. ·• ... F135-31_-l-!1. 03 .. 70MH -·---------------------'· 1 70 70) 277) I 11 701 70i 2771 i 5361 I I G~ade F I 288101s IF135-31-H103 l70MI-J I 11 701 70) 2ni i 5381 l 120· Pole F . . 289 Q1s . Fl35-31-H1,Q3 .. 70MH . . . 1 70 . . 7,oi 211i . . . i 538 · . 20' Pole . F .. 2,90 01s . ·. ,F135-31-H103 70MH . . 1 , 70 1oi 211! i 538 20' Pol~ . • F . 29_1 2'.1____ F~35-31-H10~ 25-LO 194 2.4v.,_ 5 300 1500! 241 1i .. ~----Surface F 29.2 CPB-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A19 I 1 j150I 150) 12oi i 5331 !Ar!;la I Bolt Pad F 293 CLPsf1 F135-31-H103 i~o A21 1 l1·50I 150! 12ol 533 Are1:1 ·Bolt Pad ,· 294 F135-.31-R103 F 01f .70MH 1 l 70I' 1oi 277! 536 Grl:lde F 295 21 25-LO 194 2.4w I 5j,300I 1500L i4L si I L !Surface F 296, .CPB-F1 'F135-31-H1 Q3 150 A19 I 111501 H;o) 12.oi. L 5341. IJ\rea IBolt.Pad --------------- F ............... , ...... 29~,.CPB-Ft ............. t.F135-31-H1.03 .......... t.i50 .• A19 .................... .-..... t ...... 1J150, ......... 150t ... 12oi .......... J ...... 534t ........ · ............................. J Ar.ea ................. -.. 1 Bolt .Pad ................... .. F . 298:01f ·. ·.F135-;31-H103 . 70MH. . .. . 1} 7·0 . 70i 277i i 536 . . . 1 Grade F I 299121 25-LO 194 2.4w 5 300 1500 24 7 Surface F 30019Pl3-Ft . ,F1:35,31 sH1-03 150 A19 · 1 1.50 150 120 533 Ar!3a .~olt·Pad F 310ICLP-F1 F1~5-31-H103 150 A21 1 150 150 120 533 Area · 'Bolt Pad F 311.IC!.Paf1 1.F1 ~5a:31-Ht03 15Q .·A21: ~: 150 150 1,20 ,533 · Area ~c:>lt I'~~ F L ~121 CPB-F1 l·F135-31'.-H10;3 .. HiO A19 1 150 1'50 120 533 Area Bolt Pad F I· 313IC~P-F1 ... JF135-31-H1.03 ..... J150A21 ........................ L1J150I 150! 12ol l 5331 !Area IBc:>ltPad : ............... t .... .':: :1 ~~:-F1 ......... · .... 1·:: ::~::.~::·~: ........ l::~HA19 ............................ I ... ··: l 1·;~l ......... 1.;~l .. ··.:~~I .. ··· ..... ··!·· ... :::, ... · ................................... ,A~ea .................... ,·:~:d:ad ..................... . F I 316101s I F):35-:ti-_HJQ3 , j 70MH ~--..• I 1 I 101 10L_g11i· ! 5371 · 1 I 20' Pole F 31'7 01s F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 10) 277) I 537 20' Pole F 3t8 01s F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 1oi 277) i 537 20' Pole F ~19 21 F135-31sH103 25-LP 194 2.4w 5 3QO 1500) 24) 6) Surface ,,• F 320 CPB-F:1 F135-31-H103 . · 1.50 A19 1 150 150) 12oi 532 . Area Bolt Pad . . F 321 OH F135-31-H103 . 70MH 1 70 JO), 27_7_L ' 536 Grade No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 4 - - - LEGOLAND Progress Set -------- -_, .. FIXTURE SCHEDULE .. .. --.. 7/21/97 FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Clustel -NolType SHEET lamp lQ lW TlWI VI ti Diml Relay location Focus Mounting F I 322121 F135-31-H103 25-LO 194 2.4w 5 300 1sool 24! 5j Sllrface F I 3231 CPB-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 15.0 150. 120! 532 .Area Bolt Pad F I 324IR6 f1_35-31-H103 Q50MR16/12° 1 50 50 12! 535 Recessed F I 325l'R6· 1Ft35-:t1-H103 la.soMl:{1E>!t?~ .L.1Lsol soi 12! ! 53._51 ·• I !Recessed -: ............. + ... ·::;1::· ... · ...... · .......... 1 :~·::~:~ ~:.: ::· ........ !·~::~::.:~~:: ............... ,_ .... ~ -i--.. ::t ............ ::1 ....... :·:t ............ l ... · .. :::l··· ................. _ ... · ........... l ............................... 1-:::::··· ................. . F I 32BICPB-F1 IF135-3-1-H103 l1so A19 'I :1j1s·o1 '150L__1goj L5_~?1 !Area !Bolt Pad 32Q .21 F135-31-H10:3 330 O1.f · F135-31-H193 F 331 O1s F135-31-H103 · 332 Q1s F135-31_-H103 I 25-LO 194 2.4W I. SI 3001 1 sool 24! s L I I I §4rtace 5 I 70MH I 11 701 10! 2111 i 5361 I I Grade 536 537' 537 70MH 1 70 10! 211! -120• Poie l70MJ-I I 1.1 101 1of _211( ! 5371 I ·120· Pol13 70MJ-I F I 3:33JQ1s I F135-31-H103 · I 70MH I 1 I 701 70) 277) ! 5371 I fao• Pole -------- - --- .. ,: ................ 1 ...... :::1'~1 1 f · _ ......... -. -.. ··l:: ::::::::·:: .... · ... f ::::. -~9~.g.1vv_,·--·-t ... ·_:13_::1--··· .. 1 s::t~;_:L_ ~l····536t--·· ................................. t-............. -.................. i-:::::~e __ .................. .. . F 345ICPB-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A19 111so1, ~so! 120! '! 532 Area Bolt Pad F 346l'CPB-F1 F135-3,1-H103 150 A19 111 so1 · tsoj 120!' I s32 Area Bolt Pad i= ... 3_471~:L. F135-3_1-H,103 12~-LO 194 2.4w slaool 1sooi 24! 4l S1.1rface F 348lO1f F135-31-H103 I 70MH 11 70I 70L 211L L 536 Grade F 349IO1f F135-31-H103 I 70MH 11 701 ' 10! 211! ! 536 -Grade F 350l'Q1f F1 :35-:31,~l:iJQ~ J7<>MH 11 101. 10! 211! i 53.6 Grad'3 .F ............. ,t ...... 351t21 ......................... l·F1.35-31-H103 ......... ,:25~Lo .. 19~. 2.4w ........... , ...... 5·1·300t ....... 1.5QO! ....... 24! .......... 4.! ................ , ........................................ 1 ...... ---· ..... , ... -.. _ ...................... -......... . F 352 CPB-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A19 . 1 150 1501 120i l .532 -.Area Bolt Pad' Surface F 353 CLP-F1 F:135-31-H103. 150 A21 1 1 qO, 150 120 p_28 Area Bolt Pad F 354 CPB-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 150 120 527 Area Bolt Pad F 355 CPB-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 150 12.0 527 Area Bolt Pad F 356 CLP-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A21 1 150 150 120 543 Area BoltP~d F 357 CLP-F1 F135-31-Hl03 .150 A21 1 150 150 120 543 Area Bolt Pad F 358 •cLP-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A21 1 150 150 120 543 Area Bolt Pad. No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity GALLEGOS Lighting Design LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # Page 5 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI Viti DlmlRelay Location !Focus Mounting F 359 CLP-F1 F135-31-H103 150 .A21 1 150 1 soi 120! ! 543 Area Bolt Pad F 360 CPB-F1 F135-31-H103 . 1!10 A19 1 150 1spi 120! 527 Area Bolt Pad .. F 361 CLP-F1 F135-3~ -H103 150 A21 1 150 150! 120! 528 Area Bolt Pad F ;362 ·Cf>B-F1 F135-31-'H1.03 150 A1.9 1 ·150 1 soi 120! :. ,! 527 Area BoJt Pa~ ·: ........... l .... :::t ~~:~:~·· ........... ·I:~::~::~::~: ....... · l:·:~ .. :~: ..................... · ..... , ...... : t:·:~t ......... :·:~l .. ···:·:~1 ............ , ..... :::, ....................... .-............ ,1·:~:: .... · ............. ·.!·::::·::: .................... .. F 3651 CLP-F1 F135-31-H103 1so A21 1 150 150) 1.20! . 528 Area Bolt Pad ···F 36.6l·Rs F135-31-H103 · 70MH .. 1 70 70) 277·) . 544 ·•·Heces~e.d F 3.6,7'.IRS F135-31-H.10~ .. 70MH . .1 70 70! 277i 544 Recess~ F 368IT3 F135-31-H103 01 O00/PAR64/N$P 1 100· .. 1:000) 120( 12 30; Pole F135-31-H103 Q.1 000/PAR64/NSP .. 1. 100 · 1000! 120! F I 369IT3 IF135-31-H103 la1000IPAR64/NsP T 111001· 1oooi 12oi 13! I ·1 1·30• Pole f . L 3,70jJ:3 ... ..... JfJ3,5,31-H103 . Jq1·0001P,6.i:t~<t_lN_~r:>.J J.11:<>.<>l 100.<>.L J?<>J 141 I · .j 13()'. Pole : ............... l ...... :::1:: ...................... +::.::~::~::.::· .. ·· ... l~~:01PAR641NsP ... l ..... :.t-1;~1 ...... 1o~~U;i.~~J ..... 54J ...................................... + ............................... \::::~: .... · ........... .. F 382 CLP-F1 F135-31-H'103 F 3~3 CLP;.:F1 F135-31-H103 F ~8:4 .fl5 F135-3,·1.-Hl03 F 385 ft5 F135-31-H103 F135-31-H103 150 A21 1 150 ' ,150 A21 1 150 · 70MH ... 1 · 7.0. 70Ml:I . 1 70 Hrn! 120 =· 150j:. 120 .. 70i 277 70l 277 5:43 .5431' _544 544· .,Ar.ea Bo!t.Pad Area Bolt Pad RElCE!~sed Recessed ! 01 000/PAR64/NSP J foo 1000! (/NSP I 111001 1oooi 12oi 16! r ·1 130' Pole ·F I 387IT3 · IF135-31-H103 jOJO00/PAR.64/NSP I 111001 1oool 1.2ol 17{ I I j3Q' Pole ·: ............ + .... ·:::r~: .... · ..... · .... · ... !;::::~::~:~ :: ....... ··1~:·:::~:::::~~:: .... 1 ..... : 1: ::l .... ·:·:::I .... :·::! ...... : :1 ............... , ........................................ 1, ............................ 1::: .. :::: .................. . . F I 3901 R5 I F1-35-31-H103 I 70MH I 1 I 701 .70\ 277( ! 5441 I I Recessed F 3,91 RS F13~-31-H1"03 70MH 1 70 70 277·! 544: · F.tecessed F 392 01f · F13,5.-31-H103 70MH 1 70 70 277) 506 Grade F 393 ·s1,3 F135-31-H103 26wpL 1 26 26 2111 542 Pathway Bolt Pad ''F 394 81.3 F135-31-H103 26wPL 1 2'6 26 277i 542 Pathway Bolt Pad F 395 81.3 F135-31-H103 2EiwPI:. 1 · 26 26 · 277i ~ 542 Pathway ·Bolt Pad No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 6 -------~---~-~-----LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI ti DimJ Reiayl Location Focus Mountlnti_ F 396 Q2f F135-31-H10;3 70MH 1 70 10! 211! !' : 545 : Grade F 397 -02f F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 1oi 211i i 545 Grade F 398, 02f F135'-31-H 1.03: ., 10!' 211!. ,, 70MH 1 70 i 545 · Grade F 3991 Q2f F135-31.-H103 J70MH I ti 7QJ 701 2771 ! 5451 ·I !Grade F F . . '; . ' I . I I -.. ·T··· .. :~·:t ~:f ..... · ...... _ ....... 1-:~::~::·~::~:· ..... , 1:~~ 9 H .... , .............. _ ......... ! ..... :-i-· 7::t-.. , ...... ,7;} .. ~~:,i-...... 2 0 !·· .... 545: ., .,_ ................................ , ................. _. ...... :::sad .. F 411 83 F135-31-H10;3 PL-9 1 9 9i 120! . ?Or Recessed F .412 83 ,F~ :35-31-i-1103 PL-9 1 9. ~1.12.0L 2Ql,. Recesseq . . , . F 413 J:33 • Ft35-~1 ~H1 ()~ PL-9 1 . 9: 9! 120! 2oi Recessed F 414 ,83 F135-31-H10:3 PL-9· 1 9 9i 120! 2oi :Recessed ,F 415 ,83 . _ F135-3t·H~:03 PL-9 1 . 9 ' ' . l I ·1 -~J Jgpj 20! . . . .............. _ ·Recessed rF " 416 8~' 'F135-3·1-H1()3 PL-9 1 9, '· ,. .. ·1 I I' 9 L 1201 20L . · ........... ·.... . .. 'F=iecessed .: ............. 1 .. · .. :: :1:: ....................... t::·::~:: ~:~·:: ......... t·:~~:, ....................... -r,+ ... · :I .......... · .. : , .. ·.:::i.·.··-::t .............. l ............................. _ ..... + ............................ "'··I::::: ................. .. 4119 -83 F1_35-3·1-H103 Pt-9· I 11 · 91 9i 120i 20i I I, .I Recessed 1, 9 91 120! 201 F -----' 420 .83 F135-31-H10;3 PL-9 1 9 .9L 1201 20! ReceSS9? F 421 83 F135-31-H103 PL-9 1 9 91 120! 201 :Recessed -F ' F1'35-31-'H103 . -9' 9:1 1201' 2oi 42_2 ~3 .. i=>.L-9 1' Recessed - F 91 1201 •:' 423 8;3 . F135-31-H103 "PL-9 1-9. 20i ·Recf[lssed - F 424 83 F1;35_-31-H103 PL~9 1 . ·-~· .............. §}J 120L ?Or ·Recessed · · · . .. ·1---. · ---I ·1·' -· I = • • .: ............... t.·---:::r:: .. -.................... r::·::~:-:·~:~ :: ......... ·:~~: ................................... _ ..... ~-· ..... : .............. :1 .. < ::1 ...... ::1 --+--· ................ · .. ·_ .......... l ........ -..................... .,1 .............................. · ... · .... ,. '''Recessed· Recessed F I 427183 l F135-31--H103 I PL-9 I 11 9 I 91 1201 20! Recessed F 428 83 F135_-31-H103 PL-9 f .. 9 9i. 120! . -· ~ 20! Recessed F 429 83 F1;35-31-H103 PL-9 1 9 9! __ 120! __ 2aj Recessed F 430 83 . F135-31-H103 PL-9 1 9, 9! 120L 20! Recessed F 43·1'. :R:3 · F135-31-H1'03 . 150MH 1 1-50· 15.0i 277! 52t} ;Rec;e!\sed F 432 R3 F135~31-H103 150MH 1 150 l 5.9i · 277) 528 Recessed No = Fixture # LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design . Dim = Dimmer # Page.7 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LO LW TLWI Viti DimlRelay Location .Focus Mounting F 433 R3 F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 150! 277! 530 Recessed· F 434 R3 fl 35-31-H1'03 150MH 1 150 150! 277! 'j 530 ~ecessed F 435 R3 Ft35-;31-H103 150MI-J 1 150 1 SQ! 277j ·1 528 Recessed F 436 R3 F135-~1-H.103 150MH 1 150 150!. 277! ·i 528 Recessed · 'F ...... ...' ... : ....... 437 Ra ............ · ........... ·.F1'35-31.-H10.3 ............ 1.5.Q.~!:! ...................................... J.. .. 1.~:~ ·15·.o.l 211! · j 530 .................................................................. · .... · .. :R~ssec!: ................. . -F. 438'R3· ;F135-31~H103 1_50MH 11!;>0 150).217!: ! !;>30-Repass~ _ F 43~ R3 ,F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 1~0j 277) . i 528 Recessed F 440 R3 i=135-31-H103 150Ml:i 1 150. 150! 277!. i 528 Recessec! : F 441 R3 F135-31-H,.103 t~0MH , 1.150 · 1!;>0! 277! i 530 · .Recessed F 442'R3 F135-31-H.103 1'50MH 1 150 15of 277\ 53.P Recessecl ·F 443 R3 ·F1'35-31-H10~ 150MH 1 150 15of 211! f !:i28, Rece.ssed F 444 R3. F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 1'50) 211! i' 52Q Recess!3d. . . . . F ...................... 445.-R3 ........................ F135~31-H1.oa ........... 1'50Ml'I ........... · ........... .' ...... ,. .... 1. :150 ... · ...... 1}io.,l .... 211f ............. f ... ,..530 .......................................................................... Recessed .................. ·, F 44.6 R3. F1·35-31-H103 1~0MH 1 150 ·150! 277j j 530 Recessed '·F 447 .R3 F1.35~31-H103 . ·t50MH 1 150 150! 277! j 528 _ . Recessed F 448 H3 ,,F1';35-31-H103 150Mrl 1 150 150J 211,i . 528 Recess!3d . . F 449 B1.3 F135-31-H105 26VJPL 1 26 26) 2ni 500 , Pathway BoltP;:id F 450 B1;3 F135-31-H~_05 ~6wPL 1 26 26! 277\ \ 500 Pathway 'BoltPad , ·F 4'5'1· B1.3a F1;3fi-31-H105 .· '26wPL 1 26 · ?6) 277! _ 50Q ::Pathway, _Bplt Paq F -45? B1.3a F135-31-H10!:i 26wPL 1 26 26! 277! 500 Pathway Surface t............... 453 .. 9.1.! ..................... :f..1.~~.:.~.1.:!:!.1 .. Q~ ........ -.. !.~.~~................................... 1 70 1oj '211! ! 502 ............................... ~u .......................................... ~r.a~.~ ........................ .. F 4.54·O1f fl35-31-H105 70MH 1 70 70! 277! 502 Grade F 455 Otf F135-31-H105 7,0MH 1 70. 70! 277) 50.2 Gr,ad13 F 456 B1.3~ F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 26i. 277\ 500 Pathway Bolt P~d F 457 B1..3~ :F135-3hH105 :26wPL 1 , 26 26) 277) 500 ·Pathway Bolt Pad F 45.8-~1.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 26\ 2.77) 500 P9th\Yay BoltP~d F 459 B1 .3 · F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 26! 277f 500 Pathway Bolt Pad .F 460B.1.3 F135-31-H105. 26wPL 1 26. 26)271! 500' Pathway BoltPad No = Fixture # LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 8 -------------------FIXTURE SCHEDULE LEGOLAND Progress Set FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLW Vlt DimlRelay Location F 461_ 01f F135-31-H105 70MH 1 70 70 211! i 504 : F 462 01f F135-31-H105 70MH 1 1: 70 70 277i ! 504 F 463_ ·01f F135-31-H105 70MH' 1 70 70 211! I 5·04 -: 277) t F , 464 .B1_.3 F135-31-Ht05 -.26wPL 1 26 26! : 50Q F 465 B1.3 _F1_35-3'1-H105 .......... 26.wPL 1 26 26i 211i i soo ............. , ..... .......... , .............. , ... ......... _ .................. -......... · ....... ......... -26j 211l -· soo ............. _ ....... , ............ , .. , F 466 B1.3 F135-31-H105 -26wPL 1 · 26_ •F 4157 01f F1'35-31-H105 70MH 1 . 70 70) ?11) 509· ,F -468 ij·1.3 F135-31,H1_05 , •26wPL 1 -215 _26! 211.l ~00 F 469 01f F135-31~H105 70MH -1 : 70 70) 211! 507' F 470 Bt.3 F135-31-H105 215wPL 1 26 ·26j 211:l -· 500 F 471 01s F135-31-H105 70MH --1 70 70 277 'i' 507 _F 472 01s -_F135-31-H105 70MH 1 70 70 277 507. F ..... 47.3_ R3 Fl35-31-H105 ·1soMH -. 1 150 150! 211) ) 509 ...... , ............ ...................... , ...... ............... ,· .................... , .... .. , ............................................ -........ .. _ ................ , ............. '!' ... -.. _ .... ,'! ............... ................................. · ..... F 474 R3 F135-3~ -H105 150MH 1 1 so· 150) 277) ) _ 509 F 475· R3 F135-31-H105 150MH 1 150 _ 1'5oi 2771 ! 509 ,F .-4.76 R3_ -.f135~~1-H1 Q5 150Ml-:I 1-150 H~O) 277). 5Q9 F 477 Ra F135-31-H105 ;t5_0MH 1. 150 1 soi 211) ?09 F 4.78 R3 , F135-3.1-H1 os HiOMl--f 1 150 15Ql -277r 509 F --485 01n,: F135-3·1-H10~ 70MH 1. 70: 10! •2111 50'7 - -.F 486 01i:n F135-31-H105 70.MI-J 1 7-0 1ot 211.i ._507. F 487 R3 H~5-31-H105 150MH 1 1 s·o 1 soi 211i -509 ........ _ .......... .•••'_' 'no' ............................... .... , ........ , .............................. ............ , ...................... , ............ ., ........ -1 sol 2nl -l -.......... -................ -.... , ....... F 488 R3 F135-31-H105 150MH 1 150 509. F 489 R3 F135-31-H105 150MH 1 '150 · 1 s.o\ 2111 · 509 F 490 R3 F135-31~H105 150MH 1 150 1 so_i 277) 50~ F 491-B4 -_ F135-31--H1 Op 1.SOMH 1 150 1 soi 120) ?11 '.F 492 B1.3 F135.3·1-H105 26wPL 1 26 26) 211! 501 F 493 Bt.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 _ 26 26i 277! 501 F ·494 BL~ F135-31-I-J105 26wPL 1 26. 26) 277) 501 No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total· Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmet # 7/21/97 Focus Mounting <;3rade Grade ·Gn;;ide -- Pathway . Bolt Pad Pathway Bolt Pad , ... ' .. , ... , ..... ........................................ Pathway Bolt Pad Grade pathway Bolt Pad Grade Pathw_ay Bolt Pad :30' Pole 3Q' Pqle Recessed .................................. ., .................................. , .. • Recessed R~ss~ .Recessed Recessed_ Recessed 20' Pole -' .20' Pole Recessed .. , ............................... ............................... , ........ Recessed Reqessed R13ce~sed Pathway Surface Pathway · Bolt Pad Pathway Bolt Pad Pathway Bo_l~ Pad Page 9 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste No Type SHEET Larpp LOI LW TLW VI ti Dimj'Relayl Location Focus Mounting F 495 B1.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 11 26 26 211\ \ 501 Pathway Bolt Pad F 496 .B1.~ f135-3.1-H10!? 26WPL 11 26,, 26 2771 I-501 Pathway Bolt Pad F 497 B1.3 -F135-31-H1.05 2~wPL 26 277) ,; 5. i 501-1 I Pathway I Bolt Pad F I 4'9BIO1f IF.135-31:~H.105 · l70MH I. ti 701 70j, 27:71 I' ~061 I !·Grade - - -. - - -. - - - - ------ - --· -.... --- -. - - .:· ............ t .. :~:1~~~~ .................... 1-;~.::~::.~:: :: ........ ,::::[ ..................... _ . · .. +··· .. :l:··:~t-......... :~l .. ·~;;1· ... ·· ...... l .... ::~1· ........................ : ........... I.Pathway ... ·......l :::~:ad------- F_ '501 I 81_.3 F135-31-H105 l26wPL 11 26 26) 277) 501 Pathway Bolt Pad •'.f , 5021'81.3 F135-3hH105 'l21?wPL 11 26 26) 277+ 501 ·• p,afbway B9lt Pad F 503IO1f F13S-31~H105 70MH 11 70 101 211i } 505 Grade F 504IB1.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 11 26,, 26i 211t i -501. -Pathway ·•_.Bolt Pad F I 505IB1.4 IF135-31-H105 l26wPL ,I 11 261 26} 277) ! 5011 !Pathway .. JBciltPa~ F I 506l:¢1f IF135-31-1-11.05 . J10Mi; I 11 tol . 10! 277) ! 5061 I I Grade F 507 B1 .4 . . f135-31-H105 26WPL -1· 26 . . 2si ~77j i 501 Pathway 'aolt Pad .................................................. _ .............. ' ............................................................................................................................... , ............. , ............. , ................................. , .......................................................................... , ................ .. F 508 81.4 · F1.35·-31-l·H05 26wPL 1 ' 26 26) 277) ) 501 . · Pathwa ·BoltPad 1• . . . F 5091 B1.4 F135-31-H105 · I 26wPL 11 26 26) 277! 501 .Pathway Bolt Pad F 5'10181.4 F.~35-3:1-H105. l26wPL 11 26 261 277.l 501 '• Pathway Bo'it Pad F 511181.4 F135-31-H105 26wPL 11 .26 261 277) 501 Pathway ,B9lt Pad .. ' ·i= 512IB1._4 F135-31-H105 2~wPL 11 261' 26'1 2771 i · 501-Pathway .!3olt Pad F 5)3181.4 F1'35-31-H~ 05· 2!)wPL 11 26 26i· 277! 501 .,,Pathway -Bolt Pad F ......... J 514l!:!~.'.~ ...... , ........... J~.1..~~:::3J~.ljJ<>.f; .... : .... J?~!'_f>_~ ............................ LJL.?.6L ... 26[ .277.l ........ 1 5()1 L !'Pathway !Bolt Pad .: ....... ·····+····,::,~f ~~~4 .· ........... , .... ,i::~.::~:~~:~ ~: ........ l~:::L ........... · .................. :1 .... _~ l .. ~!t_ ........... ~:1 .... :.~~j .............. l ...... :~:1-· .................................... I.Pathway ............. 1 :::d:ad ................... . 1F L 551IO1f ~~ LF135-~1-.H102~l70MH .. J 1L1PI 7.0~ 271! i 5301 I !Grade F 552 ·93 F135-31-H102 PL-9 1 9 •. 9 120 534 Recessed F 553 .83 F135-31-H102 PL79 1 9, 9 120 534 Recesi;;e_d .. ,F 554 83 F135-~1-H102 .PL-9 1 9 9 120 534 Recessed .F 5.55: '!:)3 F135-31-l-!·102 , PL-9 1. 9 9 120 5~4 .ijec1,3ssed F 556 B3 F135-31-H102 PL-9 1 9 9 120 534 -Recessed No = .Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity GALLEGOS Lighting Design LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # Page 10 -------------------LEGOLAND Progr~ss Set Cluste No F 557 F 558 F !;i5!;J F 560 Type SHEET B3 F135-31-H102 ,B3 F135-31-H102 B3 F135-31-li102 ,B~ ,F135-31-,i-f102 FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior lamp LQl lW TlW Vlij 01.,;;f Relay location Focus Mounting PL-9 1 9 9 120! ~ 534 Recessed PL-9 ; ~ l 9 9 12ol 534 Recessed PL-9 1 9 9 120! ! 534 ·Recessed '! -PL-9 1 9, 9 12ol ~·-----'-! L ,~34 Fl13C8SSed F 561 B3 F1'35-31-H102 PL-9 1 9 9· 120! 1 534 Recessed . F ·. . 562 B3 F135,3htl102 PL-9 1 9 9 120! j. 534 . . i=tecessed . . F 563 B3 . F135-31-H102 , PL-9 1'' 9 9j 120!' -· -·--~· !' 534 Recessed F 564 83 .. F13$-31-H102 PL,9 1 9 91 120! \ 534 Recessed i= . ~6.5 83 FJ35-3,1-l-:li 02 ;PL09 1. ~ 9,1 · t20L 53~ ·R~es.sed F 566 B3 F1·35-31-H102 Pl-9 1 9 9\ 120! ') 533 Recessed F 567 B3 F135,-31-H10i :PL-9 1 ' 9 .,. 9i: 9l 12ol 533 Recessed· F I 568'1 B3 I F135-31-H102 I PL-9 I 11 : ............ , :~~1;~P-~~ ............ t:~::::::::,:: ......... ·t.~::M:21 ..................... .' ... + ..... :·t-:::1 .......... :::\· ... ::~~, ............ , .. _:_;:1 ......... ~ .. -~.t= .. ·-.,J::~: ................ .. F I 571IR3 IF135-31-HJ02 j150MH I .~l15ol 1-501 211i: i 5251. I !Grade .F ·. :L .. ~7'gjJ3:'3·-·~·-·--·u=.t:3~::~J~.HJ02 ... Jf1~~9 ........................... I JI ElJ 9.j .. 1:2.oi .! ... ~~M ......... L ...... ,., .... ~~--IJ=lecessed F 573 CLP~F1 . F135-31-H.102 ·150 A21 1 150 1 soi 120! 526 .Area .Bolt ,Pad F 574 R3 F135.-31-H1 oi 150Ml-:I 1 150 150 2771 ,:-52!;i ~rade i= 575 R3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 150 . 2771 . S' 525 Grade ! F 585 83 Ft35-31-H102 , PL-9 1 9 9· 120! 533 Recessed .F ........... · ......... 586. CLP-Ft .............. f.1.35-31.-H.102· ... " ...... 150_ A21 ................................. ..1.. _:1-50 .......... t5Q .. ; .. 1·20!· ............. ! ...... i;26 .......................................... Area .......... , ........... '13,olt_ Pad .................... .. F 587 83 F135-31-H102 PL-9 1 9 9 12ol l 533 Recessed ·F L 58QIB3. F135-31,H102 PL-9 1 9 9 120! 533 Recessed F 589 R3 F135-31-H102 1-50MH 1 150 150 277l 523 Grade F 590 83 F135-31-HJ02 PL-9 1 9. 9 120! 533 Recessed F. 591 R3 F135~31-H102 150MH 1 150 150 . 277l 523 Grade F 592 83 F135-31-H102 PL-9 1 9 9 12Qi 533 Recessed F 593, CLP-F1 F135-31-H102 1.50 A21 1. 1 ~o. 150 1_20! 52_6 Area Bolt Pad No= Fixture# LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 11 -------------------FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 LEGOLAND Progress Set FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cl~stel NolType SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI Viti DimlRelayllocation !Focus Mounting F I 594IR3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 1soi 2ni .. 522 Recessed F I 595l·R3. F135-31-H102 150MH 1· 150 1soI 211i : 522 Recess~ F 596.I J:33 .. 1?0i F135-31-H102 PL-9 1 9 9i i 533 Recessed ,f 59-7183 F135-31-H102 PL-9-11 91 9!. .1.2oi ! 5331 I !Recessed :,F F 59BICLPsF1 599IR3 F135-31-H102 .F135-31~H102 . . . I 1 · I . ·:::M~1 · ........................ I ..... ~·I :·::t, ........ : ::1 .... :~~.1 ............. 1 ...... ::: .......................... : ............. Area .............. · ...... ;:::::· F 6001·83 .1'=135-31-t-f 102 .PL-9· ., 1' g·, .. gj 12oi i 533 Recessed' F 601183 F1-35-31-H102 Pl-9 11 9 9j _12oi 533 Recessed F 602183 F1.35.-31-H102· Pl--9 11 9 gi 120I 1 533 :Rl3Cesse<I F 603IR3 f135-31-H102 150MH 11150 1soi 211I 521 Rec~ssed F 6041~3 F135-31.-'!-11'02 PL-9 1: 9: gl 12oi 1! ,! 53$ H.8C8$Sed F 605ICLP-F1 F135-31-H102 150 A2·1 11150 1soi 120! .i 526 Area Bolt Pad :.: ............. , ...... ::~! :: ....................... 1 .:: ::~::.~::~: ........ J::~:~ .. · ....... · ....... · ... +-... ~+: :~t_::t ... ;~;t~J ...... :::t. ..................................... f: ........ ·:····· ... · ........... t::::: ................... . ·F ~0~183 F135-31-H102 I Pl~9 n 9 gj 12oi l 533 Recessed F 609I-R3 F1'35,-31-H102 I 150MH 11150 1 sot 211T i· 520 ~ ' r .Recessed F 610IR3 .JF135-31-H10? 1'50MI-I 11150 1soi 211!. i 5?0 Recessed F 611ICLP-F1 • IF135-31-H10~ 1.50 A21 11150 1soi 1?oi: .f, 526 ·•:Area Bolt Pad F 6t2IR3 F135-31-1-!102 150MH 111 p0I 150j 277i 521 Rec;es$ed F 613l'R3' F1'35,3·1-H1 Q? ·tsoMH 111 s.d'I 1 soi 211! 521 'Reces!S.ed .F .................... ·~1.4 .CLP-F1 ............... F1.35-31-H1.02 ........... 1-so .. A21 ................................. ..1 .. 1.56 .......... 1.so! ..... 1 .. 201· ............. 1 ...... 526 · ........................................ Area ........................ Bolt. Pad ................... ... F 515· R3 F.135·3·:t-H102 1:50MH 1': JJiQ. 1.50i 277! i 5?7 .Recessed F 620 R3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 1 sol . 277] I 527 Recessed ·F 621 R3 F135-31-H102 · 1'50MH . 1 150 150 277! I 5?2 ·Recess~ F 622 R3 F135-31-H102 JS0MH 1 150 150 211! i 522 Recess~d F, 623 CP.B-F1 F135-3l-H102 150 A19-1 150 150 12oi : 527 ! Area Bolt Pad F 624 R3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 150 211i : 524 Recessed "'•. F 625 R3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 1,50 150 · 277j 524. Recessed No= Fixture# LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lig}1ting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 12 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste No F 626 F 62'? Type SHEET CLP-Ft F135-.31-!-1102 R3 . fl 3.5-31-H102 FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Lamp LQ LW TLW.I Viti DlmlRel'ay - Location Focus Mountl'ng 150 A21 1· 1'50 150) 120! j · 526 Are~ Bolt Pad 150MH 1 150 150! 277\ 523 R!308ssed 628 ·.R3 F1'3 2111 'l 523 5-31-H102 1.150MH I 1 I 150! 15oj 277! 'i 5231 I I Recessed F I 629ICLP-F1. 1Ft35-3·1-H10.2 .. l16e>A21· I 11150! 150] 120\ ..! 5261 !Area. I.BoltPa~ --------------------. ·1 1· . . I I t . . . . . ·: ......... · .... t .... ·.::~t:: ............... · .... : ~:~·::~::~:.:.~:·.· ....... · ·;·:~~:~ ......... · .......... · ............. :, .:·:~ .......... : ::1 .... :·~~l' ......... · ... 1 ·.· :::i: ....................... · ......... · .. , ........ ·.· ................... 1::::::· ............... .. F I ·532fJBox f.F135-31-H102 1. I 11 I ol i 1) I I !Recess~ .F 633 JBol!( i=135-:31-H1 02 1 ol. 11 Rece,ssed ·JBox ,. i' ri ·F 634 . :F1:.35-3,1.:.H1 Q2 :t or ·Recessed -· :, ,F 635 JBQX F135-31-H.1 02 1 oi, : ' 1 I Recel?S/KI .F 636 JBox F135-31-H 1 P2 1 oi ' 1·1 Recessed F 637 _JBox ................ F1.35-31.·H102 ......... ----·····---·------....... ·.1. oi ..... 1 i R~i,i,ecl ;._ ............ :1 ...... :::1:: .......... · .......... +:~::~:: .. ~:~ .. :~ .... t::~~: ....... · ............... : ... l ... ·:l::::1: ......... :·::L:;,1 ... J .... ·:::t ................. : ...... · ............ t ............ ·.·-'·· ............... t:::::: .............. · .. .. 640 :R3 IF135-31-H102 l150MH 1. 150 150! 277 529 Recessed .F 641 21 :F1.35-31-H102 25-LO 194 2.4w 5 300 1500L 2.4 2.i S1,1.fface 642' .R1·. F·13.fi-31--H1.'0~: F 1501V)H , .. 1 soi 11'50 2,77 L 531. .. F{ec~ssed F 643 R3 F135-31-li102 1501'.:1H 1' 150 1 soi 277 528 . Rece_ssed F 6.44 R3 · f=1'35-31-H102 159MH 1. 150 ·1 soi ,. 277 i 528 Reces!38Q ·F 645 R3 F1.35-3 i-H102 150.MH 1. 150 150) 277 52~ .. (:ll;)C~ssep :F 646 'R1 . fl35-3.1-hl102 1.50MH 1· 150 1sol 2.11!' i 531 · : Recessecf ·F · · . 647 21 F1'35-31-H10~ 25-LO 194 2Aw 5 ~oo 1sool 24j , j _ 528 . Surface F 648 'R1 F135-31-H102 ·1sOMH 1 150, 1 &O( 2771 F 649' Ri F135-31-H102· 150MH 1150 15Pi 277! : . f 65.C> 9,11 ·· F1~~-3:t-H102 (OMH 1 70 .. io\· 277) F 651 011 .F135-31-H102 70.MH 1 70 70). 277) F 652 CLP-F1 F:t35-31-H102 150 A21 1 159 tsoi 12oi .F 200·0 01s F237/31/H323 70MH 1 70 7(Y) 27?J. No·= Fixture# . LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # 531 Recessed 531 R~t;13sse9 532 :Pathway . Gr?9e ?32 Pathwai Grade 527 Area_. Bo)t Pad 557 North Cqmplex Hoof S1,1rface Page 13 -------------------LEGOLAND FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 Progress Set FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWl VI tT Dl~Relay Location Focus Mounting F 2001 01s F237 /31 /H323 70MH 1 70 70) 277! I 557 North qomplex Roof Surface F 20.02 F4a F237/311H323. F17/SP35 1 17 17j 211) ! 556 Window 8ox A~ea i Surface F 2003 F4a F237/31 /H32'3 F17/SP35 1 17 1 ti 211! i 556 Window Box Area Surface f · 2004 F4a .. F237/31/H323 ------ -------F17/SP35 1 17 17) 277! ! 556 Window Box Area Surface 'F .................. 2005 _F4a ...................... ·F237/31 /H323 ......... _F1_7/SP35 .............................. 1 ..... 1.7 ............ 11i._,,211i., .......... J .. .-.. 556 _Window. Bo?<· ............ _Area ........................ _surface. F 2006 F4a F237/~1/H323 F17/SP35 . 1 17 · :11! 211! I 55~ Wi~dow Box .Area Surface F 2007 F4a . -F237/31/H323 F17/SP35 1 1_7 17) 2171 5 559 Window Bi;>x Area Surface "'.F 2008 F4a · ·F237/3-1 /H.323 F17/SP35 ' 1 17. 11i 217!, ; 556 ,Windqw Bo~ Area ·surf.;\u;:~ ' F 20Q~ F4a -'F237/~1/H323 .Fr7/SP35 ~-. 17 ·. 17) 277) 5 556 ,Window Box Area Surface ' 'F ~91 Q .F4a · · F237/31-/l:f32_3 :. _ft7/SP35 1 17 111' 277) .. ~56 Wind9w Box Area S\,lrface F 2011 F4a F?3-7/31/H323 P17/SP35 1-17 1 JI, 277i ,. 55~ Window-Bo~ Arl3a Surface F 2012F4a F237/31/H323 F17/SP35 1 17. 17) 277! , 556Window_Box Area ·Surface .F 2013 04f F237/31/H323 175MH · 1 175 1751 211! I 557 'Roof Area Surface ' ............. -.. . ........ --.............. -........ -.................................... ' ................. _ ....... ,.... .. ................. t ............. , ............. , .............. ·+------···· .................................. 1---.................. . F 2014 F4a F237/31/H323 F17/SP35 , 1 17 1 ti 277) · _556 Window Box Area Surface F 2015 F4a. F237l31JH323 .F17/SP35 1 17 11! · 211! 556 Window Box Area Surface F 2016 F4a .. .F237/31 /H323 F17/SP35 1 17 17) 211! 556 Window Box Area Surf.a9e F 2017 F4a F237131/H3-?3 F17/~P35. 1 17 17! 277) 5.56 Window _Box Area, . Surfac~ F 2018 F4a F237/31/H323 F17/~P35 1 17 Hi 277! 556 Window Box Ar.ea ·surface F , go19 A1. f237/31/l-l323 75PAR30/H/NFL25° 1 75 75j 120! 44 Wh1d9w Box Area ., Surfa.ce F ·. 2_020 ·01f' F237/31/H3:23 '7Q~JI . ~--.70 1oi 277-L 55'7 Root ,Ar,:3a · · Surfac;:e .,, :F 2021 F4a, F237/31/H323 , F17/SP35 1 · 17 · 11i 2ni , i-556 Window Box . Area · Sur.face F 2022 F~. . F237/31 /f:1323 F17/SP35 . 1 17 . 17j 27;j j ·556 ~indow Bo; · Area Su~fa:ce . ' F 2923 04f F237 /31 /H323 175MH 1 175 175 ?77 . 557 Rpof Area · Surf.ace F 2Q24 F4a . F2~7/31 /H32~ F17/SP35 1 17 17 277 55,6' Window Box Area ,Surface F 2025 F4a ·F237/31/H323 F17/SP35 1 17 17 277 556 Window Bpx Ar~a -Surface F 2026 F4a F237 /31 /H323 F171.SP35 1 17 17 2_77 556 Window Boi< Area ~urface F 2027 F4a F237/31/H323 f17/SP35 1 17 17 2,77 556 Window Box 'Area Surface " F 2028 04s F237/31/H323 175M,H 1 ·17~~ 175 277 558 Roof Area Surface No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Desi·gn Dim = Dimmer # Page rl4 --~----------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Clustel NolType F .I 20291 Q4rn. F · · 2Q5 o rcwM-.F9 F 2051 I CWM-FB F 2052ICWM-FB FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET I Lamp LOI LWI TLWI VI tj 01ml Relay! L9cation F237/31/H323 I 175MH 1 I 1751 1 tsi 27,7! i 558l'Roof .,:F237/~1/H304 60 A1,9 11 60 .soi 120!: 45! $outh Wall ·i=23113·11H304 SOMH 1 I .50 .soi · 12oi 5 77 I South Wall F237 /31 /H304 SOMH 11 50 soi 1.2ol 5.771 South Wall 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Ar'ea. Surface Area JBox Area JBox Area JBox ·: .............. + .. ~.~::t~:M-F7 .......... ,:;:;;:~;:::: ......... ,.:~::p35 .......... · ........... , ...... ~l .. ::t· .. ·· .... · ::1 Surface ~:: . · ...... j ..... :~:1·::~:f::x~t. ......... ,:::: ....... ,JBox ......................... . F I 2oss1c;Wtv1-rr.__.-_JF237/31/Hao4 jsoMH I _!_l_§oJ. soi 12ol J 5 7 8 I Cool Cafe Ent. Area JBox F 1 2ossl o~ I F2~7/31/f:"l~04 .. J~oPAR2ot;NFL ......... I J Lsol soj 120L ·. 48! Cool Cafe Area .Rec1:1ssed F I 20571D3 F237/31/l-j304 50PAR20/r-Jf 1,. 11 50 so[ 12oi 48! Cool Cafe Area R~ssed F · I 20581D3 F237/31/H304 .j 50PAR20/NFL 11 50 soi 120! 48! Cool Cafe Area flepessed F J ~059I.CWM-F6 F237/3.1 /H304 I 250. A23 11iso 2so! i ,2oi soI East Wair .• ~rea ''JBox ,,F ........... J)?Q~9.LCWM~F.5 F2;37/~1 lH304. ··so A1~. ti 60 soi ·: tgQ! ·soi F?tctory :n,ur.1:nt ... tArea JBo,x F ............... 1...2oe11_cwM~Fs ..... t::::;~:~~:::: .... J::p:~20/r,JfL. ·J· .. ·~J::1 ........... :~l·· ~~·: .... :~l.-J::::::: ~:u:r ~ht.·1:::: ................... ·.r~=ssed ..... · ....... · .. F 2062l·D3, F 20631D3 F237/31/H304 50PAR20/NFI,. 1.1 50 soi . 1-201. 48) Cool Cafe Are;;1 R'308SSed F 2064(:D3 F237/31/H304 .50PAR20/NFL 11 50 so! 120! s1j Factory Tour Area Recessed F 2065ICP-F4 F237/31/H304 JSOM!+ 11 50 soi 211i 5721Factory_ Queu~ Area Pendant "; F 2066IQP-f4 .F237/31/H3.04 ISOMH. 11 50 SOI· 277J l 5721 Factory-Queue Area Penc:lant F 2067ICP-F4 .F237/31/H304 ISOMH 11 50 501 277!. . s72J Factory Queue Area Pendant F ,20681 GP-F4 F237/31 /H304 I 50MH 11 50 so! 211l 5721 factory Qu1;1ue Area Pe!)dant . . . . . . .. . . I 1....; t . . . .. I '· . :: · -+ .. ::~:r~:.: .................. ' .. J:=~:~:~:::: ,&:::~:~~~ ·~' -···· -~.c~: ............ ~:t ... ~:r ...... :;L.· ..... ::::·::~~:::~· ......... 1::::· ................. 1:::::: ................... . F I 2100I01'.1s l•F23~/-31/H304 l70MH, _. ____ J JL7bJ · 10L2nl l 554IMarche North !Area· I Surface F 2102 ,Q4m F236731 /H304 175MH 1 175 175 277! 553 Roof .Roof Surface F 2103 01.1s F236/~1/H304 ?OMH 1 70 70 277j 554 Marche Area , Surface F 2104 01.1s F236/31 /H304 70MH 1 70 70 211!. 554 March~ Ar~a Surface -·. F 2105 01.1s F236/31 /H304 7011(11:i 1 70 70 2.77l 554 Marche ·Ar~a Surface F .2106 01.1s F?36/31 /H304 70MH 1 7.0 70 277i 554 March~ Ar_e~ Surface - - No = Fixture #. LO. = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GA,LLEGOS Lighting Design Page· 15 --------------------FIXTURE SCHEDULE LEGOLAND Progress Set FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type. SHEET Lamp La LW TLWI Viti Dlml Relay Location Focus F 2107 F4a F236/31 /H304 F17/SP35 1 17 11f 277! 550 Window Box Area F 2108 O3f F236/31 /H304 35MH 1 35 35! 277! : 555 Marche Area . •, : ' F, 2109 O3f F236/31 /H304 35MH 1 35 35) 2ni l 555 Marct:te Area :· .F ., ' 211-0 Q3f ·f~_~,f3/31/H304. .35Ml:i · 1 35 35L·211! : 55_5 .Marche Area ' 35f 211! ! . 5'55 i= 2111 O3f F236/31 /H 304 '3sMH i 35 Marche · Area · ....... --..... _ .. .............................. .............. " .......... , ................. ................................................ 11i 211i .. ........................................ ................................... F .. · 2112 -F4a , F236/31 /H304 F17/SP35 1 , 17 550 Window Box Arec3 F ~114' 04m · .f236/31/H304 1-75MH 1, 175 175) 277) 55,3 Roof Roof -'.F ', 2~1-5, 04s :F236/31-/H304 , H'5IYIH 1 175 · 175! .277! 553 R_oof ·Roof , : 11)' 277! Wlndow·sox Area F 2116 f4a F236/31 /H304 . F17/SP3~ 1 17, !:i5Q f 2117 f4a . F236/31/H304 · Fl7/SP35 1 17 11( 277( 550· Win~ow ·Box Area· :F , 2118 F4a F236/~1 /H304 , fl7/SP35 1 17 17! 277! ! . 550 WinC,ow Box Area ,F " 211-9 F4a F23f3/31./H394 F17/SP35 1 17 17) 277! I 550 Window Box Area, :F 2120 A3 F236/31/H304 75MR16/NFL 1 75' 75'j 12! 43!° Marche Arec:1 ................... ......... · .... -. .............................. .... -.......... _ ................ · .......... ............................................... ........................................................ .... · ................................. , ............ ~ ..................... F 2121 'A3 F236/31 /H304 75MR16/NFL 1 75 75l. · 12! 43l Marche Area .F 2122 A3 f236/-31 /H304 75MR16/NFL 1 75 7~!· 12i ,43i Marqhe Area ,F 21.23 F4c3 ·F236/31 /l-!304 . F1,7/SP35 1 17 17) 277) !:i90 Window Box . Area ' :,·· ,, i= 2124 04s 'F236/31 /H30_4 17,5MH . ' 1 175 175i 277! 5'52 Roof .Area 175,l 211! ' F 2125 O4s F236/31 /H 304 ·175~H 1 175 552 Roof Area . ' F 2126 04s 'F236/3,1 /H304 175.MH 1 175 175) 277) 552 ,Roof Area F 2127 04s F236/31,l!-l304 .1.75MH 1 175 175) _277! 55,2 Roof A,rea ,, : ,F 2128 -O4s _F236/31 /H3Q4 ......... '175MH 1 175 1751 2771 552 Roof Area ... -............... ..... , ......... .............................. ................................................ 2al 2ni i .... -................................... .................................. ·f= ' 2150 D1 F236-31-H303 F26TBX/SPX30/830 · 1 26 551 Marche Restrm Area F 2151 D1 F236-31-H303 F26TBX/SPX30/830 1 26 26) . 277l 551 Marche Restrm Area F 2152 CWM-F11 · F236-31-H303 )5 A19 1 75 75l 120! 42! Marche, Restrl)1 J\rea F 2153 ·CWM-F11 :f236-31-H303 75. A19 1 75 75) 120( 42l Marche Restr!TI Area '' 17) 277) F 2154 F4a F2.36-31-H303 F17/SP35 1 ' 17 ! 550 'Window Box Area F 2155 F4a F236-31-H303 F17/SP35 1 17 1 t! . 277! 550 Window Box Area. F 2156 CWM~F1t F236-31-H303 75 A19 1. 75 75j, 120! 42,i Marche Atea No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALL EGOS Lighting. Design Dim = Dimmer # 7/21/97 Mounting .Surface -JBox JBox JBox JBox .............. _ ......................... Surfc3ce Surface Surface. Surface Surface Surface Surfc3ce JBox ..... _ .................................. JBox JBox ' ~urfac;e Surface StJrface Surfllce - StJrJ~ce -Surface ......................................... Recessed Recessed J Box J Box Surface Surface J Bq~_ Page 16 -------------------FIXTURE SCHEDULE LEGOLAND Progress Set FUNTOWN -Area Developiµent / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI Viti DimlRelay Location F 2157 CWM-F11 F236-31-H303 75 A19 1 75 75) 120) 42) Marche F 2158 F4a F236-31-H303 F17/SP35 1 17 17) 277! i· ~50 Window Box F 2159 CWM-F2 F236-31-H3Q3 · 100 A19 1 100 1 ooi 120! 41 i Marche F 2160 CWM-F2 F236-31-H303 100 A19 1 100 100) 12oi 41i Marche F 2161 CWM-F10 F236-31-H303 150 A19 . 1 .1.~o 150) 12oi 37\ Marche · ................... ............................... ............................................ ........................ -....................... 1Soi 12oi 31 l ........................................ F 2162 CWM-FiO F236-31-H303 150 A19 1 150 Marche F 216~ CWM-F1 F236-31-H303 .250 A23 .. 1 ·250 250) 1:20) 39! Marche Entry . F 2164 CWM-Ft~ F236-31-H303 150 A19 1 150 15oi · 12oi . .i-oi Marche Entry ,:' 120! . 4P). . F, 2-165 CWM-F1~ F23!;>-31-H303 1/>0 !A19. 1 150 150i _Mar~!'!!! Entry F 21E>6 CWM~F1 0f2.36-31-H303 250 A23-1 25.0 ~SQ) 120} 39l_ . Marche Entry ;F 2167 CWM-F1P F236-31'-H303 -1~0 A1~ 1. 150. 150) '• 120) 3)'..; Marena Seating: F 21$8 CWM-F10 F236-31-H303 1 pO) ~ 2oi ., ·150 A19 1 150 37l Marche Seating ;F 2169 CWM-F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 . . 1 150 1 soi 120) 34i Marche Seating ................... ................ .............................. ........................................... .............................................. ......... .......... ................................. , ............. , ............... ... _ ................................... CWM-Fi.2 __ ,: 1'20) . 34f F 217P F236-31-H303 . 150 A21 1 150 1 soi Marchia Seating F 2171 CWM-.F12 F2~6-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 150( 120! 34i Marche Seating F 2172 CWM~F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 1 150' 1.50) 120) 34) Marche SeatinQ F 2173 _CWM-F12 -F236-31-H303 150 A.2~ 1 1~0 1 soi 120.i 34\ March.a Seating F 2174 CP°F1 F236-;H-H303 150 A~1 1 1-50 150.i 1·20! 35i Marche Seating· F 2175 C'A'M-F12 .. F2;36-31-H303 150 A21 1 _150 1 SQ! 120) 36) Mc\lrche. Se~tlng F 2176 ·qWM~F12 .F2:36-31-H303 150 A2r 1 15Q 150! 12oi 3!:i;i . March.a Seating .. -•. 1 soi 120! 35), . F 2177 CP-F1_ . · .F236-31"H303 . 150 A21' · 1 ·150 ·Marche .. S~ating ...... .............. -.... ............ __ ._ ........ _ ..... .... , ...... -.................... -.... _ ..... ................ , ....................... , ...... .. ~soi 12oi 3i. · F 211a QWM~i=t2 ;F236-31'-H303 1.50 A21 · . , 1 150 Marche Seating F 2179 CWM-F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 1 soj 120) 34). Marche Seating F 2180 CWM-F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 1 '150 1 soi 1'20! 34·) _ Marche Seating F 2190 QWM-F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 150j 12oi 361 Marche Seating F 2191 ·CP-F1 F23f;i-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 150) 120) . 35) Marche· S~ating F 2192 CWM-.f10 F236-31-H303 . 150 A19 1 150 150! 120! 37! Marche Seating F 21Q3 CWM-F10 F~36-31-H30;3 150 A19 1 150 15oj_12oi 37i Marche Seating No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # 7/21/97 ·Focus Mounting Area J Box Area Surface Area J Box Area J Box Area J Box ................................... ........................................ Area J Box Ai-!!1:t . J Box Area .J Box Area J Bo~ .. Area ~ aox .. Ars~a .J Box Area J Box Area J Box .................................. ........................................ Area : J Box Area J Box Area j Box Area j Box Area Pendant Area J Box Area. J Box _ArE!a ....................... P!3ndailt ....... _ ................................. Area J .Box-. ' .Area J Box Area J' Box Area J. Box Area Pendant Area J_Box Area J Box Page 17 --· - ---·-----·----·--··-----LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Clustel NolType SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWl VI tl DI~ Relay Location Focus Mounting F I 21941 CWM-F12 F2~6-31-H303 1.50 A21 1 150 1 so! 120) as! Marche Seating Area J Box F I 2195ICWM-F1'2 'F2;36-31-l:i303 150 .A21 1 150 rsol 120! 36l Marche Seating Area J Box 'F I 2196l·CWM-F12 Fi36-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 150! 12ol as.! Marche Seatin9 Area J Box F I 219rl CP-F1 Lf23~-3J~tl303 Jl~O -"f?:t l . 1J1 sol . 1 sol 12.oL 3.~l JMc)rp~e ~~atir,g JArea IP!!ndarit : ............... t· .. ~:·::1.~:~~F 12 ......... I·:~::~:: ::::: ......... ,:::·· ;~: .... · ...................... , ..... ·: ·l·:·::t .......... :::1 .... ·:·::: ....... ::1 ................ ,·~:::~: .. :::!:~: .... -1-:::: ................... 1 ~e~::nt F I 2:20oj·.CWM-FJ2 · I F236-31-H303 I 150 A21 I 1 jr~ol 1 so! 12ol 36'!. · I Marche Seati~g I Area I J Box :F 2201 I CWM-F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 111~0 150.! 12ol 36l Marche Seatin9 I Area J Box F 220~1 CWM-F12 F236~~1-H.303 150 A21 11150 1 sol' 120! asl ! -=--~·----'-·; · Marcl')e ~,;iatir,g I Area J Box F 22031 CWM-F12 ·F2;36-31-H303 1'50 A21 111.~0 150j ,, 12Ql 34j Marche Seatin9 I Area J B,;,x .F 22041 CWM-F12. j'F236-31-H363 150 A21 11,150 1 s·ol 12oi .. 34! Mc1rche Seaiing !Ar~a .~'Box · i= I 22os! CWM-Fl2 I Fgi3_1)_~~1::Hj:<>~ ..... J.1_~_Q .. _~gJ_ .................... J .~ tlJ?2l 1-sol . J2ol .. 34L IMarche §eath:i9 I Area I J Box ''·f F ............. ,1,. 2206! 9P-F1 .............. J.F236-31-H303 ....... J 150 .. A21 ......... .t, ..... 1.J_1 so, ......... 1_!50 •. ! J 2. () •. ! ...... sst ............ tMarchE!. Seatin. g ...... t·Area ...................... 1 Pendant ................... ... 111so:,. . rsoL 120L__ 34! . ;Marche Se.ating .Area · J Bpx 2207ICWM~F12 F236-31 sH303 tso A21 F 22081CWM-F12 I F236-31-H303 1.so A~1 _ 1 I 150 1 so! 12ol as! l,Marche Seating I Area J Box F 22091 CWM~F14. ff2.3~·3J-H~03 SOMH 11 50 so J.__g_uJ 5761,M~rche Birth,~ay I Area J. Box F 221 0·1 CWM-F1.,. I F236-31-H303 50MH 11 50, sol 211! l 5761.Marche Birthday .!Area 'J Bpx F. 221 tl;CWM-F14 I F236-31-H303 50MH 11 50 &Oi 2771 Ji76l Marche Birtl')day I Area J Bqx_ F. 22t2I CWM-F14 . I-F236-31·-l-1303 50MH 11 50 sol· 211:j 576( Marctie Birtpday .1 Area ·•J Box F 22131 CP-F1 F236-31-H~03 150, A21 111.5,0 1 sol 120.l 2s! M~rche SE!aiing I Area Pane/ant F 2214 CWM-F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 150i 120! aai ' Ma,rche SE!atjng Area J Box F . 2215 CP-F3 F23~~31-H303 70MH . . . 1 70 1oi 2ni j 571 ....................................... . , ................................. Marche Seating Area Pendant ; F 2216 CWM-F14 F23(,-31-H303 50MH 1 50 soj 2771 ~· 575 Ma,rche Birthday 'Area J Box so! 211l ": : F 2217 CWM-F14 F2.36-31-H30~ SOMH 1 so· ! 575 Marche Birthday Area J Box F 2218 CWM-F~4 F236-31-H303 50MH 1 50 soj 277) . 575 Marche Binhday Area J Box F 2219 CWM-F14 ·F236-3,1-H.303 50MR 1 50 sol 211l 575. Marc.he !3irthday Are,a J. Box i= 2220 CWM-F14 F236-31-H303 50MH 1 50 5Ql 277! 574 Marche. Birthday Area J Box -F 2221 cwM°F14 F236-31-H303 50MH 1 50 50! 211L ____ 5 7 4 Marche , Birthday Area J Box No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 18 --- -------·--...... ------... --LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste No F 2222 F 2223 F 2225 F 2226 Type SHEET CWM-F14 F236-31-H303 .. CWM-F14 F236-31-H303 ·cwM-F12 F236-31-H30.3 ·CP-F3 F2.36-31 ~H:303 FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Lamp LQ LW TLWI Vttl DimlRelay Location Focus Mounting 50MH 1 50 so! ?7?! _574 Marche Birthday . Area _J Box S0MH 1 50 so! 2ni ' 574 M,arche ·Birthday Area. J Box 150 .A21 1-150 1 soi 1.20) 3ai Marche-Se,iftting Area J Box -70MH_. __ ----·----------------------· t .JO 10L 2nL L 5 71 Marche Seating Are~ ··-----------------Pendant F f :.:::i ~::::::: ··:::::·::~:.:~: ........ ·l::~:~1 -........................ l·-.·~:I 1·:~t .......... 1 :~1··· .. :~~l·_ .... 38l·, ... 5731·::::~:SB~:~:~y·· r:::: ..... · ..... , ........ 1 ~-.::: ·------------ F 2229 ·cw~-F14 F236-31-H303 50Ml::f { !;i0 soi K'Jl r 5731 Mafche Birthc!ay Are~ J Box F 2230 CWM-F14 F236-31-H303 S0MH 1 50 soi. 2ni 5 7 3 I Marche 13irthday Area J Box F 2231-CWM~F14 'F236-31-H303 ~OM.H i . 50 sol 2ni ,,5731 Marche ·B.ir!hd!l)' Area .J Box F 2?32 CP-F1 F236-31-H;303 1so .A21 _ . ~ 150 1501 120! 32) Marchi! ·$e.ating Are~ Pendam ;f' 22~3 CWM~F1Q -F2~E?-31,H303 ·lSQ A19 1 150 HiO! 1-20! a.1!· Marche §eating Are.a_ -..i ~o~ --- F I 2234ICWM-F12' IF2~6-31-l-l303 J150 A2.L --· . ----J· tLr~<>l .1soL 120L 38\ . JM~rche§ea~ing !Area ·IJ Bpx ·: ............ · .. I··· ::~:l~:~-F 1 o . .-.... +:::~~:: ~::~: ......... t:~~,;~~5 ................. _____ J··· .. :t1_~71 .......... 1.~7L_:~7, ____ 37 , ...... 559I :;~::::::ting ...... ,:::: ............... _.· .. 1,~u~::e ................ . F 23Q1 O4f --.F237~.31'-H324 175MH 1 ·1_75 175) 2nL 562 Roof Area Surface F 2302 04s F.237-3,1 ~H.324 175MH .· . 1 :p~ 175· 27_7'.i 562 Roqf , :Are~ .. Surface_ .. 217i· F 230,3 :~~ F2~7-31-H324 F17/SP35 " 1 ·t7 · 17 559. Window Box .. · Area Si.lrf~ce .. F 2304 F4a F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 17 27'?! 559 Window Bqx Area : .surface F 2305 F4 .F2;37"-31-H324 · J=15/SP35 1 . 15 15 277)' 559 Window Box. Area , $urf~ce F 2306 ·F4a. F237-31-.Hf32.4. ·----· fl7,JSP~5 1 .. 17 F 277f 559 Window Box Are~ Surface ··-··· . I i t . . -.F .............. J .. 23071· A 1· 0 ........ -.......... -1 F237~~ 1_-f-!324 .... -...... Q35MR 1. 1 /NFL~o0 .............. 1 ..... 3 5 ............ 3 5 \ ........ 1 2\ ...... 5 9.\ .............. 1 Wi.ndow Box F J. :?MB :q4s_.,_' _· _ ._f237•31-H324 . 175MH _________ · . J tZ§ __ 1]5! 277L .i 562 Ro<>f Area · { Surface ......... ~ ....................... , ............ ' ... , ........... , .. \ ............... .. Ar'3a Sur.tac~ 'F I 23Q91 F4a _ _ jF237-31-H324 ____JJ:17/SP:35___ __J -11....!zL__ 1 ·d 27.7_[ i 5·591\Vindow Bo~ Area surface 11i 21/ .- F 231'0 F4a F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 559 Window: Box Area Surface .. F 2311 O1.1f F2;37~31-H324 70MH, __ 1 70 70 277( ! 564 ·Balcony Bldg. Surface -- F 231? O1.1f F23'7•31-H324 70MH 1 70 70 277'! 564 ~alcpny ·Bldg. Surface •· 2r? F 2314 O1.1s ·F237,31-H324 70MH-1 70 70. : 564 -Balcony Bldg. Surface .F 2315 'Q1s 'F2;3:7 ,~-H;3?4 70MH 1 70 70 211\ --·t 563 Balcony --------Bldg. Surface-, No = Fixture # LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 19 -· - - ----.. -· --.... @liilf'-- ---.... LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste .. ·-ype !SHEET !Lamp I LOI LWI TLW! Vlt! Dim!Relay!Location !Focus !Mounting SHEET I Lamp I LOI LWI TLW Vlt Dim - -., ------- IF I2a16IF4a . IF237-31-H324 IF111sp35 I 11 ··I ··: -··: ~-'."~· ... ·--.. --~ .... -~ ·--.. --- F I 2317IF4a lF237-31-H324. IF17/SP35 i 1i .. . . ___ : ......... _ .-.. ·F . -17 17 277! ! 560 _Window Box ·----· ··--· ... ··-· -- I70M~ I I 11 1 17 277i · I· 563I~indo~ Box ! F237 731-H324 1 70 70 277i , ____ t --·---------11 701 ·10! 277! i 563IBalconv IBldg., __ J§urface i= I 2319I01~ l·F237-3~-H324 l70MH I 11 70f 70! 2n! i-. 560!Balcony .. .. ... .. .. ··~ ~l~g. ·surface .• F ..... ·.• ........ · .. t .. ·232 .. o ... t.'·f· 4a .... · ................... I~F23 .. 7-.3 .. 1 .. -. H .. 3 .. 24 .......... l·F11/SP35 .... · ................... 1 ....... 1., ... 1.1t ............ 11! .. ..:~n! ........... !, .... 563,Window. Box,· .......... ·I.Ar~a ...................... ,t·&urface ................... ... :f 2321 01s·_ . ___ _.. . f237-31-H324 70MH. : 1 : 70 . 70! 277! i 563 Balcony . . l3ldg. Surface 1' F 2322 C>1s r237-31-H324 · 70MH' 1 . 70 70! 2111 L ---560 Balcony Bldg. Surface f 2323, F4a F237-31-H324 F.17/~P35 1 17 _ 11.i 2-11! 560 Win.dow Box Are;:1 · Surface .. :F 232:4 .01s : -F237-31-H3.24 · 7QMH ' .1 . . "(O. 70! 2ni ! . 5~3 ~alcony. Bldg. Surface. i= ' . 232.5 F~ ;F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 11! 217J ~ 560 Window Box .Area ~urrage F 2326 01s F237-3t-H324 70MH 1 70 10! 277i ~ 563 Balcony !3Idg. · Surface F 232.7 01s F237-31-H324 70MH 1 70 70i 277) 563 Balcony .................. Bldg; Surface : ......... · l .. ::::1:: .................. l:::~::~~::~:·J::~~::::· ................. · .... t .. ·:·t·~:~, ........... ~·~t-~;t __ '.J ::~t::~:::::: " .. t:::: ................... 1:~::::: ............. · ...... , F . I 2330IF4a l·F237-31-H324 fF17/SP35 I i I 171 17! 211! ·1 561IWlndow Box !Area IS.urface F I 2~3~JF4a . IF237-31.-H324._ jF17/SP35 1 17, 17j 277i 561 Window Box Ar.ea Sµrface ·F, 23;32!;F~ ff2;37-31-H324 f1'7(SP~.~ 1', 17 _1_1! 211! 561 Window Box Area Surf~c.e ·~ 2333IF4a F237-31-H324 .F17/SP35 . . 1-11· 277! . 1 17 ~61 Window Bpx Ar!)a Surface F 2334J04f. '.i=237-31-H324 175MH 1 175 175) 211! 562 R09f -. Area Surface F 2335I04m F237-31-H3.24· ,175MH 11175 175i 277! ! 562IR~f !Area !Surface F............I .~33~· :F4a ..... .-..... : .. : .F2;37-31:H324: .......... F1}/SP35 ............................ 1 ..... 1_7 ........... 1.7~ ... ..277~· ............. ~U. .. 56·t .Windqi/1. Box .... :. U. ... Area ..................... : Surf1:1c!l ................. ... . ·t· " . . . . :'. i i. . . . . . . F · I 2337 F4a ·F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 1"7! 211'! . ! 561 Window Box · Area ·~urface ~ , . .. F 2338IF4a F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 17! 277) ~61 IWindow Box Area Surface i= 23~9 ·F4a. F237 ~31-H3·24 f17/SP35 1 .17 17! 277! 561 Window Box Area Surface F 2340 :F4a :F237-31 •H3~4·. . F-17/SP~5 .1· -17, . 1·11 . 211i ,!, .561 Window Box Area . Surface F ·2341 F4a F237-31-H324 F111sp:35 1 17 11! 211L 561 ~indow Box Area Surface F 2342 F4a F237-31-1-1324 F17/SP35 1 17 11i 211i : . 561 Window Box .Area .surface F 2343 F4a F237-31-H324 F17/Sl335 1 1.7 17! 277) --561 Winpow Box~ __ Area Surface -·-· No = Fixture # · LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design - Dim = Dimmer # Page 20 --~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~ LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWl Vil) Diml Relay Location Focus Mounting F 234_4 04f F237-31-H324 175MH 1 175 .115! 277l &.62 Roof Area Surface F 23.45 b4m. F237-31-.H3~4 1_75MH 1 175 175! 277i · : 562 .Roof Area Surface F 2349 03.1f. F237-31-H324 .3!$MH 1 35 351 2ni I· 561 Canopy Bldg. Surfac,e F 2350 o~.11 F237-31-H324 35MH 1 35 35! 2nl : i 561 CanOPY ........ .. ... £:!_l~.9. su~fc;i.ce F 2351 F5 . . F237-.31-H.324. F28T5 t 28 2a! 277( i ·5s5 .canopy GrapJllc . surface .F 2352 F5 F237-31-H3?4 F28T5 1 28 2a! ·2.11! ! 56_5 'canopy Graphic. · · Surface I F28J5 1· 1 V 281 2.Bi 277i . ! . 59$1 Canopy 235~ .F!i,· . ·F237a31.-H324 _ F28J .. 2.8 211! ·Graphic . Surfac,e F 23$4 ,j:5• :F237-31-H3~4 F2~T5 J . 28 28. 211! • 56$Jcanopr ~raptiJc Sur.face· F '2355· AS f237-31 •H324 · 50MR16/NFL _1 50 50 12i 601 Canopy Bldg .. Surface F 23~6 A~ F237-31-H.324 -50MR16/NFL .. 1 50 50 12! _so!' Canopy Bldg. Surface -' 2357 AB F237-31-H324 50MR16/NFL 1 5() 50 12! F 60! , Canopy ·Bldg. Surface F 2358 AS F237-31-l:f324 50MR16/NFL 1 50 50 12! so! Can<>p)' ard9. Surface : .............. 1 .. :::~i :: .................... t :::;::~::::: ......... t,;;;;:;::_.~ _· · ...... : .... : ; ............. :.;t .... :~~f __ _l_.::;J;::::: ·::: ............. t :~:: ..... _. ·., ...... ·. ,:~~;::: .................... .. -31-H324-. l·f17-/$P35 . I 11,. 17 2402 F4a, F237-31-H324-. J 1, 7 27:?i -: 559 Win~qw Bq~ Ar~a · su.rface ,. .F .246~ CWM~F4 , ·F237~31-H324 · :9Q At9 1 60 60 120! 54!. · Explorer's Entr.y, · Ar~a '.Surface F 2404-' F4a F237-31-H324 .. F17/SP35 j' 1.7 17 277! .559 Window Box Area Surface. F 2405 CWM-F4 F237-31-H3.24 . 60 A19 1 60 60 12oi 54\ Explorer's Entry Area . Surface -.-- F 2496 F4a F237-31 •.H3.24 F17/~p3·5 1 · 17 17 2ni E 559 Window Box Area su.rface F I 2407ICWM-F4 IF237-;3J-H:3?4 JEiQ_J\_1~ .. .L ... H ... 9-:QL ........... ~QL .. :igQL .. :!5_-4:L JExplorer's Entry !Area I Surface F 2408 CWM-F4 F~37-31~H324 .. 60 A19 · .1 60. 60 120.i 54.i. Explorer's Entry Area Surface F 2409 F.4a -F237-31-H324 F17/SP35. t .i7 17 .· 277! . ! 559 Window Box Area Surface . ·F 2410IF4a IF237-31-H324 jFH/SJJ3~~~-1 .. 11 17 2,77! 559IWiridqw Box Area Surface F 24t4 CWM-F3 . F237-31 ~:H324 . ·60 A1!;1 1 60 .sol 120 . 561 .Srip~ Br::i. Entry Area Surface F. 2415' CWM-F3 F237-31-H324 · 60 A19 1 60 ~ol 120 56j .· Brick Brs, Entry Area Surface F 2426 CWM-F3 F237-31-H324 60 A19 1 60 soi 120 57! Brick Brs. Entry A~ea Surface. ·F 2127 CGR-F1 F237-31-H324 150 A-19 1 150 150! 120 5ai Brick Brs. Entry Area Surface F 2428 CGR-F1 F237-31-H324 150 A-19 1 150 150l, 120 ?8\ Brick Brs. Entry Area Surface No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity GALLEGOS Lighting Design LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # I> Page 21 ---·-.. < ....... , -...... <aa -, ...... , .... LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste No F 2429 F 2434 F 2435 Type SHEET ·CWM-F3 F237-31-H324 03 F237-31-l-l324 D3 F237-31-H324 FIXTURE SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Lamp LO LW TLWI V 1tl Dlml Relay Location 60 A19 1 60 soi 12oi 57! . Brick Brs. Entry 50PAR20/NFL 1 50 soi ' . 12oi· 55j ,E?(plprer Window ,, 12oi 55j 50PAR20/NFL 1 50 50! Explorer Window · No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus .Mounting Area surface Area. Recessed Ar.ea Recessed Page 22 ~-~~-~--~~-~~~~~~~~ LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste NolType SHEET ·lamp LQ LW TLWl Vlij Dimf Relayllocatlon !Focus Mounting M 1 IG M15~-31-H102 1 oi ~ i 520 ! M ~IG .M15!?~31-HJ 02 1 ol i ! 521 ' M 3113 M155-31-H103 1· o! ' 522 ! M I 41G IM1ss-a1-H103· I' .I 11 I oj i ! 523 ·: ............ + .... 20:t :12 ................ · .. ,~:::~:~·~:::: ··· ... ··1·13wPL ............................ J, ...... :l .. 1·3t ...... · ..... 1~11~~!: __ · . J .:~:r .................................... TPathway ..... · ..... ·1·BoltPa_d __ _ M I 2011.Eh? .. -~~ JMi5p~3·1-H10~ . hawPL. I· 1LL31 fa! t20! l 5C>~L l'Path'?/ay IBoltPad '\1, M. . 202 812 . ·.M1~s-a1-t1102 t~wPL 1 . 13,. 13) 120! . 505 Pathway Bolt Pad M 203 812 . M155·3·1-HH)2 , 1;3WPL. 1 1'3'' 1.ai 120! .. . ~ 505 P~Jl;lway Bolt .Pad M .204 812 M155-31-H102 13wPL 1 13 13) 1:20! i' 505 Pathway Bolt Pad :1M· ~05 :B12 .. M15!:i-31-H1 O? , 13wPL, 1 . · 1.3• 13l 120! ' 50~ ,,: Pathway .Bolt PJ:ld· .. M 206 L10 M15$-31-H102 ~OwMR16/NFL 1 50 so! 12L . 3! Pathway P~ndant ·: .......... 1 ...... :::1·t:.: ............ · ....... t~: ::~:~·~:: :: ....... t:::~:: :~~:t .. ······: ..... t ...... :·t. ·::, ............ ::t.· .... 1.:t ... ~ ..... :1 ............... i ........... ·................ I .Path~ay ............ ..1. Pendant ..................... . f>athwav -Pend~nt M ·209 L10 · M155-31-H102 5P.wMR1{i/NFL 1: 50 5.0l 12 3·l l;'athway Pendant M 210 L10 M155-3:1-H102. $OwMR16/NFL 1 50' so! 1·2 3) Pathway Pendant M. 211 L10 M155,31-H10;2 ~OwMR16lNFL 1 · 50 soi 12 a! f>at.h,way P~ndant M 2l2 L10 . M15S.-31-tl102 50.wMR16/NFL 1 SQ soi, 1.2 al 'Pathway Pend~nt .. M .213 L10 M155-31-H1.02 ~O\VMR16/NF!-1: 50 so! 12 3l Pathway Pendal'.lt .. M I 214IL10 ·IM15s~a1-H162 1so~MfU6/Nft 1 50 sQr 1:2 . .:fl f'~thw13y' · ,P~l'.ldant .M .............. 1... ... 21.sjL 1.o ................... .JM1.55-31-H10~ ...... JsowMR16lNFL 50wMR1.6/NF.L M 21~ L10 ,M155-31-1-j102 :l· .. ::t ............ ·::1 .... · ~:I ....... ·· .. :.: .............. , ....................................... ·1.;::~::~;;:;;~: M 217 uo M155-31-H102. 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50 1·2! 3 Path.w~y Pendant M 218 L10 M155-31-H102r 50wMR16/NFL 1 · pO 50 121 3 Pathway Pendant M 219 L10 M1,p5-31-H1.02 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50 12! 3 Pathway Pendant M 220 L10 M15p~31-H102 50wMR16/NFL r 50 50 12! 3 Pathway Pendant M 221 l10 M155-31-H102 ?0WMR16/NFL . 1, 50 50 12! 3 'Pathway Pend;mt M 222 L10 M155-31-H102 50wMRi6/NFL 1 50 50 12! 3 Pathway __ _Pen_dar1t No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 1 .. .. , .. LEGOLAND Progress Set -, .. ·-, ,-, .. ... ... ... ... ... , .. .. ·1111: j -.. ·-FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI Viti DlmlRelay Location Focus Mounting M 223 L10 M155-31-H1_02 50wMR16/NFL 1 !iO sol 12) 3\ Pathway Pendant : ; M 2-24 l10 .M-155-31 7H102.· sowMR16tNFL 1 so soi 12! _ 4i _. -PatJ,way P~nc!ant ' ' ': : ! ' -M 225 L1Q M155-31-H102 · ~OWMR16/NFL 1. -50 50i 12i 4i Pathway Pendant M 235 l10 ·M155-31-H1-02 . 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 so! 12! 4L : . Pathway Pendant M 236 LtO . M155-31-H102. ·sowMR16/NFL _1 50 so! 12l 4l Pathway Pendant ................................................ _........................................................ . ....................... : : : .......... _.............................. .. ................................................... .. • M 237 l10 .M155-31-H_1.02 50wMR16/NFL 1 5.0 50! 12! 4! Pathway Pendant . ·M . 23~ L10 .M155-31-H1Q? 50wMR1~/~FL, 1 so sol 12L . 4! Path.way Pendant M· 239L10'· 'M155-31~H:102 50wMR16/I\IFL. 1·56 so·! 12!-4l Pathway Pendant M ··· 240 L1'0-M155-31:H102 . 50wt.,4R16/NFL 1 · s·o sol 12! 4l P!:1,thway Pen~ant M 241 l10 M155-31-H102 5!)wMR16/NFL 1-50 sol 12l 4! PathWl:lY Penda!'lt .M 242 L10 M155-31-H102 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 sol . 12l 4l P1;1thway Pendant ·M·· 2:43,L1,0_ M155-31-1-;1102_ 50w~R16/NFL 1. SQ s·o) 12j 4l Pathway .. Penda11t .. : 'M 244 87 ·M.155-31-H'102 13PL · 1. 13 · 1 al 211l l 506 Area Pathway Bolt Pad · · uu••neuuouon ounuuuuu,unHnnoue ............... , .. · ... ~·uuuonuHHU• onHHounonannHHeneneuuanneuuoo ............................. ,, ........... -,, ......... • .. •f•••uouu••n• ouu•.u•unuu•·•onoouooouuoon nu ___ ...,,;· ........ ' • uouuu•••u' M 24!i 87 . M155-_31-H102 13PL. 1 1a 1;3! 211l .! 506 .Area Pathway -Bolt Pad .M 24,Ef 87 M155-31:-H102 1~PL 1 13 13! 211l 506 Area f>a,hway Bolt Pad .M 247 87 M155-.31'-H102 i3PL 1 13 13) 2nj 1· 506 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 2'4887:, ·, M155-:H-H102. 13PL f.13 13j 21.1L· J 506. Are,;!.Pathway BoltPad_ M 24!H~7 :M155'-31-H102 . 13P.L 1 t3 13! 277! • 506 · Area _Pathway Bolt.Pad . M 250 87 M15~-31-H102 '13PL 1 13 13! 277! .. 506 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M .25·1.87 M155-31-H102 ·13PL 1 13 13! ·277!. 507 Ar~aPathway BoltPad M 252 87 M155-31-H102 13PL · 1 13 131 211l l 50'7 Area Pathway Bolt Pa~ . . M............... .2.53 ··~·;: ........................ ·M1.55-31--H102 ......... :·~·;·~~.................................... 1 ta 1 al 2nl 507 ......................................... ·Area .. Pathwav· ... -~~;; .. ~~~ ..................... . ,. . M 254 87. M'155-31-H102 13PL 1 13 13j 277) 507 Area ·Pathway Bolt Pad M' 255 87 M155-31-H102 1'3PL 1 13. 13! 277j 507 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 256 87 . M155-31-H1'0? '13PL 1 13 131 277) 507 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 257 B7 M155-31-.H102 13PL 1 13 13! 277! 507 .Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 258 :07 M1.55-31-H1_02 13.PI., 1 . 13 1 ;3! 277! 507 Area Pathway_ Bolt Pad ,M 25987 M155-31-H:102 13PL .. 1 13 13,)2-U! 507 :AreaPatl:)way BoltPa(! No= Fixture# LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GA.LLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 2 .. -........... -................... , .. _ ... LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWl v1tT DtmlRelaylLocatlon Focus Mounting M 260 B7 M155-31-H10~ 13PL 1 13 13! 277! i 50·7 Area Pathway I Bolt Pad M 270 B7 M155;.31-H102 13PL 1 13 13! 277! i 507 • Area Pathway I Bolt Pad M 271 B7 M155-31-H102 13PL ' 13 13! 277! i· 507 ~rea Pathway I Bolt Pad M. I 2721B'1.3 IM155-31-H10?_, ____ J26'NP~----________________ L_ __ YL_?6J 26! ·2"77) l 51<H !Area Pathway !Bolt Pad M • 273 B,1.3 _ _ ,M1$5-31-H102 , 21?.wPL . . 1 ?6 . .26! _ 2.77! _ l 51 O _ _ . _ Area P~~hway Bolt Pad . M -274 81.3 . M155-;31-'H102 26wPL . 1 26 ?6! 21r! . ! 51 O - - -Area. Pathway Bolt F'ad M 275 B1.3 M155-31-H102 -26wP.L 1 26 2~! 277[ 510 Area Pathway ~olt t='ad M 27~ B1.~ 0M155.31-H1·02· ... 26wf>J:. _ 1 ?6 26l· 211! 51•0 ·Area Pattiway .Bolt Pad M 277 B1.3 'M1.55,31-H102 26WPL ,1 , 2,6 26L 2771 510 .Area Pathway BolfPad M 278 B1.3 M 155-3H-I 102 26wPL 1 26 _ 26! 211t 510 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 279 ];31.3 . M155~31.-H1!>2 _ ?~WPL .. 1 _26' ~6l: 211! !,;19 A~ea Pathway • Bolt Pad M 280 B1.3 __ _ M15'!;~,~1_::H_102 26wPL-1 --------·········---26 ?6! 211! 510 AreaPathway Bolt Pad -~M .................. 2_81 B1.3 ................... M155-31_-H1.02 .. _ .... 26wPL._ ..................... .' .......... 1· ... 26 ........... 26i .... 211i ............ i ..... s101,.. ................................. IArea .. Patt:iwaY ... Bolt .. Pad ... . :M· 282 B1.3 ·. _ M155·3·1-H102 26wPL_ _ 1 · 26 . 26! 277! ): s1ol. · !Area Pathway Bolt Pad_ M 283 B1,3 M155-31-H102 · 26wPL 1 26 26 277 5·10 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 284 _B1.3 Mt55-31-H1Q2 26WPL ,1 . 26 ?6 277 510 ,.A.rea Pathway Bolt Pad M 285, B1.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 2·5· ' -?6 277 510 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 28~. B1.3 M155~31-H102 26wPL 1' 26 26 277 510 Are~ Pathway Bolt Pad M 287 B,1,.3, • Mt55-3HH02 -26wPL 1 26, 26 . 277 5:10 _ _ .Area Pathway .Bolt Pad M 288 .B1.3 M155-31-H102 ·26wPL 1 2E> 26 277 510 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 28981.3 M155-31-H192 26wPL 1 26. 26! 277) )' 510 AreaPathway BoltPad M 290'Bj .. 3 ,:M155-31-H102--26wPL ,.1 26 26! 277)-j 510 -'ArE!aP~thway 'BoltPad M 291' 81.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 26) 277) 5,10 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 292 81.3 M155-31-l;l102 26wPL 1. 26 26! 277! 510 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 2~3 81.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 26l ?77)· ' 510' Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 294 81.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26· 26! 277) 510 _ Area Pat11way Bolt P~d M 295 8.1.3 M155°31-H102 26WPL 1 26 .26l 277l 51,0 _ _ Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 305 03f M155-31-H102 35MH 1 35 35I 277} 51'1 Area Grade No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Li'ghting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 3 --~~~~-~~--~~--~~~- LEGOL-AND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Clustel NolType SHEET Lamp LO LW TLWl Viti Dlml Relay Location Focus Mounting M I 306IO3f M155-31-H102 35MH 1 35 35\ 211) ! 511 Area Grade ;, . M I 307IO3f M155-31-H192 35MH 1 35 3Si. 211i ! 511 Area : Grade M I 30BlO3f M155;:3J-H102 --·-'-35~tf .. • ........• 1 ~5 asl 2nl i SH Area Grade M I 309IO3f IM155-31-!-i102 l35MH I 11 351 asI 211j l 5111 !Area !Grade t . I I I t . . .. :: ...... -...... r _ :~·~t~_:: .................. , ~:::~::~:: ~: ........ ·:::: ....................................... :· ···:: ............ ::1.-· :~~l ........... _1-... :~:1 ..................... -........... 1:::: ..................... 1 ::::: ......................... . M I 312IO3f . IM155-31·-H102_· j35MH 1 35 35) 277 509 Area Grade M 313IO3f M155-31-H102_; l'35MH 1 '35, 3s.i 277 509 Ar.ea · Grade. M 3UIO3f · M155-31~H102 35MH 1 35 3si 277 509, . Area Grade M 315l-O3f M 1'55-31-H 10~ 35MH 1 35 35! 2_77 509 ,Area ~rade .M 31,6lO3f M 155-3,1·· H 1 02 •35MH 1 35 ·--·-~sl 277 509' Area Grade M I 317jO3f l-M155-~1-l·U02 l:35Ml:L J.J.L:35[ 35L 277) j 5oaJ .•. IAr~~·-· .. _JS,rade ·~ .......... ·1·· ... : :·:16:; ... _· · ........ _ ... ·t-:: ::~:: ~:: ~:.· ...... 1 :::: · _ ........ ····· ............. +·· ... :+· ::1 ............ ::t. ···:~~t:==····L· ·:~:t .... :·::·_·--:--=:--.... : ..... _ ... 1::.::·· ...... ··· ......... t::::: ......................... . M 320 O3f M155-3.1~H102 35MH 1 35 35! 2ni 508 Area ·Grade M' 321 '.O3f M155-31-H102 35MH 1 35 35) 277f -i 50~ . Area Grade M 322 O3f M155-31.H1Q2 35M.H 1 39 35) 2771 508' · Are;l, Grade M 323 O3f M1.55-;31-H102 35MH 1 35 35i 277i , 508 · Are~ Grade M 324 R2· M1~5-31-H102 15QMl:i 1 150 · 1 soj, 211) , 519 · Recessed .M 349 B1.3 . M1=55-31-H103 26wPL 1. 26 2~i 211i ' 500 Area pathway Bolt Pad I• M 350 B7 M155-31-H103 1_3PL ___ 1 13 1.3! 2'1'1f ! 503 Area Pathway Bolt Pad ·~'............... 351 ·~·;·· ...................... M155-31-H103 , ··1.~PL....... ......... f 1.3 1'3) 211! j 503 ....................................... :.Area .. Pathwav ... ."~~;;··;;~ ..................... . M 352 B7 M155-31-H103 .13PL 1 13 13j ?77! 503 Area P~thway Bolt Pad M 353 B1.3 M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 26! 211i 500 . 'Area Pathway -Bolt Pad M ~54 .B~.3 M155-31-H1. 03 26wPL 1 . 26 26! 277! . , 500 Area Path~ay Bolt Pad M 355. B1.3 M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 26! 277! 500 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 356 'B1.3 M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 26j 277! 500 . Area Pathway Bplt Pad ~ 357 81.3 M155-31-H103. 26wPL 1 26 26) gni 500 Area Pathway Bolt Pad ---------~------------------------ No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 4 - -.. - --· -- -... -.. -\ .. .. - ---LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7 /21/97 MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Clustel No!Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI Viti DlmlRelayllocatlon Focus I Mounting M I 3581B1.3 M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 2si 211! i 500 : Area Pathway I Bolt Pad M I 3591B1.3 M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26' 2s·l 211! i 500 Area P~thway I Bolt Pad M I. 36PI B1 .• 3. jM155-_3bl-fJ03 . Jg6wf>~.. . ........... , L_1J .. gs! 2s! 277( l 5001 . I-Area Pathway I Bolt Pad M I 3611:Bt.:3 ]M155-:31-Jl103· J26YJP1:-........................ L . .JL .. ?61 2sl 2771 1 5·00.I !Area Pathway.JBgl1 P~d M . 36~ .B1.3 -M155-31-H103 26wPL · 1 26 2s! 2nl . l 500 . • Area Pathway . Bolt Pad .................................. y .................... , ................................................................................................................................................................................................. _ ..................................................................................................... _ ... . M' . 363 B1.3 ·M155-31-H103. 26wPL 1 26 .. 26) 2.71) ! 5QO -Area Path'Nay Bolt Pad M 3.64 B1.3 .Mt~5:31-H103 26wPL 1. 26 26( 277-j l 500 -----······ Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 365 ·01.3 M.155·31-Ht03 '26wPL 1 25,, 2s! 277! : 500. Area Pathway· Bolt Pac:! ! .., 375 ·B.1.3 M155-31-H10~ 26wPL 1 .. 21:! 261 277i 5.00 Area pathway ·Bolt Pad " . . 1, M 376 B.1.3 · M155-31-H103· 26\'!PL 1 26 26) 211)· .f 500 · Area Pathway Boit Pad M 377 .B1.3 M155-31-H10~ 26wPL .. 1 26 2si 277L .. .L.JiOC> .. Area .. Pathway .Bolt Pad· --------------.. M I 37!31B1.3 IM155-31-H10~ l.26wPL I 1L2sl .2s! 277! ..... L .. 5001'__ ................... · ..... JArea .. Pathway,IBoltPac:I : ····-··· +--:::1 :: ::------+:: ::::: :::::---7 ::::~ --······---·· ---+-:-t ·· ::1 ········ -~:I i~;L ]---::~!-·······---------i.::--::::: 1::-::------------- IM. ~St B1.3 M155-31-H_10~ 26wPL 1. 26 26i 277i 500 'Area Pathway Bolt Pad 1.M ,,,. 211\ 382 B1.3: ·M155°31-H103 26wPL 1 . 26 26) \i 500 . Area. ·,Pathway _ Bolt·Pad M 383 B7 M155-3.1-H1 O? 13PL 1 13 13! 211I 501-Ar~a pathway Bolt Pad M 384 B7 ·M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13· 13! ·• 2771 )· 50.1 · ·Area Pathway Bolt Pad ,M .385 ,87 M155-31sH_10~ 13PL 1 13 1·3i 277) 501 . Area PathY1ay Bolt.Pad M 386 B7 M155-31.l-!103 13PL 1 13 13i ':, -'~ 277!: 501 Area Pathway. Bolt Pad M .......... _ .. -387 j:37 . _M1_55~;31-H103 ......... 13PL 1 ... 13 1.3! 277! i 501 . Area .. Pathway ... -Bolt Pad ............................. ,, ............................................ ,._ 13j · 211l -j 501 ........................................ .................... , ................. · . M 388 B.7 M155-3_1-H1·03 13PL 1 13 Area Pathway · Bolt P~d . ' . . . M 3~~ B7 M155-31~H103 13PL .1 13 13) 277) 5 501 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 390 B7 M1.55-31-H103 13PL f 13 13\ 277! 501 · Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 391 B7 . M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13· 13( 277( 501 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 392 B7 M155-31-H103 13PL 1 1~ 13) 277! 501 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 3t;l;3 B7 M 155-;31 7H103 13PL 1 13 13i 211! 501 Arf3a Pat.hway Bolt Pad· M 394 B7 M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13 13) _ 277) 50_'1_ Are5_ Pathway___ Be>lt_~~ -----·- No= Fixture# LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 5 ~-~~~~---~-~-~-~--- LEGOLAND FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 Progress Set MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste< No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW· TLWI Viti Dlm!Rela1y Location Focus Mounting M 395 B7 M155-31-H103 i-3PL 1 13 1a!. 211! i 504 Area Pattiway Bolt.Pad M 396 B7 M155-31•H103 1<3PL 1 13 l3i 277i i 504 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 397 B7 M1 !;5-31-1-!l 03 13Pl. . 1 . 13 1 aJ. 21.i! : 504 Area Pathway Bolf Pad .,., . 1 a! 211! M 398 B7 .. M1-55-31-H1.0~ t3PL j 13 ! 504 Area Pathway Boit·l'ad It M 410 87 M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13 13) ·211i i 504 . Area .. Patilway ... <Bott·Pad ................... ............... .................. _ .... ,.-.... ..... -................. · ................... .. ~ .................................... , ...... t3j 12ol j .................................... __ . ................ M 411 812 M155-:H-.H103 . 13wP'L : 1 13 . 505 Pathway Bolt P~d . Mf5"5-31_-H10:3 . . . • 1a! 120! < .M 412 B12 13vJPl .. 1 1 ;3 i::;05 l>att)way Bolt Pad M 413 B12 M155-31-l-i103 13wPL .. 1 1.3 1 a! 120! 505 Pathway Bolt P~d M 4H B12 · ·M 155-31-.H 1 Q:3 • 13wPL. 1 . 13 1 a! 120J . !?,05 .,Pathway J:39lt P;3d ., 1a! 12<>! -M '.4,15 B1'2 M155-31-H103 13wPL 1 13 505 Pathway . Bolt Pad M 416 ·97 M155-31-H-103 13PL 1 13 ta! 21,1! 503 Area ,P~thway Bolt.Pad M 417 87 . ;M1 !>5~31-f:Ug3 1:3PL -----------....... ·····•·•·•···· 1 · 13 .· _ __ta! 21i) .... r i::;03 _ -6.rei:t P~th'llaY, Bolt Pad :-··-1--:: :1 :;-···-··--t~: ::::::::·::-··· t:::~:=·· · ::: -=···· 1:: L ::L:=· :::1-:;:I ··· ·-l ::: ---·-······ ········-· -·. :::· ::~:~ I:: ;:-·-·····- M · I 42!)1B1 .JMt55-3J:l:i103 l,13P,L. ~--I 1 LJ~L~· ...J.3i 2nL~. ~ L 5Q3L .. ~.. ~ ~rl3~.Pathway .raott Pad M 421 B7 M1·55-3.·hH103 13PL 1 13 13) 27:ii 503 Area Pathway Bqlt Pad M 422 !:37 M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13 13) 211! 503 Are~ Pathway Bolt Pad .M 423 .81.3, : M155~3l,H1,03 ,26wPL 1. 26· .26! 211! 5Q0 Area Pa!hway -Bot,.P~d M -· 2s! 2ni 424 '·(31-.3 M155-31°H1Q3 26wPL 1 · 2~ 500 Area Pathway Bolt Pad· ~ Lf25IB1.3 J'M155-3-1-H103 l26wPL L 11 261 26) 2"11L .. L ?OOL JAr1;1i:if>~th,v.,i:1yJBol~P,ad ·~· ............. J ...... :::~~:; ................... ·-r~~·::~:~·~:~·~: ........ ·I·::~: ............................. _., ... _ ~l .. _::t--.... · .... :.::·· :i~I ............ I: ..... :~:·I· ........ · ............................. 1::::· ............. _ ...... "!'::::: .......... · ......... ·-·· M 44_7 O3f, 'M155-31-H103. 35MH 1 35 35! 277 502 Area Grade M 4'48. Q3f M155-31'-H103 ·3.5MH t 35 35! 277 502 Area , Grade·. "' M 449 O3f M15?·3~-H103 35MH 1 35 35i 277 502 Area Grade M .. 45'0 O$f M1!?5-31-H103 35MH 1 35 35,! 2.77 5'02 Area Gra.de M 4/51 ·03t M155:31-H103 35MH t. 35 35!. .277 ~iOg' A,rea Grade M 452 O3f M1'55-31-H103 35MH 1 35 35j 277 502 Are§! Grade -----·---------- No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW ·= Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 6 ~-~~~------~------- LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LO LW TLWI Viti Dlm!Relay Location Focus Mounting M 453 03f M155-31-H103 35MH 1 35 35j 211! ; 502 . Area Grade M. 454 03f M155-31-H103 35MH 1· 35 35j 277) . i 50,6 Area Grade .M. 455 03f .. as! 277! i M1.55-3:1-H103 . 35M.H 1 35 : ~ 506 Area Grade M 456 03f .. .~s! • 2n! M155.3·1-H10~ 35MH 1. 3.5 : 506 Area Grade ·: ..................... ::: ~:;.................. . :: ::::~ ::~·:: · ...... ·:::: · ............................... ······:· .... ::., .... -....... ::I·· .. :;:I···· ........ I· .... ::: .................. · ................... :::: ....................... ::::: ...................... ·. . ' . . , . -' M 459· 03f Mt55-31:H103 35MH 1 · as: 35 277 506 Area · ·Grade ·M 460 03f, M1.55-31-H1.03 ·3~MH 35 .277 506 Area Grade M 4~1 ·Q3f · M155-31-H103 3.SMH 1 :35 35 277 506 Area ·Grad~ M 35 277 462 03f :M155-31-H103 35Ml:i 1 35' i· 506 Area . Grade ! M 35 2.77 .463 .03t M155-31.H103 . 35MH 1 35 ,. 506 Area . Gr~Qe ,. M 464 03f :M155-31-H103 35MH 1 · 35_•· 35) .277\ t ____ 507 . Area ·GraQe 465 03f 'M1 . . . : !.l t t . ................... , ............................................... + ....... 55"31-H103 ........ 1~5MH......................... •1 :·t· .. ::i· ......... ::t .... :~;f ........ :t: .... ::tl·· ....... -: ........... : .... ····:·· ... :~:: ................ · ..... ::::: .......................... . M , 466 03f ·M155-31-H103 35MH 'M 467 03f · M1_55-31-H103 35MH ·1 35 3si 2111 507 Area Grade M. . ' · • M155-31-H103 4~0 L10 . 50wMR1~/.NFL 1 50 sol 1.2\ 2! . ' P9tJ1wav . Pendant . ·M 481 l10 M15~·31,H103 50i,yMR16/_NFL J 50.,, soi 12! 2.! Pathway · ·Pendant L10 ' M 482 . M1,55-31-H103 sowMR16/NFL 1 . 50 .s<>I 12i 2! · .Pathway Pendal')t M .. 4'83 'L:10 . 'M155-31~H103' ,50wMR1.6/NfL 1 50,1• soi 121 !( ________ ,.! ~! P,th\Yay Penda.nt M 484 l10 .M1.55-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 11 501 50! 12i. 21 L . I P~thY_,'aJ I Pendant .M ............ L .... 485jL 1.0 ............... _ .. l,M1·55-31,H103 ....... Jsow~R16/NFL . · .. 1 ...... ~-!-.. :~, ........... :~:: · ..... : :1 ......... :1 ........... l ..................................... -1-:::~::~..........,·:::::~: .................... .. M . 4'86 .L1Q M t55-31-H103 sowMR16/NFL . M 487 L10 M15?·31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 11 501 so) 12\ 2\ I I PathY_l~Y. !·Pendant .M 488 L10 M155-3i-H103 . ·sowMR1.6/NFt 1 50 50 _ 12!' 2 Pathway· .Pendant IM 489 L1Q M155:3-1-H1Q3 .~owMR16/NFL 1 50 sci 12J 2 Pathway · Pendant .. . M 4~0 'L 10 MH~5-31-H103. 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50 12i 2 Pathway Pendant M 491 L10 M155-3t-H1.03 50wMR16/NFL 1. · 50 50 12! 2 P9tJ1way Pendant .M 4~~ L.10 M155-~1-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50 1, 2i 2 __ , Pathway Pendant ---- No = Fhcture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Pim = Dimmer # I GAL:LEGOS Lighting Design . . Page 7 " -~~~-------~-~----- LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 MINILAND · Area Development / Architecture Exterior Clustel NolType SHEET Lamp LQ LW. TLWI Vltj DimjRelayllocation Focus Mounting M I 493l'L1o 50wMR16/NFt so! :, 2! M 155-31.-H 103 1 so 12! Pat!lway Pendant M ,j 4~4tL10 Mt55~31~H103 50wMR1,6/NFL 1 so soi· 12! 2! P_athway · Pendant M I 4951 L10 M 15&~31, -H 103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 so! 12! 2! Pathway Pendant M I 496IL10 M1 ~5-31-H 103 '50wMR1 ~/NFL 1 -~.Q. -------sol t2l 1 l PathW11t)'._ Pendant -M 497 'L10 , M155-31,-H103 _ 50wMRt6/NFL . 1 50. so! . 12! 1'! _ . . Pathway Pendant l·M · 498 Uo · M155-31-H_10;3. sowMR16/NFL 1 so so!· 12! :d · '· . Pathway Pendant. . M 49QI L10 .M155-31:-H'103 . l!iOwMRJ]/NFL 1 l 50 so'!, · 12! . 1 l ,Pathwar Pend,anr .l'JI 5opJL10 M155~31-t:l103 .50WM R1'6/NFL 11 50 so!· 121 Pathway Pendant M !i01IL10· ' M1:55-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL ti 50 sol 1,2i Pa\hWa)' Pend~nt -M , 502IL10 'M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 11 50 so! 121 Palhw~y ·Pendant .. M 503IL10 _M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 11 50 sol 12! PathYi,'cl)' Pendant M 504IL10 M·155-3J-H103 50wMR16/NFL 50 so! · t2!. 1' •'.Pathway_ Pendant :~ ............ , ..... :~.:r~ ~ ~ ................... t·~~·::~:~:~~:;: ..... · .. t:_:;~;~~~;~_±-a:~1 ___ ;;L··· :·:t .......... ~·t .............. t ........ -...... · ............... t:::~::; ............ 1 ::~::~: .................. .. M -I St~IL10 IM155-31-HJ03 l:sowt.1R16/Nfh__~___L1Lsoj so! 121 1l !Pathway !·Pendant M 5HIL10 M 155-31·-H 103 5QwMR16/NFL 11, i:;o .sol jzj 1 I Pathway , . J Pendant M 51 BIL1 O· M 155-31-H 103 50wMR16/NFL 11 5.0 sol· 12! 11 • -!· • pathway Pendant M 519IL10 ~1 ss-31-i-11.03 :50wMfl16/NFL 11 . 50 soi 12T 1i Pathway Pendant M 5201 L1_0' M155-;3.1-:H10;3 ,50VJMBJ fi/N_FL 11 50 soi . 1·2! 1 l path~ay_ Pendant M !i21JL10 M155-31-l-f1·03 50wMR16/NFL 11 5,0 soi· 1-2! .,• ! 1 ! ' Pathwa)' Pend;,mt M 522 L10 Mf55'-31-H103 ,50wMR16/NFl 1 50 so:! 12! 1 ! , 'Pathway _ . Pendant .................. ............... ........................................... .. . .. ,...... : : . : . , -M. 523 L10 MJ5~-31-H103 ~owMR16/NFL 1 sp soi 12i 1i ., ·-pathwav Pendant M 524 l10 M155-31-H103 50wMR161NFL 1 50 so! 12-! 1) ·PaJhw~y ·Pendant M 5'25 'R2· Mi55-31-H10~ .150MH .. 1 HiO 1:SOi 277i · ; 519 Pathway R~l3SSf39 M 5?0 L10 M155-31-!·l104 .5'0wMR16/NFL 1 50 soi 12) a! Pathway Penpant M 551 L1'0 M155-31-H1.04 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50) 12! a!' Pathw~y Pendant M 552 L10 M155-31·-H104-50wMR16/NFL t · 50 so.i 12i Bi Pathway Pertda11.t M. 553 l10 ·· M155-31·H104 ·50wMR16/NFL 1 so soi -12\ __ a! __ Pathway. Pendan_t No= Fixture# LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # GALLEGOS Lighting J)esign Page 8 -~-~-----~----~----LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste No Type SHEET lamp lQ lW Tl WI VI ti Diml,Relay location Focus Mounting M 554 l10 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL .1 50 so! 12! a! Pathway Pendant M 5_!i_!i l10 M155-31-H104 50wMR1.6/NFL 1 50. 50! 12i 8! Pathway Pen~ant M 556 L10 M1~5-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50. sol 12! 8! Pathway Pe~dant M 557 .uo. . . M155~31-H.:1014 5_0wMR16/NFL t 5Q sol 1:2! 8! Pl\1-t~way Pendant M 558 L10 · M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 so( 1·2_! a! Pathway Pendant . . ~.............. 559· ·e·;·.;·· ................... :;·~·;;:·;·,;·:H'.~·~·;· ........ ·~·;·;;·~........ ....... ............... · 1. .. 1, 3 . 13! 1 20! . ! q14 ........................................ ,P~thway· .. ·: ........... ·~~;;·_·;;;~· .................. . M .560 81.2 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 1a! 120i ! 5:14 Pathway BoliPad M 5~1. 87 M155:31-H104 13PL 1 13· 13l 277!' ! 514 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 56287 M155-31-H104 -13PL 1 13 13! 277! ! 514-AreaPathw~y·BoltPad ,.M 5_53·.012. M155-~1,H104 ·13wP!-. 1 13· 13! 120! , p13 Pathway BoltPa_d M 564 87 M155-31-H104 13PL 1 1.3 131· 211! ·1 51-4 Area Path.way Bolt Pad. M 5~!$ 812 · M155-31-l-;!104 13wPL 1 13 13i 120! ; 513 Pathway Bolt.Pac! M ·566·81.2 ... .M155-31-H104 , 13wPL . 1 13 13! 120! j 513 Pathway Bolt Pad . ' ... · ........... -............... .............................. ' . ........ ............................................... .. .......................... -................................................................ -................................ _ ................................. -........... . M 567 BJ-2 M155-3•1-H104 13wPL 1 13. 13! 1~oi_ ! 513 Pathway Bolt Pad M 568 812 M155.-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 ·13! 120!'_ 513 Pathway B,;iltPad M 569 S~2 M1~5-31-H104 13wPL 1 13. 13) 1'20! 51~ Pathway Bolt Pad M 570 812 M15!'$-31-·H104 13wPL 1 13 1al 1"20! 513· Pathway Bo.It Pad M _!i71 8:12 -M155-31·H1'04 13wPL 1' 13 1;3! 120! 513 Pathway B9_ltPad 'M .. 5.72 812 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 ·13! '1.?0i 51,3 · PathWay Bolt Pad. M 573 L10 M155-31-H104 50.wMR16/NFL 1 50 50i . 1?i a! Pathway Pel')dant M 574 L10 M155-31-H1o4 50wMRl6/NFL 1 · 50 so! 12! 8I . Pathway ,Peridant .~............... 575 ·~~·~ ....................... M1.55-31-H104 ........ sowMR~·;;·~;~............... 1 5.0 so! 12! 8! ....................................... Pathway ................ ~;~~;~; .................... .. M 585 L10 M15·5-31-H1.04 50wMR161.NFL 1 50' sol 12( 8.( .PathWJlY Pend;,mt M 586 03f M155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 35! 277i 517 Area Grade .M 587 87 M155-31,H104 13PL 1 13 13! 211! 514 Area Path~?Y. Bolt P,ad M 58~ 87 M155-31-H104 13PL 1 13 13i 277) 514 Arl3a Pathway BolJ Pad .M 590 87 M155-31:H194 13PL 1. 13 13! 2Hi ; 514 Area P?thway .Bolt Pad M 591.L:IO M155-31-H104 50wMRH;i/NFL 1 50 50)· 12) a) Pathway Pendant No = Fixture# LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 9 ------~-~--~------~ LEGOLAND Progress Set Clustel NolTy~e M I 592IL10 M I. 593IB7 M I 594IOaf M I . 595IB7 SHEET M155-31-H104 M15.5-31-H104 M155-31-H104 M155-31-H104 FIXTURE SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Lamp LQ LW TLWI V 1tl 01ml Relayl Location 5QwMR16/NFL 1 50 soi 12i si . . . '13PL 1 13 13i 277i ! 514 35MH 1 35, 35( 211i ... 517 1'3 13! 211i ,, ,, l3PL 1 ' 514 ' 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Pathway Pendanf Area Pathway Bolt Pad Area Grade Area Paihway Bolt Pad .M .............. t·,····5961B7 ........................ 1:M1.s5-31-H104 ........ ,:1aPL .... _ ............................. !· .. ·: 1., ..... 1.3. t, ............ 1 a! .... 211! .............. , ...... 5_14 , ................... ___ _ M · s91lo3f M155-31-t·ho4. ·3SMH 1 ' 3!> 35l 211L . i srs !-~rea .. F'athWaY ... Bolt Pad ............. , ... · ................ ~ ..... I.Area _ Gra.de M I 598IB7 IM155-31-H11 04 13PL . 1 13( 277 514 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 5~9 O3f 'M155-31-H104 ·:35MH 1 35·' 3si 211 ,517 Area Grad!:! M 600 B7 ·. M155-31-H104 13PL 1 13 13! 277 515 Area Pathway Bolt Pad 'M 6of B12. ,M155-31-H104 1awPL 1 1.3 1,3i, 120 . 513, Pattiway . :Sqlt Pad M I 602IB12 IM155-31-H11 )4 13wPL 1 13l 120 513 Pathway Bolt Pad M ,I 603IB12 IM155-31-H104 l13wPL LJL.J~L. 1.3J 120j i _!i1:3.L...... jPc1t.hY1~}' .JBqltf?ad :··· ·---+··-:::1 :~·-·. ·--1 :: :::::::.::: -··i: :;~L -···· ·· ···. -. ·+ .. :-1··: :1 .···········:·:f:r ~~ --]:;~:w;:hway. ·!:::: . -· M 606 L10 Mt55-31-H104 50wMR1'6/NFL 1 50 sol 12! 8 Pathway · Pendant M 607 L.10 M 15.5-31-Ht04 . ·sowMR16/NFL 1, 50 ' . " ·sol 1.2i ~ '' Pathway ·Pendant ',., M 608 L10 .M155-31-HlQ4 50wMRt6/NFL 1 50 !?O! 12! 8 Pathway Pendant ; M,. 609 Lt0 .IIJ1 !i5-3hi:11 Q4 SPWMJH 6(NFL. 1 so· soi 1"2i 8 Pathway 'Pend.ant " as'!' 2T?,i ' . M 610 O3f M155-31-H104 3/>MH 1 35 517 Ar.ea . Grade· M ~11. B7 M15§-31-li104 13Pl.,_ --~---~· 13! 2111 514 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 620 L10 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 ·. soi 12I T' 'Pathway Pendant M 621 l.,10 M155-31-H104. 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 . soi 12i 1l Pathway Penda.~t M 622 L10 .M155-;31-l:l104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 soi 12j 7!, Pathway Pendant M 623 L10 M155-31-H104 5'0wMR16/NFL 1 50 ~oi 12! 7i Pathway .Pendant M 624 B12 M1~5-31·-H104 13wPL 1 13 13l 1,2oi 513 Pathway Bolt Pad M 625 B12 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1· 13 .13l 120! 513 Pathway Bolt Pad M 626O3f M155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 35j·_211l l 517 Area Grade M f;i27 O3f M155-31-H104 35MH _ 1 _35~--_351' 277l i 517 Area Grade No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage Dim = Dimmer # ,, GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 10 ----~------~------- LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI t( Dlml Relay! Location Focus Mounting M 628 B7 M155-;31-H104 13PL 1 13 1 al 211i ! 514 Area Pathway I Bolt Pad M !329 ·0.3f M155-31·-H104 35MH 1 35 35i 211i i 515 Area Grade M 63_0 B7 M155-31-H104 13PL 1 13 13\ 211l ·i 5151 !Area l?athway !Bolt Pad M I 631IL10 IM155-31~HH>4 l50wMR16/NFL . I 11 501 sol ·12! '?j· I !Pathway !Pendant M . ' 632 L1Q . M155-31'-H104 50wMR16/NFL . 1 50 . · soi 1.21 Tl · . . · ·Pathway ,Pendant · M 6~3 B7 .M155,31-H104 13PL 1 13 1 al 211) l 515. ,Area pathway .·Bolt Pa~ M 5·34 L10 M155-31-H10~ .50wMR1!3/NFL 1 50 soL_t2l 7f~-~-----· Pathway Pen~ant :M. 635 L10 .M155-;31-!,!104 50WMR1 !;>/NFL 50 .50 12l 1i 12i 7 i I !:Pathway ... lPeni:Jant M 636 L10 .M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 50 50 12! 1i 1 2! 7 ! I I Pathway I Pendant ,, .. , M ~~7 87 M155-31~1-:1.104 13PL 13 13 21:,L ... .1 5.15 1 Are.a Pathway !Bolt Pad M 638IL10 M155-31-l:1104 50.wMR16/NFL I 11 5<>1 sbj 12\ 7 i Pathway !'Pendant M 63911,.10 M155-31-H104 sowMR1~1NFL I 1 I ·sol soL 12! · 1i Pathway Pendant M .............. I... ... 640j,03f .................... ! M155-31,-Ht040. ...... l 35MH ........................... · .... t ...... 1L~5l ............ ast .. 211L. .......... L. ... s1.1L. .................................. JArea ................... j;Grade ........................... . I :, : -11 35l 35L 277i M 641 I03t M155-31-H104 ;35MH' 517 Area Grade M 642 L.10, M15!HH-H104 5QwMR16/NFL 1 . 50 · 50 . 121 7 l?athway ,Pendai,t M 643 uo . '.M155-31-H104 sowMRt6/NFL 1 , 50, 5() 1.2l 7 Pathway ·Pendant ''M · 6.44 03f, .. ~1·55-31-H104 . 35MH 1 ;35 35 211i s·18. Area Grade .. M 64,5 03f M155-31,H194 3.5MH 1 35 ;35 277! 518 Are~ Grade M 655. 03f M155-3·H:H04 35MH 1 35 35 211i. 518 Area Grade .M I 656LB12 IM155-31-1:1104. l13wPL I 11 131 131 1~0L r 5'131 'JPathw~y l'BoitP-;ad M 657 B12 M155-31-H104 . ·rawPL . 1 . 13 1 3\ 120! . i' ·513 Pathway Bolt Paci M 658, B12 M155-3t-H104 t3wPL . 1 13 13\ 120\ l 513 Pathway Bol~Pad M-659 B12 M.155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 13! 120! 5_13 P~thway Bol.t Pad M 660 L10 M 155.-31-H1. 04 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50 12i 5 i:>athwav Pend.ant M 661 L1,0, ·M1.55-31-H104 sowMR16/l'lF,L 1 50 5_() 12i 5 .. PathWl3Y Pendant .M 662 l10 M155-31-H104 50wMR.16/NFL t 50 soi 12i 5 Pathway Pendant M 663 l10 M155-31-l-i104 50wMR16/NF-L 1 50 so! :! 2! 5 Pathway Pendant M 664 l10 · M155-31.-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 · 50 .. _5oj_ 12!' 5 Pathway ·Pendant ----~ -------··---·- No= Fixture# LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lightjng Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 11 ---------------~--- LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Clustel NolType SHEET Lamp LO LW TLWI Viti DlmlRel·ayllocatlon Focus Mounting M I 665IL10 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL . 1 50 so! 12! s! Pathway Pendant M I: 666IL10 M155-31-H1.04 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 sol 12l sl : Pathwa>' Pend~nt M155-31-H104 50wMR16/Nf L ! ., .. I ___ JL?~L . _____ 5.0L 1.21 SL J l Pathway I Pendant M I 668IL10 IM155-31-H104 l50wMR16ff'Jf~ ...... L.JL!i.QJ soi 1g} .... !iJ ... L ff>athwa>' IPendam ::·· .......... t .. · ... :~:t~:.:· ................... !-~~·::~:~-~:~ ~; ....... 1·:~:~:~·:;~:-~ :. .I· .... :·I_ ::t ........... :~I ....... ~ :t ....... :l ............. -1-....................... .-............ l:::~::: ... ·=~:1::~::~: ....... . .M 671 .. L10 ,M155-31-H104 ·sowMR1. 6/NFL f. 50 · ?0! 12 sj. Pathway -Pendant ,: ' sl .. M 672 L10 · M155-3t-H104 50wMR16/NFL. 1 50 sol 12 . Pathway · ·Pendant M 673 Lio 'M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50. sol .. 12 · sl _Pathway Pen~13nt ~ 674 L10 . M155·31.-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 s·o so! 12 sl • Pathway Pendant M 675 L10 M155-31-i-1104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 ~o! 1'2 s! -· ·Pathway Pendant ·M _· ......... t 676jl 1.0 ...... . ...... JM,1~5-31-J-11 o4 ..... JsowMR1.6/NFL .... · ...... J. ..... 1 J. .. soL .......... soL .... 1.2L. ....... s:i .............. L. ..... · ................. .-....... JP~thwa:Y ........... 1-Pendl;ll')t =·--··· 1-:~:1~: ~ -·--· .... ,,:::::::::: ::: ·J~=~~6lNFL ~::: ... -J .... ·:t-~:l .. =. -~:r,:~ .... ,_ S /·-·5.,' .1-.... ,--.... , , .. -.. --t:::~::; .. ·-· f :~d:"""'" ,_.,_ ... , M 679 B12. M1ss-:n-H104 13wPL 1 13 · 13 f.20! 512 ·Pathway :Bolt f>a:d 'M 680 B.12 M15:5-31aH104. 13wPL 1' q 13 120.i ) · 512 .. , PathW!ilY B9lt Pad ·M 6~0 B12 M155-31.,.-H104 13\VPL 1 13 13 12ol. i 512· P/;lthway Bolt Pa~. .. M 691 B12 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 :1'.3 120! ; 512 Pathv/ay . "i3olt Pa,d ' 13 . 120.i "J .. , M· 6~2 B12 M 1 &5-3 hH ro4 13VJPL 1 • 13 512. ,Pa,t!'twa,y · . · Bolt, pad M 693 ~12 . ·M155-31-H19'.'i 13wPL 1 13 H. goL ·-------· 512 .... Pathw~>' Bel~ PaQ M 6~4·1;112 M155-31-H104 13wPL _ 1 13 13\ 12oi. ! 513 . . . . '.Pathway BoitPad . M 695·812 · :.M1'55-31-H104 13wPL 1 13. t3i. 12oi.·. i 5·13 Pathw.ay .l;loltf'ad M 696 B12 M155•31-H10"4 13WP.L 1 13 13) 120! , 51',3 Pathway Bolt Pact M 697 B12 . M155-31-'H104 .13wPL 1 13 13! 120) 513 Pathway Bo.It Pad ~ 698 812 ~155'-31-H104 13wPL · 1 13 1~!· _12ol i 51~ Pathway Bolt Paµ M 6!,39 B12 -M155-31-H.104. 13wPL. 1, 1:3 13) 120) : 512 P~thway Bolt i:,ap M 700 B12 M1!?5-~1:H104 ·13wPL 1 13 :13) 120). ,512 ·Pattiway '.Bolt Pad M 70~ B12 M155-31~H104 13wPL 1 13 t3! fgo! _ ! 51g -_ Pathway Bolt Pad No= Fixture# _ LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage G,ALLEGOS Ljg~ting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 12 ------·-------------LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exierior 7/21/97 Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LO LW TLWr Viti DlmlRelayllocation Focus Mounting M 702 812 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 13! 120! i 5131 Pathway Bolt Pad M 703 812 13! 120! : ., M 155-;31-H104 13wPL 1 1-3 ! 512 Patt:iway Bolt Pad M 794 812 M155,31-H104 1 a! 12.0! .. 5121 13wPL 1· 13· Patl')w~y Bolt Pad M I 1osl 812 I M155-31-Hi!)-4 1.1~'11PL . . . L 1L.1~L . '1:3j 1?.~L J fi1:3L . J~~~l)v.,3:y I.B.olt P~d l =1: : ,· : .M ........ ···: ·t·· .. :to .. 6. L.1. 0 ............. : .......... )',h55-3.1-H1.04 ...... 5QwM.R1_6JN.F1,., .............. _. .. 1' ..... so ........... so! ....... 12! · ....... s~ ..................................... : ........... · ~P~thway .· ............ i:.Per:i~an.t ..................... · M 797 L.10 . ~ M155-3.1-Ht04 50wMR16tNF1,. . 1 50 . 50! 12) si · . Pathway Pendant_ M 708 'L10 . M155-31~H1.04 · 50wMR16/NFL . 1 50 50 · t~i· · st . Patt:iway . Pe11dant M . 70Q L10 .M155.-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50 12!· si Pathway Pendant M 710 L10 . M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 ~o 12\ sf Pathway P~ndah\ M 711 L1Q · M.155-31. -H-1-94 . 50wMFl16/t,JFL. 1 5.0. ..50 t~i si Pathway Pe.nd~11J M 712 .L10 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50 _12! ...... si .......... Pathway Pendant ----·-------------·-----···-----·-····-····------------------------............. .... --. 'M I 713IL1Q JM1,55-31-Hl04 JsowMl=i1.6/NFL .... · ..... L .... 1J. .. 5ol ........... s.oL· 12! ....... ·6L ............. L ........................... JPathway !Pendant ·•:: ............ ·l·.·· .. ~:.::I i,~~ ................... +:: ::~::·~:: ~: ........ i ::::~16 /NFL .......... · .. t ...... a :·:1. . •. ::t~;t ···-·-6l ..... 51·9t ....... ~ .............................. t::::way ............. l:::::nt .................. ... M I 725l.03f IM155s31-H104 l35MH_ _ . I-,1_L~?L _ __3 __ 5j ?Z7i __ L§!~L _ l:~e~ __ ___lGr~de M 726 O3f .. M155-31-H104 .35MH 1 35 35j· 277i 51;9 .Araa Grade M' 727 812 ,M 1.55-31-H.104 · 13wPL 1 ·. f~ 13) 120) i 512 Pattiway Bolt Pad fM 728 .812. M1.55,31-H104 13wPL 1· 13 1_3) .. noi 512 Pathway .Bolt Pa.d l'M .. 13f 12c,i ! 729 812 M15·~-:31-H104 13wPL 1 13 512 .Pathway eolt Pad ----------------! ____ , ______ ! __________ ! .... M'. I 7301812· IM155-31-H1'04 IJ3wPL ....... •.• ...... L 1LJ'3I .... Jal 120\ ...... j fi1g·L LF'.~.t~.Y1~¥ ............ JJ3oltPad M . .731' L10 M155-3·1-H1Q4 .50wMR16/NFL. . 1 50 sol 12! 6! . Pathway Pendqnt .......... , ....................................................................... , ......... ,_,. ' ' ' ' -: : : ............. . ... . M 732 L10 M1'55--31-Hi04 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50) 12) sl Pathway_ Pendan} M · 733 l10 M155-31-H104 59wMR16/NFL _ !_~ spj 12!. 6') _, Pathway .P~ndant M 734 ·uo M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 50 12) 6 Pathway Pendant M 735 O3f M155-31-H104 35MH· 1 35 35 · 2.1r! . 519 · Area ·9rade ·.M 736 ,O3f .M 155-.3'.1-H 104 35MH 1 35 35 277! 51Q Area Grade M 737 R3 M 155-31-H104 150MH 1 150 150 277! 516 Recessed .. . M 738 R3 M155-31-1;1104 150MH 1 150 150 · 277! 516 Recessep -.. -·------- ·No= fixture I# LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design . Dim = Dimmer # Page 13 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Nol Type M 739 R3 M 740 R3 SHEET Mt55-31'-H104 . M155-31-H104 FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Lamp LO LW TLwT-v1tf oimlRelaylLocatlqn Focus Mounting 150MH 1 150 150) 277) i 516: : Recessed 211! • ' 150MH 1 1,50 150! ! 5,16 .1 Recessed 741 R3 . M1!;5-31-H104 150MH 1 1,50 150) 277j. r I 1 l 1501 150i 2771 i 5161 I I.Recessed M I 7421113· . )M155-31-H104 ·1150MH I 1!150! 1so) 211l ! 511>1 I · !Recessed :M ................ · .. 743 Ra· ....................... ·Mt~5-3.1·-H10:4 ......... 150MH: ........ · .......................... 1. ·1.50 .......... 1 soi .... 2111 .............. ! ...... s.1.s · ....... · .. · .............................................................. Re<:essect .................. .. M:. 74.4 R3 Mt~5-31-H104 .150MH 1 150 150i 277i i 51~ Recess.eel M 7'.45IR3 M155-31-H1.04 l150MH 1 I 1501 1.sol 277) 1 51!3 Recessetl 'M 746IR3 Mt55-31-H104 l150MH 111501 1sol 2111 ! 516 Recessed J~ .2000J0;3f. · M2~5~:3J-H221, 35MI-! 11 35 35L ??71 1 529IRoqf Wall Surfape ··M. 200~ I03f M255-31-H221 ·j35MH 11 35 35L 211) i 529!Roof Wall .surfacEI M' 20· ·JG 'M2p~:.31-H221 1 oi i 12! Slgri Area Sur.fac1;1 M t' 200;3jt>3J . JM.2~5-31-H2,21 .... J:35MH: . .. I 1 L,35j 35! 27!L J 529,j Roof I Wa:11 I Surface .. . I . . ·--·1 ·1· . ·1· .... . . . ... ~ ........... ···1,··:~~:i~~: .................. +~:::~:~.~:::~· ........ ::~~ ...................... : ........... ~.: ... :: .. ·:.-:·::.···::t.·:.~::L=H··+ ... :·::: .::: .. -:·=··:··~J:~ ..................... ,::::: ............... ... M 20061B14 M255-31-H221 1.SPLC 11 1 ~-18\ 120\ \ 528.I Roof .,A.rer,, Recessed M 20071B14 M255-31-H221 l 18PtC 1 l 18 t8L 120\_ 1 5~!31-Roof Area Recessed M 20081B14 M 255-31-H 2~ 1 l18PLC 11 18 1 sj .1201. . l 52stR9.0f Area .Recessed· M 20091 B14: M25p·3H·l221. :1.1sPLG 1. I 1·8 1 aI 12oi ! 52~1 Roof. Ar!3a .Recessed M 20.101.014 M2~5-3·1-H2.21 18PLP 1 l 18 18\ 120\ 5281Roof Area Recessed 'M 2011J!314' M255,31-H221 18PLC 11' 18•· 1si 12ol 5 28 I.Rcx:>f Area Recessed .M .......... .-..·t· 201.21 ~14 ............ · ........ I.M2.5!;\·3.1 .. -.. H22:I ......... 1spL.c._ ............. · .......... · · ·l ...... 1 .. 1· ... 1 .. ~ .. t ............. 18! ... J2·0! .............. \ ..... P28.,.Roof ............................. ,ArEla .. _ ................... ,.RecessEl<f ................... . M 2013 B14~~~ :M255-31-l-l2gJ_._ 18PLC _ • 1 18 18.) 120.) i .5~8 Roof Area · Recessed M 2014'1'B14 M255-31-Hg21 18PLC 11 18 18\ _!g<>J 5·201 ftqof Area. ·Recessed M 20151B14 , M25~~31-H221 18PLC 11 18, 10i 12oi 5281 Roof .Area Recessed M 20~61.B14 M.25!5-~1-1:1221 18PLC 1.1 18 101 120I 5281 Roof Area 'Recessed M 20171814 M255-31-H221 1!3f>LC 1.1 18 18j. 1 ~Oj 5281 Roof A~ea Recessed M . 201'81814, M2!55-i31 ·l-:ll?21 t~PLC ll 18 18! 1.20! 5281 Roof Area Recessed M 20191B14 'M255-31-H221· 18PLG 11 15· 18) 120) 5281 Roof Area Recessed No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 14 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set FIXTURE SCHEDULE 7/21/97 MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW TLWI VI tj Dlmj Relay! Location Focus Mounting M 2020 B14 M255-31-H221 18PLC 1. M 2021 .B1.~ M255~31-H221 26wPL 1 M 2022 B~,4 M2!55-31-H221 .... 26wPL 1 , .. 18 18) 120! 26 26! 211! 26 . 26) Area Recessed Pathway Surface ·528 Roof 527 Roo,f 52 71 RQOf '!Pathway . I Surface M .I 20231B1.4 lt.1255-~;l~ti2?~ J26wPL.. . .... L1L.26I. 261 2i?L j S.?71Roof ·IPathVlay !·Surface : ... -·-+::::1 ::::·····-·--· i :::::: :~::: . __ J::::t .. ··-·····-+ : L~:[ · ::1-:;;t-·-· L· :i~I·::·-·····-·-··· · ·7 ;:::~· ·--1 :~~:::-·-···-·-··- .M I 2026IB1.4 IM~55-31-H221 -fo6wPL. _ .... ·.~ · L 1J 261 26! 2.77) ! 527!Roof !Pathway !surface 2050 CWM,-M,1 ·1, 2051 W2 · M2 I M255-31-H201 I 50MH I 11 501 .50! 277! i 5261 West Wall I Area I JBox I M255-31 ~H201 I F26DBXT4/SPX I 11 261 26i 277L L __ 5_25IWEls,t Entry I Area l1Recessed 11 501 .. 50~ 1 26 26! 20521w2 I IM2~5-31-H201 IF26DBXT4/SPX I 1 I 261 2~i 27Jl j 525IWe!!t.Entry !Area !Recessed 1 26 2~i 2053. CWM-M1 M2.i 1 50 5·0) I M255-31-H201 I 50MH I 11 501 5·01 277! . j 526.I We~, Wall I Area . I Jaox M I 2054IA13 JJA255-31-~1'1201 J50t.1fl1Ei/i"JFL . L 8L5ol 400L 1gJ. 1<>.L..... ,w~~t,Entry, !Area !Surface :··-··· . t ::::1~~M,M1 .. J ::::::: :~::: J::::•6/NFt·· " .. ···--t-:L::1-··· ···::t·· .~~ -·· ''l ~2.1::: !:7··-.•······ I::::·--····-·····!~:::·· - ------------------------------------------------- 'M · 1 · 20561 W2_ lM255-31-H201 IF260BXT4/SPX I 1 j 261 · 26! 211,l. l 5~51 West Entry .Area Recessed M 2057 .W2 M255-31-H201 F26QBXT4/SPX 1 26 26 27'.7l I 525 West Entry Ar~a Recessed M · 2058 cWM-M1 M255-31-H201 50MH 1 !,>() 50 211j '~ 526 West W~II · Area · .JBox M 2059 CWM-M2 . M255-31-H201 70M.H. 1 70 70 211.i 525 South Wall Area JBox M'·. 2060 D1· . M255-31-H201 f26TBX/S.PX30/83ff . 1 26 26 · 21.1L : 526 _l Restroom Entr}'_ _ !,~ea . Recessed· No = Fixture # LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Dim = Dimmer # Page 15 ------------------- DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE LEGOLAND . Progress Set DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste Dim Relay TLW No Type SHEET Lamp LO LV/ Vlt Location D 1 75 427 A3 D120-3t-H103 75MR16/NFL 1 75 12 Safari Path ! D 1 75 428 A3 D120-31-H103 75MR16/NFL 1 75 12 Safari Path D 1 75 429 A3 D12_0731-H103 75MR16/NFL 1 75 12 S~farl Path · D 1 75 430 A3 D120-31-H10_3 75MR16/NFL 1 75 12 Safari Path D 1, · ........ _ .. 75 , 431 A3·. . D120-31-H103 75MFU6/NfL ................ .-... --i: 75 12 Safari Path · ................... ... ~·! ..... ,. ............... .... , ... -..... -.. , .... , ...... ........ _, ......... ' .... ~ ................ ,,:, ......... ....... -.... · ......... ,_._ ..... , ....... D 1 75 432 A3 .. D120-31-H103 7~MR16/NFL 1· 75 12 Safari Patti D 1 75 .. 433 A3. '0120~31-HH>3 75MR16/NFL '.I ' 7& 12 S~f~rl Path D 1 75 434, A3 -O120-31-H1.03 75MR1.6/NFL 1 75 12 Safari Path 600 ' . 0 2 75 388 A1 D120-31-H·103 75PAR30/H/NFL2_5° 1 75 120 Safa~I Path ... D 2 • 75 389 A1 D12Q-31-H1 Q3 75PAR30/H/NFL25° l 75 ' 120 Safari Path D 2 75 391 A1 _D120-31-H1"03., ........ 75PAR30/H/NFt.25° 1 75 120 Safari .. Path ................... ............... ................... ........................ -.... ..... -......................................... .... ~ ........ D· 2. 75 392 ·A1 D120-31-H103 75PAR30/l'I/NFL25° · 1 : 75 . 120 · Safari' Path 300 D 6 0 6 .p D120-31-H1_02 .. 1 120 p " , D 7 '0. 7 p P1~0-31-H10~ 1 .. 12.0 0 ................... ............. ............... .................... ................ .............................. ........................................... ............................................... ......... .......... .............. ........................................ D 8 0 8 p D120-31-H102 1 120 0 D 9 0 9 p D120-~1-H102 1 120 O· No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Under Bridge Under Bridge Under Bridge ·Under Bridge ........... , ....... _ .......... -.. Under. !;!ridge .......... Under Bridge -Under Bri.~ge Under Bridge J-box · J-box . ' . J-box ................. -.............. ........................................ J-box ................................... ........................................ Page 1 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim Relay D 10 D ,_ 1, D 11 ................... ............... D 11 · D . 1:1 D 11 ·D 1'.1·. . ' D 11 .·D 11 :[) 11' ................... .............. ................ .D 12 D 1.2 ·D 1,2 D 1-2 ·D, 12· D 12 D 12 ................... ............... D 12. D 13 ·-0 13 D 13 D q TLW No 0 10 0 15P 261 . . ........ 150 -262 HiO 263 150 2E?4 150 267 150 268 • .. 150 · 269 1.50 273 150 274 1350 ................... ............... 0 12 25.0 26q 250 266. 150 270 '250. 275 250 279 250 289 ................... 2q0 291 16q0 150. 244 150, 245 150 246 150 247 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LO LW VI t Location G D120-31-H102 1 .CP-D2 Dt2Q-31-t,1102 . 150 A19 1 150, . 12 Pasta l)mace . ' ' '.-- CP-D2 _D1.2P-31.-Hl02 ......... 150 A19 1 i 50 12 Pasta Terrace ................ -............ ............................................... ......................... , ......... · .... CP-D2 D120-31-H102 150 A19 1 150 12 Pasta Terrace CP-D2 01?0-31-H10~ f50 A19 1· t-50 12 iPasta terrace .CP-D2 D120-31-H-102 150 A19 1' 1~0 1'2 Pasta Terrace OP-D2 D120-31-.H1 Q.2 150 A19 1 1.50 12 . P~st~ Terra~e . . ., CP-D2 . D120-31-H102 150 A19 1 150, 1 ~?' Pasta Terrace CP-D2 D120-31-H102 f50 A19 1 150 1 ?· 'Pasta Terr,;1ce CP-D2 D120-31-H102 150 A19 1' 150 12 Pasta Terrace .............................. ......... ,-............... -............... ................................................ ...... -.. .......... ............. .......................... _ ............ G Di-20-3.1-H1Q3 1 L4 .. ,D120-31-H102 250PAR56 1 250 120 N. W, of. Wat,ar L4 D1?0-~1-H102 . 2p0PAR56 1 250 120 N. W. 9f Water CP-D2 D120-31-H102 150 A19 1 1_50 12 Pasta Terrace R4 D120~31-H102 .25ow 1 250 . j20 ·E. of Restroom . ,L4 :0120~31-Hto2 · 250.PAR?6 · 1 250 120 E. of Restroom L4 . D120-31-H102 250PAR56 1 250 120 ,E: •• of. R.estroo,m ....... .............................. ........................ · ................. .................. _ ........................... •... , .•• '.L4 D120-31-H102 · 250PAR56, 1 250 12Q E. of Restroom CP-D2 D120-31-H102 1~0 A19 1 1~0 12 . Pasta terrace ·CP-D2 D1.20-31-H 102 1q0 A19 1 150 12 , Pasta Terrape CP-D2 D120-31-H102 150 A19 1 '150 l2 Pasta Terrace CP-02 D120-31-HJ02 ·150. A1.~ 1 .150 12 Pasta Terrace No = Fixture # . Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Pendant Pendant ........ -...... . _ ..................................... , Pendant .Pi:lndai,t ' Pendant . ,Pen9ar:,t Pendant -Pendant · ·Pendar:,t .................................. ................... _ ................... . Grade Grad~ Pendant :Rece.ssed Grade Grade .................................. ... ' ..... -......... · ..................... ~rade Pendant Pendant Pend~nt ,Pendant Page 2 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim Relay D 13 - D 13 ', D . ,13 ·o 13 D' , 13 .................. , ............... D 13'' ,, 0,., 13, b 13 D , 13 'D 14 ,[) 14 ., ... -............. ............ -.. ·o 14 : 0 14 '[) 1.5 D __ 15 D 1:5 D 15 ................... ............... D .. .16: .. ,D_ 16. D. 16 '' TLW No 150 249 150 2,&0 150 ,, .,251 150' 252 " 150 253 .......... -........ ................ 250, 27'.8 2&0 ·2~0 2&0 29.0 ~50, _292 2350 250 21,7 250 2·57 ................... 250 259 250 271 1.000 25'0 21 i> 250 2$5 i5Q 258 250 260 ................ :1000 '' 250, 221 250 ,224 250 248 ', 750 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE 7/21/97 DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET _Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location Focus Mounting CP~D2 D120-31-H102 . · 150 A19 1 ,150 12 Pasta Terrace Pendant CP-D2 D120-31-H.102 150 A19 1 150 12 Pasta Terrace P1:1ndant CP-D2 _ 0120~31 ~H:1, 0,2 150 A19 1 l5Q 12 Pa~ta Terrace · f>endant _CP-D2 D120-3:1-H102 150 A19 1 150 12 Pasta Terrace Pendant CP-D2 01;?0-31-H102 150 A19 1 150 1.2 .Pasta Terrace Pendant . : .............................. ........... * .............................. ............................................... .............. ........................................ ................................... ........................................ . ' R4 D120-31-H102 250w 1 250 120 E. of. RestrQoin · 'Recessed .L<J -D120-31-H102 ·2SOPARi>6 1 250 _ 120 E. !)f, Restroom Grade, '' '. L4 ·0120~3H-l102 250PAR56 1 250 120 E: of Restroom ,Gr~de 1.,.4, D f~0:-31-H 102 250PAR56 1 250 _. i 20 _E. of Restroom Grade ' ' L4 0120--a1-1-i102 isoPAR56 ; 1 '250 -J20 Puppet Path G.rade L4 D120-31-H102 · 250PAR56 1 250 120 N:_W .. ofWater ....... Grade .............................. ............... , ......... · .................. .............. · ................. , ............... , ..... _ ..... ,. . ................ ~ ............... ..... · ............ <.· .. , ............... ' ' l4 D120':31-l-i·1'02 250PAR56 1: -250 120 N. W. ofWc:1ter ,, Grade 'L4 D120-31-H102 ~50PAR56 1 250 1'20, . Pasta; Terrace -~rade '' ,_ ~ "' " L4 D120-3H:ltQ.2' · 2&0PAR!>6 J ,250 1?0 : Puppet ·Patjl ·~r~pe ' --. L4 'D1'20-31-H102. . 250PAR5~ 1 250 ,. 1.20 N. W. of Water Grade L4. 012.0-31-H1Q2 25!)PAR56 1 ~50 · 1,20 N. W,. of WaJ~r , , :Qra.de L4 0120-31-H102 250PAR56 1 250 ... )gO N. W. of Water Grade .............................. -...... · ................... -............... ..... -........................................ ........................................ .. , ............................ _ .. .................. -...................... L4 D120-31-H1'Q2 250PAR56 .. 1, 25Q 120 Playtown Rath .. ·Grade .,. L4 D1'20-~1-H,10~ 2?0PAR56 l 250 120 · Playtown Path Grade :L4 D120--31-H 1:02 2_50PAR5~ 1 250 , 120 Past* T!mace . Grade ' No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 3 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste Dim Relay· TLW No Type SHEET Lamp LQ. LW VU Location Focus Mounting D 17 250 223 L4 D12Q-31-H102 250PAR56 1 250 120 Playtown Pa~h Grade D H 250. 2~.5 L4 . D120:'?1-H.102 250PAR56 1 250 · 120 Playtown Path . ,Grade D 17 250 236 .L4 D120-?1-H102 250PAR56 1 250 120 Playtown Path '3rade : 7'.50, ' ..................... -.............. -......................................... , ....................................................................... ·, .... _ ..... -....... -............................ _ ............................................. _ ........................................... -... · .............. -................................... . . Q 18 1-50 2055· CWM-D4 . D221-31-H?03 150 :A19 i 1,50 120 Terrace Area JBox D 18 150 2056 CWM-D4 ·D221:3:1-H30.3 150 A19 1 150 120 Terrace Area JBox .·o .18 1so· 205'7·CWM-D4 ,D221-31-H303 150 A19 115Q·.120:Terrace·· · ·· · Ar.ea JBox D 18 150 2058 CWM-O4 D221-31-i-130? ,150 M9 1 150 120. Terrace · Area JBox ~00 .. 'D 19' 150 2044 'CWM-O5 D221-31-H303 150 A.19 · 1 150' .120 Terraqe Are~ JBox D . 19 150 2045 CWM,D5 D221-31-H303 150 A19 1150 120 Terrace Area . JBox ' ......................... , ................ _ ..... _ .. , ...... ,., ...... _ ..... _.-....... -.· ........................ -.... , .............................................. , .................................. , ..... ' ............. ¥ ........... , ..... _ ..... , ' ............................ , ........................... , .. .. 'D 1~ 150 2046 ·cwM-i:>5 02·21-31-H303 . 150 A'i9 1 150 .120 Terrace· Ar,~a JBox .D 1.9 H~0 2047 CWM-O5 Q221-31-H303 150 A19 1 1-50 120· T~r~1:1ce Area· JBox D 19 . 150 2048 CWM~Q5 D221~3j-H303 150 A19 1 150 12-0 Terrace Area '.:!Box D 19, 1.50 2049 CWM-'D5 D221-31-H303. 150 A.19 1 150 120 Terrace Ar.ea JBox .D 19 150 · 2062 QWM:D~ D221-31-.H393 · 150· A1!}-1 1£?0 · 1~0 Terri:!.ce' · Arf3a JBox . D 19 15Q 2063 CWM-D5 D221-31-H303 150 A19 1 150 120 Terrace Area J!3ox . . 120Q 'D. ·· 20 1'50 2032CWM-D5 ·:,D221-31-~303 .. 150A19. · ·.1150 120AboveCou~ter Ar:ea .· JBox .· D 20 150 20?3 CWM-D5 D2~1-31-J-!303 150 AJ9 1 150 J20 Abqve Cqunter Are~ JBo.x ... D .20 · 150 · 2041 CWM-D5 :D221-31-H303 150 A19 1 150. 120 Terrace A~ea .:JBox · D 20 150 . 2042 CWM-D5 D~.21-31-H303 ~50 A19 1 150 120. Terrace ·Area . JBox -D 20 150 204"3 CWM-.05 D221-31-H~0? · 1'50 P,.19 1 150 120 Terra.ca Area JBox D 20 150 ... 2059 CWM-p5. 0221 ,31 ~H303 150 AJ9 1 15Q 120 Terrac!;l Area JBpx D 2.0 150 2060 CWM-D5 D221-31-H303 150 A19 1 150 120 Terrace Ar!;la J!3ox No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW =Total.Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 4 -------------------· LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim D 20 D 21· D 21 ................... ............. p 2} :o 21 D 21 D 22 ................... .............. D 23 . , D . ,24 D 24 D 25 ................... ......... _ .. D 25 D 25 D 25 D ,26' D .26 Relay TLW No 150 2061 1200 . ' 150 2036 ............... ......... 150 ... 20.37 ,' 1~0 2Q38 :150 2939 150 2040 750, 150 2035 150, ............... ................... ............... _ 150 2034 150 .. 150 2050 150 2054 300 150 2073 ............... .................... 150 . 2074 1'50 ' 2075 150 . 2076 600 150 2090 150 2091 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t 'Location CWM-.D5 D221-31-H303. 150 A19 1 150 120 Terrace CWM-D5 D221-.31-H303 150 A19 1 150 120 Terrace CWM-D5 D221-31-H303 150 A19 1 150 ..... 1 ~o Terrace .............................. ........................................... .............................................. ................. , ................... . CWM-D.5. b221-3·1-H303 159 A19 1 1.5Q ·. 1.'2Q Terrace .. CWM-D5 D221-31-H303 · 150 A19 1 1 ~p 120 Terrace CWM-D~ '' D221-31-H303 HiO A19 1, 150 120 Terrace ' ". CF'-D3 D221-31-1:-1303 150 A19 1 150 120 Birthday Tent ............................... ....... -.... -.-........... · ............... ...................... _ .. _ ..................... .......... .......... . ...................................... CP-D3 D221-31-H303 .150 A19 1 150 ·120 Birthday t~nt . . ,· CWM-D1 . D221-31-H303 150 A1.9 1 150 120 Terrace CWM·P1 D2.2.1-31'-H~03 150 A19 · 1 1,50 120 Terra.Ce ., ' CWM•D2 D220-31-H302 150 A19 1 150 : 1'20 DuploHetail .. ............................ ........................................... ............................................... .. ........ .............. .............................. CWM~D2 D220-31-H302 159 A1~ 1 150 120 Duplo Retail CWM-D2 D220-31-H302 1:50 A19 1 150 1'2Q :Ouplo Retail CWM-D2 D220-31-H302 1'50 A1.9 1 150 120 Quplo Retail ; ! CWM-D1 · D220-31-H302 150 A19 1 ·150 120 Magi,c Entry CWM-D1 D220-31.-H302 150 A19 1 150 120 Magic Entry No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer-# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LQ = lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus . Mounting Area JBox Area jBox Area JBox ..... · ............................. ................... -.................... Ar.a~. jsox Area · JBox ,Area JBo~ Area,. Pendant .................................. ........ -............................... Area Pendant Area ,JBox Area J~ox Area-Wall ....................... ......................................... Ar.ea Wal.I Area Wall Area Wall .. Area Over D9or Ar.ea ·over Door Page 5 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim D 26 D 26 D . I:••''•• .... ,,•",•' .... ..'~7 o 27 D· 27 D 27 D 28 D . 28, o ....... · ....... 28 .............. D 28 .. 0 D D D D ................... ............. 'o .D D D D D· D Relay TLW No 150 2092 150 2093 600 · foo . 2077 .............. .-.. _._--, .. ·· .. .. , ............. 100 207~ 100 2086 100 2087 400 . 100 ·. 207~ 100 2,080 100 2081 ................ ....... · ........... ............... 100 2082 -' 400 500 26 315 500 26 316 500 26 :341 50,0 2.6 342 500 26 347. ............. ·. .................... .... , ........... 500 · 26 . 348 50Q 2,6 349 500 26 350 500 26 .351 500 26 353 500 26 354 500' 26 355 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE 7/21/97 DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LO LW VI t Location Focus Mounting CWM-D1 .D220-31-H302 150 A19 1 150 120 Magic Entry Area Ov~'r Door CWM-D1 D220-;31-H302 150 A19 1 150 1.20 Magic Entry Area Qver Door ' ' CWM-03 . D22Ch31-H302 1so A19 ' 1 100 120 Area . Wall. .· ... , ..... _· ................ · ..... , ............. , ...................... ... · .............. · .......................... ....... _. ........ , . . · ...... , ..... .................. , ............... _ ..... ....... · ............. · ............ , .. · ............................. · ...... , CWM-D3 D220-31-H302 150 At9 1 ~ 00 120 Area: W~II ·CWM.-D3 D22Q-31-H302. 150 A19 1 100 120 Area Wall CWM-D3 D220-:31-H302 150 A19 1 100 120 Area Wall ' . ' : ·cwM-Q3 :D220-31 ~H;302 1fi0 A19 1 100 120. ·Area w~11 CWM-D3 D220-31 aH302 150 A19 1 100 120 Area .Wc:il.1 .. CWM-D3 D220-31 •H302 150 A19 1 100 120 ·Area Wall ···•·•••••···•·······•·•······· ............................. -............. ................................................ .......... .......... · ............ .. _ .................................... ................................. · .... u .................................. CWM-D3. D220~31-H302 150 A19 1 100 1.20 Area Wall - ' . a.1.3 D120-31-H1'02 · 26wPL 1 26 277 s .. of Water Pathway B9lt Pad '81.3 ,0120-31'-H·f 02 26wPL 1 26 277 S. of Water Path~ay i:3olt Pad B1.3 , ' -D120-3·1-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 S. of Wat!;lr . Pathway Bolt Pad. ' - B1.3 D120-31-Hl 03 ?6\VPL 1 26 ' 2'!7 Fairy Path · Pathway Bolt Pad B1.3 · D120-31-H1-03 26wPl 1 · 2'6 · 277 _Fairy Path ................. Pathway · Bolt Pad· .............................. ................ , .... · ....... ,, .......... ........................ -..................... ......... .. -........... ,.., ............................. ..... , ............................... ,. B1.3 D1.20-31-H103· 26wPL 1 • ,26 ' 277: Fairy Pat!) Pathway Bolt: Pad' B1.3 D1;?0-31-H'103 26wPL 1 2-6 277 Fairy path P~thw~y Bolt Pad B1.3 0120-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 Fairy Path Pathway Bolt Pad B1.3 D120-31-H103 26wPL 1 · 26 _277 Fairy Path Pathway · Bolt Pad B1.3 'D120-31-H103 26wPl 1 26 '2T( Fairy Path Pathway Bolt Pad B1.~ .D1"20-31,,H103 26'wPL 1 26 277 . i=~iry Path . _Pathway ,Bolt Pad B1.3 D120-31-H 10:3 26wPL 1 26 277 Fairy Path Pathway Bolt Pad · No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 6 --------------~---- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste .Dim D D, D D D ................... D D D D ,. D D D D ................... ............. .D D ·o D' .. D D ................... ............. D D D D D D Relay TLW No 500 26 361, 500 26 3~~ 500 26 363 500 26 364 ...... &00 26 365 .-................. 500 26 366 ~00 2,6 393 500 26 ,39 .. 500 26 . 401. 500 26 . 414, 50() 26 415 500 26 416 500 26 417 ................... 500 26 418 500 100 424 500 100 425 ~00 100 436 ·500 100 437 1076 501 70 382 ......... · ..... .................... 501 70 38.4 50'1 70 386 ' 501 70 390 501 · 70 4,04 501 70 426 501 70 435 490 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE 7/21/97 DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LO LW VI t Location Focus Mounting B1.3 01'20-31-H103 26wPL 1 ~6 277 Fairy Path P_athway Bolt Pad B1.3 D120-3:1-H103\ . 26wPI'.. 1 2.6 277 S~fari. Path Pathway · Bolt Pad B1.3: ·D·120-31-H103 26wPL 1 · 26 277 ~afari Path Pathway Bolt Pad B1.3 D120.-3t-H103· 26wPL 1 26 · 277 Safari Path Pathway Bolt Pad B1.3 0120-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 Safari Path _Pathway ......... Bolt Pad .............................. ........................................... ............................................... ................... -.................... ....... B1.3 01.20-31-H103 2_6wP,L 1 26 277 Safari Path Pathway Bolt Pad ~1.3 0120-31-H103 26wPL 1'. 26 '277 Safari Path Pathway Bolt Pad 81-.3 D120-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 Safari Path Pathway Bolt Pad B1;3 01'20-.31-H103. ,26wPL 1 ' 26 277 S;:tf~rl Pat~. . Pathw~y :Bolt Pad )U.,3 . 0120-31-H103 .26wPL 1 26 2Tl Safari Path . ,Pathway Hc;,lt.Pad · .B1.3 • 0120-31.-H103 26wPL 1" ~6 277 s_afari Path Pathway Bolt Pad B1.3 0120s3.1-H103 2~wPL 1 26 · 277 Safari Path Pathw;:ty Bolt.Pad B1.3 0120-31-Ht03 26wPL 1 26 277 Safari Path ··Pathway ............... Bolt Pad ............................... ....................................... -.... ................................................ ..... -... ....................................... ........................................ B1.3 D120-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 Safari Path Pathway Bolt Pad CPB-01 .0·120-31-H1Q3 100 A19 1 1 OCJ" , 120 l::ntry Bridg~ Pedest?I CPB-D1 · 0120~31-H103 100 A1.9 1. , 1J)Q 1.20 Entry B.ri.dQEI Pedestal .. ,C_PB~D1 · 0120-31-1-h ()~ ,100 A1~ r 1.oq · 120 'En~ry Bridge .. Pe~ei;tal CPB-01 0120-31-H103 100. AH~ :I. 100 120 -Entry Bridge .. P!;!des~al 02f D120-31-H103 70M~ ..................... -........... · 1 70 .... 277 Safari Path Grade .............................. ..... -......... · .......................... ........ · ............................... ................................... ........................................ 02f D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 Safari Path Grade 02f D120-31-H103 70.MH 1 70 277 Safari Path Grade 02hl D1-20.-31-,H103 7QMH. 1 70 277 $af~ri Path Grade ·02m D120-31-H103. 70MH 1 · 70 277, Recessed 02m· ,0120-31-H103 70MH 1' 70 277 Sa.fari Path Grade 02m D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 Safari Path Qrade No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 7 _____ , ___________ . ____ _ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim D D. D D D ................... .......... -.. D (j .. D ·o D D D D ................... ............. :o .. ,o. o· .o ·o D Q ................... ............. D '· D D D D D Relay TLW No 502 70 377 502 70 ~78 502 70 379 502 70 380 502 70 381 · ........ , ..... .................... , ......... -.... -502· 7·0 383 502. . ' 70 385 502 70 387 502 70 396 502 79 · 397 502 70 398 502 70 399 502 70 400 ................... ~02 70 410 50~ "?0 4l1 502 70 412' 502 70 413 502 22~ 421 502 225 422 502 225 423 1865 . _ ............. .................... ................ 50,3 70 343 593 70 344 503 70 345 503 70 352 503 70 356 50'3 70 357 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location O2f D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 S;1farl Path O2f D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 . 277· Safari Path 021 D120-31-H103 70MH 1 10 . 277 Safari Path .. .. O2f D120-31-H103 7QMH 1 79 277 Safari ~ath O2f Di.20-31_-H1 Q3 ......... 70MH 1 70 217 Safari· Path· ............. ·: .. , ..... ,.-.... ............................................... .. .. , .. ,' ..... , ....... -, ....... ·., .............. . . . O2f . : ·0120-31-H103 70MH 1 . 70 . 2?i S~farl Pa~h O2f D120-31-H1 .03 . 70MH 1 7.0 277' :$afari Path · O2f .. D120-31-H193 70MH 1 70 · 277 Safari Path O2f D120-3-1-H103 70t,1H 1 70 277 Safari Path O2f D120-31-H10~ 70MH 1 70 . 271 Safari Path O2f D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 Safari ·Path O2f . P120-3t-H103 70.MH. 1 70 2"(7 Sa~ari Path O2f · D120-31-H103 '70MH 1 70 277 Safari Pa1h ............. -.. , ............. ............................................ ................................................ .......... ·. ....................................... ,O2f, D1.20-31-H103. 70MH •. 1 70 277 Safari Path . · O~f. :D120-31-H10;3 7QMH 1 70 277 ·~atari Path Q2f D1-20-31-H103 70Ml·f .· · 1 70 2.n Safari Path 0.2f ... . ·P1-2<i-~1-H103 _ 70MH 1 70 2Ti Safari-Path A6.3_ D120-31-H103 .75MR16/NSP 3 75 12 ~6.3 D120-31-H103 75MR16/NSP 3 75· 12 A6.3 D120-31-H103 75MR16/NSP 3 75 12 ...... _ ....................... ........................................... ............................................... ......... .......... .............. ..... -.................................. .. O1m D120-31~H103 70MH 1 70 277 Fairy Path O111J. D120-31-H103 70Ml:I 1 70 277 Fairv .Path O1m .. · D120-31-H10~ ?0MH 1 70 277 Fairy Path O1m D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 Fairy Path O1m D120-31-H1 Q3 70Ml,I 1 70 277 Fairy Path O1m D120-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 Fairy Path No = Fixture# Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 f(!CUS Mounting Grade Grade Grade Grade .................. _ ............... -G~ade .......................... Gri;tde Grade Grade . Grade Grade Grade .Grade Grade ......... -........................ .. .. .!3rade (3fade Grade ~rade .6' Pole 6' Pole 6' Pole ....... . ........ _ ......................... ·~ ........ Grad~ Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Page 8 ---------~--~~~~~-- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim D 0 '-0 D ....... -........... ......... " .. :p ' [): D D D .. [j ·o ' OHIHI ~ I "ouUU -.. -......... D -0 0 . 0 b Relay · TLW No 503. 175 358 503 175 ;359 . 503 · 70 ·. _ 3~0 503. 70 376. 910 .. ................. ............... 5Q4 70 30~. 504_ · 7!) '· ' 306 5Q4 70· 322 , 504' 70 ·323 504 70 324 504 70 327 -504 . 70 339_ .... -........... ................... 504 70 34Q 560 505 70 ;308 .,/iQ5 · 7Q' 30Q 5()5 70 31.1' 505 70 312 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET t_amp LQ LW Vlt Location Q4f ' 0120-31-H103 175MH 1 175 277 Fairy Path Q4f 0120~31-1-i.103 175MH 1175 277 Fairy Path 01m 01:20-31 ~1-11 Q3 :70MI-J 1 70 277 ·F11iry. Path ' -0120-31-H103 70 , 277 01s 70M!i 1 Safari Path ...... -....................... ........................................... .......................................... -... ......... .......... -...................................... ' --. : -. O:ls 0120-.31-H1'02 70MH 1. · 70 277 S. of WatEJr .Q1s ·0120-31'.:i-l,102 70MH ' 277 .. t. 70 $.of Water 01f O:l 20-31-H102 70MH 1 70 • 277 S .. of Water · 01f 0120-31-H102 70MH 1-70 277 S. of Water - 01s 01-20-3_1-H102 70MH 1 70 2,77 s .. of Water . ' -01s 0120-31-1-i102 70MH 1 70 277 S. of Water 01s .Qf20-31-H103 . 70MH · · 1 • 70 271 ·s. of Water ... -... · ........... -......... _ .. · ................... ··, ... ·.· ............ 70MH -. . . ·, ....... .. · ....... ......... -...... -..................... , 01s 012Q-31-H1 Q3 1 70 _277 S. of Water 01f 0120-31-1'!102 70MH 1_, 7-0 · 277 S. of-Water '' 01f , ·b.12,Q~3:I-H102 ?OMH -1 . .. 70 '277_ s; pf Water -Ott . Q120~31-H1-02 70MH 1 70 277 S. of Wa~er Q:tf 0120,31-Hi 02 )'OMH 1 70 2.77 S. of Water .. 0 505 70 ...... 31? . 01f · 0120:31-H102 70MH . 1 70 27-i _S, ... of .. Wate~ ............. ................... ............. .............. ................. · .. .............................. ................. _ ......................... ............................................... , ............. D 505 70 314 -01m. .Dl20-31-H102 70MH 1 70 277 S. qf Water l 420 ·o 5.06 150 317 R3 01_20-31-H102 15QMH --1 150 277 S. of Water .0 50!:i 1-50' 3:18 · R3 0120-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 S. of Wat~r 0. 506 150 320 .. fl3 D120-31-1::1102 150MH 1 150 27.7 S. .of Water· " 0 506. 26 321 81.3 0129-3~ -H102 · 26.wPL :1· 26 277 : S. of Water · No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage 7/21/97 Focus Mounting 4' Pole 4' Pole ~ra_de 4' Po!e ........................ -...... _ ................................ 1_ O' Pn 30' Pole 1.0' Ofl -~O' Pole l Grade Grade 10' P!)le 10' Pole .................. , ........... , .. . 1_2'. Pol~ ........ : .......... 12' Pole · Grade ' Grade " . ~rade . - Grc1de . ' ·Grade .................................. .... -.......... -........................ .Grade Recessed. R~~$Sed R139e§l!:Jed · .Pathway ·solt,Pad Page 9 -~--~-~----~~-~~~-~ LEGOLAND DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE 7/21/97 Progress Set DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste Dim Relay TLW No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location !Focus Mounting D ~·os 150 328 R3 D120-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 S. of Water Recessed D 506 150 329 R3 D120-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 S. of Water Recessed D 506 1.5.o 330 R3. ,D1·20-31-Ht02 150MH t ·1i>Q : 277 S. of Water Rece~sed 926 ................... + ............. + .................................... , ................ ,.· ............................................................................. · ........................................ J .... · ............... , ... · ......... , ........................................ , .................................. , ...................................... .. . D 507 150 . 293 R2 D120-~ 1-tU:02 .. :150MH J 1•50. ·. 277 ·s, ·of Water ·Rece~~ed 'p 507 150 294 R2 D120-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 S. of Water Rec.essed D 5Q7 150 295 R2 D120-31-H102 150MH 1· 150 2.77 S. ofWatElr Reqessed D .. ~01 15Q 319 :R2 ·p12,0-31-H.102 150MH 1 1 ~o 277 ~ .. of Water Recessed : 600 D .~9~1 70 21'.6 c;:>2rn Di 29-~1·-H10.~ iOMH 11 701 g77Jt of. Fl~stroor,:\ G~ade D ............. 1 ........... .!.. .... 508! ............ ro1.. .... 211.1.02rn .................. JD120-31-H102 ........ !70MH .............. ·· ......... ......,.1.. . tJ ... 701...:2771 E .. of .Restroom .... ..1 ............................... !Grade ....................... ... D 5-08 70 281 ·01s .D120-3l·H102 70MH 1 70 277 E. of Restroom Grade •.D ... 508' 7Q 282 Oim. J:;>120-31-H1:02 · 70,MH 1 70 . 277 E. Q.t AElstroom Grade b 508' 70 283 ·02m .0120-31-H102 79MH 1' 70 277 E. of Restroom Grade .D 5.08 70 285 01m 0120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 · 277 ·e. of Restroom Grade :D .. ' 508 70. ?86. 01m '.0-120-31~1:11,02 70MH . 1· , 70 : .277 !=. of .Res~roorn ' ·G.raQe D 598 70 287 01ri1 D120-31-H1Q2 70MH 1 70 277. E. of Restroom Grade 56'0 .. . . ................................. 1, ............. I .. :· ............. 1 ............. 1.·.· ......................... +· .................... · ................... + ... · .... · ................. · ............................. ,l .......... 1 .............. 1 ........................................ 1 .................................. ,, ....................................... . D 509 70 2088 W1 D220-31-H302 .70MH 11 701 277· Area JBox D 509 70 2089 W1 D220-31-H302 70MH 11 70! '277 Area JBox 140 D 510 J 2721 CLP-D1 D120-31•H102 (2) 50MH 111 00I 2771 N. w. of Water Bolt Pad 1 o·o Np = Fixtµre # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page_lO --~-~~~-~~-~~~--~-~ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim D D ·o D D ...... -........... ............. D, . D 0 D D I) • ......... : ....... .............. D D ·o D D 0 D - Rela,y TLW No 511 100 204, 511 100 205 511 :too· ~0.6 SH 109 -216 511 ........ 100 218 ............... 511 100 219 511 100 .22,0 51, 1 10.0 222 51-1 100 254 511 10!) · 2!;i6 1000 · 5"12 26 202 ............... .............. ,-... ........ ·._., .. 512· 26. 2Q3 512 2p 207 5t2 ·, 26 ~08 p12, 26 21~ 9-12 26 ?12 512 26 213 .5~ 2 .. ?~' 21,4 208 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE 7/21/97 DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location Foc:us Mounting C.LP-D1 D120-31-H102 (2) 50MH 1 100 277 Puppet Path ,Bolt P1:1~ CLP-D1 D120-31-H102 · (2) 50.MH 1 100 _ 277 Puppet Path .Bolt Pad CLP-D1 D.120-31-H102 (2) 50MH 1 100 ' 277. Puppet .Path Bolt Pad C{..P-D1 . D120-~1-H1Q2 (2) ·soMH 1 1 Q0 ' 277 Puppet Path B9lt P~d CLP-D1 D120-31-H102 (2) 50MH 1 100 277 .Puppet _Path .............. Bolt Pad .............................. .......... -.............. ·, ............... .................................... ,._ ....... ............ .._ .... ·· .............. _ ................ CLP-D1 D1:20-31-H102 · .(2) 5()MH 1 '100 277 Puppet Pa~h Bolt Pad CLP~D1 . D:120-3 t-H 1 O? . -(2) 50MH ,, 1 1Q0 277 Playtown ,Path ,Bolt Pad CLP-D1 Di20-31-H1.02 (2) 50MH 1100 277 Playtown Path Bolt Pad CLP-CU D120-31-H 102 (2) 50MH 1 too 277 Pasta Terrace BoJt Pad CLP-D1 D-120-31-HJ 02 .(2) SQMH · 1 1Q!) 277 ~-.t W. of Water Bolt Pad '' ' '" . ' 81.3 D1'20-31-H102 26wPL · ' 1 · 26 · 271 ·Puppet. Path · .......... : ,Pathway Bolt Pad · ....... _ ........ -........... -. ............................................ ... · ............................................ .... , ................ _ ........... .................. · ................... , B1.3 D120-31-H10~ _26wPL 1 26 277 -Puppet. Path 'Patbway ·Bolt Pad E31.3 D120-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 Puppet Path Pathway Bolt Pad ·B1.3 D120-31. -H102 · 26wPL t' 26 217 Puppet Palh Pathway Bolt Pad 81,3, . ·D1.20-31,-!-1102 ·26wPL. ' 1 · 26 27'l Puppet Path -Pathw~y : Bolt .Pad 81.3 D1.20-31-H102. 26WPL 1 26 · 277 Puppet. Path Pathway Bolt Pad :01.3 D120-31-H102 26wPL '; 1 ·' 26 2.71 Puppet Path Pathway · Bolt Pa~ . 81.3 .. -D120-31-H102 .. 2.6~PL 1 • 2~ 277 :Puppet Pat)l Pathway . Bplt Pad ................... ............. ... , ................ ............... ..... : ...................... , ............... -......................... ............... · ...... -............. _ ......... __ ......... .. .. , ...... , .. . _ ..... , ........ , ...... · ............... .................................. .......................... , .... , ....... ,. ' .. ., ", D 513 0 ;t 1 G D1?0-31-H102 1 0 D 514 7,0 226 O1's D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 277 · Playtown path ' Grade b 514 70 227 O1s 0120~31-H102 70MH 1 70 2·n Playtown Path. Gr~de D p14 70 228 O1s D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 277 Playtown Path Grade No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp W~ttage Page 11 i' --~--~~-~~-~~--~~-~ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim D D -D ................... D .. D D .. D b D ................... ............ _ D :D ', D D D D ................... ............. D D D D Relay TLW No 514 70 229 .21:JO 5,15 70 '235 515 70 237 ... _ .. , ............ 515 70 238 ' 515 70 239 515. 7.0 240 515 70 241 515 7'0 -242 515 70 24.3 560 ................ ................... ............... 5:16 7:0 · 20.08 .5:16 70 2009 I 140' ' 511 70 20Q4 51,7_ to 20Q5 517 70 2Q06 5·17 ,70 . 2007 280 51'8 7Q 2000 5·18 10 2001 518 70 2002 518 70 ?003 280 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE 7/21/97 DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development/ Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LO LW Vlt Location Focus Mounting 01s 0120-31-Hi02 70MH 1 70 277 Playtown Path Grade ,.OH. D1.20-31-H102 70.MH r 70 ,277 PlaytpWI) Path ~ra~e ·' on D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 277 .Playtown Path Grade · -............................. ,._ ....................................... ,' ' .. •, ......... , ........................ , ..... ................................... ' ', .. 01f D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 271 Playtown Path Grade 01f · D120-~ 1-H102 70MH .. 1 . 70 · 277 -Playtown Path Grade 011 QJ 20-~ 1-Hi 02 70.MI-!. 1 70 277 PlaytoWI) P!:1t'1 ' ' Grade OH D120-31-H102 70MH 1 7() 277 Pl~ytown .Path Grad~ 01f D120-31-H102 70MH 1 70 277 Playtown Path Grade 01f .D120•31-H102 70MH 1 7Q '?,77 . Play~e>W'1 P~th Grade ' . .............................. ............................................ ................................................ .......... , ............ .............. , ........................ ............................. , .... .......................... _ ............ 01f D221-31-H322 70MH 1 I 70 277 ,Roof Structure Roof 01f D2.21-31 ·H~22 79MH. 1 70 · 277. i=toqf sirupturE! Ro,of. ' - '9'1f D221 -31 • H322 70MH '1 70 · 277 ·Roof $tructure · Root 01f .0221-31 ·H.~22 . 70MH 1 70 277 Roof Strµptur1;1 .Roof 01f P221-31-H322 70MH 1 70 277 Ropf Structur1:1 R09f 01f D221-31 ~H322 70MH { . .19 . 277 :Roof . $tructure Root ............................ ,. .. ............ ~ ........................... ..... -............................ , ............ ..................... · ................ · ........... . ........................................ 02s D221,31-H322 '70MH 1 70 277 Roof -Structure ·Ropf 02~ D?21-31-H_3?2 70MH 1' ·'rn ·217 •Roof Structure 'Roof Q2s D221-31-H322 70MH 1 70 277 Roof Strncture .Roof 02s D221-31-H322 70MH .. 1 70 277 Roof Structure Roof No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 12 - ---------.... -·--.... -I .... -.. LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste .Dim D D. D ................... ............. -0 D ·E> Relay 519 519 51_9 ............... ·520 520 5_20 TLW No 9 2029 9 2030 9 2031 27 1-, ............... .......... 13 2051 13 2052 13 2053 39 2~56,1 . DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE DUPLO VILLAGE -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location B3 D221-31-H303 PL-9 1 9 120 Corridor B3 D221-31-H303 PL-9 1 9 1'20 C9rridor, ~3 D221-31-H303 ·PL-9 1 9 120 Corridor . .. ........... , ................ ........................................... ...... _ ....................................... ......... .......... .............. ....................................... D2 D221-31-H303 . F13TBX/SP.X30 1, 1_3 277 Terrace D2 · D221,31-H303 F13TBX/$PX30 1' 13 .. 27_7 .Terr~ce D2 .Q221-31-H30~ . F13l'BX/$PX3Q 1 13 2.77 -Terrace .. No ,;= Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area Recessed Area · Recessed Area Reces!ied ... _ ..... -......... _ ...... -....... ........................................ Area Recessed Area Recessed Area Reces.sed .. ., Page 13 ------~--~~--~-~~-- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F 1 F 1. F 1 F 1 F 1 -............. --... ............. F_. 1 F i .F ·4 F 4 ................... ,. F 5 F 5 -- F ~ . ,=. 6 . ......... , ....... ......... ' . F 7 -F 7 F 8 Relay TLW No 0 632 0 --633 0 634 0 63~ 0 -636 ............... ................... ............... 0 637 ()' -- 1500 641 : 1500 1500 347 1500· 351 ... -............ 3000 -, ,. 150Q 329 1500 .335 3000· tSQO. ~19 150Q 322 ............... ...... , .... _ ... . 300.0 1500 291 1!?00 ·-· 299 3000 1500 268 Type JBox JBox DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location F135-;31-H102 1 - F135-31-H-102 1 JBox · F135-3j-H102 1 JBox F1;35-31-l-i102 1 JBox F135-31-H102 1 .............................. ........................................... ................................ ,· ........... .......... .............. ........................................ JBox F135-31-H102 1 21 F135~31-1-1102 25-LO ·194· 2.4w 5 300 24 21 F135-31-H10_3 ' 2_5-LO 194 2.4w 5 300 . 2'4: '21 F135-31-H103 25-LO 194 2.4w 5 300 24 ............................... ............................................ .-....... _ ........................ -............ ....................................... - 21 F135-31-_H103 25-LO 194 2.4w 5 300 24 21 F1_35-~1-H1 Q3 ?5-LO 194 2.4W 5 300 214, ,. 21 F135,31-_H103 25-LO .194_ 2.4W 5 300 24 21 F135-31-H1,03· 25-LO 194 2.4W . ...... ~:_ 3.()0_ . 24 ...... · ........... _ ....... , OUOO,UHHv'HHUO •• UOUOUHU,OeOUO ............................... -..... , ........ .. · ........... .. ~ ........ , -.............. •. ,, ... , ... ,21 F135-31-H103 25-LO. J94 2.4W 5 ~00 24 21 · 25-LO 194 2.4W 5 ~QO · 24 ' '' ,,, 21 ·F135-31~H103 25-LO 194 2.4w 5 300 24 No = Fixtur1;1 # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus Mounting . · Rece_ssed Recessed R8Cf;lSSed Recessed. ·Recessed ... _ ....................... _ ...... ................ -......... _ ........... .Recessed Surface Surface Surface ........................ -........ ........................................ Surface ·surface : Sll!rf~ce ,Surface ................................... ............ , ... 0!""""~ .. . .. S.u~face St,irface . Pathway . _St,irface Pag.e 1 ----~-~----~-~--~--LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F 8 F 9 .F ............... 9 F . 12 .. F 13 .................. :F. ' 14 ' :F Hi F 16 ................... .... -....... F 17 F 18 Relay ............... ,_,, .. ............. . · ............ TLW No 1500 295 . 3000 1500 270 1500 275 ................ 3000 .. 1000 368 1000. 1000 369 1Q0O ................... ...... -....... 1000 370 1000 1000 311 1000 1000• 386 1000 .................... .......... _ ..... 1000 387 1000 1000 3!39 1000 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location z1 25.-LO 194 2.4w 5 300 24 ; 21 t=1'35-31•H103 2s~Lo 194 2.4w 5 300 24 .. 21 F135,31-H103 ,25-LO 194 2.4w . 5 300 24 .............................. ............. -............................ ............................................... , ...................................... , T3 F135-31-H103 01 000/PAR64/NSP 1 100 · 120 T3 · :F135-31-H103 Ot000/PAR64/NSP 1 100 120· .. .............................. ....... , ................................... ................................................ .......... .......... ............. ....................................... T3. F1'35-3·1-H1,03 . O.10Q0/PAR64/NSP 1. 100 . 1.20 -·' T3 . :F135,31-H1-03 01 000/P.A.ij6:4/N~P . 1. 10(.) 1_20 T3 :F135-91 :H1 Q~ O~ 000/PAR64(NSP 1 100. 120 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Surfac~ . . Su~face Surface · ................................... ........................................ 30' Pole . 30' Pole ...................... .. ......................... 30' Pole . . 30' Pole 30' .Pole - ............. " ............. _ . ........................................... .......................................... , .... ......... . ............. ....................... -_ ............... ................................... ........................................ .. t~ F135-31-H103 01 000/PAR64'lNSP 1 100 120 ·30• Pole . T3 F135-31-H103 01 000/PAR64/NSP 1 100 120 _30' Pole ,' No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wa~age LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 2 ------------~-~~--- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F 19 F 2Q F 20 ................... ............. F 20 F 20 .F , 20 . F 20· F 20 F .20 '. F 20 .. F 20 ................... ......... , .... •F, 20 F 20 .. ,F · ,20 F 20 .F ~Q. F 20 F 20 ;F 20 ................... ·F 20 F 20 F 20 F 21 Relay ............... ............. -. ............... TLW No 1000 388 1000 9, 410 9 411 ................. ·. ............. 9 ·.412 9 4.13 Q 41.4 9, 415 9 416 9· 417 9 41~ 9 419 ................... .......... · .... 9 420 9. 4.2:1 . . . 9.: 422 9. 423 Q 424 9· 425 9 426 9 . ...... 427_ .................... 9 428 9 429 9 430 1 &9 0, 19 0 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Archit~cture Exterior Type , SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location .. T3 F135-31-H103 01 OOO/PAR64/NSP 1 100 120 83. .. Ft35-31 ·H~ Q3 . PJ.-Q 1 9 120 83 _F1 ~5-31-t·O oa .......... PL-9 1 9 120 ................. ,., ......... , ..................... ......................... ........................................ 83 F135-31-H1 pa PL-9 1 9 12.0 '83 . F135-3i-l:!103 PL-9 1 .9 r20. 83 F135-31-H103 PL~9 ~ 9 120 83 F:135-31-H10~. · .PL-~· 1 9 . 1 ~Q· _83 _F135-31-1-11-03 PL-9 1 9 120 83 F135-31-H1,03 PL-9 1 9 12Q .. 83 F135-31-H1 Q3 P!-:9 1 9 1 ~o· 83 F135-31-H103 Pl-9 1 9 120 .............................. ............................................ .... -.................... -............ , ..... _ . .... --.... ....................................... 8'3, · F135-3')-H1,03 PL-9 1 9 i ;rn .. 83 F135-31-H103 PL-9 1 9 120 83 F13~·31-H1(>3 PL-.Q. 1 9 120 '83 F135-31-H103 PL-9 1 9 120. 83 .. F1·35-31-H103 ··PL-9 1. 9 120 83 F135-31-H103 . PL-9 1 9 120' 83 F135-31-H103 PL~9 1 9 120 83 F135-31-H103 '· PL-9 1 9· 1-20 .............................. .... , ......... ·.· .................... · ... ....................................... , ....... ......... .... --.... · ... ........................................ 83 Fi35-31-H103 PL-9 1 . 9 120 ~3 F135-31-H1Cl3 Pt.-9 1 9 · 120 83 · F135-31-H1'03 PL-9 1 9 129 p F1;35-31-H103 1 120 No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS. Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus Mounting 30' Pole .Recessed · Reces!1ec:I ........... ' ........................................ Recessed 'R990~sed ·Recessed Reces!!ed . ·Recessed .. Recessed Recessed Recessed ............ _ ........ -........... ........................................ • .Recess~ Recessed 'Recessed . Recessed R!)CSSSed 'Recessed .Recessed ........... · ..................... . . Rec~ssed ................ · ... Recessed Recessed ' Recessed Page 3 _____________ > _____ _ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste -Dim Relay F 22 F 23 .. -.............. , ............. ............... F 24 F 25 F ........ _-_ ...... 26 ...... , .... _-... F 26. f 31, F ,, 3.2 ' ' .......... ·-....... ............. F 34 F 3-4: F 34, F 34 .F 34 F 34 ti.w No Type 0 --20 P 0 0 21· P 0 . · .. , .............. ............... · .............................. .. 0 22_ p 0 " 0 23 j:> 0 0 24 p .. -................ ............................... 150 . . 2213 CP-F1 150 J50_ . 21f;i2 CWM-F~O __ . 150 15Q 2232 CP-F1 150, .................... ................ .............................. ,, 1.50 ;?169 CWM-F12 150 21.70 CWM-F12 150 2171 CWM-F12 15_0 2172 CWM-F12. 150 2173 CWM-F12 150 · 2178 CWM-F12 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior ·SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location F135-31-H103 1 120 F135-31-H103 1 120 ........................................... ............................................... ... _ .... .......... .............. ...... -.............. 'F135~31-Ht03 1 120 ,, 'F135-31-H103 1 120 F135-31-H103 1 120 ............. _ ........ , ............... · ... ........... -.................................... .......... .......... ....... , ..... ........................................ . . . ' F236-31-H303' _150 A21 1 .. 150 120 March~ Seating ,, '' .. F236-31-H303 150 A19 1 15'0 120 'Marche '' F236:$1-H303 150 A21 1. 15Q 1.20 Marche Seating Focus .................................. .................................. Area Area · Are_a ........................................... ' ........ , ...................................... _ ....... , .......... .............. ........................................ ..................... , ............ F236~31-l;-1303, 150 A21 1 1 so' 120 Marche Seating Area . F236-31-l:l303 150 A21 1 150 120 Marche Seating Area F236~31-H303 150 A21 1 1"50 120 Marche Seatir}Q Area F236-31-H303 150 A,21-1 150 129 -Mi:irche Seating A_rea F2;36-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 120 Marche Seatirig Area -F236-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 120 Marctie Seating Area No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Mounting .. ........................................ ........................................ Pendant J' Box Pendant ' ... _ .................................... J Box J Box J Box_ J Bqx J Box _J Box Page 4 ---------------·----LEGOLAND Progress Set DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste Dim Relay TLW NQ Type SHEET !Lamp LO LW Vlt Loc·atlon Focus Mounting F 34 . 1.50 21.79 CWM-Fr2 F236~31-H303 150 A21 1' 150 120 Marche Seating . Area J Box F . 34 1.50 2180 GWM-F12 F236-31.-H303 n~o A21 1 150 120 March.a Seating Area J Box F. 34 •... _, 1:50 · 2203. CWM~F12 F236~31-H303 .. 150 A21, 1 150 : 120 Marche Sei:itlng · Ar~a J. B.ox ,F I 341 I. 150'1 2?0419WM~f12 I Jl150I' 120IMarcheSeatin9 !Area IJ Box ·: ............ J ...... ::t ..... · .... · .... L~I. ::~~·l~::~;· ...... t.::::~: ~ ~:::: .• _u:: .. ;:~ .... · ........ __ ........... t·· .... ~J.~. ::1 ..... ~.~: !,~::~:. :::::~:.:. J;::: ................. ·.J~· ::: ....................... .. 1800 F 35 1501 2174ICP-F1 F236-31.-H303 150 .A21 11.150 12o!'Marche S~atin9 . Ji6.re~ .P13ndant F I' 351 I 1.501 217tl CP-FL I F2~§:::31-H:3:~3 ..... J1.50 :J\g~ . J JJ1 ?QL 1·201 Marche Seating JJ\rel:l . (Pendant ;F I 351 I r~ol 2191ICP-Ft IF236-31-H~03 ... J1so ,ft.?.L t 1Jt~ol J20IM:arc~1a.~.~;1,ti_r19 .J_,6.rf3~, __ jPl;l11f!apt F .I 351 I · 1501 2196jCWM0f12 li=2~6-31-H303 J1~0 J\gj .. ....... . . L 1j1§0] 120J~ar9he Seating JJ\rea . JJ B6x ,,.: ..... · .... ··· ,, ....... ::1 , ............ l ......... ~·::t .. ·::~:1~:~~F~~C-~J;;::~:~;;~~:1.:~~~~------~-· .· ........ 1 ... :J~::t .... ~:~t~:~:~: .::::::: .· .. t;~:: ...... · .......... J~e~::nt ..................... . .. 9001 , . .. F 36 150 2175 CWM-F12 .F236-31-H30.3 150 A21, . 1 150 · 12Q March~ Seatir:ig 'Area J,Box .F 36 .. 150 . 2115· CWM~F'j2_ F23!?-31-H3.03_. 150 A21 :I 150 rgo Marche SeEtting. Area J Box ,F 36 ... 150 , 219.0 .CWM-F1;2, F236-31-H30.3 150 A21 1 150 . 1~0 . . Marctre $eating. . Are~ J ijox . . . .. F ~6 1.50 2194 CWM-F12 f236-3:t-H303 1.50· A21 1· u;o . 120 Marct,e §eaJ(n9 . Area ~ Box .......... ··-·-··-·----· .F .......... J ....... a6t, ........... 1 ......... 15ol .. J!19.5j CWM-F1.~ ........ J_F236-31-H303 ......... J150 .. M1 ......................... J ..... 14, 1501 .... 1.201.M?rcne .. seating .... .JA~ea ..................... JJ .. Box ........................ .. F 36 ~50 2197. CP-F1. F2~6-31-H30$. . ·t~O A21 1 1.50 i-20 March~ Seating Area -Pendant F 36 150 2199 6P-f1 F236-31-fj30~ 1~.Q A21 1 150 120 Ma(che Seating Area Pe_ndant F 3~ 150 2200 CWM-_F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 f 150 120 Marche Seating · Area .J Box .F 36 150 2201 CWM-F1:2 . 'F2~6-~1-H303 · 1,50 A21 . 1 150 ·. 1·20 Marche· Seating ·Area J Box F 36 150 . 2202 CWM-F12 F236-31-H303 150 A21 1 150 120 Marcl}e Seating Area j .Box - 1500. . I l ... ,., .. No= Fixture# Dim= Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS I;ighting Design LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Pages -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Pim F 37 F , .37 F 37 F 37 F 37 ... -............... F . 37 Relay .......... · ... F 37 : F 38 ·F 38 :F ., 38' F . , 38 _-....... _ ......... ...... · ....... ............... F 38 F 39 F 39 - F 40 I ....... -........... F 40 .F 41 F 41 TLW 150 1,50 15() 150 ........ J&O 150 1!~0 105Q 150 ,, ;1,50 1p0 .......... 1.5Q 1!~0 750 250 250 500 .......... 150. 1 .. 50 300 100 100 200 No 2161 2167 2168 . 2)92 2193 ............... 2233 2235 . 220'8 221-4 2225 ... ~227 . 2234 2163 216~ Type CWM-F10 CWM-F10 CWM-F10 CWM-F10 ,, CWM-F10 .... _, .... _ ... _· ....... -_ .... cWM-F10 ·cWM-F10 ·cwM~F12 :OWM-F12 CWM-F12 CWM';,F12 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development/ Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vil Location F23!5-31 sH3P3 150 A19 1 .150 120 Marche f23t;i·31-H303 150 A19 1 150 120 Marche Seating F236-31-H3P3 150 A19 1 150 120 :~arche .Seating ", ,, ' F236,31 •H303 1.50 A19 1 150 120 Ma~che Seating F236-31-H303 ·1so A19 " 1 150 120 · Marche __ $eatJ!'lg ...... ',F236-3·1-H303 . . . .-........................ -... -........ _ ...... ...... -, .. 1.50 M9. . 1 1',50 120 Marphe S~atlng · f236-31-H303 150 A19 1 150 · ·1~0 .Marqhe Seating I ·F236-31-H3Jl3 ,150 (\~1 1 _150 ,120, Marche . Seating F236-31 :H~0.3 J50. A21 1 .150 120 .Marche $eating . ·F23~-31-H303 150 (\21, 1 150 120 Marche Seating . :F236-31-H303. . ·150 A21 1 150 120 ...... , ....................... . , ........................ \, .......... · ... ._ ..... , ................. , ..................... Marc;:he Seating ...... C.WM~F12. F236-31-H303 . 150 A21 1 150 1.20 Marche Seating :cwM-F1 F236-31,H303 250 .A23 t 250 · · 1,2() Marche Entry ·cwM,F1 F236-31-H303 :-250 A23 1 250 . . 120, M~rct1,0 En~ry '' 2164 . CWM-F15 ....... F236·31-H303 · 150 A19 1 150 ... ..120_ March!:) Entry . -.... -.· ............. -....... -......... ............................................. ,. ... _ .. _ .. ....... ·. ....... , ................................ 2165 CWM:F15 ,F236-31,H~03 ~so .M9 1 HiO . 120, Marche Entry ,, 2159 CWM-F2 F23~-31-H3Q3 100 A19 1 100 . 120 March~ ,. . 2160 CWM-F2 ,f236-31-H303 100 A19 1 100 120 Marche , , No = Fixture # . Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattl;l,ge LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design . 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area .J Box Area J Box Ar~f,l J :sox Area J Box Area J Box ............. _ ................... ........................................ , Area· J Box Aref,l ,J Box. Area J Box Area J Box -Area J Box Area · J Box ....................... -.......... ... , ................................... Area J· Box .Ar~a ~ Box , ., Ar.e,a . J Box, , , Area ... J Box . _ ...................... , .... , ... . , ...................................... Area -J Box Area J Box .Area J Bc,,x Page 6 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste _ J)lm Relay ·-F 42 F-42 F 42 F 42 , ............... · . .............. ............... F ~3 F 43 F . 43: F 44 ................... .............. ............... -.F 45 . .F 47 ., F 48 . .. -............. ,. .. _ ......... ........... _ .. F 48 ·F '· 48 · .F 48 'F 49 F 49' TLW No 75 2152 75 2153 75 2156 7.5 21-f!? 300 ............. _.-... ...... " ........ 75 2120' 75 21.21 75 -2122 2~5 . 75 201_9 75 ................... ............... 60 , 2050 60 0 26 0 so· 2056 .. , ... -...... _ ...... 50 2057 5.0 20~8 50 2063 200 75 2069 75 2070 Type CWM-F11 CWM'-F11 CWM-f11 OWM-F,1 ...................... , ....... _A3 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location F236-31-H303 75 A19 1 75 120 Marche Restn:n F236-31-H30~ 75· A19 1 75 120 Marche Restrm 'F236-31-H303 75 A19 1 75 120 Marche F:236-31-J-1303 75 A19 1 75. , 120 _Marc~e -._ ...................................... ,, ............................................... . ... , .... -.... , ............ _ ......................... F236/31 /H304 -75MR16/NFL 1' 75 1i Marche A3 · F236/31 /H30'4 75MR1~/I\IFL 1 75 12 Mar.cha .. A3 F236/31/H304 7511.1R1~/NFL 1 75 12 Marche .. A1 -· F237/31/H32_3 75PAR30f.H/N_FL25° 1 rs 1'20 ,Window Box · ............................. . , .......................................... .................. , ..................... -....... ..... -.... ........ · . ........ _ .... ....................................... : .. CWM-F9 F237/31/H~04 60 A19 1 ,6Q 120 South Wall - ~ F237-31-H304 1 : .. D3 F237/311H304 50PAR20/NFL 1 50 1·20 Cool Cafe .. ............................ ........... ..... -......... : .............................. .. -.................................... D3 F237/31'/H304 · 50PAR20/NFL -i ,50 · 120 Cool Cafe - 03 F237l31'/H304 50PAR20/NFL 1 50 120 . Cool Cafe 03, .F237 /~1 /H304 5QPAR20/NF=_t ·1, 50 12.0 Cool Cafe ,. .. U3 F237/31 /H304 75MFHq/NFL 1 75 1'2 · East Fountain •U3 -F237/3_1 /H304 75MR-1-6/NFL 1 7.5 12 East Fountain No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TlW = Total lamp Wattage LO = lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area J Box Area_ J Box Area J Box ~.rea J Box ............... ,, .......... , ...... , ........... -... , ............. ,.-...... . . Area JBox Area ·JBox .~rea J~ox Area Surface .................................. ....................................... Area JBox . ' Area Recessed .............. , .................... ........................................ Area • --R8C8$Sed ·Area ·Reqessed Area Recessed - · Area R~cessed Area -Re9essed· - Page 7 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Clustel 01ml Relay) TLW NolType 150 F. 50 25Q.I· 205~ICWM-F6 F 50 66I 2060J,CWM-F5 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LOI LWI Viti Loca·t1on F237/31/H304 ·250 A23 1 I 250I 12QI East W~II Focus Area F237/.31.!H304 60 A19' 11 6o'I 1.201 Faptory T9ur Ent. I Area 7/21/97 Mounting JBox JBox .F ...... : ...... ,l .... }Ol.: ........... -1 soI-.. 2os11cwM-F5 ........... lF237/31/_H304 ........ ! so .. A19 ............................ ·t ... ..1.! ... sol ,, 120I.Factory .Tour'.Ent ... !.Area .................... lJBox ........................... . ~10 . F , 51 ,. 50 2062' 03 ·f'237/31 /H304 ·5QPAA20/NFL 11 501 120(,Factory Tour -Area -R~ss~ F 51 50 20ll4 D3 F237/31/H304 50PAR20/NFL 1 I 501 1201 Faqtory Tour Area ·Recessed ' . 100 .. I,, I F .54. sQ· 240~ CWM~F4 , F237-31-H324 . . 60 A19 1 60 120 Explorer's Entry A~ea Surface 1, -F 54 60 2405 CWM-'J=4 F237-31-i-1~24 · 60 A19 _ 1 60 120. Explorer's Entry Area Si.l.rface · ............................ _ ................ _ ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... _ ................................................................ .. F 5'4 60 2407 CWM-F4 F237-31 ~H3.24 60 A19 1 60 120 Explorer's Entry Ar~a Surface F . l 541 I -601 240BIPW¥·F4 JF23"7-~1-H324 ' jso At~ I 11 SOI 120l·Expl~rer's. Entry !:Area JS,urtac:e. 240 F 55 501 24341 D3· F237-31-H324 50PAR20/NFL 11 501 1201 Explorer Window I Area Recessed F .55 501 243~;1J)3 f237-31,.H324 -S6PAR?9(NFL 1 L50I,. 120!Explorer V'lindq~ !Area .Rec.essed 100 ............................................. I' ............ _-.... , ........... -.--, .......... · ................ ·.+ ................. · ....................... ,J ............................................ -.f. ......... ,J .......... ,· ............ 1 ............................ -.. _ ....... , ................................... , ... ·., .................................. . F 56 ~o 24:14) CWM-F3 F23l-31-H324 60 A19 11 601 1201 Brick Brs. Entry I Area .Surface F 56 -- 24i5lcwM-F3 60 F237-31-H324 60 A19 1 l 601 1201 Brick Brs. Entrl I Area .Surf£1ce 120 F 57 60 2426 CWM,F;3 F2~7-3tsH324 60 A19 11 661 1201 Brick Brs. Entry I.Area Surface F 57 60 2429 CWM:F3 F237-31-H324 60 A19 11 601 1201 Brick Brs. Entry I Area Surface 120 No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design ~ LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 8 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F 58 F . 58 .F ............... 59 . · .. ,· ... , .... ' . F 60 F. 60 .F 60 F 60 .· ................. .............. 'F . ·i= 'F. F F F 'r= F . ................... ............. F F F F F F Relay TLW No 150 2427 150 2428 300' 35 2307 . ' 35 5'.0 2355 50 2356· 50 . 2357 50 2358 2P0 ................ ................... ............... !iQ0 26 449 500 26 45Q 5QO 26 451 . ~Q0. 26 452 500· .2~. 456 500 26 457 500 26 45& 500 26 459 .................... 500 26 460 500 26 464 500 26 465 500 26 466 500 26 468 500 26 470 364 Type CGR•F1 CGR-F1 A10 ............ , ................ DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location F237-31-H324 150 A-19 1 150 120 Brick Brs. Entry F237~31-H324 150 A-19 1 150 120 Brick Brs. ·Entry . F237-31-H324 O35MR11JNFL30° . 1 35 12 Window Box· ..................... , .................... ..................... , ..... -....... , ......... ......... · ... ....................... -............... : AS · ,F237-31-H324 50MR16/NF.L ' 50, l2 Canopy AS .F23('-31-H324 50MRH~/NFL . ' 1 • 50 12 Canopy AS f~3.7-31-H;324 50MR16/NFL 1 50 . 12 Canopy AS '. F~37-31-H324 '50MR16/NFL 1 50 12 C~opy ~ .............................. ............................................ .. ", .......................................... .......... .......... ............. ....................................... 81.3 F135-3.1-H105 ·26wPL 1 · 26 2.77 B1.3 .F135-;3t-H105 • 26wf>L 1 26 277 B1..3a F13~·;31 :H~ 05 26wPL t 26 277 B1.?a F13q-31-H105 26wPL . 1 26 2.77 . '_, B1.3a F135-3J-H105 26wPL 1 26 277 B,.aa . Ft35-31-Ht05 26WPL 1 26 277 " B1,3,. 'F135-31-H105 26Wi:'L ' 1 .26' ' 277.. B1.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 26 277 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area Surface Are~ Surface Area Surface ................................... ........................................ !31~g. Surfaqe a1dg • Surface Bldg . Surface Bldg. Surface .................................. ............................. , ..... -.. -, Pathway ·Bolt Pad Pathway Bolt Pa~ Pathway Bolt Pad · Pathway . Surface PathV,'.ay ·Bolt Pad· Pathway Bol_t Pad P~thway Bolt Pad Pathway .· 'Bolt Pad. .............................. · ....................... · .................. ................ -............................ ,-' ._ .. ). ......... , uu•,•,uooHouuou,••• s•ouuoo ................................. . ...... -......... _, ....................... B1.3 F13p-31-H1 Op 26wPL · 1 26 277 pathway Bolt Pad B1.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway Bolt !?ad B1-.3 F135-31-H1'05 26wPL 1 26 277' Pathway Bolt Pad B1.3 F135-31-H1Q5 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway Bolt P~d 81.3 'f135,31-H105 : 26wPL 1 26 277 pathway Sol~ Pad 81.3 F135-31-H105 · 26wPL 1 · 26 277 Patt,way Bolt Pad : No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage . GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 9 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste _Dim F F F F ,. .. F .. -................ ............. F F F .. F ·F .F F F ............. _ ..... -............. F F F ·t= F ... F F ' , .......... -....... ............. F F F Relay TLW No, 501 26 492 501 : 26 493 50_1' 26 494 ~01 26, 495 501 26 496 ............... 1 .................. ................ 501'· 26 497: 501 26 500 ~01 26 501 501 26 . , 502 50_1 , 26 . 5-04 501 26 505 501 . 26, i 507 ...... 501 26 5.08 ................... ............... 50l 26. 509 ~01· 26 510 501 21?. .5·11 501 26 512 501 26 51;3 501 26 514 501 26 515 520 ............... ......... _ ......... ............. _ .. 502 10 453 502_ 7Q 454 502 70 455 210 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 / Type SHEET Lamp. LQ LW -. V. It ·Location Focus Mounting 81.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 -· 277 Pathway Bolt Pad •' 81.:3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway Bolt Pad 81.3 · F135-:31,-H105 26wP,L· 1 26 277 Pathway_ Bolt.Pa~ 81.3 F135~:31-H105 26wPL 1 2~· 277 Pathway BQlt Pad ., 81.3 F135·31-H105 26wPL 1 . 26 277 _PathWaY ............... . ~olt_Pad .. -.................. .............................. ........................................... ....................... -........... -........... ......... .......... .............. ........................................ ,81.~ . ,F13~-31-. .l-11. 05 : 26,wPl 1 26· . 277 Pathway ~olt Pad 81.3 : F135-3-1-H105 2~wPL 1 26 277 Pathway Bolt Pad 81.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway ·Bolt Pad -81,3 fl 35-:3,1-H105. , ·, 26WPL · 1 26 ,· 2-,7 . Pa~hway . -Bolt Pac;i 81.3 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway Bolt Pad 81.4 F'135-31-H105 26wPL 1 . 26 277 ·Pa_thway Bolt Pad 81.4 fl 35~31-H-10~ 26wPl 1 26 ,277 Pathway , ·Bolt Pad '' 8'1.4 F135-31-H10~ 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway. .Bolt Pad ........ _ ............ ,.-....... ........... _ ................................ . ' ............ , .......... .......... ............. ....................................... .................................. ....................................... 81.4 F135-31~H1_05 -26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway Bolt Pad ,81.4 : F135-3j-H105 26wPL ... 1 26 277 · Paihway Bolt Pad 81.4 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway Bol~ Pad ' .81.4 F135-31-H105 26wPL 1 26 277. Pathway 'Bolt Pad 81.4 F135-31-Ht.05· · 26wPL 1 · 26 , 277 .. -P~~~w~y ,Bol, Pad '. 81.4 F135-31-H105 · 26wP!-1 26 277 Pathway Bolt fad :• 81-4 F135·31-H105 26YIPL 1 26 277 Pathw~y 'Bolt Pad .............................. . · ..................................... _ ... ............................................... . ......... .............. ........................................ ............. . ..................... _ .............. , .. 01f F135-31-H105 70MH 1 , 70 277 , Grade OH F135,31-Ht05 7QMH 1 70 277 '. Grade 01f F135-31-H105 70MH 1· to 277 Grad13 ' .. F 503 0 1 G F135-31-H105 1 No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page· 10 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Clustel Dlml R~layl. TLWI. Nol Type 0 F 5041· · 101 46t'I01f F ~04 ?OL 4621011 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development . / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp Lal LWI Vltllocatlon .fl 35-31-H105 .70MH 11. 791 . 277 Fj 35~31-H105 70MH. 11 701 277 7/21/97 Focus Mounting ·Grade Grade ... F .............. l. ............ 1 ...... 5041 .. · 101 ...... 4631.011. .................... J F1'35-3f-H1.05 .......... ! 70MH .......... · ...................... i ...... 1.r. 70:I ... 211.1 ........................................ 1 ............................... 1 Grad!! .......................... . 210 ... F 50.5·· lPI 503IOH .. F135-31-H105 J70MA -------------------------11 701 277 Grade 70 F 5061 . 701 . 392l01f F135-3l-H103. i'OMH 11 101277 Gr~<!_E! F I I 5061 701 498I01f IF13~-:3J-H1()5 17.0MH,. I 11 701 2771 I !Grade F .............. ..1 .............. 1.. .... 5061· ........... .101 ...... 499101f ..................... ·l:F1.3/)-31-H105-........ J70MH· ................................. ,!. ..... 1.1 .... 1oi .... 211t .. ' -................................. 1 ................................. [Grade ........................ .. F ·5.061 . 701 . 506101.f F135-31-H105 ·70MH · 11 701 2Ti Grade .2ao F 507 70 469 01f F135-31-H105 '70MH _1 7Q . 277 Grad~ F ' 50t· 70 471 ·01s :F135-31-H1 Q5, -70MH 1 , 70 277 30.' Pol~ f 507 70 47.2 ·01s i=135°3t-H105 70MH 1 ,70 277 30' Pole '' . . ., .. F 507 7Q. 48~ 01m F13~-.31-H105 70MH 1 10· 277 20' Pole F 507 70 ...... -............ ............. ............. , I I _486101m ................... 1F135-31-H105 .......... J70MH .................................. i ...... 1,! ... to:1 .... 2771 ...................... · ................ l: ............ · ................... J2<>' .. Pole ................... .. .. ·350 .. . F 508· 0 5 p F135~31-H105 .. 1 1.20 . F 508 0 6 P· : F135•31-H105 1 1~0 ·F. : ... 508 0 7. p ' ' F135-31-8,105 1 .. 120 F 508 0 8 p .F135-31~H105 1 12.0 ' .. F 508 0 9 p F135-31-H105. ., 1 ' 120. . .. No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total !,.amp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 11 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F F Relay. 508 508 508 TLW No Type 0 10 P 0 11 P 0 12 p DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location F1'35-31'-H105 1 120 F135-31-H,105 1 120 .. F135-31-H 105 1 120 ' F '505 · 0 13 j:> · 'F135-31-H105 1 120, F 508 .o, 14 'p . F135-31-H105 . ................... , ............... ,,.-..... !, ...... 1 .. 120 ................... ............. ............... 1 ................ . ............ -.-......... ·.· . ...... -.............. · .................... .......... .............. ........................................ ,F ·505 0. 15 p F135-31-H105 t 129 F 508 o· 1·6 .P F1305-31-H105 1 1'20 . . o . . F. 5()~ .. 70 . 467 ()1f 'F135-31-H 105 70MH 1 70 : 277 · F f;O~ . 150. 473. :Fl3 F135-~1-H105 1_50MH 1 150 277 . . . ·F 509 .1.50 474 83 F135-31-H105 . 150MH 1 150 277 .. . . . F . · 509 1-50 . 475 R3 · F135-'3·1-A105 .·1_5oMtt ........................... · .... t 1_50 277 ................... -..... _ ...... , ............... ................... ............................... ', ....... · .................................. ....................................... F 509 150 476 R3 F135-31-H105 150MH 1 150 271 F 509 1-50 477 R3 F135-31-ij105 150MH 1 150 . 277 F ·. 509 .15.0 .. 478 ,_R3 F135-31-l:f1:05 150MH · 1 15Q 277 F !50~ 150 487 R3 Ft35,31-H105 150MH 1 150 277 F 509 150 488 'R3 F135-31-H1 OS: '150MH 1 150 2.fi . . 'F 509 J50 489 R3. F,135-31-~H 105· 150MH. 1 .. 150 : ?77. : F 509 150 490 R3 F1~5-31-H105 150Mti. 1 1'50 277 ................... ............. ............... ........ 1~70 ................ . ............................. ', .................... _ ................... .............. -................................ ......... ......... .............. ........................................ .. F 510 0 2 K F135-31-H105 1 0 .. . . . . F 511 150 491 84 F135-31-H105 150MH 1 150 129 150 .. No == Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total tamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage 7/21/97 Focus Mounting ..................... , ............ ........................................ .. · ~rade Rece.ssed Recessed . . :Recess_ed ................... ..... -.......... , ................. Recessed Recessed -Recessed 'Recessed . Rece.ssed .. Rl3CSSSE!d ... .. R~ss~ '' ................................... ...................... -, ............ · .... ·Pathway Surface Page 12 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste _Dim F F. F F ................... ............. F F -· -- F F F ................... .............. , F. i= F F ·- F F Relay TLW . 52.9 1~0 520 1-50 520 150 520. 150 , ........ -~90 521 150 '52J. 15() 521 150 5.~1 150 600 522 1.50 ................... 522 150 ·522 1,50 5?2 150 600 ·. 5_2;3 150 523 150 523 150 No Type 606 .R3 607 R3 609 R3 .. 61:0 R3 ............... .............................. 599 R3 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp La LW VI t Location F135-31-H102 150MH 1 .150 277 F135-31,-H102 150M~ 1 150 277 F135-31-.-,102 15QMH 1 150 277 -f135-31-H.102 '150MH 1 150 .21i . -. Focus .. ......... _ ............................... , ............................................... ......... .......... .............. ........................................ ........ · .......................... -. F.135-31~H102 15QMti 1 150 277 .. ~03 .R3 · F135-:h-H102 150MH t 150 . 277. 612 R3 F135-31-H102 150MH i 150 277 . f:!13 ,R3 F135-31 ~H 1 Q2 150MH 1 150 277 ... 594 R3 F135-31-H102 ·150MH 1 :150. 277 .......... · .... ............................... ............................................ ................................................ .......... .................... , .................. -................................. 595 R3 F135-31-H102 15QMH 1 150 277 6~1 R3 F135-31-'H192 150MH. 1 150 . . 277 _ 622 -R3 F135-31-H1 Q2 150MH 1 150 277 ,• . . .. --. . 5~9 fl3 Fl~5-;31,H 1. 02 15_0MH 115.0_ 2,77 ; ''• •, 591 .R3 F135-31-H102 _ 1501\.1H 1 150 277. 627 R3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 7/21/97 Mounting ·Recessed Recessed Recessed .Recessed ........................................ -. Recess~ : R.8C!3SSed Recessed Recessed ·-Recessecl ................... -Recessed -Rece~~Eid ; Recessed ~rade . Grade Recessed ..... ~ ............ ..... -....... ............... .. , .......... , ...... ................ .. , .......................... ........................................... .. , ..... ,., ................................... , ........................................ ................................... .................. · .................... F 523 150 628 R3 · F135-31-H102 1'50MH 1 15'0 277-Recessed 600 F 524 150 624 R~ F135-31-H.102 150MH 1 150 277 :Recessed F 5.24 150 62~ R3 F13/5-31_ -H 102 .150MH . ' 1 1.50 277 ,flecessed 300 : No =; Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 13 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F F F ................... .............. f F F F F .. F ,F -_ ................. .............. F .F .F F F F ................... ............. F F F F F Relay TLW No 525 150 570 525' 150, 571 !;25 150 574 525 150 575 600 ............... ................... ............... 526 150, 569 ~26 150, 573 526 1~0 5~6 526 150 593 52!> 150 ~98 526· 150 605 ...... !;26_ 150 ...... 6.1). .. ·· ............... 526 150 614 526 150 626, 526 150, 629 1500 527 150 :354 527 150 35fi 527 150 360 .................... .... -........... 527 150 362 527 1 ~o 615 527 150 620 527 HiO 623 527 150 652 1200 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location R3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 R3 F1.35-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277_ R3 F135-31-H1 Q~ . 150MH 1 1!?0 277 R3 F135-31-H102 1'50MH 1 150 277 .............................. ........................................... ....................... -....................... ......... .......... .............. .... , .............. -.................... . . _CLP-F1 , F135-3t-H102 150 A21 1 150 1·20 CLP-F1 H35-31-H102 150 A21 1 150 120 CLP-Fl 'F1135-31-H102 150 l'\21 1 1.so; · 120 CLP-FL. F13_5·31-H102 150 A2·1 1 · 150 12Q CLP-F1 F135-31-H102 150 A21 1 150 1.20 CLP-Ft F135°31 -'H102 · 150 A21 1 150 126 CLP-F1 F135-31-H102. 150 A21 ...... 1'. ).50 120 ................. _ .......... · ... , .. ~· .................. · ............... .... ........................................... / ...... ~:. ' . .................. , .................... CLP-F1 F135-31-H102, 150 A21 1 150 120 CLP~F1 . F135-3,1-H102 150 A21 1: '150 120 CLP-F1 • F1:35-31-H102 150 A21 1 15P, 1,20, CPB-F1 F1,35-31-H103 tsp A19 1,150 120,. GPB-F.1 F135-31-H1 !);3 150 .A.19 1 _150 1,20 '' CPB-F1' 'F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 120 7/21/97 Focus Mounting R~ssed Grade Grade ,, · Grade. ................................... ........ .. ........ Area Bolt Pad Ar~a l;lolt Pad Ar~!:l ·Bolt Pi;!.d Area Bolt Pad Area Bolt Pad Ar~a , . l;lolt .Pa,d Area Bolt-Pad .................................. .................... Area Bolt Pad Area Bolt Pad . Area -~alt P~d Ar~a. Bal, Pad Ar.ea. Bolt fl:ld Area Bolt Pad .............................. · ......................................... ............................................... ....... ·. u'ou•'• ........ · ..... .... -.... , .............................. .............. -.................. .. -........................... _ ......... CPB-f=1 . F135-31-H103 150 A19. 1 150 1'20 Area Bolt Pad R3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 Recessed R3 F135~31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 Recessed CPB,.F1 .F135-31-H102 150 A19 1 150 12Q, Area Bolt Pad .CLP-F1 F135,~1-1-11 Q2 150 A?1 1, 150 1 ~o Area ~ol~ Pad : No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 14 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Pim F F - F F F ................... ............. F j: F F F .. F F F ................... .......... , .. F F .F F F F F F ................... ... -........ .F F .F .F F Relay TLW No 528 150 260 528 150 261 528 1'50 353 528 150 361 ...... 52~ 150 363 ................... ... -............ 528 150 364 528 150 , 365. 5_28 1.50 431 . 528. ·1'5Q 4:32 528 1~0 ·435 52Q .. 150 4.36 528 150 43!3 ...... 52Q -......... 1.50 440 528 150 4·43 528 :150 444 528'. 150 447 528 150 448 528 1 !iO 643 ~-28 150 644 ·528 150 645 528 1500 647 ...... 450,0 529. 150 630 529 1 qO 631 529 1·50 638 529 150 639 529 150 640 Type CLP-F1 CLP-F1 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location F135-31-1-1103 150 A21 1 150 120 F135-31-H1.0.3 150 A21 1 150 120 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area ·Bolt Pad Area Bplt Pad CLP-F1 F135-31°H103 150 A21 1 1'50 120 . Ar~a Bplt Pad CLP-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A21 1 150 . 126 Area 8Qlt Pad CLP-F1 ,F1'35-31-H103 ,150 A21 ...... 1. :150 120 Area _Bqlt_Pad ...................... .............................. ........................................... ............................................... ............................ · .......... ................................... QLP-f1 F135-31-H103 150 A21 1 · 150 t20 Area Boit Pad CLP~F1 · 'F1~5-3.t-H103' 150 A21 1 150 120 Area Bolt Pad .. R3 F135-~1~H103 150MH 1 150 277 Recessed R3, F135:-'?1-H10~ 15QMH 1 150 277, ,Recessed R3 F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 271. Rec,ei;;sed R3 F135,31-H103 15.0MH 1 150 277 Recessed R3. F135-31-H103 150MH ·1 '150 277 .. 'Recessed R3 F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 277 Recessed .............................. .................. , ......................... ..... , .... , ..................................... , ....... ·, ............................ .................................. ...................................... R3 F135-31-H103_ . 150MH 1 1._50 ·277 Recessed H3 F135~31-H1 O?. 150MH 1 150 277 Reqe~sed R3 F135-31-H103 ··15o'MH .. 1 150 2.77 . R8Cf:!SS~, R3 F135-31-H103 15QMH 1 1!~0 ?77 Recessed ,. R3 . ·F135-31-H162 Hi6MH 1'. '1'50 277 Recessed R3 F135-3_1-H102 150MH 1 150 277 Recessed R3 . F135,;3·1-H102 1?0Mf-:I 1 1 ~o . 277, . R~ssed .. Z1 F135-31-H102 . ?!>-to .. 194 .. 2.4w ........... 5 300 24 Surface ...................... _ ....... ................. _ .......... , : ...... -.... ........................................ .................................. .................... -.................... " ·R3 F135-31·-H102 150MH 1 150 277 Recessed, R3 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 Recessed. R3 F13!?-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 Rec1:1ss09 R3 F135s31-H102 150MH 1. 150 277 Recessed R3 F135-31-H102 190MH 1 150 277 ReCE!SSed : No= Fixture# Dim= Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 15 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F ,, F ........ · ...... -. ............. F F F ,F F F F ................... .............. . F F F F 'F ............ , ...... -............ F F F ·F F F. ,F Relay TLW No 750 530 15,0 433 530 HiO 434 530 150 437 ............... ................... _530 1_50 438 530 150 441 530 150 442, 53() 1'~0 445 : !i3() 150 '44~ 530 7,0 !i50 530 _70, 5~1 1340 ................ ................... ............... '531. t50 262 · 5j1' , :150 · 642 Type _R3 ,R3' R3' .............................. R3 R3 ~3 R3 ·Ri3 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location ,• F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 277 F1;35-~1sH1.03 150MH 1, 150, 277 F1'35-31-H103 150MH 1 150 277 ........... · .............................. ............................................... .............. ............... -........................ F135~31-H103 150l',,1H 1 150 277 F1_35:31~H103 150MH 1 150 277, F135-31_-H103 150MH 1 150 211 'F13~-31-H.l 03 150M.H 1 H~O 27.7 F135-31-H-1 o~ '150.MH' · ' 1 150 277 Q1f , fl35-31-H102 70MH 1 70 277 01f F135-31-H10~ 70MH 1 7() 277 .................... · .......... ............................................ ................................................ .......... .......... ............. ...................... , ................ ·84 F135-31-H1Q3 15.01\Al:i .. ~ 150 1.20. '. ,R1. F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 53·1 , 150 646 R1 F135s31-H102 ·150MH 1 150 -. 277 . ' 531 150 648 R1 F135-31-H102 150MH 1 150 277 531 1-50 649 R1 -F135-3_1-H 1 02 150MH 1 150 277 '. 750 '' ............... ................... ........... -.... ............... , ...... ,., ...... .. ... , .................... __ . ' .................... , ............... _ .. , ..... ' ......... ......... . .... , .... , ... ................................... · ..... 532 150 320, CPB-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 120 '_ 532 150 323 CPB-F1 , F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 1 ~o 532 150 328 CPB-F1 F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 120 . 532 150 345 CPB-F1 'F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 120 .. 532 1.50 346 CPB-Ft F135,31-H1 03 150 A19 1 150 1·20 •" '' 532, 150 352 , C:::PB~F1 Fq5-31~H103 150 A1-9 1 150 120 532 70 650 01f F135-31-H102 70MH 1 70 277 No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus Mou.nting Reces_sed Recesse<t .. Recessed ......... -......................... ........................................ Recesse,d Recessed Recessed .R\3Cessed " R~~sect Gr?d!:I. Grade .................................. ............... " ...................... -. . ·Pathway Surface -Rece~sed Rl3Ces~ed Reces~ed Rece~sed ... . . · .. · ............................. ...................... ,_ ............... Area Bolt Pad , Ar.ea Bolt Pad Area , Bolt Pad Area Bolt Pad A_rea Bolt Pa<:J Area Bolt Pad · Pathway Gr~dei :Page 16 ----.. ---... I ... --... .,< .. ·--l!IIIC~ .. -... LEGOLAND Progress Set DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste Dim Relay TLW No Type ·SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt L.ocatlon Focus Mounting F 532 70 651 01f F135-31-H102 , 7QMH 1 70 277 .Pathway Grade 1040 'F 533 · 150 · 2.92 CPB~F1 F1;35-:31-H.10;3 ,.so .ft,.19 1 15(). 1'i9 , Ar~a Bolt. Pad F 533 150 29.3 CLP-F1 .F135-31-H103, 150 A21 1 150 120 Area Bolt Pad .... -........................... ................... ......................................................................... · .. · ... _ ................... -..... ......... . ... · .. -.............. , ......... _........................................... _,, ......................... .. 'F 533 150 300 CPB-Fr F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 150 120 Area Bolt Pad •F _ 533. 150 _ 310 CLP-F-1 · ·F135-31-H1_03 150 A21 1 150 l20 Area Bolt Pad '.f .. 533 1'50 311 CLf.>-F1. · F13~·31-H1'03 150 A~1 -1 15() 120 · , ,Area · Bolt Pad , . F 533 1.50 , 312 'CPB~F1 F135-31-,H-103 150 A19 , 1 150 120 · Area Bolt Pad F 533 150 · 313 CLP~F1 F135-31-H103 150 A21 1 150 1~0 Area · Bolt Pad ·f ~33 150 314 CPB-F1 F135·31-H103 150 A19 1 150 12Q Area Bolt Pad . -.. f · 53~ 9' 565 B~ ,f}35·31,H10~ , Pi.:~9 1' · . 9 120 . _ Reces~ed • ~ • ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ·F 533 9 566 B3 F135-31-H102 .P-L-9 1 9 120. -Recessed ................... .............. ._........... .. ............................................ _ ............... _ ................................................................. _... .......... .. ................................................................................ -............................ . , .F 533 9 567 B3 F135-31-H102 PL-9 1 9 -120 .Recessed :f .533. 9 568 B3 F135·31-H102 PL-9 1 9· 1,.20, Recessed F 53·3 9 5.72'83 ,F135°3J-H102 PL.-~.. 1 9 129· :Rec~_ssed, , ,-.. , F ~33' 9 585, B3 -F135-31-H102 .PL-9 1 9: 120: Recessed ·F 5~3 9 587 B3 F135-31-H1 Q2 PL,9· 1 9 120 Recess!3d -F 533 9-.. 58f3 B3 F135-31"!·11.Q~ PL-9 1 9 120 Recess~ .F' 533 9, . !;i90: 133 F135~~1-1-11,92 , , P.~-9 1 . ~ _ 1.20,, Rec1mied .F 533 9 · 592 '93 . ·:F1'35~31-H102 ·PL-9 ,, 1 9 ·120 Recessed ... · .... _......... ............. . ....................................................... , ...................... --..... _.·-............ -........................................... , ....... _...... .. ........................................................................................ , ...................... , F 533 9 596 ·B3 F135,31-H102 PL-9 1 9 120 Rece_ssed F 533 9 -597, 83 f135-31-H1.02 PL-9 1 9 , 120 Recessed .F 533 9 Ei00:~3 F135-31-H102 PL-9 1 · 9 129 . .Recess!'!(! ·,F &33' 9 601 B3 'F135.:;31-H102 'PL-Q 1 9 )20 Recessed F 533 9 602 B3 F135-3l-H102 PL-9 1 9 1.20 · Recessed, F-533 9 604B3 F135-31-H102 P4°9 1 9 120 Recessed F 53;3 9. Ei08 ,B3 Ff35-31-H102 PL-9 1. 9 12Q Recessed No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO = .tamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Pag~ 17 --~ -.. ......... ________ [_ --------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F F ................... .. .. , .. , .. ,• . F .. ·i=. F . '.F .F F ·F F ................... .............. F F .F .F ·F F .. F F ................... ............. .F f F F Relay TLW No 1353 534 150 21;13 534 150 276 534 150 285 ............... .. _ ............... .............. , 534; . 1 !,O . 2~6 . . ~34 150 ' .296 534 . 15Q .. 297 . 534 ~ $52 ! 534 · 9 ;553 .. 534; 9 554 534 9 555 534 ' 9· . 556 ................... .. · ........ , ... 534' .9 55-7 534 9 !,58 534· 9 55.9 534 9 560 534 9 561. I 5~4 9 562 534 ~ 563 534 9 564 1017 535 50 324 535 50 325 535 50 326 535 50 327 200 Type CPB-F1 CPB-F1 CPB-F1 ... -.. , ......... , ....... , .. ,• CPB-F1 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior ·SHl;ET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location F135--31~1-H03 150 A19 1-j 50 12.0 · :F135-31-~103 150 A19 1 150 120 F135-31-H103 150 A19 1 159 120 '.-, ..... ~ ........ ' ........ , ................ ............. -................................. ... -..... ...... , ... ........... -.......... , .......... , ...... 'F135.-3:1-H.·1031 • 150: A19: · 1 rs.o .120 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Ar~a Bolt Pad Are~ .Bolt Pad Ar.ea · Bolt Pad ................................... .. _ ... ,·· ...... · ... , .................... Ar~a , : !:)al, :P!ld · 'cpB-F1 . :F135,-31-H103 150 .A19 1 '150 120. · · Area . Bolt Pad CPB-F1 . i=1_35:31-Hi03 . J.50 A19. ·. 1 .15'.Q 120 ·Area· ·Bolt Rai:I .. .. ' 83 -i=,13?s3Hi~ o~ . . "pL.:~ . 1 . ~; 120 . · -R~s.sed .. .· 83 ., ' f:1'35~31-l-l:1Q2' .. · PL-9 ,, 1 9 . 12Q " -•·R~essl:ld, '''' 83 F135-31-H1"02 .PL-9 1 9 :120 . 'Rf3C!:!l?Sed .. . .. 83 F135-31-H.10~ PL-9 1 . 9. 120 ·Recessed- 83 F135-31°H102 PL-9 1 9 120 Recessed .............................. ............................................ .......... · ..................... , .............. .................... .. .................... · ....... _ ... ........................ , .... , ......... 83 F135-31-H-102 'PL.-9 1 9 1.26 . Recessed ' 83 '.F135·.31_-1:-1102 PL-9 1 9 120 Reces~!;ld 83 F135-31-H1<>2. -Pt-9 1 9 120 Recessed 83 F135-31-H102 . PL-9 1 9 120 Rec;essed .. 83 F135,31.-H1-02 PL-9 1 9 120 Rece~sed 83 _F1"35-31-H102 . 'PL-9 1 9 120. Recessed E33 .. . F135-31-H102 PL-9 1 9 120 .Reces.~ed 83 F135-3t-H1Q2 Pt-9 1 9. 120 . Recessed .............................. ................................................ ... -.... ........................................ .................................. ................ · ....................... .. R6 F135•31-H103 05QMR16/12° 1 50 12 : "Recessed ,R6 . F135-31-H.103 Q50MR1-(?/12° 1 50 12 Recess99 R6 F135-31-H1 ();3 Q5"0MR16/12° 1 ?0 12 REJ~essed R6. F_135-31-H103 050MR16/12" 1. 50 12 Recessed ,, : No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design . LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 18 --·-.. .. ;, -.. , .. _, .......... ··-----·--.. LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F· F F _F ............. -. ·F . . F F. ,, F - F '" .F F. F . ................... .............. .. F ·F F ,F F F ................... ............. F F F F .F Relay TLW No 536 7() 267 536 70 269 &;3E! 70' 271 5~6, 7Q 287 536 . 70 294 ............ _ .. · .. .......... -... 536 7Q ,, 298 536 70. 315 536 70 32.1 53~ 70 330 536 70 . 33,4 536 70 34*3 ~36 70 349 ,' · 536 · 70 350 ........... ·.· 91Q 537 -70 316 '&.37., 19 3,17 537 70 318 - 537 . 70 3,31 537 1Q 3~2· ...... &37 70 333 420· 538, . -,o 272 538. 70 273 53,~ 7Q 274 538 70· ·288 938 7.0 289 . DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location 01f F135-31~H103 70MH 1 70 277 QH F135-31-H103 70MH -1 . 70 277 01f F135-31~H103 7,0MH 1 . 70 277 01f 'F13~-3.i ~H103 70MH 1 70 . 277 .. 01f F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 ................ -............ ............... _,· ...................... -. ................... -........................ , .. ..... _ .... .... , .............................. · .... ,01f F135-3.1-'H.103 70MH 1 7() 277. 01f F135-31-fHO~ '70MH 1 7Q 277 01f, :Ft35-3Hi1 oa 70M,H 1 70 277 . - 011 F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 01f · F135-31-H1.03 70MH 1 70 277 01f F135-31~H103 "(OMH 1 70 . 277 ·011 F135-31-H 103 70MH 1 70. 277 01f F135-31-H 103 7<>MH . · -1, 70 277 .............................. ............................................ .................................. , .. , .......... ........ ,.· .. ..................... _ ............. -.. " 01s F:135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 01s F13p·3t-H103 .7QMH .. 1 . 70 '~77 . ' ' . " 01s F135-31-H103 ?OMH 1 70. 277_ Pls f135-31-H10~ 70MH 1 70 277 C>1s F1;35-31-1::1103 70MH 1 . 7·0 277 01s Ft35-31-H103 70MH · 1 70 277 ........... _ .................. .. .............................. ~ .......... ............. , .. " .............................. ........................................ C'.>1s Fj 35-31-H 103, · 70M.R 1 70 277 01s F13~·31-H103, 70MH 1 . 70 277 .01s F135-31-H103 70MH. 1 .to 277 '. 01s F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 01s . F135-31-H103 70MH 1 10 277 No = Fixtur~ # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting »~sign. 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Grade Pathway ~rade Grade ~rade -.................................. Grade ........................................ Gra~e . Grade Gra~e G_rade :Grad!J Grade Grade .................................. ,Grade ........ ,, ............................ -. - 20' Pole ·2Q' Pole · '20• pole .20' Pol.a_ . 20' Pole .................................. . -20' .. Pc:>I~ ..................... 20' Pole. 20' Pole ?O' Pc:>le. 20' Pole · 20' F'ole Page 19 ---·-.... , ...... _ .. _., ... _, ________ __ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F j:: ................... ............. F F 'f .F· .. .. , ..... , .. , ...... .............. F F Relay 538 ~39 539 ..... , ......... . 539 i 540 540 ·541 \,,,, ...... , ... 541 541 :F.· , · · 54·1 F 541 F 541 'F '541 F 541 ................... ............. ... , .. , ........ . ' F 542 F 54,2 F 54? F 543 TLW No Type 70 290 O1s 420 '.?0 264 O1s . · 70 265 O1s ................... ........ ·.-... .............................. ,10 266 O1s 210 150' 250 CPB-F1. 150 · 251 CPB~F1 ' 3Q0 · 1:50 252 _R1 ................... · .•.. ....... -... -.. _ .... ............... 1150 253 FJ1 1,50 254 Ri 1!~0. 25~ R1 150 256 H1 1'50 257 R1 150 ~58 R1 150 259_ R1 1200 ........... , ........ .......... -.... ' ~ ........... -.............. 26 393 '81.3 26, 394 B1.3 26 395 B1'.3 78 150 356 CLP-F1 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t .Location F13.5-31-H103 70MH 1 . 70 277 F135-~1-H103 70MH 1 70 277 F1 ~5,31~-'tf103 .......... _7QMH ..... · .................. · ...... · .. 1 · .. 10 277 .................... ·· .................. .............. .F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 .. ,' F135-31-H103 150 A1_9 1 150 120 F135-31-H1Q3 1150 A19 1 ·150 120 .. F13~-31-H.103· . • 1.50MH ...... ,' ... , ......... · .......... 1' .1.SQ . 277 ................... , ............. , .......... ., ...................... -......... ,: ... F135-31-H10~ 150MH 1 150 277 F1~5-31-H103 150MH 1 150 277 F135.-3.t-1;110~ 150M.H · .1· Hi0 277 F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 277 Ft35-31-H103 150MH 1 150 277 F1'35<31-H103 i50Ml-;I t 150 277 F135-31-H103 150MH 1 150 277 ........................................... ............................................... ......... .......... ............. . ........................................ F135-31-H103 26wP,L 1 26 277 F135-31-H103 .26wPL 1 26 277 F13?-:31-H103 26wPL 1 ~6 277 . - F135-31-H10,3 150 A21 ·' 1 150 120 No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus Mounting 20' Pole ·20' Pole ·p~thwaY ............ 20' Pole · · ............... ~ .............. " ........ Pathw~y 20' Pole Area Bolt·Pad Area . Bolt P~~ 'Pathway-............ Recessed ................................... _ .... Pathway. _ 'Reces~ed Pathway Recessed ,Pathw~y · : Recessecl Pathway Recessed .Recessed Rece~s~d Recessecl_ .... _ .. , ......................... . , ..................... , .................. . ' Pathway Bolt Pad Pathway Bo.It Pad Pathway Bolt Pad Area Bolt Pad J:>age 20 .................. ,-........ -... , ........ , ........ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste .Dim F F F F F ' ........ · .......... ............. -- F F .. F ' F F .. F ................... .... _.· .. -.... F ' 'F F F F F ................... ............. F F F F Relay TLW· 543 1-5.0 543 150 543 15.0 543 150 543 150 900 .. 544 70 544 70 544 70 544 70 544 70 544 7-0 , .... _ ... -........ 544. 70· 490 545,, 70, 545 70 545 70· 545 70 545 70 , ............... 350 546 150 546 150 546 150 546 150. 600 No Type _ 357 CLP-F1 358 CLP-F1. 359 CLP-F1 382 CLP-f1 · 383 Cl:.P-F1 .............................. 36,6 RS 3~7 •RS 381 RS -- ~84 RS 385 RS 390 RS .............................. 391 RS .. ~~~ 02t ,' 397 02f 3'98 -02f 399 02f 400 02f .............................. 203 CLP-F1 222 CLP-F1 223 CLP-F1 224 Cl:.P-F1 .. DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location · Focus Mounting fl35-31'-H103 150 A21 1 150 120 Area Bolt Pad F1.35-31-H1-03 150 A21 1 150 120 Area Bolt Pad. F135-31-H.103 1!?0 A21 1 150 120 Area Bolt .Pad F.135_-31-H1 Q3 . 150 A21. · 1 ·150 . 120 Area . Bolt Pa~ F135-31-H103 150 A21 1 150 120 Area ·Bolt Pad .... -.-................................... ....................................... -... -. ........................................ ................................... ........................................ F135.-31-t:l103 70MH 1 70 277 Recessed F1~5~31-H-103 70MH ,. 1 70 ; .277 · Recessed. F135-31-H103 70MH 1 · 70 277 Reces!)ed F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 Recessed F135-31~H103 •.79MH 1_ 70 · 277· .Recessed F135-31-H103 70MH 1 .. ..10 277 Recessed ............................................ ........................ __ ., ................... ......... -.. .. -.................................... .................................. ........................................ F135-31~H103 70MH t 70 277 Recess!l(I - F135-31~H103 ,70MH 1 10 2,.77 Gra,c;le_ '. F13&-31-H103 ?OMH 1 . 70 277 G(ade .F135-31-H:103 70MH 1 70 _277 Gradl3 F1'35-~1-H1.03 70MH 1 7Q 277 .~rade F135-31-H103 70MH 1 70 277 Grade ........................................... ......... _ ..................................... ........................................ .................................. ......................................... ,. F135-31-H1 Q4 150 A21 1 150 120 Area Bplt Pad F135-31aH104 1so A21 1 · 150 12Q Area Bolt Pad F135-31-H104 150 A21 1 150 129 Ar1;1a !3olt-Pad F135-31-H104 150 A21 1 150 120 Area Bolt Pad- .' No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 21 .. -.. LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F . F F , .f ........ · ...... . -.......... F. F Relay 547 547 547 547 • 547 , ......... · .... · 547 547 .. .. .. TLW No 26 204 2_6 . 205 26 206 26 2oi 26 ...... 20~ ........ ~ .. · ...... 26 209 26 2ro F . 547 · 26 211 .F .. ,54'r 26 212 . ' F 547 26 ·213 i= 547 26 214 F 5_47 26 ~1'5 F 547 26 216 ................... .............. ................... i=· 547 26 217 i:; 54,7 ·. 26 .. 21_8 F 547 26 219 F 547 26 220 ·, -F .. . 5'1-7 26 22.1 468 F 548 ............. 70 ...... 209 ................... ............. F . 548 76 201 ·F 548 70 202 21Q· F 549 70 225 F 549_ 70 235 F 549 70 236 .... , .. .. ·-· -· ... .. .. .. ... .. ... , .... Type B1'.3 .B1._3, B1.3 81.3 . B1'.3 .............................. B1.~ B1.3 B:1.3 . ·. B1.3 B1.3 B1.3 B1.3 81.3 .............................. B1.3 B1 .• 3 B1.3 ·.B1.3 B1..3. 01f .. ", .......................... 02f . 02f . 011 01f d1f DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location 'Fi 35-31-H104 26wPL 1 26 277 F-135-31-H194 26wPL 1 26 277 -F135-31-H1.04 26wPL 1 26 277 F135-31-H104 26wPL 1 26 ' 27'7 F135-31-H104 26wPL .. -............ -.............. · 1 ••. ;!~_ 277 . ' ' .............. -............................ ........... -. ........................... F135-31-H,104 26wPL l 26 277 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Pathway Bolt Pad f>ath\,Yay Bolt Pad Pathway .Bolt Pad P~thway Bolt Pa!'.! P~thway Bolt Pad ' --. ,.•. .. ............ _ ........................ Pathway Bolt Pad F135-31-_H104 26w~L 1 26 277 · 'Pathw_ay . Bolt Pad ' Pathw.ay -F1,35-31-H104 . 26wf>L ' 1 ·.26 2.77 ,Bolt Pad .. - F1.3f3-31-H.1J)4 26wPL 1 26 277' Patt:iway Bolt Pad F135-31,H104 26wPL 1 26 277 ,Pathway . Bo.It f>ad F135-31-l-h04 .. 26wPL 1 26 277 .Patl'lw~y -Bolt_Pad F135-31-H104 26wPL 1 ' 29 27,7 Pattiway Bolt Pad ' .... 277 Bolt Pad · · F135-31-H104 26wPL ' 1 ... 26 _P~thwaY .............. .· ........... · ........................ _ .... ................................................ ....................................... ........................................ F1'35-31-H104 ,26wPL _1, 26 277 Pathway Bolt Pad F135-3t-H104 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathw~y Bolt Pad F135-31,H104 26wPL 1 26 277 -Pathway Bolt Pad ;F13~·3:I -H{04 26~PL 1 26 2·.77 Pathway ,Bolt Pad. F135-31-l:i104 26wPL 1 26 277 Pathway Bolt Pad ... _F.13~a31:-H104 ........ 70MH 1 70 277 Grade .... · .............. , ........ " ............ · .. · .. ........ ...... , ...... , .......................... ......... , ........................ ............. · .................. _-....... F135-31-H104 70MH 1 70 277 · Grade F135-31-H104 70MH 1 70 · 277 Gr~de , F135~31-H104 70MH 1 . 70 ' 277 Grade Ft35-31-H104 70MH 1 , 70 277 Grade F135-31-H104 70MH .· 1 70 277 'Grade No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design . LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 22 .. ~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~ LEGOLAND Progress Set DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste Dim ·Relay TLW No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location Focus Mounting F 549 70 237 O2f F135-31-H104 70MH 1 70' 277 Grade F·. 549 70 238 O1f F136-31-H104 70MH 1 70 277, Grade F . ' 5·49 · 70 239 '021 F1'35~31-H104 7QMH . 1 70 277 Graq1;1 420, ................... , .. ,.......... _ ....... -.................................... -_ ................. ' ................ ' .......... · .... ,· .............. -............... , ........... · ........ ' ......... .. .... · .................................................. , .......... ' ............... , .. , .......... · ............ .. F 550 17 2107 F4a F236/3.1 /H304 'F17/SP35 1 17 277 Wi11dow Box Area Surface , ,F 550 _ 17 ·211.2 F4a... f236/31 IH30~ F~ 7!SP;35, 1 1.7 2,77. Window ~ox .Area Surface . '' ' ' F , 550 17 2116 F4a F236/31/H304. · F171SP35 1 17 . 277 Window Box· Area Surface F · , . 5~() , . 1,7 2~ 17 F4a,. F236/;31JH3Q4. , fH/SP35. . 1 · 17 .217 Window Box Area . Surface F 550 17, 2118 F4a F236/31/H304 F17/SP35. 1. 17 277 Wi\"lqow Box Ar.ea 'Surface F , -55Q 17 2l 19 f4a F236/31 /H304 F17/SP35 1 17 217 Window -Box · Area Surface ' F , , 550 17 21·23 F4a . F236/31/H.304 ' F17/SP35, 1. 17 2.77 Window Box Area ·sudac'e F, 5.50 . 17 2,154:.F4a F236-31-H3<>3 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Wi_ildow Box Area Surface , F, . · 550 · . 17 2155 F4a · · · .F236-31.-H3Q3 · F~ 7/SP35 1 ' 17 ' 277 Wh:idow· Box· Area , Surfac1:1 · · F · 550. 17 2158 F4a F236-31-H303 F17/SP3!? 1 17 277 Window Box Area Surface·, 170 ,, ,, ' F · ~Sf 26 2150 Q1 · F236-31~H303 . -F26TBXlSPX.30/830 f · 26 .· 277, March.1:1 fl1:1~tr111· , : Area flece~s.~ . . . ' F 551 · 2.6 2151 D1 F236-31-H303 F26TBX/SPX30/830 1 26' ?,77 Marche Restrm Area Ri3cess.~ -. . .. 52 , . . . ' ................... ·-............... " , ............................................................................................................................... _ ......... · ....................... , .............................................................................................................................................. _ ... .. , P, J~52 . 175. 2124 04s F236/3:1 /H30.4 , . 1.75MH. :1 175 277 Rbpf A_rQa Surface F 552 175 2125 Q4s F236/31 /H304: 175MH 1 1'75 277 Roof, Area _ . S4rface .F 552 · , . 175 2125· .O4s F236/31 /H304 '175MH 1 175 2-77 Hoof Area Surface F 552 J 75 ·2127 04s-· F236/3~ /H304 1,75MH 1 17·5, 277 Roqf Area Surface F 552 175 2128 O4s F236/31 /H304 175MH 1 175 277 Roof . . Ar1:1a Su.rface ~75 . . ,_ No= Fixture# Dim= Dimmer# TLW? Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Pag~ 2J --/ .... -.. .... .. ... ... .. ... : .. _, .. -1111: .... -.. LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F F ................... _ ... ·· ..... , F F F F . ' F. . 'F . . ................... .............. .F, F .F .F . ' F ,._ F .................... ............. ,F 'F F F F F .F Relay TLW No 55~ 175 2102 553 175 2114 553' 17p 2115 525 ............... ................... .... -.......... 554 70 2100 554 70 2103 55~ 70 · 2104 '55.4 10 210~ 554 79 ·,21.06 350 555 35 · 2108 .......... _.-. ................... 555. 3p · 21,09 555 35 i:110 55·5 35 21~1 140 5~1?' 17 . 2Q0~ 5p6 17 . 2003 556 17-2004 . -............. ........ ,.-..... · .. . 556 · 17 2005 p56 · 17 2006 556 1.7 20Q7 55~ 17 2008 556 17 2009 5_56' 17 go10 5,56 17 20:11 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location 04n:l F236/31/H304 175MH I 1 :175 277 Roof 04m F2;36/31 /H304 175MH 1 175 . 277 Roof ,, '04S F236/31 /fl304 '175MH 1 1.75 277 Roof .. .......... ,·-................. ...... , .................................... .... · ........... _ ... , .. , ....................... ......... .......... .............. ............................ --......... _ O1.1s . F236/31/H30.J 70MH 1. 70 277 Marche Nortl:I . _O1.1s ·. F236/31/H364 ·10MH t 70 277 ·Marche O1.1s F236/3.1 lH304 · 70MH 1 70 277 Marc!,e .QL.1s. f236/31 /H~04 .70MI-! 1 70 271 M~rche O1.1s F236/31 (H304 70MH 1 70 . 271-Marche O3f . F236/3l/H 30( ....... 35MH 1 . ·35 .... 277 Marche .............................. ............................ -............... , ... ....................................... O;3f . 'F236'/3.1 /H304 . 35MH 1 35 27,7 Ma,rche '' 03( F236/31/H304 35MH 1 35 277 Marche 031, · ,F236/31 /H304 35MH 1 35 • 277 ·Ma,rche '' F4a. .F2·3,7/31/H~23 . F1'?-/SP35 1 17 277, Window Bo?( F4a F237/31/H323 F17/SP3~ 1 17 277 Window Box F237/31 /H323 'F17/SP35 ' 1 17 277 Window Box Focus Roof Roof Roof ..................... , ............ .Area Area ·Area Area Area Area ......................... -....... Area Area Area - Area Area Area F4a ............ ..... ............................................. -_-....... .......... ........................................ ................................... •F4a .. · .F237 /31/H323 F17/SP35-1 17 277, Window'. .Box .. Area .F4a F237/3·1-/H323 F17(SP35 .1 17 . 2_77 :Window Bqx Ari:ia F4a '· F237/31/H323 F17/SP3p 1 17 277 Window Box Area F4a .F237 /31 /H323 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window·Box Area F4a F237/31/H323 F17/SP35 1 . 17 . 277 Window Bo?C ·Area F4a -F237 /31 /H323' F17/SP35 1 · 1.7 277 . Window Box Area F4a F237/31 /H3·23_. .F1 ?,/SP35 1' 17 277 Window .Box Area No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= !.:amp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Mounting Surface Surface Surface. ,-...................................... Surface Surface Surface Surfac(! Surface JBox ............. · ... , ...................... JBox . JBox JBox Surfac1:1 " Surface ' ' Surface .................... ·surface Surface Surface ·sur.face Surfac;:e ·Surface · ~urfacE!. Page 24 -·-, ................ . .................. .)-.. LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim Relay TLW No Type F 556 17 2012 F4a F-5fi6 17 2014 F4a F 5!,6 17 2015 F~ F 556· 17 2016 F4a DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location F237 /31 /H 323 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Win.dew Bol( F237/31/H323 F17/SP35 1 17 277 ·Window Box F237/31/H323 F17/SP35 1· 1'7 277 Window Box F23,7/31 /H323 ________ .F17/~P35 ...... 1 17 277 Window _l:3ox 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Arf}a Surface Area Surf~c,e Area Surface Area Surface ·F ............ ..l ............. L . .'5561... ......... 111... 2Qf7j-F,4a ................... .J.F23_7/31_1H32~ ......... v17/SP35 ....................... i ...... 1.1. .. 111.... 2771 Window. Box ... -....... ..I.Area ................... (Surface .................... . 556 F237/31/H323 ?71 F 17 20·18 F4a F17/SP35 1 17 Wlndow·Box Are~ ,Surface .F 556 17 ?02f F4a F237/31/H32~ . F17/SP35 17 277 Window Box Arll~ Surface .. . ' .F' ~56 17 202,2 .F4a f237'/3,1 /H~23 F17/SP35 .17 277 Wi11.do1,Y Boic. Are~ SurJace F 5~6 17 ,, 2024 F4a F237/3.1/H323 . F17/SP.~5 17 277 Window Box Area · Surf,ac:e .. F 556 17 2025 .F4a F237131 /H3~3 F17/SP35 1 17 · 277 Window Box Area -Surface ,F. 5,~6 17 2026, F4a . F237/31/H;32~ F17/SP35 17 277 .Window EJox Area ·surface. ., F 5!?6 17 202_7 F~ F237/3HH323 .F.17/~P35 17 27.7 Window Bol( · .. Area Surface ' 'F 556 ...... -...... -, ... , .............. . I 17l .. 2053tF4a ............... ..J.F237/31/H304 ......... LF17/SP35 ................. · L. ... 1.1....111....2111 Window .Box ........... JArea ....................... !Surfacll ..... · ............ ... 391 ' .. F -557 70 2000 ·01s · F237 /31 /H323 70MH 1 70 _277 Nerti) Complex Roof Sµrface F 5&7 70 2001 O1s F237/31/H323 70MH 1 70. 277 North Complex .Hoot · ~urface f 557 _ 175 . 2013 O4f. F?37/31/H323 · ·i-75MH 1' 175 · 277 Roof ·Area Surface F 557 70 2020 OH F237/31 /H323 7_0MH 1 .7Q : 277, i=toof_ Arlla Surfac:13 F 557 175 2023 O4f · F237/31/H323 175MH· 1 1. 75 277 Roof ... Area Surf~ce ', ................... + ... -..... :·.1, ............... 1,· ....... 5601, ............... , .............................. 4 ............................... ·. ... . • , ................... _ ..... -..... ,1, ......... 4 .......... , .... -....... ·., ...................................... , 1, ................................ , ..................................... .. F 55~ 175 2028 O4s F237/31/H32-3 175MH t 175 277 .Roqf Area ~µrface F 558 175 2029 04"1 F237/31/H323 1_75MH 1 175 -27_7 Roof Area ~urfac:e 350 . ., - F 559_'' 17 2306 "F4a F237-3·1-H324 F17/SP35 1 17-·277 Window Box . ,Are;a_ · ~urface F 559 17 2303 ·i=4a F237-31-H324 F1 ?/SP35 1 17 277 Window Box 'Are~ Surface No = .Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 25 ------.. LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F F f F ................... ............. F F F F F ., F_ f_ ~ ................... .......... _ ... -F ·F F F F F .... , ........ -..... ............. F F F F F F Relay 559 ~59 559 559 559 559 559 559 559 559 559 559 , .... _. ... :._ .. 560 56_0 560 &60 560 -~60 ............... 561 561 561 561. 561 !?'31 TLW No 17 _ 2304 15 2305 17 2306 17 230~ 17 2310 ................... ................ 17 2400 17 . 2401 17 24:02 ' 17 2404 17 2406 17 2409 17 _2410 236 .... _ ........ -..... ............... 17 2316 --- 70 2319 ., 70 ~322 17 2323 17 ~325 17 2328 . 208 ................... OOOUUUHO,OrO 17 2329 17 233Q 17 2331 17 233.2 17 2333 17 2336 .. ; ...... ....... ; .... ....... , ..... Type _F4a F4 F4a F4a F4a .................. _ ........... F4a DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window Box 'F237-31-H324 F15/SP35 1 15 277 Window Box F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1' 17 2.7_7 Window Bqx F237-3-1 ~J-1324 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Wind.ow Box -- F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 : 17 277 _Wl,:idow_ Box· ............ ................................ , .......... ............. -....................... -........ 'F237~31-H324 F17/SP35 1 1'7 277 Window Box F4a -. ,F237-31-H324 F177SP~5 1 17 2H Window Box _f4a F237-31-H324 -F17/SP35 1-17 277 Window Box -- F4a ·F2~.7-31-H324 _ -F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window Box F4a F237-31-H324 Fi7/SP35 1 • 17 _ 277 Wlnd9w Box 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area Surface Area Surface Area ~urface Area . Surfaqe 'Area _Surfac,e ...................... ................................... Area · Surface A~ea . Surface- Area -S1,1r(ace Area Surface Area Surfac,e F4a · F237-3l-H324 f17/SP35 1 17 · 277 Window Box · Area ·surface F4a F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window·Bpx Area sut.f~qe ............................... .. .............. -................ ,., ........ ' . ................................................ .......... ....... _ . ............. ....................................... .................................. ........ ·._ ............................ ---.. F4a 'F237-31-H;3~4 F1°7lSP35 1 1'7 277 Window Box Area Surface O1s F231-31-H324 70MH 1 _ 70 . 277 Balci:my _ Bldg. -.Surface O1s _F237-31-H324 · 70MH 1 70 277 Balcony Bldg. Surface F4a F237-31 ·l:i~24 F17/SP35 1 17 '2.Ti ·window Bo~ Area Surface - F4a F237·31-H324 -F17/SP35 1 17. 277 Window Box Are~ ' Surface . ' F~ F237-31-H324 F17/Sf>3~ 1 17 . 277 Win_dow Box Area Surface ,_ .............. -............... . ......... ............. . ........................................ .................................. ......................................... .......... , ............................... .......... , ...... , ............................. --- -- F4a . F237-31-H324 F17ISP35 1 17 277 Window Box Area Surface F4a F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 217 Window Box Are·a Surface ., ' i=4a F237-31-H3-24 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window Box Area -Surface F4a, F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 1'7 277 Windo_w Bo)( Ar~a $urface F4a t=~37·31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window Box Area Surface F4a F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window Box Area Surface No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 26 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste .Dim F F. F F F , ................... .. , .......... F' F F . F. F F ................... .............. F '· F F . -F F F ................... ............. F F F F F F F Relay 56t 5~1 561 5.6·1 561 561 561 561 56:1 562 562 562 562 562 562 562 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 563 TLW No 17 2337 17 2338 17 2?39 17 2340 17 2341 ............ , ...... 17.' 2342 17 . 2343 35 2349 35 2350 29,1. 175 230'f 175 2302 .-... -....... _ .... 175 2308 175 .23~4 175 . 2335 175 · 2344 175 .. 2:345 1225 to 2315 .................. ,. 17 2317 70 2318 17 2320 70 2321 70 2324 70 2326 70 2327 Type F4a F4a F4a F4a ·F4a ... -......................... DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window Box F237-31-H324 F17/SP35. 1 17 277 Window Box ·F237~31-H32.4 F17/SP35 1 17 2.17 Window Box F237-31-1:-1324 .. F1'7/SP35 1 1.7 277 Window Bo~ F237,31-H324 _Ft7/SP35 ........................ 1 ... 17 . .... 277, Window Box .............. -........................... .............. ,~ ....................... F4a . F237-31-H324 . F17/~P35 1 17 277 Window Bo?< _F~. ·F237-31-H324 · F17/SP35 1 17 · 277 Window Box O3.1f ·F237-31-H324 35MH 1 35 · 277 Canopy '. O3.H F237 -31-H324 35MH 1 35 277 Canopy ; .. ,()4f 'F237-31-H~24 175MH 1 175 277 R9(if 04s ..... -... · ......... F237-31-H324 175MH · 1 175 277 Roof ...................... , ..................... .... _ .................................... ....................................... , 04s F237-31-H324 . 175MH 1. 175 277 ,Hopf O4f F237:-31-H324 175MH 11.75 277 Roof 04,:n F237-31.-H324 175MH 1 175 277 Roof Q4f F237-31-H324 175Ml-i 1 175 277 Roof Q4m .F237-31-H324 175M~ 1 175 277 Root · . O1s F237-31-H324 70MH 1 70 2.77 _BalconY ...................... ." ..... , ..................... _, .......... _ ................................ ............................................... F4a F.237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1· 17 277 Window Box O1s F237-31-H324 70MH 1 70 277 BalcQny F4a F237-31-H324 F17/SP35 1 17 277 Window Box O1s F23~-31-H324 70M.H 1 70 277 Balcony .O1s F237-31-H324 70MH 1 70 277 Balcony ·O1s F237°31-H324 7_0MH 1 70 277 Balcony O1s F237-31-H324 70MH 1 70 . 277 Balcony No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area Surface Arec:1 ·surface Area Surface Area Surface Area .Surf~~e ..................... , .... -........................... . .a.rea .Sl!rface Area Surface Bldg. Surface, Bldg. Surface Area Surface Ar.ea Surface .................................. ........................................ . . Area Sur.face. Area. · .Surfc:1ce Area Surface Area Surface Area ~urface ·Bldg ....................... Surface . ........................................ ·Area Surface Bldg. Surface ; Area Surface Bldg. Surface 1;31dg. Surface Bldg. Surf~ce Bldg. Surface Page 27 -~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim F F F .............. ,. ... ., F F F- F ....... -........... .............. F F . F . Relay TLW No Type 454 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LO LW Vlt Location 564 70 2311 01.1f . f237-31-H324 70MH 1 70 277 Balcony, , , 564,. 70 ,2312 ,01.1f' F237-31-H324 70MH 1 70 277 B~lcony 564 70 2314 01.1s ·F237-31-H324 7QMH . -..... 1. 70 277 _Balcony· ....... · ........... .............. -.. -........................... .................. , ........................ , ...................... _ ........................ .............. 210 '• 565 28. 2:351 F5 · F237-31-H324 F2_8T5 1 . 28 : 277 ,canopy p65 28 2352 F5 _F237-31-H324 · .F28T5 1 28 . 277 C8!10PY 565 28 . 2353 F5 F237-~1-H324 F28T5 , 1 ~8 277 Canopy 565 28 2354 F5 F237-31-H324 .F28T5 1 28 277 Canopy .112 .......... · ..... ................... ..... -...... , ............... -.. -......... -. . · ............. -........................... ................................................ ....... , .. ...... -... ............. .......... · ............................ 566 0 25 G Fl:35-31-H.104 t Q ; 567 9 3 p F135-31-H1Q5 ... 1. 120 o· 568 0 4 p, Ft:35-31-H105 1 120 0 , ' Focus Bldg. Bldg._ _Bldg ....... ,· .. _ .......... _· Graphic Graphic Gr~phlc -Graphic_ .............................. _ .. ................... ..... ....... .................... ............... . .............................. .................. · ........ · ................ ............................................... ......... .......... , .............. , ............ " ............ .................................. -', F 569 () 17 p -F135-31-1:-1105 1 120 0 F 570 0 18 p F135-31-H105 1 120 0 No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage 7/21/97 Mounting Surface ~urfac~ Surface ry·oonuuonH•uuoooHnuouon•' ; , ' Surface Surface S1Jrface Surface ........................................ '' ......................................... , ' ,, Page 28 --~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~- LEGOLAND Progress Set DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste . Dim Relay TLW No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location Focus Mounting F 571 70 2215 CP-F3· F236-31:H303 7QM!-l 1 70 277 Marche Seating . Area Pendant F . 571 70 2226 CP-F3 F236-31-H3Q3 . . 70MH . 1 70 277 .Mar9he Seating Area Pendant 140 F ' 572 50. 2065 CP-F4 F237/31/H304 50MH 1 50 277 Factory Queue Area · · · Pendani · .................. : ................................................... · .......................... · .................................................. · ........ ·..................................... ........ . . .. ................................................................................ . i=' 5.72 50 .. 206.!'> GP-f4 F237i31/H304 S0MH 1 50 27i Factory Queue Area Pen~nt F 5-72 50 . 2067 CP-F4 F237/31/H304 · 5QMH 1 , 50 27.7 Factory Queue Area Pendant · F . . 572 50 2068 ,CP-f4 F237131/H3.04 SOM!:! 1 . 50. 277 F.actory.Qlll3Ufil. Area Pend.Int 20() ' . . F 573 50 2·228 CWM-!=14 .F236-31.-H303 59MR 1 50 277 Ma~che Birthday. 'Area J Box F 5'73 50 2229 CWM-F14. F236-31-H303 5.0,Mti 1 5Q 277 Marc~e Birthday Area J. B9x F 57.3 50. 2230 ·CWM°F14 F236-31,-H303 59,MH . 1 59 .. 277 Marche BinM1:1y Ari~a . . J Bo11. . '....................................... ................... ........................................................................... .,............................... ........ ........... .. .. ...... ......................... .. . ........................ ,' · -F 573 50 2231 CWM-F:14 F236-31-H303 50.MH 1 50 277 Marche _Birthday· Area J Box .. 200 , . ' F . 57:4: 50. 2.220 ·cwM-Ft4 ·. F236-31-H303 50MH 1 ·. 50 277 Marct1e Bi.rthday Area J. Box. :F 574 50 222.1 CWM.F14: F.2,36-31-H303. ,. .5!)MH 1 50 277 Marche Birih.day Ar!3a J Bo~ :F . 574 50 2222 :CWM-F14 ,F236-31-H303 S0MH 1· 50 · 277 Marche ~irthday Are~ J Box. F ~74 50 2223 CWM-F14 F23f?-;31-H303 50Mf:l 1 . 50. 2,77 =Marche Birthday Area J Box ........................................................ 20.0 .................................................................................................................................................................................................. · ..................................................................... · ............. .. . ' ' ' ~. F 575 50 . 2216 CWM-F14. F-236-31-H303 ·-!?0MH 1 50 . 2'77 .Marche. Birthday Ar1:1a J. 13ox F 575 50 ?217 CWM-F.14' F236-31-H303 ·. 50Ml-:I · .. . t 50 277 Marche Birthday Area J Box · F 575 50 ;!218 CWM-F14 F?36-31-R303 S0M.H ". 1 . 50 277 Marche Birthday :Area J Box F 5.75 50 2219 CWM-F14 F236-31-H303 S0MH 1 50 277 Marche Birthday Arei;I J Box 200 .. No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 29 ~-~-~-~~~~~~~-~~~-~ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste _Qlm F F .. F -F ................... l F F .. .F F ................... .............. Relay 516 ~76 ~.76 576 . . 577 577 5:78 578 ................ TLW No 50 2209 50 . 2210 50 · 22.1r 50 2212 ..... _2Q.0 50 205-1 50 2052 100' 50 20~4 50 2055 too ................... . -......... -.. 72873 Type CWM-F14 CWM-F14 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE FUNTOWN -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW vu Location F236-31-H303 50MH 1 50 277 Marche Birthday F236-31-H303 50MH 1 ~o 277. Marche Birthday ... GWM-F14 . _F23~-31-H303 50MH .1 · 50 .. 277 Martjl,e Birthday . CWM-F14 ,, ' - F236-31-H303 50MH 1 50 . 277 Marphll Blrth~ay · .............................. ..... -..................................... ........ , ....................... -.-.......... ......... .......... .............. ........................................ CWM-F8 F237/31/H304 50MH 1 50 120 South Wall QWM-F~ F2.i37/31 /H30.tl-50MH 1 . 5!) . 120 South Wall .. CWM~F7 F2371311!'.!3Q.4 50MH 1 50 120 Cqol Cafe Ent. CWM-F7 F237,/31./H~04 50MH 1 50 120 Co~i Cafe Ent. .............................. ............. -..................... _ .... , .. ................................................ .......... .......... .. -.......... ....................................... No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting nesign 7/21/97 'Focus Mounting Area J Box Area J Box Area .. J Sox ·Ar.ea · J Box ................ -_ ......... , ....... ......................... -._ ............ Area JBox Area JBox Area JBox Area JBox . . . .................................. ....................................... Page 30 -~~-~~~---~~--~~~~-. - LEGOLAND Progress. Set DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste Dim Relay TLW No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW VII Location Focus Mounting M · 1 50 496 ~10 M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50. 12 Pathway Pendant M 1 5() 497 L10 "M155-31.,H10~ 50wMR16/NF_L 1 59 12 'Pathway · Pendant M 1 50 498 .L10 M.155-31~H103 50wMR16/NFL . 1 50 12 _ Pathway Pendant M 1 50 499 L10 MHi5-31-H103 50wMR16(NFL 1 -50 12 Pathway Pendant : ·M .. ·· ... _ .. ·.. . 1 · .. · ......... 5.0 ...... sop .L10 ...................... M-155~31'-H1 oa ........ 50wMR:16/.NF.L .............. · ...... , .. ·so ._ .... 12_ -.. ................................... _· .PathWaY ................ Pendant .................... .. M 1 50 50:i L10 Mt55-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway -Pendant M . _1. 50 502. L10 M155-~l:H103 •50wMfl1~/NFL 1 50 · 1.2 . Pathway · Per:idant . , M 1 50 503 L10 ,M155-3.f-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 F'athway Pendant :M 1 5.0 504 L10 :M155-~1-H103 5QwMR16/NFL, 1 .SQ 12 · pathway Pendant . .M 1 50 _ 505 L1Q M155-31-H103 '50wMR16/NFL 1 50. 12 .Pathw~y Pendant .M 1 50 515 L10 -M155-317H103 50wMR16/f'JFl 1 ~0 12 Pat!lway Pen.dant ,M 1 50 51~ L10 -M155-31_-H103 50wMR16/NFi. 1 50' 12 Pathway Pendant M _ 1 _ ~0 517 L10 . -M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway_ Pendant .................. ................................. . ................................................ , ......................................................................... ,...... ........................................ .. .................................................. . -M. t 50. 51.8 ,Lio M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFl ·1 50 12 Pathway iP!mdant :M 1 5.0 51.9 L10 M155-3t-H~03 50wMR16/N.FL 1 50 12 Pathway F'endant :·M: 1 50 520'.UO M155-31-l:f.103 · 50WMR16/NF~-1.· 50: 12 :.Pathway ·_Pendant · M i 50 521' L10 .. ·M155-31-H103 50wMFJ.16/NFL 1 . 50 12 Pat!lway . Pendant M ·1 _50 , 52~ L1 o · J,.11:55-:31-H 103 '.50wMR16/NFL . . . . 1 5 o 1 ~ · :Path~ay . . Pendapt M 1 50, 523 L10· Mt55-31-H103 50wMR16/NR l 50 1? Pathway Pendant ·M 1 50 524 L10 M,.155·3·1-H1'03 50wMR16/NFL 1 5.0 12 . . ·Pathway .Pendant ... , 1000 _ ................... ~~ .................................... , .................................................................................................................................................................................. , ................................... _ ............................................................ . · M 2 50 480 L10 M155-31~H103 ·:5owMR16/NFL 1 50 12 · Pathway Pendant M ~ 50 48-1 l10 M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway 'Pendant .M 2 50 482 L10 M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 s·o 12 Pathway Pendal')t M 2 5·0 · 48:3 L10 M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway Pendan~ M 2 50, 484. L 10 M 155-31-H1_03 · 50wMR16/NFL 1 S-0 12,. 'PathW~Y _Pendant M 2 50 485 L10 M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 1? Pathway pendant No =.Fixture# Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 1 ----~~~----~-~-~~-~ LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M . ·2, M 2 M 2 M 2 M ......... ~ ' ........ , .......... M 2 .~ 2 ·M 2 M ,, 2 M 2 M 3 ....... · ........... 'M 3 Relay ............... . ' ............... ,M 3• .. ' M 3 .. M 3 M 3 M 3 M 3 .. M ' ............. _ .... · ........ .-i3 .............. , M 3 M 3 M 3, M 3 M 3' M ·3 M 3 TLW N~ 50 ,486 50. 487 , ' 50 488 ~o · 489 50 490 .. , ..... -......... ,, ............. 50 -4~1 . p,0 492 50 493 50 ·494 ,.so . ,f95 800 50 ... ,?66 ,-.......... , ...... 50 207 50 ~08 ~o 209 50 210 50 21'1 50 212 50 213' 50 214 .................... ....... ,_ ....... 50 215 50 ?16 . 50 217, qO 21~ 50 219 5,0 220 50 221 Type L1'0 L10 L10 ,Lro L10 .............. -.............. L10 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEJ:T lamp LQ LW Vlt Location M155-~1-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 M.1$5-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL . 1 · 51) 12 M15~-31-H103 50wMR16/NF!-1 50 12 -M155-31-H103 50wM.R1.6/NFL 1 · 50 12 M155-31-H103 50wMR16/NFL 1 ... so . 12 ..... ," ................................... ............................................... ....... _. ........................................ M155-31-H1,03 50wMR16/NFL 1 50: 1? 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Pathway Pendant .. Pathway Pendant Pathway . Pendant ... Pathway PendanJ ,. ,PathwaY ............. . Pendant ............... _ ........................ P~thway Per;idant 'M155-31-H103. 50wMR16/NFI,. 12' . Pathw~y : L10 1-.5,0 Pendant .. . . !-10 M15p-31-H10~ sowMR16/NFL 1, 50 12 Pathway ;P~nd~nt .. .L10 M-1ss~31-H103 , ·sowMR16/NFL 1 SO· 12 Pathw~y :Pen~arit 1,.10 '· M159-31-H103. sowMR16/Ni=L 1 50 12 Pattiway 'Pend~nt .. , ., -L~.0 ...... , ............. _M15/:i-31-H1.02 ........ . sowMR16/NF!-.............. . 1 50 12 Pathway ............. · _Pendant ...... .-............. -......... ....................................... L10 M155-31.-H102 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12, Pathway -Pendant L10 M155-·31-H102 50wMRt6/NFL 1 50 1-2 Pathway Pend~,nt L10 · .M1,55-31-li102 · ,5Qw.MR1,6/Nf=l 1 · ,so 12 .Pathway · Pendant '' '' ·L10 M155-31-H102 50wMf!16/NF.L 1 s·o 12 Pathway Pendant ·L10 . '.M-155-31-HJ 02 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway . -Pendant L10 M155-31-H102 · /50wMR1 !:>/NFL 1 50 12. . Pathway ·Pen~anl .. L1Q M155-31-.H102 . 5QwMR16/NFL 1 50 1_2 Pathway ,P1mda11t " .. .. L1.o ... · ................. M15S-3H:;1102 . 50wMR16/NF!,. ·. . 1 ... so· 12 . Pat_hway ............ Pendant '. · ........... , ........... _ ... " .............. ........... , ................................... ........... ·. ........................................ ......................................... M1'$5-31-Ht02 : L1,0 50wMR'16/NFL 1 50 1,2 Pathway P~ndant 0L10 M1-55-31-HM2 'sowMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway Pendant L1.0 M 1 qS-3-1-H.1 b? S0wMi:116/NFt 1 5.0 12' Pathway . Pendant L10 M155-31-H102 50wMR16/NFL ' 1 fiO 12 Pathway _ ,Pei:idant t.10 M155-3-1-ti102 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway Pendant l10 M15!?-31-H102 50wMR16/NF~ 1 pc) 12 P~thway Pendant LtO .M 155-~-1-H 102 50wM.R16/NFL 1. 50 12 Pathway Pendant No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting .Design Page 2 ----~---~-~~~--~--- LEGOLAND Progress· Set Cluste Dim M 3 M 3 .- M 4 .. -................ M 4 M 4 M 4 .M 4. .M .4 'M 4 Relay ............... TLW· No 50 222 50 223 ,900 · 50 224 ...... -............ ... -............ , 50 . 225 50, 235, 50 236 50. 237 .. 50 · ;?38 50 2~9 Type l10 L10 L10 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vil Location M155-31-H1Q2 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 M155.-31-H102 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 . M155-31-H102 · 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Focus Pathway Pathway ' . ............ -................. ............ , ................... -.......... ................................... _ ............ ................... PathWaY ............... L10 .M15_5-'3:f;.H102 .50wMR1.6/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway ·L10 M155-31-H102 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 . 12 ·Pathw~v ,· .L10 M 155-31-H 102 50wMR16/NFL 1 5() 12 Pathway t.10 . ·M 155-31-.H 1 Q:.? 050WMR16/NFL 1 50 12 -Pathway L10 M15l5-31-H102 ,50wMR16/NFL . 1 50 12 . Pathway 'L10 M155-31'-H1'02 50wMR19/NFL 1 50 1:.? Pathway 7/21/97 Mounting Pendant Pendant ., Pendant ,.,-........................... _.-..... Pe11dant Pend~nt Pendant_· :Pendant ... Pendant Pendant -~ :4 50 24,Q !.,10 M155-31-H1Cl2 50,wMR16/NFL 1 50 1.2 Pathway . -Pendant .. M 4 ............. 50, 241 L10 .M155-31-H102 50wMR16/NFL 1 .... 50 12 .Pa~hW8;Y ... · ......... Pend~nt._ .................... ................... ..... -....... ................ .............................. ............................................ ................................................ ' ' .. -, ..... , ........................ , .... M 4 50 242 L10 M155-31-H102 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 . 12 Pathway ·P.endant M 4 5,0 243, L10 ·M155-;31-H1Q2 50wMR16/NFL 1 5,Q 12 0Pathway. .Pend~rit 550 -' M 5 ,,50 . , 66.0 ;qo .. M.t5!;i-31-1:-1 ~ 04. 5,0wMR16/.NfL 1 ·. 50 12. ·. P~thway .Pendant M 5 50 661, ·!,..10, M155-3-H:!104 50wMR1 p/NFL 1 _50 12 P11ttiway Pen_d~nt ·M . 5· 50 662 i.10 M155-~1-H 164 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Patt:iway Pendant .. . M .............. 5 50 663 l10 M155-31-H104 · 5,0wMR16/NFL .............. 1 · 50 12 ·.Patti way .............. 'Pendant ............... .................... ., ............ ,: ........... _ ......... _ ...... .... , ....................... · ............. .... , .. , .. .............. ........................................ ................ , ........................ . ' .M 5 50 . 1)64 L1Q .M155-$H-1104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway Pendant M 5 : 50 665 ,uo M155-31-H104 ' 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 -Pathway Pendant M 5 5.0 666, L1P· M155-31-H104 50wMR16lNFL 1 50 12 f;>!;lthway Pendant M 5 50 667 L1Q M155-31-H10_4 50WMR16/NFL 1 50 12 -Pathway Pendant '' M 5 50 ,668 : ,L10 ' M155-31'-H104 . 50wMR16/NFL 1 . 50 12 ·P~thway Penqant .M 5 50 699 L10 M1,55-31-H1 Q4 50wMR16/.NFL ', 1 !;iO 12 :,Pathway .Pendant M 5 50 670 L10 'M155-31-H1 Q4 5QwMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway Pendant No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 3 ----~-~-~-~--~----- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M 5, M 5 Relay TLW No Type 50 671 LfO 50 672 :L10 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Arch_itecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 M155-31'-H1Q4 50wMR18/NFL 1 . 50 12 Focus Pathway .Pathway M. 5 50. 673 L10 .. M155,~;31-H104 50wMR1_6/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway. M 5 50 674 .L10 M155-31_-Hi04 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway .. ' M 5 50 675 L1'0 Mi55-31-H104 50wMR·16/NFL ............ ·. 1 50 12 _PathwaY. ............... ................... ....... -..... .. -............ ................... ................. _ ............ .. · ... _-............... _ .................. _ .... -... ........................................ M 5, .. ·so 676 LM M~5,5-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 , , !i'0 12· Patt')way M .. 5 50 6T! L10 M1_55-~1-l::i104 , 50wMR16/NFL 1, . 50 12 ·Pathway . . 90Q . -M 6 50 -706 L10 M 155s;31-H104 '5,0wMR-16/1".JFL ·1 50 12 .Pathway -M ~ 50 7.Q7 L10 .M.155-~1-H1Q4 . -50wMR.1 ~/NFL 1 50 12 Pathw;:1y M 6 50 708 L10 M 15!;i-31-f-:l 104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 · Pathway 'M 6· 50 709 L10 M 155-31-H.104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 · ...... 1.2 _Pathwav .............. ................... ............... ................... .-......... _ ... ............................... ............................................ ............................ · ................... .-........ ........................ -..... , ........ 'M 6 ' 50 7.10 L10 M1~5-31-H104 50wM_R16/NFL 1' 50 12 Pathway .M 6. ~o 711 LtO M.155-;31~H104 · ~0wMR16/Nf L . 1 : !fo 1~ Pathway M 6' ! 50 712 L10 M 155-31-H 104: 50wMR16/Ni=L 1 , 50 12 , Pathway M 6 50 713 uo M_155-31-H1 Q4 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway. .. .. M i3 ". 50 714 :Lto: M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway M 6. 50 731 l.,10 M't55-31-H104 50wMR16lNFJ_ 1 ·so 12 . ·pathway M 6 50 732 l,.~O M,155,~1-H 104 -50wMRt6/NFL 1 · 90 1..2 ' .. .Pathway .. M 6 ............. l:iO ...... 73~ . _L1,o ..................... M155-31-H1.04 50wMR16/NFL 1 ... ~o · 12 _Pathwav .............. ................... .... -......... ........................................... ..................................... _ ......... _ ......... , ................................... , ... M i3 .50 734' Lt0 M155-31-H104 · 50wMR1~/NFL 1 50 12 'Pathway !550 .. .. M 7 50 620 . L10 M1.55-31-H104 50wM~,16/NFL 1 50. 1~ ,Pathway .. M 7 SQ 621 L10 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 i 2· Pathway M 7 50 622 L10 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL. 1 50 12 ''Pathway .M 7 50 623 uo M159-31-H104 50wMR1 !5/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway No= Fixture# Dim= Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LQ = ·Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage 7/21/97 MounUng Pendant Pen_dant Pen.dant Pendant Pendant ........................................ Pendant Pendant .. Pendant Pendant PE!ndant Pendant ........................................ 'Pendant Pendant Pendant Pendant Pendant 'Pendant Pend§mt Pendant . ........................................ ·Pendant ·Pendant Pendant Penqant P~ndant Page 4 ----------~~~------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim Relay M 7 M 7 M 7 M 7 ,M ............. ' 7 ............... M 7 M 7, M 7 M 7 M 8 M 8 ................... .. -........... ................ M 8 M 8· M 8 ,. M 8 M 8. M 8 M 8 ., ·M 8 ....... _ ......... ............. ............... M 8 M 8 M 8 M 8 M 8, M 8 M 8 TLW No 50 631 50 632 50 634 50 535' 50 636 ............... -... 50 638 so: · .639 50 642 50 64~ 650 .. 50 550 50 551 ................... ............. , SQ 552 50 553 . ,50 554 50 555 5·0 .5f59 50 557 50 .558 50 573 .......... , ......... , ............... 50 574 50 575 50 585 50 591 5'0 59.2 50 606 50 607 Type L1.0 l10 L1 O l10 L10 .-........................... l10 L10 ·. .L10 l10 'L10 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location M155,31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 s·o. 12 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 M15~•31-H.104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12. .. M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12. M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 ·so 12 ........................................... ............................................... .... · ..... ........................... ~ .......... M 155-31-H:104 50wMR,6/NFL 1 50 12 M155°31-H-1'04 . :5owMR'16/NFL .. f 50 12 M155-31-H104 50wMR16(NFL 1 50 12 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1. 50 12 ·M 155-31-H1 Q4 50wMf116/NFL 1· 59. 12 7/21/97 Focus ,Mounting Pathway Pendant Pathway Pendant . Patbway Pendant Pathway. .Pendarit Patnway ....... Pendant .. .............................. Pathway Pendant Pathway Penqant Pat.hway Pendant Pathway Pendant flathway . .. Pendan,. L10 · M155-31-H104 1 50wMR16/NFL 1 ... so 12 _Pathway .............. Pendant .............................. ................ · ........................... ............................... -................ -......... ....................................... ........................................ l10 M155-31 ~HtQ4 50WMR16/NFL 1 .s:o 12 ,Pathway Pendant L10 -M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NF.L 1 · 50, 12 Pathway 'Pendant l10 .Mt55-31-H104 . 50.WMR.16/Nt=L 1: 5.0 12 .Pathway ·Pendant L1 P M155-31-H194 50wMR16/NFL. 1 50 12 Pathway Pendant LtO M.i ~5-31-H1 Q.4 . 5<>wMR11:1/NF.L 1 5'0 12 .Pathway ,Peodant .. L10 M155-31-H1'04 50wMR.f6/NFL 1 · 50 12 · Pathway Pendant "L.10 ~-155~31-1-1104 .50i,vMR.t6/NFL ··. 1 : s·o 12 ·pathway_ · 'Pen~ant l10 M 155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway Pendant .............. ......................... · ................. ........... -................................... .............. ............. -.......................... ..... ......................... -............... l10 M155-31-H104 .50wMR16/NFL t 5.0 · 12 Pathway 'Pendar1t l10 M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 1~ Pathway Pendant .L1 o. . M·155-31-H1-04 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway Pendant L10 MH,5-31-H104 50wMR1q/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway . Pendant L10 . M 1'55-,31-H 1 0'4 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 ·12 Pathwa:y Pendant L10 M155,31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 ·Pathway P~ndant L1 o M155-31-H104 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway · Pendant No= Fixture# Dim= Dimmer# tLW = Total Lamp Wattage LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lig~ting Design Page 5 ----------~--~----- LEGOLAND DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE 7/21/97 Progress Set MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Cluste Dim Relay TLW No Type SHE;ET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location Focus Mounting M 8 50 60~ L10 M 155-31-H 10·4 50wMR16/NFL 1 50 12 Pathway· Pendant M 8 50 609, L10 M155-31-H1'04 50wMR16/NFL 1 · 50 12 Pathway ·Pendant 950 ............................................... I 4001 .. 2054! A13 ... _ ............... l:M255-31_-H201 ......... ! 50MR.16/NFL ................. J ..... a J ... 501 ...... 121.wast .. EntrY ... : ....... .JArea .................. l Surface ................... . M 10 400 ' ' . '· _, M 11 400 2054 A13 M255-31-H201 50MR16/NFL 8 50, 12 .W~st !;ntry 1a.rea .I Surface 400 '. I M· 12 () 20 G M255-31-H221 1 Sign ·_Area I Surface 0 .. , .......... -........ , .............. , ............... ,1 ..... · ............. + ............... j. ............................ j ........ ·•· ................................. j ................................................ , .......... j .......... + ............. + ............................................................. -............. 1 ....................................... . M 500 261 3491 Bt.3 M155-31-H103 26wPL 11 261 277 Area Pathway I Bolt Pad M 500' 261 353l'B:l.3 M 155-31-H103 26wPL 11 261 277 :Area Pathwaillo~t_Pad M'. 500'. 261 · 3541 B1 .3 '' M155-31-H103 26wPL 11 261 277 Area Pathway_ I Bolt Pad M 500. 261 355IB1.3 M155-31-H1'03 26wPL 11 261 277., Area P~thVJ.a}'_ I ~olt Pad M 5QO 2~1 ,356Jl3·1.3 ·M 155-3·1-H1 Q3. I 26wPL 11 261 2,77·1 Area, Pathway __ J_E3~1t fad M 500 2~il 357jEJ,1:3 M155-31-H103. l26w.PL 1 l 261 2,77 :Area PathWa}' JBolt Paq ,, M I, _ L 5001 2:~L 31,£JJE31~_?____ ____ _ JtA1!5,!5~_31~1-110~ jg6wPL I 1, L 261 277j. jA.r~~-f>.;ith\Y~yj_E3olt Pad .M ............. L.. .......... l,.. ... 5001,. ......... 26J.. .... 35!'.ll.B1 .3 .................. JM.155-~1_-H1.03 ..... ..J 26wPL ............................. 1.. .... 1.J.. 261 ... 2771 .... · · .................... .' ...... .J.Area .. Pathway .J.Bolt.Pad ..................... . M 500 26 360 81.3 M 155-3_1-H.1 03 .26wPL 1 26 . 277 Area: Pathway ·Bolt Pad M 500 26 361, B1.3 ~155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 Area P~thway Bolt Pad M 500 26 362 B1.3 M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad . ' M 500 26 363 81.3 M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pat~way Bolt Pad M 500 26 364 B1.3 :M1~5~31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 500 ,' 26 365 :-131,3 '.M155-31-H103 ,26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway · Bolt Pad M 500 26 375 B1._3 M 1-55-31-H 103 26wPL 1 26 277 'Area Pathway Bolt Pad No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 6 · -----------~-~----- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M M M M ................... ............. ,M M M '.M .. :t-1 M ................... ........ , .... Relay TLW No 500 26 3.?6 .500 26 377 500 26 378 500 2~ 379 ·500 26 380 ............... .................... . 5.0Q 26 3a1 . ?'00 -26 38.2 .. ~00 26 423 500 . .2~ ~24 500 26 · 425 ·650 · . .. 501 13 383 .. -............ · .. ............... Type B1.3 B1.3 81.3 B1.3, _B1_.3, ....... -.......... B1.3 ~1.3 B1.3 .EU.3 ~1.3 .. 87 .............................. DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vil Location M15~·31-H103 .26wPL 1 26 277 M15?-~ 1-H 103 26wpL 1 26. 277 'M15/5-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 277 . .M 155-3.1-H1. 03 26wPL .. ' 1 26 277 M155-31-H1-03 26wPL 1 26 277 ....................... , ................... ..... , .................. _ ...................... ........................................ M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 26 ~77 M155-31-H103 2~wPL, 1 26 277 M155-31.-H103 26wPL 1, 26 277 M155,31-H103 26wPL .1 , 2Ji 277 M155-31-H103 26wPL 1 ~6 . 27-7 M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13 277 ................................... ................................. ....................................... :M ?01 13 384 B7 • M155-31-H103 13PL · 1, .13 217 M 5,01 13 385 B7 . M155-31-l-!1,03 13PL 1 13 277. M 50:1 13 386 B7 :M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13 277 .. M · 501 13 387 B7 ,M155-31-H193 13PL .. 1 t3 277 :M 501 13 388 B7 M155-31-Ht03 1_3Pl j 13 . ~77 .. M 501-13' 38~ ·B.7. M155-31-H193 13.Pl 1 13 277 M 5!),1 1 ;3 .390 87 M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13 277 .. . M 501 . 13 , . 391 B7 -M155_-31-H1'03 13PL 1 13 277 ................... ..... _ ........ ................... ................ ............................... _ ................................. · ........ ........ · ...................................... ......... ...... -....... ......................................... ·M 501 13 3·92' B7 M1&5-31-H103 13P,L. 1 13 . · 277 ., M 501 13 393 B7 M155-31-I-J103 13PL 1 13 277 M 501 · 13 394 B7 M,155-31-H103 13PL 1 · 13 277 . 1,56 .. - ·M· 502 35 445 03f M, 1'55-31-H 103 35MH 1 ~5. 277' M 502 35 446 03f M155-31-H103 35MH 1 35 277 No= Fixture# Dim= Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage 7/21/97 Focus M'ounting Area .Pathwiay Bolt Pad .Area Pathway Bolt Pad Area Pathway · Bolt .Pad Area . PE!thway Bolt Piad _Area .. Patl'lway .. Bolt Pad ................. · .............. _ ....... Ar.ea Pathway. Bol,_Pad Area Pathway Bolt Pad .. Area Pathway Bolt Pad Ar.~a Pathway ~pit Pad Area Pathway Bolt Pad Area .. P,athway ... Bolt Pad ................... , ................... Area: PaJhwaY: Bolt Pad Area Pathway Bolt Pad Area Pa~hway Bolt Pad Area Piathway' .Bo.It Pad, Area Pathway_ Bolt Pad Ar.ea Pathway Bc,lt ·Pad Area Pathway Bolt Pad Area Pat,hway Bolt Pad ... _ ............................... ................... Area. Pathway )BQI~ Pad Area Pathway Bolt Pad .Are.a Pathway Bolt Pad , .. Area ·Grade Area Grade Pag«: 7 --------------·-----· LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M M .M M ................... ............. M .M M M M '-M ............. · .. · ..... -........ M M .M .M .M M ................... ... -......... M M M M ,M Relay TLW No Type· . 5Q2 ,35 447 O3f 502 .. 35 448 O3f 502 35 449 O3f 5Q2 35 4!f9 ,Q~f .. ,502 35 451 O3f ................. ,. , ......... · .... .............................. 502 35 .45·2 O3f ', ·5()~' 3!'i 453 O3f 315. 503 . 1.3 . '. 350 .B7 503 13 351 B7 ; 503 13 352 ·B7 .. · 503 · 13 · 416 . B7 · . -............. ................... .................... · .......... 5.03 13 417 B7 ... 50~ 13 ~18 B7 spa·. 13 · 419, ·97 503 · ,1,3 .. 4?9 B7 .. 503 1,3 421 B1 · · 503' 13 422.' 'B7 130 ............... .................... .... _ ......... ........................ -..... 504 13· 3~5 . 87 504 13 396 B7 504 13 397 B7. 5_04' . 13 398 B7 504 13 410 E37 135 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location M155-31-H103, . 35MH -1 35 .277 · M155-31~H103 35MH 1 :35 277 ,.., M155°31-H:103 35MH 1 35 277 . .M1·55'·31-H103· 35.MH ·1 35 277 M155-31-H103 35MH 1 35 277 .. ...................... ·,: .. , ............. ........ · ........ -........................... ... , ..... . , .......... , ......... ., ............... .M155-31-H103 .. · 35MH 1' 35 277 . M15.~-31-H10:3 :35MH ~ :35 . 277. .. M155-3hH103 1:3PL 1 1-3 , 277. 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area ·Grade Area _Grade Area Grade Area. · Grade . Ar.ea, ·Grade .......................... _ ....... .............. , ... , ,,, ..... ·.-.... _ ... Area Grade Ar.ea· · Grc:1de , . Area PathY,'.ay . ·solt Pad .M,1~s-3.,-H103 13PL 1 .t3 277 . Atea Pc:1thw_ay ~olt; .Pad M155-31-H103 13PL 1 . 1_'3 277 Ar(!a Pl:lthway Bc;,_lt Pad .. ' ' . . . . ' M155-31-H103 13PL . . · .. 1 ' 13 .... 277 Area .. Pathway Bolt Pad . ................................. '._ ...... ............. , ........... _ ................ _ .... ....................................... ....................................... M155-:31-H103· 13PL 1 13 2_77, Area .Pathway ,Bolt Pad 'M155-31-H103 13PL ~ . 13 277 Area Pathw~y ~olt Pa9 ' 'M 155-31-H 103 13PL .. 1 13: 277 Area. ·pathway B_olt Pad M15~-3,1.-l"i103 .. 13PL 1 · ra . . 2n. Area Pathway . Bolt Pl:19' .M1$5-.31-H103 13PL 1 13 277 Ar!3a .Pathway Bol~ P~d M155~3.1-H1'03 13PL 1 :13 277 .Area Pathway Bolt Pad ' ........................ -........ , ......... ............................................... ........ , ......... ........ _., ... ........................................ .................................. .... -........... , ....... -............... ·M155~31-H103 13PL 1 13 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad .M155-31-Ht03 13PL 1 t3 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad .M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13 , 277 Area Pa~l)way '.Bolt Pad . ,M155-31-H103 13PL 1 13 277 Area Pathway 'Bolt Paci 'M1'5·5-31-H10'3 13PL 1 13 277 ·Area Pathway ~olt Pad .. " No= Fixture# Dim= Dimml;lr # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 8 -------·------------· LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M M ;M M ................... ............. M ·M M M Relay 505 505 505 sos: 505 505 505 505 595 TLW No 13. 200 13 201. ,3 .2,02 1.3 2,03 · 13 . -204 ................... 13 205 13 411 13 4:1-2 1'3 41·3 -'·, ' .M ', . sos:. 13 .. 41.4 M 505 13 415 143 , ................... .............. ................ ................... ............... .M 5,06 13 244. . ·- M ... .. _ 5,06 l:3 24·5 .M. " 506 1~ . 246. M 506 1.3. 247 M 506 13' 248 M 506 1_3 249 ,M s·o5 13 ~50 M 506 454. Type B12 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SttEET Lamp· LQ LW Vlt Location M155-31-H102 13wPL 1 13 120 B12 · M155-31-H102 13wPL 1 1.3 120 B12 M 1'5.5··~ 1-1:1. 1. 02 13wPL .. 1 : 1 ~ 120 ' . 812 M155-31-H102 13wPL 1 f3 . 12Q B1~ M155-31-H102 13wPL 1 13 120 _ ............................. ........ -.......... -...................... ............................................... .· ....... ........................ , ............... B12 _M155-31-H102 13wPL 1 13 120 B12 M155-31-H103 13wPL 1 q 120 B12 M155-~1-H.103 t3wPL 1 13 12Q. 812 .M.155.-31-!-lt03 . 13wPL 1 . j.~ • 12Q 'B12 'M 155-31-H.1 !)3 13wPL 1 13 126 .. ' . B12 M155.-~1-Ht03 13wPL 1' 13 120 .............................. .. -........ -................................ ... -........... -.............................. .......... .......... ............. ....................................... B7 . M155-31-H102 13PL 1 13 277 . - B7 M1 $5-.31-HH>2 13P\a 1 13 . 277 . . :MJ55s31-H102 · • ',, 67 13PL_ 1 13 2.77 87 M155~31-H102 13PL 1 13 277 B7 M155-31-H102 13Pl,. 1 13 277,. B7 M155~31-H102 13PL 1 13 · 277 -.. •- B7 M155-31-H1:02 13PL 1 13 277 03f Mt55-31-H103 35MH . 1 35· 277 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Pathway Bolt Pad Pa\hway Bolt Pad Pathway Bolt f'c:1.d Pathway Bolt Pad Pathway . _ Bolt Pad ....... , ........................... ........................................ Pathway Bolt Pa~ Pathway Bolt Pad Pathway .Bolt Pad Pathway ~ol.t Pad Pc:1.thway · Bolt P~~. Pathway Bolt Pad _ ................................ ........................................ Area Pathway Bolt Pad Area P~thway Bo!t·t='ad _.Area Pathway , ,Bolt Rad .Area ~athway _ ~cilt Pad Ar.ea PathW!=lY Bolt Pad Are.a Pathway ·Bol_t Pad .Arl;!a Pathway .Bolt Pa.d Grade : ................... , ....... _." .. .......... · ... ............ ~5 ... ,."_·., ..... ................. ~ ........... _ ............... -.......................... ......... , .................. _ ...... , .......... .... , ......... ........................................ _Area ...................... ......................................... , . . M 506 35, 45,5 ·ct3f,-M159-~1-H103 . · 35Ml:l' ~-35 . • 2.n: . Area " · ;Grade M 506 35 456 03f M155-31-H103 35MH 1 35, 277 Ar-ea Grade M 506 35 457 03f M155-31-H103 .'35MH 1 35 277 Area. Grade .. M 506 35 45~-03f M155-31-H103 35~H 1 35 2"(7, Area Grade M 5!)6 3,5 459 03f M155-31-H103 -35MH 1 35 277 Area Grade M 506 ~5 460 03f M155-31-H1.03 135MH 1 35 277 Area Grade ,. M 506 35 -461 ,·03f · M~55-31-H103 35MH 1 35 27_7 Are~ Grgde No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 9 -------·------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M .M ...... _ ....... ............. M M M M .M .. .M M M ................... · ............. .M M M -M ~ ·M M ................... ............. M M M M M '.M .. Relay TLW No 506 35 462 506 35 463 441 5·07 1~ . '251 ....... , ....... .. , ............ , ... . 5.07 . 13 · 252 507 13. 253 507 13 254 50,7 13 255 507 13 . _256 507 13' 257' 507 13 258 ...... 5Q7 13 259 ................... 507 13 260 507 ·13 270 50;"/'. 13 271 '507 35 464 5.07 35 465 ,,. §97 · 35 4{?6, " I 507 3$ 467 ., . 296 ............... ................... ................ 508 35 317 508, 35, 3\18 508 35 319 508 35 320 508 35. 321 508 35 32,2 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vil Location O3f ,M.155:31-H 1 0;3 35MH 1 35 277 O3f M155-31-H103 35MH 1 . 35 '277 137 .M155-;31_-H1.02 ........ . 13PL .................. -................ 1 . 13 277 ............... __ .. _ ......... ...... , ...................... , ....... 87 . Ml 5$-3,1,-H 1 Q2 · · 13PL 1 _ 1,.3 277 87 M155-31-H102 13PL 1 13 277 'B7 M155-31-H1 o~ 13PL 1 1'3 277 B7 M155-31-H102 13P.L 1 1.3 277 87 -M155-31-H102 1?PL 1 13 27.7 ', B7 M155-31-H102 13PL l . 13 277 87 M155-31-_H102 13PL 1 13 277 . B7 M155-31-H102 13PL 1 13 277 .............................. ............................................ ................................................ ............. , ......................... 87 _ ·M155-3-1-H-102 13PL 1 13 277 B7 -~155-3:1-H1.P2 · 1;3P_L 1 _ 13' 277 .B7 M155-31-H102 13PL 1 13 277 O3f M155·31-H103 ·35MH 1 35 277 O3f M155-;3hH-103 35MH 1' 35 277 .. O;3f .M t55-31.-l·j-103 ·35MH ~-. 35. 277 '' O3f 'M155-31-H103 35MH 1 35 277 .............................. ............. , ............................. ................. , .......... -................. ......... .......... . _ ............ ........................................ O3f ,M1·55-31-H102 3qMH 1 35 277 O3f -M155-31-H1'Q2 35MH 1 . 35 2'17. O3f .M155-31-H102' 35MH 1 35 277 O3f M155-31-H10.2 35MH 1 35 277 O3f · M155-31-H10? 35MH 1 35 ?11 , ' O3f . M.1?5~31.·.H10? 35MH ·' 1 . 35 -277 No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TtW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design l' 7/21/97 Focus Mounting -Area Grade .Area Grade . Area. Pathway Bolt Pad · ................. · ...................... Ar~a P~thway, ·Bolt P~d Area Pathway Bolt Pad Area Pathway _ Bolt Pad Area Pathway Bolt Pad :Ar~a pathway Bolt P/:ld '' 'Area Pathway ''3olt Pad I Area pathwa}'. Bolt Pad Area Pathwar. .. : Bolt Pad ..................... _ .................. Area Pathway Bolt Pad Area Path~ay .Bolt P~d ', Area Pathway Bolt Pa,d_ Area .Grade Area Grad!:! ·• Are.a Gradi:i. Ar.ea Grade " ......................... , ......... ........................................ Area Grade Area. Grade Area Grade ' . Area Gr_ade Area Grade· .A.rea .Grade Page 10 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M M .............. , ... ............. M M M .M M . M . ........ -.......... .. ............ M M M M ·M .. . ' M M M .................. ............. M ~ M M M :M .M Relay TLW No 508 35 323 245 509. 35 312 509 35 313 ... _ ........... ................... ................ 509, 35 314. 509 35 315 · 509 -_35' 316 ·. 175 5·10 26 272 .510 26 273 '. ...... 51Q_ · 26 · 274 ...... _ ....... , ... 510 26 275 510 · 26 276 516. 26 2.77 510 _26 .2?~ 510 25: 279 510, 26 280 510 26 281 ...... 51_0 · ............ 26_ 282 ..... · ........ ·. /510 26 28_3· .. 510 26 ?84 510 26 285 510 26 286 510 26 287 5-1-0. 26 2~8 510 26 289 Type 03f .. 03f 03f ......... _ .................... 03f DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vil Location M155-31,H102 35MH . 1 35 277 M155-31-H102 35MI-I 1. 35 277 M155-31-H102 35MH 1 35 277 ........................................... ............................................... .... _ ................................... 'M155-3i-H102 35MH 1 35 277 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area Grade Are.a Grade . ArEl!l ___ ......... Grade .......... -............................. Area Grade ·oat. · M159°31-1;-1102 35MH t-35 ,?77 ArEll:l , Grade ·63f M 1!i5-31-H192 . 35~H 1, "3!i . 277 · Area Grade 81.3 M155--31-H102 2E\Yi.PL 1 26 . 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad 81.3 .. . M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277, _Ar.ea Pathwl:ly .Bqlt P.;1d ·e-1.:3 M155-31-H 102 _26wPl,. ......... _ .... .-................ 1 26 -277 'Area_ Pathway ·-salt _Pad· ............... · .... ..................... , ......... ......... ·•· ................ · ............... ............. .......... -............................ ................. , ................ 81.3 M1:55-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad -81.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 271 Arl3a Pathway Bc;>lt Pad 81,3 M155-31-H102 26wi=>L 1 26 277 A.rea Pathwl:l.y Bolt Pad .. _8_1,:3 ~155-31-H102 . 26w.~L 1 26 277 A~ea Pathway Bolt Pad. . ' ·81.3 M1!i5-:31_-H,102· 2_6wP,L '• 1 · 26 277 Area:. pathway Bolt Pad. . 81·.3 .M 155-3:t-H 102· 26wPL :1 2f? 277 Area Pl:l.tt,way Bolt Pad' 81.3 'M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad 81.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 · 26 277 _A~ea .. Pathway .. Bolt Pad .... · ........................ ........................................... ............... -.............................. .............. , ........................ ............. ,, ... _ ..................... 81:3 M-1 /55-3-1-H1 Q2 .2~WP.!-. 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad B~.3 ·M1'55_-31.-H102 26wPL ' . 1 · 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad 81.3 M1·55-31~H102 26wPL 1·. 26 277 . Area Pathway Bolt Pad 81.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad 81.3 M155-31-H102 21;iwPL 1 26 277 Area Pathw~y _Bolt Pad 81".3 M1 q5-31-H1-02 26wPL 1 26 2,77: _Area Pathway• Bal, Pac:! ·81.3 M-155-31~H102 126wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bqlt Pad. No = Fixture # Dini = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 11 -------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 7/21/97 Cluste Dim Relay TLW No Type SHEET Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location Focus . Mounting M 510 26 290 B1.3 'M15.5-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 510 26 291 B1.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Paci M 510 26 292 B1.;3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 · Area Pathway Bolt Pad M 510 26• ~93 B1.;3 M155-3,1-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway ,Bolt Pad M 510 26 294 B1.3 M155-31,-H102 ........ 26wPL 1 26 277 _Area .. Pathway ... Bolt Pad ................... ............. ............... ................... ...... -........ -.............. ............................................... .· .............................. -....... ........................................ M 510 26 295, B1.3 M155-31-H102 26wPL 1 26 277 Area Pathway Bolt Pad 624 M 511 35 305 O3f M155-31-H1.02 35MH 1 35 277 Area G.rade M 511 35 . 306 .O~f M155-31-H102 135MH 1 35 ·277 . Area Grad~. ' .M 511-, 35 307 O3f · M155-31-H102 ,35MH ,, 1 35 277 Area Grad~ · " M 5f1' ,35 3,08 O3f :M1'55-31-H102 ·35~H 1 ' 35 211 ·Area. Grade M .............. · 511 .... · ........ 35 . 309 O3f . _f:,1155-31-H102 ......... 35MH · . ' 1 35 . 2n: Area 1Grade , ............ -....... , ....... ........ -, .................... ................................................ .......... ... ; ........ ................ -... · ...... -....... -... ........ , ........................ ....... · ... -.......................... M 5.11 35 310 O3f 'M 155-3 t-H 1'02 35MH 1 35. 277 Area Grade '' 35 M.155-31-H102 M 511 311 ,03f 35MH 1 35 277' Are~ Grade 245 ., ·M 512 13 678 B12 Mi55-31-H104 13wPL . 1 13 120 Pathway Bolt Pad .M 512 13 679 .81.2 M 155-31.-H104 1,3wpt ·1 13 120 Pat!'tway Bolt Pad M 512 13 680 B12 ·M 155-31-H 1 04 1.3wPL 1 13 120 Pathway Bolt Pad M· 512 13 690 'Bi2 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 _Pathway .............. .Solt Pad · ................... ............. ............... .................... ._ ........................ " .......................... ............................................... "-... ......................................... ............................ _ ........... ' M 512 13 (391 B12. M 155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway Bolt Pad M 512 13 692 B12 M1!i5-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway Bolt Pad· M 512 13 693 e12 'M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13' 120 Pathway Bolt Pad . M 512 13 698 B12 M155-.31-H104 13wPL 1 13 . · 120 Pathway Bolt Pad M 512 13 699 -812 M155-31-H~ 04 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway· Bolt Pad M 512 13 700 B12 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway Bolt Pa.d M 512 13 701 812 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway B.olt Pad No = Fixturi:i # . Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design . LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 12 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M M M M ................... ............. M M M ,M ,. : ·~ . M .. ·· ............... .............. M 'M .M : !'v1 M ,M -·' M ·M· ......... · ... ............. M M M M !'v1 M M Relay TLW No 512 13. 7Q3 512 1~3· .. 704 !>12 13· 727 .. ' 512 13 728 ...... 51_2 13 729 ........... -....... !i12 13 730 .22,1 513 13 q63 5'13 13 · 565 &13 13 566 51_3 1~ !>67 513 13 568 ................... 5f3 · 13 569 513 13 57,0 51;~. 13 5-711 ' 513 . 1'3 .. 5'72 ~13,. 13 601 513 13 6Q_2 51 :3 13. ~03 ...... ~r:3 : 13 ......... ·, ........ · 604 513 13 624 513 13 625 513 13' 656 51.3 q 657. 51·3 13 658 I 513 13 659 513 13 694 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior Type SHEET lJmp LQ LW Vlt Location Focus B12 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway B12. M155-31-H104 13WPL 1 . 13 120 Pathway :-e.12 M155-31·-H 104 13wPL 1 · 13 . , 12,0 P-athW!:lY B12 M155-31-H.104 13wPL 1 13 120 . 'Pathway ·812 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 _Pathway ............... .............................. ................................. · ......... ............................................... ..... -... ............................... , ....... B12 M 1£?5-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway .. B12 MJ55-3t-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Path.way B12 M1!i5-31-H1Q4 13wPL 1 . 1,3 . 120 Pathway .. 'B12 M155-.31-H104 · 13wPL 1 1-3 120 Pathway EU2 Mr5s-;31-H104 .13wPL .. 1 1'3 120 . Pat(:lway. . 812 M155-31-H104 1'3wPL 1 13 120 _Pathway ........... .............................. ...... · .................................... ................................................ ... · ..... ....................................... B12 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway :812 M 1'55-31 ~H 1-04 13WPL 1 13 120 Pathway '. 812 ·M1~5-3Hi104 f3wPL 1 · 1-3 . 1 ~o P!3thway .. a12 , .M1!?5-31-H104 ' 1:3wPL 1 . 13 .. 12,0 Pathway 812 -M155-31-H104 13wPL 1, 13 120 Pathway B12 M155-31-H104 _13wPL 1 13 120 . -Pathw~y 812 M155-31-f:i104 13wf>L .1 ,.1:3 1.20 P!:ithVJay. ·Bf2 'M15q-31-H1.04 ,1,3wPL ............... · .............. 1 13 I 120 _P!3thway -............................ ..... , .................................... ........................................ ·812 M1·55-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 ,Pathway 812 .M 155-31-H 104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway 812 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 1'3 120 Pathway :81~ · -·M 155-31~H104 .13wPL 1 13 120, Pathway_ 812 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 1,20 Pathway, 812 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway 812 M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway No = Fixture # Dim :;= Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Mounting Bolt Pad Bolt Pad. aolt l?~d Bolt Pad Bolt Pad .... _ .................................. Boft·Pad Bolt P.;id Bolt Pad Bolt P~d Bolt Pad Bolt Pad ....................................... Bolt Pad Bolt Pad Bol.t Pad Bolt Pad Bolt Pad Bolt Pad Bolt Pad Bolt Pad ........ -.......................... -... ·soft Pad Bqlt Pad Bolt Pad aolt Pac!: Bolt Pad Bolt Pad Bolt Pad Page 13 --------------~---- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M. M M M ................... ............. M M M. M M M ................... .............. M M M M M 'M' M Relay TL,W N·o 513 13 695 513 13 6'96 513 1.3 697 51,3 13 702 513 1~ 705 -~25: 514, 13, 559 '. 514 ~3 560 '$1-4' 13 '~~1 514 13 562 514 13 564 514 13 587 ................... 51'1 13 589 514 13 590 514:' 13 593 ' 5r4 · 13 51,)5 514 13 591:i 5'14 13 598 514 13 611 514 .13 628 Type B12 B12 B12 812 812 .............................. 01:2 B12 B7 87 87 B7 ............................... B7 '.07 B7 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior 'SHEET Lamp LO LW VI t Location Focus ~155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway M155-31-H19.¢ 13wPL 1 13 120 Pathway M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 · PathW(:ly M15!?-31-H104 13wPI:. 1 ' 13 ·120 Pathway M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 ... 1,3 120 _Pathway ............... ........ , .. _ ...... · ......................................... ........................................ ' ' ' M155-31-H 104 '13WPL · 1 13 12P. : Pathway M155-31-H104 13wPL 1 13 120 'Pa,thway. M1'55-31-.H104 13.P.L ' .~ . 1'3 ~77 Area P.athway -M155-.31-H104 13PL 1 · 13 277 Area Pathway M 1_5l,-31,-H 104 rnPL , 1,' , 13 277 .. Aret:1 P;afhway M155-31-H104 ·13PL 1 · 13 277 Area Pathway ........................... · ............... ... _ ............................................ ...... -................................ ................. _ ............... M15~-31~H1.04 .13PL 1 13 277 Art;ia Pathway ' ' M155-31·-H104 · 13PL 1 13 277 :Area· Pathway ~1:155-31-H104 13PL · t 13 2.77 Area PattJwa,y . . '' " .B7 'M 155°31-H·1·04 . 13P~ 1 1 ;3 277 Area Pathway 87, M155-3H·l10.4 . 13PL 1 13 277' · Area Pathw~y ,, B7 MJ5f?-31-H104 13PL 1' . 13 277 . Area P'athway B7 M155a31-1:11.04 13PL, 1 13. 277.· . Area Pat~way "' -' '' ' ' ,' :13PL . ·. 1 277. 7/21/97 ~ountlng Bolt Pad Bolt Pad " Bolt Pad Bolt Paq Bolt Pad .......... · ....................... · ..... Bolt Pad Bolt Pad aolt Pao Bolt Pad Bolt Pa~ .Bolt Pad .... _· ................................. , Bolt Pad, .Bolt Pad -Bo!i Paa l Bolt Pl:1-d 8Qlt Pac;! Bqlt Pad " aolt Paci Bolt Pad · · '.·M .............. ............. .... · .... · ...... _B7 ........ ,. .. · ......... 'M1:55s~i-H10'4 ........ ...................................... -... -... · .. 13 ....... -...... ...................... ·· .. · ............. Area Pathway .. .............. · ........... -............. 182 : " M 515 13 600 87 M15p-31-H104 13PL 1 p 277 Area Pattiway · Boli Pad M 515 ~·3 ' 605' B1 M.15&-31-H1Q4 13PL 1 13 277 'Area Pi,\thway 'Spit Pad' M 51.5 35 6~9 . 03f M155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 277. Area ·.Grade ' M 515 · 13· 630 ,87 M'1.5&-31-H104 . 1'3PL 1 1'? 277 Area Pathway · Bolt Pad. M 515 p 633 B7 M155-31-H1.04 13PL 1 13 277 Area . Pathway Bolt Pad No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design LO = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage Page 14 ------------------- LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M :M .-· ... · .. -........ M M. M M M .. M M .. M ................... .............. M. . M· .M M M M ................... ... -........ M M . M M M Relay TLW No Type 515 13 637 .B7 100 -· 516 · 150 737 A3 516 150 738 R3 .. , .... ---........ ............ · .. .. -........ _ ...... _ .......... , 516 15.0 739 ~ 5,1'6,· 150 740 .R3 . ·516 15Q 741 A3 516 150 742 R3 516 150 .743 ·.R3 sr6 150_ 144. R3 _ 51.~ 150 7'1-5 R3 . - 5'16 1'50 746 A3 ...... _ ...... -.. .... ~ ....... .............................. 1500 5-ft. 35 5~6 031 517 35 594 ·()3f : _51:7. 35 59!:) -03f. 51'7 35 ·610 03f 517 35. 626 03f, 517 35 627, 03f ............... ................. -. ................ .............................. ,517 35: 640 03f 517 · 35 641 03f 280 5_1,8 · 35 597 03f 518 3~ 644 03f 518 35 645 03f DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location M155-31-H1'04 · 13PL 1 13 277 M155-31-H104 150MH 1 150 277 M155-31-H104 150MH 1 1 so· 277 .......... , ............................... ............................................... .......... .... -................................... M155-31-H104 H~OMH. 1 150 277 M 155-31-1-i.104 15QMH 1 150 277 M155-31-H194 150MH 1 150 277 M155-31-H104 150MH 1 15Q 277 M155-31-H104 150M~ t 150 277 l'Jl155-31-H104 _150MH 1 150 277 M155-31-H104 150MH 1 150 g11 M155-31-H104 150MH 1 150 277 , ...... , .................................... ................................................ ....................................... .M1•55-31-H.104 35MH 1 35 277 M155-31-H104 35MH 1' 35 277 M155-31-H104 -35MH 1 35 277· M155-3f:H104 35M!-l 1 35 27,7 ·M 155-31_-H104 35l'JIH 1 35 277 M155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 ' 27"1-........................................... ....................................... -...... ......... .......... .............. ........................................ . M155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 . 277 ,M.155-31-H 104 ·35MH 1 35 277 .. M155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 277 . M 155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 . 277 M155-31-H104 · 35MH ; 1 35 277 No = Fixture # Dirn = Dimmer# TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design 7/21/97 Focus Mounting Area Pathway Bolt Pad Recessed Recessed ................................... ........................................ Recessed Recessed R1:1Cessed Recessed -Rece!;!~ed Recessecl Recessed Recessed .................................. ........................................ Are.a Grade Area. Grade Area Grade Area ~rade '. Area Grade Area Grade .................................. . , .................................. · ... Area Graqe . ., Area Grade Area ,Gracie Arela\ Grade' Area Grade Page 15 ---------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M M I ' _ ................. ........ , ... ,/ M , I M. ·M M :M M ................... .............. iM· M ................... ............. M M M- Relay-TLW 518 35 14() --- 519 159 ...... 51_9 ........ 1~0 519' .35 _519. :35: 519 3l5 519 3~ 51'9 3!5 475 520 0 0 -.. -· - 52f· o, () 522 0 0 ............... .................... 523 O: . ' 0 524 0 0 525 · 2(? No Type 655 O3f 324 R2 .... ~25_ .R2 ...................... 71,5. O3f. 7.25 Q3f 726 O3f 135 O3f · 736 O3f 1 •G ............... -.............. '. "' ,2 G 3 -G ................ .............................. 4 G 5 G · 2051 W2 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp . LQ LW VI t Location M155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 277 Mt55-31.-H102 150MH 1 150 277 M1.55-:31sHt03 ........ ,150MH .................. · ...... -.... 1 150 ... 277 ................. , ..................... 7/21/97 Focus Mounting ·Area Grade R~ssed pathway Recessed .................. , ................ . · ............ , ......................... 'M155s31tH1.04 35MH ' 1 35 277· . Ar~~ Grade - M155~3-1-H1-04 · 35MH 1_ ', 3~ -277_ Ar~a 1Grade M155-31-H10.4 35M!i 1-35 277 Area Grade M155-31-.H104 3i;MH 1 35 277 Area Grade ·- M155-31-H104 35MH 1 35 277 Area . Grade 'M155-31-H102 1 ................................. , .......... ................................................ .......... .......... ............. ..... -...................... -......... .................................. ....... -..................... -.......... ' -. M15~-~;1-H102 ; 1 ' M155-31·-H103 1 . -· .. .............. ~ ......................... .................. -.... , ....................... ....... _., .......... .............. ........................................ ...... ........................................ M155-31-H103 1 ).1155•31'-1"104 1 , - M255-31-H2.01 · F-26DBXT4/SPX 1 26 277 -West Entry A~-ea Recessed No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LQ, = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 16 --------------------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M M M .. ................... ............. M .M M .M 'M >. ................... . . 'M M M. 'M 'M M ................... ............. ·M M M ·M M M M Relay TLW No 525 26 2052 525 26 2056 525 26 2Q57 525 70 2059 17'4: ............... ................... ............... 526 50 2050 526 50 2,093 526 59 2055 526 ,50 2Q58 526 26 2060 226' ............... ................... ........... , ... '527. 26 2021· 527 26 2022 527:; 26 2023 52,7 26 . 2024 " 527 26 2025 52r 2~ . 202,6 156 ............... ................... ................ 528' 18 2Q05 528 18 · 2006 528. · 18 2007 528 18 2908 528 1,8 2QQ9 528 18 2010 528' 18 2011 Type W2 W2 W2 CWM-M2 ...................... CWM-M1. CWM-M1 GWM-M1 DIMMER / RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET Lamp LQ LW VI t Location M255-31-H201 F26D8XT4/SPX 1 26 277 West Entry M255-31-H201 F-26r;>8XT4/SPX 1 26 277 West Entry M255-3l-H20:1 F26D8XT4/SPX . 1 2~ 277 West Er'iiry M_255-31-H201 70MH 1 70 277 South Wall -- Focus Are~ Area- Area Area ,_ .. , .................. , ................. .... _ .......................................... ......... ..... -.... ............. ........................................ .... -.............................. M255-31-H201 50MH 1 50 277 West Wall · Area .M,255-31-H201 .5QMI-! ·1 50 2T( West Wall · Area M255-31-H201 50MH 1 50 277 West Wall Are~ 7/21/97 Moun.ting Recessed Recessed Recessed· J8ox ........................................ J8ox .J8ox J8ox CWM-M1, M255-~·1.-H201 50M.H 1 50 277 West Wan· Are~ . J8ox .. . D1 M25&-31-H201 F26T8X!SPX30/830 1 26 277 Re~troorn Entry Are.a. Races.sect ' ............................... .................................... _ .... , . ...................................... _ .... , .... ......... , .... · .... ............. -,· .................................... ............................ · ..... .................................. -.... 81.4 'M'255-31-H221 26wPL 1 26 27.7 Roof Pathway Surface 81 •. 4 .M255-31-H221 26wPL 1 .. 21:i 277 Roof ·Pa,t_hway $urfap1;1 81.4 M255-31-H221 26wPL 1 26 277· Roof Pathway Surface ,81.4 ,M255-31-H221. 26\YP.L 1 2,6 27,7 Rpof ,Patt,wav. ,Surfape 81.4 M255-3l-H221 26wPL 1 26 277 Roof Pathway Surface ij1 .4 M:2&5-31 sH22t 2qwPL 1 26 277 Roof Pathway Surface . ' ............................. ........................................... , ............................. -............... ......... .......... .. ...................................... .................................. . , .. ____ ,, .................. 814 M255-31-H221 18flLC 1 18 120 Roof Area Recess!3(1 814 M255-31·-H221 18PLC 1 18 120 Roof .Area Rec~ssed 814 M255-31-H221 18PLC 1 18 120 Roof Area . Re.cessep '.814 M255-31 ·H221 18PLC 1 18 120 Roof Area R.ecessed 814 M2!?5-31-H221 18PLC 1 18 120 Rc;iof Area RecessE!d 814 M255-31-H221 18PLC 1 1~ 120 Roof .Area Recessed 814 . M255-31-H221 18PLC 1 18 120 Roqf Area RecessE!d No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LQ = Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLEGOS Lighting Design Page 17 l -----------~-------LEGOLAND Progress Set Cluste Dim M M M M .. . M .............. ...... , ..... · M M M .M M. M · .................. .............. M M Relay 528 5~~ 528 528 528 528 528 528 528 52,9, 529 529 529 TLW No Type 1~ 2or2 814 18 201'3 1;314 18 2014 B14 18 . 2015 814 · · 18 2016 B14 .... _._ ............ .............. , .............................. 18 2017 B14 18 2018 B1_4 18 .2019 814 18 ·2020 B1·4 288, .. ,:35 2000 ·O3f 35' · 2001 O3f ...... -............ ............ · .. ............................... 35 . 2003 O3f .. 35 2004 O3f 140 ., 14.892 DIMMER/ RELAY LOAD SCHEDULE MINILAND -Area Development / Architecture Exterior SHEET ·Lamp LQ LW Vlt Location Focus M255-31-H221 18PLC 1 18 120 Roof . Area M255-31 °H22.1-18PLC 1 · 18 • 120 Roof Area M2q5·31-H221 18PLC 1 18. 120 Roof Area M2.55-31 ~H221 18PLC 1 18 1?0 .Roof Area M255-31-H221 18PLC . ' 1. 18 120 Roof -Area ............... , ............ , ............ , ........... · ................................... .. , ....... ...... · .......... · ...................... ................................... M255~31-H22:1 18PLC 1 18 120 Rqof Area M255-31-H22·1' :18PLC · 1' 18 120 Roof Area M?55-31-H2?.1 18PLC 1 18 120 Roof Area M255-31-H221 18PLC 1 18 120 Roof Area M25~-31-H2?1. 35MH 1 35. 277: Roof Wa,11 M255-31-H221 35MH 1 35 277 Roof Wall .............. -..... _-..................... ................................................ .......... ,. ....... , ............................. ........................... ,, ..... 7/21/97 Mounting Recessed ,Rece~sed Recessed Recessed. Recessed ........ · ............................... Recessed Recess~ Recessed .Recessed Surface Surface ........... , ............................ ' .M255'-31-H221 35MH 1 35 277 Roof Wall . Surface ·M255-31-H22.1 ~~.MM 1-. ,35, 277 .RPC>f . Wa!I Surfa9e No = Fixture # Dim = Dimmer # TLW = Total Lamp Wattage LO= Lamp Quantity LW = Lamp Wattage GALLE.GOS Lighting De~ign Page 18 . ' I-~~ !~ ..J"-- .... r ~• ··.1· ,, I 11 ,, I I ,1 ii I ~I ~1 ;I :1 .I ;I ~I I CARL-'BAD IC.MP ti -2 9 PACKAGE ·\,.v Li\ S1 U DI OE Hellmuth Ohata+ Kassabaum, Inc. 21 JULY 1 9 9 7 IU :I ::, ... 0 > • 2 CUT SHEETS ~5f,};2JlV / I I I I ·I I ,, I I, ,, I I I I I I I I I. ARL.-'BA.D I _p s·ru o:io g Hellmuth .Oba.ta+ Kassabaum, Inc. 21 JULY 1 9 9 7 Ill ::E . . ' ' ::::, . . . ' . ~ . ·. ·. • 2 CUT SHEETS ·I I I I ·I I I I I I .I I j Ii I 1. 1( I I LEGO LAND· Carlsbad~ CA Lighting Cut Sheets Gallegos Lighting Design '8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, California 91325 . plione 818.343.5762 fa~ 818.343.l041 ' . I ' I' ' I I I ' I I ,I I\ ' I, I I ,,I I I' L,umiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. TYPE I .... _____ _. 31360 Via Colinas #10,1, Westlake Village,CA91362 TELEPHGNI; (818) 99-1-2211 o FAX (818) 991-7005 SPECIFICATIONS: · CAT#811 , 6.50' rl Socket Housing 4:0YDIA l~, . . . .... I- Adjustable Stem WI 1/2 NPS Thread DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCTION: MOUNTING: ELECTRICAL: Par 30 Sealed Lamp Hc;,using Par 30 (120 vott) adjustable acc.eht / flood light with water tight lamp housing for ensured performance of hqlo_gen ·Iamps. Designed with heavy gauge .coolin·g fins for ipcreased efficiency and fixture durabil- ity. Mounting swivel includes positioning stop··tor maintained aiming consistency. · · All parts are machined. cast. and /'or formed from high grade alumi- num. Finished with a chromate conversion c.oating and thermoplas- tic polyester powder painHor mer, resistance. and extended we9ther- ability. Lens is tempered glass and,secured in place with high tem- perature silicone adhesive. louvers. color fitters. and lens available. Adjustable stem configuration ctccept~ standard 1 /2 NPS male con- nectors. 120 vott system requires NEC approved connection box. (not included). Fully adjustable swivel sfem fits any 1 /2 inch pipe fitting for J-box mounting. 120 volt system utilizing a PAR 30 light source. Socket is high tempera- ture ceramic With 250 degree C coated wire leads. Submittal Approved By: Name: _______ Company: Date:_ Notes: Lumiere Design & . Manufacturing, Inc. reserv~s t!l~ right 'to make cles,ign changes without notice, for product improvement. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue-. Northridge, CA 91~is . Phone 818.343.5762 IF.µ 818.343.2041 L-EGOLAND· Carlsbad Typ_e Al I I I I I ,, Ir- I I I I I I I I I: I· I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing; lnQ. · TYPE~'--~ 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Vill~ge1 CA ~-1362 TELEPHON!= (818) 991-2211 O FAX (818) 991-7005 ·1~~ ~~~~~ ~1,>_,...,,..,.....,,::u,""""'"'w"""''===="""'-"',__,=mm=-==,....,...,...,.,_ .. _,,'l!l~"="""'---"""••_111aa,a,;,uil,uria"'""uwnwom""""""""'-ucmsm=i,,,..,.,.:~~ ·Powerful low-voltage architectural and fandscape fixture designed for operation up to 75 watts. Engineered to accepi-the;MR16-haiogen.Jight source in a-compact package with a self contained adjustable ·glare shield for redl/ced visual glare. An anti-siphon chamber has been inc_orporated to ensure a-water resistantfixtlire. Multi:use light source-delivering a.cqmfortable 3000 -3400 Kelvin color temperature. Varied lamp availability al)ows, spo\, medium,.an9 flood lighting (20 \o 75 watts). Extended hood and finned body allow fo(increased·heat dissipation ensurin,g.proper function and lull lamp life. Professional -Compact ·d_esign perfecFfor u_se in both residential· and commercial applicati_ons. Recessed light· source reduces~visu_al glare·without impairing function of the .lamp. -Formed and/or machined for crucial-fit and functi_qn of air components. Dimensions: 4. 75" X 3.60". Various lamp choices. allow for-:powerful._up)ightirig, downlighting, flood lighting, spot lighting, and .accent lighting·of: tre·es, shrubs, g,udens~ planters, flag poles, signage, sculptures, buildings, and landscapes, and g_eneral·area.illumitiation .. Fixture is completely-adjustable in any direction lrom all mounting positions: · -All parts.are first chrqmate conversion coated·and then baked with a thermoplastic 11olyester powder.for mar resisi_ance.and specific.weatherability in-Marine (salt spray), Landscape (alkaline soil),.Moisture (aquas chemicals). arid-other normally injurious environments. Colors - Architectural Bronze, Black,-and.-Verde are standard. Other colors are available -consult factory. - :v The stem is equipped with a 1/2"_NP$ m.:ile threaded stem.to accept all standard J -Boxes, wall • ~-plates,.ground boxes, cor.duitfitting~. and 1/2" female spikes. _(Lumiere spikes not included.) ·Company:.__.,.... __ --'-"-_____ .Date: ;·: ., Notes: ____ --'----------------,----'--'--,---,---'----'-------'---- ·LumiereDesign & Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right·to maRe c;j~!;jgri changes without notice, for product-improvement. 7002 Lighting C()llSUltant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 :L:EGOLAND Carlsbad Type A2 ., I :I I • I .1 I I .I . I t ,. I. I, I Lumiere Design & Manqfacturiog, Inc. TYP'E ._I -"---~ 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91°362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-2211 0 FAX (818) 991-7005 . NARROW BEAM SPREAD 20 EZX Beam· Soread -7 Max. CP 9000 Bezel, body, and hydraulic compression mounting stE)in are machinea, formed, and/or cast 6061-T6 magnesium:silicone alloy aluminum .. Lens is crafted from-tempered glass .and secured in plai:ewith silicone adhesive .. Unique mounting swivel uses hydraulic type compression design and ariti-siphori chamber for rigidity and·a waterUghtcpnnection. ·o· !'ling.sealed at bezel and body further. ensures fixture durability. Extended hood and f/nned fixture body allow for increased heat dissipation ensurin·g. proper function and full tamp life. 12 volt system·utili_zing MR16 Bi-Pi~:halogen light s.o~rce·(75 Watt maximum). Ceramic ~ocket with 250 degree C teflon coated·lead·wires with supplied-wire nuts and dieleGtric tape.for a water tight connection. 1.2 volt remote transformer required. (Lamp and transformer not included). Various lamp wattages and spreads·aTlow-lor spot,.medJ,um, and flood lighting. Mounting swivel with 1/2" NPT thread-allows univers?l·ainiing and fastening. Self contained adjustable glare shield allows for reduced visual glare. Entire front bezel· assem~ly simply_ unscrews -insert·new lamp (by others) -replace bezel assembly. -NO SCREWS-OR SOL TS TO LOSE. Note: always disconnect power during maintenance. Ground.Spikes:.GS01, GS03, GS04, GS05, GS06, ;;ind.GS08. RTM ·-Tree mount, TM05, and palm.tree strap. FS1 • rectangular·wall pate, and RS1 round wall plate, boih designed to fit standard J-Box, ·L VR·, hex c;ell louver. Color filters and sp'read,-lenses. · ·MR16 -75 Wati max-(By others)' •J..-;,•..-~'~;;.-;.~~.:,.";l:'r,.1.4;;";;~{ •• ~ ... ~J!• •• ,;,r~:.fn •, !,':,,\,).!.,.!.,··· .,n .. • ,(~ · .. ;:; ,,, .... MEDIUM.BEAM SPREAD ·(! RTD i:J Lamp Beam . I-lours ~Watts Code · Soread 3000 35 FAA . 20 Max GP 3800. RTD ; Hours 4000· WIDE BEAM SPREAD Lamp Watts Code 20. BAB Beam Soread 40 Max CP 525 RTD. ~ Hours I: 4000 !l 20 Esx· 13, · 3300 3000 42 EYS 27 2100 3500 35 FMW 40 :1050 4000 fl , 35 FRB 12 7900. . 4000 ~ 50 .EiZ 27. 2900· 4000 42 EXP 36 991 2000-~ 42 EZY 9 7076 3500 ~ 50 EXK 32 2450 4000 50 EXN 40 1750 4000 ~ !1 42 EYR n .5 10200 2500 ff 50 ENL 32 2325 4000 , 50 FNV 50 1075 . 4000 ~ J. 50 EXT 12. 7900 . 4000 n is E'i'J 25 4600 4000 75 EYC 42 2100 4000 ~ ;! 75 EYF 14 1230_0 4000 " Jj · ti .l~~~mawc:..~*"'""""'""'!'l'_>ffl,_...,_,,.,.,....,,..,..,..1c;"""'TMfflll'l811DSl...,,.:_ll::.w....,,s,~~1C'.il~~.a..~ . .n·~o:m .. 9~a:,11a;;:,~at\t::iSf.i..f . . ' ' ~ .Submittal .Approved by: Nanie: __ ,.,,_-----,--,--.,.....Company:.~-,-----------,-~-·Date: -------'- Notes: _____ -'--, ___ -,--,.,-~----~-----'------c-'--~---'-~-------------- .Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. res\;lrVes the.right.to make de~ign changes.without notice, for product improvement. Lighting Con5,ultant: Gallegos Lighting.Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Notthiidge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818343.2041 . 7002 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type A2 I I I I II , , I I I ·1 I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. TYPE:.__! __ __. 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-2211 D FAX (81.8) 991-7005 -- Powerful low voltage .architectural and landscape fixture designed for ope.ration up·to 75 watts. Engineered to accept the MR16 halogen Jight source in-a compact package with a-self contained adjustable-glare shield for reduced visual glare. -An anti-siphon chamber has been incorporated·to ensure a water resistant fixture. Multi-use light source delivering a comfortatile 3000 -3400 Kelvin color temperature., Varied lamp availability allows, spol. medium, and flood.lighting (20 to 75 watts). ·Extend_ed·hood and finned· body allow for increased heat dissipation.ensuring proper 'functio.n and full lamp hie. Professional -Compact design perfect-for use in both residential and commercial applications. Recessed light source reduces ·visual glare withourimpairing function of ttie lamp. Formed and/or machined for·.crucial fit and function of all components. Dimensions: _4.75" X 3,00". Various.lamp choices allow for powerful uplighting, downlighting, fioocj lighting, spot.lighting, ;;ind accent_ lighting of: trees, shrubs, gardens, planters, flag poles, signage, s_culptures, buildings, and landscapes, and·general area illumination. Fixture is completely adjustaole in·any dire_ction.from all mounting positions. ' All parts are first-chromate conversion.coated arid then baked with a.thermoptastic polyester powder for mar resistance ;;ind specific weatherability in.Marine (sali spray),.Landscape (alkaline soil), Moisture (aquas chemicals) and other normally injurious environments. Colors - Architectural Bronze, Black, and Verde are stand_ard. Other colprs are.available -c;onsult factory. The stem is equipped with a 1/2" NPS·male threaded stem to accept all standard J -Boxes, wall plates, ground boxes, cor.duii fittings, and 1/2" female spikes. (Lumiere spikes noi included.) • t·· • _ , •:• • • ,• 0 :. , • 1 •• 1 • • .. ;.;: • '0 • l.' '• • .: ~. 0 I • , : Sub~ltt~I App(oved by:_ Name:· .:'' >: : ~ ·., '' ' ·' ' .. :·' ':-·.Company:.· __ • --'---'----'--"-,---'Date: _i·, •. , Notes: ______________ ·_·-~_·· ____ ·_·_·_··---'---------------- Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to.make design changes without notice, for product improvement. 7002 Lighting Consultant: · Gallegos Lighting D~sign 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 ·LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type A3 I 1, I I I I ,, ,, I I I I I I I I .Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. 31360-Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-2211 0 FAX (818) 991-7005 TYP_E '---'I _____ ___, h: _ _,....,_,........,_....,_,....,.,..,_,,..,,_,.... ______ .,.. ______ ...., __ a,:,_W;J..,,._,.,_rn,:ica>-=...U Bezel, body, and hydraulic compression moµnting stem are machined,.formed, arid/or cast 6061-TG magn·esium silicone alloy aluminum.·Lens is crafted'from tempered glass <1nd secured in place with silicone adhesive. Unique· m9unting swivel uses hydraulic type compression design and anti-siphon chamber for rigidity and a water tight connection. ·o· Ring sealed at bezel and pody further ensures fixture durability .. Extended _hood and finned fixture l:Jody allow for increased heat d1s.sipation en.suring proper functiori·and fulrlamp life. 12 v~ft·system utilizing MR16 Bi-Pin·halogen light.sourc.e (75 Watt maximum). Ceramic socket with 250'degr,ee C tenon coated lead wires with.supplied-wire nuts and dielectric-,tape for a water tight·connection. 12_ volt remote transformer required. (Lamp and transformer not included). Various.lamp wattages.and spreads allow for spot, medium, and flooc;Highting. Mounting swivel with 1/2" NPT thread allows universal·aiming.andJastening .. Self contained adjustable glare shield allows:for reduced visuai glare. . Entire·.(ront beze[ a'ssembly 15imply u,:iscrews -i_nsert new.lamp (by·others) -replace bezel assembly. -NO SCREWS O.RBQLTS TO LOSE. Note: always-disconnect power during maintenance. · · Ground Spikes, GS01, GS03, GS04, GS05, GS06, and .GS08. ATM -·tree mount,. TMO5, and palm tree strap. F.S1 -rectangular waJI pate, and-RS1 round wall plate, both designed to 111 stan·dard .J-Box. L VR -hex cell louver, Color filters and spread lenses. MRi6-75 Watt-max (By others) ,,-·"·,>t.r • ..-~.;1 .... f,?_.~,. .. · .......... ~:--!"-.._,•i, ... rl' ••• • · :--·• •, : ·~·-·,-r·~-.":t,\,r .. -..,"".-t-"l!i":,"-l-t;!"J.. ..... t.·,.,•:.:.:.,r~"'"-. :0",:,ur1., ,..._,. • /, NARROW.BEAM.SPREAD " ME'DIUM BEAM SPREAD .[i WIDE BEAM SPREAD .. ~ Lamp Beam Max RTD i Lamp . Beam Max RTD Lamp· Beam Max RTD -~ Watts Code :Soread . CP Hours, IWatts Code Snread CP Hours Watts Code Snread CP.. Hours 20 EZX 7 9000 3000 35 F'i=iA 20 3800 4000 20 BAB 40 525 4000 ~ l 20 ESX 13 '3300 .. 3000 ', 42. EYS 27 2100. -3500 35 FMW 40 ·1050 4000 J 35 FRB 12 .7900 4000 .50 EXZ 27 2900 4000 42 EXP 36 991 2000 ~ ~ 42 EZY 9 .7076 .. 3500 ij 50 EXK 32 2450 4000 50· EXN 40 1750 .. 4000 I; i 42 E'i'R 11.5 10200 . . · 2500 ~ 50 ENL . 32 2325 . 4000 50 .FNV ·50 1075 4000 ii 50. EXT 12 7900 4000 ! 75 EYJ 25 4600 .. 4000 ; 75 EYC 42 2100 4000 ti ll 75 'EYF 14 12300 4000 ~ ~~I~ .. --,f~~~~~~ •, ,, Submittal Approved by: Name:_....,.. _______ ~Company:._· _' ------~-___..Date: ______ _ Notf,)s: ____ ~---,---------,----,----------,,---~~--~---------- Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to make design change~ withoutmotice, for product improvement. . .m~ Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818~343.57(j2 !fax S;t.S.343.2041 LEGOLAN-D Carlsbad· Type A3 I I ,, I I I I I ·I ,, I t I ·1 I I Lun:tiere Design & Manufacturing, Jnc~ TYPEI .__ ____ _...I 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE: (818) 991-2211 Cl FAX (818) 991-7005 E ECIFICATIONS: , CAT# 720 & 730 FH- Glare shield accessory {not Included). Sealed flxbJre body & Bezel - 2.75' Dia. -r 3'.00' ~ I, DESCRIPTION APPEARANCE APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION FINISH MOUNTING #720 #730 PAR20MH PAR30MH ,1 !1,50' -! . j T . T I 3.25' I 3.25' _l l .Seal!!9 fixture bezer Equipped with 5.50" Dia. standard 1/2~ Nf'Sthreaeq mounting hub. ;,2s·-:----J Versatile H.I.D. architectural arid landscape fixture, engineered to accept latest ih technology,.the PAR20 and PAR30 Metall:-lalide"lamps (Notir\cluded). Ballast and ballast housing with wiring compartment included. Available.with several·mounting options including tree mounting,. ground mounting, and.surface mounting, Sleek -professional design which complements any landscape and architectv.ral environment. Referred-to-as, • A.fine new fixture: .. will ·indeed.be revolutionary to the commercial HID landscape lighting market·. Various lainp choices allow for uplighting, downlightjng, floodl_fghting, spotlighting, .and accert:lighting of: trees, shrubs, gardens, planters, flag poles, signage, sculp- tures, buildings, landscapes, and general area ·murriinaiion. Fixture is completely adjustable in any direction from all mountinQ flO~itions. Housing, lens be:z;el, andadjµstable stem are cast, fo_rmed anc:Vor machined 6061-T6 magnesium silicone alloy aluminum •. ).ens is tempered.glass and secured in place with a high temperatur.e silicone adhesive, All hardware is stainless steel. Housing and bezel are-sec!led with a-high temperature ·o· rinQ.gas!<et._ All al(!minum parts are first chromate conversion coated and then fin_ished with a thermoplastic polyester powder·painl for·mar re~istance and ·extended weatherability -Finishes available: Black, Architec::tural Bronze, and Verde are standard, other finishes- available -consult factory (please specify). · ·· Adjui;table·~tem configuration.equipped with standard 112 NPS threaded male fitti11g. Speclal clutch mechanism ensures positive fixture aiming orientation. Remote ballast 120 volt unit must be mounted to NEc·approved.wiring compartment. Fixtures must be wired in accordance with local and national electric cpdes. 'Please consult your local codes prior to installation. • Lumiere Design··& Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right-to make design-ch.anges without notice, for product improvement. Lighting Consultant: Gall~gos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol.Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.3'43~5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type A4 I I ,- 1 I I I I I I I -1 I I -, TYPE __ ! ___ - ---·- LUMIERE $,PgC_IFICATION GUID~ ~ LOGIC ~ Ml;TAL HALIDE SERIES ---- FIXTURE· L,AMP VOLTAGE BALLAST /MOUNTING FINISH OPTIONS ACCESS ORIE CAT'.# WATTAGE 720-35S • 35 120 -MB -In ground composite balfast BK-Black EL35 Electronic LSL7 -Linear_ PAR20 watt spot. and wiring·b·ox-with fixture ballast.for the spread lens for Metal 35F • 35 277 -mounting directly to ballast cover. ·BZ-Bronze 35 watt Metai increased Halide watt.flood. _Halide light beam ;:iccent GM· Fixture with factory· VE-Verde -source. distribution in a fixture. '' attached 6" aluminum ground Note: The-linear pattern. spike, Ballast and enclosure. remote ~0-included for rembte-installafion mounting OSL7 ~ Overall PAR30 With supplied-cord set. options are not-spread lens for Metal • applicable with increased Halide TM·-Tree mounted with ballast the electronic -beam accent and wiring box and mounting ballast. · distribution. . fixture. -acces~ory . _ DIF1 -Diffused · TR -Tree-mount for-standard-or soft focus - .. fixture. ~allast and-enclosure lens for smooth included.for remote installation even with supplied cord s~t. illuminatton. WM -Wall.mount configuration FH -Angled with fixture mounted directly to glare shield for -ballast-cover. reduced visual WR -Standard fixture with RS1 glare. J-Box cover and-remote-ballast LVR7-1/4" ·and-enclosure. louver for reduced visual glare. I I -I -~ I I ---I I I I· .. I I EXAMPLE: -*720,-35F. -120 -GM -VE -FH -LSL7 ' · ORDER INFORMATION"*: ' -- * Example specification for the following: . PAR20 35 Watt Metal Halide for 120 vplt operation. Ground mounted ballastbox with fixture mounted to cover. Fixture to be Verde with,~nd-angled glare shield-and linear spread lens, · **For use as a specification schedule, enter your catalog number hear. -COMING SOON FROM LUMIERE: PAR36 -Designed forthe White Son iight source. PAR38-Metal Halide accent illuminator. Lumiere Design-& Manufacturin!l, Inc. reserves the right to make design-changes without notice, for product improyement. Lighting Consttltant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325· - Phone 818.343.57(j2 /Fax 818.3.43.2041 LEG·OLAND Carlsbad --Type A4 I I I I I I I II I I I. I- I I I I I I Luiniere Design & Mariufaduring, Inc. 31360Via Colinc;1s #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-221·1 CJ. FAX (818) 991-7005 TYPE 1-I ___ __. Li,\MP INFORMATION: · CAT# 720 & 730 ;t.AMPDATA PHOTO METRICS Lumiere Design-& ~anufacturing, Inc. Mailing lists. are updated monthly, if you woufd ijke·to·receive mailings, a c9py t)ie LuiniereNews, and otherimportanl infonnlrtion - write, call, or fax us-at (818)991- 7005. . Lumiere offers a full range.pf line and low voltage-landscape wid architec_tural lighting products. For. a complekcatalog·contact your local representative orI,.mµiere !)esigli & Manufacturing, Inc. at3P60 Via- Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362. Phone (818)991-221i. Lumiere Pesign &Manufacturing, Inc. is represei1_ted· in your area. Please cotitact-our customer.service department for Dlore info. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAven~e Northridge, CA 91325 . Description L~Code wans Votts PAl'l20 COM35/PAR20/M/SF 35 120 P,e.R20 CDM351PAR20/M/SF 35 120 PAR30 k:;OM351PAR30/M/SF 35 120 PAR30 COM351PAR301M/Fl 35 120 Y. ~ Y. ~ 0 -4500 50 101 5 4404 55 66 10· 4037 60 47 15 3110 65 48 20 1375 70 25 .25 557 75 14 30 324 80 9 35 240 85 5 40 191 90 3 45 149 Lumiere Design & Mfg,Jnc. 31360 Via Colinas Suite TOl Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone (818)991-2211 FAX (818) 991-7005 Base t,led; Med. Med, !,led. LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone ~18.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Appr9x. dolor Ave life Beam Lumens temp.K (hrs.). Spread 32KOC 3000 6000 10° ·321(DC 3000 6000 30° 42KDC. 3000· 6000 9• 42KDC 3000_ 6000 30" ·35 Watt Spot Y. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 . . 90' 60" ·Je-· ~ Y. ~ 42000 50 67 18068 55 39 5348. 60 31 1798 65 23 865 70 16 550 75 8 454 80 4 367 85 2 221 90 1 153 BULK RATE li.S. POSTAGE PAID THOUSAND OAKS. CA PERMIT NO. 72 Type A4 I I I I I .I I I I, I I I 1. I I I I I I :i: e 1.s. 991 ?oos LUMIEREIIID. 02 Lumlere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. 3138Q Via Collnas ##101, Wqstlake Village, C~ 91362 TELEPHONE (818) 991··221'1 Q FAX (8.11D 991-7005· TYPE., .... __ __..I SPECIFJGATIONS: . . · . · . CAT #68339' Removable Front Cover · Projection Lens Adjustable Yoke · Mount W/ 1/2' Mot1ntlng Hole · ProJectloh lnterfoce W / Slot . · Condenser Lens Finned Body 3.50' A~Justable low voltage framing projector with ·three element projection lens. Dasl~r-ied for 12 volt halogen MR16 llght sburce up to 75 watts. lmoge proJe<;;tlng template can be placed between the focal plane slot ·Oflc;l ·o· ring seal for total protec!lon from the elements. Adjustable front lens auc,ws tor (moge focusing. All parts ore mochlnecl'from high grade aluminum ¢nd finished with a chromate converslor-i ,coating and·hlgh' temperature .polyester powder point. Lamp housing is finned for proper heat dissipation ond coollng. Flxfu~e is equipped with 1 /2'' mounting hole for easy attachment to standard fittings. AdJu~toble yoke osse.mble·ensures prop.er aiming and lma~e plocement. · Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. re11erves-the right to mako ~e~ign changeo without notice, for product improvement. Lighting. Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041. LEGOLAND · Carlsbad Type AS· I I . I I I I I I I, ,, I I I I I I I I I 2i:' SIS 991 ;'005 LUM rERE I IICI. ~ Luml~re De.sign & MonufocfurlnQ. Inc. h,~ 31360 Via Collnas # 101. Wastl~ka VIiiage, CA 91362 TELEPHONE 818 991 2211 • FAX 818 991 7005 . INSIALLAllON INS)!~UCTIONS: · · . .' . -_. · . · . CAT NO. #68339 . . . '"· ·. . . , PATTERN HOLDER - (·/·.lllf(11-l . ' . /~[l/1Ml 1ll~c..: SECURING RING ihb ~ a 12 volt fixture, A remote· transformer Is required 1.5' DIA PATTERN LAMP HOUSING 1. U.nscra~ :front bez.el to el<p'ose the ·image holdlng slot ,at rnldpolnt of the projector. 2 Insert pattern ln'to-pallem hQldor and sec(¥e wllh securing ring. then sllde ossembly Into projector ·&lot._ Pattern holder should.be Inserted wllhsecurlng ring fa9ing the lamp-side of'lhe projector. 3. Once pattern holder ls-In projector, screw fi~nt bez.el ovor pdllern holder and secure, hond tight agqlnst O' ring. · 1. To relamp,unscrew the-lamp housing-by 11,1rn1r,g lnq counter"Clockwise direellon,-remove the old bulb by pulling It out of !he sockot and pressing a new one In. A qiuck disconnect Is provided to prevent 1wlsling ~f the cord. rrxtu,011 should CJlwCJyi l>o hslull-.d '" CJC~dtil'lC() ·with local and ·r,:,ilonol electrl<;, codos. lumkaro D<.clgn & Manufoclui~. ·he, ~ssarvws llw rl(Jhl 1<> mnke 'd<ool"?'\ ~:hor~o. wltl~ notice, for procuct lnlprovomenl Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.S762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LKGOLAND Carlsbad· Type A5 03 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & ManlJ.facturing, ·1nc. TYPE· ..... 1 --~ 31360 Via Colina$#101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-22:t 1 O FAX (818) 991-7005 Extr~mely durable low voltage architectural-and landscape-fixture equipped with a built in.anti- siphon chamber to ensure a water resistant fixture. E.ngine.ered·to accept the MR16 halogen·light source -50 watt maxirnu·m (By others). Multi-versatile accent, flood or generai' area'.illuminator., Multi-use·light.source.delivering a comf9rtable 3000 • 3400'Kelvin color temperature. Varied lamp availability allows, spot, medium, and flood lighting (20 to 50 watts). FH203 accessory hood allows . maxim4rn lumen outpuLwhile minimizing visual glare. (Lurniere #FH203 & FH204 not included). -Contemporary-.Profe~sior:ial ·design, yet unobtrusive to the·landscape .. Rece_ssed light source = reduces·visual.glare without impairing function of the lamp. Formed and/or machined for.crucial fit i'!nd function of all components. Dimensions: D -4.5o··x W-·2.250" Vario!,ls ·Iamp choices allow for uplighting, downlighting, flood lighting,.spot lighting, and accent lighting of: tr!les, ·shrubs; gard\)ns, planters, flag,poles, signage, sculptures, buildings, landscapes, and general area illumination:Fixture is completely adjuslable in any direction from all mounting positions .. All parts ar~ first chromate conversion coated-and.then baked with·a thermoplastic polyester powder for rna.r resistance and sp11cifii: weatherability in Marine (salt spray), Landscape (alkaline soil), Moisture (aquas chemicals) and other·norrnal!y injurious.environments. Colors -.Architectural Bronze, Black, and·Verde are sta.ndard.-Other colors are available -consult factory. The ·stern is equipped with a 1/2" NPS.male thr~aded stem to accept-all standard J·-Boxes, wall plates, ground boxes, conduit fittings, ;md .1/2" female spikes. (Lumiere spikes not included). Lumiere.Design& Manufacturing; Inc. reserves the right to·mak~ design changeswithout,notice, for product improveme·nt. 7001 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 A.Jtda,sol A ven'1e N orthridge, C~ 91325 Phone '818.343.5762 /Fax: 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Type A6.1,.2,.3, .4,.5,.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturi'ng, Jnc. . 31360 Via Colinas #1_01, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE (818') 991-22'11 O FAX (818) 991-7005 \ ------------------~-___, '50" -------'-----'-'---'-~-1 SUPPLIED HEX KEY LOCKING BOLT' 1 LEAOWlAE - TEMPERED 8EZEJ-GL°ASS LENS Bezel,.body, and hydraulic compression mounting stem.are.machined, formed, and/or cast 6!)61 -T6 magnesium silicone·alloy aluminum. Lens is crafted.tram tempered·glass.and secured fn place with silicone adhesive. Unique mounting swivel uses hydraulic type compression design ·and builHn anti- siphon chamber for rigidityahd a water tight-coi)nection. ·o· Ring $ealed at bezel anc:f:qod)' further ensures fixture durability. · · • 'f;~;':':~ 12 volt systl!m Lltilizing·MR16 Bi-Pin halogen light·soi.Jrce (50 Watt maximum). Ceramic socket with ~ 250 degree-C teflon coated lead wires wit!l supplied wire·nuts and-dielectric tape for-a water tight · · connection. 12 v9lt remote transformer.required. (Lamp and transformer not included). Various lamp wattages and spreads allow for spot, medium,.and,flood lighting. Mounting swivel with 1/2"'NPT thread allows universal aiming and fastening. · ~~ Entire fronrbezel assembly.simpiy unscrews -insert.new-lamp (by-others) -replace bezel .. ~---)~-------.. • ___ assembly. -NO SCREWS OR BOLTS TO LOSE. Note: always disconnect power during · maintenance. · --Ground Spikes:.GS01,. GS03, G$04, GS05, GS06, and,GS0S. ATM -Tree mount, TMO5, and ,._,.....,N_,.....,....,._ ______ palm tree·strap .. FS1 --rectangular wall plate, and RSl round wall plate, both design·ed to fit · · standard J-Box. LVR , hex cell louver. Color filters and· spr\lad lenses. MR16 -50 Watt maxo(By others) NARROW'BEAM SPREAD MEDIUM-BEAM SPREAD .. WIDE BEAM SPR!=AD Lamp Beam Max RTD Lamp Beam-Max RTD Lamp Beam Max RJD Watts Code · Soread · .CP Hours Watts Code · 'Soread CP · Hours Watts Code Soread CP Hours 20 EZX. 7 9000 3000 35 FAA 20 '3B00 . 4000 20. BAB· 40 525. 4000 20 ESX 13 . 3300· 3000 42 EYS .27 2100 .3°500 35 FMW 40 1050 40.00 35 f.RB. 12 7900 4000. 50. . EXZ 27 . 2900 4000 42 ·EXP 36 991 2600 42 EZY 9 7076 3500 · 50 EXK 32 2450 4000 '50 EXN 40 17.50' 4000 42 EYR. 11.5 10200 2500 50 ENL 32 2325 4000 50 !:NV 50 1075 4000 50 EXT 12 7900 4000. .. --~·--<',•• -~(!-~_,...,..,,. ~--~ .• "' ':~-· ::····::-----.~, .... , .. -~--,,.rr·r-:• ... ,, •,• ..••.• , ..... ··: •• ·sub~ltt~;~~P!~V~dby:'Name:::; ... :,::. · :· •.. ·:,.· > · :c~·~pany:i; · ·. . . . . Date: ______ _ ~Note~~'.~!\.~~~~;. -~\·,.···1 • ~i•¾~ 1·k,: ~·:·· ,.-;~! ..... ··~),.>:~:~~~[;_:,!!':·~~-.~J.·~1~·w"·.!~~~~.,~ .. ·."1).~~~ •• ••• _ ••• ·~~ '-:~\.ii.-,~,· ~: ~ ... !,.,.,tt.;".):.:,_l,11;:~.._IJ(,;::'cJii()•,~1,. •.:,.-,,.,A • .;;-;,;J,.J!~','• IJ,,;•.._..,.--_~.,l.t.-.;,,."__.~~J;;..:,;,~,b;._-~h1.',C•fa~'4V~'-1)...;,..i.$.;:..,;,_;,...;J.01-.t~"'~lt,'ii: I,:.,.!,.,,. .,_;_,..,,..,..,. i..},_.!!..,;t.1,£:, .. ;,1,N,.. 1. • •,_., •, • ...., •• ,,., ,-:•: ••• •. ' • • • LLimiereDesign & Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to make design _cp~nges without notice, for product improvement. 7001 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue . Northridge, CA ·91325. Phone 818.343.5'762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type ·A6.1,.2,.3, .4,.5,.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -= - TYPEj.__· __ _. Highlyversatife •o• ring sealed machined miniature low.voltage landscape accent light. Utilizes 12 . volt, double contact (DCLbayonet base halogen lamp. Multi-use light source • delivering a·comfortable 300Q to 3.400 Kelvin color temperature. Varied lamp availabi,lity allows spot, mediuni, ari~ flood lighting in various wattages. (12, 20, and 35 watts.) Unobtrusive design, die formed and/or machined-for critical fit.and function of all components. A tasteful and quality .presentation .tl]at blencls·with tl)e er\vironmer\t. Because of its inconspicuous form thjs fixture is partic;:ularly suited for upllghting of trees shrubs, and texture</ surface~. Downlighti11g from trees, building, patios, and garden areiis. Accent lighting for plants, ·walkways,.under· eaves, signs, etc. -All part.s· are first chromate conversion coated and ti'len finished with a baked thermoplastic polyester powder for-mar resist?nce and-spiicific W(latherability in marine (salt spray), landscape (aqueous che,nic,!ls) and other norm·any color injurious environments. Colors -Architectural Bronze; Black, Verde, and White·are standard. Olher colors and plated-finishes available -consul! faclory. Cambria #211 1/2" NPS swivel mounts. to most standard outdoor J,boxes, cover plates, tree mounts, or ground spikes.(see accessories). Cambria #?12 has a hanging ring mount that attaches to standard cable or can h?ng.from wire·leacls. LumiereDesign & Mqriufacturing, Inc.reserve:, the right tomakf? qesign changes Without notice, for product improvement. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Oesign 8132 Andasol.Avenlie. N orthridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343;5762 /Fax 818.34:l;2()4,1 LE'GOLAND Carlsbad Type A7.1,.2,.3, .4,.5,.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. TYPE ...._I __ __, 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-2211.D FAX(818) 991-7005 STAINLESS STEEL LOCKING BOLT 200_ - ~Watts NARROW BEAM SPREAD 'Lamp Beam Max NIU Code Spread CP -Hours i 12 Tl:IE 70 6400 . 2000 ! 20 FSS 10° 4000 3000 I 35 . BAN/GDX 10° .6000 3000 20 Gab• 5• 7000 3000 ·Phillips halogen reflector lamps MAit 135 WATT MAX) OVERAU. LENGTH•' 250 -Housing, bezel, -and moun_ting swivel are die c11st, iormed,. and/or machined 6061-T6 aluminum. Unique mounting swiv1:1I use~ ·hydraulic type compr1;1ssio_n-qesign for .rigidity. and a waler tighrconneq!iori. "O" ring seaI·at lens bezel and_body further ensures fixture durability and weather resistance. · 12 volt system utilizing MR11 ·or PIJillips reflector, 35 wa!! (Maximum) halogen lamps -DC base sockeJwith-s!ainless-steel contacts arid ?OD degree teflon coated leaqwires. U.L. listec;Hor wet location. Remote·transformer is required •. (Lamp and transformer not-included.) Hydraulic swivel·mount with 1/2" NPS thread allows universal aiming and fastening to numerou·s electrical-fittings. · Entire front bezel assembly simply unscrews -replacefamp-re thread front bezel assembly back orito fixture .. NO SCREWS OB BOt:TS TO LOSE. - Filters: Red (SRF); Blue (SBF),.Green (SGF), Yellow (SYF), Diffused (DIF), Linear spread (LSL}, Overall Spre11d (OSL), and Louver (LVR).-Mou1J!ing: Ground.Spi'kes·(GSS, GSF, GS120, GS0B, and Chardonail), round wall plate (RS1), rectangular wall plate (FS1 ), and round !ree mount (ATM). Short bezel (211-1) a~d-glare.shield'(F.H211 ). MR11 or Phillips r_eflector·, D;C, Base --35 Wa~ Maximum (by ottiers). MEDIUM BEAM SPREAD WIDE BEAM SPREAQ N Lamp Beam Max RTO ·Lamp · Beam Max ·Rated ~ Watts Code· Soread CP. Hours I Watts Code Soread .CP. Lile 20 FST 17° . 1400 .3000 -w·. FSV 30° 600. · 2000 l 35. BAM 20° 2400 2000 -35-BAW 30° 1300 ,2000 35 'GOY 16~ 2600 . .3000 20 GBF-· · 32° 350~ 3000 20 GBE· rn• -1400 3000 - ::~~::~~t'_i;?i£{~-?~= .. +j:: \{::i:~·-:-~~-~;:~~:.i:~t~;l:-i:·.~~;,;\i1f :1~'.1~~,]iIL:::\:),::;1,:-:;1i~~~-:· i,ft'.r .. :. ~,i'..;· .•. , .. _: ;_ ..... :.,..;..!-:t.tt--,-, . ..,.·;:~:.;;;.:.~ •• ~: .. ..!":\·;,.~~J ... ·r:. , ... .r.'~t.'~,;~~,'.z., ... ,: :4';: .,,.~t:: .. ~~;:) .• r-~~¾;~~:·1~l=4-·;,'!f,~;i.1,.:".\,~x.\i1;ir.!:,'r~.i·J!1.r.:. . ..;:.1.;.tl..,t~..ti,Z~::.,~~·.:: tr:'!:._,.;::\.;,.~,;,-::1:,;: ~ •• • : •• : ~ ..... • ~ ....... .-, ,. Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the:right to make design chcjngeswithout notice, for product improvenient: Lighfing Consultant Gallegos Lighting-Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northriclge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAN.D Carlsbad Type A7.1,.2,.3; .4,.5,.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. TYPE·.,...1_ ..,..,,_..,..--.,__. 31360 Via ·Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 9f362 TELEPHONE (81:8) 991-2211 D.FAX (818) 991-7005 Highly versatile ·o· ring sealed machined miniature low voltage landscape accent light. Utilizes 12 volt, double contact (DCJ-bayonet base halogen lamp. Multi-use light source ~ delivering a comfortable 3000 to 3400 J\elvin color temperature. Varied lamp availability allows spot, mediom,-and flood lighting in various wattages. (' 2, 20, an'd.35 watts.) -Unobtrusive design, die·formed and/or. m·achine& for·criiical fit and function-of all components. A tasteful-and gu·ality-presentatiqn.that blends with the environmerit. Because 61 its inconspicuous·form this fixture·is particularly suited for uplighting of trees shrubs, and textured surfaces. Downlighting from trees, 9uilding, patio~. and garden areas. Accent lighting for plants, walkw<i,ys, urider'eaves, signs, etc. All parts ar~ first chromate conversion coated· and· ihen finished with a baked thermoplastic polyester-powder !cir mar-resistance.ana.specilic weatherability in marine·(salt'spray),,Jandscape (aqueous chemicals) and other normally colo_r injurious environments. Colors -Architectural Bronze,.Biack, V(!rde, and.White are &tandard. Other colois·and_plated finishes available -consult factory. Cambria #211 1/2" NPS swivei mounts to most standard outdoor J boxes, cover plates, tree mounts, or ground spikes'(see accessories). Cambria'#212 has a hanging ring mount that att<1ches to standard cable or·can·hang-fror:n wjre leads. · Lumiere Design & Manufacturfnq, Inc, reserves-the right to make oesign changes without notice, for product improvement. Lighting-Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge; CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /F.ax 818.343~2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Type AS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. TYPE .__I __ __. ·31360 Via Colirias #101., Westlake Viliage; CA 9t36.2 TELEPHONE (8-18) 991-2211 D FAX (818) 991-7005 STAINLESS STEEL LOCl<ING BO<.T -O"RING MAit C35WATTMAX) OVERALL ~ENG TH•.,. :iso BEZE_L ,,., WEEP HOLES Housing; bezel, and mounting swivel are die cast, formed, and/or machined 6061-T6 altiminµm. Unique mounting swivel uses.hydraulic type-compression design for rigidity and a water iight connection: "0" ring s_eal ai·lens bezel and body further ensures fixture durability and weather resistance. 12·voltsystein utilizing.MR11 or Phillips reflector, 35 watt (Maximum) halogen lamps -DC base s6cket·with stainless steel contacts and 200 degree teflon coated'lead wires. U.L. listed for wet location.· Remote transformE!r is required. (Lamp and transformer not included.) Hydraulic swivel mount with 1/2" NPS threqd ?flows universal aiming·and fastening to nur:nerous electrical fittings. · Entire.front bezel assembly simply unscrews -replace lamp -re thread front bezel assembly back · onto fixture .. NO SJ;:REWS.OR-SOLTS TO LOSE. . Filters:·Red (SRF), Blue (SBF), Green-(SGF), YelJow (SYF), Diffused (DIF), Linear spread (LSL), Overall Sprecid (OSL), and Louver (LVR),. Mounting: Ground Spikes (GSS, GSF; Gs1·20, GSO:B, and Chardonail), round wall plat_e (RS1 ), rec;tangularwall plate (FS:1 ), and round tree mount (RTM). ShCirt bezel (211-1) and ~lare shield (FH211 ). -MR11 or Phillips·reflect9r', D.C. Base -35 Watt·Maximuril (by others). fl NARRO~ BEAM SPREAD MEDIUM BEAM SPRE,;D WIDE,BEAlyl SPREAD ,_, !watts I, Lamp · !:learn Max .NIU' Lamp Beam Max RTD' Lamp Beam Max · Rated H . Code Spread CP Hours Watts ,Gode Snread CP Hours Watts Code Spread. CP Life , < 12 THE 70 . 6400 2000, 20 FST 17° 1400 3000 20 FSV 30° 600 2000. if ~ 20 FSS 10° 4000 3000' 35 BAM. . 20° .2400. 2000 . 35 BAW 30° 1300 2000 t' fl 35 BAN/GDX . 10° 6000 3000 35 ·GOY 16° 2600' 3000 20. GBF' · 32° .. 350 3000 M "20 7000 GBE' . . B GBD' 5• 3000 20 1a0 1400 3000 . = .. ~~\ltW/SZP'li~~W~~~"il "Phillips halo.gen reflector lamps . . :~~-~-: :7:~:~~-~---:~:--/-:-~::.;_:·i~:!~·~;.~.;i~./:,~~;~~.~·:-:::-:~~:':}·:.· ~~~-··· .-· ~ ~-. :·:~·:··· ... ··~,: ··subll'!lllal Approved by: Name::-.'.: .. ,:.-;'-_,,,,,·~"'.>",;:-:.,•: ·.·:· ·' ~ Comp~ny:'. ;:: · •· · ._, . · Date:'·· . :: ·, ,: . ..,..,~.. . . . ... ; ' ~. . ~ ~ . .., . _'-.,'"".-, -~-...;_-"...;_---· ------- Notes:_--' _ _;__...;._ _______ ~--.:....------------'-'----~--'--------- Lumie.re Design & Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the.right to make design changes witho1,1tnotice, for product improvement. Lighting Consultant· Gallegos Lighting Desigll 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type AS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,if) ~- ~ '(y• .............. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasoi A. venue N orthridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax ~18.343.204l LEGOLAND Carlsbad K I M LIGHTING· Type A11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Specifications T 13"WD14 17"WD18 Warning: Fixture$ must be grounded 'in accordance with· local codes or-the National Electrical Code. failure to do so may result in serious P.ersonal injury, 7W l . ·':"· . l ',:'i" :-,·.: ... _ ... . .____.• .. ,.,··~·:', ... :-:. Mounting Plate-WD14 Attaches directlytoany standard-4' J-box. Standard Mounting Plate-WD18 Mt.isl be-Securely attached to wall ·outside the J-b9x-perimeter. J-box in wall by others. See note below concerning mounting to uneven surfaces. Maximum_ Fixture Weight. WD14 (150HPS)-.26.lbs, WD18 (400HPS)-43.lbs. Reflector Housing: One piece clie cast aluminum with integral cooling fins .. Rotates agairist ballast housing to provide 1 Q.9 .of ad- Justment with degree-markers cast into housing. At-0° adjustment,. lens is totally concealed from view above horizontal with fixture aimed downward. Ballast housing: One.piece die c.ast alumJnum with integral .cooling fins. Fastens to mounting plale with keyhole slots freeing·both-hands for securing and wiring. One stainless.sieel socket-head screw on each side of housing frees the reflector housing to rotate_ for aiming. Tightening the screws locks the two 'housings together with sealing· provided by a silicone gasket. For visuc1I aiming, adjustment may be accomplished with the fixture on. Lens Frame: One piece die cast aluminum with integral hinges and stainless steel pins .. Two-stainles$ steel.quarter-turn fasteners secure lens frame to reflector housing·with sealing provided-by a. one piece extruded and vulcanized silicone.gasket. Lens is clear flat 'Vir." thick tempered glas_s scaled to lens.frame With a $ilicone gasket and retainer clips. For l:JP models, lens is.mounted flush wil11 frame for water run off, and·is·silicone sealed. Reflector Module: Specular Alzak .. oplicaf segments are rigidly. mounted to an aluminum module-which attac;hes !O the.hou$ing by a no-tool quick disconnecting hinge and fastener. For WD14 models. all sockets are porcelain m_edium base. rated 4KV. For w·D18.niodel.s all sockets.are mogul base with.HPS.rated 4KV, and MH versions have pin-orientec;l sockets with molded silicone lamp stabilizers. All sockets are factory prewired with a quick 91sconnect pll!g for·matirig to the ballast. Available in three light distributions,-all interchange- able within the $ame·housing. · Electrical Components:.High power factor ballasts are rigidly mounted inside the housing and are factory,prewired with a quick 12 K I M . LIGHTING Lighting Consultant:· Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · · Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 To J-box center 4.½"WD14 _~~__, 61/a'WD18 .: ·:.·.·. Receplacle for fixture mounting screw (2). I Optional Walf·Embeclment Plate-WD18 only. See specifications below. disconnect plug for mating to the socket. Starting temperatures are -40~F for HRS lamp-modes and -20°F for MH-lamp modes. Mounting Plate: For WD·14 models. mounting.plate altc!<;:hes di- rectly-to any standard 4· J-box. For WD18 models,. standard mounting plate is attached to wall (by others} outside the J-box gerimeter. Qptional Wall·Eml;Jedmenl Plate (WEP) is available for WD18 models to eliminate mechanical attachment by casting di- rectly into pourei;:l-c;oncrete walls or coluryins .. AII mounting plates. are zinc plated 14 ga. steel with reinforcing-ribs. Two studs are provided in•e_ach plate:with flange nuts to allow fixture mounting ):ly keyhole slots. For-rough or uneven surfaces, sealant must be ap- plied (py oU:iers) between 111ounting plate and mounting.surface to insure-a dry J,b6x. · · OptionarPolycarbon~te Shield: (Fm DOWN models only) Fully gasketed one piece vacuum.formed clear UV stab1lized.polycar- tiona1e shield repfaces.slanqard tempered gl;lss lens. For WD18 models-250W max. 'May l;Je used wit11 400W HPS only in outdoor locations wh~re·arT]bient i;tir temperalure-durir,g.fixture operation will not exc::eec'l'85°F. CAUTION:_Use only when vandalism is ai1t1ci- _pated to be· high. UsefuLlife,is limi!ed by UV discoloration from ~unligbt and MH lamps. · Finish: Black, Qark Bronze. Light 'Gray or White TGJC, thermoset polyester powder co.at paint applied over a chromate conversion ,coatirjg·on housings and lens frame. 2500 hour sail spray test en- durance rating. · Certification: (UP or DOWN models) UL listed ( 120, 208. 240, 277 arid 480 volt only) and°CSA-certified (120 and 347 vol! only) for wet locations. All ph6tometrics based on-Independent Testing Labora- tory (ITq f!JpOrts. LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type All C) I I 1· I I !· I I I ' :; ' I I :-1 3 ::j :·, I . 1 ,:· -~-j I :_:! ·::1 .-:1 . -~ .:\ ·,t I ! ' I ' j l I -::1 ··.1 ·i ·j I ·j I ·'i ., I :1 ·.\ t :I ·; ·J I ··1 ·, i I ·l I ··J l l .: J I i. I I ® !~ ··~ . Or.dering Example: FIXTURE El:ECTBICAL MODE FINISH OPTIONS WD1;4D3 I 175MH277 / BL-Pl A-33/ HS/ s:0s14 3 .Finish TGIC powder coat finish applied to reflector housing, ballast housing:and,lens frame. Cat No. Color BL-P Black. DB-P Dark Bronze. LG-P . Light Gray. WH-P White. Custom colors subject to additional charges, minimum quantities and longer lead times .. Consult.factory. 6 s0 Shield Aluminum shield field-attached to t===:i:-';.;;J lens frame. Maintains a horizontal cutoff fixture edge when the luniinaire is tilled 5°. Finished lo match-the fixture: Cat No. 5DS14 Foran 14' fixtures. 5DS18 For ali 18' fixtures. 9 Quartz Standby. Integral electronic device energizes a T-4 mini-can socket-during lamp warm-up and after a power inierruption. De-energizes prior to.HID lamp reacl1ing full brightness. r-4 halogen lamp by others: 100W max. for WD14, 250W max. Im WD18. Cat No. ,QS 1 4 Photocell CatNo. A-30 A-31 A-32 A-33 A-34. -A-35. Line Volts 120V 208V 24QV· 277V 480V 347V 2 3 4 5 6 ... etc. 5 Houseside'Shield Combination:louver shield and black end- .p~nel for reflector. Factory installed to -fi:-::::::::;~~~ reflector mo'dule. Reduces light toward wall by·.the ·followin§. amoµnts: APPROXIMATE LIGHT, REDUCTION TOWARD WALe Type If Type·lfl type IV WD14---43o/o _.-74% wb10 -72% -73% -77% -84% Oat No. HS 7 Polycarbohat~ Shield 8 Fusing For DOWN fixture.models only. V~cl)um formed clear polycarbonate ~--:._-:._--:_-!-_-_-~-:;;, shield replaces standard tempered ~ - All fusing.is factorfinstalled inside the fixture housing. glassdens. -250W maximum in WD18 _.---,--,/ eat No. SF Single fusing for 120V, 277V and 347V primary . (see specs for higher wattage). CAU'j:ION: Use.only when .vandalism is anticipated tobe high. Useful life·[s lirriited·by UV discoloration from sunlight and metal halide lamps. Cat No. DF C!'ltNo. PS 10 Wall Embedment -Plate ~ For WD18 only. _ .. ~"._ Zinc. plate_d steel " {) mounting plate ·._. ' for casting into . • pourea concrete walls, beams and columns. Replaces ~tandard mounting plate. See-page 12·for dimensions. Cat No. WEP Double fusing for 208V, 240V and '480V primary. 11 Surface Conduit Mount -· Cast aluminum J;box and·fixtum mount for er'.-..,. attachment (by others) IC> existing wall:: .',-:!-,;· . --_ beqms or columns. SCM18 has one·¼ NPT ::A--2 ... , ,,_, · conduit tap in each side, top and bottom. ..,,,:··:·;:\ ::' ,\' · SCMr4·has one 3/.,' conduit tap-in each side · ,._ · and.bottom only. F.inished to match the fixture.· 1½"-:J )- Cat No. SCM14U For WD'14•fixtures, UP only. . SCM14D For WD14 fixtures, QOWN only. SCM18. For allWD18 fixtures, tiP·or DOWN. K I M 11 LIGHTING :-:_:\'.':·-·. ·-· Lighting Consultant: LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type A11 Gallegos Lighting Design 8l32 ~dasol Avenu~ Northridge;. CA 91325 · Phone 81~.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.20Jl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Orderin-g Information ~-v) 1 Fixture Fixture catalog number specifies fixture size.(14' or 18"), Up (U) or Down(Q) configuration, and light distribution (2, 3, or 4). Small UP14" · 70~175W DOWN 14" 70-175W UP·18" 250-400W DOWN 18!' 250-40QW . -. . Type 11-distril;lutiofl WD14U2 WD1402 WD18U2 WD18D2 ~ -~ Type Ill distribution WD14U3 WD1403 WD18U3 WD18D3 TypeJV distribution WD14U4 WD1404 WD18U4 WD18D4 2 Electrical· Mod~ Catalog number specifies lamp watts, lamp type and-line voltage. 14" UPoroow·N Elcclrical Mode ·line Line Max. Elecllical Mode Linc Linc-Mnx. Lnmp (by others) Calnlog No. Veils Walls Amps. Lamp (by o\hC(!i) Cillalog No. Velis Walls Amps. 70 Watt 70HPS120 120 86 0.89 . 250Watt 250HPS:120 120 295 ' 2.70 High Pressure Sodium 70HPS208 208 91 0.47 High Pressure Sodium 250!:iPS208 208· 295 1.50 Clear ED17 Medium Base 70HPS240 • 240 91 0.40 Clear E18 Mogul Base 250HPS240 240 295 i'.30 70HPS277 277 91 0.35 250HPS277 277 295 1.15 70HPS347 '347. 93 0:30 250HPS347 347 295 0.93 115 .250HPS480 480 295 0.65 100 Watt 100HPS120 120 1.50 High Pressure Sodium 100HPS208 208 130 0.76 400Watt 400HPS120 120 457 3.80 Clear ED17 Medium Base 100HPS240 240 ·130 0.66 High Pressure Sodium 400HPS208 208 457 2.20 100HPS277 277. 130 0:60 Clear.E18 Mogul Base ,400HPS240 240 457 UlO J00HPS347 · 347 130. . 0.44 . 400HPS277 277 457 1.70 2.25 400liPS347 347 457 1:32 150 Watt 150HPS120 120 170 400HPS4B0 480 457 1.00 High Pressure Sodium 150HPS208 208 ma . us Clear ED17 Medium Base 150HPS240 .240 188 1.00 250Watt 250MH120 120 295 2.60 150HPS277 277 188 0.85 .Metal HaJide 250MH208 208 295 1.50·. 150HPS347 · .347 188 .0.56 Clear BT28 or ED28 250MH240 240 295 ·1.30 7DMH120 Mogul Base 250MH277 .277 295 1.10 70Watl 120 89 0.85 Pin-Oriented 250MH347 347 290 090 Mel,ll'l::lalide 70MH277 277: 89 0.40 .250MH480. 480 295 065 Clear E:D17 Medium Base 70MH347 347 . 94 0:30 100MH120 400 Watt 400SMH120 120 458 400 100 Watt 120 129 1.15 Metal Halide 400SMH208 208 458 2.30 Metal Halide 100MH2i7 277 129 0:50 Cl.ear ED28* . 400SMH240 . 240 458 2.00 t~ Clear ED11:Med1ui:n-Base 100MH347 .347 129 0.40 Small 0uler·Jackel 4DOSMH277 277 458 1.75 175 Watt 175MH120 120 215 1.80 · Mogul·Base 400SMH347 347 458 1.40 / Melal Halide. 175MH208 208 215 1.05. Pin-Oriented. 400SMH480 480 458 1.00 Clear ED17 Medium Base 175MH240 ·240 215 0.90 *Lamp availab!e·from.Kint-MS400/HOR/ED28 Venture H1gh-Oulpu1 ·175MH277 277 215 0.8.0 175MH347 347 215 0.65 horizo_ntal burni11g-metal halide; 400W; 40.000 lumens; 4000°K; 20,000 hr. 10 K I M LIGHTING ... : ....... Lighting Consultant: LEGOLAND Type Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Anda.sol Avenue Carlsbad. Alt N orthridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.34$.5762 /Fax 818.3.4'3.2041 .... [. i f·' I, [. L 1· 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l f: ~ ~ n Lumiere .Design & Manufacturing, Inc. 31360 Via Collnas #101; Westlake Village, CA 91.362 TELEPHONE (818)·991~2211 D FAX (SrB) 991--7005 TY p E I.....__--,----'---' -~ ~:l¼l] Bezel, body, and hydraulic compression mounting stem are machined, formed, and/or cast 6061-TG magnesiuni_~ilicone allciy·aluminum. Lens is crafted from tempered glass arid secured in placi;i with silicone adhesive. Unique m_ounting swivel.uses hypral!lic type cc;,mpression design and ariti·siphon cpamber for rigidjty and a water tiglit ~onnection. ·o· Ring sealed at bezel <1-nd body fuftner-en·su.res fixture durability. Extended hood and fin·ned fixture body allow for increased heat dissipation ensuring proper function,andfulUamp life. 12 volt-system utilizing MR16 Bi-Pin halogen·ligh'\.source (75 Wait maximum). Ceramic socket with.250 degree C tefloir~oated lead wires.with suppligd wire nuts-and dielectric tape·for a water tight connection. 12::volt remote transformer requited. (Lamp and.transformer not•included). Various:_lamp.wattages and spreads allow for spot, medium, and flood lighting. Mounting swivel with 1/2"-NPT thread allows universal aiming and fastening. Self contained adjustable glare shield ·allows for reduced visual glare. E;ntire front-bezel assembly simply.unscrews: insert new-lamp (by others)· replace bezel assembly. --No SCREWS OR-BOLTS TO l:OSE. Note:·always disconnect:power during maintenance. Gro.und Spikes: GS01 ;GS03, GS04, GS0S, GS06, arid GS0S. RTM • Tree mount, TMOS, and palm tree strap. FS1 • rectahg1,1lar wall pate. a_nd RS1 round wall plate,_ both designed to fit standard J-Box. l VR • hex cell louver. Color filters and spread· lenses. MR16 • 75 Watrmax (By others) ,. ~~,:..-.-':.-;,.-,.,-, .......... ~~\,~:~T..,.-.-:~~,-,J~-~~~~rt'':tJ~:'P'-~;i.--::;;~ ..-.;:t'"~ ·,t.;-:-=..,.:..-:-.:-~t-:..'!''".l".t, :~~r,J·:r;.>:;>T.~~ ... :,:: •::,.} r ... :~,;;-. ... ,: . NARROW BEAM SPREAD ~ ·MEDIUM BEAM SPREAD ~1 . -,, Lamp. Beam ··Max RTD ·t Lamp· Beam Max RTD Lamp Beam Max RTD Watts Code Soread. CP Hours Watts Code Soread CP Hours-. Watts -Code Soread CP Hours WIDE BEAM SPREAD 20 EZX 7 ·good 3000 35 FRA 20 3800 4000 20 BAB 40 525 4000 20 ESX 13 · ·3300 3000 42 EYS -27 2100 3500 35. FMW 40 .1050 4000 35 FRB. :12 7900 4000 . 50· .EXZ · 27 2900 4000 42 _EXP 36 991 ·2000 u 42 . _EZY. 9 707'.6 3500 -50 EXK 32 2450 4000. 50 EXN 40 1750 4000 ij ·2soo t, 42, _EYR 11,.5 10200 50 ENL 32 2325 4000 50 . F.NV 50 1075-4000 ~ 50 EXT 12 · _7900 4_000 75 EYJ _25 4600 40:00 ~ 75, EYC 42 2100 . . ~ 75 EYF 14 12300 4000 R. 4000 i ~k ztmrser::e: ._ .~ •,. Submittal Approved by: Name:_-,-'-----''-'---.,..,..-Conipany:._~----------Qate: ______ _ Notes:_.,__ __________ '----------------'--'--------'-----'--- Lumiere Design & M9nufacturing, Inc. reseryes the right-to make des[go changes wit~butnotice, for product improvement. 7002- Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 913Z5 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type A12,. A12a, A12b I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .t.umier.e Design & Manufacturing, Inc. TYPE ._I ---'-----,-J 31360 Via Colin~s #101, Westlak~ Village, CA 91362. TELEPHONE (818) 991-2211 0 FAX (818) 991-7005 Powerful low-voltage architectural and landscape fixture designed for operation-up to 75 watts. Engineered to accept the MR16-halogen·light.source in.a compact package,with a self contained adjustable gl,:tre shield for reduced visual"_glare. An anti-siphon cha_mber has been in·corporated to ens1Jre a w<1ter resistant fixture. Multi-use light source delivering-a comfortable ·3000 -3400 Kelvin color temperature. Varied lamp .availa_bility" allows, spot, medium, ano flood lighting (20 16 75 watts). Extended hood and finned body allow for·increased-heat dissipalion-eni;uring propsir function and.full lamp life. Professional -Compact desig_n _perfect:f9r use in botti residential and commercial applications. Rece~sed lights9urce,reducE!s vis4al glare·witlioµt impairing function of the lamp. Formed and/or machined for crucial fit and function.of all components. Dimensions: 4.75" X 3.0p". Various.lamp choices allow for powerful uplighting, downlighting, flood lighting, spot lighting, and accenrlighting of:-trees, shnios, gardens, planters, flag·poles, signage, sculptures, buildings, and landscapes, and general area illumination .. Fixture is completely ad/us table in any direction from all.mounting ·positions. All parts are first chromate conversion coated and then baked with a thermoplastic polyester powder f9r mar resistance and specific wilathefability·in Marine (salt spray), Landscape (alkaline soil), Moistu·re.(aqµas chemicals) and other normally injurious environments. Colors - Architec\µral Bronze, Black, and Verde-are-standard. Other colors are available -consult factory. The stem is equipped with a 1/2" NPS male threadedstem·to accept all standard J -Boxes, wall plates, ground boxes, cor.duii-tittings, and 1/2" female spikes. (Lumiere spikes not.included.) Submittal Approved by:·Name:._·----,..--,------Company:.-'-------~'-----Date: ---~--~ Notes:--'--------------'--'-~~-----'---------'-------'-'----''------ Lumiere Design & Manuf;:icturing, Inc. reserves the right to·ma~!:l qesign changes without notice, for product improvement. . . ~~ Lighting Consul~t: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 And~ol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Type A12, A12a, A12b I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I After-Sunset Low.Voltage Garden Ughtlng OPTIONAL-LAMPS (See Page.38) MR-1650W_FLOOD (EXN) -HYDRA TL0-12 MR-16 (iow TO 75W) ';MATERIALS H<:ad: Extruded Aluminum Housing with.Alum.inum End Plates l Lens: . . Clear Tempered Glass Connector: 18/2 SPT 6" long, molded . Valoic, pins solid hard brass. FINISH:"' Polyester baked 'black enamel housing with C!ld plates pre-treated· with. _iron 'Phosphate and coated with .003 mils of Polyester 'Black .pow4cr over a Chromate Scaler. ~liked at (40Q°) F for 20 minutes. OPTIONS (See Page 35.:37) STlr TRl .(11/2" 12/pkg.-P~tic Track) STL-TR4 ·( 4' 6/pkg. Plas.tic Track) STL-TC2 (Comer Cover Plastic:U/pkg.) STI.,-TC3 (End.Cap 12/pkg.) STL-TC10 (4'Ttack Cover Plastic) STL-Tql (Single Circuit Adapters 12/Pkg.} OIMENSIONS·SHOWN. IN INCHES DESCRIPTION: Thi$ refmed luininaire provides 50W halogen· spot or flood lighting. The pote1it MR16 lamp provide~ perfect illum~nation for directional spot ~ting,.flood lighting, wall·washing and accent lighting. EXN.(SOW) GA-00: .[Louver] Corilpad aluminum 1/8" cell hex. louver. Provides 45° light-cu.t-off high tcmper~ture black enamel. .GA-12: [Color f.ilter] Tcmpcred.'Glass J;ens; Red, Green, TAC-01 . . .. J I '\ . \ 1 \. Blue & Amber. i . ~ TAC-01: [Lens Cover for TI..0-12] Tempered gl~ lens mounted in.afuminµm frame. Used to protect lamp from water when.fixture is used'in vertical position. · ~,II 8 i .. .· I 1 n ' . I ,. -~ ,~ I ,. rmish: Black Add (·B) to Catalog# Whit~ Md:(-W) to Catalog # . . , . ' . . -...,,.,.-...,, .. ,,.n ,c..._.........o,....,,. RUDD Lighting 9201 Washington Ave. Racine WI 53406-3772 (800) 236-7000 fax (800) .236-7500 Lighting Consultant: · Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.$43.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad ·Type Al-3 I I ./Jlt~ ... '~111 l I I I I I I I I (~. 'l _; ILIGHTINGI ON~Y L.UMA HAS 1.2 VOLT OUTDOOR TRACK Effect OuJdollr Track Cat~log Description · Number ..i· Aluminum. · TRA4-flK TRA4-WH s· Aluminum TRA8-BK _ ·-····-· ___ T~·WH__ . Finishes Code: BK=Black, WH=White, SPB=Solid Brass Description Track solves so many nighttime lighting situations in both residen- tial.and commercial appllcations, and -outdoor track is.a Luma exclusive. With remote transformers. UL wet location listed heads and,cable flexi[Jility, Luma is perfect for use in structures or landsGap~. Trace the trusses under an awning of an eating area, or maneuver along curved ~xterior .walls by u$ing the spine/cable holder in-place of·rigid lengths of-track. The safety of low voltage means that Luma track cari be installed witll brillianl effectiveness around pools, 1101 Julis, clocks or marinas. . . Luma track.sections are-available in black or white·DeltaGuard finish, warranted for i years. Tl1ese 4' and s··aluminum extrusions serve as raceways into which the Luma 10/3 cable is·ins(lrted. Adding to the design flexibility of Luma track is the spine/cable holder accessory which eliminates·the·straight.ru11 requirement. Spine/cable holi;lers i,an-ascend along.a tree trunk or mount along irregular outdoor surfa_ces where·ordina_ry t~ack could-not work. Track is-dual circuit and uses the same 300W or 600W trans- formers as Luma path or dir~ctional fixtures. The Photocontrol/ Time Clock and Nigh!'.Control options are applicable with track·installations. Outdoor Track-Patio Lighting Patios open-up with·the addition of track · lighting-no more dark spots or unused corners. Fixtures can.be· located to create specific seating areas or across an exterior wail for·general iilumi- nation. Track is extremely versatile, meaning that fixtures can be moved or· added if a bar-ti-que is built or h_o! tub added. Fixture TMC1E-L TL012 TL011 TL013 Tl03 · lamp; Finish Colors 20-35MR11 Bi-pin; BK, WH 20·50WMR16 Bispin; BK, WH 20-35WMR16 DC base; BK, WH 25-75WPAR36; BK, WH,SPB 20·50WMR16 DC base; BK, WH · Outdoor Track..,. Tree Lighting Because Luma Track.cable can be·sm1_ked up a. trellis-or a tree·, a-.lovely, "natural" moonlighting effect can--be achieved. Lighl'filters i;loWn from _ tr~e tQps, creating leafy shadows which-change with every night breeze. TL03 TMC1E-l TL011 TMG1H TL012 TLQ11 TL013 TL03 TL013 20·35MR11 Bi-pin; BK, WH 20-50WMR16,Bi-pin; BK,WH 20-35W0MR1.6DC base; BK, WH 25-.75WPAR36; BK, WH, SPB 20-50WMR16 DC base; BK,WH - Tl012 --------·--.::_.=/~9¥.Wik..JJ.4.9¼h¥i!*'?~.Cl:'~-:·i~ .... --.~---_ -· . . .. -. -~------··------·-· I .:_..:;\;::'.:}~tt1:;;:g.::::Rgu;:ns~l_::g 9201 _Washmgton Ave. Racine WI .53406-3772 (800) 236-7000 fax (800) 236-7500 I I LE'GOLAND Gallegos Lighting Design C·arts· bad·- 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA. 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Type A13 I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I GALVANIZED STEEL MOUNTt;NG SYS1EM Corr9sidn and vandal- resislant ~,.._ die casl, • louver head assembly. BRM 822 Low brighlness optical syslem leatures high ,__,... ·· angled zinc louvers lor wide spacings, uniform illuminalion. Extrud_ed ahrmirnnn housmg with atexlured ~ polyesler paint. · High.slrenglh galvan11cd steel tenon throughoul the length ol lurninaire. Welded mou~ting ring and lour galvanized sleel anchor bolls_,.._ s1:~1m:s hmrinaire lo loundal1on. :1· I~-4 1/2" tenon _,...j -~ 8" housing---' .... Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting D~sign 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91;325 I 11" Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 42" or 36" or 30" LEGOtAND Carlsbad Type Bl.3, 1.4, 1~3a, 1.4a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I 14•'8!mht•l#Uii=Miir:t+iit•)@€1 BRM 822, BRM 823, Bf=lM 8238_, BRM 823G GENERAL Each Gardco bollard is a luminaire designed for-use · wilh 35-1 OOW high inlensily discharge lamps. A die cast zinc louverhead assembly provides low glare, high perlormance lighting and superior vandal resislance. A concealed high strength steel.tenon mounting system orreinforced concrete base are·available to address the challen9es of scho.ol environments. UPPER HOUSING Die cast aluminum dome top secures to a one piece die casl zinc.louver assembly with three (3) concealed iamper resistant screws. LOWER HOUSING BRM 822-.125" wall 6063-TS extruded aluminum which connects to lheJop.flange ol llm mounli1ig tenon with lour (4) internal hex bolts, inaccessible alter installation. BRM 823, 8238,-823G-Precasl concrele base is reinforced wilh weided wire.mesh and steel-rebar. Example: BRM 822 E!!illX BAM822 BRM 8235 BRM 82385 BRM 823G5 s· dra. ConC!etl! base Grade (4)3/11" ,g· x 1112· -Galvani,¢ ~eel ancflor boils 42 fil!fil!I 42" 35• 30· A fine aggregate finish is created with an acid-etch process. Base is preserved with an environmentally safe water'based graffiti resistant sealant LENS & OPTICAL SYSTEM F_uily gaskeled Pyrex" vessel enshrouds lamp envelope and is secured in position with a stainless steel spring. 'High angled louvers provide maximum spacings while shielding·the source.to 90°. Upper.louver conceals hammertoned Alzak" aluminum rellectors.to increase lurninaire efficiency and generate unslriaied.beam ·patterns. .ANCHORAGE BRM 8_22-High slrength steel mounting tenon, hol-dip galv;mized afler fabrication, is segured and double-nu! leveled to the toncrele footing with (4) 3/8" x 9· x 11/2" anchor bolts on.a 4 3/4" -boll circle. A prcwircd ballast assembly re.~ides within the mounting lenon, with easy access for field wire connections, 120 WAIIAGE' SOMH 70MH 100MH SOMV 75MV 100MV 35HPS2 50HPS3 70HPS 100HPS INCAN02'' 70HPS YQlJAGE 120 208 .240 277 BRP ill:!!fil.l BRP BLP NP WP SC BRM 823, 823B, 823G -Four (4) galvanized steel base tabs perrnanenlly fastened to·precast concrele b.ase. Assembly is secured and.leveled lo the mounting ·loundaiion with lour (4) 3/8" x 9' x 1112· anchor bolts on a 9 ·1/2" bolt cir~le. Base designed lor s· d1recrburial. ELECTRICAL ·Medium base pulse rated lampholder is glazed porcelain with nickel plated reinforced screw shell and·spiing loaded contact. Each high power factor ballast is the separate componenl-lype, capable of-providing reliab)e lamp starling down to -20°F. tuMINAIRE FINISH Each luminaire receives a fade and abrasion.resistant -thermally cured and textured electrostalically applied polyestlir.linish. The painted fjmsh i~:bonded lo ilxturior surfaces ulilizing chromate conversation as a pretreatment. LABELS All tixtures bear UL wet location and f.B.E W. labels. hE1lOHS F SHO ffifElX BRM.822: Extruded Aluminu·f!l Housing· BRM 823: · Nalural Concrele Base BRM 8238: ·Beige Concrele Base BRM 823G:. Dark Grey Coticrele Base Conlacl laclory lor special concie!c colois & lexlurcs. Elt:!lfill (luminaire) BRP Bronze Paint BLP: Black Painl NP: Natural Aluminum Paint WP: )Vhile Painl SC: Special Color (Specily) QfllilliS F: In-line Primary Fuse SHO: 11\0° Shield flllIES 1: Use ine,diufn·base coaled lamps only. 2. 120 vol! primary only. 3 120127N primary only. •MMIHF-ii@i=i•li•X•i®i@t-)!=1-i . 4 Maximum wallage: 100W A· 19 5. Available in 42" only. A ,B C D E F 100.W HPS 8 · 3.8 1.5 .6 .25. ,.1 100WMH 7.3 3.5 1.4 .55 .23 .09 100WMV 4. ' 1.9 .75 .3 .13 .05 3' .. ,9• ''; 15'- 18' 3' .. 9" 12' 15' 18' 21' hsymmetric A B C D E i;: 8 3.8 1.5 .6 .25 .r· 7.3 3.5 1.4 .55' .23 .09 4 . ·t9 .75 .3 .13 .05 3' 6' 9' .12" 15' 3' 0 3' s• s· 12' 1s• PH()TOfv'IETRIC 42" Bollard. (36" light center) wiih coaled lamp LAMP LUMENS: Type: 100HPS 8800 100MH 8000 100MV 44'00 FQOTCANDLE .. CORRECTION FACTOi=ts·: 70HPS 50HPS 35HPS 70M,H 50MH 75MV 50MV .68 .43 .24 .63 ,43 .72 .36 • Mulliply faclors above by lhe·11JOW values ol similar lamp lype In lhe mainlained loolcandlcs iable al fell. ,:) ~ V o,·~. 2661 Alvarado.Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 800/227-0758, 510/357-6900 in California, Fax:~10/357-3088 J.IGIITJNG 79104-14/896 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343~5762 /Fax 818.343~2o41 LEGOLAND ·Carlsbad ·Type Bl.3, 1.4, 1.3a, 1.4a I I I I I I I· a I I, I I I ,, I I I I I .Lighting·Consulµnt: Gallegos LightingDesign 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge,. CA 91325 . CONSTRUCTION TYPE CONE 'BOLLARD LEG.OLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2Q41 Type B2 ,~ I I I I ,, I I I I I I I ,, .. I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol AveJ:lue Northridge, CA 91325 . c·oNSTRUCTION TYPE CONE BOL.LARD LEGOLAND Carlsbad P,hone 818~343.5762 fFax 818.343~2041 Type B2 I I I I I I I I I I I 1, I I I Lumjere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. 31360 Via Colin as# 1 O 1, Westlake Village, CA9 l 362 TELEPHONE (818) 991--2211 CJ FAX "(8)8) 99-r-7005 TYPE .__I __ __.I· '._,-_J~~SCRIPIIO~, ,," .:-, ·.:_-: :-.·. _APPEARAN~E , ': . . . ', CONSTRUCTION .· ·. . ' OPTIONS . · .: , ·. . · :-_MOUNTING . . · .. Recess_ed step light constructed from unique U.V. stabilized composite material for extended fixture durability and corrosion resistance. Designedlor both commercial and residenlialapplicalions. Particularly suited'for-marine and other harsh environments. Clean arid compact design, suited to complement any architectural J;lirface •. Horizontal louvers specially·engineered at-45 degrees to 11rovide maximum light output witli minimum.visual glare. Dimensions: Lengih -9.129", Height , 2.625", Depth -3.50" For lise·in concrete,.brick, stone, and m;isonry applications. Low profil_e face plate ensures·a clean unobtrusive appearance.:Perfect lqrlighting.walkways, pat)lways, driveways, stairs, and/or general area illumination. Hi;,using and face-plate are injection ·moided froni a·u. V. stabilize.d high 'temperature polycarbonate coml)osite material. Lens is formed .high temperature acrylic and held in place with a silicone adhesfve. Fixture is sealed with a closed·cell foam gasket. All hardware is stainless steel and brass. Available in Black-or While. . Catalog #1211 : 9 watt compact fluorescent with standa_rd 120 volt ballast.High power factor ballast available for increased efficiency '(optional). Also available in '277 volt, HPF _-please specify. Catalog #1211-1 :·9 watt.compacl fluor.escent with open dilfused'face plate. _ Catalog #1211-3:.13-watt·compactflµorescent. Also available in 277 volt, HPF -please specify. Catalog #1212.: 20 watt 120 volt incandescent long life lamp-with 5000+ hour I/Imp life. (T06 1/2) Catalog #1213.: Two 18 watt 12voll incandescent lamps (#1142). S6c;ketis stainless steel and brass with 250 degree C lead wires. Remote transformer required, not included, ·Note: All lamps included. All units are available with open diffused·face pl.ate, add {-1) to catalog number (i.e. 1211-1). Fixture· mounts directly ihto concrete, .brick or masonry. Face plate sits flush on wall with supplied Installation template. Housing is specialiy designed with recesses lo hqld in concrete. Conduit fitting cm either side of fixture designed for feed·ttirough wiring. Optional attachable junction box provides addilional wiri_ng-capacity for th/u wiring on all u_nils. l:umiere Design & Manufacturing, ·Inc .. reserves the right .to make -design changes without notice, for product improvement. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design. 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, C~ 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad ' Type B3 I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design &Manufacturing, Inc. 31360 Via Colin0s # 1 O·l, Westlake Village,CA 9l362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-.2211 ·D FAX (818) 991-7005 ',, ··sPECIFICATIONs:· ._; . . . . ,. . , · ZUMA ·-. ·: .. '-·. :--·-cAT #1~1-1,,1212;·.&1213 ':;~ 1/2" NPS threaded, hole~ Dimensions:· Length -9.125" X Height -2.625" Box c;lepth • 3.50" ·. LAMP·o~T~ · .. ' -· -. ·:·'_:. PHOTO~ET_RICS·, :-·· ... NOTE: Photometrics calculated at 18" mounting heights. For values at other (X) mounting heights use following formula: FC• FC shown x (1.5,ft. / X.ft.) squared, For example: To calculate the output at l2" moupting height for the #121-1 ,multiply tlie outp_ui from the graph to the right with the following: - (1.5/1) squared --2.25.. at two feet directly in front of the fixture: 2fc X 2.25 • 4.25 le. The scale of the grid change_s proportion- ately to the ratio of"the mounting heights. For example: a 3 "foot mounting height -would result in 1/4 of. the output, but it would cover-4 times·the area. Description Lamp Code ,1211 PL 1211-3 PL. . 1212 i'-61/2 1_213 #1142(2) ~---Power leads ~-~-~· High.6u!ptit reflector Watts, Volts 9 120. 13 120:. 20 120 36 12 ------.Stainless steel screwii __ 8aS!l Approx. .Color temp. Lumens ~ G23 ,600 ~500 G_23 900 3500 D.C •. Bay , 90 o:c. Bay 263 Cat,!IOg #1211 (9 watt PLC) Catalog #121'1-3 (13watt PLC) Ave life .(hrs.) 10,000 10,000: 5,000+ ,1,500 s· s· 4' ·3•. ,2• 1• o· 1• 2· 3' 4' 5' 6' 6' !?' 4' -3'· 2· 1· o 1· ,2· 3' 4' 5' 5·· 4" kl-\,-~>k-..J-2:1:==,,j=:::j:::.+,.,,Y-:...,i./..J--l 5' Ll~~...J:::±::±=±:::LL....,:1-1_,l ·5• c;atalpg #1212·-20 watL120 volt 6' .5' 4' 3' 2' 1' 0 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 6' O' 2' 3' _4' 5' '---'---'--"b.-..L-..L--'--'--'-~~e,,...L.,,,..,_ 6' Catafog #1213 • (2) 18 watt 12 volt lamps. 6' 5' 4'3' 2' 1' 0 1' 2'-3' 4' 5' 6' 6' Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, ·!nc. re~erves the right to make desiQn changes withou,t notice, for 1ioduct improvement. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos LtghtingDesign 8132 Andasol Aven,ue Northridge, CA .91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax ,818~.43;204l LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type B3 I I I I I ,, 1, ·I I I I I I I .I I I I 1· Lighting Consultant: Gallegos lighting Design 8132 Anqasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 ·. , . . . Phone 818.343~5762 /Fax 818343.2041 LEGOLANll ·Carlsbad Type· B4 I I I ,, I I I I I I I I I I' I I ,, I I Lighti11g Coll!?ultant: . Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 £Fax 818;343.2041 · tEGOLAND Carlsbad Typ:e B4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I Light?,ng Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design · 8132 And'asol Avenue N orthriqge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 TYPIC.AL BOLLARD. ·LEGOLAND · Carlsbad Type B5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Desig11: 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 TYPICAL-BOLLARD LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type BS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· I I GALVANIZED STl:EL MO-U·NTIN'G SYSTEM· Corrosion die casl. louverhead assembly. Low brighlness oplical syslem features high _.., angled zinc louvers for wide spacings, uniform illuminalion. Exlruded aluminum ho~s:~;,;~~ _..,_ polyesler painl. i:Jigh slrcnglh galvani1Qd slcel lcnon. lhroughoul lhe fenglh of luminairc Welded mounling ring and lour qalvani,arf sleel anchor !Jolls -~ :;1:c111e:; !11111111aire tu·foumlallon. BRM 822 I I~ 4 1/2" lenon ..-1 ..,._ 8" housing · Lighting Consultan,t Gallegos LightingDesign 8132 Andasol Avenue , Northridge, CA 91325 · 11'' l Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 81;8.343~2041 42" or 36" or 30" LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type B6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I •=(•)!!4J;j•l#J:Q§c31iit+hii(•)§€1 _ BRM a2·2, BRM s23, BRM a23B, BRM a23G GENERAL Each Gardco bollard is a luminaiie designed for use w1lh 35-lOOW high in!ensily discharge lamps. A die casl zinc louverhead assembly provides low glare, high performance lighting.ang.silperiqr·vandal resislance. A concealed high slienglh steel-tenon m9lmtin·g system or reinforced concrele l)ase aje-available to address the challenges of s_chool en~ironm'enls. UPPER HOUSING Die casl aluihinum dome top secures to a one piece die casl zinc louver assembly wilh lhiee (3) concealed lamper resistant screws. · LOWER HOUSING BRM 822-.125" wail 6063-T5 exlruded aluminum which connecls lo the top flange ol the mounting lenon wilh four (4) inlcrnat hex bolls,.inaccessible aller installation. BRM 823, 823B, 823G-Precast concrete base is reinforced wilh we)~iid-wire mesh and slcei rcbar. s· d1a CQncrete base . Grade ' · (4)3/8" x9" xl 1/2" Galvanized steel anchor boll~ A line aggregate finish is creajed wilh an acid-elch process. Base is preserved with airenvironmentally sale water-based gralliti resistant·sealanL , LENS & OPTICAL.SYSTEM Fully gaskeled Pyrex~ vessel enshrouds lamp envelope and is secured·in posi!ion with a ~tainless sleeLspring. High angled louvers provide-maximum spacings while shielding lhe source to.90°. Upper louver conceals hilmmertoned Alzak" alurninum·refleclors lo-increase luminaire elliciency-and genera1e·unslrialed· beam pallerns. ANCHORAGE BRM 822-High slrength sleel mounling tenon, hol-dip galvanized afler, fabrication, )s secured-and double-nut leveled to the concrete footing wiih (4) 3/8" x 9• x 1112" anchor bolls on a 4 3/4" boll circle.-A prewired ballast assembly resides wilhin the mounling tenon, wilh easy access for-field wire connections. BRM 823,.8238, 823G -Four (4) galvanized sleel base labs permanently fastened Id precasl con~rele base. Assembly is secured and leveled lo lhe mpunling foundation with four (4) 3/8" x 9" x 11/2" anchor bolls on a 9 1/2" boll i:irc[e .. Ba~e ucsigne~ for 5" dirccl burial. EL~CTF!ICAL . . Medium·base pulse-raled lampholder is.glazed porcelain wilh.nickel-plaled,rei_nforced scr~w shell and spring loaded ·conlacl. Each high-power faclor-ballast is the separale componcril'lypc, 9apablc ol providing reliable lamp · slarling down to -20°F. · LUMINAIRE FINISH Each luminairc receives a fade and abrasion resistant lherm911y cured and lextured electrostatically applied polyester finish. The painted finish is bonded to exterior surlaces-ulilizing chromate conversation as a prelreatment LABELS All lixlures bear-UL wcl location and I.B.E.W. labels. l:REElX ' ·I j Example: BRM 822 42 120 HEIGHT WATTAGE' 70HPS BRP F QMS F SHO BRM 822: Exlruded Aluminum Housing _.--...._____ BRM 823: Natural Concrete Base \ .!ffl!X BRM 822 42" SOMH BRM 823' 36" 70MH BRM 823B5 30" 100MH BRM 823G5 50MV 75MV 100MV 35HPS2 50HPS3 70HPS. 100HPS INCAND2'4 •®Mi@iriil§i=i•ii•X•i®i§l•)M#-i Symmetric A B .c D E F A 100 W flPS 8 3.8 1.5 .6 .25 .1 8 100WMH 7.3 3.5 1:4 .55 .23 .09 7.3 lOOW.MV 4. 1.9 .75 .. 3 .13 .05 4 3' 3' - 6' .. 6' 12· 9' 15' 18' 12'- 21' '15' 0 3• .. 9' 12' 15' 18' 21' 3' ~ 120 2_08 240 ·277 As,ymme_tric B C D E F 3.8 1.5 .. 6 25 .1 3.5 1.4 --~5 .23 .Q9 1.9 .75 .3 .13 .05 0 3' 6' 9• 12' 15' FINISH BRP BLP NP WP SC BRM 823B: Beige Concrele Base BRM 823G: Datk Grey .Contlele Base Conlact laClmy for special conctcle calms & textures E!!J1S!! {Luminaire) BRP Bronze Pain! BLP. Black Pain! NP: Natural Aluminum Pain! WP: Wlule Pain! SC: Special Color (Specify) lleilllliS ·F: · In-Line_ P.ri_mary.FiJse SHD: -180° Shield · lillIES 1. Use oi~dium case ~oalcd lamps only. 2. 120 voll primary only. 3. 120/277V·p1i1ilary only. 4 Maximumwatlage· lOOW-A-19 5. Available in 42" only. PH.OTOMETRIC 42" Bollard, (36" light cenler) wilh coated lamp LAMP LUMEl'\,IS: Type: 100HPS lOOMH JOOMV 8800 8000 4490 FOOTCANDI-E _ CORRECTION FACTORS": 70HPS SOHPS 35HPS. 70MH SOMH, . 75MV SOMV .(!8 .43 .2~ .63 .43 .72 .36 • Mull1ply laclors above by Ille 100W values ol siln1lar lamp \ype m-lhe mainlained lootcandles tab1e·a1 lell. -0,9ardco 2661 Alvarado Slreet, San Leandro, CA 94577 ~......--;-HOMAS. 800/227-0758, 510/357-6900 in California, Fax: 510/357-3088 ·Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762. /Fax 818.343;2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad 1.lf,IITING 79!04-14/896 Type B6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue _ - Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 lFax 818.343.2041 LEGO LAND· Carlsbad Type B7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c· c.· Pert ormance-and Construction !·>·•!"," ;t:·''::..:·-.--1, ,r;:~r:·· ~\ ·.: ' ~~!\~tt~~~~-~-~~~~~:·· __ ..• ~:;p"efror11i~n~e·Js·~te·to ·\··':·,··. :\1, .. u!fqv_e~lappitig lolJvers which ·:\·'provide ·total sourc~ cutoff above · liorizontal. A soft glow from the louvers provides sufficient verti- cal illumination .for. s.urrounding plants.or pedestrians. The glass globe ls. completely gasketed and ulililizes prismatics to optimize and control the ligh!. Wifh recommended coated lamps, a smooth wa:sh of light is achievec! with no shadows from the vertical supports. Electrical Components ~-----,,,. All HPF ballasts and .components. are ·factory niooilted and prewired to a single .bracket for field installation within the riser. Anchor Base . To ensure fixture strength and ,·_:.- stability in acjversl;l :conditions, ::' the base is heavy cast aluminum ·_,t and secures the riser with. four.: X- . flush stainless steel socket-head .:':'" screws finishep to match fixture.;? ;':': f 24" · · or ·. 32" .: (>Verall :'i,height ·r .. ·t !·,. ·tr~ For' rel.amping, these screws are removed .and the interlock- ing louvers lifted as one unit, .providing access to the glass enclosurl;)-and-lamp. Louver base is die cast alu- minum and-secures internally to tne riser with four concealed stainless steel screws. ~ ... ,[rtf:r_--'._:_'._~,~i . .;__---'-Extruded Aluminum Riser -·5• diameter .125" thick aluminum jf.~f_t,':.:_,·.. extrusion available in two lengths for overall fixture -heights of·.24" and 32". Vertical groove detail aligns with the vertical fixture supports and ~-. serves to strengthen and unify ~--. the design, Thick internal ribs · .:;. at the mounting screw Jo.cations ->': provide iricr1;Jased strength . ,.,,,. , ';~~i\;\}b7i!;iit,:\'.'; ~1{{.;f$i ii ft "*1lt:ifi;:~,tl\'~\:., ?-0 ··:-• .: o: ...... , ... ,::~ ~,-.~,: ,~----q,_';-~ .· ,:.~.©·=·'.'·";,~, 1;: <?. ·., .,· . , -.:, 0 ... ,.~~. ,i_,i<?-·l-::-.,,¥ M~J11b::Hl.-.!:Z::;:.f..JJ 1-... , .•.. , ..... ' ..... ,. ,_~,.-~.,•o--·· • ....... , ..... -. .. •... ~ . ., ... -~-'·~--··•)····-Hf"--.. nn-m rli-·~ulf-J ~~!~~,'.s:;~:~:2~;~f ~!f ;~!~:~~~~~!:~ •; ;-:: Bqllara,s.:atei~sfal\ed-=,with;::a~p.ho.r-.-M!W imb~aqe'dJrr;a·. PQ'ufe;d;Jn:,,rape:-eonerlt$-·Iq9ting'.·(0.y,:otfiefs 1.·;1ot!3r.nal.~· ~ t-.:~aqcbot:_ba.S.~!;1~.tle~~tedrpn.ar·to}pla<;mitlhfflS~;',?t/f.ieri::1p$!€1!l1.og··.Jm·,so~'-QO~o!1.s~a.P!(lQ;:19~.,-qoncr~.t.e··foot1i]g.':=:· i;~~;f:~~M~i~~~:w~:;;· _· --~1!~~;~··· ~Ki~1%~~1~i.!f t:~1~~t~,~:~~t~1:~l~~!~~~i~~~J1lif 2~)~~\~F~-~r:~iit.?~~Jf. !:: ----------.. 3--K---,-M LIGHTING ·Lighting Consultant: LEGOLAND· Carlsbad Type B7 Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fa;x 818.343.2041 I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ORDER NUMBER EXAMPLE __ c_B_3 ____ 2 _ __,_;""'":..,......,.._,_·,.....s ____ oM~H~21_1 __ /~.,--w_H_-P_ MODEL . ELE:CTRICAL MODE FINISH ORDERING INFORMATION MODEL CB24 COMPACT BOLLABD :w OVERALL HEIGHT CB32 COMPACT BOLLARD 32" OVERALL HEIGHT ELECTRICAL LINE LllNE MAX LAMPS BY OTHERS MODE VOLT$ WATTS AMPS 100INC120 120 iOQ 0.83 100 WATT.INCANDESCENT. A21 I.F. MEDIUM BASE 13CFL120' .. 120 1-7 · 0.2f/ 13 WATT FLUORESCENT 13CFL,2TT2 277 21 0:34. DOU.BLE TWll'HUBE 132°1' SJAR11f'lG TEMP. ;Q"F SJARI:lf\1!3 TE101:', . .'. GX23BASE 22CFL120 120 . 26 . OA6 22 WATT FLUORESCENT DOUBL.E TWIN TUBE -20°F STARTlf'!G'TE"lP, ' G,X32d-2 BASE 50MH120 120 72 ·o.65 50 WATT METAL HALIDE 50MH277 277 72 0:30 ~D17 MEDIUM BASE COATED. 70MH120 120 ·. 89 0.85 *70 WATT METAL HALIDE 70MH2TT 277 89 0.40 ED17 MEDIUM BASE 70MH347 _347 94 0.30 COATED 50HPS120 120 62' 0.78 50WATTCO.ATED 50HP52TT 277 66 0.30 HIGH PRESSURE SODllJM ED17 MEDIUM BASE 70HPS120 120 . 86· 0;89 *70 .WATT COATED 70HPS208 208 91. 0.47 . HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 70HPS240 240 91 0.40 ED17MEDIUM BASE 70HPS2TT 277 91 Ci.35 70HP5347 _·347 93 0.3_0 75MV120 120 93 b.82 *75 WATT COATED 75MV2TT 277 93 0.:,35 MERCURY VAPOR ED17 MEDIUM-BASE FINISH TGIC THERMOSET'POWDER-COAT PAINT BL-P BLACK DB-P DARK BRONZE LG-P LIGHJ GRAY WH-P WHITE PHOTOMETRIC INFORMATION Compact Bollards SPECIFICATIONS CERTIFICATION Underwriters Laboratories listed (for 120, 208, 240, and 277 volt only) and Canadian Standards Association certified (for 120 and 347 volt only) for wet loc<;1tions. TOP, LOUVERS Interlocking die cast alu- ·minum sections fasten together with con, cealed stainless steel screws. Louver base assembly fastens internally to· riser with 4 concealed screws. RISER Extruded aluminum, 5• diameter, .1?5' typic;:al wall thickness, external vertical grooves align-with vertical members on louver aS~(?mbly. Attaches to anchor base wi.th. 4 countersunk stainless steel flat socket head s~re_\,vs finished. tb match .fixture. 1 ¾' DIA CONDUIT ANCHOR BASE. Heavy .cast OPENING ~1uminum, fu11y concealed within v(,,...~~ riser shaft. Three %'. x 10·+2· (/('\, zinc platec;! anchor bolts, each '-~J; '7 with .two nuts .arid washers, and ~-.;,'--/ a rigid-pressboard·template. 2l'o" · BOLT CIRCLE GLOBE Internally fluted, clear DIAMETER temp~rea gl<=!SS, fully gasketed. SOCKET lncandescerit/HID models: porce- · 1ain medium base rated 4KV. Fluorescent: 13w-GX23d; 22w-GX32d-2. BALLAST High Power Factor, prewired, mounts on secured bracket within riser. 1qw Flu9rescent: 120v 32°F. starting; 277v 0°F. startii)g. 22w Fluorescent: 120v -20°F. starting. HID: .,.20°F. starting temperature. FINiSH TGIC therrnoset polyester powder coat-paint applied over a chrom.ate conver- sion coating. Available in Black, Dark Brori;?:e, Light Gray, or White. WARNING Fi)!tures· m1,1st ·be grounded in accordance with 'local codes or the National Electrical Code.' Failure to do ·so may r!;!sult in·serious personal injury. INITIAL HORIZ,ONTAL FOOTCANDl:ES-Fo'R 24" HT. BOLLARD INITIAL HORIZ,ONTAL FOOTCAfil_DLES.FOR-32" HT. BOLLARD 004 002 0.03 009 0.10 0.12. 0.06 0.09. 0.24 ·o.39 0.27· 0.43 0.23 0.31 0.16 ·0.24 0.62 0.98 .0.69 i.09 o:s1 1.31 '0.66 0.90 2.63 .4.18 .2.94-4,63·, 2.44: 100W ,13W 22W SOW SOW""!'-_....._.........,.......,. ____ .....,_ ___ __.. INC CFL CFL, .MH H~S TYPICAL QUADRANT 100,W 13W 22W SOW· ?OW, ·SOW ]OW.· .~sw-,.......a.__._,_,__.__ _ _._ _ __. INC ·CFL 'CFL MH MH . :ttPS HPS, MV TYPICAL QUADRANT \' . -·· . -. ',, * 70W tv1H and HPS, 75W MV we not recommended for. CB24 due·to extreme light levE)ls <;11 fixture:base. , 01993 KIM LIGHTING INQ. THIS Vl;RSIONC)1994 KIM LIGHTING INC. 16555 EAST GALE AVENUE P.O .. BOX 1275 CITY OF INDUSTRY: CA91749 PHONE B18/9.68:5666 FAX 818/369-2695 Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 · Phone $18.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LE.GO LAND· Carlsbad 5700994182 Type B7 -~ I ._,./ ;~ '·--_) !) · .. _..,! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IR71K :( C ~ L 'I G H T' I ·N G H L Kichler Lighting World Headquarters 7711 East Pleasant Valley-Road· Cleveland, Ohio 44131-5552 Showrooms Clevelahd,Ohio Dallas, Market Center Lighting Consultant: Gallegos LightingDesign 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 . E Phone 818~343.5762 /Fax 818.343.~041 R' DJstribullon Centers Alla_nta, Georgia Chicago,, lllinios Dallas, Texas Denver, Colorado Leis Angeles,,California Union, New Jersey PATH fl;ND SPREAD· Direct visitors year-round through beautifully landscaped steps or walkways with this , larger scaled K:ichler fixture. It is ideal for low areas oi ground cover because of its wider distribution of light. Transform your broader garden areas into a dramatic nighttime showplace.· louver may ;;ilso be invert~d to create a more indirect spread of.light. LOW VOLTAGE !i2-VOLTJ "'K-15011 ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE ~K-15011 BLACK . "'K-15011 VERD_IGRIS l:.INE VOLTAGE ( 120-VOLT) -"' K-15211 ARCHITECTURAL BRONZE .-K-15211 BLACK ..:,!<0 15211 VERDIGRIS ---,1 ·----'SPECIFICATIONS .!-;lousing -Durable · die-cast aluininu.m construction. :Sase has;,, NPSM thread. Molded "tibbed" lens of clear. UV stabilized polycarbonate ·pro- vides high impiict resistance. :,.,tA'6Jl. --.. -~-.. '. . i l ~-----'\ Finish Baked--thermoset powder coat. (Nerdigris color har.id-applied over powder coat · ·base finish.) .$ocket 12,VOLT single contact bayonet base, zinc plated. 120-VOLT porcqlain. medium base nickel •plateq ·screw shell. Wiring 12-VQLT fixture wired with 42" of 105 'C #18-2'. SPT-1-WA leads. "OUIC DISC"11•1 cable connector supplied with eacl1 12-volt fixture. 120-VOLT fixture wired wit11 30" of 150 C #18 wir.e l_eads. LAMP GUIDE . System 12 VOJ,.T 1;20 VO~T -Lamp Type 1156 (supplied will'! fixture} A-19 Wattage 24.4 (nominal at 12-VOLTSL 75 UL listed-and CSA certified for wet localion. MOUNTING ACCESSORIES 1s91d separately> A variety of mounting .options are available for complete system versatility. .1,., Patent N9. Des. 330,603 Rd., Enr .. 1991 ../~~ -y ...:.. Basel.deck. - ·mount Mounting stems 194 KICHLER LIGHTING Bollard.kits ·LEGO LAND Carlsbad Type BS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l\.Icim,rs acctJ§s.9nes provICltJ maxImum.desIgn llex1b1l1ty; :;;eltJct mounting hardware, electtical and nonelectrical accessories to complete your landscape lighting sy?tem. . Stem height FIXTURE MOUNTING STEMS 12" ¼ NPSM thd. K-15651 t,;Z. K-15651 BK K-15651 VG 18" ¼ NPSM thd. K-15652 AZ K-15652 BK K-15652 VG 24" ¼ NPSM thd. K-15653 AZ K,15653 BK K-15653 VG 12" ½ NPSM thd. K-15656 t,;Z. · K-15656 BK K-15656 VG 18" ½ NPSM thd. K-15657 1':i. K-15657 BK K-15657 VG I 24" ½ NPSM thd. K-15658 t,;Z. K-15658BK K-15658 VG • 1 . .. l l · STEM CQUPLER • -.:·: .. :,·,· . .K~15649 t,;Z. K-15649 BK K-15649 VG Ii For use.with½ NPSM thd. stems and I K-15080 K-15082 K-15084 K>15085 .•• E-ds ~ 18" ;;;;:::~:,::~ K-15570 VG .. · to 33" Foruse_with all.12-VOLT path and For use with fixtures K-15015 K-15026 K-15031 K:15051 CO All stems made of corrosion re.sistant aluminum alloy with-baked thermost;1t powder. coating-to m?tch fixtures. Used with:. • ln-groµnd support stakes .(low voltage only) • Surface.mounting flange (low or line voltage) • Portable in-ground.stake (lin_e voltage only) Corrosion resistant aluminum alloy with baked thermoset powder-coat finish. Allows stems to be corn:iected together and allows accent lights to be . mounted to a stem. Not recommended for making · . connections over 36". · Corrosi9n'resistant aluminum.alloy with baked thermoset powder co?t finish. Stem allows fixture height to be extended for plant growth. Used with in-ground support stakes (order· separately.)· ' spread fixtures . . , .. [1 . _IN_"G-=R_Oc..cU_N-'-D~S...:U_,P-'-PO.;.;R...:Tc..cSc..cT._A,-,.f<E.:..S;__,,,....,.._--,---~-------,--'--'---- 8" &, 14" · t K~15575 BK t K-155.76 'BK Extruded PVC stakes are non-corrosive and.provide For usewith 12-VOLT fixtures. maximum support and sl?bility. r PP.RTABLE:UNE VOLTAG.E IN-GROUND'STAK!; 2½"'X 10½" t K-15275 BK ½ NPSM thd. For use with line voltage fixtures. ~ 4"dia. ~ ½ NPSM.thd. . SURFACE MOUNTING FLANGE K-15601 AZ K-15601. BK, K-15601 VG For use with path and spread.fixtures and K-15080 K-15082 K-1S280 K-15284 ~ FLANGE MOUNTING NIPPLE . :::::; ,. . = 1"x½NPSM!hd.K-15602AL ,,:/ --~;:i~ For use with fjxt1.1res K-15001 .K-15005 .:.:·::::-./ /J~· K-150111 K-15201 K-15205 1<·15211 .... ···1.::·.. ·I I@ Y::\;c;'. '1 TREE/SURFACE MOUNTIN('.3.BRAC,KET ',:;.:"!;) .. · 1½" x 2½" x 1" K-15607 t,;Z. K0:f5607-BK K-15607 VG .S. ~-½ NPSM·lhd. For use with iixtures (Tree/Vertical app.) 4½" X 18" 4¼"·x 24" i ' I I I :a. 206 KIC;HLER LIGHTING K-15080. K-15082 K-15084 -K-15085 (~urface/hoiizontal app.) ' For use with all low voltaQEl fix.lures. BOLt,ARD M.OUNTlf'/G KITS K-15663 AZ K-15663 BK K-15663 VG ~-15664A~ K-15664 BK K-15664 VG . For use with fixtures K-15001 K-15005 K· 15011 K-15201 K-~5205 K-15211 BOLLARD MOUNTING STAKE tK-15577 BK For use with all bollard mountlng kits on 12-VOLT fix\ures:only. BOLL.ARD TEMPLJI.TE Kil K-15669ST For use with all'l~ollard mounting kits. t· Pat!)nt Pending Cast aluminum wiring compartment with black . powder·cqal finish. PVC stake with 8', 3-wire #18-3 SJTW-A cord arn;l plug set. . On 120-VOLT installations, surface flange must be . used with wiring compartment (not included.) Neoprene gasket supplied to ensure watertight seal. Anodized aluminum nipple. Used wiih K-15601 flange and·K-15607 bracket. Corrbsion·rt;1sistant aluminu·m a,lloy with b;;ikeq .thermoset powder coat finish. Low voltage.only. Bollard kit is supplied with cast aluminum internal ·mounting plate including.lag bolts 'for deck,or surface mounting. Extruded aluminum bollard finished with baked thermoset powder coat. Order separate bollard template kit f6r'ir:istallation into concrete or bollard mounting.stake for installation in soil. · ExtrudedPVC siake is non-corrcii;ive and provides maximum.support and stability. Fitting provided to mount bollard-in soil. For p~rmanent installation.into concrete. Template kit includes positioning template, anchor bolts, and · mouhting·hatdware. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132Andaso1Avenue· · Northridge, CA 91325. LEGOLAND Curlsbad Type BS Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • - · CUT-OFF SHIELD K•15698BK For use with fixture K-15015 45° HEXCELL LO_lJVEFi SHIELD/BLUE FILTERS TRANSFORMERS Provides'st-iarp linear light cut-off between path and ·s.urrounding ground:surfaces. Durable·aluminum shield.mounts-le> K-15015. Expand.ad aluminum shield with high temperature biack finish. Provides maximum glare reduction for accent lights. Blue glass filters act as color enhancers to qring out the true rich greens of foliage. For use with both low voltage and line voltage fixtures. Reduce standard·120-VOLT current to a safe, economical 12-VOLT current. Transformer control options for maximum design_flexibiiity include: ~ 8½" x 3½" x 3½" K-15514 BK MANUAL CONTROL "ON/OFF" Transformers allow · 10!' x 4" x 5" K-15530 BK K-15560·BK for outdoor use. 300W (VA) .600W. (VA) . II 150W (VA)· switchintryour system on°and off-[llanually. UL listed I.,.~~--two 3CJOW (VA) 11½" x 4" x 4" K-15513 BK '""-" jiil 17½" X 4" X 4½'' *~B~{rK circµits TIMER CONTROL "ON/OFF" Transformers include an-automatic-tiiner-to program lights on and off at ahy time you choose. Provided with manual switch. U~-listed.for outdoor use. J~~ 11 ½" x 4" x 4" C-15512 BK i~::::~ .._:::., 100W·(VA) K-15562·BK 600W(VA) two 300W (VA) circuits ·C-15512 .CSA certified-for Canadian market only. ~I .. ~ ~;~~~ ~~=i .,.___;;. twoS0W(VA) ·circuits 11¼" X 4" X 4" 1<-1ss1oi3K . 150W(VA) 17½" x 4" x 4½" K-15.531 BK 300W(VA) K-15561 BK 600W(VA) l'!Jo300W(VA) PHOTOCELL "ON"/TIMER ''OFP' Transformers inc::lude a photoelectric eye to automatically turn lights on at dusk. The timer allows lighis·to. be-turned off at any time. UL liste_d for outdoor use. ABBREVIATION KEY: circuits All transformers include a thermal cut-off·on the primary side and resettable circuit breaker(s)·on the secondary side-to prqtect against.electrical bverload .. AII uoits supplied with 6' 3-wire.#18-3 SJTW-A cor9 and.plug-set. · · · LOW VOLTAGE CABLE K~15501 BK K-15502 BK K-15505 BK K~15506-BK #12·2·conductor SPT cable. UL listed for ·12-VOLT outdoor lighting applications. UV stabilized black PVC insulation. 100' 250' . 500; 1000' -For u~e-with all 12;VOLT ·rated fixtl)res. Low Voltage Cable-Holder 4\ K-15508 BK For hqlding.low voltage wiring in plac_e, above orbelow ground. "QUIC-DISC"TM CONNECTOR .. " " " " . .. .. .. .. !(-15S09 BK ·For use with #12-2- low vo)tage cable only. !;IEF'LACEMENT LAMPS 0 K-15592 Cl.R Type #918 . · K-15593 CLR Type #912 K-15594 CLR Type.#93 Cg K-15595 CLR Type# 1141 K-15596CLR Type #119.6 "QUIC DISC"™ connectors provided with al[ 12-VOLT fixtures (except K-1507.0 and:K-15072.) Joins #18-2 fixture leads with #12-2.-low voltage cable. Injection molded polycarbonate with beryllium copper contacts t9,provide maximum corrosion protection ani:l improved conductivity. Also connects #1?·2 low voltage cable with same-to form·a "T" ccinnec::tion for additional design flexil:iility. 6.5-W. 11.s,w. 12-W. 16.7°W. 24.4-W. Wedge Base Wedge Base S.C. Bayonet _Base S.C: Bayonet-Base S.C. Bayonet Base AL= Aluminu~ AZ;,, Architectural Bronz~-BK= Blac~ ·BL" Blue CLR" Clear CO• Copper .S.C. •. Single Contact ST= Fini$h not required VG =.Verdigris Lighting-Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325- Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad KICHLER LIGHTIN<;, 207 Type BS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lightil'!-g C9~sultant: Gall~gos tight;ing Design·· 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 913-25. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 PATH AND SPREAD They're so,pretty you'll think they need water. What a lovely way to light a path ... or deco- rate a flower bed. And they don't mind water. Shades, stems and floral effects are solid brass with a natural verdigris finish. LOW VOLTAGE (12 VOLT) @K-15040 VERDIGRIS ,I;,K-15041 VERDIGRIS 1\;1K-15Q42 VERDIGRIS r s-, [A.._I • L r~ iiii' ~!~ 2r_ .,1~~~ [ {ii\~ ,,,_,,, ,~r· ' t· ·:::· @K-15040 VERDIGRIS ,.:,K-15041 VERDIGRIS 'SPECIFICATIONS . ·-•K-15042 VERDIGRIS Housing Solid brass cone shades, each with .a -unique floral accepted stem. Base of stem supplied with :,:. NPSM thread. Finish Natµral verdigris finish. Sh0de painted White inside f.or greater reflectance. Socket 12,-VOLTsingle contact bayonet.base.· zinc plated. · Wiring 12°VOLT fixture wired with 42'' 6f 105 'C ,#18•2. SPF1-WA leads. ''OUIC DISC''."' cable · connector supplied with fixture. · Wattage LAMP Gl:JIDE Sy?!em 12:vOLT Lamp Typ() .1156 (supplied w1l11 fixture) 24A (n0m1n.il .it 12-VOLTS) UL listed and·:CSA cert1f1ed for wet-location. . . MOUNTING ACCESSORIES tsotd separatt>lyf A variety of' mounting options are available for complete ,system versatility. l :··;1: I< I C ;u '! LI G II TING H L E Kichter Lighting World.Headquarters 77,11 East Pteasan't Valley Road Cle'leiand .. Ohio 4~131-5552 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Showrooms- Cleveland. Ohio Dallas. Markel.Cent~, KICHLER LIGHTING 189 Type B9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RCHITEGTURAL REA -IGHTING The Nautical 6pllard is a rugged cast aluminum fixture well suited to harsh site environments. The Nautical-Bollard is otlerccl.in 36 standard conligurations to complimenl any site design. • Models with a luminous.glas~ dome create a s9lt uptight • Fluorescent &-HID lamp options. • Fixtur.es arc otlered with large.scaled marine glass or an-opal acrylic lens. • Concrete base options when SReci- llecl !or high alJusu areas or inslatlalion in . landscaped areas. • Standard TGIC super polyester powder coal finish with a chwmale l!nd~r- eoaling. for tile best prolcclion available. • Three year warranty. AESTHETICS + PERFORMANCE + VALUE Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting;Deslgn 8132 Andasol Avenue· - Northridge, CA 91325. _ · Phone 818.343$762 /Fax 818.343.2<>41 LEGOLAND Carlsbad NBl, NB2 --._ Nautical Bollard ' ~---. Type .B10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCALE: 3/4~ = 1 ' NB1LD'PED NB1 BAB 30 Nautical Bollard · Lighting Consultant: _ Gallegos Ljghting Design 8132 And~ol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Nli2 6AB 36 NB2 BAB 42 Phone 818.343.5762 JFax·stS.343.2041 NB1.8AB42 NP2LD BAB 3g LEGO LAND· Carlsbad NB1lD 9CB 42 • 1 ~ • • • , Type B,10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Catalog Numbers OPAL LENS FIX'TURE DE~CfHPTION __ ,. _______ --·--·-· ·----. ·---. ---------,-:---- NB1 .PED OPAL ACRYLIC ~ENS_8' DIA.;.WITH PEDESTAL BASE, 16' QAH _ ·-·-. _____ .. -------·· ··-· __ NB1 6AB 30 . OfAL ·ACRYLIC-LENS 8' DIA., WITH 6' DIA. ALUMINUM BASE, 30" OAH· , _____ ·------·--·------. ------·-------------------------·--. ----. -. --N81 6AB 36 NB1 6AB42 OPAL ACRYLIC LENS 8' DIA:,WITH'6' DIA. ALUMINUM BASE, 36' OAH OPAt ACRYLIC LENS 8' DIA., WITH 6" DtA. ALUMINUM BASE, 4i OAH -· NB1-BAB 3D OPAL AcRYL1C"LENS:a; DIA., ·w1rH~a-=-01A. ALUMINUM BASE. 30· OAH - ---·------..... ---NB1 BAB_36 -·-. -.OPALACRY~IC_LENS 8"DIA., WITHS" DIA.AWMINUM BAS~._36" OAH .... ..... ·-----________ -~~1 _a~~j~_ -· OPAL ACRYLIC LENS 8"DIA., WITH 8' DIA._ALUMINUM BAS~, 42" OAH . __ _ . . . ___ _ . _ -~B1. 9CB 24 OPAL AG~Y~IC ~E~~ ~-_D(A.~~IT~ 9' DJ~:..~0.~~~ET~ BA~~ (SP~CIFYFINISH), 24" OAH· NB1 9CB 42 OPAL LENS LUWIINOUS DOME OPAL ACRYLIC WIS 8' DIA:, WITH_9" ~l~~~o~.c~m BASE(SPECIFY FINISH), 42" OAH NB1 LD l'ED OPAL ACRYLIC LENS a~ DIA. AND LUMINOUS DOME, WITH PEDESTAl:BASE, 16" OAH -NB1 LO 6AB 30. · OPAL ACRYLIC LENS a· b1A. ANDtUMINDiJs DOME. WITH s· DIA. ALUMINUM BASE, 30· OAH NB1LD 6A!I 36 OPAL ACRY1:1c LENS a· DIA. AND LUMINOUS DOME, WITH 6"DIA. ALUMINUM BASE, 35· OAH NB1LO 6AB 42 OPAL ACRYLIC LENS 8' rnA. AND LU_MINO~S.DQ~E. WITH 6" D!A. ALOMINUM ~ASE, 42" O~~-____ _ _ ···--__ _ _ .. NB1t~ _ ~~~-30 ____ O_PAL_~C~~g~-~~~~ ~_' D!~:l~D ~~~~0-~-~ ~OME, ~l!_!l_!l_:_DIA. ALUMl~UM BASE,_ 30" OAH NB1l0 BAB 36 OPAtACRYLIC LENS 8" DIA. AND LUMINOUS DOME, WITH 8' DIA. ALUMINUM BASE, 36" OAH . -·· ···-·-·· -----····----.. ..,_ ... __ ; -··------..----.,..., ____ , _____ ----··--·. --· -··--·- NB1 LD BAB_~~----0.P.~~ A~R~~~~-~~~~-:~1~.:.~!!D_~Y~!t:l_O.U~D_0!--1E, ".vi!~. 8" D(~ ALU~IN~M. B~SE, 42" OAH NB1L0:_9_CB_.~4 _ ... __ OP_!l~fC~YL!~ LENS a· . .o~--~N~_l~~~QY_~p_O~E'. w~~ 9_"_DIA. _CONCRET_E BASE (S~ECIFY FINISH), 24' OAH __ .. N~1~D _ 9~~ ~2 _____ QPAt ACRY.LIC LENS 8" DIA. AND LUMINOUS DOME,.WJTH 9'_Dl.6,._ CONCRETE BASE (SPECIFY FINISli), 42" DAii FRESNEL LENS NB2 PED ---·---·-GLASS FRESNEL LENS FROSTED, WITH 8" DIA. PEDESTAL, 16" OAH ________ _ ·--· -· _ ... ~B_2_ 6~8 3~------GLASS FRE~NEL LENS FROSTED, WITH 6"DIA. ALUMINUM BASE, 30' OAH . ····-------·---____ NB2_ 6.AB 36 G_LASS FRESNEL-LENS FROSTED, WITH 6' DIA. ALUMINUi/lBASE, 36" OAH ________ _ NB2_ ~AB_4~ ____ ... 6.0S~_l:~~~~E-~ Lt~s F~OSTED~ ~I!~ _6~~'!',-~LU!'-1!~_UM B_ASE, 42' OAH NB~ .. BAB 30 GLASS FRESNEL LENS FROSTED, WITH 8' DIA. ALUMINUM BASE, 30" OAH Ns2 ~~~-!~ ~~-~-_GLA_s~)~~~~E(~~t-J~f~2siEp; ~t~~~~--~~~)1~m".11N~~ B_As~. 3_6·_o~H __ . NB2 BAB 42 GLAS_S FRESNEL _LENS FR_OSTED: WITH 8'. DIA. ALUMINUM BASE., 42" OAH NB? __ 9CB_24 ________ 6.~~~S£~~SNEL_~E~S£R_O~TE_~. WI!_~ ~~qlA:_9_0NCRE!E_~~SE-(SPEC_I.FY._FINISH), 24' OAH NB2 9CB 42 GLAS~J..RESN!;L LENS FROSTED, WIJli 9" DIA. E.Q~~~~ BA~.fS~J:C~F-~~Nl~H): 42' 0,AH __ F_RESNEC{~N~J}i~1Nous·1jor~( _ ··-------··-----------. __ ---------·-___ ........ ___ . . ·-·· . _ ··--. _ .. NB2LD PED_.. GLASS FRESNEL LENS FROSTED.AND LUMINOUS DOME,_'filTH 8'.DIAOPEDESTAL, 16" Oi\H . ______ .... __ --·-_ .N~_2L~--~~_30_. GLASS FRESNEL L~N$ FR_OSTED AND LU~INO_'!_S_ qq~E'..?:iJ~:.~LU~INY~ B~SE; 30' OAH NB2LD 6AB 36 GLASSHiESNEL LENS FROSTED ANb LUMINOUS DOME, 6" DIA, ALUMINUM BASE, 36; OAH _ ---· _ ~B~L0 __ 6AB -~2_ --. .!>~~~FRE~.N~~-L~NSFROSTED A~ll-~U~l~O~S-DOME,_6" DIA. A,LUMINUMBASE. 42" OAH N82LD BAB 30 GLASS:~R~NEL_[~~~ _l'RDS!ED A~q_LUMINOUS DOME, _8' DIA. ALUMINUM BASE. 30" OAH NB2~0-~8~B ~6 .. JLASSFRESNEL LEN~ F~O~!ED_A.~~-L~Ml~~us DOME, a· DIA. ~LUMINUM BASE-, 36" OAH NB2LD 8AB·42 GLASS FRESNEL LENS FROSTED AND LUMINOUS DOME, a· DIA. ALUMINUMBASE,.42" OAH . ·-.. -. ~ . -.• NB2LD _9C~ ~4 --~~~_0ss_ F~ES~ELiEN~ }ifo.~~~~A~~LU~l~~us DOME: ·g· :DIA.7 CONCRETE BASE-(SPECIFY FINISH), 24" OAH NB2LD 9CB 42 G~ASS f.~E~NEL_ ~E~~ :~IJ.O~~EO AN~ LU~!~~~S DOME,.9" DIA: CONCRETE BASE (SPECIFY FINISII). 42" OAH • CONCRETE BASE STANDARD FINISHES; MSB: 'NATURAL GRAY, MEDIUM SANDBLAST. OR EXP: EXPOSED AGGREGATE • FIXTURE AND BASE FINISHED IN POLYESTER TGIC POWDER COArRAL COLORS AND CUSTOM COLORS OPTIONAL. NB BALLAST ---· -· --· --·--·· -------·---------LAMPT:YPE LUMEN VOLTAGE --------~ 26DTT DOUB~E 1WIN TUBE F.LUORESGENT, 4 PIN 1800 l20 OR 277 50MH MEDIUM BASE, ED-17 ------'--70MH MEDIUM BASE, ED017 50HPS MEDIUM BASE, ECi~17 70HPS·MEDIUM BASE, E0-17 3300 120,208 OR 277 5200 120,20~ OR 277 ·--~------. -------.--- ·4000 120,201! OR 277 5800 120,208 OR 277 EXAMPLES Nil 1 8AB3Q 26PL-120 BLK N82LD 9CB42°MSB 50 MH-277 tGY ---------· NB 1Lli ,PED; 26 PL-120 WHT NB·~ ___ GA~~~--------SO_HPS-120 ... --·-DGN NB2 6AB42 50 HPS-120 RAL6018 -' -·-.. - FIXTURE BASE lAMP·VOLTAGE COLOR . _ NBI, NB2 .!\~:~ ~ 1~¢. ' • • • • Lighting Corisl;lltant. Gallegos Lighting l;)esign 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.3,43.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLA;ND Carlsb~d Type BlO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Specifications FIXTURE The upper and lower housing-shall be cast #356 aluminum, with a minimullJ walkthickness of .188'. TheJour struts shall b? extruded #6063-16 aluminum, welded to the upper housing:The lens ;,ht1II be one pieQe opal acrylic, or a?" diameterfrosted'fresnel·lens of high temperature borosilicate glass. The lens shall be sealed to the lower housing;and sealed to the upper housing with a silicone compression gaskef. The luminous·dome shall be frosted;,high temperature case hardened-glass. The fixture shall be secured to a·base with three stain- less steel. bolls from inside the lens enclosure. ELECTRICAL All electrical componenis and materials shall be U.L. recognized. HID·ballasts shall be high power factor rated for -30° starting:Medi- um base porcelain sockets sh~II be-4KV rated. Fluorescent-electronic ballasts shall be rated for -5°F ~tarting. Base is a 4 pin G24q-3. The electrical assembly shall be prewired and mounted to the underside of the fixture. · PEDESTAL BASE Base shall be B'inches in diameter with a cast.aluminurtrbase plate. Bolt cimfri'is.5.50 inch diameter. BASE-6AB AND BAB The base shaft shall be either 6 inch or 8 inch diameter, .188' wall #6063-T6 extruded,aluminum. The shalt shall slip over a cast #356 aluminum base plate and secured with three stainless steel bolts. Bolt circle is 3.50 inches for the 6 inch base. Boll circle is 5.50 inches for the 8 inch base. The mounting bolis, 1/2' x 10' x 2, nuts and washers shall be hot dipped galvanized steel. Photometrics . Complete. photorrielric data for al! rellector configurations is available in IES formatted files on 3.5' disks. Call your locaJ ML representative for a. copy. All'testing is perlormed·by a certified independent laboratory. To substitute anQtherlamp.or mounting heighrin the isocaridle charts, multiplY, the chart values by the conversion factor. Moµnting height is to the lamp center. NB1 OPAL LENS~50MH Horizontal footcandles ·sow MH Eff36" mounting height 24" 36" 42~ w C) .;; t.; w a: 13.90 5.0 3:45 .... "' 5:56 2.0 1.38 2,78· 1.0 .• 69 1.39' 0.5· :35 .28 0.1 .07 .. )' J ':/ : I I ----I ! , I /· -~-./ / / ·; ,/ _ _,.-/ 1: , ~ ~· -'/ / / ./ -----: ,, ./ ., 0 2 .3 5 6 LONGJTUOINAL DISTANCE.IN MOUNTING HEIGHTS BASE.,.9" CONCRETE . The·base.sfiaft-shall be'9' diameter c_oncrete, minimumwall thick- ness of 3', reinforce(/ with·a #3 st~elbar cage. All inserts shall be cast in pface and integral to the reinforcing cage. The surface finish shall be either medium.sandblasted natural grey concrete orhave an exposed aggregate finish. The .250 gc)lvaniied sleet mgunting plate shall be bolted to a suitable· foundation, thre-e inches below,finish grade. Bolt·circle is 13 inches. The mounting baits, 1/2' x 1 o· x 2', nuts and Wc)shers shall be hot dipped galvanized·steel. FINISH rixture finish shall consist of cleaning, etching, and rinsing f9llowed by. a protective chromate primer, deionized water rinse, oven dry off and top coated with a thermoset TGIC super polyester powder coat finish. The-finish shall meet the AAMA 605.2 performance speci- fication which includes passing a 3000 hour salt spr~y test for corro-. sion-resistance. ·· RELAMPING The tamp is accessed py loosening.fo~r captive stainless steel, socket cap screws on the underside-of the fixture, and.removing the top cap assembly. CERTIFICATION Fixtures shall be listed with ETL -Laboratories for wet location use. WARRANTY· Fixtµre sh.all be warranted to be free ol'.defects for three years. Ballast components shall carry, the ballast manufacturer's. limited warranty. WARNING: Fixture must be grounded in accordance with local codes.or the Na/ional Electric Cod?. Failure Jo do so may resu/17n serious personal injury. tAMPTYPE LUMENS ~GOTT DOUBLE TWIN TUBE FLUORESCENT 1800 5DMH MEDIUM BASE, E-17 330Q 7DMH·MEDIUM BAS(E-17 5DHPS MEDIUM BAS( E-1] 70HPS l,\EDIUM BA$E,.E-17 NB2 FRESNEL LENS-50MH Horizontal lootcanoles 50 w MH E17 36' niountihg height .24" 36" 42" w C) ,in t.; w 13.90 5.0 3.45 a: t; . 5:56 ~.o 1,38 2:78 1.0 .69 5200 4009 5800 "' ,. I ' --5 ··- ) --- / / --- ·--·· TCONVERSION FACTOR .55 1.0 1.58 1.21 1:94 l I I / I/ l . ·-,. r-_/ / )_ r--- ~ _.,. /. // 1:39 0.5 .35 ----· ) LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE IN MOUNTING HEIGHTS ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 14249 ARTESIA BLVD., LA MIRADA, GA 90638, (714) 994·2700, FAX (714) 994-0522 ,¼_j· •• :~.; .. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol A. venue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type B10 I I I I I I I I -I I· I I I I I I I Q~ LI .NE ': ' · . .-:·· .. : ...... _:. . . . . . .·. . ·: ~ • . \ • ' .,: •.:r. .. : ., ~ ·,.._;. ,.. . ' ' , 942 & 943 RECESSED AISLE LIGHTS • .. , • ·,. ; • • ~' • ~ ' •• -.. : • •' ~. ~-. , ' 1 • 942 RGD Ribbed Guard/Oiffuse Gl~ss ,ORDERING PRE.FIX 942 WALL TYPE D 942 D=Drywall 943 Nol suitable for ~oncrete pow applications. Also, ii insulaling material.is present, ii must be kepi aJ leas! 3" away lrom luminaire. Note: Type D units . are thermally protected. C=Concrete pour ·Suitable for. concrete pour. applications only. NOTE: Back housings for concre1e·pour applications are available for pre- shipmenl. Confacl factory for details, 'LAMP 213TF .llime (2) 13WTVfin Tubes (213TF) (1) 28W Quad Tube (2~0F) 1,2 35·HPS3 50 MH 50.·MV 50 HPS ~ . (2) 100 INC . (2):13W Twin Tubes (213TF) (1) 28W Quad Tube (28Qf) 2 35 HPS3 50.MH. 50 MV 50 HPS 70 MH . 75 MV 70 HRS 100 Ml:! 100-MV 100 H.F!S l'ACEPLATE LV -~- LV Louver . The mcPhilben Outdoor 942 and 943 recessed aisle -lights are architecturally styled luminaires, precisely constructed of die cast aluminum. The horizontal mount 942 clnd vertical mount 943 were specifically de::;igned to incorporate Jong life compact fluore::;cent lamps and !ow wattage H.1.D: sources to 1 OOW. A finld adjustable juncnon l;>ox furtlior enhances its design flexibility. Self-compensating silicone gasketing completely excludes moistore. insect::; and contaminants. A ctioice of (3) architecturally designed faceplates allows for a variety of applicatipns. The ribbed guard option offers vandal protection for glass lenses. • Rugged die cast construction. ·• Vertical.mount 94.3 aisle light offers high lumen sources in a slim luminaire. • Unique Ribbed Guard .faceplate offers low brightness, excellent vandal resistance and remarkably high light levels. VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS EiRP F 120 BRP Bronze Pafnl F Fusing .277 3. BLP Black Paint DG Diffuse Glass PG Prismatic G_lass · AGO Ribbed Guard/· WP White Paint NP Natural Aluminum Paint SC Sl)llcial Color · oiffuse Glass . RGP Ribbed Guard/· P.ri~matic Glass ~ ~V Louver · DG Diffuse Gtass RGD Ribbed Guarp/ Diffuse Glass · (consult facto,y) 1 •. 12ov .only 2. Suitable for ·20'F sfarting lemperalure 3. 277V not available with 35 HPS TYPE PREFIX WALL TYPE LAMP l'ACEPLATE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS .. --·-·· ... . .. --·-··--------·--· ... ----~- mcPhilben·Outdoor 2661 Alvarado Street Sari Leandro, CA 94577 800/227-0758 510/357-6900 (California) .510/357-3088·FAX Lighth)g Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Pesign 8132 Ancias9l Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 In Canada: TOL -640 Cure Boivin-Blvd. Boisbriand Quebec, Canad~ J7G 2A7 Tel::514/433·3216 Fax: 514/433-9441 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 tf ax 818.343.2041 · mcPhill>e0n ......--/THOML\.S 1.1t:11111'1, Type ·Btl I I I I I I I .I .I .I I I I I I I .. 94 LINE SPEC:IFICATIONS FACEPLATE One piece die cast aluminum, securei;I to housing with (2). recessed and captive hex head socket screws. Integral spring clips ensure positive grounding. Self compensating single piece silicone gasketing allows for varying '?all' thickness. LOUVER: Die castlouvers span entire length.of.faceplate, providing for qptima_l vandal resistance and glare control. DIFFUSE GLASS: 1/8" thick white diffuse tempered glass lens,. PRISMATIC GLASS: 3/8" thick prismatic glass lens internally sealed and mounted projects light forward and downward. RIBBED GUARD: 90° diecast louvers spanning the entire length of the faceplate over either a· prismatic (942) or. diffuse glass lens. . HOUSING Corrosion.resjstant die cast.aluminum construction. J-BOX Die cast aluminum.Factory mounted to bottom.of housing. Field convertible to-back mounting. ELECTRICAL FLUORESCENT UNITS: Magnetic high power factor ballast standard. INCANDESCENT UNITS: Medium base .socket with nickel plc:1ted screw shell. H.1.D. UNITS: M11gnetic high power factor baflast. Suitable'fQr -20~ F starting temperature. FINISH . . Fade and abrasion resistant, electrostaJicaliy applied, fliermally cured·TG1c·textured polyester powder:coat. LABELS All fixtures bear UL Wei Location; CSA and IBEW·labels. I· 942LV louver 94"2.D<;;/PG _ 'Diffuse Glass/Prismatic Glass 9 42 -RGQ/RGP RiRb·ed Guard over Diffuse Glass/ Ribbed Guard over Prismatic Gloss 943 LV louver 942 & 943 RECESSED AISLE LIGHT$ t3ll3CnwnJ 1 J . 51127mm] _ ··fir] J __ ~~ !'--s,:,--,c---V 942 Dimensions I 'BOJHO<w>J t · 943 Dimensions 943 DG Diffuse Gloss 943 RGD Ribbed-Guard over Diffuse G°loss mcPhilben Outdoor-Lighting reserves t~e right to change materials or modify the design of its product wjthout notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. mcPhilben Outdoor 2661 Alvarado-Street San Lean'dro, CA 94577 800/2~7-0758 510/357-§900 (California) 510/357-3088 FAX Lighting Ccn~sultant: Gallegos Lightj.ng_Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325· In Canada: TOL 64o·cure Boivin Blvd. Boisbriand Quebec, Canada J7G-2A7 Tel: 514/433-3216 Fax: 51'4/433-~441 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343;.20,41 . . Ph·--· a,£UTDOOR me .1 .... ~n LEGOLA.ND Carlsbad _....---/THC>IVJAS. 1.1i..till"-1>" 79315-7/6~5 Type .. Bll I I I I I\ \ I ,I ,. I I I I I ,, I I: <:;iear molded· .379' thick acrylic with 30° "micro-louver",behind "single window" solid .. 375" thick stainless steel faceplate. Finish: #4 satin stainless steel. J I I ~ i 0.1 I A t ... , ·--~---..........._. C I· B 0 ·01 Lamp 2219P W/Mipro-louver (.:11!) 1 9W PL · 2217P w/ Micro-lol!vei (.:11!) 1 . 13W PL ,Lumen A. . s c 600 913/,o 2¼ 4 !ioo 12¼ · 2'l'a 4 BEGA/US 1005 Mark Ave. Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 684-0533 --. " . . -. - Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA, 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.3~3.i04t LEGOLAND Carlsbad Recessed Stainless Steel 5 fax (805) (,84-6682 Type B12 I I I I ,I I I I I I I NE-ON Tl<.E lk.~ignt'r: I ldithn 'Zr.:ndr.:r Typr.:: St·rir.:s oflow1high hollards and wall mountr.:d,luminairr.:s proriding diR·,r.difftiMxl energy sal'ing lluorescl.'nt lighting fi,r garden. \\11lkw;1y~. :111.d opr.:11 lands,:1pt·.art·:1s. Con~uu,tion: liodr 111 dir.: rast :ind t•xumfe~l aluminium. Dilfu~cr in impa(J resist:mt opal plcxiglass. F11llr gasketcd. ,hscmhly and momning hardware.in stainbs·srer.:I. All versions suitable for wet.locations. ' ' Wall vcrsjons moui1t onto st:111d:1rd clcctric:11' junction lxix. Color: .St:1mJard Stock: dark -grey. Speci;1I Order: Englbh gn:cn,-bl:u:k, ,vhite, sill'Cf. (Minimum order 20 UQits • U week dcli1·c1,·) Lamping: 2 x f?W 0uorcscent tube (T8/medium.bi-pin) 2 x :,l.\V. lluorr.:~cent tuhr.: (TS/medium hi-pi1i) 2 x -10W lluoresccnt.tuhc lTl'\/ii1cdium hi-j1in) (not indudedJ 30 IS Western Rq:ional,S:ilcs Office ~1lkl Scpulntl:i lllnL Cul1·cr City, CA 901.\0 l'hnne: .illl.N.{'.'.017'l l'.ix: 3J0.8;17.9!U7 Lighting Consultant: lsolootcpr".IIE't cb.1'Jrain '-'··· .. ,-,~., .. · Ccnlr,,) Regional Sales Office l!18 Wt'>I Kin1i~ Strwl Chil:1gu, II. W(,IU !;hone: ;112.<>i-1.0510 Fax: .m.<,i1.8lll-l Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge~ CA 91325 Phone· 818.343'.5762 '/Fax 818.343.2041 6310 .v . 63,12 (7 l--•"--1 ·Til/ 'T·1v ------GI~------< ~314 [7 6316 -16 6316 .:28 f------&:r ~---i 6318-16 M 6318 -'28, ~---,-~~~--,---~ 2 x02\:V,111s T 11;·,"'lx 1 f---~-----lil"--~---; 6320-16 I 6320_-',28 ~~---------- 1Jl 703/B --Optio,ml ancl\q, ;190 l<il --~ .v :'>.•l()W,1Us 1 '1c;~1 :tr 1 Artcmidc Inf, GHIDINI ·N~lional Saks & Cus101h~r &rvke.Ccl!lcr 1%0 New l lii:hw:t)'·r:1rmini:,~1k·, N)' 117.~'> l'IK>n~:',l/1.<19i.9291 l':ix: 5!6.<t)i.9175 ·LEGO LAND ·Carlsbad di,trihuJcd'by Type B13 I I I I I I I I I I I 1· -1: ) n ~---/ ·~~.o.-· A 2904P Recessed ® 2942P Recessed @.)' 2953P Recessed @.) Recessed luminaires with·white safety glass diffuser: Suitable for wer locations. Die cast-aluminum construction. Socket head stainless steel screws, Color: Black or white. 2904 Opening: 6'cf> x 4' 2942 Opening: 85/,ocf>.x 4' 2953: Opening: 97/a'cj> x 4' · Lamp Lumen A B 1. 9WPLC 57q 6¾ 4¼ 18WPLC 1250 97£,s 4¼ 2 18WPLC 2500 j 1'13/ts 4¾ 510 C.P.C., Conc.rete·PrCJtection Cover for 2904 610 C.P:C., Concrete Prote~tion Cover" fot,2942 /, __ __,,..._ '" :· i=~-~~.J) 2905P Recessed 2945P Recessed ·r[] .''') h"l· ,:: ~ ' .:t:._-it,--rt ;~ .;..~ ' . ' B Lamp Recessed luminaires with folly shielded light sour.c1;1. Suitable for wet locations. Die cast aluminum-J:onstruction with-white saftey glass behind louvers. Socket head stainless steel screws. Color: Black or white. 2905 Opening : 6'cj> x 4' 2945 Opening : 85/,s'cj> x 4' Lumen A B @.) 1-9WPLC 575 6¾ 4¼ @.)· 1· 18WPLC 1250_ ·97/16 5 510 C.P.C., Concrete Proteictiori Cover for 2905 610 C.P.C .. -Concrete Proti,ctidn C,O:,t\lr for 2945 _ BEGA :·t~·-~~::'-~'.i}(}::;1~/t-·:,'.:\;:·:;:/;.:.::)(-'._-: . .-:::;-.:/r~;;:·;r::;;:r;::;~\i.'.·\~'. . ' 17 BEGA/US 1005 Mark Ave. Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 684-0533 fax (805) 684_-6682 Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type B14 I I I ' .. ·.,, ,, I, :I .l I ,, l 1· ,I, I I I I' l1 I · .. : : ~ · ·,··:1r>Jt?f ~t~;}1/ . ~ . -·-;;.· ' ' , ' 10 20 ~·"'·' h r, '~ :·• 1.• .:._; 2942P. ,10 11 .. '/t 25 so 2905P lf:,>t: •• ••• ' 11 2945P • t •• ~ 'I BEGA/US l005 Mark Ave. Carpinteria,. CA 93013 (805) 684~0S33 fax '(805)_ 684-6682_ . Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Nortbridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type B14 I l 1 I: I II I I I I I I I' _, .I ,I, I ,,, I: ,, CHARACTER LAMPOST Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818~343.5762 /F~ 818.343.2041 ·LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CLP-Bl I I I I I! I .I I I I I I I ,, I I I ' 1: CHARACTER LAMPOST Lighfulg Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Aventte · N orthridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343~5762 /Fa,c Si8.343.2o41 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CLP-Bl I I. :I~ I 1· I. I I. Ii ,,, I ,. I I' I I I I 1·, .. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue North.ridge; CA 91.325 . CHARACTER PENDANT LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Type CP-Bl I I I I, I I I I I) 'I I I I ,, I I I' I I Lighting Consultant: . -Gallegos Lighting Design - 8132 Andasol Aveµue N orthridge, CA 91325 CHARACTER PENDANT LEGOLA.ND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Type CP-Bl 1_ I ,I I :I I I I I ,, I- I I 'I' I 1, I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Des~gn 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, 'CA, 91325 : CHARACTER SPE'CIAL LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 8i8.343.2o41; Type CSP-B1 I I I I I I I I I. ,, I. I I ·1· I I I _I I Lighting Consultant:· Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthric;lge, CA 91325 C.HARACTER SPECIAL LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fa?C, 818.343.2041 Type CSP-Bl I I I I. I I I I. I I ,,, I I I ,. I. 1· I I Lighting Cons~ltant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 . CHARACTER WALL MOUNT FIXTURE LEGOLAND . Carlsbad· Phone 818.343.57.62 /Fax 818.343.2041 Type CWM-Bl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . CHARAC.TER WALL MOUNT FIXT·URE LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Type CWM-Bl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consµltant Gallegos Lighting Pesign 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 : · CHARACT·ER WALL MOUNT FIXTURE .LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Typ·e . CWM-B2 I I I I I I I I I I I 1- I I I I I I 1- Lighting Consul~t Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 ~dasol Avenu~ N orthridge, CA 91325 C.HARACTER WALL MOUNT FIXTURE LEGOLANI) Carlsbad Phone 818;343.5762 /Fax 818.346.2041 Type CWM-B2 I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ,le.rigneT Roh-crto.Fiur:ito BASIC • max Ix J 5(lW E27 !!I lx20W DULUX EL 1\27 11 lx25W SL E27 b 15\V PLC E27 I' ill lxl8W :?P-11 0 Jx50W Mdal llalidc . Q I x70W High Pressure So<liuin, _ 0 IX 18W LO Pressure So<liu·m Q Ix HX)W Mercury '-lldl' arlkk ~11l1111r 7()<)() BASIC lilack 7310 BASIC while 70.95 BASIC lxl8W'l'I.UOR black 7Jl5 BASIC I, I XW FLUOR wliilc 70<J2 BASIC I., IIXlW Mc1cury hlack 7.112 BASIC Ix I IX)\\' Mcrcrny ·white 7!)').\ BAS LC I, 70\V S<JN black 7.lJ.l B/\SIC L,70\\'.SON \\_hill' 7011-1 BASI(' I\ IS\\"SOX blacJ 7.1I~ BASIC' 1,1xw SOX wl11h: 70<J7 BASIC: lx50W·l,1c!«l ,ll,11i~c bla,·k 7317 BASIC' I x50\\' /.lc1al'llaliilc 1vhi1c Ill· 10.2 87 Wcjght: 11 lbs.·max Wet L.ocation· Outdoor luminairc . • diffuser made i>r glass • hody ,lilll ti"ini or die-cast. .aluminium • polymer gasket • aluminum rc'Jlecting par:llmla ·• stainless ~!eel-screws • :ill:lluorcscent and HID versions areTully wired complete witli-ballasl and lamp •Weight: 11 lhs. HASl6 IK W Flunre-.i:i..-nt IKWSOX CD x l(J(XJ Lumen UASIC7UW Sun l!'itlWINC. Cl) A IIXWJ Lumen I -: ... ;::, ~· ·! ~~_;.:~-...,.,-,-c\/-.;.-S!:- ~l':.: _:_: ;• ---lnmwcr-.al k:wl - - - - -knl!lhwiw level 89 Pr.is~a LBL Lighting 320 W. 202nd St. Chicago~ II 60411 (708) 755-2100 fax (108) 755~3443 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone· 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343;2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type _ ·CLP~D1, Ola I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 90 BA$1.C accessories • ,/nigner Roberti> Fiornto, -, POSTS • Serie of post made.of extruded aluminium. Epoxy painting., Available in white or blacR. Take up tb 3 BASIC .outdoor lt1minaircs. code :inl!.:lc colour 8969 Pole 120 black 2497 Pole 120 whiie. 8970 P,ilc 18() black 2498 Pole 18{)· white 8971 Pole 250 hlack 2499 Pole 25ll \\'hit~ .. :g "' g PRISM~ 1115UMWHl-idi Prisma LBL Lighting 320 W. 202nd St. Chica~o, 11 604ll (70$) 755~2100 fax (708) 755-3443 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Aven,ue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CLP-D1, Ola I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BASIC accessories • ,i,•,\i_i:11rr l~ohcrhi Pinrnto BRACKET · • Bracket for instrillation,at 90° angle (art. 8972-8 ! 02). MOUNTING 'KIT • Posts may be inMallcd with a mounting kit (art. 8974-8103)-(wct concrete) using 3 fixing rods (mt.· 8981) or a,mounting plate (art;·$J37- 8 I 04) ( rnr Imr\lc,1cd surfaces). ADAPTER • Adapter for round poles (0 2.4 in.) i.:nJe uniclc ~oloor 8972 Bracket black 8102 Bracket -while 8974 Mounling ~ii 6Iack 8l03 Mou.ming ~ii -while 8JJ7 Mllullling plalc Mac~ 81().j Moun1ing plme while 8981 Fi<ing m<l 8979 Adap1cr fur,n,und pole, 0 2.4 in. tilack ' .. ...-1 .-,·7 ···/ ~;J. art. 8102/8972 art. 8103/8974 +-:s:,-l' +I 2-.• -+l--,.-.o--+ art. 8972/8102 art. 8979 arl. 8104/8337 02.4 -t-t PRISM.A° : 11!5@1Ht,Hl-ldl _D_} art. 8974/8103 26 t--1 ® LJ} e, fl'> u i--1 30 m .... I· 4~0 I .. art. 8981 art. 8979 91 Prisma LBL Ljg~ting-.320 W. 202nd St. Chicago, 11 60411 :(708) 755-2100 fax (708) 755-3443 . . Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA. 91325 · · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CLP-01, Ola I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ligltting Ccmsultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 And~olAvenue Northridge, CA 9J32?. Phone ~18.343.5762 /Fax 818.3~3.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CLP-D2 I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I D B • C 7820 v1/Mtg.Plate 9850 W/½' !.P.S. 9825 2 300W PAR-56 A Lamp . · Floodlights for. 120V lamps. Die cast aluminumwith stainle.ss sle.el hardware. Swivel-yoke, fully adjustaole. Clear iempered glass. Color: Black .. A_ ~ C D 1 300W PAR-56 8½ 103/4 8 71/,s 1 300W PAR056 . 8½ 9½ 8, 111, •. Twin lloocilights mount,ed on a cross beam. Die cast aluminum · with stainless ste.el hardware. Swivel yokes, fully ad1usta.ble. Clear tempered glass. Color: Black. BEGA ·.r ·~ . c,-· -· f··-· ~ ~ .. ~-·;:-· ' ,,:;:; .. ,,-.;;,. .. --! _ _., I .,.~ . C .. i ' ~ :. 248 P9le cap for pole-top 23/a" cj, 249 Pole._cap for·pqle IOI? 3• cj, ·2~2 S.S.-iree screv,; 280 Tube clamp 281 45° cutoff shield 325 1,80° gl_are sh!e)d 379. Outrigger arm for 9850--see p~ges 190,191 105 BEGA/US 1005 Mark Ave; Carpinteria,. CA 93013 (805) 684-0533 fax (805) 684~6682 Lighting Consultant· Gallegos :Lighting Pesign 8132 Andasol Avenue . Northridge, CA 9:J.325' Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsb~d Type CLP-D3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BEGA pole specifications GROµ"P 11 ·GROUP 12 GROU!'13 GROUP14 GROUP15 0 0 0 ·o 0 H "ff <j,D1 H ·n:"'D1 H. ·•n•<i>D1 H -~· <j,D1 H ·n·<i>Dt . · •,q, D2 . • <j, D2 • <j, D2 • <j,'D2 • <j, D2 D D D 0 D D3 D3 D3 • <j, D3 • D3 Height' Top Butt Te·non Base Options Available Pole . ~r9up H p1 D2 D1 Wall B.C. D3 . (Specify)_ Straight Rolmd 958H I/II/Cast sqµare hinged base 13 10·0· 4. 4 ; 125 .9¼ 10 _ A,B,b. 974H wIcast_ square _hinged bas_e 13 · 12'0" 5 $ .125 9¼ 10 A,B,D,E Straight Round W/T11non 906H w/cas_issqu_are hinged base 12'41/,," 5 .. :,125 9¼ 10 E 12 5 3 ·901ii. WlCast square hing~d base 1,2 8'41/, .. 4 4 23/o .125 9¼ 10: D Tapered Round W/Bell Bas~ 926 14 1671/a" 3 51/a .125 101/,s 15¾ A 927 14· 12'1'1/a" ·3 5% .125 101/16 15¾ A 928 ·14 13'9-¾" 3 51/s_ .125 103/16 15¾ A Tapered-Round 0?'08/SH 1/'{iCast square hingec;l base. 15 7'8" 3 5 .125 _9·¼ 10 A;B !)908/SH w,cast squar~ hinged base 15 9'8" 3 5' .125 ~¼ 10 A,B 1108H_ W(Casl square hinged base 15, 11,'8" 3 5 .. 125 9¼ . 10 A,B 1308H W/Casl square·hinged base 15 .13'8" 3 5 _j56 9¼ 10 A,B 1508H W/Cast sqyare'hinged base 15 15'8" 3-5 .125 9¼ 10 A,B. 1708H W/Cast square:hinged ba_se 15 .. H'B" j !i ,125 9¼ 10' A,B 1908.H wicast'5quare.hinged base 15 19'8" 3 5 ._125 9¼ 10 A,B Stepped R(!\11)~ 944H W/Cas\ square_ hinge_d base 1.1 10·0· a 5 ,1?5 9¼ 10 A.E Options: A For 23/4' O.D. tenon; suffix: T · . B. For inserts and poie cap fdrlurilinaires 9272;9372; su·mx:1O (single), 2D (double), 3D (triple)· C .. For ballast:in base of pole (required for 70W or 100W'MH on some luminaries);.suffix 1 B·(single), 2B (double), 3B (triple) D:For 3•·0.0. tenori: suffix: T3 · · · E. For pole heights oiher .tlian standard up to 20 ft. m_ax: suffix: heig_ht required (ie: 958/14 [for 14·ft.]) 193 BE(}A/0S 100~ Mark Ave. Carpinteria, CA 93103 · (805) 684-0533 . fax (805) ·684-6682 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 IF.ax 8.18.343.2041 -LEGO LAND Carlsbad Type CLP-D3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( I ', o·EsI·GNER Lighting Consultant: Gallegos I;.ighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325-· Phone sis.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 L I G H T. I N G LEGOLAN]) C~rl'sbad· ·_AA~ -:v,_,_~ -. --. Type CP-D1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D E s J G N E R L I G H 8PECfflCL\TlON lNfORML\TlON Cast aluminum,c;:onstruction. Pendant fixture-designed for3/4" rigid stem mounting; surf~ce fixture for lncandescent·and H.I.D. provided with 1/2" conduit entries on four sides and back side of c:.ist wiring compartment; surface fixture for 32W and 42\N PL has pre0wired·ballast compartment designed for mounting to recessed box '(box by other). Catalog number does not include PL ballast (exception:'Pl surface mount), gooseneck·brack_et, canopy, or stem. Specify these·items separately from Options/Accessories. Cast aluminum:g0ard is included. PENDANT -Idea! lo.r stem•hu~g cejlin!i applicalio_ns. 11-3i4' 5-3/8' 3 ,-a-1 SURFACE -Designed for either ceiling·or wall mounting., .. IJ ' PETS 11' 5-~/8' 4°1/4 ,-s-1 . .. SURFACE -32 and 42 PL NOTE:·PET S 32 and 42'PL not suitable for surface raceway. Requires Recessed Box (By Other). ~ PETS · 11-3/8" 6·1/4" ~ (32W and 42W f'L only) ::11111 ! ~J' +d_·) ,-a-1:-.. • . . . WALL-Perfect for wall applications. ... .. I PffW 11-314: 6' 4 rf.:-· . '"""m:1[ ·711·11 A •. .. i l ; '"1.ll i~7"i'.'.J i,...., . 1-il-l Products sh~wn on cover are-equippe_d with Accessories and Options available separately. Lamps not supplied with fixture, but are availaole. Lighting Consultant: . Gallegos Lighting-Design 813:2 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325·· · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fa,x.818.343.2041 2 LEGOLAND Carlsbad T I N G BLK -TEXTURED'BLACK WHT -TEXTURED WHITE RED -TEXTURED F\ED BRZ -TEXTUFJED BRONZE GAN -TEXTURED GREEN . ·. ·l· . . ~ ... BUF -TEXTURED BUFF PLT~ TEXTURED PLATINUM VGN -TEXTURED VERDIGRIS Type· CP-D1 I I I I I I I I I /,'-( . '-.... I I I I I I I I I I D PET E s P-Pendant S--Surface W-Wall J ~2 ·42 50 70 100 G EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER ·Lighting Consultant: Gallegos-Lighti~g Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · N orthridge, .CA 91325 · · N E R I G H T J N G fEATUQE& • · APPLICATION: The-introduction-of high-tech fixtures into restaurant and retail space brings the appeal of the industrial look and the performance of·the latest lamp.technology. By combinin·g "leading-edge" style, economy, and a variety of powder finishes, ttie Petro-Tech.Series offers a new design element. · · • i:.AMP TYPES: 3i and 42 Watt Philips,PL-T Amalgam Compact Fluorescent or low wattage medium-base Metal Halide (lamps availsible separately - consult factory). Incandescent is approved for 200 Watt-maximurp (lamp by other). • MOUNTING: PENDANT style may,be usedwith-3/4" rigid stems or a-variety of gooseneck brack(:!ts (see accessory liection). WALL style designed-to be attached eitherto a 32 or 42 Watt PL WMB ·b.alll:lst (see accessory section) or a recessed'4" outlet box (box by other). SURFACE style feattires self-contained.wiring.ch·amber and may be direct surface mounted.to ceiling or wall surface. • -FINISH: Textured polyester powder! l;lakec:J.enamel. • LAMP ENCLOSlJRE:·Clear shatter-_resistant and heat-resistant glass. (Fr.ostec;l·Globe available as an,opti6ri.) • GUARD: Cast.aluminum (painted to match fixture); • SOCKET: PL socket is of:the.4-pin.i:lesign. Metal Halide sockets are pulse rated medium-base porcelain (also usec;I for ln.candescent Lamps). · • STARTING: The 32 arid 42 Watt is rated .20°c and is suitable. for outdoor weather application (Specify Wet Location Op.lion and remote electronic ballast accessory). Metal Halide Remote High Power Factor l;Jallast must fle used (available from Abolile as accessory}. See HID Ballast Information Section. for technicaUriformi!tion·for Electrical Performance Data. • WARRANTY:,2 FULt'YEARS. ®iisted for damp locations. Wet · locations available-upon specification. @• CSA Certified . i=G ·_ Frosted Globe WL -Wet Location PL -C:ompa9t Fluorescent (Remote ballast required. -See Accessories.) :iltX-Black textured WHT -White Textured RED -Red.Textured BRZ--Bronze Textured GRN -Green Textured BUF-Bui.I Textured, PLT -Platinum textured MH -MetaLHa.lide (Remote balla~t required. See Accessori~s.) · Vim·-Verd.igris Textured 3 .. LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CP-D1 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.S43.2041 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PETQO-TECH Accessories . . To order, sp·ecify catalog number indicated. Fixtures do not include Ballasts/Gooseneck Brackets/Stems which must be ordered separately from list b~low. All $terns and Brackets are 3/4". 'BC600,3WHT · ST123WHT ST243WHT ST363WHT ST483WHT GBA3WHT GB B3WHT GBC3WHT GB D3WHT GBE3WHT GB F3WHT GBG 3WHT GB H 3 WHl' GBJ 3WHT GBK3WHT GB P3WHT GB U3WHT WMB 32PL 120 WHT WMB 42 PL 120WHT SMB 32 PL 1·20 WHT SMB 42PL 120 WHT RB 50MH 120 WHT RB 70 MH MT WHT RB 100 MH MTWHT . WTRB 50·MH 120 WHT . WTRB 70 MH MTWHT WTRB 100 MH MT WHT · Cari6py Style Stem Aligner (While) -for 3/4" fitting 3/4" x 12" Rigid·Conduit Stem Finished Whi!e Textured Powder 3/4" x 24" Rigid Conduit Stem FinishedWhite Textured Powder 3/4' x 36" Rigid Conduit Stem Finishe.d White Textured Powder 3/4"'x 48' Rigid Conduit Stem Finished White Textured Powder 3/4" Gooseneck Bracket Finis)1ed White Textured Powder (See Gooseneck !3racket Page for Dimensions) 3/4" Gooseneck Bracket Finished Wllite Textured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket Page for Dimensions) 3/4" Goosen.eek Bracket Finished White Textured Powder (Se,e Gooseneck Bracket Page for Dimensions) 3/4" Gooseneck Bracket Finished White Textured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket Page for. Dimensions) 3/4" Goosenl:lck (?racket Finished White Textured.:PoWder (See Goosenl;)ck Bracket Page for Dimensions) 3/4" GoosJJneck Bracket Finished White Textured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket Page for Dimensions) 3/4".Gooseneck Bracket Finished White Textured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket Page for Dimensions) 3/4" Gooseneck Bracket Finished White Textured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket Page for Dimensions) 3/4" Gooseneck Bracket Finished White Textured-Powder (See (3ooseneck Bracket·Page for Dimensions) 3/4" Gooseneck Bracket Finished White Tex\ured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket l"age for-0imen$icms) 3/4" C3ooseneck Bracket Finished White Textur.ed Powder (See-Gooseneck !;!racket Page for Dimensions) 3/4" Goosene·ck Bracket Finished Wliite Textured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket Page for Dimensions) WaU-Mount_ed 32 Wait PL Ballast for use with ·Gooseneqk Brackets-or Wall.Mounted Fixture Style, .Finished White Textured Powder Wall'Mounted 42 Watt-PL Ballast.for use with Gooseneck Brackets or Wall Mc;iunted Fixture Style, Finished White Textured Powder · · Swivel Style-32 Watt·PL Ceiling. Ballast Canopy ior use with Pendant Style Fixtures Mounted on Sldpe Ceiiings.(Permi!s 45° Swivel), Finished White Textured Powder · Swivel Style 42 Watt PL Ceiling Ballast Canopy for use with Pendant Style Fixtures Mounted on -. Slope-Ceilings (Permits 45° Swivel), Finished White Textured Powder Indoor Remote Ballast for use witfl.50 Watt Metal Halide·Lamps (for interior-use only) Indoor Remote Ballast for-use with 70Watt Metal Halide Lamps (for Interior use only) Indoor. Remote Ballast for use with 100-Watt Metal Halide Lamps (for.·lnterior use only) Weathertight Remote Ballast'for use with 50 Watt Metal·Halide Lamps (for.use in Wet Locations). Weathertiglit Remote Ballast for use with 70_Watt Metal Halide Lamps (for use in Wet Locations) Weatliertight.Remote Ballaslfor use wilh 100 Watt Metal Halide-.Lamps (for use in Wet Locations) MOUNTING DETAIL (nol lo scale)_'. Back View i----s.so---i 5.00 Slde>View 1/2' NPT TYP (4) -.....~ ..... - .J,, ~-' ,~- ABOLITE NEUVE~UX A Member of.the LSI Commercial/ Industrial L19hl1rig Group 10000 Alhance Road P.O. Box 42728 Cmciooah, Ohio 45242 (513) 793-8875 Fax (513)-793·0295 · Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 0.187 Dia. Hole . TYP(~) ·sack VleV{ 2.47 LE'GOLAND Carlsbad ABO·PET-12196-1 0M-2212 ~1996 LSI lndu·s1r1es Inc Pnnled in the U.S.A. Type CP~D1 .------. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: CHARACTER PENDANT LEGOLAND Carlsbad Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasoi Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Type CP-D2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consult.¢t: Gallegos Lighting De~ign 8132-Andasol Avenµe Northridge1 CA 91325-. CHARACTER PENDANT LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Type CP-D2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ... Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenµe N orthridge, ·CA 91325 . c·HARACTER PENDANT LEGOLAND .Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 r/Fax 818343.2041 Type CP-D3 I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _,, Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325_ .. CHARACTER PENDANT LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax $18.343.2041 Type C·P-D3 I I I I I. I I ,. I 1 I I . 1. I I I I I 20 H315 Small Hanging Cottage Light H3J 5 Sh1all Hanging Verdi F1n1sh Perfect for a tozy .corner or lia'!lwa)i, the Cottage Light sheds a special warm glow. Its primitive .slyling. reflects t}]at spirit of ·oid England that unclmibtcclly inlluunrccl its designer. · Heritage customers have -used this ·light to accent a wide range of styles -it even serves well when the ''Arts and Crafts''. look is desired. The Cotrage Light takes on a whole new "look" when ordered with our popular verdigris ·finish! . A hanging fixture, the Cottage l)ght comes-\vith seedy glass and lias an. open bottom. W165 Small Wall Moun! HANGING .. No. Metals Size. H w· · lbs. H315 C.f3 Sm 121/.• .6 H316 C.B Med 17'h -7¼ H317 c:s Lg 26 11'(.• (Standard socket up to 100W.)' (Comes with 12" ol chain and canopy, not 1ncludeq 1n height rneasure'l'enl.) 13 19 28 (Lg s1?e has 4 light dr5irrbu16r with candelabra sockets. up to 60W each ) WALL MOUNT No. Metals Size H . w ..E M lbs. · W165 C/B. Sm 121/;. 6 6½ 9 13 W166 C/13 Med. 171/.• 11/1 81/1 11 19 W167 C/B Lg,_ 26 l11rl 12 111/~ <'8 (Sm, Med-standard socket. up 10 IO0W.) (Lg.,-4 hghl dislrrbutor wllh ca.ndelabra SOGkcts. up lo 60W each.) .(Glass bollom standard.) ., "In all my years, I've never seen fixtures as beaitllfully made and proportioned·as these. They put to shame .every other fixture we·so carefully selected ... Et;en our electrician couldn;t stop commenting about how he'd never seen fixtures made Wze -these. " ·Fishers Hill; Virginia H388 Small Beacon Hill ~eritage Lanterns Yarmouth Maine (800) 544a.6070 Lighting Consultant:· Gallegosl:ighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax Sl,8.343.2041 LEGOLAND · Carlsbad · Type CP-D4 I I I 1: I I I 'I I :;,' I -1. I . . .~ i: ~1~.'North' Weiis· si~ee( Chicago;"1i1inois:606~0 .•·3~2.-787-6991/ •~ .............. ~•: ••,•.••"-'•_: ,•f,I•": :• • ' ,-.. •• -:•,'•~,\:, t,,:.,•~~•,"' ,• ,. • -.•,• ' Lighting Co~ultant: . Gallegos·Lighting pesign 8132 Anda.sol 'A venue Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818,343.5762 /Fax ,818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CP-D5 I I ·1 I I I I I I 1: ,, I I I I I Post··· Post Lights, cons.idered by many to be a modem development in lighting, actµally go back sey.eral centtJries. By 1738, the cobbled streets of London, England were brightened by more than 15,000 lights. F01· the rest of the century, this international center of commerce was regaled as the most well-lighted city in the world. While providing ·light for 18th century . London, the post ,)amps weren't known for convenience. A watchman had tcdill the cup of each liglit with oil; lay a wick in it and then light it. The watch111an would return before dawn to snuff the light, trim the wi.ck and clean the globe. Don't forget -there were 15,000 of the1n! Benjamin Franklm, always the statesman-inventor, was so ·impressed with the concept of London's street 'lighting that he installed similar globe lighting in Philadelphia in 1751. Tlie center of Colonial government, Philadelphia enjoyed the first street lighting system in America. At Heritage Lanterns, we're very pl'oud of our wide selection df styles and sizes in Post Lights. We know you will be pleased' as well. Eight years ago. we built a house here in New tmzdon, .. the crowniizg glo,y of our charming house is tlze large globe Heritage Lantern by the front door ... New L_omloil, New I lampshirc Globe Post The Globe Post frorn Heritage embodies the early 18th century styiing of London's first street lights·. The" round glass globe. protected 'by .a rugged wire "cage." is its pm'licularlf distin~l'\.lishing feature. . Nb. . Metals, Size . ·H : W lbs .. P442 C.B L · . 27'1., . 16 55· P440 C.B . Ex tg 32 _ 18 . rn·. (Sland?rd socke1..'..Ig.ch1.mney 'bulb suggested: 75 or 1oow.J · (Ex ~g s12e only-has lwo horizontal cenler band~ around globe.) P440 Exira Large I i i . l :1 .. \,~ -~-= __ 34 :::;:;:=;::;;:=;;::=::;:=:::::::::;:H:;;E;R;;I;T;A~G~E~L~A~N~T~E~R~N~S~~y~~~--~--=:::'u;:~~_'~,~~==-=~!!!~-~(~800~.· !l!!:)~-=1!1!!~111ttll'l-""~""P 7.,0_"""'~.'!I". I!"! .• !'!Ot ll!!O!P..!!11.;a!!!.sll!!_ ... ru~.!'!!_._,t!P.!,_ •. awm. l!lllll!&&11t11.i..!_ l;.;,· _. __ _ ..., ~ Lighting Consultant: · ______ .. ______ .... -... --·: ... , .. , , ... ·· ... ·"·0•••• GalfegosLightingDesign. LEGOLAND Type . ···.· 8132Andaso1Avenue Carlsbad c·p B D 1 Northridge, CA 913~5 . - Phone 818.343;5762 ~ax 818.343.2041 I I I I ,II I. I: I I I' ,, , , 1-, • I .I ,, I I ,. :, . ~·...,. , ' . Pai-'is b[.,\stles with frenetic ~~F0if)f_,'. - SlippiV\9 oV\to a qvdet side s+.:.J?-°'i-;f(:::, . 'd , · lk .c, ,)\ ·.·-;.:,,j~,J-,s-''\ yo[.,\ s_ee a s1 ewa ':-a 1e. 7, CUP:\i\i!~;:~:, of cappuccino later/ comfortably'-~\~)r, settled in/ yo[.,\ admire the classic·:.;:\.'/:'._',_ totAches of this place, There is d ·.: ·'i _?.-:::; '· timdessness that mqkes yo[.,\ for9et ._,-' the_ r[.,\sh ~f li'fe,:-only a hlock away. Jt'~ amazin9 )!Ol,\ thinkj how classics· have the powe·r to fral'\spo~t .and transform, Pe-thaps that's the secret to ;Abdite's Standard D -oLM. ./'~::::-:· ome ,, -. ~4:::..:./ . .,, rt '.f ~ . -, ---Lighting consuitaiii: · Gallegos"I:ighting-Elesigri..,..-...,_ __ . 8132 Andasol Avenue LEGOLAND Carlsbad N orthridge, CA 91325 : -Phone 818.343;5762 /Fax 818.343.2041. · Type CWM-D1 I I I I I I I I 1- 1- I I I I ,, ' ., , )] ; -~ 1 ~ ·j . ··1 .. Aif _. ·1 ·., ,\ t(r,t. \~\~ RJ.M SPECIFICATIONS (CON'T.) The High Intensity Discharge RLM: •· Application:-High Intensity Disch~rge (HID) lamps of High Pressure Sodium and Metal Halide, ·allow the use of extremely high lamp efficiencies and very long lamp life needed'in today's commercial and retail space. ·Globe and· Lamp. Types: PG3 assemblies approved fo"r maxfmum 100 Watt Metal Halide and 100-Watl High Pressure.Sodium. (Corisult lamp catalog data for information on lamp color temperature. Lamps available-separately -consult factory.) Mounting: All reflector hubs tapped for 3/4" NPT fitting unless .supplied with cord sets. Cord sets include CA canopy,kits. -Reflector: Spun treated pregalvanized steel with textured polyester:powder finish. Beflector interior is finished textured white. (Galvanized reflectors are galvanized-inside and out.) Socket: AII\Globe -sockets are medium base 4KV -Pulse Rated (required with·High Pressure Sodium and· Metal Halide wattages listed). Sockets are facto_ry·prewired with either 3 wire 6' or 12' cord sets or 8' leads. /IL'\ I[\ Listed for d?l)'IP locations. Wet locations avaHable upon specification. c\e./ \el Some options.preclude use,in ..vet locations. • Baflast: When H.I.D. lamps are used, a Remote High Power Factor ballast.must-be useq. See Ordering Guide and Spticific11fions, for information. • Warranty: 2 F'ULL YEARS. @ Listed tor damp.and wet locaiions. @-Listed for damp locations only. GLOBE DATA . Option PG3 -Description 3' Diameter Ribbed Clear Glass Assembly 6' Di~meter. White 9pal Glass Lamp Socket 2 PIN 4 PiN Medium Medium Medium 2 PIN 4 PIN Medium -Medium Medium RLM GLOBES \'.:,• ... Full--heat-,and impact-resistant 3" dia. prismatic Glass Globe offers symmetrical light pattern. Globe screws into cast aluminum holder. Maximum Wattage Restrictions · ' 13 PL Fluorescent 42 PLT Fltiorescen_t 200 Incandescent 150 HPS 100 Metal Haiide 13.PL Fluoresceni 42 PLT Fluorescent 75 Incandescent 150 HPS No-Metal Halide • Bi-pin lamp holde~ supplied for 13 Watt Compact Fluorescent lamp. • 4-Pin:lamt! holder supplied·for 32 and-42 Watt Compact Fluorescent ·Iamps. • 4KV medium base lamp holder supplied-for use with lnc;andescent and H.1.D. lamps. •· Globe factory assembled to the RD, BO, RWD, or HMDM reflector of your choice (also.ayailable on AD2 200 only). ·• Frosteds·· diameter Glass-Globe offers symmetrical light pattern. Globe-screws into·cast aluminum holder. · • Bi-pin lamp holder supplied for 13 Watt Compact Fluorescent lamp. • 4-Pin lamp holder supplied for 32 and 42 Watt Compact Fluorescent lamps. Medium base lamp holder suppiied for use with -Incandescent lainps. • Globe 'factory-assembled to the RD-. B0, RWD, or HMDM reflector of·your choice (also available on AD2 200 only) . Other Restrlcl!9ns Not availabie with AD Series Reflectors (exception: AD2 200) ·Indoor-use only. Not available with AD Series 'Reflectors -(exception: AD2 200) I '\G .i_-====--==---==--===--===---===--==--===---=::;=--====--===---==--===---====---===--==--.. 1 '."'.:1JJ.41!114_!1l1"1!1!~!!1!3~%'-!!~'tlll2~:-9?:.PR'-"~'!":;;,,,;:.,~ •• rr. ,..,._,. _ __,, ______ ...., _______ ..., ___ __,-:-,_,----i½ _ Lighting Consultant: · Gallegos iightihg Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343;5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-D1 I I ,, I· I I I ·I ,, I ' ·1 t ..•••. I I 314,"·Single Refiector <3ooseneck-Walf Br~cket. Feat4res rigid conduit and cast waif plate whfch·fit~ 4" octagonarbox (by other). Ttie bracket features a while powder f1[lish. 3/4" Single Refle~tor Gooseneck-Waif Bracket. Features rigid conduit and- cast waif plate which fits 4" octagonal box·(by other},'The bracket fe~tures a while powder tirnsh. · 3/4" Single Reflector Gooseneck Wall Bracket. Featwes rigid. conduit-and cast wall plate which fits 4" octagonal box (by other}. The bracketfeatures a·white:powdi,rfinish, 3/4" Sin'gle Reflector Gooseneck Waif Bracket. features rigid conduil'imd -casi wall plate wllich fits 4' octagonal box (by other}: The bracket ieaiures a white powder finish. .RLM GOOSENECK W,ALi. MOUNTING BRACKETS To order, speicify catalog ril/mber indicated. Note: Srackets feature 3/4" i,iems·which slip fit into wall plate (wall end,is unthreaded). Conduit may be ·cut down (in the field. by other) to shorten bracket length·. Wall plate included. • Brackets are finished in textured white powder; other optional colors available. • Wet L:ocation --All brackets suitable for use in wet locations. Fixtures used in wet locatio.ns must be specified "WL" separately. 3/4".Singte Reflector (3ooseneck Wall Bracket. Features rigid conduit and cast wait plate which.f1t~A" octagonal box (by <;>!her). The brac)<et features a while powper finish. 3/4" Si,ngle Reflector Gooseneck Wall Bracket. Features rigid conduit and,cast·wall plate which fits 4" octagonal box (by other). The.brl!cket is designed to be mounted to.a·horizontal s~!face, but could also be m·ounted to a·walf. The'bracket features a white powder finish. .3/4" Single Reflector Gposeneck Wall Bracket. Features rigid conduit and cast.wall piate w~ich fits 4" qctagonarbox (by other). The bracket features a whi\e powder finish. 0)) j I Abolite.Neuveaux·• -10000 Alliance Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242·• (513) 793-8875 • FJI.X: (513) 793-029? j . -·-·:, ... -~··· Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting .Design .8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 --~---~---,-~-~---· ···--~-·· -.---·-......... , -~-.----···•••''1 ... -.-•,c-,1.~ SC.""lP"lr-- LEGOLAND -C~rlsbad· Type CWM-D1 I I I I I I I I ,. I I I I I .I I· .; ., l ' i J. { -~ " r ,i i. ;, .11 ,, i·~· .. ~ ·~. ~... . ..... Lightip.g Co~~ultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 8\8.343.5762 /Fax 818343.2041 ,, R~ucing Bushing 3/4" to l/t': ;} Fits RLM top casting to.aqapt fixture for 1/2" stems.· • ' ~. "!:. Heat-Resistant Glass Cover '·'~'"Attach to bead of 20• Downlight reflector. • Includes clamp type aluminum ring, ·EPDM rubber gasket and 3/.16" thick tempered, shock and thermal- resistant glass. · Wire· Guards: • ·Fit ALM-reflectors. • All have center opening for relamping. • Platinum powder finish standard (except COG3 is white); oth~r optional colors available. • All wire g·uarqs are convex type except COG20F PLT which is.flat and CO~3 WHT which fits PG3 globe. Sockets and Holders: All old des'ign Replacement Sockets tapped for 1/2" or 3/4" c;:onduit (specjfy si~e required). ·• RS socket-designs ate replacements for "old-style" Rl:.Ms. ·• Replacement sockets tor new designs are available -specify "new design." Note: New design sockets come with pre- attached soldered leads or cord sets. Specify choice when ordering replacement sockets. LE.GOLANO Carlsbad I ABOLITE Type CWM-D1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I ', ' i. ,, ' !•j -~ ··l i• ' ·1 I J l=' !: !~ If ~ 11 •; jj ' I. r ) l ! ' l i' ji ,• . i I i ! . l ~l 1 ! =I r I ! I I I ;J_!,.',1-3] iJ (fl HOW TO ORDER AN RLM FOR INCANDESCENT LAMPS . First, select the fixture shape, size, al'!d colQr of choi~e, then address the fcillowing four points to complete your order. .. · • F~r Incandescent Lamps: 1·. How.will you mount your incandescent·RL:M? • Cord Mount: Choose.CA72 or CA144 followed by EiLK or WHT(CA canopy kit is included; color of canopy matches cord selected); • Stem or Wall Mount: Choose LDS96 and order stern and.canopy or bracket of choice·separately {specify stern or bracket'color when.ordering). . • Pole.Mount: ChQose LDS96 and order. bracket and pole·of choice separately {specify color of bracket and pole). 2. Is your application 9utdoors.? If yes, order WL wet loc;:ation option. 3. Do you require a: decorktive globe ~ption? Standard· product is furnishe~ with a .Prewired medium-base socket. Decorative globes are availaple as factoiy installed options; ·Order a G6 {indoor) or PG3 {indoor/outdoor) globe option (some restrictions apply -check globe speciiications), 4. Order accessories-as desired taking C<!re to specify accessory colors when applicable. Always.check specifications for product cornpatibillty. . . ,. .•.• ~,-":": ... l~candescenl Versions--Select appropriate choice from 1?0ch column .. R02100 12 100 Medium Base · INC -Incandescent 120 BLK ~ Black Textured CA72WHT-G6-Globc" See page RD2150 ·14 150· WHT -White Textured 6',prewiiell PG3-'Globe" 20 lor while cord set R02 200· 16 200. RED -Red Textured and canopy WL -y,Jet Location stems. RD2300 18 · 300 BRZ-·Bronze Textured CA728LK-brackets, COA-Cocoa Textured s··prewired canopies. 802 200 10 200 GRN-Gree.n 'Textured black cord set wire 802 300 13 300 8UF -Buff Textured and canopy guards, PLT -Platinum Textured CA144WHT-and other. A02100 7 100 12··prewiied A02.150 9 150 VGN-Verdigris,Textured· while cord sci choices. AD2 200 11 200 9AL -Galvanized Steel and canopy CA144)3LK- RWD2100 16 100 12' p·rewired RWD2200 20 200 black cord set and canopy HMDM400 20 300 L0S96-8' prewired HMDMU 400; 20 300 leads. (1 black, 1 while, 1 green)· includes 3/4" top mounting ~sling EXAMPLE OF A · . · TYPICAL ORDER .,~ . RWD2 200 INC 120 GAL CA728LK G6 ·For wattag~ and si~s-restrlctions: ·see "FJLMGLOBES op/ion page 7. Abolite·Neuveaux • '10000·Alli;mc;e Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 • (513) 793-887!5 • FAX: (513) 793-0295 ( I l '' ' I :Er [: j. ...... -----·------·· ·----------~-.--,'· . f\s<•.· #AWjiA:S - Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andaso1 Avenue Nortbridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818343.2041 .LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-D1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, ,, !· ' 1; r'. I ACCESSORIES G il!,',1:J 4 ;)f :[.-1 STEMS & WA'-L BRACKETS ST63WHT ST12·3WHT ST 15·3 WHT ST243WHT ST363WHT ST 48 3 WHT ST60·3WHT ST723-WHT GBA3WHT . GBE,!3WHT GBC3WHT GBD3WHT GBE3WHT GB F·3·WHT GB.G 3WHT GB H 3WHT GBJ3WHT GB K3-WHT GBP3WHT GBU"3WHT DWB1 WHT 3/4' x 6' Rigid Condui_t Stem Finished While Textured Powder· 3/1'.' X 12' Rigid Conduit Stem Finished White Textured Powder• 3/4'-x 18" Rigid·Conduit Stem Finished White Textured Powder• 3/4' X 24' Rigid Conduit Siem Finished While Textured Powder• 3/4' X 36' Rigid Conduit Stem:Finished-While Textured· Powder• 3/4" X 48' Rigid C_oriduil Slem:Finlshed.Wtiile Textured Powder• 3/4' X 60' Rigid Conduit Stem FipishedWhile Textured Powder· 3/4' X 72".Rigid Conduit Stem Finished While Textured Powder 3/4' Goosenec;k Bracket/Finished White Textured Powder (See Gooseneck.Bracket Page for Specifications)" 3/4 • ·Gooseneck Bracket ·Finished White Textured-Powder (See Gooseneck. Bracket Page for Specifications)' 3/4" Gooseneck·Bracket Finished While Textured Powder (See·Goqseneck Bracket Page for-Specifications)" :iw Gooseneck Bracket Finistied Whlte Te)(lured f'ow9er (See Gooseneck Bracket-Page for .Specifications)" 3/4' Gooseneck Bracket Finished While Textured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket Page for Specifications)' 3/4" Goosenec;k Bracket Finished While Texiure9 ·Powder ·(se~ Gooseneck Bracket Pag!J for Specifications)' 3/4'·t;,ooseneck Bracket Finished While Textured-Powder·(See·Gooseneck Brac_ket Page· for Specifications)' 3/4' Gooseneck Brackei Finished While Textured Powder (See Gooseneck Bracket Page. for Specifications)' 3/4"·Gci'oseneck Bracket Finished White Textured Powder ($ee Gooseneck Bracket Page for Specifications)' 3/4' Gooseneck Bracket Finished While Textured Powder·(See Gooseneck Bracket Page for Specifications)' 3/4" Gooseneck.Bracket Finished White Textured Pow9er (See Gooseneck Bracket Page for Specifications)' 3/4~ GoosEJneck !;!racket Finished While Textured Po)Vder (See Goosenef:i<-Bracket Page for Specifications)' 3/4' Single Reflector Wall Brai:ket,Finished White Textured Powder POLES & POLE BR.4CKETS .. RLM ALUM 8 S BRZ 8' Pole -Nostalgic·Base, Aluminum ·Shaft (Specify Color) RLM ALUM 10·SBRZ 1Q' Pole -Nostalgic Base, Aluminum Shafi (S"pecify C,::olor) RLM ALUM 12 S BRZ 12'·Pole -Nostalgic Base, Aluminum·Shaft (Specify Color) RL~-S11G 8 S BRZ 3RBC 8' Pole -Steel 3' Round with ·Base Cover (Specify Color) RlM S11G 10 S BRZ 3RBC 10' Pole -Steel 3" Round with Sase Cover (Specify Color) RlM'S11G'12 S BRZ 3RBQ. 12' Pole -·Steel~· Round with BaseCov~r (Specify Color) DPB 1 WHT 3/4' Sin'gle Reflector Pole Bracket Finished WhitE!·Textured Powder (See Pole Bracket Page for Specifications)' DPB.2'WHT . 3/4' Double-Refle<;lor Pole Bracket Finished While Textured·Powder (See·P.ole Bracket Page·for Specifications)' PCi WHJ· ,3/4' Single Reflector Pole Bracket Finished White·textured .. Powder (See Pole!;lrackel Page for Specifications)· SCR 1 WHT 3/4' Shepherd's <;:rook.Pole Bracket Fir]ishedWhite TextuJed Powd!Jr (Se_e Pole Bracket Page for Specifications)" .. WiRE GUARDS COG 3WH,T COG7 PLT COG9 PLT COG 10 PLT COG 11 PLT COG 12 PLT COG 13 PLT COG 14 PLT . COG 16 PLT COG 18·PLT COG.20 FPLT 3' Globe Wire Guard Finished White Text\Jred Powder (For use with PG3 Globe Option)' 7" Convex Wire Guard Finished Platinum Textured f'owder• (AD 100 guard) · 9' Convex Wire Guard Finished Platinum Textured Powder• (AD .150 guard) 10· Convex Wire Guard-Finished Platinum Textured Powder• (BO 200 guard) 11' Convex Wire Guard.Finished Platinum Textured:Powder• (AD 200 guard) 12· Convex Wire Guard-Finished Platinum texiured' Powe er• (RD 1 O'O guard) 13' Convex Wire Guard Finished Platfnum Textured Powder• (BO 300 guard) 14' Convex Wire Guard Finist\ed Platinum·Texlured Powder• (RD 150 guard) 16" Convex Wire Guard Finished Platinum Textured Powder• (RD ·2QO guard) 18' Convex Wire Guard Finished Platinum Textured Powder• (RD 300 guard). 20' Flat Wire Guard Finished-Platinum Textured Powder• (For use with 20" ~ize RLMs) BALL ALIGNERS/CANOPIES BC6003WHT !3C585 BG5B5SO BC580 BC580SO Canopy Style Stem-Aligner (White),,-for 3/4" filling• Round Outlet Box.Cover Type-Aligner for 3/4" filling, Fils 3-1/4" and 4" Octagon Box (Box by Other) ~quare Outlet B9x Cover Type Aligne.r for 3/4" fitting. Fits 4' !;>quare .Outlet Box (Box.by Other) Octagon Outlet Box Cover Type Aligner. 112··:rap. Fils 3-1/4' and 4" Octagon Box .(Box by-Other) Square Outlet Box· Cover Type-Aligner. 112" Tap. Fits 4 • square.box (Box_ by Other) REDUCING BUSHING 3/4" TO '1(2;' flB :34-12 Inserts in.lo top mounting.casting lo allow for 1/2' slems·(by others), GLASS COVER FOR 20" RIEF,LECTOR DPC1020HR Heat-Resistant Glass-Cover (Fo; use with HMDM 400-20" RLM:Reflector) SWAG KIT ... ' . SWAG 12' Swag kit· for CA72 and CA 144-cord mount versions (exception:·oot availal)le wiih HMDMU or HMDM) • Other colors optional Abolite Neuveaux • 10000 Alliance Road, Cincinnati, Ohiq 4§242 • (513) 7g3-8875 • FAX: (513) 793-0295 ... ~ ... ~-. .. 0 ·! 1 , ! J·. .j l .1 :l :l { 't ~ I ·1·-i_ ··.· 1: I 1 , .. i . ~ ·, . :·i Lighting Consulf'a1't: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol A, venue Northridge; CA. 91325 _LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-D1 Phone 818.343.5762./Fax 818.343.204l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ARM . STANDARD ARM WA(cl PROi..lEQTIQN STANDARD ARM . HEIGHT . B7 PIER'MOUNT 20' B 8 3" P0ST .MOUNT 20' 12· TOP OF WALL ·ARM FINISHES: (SEE BAC:K COVER) OPTIONAL PROJECTION: 8' MIN. •.32".MAX. MOUNTING PLATE (B7 ONLY): PIER MOUNT. 5" SQ!JARE WITH (4) MOUNTING HOLES, 4~CENTERS MOUNTS·OVER El.£CTRICAL BOX 13112· · TOP OF SHADE ~3112" TOP OF SHADE SHADE DIA. HGT. 'LAMP MAXIMUM WATTAGE TYPE AFiM/STEM CORD/CHAIN A2i IN~. 100W 75W ·12· a· CF" TA42 TR32' MH .. 70W N/A A22 INC. 150W 100W 15" a· CF' TR42 TR32 MH" 100W NIA A23 INC. 200W 150W 18~ 9112· CF' TR42 TR32 ·.MW' 100W N/A A24 INC. 300\N 1sow 22' 11.112• CF" 'rR42 TR32 MH'' 100W NIA NOTE: "CF -.13AlLAST: TR32-i20 VIN CAP TR42 IN 8" x 2" CANOPY FOR OUTDOOR USE IN 8" x 2" CANOPY 120 OR277-VOLT ... MH· STANDARD.SOCKET FOR OPI:N·FIXTURE LAMP INDOOR USE ONLY BALLAST REMOT~ F-CAN·120/277 VOLT SHADE FINISH: SEE BACK'COVER Lighting-Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 9l325 fhone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 tEGOLAND Carlsbad· 1 Type ·cwM-D2 I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I ,, -1 I I I I -ARM STANDARD ARM · WALL PROJ.EQTION 89 14" ARM FINISHES: (SEE'BACK COVER) OPTIONAL PROJECTiON: a• MIN. -18" MAX. BACKPLATE: 61/4" ROUND SHADE DIA. HGT. LAMP MAXIMUM WATTAGE TYPE ARM/STEM ... ·A13 8" 9" INC. 100W A14 11 •· 12· INC. 150W A15 13" 16" INC. -200W NOT AVAILABLE WITH B10, B11, & B15 PENDENTS SHAPE.FINISH: SEE BACK COVER .L·i·g·h·t·i•n•g Lighting Consultant: Gallego.s Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge,. CA 91325 Phon~ SlS.343.576.i £Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND ·Carlsbad L•i•g•h•t•i•n•g ~ype CWM-D3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I .. ::· · .'.·· "· . ·FINISHES ':·. ·~--·. · .. · .:· .. :·.··: ST,\NIJ.ARD l':\H'-lTEll RED BLACK C'USTOM l'AINTED GALVANIZED - BRll·SIJED Fl NI S II B/BRASS BLUE WHITE VERDI GREEN B/ALUMINUM CC~ BEIGE YELLOW GREEN r~• SATIN ALUM. SWEDISH IRON B/ANT. BRAS$ NOTE: ·ALL FINISHES ARE ON ALUMINUM MATERIAL INSIDI;: OF SHADES PAINTED WHITE (STANDARD) I' 0 I. I S-11 E I) FIN IS II - . . P/BRASS ' :-·-~it~ iii: . ·\tJ~ : ~~·:/ ~-.. -... . . .. .::.'....._...:._ P/ALUMINUM <;;OPPER ALL POLISHED AND BR.USHED -FINISHES (EXCEPT BRUSHED ALUMINUM) ARE NOT WARRANTED FOR OUTDOOR USE iNFORlVIATION REQUIRED FOR ORD-ERING AND/OR SPECIFYING TTT . HOW TO ORDER OR SPECIFY ·OUANTJTY SHADE SHADE , MOUNTING MOUNTING' LAMPING: . OPTIONS' :NUMBER FINIS.H NUMBER l'INISH EXAf!IPLE 10 Al 'RE:V 13/ BLACK INC. SM.JAR "MOUNTING TYPE OVERALL LENGTH '(IF OTHER THAN l,TANPARD) ·~t~i . "Sf'ECIFY IF FOR OUTDOOR USE SPECIFY ANY OPTIONS LISTED BELO.W 0. ·o--..:--- . . G!-ASS BALL 6"DIA, (WH,OPAL) JARGLASS SM. 31/4" x 61/2" LG.41j4• X B½" (CIJ;AR OR FROSTED) CAST DOME GUARD SM. 41/4" X 7" LG. 5½" x91/4" FLAT WIRE GUARD ~ MADE IN AMERICA· COPYRIGHT© PENDING 1996 TR.END LIGHTING CO.;INC. . . Lighting Consul~t: · Gallegos Lighting Design 8132.:Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343;5762 /Fax 818.343.2o41 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type c·wM-D3 I ~- I C: .. :·: I H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I S .A T l_ .n ~b., ~. -. ..,__,_ . Ill;!'~·-·' E t b ,, i L T DESIGN: Satellit Mini .a. DESIGNER: Jens Moller Jensen A SPEQIFICA- TIONS: The "Satellit" is a cylindrically shaped luminaire with-a floating reflectdr shade A The lamp q>mpartment enclosure is of clear UV stabilized -. seamless polyca,bonate A The reflecto.r shade i_s of v.andal resistant color impregnated.fiberglass J,. Reffeciing surfaces are finished-in.a weather resistant baked ,vhite en;imel J,. The upper and lower sections are ·tied together with three •k diameter aluminum rods finaled with a_rchitectura·l nuts J,. Gfar'e is contro.llcd by an *opaque injectidn molded polycarbonate circumferentiar arc tube shield.Ji. (*Translucent in-white versions) J,. The concept ofthis original JMJ design is tb direct .the lamp lumens qnto·the surface of the reflector and· Dia-Eixture Maximum Catal~g n::ictc_r He_ight Wattage Number 26,!l'' 19.3" 1/lS0W/INC. SATT-MlN-701-Gr_ey · 26.0" 19.J" 1/-l00W./MH SATT-MlN·373·Grey 19.3· 26.0" 19.3" 1/.l00W_/HPS S~TT-MlN,386-<;;rcy I 26.0" 19.3" !fl00WlMV SATT-M_lN-399_,Grey 26.0" 19.3" l/.lS0W/INC, SJ\T"(·MlN-455:Whjte .26.0" 19.r 1/l00W/.MH SATT-MlN-439,Whitc 26.0" 19.3" lliOilW;iHPS SATT•MlN~442-White 26.0" 19;3" 1/100\V/MV SATT-MIN-426-White 26,0" 19.3" · 1/IS0W/lNC. SATT-Ml_N-4,09-Block louis 26.0" 19.3" 1/IO0WlMH S,ATT-lvUN-412-Biack . ' poulsen 26.0" 1-9.3"· lll00W/HPS .SJ\TT-MlN'-425-Bl?ck 76_.0 .. 19.3" '1/1.00W/,MV SATT·Ml!-i_-438-Bla~k M N I thus redirect the light out- ward m a broad, !ES Type V, distribution A The creative use of annular rings and vertical struts convey the appearance of a satellite in stationary orbit .a. COLORS: Grey, Bl.ick, ''White - with translucent anti-glare ring A MOUNTING: Post Top or Extended Wall Bracket Ji. ELECTRICAL: Provided stand- ard ·with-F-Can style qallast 12:o/277 Volt for Metal Halide, Mercury Vapor and High ·Pressure Sodium .a. TECHNICAL DATA: Refer to technical data sheets for further details A-LAMPS: For use-with Clear lamps .a. LAMPHOLD.ER: Medium Base I?ulse Rated .a. ~EELS: !JL/CSA, Wet Location A I Ligfiti~g Consul~t: G~llegos lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 _ LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CLP-Fl I Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.204l. I 157 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROUND STRAIGHT l1hy,,u·.1I Lh.1r.1t.tt.•rl,1_1\" Pol~ lktt,:.hl 3'-11" ro·;n" .I" 1" 3" 12'·11" .I" ~qlver q_rL·y. ui.u:k _or \Yhi1,· 8'-il" 10'-U" l.?.'-11" ,fl/•'' SilVl·r Grry, Ul.u l or Wlii)c . Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Aven:ue Northriclge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.576.2 /Fax 818.343.2041 ,,~, ..... C.aulo,;. _Nu~1lu .. •r RS~·•l·Culur-M ALUM rN U_M (RS A) PO L·E 4 Yi" No1c.;.: Fnr Ji.lditin11,1I ~uounting hci1d11\ .111tl d.t1.1 ro111.1ct f.u:h>ry. Refer to r«hnicJI 111J1111JI "LIGI l'l'ING .~TANDAllDS" for ,1<hlirio11,1' i1lfi,rm.1ti~n. LEGO;LAND , Carlsbad louis poulsen Type CLP-Fl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pole top luminaires with symm1;1tric~H or asymm~trical indirect light distribution Pole top·luminaires featuring a large 393/4• reflective disk supported by two heavy stainless 1?teel struts. A.concealed hlghly efficient optical system focuses the high output metal halide light source·at the·disk. The lightis re-directed and distributed·inqirectly by thl'l reflector disk and creates a particularly smooth and-uniform light distribution which is free of-glare. ' . The disk is:adjustable rro'm horizontal (for round symmetrical distribution) to 30" (for selected asymmetrical distribut.ion). An inovative solution fonhe illumination of· parking areas or open pedestrian lands.cape areas. Fully enclosed and gasketed, suitable for·Wet locations. .Pole top luminaires. Heavy¼' thick·aluminuni disk Full-specular, floodlighling·optical. system with fiush, clear tempered· glass shield. w I . t,anip 8101MH 1 1.50W ED·t7 MH 8101S 1-15QW E·17HPS Slip fits 3' 0.0. tenon. Color: Black or white. Note: Recommended for poles 12' -20' high. . - Lumen A i3 '13000 39¾ 22¾ 16000 39¾ 22% . .... ~ '. I j. ·r . ~l ,\ BEGA/US 1005 Mark Avenue, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805)684-0533 FAX (805)684°6682 Lighting Consultant ·Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol.A. venue N orthridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.34.3.2041 LEGOLANJ) C1\rlsbad © Copyright BEGNUS 1997 Prin"tcd m USA 2/97 0 0 0 Type CLP-F2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant:_ . ·canegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 BEGA BEGA 100!i 1V1,11l, iw,·1i11r•. C:11p1111,·11.1 C:,\ :1.rn1.; (H0~)(i8:1·0!):t-: • I /\X u:n!,)l,H-1 (;!;!:{:' LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CLP-F2 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I ( I I I I ( RCIUTECTURAL ;REA JGHTING The Radius Tube se(ies-of fixtures is designed for pedestrian areas and prominent site locations. The simple forms are unobtrusive to harmonize with their surroundings. Their-extended.horizontal rea_ch allows the luniinaire to be placed - more-directly over Ifie-area intended for illumination. Five, six, and eightinch diameter sizes are available. All three sizes can be specified .with cast aluminum guards:fdr vandal resistanee or aesthetic requirements. Fixtures can also be specifietl with an arm mounl or adjustable knuckle for mounting lo straight round poles. . . Lighting Consultant_: Gallegos Lightirtg Design · 8132 Andasol Avenue AlR '2068~ 16 N orthridge, CA 91325 _ _ Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 ALR205, ALR206, ALR208 -· Radius Tube LEGOLAND Carlsbad ..... - Type c·LP-F3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ALR 20!i PROJECTION:72' Catalog Numbers ALR206 PRWECTION: 75' . , MET~L HALIDE. 70 100 175 ALR 208 PROJECTION: 97' HPS 70 100 150 WT. EPA 5" DIAMETER ALR 205-12 ALR 205-16 -----------~ .... -COMPLETE WITH 5" DfAMETER POLE 12' OAH • • . . ., . 135, 3.5 ··---· --------------·· ------------COMPLETEWITH 5" DIAMETER POLE 1ff.OAH . . . . . . 145 3:5 ALA 205-AM FIXTURE ONLY WITH 4" ARM"28" OAL FOR 5" OR 6" DIA. POLE • . . • . . . 26 1.2 .... ·--··-..... .. ----------------·--------------~----'-- ALR 205-KN FIXTURE ONLY WITH 'ADJUSTABLE KNUCKLE, 30" DAL . ~ . . . . 22 1.2 ---,c-----,,.,....----------A LR 2058·12 COMPLETEWITH 5'. DIAMETER·POLE,2' OAH, 8° TILT . • • • • • -135 3.5 --. ---·----···-·· .. ·------___ .. ________ _ ALR 2058·16 __ C~':"~~ETE_\Y~~ ~~Dl~M-~~R POLE 16'0AH, 8~ TILT--------~ . . . • 145 3.5 'ADD "CG" FDR CAST ALUMINUM GUARD METAi: HALiDE HPS 70 100 175 250 70 100 150 250 WT. EPA 6" DIAMETER ALR 206-16 --------------~------------·-· ·-.. GOMPLETE WITH 6' DIAMETER POLE 16' OAH -----. ·--------·--ALR 206·20 ALR 206-AM ALR206-KN ALR 2068·16 ALR 2068·20 COMPLETE WITll 6" DIAMETER POLE 20' OAH . . .. . -· .. -.... --· ---------------------- FIXTURE ONLY WITH4"_ARM, 28" DAL FOR 5' OR 6' DIA. POLE .... . . . . . ----- FIXTURFONLY WITH ADJUSTABLEKNUCKL~. 30" QA _______ _ . COMPLETE WITH 6' DIAMETER POLE 16' OAH, 8° TILT COMPLETE WITH 6" DIAMETER POLE 20' OAH, 8° Tl.LT . . . . --·---· --.. --• ADD '.CG" FOR CAST ALUMINI/M GUARD .• -· . . .• . . • . .. . . . . •. . ·-. • 4! • . . . . ·-. . • .. 150 4.8 --·-----·-------. . 168 4.8 · . . 32 1.4 . . 28 1.4 . .-. 150 4.8 . •· 168 4.8 HPS 8" DIAMETER ALR 208·25 ALR 208·30 ALR 208-AM -METAL HAUDE 100 175 2~0 400 100 150 250 400 WT. EPA -------·------COMPLET~ WITH 8" DIAMETER POLE 25' OAH • • . . • 150 7.4 coMPhET~W1TH~s-·o,AM'ETER_PoLE30°0AH-··· ------·--.• --~~--;---. . . ·• ·• 168 7.4 -· ------------- . . ----. ~~~!U_RE ONLY WITH 4'_ARM, 32"0AL FOR 5' OR 6' DIA. POLE . . . . ----------. 32 2.0 ALR 208-KN FIXTURE ON~Y WITH ADJUSTABLE KNUCKLE. ,34' OA 28 2.0 ... . ·-----------· ----···-------··-.. ALR 2088·25 COMPLETE WITH 8' DIAMETER POLE 25' OAH, 8°'TJLT • • 150 7:4 -----__ ,._____ --------~------·------. -- ALR 2088·30 COMP.LETE WITH 8' DIAMETER POLE 30'0AH, 8° TILT ---. --------. 'ADD "CG" FOR CAST-ALUMINUM.GUARD EXAMPLES ALR 206KN 250HPS 277 ·-PR5,5R16·188 BLK LXN ···-·-------· --· .... -----· -··-, ALR2058-16 175MH 120 . .. ·wHT • .. ALR 205·20CG· . 400MH 277 ' ~ DGN • -· -~-·--~-__ .. _. --·--··--. ·-----~---·-· ---·· ---~---·----FIXTURE LAMP VOLTAGE ARM BASE·POLE COLO/I OPTIONS 168 7.4 OPTIONS FSI . OLS ORS RBC GFi PCR Single weather prool luse holder and !use Ouarls mini can socket !or T-4 lamp · .Restrike controller and quartz mini can T-'I socket, 100 wan maximum Cast aluminum receptacle base welded to the.PQle wilh a weather prool cover · GFCI duplex receptacle wilh cast base.mid ed_ fo pole and gaskeled, sell closing cover Twist lock receptacle lor-a pholo cell (by o_thers) ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING ALR 206, ALR 208 .----. \ -~- -:J Lighting Consultant: LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CLP-F3 Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818:343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2Q41 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I r ·1. •.• ·· C . . lamp/ballast tray slides out:for relamping and ballast access · specular faceted type·3 refl!)<;tor lypical Configurations '--...._ ,..._ ..... ,__ ...._ ,..._ ..... ,__._ ,..._~ >-'-I- '-'- '-'- ,__...._ _...._ ,___ SCALE: 1f4• = 1 ' -----·--·-------------------------~- fixture sleeved into curved-arm section • J HEAD ALR'2068,20CG ALR 206KN ALR205-12CG CB12R 2-ALR 206-16-CG -. ---·---.. -· --- ARM • • • • ·• _____ .., ____ -~----. ---~--'--------------------------·------·.· -- POLE PR5-5R16-• OPTIONS • BC5-5 ,_,__ f-- f-- -- ALR 208-2Q Radius Tube ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING . ···-··----·=· ·========::::;::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;;:;;:~~~~~~=------- LEGOLAND Type Carlsbad CLP-f·3 Lighting Consultant: · · · Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.57.62 JFax·SlS.343.2041 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Specifications HOUSING The housing shall be seamless 6063 T-6 extfudlid aluminum. The housing shall have an extruded aluminum rail welded to the housing for mounting the lamp/electrical asseniply. The end cap shali be cast aii.J- minum, with a neoprene gasket:fora watertight seal. The guard shall be cast #356 aluminum, welded to the housing, The acrylic lens shall be sealed to the housing. The reflector shall be composeq of segmented, specular Altak® panels which are precisely positioned within the housing. ELECTRICAL All electrical components and materials shall be U.L. recognize(!. Ballasts are high power factor rated for. -30° starling. Medium base porcelain sockets are 4KV·rated. Mogurbaseporcelain-sockets are 5KV rated. All electrical components shall be mounted to an electrical rail. plate for easy removal. The.electrical assembly-shall be prewired with quick disconnects for servicing. The reflector and electrical com0 ponents shall be mounted on a sliding module for easy relamping an(! service. MOUNTING The fixture.and curved arm section shall·be:two pi~c~. with an inte- gral slip fitter for mounting on the arm and pole section. The fitter shall slip inside the pole and be secured with·three stainless steel.set screws. FINISH Fixture finish shall .consist bf cleaning, etching, and rinsing followed· by a protective chrnmafe primer, deion·ized water rinse, oven dry off and top coaled with a thermosel TGIC super polyester powder·coatfinish. The finish shall meet the AAMA 605.2 performance specification which. includes passing a 3000-hour salt spray test for. corrosion resistance. RELAMPING Three captive, stainless steel; alien head screws are loosened to remove the top for relampirm. CERTIFICATION Fixtures shall be listed with U.L. Labor;itories for wet-location use. WARRANTY Fixture shall be warranted to be free of defects.for three years. Ballast components shall·carry the ballast manufacturer's limited warranty, Photo metrics Complete photometric data0!6r all reflector-configurations is available in !ES·tormalted files on 3.5' disks. Call your-local ML representative for-a copy: All'testing is performed by a certmed independent laboratory. To substitute another lamp in the isoc_andle charts, multiply the chart·val- ues·by the conversionlactor, Mounting height-is to the lamp center. ALR 206·8-175MH Horizo-ntal footcandles 175 w MH 18' mounting height 16' .18' 20' 25'. ... 6.35 5.00 4.05 2.60 Q in 2.54 2.00 1.62 1.04 t:i ... 1.27 · 1.00 · .81 :s2 a: .64, .50 .41' .26 ... .. .25 .20 .16 .10 :13 .10 .08 .05 0123459 LONGITUDINAL DISTANCE IWMOUNTING HEIGHTS LAMP T.YPE LUMENS TCONVERSION FACTOR . . . ~ -··-· -'• 100 MH, CLEAR E-17 8500 .61 --------.------.--··-·----·---------175.MH, CLEAR·F28 14000 1.00 250 MH, CLEAR E-28 20500 1.46 ·-1()0 HPS, CLEAR E-23.5 9500 1.14 _15~0 H_P_S,_C_LEA_R_E_-28 ___ 16_00_0 ____ 1,95 250 Hrs, CLEAR E-18 27500 3.57 -------··---------···--------- · ALR 208-400 HPS Horizontal footcandles 400HPS 25' mounting height 1.8' 20' 25'. 30' u.l 19.20 16.30 10.00 6.90 Q in 9.60 8.15 5.00 3.45 ti 3.84 3.26 2.00 1.38 ... 1.92 1.63 1.00 .69 a: ... ,96 .82 .50 .35 .. 38 .33 .20 .1~: .19 .16 .10 .07 0 1 LONGITUDINAL,OISTANCE IN MOUNTING HEIGHTS LAMP TYPE LUMENS TCONVERSION FACTOR 100MH; CLEAR E-?8 --~5_oo __ -~17_ ----- 175 MH:CLEAR E-28 14000 .28_~----- 250 MH,'CLEAR E-28 20500 .41 ---. ----· ______________ _.. --------··-··---·····-- 400 MH, C_LEAR E-37 36000 :72 1o(J HPS, GLEAR:E-23.5 9500' .19 150 HPS, CLEAllE-2~ 16000 .32 250 HPS, CLEAR E018 27500 .55 400 HI'S, CLEAR E-18 50000 1.00 --·--- ---... . __ .. ,,......_ I .. ,./ ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING 14249 ARTESIA BLVD., LA MIRADA, CA 90638, (714) 994-2700, FAX (714) 994-0522 Lighting Consultant: G~egos Lighting Design 8132 Aµ~asol Aven1,1e Northtidge, CA 91325 - Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND -Carlsbad Type CLP-F3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MTR200 • US Palen! No. U69,034 Fixture Series MIBDB Area lighferMTR' . 8' diameter angled cap @ Listed. S11/ta,bl• for w,t locations se'lux Corp. © 1995 Type:__,........,...------',--'-''--'--'--~"'----'----,'--"-~-_,____,.."'---- Project:· ..... ·· ·_. ---'~------~------~----"---'--- Fixture Series Mounting Configuration lamp Type/ Wattage Voltage Finish ro1~ Serles Height Finish · Option ORDERING NOTE: ·Indicate·Iixture series, mounting conliguralion, lamp type/wallage, voltage, finish and qphons. Not all lamp types are available in all.voltages. Reier to page 4 for ordering inlormaliori on poles. Specified linish, ·sp· requires a submilled color chip. · · · ,., ,Mounting Configuration 1 Single 2 Double . 4 . Quadruple . :w WallMount I I'"' 1. Fixture'Cover • Die-tasl aluminum cover houses eleclrical componenls and is secured lo pole arm(g). 2. Ballasting • Pulse raled, porce- lain, medium base socket pre-wired lo open core an~ coil ballastRefer lo ·ballasl charts on separale page.for more ballasl informalipn. tamp (by others). ~mp Type./ W;tttage • Voltage Finish MetalHalld1 M1rclll)' HPS ·120 WH While H05D 50w MD5D 50w S035 35w 208 BK Black H07D 70w ritli1s 75w SD50 sow 240 BZ Bronze H1DO 1oo:,i M1DD 100w SD7D 70w YL. SY Silver S1DD 100W SP Sjlo:ilyColof ~ I I ,, I I I I 6 I I I I I .I I I 08"1 I I I 3. Gasketing • Continuous molded, neoprene gasket provides.wealher- proofi!lg, dust and insect control ~t shielding base, fixture cover and tietween MTR rings. 4. Shielding • )njection-n:mlded acrylic multi-prisms fortotal'rellection (MTR) .. MTR rings have a wall thickness of .591' and are patterned after the light- bending characteiislics of·a prism (US Paten! 4,669,034). Secured to fixture cover (1 ). Additional·small rcltector is available for asymmetrical light dislribulion. Consult factor1 for 'informalion. · . 5. ,Ace~ Door • Hinged door wilh tempered glass lens, allows for easy access to lamp chamber for servicing and maintenance. 6. Po.le Arm • Die-cast aluminum arm and traiisilion to pole. Secured to pole with bracketry and two, stainless steel screws. ·Exterior Luminaire F.inish • lhe se~ltix tiigh quality; exterior finish is achieved utilizing a multi-step process. Each fuminaire undergoes a five-step cl~aning, etching and sealfilg process. II is then painted wilh·two coats of structured polyurethane paint. This ensures that it will wilhsland all weather condiljons. Lu.minaire coalin·gs are designed lo olfer excellenl salt spray and humidity resistance (tested in accordance with ASTM B-117 & D-2247). Custom color is available upon request. Please submit color.chip. PO Box 1060, 3 Lumen.Lane, Highland,'NY 12528-1060 TEL (914) 691-7723 • FAX (914) 691-6749 · MTROB-0195-01 Lighting Consultant: · Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 9l3Z5 · . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 81,8.343.2041 LEGOl,AND Carlsbad Type CLP-F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MTR 200 Mounting Configuration T 19¾" j_. Photometric Data Catalog, MTR08-1-H100 ITL Report# 40344 ()=o '--15"-' _ MTROS-1 T 19¾" j._ ~ongltudli1al Distance In Unlls of Mounllng HelghlS Wattage Fa!,tor lnltlal Lumens fllgh Pressure Sodium 50 watt. 0;49 3800 70watt 0;77 5985 1 QO wait 1.13 8800 MTAOB-0195-01 HID l.ainp Prorate Table (ED-17 Coated-Lamps) Wattage factor lnltlal Lumens Metal Halide (Enclosed Fixture Require~ • Vertical Mount) -~ wa~ -· O.:l6 2800 · 70 watt · -0.62 4800 · •. 100watt .-_1.00. 7800 '··,. MTROB-2 Wattage Factor lnltlal-Lumens -M.ercury Vapor 40/50 watt 0.21 1650 75 watt 0.40 3150 100 wait _0.56 _4400 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andc1Sol Avenue LEGOLAND Carlsbad Northridge, CA 91325 - Phone 818:343.5762 /F~ .818343.2041 .......... Type CLP-F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( '-., MTR 200 MTROB-4 Conversion-Chart :,_ . . Values based cin 12' mounting ~elg~t ·.;]Jf}{\iii: MTROS--0195-01 Lighting_ <;:onsultant:- Gallegos ,Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA-91325 , _ Phone 818~343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Wall Mount 'Information · Die-cast aluminum wall-mount arm )'liih die-cast aiuminmn canopy. Secured lo wall wilh 1/i • diameter ,threaded fasteners (by others). ~() '-12¾'-' SK" ~ l [ 0 J::::: 16½' ' I ---j --, L;.J . Conduit (by others), MTRDB·W LEGOLAND Carlsbad WallMountDetail Type CLP-F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MTR 200 Mounting Information 'Aluminvm poles are 3 ½':diameter extrusion-welded lo a cast aluminum· shoe base and are supplied wilh anchor . bolts,.template, standard labriCilted ~luminum cover an9 access Hole. Steel poles are made of structural carbon sleel iubing, welded to W thick steel base plate, supplied with anchor bolls, template, standard fabricated'base cover and access h.ole. -Poles are linished wilh an external powder coat and an 'internal sealant. (Physical properties availabl!l'upon request.) · Optional base cover is die-cast aluminum. Use ol this base cover enhances the human.scale of the complete luminaire assembly. -Wall . EPA information 1, !--0'31/2" I o,o . Opllanal Base Cover Slub Condull 6" above foOllng, (by olhtrs)' ·.· .... .. . •. SuggeSled Anchor Boll Projecllon 2½" • 3' ...... ' .. . :;;::::1 i::.::.-:.· .1 • ,'· . • .. • Galvanized • • •-. • 4 • Steel .. . . ,'! • --~ •• • •i · Anchor Bolls · .. · ! ' · .. ¾"115' •,~ • ''A .I;:• "- . : .. · -:, .; .. · ·-·. ~ ..•... .., • _:.!-. Con<rtlt ioollng lo b1 designed and lnslalled by alhers 07-81l2" Pole Series Thickness. 80 !IIPh 90mph 100 mph Height Finish Option A35 3½' Diameter Straight Aluminum Pole 0.156 S35 3½' Diameter Straight Steel Pole 0:125 A35 3½' Diameter Straight A[umimlm Pole 0.156 S35 3½' Diameter Straight Steel Pole 0.125 A35 3½' Diameter Straight Aluminum P.ole 0.156 S35 3½' Diam~ter_Strafght Steel Pote 0.125 A35 3½' Diamoter:Straight Atli(llinum Pole . , 0.156 S35 3½' Diameter Straight Sieel P9le 0:125 Effective Projected Area of·Single Lumirialre = 1 Ft.2 Effective Projected Area of, Double Lumi!laire = 2 Ft.2 Effective Projected Area of. Quad Lqniinaire = 3 Ft.2 Weight of Luminaire = 14 lbs •. se'lux Corp. © 1995 · PO Box 1060, 3 lumen Lan.e.-Highland, NY 12528-1060 TEL (914) 691-7723 • FAX (914) 691-6749 MTROB-0195-01 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA·91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fa.x 818.343.2041 7,02 5,10 3.72 08 8·tt. WH BK 44.11 34.41 27.46 BZ SY 4.72 3.15 2.02 10 10ft. SP 35.07 27.13· 21.45 2.93 · 1.60 -:12 1211. 28.61' 21.89 17.09 - - -14 14 ft. 23.71 17.88 13.72 EPA C~lculalions allow ro.r 1.3 Gust ~actor LEGOLAND Carlsbad White BC1 Decorative Cast Black Aluminum Base Cover · _Bronze Silver ~PGCiat .( : . ,_. .In a continuing elfort to oiler the best .product p9s~ible, we reserve the right to change, without notice, specilications or materials that. in our opinion. will not alter the function of the product. Type CLP-F4 .1 I .I .1 1· I I I I -I I a. I I I I (....__s_c_1R_·o_·c_c.,..-o __ ,....-) c PAGE sc20) .,. . : '"•-,. MATCHING WALL MOUNTED VERSION ( W500 SERIES.) . ~· .' ~ STEM BALL ALIGNER STEM CAN BE CUT ON SI.TE FOR FINAL DIMENSION STANDARD 3/4 DIA. (19} STEM 4 FEET (120}LONG R1 .CAST ALUMINUM BALLAST HOUSING. SPECIALBU/L T-IN BEDDING TO MAXIMIZE='HEAT · /"-DISSIPATION / . SPACING TO ISOUTE . LAMP·MQDULE FROM BALLAS·T -MODULE WHITETRANSWCENT ~-!H----..,.·. ACRYLIC'DIFFUSER ~-+---=!!=-+-ti--. 114 THICK.(60) LOUVER.BLADES ~ HEAVYGAUGE,ALUMINUM ----.~n-,:: .. =t;~w,iii-~==~-----·-. SHADE . - BOROSILICATE FROSTED.PRiSMATIC MOLDED Gl.,ASS DIFFUSER W520 W526 W527 W528 W529 W521 ,W522 Ws2;1 W524 150W A,21 50HPS EDJ7 70HPS ED17 10QHPS ED17 150HPS ED17 50MH ED17 70-MH ED17 100MH ED17 150MH ED17 SC/ROCCO IS DESIGNED AND BUILT WITH THE HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIALS; SCALED TO FOR A MULTITUDE OF-INDOORIOUTDOORAPPLiCATIONS SUCH AS SHOPPING MALLS, FOOD MARKETS, SCHOOLS.... . VOLTS:STANDARO 120V (277-347VON REQUEST). FINISHES: (PLEA,SE ADD CODE TO CAT.#) BLACK(:1) WHITE (:2) SIL VER GRAY (.6) METALLIC BRONZE (18) . . ::::::====::::;:======:::;::::::==========='===:::;::::::=::::::::::-:" . (SPECIAL F/NISHES·ON REQUEST) ( OPTIONAL CLEAR POI:. YCARBONATE SHIELD . l. CUSTOM: CUSTOMIZED VERSIONS WITH ....._t=P=LE=;t\=S=E=C::zON=:S=:U.=L=T=FA:::C='F:=O::R::zY):::::::::=·===:;:=::::::::===:::::.) DIFFERENT ARMS, OR SHADES ,ARE AVAILABLE .. ~.· __ .;__.,..· -_____ · _· ____ -,--____ __.__) ON REQUEST . (!!ULBS ARE NOT INCLUDED. . ., . KIEF ¥Ml#AB&i&lt¥iti fe524i &i;s M44i .if 7tcf Bp\SE~GA#hft41 1?i:P:!, MSt@*ll¾!tM•RiSlS@Sifrit fud!SHj\&l'iiJ LUTREX LC.I. iNC, CANADA 641 McCAFFRl;Y -ST-L,AURENT. QC.-CANADA-H4T 1 N3 ..-,,-::;,-,.., 514-733-,121,0 · I~l .11If.li}lif'id u s · Qi¥ffi ~1 LUMINIS L.C. . 2005 N.W. 62nd. STREET #205 FT.LAUDERDALE, FL:33309 ' ' ~~ .• A. ,. ~ · -954-771-3252 •· · Lighting Consuitant: Gallegos Lighting Design . 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad CANADA 514-733-1809 U.S.A. 954-771-1668 Type CP-Fl I I I I I I I I I I· I I COLLINS LIGHTING Sur'ERJOR CoNVERSJoN o-F ENERGY 1NT0' LIGHT Specifications ER 200-0 Series Applications Indoors: Retail, museums, recreational areas, plazas. Particularly suited for these and other applications where cxc·cIJent color rendering and warmth arc -desired. Outdo()rs:. Architectural, energy saving retro- fits, landscape, security, signage aod any applications for '"'.et location. Housi11g/Reflcctor: Reflector 'housing is super finished extruded aluminum with thermoset powder coat avail- able in a broad range of standard and custom colors. Lens: Fused silica '(quartz) or optical ceramic fqr .maximum thermai shock resistance. Seals: Proprietary high temperature silicon devel9ped especially for Collins Lighting Systems. Seals provide unsurpassed protection in all environments. · · Hardware: Stainless steel. -Rclamr>ing: Lamp ·and rear access cover are integral With the electrical interiock. This safety feature interrupts the power-during relamping. Staflµard front relamping is also av;iilable. Wiring: 250 C, UL style I 659 Te~on lead wire. Ballast: High power factor, constant waltage autotransformer. Integral 'Or remote mount. 70W HQ!® available with electronic ballast, either integral or remote. Lamp: Quartz Halogen, IR Halogen®, Metal Halide, HQI®, and HPS .. (See lamp chart for wattages) Mounting: f,Ialogen available in yoke or swivel mount. Metal Halide, HQI®, and HPS available in yoke or swivel mount and remote or integral ballast. · Pcrforrimncc: Propriet;iry super finish/reflector is designed for maximum-performance and precise photometric control. R:efcr to photometric data on ne~t ·page. ETL listed for indoor and outdoor services incil1ding wet loca- tions. System patented i1,1 USA, worldwide pendin·g. 1TL tested photometrics. IA Halogen® is a registered trademark of General Electric Co. HQI® is a reglslered trademark of Osram Co. Collins Lighting Systems,.lnc. I 350 Pinc.Street• Bouldi;r • CO• 80302 • USA •:800-959-2767 • 303-440-5750 • fax 303-440-5705 ER2000-1 Lighting Consultant Gallego~ Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 81~_.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CP-F2 I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I- COLLINS LIGHT·I~NG SUPERIOR CoNVERSION OF ENERGY INTO LIGHT ER 2000· Series I ORDERING INFORMATION TO FORM A CATALOG NUMBER: ' ' ER2000-0O -DODOO -DD -DD ~.OD .;00 -DD 0 @ .@) 0 . -@·. · CD/· @ . . . .. ' . Note: Halogen anµ metal hali~e versions are supplied.without illll!ps as standard; , ._. .. . " ' .... ~· .:. ·:.•·~-·:~;:. ";, /:'.·{",,·''.,.;;:.:.=· 0 LAMPTYPE HA -Halogen, Double ended MH -Metal:Halide, D9uble ended HP -High Pressure Sodium, Double ended · @ LAMPS HALOGEN Lamp Lamp Code Wauag_e 0100 . 100 0150 150 0300 300 0350* 350 0500 ·500 0650* 650 0750. 750 • Energy !hiving lamp~ yi~ld appmx~matCly ~ame light oulput as ,1aridard 5(X) and 'I O(Xl w,111 lamps, ~~pcctivcly. @ REFLECTIVE SURFACE OPTIONS DF Diffused Rcncctor. SP ·specular Rcncctor AS' (,.symmetric Reflector @ BALLAST MOUNTING OPTIO)'IS ·Lamp Code· . 0070 . 0100, 01511_. ' .. •, METAL HALIDE .. Lamp Ballast Wauage Options 70WONI..Y 70 Core&Coil ·JOO Electronic ·150 Core&Coil @ COLORS Example ER200!)-IIQ-0 150-OF-SW -RB-BL-BD (ER200Q·series with l:IQI, 150 wall, diffused reflector, swivel 111ount, remote mounted ballast, bl.1ck finish and barn doors.). HIGli·PRK',SURE SODIUM Lamp -Lamp Code Wallage - 0070 70 8 MOUNTfNG OPTIONS YC Yoke w/fle~iblc conduit. SW Swivel mo.uni FR Fr~nt relamp @. ACGESSORIES 'Rll Remote mounted hallast All . Architectural,Jlronzc ·xx I No Accessories IIL ·'lllack llD I Ram Doors. Ill ln1cgral i11ounted ball~st· WH White. Fil I Fille.r Holder xx No llallast.(HA) cc Custom.Color Consul! foct9ry For special accessories nol cataloged, consull-factory. Collins Lightini;: Systems, Inc. 1350 Pine-S\reet • Boulder• CO• ~1)302 • USA • 800-959-2767 • 303-440-5750 • fox 303-440-5705 ER2000·2 Lighting. Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /F~' S:tS.343.2(»1 LE.GO LAND Carlsbad Type CP-F2 I· .I I I :I .I I ,, ,, I ' I I I I I I II I ,, COLLI-NS LIGHTING- SUPERIOR CONVERSION ·OF ENERGY INTO LIGHT r 5.90 (150) I_ DIMENSIONAL DATA IN INCHES (M.M.) ER 2000 Series r 3.30 (84) L 7 6.25 (159) @~ 150 WATT.HQ! YOKE MOUNT 8.60 (2,18) 70WATT'HQl -, OP'_l'IdNAL ADJUSTABLE BARN DOORS 7 SWIVEL MOUNT ~ 6.20 (157) --1 r-3.25 (83) Ql)ARTZ HALOGEN 12.75 (324), .L1'-=---~--' (-IL4-6) --LIQUID-TIGHT (;ONDUIT FITTING WEIGHTS.IN POUNDS (KILOGRAMS) 1.50 .HQI (CORE & COIL BALLAST)-14.5-LBS'. (6.6 K!LOS) 70 HQl(CORE & CQJL BALLAST), 14.5 Ll~S; (6.<i KILOSj - 70 HQI ELECTRONIC BAL:LASTs 8.0 LBS. (3.6 KILOS) QUARTZ HALOGEN-55.LBS. (25 KILOS) These specification~ and dimc1~Sions supcrscdc,atl ·prior publications and.arc ~ubjcct 10 change without noLkc. -' TYP. CollinsLighting Systems, Inc. 1350 Pine Street• Bqulder •CO• 80302 •USA! 800-959-2767 • 303-440-5'750 • fax 303-440-5705 Lighting Consult.u,.t: Gallegos Lighfil1g Design 8132Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 _ Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2~1 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -Type CP-F2 ;I I I I I I (....;:;_s~c_,R_· 0....;.;_ __ c_c_o..-a . .......,· ,----'-' .. ) c PAGESC20) _._._. _ .. _. __ .•.. _· .. _. ,....,· . ____ __,__,.. ___ .;:..;_.;.___.....;_...._ . MATCHING WALL MOUNTED VERSION ( WSOQ SERIES. ) I. I · .. :_•,,,. : ... ·:., .... . ~ STEM BALL ALIGNER STEM CAN BE CUTON SITE FOR FINAL DIMENSION STANDARD 3/4 DIA. (19)STEM 4 FEET (120)LONG :,••, CAST ALUMINUM BALLAST HOUSING: SPECIAL BUILT-IN BEDDING TO MAXIMIZE HEAT .·. · /_.__ DISSIPATION / . SPACING TO ISOLATE LAMP MODULE FROM BALLAST . MODULE WRITE TRANSLUCENT .;;;......-!&---~-ACRYLIC DIFFUSER 1/4 THIQK (B0)toUVER BLADES ~ HEAW GAUGE ALUMINUM SHADE BOROSILICA·TE FROSTED PRISMATIC . ·MOLDED GLASS DIFFUSER W520 W526 W527 · W528 W529 W52.1 W522 W523 W524 ,,.•.· ·R1 150W A-21 50HPS £017 70HPS £017 100HPS £017 150HPS ED17 50MH ED17 70MH £017 100MH E,017 ~50MH. ED17 SC/ROCCO IS DESIGNED AND BUILT WITH THE HIGHEST ' VOL T.S:STA'NDARD 120V (27l-347V ON REQUEST) QUALITY MATERIALS. SCALED TO FOR AMUL TITUDE FINISHES: (PLEASE ADD CODE TO CAT.#}_ OFINDOOR/OUTbbbR APPLICATIONS SUCH AS SHOPPING . EJLACK(.1) WHITE (.2) SILVER GRAY (.6) METALLIC MALLS, FOOD-MARKETS, SCHOOLS.... . · BEIQNZE (18) (SPECIAi:. FINl$HES ONBEQUEST) ( OPTIONAL CLEAR.POL YCAREJONATE SHIELD ) · CUSTOM: COSTOMIZED VERSIONS WITH ...._f.:::P::::LEA::::· :::S:::E::::C:::ON:::S:::U:::::t:::T:::::FA::::::· C=Ti:::.0:::R::::::Y)=· ==·=::::;:::::=====::::t::::· tJfFFERENT ARMS, OR SHADES ,ARE AVAILABLE ~· ON REQUEST · (BULBS ARE NOT_INCLUO~D. _ ) ---___ ..,........ ________ ....;;...:.___________________ '---,------,.--~,a--------- Fe id WW LUTREX LC.I. INC. . 641 McCAi=FRE;Y-ST-LAURENT. ac.~CANADA-H4T 1 N3 LUMINIS LC. 2005 N.W. 62nd. STREET #205 Ff;LAUDERDAl.:.E, FL.33309 . ' -' . . ' E'S &5#1#4dit'tiM,4hfa§t&~ ·,2§:Sdfy,J,#" ¥¥¥f•&i-t-4'·•'1111S4ild CANADA -= 514-733-1210 ~ ·1--·:J . . . ·. · U.S.A. ~--:: 954-771-3252 CANADA ~Ji 514-733-1809 5) U.S.A . . 954-771-1668 Lighting Consuitartt . Gallegos Lighti,ng Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . .LEGOLAND, Carlsbad Type CP-F3 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818,S43.2041 ,, I II I ·1 1. I I I I· .I I .MATCHING' WALL MOUNTED VERSION . C_ W567 SER/ES ) 16 STEM _LENGTH CAN BE FACTORY CUT TO DESIRED DIMENSION WHEN SPECIFIED (400} . CAST ALUMINUMBALLAST · HOUSING; SPECIAL BUILT-IN I BEDPING TQ MAXIMIZE HEAT i--18" (460 DISSIPATION - 4 ALUMINUM REMOVABLE KNURLED KNOBS SPACING TO .ISOLATE LAMP MODULE FROM BALLAST MODUL!= BOROSIL/CATE:FROSTED . PRISMATIC MOLDED GLASS DIFFUSER CAST ALUMINUM GLASS PROTECTION CAGE HEAWGAUGE ALUMINUM SHADE SC/ROCCO IS DESIGNED AND BUILT WITH THE HIGHEST QUALITY MATERIALS. SCALED TO FOR.A MULTITUDE OF INDOOR/OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS SUCH AS SHOPPING MALLS, FOOD MARKETS, SCHOOLS .... · . OPTIONAL CLEAR POLYCARBONATE SHIELD (PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY) . . . ( BU!-BS ARE NOT INCLUDED. STEM BALL . ALIGNER R2 W567 19°0W STEM SUSPENSION . .ASSEMBLY *21 W574 50HPS ED17 W575 70HPS ED17 W576 100HPS ED17. W577 150HPS ED17 W578 50MH ED17 W579 70MH ED17 WSBO 100MH ED17 W581 150MH ED17 VOL TS:STANDARD 120V (277-347V ON REQUEST) "' FINISH(;S: (PLEASE ADD CODE TO CAT.#) BLACK(.1) WHITE (.2) SILVER GRAY (.6) METALLIC BflON,lE (18) _ (SPECIAL FINISHES ONREQUEST) ) CUSTOM: CUSTO!yf/ZED VERSIONS WITH . DIFFERENT ARMS, OR SHADES ,ARE AVAILABLE )" ON REQUEST , M&l9Pi1Mf#t$Sfi9. -¥1i4R?WcfF42M§i4t®: iSH?.ZfJ82i§M½&&CtilB&Whi?¥Wi LUTREX LC.I-. INC.- 641 McCAFFAEY -ST-LAURENT. CiC.-CANADA-H4T 1N3 LUMINIS LC. . 2005 N. W. 62nd. STREET #205 FT.L:AUDERDALI::, -FL.33309 CANADA «~-~-Q 514-733-1210 '· U.S.A . . . · · 305-771-3252 Lighting Consultant: Gallego$ Lighting Design 8132 Andasol ,Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax ,818.343.2041 CANADA J~ 514-733-1809 il[HE1§fJ U.S.A. ~t' :.::.==, 305-771-1668 Type CP-F4 I I ,, l I 1; ,, ·1 I ·.- 1 I _,, I I I I Ii I I Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 TBD LEGOLAND Carlsbad Typ.e CPB-Fl I I I I I I I ,, I 'I I I 1. I I I 1: I ,- Lighting Consultant:. Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91~25. . . Phone 818.343.5762 /fax 81~343.2041 TBD LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CPB-Fl I I I .I 1: I I I I I I. I ,, I I I ,,, I I CHARACTER SPECIAL-- Lighting Consultant Gallegos -Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue - Northridge,·CA 91325. Phone 818.343,5762 /Fax 818.343.2Q41 LEGOLANI> Carlsbad · Type CSP-Ft I .I. I I 1: I I I. I I I ,I ,, I I I 1· I I Lighting Consultant: C·HARACTER SPECIAL · tRGOLAND . Carlsb~d Gallegos Lfghting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax .818,343.2041 Type CSP-Fl I I I I I· I I I I I I. I I I I .t . --· 1 ·.·::-1 .j . ·I J . ! ' l l l :1 TRUMPET· TUBA above and nghl.:TrumJJet Each Nora! luminaire is fitted with arms, brackets or poles designed to fit the specific size unit for which it is intended. Order any size Nora! fixture, confident thc;it its mounting hardware will be proportionally correct. Trumpet Lighting Consultant: . E2 ADJUSTABLE . TO ·102 ., I I I Gall~gos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 max 818.343.2041 e:i 301/4 G6/F _3!!31• ·-I J 22112 1 ! I 69 G4/F 261/2 3~~ ' . I , ' j · .. G3/F LEG-OtAND Carlsbad 11•(,,3/F I . ' ' Tuba 59 12·G3/F .'I I HYORcL 1 Type CWM-Fl I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I. I I I . ' I I ·! i I :· I "/J ' ·! r . '. ·\.._.:: C . . ORDERING GUIDE To order: Beg]n with the mqdel plus tile lamp type ~md wattage. See chart below for lamps available.for yoar model. Voltage, Optics, Lens, .Mounting, Finish color,.Accessory, and Pole options are listed below. Add a,slasb (/)·.before listing each option. See example to right. · · Other mounting options are available. Trumpet Lamp Type: (lamps by others) tNC: 100W PLC: 13W PLC: 26W Voltage: INC: 120V PLC13: 120V (HPF, electronic, ·20' starting temps , PLC26: 120V or 277V (HPF, electronic -20' starting temp.) Socket: INC: Medium·A-19 PLC: 13W-G24q-1, 4-pin (F mount·only) PLC:. 2GW-G24q-:), 4-J)in (F moun! only) Lens: PO: Polycarbonate, opalescent PT: Polycarbonate, tinted Mounting: F: ·Cuived arm W/ luminaire below E2: Lamppost w/ twin luminaires, ad1. ht. E3: Lamppost w/ three·1umrares, adj. ht. Finish: BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured White PAT: Patina Green Accessories:· LB: Ladder Bar Tuba .. Lamp Type: (lamps by others) INC: 250W HID: 175W • MV, MH; 1sow·-HP.S Voltage: INC: 120V HID: 120V, 208V, 240V, 277V (HPF, core & ·ro1 -20'F slart,ng lemp. ·Some restricr,ons.may apply) Socket: INC: Medium A-23 HID: (Medium ED-17) (E28 Mogul standard on MV175) Optics: RBV: Round Borosilicate Retractor · Type V symmetrical distribution RBIII: Round Boros,ncate Retractor Type Iii asymmetrical distribution· RR: Symmetrical ring reflector · RAS: As)'ll)meJrical reflector, 1 TSR: Top symme_trical iefi.ector (standard) Lens: Ao: Ac,y!ic.. opalescent AT: Ac,y!ic, tinted AC: Ac,y!ic, clear Mounting: G3/F: CulVed arm W/ luminaire below (sl;,nctardi · G4/F: Decoratr;e ann w/ luminaire below G6/F: Straight, medium length aim w/ luminaire below 11,G3/f: Single luminaire on post mounted G3/F·annWandard) 11-~4/F: Single luninaire on fJ9Sl mounted G4/F-ann 11-G6/F: Single lumin,lire on post mounted G6/F aim I2-G3/F: Double luminaires on post mounted · G3/Farms ·· 12-G4/F:· Double luminaires on po¢l mounted ·G4/F arms 12-GS/F:· Douqle Juminalres on pos! mounted · G6/F anns 13-G3/F: Triple Jurooaires on posl·mounled G3/Fanns 13-GG/F: Triple luminaires on posrmounted GS/Faiins Finish: BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured White PAT: Patina Green Accessories: -LB: Ladder.Bar BA: Banner Arm P,H: Photo Cell Pole Options: A: ·8'-12' A1: 12' -16' .A2: 16' - 20' C10: 10' fixed C12: 12' 11Xed Tuba Trieste Lamp Type: ·11amps by others) INC:· 250W. HID:. 175W, MV, MH: 150W -HPS Voltage: 'INC: ·12ov HID: 120V, 208\/, 240V, 277V (HPF, cor~ & col -20'F starting temp. Some restrictions may apply) Socket: INC: Medium A-23 HID: Mediufll ED-17; E28 Mogul standard on MV175 TUBA iNC250 /120 /RR/ AO/ G3F / BLKJ LB/ A1 Mode;r~m11· ... Lamp~· . Slash/Voltage option . Slash / Optics option . ·· Slash i Lens:option ·· . · Slash/ mounting optlon ---,---~ Slash/ Finish color option ~~-'-------' Slash/ Accessory option --,----,-----~ Slash /Rqle opti6n·(Large fixtures) -~------~ Optics: RBV: Rouni:I Borosilicate Retractor Type V symmetrical-distribution RBIII: Round Borosilicate Retractor TyP,8 Ill asymmetrical distribution RR: Symmetrical ring reflector RAS: Asymmetrical refleclor. Not available in HID , TSR: Top symmetrical reflects.>r (standard) Lens: AO:· Acryhc;opalescent AT: Acrylic, tinted AC: Acrylic, clear Mounting: 11; Post fnounled single luniinaire (slan<lard) . Finish: BLK: Textured Black WHT:, Textured White PAT: Patina Green· ·Accessories: LB: Ladder Bar BA: Banner Arm PH: Photo Cell Pole Options: A: 8' -12' A1: 12'-16' A2: '16' -20' cio: 10' fixed. C:12: 12' fixeci Promenade Lamp Type: (lamps by others) 11'-!C: 250W HID; 250W -MY, MH, br HPS Voltage: INC: 120V HID: 120V, 2081/, 240\/, 277V (HPF, core·& coil 20"F starting temp, Some restrictions may apply Socket: INC: -Medium A-23 HID: (Med,umED-17) (E28 Mogul standard on MV175, MH250, & HP$250) Optics: RBV: Round Borosilicate Refractor· Type V symmetrical distribution RBIII: Round Borosilicate.Rerra·ctor, Type Ill asymmetrical distribution RR: Symmetrical ring reflector , RAS: Asymmetrical reflector. TSFi: Top symmetrical reflector tstandarc/) · Lens: AO: Ac,y!ic, opalescent AT: Acrylic, tinted AC: Acrylic, clear Mounting: G3/F: Cuived arm.wt Juminaire below G4/F: DecoralMJ'arm W/ luminaire below G6/F: Straight, medium lenglh ann w/ lum,naire below .11,G3/F: Single luminaire ori post mounted . G3/F arm (standard), , 11-G4/F: Single luminaire on post mounled G4/F arm 11-GB/F: Single lumina11e on post mounted G6/F arm . t2-G3/F: Double luminaires on post mounted G3/F arms l2-G4/F: Double lur1]111aires on post mounted G4/Farms 12-G6/F: Double luminaires on post mounted G6/F anns I3-G3/F: Tnple lumihaires on post mounted ·G3/F anns 13-GS/F: Tnple luminaires on post niounled G6/F·anns . Firiish: BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured While PAT: Patina·Green Accessories: LB: Ladder Bar BA: Banner·Arm PH; Photo Cell Pole·Options: A: 8'.· 12' A1: 12'-16' A2: 16' • 20' C10: 10' fixed C12: 12' fJXed C.S.A. listect·for wet locations. C.U.L. listed for wet·locations. 'U.L listed for wet locations. H':'ORcL 5. Lighting·Consultant: Galleg9s Ligl;tting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue LEGOLANU Carlsbad Type CWM-Fl N orthridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.~5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 I I I I I I I I ,I I I 1- I I I I 02-96 Hydrel manufactures Nora! Trumpet Family in the United States under an equal snare, joint venture agreement with Nora!. Hydrel also manufactures the Nora! line of traditional lanterns, commercic!I street and park fixtures, and Hght commercial Hne of bollard luminari.es. Parts are sourced globally and inventoried at our warehouse in·Southern California. Each product is listed by Underwriters Laboratories (U.L) and is supplied with electrical components to accept a variety of· energy saving lamp. sources. · THE NORAL PRODUCT LINE: TRUMPET FAMILY 'i,, '~ ... ,.. H'::'iJRcL 12881 BRADLEY AVENUE SYLMAR QALIFORNIA 91342 TEL 818/3(;52-9465 FAX 818/362-6548 --·. --... _.., _____ ----··· -":" ~-.. ·---·-·· ·--·· ---------....... -.. -- Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132Andasol Avenu~ N orthridge, CA 91325: . . Phone 8'.18.343.5762 /Fax SiS.343,2041 LEG.OLANO Carlsbad • ..... -~ ',._) Typ·e CWM-Fl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,- Resen church, Sklve, Denmark N y H A V N WA l L DESIGN: Nyh;.1Vn Wall A DESIGNER: Alfred.Homann & Ole V. Kja:r A SPECIFICATIONS: The oiigin,rl design concept for the '1Nyhavq" draws its ·inspir,Jtion from the ·lighthouse ,mast of.111 anrique s;tiling ship moored in·thc Nyh.1v11 Harbor inlet oJCopc11h.1gen A Ideally rnitcd for buildings where the; ch,irm, warmth. and originality ·or old world design c.m be t.1stefolly juxt.11wsed with new world architecture A F.1bricatcd from heavy gauge pure uqtrc.1tcd t·oppcr or a'luminium {baked white enamel)· ahd solid copper-plated bn;inzc components for structurJI rigidity A The lamp compartment.is scaled by use of a:clear glass encfosure (lncandcsc'crif) or clcaq;lass with bottom half frosted (Compact Fluorescent) and a 1;1eoprene ·gasket'• The. "N.yha:vn" is a signature of Louis Paulsen's ~cillection A Of jewel like qualities it ·remains·unsurpassed A COLORS:· Copper, White ,4 INSTALLATION: Wall-mounted directly to the structure around a standard 4" recessed junction box A -ELECTRICAL: CF version pro.vided ~tandard wi'th one 118V, 60Hz NPF Enc-apsulated Ballast A TECHNICAL DATA: Refer to technical data ·sheets for furthe.r detail$ A LAMPS: Incandescent'l/lQ0W Al9-Clear, Fluorescent I/13W/DD1CF A Lt\MPHOLDERS: I'ncandescent Medium Base, Fh,iores~ent GX23-2 A LABELS: UL/CSA, Wet Location (Not as uplight) :A. Di.,-Overall f>rojec· Weight Maximurn Glass Catal_og meter Height tion Wattage_ __ Enclo~.urc Nu_mbcr 16,1"/18:6" 12.2" 8,4" 16, I" · 9.1 lbs I/I00W/:A'l9 Clear NYW-9p-Co,ppcr 12,2" 8A" 16.1" "5.1 lbs J/I00W/Al9 Clear NYW-935-Whitc 8,4" 12,2" 8.4" 18;6" 6,1, lbs 1/13\V./D0/CF Clcar/1'ros1cd r,.iyw.J2}"<:i1i1c 12.2" 8.4" 18,6" lp.1 lbs 1/IJW/bl;)/l'.,F-Clcor/F_rosted NYW:335_-CoJ>per 12,2" 121 Ligh~g Consul~t: , Gall~gos Ligµtiitg Desi~ · 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, -CA 9.1325 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-F2 Phone 818.343.5762JFax 818.343.2041 I I I I I I I ·I I I I I -I I I I I I I 120 Lighting Co115ul.tant: _ . Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasoi Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.$43 .• 5762 /Fax 818343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad '. ~~;\;t~i~f i ) Type CWM-F2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I --,. I I I I I . THE NO.RAL PRODUCT LINE THE ·ROULETTE FAMILY Hydrel presents the Roulette Family, on.e of six Nomi. lumirn:iire families. Euch Norol Family !13s a distinct design and several coordinated style groups distinguished by individual scale, style, lamp, and mounting options. Designed to be used. in com~ination, ttle groups provide complete, coordinated·· design flexibility: HYi:JR.EL • .1. .. _. ·-·= . _._,f._. f: . ·.t '!}J.':,"i!J,~~~~P•!~ The Roulette Family features four luminaire· groups -in a scalloped ·globe lantern style providing · eleg9nl', coordinated lighting solutions in a variety of situations. The surface mounted Provence luminaires com·plernent the Roulette models to give a tnm appearance ln -entranceways and corridors. The Provence is available in bolh incandescent nnd fluorescent models. The Roulette ·11, n proportionally smaller cles1g11 of the RoulettecFamily of conternporrny luminairos. complements the Roulette 111,_providing integr::itecl · wall, pedestal, bollarcl, ceiling; nnd pole moqnt lighting solutions for bu1lclings, clrive.wnys, open spnces. and gnrden areas. Pedestal mounts proviclc round-and square base alternatives. Ligl1t poles accommodate single or multiple lum1111111es. All -models are-nvailable ns incandescent or fluorescent. The Roulette Ill, the primnry design ot 1110 l';oulotto Fnmily, provides integrated wall, peclestnl. bollard . ceiling, and pole mount lighting sotut1ons for buildings; driveways, open spaecs. c1ncl garden areas. The lprge vanety of pole ancl wall mounted options is (')vailaole-.in incandescent, -lluo1escent ancl HID models. Ladder bars on pole mopels are optional. The Ro1Jlette V is tlie largest desi~Jn of t11c Roulette Family. Especially-suitable !or com111eicic1l use 111 large garden, parkwny, or open spaces. tl~e Roulette V is available in bot11· incancloscent ancl HID moclefs Fixed and adJusrab1$. poles from 1 O' to 20' are available.as well as laclder bars, banner arms, and photo cells. ............. Lighting Cm;isultant: .· Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-F3 Phone 818~343.5762,/Fax 818.343.2041 · I I ( I I I I I ;I I I I I I .. ·:· ::.\"· · . ... :1 I . : i .. :··J -1 . i I ,:./ ... , .·. I I I I PROVENCE· ROULETTE ll Provence 9112. 6 s l. ·--,, .~ ., Above nn~.right: 'Roulette II- Each Noral-luminaire is furnished with arms, bracket~,. or poles designed to fit its specific size. Order any Nora! luminaire, confiqent thc1t -its fl)OUnting hardware will be proportionally correct. 9 -9· . I ·"· . ~- 1811~~· '~ 'lcl:,I ,111/2 • 101{" -16 '. T. J, 12112 161/.t A A-PLC 'F R:1$ R3R , ...... ig 9 l I. • .,.l". I ·" T.15'18 ':C'16 4r· 46rl _ .J.. I ,43/•'A I 6 6 ... ,R1R RI_S s ... 6 . Ut ,..._ 'f . 1-, E3 -ADJUSTAB~E · TO - . ~7 ~ 't <...,,-----~-----~--~-~~----------------- Provence Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Amiasc)l Avenue · Northridge, CA .91325 _ Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Roulette II 'LEGOLAND Carlsbad · HYi:lRcL 1 Type CWM-F3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROULETTEV· I l f ', ] ' 11Tj i I 9' I J 6'6" ] i I j !, S, a ill: il'f. )Jl I ~~\. .i! RouletteV 141/2 141/2 14'112 A ·Al A2 8•12' 12•161 16-20'. · B?nnerAnn ava1laple for: RouletteV. 22 --~ ·Ladder Bar ava11able for: Rouletta·11, Ill, & V ·-27 ---~ -~ f. r r f, l k I 14112 CIO 10'fixed 141/2 C12 12'fi,ced GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Material: 99% pure, recycle<laluminul)'l with silicone aaded to enhance casting strength: Lenses:- The materials used are polycarbonate or acrylic depending on application, One piece designs provide excellent seal an.d simplify cleaning. Castings: One piece frames provide strength and durability for lantern.i,. Finish: Aluminum is )reated and cured, Polye~ter powder is used and cured"to provide ettective protection _against the elements, Mountings: Pole mounted units are provided with anchor bolts and template. Waif mounted units are provided w1tli hardware for m6un.ting over 4.0 ·junction box. ,.-.~. I Pole Options: available for Roulette V 63 11 11·Gl¥f'' 12-G6/F l2•G1/A i I 42 · j 1 26112 Roulette V models shown mounted on pol(i type A 1. See other pole options on page 3. 59 l?·G3/F 0 L-------~---~----------~~-~----~----,--~~-~-------------' 4 H':'i:Ji'ti:L Lighting ·Cons11ltan:t: · Gallegos Lighting Design 8132Andaso1Ave_nue · Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.3~3.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Roule!ieV LEGOLANJ) Carlsb~d Type CWM-F3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .j -~ f ··1 I ! I I I "!, I I I I 1 C ·C> ·: ... · {) ORDERING GUIDE To order: Begin with the model plus the lamp type-and-wattage. (See below for !_amps av?ilable for-your model.) Voltage, Socket type, Optics, Lens, Mountiqg, Finish color, Accessory, and Pole options are listed below •• Add a slash (/) before listing each option. See example to right. Other mounting options are available. Provence Lamp Type: (Lamps by others) INC: 60W PLC: 18W Voltage: INC: 120V PLC: 120 or 277V (HPF. eleclronic -20' starting temp.)_ Socket: INC: Medium A-19 PLC: 18W-G24q-2, 4-pin Lens: PO: Polycarbonate, opalescent PT: Polycarbonate, tinted Mounting: S: Surface (mount CNer 4-0 type recessed box-l)y others) Finish color: BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured White PAT: Patina Green Roulette II Lamp Type: tt~mps by others) INC: ·50w PLC: 13W PLC: 26W Voltage: INC: 120V PLC:. 120 or 277V (HPF, electronic -20'F starting temp.) Socket: INC: MediumA-19 PLC: 13W,G24q·1, 4-pin PLC: 26W-G24q-3, 4-pin Lens: PT: Polycarbonate, tinted AC: Acrylic, clear Mounting: A: ·Straight arm wt lurninailli.above F: ·Straight arm w/ tuminajre below R1S: Pedestal.wt square base (not in HID or PLC) R1R: P!'(lestal w/ round base (not in HID or PLC) R3R: · Bollard wt round base (nol·irfPLC) R3S: Bollard wt square base (nol in PLC). U1: Universal 3",post mount for.existing posl (not in PLC) E1: l:arnppost w/ single luminalre, . adj. ht. (not in PLC) E2: LJl!llflPOSI w/ twin hmnaires, adj. ht. (not in PLC) E3: Lamppost w/·\hree ~. adj.hi. (not in PLC) Finish color: BLK: Textwed Black WHT: Textured White PAT: P?tina Green Acc11ssories:. LB: Ladde, Bar Roa!efte Ill Lamp Type: (tamp~ by others) INC: 100W PLC: 26W, HID: 16ow-MV, MH orHPll Voltage: ·INC: 120V '.PLC: 12oV Qr 277V (HPF, electronic -20°F starting temp.) -HI(?: 120V, 208V, 24DV, 27-?V (HPF, core & coil -20° starting temp. Some restrictions may apply.) Socket: INC: Medium·A-19 PLC: 26W-G24q-3, 4-pin (Walt box ·required fC>r A & F mounts) "HID: · Medium ED-17: A;.F, E1, E2 mounts only (Walt box required for A & F mounts.) . · Optics: TR: Top reflector -RR: Symmetrical ring·reflector Lens: PT: Polycarbonate, tinted .AC: Acrylic, cJear ·Mounting: A: Straiglit arm W/ kmnaire above F:· Straight arm w/ kmnaiJe bel6w Al S: Pedestal VI/ square base' (riot-in ·HID or PLC) _ 'R1 A: Ped/lSt~.W/ rouri<f base (not in HID<irPLC) u1: Uruversal 3" post inount for existing post E1: Lamppost.wt sirig1e-kJrnina1re, adj. ht.·(not in PLCJ· ~·: lamppost-wt twin lurninaires, adj. ht. (not in Pl.CJ Fjnish colqr: BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured White PAT: Patina Green_ Accessories: L_B: Ladder Bar --------------···---. -..... .. . .. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Nort.hridge, <:;A 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax, 818.343.2041 ROULETTE V INC250./120/SRR/ AO /11./ BLK / LB/ A2 ~~;1:J-T;JIJJ: -~ Slash/Volteyge option _ Slash /Optics option ·-· · Slash/ Lens option · · . Slasb / Mounting option -,------~ Slash /Finish color option -'--------~ Slash-I.Accessory option Slash/ Pole option,(large fi~tures) --'-----------' Roulette V · Lamp Type:·(tamps by others) INC: 250W HID: 17f/W max.-MY, MH, or HPS Voltage: INC: 120V :HID:-120V, 208V, 240V, 277Y, 3.47V ,(Seine restrictioris may apply.) Socket: INC: Medium: A-23· HID: Medium: ED.-17 Optics: RBV: Round Borosilicate Retractor TYP£>.V syminetri6al d1stributipn RBIII: Round Borosilicate Retractor Type Ill -·symmetricai di5trib9tion SRA: Symmetrical Ring R~flectof ·Lens: AO: Acrylic;opalescent AT: ·Acrylic,.t1nted AC: Acrylic, clear PO: Polycarbonate, opalescent PT: Polycarbonate, tinted PC: Polycarbonate, clear Mounting: G1 / A: Straight, short arm w/ luminaire above -· ' G1 /F: Str;,ight, short arm w/ lurninaire below G3/F: CUNed arm wt turninaire below GS/A: · Straight, medium length aim wt luminaire above . ~6/F: Straight, medJUm ler)gth arm w/ luminaire below · 11: ·Post mounted, single luminaire 11-q3/F: Single M!linaire on post mounted G3iF arm (standard) 11-GG/F: Single luminaire on post mounted GM'arm 1?-G1/A: Qoubte luminai/llS on post mounted ·G1/Aarms 12-G3/F: Double lumlnaires on post mounted G3/F arms 12·G6/F: Double lurnilaires on post mounted GM'·arin, ·Finish color: .BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured White PAT: Patina Green· Accessories: LB: Ladder-Sar BA: E!anner Arm Pole Options: A: 8' -12' A1: 12' -16' A2: 16' -2D' C1Q: 10' fi~ed C12: 12' ffxed c.s.A. listed for wet locations. U.L-listed for wet locations. C.!J.L listed.for wet locations. LEGOLAND Carlsbad H'::'i:lRcL 5 Type CWM-F3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :·· .• . ·, _; . ; : ,• -~J A134B w/F.G.* i; CAJ; . .-: . · ··. . . . . . . . DIMENSIONS . -~·-No. . MOUNTING . Width Height Projection LAMPS FINISHES LENS A136 Wall 11-1/2" 22-1/2" A136w/F.G. Wall 11-1/2" 19" A336 Rendant 11-112· 20·1/2" A336 w/F.G. Pendant .11'1/2" 17" A134 Wall-13:112· 2.6-3/4" A134 w/F.G. Wall 13-1/2" 23-1/2" . A334 Pendant 13::112· 24" A334w/F.G. Pendant .13-1/2" 20-3/4" A153 wair-13-1/2" 23" A153w/F.'G. Wall 1.3-1/2" 24-1/2" A154 Wall 13-1/2" 22-1/2" A154 w/F.G. Wall ·13;1/2" 43-3/4"· 15·3/4" tx60w 15-3/4" 1 x60w 1 X 60W 1 x60w _ 17" 1 x66w---. - 17" 1x60w 1 x60w -1 x60W 18" 1 x60w 18" h60w 16,1/2". 1 x60w. 16-1/2" 1 x§OW Black, Rust, Verde, or Whiie or Hoods: Polished or Weathered Bras_s (WB}, Pewter or VE_lrde Gris with · Arm/Backplate: .Black,.Rust, Verde, orWhite Frosted Glass Globe opal Glass Globe Pendants include Med. Base Lamps F.G.-W.B. Only, • Illustrated in Common Scale 3' of W.B. Chain by Others Optional: Frosted Glass Lens ENVIRONMENTAL LIGHTING FOR ARCHITECTURE, INC. . 17891 ARENTH AVENUE ,-crrv OF INDUSTRY, CA 91748-1197-(818) 965-0821 • (800) 42~-6561 • FAX (818) 965-9494 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 'LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-F4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ARM WALL 89 STANDARD ARM PROJECTION· 14" ARM FINISHES: (SEE BACK COVER) OPTIONAL PROJECTION: 8"_ MIN. • 18" MAX. BACKPLATEr.·61/4" ROUND -. - SHADE DIA. HGT. LAMP MAXIMUM WATTAGE TYPE ARM/STEM CORD/CHAIN '' _, --.. A21 INC. 100W 75W · 12" 8" CF* TR42 fR32 MW* 70W NIA .. A22 INC. 150W 100W '15" 8" CF* TR42 . TR32 MH** 100W NIA A23 INC. 200W 150W - 18" -gllz" CF* TR42 TR32 Mr!** 100W NIA A24 INC. 3·oow 150W 22" 11112" CF*. TR42 TR32 MH** 100W NIA ----- NOTE: *CF· BALLAST: TR32,120 VIN CAP TR42'1N' a· x2" CANOPY FOROUTPOOR USE IN 8" x 2" CANOPY 120 OR 277 VOLT · "MH • STANDARD SOCKET FOR OPEN FIXTURE .LAMP INDOOR USE ONLY BALLAST REMOTE F-CAN 120/277 VOLT SHADE FINISH: SEE BACK COVER. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos-Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · N orthridg~, CA 91325 · · . . . _ . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818343.2041 -LEGOLAND C~rlsb.ad . L-i•g•h•t•i•n•g Type CWM-F5 I I I I I I I I I I ----.-1 I , I I I I I I I I TRUMPET·· TUBA above and right, Trumpet Each Nora! luniinaire is fitted with arms, brackets or poles designed·to fit the'specific size LJnit for.which-it is intended; Order any size Noral fixture; confident that.its mounting_ hardware will be proportionally correct. 15112 23 · . 1n 1a,18 0n 1a11, 11112,1,e.j 11,121~, 9sta 9Sl8 F F0 PLC/HIQ Trumpet i~ ; -. . . - ; ~;--1 ' \.....' E2 ·ADJUSTABLE . TO 102 E3 141,.-~---a:. ' I ~231/ll i i 39314 / 17314 G6/F 69 G4/F 26112 3~CA-l ! -. ' ! . G3/F 22112 ----,-~---. -. . . ... " . .. . --~--,--'---'--~- Lighting Consultant:_ Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA9132S · _ Phone 818~343.5762 !Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad· 26112 .. (1 r. . n 11•G3/F l Tuba 59 Ar)d]~ !ii~ • I 'i' I • • I .. ·• '• 12-G3/F 1 . 1 . .l Type CWM~F6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; i .,.! I j i l ·I .i ·: l i .; ' '· C··.-. :..•-' ORDERING GUIDE To order: B_egin with the model plus the lamp type and wattage. See chart below for lamps available for your model. Voltage, Optics, Lens, Mounting, Finish-color, Accessory, and.Pole options are listed below. Add a slash (i') before listing· each option. · See-example to right. · . · Other mounting· options are .available. Trumpet Lamp Type: (lamps by olhers) INC: 100W PLC: 13W PLC: 26W Voltage: INC: 120V PLC13: 120V (HPF, electronic, -20• starting temp.) PLC26: 120V or 27.7V (HPF, electronic -20° starting temp.) Socket: INC: Medium-A-19 PLC: 13W·G24q-1,-4-pin (F mount only) PLC: 26W-G24q-3, .4-pin (F mount only) Lens: PO: Polycarbonate, Of)alescent PT:. Polycarbonnte, tinted Mounting: F: Curved ann w/ luminaire below E2: Lamppost w/ twiriJuminaires, adj. ht. E3: Lamppost w/ three lunil1aires, adj. ht. Finish: BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured white PAT: Patina Green Accessories: LB: Ladder Bar Tuba • Lamp Type:· (lampsby oihers) INC: 25f)W HIP: 1.75W • MV, MH; 1sow·-HPS Voltage: INC: 120V HID: 120V. 208V, 240V, 277V (HPF, ·core & cC>l ,20°F starting 'temp. Some restrictions may apply) Socket: INC: Medium A-23· HID: (Medium ED-17) (E21) Mogul· standard on MV175) Optics: RBV: Round'Borbsilicate Befractor Type V syrMl\ltrical d1sinbu1ton RBIII: Round Borosilicate Retractor Type Ill asymmetrical distnbu_tion RR: Symmetrical ring rellector RAS: Asymmetricarrefiector. TSR: top Sl(ll1metrical refiector (standard) Lens: AO: Actylic; opalesc~t AT: Ac,ytic,.t1nted AC:· _Acrylic,-clear •Mounting:· G3/F: Cuived ann W/ luminaire below !standard) _ G4/F:. Decorat~.ann w/ luminaire below G6/F: siraig~t. me_oon leogth arm W/ luminaire below ·J1-G3/F: Single luminaire on post mounted G3/F ann (standard) I1-G4/F: 'Single luminaire on post mounted G4/Fann J1,G6/F: S1ng_1e-1uminaiie on post mounted G6/Farm l2-G3/F: Double luminaires on post mounted G3/F-anns 12-G4/F: Double luminaires on post mounted -G4/F arms I2-G6/F: Double knnmires on post mounted GeiFarms I3-G3/F: Triple luminaires on post mounteq G3/F anns I3-G6/F: Triple lmnaires on post inoooted G6/Farms Finish: ·BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured white PAT: Patina Green Accessori!)s: LB: Ladder Bar BA: Banner·Arm PH: Photo Cell Pole Options: A: 8'-12' A1: 12:-16' A2: • 16' -20' -C:10: ·10· flXed c;:1_2: 12' fixed Tuba Trieste Lamp Type: ,(lamps by olhers) INC: 250W _ HID: _ 175W --MV..MH; 150W • HPS Voltage: INC: 120V HID: f20V, 208V, 240V, 277V (HPF, core & coil -20'F starting temp. S<irrie restrictions may apply) Socket: JNC: Medium A-23 HID: Medium ED-1'7; E28 Mogul standard on MV175 TUBA INC:250 /120-/ RR/ AO/ G3F/ BLK./ LB/ A1 Model~~;wJJ· · -Lamp, _____J · Slash !_Voltage option. _ . Slash/Optics option· -_ Slash/ Lens-option · . . . Slash /-mounting.qption ---------~ Slash/Finish color option --------' Slash I Accessory option ------'----'---- Slash /Pole option (Large fixtures) --------~ Optips: · RBV: Round Borosilicate Retractor Type V symmetncal distribution RBIII: Round Borosilicate Retractor Type Iii-asymmetrical d1stnl)ution RR: Symmetrical·ring reflector RA!): Asymmetrical reflector. Not.available in H-ID ,:SR: Top symmetncai r~flector · (standard) Lens: AO: ·Acrylic, opalescent ' .AT: AQrylic, tinted AC: Acrylic, ·cJear Mounting:· 11: Post fTlO\ll1led sirigle lumi~re (st~d) Finish: BLK: Textured Black WHT: Textured White PAT:-Patina·Green .Access9ries: LB: ladder Bar · BA: Banner Arm PH: Photo Cell Pole Options: A: 8' -12' -A1: 12' -16-, A2:. 16' -20' 010: 10' fixed C12: 12' fixed Promenade Lamp Type: (lamps by others) INC: 250W HID: 250W -MV. MH, or HPS Voltage: INC: 120V HID: 12011, 2osv,·24ov, 277V (HPF, ~ore & col 20:F st8f\ing temp. Some restrict1011S may apply Socket; INC: Medium A·23 HID: (M_edium ED· 17) .(E28 Mogul stanflard·on,MV175, MH250, &-H,PS250) Optics: RBV: Round Borosilicate Retractor Type V·symmetrical d1stnbut1on -RBIIJ: 'Round Borosilicate Retractor _ Type Ill asymmetricaLdistn_bulion RR: Symmetrical ring reflector RAS: Asymmetiicat refiectcir. TSR: Top symmetrical refleclor (sl(lf\dard), - Lens: AO: AT: AC: Acrylic, opalescent Acrylic, tinted Acryhc, clear Mounting: G3/F: _ Curvecl arm w/ luininaife below. G4/F: Decorative ann wt lumtnaire below G6/F: Straight, medium length aim w/ luminaire below 11-G:i/F: Single luminatre on post-mounted G3/F ann (standard) 11-G4/F: Single luminaire on post mounted G4/Fann - 11 ·G6/F: Single luminaire on post mounted G6/Fann · 12-G3/F: Double luminaires on post mounted G3/F arms I2-G4/F: Double kjninaires on post mounted G4/Farms 12·G6/F,: Double lumina1res on post mounted . G6/F anns ·t3·G3/F: Triple luminaires on post mounted G3/Fanns J3-G6/F: Triple luminaires on_ post mounted G6/F anns Finish: BLK: Textured'Black WHT: Textured White PAT: Patina Green Accessories: LB: Ladder Bar , BA: Banner Arm PH: Photo Cell -Pole Options: A: 8' -12' A1: 12' • 16' A2: 16'.-20' 010: 10' fixed C12: 12' fixed C.S.A. listed for wet locations. C.U.L listed-for wet locations. U.L listed for wei locations. HYia>RcL 5 Lighting Cc,µsultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Anciasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-F6 J>hone 818.343.?'762 /Fax 818.343.2041 I I I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I I 02-96 Hydrel manufacturE)s N9ral Trumpet Family in the United States under an equal share, joint venture f}gr~ement with Nora!. Hydrel also manufactures the Nora! line of traditional lanterns, commercial -street ar:id park fixtures, and light commercial line of bollard luminaries. Parts are sourced globally and inventoried at our warehouse in .Southern California. !:ach. product is listed by Underwriters l..aboratories (UL) and is supplied with electrical components to accept a variety of energy saving lamp sources. THE NORAL PRODUCT LINE TRUMPET FAMILY ~-,, '~ ...... H'::'iJRcL 12881 BRADLEY AVENUE SYLMAR CALIFORNIA 91342 TEL 818-/362-9465 FAX 818/362-6548 . ' .. . --·--~--_ _. .. . . . ·-.-·-,-:;.. ~. . . -.. . . Lighting-Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818343.2041 LEG-OLAND Carlsbad ) . ·, _ .... -~ '-. . .J Type CWM-F6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MATCHING LUM/NA/RE (sCtR·ocqo ,,. ) 0A~E·sc14) . C ~~~~--s~~;~;· )w· ... , .... . .. -~-:~-zwa OTHER$TEM l LENGTHS 35w AVAILABLEON {900) REQUEST_J_ W300 W301 · W302 4 ALUMINUM REMOVABLE W303 KNURLED KNOB$ 4 CAST ALUM. DIFFUSER W304 CLAMPS BOROS/LICATEFROSTED W305 PRISMATIC . MOLDED GLAS$ DIFFUSER • CLEAR PRISMARIC U. V. W306 STABILIZED ACRYLIC W307 DIFFU$0R 4 ALUMINUM DECORATIVE W308 StbE SUPPORTS E.T.L LISTED FpR WET LOCATION W31Q W311 ·W3t2 W313 W314 W315 W.316 W3t7. W318. W320 159W A•21 W321 50HPS ED17 W322 70HPS ED17 W323 100HPS ED17 W324 150HRS ED17 W325 50MH ED17 W326 70MH ED17 W327 100MH ED17 W328 150MH ED17 scrRocco rns DESIGNED AND Burt T wrTH THE HIGHEST _v:_o_L_Ts_:_sr. __ J\_N_D_A_R_D __ ,2_o_v_r2_7_7_-3-47_v_o"""N_R_E_Q_U_E_S_TJ- Ql:!ALITY MATERIA~S. SCALED FOR A MULTITUDE . FINISHES: (PLEASE ADD CODE TO CAT.#} OF INDOOR/OUT.DOOR APPLICATIONS $U9H AS,$HOPP/NG BLA<:;K(.1) WHITE (.2) SIL VER GRA y (.6) METALLIC MALLS, FOOD MARKETS, SCHOOLS ,ARENAS ,RETA1L ST0RES..... BRONZE (18) · · •OPTIONAL CLEAR POLYCARBONATE , FROSTEQ DiFFUSERDR CUSTOM·COLORS ON REQUEST(PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY) . . . (SPECIAL FIN/SHE$ ON REQUEST) CUSTOM: CUSTOMIZED VERSIONS WI.TH DIFFERENT ARMS, OR SHADES ,ARE AVAILABLE ( BULB$ ARE NOT_INCWDED.. ) · ON.REQUEST . . --------.,a.,--------,..a-'------------,---....,, ·:- . Si¥&@4kPa51¥€fP4t 15 ii9.PRH.,68k¥¥b39¥ 15115 LUTREX LC.I. INC: 641 McGAFFREY • ST-LAURENT. QC.-CANADA-H4T 1 N3 LUMINISL.C. . . . CANADA ~ 5f4-733-1210 · · U.S.A. 2005 N.W. 62no. STREET #205 FT;LAUDERDAL.E, FL.33309 305-771-3252 Lighting CoJ,1.Sul~t . Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325· ... Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad CANADA 514-733-1809 U.S.A. 305-771-1668 Type CWM--F7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C-=-S-=-C.::..::..../R=O:;..;.;:-C:;..;.;:.c;_;;:o:;_:·. l:;.;:._.I~_) 0AGES~1s) -~ ; . . .. -~ . .. ' -'. -~ .. (. W300 SERIES ) 27 OTHERSTEM t LENGTHS 36" AVAILABLE ON (900) REQVES~ 1111 :;: I 4~:::i ~, · i--STEEL ARCH FOR POST TOP QR WALL MOUNTING CAST ALUMINUMBALLAST HOUSING. SPECIAL BUILT-IN BEDDING. TO MAXIMIZE HEAT DISSIPATION . 4 ALUMINUM REMOVABLE . kNURLED·KNQB§ 4 CAST ALUM. DIFFUSOR CLAMPS'.· W330 W$31 W332 W333 W334 BOROSILICATEFROSTED-. . W335 PRISMATIC . MOLDED GLAS$ DIFFUSOR . • CLEAR PRISMA'Fl/C V. V. STABILIZED ACRYLIC DIFFUSOB W336 W337 W338 , . W340 W350· W341 W351 W$42 ~3$2 W343 W353 W344 W354 W345 · W355 · W346 W356 W347 W357 W348 W358 50HPS EDf7 i0HPS ED17 R2 100 HPS ED17 . t~0HPS ED17 50MH ED17 70MH. EDtl 100MH ED17 . 150MH ED17 SC/ROCCO II IS QESIGNED AND BUILT WITH THE HIGH(;ST QUALITY MATERIALS. SCALED FOR A MULTITUDE VOLTS:STANDARD 120V{277-347V ON REQUEST) OF INDOOR/OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS SUCH AS SHOPPING ; FINISHES: {PLEASE ADD CODE TO-CAT.#) . MALLS, FOOD MARKETS, SCHOOLS ,ARENAS ,RETAIL §"fORES.... . BLAGK{.1) WHITE {,2) .SIL VER GRAY (.6) METALLIC . BRONZE (18) COPT/ONAL CLEARPOLYCARBONATE ' FROSTED DIFFUSER OR CUSTOM COtoRS ONREQUEST {PL~SE CONSULT FACTORY) . · {SPECiAL FINISHES ON REQUEST) . ' . ' -CUSTOM: CUSTOMIZED VERSIONS WITH ( E:T.L LISTEO FOR WET LOCATION BULBS ARENDT INCLUDED. . , . ' BESS ., .. -IH LUTREX LC.I. INC. 641 McCAFFREY -ST-LAURENT .. QC.-GANADA-H4T 1N3 LUMINIS L.C. . 2005 N.W. 62nd. STREET #2()5 FT.LAUDERDALE, FL.33309 J DIFFERENTARMS. OR SHADES .ARE AVAILABLE ONREQUEST &tu 4&211 t e !S_WN# I¥ W:ifUfiitWMtW €§ uu&4e ,. &itAPM l#Mi CANADA- . ~-----,. 514-733-1210 · [~-- ".1-:I :,-=l US-A --"~;~" ~ 305-771-3252 (J~~!!;: CANADA 514~ 733-1809 U.S.A. 305-771-1668 Lighting Consultai;lt: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132Andaso1Avenue . Northridge, CA 91325 · LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-FS ·Phone 818.34$.5762 /Fax 818.3~3.2041 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _,,f~,'•i:1_z:·L:,\•t ~-~•':·\~Jel•~t,..•,',,.•::1,•. •••\.• ,J' .. • •'.•~•• '' • ' ,,'••• ' ,. X-B8Yere :8200 Small/8300 Large • '1 . •. ( ' .·/· _:_ .. > ·. ·_· ,.. -. uano.,.,7ler·rA01v,s,0NoF · ; · . ': : · . . . '~~ HOFFMAN PRODUCTS, INC. _.· . · · · . . . LANTERN 470 HIGH sr. HANOVER. PA 11331 .: : · ·. •', · . . · · 717·632·6464 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Desig~ 8132 Andasol A venue Northridge, CA 91325: Phone 818.343.5762 IFct?C 818.343.2041 'LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM--F9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighfutg Consultant: Gallegos LighJ:ing Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 .· . Phone 818.343.5762./Fax 818.343.2041 LE'GOLAND Carls.bad Type CWM-F9 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. ', ··1· ,'• ... · ' ,• 1 I j ! ! :1 ·.J I i ·I I ·! ·J ·j ' j 1 / TRUMPET· TUBA above and right, Trum.pet Each Nora! luminaire·is fitteq with arms, brackets or poles designed to fit the· specific size unit for Which it is intended. Order any size Nora! fixture), confident that its mounting hardware will be proportionally correct. 301/4 1~,,.~--~. . , ~ , ...... j 23118 3931.c 69 .,, G6/F 22i/2 : . t~15t/2 1~7/. '-0. ~23 1~718 11112 , 111 ! , 1 ( ' ' I V ' ~--311~-~-G4/F 95/8 95{8 F F•PLC/HID Trumpet '. ¥ •• ~ • Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northricige, CA 91325 _ . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax ~18J43.2041 _E2' ADJUSTABLE TO 102 ! E3 • 261/2 3~0, i-~ fo/ G3/F -----'----'-----·-------·- LEG-OLA.ND Carlsbad 261/2 i(l I 42f ~ ~: l Tub~ 59 ;C1n ll,. r1 A ' \ I . i ., . I 12·G3/F Hl::'ORcL 1 Type c·WM-F10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .... :. .. I I I C-:,. ·..-: ~.~.f ORDERING GUIDE To order: Begin with the _nioqel-plus the lamp·type and wattage. See chart below for lamps available fqr your model. Voltage, Optics, Lens, Mounting, Finish color, Accessory, and Pole options are listed below. Add a sla9h '(/)· before-listing each option. · See example to right. · Other-mounting.options are available. Trumpet Lamp Type: (lamps by others) 1Nc':: ·1oow PLC: 13W PLC: 26W Voltage: INC: 120V PLC13: 120V (HPf, electronic, -20' starting,teinp.) PLC26: 120V or 277V (HPF, electronic . -20° startinfl temp.) Socket: INC: MediumA-19 PLC: 13W-G24q-1, 4-pin (F mount only) PlC: 26W-G24q-3,-4-pin (F mount only) Lens: PO: Polycarbonate;opalesceht PT: Polycarbonate, tinted Mounting: F: Cµived arm wt luminaire below E2: lamppost w/ ~ luminaires, adj. ht. E3: lamppost w/ three lummres,. adj. ht. Fin)sh: BU<: Textured Black WHT: Textured White PAT: Patina Green Accessories: LB: Ladder Bar Tuba . Lamp Type: (lamps by others) INC: 250W' HID: 175W -MV. MH; .1sow--HPS Voltage: INC: 120V HID: 12bv,. 208V. 240V. 277V (HPF, 'COfe & coil ·20'F°startlng temp .. Some restrictions may apply)' Socket: INC: Medium A-23 HID:. (Meqium ED-17) (E28 Mogul ·standard on MV175) Optics: RBV: Round Borosilicate Refractor Type.V.symmetrical distribution RBll!:-Rour\d Borosilicate Refractor Type Ill asymmetrical distribution· RR: Symmetrical ring reflector RAS: Asymmetrical reflector. TSR: Top symmetrical renec1or (standard) · Leos: AO: Acrylic, opalescent AT: Ac,y!ic; tinted AC:· Acryiic,'clear . Mounting: G3/F: Cuived arm W/ luminaire below (standard) ,G4/F: Decorative arm w/ luminaire below G6/F: Straight, med1!-"ll'lenglh ~ w/ luminaire below 11-G3/F: Single luminaire on post mounted · 133/F arm (standard) 11-G4/F: Single luminaire on post mocnted G4/F·arm 11-G6/F: Single luminaire on post r:noonted G6/Farm 12-G3/F: Double luminaires on post mounted G3/Farms · 12-G4/F: Double luminaires on post mounted, G4/Farms 12-G6/F: Double luminaires on post mounted f,6/Farms · 13-G~F: Triple luminaires 6n post mounted G31Farms 13-G6/F: Triple ,luminaires on post mounted G6/Farms Finish: BLK: Texturefl Black WHT: Textured White PAT: Patina Green Accessories: LB: LadderBar BA: Banner Anm . PH: Photo Cell Pole Options: A: B' -12' A1: 12' -16' A2: 16' -20' .C10: 10' fixed C12,: 12' f,xed Tuba Trieste Lamp Type:. (lamps by cilhers) INC: 25CJW . HID: 175W -MV, MH; 150W -HPS Voltage: INC: 120V HID: ·12ov, 208V. 240V, 277V (HPF, core & coil ·20"F starting temp. Some restrictions may apply) S9cket: INC: Medium A-23 ·HID: Medium ED-17; E28 Mogul standard on MV175 ---~--~ ' TUBA INC250 l12Q /'RR /AO/ G3F-/ BLK I LB/ A 1 Model~-i-wn·1· . Lamp ~ . . . Slash/ Voltage optioh- Slash I Optic::s option . Slash/Lens-option --· . Slash·/ mounting option--''----'---',-' Slast;/Finish,color option-------~ Slash/ Accessory option ----------' Slash/Pole qption (Large fi~ures) -'---~----__; Optjcs: RBV: _Round [lorosilicate Refraclor Type V 5ymmetricat distribution RBIII: Round Borosilicate Retractor Type Ill asymmetrical distribution 'RR: -Symmetrical ring reflector . RAS: Asymmetncal reflec,tor. Not available in-Hlb TSR: Top symr11~trical reflector ·(standard) Lens: AO: Acrylic, opalescent AT: A9rylic, tinted ,AC: Acrylic, clear Mounting: 11 : Post fllOU!lled single tuminaire (standar\l) Finish: ·BLK:· Textured Black WHT: textured White PAT: eatina Green· Accessories: LB: tadder 13,ir BA: Banner Anm PH: Photo. Cell Pole Options:, A: '8'· 12' (11: 12' -16' A2: 16' -20' c1·0: 10' fixed C12: 12' fixed Promenade Lamp Type: (lamps by 01110,s) INC: 250W HID: .2sow -·MY, MH, or HPS Voltage: INC: i2'ov HID: 120V, 208V, 240V, 277V.(HP.F,. core & coii 20'F staiting temp. Some restrictions .may apply Socket: INC: Medium A-23 iltD: (Medium ED-17) (E28 Mogul standard on·M\l175, ~H250, & HPS250i 9ptici;: RBV: Round Borosilicate Refractor Type V symmetncat oistribution RBIII: Round Borosilicate Refractor. Type Ill asymmetrical distnbuiion RR:· Sym!)lelrlcat ring reflectqr RAS: Asymmetrical reflector. TSR: Top_symmetricat refleclor (standard) · Lens: AO: AT: 'AC: Ac,y!1c, opalescent Acrylic, ifnted Acrylic, cleE!r Mounting: G3/F: Curved arm w/ luminaire below G4/F: Decorative anii w/ tuminaire below G6/F: Straight, medium length arm wt luminajre below 11 -G3/F: Single luminaire on post mounted G3/F arm (stan&rcl) J1 ·G4/F: Single lu'[rnnaire oii post·rri0l1nted G4/F arm 11-G6/F: S,nglo luminaire on.post mOllnted . GGIF arm ·!2-G3/F: Double lum1naires 9fl post mouliled G3/FaiJ]ls 12-G4/F; Double luminaires on post rnounled G4/F arms · 12-G6/F: Double luminaires on post mounted G6/Farms 13-G3/F: Triple lurilinaires ori·post mounted . G31Farms 13-G6/F: Triple lumjnaires on post mounted ·G6/F arms Finish: BLK: Textured Black Wl:IT: Textured-White PAT: Patina Green Accessories: 'LB: ladder Bar BA: Banner Anm PH: Photo Cell Pole Options: A: 8'-12' A1: 12' -16' /i.2: 16'·-20' C10: 10' fixed CJ2: 12'·fixed C.S.A. listed for wet loc;itions. C.U.L .listed for wet locations. U.L listed for v,,et locations. HYi:JREL 5 Lighting Consultant: - Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · LEGOLAND• Carlsbad Type CWM-F10 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818343.2041 I I, I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 02-96 Hydrel manufactrn'es NoraJ Trumpet Family in the LJnited -States under an equal share; joint venture agreement with Noral. Hydrel alsomanufactures the Nora! liri(;) of traditional lanterns, commercia.1 street .and park fixtures, and light commereial line of bollarcl luminaries. Parts are sourced globally and inventoried at our warehouse in Southern California. Each product is listed by Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.) and is supplied with electrical components to accept a variety of energy saving lamp sources . THE NORAL PRODUCT LINE TRUMPET FAMILY 'i'· ,._ ... J H'::'i:JRE:L 12881 BRADLEY AVENL}E SYLMAR CALIFORNIA.91342 TEL 818/362-9465 FAX 818/362-6548 . . . -.. ····--·--.. -. ---.. ···-· ........ - Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighti~g Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343:5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -~ ,C) Type CWM-FlO I I I I I I I I I I 1· ,, I I I I I I 6320 Wall 6321 Wall 6322P Wall 6420 Wall 6421S Wall 6421M!i Wall Lamp 1 sowt,.:11 . 1 75WA-19 1 13WPLC 1100W-~·19 Wall luminaires with.partial uplighL Die cast aluminum·arm, canopy. and spun aluminum shade, Three-ply opal glass_ with screw.neck, Color: Black or white. lume_n A B C 89Q 7Yio 8% fl% 1190 10¼ 10'3/i• 12 860 10¼ __ 10"¥,• 12 1750 153/4 18',f, 16 1 50WE·17 HPS 4000 '15¾ 18¼ 16 1100W EP·17 MH 8500 15¾ 18',f, 16 BEGA/US·.HX)5 Mark Ave. Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 684-0533 Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818._343.2041 LEGOLAND CarJs·bad BEGA 85 fax (805) 684-6682 Type CWM".'F11 I I I ,I I I' I I I I .I I I ·1 I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA 91,325· . . Phone 818,343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-Fll I I I ,I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I MATCHING • PENDANT VERSION 1 28 · (700) l (--=s....::;.c....;:_;,R:....::. ___ ,~9.~•~------~-0 ____ . ____ J c PAGE sc21) ' C wsoo SERIES J ..... , ,, .• -·· -~. ··.,,.• •• ,,.. "~-,l• .-.~ •• -· ·> ..... •.-·· .. : •••••• , ••• ,· R1 150W 24 (600) ~ 28-(700)1----1:1 STEEL ARCH SUPPORT ~ CAST ALUMINUM BALLAST W590 A-21 50HPS HOUSING. SPECIAL BUil T-IN .BEDDING TO MAXIMIZE HEAT . DISSIPATION SPACING TO ISOLATE LAMP MODULE FROM.BALLAST MODUlE WHITE TRANSLUCENT ACRYLIC DIFFUSER . W596 W597 W598 W599 W591 W592 W593 ED17 70HPS £017 100HPS ED17 15.0HPS £D17 50MH £D17 70MH ED17 100MH ED17 ~-!"--=!:!=-~~-!i+•-1---. 114 THICK (60).LOUVER BLADES W594 150MH £D17 HEAVY GAUGE ALUMINUM SHADE. .---~~--!!ll!WJl-~~;;:_·· . . , . . SC/ROCCO IS DESIGNED AND BVILTWITH THE HIGHEST VOLTS:STANDARD 120V (277°347V ON REQUEST) QUALITY.MATERIALS, SCALED TO·FOR.A Ml)L TITUDE . FINISHES: (PLEASE ADD CODE to CAT.#) OF INDOOR/OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS SUCHAS SHOPPING BLACK(.1) WHITE (.2) SILVER GRAY (.6) METALl!C MALLS, FOOD MARKETS, SCHOOLS .... . BRONZE (18) (SPECIALFINISFIES ON REQUEST) ( OPTIONAL C(..EAR POL:. YCARBONATE.SHIELD J CUSTOM: CUSTOMIZED VERSIONS WITH (PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY) DIFFERENT ARMS, OR SHADES ,ARE AVAILABLE --~-,, (BULBS ARENOT/NCL_UDE,D. .) ON REQUEST, ' .. .. . -. . - LUTR~X tc.L INC. EEJIMEFEA A_ W Bf&Bidiiib~'9$iiSiM·4t'E•?iftP&iMS® i3i$,·i:Stt'f'W, »= IM1!'t5i51 CANADA CANADA 641 McCAFFREY -ST-LAURENT. QC.-CANADA-H4T 1N3 LUMINIS L.C. . . 2005 N.W. 62nd. STREET #205 FT.LAUDERDALE, FL.~3309 ~~ 514-733~1210 nrf~i1 · 514-733-rnog ~j~ USA . ~~ USA --:-9~4-771-3252 ·::: ::· 954-771-1668 Lighting Consul~t: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-F12 Phone 818.343.5762 '!Fax 818.343.2041 I I I I I 1, I I. I I I I I I I I I I I ,_.,,.,..,_•.,;t.,•;"'f"-l'll."i!~~l• .... •r-,.~"!~ ...... l!.V'-o.-,.-:,.,,-"'.;~M':"•-•P',-,O"".'";,.~lC~,......,.ofl:"'•:~·"11''-....,_,.;.\"._'!,:J;~~fil~~---~.--:!' !.,.. .• ~.;.,, .... r~; : • • • .•••"" •,..~ .... ; 4 • .,,_.~.,...~-\•;,,~ ~ ' . . · BEGA/US 1005 Mark Ave. C~interia, CA 93013 (805) 684-0533 fax (805) 684-6682 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 ( .. LEG-OLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-F13 I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I MATCHING PENDANT VERSION t 28 (700) (SC/ROCCO · .) ( PAGE 8 ~21 ) -...:. __ ;;.;._ ·""".' ';;.;.:· .. ...;· .. ...;, ;...;..._...;;.,,,;... __ .. -... ;;;...-... -.. ,,-... ,'"", .--'---,_;....--------,------- ( WSOO SERIES ) ,,-;:::~, ~ "\ ... -·. • .. .!··· R1 j ~ · $TEE< .,'JlCH SVPPORT · -----~ CAST ALUMiNUM BALLAST W590 150W A-21 5.0HPS W596 ED17 .. HOUSING. SPECIAL BcJIL T-IN W597 70HPS SC/ROCCO IS DESIGNED AND-BUILT WITH THE HIGHEST .QUALJTY MATERIALS. SCALED TO FOR AMUL TITUDE BEDDING iO:MAXIMIZE HEAT DISSIPATION SPACING.TO ISOLATE LAMP MODULE FROM BALLAST . MODULE WHITE TRANSWCENT ACRYLIC DIFFUSER W598 W599 W591 W592 W593 W594 ED17 100HPS ED17 150HPS ED17 . 50MH ED17 l0MH ED17 100MH ED'17 150MH ED1! OF INDOOR/OUTDOOR APPLICATIONS-SUCH AS SHOPPING MALLS, FOOD MARKETS, SCHOOl,.S .... · VOLTS:STANDARD 120V (277-347V ON REQUEST) FiNISHES: (PLEASE ADD CODE TO CAT.#) BLAqK(.1) WHITE (.2).SIL VER GRAY (.6) METALLIC BRONZE(18) OPTIONAL CLE.AR POLYCARBONATESHIELD (PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY) ( BULBS ARE NOT iNCWDED. LUTREX LC.I-. INC. 641 McCAFFREY-ST~LAURENT. ac·.-CANAb'A, H4"t 1N3 LUMINIS LC.. . 2005 N.W, 62nd,.$TREET #205 ~T.LAt,JOERDALE, FL.33309 (SPECIAL FINISHES ON REQUEST) CUSTOM: CUSTOMIZED VERSIONS WITH . . DIFFERENT ARMS, OR SHADES ,ARE.AVAILABLE ON BEQUEST . ' .. &55MA§¥i'ri?WR2; '¥,tP4W#SSM:k41i·Mii##&5i,S:tM CANADA CANADA s,;;'~J 514-733-121.0 ~l~ 51'4-733-1809 Uc!:J U.S.A. :~ U.S.A. 954-771-3252 ~ 954,-771-1668 Lighting .Consultant: ·. Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM-F14 Northridge, CA 91325. . · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WF33C WF3-3,:H Sliallow Cutoff Face Recess Mount _ (Meets ADA requirements when · mounted below so· height.) For Concrete Walls For Hollow Stud Wall~ r. ~ WET ~ ·y jt [) PROTECTED· ~ Ll Ugh( distribution perpendicular' ·tow;ill. - L1ghl d1s1nbu11on parallel lo.wall l'llO1EC1EO l'ROl[CTED Option SF Single Fusing. See pages 22 and 23 for ordering'informatiori.' b ~ADJUSTABLE STUD M0UNT BRACKETS "H" MODEL.ONLY_-. SEE PAGE 13 FOR :TYPICAL RECESSED INSTALLATION DETAl!!S. 12 K I M LIGHTING Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Desig,:1 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA.91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 ff ax 818.343.2041 - Lamp Modes· Phqtometrics (:) SOW or 70W Metal Halide, ED17 Med. Base ~ . . p. 14-15 SOW or 70W High Pressure Sodium. ED 17 Med. Base p. 16-17 rnoW·lncandescent, A19 Med. Base p, 18 150W Halogen. T 4 Mini Can Base· p, 19 }; 13W or 22W Compact Fluoresc~nt. DotJbl~ Twin Tube p. 20-21 Specifications Face Plat~: Die cast aluminum with solid uppQr half protruding. 3¾. ·trom housing·and·solid concave lower half. Vertical and· horizontal double,ribs-are minimum %'.depttJ ana 3/m· tl)ickness. Face Plate secured to housing with,four captive-stainless socket head screws. ·Len~:Jlat tempered 3/ii;· glass.with internal sandblast. Retain'ed in ·Fae~ Plate ~ind S\:laled with a one piece molded:silicone gasket. Housing:. Die cast low-copper aluminum .with clear anodize under powder coat finish to match Face Plate. Integral J-box·with '1/.t' NPT conduit taps. Presswood niche cover supplied as temporary · protection again~t-moistµre. "H" model supplied with-adjustqble stud mount brackets·pius insulation detector in·place of one side conduit tap (MH, HPS and lncand.). Quick disconnect plug supplied for electricql mdaule. Socket: HIQ and lncand. -4_KV medium base: Halogen -mioi can; fluorescen_t-,-1;3W GX23~2 piri, 22W GX32d-2 P.iri. Ballast: HID -HPF, -40°F. st9rting·for HPS. -20°F. for MH; Fluorescent-encapsuiatedwith thermal cutoff: 13W NPF 0°F. . starting 277V, 32°F. for ·12ov: 22W HPF-20°F .. AII components mounted on plate with disconnect plug. Finisfi: TGIC thermose~·pdlyester.powder coat·over chromate, 2500 hour sail spray raied, Black, Dark Bronze, Gray or White. C(!rtification: Uk listed (120 and 277 volt only) and CSA.certified (120 voll·onty) for wet locations. AU-photorhetiics based on ·Independent Testing-Laboratory (ITL) rep0rl$. ~) t ·: .. ;_ ... ·· f:. ·.· • .. i·:. LEGOLAND .:Carlsbad". Type·· CWM-Ml I I I I I I I I I I .. :.:_. :::; ":\; ·.AO "• " ... . -: 1 :! ·: ' ' l .] i ·::J ·J I _._:J :J l ' :i · .. ·. .· .. I ... ··.:: .,_: I .. I ·:x ... ·t t Rece,ss,ed, I nstallatio-n Details. Fully Recessed· The following are typical wall sections that will allow a fully recessed housing. . . '• -.. ,·.:P.· .. .. ·:· . · .. ,:.·.·:9t'. : .. · .. 5:}· ._· ... ·<?. · .... )J?" . ·-:-.·P-:-?· '·~ . . . . . . .bo", · ·. · ·, ,, · :-,:_:-:~~--.::-i; ? .~::. ::ci~·.;_ a· CONCRETE WALL Semi Recessed The following are typical-wall sections where a lack of depth only allows a semi-recessed housing. In thi~ case the ho4sing trim flangE! is used as.the finish- ing edge which can protrude up to P/.i"from the wall, · . 2·xs· ·r-STUD --j, PLASTER -,--,---..Ill\\]-_-· .. '.'" :' :· -,, . ' ALL "H" MODELS --+-t-'--a ARE SUPPLIED WITH ADJUSTABLE STUD MOUNT BRACKETS. FOR SUPPORTING Tl:IEHOUSING BETWEEN STUDS. SHEATHING.----- 2·x 4· OR 2·xs· · f" STUD 7 HOUSING.SEE-. ,1 ~-~:• • DESCRIPTION ~->. r-:, AT tEFT AND . . .. ""' ·:.;:.· BEl:OW! 1 , C,Jo o \. • ' . -l• I • ADJUSTABLE ----. --i:t:t I : STUD MOUNT • 'ii;,•' ' \ '. BRACKET. SEE · DESCRIPTION : AT LEFT. . ' INTERIOR ----f-11II--1---1-'INTERIOR --- DRYWALL DRYWALL 2· X 6" STUD WALL STUD WALL WITH -BRICK F.A,CE *Note:.AII "If recessed,models are supplied with an insulatidri detector (HttD and'lnt:andescent). No insulation is permitted above the housing or within 3" of sides and bottom. Detector will cut power if fixture overheats due to insulation. .,.. REINFORCING STEEL AS __/ :( REQUIRED. CAN BE'USED TO SUPPORT HOUSING .DURINi;3 POI.JR. HOUSING, SEE DESCRIPTION-· --' ABQVE. 6" CONCRETE WALL , . ~o}O ADJUSTABLE -· --: -,__; -1~ STUD MOUNT . ~~ BRACKET. SEE ;~,•.i~; QESCRIPTION AT.ABOVE, INT,ERIOR~--~----J~11I1 DRYWALL ~-X 4• STUD WALL ·K I M 13 LIGHTING I ! ; I t,' t I I 1,1 t ' ' ii q. 11 ·1 ·1 I. -·-··--· --.. -· I <,:{\{: ·:·{\:i:i~~~~~~~ultant: LEGOLA.ND Carlsbad Typ.e CWM-Ml I I Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue N orthridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 '{fax 818:343.2041 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Configurations Full Face Half Face OlDi Surface VMount Recess Mount -.... --· --------~---~-- Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design - 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Recess· Mount· Cutoff Face Shallow Cutoff Face- OD.surface VMount Recess . Mount ·li? Recess .. ,;:.:. Mount . ·:(·"~,;;;. >.J'· .Meets A0A requirements when mounted below an so· height for path, ramp and stairway-lighting. . . , .... KIM LIGHTING SITE /,AREA PARKING STRUCTURE ROADWAY ARCHITECTURAL Fl.:00.D / ACCENT LANDSCAPE 16555 EAST G'.ALE AVENUE PO BOX 1275 ·c1TY OF INDUS_TRY. CALIFORl·liA 9174!1 u·sA. PHONE 8 18 / 9GB 5G66 FAX 818 / 36!1 2G9:> 111, ,11•,111•.d1r l'r1:,111,l1l,,,n,11 ,1·, PA1Et~ r,s PENUING Wall Fo~ms 1s a lratlemJrk ol Kun L19h11ng Inc 5704495090 tEGOLAND Carlsbad Type CWM--Ml I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 • ~·A ;::-\~tt;}\)J .] .. C)rncPhQ.,11:>en ·LIN .. 'E· . . . ' . i-,\L.. .-'=· _·. --.. --'· ~:_-:'~>-:.;>"'·-.. _,_:> .::;1,;,_..; . . . . . •.'~ '1,..~~s.A,,,.,,,~,,.1l~~-t--.~J ,,•'"' .,,~;-~;, ... ,.·~.-... · •.• :\r.,,_·-:,..,::;,_, 1.02 Rounded We.dge Sconc.e High Performance Architectural Outdoor Sconces • Wide Iuminaire spacings from sharp cutoff wall mounted Iuminafres. • Handsome, co·mpact forms integrate to mounting surface. Wide Spacings Sharp Cutoff Unlik~ retractor.wall packs, the candlepower distributions producf)d by the precision optical systems bf the mcPhilben 100 Line meet the strict IES·cutoff criteria. T:his assures that light above 80° is minimized resulting in exceptional control of disabling glare, curtailed .light ·tresp;:iss beyond the p,roperty line, and elimination ofdirect upward sky.pollution. Handsome, Compact Designs These outdoor sconces are available in two exquisite shapes and both were conceived with critical design sensitivity. The 101 trapezoidc!l l.uminaire mates naturally with rectilinear architectural elements and the 102 rounded wedge is · appropriate for softer building details. Both units feature --:· ~rt~·;,:tti~;-:;~.,~-· PERFORMANCE SCONCES compact dimensions which are·perfectly in scale for the recommended mounting heights of 10-14 feet. Rugged Construction Housing, door frame, and back plate are all precision die cast aluminum. Heat disl,ipating fins integrated into the back piate a~sure cool operation and extended ballast life. Each luminaire is complete,ly prewired and factory tested before shipment. the lf)ns is optically clear tempered glass. Completely· sealed and gasketed at every point of entry and material transition to thoroughly exclude the elements and effects of time, the mcPhilben 100 Line is certain to make a lasting contribution wherever it might be applied. . The :mcPhilben 1.00 Line lumfnaires are offered with a forward throw distribution for small parking, areas or a wide throw distribution for pedestrian areas. Both optical systems feature highly specular fac;:eteq reflectors designed to.efficiently direct light and provide high light levels, uniform distributions and remarkably wide luniinaire spacings. these high performance optical systems ·may result in the ability to design with fewer fixtures providing a· cleaner wall appearance, lower installation costs_, and ·lower energy and lamp replacement costs over the life ofthe project. · 101 Trapezoidal Sconce • Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Aitd~ol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad -,...........-~HOMAS" Mc PHILBEN. LIGIITING Type CWM-M2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~100 LINE SPECIFICATIONS HOUSING Single piece aluminum housings are·die past in a sofrtrapezciidal (101) or rounded wedge ( 102), form. Memory .retentive gasket rriates with·door frame to exclude moisture, dust, insects and pollutants·f_rom electrical and optical-systems. Housing is mounted to black die cast ribbed back plate which dissipates-heat for longer lamp and ballast life. DOOR FRAME Single piece die cast a,luminum door. frame Jntegrate~ to housing form. Dqor frame is hinged closed and secured to housing with (2)'(:aptive stainless. steelfasteners. Heat and impact resistant 1/8" tempered.glass Jen~ andone-piece·gasket are mechanically secured to door frame with (4) galvanized steel-retainers. OPTICAL SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE SCONCES 1---.9·--1 Reflectors ar_e composed of·specular extruded and Alzak® facet-components~ electropolished, anodized and sealed .. Reflector segments are-set in arc tube·image duplicatirig patterns to aphieve the wicle throw (Type II) or _the forward-throw (Type IV} 101 -trapezoidal Sconce. distributions. · ELECTRICAL Each high power factor.ballast is-the separate component type cap~ble of providing reliable 'lamp starting to -20°F. ' FINISH Each luminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant, electro~tatically applied; thermal cured, textured polyester powderfinii;;h. LABELS All fixtures bear UL and .CSA (where applicable) WeJ Location.(for inverted uplightfng applications,Juminaires are:suitable for damp locations) a~d IBEWJabels. I 16112"' ·· I "f ~_-:T- ORDERING .,---9"--i 102-·RouridedWedge Sconce PREFIX DISTRIBUTl0N. WATTAGI': VO~TAGE1 FINISH OPTIONS 102 i--------i. wr t-~--~-1 101 (Trap~zoidal) 102 '(Rounded Wedge) FT (For.v.ard ThJow) WT (Wtde,Throw) Notes: 1) Contact facto_ry for other voltages 2) 120Vo~ly 31 ANSI# M102 -~ ~HOMAS·· McP,HiLBEN_-. LIGHTING 2661 Alvarado Street San Leandro,. CA 94577 . 800/227-0758 , 510/357-6900 (Ca(ifornia) 510/35703088 FAX Lighting Constlltan~ Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue . N orthridge, CA 91325 35 HPS2 50 ·HPS 100 HPS 150 HPS 70 MH' 100 MH 1S0'M);f3 1'75 MH 120 .277 In Canada: TOL 0 640 Cure Boivin Blvd. Boisbrialid BRP Bronze BLP Black WP White NP Natural BGP Beige SC Special Color (specify) 'Quebec, Canada J?G 2A7 . Tel: 514/433-3216 F.pc: 514/433-944;1 LEGOL.AND Carlsbad Phon:e 818.343.5762 IF.ax 818.343.2041 F Fusing OEM Emergency Quartz Socket (DCB) PCB Button Type Photocell OR Quartz Restrike SL SoJile~ Diffusing Lens UT 5° Uptill 79305-8/1095 Type ·CWM-M2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6" AFV Open Reflector, Gotham Seri~s Distribution curve Distribution dat~ Output data· · CoefficienJ o( utilization s(ngle luminaire dat~ 30" a~ove fli!or AFV 13TT 6AR, (1)'PL-S 13W/2Tlamp, 0.5 s/!llh, 900 rated lumens, test no. 2194060908-· lufflens ·zone lumons %limp· pi 21)',4 Frame-. cp. pc SO% ,.,70% SO% o• .603 0°-30° 280 31.13 pw SO% 30% SO% 30% '50%30% 140 ' 5• 570 53 0°-40~ 404'-44.96 1 57 56 ~g ~-~ '54 54 15° 348 103 0°-60° 461 51.31 2 54 52 ·51 50 280 2s• 273 126 o•.90• 461 51.31 ·3 51 48 50, 48 49 47 35° 204 125 90•-190• 0 0.0 4 48 45 47 45 -46 44 420 45• 45• 74 56 o•-1so0 461 51.31* 5 45 42 44 42 44 41 560 ·ss• 0 2 0E1ficiency 6 42 40 42 39 '11 ·39 65° 0 0 7 40 37 ·39 37· 39 36 75° 8 37 34 37 34 36 34 700 .as• 9 35 32 35 32 34, ,32 so• o• 10 33 .30 32 3,0 -32 29· AFV26D1T-6AR, (1) PL-~ 26W/27 larilp, 0.7 s/mh, 1800 rated ll1rilens, test no. 2194061002 from 0-.cp. lumens Zant' Lumons %11rifp pf 20% so• pc 80'.4 70% o• 1121 0°-30° 600 33.36 pw SO% 30% SO% 30% 240 5• 1124 103 0°-40~· 834 46.39 1 58 57 57 56 15° 796 227 0°~60° 940 52.26 2 55 53 54 52 480 25° 588 270 o•-so• 940 52.26 3 52 50 51 49· 4~· 35° 374 235 90°-180° 0 0.0 4 49 ,46 48 46 720 45° 140, 104· 0°-1so0 940 52.26* 5 46 43 46 43 960 55•· 0 2 •Efficiency 6· 44 41 43 ,41 65° 0 0 7 41 38 41 38· 1200 .75•· 8 39 36 ·38 36 as• 9 36 33 ·36 33 o• so• 10 34 31 34 31 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 120VoltilPF 277VoltHPF 347Vo!tliPF Maximum Input Ml!Ximum . Input Maximum Input lamp current watts current watts .. current watts (1)9TT Q.140 11.0 0.170 14.0. 0.190 1s:o (1) 13TT/DJT 0.285 11,.0 0,340 . 22.0 0.330 24:0 (1) 18DTT 0.360 24.0 0.170 25.0 0.240 26.0 (1126DTT o:zso 30.0 0.310 32.0 . . 0.390 38.0 Tested to.current IES and NEMAstandarcls under stabilized laboratory conditions, Various operating factors can cause differences between.laboraiory data anil a~ual field measurements. Dimensions and specifications ar11 based on the most current available data and are -~~bject to change without notice, · · 50% '50%30% 55 54 52 51 50 48 47 45 45 43 42 40, 40 38 38 35 -36 33 .33 31 lnitialfc. Mount atbum height centBr. 8' 20.0 10' 10.7 12' 6,7 14' 4.6 16' .3.3 lnitialfc Mount at beam height .· center 8' 37.1 10' 19;9· 12' • 12.4 14' 8.5 16' 6.2 SO% 10% beam angle 31.4' , beam anal• 80,3° le at fC It Beam beam Beam beam diameter . edge diameter edoa 3.1: 10;0 9:3' 2.0 4.2 5.4 12.7' 1.1 5.3' 3.3 16.0' 0.7 6.5' 2.3 · 19.4' 0,5 7.6' 1.7 22.8' 0.3 SO% 10% :beam angle 39.•' beam angle 80.1° feat ,fc at Beam beam Beam beam diameter edge diameter edge 3.9' 18.5 9,2' 3.7 5.4' 10.0 12.6' 2,0 6.8' 6.2 16.0' 1.2 a:2· 4.2 ·19,3' 0.8 9.7' 3.1 22.7' o:6 Conversion Facto~ Use multipiier to determine. candlepower, lume.ns arid lootcandles.ol other finishes. CR= .9.5; GR= .90 145-AFV6 f ~ L/THDN/A: LIGHT/NG ~ . DOWNL:IGHTING & TRACK'SYSTEMS C1994 Lithonia Llghtlng7/94 145-AFV6.PM5 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lightu,.g Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA-91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818;343.2041 1'15 £AST El.MORE ST. CRAWFORDSVILl.E,,INOIANA.47g33, lELEPHONE 317 362'18'.17, FAX 317 3B2-G083 IN CANADo\:,1100 50TH A~. tACHINfi; QUEBEC H8T2V3, DIVISION OF N,S,1, HOLDINGS; INC: LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type· D1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FEATURES • Die-crast aluminum socket housing, Ventilated top for convective cooling. • Exp a ridable, self-locking mountii'fg. bars provide horizontal l!nd vertical adjustment. • Spec.ular clear Alzak* reflectpr, optically designed to provide optimum cut.ofho lamp and lamp image. Controlled anod_ized coating suppresses: iridescence. Minimum flange matches reflector finish. • Galvanized·steel junction box wit~ bottom-hinged access covers anil spring latches. Two combination 1/2'-3/4" and three 1/2' knockouts· for straight-through conduit.runs. Capacity: B (4 in, 4 out) Nci. 12 AWG conductcirs,.rated for:75"C. • Vertically-mounted; two-pin, · positive~lat'ch, thermoplas!ic socket. f • Class P (thermally protected) high power·f~ctor ballast mounted to junction box .. • 16,gauge galvanized. steel mounting/plaster frame with friction ~upport springs to r!)tain finishing trim. Maximum 7/8' ceiling thickness. • Fixtures are UL listed for thru-btanch wiring, recessed mounting and damp· lpcations. CSA· certificatioriJor shipment to Canada. •Alzak Is a registered trademark of ALCOA. ORDERING INFORMATION Typo [= I Catalog numbar Compact Fluo.rescent. Downlights Aperture:' 6-1/• (15.9) <;ellirig opening: 6-7/8 (17 .5) Overlap trim: 7"1/1. (19.1) Open Reflector . Vertical Lamp Twin-Tube or Do\lble Twin-Tube 15·7/8 (40.3) All dimensions are Inches (centimeters). Choose lhe boldface catalog nomenclature th al best suits your needs and write it on the · ·appropriate line.·Order accessorle~ as separate caialog numbers (shipped.separately): AFV I Set~ I AP/ Watta!!_e/l11mi> ~TT One 9W twin-tube l3TT One 13Wtwin-tube· .13DlT One 13W double fyliri-tube ·1aorr ·one law double twin-tube 26DTT One·26W do.uble twin-tube • Reflector finish &AR Clear 6CR Champagne gold 6GR Gold 6PR Pewter 'Example: AFV 13DU GAR 120 =r=_ I ~-.-,---.;--,,..,.....-,... --0-pt ... io-. i-r,--s-._.,... ---,--.----,_, 120 m 347 111W White paipted flange, · SSC Provid.es compati.bility with Lith9nia Reloc:~Y~tem 820. System·szo can be irisialled less thinption with connectors provided by others. -!lMF Si!lgle slow0blow fuse, ·RIF Radio interference filter. DMHL Ltiiron·Hi-lume•• soJid•state diinming.ballast, 120V or 271V,.1ffN and 26W only. Requires Osram/Sylvania four-pin lamp. GEB S!)lid state electro~ic ballast Requires four-pin lamp. . (26W, ·18W; 13W DTT ONLY.) . · ELR Emergency battery j)aclc. Acc·ess above ceir.ng · required. Remptetestswitch required. (Consult factory for dimensional changes.) ••Hl•lume Js:a reglstere!l·trademarlc of Lutron Electronics. ,~ LfTHDNfA LIGHT/NG -DOWNUGHTING & TRACK SYSTEMS .. 145-AFV6 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lfghting Design 8132 Anda,sol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762./Fax 818.343~2041 LEGOLAND- Carlsbad· Typ·e D1 ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FEATURES • Die-cast aluminum socket housing. Ventilated top for convective cooling. • Expandable, self-locking mounting bars provide horizontal and'vertical-adjustment. • Specular clear Alzak* reflector; optically designed to pro"'.ide optimum cutoff to lamp and lamp image. Controlled anodized coating suppresses iridesceJ)ce. Minimum flange matches reflector finish: · • Galvanized steel:junction box with bottom-hinged access covers and spring latches. Two combination 1/2"-:J/4' and three 1/2' knockouts for straighMhrough conduit runs. Capacity: 8·(4 in, 4 out) No. 12 AWG conductors, rated for 1s•c: Vertically-mounted, tvyo-pin, positive-latch, - thermoplastic socket i • Glass P (thermally protected) high powj!r factor bal_last, mounted:to·junction box: • 16-gauge galvanized steel mounting/pJaster frame with friction support springs t6 retain finishing trim. Maximum7/8' cejling thickness. -• Fixtures are UL listed for thru-bran1=h Wiring, recessed mounting and danip locations. CSA certification for shipment to Canada. •Alzak Is a registered trademark of ALCOA. ORDERING II\IFORMATION ·. Type Catalog numbar Compact Fitiorescent Downlights Aperture: 6-1/4 (15.9) . Celllngopenlng:6-7f!! (17.5) Ovorla1>trlm: 7•1/2.119.11 611 AFV Open Reflector Vertical Lamp Twin-Tube or Double Twin-Tube 15·7/8 (40.3) All dimensions ~re l_nches (centimeters). Choose tho boldface:catalog riomenclaturo that best suits your needs and write it on tho · · ·appropriate line. Order accessories as separate.catalog num_~-rs (shipped separ•1•1y); Example: AFV 13Dtr .GAR 120 · AFV I Sets I AFV I W11ttage/latnp 9TT One 9W twin-tube 1m· ,One 13W twin-tube 13DIT One 13W double twin-tube . ·1aDTT, .One 18W double twin·tilbe :2&DTT ·One 'Jf,W double twin-tube Reflector finish 6AR Clear 6CR. C_hampagne gold 6GR Gold 6PR Pewter I VoiLge l . .-j---------0--p-_t ... io_n_s ___________ ..., 120 :m. 347 TRW White painted flange. SSC Provides c_ompatibility with Lithonia Refoc System 820. Sys~m 820 can be installed less this option with connectors provided by others . GMF Single slow·blow fuse •. RIF Radio interferenc_e filter. DMHL lutron Hi-lume••·spl_id·sJate dimming balla_st 120',' or 2TN, !SW-and 'JI,W only. Requires Osrani/Sylvania four•piri lamp. GEB Solid state electronic .ballast Req!!ires four-pin lamp. (26W, 18W, 13W OTT ONLY.) ELR Emergency battery p~ck. Access above ceiling required. Remote te·st switch required.-(Cansult faciory·f_or dimensional c!ianges.J - ••Ht•lume Is a reglstered"tradeniar~ of Lutron Electronics. f~ LITHDNLA LIGHTING -145-AFVG -DOWNUGHTING &TRACK SYSTEMS . Lighting Cpnsul~t: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA'91325 . . _ Phone 818~343S762 /F~ 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND · Carlsbad Type 02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 611 AFV Open Reflector, Gotham Seri~s Distribution c11.rv_e D1~tribution ·data -__ 9u1p11t.data C1ii;,fficie11t. of utilization Single:luminaire d_ata 30" above floor AFV 131T GAR, (11 PL-S 13W/27 lamp, 0.5 s/mh, 900 rated lumens,.test no. 2194060908 · From·o-ce. Lurii1ns _ Zani _ wm1n_s %limp pf pc SO% 20'.4 70% SO% o· 603 o• .. 30• 280 31.13 _ ew so,r, 30% SO% 30% 50% 30% 140 5• 570 53 o•.40• 404 44.96 1 57 56 56 55 15° 348 103 0"·60" 461 51,31 2 54 52 53 51 280 25° 273 '126 o•-so• 461 51.31 3 51 48 50 ,48 45° 35° 204 125 90°-'180° 0 ·o.o 4 48 45 47 45 420 :.is• 74 56 _0°-180° 461 51.31* 5 45 -42 44 42 55•· 0 2 "Efficiency 6 42 40 42 39 560 65° 0 0 7 40 -37 39· 37 700 75° B 37 34 37 34 as• 9 35 32 35 32 o• so• 10 33 3Q 32 3Q AFV 26DTT !iAR, (11 PL~C 26W(l7 Iamp, 0.7 s/mh, 1800 rated luinens, test no. 2194061002 f Zon1 .wm,ns %lamp pf 20% so• From 0-ce. Lumens pc 80% 70% o• 1121 · _ o·-ao• 600 33.36' pw 50%-30%. SO% 30% 240 5• 1124 103 o•.40• 834 46.39 '1 58 57 57-56 15° 796 227• ·o•.50• 940 52.26 2 55 53 54 ·52 480 25° 588 270 o•.90• 940 52.26 3 52 50 51 49 45• 35• 374 235 so•-150• 0 0.0 4 49 46 48 46 720 45°, 140 104 0°-180° 940 52.261 -5 46 43 46 43 55° 0 ·2 •Efficifin!:v 6 44 41 43 41 960 65~ 0 0 7 41 38 41 38 1200 ,75• 8 3936 .38 36 es• 9 36 33 36 33 o• so• 10 34. 31 34-31, ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 120 Voli'HPF 277VoltHPF 347VoltHPF Maximum Input Maximum Input Maximum Input Lamp ·current watts --current watts curient watts (1) 9TT 0.140 lto 0.170 14.0 0.190 15.0 (1) 13TT/DTT 0.285 17.0 0.340 22.0 0.330 24,0 (1) lBDTT 0.360 24.0 0.170-25.0 0.240' 26.0 (1) 26DTT 0:290 30.0 .0.310 32.0 0.390 38.0 _ Tested to c~rrent IES and NEMAstandards under stabilized laboratory conditions, Varioµs operating factors can cause differences between laboratory data and·actual field measurements. Dimensions and sP.i'Cificatlohs are based on the·most current avai_lable data and are subject to change without notice. · 54 54 51 50 49 47 46 44 44 41 41 39 39 36 36 34 34-32 32 '29 :50% S0%30% 55-54 52 51 50 48 47 45 45 43 42 40 40 38 38 35 36 33 33_ 31 lnitialfc Mount at btim heioht Cariter a· 20.0 10' 10.7 12' 6.7 14'. 4:6-16' 3.3 lnitiallc Mount. it beam height center B' 37.i 10' 19.9 12' 12.4 14' 8.5 16' 6.2- 50% 10% beam anole 3U' beam lnola B0.3' fc II fc at . Beam beim Beain bum diameter edoe diameter edoe 3.1' 10.0 s:3~ 2.0 '4.2' 5.4 12:7' 1.1 5.3' 3.3 16.0' 0.7 6.5! 2.3 19.4' .0.5 7.6' 1.7-22.8' 0.3 50% 10% beam angle 39.4' beam angle ao.1·· fc at le It - Beam baam Beam beam diameter -edoe diamoter e~oe 3.9' .18.5 9.2' 3.7._ 5.4' 10.0 12:6' 2.0 6.8' 6.2 15·0· 1.2_ 8.2' 4.2 ,19:3• 0.8 9.7' 3.1 22.7' 0.6 Conversion Factor Use·multiplie(to determine candlepower, lumens and footca_ndles of other finishes. CR= ,95; GR= .90 145-AFVG f~ LfTHDNfA LIGHTING -DOWNLIGHTING & TRACK SYSTEMS 01994 L!thonla Lighting 7/94 14S.AFV6.PMS Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.~43.5762 /Fro:c 818.343.2041 1615 EAST.ELMORE ST; CRAWFOROSVIUE. INOIANA ,1im;TELEPHONE 317 362·1837, FAX 317 362.go83 , ·IN CANADA: 1100 50TH AVE. LACHINE, OUEeEC H8T2\13, DIVISION OF,N.S.I. HOLDINGS, INC. LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type . D2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Outdoor Sign and Poster Luminaire APPLICATIONS: • Wet location sign light can tie mol!ri!ed in any direction and still operate properly and retain its wet'location approval. • Asymmetric.reflector provides ou\standing·distribution for a,crisp clean appearance. · • Choice of lamps·.allows maximumJlexibility for any application, • Choice of three ballast types for any applic11tion. • U.L. approval for uplighting even iri outdoor applications. Ballast & Elec~rical The SLA may be ordered with or without ballasts:,Fixtures less ballasts may be·wired With any of a wide choice of ballast types available-including the _plastic sign types. A choice of three outdoor ballasts are available from the factory. Other ballasts may pe ordered for indoor use. Ballasts must be remote·mounted no longer than 15' from the.socket:For electronic ballast lead lengths, consult factory. Units are wired witlJ leads in socket housings only. All con\fuit, condulets and. extension wiring are ft.irnjsh~d,by the installing contractor. General Assembly Rellector endblix:l< S.LA Asymmetric Distribution En.d Arm. Mount Type: __ -'--'...,....--"--------------~ Job Description: -""-"'--'---~------------ SPECIFICATIONS: Construction Socket housings are·constructed.of·die-cast aluminum and permit easy access.to tlie so~et and ample splicing room. Full ;;ocket housings on.unit must be used. Neoprene sleeves.a.round sockets provjde weathertight e11closure. Reflector is constructed of extruded !3luminuma11d·is·optically designed to provide maximum illumination. Reflector ends,are·precision die cast with a keyed.shoulder which securely locks.the.refle.c:tor to the socket·ho1Jsing. A simple nut adjustment·gfves the reflector 360° aiming. One inch diameter holes are provided at each end of-.the·reflec(or for drainagE_!. Shielding A "DR" acrylic shield with outsta11d.ihg impact resist11nce is·recom- merided for areas.with temperatures 35°F or lower.'The shield is optional and protects the lanip lor·wind, ensuring prt>per lamp operating temperature. The shield must be specified as shown.in the ordering guide. Finish Exterior finish is anodized diffuse. Optional painted colors are available. lnternal'reflector is high reflectance baked white enamel. Installation. The SL.A may be mounted singly-or in continuous rows. See back of this page· for-a typical layout. · Labels The SLA is-U:L. approved as being:raintight or weatherproofin normal outdoor use •. U:L. approveg for uplighting or downlighting and bears.appropriate·U.L. labels. · • i i -..l 33116" V Socket Musing~ are-thfeaded for standard 3/4" rigid conduit .. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Desig,;i 8132 And~ol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 .. Phone 818.343.5762 /F.ax 818343;2041 3808 North Su!l~n Rd.• Spokane, WA 99216 • (509) 924·70Q0 LEGOLAND Carlsbad 08 C•1umbia Type Fl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FEAti.JRES Die-cast aluminum l<!mpholder housing. Designed for effective heat dissipation and positive light cenrer positio'riing. M ediurn base porcelain socket with-nickeJ-plated·screw shell. • Expandable, self:lockiilil. mo·unting_bars provide· horizonta.l a!Jd vertical. adjustment. _ • Specular clear Alzak• cone finishing trim. Mini- mum flange matches cone finish. White. painted flange optiJnal. ·· • Galvanized steel junction boxwith-bottom~hingefl ·access covers-and-spring latches. Three combis nation 1/2'-3/f knockouts and one 1/2' knockout for-straight-through conduit runs. Capacity: i3'(4 in, 4·out) No. 12 AWG conductors, rated for 75°C. • Therrn11lly-activated insulation detector. • 16-gauge galvanized steef mounting/plaster franie with friction· supp9rt springs to retain fin- ishing trim. Maximum 7/8' ceiling thickness. • Fixtures are UL listed for thru-branch wiring, re- cessed ·mounting .and dainp locations. CSA certi0 fication for shipment'to·Canada. Typ1 C1t1loo number :lncai;idescent Downlights 411 ·R Open Cone R .or PAR i.amp . Q~~ R: 1 7-1/2(19.1) r;:~:=:~t::·-===a=_z .. -=;,~-PAR: 7(17:8) "Alzak b a registered trademark of ALCOA. Aperture: 4·3/8 (11.1) Celling opening: 4-7/8 (12;4) Overlaprrim: • 5-3/8 (13.7), 14 (35.6) 13·1/4 (33.7) An dimensions are inches·(centimetersl ORDERING INFORMATION Choose the boldface catalog nomenclature t~at best suits your needs and.write it on the appropriate line;Order acc:essories as·separate catal~g numbers ,(shipped separately). - R !sets! R Notes: Cone finish . 4AC Clear 4BC Black 4CC Ch_ampagne .gold 4GC Gold 1. Maximum wattage: 50W'PAR2O lamp; 75W R20 lamp. SOT 2TN stepdown transformer (277V fo 120V) • SSC ·Provides compatibilitywitlflithonia Reloc System 820 .. System·820 can be installed less this option·with co11nectors provi~ed ·by others. TRW.White paint~d flange. - (~ L/rHDN/A LIGHTING. -·OOWNUGHTING &TRACK SYSTEMS -- Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · -_ Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax. 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Example: R 4AC Accessories Order as separate catalog.numbers. CTA4 ,Ceiling-thickness adaptor. (Extends mounting frame to accommodate ceiling thickness up to 2· .) · 195-R4 Type D3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. I I I 411 R De~n ·cone, Gotham SerLes, Distribution curve Distribution data Output data· Coeflicieni of utilization Single luminaire data 30" above Uoor R 4AC, SOW R20 lamp, 0.8 s/mh, 440 rated lumens, te~t no. 2188070709 From 0-,cp. (Omens Zone lumens. %lamp pl 20%. 50% 10% pc 80% 50% 30'.4 bum anole 44.0--beam an211 59 s• -o· 586 o•.30• .. 346 . 78.7 e!! SO% 30% SO% 30% 50%30% 206 ·5• 605 58 .0~~40• 369 84.0 1 .98 97 93 92 90 89 lnitlallc fc ll le at Mount at bum Beam bum .Bum bu/11 15° 647 · 169 0°-llo0 '379 86.3 2 94 92 90 88 87 86 herghl center . d11mitei' edge diameter e·dge 400 25° 246 119 o•.90• 379 86.3 3 90 88 ·97 85 85 .SA 5· 19'.4 4.4• 9.7 6.3° 1.9 35° 22 23 .90°-180° o· 0.0 4 87 84 85 82 83 81 600 45° 15 10 0°-1so0 379 86.3* .5 84 80 82 79 80 78 10' l0.4 6:1' 5.2 8.6' 1.0 55° o· 0 •Efficiency 6 81 78 80 77 79 76 12' 6.5 17.7' 3.3 10.9' 0.7 800 65° ,7 78 75 77 74 76 74 14' 4.4 19:3' 2.2 13.2' 0.4 75° ·B 76 73 75 72 74 -71 16' 3.2 1_0.9'' 1.6 15.5' 0.3. 1000 as• 9 73 701 72 69 72 69 o• so• 10 71 68 70 67 70 67 R 4AC, SOW PAR20/NFl lamp, 0.7 s/nih; 1000-rated lumens, test 110. 2188070803· From 00 Ltifflens Zone Lumens 'i41amp pi 20% SO% 10% cp. pc 80% SO% 30%. beam ·angle 39.8" . beam angle S7.S0 o• 1957 o•.30• 892 89.2 pw SO% 30% SO% 30% S0%30% Initial le le at le at 50 1851 175 o•.40• 956 95.6 l 111 91 105103 ·101100 Mount at beam seam beam Beam beam . 15° 1531 419 0°-60° 974 97.5 2: 106103 -101 99 99 97 height . center d!ameter edoe diameter edge 25° 597 297 o•.90• 974 97.5 3. 102 99 99 96 96 94 8' 64.7 .. 6.0' 6.5 4S0 35° 80 64 -90•-1so• 0 0.0 4 98 95 96 93 94 92 4·,o· 32.4 · 1200 45° 25 18 o•,1so0 974 97.5* 5 ·95 91 92 90 91 SB 10' 34.B 5.4' 17.4 8 2' 3.5 1600 55° 0 0 •efficiency 6 92 88 90 87 89 86 J2' 21.7 s:9· 10.8 10;4' 2.2 65° 7 89 85 87 84 86 83' 14' 14.8 8,3' 7.4 12.6' 1.5 2000 75° 8 86 82 85 82 84 81 16' 10.7 9.f 5.4 14.8' 1.1' o· es• 9 83 80 82 79 82 78 so• .10-81 77 8.0 77 79 76 R 4AC, SOW l'AR20/NSP lamp, 0.2 s/mh, 1000.tated lumens, test no. 2188070110 From'oo cp .. rumens -Zone Lumens '%lamp pf . 20% :so14 10% pc 80% SO% 30% beam angle 12.s• beam anOle 33 9• ·o• 6977 o•.30• 839 83.4 .pw S0'.4 30% SO% 30% S0%30% lnrtiallc . le II le at 1400 5• 4405 415 o•.40• 866 86.7 1 100 99 95 94 92 94 Mount at beam Beam beam Bum bum 15° 904 283 o·-so• 875 87;5 2 97 95 92 91 90 89 height center diameter edge diameter edge 2800 25• 273 142 o•.90• 875 87.5 3 94 91 91 89 89 87 45° 35° 33 27 so•-1ao• 0 0.0 4. 91 89 89 87 '87 .·86 8' 124.0 1.6 62.0 4.6 12.4 4200 45° 10 8 -o•,1so0 875 87.5~ 5 89 86 87 85 86 84 10' 77,.3 2.1 38.7 5.8 7.7 55° 0 Q •Efficiency 6 87 84 86 83 85 83 12' 52.8 2.5 26.4 7.0 5.3 5600 65° 7 85 83 84 82 83 81 14' 38.3, .3.0 19.1 8.2 3.8 75° 8 . 84 81 82 80 82 80 16' 29.0 ·3.4 14.5 9.4 2.9 7000 es• 9. 82 79 81 79 80 78 o• -so• 10 80 78 .so 77 79 77 R 4AC, 75W-R20 lamp, LO s/mh, 800 rated lumens, tes\ n9. 2188070710 From 00 lumens Zona Lu'mens %lamp pf. 20% SO% 10% cp pc 80% SO% 30% beam angle S2 3° beam-angle 64.7." o• 751 78 o•.30• 619 . 77.5 .pw. SO% 30%-S0%"30% S0%'30% Initial re · le at . le II 200 5• .812 o•.40• 689 86.1 1 100100 96 95 ·92 92 15° 983 268 Mount atbeam dra!~i: ~~~: Beam bum .0°-60° 716 89.5 2 97 94 92 90 90 _88 ,height 'center diameter edge-400 25° 591 273 o•.90• 716 89.5 3 92 89 89 87 87 85 8' 5:4 7.0 2.5 35° 63 .,69 so• •. 19·0° 0 0.0 4 89 85 86 83 84 82 24.9 12.4 600 45° 34 25 Q"-180° 716 8.9.~· '5, .85 81 83 80 81 79 10' 13.4 7.4 6:7 9:5 1.3 55° 2 2 •Efficiency ,6 82 78 80 77 79 16 12' 8.3 9.3 4.2 12.0 0.8 800 65° 0 0 7 78 75 77 7~ 76 73 14' . ·s.1 11.3 2.8 14.6 0.6 1000 .75• 8 75 72 74 71 73 70 16' 4.1 13.3 2.1 17.1 0.4 ·as• 9 72 68 7-1 68 71 67 o• so• 10 70 66 69. 65 68 65 Tested to current I.ES and NEMA standards under stabliized laboratory conditi!)ns. Various ciperatingJactors .;;i~ cause d,ifferences·lietween laboratory data and actual field measurements. Dimensions and specifications are based on the most'current available data and are sutiject to change without notice. 195-R4 -f ~ LITHONIA LLGH77NG 01989 Lithonia l.ighting, Rev. 7/94 195-R~.PMS Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lightipg De~ign 8132.Andasol Avenue _ ~ . · DOWNLIGHTIN\a & TRACK SY$:r'EMS ,1115 EAST ELMORE ST., CRAWFOROSVIUE. IN>IAW. ~70330 TE1£PHONE 317 362-18370 FAX 317 362°9083 IN CAN,\01.:'1100 50TH AVE. !.!-CHIN!;. QUEBEC HIT 2V3. DIVISION OF N SJ. HOLDINGS. INC. LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type D3 Northridge, CA 91325 · · · · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Installation Data -SLA-8-1961-10 · .. . .. A ·• C 0 E F G H ., ~ L M N Actual readings with the 1: ! ·~ 12" 21 ZS 21 47 1~ 125 100 47 12 21 .. 21 12 i reflector pivoted to give ,r .. ,. .. .. .. 11D .. .. 11 ... __ , . .. 11 most even distribution 1-i-, ~ ·:· ~4· •• :,0 25 .. 15 110 15 .. •• 43 •• •• 24 over a general area: ..... 1D 11 1D 11 ,o --,, •• 11 11 2t ., 2t II ----o-e--F--G-H--r ... ,. 1• t?, 17 •• •• •• 17 17 .. •• :ic 17 A Mounting distance from sign surface -I I I I I ... ---J--K--L--M--N_j_ An appro)Cimation of llgh! output on other lamps and the effects of .I-.,._j_ w.1-••·-1-••·-1 temperature-change may easily be acquired by interpolating these ~eadings onto the typical Jight,output-curves of fluorescent Jamps·in an outdoor environm,enL .. - Mounting.Dimerision·s and lni;tallation Weath,,J!roof ballast 1hown. BaUast 1n boX optionaL r AIIW~connectionstob1tllsiSeldS · must be completed Wllh.,.. ..... ble . n foratleast90'C • • · ......,__,I F-' Ordering Information: Housing · · Note: Housing and.Ballast Box Must Be·Ordered Separately SLA Series I SLA Size 4-4' 6-6' 8-8' 12-12' 16-16' No.ofLanips in Cross Section -1. La_mpTyp11 J . 32 -48", rs; 32 Watt· 48 -48", T12, Slim6J1e OptJonsl -. ·OR -High Impact Lens 481!0 • 4·a·, T12, HiglJ Output 4BVHO • 48", T12, Very High Output' 72 -7'?-", J12, Slim6ne 72HO • 72", T12. H_igh 9ulput ?2VHO • 72", T12;Very H',gh Output 59 • ·95•, rs; 59 Watt" 96 • §6•, T12, Sllmli~e 96HO • 96", T12, High, Output 96VHO • 96", T12, Very High Output 81 uriit with (2) 4'·Jamps consisls of (2) 4' housir,gs wi1h an liltenl!eQiiite. Ordering lhformat1on: Ballast & Weatherproof-Ballast Box Note: Housing-and Ballast Box-Must ee Ordered Separate,fy. ff no ballast is specified unit-will,birshipp!)d.less balla~t and·ballast box. SL_BB- 1 Sign Light Ballast Box No.of Lamps Ballast will Operate 1-0neLariip 2-TwoLalnps LampType SeeAfxtve os. C•iumbia T Voltage 120 • 120V 277 • 2TN 0pliOl)S i,, Blank -C9lumbia Weatherproof Ballast Box, Rectangular, Vertical Mount. 9n1y RO· Weatherproof Ballast Box by Vendor,-Round, Aey Mol!nt position~· . -F0 • Weatherproof Ballast Box by Vendor, Rectangular, Vertical Mpunt 0nly- -weatherproo! baDast boxes 't1f vendOr are not aval1abfe for alt -ballastnamplvoltage combinations. Not available in:TB;Sllmfine and many HOIVHO 277. Contact your Coft.mbfa representative t?efore ordering. 3808 Norjh Sullivan Rd.• ~pol<arie, WA 99216'• (509) 924·7000 ·f ES A---J, ... [ 4' Units -A= 49W (Slimline HO·or VHO) -6' Units -A= 73¼# (Slimline HO-or VH0) 8' Units -A= 97W (Slimline HO or VHO) 4' Units -A= 51 ¼# Rapid Start.Units Ballast Types Order separately ·Standard Ballast Box ·(Blank Option) 'c;:olumbia weatherproof enclosure with standard cold weather ballast. Vertical mounting only. RO (Show as Option) Weatherproof baliast may be mounted in any position. HO & VHO only. For 277V contact factory. FO (Show as Option), Weatherproof ballast • vertical · mounting oniy. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lig];l.ting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325. t.EGOLAND Carlsbad Type Fl Phone 818~343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 696 I I. ·I ' ' I· ,, I ,, I I I I I I I I I Outdoor Sign and Poster Luminaire APPLICATIONS:. • Wet'location sign light-can be mounted:'in any direction and still operate properly and retain its w~t location approval. • Asymm~tric reflect6r-provi9f?S oµtstanding di~tribution -for< a -crl$p clean appearance. • Choice of lamps allows.maximum.flexioility for 13ny,application. • Choice of, three ballast types for i;iny af)plication. • U.L approval for uplighting·even in outdoor applic_ations. Ballast & Electrical The SLA.may be ordered with or without ballasts. Fixtureli less ballasts may be wired with any of a wide choice.of ballast types available including the:plastic sigi:i types.Achoice of three outdoor. ballasts: are available from the factqry. Other ballasts·may be ordered for indoor use. Ballasts must be remote mounted no-longer than 15' from the socket, For electronic ballast lead lengths, c6nsul!'factory. .Units !ire wired. with.leads. in socket housings only. All conduit, ,condulets ancl extension wiring are-furnished by the installing contractor: General Assembly Rellector endlllock SLA Asymmetric Distribution · En.d Arm Mount Type:----"----------------------- Job Description.: --~------'---------- SPECIFICATIONS: Construction Socket housings are const.ructed of die-cast aiuminurn and permit easy·access to tlie socket and ample splicing room. Fun socket hdusings on µnit must be used. Neoprene sleeves· around· sockets provide weathertight, enclosure. Reflector is coristructed of extruded alumirium and is optically designed to provid~ maximum jllumination .. :Reflector ends are·precision die cast with a keyed shoulder which securely lo.ck$ the refleqtorto the socket housing. A simple-nut adjustmenl"gives-thecrE!llector 360° aiming. One inch diameter holes are provided at each end of the reflector ior drainage. Shielding· A "DR' acrylic shield with outstanding imJJactiesistance is recom- mended for areas with temperatures 35°F or lower. The s.hield is · optioni;il and prot~cts the lamp for wind, ensuring proper lamp ,operating temperature. The shield·must be specified as shown in the ordering guicle. · · Finish Exterio'r finish i.s anodized diffuse. Optional painted·colors are available. lriternal reflector is high reflectanc~ baked white enamel. ·1nstallatioit The.SLA may be mounted sirigly·or-in continuous rows .. See bac;k of this page for a typical layout. labels The SLA is U.L approved as being rainiight or weatherproof in normal outdoor use.·U.L approvecl for uplighting or downlig,hting and bears appropriate U.L labels. // ~· 33/lv Sockethqusings are threaded for · standard 3/47 rigid·con~uit. Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting-Design 8132 Andasol A.venue Northridge, CA 91325 . · · Phone 818;343.S762./Fax 818.34~.2011 3808 North Sult[~ Rd:• Spokane, WA 99216 • (509) 924-7000 LEG·OLAND Carlsbad 08 C•Jumbia Type F2 I I I ,, I I I ' I' I I I I- ·I I I. Installation Data -SLA 8-196HO _,, ""';"'' w;• th, . i ! ! , ~ reflector pivoted to giye · ' '-· · . · . . most even distribution · · A ---8 -. -c ~ "-+ over a general area. -I I I ,.. -. --.-. D.....-E ---· -F -. -G;-H -"i-· I J I l I .... ----J---K--L---M--N_:J_ l-.24·-1-2•.·-J-2,--l-2•·-I Moul}ting.Dimenliions and Installation Weit"1r,:,,oolballictsi-n. · BaU•rlonboxootionaL ·, . , . . A• Wi!ing connections to ballast leads must be completld With wire suitable fora11e ... so•c • • '-,,:...._llJ ' Ordering Information: Housing Note: Housing and Ballast.Box Mµst Be Orderect·separately SLA Series I SLA Size 4-4' 6-6' 8-8' 12-12' 16 • 16' No.of lamps in Cross Section 1 Lampfype ·. T Optlonsl . -32......; __ .;._4'-s'-·.-rs-,'3_2_W_att'-,-' DR·· High Impact 48 • 48", T12; SHmline Lens 4BHO • 48", T12, High Output . 4BVHO • 48", T12; Very High Output -72 • 12·, T12, srimllne ·72HO • ,'72.•, T12, High Output - 72VHO • 72", T1?, Very.High Output .59 • 96", T8, 59 Watt• 96 , 96", T12, Slimline 96HO • 96", T12, High Output 96VHO •· 96",.T12; Very l:figh Output s· unit wit!] (2) 4' lamps consists of (2) 4' housings wilh an intermediate. A a C 0 E ;, G H .J K l M. N 12" 21 :zs 21 47 100 125 100 47 12 22 •• 22 12 , ,,r ,. 1' 14 " .. 110 .. "· ,. .. 31 33 II 24• ' 2S 30, •• " IS 1·10 IS " ... " " " 24 ,r '10 11 10 ,. 30 • .. ,o 11 11 .. ., .. II 10" ,, 1~ 1:a, 17 .. ,o_ .. 17 17 .. ?O .. 17 A Mounting distance from sign surface An approximation of lighf output on 0th.er lamps and the;elfects_of temperature change may easily !)e acquired by interpolating the·se readings onto. the typical light output-curves-of. fluorescent lamps in an outdoor.environment. i-A-l . ES A,-.--i---A-i -V K· -ES 4' Units - A = 49¼# (Slimline HO or VHO) 6' Units -A=.73W (Slimline HO or VH,O) 8' Units -A= 97W .(Slimline HO .or VHO) 4' Units -A= 51 W Rapid Start-Units Ballast types Order separately T Standard Ballast Box (Blank Option} Columbia weatherproof enclosure ,with standard cold weather ballast. Vert[9al mounting only. . Ordering Information: Ballast & WeatherprQof Ballast_Box Note: Housing-and-Ballast 'Box Must Be Ordered Separately: If no ballast is specified unit will be shipped less ballast and ballast'box. T RO (Sh.ow as Option) Weatherproof ballast may be mounted in any position. HO & VHO onl),'. For 2nv contact factory. ' SLBB- 1 v_ o_ ftalge Sign light Ballast Box . 120 • 120v 2n • 2TTV No.-oflamps Ballast will Operate 1'-Onelamp ·2 -Two Lamps LampType See Above 08 C•Jumbia Optipt;is ·Blank· Columbia Weatherproof Ballast Box, fleclangular, . : · Vertical MOUi)! Only . ,. RO -Weall\erpioof Ballast Box by Vendor, Round, Any · Mount position .. FO •· Weaiherproof Ballast Box by Vendor, Rectangular, Vertical Mount Only" "-Weatherproof ballast boxes by vendor are not available for all :ballasillampM)ltage comblnations:Not available ln:T8;Slimli11e and many HOIVH0.2n. Coniact your Colooibia representative before ordering. . · · 3808 North Sullivan R!I. •.l:iP9kan11, WA 99216 • l509) 924-7000 31/•~'i r 21¼* Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · LEGOLAND Carlsbad Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 ~ FO (Show as Option) Weatherproof'ballast -vertical mounting only. - Type F2 696 I I I I I I I I I I I I I Outdoor Sign and Poster Luminaire APPLICATIONS: • Wet location sign IJght can be mounted in any direction and still operate properly and retain its-weMocation approval. • Asymmetric reflector provides outstandirig distribution for a crisp clean appearance. • Choice of lamps allows maximum flexibllity for any application. • Choice QI three·ballast types for any application, • U.L. approval for uplighting even in oµtdoor appli~tions. Ballast & 'Electrical The SLA may be ordered with or wjthout ballasts; Fixtures less ballasts may be wired with any of a wide choice of-ballast types available including the.plastic sign types • .A choice of three outdoor ballasts are available from-the factory .. Other ballasts may be·ordered- for indoor use. Bi:111.a~ts must be remote mounted n6 lon_ger than 15' from the socket. For electronic liallast lead lengths, ·consult factory. Units are·wired with leads.in sockethousings only. All-conduit, condulets and extension.wiring are furnished by the·installing contractor. General As$einbly SLA Asymmetric Distribution End Arm Mount Type:.._.-------'"-----,------------- .Job Description: ·---,,...---------------,-- SPECiFICATIONS: Construction Socket housings are constructed of 9ie-cast aluminum and permit easy access to the·socket and ample•splicing rootn. Full SOfket housings on unit.must be used.-l'!eoprene sleeves around sockets provideweathertight enclosure •. Reflector is.constructed of extruded aluminum and is optically designed to provide-maximum illumination. Reflector ends are precision die cast with a keyed should1;1r which securely locks the. reflector to the socket housing. A simple nut adjustment gives the reflector 360? aiming. One inch diameter holes are provided· at-each end of the reflector for drainage. · Shielding A "DR' acrylic shield with-outstanding impact resistance is recom- mended for areas-with temperatures 35°F or !ower. The shield is optional and protects the lamp for wind,.ensuring_proper lamp · operating temperature. Tile shieid-must-be·specified as shown in the ordering guide. Finish Exterior finish is anodized diff\J_Se. Optional·painted colors are available. Internal reflector is·high reflectance baked white enamel. Installation The st.A may be-mounted singly or in continuous rows. See back of this page for _a fypical layout. Labels The Si.A is U.L.approved-as b.eing raintight or.weatherproof-in normal outdoornse. U:L approved for uplighting or downlighting and bears appropriate U.L labels. · Soi:ket hoµsings are threa~ed for standard 3/4" rigid conduit. · Lighting Coll$ultant: Gallegos. Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 '/Fax 818.343:2041 3808 North Sullivan Rd.• SpokaJle, WA 9.9216 • (509) 924-7000 LE·GOLAND Carlsbad 08 C•!umbia Type F3 I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Installation Data, SLA 8-196HO Actual readings with the , . I I t ~ reflector pivoted to give 1 , • '. most even·distribution · Al -·-el --c 1 'i T over a general·area. . T ---o-e--F-G-H~ I I I I I 2 •• --.-J--K-.-L--M--N_j_ I-2•·-I-2,•--l-m-1.. ••·-1 MourJting. Dimensions and lhstailation ~~~1ltl"~'.l:,'i\:l~-.,, ·Al~ connections to bartast teads-must be compJet1d )Vlth,wwe suitable fora11 .. s,90•.c;: --....._! I I -' r1' Ordering Information: Housing Note: Housing and Ballast Box Must Be Ordered Separately SLA Series.I SLA Size 4.4• 6°6' 8-8' 12-12' 16-16' No.of Lamps -1- LampType T 32 • · 4s·. rs, 32 wan· 48 • 48',T12. Slimline Optio.ns.l l;)R • High lr11pact Lens 4BHO • 48", T12, High Qutput, 48VHO • 48",.T12,.Very.H.igh Output 72 • 72"; Tt2, Slimline · 7~HQ • 72", T12,.High Output 72VHO • 72", T12, Very High Output 59 -· 96", rs, 59 wan• 96 , 96", r12, SlimHne 96HO' • 96";T12, High Output in Cross Section . , 96VHO • 96", T12, Very High Output --------------' .S'unit with (2) 4' lamps consists of (2) 4'. housings with. an intermediate. Ordering Information: Ballast & Weatherproof Ballast Bo)( No!e: Housing and Ballast B9x Must !3e Ordered Separately. If no ballast is specified·unit win be shipped less ballast and 'Ballast box. SLBB-1 · T Sigh Light Voltag!! . Ballast·Box 120 '-· 120V 2n • '07V Options· A ~ .. \i ii. E F G H .., K L M N 12" •• 25 21 "7 109 12S 109 ,..,--12 .. .. .. 12 1r· .. " " .. .. 11D .. .. 11 .. .. .. 11 ... 2S •• '!5 .. IS 11D .. ... •• ., ., ., 24 ... 1D 11• 10 11 ... .. •• 11 11 2t ., 2t 11 : w u ~' u· J7 _ 25 :to _21-,r 11 a ,~ _ 2i 11 A Mounting dista.nce from sign s1,1.rface An approximation of light output on other lamps and the e_ttects of temperature change may.easily be,acqulred bY interpolating these readings onto the typical light output curves of fluorescent.lamps In an outi:lcxir.l!.nvir1mme11t, r--A-:----;i--A--1--A-J l -! f . t a a 4' Units -A= 49¼* (Slimline HO or VHO) ~· Units -A= 731/4" (Slimline·HO or VHO) 8' Units -A=·97¼* (Slimline HO orVHO) :4' Uriits -k= 51 ¼* Rapid Start Units Ballast Types Order separately .· Standard ·Ballast Box (Blank Option), Columbia weatherproof, enclosure with standard cold weath!!r ballast. Vertical mounting only. RO-(Show as Option) Weatherproof ballast. may be mot1nted in any position. HO & VHO only •. For 277V contact factory. No.of Lamps Ballast will Op.erate Blar\1(, Columbia Weatherproof Ballast Box, Rectangular, . r FO (Show as Option) Weatherproof ba!lasf. vertical mounting only. 1 • One Lamp 2-Twolamps LampType. SeeAb<Ne 08 c-iumbiQ Lighting Consultant: Vertical Mount Only RO • Weatherproof Ballast Box by Vendor, Round, Aey Mount position•• FO • Weatherproof Ballast Box by Vendor, Rectangul;lr, Vertical Mount Onty•• .. Weatherproof balast boxes 'ay vendor are not 8'13nable forall b.allastllamp,'voltage combinations. Not available In: 18, Slimline and many l;lOIVHO 2TT. Conta.CI your Columbia representative before ordering. 3808 North Syllivan R~: • ~lqlne, WA 99216 • (509)·~4-7000 GaJ.Iegos Lighting Design LEGOLAND Carlsbad 8132 Andasol Aven,ue · N orthridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.i041 .Type F3 696 I I I ,, ,, I I I 1, I I I I I- I I ( '· FEATURES: • Available-18"' or 24"'. • Heavy die .formec;I steel channel. • Snap-on cover. No too.ls required. No hc1crdware to lose. • Rotary lock lamphQlders for positive lamp contact. • Pre-heat fixtures-have starters. • Channel ends douole as joiners. • Individual or row mounting. Surface· or suspended. Cross Section CHl.5-1 CH2-1 ONE LAMP CHANNEL PRE-HEAT -TRIGGER START Type:_-'-------------,--,------- Job.bescription:·.------'---------- SP!;CIFICATiONS: Ballasts , 1·5 and 20 watt b;illasts are Trigger Start, low power factor, Class P,·U.L listed. 15'and 20 watt Pre-Heat ballastsare low power factor, core and cofl, U.L listed. 17 watt TS ballasts are high-power factor. Housing . Die formed steel. Finish All parts.pre-painted wi!h high gloss baked white enamel, · minimum reflectance 86%, applied over iron phosphate pre- treatmerit, for·maximum adhesion.l!nd rust resistance. Labels All iixtures.c;irry the U.L lat,el. (CSA approval available. Use Suffix "CSA"). • 7/1s /¾*DIA. C0Nt;t::N I HIG KNOCKOUTS 3·3/,s*~ 2½:~· r-•½~s-7· . awf r-•w_; . . . 1 . . (Q) . -r . t t t, I I "N O 1131, # · . ! ! ! . . . ! , 1 (' . · . ~~PLATE -f ·±-----t-----l-·-E-f------f--~----+--a¼."' -cc--,-r-. A A A A . ~ A -7/8* Diameter Knockout Note: All dimensions:are in inches; dimen~ions are subject to change withollt notice. ·Please consult factory or check_sample for verificatiqn. Mounting D~ta . -rti34 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design . 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343:5762 /Fax SiS.343.2041 · Acces~ory Reflectors ,CHRA2 CHR2 3808 NOrlh SulliY\ln f!d. • Spol<!lne, WA 99216 • (509) 92407000 LEGOLAND Carlsbad C24 C•!umbia Type F4 I I I I I I I I ,, I I I I I I I Coefficients of UUlization Floor Ref!J>C!ance • .20 C•Jumbia 'MMIN7ll00 C, Zcnal ~Yily Method ,O .. ZfflltmOl ........... ~.,....~-11 0 "' Environment.II µiboratc,ries- M:l!'OAT • ll:S49 Ll,'IJMUIEt D.IITE1 211:,,, .. CHZ-120 24• X :S•:S/1•• SJNGl.E ,L,... INSTANT STMT HIGH P'OWDI l'ACTDllt SntlP' IALLAST1 ..,...,~201 LN'Pl ,2on2v1A&:.. ,...;.,' ~,,, W,'11S1 :n LAl'PS MTEDAT 1240 LU1ENS E"CH LUl'IINOUS Mt£A, ... :s.1., a, ~LECTANCi:1 IWC1 .IIO 'St NOUNTJNG1 "£'.NIW'IIT/._..,.~E C'J s, ...... , ,-..... 1.2, HOlffl 1 •• , SHJlLDINGi PMtL 0 -0 , .. ,- 0 C III H O L t ,-o·w t Ill : 0£0 0 .... o-67.) •• ; z 0 171. 171. 111. 171. 171. •' • 170. 170. 1,,. 171. 1,0 • : .. lb4. 1 .. ,. 16"• 171. 172. ,-. .... ,. u2. 1,, . t••· 17,4. 177,. ,I --· .. ... .. 1::s:s. 141 • 161. 177. ,n:s. 0 .. 111. ,, ... , ... 100. 188. :-.. u . 100. 1,0 •. 1e1 .. 190. ' C. I Cl) .. ... ,.-. 142.-177 • '"· : cc 7> ... ... '12, • 1••-177 • ' ... .. ... 110 • 1••· H2. ' 0 .. .. .,_ 10,. 144 • ·1,a • I .::: •• .. .,. 10:i.. 144 • 1,7. I , .. .. ... ... 1:S4 • 147 • I iii uo .. ... , ... 107 • 11•. : E ... .. .. ... , .. n, ' ... .. o. .. . ... . .. 0 ... .. 0 .. 12 • 1• • ' 0 ... .. .. .. .. . . ' , .. .. .. .. .. o • ,: •, .c 170 o • .. .. .. .•. : . a. 180 .. 0~ o. o • o. • -. ?ONA!. su,,wtlY ihh pi,c.tO:..tric iHt .,.,i• i,,ert.;...._ lCINC LU'CNS L-,,-IXT uslnt"• &Mei Uc lt.Slaat I ·1-P ca.bl-o-30 uo. u.::s. 12.1 naUor,. lhtrApoJauon· •' tt,••• lf•t• tor o-40 240. , .... 20,7 .t,,.,. ~•llast , IMP c: .. HftaUDl"I& -· o-60 499. :S9.3 42.0 ::c-::·, ::::-:· .::~£!:"· ,/ti;t!·:!::! ... .. e,2 • 61.7 7:S.3 .-C,.120 2,:s • 20.4 21.7 out...,t raUnt •••lttWlf ta ttw 1-,t•I .,. 't<>-130 .... 23.4 24'•• tD t.N CMKll•pa:,,..,-v:.ho1•• •"-• 't0-1'0 :uo. 2:,,.0 2 •• , -L1,1ainair• lttUcacy raUn1 fl.lNI 't0-1110 :uo. 2:,,.0 26.7 .., ..... ,LU•lff3.' ~ 0-180 U.62. 93.7 100.0 THTED IYI ~ i1W'PMJYED STI U:111 ,a ,s-34 rnr,.... '" AC:c.0111DAHCE TQ·CUMDff-.1.,.s • ....._.m,t[D ~, Ordering Information Example: CH2-120-L 120-GLR --~ 1 CH ... , .. 1 -r--c--~ CH Size 1.5-18# (1.5') 2 • 2' (24") No.(lf Lamps in Cross Section 1-0ne .. Ballast ei_ank · High Pow~r Factor :;: ca ~ ;:: :::, --0 Ill -C 'tll u ·= ·tll 0 0 ca .... ca C '>, e> Cl) C w Lamp Type ·PH • Low Power Factor Pre-Heat 15 • 18#, T12, 15 Watt 17 • 2', TS, 17 Watt 20 • 2'., T12, 20 Watt L -Low Power Factor, TrigQ!lr Start . OCT-Magnetic TS Qctron For a specific ballas_t vendor, show as option. RC 80 70 50 0 RW. 70 50 3_0 10_ ,70 50 30 10 50 30 . 10 0 1 93 87 ,82 78 88 83 78 74' 74 70 67 51 2, 83 74 66 60 78 70 63 57 ,53 57 52 40 3 75 64 56 49 71 61 53 47, 54 48 43 32 4 68 5_6 47 '40 64 53 45 39 48 41 35 26 5 62 49 40 33 58' 46 ~8 32 42 35 29 21 6 57 43 35 28 53 41 33 27 37 30 25 18 7 52 39 30 24 49 _37 29 23 33 26 21 15 8 48 35 26 21 45 33 25 20 '30 -23 18 13 9 44 31 23 18 42 -30 22 f7 27 20 16 11 10 41 ?8 ?1 15 39 27 20 15 24 18 14 9 LER: FS-34 'Energy Cost: $7.06* lnp1,1tWatts: 26 BF: .75 The above eriergy·calculations were conducted·using"a specific lamP./ballast combination. Actual results-may vary depending upon the lamp-and ballast used. Lamp arid-bail~st specifications are subject to change without notice. - ·comparative annual lighting energy cost per 1000 lumens based ori'3000 hours and $0.08 per KWH. - Voltage 120 -12civ 277-277V 347,347V Channel Options GLR, -Fast Blow Fuse GMF -Slow Blow Fuse ,_ CSA -Approved, Canadian Standards Association PAF -f>aintAfterFabricalion ,channel Acce,ssories, Order Separately ITB4 -Ranger for-close mounting cm-a Tee Ba_r Ceiling -CHRA2 -2' Asymmetric Reflector CHij2· • -2' Sym!lletric·Reflector , CS2 _ -M~i!Jtains 1-1/2" space whep-rnounted to outlet box. CHWG2, 2' Wire Guard For complet!) list of-options and accessories, see options and accel!S()ries sectiQn. C24 C•Jumbia 3!!08 ~or1h Sullivan Rd • .; Spokan!', WA 99216 • (509) 924-7000 Lighting (;onsultant _ Gallegos Lighting'Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, "CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /F~ 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad C596 Type F4 I I I I ,, I I I I I I I, 1: I ,, I FEATURES: • Available 2', 3', 4' or 8'. • Heavy dle formed steel ch-3.nnel. • Rotary lock lampholders for positive lamp contact. • Channel ends double as joiners. • Individual or row mounting. Surface or suspended. • Ballast, covers on 4' arid 8' units are secured with V4-tu'rn fasteners. Cross Section cs2-1, csa-1 CS4-1, CSB-1 STRAIGHTLiNER CHANNEL, ONE LA..MP TS & RS Type:---------------- Job Descriptic:m: ------------------- SPECIFICATIONS: Ballasts Energy efficient ballasts,are thermally protected, automatic resetting, Class P, high powerfactor, CBM, souncj rated A, uoless otherwise specified.,20 watt ballasts-are trigger start, low powerfactor,·Class P. All are U.L listed. - Housing . Die formed s1eel with heat· sink embossments for cooler running ballasts. Sockef ~addles,are factory installed. Finisl_i, All parts pre0painted with high gloss baked white enamel, minimum reflectance &6%, applied over iron ph9sphate pre- treatment for maximum adhesion and rust resistance. Labels -. All'fi~ures carry the U.L l!!bel. 2', 3,' and 4' units are listed for use on combustible lo~ density, cellt,dose fiberboard.ceilings. (CSA approval ayail~ble. Use Suffix "CSA"). (HPF only). , · 96 .. -------=-,---+t -.ji-'_:l-=,....;:-_4_':::·,,~;:==::::.-=---··1..,.1§','l ... ::=::;~,,.,:...::l--,....==3=1'·t .. =;;====-;-;_,-_-_-___ 4~::' ... ,_t~~ 'f+: 1 .. ++·~ :,• 're---¥,·. -/,~ ~ "---'-------'---+' --2-4 .. --"",+l_:------2-4#"---i--_·-4-8_# __ 1 .. ~.:iy A -7/8# 'Diameter Knockout B -.570 x .656 Strain'Relie!Knockout F --2" Diameter. Knockout R -11/1 Et Diameter Knockoi,rt Note 1: All Non-Shielded (strip) fixtures -t>_educ:t 111:sw from _oveiall dimension fur continuou_s row mounting. pimensiolis-shown include en_d panel. Mounting Data CSZTF Flush Mount Lighting Consultant: CSZT 1-1/2"'Space · Gallegos Lig~ting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, C~ 91325 Phone 818.343.576~ /Fax 818.343.204i CSTH SligeClamp · Tong, Hanger , Accessories CSWG4 Wire Guards CSWG3 Wire Guards . · CSR4 ~' .J1 CSRA4. ~Reflector, C1 _ 3808 Nonh Sullivan Rd.• Spokane, WA 99216 • (509) 924•7000 C•lumbia L_EGOLAND . Carlsbad Type- F4a, F4b, F4c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, I I 0 I() ... .. 0 C. C2I C: I.) i E .s 0 .c Q. rE1 LSI La_boratories mm.t ~T-Slra1179 ca.nnn_ TUT at:POlr ,ro. LSI11150 COLUNltA 4 FOOT l'fUPL[GKT t,uttlNAil?: CATALOG IM'fltl CH .. U:i•lll•PAF' _ VlllTE PAINTED luu:ct'Ok ,ONt F0l2/41JC rt.U0aESCb'T·LAH1'. LUJ'!ltN UTINO •·HOO Uflo tBT' .S~U-120•1/3~ISut lu.i.AIT OtEL\tlNG AT 120 VA.!=, AND lO.O WAtTS AHCLt .\I.Oft<. .. .. l5'1l 40l'J .. 131' 4219 •• 2n, 411'1 " 21,, 5~15 •5 ... ,11, CMPl;,EPOWEI S'""'!j 011TP"1' 'LuttENI AJIOLt AL,OIIG 22.s 45 ,7.5 ,.Cll:011 1.eaoSi 4520 5075 5145 ,, .. nu 0 so,. so, ... 500 505 • "' "' 505" . ., ,o, ... ,. ... ,., 500 ... 510 '" 2' "' 4'5 05 '!503 "' 221 ,. ... ,., "' 07 '" 211 .. "' '" '" ... 507 llo' 5. .., ,., ,,. ,11 ... "' .. tH· ,241· '" ... 477 '" -" ,, '" , .. '" "' 301 .. u 111 2lS 3'0 "' 242 ,o -. "-221' '" ,., .. • 105 232 '" ,., 23' 105 -• 27 ... ,., 350· 110 115 o. • .. m 212 .. 125 " • ·-0 23 51 " 135 • • • 0 0 0 145 0 •-0 • -0 • ,., .. • • } . 0 "' 0 0 0 0 0 '" . • • 0 • 0 110 • 0 • ! .. ,ZOfCt ....... . ...... 'LWlJfAla£ o-Jo "' ·u.2s 14.tJ 0•40 701 2c;i, :U.35 o-,o 137' n.s, ,,.,s O•IO 22'2 11.02 n.n 40•t0 1561 53.U 56.42 ;~r~:o .. , 30.4'~ 31.'2 so•: 17.3' 11.2J 0:-110 2167 n.u 100.00• ·: EFf'IClDCY -n.n •• ~PAJ:ln', atn.tc1'»tc:C' ~ .H 1/tnl • 1 • 5 -SCIALOMGJ • l;J. ICCltCIOIIJ • la5 ~tnpto-lY: ~C:"'J.iJ4lf,. =~:,. 1'U HEPAatD FOAt ·cat.UNllA LtCHTtJIC StolCA.,t. IIA TESTED AC.'COltDDfC TO IES .n.oc::mntES. TEST D?STAH:E EXCD'l)S Pl\'Z TIMES 'l'H& CU1.ffS'1" L1.HUt0US OP~ or. LCIIIio.D.E: -Coefficients of.Utilization C . Zonal Cavity Method_ Floor Relleclance -.20 ~ RC 80 70 50 0 ca ·Rw 70 50 30 10 70 -50· 30 10 50-30 10 0 ~ 1 97 91 86 81-92 87 83 78 80 76 73 59 $ -2 87 78 70 64 83 74 67 61 68 62 57 47 -o 3 78 67 59 52 75 64 57 50. 59 53 47 38 !!l 4 71 59 50 43 68 57 48 42 52 45. 39 32· .C 5 65 52 42 -35 61 49 41 35 45 38 33 26 Cl 6 59 46 37 30 56 44 35 29 40 33 28 -22 ·c:; lE 7 55 41 32 26 52 39 31 25 36 29 24 19 _ C2I 8 '50 37 28 22 48 35-27 22 32 25 20 16 0 9 46 33 25 19 44 32 24 19 29 22 18 14 0-10 43 30 22 17 41 29 21· 16 27 ?O 15 12 LER: FS·S~ Energy Cost: $2.82* Input Watts: 30 BF:.92 ca :; The al;>ove energy calculations Were conducted using a Q >, specific.lamp/ballast combination. Actual results may C) vary depending upon the·lamp·and ballast used. ·Lamp .. C2I and ballast specifications are subject to change without C w notice. •comparative ~nual lighting energy cost per 1000 lumens based 011 ·3000 ho4rs and,$0.os ·per. KWH. Ordering Information Example: CS8-132-EBS1io-EL, C1 cs :r cs Size 2·2' 3.3• 4.4• 8-8' No.of lamps --'- in Cross Se_clion 1-0ne LampType 40 • 4', T12, 40 Watt 32 • 4', TS,"32 Watt 30 • 3', T12, 30Watt 25 • 3', TS, 25 Watt 20 • 2', T12, 20 Watt 17 • 2', TS, 17Watt 1 ------ Ballas_t I -- Bl~nk • HP_F, Non Energy-Saving PH • Pre-heat·(2' only) L • Low Power Factor LE . • Energy Saving Magnetic T12 Z _ • Zero Degree MagnelicT12* EB12 • Electronic T12 EB12LH • Electronic T12 <10%-THD EBB • Electronic TS (B' oniy) EBBLH· ElectronicTS <10% THO (8' only) For,a specific _ballast vendor, show as option. • Not for use with energy.saving lamp~. For complete list-of options and·acces~9ries, s11e-options and accessories section.- C•~umbia · 3808 North ~ulliwn Rd.• Spokane, W.1!! 99216 • (509) 924-7000 T Voltage 126 • 120\/ 2n-2,i1V Strip·& Ch~nnel Options GlR. • Fast BldtrFuse GMF --Slow Blow Fuse El • Emergency Battery-Pack . BC • Branch Circuit Plug-on Wiring System. See options section for details. CSA •· Approved, Canadian Standards Assoc;iation PAF • Paint After FabriC!ition StriP, &·Channel Accessories ·Order Separ~t~ty ITB4 • -Hanger for close mqunting on a Tee Bar C!!ili_ng CS;zTF· ZiP Tee Hanger· flu~l\ mount on Tee Bar Ceiling CSZT • Zip-T11e Hanger· 1 • 112"' spacer on Tee-Bar-Ceiling CSTH • Slide Tong Hanger with 7/8# hole CSWG4 • 4' Wire Guard, 2 r_equired for 8' fixture CSWG3 • 3' Wire-Guaro CSRA4 • 4' Asymmetric Reflector ~R4 . • 4' Symrpetric R.e~ector C596 -Light:4tg Consultant: Gallegos Ljghting Design· 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA·91325 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type F4a, F4b, F4c Phone 818.343.57.62 /Fax 818.343.2041 -... - ~ "dz~ C')~ 5ij~~g-; f ~010Q as:~in ci,(Yq I» t-4 0 ~ Ill tn .... ~ t () e..~ s:: tn >~g-g ?]~a'!rr W-S:: .._, :-,.,~ Ill Ill 'T.HII fll -~ ~-~ ~ w t ~ 't:"'4 n -t,:j = -~ :::!.O fl.I t"'4 i·>·· c.z ·t::, ~ ~~ 01 "0 t"0 ---) ... -- Lighting the Outdoors Small outdoor Lighting the Vertical: Downward 1 8 Scale -fr-A r~ . 3" · . B -:x-~:: .(7~). C ",--•••••---~•J'n ~~ ~ ~-~-::; ... > .. ---.. a::================:::o ~~}1uor;s~ent • , '•y, ,. Upward r-#'----... ______ . ___ _ ------~o ---c::::d) o.1 4-5/8" t.. '1 (,117n\m) r ~ Length (see-chart) -~ 1-1/2" o.1 (38mm)'1 ~ Uplighting 1:8 Scale ~ D ,--·-· ._ ___ _ ~ I.. 1-1/2" r(38mm) D E Cove 1:12Scale -c l ' 8''M· ,· -~-. J (203;;.) . . H G ..L . . . ..L. Varies, ·3.1/2" Min.~Va:ieswith. (8~) . s1ghU\ne . . -c 2-1/2" Min,1. .J Varies, (64mm) r '1· -7" Min, t.. · · 1110inm) r Lamp Length · · Lenoih (center tci .center of hubs) ' 1 X 2' 24-15/16" (633mm) , 1 x3' 36-3/4' (933mm) ·1 x4' 48-1/2' (1232mm) 1 X 5' . · 60-1/2' (1537mm) . 2x 3' . 72-1/2" (1842mm) 2 x4: 96-1/2" (2451mm) '2x5' . 120·1/2"·(3061mm)' t~P~C)_t~.~~ilO!'~ ~~1~~~=1.~J1 J~:1~;i~i:7·~ ;~~·::.~~: :1 •• f >i/;\~: ~ ~~\~t::;f~itf~J~f~::i(f~~%lY;J1}i-r::-1~~iSf:]~fil1 A 112· rigid conduit C Oie-c11st end plates supports (by others) D Acr_ylic snap-on lens e Machiried aluminum·· with· EPDM gasket mounting hubs with E Sp!!cular extruded o-ring gaskets (ordered aluminum reflect9r separately) . Fh:ilsh: . . Painted,housing and end plates-with black-reveal-plates. Mouniing-huqs (ordered separately) finished black. Snap-on lens -composite of impact resistant and·UV st<!bilized acrylic. EPDM gasket fpr wati¥rti_ght operation facing upward or downward, Painted surfaces, 6 stage.pretreatment and electrostalically <!PPlied.t;,aked:po_wder,er;iamel-foi stable, long la~ting ·and corrosion resistant' fini~h. · · Reflectqr -extruded. high purity aluminum with clear'.anodized specular finish. All-l'uminaire,hardware --stai'nless steel. Mounting: Machined aluminum mounting hubs (ordered separately) with internal 1/2' NPT thread for use with 1/2" rigid·conduit supports (by others). Specify intermediate and· end hubs. Reflector. is a_djuslable and·may be oriented upward or downward, Aiming is-locked in position with set screws-in-the hubs. · 6/97 F Aluminum reveal H' 8emote ballast in plates (black) -weatherproo_f -G Architectural qove (for all,!niinurri,enclosure desif;Jn guidance, -see J Junction·b.oxes, liquid . Appllcatic;,hs 'Section) light .fl~xibl~ conduit ,md 'fittings (by others) Electricai: Use 90°C wiie for supply connections. ,Remote ·electronic HPF thermally protected•.class· P ballast rated !cir 0°F starting, Aluminum weatherproof'ballast enclosure suppl[Ejd with )hree· 7/8" diameter co,nduit. entries and one-connector !cir-liquid tight flexible conduit, 7' (2.1 m) wire leads exit end· oi reflector, Maximum wire length,between remote.ballast .and fixture Is 7' for two-lamp reflectors and'12' for one-lamp reflectors. For complete ballast specificatjons, s~e ;,ccessories Section. Standard: . UL listed or CSA certified for wet locations. _, --f -- Style 151 . .. i='~atures _ .. ' .~: .. ,' . :~:. ~;,· '_ • TS for-pr(!!cise optic_al·control -unequaled uniformity for lighting signs. facades, canopies from minimal setbacks •· Snap-oh impact and UV resistant acrylic lens·with EPDM gaskets -watertight for·up and down orientations . • Durable aluminum construction , extruded reflector, die-i:asi end plates;machined hubs, powderqoat fin_i~h Performance : Two parabolic reflector sections drive lighl'acro$S the surface. An elliptical section redirec/s-its light·to.a_parabola.aJ1d.shields the lamp from·r\ormal·viewing angles. The las/'"runback· minimizes glare.and spill light. Asymmetry of the· beam is maximized resulting. in high beam efficiency and superior surface uniformity. Consult sales representative for photometric information For complete-photometrics, see lndqo_r Applications Section. elliptipar -- - l:'"4 ;q z ~ e1<§: 0~1-,J~g-~ ~ >~ OQ Ct) 6: l i (')· .. OQ Ill j:-1·0 5lO ti) Ill .... = w, 0 OQ fl> t; n > &. e. Ut>~::slii ~\0tllOQ& N~~Cj ~~ti) ~ ~ . c§' ~ ~ ~ ~ >.--l t""' (j t;rj ~-C'} :lO I'll t"" i> c:i. :z ~ ~-~ (SI -0 ('0 - --· .. -To Order To form a Catalog Number £J 1,5, 11-T, , , j-J:!j-___i__l-_J-_i__J_J 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 .. 1 . Sou·rce F = Linear fluorescent :2 $~yle 151 = Small outdoor, remote qallast , ,~_-.Lamp T _J~ a;'lampCode I ,, Lamp Wattage·(see.chart below) Reflector Configuratio·n, specify 1, ·2 or·3 (see chart below) · Example: T328 = tw9 nominal 4' reflectors: ea\:h.for use with one 28W,TS-tamp; one_2·I"!mp.ballast Re;,ector Configuration • c;::::J 1·lamp Ballast . I ...... ~..... ... t ~-p · 1 ·Li""P Relle<;tor . . c::::::J 2·lamp.Ballast' 2 I rr· .......• . · · .;,. . ,.Lamp_Re!lector 3 r··:·_··w··::~~·-··:~ 2:uainp ~allast ... .. 1·l~rt:P Rellector 1 ;Lamp Reflect~,r '[Iamp'Wa~ag_e l:ampLength i_ l::ampNumber TS. Fluorescent 14 2' .,, F14TS ~1 3·: .. f'21TS-. 28 4' F28TS 35 5-'. . F3STS. TS'HO Fluorescent.• 24 2' f:24T5/HO 39 3', F39.TS/HO' 55 4'. F55TS/HO' SQ s: . F80T5/HO For complete lamp.and ballast information. ·see Accessories Section. Standard TS lamp color is 3000K / 80+ CAI. . • Consui1 ~ales represe~tallye for ava,lability of TS HO. elliptipar· - ------: --.. .:_, -~t~~~i;=-:::~-~r::~~~r•: ':-<~)/3:~;~;y:,fi·,~-~A\,:~·:~ :v•,) ,',' : ,:'< .,: : -~~i!~/1. 5 ~ ':{~ Project: 4 Mounting H ·= Fbr use with end and intermediate mounting hubs (order separately) with internal 1/2" NPT thread ,(1/2' rigid conduit supports by others). ~" Finish. 02 -06 07 Semi.gloss white 011rk bronze Silver 08 12 Ne>te: Mounting hubs finished·btack. ;6 Voltage/Ballast· Electronic 1 = 120V 2 = 277V 3 = 347\/.(Cariada)" Semi.gloss black Green • Cf>nsult sales representative for ailailabiiity of'347V for 2' and-3' rs; and all TS HO.. . ~1~ OptiQn 00 = .No options XX= For rnodificat,ion.not Ii.sled, include detailed description. . Coosult'.factory prior to specification. ; .. ~.: ~ta11dard 0 = UL, Underwriters Laborator.ies J = · CSA, Canadian Standards Associaiion ' " .,~ •<,:•.r,~5<!:'4'~+')'' 'f"',N,, f•')fl <t',~"=J ,~1._':"'>c;.,'w, 'f,l"-4.~;:.;~ r -::-,.--:_,"'.i," : Example t' h~/~-'-;/4.·~=·,f:r-~1--: .}:;{/ ~{t ,:ji:~?? ;~~f,,:~-~1~t*;;~1~ : • r-, \' J .-", '., I ,..-,,,.:i:,f1o,•,.'t> .-" ~-~,c,,• .,,i,.;,<" '.<M,:,.;.,_,,'<,,(~"'i,.'~,(t,~:::..'wo-v;,_f.,.,.. F151 -ti21 -·.H -1~ -1 -000, Small ouidoor model for use with two 21W TS liuorescent l~mps in nominat-6 .. foot refl(lctpr, For .use with mounting' hubs (1/2' rigid conduit supports by others): Green housing and end·plates with snap.on acrylic lens. Remote 2·Iamp 120V eleclionic ballast in weatherproof enclosure. UL. (Order end,and iniermediate mounting ~ubs separately.) elliptlpar . 114 Orange Avenue.West Haven, Connecticut 06516, USA Voice 203 931 4455 • Fax 203:9~1.4464 Type: ::.M~~hJJ!i~ J~~~~: <r/\i': .-:·. ?::/i.,\ ~;:/~ :/ :h ~ For individually mounted luminaires, order two end hubs for each reflector. For a continuous row, order two end hubs. To determine the quantity of interrm:idiate·hubs, total the number _of reflectors in the·row and subtract-one. Example: a row of five reflectors requires 2 end hubs and 4 intermediate.hubs. Note: In determining hub qu<!ntiti_es, treat Reflector Config1Jration. 3 as-lwo-r.eflectors. · HOA08000 HOBOBOOO Intermediate.mounting hub, semi.gloss black, internal 1/2' NPT'thread-( 1 ,w rigid conduit . supports by.others) Ehd mounting hub, semi.gloss black, internal 1/2: ,NPT thread (1/2'-rigid conduit supports by oth_ers) ---1:r " " " " t. :: . •':fu-.c; .i ........ -.. ...... ~r ~ :: H " t :: , .... .,, -:~";> tA!:~iffir1;·,:1/i\:Ifl{{z~i;t~s:~~11:~t\r~;Jti1~ Order separately. ~ee.Accessorjes Section for specificaiions. AFKOOQX' .J = Ballast fuse kit ~ O·=UL V . .,.,.. J = CSA The external shapes of the asymmelric refleclors are lrademarks of elllpilpar. Cettain p,oiJucls iffuslrared'may be. covered by applicalile parenls and palenls pending. For a 'list of palenls, see Contenls -pages. These specnicat,ons supersede all prior pubt,calions anq afe subjecqo change wi1houtno1ice. ©1997 elllptlpar, - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I WINDOW. BOX FIXTURE Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting De~ign 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGO LAND· Carlsbad: Type Jl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · WINDOW BOX FIXTURE Lighting·Consultant Gallegos Lighting Desfgrt 8132 Andasol Avenue . · Northridge, CA 913~ . Phone 818.343.5762-/Fax 818.343.2()41 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type Jl I I ,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9100 s·ERIES HID· TYPE----------------"'-- FLUSH MOUNTED· UP-LIGHTS ---MODEL #: _____ ...._ ______ __,.....,..--------------' DESCRIPTION: The 9100 Series HID flush mounted Up-lights·represent the state-of-the-art in flush light ccinstrllctiori. These multi-purpose modular units are dE;1signed·fot flush _ mounting in planting areas or in concrete, .and-are' used . · for illuminating building-facades, walls, trees, and similar applications. The lamp module and power control modules are-factory sealed, therm.ally protected, and connected by submersible rated connectors. Round or square bo<;ly styles are.·available; STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: DQOR FINiSH: Cast aluminum or cast bronze that locks the lamp housing ·into the Rough-In Section with a single tamgerproof stainless.steel-fastener. · ROUGH-IN SECTION: Injection moldetl ABS, U.V. "stabilized, impact and.corrosion resistant for.u!ie in all_ types of environments. LAMP MODULE HOUSING: Stainless steel, sealed and purged.of'all moisture to -100°F. Electric;:al·access to lamp.module is done through suf?mersible .rated connector .. THERMALLY PROTECTED. POWER MODU[E: Sealed:.(mit encapsulated in an engineered composite resin to eliminate all.water entry. LAMP TYPES:. E-17, A-23, R-40, PAR-38 larripswith medium bases to 175 Watt maximum. If a: specific 'lamp is-desired, specify manufacturer's lamp number, most lamps can be supplied. LAMP INCLUDED. VOLTAGES: 120V, 208\7, 240V, 277V are available>in most lamp types. Spme. restrictions may apply. LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: The Spot Reflector is specular spun aluminum. The Wide Flood Reflector is diffuse spun aluminum and the Wall Wash Reilector is · diffuse hydrblormed aluminum. The Spot and'Flood _ .Reflector assemblies have.15° of internal lamp tilt on a 360° axis of rotation. Lamp tilt is not-required for the Wall Wash uriits. The lenses are clear tempered:flat glass. Convex lenses are available. THE COMMON LIGJ:IT DISTRIBUTIONS ARE: SPOT= 7° spread; WFL = ·140•·5pread; ·NFL= 30° spread; MFL = 60° spread; WW = 1 o to 1 Uniformity Ratio. Reflectorizeo lamp-distributions vary depending-on. manufacturer. Check Photometric Sheets. C.ONDUIT ENTRll;S: 1/2" and 314" NPT'13ottom openings are available-in.the cast aluminum integrai Junction Box. Suitable for the thru-branch wiring. This. box has 24 cupic inches.of volume. ACCESSORIES: See Accessory Sheet for construction details. NOTE: HY OREL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE, ANY SPECIFICATIO~ WITHOUT NOTICE. DIMENSIONS: 91~0 MODEL Square_ WALL-WASH 18" 91QO MODEL Round U.LLISTED _ PATENT PENDING ,. ..... , 4'(;:~ 12881 BRADLEY AVEl\!UE, :YlMAR, CALIFORNIA 913'12 • PHONE: 818/362·9'165 • FAX:_818/362-65'18 H u~~-L LTG-9100 HID -~~c ~ Lighting Cqnsultant: Gallegos Lighting.Design 8132 Andasol Ave1,1ue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 81$.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Replaces 03192 Type Lls,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIXTURE OPTIONS:· FIXTURE SERIES/ FOOTPRINT STYLES: 9100: 12" -Round 9150: 12" -Square @ DOOR MATERIALS: A = Cast Aluminum B Cast Bronze AB = Black Aluminum @ LAMP TYPES: MV50, 75, 100, 175 MH50, 70, 100, 150, 175 HPS50, 70,100,150 @ VOLTAGES: LAMP INCLUDED 120V, 208V, 240V, 277V , (Some restrictions majr apply.for·some 1ainp types.) , @ LIGHT DISmlBUTIONS: SP Spot Reflector with Clear Flat Lens. NFL • Specular Reflector with 30° Spread Flat:Lens MFL z Diffuse Reflector with Cl~a:r Flat LEins WFL Diffuse Reflector with frosted Flat Lens TSP z 1 o• tilt 'Flat Lens•with. Spot Reflector WW -Wall Wash Rellecior with 5° axial Spread Flat Lens ASP • Reflectorized 'Spot Lamp·with Clear Flat Laris . RFL • Rellectorized Flood Lamp with Clear Flat Lens XXX -Other lamps or tenses on· request @ CONDUIT ENTRIES: 12-Two.x 1/2" NPT in Bottom, 34 ..:·i:wo x 3/4• NPT in.Bottom ® ACCESSORIES: (See accessory sheet ;o;: construction detafls.) , • DLA-91 = Directional Eggcrate Ext~rnal Louver (Alum.) • FLA-91 = Full Eggcrate External Louver (Aluminum) • GSA-91 Glare· Shield (Aluminum)' • LSA-91 ·= light' Shield (Alumi.num) • RGA-91 Rock Guard'(Alummum) GM-91 Grout Mask IHL-91 Internal Hone5<comb Louver ISS-91 lnternal:S\iurce Shield (Internal) PRR-91 Protective Ring for Round-Rough-In Section -PRS-91 Protective Ring for Square Rough-In Section LPC-91 ,. Lexah Protective Cover STR-91 Stainless Steel Trim Ring (round) STS-91 Stainless Steel Trim Ring (square) BB CastBronze J-Box PC-21·12 = 20 CU. IN· Re-enterable Potting Cornpound PC-21 _35 CU. IN -0Be-enterable Potting Compound WWL-91 Wall Wash 'Louver (Internal) *Tore lace.aluminum arts with bronze substitute "B"'for "A". 9100 HID -OPTION ORDERING GUIDE 1. $tart with standard mopel number. 2. Acid.a "i' before each option. EXAMPLE: , 9150 _A MH-100/120/TSP/34/ / PART NUMBER: THE FOLLOWING DATA SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE; UPON REQUEST . FORM# Installation.Sheet for 9000 & 9100 Series, ............. INS-O22 Accessory, Sheet ....•.........•...................................... ACC-001 FOR SPECIFIC PHOTOMETRIC DATA. FORM# HID Reflectorized·Lamps -Flood· .•....................•.. :. PDS-002 HID Reflectorized·Lamps -Spot ...... ~ ..................... PbS-003 INC flellectorized Lamps -Flood ........................... P_DS-004 INO Reflectorized Lamps· Spot ...•.. , ...................... PDS-005 'Low Voltage Reflectorized Lamps -Flood/Spot ..... PDS,006 ·9000 Series Non-Reflectorized tamps--Flood/Spot ............ PDS-007 9000 Series Wall Wash ..........•........•...................... PDS-008 1288'.1 BRADLEY AVENUE, SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA 91~42 • PHONE: 818/31?2·9465 • FAX: :818/362-6548 Lighting Co~ulta,nt· Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Av~nue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.57'62 !Fa?<-818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad LTG-9100 HID 07/92 Rep~ices 0:l/92 Type Lls,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos I.ightihg Desi~ 8132Artdasol AveJ.lue . Northridge, CA 91325 , . . Phone 818.343.5762./F.a:x 818.343.2041 TBD LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type . L2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting De~ign 8132.Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343~2041 TBD LEGOLAND Carlsbad· Type L2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue· · Northridge, CA 91325 ... Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax. ~18.343.2041 TBD LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Type L3 I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: · Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 TBD LEGOLAND ·Carlsbad Type L3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TYPE .... I -------' SPECIFICATIONS: . . . .. CAT#813. Dimensions: Length -9.00" X Di~. 7.50", Yoke Length O 7.oo• DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL MOUNTING PAR56 adjustable flood-light with posittonJng stop for maintained aiming consistency. Designed. with heavy .gauge machined cooling fins for increased heat dissipation and lampllfe. All parts dre machine<:!, cast. and/or formed from high grad!? alum_inum. 'i=inJshed with a chromate-conversion coating and therm6plasfic:polyester-powder paint for mar ·resistance and extenc:led weatherablllty. ~alnless steel (Cat.# 8'13-SS).or brass -(Cat #813-SB) construction available (please specify). 120 volt system uttllzlng a PAR56-lncandescent llght·source for up to 300 watts. Socket Is high temperatur~ cerc;:imlc with 250 degree. t coated· wire leads. Adjustable yoke cqnfiguratton accepts standard 1 /2 NPT male connectors. FQf Installation In non traffic areas only. Lumiere Qesign & Manufacturing, Inc. ·reserves the -right to make design changes withqut. notice, for product improvement. Lighting Co~ultant: Gall~gos Lighting .Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridg~, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343..2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type L4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4798 & 479!3 ACCENT LIGHTS DESCRIPTION: The Hydrei !lccent lighting fixture offers simple lines and a long, low- silhouette. These are ideal for spreading soft, even illumination along planters, walls, and signs Iha_! require a low pattern.of light 'This series is available in· lengths of f0-5/S"'to 48-7/8" with.wattage from 13W to GOW. STANDARD SPECIFICAtlONS: MATEf!IAL: Extruded a!umi!lum with diE! cast aluminum_ end caps. · Knuckles cast bronze. LAMP: T-10 66 Watt'Max.; } E-17 or T-10 (HP); . PL-13 (PL); Lamp by others. T-12 40 Watt. _ _ . VOLTAGE: 120V. SOCKET: Pulse-rated'medium base.(IN; HP); GX230 (PL); Medium Bi-pin (FL-40 Watt). ANISH: Bronze baked enamel. LIGHT DISTRIBUT!ON: Flat·stainless steef refte<;tor-Flood. LENS: Tempered glass (IN, HP}. Clear acrylic (FL, PL). MOUNTING:· -4798., One 1/2" NPT adjustable cast-bronze.knuckle. 4799 -Two 1/?" NPT.adjustable cast-bronze knuckie~. ACCESSORIES: Stainless steel fasteners. ADJUSTIBIUTY: 70° Maic..adjustmeilt from vertical. U.L. LISTED TYPE. _______________ _ MODEL#: ___ '---------~---- srANPAJJP_Mope~ #'a; 4798A~IN60/120(69Watt Max., T-10) 4798A-HP~5/.120 (E-17) 4798A-HP50l120 (E-17 or T-10) 4798A-PL13/120 (13 Walt) 4799A-FL40/:120 (40Watt, T-12) FOR OTHER OPTIONS SEE REVERSE SIPE, NOTE:'HYDREL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE --ANY SPEC!FICATION WITHOUT NOTtpE. Any dimension on.this sheet is to be-assumed as a reference dimension: ·used for information purposes only. It does not govern manµfacturing or ins)JE!i:tion requireineots." (ANSI Y14.5-1973) -DIMEN~IONS: Can be·conduit connected on ends, 4798Model l!allaol In hlocf 4799-Model · ·llalloel In head ,. ..... , ''fJ~ 12881 BRADU:Y ,AVENUE, SYLM,AR, l;ALIFORNIA 91-342 ·• PHr;>NE: 81JJ/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-654B H':'iJR_. SL LTq.4799 & 4799 Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lig}iting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 9i325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax '818343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad 12192 Replaces L TG-50 Type L5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIXTURE OPTIONS: VOLTAGE OPTIONS: · PL-13/277 FL-40/277 MOUNTING OPTIONS: · . JBA-02 J-Box two x 3/4" Bottom NPT, Cover 1/2" NPT, Alum. · JBB-02 J-Box: two x 3/4" Bottom NPT; Cover 1/2" NPT; Bronze JBA-05 J-Box, two x 3/4" Side NPT, Cover 1/2" NPT, Alum. JBB-05 J-Box, two x -3/4" ~ide NPT, Covet 1i2· NPT, ·Bronze MSA-01 Mounting Spike, Aluminum, 6' cord & plug:(4798 Only) MSB-01 Mounting Spike, Bronze, 6' cord & plug (4798 Only)' ETE-01 End to end condutt.connect~d ACCESSORY OPTIONS: HGS-98 Half Glare Shield (4798) HGS-99 Half Glare S/lield (4799) FINISH OPTION: TVG · Terra Verde"Green 4.798 & 4799 ,OPTION ORDERING .GUIDE 1. Start with standard-model number. 2. Add a "r ~ each option. EXAMPLE: 4798A / PL-13/277 / JBA-02 Fl.xturJu· Material. Voltage · · Mounting ... ..._ _______ _ DiSTRIBUTION CURVES: : . ( ,.l, 'WJIIIICM.IUMa~r. Pholomeltloa · • l'lxtuN et :SI~ I ft. from the winloal •urf- Photometrloe • 'l'lduN et :SI!' I fMt fNim the -r11aat eurf-. ·", \9.J 1288:'I BRADLEY. AVENUE, SYLMAR, t;ALIFORNIA 91342 • ~HONE: 818/362-94.65 • FAX: 818/362-6548 -lTG,4798 & 4799 HYC~EL 1~ Lighting Consultant: Gallegos LightingDesign 8132 Andasoi Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LE"GOLAND Carlsbad Replaces L TG-50 Type .LS . . " -. . . . . . : , .. ~ . ' . . ;~ . . . . . . . . ' . . .. ' . .. . . .. POOR·· .. . . :• . -. . . \ . . . . : . ·. . · · · ·. Q-u·-A=_ .... -___ L11··:··:/··.-~:··v·----·---· ·-· -:: • '. •• .:~--. ·,"·... *_•,,, :'. •. .... --~ .. _.. -. ,. -·' . . . . . . ' . .. '· . ,• . . . ,.. . . ' -O:R··t~-,-,f·,--G·:::,~ 1··-.N-.. ,-. .'·A=L· • ··.(------5./: ) . . . . ., :..:· . .. . ·. . . ~. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . ·'· ' < I I I I I I I I I ) I I I I I I I I "' 7100 Series Archi'tectural Lighting System Outdoor flood,light1ng fixtures which accqmmodate·lamps.to·t75 watt HID. Numerous mounting-possibilities,include wall. ceilrng, pole, stanchion, and base;, all·achieved with.a consistent sty)(ng theme. ·Eight optical.systems achieve a wide-variety-of vertical and horizontal fight-distributions, from narrow spots to wide floods. Specification;: · Material: Die cast aluminum housing and door. Finish: Texture poWder coaqiofyester finish available in Black. _ Bronze. Gray, Terra-Verde Green, cir custom-colors. Lens: Flat tempered-glass. · Glare control: Internal Glare·Shiefds attached to door"on Horizontal Flood, Tight Spot. and Horizontal.Spot. Barn Doors and fixed Glare Shield, av~ilable as aq:essories. ' Dimensions fin·millimeters·/inchesJ Knuckle Mounted Unit ,oo -· ,s:i,. --· ... .. -... 23/1 .. 24 --5-0 Q~·r I IGl·r l;] o· "' Pf Pole" . ":12 TttMOUnt PK Pole WK .Waif Mounted Knuckle OI ~,D " ~-"" "· Knuckle Mount ~ l cir· ·r c[] (i) ·· 3r SM Stanchion JD Juncllon Box TM.J'rtt Mount- Lighting Consultµtt Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 An'.tiasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 YM,Yoke Mount Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 SPEGIFJ:CATIONS 31 Mounting: Fixture can be rigid mounted or knw;kle mourited'(l8"0°veitica1; 360°rotationJ on pole, stanchion. wall, ceiling. or base farchitecturaljunction box). Ught distr(butions: Available in spot ,horizontal spot, vertical:flood, wide·nood,,,and horizontal-flood. Dowrllights available in.symmetrical, wide asymmelri~al,and forward.asymmetrical distributions. Reflecto~s: Anodized specular, -semi.spec"ular, or patterned lightin"g sheet. in various configurations, segmented for maximum performance 13rid uniformity. Reflectors _are interchangeable with l/4 turn fasteners. Lamps: ~y others. Fixed Mounted.Units 106 ,4()0 L(.~.-j bWdd . ... o· ,41/4 -"'" c=J I~ •:'· o·~ ' 4!'' ~.b, [Q].~~& ' ~,), , .. 71/4 63/4 I -CM Celling I Mount MPF Multiple MPMMuUlple Pole Mount, Pole, M_ouOt ' ~ B?BarnDoors GS Glare Shield LC Lexan Covrr LE'GOLAND. Carlsbad Typ·e L-6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 30 7100A-MH175/277 /VF/l(M/BZ._/ LC ORDERING AND SPECIFICATION GUIDE .31.amp~ ~::~~:(J T ·J·J Lamp:s by others Series noo_ 'Architectural Lighting .. System_ Photometric Data 7100 Series Photometric Data Hydrel can supply ari I.E.S. formatted ·diskette providing raw data -for tlie 7100 Series. Diskettes are also available for other Hydrel·products. Contact your lo.cal Hydrel Representative for th'is service. H':-'i:JRcl. Lighting Consultant: U.L.Listed C.U.L.Lis~ed 4 Slash/Voltage Option-. 5_ Slash /Light Distribution, Lens · •· 6 Slash/Mounting Option,---~ 7 Slash/ Finish Option ----''--~--,.. 8 Slash/ Accessories ---,-----''-----~ 1 FIXTURE: 7100 2 MATERIAL: Aluminum 6 MOtJNTING ACCESSORIES: · KM Knuckle 3· lAMPS: (by, others) SM Stanchion Lamps by OTZ 250fT4),300fT3) ST Stanchion Tee oth~MH S_0,70,W0, I75 Mount -~ HOl 70, ISO . JB Architectural · HPS SO, 70, JOO, 150 Junction Box MVS0,75, 100 ~PMM Pole Mount Male see·below for Euro Lamps PMF Pole.Mounu;emale 4 VOLTAGE: _ · WM W~II Mount fixed 120,208,240,277W60Hz YM Yoke Mount 240V /SOHz -~-MPM-1 Multiple Pole Some restrlctloris apply ._ MPM-2 Mounts~ 1,2,3, s LIGHT DISTRIBUTION: MPM-3 ,or 4 units HF Horizontal Flood* -MPM {male) VF Vertical Flood · MPM-4 cir WF Wide Ffood MPF-.J MPF {fem<;1le) Llo W TS Tight Spot MPF-~ This unit include~ O J-IS Horizontal Spot MPFs3 the specified number of Fixed Llos os·oown Symmetrical* . MPF-4 Wall Mounts. DFA Down Forward Asym• bFW DownWideAsym• • HOI lamp i,ncompatible Euro-1,amps for_ the 7100 Series .Metal Halide High !'ressure.Sodium ·Mercury Vapor HOl,T70 Gil base HOI-TI 50 G 12-base HOI-TS70 RX7s base HOJ-TSISO RX7s.base MHN-TISO PGX12·2.base NAY-TSO E27 base NAV-170 E27 ~ase NAV-TS70 RX7s base NAV,TSISO.RX7s base SDW-135 PGXl2•1'base ·sow.rso PGXli-l·base HOL-50 E27 base HOL-80 E27 base Photometric Data Sheet.~* l=or specific application informaflon, request the following: . PDS-7100 ~ TIGHT SPOT PDS-7100 HS HORIZGN,TAL SPOT PDS-71(_)0 VF VERTICAL FL<;)O!) PD~-710(_) HF HORIZONT~FLOOD PDS-7100WF WiDEfLOQD PDS-7100 OS DOWNUGHT,SYMMETRIQ\L PDS •7-100,DFA ·ooWNUGHT,.FORWARD ASYMMETRICAL Pos .zroo ow~ oowNUGHT, WIDE ASYMMETRICAL_ 'These reports use data reduced from ITt Reports 41266-41277; 41314 • 41316;·41405. 41406 Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol .t\ venue LEGOLAND. Carlsbad N orthridge, CA 91325 . · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.34,3.2041 CM Ceiling Mount' TM Tree ·Mount PT PoleTee Moun {double) WK Wall Mounted Knuckle PK ·pofe Mounted Knuckle 7 FINISH: BZ Bronz!;! BL Black CF Custom• 'JV Terra Verde & .GR Gray 8 ACCESSORIES: w GS Glare Shield BD Barn Doors · - LC Lexan .Cover • Contact your Sales Representative or Facto,y for-information. For color Miers. contact racto,y. Tungsten Halogen Halo Star. 200 R7s base Halo Star 300 R7s base Halo Siar ISO BISP base ·Type L-6 I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j 7100 Sert cs Architectural Lighting System Outdoor flood lighting fixtures which accommodate lamps to 175 watt HID. Numerous mounting-possibilities·include wall, ceiling, pole, stanchion, and base; ali achieved with ·a consistentstyling theme. Eight optical systems achieve a wide variety of vertiqlf·and, horizontal light distrib1,1tions, from narr.ow spots to wir:fe floods. Specifications: Material: Die cast aluminum housing and door. Finish: Texture_powder coat-polyester finish ayailable.in Black. Bronze, Gray, Terra Verde Gree11; or custom color~. Lens: Flat tempered glass, Glare control: Internal Glare Shields attached'to door-on Horizontal Flood, Tight Spot.-and Hprizontal Spot. Barn _Doors and fixed Glare Shield available as accessories. · Dimensions (in-millimet~rs/fnches)- Kr:iuckle Mounted Unit ... ... -~-•• 153/• • ---2111z ------ ~,~( J "' j "' (f7\ ~ 1@ya·::J1. ; 1 .. ~, 0--_---T 0 - 0 'j" PMM Pole Mount. flx~ .,/ .. 23/1 " "' 0 ~~I -6- lGH o·· ,,. •Ir 41/2 ,, 01 PK Pol(' WKWall ,Mounte-d knuckle Knuckle -Mount " _'J..lt4 .. 18 0 I " " I 31/4 .. 2!{". D' ·r91@ "' 6 -I SMSUn<hlon JD Junction Box -1M Tree M~unt Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . YM YOke Mouitt Phone 818.343.5762 ff~ 81S.343.2041 SPECIFICATIONS Mounting: Fixture· can-be rigid mounted or knuckle mounted (180°.vertical, 360°rotationJ on pole, stanchion. wall, ceiling. or base (ar~hitecturc1ljunction box). Light distributi9ns: Availat>le in spot, horizontal spot. vertical-flood, wide flood,, and horizontal flood. Downlights available.in symmetrical. wide asymmetrical,andJorward asymmetr'.cal qistri_bu\1ons. 'Reflectors: Anodized specular, semi-specular, or _patterned iighting s'1,eet.in various configurations. ·segmentedJor m;;iximur'n performance ~nd uniformity. Reflectors are interchangeable with l/4Jurn fasteners. Lamps: By others. Fixed Mounted Units 106 400 t2'~ ') ~ 6 t-~U -~~~,--•':: WM Wail Mount ,,. Di ;_~''-"' C=:JI'.' o· ":'· ,,,. ~L (Q]•:,, •:, .. ,CJ:16 ~,), 1~·- 1{)l/4 1,, .. 63/4 I CMCrlling. I Mount , MPF MuUlple MPM'Mulliplr ,Pole Mount Pole Mount ~S Glare Shfeld, LC Lexan CoVrr HYi:JR2L 31 LEGO LAND. Carlsbad Type L-7 .I I I I .I I ,, I I I I I' I I I I I 30 7100A-MH175 / 277 /VF I l<MI 82 / LC 2 Material : . . - ORDERING AND SPECIFICATION GUIDE I Fixtu;;T~J-. ' -· J .. J 3 !:amp · -!,.amps by others Series ,, 7100 Architectural Lighting System Photometric Data 7100 Series Photometric Oata Hydrel can supply an,I.E.S. formatted di~kette providing raw data for the 7100 Series. Diskettes are also available. for other HydreLproducts. Contact your local Hydrei' Representatilie·for ~his service. Lighting Consultant: U.L.Listed C.U.L.Listed Lamps by others 4 Slash/Voltage Option · 5 Slash /Light Distribu.tion, Lens 4 Slash/Mounting Option 7 Slash/ finish Option 8 Slash/ Accessories ------,--------~ 1 FIXTURE: 7100 6 MOUNTING. -i MATERIAL: Alu'minu~· ACCESSORIES: . · KM Knuckle 3 LAMPS: (by others) .SM Stanchion CiTZ250(T4POOIT3F T Stanchion Tee MH 50;70, JOO, 175· . -Mount HOl 70.150 ~-JB Architectural HPS 50.70. 100.15 Junction Box. MV!,0.75. JOO · PMM. PoleMbunt·Male see below ror,Euro tamps PMF Pole Mount Female- 4VOLTAGE: 120,208,240, 277\U60Hz 240V/50Hz ~ Some restrictions app 5 LIGHT, DISTRIBUTION: HF Horizontal. Flood.* VF Vertical Flood WF Wide Flood -WM Wall Mount fixed YM Yoke Tll!ount MPM0 1 Multiple Pole MPM-2 Mounts, 1,2,3. MPM-3' or-4 units MPM (male) MPM"-4 or MPF-1 MPF (female) This unit 'includes · JS Tight Spot · · .,,J"J HS Horizontal Spot ?/ . DS Down Symmetrical* DFA Down Forward Asym~ DFW·Down-W1de-Asym* MPF:2 MPF-3 MPF-4 the specified nbmber of Fixed Wafl Mounts. • HOl lamp i_ncompatible Euro !,amps for the 7100 Series Metal Halide High Pressure Sodium HOl-170 G 12 base HOI-TI so· GI 2 base HOl·TS70 RX7s base HO~TS 150 RX7s base MH_N·TISO PGXiZ-2 base NAV-150 E27, base NAV-170 E27-base NAV-TS70 RX7s base NAV-TS 150 RX7s base SDW·T35 PGX 12· 1 liase SDW·TSO PGXIZ-1 base · 'Mercury Vapor HOL-50 Ei7 base HC:ll·BO E27,qase Photometric Data Sheets*· For specific applicati9n information, request the following: PDS • 71.00'TS 'flGHT SPOT P.DS-7100 HS HORIZONTAL SPOT POS -71 Oci VF VERTICAL FLObD PDS-7.100 HI' HORIZONTAL F\,OOD PDS-7100 WF WIDE FlOOD -PDS-7JOO''DS DOWNUGHT.SYMMETRICAL PDS-7100 DFA DOWNLIGHT. FORWARD ASYMMETRICAL . ·PDS-7-100 DWA DOWNUGHT, WIDE-ASYMMETRICAL 'These reports use data reduced from ITL Re1>9rts 41266-41277; 41314 • 41316: 41405,41406 · Gallego$ Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue .. :. LEGOLAND- ·.·Carlsbad No:iihridge, CA91325 .. · .. · Phone 818.343,5762 /Fax 81~.343.2041 ·: CM Ceiling Mount TM Tree Mount PT Pole 'fe~·M6unt (double) WK Wall Mounted Knuckle PK Pole Mounted ·Knuckle 7-FINISH: BZ Bronze BL Black CF -Custom* TV Terra Verde~ .. GR Gray 8 ACCESSORIES: ff GS Glare Shield BO Barn Doors LC .Lexan Cover * Contact your Sales Representative or Factory for information. For color filters, contact factory, Tungsten l-falo_gen- ·Halo.Star,200 R7s base Halo Star 300 R7s base Halo Star ·, 50 BISD base .::·_Type . L-7 I I I I I I I I I' I I I I ., I· I . ·~ Luniiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc . TVPI; I.__ __ _. 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westl~ke Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-2211 O FAX (818) 991~7005 l • • I ., l ;= - . ·. ~ .4.: ... " Powerful·low voltage (12\i') flood !ight-;md/or wall wash. Designed with.50 watt (maximum) bi-pin halogen·light source (20 watt lamp·included). Ideal for illumination of textured walls, fen.ces, and signa11e. · 50 watt (maximum) halogen-light source for high performance, efficienc~. and long life. Precise reflector design and·diffu·sed tempered glass lens provides clean, even, wide illumination with maximum lumen output. Compact -unobtrusive yet·functional design. This convenieni package disappears into the landscape-while providing wonde[ful.ligh\il'lg effects for commercial and re_sidential applications. Dimensions: Height -3:50" X l,.engih -5.50" ?< Width -.2.65". This-unique design·is perfect for lighting walls,.buildings; textured surfaces, fences, foliage, and· signage. Engineered so.that installation can be as close as 12 inches from the surface while providing-sufficient illumination. 20, 35, and-50 watt lamps.available fqr various applications. All aluminum parts are first chromate conversion-coated and then.finished-with a thermoplastic · polyester P,Owder paint for mar-resistance and extended.durability in harsh exterior environ- ments. Colors: Archftectural Bronze, Black, aild·Ver'de are-standard:Other finishes available - consult factory. · Fixture-stem is.finished with standard 1/2" NPT·male thread·and will·mount to standard J - Boxes, cover plates, ground boxes, conduit fittings, anc~ low voltage mounting-spikes. Lumiere Catalog #GS01· -6" standard spike, #GS03 -6" spike with splicing box, #GS04 -12· spike with ··splicing box, #GS06 -Spiral.spike; and'#GS08 -ABS spike with,jnternal wiring compartment. Lumiere wall plates: #RS1 -Round wall plate, #FS1 -Rectangular wall plate. ·; .. _ '.·:·.:.: ~,:-'r.\_ :~:~ ·: .. -:,. l•· .Submittal Approvetl by: Name:_· .....;. _____ ..a.._.__.__· Company:'-------'------Date: ---~--- Notes: ---·-----'-----------------''-''---',----''"----------------.a.- Lumiere Design & Manufacturing,.lric;. reserves \he tight to·make ~esign changes without notice, for product:improvement. Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343~5762 /Fax··si83~S.2041 LEGOLAND .Carlsbad Type LS I I I I I I I ' I I I I C I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. TYPE .__I --~ 31360 Via Colinas #1.01, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHONE (818) 991-2211 D FAX (8~ 8) .991-7005 ~~~~·~7'-~m',191~~.-,=,r.,,;>\""-"""'llll"-"""ltffl ______ ,,,,.;w,""""M':liol:~'f~~'Wf:t)iii\.":l~'Il"~~ ! ti 75' ~ 1 ...J ~ 2 t3 6 b 21a 20W 1' 2" 3•. 4' 5• 6" T, B' 9° 10' 11" 12'. ir.:.. __ ....,.-;,::D.;,;1s;;.:;-~ The housing, ·lens cover, ari_(I stem are cast, formed, and/or machined high grade aluminum. Lens is-frosted 1ia· tempered glass, secured in place with waler-tight silicone adhesive. Gasket is formed·trqm EDPM Closed cell'foam. All liardware·is stainless steel. 12 volt system utilizing a halogen G6.35 bi-pin light source up-to 50 watis (20 wall lamp included). Equipped v,oith 200 degre11 C teflon coated leacl wires with suppiied wire nuts and tfielectric_tape·for a water tight connection. Socket is ceramic with stainless-steel contacts. Remote Transformer required (not.included). 1 Angled Glare Shield for reduced·visual glare -Catalog #Fl:!403. Adjustable ·barn door type shield for'illuminatipn·coritrol -FH404. - LAMP WATTS VOLTS JC12V,20W 20 _12 .JC12V-35W 35 _ 12 JC12V50W 50 ·12 •p";,;,~:-~:p.1&:,h1.t'n.::~~wu;:.mr.;i~,ut";...-;,::::,'":Jt 1 . I, 35W 1· z :i· •· .s· ~-T a· 9·. ·10· 11· iz DISTANCE APPROX. LUMENS 300 650 f000 .f3 ·B a z ·(3 5 -1--· 0 13 0 . U. 99 -.wr.. ~ .... COLOR AVERAGE TEMP.K LIFE ~90()_ 20Q0 2900: 2000 -·--'--. . '3000 . 2000 .~ ~,fJJ;.'Il'I,~~ 50W 1· z 3· 4' 5· s· 1· a· 9· 10· 11· 12· ' DISTANCE l i.ia:,...,...,....,.....,,£. ;.utJti:~~:::l.~: Submittal Approved.by: Name:.--'---"--,,----~-----Corilpany:'----------',----,--=.·· Date: ----'---,---- Notes: __ ..,,... ____________ --'-,~-,,---------~----.,....---,-~~._,..---,---'-'---,----- Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, ·1i1c .. reserves !he right to make desigirch<=!nges without.notice, for pr9duct improvement. Lighting Consultant Gallegos ·Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.204'J LEGOLAND -Carlsbad Type LS I I ,, I I I I I I L1,1miere Design & Manufacturing. Inc. 3'1360 ViG Colibas #101, We.stlake Village. CA 91362:. T~LEPHONE (818)991-421 l o FAX (818) 991-7005 · TYPE SPECIFICATIONS: CAT# 213 DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCTION· MR 16 down light equipped·with a hanging ring for easy inst9llaticin .. Low voltage durable fixture designed for 50 watt halogen light source. All parts are machined and/or cast 6061-T6 .alt,imioum. Finished with a . . chromate conversion coating and a baked · powcler .paint. ·a· ring seolecl and siliconed at the lens for a water tight fixture. Remote trans-· former required. (Lamp and transformer not included.) Note: · 'Fixtun;nnay be hung .from cable or directly from wire. Wire teads -----------11 Hanging Ring.,.._·--~ "O"Ring 4,500" tens'Bezel---+- Submittal Appro·,ed By Name: _Company; _______ Date. ____ · Notes: Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc . .reserves ·the right to ma.ke ·design changes without ootice •.. for product impro~em:ent. Lighting Consultant: Gallegqs Lighting Design 8132.Andasol Avenue Northridge,-CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762./Fax 818.343~W41 LEG-OLAND Carlsbad ., Type LlO .. I ,,. I I I I I I I I ,I I .I Lumi~re Desigh & ·Manufacturing, Inc. 31360 Via Colina~·#101, Westlake Village, <:;A 91362 Telephone:.(818) 991-2211 CJ, FM: (816) 9~1°,·005 E-Mall: llghts@lumieredesign.com ·Q World Wide Web: http://WWW.lumieredesign.com TYPE SPECIFICATIONS: · · . . ' CAT.# 68339.: . ' . ' . DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FINISH ---------'-......... ---'----'-12.3;::.2 _______ ;..._ __ Image Rotation Lens B~zel r--· Optional 5M dia.bas~ plate a-------Lead Wires -1,Z volt 50 wait outdoor imaging p ·ojec!or. Lamp housing, lens _bezetand coinpress.ion mounting.stem are-machin~ from 6061 T6 aluminum. Lens i5 crafted from tempered glass and·Gecured in place with :silicone adhesive. •Unique mounting'swivel uses hydraulic type compression·design·and· built in !fnU-siphon-chamber for rigidity and a water tight · connection. "0" ring sealed.to ensure focture durability. 12 volt·system.utillzing MR 16 Bi =>in hale>gen light SO\lrce (59 wattmaxin,um). Ceramic sockcst with 250 degree C tellon .coated leadwireL 12 volt remote-transfc,rmer required. (Lamp and transformer not includc,d.) · . AU parts are first chromate conve -sion coated and then baked with a thermoplastic polyester-powder.for mar resistance and·spe_cificweatherabiliiy in marine_ (salt spray), landscape (alkaline.solQ, mciisl4re (aquas chemlcals) and other nornally injurious environments. ·Colors • architectural bronr.e, black, and verde are standard. Other colors are available -consult factory.' Submittal Approved By: Name: Company: Date:_ ·Notes: . · · . · ·.· . ::,;-. . . . . ' Lumiere Design·& Manufacturirw, Inc, reserves the right to make-design changes without notice, f~r product improvement. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Oesign 8132 AndasolAveli.tie Northrjdge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type Lll I I I I :I I. I I I 1. Lumiere Design & Manufacturing; Inc. TYPE!'-____ ,I 31360 Via 'Colina.s #101, Westlake Village, CA !:)1362 TEl,.EPHONE (81-8) 991-2211 D FAX (818) 991-7005 SPECIFICATIONS: . CAT# 720 & 730 #720 P~R~MH :l -: #730 PAR30MH FH-----t Glare shield accessory.(not Included). Sealed fixture T I I I T 3.25', _J_ body·& Bezel -3.25' 2.75'Dia. l I r ,.....,... ______ ___..__._,. Sealed foctule ®:i:el 5.50' Dia. 3.00' DESCRIPTION APPEARANCE APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION FINISH MOUNTING Equipped with . standard 1/2' NPS threaed mounting hub. Versatile H.f.D. architectural and]andscape fixture, engineered to accept latest in technology,the PAR20aod PAR3Cl Metal Ha,lide·lamps (Not included). -Ballast and ballast housing with wiring compartment included. Avaiiable with several mounting Qptioris including.tree mounting, ground mounting, and surface _mounting. Sleek-professional d.esign Which complements any·landscape and.architectural. environment. Referred to as, 'A fine new.fixture ... will indeed be revolutionary to the c_6mmerciaLHID landscape lighting market·. Various !amp choices allow for uplightihg, down lighting, floodlighting, spotlighting, and accent.lighting of:.trees, shrubs, gardens, planters, flag poles; signage, sculp~ tures, buildings, l!mdscapes, and·general area illumination. 'Fixture is completely adjustable in any direction from alFmounting positions. Housing, lens bezel, and adjustable stem are cast, formed and/or mach·ined 6061-T6 magn~siumsilicone alloy aJumintir'n. Lens is tempered glass and secured in place with -~ high temperature silicone adhesive, All hardware is stainless steeL Housing and bezel · .are sealed with-~ high.temperature 'O' ring,gasket. All aluminum parts are first-chromate conversi9n coated and then finished with a thermoplastic polyester powder paint for mar resistance and extended weatherability- Finishes availal;>le: Black, Architectural i3ronte, and Verde are standard, other finishes available -consult factory (please specify). Adjustable stem configuraticm equipped with·stancjard 1/2 NPS threaded male fitting. Special-clutch mechanism !:Insures positive fixture aiming orientation. Remote ballast 120 volt unit must be.mounted to NEC·approved wiring compartment. Fixtures must be: , wired in accordance with local and national-electric codes. Please consult your local ·codes: prior to in·stallation. Lumiere Design & ·Manufacturing,. Inc. reserves the right to make design changes without notice, for product improvement. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighti~g Design 8132 Andasoi Avenue · Northr.idge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.S762 /Fax 818343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad· Type 01s,m,f I I I I ., I. I I ,,,.. f I. " '\,:..~- I I I I I I I .i l f: I I JYP~ ._I_ ______ _. LUMIERE SPECIFICATION GUIDE.& LOGIC "· METAL HALIDE l:iERIES FIXTl;JRE . LAMP -CAT. # ·• WATTAGE VOLTAGE 720- PAR20 Metal Halide accent fll(ture. 730- PAR3Q Metal Halide .accent· fixture. 355-35 watt spot. 35F-35 : · watt flood. 120 277 ·. BALLAST/ MOU_NTING FINISH MB -In ground composite-ballast BK-Black an.d wiring box with-fixture mqunting directly, to ballast cover. BZ -Bronw GM -Fixture with factory attached s· aluminum ground spike. Ballast and enclosure included for remote-installation· with supplied cord set. TM -Tree.mounted with ballast , and wiring.box:an.d mounting accessory. TR--Tree·mount.for standard fixture. Ballast and enclosure . ·included for remote installation · with supplied cord set. WM -Wall mount configuration with fixture mounted directly to ballast cover. WR -Standard fixture with RS.1 J-Box cover and remote. ballast ancl enclosure. VE -Verde OPTIONS EL35 Electronic ballast for the 35 watt Metal Halide light source. Note: The remote ACCESSORIE LSL7 -Linear spread lens ior increased beam distribution irl'a linear pattern. mounting· ·OSL7 -Overall opiions -are not ·spread lens for applicabf e with ., · increased the· electronic beam 'ballast. distribution. DIF7 -Diffused or soft focus lens for smoot.h even illumination. ' FH ~-Angled· glare shield:for reduced visual glare. . LVR7-1/4• louver for : reduced visual glare . .____ ___ I--.---,,-_ ---,-1 ---., I I ½ lr--;:=1 ==-1;:::::::-===----'-- EXAMPL,E: *720·-. 35F -120. -GM -VE. -FH-LSL7 ORDER INFORMATION .. : * Example specification for the following: P.AR20 35Watt Metal Halide for 120 volt operation. Groun9 mountec:Lballast box wtth fixture mounted to cover. Rxture·to be Verde with and angled glare shield and linear spread lens .. **For use ?S a specification schedule, enter your catalog number hear .. COMING SOON FROM LUMll:RE: ·PAR36 -Designed for the White Son light source. PAR38--Metal Halide accent illuminator. Lumiete Design·& Manufacturing, Inc. rese.rves the right to make design change_s without notice, fc;,r product improv.ement. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avei;lue Northridge, CA 91325 · · Phone 818.343S762 /Fax 81,8.343.i041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type 01s,.m,f ,. I :I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I Lumi~re Design & Manufacturing, Irie, 31360-Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA ·91352 TELEPHONE (818)·991-2211-:Cl FAX (818) 991-7005 1YPE .... 1. __ .....,...,I LAMP INFORMATION: · CAT# 720 & 730 LAMP DATA PHOTO METRICS Lumicre Design & Manilfacturfng, Inc. Mailing lists are.updated monthly, if you would like to receive mailings, a copy tbeLumiere News, and other important information - write, calt or fax us·at (8~8)991- 7005. Lwnierc offers a full range of line and low voltage landscape and· architectural lighting products. For a complete catalog !=Qntact your local representative or Lumiere Design.& Manufacturing, Inc. at 31360'Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village,.CA 91362. Plione (818)991-221'1. · Lumierc Design & Manufactu;ing, Inc. is represented in your area. Please contact our customer service department for more info. Lighting C~,nsul~t: Gallegos Lighting De~ign 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · ,. Oescnptlon· LampCode Watt~ Vons Base .. ' . '. PAR20 PDM35/P.~R20/M/SF 35 .120 ~ed .. PAR20 ' CDM~?"f'AR20/M/SF ' 35 120 Med. PAR39, C~351PAR30,WSf 35 120 Med: PAR30 CDM351PAR30/MIFL 35 120 Med. . -90" '•60• 6B" -6e· •JB' 30• y_ .!l.d .)'. .!l.d 0 4!l()O 50 101 5 4404 55 66 10 4037 60 47 15 31.10 65 48 20 1375 70 25 25 557 75 14· 30 324 80 9 35 240 85 5 '.i!Q 191 9Q 3 45 149 Lumiere Design & Mfg, Inc. 3-1360 Via Gelinas Suite 101 We$tlake Village; CA 91362 telephone (818)991-2211 FAX (818) 99l-7005 . ~·Ja' LEGOLAND Carlsbad· Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818343.2041 Approx. Color Avelile Beam Lumens ·tel!1',K (hrs.)· Spread 32KOC, 3000 ,6000 10° 32KQC 3000 6000 30° 42KOC 3000 6000 g• " 4~KDC 3900 6000 30" 60" 39• y_ mt y_ .!l.d 0 42000 50 fil 5 1Bq68 55, 39. 10 '5348 60 31 15' 1798 65 .23 20 865 70 16 25 550 75 8 30 454 80 4 35 3fil 85 2 .40 221 90 1 45 153 BULK RATE (.!.~. POSTAGE PAID THOUSAND OAKS. CA PERMIT NO. 72' Type 01s,m,f I 1, I 1. I I I ., I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, .Inc. TYPE 31360 Via Colinas #10.1, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone: (818) 9!;11-2211 D FAX: (818)991~7005 E-Mail: ljghts@lumieredesign.com D Woria Wide Web: http://www.luruieredesign.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO -PAR 20 METAL HALIDE -35 WATT -CAT.# 720 DESCRIPTION APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FINISH PROJECT NAME APPROVAL A LJ ~4.90"--I / -~ I 3.75"' __t 1--------1! 4.-11" "-'c=----~-1 !--7.25"---l Architectural and·landscape·fix:ture engineered to accepfthe latest natural·colqr rendering PAR 20 metal halide lamp technology CJ Exclusive patented design (U.S. Pat.. D. 373,437) CJ Unique patent pending mectianisrn enables easy vertical adjustment, and securelyl.ocks the fixture;in piace CJ Easy setting swivel provides:for quick horizontal adjustment and fastening CJ Sleek, modern styling complements any architectl!ral or landscaping environment CJ Ballast and·bana·st housing with wiring-compartment are .included with the fixture CJ Mountiri!i. options include surface, tree, remote, and in~ground-mountin~ Various lamp and mounting choicesena.ble-uplighting, downlighting, flood lighting, spot lighting, and ·accent-lighting.of frees, shrubs, gardens, pianters, flag poles, signage, sculptures, buildings, landscapes, and general area illumin·auon · CJ Perfect for:both commercial and. resid~ntial applications a· Fixture.is comp)etely adjustabhrfrom all mounting ,positions Housing,.stem,.and hoqd are cqi;rosion resistantsilicone alloy aluminum a Lens is tempered glass, securecfin·plac;e with a high temperature adhesive a Air hardware is stainless steel CJ Housing and bezel are sealed with a .. high temperature ·o· ring gasket CJ Adjustable stem configuration equipped with standard ½" NPS threaded male fitting PA~ 20, 35 watt, 120-or 277 volt H.!.D. system (specify voltage -see Ordering Guide on .reverse) with pulse rated socket and high temperature Teflon coated lead wires a Standard core and coil ballasts are High Power Factor and· rated for -20° C starting temperatures -Consult your .Lufniere saies representa- tiye·for information on electronic: ballast option a Ballasts are int~rnal\y mounted in a corrosion resistant ballast'boxwith integral wiring compartment CJ Remote ballast must:be installed with NEC approved wiring compartment· .CJ All fixtures must be installed:in accordance ·with all local and national l:llectric codes and requirements -a Consult.suJ)plementaLlumiere materials for information on ballasts, includ- ing·remote,ballasting · AIJ:parts are first-chromate comiersion.coated··and then-finishedwith a thermoplastic polyester powder pai11t for mar resistance and .extended weatherability CJ Colors -Architectural Bronze, Black, White, · ·city Silver,.and Verde Green a Other colors and finishes: available -consult factory ·PRODUCT SPECIFICATION (List Product as Specified) DATE lumiere Design & Manufacturing,.lnc. reserves the rig!lt to make desig~ changes without notice •. All dimensions shown on this specification sh~et are appr6",irilate, and are .nof ideri\ical to manufacturing specifi~trons. · 12ospec32497 Light:4tg Consultant: Gallegos iighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue . Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax '818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type Olnc I I I I -1 I I 1- 1 I I I I I Lumiere Design -& Manufacturing; Inc. 31360,Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village,-CA 91362 , · lYPE Telephone:,(818) 991-2211 0 FAX: (818) 991-7005, E-Mail: lights@lumieredesign.com D World Wide Web: http://www;Jumieredesign.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO -CAT. #720 LAMP INFORMATION The foliowing table contains approximate lamp data 'D Please consult lamp manufacturers to ootain detailed specifications for their lamps PAR20 Spot M130KK-39 39 -120-~ium 2300 9000 81 10 , PAR20 Flood M130KK-39 39 120 Mepium 3000 2300 9000 81 30 PHOTO METRICS The following -diagrams show approximate photometrics for the PAR20 spot and flood n~tural ·color rendering metal halide lamps: PAR 20 FLOOD (30°) I (ked) 0 0 -60' y CD 0 6CXX) 5 '$97 10 4841 15 2999 20 1339 25 683 30 466 35 382 40 327 45 281 X co 50234 55 178 60 145 65 93 70 64 75 44 80 30, 85 16 90 '11: PAR 20SPOT (10°) 0 .X CD 0 28,000 5 14,154 10' 4057 15 1285 20 1717 25 '580 30_ 527 35 474 40 427 45 253 X £Q 50 148 55 109 60 101 65 75 70 50 75 26 80 14 85 '9 90 6 ORDERING GUIDE to specify or order; make one selection from each of the first-five-columns, then select all desired options from the optjc;ms column: CAT.# FINISH BALLAST / MOUNTING WATTS VOLTS OPTIONS 720 ~Z-Bronze _ MB --ti ground-comp9site ballast box-with fixture mounted to-box cover, 35 120 El--Consult Lumiere for infoimatipn on electronic BK· Black TM -Tree-mounted with ballast -wiring box & mounting accessory. 277 ballasts WH-White iR -Remote tree mount: Ballast-& enclosure-with cord set'for remote-mount. LD35 -Long distance igniter for remote VE-Verde WM -Wall mount-configuration with fixture mounted directly to bal_last-cover. mounting applications only* CS-Silver WR--Remote wall mount-with RS1 J-Box cover & remote·baUast enclosure. ,, ' , EXAMPLE:** 720 -BK -TR-~5-120 -1;1)35- *Standard 120 volt ballast allows ~emoting up le> 1 O' -maximum O Standard 277 voll ballast allows remoting up !~ 2' maximum D LD35 option-for remote, applications (TR, WR) only O Long distanc,:e igniter enables remotirig fixture 11' to 50' from ballast box **Example specification for the .following fixture: Cat #720 fixtiJreoin Black finish, with 35 watt ballast for 120 volt operation, and remote _ tree mount with long ,distan~ igniter · ACCESSORIES Specify ai:cessories-as separate lin_e-items Cl The .following ·accessQries are available for Catalog,#720: · · · Cl LSL-20 -Linear spread. !eris fQt increased beam distribution in a linear pattern Cl OSL-20 ° Overall spread ·1ens Jor increased beam distribution Cl DIF-20 -Diffused or son focus Jens.for smooth, ev~n ilh,1minati6n t1 FH-20 -Angled glare shield for reduced visual glare Cl LVR-20-½" louver for-reduced visual glare Cl F22-30---Red filter Cl F.33-20-Blue filter Cl F44-20--Green filter CJ F55-20 -Yellow Filter Cl F66-20 -Mercury vap9r color filter Cl Otfter filters may be available, iii-eluding dichroics _: Consult your Lumiere sales representative or the factory for availability Please Note: Lamp Is Not Supplied With This .Fixture..,... Order Lamp Separa'tely Lighting Consultant: Gallegos LightingI)esign 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge; CA 91325' Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Page No. 2 Type Olnc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing·, Inc.. TYPE 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone: (818) 991~2211' 0 FAX: (818) 991-7005 E-Mail: lights@lumieredesign.com Q World Wide Web: http://www.lumieredesign.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO-PAR 30 METAL HALIDE-35 OR 70 WATT-CAT.# 730 LJ ,4..41". I -...,,,,,..---~ -1 l--c--1.2s·--1 DESCRIPTION Architecti.Jraland landscape fixture engineered to accept the latest natural,color. rendering PAR 30 metal halide lamp.technology ·CJ. E~ch,!sive patented design (U.S. Pat D. 37~,4g7) Cl :unique patent pending mechanism enables easy vertical adjustment, and securely-locks the fixture in place o Easy:setting swivel provides for quick horizontal adju·stment and fastening o Sleek, modern.styling complements any · architectural or landscaping environment b Ballast and ballast'housing with wiring·compartment are -included with the fixture o Mounting options include-surface, ·tree, remote, and in-ground mounting APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FINISH PROJECT NAME APPROVAL Various lamp and·mounting choices enable.uplighting, downlighting, flood·lightirig, spot lighting, and accent lighting oftrees, shrubs, gardens, planters, flag.poles, signcjge, sculptures, buildings, landscapes, and general area llluminaiion Cl Perfect for both commercial and residential applications · Cl Fixtore is completely adjµstable from all mouC1ting positions Housing, stem, and hood are-corrosic;m resistant silicone alloy aluminum D Lens is tempered glass, ·secljred ·in place with a high temperature adhesive Cl All hardware is stainless steel. Cl Housing and bezel.are sealed with a·liigh temperafure ·o· ring gasker Cl Adjustable stem configuration equipped with standard ½" NPS threaged male0fittihg PAR 30, 35 or 70 watt; 120 or 277 volt H.I.D. system.(specify voltage -see Ordering Guide on reverse) with pylse rated socketand high temperature Teflon coated lead wires .o Standard core arid. coil ballasts are0HigtJ Power Factor and rated·for -20° C starting temperatures -Consult your Lumiere sales repre- s~ntative for information on electronic ballast option o Ballasts are internally mounted in a-corrosion resistant ballast box with·integral wiring compartment o Remote ballast must be installed with NEC approved wiring compartment O All fixtur~s must be installed in accordance with all.local and national electric codes anc;I requirements D Consult supplemental Lumiilre·-materials for information oo :ballasts, .including remote ballasting All parts are·first chromate conversion-coated and th.en finished with a thermoplastic polyester.powder paint for mar resistance-and extended weatherabiJity o Colors -Architectµrai· Broni;e, Black, V>{hite, Cjty Silver, ·and Verde Green o Other colors and finishes available -consult factory· · PRODUCT SPECIFICATION (List Product as Specified) DATE. Lumiere Design & Manufacturing)nc. reserves the right to make design c!Janges withQUt notice. Ali dimensions shown on this specification sheet are approx_imate, and·are not identical to rnanlifacturing specifications. 730spec32497 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridg~, CA 91325 · _ Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818,3~3.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type 01s,m,f I I I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, ·Inc. 31360 Via Colinas #101,Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone: (818) 991-2211 ·o FAX: (818) 991-7005 E-Mail: lights@lumieretlesigri.c;om D World Wid~ Web: http,//www;Jumieredesign.com TYPE SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO -CAT. #730 LAMP INFORMATION The following table contains ,approximate lamp,da,ta D Please consul.Uamp manufacturers to obtain detailed specifications for their l?mps DESCRIPTION ANSI CODE WATTS BASE COLOR TEMP, (K) APPROX. LUMENS AVG. LIFE (HRS) CRI BEAM SPREAD PAR30 Spot M130KL-39 35 Medium· 3000 2400 9000 81 10°' '' '' PAR36 Flood M130KL-39· 35 Medium 3000 2400 9000 81 30° ". PAR,30 Spot M98 70 MeditnJ 3000 4500 6000 83 10° '.' - PAR30 Flood M98 70 . Mei:lium 3000 4500 60QO 83 40° PHOTO METRICS The.f9llowihg diagrams show !!pproximate photome~rics for available PAR30, 35 watt and 70 ,watt sp9t and flood natural color rend~ring metal halide lamps: 35 WA TT FLOOD '(30°) 35 WATT SPOT (rn°) 70 WA TT FLOOD (~0°), 70 WATT SPOT (10°) l(kecl) I (ked) I (keel) l(~ed) ~: 0 .·~$ 0 ~ .90' 11$ ' ,W . . ' -60' -60'' . ' ', . -30' -30' ' . ; ' . ' '-30' • -30' 0 ·o ·o ·,o y CD y CD y'. CD y CD y CD y CD y CD y co 0 6500 50 85 0 42000 ·50 195 0 7000 50 236 0 48000 50 85 5 6320 55 72 5 16592 55 116 5 6810 55 161 5 26434 55 65 10 5615 60 54 10· 4524. 60 63 ·",10 5874 60 ·111 10 9387 ·60 47 15 3564 65 24 15 1468' 65 36 15 4998 65 65 15 3286 65 44 20 1217 70 14 20 753 70 24 .20· 3736 70 36 20 1489 70 14 25 554 75 8' 25 518 ,75, 23 25 2144 75 21 25 829 75 6 30 370 80 5 30 436 80 22 ,30 1164 80· 11 30 685 80 3. 35 287 85 5 ' 35 399 85 12 35 721 85 7 35 559 85 2 40 216 90 2 40 374. 90 9 , 40 474 90 4 40 331 90 2 45 138 45 296 45 324 45 163 ORDERING GUIDE To specify or order, make one selection.from each of the first five columns, then select:all desired options·from·the qptions·colunin: · CAT,# FINISH BALLAST/ MOUNTING WATTS VOLTS OPTIONS 730 BZ-Bronze MB -In ground composite.ballast box with fixture mounted to-box cover. 35 120 'EL -Consult Lumiere ·to.r information on electronic BK-Black ™·· Tree mounted with ballast-wiring b_6i<·& mounting accessory. 70' . 277 'ballasts 'WH-White JR -Remote tree mount. Ba,Dast & imclosure·with cord set for remote, moUI)!. , LD35 -Long distance. c· igniter for re.mote VE-Verde , 1/1/M -Wall mount configuration with fixture motriled dire_ctly to ball;i_st cover. . 'rilolJll\ing a!)pfications CS-SiM!r WR -Remele waft mount wlth RS1 J-Boi< cove,r & remote· ballast ericlosure. only" ,. EXAMPLE:.** 7:30 -CS -WR -35 -120 -LD35 -. *Standard 35watt 120 volt ballast-allows r:,eriloting up.to 1o•·maximum D Standard 39 watt 277 Volt ballast.allows remoting up to 2' maximum Cl LD35 option is for 35 watt remote appl[cations (TR, WR);Qnly O L035 long distance ignifor enables-remoting 35watt fixture from 11' to, 50' from ballast box ,D All 70 watt fixtures cap be remoted up to 50' wiih standard ballast·and ignjtor combination **Example specification for the following·fi~ure: .Cat. #730 fixture in City Sillier finish, with.35 watt ballast for 120 volt operation: and, remote tree-mount with LD35 35 watt long distance ignitor , ' ' . ACCESSORIES $pecify accessories as separate line items O The following accessories are available for Catalog #730, · O LSL30 -Linear spread lens for increased beam distribution.in a linear pattern O OSL30 -Overall spread lens for increased beam distribution O DIF30 -Diffused or s_oft focus lens for smooth, even illumination ·Q FH30 -Angled·glare,shield for retduced visual glare D LVR30 -½" louver foneduced visual glare Please Note: Lamp Is Not Suppli~d With This Fiixtur~ -Orde; Lamp Separately Lighting Consuitan.i: Gallegos lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91~2~· Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEG-OLAND Carb'bad Page No. 2 Type 01s,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing; Inc. 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA91362 · TYPE ._I ______ ...., Telephone:·(818) 991-2211 D FAX: (818) 991-7005 E-Mail: lights@lurriit;lredesign.com D World Wide Web: http://www.lumieredesign.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO-PAR 30 METAL HALIDE-35 OR 70 WATT-CAT.# 730 DESCRIPTION APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FINISH · PROJECT NAME APP~OVAL 4.41" 1· '-==--'--..,...,.-' _J_ l--4.90".,___,j Architectural and landscape fixture engineered to accept the latest·natural color rendering PAR 30-metal halide-lamp tE1thnology El Exclusive,patented design (U.S. Rat. D. 3?~.437) o Unique pa·tE1nt pending rhech_anism enables easy vertical-adi\Jstment, and securely locks the fixture in place tJ Easy setting swivE1I provides for quick horizontakadjustrhent and·fastening· D Sleek, modern styling complements any architectural.or landscaping environment D Ballast and ballast housing with wiring compartment are included with the fixture .Q Mounting options include surfacE1; tree, remote, and in~ground··mounting Various lamp and mounting choices-eliable-uplighting, downlighting, flood lightilig,.spot lighting, and accent lighting oftrei;,s, s~rubs,.gardens, planters, flag-poles, signage, sculptures, buildings, landscapes, and ·general area illumination D: Perfect for both commercial e,1nd residential applications · D Fixture is .completely·adjustaple·from all,•mounting positions Housing, stein, and. hood are corroi;jon resistant silicone alloy aluminum Cl Lens.is tempered glass, secured in place With a high temperature adhesive _b All hardware is stainless steel o 1-jousing and bezel are.sealed with a high temperature ·o· ring.gasket Q Adjustable stem configuration equipped with standard ½"NPS threaded male fitting - PAR 30, 35 or 70 watt, 120 or 277 volt H.I.D. system (specify voltage'---see Ordering Guide on reverse) with pulse rated socket-and high temperature Teflon coated lead wires o Standard core and·coirballasts are High Power Factor and rated for -20° C starting-temperatures -·consult your Lumiere salE1s repre- sentative·for informa~ion on elecyonic ballast option Cl Ballasts are.internally mounted in a corrosion resistant ballast box with integral wiring compartment Cl Remote 'ballast must be-installed with NEC approved wiring compartment D All-fixtures mus.t be·installed in accordance with all local and national eiectric.codi;,s.alid requirements ti Consult supplemental Lurhiere mat~rials for·inforrnation on ballasts, including remote ballasting All-parts are first-chromate conversion coated and then.finii;hed with a thermoplastic polyester powder painHor mar:resistanct;l:and extended·weatherab1lity o Colors -Architectural Bronze, Black, White, · City Silver, arid Verde.Green CJ ·other colors and finishes available -consult factory PRODUCT SPECIFICATION'(List Product as Specified) DATE . -. .-_, ' --. .. - Lumiere Design & Manufacturing,.lnc. reserves the right to make design changes without nc,tite.,AII dimensions shown on this specification sheet are approximate, and are not identical to manufacturi11g· spi;,i:ifications. -1aospec32497 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasoi. Avenue Nort.hridge, CA.'91325 _ Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 · LEGOLAN~ Carlsbad Type 01.1s,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I Lumiere Design· & Manufacturi'ng, Inc; · 31360 Via Colinas#101, Westlake Village, CA 91392 Telephone: (818)'991-2211 Cl FAX; (818) 991-7005 E-Mail: lights@lumieredesign.com D World Wide Web: http:/lwww.lumieredesign.com. 1YPE ._I ___ _. SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO-CAT. #730 LAMP INFORMATION The following table contains approximate·l;;tmp data ·D Please consult lamp.manufacturers:to obtain detailed specifications for their lamps DESCRIPTION ANSI CODE WATTS BASE COLOR TEMP, (K) APPROX. LUMENS AVG. LIFE (HRS) CRI 8EAM5PREAD PAR30 Spot M130KL-39 PAR30 Flood M130KL-39 PAR30 Spot M98 PAR30 Flood M98 PHOTOMETRICS 35 Mediurrr 3000. 2400 ·9000· 81 ~oo 35 Medium 3000 2400 9000 81 30° 70 -Medium· 3000 4500 6000 83 10° " "' ··- 70 .Medium 3000 4500 6000 83 40° The following cliagrams show approximate photometrics for available PAR30, 35 watrand 70 Watt spot and flood natural color.rendering metal haiide lamps: 35 WATT FLOOD (30°) 35 WATT SPOT.(10°) 70 WATT FL.00D (40°) 70 WATT SPOT (10°) l(ked) 0 ~: .30' , . 0 y co y CD 0 6500 50 85 5 6320 55 72 10 5615 60 54 15 3564 65 24 20 1217 70 14 25 554 75 8 30 370 ea 5 35 287 85 5 40 216 90 2 45 138 ORDERING GUIDE CAT,# FINISH 730 BZ-Brcinze ' BK-Black WH-'White VE-Verde CS -Silver I {ked) l(ked) l(ked) 0 ~~ 0 -~ .: . ' . -60' . . -60' . ' . . . . -30' -?O' -30' . ·o ·o . 0 y CD y CD y CD y CD y CD y CD 0 42000 50 195 0: 7000 50 236. 0 48000 50 85 5 16592 55 116 5 6810 55 161 5 26434 55 65 10 4524 60 63 10, 5874 60 111 10· 9387· 60 47 15 .1468 65 36 15 49!111, 65 65 15 ~296 65 -44 20 753' 70 24 ·20 3736 70 36 20 1489 70 14 25 518 75 23 25 2144 75 21 25· 829 75 6 30 436 80 22 30 1164 ea 11 30 685 80 3 35 399 85 12 35 721 es 7 35 559 85 2 40 374· .90 9· 40 474 90 4 40 331 90 2 45 296 45 3~4 45 163 To specify or order, make one selection from each of the first five columns, then select all desired options_.from the options column: BALLAST / MOUNTING WATTS VOLTS OPTIONS MB -In ground compr;isite l;>allast 6ox with fixture mounted·to box-cover. 35 f20 EL -Consult Lumiere for information on electronic': TM -Tree mounted with ballast -wiring box & 1T19unting accessory. 70 277 baUa~ts TR -Re'mote iree.rriounl.Banast & enclosure with cord set for remote mounl LD35 -Long distance WM -Wall mount configuration with-fixture mo\Jnled directly to ballast cover. ignitor for remote mounting applications WR -Remr;ite wall mount with RS1 J-Bo)l·cover & remote banast enclosure. . :only" .. •· EXAMPLE:"* 739 a CS -WR -35 -120 -LD35· *Standard 35 wa~ 120 volt ballast allows remciting Up to 1 O' maximum D Standard 35 watt 277 volt ballast allows remoting up t_o 2' maximum D LD35 option is for 35 watt-remote applications.(TR, WR)· only Cl LD35 long distance·ignitor enab!e.s remoting 35 watt fix1ure from 11'·to'50' from -ballast box· D Ali 70 w~tt fix1ures c;ar\.b~ remoted=up·to 50' with standard,ballast and!ignitor c9mbination "*Example specification forthe·following·fixture.: Cat.:#730 fix1ure in <;:ity Silver finish, with 35.watt ballast for120 volt operation, and remote tree mount with-LD35 35 watt long clistance igniter · · ACCESSORIES .Specify-accessories as separate.line items D Thtdollowing accessories are available for Catalog #730: . •· O LSL30 -.Linear spread lens for.increased beam distdbution in a linear pattern O OSL.30 -Overail·spr~ad.lens for increased,beam distribution D DIF30·-Diffused or soft.focus lens for·smooth, even-illumination o FH30 -Angled.glare shield for reduced visual glare 0 LVR30 -½" louver for reduced visual·giare · Please Note: Lamp Is Not Supplied With This Fixtu.re ~ Order Lainp Separately . . Lighting Consultmt: Gallegos Lighting De~ign 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325' Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818:.343.2041 LEGQLAND . Carlsbad PageNo.2 Type 01.1s,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumi.ere-Design & Manufacturing, Inc. 31360 Via Gelinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone: (818),!i)91-2211 Cl. FAX: (818) 991-7005 E-Mail:_ liglit.s@lumieredesign.cor'n Q World Wide Web: http://wwwdumietedesigri.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO-PAR 30 METAL HALIDE-35 OR 70 WATT-CAT.# 730 DESCRIPTION APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FINISH .PROJECT NAME APPROVAL A LJ . --i· i 3.75" I -----1 i ___ -7.25"--' Architecturatand landscape fixture engineered to accept the latestnatural color rendering PAR 30-metal tialide lamp technology D Exclusive patentectdesign (U.S. Pat. D. 373,437) Cl Unique paten(pending mechanism enables easy 'lertical adjustment, .and securely locks the fixture in place o Easy setting swivel provides fiir quick horizontal adju~trrient and fastening·· ti Sleek, modern·styling complements any architectural or landscaping environment Cl. Ballast and baliast·housing with wiring compartment are included with the fixture Cl Mounting 9ptions·include.surface, tree, remote; and-in-ground mounting· Various lamp and mounting choices enable Liplighling, dowriiighting, flood lighting, spot lighting, and accent lighting of-trees, shrubs, gardens, planters, flag poles, ·sjgnage, sculptures, buildings, landscapes, and general area illumination D · Perfect for both commerciaLaiid residential applications ·Cl Fixture is completely adjµsta~le frpm ~I1.mciunting positions Housing, stem, and:hood are corrosion-resist.ant silicone·alloy aluminum D Lens is tempered glass, secured in place with.a high temperature:adhesive Cl All hardware is stainless steel Cl. Housing and bezel are sealed with a high temperature ·o· ring gasket Cl Adjustable stem configuration equipped with standard ½" NPS threaded male fitting PAR 30, 35 or 70 watt, 120-or 277 volt'H.LD'. system-.(specify voltage-see Ordering.Guide on reverse) with pulse rated socket 1;1nd-high temperi\ture Teflon coated lead wires .Cl Standard core and coil ballasts are High Power Factor;and rated for-200:O starting temper.,itures :_ Consult your Lumiere sales.repre- sentative for information on electronic-ballast option Cl Ballasts are internally m_ounted in a corrosion resistant-ballast box with integral wiring c9mpar'tment Cl Remote ballast must be installed with NEC approved wiring compartment Cl All fixtures must be installed in accor~ancewith all local and national electric codes and-requirements Cl ·Consultsupplemental-Lumiere materials for information on ballasts, including remote--ballasting All parts.are first-ctJromate·convetsibn,coated.and then finished-With a-thermoplastic polyester powder paint for mar resistance-and extendedweatherability o Colors----, ArchitecturarBronze, Black, White, City Silver, and Verde Green Cl Other colors and finishes available -consult factory 'PRODUCT SPECIFICATION (List Pr~duct as Specified) DATE Lumiere Design & Manufat:turing, Inc. ·reserves the rig tit to make design ~hanges without notice. All dimensions shown on thil,.Specification sheet ar~ approximate, ~nd-are not identical to mariufacturing.s_pecificatjons, 13ospec:i2497 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Desi~ 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343,5762 tFax ·8l8.343.2041 LEG-OLANO_ Carlsbad Type 02s,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumjete Design & Manufacturing, Inc. 31360 Via·Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91364 Telephone: (818) 991-2211 0 FftX: (818) 991-7005 E-Mail: lights@lumieredesign.com O World Wide Web: http:/lwww.lOmieredesign.com TYPE SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO -CAT. #730 LAMP INFORMATION The following table contains approximate lamp·clata O Please consult lamp manufacturers to obtain cfetailed specifications for their lamps DESCRIPTION ANSICooE WATTS BASE COLOR TEMP, (K) APPROX. LUMEN$ AVG. LIFE (HRS) CRI BEAMSPREAO PAR30 Spot M130KL-39 35 Medium 300·0 240'0. 9000 81 10° PAR30 Flood M130KL-39 35 _Medium 3000 2400 9000 81 30° .. PAR30 Spot ·M98 70 MedillTI 3000 4,500 6000 83 10° PAR30 Flood M98 .70 Medi1111 3000 4500. 6000 83 40° PHOTO METRICS The following-diagrams show approximatephotometrics for avail?Qle.PAR30, 35 watt and 70 watt spot and flood natural color renderi.ng metal halide lamps: 35 WATT FLOOD (30°) 35 WATT SPOT(10°) 70 WATT FLOOD (40°) 70 WATT.$POT (10°) l(ked) I (ked) .I (ke</) l(ked) II 0 ·~~ 0 mr -~ ' -60' -60' -60' ' . : -30' -30' ·30' 0 ·o· .b 0 y co y CD y co y co· y CD y· CD y CD y co 0 6500 50 85 O· 42000 50 195 0 7000 so 236· 0 48000,50 85 5 6320 55 72 .5 16592 55 116 5· 6810 55 161 5 26434 55 65 10 5615 60 54 10 -~5~4· ~ 63 .10 5874 60 111 10 9387 60 ·47 15 3564 65 24 15 :~4;: ;~ 36 15 4998 65 65 15 3286 65 44 20 1217 70 14 20 24 20 3736 70 36 20 1489 70 14 25 554 75 8 25 518 75 23 25 2144 75 21 25 829 75 6 30 370 80 5 30 436, 80 22 30 1164 80 11 30 685 80 3 35 287 85 5 35 399 85 12 35 721 .85 7 35 559 85 2 40 216 90 2 40 374. 90 9 40 474 90 4 40 331 90 2 45 138 45 296 45. 324 45 163 ORDERING GUIDE To specify or order, make one selection.from each of the first'five-columns, then select all desired·options from:the optii:ms column: · · · CAT,# FINISH BALLAST / MOUNTING WATTS VOLTS OPTIONS .. 730 BZ-Bronze MB---ln ground composite ballast box with fixtuie.inounted to box cover. 35 120 EL -·consult Lumiere for infoll)1ation on electronic BK· Black iM ·· Tree mounted with .ballast -wiring box & mounting accessory . 70 277 !>allast_s WH-White TR-·Remote tree mount.,Ballasi & enclosure with:cord,set for remote mount. · LD35 -Long distance 'NM "Wal) mount configuration with fixture mounted directly to ballast cover. -igniter. for remote VE-Verde mounting applications only" CS -Silver WR -Remol!l wan mount with'RS1 J-Box cover & remote·banast'enclosure. . EXAMPLE:-730 -CS -WR -35 -120 -LQ35 . *Standard 35 watt 120 voltballasf allows rernoting·l!P to 10' maximum D Standard:3~ watt277 volt ballast aUows remotirig up to 2' maximum O LD35 optio11 is for 35 We!!! ·remote .applications 0"R, WR) only o· LD3516ng distance ignjtor enables remoting 35 watt fixture from 11' to 50' from·balla$t box Cl All 70 watt fixtures c:an·be rembted up to 50' with stalidard·balliist-and igniter combination -Example specification for.the following fixture: Cat. #730 fixture.in City Silver finish, with 35 watt·ballast for 120 volt.operation, and remote tree mount with LD35 35 watt long distan.ce igniter ACCESSORIES . SpecJfy .~ccessories .. as separate-line items O The following accessories are available for Catalog #730: · O LSL30 -Linear spread lens for increased beam distribution ir(a linear pattern Ci: OSt30--Overall spread lens for increased beam distribution D DIF30 -Diffused or soft focus l~ns for smooth, even illumination O FH39 -·Angled glare· shield·for reduced visual glare 0 L VR30 -½" louver for reduced visual glare· • · Please Note: -Lamp Is Not $uppliecf With This Fixtl)r.e -Order Lamp-Separately Lighting Consultant: . Gallegos Lighting Design: 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax :stS.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Page No. 2 Type 02s,m,f I I I I I I I I ,, ,, I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing., Inc. TYPE 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone_: (~18),991-2211 Cl· i=AX: (818) 99W005 E-Mail: lights@lumier'edesign.coni Q World Wide Web: http:/i\omN.lumieredesig,n.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO -PAR 30 METAL HALIDE -35 OR 70 WA TT -CAT.# 730 DESCRIPTION APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FINISH PROJECT NAME; APPROVAL k----4.90"-: . ---. i 3.75" I --1 -~-----1----r I ,4,-41" I ~=------1 Architectural and landscape fixtureerigineered to accept the latest natural color rendering PAR 30 metal halide lamp technology o Exclusive patented.design (U.S. Pat. D. 373,437) a Unique patent pending me9hanism enables easy verticaJ ad]ustment, and securely locks the fixture in place CJ Easy setting swivel provides for quick horizontal adjustment-and fastening Q' Sleek, modem styling complements any architectural or landscaping environment CJ Balla.st and ballast nousing with wiring compartment are included with the fixture CJ Mounting options include surface, tree, remote, and in-ground mounting Various lamp and.mounting choices enable uplighting, downlighting, flood lighting; spot lighting, and accent lighting b,f.trees, shrubs,_gardens, planters, flag poles, signage, sculptures, buildings, landscapes, and general area illumination Cl Perfect for both commercial and residen\ial applications Cl Fixture is completely adjustable from-all mounting positions Housing, stem, and hood are corrosion-resistant silicone alloy aluminum CJ Lens is tempered· glass, secured in place with a high temperature adhesive-CJ All hardware-is stainless steel Cl Housing ancj bezel are sealed with·a high tempe_rature ·o~ ring-gasket o Adjustabie stern configuration equipped with standard ½" NPS threaded male fitting · PAR 30, 35-or 70watt, 120 at 2-7.7 volt H.I.D'. system (specify voltage-'-see Ordering Guide on reverse) with·pulse·rated socket and high·femperature Teflon coated lea(!° wires Cl Standard core and coil ballasts .are High Power Factor and rated for -20° C starting. temperatures -Consult your Lumiere .sales repre- sentative for information on electronic ballast optjon Cl Ballasts are internally mounted in a corrosion resistant ballast box with integral wiring_ compartment CJ Remote ballast must be installed-wit!i NEC approved w1rirjg.coi:npartment Cl All-fixtures must-be installed·io-accordance with.all local· arid national eledric codes and.requiremen_ts CJ Consult supplementc1I.Lumiere materials for information on ballasts, including remote ballasting All parts are first,~tomate conversion coated aM then finished with a thermoplastic polyester powder paint·for mar resistance and extended weatherability CJ Colors -Architectural Bronze, Black, White, City Silver, and·\ier9e Green CJ' Other colors.and:finishes available..__ consult factory PRODI.ICT SPECIFICATIQN (List·Product as Spei;:ified) DATE Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, lric;reserves the right to make design c'1anges withoulnotice.-AII dimensions·shown on this·specification sheet are approxi~ate, ·and are not-identicalto manufacturin~.specifications. ' 730spec32497 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasoi Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 8:18.343.2041 LEGO:LAND Carlsbad Type 02.ls,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, .Inc. 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake 'village, 'CA 91362 Telephone: (818) 991-22:11 D FAX: (818) 991-7005 E-Mail: lights@lurnieredesi~n.com D World Wide Web: http://www.lumieredesign.com TYPE SPECIFICATIONS: · CORONADO-CAT. #730 LAMP INFORMATION The following·table contains approximate-lamp data D 'P.lease consult lamp manufacturers to· obtain detailed-spi:!cifications for their lamps DESCRIPTION ANSI CODE WATTS BASE COLOR TEMP. {K) APPROX. LUMENS AVG. LIFE (HRS) CRI BEAM SPREAD PAR30 Spot · M130KL-39 PAR30 Flood . M130KL-39 PAR30 Spot M98 PAR30 Flood M98 PHOTOMETRICS .. 35 Medium 3000 2400 9000 81, 10° •' . . .. 35 Medium-'. 3009 2400 9000 81 ·30° .. · . . 70 MedilXll · ·3000 4500 -6000 83 10° .. 'TO Medium. 3000 4500 6000· 83 40° .. . , The following diiigr~ms show approximate photometrics for available-PAR30, 35 watt and 7Q :watt spot and flood natural color rendering metal halide lamps: 35WATT FLOOD (30°) I (ked) 35 WATT SPOT (10°) I (ked) 76 WATT FLOOD .. (40°) I (ked), 70 WATT. SPOT (10°) I (ked) 0 • -90' I 0 Y CD Y CD o 6500 50 es 5 6320 55 72 10 5615 60 5<4 15 3564 65 24 20 1217 70 14 25 554 75 8 30 370 80 5 35 287 85 5 40 216 90 2 45 . 138 ~ ·30' ORDERING GUIDE CAT,# FINISH 730 BZ-Bronze BK-Black WH-White VE-Verde CS-Silve~ ' 0 . ,90' ,60' . . -30' . ·o 'tlj ... 0 ·: ' . . . . ' - ' '-30' ·o-. -: ~-30' .. . 0 y COYCO y co·yco y COYCO 0 42000 50 195 0 7000 50 236 0 48000 50 85 5 16592 55 1'16 5 6810 55· 161 5 26434 55' 65- 10 4524 60 63 10 5874 ·60 111· 10 9387 60 47 15 1468 65 36 15 4998 65 65 15 3286 65 44 20 753 70 .24 20 3736 70 36 20 1489 70 14 25 518 75 23 25 2144 75 21 25 '829 75 . 6 30 436 80 22 30 1164 80 11 30 6B5 80 3 35 399· es 12 35 121 es 1 35 559 es 2 40 374 90 9 40 474 90 4, 40 331 90 ·2 45 296 45 324 45 163 To specify.or order, make one $election from each:ofthe fir~t five columns, then select all- desired options frQm the oplions.cdlomn: · BALLAST / MOUNTING WATTS VOLTS OPTIONS MB -In groui:x:Lcomp9site ballast bo)C with-fixture mounted·to b'o,fcover. 35 1?0 EL -Consult Lumiere for information on electronic TM -Tree mountE!d-with ballast-,wiring box &,mounting·ac;cessory .• 70 ?1-7 · ballasts "JB,-Remote tree mount. Ballast & enctosure wipi cord set for remote mount -L_D35 -Long distance WM -Wall mount configuration with fixture mounted directly to bailast cover, · igllitor for remote moun!ing app6~ti(!ns only" · WR -Remote W?II mount with. RS1 J-Box.cover & remoltl lfaOast enclosure. · EXAMPLE: .. 730 -CS -WR-35 -120-LD35 ... *Standard 35 watt 120 volt.ballast allows·remoting up to 10' maximum CJ Standard 35 Wc!tt 277 volt ballast-allows remoting up to 2' maximum D LD35 oplion is for 35 W<!ltt remote applications (TR, WR) only CJ LD35 long distance ignitor en~bles remoting 35 watt fixture from 11' to qO' from ballast box D All 70 watt fixtures can be r~moted up to 50' with:s!andard ballast and igniter combination **Example specification for ttie following ,fixture: Cat. #730 fixture in City-Silver finish, with: ~5 watt ballast foJ'120 volt op~ration, and remote tree mount with LD35 35 watt,lohg-distance igniter · ACCESSORIES Specify accessories as separate line items CJ' The following accessories are available for Catalog #730:- .. 0 LSL30 -Linear ~pread lens for increased-beam distribution in a linear pattern D OSL30 ~ Overall spread lens for increaseg beam distribution CJ DIF30 -Diffused or soft focus lens for s·mooth, even·illuniinat,on Cl FH30 -Arigl~d glare shii:!Jd·for reduced visual glare D LVR30 -½" louver for reduced visual glare Please Note:_ Lamp I~ Not Supplied With This J=i~ure -Ord~r.Lamp Separately Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.20~1, LEGOLANU Carlsbad Page No.2 Type 02.1s,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Desi'gn & Manufacturing, Inc. lYPE ·.__I ---,--~ 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone: (818) 991-221"1 D FAX; (818) 991-7005 E-Mail: lights@IOmieredesign.com O W6rl~ Wide Web: ,http://www.lLimieredesign.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO-PAR 30 METAL HALIDE-35 OR 70 WATT-CAT.# 730 DESCRIPTION APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FINISH PROJECT NAM'!; APPROVAL -114.50" \ u 4.'11" I '-a:=-----· _J_ l---t.90"-l i--1.2s"--,----l Architectural i!n&landscape fixture engineered to accept the latest natural color renclering PAR 30metal ha_lide lamp technology D Exclusive patented design (U.S. Pat. D. 373,437) D Unique patent pending mechanism enatiles easy vertical adjustment, arid securely locks the fixture in place D ·Easy setting swivel provides for quick.horizontal adj1,1stment-and fastening D Sleek, modem styling complements any architectural or landscaping environment D Ballast and:ballast'housing with wiring compartment are included with the.fixture D Mounting options-include surface; tree, remote, and in-ground mounting Various lamp and.mounting choices enable uplighting, downllghtihg, flood lighting, spot lighting, and accent lighting oftrees, shrubs, gardens, planters, flag poles, signage, ·sculptures, buildings, landscapes, and·,general are.a,illurhination D Perfect for:both commerqial and residential applications D F1xtµre is completely adjustable from all mounting positions · Housing, stein, and hood are corrosion resistant silicone alloy aluminum D Lens is.tempered glass, secured in-place with a high.temperature adhesiv.e D All'hardware is stainless steel D Housing and bezel are seale~ with a high temperature ·o· ring gasket ti Adjµstable stem configuration equipped with standard·½" NPS threaded male fitting PAR ·30, 35 or 70 watt, 120 or277 volt H.l:_D. system (specify voltage -see Ordering Guide on reverse) with pulse rated:socket.and high-temperature Teflon coated lead wires D Standard core and coil ballasts are High Power Factor and rated for -20° C-starting temperatures,-Consult your Lumiere sales repre- sentative for·inforrnation-on-electronic bailast:option ·(;), Ballasts are internally mourj!ed in a corrqsion resistant ballasi box with integral wiring compartment D Remote ballast must be-installed with NEC approved wiring compartment D An fixtures must.be insialled in accordance with all local and.national electric codes and requireme_rits d Consult supplementcil Lumiere mate'rials for information on ballasts, inch.idirig remote ballasting All parts are first chromate conversion coate[:f and then finished with a therrnoplastic·polyester powder paint fot mar resistance and extended weatherability D Colc;>rs --Architectural Bronze, Black, White, Ci!y Silver, and Verde Green q Other colors arid finishes available -c;onsult factory PRODUCT SP!:CIFICATION (List Product as Specified) DATE Lumiere Design & ~anufacturing;lnc. rt:!serves the rightto make design changes without notice.All dimensions shown on this specification sheet are. ap,proxjrhate, and are not identica! to mcinufacturing spt:!cifications,. · 730spec32497 Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LE('.;-OLAN2D Carlsbad Type ·03s.,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. 31360 Via Colinas-#101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone: (818) 991-2211 tl FAX: (818) 991-7005' E-Mall: lights@lumiered~sign.com D World Wide Web: http:/iwww.lumieredesign.cQm TYPE SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO -CAT. #730 LAMP INFORMATION The.following tabl~ contains approximate lamp,dat? -Cl Please c:onsult lamp manufacturers to obtain detailed specifications, for their lamps DESCRIPTION ANSI CODE WATTS BASE COLOR TEMP. (K) APPROX. LUMENS Ava. LIFE (HRS) CRI BEAM SPREAD PAR30 Spot M130KL-39 35 Medium . 3000 2400 9000 81 10° " PAR30 Flood M130KL-39 35 Medium 3000 2400 9000. 81 30° PAR30 Spot M98 70 MedilJTI 3000 4500 6000 83 10° -, PAR30· Flood M98 70· Medium· 3000 . 4500 ,' 6090 83 40° ... ,. PHOTOMETRICS The following diagrams show approxim.ate photometrics for available PAR30, 35 watt and 70 watt spot and flood natl!ral color rende~ng metal halide lamps: 35 WATT FLOOD (30°) 35 WATT SPOT (10°) 70WATT·FLOOD (40°) · 70 WATT SPOT (10°) l{~ed) ·1 (ked) I (ked) I (ked) 0 0 ~Ir 0 ~: mir l!f : -60' : I ' -30' 0 "o . ·o. 0 y CD y CD y ·CD y CD y CD y CD y co: y CD 0 6500 50 85 0 42000 50 195 0 7000 50 236' ·O 48000 50 85 5 6320 55 72 5. 16592 55 116 5 6810 55 161 5 26434 55 65 10 5615 60 54 10 4524 60 63 10 5874 60 111 10 9387 60 47 15 3564 65 24 15 1468 65 36 is 4998 65 55 .. 15 3286 65 44 20 1217 70 14 20 753 70 24 '20 3736 70 36, 20 1489 70 14 25 554 75 8 25 518 75 23" 25 2144 75 21 25 829 75 6· 30 370 80 5 30 436 80 22 30 1164 80 11 30 685 80 3 35 287 BS 5 35 399 85 12 35 721 85 7 35 559 85 2 40 216 90 2 40 374 90 9 40 ·l74 90 4 40 331 90 2 45 138 45 296 45 324 45 163 ORDERING GUIDE ""'Tb specify or order, make on~ selection from,¢ach of the first·five columns, !hen select all desired options:from the options column: CAT,# FINISH BALLAST/ MOUNTING WATTS VOLTS OPTIONS ,, 730 BZ· Br9nze MB --In ground composite ballast box with .fixture rjiourited·to box.cover. 35 12·0 ··EL • .'consult Lui'niere for information_ on electronic BK-Black 1M -1ree mounted-with ballast -wiring box & mounting accessory. 70 277 ballasts WH-White '1R-.R~_rriote tree 'mount. Ballast & .enclosure wiih cord set for remote' mount. , 'LD35. Long distance . igniter for remote · VE-Verde WM ,Wall mount configuration with fixture mo~d directly to ~allast cover. mounting applications WR -R_erilote wan.m9unt with RS1 J-Bo:ic cover &.remote b~Uast enclosure .. only" - CS-Silver EXAMPLE:-730 • CS ··WR • 35 <120 -LD35 '' *Standard 35 wa~ 1·20 volt ballast,allows remoting up to 10' maximu·m D Standard 35 watt 277 volt ballast allows remoting up to:2' maximum D LD35 option-is for 35 w~tt remote ,applications (fR, WR) only O LD35 long .distance igniior enables remoting 3~ watt fixture from 11' tc;>-50' from ballasl'box tl All 10 watt ftxtures can-be remoted·up to 50' with·standard·b_ailast and ignitor combination *"Example specification for theJoilqwing fixture: Cat. #730 fix1unrin City Silver finish, with ~5 watt ballast for 120 volt operation. and remote tree mount with LD35 _35 watt iong,distance igniter ACCESSORIES $pecify accessories as separate,lihe items ,D The following accessories are available for Catalog #730: · D LSL30 -Linear spread leris·for increas.ed beam distribution in ,;1,linear pattern Q OSL36 -Overall spread lens' for increased·beam distribution O DIF30 -Diffused or soft fQcus lens for smooth, eveh·ilh,imination D FH30 , Angled.,glare·shie!d for reduced visual glare D LVR30 -½"louver.for reduced-vi~ual.glare Plea_se Note: tamp Is Not Supplied With This Fixture..,.... Order tamp Separately Lighting Consultant Gallego~ Lighting Design·. 8132 .An~asol Avenue Northridge, CA'91325. _. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343;2(»1 LEGOLAND Carlsbad· Page No.2 Type 03s,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~·. Lumiere De$ign & Manufacturing:, Inc. 31360 Via Colinas #10:t,, Westlake Village, 9A 9:1362 Telephone: (818) 991-2211 O FAX: (818) 991-7¢oey _ TYPE ·E-Mail: lights@lumietedesign.com CJ World Wide Web: http://www.lumieredesign.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO-PAR 30 METAL HALIOE-35 OR 70 WATT-CAT.# 730 DESCRIPTION APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICAL FINISH PROJECT NAME APPROVAL A LJ k4.90"--I 7 3.75" I _J --~----<-.- 1 4.-41" I -,, _t l-,,---7;25"~ Archit!;)ctural and landscape fixture engineered to acc~pt the latest natoral color rendering PAR 30·metar halide lamp technology o Exclusive patented-design (µ.s. Pat. D. 373,437) CJ Unique patent pending meclianism enables easy verticaladjustment, and secl!reJy locks the fixture in p[ace o Easy S!;!tliilg swiv~l-providesfor quic!< horizontal-adjustment ancl fastening Cl Sleek, modem styling complements any architectural-or landscaping environment Cl Balh11st ahd'!)allast housing with wiring compartment-are included with the fixture Cl Mounting options include surface, tree, remote, a_nd in-ground mounting Various lamp and mounting ch6'ices enable uplighting, downlighting, flood fighting, spotlighting, and, accent Jigh_ting of trees, shrubs; gardens, planters, flag-poles, signage, sculptures, buildings, landscapes, and-general area illumination D Perfect for both commercial and residential:applications d Fixture is completely adjustable from all mounting positions Housing,.stem,.and hood are corrosion-resistant silicone-alloy aluminum D Lens is tempered glass, secured'in-place with-a high_temperature adhesive Cl AWhardware is,i;tainless steel (;J Hous_ing and bezel are-sealed with .i-high temperature ·o· ring gasket CJ, Adjustable stem configuration equipped with standard½" NPS threaded-male-fitting PAR30, 35 or 70 watt; 120 or 277 volt H.I.D. system (specify voltage-'-see Ordering Guide on reverse) with pulsl:l rated-socket and high-temperature Teflon-coated lead-wires Cl Standard core and coil ballasts are High Ppwer.Factor and rated·for -20° C starting-temperatures -Cc:>ns0lt ypur Lumiere sales repre- sentative fc;,r'informaticm QI"! electronic ballast option q !3allasts are internally mounted in a corrosion tesistantballasfbox with integral-wiring compartment Cl-Remote ballast mus! be installed'with NEC approved-wiring compartment D All-fixtures must:b·e:installed in accordance witfi all loela!I and nation.ii electric codes and-requirements D Consult supplem·enta! Lumiere materials for information on ballasts, :including r!:!m6ie ballasting , - All parts are first chromate conversion coated and-theh finished with.a thermop)astic polyester powder paint fot,mar resistance and extended weatherability D Colors.-Architectural Bronze, Black, White, City Silver; and Verde Green 1.:1 Other colors and finishes available -consult factory PRODUCT-SPECIFICATION (List Product as Specified) ·DATE Lumiere -Design & Manufacturing, lnc.~reserve~ the rjght to make design,'changes witl16ut hotice. All dimension_s shown on this specification sheet are approximate, and are not-identical-to manufacturing specifications. 73Dspec32497 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Desigii 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA. 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818:343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad - Type 03.1s,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. TYPE 31360 Via Colinas #101,We:stlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone: (818)'991.s2711-0 FAX: (818) 991-,7005 . E-Mail: lights@lumieredesign.com O World Wide Web: http://wwwJumieredei;ign.com SPECIFICATIONS: CORONADO -CAT. #730 LAMP INFORMATION The fo)lowlng tal;lle contains approximate lamp data O 'Please consult lamp manufacturers to -obtain detailed spe.cificatibns for their lamps DESCRIPTION ANSICooE WATTS BASE COLOR TEMP. (K) APPROX. LUMEN$ Avo. LIFE (HRS) CRI BEAM SPREAD .. ·PAR30 Spot M130KL-39 PAR30·Flood· M130KL-39 PAR30$pot M98 PAR30·Flood M98 PHOTO METRICS 35 Medium-3006 . 2400 9000 ·81 10° .. 35 ,Medium 3000 2400 9000 81 30° 70 Medium 3000 4500 6000, 83 10° . 70 Medium. 3000, 4500 6000 · 83 40° The following diagrarris.$h9w·approxima!e photbmetrics for available PAR30, 35 watt an_c;l 70 . watt. spot and flood .natural cqior reridedng ·m~tai halide-lamps: 35 WATT FLOOD (30°) -35 WATT SP(?T (.10°) 70 WATT FLOOD (40°) 76 WATT SPOT (10°) l(ked) I (ked) l(ked) I (ked) 0 0 I]: l~r mr II~ -60' -60' ·.w . . . -30' -30' -30' . '30' ' 0 :o . ··.o· . 0 y CD y: CD y CD Y CD y CD y CD .·y CD y CD 0 6500 50 85 0 42000 50 195. 0 7000 50 236 0 48000 50 85 5 6320 55 72 5 16592 55 116 5 6810 ss· 161 5 26434 55 65 10 5615 60 54 10 4524 60 63 10 5874 60 111 ·10 9387 60 47 15 3564 65 24 15 1468 65 36 15 4998-65 65 15 3266 65 44 20 1217 70 14 20 753 70 24 20 3736 76 36 20 1489 70 14 25 554 75 8 25 518 75 23 25 2144. 75· 21 25 829 75 6 30 370 80 5 30 436 80 22 30 1164 80 .11 30 685 80 3 35 287 85 5_ 35 399 85 12 35 721 85 .7 35 559 85 2 40 216 90 2 40 374 90 9 40 4!4. $0 4 40 331 90 2 45 138 .45 296 45 324 ,45 163 ORDERING GUIDE Td·specify or orqer, make one selectiim from-_each of the first five columns, then select all desired options.from the options column:. · · CAT,# FINISH BALLAST / MOUNTING WATTS VOLTS OPTIONS -. ·-730 BZ-Bronze MB -In ground composite ballast-box with fixture.mounted to·box cover. 35 120 EL -Consult Lumiere for information on electronic BK-Black TM·-Tree mounted with ballast-wiring box & mounting accessory. 70 277 ballasts WH-White TR -Remote tree.mounl Ballast &,enclosure.with cord set-for remQte molinl -~035 • Long distance igniter for remote VE-Verde · ·'NM -Waif moupt configuration with fixture mounted directly to ballasi cover, mounting applications -only"' CS· Silver WR -Remote wan-molmt with RS1 J-Box-cc;,wr & remote baftast enclosure. ·- EXAMPLE:-730·--CS -ViiR-35 -120, LD35 *Standard 35 watt 120 volt l;lallast allows remoting·LJP to 1 O' maximum O ~tandarq 35 watt 277 volt ballast allows· remoting up to 2' maximum O LD35' option is for-35 .watt-remo_te applicatioris.(TR, WR) only Q. LD3S'l6ng distance. igniter enabies remoting 35 watt fixture from u·to 50' from ballast box O Afl'70 watt fixtures-can be remoted·up to-50'.with standard ballasr arid igniter combination **Example specification for the following fixture: Cat. #730 fixture in.City Silver_ finisn, with 35watt ballast for 120 volt operation, anq remote tree mount with LD35 35 watt·long distance igniter • ACCESSORIES Specify accessories as separate line items O The following accessories are available for ·catalog #730: ... CJ LSL30 -Linear spread l~ns for increased beam distribution in,a linear pattern ti ·osL30 -Overall spread I.ens for increased beam distribution CJ DIF30 -Diffused or·sofnocus.tens for.smooth~ even illumination O FH30 -Angled glar~ shieJd·forreduced visual glare CJ L VR3b -½" louver for-reduced visLJal glare Please Note: Lamp Is Not Supplied With This FixJure-Order Lamp Separately Page.No.2 I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avert~e . Northridge, CA 91325 LEGO.tAND Ca:r:IS:bad Type 03.ls;m,f Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I 7100 SERIE$· FLOOD LIGHTS-175 WATT HID DESCRIPTION: The 7100 Series Architectural Lighting System is a series of outdoor fixtures designed-to provide consistent styling with a wide variety of vertical and horizontal light distributions. The flood lights greatly" extend the uniform lighting:capabilitiesof the-lower level floodlights. Eight" optical.systems achieve a wide variety of vertical and hoiizontallight distributioni;, from narrow spots to wide floods., There 1s also a variety of. mounting orientations available.including.ceiling, wall, stanchion and·base. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: TYPE._·-----"------...,...,........-'---- PART NUMBERS: SEE BACK FOR ORDERING GUID!;. MATERIAL: Die cast alu[11inum housing and door. Fixture is fully sealed with silicon gasketing. All hardware for door and mountin~ acce!;sories are.stainless steel. Suitable for wet locations. LENS: Flat tempe(ed glass REFLECTORS: :High purity anodized spec1,1lar, senii-sP.ecular, or patterned.lighting sh.eat in various 9onfigurations to provide optimum optical performance •. Reflectors are interchangeable with 1/4 torn, snap-in fasteners and quick electrical connectors. Reflectors are segmented to-provide maximum performance and uniformity. All HID sockets are porcelain medium base rated 4KV. . GLARE CONTROL: lnternahelements attached to door.provide unlimited versatility in beam control.-lngexing.marks on door allow-for easy ai,ming in the field. Sharp and •soft" glare control elements are available. ~Soft""elements allow light.patterns to·-be feathered along edges, ellrninati(lg "Hot Spots• due 'to overlapping patterns. · ELECTRICALCOMPQNENTS;· .Integrally mounted'ballas.ts. Ballasts are UL-recognized High Power Factor, 100% factory tested, and ratea for -20°C starting. temperat1,1res. · · MOUNTING: Fixtures can be rigid mounted or knuckle mounted, (180° vertical,' 360° rotation) on pol!;), stanchion, wall, ce.iling, or base (architectural junction.box). All mounting accessories are cast alumin0ril!;ecured with stainless steel fasteners. · LIGHT DISTRIBUTION: AVailal:lle. in spot, horizontal spot, horizontal flood, vertical flood, and wide flood. Downlights aviiilable in symmetrical, wide asymmetrical, and forward asymmetrical distributions. · FINISH: Texture powder coat polyester-finish, available in Black, Bronze, Gray, or Terra Verde Gre~m. Custorn finishes available on request. NOTE: All lamps.must be rated for "Universai-Burning Po~ltion' because fixture tilt changes lamp orientaioil. LAMPS BY OTHERS -~ LI 91/,· .. --~ 0 0 DIMENSIONS: -NOTE: HYDREL RESERVES ttiE.RIGHT TO CHANGE ANY SPECIFICATION'wriitooi' NOTICE. Any dimension on thla ahNt la to be anum.cl ea a reference dlmenalon: 'Uaad foflnformaUon purpona only. it-d01a not gov1m manufacturing or · lilapectlol) requlr1in1nta. •· (ANSI Y-14.5-1973) U.LUSTED C.U.L LiBTm ~. . . 4~_] 12881 BRADLEY AVENUE, SYUYIAR, CALIFORNIA 91342; PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FIU<: 818/362-6548 H':'i:Jni:L LTG-7100 03/15/94 Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasoI: Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 ~ax &18.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad ~>4M Type 04s,m,f -- - t-4 ~~;e1c§: 0 ::lt-J~g-ij ~ >()'Q CJQ c,:, ... =son "'"'Cl. Cl. l;I) 0 ?>,e:c:~ ~--e.()'Q s:: {.,) n .,.__ s;-. >,... ::s· S' ~ \0 ;;. ()'Q = °' 1-l ::S '""4 IT t,) ti)' j:;f V ' ' , i:i3Nt11 t11 SU VJ f!l, >< ' Q'Q· ::S' ~ ~ 'II» {.,) ~ ~ ~ ntrj ~ ~ :l.O fl.)~ g°> 0.z t::::,· 0 .. ~~ ~ ,:::, a ('D ~ ------ -- H'::'iJniiL 7100 SERIES - -- ---- - NOTE: HYDREL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHAt-.lGE ANY SPECIFICATION WITHOUT NOTICE Any dimension on this sheet is to be assumed as a reference dimension: FLOOD LIGHTS -175· WATT HID MAX. "Used for information purposes only. It does not govern manufacturing or inspection requirements.' (ANSI Y14.fl·1973) DIMENSIONS Metricin-mm · Englfsh.'in inches 171 -53/4- 6Q ,-c.:152 m6-l 152 6 l ~ G) 0 1\4 4 1/2 r PK Pole ~ :· ·Mounted , ... -·-I 95 . Knuckle ·.·,,:·:· ·3·3/4 457 . -- "".:,:, 18 0 I 83 '. ,. 'I ol'''' I' 152' 152 6 6 '1 1 SM Stanchion JB junction Box ..... , ,~, '~ H':'i:J~i=L t,;c'.'.X·!1 y,,,, ,, r ) .. '..)./:-::;}j\/:':.:~-::. i• t :.L -235 .~ 108 4 1/4 Ea ,! 108 411/4 171 400 ~ Rlo8 w 411/4 . 273 !,··''. "-'-·-·I I~ IT@]. 106 ' 4 3h6 l _ 184""" WM Wall Mount ml , 63/4 [, II 1r/4 71/4 CM Ceiling Mount PMM Pole Mount, fixed MPFMultiple Pole Mount MPM Multiple Pole Mount 25 ~ .-~1 I · 152 : r Wi<Wall Knuckle. Mount, 57 21/4 --' . ' ' i<b. ' ·.~···®·"··. :_ b TM Tree Mount 610 89 -----24 ____ _ j/;;,;0 ;,; ;,/~'',> •• c)f ~'4 PT Pole '<i'. Tee Mount · ~ 31/2 l 165 61/2 l . YM Yoke Mount 418 ~167/16 .J02_ 4 i:t½~ Ji, ~::::: l .J02_ · 45 1 3/4 .,..,. -t:1/ ti}l-\f;;; < 1 ., •. ,,.,, • • • ·\ v •• , ,. ,. ., I· ~'. ·: :i;::') . : Y/' ·.,. I ~5IM1• r @:'~'lJ. t·,,., ... _,:_,. '. g.~/4' ··:;;.\: ': l BO Barn Doors GS Glare Shield' LC Lexan Cover 12881 BRADLEY, SYLMAR; CALIFORNiA 91342 • PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/315?-6548 LTG-7100 03/~5/94 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H'::li:J~iiL 7100 SERIES . FLOOD. LIGHTS -· 175. WA1T HID . . . , ' . KNUCKLE· MOUNTINGS WK -Wali;mount, knuckle, with splic~ ac.cess plate. JB -Architectural Junction Box PT -Pole Tee mount (for .two or more lights) Round pole standard. Bar length 24", custom lengths available. Multiple Pole Mounting: Square or round pole, one to four units. SM -Stanchion mount ST -Stanchion Tee mount.for two or·more lights, Standard bar length 24". custom lengths available. FIXED MOUNTINGS Pc:ile Mount-fixed, Round pole only, one·uriit · )~ -:,, , .. TM -Tree mount. Note splice access opening. PK -Pole mount · knuckle. YM -Yoke mount. CM -Ceiling mount WM -Wall mount, fixed 12881 B.RAqLEY; SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA ~1342 • PHONE: Sf~/362-946.5 • FAX: 818/362-6548 Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762/Fax 818.343.2041 . LTG-7100 LEGOLAND Carlsbad 03/94 Type 04s,m,f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIXTURE OPTIONS (!) FIXTURE: 7100 @ -MATERIAL: A = Die Cast Aluminum ® LAMPS TYPES: (BY OTHERS) QlZ 250, (f 4),.300 (T3) MH' 50; 70, 100, 175 HQI 70,150 HPS 50, 70, 100, 150 MV 50, 75, 100 See below for Euro Lamps ® VOLTAGE: 12nv, 208V, 240V, 277V/60Hz, 240V/50Hz (Some restrictions m;iy apply) @ LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS:. HF = Horizontal Flood** VF = Vertical Flood WF = Wide Flood TS = Tight.Spot HS = Horizontal Spot OS = Down Symmetrical.** DFA = Down Forward AsyIT). ** DFW = Down Wide Asym. ** **HQI Lamp incompatible ® MOUNTING ACCESSORIES: KM-=· Knuckle SM = Stanchion ST = Stanchion Tee-Mount JB = Architectural Junction Box PMM = Post Mount Male PMF = Post Mount' Female WM = Wall-Mounted Fixed YM = Yoke Mount MPM-1 MPM-2 MPM-3 MPM-4 MPF-1 MPF~2 MPF-3 MPF-4 Multiple Pole Mounts, 1, 2, ·3, or 4 units MPM. (Male) MPF· (Fem;ile) This unit includes·th\:I specified numbers of i=i,x.ed Wall Mounts. CM = Ceiling-Mount TM = Tree Mount PT = Pole Tee Mount (dol)ble) Wi< = Wall:Mounted Knuckle PK = Pole Mounted Knuckle. 7100 SERIES OPTION ORDERING GUIDE 1. Start with standard model number. 2. Add a ·r before each option; . EXAMPLE;: 7100 A MH175/ 120/ VF/ KM/ BZ/ IL (J) FINISH: BZ = Brcmze .BL= Black . TV = Terra V.erde GR=· Gray CF = Custom* ® ACCESSORIES: GS = Glare Shield -BO ::: Barn·Poors LC = !,.exaJi,Cover * Contac1 your Sales Representative or Factory for information. For color filters, contact Factory: EURO LAMPS FOR THE 7100 SER1E5-(BY OTl-!ERS) .Metal'Hallde · HQI-T70G12 base HQI-T1SO G12 base HQ1-TS70 RX7s base HQ1-TS150 RX7s base MHN~T150 PGX12-2 b1:1s~ 'Mercl!ry Vapor HQL050 'E27 base · HQL-80{:27 base · High Pressure Sodium NAV-Tso E27 bas1:1 NAVaTT0 E27 base NAV-TS70 RX7s base NAV-TS150 RX7s base SDW-T35 PGX12-1 base SDW0T50 PGX.12-1 base Tungsten Halogen Halo :star 200 R7s bas~ .Hal9 Star 300 Rts base Halo Star 150 BISD base PHOTOMETRIC DATA SHEETS For specific application information request the foll.owing: PDS-7100 TS -Tight Spot PDS-7100 H&-Horizpntal Spot PDS-7100:VF-VerticarFlood· PDS-7100 HF-' Horizontal-Flood· PDS-7100 WF-Wide.F.iood PDs~1100-DS-Downlight, Symmetrical· PDS07100 DFA..,... Downlight, Forward' Asymmetrical PDS-7100 DWA-Downlighi, Wide Asymmetrical ,~, 4~_J 12881 !'!RADLEY AVENUE, SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA 91342 • PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 . -LTG-7100 H':'i:lRi:L 03/15194 Lighting Consultant · Gallegos Lighting be~ign 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2M,i LEGOLAND Carl~bad RtplacN ~/93 'Type 04s,m,f I .I I I I I I I I I I I· ,I I I I I ,. '-· Flood Lighting F·202 THORN EMI Lighting CSI Dimensions 3.54·1ri. 90mm· Single lloodilght •weight 21.781b. (9.9kg) ·EPA 0.8 1t;2 (0.074m') Application ,,lngle-floodllght on QQA yoke ---·~1 l . -13;7~1n. · 35Dmm· ., ·.-.~·._:·.· ·-' . 1900 watt Sealed Beam Metal Ha!lde FeatLJres • 1000 watt' Thom CSI sealed beam lamp-,(metal halide) • Cast aluminum heavy duty construction • ·compact 10.3'' diameter, 0.8 ft.2 EPA • Five. b,eam spreads, NEMA Type 1-6 • _Energy efficient performance equal to many 1500 watt metal halide floodlights • Remote baliast up tb 200 ft. (60m) • Fiu.n up time under 1 minute. • Hot Restart option ' ,,· .,: .. ::·::-'-=~:1 4-lloodllghts on 0084 bracket 5.20 In. 132mm --· -1 2_gg,1~r 1 -° . 1 I ~ o I _.83 In. 76mmf , r;?._ :.J _j 21mm 63 In .43-ln,4.02 In. 2· 1mm'-11mm102· · -11l1~ -· 0084 Base Plan 262mm •for·Hot restart floodllghts, ail4 0.88 lb. (0.•4-kg) each Four fight group •weight 83.8 lb. (38.1 kg) EPA 3.25 f!,2 (0;3m2) The OQ1000 series. of. CSI-floodlights were designed especially for sports and stadia, where the high-est lighting standa~ds are required, coupled with network-quality color T.V. transmission, Their compact design and versatile beam spreads also make .them suitable for long and short range architectural -and special effect lighting. Description The main housing is constructed in two sections; the front contains the gasketted. lens, and attaches to the yoke or mounting bracket. The· rear section, which is fastened to·the. frqnt with 3 latches, contai'hs the lamp, the electronic ignitor circuits, and:the.wiring terminals. This split-con~truction.feature allows all ser:vicing to take glace by removing the rear section. The front section, and therefore the aiming is never: disturbed once it is set. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Anda:sol Avenue No~tluidge, CA 9132~ _ _ Phone 818.343;5762 !Fax 818343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type· 05 I I .I I I I I I I I I· :I' I I I I Lamp The nucleus of the 001000 series is the Thorn CSI (Compact Source Iodide) .lamp. This 1000 watt short arc m~tal halide ·lamp is contained Jn a PAR 64 sealed .beam reflector bulb. The result is a compact light source of exceptional intensity, high efficiency, and excellent color. CSI was first introduced in the '1960's especially· for high quality sports and stadium lighting. World-wide use in thousands of floodlights attest to its superior qualities; it's. discovery by the TV and motion picture industry have ,adde<;l to its reputation. Full details of the 1000 watt CSI sealed beam lamp are given in Lamp Data Sheet L204. Optical System· The maih component of the optical system is the non-deteriorating sealed. beam refll:lctor lamp. The narrow beam is modified by five ·interchangeable lenses, .attached to ttie front housing by a retaining ring. Two lenses (types P &: W) have asymmetric distributions, and can be rotated to give the desired vertical/horizontal beam configuration. This simple but efficient system typicaily .results in beam utilizations exceeding 0.4: Mounting Two basic metho.ds .of. mounting are availab.le -a single yoke pre-tilted by 25° to assist acute down- ward aiming, and a multiple mounting bracket for accurate positioning of 4 fioodlights aimed.at the same point. Both fhe yoke.and fhe m1,1ltiple mounting bracket should be supported or suspended from a · horizontal, flat, incombustible surface, ushig a vertically orientated 0.75.iri (20mm) dia. fixing bolt. The muitiple mounting bracket offers the following advantages: • Ability to mount 4 floodlights ih a similar space, and with similar EPA, compared with one 1500 watt metal halide flo6dli£)ht. • Up to four illumination levels by switching, without affecting uniformity. • Simplified aiming for large installations. • Partial use of the bracket allpws floodligh\s to be added at a later date without the need, to re-aim. • Used.as a 3-way mount, with floodlights balanced over 3 phase_ supplies, -permits high speed cinephofographywithout the "beat" or "flicker"· associated with other HID systems. Standard Start The lamp is started automatically by a high ve>ltage ignitor locate<;l at the rear-of the floodlight. The run-up time is less than one minute. RestrikE! time is:typically 7 minutes, depending on ambient temperature. Lighting Consultant; Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge; CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 lnlt.lal Lu111an1: 78,000 Pu!t-lf\len1lty: 1.5 mllllon candel11 .Baim Spread: 8° .(to 1/2 peak) · Average Life: .3500· hou~· Color Temp.: 4;000° K CRI : 8!) Hot Restart Option_ ,.·'-"~\ iii_l; 1 1 A special·version CS! sealed tieam lamp operates with the O0'1000/HRl,J Hot Restart floodlight. This is physically and photometi'icaliy identical to the standard start. versions an.d uses ttie same ballast. An installation· may therefore consist of ariy proportion of the two versions, which can be changed at a later date if required. The lamp starts and rnns-op exactly as the standard start version, but the extra high voltage ignitor system will -restart the lamp within 2 seconds when hot. The customary 15-20 minute blackouts-of sports stadia. and their TV .c9verage, due to momentary ·power dips or failures, can therefore be avoided. Approvais 001000 and OO1000/HRU series floodlights are .approved b_y Factory Mutual System as NEMA l'ype -3R .enclosures .. (Factory Mutual ·is an· independent testing laboratory which is recognized in all States, an·d by OSHA.) Bailasts for OQ s·eries floodlights are · listed by U.L. Installation Specifiers .. should request the detailed -Installation, Wiring and Ser.vicing· Instructions, publication · reference AT8375/F2.02I, available from home office or local T'16rn representatives. (A copy is Jncluded with ea~h .floodlight shipped,) . CIO Lamps- Thorn CID lamps, interchangeable with CSI lamps, have been developed recently for the motion picture indu~try. They have a lower output (80% approx.) and ·a :5500°.K color ferriperatore. They are not · fntenqed for normal .applications of 001000 series ·floodlights, but for special projects, <;let!!ils are available .from home office. LEGOLAN.D Carlsbad ; ·~· .. ·. -·-·'~ , Type 05 I I I \_. I I I I .·.· ·I I I C I I I I, ., I ( I I I I Ballasts Indoor Weatherproof In. mm. In. mm. A 18.68 474 A 12.0 305 B 6.0 f52 .B 8,?5 210. C 6.5-165 C -~,75 248 D 16.25 · 413 D io:5 267 E 17.44 443 E 2.0 51 F 2.25 si F -~ 16 G 1.09.KO 28 G 1.0NPS 25 H .66KO 22 H i.19 30 Welghl 51 lb. (23.2 kg) Weight 60 lb. (27.3 kg) 001000 series floodlights are designeq.exclusively for remote ballast operation'. Tllese can be installed up to 200 ft. from the floodlights. Weatherproof ballasts have pigtail connections and ·removable . satchel handles. Indoor ballasts have a wiring compartment with-conduit entries. Both designs are potted to ·insure uniform heat dissipation and low noise level. Ballasts are high power factor reactors, available for 208, 240 or-277 volts. Compared with series-capacitor ballasts that are commonly used, this design has ail inherently low lamp current crest factor, Which results in more stable !µmen output, better lurn·en maintenance an~ improved lamp life; Electrical Performance (typical) · · lamp Willi 206 5.f 1000 . 240 . 5.0 27,7 4',4 lnp~l.voltage Lllll! current- Starting curr~nt Input watta Less·than line current PF(¼) Run up time to 90'J. Reatrtke time·-at.lndard start RHtrlke-tlm'e -hot reatart option 1100 -1110' ·1120 90_ 90 90 50 sec9nds 7 mlnules.aprox. 2 s_econd_s max. Thermal Performance · Min. atartlng-temp. Standard··start Hot Reatart option Max. ambient teinp. ·Standard Start· Hot Reatart ~pllon Lighting Consultant: -20~F (·30°C) 14°F (·10°C) 95°F (35°0) 90°F (32°0) Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Anciasol Avenue Northridge; CA ·91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 ·Wiring· 001000 STANDARD START FLOODLIGHT ---------------1--i.l Common Ballast 001000/HRU HOT RESTART FLOODLIGHT -~1no (208 & 240V) or Neutral (277V) Ground Ballast 001000 Floodlight Common Ballast Ground OO1000/HRU Floodlight A twowire load connection between floodlight and· ballast is required. This should be sized for a 75 volt. 15 amp load, and should be 600 volt rated wire. A separll.te ~O amp· circuit breaker' should be useq fqr eac;:h ballast. . Fl9o~!lights with hot restart ignitors require an additional wire connec;:ted tcrthe line side of the ballast. -Alternatively, floodlights connected to the sa_me electrical phase can also be connected to a single ignitor supply wire, which Sho1,1ld be,rated at 1.5 amps per floodlight. There is no load on the ignitor supply· other than during the 2 ·second starting period. Hot restart ignitors are -internally fused. For-operation at 120 volts, a 240 volt. ballast and suitable transformer should be used, rated at'1.5 kV A. The ·s=econdary must be thermally protected against overload: Run-up Characteristics (typical) 120 'lamp current --...._ _____ :100 80 '% 60 40 20. Limp volts ./ 10 LEGOLAND Carlsbad·· --~--- / / 20 30 -40 50 TIME (SECONDS) -- 60 70 Type 05 I I I I· I I ., I I I· I 1· I I_ CSI Mounting_ and r.~tJ.~t'Jt~ -Accessories 1;';··." . .':'t. ~.:.,' ;,; ,:~·';··~';;:'~~~;rt=~w:i OQA Yoke. See Page 1 Finish: Hot dJp galvanized steel OQ4B. OQFH oas OHP Multiple mounting bracket Combined masking hood and.filter for up to 4·-001000. See holder. (Use 8¾" dia. tempered Page 1: Finish:, Natural glass filters). Finish: Black Aluminum Spill Shield'. Fini~h: Black .Aluminum Filler for 2¾" pole with ½" wiring entry and mounting hardware.for 0QA yoke. (Order y9ke separately). Finish: Natural Cast Aluminum Cast Aluminum Speclflca~lon Houllrig: Len1 rl~g: LalChH: External hardware: Cast ·alumlnum, matte black· epoxy finish · · Matte anodized aluminum Stainless steel Stainless steel Heiit:ballle: i;.., .. ., Gak,t1: L1mpholder: Anodl~i!il:ahin,\.lnum Bbrostlli;att1·1ilass ·SIiicone rubber · Specially I.nsulated G36 mogul:bi-posi.ceramlc Ordering Information & Photometry Electrical ~ It. (1.Bm) length '14/3 SO cord connecllon: (14/4 with hot res!art option) 81111111: HPF Reactor, potted. We1therprool. Blue-gray baked enamel over balll1t:· Zlncrich primer' Indoor b1ll11t: Blue-gray baked enamel Note: Floodlights are fitted with specified lens and SO .cord. Order ballast, correct !amp ·and mounting ,dev!ces separately. Beam Beam .. Beam Peak Intensity CaL No. Lena Spread Spread · NEMA Efficiency (Max. C.P.) (1/2_peak) .(1/10 peak) Type (%) (candelaa) OQ1000C/t C-Clear 9x9 17x 17 1 4e 1,353,000. 001000S/t S-Stippled 11 X 11 20 x.20 2 47 935,000 - OQ1000P/t ·P -Prismatic 23 X 14" 38 X 25' 3·x 2" 47 385,000 OQ100QW/t W -Wide prismatic 58 X 20" 78 x:40• 5 X 3" 52 109,000 OQ1000E/t E -Extra wide· 62 X 62 104 X 104 6 59 47,000 "The "P" and "W" lenses may be rotated to _give the desired horizontal and vertical spread. ·Full. photometry is given in data sheet F202-P. Floodlight options tSpecify voltage and starting circuit by adding to Catalog No. - Voltage Standard l,tart Hot Restart 208 /2.4 /HRU2 240 /2.4 /HRU4 277 n /HRU7 Lamps ·order Code 99-1222 99-1422 Deacrlptlon 1000 watt-OSI sealed beam lamp. Standard·Start·.oh/y. 1000 watt CSI sealed b11am lamp,.Hot Restart· only. WARNING: This l~mp can cau,e ikln bum an? eye Inflammation Ir~ sh_orla•·B'' yft•J r1dlat1on if outer en.velope ol the lamp is broken ~r punctured. Do not use w r , e 111 remain ror more than a few mlnutesunJMs adequ11te shielding or other safely e 1 ;. e used. Certain types of lamps that will au1omatlcally exllnguish when the outer enftloPe Is broken or punctured are·Commerc1ally BVlili~e. January 1983 Supersedes November 11181 Lighting Consul~t: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue No~idge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Ballast options Voltage 208 240 277 Weatherproof Cat. ,No. 232-1794-015 232-1793-015 232-1796-015 Indoor Cat. No. 233-1794-015 233-1793-015 233-1796-015 ' THURN EMI Lighting Inc: .. We light.the world· ' · Fairfield, New Jers~y 07006 ,m ).jff!,'ill (201) 575-7799/Telex 71 4754114 . A member of the THORN EMI Group LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type 05 I I I I I ,. I I I I I I I I I I I Spe,c1f,cal10ns may vary from lime of prlnll'!9, Catalog number OUTDO<JRPAR 64- Catalog numPer OUTDOOR PAR DYS . . . · 500-1000 Watt OntdoorPar The-OUTDOOR PAR is designed for port~ble or permanent installations in wet locations for use with a Par 64 .sealed beam lamp as well as a special par;;ibolic· reflector with a 600WDYS lamp. The housing is·constructed of cast aluminum for maximum durability. The lens'holder and external hardware are·made of·stainless steel. The unit can be externally rotated-to allow for, focusing.of 11,e··lamp. Tl1e positive locking, t]a[idles are designec:f. for easy P.Ositioning ·of:the fixture, fh9 yoke allows for surface moun,tirig or can ·be tiung wiih. ah optional.pipe clamp. A separate aluminum handle ·is also-provided ori the -rear for added convenience. A.II' removable component:;;.are gasketed to.insure,a watertight seal. All surfaces are finished with.a·highly durable, low gloss baked enamel paint. The wiring is composed.of 24" high-temperature lends in an.overall high- temperi;iture, waterproof, sunlight resistant jacket through a gasketed watertight strain relief. The lens is; made of· clear borosilicate glass· to withstar.id high temperatures and tempered l6r maximum strength. The-optionaJ snootlcolor frame holder accommodates · staridard gel and dichroic color media. Features * Cast aluminum construction * Designed for portable or permanent installations * .Cohil:iiiia'iion snoot/color franie holdiYr available · * 3~0? beam rotation lamp holder .. * 24 inch high temperature, sunlight resislant, w11ter. proof cable * .UL listed for wet locations from 500 t6·1000 watts -------13¼··----'--'-''--~ (33.655cm) Hanging Weight - Approx. 18 lbs. . r .. --~--11¼··-----,·-~1· (2e:e92 cm) ALTMAN T H E ·Q U A L Lighting Coni;ultarit Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvertue N orthridge, CA 91325 . T y Phone 818 .. 343.5762 /Fax, 818.343.2041 0 F L G H T LEGOLAND Carlsbad Altman Stage Lighting Company, Irie .. ·57 Alexander Street. Yonker$. NY 10701 ·914-476-7987 2i2-569-7777 -FAX: 914-963-7304 .Type 06 ,1 ,, I I I I I I I I I ·I I ,, I I I Spceiiicatious '• The luminaire shall be a 500 to 1000 watt lamp holder for either PAR 64 or, with a special reflector, ·600 watt DYS .lamps. The fixture body shall be· con~trU<,ted of cast aluminum and stainless steel. The rear cover shall be be removable for lamp acc.ess. Latches and external hardware shall be made of stainless steel. All housing and yoke surfaces shall be finished-with a durable, low gloss baked enamel paint~ The fixture shall be e1<ternally rotatable to allow for focusing of the-lamp. There shall be positive locking handles dn· ·each side of the fixture as well as an aluminum positioi;iing handle located on the re;,r of the unit. All removable. components shall be;gasketed. The electrical wiring s.hall be a flexible 24" 14/3 cord rated for 200°c. The cord shall also be rated for wet locations and sunlight resistance. The cord shall exit the fixture via an aluminum watertight strain relief. The lens shall be made of clear tempered· borosilicate glass. An optional 8" aluminum combination snoot/cokir frame holder with frame shall also be available: · The unit shall be UL listed for up to 1000 watts and labeled forwet:locations. Acccsso1•ics ODP64SN Combination Snoot/ · Color. Frame Holder with-Frame 510 Malleable Iron Pipe Clamp SC Safety·Cat5Ie with Spring:Clip RNDL-8 8" Replacement RouncJel, (Clea'r} Altman Cat. No. Outdoor Par· . . . Die.Cast.Alt11ui11U1J1 Pat• ·-. , . : '·· · , ·. _:: ·:>,LAMP~UBST,ITUTION DATA' , -Color Rated 'Beam · ·Field · ANSI Manufacturer _Temp L(fe Beam Beam Candlepower Angle ·Angle wa,tts Code 4mpCode ('KJ (Hours/ Lumens Shape (Candela) (dJ!gr11<1_•l (degrees) 1000 FFN 01000 PAR 64/1 3200· 600 11,000 -VNSP 400,000 6x 12 10x24 1000 ·FFP 01000 PAR 64/2' 3200 600' 12,000 NSP 330,000 7x 14 14 x26 · 1000 'FFR 01000 PAR 64/5 3200 600 _14,000 MFL 125,000 12x28 21 x44 1000 FFS 01000 PAR 64/6 3200 600 .19,000 WFL 40,000 24 X 48 45x71 1p6o -01000 PAR 64/NSP 3000 4000 8,500 NSP 180,000 Bx 15 14 x3i 1000 -.01000 PAR 64/MFL 3000 4000 10,000 MFL 80,000 12·x 28 22 x45 , 1000 '-01000 PAR 64/WFL 3000 4000 ·13,500 WFL 33,000 24 x48' 45x 72 . 500 -. 500 PAR 64/NSP 2800 ,2000· .3,000 r,iSP 110,000 -7x.12. 13 x20 :500 500 PAR 64/MFL 2800 2000. 3,400 -MFL 35,000 ·11 x23 20 X 35· -500 '-500 PAR 64/WFL 2800 ~000-3,500 WFL ·12,000 20x42 ·35 X 65 600. DYS -3200 75. .17,000-NSP 13,000 1ox·10 21 x21 -· '. '• . : :·· .. ·: :-:_' .' ~ -~ :-' .. . /·: ·::_.:; LAMi>=PERFORMANCE CHART . . -.. Distance 10' 20' 30•' 40' 50' 60' .Center Center benter Center Cente.r Cenier Lamp (;learn H w Beam H W. !!earn H w Beam H w Beam .. H· w Beam H w F.C. F.C. ·F.C. F;C.· F.C. F.i:::. .. 01000 PAR 64/1 4,000 1.8 4,3 1,000 3.5 8.5 445 5.3 12,8 250 7.'0 17.Q 160 8.8 ',21:3 111 10.5 25.5 01000 PAR 64/2 3,300 2.5 4.6 625. 4.9 9.2 367 7.4 13,9 206 9.~ 18.5-132 12.3, 23.1 92 14.8 27.7 01000 PAR 64/5 1,_250 3.7 6.0 313 7.4 16.2 139 11.1 24;3, 78 14:8' 32,3. 50 18.5 40.4 35 22.2 -46.5 01000 PAR 64/6 400 8.3 14.3 100 16.6 28.5 44 24.9 42.8 25 33.1 57.0 16 41.4 71.3 11 49.7 65.6 01000 PAR 64/NSP 1,800 2.5 5.5 450 4.9 .11.1 . ?00 7.4 16,6 ·113 9.6 22,,? 72 12.3 27.7 --. - 01000 PAR 64/MFL 800 .3.9 8.3 200 7.6 16.6 89 11.7 24.9 50 1ey.6 33.-1. 32 19.4 41.4 -..,.. - 01000 PAR 64/WFL ·330 8.3. 14.5 63 16.6 29.1 37 24.9 43.6 21 33.1 .58.-1 13 41.4 72.7 --- 500 PAR 64/NSP 1,100 2,3 3.5 275 4:6 7.1 ·122 6.8 10.6 69 9.1 14.1 44 11.4 17,6 ---' 500 PAR64/MF 350 3.5 · 6.3 88 7.1, 12.6 39 10.6 18.9 22 14.1 25.2 14 17.6 31.5 ---'- 500 PAR 64/WFL ·.120 6.3 12.7 30· 12.6 25,? 13 18,9 38.2 8 25.2 ·51.0 5 31.5 63.7 --- 600OYS 1,300 3:7 3.7 325 7.4 7.4 ·140 11.1 11.1 79 14.6 . 14:8 50 18.5 18.5 --~ ALTMAN ,:Altman Stage Lighting Company, Inc., ·5,7 Alexander Slreel. Yonkers, NY 10701 914-476-7987 212;569-7777 T H E Q U A L Lighting ConsuHant: Gallegos Lighfutg Pesign 8132 Andasol-Aventte Northridge, CA 91375 r v .Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 0 F L G H t FAX: 914-963-7304 LEGOLAND Carlsbad II-~~ 3M 2G79 Type 06 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·. · · · · . . . . ... _.,, · .-MS.SERIES< ·_· : .· . ·2 111 ·t:QP.1~·1·1·\t. .· .. -.'·.·· f ,' .... ·.: -;_. ·i :'·: . ·_p_-·I" . < .... --.. : .. :.,-.H~~VY ~ DU_!'(._: ·.· .. · r : · . -~ .. • ;;._ .· .• · .I . . · :. :FLooouGHT< ·; Applications • • • Architectural Lighting Hotel and Resort Lighting Building Facades • · Seaside Applications • Amusement Parks • Fountain Lighting Phoenix Sample $pecific~tion,..,..... MS 56-& MS 64 SERIES Floodlight for use with PAR 64 incandescent .lamps, up t9 1006 watts, integrally ballasted 250-watt.metal halide, or remote.-biillast 400 watt metal halide type lamps. Also available with PAR 56 ihtegrallY. 'ballasted 'lo, 100,175 watt metal .halide lamps. UL 595 -MarinE!; suitable for Wet ·Locations Outside Type (salt water) (Ml::l models only). UL 1572 -Surface 'Mounted ·HID, suitable for Wet Locations, suitable for use within 4' of ground ·(MH and Hl[) models .only). UL 15t:1 -lncandescent·Fixtµre; suitable·for Wet Locations, suitable for-use within 4' ·of ground (Incandescent models only). CSA Certified -Indoor/Outdoor HID Fixture, i;nclosure Type 4X (MH. niodels only, except 208v & 240v models). U.$. Cbasf-Guard Accepted. Copper-free, thermoset-powder coated, cast-aluminum housing and mqunting t)racket. Hinged access door, captive t,ardware. Stainless steel exterior hardware. Heat-resistant, tempered cover lens. EPDM rubber sealing gasket. . PHOENIX ... DURABILITY BY DESIGN Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA. 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax SiS.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad ·' SPECIAL FEATURES • Heavy-duty architectural. fixture meets toughest UL 595 standards-- Marine OutsideType (salt water:)- • Single-hinged, captive door permits _easy relamping; rio hand fools · necessary • Easy-to-use stainless steel wing · nut screws allow for easy installation and trouble-free maintenance • Useful near water or wherever a corrosion resistant fixture is needed • Dual-axis beam aiming allows tor extensive-aiming.flexibility . . . DURABILITY · • Copper-Jree cast aluminum housing, base and door prolongs fixture life • Thermoset powder-coated finish resists corrosion; allows fixture-to survive in demaridin~ environments • Finned design dissipates heat ·• Heat-resistant, heavy-duty tempered glass lens withstands heat and shock • Watertight, EPDM gasketed enclosure seals out dirt and .moisture . · OPTIONS . \ • Wire.Lens Guard • Snoot Kit for Beam Cut-off •. · Colored Dichroic Filters (for 1,1se with snoot) • Grill Guard Kit Type 07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I ' ,, ORDERING iNFORMATION Model I Phoenix !)escription Part No. Incandescent/ Halogen Mpdels: --MS 64 / 1000 (clear lens) -I 1018130 MS 64 / 1000R (red lens) _I 1018131 Remote Ballast Models_:• MS 64 / 400HID I 101813~ MS 64 / 400HID -R (r.ed lens) I 1018_133 - PAR 64'.lntegral:Ballast Mo_de'ls:• MS 64 / 250M:-J -B I 1018041 MS 64 / 250M-I -277 I 101804?: MS 64 / 250M:i -347 I 1018043 "' • For other voltages and lo~r wattages, contact factory- Lam ping Data: Extended Mogul-En_d-Prong-PAR 64 Lamps · When orderirig larrps, ,ref eren.ce f:hpenix Part .Nurrl:lers Lam.P. Type Watts Ph.oenix Part.No •. Halogen -wide flood 1000 4207500 .. Halogen -rredium flood 1000· 4207300·' Halogen_· narro~ spot -1000 4207600· Halogen -very narrow spot ·1000 4209JQO Incandescent wide I !ood 500 4207800 --lncandesc~nt rredium flood 500 420740_0 -Incandescent narrow spot" 5QO 4207900· Metal Halide -spot. 400 42200~9 MetalHalide-spot -~50 4220019 Extended Mogul End-Prong PAR 56.Lamps. _ Metal Halide -spot 70 contact factory Met<!I Halide -spot 100 _ contacrt actdry Metal Halide -spot 175 -cont11ct f_actdry For other PAR Metal Halide lamps,-contact fapto,ry Accessories: Access9ry Phoenix:Pa_ft:No, Wire Lens Guarq, WG-4 1052200 SnoofKit' (8") 109010_0 -- Grill_Guard Kit (8") 1090140 8" Dichroic f:ilter / <::olor: BLUE 460180()' 8" Dichroic Filter / Color: GREEN 5510021 • Snoot-K,rmay NOT be-used·wtth red lens units f I Model --Phoenix:· Descrlpti6!'1:· Part No. -PAR 56 lntegral_'Ballast·Models:• MS 56/701VJ:l 1018052 !vi$ 56./ 1 OOM-1 1Q18051 MS 56 / 175M-l .. 101805_0 MS 56 / 79M-l • 208· contac;t factory·' MS f',6_/ 1 QQrvt, ~ 208 ccintacl.factoi:y., MS 56 1 175M-l -208· contact f actofy _ · MS·56 / 70M-i • 240 · c.ontac_t laptory. -MS 56-/ 1QOM-1-240 .. contact I actory: · MS 56 / 1751VJ:i-.2l\O contact I acforY: - NEMA. Max. Beam Rai!ng Candlepower ~h.ofom~tric Data -5,X 3 37,576' -- -4x2· ·81,958 3x1 -165,.145 -- 2x1 450,000 4x3· 15,292 _- ·3x 2· 38;600 2·x 1 --104,453 4i<2'_ 121,050" 3x2 _ 198,288_ .. Ballasts: ---Model· Phb~nix Part·NQ. 1-400M-i-10 1058932 1-400rvtJ-15 (4_80y) 1958931 -- 1-400M+50 (§OHz) 1058323 --- ____:j' 'I--,2 314" (7 cm)' Shown with optional Wire Lens Guard . • 13~7/10· (35'.3) lor MS 64/250MH models_ P rlll l O ·,..,..!: ,~-_--, t , ..... (. Ptioenix Products Company. Inc. t .-1, 6161 North64thStrcct MilwauRc!!, WI 53218-1_543 U.S.A. Phone: 414/438°1200• Fax: 414/438-0213 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91.325 .. ©-PHOENIX PRODUCTS COMPANY, INC. LEGOLANU . Carlsbad· - Phone 818.343;5762 '(Fax 818.343.204'- . .TECHNICAL DATA.· · Wiring: • 4 foot{t.2m} long, 3 conductor heavy-duty SO cord Dimensions: • Width: 14" (35.6 cm) • Height: 17'1/2" (44.5cm) • Depth: 11" (27:9 cm) Fixture Weight: 22 lbs. (1 o.o kg) Color: • Phoenix Green (standard) • Other colors available upon re~uest Photometric Data: Complete photometric information is. available on all Phoenix fixtures on a ·3.5" PC-co1J1patible disk. Includes data i'n 1.E.S.N.A. format and a uniqµe data report generator, which draws candela curves. Please contact our . . custom'er .service department 'for a FREE disk for your unlimited use. Phone: (414) 438-1200 Fa_x: (414)-438-0213 COMPLIANCES UL 595 Listed:. Marine Outside Type Suitable for Wet Locations (Saltwater) UL 1571 Lis\ed: lncandescE)nt Fixture; .Suitable for. Wet .l.ocatiofls · Suitable for us~ within 4' of ground UL 1572 Listed: Surface Mounted HID; Suitable for Wet-Locations Suitable lo~ use within 4' of ground U.S. Coast ·Guard Accepted ®® CSA Certified: Indoor/ Outdoor HID Fixt_ure -Enclosure 4X (metal 'halide-models only, except 208v & 240v) Type Catalog Number N-5(510156 Type 07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1: I I I 3 Sizes Design Logic: While the strong architectural lines of Kim VL luminaires may appear to·be solely for·aesthet- ics, they are equally a pro.duct of function. Weight, strength, optical design, aerodynamics, installation and maintenance were all partners in defining.form. This unity of design and engi- neering has produced a Vertical Lamp Luminaire of·unprece- dented performance and value. 29" Dia. 750-1000-Watt Ulfra Performance: Vertical orientation of H.I.D. light sources can generate very broad :light distributions with excellent uniformity. The:Kim VL reflector systems are earefully engi- neered to optimize vertical lamp perform;ince-with one·added bonu.s:. tl)ey·ar¢ totally_ sealed to insure both initial and' long term maintenance·6f the light, output. ~ ... KIM LIGHTING ~ SITE/ AREA . PARKING STRUCTURE ROADWAY ARCHITECTURAL FLOOD/ACCENT LANDSCAPE FOUNTAIN LIGH:rlNG 16555 EAST GALE AVENUE PO BOX·1275 CITY OF·INDUSTRY, CALIFORNIA 91749 U.S.A. PHQNI: 818 / 968. 51j66 FAX 818 / 369 '2695 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343$762 /Fax 818.343i2041 ' .. ~s·· D·ia. 250-400 Watt Advanced Technology: Kini VL luminaires are engi-· n.eered likl:l high performance racing cars: maximum strength with minimum weight and-mate- rials. Aluminum housings are :produced on computerized ,spinning.machines which .:iccu- rl!\tely control wall thickness and· .dimensions. Horizontal ribbing and·flange-hemming adds tremenc;fous strengtb to the Contents Applications 2,3 tylechanical Design 4-5 'dptical Design 6-7 Dimensions 8 Specifications 9 Ordering· information 1 Q-13 ©1992 Kim Lighting lf\c. Ttiis version ©1993 ,Patents Pending LEGOLAN,D Carlsbad 17"·Dia. 70-250 Watt housing while aerodynamic shapes reduce drag. This reduced lurninaire wind·loading means lighter and less expensive poles may be used. All VL lumi- naires are finished with a state-of- .the-art powder coat paint applied ov(lr ;i·.Cbromate pre-treatment; the same method used for commerci?! aircraft. Photometrics See separate VL photometric· catalog. Type 4\ ~ P-1, 2, 4, 4a, 5 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dimens:ions Post Top Configuration Available Mountings: FM Flush Mount: Internal expansion device mounts fixture to plain-cut pole top. No exposed fasteners. ~ 81/i Dia. 29· Dia. 750-1000 Watt. Side Arm Configuration J1 Same housing dimensions as above. · 29" Dia. 750-1000Watt 8 Kim Lighting Lighting Consultant: .,, ,. Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 PT Pole·Tenon Mount: Fixture hub-siips over pole having a 2' pipe tenon (2%' 0.0, x 4¾' min. length), secured with four recessed.set screws .. See page 10 for pole·tQiHequirements and availability per fixture size. 18~0 .... 1 1a. DM:Oirect-Mount: Fixture hub slips directly over plain-cut pole top, secured with four r.ecesseci' set screws; For small pole tops 3.1' to 3.9' in diameter. e ·-. , u 25" Dia. 250-400Wc!tl 17" Dia. 70-250 W;:itt, 25' Dia. 250-400 Watt' .. 2l 1WWallMount . ·6'. 11· Dia. 76-250 wan · · Type LEGOLAND Carlsbad ·P-1, 2, 4, 4a, 5 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax_ 818.343.2~1 .~ ~ .. ' ! I I '' I I I I I I 1:.-_:_=: .•: · .. ! { ' 1 i i .. , ' ,i .; ·,j 'i ,: I ·<: ,(t .. -·:. 1-:_.: / ·.· I . :·: .. , .· ...... I I • Specificatio:ns Standard Equipment Certification: l.Jnderwriters Laboratories listeo (120,208,240,277 and 480 vqlt only) and Canadian Standards Association certified (120 and 347 volt only) for wet locations. Housing: Spun aluminum with integraLfop dome and three equally spaced ½" ribs separated by .½" valleys rolled into the-housing to.a minimum depth of ¼': Sidewalls have. a maximum 1 ° of tap·w,. and are free of-welds 9r·fasteners. An alumihu11rflange is.hemmed into the bottom·providing·support for the-reflector module. An°internal aluminum casting provides for mounting of the ballast module plus reinforcing for sice-arm niounting,of the fixture . Lens Frame Assembly: One piece cast aluminum lens-frame is at- tached to the housing by a zinc plf:l.ted cold rolled steel hinge with a stainless steel pin. Closure is by self-retained-stainless steel · screws; four providec;Hor the 25' an.d 29" models, and a singie screw for·the 17" model. A zinc platec;l steel self-locking stop-arm is provided to hold the leris frame or,!'1ousing.in:the open position while servicing. A 3/t6° thick clec!r tempered·sag-glass·lens is-fully gasketed by a one piece extruded;and vulcanized silicone gasket. Lens is retained in the lens frame-by :zinc plated i,teel clips. Reflector Module: Specular Alzak® optical segments.are mounted within a one piece spun aluminum enclosure with tab penetrations each sealed by a silicone grommet. -Optical segments are positioned so that reflected light does not pass through the.lamp envelope. Socket is held in a heat-sink extrusion and fastened to a multi- position plate set at the-factory for "Wide" or "Narrow" beam spread. Wire penetrations-to-the socket are sealed.by a.silicone gasket. Medium base sockets (-17" model) q're 4KV rated;_ ;md mogul-1:)ase sockets are 4KV except for 1 OOOHPS which-is SKV. ·Reflector mod.· ule snaps into and out·of the housing by no-to9I release hinges. is secured to the housing flange by self-retained quarter turn fasteners, and is factory prewirei;l·with a quick-disconnect,plug. Vibration Resistance: 400 Watt MH, 1000WatHv1H and 1000.Watt HPS lamps are braced at the neck by a three-prong stairiless steel clamp extending from the socket mount. Sockets are supp9rted around their perimeter by a silicone sleeve press-lit··between.the socket and heat-sink extrusion. Electrical.Module: All electrical componenis are'UL and CSA recognized, mounted on a single plate and factory pre-wired with quick-disconnect.plugs, Module attaches inside.housing using key- hole slots. All ballasts are high power factor rated for -20°F. .starting. Post Top Mounting: Lens frame i$,~upported at four points,by two aluminum U-shaped tubular arms cradled in.a' ca·st aluminum hub. Arms are welded to.the'le·ns frame; and weldea.to the hub along their longitudinal axis. Hub contains a field-splice compartment, a cast aluminum cover and orie of the following pole attat:hmeni.n;ieans: FM-Flush-Mounting by means.of· an ·expansion device-activated by a single bolt within the splice compartment. Pole must have a plain,cul'top. PT-Pole Tenon mounting by mean~ of a cast aluminum extension sleeve containing foLJr r~cessed %" stainless steel alien head set screws. Pole-must have a.2· Ripe-tenon (23/a" O:D. x 4¾" min. length). Pole tenon must be field drilled at-one set screw location to insure against' fixture rotation. . OM-Direct Mounting by means ·of c1 cast aluminum extension sleeve c_ontaining-four recessed 3/a~ $tainless.steE1I alien-he-ad se.t screws. Role must have·a plain°cur.top, 3.1' to,3.9" diameter: Pole. must be field drilled at one setscrew localion·to insure against fixture rotation. . Arm Mounting: Arm is·one piece extruded aluminum with,internal bolt guides and fully radiu:;;sed top and bottom. Luminaire-to,pole attachment-is by internal draw bolts, ancJ:includes,a,pole reinforcing plate with wire strain relief. Arm is circular cut-to mate with specified round pole. · Finish: TGIC thermoset·polyester powder coa! paint available in black, dark bronze, light gray 9r white. ·Powder coating is 2.5 Mil nominal thickness with,all coinponehts thoroughly cleaned ar:id primed with a protective chromate-coating. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Ave:q.ue Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343.5762 /F~ 818.343.2041 WARNING:.Fixiures must. tie grounded in i:lccordnnce w1t11 local codes or the National Electrical Code. Failure to.de> so.,may result in s_erious personal inj_ury. O~tional Equipment _ Optional Polycarbonate Sh.ield: (1 r arid ~ 25" models only). One piece vacuum · formed clear l:JV stabilized pol~carbonale · replaces standard glass lens as an integral , . _ and fully gasketed part of the lens frame. · ¾ 175 Watt maximum in 17" model, 250-Watt ____-., maximum in 25" model with 400 Watt Hl?S ~ ~llowable in-o~tdo~r locations where ambient.ai~ tempe!atu~e during pi~ ,f,xtµre operation will not.exceed 85°F. Not.available on 29 model. 'J Optional Photocell: --'---...-'-"'"-'-----...c....., (1 T and 2s.· models only): Factory installed inside housing with a fully g~sketed sensor on the side wall. For multiple·fixtare mountings (250W. and less), on!:_! fixture is supplled with a photo- celf :to. operate the others. Four 400 Watt fixtures require two-fix- tures with-a photocell. Optional.Photpcell Receptacle:------~-~ (29'm6del only). Fact9ry in- stalled receptacle in·flat portion of housing top,. fully gasketed ,...,.'--...... .....,.~ and accepting NEMA base photpcells by others. For multi- ple fixture mountings, each fix\ure is supplied·with a recep- tacle. NEMA-base photocells by others. Accent Reveals:~----~-~-~-'""-"-~ Three aluminum bands riveted· inside the housing valleys. Available·in,folir standard Kim powder coat finishes. Custom cglbrs available. Optional Hou!!eside Shiel(!:--~-,:::;;::;::::::::::.._ (Asymmetric light-distribution ·oniy). Disheo alliminum shiela factory installed inside the optical chamber to redyce-house-side light. Not-recommended if coated lc1tnps or 1000watt Hl?S lamps are µsed. . -; Wa.U-Mounting: -· -------~-~ (For poured ??n_crete.walls ~u .. . • 14¼·1 · only). A mod1hed support ar . ,._ ____ _., ,... · · is supplied with a side acce·ss ~· I' --· : ~~~-··_-~-hole to·allow fielc/ _splice~ within _ :-A 1 8 :; '10., • 4¼" tlie arm after the fixture Is · I .· .. , n _: · .. ¼ ,,-- mounted. An electro-zinc plc1ted ~---· . -~-f 1·. t steel·.embE_!dmeht.br,acket is,pro-. : ·. ~--;, vided for .easy casting intq wall J-box in wall around a J-box (by others). A by others. trim·plate is providE1d to cover, the J0box, finished to match the fixture and arm: · Kirn Lighlin~. g· Type LEGOLAND Carlsbad P-1, 2, 4,_ 4a, 5 I I t I :i .. ,j I -:·.'.1 1A ... j l ·tl 'J .; 1.d •"( ii:' (. I< , I I .. Ordering Information Side Arm Models Ordering Guide Fixture and pole are described by·a single number sequence as illustrated at right. 2B / VLA29W5 / 1000MH277/ BL-P / A-25 / .PTRSS0-10120B-/ Bl-~P. Example 11 Mounting Plan View: pl,,~-~- ···•·• '- ,Catalog Number: 1 A. EPA: VLA29 1.8 12 Fixture VLA25 . 1.5 VLA17 0.9 29' Dia. 750-1000 Watt 2B. 3.6. 3.0 1.8 Cat.No. VLA29W5 · VLA29N5 Distri- bution Square Square .2.L 3.3 2.7 1.6 .Beam Spread Wide Narrow 3T 5.2 4.3 .2.5' 'Cat. No. VLA29W3 VLA29N3 4C 5,9 4.9 2,8' . 1W Wall Mqunt Distri--Beam bution Spread Asymmetric Wide Asymmetric Narrow {><J G ... . Pl,Z. ~ . · Distri~ Beam~. 1 · Distri-Beam . . . ~~~s°ws -~~~~~e :~:a~ ~-~-~-· N~;~W-3---~-~-~~-nm __ e~tr-ic--:~i~-:a_d 25' Dia. 250-400 Wijtt 17' Dia. 70-250.Watt Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325 . VLA25N5 . Square Narrow Vl.A25N3 · Asymmetric Narrow M -~ PS Distri-Beam~ Distri-Beam Cat. No. butibn Spread · · Cat. No. b1Jtion Spread ·_v_LA_1_7W_5_' ,..._ -S-qu..,.·a-re--W-'-id_e_ · -V-LA_1_7W_3-~A~.s-ym_m_e_t-ric--W'-id_e_ VLA17N5 Square Narrow VLA17N3 Asymmetric Narrow LEG.OLAND Carlsbad Type Continue on page 12 kiln Lighting 11. P-1, 2, 4, 4a, 5 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.3~3.2041 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ordering Information 3 Electrical Module Lamps (by others) 70W. High Pressure Sodium Clear. E-17 or B-17 Medium Base 100W. High Pressure Sodium Clear, E-17 or B-17 Medium Base 150W. High Pressure Sodium Clear, E-17 or 8-17 Med. Base 250W. High Pressure Sodium Clear, E-18 Mogul Base 400W. High Pressure S<)dium Clear, E-18 Mogul Base 750W. High Pressure Sodium Clear. BT-37 MogurBase 1000W. High Pressure Sodium Clear. E-25 Mogul Base 70W. Metal Haltde ,. Clear, ED-17 Med1urri Base 100W. Metal Haltde , Clear. ED-17 Medium Base 175W. Metal Halide, Clear. ED-17 Medium Base 250W. Metal Halide , Clear, ED-28 or BT-28 Mogul Base 400W. Metal Haltde.• Clear, ED-37 or BT-37 Mogul Base 1000W. Metal Halide·•· Clear. DT-56 Mogul'Base 1 OOW. Mercury Vapor Coaled. B-17 Medium Base 12 Kim Lighting Lighting Consultant: Volts 120 '208 246 277 347 120 ·200 240 "277 347 120 208 240 277 ·347 120 208 240 . 277 347 4_80 120 208 240 277 347 ~.BO. 120 208 240 277 347 480 .. -i20 208' 240 277 ·,347 480 120 277 347 120 277 347 120 208 '240 277 ·347 120 208· 240 277 '347 "480 120 208 ·240 277' . 347, 480. 120-208 240 .277 · 347 480 120 208 240 ·277 347 ,. Metal Halide lamps must.be rated by lamp manuractorer for vertical base-up operation. NA: Not Available· 29'D" , . Line -Max. ,a. ,25 Dia. 17 .Q,a._ Walls .Amps 70HPS120 86 0.8!) 70HPS208 91 0.47 NA NA 70HPS240 91 0.40 P5 70HPS277 91 035 70HPS347 93 030 --·100HPS120 1.15 1.50 100HPS208 130 0.76 ·NA NA Q' 100HPS240 130 0.66 100HPS2n: 130 0.60 . · 100HPS347 130 0.44 .. 150HPS120 170 2.25 150HPS2Q8 188 1.15 NA NA 150HPS240 10·a· 1.00 150HPS277 188 0.85 .. 150HPS347 .. 188 0.56 250HPS120. 295 2.70. 250HPS208 295 . 1.50 'NA 250HPS240 ·NA 295 1.30 250HPS277 295 1.15 250HPS347 295 C 0,93 250HPS480 295 0.50 p 1,2.,1 t.fA 400HPS120 457 380 I . -400HPS2Q8 457 2.20 NA 400HPS240 NA 457 1.90 t::. 400HPS277 457 1.70 ~~OOHPS347 4q7, -1.32 ~OO)iPS480 -457 .. 1!00 750HPS120 850· .7.12 1s0Hi>s2oe 850 4,10 750HPS240 NA 'NA 850 3.56 750HPS277 850 3,10 750HPS347 850 2.50 75!)_HPS480 .. 850 1.78 1000HPS120 -,. 1100 9,50 1'0QOHPS208 1100 5.50 1000HPS240 NA NA 1100 4:75 1000HPS277 1100 4:15 1000i:\PS347 1100 (3,30 1000HPS480 1100 2.30 .. 70MH120 89 0.85 NA NA 70MH277 89 040 70MH347 94 o.:i6 100MH120' 129 1.15 NA NA 100M.H277' 129 0.50 100MH347· 129 0.40 175MH120 .215 1.80 NA NA 175MH208 215 1.05 175MH240· 215 0.90 :175MH277 215 Cl.BO 175MH347 215 0.65 250MH120 250MH120. 295 ,-. 2.60 250MH208 250MH208 295 1.50 NA 250MH240 .. 2SOMH240· 295 r.30 ·2SOMH277 250MH277 295. 1.10 250MH347 250MH347 290 0.90 250Ml;t480 250MH480 295 065 400MH120 458 4.00 400MH208. 458 2.30 NA 400MH240 NA 458 2.00 400MH277 458 1-.75 400MH347 · 458 1.40 400MH480 458 1.00 1000MH120 1080 '9.00 1000MH208 1080 5.20 1000MH240 NA NA 1080 4.50 1000MH277 108.0 3.90 1000MH347 ' 1080 3.20 . 1 OOOMH480 1080 2.30 100MV120 1,18 1.05 NA NA 100MV2QB. 118 0.60 100MV240. 118 052 100MV277 118 0.45 .. 100!,I.V3'17_ 118 040 - Type 0 J.JP:PS:. Ga)legos Lighting Design 8132Andaso1 Avenue Northridge, CA-9132S LEGOLAND' Carlsbad P-1, 2, 4, 4a, 5 Phone 818.343,S762 /Fax 818.343.20{1 I ! i l I I I I :,· ·1 l I ··1 . j C) 14 Fini~he. TGIC thermoset.polyester powder coat paint applied over a·chromate conversion·coat[ng to housing, yok!;l assembly, lens frame and support arm. Select pole finish from pole spec. sheet. Cat.No. Color BL-P Black. DB-P Dark Bronze, resembles . ·313Duranodic~·in color. LG0P Light Gray. WH,P White. Is ~Accent Reveals Th·ree aluminum ban_ds·riveted· inside the housing valleys. Available•inJour standard Kim- J)owder coat finishes. Note: Custom colors on Luminaire, Pole or Accent Reveals are subject to additional charges, ·minimum quantities and ionger lead times. C9nsult factory. · c!,,~ BL-REV Black. DB-REV Dark Bronze, resembles 313 Duranodic® in color.· LG-REV Light Gray. WH·Rl;V White . I .1 I 6 Optional Polycarbon~te Shield 17" and 25' models only. One ~-'.·,., ··. · .. · .. j 7 ·optional Houseside Shield --,:::::::::;~::::....._ I l j -{J ·····1· .. .. :1 l ·:.J ··.·l 1l ·.·.· I · .. ·} I _:_.::' ·._-.:; ..... -.: 1'.~ • I I piece vacuum formed clear lJV stabilized polycarbonate re-· ·" places standard glass lens. See --r wattage limitations at right. Cat. No. Description CAUTION: Use·only whe~va -.L17 1-?'model, 175W. max. dalism is anticipated to b1?hi · L25 ·25'tnodel, 250W. max. Useful life is limited·byUV 1 400W:HPS allowable coloration from sunlight, al PS' · if operated outdoors halide-and mercury vapor lamps. under 85°F. ambient. la Optional Photocell -~ w=n.-y ~ · I. ·1 17" and 25· models only. Factory installed photocell wilh gasketed sensor on side. wall. See catalog numbers at right for specific wattage and mounting arrangements P.E_:!r the voltage desired. jg Poles See Kim Pole specification sheets designated for VL fixtures. · 70-400-WATT 1A. 1W~ 2L .. Cat No. 28 .. 3T ... or 70-250WATT 4C+ A-30 A-31 A-32. A-33 · A-34 A-35 120V. 208V. 24dV. 277V. 480V. 347V. -on·e·fixture is supplie.d-with .a photocell which operates all lamps. T I 12· 10' -to :: to l 30' •.'. )~; l :!, :r ' . ·i= !q Asymmetric light distributioQ only. Dished aluminum shield .factory .installed. inside the optical chambeno reduce houseside light: Noi recom- mended if coated or 1000 Watt HPSl9mps an;1 used. -· 400WATT 4C::+ Cat. No. 2A·30 1.20V. 2A-31 208V. 2A-32 240V. 2A·33 277V. 2A-34 480V. 2A-35 347V. Two fixtures are supplied with a photocell which operates twolatnps, T T 16' 20' to lo· 50' 50' 1 l ., :r ;. '· , •. I :~. Pole Type, Round Alum. .Rounq Steel Round Alum. Rbund·Steel ·Non-Tapered Non-Tapered . Tapered Tijpered PRA ~ _PRS LTRA PTRS Cat. No. Description HS 17'., 25' or 29' shield installed·clt f<1ctqry. Optional Phc;,tocell Receptacle Webl· ¥~II 29· model only. Factory installed receptac;:le in flat portion of housing top for NEMA base photocells by others. For multiple fixture mountings, each fixture is. supplied with a receptacle. C9t. No. A-25 Good,for 120-480V. I 20' to 39' l Squc)re Steel Consult factory· !qr availability of other square pole types. Tapered PTSS Kim Lighting · 13 ...... , ... -·----~· ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I po Ordering Guide Note: All allowable P.Ole 13nd fixture EPAs (fixture Ar.ea x Drag Fa.ctbr) are derived from.the AASHTO standard (American Association of State Highway and Tram;portaiion Officials). Responsibility-lies with the specifier for correct pole selection based on·local·codes and standards for the jqb location. 1 Pole Catalog Numbers Pole X y Catalog Number **PRA10·34125 10' 33/s"x .125 **PRA12-34188 12' 33/a'x .. 188 **PRA12-4125 12' <l'x .125 **PRA14·34188 14' 33/a'x .188 "'*PRA14-4125 14' 4• x .. 125 **PRA14-4188 14' 4'x.188 PRA16-4188 16' 4'x .188 Bolt Circle Dia. T 7' 81/l 7• 8½' 8½' 81/2' Example: PRA 14-4188 Allowable Pole EPA Anchor Base Bolt Anchor Cover Conduit . · Wind Map .1.. ~ Gusting Steady Wind Wind · · Equivalent Projection Bolts · Size Opening_ 70191 801104 · 90/117 100/130 110/143 31/a' ¾'·x15',1-3' 9½'dia. 2½'dia. 5.2·· 3.6 2.5 1.7· 1.2 31/a' ¾'·x 15' + 3' 9½' dia. 2½'dia. 3¼' ¾'x15'+3' 1 Fie' dia. ~'dia. 31/a' ¾fx 15'+ 3• 9½'dia. 2½'dia. 3¼" ¾'x15'+3" 1 Fie· dia. 3'dia. 7.6 ·5.4 3.9 2.8 2.0 5.6 3.8 2,5 1. 7 1'.3 5.8 3.9 2.6 l.7 1.0 4;0 2.4 1.4 3¼' ¾'x15'+3" 117/~'dia. 3'dia. 8:9 6.2 4.4 3.1 2.4 3¼' ¾'x30'+4' 117le'dia. 3~dia. 6;9 4.6 3.0 2.0 1.5 ~ PRA16-5125 16' 5"x .. 125 8½'· 3¼' ¾'x30'+4' 1-Vle'dia. 3'dia. PRA16·5188 16' 5'x .188 8½' 3¼' ¾' X 30'+ 4' 117/e' dia. 3'dia. 4'x.188 3¼' ¾'x 30'+4' 1 Fie· dia. 3'dia. 5.3 3.6 , 2.4 1.8 1.3. 12:2 8.9 6.6 5.1 4.1 3.7 2.0. 0.8 PRA20-4188 20' 8½' Pl,2,L-/ PRA20-5125 20' 5'x.125 8½' 3¼' ¾'x.30"+-4' 11¥e'dia. 3'dia. PRA20-5188 20' 5' X .188 8½' 3¼' ¾'x·30·+ 4' l1'Va'dra. .3'dia. ~ PRA25-6188 25' 6' X •• 188 10½' 3%' ¾'x30'+4' 14'dia. 5'dia. PRA30·6188 30' 6'x .188 10½' 33/a' ¾'x30'+4' 14'dia. '5'dia. PRA30-6250 30' 6'x.250 10½' 33// ¾'x30'+ 4' 14'dia. 5'dia. 2.3 1.2 7.7 5:4 3.7 2,7 2.1 7.9. . 5.9 4.0 3.0 2,2 4.0 2.5 1.5 10.0 .to 5.-1 3.8 2.9 * Post Top . SideArm · 2 Mounting Arrangements --~ 7. -~·~ Mounting Cat. No.: . FM ~ I 5 A .. PZ: B· Plan Views: .. L Kim Fixture and EPA: VL, CC or GCS 17' CC orCCS 21' Allowable pole EPA for jobsite wind conditions must be equal to or gceater than fixture mount EPA. ·-_J VL, CC or CCS 25' VL, cc or CCS.29' AR EKG401l402 EKG501 EKG6Q1 5SQ/5AT/5X-100 5S0/5AT/5X-300 0.7 1.d 1-2 1.5 2.0 2:3 Q.9 1:2 1.5 1.8 1.2 2.1 2.8 3.3 2.7 3.:1 :r.8 1·.6 2.5 2.8 2.4 2.2 3.4 3.9 3.0. 3.6 2.7 4,.3 4.9 3:3 5.2 5.9 2.4 2.0 3.2 3.9 4.2 3:5 4.5 5.0 5.6-3.8 6.1 6.6 ·Q,6 4A 7.3 8.0 5.4' 6.4 6.2 7.4 3 Finishes St,mdard TGIE ihermoset polyester powder coat paint applied ·Option~! Architectural Class I Anodize (additional cost) .. over a c~romate conversion coating. · Cat. No. · Color BL-P Black Color Black ·os-P bark Bronze, resembles 3:13-01.lranodic! Cat.No. BL·A DB-A 'Dark Bronze LG-P .Light Gray WH-P White 4 Optional Hinged Base** Optional hinged base 'available for selected poles-up to 14 feet. The use 9! hinged bases requires some pre-plannin'g so that the. pole will hinge in the.right·direction as dictated by the surrounding· environment. Add HB and hinging direction.to ordering sequence. Example: HB-X1 X1 + Yi:-4-• -+,-Y2 . f Amount · Hinging · X2 · Directions X·l .l... ·Y1 ~ ,.,-:-w· ~ Y,2 t Bffle?Unt X2 5 Optional Duplex Receptacles Receptacle shall be mountea · DR Duplex Receptacle rated opposite handhole in a, cast alu-15A., 125V. minum.box, internal!~ welded DR-GFI-Duplex Receptacle with and.sealed.with gasketed self-ctosing·c;:over and locking Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter bracket. rated 15A., 125V. KIM LIGHTING INC. 16555:EAST GALE AVENUI:: P.O •. BOX 1275 CliY OF INDUSTRY,-CA 91749 P!-IONE 8181968·5666 FAX 8'18/369-2695 5630194273 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andas<>l Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . · . Phone 818.343~5762 /Fax 818.343~2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad- Type P-1, 2, 4, 4a, 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( (A PRA. +. · KIM LIGHTl"G . ' ' ·. POLE SPEC. SHEET . I RoundAIUminum Non-Tapered-$-. Type: Post Top·Mounting .,---...... [~-~~~~]. II ---II II II \\ ---=---f-----......... ---~-'-" ______ J Side Arm Mounting See chart on back. y Conduit opening Project: For CCA, CCSA,. VLA, AR, EKG, 5X: and CCP, CCSP, VLP, 5S0, SAT fixtures. Side Arm.Mounted Pole Specific~tions Post Top Mounted .Pole shall he constructed of a :;;earhless round:extruded aluminum-t0be of alloy 6063-T6 welded to a . cast aluminum base of alloy 356 at both top and botioni:of'base casting. Base shalrhave a cast aluminum cover of 319 alloy and shall.be.secured-to base·by stainless steel screws. For side arm -mounted:Jumiilaires, a flush c;:ast aluminum:pble cap shall·be provi9ed. A handhole shall. be,provided 18" up from·base.with a gas!<eted c:over and ground lug. For poles with 33/a" O.D., a ha:ndhole reinforcement casting shall be welded in place. Four galvanized anchor bolts.shall be provided complete-with eight nu(s, eight flat washers and a presswood template. Afl:25' and 30' poles shail ·have an intern~lly:mounted pencluluni vibration danrpener inl!talled at·the factory with flush stainless-steel socket head fasteners finished to match pole, Poles shall withstand steady winds . as listed-in char\ (see back) when luminaires are mounted. X- Caution: Do not install' poles without luminaires-·or strength guarantee is voided. Any unauthorized accessories secured .to pole·shall void strength guarantee. . WIND MAP Notes: . • Values are ~sed on 50 year mean recurrence interval. • Hawaii bas an 8Qim2b. wind vetCJCity. • Puerto.Rico has a S5.rnlll:t.wind velocity. ·• Use caution in determining wind velocities in speci<1I wind areas such as.mountainous areas and.areas surrounding.the Great Lakes. fief: AASHTO 1985 •This map is-intended_ as a gener?I' guide·. Consult local authorities to determine rija)limum wind velocitjes and unique wind conditions. · ,n, U: ~ncho'. bolt \ .... .Presswood -template .·_:_[J~ nofecuon l :r_. . L~rout must be packed P1·an View Con~rete footing_. -to be designed by others .. Base Detail under pole base to insure · tun contact with footing : . . and prevent loosening of · · fevehng nuts. '---~---Provide· a channel through. the grout for d,rainage from ihe pole interior. KIM'UGHTING INC. 16555 EAST-GALE AVENUE P.O. BOX 1275 CITY OFJNDUSTAy;cA 91749 PHONE 8181968·5666 FAX 818/369'2695 . 5630194273 Lighting Consultant: · Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northiidge; CA 91325. Phone 818.343.5762./Fax 818~43.2()41 LEGOLAND Carlsb~d Type P-1, 2, 4, 4a, 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9100 SERIES HiD FLUSH MOUNTED UP-LIGHTS DESCRIPTION: The 9100 Series HID flush mounted Up-lights-ri:ipresent · the state-of-the-art in flush light-construction. These multi-purpose modular units are designed for flush mounting ,in planting areas or in concrete, and are used for illuminating buil_ding facades, walls, trees, and similar applications. The Jamp module imd power control modules are factory sealed, thermally protected, and connected by submersible rated connecJors. Round or square body styles are available. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: DOOR F!NISH: Cast-aluminum or cast bronze that locks the lamp housing into the-Rough-In Section with a single tamperproof stainless steel fastener. ROUGH-IN·SECTION: Injection molded ABS, L,J.V. stabilized, impact and-corrosion resistant fcir use in all types of environments. LAMP MODULE HOUSING: Stainless steel, sealed and purgE!d.of all-moisture to -160°F. Electrical access to lamp ·module is done through,submersi_ble. rated connector. THERMALLY PROTECTED. POWER MODULE:. Sealed-unit·encaps(!lated in an_ engineered composite resin 19 eliminate all water enir.y.· LAMP TYPES: E-17, A-23, R-40,. PAR-38 lamps with medium bases to 175 Watt maximum. If a specific lamp- is desired, specify manufacturer'5.'lamp number, most lamps can l:ie supplieq. LAMP·l!~CLUDED. VOLTAGES: 120V, 208V, 240V, 277Vare available in most lamp types. Some-restrictioris may apply. LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS:, The Spo{ Reflector is -specular spun aluminum. The Wide Flood ·Reflector is diffuse spun aluminum and the Wall Wash Reflector is diffuse hydroformed-aluminum. The Spot.and-Flood Reflector assemblies have 15° of. intern.ii lamp tilt on a 360° axis of rotation, Lamp tilt is not required for the Wall·Wash units. Jhe lenses are clear ter]lpered flat glass. Convex lenses are availaple. THE COMMON LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS ARE: SPOT= 7° spread;.WFL = 140° spread; NFL= 30° spread; MFL = 60° spread. WW = 1 O to 1 .Uniformity Ratio. Reflectorized lamp distributions vary depending on manufacturer. -Check Photometric Sheets. CONDUfT ENTRIES: 1/2" and 314" NPT Bottom openings are available in the cast aluminum integral Junction. Box. Suitabie for the thru-pranch wiring. This box has 24 cupic inches of volume .. ACCESSORIES: See.Accesso·ry Sheet for-.construction details. TYPE __ • ---------''-----,---_;,,.,,..-- MODEL #: --'-'-----'---.'----'-----'------,--- 'NOTE: HYDREL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE - ANY SPECIFICATIQN.WITtlOUT·f:lOTICE. -DIMENSIONS:'_ 91~0- MODEL. Square 1-4---12"--I WALL WASH 18" 91.QO MODEL Round J-· 12"--I U.L LISTED PATENT PENOIIIG ,. ..... , 4'{;)~ · 12881 BRADL,EY AVENUE;.SYLMAR, CAUF9RNIA_9'1342 • PHONE: 818/3!,2-9465-• FAX:. 818/362-6548 H'::'iJR.i=L 'LTG-9100HID 07/92 Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Pesign 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2o4i LE·GOLAND- Carlsbad Replaces 03192 Type Rl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CJ) FIXTURE OPTIONS FIXTURE SERIES/ FOOTPRINT STYLES: 9100: 12" -Round 9150: 12" -.Square @ DOOR MATE~IALS:· A = Cast Aluminum B ·Cast Bronze AB = Black Aluminum @ LAMP TYPES: MV50, 75, 100, 175 MH50, 76, 100, 150, 175 HPS50, 70, 100, 150 © VOLTAGES: LAMP INCLUDED 120V;'20BV, 240V, 277V . (Some restrictions may·appfy for some lamp types.) ® LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: SP = $pot Reflector with Clear Fl.at Lens NFL =· Specular Reflector with 30° Spread Flat !-ens MFL Diffuse Reflector with Clear Flat Lens WFL = Diffuse,Refiectorwith Frosted Flat.Lens TSP = 10° tilt Fli3t Lens with Spot Reflector WW = Wall Wash Reflector with 5° .axial.Spread Flat. Lens RSP Reflectorized Spot Lamp with Clear' Fl~! Lens RFL -Rellectorited Flood·Lamp with Clear Flat Lens XXX • Other Lamps or-Lenses on request @ CONDUIT ENTRIES: 12-Two x 1/2" NPT in Bqttom 34-Two x 3/4" NPT in .Bottom ® ACCESSORIES: (See.accessory s/Jeet for construction details.) • DLA-91 = Directional Eggcrate External Lpuver (Alum.) • FLA-91 ,. Full·Eggc:rate External Louver'(Alumirium) • GSA091 Glare Shield (Aluminum) • LSA-91 Light Shield (Aluminum) • RGA-91 Rock Guard (Aluminum) GM,91 Grout Mask . IHL-91 1,nternat"Honeycomb Lot.iver . 155-91 lnternal.So.urce Shield (Internal) PRR-91 = Protective Ring for Round Rough-In Section PRS-!:l1 .Protective Ring for Square Roug.h-ln Section LPC-91 .= Lexan. Protective Cover · STR-91 Stainless Steel Trim Ring (round) STS-91 Stainless Steel Trim Ring.(square) BB · Cast Brom:e J-Box PC-21-12 ·= 20 CU. IN -Re-enterable Potting Compound· PC-21 35 CU .. IN -Re-enterable Potting Compound WWL-91 Wail Wash Louver (Internal) · · • To re lace aluminum arts with bronze substitute "B" for "A". 9100 HID OPTION:ORDERING GUIDE . 1. Start with standard model number. 2. Acid a"/" bef()~e each option. EX.AMPLE: 9150 A 'MH-100/120/TSP/34/ / PART NUMBER: THE FOLJ_OWING DATA SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FORM# Installation Sheet for 9000 & 9100 Series ............... lNS-022 Accessory Sheet ..................................................... ACC-001 FOR SPECIFIC PHOTOMETRIC DATA . . FORM# Hlb Aeflectoriz11d Lamps -Flood ., ......................... PDS-002 ·HID Beflectorized Lamps -Spot ............................. PDS-003 ·1NC Reflectorized Lamps -•Flood ........................... PDS-004 INC Aellectorized Lamps -Spot ............................. PDS-005 !:,ow-Voltage Aetlectorized Lamps--Flood/Spot .-.... PQS-006 9000Series Non-Aeflectorized Lamps -f'lood/Spot ............ PDS,007. 9000 Series .wan Wash ....... : .............................. , ... 'Pos,ooa 12881 BRADLEY AVENUE, SYLMAR·, CALIFORNIA 91342 •· PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-654B Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge1 CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carl$bad LTG-9100 1:110 07/92 Repl;;ices 03/92 Type Rl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H':'iJRi:L 9100 s·ERIES HID FLUSH MOUNTED UP-LIGHTS DESCRIPTION: The 9100 Series HID flush mounted Up-lights represent the state-of-the-art in-flush light construction. These. multi-purpose modular 4nits are designed fodlush mounting in planting areas or iri concrete, and _are used for illuminating building facades, walls, trees, and similar applications-. The lamp module.and p9wer control modules are-factory seaIe·c;l, thermally protected, and connected.by-submersible rated ~qnnectors. Round-or square body styles are available. STANDARO SPECIFICATIONS: DOOH FINISH:· Cast aluminum or casi bronze that locks the.lamp housing into the:Rough-ln Section with.a single tamperproof stainless steel fastener; ROUGH-IN'SECTION: Injection rnold!)d ABS, U. V. stabilizeq, impact and corrosion resistant for use in all types of environmeots. LAMP MODULE HOUSING: Stainless steel, sealed and purged of all moisiur.e-to -100°F. E_lectrical access to lamp module is done tllrough.submersible rated connector. THERMALLY PRbtECTEIJ. POWER MODULE: Sealed unit encapsulated in an • engineered composite resin to eliminat!) all water entry. LAMP TYPES: E-17, A-23, R-40, PAA~38 lamps wiih medium bases to 175 Watt maximum. if a specific.lamp is desired, specify manuia_ctur!)r's lamp number, most lamps can be supplied. LAMP fNCLUDED. VOLTAGES: 120V, 208V, 240V, 277Vare availabl!)-in most lamp types. Some-re_strictions may apply. LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: The $pot R~flector is specular spuh aluminum. The Wide Flood Reflector-is diffuse spun aluminum and-the Wall Wash-Reflector is diffuse hydroformed aluminum, The Spot.and Flood· Reflector assemblies have 1 s0• of internal lamp-tilt on.a 360° axis of rotation_. -Lamp tilt is-not required_-forthe Wall Wash units. The-lense_s are clear te·mpered flat glass. Convex lenses are available. THE COMMON L!GHT.DISTRIBUTIQNS ARE.: SPOT= 7° spreaq; WFL = 140° spread; NFL= 30° sp-read; MFL = 60° spre~c;l. WW= 10 to 1 Uniformity Ratio. Reflectorized lamp distributions vary-qepending on manufacturer. Check.Photometric Sheets. CONDUIT ENTRIES: 1'/2" and 3/4" NPT-Botiom openings are available in.the cast-aluminumJnt~gral Junction Box. Suitable tonhe thru-branch wiring. This box has 24 cubic inches ·qt volume. ACCESSORIES: See Accessory.Stiee! for construction _ - details. TYPE ____ __,--,----'------,- MODEL #: _._---........,----,---~- . NOTE:-HYDREL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE ANY !>P!:CIF,ICATION WITHOUT NOTICE. , Any dimension on this sheet is to be assumed as· a-refererice dimension: "Used for informatio_n purposes only. It does not govern manufacturing· or . inspection requirements." (ANSI Y 14.5-1973) . 91~0- _ MODEL _ Square Dll\liENSIONS: WALLWASH 91QO MODEL Round ···---12"---· U.L.LISTED PATENT PENDING -,~. , •• ~ 12881 E:IRADlEYAVENUE, SYLMAR, CALIFQ~NIA 91342 • PHONE: 818/3.62-9465 •· FAX:-818/362-6548 .__. -' . LTG-9100-HID Hl::ii:JRi:L. · 4~17-96 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design, 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818;343.5762 /Fax-SiS.343;2041 LEGOLAND Carlsba,d_ Type R-1 s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIXTURE. OPTIONS FIXTURE SERIES/ FOOTPRINT STYLE$: 9100: 12" -Round 9150: 12" -Square DOOR MATERIALS: ~ A = -Cast Aluminum~ B = Cast.Bronze AB = Black Aluminum LAMP TYPES: MV50, 75, ,100, 175 MHso, 10, roo, 150, 115 HPSS0,70, 100,150 VOLTAGES: 120V,20BV,240V,277V (Some restrictions may apply forsome·/€fmp-types.') \iLIGHT 0ISTIIIBUTIONS, SP = Spot· Reflector with·Clear Flat Lens NFL = Specular R_eflector with 30°"$pread· Flat Lens MFL = Di.ffuse Reflector with Clear flat Lens . WFL = Diffuse Reflector wiih Frosted-Flat Lens TSP = ro• tilt Flat Lens with $pot Reflector WW = Wall Wash Refle~tor with 5° axial· Spread Flat Lens ASP = Reflectorizl:ld Spot Lamp with Clear Flat Lens RFL = Reflectorized Flood Lamp with Clear Flat.Lens XXX = ·other Lamps or Lenses on-request CONDUIT ENTRIES:_ 12-Two x 1/2" NPT-in Bottom 34 -Two x 3/4" NPT in Bottom ACCESSORIES: (See accessory sheet.for construction details.) • DLA-91 = Dirl:lctional Eggcrate External-Louver (Alum.) • FLA-91 = Full Eggcrat.e External Louver(AJominu.m)· • GSA-91 = Glare Shield (Aluminum) • LSA-91_ = Light Shield (Aluminum) RGA-91 = Rock Guar.a (Aluminum) GM-91 = G"tout Mask IHL-91 = lnternal'Honeycomb Louver . ISS-91 = lntemal Sol(rce Shield (Internal) PRR-91 = Protective Ring for Round Rough-ln:Section PRS-91 = :_ Protective Ring for Square Rough-In Section LPC-91 = Lexan Protective Cover· STR-91 -Stainless Steel Trim Ring (round) STS-91 = Stainless Steel Trim-Ring (square) BB = ·Cast E}ron:i:e.J-Box . . PC-21-12 = 20 C.U. IN• Re-enterable Potting Compound ·pc-21 = 35 CU. IN -Re-enterable Potting·Compound WWL-91 = Wall Wash Louver {Internal) • To re lace aluminum arts with bronze substitute "B".for. "A". EXAMPLE: · 9100 'HID OPTION ORDERING GUIDE 1. Start with standard model n·umber. 2, . Add a "/" before each option. 9150 A MH~100/120/TSP/34/ / PART NUMBEJ:1: THE FOLLOWING DATA SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST EQBMJ1 Installation Sheet for 9000 & 9100 Series .............. INS-014 & .................................... : •.........•.... · ....... · ..............••... INS·015 Accessory Sheet ....••••......•..•..................•..•............ ACC·001 FOB SPECIFIC PH6TOMETRIC DATA EQBMJ1 HID Reflectorized Lamps • Flood ., .........••..•...•.•.... PDS-002 HiD Reflectorized Lamps • Spot ........•.................... P0S-003 INC Relleciorized Lamps • Flood ...•......•..........••... PDS-004 INC Reflectorized Lamps • Spot ............•.•••........... PDS-005 Low Voltage Reflectorized Lamps • Flood/Spot ..•.. PDS·006 9000 Series Non-Reflectorized·Lamps • Flood/Spor ...........• PDS·007 9000 Series Wall Wash .•.••........•.•.•..............•........ PDS·OOB 12881 BRADLE:Y AVENUE, SYl,MAR, CALIFORNIA 91342 • PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 . LTG-9100 HID Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting· De$ign 8132 Andasol Avenue N orthridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax. 818.343.2041 LEGO LAND. Carlsbad . . 4/17/96 Type R-1 s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9100 SERIES HID FLUSH MOUNTED UP-LIGHTS DESC~IPTION: The 9100 Series HID flush mounted l:Jp-lights represent the state-of-the-art·in flush light construction. These multi-purpose-modular units are,designed·for flush mounting in planting areas or in concrete, and are used for illuminating.building facades, walls, trees, and similar applications. The lamp module and power control.modules are factory sealed, thermally protec!f?d, and connected by submersible rated connectors. Round-o_r square body styles are avail.able. STANDARD SP~CIFICATIOJ\1$: DOOR FINISH: Cast aluminum or cast bronze that locks the lamp.housing into the Rough-In Section with a single tamperproof stainless steel.fastener. ROUGH-IN Sl;CTION: Injection-molded ABS, U-.V, stabilized, impact and-corrosion resistant for use in all types of, environments. LAMP MODULE HOUSING: Stainless steel, sealed and purged of ali moisture to , 100°F. · Electrical access to lamp module is done through submersible rated connector. Tf-lERMALL Y PROTECTED. POWER MODULE: Sealed u11it:encapsulated in an eni:Jine.ered composite resin to eliminate <!11 water-entry: LAMP TYPES: E-t7, A-23, R-40, PAR-38-lamps with medium base~ to 175, Watt maximum: If a specific-lamp is desired, specify manuf11ctl!rer·s lamp number, 111ost lamps can be-supplied. LAMP INCLUDED; VOLTAG'l!:S: 120V, 208V, 240V, 277Vare j3vailable in mo·st lamp types. Some ~estrictions,rnay apply. LIGHT _DISTRIBUTIONS: The $pot Reflector is specular spuo.aluminum. The Wide Flood Reflectot is diffuse spun aluminum and the·Wall Wash-Reflector is diffuse hydroformed aluminum. The $pot and Floo.d Reflector assemblies have -15° o! internalJamp tilt.on a: 360° axis of rotation .. Lamp tilt is not requirec;I forthe Wall Wash. units. The lenses are-clear tempered-flat glass. Convex lenses are a·vailable, THE COMMON LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS ARE: SPOT= 7° spread; WFL = 140° spread; NFL = 30° spread; MFL = 60° spread. WW = 1 O to 1 Uniformity Ratio. Rellectorized lamp distributions vary depending on· manufacturer. Check Photometric Shef?tS. CONDUIT ENTRIES: 1L2" and 3/4" NPT Bottom openings are.available in the casl'aluminum integral Junction Box. Suitable·for -the fhru-branch wiring. This box has 24 cubic inches of volume. ACCESSORIES: See Ac;_cessory Sheet for constr\,lction details. TYPE___..,.-'-------,,--,-~-"-'--,-------- MODEL #: ---'------------ NOTE: HYDREL RESEF,lVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE AN·Y, SPECIFICATION WITHOUT NOTICE. 91.5.0 MODEL Square DIMENSIONS: 91.0.0 MODEL Round 4---12"--.l U.L LISTED PATENT PENDING ,. ..... , · ,g..r . 1288~-BR.ADLEY·AVENUE, SYLMAR, CALiFQRNIA 91342 ~ PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 H':'iJ_ Ri:SL LTG-9100 HiD Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge,.CA 91325 . Phone 818.343~5762 /Fax 818.343.2041. LEGOLAND .Carlsbad· 07/92 Replaces 03192 Type R2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CD -FIXTURE OPTIONS FIXTURE SERIES/ FOOTPRINT STYLES: 9100: 12" -Round 9150: 12" -Square @ DOOR MATERIALS: . A = Cast Aluminum B Cast Bronze AB = Black Aluminum @ LAMP TYPEl;i: MV50, 75, 1·00, 175 MH50, 70, 100, 150, 175 HPSS0,70;100, 150 © VOLTAGES: LAMP. INCLUDEP 120V, 208V, 240V, 277V _, · (Some restrictions may-apply for some lamp-types.) @ LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: SP Spot Reflector with Clear Flat Lens NFL Specular Reflector with 30° Spread Flat Lens MFL ;. Diffuse Reflector with Clear Flat Lens · WFL = biifuse Reflector with Frosted Flat Lens TSP • 1 o• tilt Flat Lens with Spot Reflector WW • Wall Wash Reflector with 5° axial Spread Flat Lens ASP • Reflectorized Spot l:amp with Clear Fl~t'Len~ RFL Reflectorized Flood Lamp with Clear.' Fie!! lens XXX • Other Lamps or Lenses on request ® CONDUIT ENTRIES: 12-Two x 1/2" NPT in Bottom 34 -Two x 3/4" NPT in Bottom ® ACCESSORIES: (See accessory sheet .for construction det;1i/s.) • DLA-91 = Directional Eggcrate External Louver (Alum.) • FLA-91 = FulJ Eggcrate External Louver(Aluminum) • GSA-91 · Glare·Shield (Aluminum) • LSA-91 Light Shield (Aluminum) • RGA-91 Rock Guard (Aluminum) GM-91 Grout-Mask IHL-91 Internal Honeycomb Louver 155-91 Internal Source Shield (Internal) PRR-91 Protective Ring·for.Round Rough-In Section PRS-91 · · = Protective Ring·for Square Rough-In Section LPC-91 Lexan Protective Cover STR-91 Stainl~ss ·Sieel Trim Ring (round) STS-91 Stainless St(!el Trim Ring (square) BB CasLBronze J-Box PC-21-:12 20CU. IN -Re-entetablE! Potting Compound PC-21 35 ,CO. -IN -Resenterable Potting Compound WWL-91 Wall Wash Louver (Internal) · •Tore lace aluminum arts with bronze substitute "8" for "A". . ·EXAMPLE: . . 9100 HIP . OPTION·ORDERING GUIDE 1: Start with standard model number. 2. Add a"/" before i:iach qption. 9150 A MH-1·001120/TSP/34/ / PART NUMBER: THE FOLl:,OWING DATA SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FORM# Installation Sheet for 9000 & 9100 Series .............. INS-022 Accessory Sheet .. , ............................................... : ... ACC-091 FOR SPECIFIC PHOTOMETRIC DATA FORM# 1:11D F\eflectorized. Lamps -Flood ................. , .... : .... PDS-002 HID Rellec;torized Lamps -Spot ............................. PDS-003 INC Rellectorized·Lamps -Fiood ........................... PDS-004 INC Rellectorized Lamps -Spot ............................. PDS-005 Low Voltage Rellectorized Lamps -Flood/Spot ..... PDS-006 9000 Series · N9n-Rellec;iorizcd"Lamps -Flood/Spot ............ PDS-Q07 9000 Series Wall Wash .......................................... PDS-QO'S 12881 BRADLEY AVE.NUE, SY~MAR; CAllFORNIA 9"1:342 • PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 913is . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad L TG-9100 HID 07/92 Repk,ce~ 03/92 Type R2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I 91·00 SERIES HID. FLUSH ·MOUNTED UP-LIGHTS DESCRIPTION: The 9100 Series HID flush mourite~ Up-lights represent the state-oHhe-art in flush llghtconstruction. These multi-purpose modular units are designed for·flush mounting in planting areas or in concrete, and are used for illuminating-building facades, walls, trees, and similar applications. The lamp module and power contror modules are factory sealed, thermally protected, and connected by submersible rated connectors. Round or square-body styles are available. STANDARD. SPECIFICATIONS: DOOR FINISH: -Cast aluminum or cast bronze that locks the lamp-housing into the Rough•ln Section with a single tamperproof stainless steel fastener. ROUGH-IN SECTION: Injection molded ABS, U.V. stabilized, impact and-corrosion resistant for use in all types of environments. LAMP MODULE HOUSING: Stainless·steel, sealed and purged of all moisture-to -10·0°F.. Electrical access to lamp module is done through submersible rated connector. THERMALL V PROTECTED. POWER MODULE: Sealed unit encapsulated-in an engineered composite resin to. eliminate all.water-entry. LAMP TYPES: E-17, A-23, R-40, PAR-38 lamps with medium bases to 175 Watt maximum. If a specific lamp is desired, specify manufactl!rer's-lamp number, most lamps can be supplied. LAMP INCLUDED. VOLTAGES: 120V,.208V, 240V, 277V are available in most lamp types. Soine restrictions may apply. LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: The Spot Reflector is specular spun aluminum. The Wide Flood Reflector is diffuse spun aluminum and the Wall Wash·Reflector is diffuse hydroformed alumJnum. The Spot and'.Flood Reflector assemblies have 15° of internallamp tilt on a 360° axis of rotation. Lamp tilt is not requirE!d for the Wall Wash units. The lenses are clear·tempered flat · glass, Convex ·1enses .are available. THE COMMON LIGHT DISTRIE!UTIONS ARI;: SPOT= 7° .spread; WFL = 140°-spread; NFL= 30° spread;-MFL = 60°·spread. WW = 1 o to 1 Uniformity Ratio. Reflectorized·lamp distributions vary depending on manufacturer. Check Photometric Sheets. CONDUIT ENTRIES: 1/2" and 3/4"·.NPT·Bottom openings are available-in the cast-c:1luminum integral Junction Box. Suitable for the thru-branch wiring. This box.has 24 cubic-inches of-volume. ACCES.SORIES: See Accessory Sheet for construction details.· · TYPE -----,--;.----~--------,------,--- MODEL #:._~------'-'-~--'---...,.......;,.------,- N(?TEj ·HYD~EL 8ESERVJ;S THE.RJGHT TO·CHAN_GE ANY~PECIFICATION WITHOU,: NOTICE. 91~0 MODEL Square WAL!-WASH DIMENSIONS: 91Q0 . MODEL Round !1-12"----l U.L LISTED . f'/ITENT PENQ.ING .. ~ . ,~, '~~ 12881. BRADLEY AVE~UE, SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA 91342 • PHONE: 818i362-94~5 • FAX: 818/3§32-6548 H u~~-L LTG-9100 HID -· -r,;.11::: , . . 07/92 Lighting Co115ul~t: Gallegos Lighting Des\gn 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 - Phone 818.343.5762 '/Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad· Replaces 0319.2 Type R3 I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I j I Q) FIXTURE OPTIONS FIXTURE SERIES/ FOOTPRINT STYLES: 9100: 12" -Hound 9150: 12" -Square ® DOOR MATERIALS: . A = Cast Aluminum B Cast Bronze AB a Black Aluminum @ LAMP TYPES: 'LAMP .. MV50, 75, 100, 175 MH50, 70, 100, 150, 1.75 HPSS0,70, 100,150 IN.C.LUDED ® VOLTAGES: 120V,208V,240V,277V (Some restrictions may apply for some,lamp types,) @ LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: . SP "' Spot .Reflector with Clear Flat Lens NFL Specular Reflector with 30.0 Spread Flat Lens MFL = Diffuse Reflector with Clear Flat ,Lens WFL = Diffuse Reflecior with Frosted Flat lens , TSP 10° tilt Flat Lens with SpotReilecto·r WW • Wall Wash Reflector with 5° axial Spread·Flat.Lens ASP • Reflectorized Spot' Lampwith·Clear Flat Lens RFL • Reflectorized Flood Lamp with Clear Flat Len~ XXX • Other Lamps or Lenses on request @ CONDUIT ENTRIES: 12 -Two x 1/2" NPT iff Bottom 34-Two x 3/4" NPT in Bott9m ® ACCESSORIES: (See accessory shee( for construction details.) • DLA-91 = Directiqnal Eggcrate External Louver (Alum.) • FLA-91 .. Full Eggcrate·External Loo11er (Aluminum) • GSA-91 Glare,Shield ·(Aluminurri) • LSA-91 Light Shield (Aluminum) • RGA-91 · Rock:Guard (Aluminum) GM-91 Grout Mask IHL-91 lnterna(Honeycomb louver ISS-91 lnternlll Source ShieJd.(lntepial) . PRR-91 Protecjive Ring for·Round Rough-In.Section PRS-91 -. Protective Ring for Square Hough-In Section LPC-91 lexan Protective Cover STR-91 Stainless Steel Trim. Rin§ (round) . STSs91 = Stainless.Steel.Trim Hing (square) BB Cast Bronze J•Box . PC-21-12 = 20 CU. IN -Re-enier.~ble Potting Compound PC-21 · ., .35 CU .. IN -Re-enterable Potting Compound WWL-91 Wall Wash Louver (lntiirnal) •Tore lace aluminum · arts with bronze substitute "B"for "A" . 9100 HID OPTION ORDERING GtJIDE 1. Start with standard model number, 2. Add a"/" before each option. EXAMPLE: 9150 A MH-100/120/TSP/34/ / PART NUMBER: THE FOlLOWING DATA SHEETS ARE A\f AILABLE UPON REQUEST FORM# Installation Sheet for 9000 & 9100 Series .............. INS-022 Access9ry-Sh'eet ................. · .................................... ACC-001 F(:)R·SPECIFIC PHOTOMETRIC DATA FORM# HID 'Refleci9rized Lamps , Flood ........................... PDS-002 HID Relleclorized Lamps O Spot ............................. PQS-003 INC Rellectorized Lamps -·J=lood ........................... PDS-004 INC Refleciorizec! Lamps -Spot.. ........................... PDS-bos Low Voltagj! Reflectorized Lamps -Flood/Spol ..... PDS-006 9000Series -Non-Reflectorized.Lamps ··Flood/Spot ............ PDS-007 9000 SeriesWall Wash .......................................... PDS-008 .. ._, 1..9~. 12881 BRADLEY ~VENUE, SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA 91342 •. PHONE: 818/362-~465 • FAX: ·818/362-6548 •-. LTG-9100 HID H'::'iJrU::L 01192 Lighting Consultru.tt: · Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue· N orthridge, CA 9132~ Phone 818.343;5'762 /Fax. 818~4.3.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Ropk,ces 03192 Type R3 I I ' I I I ,~ I I I I I 9100 SERIES 120 VOLT INCAN. FLUSH .MOUNTED UP-LIGHTS DESCRIPTION: The 9100 Series· lnca_nd~scent flush mounted up-:lights represent the state-of-the-art in flush Up-light consiruc- tion. These multi-purpose modular units are designed for flush mounting in.planting areas or in concrete, and are used for illuminating building facades, walls, trees, and similar applications. 1:he lamp module whicn includes the lamp is factory ~ealed, thermally-protected, and conni;icted by subm~rsib!e r;;ited connectors. Round or square styles are avaiiable. STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: DOOR MATERIAL: Cast aluminuni or casi bronze-that locks.the lamp housing into the Rough-In Section with a single tamperproof stainless·fastener. ROUGH-IN SECTION: Injection molded AE!S, tl.V. stabilized, impact and corrosion resistant for·use 'in all types of environments. LAMP MODULE HOUSING: Stainless steel,.sealed a·nd purged of all moisture.to -100°F. Electrical ac;:cess to lamp module is.done. through submersible rated connector. THERMALLY PROTECTED. LAMP TYPES: T-4 Mini-can.and PAR-38.lamps to250 Watts maximum. -If a specific lamp is desired, specify manufacturer's lamp n·umber, most.lamps can be supplied. LAIVIP INCLUDED. VOLTAGl;S: 120V. -LIGHT DISTRIB\JTIONS: The Spot Reflector is. specular spun aluminum. TheWide Flood Reflector:is diffuse -aluminum arid the Wall Wash Rell.actor is diffuse spun hydroformed aluminum. The Spot and Wide Flood Reflector assemblies halle· 1 s•·of internal lamp tilt on a- ·-3600 axis of rotation. Lamp ti!t ls not required for the wall wash units. The lens'es are clear tempered fl.at glass. The Wall-Wash lens is a 5° axial spread lens lightly-frosted for uniformity. Convex lenses are ·available. · JHE COMMON LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS .ARE: SPOT • 7° spread; WFL -140° spread; NFL. 30° spread; Mi=L = 60° spread; WW• 10 to 1 Uniformity ·Ratio. Reflectorized lamp gistribution vary depending on manufac:turer. Check Photometric Sh~ets. · CONDUIT ENTRIES: t/2" and 3/4" NPT Bottom. openings are available ·in.the·cast aluminum. integral Junction Box. Suitable fofthe"thru-branch wiring. This ·box has 24 cubic inches of volume. Bron.ze·J-Boxes arE!, available. ' ACCESSORIES: See Accessory Sheet for consiruction details. .. ". TYPE.....,,_ __ _._ ___ -'--____ ___,._ MODEL#:..__ ___ -'-~------ .NOTE: !iYDREL RESERVE,S THE RIGHT TO CHANGE ANY SPECIFICATION WITHOUT NOTICE. DIMENSIONS: 91.5.0 MODEL Square 1--,-.-12"---I T 11" 91QO MODEL Round ---12"---I _!·· ~ U.L LISTED PATENT PENDING "A' 4~.J 12881 BRADLEY AVENUE, SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA 91342 • PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 H'::'CniSL LTG-91gi,b~ Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Replaces 03/92 Type_ R4 I I 1. I I I :I I 'I I I I 'I I I CD FIXTURE OPTION$ FIXTURE SERIES/ FOOTPRINT STYLES: 91 OO: 12· -Round · 9150: 12" -Square @ DOOR MATERIALS: A Cast.Aluminum B Cast Bronze AB = Black Aluminum ® LAMP TYPES: PAR-38's: ,PAR-100 PAR-150_ PAR-250 T-4's: QTZ-100 © VOLTAGE: 120V ® LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: OTZ~150 QTZ-250 LAMP INCLUDED SP Spot Reflector with Clear Flat Lens NFL = Specular Reflector with 30° Spread Lens MFL • Difluse;Reflector -with Clear Flat Lens WFL = Diffuse Reflector with Frosted:Flat Lens TSP .. 10°.iilt"Flat Lens With SpotRefhaictor . WW -Wall Wash Reflec=torwith_ 5° c!~i.al Spread FlcJt Lens PSP = PAR-38 lamp Spot·wjth Clear Flat Lens PFL PAR-38 lamp Flood with Clear.Flat/Lens XXX .. Other Lamps or Lenses on request ® CONDUIT ENTRIES: 12-Twox 1/2" NPTin Bottom 34 -Two x 3/4" NPT in Bottom ® ACCESSORIES: (See Accessory Sheet for conslruclioh-delalls.) • DL,A-91, Directional .Eggcrate· External Louver (Alum.) • FLA-91 Full Eggcrate External.Louver (Aluminum) . • GSA-91 Glare Shield _(Alumim;m) · • LSA-91 Light Shield (Aluminum) • RGA-91 Rock Guard (Aluminum) . GM-91 Grout Mask · IHL-91 · = -Internal· Honeycomb Louver (non-adjustable) IHL-38 ·= Internal Honeycomb louver (adjusJs w/-PAR-38 lamp) PRR-91 Protective Ring for Round.Rough-ln·Section PRS-91 Protective Ring for Square Rough-In Section LPC-91 Lexan Protective Cover STR-91 Stainie~s Steel Trim Ring (Round) STS-91 Stainless Steel Trim• Ring. (Square) BB Cast Bronze J-Box · PC-21-12 20 CU'. IN. -Re-entercJble Potting Compound PC-21 = 35 CU. IN. -Re-enterable Potting Compound WWL-91 = Wall Wash Internal l._ouver • To replace ~luminui:n parts.with qronze, substitute ~!?~'for "A~. 91001N OPTION: ORDERING GUIDE 1. Start with standard model number. 2. Add a "/" before each option. '·EXAMPLE: 91·50 A PAR-150/120/TSP/34/GSA-91 PA.Rt .NUMBER: THE FOLLOWING DATA SHEETS ARE AVAIU\84E UPON REQUEST FORM-# Installation Sheet for 9000 & 9100 Series .............. ·INS-022 Acces_sory·Sheet ..................................................... Acccoo 1 FOR SPECIFIC PHOTOMETRIC DATA· FORM# HID Reflectorized Lamps -Flood .... ,; ..................... PDS-002 HIO·Reflectorized Lamps -Spot ............................. PDS-003 INC Refleqtorized Lamps -Flood ........................... PDS-004 INC Reflectorized L:amps O Spot .......... , .................. PDS-005 Low Voltage Reflectori:zed Lamps -Flood/Spot.; .... POS-006 9000Series · Non°Reflectorized Lamps -Flood/Spot ............. PDS-007 9000 Se.ries Wall Wa$h .: ........................................ POS-008 ·~, f.Q~ 12881 BRADLEY AVENUE, SYLMAR; CALIFORNIA 91_342 • PH!)NE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 H'::'i:JRi:L LTG-91gg,b~ Lighting Consul~t: Gallegos Lighfutg Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · . . Phone 81$.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.204:( LEGOLAND CaFlsbad .Replaces 03/92 Type R4 I I I I I I I. I- I I I- I I I I - 9100 .SERIES·HID FLUSH MOUNTED UP;.LIGHTS DESCRIPTION: The 9100 Series HID flush mounted Up-lights represent the state-of-the-art.in ·flush ·light-cqnstruction. These. multi-purpose mod.ular units.are designed·for flusli mounting in planting areas or"in concrete,. and are-used for illuminating b\Jilding facades, ·walls, trees, and similar applications. The lamp .. module and power control modules are factory sealed, thermally protected, and connected by submersible rated connectors. Round-or square body styles are available.' STANDARO SPECIFICATIONS: DOOR' FINISH: Cast aluminum or. cast bronze that locks the lamp housing into the Rqugh-ln Section with a single tamperproof stainless:steel fastener. · ROUGH-IN SECTION: Injection molded ABS_, U,\i. stabilized, impact and corrosion resistant for use-in. all types of environments. LAMP MODUL!: HOUSING:· Stainless steel, se1J.letj and purged of all moisture to -100°F. Electricol a_c;:cess to lamp module is ,done through submersible rated- connector. THEfll'AALL Y PROTECTED. POWER MODULE: Sealed.unit encapsulated in an engineered composite resin to eliminate all water e·ntry. LAMP TYPES: E-17, A-23, R-40, PAR-38 lamps with . medium bases tp 175 Watt.maximum. If a specific lamp is desired, specify ·manufacturer's la)np number, most· lamps can be supplied. LAMP INCLUDED. VOLTAGES: 120V, 208V, 240V, 277.V-are available in most lamp types. Some restrictions may apply. LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: The Spot Reflector is specular spun aluminum. The Wid~ Flood .Reflector is diffuse spun aluminum and, the Wall Wash Reflector ls diffuse hydroformed aluminum. The Spot ancl Flood Reflector assemblies have 15° of internal lamp tilt on a 360° axis of rotation. Lamp tilt is not .required for the Wall Wash units. The .lenses are·clear tempered flat_ glass. -Convex lenses are-available. THE COMMON LIGHT DISTRIB:UTION$ ARE: SPOT= 7° spread; WFL = 140° spread; NFL= 30° spread; MFL = 60° spread. WW = 1 O to 1 Uniformity Ratio. - Reflectorized lamp distributions vary depending on manufacturer. Check Photometric Sh.eels. CONDUIT ENTRIES: 1/2" and 3/4" NPT Bottom openings are avaijable in the-cas\.alumihum integral Junction Box .. Suitable for the thru-branch wiring. This box has 24 cubic-inches of vqlume. ACCESSORIES: See Accessory Sheet for construction details.· TYPE ______ -'---,-,,,_--'------- MODEL #: -~----'------------ T 78" NOTE; HYDREL RESERVES THE.RIGHT TO CHANGE ANY SPECIFICATION.WITHOUT NOTICE. 91~0 MODEL Square DIMEI\ISIONS: 11~· 1~"~ . 18" WALL WASH 91QO MODEL Round U.L LISTED PATENT PENDIN<r .-.•'-, ,"[J,1 12881 BRADLEY AVENUE, SY!,.M_AR, CALIFOR!\IIA 91342 • ·PJ10NE: 818/,362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 H':'i:JRi:L ' LTG-9100 HID 07/92 Replaces 03''92 Lighting Cori$ultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA. 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041. LEGOLANO Carlsbad Type R5 I I I I 1. 1· I I I I I I I I I I H'='i:J-~i:L G) FIXTURE OPTIONS FIXTURE SERIES/ FOOTPRINT STYLES: 9100: 12" -Round 9150: 12· -Square @ DOOR MATERIALS: A = Cast Aluminum B Cast Bronze AB .. Black Aluminum ® LAMP TYPES: MV50, 75, 100, 175 MH50, 70, 100, 150, 1-75 HPS50,70, 100,150 ® VOLTAGES: LAMP INCLUDED 120V, 208V, 240V, 277V .. (Some restrictions may apply ·tor some lamp types.) @ LIGHT DISTRIBUTIONS: SP ., Spot Reflector with-Clear Flat Lens . NFL = Specular Reflector with 30° Spread Flat Lens MFL .. Diffuse Reflector with Clear Flat Lens WFL .. Diffuse Reflecto·r with Frosted Flat Lens TSP 10° tilt Flat Laris with Spot Reflector WW • WallWash Reflector with 5° axi.il Spread Flat Lens RSP -Reflectorized Spot Lamp with Clear Flat Lens RFL Rellectorized Flood Lan:ip with Clear Flat Lens XXX Other Lainps or Lenses on'reqµest ® CONDUIT ENTRIES: 12-Two x 112· NPT in Bottom 34 -Two x 3/4" NPT in Bottom ® ACCESSORIES: (See accessory sheet for construction-details.) • DLA-91 = Directional Eggcrate-External Louvf!r'(Aluril.) • FLA-91. = · Full Eggcrate External'Louver (Aluminum) • GSA-91 = Glare Shield (Aluminum) • LSA-91 Light Shield (Aluminum) • RGA-91 Roc.k Guard (Aluminum):. GM-91 Grci1,1! Mas!< IHL-91 Internal Honeycomb Louver ISS-91 l_nterrial Source Shield (Internal) PRR-91 Protective Ring for Round Rough-In Section PRS-91 Protective Ring for Square Rough-In Section LPC-91 Lexan Protective Cover. STR-91 ·.s Siairiless Steel Trim Ring-(round) STS-91 Stainless Stee!Trim Rihg (square) BB Cast Bronze J-Box . · . Pc-21,12 20 CU. IN -Re-enterablePotting .Compound· PC-21 35-Cl:J. IN -Re-enterablePotting Compound WWL-91 WallWash Louver (lnt1:1rnal) •Tore lace.aluminum arts with bronze substitote "B" for.'.'A" . 9100 HID OPTION ORDERING GUIDE 1. Start with standard model number. 2. Ad~ a'''l" before egch option. EXAMP.U~:· 9150 A MH.·100/1·gO/TSP/34/ / PART 1\11,JMBl:R: THE -FOLi.OWiNG DATA. SHEETS ARE AVAILABL.E UPON REQUEST FORM# Installation Sheei for 9000 & 9100 Series .............. INs:022 Accessory Sheet ..... , .. , ............................................ ACC-001 FOR SPECIFIQ PHOTOMETRIC DATA FORM# HID Reflectorized Lamp~ -Flood ......... , •...•............ PDS-002 HID Rellectorized Larrps -Spot ............................. PDS-003 INC Reflectorized Lamps -·Flood_ ........................... PDS-004 INC-Reflecte>rized Lamps: Spot ...... , ............ '. ......... PDS-005 Low Voltage Rellectorized Lamps-° Flood/Spot... ... PDS-006 9000 Series . . Non-Reflectorized Lamps -Flood/Spot ............ PDS-007 'tiooo Serie~ Wall Wash-•.... : .................................... PDS-OQ{3 . .. " f...Q} 12881.'BRADLEY AVENUE, SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA 91342 •. P.HONE: ·818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 •-. LTG-9:100.HIP H':i'CRSL · 01192 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND -Carlsbad Repkices 03192 Type· .RS I I .I 1. I I I I I I I I I I I ; H E N I ·X Silver bezel with straight edge supplied with· insertion _collat {flush.effect) • Premium-quality Glass • Thermal impact : 1040 F-560° e lmpacf Resistance : -17 joules • Mech9nical resistance of. glass : 2,3 T e lP67 Buried and rec~s~ed lighting rcinge for ground. and wall e-Marin stainless steel screws e 10 or 20 bar cable gland IP68 (196"-787"-5ni~20m) • Spotlight Body and bez~I in high quality 18µ .anodised aluminium.• Directional for dichroic ~pot (30° tilt angle). · D4.5:Cl Without transf9rmer ~ 2 S!ainless sleel ~prings relain ~ !he lixlure in inserlion pol. >-~-------~-... ,•. :·1.-::_:: D :·· ---:, ·,) ,• _.' . . ' ( .· :--: _____________ _,,:,:;"··· . ,'-4. ._.. •. F ~ •. . :::- A B C D E 1'48-mm 81 mm 8mm 120mm 92mm orS 1311'' or 3 31"'· or-5/16" ~~ 4 3/,• or 3 ll•; F 125 mni •' or 4 ,y,., : ~ ': . · .. :: · .. ,. G H 1'30mm 120.mm or-5"". or 4 31'' D4$C2 · Integral transformer 4 S!ainless sled-springs relain 1· s~w I . 1 __ f' -., , , 12V Irie 1xlure in mserl1on _pol - . ,·, : \ ·~; .. f -· I J K - 145:mm :125mm 200mm or:5 '""' or 4 tl/l6' '. or_7 711' IN.STAL LA Y-1 () N GU I D.E ................. _.,........ ________ ....,,.... ______________ _ • Seal insertion pot Gl'leaving sufficjent space for cables. • Rem:,,,e the bezel O rebined by 3 screws. • Slide cable through silicon sheath 8 and connect-by wiring. ii lo terminal block@. • RenioYe ~ spring @., • Remove lamp.support~-. . • Place bulb into-lamp support@} and conned to socket 0. ·• Replace lamp support «l and .spring @ • • Insert-electric cable.(dia: 1 / 4"· 1 n•-_7mm: 12mm) i~to the fixture through coble gland·<!). .:Replace bezel 0, tighten the.3 screws and cable gland ©. • Place fixture in insertion pot G). EXTERI~UR VERT LIGHTING San Fran~isco, CA (415) 703.-7323 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 AndasQl Avenue Notthridg~, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 · .LEGO LAND Carlsbad Type R6 I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I ,. I I , p H E N I X Silver bezel-with straight edge supplied with insertio~ collar (A\lsh effect) • Premium quality-Glass• Thermal impact: 1040 F-560° elmpact Resistance: l7 joules• Mechanical resistance of gloss: 2,3T e lP¢7 Buried and.reces~ed lighting tohge for ground and wall• Morin stainless ~tee! screws.• 10 or 20 bar cable gland IP68. (196"-787"-5m·20m) • Spotlight Body and bezel in high quality 18p anodised oluminrom eOirectionol for dichr9ic spot (30°·tilt angle). - D4SC1 Without transformer rZJ _2 Stainless steel springs-retain ~ ·the fixture in insertion pot. D ..; . ·---. . :--. ---'----.--,,--,---',:',,:-··--J :.~. :·, • F ... ~ . ::-- A B C D E - 148mm ·81 l'(lm 8mm, 120 ri)m 92mm or 5 ""'' or 3·31"' .or 5/16·· or,4 31•· ·or 3 51r F G H 125 mm· 130mm. ,, !, 120 min or4 15116" orS-1"" or-4 3"" :~~ -~~ D4SC2 Integral transformer 4· Stainless steel springs retain 1-~~~ I the-fixture in insertion pot . .. ,( J K· i45mm 125mm 200mm or 5 1111,· , or 4 151"" or 77!•: IN ST AL LAT ION GU I.D t ______ ,...._..,.,....____, ________ ___, __ • Seal insertion pot (l) leaving sufficient space for cahles. • Rerro.-e lhe bezel O rebined by ~ screws. . • Remove lhe spring @. • R~move lamp:support @>. • Insert electric cable (ilia: 1/4,"-1 n•-7mm· 12mm). into the, fixture through cable gland (I)_ • Slide cable through silicon sheath @ arid connect by wiring it to termin9llilock ©, • Place bul_b into lo~p support ·@ and connect to socket O. .Replace,lamp support@) and spring:@, .• Replace bezel·o, ·tigliteri·the 3.screws.and cable gland ©. • Place fixfure in insertion pol(l), . EXTERIEUR VERT LIGHTING $an Francisco, CA (41'5) 703, 7323 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting D~sigri 8132 Andasol Avenu~ Northridge, CA ,91325 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type R6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I p H E N I X Squqre bezel for Au'sh finish • Supplied with anthoring insertion collar • Premium quality Glgss • Thermal impact : 10:40 F-560° e Impact Resistance : 17 joules • Mechanical resistance of glass : 2,3 T • IP67 Buried and recesse<) lighting. range for gr_?Und and wall • Marin stainless steel screws • IO or 20 bar cable gland IP68 (·196"-7!W"-5m020m) • ·Spotlight Body and bezel in high quality 18p anodised aluminium eDirectional for dichroic spat (30° tili angle). DC 1 C .1 ( l 30 mm) DC2C 1 ( 148mm) Without transfprmer ~ 2 Slainless sleel springs retain ~ the fixture in insertion pol. D .•. ..F , ... ... A .B ~ D E F G .. •, .. . . H ~~ ~EJ ·DC 1.C2 (130mm) O:C 2 C 2 ( 1 4 8 mm) Integral transformer 4 Stainless steel springs retain I ~~~ 1 rhe fixlure in inserlion pol !.., ...• :!, • . . I J K 1.48 mm Blmm 62.mm 120mm . 92mm 125mm 130mm 120mm 1.45 mm 125 mm 200.mm: or 5 '31"" or 3'31"' or 211''' or A 31" or3 ,ir or.4 '""' or5 111• or.4·'1'' or5 111'!' 4 IS/16'· or . or 7 7tr . I N ST ALL AT IO N G U ID E ----------,---,------------------------------- • Seol insertion pol Cl-leaving .sJifficienl spoce for-cables. • Rerr,oye the bezel -0 re!ained !:rt 3 ~-. • Rerr,oye the spring@. • Remove lomp·suppori @). • Insert electric cable (dio: 1 /.4"-1/2"-7mm· 12mm) into the fixture through coble gland m, • Slide cable through silicon ·sheath 6 and connect by wiring it to· terminal block 0 .. • Place bulb into lamp-support·@> and-cqnnect lo socket 8, • Replace lamp support @) and spring @. • R~ploce ~iel 0,-tighten the.3-screws and cable gland m . • Ploce fixfu~ in insertion pot Gl. . EXTERIEUR VERT LiGHTING _San Francisco, CA (415) 703-7323 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol.Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343~5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND -Carlsbad Type R7 I I I I I I. I I I I ·I I I I I I I I ACCESS ORI~ S .......,...------,---------------------- PROC grill Anti-vandal protection gnll (Dia : 240 nvn -9111'', height : 22,5 mm or ,1r) pointed black polyurethane. Aluminium frame; Stainless steel louver (Dia : 125 ~ 4·131"'). LOP Aluminium anodised lo~ver, clips onto and oc/justs with reflector. Dia: 2'-50-mm and 3'""-8Jmm. Colour filters Gloss. filters ·(blue,-green, red, yellow and frosted ' gl9ss). Dia·: 2'-50 mm ~nd 3 ""'-Simm POL 18µ anodised olumini,um insertion-pot, adapfed;lcir integral transformer fix_l\Jre. Dia : 4 "'"'-125mm, Heigh.I : 7 ." .. -200mm. PIL: rigid pl9stic insertion pot, oilopted for inJegral transformer fixture. PO 18µ anodised aluminium insertion pot; adapted for fixl\Jre·wihout tramlormer. Dia : 4 ""''-125mm. Height: 5 ""-i 30mm. Pl·:-rigid plastic insertion pot adopted for fixrure without ln:msform_er. LAMPS ________ ......... __________________________ _ MR.16, 12V, SOW. GU 5,3 socket. Lamp not supplied Integral reRector Average life :· 3 500 • 4 000 hours. lncqndescenflamps Philips 50MR 16/SPl O;EXT(43) 50MR 16/SP24~EXZ{it3) 50MR i 6/SP38-EXN{43) - B~m Spreaa 10 24 38 - Osram/Sylvania k Beam Spread 50MR16Q/ 12° /NSP{EXT) 10 3 109 50MR 160/25° /Nf[(EXZ) 25 3100 . 50MR16Q/40°/FL(EXN) 40 3100 .. -· - PHOTOMETRIC CURVES ----...--------------------......-- ·s.OW (teinte SP), 11000 ,--'-,--:-,--r"--.-.,....,--, 8800 l-t--t--tit--,-+--11--J 6600 l-t--t--ilt·-,-+--11--l 2200 l-t--+-+H---+--11--l /\ 0 .__...._....___._...._ ___ ___, .90• • 60' ·30" o-· JO-60" 90' SOWSP-10" ,1100t.. eOos- AIIOOt.. 000,,. IIOOCILo BO,t7• 11001.,, 8035,,, SOW (tei~te WFL) 2000 ,--,----.-..,.I ""'\ ""'· -.---. 1600 t--t--t-f+-t--+--'1--l 800 l--+--l+-+'++--11-l AOO 1-t--tt--t---tt-t--t IUOt. eo,lJ,,, ffOlo e1,JGoo1- ,,. -o,s.. '·°"' 0,1"1' .... , ... 1,C-, 0 L....t:::::.L...--l.·-·;.,l;'--=i....J ·90' • 60' .30• 0-30'. 60" 90' ·90'·"1' ·50' ·30' •10' 10' 7:1' $1'7'1' 90' INSTA~LATION· This product hoi been.designed for interior ond exterior use: ·For optimum results : • Check for accurate position of the lamp. • Tighten bezel and coble _gland. • Tighten cable glond(s). • Use a waterproof cable made of either rhatmadurcissable n,hber.or another mode in thermoplastic elastomer (type SJEO or SJT Fl 71 or equivalent.which meets required slondords.. . • • Tighten cover disk and coble gland. • If using onothar. type al' coble, a aiffererit cable gland is recommended, • Verify that socket ond wiring are properly connected. SOW (teinte EL) iooor-,--,----,---,.-,r--, S0Wfl2A' lltOOt.. 001,-3200t-+--+--H+-+-<>--< J1'00t.. 0O~ , ... 0 ·90' • 60" •JO' O' :19" 60" 90' •W-·1U' ·!Ir ·3Cr ·10-10" 30" !Ir 10" 90" 1000 800 200 0 " r I / .sow (teinte VWFL) :-\ \ '."" .. ' .. .90• • 60" ·JO' o· 30• 60' 90• ·MAINTENANCE • Always replace bulb with one thot )s idenHcal • Chedc socket. o·II mineral ckposils oppeor on glau wosh with ocelic ocid (e.g. Vineg?r): • In case of occidenlol pene~ation of wqler .or humidity, ~ry. inside of fixture before .replacing disk. · · ~ wbricole screws with silicon greose: . ·• <;!eon the watertight seol occasionally and regularly re-lighten bezel. GUARANTEE . ~ m Exterieur Vert lighting products are guoronteed for 1 yerir from ·1he .W, ~ . dole the leave our focta,y; Air products ore inspected be lore shipping. All praducls are Ell listed conforms lo ANSI/UL 0nd cerliRed lo ON/CSA. EXTERiElJR VERT LIGHTING·' ,SanFranci~co, CA (415) 703-7323 Lig11,ting Consul~t: . Gallego$ Lighting Design 8132Andaso1Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.57621Fax 818.34,3.2041. LEGOLAN.D Carlsbad Jype R7 I .1 I ·I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol A.venue Northridge, CA 91325 SPECIAL TY UPLIGHT FIXTURE LEGOLANI) Carlsbad Phone 818.343~5762 /Fa;x 818.343.2041 Type S1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 An,dasol Avenue · Notthridge, CA 91325 . · SPECIALTY UPLIGHT· FIXTURE LEGOLAND Carlsbad. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818343.2041 · Type Sl I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . . Phone 818.343.5762 '{Fax 818343.2041 .LEGO LAND Carlsbad Type S2 I I I I I I I I I 'I I 1· I I I I I I I Lighting Consultant: Gallegos I,.ighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA .91325 . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.204:l .LEGOLAND C,arlsbad Type S2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2: 818 991" ·7005 LUM I.ERE rtU:•·. 1 • Lumlara Design & Manufocfurlng. Inc. h,,~ 31360 Via Collnas I Wi. Westlc;ika VIiiage, CA 91362 TELEPHONE 818 991 2211 ,. FAX 818 991 7005 I • securing ring to fqce towards back of proJoetor, ru 0 ehown 0<> . 11~1,II\Ll,\IIUI-.J; ' .: .'SECURING-RING This fu a 12 volt:flx1ure. A retnofe 1ra~formor Is required 1.5' DIA PAITJ:RN LAMP HOUSING . . . 1. Unscrew "front bezoL t6 ~>q:iose tho lm~go holding ~ot ~ midpoint of the projector. 2 Insert pOltf!rn lnto:ppltern holdor ond·s&C:l(e Wltl),Secu!lng rlng •. fhen slide ~embly Into projector ,lot. Pattem holder-ahcx,Jld-be lnser1ed;wlfl, secur(ng ring fqcing ttie lamp sld& of the projector, 3. Once pattern-holder ls In projector, screw tront bezel ovor pallern holder and secure, hand tight . agalNf O' ring, · 1. To relamp, unscrew the-lcirnp housing-by 11,1rnlng In a counter-clockwise direction, remove the old l;)ulb by pulllng lt·out of thEi soc::kot and pressk)g a new one In. Aqiuck disconnect ~-provided to prevent 1wlsting_ of .ttie cord. . fixture,,: ·ShoUld olwoys uo hstolkld Jn uceorool'lCO with tocot and iY./llonol ol,r,ctr~ codos. l.uinkoro Oc.clgo ·& "'1onufc;x:IU1ina, lflC. rssarvws llw rlgl-\1 fo mnics .'cJso11;111 chm~c.:. ·wl1h6ut· notice •. !Qr procuct lmprovomenl 03 Lighting Consulta.ilt Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 9132S LEGOLAND Carlsbad Typ·e_ Tl Phone 818.343;5762 iFax 818.343;2041 I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I :z.:· a rs 9·9 i' i'005 LUIH ERE'J:HC,. 02 Lumlere Design & Manufacturing, lnc .. 31380 Via Collnas #101, WQstl~ke VIiiage, Cfli,91362 TELEPHONE (818)991·221'1 OFAX (818) 991-7005 TVPEj ..... __ ___.r SPECIFICATIONS: . . . · . ·.· CAT #68339' Removable Front Cover Adjustable Yoke. Mount W/ 1/2'. Mounting Hole ProJecflbr\ ln1erfoce W/ Slot CondenserLens Finned Bocly 3.50! I AdJustaQla low voltage ·framing, proj8ctor with three eler:ne.nt projection lens. Designed tqr 12 volt halogen MRi6 llght source up to 75 watts. lmoge proJecflng template con be placed between.the focol plane slot and ·o· ring seai for total protection from the .elements. Adjustable front lens onows tor lmoge focusing. All ,parts ore mochlneel from high grade aluminum and finished with a chromate conversion.coating and high temperature polyester powder point .. Lamp housinQ i; finned for proper Mot dissipation and cooling. · Flxtura'ls equipped with 1/2" mountlng·h'ote for easy ottochnrent to standard fittings. AdJustoble yoke assemble ensures proper aiming and . Image placement. · Lumiere Design 8' Manufacturing, Inc. teaerves the right to make, dosign.changilo· without notice, for product improvement. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting De~ign 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343~5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 L·EGOLAND Carlsbad Type Tl I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I THE ART ,OF PROJECTION :, •, .: { ., ., "----,-,-,~---.-, ,,-.._._·a..._-,.,-,,,-.,-•. -.,.-.. -. ,-.~--'.:,-. .,.,...,,.,.-~,-.-•. ..-,,;,,,-.-_,~,..-,,-.:"°"-~-,,,..:,-, .-"'"s---,-'-·,,,-.'IH·""'.-.-,.'""'-_,-,.-... -, .-.,.-_. ,-_ .. --1~-~ j ' 8" L 5112· Product number: Typical throw: Lamp base: Lamp reference: Accessories: r 4" L L 6112-_J 701-5 .5 compartment-1 circuit 2'.4" . 701-6 6cornpartment,-3 circuit 2' g~· 701 ~a 8 compartment-4 circuit 3! 8314" 701-12 12 compartment-3/4 circuit 5' 73116" 701-15 15 compartment -3 circuit 7' 701CF PC9C 700TR 700TY 700GG 15-25feet Mediurn Screw .so PAR20 55 PAR16 75 PAR16 · Golorframe Pipeclamp Trunion Set 37Space Yoke Glass Filters .. Lengths are:determiried by number of lamp compartments and circuits desired .. Available in either portable or continuous length configurations. · 1· , ~ < ~ • ;:; Lighting Consulta,nt: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Ave11ue Northtidge, CA 91325. · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.204i LEGOLAND Carlsbad, SERIES 701 MINI X-RAY· <i ' TM Mini X-Ray is a miniature bor- der lightthatutilizes the 50-PAR20 and 55 or 15 watt PAR16 11 0V lan,p. Byusingtwo75Watf PAR16 bulbs pe,r compartment, the sa.me lar(lp wattage as the larger R40 · fixtures can be achieved with a . much greater light output. Each Mini X,RaY. comes complete with hanging hardware. A three position yoke is available allowing multiple units to be hung in one ·? area. Floortrunionsarealso avail- able. The Mini X-Rayismanufactured.in configurations of 5, 6, 8, 12 and 15 compartments. . Custom sizes and circuits are also -available. U,l .. L!STED FEATURES: • compact CYC fixture • $ingle or multi circuit • custom sizes available*. · • 3' powercord • spring loaded-door • t_hree po~ition yoke available • feed thru wiring available Type T2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TECHNICAl.. SPE:C-IFICATION.. PHOTOMETRICS . Data tisiiig"?'4"' 10 lamp unit with ·15PAR16/GAP/NFL. DISTANCE 5' 10' 15' . 20' 25' 7!;>PAR16/CAP/NFL ·~ .. ' DIAMETER ~ CANDLEPOWER 2100 (in f~et) FiELD ANGLE 49° i j AVERAGE LIFE 2000 HR ·: C ·; ' -- FOOT.CANDLE$ 7,160 1,190 . 796 448 286 DISTANCE (In .feet) Data using 2'4" 10 lamp unit with 75PAR16iCAP/NSP ) . ' 5' 10' ·15• 20' 25' · l 75PAR16/CAP/NSP. ~ CANDLEPOWER 7600 01AMETE;R (in feet) 'i ' FIELD ANGLE 24° , AVERAGE LIFE 1 2000 HR } CENTER BEAM S FOOTCANDLES 1~,100 5,240 1,900 1,065 -681 · j ..._ _________ -.-. _-,,-, .-.• -.-.-_, ...... -,,-,-,.-.• -.. -.-~---,-.,---.. ---.. --"-•.. --,.-,_.~-... -,-\.!,.--.... -..-,-,---'--,-;.,_-~~·""-, .,....._ . ' .___ _______ .,..... The Mini X-Ray BorderlighUCYC Light Will be a compartmented .multi circuit striplighting device· constructed of 18 gauge steel. Each unit wil! be supplied with por:celain, medium-base screw sockets to accept line voltage PAR16 and PAR20 lamps and wired sequentially in single, thre~ or four circuits. Each compartment will contain 2 porcelain lampholders spaced 2718" apart. Colorframe compartments will· consist of 2 slots, one for glass or color filter, and one for heat shield material, if desir~d. Re-lamping will be accomplished by raisiqg the hinged door and removing. the colorframe. The portabre luminaire wlll be supplied complete with a three foot, three wire Teflon lead in black fiberglass sheathing-one set per cirtuit-a'nd hanging yoke constructed of iightweight, high strength 3/16 x 1112" aluminum stock. Exterior finish will be baked blackpowder coat. Custom colors c;1re also available. Light output ofthe luminaire will be dependent on the lamp selected-see lamp sub·stitution data. ~·. -•"" • ~':,o.-~• ! <--~~--.~ • ••,,,,.,, •• «""°i c, ... .;.~~--~tJ.·'-'..-~--<•llf.:,...;u..,.,.:,i,.,_,:,~~~~;1<~~-'""~"'u~•,1,'--~.l.~.;.·. ,.., ___ ,,.,,_ ,,..,. •• -.., .... ~., .., __ . ~ , , ~:. •• manufactured by: . -. .---"-------------. distributed by: .. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design . 8132 AndasolAvenue Northridge, CA 91325. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.3432041; Rt .. 9W; HQlt Industrial Park -. Stony Point, NY 10980 , 9-14/947-3034 914/947;.3047 fax · http://tslight.com info@tslight.com LEGOLAND Carlsbad ,. Type, T'.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Specihcahon.s may vary lrom Ir~ or pnnling Catalog number OUTDOOR PAR 64 Catalog number OUTDOOR PAR DYS · 500-1000 Watt: Ttie OUT-DOOR PAR is designed for rortable or permanent iilstallatiqns in wet locations for use with a Par 64 sealed beam lamp as well as a special parabolic reflector with a 600W DYS lamp. The housing, is constructed of cast ·aluminum for maximum.durability. The lens holder and external hardware.are macJe,of stain.less steel. The unit can be externally rotated to allow-for focusjng of the lamp. The positive locking hsindles arc. designed for easy positioning of the·fixture. The yoke allows for·surface mounting or can be hung, with an-optional pipe-clamp.,A separ.1te aluniinum·handle is also-provided-on the rear for added convenience. -All removable·compbnents are gasketed to insure a watertight seal. All surfaces.are finished with a highly-durable, low gloss baked en11mel paint. The wiring is composed of 24'' 'high-temperature leads in-an overall high- tempE'!ratµre, waterproof. su·nlight resistant jacket through ·a gasketed watertight strain relief. The lens is niade of clear borosilicate glass to withstand high temperatures and tempered for maximum·strength. Th.e optional snoot/color frame holder accommodates standar.d gel and dichroic color media. Fcatu1•cs * ·cast aluminum construction * Dcsigned·for portable or-permanent installations * Combination snooUcolor frame holder available * 3GO" bcani:rotation lamp-holder * 24-inch·higli temperature, sunlight:resistant, water proof cable · * UL listec! for .wet locations from 500·to 1000 watts ~----~-13'!.0·-----~ (33.655cm) Hanging Weight - Approx. '18 lbs. ·1 ... ------11¾·-----· ... I (28.892cm) 14¼ (36;195 ¢in) ALTMAN T H E QUA-LI TY Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting .De!;ign 8132 Andasoi Avenue Northridge, CA91325. Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.2041 Q F L G H T LEGOLAND Carlsbad Altman Staget1gt1ting Company, Inc .. 57 Alexander Street. Yonkers. NY 1070 I 9.14-4:76-7987 '212-569-7c777 FAX: 914-963-7304 Type T3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Specili.ca.tious The luminaire shall be a 500 ,to 1000 watt lamp holder for either P:AR 64 or, with a special reflector, 600 watt DYS lamps.-The fixture body shall be constructed of cast aluminum and stainless st~el: The rear-cqver shall be be removable for lamp access. Latches and external hardware shall tie,made of stainless steel. All liousing and yoke surfaces shall be linished with a durable, low gloss baked-enamel paint. · The fixture shall be externally rotatable to allow for focusing of the lamp. There .shall be· positive locking handles on each side of the fixture as well as a:n aluminum positfoning handle. located-on the rear of the unit. All removable components·shallbe gasketed: The electrical wiring shall be .a flexible 24" 14/3 cord rated for 200°c. The cord shall also be rated for wet locations and sunlight resistance. The cord· shall exit the fixture via an aluminum watertight strain relief, The lens shall be madl:! of clear tempered borosilicate glass. An optional' B" ah.iminum combination snoot/color frame holder with frame shall also be availablt'l. · · The unit shall be UL ·listed for up to 1 ODO watts and labeled for WElt locations. .J.'\.cccsso1•ics ODP64SN Combination Snoot/ Color Fra[Tle Holder with Frame 510 Malleable-Iron Pipe!'Clamp SC Safety Cable with ·Spring Clip RNDL-8 8" Replacement Roundel, {Clear} Altman Cat. No. Outdoor Par Die Cast Al1uuinltlll Pa•· ' : .. ~ .. ~·.--·.= ~: ' ~ •; .. ; ,\ .. " . "'·'}~ ... ·: ,· .... ,: ::• . ,;~~' LAMPSUBSTITUTiONDATA°'. , ... .1: •• .. Color Rated. Beam Field .. ANSI Manufacturer Temp ·LHe Beam Beam Candlepo-.,er Angle Angle Watts Code. Lamp Code (~Kl (Hou~). Lume~s Shape (<;andela) (degrees) {degrees) .. JOO() FFN 01000 PAR 64/1 3200 60Q 1.1,000 VNSP 400,000 6x 12 -10x24 · 1000 FFP 01000 PAR 64k 3200 600 12,000 NSP 330,()00 7x 14 14 x26 1000 FFR 01000 PAR 64/5 3200 600 14,000 MFL 125,000 12x28 21 x44 1000 'FFS 01000 PAR 64/6 3200 600 19,000 WFL 40,000 24x48 45-x.71 1000 -01000 PAR 64/NSP 3000 4000 . 8,500 NSP 180,000 Bx 15 1(x3i 1000 -01000 PAR 64/MFt 3000· 4000 10,000 MFL 80,000 12X28 22·x·45 11XlO -01000 PAR 64_/WFL 3000 4000 13,500 W.FL 33,000 24x48 45x72 500 -500 PAR 64/NSP 2800 2000 :i,000 N~P 1'10,000 7x 12 13x20 500 -5oo·eAR 64/MFL 2800 2000 3,400 MFL 35,000 11x23 20x35 500 -5.00 PAR 64/WFL 2800 2000 3,500 WFL 12,000 20x42 35x65 600 DYS -~200 75 17,000 NSP 13,000 10x 10 21 x21 .. . · · .:·':~ . .-,: •. ,,,:::, ·· ··,,·,: :.::;::;:}:·:i.t"'??.~::tf."'.t7\ ·. "":t:,:i:rntf u,;.i,'pe~FORMANce·cHART . ,-i:. ·'.;. :·,\ ·.-'"' Distance 1Q' 20' 30' ·40' 50' 60' Center C~nter Center Cen'ter Center Center Lamp Beam H w Beam H w Beam H. w Beam H w Beam H w Beam H w F.C. F.C, F;C. F.C. F.C. F.C. 01000 PAR 64/1 4,000 1.8 4.3 1,000 3.5 8,5 445 5.3 ·12.8 250 7,0 11:0 160 8.8 21,3 111 10.5 25.5 01000 PAR 64/2 3,300 2.5 · 4.6 825 4.9 9,:? 367 7.4 13.9 206 9.8 18:5 132 12.3. 23:1 92 14.8 27,1 01000 PAR 64(? 1,250 3.7 8.0 313 7.4 16,? 139 11.1 24.3 78 14.8 32.3 50 18,5 40.4 35 22.2 48.5 01000 PAR 64/6 400 8.3 14.3 . 100 16.6 28.5 44 24.9 42.8 ·25 33.1-51'.o 16 41.4 11:3 11 49.7 85.6 01000 PAR 64/NSP ,1,800. 2.5 5,S 450 · 4,9 ·11:1 200 ·_7.4 16.6 113 9:9 22.2 7? 12.3 27.7 01000 PAR 64/MFL 800 , '3.9 8,3 200 ·7.8 16;s. 89 1-1.7 24.9 50 15.6 33;1 32 19.4 41.4 '- 01000 PAR 64/WFL 330 8.3 14.5 83 16.6 29.1 37 24.9 43.6 . 21·. 33,1 58:1 _13 41,4 72.7 - 500 PAR 64/NSP 1,100 -2.3 3.5 275' 4.6 · 7;1 122 . .6.8 10.6 69' 9.-1 14A ~4 11,4 17-.6 500 PAR 64/MF .350 3.5 6.3 88 1;1 12.6 39 10.6 18.9 22 14.1. -25:2 14 17.6 31.5 500 PAR 64/Wl'L ·120 6.3· 12.7 3Q 12.~ -25,5 13 18.9 38.2 8 25.2. 51.0 5 31,5 63.7 600DYS 1,300 3.7 3.7 325 7.4 7.4 140 11.1 11.1 79 14.8-14.8 50 1iq; 18.5 ALTMAN · Aliman Stage Ughting Company. Inc .. 57 Alexander Street. Yonkers. NY 10701 -914-476-798'7 '2.·12-569-77-77 T H .E Q u A L Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasoi Avenue . Northridge, CA 91325. · T y Phone 818.343.5762./Fax 818.343.2041 0 F L G H T FAX:·914-963-7304 L.EGOLAND Carlsbad 1!-H4 3M ~li79, Type T3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1000 WATT MAXIMUM PAR-64 QUARTZ LAMP BASE OR YOKE MOUNTED FOUNTAIN FIXTURE DESCRIPTION: The 4427 is a base or yoke mounted 1 ;000-Walt Ou,artz Halogen ~xiure. for fountain and water eflect-applications. It.is available with optjonal:col'ored leri.ses. SPECIFICATIONS: FIXTURE HOUSING, DOOR & ROCK GUARD: Cast bronze construction, wall thickness 5/32". Natural bronze.finish. LAMP: Clip mounted 120V, PAR-64, 1000 Watt. tungsten halogen (Quartz 4,000 hour la:inp) by others .. LENS: 8-378" diameter convex clear.tempered heat resi~tant glass;.(Colored lens available on ·special order). GASKET: Si~gle-pieced molded U-shaped silicon.a. FASTENERS: $tainless steel,or silicone bronze. , SOCKET: Mogul end prong iype with 200°c insiilated leads. FACTORY WIRED: Supplied with 9' of #16-3 ST submer~i5le cord with ground Wire positively grounded inside fixture. Cord entrance shall'be brass watertight seal and epoxy encapsµlated. ' FACTORY LEAK TESTED: Fixtures are te_sted at 10 PS.I internal pressure while totally sub!llerged in water. · !,.OW WATER CU.T-OFF:· Temperature sensing LWC standard. ACCESSORIES: 1420-2-COLORED Ll:NSES: Amber, blue, green, or red. lens available·at· additional cost. DIMENSIONS: t . · 1· 1·1/8'' [ 11-_314·r JI" . . ---I ·-__..,2,-~· -··---_·I TY~E-'---'--------- PART NUMBERS:·. 4427·4 -YOKE MOUNTED: For 3/8" diameter stud or molintin~·bolt. Up to· 180° angle of.adjustment. .4427;5-·BASE MOUNTED: 12" diameter cast bronze base with provisions for floor anchor bolts. REPLACEMENT. ,PARTS LENS GASKET SOCKET KIT 1420-C 8404"$ 4427 8063-S ,, . TO bRDER FIXTURE, LESS THE ROCK GUARD - ORDER "·Y" FOR YOKE OR "·£3"· FOR BASE MOUNT. NOTE: HYDREL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE ANY SPECIFICATION WITHOUT NOTICE. U.L. LISJED •4', f_0.1 12881 BRADLEY AVENUE, SYLMAR, C#lLIFDRNI~ 91342 • PHONE: 818/36::!·9465 • FAX: 81~/362-6548 .... -H'::'CRSL Lighting Consultant Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Aridasol Avenue Northridge, 'CA 91325 · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.3432()41 LEGOLAND Carlsbad. 'UWL-26 02.192 . Roplacos 07/90 rype Ul I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ILl,.UMINATION GUIDE UNDERWATER LIGHTING The following information has·been developed a.s a. useful topl !O aid in t~e selection of the correct light distribuiion and total watta_ge required for fountain·ligl)ting. There arEI many·underwater]ig~ting applications which may-be more ·complex and, therefore. it is recommended ttJat specific lighting regllirements be forwarded !o the Hydro! factory for ar:i illumination evaluation ;ind a guaranteed lighting propos11l. LIGHT LIGHT Dl~TRIBUTIONS AND WHERE TO USE THEM WIDE FLOOD'· ldeartor. large area cover.age of multiple jets. spray ririgs, etc. Ugl)t covE1rage· ra.tio (height-to width)·1 to 1. FLOOD ·&~t used for larger single Jet.effects or-multiple effects. Light coverage ratio (height to width) 2to 1. SPOT Limited to· single jet effects·. UNDERWATER LIGHTING WATTAGE TABLE HEIGHT TO FOUNTAIN EFFECT DISTRIBUTION 5' 10; ·15' 21,l' 25' 30' 35' 40' 45' 50' WIDE FLOOD 250 .500 1000 2000_ 3000 ,·,·: .. , . ., .. :~ ... FLOOD 150 300 . . 500 900 1000 1500 2000 ':,:':,:· .. ·,.';, · .·. ·',., .... /.,•,.:··l:, ,,.,.. :>, :·" SPOT 150 150 · 250 30Q 500 600 1000 ·2000 2000 . COLORED LENSES The use of colored lenses can enhance th'e effect of und!)rwilter.lighting. The·adc!ition of colored lenses:does decreasEI the light output;.therefore, to maintain th!l leveJ·of illumination, higher.wattage or additional-fixtures must be used. The following ratios are a comparison offixtures using colored lenses COllJpared to an identical fixturEI using.a cle<!r lens. Amber:· 2 io, 1.; Blue: 7 to 1; Greeri: 6 to 1; Red: 4 to.1. · APP.LICATION SUGGESTIONS .1. It is always wise·.to use a combination of fixtures equaling the total required. This will create a more even light distribution. 2. If.colors are to be intermixed,.white light (clear lenses) should not be operated with the colored light as it will ~ash out the color, 3. .In areas of high ambient light_levels, the best lighting results can be obtained by using clear or amber lenses. 4. Underwater. lights should be submerge,d 2· below minimum.water level:. Submerging a light deeper·in ,tlie water will reduce the light intensity and diffus_e the light.. · · 5. Lenses may accumulate a hardened residue over a period of time which, of course, will reduce the maximum light output. To remove, wash:the lens with a·diluted,solution of muriatic-acid. · 6. Small Quartz Halogen fixtures provide increased light-levels per watt. ·Check.specification sheets for light output. Conductor-~lze A.W.G. . ·, 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 . .. JUNCTION BOX SELECTION GUIDE FrH Space Wit!Jln Box . For Each Cqnd!Jctor 1.5-Cu. iri. 1.75 Cu.in. 2.0Cu. in. 2.25 Cu,in, 2.5·Cu.-in .. 3.0 Cu. in. 5.0 Cu .. in .. As a guide for the selection·of a·junctiori bo)( of !)roper size for specific installation requirements, the accompanying chart should prove helpful. All conductors, i:e., power-supply, fixture conciuctors and ground leacis are to·be considered in ~lcl!lalions. For atypical example:,Junction box to·be.selected must accommodate 4 #16-3 cohductor·cords and 3 #12 service conductors. Referring io the chart: 12 #16wires =21 cu. iri. and 3·#12 wires a.6.75 cu.in.,.or a total of ·27:75-cu. in. The ideal junctiori box selection (See page 8) would be catalc;,g #1706. 12881 BRADLEY AVENOE, SYLMAR, CALiFORNIA 91342 • PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA :913ZS · Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343·.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad· . INF-001 07/90 Type Ul I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, Inc. n:PE · .... I _ __,.. ___ ~ 31360 Via Colinas #101, Westlake Village, CA 91362 TELEPHON~ (818} 991-2211 Q FAX (8:18} 991-7095 SPECIFICATIONS: · · · · · · · . · · ·. . CAT #1407 ... -. .- Lens - Wire Outlet DESCRIPTION: · SWlvelstem 6.00' Dia. Durable solid brass low voltage fixture ·constructed to be - fully"submersible. Designed for a MR-16.halogen lamp, 75 watt maximum (remote transformer required, not included). The fixture is. fully adjustable, utili~ing ~umieres' universal .swivel-. Ail-parts are formed or machined from brass and hardware is stainless.steel. Specially equipped with an anti- siphon chamber for wiring into the housing. All parts are silicone sealed or O-ring sealed. Submittal Approved By: Name:. _______ -,'------· Cornpany:. ____ --,.---'-_Date:. ___ _ Notes:·--,------,-----------'---------'---,-----'+-,---,.----,-.------- Lumiere Design & Manufacturing, .Inc. reserves the right to make· design changes without notice, for product improvement. ..: Lighting Consultan,t: Gallegos Ughting Design 8132 Andasol.Avenue · · Nortl-iridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.57(;2 /Fax 81_8.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carisbad Type U2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4800 SERIE$ ADJUSTABLE "EYEBALL" NICI-II;, MOUNTl;0 POOL LIGHT FOR POOLS, FOUNTAINS, WATER .. EFFECTS -I R~UN.D ·B-=ZEL! DESCRIPTl'ON: The 4800 Series fixture is a·v?et niche-mounted·pool light with temperature-sensing low water cut-off. The un[t is smailer in size than conventional units .••• approxi- mately 115th the cubic volume. It uses 120V/1 ooW 6~ 150W Quartz Halogen lamps. It is also availalile with 12V/75W Dichroic Halogen·lamp. The lamp housing and niche are stainless steel: The niche.includes a bonding lug.and is provided with.a 3/4' conduit hub with 1/2' reducer. A clear Fresnel tempered borosilicate lens is standard. *15 ft. of 18·2/16·1·Si cord is standard. ·Options include lenses, rock. guard and cord lengths. · SPECIFICATIONS: FIXTURE HOUSING &.DPQR: Stainless steel construction with cast bronze doors. Ou\er door shall be chrome {?latecl .. NICHE: Stainless·steel with casi bronze mounting assembly, which shall have provision for positive locking orthe .fixture.in position. The unit includes a grounding lug and 3/4" conduirhub with 1/2" reducer. LAMP: Quartz Halogen·120V/100W(1000 hr. life) T-4; 12ovi150W (2000 hr •. life) T-4; 12V/15W (4000 hr. life), Dichroic Halogen lamp, MR- 16, EYC. NOTE: Use:blue·or·gree·n'iens with 75W.or 1 OOW only. LENSES: 3-1/8"·diameter temp1;1red·b9rosilicate, clear Fresnel standard, *Optional: Clear,.amt>er, clue, green, &·red. (Not Frtj!snel) GASKET: Single piec11-l,l-shapea niolded-silicon.f!. FASTENERS: S\ainless steel; SOCKET: 120V-Minican, Sere~ Base, 12V·Bi-pin Mount. FACTORY WIRED: 15.ft. of 1!)-2/16:1.STsubmersible cord with ground wire positively grounded'inside the fil(lure. Also available in lengths of 30 ft., 40 ft., and 50. ft. Specify by adding dash number with length. Cord rating: 105"C. · ROCK GUARD: Cast bronze exterjor grid available at additional cost. Add "RG" to part number; LOW WATER CUT-OFF: Temperature sensing.LWC standard. NOTE~~f :i,ic~~~~~~; xrT~~~.PJJ~8rANGE Any dimension on:this·sheef.iino be assumed as a·reference.dimension: ·used'for information purpqses ·only. It does riot govern.manufacturing or inspection requirements.· (ANSI Y14:5-1973) DIMENSIONS: TYPE _____________ _ . PART ·NUMBERS: ROUND LIGHT & NICHE:: 4842-3 75W ,12V 4843-3 1 DOW 120V 4845-3 15QW 120V '(LAMP.INCLUDED) FOR ROCK ~UARD ADD "RG" - NICHE ONLY: 49;32 . 3/4' Conduit Hub With 1/2" Reducer on back surface. 4934 3/4" Gonduit Hub with 1/2" Reducer on 45' surface. PARTS: OUTSIDE,DOOl'IHALF: PN 2566-0-CP·thromePlated PN 2566-0 Natural Bronze INSIDE DOOR HALF.: PN'~~62-I . SILICONE GASKET: PN 8092-S2 For the 8925 PN.8Q64.-S·For the 1415· ROCK GUARD: PN'25.65 12·voLTSOCKET: Pf',17'112 LENS: . . ·cLEAR:SPREAD LENS: PN 8925 .. COLOR LENS:. 1415:2 A. (AMBER) 1415-2 B (BLU_E) 1415-2 G (GREEN) 1415-2 R (RED) 1'415-C (CLEAR) ·s1LCONE GASKET 8092-S2 8064-S U.Ll,.ISTED •4' 'A\ ·~ 12~81 BRADLEY AVENUE, SYLMAR, CALIFORNIA 91342 • PHONE: 818/362-9465 • FAX: 818/362-6548 H':'i:Jn6L UWL-4800 (Round Bezel) 10/93 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol.Avenue · Northridge, CA 91325 : Phone 818.343.5762 iFax·81S343.2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type U3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUNLITE 75W, ClEAR LENS, 12V ~UNL)TE 75W • $PREAD LENS, 13.BV SUNLITE 150W • CLEAR LENS, 120\I SUNLITE 150W • SPREAD !-,ENS, 120V 2250 12 2000H-H--H-f-H~~~'-++-++-+-H 1750 H-H--H--t-HH--it+--H--H-+-H en :5 1500 H-H-r.t-HtH-ttt--H-t-t-1-H id 1250 H-H--f-1--1-11-H--H!-++-++--1-H ~ 1000 H-H-H-t-'f-H-t-t-t-t-t-t-1-H j 750 H-H--H-1-#-H--f-+-H--l-+--I-H 500 H-l-+-t-+-tfl-t-+-H-l++t-+-+-H \ 1 250 H-t-+--t-,,r,-#-c.r+-t-+-+t-r,+-"+-·t-+--H "' ,, • • • • " ~ .. JI\: I",.. 1 ,. 1-1-l-+--l-+++-++-++-++++-H 1120 ~H-H-H-H--H-H-t-+--1-H 980 H-t+++-++-t-+-t-+-t-+-++-t-1840. H-H-H-H=-l.::t-t-t-t-t--t-H700 H-l-+-h'J-;++-:+-.++-"-++'+++-H 560 H-H-,~t-+-.,r+t-+-++~,+++-H 420 _____ +-+-.,_,.......,. ............ 280 J I/ . .Y • , "~ 140 . . ' 0 .............. ...,.... ................................... -'-"'-.._...,. 90 60 30 o 30 60 li<f90 60' :io o 30 60 .90 90 50· ~o o ~ 60 90 90 60 30 o 30 60 90 ANGLE FIIOIUXW. C~RLNE, D£GR~ES AHGLE FIIOll'AXIALCEHTERUIE, D,EGIIEES AHGLE fllOII "!(W.CENTEJ\LH~ D£GIIEES ANau, FIIOIIAXIALCEHTERLHE, DEGREES To go hom 12Volls to 1l8, mulliplyabove value; by !,68 Because the addltlOII ol colored lenses decreases loght output, add~ roctures are~ to maintain the SO!"• ~I ol 1Uumina110n. To go hom 13.8 Volls to 12, multiply above values by .59 The following r_at,os are a C011lpan5911 o! a fixture using a colo!ed leos to idenl,cal fixture uSilg a clear leos: . AIIBER:2!01 •GREEH: 6!01 •BLUE: 7101 •RED: 4to I. NOTE: Useblueorg,eenlenswnh 75Wor tOOWonly RELAMJ?ING INSTRUCTIONS. Open for relamping qy removing the four screws in the inside half-section. Relahlp accordin~ to the i11struclions beiow. To reassemble, lay \he· cover-down on a flat-surface. C~refully·align Jens and gasket·over ttie hole in the cover, with the thick side of the gasket up. Aligfrthe word "TOP" on the-fixture bo~ywith the wprd "TOP" on the lens. tighten the four screws.until the iwo ·door half-sections touch. TO RELAMP.120 VOLT MODELS 1: Push spring wire out of the'way. 2. Reniove.120\/ lamp by turning coun)erclockwise ar:,d pulling straight out. CAUTION: QQ.NQI touch glass of new lamp. Remove papl;)r cover before lighting·. itiamp is touched, clean-it with glass cleaner-and a soft cloth. 3. After new lamp-is in place, g_ently release spring wire and rest it on the lamp. ·LAMP; 150W • 7118 100W•7115 to· REI.AMP 12 VOLT MODELS Remove 1·2V lc!mp.by pulling lamp straight oat while holdin/rthe spring clip back as show·n by arrow. CAUTION: .QQJiQI toµch.glass of new 'lamp . .lflamp is·touched, clean it·with glass cleaner and a salt cloth. LAMP: 75W • 7017 CAUTION: BefQre· removing fixture·from pool wall, ALWAYS TURN OFF THE POWER at the breaker. \O._) 12881 B~LEY AVENUE, SYL!','IAR, CALIFORNIA 9'1~~2· • PHONE:81B/362'9465 • F~: 818/362-6548 iNS-003 H':'i:Jni::L 011so Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 All.dasol Avenue: Northridge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343.5762 [Fax 818.343.2041 LE.G-OLAN.D . Carlsbad Type U3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( COLLINS LI:GHTING s u r E R I o R c o, N v E R s I o N o F -e N E R G v 1 N ·r o L , G II T · Specifications .ER 2000 Series Applications Indoors: Retail. museums. recreational area~. plazas. Pani.L·ularly ~ui1cd ror .these and other appfications where excclkill color rendering and Warmth arc desired. ·Outdoors: Architccltirak energy saving rcfro- fits. lan<lscajJe, security, signagc mid any applications li.lr wet location. Housing/Reflector: Reflecror housing is super finished extruded aluminum with thermoset powder coat avail- able in a broad range of standard and custom colors. Lens: Fused silica (quartz) cir optical ceramic for maxjmum thermal shock resistance. Seals: Proprietary high temperature silicon developed especially for Collins Lighting Systems. Seals provide unsurpassed protection in all environments. Hardware:. ·St:.iinlcss·stcel. · Rclamping: Lanip and reauicccss cover arc integral with the electrical interlock. This. safety feature interrupts the power during rclamping. St;mdard' front relamping is also-available. ·· Wiring: 250 C, UL style 1659 Teflon lead wire. Ballast: High power factor,. constant wattage autotransformer. -Integral ·or remote mount. 70W HQI® available with electronic ballast, either integral or remote. Lamp: Quartz Halqgcn, IR Halogen®, Metal-Halide; HQI®, and HPS .. (See Jaqip chart for wattages) Mountiqg: Halogen available in yoke or swivel mount. Metal Halide, HQI®, and HPS available in yoke or swivel mount and remote or-integral ballast. · Performance: Proprietary ~uper finish/reflector is designed for maxinium performance ·aild precise photometric control. .Refer to photometric .data on next p~ge'. ~TL Ji~ted fot indoor and outdoor services including wet loca- tions: System pate~ted inUSA, worldwide pending. I'fL tested·photorileti'ics. IR Halogen® is a registered trademark or General Eleclric Co. HOI"'' i~ a regislered trademark al Osram Co. Collins Lighting Systcnis, Inc. 1350 Pine Street• Boulder •CO• 80302 •·USA• SOQ-959-2767 • 3Q3-440-5750 •fax 303-440-5705 ER2000-1 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Ljghtihg Design. 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . . . Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax ·818.343;2041 LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type Wl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ( COLLINS LIGHTING • -• ~ ' ' • , I., .l" • • ' • • S u r E !l 1 ·o R C o N v E R s 1 ·o N o F E N· E R a Y I N T o L ira H :r ER 2000 S~ries ORDERING INFORMATION TO FORM A CATALOG NUMBER: Example EJtiOOO-HQ-0150-DF-SW-RB-BL-BD .(ER,2000 series with I IQI, 150 w:1tt,-<liffus9d · rcllccto_r, swivel mount, remote 111uuntcd tiallast, ·black finish and barn doors.) ER2000-DO --OtJtltlO -DD -DO -Dtl-DD -DCL 0 '@ @ ~ © © 8 Note: Halogen and metal halide-versions are supplied without lamps as standard. 0 LAMPTYi'E HA -Halogen, Double:cnded MH -Metal'Halicle,-Double.ended HP -High Pressurc·Sodiµin, Dougie ended @ LAMPS HALOGEN METAL HALiDE HIGtI PRESSURE; SODIUM ,, Lamp Lamp. Code \Vallhge Lamp ·Lamp Ballast Code Waltage Options ?OW ONLY Lamp ·Lamp· Code Wauage 0100 JOO 0070 70 0150 150 (1070 70 Core &Coil 0300 300. 0100 100 Electronic 0350* 350 0150 , 150 · Core,&.Coil 0500 500 . 0650* 650 . .. 0750 750 ,. •Energy saving·Jamp'i yicitl appmximatcly.snmc li~ht in11pu1 a,;; stamlard 500 and 1000 Walt l.irilp<i, · rcspcctlvcly. . @) REFLECTIVE' SURFACE OPTIONS DF Diffused·Refiector YC Yoke wtnc~ible conduit- SP Specular·Reriedor , SW . Swivehnount AS ., , Asyrnnictii_c.R_eflector . FR F.ront reJan1p @ BALL~ST MO{JNTiN(;-OPTI<;)NS ©, COLORS fi AC~ESSORIES .. RB Rclnuic mounted ballast An Architecturnl Bronze xx ·I No Accessories IIL Black .. IID. I Barn Doors 1B lntcgrnl·tJ1ountcd ballast' WH White FH . I Filler Holder -· xx No Ballasr(HA} .. cc Custom Cojor Consult fact~ry . For . .spccial'accc:,..sorics not cataloged,._ con~_ult factory • Collin_s Lighting.Systems, Jnc. 1350 Pinc Street• Boulder• CO• 80302 •USA• 800-959-27§7 • 30J-M0-5750 •fax 303-440-5705 ER2000-2 Lighting Consufta,nt: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue . Nor~dge, CA 91325 Phone 818.343,5762 ~ax. 818.343.2041 LE'GOLAND Carlsbad Type w·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I COLLINS LIG-HTI~G- SUPERIOR CONVERSION OF ENERGY INTO-LIGHT r 5.90 ~ c15o> I .. DIMENSIONALDATAJN-JNCHES (M.M.) lSOWATTHQI ER 2000 Series ~ 6.25 (159) @~ YOKE-MOUNT 8.60 (218) 70WATTHQI I 7 OPTIONAL ADJUSTABLE BARN DOORS SWIVEL MOUNT . ·~ 6.20 {1~7) ~ ,- T 3.30 (84) .L QUARTZ HALOGEN 12.75 (324) r ;.75 -·•• ·~I ~- LIQUID-TIGHT CONDUIT FITTING ([_ WEIGHTS"IN POUNDS (KILOGRA._MS) 150 HQi (CORE & COJI. BALl,,AST)" 14.5 LBS. (6:6 KILOS) 70 HQ! (CORE & <;:OIL BALLAST)-145-LBS. (6:6 KILOS) 70 HQIELECTRONICBALLAST-8.0 LBS. (3.6 KILOS) QUARTZ 1-!AJ,.OGEN-5SI:,BS. (2.5 KILOS) . These specifications arid dime(lsions supc~dc_al) prior_publicatioflS and ru:c subject to change without notice. TYi' .. Collins Lighting Systems, Inc.:, 1350 Pine Stre~t •Boulder• CO• 80307· • {;JSA • 800-959-2767• 303-440-5750 • fax 303-440-5705 Lighting Consultant: G~llegos Lighting De$ign 8132 Andasoi Avenue Northridge, CA 9i325 Phone 818.343.576~ /Fax 818.3431041. LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type W1 --- ~ ;q ~ e G')~ 0'11-J~i:r. l:11::.~tDl:I· tD i:; (JQ Qq 00'"'' Ofi ~ 0. 0. ,fll 0 ?3 (JQ -~ .C: = ~ ~ 0 (JQ f/1, II>-n -=-s:: ~ > ~ g. -· •. ?Jt!i~!. :--.NtDtD "!:I U1 f/1 ~ .... 00· ~ t,) ~' ~ cg. t'"'4 ("')~ '= ·c:1· :!.O t:l.lt"!'4 i> c..z to ~~· <'-<, Nts· ('t) ----- Semi-Recessed with Hood Compact Fluorescent CEILING and WALL MOUNTED with remote ballast. ---------- INDOOR 26 WATT QUAD JUBE 1f,;;v:-·•!".::-~ _--::.: ,'.!;, , ... ~~,;. •!. 'f" .. ·~ -;y,.,,:c.;r.!:!'~'J~"';':..,•',::.:?~~·;s...s·;"~:.;:.:i.·'":":· ... > ·~ r;~ ... :!·~·z...,. •• : !~:..:· ,t·;;.: H:··r:·~t1.:··.:2:1·:::t'f,7..:!::;.t'2:.t-~/'?:'?td~-l'~,,::~mF&<,"'.tr~,...~;.ri~.-:;.s;:.:-.-· '.. .. :.· J:::.r;. ·• ,;,;.:J,f' ·.: ::· :-::.;"'z~i.;:•tt. t; ·: ~L :1~:"::"l'·:.t~:~1~.·~1::7~·.t.:-;;.i:it~-~~~~\'-~¥,-,~ SEMI-RECESSED W!TH HOOD• 3, 8" Flexible Metal - Conduit Connector ' ' 2-5116" (58.7 mm) I __J_ .-Rellector Assembly -Back Box I•-.-· Rough Opering -~I 6-114" (158.8 mm) [x 12" (304.8 mm) long} W,ALL 1°110UNTED ,1?: P.w-J-.,.:t..1.i:-: ': •• ~-· :;,;;.:, ·:_:i.,.:...·--:·1:"";•; t,._ .. ;ti';.;::.,.,·,.;:· .. ··.::-·'...:.\., elliptipa·r! ,..... SPECIFICATIONS Frame: Recfangular, extruded aluminum finished semi-.gloss white polyester powder paint. -Perforated!mounting straps are supplied lor fastening to supports (by 9thers). Back Box/R!)flector Assembly: Back box is c:o!d rolled steef.linished black. Refl~ctor is extruded spe~ular ,1luri1inum. Assembly fastens to.frame with concealed screws. Back box is removable lor access to ceiling-plenum (rem.ote)·ballast. Hood Assembly: Die cast aluminum hpod. Hood is.li!1ished semi-gloss white. Asseml;>ly lastens to trim frame with four countersunk, screws. A wire retainer holds the hood for relamping. Hardware: Stainless steel. .Ballast (remote): Thermally protected, High Powt:1r-Factor, encased and'ipott~d: (Non:nal Pow$r Factor option for i 20V·only). Remote ballast.en,i;losure is 2" high x 3-3/B"'wi(ie x· 12" long .. Ballast:for 4,piri,lamp-is electronic and requ,ires matc.~irig , · controls,(by oJhers); con~ult factoiy for information.. . , , Wiring: ·5' leads exit !Of? of bacR box through a right angle connector and 4''6" of 3/8" flexible metal conduit. \]se 9'0°C building wire.'for supply connections at remote·ball~st.. -It is recommended that:supply wiring (by others)'be installed within' reach·prior to c~iling construction, L,imp (Ordered.separately): 2,pin 26 watt quad·tutie compact fluorescent. 4-pin lamp availaple. Lighting Performance: Reflector-incorporates a com.bination of two parabolic sectjons opposite one elliptical se~ti9n to produce a-maximum candlepower at 55',below-horizontal-(for wall washing). Wheh used as recommended, this-light distribution gives the-visual impression qf·uniformity on a plane substantially fr~e of·scalloping or striations. U.L. Listed. C.S.A. Certified: · •• ·" .. 1t'"'. ~..., \..;t~1::.'..'.'".'' -::.:.1·~. ~-:E::;;· i•r_-t.~.:1-.:f:f.7:i.\t':~7.'!'.;t.-:~~r :~¼,;;;o~=::.:~.\<~ ... \·!..i.r~·~·....::··~.: .-:.:~ ·, .,-: .:.: ~., :~ ::::.'.-:,:·. :.:v:r:-z::..nrr.:r::s.·:-:i. ,.-·::: •• ;<t:r;.:s..:~·:-;,,.!'!-~1'=~t~i.:.~:"4::~:.r.::?::~1z..;-,i These spec,fica1rons and' d1men~;ons,supersede au prior pubi1catio.ns and are subiect to change without hollce. The e!lernar shape of.the elllptipar asymffletnc reflector 1s a trad~mark of elliptipar, inc, . I C-9b I Revised 10193 Performance In and From Lighting elllptipar, inc. 1 114 Orange Avenue: Wesl-Haven I Conneclicut 06516 I 203-Q31-4455 /'FAX 203-931-4464 r 1993' eflipllpar, fnc. - -- - t-4 ;q ~ s '1'§: c a~~g-~ ~ >QQ QQ Cl)· s: s. a n ~QQ ~ i-t 0 t.1 · ,!D 0 dci' 5! tn-=rs:= tit >~g-e:- "-1 \0 ft! QQ !:i ~ ~ ~ t:j·rt :--.~nini "'n U1 en ~ ... C1l ~ 1-4 C1l .~ t;, ·~ ~ t"4 'h~' ~ C'} ::!. 0 tr.I t"4 'r::,'."1-.: ~ ·II"""" c.z 0 ~·~ ~ -~ N ('D -- -- - - INDOOR 2!3 WATT QUAD TUBE :.•L":_i"1l·:.:.1;., ~ .... ·: • •' • •• -.. ,M_ • ···; :·-r"'·"·.:;.i: ·: , .... r··_.., ..... ,.~-~;;-· TOfl?RM,A CATALOG NUMBER: f>AGE C~9 '. . ·i=201--o12s-T '"""02-0-m <D. ®-®- l,style = Semi-Re9essed with l:lood Fluorescent (D LAMPS (ORDERED SEPARATELY) Rougli Lamp L?mP Lamp Opening Code· Wattaae Number Dimension a 26 DULUXD26W -F26DBXT4/SPX 6-1/4" X 12" .PL-C26W (158.ammx p• 26 ouwx 01E·2ew·· 304:8 mm): . PL-C 2614P' (4-pin Lamp) . • 4-pin lamp uses remote electronic ballast . Consult factory 10 specify ballast Wpe. @)VOL'!'AGE A = 120V (high power factor) B = 277V (high power factor) H = 347V (high power _factor) M = 120V,(normal power factor) N'ote: b'imnjlng·ballast not'avallable·ln all .voltage_s· (consul.I factory). · , .. ,•. ' ., • "." '.· r "' ' .. ,'• '-· . i.,; .. :--,: .~i;-~-;-.': .. I C-9c I Revised 10193 ---- - -- --- Semi-Recessed with Hood Compact Flu.crescent CEILING and WAL,L MOUNTED with remote. ball?st I':':~ :: : ,~.,.~·. •' .,::" ·..;_:: :. :..::-,--: t 0:..~,...:r.:~~·l}.,-~: • ~ -,:,r·.;:. ,-.,.~ • , .. :;:'.!:::-·,,....J,:."~-~ .. r.:.tri.,.~z."·,.:~ ... -.... :,:,..·'.:'-:.::-.1 ; =-· .:.:-,:'.":i:-:",.~-·~ ~ ·-·-·--"!i:·,·!: .. ::.t-!:~.._... j~.;;~;~~:.::~r;r.-::-:..:~-r @OPTIONS ··oo· = No.options ·OE = Emergency b~ttery paqk, Bodine or equal'to operate the lamp for 90 minutes at reduced light output. XX= For special·features not cataloged, consult fact.oiy prior to specification.' Provide complete. descriptiori,wJth catalog number, EXAMPLE F201 -0126 -T -02 -B -00 ·semJ-R~ce.ssed with Hoq9. for-use.·with26 watt.quad· tube lamp and remote l:IPF-2771/ ballast. , .... · .:-·: ····.~ .. ;:,· .-... -:."i,'''""./"~ : .• :·:::.1·,,,; .• ~:.~ .. ~~.r7.:-.r.:r.·:·..:~:··t :-·,.:...·: .. --: .... ·: These:spec1t1cat1ons and dimensions supersede all prior publications and ,are sub1ect 10 change wit'houl notice '. ••' .l', • ~. ·-:· --~.'l:'.:-.~t-r::;: ;i. \ elliptipar· - / -- I:'"' "dZ~G")<§: goitii~i:r. ~ t.J I'll ~ I'll > (JQ (JQ oo--•!:1O,-. J-lQ.0,CII IJ ootrQ 111 ... o (J) I'll fl> ::.; i ~ne.~d in >~g-g ~;:gg°!n-·-w d ·v i:i3 ·tsi I'll ~ -~ c§'. ~ ~ ~ ~ r'4 (i~ =c:") :10 !'I.I t"" 2"> Q.. z t::1· ~·~ tJ "C ('D ----- Semi-Recessed with Hood Compact Fluorescent CEILING and WALL MOUNTED with remote ballast ---- -- ---- INDOOR 26 WATT QUAD TUBE ~~'!."', ... :.~~ms=s:s.~™-'~~a W#f "2 iAi.ii!k.9N&&saic&wa weile:iel:4::::--r-~.a"'~~~a .. :..:Z~ • j . . 26 WATT OU.AD f:)~-, · itl q~~!4.~r. ,,,,:~-~:,r CANDLEPOWER DISTRIBUTION -0° PLANE (Perpendicular to Reflector) CANDELAS ' r.up·r.-.11~, .. r rr.:"'nM1~11,u-.t1.,, ... ,...r.,c:, ·~c • :i,xl<,_it.,:,-on·, ,,,,/\111•·11.111{:.i•r•·L~l'"C'I''"'''..\:. 1·1-"r,,1,: ,.._., "'' :::~., }~~i:~!\,t'i.F:~:: 1:i;·.~ ~::/{ :~;i-!'!.!'!,:' 1 ••• 1 ,-:--.) -~·§ i§'....E -.I ........ I T. · I · I. 190' ~;i:~;,;:;,,~~~]~::I~~~ii;'.~'.-~)~~:~:~f:~~jr;,1; :; ~~~-~i;;·(/:,;:~i;~;> :z::?t:t:.,;" !!.tit ;,.;.,1r· ,._1··:,.;:1,:-.· 1u:·,:,. 'l'I ,t-1:ir:i:7;·:..:: :•.:r:1-J:t:·'F::;:E ':"•'l''."'i, ::Ji"''T \';·::·,1·.:-••• ":.l.~. ;.: ::-11.•1 \"i.1f,T:• '!'Hi: I• :·~.i'f,:-· .. 11.,\:Jr 1.:: 1'1~•:~:·:W•!• ... tlllU. T'• -r::c l..°l'::". 1 • .:.r•,, ··1\ .. :t-r=-.•t;•·r :··.··:·11 11: li"·i-'l.~•.Jf'l'i,1 •• · ·:i•:·111,1 .:•··. ;',1! "' .... •.'il';:,,p :. • :~·:-: I~,:.··; J •It !t .• ., ~-... .,,. • ~, :.·,:,, 1 ... 1•:,1 .,. •,; ,, ,,I:, !-~ ·=~ I'. ··= ,. 1·: 1: I'· 1:-1:, l•' ;•, I .::, ... ·,j;J ,1·, :,.,.; ,,, 11:• _; . ·~ t,.,, 'lt,1 ll l•. ,,I !•·I ~.'! t' : ··!,:!.t .:,:-; .. , ?•1 : •• ~: .:1 1 j•· ~ • j l ;1:, :,··· 1''•1 • ~t -l ·:~: ,l .i, 1H, )J,f., .. ,,! 'I',>. ll ll IM~.,·, :n,t 1,1ft .j.: I l l•'U"~ !ti .. , .... th u· l ~: J., ,. ,, ,:, ·, I 'i' I C ! J, l I :'-, '''!• '" I __:~--..J• :. ' . ' I , I I' I : .. .: . :llli\~ '•; .·111r...1: l·J· : ~. 1.·.:11 •: l ,1,1, .. .... "'1!,·:·1: ·I\ f,:_j -' ,' ,I",' ·41~ - r,•' ,, , ... ·I": I.' 1.: I .. , .. '!·:•i .:.,:. ;,"!:~:\.!: !. /.1 I I :1,. ,' · ti: r ,; , • : !rE" ·i l'! .. ~I ~ I j' , _.::·~., ''l 'I·: t: :: I . Complete photometric reports are available in written format or on disk. .;:_ I :.•.1', ,-, , '·' ------- :::::, ;.'..:~~t,.-½ ,., • • ·,, ,, ,,rr,, 1°,1•,,i 50 100~ NOTE:·Luminaire is,adjustable. Maximum candlepowersl]own aimed·ii0°·below horizontal for 150 1+-1+-\-' wall wa!;hing. o; 60' 30' ~T'~:Z:-t:'!Ji~~7l~.i''{s:W~l!:.\-:r~m.,-~,;:.-:E~l.~'*:-G:·~C..:.~.~:r.'~~~m~~~,.-:-... -:-,.ur:-'l~l'.&tC.~!:'~.:i:J,.'V'~~~~::i.;;!."'.~ri~""i!·:1.:~Z~!!i";=~m~~~1'l These specifications and ~imens!ons supersede all pr1or,pl;Jblications and are subiect to change withoUt notice. e 11 i pt i p·a.r ~· The external shape of,the elllplipar' asymmetric reflector is a trademark ol ellipUpar, 'inc. Revised 10193-1 C-9d I Performance In and From Lighling elllptlpar, Inc,/ 114 Orange Avenue/ Wesl Haven/ Conneclicul 06516 / 203-931-4455 / FAX 203-931-4464. >s: 1993 ellipllpar, Inc. - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H':'C"EL CE-3518 UNDERWATER STROBE LIGHT . CUSTOMER APPROVAL: YOKE! MOUNTED FOUNTAIN FIXTURE I< l)ATl!1 .. ---· DESCRIPTION: NOTE TO CUSTOMER: . A.signed approval. will be-required with the roloasod ortlor, . -Th11 CE-351 a Is a base mounted fixture for fount11ln and watitr effects. Fixture houses one Oiversltronlcii™ strobe light and ia su~le for und11rwator llghUng appncations. Al)l)roval valid 1 year .. SPECIFICATIONS: TYPE ___________ _ FIXTURE; HOUSl~G,:DOOR: Cast bronze con1truclion,.wall lhleknt~1 513:Z"; Natural bronze ffnish. LENS: S-318" dlamater:flat clear tampered heat re&iS18nl glau. GASKET: Single-pieced molded U01haped silicone·. FASTENERS: Stainless steel or silicone bronze; F!ACTORY Wll'IE.D: Suppllod with ne-3 ST 1ubmer3lble cord.with groun(! wire positively grourided lrul~~-tlxture. FIXturas to also lnclu~e one comput•r data cable. Data cable to bn\Jbmereible·3 twisttd pair shielded type. Cord entrane~s shall be brass watertight seal and epoxy encapsulated. · FACTORY L&AK T.ESTED1 Flxturaa ar11 tested at 10 PSHntemel prllasurs whilt1 totally submerged in water, Fixture shall ioclude an iniemll deslCCl!llt to prevent condensation inside o! flliture. · I.AMP MODULI!: Lanip module shall be Olverlitronlcs"' PAR84 strobe Willi hyporflash, housed insida·ol C!!-3518, · VOLTAGE: 120 Volts slandard. (CONTRACTOR TO SPECIFY POWER AND PATA CABLE LENGTHS AT TIME OF oR·ogRJNG OR QUOTING) N0TI!: lfYOREI. RESERVEStHE RIGHTTO CHANGE ANY SPECIFICATION WITHOUT NOTICE, A"'f dimensions on 1ni. shoel is to t,o assumed a, a reference dlmansioos: 'Usca !or lnlo'"l!ltion purpoa11 only. I! does not 9o~errv~anufa~tvrin9 or ·1nip1Clion raqulremenli~ (ANSIY14,5•1973) PIMEN'$1QNS: 15 3/4" 1-· ------11"--'----i Power Cord r..-~1--1H----1 Computer Data Cord -----~-1211---'----------I • 1~881·BRADLeY AVENUE, SYI.MAR, CALIFORNIA 5112411! • PHO.NE: J11/Sl2•9465 • FAX1818/362·&548 H'=:'DRi'iiL _ Hydrel CE'a\CE-S51B 5/97 2"d 73~CTAH W~6£:0l L6, 6l h~W Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting D~sign 8132 Aitdasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 . Phone 818.343.57<,2 /Fax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAN.D Carlsbad. Type Xl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·n I' D f ·O N ARSOQ1M Ext~rior Luminaire The IRID_EON"' AR500 color-cliangfng luminaire represents the state- of-the-artin specialized outdoor floodlighting. The luminaire features a patented, computer-contrplled, -dichroic. colqr-changing assembly aria' optional·diffuser or douser niechan·ism. The,luminaire is designed and'certified-for us_e.inwet locations. The innovative radial colqr-changer hassperinanent dichrqic filters to.protluce smooth color crossfades-through the entire col.or spectrum. Optional lenses provide a wide rilnge .of beam spreads from 9° to 68° and beam-control is availabie-via either diffusion or dousing time- varic1ble adjustments. The diffusion mech,,mism provides.ptecise:and- dynamiccontrol.of beam distribution. The douser mechani;;m provides full-field dimming of beam intensity. - The ARSOO luminaire.may be controlled-by·many·programmable lighting controllers with DMX512 output. Each exterioduminaire requires four DMX512·channels. Specifications .Enclosure: N6n-corrosiv.ii aluminum, convection-cooled enclosure, with standard-or remote surface mountconfigurations. UL, C-U~ and EU certified for u~e inwet lo!=ations. IP rating 65. Lamp Type: -Philips MSD700 700°watt short- arc metal halide lampwith 2000 + hour rated lite; 75 CAI, 5900°K color -temperature. Ballast Assembly: Custom-magnetic _ ballast with worldwide voltage ·options. Mounted-with c·ontrol and ignitor in stanchion, prewired with 10· (3ml -of outdoor rated AC flexibie-cord and 10· (3ml of low capacitance c,lat,! cable. -Remote Ballast qption· is avcJilable. Color Change: Dichro*Tuite™ radial ·color changer with-independent _cyan, - -magenta and amber time variable color control. -Light Distribution: One of six lenses .provide beam spreads from 9° to p8P. Beam Control:. Time variable dynamic diffusion mechanism or full-fiel9 dousing mechanism. Co'ntrol: Four DMX512 channels required. · .f.ixed Focus·Range: Focus.is manually - adjustable through 360° vertical and -~5° horizontal (standard mount) and 180° vertical and 360° horizontal (remote head). -Total LprhinaireWeight: Approxi- mately 150 lbs (58.kg)or less, depending · on configuration. Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasof Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 LEGOLAND C~rlsbad Type X2 Phone 818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343~2041 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PHOTOMETRIC DATA ARSOO™ EXTERIOR AUTOMATED-Li.JMINAl~E Optical Lens .Diffusion -Candela B,eamAngle Beam Dljlmeter Field.Angle Field :Diameter .(cd) ( 50% Intensity)_ Tl!''. (10% ln~er,slty) in;, Clear Zero '1,300,000 4x4 .07 9x9 .16. {Very Narrow) Full :1;19.006 14x 14 _.25 ·30·x 30 .54 Light Stipple Zero 650,000 '6 x6 ... .10 12£12 ;21 (Narrow) F11II 95,000_ 15 X 1,5 .. .'.-26 31.x~l. .56 8 • Row Leriticular Zero 160,000' 21x 8 .38/;14 28 iC16 ,50/.28 (Narrow Flood) Full 65·:0dO 22x 15 :S8/.21 38x 3:1,. .69/.56 10·· Row Lenticular Zero 120,000 19 X 11 .;34/,:1,.9 30x 19 .!;_4/.34 . {Medium Flood) Full 60 • .QOO 21x 15 . ;3]/.27. 39 x.32 .71/:58 12 -Row Lenticular Zero .. 42;000 45 X 16 .82/:28 59x 26 1.13/-.46 (W1de·Flood) Full . 30,000 41x 19 .. 75/.33 62 X 36 1.2/;64 Buxom Zero 11;POO 47 x·47 -,88 67 x67 1.33 {Very Wide Flood) Full _13,000, 41 x41 .75 68x 68 .1.35 . 1Multiply Distance by Tn to·determine coverage •. To calcµlate iliuminance.at a specific qistance (D):. I = J.Q {cos-0) . D' ARSOQ Lumlnalre:. Ordering information To form a catalog number, choos·e from,the·appropri;i(e fields. Example: AR500 • A/12.Q/.fil!/WQE/lill/lli':! LampType~·+~ ... Voltage~. Frequency . Lens Type Beam Control Finish---------' Options-------'--~ Lamp Type: Voltage: Frequency: Lens Type: A-= MSD700 100 = lOOVAC 120 = 120VAC 200 = 200VAC 208 = 208VAC 220 = 220VAC 240-= 240VAC 277 = 277VAC 50 = 50Hz 60.= 60Hz VN = Very Narrow NS= Narrow NF = Narrow Flood MF = Medium· Flood WF = Wide 'Flood VW = Very-Wide Flood Beam Control: Of= Diffuser Finish: ,Options: OS =,Douser NN·= None GR =-Gray {Srandard) For other finishes, consult factory. NN = None RS = Remote Ballast 50· (15m) Cables RL = Remote Ballast:100".(30m).Cables Sample Specification • TO CENTER AXIS OF TILT TUBE. Unit shall be an lrideon•• catalog number AR500-_; _; _; _;/ _; _ . The housing shall be· non-corrosive aluminum, convection cooled, surface-mount enclosure, UL listed for.wet loca_tion, finished·ln ~-Fixtwe sjlall·operate at __ VAC, ___ Hz, and shall -provi_de computer-controlled radial:color-changer with permanent dichroic filters to-produce full spectrum-color crossfades,via 11n external DMX512 controller (by others). Light distribution-shall be provided by installing a __ (VN, NS, NF, MF, WF, VW)Jens: Beam control is provided by integral. (diffusion or dousing) mechanism. Ballast enclosure shall·be __ (standard or.remote with ___ (50", 100') interconnecting cables) I .R I D E O N· 201 Regal ·Row • Dallas, TX· 75247 '214-819:3208 (phone) 214-1!30-5867 {fax) rii':'\ Underwrllers -~ La~r,_~torles ~nc .• A ,Vari:_Lite Compl/ny . CCc?l_>Yl'ight.1~95. Prlriti!d In Jhe U_SA,,Speclficatlons are-subject to change. Olchro~Tune11•· and AR5001"' are tradel"flarks of Vari-Ute, Inc. and lndeori, Inc. B!)ILDING WITH.LIGHT Lighting Consulta.J;lt: Gallegos Lighting Pesign 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, CA 91325 Phone '818.343.5762 /Fax 818.343.204J 'LEGOLAND Carlsbad Type X2 3/95 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T 1 T-1 1" 2.5 cm T S/a" 1'.6cm 101 black wedge base sockets permanently soldered 6" on center to # 18°2 black ultra- violet inhibited wire with :a twoafoot lead 'is standard. The light string produces clean, sharp points of white light using .18,000 hour rated wedge base lamps (approximately five years!). Suggested Applications: In trees • outlining windows·• disp1qys • stairways Fixture Length: 50 feet of lamps plus 2 feet of lead-in Lamp Spacing: 6" on center ---------~---·-----------~-·-- Lamps Furnished: 101-LO 73 (.6Weach). 18;000· hour-rated lamp life. 'NOTE: L_amps are·not ~overed'U~der our warranty. Total Watts: 60 V\latts ·per string M.aterial:.and ·Finish: The wire is #18-2.black ultraviolet inhibited ,stranded black wire. The sockets have phosphor bronze, .'weather-resist~nt contacts, Mounting: May be stapled:with·#T-25 ½" staples directly (o wood. M<>unt in trees with nursery tape. Options: (add co.de to catalog numberi' Custom lengths, lamp.spacing, or·wire·color avail- able on a quotation iiasis .. Aluminuin micro-channel -~_,... -----·•-r ·-• ·. ~ Optional Lamps: Twenty-five. black wedge-base socke~ per- manently soldered 12" on center to #·16-2 black wire with a .five foot lead is standard. The light string uses easily replaceable liigh impact wedge-base lamps for commercial or residential use. Suggested Applications: In trees • outlining • displays • behindiascia Fixture Length: 25 feet of lamps plus 5 feet qf-lead-in. Lamp Spacing: 12" cm center Lamps Furnished: 25-LO 194 (2.4W each). 7500- iour rated lamp llfe. NOTE: Lamps _are not covered.under our .~arranty .. Total Watts: 60-Watts .per string 1 Any of the T3 Wedge Base Lamps listed.on the • · Alternate Wedge i:iase Lamp Chart (p: 1-J OJ will fiL Material and Finish: The wire is·# 16-2 black ultraviolet inhibited stranded wire. The sockets have phosphor bronze, weather-resJstant contacts. Mounting: May be stapled with #Tc25 ½" staples directly to woo.ct. Mount in trees witti.nurserytape .. Options: [aact code to catalog numberJ Custom lengths, lamp spacing, or wire·color avail- able on a quotation·basis. Aluminum mini-channel (EA-201·2)·6r shielded aluminum mini-channel (EA- 2013)-is available for mounting to hard surface.s or TM-90-2/F-1 Options: (cont.) (EA-7306) or shielded aluminum micro-channel (EA- 7307), is available for. mounting to hard surfaces or where:!'xact 'ali~nment ·js required. Comments: When.mounting with staples. apply in such a way as . to allow the wire to b~ pulled through each staple with only·a slight tug. Never garland around the trees like a Christmas tree. Cut the Micro-Border Lites in lengths to match the length of major bran- ~hes, and install on the under.side with all the lamJ).s. facing down. Faste.n with nursery tape. Do not in- .stall this or any other·system in the coping of a swimming pool. If the continuous run is longer than 50 feet, the string must be ·:center-fed." .LO 73 shown • • 6" · .• , '5•,. • 6 .. ,. • 6',. l' 1.BFC 2' 1.2 ---~~ :3' .75 4' .so Options: [cont.) where_:exact alignmen.t i._s required. Cori1m.ents: When.'ruounting.with,staples. apply in such a way as to all.ow the wire to-be pulled.through each staple with only a slight tug:. Never garland around the trees like a Christmas tree. Cut the Mini-Border Utes :in l~rigth~ to match the length of rnajor branches, and install on the underside with all t~e lamps fac-· 111g dow·n. Fasten with nursery tape. If the con- tinuous run is·longer tfian 25 feet, the string must be "center fed:" When used to outline buildings, .care·must.be \aken to,iristall lamps-plumb and square with the building and that the wire follows the·outllne bejng highlighted exactly! Excellent.ap- plication.to consider using the mini-channel. LQ.194 shown .•• 12···· 12: .•• 12-.•. 12· .• I' 4.3FC 2' 2.3 $' 1.6 :4' r.o NIGIITSC.\PING A division ofLORAN, Inc. (714) 794-2121 FAX: (7 .14) 794-7292 '.Design Help Line (800) 544-4840 Lighting Consultant: Gallegos Lighting Design 8132 Andasol Avenue Northridge, <;:A 91325. _ Phone 818.3433762 /'J!ax 818.343.2041 LEGOLAND Carls.bad Type 21