HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB973356; PermitCity of Carlsbad 92008 03-15-2017 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA Bui1ding Permit Permit No:CB983713 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: OccGroup: 1 LEGO DR CBAD CTI 2111000900 $28,000.00 Sub Type: Lot-#: Const Type: VN Reference#: Project Title: FAIRY TALE BROOK SCENE 3 & 4 SHAKING BRIDGE & SLEEPY CASTLE Applicant: Owner: Status: Applied: Entered By: Appr/Issued: Inspect Area: FINAL 10/28/1998 MOP 11/12/1998 PD LANDON DAWN LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEG 5342 ARMADA DR CARLSBAD AC 92008 760 801-6543 Total Fees: ($0.97) Description $441.03 Payments To Date: $442.00 ------. . . . BLDG PLAN CHECK BUILDING PMTS STRNG MOTION Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: 5J 1 "' / 'i 'i Clearance: Balance Due: Fee 171.42 263.73 5.88 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition· of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Fc!ilure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statufe of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. PLEASE NOTE: THERE ARE MULTIPLE .PERMITS FOR THE ·· ORI.GINAL LEGO PROJECT · PLEASE USE . CB972027 OR . CB971460 OR CB971465 AS THE PLAN CHECK NUMBER WHEN SEARC.H-ING IN HPRM . I PERMIT APP.LICA IION ..• ~', i FOR OFFICE ~~ONL: 3 ~Sty! 'CITY OF CARLSBAD BUIL,DING DE'l=>ARTMENT 207s Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 PLAN CH~\ No.f 2 : . .. ..· 7 EST. VAL . . . . , _ . . /. ·• ·Pia~· Ck. Depo~it ~• · . (760) 438-1161' Validated By_.:_: _____ ... _._.---'-- Date ----------------- Address (include Bldg/Suite #.) l3usines~ Na.me (at this !1.cldress) · l:egal Description 'Assessor's Parcel # Lot Nb. ·Subdivision Name/Number Existing Use · #of Stories Name· A dr ss· ·City [4i;.;.1im.Qli.§.ijm._oiv~.M :·~:;_;:~;:,;_,:::i~rr:r:z:.:. -, •.. ~ -.-, "":"~'c'.7',''.' ' ., ,,,,.:..::r:::. :;-:::.:._:,r:_·:_::-.,,;~..:_:2;: ~··--· · l:Jnit No. .Phase No:· # of Bedrooms Total # of:units #· ofBathrooms .. Name Address S.tate/Zip Telephone# t1?1.::.::.·.::w.2.BKER$.l!;c.owsrii.~@.Qoc:~...:._. ,;_.;~ .. , • .-:.:. ;,..;.,, ~-' -"'...,;_ ,.. _._. ---~-....:..: ;,; . ...: .• .,,..;.~:,,,.;;:.:..;,.:,:..:._z~-....;, _.:.::~::.~..,;..:.,;~--r::L::..iJ;.;'.;:,>.: Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby c!ffirm under:penalty of. perjury one of the following declara.tions: i .Q I have .and· .will maintain a certificate-of consent to self-insure for workers' compensc!tion as pr~~ided by Section 3700 of .the-Labor -Code,, for the, perf9rmance of the work for which this permit is issued. "2J I have and ·will maintain workers' compensation, ·as required by Section 3700· of the Labor Code, for the performance of the worl<' for which· thi~ P.~rmit is ~~d. Myworker'sc ensation· surancec r'erandp91icynumberar~: . !~!\/..~--~-~ · .. ,:· · .: 1 .. /· J ..... Insurance Company · Policy No. WJ.J 't1.1)~"Z,7 "<.I . Exp1~at19n D_ate ~. ~ff<;l : (THIS·SECTION'NEED·NOT·BE COMPLETED IF THE ERM!T IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) ./ 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the w.ork for which this ·permit is is~ued,' I shall not .employ any p_e'rs_on in any_ manner so· as ·to· become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. .. ·WARNING: Failure to secure·workers' compensation cov age is unlawful, and· shall sUbject ·an employe'r t~ -crirl'iillat-pellaltie and ·civil fines.,up to-oiie hundred thousand dollars ( $ r ,0 in addition to the c compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 11f-tbe· ~11!-co ,J_irif a.rest.and attimi~y's f~~s. SIGNATURE ~-,-~'-"'i._,,~"'"fl-=:-.:--,-,,-,-'--,--, tt:'t:;.1..<;>~;::;.":::;ff::::V_:::1~:J_Q..t.~;;;;f!_:;J;)k~';.t-:~JBA;;;~~iT;:i;::b_::::-N:-:J_t;.f.-~-... ::;~ ~:::::, :::_,,:::: .. ::::.,:;,_;:::....,...::-., .,::::-;:::, !..,.,.,:::' _;;:.;,,:::-~;;::,, :-:::::. ,::;:;:.,.:;;: :_;;, __ ;:,..:.,:::. ,7· .. ,-::;_::::<,::-:: .... _:: .• :.....:..:..a,77· -::,,:-:-:-, ::::....::::·:-·~ ,-:: .• '.-=-;-:-:;::::-::-::::::..-.~~.::.~ . ,I hereby affirm that I am e empt fro he Contractor's License Law for the following-reason: :CJ I, as owner of the"' roperty or my employees with wages a·s their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is no~ in_tiind!ld or {>ffered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business ancl Professions Code: The Contractor's Lic1inse Law does not apply to an owner· of property who builds ·or.:improves thereoh; and· who does, such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such ·improvements are not intended or off!3rec! for sale. If, howeve,r, Jhe bl!il~ing __ or imp~9vement is . sold within one ·year·of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did·not build or improve for. the purpose of sale). · · D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting· with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, ,Business and PfofessiQ.ns Code: The Contractor's ·License Law does' not apply to ~n owner of property who builds or improves thereon, a'nd contracts for such projects with contractor(s) ii_ce'nsed pur.suan_t to the Contract.o('s L.icem;e La_w). · -· · ,O I am exempt under Section ---~--Business and Professions Code for this reaso,:i: 1. I personally·plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property.·.improvement. El YES. ON!) , .. 2, .. ,. (have/ have notf signechin i1pplication for a building permit..f.or the _prop9s11d wgrl<. . 3. I have contracted,with the foll~Wing-person (fir~).to provide the p;oposed-co~st;u~ti~;~(i~ci~d~-;;-am; /~dd;~s;·, ph-;;ne ~~~be;/ c9~i:raciors'.1ic~;;~e number):- . -. ' . --· ~ . , 4. I plan to provide portions.of the ·work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work .(include· name / address / phone -numller I contractors license nur:nber): · · • ' .'5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the-work indicated (inq!ude name / address /.phone number / type of work): · · , PROPERTY OWNER SIGNAWRE . 'bA:rE _'----'----'----'---'-'--. f':OM"f!L.,,,.»HIS:-~S" -,;,.;;r.,:. 10~ ·eo,a·"li,O,w::;,~;,;;g.,+;;;-,_,_.,,,_,:i""'l1'."'D11N~"auj,,r,s;QNL~ · ,'" -~ · ... · ..... ·· · .. ~, · .... :· -''""'.-' :,,-:;; :.,.~-.. ·, ,,-,.,,.,-~,-:,/, ... · ";"' · V-::;· :/:::! V _,,p_:f~l~,..,._~\Jj~~.:!l-!~~.J..~~~~---~w.!t../¥'-:;,;(,_.,_.,,,.,~---."'~..M,,.:.,.,t::.-,.;;.,_,.,,,;'J.A,_~,:,,"'":M«'..,•',,..'-.,/'~'1-'<',~!,~,{;;.i ~li~,IN~~'.":'..'"«,.,,,4<'w:_<;~"(,;:!-~,..,.,.,-,,",,~~,.=.,,'\"<'/~~;_..,;~,3 Is the applicant or future bl!ilding occupant r.equired to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration. {orn\ pr ri~l< ~l!Dl!Qem~nt and prevention program·under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner-Hazardous Substance Account Act? E} YES D ·Nb··-· ,Is the applicant or _future building occupal'\t required to obt~in a permit·from the air pollution control district. or.air.quality management qistrict_? ti YES_ 0 NO .Is the facility-to be c.onstructed·within 1,000 feet of the outer·boundary of a school site? O· YES ·El NO ·IFANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE.OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE.APPLICANT·HAS0MET-OR;IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT: . -. . . . . 1 . , !§;;:;;it..~~taQ,C;!~Jff!l§.Y,.;,-~;;.J-:-::::.,> •. ::::,,,,L~: .. : _;;,.;;::_~ ., -:: .. ~:.-:.......:..::. ~,. :.:._. -~-::'.:.-... .. L', ~-.:.::~,::,~,:s:.;..-_ ~~~. x:.; · ·,_.-:!:...::!;:::: .. ~~c:;,r::.:--:;:;_,;::;:}'.:; ' I hereby affirm that.there is·!! constructjqn lenping.agency for the performance of the.work for-which thi$ permit. is issued (Sec. 3Q97(i).Civil Cod~). lENDER'S ADDRESS -· I certify that I liave·read the application and state that the above information-is correct and that·the information on the plans· is ac¢urate. I agree·tb comply-with all City ordinances and .State la~s relating to building construction, I hereliy authorize -representatives pf the Cit~ of Carlsbad ·to enter·,upon' the al:love. mentioned· property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY 01=' CARLSBAD AGAINST AUL iJABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OFTfli:'GRANTING OF THIS.PERMIT: -. OSHA: An O!lHA permit is ,required for exc;:ivati~ns over 5'0; deep and demolition or construction of structure~ over 3-stories in heig~t'. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall·expire by ·limitation a·nd become null and· void if the' boildil)g or · work authorizedd;iy such pe.rmit is not comrhehce · withi1J 36!5 days fr the date of such permit or if the building,-·or work al!t.hdrized l;>y such,p£!rmit is su!)pended or· abandoned at .. any time after-the work is c enced r period .0 days (Section 106.4:4' l:lniform Building Code)... · APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ----,1=::::;,'1-,A,,4'.d,--/--,,-,{,-_,'f:,.L-~~~_:::,===-----DATE.-11~. ~- fr / / SIUOIO E HELLMUTH, OBAT_A + KASSABAUM, INC 1655 26th Street, Suite 200, Santa Monica, California 90404 Voice 310 453 0100 Fax 310 453 2052 Memorandum Attention From Regarding Copies To Project Date Project Number LEGOLAND Carlsbad December 19, 1997 96.0634.00 File F=D.1 Mike Peterson, City of Cl;lrlsbad, Building Department Kyoko Adachi, HOK . _j/ . /. . ~.: . Castle Hill Cluster Electrical Drawing Submittal K. Culver, EG, D. Cattle, M. Zurauskas, R. Apel, B. Pridgen, 1.F.Jensen, LLEAg, K. Lucci, LAI, A. Periera, CCD, P. Gallegos, GLD, J. Moore, ITG, E. Fixen, SEC, K. Rose, G. Laguna, J. Peruzzi, C. Rooney, HOK, We are submitting Castle Hill electrical package which is a part of this cluster drawing already 'in the plancheck process under# CB-97-3356. We appreciate your continuous assistance achieving a smooth plancheck process fl.ow. This package completes following permit. FGMP Castle Hill Package: **· . Landscape, Area development Architectural, Interior Retail Food Service** Structural Mechanical Lighting Communication Plumbing Water Treatment system. We are submitting the separate package for Castle Hill Inn and Ice Cream T.I. scope permit. The kitchen equipment and its related works shown in this electrical drawings ·are not a part of this plancheck permit. I am attaching the Lucci & Assoc. transmittal letter which itemize the submitted sheets. Lucci & .521.ss oci,:ites,. I Consulting Electrical Engineers- LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: December 18, 1997 L&A Project N2: To: Kyoko Adachi H. O.K. Architects Project: · Legoland Carlsbad Castle Hill 1655 26th Street, Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 453-0100 WE ARE SENDING YOU [x] Attached [ l Under separate cover VIA: [ ] Reg. Mail [] FedEx [ ] Hand Delivery [)c] Courier [ .] California Overnight THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: [ ] Shop drawings [x] Bluelines [x] .Vellums [ ] Specifications [ ] Copy of letter [ ] Change order [ ] ----=I=G=MP=...;#.:.:;:2:..aF:..a:1=nal=-=S=et"-'{..:::.3-'-4-=D;..:.ra=-'wi'-'-'·:;:;;n=gs"-T""'o=t=al=).-------'------~- -- ANY USE OR REUSE OF ORIGINAL OR ALTERED CAD DESIGN MATERIALS BY'CLIENT, AGENTS OF CLIENT, OR OTHER PARTIES WITHOtITTIIE REVIEW AND WRfITEN APPROVAL OF'DE~IGN-PROFESSIONAL SHALL BE AT TIIE SOLE RISK OF CLIENT. FURTIIERMORE, CLIENT AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD DESIGN PROFESSIONAL HARMLESS FROM ALL CLAIMS, iNJURIES, DAMAGES,-LOS!i'ES, EXPENSES, AND ATTORNEY'S FEESARISING.OUT OF THE'MODIFICATION OR REUSE OF TIIESE MATER!AtS. I I ,_ I I I I CoEies Date No. -Descril!tion · Revision * 12/18/97 ClOO OOEOOl Svmbols List and Abbreviations * 12/18/97 ClOO 00 E002 Symb9ls List and Abbr~viations " * 12/18/97 CIOO 00 EIOl Undergroui).d_ Conduit Power Plan Site * 12/18/97 ClOO 00 E401 Lighting Fix_ture Schedule * 12/18/97 ClOO 00 E402 Castle_ Base.Building -: Panei Schedules * 12/18/97 ClOO 00 E403 Castle Base Building -Panel Scb,edules * 12/18/97 C100 OOE501 · Single Line Djagran1. * 12/18/97 crno_oo E~Q2 : Single Line Diagram -- * 12/18/97 ClOO OO_E601 Grounding _Details * 12/18/97 C146 31 E302 Ruined Turret -RoofLightfog, Power&,, Grounding Plans * 12/18/97, C246 31 E201 Castle Hill North ~ Mexican Food -Lighting, Signal &Power Plan -. ' * 12/18/97 C246 83 ElOl Castle Hili North -Mexican Food -Title 24 Energy Compliance & Schedules ,_ * 12/18/97 C247 31 E302 Plav Pavillion Facilitv Floor Plan Lighting Lavout - 3251 Corte Malpaso, #511 Camarillo, CA 93012-8094 Phone(805)389-6520 FAX (805) 389-6519 .Lucci & .J21.ssociates, Inc. Consulting Engineers I CoEies I Date 1 · No. I DescriEtion. I Revision I * 12/18/97 C249 00EJ0l Castle Inn Restaurant -Castle Hill Barbecue -Panel . Schedules * 12/18/97 C249 00 E102 Castle Inn Restaurant -Castle Hill Barbecue -Title 24 Energy Compliance & Schedules * 12/18/97 C249 00 E201 Castle Inn Restaurant -Castle Hill Barbecue -Food Service Power J>lan · . * 12/18/97 C249 00 E202 Castle Inn Restaurant -Castle Hill Barbecue - Power & Sienal Plan * 12/18/97 C249 00 E:203 Castle Inn Restaurant -Castle Hill Barbecue -Roof Power Plan * 12/18/97 C249 00E301 Castle Inn Restaurant -Castle Hill.Barbecue - Reflected Ceiling Plan * 12/18/97 C249 29 E201 Castle Inn Birthday Tents -Lighting, Power & Signal Plan * 12/18/97 C250 0OE101 Castle _Hill -Castle Ice Cream -Title 24 Energy Compliance & Schedules . * 12/18/97 C250 00E201 Castle Hill -Castle ke Cream -Power & Signal Plans * 12/18/97 C250 0Q E202 Castle Hill -Castle Ice Cream -Li_ghting Plans * 12/18/97 C2~0 00 E22l Castle Sensory Coast.er Power Plan * 12/18/97 C250 00 E222 Castle Sensory Coaster Roof Power Plan * 12/~8/97 C250 00 E701 Castle Sensory Coaster Grounding Plan * 12/18/97 C250 31 E303 Castle Base Building Cejling Plan Layout * 12/1.8/9"7 C250 31 E324 Castle Base Building Roof Plan Lighting * 12/18/97 C252 83 ElOl _Castle Hill South .-Hamburgers -Title 24 Energy Compliance & Schedliles * 12/18/97 C252 83 E20l Castle Hill South -Hamburgers -Lighting, Power .& Signal Plan * 12/18/97 C346 31 E302 Gem Wash -Lighting, Power & Grounding Plan * 12/18/97 C34831 E302 Horse Ride Queue & Photo Booth Ceiling Plan Lighting Layout . * 12/18/97 C348 46 E221 Horse Ride Queue Structure Power & Grounding Plan 2 .. ,., .Lucci & Ylss ociates, Inc. Consulting Engineers I CoEies I Date I No. I DescriEtion I Revision * 12/18/97,. C349 3 I E302· Breath Taker_ Queue_ Structure Lfahtine Lavout .. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted [] For yoµr use [] Approved-as noted [x] As requested [] Returned for corrections · [ ] Resubmit__ copies for appro.val [ ] Submit_ copies for distribution [ ] Return _ corrected prints I [] For review and comment [] ---------------,---------- REMARKS: (1) each reproducible and. (5) each bluelines, stamped and signed. COPY TO Ken Lucci; File 97-960C SIGNED ________ -'-----'-'------------- J:\ WPDOCS\TRANSMIT\97-960\Castle~p. wpd 3 S E W E R P E R M I T 01/29/98 08:56 · Page :\. of 1 ·. . Job· A:ddres·s: 1 LEGO DR Suite: fermit Type: ·SEWER -.COMMERCIAL/!NDUSTRIAL P~rcel Np, 2~1-022-16-00 Des·cription: LEGOLAND C,ARLS):3AD..,.CASTLE HILL . ; LEGOLAND CARLSBAD FAMILY PARK Permit No:. SE98:0013 Bldg Planck#; . 3508· 01/29/!JBt{AA))Ll.~1 I§fUED. Apro,-tncit: 01tes§i,.%@. Apr/Issue.: 01/2 9/9·$ PermitE?e; LEGOLAND CARLSBAD, ·INC 619-438~5570 Expired: ·5500 AVENIDA ENCINAS STE 130 Prepared. By : · F j CARLSBAD CA 92008 . INSP. · .... 0.,'.:\T[: __ . -· -- · 1 CL~~~-..,;..._.,...._...,.---. ---.' CITY OF CARLSBAD· . 2015 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad; CA 92009 (619) 438-1-161 · ,1 •• ' N.O co·MPL·ETE INS.PECTION LlSTING . FOUND SEE MULTIPLE SPEClAL INSPECTIONS SCANNED SEPARATELY · CB972027 IS THE PLAN CHECK-NUMBE-R FOR \ MANY OTHER c·B 1 S. ALSO SEE · CB971460(OUTER PARK) CB97146S(ADMIN BLDG) C,~ q,1 33Slo (CA$1'&» t\U,) CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKI.IST FOR PARTIAL SITE RELEASE PROJECT INSPECTOR: A 1 _ ,_(A, ""1:J DATE: __ J ~ _,., •'· 2 ~.:, 1 ~9 ?J PRoJEcT,o cr9+-of?-o3 GRA01NGPE.RM1TN0.GR/·10007 LoT~ REauEsTEo _FoR RELEASE: e, H -L ±httlA cf-I -6 J :cc-1 +~~"' ~1:' CON~;L~~:LICABL~ . :LL -4' . .J 8.-l ~~"' g .... 3 I R - / 0 I I te or' unacc~ptabl~ = ncompe 1st. 2nd. v 1. Site-access to requested lots adeqt;Jate and logically grouped ./ 2. Site erosion control measures adequate. v 3. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of public. v 4. Letter of request for partial release submitted ,, v 5. .8½" X-11" site plan showing requested lots submitted. V. 6. Compaction. report from soils engineer submitted. V 7. Engineer of work. certification of work done and pad elevations. N/A 8. Geologic engineer's letter if unusual geologic or subsurface conditions exist. { 9.. Project conditions of approv91 Ghecked fqr c~nflicts * 1 O. ·can water service be installed prior to bringing buiiding combustibles on site. · · -f:--p;y-1 P.,-of~e,tioV) ~Af-.t~ · ~vuJ ~ti vl·{lift,.<v ~Ce,-1'~) ho+-a-11. ; I a. IP/,(! • - . · Partial release of grading for the above stated lots is approved for the purpose of building permit issuance. Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal _ City requirements. required pursuant to the .buil<;fing permit proGess. - D Partial release of the site is denied for the following reasons: .. 1£J9/16 te · · . Project Engineer Date J ../J_,?<c,~- Date · .. ,--· City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 1/20/99 Permit# CB973356 Title: CASTLE HILL CLUSTER Description: ~ SubType: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot Location: APPLICANT : · ADACHI, KYOKO Inspector Assignment: PD --- Phone: 6198432928 Inspector~ Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Tiine: Requested By: JIM PAYTON Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding {ljt_ _ ___,,.· ....,.----.,..-------- 24 Rough/Topout $- 34 Rough Electric 44R __ ou-·g~h_/_P_u_ct_s_,o_a_m_p_e_r_s ______ ......-_____ ~----'---------- ----......... -------------------.-·--·---''-'-,--,-----------'------'-- Inspection History Date Description 12/8/98 11· Fig/Foundation/Piers 11/5/98 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers Act lnsp Comments AP PD AP PD LIGHTS . . ~ . . . . . ... . .. . . .. POOR ·. · . . . :' . . . . .. . . . . ' . . . . . :. . .. . ,... . . -.:~= ····.. . •· . . . . uA·· . LIT·· ·-.·v. -.. . Q'. . . ::-··-· . ._.,:.~; ..... ,· .... ·'· .. ,.> •• ; . . . : .. •• . '" • :···. '· ~=". .· ·:· . ·_ _ ... :·· . . . . . . . . . . • • JI# •• . . . . . . . . .;. . . _~_.,.·..! ~. . -. : .~,; . . . . -. ' 0.. -.· :::-~.>--~,~,.----_ .. ~--~-----. --;-. .,.. ...,.-: .. :. ( .. -s···'·:. ). RIG-·INAL . ' .. : :•, .. --·. ; . ~-~:: ... · . . . . . . -' . . . .. . . : ' .. . .. · .. . . . . -~ ,. . $1, ,· ' ---' ( I t i To: ., ·i i I Attontioii{ i l Subj~t: i ,I Refer,encd,= .AND ASSOCIATES, INC .. Geotodtnlml and Environmental En9lneeling Consufrants ·. ~chard Apel ; ? . H.O.K.L.A. lj-µctµral Plan Review Lener, Castle Hill-, J,..EGOLAND, CarJs·bacJ, Califr,mia · . )ghjon -and Associates, 1996; Supplemental Gt::otechnical Investigation, Lego · ~ll~ Park, Catlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 4960151-001, . i)'uly 23, 1996' eUmµth Oba,~ + Kassabaum; Inc .. 1997, Structural Plans fur Castle Hill, ... &oland, Carlsbad, Califomfo, dated October 17, l997, Diwgs. S.110, S200, 3l-OiS225, S230., S235, ·S240, S245, ~250, ssio, S520, S521 -:-. -i I In ~c~ord,nce . Y(?Ui' request, we are herein provi_ding our comments regarding the rcvfow of the struc ral p~ s (r~ferenced above) for Castle Hill, ~egoland, C.arlsbad, California. Based on our (evi. , it I~ QUJ' opinion that . the · structural plans are in conformance with the rec'?nime dati_o: ;prqvided in our geotechnical .report dated July .23, 1996 (referenced above) with tho Uowl . inmenl$: · . . · .. • the r~·-inln ·detail · . . . ' If you ha,~e an opppttu,nif tq, i A~rt11~: P/proJ~~4$t :SI l i I I all'in Detail 10 lifDrwg. S110 should have drainage per the attached drainage ' . ·) t\ddress~e 1~ HOK, Attention: Ms. Kyoto Adachi FAX 310/453-2052 1} ~a,rtin and Dunn .Allcnti(,n: Mr. Ron Joye~ FJ\.X 619/497-0429 : J-11i~ing Wall Drainage Detail j39J1 MURPHY CAN'(ON~ROAD UITE a2os, SAN D!EGO. CA 92. I 73 . , (619) 2?2-0030 • (800) 447~2626 f:A)( (f.1<1' "JO') n771 / I .J -EsGH _ Corporation Professional Plim ~Vit!W 'Ettginel!rs DATE: January 15, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-S356 PROJECT ADDRESS: J.,EGOLAND PROJECT NAME: Castle Hill_ SET:111 D fo-PPLICANT ~JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWE~ .0 FILE D The plans transmitted -herewith have been: corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdi_ction's building codes. - IZ! The plans transmitted herewith will substantially·.comply-With the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien¢ies id~ntified below are_ resolved and checked by building department staff. Note: Plans hand-carried to Gity"by applicant. - D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted hereWith is for your information. The:plans-are being-held at Esgil Corporation until corrected-plans ar.e submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the Jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person: -- D Esgil Corporation staff did not advis~ the applicant that the pl·an check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corpbration staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Bill Pridgen Te phone#: appt. Date contact(;:ld-: 1Jt5/98 (by: kc) Fax. #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person IZ! REMARKS: 1. All sheets of the plans a II sheets -of the Detail Bodk must be signed/sealed -· by the architect. 2. The designer stat d that corrections 16, 24, 38, ·39, 43, 44, 46 and 48 have been resolved by the City. Please verify. 3 .. The energy forms on the plans must be properly signed. 4. Not .included with this permit: Electrical plans or kitchen hood systems. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation - 0 GA O CM O _EJ O PC log Enclosures: -trnsmtl.dot - 9320 Chesapeake Drive, ~uite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax-(619) 560~1576 EsGil Corporation Professionaf Pfan !J?...eview 'Engineers DATE: December 19, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad. PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 PROJECT ADDRESS: LEGOLAND PROJECT NAME: Theme Park Buildings SET: II Castle Hill ~~~NT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D. FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a completerecheck. !ZI The check list transmitted herewith is for your information.· The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. / D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forw~o the applicant contact person. !ZI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Faxed to HOK Architecture (310) 453-2052 ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff .did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ O PC Fax#: Enclosures: 12/12/97 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 97-3356 II December 19, 1997 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: LEGOLAND DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 12/12/97 REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 SET: II DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: December 19, 1997 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Pl'anning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All-items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval Of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit THREE new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes DNo Carlsbad 97-3356 II December 19, 1997 4. The final plans and detail book must be signed/sealed. 16. Please provioe evidence that the City has approved the appeal request. 24. Please provide a copy of the listing to prove that the thatched roofing qualifies as a 11Class A" (as.stated on the plans). 27. Parts 2 and 3 of the form must be completed. Additionally, the form must be signed/sealed. · 32. From the referenced list: 1. Please revise the civil plans,. as discussed in a meeting on 12/15/97 with Bill Pridgen. 33. The "CALDAG" shower is not acc~ptable in California. Please revise the shower to comply with Title 24. 38. Please provide evidence that the City has approved the appeal to this item. 39. Please provide evidence that the City has approved the appeal to this item. 43. Please provide evidence that the City has approved the appeal to this item. 44. Lifts may be used when the State (OSHA and DSA) approves the condition. Please provide evidence of approval. 46. Please provide evioence that the City has approved the appeal to this item. 48. Please provide evidence that the City has approved the appeal to this item. 49. Even if that sloped area is a "walk," Section 1023 stjll requires a minimum width of 48 inches! 50. Show the required stair information on the plans; not on a separate 8½" x 11" sheet. 57. Remove from the plans all information regarding the Horse Ride. 60. Please see below for outstanding plumbing/mechanical corrections. Carlsbad 97-3356 II December 19, 1997 If you have any questions, please contact-Kurt Culver of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORREC1ION$ + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek • Castle Inn & Public Toilets • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 3. Correct the gas line plans and sizing calculations. A The City of Carl.sbad Building Official must review, for approval, the proposed below grade "gas line in the vented sleeve" under the Castle Inn Shade Structure. As per UPC, Section 1211.3 Exception. 8. Detail h_ow the "gas line in the vented sleeve" is constructed with more than two 90 degree elbows. Also, detail the venting system. C. The total gas demands at each fixture and gas demands for the gas lines do not agree. The total gas demand seem to be 3,882 CFH, not 2,150 CFH. ·gas lines are under sized. D. The 1-1/2 inch below grade gas line seems to be undersized serving more than six, 50 CFHfuture heaters. 6. Detail curbs at entry to handicapped showers or show shower drain 48 inches from entry or door into the shower stall. UPC Section 410.3 Also drain must be 6 inches maximum from rear shower stall wall in wheelchair accessible showers. Please correct the shower in room 103. 8. Provide combustion air for fuel burning water heaters in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, Section 507.0 ·Show the door louvers or high and low ducts to the Janitors .Closet 109 in the door schedule or mechanical plans to match the note on sheet P-302. 9. Detail the water heater flue (vent) offsets, length, pitch, and clearances as per UPC, Section 516.0; Not shown on sheet C100 00 P302. Carlsbad 97 .,.3356 II December 19~ 1997 • Castle Inn & Public Toilets • MECHANICAL (1994·UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 10. This plan review does not include the Kitchen Hood Systems, separate plans and permits are required for the kitchen hoods, including Health Department approval. • Castle Inn & Public Toilets • ENERGY CONSERVATION 13. The ENV-1 forms on sheet C000 00 M.000 must signed by the Principal Envelope Designer and Documentation Author. • Castle Base Building (Castle Sensory Coaster) • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 17. The floor sink below the landing shown on sheet C250 00 M206 to the Electrical Control Room 109 is not shown on the plumbing plans for the main condensate drainage from air conditioning unit for the Electrical Control Room 109. Please correct. • Castle Base Building • ENERGY CONSERVATION 20. The MECH-1 form on sheet C000 00 A000.2 must be signed by both the Principal Mechanical Designer and Documentation Author. The ENV-1 form on sheet G000 00 A000.2 must be signed by both the Principal Envelope Designer and Documentation Author .. • Mexican Food Stand (Food Stand North) • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 23. This plan review does not include the Kitchen Hood Systems, separate plans and permits are required for the kitchen hoods, inch,1ding Health Department approval. • Mexican Food Stand • ENERGY CONSERVATION 25. The ENV-1 form on sheet C000 00 A000 must be signed by both the Principal Envelope Designer and Documentation A.uthor .. • G.old Wash (Gem Wash) • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 27. Correct detail 4 on sheet C000 00 P209 to show the trap and vent for the hub drain. Carlsbad 97-3356 II December 19, 1991 28. Correct the .sheet C000 00 -P209 to show the required trap and vent for the floor drain iri the Electric Equipment room· 101. · • GemWash • ENERGY CONSERVATION 30. The ENV-1 form on sheet Cooo 00 A000.2 must be signed by both the Principal Envelope Designer and Documentation Author .. • Hamburgers Food Stand (Food Stand South) • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 23. This plan review does not include the. Kitchen Hood Systems, separate plans and permits are required for the kitchen hoods, including Health Department approval. • Hamburgers Food Stand (Food Stand South) • ENERGY CONSERVATION 37. The ENV-1 form on sheet C000 00 A000.2 must be signed by both the Principal Envelope Designer and Documentation Author. The completed MECH-1 form signed by both the Principal Envelope Designer and Documentation Author must be imprinted on the plans. • Enchanted Walk • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 38. Detail the trap and vent for the filter backwash standpipe .. The Civil Engineer's plans showing the trap and vent are not provided. See the note in detail C on sheet C-345 00 W340. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560--1468. to speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. ., DATE: 1/2/98 · JURISDICTION: Carlsbad, EsGil Corporation Professional Pfim !l{~vie.w 'E.nginurs PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-335·6 Electrical PROJECT ADDRESS: Legoland SET:I PROJECT NAME: General Electrical for Buildings D APPLICANT ~JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked t;,y building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. IZ] The check ·list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy. of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. IZJ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: faxed to Kyoko Adachi w/HOK Architecture D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. [:gl Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Kyoko Adachi Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: 310 453-2052 Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Enclosures:- Esgil Corporation D GA DCM D .l=J 0 PC 1.2/19/97 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1993 NEC DATE: 1/2/98 + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 97-3356 + PLAN REVIEWER: 'Eric Jensen + This submittal does not include the site lighting, amusement features, vault(s), and sound system. · 1. Specify on the plans that this permit does not encompass the installation of the "ride electrical design and/or wiring" .. The design, installation, permitting, artd inspection of the ride electrical has not been determined_ by the City of Carlsbad at this t_ime. 2. The substation and distribution switchboard layout shown on the single line diagrams do not match the approved set of plans i'Parkwide Distribution Loop". The nomenclature and the actual layout (number of transformers, number of substations, sizing does not coincide. Submit revised Parkwide plar:,s, including a layout for the substations, if the .plans have changed from P000E 105. Plan check for the 12 KVA transformers and distribution boards is not possible at this check. 3. Complete the AIC calculations and identify on the distribution boards the minimum required AIC rating of the equipment. 4. Feeder 12 on sheet C100E502 is undersized for a 400 ampere feeder. 5. The "Ruined Turret" does not comply with the following NEC code items: EWE, RPC, and DRC1 require a disconnecting means at the turret building, grouped, and connected to a common electrode. (Include the electrical supply for the mechanical system with the above requirements). 6. What is the carbon dioxide doing in front of the electrical panels for the Mexican Food stand? 7. The "Play Pavilion" and "Breath Taker" do not show building disconnecting means or grounding electrodes. (Lighting only supplied, no power plans submitted.) 8. Castle Hill Restaurant a) Common electrode connection between the emergency system and the distribution board " DPCI". b) Emergency signage per NEC 700-8 to be installed at DPCI disconnecting means. Please note on plans. c) Provide dimensions for distribution board "DPGI". If over 6' in length, address the 2 door or double the distance access clearance required "in front of' the board. NEC 110- 16 d) The kitchen equipment may ·not be part of this "phase" of the permitting process, however, the design of power supply to the various kitchen equipment needs to be addressed at this time. The panelboards installed in the remote kitchen equipment need to comply with NEC 110.,.16 clearances. Please confirm with the kitchen equipment supplier that this is the case. e) Does LP1 C1 have the required clearance "in front of' it. It appears that a water heater is installed infringing on NEC access requirements. f) The "Lighting Relay Panel" is missing from the single line diagram. g) Provide the emergency exitway illumination and exit signage design for the public areas. 9. Show the grounding system desigh for the "Castle Ice Cream" on both the floorplans and the single line diagram. 1 0. Complete the lighting plans for the "Castle Ice Cream". 11. Castle Base Building a) Include the grounding electrode connection on the single line diagram for emergency panel "EPCl3" at the coaster. · b) Dimension the electrical room 1.01 to comply with "double the distance" space "in front of' "DPCB". . c) Building disconnects; grounding electrodes for the "retail tents"? d) Address the following code items: common electrode system (EV-1, Lego Rack, "DPCB") and "grot.,Jped" building disconnecting means. e) Provide compl.ete details forthe fire pump room and equipment. Wiring methods, overcurrent device sizing, source of power1 feeder sizing. f) How is emergency exitway illumination provided at the coaster? g) How is ventilation provided in electrical room 101? h) Complete the roof plan on. sheet C250E202. 12. Specify on the plans how the "RC_" grounding/b~flding and electrical designs will be handled. 13. Where are panel boards "EPLM1" and "EPLM2" located? Show common electrodes, grouping, and signage at their locations in addition to the normal power. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (61-9) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. ., DATE: 12/2/97 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 PROJECT ADDRESS: Legoland EsGil c·orporation Professional Plim !R,f.view 'Engiuers SET:I D -APPLICANT ~ ~VIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Underground feeder co;nduit totJting -Castle Hill D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by buildihg department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitte.d for a complete· recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information .. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: faxed to· Kyoko Adachi w/ HOK Architecture D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advis.e the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Kyoko Adachi Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: fax) Fax #: (310) 453 2052 Mail Telephone Fax In ·P.erson D REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA 0 CM D EJ 0 PC 11/21/97 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California ·92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (6l9) 560-1576 + l:LECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW • 1993 NEC + JURISDICTION: Carlsbad + PLAN REVll:W NUMBER: 97-3356 + PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen DATE: 12/2/97 This plan check is only for the underground "slab only" el.ectrical. I. A grounding. detail is referenceq for the buildings shown; Note 1 references detail 6 on sheet E-601. That detail should be intluded with this set of drawings for the site work. II. Any separate building and/or structure requires· a grounding electrode system: None of the RC's or smaller buildings provide a grounding det~il. Note: If you h~ve any questions regarding. this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the co"rrected items have been addressed on the plans. EsGil Corporation Professio1tf!.[ P!tm. !l?.f.view 'Engineers DATE: November 18, 1997 JURISDICTION: Carlsl>a,d PLAN CHECK NO.: 97.;3356 PROJECT ADDRESS: i,EGOLAND PROJECT NAME: The:Qfe Park Buildings ' .. SET:I Castle Hill c:l~NT ~ 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitte6j herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction~s .building codes. ~·, . ,,~:, D The plans transmitted herewith will' substantially comply-with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. · D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list' and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. · ~ The check listtransmitted herewith is for your information. The plans c1re being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of th? check list is. enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: faxed to Kyoko Adachi w/ HOK Architecture D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plah check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did ·advise the ·applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:. Kyoko Adachi Date contacted: (by: fax) Mail Telephone D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation Fax·/ In Person D GA D CM D EJ D PC Telephone #: Fax #: (310) 453-2052 Enclosures: 11/4/97 trnsmtLdot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 OCCUPANCY: Varies TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Varies ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: Varies SPRINKLERS?: Varies REMARKS: Multiple buildings. DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: November 18, 1997 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: Theme Park ACTUAL AREA: Varies STORIES: 1 Hl=IGHT: Varies OCCUPANl LOAD: Varies DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 11/4/97 PLAN REVIEWER: Kurt Culver This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Cqde, Uniform Mechanicc;3I Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is ·based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with-the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed-up the· recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been .addressed. i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 22, GENERAL COMMERCIAL WITHOUT ENERGY OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1994 UBC) cornforw.dot -' Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residential projects.). For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (619) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Plannihg, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (619) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. · NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering .and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. 2. This correction list consists of two basic components. Below are general corre(?tions that generally apply throughout the project. Later in this list are specific correctio_ns for a given building or area. • PLANS 3. General Comment: ihe plans submitted were substantially incomplete. There are many missing details and call outs. Without these, a complete plan review could not be performed. Time delays will likely occur at recheck due to this incomplete submittal. 4. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by· the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed: Business and Professions Code. Additionally, if the "Detail Book" is to be part of the construction documents, then every single she.et within the l;)ook must be signed/sealed. The State's allowance to have just the cover sheet signed applies only to structural calculations. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 5. Show on the Title Sheet all buildings, structures, walls, etc. included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly .identified as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet. a) The various rides shown on the plans are beyond the scope of requirements given in the UBC (i.e., the dynamics of loading, etc.). Please indicate on the plans that they are not a part of any request for a building permit. b) If the various fences/retaining walls are to be a part of this permit, please provide a breakdown of the .height and length. This is needed for permit purposes. Additionally, indicate which pages of the calculations show their design. · c) Please provide a COMPLETE listing of all miscellaneous structures to be built under this. To provide a faster plan review, please also indicate where the corresponding structural detailing may be found (give specific . sheets) and where in the calculations the design may be found (give · specific pages). 6. When reporting the floor areas, include the covered areas outside the buildings (sometimes shown as a canvas coverjng for some buildings). 7. On the cover sheet of the plans, provide a 'list of any items that will have a deferred submittal (shade cover structures, etc., etc.). Additionally, provide the following note onthe plans, per Sec. "Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the architect or engineer of record, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred submittal items shal.I NOT oe installed until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official." 8. Based on the occupant load shown for the Castle Inn, it should be classified as an A-2.1 occupancy. As such, Type V-1hour is the minimum type of construction allowed. • FIRE-RESISTIVE ·CONSTRUCTION The following fire-resistive construction corrections apply to those buildings required to be of Type V-1 hour construction. 9. Provide details of tl:le one-hour fire-resjstive construction. Include roof/ceiling assemblies, floor/ceiling assemblies, wall c;1ssemblies, column and beam assemblies, etc. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 10. Detail how fire-resistive wall and ceiling protection will be maintained at all duct penetrations such as at bathroom and kitchen hood fans, laundry room fans and dry_er vents. Also detail recessed lightfixtures. Sections 709, 71 O'. 11. Fire dampers shall be installed per Section 713.11 at all ducted or unducted air openings at penetrations of: a) Ceilings of fire-resistive floor-ceiling assemblies or roof-ceiling assemblies. 12. Provisions in Chapter 7 require special treatment of penetrations at fire-resistive assemblies. Provide typical details on the plans showing how the fire-resistive integrity will be maintaineo at the following conditions (Include the manufacturers' names and .ICBO numbers (or equal) for any sealant): THROUGH-PENETRATIONS (through the entire assembly): Fi're-resistive bearing walls and/or walls requiring protected openings shall have penetrations protected wit_h through-penetration fire stops having an F-rating, T-rating or complying with UBC Standard 7-1, depending on their locations, sizes-and combustibility. Fire resistive floor/ceiling assemblies shall 'have penetrations protected with through-penetration fire stops having and F-rating, T-rating or complying with UBC Standard 7-1, dependin~ on their sizes, combustibility and whether the penetrations are in walls above. MEMBRANE-PENETRATIONS (through only one side of an assembly): Fire-resistive walls (wnether bearing or not and Whether requiring fire protected openings or not) shall have penetrations protected with membrane-penetration fire st~ps having an F.,.rating or complying with UBC Standard 7-1, depending on their size and combustibility. Limited steel electrical outlet boxes (not exceeding 16 sq. in., nor more than 100 sq. in. for any 100 sq. ft. of wall) require no protection. Fire-resistive ceilings shall have no penetrations, except for noncombustible sprinkler pipes and steel electrical outlet boxes as described above. NOTE: The plans should indicate the various fire-stop· ratings ·required for all penetrations. 13. Fire-resistive exterior w_all construction shall be maintained through attic areas or other areas containing concealed spaces. Section 709.3.1. 14. Detail all furred ceilings as required in Section 803. Show fire-retardant treated wood where necessary. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, .1997·- • INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING FINISHES 15. Provide a note on the plans.or on the finish schedule, stating, "Wall and ceiling materials shall not exceed the flame spread classifications in UBC Table 8-8." 16. In addition to the above, please justify the apparent use of Lego® pieces as a finish material. As a plastic, it ·likely won't comply with the Chapter 8 provisions. • EXITS· 17. Exit doors from Group A occupancies shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Chapter to. 18. Some of the Queue areas require two exits. Please review all plans for them and show that two complying exits are available. Any gates obstructing the exits are a concern. Chapter 10. In some instances, the width of the access leading to such gates may be too narrow. 19. Show compliance with UBC Sec. 1.002.3 .. 20. Show compliance with UBG Sec. 101-3.6. • EXIT SIGNS 21. Exit signs are required whenever two exits are required. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 1013.1. • ROOFS 22. Specify on the plans the following information for the roof materials, per Section 106.3.3: . . a) Manufacturer's name. b) Product name/nl,Jmber. c) ICBO approval number, or equal. 23. In addition to the above, justify the various canvas coverings shown throughout. The City of .Carlsbad requires Class B roofing minimum. 24. Additionally, justify the thatched roofs specified on some buildings ! ! Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 • . FOUNDATION 25. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan ahd specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (When required by the soil report).. 26. Please review all· foundation plans. It appears that some of the hold down anchors required in the calculations are not shown properly on the plans . . • STRUCTURAL 27. When special inspection is require<;:!, the architect or engineer of tecord shall prepare an inspection .program Which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please review Section 106.3,5. Please complete the attached form. 28. In seismic zones 3 or 4, if a structur~ is defined in Table 16-K as Occupancy Category 1, 2 or 3, note on the plans that "Structural observation by the engineer/architect shall be performed. A statement in writing shall be given to the building official, stating that the site visits have been made and whether or not any observed deficiencies have been corrected to conform to the approved plans and specifications". Section 1702. · 29. NOTE! Many sheets of the calculations were too faint to read. Please provide new copies, with much darker print. Review all sheets. 30. Show compliance with UBC Sec. 1611 at details 2/S520, 16/$520, etc. (no cross-grain bending/tension). 31. Please provide calculations for the ledget bolting at detail 16/S520, 6/S521, etc. • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS 32. Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997. • CASTLE HILL • Castle Inn· 33. The shower in Room 103 does not seem to comply with California's Title 24 provisions. Please justify this, 34. At detail 2/A22, and elsewhere, please dimension the clear distance between the water closet and the lavatory. Title 24. 35. On sheet S210, there is a reference to framing note "B" .on Line 4 (by Line A). This seems to be misplaced. 36. Some of the bearing walls and columns on sheet S210 have no footings below them!! 37. Provide additional detailing on sheet S210 . . • Castle Base (Coaster). 38. Provide ramp/elevator access to the balcony at 2/A206. Title 24. 39. Please justify the elevation difference between Rooms 120/121 on sheet A206. 40. Please clarify if the "retail tents" on sheet A206 are to be treated as part of the Castle Sase building (same Type of Construction, etc.), Otherwise, show an assumed property line between them and the main building. 41. Room 114 (Lo~ding) requires two exits from it. It appears that only one is shown. 42. Please clarify the two required exits from Room 110 (Unloading). 43. Please clarify the access for the disabled from Room 110. 44. Special access lifts may be provided between levels, in lieu of passenger elevators, when the vertical distance between landings, structural design and safeguards are permitted by the State of C-alifornia, Division of the State Architect, Access Compliance Section, the Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, and any applicable safety regulations, or other administrative authorities having jurisdiction. PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE ABOVE. Carlsbad 97-3'356 November 1~, 1997 45. If lifts are provided, they shall be designed and constructed to facilitate unassisted entry, operation and exit from the lift. See Section 3008 for specific requirements. 46. Sheet A206 shows stair access to various areas, such as .to Room 116, to the operator's booth, to 103, etc. Please justify this, considering the disabled access provisions of Title 24. 47. The actual available stair width shown at 2/A266 seems to be less than allowed by Code. Please justify this. Check other stairs, too. 48. Provide access for the disabled to the stage on sheet A267. Title 24. 49. The 3'-9" dimension shown at 1/A268 doesn't seem to be the CLEAR width of the ramp. Please show the required clear width of the ramps, per Title 24. 50. The series of steps shown at 1/A268 requires handrails. Title 24, unlike the USC, requires handrails for any steps. Also, show the color stripes, etc. as per Title 24. 51. Please specify all footing sizes on the foundation plan. 52. The column on sheet S202 on Line 13 (at Line 1.5) is not braced in the east/west direction. Was this considered in its design? 53. Specify ~II framing member sizes on sheet S202. 54. Please detail the column bases at detail C/S562. .Are they moment connections? • RUINED TURRET 55. Please clarify if the bridge referenced at 2/A252 is part of this permit. If so·, provide complete structural design and plans for it. • FOOD STANDS 56. Sheet A408 is too faint to read. • HORSE RIDE 57. Fill ih the empty reference bubble ori sheet S225. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 • LYCH-GATE/STONEWALL 58. Please clarify the method of resisting lateral loads for these structures. • ADDITIONAL 59. It must be emphasized that this incomplete submittal will likely cause delays in gaining plan review approval. Please discontinue submitting such incomplete sets!!! 60. Please see the following sheets for plumbing, mechanical, energy and electrical corrections. - 61. Please see the following sheets for. Plumbing, Mechanical and Energy corrections. - 62. No electrical plans were provided. Please submit them. This will cause considerable delays. 63. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been add.ressed, i.~ .• plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 64. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are_ other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Cl Yes Cl No 65. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Driv.e, Suite 208; San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 61-9/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, pl~ase contact Ku~t Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. - Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 + CASTLE HILL + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS + PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek • GENE~L CORRECTIONS 1. Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the licensed designer. · • Castle Inn & Public Toilets • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM· PLUMBING COOE) 2. Provide complete.water line sizing calctJlations, including the water_pressure, pressure losses, water demands, and developed pipe lengths. UPC Section 610.0 3. Provide gas line plans and calculations., showing pipe lerigths and gas demands. UPC Section 1217.0 4. Please provide grease interceptor sizing calculations as per UPC, Appendix H as per UPC, Section 1012. · 5. Showers, control valves must be-pressure balance or thermostatic mixing valves. UPC Section 410.7 6. Detail curbs at entry to Handi'capped showers or show shower drain 48 inches from entry or doo( into the shower stall. UPC Section 410.3 Also drain must be 6 inches rnaximum from rear shower stall wall in wheelchair accessible showers. 7. Detail the required listed reduced pressure principle backflow preventer as protection of water connection to carbonator. UPC, Section 603.3.12 8. Provide combustion air for fuel burning water heaters in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code, Section 507.0 9. Detail the water heater flue (vent) offsets, length, pitch, and clearances as per UPC, Section 516·.o. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 • Castle Inn & Public Toilets • MECHANICAL (1994UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 10. Provide complete kitchen hood plans, details, and calculations to show compliance with UMC, Chapter 5, Part II. as per the following: No F series hood drawings in the plan package. a) Provide the UL listing card showing the exhaust sizing requirements used b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) for this hood. , Provide exhaust sizing calculations for kitchen hoods. UMC, Section 508.7 Provide grease duct air velocity calculations. Minimum 1,500 fpm and maximum 2,500 fpm. UMC, Section 507.8 Each room provided with a kitchen exhaust system shall have air supplied to the room equal to the amount of air to be exhausted. The exhaust and make-up air systems shall be connected by an electrical interlocking switch. UMC, Section 402.4. Provide construction details of required fire rated grease duct enclosure and hood enclosure. UMC, Sections 507.6, and 508.4.1 , Detail grease duct discharge clearances as per UMC, Section 507.11, (Minimum of 1 0 feel from parapet wall and air. intake of HVAC unit.) The fire-rated grease duct and/or hood enclosures must extend from the point of penetration of the ceiling up to the roofing. The ceiling or hood enclosure must be over the hood. UMC, Sections 507.6, 508.4, and 508.4.1 The fire-rated grease duct enclosures must be sealed around the duct at the point of penetration of the ceiling. UMC, Section 507.6 Clearly show the material used to construct the hood and exhaust duct. UMC, Sections 508.2 & 507 .3 An exhaust outlet within the hood shall be so located as to optimize the capture of particulate mater. Each 01,.Jtlet shall serve not more than 12 foot section of hood. UMC, Section 508. 9; A complete kitchen hood system plan review will be done when complete hood system plans, details, and calculations are provided. , 11. Detail disposal sites of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units as per UMC Section 31 0 Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 • Castle Inn & Public Toilets • ENERGY CONSERVATION 12. Complete the energy desigri package for the Castle Inn & Public Toilets. The Building Conditioned floor areas are not shown on the ENV-1 and MECH-1 forms. 13. The completed and signed ENV-1 and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. • Castle Base Building ,. PLUMBING·(1994_UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 14. Provide complete water line sizing calculations, including the water pressure, pressL1re losses, water demands, and developed pipe lengths. UPC Section 610.0 15. Provide gas line plans and calculations, showing pipe lengths and gas demands. UPC Section 1217.0 • Castle Base Building • MECHANICAL (1-994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE): 16. Provide mechanical ventilation in all rooms capable of supplying outside air at a minimum rate of ,15 -cubic feet.per minute per occupant. USC, Section 1202.2.1 Show the required outside air to the Fan Coil Units. 17. Detail disposal sites of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units as per UMC Section 31 0 The pl'umbing plans do not show the indirect waste receptors for the condensate waste shown on sheet C250 00 M202. 18. Detail overflow (secondary) condensate discharge from air conditioning units that are in a ceiling space to readily observed locations. UMC Section 310.1.1 • Castle Base Building • ENERGY CONSERVATION 19. Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. Provide the completed ENV-1, ENV-2, ENV-3, MECH-1, MECH-2, MECH-3, and MECH-4 forms showing energy compliance. 20. The completed and signed ENV-1 and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. Carlsbad 97-335Ei November 18, 1997 • Mexican Food Stand -• PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 21. The plumbing floor plans do not match the rest of the floor plans for the Mexican Food Stand Please correct. 22. Provide gas line plans and calculations, showing pipe lengths and gas demands. UPC Section 1217.0 • Mexican Food Stand (Food Stand North) • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 23. Provide complete kitchen hood plans, details, and calculations to show compliance with UMC, Chapter 5, Part 11 as per the following: No F series hood drawings in the plan .package. a) Provide the UL listing card showing the exhaust sizing requirements used for this hood. · b) Provide exhaust sizing calculations for kitchen hoods. UMC, Section 508.7 c) Provide grease duct air veloci~y calculations. Minimum 1,500 fpm and maximum 2,500 fpm. UMC, Section 507.8 d) Each room provided with a kitche:n exhaust system s~all have air supplied to the room equal to the amount of air to be exhausted. The exhaust and make-up air systems shall be connected by an electrical interlocking switch. UMC, Section 402.4 e) Provide construction details of required fire rated grease duct enclosure and hood enclosure. UMC, Sections 507.6, and 508.4.1 f) Detail grease duct discharge clearances as per UMC, Section 507 .11, (Minimum of 10 feet from parapet wall and air intake of HVAC unit.) g) -The fire-::rated grease duct and/or hood enclosures must extend from the point of penetration-of the ceiling up to the roofing. The ceiling· or hood enclosure must be over the hood. UMC, Sections 507.6, 508.4, and 508.4.1 h) The fire-rated grease duct enclosures rnust be sealed around the duct at the point of penetration of the ceiling. UMC, S.ection 507.6 i) Clearly show the material used to construct the hood and exhaust duct. UMC, Sections 508.2 & 507 .3 j) An exhaust-outlet within the hood shall be so located as to optimize the capt1,.1re of particulate mater. Each outlet shall serve not more than 12 foot section of hood._ UMC, Section 508.9. k) A complete kitchen hood system plan review will be· done when complete hood system plans, details, and calculations are provided. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 • Mexican Food Stand • ENERGY CONSERVATION 24. Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. Provide the completed ·ENV-1, ENV-2, ENV-3, MECH-1, MECH-2, MECH-3, and MECH-4 forms showing·energy compliance. 25. The completed and signed ENV-1 and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. • Gold Wash (Gem Wash?) • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 26. The plumbing plans for the Gold Wash is incomplete. What does the sewer and water lines serve? • Gem Wash sheet C-346 00 W348 • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUM.BING CODE) 27. Det~il the trap and vent for the filter backwash standpipe. The Civil Engineer's · . plans showing the trap and vent are not provided. See the note in detail A on sheet C-346 00 W348. 28. Detail the trap and vent for the floor drain in the Gem Wash Equipment Vault shown on sheet C-346 00 W348; Show the drain lines. • GemWash • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 29. Detail overflow (secondary) condensate discharge from air conditioning units that are in a ceiling space to readily observed locations. UMC Section 310.1.1 • GemWash • ENERGY CONSERVATION 30. Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. Provide the completed ENV-1, ENV-2, ENV,-3, MECH-1, MECH-2, MECH-3, and MECH-4 forms showing energy compliance. • Ruined Turret • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 31. Provide sewer ejector pump plans and sizing calculations and details. 32. Provide complete the water line plans and sizing calculations. No water treatment drawing for·the Ruined Turret provided. Carlsbad 97.:3356 November 18, 1997 • Hamburgers Food Stand • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 33. The plumbing floor plans do not match the rest of the floor plans for the Hamburgers Food Stand (Food Stand South). Please correct. 34. Provide gas line plans and calculations, showing pipe lengths and gas demands. UPC Section 1217.0 • . Hamburgers Food Stand (Food Stand South) • MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL COOE) 35. Provide complete kitchen hood plans, details, and calculations to show compliance with UMC, Chapter 5, Part II. as per. the following: No F series hood drawings in the plan package. a) Provide the UL listing card showing lhe exhaust sizing requirements used for this hood. b) Provide exhaust sizing calculations for kitchen hoods.· UMC, Section 508.7 c) Provide grease duct air velocity calculations. Minimum 1,500 fprn and maximum 2,500 fpm. UMC, Section 507:8 . . d) Each room provided with a kitchen exhaust system shall have air supplied to the room equal to the amount of air to be exhausted. The exhaust ahd make-up air systems shall be connected by an electrical interlocking switch. UMC, 'Section 402.4 · e) Provide construction details of required fire rated grease duct enclosure and hood enclosure. UMC, Sections 507.6, and 508.4.1 f) Detail grease duct discharge. clearances as per UMC, Section 507 .11, (Minimum of 10 feet from parapet wall and air intake of HVAC unit.) g) The fire-rated grease duct and/or hood enclosures must extend from the point of penetration of the ceiling up to the roofing. The ceiling or hood enclosure must be over the hood. UMC, Sections 507.6, 508.4, and 508.4.1 h) The fire-rated grease duct enclosures mw~t be sealed around the duct at the point of penetration of the ceiling. UMC, Section 507.6 i) Clearly show the material used to construct the hood and exhaust duct. · UMC, Sections 508.2 & 507.3 . j) An exhaust outlet within the hood shall be so located as to optimize the capture of particulate mater. Each outlet shall serve not more than 12 foot section of hood. UMC, Section 508; 9. k) . A complete kitchen hood system plan review will be done when complete hood system plans, details, and calculations are provided. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 -• Hamb._.rgers Food Stand • ENERGY CONSERVATION 36. Provide plan$, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. Provide the complet_ed ENV-1, E:NV-2, ENV-3, MECH-1, MECH-2, MECH-3, and MECH-4 :forms showing energy compliance. 37. The completed and signed ENV-1 ahd MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. • Enchanted Walk • PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 38. Detail the trap and vent for the filter backwash standpipe. The Civil Engineer's. plans showing the trap and vent are not provided. See the note in detail Con sheet C-345 00 W340. 39. The completed and si~ned ENV-t and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. • Horse Ride Queue Structure • MECHANICAL (1.994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) - 40. Detail overflow (secondary) condensate discharge from air conditioning units that are in a ceiling space to readily observed locations. UMC Section 310.1.1 • Horse Ride Queue Structure • ENERGY CONSERVATION 41. Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. Provide the completed :ENV-1, ENV-2, ENV-3, MECH-1, MECH-2, MECH-3, and MECH-4 forms showing energy compliance. 42. The completed and si~ned ENV-1 and MECH-1 forms must be imprinted on the plans. Note: If you have any questions regarding this plan rev'iew list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. '· Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT NON RESIDENTIAL TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS The following disabled -aGcess items are taken from the 1995 edition of California Building Code, Title 24. Per Section 101 .17.11, all publicly and privately funded public accommodations and commercial .facilities · shall be accessible -to persons with disabilities. · (1) Any building, structure, facility, complex, or improved area, or portions NOTE: All Figures and Tables referenced in this checklist are printed in the California Building Code, Title 24. • SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS 1. Clearly show that the site development IS designed to provide access to all entranc~s and exterior ground floor exits. as well as access to normal paths of travel, per Section 11278.1. Where necessary to provide access, shall incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, stairways and handrails, etc. THERE IS A CONCERN THROUGHOUT THIS CASTLE HIL,L PORT(ON OF THE THEME PARK FOR DISASLED ACCESS. THE DESIGNER SHOULD MEET WITH THE PLAN CHECKER TO DISCUSS THIS. • PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 2. Once the correction abov~ is clarified, the specific ramps with Castle Hill will be reviewed. • SPECIAL HAZARDS 3. Provide the. following as a general note: Objects projecting from walls with their leading edges comply with Section 11218.1: a) >27" but s80" above finished floor protrude s4" into walks, halls, corridors, passageways or aisles. b) s.27" or >80" above finished floor may protrude any amount. c) Freestanding_ ol:>jects mounted on posts or pylons may overhang s12" into the walk, hall, etc. if '?.27" but s80" above ground surface or finished floor. ,. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 4. Note.that transit boarding platforms have a pedestrian access which is identified with a directional defectable texture. The raised bars shall be 1.3" wide and 3" o.c. off each bar. This surface shall be placed behind a yellow detectable warning texture (truncated domes) and aligned with all doors of transit vehicles, per Section 1024.3. (Shouldn't this apply at.the locations where persohs will board the various rides?) End . ) Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-33.56 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: November 18, 1997 . BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND Castle Hill BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N ... BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Castle Inn . 674,717 .. . . -- Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 674,717 ~ 1991 UBC Building Permit F'ee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 2564.50 ~ 1991 USC Plan Check Fee D Plah Check Fee by ordinance: $ 1666.93 Type of Review: ~ Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fe~ Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 1333.54 Comments: All values were provided by the designer. Sheet 1 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 (_ Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 PREPARED BY: Kutt Culver DATE: November 18, 1997 BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND Castle Hill BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION 11 BUILDING ARl=A VALUATION VALUE . (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER .. ($) Public Toilets 193,784 - .. - -· Air Conditionino Fire Sprinklers _ TOTAL VALUE 193,784 ~ 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 968.50 ~ 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 629.53 Type of Review: ~ Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 503.62 Comments: All values were provided by the designer. Sheet 2 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A4 -- BUILDING PORTiON BUILDING AREA (ft. 2), Coaster Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 DATE: November 18, 1997 Castle H:ill TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VAl-UATION VALUE MUl,,.TIPLIER ($) 1,478,071 -- . 1,478,071 ~ 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 4497.50 ~ 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Pl~n Check Fee by ordinance: $ 2923.38 Type of Review: ~ Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 2338.70 Comments: All values were provided by the designer. Sheet 3 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 -· Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK F.EE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND BUILDING OCCUPANCY: M BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft. 2) Dunqeon Ice Cream " " Air Conditioninq Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 DATE: NQvember 18, 1997 Castle Hill TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION VALUE MLi_L TIPLIER ($) 166,204 166,204 ~ 1991 USC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 874.00 ~ 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 568.10 Type of Review: ~ Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: EsgU Plan Review Fee: $ 454.48 Comments: All values were provided by the designer. Sheet 4 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 ,_ Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK F-EE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: Nove~ber 18, 1997 BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND Castle Hill BUILDING OCCUPANCY: M TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Retail 94,256 Air Conditioning Fire Sorinklers TOTAL VALUE 94,256 IZI 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 617.00 IZI 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 401.05 Type of Review: IZI Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: Comments: All values were provided by the designer. $ 320.84 Sheet 5 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 ,, .. Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND BUILDING OCCUPANCY: 8 BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft. 2) Food Stand North Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 .DATE: November 18, 1997 Castle Hill TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) 167,890 167,890 IZI 1991 USC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 877.50 IZI 1991 USC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 570.38 Type of Review: IZI Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 456.30 Comments: All values were provided by the designer. Sheet 6 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 · VALUAilON AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: November 18, 1997 BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND Castle Hill BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE .. (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Food Stand South . 124,718 . . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VAL.LIE 124,71.8 cgj 1991 UBC Buildi~g Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 727.00 cg] 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 472.55 Type of Review: l2J Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee:. $ 378.04 Comments: All values. were provided -by the designer. Sheet 7 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 PREPARED BY: Kurt Cu1ver DATE: November 18, 1997 BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLA?fD Castle Hill BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft2) MULTIPLl~R ($) Play Pavilion 37,093 .. . . ... Air ConditioninQ Fire Sprinklers - TOTAL VALUE 37,093 ~ 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 336.50 ~ 1991 USC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 218. 73 Type of Review: ~ Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable: D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: Comments: All valu~s were provided by the designer. $ 174.98 Sheet 8 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 Carlsbad 97-3356 November 18, 1997 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 97-3356 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: November 18, 1997 BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND Castle Hill BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V'-N BUILDING PORilON BUILDING AREA VALUA1'ION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Green Room 28,415 - - Air Conditioning Fire Sprinkl_ers TOTAL VALUE 28,415 ~ 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee · D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinahce: $ 278.00 ~ 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 180. 70 Type of Review: ~ Complete Review D Structural Only · D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: ·Esgil-Pla,n Review Fee: $ 144.56 Comments: All values were provided by the oesigner. Sheet 9 of 9 macvalue.doc 5196 /. \ . , .. ,. -· . . . . . . . ,• .·. .· .. ;: . ·.• .. _,_,· . . ·. . -·~--... . ,'. r ·. 11 =o . ~ AtJ . CH E:G tc- .. ;t:t=. 33 · \ \ . . ~ ~ . ·.··., . . . . ' i'' f f ... . ~ ! < ,. ~-. f',, .. . I · ..... . , . .-... :· .· : .. . f-. · .. ,... .. l ; i i ,. I i t I' ; J /. i • . , ' . · .. ·, ~-. ' ' .,._ ·: . · ........ . , . • ••• I• .• ,.~. -~ ~ _:, ..::., _.:, :J J _J _:) _:J ..:J .:J :J ·::> :) _:) _:) _:) ::> -::> J -::> _:) :l ':J "::> J -:J ':) ".') :l :) :> :) :) ':) :) :) GENERAL REQUJREilE'i'/TS SHOWERS ..... 't. . _1 24" MAX. -- I .I I-I. I . ~ ·- ' - H-+-H-l-'-N._ r--+-+-H-l-'+.-H-+-!-++-l-1-.-+' "-1,.-1· 'FOLDING '= H-+-H-t---'-t---f'~r,._H_ -+-t-t-t--t--+-+-H'-"---1,; ..,.-~+-I SEAT ' .,.. . .k -1 I ·1 . I I' I ... '-"" .,.... ' .... : , ,. '· It ., ' . ., . .. :-.. REQUIRED ·CLEAR . FLOOR SPACE . --'-. ..:. ,- ,- ,- - I . I J I :-. ' . ' ' ' :_Jr,t)' 1---... · · . · .•. . . I L--=--~---.. ------~ ------,-,--6,Q!' -MIN·. ---------<- GENERAL NOTES -· THRESHOLD AND/OR c·URBS ARE t-tOT AL.LOWED IN--SHOWER STALLS. 2% MAXIMUM -SURFACE SLOP_E (1 :5.0 GR;i\DIENT) At..LOWE;D WITHIN BOTH STALL AND ADJACENT CLEAR FLOOR SPACt. FLOOR SURF AC.ES TO :BE: CARBORUNDUM, GRIT-PACED TILE, . OR OF' OTHER MATERlAL PROVIDING -EQUIVAl,.ENT ·SUP-RESISTANCE. Fig.93 ff 1111:tJ:, ........ '3.jj .~.:J~~n.,.,,·L.-·.,:.· .···~ ........ , '--~~,J -c., -- The CalDAG -California Disabied Accessibliity Guldeb6ok ct)1996 PCC 289 4'-2 3/4" 8'-5 1/4" 5~. _EQ ~ ::::::,, ,---=.'ti..!..!_____,_ ',2 ·~ 2c:i·.,.3 3/4'' I ' I. . 2q·-c:i 114" "· I 12'-8" ·I13'-II 3/4" EQ I. EQ ,,, ©, D <( 'W L, -~-·SY'{ING-BAR,s·· ... _, .,·., ·DN .. ~-· ~-. ~- 7;-'------'----,.~-,71_..__:_,~'"----,---'-"--.. 't"' D .0:. . . . .~: ::CL 4 ;C !, · . : I~, ~ ,/ ,, .. SLOPE UP cf ,W,i: t!. ;:: I ·GJ 1: I W .ir ' ' Ql',, 11! -·-~ ~Qi_/ ·-~/,-. '/ 0·. -~ ·t::71~15" SJ/'IING· f?AR ,-, 1-1-R--~ ~ --; ':':'. ~ t. ~ I. ~ _ ----~. SLOPE-UPl 4 · I~;---V; Eg Eq Eei.! EQ 2'-10 1/4" 15'-6 1/4" 1:2''-8" 21'-IO 1/4" 4'-4" 32'-2 1/4" !It . C;I ' I d} 'ii) , N '1. \) ' . FLM CH/5.cJc_ COf:/2&::,T/<Jf,.J FLOOR PLAN @ au~~ C..'250/oo/ A~t,,,., #:-/ 8 4' 5 0 CD SCALE 1/4" • 1•-0• •.. ,,, = . ' . · .. •, ,, ~-. ~ . ~ ,, . . ; ' .. '. . ",,• •' I ''',,:,• ',' ' • J:' .t:PO u 8;n"1· ·cH~lC-.CCJ/212-&CTlCJf-J ~. 33 ·.-·· , •• •.t •••••• , •• ,' ' .... ·: ... l < ' L,. I .. ·· .... i. :_. " . )'-... : ( .. · ,'·' . r. , .[ ! l 1 t ~ r ! t .. : . f .. ! . f . ~ ·. " ' r • i i ~-· .. ' '· 1. ! ? I ... : . . . '.~ ·'. ~- ~· ; •, I• ,• ••~• '~ ~ ..:, ...:J _:) :J ..:> _:) _:::, _:J ...:::> _:) ::> -::> :J _J _J _:J J -:> -:J '":) .:> :) :> :> J -:J ':) ".) :) ::> :) . :) ':) -:) :> :) GENERAL REQUJREAIENTS SHOWERS SHOWER HEA0 · -. <r_ AND CONTROLS~-_ ~ 24" MAX .. I _ ., I ·1 1.·1-1 ·-. . ,~ . -· - '" z ::E: . ·-. .... , ..... : . b ...., : ~t:1 .... ttltf::1 1 ~ ::t+t1tt::t:t~:ttt1tt:ttt:li,...~ " " , ): 4 -·1 I I REQU.IRED Cl,EA:R -.1 Z I FLOOR SP ACE I -~ I I 1a r I ...., : .· . i_j L._ --·-_. . --. . --.·. --·-----_J . -----'------,-60" Ml N ...... · ---,,.---,,-....,,........- ,· G-ENERAL _-NOTES THRESHOLD AND/OR CURBS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN SHOWER STALLS. 2% MAXIMVM Sl,JRFACE S.LOPE (1 :50 GRADIENT}' ALLOWED WITHIN BOTH STALL AND' ADJACENT CLEAR FLOOR SPACE. - :FLOOR SURFACES TO B~ CARBORUNDUM, GRIT--FACED TILE, OR OF OTHE:R MAl'ERIAL PROVIDING EQUIVALEN1 SLIP--RESl'STANCE. Fig.93· - ' .. . ~ -- . LJl:_J~t~e:'w:·:s.~.j~;:~::,t;_; .. U.J.:,c:·-~·J,·1.~ The CalDAG -California -Disabled Accessibility Guidebook _ -e1sss-pcc • -: ; ,_. ,. , .. ' ', .-., •: .• ,_.\?,., 289 HOK/96.0634.00.1 Supply: Trap: LEGOLAND,CARLSBAD exposed mounting qn three hole sinks, standard 8" long spout swings 3 60 degree, · 8" c>n centers,. ievet type ha,ndle. Bi:asscraft Rl 712, loo~e key. Cast brass, chrome-plated, cocJe approved "P?' trap. P. Sink (S-2): 18 gauge, type 302, selfrim, stainless steel, J-hole punch, double sink 3J."x 21 1/4" . Fixture: Trjm: Supply:. trap: ElkayLR-3321 with LIC-35 crumb cup strainer. S~eas S-1. Same as, ·s-1. Same as S ... l. Q. Drinking Fountrun (DF-lfDF:.2) Handi<;apped: Dual bowl~ 16 gauge stainless steel with staihless steel . . . . Fixture: Supply: Trap: · support am). Bowl and arm tQ have No. 4 satin finish, fixture and drain to be satin finish; Fixture to have bubbler with dual lever . handle valves. Filtetine mod~l l 07-14-HL; to be modified. by nltrine to meet.the State and local ADA requirement.. Brass Cra,ft:R.12 stop. Cast brass, ~ode approved ''P" trap. R. Electric Water Cooler (EWC-1): Barner free; Haws #HWCDH8, stajnless steel, 430watts, 120V-IPH.. · · Shower {SH.:1 ): Cambridge Brass Model No: i I TS 16~, ·single lever pressure balancjng·control valve, polished.chrome plated finish metal trim, set screw shower arm flange, integral stops, . and checks, vandal 'resistant metal lever handle. T. .Shower (SH-2)(Handicapped): Same. as SH-I except with-hand shower; vacuum breaker and 14,, sliding bar. . U. · Emergency Eyewash (EEW~l): Haws #7260-BT with green ABS receptor, trap and ·btacket.n FGMP -FINAL SET D«ember 3, l 997 . 15440-6 PLUMnING FIXTURES. I ' I: .W l I I I ~ I I· i ., ~ t ~ I: ~ \3 I: ~ \) ,I: ~ lf) \j #- l ~~ ~~ ~ f'! r . I I I I I I .::: ---_ -ii- ATTACHMENT B 8 ½ X 11 FLOOR PLANS rrr r rrr I I r . I I:• II '·11· II l'I II II :·1, ,COASTER. ,11Df!'MAIHTcNA 'qJEJ I .OL : Qtvpc.n+ Ltx1J Of: l)ccvp-.-1 /»iJ f:.e,fur ---G) ---0 c~~t~Sc.~e~ a_p: lW o~: ·tts- -,~ --® .:~--.-·-· -@ =====fl II II II II II II II II ====d:l I i I I ·· (!)l, ~-·Dccw~n f-loei J (91.f: Ocw~t W Pc.vi-or . I FAl'rllL'l" TOILET ~ I I -r ---'----10 ---<0 ----.0 SCHIRMER ENGINEEl=IING COl=l·PORAT/:CN 880 APOLLO STREET. SUITE 217 " EL SE(3UNQO, CA 90245-4700 " PHONE (310) 648-7566 " FAX (310) 648-7544 December 4, 1997 VIA FACSIMILE (310) 453-2052 Ms. Kyoko Adachi Hellmuth, Obata, & Ka$sabaum. 1655 26th Street, Suite #200 · · \. Santa Monica, California 90404 RE: Building Plan Check Comments Respon$es LEGOLAND Carlsbad, California SEC Project No. 1997002-000 Dear Kyoko: The following is a list o_f our respons$s to E$GIL'.s cc;,rnmemts dated November 18, 1997. Numbers relate to the plan check. comments submitted by the City of Carlsbad: 8. The Castle Inn does not have any room$ containing 300, or more occupants. This will allow for an A-3 occupancy classification, tf:lus Type V-N construction. See 8½ x 11 floor plan. · · 16. The use of LEGO pieces has been classified into two categories, murals and models. In a letter signed by Mike Peters-pn of the City of Carlsbad Building Department, it has beeri determined that LEGO models are exempt from building and fire code requirements as they are considered pleces of art. Tlie LEGO pieces which cover significant portions of a wall are considered murals. These are located in the Castle Coaster. The moral's use is being justift~p by either a higher sprinkler protection, or a water curtain installed at each mural. A final countersigned letter will be submitted to ESGIL for reference upon Chief Mike Smi.th's agreement. 41. The loading ;;ide of the Coaster has two exits, one down the stairs to the north af!d one through the queu~ area, which can be considered one intervening room as allowed by Section 1003.5 of the Carlsbad Building Code. Fire Protection Engineering ... Code Coi7su!ting .• Loss. Control • Security System Design Ms. Kyoko, Adachi Hellmuth, Obata & Kass.abaLlm December 4, 1997 SEC Project No. 197002-000 42. The unloading side of the Castle. Coa~ter h$s only 47 occti'pants by caiculation (see 8-½ X 1'1 dtawing)and is an assembly area only feqtilring or.ie ~xit Under normal usage, no more than 24 peopl,e will ever be c;,n the; unloading side at a ,time, 22 people from the Coaster and two operator~·... · Sincerely, SCliJ/ ~CORORATION Andrew F. Weisfield AFW/bcb ltaw423.doc C: C: "" "' a:: a: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB_97-33$b Address ...t... LEQJ MIUE Planner .6. /l/e<4 Phone (619) 438-1161, extension 4"4"'¢6 APN: 2./1-loO-09 T f P . d U c.-,~H-tU... P . D . ype o roJeqt an se:~-t,.G6:;J roJect ens1ty:~-'A/,:......;<.½~'A....4....-____ _ Zoning: C-:-T-9 Gene~al Plan: T-,e Facilities Management Zone: _/.._3~-- CFD (in/out) # / Dqte of participation: IE/41/93 Remaining net dev acres: 2.S' Circle One (For non-residential development: fype of land used created by this permit: Al I offer c.c»,,,,..,er,;;::,c::tl uses nc+-jceJ,i"i;ffec;/o,,,,, -t!ecM) Legend:· ~ Item Complete CE) Item Incomplete~ Needs your action Environmental Review Required:. YES ___ NO X TYPE ___ _ DATE OF COMPLETION: s-~zo-97 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required.: YES ___ NO ____ TYPE ___ _ c,c,::tt:cr,-G7o s:-20-q7 APPROVAL/RESO. NO.Ac;#~~ DATE ¥-/G-97 PROJECT NO. §.0.A 96_-/l/ . OTHER RELATED CASES: ___ . C-"'-'('.J ..... .&.../J_9i ...... 6.,_-_,_/=k-'---___. __ _____,c _____ '---_ ,~2l-% Compliance with conditions or approval? If riot, state condi~n~~h requ~-71c ·on. ka~lwl Conditions of Approval: . ~e. r./o ,..,..,,~_..., · · . IS-:lo ,,...-n-....,,.... mwr-2rd P. ~ '4 · .. 'I J y~-C , .. 3cac s ixf ~ ~ Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site loci;lted in Coastal Zone? YES '>( NO CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO )<' If California Coastal Commission Authority:· Contaqt them at -3111 Camino De) Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): ~eiveo/-C()/) 9b-16 Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed?.-'1//_,YES __ NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit D~termination Form now. Coastal Perrnit Determination L..og #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans}. 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Lo!;) as needed. ~,9'1 _..:: .. -___ lnclusionary Housing Fee required; YES NO >( (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ord,inance -May 21, 199.3.), Data Entry Completed? YES NO . . ----(Enter CB#; UACT; NEXT12; Construct housing Y/N; Enter Fee Amount (See fee schedule for amount); Return) Site Plan: 1 . Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way Width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical Jines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number . Zoning: See .Q),0 Cjr;--lt/ 1. Setbacks: Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: · Required --'----'----Shown ______ _ Interior Side: Required -_ Shown -------Street Side: Required -Shown -------Rear: Required Shown -------Strµcture separation: Requited Shown ------"'---- 3. Lot Coverage: Required-----'-----Shown 4. Height: . Required -,..----~ Shown 5. Parking: Spaces Required . -------Shown ------- Guest Spaces Required ---'--,'------Shown ------- (9 (9 ~ Additional Comments See Cffi"Clchec/ ~ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE. /-27-'l<f ..... PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING.PLANCHECK-CB 97,-3356 CASTLE IDLL AREA CLUSTER -2nd Check 1. / Revise or remove. from the plan set sheet PWOO 1 { C-000/00/ A0041) as· it does not match JM,., !he appr~ved s~bstant1al conf?rmance_ e~~it. If the sheet is to _he revised the mfotmat10n table must be· revised and bmldmg square feet provided· for each cluster. 2. / Remove the landscape and irrigation plans from the legend and plan set. Landscape plans ~ 7l must be submitted separately pursuant t~ the procedures available at the Engineering Department Informa.tfon Counter. v{ ~J , . 3. i-?'f.DrawingNumber A 3Q5~d A 363 must have all elevations labeled.(ex.: north, south, etc.) and a key plan provided for each elevati0p_s tt} depict the location represented. 4. {~ On drawing number A 268 dimension t~e bµilding height on the sheet. vt , . / 5. ~-?{ On drawing number A 3U6 label the elevati,;nis and provide a key plan for each elevc;1.tion. Label on the pians the proposed colors for the castle elevations and provide color samples. ~ 6. ~-rt. Submit a letter from the Carlsbad Ranch Design Review Board approving the project plans priorto isslianc~ of building permits. City of Car·lsbad · . . .. _ . ·. . 91425 . Fire Department. • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements C{ltegory: ·Building Plan Check Date of Report: Wednesqay, DE;lcember. 3t, 19.97 . Contact K oko Adachi . 1655 26Th ·st Name Address City, State Santa Monica CA 90404 Planning No. Job Name Lego Castle Hill C Job Address ~o Ste. or Bldg. No. ----,--- ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for· review has be.en approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided fn your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be, reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspensior.i of permit to construct or install improvements. · D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. · Please rnake corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards .. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office .for review. For Fire Department U~e Only Review 1st. __ _ CFD Job# __ 97_4_2_5 __ 2560 Orion Way • 3td_·_'-'-- ·File# --'--~- Carlsbad, California 92008· Other Agency ID • (619) 931-2121 City of Carl~sbad _ . _ · 97425 Fire Department • B.ureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Wednesday, January 1, 1998 Contact Name Kyoko Adacfii Address 1655 26Th st ----~---",--------,--------,- City, State Santa Monica CA 90404 -Sldg. Dept. No. GB97-3356 Planning No. Job Name Lego Ca~tle Hill C Job Address _j__b§_go Ste. or Bldg. No. --~-- ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittc;1.I; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including ·field_ modifica- tions, must be r$viewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached., as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st. __ _ 2nd __ _ 3rd __ --'-,- Other Agency ID CFO Job# __ 97~4_2_5 __ File#~--~ 2560 Orion Way • C~rlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 City of Car·lsbad ·. .. . . 97425 Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention· Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Monday, December 29, 19~7. Reviewed by: ~,<1.e, (. . 6 . Contact Name Kyoko Adachi Address 1655 26Th St ----~----"------~~-'---~-----'-- City, State Santa, Monica. CA 90404 Bldg. Dept. No. CB97-335_6 · Planning No. Job Name Lego Castle Hill C Job Address ~o Ste. or Bldg. No. _____ _ ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore. any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure co'r:ttinued conformance with a·ppiicabl~ codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply With instructions in this. report can result in suspension of permit to construe~ or .install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st~--2nd._~__. 3rd __ --,- Other Agency ID CFO Job#_--'-'-9.7'-4_2_5 __ File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 ~ ----~ : ·~ ; ' . \ . i l --~-~-~--- ·--r'l~ ~,..,.._,._,.~-er""' .. ~ f ~., '-· MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil E~gineers . SHEETNO. -t \ OF_.....,tG::;...:,~,c.__-- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALC~LATED BY M,k:tcf?-. _ -_ . DATE _____ .___ Phon~ (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 _ CHECKED BY -_ /,, · DATE-.--___ _ ~ c:.~srut B~~ ~uLLOtt:>t,. · ·: -- : 2 J .1 5 6 7 a 1 2 3 ~ 5 0 7 a 1 2 3 .! 5 a. -. 8 l -~ 3 .: :i ? i § ~ 2 :J-.:_ S 6 7 a, i ·2 J -;--5··9 7 3 I 2 3 4 .5 '3 1· 3-·1i--·r·----~--- .. ! ~ . .. . r--,.t;/__j Lt 1 ; t~:r~ ; -· 1-· •• • • • • • • • 2 -y~~c;.,~,;.--c...--r=sy/·-.. -:r _:~---. -----~-~ -·: ------~-:-~-----,----_------·. = .......... ,,••• .. ,,-,oo•••"•• .. ,• , ..... ,-, .... -........ -..~moo•••-••••>~ .. ,, .. ,,.N .. •00>,o-'> .. 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V -la:'-c---~----'----._ ____ ..J 1---------,-...,-------;';---..a,----::::J.JI ..µ....,..__ W ~ 3 0 .Pb'f--·1 I I -. ~------.. --- 1 I -----,-------,,-------...,._;.;;~--------, ,-W LL -::-d--0 V:if .-- I. i I I - - - · .J-6 , I I 1=========================--1 r----__ -___ -__ -_-_ ---------·--·-· . l I I I 1--~ -----i ! !------- l I:. . . --.. -, .... C ! i-· :.· _________ ·-_· · ___ ··--_··· - I i 1-----,--------------,-,, r ·------------------------------------------·------:~=============~===----! j MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CNIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 · (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 · Date: 10/08/97 CD GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. J-2 \ ---------,--BEAM DATA--------- Timber Section 3:125x10.5 End Fixity Pin:Pin Bea11 Width = 3.125 in Elastic Modulus -1800()00 psi Beam Depth = 10.50 in· Bea11 Densicy = 35.0 pcf La11inat1on Thickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.00 Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads · Fv -Shear = 1~5 psi End Shear calc' d at support ----SPAI DATA---- Center Span = Left cantilever = Right cantilever = ---UIBRACED LDGTBS Le: Center Span = Le: Left Cant. = Le: Right cant. = 7.00 ft o.oo ft o.oo ft o.oo ft o.oo ft o.oo ft Fe -Bearing = 65? psi . . I -APPLIED LOADS-----,------------------ Uniforn Load@ Center Span:· DL = 1156.0 plf LL= 478.0_plf --------------,---· SOMMARY------------,---- USING 3.125 x 10.500 Bean, Bending= 87.57%, Shear= 159.22% Max. Pos Mom @ 3.50 ft= 10.06 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = Hax. Neg Hon @ 7.00 ft= o.oo k·ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left = o.oo k-.ft .... Area Reg'd = Kax @ Right -. = o.oo k-ft Hax. @ Right = Max. Allow Mo11ent = jl. 48 k-ft •.•• used for dsgn = fb: Hax. Actual = 2101.7psi .... Area Req'd = . Fb : Allowable . -= 2400.0 psi fv : Max. Actual = Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A,5_ Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 CV per UBC 2312.4.5 = 22.21 = 0.00 = 1.00 Fv: Allowable = Bearing Req'd @ .I,eft = Bearing Req'd @ Right= 5.75 k 8.62 k 52;24 in2 5.75k 8.62 k 52.24 in2 262. 72 psi 165.0 psi - 2.83 in 2.83 in Reactions .•• Left = Right = -. --. Deflections ..• Center = .... Dist = ... L/Defl = Left = •.• L/Defl = Right = ••. L/Defl = DL Maximum 4.07 k 5.75 k 4.07 k 5. 75 k -0.12 in -0.16 in 3.50 ft 3.500 ft 725 514 o.oo in 0.000 in 0 0 o.oo in 0.000 in 0 0 ------------------- MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CNIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-04Z9 @ GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAIID -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-1 . . . ·. . . . . Date: 10/08/97 Pagef,61 ------------W DATA---------------------SPAI DA'fA------Timber section 6. 75xl9.5 End Fixity Pin:Pin Center Span · = · 12;00 ft Bea11 Width = 6. 750 in Elastic Modulus = 1800000 psi Left cantilever = o.oo ft.. Bea1 Depth = 19.50 in Beam ·Density = 35~0 pcf Rigl)t cantilever = o.oo ft ',. La11inat1on 'lhickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.00 ---UIBRACEJ> LDGTHS--- Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Bea1 Wt. is Added to Loads· Le : Center sr,n = Fv -Shear = 165 psi End Shear calc'd at support Le : Left Can • = 0.00 ft 0.00ft 0.00 ft Fe • Bearing = 6501psi . Le : Right cant. = . ' AWLIED LOADS--------------.....__ __ 0niforn toad@ center Span: DL = 428.0 plf LL= 450.0 plf Trapezoidal Load~ DL: 1010.0plf @ 1ft, 1010.0plf @ rt LL: 213.0plf @ 1ft, 213.0plf @ rt fro11 5.00 ft to 12,00 ft : ... Point Load: DL = 4000.0 ·# it= 1750.0 # at 5.00 ft -------------,--......__-SOIIIARY----------------- USING 6.750 x 19.500 Bean, Bending= 54.17%, Shear= 96.14% Max. Pos Mon @ 5.47 ft 45.42 k-ft Shear:' Max. € Left = 11.31 k Max. Neg Hon_ @ 12.00 ft:. -~o.oo k-ft .... used for dsgn = 16.97 k Ma~ @ ~ft · = 0.00 k-ft ••.• Area R~'d = 102.83 in2 Max @ Right = o.oo k-ft Max. @ Right = 13.92 k Max. Allow Monent = 83.85 k-ft .... used for dsgn = 20.88 k Deflections ... fb : Max. Actual = 1274.1 psi .... Area Req'd = 126.54 in2 Center _ = -0.101ii i.. -0.15 in Fb : Allowable = 2352.2 psi. fv : Max. Actual = 158.63 psi ., , .Dist = 6.os·ft } 6,000 ft Fv : Allowable = 165.0 psi ... i/Defl . = 143F ·' · 958 Ck = .81l{E/Fb)".5 = 22.21 Left = o:001n · 0.000 in Rb=. (LeD/B"2)".5 __ = o.oo J3earing Req'd@ Left = 2.58 in ... L/Defl = -; 0 · . o · Reactions... DL Maximui Left = 7.16k _;. 11.31k -. RighT-·---= ·-9.43 k -; 13.92 k ;. . ·- ~--~~t:: CV per UBC 2312.4,5 = o. 98 Bearing Req1d @ Right= 3.17 in Right·· . = 0.00 in . Q~0OO_:in w ... L/Defl = fE 0 · .:. ..Qi, -1 Center camber ~---"'O,l~j_p __ . _____ . _ ---·· ___ · ___ -_ :: __ . ___ -______ . __ · -·-~----.-.·)_)_. __ =---.,...,...,-- .· vJ D~ 1 -IJ,,5/-z C~o f'br) ;. 1,,,/.?:;; ,ft.-r C t,[.,£ c,(l-f,Ai-4 C.P.~. t~uf-( 416 ~c,f ·; ,.; .. . O-L, -i :; i 1/ l . ~ .; ~ y· ·;--t G. <;; -f t:,f C i'OV'p\s,---~\...Q'OP..,) \ :J--· -.. w -·-··-------. 2--. .,) : . ~!)'"\. $'f4) i WI) Lt 3 -, 2) 5 o #. h -:::: 6 o o Pvf ( -rcov,f\Z\L· \tODt-f, . ·, ( to\ D fl-f Lu 1)0~. __ · 040 fVf--C --(oc0e;p.,. 0B0--J. ·-~--·---. ~) j -.. ~\)-cs--; --l0.-7?> 7 S./~ ci)-;:, . 11 ~ fl-f l lOURL ~()0-r -.. ~;· r io P:>f) -t1S pvf'? a14;D -RL-f. .. ,. tJ v-I -;.. (7, ., . 1, \., . I • . ~ ly 15 p\,;f J . ,. . . ··wt<-~ ~~ I~;; !;;~':(7 )r),"1 Per_--·-· ·-··j-z \'?,flY ____________ ·----------------'. ··.-.·--'_-_;_,.: .·.: ·-·-tJ. v C '\ -;. . 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G.101t).'l, IJ.ass. 01471 lo O:c!er ?ti:l1~E TOLL FP.EE l·Sif.,.225-6380 _ y ,.0) ...... MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB l--ibo!:-bl~D -·-~ ew&fh · 13LP~ SHEET Nb. ~ OF----,-. __ _ CALCULATED BY: _0 b,_ . DATE ---;4..,._/__,_q'--7 __ I' CHEq<EDBY I . DATE--~- SCALE ---'----------'------ ~ 2 3 J 5 6 7 e ~ 2 :? ,: 5 6 7 8 1 2 ~ .: 5 6 7 8 1_ i ~ ~ S 6 7 5 ; 2 :!. .: S ~ i 6 1 2 3 ,: S E 7 5 1 2 S .t; ~ S -:-S 4 2 :: ~1 .;. 1,,Jii,~T . \.Af~t-A!-~\-1,A.L,'{bL~ . W:,c-1~ ;····::···: 1~·1?--[(71 J(2.4Df)··+:·1~ (Z1F6f)f28: .:::175,flf i,,Jµ1nd:::.. :;1 ... 17 f.;,f'.CI:;,') -::: 2.7'7,Z PL.f;. <. ; ·\ . . • • PRODUCT 2il~ ~1 /Nii.is jmc. Gfotor-, Mm_ Oi4il. -r~ Order Prl011E ;Ott. FREE. 1~:'--22H380 --_________ .....____,_,_ / ii, ---- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB ! 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RISA-2D George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 @San Diego, CA 92108-5707 (R) Version 3.03 \ Job--,:-___ _ Pag~ .......... .o,c:, __ _ Date ___ _ ® LEGOLAND-:-CASTLE BASE BLDG. ICE CREAM SERVERY TOWER --=====================================================--========== Units Option : US Standard AISC Code Checks: 9th Edition ASD .Shear Deformation: No \ P-Delta Effects . N~ . Redesign . No . Edge Forces . No . A.S.I.F. ... 1.333 . Node Boundary conditions No x-coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 1 0.00 0.00 R R R 0.00 2 0.00 10.00 STORY 1 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield Stress Label Modulus Ratio Coefficient Density (Fy) ---------------(Ksi)----------------------~(F)--------(K/ft3)------(Ksi)---- POST 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 . 0.490 35.000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set Inertia Coef --------------------------------------(inA2)-~~---~--(inA4)----------------- POST PI6.625X.28 POST 5.58 28.142 1.20 -----~-------------------------------------------------------~~-------------I J I Releases. 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Str~c~ural & Civil Engineers 7801 M1ss1on Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET NO. ---:-7-----J:~i!!:]!£0..:;:7~-OF--'---- CALCULATED BY ....,M...::...b=-------DATE f ?7 / -f1 ' CHEC~D sv _______ _ DATE ____ _ '' • s • '•. ', • '• '•' ''" '' '' • 2' '' 'SC~LE ______________ _ " Ei234S678:23.t5-6~ ~ ~-d ......... ' "-'::J. C I ' ; . \ ' " /\ '. <" .. /, , - l !J:>i t~,i. tt,'(!4D /f fS'i I e-· ,2't o c... ·.1 ~! '"'is2,2, NWD/ f~'.:I" . I.... .. ... • :- i~ ; .• ··, .. , ..... ,.. ~r I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 " 1\j . ! --__:_... _ __....,- JOB l-gboLtA-JD -OB[L.~ ~ ·a,J¼_. sHEET No. t-L o4-oF ----- CALCULATED BY !,lb DATE 1 0 I '-1'7 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ----- SCALE ______________ _ ' $ - I _,_ --~ ----------~ ----- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB l,:;b? l..lS.lD -GA;)TLE Uf£. &J)6 SHEET NO. :tUo.7 OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY k/'b DATE 4,/ 0 t1 CHECKED BY _______ DATE----- SCALE ______________ _ 12345678~2345£7812345€.7812:;.:.s678~2$4567B1234~676~2345€7E!1.23 LHU:-A L-.ANA>''l'>l-2 _ MA,~ eo1 \.OJ Nb ~A;,t -' bl ri/;,T -------~-·-·-·-----------------. ----------; .pe,.G~S -~1~£7( __ e40-",.+134k~)--~1,01 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. JOB 1.,£6,o ,~~~1) -C.&--nf ~ l:!---bt.... : \ t.-101 Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET NO. OF 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 t,.{b lol~Z \tc) SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY DATE Phone (619) 497-2118 CHECKED BY Fax (619) 497-0429 DATE SCALE _________________ _ 1 2 3 .:: s s a , 2 s .t 5 6 7 e , 2 3 .-. s e 7 a , 2 3 ..i. s 6 , s · 2 3 .:: s e 1 a ~ 2 s 4 s e 7 e , 2 3 i: s s 7 e. 1 :;: ::: .,. f o of DlA-Wf2-~b k{ p~ t bH-. · 2-, .. , .. cp l L: 1: :· • .. ,. ~. ·! MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 \ \ I JOB Lf60L.4ND-G,16-r-t-$ ~ ~ SHEETNO. tJOf;, OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY M'. b DATE 1/ '17 CHECl,(EDBY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE ______________ _ t;Jpi_ =-2-' ( I st:if) ~ 30 p..f" WJ..! -=-2t C. ~0 ~0 --. 4.::, ftf r.) -: v:;., '7 --; > 4?B 0-f' , __,... 70-~ 4---.------ .. PRODUCT 201.1(!!?/!!_ihc., Groton,~-?14i1. To Ordir?tlONETOl.L f~E 1~-~ -r:: ._ .,;,_.:,.:. MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 1 2 4 5 E 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 1 2 3 .: 5 6 , s 1 ' 5 5 JOB t-i~~D- SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY b~b CHEi;:KED BY SCALE 7 6 ' 5 6 ' ' -r----1-t--;-' ,.,,.-~,-,---/- ~1\?Jz-l½6if:: !?½Pb. ~l2,o OF DATE :4;4, DATE \ 2 . ; ' ' \ 2 ' 4 6 ' ' \ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB kfGcl..r-ill)-c.A:zrli:f. ~ ptt)b SHEET NO. i,\';l, OF------ CALCULATED BY -'Mc...:.:...._&::. ______ DATE 4/:t7 CHEC,KED BY--------DATE ____ _ SCALE _______________ _ 123456""8~234567Et2345f:78;2:.:;55;-5:2:!#56781234567812.'.':'45f7f12~ V ~ • 4f r-Lf (fb,2-) f . j~~ • 2-\ z. ~ lb, 2~ 1" 07 i? ::r I l ~ i \J6E.. 17/-;i! f;r?IJG r X 11l.i1J '-IWµ..l-,? = I\ ~ / rf>f = ~ \1 l t:.Lr ~ W/ ~m,~ e _ 6'-oc,. /!). ~ oi -= II IL..-( 15)-: (h0 ~oo 1 ~ U · · · ~~re~-= .. 85 f ·151 C 4~P.:i) + 1:3 r5f (i 2j (~?,-)'-::: z, ~b~/1~)7 Mor 1>v ~ l. .2 µo r O !J)::=' w $ 12 ~J), ,,5 =-- I '? nr::Fi> H~t , l~o t+-oLJ:>~N f!.u:db. MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB/;t'00,,JrlJD-(.;)ASiU~ ~ · fi.Pb SHEET NO. t:-t 2? OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ______ DATE---- CHECl\:ED BY _._M~6 ________ DATE l~/'-·l:Z SCALE _____________ _ 1 2 : .: s s 7 e , ~ 3 4 er-e 7 a 1 2 ;; 4 s 6 7 e 1 2 :? .1 s e 7 e 1 2 i 4 5 6 7 e i 2 :! " s e 1 a , 2 3_ " s 6 7 e , 2 3 ·{t:> ···· t,~IDGI Ht t], .. f ::-7 2-ff :t,u== (1J 33) -t (2t?L?6--r ~) [J~:>/.137}{8,5/ ¥',3?) -t • 183to1o~J(.Bi0140.,~::>J .~ ~?,&~ · . ···•·· ··· .. · ... · Y»>u.b--5-c.r-/ • :-7' + .+'i ~-S~q' P..f I ~~~I~ ~7~~T~~': M~ ::: .. , fl~ ):. t...r c~ c 12-:) ~ ze~n ~:Jt __ . -----~··----~'--.?, ss; ,1-1 "7 710 \>Gt ~1r0 .-== . Cj£? t-1>\.Jf:: C.1) -z_ ~ .• 4o+b '~ : .. ; ·. · : .. : : : r~~~(~~'i1t~~ i ?~~:~sy ~.-sr = : ~;:;~I~ l~?f~~ ~~~}-4/ .. ;z, I~• ·~, i ?. MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB uz~\>-CJf2:,t\J?:: ~ :;~b SHEET NO. l l?, '}' OF----- CALCULATED BY -'-"bf..=&,;___ ____ DATE '4/17 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE _____________ _ . ~.... .... .. . .. ! ,· ·-. .,., •.. B '· MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOfl tfk~W b-~t,~ ~ .rs~J)c;;;; SHEET NO. f., l?,.5 OF ___ _ CALCULATED BY ...Jrj.____6 ______ DATE -----'1 .... 0 /'--'-1----'--7 __ \ CHECKED BY ________ DATE----- SCALE _______________ _ 123456781234567Bi23456761:2.lt.5f:7S·2345€7S-:2.24S67&12:?-4567E~2~ ~D--toi..,i ~Ji ++ c:..tcAz G/z-i.f.tJ ~f-Y). l\J_se-1? ::::-f (-12' )( ?o i:'.:>f) t C 6:J F'sf H3 fsf)C ~ )7 C · 1?5) ~ 'JP;, fl-f ~ \ ,-------}22.~ i ; ~ P~b = 27?:, ~~f{t-i,Z:?) + GBoo-r ( .. !26)-(1-6') ~1 , ~ (tr7ol)oizd} J .,1;7, 1B .. --bZ4 t¥ ... . ,, Yv-'/J-1...,: ~ 0 2.. ct i4" / 16 = 300 tLF -~{Pt ~ c;,z 4r~ c tz.:) :::-.. 75-'+12:¥ · lx{rce, ::: u B5 [ 3° ~r C 2~ ) -¾-~ bfl l?)l. cJ2,)f :: 154 41 ~ ...... 2 -· ~ -: ; 7 ii±. : . ii -4¼ -·-2 lj !)~ .· .. S/1..,TT$-o PLf = .. 211_ .. _,~--S:lj_JS,'. ~1 ~55 . 11 ?XP c-z-~1;29 11.i:;1 i '. ,. ,» i'i,•' ,_, ---------~--- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JoB Ui-bO ~,6fi D -LA-sf~7 ~?t{ t}v.C:O SHEETNO. "t,-' OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ~ b DATE ! 00 7 \ CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE-------------- ~ 2 3 4 S 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 {; ; C •, 2 3 lo 5 € 7 S , 2 ~ 4 S. € 7 8 1 2 '3 4 O E 7 S 1 2 ~ . ,' ';? LO~ ~---- . -Yfr-:> I . . • / • • I_ H1 1 f? -------- l / . . ,: ,. ~-. ~- i. ,_ !, :- ~: .. -· .. •: '· '• t t ;, ~ r.: ,. J ::-:>': .... ,·.::,.; MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB LwltstlP --uh:fi.f. er,se BU>.::::. SHEET NO. i:1 t t;J OF----- CALCULATED BY !'1t, DATE 4141 CHECKED BY ______ DATE ___ _ SCALE ____________ _ • -I -• l ·- U-WJD SJM,N«rt'i Y4 l,2J~S!)( l,'3?)(.7~7)(2) / °'·1 !1/1n _ , ........ f)~Heortl = Yz (?bl51)[!,?3)(~~4}. __ :::: C-f,.611/1n .· .. · c· 1 :b ht;_ · 1 J -;,: '7 t.. t'\'Jr wSS Q~ ~ ~ ..... , . -.,,_ _ : . CPt4?J?~~1q,l _;: ~71-:) rAvfO~ .. v!+Vf -=--?°t1ll . t)fUff :; 54r ~ fi-pM ; 54f- S!fiih-~ ..::-74it. · ~T\ON½ fOI~ UP~Ft -,; 4 tr tY6~ ~ sf.~ -== 711f- JOB I ,A~ 6 o L-A1'-lt> -?A'Stle--1 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEETNO. ¾ /41/l, OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY u (::, DATE 4 /'41 J , Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE-------------- \ \ I f::: ~7f( 4 ~ t::xJ'5 fl !of U?£-l1/~ 4 AJ I; f.~o1 ~ -. Cc-7 b .. e,o, ti~-L cl, 1 ftZ;A~t e Z- rP-1 I 1Yi4' ~A, B. ~?;o7 , p.1:: 74~/4 (t, 7/l) -:: rb, -;f,: II~.~ (2.b -l~f; ( t, 4 ) ) . J/~ -:z-11, ~-~51 f~H -:: 17, ,-1 ~ ~·~ (l;z.-z:) ;-?--L ~ > Jof T ~ 4-0f-I·+ --l O ~ ' bf.~ --c. L?L uf;JtJ . '?-o;f'cb .}0?}? e,clf? {tcµ> =-· (Ii~ ,tc., 61;½)) vf l'?b~l){l,~)t:y~ = ~.-z,I'- . toL-r7 L.,kr == t (4,~~XIJ3) :::.4~,~r -N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ 9 ~. ~ W ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W -~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ -N ~ 9 ~. ~ ¢ -~ft•~~~~ -~ ~ • ~ ~i~ ~ -N ~ ' ·" "· Pfl:OOU.CT 207·1 ! ·~Inc., Grotoo, Mass 0-1471. ioOrdsr PHONE TOi.t. FREE. i-aoc .. 225-6380 , .. 2_ MARTIN & DUNN,:. INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB ~·ut~te~O~~AJP~· :_----:U6.:::::.L..::,...'1-!:;fL=..;p_~~==-----'~==- SHEET NO. )' 1 ?z Z\ OF------- CALCULATED BY -i&-i=---------DATE --4-+'/'--j.._7,__ __ CHECKED BY __________ DATE------ SCALE __________________ _ 23.l.5£78123A5678123456781.2 45 7&'2345 e 1 2 s 4 s £ 1 s 1 2 J 4 s € 1 e. ~ 2 gl:fUJ:. Wfd 2@l?khJT I W /:fr1 of ·) h,/ B1:;,, d,fc;.; .4';l (21b ~ t4 ;½) j'ft. ········ rt Ml~ :: '07 (I) ( 2-,~ (?/1) -t 4 ( 1,-1 fr') 1 ~"' r 1-z. d 1 : ··· I , I ,: . --~·---------'"·, / } JOB LttRL:6+lD-c,tjt..-p ~~- SHEET NO. :t, l tyjd OF------ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 CALCULATED BY MG DATE 4/ :47 . 0;) SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 :\D Phone (619) 497-2118 CHECKEDBv ________ DATE ____ _ ,cfl)\i, w,-jf'i ,s:~ ,...~,-?'< "'-"' Fax (619) 497-0429 · \ 2 3 < 5 6 ,tt~r: 8 ' J':/, 5 6 7 6 ' 2 e • S ,l~ c 2 3' 5 € ; B ' 2 3 'S € 7 e ' 2 3' 5 6 7 £ ' 2 3 {~', t~qp ~Pods, i t1 2 . . __ !.{"'/ Uf'12-Y-:_!t,1~) . ' ..... ~· .. ,, : ' .l,,~f ... i - MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Joski,ot-,,+~D -QA:~~$ ~ SHEET NO. ' l ?1-OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ,Jb DATE ;;;_;;1 / '4 1 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY-------DATE ____ _ SCALE ___________ ___;__ __ . ~ G,~\l)VI N~ f ' r1i::~ J"~c:1 ~ .. 1 .......... . -~eU E ... n J.J!t:. V-: :z1~ !4 -:: ............-'! p-w .,. 2 PrJ°"F---::: zo.1 f11/:2-C f o P* )_,_ t ?3?~ -) fbv :: riti I l ii.') ( tD P:-J')-:: r;.10! ,,_. , po.,P "Z ),t. FpJ · ::-t~' CI i) (4-~t>#-) ::. -n+cY 5tt,t> ; 15 1 uf>I..,µ ~-;50 f-bf c,)c011i)l11) ~ Goo! : ·l'" i ; i ~~====~t,tl /1-k ,· . P.<J. j~_ / . ,t·-····5tt~.....,...0""~ /. }.;, •• -,~ '2,;J j-L. r ----·1----l--!> . .l_ ; ! pl-i fZ? & t 1--1 ' 0 •~ -----~· h ~ 4?~J4:s1) :: -i ,;;; ;. ",1.-d· . ·· ,,.f'l----;.. 1,i~ rl-f:l:1:!), ===--~5~ a-~/~i~:--~ J'1 .. 2?~ ~1<_'1·? t6f"+~ l's¥) (;1!3~~ 1462, ... ; ~ ·. ' -, l'blt -(~;~31)+ 'B f,O~L i,3,~)~ Ht,~(/#, 3:!) I ... , .,-f .... . . 7 /. 0 :;):, . ----, -: --~ ·-----'--'"-~ rt···· :_· .\\.· ; "C::.1 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 W'r~ =t147'7 (4,$2) t J' ::-· -e;: "t;~-''"tf'; ~ # 0'),C-7 t 11d1 ~~-JOBMrc>'-'½P~D _,. 4!$1 ~ l'>',zf. !;y>~ SHEET NO. .(,,IS 3 OF_· ___ ' --- CALCULATED BY \,f (:, DATE yq? CHECKED BY--------DATE ____ _ SCALE _______________ _ ~/b --; 4; ~ -> "61 ¢B>t -= '1-.-(72,o~l)/4 ,~ { i)( L.,-5) . . . . f>> -= ii?t r.sr L.z1~6l.D '· . MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 -~-li-1 ,,, fi;< P~D ).t,.EA ,. I~'-~ __ JL...!.-1'~. ~- V ·.l?' f\l'( r:;; ~r Xbx 1/4 ~:·w~~N ·- 12" b'cs.;mJ-"' -Pt PL1 ~1.::-4 ~i?PLt(t7)1,. -. t7;t;;1·~ ~~ 17 ?( 0 -~ ·. · .... , .... ::. ':' ....... · ... : ~ ,~) ro)~ ' l-e, ,+v7J t-'w,nJ==-'6;;( d-·(;)· t'~r) . ~. 1'0 471'.r M w111.d =-~?Jo er<,)")./~ :: -a~ s ~' ¥-'. fk . ~ .; 5Q\u:1,o • f ? i>. ~o· lL5.1 · ··· ......•. .!/I . • 0. I 'l , , . JOB t..:k-fo l--/4-Yl) -lb1'U1-~ Bt,i)o SHEET NO. · i 1 S1 OF------ CALCULATED BY-'-"~=--------DATE 1.;/ 41 CHECKED BY...;......;'--------DATE------ SCALE ________________ _ , ' -~..,.:;>···· . I ® . . ~ s~8fhiRU~~ENGJNEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 I (619) 497-2tl8/FAX 497-0429 . Date: 10/09/97 STEEL COLUMN BASEPLATE DESIGN V4.4D (c) 1983·% EniCALC \ \ None __,;_UIU)DAT!.--1- Axial Load : 5.60 k X-I Axis Moment : 29,00 k-ft AISC Section !lane : 1fS7x7xl/4 -nTDlfl- Bolt Tensjon ca~dty : Bolt Count Per Side : Anchor Bolt Area : Bolt Dist. from PL Edge: · PLATE 5 SUPfOR'l DATA· Baseplate Depth I Width Support Area Depth Support Area Width -JIADmL DATA -f'c : Py : Load Duration Factor : AISC section Depth : flange Width : ... Flange 1I'hickness : Web Thickness : -PLATE D!SIQI-·-·; .. Min. Required Thickness: Plate Analysis Method : Tension force per Bolt : Bearing Stress : 19,90 k 2 0,990 in 1.50 in . 13.00 in 13.00 in 30.00 in 30.00 in 3000 i 36rsi 1.33 7.00 in 7.00 in 0.250 in o.250 in o.s.so in l 16.16 k 1228.05 psi Allow Bearing ••• Per ACI 10.15 · : 3570,00 k Per AISC J9 : 2793.00 psi . Max. Plate capacity for Allowable .Bearing •• :. 472.02 psi -PW'I WLJSIS- Actual Plate Thickness: 1.000 in Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb 35,91 ksi 26.18 ksi .., ·-..,. ~ER. SAUlfDERS ASSOCIATES, KW-060361 . ; ~ ·, ~.-:. ,,. -~·~ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB ~kA.lD -Q/.2[L-£, t¥6,ii-13L.fP SHEET NO. t,\h?J, OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY h{('? DATE l O l:tl Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 -·/ Plf;P-1-f' cp ~0\.16 l /1 0 I~ CHECKED BY ______ DATE ___ _ SCALE ____________ _ .& ,== 1 o en)' I c, o = . '6G11 ~I 1~4 ~ ~~ ~ £ ,b '-111 1 re9-= , ~ ·:f pCl,3f {112.,ey ····· ~ '5£',. 2 1r)+ '? 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DATE .... , ;),...£>j_q...;._ ..... J __ _ CHEC\(ED BY ________ DATE _____ _ SCALE ________________ _ 1 2 3 4 :. s 7 e ~ 2 3 ;j s 6 7 e ; 2 3 4 s E-1 s 1 .2 :: ~ 5 s 7 s · 2 3 .; s e-1 e 2 3 .: s € 1 e , 2 s ..; 5 e 1 e ~ z ~ ~~~Di.· . !>Vt. ·-4 .~ iJ = 1 o o ci : ~ (.. r ) ~ \ \ htt)tf) :; : , "Q;, Lo ( I 6)l 7,+)~ l,f+ tO-i __ ,.ft/."3 ~ '? ~); 3 -15 r.:J B . 4' Wn J ·i~ l i ~-) c ,o) ( 14,; · --'5 [,;)C'-'C) · ~ ~~f~ -,,s' ~ ~2-Z-iJT'241')t?l) 11 I 11 ?f fl \ ,6 bP ~;AD~" ~t,<l-· v,;/ o--F5 f!Jb MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB t... ~O -C.,.{f;l ti: ?;,A~p ,< SHEET NO. } \ 14:z OF------ CALCULATED BY lf& DATE~' O_j_di.....,f 7 __ CHECKED BY.-~-. --.-----,----DATE----- SCALE ~~ W ~t,~ .. g~ 12345E7812345676~234567812~4567St23456781;::34587812345678i2-3. , ~(2... l? l-11b~ w A--\A....- ........ fof l~ Tu ~p~ "'0 1 I ,, t}\'-t_toG~ ~1 ~ 0$ j~P\ 7(2.k-,~ I ~.: , 4tG-1, {I)~ N ~ ~ c; l1, ':" ( ff I If 6:E· -. 'fF~l Pk,~ t1, b ~t :. 1/14'¥--s ~t 1 ':. 4-. 55 4 1tfi ~t u ~ :. 15 {. 1f-i) { 7)t C 1726) .~-.: J,_1-1--v ... · 1,621 l2:1~) f 16 ~o ::::: -Of,i' L. , 'J..3,11 Dr ., , r CP)2 ,'n11 -, I,&' Vt -== C !+I pLf) C7)~ .:. -_ ,~r.,, 1r:~ l;ti4 1r ;f-..', M -., . .6 . Ji •... • -1~4 ·. ,>(.-,~ If :/ l t,. -'A-C",fj-{i,-S::: l,z.41 6f~ eP--l&br SflD5 1 ~ //} '°-C:--f:::: 5-. Oi"' H~ ~L.1lL33)( 1;,)2 ;::: , G(c? 1¥-·. ····· . ····· . ts ·· ····· ·· · £. ~ ; <.., --~) C· 1~)"4 --~-7)6).-== , I~' /2; I~ _Q').) "P • 4J" 'i 36 '-f (. 2i ~0 ':)( t=;;, ,;,"'b) · 3~ [ .. { Jl = L 2-fi ( t-1-, o) . -J.1 /t--'7 ;~ l1f-. .- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Legoland Carlsbad (M&D PROJECT NO. 960240.00) Castle Hill Cluster (FGMP Package) Volume 3 Section F Architect of Record: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum For Final Submittal December 3, 1997 ~&~ f--a: z· <( Z MARTIN & DUNN, INC. ~ 5 Structural & Civil Engineers I I ·I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I' I I \ INOEX SUBJECT GENERAL PARKWIDE STRUCTURES FOOD STAND NORTH FOOD STAND SOUTH HORSE RIDE QUEUE STRUCTURE CASTLE BASE BUILDING CASrLE INN BUILDING CAST!-E HILL CLUSTER SECTION A B C D E F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT Design Loads Roof Framing Lateral Analysis Shear Walls Braced Frame Grade Beam Foundation Design SECTION F CASTLE INN BUILDING INDEX SHEET NO. F1 F2-F18 F19-F20 F21 F22-F32 F33-F34 F35 I I I I I I I(\}) :I I I I I 1- 1 - < I· }', j "'" \: MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 ~OoF: Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ~VI/./(. Uf, Roof-wJ G,t,tv€L ~l'-1 I( ft '(lv"()OC;> \ 11) "11 :! ~pc (!' 18~1t. /ftt'l 'f" -S""/f'&Yl8D ~ Ftt,,,.1e,. He J.P /115C G,D '2,3 z,o /. 0 I./, 0 /, ~ I, l. JOB LE;&o ,lA,51t.. /& INN qb ~ 2'/o SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHEC~ED BY SCALE :, 4 f f ? SLO'P(c;'D /0, 0 I').., 0 /,0 ,Z,O fO.-ts- ' 2 fl OF DATE De.:, DATE ' 5 ' ' S l M ul.-f\1 CD Sl.l<T"t 'lx -'(l,.G,:_ D~t-11,- -' :1 .X /-:l, e_ t.,'l ''otc.., . S t' '1?- 2 ,ZS, o fSr (I\Pl> /OPS Fe_ 'f(AS'fcrt. Sofh-r) 12. o f.J"F c~ ==-12: ,'2-) G·' 1-"'f f[i,,fl $7\ G1{-'Bt> ~-). I lrv1 .' f~ ~'F,., w~: S1~ fvrH ~£J'"l-1ffr s/11~ \.IIIVOOl,.I w~f ~ Psr ················ ·i''li"\~ ~~.Cftvr ..... . . qo_ f.JG (D£"SJ~tJ AS CAN1°fU~Vett) I :It) I \>,~·t) :I I I :I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ooF I :I 0 @--©· ·1~' .. S'PAt-J :r, I :I I I ~I I ii i I :I I I It,·.·. I , •. ~.;_;~ I \'. '.,.•. -- I I I I I I I I I w::.: 4' (1$ +'2-o Pfr) = 'IZ p ;,2 )r /(,;,' ..:. "2 .,.., CL& ff LO~ I J,i. f)Jk<-_, go v1-- rz I fa II "31A.. := '-!~'IF 62.. x /bl' -/'f1 ,-If --It.' z..,. ~= p:;q7-trir <=t,1'; '2 w""r ~ ft, ~ I 'ft f' .).,(-= Ir.. 1- f1, SHEET NO. __________ OF------- I""") .• r fv!)J "'q} CALCULATED BY _ ___.f<:..!V'::-=-'-=.J _____ DATE _...:...;...;;._ ____ ....__ CHECKED BY----------DATE------- SCALE __________________ _ t, 1 3 ,;; usr; p ':1/~ 15 t ~ ~ " W' kl,--F '2,, 1,f ( /,.AC e, I b ';f ~ I TJl®/35C Joist Load Tables/Non-Snow (125%) f5 Performance Plus® Web Material • Parallel T JI® Joist • Sloped Roof Only Allowable Uniform load (PLF) I ~~ i.:<·:. le Span ·,::;:.:,e th 11% 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 I Span 12 405 430 440 437 437 13 373 396 406 405 405 14 347 368 m 375 375 15 232 343 352 350 350 I · 16 303 322 330 328 328 17 286 303 311 308 308 18 .. :..':J77, 270 286 293 292 292 19 160 253 271 278 276 276 I 20 143 . ·:;;: !.'."' 228'..1,,, 257 263 262 262 21 124 245 251 250 250 22 109 233 240 238 238 23 96 217 230 228 228 24 85 ~·"~:;~;Jr 218 218 I 25 75 210 210 26 67 196 202 27 60 1:~~ 195 28 54 182 29 49 I 30 44 31 40 32--37 33 33 ·34 I 35 36 37 38 I 39 40 Multiple Span I ~\)eplh 11¼ 14 16 18 20 22 24 2 28 30 --=-· pan 12 250 270 277 342 363 373 437 437 13 231 250 256 316 335 345 405 405 I 14 213 231 237 293 311 320 375 375 15 200 216 222 273 291 298 350 350 16 187 202 207 257 272 280 328 328 17 176 196 242 256 263 308 308 18 166 185 228 242 248 292 292 I 19 157 175 216 230 236 276 276 20 166 206 217 223 262 262 21 158 196 207 213 250 250 22 151 187 198 203 238 238 23 145 173 190 195 228 228 24 138 181 186 218 218 I 25 132 lli~-~:~r 175 180 210 -210 ----__ , -----~--.. 26 167 172 202 ~ 27 157 166 195 195 28 ,1:r· 146ry,;;;c. 155 182 187 I 29 181 30 171 31 160°"""~' 32 I 33 34 41 35 37 36 34 37 I 38 39 40 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities of the joists in pounds per lineal foot (PLF) based on uniformly loaded conditions with web I stiffener and bearing length criteria shown on page 3.2 (lower or higher load capacities may be possible with different criteria, use the TJ-Specrn -· software program or contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative), and assume provisions for positive drainage (¼" per loot slope minimum). [:·. :1ultiple span table. ca. n. be used for two or more span conditions. Use the longest span for sizing. Where ratio of short span to long span is less \2::1.'an 0.4, use the TJ-Spec"' software program or contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative. I :.i. Values in gray '$!laded: areas may be increased 4% for repetitive member usage if the criteria on page 9.2 are met. I 4. Camber (2250' radius) is available for simple span applications only. Contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative for availability. 5. For loading conditions not covered by these tables (eg.: concentrated loads), use the TJ-Spec™ software program or contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative for assistance. 5.2 REV. 7/96W I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 lo.~ '~:) Date: 11/24/97 Page: 'I I I I I I I I I ,. I GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE INN: DRAG BM AT GL 0-C BEAM DATA Timber Section 4X10 End Fixity l'in:Pin Beam Width = 3.500 in Elastic Modulus = 1700000 psi Beam Depth = 9.25 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf Lamination Thickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 Fb -Bending = 1100 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Fv -Shear = 9~ psi End Shear Calc'd at Support Fe -Bearing = 62~ psi APPLIED LOADS Uniform Load@ Center Span: DL = 72.0 plf LL= 80.0 plf SUMMARY USING 3.500 x 9.250 Beam, Bending= 74.54¾, Shear= 49.90¾ Max. Pos Mom @ 8.00 f~ 5.12 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = 1.28 k Max. Neg Mom a) 0.00 f~ 0.00 k..:ft ...• used for dsgn = 1.92 k Max@ Left = 0.00 k-ft ...• Area Req'd = 16.16 in2 Max al Right = 0.00 k-ft Max. al Right = 1.28 k Max. Allow Moment = 6.86 k-ft . • . • used for dsgn = 1.92 k fb: Max. Actual = 1230.0 psi ••.. Area Req'd = 16.16 in2 Fb: Allowable = 1650.0 psi fv : Max. Actual = 59.26 psi Fv : Allowable = 118.8 psi Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = 28.52 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 = 0.00 Bearing Req'd@ Left = 0.58 in Cf per use 2304.3.5 = 1.20 Bearing Req'd @ Right= 0.58 in Center Camber = -0.45 in ,-~-·-' __ V4.40 (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC SPAN DATA Center Span = 16.00 ft Left Cant·i lever = , 0.00 ft Right cantilever = 0.00 ft UNBRACED LENGTHS Le: Center Span = 0.00 ft Le: Left cant. = 0.00 ft Le: Right Cant. = 0.00 ft Reactions ••• DL Maximum Left = 0.64 k 1.28 k Right = 0.64 k 1.28 k Deflections •.. Center = -0.30 in -0.60 in •.•. Dist = 8.00 ft 8.000 ft .•• L/Defl = 640 320 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in •.• L/Def l = 0 0 Right = 0.00 in 0.000 in ••. L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I !1 I ii I I I I I I I I I I - (/·. MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 w ~ ·"V ( lS p .rf Ct-, ,,.. '1,o ..... l i:-l '7 'Z. ().l.,f-,( '-I . ,8..o '-l... ~, . 'fZt=r 1,515 11 ~ VN "Mt1~' t,l1rit-1 f1i,,..., 'l,b:f""i/' \ f::: g'x (o.f'x Z-~ffr ::;. /,"z,>' ~ C...,L. <3,.Af'C f171 :: (!-;.) /,? t,t. ::: 1'1-P It f? c.-:: W2. x "?!:£... 7--z,o >r 5!--:: 1Sv flt ?. 11,'S' }-1:: 'ZToS k /f,."7 ::: -z,o,? ~, 2. e1-, ---....,[ W~ := &M + p/· :::: (/6,. 8 /IA'" --> fZ CL.Cr v::,/if:O ~ rtCM 't .SZ..,-11\:f',fr-,(f-z_8 P,...,5 :. I, '21<. Pc.::: (1 t..1.i-,1) n f;.,,t;-;::-L{'tf.tt . 2. f(~ ~ /,2 IC 1jJ + 00'~ 1?'1 Njff?f 15 ,>;lz,.,•1 : 'JC/l.fl./'- Z ')t,-,, 1 /,,f~ (,<\4'1 ~12tc.)M' +Q~Yl+?b'i)11'.,.-z70.,,.1.?'.:: '2-8.06"' . '2,. (i C.'--1, l..,okl) 'L G,t.., © ~"2.C. . JOB LEc's1) -(AS1L(. 1,-.J,-.) SHEETNO. ______ f--_? ____ OF ______ _ R.,./\5 ~v 1q~ CALCULATED BY ___ ,_.'------DATE .......... ~ __ _.__...._:t:_ __ _ CHECKED BY __________ DATE ______ _ SCALE ___________________ _ r 1\ ~, (. ~ !N~ a f)(}IX\r I . Pc,.c. ~ K'' ·-J<«./: Ji_,._" 3~ I~ 'fa "-'Ff"~ '2 'f 4!{~ :. ..,_ l1"1.r) • ---=---. rt:; '25°'1'5 >: '"';; :: a ~30'-f.:::) w~::: -)_1'2. f-t,f--U.% ~ 11r},,.,c..) : . . . . . . . . "- --, --. . . . :. : . -~ /c,' s;z:u~- ,1.. -1' -------~-------·~~~--· -·-··----- •T I ~-~,~~~-~-~o7c~,~¢~-~~~--~-~~~~~-~.~-~.~~-.~~-.-,-.~~---~-,-.-~-~-N-~---,,-c--~.-~-¢---¢---N-~-.-~-~---m---~-c-.-~-~---m---N-,~. _PROOJST2C7-1.r~lnc Grotor,.Mau.01~tT00rQel'PriONETOL1.F?:EE.1-600-~ I TJl®/55C Joist ·... Load Tables/Non-Sno~ (125%) · f~ Performance Plus® Web Material• Parallel TJI® Joist• Sloped Roof Only Allowable Uniform Load (PLF) I 232 220 . 203 m I 155 137 122 108 97 I 87 78 71 64 58 I 53 49 45 41 38 I 35 I I -_: . 255 • 242 d30 218 . 208 198- 176 157 140. 126 114 103 93 85 78 71 65 60 55 51 47 44 41 38 35 278 263 251 238 228 218 208 201 188 169 153 138 126 114 105 96 88 81 75 69 64 59 55 51 48 45 42 39 37 287 272 258 246 235 225 216 207 198 191 181 136 125 114 105 97 90 83 17 72 67 62 58 54 51 48 310 293 278 265 253 242 232 222 213 206 198 131 123 114 105 98 91 85 79 74 69 65 61 331 313 298 283 271 258 248 238 230 221 212 352 333 317 302 288 276 263 253 243 235 226 218 211 205 198 188 358 340 322 307 293 281 268 258 248 238 230 222 215 208 201 196 190 358 340 322 307 293 281 268 258 248 238 230 222 215 208 201 196 190 185 178 173 Multiple Span (;:e th','"-'."'*•"'11¾·~'s:'.e14~:fl•,t'!'ii•!t•~-16."':•.:'i<~.c'.1#: 18 :'•'f6~;:f;;,,., 20'."•J;""lt-c''""''' 22 ,,tc:;sY>,••N 24 r,;;;;;!"J>iit"·'' 26•":,,'7'i·4"!~ · 8 ~·~"'~ -~' · 208 198 188 178 171 163 156 150 145 140 135 130 125 121 1f7 113 111 238 226 215 205 196 187 178 172 165 160 153 148 143 138 1 135 · 130 122 300 285 270 257 246 235 225 216 207 200 193 186 180 175 168 163 153 318 301 286 272 260 248 238 228 220 212 205 197 191 185 178 173 163 322 305 290 276 263 252 241 232 222 215 207 200 193 187 181 176 170 166 158 322 305 290 276 263 252 241 232 222 215 207 200 193 187 181 176 170 166 161 156 152 146 322 305 290 276 263 252 241 232 222 215 207 200 193 187 181 176 170 166 161 156 152 .• 148 145· 141 135 I . : :- , 1 •. Values shown are maximum allowable load ~apacities of the joists in pounds per lineal foot (PLF) based on uniformly loaded conditions with web , ~·-. stiffener and bearing length criteria shown on page 3.2 (lower or higher load capacities may be possible with different criteria, use the TJ-Spec™. I. softwa.re program or contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative), and assume provisions for positive drainage (¼• per foot slope minimum). 2~-:-.~4ulliple span table can be used for two or more span conditions. Use the longest span for sizing. Where ratio of short span to long span is less f' > :-.:~ n 0.4, use the TJ-Spec™ software program or.contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative. · f 3. · alues in gray ID9il areas may be increased ~% for repetitive member usage H the criteria on page 9.2 are met. I. 4. Ca. mber (2250' radius) is available for simple span applications only. Contact your Trus Joist MacMIiian representative for availablllty • . 5. For loading conditions not covered by these tables (eg.: concentrated loads), use the TJ-Spec™ software program or contact your Trus Joist ? ___ Ma~il}a.il.£iPJ~entativj foi:. assistance. I,~ '._:,_ -i . . ,. \, ==~ .:' .. ' -. . ··,"" .......... -~·,.. ... ----.. -·--... 1;s.4: · -..... · · :., ·-··-: .,,. ____ · · REV._7/96W ,:,,,!' ·:·-~7:;':::} i~ -· -·----------~~ I 1~10 !ii<) I ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I C-s0·::.:, . ~:~:.:~ .. ~} I f1""" Load Tables/N~n-_Snow (125%) . Tll®/60C Joist Allowable Uniform Load (PLF) Sloped Roof Only• Parallel TJI® Joist· Performance Plus® Web Material Simple Span Multiple Span 200 191 172 154 · 139 125 113 103 . \ 94 ' 86 78 72 66 61 ·, 56 52 48 45 42 39 36 34 278 263 251 238 228 218 208 201 193 186 169 153 139 127 116 106 97 90 83 76 71 66 61 57 53 49 46 43 41 287 272 258 246 235 225 216 207 198 191 185 178 172 164 150 138 127 117 108 , 100 92 86 80 74 69 65 60 57 53 20 310 293 278 265 253 242 232 222 213 206 198 · 192 186 180 117 108 101 94 88 82 77 72 67 22· 331 313 298 283 271 258 248 238 230 221 212 206 198 192 186 181 175 141 133 125 116 108 101 95 89 84 · · 24. ' 331 313 298 283 ·211 258 248 238 230 221 212 206 198 192 186 181 175 170 166 158 352 333 317 302 288 276 263 253 243 235 226 218 211 205 198 192 186 181 176 171 165 156 358· 340 322 307 293 281 268 258 248 238 230 222 215 208 201 196 190 185 178. 175 170 165 161 153 146 ' .,,. , ... ,,. 30 358 340 322 307 293 281 268 258 248 238 230 222 215 208 201 196 190 185 178 175 170 165 161 157 153 150 200 208 238 247 300 318 322 322 322 190 198 226 235 285 301 305 305 305 180 188 215 . 223 270 286 290 290 290 171 178 205 212 257 272 276 276 276 163 171 196 202 246 260 263 263 263 156 163 187 193 235 248 252 252 252 150 156 178 186 225 238 241 241 241 143 150 172 178 216 228 232 232 232 138 145 165 171 207 220 222 222 222 133 · 140 160 165 200 212 215 215 215 · m m ~ ~ m 205 w w w 123 130 148 153 186 197 200 200 200 120 125 143 148 180 191 193 193 193 116 121 138 143 . 175 185 187 187 187 . 112 19 135 140 168 178 181 181 181 104 t13 130 135 163 173 176 176 176 96 111 126 131 158 168 170 170 170 88 107 122 127 155 163 166 166 166 81 105 120 123 150 158 161 161 161 74 101 116 121 146 155 156 156 156 69 94 111 117 141 150 ... 152 152 · · 152 64 88 115 133 142 148 148 148 ~------60=-c---+---c8_1 __ 111 145 145 145 56 76 108 141 141 141 52 70 103 135 137 137 48 ss m m 45 61 131 131 ·. 42 57 127 128 40 54 ro 86 ~ m 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities of the joists in pounds per lineal loot (PLF) based on uniformly loaded conditions with web stiffener and bearing length criteria shown on page 3.2 (lower or higher load capacities may be possible with different criteria, use the TJ-Spec™ software program or contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative), and assume provisions for positive drainage (1/? per loot slope minimum). 2. Multiple span table can be used for two or more span conditions. Use the longest span for sizing. Where ratio of short span to long span is less than 0.4, use the TJ-SpecTM software program or contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative. 3. Values in gray IIIZliil areas may be ii:tCreased 4% for repetitive member usage if the criteria on page 9.2 are met. 4. Camber (2250' radius) is available for simple span applications only. Contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative for availability. 5. For loading conditions not covered by these tables (eg.: concentrated loads), use the TJ-Spec™ software program or contact your Trus Joist _ MacMiJ.lao. represeotative fQC a~istance •. ,--, .. --,~ _. [.: ..... ;"··· ,--... ,~ /:' , " REV. 7/96-W '.:· ·· .. .... --··-------·-·-·· 5.5 I JOB Llf~, CA'::).1L-f.. Uv~ Cf(:,. 2Hz I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY SCALE I Prz-.o fJ\. Grz.t D U ~" .._.,_.__ ___ ____,:,~ f<.YlS ' ' ' ' --~ OF DATE ~)Cu DATE 3 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .;', 0 I , l.\.,J::::'J-_.;.~__:_~:.....4_,...:.'5_'..::SR_'AN_;_ _____ :J.;::..-...;;;'"s...;..' , -t· ( L.8 P.Jf "' '2A P-'\) ; 1t;'7., f ~ ~ 20" ,-:Jr--/raoc <24 ~4-wAv<--"' 1s2F..vr )~'2i.-;,4,,s'.;. 'l.: U'l-'l-If\~ U% 1ni1-ti~i1 f'1d. .. P1--:. USt)ltll' 31' -I /)71-4> ~'-1.r 5 w;:; I I I I I I I I 1· lir·:·:·: ,: ,~:-:-· I ";{ ' ~~ -t::~· 4'>t1<,= 9t?' 1'\-,1</S"t,i 1,_.-,,.'11<~-(1"-,.:iJ'-,,.zJ// :- ~ 11·~ 1e'2-f >c IJ:j' :-3 o, J "' -J W€ff-: ...... ..,.,,, 1S"'--f' /'1?- ·~-----·------------' ... 'q"7- : 6 I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 (J Date: 11 /24/97 Page: GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE INN: DRA,JST AT GL C-B ------------BEAM DATA------------ Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing 3; 125x16.5 End Fixity = 3.125 in Elastic Modulus = = 16. 50 in Beam Density = = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = Pin:Pin 1700000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.25 = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads = 165 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support = 625 psi -----SPAN DATA ------- Center Span = Left Cantilever = Right Cantilever = 31.50 ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft ----UNBRACED LENGTHS---- Le: Center Span = Le Left Cant. = Le: Right Cant. = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft ------------...;.'-------APPLIED LOADS -------------------- Uniform Load lil Center. Span: DL = 72.0 plf LL= 80.0 plf ---------------------SUMMARY--------------------- USING 3.125 x 16.500 Beam, Max. Pos Mom lil 15.75 f'I!' Max. Neg Hom lil 31.50 f'IF Max lil Left = Max lil Right = Max. Al low Moment = fb: Max. Actual = Fb: Allowable = Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 = CV per UBC 2312.4.5 = Center Camber = V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC Bending = 58.90¾, Shear= 36.55¾ 20.41 k-ft Shear: Max. lil Left = 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = 0.00 k-ft .... Area Req'd = 0.00 k-ft Max. lil Right = 34. 65 k-ft .... used for dsgn = 1727.0 psi .... Area Req 1d = 2932.0 psi fv : Max. Actual = Fv : Allowable = 19.31 0.00 Bearing Req'd lil Left = 0.98 Bearing Req'd lil Right= -1.41 in 2.59 k 3.89 k 18.85 in2 2.59 k 3.89 k 18.85 in2 75.39 psi 206.3 psi 1.33 in 1.33 in Reactions •.• DL Maximum Left = 1.33 k 2.59 k Right = 1.33 k 2.59 k Deflections ... Center = -0.94 in -1.83 in ...• Oist = 15. 75 ft 15.750 ft ... L/Defl = 401 206 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 Right = 0.00 in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE INN: GLB JST Iii SCREEN WALL,GL B-C (/0 Date: 11/18/97 Page: -------------BEAM DATA -------------------SPAN DATA ------ Timber Section 3~ 125x21.0 End Fixity Pin: Pin Center Span = Beam Width = 3.125 in Elastic Modulus = 1700000 psi Left Cantilever = Beam Depth = 21.00 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf Right Cantilever = 34.50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Lamination Thickness . = 1. 50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 ----UNBRACED LENGTHS ---- Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Le : Cent'er Span = Fv -Shear = 165 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support Le : Left Cant. • , 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Fe -Bearing = 625 psi Le : Right Cant. = --------------'- 1 -------APPLIED LOADS --------------------- Uniform Load Iii Center Span: DL = 72.0 plf Point Load: DL = 875.0 # at 26.50 ft Point Load: DL = 875.0 # at 18.50 ft Point Load: DL = 996.0 # at 10.50 ft Point Load: DL = 1118.0 # at 4.00 ft LL= 80.0 plf ----------------------SUMMARY---------------------- USlNG 3.125 x 21.000 Beam, Bending= 79.29¾, Shear = 57. 48¾ Max. Pos Mom Iii 18.35 f~ 43.04 k-ft Shear: Max. Iii Left = 5.19 k Reactions ••• DL Maximum Max. Neg Mom Iii 34.50 f~ 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = 7.78 k Left = 3.81 k 5.19 k Max Iii Left = 0.00 k-ft •••. Area Req'd = 37. 72 in2 Right = 3.09 k 4.47 k Max Iii Right = 0.00 k-ft Max. Iii Right = 4.47 k Max. Allow Moment = 54.29 k-ft •••• used for dsgn = 6.71 k Deflect ions ..• fb: Max. Actual = 2248.9 psi .•.. Area Req'd = 32.52 in2 Center = -1.63 in -2.25 in Fb : Allowable = 2836.2 psi fv: Max. Actual = 118.56 psi •.•• Dist = 17.11ft 17.112 ft Fv : Allowable = 206.3 psi •.• L/Defl = 255 184 Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = 19.31 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 = 0.00 Bearing Req'd Iii Left = 2.66 in •.. L/Defl = 0 0 Cv per UBC 2312.4.5 = 0.95 Bearing Req'd Iii Right= 2.29 in Right = 0.00 in 0.000 in •.• L/Defl = 0 0 Center Camber = -2.44 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I ! I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 A I ._ ... _.; Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. j:, ':It.. OL . c..i,::; -"I' (t~ ~ 1.-,) ,. ,,1. PJ.r I 8b I.-... . Wt,: 1 (1 s~ '?.,.) {e,, -1-3:..') /(;P.>t= + \ 11 {'tSf'Jr.+ n) = ~ . ~ q -~\(~~ P: {. >-~ {z.n ,~) -r ~ \1" P.;(j r; ,bo iii. 1 48 *' v<- bpt., 5 /. {:, (I'~/, z._('.: t. <( ' "\ ~e ~'L. tJtJ11' 11.' ~,; '.:4Bf-'lflll:.WBJ p:: 1-J I/ ff::::-.) ii<){} tx<'vfRt ;, 1'1. 'j. 1 ~, ~ '"l.. ()1 s{~ ~I, fOL"" l,~1V-} f~...,:-(~\ l,'t,'{•11., l.o"-\_ i,o! (c-L.\3 Q c;,L. © w,::: (1~9 (tHSf--ti'<t'.R); 12--H1..f-tH-1 'ZJH1... w1 -:= / ~·.+ 12'~1+81)1. + n 'j~fd ~ 1-z~ .°IDfM Nlr-.· .. .._ i. -; (-"ll SHEET NO. __________ OF------- ~) CALCULATED BY ----=--Y<.JA.-=----=S'------DATE --1..:tvb:..:::.:..lJ_~=----- CHECKED BY __________ DATE------- SCALE AA VlkM ,i~~, ~U5 C-' '2-" { p l t 1it t ~xl i Df Jt} I I I I I I I 1@ I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 11/17/97 Page: GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE: LEDGER BM iil GL 3,B-A -------------BEAM DATA ------------- Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing 3~ 125x21.0 End Fixity Pin:Pin 1700000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.25 = 3.125 in Elastic Modulus = = = = = = 21.00 in 1.50 in 2400 psi 165 psi 625 psi Beam Density = Load Duration Factor = Beam Wt. is Added to Loads End Shear calc'd at Support \ -----SPAN DATA ----- Center Span Left Cantilever = = Right Cantilever = 34.50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft ----UNBRACED LENGTHS ---- Le: Center Span Le: Left Cant. Le: Right Cant. = = = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft ____________ __;,, _______ APPLIED LOADS -------------------- Trapezoidal Load: DL: 72.0plf@ lft, 72.0plf@ rt LL: 80.0plf@ Trapezoidal Load: DL: 198.0plf@ lft, 198.0plf@ rt LL: 64.0plf@ lft, 80.0plf@ rt from 0.00 ft to 5.00 ft lft, 64.0plf@ rt from 5.00 ft to 34.50 ft ---------------------SUMMARY---------------------- USING 3.125 x 21.000 Beam, Max. Pos Mom @ 17.39 ft= Max. Neg Mom al 34.50 ft= Max @ Left = Max@ Right = Max. Allow Moment = fb Max. Actual = Fb : Allowable = Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 = Cv per UBC 2312.4.5 = Center Camber = V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC Bending = 74.91¾, Shear= 52.69¾ 40.67 k-ft Shear: Max.@ Left = -0.00 k-ft .•.. used for dsgn = 0.00 k-ft .... Area Req'd = 0.00 k-ft Max. @ Right = 54.29 k-ft .... used for dsgn = 2124.7psi .... Area Req'd = 2836.2 psi fv Max. Actual = Fv : Allowable = 19.31 0.00 Bearing Req'd@ Left = 0.95 Bearing Req'd @ Right= -2.42 in 4.28 k 6.43 k 31.16 in2 4.75 k 7.13 k 34.58 in2 108.68 psi 206.3 psi 2.19 in 2.43 in Reactions •.• DL Maximum Left = 3.11 k 4.28 k Right = 3.64 k 4.75 k Deflections ••• Center = -1.61 in -2.12 in •... Dist = 17.39 ft 17 .250 ft .•. L/Defl = 256 195 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in •.• L/Defl = 0 .o Right = 0.00 in 0.000 in ..• L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I 1~ I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 11/18/97 Page: GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE: MECH'L OPENING BM AT GL B ------------BEAM DATA ------------ Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing = = = = = = 4X14 End Fixity 3.500 in Elastic Modulus = 13.25 fo Beam Density = 1. 50 in Load Duration Factor = Pin:Pin 1700000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.25 1000 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads 16~ psi End Shear Calc'd at Support 62~ psi -----SPAN DATA ----- Center Span = Left Cantilever = Right Cantilever = 12.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft ----UNBRACED LENGTHS---- Le: Center Span = Le : Left cant. = Le: Right Cant. = 0.00 ft o.60 ft 0.00 ft --------------------APPLIED LOADS -------------------- Point Load: DL = 1570.0 # LL= 1000.0 # at 4.00 ft Point Load: DL = 1570.0 # LL= 1000.0 # at 8.00 ft SUMMARY USING 3.500 X 13.250 Beam, Bending= 98.27¾, Shear= 41.36¾ Max. Pos Mom al 6.00 f'li= 10.48 k-ft Shear: Max. al Left = Max. Neg Mom al 0.00 f'li= 0.00 k-ft •... used for dsgn = Max al Left = 0.00 k-ft ••.. Area Req'd = Max al Right = 0.00 k-ft Max. iil Right = Max. Allow Moment = 10.67 k-ft .••• used for dsgn = fb: Max. Actual = 1228.3 psi ..•. Area Req'd = Fb: Allowable = 1250.0 psi fv : Max. Actual = Fv : Allowable = Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = 29.91 Rb= CLeD/BA2)A.5 = 0.00 Bearing Req'd al Left = Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = 1.00 Bearing Req'd lil Right= Center Camber = -0.22 in V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC 2.64 k Reactions ••• DL Maximum 3.96 k Left = 1.64 k 2.64 k 19.18 in2 Right . = 1.64 k 2.64 k 2.64 k 3.96 k Deflections ••. 19.18 in2 Center = -0.15 in -0.24 in 85.31 psi ..•• Dist = 6.00 ft 6.000 ft 206.3 psi ••. L/Defl = 968 598 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in 1.21 in .•• L/Defl = 0 0 1.21 in Right = 0.00 in 0.000 in •.• L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I 10 'f/:·::1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ,-:-~·· MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 11/14/97 Page: GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE INN: GLB AT GL C (is G-Lt.3 C. t.,.., (5:rC> ------------BEAM DATA------------ Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing 8.75x25.5 End Fixity = 8.750 in Elastic Modulus = = 25.50 in Beam Density = = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = Pin:Pin 1700000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.25 = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads = 165psi End Shear Calc'd at Support = 625 psi -----SPAN DATA ----- Center Span = Left Cantilever = Right Cantilever = 40.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft ----UNBRACED LENGTHS---- Le: Center Span = Le: Left Cant. = Le: Right Cant. = \ 0.00 ft ·o.oo ft 0.00 ft -------------''-------APPLIED LOADS -------------------- Uniform Load iil Center Span: DL = 428.0 plf LL= 285.0 plf Trapezoidal Load: DL: 90.0plf al lft, 90.0plf al rt from 8.00 ft to 40.00 ft ---------------------SUMMARY--------------------- USING 8.750 x 25.500 Beam, Bending= 87.00¾, Shear= 55.65¾ Max. Pos Mom al 20.16 f'I? 170.01 k-ft Shear: Max. al Left = Max. Neg Mom iil 0.00 f'I? 0.00 k-ft .••. used for dsgn = Max al Left = 0. 00 k-ft .•.. Area Req' d = Max al Right = 0.00 k-ft Max. al Right = Max. Allow Moment = 195.40 k-ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 2151.3 ps; .... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 2472. 7 psi fv : Max. Actual = Fv : AL lowable = Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = 19.31 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 = 0.00 Bearing Req'd al Left = cv per use 2312.4.5 = 0.82 Bearing Req'd al Right= Center Camber = -2.37 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 16.50 k 24. 74 k 119.98 in2 17.07 k 25.61 k 124.16 in2 114.77 psi 206.3 psi 3.02 in 3.12 in Reactions ••• Left = Right = Deflect 'ions .•• Center = •.•. Dist = .•• L/Defl = Left = ..• L/Def l = Right = .•. L/Defl = DL 10.80 k 11.37 k -1.58 in 20.00 ft 304 0.00 in 0 0.00 in 0 Maximum 16.50 k 17 .07 k -2.38 in 20.000 ft 202 0.000 in 0 0.000 in I ' 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE INN: HOR iil GL 5 FOR 8.75 GLB -----BEAM DATA ----- Center Span Length = 9.00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right cantilever = 0.00 ft Unbraced Length = 9. 00 ft Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Live Load Not Acting with Short<Term Fy = 3~ ksi Load Duration Factor = 1.25 Beam End Fixity Pin: Pin AISC Section Sect ion Depth Web Thickness Section Width Flange Thickness Section Area Section Weight rT, y = = = = = = = APPLIED LOADS Date: 11/24/97 Page: STEEL SECTION DATA w10x26 10.33 in Ixx = 144.00 in4 0.260 in Iyy = 14.10 in4 5.n in sxx = 27.88 in3 0.440 in Syy = 4.89 in3 7.61 in2 r:xx = 4.350 in 25.84 # r:yy = 1.361 in 1.54 in Concentrated Loads Dead Load , -11.40 k Live Load = 10.20 k Distance To Load = 6.00 ft Uniform Loads Dead Load = 0.21 k/ft Live Load = 0.06 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 9.00 ft ---------------------SUMMARY--------------------- USING w10x26, Max Stress Ratio= 91.12¾, Min Defl. Ratio= 848.84 --------TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS-------- Maximums... Actual Moment = 45. 7 ••••• Stress= 19.68 Shear = 15.74 · .•.•• Stress= 5.86 Deflection = -0.127 fb / Fb : ¾ max fv / Fv : ¾ max Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio= Allowable 50.2 k-ft 21.60 ksi 38.68 k 14.40 ksi 0.911 0.407 1544.49 848.84 V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC Moments •• M+ a Center M-a Center iil Left ii Right Shears ... iil Left iil Right Deflection •. a Center iil Left al Right at 0.00 ft Reactions iil Left Reactions al Right = = = = = = = = = = = = Placed ,for Max 45.7 8.54 15.74 -0.127 0.000 0.000 8.54 15.74 Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Only cilCntr iilCntr iilCants iilCants 24.8 45.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft -0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 k-ft 4.87 8.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 8.67 15.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.070 -0.127 -0.070 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 4.87 8.54 4.87 0.00 0.00 k 8.67 15.74 8.67 0.00 0.00 k -···--···------ GEO~GE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I Icy I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 B 7 B 1 2 ? 4 !, f - \ I I I -1'\' l,JIXiJ,,,, J';Ol>YZ. ~. G, L. 7 q' :1'4,-) I I ..... -~ . .. I V.:,:_.·: . I I 1-- w::.; 5'(2.1, +-n) + J.'118+ -i.o) + 1'~U,P...f-: ~ . . 2. l' Wov, -: IJ:(0,'lPJf) . .: IO'\f½ r,? f{A,,11, '2- (1 wDM..-(. , L., D Gf 'SP-'1 ~ (N: t (2.., -tt'Z.) + ~ (1817,,..,)t-7 1,lc/(.fM-: 1<• 70~ >r. 9/2., 'l.-z., ... 1'1( ,... di. t-1C~ ~'Jf 11..' JfAr-' 9b -?..Yo f't VJ SHEET NO. _________ _ OF CALCULATED BY __ R;...._,.rt ____ S" ____ _ DATE l)ov "11- CHECKED BY _________ _ DATE SCALE _____________ _ 2 ' • 2 ' ' ' ' ' ' , e ' 41~vc.11 µ.,rJ Vfe 1Y JO I H 1' o~ . (-1.fi(l,,F 12.k st :rR1~'' I 'l. ",, 1 I W" {i.) 6 'j)f Sf -r'v-f .if w ) ,:::-. 1 " ( IJf t i:. 1 Ctrv f)~ I.A-: .. 1- 1-/f:; •r 1. ...... __ N_M __ -,-. -. -,-~---N-C. -.-.-. -~ -,-~ -.-,--. -.-.-.---~ -_-N_M_•_<• -.---~ ---N -,,-.-~ -.-,-~---N -M-.-~-~---~---N -,,-, -,-w-, -~---N-M....J PRODUCT 20M :f:!!.if!f.'mc. Gr~on. Mffl. 010:i1. lo Oiae1 PHONE TOLl. FREE ia&»~ I leo:::.-': •·=-·.· '\•",' I I I I I I I I I I I I '® 'j \i'F ' MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 11/18/97 Page: GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE INN: BM LEDGER AT GL 4 (.4 BM l,€0<,-,tj \._ -------------BEAM DATA------------- Timber Sect ion Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing = = = = = = 4X8 End Fixity Pin:Pin 1700000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.25 3.500 in 7.25 in 1.50 in 1000 psi 145 psi 625 psi Elastic Modulus = Beam Density = Load Duration Factor = Beam Wt. is Added to Loads End Shear Calc'd at Support ------SPAN DATA-------- Center Span = Left Cantilever = Right Cantilever = 15.50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft ----UNBRACED LENGTHS---- Le: center Span = Le: Left Cant. = Le: Right Cant. = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft \ --------------'-------APPLIED LOADS -------------------- Uniform Load@ Center Span: DL = 88.0 plf LL= 42.0 plf ----------------------SUMMARY---------------------- USING 3.500 x 7.250 Beam, Max. Pos Mom @ 7.75 ft: Max. Neg Mom @ 15.50 ft: Max @ Left = Max@ Right = Max. Allow Moment = fb Max. Actual = Fb : Allowable = Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 = Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = Center Camber = V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC Bending = 98.49¾, Shear= 30.25¾ 4.09 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = 0.00 k-ft .... Area Req'd = 0.00 k-ft Max. al Right = 4.15 k-ft ..•. used for dsgn = 1600.4 psi .... Area Req'd = 1625.0 psi fv Max. Actual = Fv: Allowable = 29.91 0.00 Bearing Req'd@ Left = 1.30 Bearing Req'd @ Right= -0.97 in 1.06 k 1 :58 k 7.67 in2 1.06 k 1.58 k 7.67in2 62.38 psi 206.3 psi 0.48 in 0.48 in Reactions .•• DL Maximum Left = 0.73 k 1.06 k Right = 0.73 k 1.06 k Deflections ••• Center = -0.65 in -0.94 in .••. Dist = 7.75 ft 7. 750 ft ... L/Defl = 287 199 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 Right = o.oo in 0.000 in •.. L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I '··._;:/;·) I c/ I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGO CASTLE INN: METAL ROOF, TYP BM -----BEAM DATA ----- Center Span Length = 16.00 ft AISC Section Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Section Depth Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Web Thickness Unbraced Length = 9.00 ft Section Width Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Flange Thickness Live Load Not Acting with Short \Term Section Area Fy = 361 ksi Section Weight Load Duration Factor = 1.25 rT, y Beam End Fixity Pin:Pin Date: 11/25/97 Page: STEEL SECTION DATA c7x9.8 = 7.00 in Ixx = 21.30 in4 = 0.210 in Iyy = O. 97 in4 = 2.09 in Sxx = 6.09 in3 = 0.366 in Syy = 0.62 in3 = 2.87 in2 r:xx = 2.724 in = 9.74 # r:yy = 0.581 in = O. 54 in --------------------APPLIED LOADS -------------------- --------------------Uniform Loads-------------------- Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.03 k/ft = 0.06 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 16.00 ft ----------------------SUMMARY---------------------- USING c7x9.8, Max Stress Ratio= 51.83¾, Min Defl. Ratio= 806.38 --------TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBINATIONS-------- Maximums... Actual Moment = 3.2 •••.. Stress= 6.29 Shear = 0.80 ••••• Stress= 0.54 Deflection = -0.238 fb / Fb : ¾ max fv / Fv : ¾ max Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio = · Allowable 6.2 k-ft 12.14 ksi 21.17 k 14.40 ksi 0.518 0.038 2023.72 806.38 V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC Moments .• M+ al Center M-al Center al Left iii Right Shears ..• iii Left iii Right Deflection .• iii Center iii Left iii Right at 0.00 ft Reactions iii Left Reactions iii Right = = = = = = = = = = = = Placed for Max 3.2 0.80 0.80 -0.238 0.000 0.000 0.80 0.80 Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST Only iilCntr iilCntr @Cants iilCants 1.3 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 -o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.32 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 k 0.32 0:80 0.00 0.00 0.00 k -0.095 -0.238 -0.095 0.000 '0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.32 0.80 0.32 0.00 0.00 k 0.32 0.80 0.32 0.00 0.00 k GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 :::f ::· JOB LE"&o • lAS-ft£ IN,:-J MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY Phone (619) 497-2118 CHEClKED BY Fax (619) 497-0429 ew&-w1; 11~M F=L-A1 p.ooF (f;jf)-(]JjJ) ®®-®'.v @@0© \) LDfEo Rcof ©-@(t)@ @®®2) ~-@@ ~~ ~w CL.Ir ,foiv\E""Q. Roof:~~ 1,./1,VO::,w 1,,1,llM. I fJ1 i,J t,&I... y ME.CH't.. v,-,11; MISC.. - w'f f'5r /'61, 0 JB,o /8,0 /0,0 'Zfto J~.o tf,o '25'.o ?,0 1'1,0 1,-<). 0 1..f',o 6,o S,o SCALE ' 7 ' -'f'RIB 1'<'(2€,A fob,g' X 1/o' 82.-=,;'k,01 'j'f' X" q I lb'(q'1'1') 6, 'Z.' X ?8 1 /2 1 X '/1 li6' >i'C.,Z/ f 13 'Jc~' -t 6,'2 1k"'(1 ..:tl'x 6.2 1 1-(p,z';rto' °3'-{' X '7' ,, Q) @ ff) ® @ ~ ,i-z,rX,.22' + "";f'-f' + 1,' t ,'-t ?I>') Qc·)xz~ (ff'+ 121 g1)e ?t)' -f /'2 I .XV,, I © :E) JJ:!-)(?b'+ 7-q,) 'l-@ /?,>(ft, Kt1CV!f,_, ('.,¼')[11..'xz..,-+1,~t ~"il~1.') "757>0+.1 + /C,,oo,ff' +-'/Oobtt" 1--t1rc.. Ut>o 7 0,f )CJ, 0 >: 2-,':rS'" .... 6··· y°"I J OF RMS-DATE DATE 6 7 ' ' ' 6 ' 3 s~.H f'sF \,J,f. (K) ::: \11'.. ?..L./,Ow. 413g -=J-'-{, 5"- L{ gf, 8, 11,( 1-o& 1.., J ~ ;ho q,o"' /0$ 3.8 451> /I, 1 >< '3/l, -:;., 'I I 7 o ,°I 1.0"l 1 ""3s. 5" "" 4zo g, '-1 {;'-{O 1,,0 '-11'-/ ,z.,1, 1,oM !G.-::;- /0,/ -z...o ~ ~i,~ ~ . ········4'2;A .... ~L qro-21..10 oc-r ~=t- 4 ' 7 e 2 -· ~. --------------- 1================= JOB Lt (::-0 -CA 5 ft.~ If,) tJ 1 b -2 '-/ 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ "" N ~ -II ~ •\• C ~ :::r N -::r ,1 3 ' ... -~ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 .: f. E -, 8 q, Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 -,/ ..... :,- l)ft,.~ ~ 'i~ ',c IY~ ri t, .. ~ J ~~ .Q I\ ::X: ..- -~ ~. ,..::,:: .... ~" ~ f 7 E • SHEET NO. f'JA) OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY --~-fv\ __ s~----DATE CHECKED BY __________ DATE------- 1/Jt ti,:: ) '-b ,, SCALE_.;/~,"':-_.:: _______________ _ ~ 7 2 • ' 7 '!I. I@ ~ ,L_ rr-\r, I l\ ...! ,,,..._ "' -~ I\ &--:r-.,,.. \t"' \ .... N '-" )'l 1'-1' ~ re-c-::: ~ ~~ .. ~ ,1 fJ..v ~ vi~ ~\ -, ... l .. ~; •l I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I :============================.., JOB L£ es-o CAS'(L£ I {'I~ SHEET NO. ~, OF ____ _ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 ~ r Oc-r I a-., CALCULATED BY __ f ___ <...M--....:~-----DATE -----"-l...c.7 __ Phone (619) 497-2118 CHECKED BY _________ DATE------ Fax (619) 497-0429 SCALE ------------------ ~~Ag. WA.I)... 6~vYVJll>.)(r (e,..L, @.S, ® oil. b,'1 l"J'}') -G.L. 0 n' 1,,./A'-t.,. '\J::; ,: S"': 11' ::. '-/'if; fM-< '1 ':t> f P-IJ.Jf, 1'yfC <21 Wf< ~ /li,f'.ir 16/'Jr ~ 1-'x IJ/Jfi "" ,Zb,3 (./(/r 1 .: {f,,V,k-11,f' -(.u--X_ut)\f J-= 11 1 ,:: 1.'=15"" <.. ~ Z.h "- (/~ "S:/Ji"f1t'f 1-+v'-Dowr-> 6,l, (i) 31 1 WALL.. 1.5K < J,t5 k u~ <:;;ji..-r1 z.,., 1,1o .. oo.,.,,.. G,t.@ \):::: 3.t ... ~ Ci': '"'3'5l'S f£,f-<. ',75" fjr W~:: N,f'x-16 f.S~ ,i~'Z fl...F f', :: (4-')f-t'\ (18 fSFJi(t)tn=-92-Y It f'2 = Cf~.1,)C1°fst:A't)i,u fii If: { :; [~., I( .ic ti ' -( ir) (,z.11-" ~t £Mx1j); '1,-~--i~;;:-< i',U,"" u.% .. s /ttf f l'I ..... . G.L, (!Je I) iSf sE~ N 51xJ,f>sf + g )( 1 [ fzf ~ 1~ I (¥ ~ ' ~ 1 ::: ~-'f" le 11,f' -(&s){'-t~~,¥'1] i QI'.:: {25,/1)7-':t 'ti-',.-, NO uft,Lf1' 7 E • 2 3 ,,· q' I I .· ( ·. MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 I I I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I · ~;. (!J'~ t)(f.,1.1)C'Z5H'l.): o,J6i,o<1 0,1"tA. > \"' '\-\_1.-- 1 I I I I I I · Cot.. vMrJf" (5 Lf x Y.:x. 'l'i 8 (;' A-1"'\J -15" '1 )c 'i. )c 1/y IJ~vt.l {f 'i 'X'{xVJ I i., (-.::~:_: ·-- •,• I I 1[}) rfl I 11] @ !IJ @r2)BJ JOB LE(s-o r'_ts,S.1tr,r lf'-',J Cfrs,-2'-IJ:f SHEET NO. f 1,_,, '7..-OF CALCULATED BY RMS DATE NDU 1 :11 CHECKED BY _________ DATE------ SCALE L,.£c.So\CAS1E\CASfuEl,v, f2..7. .. P ~fr--' 1.,1.s' w~----~-----;t© q, 1r;1 12,0' 8, 0 1 /0,01 l @ ~·· j I I ,.·_:-: \/: "·.;, I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ir:)._ -:~: > I I '· MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ~~t) ·FlZAtA.tS ,S-ov,;1 ~ 1 (Jr-) : ' t,.0((05 ~WN t'!,AJel) 0~ ~ce"i) , v.re 11-i • ~ 'r x._ ,, .. { ft uf wt!Lor , kilvon1 //Jtro J ,r-1 ;:;. ,_, x • nt "t.,., <' L > 3; 4 .1 ~l1tJ t .. = ,,_,,.,~I I iv :: l)t,..f I f,._-= k•rr"c·, .. ,o.,~ ' ( JOB L£1s0 CA-~1LE I f.J~ SHEET NO. _______ ..._r_'.k~) __ OF------- CALCULATED BY_-->..@:»'£ _______ DATE t,.J\)J CHECKED BY----------DATE ______ _ SCALE-------------------- tl-i:; ,1.,1<-.,. 'Pi!,._,:. ··U~ --t 5",'\.,,.., ~.;Jo 1.. )c "'1. 'r I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates Job I 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 osan Diego, CA 92108-5707 '-.e.:." -----Page ____ _ Date ----- I I I I I I I 1(0 V I I I I PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN -----------~== Load Combination is 1 : . 85DL+3 (Rw/8) EQ r°~a.t,-,--f Member End Forces ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Nodes ==========I-End========== ----------J-End ---------- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K) ---1-----(K) ------(K-ft) -------(K) --------(K) ------(K-ft) -- 1 1-3 -10.1~ -0.03 0.00 10.21 0.03 -0.25 2 3-5 0.47 1 1.63 1.92 -0.44 -1.63 1.75 3 2-4 63.68 -0.05 o.oo -63.58 0.05 -0.45 4 6-4 17.44 1.91 3.39 -17.48 -1.88 · 2.30 5 3-4 38.76 -0.30 -1.67 -38.76 0.40 -1.85 6 5-6 50.12 -0.15 -1.75 -50~12 1.28 -3.39 7 3-6 -38.53 0.06 0.00 38.56 0.06 0.00 8 1-4 -72.31 0.07 o.oo 72.45 0.07 o.oo I US Standard Units Option lcD AISC Code Checks: 9th Edition ASD I I I I I I i I p I I I I Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects Redesign Edge Forces A.S.I.F. : No No No : 1.333 \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Node I Boundary Conditions No x-coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 1 0.00 0.00 R R 0.00 I 1---- 1{.r°) 1;;g I I 11 ~ I ~·-- I I I I I I I 1@ I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN Job -----Page_. ___ _ Date ----- -=========== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Node Boundary Conditions No x-coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft}--------(ft}-----(in,K/in}----(in,K/in}---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F}- 2 10.00 0.00 R R 0.00 3 0. 00 9. 7 5 0. 00 4 10.00 1 9.75 o.oo 5 0 • 00 I 12 • 00 0 • 00 6 8.00 12.00 o.oo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield Stress Label Modulus Ratio Coefficient Density (Fy) --~------------(Ksi}-----------------------(F)--------(K/ft3)------(Ksi}---- A36 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 36.000 A500 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 46.000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set . Inertia Coef --------------~-----------------------(inA2)---------(inA4)---------;------- COLUMN TU4X4X4 A500 3.59 8.220 1.20 BEAM TU4X4X4 A500 3.59 8.220 1.20 BRACE TU4X4X6 A500 5.08 10.700 1.20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------I J I Releases J End Offsets I -~~-~~~=--~~~: ___ ::::~~~----:_:_: ____ :_:_: __ ::: __ :~~:-cin)----cfn)----~=,1~f 1 1 - 3 COLUMN 9. 7 5 1---··· _; ~ = ; ~~t= ; : ;; 4 6 - 4 BRACE 3 . 01 5 3 - 4 BEAM 10 • 00 I 6 5 -6 BEAM 8. 00 7 3 -6 BRACE 1 1 8.31 8 · 1 4 BRACE 1 1 .. 13 • 9 7 I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------I J Unbraced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le In Out Cm Cb 1----------------------(ft)-----(ft)-----(ft}----------------------------7----- 1 1 - 3 9.75 9.75 3 - 2 6 3 5 3 5 4 4 4 6 6 2.25 9.75 3.00 1.0. 00 8.00 8.30 2.25 9.75 3.00 10.00 8.00 8.30 ----------------- I Job RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates I 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 . osan Diego, CA 92108-5707 -----Page ____ _ Date ----- PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 {LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN - -------==== --------------~---------------------------------------~-------------~-------I J Unbraced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le In out Cm Cb --------------------(ft)-----(ft)-----(ft)---------------------------------- 8 1 - 4 13.90 13.90 \ ---------------------. ------------------------------------------------------BLC No. Basic Load Case Description 1 SEISMIC >>> 2 SEISMIC <<< 3 DEAD 4 LIVE Nodal Loads, BLC 1: SEISMIC >>> Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 I ------------------------------------------------------------~---------------1 Node i · Number Global X Global Y Moment ----:--------------------------(K)------------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- I IG) 5 23.ooo 0.000 o.o~o Nodal Loads, BLC 2: SEISMIC <<< ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)------------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 5 -23.000 0.000 0.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 3: DEAD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)------------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 5 0.000. 0.700 0.000 4 0.000 0.860 0.000 Member Point Loads,BLC 3: DEAD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Memb I J No Node Node Direction Magnitude Location ,_ ---------------------------------------(K, K-ft, F) -----------------(ft)-------· - 6 5 - 6 Y 1.000 5.000 11 :-:-.'.,, Member c:-_:J Distributed Loads,BLC 3: DEAD ii \:i::1/ I !I I .• i I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates I 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 (J)San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Job___._V_i,_J _ Page ____ _ Date ----- PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Memb I J Start End start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location -------------------------(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 6 5 - 6 Y 0.045 0.045 0.000 5.000 . \ Nodal Loads, BLC 4: L~VE \ ---------------------·------------------------------------------------------Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)------------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 5, 0.000 0.780 0.000 4 0.000 0.400 0.000 Member Point Loads,BLC 4: LIVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Memb I J I I ---~~--~~~=--~~~=-----~~===:~~~--------~:;~~;~~;) --------------~~=,;t)~-----cfw 6 s -6 Y 0.200 5~000 , I \'.:if, Member Distributed Loads, BLC 4: LIVE I I I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Memb I J Start End start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location -------------------------(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------{ft)---- 6 5 - 6 Y 0.050 0.050 0.000 5.000 . . --------------------------------------------------------------------~-------Load Combination No. Description Self Wt BLC BLC BLC BLC BLC Dir Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae W E DYNA S V -----------------------------------------------------------------------------. -1 .85DL+3(Rw/8)EQ y -.85 1 2.25 3 -.85 y II 2 .85DL+l.5EQ y -.85 3 1. 0DL+l. 0EQ y -1 4 .9DL+l. 43EQ y -.9 1 1.5 1 1 1 1.43 3 3 3 -.85 -1 -.9 y l y 1 y 1 y 5 l.ODL+3(Rw/8)EQ y -1 :1 6 . 85DL+l. SEQ y -.85 7 1.0DL+l.0EQ y -1 8 . 9DL+l. 43EQ y -.9 ; I Dynamic Analysis Data Number of modes (frequencies) I Basic Load Case for masses .... ,. . BLC mass direction of action (:{~)-Acceleration of Gravity I I 2 2 2 2 2.25 1.5 1 1.43 . . . . 3 -1 3 -.85 3 -1 3 -.9 3 None X only 32.20 ft/sec**2 y 1 y 1 y 1 I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 Job fi,q George R. Saunders Associates I 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 @San Diego, CA 92108-5707 -------Page ____ _ Date ----- I I I I I I I PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN ==============================================================-========-== ENVELOPE SOLUTION Nodal Displacements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation -------------------(in)------LC----------(in)------LC----------(rad)-----LC- 1 max 9.00000 2 0.00000 2 0.00106 6 min -0.00000 6 -0.00000 6 -0.00116 2 2 max 0.00000 6 0.00000 6 0.00079 6 min -0.00000 2 -0.00000 2 -0.00075 2 3 max 0.15311 2 0.00708 2 0.00178 6 min -0.15204 6 -0.01026 6 -0.00161 2 4 max 0.12371 2 0.04481 6 0.00150 6 min -0.12035 6 -0.04825 2 -0.00168 2 5 max 0.20584 2 0.00691 2 0.00117 6 min -0.20402 6 -0.01065 6 -0.00182 2 6 max 0.17491 2 0.00049 6 0.00187 6 min -0.17384 6 -0.00669 4 -0.00100 2 f':.'::\.?.. ENVELC?PE SOLUTION I l(:,;tJ Reactions I I II I I I I{.'.:-.·, t{) I I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment --------------------(K)------LC-----------(K)------LC----------(K-ft)----LC- 1 max 34.52470 6 ,42.97009 6 0.00000 2 min -34.53238 2 -39.82991 2 0.0Q00O 2 2 max 0.03238 2 42.98146 2 0.00000 2 min -0.02470 6 -39.81854 6 0.00000 2 ENVELOPE SOLUTION Member Section Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Nodes Member Quarter Points No I J I-End 1/4 1/2 3/4 J-End --------------(K,Kft,in)LC(K,Kft,in)LC(K,Kft,in)LC(K,Kft,in)LC(K,Kft,in)LC-- 1 1-3 A ....... 9 .18 6 9 .16 5· · ... 9 .13 . 6 9 ~ 11 .. 6 .. . 9. 08 6 -6.25 2 -6.27 2 -6.30 2 -6.32 2 -6.35 2 V 0.02 6 0.02 6 0.02 6 0.02 6 0.02 6 -0.02 2 -0.02 2 -0.02 2 -0.02 2 -0.02 2 M 0.00 7 0.04 2 0.08 2 0.11 2 0.15 2 · -0.00 3 -0.06· -6 -·-0.12·-6·--··--0.18 6 -0.24 6 D 0.000 2 0.032 6 0.066 6 0.105 6 0.152 6 0.000 2 -0.034 2 -0.070 2 -0.109 2 -0.153 2 I RISA-2D (R} Version 3.03 f_30 George R. Saunders Associates Job I 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 Page @San Diego, CA· 92108-5707 Date I PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME @ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN ==== I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Nodes Member Quarter Points No I J I-End 1/4 1/2 3/4 J-End I --------------(K,Kft,in)LC(K,Kft,in}LC(K,Kft,in}LC(K,Kft,in}LC(K,Kft,in)LC-- 2 3-5 A 1.56 7 1.55 7 1.55 7 1.54 7 1.53 7 o.?8 2 0.67 2 0.66 2 0.66 2 0.65 2 I V o.~5 2 0.95 2 0.95 2 0.95 2 0.95 2 -1.17 6 -1. 77 6 -1.77 6 -1. 77 6 -1.77 6 M 1.23 2 0.69 2 0.45 8 1.44 6 2.43 6 -1.55 6 -0.55 6 0.15 2 -0.38 2 -0.92 2 I D 0.000 2 0.013 6 0.028 6 0.042 6 0.052 6 0.000 2 -0.012 2 -0.026 2 -0.040 2 -0.053 2 3 2-4 A 42.98 2 42.96 2 42.93 2 42.91 2 42.88 2 I -39.82 6 -39.84 6 -39.87 6 -39.89 6 -39.92 6 V 0.02 6 0.02 6 0.02 6 0.02 6 0.02 6 -0.03 2 -0.03 2 -0.03 2 -0.03 2 -0.03 2 M 0.00 7 0.08 2 0.16 2 0.24 2 0.32 2 I -o.oo 2 -0.06 6 -0.12 6 -0.18 6 -0.24 6 D 0.000 2 0.024 6 0.050 6 0.081 6 0.120 6 0.000 2 -0.022 2 -0.048 2 -0.081 2 -0.124 2 1@) 4 6-4 A 11.98 2 11.99 2 12.00 2 12.01 2 12.02 2 \:0· -9.85 6 -9.84 6 -9.84 6 -9.83 6 -9.82 6 V 1.39 2 1.39 2 1.38 2 1. 37 2 1.36 2 I -0.65 6 -0.66 6 , -o. 67 6 -0.68 6 -0.68 6 M. 2.56 2 L52 2 0.51 3 ·o. 11 6 1.28 6 I -0.73 6 -0.24 6 0.26 6 -0.56 2 -1.59 2 D 0.000 2 0.018 6 0.036 6 0.054 6 0.069 6 I 0.000 2 -0.013 2 -0.030 2 -0.049 2 -0.066 2 5 3-4 A 25.51 2 25.51 2 25.51 2 25.51 2 25.51 2 -27.49 6 -27.49 6 -27.49 6 -27.49 6 -27.49 6 I V 0.29 6 0.26 6 0.23 6 0.21 6 0.18 6 -0.18 2 -0.21 2 -0. 23 ·--2 -0.26 2 -0.29 2 M 1.30 6 0.62 6 0.00 6 0.59 2 1.27 2 -1.07 2 -0.59 2 -0.03 4 -0.55 6 -1.04 6 I D 0.000 2 0.029 6 0.030 6 0.030 6 0.055 6 0.000 2 -0.028 2 -0.029 2 -0.029 2 -0.056 2 6 5-.. 5-A 33.55 2 33.55 . 2 . 33.55 2 -· 33.55 2 ·33.55 2 I -32.73 6 -32.73 6 -32.73 6 -32.73 6 -32.73 6 V 0.90 8 0.79 8 0.69 6 -0.22 6 -0.24 6 0.06 2 -0.04 2 -0.14 2 -1.06 4 -1.09 4 I M 2.43 6 0.75 6 -0.73 6 0.45 2 2.56 2 -0.92 2 -0. 93·-2-----o. 88-·3·----1.19 ·· 6 -0.73 6 D 0.000 2 0.002 6 -0.019 6 -0.017 2 0.011 6 0.000 2 -0.030 4 -0.036 3 -0.023 7 -0.014 2 I .. ·., i;iJ) I I ----'-·· I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates Job -----I. 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 @ San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Page. -----Date ----- I I I I I I I ~i[:l I (~ I I I I I I I::./:· ... -1 ,,,~,;, I I PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN -------=- Nodes Member Quarter Points No I J I-End 1/4 1/2 3/4 J-End --------------(K,Kft,in)LC(K,Kft,in)LC(K,~ft,in)LC(K,Kft,in)LC(K,Kft,in)LC-- 7 3-6 A· 26.71 6 26~70 6 26.70 6 26.69 6 26~68 6 -25148 2 -25.49 2 -25.50 2 -25.50 2 -2s:s1 2 \ I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 Job George R. Saunders Associates I 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 G) San Diego, CA 92108-5707 -----Page_· ___ _ Date i I I II I I I I '§)·· ~-I:.;.:·=:~- I I I I I jl •u I I ::~, -l PROJECT# 96-240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN =========== ENVELOPE SOLUTION Reactions ----- I I == Node Global X Global Y Moment --------------------(K)------LC-----------(K)------LC----------(K-ft)----LC- 1 max j4.52470 6 42.97009 6 0.00000 2 min -34.53238 2 -39.82991 2 0.00000 2 2 max 0.03238 2 42.98146 2 0.00000 2 min -0.02470 6 -39.81854 6 0.00000 2 \ I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 Job George R. Saunders Associates I 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 {:t) San Diego, CA 92108-5707 ·~ . . -----Page_: ___ _ Date ----- I PROJECT# 96~240: LEGO CARLSBAD BRACED FRAME@ GL4 (LEGO\CASTLE\CASTLEIN I I I I I I 1® I I I I I I •@ I ., I ============= ==== -- Load Combination is 9: 1.0EQ Reactions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment --------------------T-(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 \-23.01903 -27.60000 0.00000 2 I O • 01902 27 • 60000 0 • 00000 Totals -23.00000 0.00000 0.00000 j,o O'- LJ,. ]'vJ_&',,,,{-" (,-;ylKJ,-1' w} ~ r-4 l, f [ --Q_ rv= L 'l , e, t I IA "--': .. :,, I I I I I I I I I I I I 1,,::.:-::i) lu r I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Date: 11/13/97 Page: COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN LEGO CARLSBAD: CASTLE INN BRACED FRAME m GL 4 ----DESIGN DATA ---- Allowable Soil Pressure= 2500.0 psf Short Term Factor = 1.33 Seismic Zone = 4 Live Does Not Combine With Short Term f' c : Concrete = 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing = 60000 psi Concrete Weight = 145 pcf Overburden Dead Wt. = 100.6 psf Min. As ¾ = 0.0014 Column Size ••• #1= 4.0in #2= 4.0in .•. Base Height #1= 2.0in #2= 2.0in Rebar CL to Soil Dist. = 3.50 in APPLIED LOADS At Col #1: AXial Shear Dead = 0.50 k 0.0 k Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k Shrt Trm= 27.60 k 23.0 k Moment 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: AXial Shear Moment Dead = 0.5 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm=-27.60 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS----- Ftg Dist left of Col #1 = Distance Between Columns= Ftg Dist right of Col #'E- Total Footing Length = Footing Width = 9.00 ft 10.00 ft 9.00 ft 28.00 ft 2.50 ft Footing Thickness = 30.00 in V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC SUMMARY Service Allow ACI Factored Left S.P.: Static D+L= 476.8 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1 = 667.5 psf Short D+L+S= 1176.0 psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 = 1646.4 psf 9-3 = 1058.4 psf Right S.P.: Static D+L= 476.8 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1 = 667.5 psf Short D+L+S= 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 = 0.0 psf 9-3 = 0.0 psf Resultant Ecc. : Static = 0. 00 ft Stability Short Term = -6.43 ft Ratio = 1.48 :1 ....•• Col #1 ..•••.••• Between... • ••••• Col #2 ...... . Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Mu from ACI 9-1 = 1.2 psi 0.50 in2/ft 1.3 psi 0.50 in2/ft 1.2 psi 0.50 in2/ft ACI 9-2 = 48.5 psi 0.50 in2/f1S6.8 psi -0.50 in2/ft39.1 psi -0.50 in2/ft ACI 9-3 = 31.2 psi 0.50 in2/f151.8 psi -0.50 in2/ft25.2 psi -0.50 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft of width), negative--> As m top of footing ---------MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY --------- ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Mum column # 1 = o. 78 k-ft 30.64 k-ft 19. 70 k-ft Mu btwn columns = 0. 79 k-ft -42.22 k-ft -32. 74 k-ft Mum column # 2 = 0. 78 k-ft :-24. 73 k-ft -15.90 k-ft One-Way Shears •••• Allow.: Vn=2Cf'c".5) = 109.54 psi 109.54 psi 109.54 psi Actual: Vu/ .85 .•• Left of Column #1 = 0.49 psi 18.60 psi 11.95psi Between Columns = 0.20 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi Right of Column #2 = 0.49 psi 15.63 psi 10.05 psi Two-Way Shears •.•• Allow.: Vn=4(f'cA.5) = 219.09 psi 219.09 psi 219.09 psi Actual m Column #1 = 0.20 psi 13.50 psi 13.72 psi Actual i Column #2 = 0.20 psi 12.37 psi 12.97 psi ,. i~ /,-> -i.. ~ U if 3 -t.te:, '1 .R i; A') :: 1. '1 u "'.... ,,, GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . .'. --~~ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 Cotv1 f1 &-@ &,L, ® w::: ~) [l&,1 ~) \ n' x-s f..J? - MfPo ;ffAt/fto"" :. -j 3B lf'f?']H-+ /...eJ C @ G-1-B c-.,... ~ /~~ .,. J,.," ;z'-1,' f-1 ,,. ..::: J I , Ir:,,,, -5"' •-·~ ••• •• ~------T~~,., •-•--•~•-1 JOB LEZ:5-D: CA~U I rJ ;v 9b -'1.'7'-> SHEET NO. f;5 OF :>? CALCULATED BY ~ DATE ('0-ov ?,l ,';)-:,. CHECKED BY DATE SCALE Ee "' e 6 7 e '. 7 , J 711 f U-<. ?,5""ov f -r-P"l-, 2..-"' t,..ll¢\£ v1 :::: - UJ'e J,8., /1.1,-J 9/l{)/:t-: {j,5 1 )ct,HCl'f-);; ~.) F1 tA,,-.,t,. ~1" ,{'ff F1' r,-crt: ~ 't ,-).s 'P (/f& '75 1 >J.J,-71/b !-;,~ ~; ?,,?J.11'-<!... h_., II' / : 2 /~ -, '],. ~ ----JPI{ -1.1 51 t-. ,4,, '/""" z. ,K,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z 1- (I <( ~ (.) z z Z MARTIN & DUNN_, INC. ::J Structural & Civil Engineers 0 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego. CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Lego-land Carlsbad (M&D PROJECT NO.. 960240.00) Castle Hlll Cluster (FGMP Package) Volume 1 Sections A -D Architect of Record: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum For Building Department Plan Check Submittal October 17, -1997 \.) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I SUBJECT GENERAL PARKWIDE STRUCTURES FOOD STANO NORTH . FOOD STAND SOUTH HORSE RIDE QUEUE STRUCTURE CASTLE BASE BUILDING CASTLE HILL CLUSTER INDEX SECTION A 6 C D ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION A GENERAL PARKWIDE STUCTURES SUBJECT STEEL STUD BEARING WALLS: Material Data Typical Exterior Studs Typical Interior Studs Headers at Openings Jambs at Openings Roof Ledgers INDEX TYPICAL SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE CMU SCREEN WALL STUD SCREEN WALL CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS FENCE POST FOUNDATIONS STEEL SLEEVE BASE FOR WOOD FLAGPOLES SHEET NO. A1-A9 A10-A13 A14 A15-A16 A17-A18 A19-A21 A22 A23-A25 A26-A28 A29-A42 A43-A44 A45-A46 I I I I I Ill C ca I ii: Ill :J 0 > ! D. I C ia -CP a: • I I ... I '/?:) . /.:.. .. _....,..:··· I I I I I I I ~,:-·: ....... ·\D ,~·--=:: I "· ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. 5360 WORkMAN MILL ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601-2299 TM A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Copyright ©_ 1996 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Filing Category: DESIGN-Steel (038) STEEL STUD PARTITION AND JOIST SYSTEMS ANGELES METAL SYSTEMS 4817 EAST SHEILA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90040· I. Subject: Steel Stud Partition and Joist Systems. II. Description: A. General: The steei.studs and joists are punched and roll formed in various depths, with the following minimum base metal thicknesses used in design: Member Type and/or Gage No.26 No.25 No.24 No.22 No.20" No. 18 No.16 No. 14 No. 12 No. 10 Minimum Design Thickness (inches) (min) 0.0172 0.4369 0.0188 0.4775 0.0219 0.5563 0.0283 0.7188 0.0346 0.8788 0.0451 1.1455 0.0566 1.4376 0.0713 1.8110 0.1017 2.5832 0.1285 3.2639 Steel sections are formed from steel having a minimum 33,000 psi (228 MPa) yield point (ASTM A 653 Grade 33 or ASTM A 570-79 Grade 33) for thicknesses of 0.0172 inch (0.4369 mm) through 0.0451 inch (1.1455 mm) (No. 18 gage) and minimum 50,000 psi-{3"15 MPa) yield point {ASTM A 653 Grade 50 or ASTM A 570-79 Grade 50) forthicknesses of 0.0566 inch (1.4376 mm) (No. 16 gage) through 0.1285 in<:h (3.2639 mm) (No. 10 gage). Galvanized coating complies with ASTM A 525~ 79. Section des- ignations, properties and dimensions, including web punchout dimen- sions and spacing are set forth in figure 2, page 2 and Table 1, pages 3 through 11 of the accomp~nying booklet, dated April, 1995. Member des- ignation includes gage number, member type and.web depth, as noted in Figure 1 of this report. Maximum web crippling and concentrated loads are noted in Table 9. B. Nonbearlng Partition Heights.EC, SS., HDS, XHD, XXHD and S Series: Allowable nonbearing partition heights using EC, SS; HOS, XHD, XXHD and S steel stud section properties only, are noted in Table 2 for flex- ible finish and Tables 3 and 4 for brittle finishes. Continuous lateral sup- port must be provided for both stud flanges with wall covering or bracing complying with Chapter 22, Division V, and minimum attachments in accordance with the code. See Detail Sheet 2. C. Axial Load-bearing Wall Studs HDS, XHD and XXHD Series: Allow- able axial loads and allowable-combined axial and wind loads for various heights and spacings based on mechanical bracing at-various spacings on center and sheathing on both sides for lateral stability in accordance with Chapter 22, Division V, (C5) of the·code are noted in Table 5. Allowable axial loads and allowable combined axialand wind loads based on minimum %-inch (9.5 mm) gypsum ~oard attached to both sides in accordance with Chapter 12, Division V, (04 .3) are noted in Table 6. Report No. 171 SP Reissued May 1, 1996 D. Joists XHD, HDJ, FJ and XFJ Series: Allowable span lengths for simple-span joists having various spacings, dead and liveJoading condi- . tions are set forth in Tab!es 7 and 8. Span lengths are based on flexure or deflection criteria. Continuous lateral support must be provided for the compression joist-flange with sheathing or bracing complying with U.B.C. Chapter 22, Division V, and minimum attachment in accordance with the c:9de. E. Fire-resistive Construction: Studs, track and joist sections may be used in fire-resistive construction where generically indicated in Table 7-8 of the Uniform Building Code or in generic assemblies in the Fire Resis- tance Design Manual, 13th edition, as published by the Gypsum Associa- tion. Stud types, minimum depth and steel thickness shall be consistent with those described therein. F. Tables and Deta_ils: The booklet entitled "Angeles Metal Systems," dated April, 1995, is distributed with this report. The following tables and detail sheets are part of this report, Table Items Page No. 1 Structural Properties of Studs, Joists 3 and Track. 2 Allowable Nonbearing Partition Heights, 12 In Feet, with Flexible Finish (U120). 3 Allowable Nonbearing Partition Heights, 16 in Feet, with Brittle Finish (U240) . 4 Allowable Nonbearing Partition Heights, 20 in Feet, with Brittle Finish {U360) • 5 Allowable Axial Load Bearing Studs 24 6 Allowable Axial Load Bearing Studs with 42 Minimum 3/a-inch (9.5 mm) Gypsum Board 7 Allowable Span Lengths {Feet) for Pur- lins and Joists, Simpl!l Span, (for Total 44 Load) Based on Flexure. 8 Allowable Spans (Feet) for Purlins and 46 Joists, Simple Span, {for Live Load) Based on Deflection 9 Allowable Concentrated Loads (Single 49 Member) Detail Sheet Items Covered Page No. 1 Web Stiffeners for Studs and Joists 52 2 lateral Bracing Details 52 G •. ld1mlificatilin: Each. stud, joist ~nd track is identified with the manufacMer's name (AMS), ICBO ES Report N.o. 1715, minimum base m~tal th_ickness and 50 ksi (345 MPa) yield strength, if greater than 33 ksi (228 MPa), stamped onto the web section at 24 inches (610 mm) on center. · Ill. Evidence Submitted: Descriptive details, allowable spans and cal- culations in accordance with Acceptance Criteria for Steel Studs, Joists ~pd Tracks dated January 1994. Evaluation reports of ICBOE11aluation Sell'ice, Inc., are isSUt!d solely to pro11ide information _lo Class A m~mber.r of ICBO; utilizing the code upon wliicl, tl,e report is based. E11aluation reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any otl,erattributes-not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement or recommen- datio11Jor use of the subject report • This report is based upon independent iests or other technical data submitted by the applkant. The ICBO Evaluation Sell'ice, Inc., technical staff /,as reviewed tl,e test results and/or other data, but does not possess testfaciiiths to make an·independent verification. There is·no-wa"anly by ICBO Evaluation Sen•ice, Inc., express or implied, as to any "Findi11g" or other matter in tl,e report oras IQ any prod11ct co11ered by the report. This disclaimer includes, but is·not limited to, merchantability. Page 1 of2 I I I I I I I I I .·::-.::::-·.·.'._:·:.) ·(ti_.-· I WAFER HEAD For me.ta! to metal framing connections when drywall. plywood and other similar wall materials are Uped Qn m,etal studs and joists. Metal thickness -25, 22 and 20 gauge. · BUGLE HEAD For drywall attachment to metal studs and joist. Also used for attaching cabinets through gypsum board and-insulation board. Metal thickness -25,22 and 20 gau~e. HEX HEAD-SELF DRILLING WITH NEOPRENE WASHER For fastening sheet metaJ·to metal studs, joists and purlins where water tight sealis necessary. Me.ta! thickness -20, 1 8, 16 and 14 gauge. BUGLE HEA_D~SELF DRILLING For drywall attachment.to metal studs and joists. Also used for attaching cabinets through gypsum board and insulation board. Metal thickness -20, 1 8, 16 and 14 gauge. WAFER HEAD--SELF DRILLING For metal to metal.framing connections when drywall, plywood and other similar wall materials are used on metal studs and joists. Metal thickness -20, 18, 16 and 14 gauge. HEX HEAD.:SEl:.F DRILLING . For attaching steel deck, backup plates, door frames. lathers channel to metal framing arid structural connections. Metal thickness -20, 18, 16 and 14 gauge. I SUGGI:STED DESIGN LOADS FOR SCREW CONNECTIONS (pounds) SCREW SIZE I Steel No. 12-14 No. l0,0 16 No. 8-18 No, 6-S12 Gauge (T•.153') CT•.125") (T•.125') CT•.106') Thickness TYPE Of LOADING Hin Shear Pullout Hin She.r Pullout Hin Shear Pullout Hin Shear Pullout Edge or Edge or· Edge .or Edge or Dist Bearing Dist Be~rf ng Dist Bear! ng Dist Bearing I 25 -----33 137 37 "' -5 -5 "' g 52 22 --u 202 89 194 73 .!: 186 .!: .!: s "' zo N 256 114 N 257 114 260 95 .... 230 85 .... .... ,., 18 453' 184 415· 175 342 153 262 136 16 g 540 252 g· .... -506 ... .. 238 .. ~ 3~2 203· "' 320 183 u C 14 657 354 517 335 .. 405 306 .. -292 12 ~ 662 ~ ;:; ;:; 544 -447 -38,3 -350 .. . ' Hin. Spacing of Strews 9/16 inch 1/t inch 3/8 1nch 5/16 inch C. to C, I i I Ir::/:--:-<} . . ~OTES: I V 1. Shear and pullout allowables based on-average test results with a.safety factor of 3.0. Test data available from sc;rew manufacturers (i.e. Grabber, Buildexl. · 2. When connecting materic1ls of different gauge, use loads llhown for the ligh_ter gauge. 3. Steel gauge thicknesses 25, 22, 20 and 18 -Fy = 33ksi 16, 14, & 12-Fy=S0ksi 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A?> TABLE I: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF STUDS, JOISTS, AND TRACK (CONTINUED) MEMBER MINIMUM WEIGHT ~ ' DESGNATION DESIGN (lbs/ft) \ Ulla-NESS (ind!cs) 20HDSl58 0,0346 0.529 20HDS250 0.0346 0.632 20HDS350 0.0346 0.749 20HDS358 0.0346 0.764 ;'.'_(/J::: 0.0346 0.808 0.0346 0.984 .:.:- 20HDS600 0,0346 1,043' 18HDS250 0.0451 0.840 18HDS350 0.0451 0.994 18HDS358 0.0451 1.013 18HDS400 0.0451 1.070 18HDS550 0.0451 1.300 18IIDS600 0.0451 1.376 1811DS&l0 0.0451 1.663, 16HDS250 0.0566 1,044 16UDS350 0.0566 1.236' 16HDS358 0,0566 1.260 16HDS400 0.0566 1.332 16HDS550 0,0566 1.621 16HDS600 0.0566--~·-1.717 l6HDS800 0.0566 2.101 16HDSIOOO 0.0566 2,.486 14HDS250 0.0713 1.311 14HDS350 0.0713 1.554 .. 14HDS358 0.0713 1.584· UHDS400 0.0713 J.675 ._-:-':/IJHDS550 0.0713 2.038 ~:.:.-4HDS600 0.0713 2.159 14HDS800 0.0713 2.643 14HDSIOOO 0.0713 3.127 20, 1.250" 18, 16, a11d lA "I-IDS'' Punched· C-Stud .093" inside radius , ·---· WE-b Depth O.D. ·--· · EFFECTIVE SECTibN .325" for 20 GAUGE .433" for 18 & 16 GAUGE .461'' for 14 GAUGE Punched hole: 3/4" ror J-5/6" and 2-1/2" web depth and 1-1/2" for 3-1/2" and larger web depth. TORSIONAL SECTION GROSS SECJ1ON PROPERTIES PROPERTIES MOMENT PROPERTIES CAPACITY Arca Ixx Rx lyy Ry lxx Sx Arca Ma Xo J Cw Ro I ll {in A3\ ' ·{inA4\ linA3\ /in-lbs\ lin\ /in A4\. (inA6\ {in\ (in "21 linA.4\ . {inA4\ {inA3\ /inA2\ 0.156 0.071 0.674 0,034 0.467 0,071 0.087 0.156, 1671 -1,154 6.214E-05 0.023 1.415 0.336 0.186 0,189 1.007 0.040 0.462. :0.189 0.151 0,186. 2893 -1.014 7.422E-05 0.054 1.502 0.544 0.221. 0.411 1.366 0.044 0,449 0.411 0.235 0.221 4507 -0.896 8,803£-05 0.110 1.694 0.720 0.225 0.447 1A09 0.045 0.447 '0.447 0.246 0.225 4725 -0.883 8.975E-05 0.119 1.722 0.737 0.238 0.563 1.538 0.046 0.441 0.563 0.282 0.238 5401 -0.848 9.493E-05 0.148 1.811 0.781 0.290 1.205, 2,039 0.050 0,417 1.205 0.438 '' 0.290 8428 -0.732 1,156E-04 0.302 2.206 0.890 0.307 1.489 2.202 0,0,51 0.409 1.4~9 0.496 0.307 '95~1 -0.701 l.225E-04 0.368 2.347 0.911 0.247 0.245 ,0.994 0.055 0.473 0,245 0,196 0.247 3868 -1.091 l.676E-04 0.085 1.550 0.505 0.293 0.538' 1.357 0.062 0.461 0.538 0.308 0.293 6079 -0.963 l.984E-04 0.167 1.726 0.689 0.298 0.585· 1.401 0.063 0.459 0.585 0.323 0.298 6377· -0.950 2.022E-04 0.180 1.753 0.707 0.315 0.739 l.53i Q.065 0.454 0.739 0.369 0.315 7298 -0.912 ·2.137E-04 0.221 1.839 0.754 0.383 J.587 2.036 0.071' 0.431 1.587' 0.577 0.383 Jl40S -0.788 2.595E-04 0.444 2,226 0.875 0.405 1.962. 2.200 0.o73 0.423 1:962 0.654 0.405 12923 -'0.754 2.7481!-04 0.539 2.364 0.898 0.496-3.996· 2.MO 0.078 0.396 3.996 0.999 0.496 19740 -0.<>46 3.36!l!-04 1.030 2.939 0,952 0.307 0.301 0.989 0.067 0.468 0.301 0.240 0.307 7200 -1.079 3.283E-04 0.102 1.536 0.507 0.364 0.664 1·.350 0.076 0.456 0.664 0.379 0.364 11357 -0.952 3.887E-04 0.201 1.714 0.691 0.371 0.721 1.394 !).076' 0.454 0.721 0.398 0.371 11917 -0.938 3.963E-04 0.217 1.741 0,709 0.392 0.912 1.525 0.079 0.448' 0.912 0.456 0.392 13651 -0.900 4.1891!-04 0.267 1.826 0.7~7 0.477 1.965 2,029 0.086 0.425 1.965 0.714 0.477 21389 -0.777 5.096E-04 0.538 2.214 0.877 0.506· 2.430 2.,192 o.oss 0.418 . 2.430 p,810: 0.506 24252 -0.744 5.398E-04 0.653 2.353 0.900 0.619 4.959 2.831 0.094 0.390 4.959 1.240 0.619 37120 -0.637 6.607E-04 1,251 2.928 0.953 0.732, 8.726 3.453 0.!)98 0.366 8,726 1.745 0,732 41930 -0.558 7.816E-04 2.076 3.517 0.975 0.386 0.371 0.980 0.083 ·0.465 0.371 0.297 0.386 8884 -1.084 6.544E-04 0.130 , J.534 0.500 0.457 0.824 1.342 0.094 0.453 Q.824 0.471 0.457 14099 -0.956 7.752E-04 0.253 1,709 0.687 ; ' 0.466 0.896 1.386. 0.095' 0:451 0.896 0.494 0.466 ·14802 -0.942 7.903E-04 0.272 1.736 0.705 ., 0.493 1.134 1.517 0.098 0.446 1,134 0.567 0.493 16979 -0.903 8.3561:-04 0.336 1.821 0.754 0.600 2AS2 2.022 0.107 0.423 2.452 0.892 0.600 26696 -0.779 l.017E-03 0,673 2.208 0.875 0.636 3.036 2,185 0.110 0.416 3.036 1.012· 0.636 302116 -0.746 l.077E-03 0.818 2.346 0.899 0.778 6.208 2,824 0.117 0.388 6.208 1.552 0.778 46471 -0.638 1.3191!-03 1.565 2.921 0,952 0.921 10,938 3,446 0.123 0.365 10.938 2,1118 0.921 65497 -0.559 I.S6JE-Q3 2.596 3.510 0.975 I-A4 TABLE I: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF STUD~, JOISTS, AND TRACK (CONTINUED) I I I I I I MEMBER MINIMUM DESIGNATION DESIGN THICXNESS I . -::, rt~ .. --~·.·:} •-:. (inches) - I 20XHD350 0.0346 20XHD358 0.0346 20XHD400 0.0346 I 20XHD550 0.0346 20xmxoo 0.0346 18XHD350 0.0451 I 18XHD358 0.0451 18XHD400 0.0451 18XHD550 0.0451 I --+ 18XHIXOO 0.0451 !8XHDIOO 0.0451 16XHD3S0 0.0566 I 16XHD358 0.0566 16XJID400 0.0566 ' 16XHD550 0.0566 .. I 16XHOOXl 0.0566 16XJID!IJO 0.0566 l6XJIDIOOO 0.0566 14XJID350 0.0713 14XHD3SS 0.0713 .. _~ ...... ~SL !4XHD400 0,0713 14XJIDS.SO 0.0713 14XHIXOO 0.0713 14XJIDIOO 0.0713, I !4XHDIOOO 0-0713 20, 18, 16, & 14 "XHP" Punched C-Stud -I .56:t Typical 1.625" -Punched hole: 1-1/2" for 3-1/2" and larger web depth. Web Depth O.D. WEIGHT EFFECllVESECTION TORSIONAL SECI1ON (lbc/ft) 'GROSS SECTION PRQPERTIES PROPERTIES MOMENT PROPERTIES CAPACITY r (m:4) AreA bx Rx Iyy Ry Iu Sx Area Ma Xo Cw Ro . (in"4) (inA2) , (in '."4) (in"3) (inA3) (inA4) (inA3) (in'."2) (in-lbs) (in) (ln"6) (in) 0.637 0.261 0.512 1.400 0.102 0.626 0.512 0.292 0.261. 5569 -1.399 1.04:zE-04 ojo1 2.076 0.902 0.265 0.SS5 i.«6 0.103 0.624 0.S5S 0.306 0.265 · 5834 -1.382 1.059£-04 0.322 2,996 0,946· 0.278 0.698'. 1.583 0.107 0.620 0.698 0.349 0.278 6654 -1.334 1.UIE-04 0.391 2.161 1.122 0.330· 1.47t 2.111 0.118 0.599 1,472 0.535 OJ30 10259 ·-1.175 1.3188-04 0,758 2,489 1,181 0.348 1.&10 · 2.282 0.122 0.591 1.810 Q.603 0.348 11516 -1.131 1.387E-04 0.914 2.615 1.148 0.338 0,658' 1.395 0.130 0.621 0.658 Q.376 0.338 7427 -1.389 2.2928-04 0.38i 2.064 1.167 0.344 0.714 .1.441 0.132 0.619 -0.714 0.394 0.344 77ll0 -1'.372 2.33IE-04 Q.408 2.084 1.225 0.361 0.897. 1.577 0.136 0.615 0.897 0.449 0.3~1 8867 .a.1.324 2.445E-04 0.496 2.149 1.455 0.428 J.898 .2.105· Q.151 0.594 1.898 0.690 0.428 13641 -1.165 2.904E-04 0.962 2.478 1.531. 0.451 2.335 2.276 0.155 0.586 2.3~5-,0,778 0.451 15382 -1.121 . .3._057E-04 1,161 2.604 1.&37 0.541 4,615 2.93_9 o.16r 0.556 4.675 1.)69 0.541 23094 -0.977 3.669E-04 2.190 3,147 1.430 0.421 0.813 1.389-0.160 0.615 0.813 0.464 0.421 13905 -1.377 4.498E-04 0.463 2.050 1.454 0.428 0.882 1.435 0.162 0.6U 0.882 0.487 0.428 14570 -1.360 4.573E-04 0.495 2.070 1.526 0.449 1.110 1.572 0.167 0.610 i.110 , 0.555 0,449 16619 -1.312 4.8CXE-04 0.603 2,136 1.815 0.534 2~~ 2.099 0.185 0.563 2.354 0.8S6 0.53~ 25625 -1.15.4 5,70<iE-04 1,174 2.466 J -. 1.911 --0.563 2.897 2,269 0,190 0.581 2.897 _...!!,966 _ _Q~-3 .. ___ 282!!_, ...::-~,I!!) 6,~::04 1.417 2.592 ... . .. 2.295 0.676 5.809 2.932· o.2os· 0.550 5.ll09 1,452 0,6?6 43483 -0.967 7.217E-(!4 2.67& 3.136 2.6!!0 . 0.739 10.073 3.573'· 0.216 0.523-10.0~ 2.015 0.789 5!)~66 -0.859 8.421iE-04 4.423 3.712 . .,, --:: -,, ~; ... 1.785 0.525 1.004' l.3S2· 0,195 ,0.609 1.004· 0.573 0.525 171(9 -1.362 8.905E-04. 0.559 2.034 1.815 0.534 1.090 1.428 0.197 !).607 1.090 0.601 0.534' 17997 -1.345 9.0SliE-04 0.598 2.054 1.906 0.561 1.373 1.564 0.204·. 0.603-1.373, 0,686° 0.561 20S50 -1.297 9.SO!IE-04 0.729 2.120 2.269 · 0.668 2.919 2.090· 0.226 O.SSI 2.919 1.061 0.668 317&1 .-1.1'0 1.1328-03 1.425 2.4S1 2;390 0.704 _3.596 2.260 0.232 0.574 3.596 1.199 0.704 35634 -1.096 l.l93E-03 1.722 2.577 2.874 0.846 · 7.226 2.922 0.250 0.543 7.2~6 .1.806 0.846 5401!6 -0.954 1,43E-03 3.262 3.121 3'358 0,989 12.5<19 3.562 0.263 ' 0,516 . 12.549 2.510 !),939 75142 -0.846" '1.67~-o., 5.395 3.693 s 0.546 0.565 0.619 0.777 0.813 0.547 'fl.567 ~621 0.779 0.815 0.904 0.549 0.568 0.623 0.781 0.816. 0.905 0.946 O.SSl 0.571 0.625 0.784 0.819 0.907 0.948 r:: -v,) ~ -,(·<:, -- - ---, ------------------.............. , ..... ,. ... _..._ ... &,. "'-·' SPAQNG AJ.UlW WINDIN(plf) SlUDNAME (In.) AXIALLOAD 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 12 0.194 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS158 16 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0,194 0.000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.526 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS250 16 0.526 0.148 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.526 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 ·-\o.023 0.000· 12 0.968 0.686 0.316 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS350 16 0.968 0.550 0.115 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.968 0.316 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.029 0.155 0.370 0.065 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS35S 16 1.029 0.614 0.161 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 _,, 24 1.029 0.370 .0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 i 12 1.209 · 0,972 . 0.549 0.209 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS400·: ' : 16 · 1~09 G.818 · 0.316 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.000 0:000 · 0.000, 24 1.209 0.549 0.000 0.000 '0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 -1.679 · 1.679 1.276 0.893 0.548 0.232 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 : 20HDS550 16· 1.679 1'.560 '1,016 0.548' 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.679 1.27fj ,0.!148 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.652 . 1.652 1.391 1.045 0.726 · 0.429 0.149 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 20HDS600 16 , 1.652 1'.6-40 1.157 0.726 . 0.334 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24. , 1.652 i'.39, 0.726 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 12· : 1.527 1;527 1.463 1.192 0.929 0.675 0.428 · 0.000. '0.000 0.000 A20HDS800 16 I 1.527 1J27 1.281 , 0.929 0.592 0.267 0.000 0.«;)00 '0.000 0.000 i 24 1.527-1.463 0.929 0.428 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I 12 0.716 0,431 0.153 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 i 18HDS250 16 0.716 0.328 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.716 0.153 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.000 0.000 12, 1.371 1,127 0.695' 0.353 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18HDS350 16 1.371 0.969 0.460 0.060 0.000 0.000 ' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 24 1.371 0.695 0.060 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 : 0.000 . · 0.000 0.000 ·12 1.492 , 1.252 · 0.795 0.432 , 0.122 : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18HDS35S 16 1.492 1.()85 0.546 0.122 0.000 <i.ooo 0.000 ' 0.000 0.000 ·, ·o.ooo 24 1.492 0.795 0.122 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.778 1.598· 1.091 0.683 0.332 0.020 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 : 0.000 18HDS400 16 1.778 1.413 0.811 0.332 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.778 1.091 , ,0.332 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.559 2.559 2.250 J;786 ' 1.368 0.984 0.627 0.000 ' 0.000 0.000 18HDS550 16 2.559 2.539 1.935 1.368 0.862 0,401 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 2.5!19 2.250 1.368 0.627 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.532 2.532 2.407 1,991 1.607 1.248 0.910 '0.285 0.000 , · 0_.000 -, 18HDS600 16 :i,32 2.532 2.126 • "'7 .. ~. 0.6Q~ n?R< nfVV\ nnnn nt'Vln 24 2.532 2.407 1.607 D.910 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.391 2.391 2.391 2.391 2.157 1.914 1.677 . 1.218 · 0.777 0.352 18HDS800 16 2.391 2.391 2.391 2.157 1.835 1.!122 1.218 . 0.634 0.076 0.000 24 2.391 2.391 2.157 1.677 1,218 0.777 0.352 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.893 0.7!12 0.504 0.310 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16HD~250 16 0.893 0.661 0.371 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.893 0.504 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P 8 - 75 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.!)00 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 '0.000· . 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.QOO nnnn 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 t" -,:···· ·., \' . ,, -:..,:.;.v· ~ - -----·- SPACING AJ.JJJW S1UDNAME (in.)_ AXIALLOAD s 12 1.709 1.709 16HDS350 16 1.709 1.594 24 1.709 1.358 12 · 1.862 1.862 16HDS358 16 1.862 1.762 24 1.862 1.512 12 2.344 2.344 16HDS400 16 2.344 2:309 24 2.344 2.020 12 3.625 3.625 16HDS550 16 3.625' 3.625 24 3.625 .3.625 12 3.550 3.5.50 16HDS600 16 3.550 3.550 24 3.!150 3.550 12 3.244 3.244 16HDS800 16 3.244 3.244 24 3.244 3.244· 12 2.971 2.971 16HDSIOOO 16 2.971 2.971 24 2.971 2.971 12 1.128 rn11 14HDS2.~0 16 1.128 0.914 24 1.128 0.739 12 2.166 2.166 14H[?S350 16 2:166 2.141 24 2.166 1.879 12 ,2.360 2.360 '14HDS358 16 2.360 2.360 24 2.360 2.084 12 ,2.999 2.999 14HDS400 16 2.999 2.999 ·2-1 2.999 2.774 12 4.906 , 4.906 14HDS550 16 4.906 4,906 24 4.906 4.906 12 4.826 4.826 14HDS600 16 4.826 4.826 24 4.826 4,826 i2 4.464 4.464 14HDS800 16 4.464 4.464 24 4.464 4.464 12 4.119 4.119 14HDSIOOO 16 4.119 4.119 24 4.119 4,119 12 1.305 1.030 20XHD3SO 16 1.305 0.871 24 1.305 0.!197 - - -----------------.--,-------.. -·- WIND IN (psO 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 1.358 1.057 0.798 0.567 0.357 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.152 0.798 0.495 0.225 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.798 0.357 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.512 1.194 0.919 0.674 0.451 0.051 0.000 0.000 1.294 0.919 0.598 0.312 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.919 0.451 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.020 1.650 1.329 1.043 0.781 0.312 0.000 0.000 1;766 1.329 0.953· 0.618 0.312 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.329 0.781 0.312 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.625 3.406 3.024 2.670 2.340 1.732 1.179 0.670 3.541 3.02~ 2.558 2.130-1.732 1.005 , 0.349 0.000 3;024 2.340 1.732 1.179· 0.670 0.000 0.000 0.000. 3.550 3.550 3.247 2.932 , 2.632 2.071 1.552 1,067, 3.550 , 3.247 , 2.830 2.440 2.071 1.3,87 0.760 0.176' 3.247 2.632 ·2.011 '1.552· 1.067 · 0.176 0.000 l).000 , 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.185 2.827 2.479 2.140 3.244 3.244 '3.244-3.065 2.827 2.365 1.918 1.486 ~.244 ~.185 2.827 -2.479, 2.140 1.486 0.860 0.259 , 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.813 2.535 · 2.260 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.813 2.443 2.078 1.720 2.971, 2.971 2.813; 2.535 2.260 , 1.720 1.191 0.673 0.739 0.521 0.336· 0.172 0.024 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 Q.!189 0.336 0.121 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.336 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.!)00 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.879 1~~44 1.255 0.996 0.760 0.338 0.000 0.000 : 1.650 1.255 _0.915 0.613 0338 0.000· 0.000' 0.000 1.255 0.760 0.338 ' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.084 1.730 1.423 1.149 0.899 0.451 0.052 0.000 1.842 .u:µ 1~063 0.743 0.451 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.423 0.899 0.451 0.052 0.000 0.000 ,0.000 0.000 2.774' 2.359 1.999 1.677 1.382 0.854 0.384 0.000 2.490 • · 1.999 1.576 t.198 · 0.854 0.238 0.000 0.000 1.999· 1.382 , 0.854 0.384 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 4,906, 4:880 4.436 4.024 ,3.639 2.932 2.289 1.696 4.906 4.436 3;593 . 3.39~ 2.932 2.087 1.324 0.622 · '4.436 3.639 2.932 2.289 1.696 0.622 0.000 0.000 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.363 4.016 3.368 2.767 2:205 4.826 4.727 4.245 3.794 · 3.368 2.575 1.848 1.171 4,727, 4.,016 3.368 2.767 2.205' 1.171 0.231 · 0.000 4.464 4.464' 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.265 3.871 3.486 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 . 4.265 3.742 3.235 2.742 4.464 4.464 4.265 3.871 3.486 2.742 2.029 1;344 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 3.941 ~-119 4.U9 4.119 4.119, 4.119 4.109 3.774 3.443 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 3.941 3.443 2.952 2.470 0.597 0.256 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.363 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P - - 75 0.000 0.000 0.000 -=-__ ....,. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I• 0.000 0.000 0.000 ,0.000 ~ 0.390 0.000 0.000, ~ 1.646 0.860 0.000 1.854 ~ 1.191 i 0.000 ' 0.000 ~ 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OQO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.879 0.000 0.000 1.419 0.231 , 0.000 2.925 2.029 0.360 3.566 2.952 1.760 0.000 0.000 ·o.ooo \-I ; 2 C) p J>' u1 -v.> ~ - -,£( .. ,-.··< • .. , -----·-I :• :: • .', ------·------,---·----••• ..., •• , ........ 4 ...... .--..a"Y-V "''-- SPACING Al.LOW WIND IN (psi) S1UDNAME (in.) AXIALLOAD 5 10 IS 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 12 0.194 0.019 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000' 0.000 0.000 20HDS158 16 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.526 0.238. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS250 16 0.526 0.148 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ·0.000 0.000 24 0.526 0.000 0.000 .0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.968 0.686 0.316 0.023 0.000 ' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0001 -0.000 0.000 20HDS350 16 0.968 0.550 0.115 0.000 Q.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.968 0,316 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 12 1.029 0.755 0.370 0.065 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS358 16 1.Q29 0.614 0.161' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.029 0.370 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.209 0.972 · 0.549_ 0.209 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.09() 0.000 ' 20HDS400 16 1.209 0.818 0.316" '0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000· 24 1.209 0.549 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ,0.000 0.000 ' 12 1.679 , 1.679 1.276 0.893 0.548 0.232 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 20HDS.~50 16 1.679 1.560 · 1.016 0.548 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.679 1.276 0.548, · 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.ocxr · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.652 'l.652' 1.391 1.045' 0.'726 0.429 0.1~9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS600 16 1.652 1.640 1.157 0.72~ ,0.334 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 24 1.652 1.3_91 . 0.726 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.527 1.527 · 1.463 1;192 0.929 0.675 0.428 6,000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 A20HDS800 16 1.527 1.527· 1.281 0.929 0.592 0.267 0.000 0.000 o.oqo 0.000 0.000 · 24 1.527 1.463 0.929 o:428 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.716: 0.431 0.153 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000, 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 · ·o.ooo 18HDS250 16 !).716 • 0.328 0.004 0.000 O.OQO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.716 · 0.153' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 0.000 12 1.371 1.127 0.695 0.353 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000' 0.000 ' 18HDS350 16 1.371 0.969 0.460 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.371, ·0.695 0.060 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.©() 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.492 1.252 . 0;795 ' 0.432 -0.122 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18HDS358 16 1.492 1.085 0.546 0.122 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.OQO 24 1.492 0.795 : 0.122 0.000 0.000 0.()00 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 12 1.778 1.598 1.091 0.683 0.332 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 18HDS400 16 1.778 1.413 0.811 0.332 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.778 1.091 0.332 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2-~59 2..~59 2.250 1.786 1.368 0.984 0.627 0.000 ·o.OOQ 0.000 0.09() ISHDS550 16 2.559 2.559 1.935 1.368 0.862 0,401 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000' 24 2.559 2.250 1.368 0.627 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.532 2.532 : 2.407 1.991 1.607 1.248 0.910 0.285 0.000 . · 0.000 0.000 .=, 18HDS600 16 2.532 2.532 2.126 1.607 1:134 0.69~ 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 2-~32 2.407 1.607 0.910 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 !).000 12 2.391 2.391 2.391 2.391 2.157 t.914 1.617 1.218 0.777 0.352 0.000 ,:JI 18HDS800 16 2.391 2.391 2.391 2.157 1.835 1-~22 1.218 0.634 0.076 0.000 .o.ooo 24 2.391 2.391 2:157 1.677 1.218 0.777 · 0.352 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.893 0.752 0.504 0.310 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16\JDS250 16 0.893 0.661 0.371 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.893 0_~04 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P @) ,if- ' -I• ........ 1 ,_..·,:: •::'; ~ --,. - - • ---------TABLE 5 -AU.OW ABLE AXIAL LOAD-Bf:ARING s·ruos (KIPS} 16'-0" IIIGII, BRACED AT• J.C. . SPACING ALLOW WIND IN (psi) S11JDNAME /in.) AXIALLOAD 5 10 15 20 25 12 1.709 1.709 1.358 1.057 0.798 0-~67 16HDS350 16 i.709 1.594 1.152 0.798 0.495 0.225 24 1.709 1.358 0.798 0.357 0.000 0.000 12 1.862 1.862 1.512 1.194 0.919 0.674 16HDS358 16 1.862 1.762 1.294 0.919 0.598 0.312 24 1.862 1.512 0.919 0.451 0.051 0.000 12 2.344 2.344 2.020 1.650 1.329 1.043 16HDS400 16 2.344 -2.309 1.766 1.329 0.953 0.618 24 2.344 2.020 1.329 · 0.781 0.312 0.000 12 3.625 3.625 3.625 3.406 3.024 2.670 l6HDS550 16 3.625 3.625 3.541 3.024 2.558 2.130 24 3.625 3.625 3.024 2.340 1.732 1.179 12 3.550 3.550 3.550 3.550 3.247 2.932 16JiDS600 16 3.550 3.550' 3.5~0 3.247 2.830 2.440 2_4 3:550 3.550 3.247 2.632 .2.071 1.552 12 · .3.244 3.244_ 3.244 3.244 3.24~ 3.244 16HDSl!OO 16 3.244-3.244 3.244 3.244· 3.244 3.065 24 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.185 2.827 2.479 12 2.971 2,971 2:971 2.9.71 2.971 2.971 16HDS1000 16 2:971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 24 2.~71 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.813 , 2.535 ·12 1.128 1.017 0.739 osil 0.336 0.172 14HDS250 16 1.128 0.914 0.589 0.336, 0.121 0.000 24 1.128 0.739 0.336 0.024 0.000 0.000 12 2.166 2.166 1.879 -1.544 1:255 0.996 14HDS350 16 2:166 2.141 . 1.650 1,255 0.915 0.613 24. 2.'166 , i.879 1.255' 0.760 0.338 0,000 12 2.360 2.360 2.084 1.730 1.423 !.i49 14HDS358 16 2.360 2.360 1.842 1.423 1.063 0.743 24 2.360 2.084 1.423 0.899· 0.451 0.052 12 2.999 2.999 2.774 2:359 1.999 1.677 14HDS400 16 2.999 2.999 2.490 1.999 1.576 1.198 24 2.999 -2;774 1.999 1.382 0.854 0.384 1;1. 4.906 4.906 4.906 4.880 ~-436 4.024 14HDS550 16 4.906 ' 4.906 4.906 4.436 3.893, 3.395 24 4.906 , 4.906 4.436 3.639, 2.932 2.289 12 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.363 14HDS600 16 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.245 3.794 24 4,826 4.826 4.72'7 4,016 3.368 2.767 i2 4.464 4.464 4.464, 4.464 4.464 4.464 l4HDS800 16 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 24 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.265 J.871 12 4.119 4.119 · 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 14HDS1000 16 4.119 4.119 , 4,119 4.H9 4.119 4.119 24 4.119 4.119 4.119 4:tf9 4.119 4.119 12 1.305 1.030 0.597 0.256 0.000 0.000 20XHD3:,0 16 1.305 0.871 0.363 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.305 0.597 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P 30 40 50 0.357 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.451 0.051 0.000 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.781 0.312 0.,000 0.312 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ' 2.340 1.732 1.179 1.732 1.005 0.349· 0.670 0.000 0.000 2.632 2.071 1.552 2.071 1.387 0.760 1.067 0.176' 0.000 3.185 2.827 2.479 2.827 2.365 1.918 2.140 1.486 0.860 2.971 2.813 2.535 ' 2.813 2.443 , '2.078 2.260 , 1.720 1.191 0.024 ·o.oc,o . 0.000 0.00!) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.760 0.338 0.090 0.338 0.000 .o:ooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.899 0.451 . 0.052' 0.451-0.000 .o.ooo 0,000 0.000 0.000 1.382 0.854· 0.384 0.854 . 0.238 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.639 2.932 2.289 2.932 2.087 1.324 1.696 0.622 0.000 4.016 3.368 2.767 3.368 2.575 1.848 2.205 1.171 Q.231 4.464 4,265 3.871 4.265 3:742 · 3.235 3.486 2.742 2.029 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.109 3.774 3.941 3.443 2.952 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 60 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.670 0.000 0.000, 1.067 0.176 0.000· 2.140 1.486 0.259: 2.260 p20, !).673 0.000 0.000 ·o.ooo O.QOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.696 0.622 , 0.000 2.205 1.171 0.000 3.486 2.742 1.344 3.941 3.443 2.470 0.000 0.000 0.000 75 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .0.000 0,000 .o.ooo 0.000 0.390 Q.000. 0.000 1,646 0.860 0.000 1.854' 1.191 O.QOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· · 0.000 0.000' 6.000 O.QOO !),QOO 0.879 0.000 0.000 1.419 0.231 0.000 2.925 2.029 0.360 3.566 2.952 1,760 0.000 0.000 0.000· ~ ~ -c c._ ! i1'l ~ > c- ,-,, -:·:! ;:·-c·· . 77 I I I I I I I I I 1--T{) I I I I I I I ,cu I 10 Al TABLE I: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF STUDS, JOIST, AND TRACK (CONTINUED) ~ (;/\-(?W,,'S +It; 1'r9~ l ·15, 16 & 14 "HDJ" 6" & 'a" Web Depth Floor Jpist 16 & 14 "HDJ" 1011 &. 1211 Web Depth Floor Joist Web De-th 0.0. Web , De lK 0.0. 16, 14, & 12 "FJ" Floor Joist 2..750" .219" inside todlUli .433" for 1!1 & t6 GAUGC .[ .-661" for_ 1-4 GAUGE 16 14 1:2 &· 10 "XFJ" 5'" o~d 811 Web Depth Floor Joist .'250" inside radius .43l" typ, 16 GA. .[ .•61" lyp. H GI. 16, 14, 12, & 10 "XF.J" 1 O" and ·, 2" Web Depth Floor Joist Web Oe \h 0.0. Web ,De \h 0.0. Web De th 0.0. L . 1so" typte:<11 MEMBER MINIMUM WEIGHT DESIGNATION DESIGN (lbs/ft) GROSS S~ON J'ROl'ER1IES TIIlCXNESS (inches) Nell bit ~ lyy (inA2) (inA4) (inA3) (in ".'4) J8HDJOOO 0.0451 1.415 0.41? 2.061 2.225 · 0.092 J81lDJIOO 0.0451 ~-721 0.507 4,173 2,870 0.098 16HDJOOO '• 0.05(,6 1,765 0.520 2.554 "· 2.217 0.112 ·2.u9 --2.&61 161lDJIOO . 0.0566 0.633 s.111 0.119 .. ~· , .. ,.-;_ -· 16HDJJOOO o.~s66 .:. 2.~29 0.774 9.773 3.SS3 0.191 .962" typ. 16, H. 12 GA. r t:QOO" typ: 10 GA. , EFFECTIVESECilON PROl'ER1IES Ry ~ Sx NCA (inA3) (inA4) (inA3) (in"2) 0.469 2.061 0.687-0.417 0.440· 4,173 J.043 0.507 0~1: .. < 0.464 2.554· . ;_ 0.520 . .-, ;~:0:653 0.43S s.m }-295 ,, ~ .. ... '. 0.496 9.773 t.95S 0.774 MOMENT---··-.. -· CAPACITY M~ -Xo (in-lbs) (in) 14536 -0.549 2070S -0.731 -.. 25~92 .-0~38 !:';i ~ .. 387& -0.721 \I' ., ... _..,..,.. --; '49327 · -0.794 ,96211 typ. 16, 1-4, 12 G,I,.. .[ 1.000" lyp. 10 GI. TORSIONAL SECTION PROPERTIES 1 Cw Ro (in" 4) fin"6) (in) 2.824E-04 0,679 2.427 3.436E-04 1.299 2.994· S.54!!E-'-04 0.&26 2,,415 - 6.7S7E-04 1.585 2.983 l!.2688-04 3.920 3.67( ll 0.&78 0.940 0.380 0.942 0.953 ·-·--·-·····"-" ·-----_\ ___ ., _______ -··-- -- - --w .p.. ,' ,, - SlUDNAME 20HDS158 20HDS250 20HDS350 20HDS358 ' ' 20HDS400\ 20HDS5,0 20HDS600 A20HDS800 18HDS250 18H,DS350 18HJ)S3S8 18HDS400 l8HDS550 18HDS600 18HDS800 16HDS250 (i·.\·. ,\,·· -_ ... ,. . ...,..,. __ ,.,. ••••-~•v "'•••'-"••,._..,.-.__.....,l"l,A"'9-V -·- SPACING AlU>W WIND IN Cps!\ (in.} AXIALLOAD s 10 IS 20 25 30 40 50 12 0.194 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.526 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16 : 0.526 0.148 0.000 0.000 •0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 I I\ 24, I 0.526 0.000 0.000 •,0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:000 12 : 0,968 0.686 0.316 1o.023 I 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16 0.968 0.550 0.115' . 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ! 0.968 I 24 ,0.316 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 12 j 1.029 oim· 0.370 0.065, ·o.ooo 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 16 1.029 0,614· 0.161 0.000 , 0.000 o.oclo 0.000 Q.000 '0.000. 24 1.029 0.370 0.000 0.000 • 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , ,0.000 12 · 1.209 0.972 0.549· 0.209 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 16 1.209 0.818 0.316 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.209, 0.549 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000, 0.000 12 1.679 1.679 1.276 ,' 0.893 0.548 0.232 0.000 0:000 0.000 16 1.679 1.560 1.016 !).548 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 '1,679 1.276 0-~48 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· 12 1.652 1.652 1.391 1,045 , 0.726 0.42~ 0.1,19 0.000 0.000. 16 1.652 1.640 1.157 0.726, 0.334' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.652 1.391 0.726 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.527 1.527· 1.463 1.192 0.929 0.67$ ·0:428 0.000 0.000 ,16 1.527 1.527 1.281 0.929 0.592 0.267 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.527 1.463 0.929 0.428 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 12 • 0.716 0;431 0.153 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16 '!f.716 0.328 0.004 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 !l.000 0.000 J 24. 0.716 0.153 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.371 JJ27 0.69S 0.353 0.060 0.000 0.000 ; 0.000 0.000 16 '1.371 0.969, 0.460 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 24 1.371 0.695 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.492 1.252 . 0.795 0.432 0.122· 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 o.iioo 16 1.492 1.085 0.546 0.122 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.492 0.795 0:122 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1'.778 1.598 1.091 ·0.683 0.332 0,020 0.000 0.000 0.000 16 1.778 1.413 0.811 0.332 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q.000 '0,000 24 1.778 , 1.091 0.332 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.559 2.559 2.250 1.786 1.368 0.984 0.627 0.000 0.000 16 2.559 2.55~ 1.935 1.368 0.862 0.401 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 2.559 · 2.250 1.368 0.627· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.532 · 2.532 2.407 1:991 1.607 1.248 D.910 0.285 0.000 16 2.532 2.532 2.126 1.607 1.134 0,6?5 0.285 · 0.000 0.000 24 2.532 2.407 1.607 o.910 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.391 2.391 2.391 2,391 · 2.157 1.914 1.677 1.218 0.777 16 2.391 2.391 2.391 2,157 1.835 1.522 1.218 0.634 0.076 24 2.391 2.391 -2.157 1.677 1.218 0.777 0.352 0.000 0.000 12 0.893 0.752 0.504 0.310 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -16 0.893 0.661 0.371 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.893 0.5()4 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P A 60 75 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ·0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.oclo 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.000 0.000 '0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 ', 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.352 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 /.~~i~> _-~ ----~---------·-----·--·-----......... ,.,.L~-,... ............ , .... "''"..___.. ... ., .... SPAONG AU.OW WIND IN_(psl) S1UDNAME (in.) AXIALLOAD s IO IS 20 25 30 40 12 1.709 1.709 1.358 l.(_)57 0.798 0.567 0.357 0.000 16HDS3.50 16 1.709 1.594 1.152 0.798 0.495 0.225 0.000 0.000 24 1.709 1.358 0.798 0.357 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.862 1.862 1.512 1.194 0.919 0.674 0.451 0.051 16HDS358 16 1.862 1.762 1.294 0.919 0.598 0.312 0.051 0.000 24 1.862 1.512 0.919 ·0.451 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.344 ' 2.344 ' 2.020 1.650 1.329 1.043 0.781 0.312 16HDS400 16 2.344 2.309 t.766 1.329 0.953 0.618 0.312 0.000 24 2.344 2.020 1.329 0.781 0.312 0.000 0.000, 0.000 12 3.625 3,625 3.625 3.406, 3.024 2.670 2.340 1.732 l6HDS5SO 16 3.625' 3.625 3.541 3.024· 2.558, 2.130 1.732 1.005 24 3.625 3.625. -3.024' 2.340 1.732 1.179 0.670 0.000 12 3.550 3,550 3J50 3.SSO 3,247 2.932 2.632 , 2.071 ~ . 16HD~ 16 3.550 3.550 3;550 3.247 .2.830 2.440 2.071 1.387 24 3.550 3.550 3.247 2.632 2.071 1.552 1.067 0.176 · '12 3.244 3.244 ·3.244 3.244· 3.244 3.244 3.185 2.827' l(iHDS800 16 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.244 · 3.~44 : 3.065 2.827 2.365 24 3.244 3.244-3.244 3.185 ,2.827 2.479, 2.140 1.486 12 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.813 16HDSIOOO 16 2.971 -2.971 2.971. 2.971 . 2.971 , 2.971 2.813 2.443 24 2.971 2.97J 2.971 2.971 2.813 2.!13!1 2.260 1.720 12 1.128 1.017 0.739 , 0.521 0,336 0.172, 0.024 0.000 -14HDS2!10 16 1.128 ,0.914-0.589 0.336 0.121 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.128 0.739 0.336 .0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.166 2.166 1.879 , k~44 1.255 0.996 0.760 0.338 14HDS35~ 16 2.166 2.141 1.650 1.255 ·0.915 0.613 0.338 0.000 24 2.166 1.879 1.25!1 0.760 0.338 ,0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.360 2.360 2.084 1.730 1.423 -1.149 0.899 0.451 14HDS358 16 2.360 2.360 . i.842 U23 1.063 0.743 0.451 0.000 2.i 2.360 2.084 1.423 0.899 0.451 · o.im 0.000 0.000 12 2.999 2.999 2.774 2.359 1.999 1.677 1:.382 0.854 l4HDS400 16 2.999 2.999 2.490 ,J.999 1.576 . 1.198 0.854 0.238 24 2.999 2.774 1.999 1.382 0.854 0.384 0.000 0.000 12 4.906 4.906 4:906 4.880 · 4.~36 4.024 3.639 2.932 14HDS550 16 4.906 4.906 4.906 4.436 3.893 3.395 2.932 2.087 24 4.906 4.906 4.436 3.639' 2.932 2.289, 1.696 0.622 ·12 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.363 4.016 3.368 14HDS600 16 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.245 3.794 3.368 2.575 24 4,826 4.826 4.727 4,016 3~ 2.767 2.205 t.171 i2 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.265 14HDS800 16 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.265 3.742 24 4.464 4.464 '4.464 4.464 4.265 3.871 3.486 2.742 12 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 14HDSIOOO 16 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.U9 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.109 24 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4:119 3.941 3.443 12 1.30!1 1.030 0.597 0.2.~6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20XHD3.50 16 1.30!1 0.871 0.363 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.30!1 0.597 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P - -" ...., __ so 60 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.1.79. 0.670 0.349 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.552 1.067 '0;760 0.176 , 0.000 0.000 2.479 2.140 1.918' 1.486 0,860 0.259, , 2.535' 2:260 2.078' 1.720 1.191 0.673· 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.QOO o.oob 0.052 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.384 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.289 t.696 1.324 0.622 0.000 0.000 2.767 2.205 1.848 1.171 0.231 0.000 3.871 3.486 3.235 2.742 2.029, t.344 4.119 3.941 3.774 3.443 2.9.52 ·2.470 0.000 0.000 O.OQO 0.000 0.000 0.000 - - 75 0.000 0.000 ~ 0.000 l. l 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· 0.000 ~ 0.000 0.000· 0.390 0.000 0.000 1.646 0.860 .0.000 , 1.8!14 1.191 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.879 0.000 0.000 1.419 0.231 0.000 Ji r ~ 2.925 , 2.029 0.360 l 3.566' , 2.9!12 1.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 )> ei\3 ~ I TABLE I: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF STUDS. JOIST. AND TRACK (CONTINUED) MEMBER MINIMUM WEIGHT EFFECTlVESECTlON TORSIONAL SECTION 1, DESIGNATION DESIGN (lbs/ft) GROSS SECTTON PROPERTIES PROPERTIES MOMENT PROPERTIES I 14HDJOOO ~ 14HDJ800 14HDJIOOO 14IIDJl200 I 16FJOOO l6FJ800 16FJIOOO ' I 14FJOOO 14FJ800 14FJ1000 I l4FJ1200 l2FJ600 12FJ800 I 12FJIOOO l2FJl200 l6XFJOOO I 16XFJ800 16XFJIOOO 14XFJOOO lt:::.-_-14XFJ800 · :;;:,::: _j4XFJIOOO .._.:.•' 14XFJl200 I 12XFJOOO 12XFJSOO I 12XFJIOOO .. 12XFJl200 I0XFJOOO I I0XFJ800 I0XFJIOOO I0XFJl200 I I I I Tiilo.NESS CAPACITY (inches) Arca . Ix,: I Rx , I~ Ry Ix,, Sx Aru M" Xo ] I (i~6) Ro (inA2) (inA4) I (inA3) (inA4) (inA3) (inA4) _,(inA3) (inA2\ /in,-lbsl (in) (in A4) (in) 0.0713 2.219 0.653 3.191 2.210 0.139' 0.462 3,191 1.064. 0.653. 31850 -0.841 l.107E-03 1.038 2.409 o.om 2.703 0.796 6.487 2.855 0.149' 0.433 6,487 1.622. 0.796 48556 -0.723 1.349E-03 1.990 2.976 0,0713 3_.309 Q.974 12.25~ 3.546 . 0,239 0,495 12.253· 2.451 0.974 7300! -0.796 1.651E-03 . 4,931 3.668 0,0713 3.793 1.,117 19.4re 4;169 0.247 0.471 19.4re 3,235 1.117 87~ -0.715 l.893E-03 7,481 4.256 0,0566 2.278 0.671 3,775 2.373 0.579 0.929· 3.775· 1,258 0.671, 32974 -2.006 7.l62E-04 4,650 3.243 0,0566 2.662 0,784 7.409 3.074' 0.634 0,900 7.409 1.652 0.784 48831 -1.788 -~,.3.70E-04 8.566 3.669 0.0566 3.046 . 0.891 12.611 3.749 0.676 0.868 12.611 2.522· 0.897 60_21() -1.617 9.579E-04 · 14,00! 4.175 0.0713 2.652 0.840', 4.697 2.365 0.714 0.922 4,697 1.566 0.840 42985 -1.991 l.423E-03 5.712 3.226 0.0713 3.336 0.962 9.234_ 3.066 0.782 0.892 9.234 2.309 0.982 637(1) -1.774 l.665E-03 10.547 3.653 . 0.0713 3.820 hl25 15.737 3.740 0.833 0.861 15.737 3.147 1.125 87779-· -1.604 l.~-03 17.270 4.159 0.0713 4.305 1,268 24,489 4.395 0.873 0.830 24.489 4.081 1.268 104151 -1.466 2.146E-03 26,024 4.707 O.l017 4,017 l.1~3 6.527 2.149 0.973 0,907 6.527 2.176 1.1~3 -641107 -1.%1 4.07/IE-03 7.731 3.191 0.10!7 4.707 1.186 12.682 3.049 1.067 0.877 12.882 3.221 1.3116 95928 -1.744 4.779E-03 14.342 3.620 0.1017 5.398 1.590 22,010 3.721 1.137 0,846 22.0JO 4.402 1.590 131141 -1.575 5.4600-03 23.554 4.128 0.1017 6,089 1.793 34.316 4.375 1.191 0.615 34.3·16 5.719 1.793 170430 -1.438 6.18IE-03 35.564 4.677 0.0566 2.541 0.748 4.357 2,413. 0.981 · 1.145 4.295 1.419 0.741 37819 -2.622 7.99CE-04 8.632 3.743 0.0566 2.925 0.861 8.489 3.139 1.083 1.121 · 8.374 2.076 0.854 55822 -2.363 9.199E-04 15.362 4.086 0.0566 3.502 1.031 15.744 _3.907 1.681 1.277 15.340 3.020 1.015 70231 -2.577 1.JOIE-03 35.197 4,852 0.0713 3.184 0.937 5.427 2.406 1.215 l.!38 5.427 1.809 0.937 48210 -2.607 1.589E-03 10,635 3.726 0.0713 3.668 1,080 10.591 3.131 1.341 -1,114 10.591 2.648 1.080 710M -2.348 !.831E-03 18.968 4.070 0,0713 4.394 1.294 19.673 3.899 2.086 1.270 19.277 3.803 1.274 981.163 -2.562 2.193E-03 43.594 4.835 0.0713 4.879 1.437 30.~22 4.587 2.202 1.236 30.092 5.000 · 1.432 117656 -2.372 2.434E-03 ~.985 5.310 0.l017 4,490 1.322 7.560, 2.391 1.6,70 1.124 7:S60 2.520 1.322 793CJ'/ -2.576 4.556E-03 14,4!16 3.690 0.1017 5.181 1.526 14.Bai 3.115 ).645 1.100 14.~ 3.70i 1.52~ 119225 -2.318 5.26CE-03 25.950 4.036 0.1017, 6.217 1,831, 27.594 3.M2 2,862' 1.255 27.594 S.519 1.631 · 158709 -2.532 6.311E-03 60.028 4.802 0.1017 6:906 2.034 42,456. 4.56?, 3.04,3 1.223 42.456 7.076 2.934 198211' -2.343 7.0IJE-03 89.655 5.278 0.1285 5.650 . 1.664. 9.393. 2.376 . 2.077 1.117 · 9.393 3.131 1.664 93747 -2.576 9.l57E-03 18,1116 3.679 0.1285 6.522 1.921 18.465 :3.101 2.297 1.093 18.465 4.616 1.921 138211 -2.317 I.057E-02· 32.517 4.022 0.1285 7.632 2.306 34,sre 3.868 3.598 1.249 ~4.5re 6.902 2.306 199831 -2.531 l.269E-02 75.303 4.789 0.1285, 8.704 2.563· 53.17.l, 4.555 3.800 1.218· 53.173 8.862 2.563 256&_;0 -2.341 1'.4IIE-02 112.421 5.264 1. Effective properties are based o~ all 18-gauge and lighter steel studs, track, and joists having a yield strength (Fy) of 33 ksi. All 16-gauge and heavier steel studs, track, and joists are based on a yield strength of 50 ksi. 2. The Ef,fective section proP<rrties are determined from the total effective widths of each element in accordance with the 1991 U.B.C. Standard No. 27-9. 3. Effective Ixx is based on Procedure I for deflection detemiipation at the allowable moment (Ma). /J B 0.878 0,941 0.953 0.972 0.617 0.762 0.850 0.619 0.764 0.851 0.903 0.623 0.768 0,854 0.905 0.509 0.666 0.718 0.510 0.667 0.719 0.800 0.513 0,670 0.722 0.803 0.509 0.668 0.721 0.802 11 I I ---- 1 I I I I I I l :_._:_-~:J ·._: __ ;_.:, I I I I I I I ~- -:_"::) ··:.d I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 lJ'c (9() c.A1JO '1 CP o '2 4· 0 JOB--~---------~-~-- SHEET NO. ______ A_l_o_· _ oF _____ _ . _J_ 1-A-, ?_,/L &7 CALCULATED BY---,------'--~-=--DATE _...,--,;__~-'-T_-, __ CHECKED BY ___ !) __ ~'------DATE ____ _ SCALE S,1,)f) ./)€Q bt:J. .rzer=: .t L--(G-HT (f:;k/.)(/::,e 5762(_, -Pf?.t>~f:12.-rlcS; H-G·IG-l+i'S ;V~ sJ1, c:;;:f?¥ ~A6l1..-JT/f:S 11 1 ,4-tJc;,.~ l'Yle-7~ S'fS7e::-trJS ·, I c.Bo ~ /7; t5-P 1 -rr;P::z.-11.-111'5 {µfl~D l,ok{) 7ornPrl-,, E;,<.j70SUIZ&--c ~cec.i1$1:. Ce= I. o(o ; . 0-1 s' /.+!&:-f/ --/, / '.;) / IS {r 2-c:>' j+/::;,,.ff P=-;, o~ (. 1. ?-) (12. · ~) ( 1. ~ ~ I b. o fsF ol ;~1 ;-f-ltb;-/. f :-I 7. / f'~P /5 '-t-o 1 !+! 6=>1-/- c 1 =-I, Z j s. :: / '2, c.. I=-/, o 6l?l$tn/C L~-,Zc;t..:>c-1- Pr :::: ~ 1cf' wr . e,:::.. C), f :J:6./, 0 F? =-&, 4--( I ,o )( c:>,7S) v..Jf -:: 6 ,:a tvr v.JF -zo psF Pp~ 0, s {2o) ~ G,c;f''i:>F · w I i>J:? 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A\l CALCULATED BY th CHECK~D BY ~J SCALE $TV[) PcSJC:PJJ I I i...tr..R.-,>C.. ::: 15 -o °lft?t?Z-4-o OF DATE 4-,v;,c:n DATE P=' { /f3+z.o) (2~/2 ){ 4) { O,tf,)-== I o~4-#/5r(I o He=-lob.:f-(&,S/;z.) :;. 157h #1 2,~2 + If. 0 f.1, ::. O, Sib {tz.) /c>. ~ ~·:J o, Ci, $,f-.., P?.J::n,1;,n-J.'-t~·1rc. Grnton. ~:a~ i:i,m "io-0:Ja, t~Cti:t i, .. t tR:.£.i-t:u2::,-: .... ";:.~ ·' ---- I I I I I I I I I I ::-?-\ ·:.:·) I I I. I I I I _:.-_/-~_:. I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. JOB U:..bol.A1JO 1bo24-0 Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET NO. ~l'? OF 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 6b +-15,q7 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY DATE Phone (619) 497-2118 CHECKED BY pJ Fax (6i9) 497-0429 DATE SCALE :::J.!vp £)!3S/G1J B' D I-+ w /,/JD I$ G-tSrril r;., P-=-;B (~) ( 4) { o, s:·-== so:;-#/-5T~(;; L/3&>o = /5.o{J].) = o,.:;c/1 (mtJ.-'j..tJ.d!~ed) e := &,Sfo, t;-=-7 11 3'{f':::, I r-1 e:. ~ 5~4-{ ,. o /2?: .: --;_q 4--#- -_f,f'"'-1'~<.:f" p ,r?{t-{-h-f-; -,: f:;,(jf-+-;2:) ( 2 -r 1;--) (l.?3) = 7<N-#=- 1 mmt·~-m ·=--Zj_± +-~I,'?:> ( !=;; )2/g, --7So # · Z-- I,~ /1,0 -+-o.es(/3.~) (I-/,~/2i.~)(-:2-t,8) = &11 'I--J 8 qt-t. a;J-/1?1,-p,c:.,_ 11 _e,,~ & 11 C:S.T(..)D5 A::,fZ. Hrn-4:< =--IS1-p11 //JJTJ-f. . ,Z 8l t>11 L-oNC'P JOISTS. S/.1/P, o,J STVPS . . . I I I I I I I I I I ·. -:-._:::) •. ~·-· . .,., ..... I I I I I I I - ~ .. I -.//) I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SHEET NO. ------~~A.'-=-. .._\'-\~ OF · 1 l8ef~ Pm '7~ ~~ SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CALCULATED BY CHECi<EDBY _-=-'--·_(as'J __ DATE 8J 1.J_ SCALE 1 ':{ fl tN\, Sc u 'D s -J~. OOf: I .\/0 ~-t, -~ .. ' . . ~ ( \ ~-t~) "-W' -+ \~~ ~ :., \., o l-' /?1Vv' D ·+\.... ori-~ \'1,.., 6t' (). '--.Jo t t...'"t S pe,_4 ~N-fJ /tucw 1ti; ~!s1uo ~ 1 , 0 \(.. 0 -t I., ""\Jo 'w kO w / c,; ~F io? 1~ fl~l?ll;,\r2t r-:-ute~ 1'? "-10 '*~j ------___,.;.---,---,------'---------------~ 4~~ W~ Oft-2--t~ 1 $ ~, 4-J c; I ~c;~o ~-: , 1h \C. --t IIP '' ~ 4-1 \~ s ~ '7. l \ ·? <; '1-,_ 1 /"I, I /: ~-..-,:slP\csr fb~ l:1~~:t h:,-:--fi~,,. 1:;-;. 1140, r,s1 'rb~ '2--'t l?-~r I I I I I I I I I I\.-_::-:~: I I I I I I I MARTIN l DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite-400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 A\':; _ SHEET NO. ________ OF--,-,--+ ·l,_r:}_ 7 __ -v_ krf~ V v CAl:CULATED BY -~.L..----'----DATE---'-~-- Phone (619) 497•2118 Fax (619)· 497-0429 D L. "' l ti \...A...-" 1---0 I rt i {? \1 o·o tt,. \ '7,~} \ ~ ·A-D\?1--lC,·. I? ~1>1 A.. 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DiE'.Go; CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB ~ C/e[N0 C{(ti4-o SHEET NO. --'--'----,,---,----A_.:...:.\ 7 __ OF ---"-~ __ CALCULATED BY _ __,.t;-""-'-..:...;k:....,..·~....::;_~ ___ DATE __ 6_,__{__.Cf~2- CHEC~ED BY-~-----DATE ____ _ SCALE laj-_~ 0.., Dvt--.\ l,_ u ,~\.r\ ,,,,l t.~-( t -~< <"·1 ~ --0} ~ \.l \ l1 ,I \?-:>f-~Jl N 17 (;'s-S ltJ~4-= \-') '\?OCl. ~~U \LS VJ~ l 1, { ,. 6 <f a?r-lv lG i 0(\1_, =-I--=:, 7 7'- '7.-r Vv ~0 R ftl\ N\ !~ M n~ w (l M \~ .~ t-1\ \~ .,,,{(p 1-t./: .. ,u~ ;"- I, ' \ l :, u -~t -,,~~ a--~ . . _,~7 1 • ,Z,8 f,1 e,0,4 lJ.,<J , ,;- ~~'? t-'\\ (.. ~ = \i.}'7 !. 1: ff ~~ :i j ,s-o l.,o r:/'- , \ l '-q_" , chto~(t~ ( \ S"J ~ S Pe. ~ ~ l47 \~l i 4.\. ~ 4,'5" '"' liO 7,D 7.0~ i:~r:: l~~ ·-·-· ·----·-· --,------+---'----I-~-~ t1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .... ·) -·~ I ·::_:_.:_. I MARTIN & DUNN, .INC. Structural & Civil Engineers _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB~------=(._,.E:_ __ -~;_~_.::.:,_c_,-::_~.:..;.,1...:;'-~..::.z;;_, ----1+-"'ll'--2-4,---'-_o __ t\ \Jo SHEET NO.----------OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY ________ -f:_-,h __ . _ DATE _{9_, {-'+'-'-.::.-', )c..._ __ CHEC~ED BY----~-----DATE ______ _ SCALE.:...·--"--'-------'------------,------ ~-01.,J s1oe,-;a. : C--i-) s,-.;DS ·, ,,..,._ ._ ..,.,,, , -i ,,::::. ~ ~fv<;;.cc,-.,Vr;;-/1v, .. : PPL -:. o, SC?" fl..P..-¥..., /~;.)v / re: "57(..)CJ .Df3:-S/b1..;; c.A-LcS I N~ --0. ")...C/ 4-I'-" I 'STr.>O F~= Cf, 'b8 /I, o /!. p~ .J,. t ft, ~ 0/'V14-(n ... ) "i-';,, ___ ......... '1:-c CJ,-(p:;; 1 Fh " ,z..J,9 l~~i _VVl_4_~_-==c:=.,=F=,=====l=:::,..,=...,=r-==. ±c(=2=, ""\=1=(.,;,=_ = 11='1-=J=S=·==q==="'"'==S=7=()=',D=S=----7'-: _D_o_·_o_# ( c,;,tJ s~,,.._7;-J ~) I i-----------------------------'---- J OB \)a~~o fl 1t :uo I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engirfeers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619~ 497-2118 Fax (619) 497,0429 ~?klJ l'l/ \ t() '7.,0 1-'r ? /si~O 4~ I~¢"" U-' ·O 1~.o o11v 07~v I ../ \ / Jo\111 ; l l -~ ./ ..,,~ I . ' . . SHEET NO. ·A,_\ ~ OF CALCULATED BY-~· ..,_,,./2?0:..,___· _ _-__ DAT-E -. -fG....-/ q-7-- CHECKED BY-,,+----'-----DATE---'--- SCALE . (LcoF . ' t ~l/ "'1'v 'ti> I ·,v,1? ' I . Jo&-~' I J1,1 ~ , \~ut ' t. ~ ; \ Sa -j j i I I I ._::;·.:) ~Wb~ lOtJt-J 10 ST09 .. .,._, \J\\N \ e GA-0-cvos I I I I I I 1· .· ·-:- 1 ·;: ... .. I 1t \ o c, V\ 4 . V ~ -: 41 ~ , f 4 t \ 1 G \'J\\N \~ h~ ~ totJ t--\ \ ').~ ½fkt-J &-~lO(Q Pl~( ~~ f ~ff'? c~.r;1-tl.&i'+,l,?)t~ 3,~ ~~ fs'(uo~ -,:75'' ~"ll'-.~ ?~1vo \J= f'/w ~ 111- ?'?1\)0 -:: JDutt . ~,:,,~f if 1'2.. 'Sc.a. y:: ~ \J/~fL. ~ l,..._\1-11-t -4~-=-,. ~·f tJ.7. :- j -: : ,. , ! • -~----.:• tt:,-t~-~ .. U',:, ... ~...'.1,..,...-./.-.. ... ,:,. .. ,~-·-· ···-------- -.. 1\., ~-¥-· \>lk1J ~1 -ll ll I I 1f,;rvo ""'-! 'j: i rY-j,rt'\ lr---------------~..,...........------- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. JOB t;~O l,kt,.JO 1ltl 2-40 I Structural & Civil Engineers " 1"'1-Q SHEET NO. -'-----'-· ~____,_tv,,_,.,. ' :,:_;· _ OF 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 1:4.:·Ut~.· (J / r?. i SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATEDBY __ ~~~~fl";__ __ OATE _ __,__(,.._,_'J:.,__ __ I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (61.9) 497-0429 CHECKEb BY~· --------'---DATE ___ _ . SCALE ~ ~ r--Lw6ef2.-$. I I I I I I I :i.:\-) ·:.:," I I I I I I I: 1··\.:: 1 ~ '?"I"~ . ':) -'/ 4' \51'-~ (l.J~,"\~ H t ~ l 1--6:> k loN f'L ,MJ A·L.-·e.. 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Iba.:,_ ·lbs.-lb~. lbs. ,--x25,4 for mm -· x-4.45 for N lfi 670 380 570 310 530• 270 520 270 51s 840 430 7-10 350 660 320 650 310 11 I 1'2 114 % 1,010 490 860 390 ~00 360 780 350 7/s 1,180 540 1,000 440 930 400 920 390 I 1,350 580 l_,140 480 1,060 440 1,050 430 11i 850 570 780 440 750 390 750 380 11 51s 1,270 640 1,100 500 1,010 440 990 430 2112 114 314 1,580 7!0 1,320 550 1,2!0 490 1,190 480 71s -, 1,850 770 1,540 610 1,4!0 540-1,390 520 II I \_2,110 830 !,760 650 1,620 590 1,590 560 IJi 850 570 780 500 750 450 750 440 51s 1,270 750 1,170 j80 1,130 5!0 1,120 500 3 l/4 3/4 1,800 830 1,560 640 1,430· 570• 1,410 550 11 71s '.?,200 900 1,830 700 1,670 620 1,650 600 .I 2,510 970 2.090 750 1,910 670 1,880 650 1'2 850 -570 780 500 750 470 750 460 ll sis 1,270 800 1,170 670 1,130 580 1,120 570 311i l/4 314 1,800 960 1,650 730 1,580• 65() 1,570 630 11s 2,420 · 1,040 2,120 800 1,940 7IO 1-,900 680 I 2,920 1,110 2,420 850 2,210 760 2,180 730 ii 51s 1,270 .. 800 1,170 710 1,130 660 1,120 660 4112 114 3/4 1,800 1,090 1,650 920 1,580 820 1,570 790 11s 2,420 1,310 2,220 l,OIO 2,130 880 2,110 850 I 3,140 1,400 2,880 1,0:70 2,7_60 950 2,740 910 ··//\ '!,..•_:·• .. ·;.· .. •. ;_. .... _: ··_.,:.· I 5ls ~J,2'70 800 1,170 710 1,130 660 1,120 660 314 .~-.-,~· 1,800 l,Q90 1,650 950 1,580 900 1,570 880 5112 l/4 7/s 2,420 1,410 2,220 _ 1,220 2,130 1,070 2,110 l,oJO I 3,140 1,700 2\880 l,f90 :?;760 1,150 2,740 1,100 5/s 1,271) 8(K) t,170 710 1,130 (160 1,120. (>fl{) 314 1,800 1,()1)0 1,650 950 1,580 90() 1,570 880 71'2 l/4 7/s 2,420 1,410 2,220 1,240 2,13() 1,1(>() 2,110 1,140 ' I 3,140 1,}60 2,880 ,.~40 2,760 1,460 2,740 1,420 3/4 1,800 1,090 1,650. 950 1,580 900 1,570 880 91'2 l/4 7/a 2,420 1,4'1() 2,220 1,240 2,130 1,1(>0 2,1 IO 1,140 . I 3,140 1,760 2,880 1,540 2,7(10 1,460 2,740_ 1,420 .. ... -· 7/s 2,420 1,410· 2,220 1,240 2,130 1,1(>0 2,110 1,140 11 1'2 l/4 I 3,140. 1,760 2,880 1,540 2,760 1,460 2,740 1,420 131'2 l/4 I 3,140 1,760 2,880 1,540 2,760 l,46Q 2,740 1,420 I I A2.. \ G:0.46 DOUGLAS FIR (S) HEM•FIR(N) 1~U. Z1 lbs, 500 250 620 290 740 330 870 .370 990 410 730 350 ·-940 400 ··i,120 450 1,310 480 1,500 530 730 4!0 1,090 460 1,330 510 1,550 550 1,770 6!0 730 450 1,090 520 1,530 580 1,790 630 2,050 690 1,090 630 1,530 730 2,050 780 . 2,610 850 . \:.::) _ _;. .. l,lJ'JU b:iU 1,530 850 2;050 940 2,660 l,o30 1,090 630 1,530 850 2,050. l,Q90 2,660_ 1,:11m 1,530 850 2,050 1,090 2,660 1,380 2,050 1,090 2,660 1,380 2,660 1,380 ... 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 . ~---n· \ I ,, \_ ~ 0 I -€ 7 ,.,. -"t I -1 ~~ '0 ('\J1.J i I l I I f: j i 1-1 r 0'\~ 1· SHEETNO.----'-~--_A_2 ?_OF~---- CALCULATED BY -----D~0~ DATE fo { ~ 7 CHECKEDBY _______ DATE ___ _ ~ _ _,_-C"'-'-'_M,_,_,· tJ=<--::Sc~_ e;._~.:::...,,.,=.:.r::N_, _\..:,_t1..-'-r ~""'-LL=------- p = G_~~~I 1· Ce._~ \ ,OG, ('E# C I V\ i L~ ) J: .:::\. 0 Ct= t,4 ·o~::. /?.,~ P~f (1ov~H l~ = L-0 ~ :i<-\. 4 i l ?,~'{ I = l ~ I 7 ~ ff;:: i 1. c e 'fr ._:?.r -Pr ;._ .. J-, l _....,._ __ i _I I i . .:::: ,.A ( W~f' 4) Cp ~ ·7S _ ... -, L \ I) ~ ~ :,..Jo ,r-f ~ -= , 4i 1 ,o 'f-~ 7s~ ~Ip.:: 0, s x \t..-lp ~ ' ~ C\1.0 ~1rl) -s:)UO -~ '-t--ip ~ O)(?f>'SF fp .=: ,,;<oP= 2.1 f~i=" C... \'--f\U "?~ p. \.L. ~ µ l( C':f=)\)tb-) _.S ~( ~ ~ µ_--,021~10 -z..=-\?? F-1=-K-b-=-12-o: 1,b'2f{z ~ 3,'ol P,.. '=> ;:. 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CALCULATED BY &24 OF ____ _ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 Q:,J DATE _c_/~q 1~-- 'bb CHECKED BY-------DATE----- \f--1.ol'?-l ~G-~~> .l'.)SS/bN -\\.,., = 1,soo /<;1 F-s::: 2.4./LS l E,-'I ~ l'?0 'l.; \..-. ::::_ 150 X LC;>OJ /L OJ0 ;::::. \1 \ 'VS/L$1 I'\ :::: E ~ / f.l"" e-2 °'i-oro /\12c.; ==-?5, ~ r b ~ , -:; '?) ')(+)t" -::. :r3-x l500 =-4a._0 ~s1 f Al' ::: 1 .o ~ J, 1 V"" = Lo~J l '?lF =-33, 1 Ps ( ( FLe-tvtrc:) I [ y/ 2.\ r1/ t=°"cx_ ==-, 2-S 't ~ v--~ I -~40f) J Foi2 . r ~ q ~ 4 4 ,A, ~ ~ 5 C. µJ (}~Ttl) Q-i (I , f.=-2 r1C>i r, i/.N'-f. =-q, S ii 't ~\I A ~'lr =: ll 4 (t.A°) :::: S2,0 Lt\ fl\. OIL Fa... ::. , '2.S-il l cpo '{.. [ l -t2/,.4o)z] = 32-'l;, '();\ f M ::. ~ ?)) P S \ ( S ~D~ Vi J:.-li. ) I .. -a -• ---. ~ -, ~ ---·-··-• ---·-,. -... -.. --•. -, -·--.. -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. .-.::-·:·?, ·.·_\,::.:,.: I -:/{) I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 '/\2~ SHEET NO.---~----''---"--OF ____ _ SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . CALCULATED BY ---'-----'-"'[)_,._v-J.;;..._ DATE (!:> /0 / Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECkED BY-~-----DATE----- \\ I \\ COB'S 1-.i?E,t t 1 -6 'f. :S -6 F~n t~ (:rZ I . DL::. 10l'>i.O'f-!·O-+ ,-f'?Y\,'5)<'.3,S = \.~~IL,,(15{~ \v\o,=-.,. 0'27 '-t. \ O ')(.( 1,t;+ l0/2.,) :; l, 16 t.-lG l~t1-c. l,.G~i ~,,;(2 ~ 2/1.'? ~I:::' r,S, ot : 2 r°'iS/t, 10 e-\,~~ '.>I,~ O~ \ . . I () :::.: '20)'?0-t160-=, O, 1D- /b9..0 . ) b/ \ e.=-~S/ii.,...,.. 70 !::. lP? ..., b t; O,',t ,,-z; fsf- ~c:;::;ir l =.. 2.-../.. \~C\O -~ (oOO~Sf < 2-~> '3> =3'/, I ,o 'J.,10 MOl--lf}Jf l N FconN 6' t{ '5\ ~'r1CU.. '3'-( l~Sf£ L1'1CJ{ .. ' ' t ' ,,~1-(...+,~1.::: ~,.b't? ~'~ j l\ ) I) \.? ~~ l ~h '? ) ---b '/. Cot<'\ f-V17µ t. '4-4{-a 4. e.t i, \t>e. ~!¥:)~) ~ 4~4~c.ot-lT (u>r.i~) ------···· I I I I I I I I I I .-_::.:_?) . ·: ~:-' I I I I I - I : I : I :D I ' MARTIN & DUNN~ INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-.2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEETNO. _(\1,'-1; OF ____ _ CA!;CULATED BY -DvJ DATE __ 6/.__°'____.1 __ _ CHECkED BY-"---------DATE ____ _ p=-Ce(b osL ~e.:: \pc.o,· (~.f C ) VI "-11:,1 ) I ~1,0 Ct) ::J,4. bs ==-1'2,t.:, ~c;F (1ov~H) f::: \rOo'f'. I, 4-y I 2)~ '{. I ::: l ;, 1 S~i 2-o f JF S~LSMtl. ff= ?l(f ¼lp f ~-~ (?OtJf 4) Cp=.'75 Y'-Iv -~ r ft=-,A'l-li-.1I1\Np.:=. V,>"{.'wf ~, wfL~ V lLl..&eE: : $1\)U .. o Ft/JlS~\ 6'0:\ F AtJi.. ...... '-6-/f;;.. ~o ()sf ± t\TG~JJ·. S'\V((o Flt-=l!S.~ ¼ sio~ Ve~f.fl. -\"-\r.::: ,iOf')f ±-. ff.::;; ,?Y-4u; 11-fSf ~'2..-o \/>J l'N O GuVfl .. N ) I I I I I I I I I I :\":::) : : __ : .t I I I I I I I .·.: .. I _ ....... I JOB L~-&o ( AN .fJ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SHEET NO. Ar;,1 CALCULATED BY !)t,J CHECKED BY · SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 F~x (61"9) 497-0429 sc:m:lt SW{) SC...t2f,f'-.!J v,;J,1).. I \I L:::. n .. --0 t'1~ lJ) :=; Zofsf ¥ ~ 1/i =-<c,o '(->C!= \J\d .o~o'/-(2..,_I :.. \.? FT--!L. . ('6 ft ::; I lo (o 'i-4,b ::: '30 ,4 /L..S 1 e--I. S'{-\ z._ I ,I O f ; t \ /', --::::; '{. :_ . ?0, µ c:. , ~ l }-4 · l'-ld\ c.~.::...fi\(Y... L / t-2 iii I \' !)µ4 ; ?.~O::. (~f.,,o ;:. D. 4,0 t\ . S-,:: ~ SY .o~o 'i/1.v 1-112,~ _ :;,?.i 1~4 ¾41 zq_o:,-o Y., 4°0 \? SE TS-·c. 'I 2. i--"I Lt .. P= ~PLf -f..I2 1 .:: °'.'-'o tt ~ La t.1/ M== 1,0 itJ-i .:::.. O).o~~ . ; S 'f -::. ~r O i-1'2. / 7:N, 4 :::. '?,, C';,? tN \\ L:J ~ = , 00'?-il h =-,~·')>( °)'ti 2.::.. 0, SA ;> . t:; \,o ~Cl).u ~17'2..'f:, =-2b,~ L~ 4- ?~ 2e>iooo)(,~lf- OF DATE DATE lJ '>f TS G1'~~-y1· ~::; to, I IN 1 T 'i<:: ¼':, 4~~ -. ' I I I I I I I I I I .· · =·.:1 .. _: -::.1 I I I I I - I I : I \) I JOB l ),7--(, 0 Ll~1VJ./) MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 4:00 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY . Ai-% OF ____ _ ow DATE_o;c.._/....;..9_1 __ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECkED BY----'------DATE ____ _ F<:On-N(i. ~,o 'f.. i. _ 0.20 \::'.~1 7, '? ~ 1'2.. . ~Si<-£\ =, ?l??<-');,o =-\,v:, ll~I ;,i.0 ot-- \.,. 1-l'-'"'O\:::. 1-0. ~ /0, ;> ::::...10, '? l '\ . ·T\2-'l . ? -o S6<. f oon1'K,-. . \J.~;:, r \t;o 'fl ,c, Y-?,OyS(o +, I ~o 'f I~~,.? ~S.v :::. ?,.¼? ..lr 0, S6::. fa, l~it-{PS. I tv\(L= b,I") ¥ ~ .. u/i ::: ri::;,~}-~ fSor-= l'?(o/ro.t7 = 1,41. ;t ~ ~ \ \ S.'7 Ol. d ==-I'?,? -IO,C;:::: O,ol e = '?,,'¾ -.. '61 =-\r~~ / ~4 '=,, /°'J ; ~ l::'.Sf?-~ S:,l l ::. 2..:i-GJ °.) ~ \ ~V \ '? ~~ L.. z_ 'iOOi I I J 3 . 0.lf -· -'?,j_'=>'i~~I . .. \',J\OJ-.~T ~'Of t('UDCM. Bi Oi,~v)oZDN--U~'e. NWLl~Al As ) \\ . · . I , . ' it · I . ' : .. · : l2~-'?~O c;Q. F-OO(lNCi-\b-1~ b -: . -4 s ~. WJr:1 PROUUC1 20i·1~ Inc Gr:-1on. t.'cts 014i1. lo Orcier PHONEiO:.:. FREE i-S00-22:~63EQ I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I {{) ·····. -o MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: _LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -4' HIGH (96240R04.RCW) ---WALL & FOOTING DATA ----------VERTICAL LOADS·---- Retained Height = Wall Ht. above Soil = Toe Width = Heel Width = Total Footing Width - Footing Thickness = Key Depth = 4.00 ft 0.00 ft. 1.00 ft 2.00 ft 3.00 ft Axial DL on Stem = 0 pl f Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf .... Eccentricity =· 0.00 in Surcharge over Toe· = O.b psf Surcharge over t1eel = 0.0 psf Note: Toe Surcharge Resists overturning Note: Heel surcharg_e· Resists overturning Page: A2~ -----LATERAL LOADS----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil Add'l Lateral Load Di"st to Load Start bi-st to Load End = = = = 0.00 psf 0.00 plf 0.00 ft o.oo ft Key Width = 12;00 in 6.'oo in o.bo in 0.00 ft -----SOIL DATA -----ADJACENT FOOTING ----- Toe to Key Dist. = ----SLIDING CHECK ---- Ftg/Soi l Friction = Soil to Neglect = Lateral Pressure = -Passive P_ressure = -Friction = 0.35 0.00 in 438 II 175 # 512 II 0.0 II Add' l Force Required = SUMMARY------ Pressure@ Toe Pressure@ Heel Allowable Press. Ecc. of resultant Max. Shear@ Toe Max. Shear@ Heel Allow. Ftg Shear Factors of Safety: Overturning Sliding = = = = = = = = = 684.1 psf 291.5 psf 2000 psf 2.41 in 2.06 psi -1.69 psi 93, 11 psi 3.63 :1 1.57 :1 Al lowa_ble Bearing = 2000 psf Vertical Load Active Lateral = 35.0pcf .•••• Max Press. = 0.0 pcf ••••• Slope Press. Backfill Slope Passive Press. .. Soil Density Soil Ht over Toe = = = =- = 0.0 pcf o.o· :1- 350.0 pcf 110.0 pcf 0.00 in Load Eccentricity Footing Width Ftg. CL to Wall Vert. Position of Ftg. ••• Above/Below:C+/-J Spread Footing = 0.0 # = 0.00 in = 0.00 ft = 0.00 ft = o.o ft ? No -----------------FOOTING DESIGN ------------- Soil Press. Mutt. Toe By ACI Eq 9-1 = 958 Mu-Upward = 448 Mu-Downward = 105 Mu-Design -~43 One-\.lay Shear: Actual = .. 2.1 Allowable = 93.1 - Cover -over Rebar= 3.50 'd' = 8.50 Ru = Mu/bd"2 = 5.3 Heel 408 psf 326 ft-# 562 ft-# -236 ft-# 1. 7 psi 93.1 psi 3.50 in 8.50 in 3.6 psi f 1·c Fy Min •. As Percent Omi.t SP Under Heel -----Toe # 4 lil # 5 g) # 6 al II 7 @ Ii 8 @ # 9 g) 19.61 30.39 43.14 48.00 48.00 48.00 = 3000 psi = 60000 psi = 0.0012 ? No Heel 19.61 in o/c 30.39 in o/c 43.14 in o/c 48.00 fo o/c 48.00 in o/c 48.00 in o/c --------...,............,. .......... ____ SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS --------------- ----overturning Moments--· Origin of Force ••• II ft Active Soil Press. = 437.5 1.67 Soil over Heel = 0 0 Soil over Toe = -,7.5 0.33 Sloped Soil lil Heel = 0 0 Adjacent Ftg. Load = ·o.o 0.00 Surcharge Over Heel = 0 0 Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 O.QO Axial Load on Wall ... 0 0 Load lil Proj. Wall = o.o 0.00 Averaged Stem Wts. = ·o 0 Added Lateral Load = 0.0 0.00 Footing Weight = 0 0 Key Weight ____ .... --= 0 0 Vertical Component of Active Pressl.i!>e 0 0 Tota~s = 420.0 # Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure ·Removed) V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC ft-# 729.2 0 -5 .• -8 0 -0.0 0 o.o 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0- 0 723.3 ft-# -----Resisting Moments----- # 0 513.3 o.o o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0 500.0 0 450.0 O.o o.o 1463.3 # 1463.3 # ft 0 2.42 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1.42 0 1.50 o .. oo 0.00 ft-# 0 1240.6 .0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0 708.3 0 675.0 0.0 0.0 2623.9 ft-# 2623.9 ft-# (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I ...... I I I I I I I I :·-: ~:~~~ ·: __ . __ ..,, ···.-... Q ···:· MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CtNTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 9210.8 . CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -4' HIGH (96240R04.RCW) ( •..•. continued) ----STEM SUMMARY -· ---- Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concre~e w/ u· 4@ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 0.0 <=Mn~ 6798.0ft~# Vu= o.oo <= Vn = 93.11p~i ~ Interaction Value= 0.000 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4:00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 79.3 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 0,59 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value=· 0.012 Third Stem From 0,00ft to 2.00ft· 10.00in Concrete w/· # 4@ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 6.0in Mu= 634.7 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 3.60 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.093 --~-_. V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: AJ,o GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, K\1060361 I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I- I I I -·, ': -_:·.-'::l . · .. :-...·· MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240.: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL - 6 1 HIGH (96240R06.RCW) ---WALL & FOOTING DATA --- Retained Height = 6.00 ft Wall Ht. above Soil = o.oo ft Toe Width = 1.00 ft" Heel Width = 2.00 ft Total Footing Width = 3.00 ft Footing Thickness = 12.00 in = 12.00 in -'--------VERTICAL.LOADS-'----- Axial DL on St~m = 0 pl f AxialDLonStem = Oplf •••• Eccentricity. 0 .• 00 in Surcharge over Toe -0.0 psf surcharge over· Heel = ·o.o psf Note: Toe surcharge Resists Overturning Note: Heel surcharge Resists overturning Page: A~{ -----LATERAL LOADS ----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil = Add'l Lateral Load = ·oist to Load Start = Dist to Load End = 0.00 psf o.oo plf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Depth Key Width = 12.00 in -----SOIL DATA -"""--·------------ADJACENT FOOTING ----- Toe to Key Dist. = 1.50 ft SLIDING CHECK Ftg/Soil Friction = 0.35 Soil to Neglect = 0.00 in Lateral Pressure = 858 # - Passive Pressure = 700 # -Friction = 742 # Add' l Force Requi'red = 0,0# SUMMARY Pressure iil Toe -1574.2 psf Pressure al Heel = 0.0 psf Allowable Press. = 2000 psf Ecc. of resultant = 7.23 in Max. Shear iil Toe = 5.36 psi Max. Shear iil Heel. = -5.00 psi Allow. Ftg Shear = 93.11 ps-i Factors of Safety: Overturning = 1.95 :1 Sliding = 1.68 :1 Al lowabl~ Bearing = 2000 psf Vertical Load = Active Lateral = 35.0 pcf Load Eccentricity = ..... Max Press. = 0.0 pcf Footing Width = ....• Slope Press. = Q.O pcf Ftg. CL to Wall = Backfill Slope = 0.0 :1 Vert. Position of Ftg. Passive Press. = 350.0 pcf ••• Above/Below:C+/-J = Soil Density = 110.0 pcf Spread Footing ? Soil Ht over Toe = 0.00 in FOOTING DESIGN -Soil Press. Mu.Lt. By ACI Eq 9-1 = Mu-Upward Mu-Downward Mu-Design One-Way Shear: = = = Toe 2204 966 105 861 -Heel 0 psf 87. ft-# 772 ft-# -685 ft-# Actual = 5.4 5.0 psi AHowable = 93. 1 .93.1 psi Cover over Rebar = 3,50 3;50_ in '·d' = 8.50 8.50 in Ru = Mu/bd"2 = 13.2 10.5 psi f'c = Fy = Min. As Percent = Omit SP Under Heel ? Toe Heel n 4 ii) 19.61 19.61 # 5 ii) 30.39 30.39 # 6 @ 43.14 43.14 # 7 al 48.00 48.00 # 8 al 48.00 48.00 # 9 ii) 48.00 48.60 0.0 # 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.o ft No 3000 psi 60000 psi 0.0012 No in 'o/c in o/c -in o/c in o/c in o/c in o/c ----------------SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS ----------- ----Overturning Moments -- Origin of Force ••• # ft ft-# Active Soil Press. = Soil over Heel = Soil over Toe = Sloped Soil iil Heel = Adjacent Ftg. Load - Surcharge Over Heel = Surcharge over Toe = Axial Load on Wall = Load al Proj. Wall = Averaged Stem Wts. = Added Lateral Load -= Footing Weight = Key Weight -----= Vertical Component of Active Pressl.ff'e 857.5 0 -17.5 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0 0 Totals -· 840.0 # 2.33 0 0.33 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 ·o 0 Resisting Totals Used For Soil p·ressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Remov~> V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC 2000.,8 0 -5.8 0 o.o 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 1995.0 ft-// # 0 770.0 o._o 0.0 ·0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0 750.0 0 450.0 150.0 -0.0 2120.0 II 2120.0 # Resisting Moments ft 0 2.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1.42 0 1.50 2.00 0.00 ft-# 0 1860.8 o.o . 0.0 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0 1062.5 0 675.0 300.0 o.o 3898.3 ft-# 3898.3 ft-# (cont_inued on next pag,: •••• ) GEORGE R, SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I .. . _:::> .. ·-) . ·.:._:-7 I I I I I I I -::." I . Jj I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 40-0 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOI.AND SITE RETAINING IJALL - 6 1 HIGH (96240R06.RCW) ( •.•.• continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ------~ Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.00in, d= 7,75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi IJall IJt.= 125.00psf, Bar Emped= 12.0in Mu= 79.3 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 0.59 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interacti.on Value= 0.012 Second Stem From 2.00ft t.o 4.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4 a 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125-.00psf~ Bar ~mbed= 12.0in Mu= 634.7 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 3.60 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.093 Third Stem From o.opft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.QOin, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi IJall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 6.0in Mu= 2142.0 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 9.17 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.315 .--~--· V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I .· ··;; .. '-~-~-: }) I ,. I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC .. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CEN~ER Ct SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETA~NING WALL - 8 1 HIGH· (96240R08.RCW) ---WALL & FOOTING DATA --- Retained Height = Wall Ht. above Soil = Toe Width = Heel Width = Total Footing Width :;: Footing Thickness = Key Depth = 8.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.00 ft 3.50 ft 4.50 ft -----VERTICAL LOADS----- Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf Axial DL on Stem = O,plf .... Eccent-ricity = 0.00 in Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 psf Surcharge over Heel :;: 0.0 psf Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning Note·: Heel Surcharge Resists overturning Page: A~~ -------'--LATERAL LOADS----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil = Add'l Lateral Load = Dist to Load Start = Dist to toad End = 0.00 psf 0.00 plf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Width = 12,00 in 12~00 in 12.bo in -----'---SOIL DATA ----------ADJACENT FOOTING ----- Toe to Key Dist. = 1.50 ft ----SLIDING CHECK ---- Ftg/Soi l Friction = Soil to Neglect = Lateral Pressure = -Passive Pressure = -Friction = 0.35 0.00 in 1418 # 700 # 1460 # 0.0 # Add' l Force Required = -----SUMMARY---------,-- Pressure iil Toe Pressure al Heel Allowable Press. Ecc. of resultant Max. Shear iil Toe Max. Shear al Heel Al low. Ftg Shear Factors of Safety: Overturning Sliding ·= = = = = = = = = 1806.0 psf 48.1 psf 2000 psf 8.53 in 6.40 psi -16.11 psi 93.11 ps, 2.51 :1 1.52 :1 Allowable Bearing = Active Lateral = ••••• Max Press. ••••• Slope Press. Backfill Slope Passive Press. Soil Density SoH Ht .over Toe = = = = = = ·2000 psf 35.0 pcf 0.0 pcf 0.0 pcf 0.0 :1 350.0 pcf 110.0, pcf o~o-o in Vertical Load = ·Loacf, Eccentricity = Footing Width :: Ftg. CL to -Wall = Vert. Position of Ftg. ••• Above/Below:C+/-J = Spread Footing ? FOOTING DESIGN Soil Press. Hult. By ACI Eq 9-1 Mu-Upward Mu-Downward Mu-Design One-Way Shear: = = = Toe 2528 1173 105 1Q68 Heel 67 psf 1968 ft-# 5127 ft-# -3159 ft;..11 Actual = 6.4 16.1 ·psi Allowable = 93.1 93.1 psi cover over Rebar = 3.50 3.50 in 1d1 = 8.50 8.50 in Ru = MU/bd"2 = 16.4 48.6 psi f'c = Fy = Min. As Percent = Omit SP Under Heel ? Toe Heel # 4 ii) 19.61 19.61 II 5 lil 30.39 30.39 # 6 lil 43.14 43,14 # 7 lil 48.00 48.00 # 8 ii) 48.00 48.00 # 9 ii) 48.00 48.00 0.0 # 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.o ft ' No 3000 psi 60000 psi 0.0012 No in o/c in o/c in o/c in o/c in o/c in o/c ----------------SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS -------'--'------ --Overturning ·Moments----- Origin of Force ••• # -ft ft-# Active Soil Press. Soil over Heel Soil over Toe Sloped Soil iii Heel Adjacent Ftg. Load Surcharge Over Heel Surcharge over Toe Axial Load on Wall Load al Proj. Wall Averaged Stem Wts. Added Lateral Load Footing Weight Key Weight ------- Vertical Component = 1417.S = = .. = = = = = = = = = 0 -17.5 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 0 of Active Pressllf'e 0 Totals = 1400.0 ii 3.00 0 0.33 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0,00 0 0.00 0 0 0 Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of_ Active Pressure Removed) V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC 4252.5 0 -5;8 0 0,0 0 o_.o 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 4246. 7 ft-# II 0 2346.7 o.o o.o 0.0 o.o 0,0 0.0 0 1000.0 0 675.0 150.0 O.o 4171.711 4171.711 Resisting Moments ft 0 3.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1.42 0 2.25 2.00 0.00 ft-II 0 7431.1 o.o 'o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 1416.7 0 1518.7 300.0 o.o 10666.5 ft-# 10666.5 ft-II (continued on next page •••.• > GEORGE ff. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ··-: ·---~·.)) MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING.WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL - 8 1 ·HIGH (96240R08.RCW) (. •••• continued) ----STEM.SUMMARY------ Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4 iil 1?.QOin, d= 7.75,n f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 634.7 <= Mh = 6798.0ft..:# vu= 3.60 <= Vn = 93.11psi ' Interaction Value= 0.093 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4 iil 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 2142.0 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 9.17 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.315 Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4 iil 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 6.0in Mu= 5077.3 <=Mn= 6798.Qft-# Vu= 17.30 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.747 ------ V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENER~ALC Page: /\34 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I :-::-•. ;-.. -·J .... · • :.:·-J I I I I I I I ,0 I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -10' HIGH (96240R10.RCW) WALL & FOOTING DATA VERTICAL LOADS Retained Height = 10.00 ft Axial DL on Stem ·= Wall Ht. above Soil = 0.00 ft. Axial DL on Stem = Toe Width = 1.00 ft •••• Eccentricity = Heel Width = 5.50 ft Surcharge over Toe = Total Footing Width = 6.50 ft Surcharge over Heel = 0 plf 0 plf Q.00 in ,0,0 psf 0.0 psf Footing Thickness ·-12.00 in Note: Toe su·rcharge Resists Overturning Key Depth = 18.00 in Note: Heel surcharge Resists overturning Key Width = 12.00 in SOIL DATA Toe to Key Dist. = 1.56 ft Allowable Bearing = 2000 psf SLIDING CHECK Active Lateral = 35,0 pcf Ftg/Soil Fri ct ion = 0.35 ••••• Max Press. = 0.0 pcf Soil to Neglect = 0.00 in ••••• Slope Press. = 0.0 pcf Lateral Pressure = 2118 # Backfill Slope = o.o :1 - Passive Pressure = 1094 # Passive Press. = 350.0 pcf -Friction = 2654 # Soil Density = 110.0 pcf Add'l Force Required = o.o n Soil Ht over Toe = 0.00 in LATERAL LOADS ·Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil = 0.00 psf Add'l L~teral Load = 0.00 plf Dist to Load Start = 0.00 ft Dist to Load End = 0.00 ft ADJACENT FOOTING Vertical Load = 0.0 H Load Eccentricity = 0.00 in Footing Width = 0.00 ft Ftg. CL to Wall = 0.00 ft Vert. Position of Ftg. ••• Above/Below:C+/-J = o:o ft Spread Footing ? No SUMMARY FOOTING DESIGN Pressure@ Toe = 1965.6 psf Soil Press. Mult. Toe Heel f 1·c = 3000 psi Pressure al Heel = 367.8 psf By Aq Eq 9-1 = 2752 515 psf Fy = 60000 psi Allowable Press. = 2000 psf Mu-Upward = 1319 11435 ft-# Min. As Percent = 0.0012 Ecc. of resultant = 8.90 in Mu-'Downward = 105 19056 ft-# Omit SP Under Heel ? No Max. Shear@ Toe = 7.12 psi Mu-Design = 1214 -7620 ft-ii Toe Heel Max. Shear@ Heel = -21.50 psi One-Way Shear: H 4 a) 19.61 8.84 in o/c Allow. Ftg Shear = 9~.11 psi Actual = 7.1 21.5 psi # 5 @ 30.39 13.71 in -.o/c Factors of Safety: Allowable = 93.1 93.1 psi # 6 @ 43.14 19.46 in o/c overturning = 3.45 :1 Cover over Rebar= 3.50 3.50 in II 7@ 48.00 26.53 in o/c SL iding = 1.77 :1 'd' = 8.50 8.50 in II 8 @ 48.00 34.94 in o/c Ru=· Mu/bd"2 = 18.7 117.2psi II 9 a). 48.00 44.22 in o/c SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS --Overturning Mo~ents -- Origin of Force ••• # ft ft-ti Active Soil Press. = 2117.5 3.67 Soil over Heel = 0 0 Soil over Toe = -17.5 0.33 Sloped Soil@ Heel = 0 o_ Adjacent Ftg. Load = o.o 0.00 Surcharge over Heel = 0 0 surcharge over Toe = o.o 0.00 Axial Load.on Wall = 0 0 Load al Proj. Wall = o.o 0.00 Averaged Stem Wts. = 0 0 Added Lateral Load = o.o 0.00 Footing Weight = 0 0 Key Weight __ .... -~' = 0 0 Vertical Component of Active PresslEPe 0 0 --_ .. ------..... Totals = 2100.0 ii Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure . (Vert. Component of Active Pr~ssure Remov~) ( V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC n64.2 -0 -5.8 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0 0 7758~3 ft-I! ----Resisting Moments -,---- II 0 5133.3 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0 125(>.0 0. 975.0 225.0 ·o.o 7583.3 II 7583.3 II ft 0 4.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0 1.42 0 3.25 2.00 0.00 ft-II 0 21388.9 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0 1no.8 0 3168.7 450.0 0.0 26778.4 ft-# 26778.4 ft-# (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I <)X:- I I I I I I I I ·-SJ I MARTIN & I;)UNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAIN.ING WALL. DESJ'.GN PROJECT 11960240.: .LEGOLANO SITE RETAINING \,/~LL -101 HIGH (96240R10.RCII) ( ••••• continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ---- Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of I/all 10.00in Concrete w/ II 4 iii 12.00in, d= 7. ?Sin f 1c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi llall llt.= 125.00psf, Bar .Embed= 12.0in Mu= 2142.0 <=Mn~ 6798.0ft~# Vu= 9.17 <= Vn = 93.11psi 1 Inte.raction Value = 0.315 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ II 4 iii 12.0Qin, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt,= 125.00psf, Bar Eml;>ed= 12.2in Mu= 5077.3 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-ll · Vu= 17.30 <= Vn = 93.11ps_i Interaction Value= 0.747 Third Stem F.rom 0.00ft to .2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ II S iii 12.00in, d= 7.69in f 1c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi llall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 9.2in Mu= 9916.7 <=Mn= 10302.3ft-ll· Vu= 28.24 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interacfion Value= 0.963 .---~ V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: A?; l,o GEORGE R, SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, K\1060361 • i • I I I I I I I I I I ,_-./(i I I I I I I I 1@ I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISStON CENTtR CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -12' HIGH (96240R12.RCW) WALL & FOOTING DATA Retained Height = Wall Ht. above Soil = Toe Width = Heel Width = Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Depth = 12.00 ft o.oo ft 2.00 ft 6.00 ft 8.00 f.t 12.00 in 18.'oo in ----VERTICAL LOADS ---- Axial DL on Steni - 0 plf Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf .... EccentriCity = 0.00 in Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 psf Surcharge over Heel = 0.0 psf Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning Note: Heel Surcharge Resists Overturning Page: f\~1 --------LATERAL LOADS----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil Add'l Lateral Load Dist to Load Start Dist to Load End = = = = 0.00 psf 0.00 plf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Width = 12.00 in ..,.....----SOIL DATA-----,.. --------ADJACENT FOOTING----- Toe to Key Dist. = 2.00 ft SLIDING CHECK Ftg/Soil Friction = 0.35 Soil to Neglect = 0.00 in · Lateral Pressure = 2958 fl - Passive Pressure = 1094 # -Friction = 3411 fl Add'l Force Require«;! = 0.0fl Allowable Bearing = Active Lateral = ••••. Max Press. = ..... ~lope Press. =- Backfill. Slope = Passive Press. = Soil Density = Soil Ht over Toe = 2000 psf 35.0 pcf 0.0 pcf 0.0 pcf 0.0 :1 350.0 pct 110.0 pcf o.Oo in Vertical Load = Load Eccentricity = Footing Width = Ftg. CL to Wall = Vert. Position of Ftg. • •• Above/Below:C+/-J Spread Footing = ? o.o fl 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.o ft No SUMMARY ------------'------· FOOTING DESIGN ------------------- Pressure al Toe = 1767.6 psf Pressure al Heel = 668. 7 psf Allowable Press. = 2006 psf Ecc. of resultant = 7.22 in Max. Shear al Toe = 27.10psi Max. Shear al Heel = -30.30 psi Allow. Ftg Shear = 93.11 psi Factors of Safety: Overturnin_g = 3.59 :1 Sliding = 1.52 :1 Soil Press. Mult. By ACI Eq 9-1 Mu-Upward Mu-Downward Mu-Design One-Way ·shear: = = = = Toe 2475 4693 420. 4273 Heel 936psf 16915 ft-# 27469 ft-II -10553 ft-# Actu~l = 27 .1 30.3· psi Allowab~e = 93.1 93.1ps; Cover over Rebar = 3.50 3.50 in- 1d1 = ~.50 8.50 in Ru= Mu/bd"2 = 65.7 162.3 psi f'·c = 3000 psi Fy = 50000 psi Min. As Percent = 0.0012 Omit SP Under Heel ? No Toe Heel # 4, al .15.94 7.06 in o/c # ,5 al 24.71 10.-94 in o/c # 6 al 35.07 15.53 in o/c # 7.al 47.83 21.18 in o/c fl 8 iil 48.00 27.88 in o/c # 9 iil 48.00 35.29 in o/c -------------------SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS ------------..,.....-- --Overturning Moments---- Origin of Force ••• fl ft ft-# Active Soil Press. = 2957.5 4.33 Soil over Heel = 0 0 Soil over Toe = -17.5 0.33 Sloped Soil al Heel a 0 0 Adjacent Ftg. Load = 0.0 0.00 Surcharge Over Heel = 0 0 Surcharge over Toe = o.o 0.00 Axial Load on Wall = 0 0 Load al Proj. Wall = 0.0 0.00 Averaged Stem Wts. = 0 Q Added Lateral Load = o.o 0.00 Footing Weight = 0 0 Key Weight ----= 0 ·o Vertical Component of Active PressUPe 0 0 Totals = 29'40.0 fl Resisting Totals Used For Soil ·pressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Removed) V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC 12815.8 Q. -5.8 0 o.o 0 o.o 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0 0 fl 0 6820.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 1500.0 0 1200.0 225.0 0.0 9745.0 # Resisting Moments ft 0 5.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 2.42 0 4.00 2.50 0.00 ft-fl 0 36941.7 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 · 0.0 o.o 0 3625.0 0 4800.0 562.5 o.o 45929. 1 ft-# 45929.1 ft-# (continued-on next page •••• ) GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I :::?:, ·. :.:,,: ·~·,} I <·2J I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . CANTILEVERED RETAINING.WALL· DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -12' HIGH (96240R12.RCW) ( ••••• continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ------ Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4 a 12.00in, d= 7.56in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.5in Mu= 5077.3 <=Mn= 6627.0ft~D Vu= 17.81 <= Vn = 93,11psi ' Interaction Value = 0.-766 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # ·5 a 12.-00in, d= 7.56in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 20.1in Mu= 9916.7 <=Mn= 10121.0ft-# vu= 28.79 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.980 Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 10.00in concrete w/ # 7 a 12.00in, d= 7.56in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.1in Mu= 17136.0 <=Mn= 18819.0ft-# vu= 42.39 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.911 __ ..... - V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R, SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I .:·~~\ · .. :·. i ... ·· I I I I I I I -0·-··· I·:·-:_: I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -14' HIGH (96240R14.RCW) WALL & FOOTING DATA Retained Height = Wall Ht. above Soil = Toe Width = Heel Width = Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Depth = 14.00ft 0.00 ft 2.50 ft 8.00 ft 10.50 ft 12.00 in 18.00 ,n ----VERTICAL LOADS------,- Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf •••• Eccentricity -· 0.00 in Surcharge over Toe -0-. 0 psf surcharge over Heel = 0.0 psf Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning Note: Heel Surcharge Resists ·Overturning Page: A~°> -----LATERAL LOADS ----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil Add 1' l Lateral Load Dist to Load Start Dist to Load End = = = = 0,00 psf 0.00 plf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Width = 12.00 in -------SOIL DATA -----------ADJACENT FOOTING ----- Toe to Key Dist. = 3.00 ft Allowable Bearing = 2000 psf Vertical Load = 0.011 0.00 in I 0,00 ft 0.00 ft SLIDING CHECK Ftg/Soil Friction = 0.35 Soil to Neglect = 0.00 in Lateral Pressure = 3938 II -Passive Pressure = 1094 II Active Lateral = 35.0 pcf •.•••• Max Press. = 0.0 pcf ..... Slope Press. = 0.0 pct Backfill Slop-e = 0.0 :1 Passive Press. = 350.0 pcf Load Eccentricity footing Width Ftg. CL to Wall Vert. Position of Ftg. ••• Above/Below:t+/-J = = = = -Friction = 5105 II Soil Density =· 110.0 pcf Spread Footing ? 0.0 ft No Add'l Force Required = o.o II ~oil Ht over Ti;,e = 0.00 in SUMMARY -------------,----FOOTING DESIGN ------------- Pressure lil Toe = 1702.9 psf Pressure al Heel = 1075.5 psf Allowable Press. = 2000 psf Ecc. of resultant = .4.74 in Max. Shear al Toe = 36.87 psi Max. Shear lil Heel = -37.37 psi Allow. Ftg Shel:!r = 93.11 psi Factors of Safety: overturning = 4.60 :1 SL iding = 1.57 :1 Soil Press •. Mult. By ACI Eq 9-1 Mu-upward Mu-·Downward Mu-Design · One-Way Shear: = = = = Toe Heel 2384 1506 psf 7232 43799 ft-# 656 -60760 ft-# 6576 -16961 ft-II Actual = 36.9 37 .. Ltps; Allowable :: 93.1 93.1psi Cover over Rebar = 3.50 3.50 in 1d1 = a.so a.so in Ru = Mu/bd"2 = 101 .1 260.8 psi f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Min, As Percent = 0.0012 Omit SP Under Heel ? No Toe Heel II 4 lil 10.28 5.12 in o/c II 5 al 15.94 7.94 in o/c II 6 lil 22.62 11..26 in o/c II 7 ii) 30.85 15.36 in o/c II 8 ii) 40.62 20.22 in o/c II 9 ii) 48.00 25.60 in o/c ----------------SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS -------------- --Overturning Moments -- Origin of Force.· •• # ft ft-# Active Soil Press. = 3937.5 5.00 Soil over Heel = b 0 Soil over Toe = -17.5 0.33 Sloped· Soil al Heel = ·o 0 Adjacent Ftg. Load = o.o 0.-00 Surcharge Over Heel = 0 0 Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 0.00 Axial Load on Wall = 0 0 Load al Proj. Wall = 0.0 0.00 Averaged Stem Wts. = 0 0 Added Lateral Load = 0.0 0.00 Footing Weight =-0 0 Key Weight _.----= 0 0 Vertical Component of Active Press1.FPe 0 0 Totals = 3920.0 # Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Removed) . ,: ~ V4.4D (c) 1983~90 ENERCALC 19687.5 0 -5.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0 0 19681. 7 ft-# II 0 11036.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 1750.0 0 1575.0 225.0 0.0 14586.7 # 14586. 7 # Resisting Moments ft 0 6.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0 2.92 0 5.25 3:50 0.00 ft-# 0 76336.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 5104.2 0 8268.7 787.5 0.0 90497 .3 ft-// -90497.3 ft-# (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I =:='() I -·· I I I I I I I ?j) :·:·-·: I ., MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -141 HIGH (96240R14.RCW) (. ..•. continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ---- Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/ # 8 iil 12.00in, .d= 7.44in f 1c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Emb.ed= 12.Bin Mu= 9916.7 <=Mn= 23678.7ft-# Vu= 29.31 <= Vn = 93.11psi 1 Interaction Value= 0.419 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft, 10.00in Concrete w/ # 8 iil 12.00fo, d= 7.44in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000,0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 23.0in Mu = 17136.0 <= 'Mn = 23678.'7ft,-# Vu= 43.17 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.724 Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 9 iil 12.00in, d= 7.44in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf~ Bar Embed= 16.0in Mu= 27211.3 <=Mn= 29043.Bft-# Vu= 59.68 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.937 __ ..... -- V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: A40 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, K\./060361 I I I I I I I I I I -:?:) .... ~:·. '! I I I I I I I I tb I MARTIN & DUNN, ~NC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 4-00 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -1"6' HIGH (96240R16.RCW) ---WALL & FOOTING DATA --- Retained Height = 16.00 ft Wall Ht. above Soil = 0.00 ft· Toe Width = 3.50 ft Heel Width = 8.00 ft Total Footing Width = 11.50 tt Footing Thickness = 16.00 in Key Depth = 24.'00 in Key Width = 12.00 i'n T.oe to Key Dist. = 4.1'7 ft SLIDING CHECK Ftg/Soil Friction = Soil to Neglect = Lateral Pressure = -Passive Pressure = -Friction = 0.35 0.00 in 5258 # 1944 II 6062 II o.o.fl -----VERTICAi:. LOADS--------- Axial DL on Stem = Oplf Axial DL on Stem O plf •••• Eccentricity 0.00 in Surcharge ove·r Toe = 0. O· psf Surcharge over Heel = 0.0 psf Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning Note: Heel Surcharge Resists Overturning ------SOIL DATA-------- Allowable Bearing = 2000 psf Acti.ve Lat·eral -35.0 pcf ••••• Max Press. 0.0 pcf ••••• Slope Press. = 0.0 pcf Backfill Slope = 0.0 :1 Passive Pr.ess. = 350.0 pcf Soil Density = '110.0 pcf Soil .Ht over Toe 0.00 in Page: f\k\ -----LATERAi. LOADS ----- Lateral Load Acting on. Stem Above Soil = Add-' l Lateral Load = Dist to toad Start = Dist to ·Load End = ,ADJACENT FOOTING Vertical Load = Load Eccentricity = Foot.ing Width = Ftg. CL to Wall = Vert. Posi-tion of Ftg. ••. Above/Below:C+/-J = Spread Footing ? 0.00 psf O.OOplf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.0 II 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.o ft No Add' l Force Required . = SUMMARY----------------------· FOOTING DESIGN ----------,---- Pressure 6l Toe Pressure al Heel Allowable Press. Ecc. of resultant Max. Shear 6l Toe Max. Shear @\Heel Allow. Ftg Shear Factors of Safety: overturning Sliding = 1831.3 psf = 1180.9 psf 2000 psf 4.97 in 35.83 psi = = = = -33.96psi 93.11. psi = Soil Press. Mult. By ACI Eq 9-1 Mu-Upward Mu-Downward Mu._Design On~Way Shear-: = = = = Toe 2564 15138 1715 13423 Heel 1653 psf 45030 ft-# 67228 ft-# -22198 f~-11 Actual. = 35.8 34.,Q psi Allowable = 93.1 93.1 psi = 4.04 :1 . Cover over Rebar = 3.50 3.50 in = 1.52 :1 1d1 = -1~.50 12~50 in Ru = Mu/bd"2 = 95. 4 157 .• 9 psi f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Min. As Percent = 0.0012 Omit SP Under Heel ? No Toe Heel ·# 4 6) 7.42-4.80 in o/c II 5 61 .11.50 '7.44 in o/c # 6 al 16.32 10.-56 in'o/c II 7 6) 22.25 14.40 in o/c II 8 a! 29.30 18.96 in o/c # 9 6) 37.09 24.00 in o/c -----------~------SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS ---------,---- --Overturning Moments -- Origin of Force ••• # ft ft-# # Active Soil Press. Soil over Heel Soi l .over Toe Sloped Soil 6l Heel Adjacent Ftg. Load surcharge over Heel Surcharge over Toe Axial Load on Wall Load al Proj. Wall Averaged Stem Wts. Added Lateral Load Footing Weight ____ _ Key Weight · Vertical Component = 5257.8 0 -31.1 d o.o 0 o.o 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0 = = = = = = = = = = of Active PressUPe 0 Totals = 5226.7 # 5.78 0 0.44 0 0.00 ,o 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 .0 0 Q Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Componen~ ot Active_ Pressure Removed) V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCAL' 30378.3 0 -13.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 12320.0 d.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 2400.0 0 . 2300.0 300.0 0.0 30364.4 ft-N 1n20.o 11 17320.0 II Resisting Moments ft 0 8.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 ·0.00 0.00 0.00 0 4.00 0 5.75 4.67 0.00 ft-# 0 98560.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0 9600.0 0 13224.9 1401.0 o.o 122785. 9 ft-# 122785.9 ft-N (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOClATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I ·= ~ .. ,. :-·:: .. 1 ... : : l ·.:.- I -·· I I I I I I I .:.) -:~:=_: I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . . _ STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -161 HIGH (96240R16.RCW) ( ••••• continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ------- Top Stem: From 4,00 ft to Top of -Wall 12.00in Concrete w/ # 6@ 12.00in, d= 9.38in f'c= 3000.0psi, .fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 150.00psf, Bar Embed= 23.Sin Mu= 17136.0 <=Mn= 17705,8ft-# Vu= 33.28 <= Vn = 93.11psi · · Interaction Value= 0,968 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft 12.00in Concrete w/ # 8@ 12.00in, d= 9.38in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy=· 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 150.00psf, Bar Embed= 28.9in Mu= 27211.3 <=.Mn= 30566.5f.t-# Vu= 46.21 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value = 0.890 Third Stem From 0.-00ft to 2.00f.t 12.00in Concrete w/·#10@ 12.00ih, d= 9.38in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 150.00psf, Bar Embed= 16.4in Mu= 40618.7 <=Mn= 46441.0ft-# Vu= 61.25 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.875 __ ... -- V4.4D (c) 1983-9~ ENERCALC Page: A.41- GEORGE R, SAUN~ERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I _(-_::_l "':::--:.J I I I I I I I . ·-:-·.··, .. ··· I -:-· I JOB l €6() l ~NO MARtlN & DUNN, fNC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 AJ~-3:, SHEET NO. _______ OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY D (/-) DATE 1 \ C\ 1 ----~----'--'----- Phone {619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 . CHECKED BY_~-----DATE--'---- \,\/l'NO f ~ c~ ~ isj: c e = 1.oeo -(f ye. c. J Ct~ 1,4 _ (J'S :::. (2,Gp;f t]o~) I.::::1,v f:::: \,O<o')(l,4?((2-..6 i-/ =-lt.'7 /Sf C\2 l n(A{.. CDN0 /110~ e_ INlEJi.lQt. i6v-:l·@ 00EuC:l P =-1'¢,1-fsf r-{:y__,vF-r(z.) 'f--(ls,0 Ft;2) z ,sc;o ~ @ G-(2.BJH-?) \\ ' \-, C Q:V-::11$2.. NO'N uJZ'i '.::>~ DIP Wt~-0 ) fl. Oli ~ I b ~ I ~ A~./J (\ ~4 ~to j: 1 0 = ~ (\+JI+ 4,~h) ""-l~·. A=--z..;4 P ,St b. s 1 :::-:;tx, Y. 4,5/??-:;. sis l Vi= '7,0 A .:: 2. ½Y-~ °l ~ / 72. 7'//,? =-I, 1 ; o= t1~ ( 1+ J-\+ 4-.,~~1 }--= 4,-b? 1 .t 4.? ~~ .. · .. 'L . ( ."Vi" . . . l " \ \~ . D ~~ tr b U) 'I-A ~·to 0eQ p\JDJmVl'-l , HPICA-L I I I I I I I I I I {/) ....... · I I I I I I I - I /J I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET NO.-----~--.:...~...:....~..;._':}...,__ OF ____ _ CALCULATEDBY ____ ___;.;:.'{)-"--'vJ'---DATE___,J __ l~~/..,__ __ CHECKED BY ________ DATE ____ _ . \{ \ 11 (..ON'S1D(Q [;JO'N ~ ~'ZMtN\t:"£) CDL"\Oi nDcJ "J-4-1 \;,.:::. 24 A~ 0 <i = 4 ~b :± h :::: '2., ¾'f-l C ~ -:::. I I " 0 5?...? '/-z.. l -I ~ 0 ( I 4-J \ ~ 4, '36 -y_ 7 ) = 4. 7.'.j I L.. 4, 5 °'~ o-~-. /,6 1 ~, \ \\ . I ~ \JSE z,-0 (t) ')( 4 ~1o oeee ~.DWDN ~ 14-o_d: &M1ls ' I I ~- I I I I I I I I_.-,·-.) . ~; ... I I I I I I IC :::'::-.\1 I .. MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Su.ite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB LE &-OL,6,. /0 D C f'0!--·L,'Q /<-D SHEET NO. ~ 4? OF _____ _ Phone (619) 497-2118 R '~~ CALCULATED BY ~-~-"'-M~S-,:__ __ DATE-~~-~U~.J-.)_£ __ !_"'_, \ Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY----~----DATE _____ _ r" • \rJODf) fOS1 (__QR PDLE.J fo &f Sl-:/l-\{tr> F-:;rt Stvv& ~i1 w 11rl lt--> S-1'07=L -f0!?f' ~L SfC(to/'J (0r? Pl Pe). NOMlZ'tJ1 (<.t;SIS'1A1.Jl[ c\?fA1i?D 8'1 Wv•.)1) 6'!:A{:-11-)&- o rJ w AV-of S 1' ta2._ · S-l,e 0' If'. ~ GOL-1 Rrz51.s-1s-ofL\ r1 CI F Ar--1tr)- W= h ::. ii= (v.L :a M :: C :::. C = Q1= 10 ~i;1 S/-1f,rf;1) \JJI D'fH of v-,;ODO Pof1 (1N) Mlf\l lM 11v u/vl 510.::'7_ <; l E&/ E \41 W-1 {t f\l) AL.Low~Lf v-101.:.>0 (.;::)M(Rran:;,,; J... &v,.11.; (psi') , Kt:. 5 vL-1 P r-11' 11/.JO)? r ..o,,,,., r PEJ Ji o 1.J (, s.;) Af'PL18) r'A. cr..,.~f-J1 (#-P~) - fZ f'Q i D c.o~ r--'R.£'.'Si v£ Foi:: tt:: fo 00/2..!.)f MOM !::tv1 (14) (l, 111,) M -:-J.\ (\) ~ ~ (\)1 == }8M L<>~ Dv0\•1.,; -.., h C{ l (:f)\ -x(!d\(l-'\w =-:12-l h i A/ "i) \. 3 . ~2/ 'Z.J -3 vv (IN\) hi'+";,, ; le.-L QJ.. = (_ {C3M :: ~.L h w -h -h :? " hM1rJ ,~M ,,_ -== J({t!y'o C/)l-W -*' tJc1lf. %..J. M.vSt 131& ~£1YJw, &Y ( -::rr) · Jf- MoM'€1v1 }.5" ovlE -(-;;,_, s~vrci:; L-oki)S'__ + + . _____ _, t?,ASt 'ft.- (~S'(GC-'(vB( I ;- !~E1' ' I i l:::::::::c:;:t:t=::::::::'.J ----If---;{- + .ir -7"'--! I -• --.~ .;: .._ « • .-. ,. <: , ,_ • 'ec .,. •, ~ •. ~~ c; "t• ;::. -N ~ ' -,::, <r ..., • c::. -•• r -,, .J'. ..:; ,. t:--, -i! ..., ,. ,:t .,. tJ r. -. • I I I I I I I I I ··:-::_:_:.:} 1-.--. t. _-; •. I I I I I I I_._:::_.._ ....... I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA92ios . Phone {619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497~0429 JOB L& {r() lA-1..1 D {/,rf!LS3AD i\t\ li Al, SHEET NO. __________ OF-~-'------ , CALCULA'TED BY _ ____,_/_;-'-) ,_f1....._,.J"-,----DATE _.,,<_.,.J-'-\;_;v--'·iz=---"-':z.._"'_-,-_ CHECKED BY--~-------DATE _____ _ D0"~~.-•,__,s (X:/j:JW 5~\/\C,t[_ Lo~ {~,.._;S.,,0,-) [ ,tv vf-€/7\Di:0 /J-_,JC{-:fv'/L :_3::r1 .... "f.r w I 'l ,,...1 A FR~ CD[<[ t) 'S/f 1.)(1{, :;,{Z-,'[_ :,,,,,; C:11. /. '--! /., :j (; :-G Cr;; I-,-: . --t u: ,, .. r.:_ -1' )..: ~ -r~ ~ "3 C>oo fs 1 (yvtrJO 6r2 Ct! v)ro1,.,&-) \ . ;?{1? p 'C I ~e I ' df r-'2 _,:,--' Ii ).. ,-·"' r' )C/ c ::: / t;>,,? >:-0 tl '.? .,,..... ::: 'J , ,., _ UL-,, S'/:::,")'Zv(lr =-'3 ':,l, ?v-:::-JC(,) u /,,4/ >r l,,t{Aff,;,-_,,£ )/2,.'' c,,...,.,_;~ G,&'l.e~-) C,{,.-h§'{/.,(. 5 f ef-L •, Ps ~ 0 -~ Ab f ~ ::: r:;, D v<- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT SECTION B FOOD STAND NORTH INDEX Roof Framing Design Lateral Analysis Foundation Design SHEET NO. B1-B8 B9-B15 B16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 NORTHFOODSTAN"LOAD CASTLEHlliL ROOF DEAD LOAD MAIN AREA GYPBD. CLG. B/UROQF ¾'.'PLYWD. FRMG. &INS. MPE MISC. TOTAL 2.8PSF 6.0PSF 2.3 PSF 5.0 PSF 2.0PSF 2.7PSF 21.0PSF SLOPED ROOF DEAD LOAD TATCHRF. '.2x6@24 FELT RF. ½"PLYWb. · MISC. TOTAL 3.0PSF 1.0:PSF 1.5PSF 1.5PSF 2.0PSF 9.0 J;lSF NORTH AREA 7 /8" PLASTER CHANNELS FRMG. MEP MISC. TOTAL ROOF LIVE LOAD 20.0 PSF WALL DEAD LOAD EXTERIOR WALL PLASTER 10.0 PSf ½" PL YWD. l.5PSF .· STUDS @ 16 1.0 PSF INSULATION LO PSF TOTAL 14.0PSF 2x4@ 16 SIDING TATCHRF. :FEL'.fRF. ½"PLYWD. TOTAL JOB . L;~,00 lefA-.N P SHEET NO. ~ I OF -'-. _ _.:/_!_,:....__ __ _ CALCULATED.BY.;_· .µ\xl+,..""'-/,:,----'-------'-DATE __,__/0___,_/--'-'1....;.7 __ _ CHECKED BY---------DATE _____ _ SCALE foop . '5fAND 10 .0PSF 1.0PSF 3.5 PSF l.0PSF 1.7 PSF 17.0PSF ROOFWALL 1.0PSF l.0PSF 3.0PSF 1.5PSF 1.SPSF 8.0PSF SOUTH AREA lxT&G C:ff;ANNELS FRMG. MEP MISC. TOTAL w 0·{2..-i-H 2.5PSF 1.0PSF 3.5 PSF 1.0PSF 1.7 PSF 10.0PSF -. .. ·:-.::-.:;,,:-,. __ ,::~:; . ' .::. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I SH.EET NO. \3 ?--OF---~-- CALCULATED BY ~N'..,,___i.:? ____ --'--_ DATE -L.:I O::....· ,1-1_4..µJ<---- CHECKED BY--'--~-----DATE _____ _ 1 ll'xl~---"--:---l--=-,e,-.---,· ,---,, ,,----,,. [81 J1 ~-G) ____ ____,(~) ' J1 ~- ll'xl--L-,--~+--~--"-12Sll----"-(f) \ .. _;-.. _., . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT~ SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/23/97 Page:&7:z GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLA!lD -HORTH FOOD STAND Jl · BEAM DATA Timber -Section 2X6 ~nd F~xlty Bea11 Width = 1.500 in Elastic Modulus Beam ~~th = 5.50 in Beam Density · LaDinat1on Thickness = o.oo in Load Duration Factor Pin:Pin = 1600000 psi = 35.0 pcf = 1.25 Fl> -Bending = 875 psi Beam·Wt. is Added to Loads Fv -Shear 95 psi End Shear Calc'd at support Fe -Bearing = 625 psi APPLIED :WADS Uniforn Load@ Center Span: PL= 18.0 plf LL= 40,0 pif SUMMARY USING 1.500 x 5.500 Bean, Bending= 67.80%, Shear= 41.34% Max. Pos Mon @ 4.50 ft= 0.61 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = · · 0,27 k Max. Neg Hon @ 9.00 ft: o.oo k-ft •••• used for dsgn= 0.41 k Max@ Left -0.00 k-ft . , .. Area Reg'd = 3.4i in2 Max@ Right = 0.00 k-ft Max.@ Right = 0.27 k Max. Allow Monent = 0.90 k-ft •••• used for dsgn = 0.41 k fb: Max. Actual 964.1 psi .... Area Req 1d = 3.41 in2 Fb: Allowable = 1421. 9 psi fv: Max. Actual = 49,10 ps~ Fv .: Allowabie = ps.s psi Ck= .8ll(E./Fb)A,5 = 31.02 Rb= (LeD/BA2}A,5 = 0.00 Bearing Reg'd@ Left = 0.29 in Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = 1.30 Bearing Req'd @ Right= o. 29 iri Center camber = -0.13 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC . . SPAI DATA ' . Center Span = 9.00 ft Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Right cantilever = o.oo ft ,IJIBRACED LElfGTHS Le: Center Span = o.oo ft Le: Left cant. = o.oo ft Le: Right Cant. = o.oo ft ' Reactions ••• DL Maxinum Left = 0,09 k 0.21 k Right = 0.09 k 0,27 k Deflections ••• Center = -0.09 in -0,27 in · .... i>ist = 4.50 ft 4.500 ft ... L/Defl = 12i7 406 Left = o.oo in 0.000 in ••• L/Defl = 0 0 Right = o.oo in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 I -- GEORGE R, SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN. INC .. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 MULTI-SPAN TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -~ J2 GEBEAAL.DATA -1--2-· All Spans Sinple Support?? : NO Spans Length ft: 5.00 9.00 End Fixity: Pin:Pin. Pin:Pin Bean Width in; 1.500 1.500 Bean Depth in: 7.25 7.25 --CALCULATED VALUES -.:pK--OK- F1b-Modified Allow. psi : 1285.5 1312,5 fb -Actual. psi :' 809.4 809.4 F1v-Modified Allow. psi : 118.8 118,8 fv .(actual) * LS psi : 33.4 95,7 Mo11ent@ Left k-in: o.o -10.6 Monent@ Right k-in : -10.6 o.o Max. Mon. @ Mid-Span k-in : 0.0 8.9 X-Dist ft : 0.00 4.74 Shears: Left k: ·-0.09 0.74 Right k :, -0.26 -0.35 Reaction @ Left DL k : -0.05 0.50 LL k: -0.04 0.51 Total k ·: -0.09 1.01 Reaction @ Right DL k: 0.50 0.18 LL k: 0.51 0.17 Total .k: 1.oi 0.35 Max. Defl.@ Mid Span in: 0.026 -0.133 X-Dist . ft : 3.00 4.68 DESIGII DATA Le: Un~upported Length ft: o.oo 0.00 Fb:Bas1c Allowable psi : 857.0 875.0 Fv:Basic Allowable ps1 : 95.0 95.0 Elastic Modulus ksi: 1600 1600 Load Duration Factor 1.25 1.25 APPLIED LOADS Use Live Load on This Span ? Yes Yes Uniforn ..••.• DL plf: 14.0 42.0 LL plf: 20.0 40.0 Point ..•....• DL #: 174.00 LL I : 180.00 X-Dist. ft:. 2,00 QUERY VALUES Location •.••. ft : 0.00 o.oo Shear # : -0.09 0.74 Mo11ent k-in : 0.00 -:10,64 Deflection in: 0.000 · 0,000 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Date: 10/24/97 Page:8~ GEORGE R~ SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. . STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/24/97 Page:~ GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -NORTH FOOD STAND J3 BEAK ~TA •. Timber Section 2X8 End Fixity Pin:Pin Bean Width 1.500 in Eiastic Modulus = 160000Q psi Beam De~th = 7 .25 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf La11ination Thickness. = o.oo in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 Fb ~ Bending = 875 psi Beam Wt. is Added. to Loads Fv -Shear = 95 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support Fe -Bearing = 625 psi SPAH DATA Center Span = 14.50 ft Left cantilever = o.oo ft Right Cantilever = o.oo·ft UIBRACED LBllG'lJI.S Le: Center: Span = o.oo ft Le: Left Cant. -o.oo ft Le: Right cant. = o.oo ft . . . · APPLIED LOADS--------'--'--'--------- Uniforn Load·~·Center Span: DL = 10.0 plf LL= 20.0 plf Trapezoidal Load: DL: 11.0plf@ 1ft, 11.0plf@ rt fron 6.25 ft to 14.50 ft Point Load: DL ~ 42.0 # at 7 .25 ft ··. . . SUMMARY ----------------,-..---USING 1.500 x 7,2?0 Bean, Bending= 82.92%, Shear= 37.47% Max. Pos Mo11 @ 7.25 ft: 1.19 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = Max. Neg Kon @ 14.50 ft= -0.00 k-ft .••• used for dsgn = Max @ Left = 0.00 k-ft .... Area Reg'(i Max @ Right = 0.00 k·ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Ronent -1.44 k-ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 1088.4 psi .... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable 1312.S psi fv : Max. Actual = Ck = ,811(E/Fb)".5 -Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 = Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 Center camber = V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 31.02 o.oo 1.20 -0.47 in Fv : Allowable = Bearing ~eq'd@ Left = Bearing Req1d @ Right= 0.28 k 0.43 k .3.58 in2 0.32 k 0.48 k , 4.07 in2 ·44,50 psi 118.S•psi 0.30 in' 0.34 in Reactions •.. DL Maxhiun Left = 0.14 k 0.28 k Right = 0.18k 0.32 k Deflections .•. Center = -0.31 in -0.57 in .... Dist = 7.37 ft 7.308 ft , .. L/Defl = 556 303 Left = o.oo in 0.000 in ••. L/Defl = 0 0 Right = o.oo in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & civIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE. 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 .. (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -NORTH FOOD STAlID Bl Date: 10/24/97 Page:Bb ------------BEAM DATA__,_.._______________ SPAJI DATA---- Timber Section Bean Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness. Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing 6~10 End Fixity Pin:P.in Center ·span = = 5.500 in Elastic Modulus = 1600000 psi Left Cantilever = = 9.50 in Beam Density · = 35;0 pcf . Right Cantilever . . = = o.oo in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 . llJIBRACEJ> tEIG'fHs = 1350 psi Beam wt. is Added to Loads Le : Center Span · = 85 psi End Shear Calc'd at support Le : Left Cant. = 625 psi . Le : Rigl\t cant. = = = 20.67 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft O.OQ ft -APPLIED LOADS--"--------'-----------~--~ Uniforn Load@ Center Sp~n: DL = 12.0 plf LL·= 90.0 plf · -· SUMMARY-------------------~---- USING 5.500 x 9.500 Bean, Bendfog. = 80.20%, She<1-r = 48.78% Max. Pos Mom @ 10.33 ft= 9.33 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = Max. Neg Mon @ 20.67 ft: o.oo k-ft ..... used for dsgn = Hax @ Left = o.oo k-ft •••• Area Re~'d - Max @ Right = 0.00 k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Mo11ent = 11. 63 k-ft .... used for dsgn = · fb : Max. Actual = 1353.3 psi .... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 1687. 5 psi fv : Max. Actual = Ck = .8U(E/Fb.)1'.5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 Cf per iJBC 2304.3.5 = = = 24.97 0.00 1.00 Fv : Allowable - Bearing ·Req'd.@ Left = Bearing·Req1d ~ Right= -· 1.81 k 2.71k 25,49 in2 1.81 k 2.71 k 25.49 in2 51.83 psf !106.3.psi 0.53 in 0.53 in Reactions •.•• Left Right Deflections ••• Center .. ; .Dist ..• L/Defl Left .•• LfDefl Rigb DL J.laXillU11 = 0.88k 1.81 k = 0.88 k 1.81 k = -0.55 in -1.14 in = 10.33 ft 10.335 ft = 448 217 = o.oo in 0.000 in = 0 0 ::, o.oo in 0.000 in I center camber = -0.83 in ••• L/Defl = 0 0 I I I I I I I I I V4.4D (c) 1983-96,ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. . STRUCTURAL&. CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN .LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B2 Date: 10/24/97 Page: BJ -------------"--BEAii DATA-.------------,.------SPAB DATA---- Tilitber section 5:125x13.5 · End Fixity Pin:Pin Center Span -= Beall Width = 5.125 in Elastic Modulus = 1800000 psi Left cantilever = Beam Defth = 13.50 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf Right cantilever = ta1dnatlon Thickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 ---mmRACEO LEIGTBS Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam. Wt. is Added to Loads Le : Center Span -- Fv -Shear = 165 psi Eud Shear Calc'd at Support Le : Left Cant. = 20.67 ft o.oo ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft 0,00 ft o.oo ft Fe -Bearing --650 psi Le : Right cant. = ----------------------APPI.IED LOADS -----~-------~------Oniforn Load@ Center Span: DL = 270.0 plf LL= 225.0 plf_ -----..,.-..,....--------------------SUMMARY--'-~---------------------O~ING ·5.125 x 13,500 Bean, Bending= 70,95%, Shear= 55.60% Max·. Pos ·Mon @ 10.33 ft= 27.33 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left -= Max. Neg Mon @ 20,67 f~ 0.00 k-ft . .. .. used for dsgn = Max @ Left = o.oo k-ft .... Area R~'d = Max @ Right = o.oo k-ft Max. @ Right. = Max. Allow Moment = 38.52 k-ft ..... used for dsgn = fb : Max .. Actual = 2107 ~1 ~i .... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 2969.6 psi fv : Max. Actual . = · Fv : Allowable = Cle= .811{E/Fb)".5 Rb= (LeD/B"2}".5 CV per UBC 2312.4.5 = = = 19,87 o.oo Bearing Reg1 d @ Left = 0.99 Bearing Req'd@ Right= · · 5.29 k 7,93 k 38.47 in2 5.29 k 7.93 k 38.,47 in2 114.68 psi ?06.3 psi 1.59 in 1.59 in Reactions ..• Left Right Deflections ... Center .... Dist ... L/Defl Left ••• L/Defl Right DL Maximum = 2.96 k 5.29 k = 2.96 k 5.29 k = -0.62 in -1.11 in = 10.33 ft 10.335 ft = 398 223 = o.oo in 0.000 in = 0 0 = 0.00 in 0.000 in I Center camber --0.93 in .•. L/Defl = 0 0 I I I I I I I I I V4.4D (c} 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R, SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. · STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT; SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21 i8/FAX 497-0429 MULTI-SP AN TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -FOOD STAND NORTH B3 GERERAL DATA -1--2 All Spans Simple Support?? : NO Spans Length ft: 5.33 10.00 End Fixity: · Pin-:Pin Pin:Pin Beall Width in: 5.500 5.500 Bean Depth in: 9.25 9.25 -CALCULATED VALUES-· --OK--OK-F1b-Modified Allow. ps~: 1687.5 1687.5 fb -Actual. ps~ : 460.3 460.3 F1v-Modified Allow .. ps~ : 106.3 106.3 fv (actual)* 1.~ psi : 40.2 52.6 Mo11ent@ Left k-in: o.o -36.1 Monent@ Right k-in : -36.1 -36.1 Max. MOD. @ Mid-Span k-in: 4.6 27.6 X·Dist ft: 1.35 5.00 Shears: Left k : 0.57 2~12 Right k : -1.70 -2.12 Reaction@ Left DL k : 0.26 1.75 LL k .: 0.31 2.07 Total k: 0.57 3.82 Reaction @ Right DL k : . 1.75 1.75 LL k: 2.07 2.07 Total k: 3.82 3.82 Max. Defl.@ Mid Span in: 0.011 -O.B5 X-Dist ft : 4.02 5.00 DESIGH DATA Le: Unsupported Length ft: 0.00 0.00· Fb:Basic Allowable psi: 1350.0 1350,0 Fv:Basic Allowable psi: 85.0 85.0 Elastic Modulus ksi : 625 625 Load Duration Factor 1.25 1.25 APPLIED LOADS Use Live Load on This Span ? Yes Yes Unif orn. • • . • • DL plf : 195.0 19s:o LL plf: 230.0 230.0 QUERY VW,E.S Location .•.•• ft: 0.00 O·.QO Shear I : 0.57 2.12 Monent k-in: 0.00 -36.11 Deflection in: 0.000. 0.000 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Date: 10/24/97 Page:B6 3-· 5,33 Pin:Pin 5.500 9.25 ·OK- 1687.5 460.3 106.3 40,2 -36.1 o.o 4.6 3.98 1.70 -0.57 1.75 2.07 3.82 0.26 0.31 0.57 O.Oil 1.31 0.00 1350.0 85.0 625 1.25 Yes 195.0 230.0 -0.00 1.70 -36.11 0.000 GEORGE R. SAU11DERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I r=================-==---.:::=~-:.:;.=-·-::::.,-:=:;==-------==========~-====:---==·~-===-==·==--.,..-=.::n--·-==---==___,...,=~·...:.::...:...···-__:_:,:·-· JOB L~\L..D I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN; INC .. Structural &. Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 9210a SHEET NO. ---· --~----'=f?e:......c.'1-'----"-. OF---,---- CALCULATED BY M" . DATE . I o/ :°17 ., Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY SCALE ftz, b :StA-tJ j) ·1\/o?-ftt .. ::,O L111f ll?e b ::-, I ?e, f ~ l. o f:>f (1'1.'7) f t7 P5f L'?1 ) + lo r~r ( ?1 ) -t 2 Ciz~L.F) i-+ 4 P~J-z· c 2-) (7') +· .,?. c 1) (·l.f ,oP:*) + I '5~~],.~ 1,2 l'U .H ~ -t-t5,1, :i. · 1,0,r,1-- _ / _ __, ~ ,~,i;' -}' , - I l y L-' w In J = ( ? , 2 5 ~ l ~ ~ ') ( ~1 f Ptf) ,::· I 8 ~ PL,f 2 'G-P-iDl-llje:, · /2 ...2 e,, vrp~f :: ·I B~ M < V,~7 )/(2.4,71 ) ; -,I' 1,, V l} 411 = I 1'B?.{r /~'?1 :: 17? PLf I IJ?'.:n .:,tfuvrr pt;(, WP ijW~W5 ~ "''o,. kl" r ~ l 1 ts~ c \o, s 1) =-,z e, B~'.)~ ~Af:: ~7 PLF <t> l~ra, ~ l4 P!,f CI o,$') + Z.,( 21 l'~) ~ 4zrtr) ,t,? l ~)l-: If? ~-;>12 1~/ Par= 20 B2-:2 -'1,/~ l \ 4=-5 4·2) / I l,S· : 72'I~ 2-II s1i.::.rr2o ~01.,Do.»~ .. C,,Af> ;; 11 ?-'-' i-· • • ~ • -:; ,.. " • ; -' , • < ' T ., • ,_ -,. • ' .; 1- 1 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB L,,f:(;.ol,A N 12 ·. SHEETNO. 1-;10· OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY . .ucµc..:=:C,;___~-----"-· DATE _\__,_,o,-/o/_,_,__· __ CHECKED BY ------'---''------'----"-· DATE ------,----I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 · ·f~Q~Q A-n p-,~ Mor -: 1163 ~ (1 °,5 4'2) '7 124 7e,e, 1J# 1-JrC?:: lt;,.'5 &tJ.'f: 4-·~;,6~f lt})'+ ::: ·471;;3~ · .d ::: 4S 153 -?+, tH5 -::-i., '1 1 '2, G-tt47\ · e ~ 13' /2 -'Z . 4 =-~, <:i f • I • I I .:::::=-=======-::.:=:::·---===~=-·--================================-::.:.:::. .----~~~~-~-....--~ ....... _,..-..... -. I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 n..11 SHEET NO. -----"'----..:=:J..:,.,I:.....:__-'-. OF ___ _ CALCULATED BY . M" · DATE ID) :11 ~- CHECKED BY . DATE--'--- SCALE foop e,w'1D He>e-rt.J ' . I 1-·- __ J · i"-w:5d; :: • 13 i[(l o ]'.Sf t "'\ .fi:) C 2,.o' '-1) . ----:-f .:: G? PLf : t v v,o d -::. le?J Plf b ~~ . : ~12.U~~1. Fw ind-.: 18;7 . pt;F { \1, tj) t 1''J 1 PLf ( 171 ) -=-24-7 o=i- 2. Vp-,cf ;; 2-'f7°t;:./ -:2v .. b1 ' \z.o fLf YW ~ I --;:. 2,+7 ° \4:l ·BI? -~ 2. '11 plf l?/72 $fptJ~ !'. ~[~ I" f. ~~ e., 4 it a:> c., v;,-p ~?'75 ~ W'o-r -;. 'J..470~ (lo,s·') ---2-? ot~~ . IJ Y~~ ~ ( ( f4' rs,f )(.lo ri:?1) + '),t;t::1 ~ ) ~ S !7 Cfd,c:,)2, --. ( 1, i 4 ° 1 fl= ,,,.- Pop " 1,5 ~? 1lf --ri1 "1°(-z/~)/ .<6 ? '2-ZJ."JJ=-PII ·~P~11~J ' ~ ¥ ~-... ~ • -~ .. • .. •• -' .,, .. ., • .: -• ·, -.. 1- 1 I I I I. I I I 1- 1 I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 fp-'( 1 ~::: ?47J ..:---'----'-+----i...' ' ·,. . I -'·~? ' ' SHEET NO. ~----fb___,}...,cc.y_ OF . cALcuLATED av :Iv/:~ DATE I 0 / 17 CHECKED BY----~--'--DATE ___ _ SCALE f-Pop , ?tid~b w~ettt iJ or :. :24J0 i Clo, ?f:2-) ::. ?o $15 '¥ l~r0 :# rz1 crro1 ~ + ~?o :p~ ( J~-? ~ *11'£f~~ J d;; ~ fl Cl+"~ -~ot2]5 ~ tf1 · ·~o /4-.t e ~ 'lL5/1 -1·, 4-~ k, 3' '7 I l,S/6 --. L ?l. SBf; 'tl e,otf) -:. ·I 4.1$ -P6f L ~t~zsf?-f· ? c2) rL 1) --• • -• .; .ti - • .. •• -•• ~ • .., •• • ~ -•• • I ;==.=======::::::.=-=:-:::::~..:.:•-==-='";'.'-===~ ===• -=-==• ======-·-==-->=--=• =-=• -=•oow:z:::!-~=~· -=-="-:::;:·-=--=-~=--=--:;=--=-====· -::a.--=ff-===::::.:. JOB L.Eb~~D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structura_l & Civil Engfoeers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 p-::: 'Zf7o~ 4-{B/;) ~ tbf1 fi:- t{ ~ I 647 ftt1 0 1) .:: I/, .f1 o 4J SHEET NO. -B t:7 OF--.-"-. -~ CALCULATED-BY .......,t,<l'-=-6--"--,-----DATE . IO 14 : CHECKED BY----,---~'---,--DATE ___ _ SCALE ±~ g) c:5tfr NJ? N o::P-ffi • l : • • ,: • -.<12.} - ft,:; I ~1 °1 ~ / f fi, 1 1h? --=--1 ~ B'? p.sl l._. f.b fb :: , -i. 0 "" r ~ 1 " , ,., 1 ) --= 1 , 1 b r:::ii-· 1JS~ . IO ;(. d· t9 f?tP!Aoo t> p o;:;f' ~~~t,.-~ v~~ .DW:?! aj lJ;ii. t? Io i lo K /4 fb -.: I b ~/3 '-~ CI 'i> / i,o~ I r;::J I/ I 12 ..... ~ (,; '51 f':::,I L. o/-3 (, 01) C4bl'-?0 : 4 I jw,I ;: • J ~ -~---:;. > • ~ • ~~ ::, V -• , .. • ~ • .J I -·~- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DiE,GO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. -~14 ~--~--- CALCULATED BY _ kl ~ -DATE Lo /q 1 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY~· --'--'------'--'--'----DATE ___ _ scALE -• fb bi) '.ShND l~o~1H - 10, b/ ~L,r -: I 641 I¼-C4) c I,.;,') ::: c.i7s 5 o '* , · , l~r~ -: 1_0,1o7 t; \ ~~e, µ..f} + 12o'7 C ~J3?>) + 12~G"fl6., 33) + 42-0 {~"1c.; p z . z-I o,;7-q1!JI J :: ,Io ?7 ".1·7 -~2e· eo -= ?· ~' \o?i1 e :-1,cJ, b1/ J . ,.:;. 4 -;a G,,.f I > ']D.b1/ 6 --?,1°1 5 Bf "V 2, C. I O 2,3,1) /? ('3~" 1)( I, 5) 1 It,,., 77' 1 i 1 M :::: 1 \ b 1 l5f .l ~J1.'? P-sl -. ' tvt~ 17;e, rlf <l~a?>~-t-1Jo${1:4) + ftl-ot; CIL4) + +.20 {lb,71) _ 1,5(11e, r~r)(1~) Cz.,,)-= '5glt,i'i µ v ::-5~l·b2-1#-/i·ooo, ( I ,4') '> 'i3 1,1 r~ -l _ . 1 q,Mn ::: 1~1?0 ( '7eo) (I+ --L7~( t-o)/7 (. 57)_? Cl 5)) ls~ :: ~\? t 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 · Date: 10/24/97 STEEL COLUMN BASEPLATE DES.ION LEGOLAND -FOOD STAND NORTH V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC None -----WAD DATA-. -----I -Axial Load ·· 0.26 k X-X Axis Moment ·: 16.50k-ft AISC Section Name ?Sl0Xl0~l/4 . --OOLT DATA-·. - Bolt Tension Ca~city : Bolt count Per Side : Anchor Bolt Area : 15. 70 k 2 o. 785 in 1.50 in Bolt Dist. from. ·PL Edg~ -PLATE & SUPPORT DATA· Baseplate Depth n Width , 16.00 in :· · 16.00 in 24.00 in 24.00 in Support Area Depth· Support Are~ Width -. -MATERIAL DATA -·.- f tc Fy Load Duration Factor AISC Section Depth Flange Width Flange· Tnickness Web Thickness · -PLATE DESIGN~ . Min. Required Thickness Plate. Analysis Method : Tension Force per Bolt·: Bearing Stress : Allow Bearing .•• 3000 psi 36ksi 1.33 10.00 in 10.00 in · 0.250 in · 0.250 in 0.505 in 1 7.52 k 439.71 psi Per ACI 10 .15 2677. 50 k Per AISC J9 : 2094. 75 psi Max. Plate Capacity for Allowable Bearing .. :. ·536.26 psi -PLATE m.LYSIS -· Actual Plate Thic~ness: o. 750 in Max Allow Plate Fb 35.91 ksi Actual fb 16.25 ksi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS.ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I _, _ __,_......,.. ____ w_,.,,,~........,.--•. ,.,._ • ., ... --~·· , »·.-•-,..••~---• ..--..--,-.... -........-... -...,_ ... .., __ ,._ .•. -,,...._-...-c•.,,-·,.--·-~•.,.-7,-·-·• • I -=========--==·---============:::::=::::::::.=:.:.::=:.::=::::::====.::=::.::::::::.::::...::::::=::.:=::..::.::....::::.:.::..:..::::::::=:=::..===:..: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engin_eers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108: Phone (619) 497~2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 B SHEET NO. · -(? / h . OF -~'-(._p-'----- CALCULATED BY -M~'2:;.o_, -----DATE \ 0 I 1:1 CHECKED-BY~~--~--'---DATE _____ _ A ----------. --· ----- ~~S~ti~~~:zE~~~B~~-'""''\-----1------- ' '\ -----, I I I I I I· I I , ! I L--- &'--4-' 112)'-IZ'" '\ '\ ' I r--------- 1 I I , I I I I ·I --~_J I ,_ . ~. -. • •• :.:1.~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT SECTION C FOOD STAND SOUTH INDEX Roof Framing Design Lateral Analysis Foundation Design SHEET NO. C1-C5 C6-C13 C14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----.. -----...-~·~---· MARtlN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SOUTHH FOOD STAND LOAD CASTLE HILL ROOF DEAD LOAD MAIN AREA GYPBD.CLG. B/UROOF ¾"PLY\.VD. FRMG. &INS. MPE MISC. TOTAL 2.8 PSF 6.0PSF 2.3 PSF 5.0PSF 2.0PSF 2.7PSF 21.0PSF ROOF LIVE LOAD 20.0 PSF WALL DEAD LOAD EXTERIOR WALL PLASTER 10.0 PSF ½" PL YWD. 1.5 PSF STUDS @ J6 1.0 PSF INSULATION 1.0 PSF TOTAL 14.0 i>SF JOB· Uz&Dl--Al-'D SHEET NO. -------~~1-c--OF --':'--"l_t./4-. -----'-'--- CALCULATED BY _tv\_._b _______ DATE __,_\0~.,_/i_,_f.a__~-"- CHECKED BY---------·· DATE----'---- SCALE f:p O \2 ':>I A~ \) . .5 oJT-\1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --' . MARTIN & DUNN,. INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ' T -. ' . 0i: -- -· r - I I I I L .... ___ ;_ J M _I >< I --, I I I I _.J - JI & '1,.. I P-oof #1-'MJ~ . ~ -- SHEET NO. C, (l/ OF--'------'-- CAlCULATED BY _1'4_&_-~-----'--oATE Io/ j/ _ . CHECKED BY-'--------'-,,--,----DATE-~---- SCALE f OQJ fa::/XN) 60QI-'1- T - G) ! ~l I 0 ---, I . I I. I I I I -__ j I ® ... ~ .. I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT; SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 · (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAlID -FOOD STAND SOUTH Jl Date: 10/24/97 Page:~ -----.-------BEAM DATA----------------SPA.I DATA-~-- Timber Section Bea11 Width Beam De~th Laninat1on Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing 2X6 End Fixity Pin:Pin Center .Span = . -1.500 in Elastic Modulus = 1600000 psi·· teft cantilever = = 5.50.in Beam Density' . = 35,0 pcf' Right cantilever . = = o.oo in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 ---UIBRACED LEllGl'JJS = 875 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Le : Center Span · = = 95 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support Le : Left Cant. = 10.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft 0,00 ft o.oo ft = 625 psi Le : Right Cant. = . APPLIED toADs ------------'-'-------'----'----- Uniforn Load@ center Span: DL = 28.0 plf LL= 27.0 plf --------"'-"--------'---------SUMMARY-----,--,--~_,,_'----------'-'--USING 1.500 x 5,500 Bean, Bending= 79.52%, Shear= 43.64% Max. Pos Mon @ 5.00 ft: o. 71 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = !fax. Neg Kon @ o.oo ft= 0.00 k-ft .••• used for dsgn = Max @ Left = o.oo k-ft ...•. Area Reg1d - f.fax @ Right = o.oo k-ft Max. @ Ihght = Max. Allow Monent o. 90 k-ft •.•• used for dsgn = fb: Max. Actual = ll30.7psi .... Area _Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 1421. 9 psi fv : Max. Actual = Ck= .Sll(E/Fb)~.5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 Cf per UBC 2304 . 3. 5 = = - 31.02 0.00 · 1.30 Fv : Allowable = Bearing Req'd @ Left = Bearing Req1d @ Right= ·, · 0.29 k Re?ctions •.. 0.43 k . Left 3.60· in2 Right 0.29 k 0.43 k Deflections ••• 3.60 in2 Center 51.82 psi •••• Dist ps.8 psi i •• i/Defl Left 0.30 in ••• L/Defl 0.30in Right DL Maximu11 = . 0.15 k 0.29 k -o.is k 0.29 k = -0.20 in -0.39 in = 5.00 ft 5.000 ft = 591 311 = o.oo in 0.000 in = 0 0 = o.oo in 0.000 in I Center camber = ·0.30 in ••• L/Defl = 0 0 I I I I .I I I I I V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCA~C GEORGE ·R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. · STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -SOUTH FOOD STAND Bl . Date: 10/24/97 Paget...-Jr ----------BEAM DATA~-------'-----------SPAlf DATA----Timber Section 5:125x12.0 End Fixity Pin:Pin Center Span = Bean Width = 5.125 in Elastic Modulus 1?00000 psi Left cantilever = Beam De~th = 12.00 in Beam Qensi~y . = 35.0 pcf Right cantilever = La11inat1on Thickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 ---,--mmRACED LEIG'l'JIS Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam wt: is Added to Loads Le : Center Span = Fv -Shear = 165 psi End Shear Calc1d at Support Le : Left Cant. = Fe -Bearing 650 psi Le : Right cant. = 20.66 ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft 0.00ft o.oo ft ·o.oo ft ---------------------:APPLIED :WADS-------------------------Uniforn Load@ Center Span~ DL = 226,0 ,plf LL= 211.0 plf· · ---------~-------SOMMARY-----,.----....-----------,-.'-------USING 5.125 x 12.000 Bean, Bending= '78.42%, Shear= 55.21% Max. Pos Mon @ 10.33 ft= 24.11 k-ft Shear: Max. @· Left = Max. Neg Mon @ 20.66 ft: · 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left = o.oo k-ft •••• Area Re~1d = Max@ Right --o.ook-ft Max.@ Right, = Max. Allow Mo11ent = 30. 75 k-ft •••• used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 235i.s psi ..... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 3000.0 psi fv : .Max. Actual = Fv : Allowable = Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A,5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 Cv per UBC 2312.4.5 center camber = = = = V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 19,87 o.oo 1.00 -1.12 in Bearing Req1d@ Left = Bearing Req'd @ Right= .. 4,67 k 7.00 k 3l,95 in2 4,67 k 7,00 k 33.95 in2 113.87 psi ?06.3 psi 1.40 in 1.40 in Reactions ... DL Maxi11u11 Left -2.49 k 4.67 k Right = 2.49 k .4.~7 k Deflections ••• Center· = -0.74 in -1.39 in , ••• Dist = 10.33 ft 10.330 ft •• ,L/Defl = 333 178 Left = 0.00 i)l 0.000 in ... LfDefl = 0 ,0 . Rig~ = o.oo in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. . · STRUCTURAL & ctvIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -SOUTH FOOD STAND B2 Date: 10/24/97 ----BEAM DATA -------.--..----------,-. STEEL SECilOI DAT!---------Center Span Length = 20.66 ft AISC Section wlOI22 Left cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth = 10~17 in !,xx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.240 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Width = 5. 75 in sxx Beam wt. is ADDED To applied loads Flange Thickness = 0.360 in syy Live Load llot Acting with Short Tent section Area = 6,49 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 22.04 #. r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1,00 rT, y = 1.51 in Beam End Fixity : Pin :Pin = = = = = = 118.00 in4 11.40 in4 23.21 in3 3.97 in3 4;264 in 1.325 in -----,-------------APPLIED LOADS--,------------------------- ---------------Unifol'.* Loads------..,_,....--,--....--------Dead Load Live Load Distance To start Distance To End = o.u k/ft = 0.11 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 20.66 ft SUIIIAiY USING w10X22, Max Stress Ratio= 27.87%, Min Defl. Ratio= 862.23 .. · UBOLAR SOMARY OF WAD ~IIATIOIS Maximms ... Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Monent = 12.s 45.9 k-ft Placed DL LL LUST LL LL+ST •.... stress= 6.62 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @Chtr @Cntr @Cants @cants Shear = 2.48 35.15 k ... ..... Stress= i.02· H,40 ksi Moments .• M+@ Center -12.8 7.2 12,8 o.o o.o o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.288 M-@ Center = o.o -o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.279 @ Left = o.o Q;O o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % max 0.071 @ Right = o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 1532.68 Shears .•• @ .Left = 2,48 1.39 2.48 0.00 0.00 o.oo k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 862.23 @ Right = 2.48 1.39 2:48 o.oo o.oo O.OOk Deflection •. @ Center = -0.288 · -0.162 -0.288 -0.162 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 · 0.000 .0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left =· 2.48 1.39 2.48 1.39 0,00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right -2.48 1.39 2.48 1.39 0;00 0;00k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I :·- , ... ?>\ ·-:-:_:; I I I I I I I :.-::··!· I::·:-:·_:_: I MARTIN & DUNN, INC .. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 921-08 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 L-:; L I, ip-JOB V:-' 0 ·~ .... :-.:. I ~ SHEETNO. ---~------OF-----~ , _.,I'-'-' J::../__, ___ • _____ DATE_} ()_/_,,.i,.7 CALCULATED BY ,Yf C::. . _;:;__J /------ CHECKED BY--~-----DATE-------- ,--~ / --r1_l i-·' 0 :---r-1L SS;tr;EE rc,o JJ ? r,-. !:-.l y _. .:::, l:1_,_1 ..... n'-. · -'------- . . ... -. 04---------,-..------------;, I .. 1.,1\ ---- P.,t.J ·z ~, -t :r: :. 1. ? -:: 2-1~ .pw :=. t:; ~:::'~ fOf?-- fc,F,- _ . ._,.... __ i ?!-1-M!Z-kl,AU:,? I i-!VfP-T~b f&.b..).»f.i. LPL!? Y -= >±c1b,7z) W ,:-. -1~8 Jt~ $~ ~-. .. ... . . ~ . . . . . . . ... -:::. ·1 lJ) C?., J'i) · W. . '3 ::.• ?;~7 JJ.. •1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,.. ____ .. ~· ··.-:-:: · ... ~. ; . ·- .: ·:-:-, I :/~) I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 ' SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JOB I )f rcr: · 1 ,,J.. bl. b . -_, SHEET NO . ..c..· ------__ ---'-__ V_/ ,i:, I CALCU~ATED BY ..... W~/--'°--~--DATE _·_ .. >: ., . · .. . -,- Phone (619) 497--2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 . CHECKED.BY---------,--------DATE. ____ _ SCALE .... ";J' l) .. . . -~,\-r ll _;;;,I~·': \;".. ·-I i_~,___.::::V=-=.'0-1-tl~. __ _ 1-6 '2 ( ,,..,2 1 o o PL.f: '],t), ? .1 ·-;. 0 l 16} e,; 1· ~ 2,0;5 pt;f +------------'------------f. 4--b . .6 6,S . 7 _ . 41:,/1,f LJ,r.,i; ~ ·. . J UNt:0 .... A ..!!. E> .\--i. --. -::: c1\elf· t ~ e,, -~\-od--~e, rf,£J 11 o C'J-D) DQ.A-6 --c) s 0=i.<;o v~~-~N17> .. I ----·---. -... -.......--..-.---r-·~-, :,, ... .......,_--. -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . Structura.1 & Civil Engineers SHEET NO.---'----=-{........_,-~'--OF ___ _ 7801 Mission Cent~r Court Suite 400 _- SAN DIEGO, CA 92108. CALCULATED BY y (, DATE l·C, I :97 Phone (6.19)· 497-2118 Fax (619). 497-0429 CHECKED BY--'-" .----'~~--DATE-~-- 8\1"~ WA.~ ..2J foO}lpAfl 0 t:l Pfi?-lb~ ~ ti?JIJ...11\l~~ · h ~ t>. v1co1., ~ . 1?8 [ u p;:r ( 'U,b1) -1 1-4 P?f ll~?,) +-l'?·?Ot]:: 015 ·plf -' 1, zo, 6 7' vt,tJ1n d :::= 'I 7, .+ f?f c rl ~ ) ~ 100 p~f ) E>9 PL.Jr ,lJ-1 ~P Go~ 2 Vro of ; lo'.?, P~, ?t::.b1)) IB• -~ 74· \?Lr i . Vt,J4u :; IC?~ f ~'f C ,z~1) I l11 -,; 16 PLf I P~/bi -$fp.vut t -f'L,)tlj) ? _ v-I ~f;W.6 e b 11 0 t..,, M->r ~ 1 obs1 en) ;; 1.1715 '11: · ~AP ::"" "23'? P~r © 1'-lt0 "' ( liH'>f) ,CJI. ~) -\-:ii P:,H I, o3)) _if (,&?.XZ/3 ) ::-I o1fe}¾ / Por ,., P715 -'"'1-f'b I I ?'h1 ::: 1-1 u ~~\12~u;>.:µi,1 f oU~ Dtt t.l 0 ~ --- ·\ ob,J::. 1--.,..........--------+-J - \ ' DL> t GL-- w~ 14-f~P c1L 6~) 1"'7-l f-=:,f(J,?;3) -:. 1'1f Plf Vvt., : i o p~ Cl,3~):: 1,1 t-sf _ _ . - WDv r i;JI..,~·-:::: 1-?-I p L;f L. lf:,/IJ.. l,J.;17oc.:> f'>r:) 4-?i7?0 PL f- -,=.·· -'·-. •. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---·---~- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619)497-2118 Fax (6i9) 497-0429 DL -t Sfl?t'-i'fV· ~oj ;-I Ob7 if ( Ii'' t-2/) --:: !?'6~7 1..]t l, •. SHEET NO. --~~-----"'4---'-·~· OF • CALCULATED BY -~ . · DATE ·lo /41 CHECKED BY . DATE ___ _ SCALE f0 G?D . ?EANf) . 0o!JfH l~rc? -:-J~f-f>!.% ( !±)-i. (,f35)-t-?76 fL;f( _!±)J..-= 4tf2~1!t; JJor 2 ~ tl:: 4 ~r).., g 4 -I? @,45 -"71 7 04-1 c ~ 1f/J -7 ~ 2-' L l4/b -:-Z-,?~ 88~ ;, 1°4:;?-CI + &( 2->) :-; ·e,.4? ·P·tf i. e:z;;~t;> Pc.::.F c.l.~?) ;:~?;2.,5 r~r ~ll,5 l'? -. ' ~ -• ." I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .· I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET NO.~-·-~· -~~_,,,6::.....;.l_O_ OF ___ _ CALCULATED BY . Uk DATE I c,;7/ 4Z I CHECKED BY ______ DATE ___ _ SCALE 1fpaJ, . -=>f A-)jD ?P ur~ ~ l-lli£ -··-_t ·. vw~11 ::r' 1· o?) PLf C 1~5) (1-) ;-11'; pu: . 1 5,,; . . 1~3" I pLYW.b l,J /Io d e, ·"'" 0, v , UN.~~l) U_vr-:; 1 ?~:!i' ()I\~ tot EJ~'~ vA p:: ~1=>'7 PL.f !E) t4v0 :;:((14 P!:f)(..11) i B/-; C2,I fof))( ,g4) l '?;_'3)~ (3/~) :::· 1.0 401jf- PJp:; 1°4-e,;'1f,... ~,4-dl¼j '7 1 -, 1~£-4~ ~ . t>/i..,ff).t.::' H-ol.-,p?>JJ~ . Pv~r.7 i1Si~_. 1-r;,c/ i -'--i _____ 1. -11--i' I I b~ t I..,~ L,Jpl.,::: C 14-P:,f)( \I')+ ~;2 C--i.11>_:,f) l}v~ :; B/2 cio p;f): e,c, f'L,f \)t>~tl.,~ ~ ?;>·1e, ~LJ 2 ~1 7.? rif ot., t ~t:,Mlv f.4'of~1-5#Ll-lt'2) ?"}'2,;,'84 1 ~ )"l I µy0 -== , BS ( ioePLf) (~,5) { -z+?,o/z) t ';,79 ~ C 1 l~ 12 -::. ioi,;,111: I . . . --. -. . .;. . -.. ~ ~ -. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -.-""" ...... -----~---.. ,, ___ . MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO.----'----~--{.,,,~"-OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY ~-bJ-t:, __ ~-----DATE .. 1°/17 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 .CHECKED BY --,-----,------'---'----DATE ------~- SCALE r ~i,p ~ fa+lt?. ~o or» d; 1 07:, 14}-12 , t:, 4' + 31~ ,_. r::, ::. 1,~7 __.. L 4 -:: 2,&G1 7 t,BP : 2 '-+3~ ~D l / .. .:-ol'b ~.sf ~ ?,; ""25 ~ ?; ct ,;)cl, 4) 6121 l)U li.'E 2- '-../: Io.? l'lJ' ClfbiJ. 4 115), "1°e,2,lt Ye; (.,~->.r I~-c 6/:;) -:: l'-4-f 2 lJ. . '2- \~I. t l l //,11'; -r .D IY) t:1.X ::: 5.'' . ;5 :: · EQ --~J +~( 11Jc: 17~ ~ bf\?~ . -; lzit ~ l 1-~ "a,") t f Yt/1 ~ 7'2,, 4 in+ U;,Ii-1 ~ .6 x <e, x ½_ 1 ~ 9° 1h"t . . . . ., •, ·' . ,:: .. . . . -.., . . -: . ~ . ~ -· ( .:::_,..,~;,~,·,.\tffUR ,,•• '.'·,.,•.· ._ ..... ~•,2".\ .• :;:;::;:• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21 i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/24/97 Page: e,p . .1 STEEL COLUMN BASEPLATE DESlGN LEGOLAND -FOOD STAND SOUTH V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC None -WAD DATA----1--- Axial Load 1.00 k X-X Axis Moment : 15,50 k-ft AISC Section' Nane : TS6x6xl/ 4 _, -OOLT DATA ----- Bolt Tension ca~city : Bolt Count Per Side : Anchor Bolt Area : 15. 70k - 2 0, 785 in 1.50in .12.00 in Bolt Dist. from PL Edge: · PLATE & SllPPORT DATA · Baseplate Depth " Width : · 12.oo~iri Support Area Depth Support Area, Width · -MATERIAL DATA- fie Fy . Load Duration Factor AISC Section Depth Flange Width Flange Thickness Web Thickness • ·---PLATE D~IGI---Min. Required Thickness Plate Analysis Metho<I : · Tension Force per Bolt : Bearfng Stress : 48.00 in 48.00 1n 3000 psi 36 ksf 1:33 6.00 in 6.00 in 0.250 in 0.250 in 0.694 in l 9.93 k 847.87 psi Allow Bearing ••• Per ACI 10.15 3510.00·k Per AISC J9 : 2793. 00 psi Max; Plate capacity for Allowable Bearing •• :; 402.19 psi -PLATE .AIALYSIS - Actual Plate Thickness : 1.000 in Max Ailow Plate Fb 35. 91 ksi Actual · fb 17 :31 ksi \JJ/4-l'' 4, A'2_,01 PJO\.J1~ GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-21 iS/FAX 497-0429 . GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN LEGOLAND -FOOD STAND SOUTH Date: 10/24/97 Page:G \3 ---DESIGH DATA ---------AXIAL LOA'OO -------DIHElfSIOHS----"--Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load = ... Short Term Increase = 1.33 -tive Load = Base Pedistal Height = 0.00 in Short Term Load = Seismic Zone = 4 ••• Ecc. Along X-X Axis = overburden Weight = 110.00 psf ... Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis = Live & Short Tern Loads Don1t Act Together concrete. Weight = 150.0 pcf 2.50 k !.Ok 0.0k o.oo in 6.oo in -Y-Y AXIS IOIATIOI FORCES --. I-I AXIS lfflA'Ilml FORCES- ..•• Pressures@ Left/Right· MoJlent: DL = o.o k-ft •.•• Pressures@ Top/Bot · · Moment: DL = o.o k-ft LL = o.o k·ft LL = . o.o k-ft Short Tern = 15.4 k-ft Short Tern= 0.0 k-ft Shear: DL = 0.00 k Shear: DL -0,00 k LL = 0.00 k LL = 0 .oo k Short Tern O.OOk Short Tern= 0.OOk SOMMARY Soil Pressure . D+L D+L+ST Max Pressure = Widtp Along X-X Axis = Length Along Y~Y Axis = Thickness = Colullll Din. Along· X-X Axis= Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= llollents & Shears Max. Allowable = 3.6 k-ft 4.50 ft 4.50 ft · 18.00 in 6.00 in 6.00 in 507.8 psf 2326.5 psf Mu/Phi' Allowable Pressure = 2500.0~sf 3325.o psf Vu:1 Way = 9.3 psi 93.1 psi 1x1 Ecc. of Resultant Vu:2 Way = 4.2 psi 186.2 psi = 1¥1 Ecc. of Resultant = Service Load Pressures .••• DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures., ••• o.o in 19.9 in o.o in o.o in = = = = = Overturning Ratio= Left Right . 507 .8 psf. 507.8 psf o.o psf 2326.5.psf Left Right 725.8 psf 725.~ psf o.o psf 3257.0 psf ACI Eq 9-1 ACI Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 ---------FOOTIBG DESIGl-.----------- O.Opsf 2093.& psf f'c = 3000 psi 111 1= Fy /( .85f'c} Fy = 60000 esi Vn:1.. ·2(f:c):,5 = 23.53 109.54 psi = Rebar CL Clear to Soil = 3.5 in· Vn.2 ••• 4(f c) .s = 219.1 psi. Min. Steel % = 0.0014 --------· FA~ED SHEAR FORCES---------- TwO-Way Shear One-Way: Vu @ Left one-Way: Vu@ Right one-Way: Vu @ Too One-Way: Vu @ Botton ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACt 9-3 Vn * Phi = 3. 78 psi 4.23 psi . 2. 72 psi · 186.23 psi --0.99 ps; -2.13 ps~ . -1.37 psi 93.il P5! = 0.99 psi 9.30 psi 5.98 psi 93.11 psi = 0,99 psi 0,63 psi 0.41 psi 93,11 psi = 0.99 psi . 0.63 psi 0.41 psi 93.11 psi --------------· fACfORED IK1IElf.fS ------------------- 1.4 :1 Top 507.-8 psf 458.5 psf Top . 725.8 psf 641.8 psf u2.6·psf . ACI 9-l ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru Mu/Phi @ Left = 0.6 k-ft -1.0 k-ft · •0;.7 k-ft 5.0 psi As Req1d -0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2lft 0.244 in2/ft o. 244 in2/ft Mu/Phi @ Right = 0.6 k-ft 3.6 k-ft 2.3 k-ft 17.3 psi Mu/Phi@ Top = o.6k-ft 0.4k--ft o.2k-ft 2.7psi Mu/Phi @ Botton = 0.6 k-ft 0.4k-ft 0.2 k-ft 2. 7 psi ------SERVICE LOAD OVERflJRIIIG STABILITY---------..,...-- Factor of Safety: Factor of Safety: Y -Y A·XIS X -X AXIS Static Short Tern = .. -None--1.36 :1 = --None----None-- 1.5 :1 Ho Good! Botton 507.8 psf 458.5 psf Botton 725.8 psf 64i.spsf 412.6 psf V4.4D (c) 1983·96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I ·-------·-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 -~--... -~ __ ..,. __ _ JOB /£:©.-:A-No. SHEET NO. ---,----,----'V"--I_L}.,,.,,.__ OF ____,_l 4~---- CALCULATED BY M& DATE I l:) / ':f1 CHECKED BY~----'-'~------DATE------ SCALE fQ Q\:) ·. · 01-n/D fodNDA11oN B b~lbN : b~ PA~wr.:, ~fb~N$l) E,fl.,C0t A 201-e• e•.,z,• I . I '----t-7~1 rs'f;f p~. ~~ I I O I II -.--.,,,_ v, I P I I 9 · I. ibi' \~ r ..J L 7 r _J · L. I L--'-:7 r; __ _j -~~~ r~, L--~'-----_J r~~-.-~~ _J L · -------,--J -. L-r-~~7 ~ I. ~·'-"------~ ' I I Lc.... __ J !:>'-,4." 3'-@' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D HORSE RIDE QUEUE STRUCTURE INDEX SUBJECT Lateral Analysis Roof Framing Design Column Design Foundation Design Photo Booth SHEET NO. 01 02-06 07-08 09-010 011-012 I --~-----------·--~---·------· LEJ:m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB SHEET NO, CALCULATED BY CHECKED-BY .C.WLTIS;:eso !:H OF { '1- _\'2}/\S DATE tot C\'l DATE SCALE CA-c:;rJ:U J17lL -1~{2.fC y uE vt:" ~Mff-.Y'l-A-rJA 1.., '(5ls. G'QS::M.lC...: (,r-Jvlf'f2.1€'0 ('12"f"OvlvM) /3'!)) 6 w-1::;. ~t:1'x-Jr', by1,-o) 15 r"Sr- + 0x-w'_ ic 18 fSF 1 ?.x(G'~'1-o·) &£' ..,,11rsr I ,Z.. -t /t,I K t,'5 x I'-/ f~ :::;:, ----r. W 1(0{) '. (lg,'.} f.JF ~r,J'( D!t2:-'cL1Lu ,J @ 4S") - /~,gt 2,nl( ,i.~~ :< !q,,,, W.::: (p-t'ks'i")1g,}fSf;7n_::. 11,IK.>G,'2.~ B ~ r • A.SSVf-'lf1!<.:> .J5 ~ $.?xt Pos-r5" <J: G-,t.:t (j) J. ~ 1'.=LA ~ pol--€1) NS ~ l.Ol'rv 1~/8 -f'o 'fDS'-f,; 8'(. 1-k::,€.'::c, ~~,...Olt-llr DF 2x eomt /.3M fc. w--+ fu x RAff612~ Sr'Arv 1,-k,'lZ,:C 131w,.., RI D(i-(2 ,&. ED~ l=>M, €AS1 €NO '12. A v-1 en. r (..'\ . M I l))l,f JJ4i.-F u f ~A f If 8'.J" 1/4rJJf~L l..-Oh ".fo ~{IP> ~ (.!.. /oCrl{-> I-fl PS @ fl Y~ o hA .. u( /',/Pa l-b::lJ 1 o /) '(2 k/, I tv VV f)ru D12~c,f ( WDrA--=-.8 'x t J,2 ffr .:=. /0~ f Jr ~eh-1 er-) ~?-~1K2.71 1 + 1.5 1;r::r1)l3,1P.JF-;: L/.?,IIC. lek er-: '2.eJ.i--Fe,: 1:J":::-i.,'1Keh:: 11:'\ ... /;o,;~ 1 .1:.-ft. '2-' 4 -= 1,4%~;" ~ DlA,,. ./0(, X ~· rt-'Ji ,t'><-:;:-'t {(/'-; /;;,1 ::: V; 5'2:+ f',U'- "- rf: lf"Z-:/ .f--._-4 scf -r 'UJ t /a~)r' ~ ,, 6 ~ QIA-oe;,o fo-rU,i£ Q_ . '2,-o I ' l 1 D 1-------------1--r------...a.---. C V ~.:,~::: ... :· .· .\eui, : .. ,. • .. ·• • . ._,~:' ,_,_ •. ~---~. -~: ' - I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 · SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I -+---'-...:..,;:o;...::;;o_:..,_r:=--.J.. 1UA!f ll:f 'Ro o?rr/lr I g.u.R, I . l/7,,-11 ft,ywo ~K 4 e 'Z-1 ,to{<- 0 x $ e 'Jo'1ole,. Gic I\) @ ~, .1<., '/}Mf / j{.{(flr/()'5( tfl ~ DGAO L.-c,~ !.,.111€ IA .kv "?' '7 ,'5 ''·~t;·· ' \ l-/,) . IJYl CL, er· J,f /, "t it,o rsf (G ~ r'2) 1tocc Psr /L/PM- JOB L..E&\) -CA )'[4..~ Hll-L SHEET NQ. ,·. Oi, OF----'--- CAL:CULATED BY' ---'-,----~rs'--· ~""--2~-DATE _ _,:_lO__,__j q.,__1-'----- CHECKED BY · DATE----'---- SCALE HDes-r; Rio~ Q.u€' Ut;: "'5"1@,v(I/J.~ I ~ : /G;O f?~ t 6.u psf S:AY GPSF-1x. '(;:;, sv8~fv£..L,r--) (!,Cf f'.rf--Mt5G) I I I I I I I I I I I I ;?i 1 ( G, -p_sF..oL + ·/{,, l'ffL-) .t: IZf,W-JL 1 JZ,,. lL.. '1.., r;' l,...I-:-'2 .= 'J ,;-# 0:1)( ?',? -G).:; 12~ w x-'Z , '> • a' ,f .: 1, !./' /Fl '2.X-> OF ,v "? · fLA1 1,5 >er,,,.r;-:-),Qt;"' ,../1.. ,.::-- }L/ ic1'1.-;-.Jst:f ,.c- '-( '1. .. :7..."ik 1<{ )e '2, ~ -,&' (,'71<:'7.,,.. • -;i-u3 ,,..,.4 ~. - • • •.• \t:.~.:nJ . ,., •. !--•• \: - I I I I I I I I I I I I CA. 5f L£ J/tkl MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structu.ral & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. ~---.---...~-0'--,;;,~ OF---~---'-- QALCULATED BY ------~~~Vt~'>~ DATE---'.'-. l 1;>_,_/-"q'-7"---__ Phone ·(619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY-...----'---'--~--DATE-~---- f{t<f{@(_ (P 1, '--b ''ok )0' s:f'A ,-) GJ .,, '2,5' x Q'i f5F + --, G f'.sF) :::: 38 f,tf OLI 4D l.,.<.- R. :: l~O 1f PL/ 1,0a 11u . Rv(' = (1,VJ-'l,4) to'.+?..::-L/'::,rf VI. :: °'j-i, )( }o'l_:, 2 :::= 9:,-i; # I ,Fb~ cft5#'1>-1 2'%+fll11,;>;:; 1,.ir-PS? DIL 13't,f'J.rf? {11f /}M {;µ,J.. #-.. r:) (' .Jvv-., w:: /o' (1"i'-+·l b) ~ ~ .::= JO?. D'-; I 11 ~1,,. 'f-. !/ If f' V ;-'11-·{1 w ~ $ == 4~S Ii Cl I 6ri8' . 1,/.. R,e,: ;-tH! I ,ZC,'f /...<.. . {_JV:9-b ~ g,4c. W"' /b 1 {__11.; lb)~~~ 1'1.fol 1 /1) <-<- elA;; ~q11tDl1 6if·vt -e.l s inf ,z0i'1u. C~I /,..IN & Gr--,. ,-:OR. . k'..-ttJ t,. f'os1 l}v ')/}rrv ~ P-. e r/1.f (],,.,,, 'P ~ Q,'7) -Rf2Aff/D1, -t fl) Ro 1-h p;:; F-rn !till { f< ;: 11~ 1 {ll-/; ?-2, 1r l.-L· f l)bt. 0r @ /n (j) I 1H ir !/4:. (,,JI:; 'd._'(10 {-/b) t t('ff.rf-(_Gv) ::; g5 fN('i/oL 1l?...'-0 l.Nt= 1,% (13+/'o] :;:-/1"'0f./2f(q\lOt 1 S,,J!,1,) t 10 f' 10' ~o· 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 legoland carlsbad castle hi:ll rms Da1;e: 09/20/97 PageQ4': GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN Horse Ride Queue rrdwd hip Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness = = . BEAM DATA 6X10 End Fixity 5.500 in Elastic Modulus 9.50 in Beam Density Q.00 iri Load Duration Factor ·' Pin:Pin = 1100000 psi = 35.0 pcf -1.25 Fb -Bending = 975 psi Applied Loads Include Beam Wt. Fv -Shear = 95 psi End Shear Calc'd@ 'd' distance Fe -Bearing = 650 ps, SPAN DATA Center Span = 14.00 ft L~ft Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 f,t. UNBRACED LENGTHS Le: Center Span· = 0.00 ft Le : Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Le: R:ight Cant. = 0.00 ft ---------------.,..,...--,.----,--------APPLIED LOADS---------,--........,-~------------ Trapezoidal Load: DL: 127.0plf@ Lft, O.Oplf@ rt LL: 113.0plf@ Lft; O.Oplf@ rt from 0.00 ft to 14.00 ft ----------------------SUMMARY------------'---------'--------- USING 5.500 x 9.500 Beam, Bending= 35.91¾, Shear.= 22.65¾ Max. Pos Mom @ 5.94 f°ll' 3.02 k-ft Shear: Max. -@ Left - Max. Neg Mom @ 0.00 f~ 0.00 k-ft •.•. used for dsgn = Max @ Left = 0.00 k-ft ..•. Ar.ea Req'd = Max @ Right = 0.00 k-ft Max. @ Right · = Max. Al low ·Moment = 8.40 k-ft .... used f.or dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 437.7 psi .... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 1218.8 psi fv Max. Actual = Fv : Allqwable = Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = 24.36 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 = 0.00 Bearing Req'd@ Left = cf per use 2304.3.5 = 1.00 Bearing Req' d @ Right = Center Camber = -0.19 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 1.12 k 1.41 k 11.84 in2 0.56 k 0.83 k 7.01 in2 26.90 psi 118.8 psi : 0.31 in 0.16 in Reactions ..• DL Maximum Left = 0.59 k 1.12 k Right = 0.30 k 0.56 k Deflections .•• Center . --0;13 in -0.24 in .... Dist · = 6. 72 ft 6.720 ft ..•. L/Defl = 1321 699 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in ••. L/Defl = 0 0 Right = 0.00 in 0.000 in •.• L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL EN<rtNEERnm 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 40-0 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 legoland carlsbad castle hill rms Date: 09/20/97 PageO:z GENERAL TIMBER BEAM.DESIGN Horse Ride Queue truss' bottom -------------BEAM DATA------------- Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing 8X10 End Fixity Pin:Pin 7.500 in Elastic Modulus = 1300000 psi = 9.50 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf = 0.00 in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 = 1200 psi, Applied Loads Include Beam Wt. = 95 psi End Shear Calc'd @ 'd' distance = 650 psi ------SPAN DATA ------ Center Span = Left Cantilever = Right Cantilever = 20 •. 00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft ---""'""'" UNBRACED LENGTHS ,.._ ---- Le: Center Span = 4e Left cant. = Le; Right Cant. = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft -------------------'-----------APPLIED LOADS ----~-------~--------------- Point 'Load: DL = 1471.0 # LL = 1356.0 # at 10.00 ft; SUMMAIW USING 7.500 X 9.500 Beam, Bending= 100.24¾, Shear= 25.06¾ Max. Pos Mom @ 10.00 ft= 14,13 k-ft Shear: Max.@ Left = 1·_41 .k Reactions.~. DL Maximum Max. Neg Mom @ 20.00 ft= 0.00 k-ft •.•• used for dsgn = 2.12 k Left· = 0.74 k' 1.41 k Max@ Left = 9.00 k,-ft ..•• Area Req'd = 17.85 in2 Right = 0.74 k 1.41 k Max@ Right = 0.00 k-ft Max.@ Right = 1.41 k Max. Al low Moment = 14.10 k-ft • . . , \JSed for. dsgn· = 2.12 k D.eflect ions ••. fb Max. Actual = 1503.6 psi •.•. Area Req-'d = 17 .85 in2 Center = -0.61 in -1.17 in Fb: Allowable = 1500.0 psi fv Max. Actual ... 29. 76 psi •••• Dist = 10.00 ft 10,000 ft Fv : Allo.wable = 118.8 psi ..• L/Defl = ·395 205 Ck= .811(E/Fb)A.5 = 23.88 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in Rb= (LeD/BA2)A.5 = 0.00 Bearing Req'd@ Left = 0.29 in •.• L/Defl = 0 0 Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = 1.00 Bearing Req'd @ Rjght = 0.29 in Right = 0.00 in 0.000 in ••• L/Defl 0 0 Center Camber = -0.91 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 40·0 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 .. legoland carlsbad ca~tle hill rms Date: 09/22/97 Page: DVl GENERAL TIMBER B.EAM DESIGN Horse Ride Queue bm iii gl D Timber Section Beam Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing = = = = = = BEAM DATA 8X10 End .Flxity Pin:Pin 7.500. in El_astic Modulus = 1300000 psi 9.50 in Beam Density = 35.o·pcf 0.00 in Load Duration Factor = · 1.25 1200 psi Applied Loads Include -Beam Wt. 95 psi End Shear Calc',d iii 'd' distance 650 psi SPAN DATA Center Spah = 20.00 ft Left Cantflever = 0.00 ft Right C~ntilever = 0.00 ft UNBRACED LENGTHS Le: Center Span = 0.00 ft Le: Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Le: Right Cant. = 0.00 ft -------------~------APPLIED LOADS ---------,-----"----------"-- Uniform Load iii Center Span: DL = 51.0 plf ,LL= 32.0 plf Trapezoidal Load: DL: o:Oplf iii lft, 90.0plf @ .rt LL: O.Oplf @ Trapezoidal Load: DL: 90.0plf iii lft, O.Oplf iii rt LL: 80.0plf iii lft, lft, 80. Op.L f @ rt from-0.00 ft to 10.00 ft o·.Oplf @ rt from 10.00 ft to 20.00 ft -----------------------------SUMMARY------------------------ USING 7.500 x 9.500 Beam, Max. Pos Mom iii 10.00 ft= Max. Neg Mom @ 0.00 ft= Max iii Left = Max iii Right = Max. Al low Moment = fb: Max. Actual = Fb : Allowable = Ck= .811(E/Fb)A,5 = Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 = Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = Center Camber = V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Be·nding = 69.61¾, Shear = 28.517, 9.82 k-ft Shear:· Max. iii Left = 0.00 k-ft ••.. used for dsgn = 0.00 k-ft ...• Area-Req.ld = 0.00 k-ft M·ax. @ Right = 14.10 k-ft ••.• used for dsgn = .1044.2 psi .... Area Req'd = 1500.0 ps.i fv Max •. Actual = Fv :· Allowable ?3.88 0.00 Bearing Req'd iii Left = 1.00 Bearing Req'd iii Right= -0.84 in 1.68 k 2.41 k 20.31 in2 1.68 k 2.41 k 20.31 in2 33.·86 psi 118.8 psi 0,34 in 0,34 in . Reactions •.• DL Maximum Left = 0.96 k 1.68 k Right = 0.96 k 1.68 k Defl'ections ••• Center ·--0.56 in -0.99 in .... Dist = 10.00 ft 10.000 ft ••• L/Defl = 428 242 Left = 0.00 in 0.000 in ••. L/Defl = 0 0 Right -0.00 in 0.000 in ••... L/Def l = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & D'UNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 LOl,lci) JOB l~l.5:0 CA./2-LSBM SHEET'NO. -----'---'-------.,-!D=--7-+--OF------- CALCULATEC>BY __ ...._gµ.s-~·-=------DATE CHECKED BY----'"----'-----DATE _____ _ scALE __ C-'--A~.S-1,_,L-:::_E=,-'---'~-',-.=· :::....=;~~<?__;u:...,8::.._:::.u..,.e:-. ---"--- M. ~}C &-WI 1 '1 l,-0 ,k'O ? := pun: lrJ Ltrl'S w/ J-l1 p [ {Z../ 0 (jl/' \(..lr.J!r f6f1 ~e /,d := ),'2. y q 'y 17.!I, -::/, 5'' Fc.E -o.~ X J,.1Ci:, - (J":r-,3 )'2. f'' (. = ,.,.,. t, !.,&, "2. ... g = :; fa.=-rz_,~1"-i (7,~)'1.: t./r;f5I (1..1 ,z:2...~ f'S) 'Ol. <<. tro-z.~ /'" .fb.:: </:;'".tlttx(c(;rt111lrj_~ -:/-O,ft-rJ 3 :::c \'33Rfn <..1w'-"><-.l:: N,ouv' (0 ;c 1 i ~ '\ IY') )103 ~ /'l-w"' l.otb l,oJO:; $f,"LSP5) • J? . ':i~ 'I( ~':)-/ # Kt1 ~ ,n x":1--S''' /t ~ q, 1 ,,',f 1-,,.,' ....... :·' -•• > ',t:,;:;.1;: -• ', --:1."' ', •.• ·:· ••••• ,.·,. ~ ' / I I I I I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING. 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 STEEL COLUMN BASEPLATE DESIGN horse queue ride flagpole 8 x 8 post Legoland Carlsb~d 96-240 Date: 09/22/97 None None -·--LOAD' DATA------1 ----. 2-- ·Axial Load 2.53 k · ~.14 k X-X Axis Moment .0.00 k-ft 7.84 k-ft AISC Sect.'ion Name : T$8x8x1/4 TS8x8x1/4 --BOLT DATA -- Bolt Tension Capacity : 8.00 k 8.00 k Bolt Count Per Side 2 ·2 Anchor Bolt Area 0.440 in 0.440 in Bolt Dist. from PL Edge 1 :SO in 1.50 in · PLATE & SUPPORT DATA · .Basep t~te Depth · 14.00 in 14.00 in II Width 14.06 in 14.00 in Support Area Depth 2.00 in 2.00 in Support Area Width 36.00 in 36.-00 in -.-. MATERIAL DATA -· f'c 3000 psi 3000 psi Fy 36 ksi 36 ksi Load Duration Factor-1.33 1.33 AlSC Sectiqn Depth 8.00 i_n 8.00 in Flange Width 8.00 in 8.00 in Flange Thickness ., 0.250 in o.2so in Web'Thickness 0.250 in 0.250in · --PLATE DESIGN -- Min. Required Thickness: 0.125 in 0.446 in Plate Analys-is Me.thod : 3 1 Tension Fore~ per Bolt: 0,00 k 3.63 k Bear,ing Stress 12. 91 psi 36?. 74 psi Allow Bearing .•• Per ACI 10.15 1081 .87 k. 1081.87 k Per AISC J9 846.41 psi 846.41 psi- Max. Plate Capacity for Allowable Bearing .. :. 165.90 psi 165. 90 psi -PLATE ANALYSIS - Actua L P Late Thickness : 0.500 in 0.500 in Max AL.low Plate Fb 3? •. 91 k~i 35.91 ksi Actual fb 2.24. ksi 28.59 ksi Page:00 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC .. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 40~ SAN DIEGO, CA 9210_8 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN horse ride queue structure 8 x 8 wood post flagpole Legoland Carlsbad 96-240 Date: 09/22/97 Page:1)q ----DESIGN DATA -------~-AXIAL LOADS-----------,--,.---,.DIMENSIONS----~ Allow. Soil Pressure = 2506.o psf Dead Load = •.• Short Term Increase = 1.33 Live Load = Base Pedistal Height = 2.00 in Short Term Load. = Seismic Zone = 4 .•• Ecc. Along X-X Axis = overburden Weight = 110.00 psf •.. Ecc. Along Y-Y Axi's = Live & Short Term Loads Don't.Act Together Concrete Weight = 145 .0 pcf 1,28 k o·.o k 0.9 k _ :o.oo in 0.00 in --Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES ----· X-X AXIS -ROTATION FORCES --- .••• Pressures@ Left/Right Moment: DL = LL = Short Term = Shear: DL = LL = Short Term = 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 7 .8 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.99 k .. ,.Pressures@ Top/Bot Moment-: DL = LL =· Short Term= Shear: DL = LL = Short Term= O.O·k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.06 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Width Along X-X Axis = Length Along Y-Y Axis = Thickness = Column Dim. Along X-X Axis= Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= 4.25 ft 4.25 ·ft 18.00 in 8.00 in 8.00 in ------------------------.SUMMARY-------'-----------------,-- Soil Pressure Moments & She~rs D+L D+L+ST Max. Allowable Max Pressure = 398.4 psf 1334.-0 psf "Mu/Ph'i = 1. 9 k'."ft Al'lowable Pressure 2500.0 psf 3325.0 psf Vu:1 Way = 4.4 psi 93.1 psi 'X' Ecc. of Resultant = a.a in 14.1 in Vu:2 Way = 2.3 psi 186.2 psi 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant = Service Lqad Pressures •••. DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures •.•• AC! Eq 9-1 AC! Eq 9-2 AC! Eq 9-3 0.0 in = = = = = 0.0 in Overturning Ratio= Left ·398.4 .psf 0.0 psf Left 557. 7 psf 0.0 psf 0.0 psf Right 398.4 psf 1334.0 psf Right 557 .-7 psf 1867j psf 1272.6 psf 1.8 :1 Top 398.4 psf. 446.5 psf Top 5·57, 7 psf 625.1 psf 426.0 psf -----------FOOTING DESIGN ------------------- f'c Fy = 3000 psi 60b00 psi 3.5 in = 0.0014 Rebar CL Clear to Soil ~ Min. Steel¾ 'm'= Fy /(.85-f'c) Vn:1 •.• 2(f'c)A.5 Vn:2 ••. 4(f'c)A.5 = = = 23.53 109.54 psi 21.9.1 psi FACTORED SHEAR FORCES AC! 9-1 ACI 9..,2 AC! 9-3 Vn * f>hi Two-Way Shear = 1.11 psi 2.26 ps:i 1. 74 psi 186.23 psi One-Way: Vu@ Left = 0.41 psi -1.54 psi -0.99 psi 93.11 psi One-Way: Vu@ Right = Q.41 psi 4.39 psi 3.05 psi 93.11 -psi One-Way: Vu@ Top = 0.41 psi 0.64 psi 0,50 psi 93.11 psi One-Way: Vu@ Bottom = 0.41 psi 0.64 psi 0.50 psi 93.11 psi FACTORED MOMENTS · AC! 9-1 ACi 9-2 AC! 9-3 Ru Mu/Phi@ Left = 0.2 k-ft -0.8 k-ft -0.5 k-ft 3.9 ps-i Mu/Phi@ Right = 0.2 k"-ft 1.9 k-ft 1.3 k-ft 8.8 ps·i Mu/Phi@ Top = 0.2 k-ft 0.3 k--ft 0.2 k-ft 1.4 psi Mu/Phi@ Bottom = 0.2 k-ft 0.3 k-ft 0.2 k-ft 1.4 psi SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY Factor of Safe~y: Y - Y AXIS = Factor of Safety: X -X AXIS = Static --None-- --None-- Short Term 1.81 :1 --None-- AsReq'd -,.Q.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft. 0.244 in2/ft 1.5 :1 Bottom 398.4 psf 446.5 psf Bottom 557.7 psf 625.1 psf 42610 psf V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. ~AUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 GENERAL FOOTING DES.I'GN Lego land· <;c1r lsbad· 96-240 . Date: 09/22/97 horse ride queue structure 8 x 8 wood post flagpole CorJ-1' F'f&-(ii0 Ll!S\J of f'4-c>r <? ~'-'c:/',1.t] -----DESIGN DATA ---~------AXIAL LOADS -----DIMENSIONS Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load = 1.28 k Width Along X-X Axis ••• Short Term Increase = 1. 33 Live Load = o.o k Length Along Y-Y Axis Base Pedistal Height = 2.00 in Short Ter·m Load = 0.9 k Thickness = = = Seismic Zone = 4 , •• Ecc. Along X-X Axis = 0.00 in' Colllinn Dim. A~ong X-X Axis= overburden Weight = 110.00 ·psf ••• Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis -0.00 in Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight = 145.0 pcf --Y-Y AXIS ROTATION-FORCES ---·-X-X AXiS ROTATION FORCES -· -. ••.• Pressures@ Left/Right Moment: DL -. 0.0 k-ft LL Short Term Shear: DL LL Short Term = = = = = 0.0 .k-ft 7 .8 k-ft 0.00 k a.do k. 0.99 k ..••. Pressures al Top/Bot Moment: DL = LL = Short Term= Shear: DL = LL = Short Term= a.a k-ft · 0.0 k--ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 1 0.00 k column Di.m. Along Y-Y Axis= 3.50 f'!: 5.00 ft 18.00 in 8.00 in 8.00 in -------------------,-c.-SUMMARY--------------'-------,..,.-'--------- ------Soil Pressure -------------------·Moments & Shears ----~- 'D+L Mal(. Allowable Max Pressure = 400.6 psf Mu/Phi - Allowable Pressure = 2500.0 psf 'X' Ecc. of Resultant· = 0.0 i'n 'Y' Ecc. -of Resultant = 0.0 in D+L+ST 1925.o psf 3325 .. 0 psf 14.4 in .o·.o in Vu:1 Way = Vu:2 Way = overturning Ratio= 1. 7 k-ft 3.1 psi 3.2 psi 1.5 :1 93.1 psi 186.2 psi 1.5, :1 No Good! Service Load Pressures .••. DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures ...• AC! Eq 9-1 AC! Eq 9-2 ACI Eq 9-3 = ;:, = = = Left 400.6 psf a.a psf Left 560.9 psf 0.0 psf a.a psf Right 400.6 psf 1'925.0 psf . R-ight 560.9 psf 2695.1 psf 1838.8 psf --------------FOOTING DESIGN ----------- f'c = Fy = Rebar CL Clear to Soil = Min. Steel¾ Two-Way Shear = One-Way: Vu al Left = One-Way: Vu al Right One-Way: Vu iii Top = One-Way: Vu al Bottom = 3000 psi 'm'= Fy /C.85f'c) = 23.53 60000 psi Vn:1 ••. 2(f'c)A.5 = 109.54 psi. 3.5 in Vn:2 .•. 4(f'c)A.5 = 219.1 psi 0.0014 FACTORED SHEAR FORCES ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 AC! 9-3 Vn·* Phi 1.12 psi 3.17 psi 2.36 psi 186.23 psi 0.26 psi -0.'55 psi -,-Q.35 psi ' 93.11 psi 0.26 psi 3.12 psi 2.15.ps'i 93.11 psi 0.54 psi 0.93 psi a. 73 psi 93.11· psi 0.54 psi 0.93 psi 0.73 psi 93.11 psi FACTORED MOMENTS. AC! 9-1 ACI 9-2 AC! 9-3 Ru As Re_q'd Top 400.6 psf 450.4 psf Top 560. 9 psf 630.5 psf 430.2 psf Mu/Phi@ Left· = 0,1 k-ft -0.5 k-ft -0.3 k-ft 2.4 psi -o. 244 in2/ft Mu/Phi @ Right = 0.1 k-ft 1. 7 k-ft 1.2 k-ft 8.0 psi Mu/Phi@ Top = 0.3 k-ft 0.4 k-ft 0.4 k..:ft 2.1 psi Mu/Phi iii Bottom = 0.3 k-ft 0.4 k-ft 0.4 k-ft 2.1 psi --------SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY ----'------- Factor of Safety: Y -Y AXIS = Factor of Safety: X - X AXIS = Static --None-- ,--None-- Short Ter_m 1.4·6 :1 --None-- 0,.244 iri2/ft 0.24'4 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft Bottom 400.6 psf 450.4 psf Bottom 560.9 psf 630.5 psf 430.2 psf V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE ·R. SAUNDeRs ASSOCIATES, KW060361 1---- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 f Jlof-o f1o61H JOB L&? CM-Lf13AD SHEET NO. ------~D----'~' -OF-·------,-- ,/J •• r 1·,,t,1' CALCULATED BY --'-"/<M,.L'-"'-'~'-· --'-" --=---DATE __ t.. ___ -,-._ CHECKED BY----~--~--'· DATE---'---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (Jf?~1['1 ft2A{"11t0lr Q:\M,( s,~S-AS Qv~·v €' 510.rl1v(IN l HI f g 124<,,f~) w:;;. ( l, 1 -1-1 r) 16 fJ'f-1 /(, f /f-fA--) - M~ (½:. (' w',.,, :=-~I {;t;Nb) ::; 1i r .fP4r (p 7.. fU fl- (;s I If.,.,-c..,, 11 s P bl lv -, -. ,-,-.-nl, ir-7: --;--, ---.· ""'7----,_ j ! .i j "\. f ! ( : \ ) I! )' ,1, t I ?f J ,f-l -J 2~1° 61,<. 13T I ~.rf A ... .::c·:. --.~--· ,\.i:!J:5 •. ~ .•.· ',.-. -: :-• :,.,: ... ~ -_-;..o; •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 40·0 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 GENERAL FOOTING DESIGN horse ride queue structure 8 x 8 wood post flagpole fHOf o ffeO of H Legoland Carlsbad 96-2'40 Qate:. 09/22/97 ----DESIGN DATA -----------,_ AXIAL LOADS--------DIMENSIONS . Allow. Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Dead Load = 0.63 k .•. Short Term Increase = 1.33 Live Load 0.0 k Base Pedistal Height = 2.00 in Short Term Load = 0.8 k Seismic Zone = 4 ••• Ecc·. Along x-x Ax.is = 0.00 -In Overburden Weight = 110.00 psf •.• Ecc. Along Y-Y Axis -0 •. 00 in Live & Short Term Loads Don't Act Together Concrete Weight -145 .0 pcf --· Y-Y AXIS ROTATION FORCES ---·-X-X AXIS ROTATION FORCES --- •••• Pressures@ Left/Right Moment: DL = LL = Short Te11m = Shear: DL = LL = Short Term = 0.0 k'-ft 0.0 k-ft 6.8 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.99 k ...• Pressures@ Top/Bot Moment: DL = · LL = Shor1; Term= Shear: DL = LL = Short Term= 0.0 k-'ft 0.0 k--ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.00 k Width Along X-X Axis = Length Along Y-Y A~is = Thickness = Column Dim. Along x--x Axis= Column Dim. Along Y-Y Axis= Page{) \J---· OF12 4.00 ft 4.00 ft 18.00 ih 8.00 in 8.00 in --------------------------SUMMARY----------------'---------- Soil Pressure .Mom~nts & Shears D+L D+L+ST Max. Allowable Max Pressure = 366. 9 psf 1497.1 psf Mu/Phi = 1.:8 k-ft Allowable Pressure = 2500.0 psf 3325.0 psf Vu-:1 Way = 4.0 psi 93.1 psi 'X' Ecc. of Resultant = 0.0 in 15.0 in Vu:2 Way = 1. 9 psi 186.2 psi 'Y' Ecc. of Resultant -0.0 in 0.0 in Overturning· Ratio= Service Load Pres$ures .••.. DL + LL Dead+live+Short Term Factored Load Pressures •..• ACI Eq 9-1 AC! Eq 9-2 AC! Eq 9-3 = = = Left Right 366.9 psf 366.9 psf Cl.O psf 1497.1 ·psf Left Right 513.6 psf 513.6 psf 0.0 psf 2095.9' psf 0.0 pst 1441.5 psf ---------'-------FOOTING DESIGN ---------------'----,------ f'c Fy = = Rebar CL Clear to Soil = 3000 psi 'm'= Fy /(.85f'c) = 60000 psi Vn:1 ••• 2(f' c}••.5 = 3.5 in Vn:2 .• ~4(f'c)A.5 Min. Steel¾ = 0.0014 FACTORED SHEAR FORCES AC! 9-1 AC! 9-2 ACI 9-3 Two-Way Shear = 0.53 psi 1. 94 psi 1.53 psi One-Way: Vu@ Left 0.20 psi -1.21 psi -0. 78 psi One-Way: Vu@ Rignt = 0.20 psi 4.03 psi 2.83 psi One-Way: Vu@ Top = 0 .. 20 psi. Q.40 psi 0.33 psi One-Way: vu@ Bottom = 0.20 psi 0.40 psi 0.33 psi FACTORED MOMENTS 23.53 109.54 psi 219.1 psi Vn * Phi 186.23 psi 93.11 psi' 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 93.11 psi 1'.6 :1 Top 366. 9 psf 419.7 psf Top 513.6 psf 587.6 psf 404.1 psf AC! 9-1 AC! 9-2 ACI 9-3 Ru As Req'd Mu/Phi@ Left Mu/Phi@ Right Mu/Phi@ Top Mu/Phi@ Bottom Factor of Safety: Factor of Safety: = 0.1 k-ft -o. 7 k-ft -0.5 k-ft 3.4 psi = 0.1 k-ft 1.8 k-ft 1.3 k-ft s.4 psi = 0.1 k-ft 0.2 k.:.ft 0,2 k-:ft 0.9 psi = 0.1 k-ft 0.2 k-ft 0.2 k-ft 0.9 psi SERVICE LOAD OVERTURNING STABILITY. Y -Y AXIS X -X AXIS = = Static --None-- --Nqne-- Short Term 1.60 :1 --None-- -0.244 ih2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 0.244 in2/ft 1.5 :1 Bottom 366.9 psf .419. 7 psf Bottom 513.6 psf 587.6 psf 404.1 psf V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I z I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l- a: <( ~ d z z Z MARTIN & DUNN, INC. :::> Structural & Civil Engineers 0 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone [619) 497-2118 Fax [6191 497-0429 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Legolan-d Carl-s;bad (M&D PROJECT NO. 960240.00) Castle Hlll Cluster (FGMP Package) Volume 2 Section E Architect of Record: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum For Building Department Plan Check Submittal October 17, 1:997 ~. J u 'I I. I 1· I I I I I I I· - I I; I :I I I I I INDEX SUBJECT GENERAL PARKWIDE STRUCTURES FOOD STAND NORTH FOOD STAND SOUTH HORSE RIDE QUEUE STRUCTURE CASTLE BASE BUILDING CASTLE HILL CLUSTER SECTION A B C D E I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION E CASTLE BASE BUILDING INDEX SUBJECT Design Loads Roof Framing -Main Building Roof Framing -Ice Cream Tower Roof Framing -Ice Cream Cafe Floor Framing -Main Building Column Design Lateral Analysis Roof Structure Design Main Building and Ice Cream Cafe Foundation Design Coaster Maintenance Area Lateral Design Miscellaneous Structures SHEET NO. E1 E2-E46 E47-E54 E55-E62 E63-E65 E66-E69 E70-E94 E95-E139 E140-E153 E154-E162 E163-E168 1---------~ ------. -.. ....,.._ --~ .... -_.. .. ,,..,._~ .... _.,.. __ ,, .. -.....-... -.. ,._.. .......... -. ... ~ ,. ... I I I I I I I I I. - I 1·: I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. -'-" --~--'----· .... t~'--OF _ _.l_.,,,,GC-'-~~---- CALCULATED BY ......jiJ=,µA'-'--a?::""'--·-~--=~-DATE----'---- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED·av -'-" ---,--~-~---DATE· ____ _ ~o of Ptf·D ~7'-Q H Uf f%4 Nt W/ bPh-V/zl. o/11 rl>Y~P ff )-..1'4 I I{ i:; 0 11.t~ LA 1 I oH l~fi.-P l~l;z '?/,ti' PL yJ)D IY2-.11 c,,or-lL.. . ~-. ~-~ ·f_;;f '2' '? P.;:;f 5,0 t'::n 1,o -r£f ? , 1 P::'.:>f fo~L l z,. b ! ... ?/'~ \ . r. ----~ r.,.,,..,.. ..,,.,..i.._,., -. \ <B,.J P6f !5, :J J1lµb .. t.f.¢'~b . .~e:t~ C fLl $U (., -pt,,,~;J G) 211ut,f-JfNT Fl-N~-rt 12--(fl-, :;,1Dt) 1 ciz P-YF') 0'( f~'-fJ ~1+1c0 Lt;. "7ll>.f 2, { i. to P>F) r~ rr j\(__. t;:u j) :J ~Ji !5l 3 I 1 13 f . -· --5 3 \7.S,f .. -----·· C I~ B, I.) C --1~\o ~j f ;J3W. 4) '2'2 P.~f I '7 ,!r,;:. ; .:./ :~; ~Lf.~ ~t_:.?f d2 I , f';;? )/4'1 1~0 '.7 bl"" kt~-1' -f5( '2, ~) l5 '2-1 }:sf '22.P->t I I I I I I I I {) I I I I I I I I 1- I -~: 1 ,\ .c: 1~, II tzcof h------'---''-® n ti'' u-' 11 -1, ,, ''-----''-----11 ll -····· II 11 J--1 CASTLE BASE BLDG. I TJ-8eam™ v5.03 Serial Number: 707203613 rJalcAMo 1001 10,9191 a:10:osAM . 10" T Jl®/35C JOIST@ 24.0" o/c Page 1 of 1 Build Code: 041 · - THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND .LOADS LISTED I I Member $lope: 0 Roof Slope: 0 i ·j ffl) :;: __________ 1~ -------12·-~~----<, I All dimensions are horizontal. LOADS: Product Diagram Is Conceptual. Analysis for JOIST MEMBER ·supporting ROOF Application. Loads(psf): 20 Llve·at 125% duration, 18 Dead I SUPPORTS: INPUT BEARING REACTIONS(lbs.) WIDTH LENGTH JUSTIFICATION LIVE/ DEAD/ TOTAL DETAIL OTHER 1 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Left Face 240 / 216 / 456 2 Glulam. HT 3.50" Hanger Right Face _. 240 / 216 I 456 I HANGERS: SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® I I I MODEL SLOPE SKEW REVERSE T.F. FLANGES OFFSET Left Top ITT3510 O No Right Top ITT3510 0 No DESIGN CONTROLS: Shear(lb) Reaction(lb) Moment(ft-lb) Live Defl.(in) Total Oefl.(in) · MAXIMUM 434 434 1238 DESIGN 434 434 1238 0.073 0.139 NIA No NIA No ALLOW. 2150 1569 5414 0.381 0.571 r CONIROL Passed(20%) Passed(28%) Passed{23%) Passed{L/999+.) Passed(L/987) -Allowable moment was i11creased for repetitive member usage. • beflecti.on Criteria: STANDARP(LL:L/360, TL:L/240). T.F. .NAILING SLOPE FACE TOP 0 2-N10 4-N10 0 2-N10 4-N10 LOCATION MEMBER 2-N10 2-N10 LT. end Span 1 under Roof loading Bearing 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roof loading MIO Span 1 under Roofloading MID Span 1 under Roof ioading I ADOITtQNAL NOTES: . -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus Joist MacM~lan(T JM). TJM warrants t~ sizing of its products by this sottware will be accomplished in accordance with T JM product design criteria and co(le accepted design values. I I I I The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the so.ftware user. This output has not been reviewed-by a TJM Associate .. ~ Not all products are readHy available. Check with your sµppliei' or T JM:technical representative for prock,Jct availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUC'rS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIOS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code LAC analyzing the T JM Custom product listed above. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing jg required to achieve member stability. I PROJECT INFORMATION No Project Information available OPERATOR INFORMATIONi Martin & tlunn; Inc. I 7801 Mission Center·Ct. San Diego, Ca 92108 . · (619) 4972118 (619) 497 04i9 I c~, •. ,ihtC 1997 by Trus Joist MacMIiian, a·Umlted partnership, Sols&, Idaho, USA . TJ-Se~m™ la a trademark olTIUS·Jolst MlCMillan. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS81s a registered trademark or SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC. TJie IS a registered trailemartcofTrua Joist MacMIiian. I I~ J-z ~<fi,1ijnif}fM~. Jil°i2@ CASTLE BASE BLDG. ITJ-Beam"' v5.03 Sertal Number: 707203613 20" T Jl®/55C JOIST @ 24.0" o/c T JBEAMD 1001 10/8/97 9:39·20 AM Page 1 of 1 Build Code: 041 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED I Member Slope: 0 Roof Slope: 0 I I I ~ ~ --------------'---------38'----------------------- I All dimensions are horizontal. Product Diagram Is Conceptual. LOADS: Analysis for JOIST MEMBER Supporting ROOF Application. Loads(psf): 20 Live at 125% duratlon, 18 Dead I SUPPORTS: INPUT BEARING REACTIONS(l~s.) WIDTH LENGTH · JUSTIFICATION LIVE/ DEAD/ TOTAL DETAIL OTHER 1 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Left Face 760 / 684 / 1444 2 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Right Face · 760 / 684 / 1444 I -Web stiffeners are required at support(s): 1, 2. See TJI JOIST INSTALLATION INFORMAT!ON for nailing requirements. -HANGERS: SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® I REVERSE T.F. T.F. NAILING MODEL SLOPE .SK;W FLANGES OFFSET Sl,.OPE FACE TOP MEMBER Left Top MIT420 0 No N/A No 0 2-N10 4-N10 2-N10 Right Top MIT420 0 No N/A No 0 2-N10 4-N10 2-N10 I DESIGN CONTROLS: MAXIMUM DESIGN ALLOW. CONTROL Passed(42%) Passed(56%) Passed(68%) Pas.sed(Li459) Passed(L/242) LOCATION Shear(lb) · 1422 Reaction(lb) 1422 1422 . 3425 1422 2556 LT. end Span 1 under -Roof loading Bearing. 1 under R09f loading I Moment(ft-lb) 13300 1.ive Defl.(in) ·otal Defl.(in) 13300 19656 0.978 1.247 1.858, 1.871 MID Span 1 under Roof loadir,g MID Span 1 under Roof loading Ml D Span 1 under Roof loading -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. I -Deflection Criteria: STANDARP(LL:L/360, TL:L/240). ADDITIONAL NOTES: I I I I -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed byTrus Joist MacMillan(TJM). TJM warrants the sizing·of·its products by this software will be accomplished in acc9rdance with T JM product design criteria and code accepted design values; The specific product application, Input design loads, and stated dimensions have·been provided-by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJM.Associate. -Not all products are r~adily available. Check with your supplier or T JM technical. representative for product availabflity. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANAL YSiS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was·used·for Building Code LAC analyzing the TJM Custom product listed above. -Braclng(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced-at 2' 8" o/c unless detailed otherwise .. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. I PROJECT INFORMATIO_N No Project Information available OPERATOR INFORMATION: Martin & Dunn, Inc. 1"1111:& I Ir" I 7801 Mission Center Ct. San Diego, Ca 92108 (619) 497 2118 (619) 497 0429 IC~,. ,nt C 1997 by Trus Joist MacMillan, a limited partnership, Boise, lda_ho, USA. . T J.Beam"' is a trademark of Trus Joist MacMillan. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® Is a registered trademark of SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC. TJ!1) IS a registered trademark of Trus Joist MacMillan. I ~<fiw;l<Nt~. ITJ-Beam™ v5 03 Serial Number. 707203613 TJBEAMO 1001 10/8/97 9:43:04 AM Page 1 of 1 Build Code: 041 j-~ ~·@ CASTLE BASE .BLDG. 20" T Jl®/40C JOIST @ 48.0" o/c THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED I I Member Slope: O Roof Slope: O Product.Diagram Is Conceptual. Analysis for JOIST MEMBER Supporting ROOF Application. Loads(psf): 20Live at 125% dLJration, 18,Dead I SUPPORTS: INPUT BEARING REACTIONS(lbs.) WIDTH LENGTH JUSTIFICATION LIVE/ DEAD/TOTAL DETAIL OTHER 1 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Left Face 1040 /93611976 I 2 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Right Face 10401936 / 1976 -Web stiffeners are required at support(s): 1, 2. See T JI JOIST INSTALLATION IN.FORMATION for n11iling.requirements. I HANGERS: SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® MODEL Left Top MIT3520 Right Top MIT3520 SLOPE SKEW 0 No O No REVERSE T.F. FLANGES OFFSET N/A No NIA No I DESIGN CONTROLS: MAXIMUM DESIGN ALLOW. CONT.ROL Shear(lb) 1932 1932 3425 Pa~ed(56%) T.F. SLOPE FACE 0 . 2-16D 0 2-16D 1,.0CATION NAILING TOP 4-16D 4-16D MEMBER 2-N.10 2-N10 I Reaction(lb) 1932 1932 1932 Passed(100%) Moment(ft-lb} 12274 -12274 :14656 Pa~(84%} l.ive Defl.(in) 0.524 0.847 Passed(L/582) ·otal Defl.(in} 0.996 1.271 Passed(~} I,. T. end Span 1 · under Roof loagihg Bearing 1 under Roof loading. MID Span 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under R90f loading MID Span 1 under Roof loading -Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:U360, TL:L/240). I ADDITIONAL NOTES: I I I I -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented·is output from software developedbyTrus Joii;t MacMillan(TJM}. TJM warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with T JM product design criteria=and code accepted design values. The specific product applicatio.n, Input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed bya TJM.Associate. -Not all products are readily available: Check with your supplier or T JM techni<;al representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONVOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. • Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building·Code-LAC analyzing the T JM Custom.product listed above. -Bracing(Lu}: All compression edges (top and bottom) ·must be braced at 2' 8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing.is required to achieve member stability. I PROJECT INFORMATION No Project Information available OPE.RATOR INFORMATION: Martin & Dunn, Inc. I 7801 Mission Center Ct. San Diego, Ca 92108 (619)4972118 (619) 497 0429 I Co,.. .,nt Q 1997 by Trus Joist MacMIiian, a limited partnership, 801se, ld.aho, USA. T J-Beam™ is a trademark 01. Trua Joist MacMIiian. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® is a registered tradema[k of SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC. TJ°I® ls a registered trademark ofTrus Joist MacMIiian. I J '." f"" I l:11itNlMI/~~ . I T J-Beam ™ v5.03 Sena! Number. 707203613 TJBEAMD 1001 10/8197 9·44:16AM N@ CASTLE BASE BLDG. 20" TJl®/4()C JOIST @48.0" o/c Page 1 of 1 Build Code: 041 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEED$ THE SET DESIGN-CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED I Member Slope: 0 Roof Slope: 0 I i __ l _________________________ 11J ~~ ~ -------------.,--'----28'--------~---------------i> I All dimensions are horizontat LOADS: Product Diagram Is Co~ceptual. Analysis for JOIST MEMBER Supporting ROOF Application. Loads(psf): 20 Live at 125% duration, 18 Dead I SUPPORTS: INPUT BEARING REACTIONS(lbs.) WIDTH LENGTH JUSTIFICATION LIVE/ DEAD/ TOTAL DETAIL OTHER 1 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger L:eft Face 1120 / 1008 / 2128 I 2 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Right Face 1120 / 1008/2128 -Web stiffeners are required at support(s): 1, 2-See TJI JOIST INSTAL.l.ATION INFORMATION.for nailing requirements. HANGERS: SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® I REVERSE MODEL SLOPE SKEW FLANGES Left Top MIT3520 0 No NIA T.F. T.F. NAILING OFFSET SLOPE FACE TOP No O 2-16D 4-16D MEMBER 2-N10 2-N10 Right Top MIT3520 0 No NIA No O 2-160 4-160 I DESIGN CONTROLS: MAXIMUM DESIGN ALLOW. CONTROL LOCATION Shear(lb) 2084 2084 3425 Pai;sed(61%) Reaction(lb) 2084 .2084 2084 Passed(100%) Moment(ft-lb) 14282 1.4282 14656 Passed(97%) 1.ive Defl.(in) 0.698 0.914 Passed(L/471) ·otal Defl.(ln) 1.327 1.371 Passed(L/248) I · LT. end Span 1 under Roof loading Bearing 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roof'loading· MID Span 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roofloading -Deflection Criteria: STANDARO(LL:L/360, TL:L/240). I ADDITl~NAL NOTES: . I I I I -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is outputfrom software developed by Trus Joist MacMillan(T JM). T JM warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with T JM product design criteria and code accepted design vah.1es. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. Thls·output has not been reviewed by·a T JM Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Check with your supplier or TJM tecJmical representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code LAC analyzing the T J M Custom:product list!!(! above. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must~ braced·at 2'. 8" o/c unless det~iled otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve membet stability. I PROJECT INFORMATION No Project Information available OPERATOR INFORMATION: Martin & Dunn, Inc. I 7801 Mission Center Ct. San Diego, Ca 92108 (619) 497 2118 (619) 497'0429 I Co~, dntQ 1997 byTrus Joist MacMillan, a limited partnership, BQise, Idaho, USA. . TJ-Beam"' Is a trademark ofTrus Joist MacMillan. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® Is a registered trademark of SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, INC. TJI® is a registered-trademark of Trus Joist MacMillan. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & civIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 TIMBER JOIST & RAFTER DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC ..lfl,( ---DESIGlf DATA --------1- Timber Section 2X6 •••• Depth in : 5.50 •••• Width. in : 1.50 Le: Unsupp ·ft : o.oo Fb-Allow psi : 875.00 Fv-Allow psi : 95.00 Elastic Mod. ksi 1600000.00 Load Duration Factor 1.25 Stress Ratio -» : 0.60 ------CEJl'l'F.R SPAI -OK· Span Length · ft : 7. 50 Uniform DL plf: 36.00 LL plt : 40.00 ---RESOLTS--- MMx@ Cntr X-Uist k-in: ft: ---REACilOIJS ---Left: Dead Load Live Load Right: Dead Load Live Load I : # : # : # : ---ST.RF.$~ ---Fb •• Allow · Fb •• Actual Fv •• Allow Fv •• Actual psi: psi : ps! : psi : ------------· DEFLECTIOIS. ------Center·-··· Dead Load X;.Dist DL Ratio · Live Load X-Dist· LL Ratio Total Defl X-Dist Ratio· in: ft: · in : ft: in: ft: 6.41 3. 75- 135.00 . 150,00 135.00 150.00 -OK- 1421.9 847.9 118.75 45.60 -0.000 3.75 1168588 -0.000 3'.75 1os1no -0.000 3.75 553544 Date: 09/12/97 __ _Page:t., 1 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS issocIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL &-CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT,.SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21 i8/FAX 497-0429 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. -b Date: 10/1~/97 Pag~~ ----------BEAM DATA-------------------,------SPAil DATA------- Timber Section 4X8 End Fixity Pin:Pin Center Span = Beam Width -3.500 in Elastic Modulus = 1600000 psi Left Cantilever = Beam De~th = 7 .25 jn Beam Densi~y = 35.0 ·p'Cf Right Cantile_ver = Lai\inat1on Thickness = 0.00 rn · Load Duration Factor = 1.25 --~ UNBRACED LEIG'l'BS Fb -Bending = 875 psi Beam wt. is Added· to Loads Le : Cent~r span_ · ; Fv -Shear = 95 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support Le : Left Cant. = 12.:00 ft 1.50 ft o.oo ft o.oo ft 0.00 ft · 0.00ft Fe -Bearing = 625 psi Le : Right Cant. = -------------'----,--------,.. APPLIED :WADS----------------.,...--------- Uniforn Load@ Center Span: DL = 88.0 plf LL= 80.0 plf Uniform Load@ Left cantilever: DL = 88.0 plf LL= 80.0 plf Point Load: DL = 1.0 # LL= 1.0 # at 4.50 ft -----------------SIJMMARY-------~-----------------'----USING 3.500 x 7.250 Bean, Bending= 84.96%, Shear= 52,89% Max. Pos Mon @ 6.05 ft: 3.09 k-ft Shear:. Max. @ Left = Max. Neg Mon @ 0.00 ft: -0.11 k-ft .... used for dsgn = Hax @ L~ft = -0.20 k-ft .... Area Reg'd = Max @ Right · = o.oo k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Hol!ertt = 3.63 k-ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 12Qs.i pst .... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable 1421. 9 ps1 fv : Max. Actual = Fv: Allowable ~ Ck= .Sll(E/Fb)~.5 = 31.02 Rb= (LeD/s~2)~.s = o.oo Bearing Req'd @ Left = Cf per USC 2304.3.5 = 1.30 Bearing Req'd @ Right= Left cant. camber = 0.13 in center Camber ·=--0.36 in V4. 4D ( c) 1983-96 El!ERCALC 1.06 k 1.59 k 13,42 in2 L04 k 1.56 k . 13~10 in2 62.81 psi 118.8 psi 0.61 in 0.47 in Reactions ••. DL Maxi11un Left = 0·.72k 1.32 k Right = 0.56 k 1.00 Deflections ••• Center = -0.24 iii --0.45 in .... Di:st = 6.05 ft 6.000 ft ... L/Defl = 605 321 teft = 0.09 in 0,169 in ••• L/Defl = 403 213 Right = o.oo in 0.000 in ••• L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CIViL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/l0/97 ·Pag~. GENERAL TIMBERBEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. -7 BEAM DATA Timber section 4Xl2 Epd Fixity Bean Width = 3.500 in Elastic Modulus Beam Depth = 11.25 in Beam Density Laninat1on Thickness = o.oo in Load Duration Factor Pin:Pin = 1600000 psi -35.0 pcf = 1.25 Fb -Bending = 875 psi Beam. wt. is Added to Loads Fv -Shear = 95 psi End Shear.ca1c 1d at Support Fe -Bearing = 625 psi APPLIED LOADS uniforn Load @ Center Span:. DL = 156.0 plf LL= 155.0 plf SUMMARY USING 3.500 x 11.250 Bean, Bendini = 77.96%, Shear= 61.70% Max. Pos Mom @ 6.00 ft: 5. 77 -ft Shear: Max. @ Left = 1.92 k Max. Neg Mom @ 12.00 ft= o.oo k-ft •••• used f ot dsgn = 2.89 k Max@ Left = o.oo k-ft .... Area Reg.1d = 24.'.30in2 Max@ Right = 0.00 k-ft Max.@ Right = i.92 k Max. Allow Monent = 7.40 k-ft • • • • used for dsgn = 2.89 k fb: Max. Actual = 937,9 psi .... Area Req'd = 24.30 in2 Fb : Allowable = 1203.1 psi fv: Max. Actual = 73.27 psi Fv: Allowable = U8.8 psi Ck= .Sll(E/Fb)".5 = 31.02 Rb= (LeD/B"2}".5 = Q.00 Bearing Req'd @ Left =· 0.88 in Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = 1.10 Bearing Reqt d @ Right= 0,88 in center camber = -0.17 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC. SPAI DATA Center Span = 12.00 ft Left cantilever = 0.00 ft Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft IJJBRACEJ) LEl<mlS Le : Center Span = o.oo ft Le: Left cant. = 0.00 ft Le: Right Gant. ·-o.oo ft Reactions ••• DL· Maxinum Left = 0.99 k 1.92k Right = 0.99 k 1.92 k Deflections ... Center = -0.12 in -,Q,23 in ..... Dist = 6.00 ft 6.000 ft ... L/Defl ; 1239 640 Left = 0.00 in 0,000 in .,.Leefl = 0 0 Righ = o.oo in 0.000 in •• :L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAIDIDERS ASSbCIATES1 KW060361 ·1 .. ---·-· --~--·----·---··--, .. , . JOB U&(..?t.,,,qJI) ~ Of£, BA::,"t,, B>L-[)tc. I I I I I I I I I: I I I I I I I I I .. ; MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEETNO. t to ClF_--'---- CALCULATED BY µ-~ -DATE :1/:17 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 · CHECKED BY-------'----DATE-------'--- .. .. t:,-l 13-Z.. f> -~ . ib1 l 4,0 ! \ er .t5' ------- $-4 f)' /I . Plf 1 .,s·.:=:-i ., 1:; {p ·PLf ' ' ··12 PLF : --·---~-~ ---··-~ I i fL;..:r Pbi 4o ?Lf ! ' I '.¢?)~ ! )l-'?/7 l I 4''J P1-,f l, 0~ ,:)_ 1'(-- I ... l~ 71 '-' . --~ ~---. 9o PLF ~.~----... .. ----------~- 0/u Plf [OD PVF ~ '? I I I I,, .'.t r-; ~ f-¥-: .7 '7 ~ I 1:?:Jl ---------~~--'-----i ~ ' } I l B-f, \Z \ 3,b pcf 4 o PLf L<-' /r--; -7 'f-: -2t;)L 8- 7'.? b \!-l ., 3 ?.t-i ']) . ,-j 6v: -I i . 5 f--• i--·!3.. I 1 2. b-1 fJ.. \ . +r-:-~bFCr ... ' ! l L.+' I 41 ' : ' ----------------.. --···------··-··---'-------'-------'----- -5 \·J 1 4v ~L.f : 5,7 P ~b PLF I [01 I ---4·-t···f.-2.1 -----+;·fL-f I f,1¥, tJ:-,------. \d- 11_ ! 2 4f-\ tl,4~ ID' -l..-·--I ?t:' rif V I J.. I dl4 "( I --~! -----c----+--~--___,j1---?-7: __ r---Jl1-~-..;-! _.1.._--_,__;__ '1 _w_ -·10: ·121 4o 1Lf 5-2 'ci.i::-1 .. -;,o' I I ! ! 3b ·yl_f I 1-12 ; 12--' ! ! j 4o f'Lf I ' I"' I· i •"1 .;~ 1 ,I -,;I' , - ' Z:::.~'~ -7 ... , ' ; ,1r , l, '? i j 3C? PL..f ! ------...-----------... ·--.-.. --.. --,--·-~·-··------·------'---- "r) -I? j 1 1 ( ? b PLf : 5/ 2 f _., 8Sr "b P I _, 13,10 . /' ' ' .. -....... ( • i ..• --·-·-····--····-······· ·-·······-···· •. -· ...... -·-·. -···· -···--- ' . . s· /-<' ~ --1 + ~--_;_~)--~~1_:y~---··-l ! o_r:~f ________ J ,?~ _______ l-7? ___ -__ t/_ b ---1~ 1 ( 0 1 1 \ +-f )>'_.f I &,o P Lr ':? . I f-~ ;J.1 jL f;,-16 ' 21 l+t PL§ 1 ~4-' ft.,f 0,Vf 2_6f-_.c. -----------·-----·-:r---· ------~-... -- .B-17 1 o I z I c,, r Lf ,z + D r Lf 1. 3 \t--~ 9-r-?? r 1/.,--J ,'-t?-'7 :. > c::i · 1 · n ,-0 i I b' l I it? i -----, r-·b , ! ' I ""-····-- I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I o -.2 I B--Z.2 o<~+ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural: & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, GA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429. ; . j :?J:.l '"!II .,,.., ,.,:,, \,::1 ! I I ·t?LL '7J_:;, I /I I !"'""~- 11 i LI I ,:... I () "') I. ' .,; I,;,,,__' ' . A ""j::.. ;I?, I ,, ~-n .. e; ! 0.t;:214 Ei;-«...,t-. BLt~7 SHEET NO. __ -~-----f!...t~'-OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY _i.,;~i c;_=---,----,----DATE _c.:-j-./_, -.'--1~-)_' __ CHECKED BY-------------DATE-~--,---- SCALE -------,--------------'-- y\ ... L i / .. ~r ~ '! \::. I I · 0 ¥- : 7-f' \2J0 .210 7'' J+r--(,-,'r;:... : ,,,g' ,_, { I 0 ..-,, ,, 7. ---1-~: Z, t ~ z 6 .t. ; , I ?,0' -·---••·"--·~·----. -;-3 l :! q,d.... 1 I i lv.o ...-1k:.. ,, j I J:. jc.. . " r ,G-j:: 8' • • • \.,o. ·~; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 , (619) 497-21 i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-1 \ Date: 09/18/97 Page~ ~1, ----BEAM DATA -------------------...... STEEL SECfIOII i>A'l'A ------......,....-------- Center Span Length 16.00 ft AISC Section · wl0I22 Left cantilever = 0.00 -ft section Depth = 10.17 in Ixx Riqht Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.240 in Iyy Unbraced Length -o. 00 ft Section Width = · 5. 75 in .Sxx Bean wt. is ADDED To -appHed loads Flange Thickness = 0.360 in Syy Live Load Hot Acting with Short Term section Area = 6.49 in2 r:xx Fy . = 36 ksi section Weight = 22.04 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = Loo :tT, y = 1.51 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = ns.oo in4 = 11.40 in4 = 23-.-21 in3 = 3,97 in3 = 4,.264 in = 1.325 in APPLIED WADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 5.40 k Distance To Load = 6.50 ft unifo:ra Loads Dead Load = 0.22 k/ft Live Load = 0.24 k/ft Distance To Start = o.oo ft Distance To End = 16.00 ft SllMMARY USING wlOX22, Max Stress Ratio. = 77.66%, Min Defl. Ratio = 4.47 .17 .. TABULAR SOMMARY OF LOAD COMBIIATIOIS Maximms ... Actual Allowable .Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 35.7 45.9 k-ft Placed DL LL tL+ST LL LL+ST -..... stress= 18.45 23. 76 ksi for Max Oniy @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 7.06 35.15 k ..••• stress= 2.89 14, 40 ksi Moments .• Mt@ Center = 35.7 28.3 35.7 o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.429 M-@ Center = -o .• o -o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % nax 0,777 @ Left = o.o, o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % max 0.201 @ Right = .o.o o.o 0.0 o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 588.79 Shears .•• @ Left = 7.06 5.14 7.06 0,00 0.00 o.oo k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 447.17 @ Right = 6.05 4 • .13 6.05 o.oo o.oo O.OOk ·Deflection .. @ Center = -0.429 -0.326 -0.429 -o:326 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0;000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000· 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0 .• 000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 7.06 5.14 7.06 5.14 o.oo· o.oo k Reactions @ Riqht = 6.05 4.13 6.05 4.13 0.00 0.00 k V4,4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 · (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 · STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLA1ID -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-2 Date: 09 /18/9:7 Page~~ ----BEAM DA'l'A ----'------STEEL SEClIOI DATA----,--~---~~ Center Span Length = 9 .50 ft AISC Section V8I18 Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth = 8-.14 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in tyy Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Section Width = 5.25 in Sxx Bean wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flange Thickness = 0.330 in Syy Live Load llot Acting w1th Short Ten Sect1on Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36ksi Section Weight = 17.86# r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.33 rT, y = 1.39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7 .97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.231 in ----------------APPLIED LOADS ~------......a.------'---- ---------------Concentrated Loads'--·-------------------Dead Load = 0.70 k Live Load = 0.30 k Short Tern Load = 1.00k Distance To Load = 3.50 ft ----------.1Jnifora Loads------------------- Dead L-0ad = 0.04 k/ft Live Load = 0.04 k/ft Distance To Start = o.oo ft Distance To End = 9.50 ft SUMMARY usrnG w8xl8, Max Stress Ratio= 10.78%, Min Defl. Ratio= 3550.19 TABllLAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBIBATI011S Maxirmms •.. Actual Allowable Dead Load +·Loads Placed as follows Moment = 4.3 40.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ...•. stress= 3.41· 31.60 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 1.33 26.96 k ..... Stress= 0.71 · 14.40 ksi Moments •• M+@ Center .. 4.3 2.J 3.2 4.3 0.0 o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.032 M-@ Center = -o.o -o.o -o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : % Dax 0.108 @ Left = o.o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % Dax 0.049 @ Right = o.o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 6932.39 Shears ... @ Left = 1..33 0.70 1.08 1.33 o.oo 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 3550.19 @ Right = 0.88 0.51 0.81 0.88 o.oo 0.00 k Deflection; . @ Center = -0.032 -0.016 -0.025 -0.032 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .• 000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.ouo 0.000 in at o.oo ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 1.33 0.70 1.08 1.33 o.oo o.oo k Reactions @·Right -· 0.88 0.51 0.81 0.88 0,00 o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983•96 ENERCALC. GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & civIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . . (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE. ·BLDG. B-3 . Date: 09/18/97 .Pag~ \4- ----BEAM DATA --------""--------STEEL SECliotr DATA---------------Center Span Length = 9.50 ft AISC Section W8t18 Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Section Depth = 8,14 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Sectton Width = 5.25 in sxx Beam wt. is ADDED To applied loads Flange Thickness = 0.330.in syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area = 5.26 in2 :r:xx Fy = 36ksiSectionWeight 17.86# r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1. 00 rT, y 1, 39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pfn APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 5.00 k 0.32 k Live Load = 0.60 k 0.36 k ') • L, Short Tern Load = 3.60 k .. -) I V) Distance To Load = 2 .00 ft 2 .oo ft Unifon toads Dead Load = 0.04 k/ft Live Load = 0.04 k/ft l ··\ Distance To start = o.oo ft Distance To End = 9.50 ft · SOMMARY USING w8xl8, Max Stress Ratio= 48.03%, ~in Defl. Ratio= 1159.94 TAJWLAR SOllNARY OF LOAD <DmIIATIOIS · = = = = = 61.90 in4 7 .97 in4 15.21 in3 3.04 in3 3.430 in 1.231 in .. Maxittuns ... Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Monent = 14.5 30.l k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ••••• stress= 11.41 23. 76 ksi for Kax Only @Cntr @cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 7.30 26.96 k .••.• stress= 3.90 14. 4Q ksi Moments .. M+@ Center = H,5 8.8 10.6 14.5 0.0 o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.098 M-@ Center = .-o.o -0.0 .:o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.480 @ Left = o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max 0.271 @ Right = o.o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 1875.10 Shears ... @ Left = 7.30 4.46 ·5.40 7.30 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 1159.94 @ Right = 2.13 I..38 · 1.77. 2.13 o.oo O.OOk Deflection .• @ Center = -0.098 -0.061 -0.075 -0.098 0.000 0 •. 000 in .@ Left o.oo6 0.000 O.OOQ 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 o~ooo 0.000 0.006 in at 0.00 ft ;: 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 7.30 4.46 5.40 7.30 o .. oo o. 00 k Reactions @ Right = 2,13 1.38 1..77 2.13 0.00 O.OOk DL± L-kr VL.. t2±·l, (... . Ii-I \, '.<--· V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW0603~1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAlID -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-4 Date.: 09/18/97 ----BEAM DA'fA ---------STEEL SECI'I~ DATA-----'------Center Span Length = 8.00 ft AISC Section W8tl3 Left Cantilever = ·0.00 ft Sect1on Depth = 8.14 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web 1hickh~s~ = 0.230. in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Width = 5.25 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Flan9e Thickness = 0.330 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy -36 ksi Section Weight = 17 .86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00· rT, y = 1.39 in Beam End Fixity : ·Pin:Pin. = 61.90 in4 = 7.97 in4 = 15.21in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3 .. 430 in = 1.231 in -----------'------'--------APPLIED :WADS----------""----'"------- -------~-------------,--Unifom Loads~---------------------Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.01 k/ft = 0.08 ~/ft = o;oo ft = 8.00 ft Max stress Ratio ·= SUMMARY USING w8x18, 4.51%, Min Defl, Ratio= 11008.79 T~ SUMMARY OF :WADCDIBIIATIOiS Maxirrnrns ••• Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Mollent = 1.4 30.1 k-f.t Placed DL . LL LL+ST LL LL+ST .••.. stress= 1.07 23.16 ksi · for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants. @Cants Shear = -0.68 26.96 k ..... Stress= 0.36 14. 40 ksi Moments .. M+@ Center = 1.4 0.7 1.4 o.o o.o o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.009 M-@ Center = o.o O·,O o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % nax 0.045 @ Left· 0,0 o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % max 0.025 @ Right = o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio·= 20809.70 Shears ... @ Left = 0.68 0.36 0.68 o.oo o.oo 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 11008.79 @ Right = 0.68 0.36 0.68 ·0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center -. -0.009 -0.005 -0.009 -0.005 0.000 0.000 in @ L~ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at o.oo ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 0 .. 68 · 0.36 o .. 6s 0,36 0.00 o.oo k Reactions @ Right = 0.68 0.36 0.68 0.36 o.oo 0.00 k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & ClVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER .COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-5 Date: 09/18/97 Page:4: J h ----BEAM DATA ------~-----STEEL SECfIOB DATA----------- Center Sp~m Length = 11.00 ft i\ISC Section ¥8118 Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth = 8.14 in Ixx Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Section Width = 5.25 in. sxx B~am wt. is ADDED.To aeplied loads Flan9e Thickness . -o . .330 in syy Live Load not Acting with Short Ter11 Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17 .86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1. oo rT, y = 1. 39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = = = = = = 61. 90 in4 7.97 in4 15.21 in3 3.04 in3 3.430 in 1.231 in ---------..,..-,-----,----APPLIED LOADS--------""------------ ----------------,-Concentrated Loads----'-----'------------- Dead Load = 1,40 k .. ,ff Live Load = 0.40 k '\t Short Tern Load = 0.75 k 9L. s; Distance To Load = 3. 75 ft Dead Load = 0.09 k/ft . ·!--~1,. • ~ .,I Live Load = O.lO·k/ft ( 5~ Distance To Start = 0.00 ft -'-------,---:-a.--Unifon Loads------------------- Distance To End = 11.00 ft . siJMMARY USING w8xl8, f.fax Stress Ratio = 24 .13%, Nin DefL Ratio = 1652. 75 TABULAR SUMMARY OF WAD ~IIATIOJfS MaxilllUJ!IS •.. Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Monent = 7.3 30.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress= 5.73 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 2.33 26. 96 k ..... Stress= 1.24 14.40 ksi ·Moments .. M+@ Center = 7.3 4.9 7.3 6.8 o.o o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.080 M-@ Center = -o.o -o.o -o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft fb / Fb . % nax 0.241 @ L~ft = o .. o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o k-ft . fv / Fv : % nax 0.086 \ @ Right -o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 2s2s:16 Shears ••• @ Left = 2.33 1.5_2 2.33 2.01 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= i652.75 @ Right = 1.76 1.07 1.76 1.33 o.oo 0.00 k Deflection •. @ center = -0.080 -0.052 -0.080 -0.070 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 .· o·~ooo 0.000 0:000. 0.000 0;000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0,00 ft = 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 2.33 1.52 2.33 2.01 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 1.76 1.07 1.76 i.33 0.00 o.oo k \)l, Dl.,tLL-DU.S V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 · (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 Date: 09/18/97 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-6 ----BEAM DATA ---------STEEL SECfIOI DATA---''-------"~--Center Span Length = 12.00 ft AISC Section w8xl8 Left Cantilever = o.oo ft ~ction Depth = 8.i4 in Ixx R.i.ght Cantilever = · o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo.ft section Width = 5.25 in sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED, To applied· loads Flange Thickness = 0,330 in syy Live Load Not Acting 1i11th Short T~m Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17.86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y · --1.39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61. 90 in4 --7.97 in4 = 15,21in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.231 in APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 1.07k 0.36k 5.00k Live Load = 0.70k 0.32 k 0.60 k Short Tern Load = 0.30 k 3.70 k Distance To Load = 8.00 ft 2.00 ft 2.00 ft Unifon.Loads Dead Load = 0.04 k/ft Live Load = 0.04 k/ft Distance To Start = o.oo .ft Distance To End = 12.00 ft SUMMARY USING w8xl8, Max stress Ratio= 54.92%, Min Defl. Ratio= 695.02 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD calBniATIOIS Maxi111u111s ... Actual Allowable Monent = 16.5 30.1 k-ft . Placed .•.•• Stress= 13.05 .23. 76 ksi for Max Shear = 8.33 26.96 k ••.•• Stress= 4.45 1A. 40 ksi Moments •. M+ .@ Center = 16.5 Deflection = -0.207 M-@ Center = fb / Fb : % 11ax 0.549 @ Left = fv / Fv : % nax 0.309 @ Right ... Min. DL Defl Ratio= 1060.89 Shears ••• @ Left = 8.33 Min. TL Defl Ratio= 695.02 @ Right = 2.79 .Deflection .• @ Center = -0.207 @ Left = 0.000 @ Right = 0.000 at o.oo ft = Reactions @ Left = 8,33 Reactfons @ Ri9ht = 2.79 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC DL Only 10.2 o;o ·0.0 o.o 5.15 1.93 -0.136 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.is 1.93 Dead Load·+ Loads Placed as follows LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cfitr @cntr @Cants @cants 12.6 16,5 o.o 0.0 k-ft o.o o.o o.o 0,0 k-ft o.o 0 .• 0 o.o o.o k-ft 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 k-ft 6.39 · 8.33 o.oo o.oo k 2.79 . 2.75 o.oo 0.00 k -0.182 -0.207 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.000 in 6.39 8.33 o.oo o.oo k 2.79 2.75 o.oo o.oo k GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESiGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-7 Date: 09/18/97 ----BEAM DATA --"'-----'--------S'lEEL.SECfIOl·DATA---------'---Center Span Length = 12.00 ft AISC Section 118118 Left cantilever = O.oo ft Section Depth -8.lA in Ixx Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Web Thickness 0.23'0 in Iyy ·unbraced Length = ·0.00 ft Section Width = 5.25 in Sxx Bean wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flan9e Thickness = 0,330 in syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Ten Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi section Weight = 17 .86 # r:yy LoadDurationFactor = LOO rT,y = l.39in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin APPLIED LOAOO . concentrated Loads Dead Load = 0.40 k Short Tern Load = 1.40 k Distance To Load = 4.00 ft Unifora Loads Dead Load = 0.04 k/ft Live Load = 0.04 k/ft Distance To Start =· 0.00 ft Distance To End ;: 12.00ft SUMMARY = = = = = = 61.90 in4 . 7.97 fo4 15.21 in3 3.04 in3 3.430 in l.231 in USING w8x18, Max stress Ratio= 18.75%, Min Defl. Ratio·= 2131.86 TAJlULAR smtll!RY OF LOAD COMBIIATIOIS Maxinuns ..• Actual Allowable ' Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Moment = 5.6 30.i k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST .•.•• stress= 4.45 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @cants @Cants Shear = 1.57 26.9~ k .•.•. stress= 0.81 14. 40 ksi Moments ... M+@ Center 5.6 1.9 '' 2.6 5.6 o.o o.o k-ft = Deflection = -0.068 Ji.,.@ Center -o.6 ·o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb . % 11ax 0.187 @ Left = o.o o.o o.6 o.o o.o k-ft . fv / Fv : % ~ax 0.056 @ Right = o.o O.:O o.o o.o o.o k-ft Hin. DL Defl Ratio= 5568.62 Shears ... @ Left = 1.52 0.59 0.83 1.52 0.00 O.OOk Min. TL Defl Ratio= 2131.86 @ Ritt 0 .. 92 0.46 0,70 0.92 o.oo o.oo k Deflection .. @Gener = .. 0.068 . -0.026 -0.036 -0.068 0.000 0:000 in @ Left = 0.000 6.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at o.oo ft = ' · 0 .• 000 0.000 0.000 0.600· 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 1.52 0·.59 0,83 1.52 0.00 o.oo k Reactions @ Right = 0.92 0.46 0.,70 0.92 0.00 o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EllERCALC .GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 · STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-8 Date: 09/18/97 Pag'.:ff ~. ----BEAM DATA -----------STEEL SECUOli DATA--------- Center Span Length 12.00 ft AISC Section w8Il8 Left Cantilever = o.oo ft section Depth = 8.14 in Ixx Right cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in ryy . Unbraced Length = Q.OOft Se~ion Width = 5.25 in sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Fla!l<Je Thickness = 0.330 in syy Live Load not Acting with Short Term sect1on Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17.86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = i,OO rT, y = 1.39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7.97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.i31 in APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 5.70 k Distance To Load = 10.00 ft Ul)ifon Loads Dead Load = O.Q4 k/ft Live Load = 0.04 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 12.00 ft --------------'-------SOltMARY----·-----------........ -,------...,....;...,.._ USING w8xl8, Max·stress .Ratio= 34.63%, Min Defl. Ratio= H88.86 . . .. ---------· TAl!OLAR SUMMA.RY OF LOAD <XlMBilfA'lIOIS ------Maxim.ms. • • Actual Moment = 10. 4 ..... Stress= 8.23 Shear = 5.31 Allowable 30.1 k,-ft 23.76 ksi 26.96 k ..... Stress= 2.84 14. 40 ·ksi Moments .. H+ @ Center = H-@ Center . = Deflection = -0.121 fb / Fb : % nax fv / Fv : % nax Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio= 0 .• 346 0.197 1298.54 1188.86 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC @ Left = Shears ... @ Right = @ Left = @ Right -Deflection.. @ Center = @ Left = @ Right = at o.oo ft = Reactions @ Left = Reactions @ .Right = .. · Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Placed DL LL LL+ST 11· LL+ST for Max ·only ·@cntr @cntr @Cants @Cants 10.4 1.51 5.31 -0.121 0.000 0.000 1.51 5.31 10.0 0.0 o.o o.o 1.27 5.07 -0.lil 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.27 5.07 10 •. 4 0.0 o._o 0.0 1.51 5.31 -0.121 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.51 5.!l o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.oo o.oo -0:111 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.27 5.07 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 ·0.00 0.0Q 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.oo 0.00 0.0k-ft o.6 k·ft o.o k-ft 0.0 k-ft o.oo k O.OOk 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 k O.OOk GEORGE R. SAUNDERS AssocrATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & ctvIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-9 Date: 09/18/97 ----BEAM DATA----------------'------STEEL SECl'IOI DA'lA -------------Center Span Length = 12.00 ft AISC Section W3x18 Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth = 8.14 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Width = 5.25 in Sxx B~an wt. is ADDED. To a~plied loads Flange Thickness 0.330 in sy.y Live Load Not Acting -with Short Tt?rm section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx. Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17.86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1. 00 rT, y = 1. 39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7.97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.0t 'in3 = 3,430 in = 1.231 in -------------------APPLIED LOADS------------=------------- ---------------Concentrated toads..,.._---'-----------------'- Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load = 4.10k 2.90k 0.20k -2.ook 1.90k -l.90k GA~P I- = 10.00 ft 10.00 ft 6.00 ft · -------~--------Unifon Loads----------------Dead Load Live Load Distance To start Distance To End = 0.04 k/ft -0.04 k/ft = 0.00 ft = 12,00 ft SUMMARY USING w8xl8, Max Stress Ratio = 57 .68%., Min Defl. Ratio = 941.14 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD C<JIBIIA'fIOIJS Maxi11Ulils ..• Actual Allowable . Dead Loa~+ toads Placed as foliows Monent = 17.4 30.1 k-ft Place~ DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress= 13.70 · 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 8,80 26.96 k ..... stress= 4.70 14.40 ksi Moments •• M+@ Center = 17.4 12.4 17,4 o.o o.o 0.0 k•ft Deflection = -0.153 M-@ center = 0,0 o.o 0.0 o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.577 @ Left = o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0:-0 k-ft fv / Fv : % nax 0.326 @ Right = o.o o.o o.o o.o 0,0-k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= .1029. 79 Shears ••• @ Left = 1.59 1..59 1.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Kin. TL Defl Ratio= 943.14 @ Right = 8,80 6.26 8,M o.oo o.oo O.OOk Deflection .• @ Center -0.153 -0.140 "<0,153 -0.140 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00Q 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00ft = 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.0Q0 0;000 in Reactions @ Left = 1.59 1.59 1.5'3 1.59 0.00 0,00 k Reactions @ Right = 8.80 6,26 8.80 6,26 0.00 O.OOk V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN. INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG., B-9 Date: 09/18/97 Paget'2-\ ----BEAM DATA · ----,,-----~ STEEL SECilOlf DATA--------"-------- Center Span Limgth = 12.00 ft AISC Section w3I13 Left cantilever = o.oo ft section Depth = 8.14 in Ixx Right cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0,230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Widtp = 5.25 in sxx . Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flan9e Thickness = 0.330 iri Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tero Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36ksisectionWeight = 17.86# r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1. 00 rT, y = 1. 39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7 .97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.231 in ------------------APPLIED LOADS-----'--------'-----~- ----------'---------,-.--Concentrated Loads-'-. -----------'---......---........c..,.... Dead Load Live Load· Distance To Load = 4.10 k 2.90 k 0.20 k . = 2.00 k -1. 90 k 1. 90 k OAS'L-1f = 10.00 ft 10.00 ft 6.00 ft ---------.....-...'---------Unifon Loads---·----'--------..,.--.,...__----'--- Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End 0.04 k/ft = . 0.04 k/ft o.oo ft = = = 12.09 ft --------------'------. SUMMARY-~--'-------'----------- USING w8xl8, Max Stress Ratio= 50.42%, Min Defl. Ratio= 663.91 . . . --------'--TABULAR SUMMARY or LOAD a:MBilfATIOJIS -'-. ------ Maxinuns... Actual Mollent = 15. 2 ..... Stress = 11. 98 Shear = 7 .53 Allowable 30.1 ,k-ft 23. 76 ksi 26.96 k ..••• Stress= 4.02 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+ @ Center = Deflection = -0.217 fb / Fb : % max fv / Fv : % nax Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio= 0.504 0.279 1029.79 663.91 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC M-@ Center = @ Left = Shears ... @ Right = @ Left - @ Right = Deflection'. • @ Center = @ Left = @ Right = at o.oo ft = Reactions @ Left = Reactions ,@ Right = . · Dead Load · + Loads Placed as follows Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 15.2 2.80 7.53 -0.217 0.000 0.000 2.80 7.53 12.4 o.o 0.0 o.o 1.59 6.26 -0.140 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.59 6.26 15.2 o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 k-ft 2.80 O.QO o.oo 0.00 k 7.53 o.oo 0.00 o.oo k -0.,211 -0.140 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 :iri 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 2.80 1.59 0.00 .0.00 k 7.53 6.26 0.00 0.00 k GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, ·KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. MARTIN & DUNN INC.. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS . 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-10 Date: 09/18/97 Page£,z, "2,. ----BEAM DA'fA ----'-----~--STEEL SECHOI DATA------------ Center Span Length = 12.00 ft AISC Section w8X18 · Left cantilever o.oo ft Section Depth = 8.14 in_ Ixx Right Cantilever o.oo ft. Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft section Width = 5.25 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flan9e Thickness = 0.330 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Ten Section Area = 5.26 in2 r;xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight l7 .86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = 1.39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin-:Pin = 61.90 in4 7.97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.211 in APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 5.20 k Live Load = 2.00 k Distance To Load = 10,00 ft · Unifon toads Dead Load = 0.04 k/ft Live Load = 0.04 k/ft Distance To Start ~ o.oo ft Distance To ·End = 12.00 ft SUMMARY USING w8xl8, Ma·x stress Ratio = 42. 92%, Min Defl. Ratio = 981. 76 . . TABULAR SOMMARY OFLOAD <n!BW'Il011$ Maxirmns ... Actuai Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Monent = 12.9 30.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST •..•• stress= 10 •. 20 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 6.56 26.96k .•••• stress= 3.5i 14.40 ksi Moments .. . ~+ @ Center = 12.9 9.2 12.9 o.o o.o o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.147 M-@ Center = o.o o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : % nax 0.429 @ Left = 0.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % max 0.243 @ Right = 0.0 o.o .o.o o.o 6.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 1406.63 Shears .... @ Left -· 1.76 1.19 1.76 0.00 o.oo o.oo k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 981.76 @ ·Right = 6.56 4.66 6.56 o.oo· o.oo 0.00 k Deflection .• @ Center = -0.147 -0·.102 -0.147 -0.102 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0,000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at o.oo ft = 0.0()0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:000 in Reactions @ Left = 1.76 1.19 1.76 1.19 0.00 O.OOk Reactions @ Right = 6.56 ~.66 6.56 .4.66 0,00 o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES,· KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER-COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-11 . Date: 09/18/97 _ Pagf],;· . ----BEAM DATA-~........,---------------STEEl, SECl'IOlf DATA---~--------Center Span Length = 12.00 ft AISC Section. . w8x18 Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Section· Depth = 8.14 in . Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in tyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Width = 5.25 in sxx B~an Wt. is ADDED. To· a~plied loads. Flan9e Thickness = 0. 330 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi section Weight = 17 .86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = 1.39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7.97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3,430 in = 1.231 in ----------------~ APPLIED LOADS-----'----------------- -----------------------Unifora Loads----------'----------Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.04 k/ft = 0.04 k/ft = 0.00 ft = l~.00 ft Max Stress Ratio= ·SOilMARY USING W8Xl8, 5.61%, Min Defl. Ratio= 5903.07 TABULAR SOMMARY Of LOAD <X>MBIIATIOIS Maximums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads ·Placed. as follows Mollent = 1.7 30.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... stress= 1.33 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 0.56 26.96 k ..... Stress= 0,30 14.40 ksi Moments .. Ht@ Center = 1,7 1.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.024 M-@ Center = o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.056 @ Left = o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % max 0.021 @ Right 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft Hin. DL Defl Ratio= 10287.13 Shears ... @ Left -0.56 0.32 0.56 o.oo o.oo 0.00 k Hin. TL Defl Ratio-= 5903.07 @ Right = 0.56 0.32 0.56 0.00 0.00 o.ook Deflect1on •• @ Center = -0.024 -.0.014 -0.024 -0.014 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right ::: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at o.oo ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 0.56 0.32 0.56 0.32 0.00, 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 0.56 0.32 0.56 0.32 0.00 0.00 k V4.4D (c) 1983-.96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-12 Date: 09/18/97 ----BEAM DATA -----------'-------STEEL SECfIOI DATA--__..,..------Center Span Length = 12,00 ft AISC Section ': W8xl8 · Left cantilever --o.oo ft Section Deptb -8.14 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web ptickn~ss = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Width = 5.25 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flan~ Thickness = 0.330 in Syy Live Load Mot Acting with Short Tern Sect)On Area = 5.26 in2 r.:xx Fv = 36 ksi Section Weight 17 .86 # · r:yy Load Duration Factor· = 1.00 ;r:T, y = 1.391n Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7.97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3,430 in = 1.231 in APPLIED LOADS . Concentrated Load<; · Dead Load = 1.50k Live Load = 1.00k Short Term Load = 0.50k Distance To Load = 7. 75 ft Unifo:n Loads Dead Load = 0.04 k/ft Live Load = 0 .• 04 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00ft Distance To End = 12.00 ft SOJIJARY OSHIG W8X18, Max stress Ratio= ,27.87%, Min Defl. Ratio= 1418,43 , 'fAllllLAR SOJlfARY OF LOAD ~IJATtoilS f.laximms •.• Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Mo11ent = 8.4 30.1 k-ft Placed DL Lt LL+ST LL LL+ST •...• Stress= 6.62 23,.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 2.18 26.96 k ••••• stress= 1.16 i4.40 ksi Moments .. Mt@· Center 8.4 · 5.0 8.4 6.4 0.0 o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.102 M-@ Center = o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.279 @ .Left = o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % nax 0.081 @ Right = o.o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 2388.97 Shears, •• @ Left = 1.45 0.85 1.45 1.03 o.oo 0.00 k Min. TL Def! Ratio= 1418.43 @ Right = 2.18 1.29 2,18 1.61 0.00 O.OOk Deflection •• @ Center = -0.102 -0.060 -0.102 •0.076 Q,000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0,00ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.o6o in Reactions @ Left = 1.45 0.85 1.45 1.03 0.00 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 2.18 1.29 2.18 1.61 o.oo 0.00 k V4.4D (c) 1983•96 ENERCALC GEORGE R: SAUNDERS A$SOCIATESr KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 Date: 09/18/97 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-13 ----BEAM DA'fA -----'----"'---SHEL SECUOI DATA----'--------- Center Span Length = 12.00 ft AISC Section WSx13 Left cantilever = o.o.o ft section Depth = 8.14. in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = 0.00-ft Section Width = 5.25 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To aeplied loads Flange Thickness = .0.330 in Syy Live Load Not Acting tinth Short Ten Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17 .86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = 1.39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90in4 = 7.97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.231 in APPLIED LOAOO Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 3.50 k 5.30 k Live Load = 1.40 k 0.85 k Short Tern Load = 3.00k Distance To Load = 2. 75 ft 1.00 ft Unifon Loads Dead Load = 0.04 k/ft Live Load = 0;04 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 12.00 ft -----------------SUIIIIARY.,.... ------------------USING W8X18, Max Stress Ratio= 54.05%, Min Defl. Ratio= 763°.75 --------'--TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD <DIBDIATIOlfS -------- Maxinu111s... Actual Moutent = 16.3 •..•• stress = 12.84 Shear = 10. 63 ..... stress= 5.68 Deflection = -o .189 fb / Fb : % Dax fv / Fv : % nax Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio= Allowable 30.1 k-ft 23.76 ksi 26.96 k 14.40 ksi Moments •• 0.540 0.394 1033.91 763.75 Shears ••• Mt @ Center = M-@ Center = @ Left = @ Right = @ Left = @ Right = Deflection.. @ Center = V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC at Reactions Reactions @ Left = @Right. = 0.00 ft = @ Left - @ ~ight = . Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Placed DL . LL Lt+ST LL LL+ST for Max Only @cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants 10.6J 2.20 -0.189 6.000 0.000 10.63 2.20 12.2 o.o o.o o.o 7.88 · 1.57 ·-o.139 0,000 0.000 0.600 7.88 1.57 16.3 o.o o.o 0.0 9.98 2.20 -0.189 0.000 0.000 0.000 9.98 2.20 14.5 o.o 0.0 0.0 10.63 1.82 -0.166 0.000 o.'ooo 0.000 .10,63 1.82 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.00 o.oo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 o.oo o.o k·ft 0.0 k-ft o.o k-ft o.o k-ft ·o.oo k o.oo k 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.00 k 0.00 k GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES1 KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & clvIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT~ SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 · (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAUD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-14 Date: 09/18/97 Pagep.b ----BEAM DATA ------'--------STEEL SECI'IOH DATA---------Center Span Length = 11.00 ft AISC Section w8xl.3 · Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Section Depth = 8.14 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy = 61.90in4 = 7 .97 in4 Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft section Width = 5.25 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Flange Thickness = 0.330 in Syy = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 Live Load Not Acting with Short Te+ll Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy · = 36 ksi Section Weight· = 17.86 # r:yy = 3.430 in = 1.-231 in Load Duration Factor = L 00 rT, y = I. 39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 5.70k' Live Load = 1.50 k Distance To Load = 5.50 ft Unifort Loads Dead Load = 0.10 k/ft Live Load = 0.11 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 11.00 ft -----------------------SIJMMARY-------------...--------USING w8x18, Max Stress Ratio= 77.20%, Min Defl. Ratio= 564.11 . MaxinUiils... Actual Hol!ent = 23. 2 ..... stress= 1s;34 Shear = 4.85 Allowable 30.1 k-:ft 23. 76 ksi 26.96 k ----,-----TABOLAR SOlltARY OF LOAD a:MBilfA'lIOIS -------- Dead· toad+· Loads Placed as follows Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @cants •..•• Stress= 2.59 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+ @ Center = 23.2 17.5 23.2. o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.234 fb / Fb : % max fv / -Fv : % nax Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio= V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 0.772 0.180, 759.61 564.11 M-@ Center @ Left = @ Right - @ Left = Shears ••• .. @ Right = Deflection.. @· Center = @ Left @ Right = at o.oo ft = Reactions @ Left = Reactions @ Right = -o.o -o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft 4.85 3.50 4.85 o.oo 0.00 0.00 k 4,85 3.50 4.85 o.oo 0.00 0.00 k -0.234 -0,174 -0.234 -0.174 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 4.85. 3.50 4.85 3.50 0.00 o.oo k U~5 3.50 4.85 3.50 0.00 0.00 k -GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2lis/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-15 Date: 09/19/97 PageyJ,1, ----BEAM DA'fA --------______ .....,..... ___ S'fEEL SEC.fIOI DATA--------------- Center Span Length = 10.00 ft AISC Section W8xl8 Left Cantilever = o.oo ft section Depth = 8.14 in rxx Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Web Tnickness = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Section Width -5.25 in sxx Bean wt. is ADDED To applied loads Fla!l<Je Thickness = 0.330 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area -= 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17 .86 # · r:yy- Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = l.39,in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 ::: 7.97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.231 in APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 5.10k Live Load = 0,21 k Distance To L-0ad = 2.00 ft UJiifon Loads Dead Load = 0.32 k/ft Live Load = 0.16 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 10.00 ft SOMMARY USING w8xl8 1 Max Stress Ratio-= 42.06%, Min -Defl. Ratio= 972.00 TAOOLAR $OMARY OF LOAD COMBDIA'fiOlfS Maxinuns ••• Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Mo11ent = 12, 7 30.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL:!-ST LL LL+ST ..... stress= 9.99 23,7-6 ksi for Kax Only @Cntr @cntr @cants @Cants Shear = 6.74 26.96 k ..••. Stress= 3.60 14. 40 ksi Moments .. M+@ Center ,-12.7 · 10.9 12.7 o.o o.o 0.0,k-ft Deflection = -0.123 M-@ Center =· -o.o -o.o o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.421 @ Left = 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 .k-ft fv / Fv : % nax ().250 @ Right 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o O.O_k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 1187.08 Shears ••• @ Left = 6. 74-5.77 6.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Kin. TL Defl Ratio= 972,00 @ Right = 3.55 2.71 3.55 o.oo 0.00 0.00 k Deflection •• @ Center = -0.123 -0.101 -0.123 -0~101 0.000 0.-000 in @ Left .. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at o.oo ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left * 6.74 5.'17 6,74 5.77 0.00 O.OOk Reactions @ Right -' 3.55 2.71 3.55 2.71 0.00 o.ook V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE ·R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES~ KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 , (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-16 ----BEAM DA'rA ---- Date: 09/18/97 " ! STEEL SECl'IOI DATA Center Span Length = 24 .oo ft AISC Section . wl6x26 Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Section Depth Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = = = Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section· Width Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flan9e Thickness Live Load Not Acting w:1th Short Tern Section Area Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = = = Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = APPLIED LOADS . . Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 6.30 k Live Load = 2.50 k Distance To Load = 16.50-ft Unifon Loads Dead Load = 0.14 k/ft Live Load = 0.16 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 24.00 ft SUMMARY 15.69 in Ixx 0.250 in Iyy 5.50 in sxx 0.345 in Syy 7.68 in2 r.:xx 26.08 # r:yy 1.36 in _Pag~2,-B = 301.00 in4 = 9.59 in4 = 3.8.37 in3 = 3.49 in3 6.260 in = 1.117 in USING Wl6x26, Max Stress Ratio= 86.49%, Min Defl. Ratio= 414.89· TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD catBilfATIOJJS , Maxinuns ... Actual Al-iowable · · Dead. Load+ Loads Placed as follows Monent = 65.7 76.0 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST .•••• Stress= 20.55 23. 76 ksi fot Max Only ~ntr @Cntr @Cants @cants Shear = 10.01 56.48k .•... Stress= 2.55 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+@ Center = 65.7 42.9 65.7 0.0 o.o o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.694 M-@ Center = o.o Q.O o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.865 @ Left ,,. o.o ' o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % nax · 0.177 @ Right = 0.0 o.O 6.o o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 653.69 Shears ... @ Left = 6.71 4.01 6.71 0,00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 414.89 @ Right = 10.01 6.37 10.01 o.oo 0.00 o.oo k Deflection .• @ Center = -0 •. 694 .. o.441 -0.694 -0.441 · 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = .0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at -0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left -' 6.71 4.01 6.71 4.01 0.00 -0.00 k Reactions @ Right. = 10.01 6.37 10.01 6.37 0.00 o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC ' GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSO<::lATES, 'KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & ClVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-17 Date: 09/l9/97 ----BEAM DATA---"------'--,---,---------STEEL SE<mOlf DATA~----------Center Span Length = 10 .oo ft AISC Section w8x18 · Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Section Depth = 8.14 in Ixx Right cantilever "' o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy Unbraced ~ength = • o.oo ft $ection ~ic.lth ·-5.25 in sxx, Bean wt. 1s ADDED To aeplied loads Flange Thickness = 0.330 in Syy Live Load Not Acting witl) Short Ten Section Area · = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17.86 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = 1.39 in, Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7.97 in4 = 15.21 ii13 = 3.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.231 in APPLIED WADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 1.30 k. 3.70k Live Load = 0.90 k Short Tern Load = 0.30 k Distance To Load = 4.50 ft 7.00 ft Unifon Loads Dead Load = 0.48 k/ft Live Load = 0.24 k/ft Distance To start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 1,0,00 ft SUMNARY USING W8Xl8, Max Stress Ratio= 65.53%, Min Def!. Ratio= 615.88 TABllLAR SUMMARY OF WAD CCMBIIA'fIOIS Maxinums ..• Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Monent = 19.7 30.1 k-ft. Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... stress= 15.57 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 7.27 26.96 k • • • • • Stress= 3.88 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+ @ Center = 19.7' 15.0 19.7 15.5 o.o o.o k-ft Deflection = -o .195 M-@ Center -. -o.o -0.0 -o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb . % nax 0.655 @ teft = o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o k-ft . fv / Fv : %·nax 0.270 @ Right .. o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 .0.0 k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 815.98 Shears ... @ Left = 6.01 4.31 6.01 4.48 ·0.00 0.00 k Hin. TL Defl Ratio= 615.88 @ Right = 7.27 5.66 7.27 5.80 o.oo ().00 k Deflec;tion •• @ Center = '-0.195 -,0,147 -0.195 -0.153 0.000 0.000 in @ Left. = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 .. 000 in Reactions @ Left = 6.01 4.31 6.01 4.48 0.00 o.oo k Reactions @ Right = 7.27 5.66 7.27 5.80 0.00 o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC · GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. . STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEC-OLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-18 Date: 09/18/91 Pag~O ----BEAM DATA ---------STEEL SBCl'IOI DATA_,__. ------'------'---Center Span Length = 24.00 ft AISC Section wl6x26 Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth = 15.69 in Ixx Right cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.-250 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Widt!l · = 5.50 in six Bea11 wt. is ADDED To applied loads Flan9e Thickness = 0.-345 in Syy Live Load lfot Acting with Short Tern Section Area · .;. 7.68 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight. = 26.08 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = ~1.36 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Load$ Dead Load = 2.00k 0.50k 1.60k Live Load = 1.00k 0.20 k Short Tern Load ~ 1.00k 0,50 k Distance To Load = 5.50 ft 16,00 ft 16 •. 00 ft Unifort Loclds · Dead Load = 0.22 k/ft Live Load = 0.24 k/ft Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 24.00 ft = = = = 301.00 in4 9.59 in4 38.37 in3 3.49 in3 6.260 in 1.117 in· -------------------SOIIIARY--------------------------USUJG W16X26, Max Stress R<1tio = 68.61%, Min Defl. Ratio = 454.75 . ----------TABOUR. SUMMARY OF WAD <DIBIIA'fIOIS ------Haxinums. • . Actual Mo11ent = 52. 2 ..... stress= 16,32 Shear = 8.86 Allowable 76.0 k-ft 23. 76 ksi 56.48 k . ..... stress= 2,26 14. 40 ksi Mo111ents .. M+ @ center = Deflection = -0.633 fb / Fb : % max fv / Fv : % max Min. DL Defl Ratio= Hin. TL Defl Ratio= V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EHERCALC 0.687 0.157 754.i2 454. 75 M-@ Center = @ L~ft = Shears .•• @ Right = @ Left = .@ Right = Deflection.. @ Center· = @ Left -- at Reactions Reactions @ Right = 0.00 ft = @ Left = @ Right = Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST for Max Only @cntr · @Cntr @Cants @Cants 52.2 8.86 8.01 -0.633 0.000 0.000 8.86 8.01 31.4 o.o 0.0 0.0 5 • .15 4.76 -0.382 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.15 4.76 52.2 o.o o.o· o.o 8.86 8.01 -Q.633 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.86 8.01 36.1 o.o o.o. o.o 6.08 5.33 -0'.443 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.08 5.33 o.o 0.0· o.o o.o 0.00 o.oo 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 o.oo o·.oo o.o k-ft 0.0 k-ft o.o k-ft 0.0 k-ft o.oo k 0.00 k 0.000 in 0.000 in 0,000 in 0.000 in o.oo k O.OOk GE-ORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & C.iVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT~ SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-19 Date:. 09/19/97 Pag,a,.I · ----BEAM DATA ------------STEEL SECTIOJf DATA.------~--Center Span Length = 10.00 ft AISC Section w8x18 Left Cantilever = o.oo f.t Sectio~ Depth· = 8.14 in Ixx Right cantilever = o.oo ft Web Tn1ckn.ess = 0.230 in . Iyy Unbraced Length = 0.60 ft Section Width -5.25 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Fla!1<Je Thickness = 0.330 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area = 5.26 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17. 86 # r :yy Load Duration Factor = 1. 00 rT, y = 1. 39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7.97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3,.04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.231 in APPLIED WADS Dead Load = 1.00k 2.20 k concenqated toads 4.50 k 1.60k Live Load = 6.60 k 1 .. 00 k 0.60 k Short Tern Load = 0.20k 2.80 k 0.30 k Distance To Load = 4.50 ft 7.00 ft 9.00 ft 9.00 ft UnifoI'll Loads Dead Load = 0.48 k/ft Live Load = 0.24 k/ft Distance To start = o.oo ft Distance To End = 10.00 ft SUMMARY USING w8x18, Max Stress Ratio= 67.46%, Min Def!. Ratio= -584.82 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBIIA'fIOIS Maximms ... Actual Allowable Dead toad+ Loads Placed as follows Monent -20.3 30.1 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST •..•. Stress= 16.03 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @cants Shear = 12.88 26.96 k • . . • . Stress= 6.88 14.40 ksi Moments •• M+@ Center = 20.3 15.5 20.3 17.9 o.o . o:ok-ft Deflection = -0.205 M-@ Center = -o.o -o.o -o.o o.o 0,0 k-ft fb / Fb : % Dax 0,675 @ Left = 0.0 o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % Dax 0.478 @· Right = 0.0 o.o o .. o 0,0 o.o k-ft Min. DL Def! Ratio= 780.28 Shears ..• @ Left = 6.00 4.31 6.00 4.73 0.00 o:oo k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 584.82 @ Right = 12.88 9.97 12.88 12.85 0.00 O.OO·k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.205 -0.154 -0.205 -0.176 0.000 0.000 in @ Left -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 i-n @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in· at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,0'00 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 6.00 4.31 6 .. 00 4.73 o.oo o.oo k Reactions @ Right = 12.88 9.97 12.88 · 12.85 o.:oo O.OOk \ V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R .. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & ClVIL ENGINEERS . 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497~0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-20 Date: 09/18/97 ----BEAM DATA --------~---.,-----,---STEEi, SECTIOH DATA------'----- Center Span Length = 24 .oo ft AISC Section wl6:xll Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth = 15.88 in Ixx = 375.00 in4 Right Cantilever 0.00. ft Web Thickness = 0,275 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft section Width = 5.53 in Sxx 12.40in4 = 47.23 in3 Bearn wt. is ADDED To applied loads Fla~e Thickness = 0.440 in Syy Live Load l!ot Acting with Short Tern Section Area --9.12 in2 r:xx = 4.49 in3 = 6.412 in Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 30.97 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = 1..39 in = 1.166 in Beam End Fixity .: Pin:Pin · APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 1.80k 5.20 k 1.60 k 3,.50 k Live Load = 1.20k 0.60 k 0.20 k Short Term Load = 3.10 k 0.20 k 0.90 k Distance To Load = 5.50 ft 5.50 ft 5.50 ft 16.00 ft UDifoI'll Loads Dead Load = 0.22 k/ft Live Load = 0.24.k/ft Distance To Start = O;OO ft Distance To End = 2.4.00 ft ----------------,---SOMMARY ---------'--------------------USING w16x31, Max Stress Ratio= 85.36%, Min Defl. Ratio= 367.53 Maximums... Actual Monent = 79.8 Allowable 93.5 k-ft 23. 76 ksi 62.88 k -----------TABULAR SOJIMARY OF LOAD CXJIIBID.'fIOJIS ----.,--- Dead Load+ Loads 'Placed as follows Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST for Max Only @cntr @Cntr @Cants @cants ..... stress= 20.28 Shear = 15. 09 .. .. • Stress= 3.46 Deflection = -o. 784 fb / Fb : % max 14.40 ksi Moments •. M+ @ Center = 79.8 56. 7 79.8 71.3 · o.o o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % nax Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Defl Ratio= V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 0.854 0.240 515.90 367.53 M-@Center = o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 k:..ft @ Left = 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 k-ft Shears •.• @ R1ght = 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft @ Left = 15.09 10. 76 15.09 13.60 0.00 0.00 k @ Right = 10.69 7.27 10.69 8.62 0 •. 00 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = -0.784 -0.558 -0.784 -0.690 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 ih @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @Left = 15.09 W.76 15.09 13.60 o.oo O.OOk Reactions @ Right = 10.69 7 .27 10.69 8.62 o.oo o.oo k GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAlID -CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-21 Date: 09/19/97 ----BEAM DATA ---,-.,--------"-· S'fEEL SECUOI DATA-------------"-Center Span Length = 10 .00 ft AISC SectiQn w8xl8 Left cantilever :: o.oo ft Section Depth = 8.14 in Ixx Right cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0,230 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo.ft section Width = 5.25 in sxx Bean wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads. Fla!l<Je Thickness = 0.330 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Ten Section Area = 5.26 irt2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 17. 86 # r :yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y · = 1.39 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:·Pin = 61.90 in4 = 7,97 in4 = 15.21 in3 = 3,04 in3 = 3.430 in = 1.23i in APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads Dead Load = 0.70 k 7.90 k Live Load = 0.40 k 2.10 k Short Tern Load = 0.60 k 2.80 k Distance To Load = 4.50 ft 8.25 ft Unifor1.Loads Dead Load -. 0.48 k/ft Live Load = o·.24 k/ft Distance To Start = o.oo ft Distance To End = 10.00 ft SUMMARY USING w8X18, Max Stress Ratio= 71.45%, Hin Defl. Ratio= 5~5.43. TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD <DMBIJATIOIIS Maxinuns ••• Actual Allowable · · Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Moment = 21.5 30.lk-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ...•• stress= 16.98 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 12.43 26,96 k .•..• stress= 6.64 14.40 ks1 Moments .. M+@ Center = 21.5 15 .. 9 21.5 20,2 o.o 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.216 M:-@ center = -o.o -o.o -o.o o.o ().Ok-ft fb / Fb : % max 0 •. 714 @ Left = o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % nax o .. 461 @ Right = o.6 o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 765,49 Shears .... @ Left = 6.04 4.26 6.04 5.08 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 555.43 @ Right = 12.43 9.32 12.43 li.90 0,00· O.OOk Deflection •• @ Center = -0.216 -0.157 -0.216 -0.197 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00ft = 0.000 0.000 tl'.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left .. 6.04· 4.26 6,04 5.08 o.oo o.oo k Reactions @ Right = 12.43 9 .• 32 12.43 11.90 0.00 o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. ~ 13---'J-'7- Date: 09/19/97 Page~~ ----BEAM DATA -------------STEEL SECfIOlf DATA---'----------"---Center Span Length = 24 .00 ft A1SC Section w16x26 Left cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth · = 15.69 in Ixx Right cantilever ~ o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.250 in tyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Wi<lth = 5.50 in Sxx B~an wt. is ADDED. To a~plied loads Fla!l<Je Tllickness = 0.345 in syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area-= -_7.68 in2 r:x-x Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 26 .08 # r :yy Load Dura ti on Factor = 1. 00 rT, y = l .,36 in- Beam End Fixity : Pin:Ptn APPLtED·wa.00 Concentrated Loads Dead Load -0.70 k 7.90 k Live Load = 0.40 k 2.10 k Short Tern Load = 0.60 k 2.80 k Distance To Load = 3.50 ft 5.50 ft Unifora Loads Dead Load = 0.22 k/ft Live Load = 0.24k/ft Distance To Start = 0;00 ft. Distance To End = 24.00 ft SUMMARY USING w16x26, Max Stress Ratio = 92. 63%, Min Defl. Ratio = 35~. 97 . TABULAR SOMMARY OF LOij) CCMBIJATIOIS = = = = = 301.00 in4 9.59 in4 38.37 in3 3.49 in3 6.260 in 1.117 in Maxim.ms ••. Actual Allowable .Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows Moment = 70.4 76.0 ·k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..••. stress= 22.01 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 14.43 56,48 k •..•. Stress= 3.68 14.40 ksi Moments •• Mt @ Center· = 70.4 47.7 70.4 61,1 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.807 M-@ Cent~r = o.o o.o O.Q 0.0 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : % nax 0.926 @ Left = o.o o.o o.o 0.0 -0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % max 0.256 @ Rigl)t = o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 559.04 Shears ••• @ Left = 14.43 9.59 14.43 12.26 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Def! Ratio= 356 •. 97 @ Right .. 8.24 4.82 8.24 .5.55 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .• @ Center = -0.807 -0.515 -0.807 -0.634 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 in at o.oo ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 14.43 9.59 14,.43 12.26 o .. oo o.oo k ~eactions @ Right = 8.24 4.82 8.24 5.55 0.00 Q.00 k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EllERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-21 i8/FAX 497--0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. ~ S-?-f ,Date: 09/1':f /97 Pag~ ----BEAM DATA~-----------------STEEL SKC.rIOI DATA---'-'--------Center Span Length = 33 .oo ft AISC Section· w16x26 · Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth = 15.69 in Ixx Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Web Thickness = 0.250 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft section Width = 5.50 in sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flange Thickness = 0.345 in syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area = 7.68 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weiqht = 26.08 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = LOO rT, y = 1. 36 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 301.00 in4 = 9.59 in4 38.37 in3 = 3.49 in3 = 6.260 in = 1.117 in APPLIED LOADS Concentrated Loads · Dead Load = o.to k Live Load = 0.40 k Short Tern Load = 0.60 k Distance To Load = 8.00 ft UnifoII Loads Dead Load = 0.19 k/ft Live Load = 0.18 k/ft . Distance To Start = 0.00 ft Distance To End = 33.00 ft -----------------,----SOJIIIARY-.,...,.,----___,------------USING wl6x26, Max Stress Ratio= 77.60%, Min Def!. Ratio= 297.22 . · · . 'l'ABIJLAR SOMMARY OF LOAD COIIBIIATlOIS ------ Haxinuns... Actual Allowable · Dead Load + Loads Placed as follows .Mo11ent = 58.9 76.0 k-ft Placed. DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress= 18.44 23.76 ksi for Max Only @cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 7.43 · 56.48 k ..... Stress= 1.90 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+ @ Center = 58.9 32.8 58,9 35.4 Deflection = -1.332 M-@ Center = -o.o -o.o -o.o fb / Fb : % nax o. 776 @ Left = o.o o.o o.o fv / Fv : % max 0.132 @ Right = o.o o.o o.o Min. DL Defl Ratio= 533.44 Shears... @ Left = 7,43 4.16 7.43 4.62 Min. TL Defl Ratio= 297.22 @ Right 6.87 3.80 6.87 3.95 Deflection.. .@ Center . - -1. 332 -o. 7 4 2 -1. 332 -o. 802 @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0 .• 000 0.000 .@ Right = 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 at o.oo ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 Reactions @ Left = 7.43 . 4.16 7.43 4.62 Reactions @ Right = 6.87 ~.80 6.87 3.95 0.0 o.o o.o 0.0 o.oo 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 o.oo o.o k-ft 0,0,k-ft o.o k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.00 k 0.00 k 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in o.oo k o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 MULTI-SPAN STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. D i-r:,. .. )..,:;, --GEHERAL DATA ----1-2 --3 -All Spans Simple Support?? : NO span Lengths ft-: 1.00 10.00 9.00 End Fixity: : Free:Pin Pin:Pin Pin:Pin AISC Section w8x10 w8xlO w8xlO --CALCULATED VALUFS ----OK--OK;. -OK- Fb -Allowable psi : 23760 14285 19905 fb -Actual. psi: 3737 7111 7111 fv -Actual psi : 1985 1890 1937 Moment@ Left k-ft: 0.0 -2.4 -4.6 Moment @ Right k-ft : -2; 4 -4. 6 o .,0 _ Max. Mom. @ Mid-Span k-ft : o.o 2.3 2.1 X-Dist ft·: 0.00 4.53 5.64 Shears: Left k : 0.0 .2.1 2.6 Right k : 2. 7 2.5 1.6 Reactions: Left:Dead k: o.oo 4.56 4.66 Live k: o.oo 0.20 0.47 Total k: o.oo 4.76 5.13 Right:Dead k : 4.56 4.66 1.44 Live k: 0.20 0.47 0.13 Total k: 4.76 5.13 1.57 Max. Defl.@ Mid Span in-: 0.005 -0.032 -0.032 X-Dist ft : 0,00 4.60 5.16 --BEAN DFSIGB DATA --- Le: Unsupported Length ft: 1.00 10.00 9.00 Fy ksi: 36.0 36.0 36.0 Section Area in2 : 2.96 i.96 2.96 Beam Depth in: 7.890 7.890 7.890 Beam Width in: 3.940 3.940 3.940 Flange Thickness in: 0.205 -0.205 0.205- Web Thickness in: 0.170 0.170 0.170 Ixx in4 : 30.8 30.8 30,8 Ivv in4: 2,09 2.09 2.09 rt' in : 0.99 0.99 0,99 --APPLIED LOADS --Use Live Load on This Span ? Uniform DL k/ft : LL -k/ft : DL k: Point LL k: X-Distance ft: --QtJBRY VAT,UES --.... Location .••.. ft : k: k-ft : Yes 0.42 0,04 2.20 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 Shear Monent Deflection in : o.oos . V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Yes 0.42 0,04 o.oo 2.10 -2.43 0.000 Yes 0,42 0,04 o.oo 2.60 -4 .• 63 0.000 Date: 10/09/97 Pag:i,?b_ GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 MULTI-SPAN STEEL BEAM. DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. v_ -·~ _ ... r~ . --~ --GENERAL DA'.l'A ---._ l ~ 2 --3 - All Spans Sillple Support ?? : NO Span Lengths ft: 1.00 10.00 9.00 End Fixity: : Free:Pin Pin:Pin Pin:Pin AISC Sectlon W8Xl8 W8X18 W8X18 · --CAI.cuLATED VALUES ---OK--OK--OK- Fb -Allowable psi: 23760 21600 21600 fb -Actual. psi: 1918 3651 3651 fv -Actual psi: 1422 1354 1387 Moment@ Left k-ft : o.b -2.4 -4.6 Monent@ Right k-ft: -2.4 -4.6 0.0 Max. Mom. @ Mid-Span k-ft : o.o 2.3 2.7 X-Dist ft: 0,00 4.53 5:64 Shears: Left k : 0.0 2.1 2.6 Right k : 2. 7 2.5 1.6 Reactions: Left:Dead .k : 0.00 4.56 4.66 Live k : o.oo 0.20 0.41 Total k : 0.00 4. 76 5 .• 13 Right:Dead k : 4.56 4.66 1.44 Live k: 0.20 Q.47 0.13 Total k : 4.J6 5.13 1.57 Max. Defl.@ Mid Span in: 0.003 -0.016 -0.016 X-Dist ft : 0.00 4.60 5.16 --BEAN DESIGN DATA - Le: Unsupported Length ft: 1.00 10.00 9.00 Fy ksi : 36.0 36.0 36.0 Section Area in2 : 5. 26 5. 26 5 ,.26 Bean Depth in: 8.140 8.140 8,140 Bean Width in: 5.250 5.250 5.250 Flange Thickness in: 0.330 0.330 0.330 Web Thickness in: 0.230 0.230 0.230 Ixx inA : 61.9 61.9 61.9 Iyy in4: 7.97 7.97 7,97 rt in : 1.39 1.39 1.39 --APPLIED LOADS --Use Live Load ·On This Span ? Yes Yes Uniform DL k/ft : 0.42 0.42 LL .k/ft : 0.04 0.04 Point DL k : 2 • .20 LL k: X-Distance ft : o.oo --QUERY VALUES --- Location..... ft: 0.00 0.00 Shear k : 0.00 2.10 Moment k-ft : 0,00 -2,43 Deflection in : 0.003 0 .• 000 V4.4D (c) 1983-96. ENERCALC Yes 0.42 0.04 0.00 2.60 -4.63 0,000 Date: 10/-09/97 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN. INC._ STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS . 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 · MULTI-SPAN STEELBEAM DESIGN LEGOLAHD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. -Date: 10/09/97 0.4§. . 0.46. . 0.46._, ....,-_,....,.,.......,... ..... 1111 HUii i mo 111 l m HJ, ,n 11111 I I Ill 11111 ll u I I lit Ill 111111 If muu I Ufll I H 11110 I 1H ll 11 t ' Ml= 0.00 Rl= 0.00 Vl= 0.00 -2.43=Mr 4.76=Rr 2.66=Yr Ml= -2.43 Rl= 4.76 Vl= 2.10 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 10.00 t -4.63=Mr 5.1~=Rr 2.53=Vr ! 9.00 Ml= ~4.63'. · Rl• 5.13 Vl= 2.60 t -1 0.00::;Mr L57=Rr 1.57=Yr GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASS(XIATES; KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MJ.SSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 {619) 497-2lis/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. ~ ... --z., ?.:-, _Date: 10'/09/97 ----BEAM DATA ------------STEEL SECT!011 DA'fA -----------Center Span Length = 10.00 ft AISC Section W8x10 Left cantilever = 2,00 ft Section Depth = 7 .89 in Ixx Right Cantilever = 0.00 ft Web Thickness = 0.170 in ryy Unbraced Length = o·.oo ft section Width . = 3.94 in sxx Beam Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Flan9e Thickness = 0.205 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Section Area = 2.96 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 10.05 I r:yy Load Duration Factor = LOO rT, y. = o. 99 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 30.80 in4 = 2.09 in4 = 7.81 in3 = 1.06 in3 = 3.226 in = 0.840 in ----------------------APPLIED WADS----------------» All distances refer to left support, ,_,. identifies load as being.on left cantilever. · Concentrated Loads---------'------------ Dead Load = 1.44k Live Load = 0.13k Distance To Load = -2.00 ft Unifori Loads Dead Load = 0.11 k/fi0.39 k/ft Live Load = 0.11 k/ft - Distance To start = -2.00 ft -2.00 ft Distance To End = o.oo ft 0.00 ft · SUMMARY USING W8X10, Max Stress Ratio = W.24%, Min Defl. Ratio ,; 737.01 TABULAR SUMMARY OF LOAD <DmIIATIOIS Maximums ... Actual Allowable . Dead ·Load+ Loads Placed as follows Mo11ent = 4.4 15.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ••••• Stress= 6.71 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 2.77 19.31 k ••.•• Stress= 2.06 14.40 ksi Moments .• M+@ Center 4.:4 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = 0.065 M-@ Genter = -3.9 -3.9 0.0 -4.4 o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % Dax 0.282 @ Left = -3.9 -3.9 o.o -4.4 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % 11ax 0.143 @ Rigb_t = 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 828.35 Shears .... @ Left = 2,77 2.43 2,43 0.00 2.77 o.oo k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 737.01 @ Right = o.,39 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.39 o.ook Deflection •• @ center = 0.052 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.052 0.046in-@ Left = 0.065 -0 •. 058 -0.058 -0.058 --0.065 --0.058 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 3.28 2.89 2.89 2.89 3.28 2.89 k Reactions @ Right = -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.34 -0.39 -0.34 k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108. · . (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND • CASTLE BASg BLDG. t .. 1,· I Date: 10/09/97 Pagei4,o ----BEAM DA'l'A ---,-------------ffiEL SECHOlf DATA---------Center Span Length = 10.00 ft AISC Section wax10 Left Cantilever = 2.00 ft Section Depth = 7 .89 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0,170 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Width. = 3. 94 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To applied loads Flange Thickness = 0.205 in syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Term Section Area = 2,96 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 10.05 I r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1. 00 rT, y -O. 99 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 30.80 in4 = 2.09 in4 ;: 7,.81 in3 = 1.06 in3 = 3.226 in = 0.840 in -------------------APPLIED LOAM·--.-------------,-------->> All distances refer to left support, 1-1 identifies load as being on left cantilever. ----------------·-Concentrated Loads-·--· ---· ·-------.------Dead Load = UiO k Live Load = 0.50 k Distance To Load = -2.00 ft . ----------------Unifora Loads---"~------------------ Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.17k/ft = 0.19 k/ft = -2.00 ft = 10.00 ft SUMMARY USING wSxl0, Max Stress Ratio= 70.78%, Min Defl. Ratio= 342.85. TABULAR SUMMARY OF WAD <DIBilfA'fIOIIS Maxinuns •.• Actual All6wab1e Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Ho11ent = 10.9 15.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST •.... Stress= 16.82 23, 76 ksi for Max only @Cntt @Cntr @cants @Cants Shear = 5.82 19.31 k •.... Stress= 4.34 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+@ Center = 10.9 o.o 1.1 o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = 0.140 M-@ Center = -9.6 -9.6 0.0 -10.9 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb . % MX 0.708 @ Left ,_ -9.6 -9.6 o.o -10.9 0.0 k-ft . fv / Fv : % max 0.302 -@ Right = 0.0 o.o o.o 'o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 404.42 Sheats ••• @ Left = 5.82 4.95 4.95 o.oo 5.82 0.00 k Hin. TL Defl Ratio= . l42.85 @ Right = 0:90 0.05 0.90: Q.00 0.19 0.00 k Deflection •• @ Center = 0.092 0,075 0.035 0.075 0.092 0.075 in @ Left = 0.140 -0.119 -0.088 -0,119 -0.140 -0.119 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 8.79 o.s2 7.77 6.82 7.84 6.82 k Reactions @ ·Right = 0.90 ..,o,o~ 0.90 -0.05 -0.19 -0.05 k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAONDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVJL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 · (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAHD • CASTLE BASE BLDG. ·P __. J ,i;; ~~. ;.~, ',,,5,,l Date: l0/09/97 Pag~I ----BEAM DATA ----~--------STEEL SECfIOli DATA-----,----'----- Center Span Length = 10.00 ft AISC Section WSiiO Left Cantilever = 2. 00 ft Section Depth = 7. 89 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.170 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Width = 3. 94 in s·xx Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flan9e Thickness = 0.205 in syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern section Area = 2.96 in2 r:xx Fy = -36 ksi section Weight = 10.os # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1. 00 rT, y = O. 99 in Beam End Fixity : Pin :Pin = = = = = 30.80 in4 2.09 in4 7.81 in3 1.06 in3 3.226 in 0.840 in --------.....,...----'-'-------APPLIED WADS,__ ---------------» All distances refer to left support, ,,_, identifies load as being ·On left cantilever. ------------------,---Concentrated I~-"-----,------------,..-Dead Load = 4.60 k Live Load = 0.20k Distance To Load = -2.00 ft Unifora Loads Dead Load = 0.11 k/fto.39 k/ft Live Load = 0.11 k/ft Distance To Start = -2.00 ft -2.00 ft Distance To End = . o.oo ft o.oo ft . SOJIIARY . USING w8x10, Max Stress Ratio= 70.03%, Min Defl. Ratio= 289.82 . TABULAR SOMil!RY OF WAD <DIBillATIOIS . Maximllllls ... Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placeg as follows Monent = 10.8 15.5 k-ft Placed DL LL LLfST LL LL+ST ..... stress= 16.64 23. 76 ksi for Max Only @cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 6.00 19.31 k ••... stress= 4.47 14. 40 ksi Moments •• M+@ Center = 10.8 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = 0.166 M-@ Center = -10.2 -10.2 0.0 -10.8 o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.700 @ Left = -10.2 -10.2 0.0 -10.8 ·0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % nax 0.310 @ Rigbt = 0.0 o.o 0.0 0,0 o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 307.26 Shears ••• @ Left = 6.00 5.59 5.59 0.00 6.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 289.82 @ Right = 1.03 0,9T Q.97 0,00 1.03 0.00 k Deflection .. @ Center = 0.132 0.124 0.124 0.124 0.132 0~·124 in @ Left = 0·.166 -0.156 -0.156 -0.156 -0.166 -0.156 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o .. 000 in at 0.00ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 7.16 6.68 6.68 6.68 7.16 6.68 k Reactions @ Right = -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -0.97 -1.03 -0.97 k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 E?fERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I :I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 . STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG . .. --z.. Date: 10/09/97 ----BEAM DATA-'---,----_...;.._ ___________ ......,.... __ --'--STEEL SECfIOlf DA'lA--------- Center Span Length = 21.00 ft ATSC Section wl4x22 Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth 13. 74 in Ixx Riqht Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.230 in Iyy Un6raced Length = . o.oo ft S~ction Width = 5.00 in sxx ~an Wt. is ADDED, To applied loads Fla!19e Thickness = 0.335 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area = 6.49 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight -22;04 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = 1.25 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 199.00 in4 = 7 .oo in4 = 28.97 in3 = -2.80 in3 = 5.537 in = 1.039 in -------------------------APPLIED LOADS------------------------- -------------'---------Concentrated Loads---------e"--------------Dead Load --1.00 k -0.35 k Live Load -1.00k Distance To Load = 2.00 ft 12.00 ft 21.00 ft ------"'--------------'--'-Unifon Loa<ls--------------------Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = = = = 0.25 k/ft 0.28 k/ft o.oo ft 21.00 ft SUMMARY.· USING w14x22, Max stress Ratio= 59.78%, Min Defl. Ratio =_547.92 TABULAR SQMMARY OJ LOAD·CCEIJATIOIS Naxi11ums ... Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Mo11ent = 34.3 57.4 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..•.• Stress= 14.20 23. 76 ksi for Max · Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 6.29 45.51 k ..•.• Stress= 1.99 14.40 ksi Moments .. M+@ Center = 34.3 14.1 34.3 o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.460 M-@ Center = 0.0 -o.o o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb . % nax 0;598 @ Left = o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o k-ft . fv / Fv : % max 0,138 @ Rigbt = o.o o.o 0.0 -0.0 O.Q k-ft Hin. DL Defl Ratio= 1315.92 Shears ••. @ Left = 5.34 1.97 5.34 0.00 o.oo. o.oo k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 547.92 @ Right = 6.29 2;7g 6.29 o.oo 0.00 0.00 k Deflection •. @ Center = -0.460 -0.192 -0.460 -0.192 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 .0.000 0.000, 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions ·@ Left = 5.34 1.97 5.34 1.97 0.00 o.oo k Reactions . @ Right = 6.29 2.78 6.29 2.78 0.00 o.ook V4.4D {c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R; SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & ClVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. & --~ = . Date: 10/09/97 PageV4?J ----BEAM DA'fA ------'----------STEEL SECrIOB DATA-'---------- Center Span Length = 25.oo ft AISC -Section . w16x26 Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Section Depth = 15;69 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Web Thickness = 0.250 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Width = 5.50 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flan9e Thickness = 0.345 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area = 7 .68 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 26.08 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = 1.36 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 301.00 in4 = 9.59 in4 = 38.37 in3 = 3.49 in3 = 6.260 in = 1.117 in --------'-----'-------APPLIED WADS---·-----'----'-'---------'----- ------------------'---,--Concentrated Loads--------------- Dead Load Live Load Distance To Load = 2.80 k = 3.50 k = . 10.00 ft -------------------Unifon Loads-------.,..-...-------,------ Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.07 k/ft = 0.08 k/ft =. 0,00ft = 25.00 ft SUMMARY . USING wl6x26, Max Stress Ratio= 67.34%, Min Defl. Ratio= 532,16 TABULAR SOMMARY OF WAD COMBIIATIOIS Maxinuns ..• Actual Allowable · · · Dead tciad + Loads Placed as follows MoJ1ent = 51.2 76.0 k-ft Placed -DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST •.•.•• stress= 16.00 23. 76 ksi for·Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 6.01 56.48 k ••••• Stress= 1.53 14. 40 ksi Moments .• K+@ Center 51.2 24.2 51.2 0.0 o.o o.o k-ft Deflection = -0.564 M-@ Center = o.o o.o ·o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft fb / Fb . % 11ax 0.673 @ Left = o.o ,o.o 0.0 o.o o.o k-ft . fv / Fv : % 11ax 0.106 @ Right = o.o o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft Min. DL Def! Ratio= 1112.87 Shears ..• @ Left = 6.01 2.91 6.01 0.00 o.oo 0,00 k Min. TL Def! Ratio= 532.16 @ Right = 4.75 2.35 4.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection .• @ Center = -0.564 -0:i70· -0.564 -0.270 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O;OOO in @ Right = 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in· Reactions @ Left = 6.01 2.91 6.01 2.91 0.00 O.OOk Reactions @ Right = A.75 2.35 4.75 2.35 0.00· 0.00 k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS A&<iOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS . 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. t-?> I Date: 10/09/97 ----BEAM DA'lA -----'-----------------· S'lEEL SECHOI DATA-------.,..-,-.--Center Span Length = 26 .oo ft AISC Section w16x26 Left cantilever = o.oo ft Section Depth = 15.69 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o.oo ft . Web Thickness = 0.250 in tyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft .Section Width = 5.50 in Sxx Bean wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Fla!19e Thickness = 0.345in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area = 7.68 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = 26.08 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1. 00 rT, y = 1. 36 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 301.00 in4 = 9.59 in4 = 38.37 in3 = 3.49 in3 = 6.260 in = 1.111 in -------------'--__ _.. _ __,. APPLIED LOADs-----------------------'"---- -------------------ijnifora Loads------'-------------Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.07 k/ft = 0.08 k/ft = 0.00 ft · = 26.00 ft ---------.,-----_ __,.. ______ SOIIMARY --------'-------'-------- USING w16x26, Max stress Ratio= 19.81%, Min Defl. Ratio= 1(87.47 . . . . Maxinuns... Actual Moment = 15. O ..... Stress= 4. 71 Shear = 2.31 Allowable 76.0 k-ft 23. 76 ksi 56.48 k -----· -TABULAR SUMMARY OF LQAD a»IBilfATIOHS------ Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants ..... Stress= o.59 14.40 ksi Moinents .. H+ @ Center --15.0 8.3 -o.o o.o o.o 1.27 1.27 15.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.9 o.o o.o . 0.0 k-ft o.o k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -0.210 fb / Fb : % max fv /.Fv : % max Min. DL Defl Ratio= Min. TL Def! Ratio= V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 0.198 0.041 2700.80 1487.47 M-@ Center = @ Left = @ Right = Shears ••• @ Left = @ Right Deflection.. @ Center = @ Left = @ Right . = at 0.00-ft = Reactions @ Left = Reactions ·@ Right = 2.31 2.3i -0.210 0.000 0.000 2.31 2.31 -0.116 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2'7 1.27 2.31 2.31 -0.210 0.000 0,000 0.000 2.31 2.31 0.06 o.oo -0.116 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.27 1.27 o.oo 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.oo o.oo o.oo k 0.00 k 0.000 in 0.000 in O.ooo in 0.000 in o.oo k O.OOk GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & civn:, ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA92108 ·. (619) 497~21i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLPG ~ ~--~], Date: 09/12/97 ' ' Pag*" efAj ----BEAM DATA ------------STEEL. SEClIOlf DA'fA --------- Center Span Length = 16.00 ft AISC Section w12Xl6 Left cantilever = o. 00 ft Section Depth = 11. 99 in rxx Right Cantilever = O;QO ft Web ThickneS$ = 0.220 in Iyy Unbraced Length = 0.00 ft Section Width = 3.99 in Sxx Bean Wt. is ADDED To a~plied loads Flange Thickness = 0.265 in Syy Live Load Not Acting with Short Tern Section Area = 4. 71 in2 r:xx Fy = 36 ksi Section Weight = i5.99 # r:yy Load Duration Factor = 1.00 rT, y = 0.96 in Beam End Fixity : Pin: Pin = = = = = = 103.00 in4 2.82 in4 17.18 in3 1.41 in3 4,676 in 0;774 in -----------'---'---------APPLIED I.DADS--------------------"---'--- ----------------------,-onifon Loads.,....----;----------------------'---Dead Load Live Load · Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.5.9k/ft = 0.46k/ft = o.oo ft = 16.Q()_ft smtMARY Max Stress Ratio= 99.80%., Min Defl, Ratio= 366,58 USING W12x16, · 'fABOLAR SUMMARY OF LOAD COMBDfA'fiOIS f.faxi11u11s .•. Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Moment = 34.0 34,0 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... Stress= 23.71 23.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @Cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 8.49 37.98 k ..••• Stress= 3.22 14.40 ksi Mo-ments .. M+@ Center = 34.0 19.3 34.0 o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft. Deflection = -0.524 M-@ Center = -o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.998 @ Left = o.o o.o o.o -0,0 o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % nax 0.223 @ Right = o.o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= 643.95 Shears •.• @ Left = 8.49 4.83 8.49 o.oo o.oo o.oo k Nin. TL Defl Ratio= 366.58 @ Right = 8,49 4.83 8,49 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Deflection •• ·@ Center = -0.52it -0.29S -0,524 -0.298 0.000 0.000 in @ Left = O.QOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at o.oo ft = 0 .• 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left 8,49 ·4.83 8.49 4.83 o.oo 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 8.49; 4,83 8.49 4.83 o.oo o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES,·KW060361 I I I I I I I I I 1 .. .. .. I I I I I I I 1·· .) .. _ ....... I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. · STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT) SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . . (619) 497-21 i8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEC-OWm -CASTLE B.i.st BLDG .PtJ 0-:;3 Date: 09 iJ.2/97 Pag~ 4h ----BEAM DATA ----,-------'--------S1JiEEL S&."l'JOJf De.TA --------- Center sp~n Length = 30.00 ft nsc Section wl8x40 Left CantJle\·er = o.oo ft Section Depth ~ 17 .90 in i>:x Right Cantilever = o.oo ft Keb Thickness = 0.315 in ryv t:nbraced Lenath = o .. oo ft section i'!idth -6.01 in SxX Bean Kt. is ADDED To applied loads flange Thickness = 1o1.5.~05 1 tnn_2 rs_!.·xy.Y. Live Load Not Acting 1n th Short Tert1 Section hrea = <> Fv = 36 ksi Section Weight = 40·,06 # r:yy Lbad Duratfon Factor = . 1. 00 rT, y = L 52 in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = = = = = 612.00 in4 19.10 in4 68.38 in3 6.35 in3 7.202 jn 1.212 in ---------------------APPLIED LOADS-..,· ----------------- -----------,-----'---'-----Onifona Loads-· --,---------------Dead Load Li·Je L-0ad Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.59k/ft = 0.39k/ft = o.oo n = 30.00 ft SUMMARY csrnG 1.'18x4o, Max stress Ratio= 84.76%, Min Defl. Ratio= 343.69 'l'ABIJT..AR smw.RY OF LOAD <XlMBDfATIOllS Haxinuns ... Actual Hlo~able Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Mol'lent = 114.8 135.4 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ..... stress= 20.H 23.76 ksi .. for Hax Onl1• @Cntr @Cntr €Cants @Cants Shear = 15.30 81.19 k ..... Stress= 2.71 14.40 ksi Moments .. IH € Center = . 114.S 70. 7 114.8 o.o o.o O.Ok-ft Deflection = -1.047 M-€ Center -o.o .. o.o o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % nax 0.848 € Left = o.o o.o o.o 0.0 o.o k-ft fv / Fv : % max O.lM € Right = O.Q 0.0 o.o o.o o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= -558.20 Shears ... € Left = 15.30 9.42 15.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 343.69 € Right 15.30 9.42 15.30 0.00 0.00 o.ook Deflection .. € Center = -1.047 -0,6"45 -1.047 -0.645 0.000 0.000 in € Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.QOO 0.000 in € Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions € Left = 15.30 9.42 15.30 9.42 o.oo o.oo k Reactions € Right 15.30 9.42 15:30 9.42 0.-00 o.oo k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ElJERCALC GF.ORGE R. SAOlIDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [?)-1 --· - B-o ---- (., .. ..1 \, L, --: Po L-.:::: ItL.--{j (4 Ad-5 2 )-t (l~C:,C . -,;: <oo .f-l 2 C d0 PSf) -=-/aoo-;; 09~ ::: 7., SI i (j) t>--4 ..:.---- V\)L,~ ?:>ofSF-CJ..):: C:of:Jf Lrf 1.,~ :: a_0fS~ Ld-) -=-to·~ PD/.... -=-JSOo µ. e q ,S f t.,c. -:.:. \ 00 0 -# ~ q. S I f SCI~ ~ I 00 __:.. - PoL--::. c).?J)...lt) ::4&4-g: @ ll 6 1 ,. V ' \7oL --4-0 -t?. ~ \S., 5 1 10 1S,S1 . ~, B-i ICE CREAM CAFE TOWER T J-.Beam ™ v5.03 Senal Number: 707203613 . I TJsEAMo 1001 10,a,91 2:11.31 PM 1 O" T Jl®/35C JOIST @ 24.0" o/c Page 1 of 1 Build Codl!: 041 _ THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED I I Member Slope: 0 Roof Slope: 0 , ______ j ~-~ -17'6;'---'--,---~-~-- I All dimensions are horizontal. ProductDlagram Is Conceptual. LOADS: . Analysis for JOIST MEMBER Supporting ROOF Application. Loads(p~f): 20 Live at 125% duration,' 30 Dead I SUPPORTS: INPUT BEARING WIDTH LENGTH JUSTIFICATION 1 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Left Face REACTIONS(!bs.) LIVE/ DEAD/ TOTAL 350 / 525 / 875 . DETAIL OTHER 2 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Right Face 350 ! 525 /875 I HANGERS: SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® REVERSE T.F. T.F. NAILING- I I I MODEL SLOPE SKEW FLANGES OFFSET Left Top ITT3510 0 . No NIA No Right Top ITT3510 0 No NIA No DESIGN CONTROLS: Shear(lb) Reaction(lb) Moment(ft-lb) Uve Defl.(in) Total Defl.(in) MAXIMUM 846 846 3577 DESIGN 846 846 3577 0.321 0.803 ALLOW. CONTROL 2150 Pa~(39%) 1569 Passed(54%) 5414 ·Passed(66%) 0.564 Pa~ed(L/632) 0.846 Passed(L/253) -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. -Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:L/360, TL:L/240) .. SLOPE FACE TOP 0 2-N10 4-N10 0 2-N10 4-N10 LOCATION MEMBER 2-N10 .2-N10 LT. end Span 1 under Roof loading Bearing 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roof loaaing MID Span 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roof loading I ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is outpi,it from software developed by Trus Joist MacMillan(T JM). T JM warrants the sizing of its products by this software will !;le accomplished in accordance with T JM product design criteria and code accept~ design values. I I I I The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a T JM Associate. -Not all products are readity available. Check with your supplier or TJM·technical representative for productavailability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUCTS ONLY! PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code LAC analyzing the-TJM Custom prQduct listed.above. -Braclng(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced .at 2' 8" o/c unless detailed.otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral-bracing is required to achieve member·stability. · IPROJECT INFORMATION No Project Information available OPERATOR INFORMATION: Marfin & Dunn, Inc. lliiJQ i I 7801 Mission Center Ct. San Diego, Ca 92108 (619)4972118 (619) 497 0429 l opynght c 1997 by Trus Joist MacMillan, a-limited partnership, Bolso, Idaho, USA.. _ T J-Beam 1M is a trademark of Trus.Joist MacMillan. IMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® is a registered trademark of SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY, lf>iC. TJI® is a reglstere,f trademark of Trus Joist MacMUlan .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & ClVIL ENGINEERS. . . 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -ICE CREAM CAFE B-2 Date: 10/08/97 Page:~+l ----------'--BEAM DA'l'A -~-'--------------SPAB DATA---- Timber Section 5: 125x10'. 5 End Fixity Pin: Pin Center Span = Beall Width = 5.125 in Elastic Modulus = 1800000 psi Left Cantilever = Beam De~th = 10.50 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf Right Cantilever = Lanination Thickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 --'---· OIBRACED LE1f<mJS Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Le : Center Span = Fv -Shear = 165 ps.i End Shear Calc'd at Support Le : Left cant. = Fe -Bearing = 650 psi Le : Right cant. = 7.50 ft o.oo ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0·.00 ft -------'----,--------APPLIEDI.Oi\DS----------------------- Uniforn Load@ Center Span: DL = 60.0 plf LL= 40.0 plf Point Load: DL = 2957.0 # LL-= 1200,0 # at 3.75 ft -------------'-----'--------SOIIMARY---,------------------ USING 5.125 x 10.500 Beam, ·Bending = 36.48%, Shear = 33.82% Max. Pos Mon @ 3. 75 ft: 8.59 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left · Max. Neg Mom @ o.oo ft= ·o.oo k-ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left = o.oo k-ft .... Area Reg'd = Max @ Right = o.oo k-.f.t Max._@ Right Max. Allow Moment = 23.54 k-ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 1094.5 psi .... Area Req1d = Fb : Allowable = 3000.0 psi fv : Max, Actual = Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A,5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 CV per UBC 2312.4.5 Center Camber = = = = V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC . 19.87 0.00 1.00 -0.08 in Fv : Allowable = Bearing Req'd@ Left = Bearing Req'd @ Right= 2.50 k 3.75 k 18.20 in2 2.50k 3. 75 k IS .• 20 in2 69. 76 psi 206.3 psi O·. 75 in o. 75 in Reactions .... DL Maxi11um Left = 1.75 k 2.50 k Right = 1. 75 k 2.50 k Deflections .•• Center = -0.06 in -0.08 in •••• Dist = 3. 75 ft 3. 750 ft ... L/Defi = 1598 1125 :Left = o.oo in 0.000 in ... L,Defl = 0 0 Righ = o.oo in o.oooin ... L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES,.KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & civIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 · (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/08/97 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -ICE CREAM CAFE B-3 Df· r-,t:,, --t L \ ,ry - BEAM DATA Timber Section 5:125x10.5 End Fixity Beam Width = 5.125 in Elastic Modulus Beam De~th = 10.50 in Beam Density Laminat1on Thickness = 1.50 in Load-Duration Factor Pin:Pin = rsooooo psi = 35.0 pcf = 1.25 Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Fv -Shear = 165 psi End: Shear Calc1d at Support Fe -Bearing = 650 psi SPAI DATA Center Span = 8.00 ft Left Cantilever = 0.00 ft Right cantilever = 6.oo ft mmRACEi> LEIGTHS Le: Center Span = o.oo ft Le : Left Cant. = 0.00 ft Le : Right cant. = o.oo ft -----------'---,-_--,---APPLIED LOADS-------------,----- Uniform Load@ Center Span: DL = 263.0 plf LL= 175.0 plf Tr~pezoidal Load: DL: 232.0plf @ 1ft, 232.0plf @ rt fro11 1.00 ft to 7..00 ft Point Load: DL = 1479.0 # LL= 600.0 # at 4.00 ft SUMMARY USING 5.125 x 10.500 Bean, Bending= 40.38%, Shear= 47.84.% Max. Pos Moll @ 4. 00 ft= 9. 51 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = 3.54 k Max. Neg Mon @ 8.00 ft= o.oo k-ft •••. used for dsgfi = 5.31 k Max@ Left = 0.00 k-ft .... Area Reg1d -25.74 in2 Max@ Right = 0.00 k-ft Max.@ Right = 3.54 k Max. Allow Moment ... 23.54 k-ft •••• used for dsgn = 5.31 k fb: Max. Actual = 1211.4 psi .... Area Req'd -25.-74 in2 Fb: Allowable = 3000.0psi fv: Max. Actual = 98.67 psi Fv: Allowable = 206.3 psi Ck= .811(E/Fb)A,5 = 19.87 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 = 0.00 Bearing Req'd @ .Left = 1.06 in CV per UBC 2312.4.5 = 1,00 Bearing Req1d @ Right= 1.06 in Center camber = .,.0,12 in V4.4D (c) 1~83-96 ENERCALC Reactions ••• DL Maxi11u11 Left = 2:54 k 3.54 k Right = 2.54 .k 3.54 k Deflections ... - Center = -0.08 in -0.11 in .... Dist = 4.00 ft 4.000 ft ••• L/Defl = 1178 857 Left = o.oo in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 Right = o.oo in 0.000 in ••• L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R. ·sAUNDERS .ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL"ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21 is/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/08/97 Pag:fhf GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN . LEGOLAND -ICE CREAM CAFE B-3 Df.::-/',D -f ~'f-l:ft-/(1 0 BEAM DA'fA SPAI DA'fA Timber section· 5:125x10.5 End Fixity Pin:Pin Center Sp~n = 8.00 ft Beam Width = 5.125 in Elastic Modulus = 1800000 psi Left cantilever = 0.00 ft Beam De~th = 10.50 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf .Right cantilever = ().00 ft Lamination Thickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.25 UJIBRACED LE1fGTHS Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Le: center Span = 0.00 ft Fv -Shear = 165 psi End Shear Calc1d at support ·Le : Left Cant. = o.oo ft Fe -Bearing = 650 psi Le : RightCartt. = o.oo ft ----------'--------APPLIED LOADS--'----~----------- Uniforn Load @ Center Span: DL = 263.0 plf · · Trapezoidal Load: DL: 232.0plf@ 1ft, 232.0plf@ rt froD 1.00 ft to 7.00 ft Point Load: DL = 1479.0 # at 4.00 ft Point Load: DL = 1609.0 # at 1.25 ft Point Load: DL = -1609.0 # at 6.75 ft -----------'--,-------.-SUMMARY----------------------- USING 5.125 x 10.500 Bean, Bending= 29.34%, Shear= 49.28% Max. Pos Mon @ 4.00 ft= 6.91 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left -· Max. Neg Mom @ 8.00 ft= o.oo k-ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left = -0.00 k-ft .... Area Reqt d = Max @ Right --o.oo k-ft . Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Moment = 23,54 k-"ft •••• used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual 880. 1 i,si .... Area Req' d = Fb : Allowable = 3000.0 psi fv : M~x •. Actual = · Ck= .811(E/Fb)A,5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 CV per UBC 2312.4.5 Center Camber = 19.87 = o.oo = 1.00 = -0.12 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Fv : Allowable = Bearing Req'd@ Left = Bearing Req1d @ Right= 3.65 k ·5 .• 47 k 26.52 in2 L43k 2.15 k 10.43 in2 101.63 psi 206,3 psi 1.09 in 0.43 in Reactions. • .• DL Left = 3.65 k Right = 1.43 k Deflections ••• Center = -0.08 in ... :.Dist = 3.84 ft .... L/Defl = 1175 Left = 0.00 in • : .L/Defl = 0 Right = O. 00 in ••• L/Defl = 0 Maxinum 3.65 k 1.43 k -0.08 in 3.840 ft 1175 0.000 in 0 0.000 in 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 _ - (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: _10/08/97 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -ICE CREAM CAFE B-4 -------------· BEAM DATA------------,---Timber Section Bean Width Beam Depth Lamination Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing 5:125xl2.0 End Fixity = 5.125 in Elastic Modulus = -12.00 in Beam Density = = 1. 50 in Load Duration Factor = Pin:Pin 1800000 psi 35.0 pcf 1.25 = 2400 psi Beam wt. is Added to Loads = 165 psi End Shear Calc1 d at Support = 650 psi - ----SPAJ DATA----Center Span -= Left-Cantilever = Right eantUever _ _ = ---UIBRA~DLEIGTJIS Le: Center Span = Le: Left Cant. = Le: Right Cqnt. = 17 .50 ft o.oo ft o.oo ft o.oo ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft -----------------,----------APPLIED LOADS---'----'---,---~-------------- Uniforn Load@ Center Span: DL = 60.0·plf Lt= 40.0 plf Trapezoidal Load: DL: 232.0plf@ 1ft, 232.0plf@ rt from 11.50 ft to 15.50 ft· Point Load: DL = 2500.0 # LL~ 1000.0 # at 9.50. ft Point Load: DL = 500.0 # at 11.50 ft Point Load: DL = 500.0 # at 15.50 ft SOIIMARY USING 5,125 x 12.000 Bean, Bending= 77.15%, Shear= 51.95% Max. Pos J.1011 @ 9. 52 ft= 23. 72 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = 3.05 k Max. Neg Mon @ 0.00 ft= 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = 4.57 k Max@ Left = o.oo k-ft _ ... _.Area Reg1d = 22.16 in2 Max@ Right = o.oo k-ft Max. @ Right = 4.39k Max. Allow Moment = 30. 75 k-f.t •••• used tor dsgn = 6.5.9 k fb: Max. Actual = 2314 .5 psi .... Area Req1d = 31.95 in2 Fb: Allowable = 3000.0 psi fv : Max. :Actual = 107,15 psi Fv: Allowable -206.3 psi Ck= .811(E/Fb)A,5 = 19.87 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 = .0.00 Bearing Req'd @ Left = 0.91 in CV per UBC 2312.4.5 = 1.00 Bearing Reg 1d @ Right= 1.32 in Center camber = -0.98 in - V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Reactiqns ••• DL Maxi11u11 Left = 2.24 k 3.05 k Right = 3,50 k 4.39 k Deflections •.• Center -0.65 in -0.86 in .... Dist = 9.10 ft 9.100 ft , • ,L/Defl = 322 245 Left = o.oo in 0.000 in • ; .L/Defl = 0 0 Right = o.oo in 0.000 in ••• L/Defl -0 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDE~S ASSOC~ATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497--0429 Date: 10/08/97 . Pagi/23 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAllD -ICE CREAM CAFE B-4 Df RD f St Jb-Vf / l,_ ----------BEAM DA'fA ~-------'----,----,.-,----SPMI DATA----'-- Timber Section 5:125xl2.0, End Fixity Pin:Pin Center Span = Bean Width = 5.125 rn Elastic Modulus = 1800009 psi Left Cantilever = Beam De~th · = 12.00 in Beam Density = 35,0·pcf Right Cantilever = Lamination Thickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor --1.25 --,---OJBRACED LEI~ Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Le : .Center Span = Fv -Shear = 165 psi End Shear Calc'd at support Le : Left cant. = 17 .50 ft o.oo ft o.oo ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft o.oo ft Fe -Bearing . -650 psi Le : Right Cant. = -------------,...------APPLIED I.OADS ------,,--,----------- Uniforn Load@ Center Span: DL = 60.0 plf . Trapezoidal Load: DL: 232.0plf@ 1ft, 232.0plf ·@rt fron 11.50 ft to 15.50 ft Point Load: DL = 2500,0 # at 9.50· ft Point Load: DL = 500.0 #' at 11.50 ft Point Load: DL = 500.0 # at 15.50 ft Point Load: DL = -1605.0 # at 11.50 ft Point Load: DL = 1605.0· # at 15.50 ft -------------------------~SOIIMARY------,------------- USING' 5.125 x 12.000 Bean, Bending = 46.76%-, Shear = 45!73% Max. Pos Mom @ 9.52 f~ 14.38 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = Max. Neg Mon @ o.o.o ft= o.oo k-ft · .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left = o.oo k-ft .... Area Reg1 d = Max @ Right = o.oo k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Moment = 30. 75 k-ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 1402,9 psi •••• Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 3000.0 psi fv : Max. Actual = Ck= .81l(E/Fb)A,5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 CV per UBC 2312.4.5 Center camber = 19.87 = o.oo = 1.00 = -0.79 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC . Fv: Allowable = Bearing 'Req'd@ Left = Bearing Req'd .@ Right= 1.87k 2.81 k 13.62 in2 3.87 k 5,80 k 28.12 in2 94.32 psi 20G.3 psi 0.56 in 1.16 in· Reactions... DL Left = 1.87 k Right = 3,87 k Deflections •.• Center --o. 53 in ... ~.Dist = 9.10 ft ••• L/Defl = 398 Left = o.oo in .... L/Defl = O . Right = 0,00 in .. ;1/Defl = 0 Maxinun 1.87 k 3,87 k -0.53 in 9.100 ft- 398 0.000 in 0 0.000 in 0 GEORGE R. SAUllDERS·ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/08/97 Pag&fw 4' GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEC-OLAND -ICE CREAM CAFE B-4 .1)1?,FQ --t· S:bf~:I\ l[; BEAM DATA Timber Section 5:125xl2.0 ~nd Ftxity . Beam Width -" 5.125 in Elastic Modulus Beam De~th = 12.00 in Beam .Dens.ity Laninat1on Thickness = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor Pin:Pin ~ 1800000 psi = 35.0 pcf = 1.25 Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam wt. is Added to Loads Fv -Shear .. 165 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support Fe -Bearing -650 psi SPAii DATA Center Span = 17.50 ft Left Cantilever = o.oo ft Right Cantilever = o.oo ft UllBRACED LEIIG'fHS be: Center Span = o.oo ft Le: Left cant. = o.oo ft Le : Right Cant. = o.oo ft ----------------APPLIED WADS---'-------"'----------Uniforn Load@ Center Span: DL 7 60.0 plf · Trapezoidal Load: DL: 232.0plf@ 1ft, 232.0plf@ rt fron 11.50 ft to 15.50 ft Point Load: DL = 2500.0 # at 9.50 ft Point Load: DL = 500.0 # at 11.50 ft Point Load: DL = 500.0 # at 15.50 ft Point Load: DL = 1605.0 # at Il.50 ft Point Load: DL = -1605.0 # at 15.50 ft SOJIIARY USING 5.125 x 12.000 Bean, Bendini = 69.48%, Shear= 37.05% Max. Pos Hon @ 9.52 ft= 21.36 -ft Shear: Max. @ Left = 2.61 k Max. Heg Mon @ o.oo ft= o.oo k-ft .... used for qsgn = 3.91 k Max@ Left = 0.00 k-ft •••• Area Reg1d = 18.95 in2 Max@ Right = 0.00 k-ft Max. @ Right = 3.13:k Max. Allow Moment = 30. 75 k-ft •••• used for dsgn = 4.70 k fb: Max. Actual = 2084.4 .psi .... Area Req'd = 22. 79 in2 Fb: Allowable = 3000.0 psi fv: Max. Actual = . 76.42 psi Fv: Allowable = 206,3 psi Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A,5 = 19.87 Rb= (LeDfBA2)A,5 = 0.00 Bearing Req1d @ Left = o. 78 in Cv per UBC 2312.4.5 = 1.00 Bearing Req'd @ Right = 0.94 in Center Camber = -1.16 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Reactions ••• DL Maxh1un Left = 2.61 k 2.61 k Right = 3.13 k 3.13 k Deflections ••• Center = -o. 78 in -o. 78 in .... Dist = 9.10 ft 9.100 ft ... L/Defl = 271 271 Left = o.oo in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 Right -0.00 in 0,000 in .,. .L/Defl = 0 0 GEORGE R •. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 1· I I I I I I I I j ; I I I I I I I I I I I .. -t. W\..,?j:'.., . i....a..:..··--'-------- Lu rJ__; -:::: ?D i=sr . II _,Y i:>./ --w ,:.;... ', ,::;;,t 1-----,,-----'--'-----rr=---------· ----0 ------,--I 'I ·_ I· . . . . . ! I I 1'7 I . ~ -4 . I l ~--?;' '" [l:J,&7'._ . ':. . , ,------- 1 I J·-1 ·' I I· --, I I t I I --? I I t 1 I I /v, ~-,, I 1'-_ -'-"--,------- 11 '· ~ .,_.,, I r:, . I . , , s)~/ . I. I I 7 , 0-I I _____ ----"--_ I-- - -,-1 I _ I_ wr" . -:::. _3 0 .PS>f A .,........----i,, vv , -·· ! i-·1..,--J l,L --::-d-0 f :Sf ----"----,.,-----'-'-----~-----I l f.-----,-.'--------,--,---,~---,----'---! i ---,----- 1 : -------'-------:--"-----, 1-------'---------'----- l _ _;_-'------'--'-------'----1 I I I I l'--~,--~-----"--------11-~---- -------'--'----'---,-----' I i l i-~--- 1 i : . j_ : !------- '------------------------I ----;----- I I -I - I I I I I I I I I I I ·I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN. INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 'SAN DIEGO CA 9210.8 (619) 497-21is/FAX 497-0429 MULTI-SPAN TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. J-1 GEHERAL DATA -· 1-. -.-2- All Spans Sinple Support?? : NO Spans Length ft : 7.25 10.67 End Fixitr Pin:-Pin Pin:Pin. Bean Widt in :. 1.500 l.500 Bean Depth in: 9.25 9.25 --CALCULATED VALUES ---OK- -OK-prb-Modified Allow. psi: 962.5 962.5 fb -Actual. PS}·: 699.4 699,4 prv-Modified Allow. ps~ : . 95.0 95.0 fv (actual)* 1.5 psi : 53.1 67,8 Monent@ Left k-in: 0.0 -15.0 Monent@ Right k-in : -15.0 0,0 Max. Mon. @ Mid-Span k-in ; 2.9 12.4 X-Dist ft: 2.08 6.40 Shears: Left k : 0.23 0.71 Right k : -0.58 -0.48 Reaction@ Left DL k: 0.09 0.52 .LL k: 0,14 0.77 Total k : 0.23 1.29 Reaction @ Right DL k: 0.52 0.19 LL k : 0.77 0 • .29 Total k :. 1.29 0.48 Max. Defl. @ Mid Span in: . 0.008 -0.111 X-Dist ft: 5.85 5.90 DESIGH DA'lA . Le: Unsupported Length ft: 0.00 o.oo Fb:Basic Allowable psi : 875,0 875.0 Fv:Basic Allowable ~s~: 95.0 95.0 Elastic Moduli.is Sl ! 1600 1600 Load Duration Factor 1.00 1.00' APPLIED LOADS Use Live Load on This Span ? Yes Yes Uniforn...... DL plf : 45.0 45.0 . LL plf : 67.0 67.0 QOERY VALUES . Location •••.. ft: 0.00 o.oo Shear # : 0:23 0.71 Monent k-in: 0.00 -14.96 Deflection in.: 0.000 0.000 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC ·Date: 10/08/97 Page~ GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW06Q361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497'-2li8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/08/97 Paget,./;_/ GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. J-2 ------.......,.,..--BEAM DATA-----------"---- Timber Section Beall Width Beam Depth La11inat1on Thickness Fb -Bending Fv -Shear Fe -Bearing 3: 125xl0.5 End Fixity Pin:Pin = 3 .125 in Elastic Modulus = 1800000 psi = 10.50 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf = 1.50 in Load Duration Factor = 1.00 = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads - 165 psi End Shear Calc'd at SuppQrt, · 650 p§li ----'---------SPAI DATA------Center Span = Left Cantilever = Right cantilever = ---'--UIBRACED LDG'l'HS Le·: Center Span = Le : __ Left cant. = te: Right cant. = 7 .• 00 ft o.oo ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft o.oo ft 0.00 ft ---------------'--APPLIED WADS .a....·'-',----'-----',-,---'--"---'-------- Uniforn Load@ Center Span: DL = 1156.0 plf LL= 478.0 plf ----------------SUMlfARY----,-----,.,~--------- USING 3!125 x 10.500 Bean, Bending= 87.57%, Shear= 159.22% Max. Pos Mom @ 3.50 ft=· 10.06 k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left = Max. Neg Hon @ 7 ,00 ft= 0.00 k-ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left = 0,00 k-ft .... Area Reg1 d = Max @ Right = o.oo k-ft !fax. @ Right = Max. Allow Monent = 11. 48 k-f.t •.•. used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 2101. 7 psi-.... Area Reg' d = Fb : Allowable = 2~00.0 psi fv : Max. Actual = Fv : Allowable = Ck= .811(E/Fb)A,5 = 22.21 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 = 0.00 Bearing Req'd @ Left = CV per UBC 2312.4.5 = 1.00 Bearing Req1d @ Right= Center camber = -0.17 in center camoer --v • .1., ii~ 5. 75 k 8.62 k 52.24 in2 5. 75 k 8,62 k 52.24 in2 2~2. 72 psi 165.0 psi 2.83 in 2".83 in Reactions .•• DL Maximum Left = 4.07 k 5.75 k Right = 4.07 k 5. 75 k Deflections •.• Center = -0.12 in -0.16 in •• ~.Dist = 3.50 ft 3,500 ft ••• L/Defl = 725 514 Left = o.oo in 0.000 in ... L/Defl = 0 0 Right = o.oo in 0.000 in .•. LjDefl = 0 0 \ oo \-::VF --:: 9-afL-f 41t'.J _:1 .. ;:: ! I Sl fl-=F . V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EHERCALC ·.GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. . STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497.,.0429 . GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. ) ,B'-3 Date: 10/08/97 ----------BEAM DATA --'--------------'------'--------SPAI DATA----'--- Timber Section 2X8 . Elld Fixity Pfo: Pin Center Spart = Bean Width = 1.500 in Elastic Modulus = 1600000 psi Left Cantilever = Beam De~th = · 7 .25 in Beam Density = 35.0 pcf Right cantilever .= La11inat1on Thickness = 0.00 in Load Duration Factor = 1.00 -----mmRA.CED LEHGTHS Fb -Bending = 875 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Le : Center Span = Fv -Shear = 9~ psi End Shear Calc1d at Support Le : Left Cant. = 7 .25 ft 3.33 ft o.oo ft o.oo ft 0.00 ft O.QO ft Fe -Bearing = 625 psi Le : Right Cant. = ----------------,.. APPLIED 'LOADS--~-~----------- Uniforn Load@ Left Cantilever: DL = -68.0 plf LL= 120.0 plf -----------------,--SOMMARY --...a---'----------------- USING 1. 500 x 7. 250 Bean, Bending = 91. 93%, Shear = 91. 01% Max. Pos Mon @ 7. 25 ft= o. oo k-ft Shear: Max. @ Left · = 0.63 k Reactions ••• DL Maxinun Max. Neg Mon @ o.oo ft= -0.39 k-ft .... used for dsgn = Max @ Left = -1.06 k-ft .... Area Reg'd = Max @ Right = o. 00-k-ft :Max. @· Right = Max. Allow Moment = 1.15 k-ft .•.. used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 965.3 psi .... Area Req'd = r Fb : Allowable = 1050. O psi fv : Max. Actual - Fv : Allowable = Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A,5 = 34.68 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 = 0.00 Bearing Reg'd @ Left = Cf per UBC 2304.3.5 = 1.20 Bearing Req1d @ Right= Left cant. camber = -0.14 .in 0.94 k · Left = 0,30 k 0.79 k 9.90 in2 Right = -0.04 k -0.14 k 0.14 k 0.20 k Deflections ••• 2.15 in2 center = 0.03 in 0.03 in 86.46 psi .•••• Dist = 3,01 ft 3.010 ft 95.0 psi ... L/Defl = 3123 3123 Left· = -0.09 in -0.254 in 0.84 in · ..• L£Defl = 869 315 ·-0.15in Righ = o.oo in 0.000 in .... L/Defl = 0 0. Center Camber = 0.04 in \~ V 4. 4D ( c) 1983-96 EHERCALc· GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 J~4 ICE CREAM CAFE TOWER ITJ-Beam™ v5.03 Serial Number: 707203613 rJsEAMo 1001 10,a,91 5:43:01 PM 1 O" T Jl®/35C JOIST @ 24.0" o/c · Page 1 o! 1 Build Code: 041 iHIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS fOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED I I Member Slope: 0 Roof Slope: 0 ~-------'--~-~---------'------, , ___ .. ---------~J 001 ···-17'6"------~·=·...,,: if!l I All dimensions are horizontal. LOADS: Product Diagram Is Conceptual. Analysis for JOIST MEMBER Supporting ROOF Application. Loads(psf): 20·Llve at 125% duration, 30 Oead ISUPpORTS: INPUT BEARING REACTIONS(lbs.) WIDTH LENGTH JUSTIFICATiON LiVE/ DEAD/ TOTAL DETAIL OTHER 1 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Left Face 350-1525 / 875 2 Glulam, HT 3.50" Hanger Right Face 350 /525 / 875 I HANGERS: SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS~ REVERSE T:F. T.F. NAILING MODEL SLOPE SKEW FLANGES OFFSET Left Top ITT3510 0 No NIA No Right Top ITT3510 0 No N/A No I DESIGN CONTROLS; SLOPE FACE TOP 0 2-N10 4-N10 o 2-N16 4-N10 MEMBER 2-N10 . 2-N10 I MAXIMUM Shear(lb) 846 Reactlon(lb) 846 DESIGN 846 846 3577 0.321 0.803 ALLOW. 2150 1569 5414 0.564 0.846 CONTROL Passed(39%) Passed(54%) Passed(66%) Passed(L/632) Passed(L/253) LOCATION LT. end Span 1 under Roof loading Bearing 1 under Roof loading Moment(ft-lb) 3577 Live Defl.(ln) Total Deft. (in) I -Allowable moment was Increased for repetitive-member usage. -Oeflectlon Criteria: STANDARD(LL:L/360, TL:L/240). MIO Span 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roof loading MID Span 1 under Roof loacllng I ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented·i!'l output from software developed by Trus Joist MacMillan(T JM). T JM warrants the·sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with T JM product-design criteria and code accepted design values. I I I I The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a T JM Associate: -Not aU products are readily available. Check with your suppli~r or T JM t~hnlcal representative for·prodU(:t availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUCTS ONL YI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code LAC analyzing the T J M Custom, product listed above. • Braclng(Lu): All compression edg~ (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' s• o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment-and positioning of lateral bracing is required to.achieve member stability. I PROJECT INFORMATION No Project Information available OPERATOR INFORMATION: Martin & Dunn, ln9. I : ,s re 7801 Mission Center Ct. San Diego, Ca 92108 (619) 497 2118 (619) 497 0429 I Copyright O 1997 by Trus Joist MacMillan, a limited partnership, Boise, Idaho, USA. T J-Beam"' is·a trademark of"!'rus joist MacMillan. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® is a registered trademark ot SIMPSON STRONG-TU: COMPANY, INC. T JIC> Is a regilteled trademark o! Trus Jollt M_acMHlan. I J-5 ICE CREAM CAFE TOWER I TJ.Beam™ v5.03 Serial Number. 707203613 rJsEAMo 1001 10,a/97 5:44:54 PM 16" T Jl®/60C JOIST @ 24.0" o/c Page 1 of 1 Bulld Code: 041 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED I I Member Slope: O Roof Slope: 0 i ...... i ---.-----------~-~--.iiill ~ ~ -------------------31'-------~----------- I All dimensions are horizontal. Product Diagram Is Conceptual. LOADS: Analysis for JOIST MEMBER Supporting ROOF Application. Loads(psf): 20·Live at 125% duration, 30 Dead I SUPPORTS: 1 Glulam, HT 2 Glulam, HT INPUT WIDTH 3.50" 3.50" BEARING LENGTH Hanger· Hanger REACTIONS(lbs.) JUSTIFICATION LIVE/ DEAD/ TOTAL Left Face 620 / 930 / 1550· DETAIL OTHER Right Face 620 / 930 / 1550 I -Web stiffeners are required at support(s): 1, 2. see·T JLJOIST INSTALLATION INFORMATION for. nailing requirements. HANGERS: SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® I MODEL SLOPE SKEW Left Top MIT416 0 No Right Top MIT416 0 No REVERSE T.F. FLANGES OFFSET N/A No NIA No T.i=, SLOPE 0 0 NAILING FACE TOP· 2-16D 4-160 2-16D 4-1.60 MEMBER 2-N10 2-N10 I DESIGN CONTROLS: MAXIMUM Shear(lb) 1521 DESIGN 1521 1521 11565 0.607 1.519 ALLOW. 2912 1569 18850 1.014 1.5~1 CONTROL Passed(52%) · Passed(97%) Passed(61%) Passed(L/601 )· Passed(U240) l:.OCATION LT. end Span 1 underRoof·loading Bearing 1 under Roof loading Reaction(lb) 1521 I Moment(ft-lb) 11565 .ive Defl.(in) fetal Defl.(in) MID Span 1 under Roof'loading MID Span 1 under Roof loadir]g MID Spart 1 under Roof loading -Allowable moment was increas~ for repetitive member usage. I · Deflection Criteria: STANDARD(LL:L/360, TL:L/240). ADDITIONAL NOTES: I I I I. -IMPORTANT! The analysis preS!!nted is output from software developed by Trus Joist MacMillan(TJM). T JM warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with T JM product design criteria and code accepted design values. The specific product application, input d~ign loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software·u~r. This output has not been reviewed by a TJM Associate. -Not all products are readily available .. Check with your supplier or T JM technical representative for produ¢ avaHability. • THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST MacMILLAN PRODUCTS ONL YI PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. • Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for Building Code-LAC analyzing the T JM Custom product listed above. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and tiottom) must be braced at 2' 8" o/c unless detailed. otherwise. Proper attachment an<! positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. I PROJECT INFORMATION No Project Information available OPERATOR INFORMATION: Martin & Dunn,:lnc. I 7801 Mission-Center Ct San Diego, Ca 92108 (Ei19) 497 2118 (619) 497 0429 I Copyright o 1997 by Trua Joist MacMillan, a llmtted partnership, Boise, ldah9, USA. T J.Beam"" in trademark or Trus Joist MacMIiian. SIMPSON STRONG-TIE CONNECTORS® Is a registered trademark or SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMP!\NY, INC. T JI® Is a registered trademark o!Trus Joist MacMill~n. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. . STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 GENERAL TIMBER BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND • CASTLE BASE BLDG. B-1 Date: 10/08/97 Pagefr.61 ----------BEAM DATA------------------SPAJ DATA----Timber section 6. 75x19.5 End Fixity_ Pin:Pin Center Span -- Bean Width = 6. 750 in Elastic Modulus = 1800000 psi Left Cantilever = Beam De~th = 19.50 in Beam Den~itY -35.0 pcf Right Cantilever . = Lamination Thickness = 1.50 1n Load Duration Factor = 1.00 ---UIIBRACED LEIGT1JS Fb -Bending = 2400 psi Beam Wt. is Added to Loads Le : Center Span · = Fv -Shear = 165 psi End Shear Calc'd at Support Le : Left Cant. = 12.00ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.oo ft o.oo ft Fe -Bearing = 650 psi Le : Right cant. = _______ ,_...... ___________ APPLIED LOADS ____ .,.,.._"--------......... ------ Uniforn Load @ Center Span: DL = 428.0 plf LL = 450.0 plf . Trapezoidal Load: DL: 1010.0plf @ lft., 1010.0plf @ rt LL: 213.0plf @ 1ft, 213.0plf @ rt fron Point Load: DL = 4000.0 # LL= 1750,0 # at 5.00 ft 5.00 ft to 12.00 ft ---------........... -------SUIIIARY ---· ________ ,....._ _______________ _ USING 6.750 x 19.500 Bean, Bending= 54.17%, Shear= 96.i4% Max. Pos Mon @ 5.47 ft= 45 •. 42 k·ft Shear: Max. @ Left = Max. Neg Mon @ 12.00 ft= -o.oo k-ft · ••.• used for .dsgn = Max @ Left = o.oo k-ft •... Area Reg'd = Max @ Right = o .oo k-ft Max. @ Right = Max. Allow Monent = 83.85 k·ft .... used for dsgn = fb : Max. Actual = 1274.1 psi .... Area Req'd = Fb : Allowable = 2352.2 psi fv : Ma~. Actual = Fv: Allowable. = Ck= .8ll(E/Fb)A,5 Rb= (LeD/BA2)A,5 Cv per UBC·2312.4.5 = 22.21 . = o.oo Bearing Reqt d @ Left = = 0.98 Bearing Reqrd @ Right= = -0.15 in Center Camber C,J DG1 -· !J,,S/2 C~o P.s,-P) L-~ o L, '"2. CJ\)1.., 3 C;.J 1;04 (,.J '_ \_. \ --:::- ~J '-' I_. '7.) -::: 1 ' ,:!. --t,•,/ L ~ I -· ..., \l/~ ? I D'-,~) I ./ ). I\/'-::: (' :::: -.,p,:., f )·, ,t;,..,' _.,./ v~: .,. ,' ? -.-:, ~ / . / ;; I • ' ,...-"-~ ,/. cP ·,.i , r -_.,, -o 4 ~ ~ ~ • .....-.... J • \ .,-S,)6C! / ,:_· ·~ lj _.., A o·)·i .;· I .--- _, ' -r-t, .-/· \ '' ' _, V4.4D (c) 1983·96 ENERCALC 11.31 k 16.97 k -102.83 in2 13.92 k 20.88 k · 126.54 in2 158.63 psi 165.o psi 2.58 in 3.17 in Reactions. , • Left Right Deflections ••. Center ...• Dist , •• L/Defl Left ... L/Defl Right ... L/Defl = = = = = = = = = DL 7.16 k 9.43 k -0.10 in 6.05 ft 1439 o.oo in 0 0.00 in 0 C 10 v'f~· t. LO{) t:) ·\ (LOQ=¥ 1 ;<-t/1 $f4) f12-M) f Maxi11U11· ll.3ik 13.92 k -0.15 in 6,000 ft 958 0.000 in 0 0.000 in 0 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS _ 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-2li8/FAX 497-0429 STEEL BEAM DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE B-2 Date: 10/08/97 Page1\,6i ----BEAM DATA ----------'----------STIEL SEC'fIOlf DATA---'------'---- Center Span Length = 28. 50 ft AISC Section w16x45 Left cantilever = o~_oo ft Section Depth = 16.13 in Ixx Right Cantilever = o. oo ft Web Th-ickness = O. 345 in Iyy Unbraced Length = o.oo ft Section Wi9th = 7.03 in-sxx ~am Wt. is ADDED, To a~plied loa_ds Flan9e Thickness ., 0.565 in syy L1ve Load Not Acting with Short Ten Sect1on Area = 13.30 in2 r:xx Fy , = 36 ksi Section .w~ight = 45.16 # r:yy Load Durat1on Factor = 1. oo rT, y = 1. 83 -in Beam End Fixity : Pin:Pin = 586,00 in4 32.80 in4 = 72.66 in3 = 9.32 in3 = 6.638 in = 1.510 in ----------------APPLIED LOADS-------------------------- ----------------------concentrated Loads----'-'-------------- Dead Load = 4.00 k 7 .16 X 0.25 k Live Load = 1. 75 k 4.15 k Distance To Load - 7 .oo ft 12.00 ft 20.00 ft --------------------Unifon toads--------------------- Dead Load Live Load Distance To Start Distance To End = 0.06 k/ftJ..01 ~/ft = 0.04 k/ftt).21 k/ft = 0.00 ft 0.00 ft = 28.50 ft 7.00 ft SUMMARY USING w16x45, Max Stress Ratio = 93..39%, Min -Defl. Ratio = 336.5_2 . TA13ULAR SUMMARY OF WAD catBID.'IlOJfS Maxi11Ul'lls ..• Actual Allowable Dead Load+ Loads Placed as follows Moment = 134.4 143'.9 k-ft Placed DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST ••••• Stress= 22.19 n.76 ksi for Max Only @Cntr @cntr @Cants @Cants Shear = 20.54 80.13 k ••.•• Stress= 3.69 14.40 ksi Moments •• Mt@ Center = 134,4 91.5 134.4 o.o 0.0 0.0 k-ft Deflection = -1.016 M-@ Center = o.o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o k-ft fb / Fb : % max 0.934 @ Left = o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.0 k-ft fv / Fv : % nax 0.256 @ Right = o.o 0.0 o.o 0 .• 0 o.o k-ft Min. DL Defl Ratio= \ .488.88 · Shears ••• @ Left = 20.54 14.94 20.54 0.00-0.00 0.00 k Min. TL Defl Ratio= 336.52 @ Right = 9.47 6.54 9.47 o.oo o.oo o.oo k Deflection •• @ Center = -1.016 -0.100 -1.016 -0.700 ·o.ooo 0.000 in @ Left = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in @ Right = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 :0,000 in at 0.00 ft = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in Reactions @ Left = 20.54 14.94 20.54 14.94 o.oo 0.00 k Reactions @ Right = 9.47 6.54 9.47 6.54 0.00 0.00 k V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC GEORGE R. SAUllDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 1--· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN, CHOW & NAKABARA, INC. Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers - 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92108 · (619) 497-3092 FAX (619) 497-0429 JOB L-€#2. SHEET NO. --~~\""""tk:..c:...,.PJ_ OF---'--- CALCULATED BY--'--" ---~-DATE-----'- CHECKED BY · DATE -'--. -....,.....-- SCALE _ CoM-1ef2.,_. f::ka;?[k ' . ; ' - \...,\ \) 5 \.A) ~ . \ 0-0 ·_ ~ fl.Ca, ff-NY) I t,10 e, )tl;A-1 }\I ~ {J)Jd'lb !J>h:12 ( 9clY f<(D hfvc>c---. . -. -D v \ 1 / 1/( U}N(._, ~ ~1;,,'-/ -t Jot '71 ::: \ e; + "3 ~ 4' ::: 1.-5 ft!_,,- A-OD -15~F ~n..,. r\ /ti" (... ~-o~~ u1fb 1J t ;s-t..--~ ~ ~ \ iJ @. ,W( o""-- P-l v =-(~v-t1~ i..-::-~ < '2---1 ( ~7 &_ t-i..\ O,t._ t:Sf~ lV Hk'y w :-l"'>D 1 1-v ~ L sto ~ ~ ~ w~\.,/ e, ~ -vg \~ (Jj ro+ l 1 ~ n.--~ ,,.-z.._. -~ ~pO-- t?v -:. R>-tT~\ -=-~~~ t>~~ ,·o f~·cz. ~?f.c+J B;·~: ~; \ ~ ~ W "t. ~ \ o-t I in,\ 1..-r-=-'t--~ p-~ K~ wfl~--t\~~2. 'tltvo 12.IH1 t-,~ I~.,\ tb, .. llP ("V C!--U/t?,<., t b :-\01~ ;l,;z.. h ~ \\O-r-\\¾~ ¥ ~.~ ~l.~/ \~.'\ "-{dp ( '\~ ffokM ~ Sff<'N \'\; rt~ w,_ (\to') b --;," \ ~k . }l\-i -w~/'6'"' IS,~~ L. "l--? · W b, \~ I TJl®/35C Joist · Load Tables/Floor (100°/o).~4 Performance Plus® Web Material • Simple Span • Parallel TJI® Joists Allowable Uniformload (PLF) I Nailed Floor Depth 111/e 14 LL TL LL TL Span COM COM I 10 325 336 11 295 306 12 236 271 280 13 192 250 259 I 14 158 232 224 240 15 131 ,, 205 .. __ 187 224 16 110 q180_ 157 210 17 88 160 126 195 18 71 142 102 ''"174 -· I 19 58 124 83 • -156 20 47 107 68 .\}4-1',i 21 41 93 59 ,_.,,12s __ . 22 36 82 52 117 23 32 72 46 105 I 24 41 93 25 37 83 26 32 74 27 -28 I 29 30 31 32 33 I 34 35 36 I Glue-Nailed Floor Depth 117/s 14 I I I I I I I Span 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 -25- 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 LL COM 252 206 170 141 119 94 76 62 51 44 39 34 ··-· TL LL TL COM 325 336 295 306 271 280 250 259 232 238 240 ;':·205:: 199 224 ,\:180 / 167 210 t160-:;: 134 195 142 109 ""174'·' 124 89 ;,,: !~6.,:, 107 73 -..-.. 141 , 93 64 \ i2a-~ 82 56 117 n 50 \ 105 44 93 39 83 35 74 .. _. 16 18 20 LL TL LL TL. LL TL COM COM COM -348 389 402 316 354 365 290 324 335 . 268 29_9 309 249 278 287 232 259 268 209 217 243 25f 167 205 214 229 236 136 193 174 216 218 223 111 183, 143 ·203 179 211 92 r~.65; 113· ::!:1ar 148 201 80 r~11so·--104 ~.ffo5~~ 130 188· 70 h137·, 91 ;,,;:151· · 115 F\'171,: 62 :·.125 81 :1· 13f·: 102 ,_,;-155 ·. 55 ,. 115 72 Y:127 · .. 91 t ·144 ·. 49 ~{1Q6 ~. 64 t~,111 .• :, 81 j_i.7132 L 44 98 ' 58 ';;.10s·,. 73 ¥~'122:·. *~:113::". 40 90 52 ~--ro1 :· 65 35 "ili--47 93 59 . 106 32 74 42 ::· 87_.. 53 ;t..::.98 ·-t··3f:_, ~J92 f.> 38 49 35 :.-1.:76 "' 44 t~i!f 32 72 40' 37 34 li:J.2.,_ 16 18 20 LL TL LL TL LL TL COM COM COM 348 389· 402 316 -354 365 290 -324 335 268 299 309 249 278 287 232 259 268 -217 243 251 178 ?05 227 229 236 144 .-193 185 216 223 1.18 183 .152 203 189 211 98 W'165-:-125 1;f118:f;l: 157 201 85 (f150 . 110. :··:166 '• 138 188 75 137 97 151 122 -171 G7 125 BG -139 108 156 59 115 76 127 96 144 53 :.~106. t. ,.117 ·' ,;_,132 ·' 68 86 47 98 61 ·•. ·to8· 1 17 *:'.122'f• I,",. ' ~:11f; 43 90 55 ,;-:.101 70 38 81 50 (.9t. 62 \,i,106,':· 35 74 45 ;')87 (' 57' .b;9a ;~ 41 f,f81 : 52 t~92:J. 37 .. 76 . 47 ,' 86 ;._ 34 72 43 ft81 '.', 40 i.J-.;76 ~'1~ 36 i~n2_;;·, .. .. 22 24 26 28 30 Depth LL TL LL TL LL TL LL TL LL TL Sc;an COM COM · COM COM COM 412 423 421 421 421 ·10 375 384 382 382" 382 11 344 -352 350 350 350 12 3·17 325 324 324 324 13 295 302 300 300 300 14 275. 282 280 280 280 15 258 '264 263 263 263 16 243 249 247 247 247 17 229. 235 234 234 234 18 217 . ·223 221 421 221 19 182 .206 211 210 ?10 210 20 160 196 ·192 201 200 200 200 21' 141 187 170 192 191 191 191 22 125 174 151 184 179 183 183 183 23 112 :?1so·0 135 ?*-169~: 160 175 175 175 24 100 ~im-· 121. ·~15\l:,, 143 168 168 168 25 89 k1Si/Je 109 li!l:.144-~ 129 157 152 162 162 26 ·.C,.1· ·/ f~f:ifl . 80 ,;,f~26"~ 98 116 ~~~145'~ 137 . -156 156 27 n ~,117. 88 ()24:_· 106 t;'.135 , 124-146 145 150 28 66 ;-;;J~9 ,,: 80 l11,!64J 96 }f.,125·,; 113 35·1,'i 131' 145 29 l.t':hs'? •• :J;,. 60 ?"'102:~ 73 !;,i108'i 87 103 2Hi 120 137 30 55 iEl 67 • 80 -~ ~, 94 90 110 f)128''!\ 31 50 ,·it ,:-'120·1\ 32 61 73 86 ! ( 101 ' ~ ~-,(; 46 56 67: ··r.1 79 92 .,.,.113r.: 33 42 t~li 52 it64;_,, 62 73 .• 85 . ;;;:f.106j/ 34 39 47 ~"'~-56' 67 ~-1s 1,:·foo'"" 35 ft19]-; 1i.,_ ;_;; 44 ,·.i75·il 52 ~ ·:!] 62 .. 1..~:-. 73 1*'95~ 36 .::;~ 22 . 24 . 26 28 30 Depth LL Tl LL TL LL TL l.L TL. LL TL COM COM COM COM COM · Span 412 423 421 421 421 10 375 384 382 382 382 11 344 352 350 350 350 :12 317 325 324 324 324 13 295 302 . 300 300 300 14 275 282 280 280 280 15 258 264 263 263 263 16 243 249 247 247 247 17 229, 235. 234 234 234 18 217 223 221 221 221 19 191 206 211 210 210 21.0 20 169 196 201 200 200 200 21 149 187 179 -192 19·1 191 191 22 133 174 159 184 183 183 183 23 118 :r-160 142 ::::·_169. 169 17.5 175 175 24 106 Ii~; 121· t';<\~¥ 25 151 168 ,168 168 ·95 ,,-:; , 115 ~1~!~J1 136 157 160 162 162 26 1:13. l:1'.145":1 85 d: 103 f.';;133·\~ 145 156. 156 27 77 ~ .. 1,)?ij 94 (~~4i 112 it~~· 131 146 150 28 ;~ 70 iw~t:i: 85· Jtl.16,;, 101 .i 119, Wi~il~f 139 145 29 64 ,;;,,102,,; 77 ~1ii,16al 92. .1f8 ' 109 rX12t.~: 126 137 30 58 - 71 ,,'·101-'· 84 ~J]l~~; ::I ·115 n§.12t~ 31 53 . 65 ~:¥95< 77 106 1.fi12ot5 32 ~tl .. ·.,,!;) ~;97~\i ~J13·t~ 33 49 59 'e?i89i.r, 71 83 97 45 55 £"784:.:., 65 lit~~ 77 'iii 39· f<,106'.f 34 ;·t: ~--~, 41 50 }9~. -60 71 s:;, 83 J-100.i' 35 65 ~ 76 ;$95:.'.· 36 .46 "'"~75·~· 55 . .¼.:?· .•! 1. Values shown are maximum allowable load capacities of the joists in pounds per lineal foot (PLF) based on simpl~ span, uniformly loaded I conditions with web stiffener and bearing ·length criteria shown on page 3.2 (lower or higher load capacities may-be possible with different criteria, use the TJ-Spec ... ., software program or contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative). 2. Values in gray :SfiadeR.I'. areas may be increased 4% for repetitive member usage if the criteria on page.9.2 are-met. 3. Camber (2250' radius) is available for simple span applications only .. Contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative for availability. I 4. For loading conditions not covered by these tables (eg.: concentrated-loads), U$8 the T~-SpecT"' software program or contact your Trus Joist MacMillan representative .for assistance. I 17.2 REV. 7/96 W ·.·.· ·.··· ---- --- - - - -- -- --- --IT!] I GRATING I I 800.237-3820 McNICHOLS C0.©19s3 i I Bar· Grating \ I Welded Steel I (ASTM-A569) · 3.'. & SGW conform to federal spec RR-G-661E Type I Class I • 3/16" or 1/8" Main Bars • Stock Length 20' • Fast Cut-To-Size PAN.EL. WIDTHS. No. GW,GW·2 SGW,SGW-2 Bars GAA, GBB GCC, GOD 2 1,3/8" ,• 1·118"' 3 2-9116· 2•1116~ 4 3.3/4• 3• 5 4•15/16" 3·15/16" 6 6~/8" ·,.118.· 7, 7-5/16" 5·13/16" ,8 8-112" 5.314i' 9 9·11/16" 7-11116" 10 10-718" 8-5/8" 11 i?-1115·· 9·9/16" ·12 13·1/4" 10·112"' 13 14-7/16" 11·.7116" 14 ,15·5/8" 12·318" 15 16-i3/16" 13•5/16" 16 18" 14·1/4· 17 19•3/16" 15·3/16" 18 .20-318" 16·1/8" 19 21·9/16" 17·1/16" 20 22·3/4" 18" 21 23-15116" 18•15.116· 22 25·1/8" 19•7!8" 23 26·5/16" 20•13/16" 24 ,21-112'• 21•3/4". 25 28-\\/16" 22-11/16" 26 29-7/8" ·' 23-5/8" , · .. 27 31-1/16" 24·9/16" 28 32-1/4" 25-112" 29 33-7/16" 26,7/16" , 30 34-5/8" 27-3/8" 31 35-13116"·. 28-5116" 32 29-1/4" . 33 30'3116" 34 31-1/8" 35 32-1/16" 36 '33• 37 33-15/16" 38 34•7/8" 39 -'_i:~--· $13f16•rJ~: W1dlh1. shown ate tor 3116· buung bars. Deduct l11ti• 1fom width tor 118 • bearin'l: bar,. NOTE: WIDTH ANO LENGTH TOLER,.NCE :t 114 GW & SGW panels may·be made up to 48 • wide by special order-please inquire, MAXIMUM PANEL WIDTH as indicated. For wider areas, grating will be made in two or more panels. TYPE GW GW-2 SGW SGW-2 · ... HP·· EP·· »·· Spacing £¥ .. - . Bearing Wt.Lbs. i\'/t. Lbs . Wl:Lbs. Wt.Lbs. Sar Size Symbol Sq.Ft. Symbql I Sq. Ft. Symbol Sq. Ft. Symbol Sq. ft. 3/4" X 1/8" · GW,75A 4.1 , GW-75A·2 ~.8 SGW-75A 5.0 SGW-75A·2 5.7 314" X 3;16" GW-75 5.7 GW.-75-2 I ·6.4 SGW-75 7:2 SGW-75-2 7.9 1" X 1/8" GW-100A 5.2 Gw:100.c,.2j 5.9 SGW-100A 6.4 SGW-100.A.-2 ,, 7.1 1" X 3/16' G\ll'.·100 i.4 GW-100·2 8.1 SGW-100 9.3 . SGW-100·2 10.0 1·1/4" X 1/8" GW-125A 6.3 GW-125A-2 7.0 SGW-125A 7.9 SGW-125A-2 8.6 1-1/4" X 3/16'" GW-125 '9.1 GW-125-2 9.8 SGW-125 11.5 SGW-125;2 12.2 1-112" X 1/8" GW-150A, 7'.4 -GW-150A-2 8.1 SGW-150A 9.3 SGW-150A-2 10.0 1·1/2" X 3/16' GW-150 10.8 GW-150·2 11.5 SGW-i50 13.7 SGW-150-2 14.4 ' 1•3/4" X 3/16" GW-175 ,2.5 GW-.175:2 . 13.2 S!3W-'175 15.8 SGW-175-2 16.5 2" X 3116" GW-200 i4.1 GW-200-2 14.8 SGW-200 18.0 · SGW-2,00·2 . 18.7 2-1/4" X 3/16" GW-225 · 15.7 GW-225·2 16.4 SGW-225 20.0 SGW-225-2 20.7 2•1/2" X 3/16" GW-250 17.4 GW-250.2 18.1 SGW-250 · 22.2 SGW-250-2 22.9 -,·;·.-,-. ---------,-.,t _ ·--·----~-,:;-,-;-i----;-;·,·;--::--,--,~-,-;_:-:---;--·~.• P•,v•'l<J ,,;•,·.,·:-4 ,~ ;~; ',, ,.LQAD TA~LE forTypes-GW, GW-2;:G~A·and_.~~-"B'.,:;{tt:tifatf (f;'OA 0TH Ef! TYPES SEE CON\:'ERSION TAB!.E-BEL9,V/)-.:ASTM-A569.>::,,,,\ • .,_;'.'",,.,_'; ,,i'<,'~:," · Be:~~no -S"' 1,. (Steel). . SPAN (1·3/16;' CTC) Size 2'00• 2'-6:,3 -0"'3'-6• 4'~0" 4'-6" 5'-0' 5'-6" 6'.-0" 6'-6" 7'-0" 8'-0" ,,,,.., .... , ,..... •Aa u .-,., ''" ·. 1-a,· iti 76 uni1Suess1eooo1t:spersq incn 3/4 x 118'' I il29 I 048 ° 096• .l!:10 .2,5 .294 • .362 .aes U Uniform Loao,Pounds per Sq Ft . . g :i~-.ffl r.J -~~ .J~~ -~~~ 1 C Co_ricenlfa)eC Loao Pullnos pet Fl u • -~,.. 372 25.e' , 190 , us 1 115 \\1C:llh a~ mid span • 3/4X3!16" I .194 I .073 1 ~ , -~~-: ;·-~:-~: ·: ;: ·;::, ~ ~!~!1~b~~~1;~~~\erFt.ofW1dth o .077,; ·,.-,20 .173 , 235 .307 , 3ae I Momeni ot lner11.:i pe: Ft of \11J1d:ll U ea& 439 ,:;as 22• 172 136 110 91 , 76 1 X 118" I 229 I 114 'I D .072 ' .112 ., .. ' .220 ; .... ,365 ,,., .5<5 ••• ' ' C ; 686 ' 5,49, ' •51 392 , .,• 343, 305' , ~72 • 250 , 229 , (GAA & GBB con-' o .058 .090 , .,JO .176, •• 230 , .292 ,:'joO • .c36 519 form toted.spec. 1 x 3/16'1 3~3{ 172 I ~ ,'~m.:,,~ -~~ ~ ·'.~. '.~" m .m ~~ g~~,6~/ETypel ' ' C ,,103():,-, 12,, 6,16, 511·, '51:'i' ,,451 .c12 37' 3.c2 D , .058· ·.090 .• 130 :.176, ,230.., ,:.292~ ,360, 436 519 u 1,,012: .:. • ,n , 350. "'-261, .212 _ ~.112, 1•2 119 102 68 1-1/4x11B'"I 358 I 224 I o _,_...,, .ooo ·.130 .110 •:,30· _..,_. _... ,.,, .516 .607 ,1c, ' ' C 1072,; ,1868 715 613 : 536 i A71 , ..C29 390 358 330 306 D ,,.04& .. 07.2 ·.10,I' ·.1.c1 •:.1&e, :233 '.211 348 •15 .'-86 562 U .. 1610 '1031 711 526 ~ ,-403,., ,, 316 ,-2~·-213 179 152 , 131 1-1/4,x3116" I 537 j 336 I o .. , . .,.., _.... .130 .176 •. .230, .m . .350·, ,:<JS' .516 607 .10, • • • 1 g ~:l3t· . ~m, ~fJ: .. m , ;.~~ .~: :ffl' !ig::. -~~ .!: . -~ u 1544~)< ,,He 686,, '50c. 1i:38l!i' • ..305,, ;.,247, )204'. ,,,172-1 1'6 1261 .. 1-112' 118'. I 5151 387 I. o. c·.11<1,, .,.075. .,oa ·n,,, ,., .. ,, , . .,.,, !.:,oo, _..,. c,<32 .506 .587 .76S_ -· · , g ~~~l ·:~ 1: .m· g~l \~~ :~i~: ~t1 l~t .:ii .1;i l i~ l-ll 2 X 3 /l6" _773 ,1 .SSQ 'I u ,!2320 , 1415 1031 · 756--, . .5&0:-._: ,-4511'. >371., ''307-..: }<2$81, ~t:220. 189 1 · 1, 1•3/4 X3/16" 1.()53, .921 D i-m:s,," ~.o51 .01• U '.;..412$', ~ ,1833 2 x 3116" I 1.375 1 .375 ~ :;~~:·· = :,:, D u 2-114x311s-J 1.740 I 1.957 ~ D u J-1iM11s-12.14812.685 H Q Type Load Factor Deflection under the factored loads will be same as shown In load table. .58 ~·~~u Press-Locked I ,.·1 • Carbon Steel • Stainless Steel* • Aluminum • HD Galvanized • Painted Black " The cross bars in McNichols Press Locked steel grating remain locked even after reaching the yield point. The cross bars are pressed into the bearing bars flush top under tremendous pressure laterally displacing 1/16 of an inch of cross bar material into the "dovetail" slot, assuring firm, rigid connectio'nS. Deep cross bars-are used for la,teral support without removing excE!ssive material ·from either member. The main bars are not cut, punched, or.otherwise aeformed below the neutral axis and therefore can resist up to the yield stress for the full cross-section of the bars. Not recom- mended for wheel traffic. (GAA.& GBB conform to Fed, spec. 'RR-G-661 E Type I Class II) • mill finish · For panel widths --see GW chart for V>{elded grating .TYPE GAA GBB GCC GOD, 4• AA-G·· · · 2· z· Spac;ing EP··· H-1 BP··· HF·· ;: ~iJ;;~g;, ~~: Bar· · Wt. Lbs WI. Lbs. Wt.Lbs Wt.Lbs. --size :r Symbol Sq. Ft. Symbol Sq Ft. Symbol Sq.ft, Symbol Sq.Ft. 3/4" X 1/8• GAA·75A .. GBB,75A "-'.6 GCC-75A 4,8 GDD,75A 5.5 3/4" X 3116" ' GAA-75 5.7 GBB-75 6.• GCC-75 7.0 GDD-75 . 7,7 l"'X 1/8'" GAA·100A _ 5.2 GB6·100A 6.0 GCC-100A 6.4 GDD•10DA 7.2 1• x3/16" GAA,100 7,5 GBB-100 8.3 GCC-100 93 GDD-100 10.1 -1-1/4"X 1/8· GAA·125A 6.3 GBB-125A 7.1 ' GCC•125A 7,9 GDD·125A e.1 M/4"x 3116" GAA,125 9.1 GBB·125 9.9 GCC·125 11.3 GDD-125 12.2 1-1/2"x1/8"· GAA·150A 7.6 GBB,150A 8.7 GCC,150A. 9.5 GDD·150A 106 1-112"x 3/16" GAA•150 110 GBB·150 12.1 GCC-150 13.7 GDD-150 14,8 1.3J4-X 3/16" GAA-175 12.7 GBB-175 ·13:8. GCC-175 15.8 GDD·175 16.9 2" X 3/16" GAA·200 143 GBB-200 15.4 GCC·200 ,17.9 GDD-200 19,0 2·1/4" x3/16" GAA'225 "16,0 GBB-225 ' 17.1 GCC,225 20.0 GDD·225 21.1 2-112· X 3116· GAA,250 17.7 GBB,250 18.8 GCC·250 22.1 GDD-250 23.2 Load tables-,-see Welded S.teel table paqe 18 & 21 I Pert-Grate • l;xpan-Grate·. treao~Grate I Perforated or. Expanded Steel weld~d tQ GW Series Bar Grating • An ECONOMICAL alternate to Close-Mesh Grating depending upon the application • Prevents tools, parts and debris from falling through grating • Combines.STRENGTH of bar grating with the small.opening,qf perforated or expanded steel • Protects·people-.under mezzanines or catwalks MAKE WAL,.KWAYS SAFE FOR WALKING! ,· fr~· r:. t;:. r: ~· ~i\' .___ _______ ..,__ __________ _.J ~:. , . . . . ,. -·A··----.-------· . 1 ...... ---=---=---=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=---·---=---· ~--·---· ·-·--~-_ .. _ .. ----·· --·-·----....... --"_--_-=---~ -----------------'----- JOB l-tA--Q L~~Jb -c.._t-=,TL£ ;et;~ I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Yli Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. · rtLft:' oF ----- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 '"f b "-"I /~7 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY __._f_' -------'-DATE J, -1- 1 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ SCALE----~-----..,.,-,-,--,--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G,oL fQ_G .i -------=---~ ,r i ),i ~ I ' , 1 ~/~~ .,,...,,..., ' 4, 1 r--=--,"·_1 ~---l I ,4, D /L I G,.+ ~ l ? , .•, • 3,~ t (-4,?; ~ ? ?/0·¥'. I? i,,z~ \.2~ 0 _, , '?.:> P--,-_,,. ·--f,Bf 7 , -4,o k:. ' !0¥-i 8 l i ---. 3 ¥--I .... ~~.,. -~ 1 to,C,~ 'l 7,E7~ J '. ! '.• - •' 10/L I I I 10 --4n. ~ -· _ _, 11 4 '?~ k. . . l --\ .,3 'I'- 4,~f'- 12-,3r -4,e>~ /?; 4 11-, 1.:.. ' . . . ,· . . ~ I .E_Y~ __ J _j· LAL .14~ I - I 1~ ---f" L'1 f-- "2, 7f-' - ?,,6f - -,31.i:. - L7f -~+-- l/7 ~ (fa~ 3-7~ ... .c-1 ¥- ;,~r-- <I 9i r-- '.?1 2 .. -~-,5¥- L11,::._ i -"f • ¥ ' 2-i~ '2, Bf- I '3~ ! - fiZ ¥ -2..-~61£- 3--fJC-: Lol~- ·a-~ ' - ' I i - C. oLvl-A~. OtE. 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Engineers 7801 M1ssron Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I c,,e-'t I -----· ... ---__ ./. __ P,· 1 \,...>l., H-I 4 .1-f'----, ~e,+ ~ ! + 2, /L . 3,,z_\L CHECKED BY------'----'---DATE ,-_ -'------- SCALE--'-·--------'-'----~....,....,...------'-----'---- PDl_, ~ = b,f f- tu. ------z;; ~ ... i ... .,, ____ --. -·---·-...... _,_.._ ---. -. ·------··----~f1 \, .'.b I~ 3-1~ : >2 ~ I ;=.:==============-=============-==-==---=·. ===-==-::::;:· ==--·==-==----!==·-o . ::::::=--==-~====-:=;:::. =-.. =---· - JOB L. F,.6:? t.,,), \] [) ·~ CM Lf,, ~ B Ltb MARTIN & DUNN, INC. I Structural & Civil l;ngineers SHEET No. ,i.&o oF ~~---'--- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 CALCULATED BY b;l~ DATE c.i_v'~7 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 ::i, I Phone (6i9) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY---~---DATE ____ _ SCALE--'------~-~------=--- - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I {._£?\.,,\J\v1 ~ • • .:-..:-•• • --~ -.1..' .. - L~ I '9 1 ~/r ::: I CJ 4;CP-f2/73 ~ Cf7, q /\ ;1q- ! -6 -:: I '·fc: l i:l'.J ( ".?:,;6) ~ I, t -t 11 1 //'77 Pl)L..,. --11 . ~ p \.c., -::: ; , + r- 1·2 _ c:::-. v ,-.:, G l.r... fL,A-T~pµ<.. -• ./,b r __... r'"""ill :;. 'g3 \L . <:: A ISL--'.Z,.,.42) . , !?S3 l ?.,7.-11 1~)_ l?G~. --4"-f L ~l-· t6> fo)(C. ;t;/4 'fft.?~{ j?;,~ ,tP 1...---------=-----=----------_·•-_•-____,-• ·-·-_-m_-_-«..::;:-·_--_---,.·----~-·-....... _,_•·._---------·-=-------·-------,-·~__,-_, __ .. _ .. ·-.,.--·--·-··-_•-•_-·-.,....·• ·_-~·-· .,_ .. • • JOB \z~~ zA bl D--c...,Mtlf f,zMJ: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN,. INC.· Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission·Ceriter Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET NO. 11'11 · ·OF----- CALCULATED BY ...... ~~-j b __ ~---·DATE _CJ ..... ~ '-/__,g._,__7 __ CHECKED BY-----'------DATE---------- SCALE ________ -,-----,-------- f7 fit >'/1 1f-::: l.5l!h ~l/r ~ 1-(l;()cl2)ji.tSJ :: V371 Pc:]11 :: -if~ B ~ :, B14- .,i._~ -:: 1 '1 I (, 12) (,, 0 8 ?) -;;-\. 11Jl :1~ V-"v i !; (! J LC?AD 1- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,- 1 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 l0'--0' SHEET NO. ·WZ2 OF --------,,-- . '"' _,.___ ,::7 I ,_17 CALCULATED BY .....;.t_;__···'--:-: ,----'-----,---·DATE --'-"----'--''---- GHECKi:D. BY"--".·----'-----',---'---DATE----- SCALE ·~of. ~.ANICA!. E:0.Ulf'!-'l:NT '--~¥-? ..J.-_____!~ . .,....{'---:-. _ -,r,t , --\ 'fEC~~::::+·ft ' z.. Wu11nd :: \,1-::>c 1.4)( 12. 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Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (61-9) 497-0429 ~ ! . j ' I ~ ' ' I ' ,..,._...,.,._._ ........ _,,_.....,....._....,.,..,._......,."l'I"'-~-~-,,,. ........ -~-. . . JOB L-£ bo·L-A ND -L,/2211£ SHEET NO. ·l!t1 k OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY .... K'--'--"'0=-'-------~'---DATE __ 'i...;,./_._,c.J:.,..7 __ _ CHECKED BY---'--------'---DATE------''---- ~ • I I • .,.....,,,. ............. ..., __ /:_ ~, 2· ··:C: ff1ELEVATION ~ acaa.a 11.-wt...- 1-----·-..... JOB LE(,OL~D I I I I I I I I, I I 1. I I I ·1 I SHEET NO. ~1':, OF ____ _ MARTIN & DUNN, INC~ Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Soite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY-------'--DATE ____ _ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY---,-------DATE ____ _ ~N _"''*ML·. \~;, r~S:.'itt. o'N ~ra\o~ ~ ~ L '1 P(A~ ON \ ~Tft-\.QJ?:, ~ Dl ~ l'?o i 2,~/tz. ::: ~ \ \'.)S~ .:=; ')to f'SF TS '6'f..b'f.. ~t~ !?~.S ~ 32, b-i( '2-/1 ~ ~. ~ · p<;f :t STv~S ~M\S(;.. -. . ~-:>,1 PSF + S~l.SMlC:. ~. f-(-> = 2.IC.f 'i Y..lp \.:-f =: I 4'1-1 "1-1 /rt 44 t(-l :; l?:>.Z f<;f 'c--1 tt>l'P ~ p == Ce Cb \s I e~ ,, .,,,~f,4i 12--~,,c, f =-2. ;>, \ fSf --s:.._ .: 44 f>'SF ~ = o,4-J:=--\.o Cf>=. 0, 1\ c~ ~ 1. 3 l C c.O})srtvKiJtr) C0 .::: , ,4 L-=-to ~ ~ --/2,b f~f- . ' . . ~ --· I r=-~ =================:.::::::=::-====·-==-==-==·-===---==··-==-=======-==·==--==· :::.:.::·-. ==-=--=-=-~~==--·:·-..:....:_· - Joa Lf<=o LA.-NP ~ ctic;:rUt Bf/-£ .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . SHEET NO. ?Iv 7 4' . OF----- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY--~--'-----DATE---'---- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY~--'-----'---~ DATE-----'--- SCALE--~-~---'------,--'-~......,...--- fi.P!oAG~~ ~ ~~­ Ax:: ,$4~ • I I I . -<l·f-l ...,, . W IND CO ~jj~dL:? ~ ' --~ .. /.--~11 u1~q4 r?t-x 2...b7' =· .11~ Pef · .. u; .. ,,_ ' ; l..tJ 2 :. 4-+ P<::>f t .. s ,5 1 -= "?,4-fl:f f 1)/).. . '-t ' ' i · 1 , 1' : . B " -4 : -I --I ~ -1 · 11~ -4 --·-·-/ ·-. ' : ' 7 ,1 ::,-l ? WHt~ ~x::. ,5r,11 j /2-y ; o e ?!}Pfop-r ".,6 /4 ,= ., 5 6 I,! ./ , 7?:/ ~Jf-l-st-l 6.y::: .. c:;-'-(; 6.x ~ . ~1Y , . Jr. .i2-l, 7 1--1-, -~-'-----,+--, -r-----. -t txi-rf, 1-Jt;-. ~r2. ~I In,:,\,'{ £ Cr~~£? _,{.\_L ' .... -y-· -·-·~1 !)~ LP~ }<J;t.:1 L-. ~~£'(tr I gJ ; ------~-.. ; ,,,-<. ~)< r,;.·ci:<---. 11.· . -:II I' • if--'' _Wf L-G r ~J-! · b.i oi'J.,<,., -;. J-(·4) 1~()4 ) 'l · -= • 41 1 '. • /2.w1nJ ·= · '? 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Structural: & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (6i9) 497-2118 Fax (619) 4~7-0429 f o_t,-l ~. 1 . -6 1DNt;r-'? --~---·-~----· ---/--- -C:A~G12.-.. ~::. bt..D:::"' SHEET NO. · -~ 17 OF--~-- CALCULATED.:BY __ }<l...c-,1...;a.{r-_. ---,----DATE ''-1 ,/ <ff CHECKED BY--------DATE ____ _ SCALE-,-.--'--:---,--------'---------- 0· I I I I l--• .:s... I <-i\ I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engine~rs · 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-21.18 Fax (619) 497-0429 < tt_ 1-:_, ib' £ ~~--,- ;) i J.;:ri 1 i 1 SHEET NO. -----'-------'"":%-"-7.,___,k""---OF---...,..-'--' d/ 7 !,;,, "-'-"1. ,r.::;....--,' ---------,-,,-,-DATE l. . 4 QALCULATED BY _ --=--. CHECKED.BY--------,---,--DATE---'--- SCALE __ -------'----------- r0 ~H;,IL lfuAD ~~~~ w~.? . /?JI _,,.t;,1 }'7{ J :f -l, 1 i ...r):-; 9 ,.,-U.o !':1L,N , T t.¥0{.;J-~- C-"''rP..:::>U M ~µr 0 H-t1/-.L £,;/.)~ 0 Nl6..:,, "~ ·l;,.., t-: -·.J 1 l?. : ,,----.. ,. ··-,.,,,, ' t., > • ·1 i ,, \/ IV·· <· <lJ f '/' • ,.,/ 4 G ~)/2 -:: "JJ. -:::-1 oO t:-1:t"' ! '2-. 7 < 4) :: ]f) t) ( ) I'"' t,-B ~ c.;.- ---.,J '?. 0 f:>f l,:;:,~f ~-1 .psf -~ e, P::f· '{ ' . .. -..!.- I ···---·-----·--~ MARTIN & DUNN, IN,C. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 , Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) ·497.0429 _ _1oLJJ?~ t.. l.,~1liJv!-p N =--~:??7 ·c ~er ) c ~z;' ) ·2. > 37 c ?l.Q_w.51) < cr'J z. , ____ ..,..,.......,_,..._,.... ___ ,__ __ ,.,_.._, _____ '"",_...,. SHEET NO. ~.,11 OF ____ _ CALCULAT!=D BY----~-'---DATE-'---'---- . CHECKED BY --;-a.!J=&---~---.,--DATE ____ _ SCALE-----~----'-----'----- 4-777 '::lJ --;:; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I )37 (275' I 1 I ocr1" t -IB5B~) (z)J -,;uqf!t--z. 7i7b-~ J31 J:r· --· ( '7 vi I )( ~) ,_. Ci?;Jo c,;~ P:IPL, . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2O (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders As$ociates Job ______ _ 3131 Camino oei Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Paget, :}12 Date _______ _ LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. , P\f' 1£, ~ Pf'0'2--f t)iUlbd" ======~~==============--==-.== -===============--~~~-~-------== Units Option . us standard . AISC Code Checks : 9th Edition ASD Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects . ~o . Redesign . N.o . Edge Forces . No . A.S.I.F. . 1.333 . ------.------------.... -------------------.--~-----------------~----....,.-... _______ _,, ___________ _ Node Boundary Conditions, No x-coord Y-Coord X-<iof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 1 0.00 0.0-0 R R R 0.00 2 0.00 15.00 STORY 1 0.00 -----------~-------~~-~-----~----~----~------~-~-~-~---~-------~-~---~------Material Elastic Poisson's Thepnal Weight Yield Stress Label Modulus Ratio coefficient Density (Fy} --------------~(Ksi)-------------~----~----(F)--------(K/tt3)------(Ksi)---- POST 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 35.000 ---~--~----~--------------------~--~---~------~---~---~--~---~--------~-----section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set Inertia Coef -~~~-~----~----~------~-~-----·-~-~-·-(inA2)~~-~--~-~-(inA4)----~------~----- POST · PI6.625X.28 POST 5.58 28.142 1.20. ------------~---------------------~~--~---·-~--~--~--~------~~--------------I J I Release·s J End Offsets No Node Node Section· x y z x y 2 Sec sway I :, Length ~-----~--------~---~----~--~-------~-----------~-~---~(in)----(in)--~---(ft) 1 l -2 POST y 15.00 ~-~~------------~------~----~--~~-~-------~-~--~~~----·---~---------~-------BLC No. Ba.sic Load Case Description Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. -. ' . ~----------------------~-----------------~--~--~-~~~~---~------~-~--~------~ 1 SEISMIC 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RlSA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLOG. Job_. ____ _ Paget,:79 Date _ __,, __ _ ====~-=== ==== ~-------------==--~-~-----~--=-------------------- Member Point Loads,BLC 1: SEISMIC --~--------~-------------~-~~---~-------~------~--~---------~--~-----~~-----Memb I J No Node Node Direction j,fagnitude Location ----~-------~----~~---------------~-~---(K,~-ft,F)---~---------~---(ft)----~- 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 2 2 2 X X X X 0 .05·8 0. 53·0 1.500 Q.18$ 15.000 9.000 . 2. 000 3.000 -~~~--~--~-----~-------~~---~------~----------------------~-----------------Load Combination No. Description Self wt BLC BLC BLC BLC BLC W E DYNA S V Dir Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae ---------------------~---~----------------~----~---------~-----------~~-~---1 SEISMIC Load combination is 1 : Member End Forces · 1 l SEISMIC ---~------~------~~-------~--------~~---~------~------~---------~~--~~-~----Nodes ===== I-End ---===== «-~~--=---J-End --~--~---- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)-------"'"(K)--..----(K-ft)----~-...;(K)---------(J<)------(K--ft)-- 1 1-2 o.oo 2.27 9.19 o.oo -0.06 o.oo Load combination is 1 : SEISMIC Nodal Displacements --~------~--------------------~~---~-~~~----~-----~-~-~--~-----~-----~--~--- Node Global X Global Y Rotatic:m --------------~------(in)-------·-~-------·(in)----------------(ra~)-------~- 1 2 0.00000 0.79926 Load Combinat~on· is 1: SEISMIC AISC Code Checks 0.00000 0.00-000 -0.00000 -0.00561 ~--------~----~~----~-----·---~-------~-----~~--~----~-------------~-------- No Nodes I J Maximum 0 Member Qua:rter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ------------~-~--------~--~--------~-----------------~-~----~---~~-~-~-~~--~ 1 1-2 0.5622 0.5622 0.2100 0.0752 0.0133 0.0000 0.0291 Load Combination is 1 : SEISMIC Reactions -~----------~~-------~--~--~~-------~-~--~----~~---~---~~---~---~~-~--~--~~- Node Global X Global Y Moment .._ ________________ ,... _____ ( K )---~--~ ... --.... -------( K.)-------------... --( ·K-ft) ------------ l Totals -2.27300 -2.27300 0.00000 0.00000 9.19500 9 .19-500 1-- 1 I ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1·= I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engine~rs 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I JOB !;f?boC,,b-J'l.\) -·-Ciefl-f:'. [>bf:: /~LJ)&. SHEET NO. 1,-t;,.O OF--'---~- CALCULATED BY 1-,1 (;. DATE -~~/_01'.....:....1 __ _ CHECKED BY~-.:...._ __ __._ ___ DATE--'----- SCALE ----~-'----,--------- ff?"T -~J1is.T ~ATEt-Ak-,;\J}.J.){~l~ C,! C)vb == • I 'o~ [ ( 7') ( 2. 1 P:>f) + I~.( Z "l F°F)_ r-z U ~115. P--f t,J wn,cJ :::-i1-11 f,::::,f CI:::,') 7 z77,,z :PL--f f~Clb -;:. 175 ·µ C 1-i) f ( i:;7-; j* + ( ~ l 81)) , I-B:7 :: "J·517 ?J P1.,;1nJ,~_(275,z j={f(/-z.) + 1~1} + )oo'f)::: 4BD--t° >-?7'7~-fl ~J.Q,;Jtl.~-...,A... JJ I iJ9 b--'~N;;i ~p ~ +41-rr + 27?PL-f C~) -f t.9.0,4 1 l2/(~) -r ~7 ~Gtit,;) :+41~ ~cill ~ 44t1 -~ ~ 03 7 PLf . . t)$t. ~1-f--" ,:n-s, R-f/2_ (lZ/2-) t 4.1l_i +-16°Lf ('2/12.): !fBf T -P ~ t2.-~31t Lin) ~ to{, qJ . 1Jl Ii' j ~ ~ fa c-z:J? Rf;' 2.. l 12-12,-) f-I <:> .,; "f " I 'O 'Jf' l j-1 o-r ""' i 4 ti+ ~ ( \~ J t I i:, 4 4 :1 C 1' ) + I O & 1,Ji ( II') = ~ Z 1 t? 1 fJhe~ == 21 P-)f Cl 2-) ( 7 /-= ·s~ z b 1¥ _,. -z.. r1.P :: 3? _ _:14f 1);i,. -~ ·;./? ('8?26 ::: j ;:·? b~f-~ --, ,-1 ,,? ' -• • • -... ;• ... -- " .,l - I :==--=----·-----------------·-----· ---------··-.,....---·------.::..--=----------------·-...... ·-------~--,,------:--.,...,..-__ :·-------,-·-=-----------_-- JOB I } h::::L,A~J t, <~ 0A::...-1 LJZ ~.-SJZ-. p_,L.t,).'.'-c- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t MARTIN & DUNN; ·INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 · \,J j. ; · p ... 1?6°?' I k-7,-, -I - ~ SHEET NO. -------~'--~"--I -OF----'---- CALCULATED BY _l~il---'r-. ______ DATE_,~" ..... ·!,_/~~[_-/ __ _ CHECKED BY _________ DATE _____ _ SCALE _______ ---'----------- lz,~? ~ (11) t-Cibtn~ (ll):::: I 73 Cj. b 1# _ 4+ f:>f ( l I) ( 11) 1.. :::. I ob 1?.l~ 7'7 I 7 3 '9 '=-'..b 7' &:12~ lb L ib.l ~ /41 _ Y11 ~ ~1, 2 rsr[( o~ /75 1 ) 'Z ·:, .. >, ~ ... : .. ·-· \i:b!J .. . • ~ ' .. -•. , ... · •• I -========-====-=--==--==--===·--==-======--==~==::::----::::::.·==-=--~:::.::.:-·---==-==·-··-:::=·-::.:.:..:·r_ .. --==·--==~==-==-· ==-=·-==--..:....:...· - JOB l fi6o\_.;f !-J j) - I I _I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 pl.,+ L.J .... j)t., t 141"1D .. SHEET NO. .nz. OF------"-- k. !., C//;,) .::._t CALCULATED BY ___e_>-.=""';____.;_ ____ DATE _ _..___.;_-'---- 9HECKED BY---'--------PATE-----,--- SCALE-------------"----'---- I --·-·------·---·--·--:---·......:-- JOB l f_.?c=> lh N 1) -· CAS 1 ut 1t/t::;;,t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 l~o1tc1~) t 221# (~l) . [ 2 ci. f"s:->f ( ·4}1 ) 1 '2 SHEETNO. tJo3> OF---,,---~ 11 :1/01,7 CALCULATED BY -'--V -------'--'--DATE-~-f,__.-, ~, _ CHECKED BY---'------'----"'-----'---DATE_-'------ SCALE ______________ _ :·.: ... :~ ·t: '\c:~1!_..· '( :•' "'.!:" •• ;,. '!'' •, .'-_t. ·-. • I I I I I RISA-2O (R) Version 3.0·3 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 6~0 San Diego, CA 92108-5707. Job-----Pag~ Date ___ _ LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. \ -· =======-.=== fRlrlt ~ f _ Gf-2-tj)µ tJE:,==_/2 _ : \2t~S_L0N ==== -============--======= Units Option :_ us Standard AISC Code Checks 9th Edition ASD Shear Deformation: No I P-Delta Effects : No I I I I I I I I I I I I I Redesign Edge Forces A.S.I.F. : No : N,o : 1.333 ----~---~~-~----~-~~-~~---~-~~-~---~~--~~~~---~-~-~~~--~---~~---~~--~-~-~----Node Boundary Conditions No x-coord Y-coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--..------{ .ft)·-----{ in, K/in)--.. -( in, K/in )---( r, K-ft/r )-... ---( F )- 1 0.00 0.00 R R 0.00 2 0. 00 6. 00 0. 00 3 o.oo 8 .• 00 o.oo 4 2.00 8.00 o.oo 5 7.75 8.00 o.oo 6 9. 75 8. 00 O. 00 7 9. 75 6. Oo o. oo 8 9.75 0.00 R R 0.00 --~----------~-~-~--~---~~----~~-~---~~~-~~~-~-~~-~~---~~-~-~-------~~------Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield stress Label Modulus Ratio coefficient Density {Fy) .............. _______ ..,. ____ ( Ks i l---~ .. -.... --..... ---.. --~~------( F) -1!"9---"~-... ( K/ft3) -------( Ksi) ---- TS 29000.00 0.3Q000 0.65000 . 0.490 46.000 ---~--~~----~-~-----~~-~------~~~---~-~----~~~~-~----~~--~---~~~--~~~-~---~-Section Database Mati. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set Inertia Coef _____ .., _________ .,.._ _ _._.,. ... ____________ .,.~ .... ----· ... ( in" 2) "'!"' ___ ._ ____ ( inA4.)------................. _ ... ____ _ COL BRACE BEAM TU4X4X4 TU2X2X4 TU4X4X4 TS TS TS 3.59 1.5.~ 3.59 . . ' 8 .• 220 0.110 8.220 1.20 1.20 1.20 --~--~-----------------~~~~~--~--~~-----~~--~--~-----~--~-~~~~--~~~-----~--~ I J I Releases J End Offsets No Node. Node section x y z x y z Sec sway I J Length -----------------------------------------~---·-~------(in)----(in)------(ft) 1 2 3 4 1 -2 COL 2 - 3 COL 3 - 4 BEAJ.i 4 - 5 BEAM 1 6.00 2.00 2.00 5.75 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLOG. Job Pag-,ei-:-@""'"?-,,---- Datei ____ "---_....,. -------=-----=-~= = --=~-~~---~--~-==--~-~----~=-------=#=---~--~--------- ----~~--~-~------~----~-----~----~----~~-----~-•-~----~-------~---~----~----I J · I Releases .::r . End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z Sec sway I J Length ---~-----~-------~-~~-----~-----------~~------------~~(in)--~-(in)-~~----(ft) 5 5 -6 BEAM 1 2.00 6 6 ... 7 COL 2.00 7 7 -8 COL 6.00 8 2 -·4 BRACE 1 1 2.83 9 5 -7 BRACE 1 1 2.83 ...., ____ .,.._ ... _______ ..,. _________ ... ___ ..,._,... _________ ~ ______ .,. ____ ................ ~-------... -~--------------.. BLC No. Basic Load case Description Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. -~~-----~--~-~-~-~~~-~-~--~~-~-~~-~~--~~--~------~~~~--~-~---~~~--~---------1 DEAD 2 LIVE 3 WIND LEFT 4 WIND RIGHT Member Distributed Lo~ds,BLC 1: DEAD 1 1 3 3 --~-------~----~-~~---~~~----~-~---~--~~~----~------~~--------~~-~~-~-------Memb I J start End · Start End No Node Node Pir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location -------------------------( K/ft, F )'-----( K/f·t, F )-------.--(ft)---------(ft·)---- 3 3 -4 Y 0.145 0i145 O.000 2.000 4 4 - 5 Y 0.145 0.145 0.000 5.750 5 5 - 6 Y 0.145 0.145 0.000 2.000 Member Dis~ributed Loads,BLC 2: LIVE ------~---~-~~-----~~~------~~-~-~----~-~-~----~---~---~-~~-~---~---~-~~~~~-Memb I J start End Start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location ----·--------------------( K/ft, F )------( K/ft., F) .... .,. ... ___ .,.. __ (ft)----------(ft)---- 3 . 3 - 4 Y 0.060 Oa060 0.000 2.000 4 4 - 5 Y 0.060 0.060 0.000 5.750 5 5 - 6 Y 0.060 0.060 0.000 2.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 3: WIND LEFT ---------------...... -....... _ _, __ .................... _ .. __________ ..... _...,_,_. ..... _ ................ _ ... _______ .,. ___ ~----..... -~ .. .,. ..... --.. -.. Node Number Global X Global Y Moment --------~--·------------~(K)-----~--~-~-----~-(K)-~----------------{K-ft)---- 6 0.848 0.000 0.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 4: WIND RIGHT I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associa;tes 3131 Camino Del ~io N, Suit~ 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Job_.__,,..,..-=---- Page f}3k Date ___ _ I LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I =,,;,== -=. ==----== =--====--_ __,. __ -= =============== ~-------~~---~~----~---~---~-~--~~------~----~~--~---~---------------~------Node Number Global X · Global Y Moment ________________ ... ;... ______ ( K )------------------(K }-------·-----------( K-·ft )---- 3 0.848 0.00Q 0.000 -• I -• • ------------------~~-----------~-------~~~-------~----------~----------------Load Combination No. Description Self Wt BLC BLC BLC BLC BLC W E DYNA . S V Dir Fae .Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae ----------~----~-------~-~----·-----------~~-----~~----------~~-~----·------1 DEAD + LIVE· y -1 1 --1 2 -1 2 DEAD+ WIND L~FT y -1 1 -1 3 -1 y 3 DEAD+ WINP RIGHT y -1 1 --1 4 1 y Load combination is 1 . DEAD+ LIVE . Member End Forces ~-----------~----~-~---------~-~---~----------~------------------~-----~----Nodes ----='"':---I-End -----~-----J-End --------=---- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------{J-ft)------•(R)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 1.17 -0.19 o.oo -1.10 0.19 -1.15 2 2-3 -0.32 0.57 1.15 -0.30 -0.57 o.oo 3 3-4 -0.57 0.30 o.oo 0.57 0.13 0.17 4 4-5 0.19 0.62 -0.17 -0.19 0.62 0.17 5 5-6 ~0.57 0.13 -0.17 0.57 0.30 o.oo 6 6-7 o.36 -o~57 o~oo -o.a2 o.57 -1.1s 7 7-8 1.10 0.19 1.15 -i.17 -0.19 0.00 a 2-4 1.09 o.oi o.oo ~1.os 0.01 o.oo 9 5-7 1.08 0.01 o.oo -1.09 0.01 o.oo Load Combination is 1 : DEAP + LIVE AISC Code Che_cks ------~--------~~----~~---~---~-----~--------------~--~~------~----~-------~ Nodes No I J Maximum . 0 Member Quarter Point$. 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear -~-~---~~----~--~~---~----~---~---------------~---~--~~--------------~------1 1-2 .0.1239 0 .0.142 o. 0·416 0.0690 O •. 0964 0.1239 0.0052 ~ 2-3 0.1140 0.1140 0.0863 0.0586 0.0309 0.0032 0.0156 3 3-4 0.0256 0.0058 0.0176 0.0242 0.0256 0.0217 0.0082 4 4-5 0.1046 0.0182 0. 0830. 0.1046 0.0830 0.0182 0.0170 5 5-6 0.0256 0.0217 0.0256 0.0242 O.Oi76 0.0058 0.0082 6 6-7 0.1140 0.0032 0.0309 0.0586 0.0863 0.1140 0.0156 7 7-8 O.i239 0.1239 0.0964 0.0690 0.0416 0.0142 0.0052 8 2-4 0.0318 0.0300 0.0314 0.0'.)18 0.0312 0.0297 0.0003 9 5-7 0.0318 0.0297 0.0312 0. 03.18 0.0314 0.0300 0.0003 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA g2108•5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. -------==-·---===- Load Combination is 1 : DEAD+ LIVE Reactions Job Pag..,,.e-..,.,f,,-,...,,$"'"'7 __ _ Date ___ _ -------------~-~--~---~---~-------------~~~~-~~-~----------------------~--~~ Node Global x Global Y Moment -----------------------( K) --~------~--------~ ... (-K )------------------( 1{-..ft) ..,.. _____ _.."'!'9 .. 1 8 Totals 0.19162 -0!19162 0.00000 Load Combination is 2: DEAD+ WIND LEFT Member End Forces 1.17196 1.17196 2.343~2 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -----------~w----~~----~-~----~~----~---------------•-------~------------~-~ Nodes ----=-----I-End-=---=----== J-End ---------~ No I J Axial Shear Moment Axi~l Shea,r Moment ---------------(K)-------~(K)---~--(K-ft)-------(K)~-----~-(k)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 1.58 -0.56 0.00 •i.50 0.56 -3.38 2 2-3 -0.76 1.69 3.38 0.78 -1.69 -o.oo 3 3-4 -1.69 -o.7S o.oo 1.69 1.10 -1.88 4 4-5 0.56 1.15 1.88 -0.56 -0.24 2.12 5 s-6 1.10 ~0.90 -2.12 -1.10 1.22 o.oo 6 6-7 1.22 a.as o.oo· -1.24 -o.85 1.11 7 7-8 0.11 -0.28 · -1.71 -0.18 0.28 -o.oo 8 2-4 3~19 0.01 o.oo -3,18 0.01 -o.oo 9 s-1 -1.62 0.01 o.oo 1.61 0.01 ·o.oo Load Combination is 2: DEAD+ WIND LEFT AISC Code Checks ----~--------------------------~-----------~~-~---~-~~------------~~-------~ Noqes Member Quarter Points No I J Maximum 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear -----~-----------~---------~-----~--~-----------~~~-~--~--~----~---------~--1 1-2 0.2574 ·O. 0143 0.0751 0.1358 0.1966 0.2574 0.0115 2 2-3 0.2495 0.2495 0.1886 0.1277 0.0668 0.0059 0.0344 3 3-4 0.1484 0.0128 0 .042.4 0.0749 0.1102 0.1484 0.0224 4 4-5 0.1581 Q.1407 0.0333 0.0606 0.1211 0.1581 0.0234 5 5-6 0.1665 0.1665 0.1325 0.0956 0.0559 0.0134 0.0248 6 6--7 0.1331 0.0096 0.0405 0. (l714 0.1022 0.1331 0.0174 7 7-8. 0.1243 0.124"3 O. 093.7 0.0630 0. 0-323 0.0017 0.0058 8 2-4 0.0672 Q.0659 -0. 0669 0.067~ o.0668 0.0656 0.0002 9 5-7 0.0290 Q.0276 0.0287 0.0290 0.0286 0.0275 0.0002 Load Combination is 2 . DEAD + WIND LEFT . Reactions ---------~-----~-------~--~---~~-------~-~-~----~-~~-~--~--~~---~------~-~-- Node Global X Global Y Moment -----~--------~~----~·(K.)~---~~-----~------(K)----~-~-~------(K~ft)---~----~ 1 Q.56312 1.57525 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D {R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio~, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108~5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. Job ~----Pag~:f;> Date ___ _ ==~=-=------~=================-~======================--------=-=--=== ----~---------~----------~--~--------~~----~---------~-~~-~---~~------~~--~- Node Global X Global Y Moment-______ ..,_ .. _____________ ( K) --~------~-·---------( l<) ._. __ ..,. ______ ..,..., __ ..,. ( k ... ft)----.----- 8 Totals O. 2848'8 0.84800 Load Combination is 3 : DEAD+ WIND RIGHT Member End Forces 0.183(56 1.75892 0.00000 0.00000 -~-----~~-~----~------~--~--------------~~-------~---~---~~-~--------------~ Nodes -----~-~~-I-End --===== ------~---~ J-End ---------- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)--~---1K-ft)--~----(K)--------(K)--~---(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.18 0.28 o.oo -0.11 -0.28 1.71 2 2-3 1.24 -0.85 · -1.71 --1.22 0.85 0.00 3 3-4 1.70 1.22 o.oo -1.70 -0.90 2.12 4 4-5 0.56 -0.24 -2.12 -0.56 1.15 -1.88 5 5-6 -1.69 1.10 1.88 1.69 -0.78 0.00 6 6-7 -0.78 -1~69 -o.oo '-0.76 1.69 -3.38 7 7-8 1.50 0-56 3.38 -1.58 -0.56 0.00 8 2-4 -1.61 0.01 0.00 1.62 0.01 o.oo 9 5-7 3.18 0.01 o.oo -3.1~ 0.01 o.oo Load Combination is 3 : DEAD+ WIND RIGHT Reactions --------------------------~----~----~~~-~--~~------~----~~--~~~---------~--- Node Global X Global y· Moment ~-----------~-----~--~(K)~~~~----~--~~-----(K)--~----~--~---·CK-ft)--~~----- 1 8 Totals -0.28488 -0.56312 -0.84800 Load combination is 3 :. AISC Code Checks· DEAD+ WIND RIGHT 0.18366 i.57525 1.75892 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ~----~---~~-~--------~-~~-----~------~-·---~--~-~----~~~~------------~-~----Nodes Member Quarter Points No ! J Maxi,mum 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear --------~-~---~-~~~-~-~--~·~~-~-~-------~~~-~~---~--~~--~--------~---~------ 1 1-2 0.1243 0.0017 0.0323 0.0630 0.0937 0.1243 0.0058 2 2-3 0.1331 0.1331 o.io22 0.0714 0.0405 0.0096 0.0174 3 3-4 0 • .1665 0.0134 0.0559 0-•. 0956 O _.1325 0.1665 0.0248 4 4-5 0.1581 0.1581 0 .1211 0.0606 0.0333 O.l407 0.0234 5 5-6 0.1484 O.l.484 0.1102 0.0749 0.0424 0.0128 0.0224 6 6-7 0.2495 0.0059 0 0 0Ei68 0.1211 0.188~ d.2495 0.0344 7 7-8 0.2574 0.2-574 0.1966 o .13·5a 0. 07:5l 0.0143 0.0115 8 2-4-o. 0290. 0.0275 0.0286 0.0290 0.02·87 0.0276 0. 0002 - 9 5-7 0. 0672 0.0656 0.0668. 0.0672 0.0669 0.0659 0.0002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio NJ Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE.BLDG. Job_--=~-- Page i,, f; :( Date ___ _ =======~=====~=~=~======================~======~==================~=~====== Load combination is 3 : DEAD+ WIND RIGHT Nodal Displacements Node Global X Global Y Rotation 1 0.00000· -0.00000. -0.00609 2 0.,36404 -0.00010 -0.00299 3 0.41931 -0.00039 -0.00196 4 0.41891 -0.05330 -0.00132 5 0.41854 · 0.00199 0.00061 6 0.41893 -0.00089 0.00040 7 o.4·1211 -o .. 00106 -0.00164 8 0.00000 ... 0.00000 -0.00777 I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 9210-8 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 l Pl)L-'" 2111./l SHEET NO. ----,-----'~~kq~?::_· _ OF---,----- CALCULATED BY _.;._h•_'. ~-"--'----~-DATE . .:.-f/J,j-' -'---....:....:..--'--':__-- CHECKED BY ______ _:___ DATE -...c------- SCALE __ ____,c. ___ ,___~'--------- j, lbc, 0 -f 4Hlf C 11;2 ) :-. 2-717 # _ JJ . 11~~ fG.i1n.d::: -~BP'-f (~'),= 1°75'· u .. N 7 --"-~.___ .,. . S~ c ~~g:N f>-plb¾, /' I I RISA-20 (R) version 3.0-3 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Job_-e-::o ......... --Page ~::11-Date ____ _ I LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I =---------------~------=~=-----~~--=--~---~-=-=~-=----------------=-----------~------ Units option . us Standard . AISC Code Checks· . 9th Edition ASD • Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects . No . Redesign : No Edge Forces . No . A.S.I.F. . 1.333 • ----~--~--~-~-----~~~~-~~-~~--~~~-~~------~--~~~-~---------~--~-------~-----Node Boundary Conditions No x-coord Y~coord X•dof Y-~of Rotation Temp. ----~-----~(ft)--------(ft)-----{in,K/in)--~-(in,K/in)-~-{r,K-ft/r)-----{F)- 1 o.oo o.oo R R o.oo 2 4.00 0.00 R R 0.00 3 18.00 0~00 R R 0.00 4 22.00 0.00 R R 0.00 5 o.oo 1.00 o.oo 6 4. 00 1. 00 O. 00 7 18.00 1.00 o.oo 8 22.00 1.00 o.oo 9 0. oo. 9 .. 00 0. 00 10 4. 00 9. 00 0. 00 11 18.00 9.00 o.oo 12 22.00 9.00 o.oo 13 0.00 11.00 0.00 14 22.00 11.00 o.oo Material Elastic ~oisson's Thermal Weight Yield Stress Label Modulus Ratio ·coefficient Density (Fy) ~-~~-----~·-~--(Ksi)-~~~---~----~-~--~-~-~~-(F)~•~•~---(K/ft3)-~~---(Ksi)~--~ TS 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 A6.000 -------------------~~-------~---~~------~-----------------------------------section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set inertia Coef -~~--•~--~~~~~-~~-~~-~-~~-~-~--~----~~(inA~)~----~--~(inA4)~~--~~~~-----~-~~ COL TU6X6X4 TS 5.59 30.300 1.20 BEAM TU3X2X3 ri1S 1.,64 0.980 1.20 1 BRACE TU3X2X~ TS 1.64 0.980 1.20 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. Job-e--__,_ __ _ Pag~_.:J7., Date ___ _ ====~=======:;;=============~=~========~===================~==========~=~==== --------~~--~-~---~--~~-~--~-~~-~--~~--~---~~------------~--~--~-~---~--~-~-I J I Releases J End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z X y z Sec Sway I J Length ----~~-~~-~~--~--·~~~-~----~-~~~~--~--~~--~~--~~-~----(in)~~-~(in)----~-(ft) l 1 -5 COL 1.00 2 5 -9 COL a.oo 3 9 -13 COL 2.00 4 4 -8 COL 1.00 5 8 -12 COL 8.00 6 12 -14 COL 2.00 7 2 -6 BEAM 1.00 8 6 -10. BEAM 1 8.00 9 3 -7 BEAM 1.00 10 7 -11 BEAM 1 8.00 11 9 -6 BRACE 1 1 8.94 12 11 -8 BRACE 1 l 8.94 13 9 -10 BEAM 1 4.00 14 10 -11 BEAM 14.00 15 11 -12 BEAM 1 4.00 16 5 -6 BRACE 1 l 4.00 17 7 8 BRACE 1 1 4.00 -~------------------.----.. -------......... _., ______ __,_~ ___ ... -,.. ...... _______ ...., _______ .,. __ .,. ... __ ... ___ .,.. ______ _ BLC No. 1 DEAD Ba~;:ic Load Case Description 2 WIND --CASE I 3 WIND -CASE II Nodal Loads, BLC 1: DE~D Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. 2 2 2 .. --------.. ---.. ------........... __ ..,. ____________ ... _._._ ........ _ ... _ ... _____________ ..,. ___ ............. _,... ......... --.-----.- Node Number 5 8 Global X 0.000 0.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 2: WIND~ CASE I Global Y 2.700 2.700 Moment 0.000 0.000 --.... -.................. ~----------.. -----------.. ------------~--~--..,.,.;;;,,.._,.. ______ ~----------~--------.---- Node Number 14 8 Global X 1.100 1.100 Global Y o. oo.o o.o·oo Moment 0.000 0.000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.-03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. Job _____ _ Pag~-~---Date. ____ _ -----~=.====·========-================_=-=-.................. -====== Nodal Loads, BLC 3: WIND -CASE II ------~-----~---~--~~--~------~--------~----~-------~---------~-----~-------Node Number Global X Global Y · Moment ------------------~-----(K)------------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 13 0.540 0~000 0.000 5 0.540 0.000 0.000 ---------------~------~---------------------------~----~~---~------~--------Load Combination Self Wt BLC BLC BLC BLC BLC W E DYNA S V No. Description Dir Fae fac Fae Fae Fae Fae ------------------~-----------------~---~---~-------~---~---------~---------1 DEAD+ WIND I 2 DEAD+ WIND I 3 DEAD+ WlND II 4 DEAM + WIND II y -1 y -.1 y -1 y -1 Load Combination is 1 : AISC Code Checks 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 2 1 2 ..;1 DEAD+ WIND I 3 1 3 -1 y y y y -----------------------~-----------------~------------------~----~----------Nodes No I J Maximuli! o· Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear -~~---~-~--~-----------·-----~---~~------------~~~-------~~------~----~-----1 1-5 2 5-9 3 9-13 4 4-8 5 8-12 6 12-14 7 2-6 8 6-10 9 3-7 10 7-11 11 9-6 12 11-8 13 9-10 14 10-11 15 11-12 16 5-6 17 7-8 0.0271 0.0279 0.0002 0.0648 0.0647 0.0648 0.0395 0.0136 0.0295 0.0297 0.1172. 0.1157 o. 03·49 0 .·0374 0.0510 0.0166 0.0037 Load Combination is 1 : Reactions 0.0063 0.0279 0.0002 0.0225 0.0435 0.0648 0.0313 0.0136 o·. 0245 0.0297 Q.1084 0.:).069 0.0123 0.0348 0.0510 0.0133 0.0003 0.0115 0.0229 0.0001 0.03.31 0.0165 .0.0486 0.0334 0.0110 0.0258 0.0287 0.1147 0.1132 0.0154 0.0200 0.0421 0.0158 0.0028 DEAD+ WIND I 0.0167 0.0179 0.0001 0.0437 0.0117 0.0324 0.0354 0.0084 .0.0270 0.0276 0.1172 Q.1157 0.0202 0.0297 0 .• 03.50 0.0166 0. 003·7 0. O:?.;L 9 0.0128 0.0000 0.0543 0.0;382 0.0162 0.0375 0.0058 Q.0283 o. 026·6 0.1160 0.1145 0.0267 0.0187 0.0295 0.0158 0.0028 0.0271 0.0078 0.0000 0.0648 0.0647 0.0000 -0. 039·5 0.0032 0.0295 0 .02·55 0.1110 0.1095 0.0349 0. 03'74 0.0258 0.0133 0.0003 0.0097 0.0012 0.0000 0.0196 0.0062 ,:.0. 0149 0.0015 0.0002 0.0009 0.0001 0.0006 0.0006 0.0016 0.0022 0.0017 0.0006 0.0006 ------~---~----~--~-~--------------~--~~--------~--~~~-~~-~--~-----~-~----~- Node Global X Global Y Moment ~~--~----~~~-------~--(K)-----~--.-~----~---(K)-------~---•~-~(K~ft)-~----•-- 1 -0.71093 1.27648 0.00000 2 -0.02746 1.81599 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-57·07 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. Job · · Page f£¾ Date ___ __,.._ ---==== -.-=-=---------~---=-===-====== ·=== -----------------~---------------'--------------------------.---~~------... -~-----~--- Node Global X Global· Y Moment ------~-------------~-(K)----~-------~-~---(K)--------~-~----(K-ft)--------- 3 4 Totals -0.01609 -1.44552 -2.20000 Load Combination is 2 : DEAD+ WIND l Reactions -1.48065 ·4.57434 6.18617 0.00000 0 .. 00000 0.00000 ---------------------~ ... ----.--------.... -------.-----------.-... ----~-.-----.------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment .. _..,..., _______________ ...., ___ ( K )----------------~--( K )~-------•--_.,... ___ ( K-f-t )------~--- .1 0.69721 4.56529 0.00000 2 0.02693 -1.47157 0.00000 3 0.01654 1.82495 0.00000 4 1.45932 1.26750 0.00000 Totals 2.20000 6.18617 0.00000 Load Combination is 3 : DEAD+ WIND II Reactions --~--------~----~~~-~~-~-----------~--~-~~----~-----~-~--------------------~ Node Global X Global Y Moment -------~-~------~~~-~-(K)~~---~--~••----~~~(K)----~-------~-~(K•ft)--------~ 1 2 3 4 Totals -0.78615 -o .0·13oa -o .• 00876 -0.27201 -1.08000 Load Combination is 4: DEAM + WIND II Reactions 1.94908 1.143·75 -0.47482 3.56817 6 •. 18617 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -----~-~--~---~~-~~~---~-----------~--~-------~--~~--------~~----~~--~-----~ Node Global x Global Y · Moment ------~~--~---~-~---•-(K)~----~-~~·~~-~---~(K)-~~-----~~~----(K-ft)-~------- 1 o.77244 3.89269 0.00000 2 0.01255 -·o. 19933 0.00000 3 0 .00.920 0.81912 0.00000 4 0.28581 2 .. 27368 0.00000 Totals 1.08000 6.18617 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 - Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 \ . \.""" . l "'\. .;,:-.' ..-·1:::.. ~ ,'I .,.,:"' '· ,\ ~,,<:; -, I Ii,. r--., -JOB !"'\,.,l.·t.:. -1"-~ SHEET NO. ----'--------_1z::L,.U.,-:,-:_gL.:s::'!:....c-OF _______ _ l{ .::-11 _/ -1-,J CALCULATED.BY--''-"':.,,:.•~"-'··".".:... . ..:,·-------DATE_....:.,:._-_,__! ___ _ CHECKED BY-------,----'--'---DATE------- SCALE ----'--------'-------'---,--'-----,------- ~- © ·®' ;----~· \L : . ..i !----.;,.\.. -'t -cc-ti) ,_ -::r- ' -~ h " -··· "[ {~ -! ,-.,J j~c-JS> \-:. ----i P~lS ~ .c.1~ r-""',. ---.7 .,..- ~-- ~I H WILbl~Hh0 llf-~AM y\~ ½-i~ A-~~1?1z \~:!JU •. ', ·. . . : . . . . . . . . : .· .· . . :.·:.·:. · .. :: · .. ·-·:: · .... · .. > :: ·: .. · .. : · .. :-· .. _:. -:··:-·. ;,·:-,·:: ·.:· :_: : · · .. :· ....... -: : : :· :-.. ·._. ·-=:-.::: .·: . ·. ·. ·: .· .. _.·. :·: ·: .·. ·:. ·_.:·-.. :· .4 •••• • ·: ••• I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400· SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497,2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 © CD ~:r'0 TION ® I .r I i i ®ELEVATION_ lc:ALI .,....,. ... ®@:ID @ i '/ : (' 11:4 ' .. I I I ' ! I /.'\~ !ii~ I 1 -~---'l ·:!:~ ~~:..-:;...,:_:._,.._ C-&a.. C-.ot. C•7H C•IIO, C ..... C•JH JOB Li;'.Wb:A-ND --C}~llJz ;M;if;;; ' 1>:L\)"Q. SHEET NO. :-t<..\ 6 OF--'-------l - CALCULATED BY _,_l:9----"'-b-..c......,----'----,--•--DATE } O/ '-1f CHECKgD BY -,-c---------,---DATE----~-- SCALE Wb tf:$VA::fU)N'6> l/3i =-11 -0 1' i @ ®0© ~Cf I i ,~ ...... G,~, • ,,..,_,! I @® ! i j ' -r .. 0.c.·•·.,,. ---......,,.,:, ~· -•:V 1---~--- I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'l I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engine~rs . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-ius Fax (619) 497-0429 ~ &·-·--·-·-··-: --·-·-:· .. ·-~ ; . ! ©--·-·-·--·-; -··-··-·· ,-• ' @· .,;;.1·,{ • ;Ir: -r··"""":J:: 1 .. .. I/' i .• • : • • • . ~ . ®· ...... . .. z 1! 0 p · .. r,~ <~ ·. ' >t \ 3 LLJ ? -n UJ:: ' (? @···-- ®··: ·-·--'··-·--- SHEET NO. . (A5} (J?; PzLV-. . 7 tg1 OF---~- Nb DATE ___.i::\0=-1--/:3 ....... 7.....,. __ CALCULATED-BY -1.:~------- , DATE . . · II CHECKED BY --'-----'--:---'----:-:--1/a,2," :;. I I -D . SCAu=B-l\W?lNb . El:E,vtfftONb I •• , ·-·-·: ••• :::-:!. ' ' MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA ~2108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 c.e. ,,.--'-·4 ~16 1" .,--r'" :; -::::: -- ..:: , ...,. .. 11 , ••• • .. Yk-.-'-< ..-1 n1 JOB -~=~~-·-~_~·...:.·,.._::_~~~~.,.. .. :::.,,,;_·--'~='--='._,1;::::_l_;!._..1=-r,,;,.~/~.~-8,~·:_;~:_,:__d.J-.:=;~-:__..::):"'::::·:~:::-::1"~_,.)::;: .. _;. ·::..·-___ _ SHEET NO. --~------~-F-':\4-'b-lL--. OF _______ _ , I ~ \ __ -,. · _;i CALCULATED BY _,_. __ ._. -~'-'------'----DATE _______ _ CHECKED'BY --'---'----------DATE _______ _ SCALE--------'---------'--------- ·.:: C'c //2~ l-~ !2, c Pi,?' t',. 'U' • __ , 1 z...., /I..,/~' 17 1 .) I I-! l ? ...... :: ~ ~; ,_ I~ _..,, , . I ,' / •. · .-,, ·•V"' I '\ .. ~ -f-."I~:! . .:.._ "-." • .i ·, :,,_i.:.;,, ·, l 1 ?;"7'.i ,'-i ? ,• -"J,,-I I a;.__, c:-"J_,, /-;." ~,~q:< 1 '//.../ h j--.. I ~y ~,:.L,1 -7;;., C Pcn<.:i ... (·h 1). }' . ,bi.:z D ~Jtt-0 tti,/) 1 + l~fiJ fp-ti~' : __ 1:_ . _ _:_ ... ___ ,I..~(2-_. __ ~-----LJ.-f-tk Ir 4J.-~ I 0--f ~i . .. -. -. ---.. _ .... --··-·· _,., ... -. ... ~ . Ill I ~t?(B1i-t"' ().) 'J. ,;,(l) -r3 ~ ":-~. ..{:-!~ _ 1 -~rL .J,,.. ~ -._.,,,, ;1 "~ ~ .. ·-·--- I r ,1 I•, I",' .:..,.J· ' ~l. w,/ 'Pk11nd 1,4c:i _}¼, p::,,.,~·-...,,....,_, ,• /" I:· ,.1.::: ·-~....:i / . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. ICE CREAM SERVERY TOWER ==== - Member Point Loads,BLC 1: SEISMIC Job-___ _ Pag~.,._¢'__,l _____ _ Date ____ _ ·---== --------------------------~-------~-------------------~---------------------Memb I J No Node Node Direction Magnitude Location ---------------------------------------(K,K-ft,.F)-----------------(ft)------ 1 1 - 2 X . 0.058 lQ.ooo· ·1 1 -2 X 0.403 4.000 -------------------~------------------~-~---~----------~-------------~-~----Load combination No. Description Self Wt BLC BLC BLC eLc BLC Dir Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae W E DYNA S V ---------------~--------~-------------------------------~-------------------1 SEISMIC Load Combination is 1 : Nodal Displacements 1 1 SEISMIC y --------------------------------------~--------~---------~------------------ Node Global x: Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)-----------------(in)----------------(rad)--------- 1 0.00000 0.00000 . -0.00000 2 0.10010 0.00000 -0.00108 Load Combination is 1: SEISMIC Reactions ----... --------~----------------~--------------~------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------,( K) --------------... ---( K) ____________ , ___ ( K-ft )--------- 1 -0.46100 0.-00000 2.19200 Totals -0.46100 0.00000 2.1~200 Load Combination is 1: SEISMIC Member End Forces --~---------------------~---------------------------------------------------Nodes -~---~----I-End===== --=== J-End ---------- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ----~----------{K)--------(K)------{K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)~- 1 1-2 o.oo o.46 2.19 o.bo -0.:06 -o.oo Load Combination is 1 .: SEISMIC AISC Code Checks -----~-------~---~------~---~-------------------~--------------------------- No Nodes I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear -------------------------~------~--------------~----~-----------------------1 1-2 0.1005 0.1005 0~0477 -0.0133 0.0067 0.0000 0.0044 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, ,Ne. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (61~) 497-2118 Fax (~1'9) 497-0429 ~-!.,1 {_.c:J ~ Y .f O )l~ f2---=:. --·-· -. .. . ____ ,,, . ~ A ~ (,"'. '} I • r·~ ·t \ ' , C • , ,, • ,, ,. •, s • , 11":-t.: I·:·. --r.-r: JOB i-.-i,-• cc:,.,'.)~'/ ~ '__,/ .. ~I LA> SHEET NO. ----=---=----''E,""'-l_o_"J, __ OF-,------- CALCULATED.BY --"\-'.f b""---'-----'---DATE ~[_._?_y_' --'1-'-7 __ _ CHECKED BY---'---------DATE·---'------=--- SCALE -----,----,--------,-,..::..---------, .. / -- ·11 ' ,, ,. ·, : .:::,z. ,I. \[ ,,.. ' ' : + .l-I -1 ~/ r 111~ I. 17: ' l i I I ( I I ! t"o vl70 r-: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ 1\ I / I I -L-_r,: 1I ~ ' .( MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 +-i ______ / 1 ,· / ' 1 1 2.~ ~ ... y::-,:, \/~0V: y- . ~-' ,I-c-1 5 / I I / ,-/{ 1) -r) /;::,7 ):f -=-r ! .<..,J I t.,, · -? -, -' . q,,,,..,,:"· I .1/ p ;:: -· ~!;lo'? SHEET NO. --'---------,.¥,,!""',,.-"-~---OF--,-------- , f ·:?: r.i CALCULATED BY~\::...;_',-~~"':.__ ______ DATE-' -__;_;_-·-,--' --- CHECKED BY-----~-~--DATE------- SCALE ---'------------'---------- p;::. . 1)/U,1 Pl r::: ·.....I I ,, - .,. ,,,-;;:. l \ . -I' C::,(joD·1' ~ vO --------,---:2 '1 ~? $:. t~yz. .pt.-,1'\<l I?/ f,.<Sr -(__ ~--?. l~-c:_g_: - ·' 1 : 1 ~ 15/:? 7. ~ v'~ D1/ t;:\ ::;r-, JJi~, l ---• --f . ;,;::-J.: J· L::? C -c., -·---···--·------- I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I ,) 1' I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Col!rt Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 / I/ ,r11J:-1--'{~ ,r I I ! )2-1 tr ',<"'-./' N.r-01 i, / I ; _ l '--_ _,,/ ce---&,\7T .,.. --1 - ·{-----, ,.. ,, 1 . 1 6 oUTfi ..;£:_ __ _ --t _,,./. 5-)J lv fr'~ . -----/- 1/ I'"···-/'-· ;< <?/ ·, t,-. I /4,// 7' / \)' I J-~ SHEET NO. --~-----,--~~..1£~0~4-:!..._. OF ______ _ t..-.:( 7-' 1 ...., :' ~ CALCULATED-BY_,_:.....:.....-'------~ DATE __;_' _~__,____~ _' __ _ CHECKED BY---,--'-----'-----'-----'-~-DATE--~---- SCALE ---'-·----'-'-----,--..:..._------------ '' ,... r - I ? i::.. --7./ i If:'-··? /" : -1--' / .::_. 1 ~ ~--,.---: !.I y '---..,,,,.. _ .. --~ ' -...-----~-----·- I ;::::::::==-==========================· ====""::::::---~==--··--==-:;:::::-===-==-===============:::;::==:---==---:__:_·· I I, / I ' ,. ·1 ( ,t,_,_..,.., -'-p I ~--P._· I.,~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' 1· I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I ~D-? r ~ I ~ '- JOB ~'<2;::.7. _,/-;,, 'J) -----'.n, )! :;c_ , ).o-,f--r_:_ l ';,..A..,--· SHEET NO. -~----~~c....0__,~,.._-OF---,----' ·-1 . 1/'' CALCULATED BY~-\-{={.,:,, _______ DATE · '.· -: ' CHECKED-BY--',--~'-------DATE~---,--- SCALE --"--~-----~------,---- \:,J\LDJl{b .u.)· J l:2 .;11., :- 1 17 I ... -::-: .. ,.M•.•, '\f.,.~i:.,· • :i•i. ':.. •.:• ~~::.1 ~,'.£":,.,. :.:; • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS LEGOLAllD -CASTLE BASE BLDG. DIAPHRAGM LOADS Date: 09/20/97 Pag:f)ok -r r; '· \ .1--\,._,../ I U Ill 1mm1111111m111m11111m11uu '' UOIIUIJ UUUI 1111mm lUI M 11111 IIHII Ill 1111 HIIIIIHI 111111-1111 f I 'ZiA~ --7 ''-/J · --1,1 Lr --~t -~ . 1.; \)·1. / V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC _ 74.20 1 M tnq_~ -; -t1·,_ · fJ ~ e, Sf16 .GliORGE R. -SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ."Jr .1L ·;-,-,.. ., ' MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engif'!eers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108. Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 I,_..:!-;.-, ..... , : . ---:.._ 1-,....;.., ~ ~ . .,_ I :l:' /,::,' '', •. jQs .,,.,..,....,:::-t.-,_ ....,.,. ,,,., .--: ~ ,y:..;.:. r::r .. ' . LJ. '/-- SHEET NO. -------"i--:........:..l.=.O_~-'--__ OF ______ _ \: _...... : -J ' __ 1-· CALCLJLATED•BY --,...,.,..---'------DATE ______ _ CHECKED BY--'----'--'------,--DATE ______ _ SCALE~-----'--,----------------------- l i I ~~L ;,.....,/,-.. . . ' --· '72 AL _;;,.,,:?fi'' CC) ' ~ I ---· . -·-.. --.. l \/y.c4 ~ ".!;;;,: .. ::'- / i -, I ~,V ! O,~ I ;=:::.========~==-~-=-==================·-=-===-··==~=·~·:::::::::===-=-=-=--=-·=~-.:::---===·· ==-=--=-=-=-=~ ==----=.:.: JOB L.e.00L,tl-s/ D.-. C,A5t·i_jp. B,.c_:::;!;. l"))--C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA ·92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 SHEET NO. :fJO f;, OF ____ _ ' l j' /. fl/ ,:_;,j •1 CALCULATED BY _,_;1.'--'-'· • .'--?0'-------DATE -1 1 : CHECKED BY--~-----DATE~---- SCALE-~------------- A l;lt)L. =-Z' ( ! &l>.:r) == 3b ps· UJJ-, ~ 21 C. '),::, P-:,1)--:::. 4..::-, Y--V ( '\ .. ~L,/ ... ir:;., C3 --:; ,> ~?3 ft:f --70-~ A I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R!SA-2D George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del RiQ·N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 8 (R) Version 3.03 Job __ ----'---Pagefj ___ ~q~--Date ___ _ -----=-------==--~-===--~-==· ~= ----==~=---:-~-=------==----------=-==-:-------.... ---- Units Option . US Standard . AISC Code Checks . 9th Edition ASD • Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects • Yes • Redesign . No . Edge Forces . No . A.S.I.F. . 1.333 . ------~~--~-~------~---~-~----~---------~---------------------~~------~---~-Node Boundary Conditions No x ... coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof _ Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------( ft)·-----(in, K/in) ----(in, K/in )---.( r, K-ft/r )-----( F )- 1 0.00 0.00 R R 0.00 2 o.oo 15.00 0.00 3 14.50 lS.'00 STORY 1 o.oo 4 14.50 0.00 R R 0.00 ---------~---~~-~·---~----------------~-------~-----~--~-------~-~~--~------Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield stress Label Modulus Ratio Coefficient Density (Fy) ---------------'( Ksi )--------------,---------( F )--------( K/ft3 )-------( Ks i) ---- BEAM 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000' 0.490 46.000 COLUMN 29000. 00 0. 30000 0. 65000 O'. 490 46. 000 BRACE 29000.00 0.30000· 0.65000 0.490 46.000 .,.._..,. ______ _,...,.. .. -------------------~--..-~---------...... .,.. ___________ .,__, ____________________ _ Section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set . Inertia Coef -~---~-------~----~---~--------~------(inA2)-~~--~---(inA4)-~---~~-~~------- BEAM COLUMN BRACE TU6X6X4 TU6X6X4 TU7X7X4 BEAij COLUMN BRACE 5.59 5.59 6.59 30.300 30.300 49.400 1.20 1.20 1.20 -----------------------~-----------~--~--~~-----------~-----~--~~----~-~----I J r· Releases J End Offsets ~o Node Node Section x y z x y z Seq Sway I J Length ---------.-.-------------------------~ .. -... ---------~--.. --.-~ ... ---~--(in)----(in) .. -... -----(ft) l 2 3 4 l - 2 - 3 - 1 - 2 COLUMN 3 BEAM 4 COLUMN 3 BRACE 1 ·1 1 1 15.00 14,.50 15.00 20.86 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA~2O (R) V~rsioh 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Dei Rio N, suite.690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 8 Job._..,__ __ _ -:I?ag~-· .... ll o __ _ Date. ___ _ -=-=--~~------=--~------=----#--~---------~=----~~=-=---=--------=-~-----~-- -~-------~-~~-~-~----~~-~-~~-~~-----~-~-~-----~~-~~~-~---~~--~-~-----~----~-BLC No. Ba$ic Load case· De$cription Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. --------------~~-~~~-~--~~~---~~--~----·~~-~-----~~~-----~-------~-~~-~-----1 DEAD LOA!) 2 LIVE LOAD 3 SEISMIC Member Distributed Loads, BLC 1: .DEAD LOAD 1 1 1 1 -~--~-----~---~--~---~~------~~~---~~~~-~~-~---~---------~-~~~-------------~ Memb I J Start End start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location ---------------------·---(K/ft,F)-----{K/ft,F)-------... --(:rt)---------(ft)---- 2 2 - 3 Y 0.036 -0.036 0.000 14.500 Member Distributed-Loads,BLC 2: LIVE. LOAD ~---~--~~~-~~-~--~~--~---~-~~-~~-~--~------~-~----~-~-------~-~~----~-------Memb I J Start End Start End No Node Node Dir ~agnitude Magnitude Location Location --~--------------~-------(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F).-~-------(ft)---------(ft)---- 2 2 • 3 Y 0.040 0.040 0.000 14.500 Nodal Loads, BLC 3: SEISMIC Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ----------------~-,.--~_..,. ____ ( K) ........... __ ... ___ ,..,... ___ ~ ........ ( K )---... ..:._...,. __ ...,_.._....,_.., ___ .;.. ( K-ft) ,... __ .., 3 19.200 ~.0Q0 0.000 Member Distributed Loads,BLC 3: SEISMIC ~~---~-~---~-~-~----~~~----~~--~--~----~~--~----~~---~--~~--------~------~~-Memb I J Start End Start · End No Node Node· Dir Magnitude Magnitude iocation Location ---------~------~----~---(K/ft,F)---·-(K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 2 2 - 3 X 0.433 -0.433 0.000 · 14.500 . . ~.~~~-~~-~~--~~~~-~~--~---~---~·~--~-~-~~~-----~-~-------~~~--~~~----~~-----Load Combination No. Description Self Wt BLC BLC· BLC BLC BLC W E Dir Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae DYNA S V -~-~--~~--~~~-~-~--~---~--~~-~---~~~~~-~---~~---~~-----~~~~-~---~--~~--~-~-- 1 DEAD+ LIVE y -1 1 -1 2 -1 2 DL+0.7L~+2.~5SEIS 'i. -1 1 -1 2 ... .,7 3 2.3 y 3 DL+0.7LL+2.23SEIS y -1 1 -1. 2 -.7 3 -2.3 y 4 0.85DL+2.25SEIS Y -.85 i -.as 3 2.3 y 5 0.85DL+2.25SEIS Y -.85 1 -.85 3 -2.3 y 6 2.25 (DEAD+SEIS) Y -2.3 1 -2.3 3 2.3 y 7 2.25 (DEAD+S·EIS) Y .;.2. 3 1 -2~3 3 -2.3 y 8 DEAD+ SEIS y -1 1 -1 3 1 y 9 DEAD+ SEIS y -1 1 -1 3 -1 Y. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-20 (R) ver~;i.on 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLOG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 8 Job..,... __,__ __ _ Pag~..,. ..... tl_,_1. ______ _ Date ___ _ =----==---=--=-----==---~---=~==~--===~=-~-----~-~~-~~--====---==-===---=~-----~--~--~-~-~~~------~--~~--------~---~-~~~~~---~-~~~~~-~.~--~~------------Load Coml:>ination Self Wt BLC BLC BLC BLC BLC w E No. Description Dir. Fae Fae Fat;, Fae Fae Fae DYNA s V ______ .., _____ .,...,._~-------.-----... ---------... --.. ---...... , ... _.., __ .,. ____ ,,.., ___ .,, _________________ ..,. _________ _ 10 DEAD 11 LIVE 12 SEISMIC 13 SEISMIC y -1 ],. -1 2 ... 1 3 1 3 ~1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3 0 03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108•5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 8 Job___,.~---Pag~._:l ...... /2,, ___ · __ Date_· ___ _ ======--=======-==·================ '======~===-====-==-== -==========~======- Load Combination is 1 : DEAD+ LIVE Member End Forces ----------------~--~-~----------~---~----~-------------------~-----~--------Nodes ----~=----I-End--------=---=-=----= J-End =-------- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment --------------~(K)--------(K)--~~-•(K-ft)--~----(K)-~--~---(K)------{K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.97 o.oo o.oo -0.6~ -o.oo o.oo 2 2-3 o.oo 0.69 o.oo -o.oo 0.69 o.oo 3 3-4 0.92 -o.oo -o.oo -1.21 o.oo -o.oo 4 1-3 0.17 0.16 o.oo 0.17 0.16 o.oo Load Combination is 1 : DEAD+ LIVE Reactions _,... ___ .. ----~--------.,,.-~-~-----~---... -------~--'!"'-------~--------------~--------.. ------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ____ ,,.. _________ .. ~----" ... --( K) ---·----------------( K) ------~----~ .... ---( K-ft) --------- 1 4 Totals -0.00001 0 .. 00001 0.00000 Load Combination is 1 : DEAD+ LIVE AISC Code Checks 1. 2oa·13 1. 2081.6 2~41629 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ------~-------~---~-~-~----~-~----~~~---~·-----~----~----~----~---~-----·---Nodes Member .Quarter Points No I J Maximum 0 .. 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear . ~~--~~--~-~----~~~~-~---~~-----~~-~--------------~~-~----·~·---~--~~--------1 1-2 O·. 0094 0.0094 0·. 0087 0.0080 0.0073 0.0066 0.0000 2 2-3 0.0977 o. o·ooo 0.0733 0.0977 0.0733 0.0000. 0.0125 3 3-4 0.0117 0.0089 0.0096 0.0103 0.0110 0.0117 0.0000 4 1-3 Q.023.7 0.0016 0 .. 0186·· 0.0237 0.0183 0.0009 0.0025 Load Combination is 2 . DL+0.7LL+2.25SEIS . Member End Forces -~~----~~·--~~·~---------~-~~---~-~--~---~------~~------~--~------~--~------Nodes --=--=---~I-End-==--------~---J-End ----------· No I J ~xial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------fK)--------(K)------(K-ft)-----••{K)-----~--(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.88 o.oo o.oo -0.60 -o.oo o.oo 2 2-3 o.oo 0.60 o.oo -14.44 0~60 o.oo 3 3-4 61.44 -o.oo -o.oo -6·1.12 o.oo -o.oo 4 1-3 -a4.19 o.i6 o.oo e4.s2 0.16 o.oo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R!SA-20 (R) Versicin 3w03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N,· Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE B~SE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 8 Job......,.. ___ _ PagEi,t__,....._1?---Date ___ _ ==========~==~==================="====-====-=·============·================= Load Combination is 2: DL+0.7LL+2.25SEIS Reactions ---------------~~-~------~-~~~---------~----~-----~-~-------~--------~-~-~-- Node Global X Global Y . Moment -----------------,------( K )----------------,--( lC) ----------------( K-ft) •-------- 1 -58.67918 -59.48227 0~00000 4 0.07863 61.72456 0.00000 Totals -58.60055 2.24229 0.00000 Load combination is 2: DL+0.7LL+2.25SEIS AISC Code Checks ------~----------~-----~---~--~~----~~-----------~--~-~--~---~----~---------Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 1, Shear ---------~-~----~~-~----------~-----~--~----~~-----------~~--------·-~--~---1 1-2 0.0064 0.0064 0.0059 0.0054 0.0049 0.0043 0.0000 2 2-3 0.1247 0.0000 0.0736 0.1151 0.1247 0.1021 0.0082 3 3-4 0.4467 0.4447 0.4452 0.4457 0.4462 0.4467 0.0000 4 1-3 0.3657 0.3472 0.3609 0.3657 0.3616 0.3486 0.0019 Load Combination is 3 . DL+0.7LL+2.23SEIS . Member End Forces ------------~---~---·~~-~----~-----~~~-~-----~~-------------------~-~-------Nodes -----------I-End------'----------:;:---J-End ---------- No I J Axial snear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K).------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)--1 1-2 o.88 -o.o.o -o.oo -o.6.o o.oo -o.oo 2 2-3 -o.oo 0.60 o.oo 14.44 0~60 o.oo 3 3-4 -59.81 o.oo o.oo 59.ij2 -o.oo o.oo 4 1-3 84.45 0.16 o.oo -84.11 0.16 o.oo Load Combination is 3 : DL+0.7LL+2.23SEIS Reactions --------------~----~~----~----~~--------~~--~~-~~---~-----~----------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ~----~--------~-~---~~(K)~~-~~~-~---•-~~-~-(K)--~-~----------(K-ft)--------- 1 4 Totals 58.52~22 o. Q.7533 58.6()0-55 61.76428 -59.52200 2. 242·29 Load Combination i~ 3 : DL+0.7LL+2.23SEIS AISC Code Checks 0.00000 0.00Q00 0.00000 ~---------------~-----~------~--------------~~------------~-----~------~---~ Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ------------~---~-~--------~----~-~---~-------~------------------------~----1 1-2 0.0064 0.0064 0 .005·9 0.0054 0.0049 0.0043 0.0000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME, AT GRIDLINE 8 Job .... ____ _ Pag*Jlf Date ___ _ == = -=======:;=: --~-======== -====== . =;=========== . . . -==== ------~--~-~----------~~~-----~~----~~--~---~-~-----~--~----------------~--~ Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear -~----~~--------~~--------~~--~-------~~-~----~--~-~~------~--~------~------2 3 4 2-3 3-4 1-3 0.1007 0.2908 0.6215 Load Combination is 4 : Member End Forces 0.0000 0.2908 0.5996 0.0656 0~2905 o .• 6163 0.85DL+2 .. 25SEIS 0.0992 0.2901 0.6215 0.1007 0.2898 0.6151 0.0702 0.2894 0.5972 0.0082 0.0000 0.0019 ._ ______ ..,.. ___________________ ~-------------------~ .. --... ---------------... ---------.. -'-' ___ _ Nodes ==========I-End========== ------~---J-End -=--=----- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)--~---(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.58 -o.oo o.oo -0.34 o.oo 0.00 2 2-3 0.00 0.34 o.oo -14.44 0.34 o.oo 3 3-4 61.14 -o.oo -o.oo -61.38 o.oo o.oo 4 1-3 -84.21 0.14 o.oo 84.50 0.14 0.00 Load Combination is 4 : 0.85Di.+2.25SEIS Reactions --------------------------------~~-------------~--------~------------------- Node Global X · Global Y. Moment ----~ .. -----.... --------.. .---( K) .. --------•-•-... -.. --~-( l(.) ,,_--------~------( K-ft) -----~~-- 1 -58.67865 -59.82230 0.00000 4 0. 07810· 6-1-38314 O. 00000 Totals -58.60055 1.56084 0.00000 Load combination is 4 : 0.85DL+2.2pSEIS AISC Code Checks ~---~-~--~----~---~-~~~--~--~--~~~---~-~---~~---~---~~~~---~~-----~--~-----~ Nodes · Member Quarter Points No I J · Maximum 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear -~------~~-------~-~-~-~---~--~-~--~----~-~-~-----~~-~-~---~--~-----~--~---- 1 1-2 0.0042 0.0042 0.0038 0.0033 0.0029 0.0024 0.0000 2 2-3 0.1037 0.0000 0.0526 0.0872 0.10~7 b .1.021 0.0046 ·3 3-4 0.4443 o.4425 0.4429 0.4434 0.4438 o. 444.3 0.0000 4 1-3 0.3631 0.3473 0.3590 0.3631 0.3596 0.3485 0.0016 Load Combination is 5 . 0.85DL+2.25SEIS . Member End Forces --~----~-~~-----~~~----~-~---~-~~~~---~----~----~---~-~---~---~~~---~~----~-Nodes ===~======I-End========== ===-- = J-End ========== No I J Axial $hear Moment Axial Shear Moment ----------------{K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K) .. -------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.58 -o.oo ... o.oo -0.34 0.00 -o.oo 2 2-3 ~o,oo o.34 o.oo 14.44 o.34 o.oo 3 3~ 4 · -60.10 -o.oo -o.oo 59.86 · 0.00 -o.oo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RI$A-2D (R) Veirsion 3. 0·3 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLOG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 8 Job ____ ..,... Pag~-J~I ?--Date ___ _ --==-~=----~---=---=------~--~--=---=----=-----~=~-----=~~=~z---~-=--~=--~ ~--~~----~-~~-~--~--~----------~--~-~-~--~-~~~~~---~-~-~--~-~---~~-~~-~-----Nodes ==========I-End==== ---= =======:;::== J-End ==~======= No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial · Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)----~-(K-ft)•-----~(K)--------{K)----~-(K~ft)-- 4 1-3 84.42 0.14 o.oo -84.14 0.14 o.oo Load Combination is 5: 0.85DL+2.25SEIS Re&ctions -----~-~~~~~~-~---~~-----~-----~-~~-----~~~~-~~~~~~--~---------~~~--~~----~- Node Global X Global Y· Moment -----------~----------(K)----------~-•---~-{K)------~--------(K-ft)--------- 1 4 Totals 58. 5.2470 0~07585 58.60055 Load combination is. 5 : 0.85D;L+2.25SEIS AISC Code Checks 61. 42288· -5·9. 86204 1 •. 56084 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -~--~-~--~~-~~~~---~--~----~~~~~--~-~~------~---~--------~~---~~~---~-~--~--Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quai:-ter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ~~-~~~~~-~--~~-~~----~---~-~~-~-~---~-----~-~~---~---~-~-~----~~----~~~~~--~ 1 1-2 o .• 0042 0.0042 0.0038 0.0033 0.0029 0.0024 0.0000 2 2~ 3 0.0797 0.0000 0.0446 0.0712 0.0797 0. 070-2 0.0046 3 3-4 0.2923 0~2923 0.2920 0.2917 0.2914 0.2911 0.0000 4 1-3 0.6180 0.59~4 0.6136 0.6180 0.6126 0.5974 0.0016 Load Compination is 6 • 2.25 (DEAD+SEIS) • Member End Forces Nodes =========I-End========= ---~~=--~-J-End ---------- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K•ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 1.57 o.oo o.oo -0.91 -o.oo o.oo 2 2-3 o.oo 0.94 o.oo -14.44 0.92 o.oo 3 3-4 62~06 o.oo o.oo -62.72 -o.oo o.oo 4 1-3 -83.97 0.37 o.oo 84.74 0.3? o.oo Load Combination is 6: 2.25 (D$AD+SEIS) Reactions . -~~~~~~~~-~----~-~~--~--~-~-~~-~---------~~~--~-------~~~-~--~~~-~-~~-~~~--- Node 1 4 Totals Global X -58.68053 0.07998 -58.60055 Global Y -58. 4.9316 62.71662 4.22346 Moment 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3. 03, George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA. 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME' AT GRIDLINE 8 Job ____ _ Pag~t(, Date ___ _ ===========.===========~;::.::===~~==========~-===~ .. ========== ·==========-==.== Load Combination is 6: 2.25 (DEAD+SEIS) AISC Code Checks -~~~~--~---------~--~--~---~~-----~--~----~-~----~---~~--~~--------~~-------Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 l/2 3/4 L Shear --~---------~~-~--~--------~--~~~~-~~--~~~~~-~-------~---~--~--~--~-~-~-~--~ 1 1-2 0.0114 0.0114 0.0102 0.0090 0.0078 0.0066 0.0000 2 2.-3 0.1498 0.0000 0.0988 0.1487 0.1498 0.1022 0.0125 3 3-4 0.4539 0.4492 0.4503 0.4515 0.4527 0.4539 0.0000 4 1-3 0.3889 0.3463 0.3779 0.3889 0.3795 0.3495 0.0044 Load Combination is 7 . 2.25 .(DEAD+SEIS) . Member End Forces ~---~-~~----~~~~---~~-~~~~---~-~-~~-~---~~~~--~-~---~~------~--~---~-------~- Nodes ==========!-End==~======= -===---~-J-End -----=---- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment -------------~-{K)-----~--(K)------{K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)~-----(K~ft)-- 1 1-2 1.57 -o.oo -o.oo -6.9i o.oo -o.oo 2 2-3 -o.oo 0.92 o.oo 14.44 o.92 o.oo 3 3-4 -59.19 o.oo o.oo 58.53 -o.oo o.oo 4 1-3 84.67 0.37 o.oo -83.90 0.37 o.oo Load Combination is 7 Reactions Node Global X 2. 2·5 ( DEAD+SElS) Global Y Moment ........ ,.. ...... ______ ...,,.._ .. _. ... : .. ---..--( K) .,,. ... ..,., ____________ .. .,.._ .... ('l< )---....... -----------... --( K --ft)~---------- 1 4 Totals 58 .. 52654 0.07401 58.6005~ 62.75629 -58.53283 4.22346 Load Combination is 7: 2.25 (PEAD+SEIS) AISC Code Checks 0.00000 .o. 00000 0.00000 -~~------~~---~-~~~-~-~~-~---~-------~-~~~~----------~-~~~~-------~~-~-~~--~ Nodes Member Quarter Points No I J Maximu~ 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ---~---~--~~-~---~-~--------~-~-~~----~--~~~-~~-~~-----~----~-~~--~-~--~-~-- 1 1-2 0 .0114 · 0.0114 0.0102 0 .0·090 0,0078 0.0066 0.0000 2 2-3 0.1328 0.0000 0.0908 0.1328 0.1259 0.0702 0.0125 3 3-4 0.2878 0.2878 0 •. 2870 0.2862 o. 28·54 0.2846 0.0000 4 1-3 Q.6515 0.6012 0.6397 0.6515 0.6368 0.5957 0.0044 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 8 ===============--==========~===~~-=======----,.... __ - Load Combination is 8: DEAD+ SEIS Member End Forces Job. __ ----'--- Pag~l\7 Date __ ·--,.-- ---==~======·==== ---~--~-~-~~----~--~----~-----------~---------~-------~----------~---~-~---~ Nodes .;..--=----..--I-End ________ :..__ ---.:..-------J-End ----=----- No I J Axial. Shear . Moment Axial Shear Moment ----------~----(K}--------(K)------(K~ft}-----~-{K)-~------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 0.68 O.DO 0.00 -0,40 -0.00 0.00 2 2-3 o.oo 0.40 o.oo -6.28 0.40 o.oo 3 3-4 26.99 -o.oo -o.oo -27.27 o.oo -o.oo 4 1-3 -36.50 0.16 o.oo 3~.83 0.16 o.oo Load Combination· is 8: DEAD+ SEIS Reactions -----~~--------~~~-~--~---~--~---------------~--·--~-----~------~-~--------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------~-----------(K)---------------~--(K)~--------------(K-ft)•-------- 1 -25.49362 -25.4j583 0.00000 4 0.01512 27.27211 0.00000 Totals -25.47850 1.83629 0.00000 Load Combination. is 8 : DEAD+ SEIS AISC Code Checks ~-------------------------~--~~--~----~-~~-~~~~~~~~---------~-----~---------Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ~~--~----~~--~-~-~~-~---~--~~~-~----·~----~------------~---~--~-~-----------1 1-2 0.0049 0.0049 0.0044 0.0039 0.0034 0.0029 0.0000 2 2-3 O .06:St 0.0000 0.0429 0.0647 0. 0651. 0.0444 0.0054 3 3-4 0.1974 0.1953 0.1~58 0.1963 0.1969 0.1974 0.0000 4 1-3 0.1690 0.1505 0.1642 0.1690 0.1649 0 .• 1519 0.0019 Load Combination is 8 • DEAD + $EIS • Nodal Displacements ------~--~----~-~-~-------------~-·------~-~~-~---~----~~~~--~-~-~-~-------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation --~--~----~--~-------(in)-----~----~~----•,(in)------~-------~•(~ad)-~--~--~- 1 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00058 2 ·O .10364 -o. 00060 -0 ~ 00058 3 0.10027 -O.Oj012 · -0.00056 4 -0.00000 ~0.00000 -0.00056 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-20 (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIOLINE ~ Job ____ _ Pag~(>b Date ____ _ ==::;= -= -== ' ============---============= -== -·==== · . = '========= Load Combination is-9: DEAD+ SEIS Member End Forces ----------~-----~~~-----------------------~~---~-------~--------------------Nodes -----~----I-End--=--=-~-~ ----~-----J-End ---------- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial snear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)---~----(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 b.68 · -0.00 -o.oo -b.40 0.00 o.oo 2 2-3 -o.oo 0.40 o.oo 6.28 0.40 0.00 3 3-4 -25.73 o.oo o.oo 25.44 -o.oo o.oo 4 1-3 36.82 0.16 o.oo -36.48 0.16 o.oo Load Combination is 9: DEAD+ $EIS Reactions ---------~-------~----~-------~~----~---~~--~-~--~------------~------------- Node Global X Global Y -Moment ----------------------{K)--~---------------(K)----------------(1-ft)--------- 1 4 Totals 25.46451 0.01399 25. 47850· Load combination is 9 : DEAD+ SEIS AISC Code Checks 27 .27961 ,...25.44332 1.83629 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -------------------~-------------~------------------~-----------------... ------------- Nodes No I J Ma:>eimum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 ~/4 L Shear -------------------------------------~-~~------------~----------------------1 1-2 0.0049 0.0049 0.0044 0.0039 0.0034 0.0029 0.0000 2 2-3. 0.0577 0.0000 0.0395 0.0577 0.0547 0.0305 0.0054 3 3-4 0.1251 0.1251 0.1248 0.1244 0.1241 0.1237 0.0000 4 1-3 0.2742 0.2614 0.2713 0 .-2742 0.2701 0.2590 0.0019 Load Combi'nation is 9 . DEAD + SEIS . Nodal Displacements ----~---------~~--·~------------~----~-~-------~~---~---~~------------------ Node Global X Global Y Rotation --~~---------~--~~~--(in)~---------------~(in)--------~--~---~(rad)-~-~----- 1 2 3 4 -0.00000 -0.10184 -0.09847 -0.00000 -o.oo·ooo. -0.00060 0 • .02841 0.00000 0.00057 0.00057 0.00055 0.00055 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-~707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 8 Job ____ _ P~g~.,,........1/-1-~ -_,__ Date ___ _ -----------=~-------~-=--~=~---~-=~---=----==-~---~--=------~-~--~-==· === Load Combination is 10 : DEAD Reactions ..----------.---------------------"'!"'---------~-~-------------------------------·-.... ----- Node Global X Global Y Moment ---~-------~-~~---~-~-(K)~-~~-----~~~--~~--(K)-~-~-----~~---~{K-ft)--------- 1 4 Totals -0;00000 0.00000 0.00000 Load combination is 11: LIVE Reactions 0.91814 0.91815 1.83629 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 --~--~--~-----~--------------~---~---~--------~-----~----------~-------~----- Node Global x Global Y Moment ------~---~--~------~-(K)---•-~---~-~~---~-(K)--~------~~----(K-ft)-----~--- 1 4 Totals -o .. 00000 0.00000 0.00000 Load Combination is 12· : SEISMIC Reactions 0.29000 0.29000 0.58000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ----------------~-~-----------~-~--~----~---------~-~-~~---~---~·--------~-~ Node Global X Global Y· Moment -------~------~-----~-(K)-----~~--~~-~--~~-(K)----------~---~(K-ft)--------- 1 4 Totals -25. 493·05 0.01455 -25.47850 Load combination is 13 : SEISMIC Reactions -26.35332 26 •. 35332 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -----------~----~-----.~---~---------~~-----~------~-~-~------~------~------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ------------·--~------(K)-------~----·--~-~(K)-~--~~------~--(K-ft}-~-------1 4 Totals 25. 4·6395 0.01455 25.47850 26. 35·os.3 -26.36083 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 I r=======================================· ==~ -==-===~-==~-==---==~==-~·-·==·"----~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB t.£ b~;;1.,,»,i 12-( .. ,½"fl.,~ SHEET NO. -Pl7,,o 11: , -·r?· ,r--., --=i::;. -o --'v::Y:,· _. OF-----'--'---,-- CALCULATED BY-'-,k}'-=•f.,-'--. ______ DATE _, __ ,.1-'-· ';..c,./_....:-7_, _ __,,:_/ __ CHECKE:D BY _______ __;__ DATE _____ _ SCALE-'-'-'-----------'-----------'----- .P-l2ii£ b fF;Ai.:.11Z, ,:; f.::P 1/)W! !'f.7 ? -'=1L.._ . --··· -··-. ~ ·'-'·· ... r: ... ,,\I, --1 \$' ' ' --/'-------·----. ' V-::1,'J;, _70 :/;:-t e-i / .. > # • ;-_ •• \s.,;:,,.· ' • -. :.; f.;1,., '.: ··: .. ·:::€.:. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 Units Option . us standard . AISC Code Checks . 9th Edition ASD . Shear Deformation: No· P-Delta Effects . Yes . Redesign . No .. Edge Forces . No . A.S.I.F. . 1.333 . Job_----"----- Pag~....,Ji-t---Date_· ___ _ ·====-======= .. ===== --------------------------------------------------------~-------------------Node Boundary Conditions No x-coord Y-Coord X-dot, Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 1 0.00 0.00 R R 0.00 2 0.00 17.00 o.oo 3 14.00 17.00 STORY 1 0.00 4 14.00 0.00 R R 0.00 ---------------------~----~----------------------~----------------~---------Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield stress Label Modulus Ratio Coefficient Density (Fy) ---------------(Ksi)-----------------------(F)--------(K/ft3)------(Ksi)---- BEAM 290.00. 00 0. 30000 0. 65000 0. 490 36. 000 COLUMN 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 46.000 BRACE 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 46.000 -----~-----------~--~-------------------~----------------~------------------section Database Matl. Area Moment or As y/y Label Shape Set · Inertia coef --------------------------------------(inA2)---------(inA4)----------------- BEA~ ~µlbtlb BEAM 6.49 199.000 1.20 COLUMN TU6X6X4 COLUMN· 5.59 30.300 1.20 BRACE TU7X7X5 BRACE 8.11 59.500 1.20 -----------------~------~---~-~------~----------~-~-------------------------I J I Releases J End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z · sec sway I J Length ----------------------~--------~-----~----------------(in)----(in)------(ft) 1 1 2 COLUMN · . 1 7 • 0 0 2 2 3 BEAM 1 1 14.00 3 3 - 4 COLUMN 17.00 4 1 - 3 BRACE 1 1 22.02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690, San Diego, CA 92108-5.707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BAS~ ~LOG. BRACED FRAME AT GRI;DLINE 2 Job Pag-ef-~-,-i,-;z;,..--- Date ----- ----------------------~----------~----------~~-----------------------~------BLC No. Basic Load case Description Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. -------------------~----~~------------------------~-------------------------1 DEAD LOAD 2 LIVE LOAD 3 SEISM;IC Nodal Loads, BLC 1: DEAD LOAD 3 3 2 1 1 1 -------------------------~----------------------------~---------------------Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)---------------~--(K)--~---------------(K-ft)---- 3 0.000 5.000 0.000 3 0.000 1.000 0.000 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 Member Distributed Loads,BLC 1: DEAD LOAD --,_ -' ------------------------------------------------------------------------~---Memb I J Start End start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude· M;agnitude Location Location -------------------------(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F)---~-----(ft)---------(ft)---- 2 2 - 3 Y 0.072 0.072 0.000 14.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 2: LIVE LOAD --------------------------------------------------~---~---------------------Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)--~---------------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 3 0.000 4.000 0.000 3 0.000 1.000 0.000 2 0.000 1.000 0.000 Member Distributed Loa~s,BLC 2.: LIVE LOAD. ---------------~------------------------------------------~-----------------Memb I J Start End· . start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnj.tude Location Location ---------~-----------~~--(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F)---------(ft)-~-------(ft)---- 2 2 - 3 Y 0.080 0.080 0.000 14.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 3: SEISMIC ---------~-----------------~--~--------------------------~------------------Node Number Global X ·Global Y Moment -----~-----------------~(K)------------------(K)-------------~----iK-ft)---- 2 12.500 o.o.oo 0.000 3 13.500 0.000 0.000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Job RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 · George R. Saunders Associates --,--~--Paq%,12--_3 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Date ___ . ___ _ LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 --====== Member Distributed Loads,BLC 3: SEISMIC ----------------~------~---~----~------------~------------------------------Memb I J Start End· start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location -------------------------(.K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F,)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 2 2 - 3 X 0.520 0.520 0.000 14.000 ---------~---~--~----~-----~-----------~-----~~-----------------------------Load Combination Self Wt BLC BLC BLC BLC BLC w E No. Description Dir Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae DYNA s V --------------~--~---~--------------------------~------~--------------------1 DEAD + LIVE y -1 1 -1 2 -1 2 DL+0.7LL+2.25SEIS y -1 1 --1 2 -.7 3 2~3 y 3 DL+0.7LL+2.23SEIS y -1 1 -1 2 -.7 3 -2.3 y 4 0.85DL+2.25SEIS y -.85 1 -.8!5 3 2.3 y 5 0.85DL+2.25SEIS y -.85 1 -.85 3 -2.3 y 6 2.25 (DEAD+SEIS) y -2.3 1 -2.3 3 2.3 y 7 2.25 (DEAD+SEI$) y -2.3 1 -2.3 3 -2.3 y 8 DEAD + SEIS y -1 1 -1 3 1 y 9 DEAD + SEIS y -1 1 -1 3 -1 y 10 DEAD '1 -1 1 -1 11 LIVE 2 -1 12 SEISMIC 3 1 13 SEISMIC 3 -1 Load Combination is i . DEAD·+ LIVE . Member End Forces ------------------~-------------------~------~---~--~----------~----~-------Nodes =====I-End===== ===== J-End No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 3.54 o.oo -o.oo -3.22 -o.oo -o.oo 2 2-3 0~06 1.22 o.oo -o.oo 1.22 o.oo 3 3-4 12.52 o.oo -o.oo ~12.85 -o.oo -o.oo 4 1-3 0.29 0.19 o.oo 0.24 0.19 o.oo Load Combination is 1: DEAD+ LIVE Reactions ---------------------------~------~---~--------~---------~------------------ Node Global X Global Y Moment --------..--------------·( K) ---·.,.----------------, ( K )---------------( K-ft )--------- 1 -0.00121 3w84398 0.00000 4 0.00121 12.84768 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 LG.69166 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D fR) Version 3. 03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 Load Combin~tion is 1 : DEAD+ LIVE AISC Code Checks Job __ ..,..._ __ Pag~('lk Date ___ _ --------------~---------------------~--~----------~-----------------~-------Nodes No I J Maximll.in 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 . 1/2 3/4 L Shear ---------------------~----------~~----------------~~---------------------~--1 1-2 0.0379 0.0379 0.0370 _(). 0361 0.0353 0.0344 0.0000 2 2-3 0.1877 0.0000 0.1408 0.1877 0.1408 0.0000 0.026~ 3 3-4 0.1373 0.1339 0.1347 0.1356 0.1365 0.1373 0.0000 4 1-3 0.0247 0.0019 0.0195 0.0247 0.0191 0.0011 0.0024 Load Combination is 2 . DL+0.7LL+2.25SElS . Member End Forc~s ------------------------------------~------------~-~------------------------Nodes ====I-End===== -J-End ---~------ No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment -----------~~--(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-~--~--(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 3.oe o.oo o.oo -2.1a -o.oo o.oo 2 2-3 28.76 1.05· 0.00 -45.50 1.05 o.oo 3 3-4 103.80 0.00 -0.00 -104.lZ -0.00 -0.00 4 1-3 -lZ0.28 0.19 0.00 120~74 0.19 0.00 Load Combination is 2 : DL+0.7LL+2.25SEIS Reactions -----------------~·-------------------------------------~---------------------- Node Glqbal X Global Y . Moment -----------------------1( K) -----~------------... '.( K) -----------------( K-ft) --------- 1 -76.7jj54 -89.56$63 0.00000 4 0~18954 104.12430 d.00000 Totals -76.54399 14.55566 0.00000 Load Combination is 2 :· DL+0.7LL+2.25SEIS AISC Code Checks ----------------~-------~--~---------------------~~-------------------------Nodes Member Quarter Points No I J Maximum 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear --------------~--------------------------~~---~-------------~---------------1 1-2 0.0244 0. 0-244 0.0238 0.0231 o. 02.25 o. 021·8 0.0000 2 2-3 0!9307" 0.5825 0.7605 0.8768 Q.9307 0.9216 0.0173 3 3-4 _ 0. 83·49 0.8323 0.8330 d.8336 o .• 8343 0.8349 0.0000 4 1-3 0.4224 0.4031 0.4174 0.4224 0.4182 · 0.4047 0.0018 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Ri,o N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 Load Combination is 3 : DL+0.7LL+2.23SEIS Member End Forces Job,__. ___ _ PageE,12; Date ____ _ ----------------------~--------------------~----------.--------~-------------Nodes ==== I-End ------------· ==== · ==== J-End ========== No I J Axial Shea~ Moment .Axial Shear Moment ----------------(K)--------(K)---'.""-.,.(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 3.05 -0.00 -0a00 -2.73 0.00 -0.00 2 2-3 -28.76 1.05 o~oo 45.50 1.05 o.oo 3 3-4 -82.14 o.oo 0.00 -81.82 -o.oo o.oo 4 1-3 120.62 0.19 o.oo -120.15 0.19 o.oo Load Combination is 3. : bL+0.7LL+2.23$EIS Reactions ------------------------·-----~---------~----------------------------------- Node Gl-obal x Global Y . Moment ----------------------(.K }-----------,.--------( K) ___ _; ___________ CK-ft)--------- 1 76~40831 96.3-7630 0.00000 4 0.13569 -81.82064 0.00000 Totals ·76.54400 14.55566 0.00000 Load Combination is 3 : DL+0.7LL+2.23SEIS AISC Code Checks ------------------~--~--------~-------------~------------------------------- No Nodes I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Sh~ar ---------------------~~-~---------------------------------------------------1 1-2 -0. 02.4-5 0.0245 0.02'38 0.0?32 0.0225 0.0219 0.0000 2 2-3 0. 2.608 0 .15.39' 0.2160 0 -· 2516 0.2608 0 .·2435 0.0173 3 3-4 0-. 3994 0.3994 0 '. 3~90: 0.3986 0.3982 0. 3978 0.0000 4 1-3 0.7875 0.7506 0.7787 0.7875 0.7771 0.7477 0.0018 Load Combination is 4 . 0.85DL+2.25SEI$ . Member End Forces -----------------~-------------------------~-----------------~~-------------Nodes =====I-End-----------~--------J-Ertd -----~---- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(~j------(k-ft}-------{K)-~------{K)~~----(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 1.66 o.oo ~.oo -1.38 -o.oo o.oo 2 2-3 28.75 0.56 Q.00 -45.50 0.56 o.oo 3 3-4 98.85 -o.oo -o.oo -99.13 o.oo -o.oo 4 1-3 -120.29 0.16 0.09· 120.69 0.16 0.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92a08-5707 LEGOLAND -CAST~E BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 Load Combination is 4 : 0.850L+2.25SEIS Reactions Job_-,--__ _ PageiV(?fa ·. Date . ----------------~~---------------~----------~-------~----------------------- Node Global X Global·_ Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 -76.72085 -90.99048 0.00000 4 0.17685 99.12639 0.00000 Totals -76.54400 ij.13591 0.00000 Load Combination is 4: 0.85DL+2.25SEIS AISC Code Checks -----------------~-------------------------~---------~----~-~---------------Nodes No I J Maximum 0 ~ember Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear --------------------------~---------~-----------------------~-~-------------1 1-2 0.0133 0.0133 0.0127 0.0122 0.0116 0.0111 0.0000 2 2-3 0.9216 0.5824 0.7169 0.8184 0.8868 0.9216 0.0092 3 3-4 o.7949 0.7926 0.7932 0.7937 0.7943 0.7949 0.0000 4 1-3 0.4196 0-. 40-32 0.4153 0.4196 0.4160 0.4045 0.0015 Load Combination is 5 . 0.85DL+2.25SEIS . Member End Forces ----------------------~-----------~-------------------~---------------------Nodes ===I-End-~~----~--====== J-End -----~---- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(.K-ft)-- 1 1-2 1.66 -o.oo -0.-00 -1.39 o.oo -o.oo 2 2-3 -2a·.15 o.56 o.oo 45.so o.56 o.oo 3 3-4 -87.07 -o.oo 0.00 86.79 o.oo 0.00 4 1-3 120.57 0.16 o.oo -1t0.17 0.16 o.oo Load combination is 5: 0.85DL+2.25SEIS Reactions. ----------------------------~-------~------~-------------------------------- Node · Global X Global· Y Moment -----------------------(K) -..----------·-------fK)---------------( K-ft )--------- 1 76.39680 94.93044 0.00000 4 0.14719 -86.79452 0.00000 Totals 76.54400 8.1~592 0.00000 Load Combination is 5: 0~85DL+2.25SEIS AISC Code Checks ------------------------------------------~---------------------------------Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Memper Qu~rter Points t/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ---------------~--------~~-------~~---~------------------------------~------1 1-2 0.0133 0.0133 0.0128 0.0122 0.0111 0.0000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) v~rsion 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 Job Pag__,~--,-~2-;j-.---- Date ___ _ ----------------------------------------------------------~----------------- No Nodes I J \ . Ma~imum 0 ·Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ---------------------~---------~-~--~-~---------~----~----------------------2 2-3 0.2435 0.1539 0.1974 0.2269 0.2422 0.2435 0.0092 3 3-4 o.4234 0.4234 0.4230 0.4227 0.4224 0.4220 0.0000 4 1-3 0.7816 0.7503 0.7742 0. 781.6 0.7728 0.7478 O.OOl,5 Load Combination is 6 . 2.25 (DEAD+SEIS) . Member End Forces ---------------------------------------,----~----------~------------------------ Nodes ==== I-End === ==== J-End No I J Axial Shear Moment .Axial . Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)~--~---(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 4.53 0.00 ~O.OD -3.79 -0.00 -0.00 2 2-3 28.76 1.51 o.oo -45.50 1.51 o.oo 3 3-4 108.97 o.oo 0.00 -109.72 -o.oo o.oo 4 1-3 -119.99 0.44 o.oo 121.07 0.44 o.oo Load Combination is 6 : 2. 25 (DEAD+SEIS) Reactions --------------------~-~----~---~~---------------~--------------------------- Node Global. X Glob~l Y Moment ----------------------(K)----~-~-~---------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 -76.74773 -87.70309 0.00000 4 0.20374 io9.71791 0.00000 Totals -76.54400 22.01482 0.00000 Load Combination is 6: 2.25 (DEAD+SEIS) AISC Code Checks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ------------------~------------------~--~-------------~------------~--------1 1-2 0~0363 0.0363 0.0348 0.0333 0.0318 0.0304 0.0000 2 2-3 0.9722 0.5825 0 .801.8 0.9319 0.9722 0.9217 0.0250 3 3-4 0.8798 0.8738 Q.8753 0.8768 0.8783 0.8798 0.0000 4 1-3 0.4466 0.4022 0.4351 0.4.466 0.4369 0.4058 0.0041 Load Combination is 7 . 2 .• 25 (DEAD+SEIS) . Member End Forces ------------------------------~--~-----~--------------~-------------~-------Nodes === I-End ----'-------· -J-End No I J Axial· Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)~-----(K-ft)-------(K)---~----(K)------(K-ft)-- 1 1-2 4.54 -o.oo -o.oo -3.79 o.oo -o.oo 2 2-3 -28~76 1.51 o.oo 45.50 1.51 o.oo 3 3-4 -77.00 -o.oo -o.oo 76.25 o.oo 0.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) version 3.03 George R. Saunder$ Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Job_, ,--..,.--- Paget., 11!% Date ___ _ LEGOLAND -CASTLE ~Ase BLDG •. BRACED FRAME AT GRIOl:,INE 2 ----------------~----------------------~----~---~----------~----------------Nodes ========I-End == == = = -J-End No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-------(K)--------(K)------(K-ft)-- 4 1-3 120.94 0.44 0.00 -119.86 0.44 o.oo Load Combination is 7 : 2.25 (DEAD+SEIS) Reactions ------------~-----------------------------------~-------------~------------- Node Global X .Global Y Moment ---------------------~(K)------------------(K)~-~----------~-(X-ft)--------- 1 76.42027 98.26653 0.00000 4 0.12372 -76.2Sl72 0.00000 Totals 76~54399 22.01481 0.00000 Load Combination is 7: · 2.25 (DEAD+SEIS) AISC Code Checks ----------------------------~--------~----------------------~---------------Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear --------------------~-----~--~-~--------------------------------------------1 1-2 0.0364 0.0364 o .• 0349 0.0334 0.0319 0.0304 0.0000 2 2-3 0.2783 0.1539 0.2335 0.2750 0.2783 0.2435 0.0250 3 3-4 0.3744 0.3744 0.373'5 0.3726 0. 3717 0.3708 0.0000 4 1-3 0.8375 0.7526 0.8175 0.8375 0.8134 0.7459 0.0041 Load Combination is 8 . DEAD + SEIS . Member End Forces -------------~------------~---~------~--~-------------~----------~----------Nodes ==== I-End === ===== J-End No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K)--------{K)------(K-ft)-------(K)------~-(K)------fK-ft)--· 1 1-2 i.98 o.oo o.oo . -1.65 -o.oo --o.oo 2 2-3 12.50 0.66 0.00 -19.78 0.66 0.00 3 3-4 47.38 -~.00 -o.oo -47~70 o.oo -o.oo 4 1-3 -e2.14 0.19 o~oo s2.~1 0.19 o.oo Load Combination is B: DEAD+ SEIS Reactions --------------------~----------------------------~-~----~-~----------------- Node Global X . Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 -33.31850 -38~12826 0.00-000 4 0.03850 47.69991 0.00000 Totals -3j.28000 9.57166 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RJSA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 Load Combination is 8 .: DEAD+ SEIS AISC Code Checks Job...,.-----,,.----'-- Pag~l24. Date·----- ---------------------------------~~-------------~----~-~------------~~----~- No Nodes I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter ~oints 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear -------------------------------------------~--~--~--------------------------1 1-2 0.0158 0.0158 0.0152 0.0146 0. 013·9 0.0133 0.0000 2 2-3 0.4216 0.2'532 0.3478 0.4040 0.4216 0.4007 0.0109 3 3-4 0.3825 0.3799 0.3805 0.3812 0.3818 0.3825 0.0000 4 1-3 Q.1941 0.1747 0.189i 0.1941 0 .-1898 0.1763 0.0018 Load Combination is 8 . DEAD + SEIS . Nodal Displacements ----------------~-----------~---------~------------------------------------- Node Global X Globa;L Y Rotation ---------------------(in)-----------------(in)-------~--------(rad)--------- 1 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00088 2 0.17963 -0.-00228 -0.00088 3 0.16522 -0.05982 -0.00081 4 ~0.00000 -ojooooo -0.00001 Load Combination is 9 : DEAD+ SEIS Member End Forces ------------------~------------~---------------~-~---~----------------------Nodes -I-End ==== ==== J-End No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------(K) --------( K) ------( K-.ft)-------( K )---,.-----( K )------( K-ft) -- 1 1-2 1.98 -o~oo o.oo -1.6s 6.oo -o.oo 2 2-3 -12.50 0.66 o.oo 19.78 0.66 o.oo 3 3-4 -33.46 o.oo 0.00 33.14 -o.oo o.oo 4 1-3 5 2 • 5 8 0 • 19 0 • 0 0 -5-2 • 12 0 • 19 0 • 0 0 Load Combination is 9: DEAD+ SEIS Reactions ----------~------~---------------~------------------------------------------ Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 33.25661 42.70912 0.00000 4 0.02339 -33.13746 0.00000 Totals 33.28000 9.57166 _ 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-20 (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates Jo}:) ____ _ 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 Page~J:?,1> San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Date ___ _ LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 Load combination is 9: DEAD+ SElS AISC Code Checks ----------------------------~--------~----~--~------~----~----~-------------Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L. Shear ------------------------------.--------------------~~------------~-----------1 1-2 0.0159 0.0159 0.0152 0.0146 0.0139 0.0133 0.0000 2 2-3 0.1210 0.0669 0.1015 0.1195 0. ·1210 0 . .1.059 0 .0·109 3 3-4 0.1627 0 .1.627 o .• 1623 0.1619 0 •. 16;1..5 0.1611 0.0000 4 1-3 0.3419 0.3272 0.3386 0.3419 0.3371 0.3243 0.0018 Load combination is 9 . DEAD + SEIS . Nodal Displacements. --------~-------------~-------------------------------~--~------------------ Node Global X Global Y . Rotati.on ---------------------(in)-----------------(in)--------------~-(rad)--------- 1 -0.00000 -0.00000 0.00077 2 -0.15782 -0.00229 0.00077 3 -0.143·41 0. 041.90 0. 00070 4 -0.00000 0.00000 0.00070 Load Combination is 10: DEAD Reactions . . ' ----------------------------------------~----------------------------------- Node Giobal X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------(K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 1 -0.00038. 2.28525 0.00000 4 0.00038 7.28641 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 9.57L66 0.00000 Load Combination is 11 : LIVE Reactions ----------------------------------~------------------------------------------ Node Global X Global Y Moment ------------------~---(K)------------------(K)-----------~---(K-ft)---------1 -o. 00023 · 1. 55964 0. 00000 4 0.00023 5.56036 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 7.12000 0.00000 Load Combination is 12 : SEISMIC Reactions ----------------------------------------~----------------------------------- Node Global x Global Y Moment ----------------~-----(K)~-----------------(K)---------------(K-ft}--------- 1 . -33. 31057 -4.0. 40627 0. 00000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. BRACED FRAME AT GRIDLINE 2 Job ____ " ___ _ PagE!; \3) Date ___ _ ===-..;. -=-====== -----------------------------------------------------~---------------------- Node Global X Global Y \ Moment ----------------------(K)------~-----------(K)-~--~--~-------(K~ft)---------4 0.03057 40.40627 .0.00000 Totals -33.~8000 0.00000 0.00000 Load Combination is 13: SEISMIC Reactions ------------------------~------~--~~----~------~~--------------------~------ Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)------------------'(K)---------------(K-ft)---------1 33.24944 40.41664 0.00000 4 ·0.03056 -40.4i664 0.-00000 Totals 33.28000 0.00000 0.00000 1.-----------------=--=--=--:::.-.--------~·---·----·----,...· -----..... -------·---·---------·-·--·--··-~-=-=----·--=-------------- I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I -.- MARTIN' & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497~2118 Fax (61~) 497-0429 V ~ • 4-f j:'.-Lf (fb,2-} f 2-- -;:_ lb I '2-Y----r ~-70 ~ :;I It ., I~ \,· \lj,11).Llh -[ \ V-/ "Gf ~ ... \71 \J dT ::: ! I IL--( 15) --: (h7 c;OO 1 ¾!: Gr\?f vf. ~51."~ ±3.J)& SHEET NO. -------~~_\_';~2,~ OF ______ _ CALCULATED sv-_M_~~------DATE _4_,,___J_~1~·~7 __ _ CHECKED $Y-'--~----"------DATE _____ _ SCALE----,'----'----------------- U;:)!:,-I ? /"'?1 :z! 5t~tJG r r lrL y ); ----<· !iJ/ _Q.tfH~, ~-_ .f} __ gc :!). t l -l'l h: o---=:. -:,, ' -1,-1 _.. .r1,,_..:·,., ,.....,, .•.. _,,v) ,_:_·?...-i\)L .. o.;;:> c.. . ....., ' ·-r .. ,-.,r·, .• , 1 -r !~' ?-~: L ,, · :,/ I,,, / _,, I.. -,./• __,, I _,, • ...) ~ "--' -../ 2· ,., h• - I I )-r-. o? .. / ~ ... ....,:;, r''7 . . ---~· ·-·. •:--' -·· v -"lGL/--.-,...-i - • J /' ;,-::;, l-'jrl..0 -' .-, r7:C• •. t.t ~-. '1-1 I .Ir . ('1,ef::::: ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHEET NO. 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Struc:tural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA-92108 JOB Ui 6.oLA~\,)-CJ(-ttJz.. )?~:-"Ji. .~U>b SHEET NO. ~ i12 4 OF ___ _ CALCULATED BY ~;,.J-', 0"-------DATE_. j-'-"/'----'i-1-1--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY----~------DATE _____ _ SCALE---'----'--------'-------- P~62 :: 't4 47~~ t ll1~··4fJ:-C!½)v { <) !;?t)) ~ ~7 f z p~t::>3 :[2Gl') L #FY) ( l ½)J · ("' 1~6) __, , 7 p- r.---). \ ~I ',J.i..,-'' i .;, ..... .,. .....•. ·---· l,-1; 13 4 p:J -------·------""'""'-----·--,,::_·----'--,-"-/---£_ ___ ··----~ h A ,., l I ~ ~ 1 '1,?, r- ! ~ --, 1,.:..// \ l ..-,i "j -::: ,-17 t::'J 1-,,: .:::. ; i<:>)n ' . ..-/ (v I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers . 7801 Mission ce·nter Court Suite 400 SAN DIE~O, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I \ ; -I ·.,. -':;JJ-·.~ •l \ /. ·. . -,· / ......... ,;p/ J .~' ., , •.!.-v_.1 -l?'--' --'l l . r·) ''/ .. ~;r· . '/ ,- I ~ _,. -t-~· r-,?t -. ; . SHEET NO. 1,,,:, . , .. . :.,..,"_,;Y\.<.'.- ,.) 6 J 1"' 1 :r ;; CALCULATED BY_,_, --------'~---DATE __ ,~~/_'-~'!_' __ _ CHECKED·BY --'-----------DATE ______ _ SCALE-~--,-----,---,------------------- rza -+· ,'.~i'cii~f)o+~J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural &. Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 _L l f'" ,. -j -? . -:"~: ! .... ~:-:, l : . l _ ::_;;:~7 , -/ • ~ _) ,.,·; \~..... ----·-r .................. . . ' ~-_,.,J ___ .r SHEET NO. 1tA.3h OF ____ _ ~ } . I -) -,, CALCULATED BY--=-'-=-~~·----~~--DATE ______ _ CHECK.ED BY--------'---------'--DATE-'-'------ SCALE --~-"'------,--,--~--~------- o''rk.. 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' ~I l9J OF-~--- !v1,~ -~1 ,' .:.r-:' CAL:Cl/LATED BY~-~-------DATE --,.c------ CHECKED·BY ~~~~----~DATE _____ _ SCALE-~--'---------------- --Ti/ , Ir -~~L f I I I J .,_ r~. ~7-~ r-·:- .,. ·-.. .:,.~~ .:~ \ed.!; - ;,. ,,-; .' r \/ i! -~ 2 • • p "'• -: , ~ • • :I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural .& Civii Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I """' ,,,. -I 1 ' ~ I •• -,.· J-, .,!"" .J---1 · .... JOB -· ..,.,--r! -;.-,_ -_.-,~·>-l / ._, ~·. J: -1. ~ SHEET NO. CALCULATED-BY _t-"-'~ :"'-:;',----'-----DATE [T . -1"·' CHECKED BY--'--------DATE---------- SCALE -------'---'-~-------'---- bfil+~ -coL c.~fJt-1. ,_ ~ , .. _.;:: h£-•, ~ i ./ I I 1-., 1 _I V ' '-t,-., .,,--. J} t,,....-1 · ,.. 1. -II-· '?--0 /-f lP -PiZF:; ~d;,t.? it~p ~ (Ii -'f (. a gJz-s)) ~4' l?blhl){I,'.½){-?(~ = ~,·'8~ P:,aVf? GAP::: t (4,?lX1r~3) ::.4q,5r _I .':'tL -. ..:v 1 ' / ~~ I , -iY~ • I -·--·· • I • . -. . . .I <---~a· '.--+-+--• I . -. ' y-: -~---"----e. _.___r'7. c/ /' ' f ' L. I;;=.-===============··-==· ·==· ==· ===-====:::::::=;::::======~ =-===-· ==---~===~-===-~ ==---::.:.:::..··-~:::.:---:.::::::-r--== .. -==---=-::-·· JoB t--tb_o~/2h)P-l/6rL-f 17:S~ _ ~ MARTIN & -DUNN, INC. I Structural & Civil' Engineers SHEET NO. $: 13 "\ OF -~---- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 CALCULATED BY --:~i-'--+-~=--------'-DATE _1....;-,.,_/_4,__,_7~-__ SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619)' 497-0429 CHECKED BY-----,.-~------DATE---~---'- SCALE-------'-----'--------,-------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --~()--m1J!@)!Jhtf 1Jruw1 L?f° 'h_E):?-L. ct Pu: er?--c2 1v ?'7 r -f ,A-li) J ft. ~ ~ t 17, -;:;: I ?-! ! I I r c:,_• ~1].,. r I 1~! -¥' I 1--r--- c:t I .. I -. l r----'7- i-: ----·· I I ,:: : ,~· _,,: \,t-..•3$' . • •• • -. < = ~: __ -:~. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -l/~~~!al:_i;;;;l::.~-'"""=a;i:j=~-~=~==a!i-~~~~~~~~~lil----~ 1 9 ... ---11------...,.;:.--i.-1 --------___.-.W:JI-.!----1 . 19] . 1;:!.\- @ ra @ ,ll:!.l <§> fg] [gJ @ r;;i ~ IP] IPJ '~ ~ £! 8 11 ~ ~> <~> 11 r. ½ <~> ~ ( [qj 11. 11 ; i::: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & ClVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-2118/FAX 497-0429 SQUARE FOOTING DESIGN LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. Dead Load Live Load WADIIG DATA Short Tern Load SeisJ.1ic Zone k: k.: k: . . Overburden Weight psf: Combining Live & Short Term Loads ? FOO'l'IlfG DATA Size (Length & Width) ft: Thickness in: f of Bars . . Rebar size Number I: ·Column Dimension in: f'c p~i ·: Fy p~l ! Cover over rebar in: Concrete weight pcf: oort·»ATA Basic Allow Soil Brg Press. psf: Short Tern Duration Factor . . Ftg. Depth Below.Soil ft: CM,(]JI,ATED FORCF.s Maximum static Soil Pressure psf: Allow static Soil Pressure psf: Max. Short Tern soil Pressure psf: Allow Short Tern Soil Pressure psf: 1-Way: Allowable Shear psl: Vuthi ps~: 2-Way: Al owable Shear ps~: Vu/Phi . psi.:. Mn k-ft: Mu/Phi k-ft; RErnoRCDJG Actual Bar Depth in: Min. Allow% Reinforcing 200/Fy Req'-d .Per Analysis . . USE •••••• , i.. Q • Rebar Area Reg'd in2/ft: Total Are~ Reg1d in2: REBAR <mICFS Quantity of: #4 Bars #5 Bars #6 Bars #7 Bars .. . #8 Bars #9 Bars #10 Bars V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EHERCALC . Date: 10/23/97 Pagef-l4:f r-"2-f-\ -· 1 .. 2--- :9.40 23.90 8.80 17,60 1.30 6.00 4 4 125.0 125.0 No No 3.00 4.50 18.00 18.00 3 5 5 5 4.0 6.0 3000 3000 60000 60000 3.0 3,0 150.0 150.0 2500 2500 1.33 1.33 o.oo o.oo 2372,2 2399.4 2500.0 2500.0 1538.9 1826.5 3325.0 3325.0 109 .• 5 109,5 2.6 18.8 219.1 219.1 25.5 60.5 22.3 24.7 3.6 8.0 14.69 14.69 0.0014 0.0014 0.0033 0.0033 0.0002 0,0006 0.0168 0,0168 0.25 0.25 0.74 1.11 5 7 3 5 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I r===========--::::.=:--.. ·==--::.:::::::::::===-·-==---==-·=--=~,--==_ ::=::;:::::=:::, --====-========-=·-==-========--==-~.:.::..::: ... -~ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. JOB ~e:,OL,-M4.D' c&?rtt. ~ 1;,L,1)~ I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. -h 'tt!rJ.. OF---~ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 1 1 .1 .1 ct1 SANDIEGO,CA92108 CA~CULATEDBY Mb DATE 10L4 I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY ______ DATE~-___ _ SCALE....=---'-----'----,------~---'--- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-J,klJ., + 4?Pof (IJ) -r cloftf)(~)-r4o0 PlJf+45a P' ""r" ~~ :i ::. I bBf:> Pl.f I . l,Jt.k '% G4 t e) cio f~) ,-1°0 .f'~f ( ~/~) -=-5:20 PLf --'y ·.PPAD 1 ~!PM1~ · :==i=s: ... -= l.cior ::. II~ (Zi,;i) ~ -i~?1~ ~r0 ::: ·. 85 (1 t,BbP~f ).-,j:z. :J ==-?':f ,~J:-?,7'V--: u'2 . 108,f I • e ~ ~4--?.? '-.:-:/,, L w~ ( I t C:, e; ) -:.-· j_q.t!? ( I ±_ "(1, ')) -= \ tc, b~ fbf L zs,ooO. b . -l,5('-1) ,4 . ;>32'5 ~ . I -i1,~ I ---· ~ ¥-- 1 I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN Dll;GO, 'CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB I.Jibel,dJl.D -6k;:,1U; ~ _ ~ • SHEET NO. . M 4~ OF ---'---,---- CALCULATED BY Nb DATE IO / .::/7 I • CHECKED BY------'-'-----DA_TE ~--- SCALE-------'---------,---- I 6 P.11)1-,,llii: I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~ d/ . IJ' Lr-'DL. ~ 4-o C J.-1 ) + 5~F Cl?,) -r 4-5° fLF = n1 '1 PL-f t,Jt,~ = '). t:? Ci') ~ 4 o P<..f i'-Lr:: 111st ( 1-,..) + ~i-,i;i¼ r, 1') ;:-f 1611S'U:--t 4i, -1 'f I~ VG? = J 17 5( 15) + f? v PLf ( i 4J2. ) ~ 2 ~, /~r' ~ C$) ?' ~7l-1~ t"~" d ;; 17 (, --'ff;> .1 . -:, , I 14/2 ~ ~ '2-1/2 -'4 ~ '7 ,7 '? · 11/ ~ ~ 1; 'B 1 6f>P ~ 2 c 14.2) --70·1 PbF ? (l,?)t 4' ) I --- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '\, MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ., .. ' -·, !-;, i • ,. . ' JOB l.g~L,AHJ) -~A-:>M .. ~ lsL.J¥, SHEET NO. .V t 4: if . OF-'-. --..,----;,,.---,,--- CALCULATED BY M:42 · DATE 1°/47 . CHECKED BY------''-----DATE-~-~ ~CA~E----"---,------'~------ k-. Wor-; ,'11-2.# (2.1 1) +-61).2.-:1:!c~') ~ 3~0~ 1,1-reo ,..(' &l~o l'Lif C'tJff + b 'I~ ( I 1,,, 71) -l-b 'I J.,'.l-( '21 1 ). "' 4 13'7 111- 'l 4t;5 -360 ' z ?, (.., ?,I;. -4--4 :: ;2 ' I ~ +.'4 I IO," 7 6 t,p =. i c25. '-) -= :z ~ ~2 p;,f L z7°{:, c 1.33) = ?37-5 l-'r l,, (11) (?) ~ ' U oT-:. ft, 42-2 ( ?') r ~42? ( 117,'zi) -= lf:t.1f-. . 2. l~v0 _:: ,&0 l45° N) (;I) + b422-(U) :: '2.'-o\V- . --i cJ .: 2,(:,o .... lf~ --4, "'' ~5, ~ . ~ ~ 'SV2 -f.,,tc:, -; ~0 ,1 '> ,?:ib v , c .. c..)Cs) -:; i.41~<f >f L ?3 ~ '5 P~f 1-··-----·----·------.--··--- I~/ l_.,fl},, "'(,~ti" t) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 .. JOB l, /J-,.C :"\~\I l) -~ (.ry:::-I , rt, f;Y\'-:Jj SHEET NO. . · .' ,f'., 1.4.S OF--'---- CALCULATED BY kl b DATE 9/17 I I ~"'----'---,-----' CHECKED.BY~--"'------'--DATE--'-'---- SCALE --,----,------~----- L,J J)b := icl VP.:f)-+ 4 C-1--? ts,r) :::: ~ 013 ~!;f PoL--.-: f ( l? ( 5, p:;r) -t I ,5 (2,1) Cl 1:?D pc..F)) :::: s;~ :J.B P ;' 2-( 7,o-,; l'-)/ ·+ Cf,~1 ) C17) :::. . 27613 f:,f L L 33 ( 2!3 c.?0 f.s,fJ . .::::-?3'Z'7f5f' 1.========================·-=-==-==· . --=:=--==:-::::::---~::::----,===-.:-•·:::::::•·---==-=•-•c ==·,.-:::::::•=-::::.:..::--· -==·-==·~·:::=-·==·-::::::..::·•-•::__· JOB !.,..t:~,~~t)-C,.k;;::j~"12' .BA-SQ... $.J:t;. MARTIN & DUNN, INC. I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. -"-~----'-~~-,.+.:{ 4:=Jt:?'--oF ------ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 11(.:. ~--:r/, .517 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY~~--~------DATE -. , , , I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ! f1iP,k .I'S'!:-,., .. I ·,/ /I ?'7 t ' • • ' I .! , i 2~r ~ P.;;C)".7 I ~ 'J( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I / M ~ o11~t-rii,1&) -7 CHECKED,BY -------'---~ DATE____;_ ___ _ SCALE-,-------'------,-"'-----'----).'' CJ.4F--}0~)( Jf-,6 ') -!-{" 7 !O~Lf) (\§)'L.. J .,,. -=-: ,:-~ \e,-1:::: I ;::=-=-=--=--=-=-=-=-=-=--=--===-====·=-======· =· =~===--~-=-=··-=·-=· ~---=·~--===--=-=_..,.,...==-:-==--=--===· ======-=-=-=·==· JOB l!CQl:.,J.bll) __. uhstkt ~. f?Y)h MARTIN & .DUNN, INC. / [A. I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. · :¥:'. "'f 1 OF --~- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 • 1 I , J A 7· SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY Mb DATED,0':1 I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429· CHECKED BY__,. _______ DATE---,--- SCALE-----,-..--------.-------,-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Qf:J.PJdJ:!t ../4 ~fP t 1:..-1'4, i~1~dt11 c.,oU.1t fro .. WPL> ~ C2!1 ) ( /e, ~=F) -t 43W.CI 41 ) + f'o~f C B,li.) f-4coitf 1 45'0 f'Lf 2 -:::: I 4 4 r .P L'f ~LA-,-:: (~i) C io P?t) -1-1 ~o ( '5/i.) ~ ,60 pt.f 7 W t>11t WvL, = 200 I P~f ·L lb/ji. ( 2,se:io ~r) -: . 171$0 Pl1- ., Mor ::. 1?,;fl c z 1,3?>' J --~J:61¥- ~yeo = 1 is C 1441 'Pl-r) (l~p)). -= : ll ~7'1}- ~ = n ·e1/l -~J.,& ~ f 'i,'7, i ?-?°3f . e ::: I~ -1i. b · ~ to~.+' L 2 I 6 !bf ;: 1.-~?j1-. ( \ + b _£.J Qi f)) --=-. } '1 · ''i::' P~f L ~3 2 5 psf° i:-ilf20) . -l:i.~ • • .::.-.•• --•, --~--·.~ ....... ~-. ..,---A--.-.. -•J- I r========-·===· ·..:.....:.:· -·::::::::· ==-==·-:::::=:=====___.,.==· ==========--==-==--==----====·--==-==--~==· -=====--==~::.:..:--·:.......::.:·· - Joal&bOL-,hY,p~ {;A::;?flffi, ~ ~ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. k;, l lrt) oF ___ _ 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 1 4 L / -; SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY M 0 DATE ~~"1 I Phon~ (619) 497-2'118 Fax (619) 497,0429 CHECKED BY--'-'-~----DATE~--- SCALE~· ~'-----~------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ,:-•:. .. . . -... GpiDlA ~i ~ f p.or4 bL- Di:AD +: vlVf · i It.? 4 v;-u..-~im vALL ftb I) t> ~::z Gf 1 (lB ?.Jf) f ';,~ P=>f c f d )' t 4~t.i fLf t 4-.50 . N ~ ·z. 1-1f fkf . ::z . . v-'L,Li;: ~ ( Jo Ps~)-t (.8i+1_') too f'5f ~ tt?BO M J 1 L 2? (p O ( ' 8 /12J z ?; 7;; o fL.t I . ro1.. -:: 177r +-zi 0 ~ c ti,,,) ::. --'J::;11 4 y:- f il, .: 7 · Ci ~ t 132,J"f c :;:' ll, ? y. (! bf:-1.DUI~ ~ ,1. f7 '6f>P ~ 4'1,t:\7(2.,u. ~ i -:: \ 170 f?f FPL. ~ q, ~ r t A-, '8 \l--t .B' (,. I ~,!1=>) (f o p;:,f1/1QJO ::: I 7, ')'f- fu.-:: 7, '4~ +-?,J't-t ~· l,lo-rl?J (,\,.nJ P,.f);..:: l~~t)f-·"i /iaoo VOi> A· ~' x 4 1 6 & f1 w; 4-" / 6 le.All--'=> ,, ~ ~ "l-~ , • • ,, " , T • ~ C ,_ .-'t • --.. '• -•, ,. • -• ~ ~ • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. . STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 . (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 SQUARE FOOTING DESIGN LEGOLAND • CASTLE BASE BLDG. too1INb e bL i -a \,s Date: 10/23/91 Pagei I 4<1 ---WADIIG OATA _.,........_ ·-. 1- V4.4D (c) 1983-96 EHERCALC Dead Load k: Live Load k: Short Tern Loaq k : Seisnic Zone : Overburden Weight psf : Conbining Live & Short Tern Loads ? -------·-,-. 100fiJG DATA ------Size {Length & Width) Thickness · # of Bars Rebar Size Nunber Column Dimension f'c Fy Cover over rebar Concrete weight ft: in: . . ': iil: psi: psi: in: pcf: ---,---OOIL DATA ,..... ------,.- Basic Allow Soil Brg Press. Short Tern Duration Factor Ftg. Depth Below Soil . . psf: < • . ft: . CALOJLAffl> FORCES --Maxinun static Soil Pressure psf: 'Allow Static Soil Pressure psf: Max. Short Tern Soil Pressure psf: Allow Short Tern Soil Pressure psf: 1-Way: Allowable Shear· psi: Vu/Phi. psi: 2-Way: Allowable Shear psi: . Vu/Phi psi : Mn k-ft: Mu/Phi k-f t : . ---,.... -REIIIFORCDIG--- ~ctual Bar· Depth Kin. Allow% Reinforcing 200/Fy , Req'd Per Analysis USE ••••••• Rebar Area Req'd Total Area. Req1d . . g.. in2/ft; 1n2: -----REBAR COOICfS--~ Quantity of: #4 Bars #5 Bars #6 Bars #7 Bars #8 Bars 19 Bars #10 Bars 15.20 HI.SO o.oo 4 0.0· No 4,·00 18,00 3 5 4.0 3000 60000 3.0 150.0 2500 1.33 o.oo 2350.0 2500.0 1175.0 3325.0 1Q9.5 14.8 219.1 53,0 16.8 6.8 14.69 0.0014 0,0033 0.0005 0.0i68 0.25 0.99 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 GEORGE R. SAUHDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 1 · -----·. ··-·--------~""."--. ---:---·-·-- JOB kfbo LA-U D 'f' u6 6~ M-~ _ r;LJ¥,. MARTIN & DUNN, INC. I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. ~, / ~ -0 OF ~--'---- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 I l / J a-, SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY ~1 '--' DATE I £? T -II I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (6i9) 497-0429 CHECKED BY--'---'-----DATE ___ _ SCALE-'----------'-------'-----'------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Df:ht> t =&J:2bt l '-' 1-vloi ~ 14/7¥-.(1..l,:,31) :: ?i,4'ic:, ht/v0 : ; ~ 5 { ,z:?1~~L..f) (~~)"2 ~ 'i'? I t',1\k \ ,.,.:,t? () ? I I ~:: ?'2> I e, ... ?;,If ~ jt;, e:, ll?l ~ c, === ~ -lt:,,Z, ·-:: &,?' · L. dj"==' ~+(,/b.:: 1,& 2, vBP :: 11 ·l~ ( I t }, Cb12)) :: ol'l 4 fSf 4" ;-~" ° C l,:i,) =?J3J'5 ~ . L5C4b) fb ~ bJAlU lokt>"- DfhD :t ~ IV& . · Pllr -1-?,1 (72 o) -:. Jc 1 :> · l-lDL,::: 1.2-( 1.,<7, tof) + i' l 113 f:.)f) + ;,~.Psf Lt'-) 1 4o~ +41;,o + 2 LJLJL,., ~ IJ,-C 'J-t.:' , r~t) t-2, c~~ P~r) -t 2 c. i~oPSf') -::: ~~o f l..F "' .. , .. -·---~,:,:-..... -' •,::.·~--.--.~ .... -: 1-- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619). 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 b?--!DL.lijg, tt l)t,Jrb t vlVJ;: JOB ~MD -'h?1lk-1,# $>L,J)b · SHEET NO. -{; (G I OF----- CALCULATED BY tJ' l, DATE I o/ 17 CHECKED BY---'-----'--~-DATE----,-- SCALE.----,--~--------- i,JpL.-= B/:z ( 40 M)-'--4-iPof u;) + 4)~¢tJ,l-f -;,, llbc:::\ PJf' [r)L,L.., ::. ~ /2, ("" p,t:J1) ~ Z 4-0 Pllf Up...,r<-(.,.o = lf oc:t Pvr L IB/ol15"of.Sfj ~ '?i'Ffo p-f ~AO t S~I:> · ""o1 ::. b, ~ .f-( I ).1-t ,i ) ':! SB /l-1¥- Mt~-== 11 ~4 ~~1/1~0 { 1 8S)(tp)J--z 1 b-l'r 2 ~ :: l b I -13 t,, J--: ~ J~ 1 bl l'- c:: lo/1. -o,5 ----?° .. ~' 1 IB/b --;.J ~BP : '2 (2-i~) -~ ?It, fof L '?~z.7 rsr ~ ( I, ?:XI '6) :, •• • . • • -•. -- . • _. . ~ • ·.c .. • ~ -~ ~ -,, .. ; I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I ..• '-:: b, . ' ; . L ;,' ~- 1 J MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 ·Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 l-,-l< ·-l. ! J.J 1~ ::: .. -1 ~-~ ~ ··--· ----· · .. --. ~· -- -- /tr1 \ ( .-: ---i~ i :, _: V : / ~ ~~' f ;t,/ --I 1 \; .. -· _1,_ ,! -t" :::,, ,:,$ ,; -.,1 &~ .' ' Q l 1..-1 'e. , __ ,_ t.-,, r-... "'7 '"> .... , 1''' ~--y /-· -~ . ~ l \ (. i' ) , re, ···---------·--~- SHEET NO. ,1siOF ___ _ . I . I f • ·i ' ., . l 1L '" / ' l / CALCULATED t;!Y ""~..,_._· -'---'---------DATE--;---'--'----- CHECKED BY--,,.-------~"----DATE--------,-'-- SCALE-----"--,-------~------------- - ' . '4 r rJ ;.-:; .} ,.,. .,.. ,..- ;., .,. .. .,; . .. t ·-'l -' ~ -?~./ ~ .) ., , .<. ·..;' >-0 ._., . .-.,.._,. .. ~, .:_;t/ ~ , .. _, ~-;:.( I _.,, ~ -\., . , .~ 1 ~ :::t .. - ·:_·.:· .• •· .,,.-..·,:fi; .-. -: : 1 ·1·. • 2 •. ___ rE[ -·~-·-.:: .: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / __________ .. _ __,.,~_,....,..,..... • .,,.,1,-v --- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO; CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 i~ j -~;,..-. 'i s . ....... ,· r_1 /a .-· · ' , • 1, tJ' , ·,., ./ ~ i t, .t~ ..-,, .. ~\/ ~ SHEET NO. t1 IS3 OF ----'----- -l. '.J ,-; CALCULATED BY _· ...._· ..:=..::,:__--'s--------DATE ----,----- CHECKED BY-----,-----'----DATE----'----- SCALE ------------~--------- .,,.., ... , ,,...,_ ;, ~_,rr .,/ (/ ~ ,'. } 7 )"' ... : ,...., ,.. .. ' •, \ - l . L, .. J~ w::;;: ff... ··1 _r ' '. ,' ,_ \ ;~·;; ''J ;, . 3,J', -"' ,,.. .: ,,,,. .J \,, •. ,t..# \ ;,. --~·- , ft • .-:' I' ~ ..... ,. / I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I i _,..,. ... ~'-:''""""_,,_,. "":'"---~-____,_,,. ______ ,_ ... ~---~---,,..."j .. --~--' MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 94108· JOB ~ ff {e,o h4J--!P -cmm ~ 8!1--,p~ SHEET NO. f; \ '$tf . OF--'-. -~-- CALCULATED BY --11.ef_,_l:,:, _____ DATE 1° I 11 Ph9ne (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY ______ DATE--,-----'-- SCALE ------...c...,-,---'--~---"----- !/ 7 ) ~1nJ . \ I °1" I f ; \Ii, l I i t &;,l l J !, lj -r N --4 P-,, .··. ?a? --~(.s) H' N T ·• ' r 1 1 1 ;r . (t7 ~---l;ft.-' ~4---V--,--I-I-'---'----. :__..._,!i-!-l=:.-~-,-1µ.µ.;::i<:::'" I I . 'LJ¼,~ :: 21 '4> "!.p Wf' -= • + c 1 >{1s) Lip : f!:; Wp. Pi :: , "J ~?' (( 7,f~f)(~)")~( ,f:? N) ~~))] ::: 3r,,72# '"2-C/2) 2 (1-Z) h:: •?rr2' {4?,f,;,f)(LJ)J:: i~YI~ .. ? Pi " , :, [ 17.. C5?F=>r) ( ~ >] " I B 1?ll' . ll . Ps~b t~~I -::: ?? 49c.. ~ uJin,~ :: C~<-; 4.::> t -::: 1-l~C 1,-4) '-l-:2.& f!,f) Cl):: zo p::, f ) ~ ~ P11r,hd ~ l2-' C2~P,f CI;) -i 1 "~1°~ --'ZG\2) P2., wtn ~ -~ l·i C 20 f:)f) ( "1~ ( I 2t ½)/ii::. 2 f7 ~ . , . 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CAl;;CULATED·BY -"'-vt+-"-6,~_ -,----'--,-----DATE _1_o.L-/__.12.L--_ CHECKED BY~----'----'--~-DATE-~-- SCALE -~~,--------,-------I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 TP.Y ~--# & ~ ~ 13 tJ tJ ~ t, 4 ( I o O 'i · } (12.) -;: 1 060 ii. f-- tP IJ1-1 = , 1 C G C 4f )< ~ (14, t? -·& C, # )( ~0 ) . ) = lfJ2-0l' \l- --2(,5~)(3 ~1)/Lt) ()6E 1i-0·1 X \ 1 -~/ foMDf: BM W/ e,-ito f>A~ i ..ab ·/ ~ o 611RJ-UP~ ~ 0 \I Q _(.,,. I I 1· I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I " I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structura{ & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 1'.: .. ' v' .. \ r; ..:, u ,\. Fax (619) 497-0429 _\ 'J ·\-..1 ,. i 1-.. ; ' 1--····· ------------ L1'J :-D1 cs~ ru) :: f Jt P5 \/--- 1 }' -..J ·a..o JY ;;:. /f,) l, -tc:. ··t::"I l'.I }.'I -1 "/. 1 ....,.! I... , / .-• '1/0 7 r-, ~~~ l7,,7C1p_/ ;1~ ·. 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STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER-COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21i8/FAX 497-0429 Date: 10/09/97 Pagef[~~ STEEL COLUMN BASEPLATE DESIGN None ---WAD DATA-· -----! ---.- Axial Load 5. 60 k x-x Axis Moment : 29.00 k-ft AISC Section Hane : TS7x7xl/4 ---OOLT DATA ---- Bolt Tension Ca~city : 19,90 k Bolt Count Per Side : 2 Anchor Bolt Area -: O. 990 in Bolt Dist. ~rom PL Edga 1;50 in · PLATE i suW0RT DATA· Baseplate Depth . ~ Width Support Area Depth Support Area Width -MATERIAL DATA -- Vi:: Fy , Load' Duration -Factor AISC Section Depth Flange Width Flange Thickness Web Thickness · : . -PLATE D!SIGII-Min1 Require~ Thickness: Plate Analysis Method : Tension Force per Bolt: Bearing Stress : 13.00 in 13.00 in 30.00 in 30,00 in 3000 psi 36ksi 1.33 7 .oo in 7.00 in 0.250 in -0.250 in 0.854 in 1 16.16 k 1228.05 psi Allow Bearing ••• Per ACI 10.15 3570.00 k Per AISC J9 : 2793.00 psi Max. Plate capacity for·. Allowable Bea:nng •• :, 472.02 psi -PLATE AIIALYSIS --Actual Plate Tliickne$S: i,ooo in Max Allow Plate Fb Actual fb -. . 35.91 ksi 26.18 ksi , t \ ;• \" ti 1) II :_ • a I / ·Jf·/ .-_·-.. V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC ~EORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSO<;IATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I RISA-2P (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates Job...,..,...-,::-.,,,..---3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE B~SE BLDG. COASTER BRACED FRAME -------=--------~-=-~~~-~-------====- Pag~l5g Date __ _,__ ===========~================= -------~~----------~--------~------------·--~---,--~---~----~-~--~---~~------Node Boundary conditions No x-coord Y-coord x-dof · Y-dof Rotation Temp. ---------.--(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/:t)-----(F)- 1 0.00 -1.00 · R R R 0.00 2 o.oo 15.25 o.oo· 3 0.00 17.50 STORY 1 0.00 4 10.00 17.50 o.oo 5 10.00 15.25 o.oo 6 10.0Q -1.00 R R R o.oo ~-------~-----~--~---~~--------~---------------------~--~~---~-------~~-~---Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield stress Label Modulus Ratio ·cqefficient Density fFy) --~------------(KSt)~------------~--~-~-~--(P)-~~-----(K/ft3)------(Ksi)---- TS 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 46.000 ~--~-----~-~-~~-~----------~~~---~-~---~--~--~--~--------------~--~~-------~ section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set Inertia Coef __ .,.._,.. ________ ...,._,,__ ... _____ af!'_..,; ________ ... ________ (in/\ 2 }----------( in" 4) ._ _____________ ,...,.. ___ _ COLUMN BEAM BRACE TU7X7X6 TU6X6X4 TU6X6X4 TS 'l's TS 9.58 5.59 5.59 68.700 30.300 30.300 1.20 1.20 1.20 --.-... -------~-----------~----------.... ----------~----.... ~----~------,..------...... ~--------.. --------- I · J . I Releases J End Off sets No Node Node section x y ~ x y z sec sway, t J Length ................ --------------~----,.;.~-------.... -... ____ _.._ .... .,.~ ....... --..... ~ ... ---(in)..,,_,....., (in_)-... ----(ft) l 1 -2 COLUMN 16.25 2 2 -3 COLUMN 2.25 3 4 -5 COLUMN 2.25 4 5 -6 COLUMN 16.25 5 2 -5 BEAM 1 1 10. 00 . 6 3 -4 BEAM 1 l 10.00 7 3 -5 BRACE 1 1 10.25 -----------------.--.... ~~~--------.---------------1-o-----------... -----..... -----~-· ... ~--,.. .... _..., __ BLC No. Basic Load case . Description Load 'l;'otals Nodal Point Dist. ~-----~--~~--~~------~~.~-~---~-~~~----~-~~-~----~~~-~----~--~-----~~-~-----1 SEISMIC 2 1 Nodal Loads, BLC 1: SEISMIC ~--~----~-----~~-~----~~~---------~-~~------~-~---~~-~------·~-~~--------~-~ Node Number Global X Global ·y Moment ------------------~~----(K)-~----~-----------{K)---~--------~-----{K-ft)---- 3 1.471 0. 000 \_ 0.000 I I I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. COASTER BRACED FRAME Jobj Pag __ ft:,o Oat ------,, =====z= ===---=-=-. -------::=--=..--. -=---=====-=====--==. = --=_ ----------=-----=== --------------~-------~-~----~-~-~~------~-~-~-~---~----~-------------------Node Number Global X Global Y Moment --~------~-----~---~----(K)-----~~-------~~--(K)--~-~~----~----~-~(K-ft)-•--- 4 1. 8'13 0.000 0.000 Member Point Loads;BLC 1: SEISMIC -------------------------·-~-----~~--~~~--~------~~~--~-------~--~~-----~----Memb I J No Node Node Dir~ption Magnitude Location --... .---..----------... -----•-----... ----... --~---~ (-K., K •ft, F') _...;. ___ .,. ____________ '"!'"" (ft)------- 1 1 -2 X 3.672 12.000 ______ ...,. ___ .,. __ ~--------------------~------------------.------~---""'!",.._,.. ______________ ,.. Load combination No. Description SeJf Wt BLC BLC BLC 13LC. BLC W E Dir Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae DYNA s V -------------------·-------·--·~-------------~----~-------------------------1 LATERAL 2 LATERAL y -1 y -1 Load Combination is 1: Member End Forces 1 1 1 -1 LATERAL y y ------~------~---~------~--~--~~~~---~-~~~--~--~-~~~-~----~~-------~-------~ Nodes ~~----~---I-End---~--~-~-========~= J-End =-=- No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------( K) --------( K )------( K-f t )·-------( K )--------( K) ------·( .K-ft) -- 1 1-2 -3.80 3.86 30.82 4.33 -0.19 16.29 2 2-3 ·-4.43 -7.24 -16.29 4.50 7.24 -o.oo 3 4-s 0~10 -io.32 0.-00 -0.11 10.j2 -23.23 4 5-6 5.05 3.10 2~.23 -5.58 -3.10. 27.09 5 2-5 ~7.43 0.10 0.00 7.43 0.10 o.oo 6 3... 4 -12.i4 0.10 o.oo .12 •. 14 0.10 o.oo 7 3-5 21.35 0.10 o.oo -21.39 0.10 0.00 Load Combination is 1: LATERAL Reaction·s ---------------~--~~-~---~---~----~--~-----------------------~-------~--~--- Node ·Global x Global Y Moment ----------------~-~--~(K)--~----~--~---~~-~(K)-~~--~-----~---(K-ft)~-------- 1 6 Totals -3 .8-5958 -3.09642 -6.95600 -3.80048 5. 5820:3 1.78:l,55 30.81767 27.08777 57.90544 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders A~sociates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, S1.J.ite 690 San Diego, CA 92lOB-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. COASTER BRACED FRAME Job .---,----Page J /':2) Date ·. . ~===~===============-======·=· -= -=========================~ ·===-=========~ Load combination is 1.: LATERAL AISC Code Checks ~--------~---~-~--~----~---~~---~--------~~--~---~~---~--~---~--~~----------Nodes Member Q~arter Points No I J Maximum 0 1/4 . 1/2 3/4 L Shear -----------------~~---------------~--~--------------------~-----~-~~--------1 1-2 0.4763 0.4763 O. 23·98 0.0197 0.2465 0.2584 0 •. 0300 2 2-3 0.2587 0.2587 0.1972 0 .13·57 0.0742 0.0128 0.0562 3 4-5 0.3514' 0.0003 0.08~.1 0.1758 0.2636 0.3514 0.0802 4 5-6 0.4319 0.3714 0.1819 0.0507 0.2413· 0.4319 0.0240 5 2-5 0.0431 0.0361 -0.0414 0.0431 0.0414 o.0361 0.0013 6 3-4 0.0660 0.0590 o.-0643 0.0660 0.0643 0.0590 0.0013 7 3-5 0.1357 o.i2a$ 0.1339 ·O .1357 0.1340 0.1287 0.0013 Load combination is 1 . LATERAL • Nodal Displacements -~-~~~---~~---~~~~--~--~~--~~~-~----~--~~~~-~--~--~--·~--------~~~~--------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation ---------------~-----(in)---·-----~-------(in}----------~~-~--crad)-------·- 1 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00000 2 1.17579 Q.00285 -0.00176 3 1.19949 O. 00:329 -0.00044 4 1.20847 -0.00374 -0.00038 5 1.18129 -o. 00373--0.00227 6 0 .·00000 -0.00000 -0.00000 Load Combination is 2: LATERAL Member End Forces ~--~~-------~-~~-----~-----~~-~--~~--~----------~---------------~--~-------~ Nodes ---------=I-End-~-==-----===== J-End ========== No I J Axial Shear Moment Axial Shear Moment ---------------( K) ----.-----( K )------( K-ft) ----,---( K )-----·---( K) ------( K•ft )-- 1 1-2 · 5.58 -3.86 -30.82 -5.05 0.19 -16.29 2 2-3 . 4.96 7.24 16.29 -4.88 -7.24 -o.oo 3 4-s 0.10 10.32 0.60 -0;11 -10.32 23.23 4 5-6 -4.~3 -3.10 -23.23 3.80 3.10 -27.09 5 2-5 7.43 0.10 o.oo -7.43 0.10 o.oo 6 3-4 12.14 0.10 0.00 •12.14 0.10 o.oo 7 3-5 -21.39 0.10 o.oo 21.35 0.10 o.oo Load Co~bination is 2: LATERAL Reactions ---------~---·----------~---~--~---~----~-----~---~~~~---~-----~-·--~---~--- Node Global X Global Y Moment ------------~--~------(K)--•---------------{K)---------------(K~ft)~-~---•-- 1 3.85958 5.58197 -30.8;1.796 6 3~09642 -3.soo42 -21.0Ba06 I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·RISA-20 .(R} Vers·ion 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. COASTER BRACED FRAME Job~_,__ ___ _ Page' l i.:c,2, Date ____ _ =---===----------=------=-=-----=~=---~--==--=-~~-~-~----~-------=----=-=--= -------.. -------------------------------------------------------...-... "'!"'--------.... ---..... ---... -------.... ------- Node Global X Global Y MOitJer'lt -... -----.... ~--... -----........ --... ( K )-4'!""'---....... -.......... ,,.....,..,._~ .. --( K) ........ ---.--~------.... ---( K-ft·) ...,_.,. __ .,. __ __ Totals 6.95600 1.78155 -57.90602 Load Combination is 2· : LATERAL AISC Code Checks _.,. .............. _ ... _..,._ .... _____ .. ____ .. ___ ... _..._.,. .... _....,_ .. __ ..,. __________ ~-... ~-------------------... -------------.--.-.---- Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ~--~-~--~~~------~---~-~--~--~~--~~-~----~-~-~-~-~~-----~-----~--~--~--~~-~- 1 1-2 0.4882 0.4882 0.2508 o.oi~a 0. 2.557 0.266'7 0.0300 2 2-3 0.2606 0.2606 o.;t.990 0.1374 0.0758 0.0142 0.0562 3 4-5 0.3514 0.0003 0.0881 0.1758 0.2636 0.3514 0.0802 4 5-6 0.4200 0.3632 0.1728 0.0407 0.2303 0.4200 0.0240 5 2-5 0.0513 0.0443 0.0496 0.0513 0.0496 0.0443 0.0013 6 3-·4 0.0794 0.0724 0.()777 0. 679-4 0.0771 0.0724 0.0013 7 3-5 0.1111 0.1040 0.1093 0 .1111 -0. 1.092 o .103-s 0.0013 Load Combination is 2 : LATERAL Nodal Displacements .. ,.._..,. __ .,.. _____ ~-----,.~,...---------------· ... ---.... ~---.. ~----------~--........ -~ ......... -..... -.-.............. _ .. ...., ..... ..._ __ -' Node . Global X Global Y Rotation -----.... ---------~-.. -.... ,,,,.. ...... (in·) ...... _ .... _.._ ......... ,.... .. __ _,.,-... (in)-~-_.. .... ____________ (rad) .................. -.... 1 -o. 00000 -o. 00000 . 0. 00000 2 -1.17582 -0.-00373 0.00176 3 -1.19953 -0.00421 0.00044 4 -1. 20851 0. 00~84 o. 00.038 5 ~l-1~132 0.00285 .0.00227 6 -0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1--- -JOB LE&!WU[) -o/25[L}, f#:z'½ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 9210~ -- Phone (61'9) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429. V I: SHEET NO. '¥1 t h?j, OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY -:~-4-{(""'2'---~~---DATE _/~o~/_47~--- CHECKED BY-------'-----DATE-~---- SCALE __ -'-------~-------'--- I i I LS.,::: .cq\ / . I It;, (J?Y l.t?o :::: , zb01 l r?J -1 I ~ _; I~ ! ; 5J}) . i I· --. 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN INC. STRUCTURAL & CiVIL ENGINEERS 7801 MISSION CENTER COURT, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 (619) 497-21is/FAX 497-0429 DESIGN OF EMBEDDED POLE FOOTINGS LEGOLAND -CASTLE BASE BLDG. SCREEN WALL. · Date:_ 10/02/97 -------------~ESIGH.DATA--------,--~- V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Allow Passive Max J>assive Load Duration Factor Point Load Load Height Dist. Load Start Height End Height P?le Ty-pe W1dth/Dianeter Surface Restraint . -. ? ---1--- 350.0 psf 3000.0.psf 1.330 988.o I 15.30 ft o.o plf 0.00 ft o.oo ft - Circular 2A.O in Free ----------SOMlf1tRY ----------.....,.....~ Moments@ Surface ••• Point Load Uniform Load • • • Total Moment Total Lateral Load . -lfOI-RFMRAIIED RFSOLTS - Min. Req(d Embedment A(l+(l+4.36h /A)".5)/2 A=2.34P/(S 1 b) Press@ 1/3 Embed Actual Allowable -RESTRAIIED RFSJLTS -Mi~. Req'd Embedment (-4.25*P*h/S3*b)",5 Pressure@ Botton Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Force -_-l- 15116.Ht-# 0.0 ft-# 15116. 4 ft-#: 988.0 # 5.48 ft 852.0 psf _ 850.8 psf .GEORGE R. 'SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 1--· I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structurai & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497~2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I ~D ,· ( -··,.. JOB V . . -·: ~---· ,' .J · . .Y \ kb OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY ____:t_'·.'-_:_· ---'-"---DATE ! ,:) ,' -·i :: SHEET'NO. CHECKED BY · ~-· DATE ~-' .. SCALE : -. -w ~\..,l,_.,,S I 'fDf2.-f 2.;; [-rl b lq-lA} A--U...... '[of -C 02A(...\L--To ~Pk~ I I I I I 1, I 1· I I I I I I I I e,t\_l0Gk" ~1 v 0$ 1 ~ p 1 t2k.-\l-- s ~ >4&>1_ 10~ N l\ 't. S' ¥1, -:-( ff I If 114 fi.-<:i -~ · 1'fAU-'._ ,fb.c [61. b ~1 ~ \\;,--1,74 1r ~ ~1. e t.::. ~ 15 {-lti)C7J'Cl72£s) S, f?2/ (2,v10CQ) f 12:> r,I'_ p / n 2_!! V ::=: -...... ;c ~ ,. .£;-;;? or f/ -== -[ Yf I pt.J) .(7)2-:::. ,f!;; C. 1f'.,-L \ .. 17'1 1 ~ d--. Lbf: .... 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Consulting Structural & Civil .Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 SAN DIE:GO, CALIFORNIA 92108 (619) 497-3092 FAX (619) 497-0429 'fbt}tJD .. 1'~~ ~ l& ,o~?~ ~ 'f%?"N0 t~ --fO"!A'-4-'° l'\o = I].. ' 4--i,,. ~tf. \, ~ &;'~h SHEE:T NO. ---'---'---"--,' ::...,,l ..... -lc...,:;h'-"-B,_· -OF ~'-"-to-~--- CALCULATED'BY --,-'--'-----'---DATE----- GHECKEDB~- SCALE . ,1 ety;j<;; .. ' (~ioos o\-Q ,( /J I ' ., I ' " ~ I rz. I ' I 4-_',l i , ~_!!-~ t \ 'tl W=-&~,. i . .t w 4v l \.\ us 6' ~ ... c; . : - ,' - ... -:.,::./ .... ' I -1 t I· .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ARL.-,BAD DETAIL BOOK ~ STUDIO~ II Hellmuth ~ Obata + Kassabaum, Inc. 17 OCTOBER 1997 w :& :::) ..I 0 > BEGINNING CASTLE HILL IMAGINATION LAGOON PARKWIDE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BEGINNING I • STUDIO~ I II Hellmuth Ohata + 1 Kassabaum, Inc. I DETAILS 17 OCTOBER 1997 11.1 BEGINNING :I :::, ..I . 0 > I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' / TYPE 1A 1 TYPE 1C.1 L S'-0" Ll'-6't / ' ' / TYPE 16 1 L S'-0" L 1 TYP. 1 NOTE: I. VERIFY' AU. METAL. STUD Ol"!:NIN6 PRIOR TO FRAME FAeRlc;ATION AND IHSTAl,.LATION. 2. ALL EXIT DOORS SHALL eE ~ ~ T1-E lt-lSIDE VilTHOUT THE USE OF' A l<E'i" OR ~IAI.. I'~ OR EFFORT. !5. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR PAIRS OF DOORS AND POOR ~IN6 DIREC;TION. VISION PANEL c:f" TYPE 'D' 1 . 1 . -"---'I,~ / \ C) ---I i- ' I l) TYPE 'E' TYPE 1f=1 DOO_R TY_PES 8CALL NOT TO 8CAL! l 1----------------.---------,r-------.---------,-,------, .,11111.1 Cllaelra· i .:t L_ ___________ --1 __ ...._ ______ -,--_.i.:==:..!.::......:....:.......JL.!.;.J ____________ ___, LEGO._JjD Iii STUDIOE c.n,, .... IDa B 000 00 .Helhimdi Obata+ 701 GAR L ..S ·,e A D ltu11NP•,lnc. ..... ,t>-11· 1 .,.... ....... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ _I VISION PANEL TYPE 16'1 TYPE 'H' -fl". "+ ' ' __,,..__~ TYPE 'J' Q I . r- \ I TYPE 'K' DOOR TYPES NOTE: I. VERIFY ALL METAL. STVD OF'ENIN6 PRIOR ·To FRollME FABRIC.ATION AND INST""-1..ATION. :2. ALL EXIT 1'00R5 SHALL BE Of'E'RAeLE F'ROM TIE INSIDE l'ilTHOtlr THE USE OF A KEY OR 5f'Ec.lAI-t<::~ OR EFFORT. !S. REFER TO FLOOR PLAN FOR PAIRS OF 1'00R5 AND DOOR ~lt-15 DIREc.TION. S'-b" TYP. 8CALL9'0TTOICALI 11-------------....-------=---,-------------.-----------t f LEGO.AID . •'*;;; l G A R L ~ B A l> Ia11uum,1nc. .._.10•1 .c11 "L--------------'---.........,.'-------'-===-=-;.,...'-'1--,.;..:......J-----'--------' a.e.s Cemp••••a B 000 00 702 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,-·. -·.-----7 ENCL.OSURE BY I . I MANUFAc. TURE (BEHIND) STEEL. METAL. ~-H:;1-::::~~:::::=:::::=:=:::=:::::=::::::::::::::~ ROL.L.-UP SECURITY DOOR TYPE 'M' ,--. --· 7 ENCLOSURE BY MANUFAC. TURE (BEHIND) -'--.....,....---+ CEILINI& LINE: ROLL.-UP ---PERFORATED SECURITY DOOR · TYPE 'N' DOOR TYPES 8CALL-NOT TO 8CALI!. NOTE: .I. Vl:RIF'Y AU.. METAL 51\JD Of"ENIN5 PRIOR TQ f"RAME t=ABRIC:.ATION AND INSTALJ..ATION. 2. AU.. EXIT·DOORS SHAU.. BE OPERAeU: ~ THE INSIDE t"-OTHOUT n-E USE Of' A KEY' OR Sf'f:C:.IAL l<NOl"t.ED6E OR Et=f'ORT. !5. REl"ER TO t=l.OOR PLAN .FOR PAI~ Of' . DOORS AND DOOR Sll'ilNS t,IREc:.TION. -4. Del.. t-el"Al. Sll.05, 1-4 SAI.IISe f"OR DOOR JAl-e Of' ROLL-IJI" i::,ooR,5. TYPE 1F 1 11-. ____ ___:__--,--___,..;.____.;._,-,--_....;...._ _____ ........a..._--r----:-,----'--,------:------------j ... lfl I nr a.e.s c:om, IRllltl IDI I I.A.,q Ill """~ t LEGO D · •. =:6' . i G A R L -' ·e A 'D · ~,Inc. ._.,0-,1·"1 .:J L._ __________ ___,.a_...L,_---'------....,........a,-----,---'-~=:..=.~--!.4,--J..-------'-----------'--' B 000 00 703 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EL: e·-o" = , j t- TYPE 0 TYPE 0 r.===:::::;,===,-;::===iF====u=====rr======;i _ EG._ EG. EG. TYPE 0 ::? 1/ TYPE WINDOW TYPES aCALEa NOT TO aCALE TYPE 0 NOTE: I. VERIF'r" ALL t-ETAL STVr> Ol"ENIN6 PRIOR TO FflVIME F~lc:;ATION AND INSTALLATION. l 1------------,-------[-=-~--~~,i~,l~a---11!..1-_-__j-,----::Cll:--:-l -, -----=c..=-n-..-.--:---:::IDl:-1 I •1 Iii STUDI05 B 000 00 I ~~<!<t>~ll 115..._ _ , .. ,1-1 __ 10s .:,L_ _________ -J... ________ ~___.,.;..,..;..;.....,___._:------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ii~ II ~11~_114 ~ ~ TYPE 0 TYPE 0 WINDOW TYPES ICAl.leNOTTOICALI ,~, 11_¢ ~ ~ ~ TYPE 0 ,----' ir- ~/ ~/ = ,- io ~/ ~/ ----' r- TYPE 0 NOTE: I. VERIF'I' ALL t-ETAL. STUD OPENIN6 PRIOR TO ~ FABR!c:;.ATION AND INSTALLATION. 11-----------------'-----,-----,--------,----::~----r-=:--:---=====-----=::--i II LEGO..IJD .-·~ .... . ii 0007 ... 0600 C, A R L .S 8 A P IaNM91!19, Inc. · .._. .,o. ,,. q7 w......., :J L_ _________ _,1.. __ ...___...___ _ ___.._=:;=___;_;~___._ _______ _ -- - -- -- - - --- - - ---- - FINISH SCHEDULE COMPONENT NUMBER & ID: B-216 C L U S T E R : BEGINNING (EAST) DWG.No.: A203 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS Abbreviations: No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH Concrete (Color) 101 RETAIL SHOP /DACTA WD V/P WD G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. SEE INT. FIN. SPECS. & LANDSCAPE Ceramic Tile 102 PICK-UP WD WD G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G,B./P. G.B./P. CT. 103 RETAIL PICK-PU •coNc, G.B./P. GB./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. 'SEALED CQNC. Vinyl Tile 104 CLOSET *CONC.· G.B. .G.B. G.B. G.B. EXPOSED 'SEALED CONC. V.T. 105 CORRIDOR 'CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B,JP. EXPOSED 'SEALED CONC. Quarry Tile 106 ELJ;:C.ROOM CONC. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. EXPOSED Q.T. 107 · COMMUNICATION ROOM CONC. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B, EXPOSpD Wood 108 PLUMBING ROOM CONC. G.B. G.B. c;.B. G.B. EXPOSED WO. 109 CORRIDOR CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. Paint 110 OFFICE · CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G,B./P. q.B./1,'. f...C.T. P. 111 OFFICE CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G:B./P. <:;,B./P. A.C.T. Carpet 112 STORAGE ROOM 'CONC. G.B./P. C.B. G.B. G.B. EXPOSED 'SEALED CONC. . C. 113 JANITOR CLOSET C.T. C:.T. •. G.B./fRP. G.B./FRP. G.B./FRP. G.B./FRP. EXPO$ED Gypsum Board 114 TOILET (WOMEN) C.T. C.T. G.B./P. C:T' G.B./P.CT* G.B./P .. CT' G.B./P. CT' . G.B./P. *C.T.7"HIGH GB. p5 JANITOR CLOSET CT. C.T. G.B./FRP. G.B./FRP. G.B./FRP. G.B./FRP. EXPOSED ~xt. Fin. ,Insu, Syst. 116 TOILET (MEN) C.T. C.T. G,B./P.CT' G:B.iP.,CT* G.B./P.CT* G.B./P. CT*·. G.B,/P. *C.T.7"HIGH EIFS 117 $AFEVAULT *CONC. p p p p A.C.T. ~SEALED CONC. Props 118 LOBBY . -~CONC. G.13./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A,CT: *SEALED CONC. Pps. 119 . CASHHA.NDLING AREA *CONC. G.B./P. ~-B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T . *SEAI,.E0 CONC. Acoustical Tile . 120 C:AS!i}!R RM. *CONC. G .. B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B,/-P. A,C.T. *SEALED CONC. A.C.T 121 OFFICE CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B.jp. A.C.T. Stucco Plaster 122 STAFF CANTEEN C.T. C.T. G.B./P. . . G,B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. S.P. 123 STORAGE ROOM CONC. GB. G.B. G.B. G.B. EXPOSED Rubber Base 124 GARA.GE CONC. y.13./P. G.B./P, G.13./P. G.B./P. F;XPOSEQ J\.B. 125 OFFICE : CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. Fiber glass '1.26 AT!\1. MACH!NE *CONC G.B./P. G.B:/P. G.B./P. G.B./P. EXPOSED *SEALED CONC. Reinforcerd Panel 127 GROUPSAJ,,ES CA.RPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B,/P. A,.C.T. F.~Y 128 STORAGE RM. *CONC. G.B. G.B. G.B. . G.B. Wood 129 OFFICE CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. " =~·:,p. 130 COUNTER AREA CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. L ~~'C:~m.~r 131 OFFICE CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. . k,-t:-~ ~t,6\ST~,B:S.,~, 132 STORE *CONC. *SEALED CONC. .,l ,~ .. -·--~ •••r • I 133 OFFICE CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. -r: o.cr h' . 134 COUNTER AREA CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. ' \ .. Finish Schedule page 1 of ~'i;.-.""!~c,.,;.,~c./~Y -· ---oi:cii:i" ~ --- - --- -- --- - - -- - - - FINISH SCHEDULE COMPONENT NUMBER & ID: B-216 C L U S T E R : BEGINNING (EAST) DWG.No.: A203 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS Abbreviations : No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH Concrete (Color) 135 OFFICE CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. Ceramic Tile 136 MANAGER OFFICE CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. CT. 137 SEASON TICKET PRO. CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G,B,/P. G.B./P .. A.C.T. Vinyl (Tile) 138 ATM. MACHINE *CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. *SEALED CONG. V.(T) 139 . TOILET(MAN) C.T. C.T. G."!3./c:T* G.B./CT* .G.B./CT* G,B./C'.f* <;;.B,/P. *C.T. 7'HIGH Quarry Tile 140 TOILET(WOMEN) C.T. t.T. G.B./CT* ·G.B./CT* G.B./CT* G.B./CT* G.BJP. *C.T. 7'HIGH Q.T. 141 OFFICE CARPJ:lT ;R.B. G.B./P. G.B./i?. G.B./P. G.B./f. A.C.T. Wood 142 RETAIL STORAGE *CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.13./P. G.B./P. *SEALED CONC. WO. Paint COMPONENT NUMBER & ID: B~218 CLUSTER: BEGINNING (W:EAT) D W G. N o. : A206 p 101 CONV~NIENCE STORE **CONC. G.B./P: G.B./P. SCEUR.GR. G.B./P. G.)3./P. *SEALED & STAINED CONC. Carpet io2 LOC~ER/STROLLEB. *CONC. G.B./P .. G.B.)P. SCEUR.GI{. G.B./P. G.B./P. *SEALED & STAINED CONC. C. 103 CORRIDOR *CONC. EIFS/P. EIFS/P. EIFS/P. EIF(,/P._ *SEALED CONC. ( OUTSIDE CORR.) Gypsum Board i04 f AMILY TOIL.ET c;:.T. C.T. G.B./P./CT* . G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P,/CT* G.B./P. *C.T. 7'HIGH GB. 105 FAMILY TOILET C.T. CT. G.B./P./C'f*. G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P. *C,T. 7' H~Gli . Ext. Fin. Insul. Syst. _ · 106 VESTIBULE C.T. C.T. G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P: *C.T.7'HIGH EIFS 107 WOMEN'S·PUBLIC TOI.LET C.T. C.T. G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* . G.B./P./CT* . G.B./P./CT* G,B./P. •c;:,T, 7' HIGH Props 108 JANITOR CLOSET C.T. C.T. ·. G.B./FRP . G.B./FRP G.B./FRP G.B./FRP EXPOSED Pps. 109 VESTIBULE C.T. CT. <;;.B./P./CT*. G.B./P./CT* G.J~./P./CT* <;;.B . ./P./CT* G.B./P. *C.T. 7' l-f!GH Acoustical Tile 110 FAMILY TOILET C.T. c.t. G,B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P. *C.T.7'HIGH A.C.T 111 F_AMIL Y TOILET C.T. C.T. G.13,/P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B.iP./CT* G.B,/P. •c;.T. 7' ~UGH St:1,1~co Pl<1ster 112 VESTIBULE C.T. C.T. G.B./P./CT G.B./P./CT G.B./PJCT G.B./P./CT G.B./P. *C.T. 7' HIGH S.P. 113 JAN1TOR CLOSET c.r. c.,;-. .. G.B./FRP G.B./FRP , G.B./F~P G.B./FRP _ EXPOSEp Rubber Base 114 MEN'S PUBLICTOILET C.T. C.T. G.B:/P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P. *C.T.7'HIGH R.B. 115 VE(,TIBULI; C.T. C.T. G.B./P./CT G.B./P./CT . G.B./P./CT G.B./P./CT G.B./P .. *C.T.7'IiIGH Fiber glass 116 JANITOR CLOSET C.T. C.T. G.BJFRP G.B./FRP G.B./FRP G.B./FRP EXPOSED Reinforcerd Panel 117 COMMUNICATIONR()()M CONC. G.B. G.B. G.B. G:B. EXPOSED F.R.P. 118 ELECTRICAL RM. CONC. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.B. EXPQSED .. , __ _, 119 L~.KERS ROOM *CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. EXPOSED *SEALED CONC. ~\S!Q.f~ C ····· .. :it A 120 STORAGE *CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. EXPOSED *SEALED CONC. /,, ~---,z· ·-·,·1 .. .. .. en, l ·-.... ~~ ~21 STORAGE CAMERA *CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. EXPOSED *SEALED CONC. 1 f ~I-' ..... T\~ 122 FOODSTAND C.T. C.T. SCEUR.GR. MURAL G.B./P. SCEUR.GR. EXP./FAB. , · .. · · · ml~· : ' NcY.1cJ ·-t ;~ 123 KITCHEN C.T. C.T. G.B./FRP./P. G.B./FRP./P. G.B./FRP;/P. G.B./FRP./P. A.C.T. GREEN BD.@ WET AREAS \ \ y(>l<I : Firush Schedule page 2 of 3 .~:>,;:-.:,',t.-' ~ .-<.$'/ -·"~- -------------------FINISH SCHEDULE COMPONENT NUMB ER & ID: B-218 C L U S T ER : BEGINNING (west) DWG.No.: A206 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS Abbreviations : No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH Concrete (Color) 124 TICKET BOOTH (KIOSK) *CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. *SEALED CONC. ( MINI BLIND) Ceramic Tile 125 TICKET BOOTH (KIOSK) *CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. *SEALED CONC. ( MINI BLIND) CT. • 126 TICKET BOOTH (KIOSK) *CbNC. G.B./P . G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. *SEALED CON<;:. ( MINI BLINB) Vinyl (Tile) 127 TICKET BOOTH (KIOSK) *CONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. *SEALED CONC. ( MINI BLIND) V.(T) 128 TICKET BOOTH (KIOSK) *GONC. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.'3./P. A.C.T. *SEALED CQNC. f MINI i3qND) Quarry Tile 129 TICKET BOOTH (KIOSK) *CONC. G.B,/P. G.B./P. G:B./P. G.B./P. A:C.T. *SEALED CONC. (MINI BLIND) Q.T. 130 TIC.KET TAKER *CONC. :EIFS/P. E.iFS/P. EXPOSED Wood w COMPONENT NUMBER & ID: B-291 CLUSTER: AID/LOST CHILDREN DWG. No.: A204 Paint 101 SECURITY OFFICE CARPET R.B. G.B./P .. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.c.T: p 102 INTERVIEW RM. CARPET R.B. G.B.(P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. . Capet 103 PLANT ROOM CONC. G.B. G.B. G.B. G.'3. EXl;'OSED C. 104 $TORAGE V.T. R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.!3./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. Gypsum Board 105 FIRST AID AREA V.T. R.B. G.R/P. G.B./P, G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. GR 106 TREATMF:NT RM. V.T. R.B. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. G.B./P. EXPOSED Acoustical Material · 107 LOST CHILDREN CARPET R.B. G.B./P. G,B./P .. G.B./P. G.B./P. -i\,C.T. ** 108 COR~IDOR V.T. R.B. G.B./P. G.B/P. G,B./P. ~.B./f', A.C.T. Props 109 UNISEX TOIL)ff C.T. C:.T. G.J,3./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P./CT* G.B./P. *C.T. 7' H,IGH Pps. 110 LOBBY CARPET· .R,B, G.13./P. G.B./P. . G,B./P. G,B./P. A.C.T. Acoustical Tile 111 RECEPTION AREA CARPET .R.B. G.B./P. G.B./f. G.B./P. G.B./P. A.C.T. A.C.T Stucco Plaster S.P. Rubber Base R.~. Fiber glass Reinforcerd Panel ./4:\S"fii~~- ~~~~t~~ • ~ ,Q. /J / ·()···.1'.\ 'Ill i 'Cem~laster. - \ NO. .f~59 j~ \ .. \~~od L~~f ~ ~,,:-~-:11+.1:€:,··~o.~ ~FCA'-1/' Finish Schedule page 3 of 3 . -------------------DOOR SCHEDULE COMPONENT NUMBER & ID B-216 CLUSTER: BEGINNING (EAST) DWG. No.:A203 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB SILL GROUP XlOl 28' -0"X 8' -0"Xl 3 / 4" H HM PAINT TG HM BElA XlOlA 6'-0"X 8'-0"Xl 3/4" C HM PAINT TG HM BEl XlOlB 12'-0"X 8'-0"Xl 3/4" F HM PAINT TG HM BEl X102 6'-0"X 8'-0"Xl 3/4" C .· HM PAINT TG HM BEl 103 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl ~/4" D HM PAINT TG HM P-310 P-317 BE2B VISION PANEL ""' 104 3'-Q"X_7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE2A X105 6'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" B HM PAINT HM P-316 P-~11 .BE15 STORE fil1. FUNCTION, WI VIEWE_R W6 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE2 X107 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P~316 P-311 BEU "" ..... , XlQ? 3':0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4", A HM PAINT HM P-316 P-311 BEU '" "" ..... , '"'"'""'"''""""""''""""' "'"-'" X109 3'-0"X 7'-0"11<13/4" A HM PAINT HM P-316 P-311 BESA SECURITY EXIT DEVIC~ ,,_ 110 3' -0"X 7'-0"Xl 3 I 4" A HM PAiNT HM f>-310 P-317 : BE3A pl , 3' -0"X 7'~<J"Xl 3/ 4" ' A HM PAINT HM P-3~0 P-317 BE3A "" ·-112, 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-3i7 BE2A "'"'"'"'""'""''"'"""'" ....... , ... , ........................ , ..................... , .. """' 113 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-315SIM. ., P-314 SIM. BE2A 114 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-315SIM. P-314SIM. BE7 115 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE2A .. ., ,. ' ' PAINT · BE7 116 3' -Q''.X 7' -0"Xl .3 / 4" A . HM HM Pc315SIM. P-314SIM . .................... , .... .,",.,., """"· ',.,. ..... ,.. "" '"" 117 3'. -0"X 7' ~O'.'X A STEEL VAULT DOOR "'"'" ,,,_ '""' ,_.., ,, ,.,.,' ' ' ' X118 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM , PAINT HM P-315 P-314 BEl4 120 ' · 3' -0"X 7' -0"Xl ·3 / 4" A HM · PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE25 ELECT, STRIKl:l 120A 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-315SIM ... P-314SIM. BE24 ELECT. STRIKE .... ·, .. 121 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM fAINT HM P-310 P-3F BE3A · ........ - 122 3' -0"X 7' -0"Xl 3 /4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE27 W/VIEWER, 143 '3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A ·,,,,,_,JiM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE16 124 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BEi4 ELECT. ST~KE ,'"'" / ... ,_ .. X124A 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-314 BE17 STORE RM FUNrTIOll.' tAr / VIEWER X124B 10'-0"X 10'-0"Xl 3/4" M STL PRIMEQSTL STEELM~~~· OR X125 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HMM P-316 P-311 BE12 ··L~ 126 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE27 STORE ~;flJ.-/"~:: ;~i~ _R __ , -¥-i v· V,-..;~. ---i T"'" 127 3;-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A H.M PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE3A . . ' "" .. , .... , "" ,, .. ,i.,,,,,_,, NO.,, CJ 159 ....... ..i. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 127'.A 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl ~/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 ~'.:-317 BE13 . . . : ...... , .. ,,. ' ,:_,.... """'"' 128 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE2A \~---~.. ~ /~ ~-.~liffi ;•..!~ ·-·-"" 129 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE3A ~l:" ···--------~f07 131 3'-0"X 7'-0"?(1 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE3A :;;:_OF-,eA\J..;.;: - Door Schedule page 1 of 3 . - -DOOR - - - - -SCHEDULE COMPONENT NUMBER & 1D:B-216 1 2 3 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR No. WxHxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS X13Z 3' -0"X 9' -0"Xl 3 I 4" A HM PAINT 133 3' -0"X 7'-0"Xl 3 I 4" A HM PAINT 135 3'-0''X7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT 136 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4'' A I-IM PAINT 137A 3' -0"X 7' -0"Xl 3 /4" A HM PAJNT X'.137 6'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" I;! AL TG 138 . ;3' -O"X 7' -O"X.1 3 / 4" A HM PAINT "' """ 139 3' -O"X 7' -0"Xl 3 I 4" A HM PAINT "" 140 31-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT 141 3'-0"X7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT 142 l'i'-O"X 7'-9"Xl 3/4" B HM )?AINT 14ZA 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" D HM PAINT TG COMPONENT NUMBER ~ ID: B-218 101 3' -0"X 7' -0"Xl 3 I 4" . L HM PAINT "" X101A _. X8'-0"X: _ N AL AL XlOlB _X8'-0"X _ N AL AL /'"'"" XlOZ X8'-0"X N AL AL ', ........ , ............. XlOZA X8'-0"X _ N AL AL 103 l'-9"X7'-0"Xl 3/4"· K HM PAINT "' Xl04 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT ~ " "' """'"""'""""'""'"""" '"'"'""'"""'"""""' ,'.""""'"",""'-"" Xl.05 3'-0"X 7'-o:.:~.13/4" A HM PAINT Xl06 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A Htv): PAINT 107A 4'-6"X8'-0"X ~ N HM AL ,""'j: 107B 4'-6"XW-0"X_ N HM AL ""'""'"","'"""'""'"'" '" 107C 5'-0"X8'-0"X ~ .. N. HM AL 1070 5' -0"X8' -0"X _ N HM AL ---108 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT Xl09 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT Xll0 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT --Xlll 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT XllZ 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT 113 3'~0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/~" A HM PAINT ""' 114A 4'-6"X8'-0"Xl 3/4" N AL AL 114B 4'-6"X8'-0"Xl 3/4" N AL AL - --- --- - --- - CLUSTER: BEGINNING (EAST) DWG. No.:A203 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB SILL GROUP HM P-311 BEZl CLASS RM. FUNCTION WI DEAD LO<;:K HM P-310 P-317 BE3A HM P-310 P-317 BE3A "'" '" HM P-310 _P7317 BE3A ....... '"" HM P-310 P-317 BE6 HM BEZ7 W/VIEWER ;HM P-310 P-317 BEZ7 '""' HM P-310 P-3~7 BE7 .. HM P-310 P-317 BE7 HM P-310 P-317 BE3A HM P-310 P-317 BE15 '"" HM J3E5 STORE RM,. Fl,JNCTION, W/ VISION PANEL CLUSTER: BEGINNING (WEST) DWG. No.:A206 HM BEZ8 POCKET DOOR ·,.,' ,, '." AL SECURITY ROLL-UP DOOR AL SECURITY ROLL-UP DOOR AL SECURITY ROLL-UP DOOR nllll ',,,, AL !;,ECURITY ROi,L-UP DOOR ..... HM BE9 STORE RM. FµNCTION HM BElO "' ""' HM. BElO '.,'·, ........ "" HM l}E9 SECURITY ROLL-UP'DOOR """''· SECURITY ROLL-UP DOO~ SECURITY ROLL-UP DOOR SECURITY R · ----R · "···'i,'fif(ii>Pif~·-HM P-310 P-317 BEZA /eo"' -----,. st~ •• •.., A '" .. -':'-G\S-T~~"' . ;;>. .. , .... , __ ... , HM BE9 ~-.. "' HM BElQ : . \ ..t I ¥f ......... NO. ·c .. 1 a ...... 9 ......... ~ l"" HM BElO ..... ,_. . . , .. ¼l,t ....... HM BE9 . . \ \ : HM P-310 P-317 BEZA \fl;-.¥~·. ~7~"§. _.,, .... ,. '"'" "~""""''iJ.:,IEL~;·-·:·~· "'"""""'"""' BE4 Sl:lCVRI· ............... ~~ire~.. . .................................... BE4 SECURITY ROLL-UYIJOOR Door Schedule page 2 of 3 . -------------------DOOR SCHEDULE C OM PO N ENT NUMB ER & ID B-216 CLUSTER: BEGINNING (WEST) DWG. No.:B-206 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DOOR DOORSIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR 8 REMARKS No. W x H x T TYPE MAT'L FINiSH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD IAMB SILL GROUP X115 I 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" I A I HM I PAINT I I HM I I P-310 I P-317 I I BE9 I 116 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-316 P-311 BE2A I X117 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4';"'"" A HM PAINT'"' HM P-316 · P-311 BE26 ,um11,11o+tll , HmH """'"""'""'"' ... ""'"""/KIi ' ' ,""" X118 4'-6"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" E ....... HM PAINT :,· :I-Hv1 ~-316 P-31~ BE18 .... _ X120 6'-0"X7'-0"Xl3/4" B HM PAINT HM BE15 30"HARMORPLATE ·-' '120A 6'-0"X7'-0"X13/4" B HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE22 18"HKICKPLATE 121 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE2A STORE RM. FUNCTION X122 ""'I . _ X 8'~0"X -· -~ AL. AL AL . , '" . '"'"""""""" I SECURITY ROLr,-uFDOOR Xl22A _ X8'-0"X _ N AL AL AL ·-. SECURITYROLL-UPDOOR X122B _ X 8' -0"X N AL AL AL SECURITY ROLL-UP DOOR ' . -• ................. ,_., ........... J ..................... ,............. • ........... , ................. ,, ., ,,,.·' . X123 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A, HM PAINT Hfyl ·-BF:8 30" fl ARMOR PLATE 123A 3'-0"X 7'00"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-316 P-311 BE3 18" H KICK PLATE Xl24 3'-0"X7'-!)"X13/'f' A HM . PAINT HM ···I ·P-316SIM. I P-311SIM. I I BE14 l"-"'"'""'"""-----,-----------1 Xl25 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM _PAINT HM P-316 SIM. . P-311 SIM. BE14 Xl26 I 3'-0"X7'-0"Xl3/4" I A I HM I PAINT I I HM I I P-316SIM. I P-311SIM. I I BE14 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-316 SIM: P-311 SIM. BE14 ,,,,,_, ____ ,,_,,,,,,_ ' ' ·.,,;.,, ' ""'"'"' ' . '" ' "" '""----+-----+---,---+--------------.,---,! 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT, HM . · P-316.SIM. . P-311 SIM. BE14 ... . _,,, , . ,,,. ' ' ' Xl27 X128 X129 3'-0"X 7'-0"X1.3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-316SIM. · P-311 SIM. BE14 3'--0"X 9'--0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM I P-311 I I BE2l I X131 I = X 9'-0"Xl~" P AL .... ,: .... ,,.Ai''""'""'"""-"""'"'"" A,L '"'"'""""""""'"'"'"' ""'"'' . , . . _BE19 HORIZ. S_E~URITY DOOR X131A I __ X 9'-0"Xl'.f" P AL AL AL ·-.... BE19 .... HORIZ. SECl,JRITY DOQR X130, CLASS'RM. FUNCTION W/ DEAD LOCK COMPONENT NUMBER & IDB-291/00 CLUSTER: FIRST AID/LOST CHILDREN DWG. No.:B-204 XlOl 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT Hivi P-316 P-311 BE29 DOOR ALARM, ST. RM FlJNC. W / VIEWER 101A 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" D HM PAINT TG_ HM i?-310 P-317 BE25 ELECT. STRICK, VISION P ANEI, "_,...,,,,,...,.,_,., ........ -.......... ,, ... _ .... ,, ....... , ·-102 3'-0"X7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT H1y1 P-310 P-317 BE30 DEAD LOCK W / KEY OUTSIDE X103 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-316 P-311 BE12 - X104 6' -0"X 7'-0"Xl· 3 I 4" G HM PAINT TG HM P-316 P-311 BE15 30" H ARMO~,.i;;,. ""'•:~-ANE~~-- 105 3'-0"X 7'-P"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE16 -~ '"'"" "'"""""""""'"""" ·-· ..... , .. 106 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE31 108 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" D HM PAINT TG HM P-310 P-317 BE16 ;.. .. ~-~~ ~ .. -...: .. "'1 _, ...... 108A 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A HM PAINT HM P-310 P-317 BE16 . . . . ""' "" .. , .. _\ ~-109 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" A P-310 P-317 BE7 ,~··."f /~ '"" POWER c~i>!fmf .... ~~OcK""'"' XllO 3'-0"X 7'-0"Xl 3/4" J HM PAINT AL P-316 P-311 BES Door Sched~-; ~':'.',..~ of 3 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CASTLE HILL tPA STUDIO~ II Hellmuth ~ Ohata+ Kassabaum, Inc. DETAILS- 11 OCTO-BER 1-997 l&J ~ CASTLE HILL ::> ~ 0 > I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I METAL EDGE BEAD~--__, OUTSIDE AND SEALANT EA. SIDE BACKER ROD --___, AND SEALANT EA. SlDE . . . THEMED V'-{00D DOOR V'IOOO SH l·M MET AL STUDS--~_, 2'i THEMED PLASTER--~_, EA. SIDE, PAPER V'l/ MTL. LA TH A TT AGHED TO PLYV'IOOD SHEATHING z () I I-I- I-D lt ~ <( [)_ EXT. WOOD. DOOR FRAME @-JAMB SCALE, 3' • 1'·0' LEGOLJJD GARL~BAP Revisions Cluster: Component: C 250 Detail Number 301 ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 II THEMED PLASTER ---,----, EA. SIDE, PAPER ~/ MTL. LATH ATTACHED TO PLY~OOD SHEATHING MET AL EDGE BEAD-~ AND SEALANT EA. SIDE BACKER ROD ----. AND SEALANT ~00D SHIM 2X_ ~OOD CASING ,METAL STUDS---~ PL Y~OOD SHEATHING __ ___._, SGENIG TREATMENT (OFOI) INSIDE •• i ..... INT. WOOD. DOOR FRAME @. JAMB SCALE, a• • ·1•-0• ' ~ STUDIO~ 'Revisions Cluster: C LEGOLA D Obata+ z () I- I-~ It D <( - {L "{: Component: 250 G A R L ..) BA P Ill Hellmuth Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: /0 · 11 · ei Detail Number 302 ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ; " g ~ g ~ ~ ~ ;; ~ 2" THEMED PLASTER--~ EA. SIDE, PAPER V'I/ MTL. LATH ATTACHED TO i='L YV'IOOD SHEA TH ING MTL. EDGE E;3EAD--- AND SEALANT EA. SIDE BACKER ROD~---,------. AND SEALANT THEMED ~OOD DOOR V'lOQD SHIM V'!OOD CASING-~ MET AL STUDS-~-_, 5/8" GYPSUM SHEATHING~--'-' INSIDE INSI EXT. WOOD. DOOR FRAME @ JAMB SCALE, 3• • 11-0• '1 ~ Revisions Cluster: STUDIO§ C LEGOLA D · Obata+ z () I- I--I It I- <( D IL S: Component: 250 C, A R L ~ B A 'D .Hellmuth . Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: IO • I . °11 Detail Number 303 ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I g ~ I ~ ! g ~ ~ 2 !:1 "' METAL EDGE BEAD---- AND SE:ALANT EA. SIDE BAGKER ROD -----, AND SEALANT EA. SIDE THEMED V'iOOD DOOR ~OOD SHIM ... .. . MET AL STUDS ----,---J 2 11 THEM!=D PLASTER EA. SIDE, PAPER ~/ MTL. LATH ATTACHED TO PL Y~OOD SHEATHING EA. $!DE: OUTSIDE -· INSIDE z C) I I- I- I-D {t - <( K IL EXT. WOOD. DOOR.FRAME @ SCALE, 3• • 1'•0' Revi1lori1 Cluster: Component: ' ~ STUDIDE C 250 LE·GOLA D Ill Hellmuth . Obata+ 304 c. A R L -' B A t> Kassabaum, Inc. . l11ued: .O , Detail Number ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1/81 C-EMEN1 PLASTER-~--~ J.f) INLAID 2X_ ~OOD TRIM BACKER ROD ~~­ AND SEALANT EA. SIDE THEMED ~OOD DOOR ~00D SHIM MET AL STUDS---~ 2X_ ~00D TRIM--~ 1/81 GEMENT PLASTER-----,--, OUTSIDE D :z ::::) C) I = tn l-1- ~ . I-D _J Ii - I-<( ~ L o.... INSIDE EXT. WD. DOOR FRAME @ INN F.O.H. JAMB -SCALE,, 3" • 1'·0" 'fJ · -~ STUDIO~ Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: C 249 00 LEGOLA--D 111 llellmuth Obata+ 305 e, A R L -' B A''P Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: (0.1 · 1 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INLAID 2X_ ll'IOOD TRIM THEMED ~00D DOOR -,-_ ~-. ll'IOOD SH IM METAL STUDS---~ 2X_ ll'IOOD TRIM --~ 5/8" GYPSUM BOARO TYPE X INSl·DE . .,. : . : ...... .... , •••••. · .. :· .. ~ ••• i .-.~ z D () :::) I-I I--I-~ ~ ~ D INSIDE _J <( - I-()_ 5.'.: }:: INT. WD. DOOR FRAME @ JAMB/HEADER SCALE, 3' • 1'•0' '1 ~ SlUDIDE Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: C 249 00 LEGOLA _D II Hellmuth Obata+ 306 C A R L ..) B A p -·Kassabaum, Inc. l1R1ed: l O • 11. -1 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1/8" CEMENT PLASTER-~----- ·INLAID 2X_ ~OOD TRIM BAG.KER ROD AND SEALANT EA. SIDE THEMED-~ Y'iOOD DOOR ~OOD SHIM METAL STUDS---~ 2X_ ~OOD TRIM ---~ :5/8" GYPSUM BOARD TYPE X OUTSIDE INSIDE EXT. WD. DOOR FRAME @ JAMB/HEADE-R SCALE, 3• • 1•-0• '1 ~ STUDIO~ Revisions Cluster: Component: C 249 LEGOLA D II Hellmuth Ohata+ . 307 e, A R L -' B A .'D Kassabaum, Inc. .. Issued:· 0-17 · q Detail Number ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2" THEMED -------t---r---- PLASTE:R EA. SIDE, PAPER JAi/ MTL. LATH ATTACHED TO . PL YJAIOOD SHEATHING EA. SIDE .. MET AL STUDS -----'-~----t-.• --u_ MET AL EDGE BEAD AND SEALANT EA. SIDE BACKER ROD -- AND SEALANT EA. SIDE SHT. MTL. FLASHING JAi/DRiP EDGE PAINT TO MATCH FRAME JAIOOD SHIM ___ ___, CURVED JAIOOD HEADER THEMED vqooD NON OPERABLE PANEL ATTAGHED TO HDR. ! JAMB OUTSIDE EL +6'-·8" ~ MIN. JAIOOD HEADER ---,-------' THEMED ~OOD DOOR PARTITION JAIIDTH . . OUTSIDE EXT. WOOD. DOOR FRAME @ HEADER LEGOL:JD GARL--'BAP SCALE, 3• • 1•-0• ~ sm1og II. Hellnu~th Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: C 250 Detail Numl!er 311 ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I I PL Y~OOD SHEATHING---,-------~_, SCENIC-TEATMENT (OFO·I) 2" THEMED PLASTER EA. SIDE, PAPER ~/ MTL. LA TH A TT ACHED TO PLY~OOD SHEATHING EA. SIDE INSULATION ~HERE OC-C-URS MET AL STUDS -~----1~ INSIDE MET AL EDGE BEAD - AND SEALANT ... EA. SIDE BACKER ROD ~--~ AND SEALANT EA. SIDE SHT. MTL. P:LASHING ~/DRIP EDGE PAINT TO MATGH FRAME ~OOD SHIM ----~ ~OOD JAMB ~---____.J THEMED ~00D POOR INSIDE EXT. WOOD. DOOR FRAME @ HE.ADER SCAI..E, 3• • 1'•0' '1 ~ STUDIO~ Revisions Cluster: Component: C 250 LEGOLA D Ill Hellmuth Ohata+ 312 C. A R L -' BA 'P Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: ID· 17 •" · Detail.Number ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5/8 11 GYPSUM SHEATHING------~ 2 11 THEMED PLASTER EA. SIDE, PAPER ~/ MTL. LA TH A TT ACHED TO PLY~OOD SHEATHING EA. SIDE INSULATION ~HERE OCCURS METAL STUD~ ------+--- MET AL EDGE BEAD AND SEALANT EA. SIDE BAGKER ROD -- AND SEALANT EA. SIDE SHT. MTL. FLASHING ~/DRIP EDGE PAINT TO MATGH FRAME ~OOD SHIM -----'--' ~00D JAMB----~ THEMED ~OOD DOOR ~OOD GASING EXT. WOOD. DOOR F:R:A.ME SCALE,· 3' • 1'•0' '1 ~ SIUDIOE Revisions LEGOLA .D .Hellmuth Obata+ C. A R L ~ BA t:> . Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: IO• !7 • q . @ INSIDE HEADER Cluster: Component: ID: C 250 00 Detail Number 313 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 11 THEMED PLASTER ---r------. EA. SIDE, PAPER V'l/ MTL. LA TH ATTACHED TO PLYV'lOOD SHEATHINc:;, EA. SIDE INSULATION V'lHERE OCCURS MET AL .STUDS ---..,,_ OUTSIDE MET AL EDGE f3EAD. AND SEALANT EA. SIDE BAC,KER ROD-'---_. AND SEALANT EA. SIDE SHT. MtL. FLASHING V'l/DRIP EDGE PAINT TO MATCH FRAME V'lOOD SHIM ____ _, V'lOOD JAMB----~ THEMED ~OOD DOOR PARTITIO .. . V'llDTH .. .... ~ . INSIDE EXT. WOOD. DOOR FRAME @ HEADER SCALE~ 3~ ~ 1'•0" '1 ~ STUDIOE Revisions Cluster: Component: C 250 LEGOLA D .Hellmuth Ohata+ 314 G A R L ~ BA P · Kassabaum, Inc. luued: ;o.J1 DetallNumber ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ 1/8' C.EMENT PLASTER~--~~-------'---, SHEET MTL.--~ FLASHING V'--i/ DR! P EDGE PAINT TO MATC.H FRAME OUTSIDE INLAID 2X_ V'--iOOD 1Rnv1 MET AL STUDS ~--- V'--iOOD SHIM BAC.KER ROD------ AND SEALANT EA. SIDE V'--iOOD JAMB ~· ~-~--.J THEMED ~00D DOOR PARTITION V'--iLDTH · L 6" T MTL. s TUD EXT. WD. DOOR FRAME @ INN F.O.H. HDR. SCALE, 3• • 1'~0• !t---L-E-G--O-· _L_A_'_:J_·~-D--,-,.ll~--;-1;_;_;-.·------,----,.-.R-evi-sio-ns---,---C-lc_ste_r._C_2_4_9_nt:-o-,~---t: ! C A R L .., B A 'D Kassab1uun, Inc. Detail Number 315 ;, '-------------'----'--------'------'-----'-'"--'-'--'-----'--------' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BENTONITE ·-___._~. V'-!ATER PROOFING DRAINAGE -----1 BOARD I FABRlc-~-- ----'---1 '-6" Jv!IN. -----,,- <J ------~--~--DRAIN PIPE V'-1 I LI <J L1 <J " GEOTEXTILE FABRIC r----~~--HYDROBAR <J <J ,--~---V'-!ATER STOP <J <f!,· Ll <J LI INTERIOR LI BAGKER ROD 4 SEALANT GOJv!PRESS. FILLER <la Ll <J V'-!ATElf. STOP V'-!ATER STOP G.I.P. GONG. RETAINING V'-!ALL $EE STRUCTURAL DV'-!GS. WATER PROOFING @ RETAINING WALL Ill LEGOLAND GARL~BAP SCALE, 3•11•-o• . ~ mm~ II Hellmuth Ohata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions l~~ed: 10~1t-97 Cluster: Component: ID: C 000 00 Detail Number 350 .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ===~== ft l = ,:::;: == ~ ~-DOOR EA. SIDE, SEE DOOR SCHEDULE 4 FLOOR PLANS FOR 5~1NGS TUBE STEEL REINFORCING AS REQ'D HOLLO~ MET AL FRAME, PAINTED EXT. HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRAME AT INTERM.EDIA TE CONDITION Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAP SCALE, 3•01•-o• ~ STUDID5 II Hellmuth Ohata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Issued: 10-17~97 Cluster: Component: ID: C 000 00 Detall"Number 351 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 11 THEMED PLASTER FINISH--~ OVER METAL LATH 4 BUILDING PAPER, COORDINATE THEMED PATTERN V'-ilTH ARCHITEC-T PRIOR TO APPLICATION EL +Cl 1-8 11 BOT. STL. 4 I I I •• I / 4 I / • I // 2-1/2 11xl-l/211xl/411 STL. PLATE, C.ONTINUOUS---+-- Y'iELD TO COLUMN, PRIMED 4 PAINTED / / / TUBE STEEL C,OLUMN---~---~--+-------h'c~---- REF. STRUCT. DY'iG'S SLOPE HORIZONTAL PLASTER SURFACE 2% MIN. TO OUTSIDE FOR D.RAINAGI;: ICE 4 V'-iATER SHIELD APPLIED---,-----... • I I I I I • I I 4. (. OVER SHEA THING MATERIAL 4 I 1---.-_-"'"-......--:. I A -.. ____ • _!J EL +l'-1011 T.S. -, ' THEMED DRAV'-iBRIDGE: CHAIN~ ', ' ' 1/2 11 GYP. SHEATHING OR PL YY'iOOD~----~. o\i1111/ /: 6 11 METAL STUDS----~~~---~- 2-1/211 METAL STUD BLOCKING----~-~ SECTION DET AI.L (RECESS) SCALE, 1 1/2'•1'-0' I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I Ill LEGOLAND ijli SJUOIO~ Revisions Cluster: Component: GARL-'BAt> • Hellmuth· Obata+ _ _ Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 10-17-97 C 250 Detail Number 370 ID: 21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / " " " " " ·" " " " " " " " " " / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Ill LEGOLAND CARL~BA'D 2" THEMED PLASTER FINISH OVER METAL LATH 4 BUILDING 4 PAPER, GOORDINATE THEMED . PATTERN ~I TH ARGH I TEG T ,1 PRIOR TO APPLIGATION . SLOPE PLASTER FINISH 45 ° ~OOD BLOGK ,·. " " " " IGE 4 ~ATER SHIELD APPLIED " I OVER SHEATHING MATERIAL / I / I <l / 4. / -~ / 1/2" 6YP. SHEATHIN6 OR / .I <l " PLY~OOD " I 4 " . I " METAL STUDS ' I i: ,, SECTION DETAIL SCALE, 3'•1'•0' . .' ~-SIUDI05 II HeUmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions issued: 10-17-97 Cluster: Component: ID: C 250 21 Detail Number 371 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e :;; " ! ~ I ;; ~ g ~ I -c ~ ~ ,. § y. I - . " .-. , .. / / / •. . ' LEGOLA D C A R L ~ B A t) I " . r-c---2 11 THEMED PLASTER FINISH OVER METAL LATH 4 BUILDING PAPER, GOORDINATE THEMED PATrERN V'llTH ARGHITEG T PRIOR TO APPLIGATION, SLOPE TOP 2% FROM GENTER OUTV'lARDS FOR DRAINAGE SLOPE PLASTER FINISH045 11--·-1cE 4 ~ATER SHIELD APPLIED OVER SHEATHING MATERIAL --I-'-·-'-. MET AL STUDS IIIH,,1l-~I12 11 GYP. SHEATHING OR PLYV'lOOD '---,----STEEL GHANNEL SUPPORTS BETV'lEEN TUBE STEEL GOLUMN 4 MET AL STUD REF. $TRUGT. D~G 1S ~---TUBE STEEL COLUMN REF. STRUGT. DV'lG 1S SECTION DETAI.L SCALE, 1 112••1•-q• ~ mo,og Revisions Cluster: Co~ponent: ID: C 250 21 .Hellmuth . · Ohata+ 372 Kassabaum, Inc. Issued:· 10-i7-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,--7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L __ J -. . . r,:; J • I • d • I I- I J ,1 • I I I . I . I " I • I I . I "I I I n -I • I . ii I • t= " •· ..,_ . -~ " . . . . " . . 1// ~ ~k " " " / / / / / / / I/ " " " " -" . " " " ' / / / .. ~ :ii I ,------2" THEMED PLASTER FINISH OVER METAL LATH 4 BUILDING PAPER, COORDINATE THEMED PATTERN V'IITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO APPLICATION, SLOPE TOP 2% f=ROM GENTER OUTV'IARDS FOR DRAINAGE -• 11~f-----lCE 4 V'IA TER SHI ELD APPL I ED -. L OVER SHEATHING MATERIAL I I" I I • • 11----1/2" GYP. SHEAfHING OR PLYV'IOOD I I I I ~----8" METAL STUDS@ lb" O.C., I • I • I I • I I 4 11 FASTEN MECHANICALLY TO T.S.BEAMS [3 i'< I w· I r -I-IHI'--~-CURVED BOTiOM/TOP TRACKS \. . . . . . . \ ~--~---TUBE STEEL ARCH, REF. STRUC T DV'IG'S, SEE ELEV C-A253-3 FOR CURVATURE DIMENSIONS '----~~----,---,-'----SIGNAGE, O.F .0.1. SECTION _DETAIL _(BEAM) SCALE, 1 112••1•-o• Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: LEGOLAID ~ SIUDI05 C 250 21 GARL~BAP II Hellmuth · Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Number 373 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHADE FABRIC LOAD/UNLOAD----~ PLATFORM COLUMN SLEEVE~---------- i.. 61-211 16 • • i.. 41 ... 211 • 21-011 • 4 • • .. ·I I I I 1-'1 1/2 11 11-'1 1/211 C) I r-. ? C) _I u-- N _I u-- SHADE STRUCTURE DETAIL Ill LEGOLAN:D GARL-'BA'D SCALE1 1/2"•1'•0• ~ S!UDI05 II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Issued: 10-17.-97 Cluster: · Component: ID: C 348 46 Detail Number 374 I .I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHADE STRUCTURE DETAIL Ill LEGOLAN;D CARL-'BAI:> SCALE, 112•11•,o• ·.~STUDIO~ Iii Hellmuth Obata+ . Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions CJuster: Component: C 348 Issued: 10-17-97 Detall Number 375 ID: 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2x REDV'iOOD GAP, PAINTED, SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE ~EL. +15'-6"_ 1/2x2 REDV'iOOD TRIM, PAINTED 2x REDV'iOOD NAILER, GONTERSINK---'----/ BOL TED GONNEC, TION TS 2x4x3/16 GAP, PRIMED 4 PAINTED, V'i/ 3/16" DIA THREADED STUDS V'iELDED AT 24" O.G. VERTICAL 1/2x2 RED~OOD, PAINTED-----,'---- TS 2x4x3/16 AT 8'-0" O.G., PRIMED · PAINTED 1/2x2 REDV'iOOD TRIM, PAINTED--~ TS 2x4x3/16 BASE, PRIMED 4 PAINTED, V'i/ 3/16 11 DIA THREADED STUDS V'il:LDED AT 24" O.G. ~EL. +ll'-10" / - ROOF MEMBRANE_~~~ FLASHING BUILT-UP ROOFING V'i/ GRAVEL BALLAST ~ OVER PL YV'iOOD I 00 ~ ROOF SHEATHING ~0;;;;:~~~~~;;:jU -~ rn NOTE: ALL STEEL JOINTS GONTINQUSL Y V'iELDED TYP. r--2x REDV'iOOD NAILER 4" DIA. PIPE STEEL. SUPPORTS, PAINTED, SEE S TRUC:, TURAL DV'iGS. 4 ROOF PLAN FOR LOCATIONS ONTINUOUS SEALANT BEAD TUBE COLLAR FLASHING V'i/ FASTENING RING V'iOOD BLOC.Kl NG ROOF FRAMING t::'"":::'fi~~~~=~~~::::::::::::ff-:~~ SEE STRUG T. DV'iG'S V'i/ BATT INSULATIO...,...;N--- (R-l'l @ ROOF) 2x V'iOOD BLOCKING @ ___ __,_ __ ---e./ SCREEN V'iAL.L SUPPORTS Ill LEGOLAND C.ARL-'BAP SCREEN WALL ·SC~LE, 1 112•11•-o• ~ STU.DID!;; LI Hellmuth Obata+ . Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Issued: Cf>, (1 •'fl Detall Number 501 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I· Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAP ~ 51UOIO~ II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabau_m, Irie. R.evlsloi11 Issued: \TI 7- ..J 8 •• Cluster: Componenc ID: C 250 82 Detail Number 5 02 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AL AC DB HJVI KN -ALUJVIINUJVI -ACOUSTICAL DOOR -DEAD BOLT -HOLLOY'i !VIET AL -KYNAR P:INISH !VIK -!VIAS TERKEYED LOCK JVITL -!VIET AL PH -PA~CHARDY'iARE HC(U) -HANDICAP TOILET SYJVll3OL SIGN (U) -UNISEX (Y'i) -Y'iOJVIEN (JV!) -!VIEN PP -PEEP HOLE IN DOOR P -PAINTED TG -TEJVIPERED G!.,.ASS -Y'ilR.E GLASS SC -SOLID CORE Y'iOOD DOOR -Y'iOOD DOOR SCHEDULE ABREVIA TlONS LIST SCALE, NONE DfJ ijl STUDIDE Rmtlons Cluster: Component: C 000 LEGOLA D Ill Hellniuth Obata+ 700 G A R l-'BAP Kassabaum, Inc. IIMCI: [ O, 11 · 'f 1 'Detail Number ' ' L ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , / , / = / () I - ' r- ""' ' A ""' Cf II 11-611 Cf II / / = ~--I --LOUVER C, = () 611 611 = ~ 13 = () I -r- -() ,. / , / / ~/ /' 11-011 = ~ I -- D 311 2 1-01 /'/ / ---,, ....___ I ~ -~ rp r- ~ ~ rn /'/. / E Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAt> F DOOR TYPES SCALE, 1/4'•1'•0' . ~ STUDIO§ (1 Heilmuth Revlsl_on1 ij Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. 1--lnu_ed_:~7-,.·21--97---, ' ""' = \)'" ' I ""' -rn = ~'/ ' () </ I - = r- rn I -rn 11-011 = () I -r- 311 Cluster: Component: ID: C 249/250 00 Detall Number 701 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EQ EQ EQ EQ -~ 6"~ ~i. ~ J ~ ~ 3" .... .. .. • v;:::----~-~ V.r .. V,r,,--\J I" 11/ . I'\ I I • ' \J f" 11 I • . ~ ~'"' -,-,--c-r-, ' .. I • F '\'.' I" 11 I • r-\J I" 11 I • ~ ~~ ~~ f" G I -~ - = N - = ~ I -- .. ... f" OJ I -~ • .. ~ENGLOSU . MANUFAC RE BY TURE ~--------.--------·--I I I I I I I I __j L ~ r METAL V ROLL-UP _I_ DOOR I (TYPICAL ./ , ) = . ~ I -r- H ~ I" = II ~. ~II Cj _I --'---------,,,__,-__ . NON OPERABLE OPERABLE -OJ I - -~ J -N '-- / = \, / -I ('() lf) "" = ('() p "" I ('() GLAZING---.-- K / = -~ / / () lf) / I -r- ' ' DOOR TYPES SCALE, NOT TO SCALE -\, I ('() -('() I ('() -C) I r- ii 1----'--"---------"-,-----------:7 ---:R=:eY1::: .• :-=,on=s-1 -:c;:;,u:::ste:'.:r::-. -;::co=m=po=n=en:;::t:---;l;;,D::-1 LEGOL:JD ~ SIUOIDE GARL~BAP II Hellmuth Ohata+ Kassabaum, .IIJC, . Issued: I I) ··-/1. q C 250 00 Detail Number 702 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 1-3 1/411 L 21-611 I 1-Cf 1/411 4 1-3 1/411 . N 21-611· I 1-Cf 1/411 Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAP. () I . R -() I LJO D[S DD DD~ -() 21-611 I 11-Cf 1/411 21-211 L L EQ L I I l --- -() I ' ~ \ DOOR TYPES SCALE, 1/4••1'•0• Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: STUDIDE t------t-----1 C 249/250 00 Hellmuth Obata+ 703 . Kassabaum, Inc.. Issued: · 7-21-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEGOLAID CARL..58AP s -0 I r- DOOR TYPES SCALE, 1/4••1'•0• ~ S!UDIOg Ill Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions lssue.d: 7-21-97 Cluster: Component: ID: C 000 00 .Detail Number 703 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2-10 11 NOTE: SEE ELEVATION A363. The V'lindoV'! opening hos o model OFOI The sash ( one on either side) is attoc.hecl to the Jamb and is open @ all times. Provision must be mode to sec.ure the sash in the event or B ·~~~---'--,---horizontal movement. WINDOW SASH @ INN TOWER C-249 GFGI---~ OFOI--'----'-,. STAINED--+-<-, GLASS OFOI A 411 SCALE, 112' • ·11-0• . -C) I . 2 1-011 THEM.ED STAINED _ GLASS WINDOW C-250 SCALE, 112' • 1'•0' Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: '1 · ~ STUOI05 C 249/250 00 LEGOLA D Ill Hellmuth Obata+ 711 C. A R L -' BA P Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: Detail Number - - - - - -- - - ---- - - -- - - DOOR SCHEDULE C O M PO N ENT N UM B ER & ID C-250-00 CL US TE R: CASTLE, BASE BUILDING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB SILL GROUP XlOl 3'x7'xl 314" A HM p HM NIA P-310 P-311 """"""" , ....... 102 3'x7'xl 314" A HM p IDy1 NIA P-310SIM P-317 ""'""' X107 3'x7'xl 314" A HM p HM NIA P-316 P-311 '""" '" '""" THEME!;> SHO½,'._,ACTiON DOOR (OFOI) X107A L p NIA "' '"""! X107B 3'x7'xl 314" A HM p HM · NIA P-316SIM P-311 SIM "' """" ,.,.,,,,,_.,..,,,,,., .. .,,._,,,,,,,, .......... , ....... ,. '""""" X108 3'x7'xl ~14" J SC p HM NIA C-313 C-303 THEMI;D ....... . ............... '""'""'" , .................. , .. X109 . 3'1<;7'xl 314" J SC p HM NIA C-313 C-303 THEMED """' .... , .... · 10? 3'x7'xl 314" J SC p WD NIA C-313SIM . C-303 THEMED ,' ................. , ..... , ............ ,., """" ... , ... "'" """" """""''" .. , Xll0 L p 1\1/A THEMED SHOW ACTION DOOR (OFOI) --· """""" '"' "" "" .. , ........... "' 112A 3'x7'xl 314" J SC p WD NIA C-311 C-303 THEMED '"' 117B .... 3'x7'xl 314" A SC p WD NIA. f-310SIM P-31_7 TH~rv!ED .. 112C 3'x7'xl 314" A HM p HM NIA P-310SIM P-317 ..... Xl13 6'X7'x} 314" G SC::. .. , .' p WD NIA C-314 C,-30~ SIM THEMI;:D 114A 3'x7'xl 314" J SC p WP NIA C:-314 C-304 THE!\1E.D ""'' 114B 3'x7'xl 314"? J SC p WD NIA l;'Hp:MED LIF;f DOOR X114 4'xWX13l4" H STL p STL NIA ;ROLL-lJP '"' X115A N STL p STL NIA GATE .. X115B 3'x8'xl 3/ 4" J SC p 'WD N/A C-3il C-301 SIM .. !HEMED .,.,_ Xll6 M SC p STL NIA THEMED CLOSED X118 3'x7'xl 314" J SC p WD NIA C-313 TH~MED Xl19A H STL p STL NIA ROLL-UP '" Xll9B ll'x7'-6"xl 314" , H STL p STL NIA ROLL-Ul;' X119C: · 1l'x7'-6"xl 314" H 'STL p STL NIA ROLL-UP X119D 11'x7'~6"xl 3/4" H STL p STL NIA ROLL-UP Xl19E ll'x7'-6"xl 3/4" H STL p STL NIA ROLL-UP X119F ll'x7'-6"xl 314" H STL :P STL NIA ROLL-UP '"' X120A 5'x7'xl 314" E SC p TG WD NIA C-314 C-304 THEMED X120B 5'x7'xl 314" E SC p TG WD NIA C-314 C-304 -THEMED ~~~1S'rff#l'if$.~ X120C 5'x7'xl 314" E sc p TG WD NIA C-314 C-304 THEMED k~~;;~fff;·~Q ·-- ~-X120D 5'x7'xl 3/ 4" E SC p TG WD NIA C-314 C-304 THEMED ,.,, .,. "•.ti .. ~ _,,,,_ -·····\-~ Xl20E 5'x7'xl 314" E SC p TG WD NIA C-314 C-304 THEMED I ! NO. · : __ ....... , ___ ,,_Jl.1 .,9-..... -.., 121 3'x7'xl 314" K SC p TG HM NIA P-310 P-317 THEMED \ i ; X122 3'x7'xl 314" A HM p HM NIA P-310 P-311 \'1);-. .,~ 6 t._ ._«. "" " ~-·-."11'£ " .,,... ···-123 3'x7'xl 314" A HM p HM NIA P-310 P-317 ~ .. --~ ~ o;c·····~ X124A 3'x7'xl 314" J HM p HM NIA P-310 P-317 ~ At\~ X124B 3'x7'xl 314" J SC p WD NIA C-311 C-303 THEMED -------------------DOOR SCHEDULE CO MP O N ENT NU M B E R & ID C-249-00 C L U S T E R : CASTLE HILL, CASTLE INl\ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxH;x,T TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB SILL GROUP 101 3'x7'xl 314" A SC p HM NIA P-310 P-317 Xl02 3'x7'xl 314" A SC p HM NIA P-310SIM P-311 -· 103 3'x7'xl 314" A SC p HM NIA P-310SIM P-317 ~""' 104 3'x7'xl 314" A SC p HM NIA P-310SIM P-317 '"'""' X107 3'x7'xl 3/4" C SC p HM NIA P-316 P-3ll Xl08 3'x7'xl 314" C SC p HM NIA P-316 P-311 "'"" """" XJ09 3'x7'xl :314" C SC r HM NIA P-31(? P-311 ... "" '. XllO 3'x7'x1314" C SC p HM NIA P-316 P-311 . Xlll 3'x7'xl 314" C SC p HM NIA P-316 P-311 """"""""""""'"""""', N/A X113A 8'x8,'xl 314" B sc:;: p TG WD C-315 DC-305 THEMED CUST0?\1 ..... , X113B 8'x8'xl 314" B SC p TG WD NIA C:-315 DC-:305 . THEM~DCUSTOM X113C 8'x8'xl 314" B SC p TG WD NIA C-315 DC-305 THEMED CUSTOM X113D ,8'x8'xI 314" B sc:;: p TG WD NIA C-315 DC-305 THEMED CUSTOM ··-THEMED CUSTOM X113E 8'x8'xl 314" B SC p TG 'WP NIA C-315 DC-3Q5 """"' ·-: '• . ' XH3F 8'x8'xl 314" t3 SC p TG WD NIA C-315 DC-305 . ' SC NIA X113G 8'x8'xl 314" B p TG WD C-315 DC-305 X113H 8'x8'xl 3./ 4" B ~c p TG WD '' NIA C-315 D<:;:-305 ,",""""'"' 113 3'x7'xl 3/4" D sc:;: p TG WD NIA C-31!, C-306 Xll4A 3'x7'xl 314" p SC p WD N/A C-307SIM · C307 Xl14J3 3'x7'x~ 314" A SC p HM NIA P-316 P-311 """" USA 3'x7'xl 3/4" A SC p HM NIA P-3l0 P-317 115B 3'x7'xl 3lf A SC p HM NIA P-:316 P-311 xus 3'x7'xl 314" A SC p HM NIA P-310 P-317 ..... .,_, _ .. ,,_,,. .................... . ,-.. ,., ""'" 116 3'x7'xl :314" A SC p HM NIA 1;'~316 P-31? X117 3'x7'xl 314" A IiM p HM NIA · ....... · X118A 3'x7'xl 314" .-............... 9 ........... STL p STL NIA GATE . .... X118B 4' -4"X6' -0" ~ STL p STL NIA GATE X118C STL NIA CUSTOM .......-: • .,.,, D,....::---... -----..... .. - j ~ -------------------COMPONENT NUMBER & ID Cl46 20 RUINEDTURRET CL US TE R: CASTLE HILL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE I MAT'L I FINISH I GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD I JAMB I SILL GROUP XlOl 3' -0"x7' -0" NIAIWOODISTAINI NIA NIA NIA NIA I SEE PLAN I NIA RTl EXTERIOR SERVICE GATE COMPONENT NUMBER & ID C246 83 NORTHFOODSTAND CL US TE R:CASTLEHILL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DQOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE . MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME . RATING HEAD JAMB SILL GROUP XlOl 3' -0"x7' -0''xl 3 /4" A HM p NIA HM NIA P-316 P-311 P-110 FS2 12'.' HIGH S.S. KICK PLATE xrn2A 3'-0"x7'-0"xl 314" A HM p · NIA. HM NIA P-316 P-311/C0 351 · NIA FS3 ...... X102B 4'~2"x7'-0"x1 3/4" s HM ·p NIA HM NIA P-316 P-311/C-351 NIA FS4 X103 3' -0"x7' -0" NIA WobD ···stAIN NIA NIA NIA NIA SEE PLAN NIA FSl . EXTERIOR SERVICE GA tE COMPONENT NUMBER & ID C252 83 SOUTHFOODSTAND CLUSTER :CASTLE HILL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOORSIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS N9. · · WxHxt TYP;E MAT'L FINISH; ~LASS FRAME. RATING HEAD JAMB SILL GROUP x1oi· 3' -0"x7' -0"xl 3 I 4•i A HM p NIA tIM _NIA P-316 :P-311 P-110 FS2 12" fiIGH S.$. iqcK PLA, TE X102A 3' -0"x7' -0"xt 3 I 4" A HM p NIA HM NIA P-316 P-311/C-3$1 NIA FS3 · X102B 4'-2''x7'-0'1x1314" s HM p NIA HM ' NIA P-316 P-311/C:::-351 NIA FS4 X103 3' -0"x7' -b" NIA WOOD STAIN. NIA. NIA NIA NIA SEE'PLAN N/A Fsi EXTERIOR SERVICE GATE COMPONENT NUMB·ER & ID C346 43 GEM-WASH ·CL U STER:CASTLEHILL - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS BDWR REMARKS No. Wx H'x T TYPE I MAT'L I fINISH I G~AS$ FRAME RATING HEAD I JAMB ,I SILL GROUP XlOl 3' -0"x7' -0"xl 3 I 4" A I HM I p I NIA HM NIA P-316 I P-311 I NIA GWl COMPONENT NUMBER & ID C348 46 HORSE RIDE CL US TE R: CASTL 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 I DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR No. WxHxT TYPE I MA T'L I FINISH I GLASS . FRAME RATING HEAD I JAMB I SILL GROUP Xl0l 3'-0"x7'-0"xl 314" A I HM I p I NIA HM NIA· P-316 I P-311 I NIA HRl -------------------FINISH SCHEDULE C OM PO N ENT NUMB ER & ID :C249 C L U S T E R : CASTLE HILL D W G. N o. :A205 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS ABBREVIATION No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH 101 COSTUME SHOP CONC RUBBER GB/P GB/P GB/P GB/P NIA? Concrete (Color) 102 GR,EENROOM LOUNGE CT RUBilER GB/P GB/P GB/P GB/P G Conc.(C) ......... """ 103 SHOWER CT CT GB/PICT GB/PICT G)3/P/c;:T GB/PICT GB/P Ceramic Tile 104 TOILET CT CF GB/P/CT GB/PICT GB/PICT GB/P/CT AC.T CT. 105 MENS TOILET CT CT GB/P/CT GB/P/CT Gll/P/CT GB/PICT GB/P Vinyl Tile _106 WOMENS TQILET <;;T <:T GB/PICT GB/P/CT GB/PICT GB/P/CT GB/f V.T. ·-· Qu~rry Tile 108 FAMILY TOILET CT CT GB/PICT. G~/P/CT GB/PICT GB/PICT GB/P ......... 109 JANITOR CLOSET CT CT GB/PICT GB/PICT GB/PICT GB/PICT NIA Q.T. ....... 110 FAMILY TOILET CT CT GB/P/CT GB/P/CT GB/PICT GB/P/CT GB/P Wood ...... , ... .._ .............................. '"""",'""" 11~ RESTAUARANT CT q PL/WP PL/WD PL/WD PL/WD PL/WP WO. """ ""'"" 113B RESTAUARA_NT@ CT CT CT NIA CT CT ·carpet ' 113C RESTAUARANT@ CT CT CT NIA CT CT C. "' 114 BOH CT ct FRP fRP FRP FRP AC.T BASE + FRP to 8' -6" HT. Gypsum Board ""'"' "''"' "'"" !"''":' 115 DISHWASHING BOH CT CT FRP FRP FRP FRP AC.T BAS~+ FRP TQ 8'-6" HT. G.B. '"', 116 STAFF TOILET CT CT GB/P GB/P GB/P GB/P GB/P Paint -117 ELECT. CONC RUBBER GB/P GB/P GB/P GB/P NIA P. ·"""" Props 120 ()FF~CE CT CT GB/P GB/P GB(P GB/P AC.T "'" ""'" Pps. ·-.. Acoustical tile --ACT Stucco Plaster ''""· "" ' $tc.P. ·. Reinforced "' """"'"'"''"'""''""'"'""""""'"'"'""''""'"""' "' · Fiberglass Panel R.F.P. -· Themed Plaster TP -..... ,t-. <)'~:: .. :. .. "~~ ··'iG\S 1',i~---"o . v't:/~ .,,.,i \~ 1 \ NO. C 181 g L,t \ : 1 \I\;; .• .,, ,t i "I;.~·-, ~fTE~---·~~ If o·········"io~ F:CA\.\ -------------------FINISH SCHEDULE C O M P O NE NT NU M B ER & ID :C250 C L U S T E R: CASTLE HILi-D W G. N o. :A206 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS ABBREVIATION No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH 101 ELECTRICAL CONC. RUBBER GBIP GBIP GBIP GBIP NIA Sealed Concrete 102 COMM CONC. RUBBER GBIP G,I!IP GBIP GBIP NIA Cone "' """'"" 103 SCENE 1 PLYWOOD NIA SCENIC TREAT ST ST ST NIA OFOI Ceramic Tile '"' 104 SCENE2 PLYWOOD NIA ST ST ST ST NIA OFOI CT -·-105 SCENE3 PLYWOOD NIA ST ST ST ST NIA OFOI Vinyl Tile "' 106 SCENE4 PLYWOOD NIA ST ST ST ST NIA OFOI VT 107 SCENES PLYWOOD· N/A ST ST ST ST NIA OFOI Quarry Tile 107A PLYWOOD NIA ST ST ST ST ? ·OFOI QT NIA GBIP NIA .. Wood 108 STORAGE PLYWOOD· GBIP GBIP GBIP "" 109 ELECTRICAL CONTROL PLYWOOD RUBBER. GBIP GBIP GBIP . GBl:P NIA WO . 110 UNLOAD PL)'ICONC TP TP TP TP TP NIA STAMPED CONC. FLOOR Carpet "' '"""'""''""'"""""""'"" 111 OPERATOR Pl,YWOOD TP TP TP TP TP NIA C. 112 CONTROL & CORRIDOR CONC. RUBBER GBIP GBIP GBIP GBIP N/A Gypsum Board 113 TUNNEI, & EXIT CONC. TP TP TP TP TP CON<;:/N/A GB ........ 114 LOADING PLY/CONC TP TP TP TP TP TP Paint 115 _COASTER RE-ENTRY CONC. NIA TP TP TP TP OPEN p ._.,.,, 116 RIDE MAINTANCE CONC. NIA TP CP TP CP OPEN Props .......... ., .... ',' "' "'""' ,;;, .. ; ·-· 117 TENT QUEUE COASTER CONC, NIA TP ·NIA TP TP TENT STAMPED CONC. FLOOR Pps 118 RET.AIL STORAGE . CONC. RUBBER. GBIP GBIP yB/P GB,IP TG Acoustical Tile • ........ 119 RETAIL$HOP CT CT TP TP WD CP TGIWD ACT .. ~, .,· '""""""""'"·'""'""' 120 ICE CREAM PARLOR CT TP TP TP TP TP GL.AZEIGB Cement Plaster 121 ICE CREAM B.O. COU)'.JTE11 _ CT CT q NIA Cf CT GB ~p 122 KITCHEN CT CT FRP ;pzy FRP FRP AT B.ASE + FRP TO 8' -6" HT. Reinforced 123 STAFF TOILl;:T CT CT GBIPICT GB/PICT GBl~fq GBIP/CT GBIP CT TO 7' -0" HT, Fiberglass Panel "" . 124 BALCONY ACCESS PLYWOOD RUBl;IER • GBIP GBIP GBIP GBIP ,._,._,,GB/P RFP 125 B. O.ST.AGE CONC. NIA CP CP CP CP CP Themed plaster TP W;.\'1fif0 'PH llif . ,~.--···········-.,, il:-···~e,\ST ,:-'l'~·~O $/lp~-~ . ·~ ,¥.l NO. C 181 )~) ..... .,, /~ ~>-.. ~ .... ,., <c.c .. · £ 4i-:·-."" rr .... ~ . 1: ••••••••• ~a 02'(;,j\\ .. i · . - -- - -- --- - -- -- ----FINISH SCHEDULE RUINED TURRET COMPONENT NUMBER & ID: C146 20 ·CLUSTER: CASTLE HILL DWG.No.: A252 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS Abbreviations : No. NAME FINISH I BASE NORTH I SOUTH I EAST I WEST FINISH Concrete (Color) 101 MECHANICAL ROOM CONC. I NONE CONC. I CONC. I CONC. I CONC. CONC. SEAL ALL CONC. TYP. Conc.(C) Ceramic Tile NORTH FOOD STAND CT. COMPONENT NUMBER & ID: C246 83 CLUSTER: CASTLE HILL DWG.No.: A254 Vinyl (Tile) 1 2 3 4 5 6 V.(T) ROOM ROOM . FLOOR. WALLS CEILING REMARKS Quarry Tile No. 'NAME FINISH .BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH Q.T. 101 KITCHEN C.T: C.T. GB./C.T. GB./C.T. GB./C.T. Gl3./C.T. GB./P. SUSPENDED GYP. BD. CEILING_ Wood 1102 -STORA~._RQOM . .... ~ .... , Wo. --CQNC. NIA GB.IP. GB.IP, GB./P. GJ3./P, GB.IP, HARD FRAlylED GYP. BD .. CEILING Carpet· SOUTH FOOD STAND C. COMPONENT NUMB ER & ID: C252 83 CLUSTER: CASTLE HILL DWG.No.: A258 Gypsum Board . 1 2 3 4 5 6 GB. rOOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS · CEILING REMARKS Paint No. NAME· FINISI:I. BASE NORTH. SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH .P. lOl IqTCJiEN C.T. C.T. GB./C,T. GB./C.T. GB./C.T. GB./C.T .. GB)P, SUSPENDED GYP. BD. C~ILING Props 102 STO!½GEROOM C:ONC. ~rt/A ~GJ3./P. ~----~ GB./P. GB./P. GB.IP. Gl3./P. HARD FRAMED GYP. BC>. CEILING Ppi,. Acoustical Tile GEM WASH AC.T COMPONENT NUMBER & ID: C346 43 CLUSTER: CAS'rLE HILL DWG.No.: A251 · Stucco Plaster 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stc.P. ROOM_ ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS No. NAME FINISH BASE NOR:IH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH loi I;lLEC. EQ_U__IP. ROO~_ CONC. I _l'JONE GB./P. I GR/P. I GB./P. I GBJP. GB./P. 1GB. CEILING APPLIED TO RAFTERS HORSE RIDE C OM PONE NT NUMB ER & ID: C348 46 CLUSTER: ~ ~"fO'PMt~ ········ "~ CASTLE HILL D W G. N o. : A 6\STE't~-~~ 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 ··--<)\,:l ---~ ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH 101 ELEC. EQUIP. ROOM CONC. NONE GB.JP. GB./P. GB.JP. GB./P. GB./P. ~~l:-: ,.. n.--.---.. " "t._oi·cii:,i0 Finish Sch~dule page~~ of - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IMAGINATION ·ceNTER • STUDIO~ . Obata + DETAILS 17 OCTOBER 1997 IMAGINATION CENTER II Hellmuth 1 Kassabaum, Inc. w :IE :::, ..I 0 > I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUTSIDE INSIDE ~----+-~---TUBE STEEL SUPPORT BEYOND i-+----'--+--'-,,-..,,....::::...-'-'-+-11-+~---OPAQUE GLASS ____..LI.-..J.... _ __, l,-/-----"'----'"":::::__~~.:::tr--~ MET AL STUDS <J .. <J ·.L} <J ----BATT. INSULATION RII RUNNER GHANNEL -HAT GHANNEL 5/811 TYPE 11 X 11 GYPBOARD TOP SET BASE VINYL FLOOR PANEL PERIMETER - PEDESTAL d) A5SEMBLY <J TYP. ACCESS FLOO·R DETAIL @ rll LEGOLAND GARL-'BA'D. SCALE, 3• ii 1l•O' .~ STUDIOE · II Hellmuth Obata+ . . Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: I lnuecl: 10-17-97 Detail Number 101 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUTSIDE. ~ ~ ~-~+HH--,----BATT. INSULATION .. -~-. '• , . r::; !_; •' ... ~ D,. D,. R.11 RUNNER CHANNEL --PL Yr"IOOD 5/8 11 TYPE 11 X 11 GYPBOARD TOP SET BASE VINYL FLOOR PANEL INSIDE PERIMETER = OJ PEDESTAL ASSEMBLY PEDESTAL ADHESIVE TYP. ACCE:SS FLOOR DETAIL @ CONC. CURB Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BA'D SCALE, 3• • 1·~0· - ~ STUDI05. II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions lisued; 10-17•97 C Cluster: Component: ID: I Detail Number 102 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ., METAL STUDS .... ,··· .. .. .. .. .. .PLY~OOD ~HERE OCCURS .. :.-: '··.: ·v .. · GYPl30ARD .. ' ' .. .... ·. 1·) .. TOP SET BASE .. .. : : r;VINYL FLOOR .... . ... .. .. . , PANEL . -· . .-·. :-.: I .. .. .. . . INSIDE . . ' '. ::,,.. I ' /PERIMETER = OJ ... . .. PEDESTAL .. ,. .. .. ASSEMBLY ... i . .. PEDESTAL .. .. ADHESIVE .. .. . -· D,. ~ TYP. ACCESS FLOOR DETAIL @ INT. WALL . ' . Ill LEGOLAND C.ARL.3BAP SCALE, 3" • 1'•0! -STUDI05 II-Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum,Jnc. Revisions Cluster: Component: I Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Number 103 ID: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUTSIDE - = ~- -......... en t> ti /).= °'\I"" -......... t> t>-t> /). /). t> [> t> . t> /). /). t> " . V - 1v /). . t>. I>. /). ~ t> I - I. I NSIDE TUBE STEEL SUPPORT BEYOND ALUM. SILL GOVER DOOR FRAME DOOR AS SGHEDULED -----ALUM. SILL GOVER ... t> /). TRESHOLD VINYL FLOOR PANEL PERIMETER dJ PEDESTAL ASSEMBLY -PEDESTAL ADHESIVE TYP. AC:CESS FLOOR ·DETAIL @ SCALE, 3" i 1'•0" . ' Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: ~ STU0-105 I LEGOLA ·:D Ill Hellmuth Obata+ 104 C A R L --' B A t, Kassabaum, Inc. ··~= 10-17-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l[~L, '~ I ' ' ~ . . ~- I -'. II 111 .. :.. .. • . . I ALUMINUM ENTRANCE SYSTEM \THRE'SHO LD \ .. L . .. SINGLE ACTING DOOR ~/ OFFSET PIVOTS JAMB DETAIL @ STOREFRONT DOOR SCALE, 3• • 1'•0" ' Revisions Cluster: Compon~t: ~ STUDI05 I LEGO-LA D .Hellmuth Obata+ 301 C A R L .) a A 'D Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 10-17-97 · Detail Number ID: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V .. ~ rt ==· .... '1"" ~ . ,h D = • -.· ~ ',=] ~ V HEAD & THRESHO,LD .@ STOREFRONT ,DOOR Ill LEGOLAND GARL.)BAt:> SCALE, 3• • r-o· ~-STUDIO~_ ·11· Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions · ·Cluster:· Component: 1-----r---~ I Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Number 302 ID: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~-GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME STEEL PLATE AS REQUIRED SINGLE AGTING DOOR ~/ OFFSET PIVOTS SEE: HARD~ARE LIST --G~AZING JAMB DETAIL _,@ STO,f:IEFR·O·NT DOO·R SCALE, a.·•-r-o• I ·Rmlions CIUltllr: Component: ID: ~ STUDI05 I 000 00 LEGOLA ,D .Hellmuth Ohata+ 303 G A R L -' BAP Kassabaum, Inc. 1.-.d: 10/17/97' Detail Number .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j r -N J r () I . -: [> . -t> . A A· A [> t> t> ~-6LAZIN6 ALUMINUM FRAME ~-6LAZIN6 ,,,....,...-__,._ BOTTOM RAIL .· ··. ~ THRESHOLD -THINSE:T GERAMIG TILE 0/ TOPPING SLAB 0/ DEPRESSED GONG. SLAB . . ... . ; . ' . · ... : . -~. . . ........ --,:,: .. ::···.-·: ·; ~ .• . .-.. ·<·-·· ' .... . 1>·_ . t> . . A.· A HEAD THRESHOLD D_ET" @ STOREFRONT Ill LEGOLAND C.ARL-'BAP .· ~-STUDI05 II Hellmuth . Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Clustiffl Component: ID: I 000 00 1--i: 10/17/97 304 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l[) 0 0 AL -ALUMINUM AG DB HM KN MK MTL -AGOUSTIGAL DOOR -DEAD BOLT -HOLLO~ MET AL -KYNAR Fl:Nl~H -MASTERKEYED LOGK -METAL PH -PANIC, HARD~ARE HG(U) -HANDIGAP TOILET SYMBOL SIGN (U) -UNISEX (~) -~OMEN (M) -MEN PP -PEEP HOLE JN DOOR P ·. -PAINTED · TG -TEMPERED GLASS ~G -~IRE GLASS SG -SOLID GORE ~000 DOOR -~OOD DOOR SCH.EDULE ABREVIATIONS LIST SCALE, NONE LEGOL:JD ~ STUDI05 Revisions Cluster: Component: I 000 II Hellmutli . Obata+ 701 G A R L _, BA t) Kassabaum, Inc. . Issued: {O ·f1•tl1 Detail Number ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / -~ Cl II Cl" _I --,,t'-7~~7("---,-- GLAZING-r',-' 11-611 -~ I Cl II Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BA'D / --() () I I r-r- =-~ C{li Cl" _I . -----,-----,-.....--- -() I. r- -() I. r-. DOOR .J TYPES SCALE. 1/4""1'~0? ~ STUDIQ~ Revisions II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, lnc. I-.Ull!i: 10/17/rj'[ -() I r- () I r- -Cluster: Component: ID: I 000 00 Detail Number 702 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I"- L 41-011 L T l GLAZING () / -C) I r-. 51-611 L 41_011 . L I l /I' i r- • • - I C) r- Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAt> 1 DOOR TVPE.S :~ STUDLD5 Revisions II. Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. luu~: t0i17/97 Cluster: Component: ID: I 000 00 -Detail Number: 703 -------------------DOOR SCHEDULE COM PONE NT NUMB ER & 1D:1-260 1 2 3 DOOR DOORSIZE DOOR No. W~HxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS 101 3'X7'Xl 3/ 4'' A HM p X102A 6'X7'Xl 3/4'' D AL KN TG X102B 6'X7'Xl 3/4'' D AL KN TG X103A 6'X7'Xl 3/ 4'' D AL KN TG _X103B 6'X7'Xl 3/4'' D AL KN. TG 104 3'X7'Xl 3 / 4•· A HM p XlOSA 13'X7'X2" H AL KN TG .Xl05B 14' l"X7'X2'' H AL KN TG xiosc 6'X7'Xl 3 I 4•· C AL KN TG Xl06 3'X7'Xl3/4'' A HM p 110 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' t HM p Xlll 3rxrx;1 3/ 4'' A HM p Xl12A 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' A HM p 1128 . 3'X'7'Xi 3/ 4'' A HM p . -Xl13A 3'.X7i:x;1 3 I 4•· I AL KN TG Xl13B 3'X7'Xl 3 / 4'' I AL KN TG CLUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG. NO.: 1-704 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS FRAME RATING HEA,D JAMB THRESH. GROUP HM P-317c P-,3l7d IMl NO LEVER-KEY TURN ACCESS AL 20MIN. 1-302 1-301 I-302 IM18 AL 20MIN. 1-302 ~-301 1-302 IM18 AL 20MIN. 1-302 1-301 1-302 IM18 AL 20MIN. l-q02 I-301 1-302 IM18 HM P-310 P-317 .JMS AL 20MIN. IM6 AL 20MIN: I.M6 AL 20MI.N. 1-302 · . 1-301 1-302 IM18 ., J-Uv1; 20MIN. · P-316 P-311 JMll HM P-317e P-317i 11\116 HM 20M~N. P-316 P-3U. JM7 HM 20MIN. P-316 P-311 IM7 HM p..,310 P-317 JMJ7 AL Z0MIN. 1-304 1-303 1-304 IM9 AL 2_QMi_N. 1-304 l-303 1-304 IM9 -------------------COMPONENT NUMBER & ID 1-261 CLUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG. NO.: 1-705 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB THRESH. GROUP X201A 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' C AL KN TG AL 1-302 l-301 I-302 IMS X201B 3'X7'Xl 3 / 4•· C AL KN TG AL I-302 1-301 1-302 IMS 201c 6' 6"X7'Xl 3/4" F HM p HM P-317a P-317b IM25 201D 6' 6"X7':X13/4" F HM p HM P-317a P-317b IM25 xio2A 3'X7'Xl 3 / 4•· C AL KN TG AL . I-302 1-301 1-302 lMS X202B 3'X7'Xl 3/ 4•· C AL KN TG AL ,1-302 1-301 1-302 IMS 202C 6' 6!'X7'Xl 3/4'' F HM p HM P-3~7a P-317b IM25 X204A 3'X7'Xi 3/4'' C AL KN TG AL . ' 1-302 I-3'0i 1-302 . IMS X204B 3'X7~Xl 3 / 4•· C AL :KN TG AL 1-302 l-301 1~302 IMS ·-:.. 204C . 6' 6"X7'Xl 3/4" G HM p HM P-317a P-~17b IM26 X205A . 3'X7'Xl .3/ 4•· C AL KN TG AL l:"302 J~30l I-~02 IMS X205B 3'X7'XI 3 / 4•· c AL KN TG AL 1-302 1-301 1~302 . IMS 205C 6' 6;'X7'X13/4'' F HM ·p HM r~~17a P-317b IM25 .X206A 6'X7'Xl 3 / 4•· ~ Al, KN TG AL 1-302 I-391 1-302 IM19 206~ 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' A HM p HM P-'310 P-317 IM3 207 3'X7'Xl. 'JI 4•· A HM p HM .P-310 P-317 IM1 20SA 3'X7'Xl 3 / 4•· A HM p HM P-310 P-317 IM2 X20SB · · 6'X7'Xl 3/ 4'' C AL KN TG AL l-~02 I-301 1~302 IM19 X20SC · 6'X7'Xl 3 / 4•· C AL KN TG ~ AL 1-302 1-301 1-302 IM19 -------------------COMPONENT NUMBER & IDII-263 CLUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG. NO.: 1-706 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOORSIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB THRESH. GROUP X401 3'X7'Xl 3/ 4'' E HM p HM P-316 P-311 IM13 X402 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' E HM p HM P-316 P-311 IM12 HC(U) X405 3'X7'Xl 3/4'. E HM p HM P-316 P-311 IM12 HC(M) X406 3'X7'Xl 3/ 4'' E HM p HM P-3lq P-311 IM13 HC(W) X407 3'X7':Xl 3/4'' E HM p HM P-316 P-311 1Mf4 HC(U) -------------------FINISH SCHEDULE CO M P O NE NT NU M B ER & ID : 1-260 CLUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG.No.: 1-707 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS Abbreviations : No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH 101 STORAGE s.v. COVE GB./P. GB./P. GB./P. GB./P. EXPOSED Concrete (Color) 102 FREE PLAY s.v. T.R. GB./P. GB./P. GB./P. GB./P. MTL.CLNG GRAPHICS PANEL ON EAST WALL Conc.(C) 103 FREE PLAY s.v. T.R. GB./P. .. GB./P. GB./P. GR/P. MTL.CLNG Sheet Vinyl 104 STORAGE s.v. COVE: GB./P. GB./P. GB./P. GB./P. EXPOSED s.v. 105 FREEPLA,Y s.v. T.R. GI3./P. GB./P. GB./P. (;B./P. MTL.CLNG Vµ1yl Tile 106 ELECT.RM. Cone. GB./P. GB./P. GB./P. GB./P. EXPOSED V.T. Quarry Tile 110 KITCHEN CT. CT GB.IP/CT GB./P./CT GB./P./CT. AC.T Q.T. 111 DISH WASHING CT. CT GB./P./FRP. . GB./P./FRP. Gl3./P./FRP. GB./P./FRP. AC.T Wood 112 B.O.H CT. CT GB./P./FRP GB./P./FRP GB./P./FRP GB./P./FRf EXPOSED WD. 113 SERVING AREA CT. CT ,, ACT Carpet C. ' Gypsum Board GB. Faint P. -·· Props Pps. Acoustical Tile · ACT Stucco Plaster .. StG.P. Top Set Rubber Base , .. T.R. Fiberglass Reinfoced Panel /4-f~~~~!!!.~;;;::..... F.R.P. /._ o·.--~'.l,\':>11:,t~·-.v-k,._ "\.. ~· ~ ::,,._·.... ' Metal Panel I :j:' • ;v ...:.,,,::,r ~ rr: 1 ~-,., u -· l MTL. .. i V ~/. -tffS9 /i""'i -Metal Ceiling :T\ ,-.-• . l MTL.CLNG . : .... \ '\. __ _._ ..,('::/~7 Ceramic Tile ~~··· "''-n•• ··ft.o/ '21 ... ::· ···-····:. "i: C.T. ~-- -------------------FINISH SCHEDULE COMPONENT NUMBER & 1D:1-261 CLUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG.No.: 1-708 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS Abbreviations : No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH 201 WORKSHOP s.v. T.R. MTL./GB./P. MTL./GB./P. GB.IP. GB./P. MTL.CLNG Concrete (Color) 202 WORKSHOP s.v. T.R. GB.IP. MTL.IGB./P. GB./P. GB.JP. MTL.CLNG Conc.(C) 203 ELECT.RM. Cone. GB./P .. ·GB.JP. GB.IP. GB./P. EXPOSED Sheet Vinyl 204 WORKSHOP s.v. T;R GB.IP. GB./P. GB.IP. GB.IP. MTL.CLNG , s.v. 295 WOR~SHOP s,v. T.R. GB.IP. GB.JP. GBJP, GB.IP. MTL.CLNG Vinyl Tile 206 RECEPTION s.v; T.R. MTL./GB./P. GB.JP. GB./P. GB./P. MTL.CLNG· V:T. 207 STORAGE s.v. COVE· GB./P. GB:/P. GB./P. GB./P. EXPOSED Quarry Tile Q.T. Wood WD. Carpet C. Gypsum Board GB. · Paint -· P. Props Pps. Acoustical Tile AC.T Stucco Plaster Stc.P. Top Set Rubber Base T.R. Fiberglass l Reinfoced Panel -.:--~--·-:::...... F.R.P. £,;,~'"'··········-.'TO~ ~ •• • __ ,.._Tfl:.,;; _• •• 0~ Metal Panel '-~ .<((,.,; .... <'>}~~~ ~ ,.~ MTL. ~ if", l'Y" ·t \ 11,!\ Metal Ceiling "d V NO· C ,o,,-. I MTL.CLNG . . . I ,L /§J Ceramic Tile \. \ "\. . .:·-.. :"Jtc1-111t.~--~~7 C.T. ----~ ------------------·-FINISH SCHEDULE COMPONENT NUMBER & ID:I-263 CLUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG.N o.: 1-709 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WALLS CEILING REMARKS Abbreviations: No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH 401 FAMILY TOILET CT. CT. GB.JP.JCT GB./P./CT GB./P./CT GB./P./CT GB.IP Concrete (Color) 402 VESTIBULE CT. CT. GB./P./CT GB./P./CT GB./P./CT GB./P./C:T GB.IP Conc.(C) 403 MEN'S TOILET CT. CT. GB./P./CT GB./P./CT GB./P./CT GB .. IP./CT GB.IP Sheet Vinyl 404 WOMEN'S TOILET CT. CT. GB./P./CT GB./P./<;:T. <:;B./P./CT GBJP.ICT GB.IP s.v. 405 VESTIBU1-,E CT. CT. . GB./P./CT · GB./P./CT GB./P./CT ' GB./P./CT GB.IP, Vinyl Tile 406 FAMILY TOILET CT. CT. GB./P./CT GB./P./CT · GB./P:/CT GB./P./CT GB.IP; V.T. 407 JAN.CLOSET ct. CT. GB./P./RFP. GB./P.IRFP GB./P./RFP GB./P./RFP EXPOSED Quarry Tile Q.T. Wood WO. Carpet C. Gypsum Board GB. Paint P. Props ! Pps. Acoustical Tile AC.T Stucco Plaster Stc.P. .. top Set Rubber Base T.R. - Fiberglass . Reinfoced Panel F.R.P. /4.0!.~~-~-!!P,,0.11~ Metal Panel /~-;_,~"'f.f.R~ ';, t\. MTL. zi'/§, t. .. r~ ... \.111"1 -·-Metal Ceiling s·i 7 JI"(". ,._to--I =···; MTL.CLNG _,_\ -~v• ;,./~' Ceramic Tile \ ...... ,. .. ,..&A~~--·"g/ C.T. -·~·-.::.::.-··c ·-· -~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • S'TUOIO~ LAGOON · DETAILS 17 OCTOBER 1·997 I.LI :i :::, ..I II Hellmuth ~ Obata+ I Kassabaum, Inc. 0 ·> I LAGOON I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / / 5/811 GYP. BD. BOTH SIDES-~----'--_..,... METAL STUDS~------~---fl-1-1~ FLEXIBLE SEALANT---'-------. BOTH SIDES EXPOSED GONG. FLOOR----- SLAB ~/ SEALER <J <1 BAS,E DETAIL SCALE,. 3"•1'~0" I ~ SIUOI05 Revisions LEGOLA .D Ill He}4nuth Obata+ G A R L ~BA 'D . Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 10-17-97 <J <1 Cluster: Component: ID: L 361 60 Detail Number 101 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DOOR OPENING SEE FLOOR PLAN L-2O1 FOR ~IDTH I EXTERIOR I EDGE--- REI NFORGI NG LATH I INTERIOR I I •• I •.1 ----'---------OVERLAP PER MANUFACTURER SPEC 1S -----+------"------HORIZ. SLIDING DOOR PER SCHEDULE --'-----~~-. GUIDE ROLLER BELO~ BY DOOR MANUFACTURER -~-~-CLEARANCE PER MANUJ= AC TURER SPEC 1S ~/ ~EATHER SEAL TYP. '---'----¥+--j/8.11 EXT. CEMENT PLASTER FINISH OVER METAL LATH, BUILDING PAPER 4 1/2 11 GYP. SHEATHING I l~;;;;;;;;;~~~==:,;;~~==l l '----5/811 GYP. BD. OVER METAL STUDS 4 RI I BATT INSULATION '---''-----~-JAMB CONSTRUC::, TION PER STRUC T. D~G 1S '---'--------'--~~DRY~ALL END MOLD! NG L..c.---~-~-~· PLASTER END MOLDING ~/ HORIZ. SLIDING ·DOOR JAMB DET Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAD SCALE, 3"•1'•0" ~ SIUPIOE LI Hellniuth · Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revi1ion1 L Issued: 10-17-,-7 Detail Number 301 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E ~ ::2 n ~ ~ ~ I ~ g g 9 I :? g ,_ a ~ :? I .:, I EXTERIOR. I EL +81-1 11 t.s. ,---------'---~· i /8" EXT. CEMENT PLASTER FINISH OVER METAL LATH, BUILDING PAPER ~ 1/2" GYP. SHEATHING 5/8" GYP. 8D. OVER METAL STUDS 4 RII BATT INSULATION ~<-++-++-~·~.· TUBE STEEL HEADER PER STRUCT. DV'iG1S --HOOD ¥'ii CLOSER PANELS @ EA. END .,,--------TOP-HUNG MECHANISM -'\,;,---------,~-~-t---t11tlH:f"" PER DOOR 1 1-011 \!) w z -1 z::::, w D IL W C) :c \.) ~ u) C) ~ C) w D IL i I : I •. I, I :1 . ~ ,I [ . ' • I -------- / / ------------ / / / MANUFACTURER, SECURE ~/ PNEUtv!ATIC FASTENERS TYP. -----------HEADER CONSTRUCTION ---- / / / ---- / ', PER STRUC. T. DV'iG 1S / / DRYV'iALL END tv!OLDING .f'LASTER END tv!OLDING V'i/ SAC.KER ROD 4 .SEALANT -~· JAtv!B BEYOND '-----,-----+--EDGE REINFORCING LATH lL '~ ~-------- HORIZ. SLIDING DOOR HEAD DET LEGOLAID GARL.3BAP SCALE, 3"•1'•0" ~ STUDI05 II Hellmuth · Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Issued: 10-17-97 Cluster: Component: ID: L 361 60 Detail Number 302 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e " :! ~ ~ ~ ~ I • ~ ~ 0 g ~ I li-" 0 l ~ ;;J, I _; SHAPED 2x4 GORNER---- BLOCKING @ l611 O.G. VERTICALLY, ± 1 11 RADIUS ANGLE SUPPORT PER-~~-.. STRUG T. D~G'S 2x4 BLOCKING---~ VERTIGALL Y BET~EEN SHAPED BLOCKING 1-1/2"xl-l/2" ANGLE BRACKETS EA. BLOCK, MIN 3 S.M.S. TO STUD 4 3 F.H.~.S. TO BLOCKING TYP. 1/811 EXT. CEMENT---- ~ \!) :s::: Cl'.) D ix: ~ ::::::, \) \) ::::::, lL ix: I-C) IS) I ill I-ill PLAS TER F !NISH trtnr.~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ --"i"~ D IS) OVER MET AL LA TH 4 BUILDING PAPER 1/2" GYP.. SHEATHING-~-- MET AL STUDS 4 RI 1------t----\-rlt-,H~~ BATT INSULATION 5/811 GYP. BD. ---,-----+--fflHt~=--=---'-------"*r- IDTH OF GURB VARI SEE STRUCT. D~G'S ROUND.ED CORNER_ DETAIL @. LEGOL:JD GARL~BAP SCALE, 3•11•-o• · ~ sm1og , II Helbnuth . Obata+ . · · Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: L 361 60 Detail Number 303 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 5/8" GYP. BD.---------9tt" METAL STUDS 4----.,.....-;t~~-- BATT INSULATION (RI l@V'iALLS) FLEXIBLE SEALANT-----.. ~ EL +2 1 -~ 11 1.G. CONG. RETAINING V'iALL-----;-- PER STRUCT. DV'iG'S . .d <J GALVANIZED SILL .SCREED~· -t-----<!1--' <I .d <J ---1/211 GYP. SHEATHING OR PL YV'iOOD --------,,---1 /8" EXT. C, E HEN T <J • PLASTER OVER MET AL. LA TH 4 BLDG. PAPER ~-EXPANSION JOINT PER DETAIL P-501 \!) w ~ w D tj) . w Q_ tj) <( w . \.) ~ tj) <( D z > <( _j .d Ll <J \__ADJAC:.ENT PAVING MAT'L REF. LANDSCAPE DV'iG'S RETAINING WALL D,ET AIL : SCALE, 3"•1'·0" Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: 'fJ · ·~ SIUDID5 L 361 60 LEGOLA D .Hellmuth Obata+ 304 G A R L -' B A t> Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 1(!-17-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MEMBRANE ROOFING~~~'----- V'l/ GRAVEL PLYV'lOOD PER--'-----'-~-'- STRUCT. DV'lG'S FLEXIBLE SEALANT-'------ EA. SIDE SLIP TRACK/TOP TRACK AS5EMBl. Y, DO NOT FASTEN GYP. BD. MECHANICALLY iO SLIP TRACK ~--·-·-· ·-. ·-· 5/8" GYP. BD. EA. SIDE TGI BEYOND PER--~....../ STRUCT. DV'lG'S 1/2" GAP V'l/ FLEXIBLE SEALANT AT BOTTOM OF TGI METAL STUDS ~--~------1+-1+--1--- RII BATT INSULATION NON-BEARING WALL Ill LEGOLAND C.ARL.3BAP SC.ALE, 3•a1•-o• ~ SlUOIO~ II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabatµn, Inc. -Revisions Issued:. i0-17-97 • ·- Cluster: Component: ID: L 361 60 Detail Number 305 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V'100D BLOC,KING FLEXIBLE SEALANT EA. SIDE 5/8" GYP. BD.~--~ EA. SIDE MET AL STUDS 4 __,. ___ _,__ RII BATT INSULATION SEGURE STUD@ TOP 4 · BOTTOM RUNNERS, DO NOT SEC.URE TO TGI TGI V'1EB, GHOR.D BELOV'1---~-l-i-.i NON-BEARING· WALL @ .TGI SCALE, 3'•1'•0' ' Revisions '1li SIUDI05 LEGOLA. D .Hellmuth Ohata+ G A R L-'BAP . · Kassabaum,Jnc. Issued: 10-17-97 -PLAN Cluster: Component: ID: L 361 60 Detail Number 306 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N 011 DIA STEEL FINlAL, PRIMED 4 PAINTED · ------PROVIDE MOUNTING TABS FOR / FLAG SUPPORT l"ilRE, VERIFY 1 LOCATIONS V'i/ O~NER l (1 l~ ~J_J__ /). " v_,, 'v V V I \ I \ I \ ~. -----__ r:::::--~ ---------~;:::-'\---'11,..----f---. I ('() u- 1 I N en I u- TUBE STEEL SUPPORt FOR SIGNAGE, REF. STRUGT. Dl"iG'S, PRIMED 4 PAINTED SIGNAGE, O.F.O.1.~·~--,-----'--~ '-!-----PAINTED PATTERN------+--' '--'--"----PIPE COLUMN, REF. STRUG T-. --i Dl"iG'S, PRIMED 4. PAINTED ,.....--.li---~-'--'---'fHEMED COLUMN BASE,-_ ___,_..=r-Hr.-::-V O.F.O.1. 000900 FRONT VI EY'i SIDE VIEV'i Ill LEGOLAND CARL~BAP COLUMN DETAIL · SCALE, 112•11•-o• ~ STUDIO~ II Hellmuth Obata+ . Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions. Issued: 10-.17-97 Cluster: Component: L 361 Detail Number 310 ID: 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EL VARIES SEE ELEV. SHEET L-301 FOR T.S. HEIGHTS EL VARIES SEE SECTION L-301-1 FOR BOT. STR. HEIGHTS ---·' OUTLINE OF TRUSS, REF. DET. L-320 ....,,___,___ __ SHEAR TABS PER STRUGT. DY'{G'S '----'-----3/411 x 1011 DIA PLATE, LEAVE / 11 GAP BETY'{EEN TOP FACE AND SHEAR TAB ABOVE .__ ______ PIPE COLUMN, REr. STRUGT. DY'{G'S, PRIMED 4 PAINTED -r---,--REF. LANDSCAPE DY'{G'S FOR GONG. SLAB I -~ I -~ "r--- 1 I / I I " ; t.l I ; I -~ I / ____ ___. I I / --, I I I \ I I / \ I I / )---'-,j__j_ __ { : ~ 1 1---~--C,OLUMN FOOTING PER / STRUGT. OY'{G'S I COLUMN DETAIL SCALE, 1I2•a1•-o• LEGOL:JD GARL-'BAP ~ SIUDID5 Revisions Cluster: Component: L 361 ID: 46 II Hellmuth fil•+ ---311 Kassabaum; Inc. Issued:_ 10-17-97 -Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -~ u-1 N ......... u-I -- Cj'-6" 8 1-IO'' 6 1/2" ' 2'-1" 2'-1" 2 1-111 ---l--~.l-------'----l---~--1-----'---'----,--------1~---+- 3 1/4" ~ I TRU5S TYPE "A" 2 1-1 11 ~ rn ~ -I L-92.2 - ~ I :OUBLED 2x4 TRE~Tl:D 1"100D TOP 4 BOTTOM C,HORDS, FINISH SANDED 4 PAINTED 6'-10" 6 1-211 1-1/4" O.D. STL. TUBING v'-i/--c--'---'--"-' C,RIMPED 4 ROUNDED ENDS, PRIMED 4 PAINTED TRUSS TYPE 2 1-1 11 '---3/8" DIA MAC,HINE BOLT v'-i/ v'-iASHERS EA SIDE, PRIMED 4 PAINTED TRUSS DETAILS ~ ELEV AT.IO·N SCALE, 1/2'•1'·0' . Ill LEGO-LAND _ ~ sm,og II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: L 361 46 320 CARL.-'BAD Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~"GLR. 1-1/4" O.D. STL TUBIN6 Y'l/--,--~~-- CRIMPED 4 ROUNDED ENDS, I I I I . I PRIMED 4 PAINTED I" DIA. STL. SPACERS,~--~--,-----. PRIMED 4 PAINTED 3/8" DIA. MACHINE BOLT~-~-~----i Y'l/ Y'lASHERS EA. SIDE, PRIMED 4 PAINTED DOUBLED 2x4 TREATED ·V'lOOD -~ TOP 4 BOTTOM CHORDS, FINISH SANDED 4 PAINTED I ~ ±4 1/2" TRUSS DETAIL -SECTION LEGOLAID CARL-'BAP ~ s-TUOI05 II Hellmuth Obata+ . Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: L 361 Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Nµmber 321 ID: 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I =c{)J= - - - --1--r - - - - -' I I I I I I ----1---r,-1--~ _1 c--1.-H_-1. __ c __ _ T_j_j_T __ -- ____ 1_11_1__ -7 I I I I I I ----=cr:1:i<= ____ ...J ~-~· SEE ROOF PLAN L-A20I-2 FOR . LOCATIONS OF TRUSSES .-----STL. COL. 4 SHEAR TAB PER s TRUG T. D~G1S ~~211 DIA. STEEL SPACERS, PRl}1ED 4 PAINTED TRUSS 4 .BOLTED CONNEC Tl ON PER ARCH. DETAIL L-320 END OF TRUSS AT t=ULL COL. DEFLECTION - MOVEMENT ALLO~ED BY SLOTTED CONNEC Tl ON PER STRUCT. D~G1S TRUSS DETAIL @ COLUMN - LEGOL:JD CARL.38AP SCALE, 3•a1•-o• · ~-STUDIO~ II Hellmuth Obata+ : Kassabaum, inc. Revisions Issued: 10-17-97 Cluster: Component: ID: L 361 46 Detail Number 322 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STL. COL. PER STRUC.T.~----'---~--. DV'iG'S 4 DET. L-31·1 ~ EL VARIES SEE ELEVATIONS SHEET L-3O1 FOR COL. T.S. HEIGHTS TYP. SHADE FABRIC.-"---'---~ SUSPENDED FROM S TL. COL, SEE SHADE FABRIC. COVERING DESJGN/BU.ILD PACKAGE ~ EL VARIES SEE SECTION L-3O1-1 FOR "fRUSS BOT. STR. HEIGHTS TYP. .,. LEGOLAN:D ~ STUDIO~ C.ARL-'BAP II. Hellmuth Obata+ · Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: L 361 46 Issued; 10-i7-97 Detail Number 323 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AL -ALUMINUM AG -ACOUSTICAL DOOR DB -DEAD BOLT' HM -HOLLO~ MET AL KN -KYNAR FINISH MK -MASTERKEYED LOGK MTL -MET AL PH -PANIC HARD~ARE HG(U) -HANDICAP TOILET SYMBOL SIGN (U) -UNISEX (~) -~OMEN (M) -MEN PP -PEEP HOLE IN DOOR P -PAlNTED TG -TEMPERED GLASS ~G -~IRE GLASS SC -SOL ID GORE ~00D DOOR -~OOD LEGOL:JD GARL-'BA:P ~ S!UOI05 II Hellmuth · . Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: L 361 Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Number 700 ID: 60 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / / v r-'\ '\ '\ A r------ / / / / / / d:) / I ~ '-'-'-'-'-'\ B '- '1 LEGOLA D G A R L -' BA P / '\ / '\ / / / '\ '\ '\ EQ. --- C) I r- _ .. .. ~-~-OVERLAP DOOR PAST OPENIN6 PER MANUr.AC..TURER1S SPEC..1S ~-OUTLINE OF FINISHED OPENING ~-7 I. I \I) I z I z I I C) ill IL I I () I r- I I it I _j I () I '---~-TOP-HUNG, C..ENTER-PARTING, HORIZ.-SLIDING DOOR, AMERIC..AN -MET AL DOOR 3500 SERIES OR EQUAL '-----------,----INTEGRAL MAN-DOOR Revisio!'ls Cluster: Component: ID: ~ SIUOI05 L 361 60 .Hellmuth Ohata+ 701 Kassabaum, Irie. Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Number -------------------C O M PO N ENT N UM B ER & ID L361 46 FAMILYBOATRIDE CLUSTER :LAGOON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB SILL GROUP XlOl 3' -0"x7' -0"xl 3 I 4" A HM p NIA HM NIA P-310 P-317 NIA BRl X102 3' -0"x7'-0"xl 3 I 4" A HM p NIA HM NIA P-310 P-317 NIA . BR3 X103 10' -O"x7' -0" OPENING B HM p NIA NIA NIA L-302 L-301 NIA BR2 HORIZ. SLIDING SERVICE DOOR -------------------FINISH SCHEDULE LAGOON FAMILY BOAT RIDE MAINTENANCE BUILDING COMPONENT NUMB ER & ID : L361 46 CLUSTER: LAGOON DWG.No.: A201 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOM ROOM FLOOR WAJ,.,LS CEILING REMARKS Abbreviations : No. NAME FINISH BASE NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FINISH Concrete (Color) 101 ELECTRICAL ROOM C:ONC. NONE GB.IP. GB.IP. GB.IP. GB.IP. GB.IP SUSPENDED GYP. BD. CEILING Conc.(C) 102 ELEC. EQUIP. ROOM CbNC. NONE GB.IP. GB.IP. GBJP. GB.IP. GB.IP SUSPENDED ~YP. BD. CEILING Ceramic Tile 103 MECHANICAL ROON CONC. NONE GBJP. GB.IP. GB.IP. GB.IP. NONE EXPOSED CEILING STRUCTURE CT. Vinyl (Tile) V.(T) Quarry Tile Q.T. Wood WP. Carpet C. Gypsum Board GB. Paint P. Props Pps, Acoustical Tile AC.T Stucco Plaster Stc.P. f)"tOPHE,t •l:>~v. •••••••••••• -to. ~O ..• -6,sTE1t~·-.O~ §}·/~(/ o·\~ ~: ~-I .i NO, C 1s1s l . . . \. ~ c./~ ~.;,;-•. -?cHrt~ •• -oq._ ~?io;;·ci.'-\i l Finish Schedule page of -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PARKWIDE • STUDIO~ I II Hellmuth Obata+ 1 Kassabaum, Inc. I DETAILS 17 OCTOBER 1997 l&I :I: :, ..J 0 > PARKWIDE I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -r f -_\'¢ ... .. >; . . ~ l> • • .Tl 1,.,1:: ~ 15&:'H r:::> c.c,.s-r -'?.k?f"I ~~ M-="~1,J!,,.f ~p . ~/ ft 1~i-¼F"--~-===1 t--1.:::;: -.cs.-1~.e M !!e;~ ~A,-~r-;r-~f" t--1~!1~FC6-H.E' ~ ·'6,.· • •• C • • ·~· • • : . • • • .e:. • • : .-v ... 0 .·.·,.;.. • . ·• • 0 : b. . • .. . . . &> • • • • • • .. •. •• : .. · .. o··: ~-- ~f.' r.1.-vt--i~rt-J~ ~G1? -- ~e-T:e: f"~-.t"lr.;::>!::. 42'~11 ')( 2 1-e,1' ~l-,e,rn-14 c::;t..lMr" <3. b F..b I N . -n i-,~ 1== L..a:?~ f:Pt=<,.!S..1+-1 . . . . . • .P 1 _o .. -~ . ~ . . ... ;,:· • • ••• C> • c• •• .D . • : • • • 17. • .I> ~ STUDI05 Revl.,!ons Cluster:. Component: ID: --~ p LEGOLA D Iii Hellmuth Obata + lo\ C A R L -' BA o Kauabawn, Inc. l1111ed: • 'i.J Pf Detail Humber I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u ~ ~~ ?~.f-1f.NT----....,. f°LA41l:~ ~1--1 t1.E:~i.-LATH ~ t?U I 1.,-1:;;,, H ,q ~ 0 ~)!l,.J.,..V.b-H l~S:o ~11.-1--~~~~o~~~~t~=====;==~=!:CII : • D. • . b· .•• -. L:> • f7 • b .. b 1 >< 'HP-I l-~~ ~T I H ,-~ c::::, lJ ~ P.::> . • D .. •. . . . .o .. ·O .. 0 . . . ... c.· ·. •. 0 •• ··1)· . . . . • . t> b . :A • • • -~ • ••• •• V. D ·~ . • h • • • 1 : • 6 . ZS.. •• ·b. ~. y • .•• • • .. • • • Ill LEGOLAND CAR L-3 BAD ~ STUDIDE II Hellmuth Obata+ Kauahawn, Inc. bE:e P~llh F-~I +oP-804> f'Of\. WN..L. ~. Rewtslon1 Cluster: Component: ID: F' -- Issued: Detail Number iae I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------TILE FLOOR (REF. FIN. SGHED.) -----1-----· STARTING POINT r,:=::::::=..:;:::;=;, FOR TILE V'iORK ~--+----SQUARE FLOOR DRAIN l!:::::::::-::===L NOTCH TILES AROUND DRAIN TILE CONDITION AT FLOOR DRAINS SMALLER THAN TILE SIZE DD 00000000000 00000000000 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 00000000000 000000"°0000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 00000000000 ~ ~ T-ILE FLOOR (REF. FIN. 5GHED.) SQUARE FLOOR DRAIN STARTING POINT FOR TILE V'iORK TYP. TILE PATTERNS AT' SQ. FLOOR DRAINS SCALE, 1 1/2'•1'·0" ·~ · ~-sm10 5 Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: p 000 00 LEGOLA-D LI Hellmuth ·Obata+ 103 C. A R L -3 B A t) , Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: fo.i, .4, Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' Ill LEGOLAND C.ARL..)8At:> Cluscar: Component: ID: f' - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " 1.S-3.0" lYP. lYP. Af)AAT * NOTE: INDUSTRY STANDARD F'OR OVERALL BAR LENGTH IS 11-1/4" TO 11-1/Z-. T .9• WIDTH AT iOP 1.'S'. WIDTH AT BASE TYPICAL PLAN TYPICAL SECTION A-A DIRECTIONAL BARS llfflslons ., ~ STUDI05 LEGOLA. D .Hellmuth Obata+ Kunhaum, Inc. GA R L .3 BAO •--= q.·B· rr CIU9W': Component: ID:· p -- DetililNllll'INI' t'J'5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I @ © © @: @ © @. 1.61 APPROX. 1n ~ ,.., < • Q. N< . Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAP © © © @©-@--4 © © © © @ @ .. APAAT . .4-5" AT TOP .rr · AT BASE lYPICAL PLAN .z: HT. ' . s• @ TRUNCATED DOMES ra $TUDI05 LI. · Hellmuth Obata+ · Ka11abaum, Inc. Cluliilr: Component: ID: p - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,--------------------.--------'--------------. y,._-...,.._ ___ 'SQ-t5ouL.eD -nt_e ~NG (VAJ(.'(lNGt iHI~> WH~e ~) t::):::TAlL : --YYfl cAl ~l.CoR..\4::¼ ~N'Bt1lON NO "2:CAU::- Revisions Cluster. Component: '1 ~ S!UDI05 p 00 LE·GOLA D Iii Hellmuth Obata+ 107 C. A R L-'BA'D Kassabaum, Inc. ... ed: Detail Number ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E ~ ::: I "' ~ ~ ~ ;; ~ I I I L · 11'11DTH OF L T DOOR FRAME l DOOR PER 5GHED.-------,-,p-11 EDGE OF DOOR -____,,,-- FRAME BEYOND I : 2 MAX. BEVEL:___,---.. 1/2 11 EXPANSION JOINT------------<1 ~ <1 <l 4 EXTRUDED ALUH. THRESHOLD THINSET GERAMIG TILE THRESHOLD -CONCRETE TO TILE Ill LEGOLAN:D GARL.38AP SCALE, 3"•1'•0" ~ sruoroE II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: p 110 Issued: [b· 11 · Cf? L--o_e1:a1_1_Nu_mbe_r ____ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _,__ _ __,,_ Cer:2.AM'IC Tl LE ..J----E!='OND COAT --. CO~C.Q.E-Te • L:; •• Q 0 • .... o··. . . . SE.ALA~T d. t;ACIL-UP COL.Of<. ,o ,-)sATGH 612,o(JT 'SA\V~.CUT CONTQOL. JOl!JT. . . ,. . C.0NTr20LE O CQ.~C-ll. 0 Q CO"'TQOL. .JOI lJT · • .. • . •. " ,r· ' .. ~ srrno 5 Re'li.slons Cluster: Componenc -'1 p LEGOLA D w Hellmuth Oba.ta+ G A R L .) B A 'D K.assaha.um, Inc. . 1-.ied: 10· 11 ·C\1 Ottall Hurni.- 10: - 111 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ----------------------------··-----,-~-------l1ll. STUDS ,47 It;" <::J.C. /f,4;<. -----· WA1E"I< f?.E:5/STANT _,__ --- 6 'IP. &::,,,.,q/,20 BULLNO$eT/Le---- (r~r Or WAINSCOt) CE/2.411/C TIL..e -------~'f..l (rt?.) ./_,4TE:x.-FO/?TJ.,t}ND a::Me/1/7 ~-----i.-wt. /1t:Jt2-rA12. /50l'YD co,,q7 " (? 0 0 • co;<.,t:::. r~ :5'-.48 J ON G:,fZ.-400 a _c: /V07c: TILE JN£,T4ll-F1TION :5f//1L.L CO/'IFOIZM To T.C.A.Mr:3THOD F-1/3 ,4T n~s /JND tYJ-eT/-IOO B·Lfl.3 19T WALLS. 1lOO~ ANOWJ/LL TILE ' ' fil LEGOLAND GARL~_BAD ~ STUDIO§ II. H'!llmuth Obata + Kassabaum, Inc. Cluster: p Component: - o.taltHumw 10: - 11.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEGOLATJD GARL~BA'D 'O 0 'r t., -· '3 (J 0 ' 0 r--.a:1-----f3ENTC0/ITe' WA;TE;RP,a:::oFI 1-1& .. -~ STUOI05 Revisions Cluster: Component: 10: -I-~~ Hellmuth -Obata+ , , Ka.asahaum, Inc. -,_,-ed-----~ ,o--.-n-. .:n---l f' -- OwoJI Hum'-" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I v . . 0 u () • ?!PE -+---1----W/lTe~:>ToF DIZ/J/Nl)Ge ----:t±::a~..,1 /<X .6oA/20 "-----L/NJ::. 5E/lL WAT£lf1/f..CCr/Nt;, AT ti ?C ic!V ,E7/\47/t1# ~ STUOIO~ Revisions ~ LEGOLA D . Obata + w Hellmuth C A R L· ~ B A 'D-Kassabaum, Inc. 1.uuod: lo· 11· 97 Cluster: Component: p - o.all Huml,.r -I 10: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUT 6" METAL STIJDS @ 16" O.C. U.O.N. 5/8" cSYP. SD. 1/2" cSYP. SHEATHINcS i/8" CEMENT PLASTER INSULATION .BLANKET TYPE 1-NOOI 6 11 METAL STIJDS @ 16" O.C. U,0.N. ·11--!'--ft-tt-5/8" v-1.R cSYP. eD. 1/2" cSYP. SHEATHINcS CERAMIC TILE v-lHERE OCCURS (SEE PLAN) !.::J.U;..-...:~w-i/8" C!;:MENT PLASTER '.>oiffi-1+--INSULATION .BLANKET 1 OUT OUT •,· ,. [ 8 9/4" 1 TYPE 8" ' l 1 6 11 MET AL STIJDS @ 16" O.C. U.O.N. 1/2" _cSYP. SHEATHINcS i/8" CEMENT PLASTER OUT /.-"'4002 8 11 C.M.U. Y'lALL TYPE /.-"'4003 TYPE ~004 LEGO~D GARL.3BAb NOTE, I. GRID AT PERIMETER i"!ALLS ARE WALL TYPES SCALE. NOT TO l~ALE ~ STUDI05 II. Hellmuth Obata+ Ku1abauin, Inc. · luued: 09-08-97 AT ~ OF STUD U.N.O. :2. 1/:2" PL Yl"lOOD o SHEAR i"IALL . PANNELS (SEE STRUCTIJRAI.) S. SEE ALL OTHER NOTES ON ALL OTHER ~L TYPE SHEETS. Clustw: Component: p o.t.11 Number 301 ID: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,.-_,,.:---1-1/2" EXT. CEMENT PLASTER 8" TYPE V'-4005 6" METAL STUDS @ I?" O.C.. U.O.N. 5/e!• GYP. 6D. OUT ·J/2" GYP. SHEATHING METAL EXTERIOR FIN. PANELS "ALUCOBOND" OR APPROVED EGUAL. l , 1/2" l 7 7 6" METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C.. U.O.N. 1/2" GYP. SHEATHING 1/e" CEMENT PLASTER 6ATT INSULATION TYPE V'-4006 ::::::c.:~--FIBERGLAS NOISE BARRIER BATTS. STUD DEPTH. OUT ll,::.:iff=:::22t°-------INSULATION BLANKET IN 2" MAX.* l. l'-1 1/4" 1 l 1 TYPE V'-4001 LEGOL:JD GARL-'BAP NOTE, I. 6RID AT PERIM!:TER l"IAW.S ARE AT ~ OF STUD U.N.O. :2. 1/:2" PL. Y~OD e SHEAR l"IAW. PANNEL.S (SEE STRUCi\JRAU 3. INTcRIOR PARTITIONS, MIN. STUD SIZE 4' -,e 9a.(U.o.NJ. 4. FOR EXTl:RIOR Y'lAI..L. STUD SIZES SEE STRUCTURAL. D~S. 5. USE l'I.R. 6YPSUM SOARD AT EXTERIOR YiAL.LS, TIL.E SURFACES , l'IHERE SUBJECT TO MOISTURE. WALL TYPES 6. -INTERIOR PARTITIONS 60TH SIDES 6' MIN. ABOVE CEIL.IN6 (U.O.NJ. ICAI.Ea NOT TO ICALE -STUDI05 . II. Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, b_ic. luued: 09-08-97 Clunar: CompcllMftt: ID: P- De«all Number 302 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5/8" TYPE' GYP. SD. CAULK-----. ( LAYERS IN /811 GYP. SD. 1/:2" PLY Y'lD. 6 11 METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C. U.O.N: /811 HAT CHANNEL 10" t 1 TYPE ~008 6 11 METAL STUDS. @ 16" O.C.. ·U.O.N. 5/8" GYP. SD. ()111.R. )'IIHERE OCCURS) CERAMIC TILE ()'IIHERE OC.C.URS) PL Y)'IIOOD AS REG'D 1+.'-...:::i,.,=-+111-,--SY STRUCTURE Fl6ER6'LAS NOISE BARRIER BATTS. ""i-...·-f-flil--STUD DEPTH. -Hf~~-HI--AIR5PAC.E ~i---+t;:;::;:;~f1j--lNSULATION BLANKET ~~ LN 1" . l -·-:-· 1 TYPE ~010 .IN WALL TYPES SCALE. NOT TO ,cALE LEGOLJJD ~ HUDI05 4" METAL STUDS (6" @ 6EARIN6' )'IIALL) @ 16" O.C. U.O.N. 5/8" )111,R. 6-YP. SD. CERAMIC. TILE IN IN TYPE ~00'1 6 11 METAL STUDS I @ 16" o.c.. U.O.N. 111----!t:f!o-5/8" )Ill.I~ .. GYP. SD. Iii'·----5/8" GYP. 6D. I )'IIHERE OCCURS (SEE PLAN) I I IN l , 1/4" l 1 1 TYPE ~01 S. SEE AW. OTHER NOT?:5 ON AU. OTHER AAL.L T'ff'E SHEETS. Cluner: Component: ID: p CARL~BAt> II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. luued: . 09~-97 Detail Number 303- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IN I IR------11 I f>" METAL STUDS @· If>" O.C.. LJ.O.N. 5/8" CS,YP. SD,. '--....u--5/8" CS,YP. SD. I ~HERE OC.C.URS (SEE PLAN) I IN ---_._...._.__.......,.. . l j 1/4" l 1 l TYPE: V'iOl 2 (BEARIN6 ~ALL) 4" METAL STUDS @ If>" 0.C.. LJ.O.N. 5/8" ~.R. <SYP. SD. ,_ __ 5/8" CS,YP. SD. CERAMIC. TILE TYPE ~014 IN 4" METAL STUDS @ If>" O.C.. LJ.O.N. 5/8" CS,YP. SD. IN ------- IN ls l/4"l 1 1 TYPE ~019 4" METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C.. U.0.N. CERAMIC. TILE TYPE ~015 . NOTE : I. 6RID AT PERIMETER l"tAI..I..S ARE AT ~ OF STUD U.N.O. :2. 1/:2" Pl.. 'T'~OD o SHEAR l"tAI..I.. PANNEI..S (SEE S.TRUCTURAI..) WALL TYPES :I. SEE Al..!.. OTHER NOTES ON Al..!.. OTHER 1"tA1..1.. 1YPE SHEETS. ' Ill LEGOLAND GARL.38At:» SCALE, NOT TO SCALE 'ii STUDI05 II Hellmuth Obata+ Kauabaum, Inc. luued: 09-08-97 Detail Number 304 .ID: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. .. 4" METAL STUDS @ 16" o.C. U.O.N. 5/8" GYP, 6D. -----CoNC.~AL~ . .. • 11><-;;...;it-t~ BATT INSULATION I_ CERAMIC. TILE I INHERE OC.C.URS d IN --- TYPE Y'-1016 --mr:rr-.t----r!IT""""-'lr--n:1!1"""":'__ 6" MET AL S:n.JDS @ :24" O.C.. U.O.N. (SIZE 4 6AU6E TO BE DETERMINED BY PARTITION HT.) 2 LAYERS 5/8" TYPE 'X' 6YP. 6D. TffiR~~-<~fill~ EAC.H SIDE 111 CERAMIC.'TILE ~HERE OCCURS IIV--:~:::,llfiA-r-FIBERGLAS NOISE BARRIER. BATTS. STUD DEPTH. .. 4" METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C.. U.O.N. .. rr----n.1:1.-5/8" ~.R. GYP. 6D . -+--'----!1----IHI--CONC.~ALL . .. .. ' -----t1,--:::-tt11---PLUMBING SPAC.E Fl6ER.6LAS NOISE BARRIER BATTS. 1r----iH1--STUD DEPTH. CERAMIC. TILE IN l , 8." l 1 1 TYPE V'-!011 6" METAL STUDS @16" O.C.. U.O.N. . :2 LAYERS 5/8" TYPE 'X' 6YP. 6D. EAC.H SIDE n.ll)~~ff#--Fl6E;R6LAS NOISE BARRIER 6A TTS. STUD DEPTH. IN IN , IN IN __ ........ __ _ l I '-:2 I/~" l ""'"1"""---------,*'" -ACOUSTIC.AL SEAL -CONTINUOUS MET AL RUNNER. TOP 4 BOTTOM -CONTINUOUS ACOUSTICAL SEALANT 60TH SIDES (FIN. FLUSH W PATITION) TOP 4 BOTTOM l e 1/:2" l 1 . . 1 -ACOUSTICAL SEAL ,__,,_-· TYPE Y'-1018 TYPE . Ill LEGOLAND C.ARL-'BAP WALL TYPES ICALL NOT TO ICALE ~ STUDIO§ II. Hellmuth Obata+ . Kassabaum, Inc. :2. lr.2" PL. '1"l'IOOD O SHEAR )l'(Al.L. PANNEL.S (SEE STRUCTIIRAL) S. SEE ALL. OTHER NOTES ON ALL. OTHER )l'(Al.l. T'T'PE SHEETS. ID: p 305 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1" 6" METAL STUDS @If:>" O.C,. U.O.N. TYPE V't020 ,.:: · f:>" METAL STUDS 1· · @lb" O.C,. U.0.N. /-:)· .2 LAYERS 5/8" i.·:· · TYPE 'X' 6YP. SD. (.H· ,,.--.....,._-+++1--FIBERGLAS NOISE (.~. ·BARRIER SATT6. .t STUD DEPTH h>· . I-> 1/2" GYP. SHEATHING ~? 1/8" C,EMENT \: PLASTER OUT t~:: IN l. 1 TYPE 8 9/4" l I .:. AC,OUSTIC,AL SEAL -CONTINUOUS MET AL V't022 RUNNER. TOP4 BOTTOM ----~-,----C,ONTINUOUS ACOUSTICAL SEALANT BOTH SIDES (FIN. FLUSH W PATITION) TOP 4 BOTTOM OUT IN WALL TYPES , ., LE-GOLAND ·acALL.NOT. TO •c~ ~ STUDI05 5/8" GYP. SD. 1/8" HAT CHANNEL 8" CMU METAL LATH 1/8" CEMENT PLASTER IN TYPE V"t021 1/8" HAT CHANNEL 8" CMU TYPE V"t02:3 NOTE·, I. 6RID AT PERIMETER l'v\U.S ARE AT ct, OF STUD U.N.O. Rmslons :2. 1/:2" PL "l"t-'IOOD • SHEAR l'iALL PANNl:LS (SEE STRUGTIJRALJ 9 .. INTERIOR PARTITIONS, MIN. STUD . SIZE 4" -1e, ga.(\J.O.N). 4. ·FOR 'EXTERIOR l"IALL STUD SIZES SEE STRUCTURAL D~S. 5. USE J/11.R. 6"1"PSUM SOARD AT EXTERIOR. JIIIALLS, TILE SURFACE , Jl'lHl:RE Sl/6.JEC,T TO MOISTURE. 6. INTERIOR. PARTITIONS BOTH SIDES 6" MIN. A60VE C.EILIN6 (\J.O.N). Cluswr: . Component: p ID: GARL~BA'D II Hellmuth Obata+ · KaHabaum, 'Inc. ~: 09-0S-97 Deall Number 306 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I =:: ..:::;; .... ___ __ . I g.~~ CJi:ME.Nj ~~rerz. Joi~ CO~OITIO~ <e> f:.}Cf~O"-. p~,~ · m1 LEGOLAND CARL.38AP ~ STUDIOE II Hellmuth Obata+ · Kaaiabaum, Inc. · Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: p - - lnued: De«all Number '507 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUT OUT l VARIES 1 1 6" METAL STUDS @16" O.C. U.0.N. TYPE JA!024 METAL STUDS r-:'.: y::: (]· ... ---t11-~--1/2" PLY~OOD (· .,-:: .;') J\ :;{ 1/t:;" CEMENT PLASTER l:/; /r ~-.:.~·:!!t"---111M-.:1_ 2" THEMED (\ ) CEMENT. PLASTER t..,_.? :\ OUT TYPE .Yi026 IN IN WALL TYPES ·. Ill LEGOLAND ICALE, NOT TO SCAµ: . ~ STUOI05 6" METAL STUDS @16" O;C,. U.O.N. OUT -------·-l q 1/l:;" 1 l 1 iYPE . V'{O 25 l 1 TYPE II" l 1 ~021 E," ~ETAL STUDS. @16 O.C. U.O.N. NOT?: : I. ISRID AT PERIME:Tl:R ~S ARe AT t OF S1lJD U.N.O. :;!'. 1/2" PL 'l"l"lOOD o SHEAR ~ PANNf;LS (SE:!: STRJJG T1.IRAI:.) S. INT?:RIOR PARTITIONS, MIN. S1lJD SIZE 4" -le 90.(U.O,NJ. 4. FOR EXTERIOR Y'IALL S1lJD SIZES SEE STRUCTURAL Dl",GS, 5. USE Jl'I.R. IS'l"PSUM BOARD AT EXTERIOR AAL.L.S, TILE SURFACE , Jl',Hl:Rf: SUBJECT TO MOISTURE. 6. INT!:RIOR -PARTITIONS 60TI-I SIDES 6" MIN. i>scNE CEIL.ING (U.O.NJ. Cluster: Component: p ID: GARL..3BAP II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. luued: 09..()8..97 o-llNumbar 308 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IN t .. '· ,··. f: (-.:-:· 6 11 METAL STUDS @16" O.C.. U.O.N. (/:.,_-..... )· ·:·_·n----t-t---1/2" PL Yll'IOOD Y{ l-.:.-.:; 5/8" GYP. SD. \.;.:-.'+---+-t----2" THEMED 1.-,\ CEMENT PLASTER t~ .:\.,._ __ ,u IN l q 1/8" l f 1 TYPE V'i028 IN WALL TYPE.'S •• LEGOL:Jo SCALE, NOT TO SC~ 'ii STUDIO!{ 6" METAL STUDS ~16" O.C. U.0.N. 1/2" PL Yll'IOOD .}} i-----11i;-; ....... ...,A--, -.5/8" 11'1.R. GYP. SD. .:,• tH---'----,.-wt-.~.0-.-t_ -CERAMIC TILE .. ;·./ . ~-\ ·.=~211 THEMED e; CEMENT PLASTER i,,.__""'u;~~-\ IN= ·.: .. l q 1/8" l 1 1 TYPE. V'-i02'1 NOTE , I. cSoRID AT PE:RIMETI:R l'iALl..S ARE . AT ~ OF STUD 0.N.O. 2. 1/2" PL "!'~OD • SHEAR ~ PANNJ;LS (SEE STRUC.'T1.JRAL) 9. INTERIOR PARTITIONS, MIN. STUD SIZE 4" • le 90.(l.J.O.NJ. -4. FOR exTERIOR ~ STUD SIZES see STRUc.11.JRAL Dl'iSS. 5. USE l'i.R. cSo'fPSUM BOARD AT EXTERIOR ~S. TILE SURFACE , Jl'IHERE SUSJECT TO MOISTURE. 6. INTERIOR PARTITIONS 60TH SIDES 6" MIN. ABOVE C.EILINcSo {l.J.O.NJ. Cluster: Component: p ID: C.ARL-'BAP II Hellmuth Obata+ KaHabaum, Inc. Issued: 09-08-97 Detail Number 309 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IN 4" METAL STUDS (6"@ SEARIN6 vtALL, @ 16" o.c. u.o.N: 6" MET AL S i1JDS @ 24" O.C. U.O.N. (SIZE 4 6AUGE TO SE DETERMINED 6Y PARTITION HT.) 5/~" Y'l.R. 6YP. 6D. BATT INSULATION H---~-i-"-!*4-"-!~----+;.i:-i'--5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. 6D. -.,.._-"'-!-.-B/8" FRP Y'l/ 1/2" GYP. SHE:ATHING j' 1/8" C.EMENT PLASTER \1111\.~:;._.,+tl '.c--i/,-, FIBERGLAS NOISE 1/4" SHIM SONDIN6 LAMINATED TO STUD Y'IALL 'II / BARRIER BATTS. IN ,~--~-1,_....;.il .\ ~;-, DEPTH. --It.::.~ l _ 1·-2" I ...,,,,.--'-------~f -ACOUSTICAL SEAL TYPE V'I0:32 TYPE 6" METAL STUDS @ 24" O.C. U.O.N. ~J25E~6t~t~otiy ·: PARTITION HT J . . ~ 1/2" 6YP. SHEATHING ~ 1/8" C.EMENT PLASTER i.w:;....;:::::__~-,;::;.~Uc-:.i._-5/8" TYPE 'X' GYP. SD. 1/2" PL YJ/11000 11',...,,...-::::~fi-r-FIBERGLAS NOISE BARRIE_R :e,A TTS. STUD DEPTH. OUT l 1·-2 112" I - ~,;,..------"'""-,~~ · AC.QUSTIC.AL SEAL -C.ONTINUOUS MET AL RUNNER. TOP 4 BOTTOM TYPE V'I034 -CONTINUOUS ACOUSTIC.AL SEALANT BOTH SIDES. (FIN. FLUSH JIii/ PATITION) TOP 4 BOTTOM IN WALL TYPES SCALE, NOT TO SCALE V'{033 _ 8" -CONTINUOUS METAL RUNNER. TOP 4 BOTTOM -CONTINUOUS AC.OUSTIC.AL SEALANT BOTH SIDES (FIN. FLUSH JIii/ PATITION) TOP 4 BOTTOM 6" METAL STUDS @24" O.C.. U.O.N. 1/2" GYP. SHEATHIG 1/8" GYP. SD. TYPE V'I035 .:2. 1/.:2" PL '!'~OD CP SHEAR l'IALL PANNELS (SEE STRUCTIJRAL) ~. INTERIOR PARTITIONS, MIN. STIJD SIZE 4" -1e, ga.N.O.N.) • .1. FOR EXTERIOR l'IALL Si1JD SIZ:=S SE:= STR.UCTIJRAL D~S. 5. US:= l'i.R. G'l'PSUM 60ARO AT EXTl:RIOR l'IALLS. TILE SURFACE ' l"IHERE sue...:ECT TO MOISTIJR=. 6. INTERIOR PARTITIONS 60TH SIDES 6" MiN. AeOVE CEILING (U.O.NJ. Cluster: Component: ID: LEGOLA'1D ~ sruo1og LI Hellmuth -Obata + Kassaba~, Inc. Revisions p 309a CARL~BAP Issued: 09-08-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I .I I I I I I I I I I I I IN ''· 4" METAL 5TUD5 @ 16" o.c. U.O.N. 5/e" GYP. 6D. 1/.2" FLYl"IQOD IN l 6 114" l r 1 TYPE V'-1030 · 4" METAL 5TUD5 @ 16" O.C,. U.O.N. 5/8" GYP. 6D. 1/.2" F'L Yl"\000 ·, . i,:,' }: c:· j:-mir,.,.. ...... ..a 1'. }·, I (: ): (,,· i· 1·. 1-:---~ 6 11 METAL 5TUD5 @ 16" O.C. U.O.N. 5/8" G'r-;F. 6D. 1/2" FL Yv'iOOD (-"""-' ---+-·71e" CEMENT PLASTER ,, OUT (,m......,-..1,1 ,. IN IN l e 112" l 7 1 TYPE V'-1031 l _e 1/4" l 1 l 6 11 METAL 5TUD5 @ 16" O.C,. U.O.N. 5/8" GYP. 6D. IN TYPE V'-103'1 NOTE, I. cSRID AT PERIMETER l"IALLS ARE AT~ OF Sn.ID U.N.O. WALL TYPES :2. 1/:2' PLYY'IOOD o SHEAR 1-'tALL PANELS (SEE STRUGTURALJ S. SEE ALL OTHER NOTES ON ALL OTHER. 1-'tALL TYPE SI-EETS. LEGOLAID GARL~BAP SCALE, HOT TO SCALE ~ srmo 5 . Revisions II. Hellmuth Obata+ . . Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 09~08-97 Cluster: Component: ID: p Det:all Number 309b I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i. 6" METAL 5TUD5 @ 16" O.C. U.O.N. 5/8" GYP. BD. u----H!-,-1/.2" F'L YY'IOOD . I . . ·,-CERAMIC. TILE . Y'lHERE OCCURS IN _t~,1' ..__---11 IN l , 9/4" l 1 · · 1 TYPE V'!040 . IN·. . y-6" METAL ~TUD5 /. I @ 16" o.c.. U.O.N. '( 5/e/' Y'lR. GYF'. BD. 1..---+-t,J 1-w---+11--1/.2" CEMENT F'LA5TER ----¾-·I'-' -DECORATIVE : I tlOOD MEMBERS j--C.ERAMI_C. TILE IN l 19/4" l 1 1 TYPE IAI042 [I·. !I 4" METAL 5TUD5 @ 16" O.C. U.O.N. 5/8" GYP. 6D. 1/2" PL YY.-1000 TYPE IAI041 l C;· 9/4" l 1 7 6 11 METAL 5TUD5 @ 16" O.C. U;O.N. 5/8" Y'lR. GYP. 6D. TYPE V'!043 WALL TYPES :?. 1/::2" PL Y~OD o!t SHEAR Y'IALL PANELS (SEE STR!JCil.JAAL) S. SEE ALL OTHER NOT:5 CN ALL OTHER Jl'!ALL T'r'PE SHEETS. SCALE, NOT TO S_CALE . ~ STUDIO§ Revisions Cluster: Component: p 10: rll LEGOLAND CARL-'BAD II Hellmuth Obata + . Kassabaum, Inc. Issued; 09_03-,97 · Detail Number 309c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I IN ,• .:. ~:-. ··,·· v--6" METAL STUDS / @ 16" O.C. U.O.N. :____5/e," GYP. BD. :.:--:-;r1---_....u---5/8" r"lR. GYP. BD. .:·-:· 2 11 THEMED l _ '1 1/4" l 1 1 CEMENT PLASTER. IN TYPE V'!044 -:}:~ :~:::~ !ftti:,'· __. ........ 111 };i' tt·fill-----+~P IN iu, __ __.;m f I TYPE -V'!046 6'' METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C. U.O.N. 1/2" PL Yr"lOOD SCENIC TREATMENT -(OFOI) IN IN ... ... ·:;: \7. ?-~!' 11--'-...II ·.f;-- 6" METAL STUDS @ 16" O.C. U.0.N. 5/8" Y'IR. GYP. BD. .:.-·.:,· ·, Ii! . 2" THEMED CEMENT PLASTER. IN l 111/4" 1 1 TYPE V'!045 v-6" METAL STUDS /:. I @ 16" o.c.. U.O.N. '( 5/8" Y'!R. GYP. BD. J-i----1-,l,.J 1-+1-----'-+11--1/2" CEMENT PLASTER i-.-H----+f'----DEC.ORA TIVE v-1000 MEM6ERS IN l 1 TYPE V'!041 NOTE: I. c:SRID AT PERIMETER Y'lAL!..S ARE AT<&_ OF STUD U.N.O. WALL TYPES :2. 1/:2" PL Yl'lOOD s SHEAR l"¼LL PANELS (SEE STRUC'T1.'RALJ S. SEE ALL OTHER NOTES ON ALL OTHER ¥-!ALL TYPE SHEETS. El LEGOLAND C.ARL~BAD SCALE, NOT TO· SCALE ti STUOIOE Hellmuth Obata + .Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Issued:_ 09-08-97 c;:tuste~ Component ID: p Det:all Number 309d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUT '::·:} i------'---4'-'.:...i--PAINT EXPOSED FACE OF CMU 8" C.M.U. Y'IALL :2" THEMED PLASTER .... , OUT -~·~:· l I l !O" 1 1 TYPE 11-i048 IN l1 r 5/8" GYP. 6D. (ll'I.R.. ll'IHERE: OCCURS) CERAMIC TILE (ll'IHERE: OCCURS) r-_,_.!.!-!ii---FIEIERGLAS NOISE 6ARRIER 6ATTS. STUD DEPTH, >-<J..a...J...-'--'-1,:11--JNSULATION BLANKET lN 10" Lj l'-0" i L TYPE 11-i04'1 NOT!: , I. cSRIO AT FeRIMETl:R Y<ALLS ARE AT~ OF STUO U.N.O. WALL TYPES :2. 1/:2' Pl..'1'~00 • SHEAR ViAU. f"ANE!..S (SEE STRIJCTURAW 9. see Al..!.. OTHER NOTES ON ALL OTHER Y<AL.!.. TYPE SHEETS. LEGOLA'1D GARL-'BAP SCALE, NOT TO SCALE ~ STUDIO§ II Hellmuth Obata+ , KaHabauin, Inc. Revisions Issued: lo · I · 1 Cluster: Component: 10: p Debil Number 309e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSIDE PARTITION• Jl'{IDTH INSULATION, Jl'{HERE QyGURS, ~-,-----5/811 TYPE 'X' ~YP. SD. EA. S!:DE ,--,------,.-EXTEND GYP BD INTO FRAME 5/811 MIN INSIDE ,___-,------HOLLOV'I MET AL FRAME '------DOOR H:OLLOW METAL DOOR FRAME @ HEAD SCALE, 3• • 1•-0• w~ Re-rillons Cluster: Component:: ID: ' . . a sr·uo1og p 00 00 LEGOLA D 11~~~1::th : c A R L _; s A t) · Kauabaum, Inc. r--~--::--:::.:::::1 Detail Number el 0 9 L------------'---....,..1------.,,.-------.,.._;;;;.;_..i...J~--------' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · OUTSIDE BATT INSULATION--...,......;------. 1J 1 MOULD --------. BACKER Rao---...,........, AND SEALANT DOOR -,-_ ------... JAMB ANCHOR SEA. SIDE· I EXTEND GYP.-·----- BD. INTO FRAME 5/811 MIN. 5/811 TYPE 'X'------__, GYP. BD. INSIDE z C) 1--I -I-I-D ll -<( ~ 0.. .,. EXT. -HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRAME @-JAMS. SCALE. 3• • 1'•0• , ff•>JI . · QI STUDI05 ~ LEG-OLAND · II ~:~1:.:th I L-_C._A_R_L"----'-B_A_'D_....,...._ __ K• __ n_ab_awn ___ ,_1n_c._:-1_•-=ied=: ~=;:_:1...__Detal_l N_um1oer ___ e,_1_, _ __. llewlllon1 Clu.c.r: Component: ID: p. 00 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUTSIDE PARTITION V'ilDTH ._-_ ~, H------;-ti,11::-I ~ .. .....,.._--EXT. GEMENT PLASTER "I I: __ FIN. EA. SIDE .----+ ...... ·=--·I .H----";_..,...--..-F---.---_ SHE:ET MET. FLASH I NG V'i/ DRIP EDGE -PAINT TO MATGH FRAME ----· MEf AL 5 TUDS OUTSIDE --------· HOLLOV'i METAL FRAME -----~-DOOR EXT. HOLLOW M·ETA·L DOOR FRAME @ HEAD SCALE. 3• • 1'·0· fz~'f ij ..,..._. Cluttar: Component: ID: ' • . la STUDIO _E . p 00 00 §i LEGOLA D 11:~~1::th '.Jo.I" ~ C, A R L -' B A D KaHlihaum, Inc. i....: Detail Numller ';,I 1:,# 9 L----------,-~----------------::...c:,_ ............ ______ ___, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUTSIDE 1J 1 MOULD --------, AND SEALANT EA. SIDE BACKER ROD-----'-, AND SEALANT EA. SIDE DOOR-- HOLLO~ MTL__/ . rRAME JAMB ANCHOR 9 EA. SIDE MET AL STUDS _____ __, I OUTSIDE z: 0 I-:c -l-it D <( s: Q_ EXT. HOLL.OW METAL. DOO·R FRAME @ JAMB SCALEa 3• ·, 1'•0' llmllont Clllltllr. Component: ID: ' ., a STUDIOE p · 00 00 LEGO LA D II Hellinuth ~ G A R L ~ B A I:> . . , ~:~.U:awn, Inc. r----...-:::-:-:::r--1 ~ I e ~ 1..----------------,---,.-'-:---,------...._1-_iec1:_.__._-=---Daal-l N_um_...,.--'-_;;;J_l _ ____, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1/2" · EXTERIOR CEMENT-~--__, PLASTER C.M.U. Y'!ALL---,.....,...----,.-~---. PER PLAN '.J' MOULD---,------.,--------. DOOR---.......,.._-- HOLLO~ MET AL FRAME SOLID NON SHRINK . GROUT BACKER ROD-- AND SEALANT MASONRY JAMB-__,, ANCHOR -:3 EACH SIDE OUTSIDE EXT. HOLLOW METAL DOOR FR.AME @ JA,~B ICALEa 3• i f-O• ~'----L_E_G_._O_L_A_·_~_D_~l_ffl_§_;~:_;_~-~~~~c~-;_~_~_00_:·,4 : G A R L -' B A t) · Kassabaum, Inc. t------'---::.~::<c:::I DMIIII NumlNr ~ ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !iii ~ .-------'------~ SHEET MET. FLASH I NG ~/ DRIP EDGE -PAINT TO MATCH FRAM1= ,,...,-...__,,..-,,-__,,,_ __ -'--1/2 11 EXTERIOR Cl.:MENT .PLASTER _ _, _____ C .M .U. ~ALL PER PLAN INSIDE BACKER ROD ANO SEALANT --50LID NON SHRINK 6,ROUT '--------HOLLOV'-! MET AL FRAME .______-----DOOR EXT. HOLL_OW METAL DOOR FRAME @ HEAD SCALE, 3• • 1'-0• '1 . a STUDIDE ......... Cluamr: ComponMt: ID: p 00 00 LEGOLA D· Ill Hellmuth Ohata·+ &15 C. A R L-'BAt:> · KaHabaum, Inc .• DetallNumlMr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OUTSIDE PARTITl·ON ~IDTH OGGURS -------------;i/811 TYPE 1X 1 GYP. BD. ..------t~~---=-----1-it-it-------SHEET MET. FLASHING ~/ DRIP EDGE -PAINT TO MATCH FRAMfl ,-.--EXTEND GYP BD / INTO FRAME 5/8" MIN ------METAL STUDS l·NSIDE -------------HOLLO~ METAL FRAME ------DOOR EXT. HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRAME @ HEAD SCALE. 3•· • 1'•0• · tiH ra sm1og · ~ Cw;~ ComOOc 00 ~ LEG-OLAND 11~:~1::th '!J.t~-; l--_c __ A_RL_..,_B_A_l:) ____ __.__ __ K_ .. _11;,,i,_._um_,_1n_c. _..:-,_-------._ -.-,-=-..... -.z.1;:.-'-4q-=:__o.cai_,_Nu_mw __ ~_\O ______ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5/811 TYPE 'X' -------.. GYP BD EXTEND GYP. BD. INTO----. FRAME 5/8" MIN. DOOR ANCHOR CLIPS 3 EACH SIDE HOLLO~ MET AL FRAME MET AL STUDS--~ IN.SIDE HOLLOW MET AL DOOR FRAME @ JAMB SCALE,. :r • 1'-o· , f t!•>II -la STU HOE Clustllr: Component: P. 00 ID: 00 LEGOLAND . 11· -~:!::th !ii G A R L ~ 8 A . t) Kauabaum, Inc. t-,_-_-. '--::;::-:-:--=-\. Detail NumlNr a 17 ~ L------------;....._---L--_-'--___ _...._ _ __._.:.L-1.~------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSIDE .. PARTITION • ~I.DTH V :, C ~ .. ~ -... ·.·. ~ .. ~ flll w .. ~ r'-~ .. ' ~ -"-- .. ., ~ I/ .) .. ~ II. .. ·. \ I NSIDE 5/811 TYPE 1X 1 GYP. BD. ~/ FIN. AS SGHEDULED PLY~OOD 6 11 METAL STUD SEGUR.ED TO S TR.UG TUR.E ABOVE TOP TR.AGK 2 1/211 METAL STUD GOR.NER. BEAD DOOR. AS SGHEDULED POCKET DOOR FRAME @ HEAD Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BA'D SC#,LE, 3• ·• ·r-o• . ~ STUDID5 ·11 Hellmqth . Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revlsl~s Cluster: Component: ID: p Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Number 317a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSIDE ~-PROVIDE RUBBER Jv!IN. AT OPEN POSITION PLYV"-400D 5/811 TYPE 'X' GYP. BD. V"-4/ FIN. EA. SIDE AS SCHEDULED BUMPER STOP--"------' 6 11 METAL STUD----'-------' BUMPER SILENCER METAL DOOR HANDLE DOOR AS SCHEDULED 2 1/2 11 METAL STUD . : . ~ . . INSIDE POCKET DOOR FRAME @ JAMB . . . JCA~ 3• • 1'•0" . z C) I-:r I-l-it D <( s: o_ Ill LEGOLAND -~ STUDI05 Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: GARL-'BA'D II Hellmuth Ohata+ Kassahaum,.Inc. · lslUtid: 10_17_97 p Detail Number 317b I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INSIDE PARTITION Y'!IDTH INSIDE ~...,.=~-+lf-u--,----5/811 TYPE 'X' GYP. BD. Y'l/ FIN. AS SCHEDULED ,._::::......,___.,l-,ll-lil--____c_---,--souND ATTENUATION 1~-=~--.:,,,...1H1-~--'-PLY~OOD ~--'--EXTEND GYP BD INTO FRAME 5/811 MIN. '-----'-~. METAL STUDS '------'------HOLLOY'l METAL FRAME ;___----,..---~-+---~--'-----"----· GRAPHICS BOARD '----~--DOOR HOLLOW MET AL DOOR FRAME @ HEAD (a STUDI05 Revisions Cluster: Component: p ID: '1 LEGOLA D Ill Hellmuth · . Obata+ 317c C. A R L -' BA 'D Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 1(!-i?-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLY~OOD SOUND 'INSIDE ATTENUATION GRAPHrGS. BOARD ALIGN i-2't- z () I-:r: DOOR I-I- it D <( :{: Q_ HOLLO~ MTL. FRAME JAMB ANGHOR 3 EA. SIDE EXTEND GYP. BD. INTO FRAME 5/8 11 MIN. 5/811 TYPE 1X 1 GYP. BD. ~/ FIN. EA. SIDI= AS SCHEDULED INSIDE HOL.LOW METAL DOOR FRAME @ JAMB Ill LEGOLAND CARL-'BAt> .SCALE, 3' • 1'·Q· . ~ s1uo1og Revisions · II Hellmuth . Obata+ . Kassabaum, Inc. · Issued:. 10_17_97 Cluster: Component: ID: p Detail Number 317d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + N PARTITION ~IDTH --,--------,.--~-5/8 11 TYPE 1X 1 GYP. BD. EA. SIDE J/'4/ FIN. AS SCHEDULED ~-------'·EXTEND GYP 6D INTO FR.AME 5/811 MIN -t--·'===========J ,..___-'--,--_METAL_ STUDS. INSIDE INSIDE '---~-HOLLO~ MET AL FRAME "'---'---DOOR HOLLow· METAL DOOR FRAME @ HEAD· ·m1 LEGOLAND C.ARL.3BAP 8CALEi 3'•1'•0' ta STUDI05 -11 Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: p lnuecl: )0-17-97 Detail Number 317e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5/811 TYPE 1X 1 ------- GYP. 50. J.Ai/ FIN. AS SCHEDULED EXTEND GYP. 50. INTO-"--__, FRAME $/811 MIN. DOOR ANCHOR CLI.PS 3 EACH SIDE HOLLOJ.Ai MET AL~· ~ FRAME MEi AL STUDS _____ ___, Ill LEGOLAND GARL.3BA'D . ~ SJUDIOE_ ·11 Hellmuth Obata+ . . Ka88abaum, In~, INSI.DE 'Revisions· Cluster: Component: ID: p Issued: 10-17-97 Detail Number 317f' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t---~·~eF"~ .:;.~1=1----t A---+t"+t ~~~ ~~ +!!-M --,-~--"'-----',C : . r~ ~alJ.bl..J -· ~ I I I · 1 I . I I I . , I '. . ' · Bl LE.GO LAND GARL.38At> .tS,,Lt.. i--1 61~ '1"'0 ee ~·t,l~P .f-'iMc..H At:>J~~H'T ~a.I f(F'AC.~ -~ ' -4) CluSC.r: Component: ID: p - . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ i . i . . ' -... . ,. -· ~t 0 :t~ IL . -· :·· .. ···"(--~ tL 0 ~ .. -'Ira ti @) J 6 ~ ~ \ll ~ i ·t tjuibl . ¾ ~ F-}: u:-. \-~ u.. . ::t '""3 ' ~ ll:..~ ~ -~ ., I I,. .,, • 1 ~f~~ ~ t .; -"1~ \) -~ IQ \l. ~-~-~ • .3 -z. ~ . i. . ~ ~ \$ ~ t ~ \; . .l~ l"' -l -~ -,l!'~l>I -~ ts ,( j J !~~ J .~ ~ -:Zd.) . ti.. ',S' ~ ) :c ..-. ~ I :~~~::""1"·-::.,.,.· ._.-:-,. _.,,..,._.,_ ·.7-:· -.~.:· ~-:-..:·'=""'·:-:-=",-r-=;,::_~>--;c=. ·-·.=·--,.~~.· -~-. ~ ....... 1\1!!!:._--~:-'!!!!!!::::;--r~ •• ~-, -~- ' • I Revblon1 Clurter: Component: ID: I ijl STUDIO§ p --LEGOLA D 1111 Hellmuth . Obata + ~INumbw 819 C A R L -' B A 'P Ka11abaum, Inc. luued: •' .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C> u M .1:::i'A l-f'l,-C,,H~ _,,.__ ~><17 ~El'1. l'"'I.Ac:':1{':' f2.£::C:::.L.-e.14 I ~11:711-F~ 4•l .c::-4{-r--~ -------==ffi, . ½,.Jii..c,,,J.a r-:-~1/J -1 It·· ri ~ \l HE:.-,;&.1,., yt,,6.c,l!~ ' ~ =; II ~ MSM~ ' ; I : Exr . .c-EM. 1"1.-JA~ -1::*f" A I J.-II f2 LEGOL:JD C.ARL~BA'D ·f: ... I ....... ...... . I • ' ', l--I . . ' I '1-.•• • I I .... . . I I ·1 . I •• '· I. ~ STUDI05 II Hellmuth Obata+ . Kauabaum, Inc. Issued: ons is"-twr:, ~i. Ca-t. f'V6~ 1211 F~ L<:we::.f pei1Jr M uJ. 1"'Y'f'lc-~1.,. .. C_luster: Component: ID: .P .. - Detail Humber 620 I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I PRECAST---... CONG.CAP (4 1-0 11 LONG) I .5'1X3.5 11 CONT. BLOCK-OUT 1/411 NOTE: BLOCK-OUT AT END PIECE TO END 2 11 FROM EDGE. PRECAST CON-C. CAP ICALL NOT TO !SCALE N : . hkd . -SlUDIDs Cunar: Componenc: ID: ~ LEGOLAND 11~:~:th P 00 00 D..i!Numa-321 l C. A R L -' B A t) . Ka11ahaum, Ioc. IIMCI: 7~21"."97 "L.....-------'-------"-----"-----'-----'-------------' - - - -·-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ('\ .... l>ffl ,a(i) r-0 \.e .... :ll \1C fjfi ~o= ~ g:1:rt1 c:: . ! Ir ;; t-+ i:: 1m l Er r Fire Sto~ S~stem Quick Ref ere nee Guide Penetrating Item (Diameter) ·-.... Steel or Iron Pipe, Up to 4" 31s. I R'p ; I t· ~ C I ·; Ill ;; fl Tubing or Steel Conduit. Up to 4" PIIII, 111!1 •. Ii ,1,1 I lllp I 1111 Ccipp/!r TulJi_ng Up to Y." PVC Pipe Up to 4" 111.ibSO,,l!'!J'Pf GI 11111;111 Air Duct, 24·ga. Sheet Metal, 3"x10" ...... Type of Wall or Floor GW 111 GW Ill GW GW -GW Flrestopplng Material (Min. Depth) ½" I .½. I ½" I ½" ½" 11 ½" Min. Max. Forming Annular Annular F T UL System Material Space Space Rating Rating Number ---· 2½", 3.5 pcf ¼" 1¼" 1 .o WL·1039 fil . I . a ::IL 111P ¼" 1¼" 1 0·1 Wl·1039 --·------· 2½", 3.5 pcf w 1~· 1 0 WL·1039 I , l!I.!! ~1!111 " II I Iii 1111 li&tl 2W', 3:5.pcf ¼" , 1'Ka" 1 0. Wl·1039 2W,3.5 pcl y,.-1¼." 1 1 WL~2036 11,111111 ii I a 22 I. klbbf .. 2W,3.5 .i>.cl ¼a" 1· 1 0 WL·7001 !~1· Cables· GW ½" 2½\3:Spd ½" 3~· 0-:1 WL·3034 (CF-Concrete Floor, CW-CbncreteWali, FSD·Fluted Steel Deck, GW·Gypsurn Wall) ·(1) Pipe covering material. ~ I f OI l\\ °' 0 ;1l· 7'#8 A/30VG ~/!i7'BD ;::112e STO? SYSrel'4.5 1!I! e,y L/N/TeO STHTB5 \) i \· 6Y/='SL..ll1 Q::J,MF'ANy•, ;E?.Ere/Z. TO oe=rAIL-~M?eJ. TH/S DBTAIL /.5 ,.co,e_ U.L. :t 5YSTer1 #L-/03? ON~T. ;e&FelZ ro TH& M/INL/FPCTll,IZG'/2.5 Ve'TA/t-'!:> ~ ~ ~INST/2~T/ONS r=;:,,e .4a-orh'c?R LI.L · SY5TE'M :#"s. 7NS7/II.L/IT/ON $/I/_.{_ :1 1./J~f~·-·c_o~ HANaFAcrdfi!c:/2.S l2Bc;,t.//2eHBN75. I llil/f ~'C° ~\ ~ f :Jr: p ,~~\$ :~ () Ci:'!!. 1 \\i\ i lilf 570? AT /·l-i WALL ?i. ., ,~ -~ ~~;· ....... ~J~·~,:W eMBE. we ?eNBT~ATJONS .!.~~~;.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wall Assembly-U.L. System WL-1039· (formerly System 605) F Rating-1-Hr. T Rating-lJ & 1 ·Hr. (see item 2 below} Section A-A 1. Wall Assembly-Any 1-hr. fire-resistant gypsum panel wall assembly. Joints finished with SHEETROCK Joint Tape and Compound; ,fasteners finished with SHEETROCK Joint Compound. 2. Metallic Pipe-Any of following may be used: • Nominal 4" diameter (Qr smaller) Schedule 10 (Or'heavier) steel pipe. A min. 1/~" to max. 11/t annular space between pipe and periphery of opening is · required-0-hr. T Rating. • Nominal 4" diameter (Qr smaller) cast or ductile iron pipe:A min. 1/t to max. 1 ¼" annular space between pipe and periphery of opening is required-- 0-hr. T Rating. • Nominal 4" diameter (or smaller) electrical metallic tubing or steel conduit A min. ¼" to max. 11/." annular space between pipe and periphery of opening is required. A½" diameter (or smaller) electrical metallic tubing or steel conduit has 1-tir. T Rating; larger than 1/z" diameter has 0-hr; T Rating. •Nominal,,~,, diameter (or smaller) Type L (or heavier) copper tubing. A min. 'I/' to max. 1 '¾l' annular space between pipe and periphery of opening is required-0-hr. T Rating. • Nominal 4" diameter (or smaller) Type .L (or heavier) copper pipe. A min. 31.'' to max. 11//' annular space between pipe and periphery of opening is required-0-hr: T Rating. · 3. Forming Material-Min. 2½" ofTHERMAFiBER Sating Insulation with min. density of 3.5 pcf~U:L. R-10905. label. 4. Fifi, Void or Cavity Material-Min. ½" depth of FIRECOOE Compound installed on each side of the wall. • Refer to the UL Fire Resistance Oirectoryfor Through-Penetration Firestop Systems or contact U.S. Gypsum Company for complete information. _fil<.t 510? DeTAIL- ' Ill LEGOLAN:D GAR L-3 BAD ra STUDIO§ . II. He~uth . Obata+ . Ka11ahaum, Inc. l.ued: DJ· • 01 Cluster: Component: ID: p -- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I £V9'-,yr>e'x" --- 6Yr: e,o (Al.t-~oes t:>r' q::,ew1N6,,) ' . -5/~ ,, rr,:,e "x "-======n 6,Yr.' 6D. cA· S/De-Or Me-7.' sru~(t-Htz. w4U.) ' ••~--/'16tr! ,PANBl 7Yr=ts= ,111){6 -R'lk.t. TO C::dNF'O~ 'TO tt,)'p::,uM /l~SCIC. Fl£.e:-Fwp 1-s10 (l·H/Z RATED) ~eCe:5:5eD r/ffLl~e AT I-II~ No SC4t-e , Ill LEGOLAND GAR L..)BA:D til STUDI05 -w Hellmuth Obata+ -Ka,.ahaum, ·Joe. Revl&I0111 Custar. Component: ID: p -• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I'' ~vfµ,.L., F.U.,t~1'-~.::. ---------+- 1-~ 1"'4.:!>TJ. 'fix!!:D r~T•~ J.A>-1. ---fa.t-l ~L-• ~Ffll,~-t P.t...u1 bt-1 ""-W-~ca~ ti --------, I I "!... r-----· 1·---. --- < . . \ I ' J :\, t' . .-:: ,._.,, /•4}, '---1'ao .,..::::. __ .., -..,_ -t-- Li-rl I I I I I I f I \ I ---~ :; -----t -F,e~r;u! f'"l.).·c;ric. -.... • +-+--+---lo ~l~~-r.t>M-' I I I I I I· ~At.1-~~-! . I. ore~ ~s,:;.; ~1-ilHt:>~ l =-= ..=..::-=--:.: a~-r~~--1---i!----t ~e_ . Bl LEGOLAND C.ARL~BAD I l I I I ---.--= -z'-t:." -~ morog II Hellmuth Obata+ . Ka11abaum, Inc. . 1•-::z)'. Revisions luued: =-s1 -::,! .. _ :-] 7--------· . I I I = I ""1 I .\1 I -1 . I ! I I ~==--sl ~ Cluster: Component: p • DeoJI Number ~4 7 ID: - I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I F1-w:io rv.c;i,G ~Ml t-l~ ~1::1------..-----'"'I' ¼--IP'T"~: P.&.-L ~t-f J( Fl,Uf"ie,f,-!4---1----. IH&Ll.Jcm-1'1 ~r 1 ... L~ -teo ~Cr ~t::' e-e1-t1t•l,t, f'l..64TT~ ~ ~BF- -· ~ ~ I -- a N -· ~~ t='t.Mn~---~• L.,t.1'11~~ r-"t-li!L Z,c<r f~hl it-14 -----+Hr-+- ., · ~ec . F .. ~ ca.JtJTe.:"-- ' Ill LEGOLAND -~ .STUDIO§ Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: C.ARL~BAP II Hellmuth Obata+ Ka11abaum, Inc. p . - Dtitall Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~L-1-t==11-l1~'4a.."'>j"o C.ON'fJ~Uli -e,el-41t-\1::> =uv ~· r.~. Te>f"" ~/ . .:::;c.~11":>E To ~L-1...~ l e,LJ.1.-Lrl ~ \ _._ \ \ \ \ \ \ \I\ ,(/ \\\ \\ \ \\,\ \\\ I ~ \\\ \\' 1\ I:;::[:::: _., ~~~ >< I -"' ~ I ~~~ r,.. I-~ ;., " . . I -1,. ,, mu!ZH .6-1..L f.1.>M "' c4 1• ~~ I "!.. ':J I . . " F1t·l1-?H~ Qt-j .AJ..L .J I 11. :-.. ~><f~.t:> ~ ~~~t> ., ~ I -~ ~ .... et:>,::ua~ § :-...,1.1 I " \"" I ~ 1----' •r-, !::r-. I ~·· r"'L:..,......,...,t? -~~ :!Ii I'-. ~ '='.12'7 pis /4 ~ui.~L,k~e~ r-r-'-j:Z Ji: ~u I (Cl! t? 10 fL-~H ~l'Lk-1' P.1...6-M. . Ill i:-, 14, ~I-{, ,--(r!a~ ~r-. r-.. ·~u-r ~ l"'".A!·+i-i.-c:;, A, AL-L-~Ja~L"?. -~ ~ r,.,r--,. .. _, rl ~~ -· ~~ 1 " He,&-vy t,t.)1 ~ HY!A-1 .;.~ = :t.!~ ~ ------== -?H.&.F-fl.LI.::: fA~!Sf t ~ 1L.......;.; ~,.s.~1-E ~t-1 ~L.. ~ ~.[II~ y ' F0 ~ h,-t.U-11:51~&; I ~JS.~ :. . N. / _, "' . .. ., .::,-f'EHt~'i I~ &;_LI Bf~; .... = ., :r ~--~ . t1 ~-" ~· LF "' ~pl,.. CPI-I --114.Jc Ll '? • I -~ ':-.:... "?Lirf!:'F-f ,&: ~lf''7 I" ~ r~ .. "Z-~ ~At11'44 AT .:;~r~ \. . I , A'? f2eQL11jC?!D fz::>F "?IHI-' . -:::!', ~ii~I ~c::jf;<; ~ -i-,e:, 11,.C.lti"tiAII.\ ·--~ • : I'-_ c.~ .Aecl-<:.,tj, AT" ~~i.1.e : r-~~~ . ~/l)ISTO·~ : , :: >< ,-t .. -;ii,iST'iii~-~o ; ~ o ... -~,.,.,, ~--.o· ·:· . ~ "'i; t///. ,o· .. -3' .. \ ., ~--~ .. ' •• 1 • ' ; ,!;!"---,--·~, -· , ..:. C 18159 : .,r ~ :ofl i De.TAIL ~ F. ·L.Atv1 cOJ~eR.. i~t.,,,,,.. fr# v · · ~o·········'f-o~ . 'P CA\J -., llevlslon1 C_luster: Component: ID: ~ STUDID5 p --LEGOLA :D .Hellmuth Obata+ ~44 G A R L .., B A t:> Ka11abaum, Inc. luued: 7 •2 /-'f7 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - URINAL -+-so·~ ~I r- HANDICAPPED URINAL 14 11 MIN. r- LAVATORY NON-HANDICAPPED URINAL TOILET 4 FLUSH Y AL YE (ON V'{IDE SIDE) ,, @-- NON-HANDICAPPED. TOILET 4 FLUSH VALVE @ x <( L TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES Ill LEGOLAND GARL..)BAP SCALE, HTS 111! STUDI05 II. Hellmuth . Obata+ . Kaaaaba~, Inc. 1-1111-.-1:-.-'-1-0 _.,...17 ___ /:!_7 -I ClllltlN': Component:: P 000 o.aJINumbw 350 ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MIRRr l'IITH SHELF (BXXX) ~o ~ _, en SOAP (BY VENDOR) C) ~- CiJ TOY'€L DISPENSER (BY VENDOR) TOILET PAPER DISPENSER, SEAT C,OVER DISPENSER, (SANITARY NAPKIN DISPOSAL- ~OMEN'S ONLY) D (BXXX 4 BXXX RECESSED) (SXXX 4 BXXX PARTITION MOUNTED) C,OUNTER-MOUNTED SOAP DISPENSER (BXXX) HOOK (PETER PEPPER) TOILET ROO-M ACCESSORIES ICALE. NTI -, .. ....,.._ Clustiar: Component: 'fJ ~ HUDID§ p 000 LEGOLA D ··Hellmuth Obata+ 351 GARL~BAP Ku1ahaum, Inc. t.-d:I0·/1-q7 DeallNumber ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l 1 12". HC(M) MEN 12 11 (DIA) HC(U) FAMILY 12 11 (DIA) • t = ~ l 1 HC(Y'l) Y'lOMEN SIGNAGI: ICALL NTI ' Rmllona Clllltlr: Component: :J ra STUDI05 p 000 LEGOL D Ill Hellmuth . Obata+ 352 GARL-'BAP · K.u1ahaum.,.Inc. 1auec1: lo· fl· '17 Deal!Number ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BRAILLE SIGN-~~ TYP. C) ,_I lf) BRAILLE SIGN ---+--1-1+-- TYP. C) I lf) Sl'5,N LOCATION HC(M) Sl'5,N LOCATION HC(~) () _I . 1A SIGN ~OCATI-ON HC(FAMlLY) SIGNAGE ., . Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAP SCALE, NTI ~ STUDIOg II Hellmuth Obata+ . Ka11abaum, hie. 1auect: to ·. 11 · '17 Chntar: Component: ID: P 000 00 Demll Number 353· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3€r" eR.AS SAR. (BXXX) EMERGENC, Y C,ALL BUTTON 48" GRAS BAR (BXXX) rBABYSEAT ~BABY SHELF 16" TOILET ROOM ACCESSOR-IES Bl LEGOLAND GARL-'BAP iCALE, NTI ~ STUDI05 II Hellmuth Obata+ . Ka1aabaum; Inc. Ckitc:er. Component: ID: P 000 00 lauecl: /O•ii· 1 354 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --------...... - Ill LEGOLAND GARL--'BAP - DISPLAY CONDITIONS ~. l ./ J .-)-I " 1-~ \: ·1 I\ \ 11 ' I \ ""',.... r " " " ~--~ ' ~.,. ./ ),...._ ./ PROPORTIONS SIGNAGI; ICALEa Ntl ~ STUDIO§ II Hellmuth Obata+ . Ka11ablium, Inc. 1.-d: JD • /1 ·'fl - Cluster: Comf'Ol*'C ID: P 000 00 o.t.11 Number 355 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Locate grab bars on each side, or one side and the back, of the water closet, 33 inches above and parallel to the floor. Graf:) bars at the side are to be at least 42 inches long with the front end positioned 24 inches in front of the water. closet. Grab bars at the back con not be less thah 36 inches long. The ~iameter or width of the grippi'ng surface is . reqwred to be 1 1 / 4 to 1 1 /2 mches, or the shape ,s to provide an equivalent gripping surface. If grao bars are mounted adjacent to wall, the space between the wall and the· grab bars is to be 1 1 /2 inches. Grob bars shall not rotate. - Grab bars and any surface adjacent to th~m can not have any sharp or abrasive elements. Edges are to have a minimum radius of 1 /8 inch. I 1/411 -I 1/2 11 2411 ~ en =' ('{) (t) GRAB BARS ICAL.Ea NTI :J -STUDI05 ·Rrtlllont Clllltar: Compor*lt: p 000 LEGOL D .• Hellmuth Obata+ 356 C.ARL-'BAt> Kuaabaum, Inc. _ Ii-ct {D • /1 ·'11 Detail Number ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ANIT ARY NAPKIN/ TOILET SEAT TOILET TISSUE TAMPON VENDOR COVER DISPENSER DISPENSER I-B C, C, _J . . IJ) 0 z .U) = a ~ d:) ~ \) N C) .I- NON HANDIC.APPt:D HANDICAPPED HAND DRYER (AIR) HAND DRYER (A_IR) Ill LEGOLAND C.ARL~BA'D SCAL,Ei !lfT8 ~ STUDI05 II Hellmuth Obata+ . Kassabaum, Inc. Revblon1 lnued: 16. 11 ·ll1 8 ELECTRIC.AL CONTROLS X <( L Clultar: Component: ID: P 000 00 ~INumbw 357 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ' I' ' ~ ,I\, X X ::c I-<( ~ <( g X X Ill z w ~ s ~ 0 iii ~ ~ U) ·' '· . ,. I' TELEPHONE E·LEV A TlONS .CALL NTI BUBBLER ICALLNTI ' . ~ c;lustier: Component: :J 'ii STUDIO§ p 000 LEGOL 'D '.Hellmuth Obata+ . 358 G A R L -' BAO Ku1ahaum, Inc. l-.ct:I0· '7-Cf DetallNumbw . . ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL STUD LEGOLJ:jD GARL-'BAP SPACE REQUIRED FOR STUD ADAPfER ASSEMBLY TYPICAL STEEL STUDS SEE V'IALL TYPE DETAILS P-SOI TO P-S06 TYPE 11S 11 BUGLE HEAD r I 1/411 LONG U.5.G. DRYV'IALL SCREV'IS ~ STUDIO~ . LI Hellmuth Obata+ _ Kassabaum, Inc. DRYV'IALL OR PANELS SEE V'IALL TYPE DETAILS P-SOI TO P-306 Clustar: Component: ID: P 000 00 Deall Number 360 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lg I PLAN ---.....,._ V'i.P. PAPERBACKED MET. LA TH (TYP.) ~------'--l/811 EXTERIOR CEMENT PLASTER ~----------MET. CHANNEL SCREED ''"=...,...,;:::::::.==:::---~---'---GYP. SD. SHEATHING OR PLY~OOD ~---'--------1/811 EXTERIOR CEMENT PLASTER SECTION REVEAL DETAIL SCALE. HALF SIZE '1 . Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: . ~ STUDIOE p 000 00 LEGOLA. D • Hellmuth 'Obata+ 361 c. A R L -' BA P Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 09-08-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i j PLAN ---------JvfET AL STUDS --------"--Y'i.P. P APERBAGKED . JvfET. LA TH (TYP.) '--!------------1/811 EXTERIOR CEMENT PL)ASTER . '------'---"-----MET. CHANNEL SC.REED __.-;---,--------GYP. BD. SHEATHING OR PL YY'lOOD ~---'---......-~-1/811 EXTERIOR GEJvfENT PLASTER '¢ 0.•=·==·==· =~~-t~,---~-___,.....,.-JvfET, CHANNEL SC.REED SECTION REV-EA·L DETAIL SCALE, HALF SIZE Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: ,J , ~ STUDIO§ p 000 00 LEGOLA. D .Hellmuth Obata+ 362 C A R L --' B A 'D Kassabaum, Inc. Issued: 09-08-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -i,---,---6" X 16 GA UNPUNCHED BACKING ff. NOTCHED AROUND STUDS ;------DOUBLE STUDS @ SIDES OF OPENING . F.H.S.M.S. ----4" x 16 GA STUD SACKING TRACK -TYPE A .A--;o---,-::.._FULL LENGTH WELD TYPICAL AT ~B ct FLANGES OF BACKING TRACK TO STUD -TYP. _ ___..,;;, ____ OR SMS @ EA STUD .f:3ACKING TRACK -TYPE 6 BACKING TRACK NOTES I. BACKING TRACK TYPE 'A'-FOR MISCELANEOUS INTEMS I.e. SURFACE MOUNTED MIRRORS, HASTE RECEPTACLES, TOHEL DISPENSERS, ETC. MAXIMUM Y'!EIGHT-50 POUNDS 2. BACKING TRACK TYPE ~B'.,. FOR UPPER HALL-HUNG CABINETS (UP TO 2 ·SHEL YES), BASE CABINETS, FULL HEIGHT CABINETS, COUNTERS, HALL HUNG ~E:NCHES, HALL HUNG EQUIPMENT, TO~L BARS, ETC. MAXIMUM WEIGHT -250 POUNDS 3. VERIFY LENGTH, HEIGHT, LOCATION OF BACKING PLATE AND NUMBER REQUIRED WITH EQUIPMENT ACCESSORY MANUFACTURERS. 4. USE #12 SELF TAPPING SHEET METAL SCREY'IS Y'IHEN ATTACHING ITEMS TO BACKING PLATE. 5. HALL STUD FLAN6ES ARE CONTINUOUS. 6. BACKING TRACKS 5,HALL BE LONGER THAN HUNG EQUIPMENT / ACCESSORY CABINETS BY ONE SnJD SPACING EACH END -ALL CONDITIONS. BACKING PLATE DETAILS SCALE. NO SCALE Revisions Cluster. Component: Ill LEGOLAN"D GARL-'BAP ~ SlUOI05 II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabaum, Inc. P · 000 Issued: 09-08-97 Detall Number 363 ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \-_,.8 S,M.S- .... TYP. ll IO ~ a, ST\.. 1e_: l~-!,~11 OP. ~r's IG.~ G:, ,, = z..o c;.\. s --.;::;ii ---u:> t;A. ~¥-(JV'\" /'I\JN F\..6.) ,-• e> COPe:. 6 eeNO 'NE!!> F~TEt-.J. TO STl)O WEe W/ Z. -'8 S.M,S. . U> ~-~ -r.«·e. CLJPE. . . FL r; 4 BENO Wfl!!> FASrEN .To =~~ WEI> W/Z-ff a s-M.64 -z. ~8 s.M-6 BACKING PLATE DETAILS SCALE, NO' SCALE . '1 ~ STUDI05 Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: p 000 00 LEGOLA. D Ula H~llmuth I Obata + 364 c. A R L ~ B A 'D Kassabaum; Inc. Issued: 09-08-97 04(:all NumlMr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ill LEGOLAND· C.ARL.3BAI:> . ~ STUDI05 l'evlslon1 Clinm: Component: ID: p 00 00 · 11· Hellmuth · Obata+ _ Kassabaum, Inc. _ laued: Jo ./1· 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .• , LEGO.LAND C.ARL-'BA'D tis S!UOIOE II Hellmuth Obata·+ · · KaHabaum, Inc. Revisions 1-,ect:fo.17 7 •• _j E Cluster: Component: ID: p 00 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · 11s£ 11ff1' IC -r if'E ·~M' ~uJc.~ f€ol£"( 1 s~~ ~~ MA~ c~~Jrlt.k) ~. Tc afitJt-1 o~ ~ ~.b:r-11.G-~/ !!>rt~· \l>t ~~ ,i-fSti11 (-ii-111-++-J H~1Pl--~(OP-1 ~,f>, ~l Lt;,') ?ttitP}'t1~ ~ _ _.,.----,--lr1t"I ~, ~f,"'6-. ~1''- ~ f'<M.... HEl,4~f ·~ "-· --- \V'~e, -4u~~-- t-,iO\..j\ fl,--( ~,,Jc.. -v.j/ Cl(ZA,Vr.\,. ~, ~ec . , e" MltJ . PMAFE:.T R.vlslon1 ~ STUDI05 Cluster: p Component: -'fJ LEGOLA D .Hellmuth Obata+ Detail Numw SO I C A R L ..3 BAD . Ka11abaum, Inc. tuu-«1: • Z • ID: • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t. ~ ([\ ~ ~? ~ tf ~ t~ l ~ -Ji <5 . 111- LEGOLAND CARL.3BA'.D · · Revisions Clustar: Component: ID: p -- Detall Number 5 C, 2, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . '1 LEGOLA. D G A R L -' BA P QI STUDIOE II Hellmuth. Obata+ Kauabaum,Joc. lllevbloni Cluster: Component: ID: p -.. luued: Detail Humber 5.0 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----------At..lJ ~ u-~ UM ~ni-1~ qi"'~EM r.o.P ------,,-~LJ.t.,.1-' i:l',E,.AQ ~K "'?I~ '---+-iHHI~-------F~r~~ Gi~i-l c;, ~of~ 0 Ill LEGOLAND GARL.lBAP H !t-r ~ ;=-1,.,0..., H I t.f~ ~ ~---· 'f'!CY T"('f"£ ½rt' t=iA-.t-11 ~ 4 G"DLlt-¾n~ ~~1+-Jc:; ~r"f'll-1~~"' 1<£4 L-£1" · ~ STUDI05 II Hellmuth · Obata+ Ka11abaum, Inc. ~UlL-T-up .~Fl l-4-==i' w/ 4(<:.s.ve;:J,.. 1:).,6.U,.;s.CS,- Cluster: p Component: • ID: . - luued: Detail Number O o4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------,b,.L.LJ ~ 1 ~ u r1 ~n~~ ~i'~e.r-i -r.o.p ----,---· ~i,.J.i..1-' ~E'.,AC> ~ti ~'~ ._-t-1-ttt ------..,---r~i~R 4~,-.Jc;, ~o~~ 0 LEGOLJjD CAR L-3 SAP H t-r .A-L. l="l..~47 H I "-I~<=:; I · l -------· ..... .'%,11 j:,,<,-rf' ~I e,~ at-fl? HJ"' f'~~ e>ti H~1".A.L. LA-nt £BUf1.t:>1~ ~~ ~ HUDIO§ II Hellmuth Obata+ KaHabau:m, Ii:ic. ~u11 .. 7.up ~ru-lc:::r 4(<".;&.vf:l,. t,,..s..W.~CST Clusier: p Component: • lssu..i: Detail Number .5 C., 4 ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;:o P. X t ··-r.o.~ : : .. ! 'Z.x ·fH:i::'~ FE--P.,~HT ,,-~~ii!t:::> 4>-11-t:::~ ~ritt::e ~f<'ot.Jr-{o Ut"tl:::>~t< r·u~.,-~J... f='µ4H 'tt-49 s , ~e," l!-X'f'~I~~ c:::~1'1~14, F,µ..4?~ ~ ~H t--te:-r~J...An¼ ?~Utl,.Pll-i4 P~F:. b:><°fEJi:1~ ~~tt1'-la/f'l-i'~~ -----~F" t-1erli,,.~~ 'f"~f¼,,.k; ·AL-Te.~~Te oeTAJL. w/o COJ~ f~~//Ja, I Revisions Cluster: p· .. Component: - Decall Numb..- ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -..AL..Ul"\t..JlJt-1 ~f71,J,:; ">"'(~ / ~ F' f'Y -r-(fl' '.;,.i' ',,f1'11Ja.a:,;: E'-U:.LeT . Ul:7E. 11>1,.s.-r~n.l~ MA~ \6,,i. (ALvM IM v,.p . To c..or1t-lt; '"7. ,, ~ i;~,c~ ~€M~T" f'"1"6rat- ~ t.A7W '·l ·Ii I I ---TJ I ., :1,. ·.J I ·m1 LEGOLAND C.ARL-'BAP ·~ t-tel-1~£ ~f'f~/NA1t-~ .:::mc11' 0 . -;-7-______ ___::;::::::::::===========- \ 0 .. iJ ~ ~ -biST . I f'i «f' '"'?IJ(jOf'j. fE/C, ~f1.lJO'IV,2AL I l ,. I I 1.• I.; !' ---r:' It . -~~ C'.i~- II Hellmuth Obata+ .. Kaa1abaum, Inc. Cluster: Component: p - DetallNumbw 50(1. ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-~l'<le?~ ~F f'~fCAf'J::::a-------r•H•~l-i. [e<r. &ei-t &:HT l"t.,6.~r .. A.._P~"f" ~H1..t41-es., F•CIF Heral ft~.At-4~ 1 -~~t-ln-14 f ~u-k,L-4Zt:: -~ &~LJ.;.l,e: ~ -f="!,.,4.:; f-4 I '4-==i ~1,-I 41( HATl!·l:.?1.&.1.. --.------------' UP f'Ac:::.,15 .e>F W.AL-l- t,.t1 e·f-f ~e t=\..)'.~H a~------------.... C:,..S.-1-fr ~If' ---------------. ~LY~~t::> 4i?ijl::~U4~ 11 ~tR cS~r='ec, 2>< t:!J IG p.a.. t::H-#~ ti::" <2 M 11:::, p.::::>11-f, 'ii STUDIO§_ 9',evblon1 Cluster: Component: -'1 p LEGOLA D .Hellmuth Obata +. 507 e, A R L -' BA p Kuaabaum,. ln.c. .· lnuect:7•f/ •'J Detail Humber ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~n: : • ~ ~u~ t>w~s ~ 4?'Vrr~ 4i t.o~,i&\J ~ l-W~ o:JF-Ph • F~~e ,'cv1., Pu~ ~~ ~ c; Revisions Cluiter: Component: '1 QI STUDIO§ p -LEGOLA. D •. Hellmuth Obala+ 50b G· A R L -' B .A D · Ka11abaum, Inc. Issued: .Detall Number ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,1...e,as..t:i f"~Mtt-lc. 4t:'.,. __ ___ 1 tJ. tc~F'u-l~ c:::::-s....-\et-t,- r J..A4" ,.J~ Fa ,z:;, >ffl.-1~ ~ -et,11,.,1'", vr ~~ -$~ G ~ec.@ MecH. ve~. LEGOL8jD GARL.-'BAP QI STUDID5 II Hellmuth Obata+ Ka11ahaum, Inc. Revblons ., Cluster: Component: ID: p . - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '1 LEGOLA. D G A R L _, BA t:> . ·~ STUDID5 .Hellmuth Obata·+ . Ka11abaum, Inc. Revisions t1a--t~E-fl.XttuJGt ~l"f-ur ~~ Clustar: Component: p • o.t.11 Number 5JO ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' LEGOLA D C A R L -' BA P --i--'=e!J tJ...-r-llr=' ~ HG H J!M ts~ J5t ~~~~}ir~ ----J;a)<~ -t?UGT f"~ M~- ~ STUDI05 llevlalons Cluster: Component: p • Iii lie)lmuth . Obata+ Deall Number O I I . . Kuaabaum, Inc. Issued: . . ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---or-4!.:. r, ~t:. C:.-~ ~Pf"'£f. ~ ~-~-.. -~------~~ \\{ .. :i~:::::..::~\ !J~~~~~~-.:f?--'...,..9f"'rq_K_'f"_ .. :i,~;,,._..---1-,.lj Pf:A.t t--\ Wk-1.-L. ':, '. •' '!,E:C.. AXIOtJOl-'\E:~IC:. e, ~C.UPP~ Ill LEGOLAND GARL-'BAD ~ STUDI05 Iii Hellmuth Obata+ Ka11abaum, Inc. Revfslon1 Cl1,11ter: Component: - Detail Number 5 f-2, ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I fl..i~ ttf. exr. ---------1-.-. I. i 4ij~ lNt:'-:.: -i . I ~)(~lq'-CEK!=Nr I I"~~ ~t-1 M~ --,---,--~ l-A11-}. Hie:-r"~ ~r,z~------.. ·m1 LEGOLAND C.ARL-'BA'D til STUDI05 ·11 Hellmuth _ Obata+ Ka11abaum, Inc. llevlslons · Cluster: Component: ID: p • - Detail Number 5 I ~ I I I I I I I I 1. I I I I I I I I I I -·--- ~, t. t.. .J~ t4 r 14,1-rve.><, ~L.. e i-1.-,H -"7t+~rt-4~1t-¼c:; 1'>LlTi'L- <::::..At:Jl-~ I N ~ TfP. t:>eTAIL@ ~~~ ~ FLA~\-H~ . . ' . :~ i '~- Ill LEGOLAND CARL-'BAP ijl mm·g II Hellmuth Obata+ Ka11abaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: p - Detall Num~ 0 14 ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e.Air1~ ~~i,.l ~ (~'9Tl~ ~ f"~l511Eb_) Ill LEGOLAND C.ARL..38At:> f --r----~i::"'rt.. -ro Pf.4lt; ~ ~t' F~ WAW.. "T-(pe; .,A+lC> FoJ l~lfe; ...,_,,_,__ ~~ -iz, f'l.t.M&: ,~ ,Fqz_ t>-~-PIPE 'Stz.E ANP \-D(:,ATio,.J . ~ SIUDI05 ·11 Hellmuth Obata+ · Ka11abaum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Comi,onent: ID: p -- Detail Humbw 515 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f/11 LEGOLAND GARL~BA'D ~- Cluniar: Component: ID: p -- Detail Numi-51 "' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ~ ·- . ov~f-rW ~ -'?~ C>IS""'L ,,.6-.l L- 1-~Ao t"Arl .wu ... -rvr~ . Ma--t ~ E f t-'ft!-TAl. ~r-tr ~t!!.c:::.E?-~~ v<Jj1'b FJ-f ~w~~ f\OOF t:)AAIIJ tJJ / e:"::>Cc.JPPE:.~ LE~OL.:JD GARL~BAP ~ STUDIO§ II. Hellmu~ Obata+ . Ka11abaum, Inc. Revisions · Cluster: Component: p - Detail Number 51 '7 ID: - ------------------- l \fUNI0r.N\A701l\C I C\Ctt506D1',G dote 9/9/97 9 2' om ~ .... :>ffl ,.,Q r-0 vr-:~11' t1C -~ :i,::o::i:: ::: 1111:1"~ -= "' ID i:;: .,. .; Ii a ;; f+ S-,m ., = !) i ·C i ~ ., ~ i :, .. I I~ ,p z i ~ f I n ~, I ~ 1 i :, rr 00 I . p 611 · MIN. .---'---'-- 20 GA. 2-1/211 STEEL E-STUDS ~@ CORNER CONDITIONS I II SHAFT ·~ALL LINER PANELS 1i-----r---'-----,-,---EXHAUST DUG T REF. MEGH. Dv-tG'S. P' , '1111----1 LAYER 1/211 TYP. 11X11 GYP. BD. 20 GA. 2-1/2" STEEL G-H STUDS @ 2411 O.G. TYP. ATTAGH TO RUNNERS@ ROOF ;, TRUG TURE ABOVE UL DES. U46ct 1-HR EXH. DUCT ENCLOSURE SCALE, 3"•1'•0• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C.OMPRESSSION STRUTS 2" MAX. FROM BRACE JIIIIRE5 TO C.ROSS RUNNER LEGo~l:Jo CARL.38At:> ijl SIUDIOE ,........., __ e, <SA. VERTIC.AL HAN<5ER JIIIIRE @ S'-,6" EA Y'IAY JIii/ MIN. 5 Tl<5HT TURNS IN I 1/2" BOTH ENDS OF v-llRE -12 5A. BRAC.IN<5 JIIIIRE JIii/ MIN. 4 Tl<5HT TURNS IN I 1/2" BOTH END OF Y-IIRE TYPIC,AL ALL JIIIIRE5 SHALL BE <SAL V ANIZED Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: p - -II Hellmuth Obata+ _ KaBBahaum, Inc. Detail Humber s e 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 4'-0" . . l~---O-R-L-ES-5-1 4'-0" O.C,. ~ . TYP. SPLIC,E SUSPENDED C,EILING FINISH :, /~Jr~ POP RIVET \ \ · CONT. RlJNNERS (SPLICE · \_ ALL JOINTS) . . CLEAR SLIP JOINT SLIP JOlNT @ CORRIDORS LEGOLA':JD GARL-'BAP SCALE. :t••f-O• -~ STUDIO§ · 11· lfellmuth Obata+ · Ka11ahaum, Inc. Revisions · Cluster: Component: p - Detail Number S ~ I ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,,..----,.--C.OMPRE5510N STRUT 8 GA. HANGER V'IIRE @ 4'-0" O.C.. EA. V'IAY (MAX.) 5 FULL TURNS EA. END r---'---SADDLE TIE V'I/ 2 5TR~ND5 18 GA. V'IIRE C.OLD ROLLED · c· I 1/2" X 16 GA. MAIN RUNNER C.HANNEL @ 4'-0" o.c.. 1/8" X 20 GA. FURRING C.HANNEL @ 16" 0 .C.. NOTE, PROVIDE LATERAL 6RAC.ING AT ANY C.HANGE IN C.EILING PLANE. 4-#12 6A. STEEL l"IIRES SEC.URED TO MAIN RUNNER AND SPLAYED CIO FROM EAC.H OTHER AT 45 MAX. ABOVE HORIZONTAL C.LUSTERS PLAC.ED 12'-0" X 8'-0" 0.C.. AND 6' MAX. OR 4' MAX. RESPEC.TIVEL Y FROM EAC.H V'IALL. USE #8 SELF-TAPPING 5C.REV'l5 TO PREyENT SLIPPING OF EAC.H C.LU5TER AT RtJNNER. SUSPENDED GYPSUM LEGOLAID CARL~BA'D SCALE, 1. 1/2'"1'-0" ~ STUDID5 . II Hellmuth Obata + · · KaH~aum, Inc. Revisions Cluster: Component: p - Detail Number ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LEGOLAID C.ARL-'BAt> ,-----------I 1/.2" X I 1/.2" X 16 GA. (l'-'IIN.) CONT. MTL. ANGLE Y'l/ 5ELF-TAPPING 5CR.r:~ ,---------TYPICAL HANGER ~IRE --I 1/.2" CRS RUNNER C-HANNEL ® 4e," O.C. -------,-SADDLE TIE -MIN . .:2 STRANDS OF 1e, GA ~IRE '-------1/8" X 20 GA. FURRING CHANNEL@ 16" O.C. '----'-----------------·5/8" GYPSUM SOARD . ~ SIUDI05 II Hellmuth Obata + Ka11abawn, Inc. Revisions Cluster: p Component: - Dem!INumbw 5Zo ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1/.2 X I 1/.2 X 16 GA. MIN. CONT. MET AL ANGLE W SELF-T AFPING .SC.REY'-15 ,, LEGOLA ·o C A R L -3 BA P HANGER. ~IRES, SEE CE !LING NOTES Ll6HT FIXTURE, 5fE ELEC.T'L D~5. -------'----..l....;.-AC.OUSTICAL OR 6YP .SD. CEILING, ~HERE OCCURS LIGHT FIXTURE ICALE.. :1•1r-o• ~ STUDIO§ Revisions Cluster: Component: p . -Ill Hellmuth · Obata+ Detail Number .5 24 KaHahaum, Inc. lssuad: 7 •,Zf • ID: • I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I C-ONT. METAL ANGLE----,-. ·11 LEGOLA~D G A R L -' BA t;, ICALL :1'•1'-0' . ~ STUDIO§ • Hellmuth Obata+ KaHabaum, Inc. Revisions HANGER v-llRES ATTAC-H TQ FIXTURE ANC-HORED TO STRUC::. TURE ABOVE LIGHT FIXTURE, SEE ELEC-T'L. Dv-lGS. T.,-6AR OR GYP. 6D. C-EILING, v-lHERE OC,C,lJR5 Cluster: Component: p· • DetallNumber 525 ID: - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 11 MAX. 1/1" -------TYP. HANGER V"ilRE SPLICE MUST BE MECHANIC-ALLY FASTENED SNAP ON CONN. NOT ACCE-PTABLE '--------------POP RIVET '--,.-----------ST AND ARD LEDGE~ ANGLE V'-4/1 -#10 S.'Yf.S. @ 16!1 O.C. INTO STUDS '-----.;.__--FINISH AS SCHEDULED , fte,jl fa STUDID5 II LEGOLAN:D. · 11 ~:~::th 5·26 • L___G_A_R_L_-'___;,B_A_P_--'--------Kaa-· _,ab_a_um_,_1nc_ • ..,L;·-=· ..i::=.;;;..:;8--:· '~g ·...:.Of..:...1 .L.-Deall..a....-_NumNr ___ . _ __, Clust-. Componer t: p ID: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUSPENDED GYP. 5D. C,EILING ------------END MOLDING ------,.----STAND ARD LEDGER ANGLE ~/ ·1-#IO S.M.S. @ 16" O.C. INTO HOOD ASSEMBLY -------,--------OUTLINE OF KITCHEN HOOD ASSEMBLY, REF. FOOD SEi<.VICE D~G'S CEILIN·G DET All @ HOOD ' Ill LEGOLAND CARL.38AP ~ SIUDl~5 II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabauqi, Inc. R!!!Yisions lsiued: q • g .q Cluster: Component: ID: P 000 00 527 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PREFASRIC,ATED ROOF AC,C,ESS ----.. HATC,H/FOLDING LADDER ASSEMBLY, PREC,ISION STAIR C,ORPORATION MODEL PSRH-G 2'-6" x 4'-0" V'ilTH C.lJSTOM ST AIR FRAME TO AC,C,OMMODATE DROP C,EILING, OR------,--~tr==:":11 APPROVED EQUAL C,ONTINUOUS SEALANT BEAD ----,-----------,-~~~ BUILT-UP ROOFING VV --------,--""**"~ GRAVEL BALLAST OVER PLYV'iOOD ROOF SHEATHING C.ANT STRIP----------------'-11~:...M- ROOF FRAMING, ----------------Kt-i REF. STRUC,T. D~G'S BRAC,ING PER ROOF HATC,H --------'---Ht----,,,- MANUFAC, TURER '5 SPEC, '5. ,,, ,,, ,,, ,,, / / / / / / / / / / INTEGRAL FOLDING STAIR~AY, ---.. PAINT EXPOSED SlJRfAC,E TO ------'-------1 MATC,H C.EILING FINISH END MOLDING------------------ SUSPENDED GYP. BD. CEli_lNG ----,..-'----'-----' CEILING DETAIL @ SCALE, 3•,1•-0• / / / / / / / / / / / Revisions Cl!lster: Component: ID: ~ SIUDIO~ P 000 00 II Hellmuth Obata+ Kassabllum, Inc. --------l11ued: 7:-21-97 Detail Number ·528 - -·-- - - - - - - - - - - - - --· -- l:\fUNfO ... \AfDT\.\C 'C\CfCSIOOWC ftlr 7/13/11 l•Ol 11'"'· ('\ ... ~ffl ,a(i) r-0 ~--·=~· uO ••• ' .Pl i;: ~ . I:.;::;:· •·liB ;; r+ g,_ ,m J p- r [ f I 1-o 1 I ~ ~ . I ...O· I . -· p 0 C ·1::a !m ;C 1 m ~ ...... )> ..... r- ~ -~ _, r-------,..-----'----EXHAUST DUG T REF. MECH. DHG'S ,---------SOLDER ALL AROUND ,,..---- ,------ --------'---- l-1/2"xl-l/2i' ANGLE SUPPORT, HELD TO DUGT SHEET METAL GAP FLASHING 5/8" GADMIUM PLATED BOLT, _TYP. 8" HIGH PREFABRICATED- GURB ,---~----· 4'i GANT SiRIP BUILT -UP ROOFING W GRAVEL BALLAST PL YHOOD CRICKET '---OVER 2x BLOGKING HHERE OCCURS ROOF FRAMING .., REF. STRUGT. DHG'S. 2-HR SHAFT ASSEMBLY, 2-1/2" G-H STUDS H/ I" '-------___ ....__ _______ SHAFT LINER@ 2 LAYERS TYPE "X" GYP. BD. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ----------------KIGKER@ MIDPOINT ,---,,-~--'--7'-...--- -·· ·-,. .. .. -·: + + ,. -.. 8 11 MAX. 1/2 11 0 F SPAN { A~AY FROtvf MEGH .. DUG TS) 16 GA. MET. STUD HEADER AND FRAtv!ING TYP. HANGER ~IRE POP RIVET '---+----'--ST AND ARD LEDGER --~~~~; ...... '! ... ·;·.:. ";" ..... • ••• :· .. "····· ----4-----..lll._..;. SUSPEN.DED .. CEILING TO SCALE. 3• • 1'•0• LEGOL:JD ~ STUDIO§ II Hellmuth Obata+ CARL-'BA'D Kassabaum, Inc. ANGLE ~/1 -#10 S.M.S . @ 16 11 O.G. INTO STUDS CASED OPENING Revisions Cluster: Component: p 000 IRUed: /() • J1 &{1 Detail Number 530 ID: 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M--!----,-----------'--------ROOF HATCH GOVEFI. Yv' INTE6RAL. HATCH DETAIi:. S'-O"_ 1.EN6TH 6ASKET Sf:Al. -----""\ I' Fl.li&ID INSUI.ATION AU. AROUND OUTSIDE GUFl.6 -+---------'--,---GOMl"RE5510N G'l"l.lNDEFI. SUII.T-IJP ROOFIN6 -------11~ Yv' 6FI.AVE1. BA1.l.A5T GONTII-UOU$-SEA1.ANT --~----fl:C,lf~:------" BEAD GANT STF1.1p-·--,-----1 ~~~~~~~~~~ l"IOOD Bl.OGKIN6 -----r-........_ Fl.161D IN5Ul.ATION -----,~=~~~~.2$.,.;~~~ 5/e' 6'1"P5UM 60AFI.D 0/ ---i-1 METAi. STUD s;e• 6'1"PSUM 60AFI.D ..,._ ---'---H-----+t-+-~ 1/:2' Pl. 'l"l"IOOD BAGKIN6 CEILING DETAIL @ R·OOF HATCH SCALE. 1 1/2'•1'•0' Revisions Cluster: Component: ID: ~-STUDI05 p 000 00 '1 LEGOLA D Obata+ • Hellmuth 531 e, A R L ..5 B A 1' Kassabaum, Inc. lnuecl: 10-17-97 Detail Number I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I D=:l:"4\L : CANof''( ~o "E:::C.AL. E:. '1 ·~STUDIO; LE·GOLA :D Iii Hellmuth Obata+ G A R L ~ B A 'D KaHabaum, Inc. I ' ' Revisions Issued: /0 · /7 • ~7 -------- Cluster: Component: ID: p 00 00 Detail NLmber 55Z fjEllTIFICATE OF GOMPLIANCE (Partlof3) MECH-I.·. PROJECT ADDRESS &Af<..L.$5A.. , ~NOl8"tao , vA TELEPHONE 7 (~ro) 645-0 14-z.- TELEPHONE ~lo} t:;4-S..074"'1.-- BUILDING TYPE ~ NONRESIDENTIAL D HIGH RISE RES]DENTIAL D HOTEL/MOTEL GUESTROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION . IZl NEW CONSTRUC::TION D ADDIDON tJ. ALTERATION. OUNCONDIDONED (file affidavit) METHOD OF MECHANICAL ~ PRESCRIPTIVE . . CO:MPLIANCE D PERFORMANCE PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPL~CE D PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT ·.- ~ ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specifica~ions need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and ·6 of the California Code of Regulations .. This ~ertificate .applie.s only to .building IIJ.~chanical requirements . . , ... ..: ... _ ... lete. DOCUMENTATION At.TTHOR I • 'Z.,'"'-6'? P::,t.1 !;',i'.: :., ,,;.. l.,, \ ~E __. :.,.,..V'!'-o~ DATE The Princip~l Mec~ianical '?esigner hereby c~r:tffies that the proposed buil1i_ngdesign.r~pres_ente~ _in thi~ set of constru~tio~ documents 1s consJStent with the other comphanc~ fonns and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculat~~ submitted with this pem1it application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements co · e in the applicable parts of Se.ctions 110 through 115, 120 through 124, 140 through 142, 144 and 145. Please check one: .lZI I hereby affinn that I am elig1ble under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business ·and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a; Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer,· or Architect. . . D I_ a~um that I am eligible under the exemp:tion to Djvision 3 ofthe ;13usiness and Professions Code by Section .. 5537.2 of the · Business· and.Professions Code_t9 sign this docum.ent as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor prepa~ing documents for y,7ork that I ~ave contracted to perform. D I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to ·i)ivision 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section __ _ of the · Code to sign this.document as the P. rson respon~ible for its preparation; and for the . -, . following reason(s): ---~----~~---:::;.,,_"-'-:;j,_ ii!,,__----'----- Indicate location.on plans ofNote Block for:Mandatory Measures!'-_ __,_M--'-'-w_· _,_1_~------------~ INSTRUCTIONS·TOAPPLICANT. · · ·-·.c .,· · : · .·;,-. · ·• :-.-•. ' ·,: :·. . • . -:s · . . . . .... -' . . ~ ' -.~ , . . . . ' . . ~ ' . . . ...~ •. ' For Detailed instructions on the use ofth!s and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance fox:ins, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. MECH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 2 & 3 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. MECH-2: Required for all submittals; choose appropriate .version depending on method of mechanical compliance. MECH-3: Required for all submittals, but may be incorporated in schedules on.plans · · MECH-4: Required for all submittals unless required outdoor ventilation rat~s and airllows ate shown on plans per Section 4.3.4. · .. , . CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part2of3) MECH-I I DATE SYSTEM FEATURES · . · . · -· · . : . · -. I MECHANICAL SYSTEMS .__!sY_sT_E_M_NAM_E ___ ~l .____,·;5.?--=/·_-..,;._;ll_~II ?!AC:---A I .__I ________ ___, TI.ME CONTROL o/ t;, SETBACK CONTROL NA. . NA ISOLATION ZONES NA N.1'>-.. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? N y ELECTRIC HEAT? N N .. FAN CONTROL 0 -··NA· ' t VA V MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? N N SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? f-!· I . N. HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? N 1'J .. -VENTILATION P.;i ~ . OUTDOOR DA!vfPER CONJ:ROL? .. , A r-. ECONOMIZER TYPE N.,~ NA DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-4, COLUMN H) j7(;00 HEATING EQUIP. :rYPE . 6;A6. kA.. T t'Ll Wt f' __ HIGH EFFICIENCY? I IF YES _ENTER Eff # . . I I ~ -N - MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER Cf-1i. n-1 c.-o .. .-. .,:'.:'.p ~,{l,l \=11..- .. . 4-~ G J r.:io~ftl-J'"'2.-SS. COOLING EQUIP. TYPE !#)OfTVf' ·-lte-A T 'f<.fl-tt. p I IF YES ENTER EFF. # I I .. HIGH EFFICIENCY? N ---N -.. .. MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER ~r~t'-1 ii 11--CA·"~•'\.{ :;,i,c..,- ,:1:!".,.·F:..;) 0Cl~q, ~ ., , r-..:.-~« L._ _____________ .::C.::O.::.D::::.E..:.T:.::A.::.BL::::E::::S:.:....::I.: E.n=te:.:...r_co...;_de_fr_· o_in_ta_b_le_be..,...lo~w_in_to..,...co-"--.l_umn..:..· _s_abo-"-_v_e_. --------"--~---,---~'- . -ji HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ! TIME CONTROL SETBACK ISOLATION .FAN' CTRL. 1 ZONES .. CONTROL. ELECTRIC HEAT? ,·: ... S: Prog. Switch H: Heatin·g Enter number of I: Inlet Vanes 0: Occupancy Sensor . C: Cooling Isolation Zones P: Variable Pitch VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? Y: Yes M: Manual Til_ller B:Both V:VFD 0: Other . . .. SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? N:No -· · · C: Curve .. ,, .-·~. HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RE~ET? VENTILATION OUTDOOR ECONOMIZER O.A,..CFM . . DAMPER . HIGH EFFICIENCY? B: Air Balance A:Auto A:Air' · Enter Outdoor C: Outside Air Cert. G: Gravity W: Water AirCFM. .. .. M: Dul Air Measure N: Not Required Note: This shall" D: Demand Control be no less than N:.Natural ColumnGon .MECH-4. NOTES TO FIBLO-,.:. For·Buildfu1fDeJiartmen{Use Onlv· . · .. _, · · . · . . . . . . · ., -· . • ~• -I,.. MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER . MECH-2 PROJECTNAl'v!E I-·,,.,., j i..-a..~ti'l.t>--D SYSTEM NAl'v!E of this form for each mechanicals stem when usin the Prescii tive A roach. DATE FLOORAREA 1 C,l) SIZINGand.EQUIPMENT:SELECTION ·.. ·_ : : -_·· _·:. _:-.-:--. ·:1. ·:; 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING (APPENDIX C) .. _(APP~NJ:?IX C) .. (APPENDIX C) t . . . -· DESIGN OUTDOOR: AIR ,__ ____ -.,......._. jcFM{MECH ~-; COLTJMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING WATTS/ SF (LTG-2) . 1-----'----i -PEOPLE # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COU.111:N E) 1----'----i 1------l -MISC. EQUIPMENT WA TIS/ SF 1------l,~ -OTHER ( PROCESS LOADS, DUCT ) 1-------------1 "=""t.;,~t-,.....,......,.:P.,...·...._i\,~l_·_,--_ _ OTHER LOSS, INFILTRATION, ETC.. (Describe)" . i°'"'A P-Avl (Describe) TOTALS SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJU.STED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ W ARMUP f ACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED :EQUIPMENT CAPACITY'·· I;%?, i/Yb 11 -it.l.,P'V ~ Kbtu I Hr Kbtu / Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN ¥ · c,;11\"-,(,ll<t-s--t" -1..,H:_..4 a..v-~ ~~ DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKEHP ..... , I{& L -Yf .. . • . . -.... ,.., ~ .... --···· NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see,§ 144). Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM'for VAV systems. . Nonresidential Compliance Form . ··-·· .. . '•' ' . -f [g. ·rru . .EFFICIENCY MOTOR PRIVE .... ·-.. -- NUMBER PEAK WATTS CFM OF FANS Bx Ex ~46 I (C x (Supply Fans) D) :,, ~ ~ M• - -. ... . . .. .. .., ... .. TOTALS L...l ---~-I =I ===:::: TOTAL FAN sYsrEM [ .. __ I POWE~ D_EMAND Col.FI Col. Q WA1TS/CFM January _1996 ME.CHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER . MECH-2 .. PROJECTNAME L-t?6 ~t? l.,p-. t-1 D rvl>kl .h t,/4,,.t, ~ ~ STLG l-\1U... ( R~~-fl.trYvf DATE SYSTEMNAME FLOORAREA .. -'?TA-(.,-~ ·-i&o NOTE: Provide one copy of this fonn for each mechanical svstem when usirie:·the-Prescriptive Approach. SIZING and·EQUIPMENT SELECTION · . . ·. --~ · . . ,. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE. -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATtf.EE 2. SIZING (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR I.__. -_ _..,_ __ ___.jcFM (MECH-4; .c.o:e.UMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING WATTS/ SF (LTG-2) ~--...,.-----1 .... -PEOPLE # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLl.J11:N E) 1----'----,.--t -MISC. EQUIP:tvffiNT WAITS/SF -OTHER ( PROCESS.LO~~,DUCT ) 1-------'-----'--I -----~-- -OTHER LOSS, INFILTRATION, ETC.. (Describe). (Describe) TOTALS SAFETY I W AR.t\1 UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x-SAFETY/ W ARMlJ.i? FACTOR} 3. SELECTIQN: INSTALLED EQUrPMENT CAPACJTY .... " .. IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM· ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN · .'.i'E '7~1,v;t{l~s.J u.,V\..t.>( Cu,"l.:t kg.{(·. -J . [g] .. .COOLING~ i----------1! ? u:r=:=J. &7 . -gir~ ~t)Z-iJ 'l trt:, "'2-n' i c/7]····- ~- L~. B . ' I g()N ··",.·-11. g"i/YJ ~, Kbtu / Hr Kbtu / Hr -; ~. DESIGN EFFICIENCY . NUMBER· PEAKWATIS CFM .. FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE HP .. .. ~~ L;ir ' NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 ,HP (see§ 144). Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. MOTOR DRIVE ' - . .. . -OFFA.NS ·Bx Ex 746 I (C x (Supply Fans) ·' D) - ·. ...... ·- .. . . -.. . TOTALS. ·I .. ; I==[====::::: : .·. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM [ I · POWERDEMAND co!.F/Col.G L------------'------~---~---,-,....,.....;..----,-...;...._----'-'--.,._..,..... WATIS/CFM . . . Nonresidential Compliance Form January _1996 ···,·· .... ' ,··· MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY MECH-3 SYSTEM MAKE AND. DESIGN OUTPUT TOTAL 1H; TF.n ....... 11 , H ,n 1 NAME MODEL NO. <BTU /HR) DESIGNCFM UNITS ALLOWED PROPOSED IEc?Wl~jER I . n, ... n ~ 11-,."r:..JO~~ ;-;; 0 • q-,,1) ~ ... A l-kVWl.N~'-' £8ec> r-.-(D .. - .. .. '•• HEATIN<fES.JJIPMENT~· ::-:·:r\.:~.-:-t.-::··~~s-~ ;;_-.-;~·-_-:··,:, .. ~ ·• . '.:· J. SYSTEM ··-·MAKE AND·. NAME MODEL NO. Av-·n ~~ if?, 8J D O't-4 ,. " .J e,A·tz.tu-'f&--h . .- : PTA-c.-;.._ .. r ~ ~ ) . .. ~ . "• ,, .. , . .,. .. _. .......... . . , -·· ... . . . ... . . . , Nonresidential Compliance Form ' ,, _,. ·, . ' • .-' • •' ...... ,: ~ •• • • • •• <. '-:'. /D, 61/1) .. Ef t---. . . ?c-D £.£(l--- . ...... .. ,' .. .. .. . .. b ' -B ... I ,. .. ~.7 ld,,7 '. .. OgJ DD o.o D0 DD DD DD DD DD DD ··Do ·oo DD DD DD· . : :,~' :~-;.~~i:::·;:, ... ;_ ~ :~ ·: ----:-~ / --~,-' . · .. :~.:::-.t;·:'-:-:·,_;·-;.;:·~~:;::~.~-:>:·:·· .. -.~~:~.'r. :·.·:--~-: (,·.·: ' .... ~-::'=-~: . .z-l.:: .. ' ~ ' . 'DESiGN ·out PUT RA TED EFFICIENCY (BTU/HR) UNIJS ALLOWED. PROPOSED -U./ JJ'fl) .XvU-E 1~-S)(o Bsoo cop 'l. D 7-.'f-- , .. -· ·- .. _., •, -" . .. ···-1·-. . ··- : .. .. ., .. Januarr !996 . .... , . , ....... ,-,,-,-......... -· , • •••I,· ,_ •• ' .. •• .. • • • •• .-•• ,-c:·- .•. ··- " .. MECHANlCAL.:VENJIILATIONift . . · ·.:>\f · T-t; ME<ZH~f. l'ROJECI' NAME Lt; t::. O svs·11,M NAME NOTE: Provide one co of this form for each mechanicals stem. [Al [ID [g [QI [ID [El [g] AREA BASIS o·ccUPANCY BASIS REQ'J?· COND MIN. NO. MfN. 0.A. SPACE AREA .CFM ·CFM OF CFM (MAX. OF PER SF NO. (SF) (B XC)' PEOPLE. (E )( 15) DORF) ~0-· ,w G1v '. (I '1., li~o I c., 9-:/)t -· -. ... .. ---,---'---.. . . .. .. -. .. .. . ~~ ... J.._. - ( ·- ·' ... •, ' .. r- ' ... .-,_ . ... ~-· . .. ... •' ' .. ~-·· ·. ,, .. . " •,, TOTALS (FOR:MECH-2) 1. Ui -I I 1,tC> 11 ... " : --.. --.... Minimum Ventilation Rat.: per Section§ 12_1, Table 1-F. .. Based 011 Expected Number of Occupants-or al least s·o¾ of Chapter 33 UBC Occu~ant-Dcnsit)'. · [ill DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR l~'bD ..; ... . ·. . ' .. " /toBp I " DATE IT] IT] VAVMINIMUM CFM . LARGEST DESIGN MIN. MIN. C~M CFM ----: . . . -.. ... .• .. ' -:, .. .. ,.: .. " .. - .. T .. [ill FE Al RANS R R - l I Must be greater than or equal to G,''or USC Trai~for Air . . I fzone reheat or recool is used· 1 must be less than or cqu,il lo G, or less than or equal to Total-Design CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to·l3 X 0.4, or less than ' or equal to 300 CFM, whichev~r is larger. . . . . . , _ _ . . . . -~ Must be less than or equal to I (if applicable); but.no fess than G, unlc~s Transfer Air (K) ts use.ti. ; -I Must be greater than or equal to (G - I I), and .. fo,r VA V, i:rcater than-or equal to-(G -J) . . _, Nonresidential Compliance Form January I; 9, · 1 • 1,•• \" I "f ' -•• ;-•• .-• : I• ,\ • \ , > I' I .,~ .--1-' ,·.···.-· -.... -.. , .. ,, ..... :-.. ~-;-·-.-~.~ ...... ~·'.:::-··...,~---.. , .......... -.. -~ ... ·-,-·· _-_·---~ -· -. -L_ -- -- ... ~ ' NOTE: f>rov1d<.: ()II(; <.:opy of this"form fc1r each mechanical system __ g] [ill ~ [ID © [El lg AREA BASIS , OCCUPANCY BASIS . REQ'P. COND CFM MIN. Nl). MIN. 0.A. SPACE AREA PER.Sf CFivf (W CFM (MAX.OF NO. (SF) (BX C) PEO!'LE (EX 15) D Q,R f) l~o L( . -,.. 1 I 1.S-;;.7 t I -· ~. - ->--,---... .. I ~-. . ~~----- i------;...-··- .. I-;'---------I : .. .. ~---I --· .. :I - ~ ... :. I .. . I -.. ~--··· I -·-· _,;.__..-- --.. .. .. . . .,____ .. .. ~--·-· -' :--~ ' f---'--· . ~;---~., .... :..:..._c_. . : ~. ·. .. . . . - :~- ,. TOTALS (FOR:,MEC!·l-2) n-1-I "1 11-.. Mini1_nu111 Vcntilp.tiqn Rate per Seciio1i ·§ 12 I, Tabk 1-F. Based on Exp<.:cted Number of Occupants or at lc:ist '50'¼, of Chapter 33 UBC Occu~ant-Density. [ID ,DESIGN OUTDOOR ·Am . ");, 7 . . - ' ~ ,_ . -. .. .. ·- ., ... .. P1 I .. -. .. .. DAT!, ...... ;,:•:-:,,.y.,_ .. J;"}-~ m OJ VAVMINIMUM GFM LARGEST DESIGN MfN. MIN. C.fM CFM -- . . . ' .. .. -~-. .... ... --.. •,-' ... .. . ... · . T - RAN FER AIR . .. ~ ---- ~ Must be greater than or equal to G, or use Transfer Ai1 If zone reheat or rccool is used, I must be less than or el1mtl lo G, or less than or equal to_ Total Design CFM X OJ, or less than or equal to·I3 X 0.4, or less than or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger, · _ . . . , · . . . · . · · . FrB Must be less than or equal to l (if applicable). but no lc:ss than G,_ unless Tr.ans fer Air (K) 1s use.LI . -Must be grc,llcr than or equal to (G" 11). and. for Vt\ V, gr..:atcr _than or equal to (G -J). i ., . N9nrcsidcntial C0moliance Form ' .. ·-, ... ,. . \ " ~ : -,, .... ......... '.aouary I j ' ........ ~ ... \ .. •• •••;--, .... •;-•-•-I '; • , ""' ~--.._ >,° • t , ···:·r· .... ..,-...... . ' tERTlflCATE OF COMPLIANCE . (Partlof2) ENV-1 :·; \t\LL BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA . i; t) . . . BUILDING TYPE IZI NONRESIDENTIAL D HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL D HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION [Zl NEW CONSTRUCTION D ADDITION D ALTE_RATION D UNCONDITIONED (fileaffidavit) METHOD OF ENVELOPE lZ1 COMPONENT D OVERALL ENVELOPE D PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE This Certificate of compliance lists the building features and performance specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies only to building envelope requirements. The documentation preparer hereby certifies.that the documentation is accurate and complete. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR DATE ~l I l!!I f &;jap:/ • The Principal Envelope Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance fo1:ri1s and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this pern:i-it application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the envelope requirements contained in sections 110, 116 through 118;and 140, 142, 143, or 149 of Title 24, Part 6. · Please check one: [ZI I hereby _affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a civil Engineer or Architect. 0 I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section 5537.2 of the Business and Prof~;sions Code to sign this docum~nt as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I a.in a licensed contractor preparing documents for work ~hat I have contracted to perform. D I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division· 3 of the Business and Professions Code .by section ____ of the _________ -'--_ Code to sign this doc1.1ment as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the following·rea~ons: --------,-------------------· ..... . Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory M~~~ures ··1~ ___ ...... A_.._o_· ~Oc-1-l----------~ For Detailed instructions on the use of this and all En~rgy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. ENV-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Part 2 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. ENV-2: Used for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on method of envelope compliance. ENV-3: Optional. Use if default U-values are not used. Choose appropriate version for assembly U-value to be calculated. i CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part2of2) ENV-1 :.· PROJECT NAME l,t;tSjO LP+! DATE Op'AQUE·SURF'I\CES _._.; · .. , ... ·. , ·.. · ··· . · · · . .t"I. .. ~ . ..., ' .. , , . J". l • • : • ASSEMBLY NAME (eg. Wall-1, Floor-1) W.ti<U.,· l ~t=-} ,, ' WINDOW NAME (eg. Window-I) }-.I__ u) 1 t,1_,tt}fr,-t) :Nv 1,1, .... 1}-tl)J c;~ w VI-Lr~vw W-1).\,1 .... J.,o-,0 .. SKYLIGHT NAME (eg. Sky-I) 1--lA INSULATION R-VALUE e . R-lQ, R-22, etc. f<.-!\ R-ict NO.OF U-VALUE PAINS I I.DI I Lot t LOI \ . l, DI .. .. - NOOF U-VALUE PANES CONSTRUCTION TYPE ea.Block, Wood, Metal . FRAMETYPE EXTERIOR (Metal, Wood. etc.) SHADE? t-,-1. o1"7'\'\,. }i.O \ \ J '1, f ! LOCATION/COMMENTS (eg, Susoended Ceiling, Demising, etc.) ~fZ.U£Jf'..., {--\}AU..-, 6~ ri-t. 0 /L- OVERHANG GLAZING TYPE CREDIT?. (eg. Clear, Tinted) N.O .:.:::.i,(/\:H., l -.v y" FRAME TYPE SKYLIGHT MATERIAL GLAZING TYPE fMetal, Wood, etc.) (Glass, Plastic, etc.) (Clear; LowsE, etc.) - ~ ' ... . ~· . GROSS WALL 2-,t ~ DISPLAY t--lh ATRIUM HEIGHT RFT AREA(GWA) PERIMETER (DP) GWA• 0.4 56?; DP• 6 I I IF!> 55 Ff. IF> 55 FT I y " ; r e I I· I GREATER OF 0.10 -I - l ·J 0.05.: r 0 I I I l If the PROPOSED "I - I I MAXIMUM WINDOW AREA is BG~ ALLOWABLE GROSS ROOF.AREA ALLOWED SKY. AREA greater than the WINDOW AREA 1 MAXJMUM 1 ALLOWABLE WINDOW AREA, go t_o If the ACTUAL SKYLIGHT AREA is greater than I I another method. I .~?,'y l PROPOSED the ALLOWED SKY!.JOHT AREA, go to another ~ ~ WINDOW method. ACTUAL SKY. AREA .. ASSElvfBLY U-VALUE TABLE ASSEMBLY NAivlE TYPE HEAT INSULATION Re VALUE . VALUES? (cg. Wall-!, Floor-!) (eg. Roof, Wall, Floor) CAPAClTY PROPOSED MIN. ALLOWED PROPOSED I y I NI MA.X. ALLOWED tio-vf/1 -'11 - LoA1vL-,. ( l I * For each assembly type, meet the minimurn insulati~n.R-valuc or the maxi/hum asscinbly U-value. WINDOW NAME ORlENTATION U-VALUE e .. , Window-I. Window-2 N I E I s l w PROP. ALLOW. J~ D D D l-b\ ·\,1'1] D D,BD ! o, l. v1 D.0 D D l (> ! • I I.")~ u) ; \.,t.,·, .•• ,.,L~ ... J ,._,,.. .... . D tJ D [8J t 1 o I 1-?J #OF t I II .-If..)) O[J DD ,01 DD DD . DD PROPOSED RSHG • ... .---..~: - #OF PANES \ ' SC ,(Ji 1 '>I{ •ff .(¥ .U-VALUE I-I V PROP. H/V OHf RSHG .. ALLOW. .RSHG iG~ i I SHADING COEFFICIENT SKYLIGHT NAME (e.g., Sk.-y-1, Skv-2) TRANSLUCENT TRANSPARENT PANES PROPOSED .. ·M.LOWED PROPOSED ALLOWED D D D D o· D D D PROROSED.-CONSJERUCTION{ASSBMBLY --_ .,: .. '.:·_ · : · ---ENV~_-- Co&'.•noNnN""'D,WSCRIPTIO~''· -·--·· , .... .._,, .. , . ,,,,.;-;-,.,,;-... " ,.,•,,;.-.. ·. (.•;:, .. ,,, ... ·--:·. '·.·· : ,, ; ',,.,,,,,_ ... , •' ·,.· .... . 1y,as:;.1 ».~:--I::, :&"/1. .. .,.;:;,, ... ..1,.-.,-.;,• 1 •• ,.••t•.li.,--.:· ,·· .. ,.,,.. ...... , ... i·\·-~·-·.-:. •:··1' .• •,'-•l,.;-·1 '-'·1:.:., .. •J• , ..... ~.-1 .,_·,:-~:,.•\·:-~~.:,, .... ,~-., ...... .. ,.: :',·-.::;;,, .... ~-.~,1,•,, .••. ·.··-=-•,co ... , ........... "'···t .. 1 •• , .. 1.,-;!,· · :· ·,-. ,-.·"'· -~r.,·•--.:· ,...,..·i..:'; ... ·, .. t,'·.j :::_. ;:--·. ··-.t,,·~:f-;.:.~,~'r:~.1\;~: ...... :J:-!.1' ] 2 3 4 5 G 7 w 0 U) 1- :::J 0 [ SKETCH OFi-.SSE1-.·(BLY. -l)ESCRl PT ION .. OUTSif)E SURFACE AIR FILi\1 .. .. ,-.. - ; ·-· .. -. INSIDE SURFACE AIR F!LM SUL!TOTAL I • TI + [I 1mc .. I _-(r-r%/l00) w 0 U)· z ASS EMBLY NAME ASSEMBLY TYPE ~ (eheekooc) t=J FRAMING MATERIAL FRAMING SIZE FRNvHNG PERCENTAGE Flocif Wall Ceiling/Roof Fr%: 1)%(16"0.c. Wall 12%(24"0.c. Wall) l0% (16" o. c. Floor/Ceil 7% (24" o. c. Floor/C,:cil.) R-.VAl.liE HEAT CAPAClTY (optional) C:\VITY WOOD \\'r\LL SPECIFIC .. HC 1-:-\':\LUE FRM-!l: \\'l:IGI IT HF.:\ T (AxB) (Jt:.) R-V'.-\LUE-lbs/sf: .. ·t Btu.IF·'• I b;) -(Btu/P•sf) - .• -.. .. I TOTAL HC Re rF I 0 ~-= I/Rf Fr%/I00 ASSEMBLY U-VALUE . . 'AVEL ?OF) " . ~- '!:! EL +l"l'-0" TOP. : I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I MEMBRANE ROOFING Y'V GRAVEL PL ~OD SHEATING 6A_TT INSULATION -(R-1"1 @ ROOF) PREFORME:D ALUMIN.UK COPING, PAINTED I' --1--l-l-l-ll~4ll--1-''---~--T . .J.I. V'IOOD AS PER STRUCTURAL 0!"165. .•. SC.ENIC TRE:A ~ENT (O.F.0.1) Y'!ITrl 1/2" PLYY'!QQ;::; ;:;µ,EATH!NG (f) EL+ 3'::C" ~ EL·:-l'-0' <= F, . •, ., ., . : \• fv .. s.~·C:Ti.ON. ~ ~CALE_ 3/4'•1'-0' .... ··. .-. :·.··: ; I , ! ! ! , Ii i l ' ., ! __ , I /·· / -r-· I CEMENT PLASTER PLY~OD SHEATHING • HETAL STUDS BATT JNSULAIION (R-11 <!i> Y¼LL) P.L Yl'iOOO Fi,.OOR JOIS,5 AS PER STR!JC TURAL Dr'lGS. TROi"IEL FINISH .t SEAL OVER 5TRUGTVRAL. SLAB. SEE LANDSGAPE ·: · ARCHITECT DY'!G5. . ·. ·: -~\.·.··· .. ;-:: : . _..,. ~ .. • . . ~:.:· ~:,c__,_____ . :.:--/ >:,; 'i. ·· .. , '.::\;ft· ·.. . C·60.9 · .. , · ;:· .. :·,{''.'./):"::i ~_;-, :.·-. , . 1.i,,. , ... =-. Sutt. !JOO, Clndnruid, Oh 513 311 OOSS Voica S IJ 311. 24'1 fax HOK Studio E ~ of R~ J 65S 16th ~t, Sult,e 200, 5-nta Monla, C 310 453 0100 Voice 310 453 2052 Fax Sasaki As!;!ociates, Inc. L:inchcape Consultants 703 Palomu·Alrport Road Ste. 170 619 603 6765,Vo!ce 61' 603 6761 Fax Nolte and Associates, Inc. Civil EniJn<>erln1 S-469 Kea.my Villa Road, Suite 305, San Dlegc 619 278 9392 Voice 619 278 -i628;F:ax McGraw/Baldwin Architects · Asloclated ';t,.rchli:ect, 70 I B Street, Suit,, 200, Sen Dleiio, CA 92 IO I 619 23I 0751"Vo!ce' 6192314396 Fax· . . Martin & 'Dunn, hie. S?"'ctur.al Englneorlng . . . , 780 I Mission Conte,-Ct, #-100 San Diego, CA 6!H972118 Voice 619497 !)429 Fax ·• Rosenberg *· Associates'_ Hccl1anla.l, Electrkal, Plumblng Consultant, 5933·w. Century Blvd. #I 050, Los Angeles, C 310 6-45 0 Hl Voh:e 310 645 I 868 Fa,c ::,s~~;·, ,1!Ft~:;.~:.=·:;~t:~§;L ~~::~;~~ ~::':E ~ "' ,pr, .. o, (,•o:'<"O•' ,,, ,u, .. • .. ,1_1 '"" ••)•tu ~1"3• ,.,,11,,. c.,, ... ,.., [.lUl•t ~ ' 'I I ... ·.xar TEL:310-645-1868 tle-c 10 '97 18:.02 No.009 P.02 RTIFICA TE OF COMPLIANCE Part 1 ot 3 MECH-1 BQILOING CONDITfONEf:f t~-~REA ---"---'---"-----,-..,. BUILDING TYPE ~ NONRESIDENTIAL Q HIGH RISE R5$1D~NTIAL PHAse OF coNsTRucr10N NEW coNstRucr10N D Aoorr10N LJAtTl;RA:TioN METHOO OF MECHANICAL COMPLIANCe -~ P.RESCRIPTIVE .o HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM · 0 UNCpNOfilONEO_ (FIie Affadavit} PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE 0 PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT · r8I ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE.ATTACHED .__ ___________ .......,--'-______ ,,__-'----····-------------------------..,._--;------------'---'----- STATEMENT Of COMPLIANCE · . This certificate of compliance 11s~s the b4ilping r ea lures and perfo_rri'ianc_e l,pecltications n!3~ded .to comply·with Tille' 24, Parts 1 and 6-of the Callfomia Code of Regulations. This certific~fe applies only-.to ·building mechanical requi~einenls. The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented In this set of construction documents Is consistent with the other tompll,ancrHorms and:worksheels, with th,e spe~ifications, and with any other calculations S!Jbmitted wilh this permit application. The propo'sed building has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contained In ~ections 11 O U'lrQLigh 115, -1,20 through-1''24, 140 through 142,, 144 and 145. . -' - Please check one: tZJ I hereby affirm that I .am eligible under the provisions of Division a -.of the Business and· Professions Code to sign this document as the pers9n responsible for Its preparatiod;_ and that I am a civil· engineer, mechanical engineer, or architect. O l affirm that I am eligible under the exempliQri to Division 3 of the Business and Prof esslons Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code·to sigh this document as the person responsible for Its preparation; and that I am a .licensed contractor-prep~ring documents for work that I have contr~cted to perform. . . . . . - 0 I affirm that I am eligible under tM exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section __ _ of the . : Code to sign this dO$Unierit as the person: responsible for its preparation; and for the foil owing reason: -· r---------,----'----,----,,-,,.. ... --.------e=-·~--+---------,',-',------,---:.....;------......... ---r•··------r ---'----1 PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER. NAME SIGNATURE LIC. NO. 'CATE L-~ MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES ' , · · Indicate location on plans or Note B'lock for Mandatory .M~asures .j Hf ,z:,~ 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Ener~y Efficiency Sh1~dards,compliance forms, please refer to the Nonr.esldential Manual published by the California Energy Commission, · MECH-1: .Required on plans. for all submittafs. F.'.ar.ts 2-&. 3 .may be Incorporated in schedule~ on plans. MECH-2: Required for all sut?mittals; choqse appropriate version. depending en method of mechanical. compliance. MECH-3: Required for all submlttals, but form does not have·fo be completed if location of mechanical equipement schedule is indicated on the farm per Section 4.3.3. _ MECH-4: Required for all submlttals unless required outdoor ven.!Uatlon rates and ~irflpw.li Ar"' !ohnu,n·nn ... , .... A -'-• c:--,-t,1--•·" A JE~:310-645-1868 Dec 10'97 18:03 No.009 P.03 .CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part2of 3 MECH-1 ro_JE.CT NAME l,~o~ D ·-?J.:$6 FkbP SYSTEM FEATURES ---·----·---- TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL -----·· ---- VAV MINIMUM POSt'flON CONTRO~? ---...... ·--- SJMULTA~EOUS HEAT/COOL? ·----- HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET?· VENTILATION --··· ·---- OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? ECONOMIZER TYPE ---·· ---· -·------- DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-4, COl,UMN H) HE_ATIN.G !:~u,r. TYP~ r HIG_~ EFf'i~ .. ;_ . MAKE AND MODEL NUM~ER cooLINc:.· Eau~P-TIP~_ ,-i-i,~·H E_FFIC.? MAKE ANO MODEL NUMBER .NA NA ·--... ---'---' . ~t."" ---. ·---~·-··. .. M~· ~ 1-. --· ---'----"" N ·- -~ L . -·_,.A.. ·-· . A., .. -·-·---,-- --''----·-.. -·· ·--·-·---, --. --_,. ... ' -.-··· ···-·-·,--.. -.. -:.-. . ·-.---· --· •. ·-·-.-.. -.-. ·-.-· ·-. -· --· ·-·-' -·~·· ·I· --·-~--··-' __ .:·_:_.:l ·--·-·-·. ,,,.----'--. ·--. ---· -· --· --,.-.. ..-----·--· --·--- ,-_-·-·.--• ----· --· -·--. .. -·-----·-· -- ... -·-----· --· ·--"• __ ... --·-.·--- ·---:-.. -·.- -·-.· __ .;. . ., --.-·· :'i.io"':: .. ...,, .. -: .. , ....... '.f;;/fp:· . ··:::.-:~lftD":.::. · ............ ~~.,,, .... I I \f\}:ffHf I :·\{:\:.\//{ COD~ "I' ABLES: [;n(er c~eiron, !_abl_e_b_e~w, !1,to ·c:olumns.a~ve. . . -==~--~ ___ . .-] HEATPUMPTHERMosT_A_l'_?--· .. :ri_Mi:coNr~o~1E_TBAcKCTRL ·. -1SOL4tiONZP~•-• FAN~C>Nri\oL I ------·· ·. ,-S: F>rog. Swili;h H: l:leating . Ent~rnumber or I: lrdel Vanes ELECTRIC HEAT? O: Occupancy Sensor c:·coo11ng · Isolation Zones. P: Variable Pitch 1----------------• · M: M,mual Timer B: Both V: VFp VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL1 Y: Vi!s O: O~her c: Curv~ ·.---. ., ··.--·--· SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL 7 . N: No · ·. VENilLATION . OU.TDOQR DAMPER . l;CQNOMIZER O.A. CFM HEAT AND COOL SUPPL y RESET? B: Air :aaia~ce A: Auto-· -·. -. A: Air enter Outdoor Air c: ouiside Air C!!t1 .... G:.Gravity W: Water CFM. HIGH EFFIC:IENCY? 'M: out. Air Measure N: Nat Required Nale: This shall be no D: Demand Control less than Column G on N: Natural MECH-4. ·-.-.-. ---· ·---,---'-'--, ··-".-. -,_,_ ____ _ __ .,... ..... -,------·-·-· .-· ..,......----- --""'-'--.-,--,----,, .. -.-.. -----· ··-.. -'.-_._ .. _._., ---- • • • :~~~~~:C·l!=~11~~~~a!!~:~m1~1~m! ' TEL:310-645-1868 Dec 10'97 1a:04 No.009 P.04 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part3of 3 MECH UCT INSULATION SYSTEM NAME ~-------- ---· _ ~lif,._·.......,1~1 _. __ _...._"'--1 _ .... -,_,:..· .,_. -'----- 1,.,.----· .. ----- DUCT TYPE (Supply Return, etc.) ···--------.---. ·--.----·-. DUCT LOCATION (Roof, Pl~um, etc,) 0-~ 0181 on LJD D. LJ OLJ. ... DD DD DD LJD DLJ OLJ DD LJD DUCT !~SULA TION R-VALUE -2.1 ........... ,., .. ,, .. ft~~lJ~~%F ~.~ .. ~: ... : .. ~.y ., •••• ......... ;-.. ·······•· ........... ~. ...... . ::~~~ ... ...................... . ~~::~ .. ~~-~:·::·.:;_~: it~i\i?::i.: .. .......... , .................... . :::.~~:;~;w.:-~~:: (~~~:~?-~ ·.:·:·. ,.,,,•,: . ., ..... ............. ,.,., ... {{~;:::_t:·~:.:.: ~i{;g~\;~~::-: ........ , ...... ~ .. .~; .;:·~:·;~;~~~:t:~;:;. · .. .................. ~ ... -... ........... ~ ........ ··.·'•' :.:;. .. :,::: ......... . -~~::~::~::.1:~:~:-~:::~~-· ·:·::·.:·.:::~:~ PIPE INSULATION. · . . . . . · . ;· · · . . . . · SYSTEM NAME --· PIPETYPE 1-'-----""'"{~upply, Return, etc.).:. .. ··-·-... -· -,------.. ··----------; ----'--,-------· ~----,----- NOTES TO FIELD -For Buildin De artment Use Onl INSULATION F{EQUIRED? y N no on LJD on LJD DD DD lJD DD :.NOIE'TC ·-:~::<.E):~J,;D:· .. TEL: 31-Q..:.645-1868 ·Dec 10j97 · 18:04 No.O09 P.05 MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 PROJECT NAME .. -.. -_ . l8_qo ~D ~lhfaet?_-_ ~~1]:.€. l·UL-L Llt::G-oiA1r1 c. · -8 --91 f-S-YS_T_E_M_N-AM_E_, . ------: FLOOR AREA itf -11 .. -'----::::::::::::::::::::::=::::.=~_-:;;...;:-J.:::::::::-::.:'.:..-::..~ ET_E_; P-ro-v-ld-o -on_a_co_p_y of thie form f~r sa~h m~chanic~i _s~,t-~m wh~n using th~ Pro101lp~vaApproa~h.. _ j SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: • OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERAWRE • OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPER:ATU.RE -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE Z. SIZING: • DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR • ENVELOPE LOAD . (APPENDIX' Cl (APPENDIX C) l~PPENl;>IX Cl. , . [ :;~o'_ ·_ J CFM (MEC:H 4; COLUMN"> -· .... ,·. -. WATTSISF(LTG-2) i------c_oo __ u_N_t3--'--I I H~:a· I • LIGHTING -PEOPLE # OF PEOPLE ("'1ECH4;COLUMN E) - -MISC. EQUIPMENT ,_ WATTS/SF • OTHER • OTHER ( PROCESSLOAOS, DUCT ) LO'SS, INFILTRATION, ·ETC.. - SAFETY/WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTEO,LOAO-(TOTALS FRQM ABOVE x SAFETY/ WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN FAN POWER CONSUMPTION --· .. ... •', '01 ,. l!:!J , QESiGN EfFIClf;NCY FAN DESCRIPT19N B_rµ_KEHP _ · MOTOR DR.IV~ MA. '~2'7 OTE: Include only ran ayatams exceeding 25 HP (sH §144). Total F111 System Power Demand may not exceei;f (1;8 WiHs/CFM tor constant volume systems or 1.25 Wat1s/CFM 'fofVAV systems·. __ .....,_ ___ NUt.,SJ:R PEAKWATTS CFM, · ·_OFFANS : a.x I; x7_46 / (C·x Q) (Supply Fana) -- -.. . . TOTALS I 11. i TOTAL FAN SYSTE.M, c·. -· 1 POWi:R [)E~D, _ _ WATTS I CFM ·co1. F / Col. G TEL:310-645-1868 pee. 1.0,•·97 18: 05 No. 009 P. 06 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY. MECH1 OOLING EQUIPMENT ---------... ' •• ...;__.,.-.,.-""T---' __ ...,......, SYSTEM MAKEANO. Dl;SIGN OUTPUT .. TOTAL . -·-.--R-ATE-. 01:FFICIENcY·-·--. 'ECONOMIZE '. •' NAME MOOE~ NO. (EITU /HR) GK.Q UNITS ALlOWEO PFIOPOSEC · [i]JJ_'j . ~-11---4J,,.-=· :ro~ot, , .. ' ···: --I-'-" ·---·--.. - ' ' F>:' ~ ~00 . ee . ..._ __ ---t-.. ---~D DD --'--'---. .,_ ~-on O[J -.'···"'-,-·.--· ~ --·· -· -· --··--r·10 LJ[J [JD ---'--·--·- --~"'-··--[70 ·f--'--,• .. •-. -________ .. --· __ ,, ··---· - ··--·· .. _. __ _ LJD nu no DC-I D r·J L... ·-- 1 ·---·--'--- _..,.....,.._ .. ,:.· .. ---·-·-.. · ' .. -~·. --i--,---·-·-. DI l L..10 -:·-·-·- ---. ·-· ----- HEATING EQUIPMENT · -. · -' "-.. .. . · .. :···' . . . . ' ··.· . SYSTEM NAME H -.1.1 -~------· MAKE:AND MODEL.NO .. -----...,,.._...,.._ ----'-'-. -· ?AARle;fl. ;a \tJ~QOS, .. . -. . . ---'--· --· -· ''· --: _·: .... ·DESIGN OUTPUT . . (El'l'O I HR) --'---- " '-, 0()0 -· ___ -.. -.... ~-. ··--·-... , .. ··· '--'---:-" ·-· .,, . -------------~ --. ---- .... _. ______ _ . -------,--,----.. -.. ,._ . -----_..a.,-_:,_--,, RATED EFFICIENCY .UN!JS .. . . AL.LOWED PROPOSED ' . -' ~r ........... ------___ l,"f_.____, ----· ·c= t .. ,...,,n,'1Com~tJl.:a_n_c_e-F.:·"_""----~--===---------. -:-=.-:.: ___ --: ·-_---__ -.-___ -• __ -_ .. ' -., .. ---:=_-=._-=_-_-_ ....... _-__ -_-_ -_-_ .,__ ____ __. TEL~310-645-18~8 Dec 10'97 1~:05 No.009 P.07 IVIEC.HANICAL VENTILATION MECH-4 _ ,DA.TE t--------.,;;..;::,::pc...o"""-+-~~~~....._~rk& .. 1+1~~ l 1~e cs~Mx ft+·Ee) _ q ~.41 J --'----------·-I [Ro'TE: Provide ona copy of this form f0:r each rr,ao~nlc111' ~ys~:-n:i--:-. ----__ ~:....-_-------...,.-_~ ', .... · ·--------~· --,-----J MECHANICAL VENTILATION SPACE NO. 101 CONO. AREA (SF) _l)_12- '-----• '---- ..• ,___ __ '-- ._.. i--------," - L-- '-----·· '----·· AREABASis CFM MIN. PER SF CFM (BX C)• ... ' 2-.D 2-~~ ' -- -·- .. ···- .. -- y, - -- ···- ····- ···-.,.'•: . .. ....;. TOTAt.S (FOR MECH-2) [ID OCCUPANCY-BASIS Ri:;a·o. Nd. MIN. O.A. OF CFM ., (MAX; OF PEOPL{ •. _(E _X 15) . DORF) i~ :;JQ ~--' .,.__,:..---,--i-,------, .. [ill DJ QJ 00 v~v MINIMUM CFM DES!G_N LARGEST DESIGN TRA NS- 6UPPl,.Y MIN. MIN. FER CFM ... _ CFM CFf\1 ··-AIR ·-. i=70¢ --~--... -------. - ~-. --- ' ,.........-.. .. . . ···--·- - --,. L...,,---f --- ,.... __ -t ----... ·- - -· .. , . . . .. "--- : ·- Minimum Vontilatlon Aato per Seclicin !121, T11blo 1-F. 7 Based on Expooted Number of Occ1,1psntc or l)t lea~t 60% of·Chopter ~3 UB~>Oooupant Oen~lty. - Must be greater than or·equal to (;I, or use Transfer Air, If :zone reheat Qr rocool is used, I must be luaa than or oqual to. G, or. lesg than on,qual to Total Design CFMX 0.3, or ln11 than or aq to BX 0.4, or less than or equsl to 300 CFM, whichever is largot. . . ·. . Must be 11111 than or oqual to I lif applicable), but no Joas than G; unless Tran~for Air (K) ··Is. used. Must bo greater than or equal to (G -Hl, end, for VAV; greater than or equ11! to·(G • J). __________________ ,,__,...__-=;-----------,,-------"-'------'--~.,..-~---"--- Vonr•$/dsntial Compliant:• Farm ual J -- ' CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part1 ot2 ENV- BUILDIN-G .CONDITIONED i=:LOOR AREA . BUILDING TYl='E _..____-...,... ·-' . ll~~ , , ~-NONRESID~NTIAt [J HIGH RISE. RF.SIOENTIAL , , D HOTEU~OTEL GU.EST ROOM -IZJ N~~ ~~NSTRut\·1uN _ 0 • AD01TiON []-.. ,---A-L-'T-ER_A_T_IO·-N-_ ~~r---J UNCONDITIONED (FIie Arrlda-v-it}--PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE !ZI COMPONENT , D OVERALL ENVELOPE.; [j P'ERFO~MANCE STATEMENTOF-COMPLIANCE -·:·_ ·· --~. , ·--· · · -t-· --_._,_~:;·-· ;·:,_-·-·: -. ·,: ---·--· . This Certificate of cornpllanGe lists the building fealures and performance sp1;rcil1cation$ .nee,ded to comply with Tille 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the Ca!ifprnia Code of Regulations. This .certificalf;! apprie~ c:mly'to buile,fing e.nv?lope requirements. The Principal Envelope Designer hereby c~rtifies_ -thatthe proposed building'design represented in thi~ set of construction documents is consistent with the other-compliance forms and work$he9ts, wilh lhe ~p~citrt.:itions, and' with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. T_he:i proposed building h?s be_en designed to meet the envelope · r'eqllirements contained in sections 11 O, 116 _through 118, ~nd 140-, 142-' 1.43 or 1'-49 o(1'itle 24, P~rt 6, Chapter 1. r'lease check one: . . ~ I hereby affirrn that I am eligible ur1t1er lhe provisions of Division 3 -ofthe Business a net-Profc,ssions Code fo sign this document as the person responsible-for ilS preparalior1; and that I am a civil e1)gineer or architect. · -C ' [J I affirm that I am eligible-under the cxen'lption to Division 3 of the ·sus'iness and Professions Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sigi, this docLim~nt as the _person responsible for its preparation; anq that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents f Of w.ork U1a_l I have contracted to pe.rforin. - ' ' •• i D I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to :Division 3 of.the Business artd Professions Co<:le by Section __ _ of the ___ · -' Codf:l to sign this d6Cl!tnent as the person responsible for its preparation: and for the following reason: ----------.----'-,------'--'--'-'-------'--.,,-------------·---------· PRINCIPAL e:N1iELOPE 0F.s1GNER ·--NAM!; · · ·-· · · 1 s1c,;N_kru'liif--'---,,.. ·· · J r--~ f.l?sc:;. . -. . . : -_ -· . . .. ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES · -•. -' · :-· . . -__ ----_ : -_ -. -: Indicate location on plans of Note Bl9ck for Mandatory Measures · c· A..~_1 .. ···-----'-_-_--_" _· ·_-.. ~:====='""'· '""""J · •.;• --'----------"'-----------------· ---~- For detailed instructions on.the use ofth[s and all Energy Efficiency Standards compJlance·forms, please_rEifer to theNQnresidential 1Aanual published by the California. Energy Commission. _ -ENV-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Part 2 may be-incorporaled in schedule~ on plans, ENV-2: Used for all submittals; phoose appropriate version depending_ on method of envelope compliance. · . ENV-3: Optional. Use if default u-values an: not' used, Choose 11pprogriat~ ve~sion for assemb'iy U-value to be calculated. Nonresid•r,tia/ Complianco Fonn , _______ ,,,,111,111,1! TEL~310-645-1868 ·Dt=c 10'97 18:07 No.00~ P.09 9ERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part2ot2 ENV-1 I PROJECT NAME _.,:..'"" . ··-· -----. . ----· -.;..· -..,_._.:....-...._"---------'-.;.....:...----~, D-AT,_e....,.· ---_,__l . l-{¾t:'L.e-H D ~l..~ ~ ,.-l,Ai;ne t:\\U.. (JCS CRF,,/Q41 _____ tf\"f:§_, _ __,~ Jf---'-, _1~-.2'-4 7 OPAQUE SURFACES ASSEMBLY NAME (eg. Wall-1, Floor-1) -··- --- - INSULATION R•VALUE' . ·CONS1.RUCTION TYPE (eg, R-19, R-Z!, etc,) · (eg. !:ll09k, Wood, Metal), : -----·--. -_· -----;--1--.~~~FlJr,-. ... ~ , . . --·-· ---·-------~------ -...... . ----------1 -,---------,------------.. ·-·-: -· ---·-··. ----·--------------~--.a..,. -- WINDOWS · : · . · · . -· · . · . . . NO.OF . PANES , .. U-VALiJE , . 1 .. ot .... , \.or l~of I o(·. .. ... ·-····-····· F.R,AMETYPE L'.wooq,EcT.) _ · (_~E:~A E~TERIOR SHADE? He: fA--'k ___ ....;...t'1 ........ ---l ~k·· H. HS . -~~---- ~ 6 J~, -· ·- .. ... .. _,..;, " OVERHANG t;REDIT? . -~-.,._ ; . . , , .. ,, Ha t-.l ~ •. J - ; -· .,.-. SKYLIGHTS · SKYLIGHT NAME NO.OF- (eg. Sky-1) PANES tJ/~ ~ .... ,. .. ,. -' - FRAIVIE TYPE-SKYLIGHT'MATERIAt. _(eg. Glass, Pi,astio,.etc:.) _ .. --.---···'-' -+--,------'-'------'---I -··-' -,--------,----,a....;-- -----+------····-·--' GLAZING TYPE (eg. Cl~ar, Tinteo) . ~AP- ~~·~ -·· -------··---· ·--~. ----'---' ~---~---· -----'"' -~--· --'-------··, ... ------,--,-,----'-----~----'--------- NOTES TO FIELD -For Building Department Use Only Nonresident/al Comr,811nc1 Form ........................... .• •.,,:,,•.-,,:,,u, ,•,,-.:, ,.,, ..... ,x., ........ .. . ....................... . ..................... .. . :~;.:~::z::2:::: .. ::: .... . :: .. ;~~~~:c:!'.~~:~:~~~~:-::;:: :::;;r:;'.::::~:~· . ........ ~ .......... .., .......... ; ... ....... _ ........ :,, ..... ,.,,, ... :, .. .. , .... ,: ... , ................. .. . ••';'.•••:, .. ;,. .. ~ ......... . . ~:::.:::er. .. ~.:. ·:::-..~~~:;::::~~~~~~~:~9::: ;~::::·;~:-.-:~·: .. , .. : .. ·::~ ,:,,.,.}'•:·······, ....... ,,:,,,,;,,,.,),.-•,••1o•• ... . :~:·:·~:-:-:?{?:~:: :":-:··} • .,.,•,,•,,,, ........... , ... b ::.':~,';:"•'\'.;;~:.,.M;: ., .......... ,: .... •-.,:,,.:,.. ... ,.:,, .. ,., :: .. :.~(, :::~::::~.: ... ~::.: ... -:: ,,,., •• ¢ ........... ~,:.' -·~:-·..:: ::::;:::-~;:3\.~·~:;~:r:: - ..................................... ..:,; ................ :,..-.; .......... . . , .......................... ( ..... . ...... .., . .., ................... , ... ' ~·: .. y ........ -.;.-..-.; ... :-., .. :-: • ' ....................... . .. .., ..... , ............. . ..• , ............ ,, .... ,... . .,._ ... ,. ... . . ;:~::'.!::::.~.:::;:::::::~~~';;!::. ................................... J~tlll?~1 ! . _.- TEL,: 31 Q...,545,...1868 D.e c 1 Q ' 9·7 -18 : 0 7 No . 0 0 9 P . 1 0 ENVELOPE COMPONENT METHOD ENV- !PROJECT NAME ' ~-· ' !DATE . ' l...¾o~t,10 &A$f,F2AJz~ -~:r:y; \1::lkk L,\c...E;.:·-'Bl?A·)·l<I t:-Mr-if-:1-2'.~__,_9"'""--'1_ INOOW AREA CALCULATION SKYLIGHT AREA CALCULATION . ·------------------'-------'----'---r'--------------,--~. -.......... If tho PROPOSED WINDOW AREA is greater than the MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WINDOW AREA, lhen go lo another method. · DISP,LAY PER• -So IMETER (Dfl) 7\r.; DPXS GREATER OF [ ___ _.l__., .. 1!£. ___ .a...J 1 [. '• ~1-'2___.j ,, ,~ J MAXl~!JM ALLOWABLE 'NINO.OW AREA PROPOSED WINDOW AREA ',, '' ATRIUM HEIGHT LiW FT t <55'..-J L. >IF >651 ALLOWED·% = 05 ALLOWED % = • 1 I -~-~-----'--~ I ·[.. ... ______,-I X ,___I_ ~~-·-_] = .._I -· _'l ALLOWEP % GR. ROOF AREA ALLOW. SKY. AREA i C ______ J If the ACTUAL SKYLIGHT AREA is sreater ·lhan ttie ALLOWED SKYLIGI IT ARl::A, then 110 to another method. '---····· --------------------,.--------'-------1--'-----,------ACTUAL SKY. AREA . .. . -· " .. -_ . ·------------.... , ... ------··---~- OPAQUE SURFACES.::: -: · · · · . . · · . ,--:. · · · ··: . ·· _-;. .'·' · -·.-. ·/.>, :, · . · -_ ... ·. ; SEMB!:.Y NAMI: g. Wal!-1,Floor-1) .A~ -1 TYPE (eg. Root; W~!l; F!®_r} __ vJh~., ·--·· ....... -.. ____ }·G'>O_f -···---·_ - ...•. -·--.:....--~---1 HEAT .CAPACITY ·1NSULATlbN:R-VALllE". ·-• ....... ' -P:~.9t0SED .. Ml~. ALLOW!;D '--'-------"-.____ .. .. . .. ·-- . ~ . ASSEMBLY U-VALUE- TABLE VALUES? PROPO~F.D [YIN! MAX. ALLOWED '. ,-. ... . ._...:..~· ~[l ,_I~ .. LJD .. ,o; 1810 .~_7!, _ no DD • For each· tissombly typo, meet tho-niinin,um ini;ulation R-vah,1e or the m~_ximum uiisombly U-v.irue. -----------·~------,-,-----'------ WINDOWS·· .-. · · ·: ·· · · · ... : ... :,_:,,,< .. -.. -._ .. , ·,· -, .. ·-·-· -PROPOSED RSHG . ... -..... #OF. OV.ERHANG PROP., PANES SC )!. V HN OHF RSHG .. .._ 1 .~· so I 0 -·- 1 ' ,1% .. -~i ······-·- f ,Ss -~ ·---· ·t ,; ,;8 ·>~ --...... .. 71 SKYLIGHTS · · , · --: · -.---/'·. · · · ·: .. -· -.. .. SKYLIGHr NAME (eg. Sky-1, Sky-2) ~p,.. GLAZING TRANSLUCENT I -TRANSP~R_E;Nt -·tr· --o D .. -·o· #OF · PANES_ ·1 D o· .D 0 Nonresiden/Jal Comp61nce Fann '--------''-----'"---'-------J '----J i.1-VA},.UE - ·-·· .,.::-- -~ SHADING COEFFICIEN't ' PR9Poseo ALLOWED .. PROPOSED ALLOWl!O l....,-·,----'- I .. I -------~ Janua'ry 1~95_ ·-> c·e~TIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part1 ota . MECH-~ PROJECT NAME BUILDING TYPE PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA \ 0 NONRESIDENTIAL D HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL 0 H_OTEUM9TEL GUEST ROOM 28:J NEW CONSTRUCTION D ADDITION OALTERATION o: UNCONDITIONED File Affadavit ~ PRESCRIPTIVE , ' . D PERFORMANCE._ . PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE , .. _;Qs'f ENVELOPECOMP.LIANCEATTACHED This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and performance specific;ations needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and _6 of the California ·code of Regulations. This certificate applies only ~o building mechanical requirements. _:,,,,... ' The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, With 'the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. the proposed buitqing has been designed to meet th·e mechanical requirements contained in sections 11 O through 115,, 120 through 124_. 140 through 142; 144 and 145. . ·-Please check one: 121. I hereby affirm t_hat I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business ·and Professions Cocje to. si~n· this · -~ document as the person resl=lonsible for its preparation; ariaihaf I am a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, or architect. D D . ., . ~-. -·\·· ·~· . I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of th.~. Business and Professions Code by Section 5537 .2 of the Business ar]d Professions-Code __ to sign this document as the-person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed co_ntractor preparing documents ·for work that I have con~racted to perform. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by Section ___ _ of the---------'-------'-'-------Code to,.sign this documenf as {fie person responsible for ils preparation; and for tbe following. reason: _ _..,.__,--,.,.._ __ __,'-------------,------------ PRINCIPAL MECHANICAL DESIGNER -NAME L. I A . ~':;/:;~ (), kP.C-.., .. LIC. NO. DATE IJ\ .... oo\ Indicate location on plans 'of Note J31ock·for Mandatory Measures .··. : ' ... tl\~oo\. For detailed ins.tructions on t_he use of this aJJ9 all Energy Efficiency Standards compliar:ice forms, please refer to the Nonresidential · Manual published by the California Energy Commission. . . . _ ·,·.· --.. MECH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 2 &. 3 may be incorporated·irr schedules on plans. MECH-2: Required for all submittais; choo~e.appropriate .version dependlng on meth_od of mechJ,mical compliance.. · · MECH-3: Required for all submitta.ls. but form does not have :to be coITlpleted if. Jocati0n oJ mechan!cal equipem·9rlt sChedlfle is · ·---~ ·:: indicated on ·the form per Section 4.3.3. .· ..... : :. : . : · : .. .': ·: · · . :. __ . ~· ',~\ti/t·::.7,.· __ :,.:-._. ::· ·:·_ ·-":' MECH-4: Required fqr all submittais· unles~'.required oi.i~deor\iehtiiation· fates and ·airtfoWs are shown __ on"p~abi5-pe(~e,9,i~,n _4.3.4+~1:? . • • .• , . • . ·, •• ! .. .::_:' .:;;·---~.;:-.:-:•::.~:.?.-.-.:.,-;i;,-,'\"1 ••• -..... __ , "'~--· Nonresidential Compliance Form CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE _Part2ot3 M~CH-f PROJECT NAME DATE --~ ~ci- SYSTEIIJLFEATURES c···-· . ·.. .. ·· . ..· . : , ·-,. : ---. ··.·_;··. ·· :_. --. · -;..;_. '· ·.-·. ~js_v_s_T_E_M_N_A_M_E ________ __,II'--_ __,,f½i~ .. _.:.,.· __ c,... ___ ;.~--~· ' '. MECHANICAL svi>TEMS j ,;=j =-===============~! j~~ . TIME CONTROL ;-------'--'---~---t----~--"'-----l . /_:::;-;;;~i:::;;;D:L~:-.;::::- :.~~=~ .=~\ ,, ..• ~ •. : ~--. ·······-·-SETBACK CONTROL rv'\ .. N ISOLATION ZONES \ .. .. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT?. y ELECTRIC HEAT? f-J FAN CONTROL ' C.o~1.. ,Jt;L-.. VAV MINIMUM POSITION GONTROL? .. --rJ~ .. ... ... '--.-•!<... SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? N -. HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? rJ VENTILATION \/ OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? M~ ECONOMIZER TYPE fJ DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-4, COLUMN H) HEATING EQUIP. TYPE HIGH EFFIC.? 11,{flv -w~ I.A lt:.A.-1' · o.. v-,,1 I tJ I MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER ... ,;1.-sQ ~M COOLING EQUIP. TYPE HIGH EFFIC.? fVlt,v,.~ . tA.ca\-1 {Jv""f lrJ. MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER . ' ~fl, 7-1,, 7~ /' '\ .. I CODE TABLES: Enter c:ode from table be!ow into columns above. I •-,-,., . .. .. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? TIME CONTROL SET-BACK CTRL. ISOLA Tl ON ZONES FAN CONTROL S: Prog. Switch H: Heating .Enter_ num~r of I: Inlet Vanes ELECTRIC HEAT? O: occupancy Sensor C: Co<:>Ung -.. Isolation Zones.· P: Variable Pitc!i M: Manual Timer <, B: Both V:VFD VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? . ·-O: Other C:Curve . .Y: Yes . ,. ·-.. SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? N,No •, VENTILA'.flON OUTDOOR D!<MPER ECONOMIZER o.A.cFM .. B: Air Bal,:mce A: Auto A: Air Enter Outdoor Air : : HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESE_T? .. C: Outsid~ Air Cert. G:-.Gravity W:Water CFM. -- HIGH EFFICIENCY? M: out. Air Measure N: Not Requir~ Note: This shall be no D: Demand Control . less ttiar:i Column G on N: Naturai · . -.. MECH-4 . -. .. " -. . . ) MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER . -·MeCH-Z PROJECT NAME .. DATE Lftl.oWO _ _-: ~~i)M) ... ·. ~ l~ {__~ fl-f. tr:er:\~ .. ' Cf-5-'r1 SYSTEM NAME -. rt-lf-C-- .. F~OORAREA 11v .. NOTE: Pro~ide one copy of this form for each mechanical systorn w_hen usirig the Prescriptiv_e Approach. . - .. SIZING. and'.EQUIPMENT SELECTION· ·.:, .. . . ·.' " . '~ ,. ' . -,_. :.-:-·: ~-::: .... ; .. '. -~' . ; 1 ~·. -,, --~ -r .,. 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING: -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR -"ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING (APPEN,DIX C) (APPENDIX Cl (APPENDIX Cl C.\ S _. , CFM (MECH 4; COLUMN 4) 1-,. I WATTS/SF(LTG-21 ·.· COOLING HEATING i-? 61 1S '0,4-..... (,,'b ' l·. \ -PEOPLE \ · _ ·1 # OF PEOP\..E (MECH4;COLUMN E) 0,1-5 -MISC. EQUIPMENT WATTS/SF -OTHER -OTHER ( PROCESS LOADS, DUCT )' LOSS, INFILTRATION, ETC .. (De~ribe) (o'escribe) SAFETY/WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOV)= x SAFETY/WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM . ·-··--- · ··ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN . -~ !• • ,. • DESIGN. EFFICIENCY . FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE HP MOTOR DRiVE --~k .. - .. - NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding.25 HP (see §144): a TOTAi:.$ ~.-~s 11 ~.~ I NUMBER. OF FANS .. " .. . · TOTALS .. •:,(. ... . . ·:-~ -' _[;TI7CNJ ~~ · g,g j). 8,D . KBtu / Hr KBiu / Hr .[EJ @] . . PEAK WATTS . CFM ,·.,--· ... 8 XE X 746 / (C X D) (Supply Fans) . . •' Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts!CFM for. constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. .t'" •;;,.,.,. ~~ ·-........ ~ -· ••• ~· .. , . ~----~--.-_. ......... ., -~· Nonresidential Compliance Form I I I I I I I I I I I i j \ ! I I I I I I I '"--.J;9HA~~CA~ EQUIP.l\il,ENT SUMMARY_ MEC . PROJECT NAME DATE COOLING EQUIPMENT .· · , . -.-. . -. ·--~ · · .~ . · · · · -:~ . -~ . SYSTEM MAKE AND DESIGN OUTPUT NAME MODELNQ. (BTU /HR) lfUt ..-('.,.. CM/),\02, <'1-~a 5<bo0 .. . .. ·-· .. . .. ' -, I I I SYSTEM I MAKE AND NAME I . _~.JJIODEL NO • fti{-G I . , ' (,Mil.A /U/., ~'2-4G· I .. . .. I I I .. ,· ··-· ... • -, ... : .. -1 . Nonresidential Compliance Form ,. ... TOTAL RATED EFFICIENCY ECONOMIZE DESIGN CFM UNITS ALLOWED PROPOSED y N I ., . -· ~ -.g 1 S, D,lZl DD DD DD . .. DESIGN OUTPUT (B_"fU/HR) · . ' .. . . ·. .. : ~ ... ' . -. . . .- . • :. ~:~ .. ~ ;_:_,t O • • 0 :A~ 0 -·~ ·-.· ·- RATED EFFICIENCY -··'oD DD DD DD ·DD DD DD DD DD DD DD UNITS ALLOWED .PROPOSED .. L.oP 2..0 "J...fo • o,•'A,J • • . : •• -.,:~~':s.11.:··.:<-·-·: .. -.~---'.:··;:;:_~.:~~,.;:~;.~;'if,~·-· . ,. MECHANICAL.VENTILATION?? · ::-_.t i·,c MECH{4· PROJECT NAME SYSTEM NAME NOTE: Provide one co of this form for .each mechanicals stem. MRCHANICAJ~VRNTIJ,ATtON ,., ... , 1 , -. .·::-·--:._ ._ ·:_ _.. , ., •• , .. (ID AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS REQ'J?. COND MIN, -NO. MIN. O.A. CFM SPACE AREA CFM PER SF OF CFM (MAX. OF DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR NO. (SF) (B XC} PEOPLE _(EX )5) Q dR F) ··~q I /t; lLJ..; r · le r-c: .. I .... ~ . ... ... --- -.. . ., ... .. .. . ~ .. , ,. " ' .... .. _, .. . . . . I TQTALS (FOR MECI-I-2) I \ ·1 ~----''----,--..,.....,-., ,...'-_-~~ ~-_-_--~ ~--'~~ L.. -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ ....J~ l>--e-· ~ ........ IS~; ~I I .. l$ ·- Minimm_n Ventilation Rate pe·r SJ;etion § 121, Table 1-F. .. Based on fapeeted Number of Occupants or at Ie~t 50% of Chapter J'fUBC Occti~ant Density Must be greater than or equal to·d, or use Transfer Air . · " , [TI CTI VAVMINIMUM CFM LARGEST DESIGN MIN. MIN. CFM CFM -- TRANS- FER AIR - .. ·.,":_ .. \ If zone reheat or recool is used,,! must be-less than,or equal lo G,.or less·than-or equal to Total Design CFM.X 0.3, or less·than or equal to BX 0.4, or less than_ or equal to 300 CFM, whichc_ver is larger. , . . -· .:, Must be less than-or equal to I (if applicable), but no less tlian G, unless Transfer Air {K) is use.ct. •. .. . .. -~, .. Must be greater than or equal' to (G -Ii). and, for VAV, gn:ater than orc_qual to (0 -J). ,. · · · ~ -..:•., .. --~·L -. ... / Nonresidential Compliance Form ,CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -Part 1 of 2 EN ' _ _-!PROJECT NAME LJ::&xA~Q ,,. CA:L66~ -~ -~ ( ~~)U~) , tWJECT ADDRESS ,-, · : . ~L-Si1/l9-l? 'I Yl,vYl-' 1?1-et,.,v0 CA PRINCIPAL DESIGNER -ENVELOPE MLG{2A!,J _ ,. ~µ . AflC..-H'{t:C6 TELEPHONE DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR \L , N\ofJ.ft-\~ TELEPHONE· ~\Orb,4-$ -o\412- ·-,\10 BUILDING TYPE B'' NONRESIDENTIAL::' ., -o HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL D HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST ROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION l8f,' NEW CONSTRUCTION D ADDITION -0 ; ALTERATION D _ ··uNcoN·D1'r10NEo · (Fi1e Attiaavit) METHOD OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ~ COM~ONENT ,, ..... ' D OVERALL ENVELOPE D ,PERFORMANCE This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and :performance specifications-needed to compiy with Titie 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations: This certificate applies·only_to building env~lope requirements. . . The Principal Envelope ·oesigner hereby certifies that the proposed building c;lesign represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other es;ompliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with .any other calculations submitted with tnis permit application. The proposed buildi,ng has been designed to meet the enve{lope · requirements contained in section~ 1'1'0, 116 through 118,. and '140, :142·, -143 or '149 of Title 24, Part 6, Chapter 1. r'lease check one: D D I hereby affirm thaf r·am eligible und.er the' provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to-sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a civil engi0eer or architect. I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Division 3 -of the Business §lnd Professions Code by Section 55_3?'.2, the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the :person responsible for its preparation; and that I am licensed contractor-preparing documents for wot:k tl:)Jll I hav~ ,Gontracted to -p~rform. - I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption .to Division 3 of the· Business and Professions Code by Section ---1 of the ------'----,,-,-~-~""-""--c---Gode to sign ttiis document as the pe~son responsible for,its . . . . ~........ . ... preparation; and for the following reason: ----~::---""--'------"----'----------""----·---,"----1 ~-........ .. ~-{'·:· . . . . .. .. : :.;: :::-· .. PRINCIPAL ENVELOPE DESIGNER -NAME SIGNATURE LIC. NO, DATE l f2-(L-12--0SS For detailed instruction~ on the ~se pf·t;is ~~d· all En~-~gy Efficien~y· St~~~a;ds-compli~nce forms: ple~s~: ~~;:~ to-th~ .. N~nre~ide~ti,;!: i · Manual published by the California Energy' Commis~ion. · --:,: . _ _ · : · . . . .. , , · -;. __ ,-, _ .. · , .· ~·: .. '-ENV-1: Required on plans for all sul_:>mittals. Part 2 may be incorporated in ·schedules on plan$. · .: ·.,. ·. :'} ·.: -:, ·. /-_ · .,:_: '.":_/\~~·-.:: ENV-2: Used for all submittais; choose appropria.te versfor:i depending on method :of ·envelope compliance.'.: ,, ~,::~:; .. : ~-/, .. \,::,:_:;_~.:-:, .. ENV-3: Optional. Use if_ de~~~lt U-values are not used:_-_Cho_ose_ appfopr_!ate Y':lrsio9,fo~.a:5_~~~~!Y,Y:~~}~j,.J.if~~J~l~lated: , .. -. · •: ·• . • • 7 • ·.. • . •• • ::· • ·: : • :-.. ·: • ·r .... -~---,f-;:,.;~~·-:t-.f:.;r_,·~.:.~~J:t Nonresidential Compliance Form . -• ' •••• :· ' ..... •• ':..!·, .. :. • - .. 'CERTIFICATE OF,-CQMPLIANCE · P~rt:2°t.2 E.NV~~t .... -. . . -. . . . -.. " .· .... PROJECT NAME ASSEMBLY NAME (eg. Wall-1, Floor-1) WINDOW NAME (eg. Window-1) SKYLIGHT NAME (eg. Sky-1) . ·, ~ . INSULATION R-VALUE (eg. R-1£1, R~22, ~tc. }_ NO.OF PANES NO.·OF PANES ' P---\ \ ... - U-VALUE \ ''1'? \,~? ' ····· .. U-VALUE .. -~~- DATE 1 : -¥-o/' CONSTRUCTION TYPE (eg. Block, Wood, Metalf ' LOCATION/COMMENTS: . ·t:McfNl- FRAME TYPE (METAL,WOOD,EOT.) .r,t\t.c;-'') . I (,'(\,,· ~1\~:11'-.L- -... .. FRAME-TYPE . ,, -(eg. Suspended Ceiling, Demising, etc.) . · .. '$ . EXTERIOR SHADE? .. OVERHANG CREDIT? SKYLIGHT ~ATERIAL. (eg. Glass,Pla~tic,_ e\c.) . . .. . .. .. .. .. ' ... .. . . .. . . : .. :: ... :· --: GLAZING TYPE (eg. Clefr, Tinted) . ., - .. .. ___ .. GLAZING.TYPE (eg. Clear, etc.) ., . :;~:~;tt~i[;~~;i~i~:~:~{t:;~i ,;,~iii&;~iiL:i:, · iicfrfta-, ·ri=feUr,::t ; -~: . .' .. -~N.V~J.;.O~E C.OMPONENT MET_HOD . . .E·N.V PROJECT NAME GROSS WALL AREA(GWA) GWAX0.4 · If the PROPOSED WINDOW AREA'is · greater than the MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WtNDOWAREA, then go to another method. 4-o8 . DISPLAY PER- llv1ETE:R (DP) DPX6 GREATER OF l I. H;~.'7--r MAXIMUM ALLOWA!;ILE 1 WINDOW AREA --\~A,, 1- PROPOSED Wl.NDOW AREA .. ;: ... · . · DATE . ,-. 1,.:-~_-°(7 ATRIUM HEIGHT ~ FT r <•s·.--J L" >551 A\..LOWED % == 05 ALLOWED % = .1 :~I -----'-'--'----'I x-f I ~ lc...._ _ __, ALL!)WED % GR. ROOF AREA ALLOW. SKY. AREA lf_the ACTUALSKYLiGHT AREA is greater. than the ALLOWED SKYLIGHT AREA, then go to another method. t . I . . ACTUAL.SKY. AREA ~lll=l-i1li~#iI~3-~ / · · · .· · · -· I Ass.EMBLY lJ.-VALUc· • I I ,------~~~~ ---~,--~-~-~----' TABLE VALUES? I j ASSEMBLY NAME TYPE HEAT INSULATIONR-VALUE' i 1 i I (eg. Wall-1, Floor-1) (eg. Roof, Wall, Floor) CAPACITY PROPOSED MIN.ALLOWED i PROPOSED y N MAX.ALLOWE ii 0-li:N-· ~\ (_,J~_ .. J...._. \\ I\?; D ~-. 110 ! 1,-------'''----i f---_..:_-----',-'-'-~-----1 i----~ ,..._~~--->~---~--' 1-------< t;SJ ,___,_~_v_'~{~_, .q.l."-~f-.-· \ rz..'"'° f·· \ ~ . 040 D gJ · ..... 1 _____ __J 1----~------l 1---~--'--I ~~~--,;!_· .. __ ~~~ 1-----l D D ========:: ,--------'f-----~----"--IL.c..---~1-----'-l------~ ..... ----!DD,__ ____ . OD- * ·J:=or eac·h· ~ssembly type, meet the niinin'lum insuiation R-value ·or the' maximum assembly U-~alt ,•.: -~ ... WINDOW NAME ORIENTATION U-Vf.>.LUE (eg. Window-1, WindoW-2) · · N E s . W _ PROP. ..ALLOW. 1----------...;.......----i SKYLIGHT NAME ( eg. Sky-1, Sky-2) 1-------------l ·D Ef !Zf .0'· :·\,"2..~ · -\t2-~ ·ODDO tJ_o·oo DODD GLAzlNG .J~~N$LUCENT T,RAN:SPARENT D D • := .. -..... • 0 . O.,··: ... ·-·o·· 0 o· .o . #OF PAr,JES ----1 PROPOSED RSHG #OF OVERHANG PROP. ALLO\ PANES SC H V 'HN OHF RSHG RSHC \-: ,\.., ,1? t(' •· ?. 0.1.:\ .-......... -:..,,;7:.,. .. -. ... . U-VALUE SHADING COEFFICIENT PRqPOSEp ALLOWED PROP()SED ALLOW.EC : -.. , ' ~·-:-:_-~:. . _.; ~ .. :. ,; .. · ··~ .... ~;·.._::.:'.;,.~ : ·::i:£ ·. ..... PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY ENV-3.1 PROJECT NAME 1 2 3 ·4 5 6 7 w 0 Cl) I-:) 0 SKETCH OF ASSEMBL:Y DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR r~P\jf.,,g,.5, ... UJ 0 (f) z FILM .. {,,o~ft,1~ 1vff1,.J!.. ~<A0 _.. ?\! Q,oof-' stP!:.') -5t\ C:::>()r'Jt>N ();:.) ~1. :'. f ,..)Sv v~ 1 .I o;J . -INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM DATE_ ·er --FJ- ASSEMBLY TYPE I I Floor (c;heck qne) . . Wall · · · 1----g-.---,--1 . Ceiling / Roof FRAMING MATERiAL·. LI _ __,_·t,JD-=--,J~~==----__J FRAMING SIZE FRAMING PERCENTAGE '---~---'------' Fr%: . 15% (16" o.c. Wall) 12% (24" o.c. Wall) 10% (16" o.c.Floor/Ceil) ' •-.. _ .. .,,, ....... 7% (24" o.c. Floor/Ceil.) · R-VALIJE CAVITY R-VALUE .... (Re) ,\1 .r i \ . .,q. WOOD . FRAME R-VALUE HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) . . . WALL SPECIFIC HC WEIGHT HEAT (AX 8) .. (lbs/sf) (Btu/F-lb) (Btu/F-sf) , : •' . .. ' .. . : .. \ ~':" .. · . s·~BTOTAL .-j. -2-li "2-1 .. _ .. l -1-TOTALHC Ii Re Rf I n u .n u X --1 .,.,,-+ --I X I .:..-'· = . [ ,o41 ·--1 .. 1 / Re 1 -(Fr% / 100) -. 1 / Rf Fr%/100 . ASSEMBLY U-VALUE· -·. :-·::' .. l . . . . . . - .. . -.:,;,-. -· . .. . " ii;i,~j~t{~~!~ Nonresidential Compliance Form ./... -· " ... ·:·· . PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION.AS.SEMB~Y ENV-· t • • -• • • • • -• ' • • • ~ '-• PROJECT NAME SKETCH OF·ASSEfvlBLY DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM 1 \ I ,1 / 'L. {_,~ . J., ,·[ ~'t ... ,>, .. 1-·· _..,,1 , ( ·( I (l {''" ~!'~"' ~T ~t•• 2 'G>\\ 1,-..; 0 U(/ 10;-J 3 'S~~I\ /'JV f:-o i':./"..0 ~: .~' ,.,.,, . .;,..(, " ... 4 5 ". 6 7 .. .. INSIDE SURFACE AIR FILM DAiFE ASSEMBLY NAM~ . W~ _. \ :===~'.'.::::'.:'.'.'.::'.:::====:::::=.------_J ASSEMBLYTIPE ... , (check on~) . v' .. -~----- "---+---i-------' f:'RAMING MATERIAL-. I. ?fY.k <;,:f 0()<;).' _ FRAMING SIZE '.':r~~/i$". FRAMING PERCENTAGE ·-1 -~'~5_0..,.._z_~--~ .. 'Floor Wall Ceiling/ Roof 15% (l6M o.c. Wall) 12% (24M o.c. Wall)° 10% (16M. o.c.Floor/Ceil). 7%, (24~ o.c. i=Ioor/c'eil.J [fil , R-VALL!E . ,·. HEAT CAPACITY (Optional) CAVITY R-VALUE (Re) I \i1 -~J.::f; t !" /;~ \\ - i'?& . -; lr,j WOOD FRAME R-VALUE . - .. .. WALL WEIGHT . (lbs/sf) S_PECIFIC HEAT (Btu/F-lb) HC (AX B)· (Btu/F-sf) . · .... SUBTOTAL ~\_7,_, ... _~_,._~-~---~· .1 TOTALH~· ~I---~ .. -?-• Re Rf LJ ,:.-,. - D 0 D .. ·-· • ~<, ,4o"'7 1 · I \ C,, . . -.· 1 .~.,,J.:, _· I )()!)~ X + X ... I ~ - 1/Rc {-(Fr%/ 100) . 1 / Rf Fr%/ 10Q. ASSEMBLY U-VALtJE .... :: ··: ··:. ·· ... '. . i C RTIFICATE'OFCOMPLIA.NCE . (Partlof2) ENV-1 l'ROJECI Ni\ME l'IWJECT i\lJlll<l:SS BUILDING TYPE BUJl:.DlNG CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA ·o-t? ,QS NONRESIDENTIAL D HIGH_ RISf R£S!D&:Nt[AL PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ~~NEW 90NSTRUctiON .cl ADoinoN o ALTERATION METHOD OF ENVELOPE .!81: COMPONENT . COl'vfPLIANCE 0 OVERALL ENVE;:LOPE · D HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST RO;M ·o .UNC~NDITIONEO (fil'eaffidavit) D PERFORMANCE . STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE - · .: This Certificate of compliance lists the building. featur.es and perfotmanqe specifications rteed to comply with Title 24, Parts· 1 am 6 of the California Code of Regµlations. This certifo;ate applies only to builcH'ng.envelop~ requirements. . . ' ' . ' ' The documentation preparer hereby certifies that the documentalion is accurate and complete. DOCUMENT A T!ON Al/THO!{ ~(Z.. ~ SlGNATURE DATE The Principal Envelope Designer hereb); certifies that th~· proposed .building design represented in this set of.construction documents is consistent with the other compli~!lCe forms and worksheets; with the. specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with th(s pennit applicarion. The proposed building .has b~en. designed to. meet the envelope requirements contained in sections 110, l 16 through I 18, and 140, I 42, ·J 43, or l 49 6f Title 24, Part 6. Please check one: ~ I hereby aflirm 'that I anr eligible Linder the provisions of Div-ision.J ofthe· BL1siness and Professions·Code to sign this document as the persph responsible for its preparation; and that I am .a civil Engineeror Atchitec;H. D I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Qi¥,ision 3 of the Business and Professions Code.by section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions_.Code to sign this document as the person ·responsible for its preparation;.and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents .for work that I have contracted to perfom1. · D I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to Div,isio;1 fof the Busi~es·s ~n<l Professions Code by section ____ ol the .. Code to sign .thi$ document as the pets on, responsible fqr its--preparation; artd fo·r ~he fo I lowing reasons: ·----'-~---'-'-'-~--'-c'.....,...--'-~-~----,-__,.~~~-~-- Indicate location on plans of Note Block fotMan.dato_ry Measures ._I _""":kOa;_·..:...:..·-'-. _· 4j-'---,-=-'----------"~---'-'j INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT For Detailed instructions on th~ -use of this and all Energy Effic-ienc;y Staridards. c6rripliance fot'rhs: piea$e refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission.. . . ENV-1: Required on plans for all subm ittals. Part 2 may be incorporated in schedu{1,s. on plans .. ENV-2: Used for all submittals; choose appropriate ver$ion depending:on method ofenvel9pe con:ipliance. ENV-3: Optional. Use if default U-values are not 1.1sec1. Choos:e appropric1te. version for assem blfU-va:lue tQ be eqlculatec;I. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part2of2). ENV-1. t- WINDOWS . . . · · .-,-'-----'----.· · ~==---_,' WINDOW NAME -.. NO.OF u:vALUE. FRAMETYPE EXTERIOR ·ovERHANG CREDIT? (cg. Window-I) i?AINS ·( l.1ctai, Wood,_et~.) SHADE.? .. l ~-lUt,H-07}1.U I l ~DI yt,~. }lo . . .. --- .. . . .. - -i ' . -- SKYLIGHTS ·. . . I.'. . . . . . . . · .. SKYLIGHT NAME NOOF • · ( cg Skv-I)· PANES ··Hbc- -. : FRAME TYPE (Metal, Wood, c(c.) SKYLIGHT MATERIAL . (Glass, Plastic, ·etc.)· . G~AZING TYPE .(Clear, Low-E, etc . NOTES TO FIELD -For Buildin2 Department Use Only ~~::-::=;-::-::-::-=:-,:-: · ... . ::,:: ... ' ; ~. ·~• .... '· ,~· ..... ·;:' . .-:.! -~;· _ ... ,· .. ·····:··,·" ENVELOPE COMPONENT METHOD. 1 ' ENV-2 GROSS WALL · DISPI.i\Y \? ... ' ~l:T AREA(GWA) ~t,O PE-RIMETER (DP) ATf?llJM m::iGl!T -,i,,,,-·. GWA• 0.4 211' OP• G I I -IFS 55 FT IF> 55 IT y I ·r. - GREATER OF 0.10 , __ I = I I l I 0.05 I · I ·I I . I If the PROPOSED 'I - I ·1 MAXIMUM ... WINDOW AREi\ is .210 ALLOWABLE GROSS ROOF. AREA ALLOWED.SKY. AREA greater than th~ WIND.OW AREA 1 MAXIMUM 1 ALLOWABLE WINDOW AREA, go to '• If the ACTlJAI, SKYLIGHT AREA is grcat~r than I I another method. I ~-I PROPOSED the ALLOWED SKYLIGHT AREA. go to another WINDOW methoc!. . .. AC;UAL SKY. AREA OPAQUESURFACES .· . . .. : ASSEMBLY NAME (cg, Wall-I. Fh.it>r-1 l \)) :rYPE . HEAT (cg. Roo'f.Wall. l'k>t>rl <ZAFACITY --- .. INSULATION R-V.ALUE PROPOSED .1'·!1N. ALI.-OWED II. n .. Jq ,r -. ~-. -., . -• For each asscmbl~ t~ pc, meet the n1inimum insulation R-vah1c or the i11,iximu111 assembly_ U-vatuc WINDOWS ·-·: .• WINDOW NAME (~.!! .. Wi.ndciw-1, Wi'ndow-2) ORIENTATION -U~VALUE .. .. N. I E I _S. ·1_ w PROP .. ALLOW ... # OF PANES 7 ~ ,,,, ... s·--o· 0 ·D Lot -1.~} I ·,··. :0 D 0 D· o· D :D D . . .. .. D 0 ·o D -· •, ASSEMBLY U-VP.Ll1E TABLE VALUES? PROPOSED IY I N·I MAX. ALLO\\'ED I OCJ D D D 0 -• .~5 D o· ... .. 0 D D D ... PROPOSE-D RSHG ' -PROP. ALLOW. SC ." H· V I-IN OHF RSHG RSHG . ,,f '7 J- .. I SKYLIGHTS · .. ·: . · · .-----,--'-~ · .. . . #OF_ .. ,-, ... .. U_0VACUE SHADING COEFFICIENT I SKYLIGHT NAME GLAZING .. (e.g., Sky-I, Sky-2) TRANSLUCENTIT8.ANSPARENT. . PANES PROPOSE!) ALLOWED PROPOSED. ALLOWED I NA D .. 0 D D : D D : I D 0 ' COMPONENT DESCRIPTION : · w 0 Cf) 1- ::J 0 SKETCH OF ASSEMBLY w :o· CJ) z ASSEMBLY NAME DESCRIPTION OF ASSEMBLY WALLR~VALUE-andHEAT-CAPACITY _· -·· ··, .-. · . · . . -.. J \.VALL UNlTTllfCKNESS .._I '-------'-'--~_.I· NOMINAL INCHES MATERIAL TYPE. ·1 .• 1 ti.\\' CMU.MW Cl\lU. :'\\\. C\1U. CLAY U:-,.;IT, Cl.A Y BRICK. CONCRETE.! CORE TREATMENT (,'iOLID, GROUTED. EM!'l"Y. !NSULATED. NAl WALL R-VALUE ..... I _-'----'-'----'---"'J Rw (FROM TABLE B-5 or 13-6) \-\'ALLIIEATCAPACITY 1 · ._··. I 11<: (FROM lABU: ll-5 or_l3-6l FURRING/INSUIATION LAYER ONSIDE and/or OUTSIDE IF ANY)':::; . · · ·· ·: · . . _, .. :, ·.. : FURRING FRAMING MATERIAL ._I ___ __,_c...a...._~· ......J•· 1 (WOOD,.METAL. NONE\ FURRING FRAMING SIZE .... I,..._ -----'-~ _ __.1 ·NOMINAL l~CIIES FURRING SPACE INSULATION_ I . · 1 TYPE I· EXTERIOR INSULATING AREA I I. TYPE FURRING ASSEMBLY EFFECTIVE R-VAtUE EXTERIOR INSULATING LAYER R-VALUE + (FROM TAI II .I,: H-71 (FRQf\1 ~1ANUFACTllRl:Rl WALL ASSEMBLY R-VALUE and U-VALUE · = ACTUALINC!IES R-VALUE R-VALUE INSULATION LAYER R-VALUE ]Rt' L-c..------ INSULATION LAYER R-VAl.lJE WALL R-VALUE · WALL ASS EMBLY R-VALUE WALL ASS EMBLY U-VALUE I=._____,_-----'~ I J ~-------'+I-····· . .,·. Rf Rw Rt 1/Rt .. :::· 0 a·+ll':-6" TOP QE FRAMING (N.T.SJ l .I I . r (F-515 S.IM~>-:--· --""'\· . ' . . ·a +<i;--6'~ / .., · 0 SOT. (N.T.SJ : 0 ~ ~t>.'.=5" ~rti, C~fL . PREFORMED ALlJMINUM .SOFFIT PANEL, PRIMED , PAINTED i/F!J". RJRRING CHANNELS ·· ---~-~ MET,A,L STUDS (e) .. y. i --,..,.---..,,:.4::._. I j. "i i · · .. · ... ~F-511 . .,,,,.,---....... . . . ~ // . . ., . . . f ~· I I I I .i I .. ,. .1 I f I. I . I i1J6E STEEL SCREEN~ STRIJC,, .m·,,;-,---.,-.-~__,.___,TREATED_ )"jQOD, PAINTED · P-529 ·1 ,. I I r t: .1 =---~ :; ..... .. MEMBRANE ~0F1NG ·w .. cSAAVEL fL YWOD SHEA i"Hil-kS-· : BATT l~LATl~H . : (Rl<t. ~ ~F) · · I •.': ~-: .. __ .::· .. ,•. ·: ..... -~..--. -. . ·:l ·;-· ·:· :· · .. ., -.. .. · .. j;:111--~---'--:-'--~--,----METAL. STUDS, ' .)'lR. GYPSUM BOARD, CEMl=NT Pl.ASTER ·, 11-IINS.ET'CERAl•IIC.TILE. GYPSUM SHEATI-IING -----~----'------:---'-11 .,•. METAL. SnJDS BATT INSULATION j (RII o Y'W.l.S) j ·i ,----'-----REF. FOOD SERVICE Dl"IG'S FOR .1~0~ ~I~ •. : .,. .. .,: ... ; f·. . .·· .. ·· .. -.--· ....... ... ... · .. .· .. •. .. _: ·.· ··-"'.-..... ·.,·· . _· ... · .... •. . ::·· .......... : .. ,.,; ... I ' • • ,:{:• ' I . ,:· : . ' ·: . ~ . . -~· ; _ _...... . . . . ·:. . . ' :. . . . •. -·:. : .. : ·.:·· .. / ii<··:W: A.LL. ··S EC·!I.ON .. _:<; ..... :·:_ :_·.: \:!; SCALE 3/4••1':-<)! · · · . . '· . ..... . .. ; . ·, .~ ·: .. . ~ . ... .. :• ,"-..... : ... r .... -.·.· : .· .' "< .---.. :· -. -.:.-=·: ...... · .. ··,·.:-_:_-.:·.· .. f! -. -••• -··· .,.-. #" • - ... ·.·. ;· .. -.... :.-::·.-/} .. :_/\: ,:-:: .. :.:_·:. •· .. ·.:. ·····-:: .. . ~. . . ..:·_._:_~_:.-.... :.-... :. :· .•.'_· .. --.. :_ .. # • --;,-.-• • . :._:· ...... :. 1.:·.· "',:·: . .... t· • : . } l'f(()JI.C:f' l\l)()l(f:SS c}.-UZS .~a , <;.f'<'A v1.e-c...:.zo. c .,._, BUILDING TYPE PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF MECI-Ii\NICJ\L COMPLIANCE .BUILE>IN.G CONb!TIONED .FLOOR AREA . -;~o . 0 NONRESIDENTI/\L 0. NEW CON·STRU(~fION . D ADQITI~N' D Al,, TERA TION @ PRtSCRIPTIVl_~ . O PE·RFORMANCE D HOTEL/MOTEL GUESTROO/ 0 UNCONDrITQNED (file amdJ, D PREVIOUS 1~NVEWPE J:EIUY!ff ,. '.cgr . EN.VELO Pl;.:. COMPLIANCE A-TT ACHED This Certificate o'r Compliance lisls the building foatur~s and performance spec;;ificatiohs ne~ to comply with Tide 24, Parts · and 6 of the California·code of Regulations. 111-is certfficatc applies ofrly to bu1ldi.ng mechanical requirements. Tl1e·documentatio11 )Te arer hereby Gcrtifie~ tl1<~t the d · umcntarion i$ accwatc and com lete. OOCVt-JEl;,'TAT!ON Al1'TIIOR · ~..?-s·n::1t ... A. ?-osr:t-i'7~n.C---i . SIG\"/,•\ TURE DATE The Principal tvlccli:rnical Designc:r hereby certif'ic..'S that the proposed bli.i!ding design rep.resented in chis set of construction documents is consistent with th~ other comp:!iancc..' rornts and workshe.ets. with the specific,.tlions, and w.i'th any other calculatt· submitted with this permit spplicatit1n. °the pro1:io:-i..:d building ·has been deS.ignecl ·to meet the mechanical requirements contain in the applicable parts of$ec~ions -1 'IO tl\rough 115, 120 thrnugl!_l24, 140 through 142, 144 and 1-15. · Please check one: lSJ l hereby affirm that I am eligible ur1der th;· pni\;isions:-of Div-is1on 3 ~f the Bu~iness and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsi'blc forits pn.:paration; and \lrnt I am a Civil ~ngineer, Mech~nical Engineer, or Ar~hitec- ' . 0 I affirm that l am eligibie ·under th<! exe~1pliori tQ Djvisior1 3 of the B,us/ness and Professions Co:de-by Section 553_7.~ 9f t. Business and Professions Code to sign this cil1cti'ihe11t as the person r,esponsibl~ for its pceparation: and that I am a license contractor pr.eparing documents for work that I ht1ve c.ontracted to pecforin. . . ~ -·· :· ..... 0 I affirm that l am ~iigiblc (mder tl1e exemption to Division 3 of the Business a·nd Professions Code by Section--"-- the ___________ Code to si~n this documen·t as the person re,sponsible.for its prepai·_ation; and for the fol lowing reason(s): --,---'-------~--~-"c---'-'--'--~----- Indicate !~cation on plans of N o~e Block for rvi~~da·t~.ry-Me~sl~res L.I_----'-'h_1_~" l=-J··.r:..~-'-1,;_,. ·-----~~---,------ For Detailed instructions on the use of this and all Enei:-gy. Efficieney St.a~qai:-ds, CO!'JWfi.ar:i~e r?rirl~, please refer to the Nonresidential ' Manual published by the Califo~ia 6ner.gy Commissi(>n. · · _ · MECH-!: Required on' plans for all submittals. Parts .2 & 3 ma7be incorporated in schedules on plans. MECH-2: Required for all subrnittals; choose ·appropriatitversiort depending on method ofmechanical compliance. MECH-J: Required for all submittals, bt1t may ,be int:ofp0rated in sohe-dttl·es on pians MECl-l-4: Required for all subrnittals unless requir-ed outdqor .ventilation rates and airflows are shown on plans per Section 4.3.4. . ' '. . CBRTIFICATE~PF COMPLIANCE , · <Partzi~ra> MECH SYSTEMFEATURES'-y . ; . : . -->'.'"t" . .-_:, ·,,-. ._, : 1• • ..: ;. • :. I -MECl!ANICAL SYSTEMS' ~'SY_ST_E_M_NA_M_E ___ _,,~-~.~~-·~Q~~~~~'l '~'---~ Tl ME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL lSOLAT!ON ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT'? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VA V MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL~. HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? VENT[LAT!ON OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? ECONOMlZER TYPE DES!GN AIR CFM (~IECH-4. COLUlvlN H) HEATING EQUIP TYi'[ !UGH EFFICIENCY? IF YES ENTER Eff. # MAKE AND MODEL NUMI3ER COOLING EQUIP. TYPE HIGH EFFICIENCY'? IF YES ENT!,:R EFF # MAKE AND MODE!. NUMBER HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? . . . ~ . ~- t-JA ~lA· .. '"f ~I. NA - -. N. C -N N ... - ·N i . t··lA -'N .. 'J;oo HtAT r't.WtP ·y I 10 eE:ri... M i 1'7llJ?:1 <;.{f-1 . ..i ~:.. ~6,.,.. o .. _ lf-e-,o.-1 Pu..M'f' .-: ... r I 10 cP.tv .. M tf'~cJP.,t~f/ I ~CIC. "!-{Oi;{A. ~ODE T.ABLES: Entcr~odt: from tal?\<_: below into columns above . i TIME CONTROL . SETBACK CTRL. S: Prog. Switch I[· l lcat1ng. · 0: Occupancy Sensor, ... C: Cool mg . VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTR.OL? Y: Yes •. M: Manual.Timer 13: Doth SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? N:No HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? ·-- HIGH EFFICIENCY? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPEi~ 8: Air Balance A: Auto C: Outside Air Cert.'·· G: Gravit-~·· .M: Out. Air Measure D: Demand Control .. .. N: Natural- I I ISOLATION · ZONES FAN CONTROL Enter number of I: Inlet Vanes Isolation Zones P: Variable: Pitel V:VFD 0: Other C:Curve ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM A: Air Enter Outdoor W: Water Air CFM. N: Not Required Note: This shall be no less than Column G on MECH-4. NOTES TO·FIBLD -'Iior Buildiiltdleparlnient Use·on1v··. ,_· -:. · · · · ·-. · ::·.: .. : ,.._ ·._:. ··: ·.· -.. · .· ... .-.~·. ~ · .. : l'ROJl:(T Nt\MI·. DUCTINSULATION -~~~ . ·. ·. . SYSTEM NAME -DUC'r·TYPE ' (SunnlY, Return, \:!lc.) t,\.\Pft..1 .. ~eiuri-t.1 .. .. . . . -' - - . .. DUCTLOCATION · (!Zoo"f, Plenum., etc.) · l':€:tt.-1 Nl:-7 . '-t .. . . . · DUCT TAPE .ALLOWED? .y N 0·~1 o·O: DO OD ·DD· DD DO ·oD . DO oo· I DUCT INSULATION; R-VALUE ~-2,1 ... .. .• . tJ D ·':)31it~:r!t P,TDE·INSl'TT:A'TION· ·,,ii>.}\·,::,'::·.: . . . . ... -,,._' ... ' . ;: .. ·.. . .·•,:, .... .-::";;/,? .. ,· . .: ' :· ·: J.C . ·U~ ' . I ,I • •••• ' • '.. • ' • • • , • • • • • • ' ~ • • • ,,:.•\, ,, • • • • • , ;_ SYSTEM NAME t-.\A.. .. ' PI·PE.t)'"IiE (Supply, lktun),.etc.) i. · fNSULATlON 'RE '11? ·y N O·D DD DD DD oo: DD 0.:0 DD DO "'"a-• ,"• ·NOTE·trO FIELI: BuiiduifitbeptUs-}' ., .• ·~·1::.-~f;.,.,.;.t:,:·.· ...... ·~:.·d(· ---~~:_:~;'\tt);}(§,;~i'- . -~ \:?.:t~tffll ··, · :0ti}.Y·i :; NOTES TO FIBLD -For BuildinJ? Department Use Onlv · · .. ·: . ; : . .-.:~< -~ r ; ,:r .. :. . ·. ~ .. : · · .·?ir-.:·:·: .i :::-r . ,.~ . .... . . . .... a '.~,, • " . : MECHANICAL SIZING:AND FAN POWER ·· ·. MECH- l'[(()]l;CI' NAME SYSTEM NAME of this form for each mechanicals stem when usin; the Prescri tive A roach. . . SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION I. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR. DRY BUL,B TEMPERATURE- -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE -INDOOR, DRY BULB TtMPERATURE 2. SIZING (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR 1~·-~~~-"CFM.(MECH 4; COLUMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING F--,-----'~-,----1 WATTS I ?F ([,;TG-2) -PEOPLE # Of PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) COOLING . HEATING e? -3& 70 --~-~~--i i--~--'--i -MISC. EQUIPMENT WATTS/SF -OT!-lER ( PROCESS LOADS. DUCl' )' 1------,-,-----i ~ ~. _ OTHER LOSS, !NFII.TRATION, ETC.. (Describe) (Dcscritic) . TOTALS SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x ?AFETY/ WARMUP FACT:OR) 3. SELECTION: · INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY·· ~ I ~·, trr0 11.w, dYO Kbtu I Hr Kbtu / Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACli"Y EXQEE_DS.MAXIMU.M ~,J.. -~ ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPl,.,AIN 1 _ -£ ~T ~ • ~ · _ FAN POWER CONSUMPTION . · · . · · . · · ,. DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION. BRAKE HP ~k L -;..5_ ··-· ' . , ., .. ·-· ... NOTE: Include only fan systems cxcced.ing 25 HP (see.§, 144). Total Fan System Power Demand may-not excccd-0.8 Watts/CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFl'vl for VA V systems. · Nonresidential Compliance Form . EFFICIENCY · NUMBER PEAK WATTS CFM MOTOR DRiVE OF FANS :B X E X 746 / (C X (Supply _Fans) D) : ··-. . ... - TOTALS '~' ===== TOTAL FAN SYSTEM I POWER DEMAND L.c-01"'"".'F,...,..tc-=-0-:--1.G;:::- WATIS / CFM . . January 199 . MECHANICAL E UIPMENT SUMMARY MECH-3 l'f(()JE(,T NA ME " SYSTEM MAKE AND. DESIGN OUTPUT NAME MODEL NO. (BTU I HR). 'Few-~ Mtr?,~ 1?1 $ t-f1 "J,() NV ,.,..., ~"~ - I - " . ·. -- ·--- .. --. TOTAL DESIGN. CFM. ?lC> . .,, .. -- --.. DATE -~-.u.i...~~--~-~-----I IECQNQMt7iE[ UNITS ALLOWED PROPOSED · I Y J NJ t--'-'--~---~---+-=--'~_-_/0-----1 _ -0 l8:l DD DO DO- DO Do- DO DD DD DD DD DD DD DO- DD HEATING EQUIPMENT · . · . · SYSTEM NAME Nonresidential Compliance Form rv1AKE AND·. _ MODEL NO .. "f. bEsrcr,fOUTl?UT (IJTU/ HR) _ UNITS Cf;? -- ·- RATED EfFICIENCY ALLOWED PROPOSED·· ,z I '1 ~,CJ .. .. . .. January_ 1996 MECHANICAL VENTILATION:·.·:: · .... ·.' . i. MECH-4 l'ROJEC:I' NAME DATE SYSTEM NAMI· MF.CHANICAI. VF.NTH .A TION · . I !Al [ID [g fill (ill IE] [gJ !HJ rn [I]. -[RJ , . AREA BASIS OCCU.PANCY i3ASIS -VAVMINIMUM .. REQ'D. CFM COND MIN. NO. ... MIN. " 6.A .. DESIGN ·LARGEST DESIGN CFM OUTDOOR TRANS SPACE AREA PER SF ·CFM OF CFM :(MAX.OF AIR MIN .. MIN. FER NO. (SF) -(B XC) PEOPLE (E XJ5) DORF) .CFM ,CFM AIR ' 1tz? I /t;_ (OS .. 4-~t:, lt:0. --~ ---. . . . ., .. ... 0 , __ , -.. .. -· .. .. . . . : .. . .. ' .. , . .. . . .. : -.. -. .,. .. -'. . ' .. .. .. .... ·. -.. .. 't· -... .. . . : .. .. .. ,· .' . . ... .. .. . .. -.. , . ... .. ··-· .. ... •• • ~ e ' -.. TOTALS (FOR MECH-2) 1· f. I I &o. ill ·/J.J) I .. ~ Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section§ 14!. Table :(-F, Based on E:<pected Number of Qccuplin($·or'at le~\ 50%-ofChapter 3:3 'oBC Occupant-Density· ·, Must be greater than.or equal· lo G, or use Transfer Air . . . . If zone reheat or rccool is used, I must be'less t,haii pr eqiml to G, or less than or equai lo Total Dcsi'gn·.CFM x·o.J,.or less than or equal to 13 X'0.4, or less than l or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. · UiE Must be less than or equal to I (if appl icablc). but no less. than G, unless Transfer Air (K) is·usc.:.d. ' Must be greater than or equal lo (G -I I), and, for. VA V, grcater·than or cqµ(II to·(G -J) . .. ., . ,.,_ Nonresidential Compliance Form .January 199 ., . . -, '. .. ' . '. -' . . ;, . . ; . ., . . . . .. . ... .· , . . ' . . ' -= . . . P -··· o· · o·--R_,_._ · .. ' . ·.. . · ... ··. ·. ' . . . . . :· . . . . . . ' . . : . ... ·. . . .. . Q' . ., ...... ··-·· .. . .:,,!:,.·, •• , , ...... _.,. · . · UA .. · LIT·· ·-v· ·--;,... . . ' .:-·. ··-... -=-· . • :> . . '. • -:,: ' '·~~ • _. • C ,,, •, . . . . . . . ' . .. '· . . . . . . . ~ .. -o·-···._ R. :/_1_,f·,--G··-':::_·1··· -N··< ...... _A:::_:: ·L·' ___ -.. ·._s·:::.:·:·,; I . . --. ·. ' -... ;:,, .. ' . ,•, -·, . ,;.~'{ .. · . . . . .. _ : . .. . . .· .. . . . . -~ .. < ,. ·.J.)e.c .1..u ::, ( t~-=NAMe u.~d-"~0 . ,~;::~:':~:?A711~ ~~.z~~~ rT~ --3-~'72 __ - ~'{OJECT ADDRCSS . .. ·. - . -~Yl...l>~i.~.r\"i'.\.. yJ~"QQ. (?-! . ~ .. . c1PAL D1:s1r;NER. M1,:cHAN1cAL -~-· · ---· Te:LFPii'i:i~e ·. · ·. li,ri~ ... -..;;~., · --c Q,.,:..f,,J1~1.!j1(.f, -'1·· ,.\~t'-r;,,e' • · · · "o\iJ ·• (A5 -•'.J!i:1~ -. ·· · · '.,. ·:·:·. · ~·,.J..-" • ''" ,-"""i I-,;'~-• • "" 1.i°Mi:NTATlON AU"IH(JR. ----· ·-----... ·-·· -=---. ' -. Tf.i"'f''PHONt •. . . ~-•I •• -· ·--··--· r; · · , . , . . Ctw.ckod by/O;iti; . \f. · 1V)a1l._· ,l.t.N,-,~r,J ... \ ··) • ''J ~ $ ·· D 1 ~ ' t r .. ------------· ··--·· -------,.·-·-_ ·--.._,, __ , ··--. _· • '-r ·-·· ·n orcemnnlAgenr:yU -···-- DATE Of-" PLANS BUILD.iNG CONCJITIONCD FLOO.ri /\Re.A - I----· --,/-7/5~1__ .. ,..-. ··--·····--·-'.-;. ·---~-:2'.~.-: · _. _ . BUILDING TYPl! J:.v{J NONRFSiDENl IAL. _ r· 1 .HIGII.RISE RE:S]l)CNTIJ\L L..._,, ---· ·-·---· --.. ' . -·--· ·--· ··----· ", --.. -. -~-· . rH/\s1.: OF coNSTRucrI0N ~J NEW coNsTRuc 1.10N [~J ADDI:rI0N L:lAL ·11:-:KArI0N ----. ~---. _-, --... ... . ---·--~--···--- _1_··: I HOlfc:t tM?Tf.L, GllEs·r kooM ~) u~~S_iNDll"IOM-o .t!'..i!~ !Yc_r~ Ml:"!"HOD Of-' MFCHANlCAL COMPLIANCE l~r f'RFSCf~IPT!Vr: 0 -Pf:-.Hl:OFiMi\NCE'. ·' . ..... ~--.• ... ~ •... -· -.. PH.CJnr OF ENVELOPE COMf-'l JANCE.: fl F1Rt:VIOt/S !:.NVF! QPC PERMIT ~-!-iNVEl ~"JP~· ·coMF'LIANCt ArfACI 11:0 t.7'1.":1;'1I-=n~~~~ --. --; .. ·-... ·.. -· -~ , .. ·. " . .. . ~u.,._, .::U . .il!~U.t .. ~!.:l~~;ij .... , ... , . _ --. . .· ... . • . ,;;a.-: •• -•• •· ~ "' /This CcrtifiGJle of Compliance lists t!Je buildin~j rcalt!i:cs ::1nct per formarJC:c spec.:i.fic::ition~; ncr:d9d lo comply with litlc 2'1 'ro:1rts ·1 nnd 6 of tlw C;,iiforni,1 C{irle of R:(.i~J11lntion:'i'. (!,is ccrOfictitE:? cipplic~; t,nly to buifc1rng rt1~c:h·::Jnic.c1I rcq11iwmeinls ' ! . ' ['i he F'rinc:ipal Mecl1.;r:i,~t-:il 0(~.s,gn,:;r horeby CfH:ltr'it~:; lt.1,:1t nw propo;~ed liuildinn dc:;ign r..iprcsenled ir1 ll,i~; ~;.-:I of conslructic 1doCLirnenls 1s consi::.;IJ:nt with lhe.ot1·1tr co;npii3nr.:c /orrn?. ;rnrJ worf:sh1HdS, viiu, !he spe::ific8lions, .~nr.i wilii ~1ny 0th.:; :c.:1lcul-,l1r.ir1s .:;11llmillf1j wil-t1 this permit :1pplitatio1.1. Ille pr~1pt;,s~q l:ll1il1i11l~J t1as tJr.~t-!r.1 cfr-:si~J11efJ t·o i1-1~<')t Hie mcetwnic:;,I :raqu1r~11wnls contairiNJ 1n ~;~c!i6f!:;,110 ltirn11ah 1 l!i, 1:?01nroo;1lt1.24, 140 through ,11.i,. ·14.,1 ~ri1rf ·J;is. / b<l' I hereby ..iffirn1 ltiat l orn eli~jilile llnd<ir lhe prov1sior1.<; of Divisitin :-1 Qt the BU'si1~c~,s and Profcs,;icll\:~ Code.• tn si~n llii~ : '--·,. docurne11t .:is the pc:rson rA:;ponsil=ile for iE; pccp:-r,-a!il1n; and (h;·il l am a civil enoinccr. ·mer.:11;:rnicar engineer, or arch·, i - ! ' [] I ;:1ffirm that I am cli~JilJ!~; (Jn(l·er the ·exP-rnf)ljOn lo [)jv1sio11' 3 o'f lhc Dusi/I HS!> 3f\d Profos~inns COClA by ~3edion 5537.: , llwi Rusiness and Pr ure.-.·.sions Code tu sign lhi~-docurnt.iril. a~ the pf!rson re:;ponsil)le for ils prcp.iralion;· ~nd U1:1t I w , ·licen:;cd contractor prep~rir1g. docurne11ls for workJhat [ h.c1ve contraclt~cl lC> pP.rfor.rn. . . . · · · - ·i~LJ I ~1f_firm t~al I mn el;yible under lhe tlxernpliOII lo Divi~J~_n ~i_.of lh~ .Bll'.~illt!SS c11~ci Profc.::;.sion.s cocle b_y 'SE'l_ct!~n --- of lhe __ . -. __ ....._ ·--····. ·---__ :...,,. Code _lq,.s1gn lh1~ document as ll.ie person r9.spons1ble t0r 1l.s preparation; ~rnd for lhe followinq 1·e;,!',on:·, _,__ _ -.: . ·-___ . ___ . -. · · _ .·. __ . · .· lPRINCIF'AL M·~c;HANICJ\Lll($1GNE~ -NA;:;;---· . : 1s1·c~;!Al"URE - - ---___ .. ----- . ~CJ. -·· !A1~ ... L-I i\ ' (2.v';:l::,.!ii-1:'/! . .,,'.._ • l-1\.',-·00 \ • ··---· -~---·------···--------···--·.--w:---· --~ --·-· . ·-···-- for delciilcd instructions on the u~~ of this and all Fncrgy Efficiency Stc111d1Jrds compliance forms, pleai.e refer to the Nonr.esidehti~ Manual published by thf: .Califi;-irnia Energy Gornrnis~ion. M!:CH-i: Required on plans for ~11.subrnittals. P~rt:; 2 & 3 mey be ir,~or:porated ii, ~chedulcs on plans. . .• ME.:CH-?: Required for all subrnittc1ls; choose appropriat1:i Vl:lfSion depending on. meth·od of 1t1cchanical complianr,e: · . ·. H-3: Required for all submiltal~,. bul forrri docs ;,oi have Lr:, bD completed if lbcation of mechmiical equipemetit schP.du!e 15 ... _ indicated on tne form per Sectkin 4.3.3. · , _ · . . . - . _1-4_:_ Required tor all su~mittals unle.s~ tP.quir:ed. 9L1lc!~1l1rven_til\:ltion rat~s .and airflows are shown on plans per Section -4.3.4 .. _______ -. 1 E · ~~;_.-, ~-~.:.-""·.:. _ 1 -l_ ME2iiAN1c~~svs-icMs] [. =- ·i-,t,, . ..,,1 -· .. .• _ _ _ _ . No+~-i:o 1 --....,._.. --~-'----- ------·--·--· ·-.. _.__ ·-F.·1'E" . I -·---·--·-· ·-·· ·--' . ":.' .. .1.r,- _r1M_E ~0-=N~~OL -~·-_-·:·-_-__ __-_· ---fV\-:,.---.-.. _ '-----· _ __ _ .. . ·---·_ / .. ; ... ;'.: .. ;~/, · .:'1 Sr.T8AC:K CON'l ROL . . -. }J.. " .. -.. -.--... ---~ -· --.. --·--··--· ----·---· :_-_I_t_;·_r1_~_{::",_ 1 r ------·-----------• ----· ·---· ·--·-- -. ····-.. --- ;:_-:_:;,_1:-;_.-:;;;rsT_A1_·7. - - . --=--i. ---·--~~---~ _---··---I -~3;~~;,1 1 , FAN.(;ONTROL _C.o,-'-,1, ..J1l, ·-i _ ··-___ ... l ·:-A:::;;:::--:,, / [v~~~-M,_N1M_l_JM_P~.:~~~-'.~ c~~-~:FW~? ·····-·/ j_--_~ 1'_J_-·~--__ ... ·· ~. _ _ · -~-··-·· ··-_ _ ·--, ·-·--· _J ·:·-:::;::~.-:.:.·: .~I i l~IM~~-,,~2:'.us .. ~-~~/~;~oL! ·-··-·· 1 / .. ,. --· ~,--. .....:·, , ... ._. .,...,._. ---.,1~ .!i ·,--.. ... . ···I 1·-· ... ··_::···.··. , 1 /1 lfAr Mm com surr1 Yr{!:':SFY? l j -· ,..:i - · _ ! ·l I -· .... _ • • ,_.,. ,, '••-• ...... ,., • -•-• :---j • ~--• .! ! , ,.,,. __ ,. : j ·--... l /VENTll..,\ilUN '\) j.; ; ! . j · . -· ·--.. --~ t · · .-..... --1 · · ---·---.... -.... -·----! l ; ,C)UJD(lOR ll.~Mf'f-:R CONTi-!OL? {V\f~'iY{, 1 ; -.i i --. - I --.. --,.,_, • ! i' .. '!;.;, ·---·--i ~ ... . -. : ;r-~CJNOMIZc:R ri'r;-_ ~J . L___ _ __ ,, ......... ---· .. J L .. __ ; i [)~~!:,IGI~ ;\IR er M (,\\f-Cl(.:.1., C:CJLl·JMN 11) ! ' > r I ' l ! . '. /~:.:-~-ri";~~:cGu;.-;,p; i. H1r.;;i f~FrC;.ti i ·114!2-J -·~;;,~. · t., ... tiJ ! r.,.. -~-.-.!.-_·· /. t----~ ·--·! l ~ .. -. __ r~AK~A;7i·~;;;~r.-~ NlJ~~L~~R ··· --· ·-i I -~;~~~~;~¥~ t:;1:~)i~---i r ·-· ·.... --· 1 r·.. ·--· ·--·-·· ···-1 L·--· ~-H ·1Nc Eou-1: .. :.;.,,,P··~-,.,;~·, ,,.-1:·,c .,·-1 '. ···fYl.,;;.:,-:::-i-.v-,.-{L. -o T-:-i-11···· -·· -··-·1·· · 1 :· · ·1i-·11 · ··- ' -·. ., • r' I 1 , •• ,, '-' r.r ,,,, : i u\~...:,'l;,·1 I} V,f: I ("..J • i ; I -I ... 1.~\,~K~.·~,~~ M~D~:_NUM~~:~~--. ---~ -~.J L!~j;-~,i. ,,.~·:;~~ ~~-~-_Jr ~---.. :~--~----:_ -1 i-__ ._-_-· -~~-· .~: ... J 1-~-: - -----·-· ___.__,_ --~ ISOLATION ZONI-S ·------·. ------· ~-.. -.... , __ , ---. ·--:-· -----· --~---·-· ------ ---.. ---~-___..;;c.-- TEL:310-645-1868 DUCT INSULATION SYSTEM NAME J>UCT TYPE · DUCT LOCATION Roof, Plenun'l, ~tc •. --,_ . -C... --·-·--· --'~-I -·· ··-··--- --······-· PIPE INSULATION SYSTEM NAME .PIPF. T\'1'£ (Su I , Rctu1111 e~c.) . ··-·-~ . . -·--·· . ----....,.....a-.,......;..-'-,--------------l NOTES TO FIELD . for Buildi11g Devanme11t Us£1 Onlv Dec 16'97 1s:57 No.011 P.02 DUCTTAPE . . .. · 1 l ALLOWED? ' DUCT INSULATION I YIN I D~ D~ DO DD DD-DO [JLJ OD OD DD DD. on DD DCl LJLJ 0[7 DD D.D DO D·O . R·VAI.UE R-'l--. J . R-1.:. t ----- '\ ve.c J. v ::, ( J. ( •.J4 ,liU .vv~ i, .i;j .MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN. POWER . --M£c r:ROJE.CT :'.AME: .. f!'iYS'Ct.:M NAME . ! I I ! i I I ! i l ! I 1. b1:smN CONDITIONS: • OU !00011, DHY RUI R i't:Mf'f:RA.f UHF. • OU'fLlClOf<, WF.T BULl:l TFMPFRA 1"URt INnonR. DRY B\.ILU TF.MPCHA I"IJRr 2. SIZING: fA'l'F'FNOIX CJ tAf'l'ENOIX C:l ... __ ............. _ Pl~~TINC.;. Q').., D _.,. · ~0 ---..,.._ __ -----·-61 ... -·--· _ _,, s • OFSICN C.lU runnf( t,In ;, .. .,_-- 1 ··· JS. ____ . CFM. (Mf.Cl:1 ,t; toi UMN 4) c o~-4 ·i ·-o ~-s~ · l __ J,,'l,· . . ~, 0 ... cNVFl OPC LOALl ..... ··----., t.1(-.HTiNG /L WATTS I si:,· (t.l'G _;2) -(")"'· pc; ")"LI ("E. C.Lj,' '''('L Ll1• N >-) r:-, , , ~;-'-:, r ... __ l\'I •. r 1,, ... ._. •. ,\II -. _...;,.,_,,,, --~--.- · Oii--H:r'\ . -·--· (D.:!::.-:.~i~:.iJ -·--· J. S!:LF.CTION: INGTALLED EtllJlf'i\'.f·NY C/\PJ\GITY . ' I . -··· . . ! ____ _I_. \ ---··-- I / I ! c~_.--_~:_? __ .:____j i ' 1 I : i . ------l r·-···· ------- . ___ J -i __ _ 0 ,t",, Cl ,--;i'.) r-· \. \ L. --·-·-' C t __ 1. 4- ' i" I ; I C ! i ~ / .1 r··· __ ~. f_-=J r f;,D KFilU / llr f(Dtu·/ Hr If-INS I ALLE() C I\Pi\Cl IY Exc:n:.i.is MAXIMUM : · ·AlJJU~ rt'..0 l.CJM( ~XPLAIN .... ·-. ,---. _,_ ------- !-AN LH:SC:Rlf'TION --~----.: ----·------- -------· -------'---------·. n~:s1GN BRAl(!::HP ·-· ,_;_ .... {Q] -·-· .. ---,.--,-'--....,...., EFFiCIENCY . · MOTOR . DRIVE -~t 'Z,~ ... ----, ... -·"-·---i ______ .. ----·--'-+-. . _____ _,__.,.... -·-· --. -.;..;;._- _· -----±:-.. :·,. ~-... . . -· --· .-- ff1 I •• I .. ----. --- NUMGER I PEAK WATTS or rANs· I: u x ~-x-·146 / 5.c_·_x_c~l ···7 ___ , _____ . ·--.-· ---·· CFM (Supply Fa11 .. --.. . . ---·· ----. '----'--. "]. -· --~ --;,:,--'--,. ® re:: Include only r:·r1 systems e;ceecl;,lg'.25 t;r (see.§; 44), · ..a..-~J-. al fan Sy.;lem Power Demand may no( cxcacd:o.a Wall~/CFM for nstant volume systems or' 1.25 Wa!ts/CF'M ror' VAV ·sys terns. . - _ TOTALS C _·--·1 (_= _ · _ TOTAL 'FAN SYSTEM [----- POWER DEMAND · · WATTS/ CfM Col. F' I Col.' ------· ---~----___ , ~----------.1::1n11arv '. I c.L:..'.).1.l)-b4.:,-.d:Sb~ . SYST~-;:;-··--, . ·-MAKI::.ANU - N.O.Mc MODEi.. NO. -. ··1 .. -,-- .PlJ .. ~ ___ {~lP-,v../1., <;-i/:._,~"-. r ,~ -- . m~src,N 01.Ji"Pt,H (UTU I l:lH) : . . . •• , ·---'-!-. -->,<.>,= f:>'b-PO -' --..... _,, .. -------- ----+---'---'"--'-• -· ---- .IJ e.c .1..U ':::U .1. ( • .:,o 1"10 ·• vvb 1-• J..:, ECONC Li: ·D [__j [J 1------------l t--'-..,....,.....,..,...-..,._. ___ -·-. -· -· , .... ----~: . -·-... ·---.. ·--··-·· ........ . --'---'------1---· ·-· ...;. ... -r-· . --r F ··; ! I \ ~-t-----~· ___ J __ _ I _:t_~~:~_i lt----l_ ~-i----1-----:_j CJ n LJ lJ C _'I n ,1 ' .. i Ii i ,· ii 'I I:" i; i I. -~ ···-·. ~ ·-"·:·-_· ... i ,. I I !- [] 1 i 1; I r 1 , I ' ' L.J ; · · ;, f . ... .. ··7 -· I "I 'I L_j , I ·. / i-. -. -,J n 1 · f I ·,·.l L-. .. -~---,-~·----___ -.,1 Lr--_··-:-e---..,~--··-·_r ... __ ··__ 1.1. ·f · 1 I ' ... ,.1=:-:.~ l.lli!k ~~.,__ ....... . . . . --· . o..-.;-: . ~-.,.~. .· ---'~~ ...... --~· -"""'-,:-.-,'{of ~r.,,c; " ·u, 1 t;il";.'3\: ·-~ · '""~-,,. "',' ·.·, ,. .. }"' . ~ ,:,.,., ..... ,~,t.-Mr:i:!" .. r/.'i~f?'·· · i. .. fa!i!~~ ' ~-~Ll..J) ... _ --~ ~~~. ·-_...... t, "' • .. . • , ~-~ )"\ •• J. • . !6-~' ! i-···;~-s~r-·~;· .. · ···· · · ·· · ---MAK.E ANo·· ~F.SIGN ouTrlJT I i .. --~--... RA!'Eu tn-1c.~lf.:NC)' I , L. ...... NAM!.:.· ---,--hiODEL N.O. .. ·---{H.1Ll l HH) -/; 1--~_lJNi:f.s-r AL~OWt.O . , PHOPOSt r "ft'.-{1-~ .... CJ.. '::,11/l,,_l!]/... <."·7_.C.,Q_· -··· .---i' ;~~-~-'. L· t.. oP i --2 .. () I ']_. le, I i ., · · ----· --· ··7 i 1 1r-----------'-~ -------------··. L r---:----- 1 .. ~ -. ~· ,. -. -: ~-l ~, <:±=_ ! . !--. . ... ____,.._......_--------,...-.. l _ I ~ • • I i-·-· ··--· ---· .. -· --· j ,__ ____ __,i'---'----"-----------=--·-· .,,.. -....:...-----,t--------,-'--- 1 I I -· -i . ..;._ -,-----,-----,--~-~ ·--·-- ! -------·· ··--· ! ' ---· -i .. . . --·. . ····-·-·---·· I . I ------;--------·· .. ·-·----'------ L_ ·---····-.. -·-·------~ L -"-,,-..... -------. ---------------. ~ -+-'-,---------,-, .. - . ·-•.. ··-·. - --~ ---.-· ~-- ---------------· ·.:.·~ I C.:I,:. : ,) J. LJ-b 4.::r '.J: ~ b ~ Je C . .1. "-" ::, ( MECHANICAL VENTILATION:· ' ·. . i, MECH:~ i:krimc;1 NAMi;· ·l,~\.Jn,1.'---'-¥.J_~""'#i.>_ . --~~· !?J·;,t}-= ~-~~ ~~-<.·~ IJJA~,.H~ '[,\'Al l·~I .NAMI' ' .... -:-.. ..L :;- ',• ~~ :-· -~--------------· ------·-· -----·' MF.CHANICAJ, VF.NTII,ATION , ' . ' ' I, -·, ' : ' •• ,·,.; ITl LIJ' IAJ ' -AREA DASlS .-------. '"--"-.. ,----.------,.-----1 COND CFM MiN. SPACE NO. AREA PER Sf C::FM (SF) · S,~ X ~~ 1----~ ~M-~·-:· .. ·....I.I}~.::, --I-. __:::JL:j,~ ~~. • -,-! ..... _, ... ·'. 1-------J '---· NO. Of l'GO~·.E .III .. MIN. CFM (E ~ 1:?J. .. .. J ·-... --t-,-,+-.,,.__i REQ'D. O.J\. (MAX. OF D,C)RF) ,J-c_ .. ·,, ---+-----· L----· •• ' DP.SIGN OIJTDOOR AJR VAV MfNI.MUM0 CF.'M 1-----;...;c..._.,_, LARGRST DF.SlGN MIN. MIN. CFM --1-1'.:'.FM --1-----. ---- ·- -------!---··- -·. --~-. --· ---------.. ·- ·-----1-------· [I{j Tl{A: Fl-.. Al: - ---·- l.. .. _.· .. ·--~--, ·--·' ,,_......,1.. .......... --.,--. .. -·- I !------1 '-·--·. ··-··--,--1--------J ··---f--------'--i 1----------1 1------l---- .c.......-+,-----,--1 ___ ...... - ---"-l-----'----1' ~---·· - . .. .... -,---1------1 - ·----J-·· ~·-·---.. .... -·-----'-.... 1--------1 1--------4------ ,. ___ . __ ..;.__j.. __ .....;.........J ....,...----1 1-------1 1----· ..... ---·. i...-. ----·--'--··------. . . .. --------1--- ,. _____ , -_ .... __:__,;,__ TOTALS (!"OR MEC!-1-2) l .. ·i:~ ---,--------· ·-·-·-- ........ ~-'-'---------1'----,--'--~ ~-----'--"-··---:[? ~][ -_, ~ ,, j . .4f--~. -----· . -- Mi11irm1111 Vcmilnuoo Rate per ScJ;:tio,1 § l ?.'I. Tilbll! 1-F. llu.r;cd on l~"p<::Cl1~d N111111.>cr ol'OccupanL~ or .1l·tca.~1 SO% of Chapter 33' HBC Occ1ir.ant b1,mi'ty Musi· be crl!:11ct ti1:i,1 or .equal to G, on1sc: 'l'1:11tdl:1· Air . . If 1.onc rchcnt or rc:cooJ i1 used, I m11st.be.lcs.~ than or cqmll 10 G, or less lh;i.n t>r equ,\I 10 To1ul Dcs1:;1rCl~M X O.J. oclcss thim oi cquul lo B X 0.4, or lcss·rhM or cq11:1l 10 ,.)OO Cf'M, whichcvcr'i, l[!fgcr: · · . Must be less 1h:111 or equal to I (iftlpplicabh:), bul no lt!.,s 1ht111 G, unlcs.s Transfc, Air (K)',is iisc.d. Mu~t b1, gr.:alcr 1h;in or cq\1,il (o (G · 11). 811d. for VA 1/., L:ii:nh~r tlum or 1,11ui!l ·10,(G' Jl. . .... ;.~ .. . .... ,.:_,.;.-.,,... --=-=-====-=====-=====:.:......:=-:":::::::::::;::.=:.::........=:::::====:....:,.::.=:: . .,..:....:.:-·~-:::::.:::..:..::====-======-:-===::::::::::::::..:::=.::::===- 1 l:.L :,jj_U-b4<')-1.8b8 Je.c .LU ':::I( . _1;:NUl;l;.OPE COMP.ONE~T·METHQO. EN .l~Ro:imNAME lJ?{~;~D ~fbL~W)·~ -~---~ ·: tn~ (. ':-~-~~---. ---. okrc"-=-·~·--... -.. __ _,_ _____ . -. ...-....... -:---·--~ ,~ -~--w) .. -:-.. I .-E .. i: 11 . . •,. .. . .. . '----..,;;,,,_.,__ (;RC)SS WAtf L·--,iT h WSPLAYPER,.-..,.. ·1· - -:..... -~J-. ARF.A (GWI:-) .-,· . IMf:1 I:~ (DP) _ . .., -·· ..:...... . · C3WA x O . .t ·-.1"6 -up·x ;--·· · · __, . .... __ ··-·r ·-·,_; __ ·_---... ·····-·T ATniUM flEIGH r _[-. . -,. ._ .. J" ,s,-,_J [ 11 lhe 1-'ROf'OStiU WINDOW AHE/\ i~. greater \11,m thP. MAXIMUM . L__ ,J,-J., ., ··---··--- GREATER or: i __ -{J?-'l T "' MAXIMUM /\U rJWAfll.C:: WINDOW ARl·A, · ·,·-. -... 0-.. ·. l PfWr'Of.Lr> _ .-.-· -. WINC11)WAR!=A - · ·>iF:~ssJ A.LLOW!;.Q "% == 0$ ALLOWC:U % , . 1 l . ' . r· . ..,._._ --·---... , __ _J r· ~~-:,__ -_~Jx { ___ . ..=1 = [.___ ________ ALLOWFCJ % C.R. ROCJF An!":.A ALLOW. SKY. A ; IHbtr·Ac~·UAL f,KYLIC~HT ARCA-is nn:at,~r th.an 11\ti AU.t.\1/VEr> Sl<,,"YL.JGHi AH[/,, thP.n go to ani.,thr:f melho<.1 .. t ~--~ ALLOWABI t"' WINDOW AREA ll\C'l\ go to cmolh•~r mellKi<I. ---· ----· --·· ·.·~-·-·-.-~--..;.---.-· .. ~---_____ J)Cl'lJ(\l SKY. A ··--····· ··-·· .. .;;.--,-.. --· ! ...... '•• ·---... ~ -·----· -· . ·-· ---· .. _____ .....,;; . .... __ . . -·~ ---·. ----- -.-, · l oH11.iN·r AT1ciiJ · · l '.:-1 ·I. f. I s ~ !'::V !JClur:.i· LJ_ c.1 r·:1 r.· 1 rOJ·o:c:1 CJ ' . -1 DCJD [: -U-VALUF. ·9-: --~Kor:_J ~L~C'JW. · . I. . t,L .:, . . . ] . .. . l .-_j ---··-----· ·--•_! -· ----· --,...--·- -· --------·, [J {J [] t----~·. ----. ' -----.-~. .. ------- -,-------'-'------· ··-·----------..,..;...~----- ----- ·~ -- ------ '-----..:..-- ---.:----. -·--· -____ JB~cJ;; -· Dec 10'9? 17~57 No 008 P 17 C.ERTIF.~CATE; OF COM(f'LIANCE· art 1 of 2 E. ~,~-;r, .. r:r.r:r.r-::--w~·;~il".::T.IT:'l'~··""""·~··-.,.,.~~ta;;~fS..~1!::~'9:~~~~:i,,-.,.~mr~~~~a~· -.~l£:.?J,;.J.~u.::!.d.?.;:.:1.~11.1.~~.:nJ.u:.!!'laiJt~~~i1.~~~J;c:·~·~~~·~.fflif,a~~;!iE£i,ifa~~~i.1~~~~ ·-.,;;i:~--I T11i~, Ccrtific;1lf. of Cor11p\i.n11ci.? li~1t::; tt1c tn1ilLiinU rc-;-i.tl11 !-!S .:a11d p,ir-Formctnc:~ !-1pecifit:Hlions needed lo c:nrr1ply will, Tili..i; i Paris ·1 r1nti G of !he Cal'iforni.::i Code of Regulations. Tl.1'Ls c;erii~icatc -,1pplif:s· on·ly_ l·o· bwirdini.J t=:nvt=ilope requirements . . ! . I . •1Tt10 rcin.::ipal [nv:~lnpr: Di:,signr.,r 1,~ir,,·r.,y c1.•1llfit•i; tk:1t -Uii.: nro:xr~ud huik"1m~J ·c.lesi[}il-repn:•sr:nicd in thi!; ~el or c:onstn1c ;dr;c;w-n,~11ts 1.:; c.::;~.;si~,:enl with tr11.! nt·hi1:· Cvil1j\!1;if1C"C' i0n~1.-;-,me.I •1-1orl.;:;l1eeis, With lrr~ stie,.:iiic::,ti'..Jl1S, wid •.,villi nnv ott1er :Ciil,~L!l2iion:; sul.'rnilted with ti"ib r-1f?rr:n1i .?.ppl1c.-1titin. "i l1e pr':lpo:~;~d bui!ding tJ;.15 bee:n lie.signed lo rn~nt the env;lopl: :,·equirt.:im.irit.~-c:·,r11.1inc-d in scic:·r,nns 110. ·1 il.:i-U-11(H!(Jr1 ·1·16, a11d 140, 1,1;!, ·tt,3 c,r 1,19 nf 1/tle 24. f'rirt 6, Ct1c,1ptm 1. i : 1-1IJ~;,:;~: cl1ec.~~ C>nc: ; ~ 1 _ h:?:r~by ,;ff1rrn lt1,1l I ;_1n:i eli9ihl~ 1rnc!ci 11:'' prr.'.vi'.=.i~111_-~'. P_f Divi.~.i~n :-; tiJ the _u_u:;iilE!~& 2.nd f"'rnfl:'!'.:;:;;ions Code ~o slgi: ; . cJocumerH ~,s 1·hc .p,;t'~.on rc.Y::;ponsibk; IOI' 1!'.-: pn~pa1;.;(1crn, ,'.rnd llt;;1t,I :rn.1 a civil engrm.!i'!f ell" a-rch1~ect. i i r·-: I • ! I ~-iffirm [t;;,t I ;rn1 rJ!ifJiblc IJfl(l~,r the t!}~Eirn1iior1 lo Division .3 or th~ Ousif1(i!:'i~1 :md P.rnft=1:,sions Cocle by ~iedion ·ss the Uusinc~s irnd Pl'Of'.cs-sior1:=, Codclo ~.1~Ji1 !tiis docurnenl as tile p~rson 1!1::;pcinsibl1,:; fnr its preµ:ir.:itiori; find thEt licensed r.:011lrt1r.tor preparin~J, clo(~lll,ic111.s ·for work tlmt I tiav.G c:onlr,ictf:d to pertotm. ! '-· I I :itfirrn tr12.t I c1111 eligible untl~r ll'IE:i c:xurnplior1 to Divisi0n J of tlJe. Rusincs!.; :rn·d PrnTe:;sLons Code· by f3ecti6n -·- of the ___ ·-_ ._ _ ____ ..... _ . ____ -. _. Code to sign this qocurnenl as tt,i:: pt=:tson responsible for its· pr epar2.'1inn; frnd for ih~ following_ ·rc.c1SrJ11: _ .,. -'-0 .~·' ----'--_____ • ____ ••••• ___ ~---··. PRINCIPAL ENVELore:" v"c'SIGNI':-R ;NAM~. . . _._:· 1:s'i0_N_~-URE ··-· . ~l ~\~ .. ~_o~~ -· ·-'· --·· ·- "---· ·-- ·-----'-. --.-___ I u~_·. _No. ·-·-_. ·_1 r._JA_r_e: _ .. . ' f-or detailt:d instrur.tions on lhe USI~ ofthis ar1J all E;ncrgy Ef{icienc;y str1ndartls C:(,)1"11pliance forrns, please refer to the Non(P.Sider i • .\Aanu;:il published by tht:i California Energy Cornmis!iinn: · · · -.. \. ~ ENV-1: Required on plans for all sllbmittals·. rart 2 rfl;:iy b~ incorporated in ·schP.dutcs on plans. . . !=NV-2: Used For all stihrnitlals; choose appropfk1te version dP-pcnding on r.nethod of cmielope compliance.' .. .' · : · . ENV-3: Optio11al. Use if default U-va!ues elf!? not used'. Choose .ippropriate ver_sion for assembly U-value to be calcu_latfld .. ' ... -----' ····: ··.:·.-·:.',·.· .. . /-:---:-:----------~-~ --. ----·--·· . t:i ..... ,. ...... .. A11·,n~12c:.lrl~nh';:Jf r.nmn/i;,nr.li! Fnrm I ' .. =:.'!;7:t~ ... ..,,~.)-: .... ~, J8ntlarY . ------,,-..----------.......:...:....c.... ~--........ ·:·-·.,-::..·: ... foJe::crNAMe:~-··-· ----~---·· .·. · · ·· : ·--.-. ...,,.· -----,-J·~----....,/-nA-T ...... E:-a-.. -.~-... c. 7 . ·-·- L __ l_x,i<)LAi~O-~.t~,~~-~r(? ~. ~'T'lP...:. . lftlA~_( ~-_ ~;~:~J-... · ._ -1 ____ 1 _ ASSEMSLY NAMF. (~~-W~~l_ 1. Floor-1t {).!-~,A .. - \ 1----'-(~~f-. \__--I i ' , I 1 I : '·-.. -· -------·-· INSlll ATION R-VALUI; · __ (cJJ. H~, s. R-?.2, ~tc.) -- --· --'·--- ·-·-.-,····~ ·---· .- ·--·····~· ... ---· . ·· =-·:_~~- ·-·--.. . .......... . ... ·. ··-·:1. -··---. I •• .I '--· • ··--· .J .--··~ ···-·· ... ~ I.OCATION/COMME:NTS: ... (µg. SusptmdW Ceiling, Dcmi~,ing, c.-tc.:.) -. ---. --. .. --·. . ... . ··---~l~,il-. t,,~A,,t,1,..- · .. . f}>JOl" _:!~Zllfl:<--t-.. ----·· ··-. ·--... ~- -·-.- . ··-,. ____ ,,,_: :·N<ii'i?fr) x:~~_Lo,: ··-. ............... ' .... ,, ......... , . ::::·_~:(;~;?.~-~-. :·-: .......... ,,, ................. . {i;j;;I\~;~/: .••• , ... v ........... ,~. ............ , .... ~ ...... ,, ...... , ...... ~ ..... ,.~ .. :-,.:_., ................. . -~~~ -~ .. -:-... ,:-·,. :•• .. - ,_..; -:~;~.'.:-- ~-~!¥ . .. '--.,,. . ·-----......... .. SKYLIGHT NAMF (ea_. :.ky-1) fJ !) {, l.A 1,\ ?] , ... NO.OF PANES . . -· ···---- U,VALUE -·-·-------'--- .. -·--·- -------··-. .....,.. .. ·-·---'--~· ---- -~----- ·-·---· ·-·--.----e '--''-----',---. SKYUGHJ MATF.R.IAL {eg. Glass, Pl.ie,tic, e!c.) r---""-'--·--.-. '--·· -·-.----.:. ----·--·-.-. ---·. - ~----·-· -·-- --· ··-· ----· -.,---...... --------. ·-·-.-· ---· GI J\ZING TYPF {P.g. Clo3r, etc.) ·---·--·· --··-·-·-----·- l3UILDING TYPE .· 181' NONRESIDENTIAL ': 0 HJGH RISE RESJQENTJAL D HOTEL/MOTEL GUEST RO• PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION _@ NEW C()NSTRUCTION . 0 ADDITION D. ALTERATION . · 0 UNCONDITIONED (fi;·e aflid2 METHOD OF ENVECOPE ·· ·'·.!81, COMPONENT COMPLIANCE D OVERALL ENVELOPE D PERFORlv!ANCE Tiiis Certificate of compliance lists the building featuices and performance specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts J 6 of the California Code of Regulations .. This cer:ti'ficate -applies only to building _envelope requirements. The documentation rrcparcr hereby certifies that the doctlrnei1tation. is accurate_ and.complete. D,jCL·:,lEt-ffATIO~ ,·\l:THOR SWN.-\ffUR.[: D:\TE ILi CZ..l t.--t~ s~'"",,...'--.,...---'----'---,--,-- 1·iK Principal !~11,·clupc Designer here.by cenifics tki:t the proposed building des.ign rc.11rcsented in this set of construction documents is consist.c-111 with the ot:hcr compLiancc l"onns and worksheets, with the spec.iJicati9ns, and with any other calculatio: :;ubmiued \\'ith i:his perm it applicat·ion .. The .pr-'oposcd building has been. designed to meet the envelope requirements contained i ~~ctio11s 110., I l CJ through 1 I.Si and 140, I 42, 143. or J49 of' Title 24, Part 6. · · -.. :Please check one: !f-S I hereby aflirm that I a·m clig.iblc uncll:r the prlh;isions o"l"Division 3 o(the Business and P-rofessions Code to sign this I document as the pcrspn responsible for its preparation; aiKl t.hat I a111 a civil En¥,-ineer or Architect. . . . .. .. , .. D I affirm that r am cligi!;>le under tf1it exen)pt1on to q~vis1on 3_ of t_he Busin~s; and Professions Code by ~ectibn 553 7 .2 of ti' Business and Professions Code to sign this doct'1ment as .~he pers~:m responsible for its prepar?,tion; and that I am a license, contractor preparing documents for: work thnl I lmve coutractcd to ,perfor'm, D I affirm that I am eligible under the exe111pt-inn to Div:ision 3 ~f the Bu~in~_ss cll)d e·~;fessi~-l~S .Code b~ 'section---- the ---------"------Code to ~-ign this docurn,ent as the person responsible for its .preparation; and· for the -. . . . ,. . ~ ·-· . ,,, . . ~ following rcaso'1t's: ------'---'-~-,--,c-'-'--'c-..,..,,.-'----,-,'---'---'------~ Indicate location on plan~ 9f_Not~ ,~!~ck for-iv\~ndatory. ~f~asures_ ._l-"'-_·hoa:..... :~·..;._ __ . ....ij._ ____ -;-.c..:.--'----.,---- ·sm . -.· ., .·-...... ::·., .......... _,-~:-·-~...:--'-~--.:-.. ,-;. ... -·.:: ... ···,·,:,,·.,.··--,._· .. \··.-,: .. -__ :·.·-:...-, ........ f-... ·-.·,<.-.. ..'.-:.:~~ IN IJC ... TA'I\Ts~o--A'PPLTPA~l\trr,,;;.,,,. ,., ... r,• . .1,:! .. •r-·u,:·; .. _,· ·. •:·~· -·r•.,.,·• .!..'",··:.-· ;:.··~ ··.s .. • .• : -~,-:.-·· •: ·· .• :,;• ...... -.• ···,···,: . •,J:-:.1.UL'I ~.:.&:. ..fl t.1.\.:-in.1.'l:··.I,~, • ,-.,»r . r, :· Jtl, ·~· ••• ~. -f , r .,,.. • • • • • • •• ., ~ ~ • , • ~ ·--~-t-·,!:'-,.,. r -_. , •• l.. . • ... •• • • , ,. • .--...-•. • -· • For Detailed instrnctions on the use or'this and all Energy 'Efficiency Standards complia:rice forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. eNV-l: Required on plans for all-subm ittals., Part 2 mal be incorporate_d iff schedu Jes on p t:nns ... ENV-2: Used for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending. on method of envelope compliance. ENV-3: Optional. Use if default U-values are rJ0t used ... Choose appr:oprigte versjQn fqr assem:bly u~value to be ealctilated. ' -. ' '·. , j'.. ' -· . ' . . •. • . 1•1-:c ,11 r·r N,\.' .. t1. /\SSEMl3LY NAME INSULAT!ONR-VALUE (c!!. Wall~I. Floor-I) (cl!. R-19. R-22, etc .. ) \AkLu-l fZ~ \I Rn-r: -l t-1q ! I . . - ... \\1:-.:DO\\' NAME NO.OF ti-VALUE t·'(' \\ md,,w-I) l'.-\lt-:S :k S,-10 ivL-r,·ou) I I .D/ ... .. .. St(YLIGHT NAME (cg_ Sky-I) NOOF PANES . U.-VAl.,lf~ Ht< -. CONSTRUCTION TYPE _ -(CL'.-Jllock, Wood, Metal) M-~ r-1i:;,~v -. . '• -FIU;\l.1' TYPE t\kt:i!'. Wood. c_tc.) }1fTlt L,. j . FRM,fETYPE (i\ldal. Woo.d,.ctc .. ) _ ... EXTERIOR SHADE.?. }l.0 . OVERJf..\NC GREDIT? . ..... : SKYLIGHT MATERIAL (Glass, Pln:stic·; etc.)·. .. -· . ' GLAZING TYPE (ce:. c;Icar. Tinted) t:-..f ~-;. ~·1"'---~ .. -\ GLAZING TYPE (.Clear, Lo_w-E, etc.) .. . ·.7NOT-E·-TO'FIEL .'Buildi'iitDeot:iu~ :· '• .~ : . ·: ~ . ,... ·;---~~~-: .:· .. - ... -:: . .-, .. · ·:. · .. :.~ : ~ ·._:· (~ : ... *NOTE1TO'FIE.J.,: "BuUciln~'iJe'o't:-U: ~,I.::~;~:\~:}-~;.} ;~g;;};tlJ~:*~;.:· :£:k~IJJ~i'Iii.~~~-~ 8 GROSS WALL / AREA (GWA) '-" GWA• 0.4 21-:V I fthc PROPCJSf:D WINDOW AREi\ i; grc:iter than th.: i\L·\XIMUll.1 Al.LOWA!31.E WINDOW AREA. go tli another m~thod · DiSPI·.AY PERIMETitR(Oj>) _ 'DI'•· G ·Cl~EATEf{ OF. r M'RJOM 111uc11T / f H,6.-J /n • ,---..,,.;----,---,-~ IF 5 55 FT IF> 55 FT [~ ____________ o. l a -r • I.._______,_-. ~' I = ~-l -1 == [ ~---~--.,r.-_--~+,-~--. · MAXIMUM ? To A1:.towABpz .,... ' WINDOW AREA ALLOWEp $KY. ARE T GRQSS ROOF AREA -l l T'r'l'E. . TIE-AT l'l{OPOSEI) \VINDOV\'. .l-fth~ :\CTU/\L SK YL-IGHT .-\Rb\ ,s i?reatcr than . · -the ,,l.t.0\Vf;O.SK \'-LIGJJf' ARFA, gt; to another : method · . '•. .• ·~ ·-~- _ . lNSULf,). Tro;,;· R-\'.-'i.I.lil-: -I 'V ACTUAL SKY. ARE.-' 1 ASSE;..rnL Y ;-.;,\:-.IE (~S! w.,il-l.1'1,,,,,.,1 {<:S! Rout'. \\-a_!I. (1,,,•n ·_.C,.-\P.-\CITY · .. (l"ROl'OSf:1)-. ' ,\!i:'! -,\l._l.l.'>s\'i•.I.> .· .. ·. -..... ,:-·: ... ~--------' '----~-.----,.'. --. . • 1'.,,r ,ad1 a.,,.:ml>I~-1~ pc:._rm;.:1 the minimum insulation R-valuc or·thc: m:r.:v·imun\ ii,scmblj' U-,-~!u~ . WINDOW Ni\:\1E . (e.g.: \Vin~it.i~/ 1·~w1i1c1ow-2> , t.. lV'r'v·'-P'"/J',V / -. , SKYLIGHT NAME (,.!.\ .. Sky· 1. Sky-2) ~A ·rJ~OPOSED RSHG N .I , E .I , . s I \V -ra···o ·CJ. o. D OD·CJ · U-VALOE # ·9:r: PROP. · PROP: : -.ALLOW. PANES . ,..· _s~c.;--;-'"'--_l-1::.:·-=-=v:::1-:w:_.~-:o:_H-_F-l·+-R_S_H_G-1 \_ 0 L _ I '2-?7 . l · Sf ,......_,__ ...... t,,-'---'t--'--l-----+----,--1 ALLO' . RSHC . D D O D. ~--'-"---'--1--~ 1---'------1 f-----t--,-,,-+---J---+--l--'-----1 1----- DODD .. .. . G-LAZIN,G TRANSLUCENT I JRANSl'i\RENT D-0 :o 0 D D o-0 .. -. -.. 1/QF 'PANES U-VALUE .- A_LLOW!:D . . - SHADING COEFFICIENT PROPOSED ALLOWE:· w 0 Cf) f-- ::) 0 . ,. SKETCH OF ASSEi\!BL'( \\ :\l.l. UNIT Tl llCKi\"ESS .w -o· Cf) z ··ASSEMBLY NAME DESCRIPTION·· OF-ASSEMBLY ,,.~----------_J ·· 1 Nl"l.\llNA.l. INCIIES '----,-"------'----'"---~ ,\1.-\TEl{l,\L TYi'!·: COl{I·: rnFAT:'>IE~T iStll.lD. (iROtiTl"-:1>. E,'.!I' f"Y. INSUI..·\ l"i::). ;--.:_.\, :·--;\':\l. l. l~·\'1\l.l:1_-:· ._,I__,----,--,-~----'' g\\ "(FRQ.\! T,\'ili i· 11-~ 1•r 11-(,) \\".-\I.I. IIE:\i'"t'Al'.-\CIT)" I '----'-------,--'--' 1tc. ~-'·~_,., .. _ .. Fl(RRING FR.-\,\IING /\Ii\ i"EI{l..\l. I FURl~INC FRAMING S"!ZI~ I FURRING SPACE INSUl.i\TION I E,KTERIOR INSULATING J\l~Ei\ I. ·.····FURRING /\SSEMBL Y EFFEC'i'IVE R-:VALlJE . +· (Fl,OM T:\111 E H-71 : -.. I I ·1 .I- (W00!);-1,IETAI.. NO;s:E, N(·}MIN/\1. .INCi !ES .1 .. '--'-,-------___JI ,\CTUAl. INCi [ES. TYi'!: -I· .. -.· ... -I R-V/\l.LJE -~================='.· TYl'I·: R-VAI.UE ·1-:xTERIOR INSULATING LA YI:R R-V.-\LUE -INSULATION LAYER R-VALUE ~~-"e----=-:-~-+·,.a·-,----'-"-"-""-'-'----_.J (F!U,)M i\!AN(I1:,\CTl·IRER) . . . "INSULATION LA YER R-Vi\1.llE · · ~-~_:.W.:.:.A.:.:l~.I.:.. . .:.:.R·...;V..,../\_t._.U_E_--a.~ . WALL ASSEMBLY R-:VALUE .WALL ASSEMBLY·U~VALU.E ~-----'+I· I= .___I -----"'~___JI-? L_I -----~-=-- l{f --(~\" Rt I/Rt .. ·,~· ,' . . . ,,,·-·---,::-----., ~ I -( . -~- / \ . . . J I ~ I lt--t------1-----,,--.TUBE S'[E!;:t. SCREEN Y'lALL ST' ~TED-l"lOOO, PAIN~ . fflEFORMED ALUMINUM . I ... COPING, PAINTED. -'--------'----~-------.-+, MEMSRANE ROOF1~'·w -~RA' PL YY-!000 SHEA THING ' "EL'+ll'-6" TOP OF _ FRAMING (N.T.5) .I I . [ C:-515 SIMjf--_ ~---' PREFORMED AUJMINUl•f 0 SOFFIT PANEL, PRIMED , PAINTED ,;e,• RJRRING CHANNELS ---'-'----"--' METAL STI.JD5 C.EMeNT PLASTER ! J I , ...... __ ~.,.,,,.. • BATT INSULATION (RI"! Ci! f;WOFJ · ..... ....... ·:•:.· '-------",...' '5U5PENDED Yi.R. 6YFSUM .,------. . SOARD, PAINTED ·. . ... P-s2:1 IH-~--"'7"--_:__:.._ ___ -,-___ MET-AL STUDS,. GYP:1.JM SHEATHING --------'---"-------'------l, ! I j I i Yi.R. GYF'5UM SOARD . THINSET CERAMIC. Tl~ MET AL 5T1..ID5 BATT INSULATION (RII III Y'!ALL5) i: ·-. ---~ "'· .-.•. :" ., l ,------"----REF. -f:OOD SERVICE or-i.s·s FOR INTERIOR EQUIP. -~c..:---...;i-----~--THINSET C.~MIC. ~!L,E __ \ . - . -! J_ . . : I i~ .:···· o·· ~--.. ·.: .. ·.· G) ~!:;~_!:, ·SECTION •.:. -: -· -:.··, .. :··. '. ··~- .• ...... -.-,•; ~, :· ,;:, :-··:·· .. ;.·_ :· .. .-~; ,/-~~: 'r.,"~EL==_'-'-_+><-6 ___ '.c.;.fi __ "--_,;_.-'-r:""QP'-.-.. -'-'-t:1,.ccAS""'.· ~-· ___;_---'--'---l-l . . . · )·· · ...... . . ": . . \ ;~ .· . ::"'; ~ --.-:·• .· ~ ... . . ., .,_. ... . . ~ .. ·.:,. . '. · . ~-. . :, .. .. ::-. :-·.: . ~/ ·~· -·,;_ .. .: . · . . . ,. ··:· .=·. '. -·; .. . . _:-.·:·,.,.-.. . .. . ... .... :. . . -··:: :.: ~·.;:.· -_::::: .. --. ·: ... ~.·-.-.. .• ".:.. ~-• • .• :, ! :.·· .. . ......... !•' : '• =·:. ·. --·: -:· ...• :.:· :·~;·,::..... ,.:~··: ."-..;.,, .: • : . -~-_..... '": ,,": .• . -::. •' ... · ,. ·.·· ·. .-.... . -.... • - • • •• ; , ,.·· :.:~-·-· --.... •< ... JI ... • • •• .: .. : ·.:\, ·-: ',.._~·:: ·: -:: .. ;.·: ... · .... ,;··•,'':. ;,. ::.-:·-....... -.<~J.:·-~·· .,. .... ": . l'l(()JliCT NAM!·. Lt½or AHD . Ct-,_R.t-S ·&kD- l'l(OJEC:1 AI)l)l(ESS .;A, (...[o A I) , ~ frn -OU~t.1 o l'RINCll',\i, DESIGNEl{-l\H·:CI l1\NIC1\L BU!LDING CONDITIONED FLOOR A-REA . 7 . BUILDING TYPE 0 NONRESIDENTIAL . D HfGl-1 RISE RESIDEN;,f!AL D HOTEL/MOTEL GUESTR00~ PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION lZl NEW CONSt~lJCTION 0 ADDITION D: ALTERATION OUNCONDITIONED (fih:affidJ, METHOD OF MECHANICAL. ,f-Zl. P/~SCRIP1:IVE D P,ERFORi:vfANCE COMPLIANCE This Certificate of Compli~c~ ·lists the bu.ilding features and perfonnance sp~cifrcations need to comply with Title 24, Parts : and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. Tbis certincate applies only to _buildi_ng mechanical requirements. The documentation Jre arer hereb ' certifies that (he DOCUl\lENTA TION A\Jrl !OR Lf:c,.11:.:tt.,. A. !?-c<;? H '7"fr>~ lete: D.-\TE The Principal 1\-kchanical Designer hereby certifies that the -proposed building dt:!sign represented in this set or construction documents is consist~nt with the other compliance forms and worksheets; with tlw s-pecifications, and with any other calculati, submitted with this permit application. The proposed buikling ·has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contain in the applicable parts of Sections 110 through 115, l40 through 124, 140. through 142, 144 and 145. · Please check one: IS] I here.by affirm that I am eligrblc under the provisions of Division .3 of the Business and Pr.ofessions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its pn;:paration: and that I am a, Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer. or Architec D I affirm that l am eligible under the e:,(emption tQ Djvisioi1 J 0f th~ B.us!ness and Professions Code by Section 553 7.2 oft. Business and Professior1s Code to sign this document as the pers$n responsible for its preparation: and that I ar11 a license contractor preparing documents for work tbat l haNe contracted to perforin. D I affirm that I am eligible wider the exemption to Division 3 of the Business arid Professions Code by Section __ _ the---------~--Code to sign this document :as the person responsible for:. its preparation; and for the following reason(s): ~-------~-~-'-an:--------~~---- Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures For Detailed instructions on the use ·of th.i's and all Energy Efficiency St_anciatds cornpiiance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. · · · · · · · · ·""' .. MECH-I: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 1 & 3 may be ,incorporated in schedules on plans. MECH-2: Required for all submittals; choo~e appropriate version depending o(l method of mechanical compliance. MECH-3: Required for all submittals, 'but may be incorporated in schedLileson plans . MECl-!-4: Required for all submittals unless r~quired outdoor ventilation rates and airflows are shown on plans per Section 4.3.4. TIME CONTROL SET8ACK CONTROL fSOLATfON ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT'? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL V1\V MINIMUM POSITfON CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? N 1---------------------l J-...;~_--__:_.;-'--'-----~-i 1----'--------,---'---'-l l---'----------1 HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? · 'N _ N i '. VENTfLATfON OUTDOOR D.-\M!'ER CONTfWL? \l/:-.. ' .. ECONO:-..liZ.ER TY!'!: . \ 1· N . DES!GN AIR CF:'! (:'li:CI 1--l. COI.U:'!N H) IIE.-\TING EQUIP TYl'F 11.-·., ••• 1Jo1,.,q;J t---------'--c----+'---,-------, L....JLJu.t..::C:..,_/_:•·,..:..':...;·,..2..-' ':-::c<.:..' _,_1,_, ---'-, f----'-'----~· --~---· -----:: -y'_ I -··o-:::;i:~n-H!GH Er-FfClc:\Ci"' IF YES E:S: FER 'El'F :: , : f _1... ... ~ .. _,.__. COOLING EQUIP_ ·1 Yl'E HIGH EFFICIENCY'' IF YES ENTER-EFF i! , \L-\l-:E AND t-.!ODEL Nli1'H,3ER ., i HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? . VAV MINIMUM P0StTION CONTROL? ·.'{:Yes .. . ·:::·· ..... SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? -, N: No HEAT AND C0OL·SUPPLYRt'.SET? .. HIGH EFFICIENCY? . TIME CONTI.~OL s· P"rog. $\\;Itch ' 0. Occupancy Sensor . •· 1\l: t-.tanuJI 'rima. · VENTl!,,ATION -,, ..... SET!.li\CK CTRL. ·11 l'lcatmg C. COl)ling ll B,Hh ·OUTDOOR DAMPER B:AirBalancc .. ., .. :;,. A:Auto C: Outside Air Cert.· · G; Cira, ity · (\·\: Out. Air M9asurc D: lx(lla:rici Control N: Natur;il I ..:.~:g;f.~~t:_~~~~--:· ~:;y~f+;~~~~~--- ISOLATION FA.N ZONES CONTRO Enter numb.:r of · !: Inlet Vane, Isolation Zones ' P. Variabk P V:VFD ·o: Other C: Curve ECONOMIZER O.A. CF:\ /\:Air W: Water N. Not Required Enter Outdoc AirCFM. Note: Thi$ si; be no less th.; Column O o: MECH-4. SYSTEM NANIE "FC::.l\ -v .' SY.STF,\! N.-\?\tr /--.lb.... i·~:_:.i.:i_]_:_;:.i.;t :W\j:' }:y . . . . :.-. ·.. :·.~-.. . i>lJCT TYPE DUCTLOCATION (Su 111 , ·Rctun1, etc .. ). _(I.Z<~qr, P(~num, etc.) ·-·-----~----< _t;:eH ... J. Ne? . 11 P.11'1·:TYl'li (~(lP,Jk. Rc:1r_1r.,,.11_·. _('_tc_.,~----'-,--,..-'-'-~..., =-·-----~-'-,-- tiUCT Tii\P:E • 'ALL.OWED? . , y. N. o·rzJ- D D o·o r 0 .. 0· oo·· ,, DD -o·o DD 0,:0 ·oo DD Rl;'.O·'D? Y·.-.. N .D·O DO DD OD DO DD 00 OD- DO DUCT INSUL/\.TION R-VALUE 'R-Z,'\ -. -NOTETOFI: Buildinit·DcpL : ·t.::. .. . . ..~ .·. ',;:_···· ·:·· .. '}",::. l'l(O!EC-1' N,\:,..11·. ---. -, --.-' . : . . . I >-\TE LB~cu:._NQ , C-F--li. !-S 1bA:k:> -C-A:;qf\_8, 1nu.... (.Enn? -~ ~-u . .-11-\') 4 -b- sYsT1-.r-., NA:<.11 -Fl.()()I( /\RF,, c__ ___ _,__-~=\_-~__,,,.....,·___,._,_f?-'-'\l:,;!;,6...~--""'L.-'-.!-='::......-="-!--~-,...--"-------,-'-~----,-------'--"7uf~~ 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR, DRY BULl3 TEMPERATURE -OUTDO0R,WETBULGTEMPERATURE -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATlJ:RE 2. SIZING (AP.PENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) --- COOLIN.G .. HEATL' 8" '? - ~7 1S [ 70 -DES[GN OUTDOOR AIR . . . . .___l __ ___..-'--____,lcFM (MECH 4; C0LUl\-fN 1-!) 7 t!rl -ENVELOPE LOAD • 1 .St.,o4 -UGHTlNG ·wATrs I SF (L n;;2) ·----'1 -,?04,,; -P[OPLE ------~~'---; # OF PEOPLE (MECi·[_4: COLL:\:\: E) "1"1'.'.>11 -~ ~ .... ~ .. , -,\llSC 1:QU·[PMENT W;\'ITS i SF Zcx,l~ -Oll[FR ( l'l(IJ(J:SS l.U,.\lb DUCT ) \. l.DSS. INFll.lR.-\TiCl:'-:. f'TC °' ? .r • 1-.... ~ •..... TOT.-\LS ~:\IT l'Y' WARi'v! UP Fi\C'['.( YR l\·1.-\Xl\lUi\·l ADJUSTED l.U.-\.l"J{TOTALS FIZU1v1 ABOVE x SAFETYi \VARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: l~ST.-\_l.l.ED I-::QUIPJV1I·:NT C.-\PAC!TY )f I -Y.} r 1/'iV 11 V.P, {;t '. Kbtu / Hr K.otu :' IF l'.<ST:\L.LED Ct\P;\CITY EXCEEDS M/\.\JMtJi'.·1 A(;JljS_··1·r-.-.D LO,hD, E-x_ 1·)l./\ IN _ \lt; ,.,. I ( <. ~ ' J. . 1 ~ (. ·, . -,,-' --;-;;..,~,/\..-,rt..· . .,· ,f:_.;,t{ · i.._.l. ~ -t.-'-: · \ .. 0,\.)'7-t.1_ I.Cvl.." -l. {ill D-ESICN FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKE HP NA· .. i. ?-([ ... ~-..,, ··- NOTE: Include only fan systems cxe<:e<ling 25 HI' (sec.§ J·,i.J). • Total Fan System Power D.:mand may not ..:.~cccu 0.8 WatL,/CF_M ·J1Jr constant volurttc systems or I .25 Walls/CFi\·t !or VI\ V systc.:rns. EFFICJENCY MOTOR 6Riv:c ' , - --- NUMBER PEAK WATTS Cf!\ OF FANS f3 x Ex 746 / (C x (Supply : D) .. TOTALS I JC TOTAL FAN SYSTEM C POWER DEMAND Col.Fl WATIS/CFM ]nnua;- i I I I i SYSTEM NAME .., ... I ~:.)...-[;> SYSTEM NAME -- MAI<EANb. :0.ESI GN OUTPUT MODEL NO. . (BTU /J{g)_ M/1'?,.CA 7->r s rh fV?> l"',~r-:,i-,,..;.n .~A)/ .. - --. ~ -- ., . - .. , : -.. - -· ,. '. I - MAKEAN:D· MODEL NO. - .. I..A • .,....-.!) . , , , I ,.. • ,, .,, ., o· . u-i,.-r •'' I ,1 -f?\ '7':;-( -1:'.'\) ,_. ,. ,, . • I _M: TOTAL -DESJCN CFM· . '• ···r-""' 9.:',-• - , ,. C - .• . .. .. DESIGN OUT!_l~T (BTU /HR) . lfNIT~ ALLO\VED . PROPOSE: f-------l-----~--'-----'----.,-;-----~--1 Pc--''-' -~-+------+--- \I..., ,. • ~ • ,/ , ",. I /'"'o ~ , _ '•,. • ,.. _ r,... ••• •• January l>ATF. 1·~~'17 NOTE: f'ruv1<k one t.(l lY ol"lh1$ form for C:,ich n11;d1aniql S'/$.l<;rn .w · ooCurANCY :BASts VAVMINIMUM REQ'D. CFM SPACE NO. COND MIN NO. MIN. 0.A. DESIGN AREA CF/VI CFM tW cr-M (MAX, OF OUTDOO PER SF ·--AIR (SF) cs xq ·PE ·wLE (EX I)) b ORCF) -~'--. . . - LARGEST DESIGN R MIN. MIN. CFM Cflvf Tl 11.f~ Jc; \ '7 ;! ~ \ I 0 llO l q I i:---·----J,A~ I .. I· I ---~···----'~-~--' ,_ ___ ___, I-'--~--! I L .i I IL i I .. ! i I i i / I I ! ,. J I ,! I .:· ... I I i ~ : - I- ~ --. ·-'----l---'------1 .1------1 1-~---' '- .... . ·. ---"----1------l 1----,~--l l-"--'---'----l .... - '- ,__ ,__ _'-_:::::;:::::::::::=~ '.::======= r \lo Minir11m11 Vcntilalion:Ralc per Scc_tion § ) 21. T:tbl_c 1 ·F .. Oascd on Expected Numbpr _6f Occup(!nis or at lc:ist 50'½, CifChaptcr 33 ·u\3C Oi;:cupanl Density Must be greater than or equal· to G, or use '!'ransli:r Air . It' z.oric reheat or rccool is used. I must be: less than or cqunl to G, or less, than or c:q\ml .to ·rornl D<:sign-CFM XO J. or fess than or equal to 8 X 0.4, or less or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is t.nrgcr. . . Must be less than or equal lo-I-(i r applicabk). but_ n9 less than G, unh:ss Trans·fcr Air (K) is usc<l, Must be greater lh:in·or·equal lo (G -11).'.nn<l. for \i·.-\ V, gr..:a_tcnhan or equal lo (G-J). ,-_, ~-.. - Janua: FROM , J !'1111-!.0-.:JO ftLl/ 1 V • 1...v 'W.. .. . -· 1999,1211-29 12•1219 #776 P.1S/1S . NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Non-R~dentiol Land Owni:r, ple111:1e read ihis option carefully and be S&n )ICU 1nrougn1y umiaratililnd lhe options Defore signin_g. Th@ option you chooie Will affee-tyol.l' payment of the developed ~pedal Tax ~ss;d on ,Your prQPerty. This option i& available cnly at tie time of 'the first bl.ilding permltiSBUanCe. Property 0W11er signature i&.required befare a building permit will be issued. Your signature is cortfirming the accuracy of all parr;el and owne~ip_inrormation shown. LE" &o i..,1'1'l n -E s,~TtS ,fiCr Nama 0f Owner Telephone ~(,00 Address ' $\)t,€ A VE W \, \)fi 6 N cl NAS., r'!:.o 1-L~o Dn.."1.1c....· Proj@c:t' .A.ddress Ct'trtlb~iq.o [~ ·t:;J i.e-o<, carlsbact CA City Siatc Zip ·cod~ City . State L~oll\~D . . k'lseasor'11 Peu-~el Numbor, or AF'N and Lot Number-if not yet subdl\lld~d. P \ o-... (.._.~ e....t:-cir l ... "115'{~ ,.. Cc....s.--\--\ ~ Building Permit Number . 9200 Zip Code \-l, ll I . . As dted by Ordinanc:e Ne, NS-15S :anc :mopted by ttle City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, the City is authorized ii:) le")' a~ Tax in Cornmuoi~ Facilities districi No. 1. All non-resdential property, upon tne i~nc.e af1he first b.itcfmg permit, shall have lhe armor, to.(1) PilY the SPECIAL DE~LOPMENT TAX oNE- 'flME or (2) iilGSUme 1he ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX-OEVeL.OPEO PROPERTY far$ period nat to exceed tWenty- . fiv~ ·(25) years. Please indicate your choice by iniUalin.cl the appropriate tin~ below: · I elect to pay ttie SPECIAL CEVELOPM!:NT TAX PN!~i'lME. now. as• one-time payment Amal.Int 9f Oma-lime Special Tax: $ C..( l , l S""Go • °" _ O\Mier's lnlt1Ell9______ . OPTION (1): OFT'lON (2}: I elect ID pay tne SPl:CIAL CEV5L.OPMeNT TAX AN~UI\I.L.rt~ '-~rield nQt 10 l}JCi.eed tw~nty-fi~_!) ye~r.i-Maximum Annual Sp~cial Tar. $ -~ Coe~ . o.-. O~ner lnitiala ~. · . (7 • . I DO HeREBV CERTIFY UNDER PENAL. TT OF PERJURY TiiAT TH5 UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPER.TY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT P.ROF'ERTY ANO 'ftU.T I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS AS S1ATED ABOVE. . Tdle PrintNilme Cate The City of Carlsbad haa not indepehdently varifi@d i:he information 9hown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility as tc the a~rac.y or c;;gm-pletenese. of 1hi!; informatic:in. ~.o'f"L r:f 't. 3.'i \t/1 \ ~.eeo ff .,. I. S~ 14!. NON-RESIDENilAL CERTIFICATE -=--' , , 3 s1 :::. 4 r \ r b -.?.~, BG'f -I I ; I I C,:ERTIF.fCATE OF COMPLIANCE. 'CITY OF CARLSBAD. Plan: Check No. CJ 7 -33S· COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2075_1AS PALMAS DR., CARLSBAD., -CA 92009. '(6 l9J° 438·116 l This form shall be used to determine the amount of school 'fee~ for_ a ,project and to verify that the proje applicant has complied with the sc:~ool Jee requfrements. No building permits for the projects shall b issued until the certification ~s signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City o Carlsbad Building Department. · · · SCHOOL DISTRICT: ------San Marcos Unified 215 Mata Way . 'c: Carlsbad Unified 801 ·Prne Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 (434-0661) San ... Marcos CA 92069 736-2236 Encinitas Union _____ -San Dieguito Union High School --101 South Rancho S~nta Fe Rd. · 710 Encinitas Boulevard Encinitas CA ·92024 (944-4300) EncirHtas CA 92024 {7S3-6491} Project Applicant: La;.oL~Nn. C..A-r-\1b.,..~ APN:. ________ _ Project Address: ::J.-LEGO Ot, ue. '' ,-~t\~ .. b'-\l a RESIDENTIAL: · SQ. FT. of living area ___ __,...,_ .... -number of dwel.ling units _________ _ SQ. FT. of.covered area SQ. Fi. of garage area ______ _ . COMMERCIAUIN DUSTRIAL:~~-AREA \ 9 f J '-\ "J: "-• ?::,(]) C.i'\'£'. · l''lt~ Ai'?.) Prepared by 'fv\+J.J ~~ · .-. Date . t-/2.-1/ ij.e ~ S}=~<l'-\ :-:t(Z) FEE CERTIFICATION . . . . . · : · . {To be fbtnpfeted. bf the School District} ·~ Applicant has complied with fee requirement ,:mder Covern~ent Code 53080 __ Project is sµbject to an exi$ting feE;!· agr~ement · --Project is exempt from Governm~n.t Code 53080 --Final Map approvc;1I and .construction startec;J before sei:nember 1, l986. (other school fees paid) · __ Other _____________ .,,,,.._ ______ .,..... _____ -. __________ -'" ____ _ Residential Fee Levied: $ ___________ . based, on _____ ,_ ____ ...,.__......__ ____ sq. ft. ®----~-- Comm/lndust Fee Levied:$ ':) °t21i7() based on .. lC\, 7 '-15\ sq. ft®--------·-' ___ '5_0---+:}:_· _ .1...l if) f) • J. H. Blair · ---..-W 1~~).(;.f:?~~~uA~ . Assistant Su,pt . ; . . ·services -Lz . -·Title Date '-i i -·~ ------~--· --~-····----------··. --~---________ , ·-.. __ , .... --------~-----------· .. fl-_CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTR1CT [J CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL 0 VALLEY JUN10R fllGH SCHOOL DATE RECEIPT NO. 01:m L . qr;_ RECEIVED FROM keN ~. FOR: USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES/RENTALS $ R9!'8URSE~TS _ I-. USEOFSCHOOLBUS $---'"---z:>ch -~ .f;t'./'2--~,iq. -$--_,__~-- $-----$-----DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY DAMAGED OR LOST BOOKS SALE OF SURPLUS $----- $-------'"-- INSURANCE TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS $~------ . TOTAL $ 5~.2-i JO INCOME D ABATEMENT D ACCOUNT NO. ~-'lliSL --tJ'f12 -l51V;_ ~ -----ACCOUNT NO. - ACCOUNT NO.-------.-' - ),, 110,2 RECEIVED CASH D CHECK 'PJ ·q,ti~ -- i j L . I \!. I ' . (: ~ ' ... . t . i ·, f ; ,_-~- ' ' ' ·:. j 1 l ·i ! ! ' ',:', I; ·-"'- ' '· L (,c; o \ 1. GJ9S::. 1-1 e.-J--t t tf Cl O r;,--te-A--'r '· '{\ tt{ '-!{c,,) -I-<> <-''·s ,' l , 6: Mt, C11-5' pc"~ \ A rv l:::, f dL-c_ 11 (1 t /,t[ / U-vV\ \"2-,(ifn ~ CLO!,\, 11,,[1v/s1 "-lh "D----"-" pk , t.~~ : ~"- 0~ p llC.,.....' ~~v ~ (_<-V/'-.c,, \. ~ Ls.s'L ( . ' ( ' ~\v(11(q1_,,1ftl ~ ?~ ~s fMtt1ff4 . r1j '1./ 'r7 f-;)f 1/ tf <4"',::. V»'-lf t,( .e,c_. -\-~ z-1 c i-f c,, ( 't 7,_ CW 1:;,../1~ ' (q-[_)Ar, I ' .,,---.j fi L .. \,i i qi . <o~ \ ' I 17-·~s~b APPROVALS Date ____ Building -· Planning I . t --:. ;:.~ Engineering (~7/18,, l :-(--s1&-J-z;, 2ff(f+-Fire ----· _coastal ____ Health ____ . Asspc. __ _..----~-f(llll -~"" __ _..---~-f(llll LJtl.:i.z....,-~---1'\NI~ _i--____ ~C()RR ----8U$UC W r;;p,I.P __ . .--:-.FIRE pt.ANS ~ • • ASSESSOR p\;I.NS :::::::::=i----C Or 0 __ 1 __ _ ,~;.M~··~~~ ,'·, ;"17>«~~1-tr,:~:tJ1 •• '-,ti!AR_,m,.:,sif2f'f1..,n u;;tf< ,;w,s1t,114t<J+.<»•""-0 .. ~w-, a;:c;;,;n,JtW""'bff-"!IM11!l -~~'IJl!~\llt'lhfM'9"'ll~~-~~:·"::f;t ·~ ',t• 1,,' ', ', '(_, ) ·:,\~,, ~-1·i· ' '.' •/, ··,,<.'·•>,, ·i,.,.:.Ls,!J,'