HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB980025; Permit/ t City of Carlsbad 05/22/1999 Building Permit Permit No:CB980025 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3·101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: Applicant: ROSE, KIRK 1' LEGO DR CBAD PLANCK Sub Type: 'Lot#: $0.00 Construction Type: VN Reference #: IMAGINATION CENTER LEGOLAND PARK Owner: 1655 26TH STREET #200 90404 310 453-0100 Status: -Applied: Entered By: Appr/lssued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 01/07i1.998 MDP 12/01/1998 Total Fees: $0.00 Total Payments To Date: '$0.00 Balance Due: FINAL APPROVAL . $0.00 Inspector: Date: Clearance: _______ _ .. NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions. hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You haye 90 days from fhe date this permit was issued to protest imposition·oUhese fees/exactions. If you protest-them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any-other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance.with·Carlsbad Municipal Code,Section 132.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal.action,to attack, review, set aside, void, or·annuUheir imposition. · You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your righno protest ihe specified fees/exactions DOES Not AP Pl Y to water and sewer connection.fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar applicatign processing or service fees in comiectj6n with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otheiwise expired. FOR OFFICE USE.ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. ft ,aJ,X- CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas -Or., Carlsbad · CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL _________ _ _Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated ey _________ _ Date . ..,.,. __________ -,-__ ___ 1. PROjECT INFORMATION Address (include Bldg/Suite #) Busineu Nimi lat this address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision N1m1/Number Unit No. Phase No: Total # of units ·Existing 1,Jse Proposed Use sa.·FT. lot Stones I· of Bedrooms It of Bathrooms Name Address .. · City • State/Zip Telephone·# F.ax # :3 ... APPLICANT . O Contractor tJ Agent for'Contradtiir: :(:)"6wniI-;'.:~iCJAgent-ior'owii,F;;:-::,•,.,.-:--~~:·:,.~:·:,-:c·-~·-··'-.... Name Address 4. . PROPERTY'OWNER Name Address :.S. ·· CONTRACTOR~ COMPANY NAME ... ., __ ---:_ •.. :·· ·-. City State/Zip City State/Zip • Telephone It Telephone# ·s. WORKERS' COMPENSATION ..... ·•=· -· ·:,···:~-.,,:•·'-, .. ·,:·:·:·~:·;::·:··-,·:·!:·;;·:3_~:'.·':.7t_;·:;j:.1T·?J:··,;}\' ··;.: , ·, --·:.: , \. Workers' Compensation Declaration: f'heraby.affirm under penalty of perjury one of the f~llowing declarations: • 0 I have. and will maintain a .certific!ltl of cons1nt to-self-Insure. for workers' comi:;en11tion IS· provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Codi, fol' the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ~ I have and will maintain workets' _cq~pensation, is required by Secti~ 3700 .of the Labor Code, tor the: performance .of the work tor whic this permit is issued. My worker's c ·~ensation insurance arrier·and policy number are: . · _,A /. !=: _ ·. /_ ~ Insurance Company ~ . 1....[ ' ' . . . Poltcy No. 111_2<:11 t:zV,~Z-rotJ Expiration Datli b vO . (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF HE PERMIT IS FOR ONE·HUNDRED DOLLARS IUOOJ OR LESSJ D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: i certify that in the performance of the work tor which·this permit i1· il1ued,. I shall not employ 1ny parson in any mennar-ao 11 to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to aecure workers' compariutlon coverage la unlawful, 1ncflhlll aubjac:t 111 employer to c:rlmkMII pll1lltlaa and civil fl11111 up to -hundred thousand dollars ($100;0001, ' . to the COit of comp9!!!atiCKI,, dl1111911 111 provided for In SI~ 3706 ofthe c:ocje, tare1t and 1tt01111y'1 ..... SIGNATURE. _____ -',.:,==>-"'-'f-r----t,,""----------------------DATE ~b . . -,. I hereby affirm that I am exempt·fro tl;le Contra 'ii License L1w·for the following r11son: 0 I, as owner of the property o my employees with w1~ IS their 1.ole compensation, will do the wc;,rk ·1nd-the structure ii not intended or offared tor 11le (Sec. 7044, Business and Profassiol)s Code: Thi Contractor's License Law don not apply .to an owner of. property·who b_uilds or Improves thereon, and who ilon such work himself or through l'lis own employees, provided thlt-1uch.improv1rnent1 are·not intended or offlted for 1111. If, how1v1r, the building· or Improvement 11 sold within one year of completion, thlow1111r-bulld1r will ~va the.burden of proving thet hi did not-build-or improve tor the purpbll of 1111). D I, as owner of the property, am axcl\,lsively contracting with licansi«! contractors to construct the p;oject ISac. 7044, Businna and· Prof111iona Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to-1ri ow1111_r of property who builds or ·improvu thereon, ind contracts for iluch projects with contractor(s) lic1n11d pursuant to the Contractor's Lice1111 Ll!w). ' 0 I am exempt under Section Buainus and Professions Code for this r11son: ------. '• . . 1. I personally plan to provide the major l1bor·1nd materials for construction of the proposed property lmproverriant. 0 YES (JNO 2. I (have / have not) signed 1m application for I building.permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction .(Include name / 1!fdrus / phone number / contractors licen11 number): 4. I plan.to provide portions·of the work, but I hive-hired thil following person to coordinate, supa,viae and.provjde the·rnajor work !Include name/ addrus / phone number/ contractors license nuinber):._....,. __________ ...,.. ___ -..,... __________________________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I h1vit contracted (hired) the foliowlng 'para~ to provide the work Indicated (lnclud_e name-/addrus i phone number / type of work): · · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE __________ __,, __ .,..,.._______________ DATE ___ .,... _____ _ 1COMPLm THIS 'SECTION FOR '/iDN-RSIDiN'iiiu. lUlii>iNO·PEfiMtrs'ONlv.:'./1'~~:."" :: · ·'.;,·_~ ~~-":=""~~-!!l-~~~~'1'.:~~·t;•.t~->'!t,".:l!~~~;;-J~ ... ,:, ... , ···: 'T':~::,: ·: "':~"--~~:"' Is the applicant or"future building occupant required to submit• buslnus plan, acutely hl~rdoua matariala.ragiatratlor! forin or risk ·rnanagament and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Preslay-T1nnar H.1zardous Substance ACCOU!Jt Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future tiuilding occupant required to obtlil! 1 permit from the air pollution control district cir _air quality m1n1g1m1nt district? O 'YES O NO .. . .. . Is the facility to be constructed within ,1,000 feat of the outer boul')dary bf I school aitl!'7 0· YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A ANAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE-APPLICANT HAS MET ORIS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION-CONTROL DISTRICT. . . . is,... CONSTRUCTION i.ai1>1r.itfAGENCY,. · ,_.-_,.,,"'" .;,_.-~,_,,.,..~,·~-:==7:r:51:'~;-"'.""."::'TF)~~:~-.:.~,:,.."'""'":'-r:~':~~·=·..,::'.'""'.:-~'.'.'-;-;-:,·~,:-~~'°:'·.-~ ... ,~-·; ... · ··· · I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the-performance of the work for which .. this permit.is issued (Sec. 3097(1) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS ..... .,---,-..,,.,,..,,......,--....... _.,,.... _____________ _ ;9; .... APPLICANT CERTiFICATioi'f:';n--·" ,. ',-,------~··;:"":7'_'"-~.-:--·7-:-·,:,-;-:-;:;·s:--:-r:':';,'",:-n::~,-:::"'':"~:····,r~:\':i'f7\':i:i"· .. i•n::i:ct?,t'"1f;'T-:5::;,:.:""lf'~<"l.'''"!: ·,1:: · ·7-· .,, ··· • · ·, ·" • I certify that I have read the 1ppiic1tiori and state·that the above Information is correct-and that the·lnform1tion on the plans Is 1ccuret1. t agree-to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating Jo bl!ilding_ construction. I hera~y; authorize rapruentetivlts of the Citt of C1rl1b1_d -to· enter upon the above· mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ·ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH.MAY IN Af:'Y WAY AC(;RUE.AGAINST SAID-CITY !N CONS'1QUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. • OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5•0• deep and demolition or c~nstr:uction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within' 365 d_ays from-the,d1t1 of such permit or·lf the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 18!) .days (Section 106.4.4 Urilform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ------=-.,,,,---------------,....... ....... ...,,.. ____ ...-DATE -----------'----- WHITE: File YELLOW: AppliC!lflt PINK:·Finance ·-~ 1 .... " .. sao10~· HELLMUTH, OBATA + KA$SABAUM, iNC. 1655 26th Street, Suite 200, Santa Monica, California 90404 Voice 310 453 0100 F~ 310 453 2051 · a Memorandum Attention From Regarding Mike Peterson, City ofCarlsbad Cbristopher Rooney, AJA Imagination Plan Check PrQject Legoland· Car~sbad, I~c. Date Janµary 7, 1998 Project Number 96.0634:00 File Lld Copies To Kirk RoseHOKILcA, Gaston Laguna HOK/LA, Kyoko Adachj HOK/LA., Martin ZurauskasLego, Bill . . ' Pridgen, Lego, Steve Methot/BBC, Pavid Cattle4-,ego,David Ryan/ PS.I, Milce ~mith/City of¢arlsbad Fire Department, -. Pat Kelly/City of Carlsbad Building Dept. Mike, This is the first submitt:al of the.drawings for the Lwagination -Cluster in the Legoland project. This package includes the following components which will require agency plancpeck. · Imagination Facilities /60 North cpmplex . This structµre includes a free play .area and a small food service establishment. 1261 South co~plex This structilre i_ncludes a series of small work shops 1263 Publk Toilets· This package includes electrical drawings and all information required to secure a coqiplete permit. No shell permit is being requested for this cluster. The following iterhs ~e included with ~is package: 5 sets of Blueiine drawings 5 sets of the Certicjcate of Compliance (:form MECH-1) 5 sets of Certific~te of Compliance (form ENV-1) 2 sets of Structural Calculatio11s dated 12/31/97 Please proceed with reviews ~.required. Sincerely, c:$-f- Christopher Rooney, . Q2/27/9B ::1,.3: 25. Page :I. of ·· 1 SE.WE R PERM-I ·T ·Job Add;r.ess: 1 I.EGO DR Suite: Permit Type: SEWER .... eOMMERC:tAL/INDUSTRIAL ~arcel No: 211-022-16-00 Pescription: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD : LEGOLAND CARLSBAD FAM!LY PAR~ .Permit No:. SE9s·o.o:27 · . · Bidg Plane~#:, Status: I.SSUED 4487 Q?/i?J?£lj.,§.d :. 02/~6/98, ·. · j:)'.pr1/1's~i :9.lo 2j~7 /9-8 Perm.i tee: LEGOLA:ND' CARLS.BAD, INC . 61.9-43·$.:..5570. Expi~f.lT . · 36316-00 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS STE 130 CARLSBAD CA · 92008 Prepared By: D~ I FINAL APPROVAL •.. l lNSP .. · . · . DATE _CLEARANCE----~~ I, • CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las ·Palmas Dt., Carlsbad, :cA 92009 (619). 438--1161 . ~ - . .• . . . . ,, . . . . . -. ~ . . ..•. POOR· . -. ·.. . . . -.... . . . ' . . . : . . . . { · QUA-LITV · ... l • -.. . . • Jt • . . . ·_ ORlGlNAL,_{S) .. . . . •. . . , .:_· FEB-25-98 07:54AM 3!0-453-4523 T-503 P.OZ/02 F-647 To: --·P.-k 1-lllnning ~waida Cn1;ino. Suite 1 J California !}2008 coo 1349 (Exp. l21ll/97) . . . -' -. ; l:.. . Dimlbiidtm= (ti t\ddi'oa~ · -· --__ / . . . · {1 ffOK, Attention: Ms. K.yoko J\dacbi FAX ,3 J U/4$:S-ios2 V . . (1 Manin and Ounn i\ncnlioo: Mr. R<ln Jc)'ce FAX 619/497-0429 • 1 -, .0 HOKt.AiJentiQn: Mr. Chris R<>Qn~y (1,csa Site Officcl 760/804-7959 P~~fj~)f,'Pfiil~lllilJln1111011 _ I ~ u: • r i ,': II ' • I-' J . "lQ'l4 Ml 10s:i1-Jv r 41\IW-,N Rf"IAP)L~,,rn: R'lOG ~AN lilFC.C>. t --,.. 'JJ I 'i:I ' , ,I j; 1/ 1 !, I. l /!11 'I ,, ' J: ' ; j 'l : 1 j j _ 11 /i · t-1i i i t I ' ! l ,'' - ',. • , I{, ~J1/t/ i , . 11··,i, ,, L I •, 'f ,I, 1J.-r 1-i/-. _ . (611il) 29~·8010 ~ (BOO) 44/-2C-.2f.. 1-/\X (6 l'J) 297-ff/ / I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT f.EE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant: · · ~ Calcul io~_}a;~~g ~check plan submittal. Address: '/h'//?, ~ " ~ C--'1--. · Bldg. Permit No. Ct$ f 7-Z.o Z 7 Prepared by:· Date: ~/26 Checked by:_---,,----.-Date: ____ _ EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages .for all uses. Types of Use: b' A~-,t{-Sq. Ft./Units: ______ _ EDU's: /?.1 I ----- ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use; k~ Sq. Ft;/Units: _____ _ ADT's: 443 FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFO: tJ YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee, .reduced Traffic Impact Fee) 0 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE PARK AREA: ___ _ FEE/UNIT:. ______ __ X NO; UNITS: __ _ t,(_2. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE X FEE/ADT4z_ X FEE/ADT: ·---- ADT's/UNITS: 44-: 'S fl--3. BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE ·FEE ADT's/UNiTS:_...,.__..,..__ /5( 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE ZONE: /3. ' ' . j>(~ UNIT/SQ;FT.: ____ _ X . FEE/SO.FT./UNl-rf 8 - ~ 5. SEWER FEE PERMIT No.~ qg' 2-7 EDU's: /1, .o/ / X BENEFIT AREA: ____ DRAINAGE-BASIN: ..... __ _ . ONO =$ ____ _ =$ _____ _ =$ ____ _ 3£3,(.b ~~ = $ .7(ptV / T ; EDU's: X FEE/EDU:______ = $ _____ _ w-,6. DRAINA~E FEES PLDA HIGH ___ /LOW_...,.__ ACRES: X FEE/AC: = $ 11-7. SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) = $------ TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*:$ ------* NOTE: This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. P:IDOCSIMISFORMSIFEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET REV 01/28/97 .l!! l1l Cl >, .c "' 'II: "B Q) .c (.) C: l1l a: ¢00 @DD ~DD _! .. PlANNING DEPARTMENT . 'BUILDING :'PLAN. CHECK REVIEW OHE:CKLIST ' ,· -' Plan Check No.cs.W-aozs-·Address .. One.. LE6.0 ,Or/ve Planner L}q() ._ 1\/e;L( Phone (61 9) 438-11 61, extension L/~l/C APN: . 2th-/Q;J ~0 9 · . . · · Type of Project and· Use:t;;:,t~'12%~ Project Density: _ ___,__AL.;,,c,0 ..... ~_,_ ___ _ Zoning: C-T-<J. •· . General Plan: T-If Facilities Management Zone: __._! ___ 3 ___ _ CFD(fu;lnutl # /. bate qf participation: l~/a[/q3 Remaining. net dev acr~s: ZS: "trfc'ie One ·• · . '7 ·(For non-residential development: Type· of land used created by this permit: All[tfk,r-J;.pl"'lr>iercior.l CLses na+ identi.ie.d ) qn %eciic;,ir.i"" · . Legend:. ~-Jtem Complete ~: Item lnc~mpl·ete -Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO '/.. TYPE . . ---- DATE OF COM.PLl:TIQN:. y20.-q7 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state .conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: . . . Discretionary Action-Required: . YES __ NO Y. 1YPE _____ _ . . c ,c,"* 9,-ra-ro ~-2.R; APPROVAl-/RESO. NO.P.c;$'08.3 DATE . . :: PROJECT NO ... S!J_fl 'lC--l(f OTHER RELATED C.AS~.s: . ....,C..__ ',(,,,<).,J-/J ..... ·_,_,9G_ ...... ; ,...._--..£..~..:.:b:...,.._ ~-------,---------- Compliarice with conditior;is qr, approval?· If not, state conditions which requir.e action. Conditions of Approval·: /{c. Aeso 4'05:3 .condin<¥?S 7 B) ~As;29; 77 Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YESX . NO_· _· · CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO· )( · If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them i:lt ,. 31-11 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): . k,c.eived C<Jl'9G-l6 Coastal Permit Determination Form aJready.compl.eted? If NO, complete Coastal .Permit ·oeter:mination Form -now. Coastal Permit Detelmirtat.ion Log #: Follow-Up Action.s: YES NO AJ/~- 1) Stamp Building~ Plans as ".Exempt" or ''Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Per-mit Determination Log as needed. ~ 0 0 lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES __ NO '>( (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES __ NO __ (Enter CB#; UACT; NEXT12; Construct housing Y/N; Enter Fee Amount (See fee schedule for amount); Return) Site Plan: ¢00 }Zfoo 1 .. Provide a fully dimensional site pla171 drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. '(y[oo Zoning: 1 . Setbacks: Front: Required ______ _ Shown -------Interior Side: Required ______ _ Shown -------Street Side: Required ______ _ Shown -------Rear: Required -------Shown ------- ~ 0 0 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required -------Shown -------Interior Side: Required ______ _ Shown -------Street Side: Required. ______ _ Shown -------Rear: Required -------,-- Structure separation: Required ------- Shown -------Shown ------- 17J O O 3. Lot Coverage: Required _____ _ Shown ------- ti" 0 0 4. Height: Required ____ _ Shown ------- ~ 0 0 5. Parking: Spaces Required _____ _ Shown ------- Guest Spaces Required ______ _ Shown ------- ~ 0 0 ·Additional Comments. ______________________ _ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE ----- FEB-26-98 11 : 50AM FROM-LEGOLAND CAL I FORNI A 760-438-9499 T-324 P.03/07 F-662 NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Nan-Resiaen=1 Land 0wn.,. p1eaae r• m l apiorl Q11"ef1'1)'8na blue you 1hreughiy undersilnd 1h~ oplions ~a Signing. Tha apuon Y01J choose will I affeetyc,.,:~nt cl the developed Spec;at Tax 15$CSSed on y0\U' propeny. This option is awil•bl• Dnly at i 1he time di1e ffrst tulfilG pemitaance. Propeny owner signature.it requred before a blildir,; permit wwlf I be issued. Your ~o is.amffrmin§1he.aceuracy of all parcel and ownership information :mown. Name af Owner Tef•phone · . ~ , L "-sb (:)0 ti.\ VI: /J \ C) (.} €NCI Nft:S I SU (Tlf /'ZD ~~ ...... -EG--:--e __ tJl'. ___ ..,\'-'_e.... _______ _ Addr• · Project Address UHU-.£> 12> ~ 0 eAq 9 2-oe °I Cal'lsbaCS CA 9200 ................ -----------=~ City State Zip Code e;iy state Zip CQde Ln~*J\JJ:l _ AsseatiCr's Pan.el Number. or APN and Lot Number if not yet subci\lided. ': - °r.a-,1.,.'1t {i) ~ eo~ "'J?Q~'"'eJ.'9:'-, - A:i dted t,/ Ordirarx.:e Na. NS-1$ and adopted by the City Cotmcil-of 1he eitY Of .Qvfsbad, C~ifamia, 1he City is~ 101avy a special Tv in Ccmmunty Fadlides dis1ric;t No. 1. All nan-resiaential property, upan tne is1&anr;ed11@ fnt tu,dqJ permit. shall have ihe cptian tc (1) pay the SPECIAi. CML0,-MEN1' TAX ONE- TIME er (2}asurne1\e ANN~.SPEOIAL TAX• Di.VEL-DPED PF'tOPERTYfara period not to exceed twenty. five (25} yeara. Please incicate your choice by iniualmg-lhe appropriaM line below: 0PTION{1}; I etecrto pay the SPECIAL OEV!LOPMENTTAK ~NE-TIME now. al a or,e.1ime payment Amwm of One-Time Special T-= S ~~ l l 'Z.. • Owners lnitlals._ ____ . OPTION {2): J elect to pay lhe SPECIAL. D.EV!LOPMENT TAX ANNUAL,Q" for a ~riod not tD ~ltd iwemy-~ym. MaldmL&m Anrnml Specia, Tax: S .. -~ , l i. ~ . . °"'1'1~ Jmials-~_.,--'J"-__ t 00 HERSBY CERTIFY UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY TiiAT THe UND=RS1GNED IS THE PR0P!:RTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROP&RTY ANP THAT I UNO!RSiAND ANO WIU. COMPI. Y lNITH THE PRO\llS(ONS AS STATED ABOVE; . . 1i11e The ~ cf Carlsbad ha not indepinaently -1&rified ihe information shown uove .. lheref0t'e, we acceptno reaponsibcllty as ta tie accuraet orciomp&eteness of lhi:1 infonnafipn. NOM:..RESIOENTIAL CERTIFICATE ~ ~Lo(. ff" }( ?,.. '331'-t ::. . I I ! l l \ I I l I FEB-26-98 13:31 FROM-LEGOLAND PROJECT OFFICE 760-804-7959 T-582 P.01/01 F-819 I_. .. --•-I ' • CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD Plan Cneck No. 9~ -~ COMMUN.ITV DEVELOPME~T 2075 LAS PALMA§ DR .. tArU..SSAD, CA 92009 (6,9) 4.38-1161 . . l This fom, shall be used ta derermine the amaunt of school fees far.a prajea and tc verify tP\at tne pn:i1e applicant has complied with me school fee ,equirem1nl5. Na buildin& permi1$ ior the projecis shill ilas~.a "'mil the cen:ification is sisned by the appropriate Sd'UKJI district and raumeQ ·10 ine City a Cirlmac 8uifain1 Department. · . · , . i SCHOOL 01STRICT: -$:...-c,ul5Did LJnif1ecs ao1 Pine Avenue Carlsbad CA s2uua (434-0661) __ San Marcos llnifi~ 215 Mata Way 51n -MaTcn& CA t2ass 7J6-2236 I l --Encin11;1s \Jnlan , o 1 Soi.1th Ranch a Santa Fe. Rd~ Encinitas CA 92024 (944-4300J __ San Ciesi..ito Unian Hi1h Sc:haal 710 EniinitaS 8a1.11evard t Encinitas CA 92024 C7~3--64911 I ' --Project Applicant: ---------------------APN: -----Projec:r Addre$5: J_ L t. C I!> Q L~5' L . '.. :c: OQ ec• yJ..·...... ',,+, r ,. RfSIDfNTIAL.; SQ. FT. gf living area_____ nL1mb,er of dwelling units _____ _ SQ. FT. of coveted area ____ ·sQ. FT. of Prille area ______ _ C0"'1MERCIALJll'ID~: 59-)FJ\ Af(fA , \ >i 1 i3& '1 ,:V.. G, 3 0 " '(7 'i'j. 2-I>~ / Prepared by f::'\~ ~. . . . Dille _...1-: .. ~pa"L,_S,_-""'/ .. i .::..ti ____ _ FEE CEllTIFICATION +-(Tc, be completed b\' the §cr,aol C>iSlriCl) Applic:am has complied with fae requirement under Ciovemmens Cade 53080 __ Project is subjea to an existing fee agraement __ Prajec:i is •litmp1 from CiovernmentCQde 53·010 __ Final Map approval and ceinmuaian Slirte.d before Seprembllr , , 1986. taiher school fees paid} __ Orher ___ __.......,....,...._, ______ ....,... ______________ _ Residential Fee Levied: $ . . . . Da5ed an • . · . Comm/lndust Fee Levied; s q 1sq_ ~ -ed ·On: J Sl-0 &g: :: .1..A I)./) • . · J. H. larr · _..,._ ~ I~ ~istantSUpt. . . · Business Services ·· Tide sq. fi .• __ ....., __ _ ~-fl·= 32;{ ~;)(p ,' Da • ., 1J rJl) A-: :i(Ji: i:::-t<::; : 1 .1,,E(~() [)l{ P,~rnn t h::,rcel I\i,_,: Val.uat1un: e: f'Lfl.N CHECh l.J Des er ipt i(ln: REV.I;:, IOH::3.--EL£,_:':'.·i:,ICJ\L--IMl\GIN.AT : CEN~"ER--BULLETIN -ff'.", t:, 7 -LEGO AppJ_ lO\;nr f-lC~1>!\iEY l ('HF-:.I 5 '334:2 ARMADA DR Sl;,N DIEGO CA --·ees Req1-1.ire,J Fee::::: Ad ·Jus tmen,;:;: 'I: ·1 t ct l i7' r.? e z:t : Plan ChecK ~ev1sic CITY OF CARLSBAD I FCR N,,: FCR98.~32 f' r () ~; t2 (:.· t. t,f c) : A 9 t5 u (J t,.'; ~.I 7 [,t::ve l()~;·}n (?rl t:. ~J(): 40A-7~ 1.2/04/93 0001. Qi. C-·PRMT C,nstructicn. Applied: 11/25/98 Apr/Issue: 12/04/98 Entered By: RMA Collected & Credits .00 . 00 109.00 Ext fee Data '.L09.UCJ 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsb~d CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. ------------ Plan Ck. Deposit -----,----1,R--,--- Validated By_,,.. __ .....,__--"~,J---- bate __ -1,-....,...~.,....,r-H::::,,_-'o'----- Address (include Bldg/Suite #) Business Nam~-.(at this· address) ';51f''"Z ~A Legal Description Lot No. Sub~ivision Name/Number ·unit No. Phase No. Total # of u·nits # of Bathrooms f2:;-·,~~;~R~~,~~f,i>P)i~~1-~~;~~34=.1:l?~~~TD;-m~,-:~·};:.~:1,J4L:g j:~s-. :-/£:~ Name · . · Address · · · City State/Zip Telephone # Fax # ii?=·Aifl.f(¢.~Nt~i1l:dX®.ntJ'1_g,irl1iEJ~s~riB].r.~~9iitr:liief~Eli9ine1"!:r.a~fili"m~~~r:~s:~i:,'.: .. ~:-.JIJi~;r:-.::E:it::=-\21:.t?f_:i:;-:c:.:;-::~ :_ ~ ~-:-'= -·; ·:: -' -=. Name City State/Zip Teleplione # Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # , ~6i!ifQO,.T~FiA.¢TQTi~~t¢Pf,f~~Ni~~l1(:~;,ttg;}~/;~?~:f:;1~-:~ft~Jji:tr;.#;:::~J:-rr;l (Sec. 7031.5 Business and'Professions Code: Any City or co·unty·whicli requires a permit to c:onstruct,:alter; improve, demolish-or repair-·any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires tne c!.PPlicant for-such permit to file. a ·signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7090· of Division 3 of th~ Business and Profess_ions Co~e]. or that he is -exempt therefrom, ·and' the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of·S.ection 7031-.5 by any applicandor a permit subjects.the applicant to a chi.ii penalty of not more than five_ hundred dollars [$500)). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # -------'--~---Lice·nse Clas~--'---,--~------,--Cit,;, Business License ti----~--- Designer Name Address· City. State/Zip Telephone State License#-------~-- it,< ;Z4WQifKl;RS~(tf()Mi;'{:ij~AJJONA1:T:J'.~\,f<:,~:;::~~T::J:1;-::: \:,;-;~, ;:?:r:~ii, /: ;\:t~_~;·. ~· ~;;.'.;~-;-~,¥:-·:.~:.-:·:\;~·;,;,;,~ :,~\;.~~:;:>;?!:TJr~r~~: ~!';f;";~tf~"'~::~:··::,(;;· \;;(,--~r~~~>f}.~.:)/·~=-:~~,-;:~ t ,: :-' ·.: Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm, L!nd_er penalty,o'f_perjury cine ·of 'tt\e following dec;l~iations: · D I have and will· mainta:in.a·certificate of consent to self-insure·for workers' compensation as ptovided·b,y Section 3700 of the Labor Code, forthe performance of the work for which this permit is issued. . ' D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by. Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compens~tion·insurance carrier and·policy nurriber are: Insurance Company--~-~--------,-----,------, Policy No. _________ '--~-Expiratjon Date. _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT-Bl; COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE·HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100icC>R-!.ESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance.of the work for which this permit is-issued, i shall-not employ any_person-in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers.' ·Compensatiim-Laws:of Californi~. WARNING: Failure to secure .workers' :compensation coverage is unlawful, a_nd shall subject an employer to criminal..penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of co·mpensl!tion,:darilages .as provided. for.in Secticm 3706· of lhl! Labor code, interest and-attorney's fees. SIGNATURE ______ -'----'----------'-,----',,---,-'--~--....,..-"-,-,--~-,-DATE , , :7;';; ·,::owNeR;BOJi.Qi;RiDE¢~RA"flON1~:;, s '. ·-:: .i\;,::'.f.'.'::_::'.~'. ::r~:;·::'.~, -: ,_',.:,; ::~ ',· . H< <,:;:,::/;.;:',Jf'.li,{. ,]f'.iJ ;~..:~\f.::::<' :';~:J:':".-'.;(;,t;-;;-~, '/'. :''.· ~-: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the followi11g reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages· as· the,ir sole compensation, will· do. ~he work and the· structure is nqt intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply-to an owner of propert_y who buiids or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through !iii; own employees, provided that.sµch improvements are not intended or offered· for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have ·the burden of proving that he did not,build-or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of .the property, -am exclusively contracting with Jic·ensed contractors to construct the· project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an own·er of, properw who ·builds or improves thereon,. and contracts for such projects ·with contractor(s)· licensed pursuant to the Contractor's L:icense Law). · D I am exempt under Sectiqn --'-----Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1, I personally plan to provid~ the major labor and mat11rials for ·construction of the-proposed property iniproY.ement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit-for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted _with the followfng-person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name I address / phone number/ contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name /-address I phone number/ contractors license number): ___________ .,__ ____ -'----~--'---~-------~--------,--,--,--.....,_ 5. I will provide some of the work, ·but I have contracted .(hired) the following.persons to provide tne work indicated (include name I address I phone number I type of work): · · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE __ -'-----------'-'-".,.---'-----,-----,---'-DATE ___ -:-----,-'---:'-- lCO!VfP.laJ;'ol'f:l!S,SEC"(ION{l:QJ:lM(~Q~lf~/QE.!Y,17t'Jl.i~ij!l;Dlf1!G;P,~Rr,'!it~-,P,~~yi-,-,,.ct'.0 .;s;:>: s/::~'.: :;..)1;;:,;;:;;;:·-,:_{,;\ ,;/;,,;: ,,;;";~~t'a~;; 5:,:,.-J::::1,,;;,,.:.:t·',·.:;,.~ :_,, Is the app!icant or future buili:ling occupant required to submit .a µusiness plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management ,and prevention· program under Sections 25505,, 25533,or 2553·4 of the Presley0T~n·ner Hazardous Substance Acc9unt Agt? D YES tJ NO Is the applicant or future buiic!ing occupant required to obtain a perniit. from the-air poJlution contr.ol-district or air quality ml!nagement district? D YES ·o NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer poundary of a school site? D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE. YES, A FINAL.CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSiJED·UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE Alfi p·oLLUTION CONTROL D!STRiCT. -. i~f:z::~9N~j:~0¢:1'iQ~I~~Rf@~ef{qj'is\(;,I{1I;:1;~~:~: ]·t]JJ:;~1il{fj:i;;?:"-:;:~·;~'.: <~;:::~?:,;; ,-;, ... ~-, I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency-for the performance of the work for which this.permit is issued (Sec. 3097(il Civil Code). I certify that I have read the applic!ltion l!nd state that the above-informati_on is correct and that th~ informatipn on the.plans is accurate. ·1 agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction •. r hereby authorize representatives of. tl)e Cit~ of Carlsbad to !Inter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVI;; INDEMNIFY AND KEEP ·HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARtSBAD AGAINST ALL. LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN COI\ISEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA pf!rmit is r!lquired. for excavations over 5'0w deep and demolition or construction of. structures over 3 stories in t\eight. t:XPIRATION: Every permit issued )Jy the Building Official under-the provisions of this Code ·shall exJ)ire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit·is not commenced within 365 daysfrqm the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by·suc:t\ permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the' _ ... c mi'nenced r a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 l./niform,Building Code). · , YELLOW: AppJicant . PINK: Finange DATE -~-+--lz~~,,___--~_-_ \. EsGil Corporation 1.n Partnersfiip Witlt. (joverrtment for '13uilifingSafety DATE: 12/2/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98~0025 PROJECT ADDRESS: Legoland SET:I (REV) PROJECT NAME: Nursery and Ken11el Electrical - ~}NT ~ 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · ~ The plans transmitted herewith wm substantially complywith the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and Ghecked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. ihe plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected p!ans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is. enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. · D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to; D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has· been completed. Person contacted: Gina Telephone#: Date contacted: 12/2/98 (by: el) Fax#: Mail Telephon.e Fax In Person rgj REMARKS: Plans to be stamped by Electrical Engineer of Record (Lucci &Associates), PCR No. 98-232 (REV to 98.;QQ25) By: Eric Jensen Esgil Corporation D GA O MB O EJ D PC Enclosures: 11/30/98 trnsmtl.dqt 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92•123 + (619) 560°1468 + Fax (619) 560-1516 ., VALUATION AND· PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carls}>ad PREPARED BY: Eric Jens~n BUILDING ADDRESS: L~goland BUILDING OCCUPANCY: PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-0025 DATE: t2/2/98 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: I BUILDING PORTION II . BUILDING AREA . I VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) 1 hour plan check . $87.1'5 ... . . .. .. ' . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers .. . . TOTAL VALUE ' ... D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan. Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only x Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable Comments: x Other: Electrical check only Esgil Plan Review Fee: '$ 87.15 ·sheet2 of 2 macvalue.doc 5196 HELLMUTH, OBATA+.KASSABAUM, INC. 1655 26th Street, Suite 200, Santa Monica, California 90404 Voice 310 453 0100 Fax 310 453 2052 Attention :Kurt Culver From Chris Rooney, HOK Permit for Bulletin 567 STUDIOE Memorandum Project LEGOLAND Carlsbad Date Nov. 26, 1998 Project Number 96.0634.00 Fil~ F=J.~ / Regarding Copies to M. Peterson, CBBO, K. (;ulver, Esgil; M. Zurauskas, A. Hansen, K. Lucci, LAI, K. Rose, G. Yu, Kurt, .,, The attached drawings from bulletin #567 are revisions to the original Imagination electrical permit submittal CB-98-0025 which was approved on 2-26-98. The field inspector has requested that we have the attached drawings reviewed by yout office before the lights in the parking lot can be energized. Please review: these drawings at your earliest convenience. Sincerly, p e-(~/- 1 ·2 / 0 ::-5 / ,:~ ,:::_( () : [, Pc1i:rr::e l (d: .Job Ad.dr•cc::,~:;: i L E,C~C) [if{ Permit Tvp,:,: i? C,AN CHEi:K REVIS IUflJ Parcel Nu: Valuation: () f E Lo#: Occupan.cy Gr<Jclp: h•'"ference#: [>e,::cription: "IMAGINATIUN CF:NTEE EI.EC. REV. : !•RIG. PERMMI T CB ::i:::3--'.; 1.12 5 A1.:>pl /Ownr AdJustments: l"f()tCl1 F1?e:::: 5542 ARMADA DRIVE CARLSBAD CA. 920•)8 Fee dE,:::' cr1pti on Plan Check Revision CITY OF CARLSBAD t·ru J f?(:·: ... [) (,:! 'V <-? l r.) t)Hl t3 tl ·l~ Nn• ..... FCR9824t, A 9 0 n n t.\ :, 7 :onstruction Type: VN Status: ISSUED AppL1ed: 12/07/98 Apr/Issue: 12/UB/98 Enten:;,-_i By: MC1P '<>1 lected & Credi ts .00 .00 55.00 "* * t Ext fee Data 12L Q.815~ .fil.ill.__ <lL _ _D2 __ I"' ~·MT ·~i::. \l' .) ··i ---.... . . ( 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 . PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Pal mas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. ____ _ EST. VAL. __________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated By __________ _ Date _______________ _ Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Existing Use Proposed Use SO. FT. #of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms Name Address City J3,i;Ili-'ftiicANt;;;c.7&:J ~1>ii'tra6t<it/L;:;/'IZ}:!'l'g!int1f&l'icii11tiadtbt : :fott:::F~~~~it:f E15Alient tor:owneii, .;~ i ft vtt-lA ::tV .. . %t }!I?~ t2AV~. . .. . . . C2Kl .. ~ Name Address City 4;::::;ifffR<>i'SR~fOVIINER'.f;iJ ,r "i ,;;,,l '/,2\ ;; ;'; •·· 'i'/i .·:,,,,\ · .•• · Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# &;:'!liOONJMPT<JR1JcotwpAjj);NIMSi]tt,31ft.1t¾)tf:J (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant tor a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # ----------License Class _________ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name State License # ---------- Address ~ ~, ifut); MJ jg lltS t; 1 Ct'> M PE"$ AT ib N ~ ~ 0!ii:;'; ¥ ~;,:,: ~ ~: f ?;1'Z~i,i{;;,,, ::';,;:;:; ::;:i:);1ii;,.:;,<;:'t;1 ;::.i>•[.J,c y.,' City Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: State/Zip Telephone 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company_____________________ Policy No._____________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties end civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE.______________________________ DATE _________ _ l ;;::tf+OWNEltBUli:iDEJ;oi!ct:ARkTION'";'"}" '" ' " ,:8;, ' I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name I address I phone number I contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address I phone number/ contractors license number):. ________________________________________________ _ 5, I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name I address I phone number I type of work): ___________________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ---------------------------COM PIEi' E ii' HI s: s e C 1' 10 N 1'0R1(0N-RESIDENJIAL 8Ull01NG 'PERNIITS'ONtY'.s Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ~;;[;,f,~Nltau~pfUf4i:>lijGi:AQENCt.,;:;;';;t';;;; ,l ·· I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME -----------------9 ~ <; · t . ·APP Ll C Al'll' r CE Fin ft OA ll ON I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Buil · icial under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not cQR"l1JIJ1tJ11N!a within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wo mmenced fo · f 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance f City of Carlsbad 01/26/1999 Plan Cheek Revision Permit No:PCR99020 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: LEGO 1 LEGO DR CBAD PCR Lot#: 0 211-1000900 $0.00 Construction Type: NEW IMAGINATION ELECREVISION 1 LEGO DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Total Fees: FINAL APPROVAL Status: Applied: · Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 01/19/1999 BT 01/26/1999 01/2671999 $109.00 lnspecto,L Date: .5• ff· fi Clearance: _______ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from.the date.this permit Was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), aiid file-the protest and any other required information with the.City Manager for processing in accordance wit!l Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to-timely follow Iha! procedure will bar any subsequent.legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES.NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, z9ning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection With·tois project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previouslv been aivena.NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has previouslv otherwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr.~ Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760)438-1161 .. EsGil Corpo.rati·on 'l.n Partners/i.ip Witli {jovemment for '.Buiuling Safety DATE: 1/26/99 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad · PLAN CHECK NO.: PCR99-20./98-0025 PROJECT ADDRESS: LegQland SET:I PROJECT NAME: Imagination Single Line Revision lZJ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply. with the jurisdiction's b1,1ilding codes. D D D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building .codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a. complete .recheck. - The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted forrecheck. D The applicant's copy ofthe check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicantthat the plan check has been completed . . rgj Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant thatthe. plan cbeck has, been completed. Person contacted: Gina Yu Telephone#: Date contacted: OTC (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person r;gj REMARKS: Plan revisions dated 1/8/99 & 1/14/99 By: Eric Je~sen Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC En¢1osures: 1/19/99 trnsmtl.d9t 9320 Chesape~e Drive·, Suite 208 + San Diegq, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 .(• ,I,. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Eric Jensen PLAN CHECK NO.: PCR99-20/98-0025 DATE: i/26/99 BUILDING ADDRESS: Legoland BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft/) MULTIPLIER ($) 1 hour plan cneck .. $87.15 . ~ .. .. Air Conditioning_ Fire Sprinklers .. TOTAL VALUE ''• 0 199 UBC Building Permit Fee . 0 Sldg. Permit Fee by_ordinance: ·$ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D StructuralOnly X Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D ·other: .Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 87.15 Comments: PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Pal mas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 .(760) 438-1161 Legal Description Lot No. ·subdivision ,Name/Number #of Stories Name Address City FOR OFFICE USE ONLY OIi} /) l\ PLAN CHECK NO. r~(c,-r'I f) (J'Jv E$T. VAL. __________ _ .Plan Ck. Deposit --:;..-,.--:,1<'-r----- Validated By __ -tt~":-li-.~"7"'1"""- Date __ . ----------t.-1-lit-:--11,......- Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Propo~ed Use #·of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms State/Zip Telephone# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed· pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000· of Division ·3 of the Business and Profes~ions Cocle] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a perrnit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred.dollars ($500]). Name City State/Zip Telephone# State License # _________ _ Address·· License-Class---~~---~-City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address ·city State/Zip Telephone State License # ---,-------- ~i::t1~W,~{l\~J~oM_~EN~ii9~~~~:{1ITr?Z~~f~;f;Zti~ 1I.~~~I~J~~t~:]'2.~I\?:t:~ ~}-;, ~?~\~\~?;[f:~~1;~;~:~J:f:;~~~f ;,;J,rm~~;i;\~~03;~~~-~~r~ .. :t~}" :. ,f.~):~-;;_:~~,~ ~~ Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm·under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self,insure-for worke·rs' cQmpensation as ·provided· by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by· Section ?700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this ·permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier ancl.policy number.are: Insurance Company--------------------'---PQlicy No.. Expiration Date. _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED·NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR.S [$·100] OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the perfonnarice of the· work for which this permit is ·issued; I ·shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage Is unlawfui. and shall ·su)?ject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages es·provided· for in Section 3706· of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE _____ ~---------------~--------DATE _________ _ };iiti;QWf(Eflt,'~)JjifD~.~E~l)(~Jtt:IQtiri/~~};:--tff~t~:::~\~:.~:0,:-??r;::it~i.:ffi~tfr\J~i:J::,~_:l~t~i1F::};~~~::-:;~:l'~-f:.';.~~??t~~~?t::;J;;f-.:\~t·?t{:t:t.~~4~~~i:~1:,.1t~~\!}:,~{{!·;i:~~~-.-0t:-t/t~.:~}~~~~,,1/-¾ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for .the foliowing reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees With wages as their soie compensatjon, will do the work and' the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business arid Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are nbt·intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the ·owner-builder will have the burden of proving .th.at he, did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). [I I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed· contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contra<;:tor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provfde the major labor and materials for construction of ttie·proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work •. 3. I hav.e contracted ,with the following person ,(firm) to provide the proposed-construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): ·' · · 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to prov/de the work indicated (include name/ address / phone number / type of work): · ,~8.,~.:~~-~~~;.~~5.~~~~~~,:-~-.,-.,-~-~-,,.,,,-,--',,-..... -.~-.,-,-,,.-N-•;;-·, ,-.--,-,-.,-.,-_,,-~,-,._-,--, .... -"-,.,-,,-,_---" .. ~,,.-,-,i,..-,..-"'-,i!!-~C;G-0.-,....-.,-,,,-',-(~-,-,-$\-Jh~'-~!~!---,-,,-~-,-~,---'™-'11_:r_•_''.~-,-""'-"""'-,.-,,,,-,-,,-,,-,,V•¥<,•>(•"l\1:.¾•" ,-e••h• ,pQM~~Elc¾T.l:ll~;SEq:{l,ON;EOJ!i'N.O/'f,-fl.f,S/P,l:IV,,T/A,/;.1~1,1J!-;~lfil~.P,,!;8JY(IJ~.9Nl;Y#.r?tf;//,,~f,:,':tls:;,:?,K-:.:;_,:,,,.\~lr.::'~:),;:J}~b.!;,:1£;?;;'.,:~.;,!,,)i:ll&.2i%':·+'.;t,..11r1s;·;.;ii:\iy~\;?(,:J:;>}J"':i1 Is ·the applicant or future building occupant ,requirei:J to su~mit a business·plan, acutely .hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,; 255.33 or. 25534,of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES D NO ls;the ~pplicant or future building occupant requin:id·to obtain a permit from the ~ir polll/tion control district ·or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer _boundary of a schoQI site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL·CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY'MAY NOT $E ISSUED·UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY .. SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. . . ' ff.f&¢,O/jS,.TJ\Ug.tiQ.N;1;.~PJN.G:"Ag~;f¢:v;.7ir~~z~:~{:-~~:~~~\~;,7:j-f~~~~~~§;~y~~:~:¥:~-~-::::,:-:.;r' -!~:;~;~~{;;~-~~ ~;;-r~:-f~~{;;-iJ~,r~;r:i1;:~-r;::;;;',':'.;;~-~ ! .. ti~:::i~·~~~-:~ ', -.-:~--~~.'" I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performanc!! of-the work for. which this.permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize repres.entatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposei:;. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF C_ARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABltlTIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excayations over 5'0" deep and demolition,or construction of s.tructures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Buil · iciai under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not c cl within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wo mmencei:! fo · f 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). DATE ___ /_·._/_"t::J_._~__;_ __ _ YELLOW:.Applic<1rit PINK: Financ11 ----- C O M P O .• E N T N U M B E R & ID 1-261 1 2 3 4 DOOR DOOR SIZE· DOOR DOOR No. WxHxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME X201A 3'X7'Xl 3/4' C AL KN TG AL X201B 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' C AL KN TG AL 201C 6'X7'Xl 3/4'. F HM p HM 7010 6'X7'Xl 3/4" F HM p HM X202A 3'X7'Xl 3/4'. C AL KN TG AL X2028· 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' C AL KN . . TC AL 202C 6'X7;X 1 3 / 4•· F HM p HM X204A 3'X7'Xl 3/4'. C AL KN TG AL _X204B 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' C AL KN TG AL 204C 6'X7'Xl 3/4'. G HM p HM ' .X.205A 3'X7'X13/4'' C AL ·KN TC AL I _X20?13 ;3'.X7'.Xl 3,14•·. C AL KN TG · AL 205C 6'X7'Xl 3/4' F HM p HM. ;Z X206A · (>'X7'Xl 3/•r .. t AL KN TG AL . 206B 3'X7'Xl 3/4i· A -HM p HM 207 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' A rlM p HM 208A · 3'X7'Xl 3/1~· · ·A. HM p HM X208B 6'X7'X13;4•· C AL KN TG AL )( X208C 6'X7'X1 3/4'· C ·: AL KN TG AL 5 FIRE RATING .. ... '"'LUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG. NO.: 1-70 ... 6 DETAILS HEAD JAMB 1-302 I-313b/c 1-302 1-313b/c P-317a P-3171> P-317a P-317b 1-302 I-313b/c 1 .. 302 l-313b/c P-317a P-317b 1-302 I-313b/c I-302 I'-313b/c P-317a . P-317b l-302 . 1~313b/c 1~302 1-313b/c P-317a P-317lJ i-;302 1~301 P-310 P-.317 P-310 P~317 P-310 ' P-317 1-302 1-301 1-302 l-,301 THRESH. 1-302 1-302 1-302. 1-302 1~302 ... 1-302 1~30.2 i-302 C 1~302. ' 1-302 1-302 7 8 HDWR REMARKS GROUP 1MB • ArJoE)(Jr oevl.ffj 1MB 1 .ttro II IM25 IM25 1MB 1 fl(}J)fXl!t:evl~ 1MB 1 . JlW ,~ IM25 1MB 1 Aii> 8'XJ. r..12/!J//NZ 1MB ' Jt)AD ~I IM26 O'vtB. ;f ftli>.fj(/TU-V/Ni __ .. - 1MB 4 lrPD ;l IM75. IM:-19 IM3 IM4 .1M2 IM19 JM19 l</1/ffe~ ~~8·40 . ~/lfljll/Ji eir< • ·- -·-----,... ...... ...., ...... ~ ...................... ----.... -. ·- J.J ~ ~ .n. ..:> '-.1.1 C LJ U L C CO M PO N ENT N UM B E R & ID: 1-260 CLUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG. NO.: 1-704 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE MAT'L FINISH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB THRESH. GROUP 101 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' A HM p HM 20MIN. P-317c P-317d IMl NO LEVER-KEY TURN ACCESS X102A 6'X7'Xl 3/4'' D AL KN TG AL 1-302 1-301 1-302. IM18"" W/Wr1_ ......... ~N!n~-I.~•.,.,,.,,-'P"'"r1, . --···· X102B 6'X7'Xl3/4'. D AL KN TG AL 1-302 ·1-301 1-302 IM18 -"" ;.,/ ... KN AL 1-301 IM18 ~ ,1/ X103A 6'X7'Xl-3/4_'· D AL TG 1-302 1-302 " X103B 6'X7'Xl 3/4'. D AL KN TG . AL l-30i .l-301 1-302 IM18 v' '" --104 3'X7'Xi 3/4''. A · HM p HM 20MIN. P-310 P-317 IMS '" XIOSA 13'X7'X2" H AL · KN TG. AL IM6 . -·-·---~ --.. _ .. . 14; l"X7'X2'' KN AL· X105B ·r.J AL TG IM6 . X105C · 6'X7'Xl 3/ 4•· ~-AL KN TG AL 1-302 l-30i J:-302 IM18 II"' WIF~l fZ.VK.E l'Elf, 9-Rf.~ .• X106 3'X7'Xl 3/4'" A HM p HM 20'MJN. P-316 P-311 JM11 110 ;J'X7'Xl3/4•· C . HM p HM P-3l7e .. P-317f IM16 .. )(111 3'X7'Xl 3/4'. A HM ·p HM 20MIN. P-3t6 P-Jll IM7 ·-· )q12A 3'X7'X13/4'" • A HM p HM i0MIN. P-3J6 P-311 IM7 1128 . 3'X7'X1 3/4•· . A HM p HM P-310 P-317 IM17 _,_ ...... XU3A 3~X7'.Xl 3/4' . I AL KN TG AL l-;H7 1-316 1--~17 IM9. XI13B 3'X7'Xl 3/4'" . I AL KN TG AL 1-317 1-316 1-317 IM9 ,_,, "'" : .. ~ft¥( ~ ,:; 3.t?-B /#JMM/JIX~ HOK/96.0634.00.1 LEGOLAND CARLSBAD BW-:r:MS 3 Bingea BB127.9 -4* x ~-652 HAG 1 Lockaet CRR8705PL X 2197 630 YAI, 1 Cloaer 7500B 68.9 HOR 1 Kick Plate lt0050 10 X 2 LIM 630 'l'RM 1 Stop W12;LO 626 1UX 3 Silencer• 1229A Grey 'l'RM BW-:cM6 1 Cylinder 21.97 9 M0'1'0llZBD 626 YAL 1 Padlock 434B 9 DNt1AL 626 YAL BW-:cM7 3 Bingea BBi.199 -4;i X .&;i.HRP 630 HAG 1 Lockaet CRR7107PL 2197 1 Latch Guard M-930LG 1 Closer tntt~S00B 110 DBG 1 Armor Plate KA0S0 36 x 2 LIM 1 Set Seal 303AS 1 Sweep 3452CP 1 Threshold -151A SS-MSA V.9-DJL 1 Continuous Hinge B'l'-1'11100 1 Lockset CRR-8747PL 2197 1 Latch Guard M-930LG 1 Closer PR7500 1 ltick Plate· ltC>0S0 10 x 2 LDW 1 Stop/Bolder 1260 SBRJ:BS 1 SWeep 3452CP ~ 1 Threshold 17 SA SS-MSA I , exrr teV lfJG WMeR.e 17)/rlf.J::/:D BW-:cM8A ·· ' 1 Continuous Binge 1 Lockset 1 · Latch Guard 1 Closer 1 ltick Plate 1 Stop 1 Sweep 1 Threshold FGMP • FINAL SET DECEMBER 3, 1997 B'l'-FM100 CRR-8747FL 2197 M-9.30LG PR7500il" ltO050 10 X 2 LDW 12l,;4B 34"52CP 11s1. ss-MSA .08710-78 630 YAL 630 MAR 68.9 NOR 630 'l'RM 628 PBM 628 PBM 627 PBM 628 MAR 630 YAL 630 ~ 689 NOR 630 'l'RM 628 PEM 627 PBM 628-MAR 630 YAL 630 MAR 689 NOR 630 'l'RM 626 'l'RM 628 PEM 627 PEM DOOR HARDWARE r· { I \ HOK/96.0634.00.1 3 Bing••· 1 Lockaet 1 Latch Guard 1 Cloaer 1 tick Plate 1 Set Seal• 1 &weep 1 'l'hreshold BW-DUS 1 1 1 1 Bxit Device Cloaer· tick Plate Stop LEGOLAND CARLSBAD BB1191 4H x ffi RRP Qtll87051'L 2197 ~ ll-930LG CLP7500'1' lt0050 10 x 2 LDW 888 3452CP 151A SS-MSA 7135 x CR656 X 2197 J7500DA-B X 7787 KO0S0 10 x 4 .LtM 1214B 630 BAG 630 YAL 630 MAR 689 HOR 630 'l'lUI PBM 628 PBM 627 PBM 630 YAL 689 NOR 630 'l'lUI 626 'l'lUI NO'l'B: CAM B:cHGBS, SBALS, DOOR BO'l"l'OMS A ~SBOLDS BY ACOtJSTXCAL DOOR Drr.t:SJ:ON. BW-DS16 1 1 1 1 2 BW-DU7 3 1 1 1 3 Floor Cloaer Push Plate Push Plate OB Stop Armor Plate Hinges Latchset Eick Plate Stop Silencers v' L'11!-€JE -u-2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Continuous Binges Bxit Device Exit Device Closers Pull• ~ck Platea Stops/Bolder Astrag--.ls Sweep• Threshold FGMP -FINAL SET DECEMBER 3, 1997 sc-Pu,o -NilO 1001-11 1001-11 1-SBRDS no5o 36 x 2-LDW ~B1191 -4~ x·4~ CRR8701i'L JtO0S0 10 x 2 LDW W1210 1229 . Jl'l'-J!'.'M3 0 0 7225 2197 7225 X 5011193-7/2197 PR7500 1191-, X0050 10 X l LDW 1260 SERIES 29310CS 3•s2ci 27.lA SS-MSA 626 llX 630 'l'lUI 630 'l'lUI 626 llX 630 'l'lUI 630 BAG 630 YAL 630 TD 626 'l'lUI · 630 630 630 689 630 630 626 62'3 628 627 'l'lUI MAR YAL YAL NOR 'l'lUI 'l'lUI '1'RM PBM PEM 'l'RM .. 08710-80 DOOR HARDWARE • • • HOK/96.0634.00.1 LEGOLAND CARLSBAD • BW-Dll..9 2 contii:luoua •iDg•• HT-!'11300 630 MU. 1 Coorc!inator 600 SBRZBS x Blt'l'S 600 DC:C 1 Set Auto Bolt• 8,45 X 80 626 DC:C 1 Loc~••t CRR~8707PL 2197· 630 YAL 2 Clo•er PJl7500. 68.9 HOR 2 ltick Plates ltOOSO 10 x 1 LIM 630 TD 2 Stop 1214B 626 'l'RM 1 Astraga-1 35SCS x S88 628 PBM 2 SWeep .3452CP SSMS 628PBM 1 'l'hre•hold. 271A_SS-MSA 627 PBM BW-:IM20 6 BiDgea· BB1191 4¾ X 4¾ RllP 630 BAG 1 Lock••t CRR81.47PL X 2·197 630 YAL 1 Cloaer CLP7500T 9 ACT mt 689 HOR 1 Bold.er No. 2 689 NOR 1 Set Auto Fluah Bolts 845 626 DCI: 1 Dust P~oof Strike 80 626 DC:C 2 Armor Plates DOSO -36 X 1 LIM' 630 'l'RM 1 Set Seal• 303AS 628 PBM 2 SWeepa 3452CPSSMS 628 p-1 'l'hreshold. 172A ss-MS.I. 627 PBM 1 Astragal 357S8 X S88 630 PBM • BW-:IM21 6 Binges BB1168 4* X 4¾ 652 BAG 1 Coord.iDator 600· SBJll:BS 600 DC:C 1 Set Auto Plush Bolts 845 626 DC:C 1 Dust Proof Strike 80 626 DC:C 1 Lock••t CRR8707PL X 2197 630 YAL 2 Clo•ers 7500JJ 689 HOR 2 Armor Plates nos.o -36 x 1 LIM 630 TlU( 1 Set Seals 332<:R 628 PBM 2 Door Bottom 420ASL 628 PBM 1 Threshold. 2005AS SS-MSA 627 PBM 1 Astragal 357SS X S88 630 PDI BW-:IM22 6 Binges BB1279 -4* X 4~ RRP 652 BAG 1 Deadbolt 313S'1' 1196-7 626 YAL 1 Set Flush Bolt 780F X 80 626 DC:t 2 OH Bol4er Bo. 2 689 HOR 2 JCick Plate lt0050 10 x 1 LIJW 630 '1'lUI 1 Set Seal• 888· 628 PDI 1 Aatragal 355CS 628 PBM 2 Sweep 18041CPSSKS 628 PBII • 1 'l'hreahold AS JlBQttnumKSA 627 PBK FGMP • FINAL SET os,10·-sr DOORHARDWARE DECEMBER 3, 1997 HOK/96.0634.00.1 LEGOLAND C~BAD B. Mortise Locks shall be Yale 8700-2197 Serie$ or Schlage L Series lea cylinder. 1. Lever design shall return to within Y.z" to the face of the door. 2. Lever trim shall be cast stainless steel o, forged; Yale "CRR" or Schlage ''93:A:" ''03A". C. Lock Throw: Comply with UL requirements for throw of bolts and latch bolts on rated fire openings. D. Padlocks: Where pad locks are indicated provide Yale 434B, 606 finish. ---2.5 PANIC EXIT DEVICES A. Where spe<::ified, provide panic e,cit devi~ with requjred UL labels. Where panic device is required on fire nUed doors, provide UL label with supplementary marking on door and hardware indicating compliant fire exit hardware. B. Furnish modem push-pad type, reversible exit devices with heavy duty stainless steel chassis, latch cover, touchbar and end caps. 1. Latchbolts and deadl~hes shall be stamiess steel. 2. Exit device lever trim shall be breakaway or free wheeling type design that does not allowed the trim to remain fixed in the horizontal position when the device is locked, to reduce vandalisD;l. 3. Exit devices shall have quiet noise reduction operation built in the touchpad. 4. Electric exit devices.shall employ standard mech~cal dogging. feature. · S. Projection or exit devices shall not exceed 3-V4 inches. 2.6 DOOR CLOSERS A. Surface mounted closers shall be full rack and pinion type with pressure cast shell, with no more than 2-1/8" projection from the door surface. 1. Provide drop brackets, mortise shoes.long arms and low profile arms as required. Parallel and regular arm closers shall be capable of 180 degrees swing. 2. Provide non-banded door closers with multi.:sized springs, with separate adjustable valv~ for latch, sweep speed, a,nd backcbeck. 3. Template and adjust closets per manufacturer's recommendations and.to meet accessibility requiretnen~. FGMP -FINAL SET DECEMBER 3, 1997 08710-8 DOOR HARDWARE / f ( " \ C O M PO .. E NT N U M B E R & ID 1-261 '--LUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG. NO.: 1-70.., > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DOOR DOOR SIZE· DOOR DOOR FIRE DETAILS HDWR REMARKS No. WxHxT TYPE MATL FINISH GLASS FRAME RATING HEAD JAMB THRESH. GROUP X201A 3'X7'Xl 3/4' C AL KN TG AL 1-302 I-313b/c 1-302 IMS • iArJoEXIT (}eVK.!li7 X201B 3'X7'Xl 3/4'. C AL KN TG AL 1-302 l-313b/c 1-302 IMS • Ali2 II 201C 6'X7'Xl 3/ 4•· F HM p HM P-317a P-317b IM25 201D 6'X7'Xl 3/4" F HM p HM P-317a P-317b IM25 , X202A 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' C AL KN -TG AL 1-302 I-313b/c 1-302 IMS I flt:l).f:jqT tev1c,;; ... , X202B 3'X7'Xl 3/4''. C AL K.N TG AL 1-302 l-313b/c, 1<302 1MB 1 .ifA2 II 202C 6'X7'Xl 3/4'' F HM·· p HM P-3l7a P-317b IM25 XZ04A 3·;X7'Xl 3/ 4•· C AL KN TG AL 1-302 I-313b/c 1:-302 IM8 1 ftii>. EOO.. C oev/..d.,; , .X:204B 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' C, AL KN TG AL 1-302 l-313b/c 1-302 lfyfS ' It/AD II 2Q4C 6'X?'Xl 3/4'' G HM p HM P-317a P-317b IM26. ' X205A 3':X7'Xl 3/4'" ' C: · AL KN TG AL. 1-302 ·, . . I-313b/c. . 1-302 IMS , MiiEi(JTt£~~-- " X705J3 3'X7'Xl 3/4'_ C AL KN TG AL 1-302 I-313b/c l-302 IMS" lrlV ;l 205C 6r_X7'Xl 3i4' F t{M p HM P-317a P-317b IM25 y,. X206A 6'X7'Xl 3/4'". C AL KN TG.· · AL ' ' ' 1-302 ,, 1-301 1-30+ ltvfl9 . 206B 3'X7'Xl 3/4•· , A HM p HM P~310. P-3i7 IM3 707 3'X7;Xl 3/4'" A HM p HM P-310 P-317 lt04 ~ 208A 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' A HM f. HM P-31.0. .P-pl7 IM7 ,., X208B.· 6'X71Xl · 3/4'' C AL KN TG AL : 1-302 J,.301 1-302 IMI9 X208C 6'X7'Xl 3/4'' C AL KN TG AL 1~302 I-30i 1-302 IM19 l</171# tz__ ~c;z:rtf0 . ~//41ft /n e1f< -,_ ._... -,_ ..... ....,, ..... ~ ........................ .-----4 I.J \J \J .l'\. CJ L .l .l .C. LJ U L .C. COM PO N ENT N UM B E R & ID: 1-260 l 2 3 4 DOOR DOOR SIZE DOOR DOOR No. WxHxT TYPE MATL FINISH GLASS FRAME 101 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' A HM p HM Xl02A 6'X7'Xl 3/4'' D AL KN TG AL ' X102B 6'X7'X1 3/~·· D AL KN TG AL X103A 6'X7'Xl '3/ 4' D AL KN TG AL X103B 6'X7'Xl 3/4'' D AL KN TG AL 104 3'X7'Xl 3/4'' A . llM p HM X105A 13'X7'.X2" . H AL .. KN TG AL X:105B. · i4';. l"X7'X2'' . H AL KN TG AL· ' XtOSC 6'X7'Xl 3/4;. C AL KN tG AL X106 3;X7'X13/4'' A HM p I-iM PO 3'X7'X1 3/4•· --c I-irv,: p HM . ·.· X111 3rX7'Xl 3/4'' . A HM p HM .. xnz~ • 3'X7'Xl 3/4''. A HM p HM 112B 3'X7'Xi 3/4'' A HM .. p HM Xll3A 3'X7'Xl 3/4' . . I AL KN TG AL ... XIPB · . ~'X7'Xl 3/4'' ~ A~ KN TC AL .. 5 FIRE RATING 20MIN. 20MIN. · 20MIN, 20,MIN. · 20MIN. , .. CLUSTER: IMAGINATION DWG. NO.: 1-704 6 DETAILS HEAD JAMB THRESH. P-317c P-317d 1-302 1-301 1-302 1-302 1-301 1-302 1-302 1-301 . 1-302 1-302 1-301 1-302 P-310 P-317 1-302 1-301 . i-302 P-316 P-311 P-317e P-317f P~316 P-311 P-316 P-311 P-310 P-317 1-317 l-~16 . 1-317 f3i7 l-31Q J.~3.17 7 8 HDWR REMARKS GROUP IMl NO LEVER-KEY TURN ACCESS IMl~ "" WIE:IJ ..,_ ........ -.-:~~ ] I.-·--rr1,. -· ..... IM18 1111 .. .It IM18 'I' IM18 v' IMS ..JM6 ·1M6 IM18 .-,, IM11 IM16 -~7-'-c· iM7 IM17 :fM9 irvt9 ~; '/ -· ....... .... , __ , ··-· wim, J.r.,,ilin~?He .• ·-· . Ldi_/. .. 't:fT/' ;ftt:::._ ti. '~ 3.c?-.i .,. ... .. .. .. ·-· ... , ....... /~N/IJIX~ ,. HOK/96.0634.00.1 · LEGOLAND CARLSBAD BW-DIS 3 1 1 1 1 3 BW-:cM6 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v'BW-Dl8 __3a Bingea Lockaet Cl9aer Kick Plat•· Stop Silencers Cylinder Padlock Binges Lockset Latch Guard Closer Arm.or Plate Set Seai SWeep Threshold BB1279 -ffi·x e,s CRR870Sl'L x 2197 7500B lt0050 10 .X 2.LIJK Wl210 1229A 2197 9 MO'l'OJU:ZBD 434B 9 DHO'AL BB1~99 -•¾x ~ HRP CRR71071'L 2197 M-930LQ tJNJ:7500B 110 DBG K.1.050 36 x 2 LDW 303AS 3452CP -151A SS-MSA 1 Contil?-uous Bing• B'l'-nD.00 1 Lockset CRR-8747PL 2197 1 Latch Guard M-930LG 1 Closer PR7500 1 !Cick Plate ltO0S0 10 x 2 LDW 1 Stop/Bolder 1260 SBRXJS 1 Sweep 3452CP ~ 1 Threshold 17 SA ss-MSA -, ~-D!8A exrr-&eVIDe Wf/el?.e IIJMI:@ • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Continuous Hinge Lockset Latch Quard Closer ltick Plate Stop Sweep Threshold B'J:'-!'Ml00 CRR-87471'L 2197 M-930LG PR7500B KO0S0 10 X 2 LDW 1214B 3452CP 175A ss-MSA 652 BAG 630 YAL 689 HOR 630 'l'RM 626 Rtt Grey '1'RM 626 YAL 626 YAL 630 BAG 63Q YAL 630 MAR 689 NOR 630 'l'RM 628 p- 628 PBM 627 PBM 628 MAR 630 YAL 630 MAR 689 NOR 6.30 '1'RM 628 PBM 627 PBM 628 MAR 630 ·. YAL 630 MAR 689 NOR 630 'l'RM 626 TRM 628 PD! 627 PBM FGMP -FINAL SET DECEMBER 3, 1997 08710-78 DOOR HARDWARE { \ \ HOK/96.0634.00.1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BW-Dll.5 1 1 1 1 li:ingaa Loc:laiat Latch Guard. Clo•ar ltick Plata Sat Seal• SWeep Threshold Bx.it Dttvice Cloaer ltick »late Stop LEGOLAND CARLSBAD BB1191 4~ x ei· RRP CRR8705J'L 2197 ~ Jl-930LG CLP7500'1' K00S0 10 x 2 LDN' S88 3452CP 151A SS-MSA 7135 X Cll656 X 2197 J7500DA-B X 778'7 JtO0S0 10 x 4 LDN' 121,a. 630 630 630 689 630 628 627 BAG YAI. MAR HOR TRM PBM PBM PBM 630 YAI. 689 HOR 630 TRK 626 T1UI NOTZ: CAM HmGBS,· SBALS, bOOR B0'1"l'OMS I: 'l'BRBSBOLDS BY ACOtJS'l':CCAL DOOR .DIVXS:CON.· BW-Dl16 1 1 1 1 2 BW-:cMl.7 3 1 1 1 3 Floor Cloaar Push Plate Push Plate OH Stop Armor Plate Bingea· Latclµaet JCick Plate Stop Silencers 'I/ [sw-IM1Jl .... -- 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Continuous Binges bit Device . Bx.it. J)evice Cl.,osera Pull• ltick Platea Stops/Holder Astragala sweep• Threshold FGMP -FINAL SET DECEMBER 3, 1997 SC-PB40 ... DO 1001-11 1001-11 . i-SBRDIS KA0S0 36 x 2 LDW BB1191 -4~ X · 4~ cml87011'L Jt0050 10 x 2 LDN' W1210 1229 BT~l'M3 0 0 7225 2197 7225 X 5011193~7/2197 PR7500 1191-4 KO0S0 10 xi IaDW .1260 SERIES 29310CS 3•s2c~ 27~ SS-MSA 626 ·RDC 630 TRM 630 TRM 626 RDC 630 'l'1UI 630 HAG 630 YAL 630 TRM 626 TRM TRM 630 MAR 630 YAL 630 YAI. 689 HOR 630 'l'RM 630 '1'BM 626 'l'1UI 628 PBM 628 PBM 627 'l'RM-· 08710-80 DOOR HARDWARE • • • HOK/96.0634.00.1 LEGOLAND CARLSBAD .< • BW-DU9 2 ·ContiDuou• Bing•• il'l'-ft.1300 630 DR 1 Coorclinator 600 SDDS x Blt'l'S 600 DC:C 1 Set Auto Bolt• 845 x 8·o 626 DC:C 1 Lockaet CRR-8707PL 2197 , 630 YAI. 2 Clo••r Pll7500J,1 689 ROil 2 ltick Plat•• Jt0050 iO x 1 LIM 630 '1'RM 2 Stop 1214B 626 '1'RM 1 Astragal 355CS x S88 628 PBM 2 SWeep 3452CP._ SSMS 628PBM 1 'l'hreahold 271A ss~jlSA 627 PBM BW-:tM20 6 Bingea BB1191 4½ X 4½ RRP 630 DG 1 r.ocuet CR1l87471'L X 2197 630 YAI.· 1 Clo•er CLP7500T • ACT DR 689 ROil 1 Bolder Ho. 2 689 HOR 1 Set Auto Flu•h Bolts 845 626 DC% 1 Dust Proof Str~ke 80 626 DC:C 2 ~r Plat•• D.050 -36 X 1 LIM 630 TlUI 1 Set Seal•· 303AS 628 PBM 2 SWeep• 3452CPSSMS 628 P;BN 1 Threshold 172A ss~ MBA 627 PBM 1 Aatragal 3578S X S88 630 PBM • BW-:tM21 6 Binges BB1168 4¾ X 4½ 652 HAG 1 Coordinator 600 s~s 600 DC:C 1 Set Auto Flush Bolts 84'5 626 DC:t 1 Du•t Proof Strike 80 626 DC:C 1 LQc:kaet CR1l87071'L X 2197 630 YAL 2 Clo•era 7500B 689 ROil 2 Armor Platea D.050 -36 X 1 LDW 630 'l'RJI 1 Set Seal• 332CR 628 PBM 2 Door Bottom. 420ASL 628 PBN 1 Threshold 2005AS SS• MSA 627 PBM 1 Aatragal 3578S -x 888 630 PBM JIW-:IM22 6 Binge• BB1279 -4½ x 4¾ HRP «i52 HAQ 1 Deadbolt 313S'1' 1196-7 626 YAL 1 Set l'luall Bo1t 7801' X 80 626 DC:I 2 OB Bolder Ro. 2 689 KOR 2 .lticJt Plate ltOOSO iO x 1 .LDW 630 ~ 1 Set Seal• S88 628 PBN 1 Aatragal 355CS 628 PBN 2 S..ep 18041CPSSMS 628 PBN • 1 Threshold AS PQtJD'UmlSA 627 PBII FGMP • FINAL SET 08710·.si-DOORHARDWARE DECEMBER 3, 1997 HOK/96.0634.00.1 LEGOLAND CARLSBAD B. Mortise Locks shall be Yale 87()()..;2197 Series or Schlage L Series less cylinder. 1. Lever design shall return to within ½" to the face of the door. 2. Lever trim shall be cast stainless steel or forged; Yale ''CRR" or $chlage ''93A:" "03A". C. Lock Throw: Comply with UL requiremc;nts for throw of bolts and latch bolts on rated fire openings. D. Padlocks: Where pad locks are indicaud provide Yale 434B, 606 finish. --- 2.5 PANIC EXIT DEVICES A. Where specified, provide panic cxjt device wi~ required UL label~. Where panic device is requircd·on file rated doors, provide UL label with supplementary marking on door and hardware inclicating compliant fire exit hardware. B. Furnish modem push-pad type, reversible exit devices with heavy duty stainless steel chassis, latch cover, touchbar and end caps. 1. Latchbolts and deadlatches shall be stainless steel. ( 2. Exit device lever trim shall be breakaway or free wheeling type design that does ·· not allowed the trim to remain fixed in the horizontal position when the device is ( locked, to reduce vandalism. 3. Exit devices shall have quiet noise ~uction operation built in the touchpad. 4. Electric exit devices shall employ standard mechanical dogging. feature .. 5. Projection ot exit devices.shall not exceed 3-V4 inches. 2.6 DOOR CLOSERS A. Surface mounted closers sh~l be full rack and pinion type with pressure cast shell, .with no more than 2-1/8" projection from the door .surface. 1. Provide drop brackets, mortise shoes,long arms and low profile anns as required. Parallel and regular arm closers shall be capable of 180 degrees swing. 2. Provide non.-handed door closers with multi-sized springs, with separate adjustable valves for latch, sweep speed, and backchcck. 3. Template and adjust closers per ~ufacturer's recommendations and 'to meet accessibility requirements. · FGMP -FINAL SET DECEMBER 3, 1997 08710-8 DOOR HARDWARE i \.~ EsGil Corporation Professiona[ !Pfan !l(eview 'E.ngineers DATE: February 24, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-25 PROJECT ADDRESS: L~GOLAND PROJECT NAME: Imagination Center SET: II 0 APPLICANT IE'JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been cbrrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies iden_tified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for r$check. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the cb,~.c~Jlst .has been sent .to:. D Esgil CorJ?.GfrStion staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ·Kyoko Adachi Telephone#: appt. Date contacted: 2/24/98 (by: kc) Fax·,#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person IZ! REMARKS: 1. Health 'Dept. approva required. '2. The kitchen hoods are not a part of this permit. :· 3:: All sheets of th plans must be signed/seale:g:. Note: Plans ha'nd~carried by applicant. : By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation E;nclosures: Valuation/Fee sheets 0 GA O CM O EJ O PC log trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fa-...: (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-25 January 19, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN. CHECK FEE· JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A2.1 .. BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft.2) "Free Play" 82~4 --~ Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE . PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-25 DATE: January 19, 1998 Imagination Center TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) 890,290 .. . 890,290 i:g] 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee · D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 3212.50 i:g] 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 2088.13 Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable. D Other: . Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 1670.50 Comments: Values provided by designer. Sheet 1 of 3 ·macvalue.doc 5196· -.;:~ .. :~. . ,"-... ¥-~--~ Carlsbad 98-25 January 19, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98·-25 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: January 19, 1998 BUILDING ADORESS: LEGOLAND Imagination Center BUILDING OCCUPANCY: A-';, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N .. BUILDING PORTION I BUILDING AREA . VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Learning Ctr. ·5004 772,880 .. Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 772,880 .. ~ 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 2858.50 ~ 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee . D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 1858.03 Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 1486.42 Comments: Values provided by designer. Sheet 2 of 3 macvalue.doc 5196 Carlsbad 98-25 January 19, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-25 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: January 19, 1998 BUILDING ADDRESS: LEGOLAND Imagination Center BUILDING OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N -. BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER ($) Toilet Bldg. 1646 311,507 -· - - Air ConditioninQ·- Fire Sprinkle-rs TOTAL VALUE 311,507 ~ 1991 USC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 1381.50 ~ 1991 USC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 897.98 Type of Review: D Complete Review O Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicaple D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 718.38 Comments: Values provided by designer. Sheet 3 of 3 macvalue.doc 5196 ~- GERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Partlof3) MECH-1 .. BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA . -4~. . BUILDING TYPE · · · ~ NONRESIDEN'f!AL. . 'D HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL· 0HOTELIMOTEL GUES'IROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ~ NEW c9NsTR.UCTION _ D ADDin:ON tJ ALTERATION. 0UNCONDIDONED (fiie~davit) METHOD OF MECHANICAL C8l PRESCRIPTIVE D PERFORMANCE COM:PLIANCE . PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE D PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT [gj Em'ELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED This Certificate of Compliance lists the building features and ·perfonnance specifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code ofRegulations. Th.is certificate applies only to-building 1!1-echanical requirements. · The docum·entation re arer hereb DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR -L,.~~9f;.p.._~ DATE The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent w~th th,e other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contained in the applicable parts of Se.ctions 110 through 115, 120 through 1'.24, 140 through 142, 144 and 145_. · . . Please check one: fZJ I hereby affinn th~t I am·· eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Eusiness artd Professions Code to sign this do~ument as the person responsi_ble for its-preparation; and that I am a Civil Eng~neer, Mechanical Engineer, or Architect. D I affirm that I am eligible under the ex;~mption to DJvision 3 of the Business and Professions Code by _Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document a:s the person responsible for its prepatation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for ~ork that I have contracted to perfof!Il. · . . . D I afflffil that I am ~ligible under the exemption to Division 3 of the Business .and Professions. Code by S~ction ___ of the . Cod~ to sign is .document as the person respon~ible for its preparation; and for the following i-eason(s ): _· --'-----~---'--~~-ic.. _-_-..,..-..,..--"''"-::,.... • .--::::.....-i ..:,,""' :1111-i::.~ ...,.'-' jtl!a1t..a111 .,.,l!C. ::a..,..•,_-""' _'-1111_ 1111.:...1111+ _.,.... ~-_-_"""' ...,--=-:-c~~------r-:c:-=--::------:-l For Detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance fortns, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. . · · · MECH-1: Required on plans for all submittals. Parts 2 & ~ may be ~corp orated in schedules on plans. . . MECH-2: Required for all submittals; choose· appropriate version depending on method of mechanical compliance. MECH-3: Required for all submittals, but 1p.ay be incorporated in schedules on plans . · . . . . · MECH-4: Required for all submittals ~le~s required outdoor ventilation rates and airflows are shown on plans per Section 4.3.4. /· l'l{C)Jli(,T NAME llATE S"STEM'FEATURES.'·' '., . . , '•\.'-' .·'· .• -,,.: •:·q•. .-,:'·i':: ··.·"''.'. i··· i:· !I; I •••• • • ,. ,,a. .. :l:·!·-.\ .. ,. , .i~ ·:.·~ ,1_ ,,, , ·~,, '·i!-',:I , ·. , .... i,_ 'i•.-, ... -.. , .-····: , . ,. I LI _ __:,_µ_it..--'--"--"----' MECHANICAL SYSTEMS . 1sY_S_TE_M_N_AM_E _ __;___ __ ___, ltP...,~ ~n . 1 ..._1 ------...J TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMO~T AT? ELECTRIC HEAT? ,. FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? VENT!LA TION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? ECONOMIZER TYPE' . DESIGN AIR CFM (MECH-4, COLU_MN H) I IEt\TlNG EQUIP. TYPE ll!Gl-1 EFFICIENCY? IF YES ENTER Eff. # · !--!AKE AND MODEL N1.)M13ER COOLING EQUIP. '!:'{PE HIGH EFFICIENCY" ·rt-YES ENTER EFF. # i\fAKE AND MODEi: NUMBER s ,, .. ,-!;-' ' AJA -JJ~ ' .. .. y f,/. 0 ·. .. .. N . N- Ii.I P, A ' A ltf ~O .. H?.A-·r P-U..1"~P N l .. -, ~tut...re:~ -_ _ ,.,.... !l i,'l'l ;,t:'i. _.[-k?)y, pllJ,i-1,,p ij l .. I Cl-:nn,Jtf,1,t.., :n,,~6]&'01 ... CODE TABLES: Enter ~t,,.k from ta_ble below inlll ,o)tinlr,,at-lJ,·c. __ . HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? -i . . TIME CONTROi. SETBACK CTRL. ' . ELECTRIC HEAT? S: Prog_-Switch I I· Heating - O:·Occ\1pancy Sensor C. Cooli'ng VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? Y: Yes . M: -ManJ.Ja! Timer B· Botlt .. .. SIMULTANEOUS '!-!EAT/COOL? N:No . "-·· . ,_ . . . . i. HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? 1 'll I 'l HIGH EFFICIENCY? VENTILATION O,UTDOOR DAMPER B: Air Balance . A: Auto C: Outside Air Cert. G· Gravity M: oiit..A'ir Mcasun: '· •. D: Demand Control N: Nat\lrar . . ISOLATION ZONES Enter number of· Isolation Zones ECONOMIZER A:Air ·w:'\Vater N: Not R!!quired FAN CONTROL I: Inlet Varies P: Variable Pitch V:VFP,:- 0: Other C:Curve O.A..CFM Enter 04tdoor AirCFM. Note: This shall be no.less than Column_G,on MECH-4. ... , . NOTESTOFIELD-~ForBllildiiJgDepartment.UseOnlv'-·<--.':· · .. ·-,_·,<,. : -.. ' · .. _--, ·: .:. --.. ·. :: I ~ ., I l'ROJECJ' NAME . U;;b{)L/Q:t I? ..-Ckt:i-l&f>J1ldJ -i DATE DUCT INSULATION . · · -· SYSTEM NAME DUCT TYPE (Sunnlv, Return, etc.) k( _ _,;· °I ,.... ~. ,., ... L..,, ~1·r . ~ '·· AL--10 ' ! ~--ll ~-/?' . ,11 DUCT LOCATION (Roof, Plgn,um,:-etc.) ~L-t'-'~ . •- ' I ,~ ,,, ,, DUCT'TAPE ALLOWEb? y ,.N o· ·o o·. 0 D D D D 'D ' . D DD -DIJCT INSULATION R-VALUE -2.., P,rnE JNSTTT· ·A 'TION · ... · · · · · · ' · ..I.C. . U.Lat-1. ·~,-.r i.~;:·/J· .. ·~ .: ·:, ... ,-_.. . ·-.~:. . . ·--':':'.-~.~ . . ~ SYSTEM NAME PIPE TYPE (Supply, R-=turn, etc.) ~A ~ ' , ' . i -. ' i .. . IN'SULATION RE 'D? y N _o.D DD. DD DD oo· DD -DD ·oo DD ' ' . NOTES TO FIELD -For Buildin~ Department Use Onlv ·i ·:··:. :··. -: ...... ···, .. . • ·:-~ .:?·:. ::·:· ~;g ::1:[y~ :> : .... I 'I I l'l<OJE(•r: NAME -I DATE DUCT"INSl:JUA-TION/, _ . ·, h:~-. ·",-: _ _.,.-, .. -. ··--.,,~·;: ·r: ! .--· .: i:. :.-.. _-.. ,. .. , ·: · -; ;~··~:-_ .-.· . .::.'-~'.·. -. ·. 4.;:,:; I~i.<- SYSTEM NAME kt-, ti, I ·- Av, r:r k-1, {.rp-}v SYSTE:\'1 NAME DUCT TYPE (Supply, Return, etc.) r~·-"t.;1 . -iP"'l"I" . . . . 12-~ ,· \ , I• _} I t - . ,11 ouct LOCATION (Roor: Plcnurti, etc.) ,, PIPE TYPE (Surplv. R~·turn. etc.) ' . "·· '- . ' DUCT-TAPE ALLOWED?_ y N CJ D -D ·-D D D ... D D .D D DD I INSULATION l" REO'D:? I y IN I DD DD ·oo· o.o D··o·----- DD DO-DD o·o .· .·. DUCT INSULATION R-VALUE -;2,J . =.-;.~·:·. :-t -.-... -, ·-;~ .. ~ :: C: .: ·-:'.~;,:::Jt:?ith.~~:~: ,I • : :ti: > M • •• ,• • 'i• .. .. . . .. -;.:~{.:_ ~./{-~ Norr.E-s:mo:FIELD····Fo·r·B~~~1din."ri:0D·e'p·.;.~·en··· 1·\u· s''e10.;.;•~,:',-,, .:-;-'', ·-::-.-.--. ·:-.:'.:..:-. · --· · .---.:.-,(.i:· .. ------~--.. ·,_ · -.'; '-.'i~·._··: ... 0=·..1:·~1··_;}. _;J.;. ,;·.L'.' · -,.":", " WI s. dl.UII . ~ Illy: ... ~ ···'I,·' ·-.. · -... ~,:,... .-. ~--· · .-.t:'l .. '.-:-· -.. 1• :· -~ : ':; .. . : ,._ . · ··i ~r .,-· : · -··3·-: : !. ~-' :·. .,.:.)_~{' .... ' ., . . ;· .· .. , . ]:tf;~:~ittt~:f r• :7~~;w !r-- I r, I ~-- i: ·EcilANICAL SIZING AND.FAN l>dWER. , . . . MECH-2 · PROJECT NAME I · ,,,.. ,, ~tPL.,b- SYSTEMNAME NOTE: Provide one co of this form for each mechanical· stem.when usiri thePrescri tiveA roach. DATE FLOORAREA & SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION . 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATlJllE -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATUl,IB 2. SIZING -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR . . L - -ENVELOPE LOAD ·· -LIGHTING (APPENDIX C) (AP?ENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) lcrM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) WATIS./ SF (LTG-2) . 1---------i COOLING~ t----i (Y , ~ 7) 71f.v \½.~of i1,.,D -PEOPLE # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) \141i'J 1----=--------1 -MISC. EQUIPMENT ,, , WATTS/SF . ~, .... 'T') ' l"'-¥ -OTHER ( PRO~E~; ~o;;s DUCT ) l----"--'-------i ~r-;n. -~\---!~~--: _ OTHER LOSS, INFILTRATION, ETC,. (Describe). ~~':, B (Describe) TOTALsl .-(-~1-,-tl);_,v ___ __,.II 12t;; m I SAFETY/WARMUPFACTQR . . . I • '1.,.1 I. f3' MAXIMUM ADWSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY . . : . -~ . '.: ... ; .. I I s-1, t1Z/b * I Kbtu/Hr Kbtu/Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM · . ·· . . · · ADWSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN . . ~ ~f U-:..,,f a~~~ , _, . ., FANPOWERCONSUMPTION·· ···. ·· · ·. . ·. · · .. .: . . . -· . ·. . · .-·-:: m:r- DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION BRAKEHP· '\ I ~f-.. L. ?..t; - " .. ; NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see § 144) .. Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VA, V systems. Nonresidential Compliance Form EFFICIENCY MOTOR DRIVE cl', ! - : . NUMBER OF FANS . . . . PEAK WATTS B iE x 746 / (C x D) ,'; [Q] , CFM (Supply Fans) TOTALS , I ] I : I TOTALFANSYSTEM I . I POWER DEMAND col. F !Col. G WATIS/CFM .. .January _1996 \ . . .~ ~-. , ~ERTIFICATE:,oF·-coMPLIANCE i (Partlof3l .·. . MECH-f·~~ PROJECT ADDRESS · °'rzt..~ ~ . ~t-J 01etao PRINCIPAL DESIGNER-MECHANICAL P-?'17 P.,8~6t ,TELEPHONE . ~ '" . 64-S·...074.,z.. BUILDING CONDITIONED FLOOR AREA .. S,oco BUILDING TYPE l-g} N;ONRESIDENTIAL D HIGffRISE RESIDENTIAL' . D HOTEL/MOTEL GUESTROO~ .. PHASE OF CONSTRUCTlON . [ZJ NEW C0NS1RUCTION. _ D ADDIUON D AL'fltRATION OUNCONDffiONED {file affidavit) METHOD OF MECHANICAL C01'v.1PLIANCE [8l PRESCRIPTIVE D PERFORMANCE PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE D PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT -~ ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED · This Certificate of Compliance lis~ the building_ features and ·performance specifications p.eed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations. This certificate applies on1y to hqilding mechanical requirements . . DA-tE The Principal Mecl~anical Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent w~th tb,e other compliance fonns and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed building hi;iS been design~d to meet the ~echanical requirements contained in the applicable parts of Sections 110 throu~h 11.5, 120 through 124, 140 through 142, _144 and 14~. · Please check one: < 0' I hereby affirm that I am· eligible .under the provisions of Div1sion: 3 of th~ Busmess and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsi_ble for its preparation; and that I am a-Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, or Architect. 0 I affinn thatl am eligible under the ex~mptionto DJvision 3 of the Business and Professio~s Code by Section 5537.2 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for ytor~ that I have contracted to perfor'I!1. · · · 0 I affmn that I am eligible und~r the ~xemption to Division 3 of the Bus~ess ~uid Prqfessi;ns Code by Section __ _ the Coq.e to sign 1,is. document as the person responsible for its preparation; and for the !l ' I( I ,. ' • following reason(s): -----'--~'--~E.--'---"~,,,_"-::.,.,~'--.....,....,.-...___..:.....a. __ . · of Indicate location on pl~s of Note Bl?c~ f,or M~clatory Mea~ur~sl L.. . .....,----LM...i.-°'-·l:?-.!..1 '-. __________ __, For Detailed instructions on the use Qf this and all Energy Efficien,cy Standards compliance forms, please.refer-to the Nonresidential Manua_l published by the California Energy Commission. · · lvfECH-1: Required on pians for all submittals. Parts 2 & ? may be incorporated -in schedules on plans. :MECH-2: Required for all subniittals~ cho.ose appropriate version depending on method of mechanical compliance. MECH-3: Required for all submittals, but may be incorporated in schedules on plans . .. :MECH-4: Required for all submittals unless required c;mtdoor ventHation r8:tes and airflows are shown on plans per Section 4.3.4. '-1,•' '· C RTIFICATEf:OF COMPI:,IANCE : . CPart2i~r3> MECH-1 : SYSTEMFEATURES · · L-lsY_s_TE_M_N_A_M_E ________ ...;.JH k; :-9 TIME CONTROL I? SETBACK CONTROL : . 1'1A. [SOLA TrON ZONES N.~ HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? t.J. ' ' ELECTRIC HEAT?· 'N. FAN CONTROL 0 VAV MINIMUM POS[TION CONTROL? N S[MULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? -~ HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? N VENT[LATION t; OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL? A'"~ ECONOM[ZER TYPE A DESIGN AIR CF.M (MECH-4,COLUMN H) ;o.oo . HEATI_NG _!:QUIP,. TYPE ·~AS IIIGH EFFICIENCY? I IF_YES ENTER EFF. # t--\ I - MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER CA(l,fl.,18-rl.. ,ll ~;LI nat COOLING EQUIP. TYPE ~c.r'['?) p /5tcC..fbA t;' HIGH EFFICIENCY? j IF YES ENTER EFF.# . "' I .., MAKE AND MODEL NUlytBER tA"ftflbc~ '. I DAT!~ MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 11 · JI · · Ae,-n . . • ~-· .. " :-~ ·'• -~A.· -··-~ ... -- •. NA N- ~ ~,,. N .. ~ N ~ •. b.. /4. ~000 .· >CCC ~~ f-1 I lAl~/2-'IStl-" ~9. "1:::'0c:114 . ilTC"~ 1> ~fks· ~ Kt .' tw-vr....-rvv Gi.A'~/f;:(£-e: · 1-1 I CAn,ivt-t!4"' . 6'ltr:JrJr,l'f COD!:TABLES: Enter cOlk from t~blc below into colur1ms above. -1 HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? TIME CONTROL SETBACK ~ ISOLATION FAN CTRL. ZONES CONTROL ELECTRIC HEAT?. S: Prog. Switch II: H~ating Enter number of I: Inlet Vanes 0: Occupancy Sensor C: Cooling Isolation Zones P: Variable Pnch VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? . . Y: Yes ' M: Manual Timer B: Both V:VFD . O:Other . SIMULTANEOUS.HEAT/COOL? \ N:No . C:Curve ,, HEAT AND COOL SUPPL¥ RESET? i '•· ,, HIGH EFFICIENCY? VENTII.;ATION OUTDOOR ECONOMIZER O.A.CFM • DMIPER ... B: Air Ba!Jlllce A: Auto A:Air Enter Outdoor C: Outside Air Cert. Q: Gravity W: Water AirCFM. .. M: Out. Air Measure ·. N: Not Required Note: This shall · D: Demand Control -be no less than N: Natural. ColumnGon .. MECH-4. NOTES TO FIELD -For Buildin~ Department Use Only · . . . l l'ROJECI' NAME US:baLAA t? .,.. ?kr:{o:M(l:'.'.)_ l r:-1A6 t ~ . J DJ'.TE DUCTINSULATION : -·:· ·: :.:. -. -·. _.-·. i · ·. . . ~ • I • SYSTEM NAME DUCT TYPE (Sunr,ly, RQtum, etc.) kt./'°' . . I" ,.,, .. l.."( ~,r . -. .. (l;er,1.;MJ ' A-v-10 .. ~ ... l\ /ty-f>.: -~V DUCT LOCATION (Roof, Plcnum~·-ctc.) 6G1t..tl-l~ - ' \ J . ,, _,, ,, ,, DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? y N o·-' 0 D-. ·o D :o D D D 0 " . D·D DUCT INSULATION R-VALUE -2., PiTDn\.INSrrr,.;41noN·i-'.c,J'\i".c>t1:···~:.:·, .. .'. ·_ ·.-... _:·· .. ;,:,._'.. . . . -· .. _ ·-:)'. ;_-.. . : ·'.· ·_.: -., .. ,~·t:J· ·. . . -._ . '. . ' . .I.I:;".£,.;. U.l.:il"I.: I .. ,· •• '•J'~f"":;"-..; :..6 • • • • ' ~ • .: !. •• ~-• I ••• I• :. •• '. a-• • , •• ~. • • • ' • : • .-.,.,., " • ' ' - SYSTEM NAlviE I-{).. ~ ' .. -P1PE TYPE (Supp Iv. R~rurn, etc.) ,; . ~NSULATibN RE 'D? _y N OD DD OD DD oo· DD DD DD D-o-··, .>-., NOTESTO FIELD -For Buildin~ Department Use Onlv · .,.,...,.-,:,== . . ·-:-· .. _ .... . . ., . --~·~·· .. . ;_;;.:, . .-.,}{:_ ~\; . ~ ..... !'I(< >JI:( ·r NAM!· . . Le;;)f-.lrrV-' Ctl:nLS>2'm? SYSTEM NAME DUCT TYPE (Supply, Return, etc.) .,,.. -. -'Jl)f ~., ·r·1 _ l2-~,l-f-l '. I,:' '" \ \ ! 1 ,•, J I I l-rP-lv ,'' ,, DUCT.TAPE . I)UCT LOCATION ALLO_WED?' (Root: Plenum, etc.) Y N: 1--'--,---'-------i CJ D ---·-D ;· .. o D .o CJ .D .o D D.0 DUCT INSULATION R-VALUE -;;., I SYSTEM NA/\·IE Pf PE TY!'E (Surph·, R~·turn. t:tc.) RE NOTE TO FIEL1 Building.° Dept. Us • "o'" • • : '• )": • • • ,•' • • I \--1 .k . ~ -· ', . . . . 'I . I ·.·.· :; . ::\· , ,;• -::.·-·:.. -·:· .. · .. - -.. ·i~l'.;]:;~~1ij1t~fa( __ ;/ti:J(1'-:;_ .• -_. __ DD DD ·oo· o.o DD DD DD :oo- ·o· o·-----, ,. I,' . .... -!~' :. : . ·- ;.::.. ··-··-.• ',•• . :;;·::~:.: ··::::-~ :_: ~-.. .,.-,.::-~:---~·-:·· ·.·,_ .. .. ,.· . .. . . .... -.... ~---.. . -: ... _ -~ -- .... .,..;...., . ':. -~ ~ ... -• • ,:.;.i., .... 1. .: _..._.. ~-....... --,; /J.'".__ ,:~ ;_,:~~ ~:?~ .~-.;. ~;-:\ M:EClIANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 PROJECTNAME 1-.,.,~ . . ~" l.(->-SYSlEMNAME NOTE: Provide one co of this fonn for each mechanical · stem when usin the Prescri _tive A roach. SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION . Di\T-E FLOOR.AREA (> - 1. DESIGN CON))ITIONS: -OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE -OUTDOOR, WET ~ULB TEl\lJPERATURE' (APPENDIX 9) (APPENDIX C) (AP~ENDDC-C) COOLING g~; . ~· -INDOOR, DRY.BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR ,___ ___ __,lcFM ~CH 4; C0Lilly.1N H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING WATTS /SF (LTG-2) : . .- 1------1 -PEOPLE # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; °COLUMN E) : 'Z; 1 ! U:> 1---~--1 -MISC. EQUIPMENT WAITS f SF /Cf, S7fl:, 1------1 ,,, -OTHER ( PROCESS LOADS, DUCT). 1------------~ ...... -=ti_-~=' ----~---1..___ __ _ OTHER . LOSS, INFILTRATION, ETC.. (Describe) (Describe) TOTALS SAFETY/WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJljSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x. SAFETY/ W ARMUP FACTOR) 1";7,.94-C> 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQtJil>MENT CAPACITY· ', I 11~,o~ Kbtu/Hr. IF INSTALLED CAP A CITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM · , ·•. , · ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN . -. -t ~A-La.-lf_ityf U,i,1,~;t Ct.1Fi:t.-1l.J.~,l.1 _ . · .,. FAN POWER CONSUMPTION·.·, . ·. FAN DESCRIPTION i DESIGN ~RAKE HP. - NA t-")rr - ' ..... NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (see § lM). Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. [~l '.EFFICIBNCY MOTOR DRIVE ,, ,. - •· - NUMBE~ -· .. ·PEAK WAITS OFFANS-BxEx746/(Cx ·. . D). -----1 ·. ··,: TOTALS. ] TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND WATIS/CFM [ 7o I JI,~ -~1,·,~i-- B l¾,~8' I ~ . , 7,,,,/rf{.///1) 1t-· Kbtu/Hr ·, [QI CFM (Supply Fans) - ... .--,' [ . I [ . ~· 1 Col. F /Col. G .. January_.199( .- ! ' I I __ . .-.. · ·.: .. .. _ ..... _. -·--~ ME.CHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 PROJECT NAME f · r-'~ ~ J . ~,c, 1..,>-1 D SYSTEMNAME · fi.u-(). NOTE: Provide one co · of.this fonn for each mechanical -~-N DATE FLOORAREA . 177 •: .. SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION . · . · ' 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -.,_ .. -OUTDOOl\ DRY BULB TE:MP13RATURE -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TE:MPERATI:h.IB. ·. ' . -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2.SIZING (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (~PENDIXC) -DESIGN OUTDOORA,IR .___ ___ __.lcFM (MECil4; COLUMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -~IGHTING l-----'-----'----1 WA.TIS tSF {LTG-2) COOLING C s~ .. tJ7 79. 17;;2z3. ~?&::0 • I ,~,1~ ~_.:_ ~-: -PEOPLE .,, # OF PEOPLE {MECil 4; COLmv.rN E) 1---------1 · '?S,Sr:,o -MISC. EQUIPMENT ,,, WATTS/SF 12>!74 -OTHER ( PROCESSLOADS,DUCT ) 1-------------, --r@_,__,_.·:,--..,ttwrr ............ · ........ · ------- -OTHER . _ LOSS, INFILTRATION, ETC.. (Describe) G17l El (Describe). TOTALS ,....., ,-v;-, $-S-7---,I I ~, ¼ 7 SAFETY/WARM UP FACTOR i.-2.1 ~ MAXIMUM ADJT..iS.TED LOAD (TOTALS FRO¥ ABOVE xSAFETY/ W MMUP FACTOR) ..... _ -IS"-2-, ,-?--,----. ~ 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY . ' ' IF INSTALLED CAP A.CITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM I , it}, o-:w 11 -z24-, 0°0 f.. : . Kbtu I Hr Kbtu / Hr ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN . . ~ 7'~ {(_,2;-5,f .tt.i,.Lf ~t-; la,~.{ 1 U-A'.1\.T'1PO'l(TUD,0QNSTT1\'6Tl<r.TQ,1\.T':",' .. ·: ... : ,• :'.,.'_' .. :··. -·: . ; -~----.. --.·~---. ·,,_.~·._,!,;,\ .-.,-::, ... · ." ,-~ ·:,·· ... "--· .... .l!:tli'I~ \IV.UJ..~ .u..LV.1..IJ· . .I.:~ L'li?,~· .. · :-; ...... -.-. ' , · · • J • -. • ··.... ...... ".~ .. ' • , ·."f,._ .. ---i'.,., -•. : 'r-:'· ~-•• , ... ~ • , ..... ,-· .. ; .• ,: ~: •. · . . . .. DESIGN FAN DESCRIPtION 1?:RAKEHP' NA ·/._7,,c; - .. NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (~ee § 144-). Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/<::FM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VA V systems. ·~ ..,, ........ • ..... ~, ... ~·~r r,.., ....... -·,,. .. "'"°'"':;.'I", ....... '. EFFICIENCY . 1,MOTOR ·DRIVE ,, ' . -: : ... NUMBFF- ·OF FANS . ,, - '. TOTALS .• . PEAK WATTS [Q] --1 CFM B_xEx74.6'i(Cx (Supply Fans) D) . . . ,. .. . ;,:, L---~___.I ==I ==:=::::_~~.~1 TOTAL F 1\N. SX~T~M. -I ., . '.;~-~?.J POWER DEMAND ;_, Col..F I Col. G WATTS/ CF~--~:'., .. -~o'~~:; .. :;: -. ~r ~1,larr ,1-~?.6 . ,. ,,,_ . -.. ~.-. '. --~ MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 PROJECTNAME L.eb,t, l.p.. DATE SYSTEM NAME L,1' f"-{.,;·.,..1 NOTE: Provide one co of this fonn for each mechanical stemwhen·usin the Prescii tive A roach. I. . • SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION . 1. DESIGN CONI;>ITIONS: -OUIDOOR, DRY BULB TE~ERATURE -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE. . ' -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C) (APPENDIX C): -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR · ._I ---~--jcFM (MECH 4; coLUMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING WAITSlSF(LTG-7) . i------~ COOLING ? 17-, 7/"' .. ~b, t4'1. h,,~J. -PEOPLE # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) 1------'----,-1 -;s, gg-o -MISC. EQUIPlvffiNT " W ATIS I SF 1-------------'I a,.~~~ -OTHER ( PROCESSLOADS, DUCT ) 1---------t .-,.-F~in-,-1 ____ !;-{13"-, -~~"\"' __ _ ._ OTHER · LOSS, INFILTRATION, ETC.. (Describe) ~&/4-"? (Describe) TOTALS I !~I-. ~"l,t) I SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMlJM_~JUstlm LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: . .. INSTALLED EQ~PlvffiNt CAPACITY ' . IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM A))JUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN .!,:' ) rl:J 1, ,00-0 I Kbtu/Hr FANPOWERCONSUMPTION· ·-. . ·. . · · lXl . . [ID ·' DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTlON BRAKE HP ~i&s t,.7,( -. ' .. : NOTE: Include only fan systems ex~eding 25 HP (see§ 144). Tot,al Fan System Power Demand may not exceed 0.8 Watts/CFM-for · constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. "\Tri, -esidential ~QillPli~gf~ Fotm . [ID .. EFFICIENCY MOTOR DRIVE <; : .... NUMBER OF FANS ·, , . · . . ., TOTALS· PEAKWATIS B x Ex 746 / (C x . D) TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER DEMAND -. WATTS/CFM ~-·-· -.. .. I ,~TINGI . . I 70 . I ~· ' El I 4<-,"i 0 r I ( • c.{,-,, ~1, 01'!- , ,...,.;ll , Pi,~ '* Kbtu/Hr ~. ·1 rm I CFM ' 1 (Supply Fans) I - 11 I [ . I _ Col. F / Col. G -. Jan,uary _199E -:: -~ MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY MECH-3 SYSTEM NAME -~'1 ~10 /.v...,,,-1( At.;, 1-, .. M,;--lf A&-!5 .. ~{~ P:P-!v SYSTEM .. NAME MAKEAND. DESIGN OUTPUT MODEL NO.· ffiTU/HR) ~t,&.<, a.q tl..10ol 'I" J.lr li1TD, \ .. '· I l"i-1,dl(V I . . ' . f ""f/ [1;,,,oYO ~~v alt "1-:l ru,c:;,"7 · lS,·tJ"Y--V· . I· . . . t '. (,~. fN . ' ':\ I· J., t:;g, f/1) ,CV<·n.J~ . )7 on)' lK/"-\./--J.t,&~! ' I , . ~J.ch<., . J7,I.J.,fJ'! i,t7] ·7v,tJrD MAKE AND MODEL NO. _l . ' '• . . ... ,,, ' ' -.. TOTAL·· ~~~TED i< ... r11 .1rr111 .v· l~~fr)MJj:ii ~ -··oo··--:--. DESIGNCFM UNITS mo· ~ -" .fl1o2) tq;,IU• - ·-{'1)1) ~- lrn-D -~rv 4m ~e-,v .. ?'jvz, ~-. t::f,~ i, ?ft)_ ee -P-•. 11 &'D ti,'f:z:_.t,1.,.,1 IJESIGN O'UTPUT (BTU /HR) I : l \ : -.. \, ;.• . ; ,~_: .. "· ·. 'ALLOWED .. -. "r.o 'i.t, · .. q,b ., 'Lo . -~.o to ·" r;,,,j 0 i J °' _-o PROPOSED -_-,o:~,.-- ,• ... ,, ~::L<.. 'J.; l 1 . . { I . . lo.~ fc,r .1.·; ·-,-DO,-... ;::--. ··""-DD .... . ' . . --:D·D_---_: DD oo· ·oo-· DD .DD DD DD DCJ DD DD DD RATED EFFICIENCY . UNITS ALLOWED PROPOSED ., l~t~.t.J;. 7:i ((0 .,.·.-I ~ I I .. \ l .. , . . .,.,,_ . \ l .-'···· ...... -I \. . ' .. .. .. I I. • . I .. ·.· i .. I-I I I I I I I I •. I ( ' . \, l I \JI J. •. :_Jt ..•,;.. . ...... _,..,, (.op ... . 7.,,.0 .. , _·::·z.s . .. , . -· : ,.... . _: ---~. ·:•? :,0,- Y, _ .-: ... Jamiazy }996 -·· -__ _ . . .. •¥" • • .-·•i• {i! ·..;. . ... .-l .• j. -MECHANICAL.VENWILATION{f.:· . .·=l.t 1--~. MECH;.;:·. l'ROJEC:r NAME L l?ATE SYSTEM NAME NOTE: Provide one co stem. MRCHANIC.Al.VRNTil,ATION. · ·. ·'.-.:" · · :·:·: -"': ;-./.·.-._.: .. ::" -: ··-::-· · ··· · .. · -· ·· · ::·-·· .. · · · . -· _,: . . -· • ., i • ~ ~-. [Al [ID •'@] .ill] . ·Im [El [ill AREA BASIS OCCllP ANCY. BA.SIS .. .. .. REQ'.D. COND . MIN. NO . MIN. 0.A. ' CFM· ! . SPACE AREA PER.SF ·CFM ·QF CFM (MAX.OF NO. (SF). (B XC:) ._PEQPLE (EX 15) DORF) ('to I . I ~-2~S % . C...'10 .(,/f.D ... .. .. .. .. . -.. . . ,i . . ,, .. .. ~ ... , ' . . . -~-.. : .• "· ' : .. . . . ... .. \ :: . .. .. \ \ . .. ·;": : .... , ' . . . -..... _,_: . . •. .. : ·-. -. .. TOTALS (FOR-MECH-2) r . -4~ l ·_ I ~ '11> -· 1 I ··-·. Minimum Vcntil~ion Rate per Section§ 121:Table 1-F. Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 50% of Chapter 13 UBC Occu~ant Density . [ill : .. DESIGN . -OUTDOOR AIR ?/to .. .. a ' >' . . --~ ....... ~. .. .. - '2i1.:> I ' IIJ 11] VAVMINIMUM CFM ·LARGEST DESIGN MIN, MIN. CFM CFM ~ ,,. . . . ~-.... .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. : K ·. T RANS R R FE AI -., .. .... ; Must be greater than or equal to G, or u_se Transter Air · • . · . .. · · l f zone reheat or rccool is used i rnusi'be less than.or c·qual to u; or less:tl1an or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3'. or less than or equal to B X 0.4, or less .than ·or equal to 306 CFM, ~hichev~r is larger. · · · · :· · .. . . . hl1 Must be less than or c;qual to I (ifar.plicable), but no less thrui G, unless Transfer Air (K) is ~st;d: .• .. Must be greater than or equal lo (G -11), arid, for V AV, grc1.1ter than or equal to-(G • J). .. ·- . . . . ·- ·.' • 0r , 0-l' {e,;tj,. • •' ;l '--if:: MECHANICAL.VENTILATION:tf . ,· ~·/ f ·:.. MEca;:. J>Rornc:r NAME L DATE SYSTEMNAME k-Q NOTE: Provide one co of this form for each m_cchanicril s _stem .. MF.. CH'".-NICAl'"VF.NTIJ'ATION · ·· · --:·, · · · \ · l· · ·· ,. '·,. ·· · · -· '.·. · ,. · ·· · ·· · · • i ~ •-· , I . . . , ,, ... . .. , ... :: . . . , . . . . . · .. ··-. . . . ., . , . ~... . . -~ .. ~: ~ :-, : . • • : l ; [A] [ID ~-[ID ; 'ill] [E) [ill [ID [II [IJ : K ' AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS ,, --VAVMlNIMUM ·. RE<tD. CFM COND, MIN. NO, MIN. 0.A, DESIGN . LARGEST DESIGN T SPACE AREA CFM ·CFM OF CFM PER SF (MAX. OF. OUTDOOR MIN. AIR MIN. FE RANS-1 R R NO. (SF) (B XC) PEOPLE (EX 15) QORF) CFM CFM .AI h1C' I tf· ;~ (l \ot.,~ \oCS'" \oG.{"" -~.:~ - .. .. . . . .... .. . . . '-·······-·· ., . ... ,I .. .. -.. ,, , . . . . . . . , .. . . .. .. < .. --.... ~ ' .. .. ' ! -·-·. ":, .. .. .. : -. . .. ., .. -- I i ·:. .. , I ' ,, .. . ' .. -.. ·:. . ... , .. .. '• ! •. ..... . . .. . -· ... . . . . ·-·.:·-. .. .. . ... ' . -~-, I .. TOTALS (FOR-MECH-2) · I i( I to~r-Ol 1-/1x .. r I : ; Minimum V cptilatio; Rite· per Section § 121, Table 1-F. ... .... . ... ..... : Based on Expected Nu·mber of Occupants or a~ least 50% of Chapter 33, l,JBC Occu~ant Density . ..-_ Must be grcatc;r than o·r equal to G, or use Transfer Air · . . . . _ · ' · l · T · · · · J B X O 4 orlcss than lfzonc reheat or rccool is used, I must be less than or equal to G, or-less ~an.or equa to otal Des1~n CFM X 0.3, or less than orequa to . · _, . 0 _ or equ.al to 300 CFM, whichever is. lnrger. . · · · · · . · -. ·--.. . hli Must be less than-or equal to I (if applicable), but no less than G, unless Transfer Air (K).is use_d: ----· '· -... Must be greater than or equal to (G -H), nnd. for V-AV·, l\rcater than or equal to (0 -J). . ·-.. ·~·---·::. ...... ~-. . ----• -' . . . .. ._, .. " ·-~·--· '. . ~ . , ........... .. NOTE: Provide one co of this fo.rm for each.mechanical stem. [A] [fil [g ill] ' ·Im [gJ [QJ [ID .. AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS REQ~D. COND MlN. NO. MIN. 0.A. DESIGN SPACE AREA CFM 'CFM OF CFM (MAX.OF OUTDOOR PER SF AIR NO. (SF) (I;q( C) PEOPLE (EX 15) DORF) l,14 I 1.r 1,,bq 11 /o-u., 1°7~ lo "'\l. ... . .. .. .... ,., .. ., .. ... .. .. . . ' : .• .. ~ -... ; .. . . ,. • • ,;7r•_.-.,, ............ i I ' '!t . .. ~ .. ' .. . ... •. .. ; - TOTALS (FOR-MECH-2) I "1 I I I {17/(, . 11. l 0 1 ~ I Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section§ 121, Table 1-F. Based on ExpcctettNumber:ofOccupants or at'lcnst S0%·of<;:hapler 33 UBC Oecu~ant Density . Dl(TE [II [TI VAVMINIMUM CFM LARGEST DESIGN MIN. MIN. CFM .CFM --,. .. ·• . . . ' • P• ~-• o" .· .. '• .. - .. T RAN~ ER AIR F - ... . . '--,,---C- --'-'--- ~ ---- '---- --~ . ; Must be greater th~ or equal to G, or use Transfer Air · . · . If zone reheat or reco~l 'is used I must be less than or equal lo G, or less tl)an or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to BX 0.4, or less !har. ·or equal to 300 CFM, whichev~r is·larger. · · . · · -~ Must be less than or·~qual to I (if applicable), but no less than G, unless Transfer Air (K) is use.d. Must be greater than or equal to (G -11). and. for VA V, g.n:ater than or equ~l to (G • J). , .. .. l\1r,nrr-;idential Comoliance Forn1. Janu~ry , . ~.. -~ , ... . .. ·e£RTIFICATE.:OF COMPLIANCE · (Part 1 or3> . MECH-I/. . BUIL~r~G c2,NDJ~NEp:FLOOR:AREA .. . . I ·.. .. BUILDING TYPE -~NONRESIDE!fnAL --o·HIGHRI_SERESIDENTIAL oHOTEL/MOTEL-GUESTROOM PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION ~: NEW CONSTRUCTION -· . D ~PITION O ALTER:f,:~10N OUNCONDITTONED (file affidavit) METHOD OF MECHANICAL ·C8J PREscRJ?TIVE; .. _ ·.o PERFORMANC:~ COM:PLIANCE PROOF OF ENVELOPE COMI?LIA:NCE D PREVIOUS ENVELOPE PERMIT ~ ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE ATTACHED This Certificate of Compliance lists. t4e building features and ·perfotmance srrecifications need to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code ofRe~ulations. This certificate applies onlytq buiiding mechanical requirements. · DATE The Principal Mechanical Designer hereby certjfies th~t .the.,ptopos(;!d building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with tl1e other co~nplian~e forms and worksheets, ,vith the specifications, and with any other calculatiom\ submitted with this pennit application. The proposed building,has been designed to meet the mechanical requirements contained in the applicable parts of'Sections HO through HS, 120 thr0qgh 124, 140throtrgh 142, 144 anc1l' 14~. . Please check one: £81 I hereby affirm that I am· eligiole under the provi~ions ofDivision 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person. re~po.nsible for :iKpteparation; and that I am a Civil Engineer, :M:echan,ical Engineer, or Architect. • • I ':. • D I affirm that I am eligible under the exerµption to DJvision 3 of the Bµsiness an? Professions Code by Section 553 7 .2 of the: Business and Professions Code to sign thi~ document as the person responsible for its prepar:c8,tion; and that I am a licensed contractor preparing documents for .~ork that I have cqntra:cted to perform. -· 0 I affirm that I am eligible under the exemption to· Divisi~n 3 of the Bu$iness and Ptofessiop.;;; Code by Section ---o" the---------'----Code to sign 1is docurnertt as the persoi:i"resportsjble for its prepa~ation; and for the '' ' . ' following reason(s): · · Indicate ~ocatio~ _on pl~s ~f Note Bloc~!or M~clat~r.y Meas~es! L _ __!__M...L·-c.:..o.-=o--, 1L·-,-----,------------ For Detailed instructions on the-use of this an.d,alL:Energy Efl:iqiency Standatcls compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Manual published by the California Energy Commission. · · · · · :tvfECH-1: Required on plans for an sub{llit41ls, Parts 2 & 3 may be incorporated in schedules on plans. :tvfECH-2: Required for all submittals; choose appropriate version depending on ~ethod ofmechantcal compliance. MECH-3: Required for all subinittals, but may beinco'rpotated· fu s~heduies ,on plans . · . . . . . · · :tvfECH-4: Required for all submittals unless required outdoor ventilation rates and airflows are shown on plans per Section 4.~A. ·• I ! i I ' I I ' ; ' I I I l'l(C>Jl·.C"("N.-\MI·. SYSTEM NAME SYSTl-::\-1 NAME ~A. < .. ' . . :: ,. < N ,!, .. PUCTTYPE (Surm,lv, Return, etc.) c .... .-.. ,.,,,.., _G"7'jl'I -. ¥--~ . \ ,.,_. \ ·t ·J I I I ·1,. ' ; ; ,, IJ(JCT LOCATION · (ifoof: Plenum, etc.) P!PE fYi'E ( Sl!f'PI,·. lt .. -•ltl['n. etc:)· -~-·-.. .,-.,~.! .. '' i. ", ... ... . :., :~~1iz;;t;~;~~~J~fyirL E~-:t1L , ,•M • .-• 0 0 :~· 0 IJlfCTJ'APE -ALLOWED? y N D D D .tJ D D 0 D .o D DD -DD ,OD ·oo· o·.o DD -DO -oo -DO [JD· DUCT INSULATION R-VALUE -.2, I -NOTE TO FIE Building'/~ept. . : ... ,;:._··_:: ... ·· : . : . . . ·. .... ·. . -::. . .. : :~. •• :~· • .,,_ ·: 4 ~1 .~•,;,I,-~•, ' ~· .. l'l!OJEC:I" NAME SYSTEM NAME h./' °t N..,,-1 D kl,..-ii ~-,7:Y . . SYSTE1v1 NAME 1'\.).. < .. DUCT TYPE DUCT LOCATION (Sunnly, Return, etc.) (Roof, PJcnum,,e_tc.) r~ ,,.,ftl.,-( ,,,.--f. ~L-lf-1~ .. tier-~ ,; \ . .. .. '·1 . . . . ';' "i .. -· (:J PIPE TYI~I; (~upply, R~turn, etc.) ,',: DUCT TAPE ALLOWED? y·. N'. D CJ D ·o--o 0 Cl D 0 D DD . INSULATION RE 'D? ·y_ .N 0-0 DD DD DD Do· DD -OD D.D OD I· DATE DUCT INSULATION R~VALUE NOTES TO FIELD -For Buildinit Department Use Onlv · . . :_._. .. ·' . . : .~ '. \, · .. ,: : .. ' '.)t '.::;:;:·r.·5{~.1~g-,:-::< y;~;.; ;~-.. ---.:·-__ ·-~::~i;/~i-. . . .-.:-·-~·-::-.-.. .. r : ·= .:~~-· ., ,. ' ,·. MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER .MECH-2 PROJECT NAME SYSTEMNAME SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUIDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE -OUIDOOR, WET BULB TEJMPERATURE. -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING '(APPENPIX C) . (APPENDIX C} (APPENDIX C) roach. -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR· ...... 1. ---,...-~-,.-,--~· lcFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING WATTS./ SF (LTG-2) . 1-------------1 DATE .... ,. 1-C-..::~~'~i::..-L_IN_G--1 ~· ~'7 1~. le .. · ·I S~a7 \ , . .,..,'). .. t .. 1'1--:; -PEOPLE ... . ··; ,.. . .... # OF PEOPLE.(MECH 4; COLU11N E) l---'---'------1 l~:t.rD -11ISC. EQUIPMENT ,, WA TIS/ SF i-----'---'-1 A1.1 s -OTHER ( PROCESS LOADS DUCT ) 1-------'----,a...i ___ :f;~l\-7--'. P...:.'--'~---;.-,.._?":_: __ _ OTHER · LOSS, INFILTRATION, E1;c.. (Describe) 4-,..01 B · (Describe;) SAFETY/WARMUPFACTOR, · ~ TOTALS ~~.;-, ri-.r~I I ~. on I, -i..J I , +, MAXIMUM ADJU~TED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/ W ARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: . . INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPAqTY I t~s~ 1;-v Kbtu/Hr 11 -r;., d"'r) ~ I Kbtu/Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM .. ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN *-$-u~a fl ,e., y{ 1.1.~f a.,~_ lt.l: ,f;.J. t .. FAN POWER CONSUMPTION : · -· : . [ID - I DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION · -·BRAKE HP I N~ ps' - .' NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 25 HP (sec § 144). Total Fan System Power.Demand.may not exceed 0.8 Watts/CFM for constant volume systems-of 1.25 Watts/GFM for VAV systems. ·._lg. - 'EFFICIENCY ·MbtOR DRIVE ·. --.. : '-..','\"• ,· ,· ·. [ID NUMBtR OF FANS . '· ·-· ... • .. P.EAKWATIS Bx Ex 746 / (C x .. D) . --- CFM (Supply Fans) TOTALS · I 11 ·-~ TOTALFANSYSTEM ( .. ·= POWER DEMAND · cot. F /Col. c WAITS/CFM Januazy _19' MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 PROJECT NAME I'.,,.,,# ~t,l.t--,. DATE . SYSTEMNAME FLOORAREA. Ot:> NOTE: Provide one co of this form for each mechanical 'stem when usin the Prcscn tive A roach. ... :- SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION . 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TE1'1PERA111RE . ,•- -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE ' ' -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING (APPENDIX C) (APPpNDIX C) (APPENDIX C) -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR · ......_...;------~--lcFM (lvfEC:FI 4; COLUMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING .. WATTS/ SF (LTG-2) . -------------t COOLING~· ~LiLJ· s. 7o P,p.,37 l"i. 11'2- {;,(a,1; -PEOPLE · # OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUlvfN E) . ,~.-0(11) < -:MISC. EQUIPNIENT -------,,, ,, WATTS/SF . q7.,-~ OTHER ~ ~-l"--( PROCESS LOADS, DUCT ) i--,--..,---..,.,------1 , ,,::<:V! r.: f'.:',--. 1 - _ OTHER LOSS, INF.IL TRATIQN,.ETC.; · (Describe) 4--u> ! (Describe) TOTALS SAFEJY/ WARM UP FACTOR MAXIMUM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE x_SAFETY/ WARMUP FACTOR) 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPMENT CAPACITY ,, ', 1· 1-J. c:.-·1.) -11 7-i. IN ~1 -Kbtu / Hr Kbtu I Hr IF INSTALLED CA!'ACITY E:X:CEEDS MAXIMUM · · ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN ~ t!,t.\A-.-...l{.t/2f {_;~~;:~~- 0 at~-~t;_~ laa.v 1 . ·" .. ,.· ,. . . . • • . . FANPOWERCONSUlVIPTION: .. · -·- 001 'DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION '~RAKE HP 6'),!' - ' ..... -. .. NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding 2SHP (see·§ 144). . · Total Fan System Power Demand may not exceed o.s·viatts/CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 Watts/CFM for VAV systems. · Nonresidential Compliance Form · [QJ· ml 'EFFICIENCY . MOTOR· DJ.<}VE NQMBE;R: . OFJ,<'ANS . . . - -~EAKWATTS B x Ex 746 / (C x · D) .. .. . .. .. -- ·-··cFM (Supply Fans) T01:ALS ._I ___ ___.-· ] ~[ ===== TOTALFANSYSTEM [. PO~R DEMAND '--c,.;.o_l. F_/,..,,C,...,01--=. c, WATTS/CFM January _19 MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 PROJECT NAME SYSTEMNAME NOTE: Provide one co of this fonn for each mechanical SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OlJTPOOR, DRY BULB 1EMPERA~ '· . ' -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE. -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATU;RE 2. SIZING . (APPENDJX C) '(APP:ENJ)IX. C) . ,. (APPENDIX C) -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR .__ ___ __,_. ____ ___.· lcFM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING ·.· .... · WAITS/SF(LTG-2) l--'--,-;__------1 DATE FLOORAREA '3 . COOLING A~ . ~ c.·'/ .. 1r. ;o . '77,i) I~. 0('1 1~77,f;)- -PEOPLE #'OF PEOPLE (MECH 4; COLUMN E) --'-'----------l · 17, 4-tJO -:MISC.EQUIP:MENT ,,__ WAITS/SF ·q1-0_r -OTHER ( PROCESSLOADS DUCT ·) i----.~..,.:..---------1 . ·-n:71 i}::.:'<~· · _ OTHER . LOSS, INFILTRATION, ETC.. (Describe) 4'..hr-q • I . (Describe) TOTALS SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR l,?-1 \, f~ .. ! MAXIlv1UM ADJUSTED LOAD (TOTALS FROM ABOVE X SAFETY/ w ARMUP FAC'.I'OR) 3.r n<:::t I 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED EQUIPI½ENT CAPACITY . I (i,S ,~JV 11 7,., (J'/1) ~ '· . Kbtu / Hr Kbtu / Hr IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM · ADJUSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN · >< ':::1.1.l.·~tL~+-Li..., .• ~-+ Ct.1,,ra:. la.~.l FANPOWER.CONSUMPTION '_; · · _: . DE.SIGN;... EFFICIENCY FAN DESCRIPTION .BR-Al{E HP.: . MOTOR. DltiVE: ... KA ,. ., .. .. . .. ~ .. .· NOTE: Include only fan systems exceeding i·~ HP (see§ 144). · Total Fan System Power Dem;md may·not exceed 0.8 Waus/CfM for constant volume systems or l.ZS W;itts/CFM for VAV sys~~;: ·. · NUMBER OF FANS . . ,. - PEAKWATIS Bx Ex 746 / (C x D) CFM. (Supply Fans - .. TOTALS. ] :::::[ . :==:: TOTAL FAN SYSTEM ·c. ., .... -POWER DEMAND. Col. F / Col . 'WATIS/CFM Januazy _1 · MECHANICAL SIZING AND FAN POWER MECH-2 of this form for each mechanical stem when usin thc-Prescri tive.A ··roaeh. --.-. SIZING and EQUIPMENT SELECTION .. ,,.·. . DATE· 1. DESIGN CONDITIONS: -OUTDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE (APPENDIX C} (APP~NDIX C) (APPENDIX C) ...... c_o_o_L_IN_G__, ~l -OUTDOOR, WET BULB TEMPERATURE. ' . -INDOOR, DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 2. SIZING -DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR . --......,1 __________ ....,..~-lcEM (MECH 4; COLUMN H) -ENVELOPE LOAD -LIGHTING WATI'S IS~ (LTG-2) . 1----,----,---j -PEOPLE # OF PEOPLE(MECH 4; COLUMN E) l-----.....;..c...--1 -:rvrrsc. EQUIPMENT WAITS/SF -Ir°?? a?i1.-?;o I.. IL/.-? k,1'/'V o-, (- I ~t..!:,- .. ~,:)-7'),,- :irz,j:11 · -OTHER ( PROCESS LOAf:>S, PUCT ) 1-----.....,,....-1 ~~ ~-'V, _ OTHER LOSS, INFILTRA'FION, ETC.. (Describe) <£5174" B (Describe).· TOTALS ~l, ,rvv II~~.·)~~ I SAFETY/ WARM UP FACTOR 1·. -;z_/ !,!.(:~ MAXIMUMADWSTED LOAD(TOTALS FROM ABOVE x SAFETY/WARMUP FACTOR) IC4, Dt,.O · 4-1, :2-7-:; 3. SELECTION: INSTALLED ·EQt.J;rPMENT_ CAPACITY· ,•,';""• . <ts'1,-,;~) 11 7'1, (It'i) 41 IF INSTALLED CAPACITY EXCEEDS MAXIMUM . . . J • () ADWSTED LOAD, EXPLAIN . _ ·--~~ ~~~.L,...,_,,0;~ ~ ~~-h.& Kbtu/Hr Kbtu/Hr . 1 .. FANPOWERCONSUMPTION · . · . DESIGN FAN DESCRIPTION ~RAKE HP .. I •, . ·--t~-:--. ... ~'v( -- . . ' . . ·-,-. . NOTE: Include only fan systems .e_xceeding.25 HP (sec.§ 144). . Total Fan System Power Demand ipay ~Qt exceed 0:8. Wai-ts/CFM for constant volume systems or 1.25 W~tts/CFM for V AV systems. 1'knresidential Compliance Fortn ~ EFFICIENCY . MOTOR . DlliVE .. ... ,.,, NUMBER OFF~S. -. ·. .. PEAK WAITS ___ . B x Ex 746 / (C x D) . . . J. ---. . [Q] . CFM (Supply Fans) : -rorALS · I :..-· ·· :· ] ==[====~ . TOTAL FAN SYSTEM [ . ; II POWER DEMAND Col.FI Col. G WA.TIS/CFM . . January _199 II .. , .. . MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY MECH-3 ·. SYSTEM MAKE AND. DESIGN OUTPUT NAME MODELNO. <BTU /HR) -~4 ~/,GI(, . II. r.. inrz>. ' Ii.ti 11..100{'/J ,' \ ; Av,10 J ---- 1 -z. 1 , IVV · r .. k.....-1( r . ~ {7;.)-, ivD At_, Ir, C-kro-fl.-I ~.,.i.., t...t .. tf'J°V ' ... l :;> IJ.t: 4·1 r,l.)c,°7 I . ,, . , t 'f' .t l,tf-, fN ~C,-l • ' J i ,. ,. ,. ,J .Jc,·.,.15 ~ ··ii r1:iJ .. ....... . , ~!¼~;-1-, ) 1 / t}-J'"I:) ¾,,~t_(, ~..;,j ~c!'~I fk'i'-(v t:/.M16'tv .Il)'i-1:f ~ nC'1 '"'' {f',,l'"'D SYSTEM •' MAKE AND NAME MODELNO. .. ,' /<v --q 1~~ t~~l-Piii C;Qi:.L,i;.(f, . ~- \ l .. AG-10 i ; ~ l . i . . ', ~n I ' A-l-}7 I .. .... . Jr.i-/(J, .. .. . . Al-tr I kvt~ l-t? ... ,v ~ . . TOTAL·· .• ~ ATEn ....... I" I I :1 r 1-1'{. Y 11 1Ecy~1· .DD' DESIGNCFM· UNITS .Qroo et~ ~' ., . t&FJu. : .,rn,v ~ lfn-D . \2.B~ ""m -r . ' ~(;1v 17Jvz,. ,,.. ' t".'.fft.., -::;,-,-' . ;,i~;~ ~,: ·,...e,'-· . .. 1'1. S1J FZ.t-t:u ... DESIGN bl1TPUT (B:TVIHR). .. ?,7,•hOJ!'Y . , ~ ; J I .. J;' .. ,, ,, ' . . ''t-;..J-r1) ., . I ! ; .. l \ : '•• l ·· ·. I ; ~:--' .. ~ ol'O' . ;.:.I, . •" .. ~-> ··"' -· l .. .'ALLOWED .. "r .o ·_,1',t) °t.o 'i C> .. 't.o ,. 'i .. D ·"' .... .~, :. :•·' '' -o, .o PROPOSED ]0,?. q~c. '1,3 II ( L le.~ I f ... C,.,;\. ,, ' '1.. . ·DD DD D·D DD DD DD ·oo DD DD DD OCJ D.D DD DD '. RATED E:FFICIENCY UNITS ALLOWED PROPOSED ,fi_-.. -4"", ... U.:-t"l .. eo,,• I : I I I \ I ·, ! . .. ,~· : I \ i i .... ,.·. l .. I t ., .. ! . . . ., ., ! .. ' l. ' f ·, l · t .', • I I I I I I t 1 .I l r-I r . l, . I i ! \JI' .J, ~ q;p .. -, 'O ··:i.S ..... ' I .. P1wmc:r NAME L DATE SYSTEM NAME stem .. MF.CHANICAl.VRNTil,ATION ··.··:·.-:" . ·. -·' · · ;_, · .-... _,. · . -· · ·.· . . :, ' .. . .. [fil 001 '; .fill. AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS COND CFM MIN. Nd. MiN. SPACE AREA 'CFM OF CFM NO. (SF) PER.SF (BXC): PEQPLE (EX 15) qtrb .,rr l'JS'.' (p .. Sl./-0 /. ,, REQ'D. O.A. (MAX. Of _D ORf) _£1fo . ,• .. . . DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR .__ __ __, '-----'-----,--'-"--'--'----' ~L...--=---~---------~_.__ ___ _, ,-'-~~-=--_-:_-_-_--~-, ... -=..-:.-:..-:_-_-:._-_, .... TOTALS (f0/Uv1ECI-i-2) -1 -?f. I-J --t'lfo 11-Slf D Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section·§ 121, 'fable: 1-F. . . . [I] [IJ VAVMINIMUM CFM LARGEST DESIGN MIN. MIN. CFM CFM -·-~ .. •."l'.•v•,••••" ·. .. .. .. - . .. . ,.: .. ! TRA FE Af Based on Expected Number of Occupants or-at le3$t 50% of Chapter 33-UBC Occu~ant Density, .. Must be greater than or equal to G, or use Transfer Air · -· . · · ·: th lfzonc rcheal·or, rccool is used, (must be lc;ss than or equal to G, o·r less than or cq1,1al to Total Dcsign-CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to BX 0.4, or less · orequ'al to 300-CFM, whichever i~·largc:r. . . . , . . ·. , . ' Must be less than or equal to I (if applicable), but no less than G, unless.Transfer Air (K) 1s use.d. Must be greater than or equal to-(G • I 1). and, for VAY, greater.than or eq_u;il to (G • J). Janu~ry .. ··-· .·· M CHANICAL.VENTILATIONtf· . .--~·./ i. f, MECH~: SPACE NO. ofthis-forr:n for each mechanical 'stem:_ ·. AREA BASIS .. OCCUPANCY BASIS REQ~D. COND· CFM MIN. AREA P-ER SF 'CFM (SF) (BX C)_ NO. MIN. O.A,.· · OF CFM . · (MAX. OF PEOPLE (EX !5 · DORF) 1-,-___;.~--+->----,,--'---,<,--,J I I?;{ , 1r-· ' l~o s~ ~-,;(" i----;,,,c_..,='~:.-· --'--l'--,,-"--~ .. ,, ... ·. -· .-'' ' ; . i ·:· DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR . - i-'----'----t-----:---1 1----..a..· '-i'.,, ----.. ·•·· , .. TOTALS (FOR·M-ECl·l-2) . · 1 Minimum Ventilation R;itc per Section§ 121, Tabh: 1-F. . . . Based on Expccted.)'lumber ofQccupants.9r_aUeast 50% ofqap!er 33-UB(::·Occu~ant Density, DATH [I] VAVMINIMUM CFM LARGEST· DESIGN MIN.· MIN ... CFM CFM ---'- . . . ' ., ...... .. .. . . .. .. .. TRAJ FEl AH Must be greater than or equal to, G, or use Transfer Air · : . · . . .. · lfzon~ reheat or recool is used, r m~st be-les;.!h~ or equal to G, or lcss·thrur:or equal to Total DcsignCFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to B X 0.4, or _less Iha or equal to 300'CFM, whichever is larger-. -_ · · · _ • ·· :. Must be fess tha.n or equal to I-(if npplicabl\:), bui n9 lcss·than G, :1mless Transfer Ait (K)·is use;d .. Must be greater than or equal i~ (G -1-1), h11d. for VA v·, grcater,th;in or equal· to (G -J). '., .. :·· Janu~ry . ' .. -k ',j .. -1 • MECHANICAL.VENTILATION:ff· --· 1·:: ·• c MECH.:;· l'ROJEC:1' NAME DATI: svsn:M NAMI-: NOTE: l'rnvide one co stem. MRCHANJC.AJ. VRNTJl;ATION -< :·:,/". · i'-J·.-· .. :---_.. · · . . ·. ·. ·.:- .[[] (IJ [i] AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAVMINIMUM REQ'.D. CFM SPACE NO. COND CFM MIN.· AREA' ·CFM (SF) PER SF (BX C) NO. MIN. OF CFM PEOPLE (EX 15) O.A. (MAX. OF DORF) DESIGN OUTDOOR AIR LARGEST DESIGN TRAN MIN. MIN. FER CFM CFM AIR \I~ ,l( 11D ~~ ~ -[~ J"v:f" --.. - . . . • .. T • . ....... ' ... . .. , - , ; .. . -~. . -. -. . ··.·· .. .. ' i ' I ,, . . . ,•, --~---.. ~ TOTALS (FOR MECI-1-2) . I .. ? (' Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section§ 121, Table 1-F. Based on Expected Number of Occupants or-at least 50% of Chapter 33 UBC Occu~ant Density . Must be greater than or equal to G, or use Transfer Air _ th If zone reheat or recool is used, I must be less than or equal to G, or less than or equal to Total Design CFM X 0.3, or less than or equal to BX 0.4, or less ar or equal to 306 CFM whichever is larger. -· --· . Must be less than or ~qua! to I (if applicable). but no less than G, unkss Transfer Air (K) is use_li. Must be greater than or equal to (G -11), and. for VAV, greater than or equal to (G • J). Nonresidential Compliance Form January 'I .. SYSTEM NAME NOTE: l'mvid.: one co ofthis.forni for each mechanicals stem. [[] [g IQ) '·' .·!ID AREA BASIS OCCUPANCYBASIS COND ~FM MIN, NO. MIN. SPACE AREA' . 'CfM OF GFM NO. (SF) Pj::RSF (B XC) PEOPLE .·. (p)(·l5) 1i1'D . ,(t' (77{' "7~ ..b.ko. ' . ·:·.:: .. : .... REQ'.D. 0.A. (MAX.OF D·OR F) -11.k>' ·.·• .. DESIGN .OUTDOOR . AIR . .___ __ ___, '----'-----'--'---""""'-'--.,__-'---"" ""'_-:_-_-:..:::..:::_-~--~-------' ,...'-_-:_-_-:...-:..-:.-:..-:..-=; ::=======::: TOTALS (FOR'MECI-1-2) ·"'1 ·. r:z·, . . ·, 11 . ,o . ~-q;u ~o Minimum Ventilation Rate-per Section§ 12'1-, TabJe 1-F. .. Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at lcast:50% of-Chapter 33 UBC·Occu~antPcnsity .. -·--·-·· ... DAT!: VAVMINIMUM CFM . LARGEST DESIGN MIN. MIN. CFM CFM --.• .. • '11,-.......... ... .. . TRAf FEF Alt- Mustbegreaterthan·o'rcqu;iltoG,oruscTransfcrA1r· ·· · , · . . . .·· , 1 · · · · · · th I T. l De · c1·M X o · l · B X O 4 or less lhr If zone reheat or rccool is used, I must be less than or.ct1ual toD, or.lcs~ an or equa to ota . sign · .3, orless than or equa to · • ; or equal to 300 CFM, whichever is larger. · . ·. . . Must be less than or equal to I (if applicable). but no less than G, unless Transfer Air (K) is use.d. Must be greater than or equal to (G -H), and. for V.A V, greater than or cqu~l to (Q • J). · Nonresidential Con1pliance Form Janu~ry I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I z I- 0: <l'. . ~ (J z z Z MARTIN & DUNN, INC. ::J Structural & Civil Engineers 0 7801 Mission Center Ct., #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-211 B Fax (619) 497-0429 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Le.golan·d Carlsbad (M&D PROJECT NO. 960240.00) , Imagination Center Cluster {FGMP Package) Architect of Record: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum For Building Department Plan Check Submittal October 17, 1997 I I I· I -1 I I 1- 1· I I I I I I I I· I I SUBJECT GE['JERAL PARKWIDE STRUCTURES NORTH COMPLEX SOUTH COMPLEX PUBLIC TOILET BUILDING IMAGINATION CENTER CLUSTER INDEX SECTION A 8 C D I I I I 'I I I 1- I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION A GENERAL PARKWIDE STUCTURES SUBJECT STEEL STUD BEARING WALLS: Material Data Typical Exterior Studs Typical Interior Studs Headers at Openings Jambs at Openings Roof Ledgers INDEX TYPICAL SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE CMU SCREEN WALL STUD SCREEN WALL CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS FENCE POST FOUNDATIONS STEEL SLEEVE BASE FOR WOOD FLAGPOLES SHEET NO. A1-A9 A10-A13 A14 A15-A16 A17-A18 A19-A21 A22 A23-A25 A26-A28 A29-A42 A43-A44 A45-A46 I I I I I I I I I Cl) C Ill a: Cl) ::I 0 > f ll. C '; -Ill 0:: . I .. ,. ,• •-,:R _·:-·:-::-1 ..... , ' ·~.-~;_::.:._,;} I I I I I I- I~--~--l2s1 I A\ OF-4\o lCBO Evaluation Service, Inc. 5360 WORKMAN Mill ROAD • WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601-2299 A subsidiary corporation of the International Conference of Building Officials EVALUATION REPORT Copyright © 1996 ICBO Evaluation Service, Inc. Filing Category: DESIGN-Steel (038) STEEL STUD PARTITION AND JOIST SYST~MS ANGELES METAL SYSTEMS 4817 EAST SHEILA STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90040 I. Subject: Steel Stud Partition and Joist Systems. II. Description: A. General: The steel studs and joists are punched and roll formed in various depths, with the following minimum base metal thicknesses used in desigm Member Type and/or Gage No.26 No.25 No.24 No.22 No.20 No. 18 No. 16 No. 14 No. 12 No. 10 Minimum Design Thickness (inches) (mm) . 0.0172 0.4369 0.0188 6.4775 0.0219 0.5563 0.0283 0.7188 0.0346 0.8788 0.0451 1.1455 6.0566 1.4376 0.0713 1.81.10 0.1017 2.5832 0.1285 3.2639 Steel sections are formed from steel having a minimum 33,000 psi (228 MPa) yield point (ASTM A 653 Grade33 or ASTM A 570.-79 Grade 33) for thicknesses of 0.0172 inch (0.4369 mm) through 0.0451 inch (1.1455 mm) (No.18 gage) and minimum 50;000 psi (345 MPa) yield point (ASTM A 653 Grade 50 or ASTM A 570-79 Grade 50) for thicknesses of 0.0566 inch (1.4376 mm) (No. 16 gage) through 0.1285 inch13.2639 mm) (No. 10 gage). Galvanized coating complies with ASTM A 525-79. Section des- ignations, properties and dimensions, including web punchbut dimen- sions and spacing ar.e set forth in Figure 2, page 2 and Table 1, pages 3 · through 11 of the accompanying booklet, dated April,~ 995; Member des- ignation includes gage number, member type and web depth, as noted in Figure 1 of this report. Maximum web crippling and concentrated loads, are noted in Table 9. B. Nonbearing Partition Heights EC, SS, HD~. XHD, XXHD. a_nd S Series: Allowable nonbearing partition heights using EC, SS, HOS, XHD, · XXHD and S steel stud section properties only, are noted in Table 2 for flex- ible finish and Tables 3 and 4 for br1ttle finishes. Continuous lateral sup- port must be provided for both stud flanges with wall covering or bracing complying with Chapter 22, Division V, and minimum attachments in accordance with the code. See Detail Sheet 2. C. Axial Load-bearlngWall Studs HOS, XHD and XxH·o Series: Allow- Report No. 171 SP Reissued May 1, 1996 b. Joists XHD, HDJ, FJ and XFJ Serles: Allowable span lengths for simple-span joists having various spacings, dead and live loading condi- tions.are set forth in Tables 7 and 8. Span lengths are based on flexure or deflection criteria. Continuous lateral support must be provided for the compression joist flange with sheathing or bracing complying with U.B.C. Chapter22, Division V, and minimum attachment in accordance with the code. E.flre-resistive Construction: Studs, track and joist sections may be used in fire-resistive co11struction where generically indicated in Table 7-B of the Uniform Building Code or in generic assemblies in the Fire Resis- tance Design Manual, 13th edition, as published by the Gypsum Associa- tion. Stud types, minimum depth and steel thickness shall be consistent with those described therein. F. Tables and Details: The booklet entitled "Angeles Metal Systems," dated April, 1995, is distributed with this report. The following tables and detail sheets are-part of this report: Table 1 2 3 4 5 Q 7 8 9 Detail Sheet 1 2 Items Structural Properties of Studs, Joists and Track. Allowable Non bearing Partition Heights, In.Feet, with Flexible Finish (L/120). Allowable Nonbearing Partition Heights, in Feet, with Brittle Finish (L/240). Allowable Nonbearing Partition Heights, inFeet, with Brittle Finish (L/360). Allowable Axial'Load Bearing Studs Allowable Axial Load Bearing Studs with Minimum %-inch (9.5 mm) Gypsum Board Allowable Span Lengths (Feet) for Pur- .lins and Joists, Simple Span, (fo-r-Total Load) Based on Flexure. Allowable Spans (Feet) for Purlins and Joists, Sill'tple Span, (for Live Load) Based oil Deflection Allowable· Concentrated Loads (Single Member) Items Covered Web Stiffeners for Studs and Joists Lateral Bracing Details Page No. 3 12 16 20 24 42 44 46 49 Page No. 52 52 able axial loads and allowable combined axial.and·wind loads for various G. ld~iltification: Each stud, joist and track is identified with the heights and spacings based on mechanical bracing at-various spacings manuf~cturer's name (AMS), ICBO ES Report No. 1715, minimum base on center and sheathing on both sides for lateral stability in accordance metalthickness and50 ksi (345 MPa) yield strength, if greater than 33 ksi with Chapter 22, Division V, (CS) ofthe code are noted in Table 5. (228 MPa), stamped onto the web section at 24 inches (610 mm) on Allowable axial loads and allowable combined axial and wind loads center. based on minimum %-inch (9.5 mm) gypsum board attached to born··----111: Evidence Submitted: Descriptive details, allowable spans and cal- sides in accordance with Chapter 12, Division V. (D4.3) are noted in Table eµlations in accordance with Acceptance Criteria for Steel Studs, Joists 6. and Tracks dated January 1994. Evaluation reports of ICBO Evalualion Service, Inc., are issued solely to provide information to ClasiA members of ICBO, utilir.ing the code upon which the report is based. Evaluation reports are not to be cons/rued as represe11ting aestl,etics or any ot/1er.attributes not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement or recommen• datio11 for use of tl,e subject repo11. · This reporl is based upon independent tests or other tech1_1ica/ data submitted by the applicant. The IC.BO Evaluation Service, Inc., tech11ical staff has reviewed tl,e test results and/or other data, but does not possess test facilities to make an i11dependent rerification. There is no wa"anty by ICBO,El'aluation Service, Inc., express ur implied, as to any "Findi11g" or other matter in tl,e repo11 oras to any product co1•ered by the report. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merc/iantabi/ity. Page 1 of2 I I I I I I I I I I Steel Gauge Thickness I Min Edge Dist I 25 22 g 20 N --18 I 16 .c u C 14 !::! 12 M Hin. Spacing of Screws c. to c. -I \ I WAFER HEAD Formetal·to metal framing conn~ctions when drywall, plywood and other similar wall materials are·used on metal studs and joists. Metal thickness -25, 22 and 20 gauge. ' BUGLE HEAD ·For drywall at.tachment to metal St!JdS and joist. Also used for attaching cabinets through gypsum board and insulation board. Metal thickness " 25,22 and 20 gauge. HEX HEAD-SELF DRILLING WITH NEOPRENE WASHER For fastening-sheet metal to m·etal studs. joists and purlins where water tight S$al is necessary. Metal thickness -20, 18, 16 and 14 gauge. BUGLE HEAD-SELF DRILLING For drywall attachment to metal' studs and joists. Also used for attaching cabinets through gypsum board anp insulation board. Metal thickness -20, 18, 1 6 and 14 gauge. WAFER HEAD~SELF DRILLING For metal to metal framing connections when drywall, plywood and other similar wall materials are used on metal studs and joists. Metal thickness -20, 18, 16 and 14 gauge. HEX HEAD-SELF DRILLING For attaching steel deck, backup plates, door frames, lathers channel to metal framing and structural connections. Metal thickness -20, 18, 16 and 14 g_i3uge. SUGGESTED DESIGN LOADS FOR SCREW CONNECTIONS (pounds) SCREW SIZE No. 12-14 No. 10-16 No. 8-18 No. 6-Sl2 !T•.153•) JT•.125') (T•.125") (T•.106') TYPE OF LOADING . Shear Pullout Hin Shear Pullout Hin Shear Pullout Hin Sheor Pullout or Edge or Edge or· Edge or Bearing Dist eur;ng Dist . Beorlng Dist During -- ---33 137 37 g .c --g 202· ,89 194 13 ] 186 52 114 N 95 !::! 256 N 257 1H --260 230 85 :::: -M 453r 184 415· 175 ~2 153 262 136 .540 252 -·--:5---506 238 .c 362 203 .c 320 183 ,. ] ~ .!; 657 354 517 335 .. 405 306 .. -292 ~ -ti ::: 662 544 -447 -383 -350 ------.. - 9/16 inch 1/2 jnch 3/8 1n~h 5/16 inch !~(.J . . ' rir.~OTES: · ll;i.V 1. Shear and pullout allowables based on average test results with a safety factor of 3.0, Test data available from s~rew manufacturers !i.e. Grabber, Buildexl. 2. When connecting materials of different g~uge, use loads shown for the lighter gauge. . ' 3. Steel gauge thicknesses 25. 22, 20 and 18 -Fy = 33ksi 16, 14, & 12-Fy := 50ksi -------29 I I I I I I I I I I I A3 TABLE I: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF STUDS, JOISTS, AND TRACK (CONTINUED) MEMBER MINIMUM WEIGHT D~GNATION DESIGN (lbs/fl) \ TIIICXNESS (inches) 20HDS158 0.0346 0.529 20HDS250 0,0346 0.632 20HDS350 0.0346 0.749 20HDS358 0.0346 0,764 ,-. "'lHDS400 0.0346 0.808 · ::_\JHDS550 0.0346 0.984 -~. 20HDS600 0.0346 ,!,043 18HDS250 0.0451 · 0.840 18HDS350 0.0451 0.994 18HDS358 0.0451 1.013 18HDS400 0.0451 1.010· 181IDS550 0.0451 1.300 20, 1.250" 18, 16, aud 1.4-"IIDS" Punched · C-Stud .093" inside radius , · --~ W<>b Depth O.D •. ·-·· EFFEC'll~SECTION .325" for 20 GAUGE .433" for rB & 16 GAUGE .46-1" for 14 GAUGE Punched hole: 3/f" for 1-5/0~ and 2-1/2"' web depth and j-,J/2" !or 3-1/2" and larger web depth. TORSIONAL SECTION GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES PROPERTIES MOMENT PROPERTIES . CAPACITY Area !xx Rx Iyy I Ry IXll Sx Area Ma Xo I J Cw I Ro I .B (in A2\ (inA4\ (inA3\ <inA4\ <inA3) (inA4) (inA3\ <in".'2\ /in-lbs\. /in\ (inA4) (in A6) . (in) 0.156 0.071" 0,674 0.034 0.4~7-0,071 0.057. 0.156-1671 -1.154 6.214E-05, 0.023 1.415 0.336 0.156 0.189 ·1.007 0.040 0.4_62 0.189 ·0.1-51 0.156 . 2593 -1.014 7.422E-05 0,054 1.502 0.544 0.2~1 0.411 1.366 0.044 0;449 0,411 0.235 0.221 4507 -0,896 8.803E-05 0.110-1,694 0.720 0:225 0.447 1.409 0.045 0.447 0.447 0.246 0.225 4725 -0.883 8,975E-05 0.119' 1.722 0.737 0.238 0.563 1.538" 6.046 0.441 0.563 0.282 0.238 5401 -0.848 9.493E-05 0,148 1.811 0.781 0.290 1.205 2,039: 0.050 0.417 1,205 0.438 0.290 8428 -0.732 1.15$-04 0,302 2.206 0.890 0.307 1.4~9 2.202 0.051 ·o.409 1,489 0.496 0,307 !?551 -0.701 1.22~-04 0.368 2.347 0.911 0.247 0.245 0,994 0.055 0.473 0,245 0.196 0.247 3868 ' '--L091 l.678E-04 0.085 1.550 0.505 0.293 0.538 J.357 0.062 · 0.461 0.538 0.308 o.i9~ 6079 -0.963 l.984E-04 0,167 1.726 0.689 0.298 0.585 1.401' 0.063 0.459 0.585 0.323 0.298 6377 -0.950 2.022£-04 0.180 1.753 0.707 0.315 0.739 1.531 0.065 0.454 0.739 0.369 0,315 7298 -0,912 2.137E-04 0.221 1.839 0.754 0.383 1.587 2.036 0.071 0.431 1.587 0.577 0.383-11405 -0,788 2.595E-04 0,444 2.226 0.875 1- ,_··,I I r 18HDS600 0.0451 1;376 0.405 1.962 2.200 0.073 0.423 1.962 0.654 0.405 12923 '--0.754 2.748E-04 0.539 2.364 0,898 ~'-: 1811DSl!OO 0.0451 1.683 0.496 3.996 2.840 0,078 0.396 3,996 0.999 0:496 19740 -0.(>46 3.36(1!-04 1.030 2.939 0.952 16HDS250 0.0566 1.044 0.307 0.301 0.989; 0.067-0.468 0.301 0.;!40 , 0.307 7200 -1.079 3.283E-04 0.102 1.536 0.507 I 16IIDS350 0.0566 1.236 0.364 0.664 1.350· 0.076 0.456. 0.664 0.379 0.364 11357 -0.952 3.8871!-04 0.201 1.714 0.691 16HDS358 0.0566 1.260 0.371 0.721 1.394 0.076 , 0.454 0.721 0.398 Cl.371 11917 -0.938 3.963E-04 0.217 1.741 0.709 16HDS400 0.0566 1.332 0.392 0.912 1.525 0,079 0:448 0.912 0.456 0.392, 13651 -0.900 4.1891:-04 0,267 1.826 0.757 l.- 16HDS550 0.0566 1.621 0.477 1.965 2.029 0.086 0.425 1,965 0.7U 0.477 21389 -0.777 5.096E-0~ 0.538 2.214 0.877 .. 16HDS600 0.05(,6- __ .... 1.717 . 0.506 2.430 2.192 0,088 . 0.418 2.430 0.810 0.506 24252 -0.744 5.398E-04 0.653 2.353 0.900 16HDS800 0.0566 2.101 0.619 4.959 2.831 0,094 0.390 4.959 1.240 0.619 371XI -0.637 6;607E-04 1.251 2.928 0.953 16HOS1000 0.0566 2.486 0.732 8.72_6 3.453 0.098 0.366 8.726 1.745 0,732 41930 -0.558 7.8161:-04 2.076 3.5!7 0,915 14HDS250 0.0713 1.311 0.356 0.371 0.980 0.083 0,465 0.371' 0.29_7 0.386 . 8884 -1.084 6.544E-04 0.130 1.534 0.500 I 14HDS350 0.0713 1.554 0,457 0.824 1.342 0.094 0.453 0.824 0.471, 0.457 14099 -0.956' 7.752E-04 0.253 1.709 0.687 14HDS358 0.0713 1.584 0.466 0.896 1.386 0.095 0.451 0.896 0.494 0.466 14802 -0.942 7.903E-04 0.272 1,736 0.705 ,, UHDS400 0.0713 1.615 0.493 !;134' 1.517 0.098 0.446 1.134 0.567 (l:493 16979 -0.903 8.3561!-04 0.336 1.821 0.754 I ·. :-:·>-nHDS550 0.0713 2.038 0.600 ·2.452 2.022 0.107 0.423 2.452 '0,892 0.600 266116 -0.779 1.017E-03 0,673 2.208 0.875 -~;..,4HDS600 0.0713 2.159 0.636, 3.036 2.185 0.110-0.416 ~.036 .1.012 0.636 30296 -0.746 l.077E-03 0.8111 2.346 0.899 l4HDS800 0.0713 2.643 0.778 6.208 2.824 0.117 0.388 6.208 1.552 0.778 46471 · -0.638 1.31111?-03 1.565 · 2.921 0.952 I 14HDS1000 0.0713 3.127 0.921 10.938 3.446· 0.123 0.365. 10,?38 ~.188 . o_.921 654?7 -0.559 l.561E-03 ~.596 3.510 0.9'15 I 1,r- TABLE I: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF STUDS, JOISTS, AND TRACK (CONTINUED) 1 I ' - • I MEMBER DESIGNATION ,~--~-·::~~-----. .; . ~·· .. _ I ! • j ' ' ~ ... I I t -SJD ' • 20XHD350 20XHD358 20XHD400 20XHD550 20XHDOOO 18XHO3S0 18XHO358 18XHD400 18XHD550 18XHDOOO 18XHD!OO 16XHO350 16XHD358 16XHD400 16XHD550 16XHDCSOO 16XHD!OO 16XllDIOOO 1'XHD350 l4XHD358 14XHD400 14XHD550 14XHIXOO 14XHD!OO 14XHOIOOO MINIMUM WEIGHT DESIGN (lbs/Ct) THICXNESS (Inches) 0.0346 0.667 0.0346 0.902 0.0346 0.946 0.0346 1.122 0.0346 1.181 0.0451 1.148 0.0451 -1.167 0.0451 1.225 0.0451 1.455 0.0451 1.531 0.0451 1.837 0.0566 1.430 0.0566 1.454 0.0566 1.526 .. 0.0566 1.815 0.05Ci6 . ' 1.911 0,05Ci6 2.295 0.0566 2.680 0.0713 1.785 0.0713 1.615 0.0713 1.906 0.0713 2.269'. 0.0713 2.390 0.0713 2.874 0.0713 3.358 20, 18, 16, & 14 "XHD" Punche·d C-Stud .563" Typical ------· 1.625" Punched hole: 1-1/2" for 3-1/2" and larger web depth. Web Depth O.D . EFFECTIVESECI1ON TORSIONAL SECTION GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES. J'ROPERTIES MOMEl'IT PROPERTIES CAPACITY Are& !xx Rx Iyy Ry Ia Sx Are& Ma Xo 1 Cw Ro I s (in"2) (in"~) · (in "3)· (in"4) (in "3) (in"4) (in"3) (in"2) <in-lbc) (in) (in "4) /ln"6) (in) 0.261 0.512 1.400 0.102 0.626 0.512 0.292 0.261 ·5569' -1.399 1.042:E-04 0.301 2.()76 0.546 0.265 0.555 1.446 0.103 0.624 0.555 0.306 0.265 5834 -1.382 1.05\lE-04 0.322 2.096 0.565 0.278 0.698 1.583 0.107 0.620 0.698 0.349 0.278 6654 -1.334 1.ll!E-04 0.391 2.161 0.619 0.330 1.47~. · 2.111 0.118 0.599, 1.472 0.535 0.330 10259 -1.175 1.311!8-04 0.158 2.489 0.777 _, 0.348 1.810 .. 2.282 0.122 0.S~I 1.810 0.603 .. 0.348 11576 -1.131 1.387E-!J4 0.914 2.615 0.813 9.338 0.658 1.395 0.130' Q.621 0.658 0.376 0.338 7427 -1.389 2.292:E-04 0.381 2.064 0.547 0.344 0.714 1.441 0.132 ' 0.619 0.714 0.394 0.344 7780 -1.372 2.33!E-04 0.408 2.084 'i).567 0.361 0.897 1.577 0:136 0.6i5 0.897 0.449 0.361 8867 -1.324 2.445E-04 0.496 2.149 ~21 0.428 1,898 2.105 0.151 0.594 1.898·_ 0.690 0.428 13641 -1.165 2.904E-04 0.962 2.478 0.779 0.451 2.335 2.276 0.15~ 0.586 2.3_35 0.778 0.451 15382 -1.121 3.057E-04' 1.161 2.604 0.815 0.541 4.675 2.939 0.167 0.556 4.675 1.169 !).541 2j094. -0.97_7 3.66\lE-04 2.190 3.147 0.904 0.421 0.513 1.389 ' 0.160 0.615 0.813 0.464 0.421 13905 -1.377 4.495E-04 0.463 2.050 0.549 0.428 0.882 1.435 0.162 0.614 0.882 0.487 0.428 145'l0 -1.3150 4.S73E-04 0.495 2.070 0.568 0.449 1.110 1.572 0.167 0.610 1.110 0.555 0.449 16619 -1.312 4.&0CE-04 0.603 2.136 0.623 0.534 2.354 2.099 0.185 o.su 2.354 '0.856 '0.534 ~625 -1.154 5.70fiE-04 1.174 2.466 0.781 0.563 2.897 2.269 . 0.190 I ' 0.581 2.897 0,966' 0.563 28913 · --1.no 6.00llE-04 1.417 2.592 0.816 •· ,-~--'" ---·- 0.676 5.809 2,932· 0.2()5 0.550 5,899 1.452 0.676 434113 -,.0.967 7.217E-04 2.678 3.136 0.905 °'789' 10.073 3.573 0.216 0.523 10.073 2.015 0.789 502(,6 -0.859 8.42(£-04 4.423 3.712 0.946 --.. 0.525 1.004 1.382', 0.195, 0.609 1.004 0.573 0.525 1716') -1.362 8.905E-04 0.SS9 2.034 0.551 0.534 1,090 -1.428 0.197 0.607 1.090 0.601 0.534 17997 -1.345 9.056E-04 0.598 2.054 0.571 0.561 1.373 1.564 0.204 0.603 1.373 0.686 0.561 205~· -1.297 9.SOllE-04 0.729 2.120 0.625 o.~ 2.919 2.090 · 0.226 ·0.581 2.919 1.061 0,668 31781 -1.140 1.132:E-03 1.425 2.4SI 0,784 0.704 3.596 2.260 0.232 0.574 3.596°. 1.199 0.704 3SU4 -1.096 t.193E-03 1.722 2.:577 0.819 0.846. 7:226 2.922· 0.250 0.543· 7.226 l;&06 0.846 540M -0.954 l.43E-03 3.262 3.121 0.907 0.989 12.549 3.562 0:263 ().516 · 12.549 2.SI0 0.989 75142 -o.846 l.676E-o., 5.395 3,698 0.948 .. ' --... , __ - I I ' ~ , r F, ---- ---v,) .p.. (;· ... · ... ,•,,•. I: ----------------... _. .... ,--~-·-.... ,..,. SPAONG AlLOW WJNDINCPIO STUDNAME (In.) AXIALLOAD 5 JO 15 20 25 30 40 12 0.194 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS158 16 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.526 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS2SO 16 0.526 0.148 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.526 0.000 0.000 I 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.686 0.316 I 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.968 \0.023 20HDS350 16 0.968 0.550 0.115 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 24 0.968 0.316' 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 i.029 0.75S 0.370 0.065 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS3S8 16 1.029 0.614 . 0.161 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.029 0.370 0.000 0.000 ·_o.ooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.209 0,972 0.549 ·0.209 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 : 20HDS400 16 1.209 0.818 0.316 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.209 0.549 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.679 1.679 1.276 0.893 0.548 0.232 0.000 0.000 ,20HDS550 16 1.679 1.560 J.016 0.548 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.679 1.276 0.548 ·o.ooo 0.000, 0,000 0.000 0.000 12· 1.652 1.652 1.391 J.045 0.726 0.429' 0.149 0.000 20HDS600 16 1.652, 1.640 1.157 0.726 0.334 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.652 t.391 . 0:i26 0.149 0.000 O.QOO 0.000 0.000 12 1.527 1.527 1.463 J.192 0.929 0.675 0.428' 0.000 '· A20HDS800 16 1.527 1.527 1.281· 0.929 · 0.592 0.267 0.000 0:000 '. 24 1.527 1.463 0.929 0.428 · 0.000 0.000 '0.000 0.000 1,:: 12 0,716 0.431 0.153 0.000 0.000 ·0.000 0.000 0.000 'i' 18HDS250 16 0.7J~ 0.328 -0.~ (i.000 0:000 0:000 0.000 0.000 24 0.716 0.153 0.000 .o.ooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ' 12 1.371 1.127 0.695 0.353 · 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 18HDS350 16 1.371 0.969, 0.460 0.060 · 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 l 24 1.371 0.695 0.060 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 12 1.492 1.252 0.795 0.432 0.122' 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 18HDS358 16 J..492 1.085 0.546 0.122 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.4112 0.195 0.122 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.778 1.598 1.091 ·0.683 0.332 0.020 0.000 0.000 18ltDS400 16 1.778. · 1.413 0.811 0.332 -0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.778 1.091 0.332 . '0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.559 , 2.5511 2.250 1.786 1.368 0.984 0.627 0.000 18HDS550 16 2.559 2.559 1.935 1.368 0.862 0.401 0.000 0.000· 24 2.559 2.250 1.368 0.627 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.532 2.532 2.407 1.991· 1.607 1.248 D.910 0.285 i J8HDS600 16 2.532 2.532 ' 2.,., .. 1,fi07 1 .~. 0.695 n?O< . nnnn 24 2.532 · 2.407 1.607 D.910 , 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2391 2.391 2.3111· 2.391 . 2.157 1.914 1.677 1.218 18HDS800 16 2.391 2.391 2.391' 2.157 1.835 1.522 1.218 0.634 24 2.391 2.391 2.157 J.677 1.218 0.777 !).352 0.000 12 0.893 0.752 0.504 0.310 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 16H~S250 16 0.893 0.661 0.371 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 0.893 o.~04 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P •• -... --.... _.,_ 50 60 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 ' 0.000' 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.QOO 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ·0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.09() 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 ·o.ooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -"""" nnM 0.000 0.000 0.777 0.352 0.076 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 l 0.000 " 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 !).000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000· .o.ooo ·o.ooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ,- I · .' :I \': ':; '.,·' 0.000 ' 0.000 0.000 0.000 nnM ~ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - -----.- SPACING ALLOW STUDNAME (in.) AXIALLOAD 5 10 IS 12 1.709 1.709 1.358 1.057 l6HDS350 16 1.709 1.594 1.152 0.798 24 1.709 1.358 0.798 0.357 12 1.862 1,862 1.512 1.194 J6HDS358 16 1.862 J.762 1.294 0.919 24 1.862 1.512, 0.919 0,451 12 2.3;44 2,344 2.020· J.650 16HDS400 16 2.344 2.309 J.766 1.329 24 2.344 . 2.020 J.329 0.781 12 3.625 3.625 3.625 3.406 16HDS550 16 3.625 3.625 3.541. 3.024 24 3,625 3.625 3.024 2.340 12. 3.550 3.sso; ··3.550 3.550 16HDS600, 16 3.550 3.550 3.550, 3,247 24 3.550 .3.5501 ,3.247 2.632 12 3.244 3.244' 3.244 3.244 16HDS800 16 3.244 3.244', 3.244 3.244 24 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.185 12 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 l6HDSIOOO 16 2.971 2.971 · 2.971 2.971 24 2.971 2.971 2.971' 2.971 Ii J;J28 1,017 0.739 0.521, 14HDS250 16 1.128 0.914 0.589 0.336 24 1.128 0.739 0336 0.024 12 2.166 2.166 1.879 1.144 14HDS3~0 16 2.166 2.-141 J.650 i.~5 24 2.166 1.879 1.255 0.760 . 12 2.360 2.360 , 2.084 1.730 l4HDS358 16 2.360 2.360 1.842 '1.423 24 2.360 2.084 1.423 0.899 12 2.999 2.999 2.774 2.359 14HDS400 16 2.999 2.999 2.490 1.999 24 ,2.999 2.774 1.999 1382 12 4.906 4.906 4.906 4.880 14HDS550 16 4.906 4.906 4.906 4.436 24 4.906 4.906 4.436 3.639 12 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.826 14HDS600 16 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.727 24 4.826 4.826 4.727 -4.016 12 4.464 _ 4.464 4.464 4.464 14HDS800 16 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 24 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 12 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 l4HDS1000 16 4.119 4.119 4.119 (419 24. 4.119 4.119 4.ll9 . 4.119 12 1.305 1.030 0.W7 0.256 20XHD3~ 16 1.305 0.871 0.363 0.000 24 1.305 0.!197 0.000 0.000 1715-P -- - -------· ----------- WINDIN(psO 20 25 30 40 50 60 0.798 0.567 0.357 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.495 0.225 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.919 0.674 0.451 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.598 0.312 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.051 0.000· 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 J.329 1.043 0.781 0.312 0.000 0.000 0,953 0.618 0.312 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.312 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3,024' 2.670 2.340 1.732 i.179 0.670 2.558 2.130 1.732 1.005 0.349 0.000 1.732 J.1?9 0.670 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.247 2.932 2.632 2,071 1.552 J.067 2.830 2.440 2.071 1.387 ,. 0.760 0.1:76 ·2.011 1.552 1.067 0.176 0.000 0.000 3;244 3.244 3.185 2.827 2.419 2.140 3.244 3.065 2.827 -2365 1.918 1.486- '2.827 2.479 2.140 1.~ . 0.860 0.259 2.971 2.971 , 2.971 2,813 2.535 2.260 2.971 2.971 2.813 2.443 2.078 1.720 2.813 2.53.'.I 2.260 · 1.720 1.191 0,673 · 0.336 0.112· 0:024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.121, . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 1.255 0.996 0.760 0.338 0.000 0.000 _0.915 0.613 0.338 . o.oop 0.000' 0.000 0.338 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.423 1.149 0.899 0.451' 0.052· 0.000 1.063 . 0.743 0.451 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.451 0.052 0.000 -0.000 . 0.000 0.000 1.999 1.677• 1.382 0.854 · 0.384 0.000 1.576 1.198 0.854 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.854 0.38,4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.436 4.024 3.639 2.932 2.289 J.696 3.893 3.395 2.932 2.087 1.324 0.622 2.932 2.289 1.696 0.622 0.000 0.000 4.727 4.363 4.016 3.368 2.767 2.205 4.245 3.794 3.368 2.575 1.848 1.171- 3.368 2.767 2.205 1.171 0.231 0.000 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.265 3.871 3.486 4.464 4.464 4.265 3.742 3.235 2.742- 4.265 3.871 3.486 2.742 2.029 1.344 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4,119 3.941 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.109 3.774 ·3.443 4.ll9 4.119 3.941 3.443 2.952 2.470 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 - - 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 ~ 0.000 0.000 0.000 ·0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 ~ 0.390 0.000 0.000 1.646 0,860 0.000· 1.854 --l 1.191 ' 0.000 0.000 0.000_ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.879 0.000 0.000 1.419 0.231 0.000 2.925 2.029 0.360 3.566 2.952 1.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 r-1 r,.. --4 2 C) p _)> o' -- - (:':::. 11111 v,) .p.. 'ABLE5 i .·.·.··, '•,, ALLO ). :·: ---- SPACING Al.LOW S1UDNAME (in.) AXIALI..OAD 5 12 , 0.194 0.019 20HDS158 16 0.194 0.000 24 / 0.194 0.000 12 0.526 0.238 20HDS250 16 0.526 o:148 24 0.526 0.000 12 0.968 Q.686 20HDS350 16 0.968. 0.550 24 0.968 0.316 12 1.029 0.755 20HDS358 16 1.029 0.614 24 1.029 0.370 12 1.209 0.972 20HDS400 16 1.209 0.818. 24 1.209 0.549 12 1.679 1,679· 20HDS550 16 1.679 1.560 24 1,679 1.276 12 1.652 1.652 20HD~ 16 1.652 . 1.640 24, 1.652, 1,391- 12 1.527 1.527 420HDS800 16 1.527 1.527 24 1.527 1.463 12 0.716 ,0.431 18HDS250 16 0.716 0.328 24 0.716 ,0.153 12 1.371 1.127 18HDS350 16 1.371 0.969 24 1.371 0.695 12 1.492 1.252 18HDS358 16 1.492' 1.085 24 1.492 , ,0.795 12 1.778 1.598 18HDS400 16 1.778 1.413 24 1.778 1.091 12 2_159 2_159 18HDS550 16 2.559 2.559 24 2.559 . 2.250 12 2.532 2_132 .::, 18HDS600 16 B32 2.532 24 2.532 2.407 12 2.391 2.391 ~ 18HDS800 16 2.391 2,391 24 2.391 2.391 12 0.893 -0.7!12 16Hp52!10 16 0.893 0.661 24 0.893 0.!104 @) ----\ -- -- -,---------------· ......... ·--...... .., -·- WIND IN (psi) 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ;0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.316 0.023 0.000 0.000 ' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.11s-0.000 (l.000 0.000 ·o.ooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 : 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· 0.000 ·o.ooo 0.000 . 0.370 0.065 · 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.161 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.oo:r 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.!149 0.209' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.316 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.000-0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ,0.000 0.000, 0.000 , 0.000 0,000 0.000, O.QOO , 1.276 0.893 0.548 0.2,32_ 0.000' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.016 0.548 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0_145 ·0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Q.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 l.39i 1.045 0.726 0.429 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 1.157 0.726 0.334 0.(X)() 0.000 0.000 . 0.000, , 0.000 0.09() (),726 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OCIQ 0.000, '0.000 0.000, 1.463 1.192 0.929 0.675 0.428 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 1.281 0.929 0.592 0.267 0.000 0.000 0.09() 0.000 0.000 0.929 0.428 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.153 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0(l4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.000 o.qoo , 0.000 0.000 ; 0:000 0.000 '0.000 o._ooo· 0.000 0.000 0.000 •0.000 :o.ooo 0.695 0.353 ·0.060' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 , 0.460 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.795 0.432 0.122 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.546 0.12~ 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 '0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.122 . 0.000 . 0.000 , 0.000, 0.000' 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 1.091' 0.683 0.332 0.020 0.000 0.000 ·o.ooo ·o.ooo 0.000 0.811 0.332 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.332 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.250 1.786 1.368 0,91,4 0.627 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.935 1.3~8 0.862 0.401 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.368 0.627 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· 2.407 1.991 1.607 1.248 0.910 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.126 1.607 1.134 0.695 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.607 0.910 0.285 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.391 2.391 2.157 1.914 1.677 1.218 0.777 0.352 0.000 2.391 2.151 1.835 1.!122 1.218 0.634 0.076 0.000 0.000 2.1!17 1.677 1.218 0.777 0.352 ,0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.504 0.310 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 o.~ 0.000 0.000 0.371 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 o. 0.000 0.000 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000_ O.OCIQ 0.000 0.000 1715-P .. --------, .. · .. ·. r\/) TABLE!I -ALLOWABLE AXIAL LOAD-BEARING SlUDS (KIPS) 16'-0" HIGH, BRACED AT• SPACING ALLOW WIND IN (psi) S11JDNAME (in.) AXIALLOAD !I 10 15 20 25 30 40 12 1.709 1.709 1.358 1.057 0.798 0-~67 0.357 0.000 16HDS3!10 16 1.709 1.594 1.152 0.798 0.495 0.225 0.000 0.000 24 1.709 !.3!18 0.798 0.3!17 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.862 1.862 1.512 1.194 0.919 0.674 0.451 0.051 16HDS358 16 1.862 1.762 1.294 0.919 0.598 0.312 0.051 0.000 24 1.862 1.512 0.919 0.451 0.0~1 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.344 2.344 2.020 J.650 1.329 1.043 0.781 0.312 16HDS400 . 16 2.344 2.309 1.766 J.329 0.9!13 0.618 0.312 0.000 24 2:344 2.020 1.329, 0.781 0.31,2 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 3.625 3.625 3.625 3.406 3.024 '2.670 2.340 ·1.732 16HDS550 16 3.625 3.625 3.541 3.024 2.558 2.130 1.732 1.005 24 3.625 3.625. 3.024 2.J40 _l.732 1,179 , 0.670 0.000 12 3.550 3.550 3_150 3.550 3.247 2.932' 2.632 · 2.071 ~ 16HDS600 16 3.550 3.550 3.!150 3.247 2.830 2.440 2.071 1.387 24 3.5!10 , 3.550 3:247 2.632 2.071 1.552 1.067 0.17,6 12 3.244 3.244 ,3.244' 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.18!1 ' 2.827 --,. 16HDS800 16 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.065 2.827 2.365 24 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.185 2,827 · 2.479 2.140-1.486 ! 12 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.813 16HDSIOOO /6 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971' 2.971 __ 2.971 2.813 2.443 24 2.9?~ . .J.-97J_ 2.971' 2.971 2.8i3 2 . .53.5 ' 2.260 '1.720 12 1.128 1.017 0.7;t9 0 . .521' ·0.336 0.172 0.024 o:ocK1 14HDS250 16 1.128 0.914 o.~89 0.336 6.121 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.128 0.739 0.336 0.024 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.166 2.166 1.879 1 • .544 1.25.5 0.996' 0.760 0.33~ 14HDS3.50 16 2.166 2.141 J.650 1.255 0.91.5' 0.613 0.338 0.000 24 2.16~ 1.879 1.25.5 · 0.7~ 0.338' , 0.000 0.000 0.000 -12 2.360 2.360 2.084, 1.730: 1.423 1.149 0,899 0.4,:l°J 14HDS358 16 2.360 2.360 J.842 1.423 1.063-0.743 · 0.4.51 0.000 24 2.360 2.084 1.423 0.899 0.451_ 0.052 0.000 0.000 12 2.999 2.999 2.774 2.359 1.999 1.677 1.382 0.854 l4HDS400 16 2.999 2.999 2.490 1.999 l.!176 1.198 0.854 0.238 24 2.999 2.774 1.999 1.382 , 0.854 0.384 0.000 0.000 12 4.906 4.906 4.906 4.880 4.436 4.024 3.639 2.932 14HDS550 16 4.906 4.906 4.906 4.436 3.893 3.395 2.932 2.087 24 4.906 4.906 4.436 3.639 2.932 2.289 1.696 0.622 12 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.363 4.016 3.368 14HDS600 16 4.826 4,826 4.826 4.727 4.245 3.794 3.368 2 . .57!1 24 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.016 3.368 2.'767 2.205 1.171 i2 4.464 4.464. 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.265 rl--14HDSSOO 16 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.4,64 4.464 4.464 4.26.5 3.742 24 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.265 3.871 3.486 2.142 12 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 '--, .. 14HDSIOOO 16 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.U9 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.109 24 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 3.941 3.443 12 1.30.~ 1.030 0.597 0.256 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20XHD3:.0 16 1.305 0.871 0.363 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.305 0.597 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P -,.c .. 50 60 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000, '0.000 1.179 0.670' 0.349 0.000 0.000 O.OOQ 1.552 1.067 0.760 0.176 O.QOO 0.000 2.479 2.140 1.918 1.486 0.860 0.259 2.535 2.260 , 2.078 1.720 . 1.191 0.673' O.(KKI (l.CKKJ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.052 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.384, 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.289 1.696 1.324 0.622 0.000 0.000 2.767 2.205 1.848 1.171 -75 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.390 0.()90 ·o.ooo· '1.646 0.860 0.000 1.8.54 1.191 0.000 · 0,!XJ0 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000· 0.000 · .0.000· O.QOO 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 6.879 0:000 . 0.000 1.419 0.231 ~ ~ ~ f C-t ~ II/Jo 0.231 0.000 , 0.000_ 3.871 3.486 3.235 2.742 2.029 1.344 4.119 3.941 3.774 3.443 2.952 2.470 . ' 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.925 2.029 0.360 3.566 2.9.52 1.760 0.000 0.000 0.000 )>, ~ • ,--7, ... _ .. ;.,-·;,-;---·,r:".:I:-:·:-'.·--.··:-_-.... ;: ·: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1<J I 10 Al TABLE I: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF STUDS, JOIST, AND TRACK (CONTINUED) t{(;/\-9~:S . -Ht; t-roe;t-S l 18, 16 & 14 "HDJ" · 6" & 08" Web. Dep.th Floor Joist 16 & 14 "HDJ" 1011 & 12" Web Depth Floor Joist 1,625" ,093" inside rodiu~ Web De th O.D. Web Oe . th o.o. 16, 14, & 12 "FJ" floor Joist 2.-750" .219" Jnside rocf..,._ -. .C33" for 18 k 16 GAUG[ [ .461 ", ror u GAUGE i 6, 1.4, 12, & 10 "XFJ" 6" ond 8" Web Depth · Floor Joist ~.00011 .250" inside radius .<1133" typ. 16 GA. .[ .461" lyp. 14 Gf,, 16, 14, 12, & 1 D "XFJ" 1011 ond 12" Web Depth Floor Joist Web De th 0.0. Web De th 0.0. Web Depth 0.0. MEMBER MINIMUM DESIGNATION DESIGN 1mc;KNESS (inches) l8HDJOOO 0.0451 18HDJ!IOO 0.0451 l6HDJOOO 0.0566 . 16HDJ«xl 0.0566 l6HDJ1000 0.0566 .[ .750" typic:ol WEIGIIT (lbs/ft) GROSS SECilON l'ROPERTIES Arca In Rx Iyy (in"2) (in "4) (in<'3) (in"4) 1.415 0.417 2.061 t.225 0.092 .1.721 0.507 4.173 2.1170 o.09g_ · 1,765 . o.s;o 2.554 . 2.217 0.112 2.U9. 0.633 s.m 2.1161 0,119· ... ~ . -~ .. -· ., .. .i,,,• : 2.629 0.774 9,773 3.553 .. 0.191 .962f' typ. 16, H, 12 GA. f 1.000" lyp. 10 GA. EFFECTIVESECilON -PROPERTIES----.. Ry. In . Sx Arca Jin "3) (in "4) (in"3) (in"l) 0.469 2.061 0.6117 0.417 0.440 4.173 1.043 0.507 -.,. MOMENT CAPACITY Ma (in-lbs) 14536 20705 . 0.464 2:.55~ -0,~,! ~: 0.520 . 25492 0.435 S,1&1 1.295 I~~~---_ .. ):';· 3&781 .. -~--·j ·;i~ii 0.~96 9.773-1.955 0.774 .. ------------- .. Xo (in) -0.549 -0.731 -0.1138 -0.721 ~ ··-0.794 .962" typ. 16, , ... 12 GA.. f 1,000" typ. 10 GA. TORSIONAL SEC110N PROPERTIES J Ow Ro (in "4) (,n"6) (in) t.824E-04 0.679 2.427 3.436E-04 1.299 2.994 5.541!E-04 0.1126 :u15 6.7S7E-04 1.585 2.983 8.261!E-04 3.920 3.67.f' B 0.1178 0.940 0.8110 0.9-i2 0.953 ; -l ' ; i !, ti ' •t -~.~ ("' ,, "· ' ___ , ....... _, .... --l>l ~ (\\. -------·· ------··· ·-\ -. ---·-··--- 1,:\··, ·: ........ ·.,¥ ------------~···--·---'1.· .. ··-.... .,. ... ..., ... ,.,.,""'-'...._,~,.,-v -·- SPACNG ALLOW WIND IN (p,11) S'JUDNAME (In.\ AXIALLOAD 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 SlUDNAME 12 0.194 0.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS158 16 0,194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16HDS350 24 0.194 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· 0.000 0.000 12 0.526 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS250 16 0.526 0.1~ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16HDS358 24 0.526 0.000, 0.000 io.ooo . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 12 0,968 0.686 0.316 'o.023 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS350 16 0.968 0.550 0.115 0.000 0.000 0.000· '0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 16HDS400 24 0.968 0316 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.029 0.755 0.370 0.065 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS3511 16 1.029 0.614 0,161 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ·0.000 0.000 0.000 16HDS550 24 1.029 0.370 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000· 0.000 0.000 ·,0.000 · 0.000, 0.000 : 12 · ' 1.209 0,972 0.549 0.209 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS400j 16' 1.209 0,818 · 0316 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 · 0.000. Q.000 ·o.ooo· . ·o.ooo ~ . 16HDS600 24 1.209 0.549, _0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000· . 0.000 0.000 .o.ooo 0.000 12 1.679 1,679 1.276-0.893 · 0:548. 0.232' 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HD~50 16 1.679, 1.560 1.016 0.548 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.000 !).000 0.000 0.000 16HDS800 24 1,679 1.276 0.548 o:cxxi. 0.000· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.652 1.652 1.391 1.045 0.726 0:429 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20HDS600 16 1.652 1.640 1,137 0.726: 0334 0.000 0.000 0.000 Ci.000 0.000 0.000 16HDSIOOO 24 1.652 1391 0.726 0.149 0.000 '0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 • 1.527 1.527 1.463· 1.192 0.92? 0.675 0.428 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ~201:ID~' 16 · 1.527 1.527, 1,281 0.929 0.592 0.267 . 0.000 · 0,000 0.000 0.000 .o.ooo: t4HDs2.,o 24 ' 1.527 '1.463 0.929 0.428 0.000 , 0.000 ·0.000: 0.000 , 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 12 , 0,716, 0.431, 0.153 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 O.<ioo 0:000 0.000 18HDS250 16 .0.716 0.328 0.004 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14HDS350 24 · 0.716 0.153 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000, 0.000 12 1371 1.127 0.695 0353 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 · ll.000 · 0.000 0.000 18HDS350 16 1371 0.969 0.460 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 0.000 14HDS358 24 . 1.371 0.695 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 1.492 1.252 0.795 0.432 Q.122 0.000 0.000 , 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 18HDS358 16 1.492 1.085 0.546 0.122 0.000 '0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOP 0.000 0.000 14HDS400 24' . 1.492 0.795 0.122 0.000 :0,000 '· 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 . , 0.000 0.000 i2 1.778 1.598 1.091 0.683 0332 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ' 0.000 18HDS400 16 1,778 1.413 0.811 0332 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 '0.000 0.000 14HDS550 24 1.778 1.091 0332 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ,0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.559 2.559 2.250 1.786 1368 0.98" 0.627 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 18HDS550 16 2.559 2.559 1.935 1368 0.862 0.401 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14HDS600 24 2.559 2.250 1368 0.627 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2.532 2.532 2.407 1.991 1,607 J.248 0.910 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 18HDS600 16 2.532 2.532 2.126 1.607 1.134 0.6~5 0.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14HDS800 24 2.532 2.407 1:607 0.910 0.285 0.000 0.000 ·o.ooo 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 2391 · 2391 2.391 2391 2.157 1.914 1.677 1.218 0.777 0352 0.000 181:11>5800 i6 2391 2.391 2391 2.157 . 1.835 U22 1.218 0.634 0.076 0.000 0.000 14HDSIOOO 24 2.391 2391 2.157 1.677 1.218 0.777 0352 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12 0.893 0.752 0.504 0310 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 16HDS250 16 0.893 . 0.661 0.371 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 20XHD3:,0 24 0.893 0.504 0.146 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P 8· • ---.. ---------·-----------------· -------... -.... -·- SPACING AJ.J.£)W WINDlN(P"O (in.) AXIALLOAD 5 10 15 20 2S 12 1.709 1.709 1358 1.057 0.798 0.567 16 1.709 1,594 1.152 0.798 0.495 0.225 24 1.709 1358 0.798 0357 0.000 0.000 12 1.862 1.862 1.512 1.194 0.919 0.674 16 1.862 J.762 1.294 0.919 0.598 031~ 24 1·.862 1.512 0.919 0.451 0.051 0.000 12 2.344 2.344 2.020 J.650 1.329 1.043 16 2.344 2.309 1.766 1.329 0.953 • 0.618 24 2344 2.020 1.329 0.781 0312 . 0.000, 12 3.625 3.625 3.625 3.406 3.024 2.670 16 3.625 3.625 3.541 3.024 2.558 2.130 24 · 3.625 3.625 ·3.024 2340 1.732 1.179, 12 3.SSO 3.SSO . 3.550 3.550 3.247 2.932 ,16' 3.550 3_.550 3.550, 3.247 .2.830 2.440 24, 3.550 3.550 3.247 2.632: 2.071 J.552 12 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.244" 3.2"4 3.244 16 3.244 3.244 3.244 3.244' 3.244 3.065 24 3.244 3:244 3.244 3.185 2.827 2.479 12 2.971 2.9,71 · 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 16· 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 24 . 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.971 2.813 . 2.535 12 1.128 1.017 0.739 0.521 oj36 0.172 16 1.128 0.914 0.589 0~36 0.121 '0.000 24 1.128' , ,0.739 0336 0'.02~ 0.000 0.000 i2 2.166 2.166 1.879 1:.,44' . 1.255 0.996 16 2:166 2.141 1.650 1.255 ·o.915 0.613 24 2.166 1.8,79 1.255 0.760 0338 0.000 12 2.360 2360 2.08" 1.730 J.423 U49 16 2360 2_360 J.842 J.423 . J.063 0.743 24 2.360 2.084 'J.423 0.899 0.451 0.0.52 12 2.999 2.999 2.774 2359 1.999 1.677 16 2.999 2.999 2.490 1.999 1.576 1.198 24 2.999 2;774 1.999 1.382. 0.654 0.384 12 4.906 . 4,906: 4.906 4.880 4:436 4.024 16 4.906 4.906 4.906 , 4.436 3.893 3395 24 4.906 4.906 4.436 3.639 2.932 2.289 12 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.363 16 4.826 4.826 4.826 4.727 4.245 3.794 24 4.626 4.626 4.727 4.016 3.~ 2.767 i2 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 16 4.464 •4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 24 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.464 4.265 3.871 12 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.119 4,119 16 4.119 4.119 4.119 4.U9 4.119 '4.119 24 4.119 4.119 4.119 . 4.119 4.119 4.119 12 1.305 1.030 0.597 0.256 0.000 0.000 16 1305 0.871 0363 0.000 0.000 0.000 24 1.305 0.597 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1715-P 30 40 so 60 0357 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.451 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.051 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.781 0312 0.000 0.000 0.312 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 · 0.000 0.000 2.340 1.732 1,179 0.670 1.732 1.005 0349 0.000 0.670 0.000 0:000 0.000, 2.632 2.071 1.552 t:067 2.071 1.387 0.760, · '0.176 1.067-0.176 ,0.000 0.000 3,185 2.827' 2.479 2.140 2.827 2.365 1.!U8 1.486 2.140 J.486 0.860 0.259 2.971 2.813 2.535 2.260 2.813 2.443 2.078 1.720 2.260' J.720 1,191 0.673 0.024 0.000: 0.000 0.000 0.000_ ·0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOIJ 0.0()0 0.000 0.760 0.338 0.000 0.000 0338 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 . 0,000 0.899 0.451 0.052 0.000 0.451 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 1.382 · 6.854 0384 0.000 0.854 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .0.000 0.000 3.639 2.932 2.289 1.696 2.932 2.087 1.324 0.622 J.696 0.622 0.000 0.000 4.016 3.368 2.767 2.20.5 3.368 2.57.5 1.848 1.171 2.205 1.171 0.231 0.000 4.464 4.265 3.871 3.486 4.265 3.742 3,235. 2.742 3.486 2.742 2.029 1344 4.119 4.119 4.119 3.941 4.119 4.109 3.774 3.443 3.941 3.443 2.952 2.470 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ~ 75 0.000 0.000 0.000 _, ~ 0.000 0.000· :-, 0.000 i 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.390 ~ . 0.000 0.000. 1.646 . 0.860 0.000 1.854 J.191 0.000 . 0.000. 0.000 : 0.000 0,000', 0.000 ·0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 : 0.000 . 0,000:. 0.879 0.000 0.000 1.419 0.231 0.000 2.925 2.029 · 0360 3.566 2.952 1.760 ..,-, ~ l 1.i-- ~ 0.000 '. 0.000 0.000 )> Ci~ ' I TABLE I: STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OFSTUDS . .JOIST. ANDTRACK (CONTINUED) MEMBER MINIMUM WEIGHT EFFECflVESECTION TORSIONAL SECTION ·~ DESIGNATION DESIGN (lbs/fl) GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES PROPERTIES MOMEN:r PROPERTIES I 1411DJ6JO • 14HDJIIOO • I 14HDJIOOO 14IIDJl200 I 16FJ(;()() 16FJIIOO 16FJIOOO ' I 14FJOOO 14FJIIOO 14FJIOOO I 14FJ1200 12FJ(;()() 12FJIIOO I 12FJ1000 12FJl200 16XFJOOO I 16XFJIIOO 16XFJ1000 14XFJOOO F::":··· 14XFJ8:JO .'· . -~\ ·-::.::_-; _)4XFJ1000 --14XFJ1200 I 12XFJOOO 12XFJ8:JO 12XFJIOOO I " 12XF11200 I0XF1000 I I0XFJIOO 10XF11000 10XFJl200 I I I I r·.·, .. · .. ··>\·-:, ·-o I TIIICXNESS CAPACITY (inches) Arca !xx Rx Iiy Ry Iia Sx I Area Ma Xo 1 ~ I Ro (inA2) (inA4) (inA3), (inA4) (inA3) (inA4) (in "'.3L (in A2) , (in.,.-Jbs) (in) (inA4) (inA6) (in) 0.0713 2.219 0.653 3.191 2.210 0.139 0.462 3.i91 J.064 0.653 31850 -0.841 1.107E-03 1.038 2.409 0.0713 2.703 0,796 6.487' 2.8SS 0.149 0.433 6;467 1.622 0.796 48SS6 -0.723 l.349E-03 1.990 2.976 0.0713 3.309 0,974 12.253 3;546 0'.239, 0.495 12.253 2.4S1 . 0,974 73000 -0.796 1.651E-03 4.931 3.668 0.0713 3.793 1.117 19.40!, 4.169 0.247 0.471 19.40! 3.235 1.117 87003 -0.71S 1.893E-03 7.481 4.256 0.05(,6 2.278 0.671 3,77S 2.373 0.S79 0.929 3.77:S 1.258 · 0.671 32974 -2.006 7.162E-04 4,650 3.243 0.0566 2.662 0.764 7.409 3.074 ·0:634 0.900 7.409 1.852' . 0.784 48831 -1.788 8.3700-04 , .. ·· ~.S66 3.669 0,0S66 3:046 o.8n 12.611 3.74~ 0.676 0.668 12,611 2.S22· 0.897 60290 -1.617 9.S79E-04 14.00I 4.175 0.0713 2.852 0.840, 4.697 2.36S 0.714 0.922 . 4.697 1.S66, 0,840 42985 -J.991 l.423E-03 5.712 3.226 0.0713 3.336 0.982 9.234 3.066 0.782 0.892 . 9.234 2.3~ 0.982, 63769 -1.774 l.665E-03 10.547 3.653 · 0.0713 3.820 1.125 15.737 3.740 0:833 0.861' 1S.737 3.147 1.125 87779· -1.604 l.906E-03 17.270 4,159 0.0713 4.305 1.268 24.489 4.395 o.~13 0.830 24.489 4.081 1.268 104151 -1.466 2.1'48E-03 26.02A 4.707 0.1017 4.017' J.1113 6.527 2.349 0.973 0,901 6_,27 2.176 1.1113 641107 ,-J:961, 4.0711E-03 7.731 3.191 0.1017 4.707 1.386 12.882 3.049 1.067 0.877 12.8112 3.221 1.386 959211 -1.744 4.779E-03 14.342 3.620 0.1017 ,5.398 1.S90 22.010 3.72! 1.137 0.846 22.010 4.402 I.S90 131141 -1.575 5.48lE-03 23.554 4.128 0.1017 6.089 1.793 34.316 4.375 1.191 0.815 34.316 5.719 . 1.793 170430 -1.438 6.181E-03 3S.S64 4.677 O.OSG6 2.S41 0.748 A.357 2.413 0.961 1.145 4.295 1.419 0.741 37819 -2.622 7.99<E-04 8.632 3.743 0.0566 2.925 0.861 6.489 3.139, J.083-1.121 8.374 2.076 0.854 55822 "-2.363 9.199E-04 15.362 4,086 0.05(,6 3.502 1.0~1 15.744 3.907 1.681 1.277 1S.3~ 3.020 J.01S 70231 -2.577 1.I0lE-03 3S.197 4.852 0.0713 3.184 0.937 S,427 2.406 1.21S 1.138 5.427 1.809 0.937 48210 ,-2.607 l.589E-03 10.635 3.726 0.0713. 3.668 · ·l.080 :10.591 3.f31 1.341 1,114 ,10.S91 2.648. 1.080 71086 -2.348 1.83<E-03 18.968 4.070 0.0713 4.394, 1.294 19.673 3.899 2.086 1.270 19.2n 3.80:i 1.274 98863 -2.S62 2.193E-03 43.594 4.835 0.0713 4.879-1.437 30.222 4.S!i7 2.202, 1.238 30.092 5.000 1.432 11'7686 -2.372 2.434E-03 64.985 5.310 0.1017 4,490 1.322 · 1.,60· 2.391' 1.670 . 1.124, 7.560 , 2.s20, 1.322 79397 -2.576 4.556E'-03 )4.486 3.690 0.1017 S.181 I.S26 14,800 3.11S l.84S 1.100 14.800 3.701 1.526 119225 -2.318 S.260E-03 2S.950 4.036 0.1017 6.217 J.831 27.591 3.882 2.882' l'.255 ;7.591 5.~19 1,831 158709 -2.532 6.JIIE-03 60.028 4.802 ' 0.)017 6,908. 2.034 42.458 4:569' 3.043, 1.223 42,458 '7.076, 2,034 1?6211 -2.343 7,0IJE-03 89.655 S.218 0.1285 S.650 1.664' 9.393, 2.376 2.077 I.II 7 9.393 3.131 1.664 93747 -2.576 9.157E-03 18.)116 3.679 0.1285 6.S2i 1.921 18.465 3:101 2.297 1.093 18.465 4.616 1.921 136211 -2.317 1.057E-02 32.517 4.022 0.1285 7.632 . 2.306, 34.SOO 3.868 3.S96 1.249 34,500 6.902 2.306' 1998.31' -2.S31 J.269E-02 75.300 4.789 0.1285 6.704 2.S63 53.173 4.SSS 3.soo· 1.218 ~:i.173 8.862 2.S63 Z-56860 ' -2.341 1.411E-02 112.421 S,264 1. Effective properties are based on ail 18-gauge and li~ter steel.studs, track, and joists having a yield strength (Fy) of 33 ksi. All 16-gauge and heavier steel ·stJJds, track, and joists are based on a yield strength of 50 ksi. 2. The E{fective section properties are determined from the totaleffective widths of each element in accordance with the 1991 U.B.C. Stanoard No. ':P-9. 3. Effective Ixx is based on '.Procedure I for deflection determination at the allowabie moment (Ma). B 0.878 0.941 0.953 0.972 0.617 0.762 0.850 0.619 0.764 ' 0.851 0.903 0.623 0.768 0.854 0.905 0.S09 0.666 0.718 0.510 0.667 0.719 0.800 0.513 0.670 0.722 0.803 0.509 0.668 0.721 0.802 ··-·----1 t- I 1-·. I I I I I I I I/!) I I I I I I 19 I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 /i::.1-,t)c,,A-;J,O a(t:,_ozA.o JOB ---=-v,cc-=·'-'-=-~------'---'--'-' ---------'--/-'-_"t-'---"-'-- AtO SHEET NO.~-________ OF _____ _ CALCULATED BY ______ -ib-=-----DATE _4-_· t,_f---·'7_7 __ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED'BY ___ i)_~'-----~ DATE------ SCALE ---"c:::;_7=·-~----'./)=-6_:s;..:...1b;...._;_N'--,-________ _ Re?: fl l,.-(G,HT Cf>,A:1.JG:>e 575:et.., -Pf<.or'GIZ-7"/&S i f1G·/c;1+r;, 1 /./'..,,,,A;-r::J Jfr, c;;f?~ ~A$l/....iTl!=S 11 1 .41-Jc:;.~ t'ne-TA-(_ S'fS7e7'flS ·, I C/3,C) ;f;/-/7;-s-'P 1 -kPP--ll-/'11'5 fµtt~O l,o~ 7p /YIPH-, €-rj70SU"2-f3-C. p-::: /, o?:, {_ /. 7.-) (12.. &;) { /. ~ Ce=/. e>~ ; --/.I?> I C '3 =-/, Z -==-I b. o fsF o!.. 1 ~1 1-/-ttbr/ f:; I 7. I f'J>f= /5 '-'Z---o 1 !+lt:P!-/- 0 -I s ' f-./-1 ttPf/ Is I~ Zo1 f/-!&:»fr j s.-= I '2,?.? 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JOB l,;c~o lA1v D 11Ro'Vf-O Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET NO. Ar, OF 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 6b 4-.1-5,q7 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY DATE Phone (619) 497-2118 CHECK~D BY pJ Fax (619) 497-0429 DATE SCALE C;;Tvo /:>f3SJGA./ -=-&_'_1 -;<_1 _~_0../--,1?-__ s_r_v._P~ . .:;_s~_=_.1.._,.. _1_&_1_.1 o-'-. ,_c_. ~, co ,Jr) p~ ;@ (~) (~) ( D, $ )-= Sof-# !sTI;)[) 1-I :a e:,o = /~(.!.J--) = o. ?0" ( m:tJ-:1-/J. ~!~ed) e :: cP, Sf o. r; ..-. 7 11 3 (;>:;> I t-1 e:. -=-5c;;;4-{ -;. o /2,, :-... '?.-q 4-· #--.., r ,;:>A-rA.f-ct" P«Ji"t{-h-f.-... po4-+-:;.=> (;~ i;:)(1.??)= 7w-#=-, fYlmL°l .. -hf :: 1-'J:!: +-2-1, 3 ( Is /is -:::. 7 so # z,.. ta-::-0,7(.,:;; -; /, q Jc$/ 0,4-05 J.::!..+ /{, 0 (), '35 { /3. ~) (!--/,~/21..-;_;)(zt.e) = ~11 '/.. J 8 qt)... a.::r j{:,n·P.c.-. 11 C,,f:. e-'' ~T(..)P$ · ~JZ. Hrn4x =-IS1-o11 1/J ltH· 1. 8 ,!. t> ti l--o~& JOISTS. BP-b, ot.J STVP5 I I I I I I I I I I --·~ .. \ j ·.:_:-:/ I I I I I I 1- 1 .,, I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Englneers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ~OOf." I .\/J t<t,-~y . l) ~-t~) -t. W\ -t \~~ ~ ~ \, o l-~ /~1V\? Ci +t- ori-~ n... or' ", '-J-o t '>'"t. S pc.,~ ~ t.o \(.. '0-t L, klv-P l¼.J..OW c"\)O WkO w/ C:S~F t;l1 L-ottr;, 1.~ ~/sruo io r 1~ \"2.~0l l;i1r2 t P.iut~ 1~ "--ro '*-tij ----'-------------"---'-----------,-~----.;......_---·=-~--4~((; W~ 0-~ 2--t-·IA 1 (_, f ., 'I,! ~ r . I to" r [ ,;' r ,,,,. i.< I °Lt:;" /l,~ I I I I I I I I I l~\-~--:=- 1 I I I I - I I --... I·.-.:-.· k : I \ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 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'5.---fo; .:; =' q, 88 ,P¾/ t?. 1--.:;.;; 5 /f,r:,~ JOS ______ ..,::l.E"i~~;__;.,...:.:,,.,,:....""';_1--..:c.).::;.p_· ----f+-=-11_2-4...,._-=--0 __ ~\~ SHEETNO. --'-----------OF ______ _ CAlCULATED BY ~--------f.,0_,~_, DATE _w?;_/,_, _{:f:...'c....""_, /,__ __ CHECKED BY--,----~-----DATE------- SCALE ---------------------- B.) Pt...+ w11~:u:i;::.;;:-,::.,-fi,,. \ ., •...... ...;..1,~·'' ·-• ..,,.· D '7 ~ 4·{ r-, '1 .:::: ....• ~ .:::i 6,. i ,..,..._,., -~... ...,,-,r, C?,~r;; .4, -I 'F-b ,. 7.-./.8 /e:::i.i ·_m_4..c.._.x._-=~=' =F=. ==p-,="'=/'2.=-===(=2.=1==cP='r='J-=l=8=q==?1<...=S,=·=7=(.)='.D====S_, _ _..:..7_0_0---"--o_Fi C C-PtJ S~/'-c.-71.J ~) I .---------------,-------------'----- MART IN & DUNN, INC. JOB ),,~'O ft.LR:?4:o I Structural & Civil Engineers SHEET No. A..\~ oF ---,--,f----,--- 7801 Mission ·Center Court Suite 400 ~;, ~ l,,,.,,,;7 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALC\JLATED BY ---VI"_,__ ___ DATE ___ · ...,_I_..___ Fax (619) 497-0429 I Phone {619) 497-2118 CHECKED BY___,___ _____ DATE ___ _ scALE (Leoµ: k\w6bP-S I I I I I I ' '{2co f-\.,.o /<rO S We>-z. \ 2> ~ WI\/.._ '2-ofc=., f- l,,\ AAt Jet ~1 S PC~ :: 4J ,. . !Jlw'P l,o rw /'it ve ~ (lt,1 i.o) 4 • Y'.2--'>-"'~ .. 16 "t SPAN ~ t)} ltv \ t() '7P 1, 't 1~ -1,l.,, ?·\.! ?;Jt;11? 1.-_::-~\ ~ W coW---· lDtJ t-J 1.r o e, TO V _ · ·<; µ\N \ b GA· ~'"(UO~ I ~\OC,V\~ V0i ~ 41, , \t\ t t1G N\~ \,i,-&~ ~ to~ t--\ I I I I I 1- 1·:_.:- \ ') 4-½? 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' ' ,::. ~ • • .,. •• ,: •· i· -: • -•• , • • •• r I TABLE 23-111-K-BOLT DESIGN VALUES (Z) FOR SINGLE SHEAR (Two·m~mber) CONNECTIONS1;2,3 FOR SAWN LUMBER WITH 1I4-INCH (6.4 mm) ASTM A 36'STEELSIDE PLAT!; .. G: 0.55 . G: 0.50 G: 0.49 G: 0.67 . MIXED MAPLE DOUGLAS · DOUGLAS I ,.·· THICKNESS RED OAK SOUTHERN PINE FIR'l:ARCH FIR-LARCH (NJ ,__, •. ·~mber Sleel Side Plale BOLT DIAMETER lu. Z1. I~. 1t;. \ lu. -Z1. lt Z1. .fiches i.1nches Dlnchea Iba, lbs. lbs. . -x25.4 for mm x 4.45 for N · I IJi 670 . 380 570 310 530• 270 520 270 5/g 840 430 710 350 660 320 650 310 11 I 1/2 l/4 % 1,010 490 860 390 800 360 780 350 7/s 1,180 540 l,CXXl 440 930 400 920 390 I 1,350 580 1,140 480 1,060 440 1,050 430 . IJi 850 570 780 440 750 390 750 38Q · II 5/s 1,270 640 1,100 500 1,0IO 440 990 430 2½ l/4 3/4 1,580 7l0 1,320 550 1,210 490 1,190 480 1/s . 1,850 770 1,540 6IO l,4IO 54_0 1,390 520 II I \ 2,110 830 ,1.760 650 1,620 590 1,590 560 ''2 850 570 780 ti'OO 750 450 750 440 51s 1,270. 750 1,170 580 1,130 510 1,120 500 3 l/4 3/4 1,800 830 1,560 640 1,430, · 570• 1,410 550 ·1 7/s 2,200 900 1,830 700 1,670 620 1,650 600 I 2,510 970 2,090 750 1,91() 670 1,880· 650 ½ 850 570 780 500 750 470 750 460 I 51s : 1,270 800 1,170 670 1,130 580 1,120 570 3''2 l/4 3/4 1,800 960 1,650 730, 1,580• 650 1,570 630' 1/g 2,420 1,040 2,120 800 1,940 7JO 1,900 680 I 2,920 1,110 2,420 850 2,210 760 2,180 730 I 51s 1,270 1!00 1,170 710 1,130 660 1,120 660 41'2 l/4 3/4 1,800 1,090 1,650 920 1,580 820 1,570 790 7/s 2,420 l·,310 2,220 1,0.10 2,130 880 2,1IO 850 I 3,140 1,400 2,880 l_,Q70 2,760 950 . 2,7.i!O 910 I '· .-/··:) ·~: .. -- (\·.·. \. . .. '--,~: , .. ·.:,·· : :· :· ... -.} -~· I 5/g _J,270 800 1,170 710 · 1,130 660 1,120 660 ¾ ----1,800 1,090 1-,650 950 1,580 900 1,570 880 51'2 l/4 7/s 2,420 1,410 2,220 1,220 2,130 1,070 2,110 1,030 I 3,1_40 1,700 2,880 1,290 2,760 1,150 2,740 1,100 ~/K 1,270 H(XJ 1,170 7IO 1,130 (1<>0 1,120 <,(>(} ¼ 1,800 I,()<}{) 1,650 950 1,580 900 1,570 880 7''2 l/4 7/s 2,420 1,410 2,220 1,240 2,130 1,16(1 2,1 IO 1,140 I 3,140 1,760 2,880 1,540 . 2,760 1,460 2,740 1,420 ¾ 1,800 1,090 1,(,50 950 1,580 9<XI 1,570 ill!O 91/i l/4 1/g 2,420 l,4IO 2,220 1,240 2,13() 1,160 2,110 1,140 I 3,140 1,760 2,880 1,540 2,760 1,460 2,740 1,420 ... --7/s 2,420 l,4JO.· 2,220 1,240 2,130 1,160 2,110 1,140 11 1'2 l/4 I 3,140. 1,760 2,880 l,.'i40 2,760 1,460 2,740 -1,420 131'2 l/4 I 3,140 1,760 2;880 1,540 2,760 1,460 2,740 . 1,420 I I A2..\ G:0,46 DOUGLAS FIR (S) HEM-FIR (N) . lu. Z1. lbs • 500 250 620 290 740 330 870 370 990 4ro 730 350 940 400 ··l,120 450 1,3IO 480 1,500 530 730 4IO 1,090 460 1,330 510 1,550 550 1,770 610 730 450 1,090 520 1,530 580 1,790 630 2,050 690 1,090 630 1,530 730 2,050 780 • 2,610 850 .\::-.) _ _;..:. 1,1.J'JO b:.iU 1,530 850 2,050 940 2,660 1,030 1,()90 630 1,530 850 2,050. l,Q90 2,()(1() 1,380 1,530 850 2,050 1,090 2,660 1,380 2,050 1,090 2,660 1,380 2,660 1,380 ... U> i C z ~ jJ == m C ;= C z C) 8 C m U> U> A C z ~ jJ 3: m C ;= C z C) 0 0 C m I I I I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 JoB----,-----'--""~"-=-,>:e"'""'::;,"'-L..A-t"---'-.""'"'~"-"o'--_____ _ .SHEET NO. A i.z. OF ------ CALCULATED BY -------..J.-~W-DATE~~--_, /~.q_, -_';"_7 __ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHEC~ED BY ______ _..::;..J)_t,J_ DATE _____ _ SCALE-------~---------- I -(/2Ar-ft-TO Cct,.Je,, /"lr'd/wJ ~n:,,7ec,r:; /j.JA:--.J.... 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I ~----- 1 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 $HEET NO. _____ .,_A_t'._;_1_ OF----- SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . CALCULATED•BY -'-' ____ _.;c..f)_v-J_ DATE _b_/~~1-'---- Phone (619) 497-21i8 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHEC~ED BY---,...------DATE ____ _ I \\ l:::: (2 __.:, l-.!.P-f- 1 / . vJ =. t.o~sf ~ i i i::. '60 ~u: ·: -1-FT-!l.. \J\ ==-,o~o 'i-12 /'6:.. \ .5_ f 'p = I (:, (o ')(-'{ b :: '30 ,4 1~ s 1 S-t =-1.S·-l-.\Z· (~o.d !:: o, 0 !~5 Ncrr C~i\V\.. b /JJi.f ~ L / 3 foo = l'2 --r..1 i (~I.:. o ::::: D; 4..,:/ A Tt ::::._ st .o~o 'i.11.v ·11Tb~ =-'?,'2.'2. I'~ 4 ¾4 'I-ZC\ 0;,-0 y.. ~.oo 0 ";>E J f::, C:. '! Z i-. '> /L ~ S1-=-1:i, ·, ('t-"""> I 1 ==-{ l,\ I NJ. '!:t. P= 50PLf 1-12 1 .:=. °'bo =' La ~,t M = 1,0 1-~ ;:::.. 0), o Pr-k:. - .· 3 S 'f :. °),.oi1?. /3o,4 :::. 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I Ila ~~SF-- \ ~ll :::. 2.:i-GJ°J .::: \ _v \ '?SF 4.. 2-~rotL? 3 . 0..f . ; __ ..... 3115)(,.~I .. ~o.Js~)J"f ~'°' ~runc.M.. B'-1 o;,~v)(fl,GN-u~-e. t4vMit4Al AJ · • l2 <:lz •-},_;}\Q .. FWfWt. ~1 '6 ~· it. zt 'S' ®:>. Wh. I I I I I I I I I I . :.~ ..... :~:: -~:") I I I I I I I I .. :.::_.:) ·~ I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 40D SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN··, PROJECT #960240: .LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -4' HIGH (96240R04.RCW) ---WALL & FOOT~NG DATA --- Retained Height = 4.00 ft Wall Ht. above Soil = 0.00 ft. Toe Width = 1.00 ft Heel Width = 2.00 ft Total Footing Width = 3.00 ft Footing Thickness = 12:00 in Key Depth = 0.'9C in ---"---VERTICAL LOADS-,----"--- Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf Axial l?L on Stem -· 0 pl f .... Eccentricity, = 0.00 in Surcharge over' Toe = _ 0.0 psf Surcharge over Heel = 0.0 psf Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning Note: Heel Surcharge Resists overturning -----LATERAL LOADS ----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil = Add'l Lateral Load = Dist to Load Start = pist to Load End = 0.00 psf 0.00 plf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Width = 0.00 in ------SOIL DATA _,...~~-------ADJACENT FOOTING ----- Toe to Key Dist. = o·.oo ft Al-lowable Bearing ::i: 2000 psf Vert-ical Load = 0.0 # SLIDING CHECK Actjv~ L~teral = 35.0 pcf Load Eccentricity = 0.00 in Ftg/Soil Friction = 0.35 ••••• Max Press. = o.o pct Footing Width = 0.00 ft Soil to Neglect = 0.00 in ••••• Slope Press. = 0.0 pcf Ftg. CL to Wall = 0.00 ft Lateral Pressure = 438 # Backfill Slope = o.o :1 Vert. Position of Ftg. -Passive Pressure = 175 II Pass-ive Press. = 350.0 pcf , •• Above/Below:C+/-J = 0.0 ft -Friction = 512 # Soil Density = 110.0 pcf Spread Footing 'l No Add'l Force Required = 0.0 # Soil Ht over Toe = 0.00 in SUMMARY FOOTING DESIGN Pressure lil Toe = 684.1 psf Soil Press. Hult. Toe Heel f'c = 3000·psi Pressure lil Heel = 291.5 psf By ACI Eq 9-1 = 958 408 psf Fy = 60000 psi Allowable Press. = 2000 psf Mu-Upward = 448 326 ft-# Min·. As Percent = 0.0012 Ecc. of resultant = 2.41 in ·Mu-Downward = 105 562 ft,-11 Omit SP·Under Heel 'l No Max. Shear lil Toe = 2.06 psi Mu-Design = 343 -236 ft-# Toe Heel Max. Shear lil Heel = -1.69 psi -One-Way Shear: # 4 Ii) 19.61 19.61 in o/c Al low. Ftg Shear = 93.11 psi Actual = 2.1 1.7 psi II 5 Ii) 30.39 30.39 in o/c Factors of Safety: Allowable = 93.1 · 93.1 psi II 6 Ii) 43.14 43.14 in o/c overturning = 3.63 :1 Cover over Rebar·= 3.50 3.50 in # 7 Ii) 48.00 48.00 in o/.c Sliding = 1.57 :1 'd-' = 8.50 8.50 in # 8 Ii) 48.00 48.00 in o/c Ru= Mu/bd"2 = 5.3 3.6 psi # 9 Ii) 48.00 48.00 in o/c SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS -.--Overturning Moments--. Origin of Force ••• If ft Active Soil Press. = 437.5 1.67 Soil over Heel = 0 0 Soil Qver Toe = --17. 5 0.33 Sloped Soil lil Heel = 0 0 Adjacent Ftg. Load = o.o 0.00 Surcharge over Heel = 0 0 Surcharge over Toe = o.o 0.00 Axial Load on Wall = 0 0 Load lil Proj. Wall = o.o 0.00 Averaged Stem Wts. = 0 0 Added Lateral Load = 0.0 0.00 Footing Weight = 0 .o Key Weight ........... -= 0 0 Vertical Component of Active PressUPe 0 0 Totals = 420.0 # Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Removed) V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC ft-# 729.2, 0 ,-5.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 o.o 0 0 0 723.3 ft-# -----Resisting Moments---,---- # 0 513.3 o.o o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0 500.0 0 450 •. 0 0.0 o.o 1463.3 # 146~.3 # ft. 0 2.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1.42 0 1.50 0.00 o.oo ft-# 0 1240.6 0.0 · 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o o.o 0 708.3 0 675.0 o.o 0.0 2623.9 ft-# 2623.9 ft-# (continued on next page •••• ) ~EORGE R. SAVNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I .. -.. ,. ... ·~ ~--·: () ·-:~,:-- I I I I I I I I 8 ·-:\·-.:- I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CEN1ER C~ SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL.DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -4' HIGH (96240R04.RCW) C. .... continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ------ Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 0.0 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 0.00 <= Vn = 93.11psi ' Interaction Value= 0.000 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft· 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 1~.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 79.3 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 0.59 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.012 Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4·@ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 6.0in Mu= 634.7 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 3.60 <= Vn = 93.11psi· Interaction Value= 0.093 -·----· V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: AJ,o GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, K\.1060361 I I I I I I I I I I I --· I I I I I I I I .. -: < ~ ... , ~:\~:·) ·-?) MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL n·ESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL - 6 1 HIGH (96240R06.RCW) WALL & FOOTING DATA VERTICAL LOADS Retained Height = 6.00 ft Axial DL on Stem = Wall Ht. above Soil = 0.00 ft Axial DL on· Stem = Toe Width = 1.00 ft •••• Eccentricity = Heel Width = 2.00 ft Surcharge over Toe = Total Footing Width = 3.00 ft Surcharge -over Heel = 0 plf .0 plf 0.00 in 0.0 psf 0.0 psf Footing Thickness = 12,00 in Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning Key Depth = 12.'00 in Note: Heel Surcharge Resists overturning Key Width = 12.00 in SOIL DATA Toe to-Key Dist. = 1.5() ft Allowable Bearing = 2000 psf SLIDING CHECK Active Lateral = 35.0 pcf Ftg/Soil Friction = ().35 ••••• Max Press. -0.0 pcf Soil to Neglect = 0.00 in ••••• Slope Press. --0.0 pcf Lateral Pressure = 858 II Backfill Slope = 0.0 :1 -Passive Pressure = 700 II Passive Press. = 350.0 pcf -Friction = 742 II Soil Density = 110:0 pcf Add' l Force Required· = 0.011 Soil Ht over Toe = 0.00 in Page: As{ LATERAL LOADS Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil = 0.00 psf Add'l Lateral Load = 0.00 plf Dist to Load Start = 0.00 ft Dist to Load End = 0.00 ft ADJACENT FOOTING Vertical Load = 0.0 II Load Eccentricity = o.oo in Footing Width = 0.00 ft Ftg. CL to Wall = 0.00 ft Vert, Position of Ftg. ••• Above/Below:C+/-J = o.o ft Spread Footing ? No SUMMARY. FOOTING DESIGN Pressure iil Toe = 1574.2 pl!f Soi-l Press. Mult. Toe Heel f'c = 3000 psi Pressure Iii Heel = 0.0 psf By ACI Eq 9-1 = 2204 0 psf Fy = 60000 psi Allowable Press. ·= 2000 psf Mu-Upward = 966 87 ft-# Min. ·As Percent = 0.0012 Ecc. of resultant = 7.23 in Mu-Downward = 105 772 ft-II Omit SP Under Heel ? No Max. Shear Iii Toe = 5.36 psi Mu,-Design = 861 -,.685 ft-# Toe Heel Max. Shear iil Heel = ·-5.00 psi One-Way Shear: II 4 iil 19.61 19.61 in 'o/c Allow. Ftg Shear ·-93.11 psi Actual = 5.4 5.0 psi II 5 iil 30.39 30.39 in o/c Factors of Safety: Allqwable = 93.1 93."1 psi # 6 Iii 43.14 43.14 in o/c overturning = 1.95 :1 Cover over Rebar= 3.50 3.50 in II 7 iil 48.00 48.00 in o/c SL iding = 1.68 :1 'd' = 8.50 8.50 in # 8 lil 48.00 48.00 in o/c Ru= Mu/bd"2 = 13.2 10.5 psi II 9 iil 48.00 48.00 in o/c SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS --· Overturning Moments -· -· Origin of Force ••• # ft Active Soil Press. = 857.5 2~33 Soil over Heel = 0 0 Soil over Toe ·= -17.5 0;33 Sloped Soil iil Heel = 0 0 Adjacent Ftg. Load = 0.0 Q.00 Surcharge over Heel = 0 -0 surcharge over Toe = ·o.o 0.00 Axial Load on Wall = 0 0 Load iil Proj. Wall = 0.0 0.00 Averaged Stem Wts. = I 0 0 Added Lateral Load = o.o. 0.00 Footing Weight = () 0 Key Weight ____ _.. = 0 0 Vertical Component of Active PresstJPe () 0 Totals = 840.0 # Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Removed) V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC ft-# 2000.8 0 -5.8 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 1995.0 ft-# ------Resisting Moments---- II 0 770.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0 750.0 0 450.0 150.0 0.0 2120.0 # 2120.011 ft 0 2.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0 1.42 0 1.50 2.00 0.00 ft-# 0 1860.8 0.0 . o.o 0.0 0.0 . 0.0 o.o 0 1062.5 0 675.0 300.0 0.0 3898.3 ft-# 3898.3 ft-II (continued on next pag,~ .... ) GEORGE R. ~AUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I :::.: _:_ ·.~ -~ I I I I I I I ... I jJ ._:::,::· I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINE-ERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: ~EGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -61 HIGH (96240R06.RCW) (. ••.• continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ---...- Top Stem: From 4.0Q· ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.00in, d= ?.?Sin f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 79.3 <=Mn= 6798.0ft~D vu= 0.59 <= Vn = 93.11psi ' Interaction Value= 0.01~ Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4 .@ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 634.7 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 3.60 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.093 Third Stem From o.~Oft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.00in, d= ?.?Sin f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi · Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 6.0in Mu= 2142.0 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu = 9.17 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.315 ----~ V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: A ~2,... GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 . .. __ ... ,_., I I I I I I I I I I . ·--:; ... . . . i . ---~..:·,:/ I I I I I I I ·J I /}) I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -8' HIGH (96240R08.RCW) ---WALL & FOOTING DATA --- Retained Height = Wall Ht. above Soil = Toe Width = Heel Width = Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness = Key Depth = 8.00 ft 0.00 ft. 1.00 f,t 3.50 ft 4.50 ft -----VERTICAL LOADS----- Axia"l DL on Stem '-0 plf Axial DL on Stem = Oplf .... Eccentricity = 0.00 in Surcha·rge over Toe = 0.0 psf Surcharge over Heel = 0. 0 psf Note:-Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning Note: Heel Surcharge Resists Overturning Page: A~} -----LATERAL LOADS ----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil Add'l Lateral Load Dist to Load Start Dist to ~oad End = = = = 0.00 psf 0.00 plf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Width = 12.00 in 12.00 in 12.00 in ---------SOIL DATA----'""-ADJACENT FOOTING----- Toe to Key Dist. = 1.50 ft Allowab~e Bearing = ·2000 psf Vertical Load = 0.0 II 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft ----SLIDING CHECK ------ Ftg/Soi l Friction = Soil to Neglect = Lateral Pressure = -Passive Pressure = 0.35 0,00 in 141811 Active Lateral = 35.0 pcf ..... Max-Press. = 0.0 pcf ..... Slope -Press. = 0. 0 pcf Backffll Slope = 0.0 :1 · Passive Press. = · 350.0 pcf Load Eccentrfoity Footing Width Ftg. CL to Wall Vert. Position of Ftg. ••• Above/Below: C+/-J' = = = = -Friction = 700 II 1460 II 0.0 II Soil Density =· 1-10.0 pcf Spread Footing ? 0.0 ft No Add'l Force Required ·= Soil Ht over Toe = 0.00 in ------SUMMARY ----------------'------FOOTING DESIGN -'-------------- Pressure lil Toe Pressure lil Heel Allowable Press. Ecc. of resultant Max. Shear cil Toe Max. Shear@ Heel Allow. Ftg Shear Factors of Safety: Overturning Sliding = = = = = = = = = 1806.0 psf 48.1-psf 2000 psf 8.53 in ~.40 psi -16.11 psi 93. 11 psi 2.51 :1 1.52 :1 Soil Press. Hult. By ACI Eq 9..,1 = Mu-Upward = Mu-Downward = Mu-Design = One-Way Shear: Actual = Al-lowable = Cover over Rebar= 'd' = Ru= Mu/bd"2 = Toe Heel 2528. 67 psf 1173 1968 ft-# 105 5127 ft-# 1068 -3159 f.t-# 6.4 16.1 psi 93.1 93.1 psi 3.50 3.50 in . 8.50 8.50 in 16.4 48.~ psi SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS ----· overturning Moments----- Origin of Force ••• II ft ft-# Active Soil Press. Soil over Heel Soil over Toe Slopea Soil@ Heel Adjacent Ftg. Load Surcharge Over Heel Surcharge over Toe Axial Load on Wall Load@ Proj. Wall -Averaged Stem Wts. Added Lateral Load Footing Weight Key Weight ------ Vertical Component = 1417.5 0 -17.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 = = = = = = = = = = = of Active Pr~ssU!'e 0 Totals = 1400.0i/ 3.00 0 0.33 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 o.oo 0 0.00 .o 0 0 Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Removed) V4.40 Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC 4252.5 0 -5.8 0 0.0 0 o_.o 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 ·o 0 4246 • .7 ft-# # 0 2346.7 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0 1000.0 0 675.0 150.0 0.0 4171.7# 4171. 7 II f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 60000 psi Min. As Percent = 0.0012 Omit SP Under Heel ? No Toe Heel ii 4 cil 19.61 19.61 in o/c # 5 @ 30.39 30,39 in o/c II 6 cil 43.14 43 .• 14 in o/c ti 7 lil 48.00 48.00 in o/c ti 8 cil 48.00 48.00 in o/c II 9 @ 48.00 48.00 in o/c Resisting Moments ft ft-# 0 0 3.17 7431.1 0.00 0.0 0.00 · 0.0 0.00 o.o 0.00 o.o 0.00 0.0 o.oo 0.0 0 0 1.42 1416.7 0 0 2.25 1518.7 2.00 300,0 0.00 o.o 10666.5 ft-# 10666.5 ft-# (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ·,-._1 --~=-··'' ~ I :/>~\ I MARTIN & DUNN, ~NC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL - 8 1 HIGH (96240R08.RCW) ( ••••. continued) ----STEM SUMMARY -----,. Top Stem: From 4.oo· ·ft to Top of Wal-l . 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.00in, d=·7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi., Fy= 60000 •. 0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 634.7 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# vu= 3.60 <= Vn = 93.11psi ' Interaction Value= 0.093 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi; Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 2142.0 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-U Vu= 9.17 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.315 Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 4@ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.=·125.00psf, Bar -Embed= 6.0in Mu= S077.3 <=Mn= 679,8.0ft-# Vu= 17.30 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.747 ------ V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: A. 34 I, ·GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I -:·:.-: :; <:"-i) I I I I I I I I HJ I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -10' HIGH (96240R10.RC\I) ---\/ALL & FOOTING DATA --- Retained Height = 10.00 ft Wall Ht. above Soil = 0.00 ft. Toe Width = 1.00 ft Heel Width = 5.50 ft Total Footing Width = 6.50 ft Footing Thickness = 12 •. 00 in ----YER'f!CAL LOADS---- Axial DI. on Stem = 0 pl f Axial DL on Stem = Oplf .... Eccentricity = Q.00 in Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 psf Surcharge over Heel = 0.0.psf Note: Toe Sµrcharge Resists Overturning Note: Heel Surcharge Resists Over.turning Page: A;? -----LATERAL LOADS ----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil Add'l Lateral Load Dist to Load Start Dist to Load End = = = = 0.00 psf 0.00 plf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Depth = 18.'PO ~n Key Width = 12.00 in -----SOIL DATA ----------ADJACENT FOOTING ----- Toe to Key Dist. = 1.50 ft ----SLIDING CHECK------ Ftg/Soil Friction = Soil to Neglect = Lateral Pressure = -Passive Pressure = -Friction = 0.35 0.00 in 2118 # 109.4 # 2654 ii o.o # Add' l Force Required = -----SUMMARY----- Pressure al Toe = 1965.6 psf Pressure al Heel = 367.S psf Allowable Press. = 2000 psf Ecc. of resultant = 8.90 in Max. Shear al Toe = 7.12 psi Max. Shear al Heel = -21.50 psi Al low. Ftg Shear = 9~.11 psi Factors of Safety: overturning = 3.45 :1 SL iding = 1.77 :1 Allowable Bearing = .2000 psf Vertical Load = Active Lat'eral = 35.0·pcf Load Eccentricity = ••••• Max Press. ••••. Slope Press. Backfill Slope ·Passive Press._ Soil Density Soil Ht over Toe = = = = = =· 0.0-pcf Footing Width = 0.0.pcf Ftg. CL to Wall = 0.0 :1 Vert. Position of Ftg. 350.0 pcf ••• Above/Below: C+/-J 110.0 pcf spread Footing o.oo in = ? 0.011 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o:o ft No -------------FOOTING DESIGN ------------- Soil Press. Hult. By. Aq Eq 9-1 Mu-Upward Mu-Downward Mu-Design One-Way Shear: = :::, = Toe 2752 1319 105 1214 Heel 515 psf 11435 ft-fl 19056 ft-# -7620 ft-ii Actual =, 7.1 21..S_p~i Allowable = 93.1 93.1 psi Cover over Rebar = 3.50 3.50 in 1d1 = 8.50 ~.50 in Ru = Mu/bd"2 = 18. 7 117 .2 psi f'c Fy .Min. As Percent Omi-t SP Under Heel Toe ii 4 li) 19.61 ii 5 al 30.39 II 6 al -43.14 fl 7 al 48.00 II 8 al 48.00 II 9 al 48.00 = 3000 psi = 60000 psi = 0.0012 ? No Heel 8.84 in o/c 13.71 in >0/c 19.46 in o/c 26.53 in o/c 34.94 in o/c 44.22 in o/c ---------------SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS ---,--------- ---Overturning Moments -- Origin of Force ••• # ft ft-fl Active Soil Press. = Soil over Heel = Soil over Toe Sloped Soil al Heel Adjacent Ftg. Load Surcharge Over Heel surcharge over Toe Axial Load on Wall Load al Proj. Wall Averaged Stem Wts. Added Lateral Load Footing Weight Key Weight ------ Vertical Component = = = = = = = = = = of Active PressUPe 2117.5 3.67 0 p -17.5 0.33 0 0 0.0 0 •. 00 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 o.o 0.00 9 .o 0 0 0 0 ----------· --------·-· -- Totals = 2100.0 II Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure ... ., (Vert. Component of Active Pr~ssure Removed) V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 7764.2 0 -5.8 0 Q.O 0 0.0 Q o.o 0 o.o 0 0 0 7758.3 ft-fl fl 0 5133 .• 3 o.o 0.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0 1250.0 0 975.0 ~25.0 o.o 7583.3 fl 7583.3 fl Resisting Moments ft 0 4.17 0.00 0.00 o.oo o.oo 0.00 o.oo 0 1.42 0 3.25 2.00 0.00 ft-ii 0 21388.9 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o · 0.0 o.o 0 1770.8 0 3168.7 450.0 o.o 26778.4 ft-# 26778.4 ft-fl (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I ~ . . . . ' ' ... -· I I I I I I I 18 I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER tT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: _LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -101 HIGH (96240R10.RCW) C. •••• continued) ----STEM SUMMARY --.--- Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/· # 4 a 12.00in, d=-7.75in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, ·Bar Embed= 12.0in Mu= 2142.0 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# Vu= 9.17 <= Vn = 93.11psi ' Interaction Value= 0.315 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft 10.00in concrete w/ # 4 ~ 12.00in, d= 7.75in f 1c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000,0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.2in Mu= 5077.3 <=Mn= 6798.0ft-# vu= 17.30 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.747 · Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ II 5 a 12.00i'n, d= 7.69in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 9.2in Mu= 9916.7 <=Mn= 10302.3ft-# vu= 28.24 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.963 ___ ... --- V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: A~G GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, K\1060361 I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I I I I I I I I :~:~]?~~~ ··:_:_ ."l :::/:) :;:.0 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -12' HIGH (96?40R12.RCW) ---WALL & FOOTING DATA --- Retained Height = 12.00 ft Wall Ht. above Soil = 0.00 ft Toe Width = 2.00 ft Heel Width = 6.00 ft Total Footing Width = 8.00 ft Footing Thickness = 12.00 in- Key Depth = 18iOO in ----VERTICAL LOADS ---- Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf Axial DL on· Stem = 0 plf .... Eccentricity = 0.00 in, Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 psf Surcharge over Heel = o.p psf Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning Note: Heel Surcharge Resists overturning Page: A:S1 -------LATERAL LOADS----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil Add'l Lateral Load Dist to Load Start Dist to Load End = = = = 0.00 psf O.OOplf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Width = 12.00 in -----SOIL DATA ----------,ADJACENT FOOTING ----- Toe to Key Dist. = 2.00 ft SLIDING CHECK Ftg/Soil Friction = Soil to Neglect = Lateral Pressure = - Passive Pressure = -Friction = 0.35 0.00 in 2958 JI 1094 # 3411 # 0.0 # Allowable Bearing Active Lateral •••.. Max Press. •.••.• Slope Press. Backfill Slope Passive {'ress. So.i l Dens.i ty Soil Ht over Toe = = = = = = = 2000 psf 35.0 pcf o.o pc;f 0.0 pcf 0.0 :1, 350.0 pcf 110 •. 0 pcf 0.00 in Vertical Load = Load' Eccentricity = Footing Width = Ftg. CL to Wall = Vert. Position of Ftg. ••• Above/Below: C+/-J Spread Footing .. ? o.o # 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft o.o ft No Add'l Force Required SUMMARY--------------,-----FOOTING DESIGN ------------- Pressure iil Toe Pressure iil Heel Allowable Press. Ecc. of resultant Max. Shear cl Toe Max. Shear iil Heel Allow. Ftg Shear Factors of Safety: Overturning Sliding = 1767.6 psf = 668.7 psf = 2000 psf = 7.22 in = 27.10 psi = -30.30 psi = 93.11 psi = 3.59 :1 = 1.52 :1 Soil Press. Mult. By AC! Eq 9-1 Mu-upward Mu~Downward Mu-Design One-Way Shear: = = = ... Toe 2475 4693 420 4273 Heel 936 psf 16915 .ft-# 27469 ft-,# -~0553 ft-# Actual = 27 .1 ~0.3 psi Allowable = 93 .1, 93.1 psi Cover over Rebar = 3.50 3.50 in 1d1 = 8.50 8.50 in Ru= Mu/bd"2 -. 65.7 162.3psi f'c = 3000 psi Fy = 50000 psi Min. As Percent = 0.0012 Omit SP Under Heel ? No Toe Heel # 4 al 15.94 7.06 in o/c # 5 iil 24.71 10.94 in o/c JI 6 cl 35.07 15.53 in o/c # 7 iil 47.83 21.18 in o/c u 8 cl 48.00 27.88 in o/c # 9 iil 48.00 35.29 in o/c ---------------SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS ----'------------ --overturning .Moments--·- Origin of Force ••• # ft ft-# Active Soil Press. 2957.5 4.33 Soil over Heel = 0 0 Soil over Toe = -17.5 0.33 Sloped Soil cl Heel II 0 0 Adjacent Ftg. Load = 0.0 0.00 Surcharge Over Heel = 0 0 Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 0.00 Axial Load on Wal,l = 0 0 Load iil Proj. Wall = 0.0, 0.00 Averaged Stem Wts. = 0 0 Added Lateral Load = o.o o.oo Footing Weight = 0 0 Key Weight .--0 0 Vertical Component of Active PressUPe 0 0 Totals = 2940.0 # Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Removed) V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 12815.8 0 -,5.8 0 o.o 0 ·o.o 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0 0 1:?810.0 ft-# ---~ Resisting Moments ---- # 0 6820.0 0.0 o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 0 1500.0 0 1200.0 225.0 0.0 9745.0 # 9745.0 # ft 0 5.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0 2.42 0 4.00 2.50 0.00 ft-# 0 36941.7 0.0 o .. o o.o o.o . o.o 0.0 0 3625.0 0 4800.0 562.5 0.0 45929 .1 ft-# 45929 .1 ft-# (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :~_~::~:) ~u I ::/) I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA ·92108 . . CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -12' HIGH (96240R12.RCW) ( ••••• continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ---- Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/ II 4 al 12.00in, d= 7.56in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Emb~d= 12:5in Mu= 5077.3 <=Mn= 6627.0ft-f Vu= 17.81 <= Vn = 93.11psi · Interaction Value = 0.766 Second Stem From· 2.00ft to 4.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 5 al 12.00in, d= 7.56in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 20.1in Mu = 9916. 7 <= Mn = 10121.0f.t-# Vu= 28.79 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.980 Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 7 al 1~.00in, d= 7.56in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.1in Mu= 17136.0 <=Mn= 18819.0ft-# Vu = 42.39 <= Vn = 93 .• 11psi Interaction Value= 0.911 _ ... -- V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: A3'b GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I :<-~::-l ·-:~;:! I I I I I I I .·(\) 1 ··v I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 4-00 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT Jl960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -14 1 HIGH (96240R14.RCW) WALL & FOOTING DATA Retained Height = Wall Ht. above Soil = Toe Width = Heel Width = Total Footing Width = Footing Thickness· = Key Depth = 14.00 ft 0.00 ft 2.50 ft 8.00 ft 10.50 ft 12.00 in 18.'00 in ---..,.-VERTICAL LOADS ---- Axial DL on Stem = o·plf Axial DL on Stem - 0 plf .... Eccentr-ici~y = 0.00--in surcharge over Toe = 0.0 psf Surcharge over Heel = 0.0.psf Note: Toe Surcharge Resists Overturning. Note: Heel Surcharge Resists Overturning Page: AY1 -------LATERAL LOADS----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil Add-' l Lateral Load Dist to Load Start Dist to Load End = = = = 0.00 psf 0.00-plf 0.00 ft 0.00 ft Key Width = 12;00-in -------SOIL DATA--------------ADJACENT FOOTING----- Toe to Key Dist. = 3.00 ft SLIDING CHECK Ftg/Soil Friction = 0.35 Soil to Neglect = o.oo in Lateral Pressure = 3938 JI -Passive Pressure = 1094 JI -Friction = 5105 JI Add'l Force Required = 0.0.JI SUMMARY Pressure al Toe = 1702.9 psf Pressure al Heel = 1075.5 psf Allowable Press. = 2000.psf Ecc. of resultant = 4. 74 in Max. Shear al Toe = 36.87 psi Max. Shear al Heel = -37.37 psi Allow. Ftg Shear = 93. 1-1 psi Factors of Safety: overturning = 4.60 :1 Sliding = 1.57 :1 Allowable Bearing = 2000 psf Vertical Load = Active Lateral = 35.0 pcf Load Eccentricity = ..... Max Press. = 0.0.pcf Footing Width = •••.• Slope Press. Baclcfill Slope Passive Press. Soil Density Soil Ht over Toe = = = = = 0.0 pcf Ftg. CL to Wall = Q.O :1 Vert. Position of Ftg. 350.0·pcf ••• Above/Below:C+/-J 110.0 pcf Spread Footing 0.00 in = ?, 0.0 JI 0.00 in I 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.0 ft No ____ .;....; _________ FOOTING DESIGN ----------------- Soil Press. Nult. By ACI Eq 9-1 Mu-Upward Mu-Downward Mu-Design One-Way Shear: = = = = Toe 2384 7232 656 6576 Heel 1506 psf 43799 fr:-11 60760 ft-# -16961 ft-# Actual = 36.9 37.4 psi Allowable -= 93.1 93.1 psi Cover over Rebar = 3.50 3.50 in 1d1 = 8.50 8.50 in Ru = Mu/bd"2 = 101.1 260.8 psi f'c Fy. Min. As Percent Omit ·sp Under Heel Toe II 4 ·al 10.28 II 5 al 15.94 II 6 al 22.62 II .7 cil 30.85 JI 8 cil 40.62 II 9 .cil 48.00 = 3000 psi = 60000 psi = 0.0012 ? No Heel 5.12 in o/c 7.94 in o/c 11.26 in o/c 15.36 in o/c 20.22 in o/c 25.60 in o/c ----------------SUMMARY OF FORCES· & MOMENTS ---------------- Origin of Force ••• Active Soil Press •. Soil over Heel Soil over Toe Sloped Soil al Heel Adjacent Ftg. Load Surcharge Over Heel Surcharge over Toe Axial Load on Wall Load al Proj. Wall Averaged Stem Wts. Added Lateral Load Footing Weight Key Weight ------- Vertical Component --Overturning Moments --- # ft f.t-11 = 3937.5 5.00 0 0.33 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 19687 .5 0 -5.8 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 o.o 6 = = = = = = = = = ::: = = 0 -17.5 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 ·O 0 0.00 0 0 o.o 0 0 of Active PressL.R>e 0 0 0 JI 0 11036. 7 0.0 o.o 0.0 0,0 o.o 0.0 0 1750.0 0 1575.0 225.0 0.0 Totals = 3920.0 # 19681.?ft-/l 14586.7/1 Resisting Totals Used Eor Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of Active Pressure Removed) V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC 14586,7 JI Resisting Moments ft 0 6.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0 2.92 0 5.25 3:50 0.00 ft-# 0 76336.9 o.o · 0.0 o.o 0.0 o.o o.o 0 5104.2 0 8268.7 787.5 o.o 90497 .3 ft-# -90497 .3 ft-# (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R·. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW06O361 I I I I I I I I I I ,r:~; ... -. ·\{) I I I I I I I I :0) ':.·.-_.:·· I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CEN.TER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108-. CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -14 1 HIGH (96240R14.RCW) ( ••..• continued) ----STEM.SUMMARY---- Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 10.00in Concrete w/ ·#· 8@ 12.00in, d= 7.44in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf, Bar Embed= 12.8in Mu = 9916. 7 <= Mn = 23678. 7ft-# · Vu= 29.33 <= Vn = 93.11psi ' Interaction Value= 0.419 ·second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 8@ 12.00in, d=-7.44in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 12-5.00psf, Bar Embed= 23.0in Mu= 17136.0 <=Mn= 23678.7ft-# vu= 43.17 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= .0.724 Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 10.00in Concrete w/ # 9@ 12.00in, d= 7.44in f 1c= 3000.0psi, 'Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 125.00psf~ Bar Embed= 16.0in Mu= 27211.3 <=Mn= 29043.Sft-# Vu= 59.68 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.937 .-~---- , V4.40 Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: A40 GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I (?) -:..,.._.-· I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. . STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSION CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -16' HIGH (96240R16.RCW) ---WALL & FOOTING DATA --- Retained Height = 16'.00 ft Wall Ht. above SoH = 0.00 ft Toe Width = :S.50 ft Heel Width = 8.00 ft Totat Footing Width = 11.50 ft Footing Thickness = 16.00 in Key Depth = 24.pO in --------VERTICAL LOADS------- Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf Axial DL on Stem = 0 plf .. -~-Eccentricity = ·O. 00 in Surcharge over Toe = 0,0 psf surcharge over Heel = 0,0 psf Note: Toe Surcharge Res.ists Overturning Note: Heel Surcharge Resists overturning Page: f\11\ -----LATERAL LOADS ----- Lateral Load Acting on Stem Above Soil = Add'l L~teral Load = Dht to Load start = Dist to Load End = o.oo psf 0.00 plf o.oo ft o.oo ft Key Width -12.00 in -----SOIL DATA ------------.ADJACENT FOOTING ----- i:oe to Key Dist. -4.17 ft Allowable Bearing = 2000 psf Vertical Load = 0.0 # 0.00 in 0.00 ft 0.00 ft ----SLIDING CHECK ----~-Active Lateral = 35·.0 pcf Load Eccentricity = Ftg/Soil Friction = 0.35 0.00 in 5?58 # 1944 # 6062 # ..... Max Press. = 0.0 pcf Footing Width = Soil to Neglect = ..... Slope Press. = 0.0 pcf Ftg. CL to Wall = Lateral Pressure = Backfi tl Slope = 0.0 :1 Vert. Position of Ftg. -Passive Pressure = Passive Press. = 350.0 pcf ••• Above/Below:C+/-J = 0.0 ft No -Friction = Soil Density = 110.Q pcf Spread Footing ? 0.0 # Soil Ht over Toe = 0.00 in Add'l Force Required. = -----SUMMARY------------------------FOOTING DESIGN ---------...---- Pressure iil Toe Pressure iil Heel Allowable Press. Ecc. of resultant Max. Shear iil Toe Max. Shear@ Heel Allow. Ftg Shear Factors of Safety: overturning Sliding = 1831.3 psf Soil Press. Mult. = 1180. 9 psf By ACI Eq 9-1 = 2000 psf Mu-Upward = 4.97 in -Mu-Downward = 35.83 psi Mu-Design = -33.96psi one-Way Shear: Toe 2564 = 15138 1715 = 13423 = Heel 16.53 psf 45030 ft-# 67228 ft-# -22198 ft-# = 93.11 psi Actual = 35.8 34.0 psi Allowable = 93. 1· 93.1 psi = 4.04 :1 Cover over Rebar = 3.50 3.50 in = 1.5~ :1 'd' = 12.50 12.50·in Ru= Mu/bd"2 = 95.4 157.9 psi f' c .Fy Min. As Percent Omit SP Under Heel ----Toe # 4 ii) # 5 ii) # 6 ii) # 7 al # 8 al # 9 ii) 7.42 11.50 16.32 22.25 29.30 37.09 = 3000 psi = 60000 psi = 0.0012 ? No Heel 4.80 in o/c 7.44 in o/c 10.56 in o/c 14.40 in o/c 18.96 in o/c 24.00 in o/c ------------------SUMMARY OF FORCES & MOMENTS --------------- -·-overturning .Moments -- Origin of Force ••• # ft ft-# Active Soil Press. = 5257.8 S.78 Soil over Heel = 0 0 Soil .over Toe = -31.1 0.44 Sloped Soil iil Heel = 0 0 Adjacent Ftg. Load = 0.0 0.00 surcharge over Heel = 0 0 Surcharge over Toe = 0.0 0.00 Axial Load on Wall = 0 0 Load@ Proj. Wall = 0.0 0.00 Averaged Stem Wts. = 0 0 Added Lateral Load = 0.0 0.00 Footing Wei'ght ___ _. = 0 0 Key Weight = 0 0 Vertical Component of Active PressUPe 0 0 Totals = 5226.7 # Resisting Totals Used For Soil Pressure (Vert. Component of Active_ Pressure Removed) V4,4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCAL, 30378.3 0 -13.8 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 o~o 0 Ci.a 0 0 0 30364.4 ft-# ---------Reststing Moments----- # ft ft-# 0 0 0 12320.0 8.00 98560.0 0.0 0.00 o.o 0.0 0.00 0.0 o.o 0.00 o.o 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.0 0 0 0 2400.0 4.00 9600.0 0 0 0 2300.0 5.75 13224.9 300.0 4.67 1401.0 0.0 0.00 o.o 17320.0 # 122785.9 ft-# 17320.0 # 122785. 9 ft-# (continued on next page •••• ) GEORGE R, SAUND~RS ASSOCIATES, KY060361 I I I I I I I I I I /::::) I -·· I I I I ·1 I I .:jj I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEERING 7801 MISSIO~ CENTER CT SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 9.2i08 CANTILEVERED RETAINING WALL DESIGN PROJECT #960240: LEGOLAND SITE RETAINING WALL -161 HIGH (96240R16.RCW) ( .•••• continued) ----STEM SUMMARY ---- Top Stem: From 4.00 ft to Top of Wall 12.00in Concrete w/ # 6 iil 12.'00in, d= 9.3~in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 150.00psf, Bar Emb.ed= 23.8in Mu= 17136.0 <= Mn =·17705.8ft-# Vu= 33.28 <= Vn = 93.11psi 1 Interaction Value = 0 •. 968 Second Stem From 2.00ft to 4.60ft 12.00in Concrete w/ # 8 iil 12.00in, d= 9.38in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000,0psi Wall Wt.= 150.00psf, Bar Embed= 28.9in Mu= 27211.3 <=Mn= 30566.5ft-# Vu= 46.21 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.890 Third Stem From 0.00ft to 2.00ft 12.00in Concrete w/·#10 iil 12.00in, d= 9.38in f'c= 3000.0psi, Fy= 60000.0psi Wall Wt.= 150.00psf, Bar Embed= 16.4in Mu= 40618.7 <=Mn= 46441.0ft-# Vu= 61.25 <= Vn = 93.11psi Interaction Value= 0.875 .-.. --- V4.4D Cc) 1983-96 ENERCALC Page: A41- GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, K\o/060361 I I I I I I I I I I )J I I I I I I I I .. -;·:/·.:-:· I JOB l €GO l v::,,N() SHEET NO. _____ P,.-'-.,.--_tl ~;...._--'--. OF ----- MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY ____ /):.;;._(Iv.::;_;___ DATE 1 \ q 1 ~~--- Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECkED·BY -'-·-"-"· ______ DATE ____ _ WJ'NO \ f i C.e_ ~ is T (' e = \.O(o (fff. c:) c~ =-L4 Q'S :=. (2.G/4-(?o~) \ C.'2-l TT.cAl CDN0-I Tl.Or-) @. IN-reft..l~ f-5v~T@ 00E.vt'.! ,P ~ 1'3,1 Kf. c-C::l,vFf(,2_) --f..(l8,vFTJ2-) -z -';,00 ~ @ G!28JNv? \\ ' ~ ( Q:\9J$2.. No'f-J coct 'S~ IJ/7!> CJJN-b 7 n ol'l \A I b -:::. I ~ A~vl ci ~4 .-to j: 1. (l., ·~. ( \.,, j I+ 4,~h) '\/--tl-\'fU-·, A:;. 2, ~4 P ~l ~ s, = ;x, Y-4,~f ?:> =-sis \ v, = ,,o ---A :: -2. ½'t ~"JO /t;;2-'?'/I, ?-:::.. I, 1 c; -c;< t~'3 (1+ J1+ "?;,'i1)_ = 4,69:, 1 ,t 4.? ~~ . \ '\ \ '~ . . . . \JS~ f r b tr> '/:. 4---·to OeQ EQJ\JD}?ftDN , HP/cf¥._ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -'?) - ... .. ... MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB U:ZCrO L ~~a SHEET NO, -------,-~'------~-'-ct-'-4....__ OF~----- CALCULATED BY ----~f>~vJ:..-· _ DATE _7_L_n~·--- CHEC~ED-BY ________ DATE ____ _ ~ FE.1'-.;:('.~ A:) $f F0J1JLb\1Dr~ i l\.~ P :::: \8,11-0P/z) '{_ ( \~,Zf'L) .~- ~ 7'2.0 \{ \ I I (.ONS1DfQ [:Jo\-,1 ~~2AtN@ CD7;1/)t nDl--J '-kl 'be ZA ~0 <i= 4,b ± ' -. . --r. ,.. ..,. ~· -,~ r::, -..._ ~ --: ..,.. .i:, ,., ~ -,... ... ..,. ,._-~ ,.., c:; -,r,,._ .:-:, ~ ,.., i.; ... ;:--"" r: ---.:. -f;;' -"" ~ --· 4" ·~ o.. -u :"" -.:-i::; •. .::: -r.. -, I I I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. _____ ...;...A....:.....~;...<2:;___ OF------ Phone (619) 497-2118 CALCULATED BY __ _,_R_,_:-'---'M~S-,__ __ DATE _-4"~. ~u~..0--~€_1_1_')._, Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY----~----DATE _____ _ • 'v-JODP f'oS1 ( 01<. Pot..E) {:) &£ S-1-11 .... -98' t:iit St01J(;-f-11 w11H{f'J $'1~1... '1\.)1?/Z C,o!-Sf[(!oN ( DR P1Pe\. '. '--~ NOM(tJ1 (-?(fl.f1 f,.,;Jl[ (r?E'A1 St> 8,lj WD01) 8'~(2.1i--i1r O rJ vJ t><lA-DF S 1' ~1:7... S-L,€ ~ I[. 9 GOL-1 R~SlS-1'5 Uh\F'1 (,r-Ar-->t.r) NS1 S;-llif/;1) \,JI 01H of v-,;boO eor 1 (!N) M!fvlMIN u0 Sfa:~ slff\/£ ),).f:'/G-'rf1 {IN) A l..LOWA:'5'[£-~J6t)0 LN/A, { (-E.-s fjc;,.) .J.... (s (:/'{1/.J (psi) _- /\'OvL"i'f-rN \,Jt,;)0 r.,:>,:.,,, f PE..I.rio1J (1 b:-) M :: A ('fll E» fVl o (',;, G !--'1 ( #-f-r) + + ./_,~ASt'lt... :·rs'(~;.. {v8( I ,- i ¼<i£-r I ~==;:j:::j:j:::::::::::::::J --+---J- + I:}-_:) C :::. 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CHEC!>::ED BY : DATE _____ _ ~ 'RA ½;; ro11 v.-100/) 'f-\p. !,;, {).JLe s ·- Dg(~c..1~,,,.J,; (XVvb'.,.J S-?2.\/1(.).[, L0/'0 fi£,-..;S.,c,-c) lt--' v/:€.#ID~ p...r1ce,-::,y1_ WI 'I 1,..1 A F.Z €0" bD (.s[; !? ·s,.rf t.;C {{. :;,--p,z_ ,/ Crt ,.-r.-! A ,•J r.;;; l-· G ,;_~",) 1-,..: · -1 ~ -t~:: "3 t>t>o fS t (1v1r10 6fl If?-!. v)P:1:)1,-,Cr) I vv-f>,FvA. sf t£EJ~ ,_ Ps ~ 0 ~ ~ A.b f; :: . ' I -r. --•• <::> i--,.._ -"'-~ -,. ._.., <::> ,-. c:: -r -; .,. ~· ,:, .._ ,ee. -'"'I r--<J. .: .._ c: ,,. e:--::."' ":' ._.., ,: •· ;t, •• " ,.. -... ,:: ,. .c _ :-~ r -~-. .:;. ... =:. •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT Roof Framing SECTION 8 NORTH COMPLEX INDEX Truss at Grids "D", "E", & "F" Truss at Grids "B" & "C" Lateral Analysis and Roof Diaphragms Braced Frames Column Design Foundation Design SHEET NO. 81-82 83-818 819-834 835-838 839-841 B42-843 B44-B48 I I I I I I I I I I -·---·:.: :•:, .:~:~-} I I I I I ,~ I: 1.\:)/ ' I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. E::, \ OF 4~ -~~-~-- CALCULATED BY_-_P~w~~---DATE 9 I 01 Phone (619} 497-2118 Fax (6i9} 497-0.429 \ \ CHECKED BY---,-----'---DATE ___ _ \M~htN_A-nDN CEN1E.g. \:-\~\\~ c.uµ PLE'f :-.t-:-2b o ~ LOP-OS t)~~O ~OM B, / 0 ~ Wt= W / 0 RA \Jfi L . :: G. 0 P SF I \fa. '1 -'206~ OEet:: -Z, 3 C.. 'E \ UNCo-... 4.a l l~ s u ~ n·o~ = s, o (\A.~i / M\SC... = i.1 "'E ::::. 2°,.o: Psr ~EDF 1:?-uSSB{ TS -~,p:; 'I-1I~ "C)._,~C>P-PS v-1/TS (p"i4 --l-1¾, V~r,C}s{~ ecL,o.J.! TS ?"/-. 3~ \~ V--t/ '?'1 '&'(-lv '6LOUL/Nt. \200F A~=-4G'!-[<o .J.c '?,2..'f.l~1'? +~6 '{/6¥ 3>.::::. 1 btvJ=r""° 'i"k WvS<LS = ~ I, 34_ y.. 2 ~\ S,t/t. i--2, \ (2.0 + e,, 5l -H~,o = °>S.,'1 s~ ··_ . . ~~ IJJWJSS\'.tS =--'(JO'f-( 4~.~CA.'iA·*bo'l!-'i) (76?_tl= I,~ ps;-_ -· t2.CX)~ '600S 'i (.ONStrare· "" 'oY.. \0 ·vJ t?i:l:M s = 10--t. I~~ ( 1 -t ?J 'I A + ~ 1-4) /-l~ ~ -· · .::; /.:1.o PS/Z Ll~ LOM. . ~--iJ€ci2.---. - 20 ps~ . (L£;;s ~vcna,ts) c:;P~ ;: ~l-04 tv.A,l :, --··· .· . W~-l-HL . :::: ZQ+.2..o ~ 4.0 PS~ \j~i-·1v~i,---~20GA · ~~ ·l4sfS~~~--~K. ~~- D L ".l-L-L ; S"WL SJ : (/J 1-JA..t ,: '5 bf 'SF : ~ l,L ·, PULlCfl~ ' vJt,A)y: ':-_w fS'f . 01(.. I I I -•• I I I I I I I I /_: :_::·~-) •.. I I I I I I I I }i) MARTIN & DUNN, INC, Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 · SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 P..'2..--SHEET NO.---=------,-----OF ____ _ Ow D) /q7 Phone (619) 497-2118 CALCULATED BY--,,-----------DATE---''-'----- Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY-,--------,-----DATE----- i ! \\ L= /~ ... o I;~ r-"'" '2, ! -..) TJ VJ;\(zo+io )-;,<i.,.:.. \0:::. ~~~ PLF .= 0..,,2:, t.cF . 1 ~.:: 1, ~( IN c_~~ ~S t>~G-tv-.5-J~Gi~ F)l S;zlS.MlC.. FO~S: I '1 ~,..o P = -io.i 1L1~.s ( ~r :*~) 'N. ~ ,c10 ., "= z,qb 1N 2 j-11"'""· ~°' ~ 10.~ /2-.°'~ ~ 1,0 ~s, W~L.:: '2 0 'f-'b +to=-o ,17 ILlF \ b .!:: I \ 7 i-1 ~ ~ l ~ .::._ -~-• ~ ~<; \ ~L((i.:: /b'/./2~z1::. ~\) ~ =. 17,~ ll.$1 ~ 7,~\ i:, 0 + I \)5~ ?• . 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I I ----------·- -'t'-; r! ! l \ \ ,\ I ~ I ~ : • I\ \ \ t r-= i l I ;· I ! -i \j\ ! ~I I -* ~>- . r--' -i r= ~ ~ -~ ... t'-~ _,_ ~ Q ' ij ~--· ~ 0 (<\ ... ~ Q I io ·N .. ~ .,.. • :1 -1 ~1 "' I ~\U Ii \.I §.~ ru z 0 .... Q 1---;;, N c::c: . Q > I re W· • :s: ' -I w CIJ CIJ :::) cc I- u_ ~ lU er· r/1 ~ cl_· \9 .. 0 I ... • .. Cl) .... ... &il ~ t) co /,€{;;, c:> Lr:,U-0 7~ I/ 2 q---0 ':f.::i '1'-?..2-,::::7 j,/t;(!,._ 'r# u,,-·;,;,,~:x &/Ztr:J G ';::re' ,f' p' B4 ···-------------------------- I I -- 1 I I I I I I I\) I I I I I I 1.-_. ----& I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio~, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job_--,------'--- P age_g=s __ Date~--- ()t,) ==----------------=---------"-----------------------. ------------------------ Units Option AISC Code Checks US Standard 9th Edition ASD Shear Deformation: No \ P-Delt~ Effects No Redesign No Edge Forces No A.S.I.F. 1.333 ---------------, _________________________ , ~--------------------------------- Node Boundary Conditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 1 1.00 0.00 0.00 2 3.00 0.00 0.00 3 5.00 0.00 0.00 4 7.00 0.00 0.00 5 9.00 0.00 0.00 6 11.00 0.00 0.00 7 13.00 0.00 0.00 8 15.00 0.00 0.00 9 17.00 0.00 0.00 10 19.00 0.00 0.00 11 21.00 0.00 0.00 12 23.00 0.00 0.00 13 25.00 0.00 0.00 14 27.00 o .o·o 0.00 15 29.00 0.00 0.00 16 31.00 0.00 0.00 17 33.00 0.00 0 .. 00 18 35.00 0.00 0.00 19 37.00 0.00 0.00 20 39.00 0. 00 · 0.00 21 41.00 0.00 0.00 22 43.00 0.00 0.00 23 45.00 0.00 0.00 24 47.00 0.00 0.00 25 49.00 0. 00. 0.00 26 51.00 0.00 0.00 27 53.00 0.00 0.00 28 55.00 0.00 0.00 29 57.00 0. o.o 0.00 30 59.00 0.00 0.00 31 0.00 2,50 R R 0.00 I I I I I I I I I 1.-.-::.':) .:. :_. i I I I I I I I .. ·. -·-,::) :<5 I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 Job_-=---- Page G(? San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Date ____ _ NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F --==--============ .. ====== ,===-==========· ==================-=====-=-======= ------------------. -·----------------~-------------------------------------- Node Boundary .Conditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/irt)----(in,K/in)--~(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 32 1.00 2 .. 50 0.00 33 3.00 \ 2.50 0.00 34 5.00 \ 2.50 0.00 I 35 7.00 2.50 0.00 36 9.00 2.50 0.00 37 11.00 2.50 0.00 38 13.00 2.50 0.00 39 15.00 2.50 0.00 40 17.00 2.50 0.00 41 19.00 2.50 0.00 42 21.00 2.50 0.00 43 23.00 2.50 0.00 44 25.00 2.50 0.00 45 27.00 2.50 0.00 46 29.00 2.50 0.00 47 31.00 2.50 0.00 48 33.00 2.50 o.oo· 49 35.00 2.50 0.00 50 37.00 2.50 0.00 51 39.00 2.50 0.00 52 41.00 2.50 0.00 53 43.00 2.50 0.00 54 45.00 2.50 0.00 55 47.00 2.50 0.00 56 49.00 2.50 0.00 57 51.00 2.50 0.00 58 53.00 2.50 0.00 59 55.00 2.50 0.00 60 57.00 2.50 0.00 61 59.00 2.50 0.00 62 60.00 2.50 R 0.00 ------------------------· - -------------·---------------------------------- Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal Weight Yield Stress Label Modulus Ratio Coefficient Density (Fy) ---------------,(Ksi)-----------------------(F)--,.------(K/ft3)------(Ksi)---- STL 29000.00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 46.000 ------------------.------------------~~-----------------------------------Section Databas.e Matl. Area Moment of As y /y Label Shape Set · Inertia . Coef -------------------·.---------------(inA2)---------(inA4)----------------- CHORD TU6X5X8 STL 9.36 42.900 1.20 VERT TU6X4X4 STL 4.59 22.100 1.20 ENDVERT TU6X4X6 STL 6. 58 29. 700 1. 20 I -I I I I I I I I 1··\:)J I I I I I I •u I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job Page B,7 Pate. ____ _ ---============<===========· ========= -====.--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I J ! Releases J End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z Sec Sway I J Length ---------------. ------------------------~-----------(in)----(in)------(ft) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 :- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 2 CHORD 3 CHORD 4 CHORD 5 CHORD 6 CHORD 7 CHORD 8 CHORD 9 CHORD 10 CHORD 11 ·CHORD 12 CHORD 13 CHORD 14 CHORD 15 CHORD 16 CHORD 17 CHORD 18 CHORD 19 CHORD 20 CHORD 21 CHORD 22 CHORD 23 CHORD 24 CHORD 25 CHORD 26 CHORD 27 CHORD 28 CHORD 29 CHORD 30 CHORD 32 CHORD 33 CHORD .34 CHORD 35 CHORD 36 CHORD 37 CHORD 38· C:EiORD 39 CHORD 40 CHORD 41 CHORD 42 CHORD 43 CHORD 44 CHORD. 45 CHORD 46 CHORD 47 CHORD 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 . 2. 00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 I I. I I I I I I I I_.::_;_<) ·.'. ·.· I I I I I I I_·.·.: .. I ·u I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job_--=~-- Page· R~ Date ___ _ =--------=----------------========·=.-. ----=====---------------------------- ------------------------------------------·------------------------------- I J I Rel.eases ,J End Offsets No Node Node Section X y z X y z Sec Sway I ,J Length ---------------------------· ---------------------(in)----(in)------(ft) 46 47 -48 CHORD 2.00 47 48 -49 CHORD 2.00 48 49 -50 CHORD 2.00 49 50 -51 CHORD 2.00 50 51 -52 CHORD 2.00 51 52 -53 CHORD 2.00 52 53 -54 CHORD 2.00 53 54 55 CHORD 2.00 54 55 -56 CHORD 2.00 55 56 -57 CHORD 2.00 56 57 -58 CHORD 2.00 57 58 -59 CHORD 2.00 58 59 -60 CHORD 2.00 59 60 -61 CHORD 2.00 60 61 -62 CHORD 1.00 61 1 -32 ENDVERT 2.50 62 2 -33 VERT 2.50 63 3 -34 VERT 2.50 64 4 -35 VERT 2.50 65 5 -36 VERT 2.50 66 6 -· 37 VERT 2.50 67 7 -38 VERT 2.50 68 8 -39 VERT 2. 50 69 9 -40 VERT 2.50 70 10 -41 VERT 2.50 71 11 -42 VERT 2.50 72 12 -43 VERT 2.50 73 13 -44 VERT 2.50 74. 14 -45 VERT 2.50 75 15 46 VERT 2.50 76 16 -47 VERT 2.50 77 17 -48 VERT 2.50 78 18 -49 VERT 2.50 79 19 50 VERT 2.50 80 20 -51 VERT 2.50 81 21 -52 VERT 2.50 82 .. 22 -53 VERT 2.50 83 23 -54 VERT 2.50 84 24 -55 VERT 2.50 85 25 -56 VERT 2 ·.-so 86 26 -57 VERT 2.50 87 27 58 VERT 2.50 88 28 -59 VERT 2.50 89 29 60 VERT 2.50 90 30 61 ENDVERT 2.50 I I I I I I I I I I _-.-:, ·:' __ :) I I I I I I I --- I {J I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108--5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS _D,E,-F Job_........,.., ____ _ Page BC?> Date ___ _ () v' ====================== .·=====· ==-=====. =========· ==========-================= ------------------------------------------------------------------. ------- I J Unbraced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le In Out Cm Cb -------------------(ft)-----{ft)-----(ft)---------------------------------- 1 1 2 21.45 2 2 3 21.45 3 3 4 21.45 4 4 -5 21.45 5 5 -6 21.45 6 6 -7 21.45 7 7 -8 21.45 8 8 -9 21.45 9 9 -10 21.45 10 10 -11 21.4.5 11 11 12 15.70 12 12 -13 15.70 13 13 -14 15.70 14 14 -15 15.70 15 15 -16 15.70 16 16 -17 15.70 17 17 -18 15.70 18 18 -19 15.70 19 19 -20 22.85 20 20 -21 22.85 21 21 -22 22.85 22 22 -23 22.85 23 23 .,. 24 22.85 24 24 -25 22.85 25 25 -26 22.85 26 26 -27 22.85 27 27 28 22.85 28 28 -29 22.85 29 29 -30 22.85 30 31 -32.., 1.60 31 32 -33 6.00 32 33 -34 6.00 33 34 -35 6.00 34 35 36 6.00 35 36 -37 6.00 36 37 .., 38 6.00 37 38 -39 --7 ; 8 5 -··· · - 38 39 -40 7.85 39 40 41 7.85 40 41 -42 7.85 41 42 -43 7.85 42 43 44 7.85 43 44 -45 7.85 44 45 -46 7.~5 45 46 -47 7.85 I I I I I I I I I l <-=./1 • .# •• -~ I I I I I I 1 ... -.-., ·(J) I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino D~l Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job ____ _ Page BIO Date ___ _ ( =------==----==== ==========================·======== . ==================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I J Unbr~ced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le In Out Cm Cb --------------------(ft)-----(ft)--.--(ft)---------------------------------- 46 47 -48 47 48 49 48 49 50 49 50 51 50 51 52 51 52 53 52 53 54 53 54 55 54 55 56 55 56 57 56 57 58 57 58 59 58 59 60 59 60 61 60 61 62 61 1 32 62 2 33 63 3 34 64 4 35 65 5 36 66 6 37 67 7 38 68 8 39 69 9 40 70 10 41 71 11 42 72 12 43 73 13 44 74 14 45 75 15 46 76 16 47 77 17 48 78 18 49 79 19 50 80 20 51 81 21 52 82 22 53 83 23 54 84 24 55 85 25 56 86 26 57 87 27 58 88 28 59 89 29 60 90 30 61 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7 .4.0 7.40 7.40 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 1. 60 I I I I I I I I I 1-···:-i ·,=:~·:··~: 1 I I I I I I I .. --:\ I ~t) I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, :Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job ____ _ Page---=B'"'""l \,__ __ Date ___ _ ====--=--------------------,-------.-----------:--------------------.------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------------- BLC No. Basic Load Case Description Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. --------------------------------------. ----------------------------------- 1 DEAD LOAD 2 LIVE LO~ \ Nodal Loads, BLC 1: DEAD LOAD 1 1 8 8 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Number Global X Global Y Moment --------· ---------------(K)-----------------(K)-----------------(K-ft)---- 54 0.000 2,600 0.000 Member Point Loads,BLC 1: DEAD LOAD --------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Memb I J No Node Node Direction Magnitude Location --------------------------------------{K,K-ft,i)-----------------(ft)----- 31 32 -?3 Y 1.310 0.600 34 35 -36 Y 2.080 0.600 37 38 -39 Y 2.380 0.600 41 42 -43 Y 2.670 0.450 45 46 -47 Y 2.670 0.300 49 50 -51 Y 2.670 0.150 56 57 -58 Y 2.300 1.400 59 60 61 Y 1.310 1.400 Member Distributed Loads,BLC 1: DEAD LO.AD ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Memb I J Start End Start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Liocation -------------------------(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 31 32 33 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 32 33 34 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 33 34 -35 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 34 35 -36 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 35 36 -37 y 0.020 o. o::rn 0.000 2.000 36 37 -38 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 37 38 -39 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 38· 39 -40 y ·---0. 020 0.-020 0.000 2.000 39 40 -41 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 40 41 -42 y _. 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 41 42 -43 y . 0. 020 0.020 0.000 2.000 42 43 -44 y 0.020 Q.020 0.000 2.000 43 44 45 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 44 45 --4p y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 45 46 -47 y 0 .04·0 0.020 0.000 2.000 46 47 -4~ y 0.020 0.020 0,000 2.000 I I. I I I I I I I 1:·:}) I I I I I I. I . I /jj I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108~5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job_--=.,...,.._.-- Page B\ i: Date ___ _ ================= ========== ===========·=================================== ---------- ------------------------------·-----------·---------------------Memb I J Start End Start End No Node Node Dir Ma.gnitude Magnitude Location Location ------------~------~-~---(K/ft,F)-----{K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 47 48 -49 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 48 49 -50 y 0.020 0.020. 0.000 2.000 49 50 -51 y, 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 50 51 -52 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 51 52 -53 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 52 53 -54 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 53 54. -55 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 54 55 -56 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 55 56 -57 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 56 57 58 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 57 58 -59 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 58 59 -60 y 0. 020 0.020 0.000 2.000 59 60 -61 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 60 6.1 -62 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 1.000 Nodal Loads, BLC .2: LIVE LOAD Node Number Global X Global Y Moment ------------------------(K)--------. --------(K)------------------(K-ft)---- 54 0.000 1.460 0.000 Member Point Loads,BLC 2: LIVE LOAD· . -------------------------·----------------------------~------------------------Memb I J No Node Node Direction Magnitude Location ---------------- ------------------(K,K-ft,F)----------------(ft)------ 31 32 -33 Y 0.690 0.600 34 35 -36 Y 1.150 0.600 37 38 -39 Y 1.330 0.600 41 42 -43 Y 1.510 0.450 45 46 -47 Y 1.510 0.300 49 50 -51 Y 1.510 o.i5o 56 57 58 Y 1.290 1.400 59 60 -61 Y· 0.690 1.400 Load Combination No. Description Self Wt BLC .BLC BLC BLC BLC Dir Fae Fae Fae -Fae Fae Fae W E DYNA S V -------------------------------------------------------------------------1 DL+LL 2 DL ONLY y -1 y -1 1 -1 1 -1 2 -1 I I I I I I I I I I::.:·>) I I I I I I I"@ 1· I RISA-2D (~) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Assotiates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job_.,....,_,--=--- Page 13 I"':> Date ___ _ ============.==================-======-=====-----==·====--------------------- Load Combination is 1 : DL+LL AISC Code Checks -----------------------------~----------------------. ----------------------- Nodes No I J Maximum \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 2 0.4925 3 0.3457 4 0.4164 5 0.4368 6 0.4608 7 0.5108 8 0.5307 9 0.5321 10 0.5573 11 0. 595.0 12 0.5647 13 0. 5.483 14 0.5560 15 0.5739 16 0.5531 17 0.55~4 18 0.5434 19 0.5521 20 0.5953 21 0.5723 22 0,'5456 23 0.5378 24 0.5609 25 '0 .49~0 26 0.4523 27 0.4334 28 0.4171 29 0.3455 30 0.4919 32 0.5147 33 0.2463 34 0.3654 35 0.4082 36 0.4258 0 Memb~r Quarter J?oints 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear . . . - 0.1434 .o. 2415 0. 3'044 0.3433 0.3764 d.4256 0.4597 0.4725 0 :4975 0.5362 0. 5329 0.5267 0.5342 0. 553"8 0.5296 0.5061 0.4968 0.4970 0. 45.23 0.4116 ·o. 3852 0. 36'51 0.3:1,05 0.2967 .0.2640 0.2360 ·17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35- 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 29- 31- 32- 33- 34- 35- 36- 37- 38- 39- 40- 4-1- 42- 43- 44- 3 7 ·-· -· 0 • 4 6 3 0 ·- 0. 4925 0.28l9 0.3382 0.3337 d.3523 0.3795 0. 3·688 0.3756 0.4000 0.403$ 0.4362 0.4605 0.4671 0.4921 0.5531 0.5534 0.5434 0.5521 0.5953 0.5723 0.5456 0.5378 0.5609 0.4940 Q.4523 0.4334 0.4171 0,3455 Q.3166 0.0000 0. l.3_21 0.3554 0.3353 0.3524 0.3769 0 .4038' 0.4351 0.4489 0.4698 0.4847 0.5067 0.5332 0.5512 0.3183 0.1770 0.2256 Q.2396 0.2673 0. 2936 · 0.3171 0. 3526 0.3772 0.4177 0.4687 0.4828 0.4897 0.5129 0.5455 0.5379 0.5281 0,5340 o·. 54·79 • Q.5190 0.4924 0~4805 0.4748 0.4120 0.3708 ·O. 3418 0.3051 0.2415 0.143-2 O.i288 0.0802 0.2346 0.2366 0.2450 0.3022 0.3322 0. 4027 0.4171 0.4533 0.4920 0.5656 0.5530 0.5683 0.1444 0.1372 0.1922 0.2496 0.2919 0.3402 0.3885 0.4127 0.4375 0.4771 0 .. 5009 0.5049 0 ~ 512.1 0,5335 o.5377 0.5221 0.5126 0. 5:156 0.5002 0.4654 0.4389 0.4229 0.3884 0. 3:297 0.2892 0.2500 0.1930 0.1372 0.1441 0 .2575 0.1396 0.1257 0.2065 0.2841 0.3152 0.3665 0.4542 0.4662 0.4999 0. 536·9 0.5796 0.5725 0.5852 . 0. 2241 0 .1.766 0.3179 0.38'61 0.1931 0.2457 0.2998 0.3527 0.3893. 0.3169 0.3457 0.4164 0.4368 0.4608 0 .5108 0.5307 0. 532·1 0.5573 0.5950 0.5647 0.5483 0.5560 0.5739 0'.5212 0.4899 0.4807 0.4781 0.4041 0.4017 0.3853 0.3629 0. 3974 0.3794 Q.3461 0.3282 0.3367 0.2812 0.4919 0.5147 0.2463 0.3654 0.4082 0.4258 0.4630 0.5081 0.5386 0.5636 0.5922 0.6257 0.6067 0.6106 0.6180 0.1142 0.0688 0.0739 0.0618 0.0558 0.0564 0.0428 0.0360 0.0361 0.0356 0.0194 0.0134 0.0135 0.0125 0.0050 0.0097 0.0096 0.0113 0.0288 0.0323 0. 0322 . 0.034-7 0.0518 0.0543 0.0539 0.0605 0.0739 0.0687 0.1141 0.1688 0.0538 0.0793 0.0723 0.0825 0.0574 0.0549 0.0666 0.0379 0.0360 0.0346 0.0489 0.0153 0.0132 38 0.5081 39 0.5386 40 0.5636 41 0.5922 42 0.6257· 43 0.6067 44 ·0.6106 45 0.6180 0.4374 0.4965 0.5150 0.5462 0.5815 0.5933 0.5917 0.6017 I RISA-2D (R) Vers;i.on 3.03 I George R. Saunders As-sociates Joh 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 Page 'Bl4 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Date D w I NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F -----------------------------------.· -------------------------------------- I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nodes Member Quarter Points No I J Maximum 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear I ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44 45-46 0.6333 0.5709 0.5870 0.6027 0.6182 0.6333 0.0124 45 46-47 0.6316 0.6156 0.6316 0.6175 0.6032 0.5885 0.0275 I 46 47-48 0.6139 o .. 6139 0.6038 0.5934 0.5828 0.571.8 0.0085 47 48-49 0.6107 0.6107 0.5981 0.5851 0.5719 0.5583 0.0105 48 49-50 0.6097 0.6097 0.5968 O .5836 0.5701 0.5563 0.0107 I 49 50-51 \ 0.6404 0. 64-04 0.6133 0.5709 0.5282 0.4899 0.0329 50 51-52 0. 6'093 0.6093 0.5694 0.5292 0.4887 0.4804 0.0313 51 52-53 0.5849 0.5849 0.5425 0. 4.998 0.4568 0.4627 0.0332 52 53-54 0.5629 0.5629 0.5213 0.4793 0.4371 0.4245 0.0327 I 53 54-55 0.5729 0.5729 0.5033 0.4333 0.3729 0.4435 0.0542 54 55-56 0.5132 0.5132 0.4444 0.3752 0.3479 0.4177 0.0536 55 56-57 0.4695 0.4695 0.3978 0.3257 0.3130 0.3856 0.0558 I 56 57-58 0.4210 0.4210 0.3513 0.2856 0.2399 0.3486 0.0836 57 5"8-59 0.4081 0.4081 0.2998 0. 2067 · 0.2355 0.3338 0.0721 58 59-60 0.3651 0.3651 0.2456 0.1257 0.2341 0.3547 0.0792 1--:·--i 59 60-61 0.2461 0.2461 0.1930 0.1396 0.0803 0.1318 0.0537 .. -. · .. 60 61-62 0.5144 0.5144 0.3859 0.2574 0.1287 0.0000 0.1688 . :-1 61 1-32 0.9099 0.6986 0.3314 0.1751 0.5425 0.9099 0.1778 62 2-33 0.8895 0.8895 0.4752 0.0609 0.4352 0.8493 0.2238 I 63 3-34 0.8362 0.8329 0.4:1,82 0.006~ 0.4214 0.8362 0.2240 64 4-35 0.7931 0.7866 0.3968 0.0138 0.4035 0.7931 0.2105 65 5-36 0.6926 ·o. 6926 0.3500 0.0075 0.3445 0.6869 0.1850 I 66 6-37 0.6405 0. 6397 0.3203 0.0014 0.3210 0.6405 0.1726 67 7-38 0.5878 0.5805 0.2942 0.0156 0.3017 0.5878 0.1546 68 8-39 0.4738 0.4738 0.2412 0.0085 0.2350 0. 4·675 0.1256 I 69 9-40 0.4245 0.4238 0.2122 0.0010 0.2128 0.4245 0.1144 70 10-41 0.3920 0.3913 0.1957 0.0004 0.1962 0.3920 0.1057 71 11-42 0.3339 0.3267 0.1685 0.0179 0.1759 0.3339 0.0854 72 12-43 0.2094 0.2094 0.1085 0.0077 0 .102_7. 0.2034 0.0544 I 73 13-44 0 .-1608 0.1601 0.0803. 0.0010 0-. 08·09 0.1608 0.0431 74 14-45 0.1267 0.1262 o .. 063 0 0.0007 0.0637 0.1267 0.0341 75 15-46 0.0618 0.0562 0.0341 0.0178 0.0398 0.0618 0.0119 I 76 16-47 0.0714 0.0672 0 .-0343 0.0059 0.0386 0.0714 0.0177 77 17-48 0.1058 0~1057 0.0533 0.0009 0.0532 0.1058 0.0284 78 18-49 0 .1412 0.1412 0.0714 0.0016 0.0697 0.1394 0.0377 79 19-50 0.2456 0.2456 0.1313 0.0170 0.1278 0.2420 0.0617 I 80 20-51 0.3363 0.3333 0.1671 0.0042 0.1702 0. 33-63 0.0897 81 21-52 0. 3 702 0~3700 0.1854 0.0008 0.1854 0.3702 0.0998 82 22-53 0.4073 0 .4073' 0.2050 0.0027 0.2025 0. 4-047 0.1092 •w 83 23-54 O .51~9 0.5139 0.2645 0.0150 0.2643 0.5136 0.1347 84 24-55 0.5956 0 .59:37 0.2970 0.0027 0.2992 0.5956 0.1602 85 25-56 0. 6304 · 0.6299 0.3154 0.0011 0.315'8 0.6304 0.1699 ,. __ 86 26-57 0.6790 0.6790 0.3437 0.0083 0.3376 0.6728 0.1811 I 87 27-58 0 .-7876 0.7804 0.3941 0.01;,3 0.4015 0.7876 0.2086 88 28-59 0.8337 0.8304 0.4170 0.0067 0.4202 0.8337 0.2234 I I I I I I I I I I 1 ·)::) I I I I I I··· I_.·_;_., .-·v I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job ____ _ Page le:./ S Date ____ _ ==================== ======= =============== =============================== -------------.----------------. ------------------------------------------- Nodes No I J Maximum 89 29-60 90 30-61 0.8880 O. 908'9 I Load Combination is 1 Nodal Displacements ' Q 0.8880 0.6978 DL+LL Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 0.4745 0. 330·9 0.0609 0.1749 0.4345 o·. 5419 L 0.8479 0.9089 Shear 0.2234 0.1776 Node . Global X . Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)---------------(in)----------------(rad)--------- 1 -0.19530 -0.li074 -0.00724 2 -o.1·9400 -0.30494 -0.00797 3 -0 .1.9161 -0. 5.0005 -0.00770 4 -0.18812 -0.68850 -0.00737 5 --0.18361 -0.86654 -0.00694 6 -0.17819 -1.03328 -0.00648 7 -0.17193 -1.18797 -0.00593 8 -0.16491 -L 32722 -0.00531 9 -0.15729 -1.45117 -0.00471 10 -0.14910 -1.56074 -0.00411 11. -0.14040 -1.65427 -0.00338 12 -0.13128 -1.72811 -0.00261 13 -0 .1.2190 . -1.78347 -0.00189 14 -0.1:]..230 -1. 82188 -0.00119 15 -0.10254 -1.84212 -0.00039 16 -0. 0·9272 -1.84110 0.00043 17 -0.08299 -1.82102 0.00116 18 -0.07339 -1.78375 0.00186 19 -0.06398 -1.74$43 0.00265 20 -0.05487 -1.65262 0.00342 21 .,.0.04620 -1.55938 0.00407 22 -0.03802 -1.45097 0.00469 23 -0.03037 -1.32694 0.00536 24 -0.02337 -1.18563 0.00598 25 -0.01716 -1.03079 0.00646 26 -0.01178 -0.86483 0.00691 27 -0. 00728 -0.68751 0.00735 28 -0.00380 -0_.49945 0.00769 29 -0.00141 -0.30460 0.00796- 30 -0.00011 -0 .11.062 0.00723 31 -0.00000 -0.00000 -0. 00_942 32 -0.00000 -0.10875 -0. 0·0834 33 · -0. 00130 -0.30605 -0.00776 34 -0.00370 -0.49991 -0.00772 35 -0.00718 -0.68878 -0.00741 36 -0.01170 -0.86667 -0.00691 I I I I I I I I I I:·::·::-) ·::_ .. .,, I I I I I I· •0 I I RISA-.2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job___,...___..,..,..._-- Page B/--b Date. ____ _ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Node Global X Global Y Rotatior,i. ---------~-----------(in)-:-----~----~-----~(in)----------------(rad)--------- 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 -0.01711 -0.02337 -0.03039 -0.03802 -0.04620 -0.05490 -0,06402 -0.07341 -0.08300 -0.09276 -0.102:5.8 -0.11232 -0.12191 -'0.13132 -0.14043 -0.14910 -0 .1572·9 -0.16494 -0.17193 --0.17814 -0.18353 -0.18802 -0.193,.50 -0.19390 -0.19520 -0.19520 Load Combination is 1: _Reactions DL+LL -1.03325 -'1.18829 -1.32737 -1.45115 -1. 5.6073 -1.65465 -1.72824 -1.78345 -1.82189 :-1.84252 -1.84120 -1.$2100 -1.78378 -1.72884 -1.65268 -1.55936 -1.45101 -1.32735 -1.18567 -1.03076 -0.86497 -0.68782 --:0 .49.930 -0.30571 -0.10864 -0.00000 -0.00649 -0.00597 -0.00528 -0.00472 -0.00411 -0.00342 -0.00258 -0.00190 -0.00120 -0.00042 0.00046 0.00116 0 .·00186 0.00263 0.00344 0.00407 0.00468 0.00536 0.00599 0.00646 0.00688 0.00739 0.00771 0.00776 0.00833 0.00941 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------{K}----------------(K)--------------(K-ft)--------- 31 o.ooobo 18.63792 0.00000 62 0.00000 18.63565 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 37.27357 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I/:} I I I I I I I ... _ . ;".:_-:) I<~ I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job ____ _ Page Bil Date ___ _ ================================== ·========-----------=--------------------- Load Combination is 2 : DL ONLY Nodal Displacements --------------------· -------------·--------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation -------------------~-(iri)--------------"---(in)----------------(rad)--------- 1 -0.13656 -'0.07748 -0.00506 2 -0 .1356,4 -0.21335 -0.00558 3 -0.13397 -0.34978 -0.00538 4 -0.13152 -0.48148 -0.00515 5 -0.12837 -0.60594 -0.00485 6 -"0.12458 -0.72249 -0.00453 7 -0.12020 -0.83057 -0.00414 8 -0.11529 -0.92793 -0.00371 9 -0.10996 -1.01460 -0.00329 10 -9.10423 -1. 09112 -0.00287 11 -0 ~0·9815 -1 .. 15638 -0.00236 12 -0.09178 -1.20800 -·0. 00182 13 -0.08522 --1. 24674 -0.00132 14 -0.07851 -1.,27353 --0. 00083 15 -0.07169 -1. 28758 -0.00027 16 -0. 0·6483 -1. 28-692 0.00030 17 -0.05803 -1.27294 0.00081 18 -:-0.05132 -1. 24686 0.00131 19 -0.04474 -1. 20813 0.00185 20 .,;,Q.03838 -1.15522 0.00239 21 -0.03232 -1.09013 0.00285 22 -0.02660 -1.01434 0.00328 23 -0. 02125 · -0. 927'60 0.00374 24 -0.0163'6 -·0. 82891 0.00418 25 -0.01201 -0.72073 0.00452 26 -0.00825 -0.60469 0.00483 27 -0.00510 -0.48071 0.00514 28 -0.00267 -0.34930 0.00538 29 -0.00099 -0.2'1307 0.00557 30 -0.00008 -0. 07739 0.00506 31 -0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00659 32 -o.oob'oo --0.07609 -0.00584 33 -0.00091 -0.21412 -0.00543 34 -0.00259 "-0.34968 -0.00540 35 -0.00503 -0.48166 -0.00518 36 --0.00819 -0.60603 -0.00483 37 -0.01198 -0.72247 -0.00453 38 -0.01636 -0.83077 -0.0041.7 39 --0.021.26 -0.92803 -0.00369 40 . -o·. 0-2660 . -1.014S9 -0.00330 41 -0.03232 - -0.00287 42 -0.03841. -1.15663 -0.00239 43 -0 .. 0.4478 -1.20809 -0.001.81 I I- I I I I I I -1 1·::·:. I I I I I I •u I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunderp Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 9210-8-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D,E,F Job_...,....,.. __ _ Page E,}£2, Date ___ _ Ow ======================·=·=: ==========. ======= =========================== Node Global X Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)------~----------(in)----------------(rad)--------- 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 -O.OS-134 \ -0.05804 -0.06487 -'-0,07173 -0.07853 -0.08524 -0.09181 ,-0.09818 -0.10424 -0.10996 -0.11531 -0.12020 -0.12454 ,..o.12831 -0.13145 -0.13389 :..0.13556 -0 .13648 -0.13648 Load Combination is 2 : DL ONLY Reactions -1.24672 -1. 27354 -1.28784 -1.28699 · -1. 27293 -1.24688 -1. 20839 . -1.15527 -1.09012 -1.01436 -0.92786 -0.82894 -0.72071 -0.60478 -0.48091 -0.34919 -0.21384 -0.07599 -0.00000 -0.00132 -0.00083 -0.00029 0.00031 0.00081 0.00130 0.00184 0.00240 0.00285 0.00327 0.00374 0.00419 0.00452 0.00481 0.00516 0.00539 0.00542 0.00583 0.00658 ----------------------------------~--------------------------~ ---------.- Node Global X Global Y Moment --------------------(K)-----------------(K)---------------(K-ft)---~----- 31 O. 00000 13. 0688·0 -0. 00000 62 0.00000 13.06476 0.00000 Totals O. 000-00 · 26 .13356 O. OOO·OO I I I I I I I I I I/./:) -~~-' I I I I I I I< .. '·::. (.· .. · . I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 I I I 1 _rt-v.s_St<:-_" --~= e: __ c::-r:-.'(if;-~ C-~ __ .;f __ c . _ -7. ·? ,·,?. 7 A -= "", ::· /,. '7 7 c;, I I DL /,~,~ ?-,op/:. J. I {le)'-- 2, '?Bi,: 'J. ,1,p7'f:- '2,&lk- -,,e,,,7/:- '2, {:;,pk:. JOB le ho f.A-1, .. HJ . SHEET NO. B/0 OF CALCULATED BY -1.,i:J DATE tf.J..·1,17 CHECKED BY () t,J DATE SCALE 1../rt~ri-/ , J/ J, ~IY,Pl-£/. .' 1'· 1..L,,.J;) ~ o.&<::JJ:;. J. I'S J:- /,!Sr. I :;'?J'. I I ,' '. f..,/ I' J ~1}'-!1 ....... l .:::.,~ , . ..,, 1.q-r,1'- ('J:t?(4-} +!DJ J(p '-f,q.4l~ :1-(4-) Cli:?) = c;-7/,::, • I . re.:. 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Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 69.0 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job ____ _ · Page BU Date ____ _ =========----------------------------~----------· ----------------------- Units Option us Standard AISC Code Checks 9th Edition ASD Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects No Redesign Nb Edge Forces No A.S.I.F. 1.333 . . ----------------------------·------------------------------------------------ Node Boundary Conditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)------~-(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in~K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 1 1.00 0.00 0.00 2 3.00 0.00-0.00 3 5.00 0.00 0.00 4 7.00 0.00 0.00 5 9.00 0.00 0.00 6 11.00 0.00 0.00 7 13.00 0.00 0.00 8 15.00 0.00 0.00 9 17.00 0.00 0.00 10 19.00 0.00 0.00 11 2l.00 0.00 0.00 12 23.00 o.oo 0.00 13 25.00 0.00 0.00 14 27.00 0.00 0.00 15 29.00 0.00 0.00 16 31.00 0.00 0.00 17 33.00 o.oo 0.00 18 35.00 0.00 0.00 19 37.00 0.00 0.00 20 39.00 0.00 0.00 21 41.00 ·o.oo 0.00 22 43.00 0.00 0.00 23 45.00 0.00 0.00 24 47.00 Q.00 0.00 25 49.00 ().00 0.00 26 51.00 b.bO o.oo 27 53.00 0.00 0.00 28 55.00 0.00 0.00 29 57.00 0.00 0.00 30 59.00 o.oo 0.00 31 0.00 2.50 R R ,0.00 I I I I I I I I I 1--:·t) I I I I I I 1 .. :.-.·., <U I I RISA-2D (R) Versiop 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates Job ____ _ Page B22. 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Date, ____ _ !>1,J NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C ---------==== ·============== -===" ====· =-==· ====,=·=== -·=========---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Boundary Conditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. ----------~(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)~---{in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 32 1.00 2.50 0.00 33 3.00 2 .. 50 0.00 34 5.00 2.50 0.00 35 7.00 2.50 0.00 36 9.00 2.50 0.00 37 11.00 2.50 0.00 38 13.00 2.50 0.00 39 15.00 2.50 0.00 40 17.00 2.50 0.00 41 19.00 2.50 0.00 42 21.00 2.50 0.00 43 23.00 2.50 0.00 44 25.00 2.50 0.00 45 27.00 2.50 0.00 46 29.00 2.50 0.00 47 31.00 2.50 0.00 48 33.00 2.50 0 .-00 49 35.00 2.50 0.00 50 37.00 2.50 0.00 51 39.00 2.50 0.00 52 41.00 2.50 0.00 53 43.00 2.50 0.00 54 45.00 2.50 0.00 55 47.00 2.50 0.00 56 49.00 2.50 0.00 57 51.00 2.50 0.00 58 53.00 2.50 0.00 59 55.00 2.50 0.00 60 57.00 2.50 0.00 61 59.00 -2.50 0.00 62 60.00 2.50 R 0.00 -----------·--------------------------.--------------------------------- Material Elastic Pois·son.' s Thermal Weight Yield Stress Label Modulus Ratio Coefficient Density (Fy) ---------------(Ksi)-----------------------(F)~-------(K/ft3)------(Ksi)---- STL · ·-29000~00 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 46.000 -. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-.- Section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label Shape Set Inertia Coef ---------------------, --------------(in~2)----~---(inA4)----------------- CHORD TU6XSX8 STL 9.36 42.900 1.20 VERT TU6X4X4 STL 4.59 22.100 1.20 ENDVERT TU6_X4X6 STL 6. 5$ 29. 700 1. 20 I I I I I I I I I 1:·:_:\.1 I I I I I I •o I I RISA.:.2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job Page :bi~ Date. ___ _ =-------------------· --------------------------------------------------- ---------------·--------------------------------------------------------- I J I Releases J End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z Sec Sway I J Length ------------------------------------------------------(in)----(in)------(ft) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1·4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 1 -2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD· CHORD CHORD CJIORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORP CHORD. CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD. CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHORD CHQRl;) · CHORD CHORD CHORD 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2'. 00 2.00 2 .-00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 I I I I I I I I I 1:·-. ··, ·.1 I I I I I I 1 .... ::::, ··9 ·.:..-:··-· I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707- NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job_-=--,--,--- Page '£:,24 Date ___ _ = = = = = = = = = = = = = -= =-=-= =-= = = = = = = == = =-= = = =-=·= = = = . === = = = == ='= = = = =·= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I J I Rel.eases J· Eno Offsets No Node Node SeGtion x y z x y z Sec Sway I J Length -----------------------------------------------· ----(in)----(in)------(ft) 46 47 -48 CHORD 2.00 47 48 -49 CHORO 2.00 48 49 -50 CHORD 2.00 49 50 -51 CHORD 2.00 50 51 -5;2 CHORD 2.00 51 52 -53 CHORD 2.00 52 53 -54 C.HORD 2.00 53 54 -55 CHORD 2.00 54 55 -56 CHORD 2.00 55 56 -57 CHORD 2~00 56 57 -58 CHORD 2.00 57 58 -59 CRORD 2.00 58 59 -60 CHORD 2.00 59 60 -61 CHORD 2.00 60 61 -62 CHORD 1.00 61 1 -32 ENDVERT 2.50 62 2 -33 VERT 2.50 63 3 -34 VERT 2.50 64 4 -35 ·VERT 2.50 65 5 -36 VERT 2.50 66 6 -37 VERT 2.50 67 7 -38 VERT 2.50 68 8 39 VERT. 2.50 69 9 -40 VERT 2.50 70 10 -41 .VERT 2.50 71 11 -42 VERT 2.50 72 12 -43 VERT 2.50 73 13 -44 VERT 2.50 74 14 -45 VERT 2.50 75 15 -46 VERT 2.50 76 16 -47 VERT 2.50 77 17 -48 VERT 2.50 78 18 -49 VERT 2.50 79 19 -50 VERT 2.50 80 20 -51 VERT 2.50 81 21 -52 VERT 2.50 82 .. -22 ---53 VERT 2.50 83 23 -54 VERT 2.50 84 24 55 VERT 2.50 85 25 -56 VERT 2.50 86 26 -57 VERT 2 .50 87 27 -58 VERT 2.50 88 28 -59 VERT 2.50 89 29 -60 VERT 2.50 90 30 -61 ENDVERT 2.50 I I I I I I I I I l .<?J .. : ·. I I I I I I I .. · .-:0 1 "····· I RISA--2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associate$ 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job ____ .,,-,-__ Page '62.? Date ____ _ =========---=========.=== --------------===-----·-=---.-===---==-=-======== -----------------------------. ------------------------------------------- I J Unbraced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le . In Out Cm Cb -------------------(ft)-----(ft)-----(ft)--.------------------------------- 1 1 - 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 -5 5 5 - 6 6 6 - 7 7 7 -8 8 8 -9 9 9 -10 10 10 -11 11 11 -12 12 12 -13 13 13 -14 14 14 -15 15 15 -16 16 16 -17 17 17 -18 18 18 19 19 19 -20 20 20 -21 21 21 -22 22 22 -23 23 23 -24 24 24 -25 25 25 -26 26 26 -27 27 27 -28 28 28 29 29 29 -30 30 31 32 31 32 -33 32 33 -34 33 34 -35 34 35 -36 35 36 -37 36 37 -38 37 38 39 38 39 -40 39 40 -41 40 41 -42 41 42 43 42 43 -44 43 44 -45 44 45 -46 45 46 -47 27.45 27 .. 45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 15.70 15.70 15.70 15.70 1$.70 15.70 15.70 15.70 16.85 16.85 16.85 16.85 16.85 16 .. 85 16.85 16.85 1.60 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6. 00 · 6.00 6.00 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 I I I I I I I I I l:_\J I I I I I I· I .. I I ··\·.:1 ··J RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio.N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRlDS B & C Job_-..,....,,---- Page ;2,~ Date ___ _ =====================· ========= ·=======' ====-============================== I J Unbraced Lengths K Fact.ors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out· Le In Out Cm Cb --------------------(ft)-----(ft}-----(ft)--------------------------------- 46 47 -48 ·7.85 47 48 49 \ 7.85 48 49 -50 I 7.85 49 50 -51 7.85 50 51 52 7.8'5 51 52 -53 7.85 52 53 -54 7.85 53 54 -55 7.85 54 55 -56 7.85 55 56 57 7.85 56 57 -58 7.40 57 58 -59 7.40 58 59 -60 7.40 59 60 -61 7.40 60 61 -62 1.60 61 1 32 62 2 -33 63 3 -34 64 4 -35 65 5 -36 66 6 -37 67 7 -38 68 8 -39 69 9 40 70 10 -41 71 11 -42 72 12 -43 73 13 -44 74 14 -45 75 15 -46 76 16 -47 77 17 -48 78 18 -49 79 19 -50 80 20 -51 81 21 -52 82 22 -53 83 23 54 84 24 55 85 25 -56 86 26 -57 87 27 58 88 28 59 89 29 -60 90 30 -61 I I I I I I I I I 1·};) I I I I I I 1 .. ·.· .. . ·.·;.\ I :J I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job ____ _ Page e;i1 Date ___ _ ================· ==============·============================================ BLC No. Basic Load Case Description Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. ----------------· -------------------------------------------------------- 1 DEAD LOAD 2 LIVE LO~ \ Nodal Loads, BLC 1: DEAD LOAD 1 1 8 8 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Node Number Global X Gl.obal Y Moment ------------------------(K)-----.------------(K)-----------------(K-ft)---- 57 O.OOb 2.600 0.000 Member Point Loads,BLC 1: DEAD LOAD ----------------------------· -"--------------------------------------------- Memb I .J No Node Node Dir~ction Magnitude Lo'cation ------------------------------------(K,K ft,F)-----------------(ft)---~-- 31 32 -33 Y 1.310 0.600 34 35 -36 Y 2.080 0.600 37 38 -39 Y 2.080 0.600 40 41 -42 Y 2.38-0 0.600 44 45 -46 Y 2.670 0.450 48 49 -50 Y 2,670 0.300 52 53 -54 Y 2.670 0.150 5 9 6 0 -61 Y 1 . 4.9 0 1 . 4 0 0 Member Distributed Loads., BLC 1: DEAD LOAD __________________ , ________________________________________________________ _ Memb I J Start End Start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Locatiqn Location ---------------~------~--(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 32 - 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 33 Y 34 Y 35 Y 36 Y 37 Y 38 Y 39 Y 40 Y 41 Y 44 y 43 Y 44 Y 45 Y 46 Y 47. y- 48 Y 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 · 0. 020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 -0. 020 0.020 0.020 0.020 -o. 020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 '0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 :ooo 0.000 0.000 o. o·oo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 I I I I I I I I I 1-:·.:_.: ... .· -:.·-~ I -1 I I I I I __ _ ·:=9 I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del RioN, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 9210·8-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job p ag_e____,8, ___ ?.._0=-~-- Da t e ____ _ ======---==========: ~=·---=====-==·=======·================================= ----------------·---------· ---------------------------------------------- Memb I J Start End Start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location ------------------~------(K/£t,F)-~-~-(K/ft,F)---------(ft)----~----(ft)---- 47 48. -49 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 48 49 -50 Y, 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 49 50 -51 y·, -0. 020 0.020 0.000 2.000 50 51 -52 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 51 52 -53 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 52 53 -54 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 53 54 -55 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 54 55· -56 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 55 56 -57 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 56 57 -58 y 0. 0.20 0.020 o. ooo· 2.000 57 58 -59 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 58 59 -· 60 y 0. 020 0.020 0.000 2.000 59 60 -61 y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 60 61 -62 y 0.020 0. 020· 0.000 1.000 Nodal Loads, BLC 2 : LIVE LOAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------Node Number G1oQal X Global Y Moment -----------------------(K)-----------------(K)---------------(K-ft)---- 57 0.000 1.460 0.000 Member Point Loads,BLC 2: LIVE LOAD ----------------·---------------------. --------------------------------- Memb I J No Node Node Direction Magnitude Location -----------------------------~ ----(K,K-ft,F)-----------------(ft)------ 31 32 -33 f 0.690 0.600 34 35 -a6 Y 1.1so 0.600 37 38 -39 Y 1.150 0.600 40 41 -42 Y 1.330 0.600 44 45 -46 Y 1.510 0.450 48 49 -50 Y 1.510 0.300 52 53 7 54 y 1.510 0.150 59 60 -61 Y 0.770 1.400 -----------------------------------------------------------·---------------- Load Combination No. Description Self Wt BLC· BLC BLC BLC BLC Dir Fae Fae f~G Fae Fae Fae . . W E DYNA S· V ----------------------. --------------------------------------------------1 DL+LL 2 DL ONLY y -1 y -1 1 --1 1 -1 2 -1 I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 I George R. Saunders Associates Job 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 Page .\3 2. °) San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Date I NORTH COMPLEX PvJ TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C ========================= ·=====.=-= ====·====== ~==================~======= I Load Combination is 1 : DL+LL AISC Code Checks -------------------------~-------------------------------------------------I Nodes Member Quarter·Points No I J Maximum 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1 1-2 -0.5367 0.5367 0. 3449' 0.1533 0.1522 0.3433 0.1144 2 2-3 0.3702 0.2999 0.1845 0. JA05 0.2555 0.3702 0.0689 3 3-4 0.4432 0.3572 0.2332 0.1963 0. 319-9 0.4432 0.0740 I 4 4-5 0.4612 0.3479 0.2442 0.2550 0.3582 0.4612 0.0619 5 5-6 0.4835 0.3646 0.2710 0.2974 0.3906 0.4835 0.0559 6 6-7 0.5-333 0.3921 0.2977 0.3456 0.4396 0.5333 0. 05-64 7 7-8 ·o .5355 0.3768 0.3138 0.3879 0.4618 0.5355 0.0444 I 8 8-9 0.5437 0.3846 0.3519 0.4161 0.4800 0.5437 0.0384 9 9-10 0.5810 0.4016 0 .. 3864. 0.4515 0.5164 0.5810 0.0390 10 10-11 0.5633 0.3944 ·o .4369 0.4793 0.5214 0.5633 0.0254 I. 11 11-12 0.5507 0.4273 0.4585 0.489"5 0.5202 0.5507 0.0187 12 12-13 0.5619 0.4378 0.4692 0. 50·04 0.5313 0.5619 0.0188 13 13-14 0.5857 0.4653 0.4958 0.5260 0.5559 0.5857 0.0182 1 ··.----· 14 14-15 0.5414 0.5294 0.5328 0.5359 0.5388 ·o.5414 0.0021 . ~: . -.· .. } 15 15-16 0.5397 0.5397 0. 5.329 0.5259 0.5186 0.5110 0.0046 16 16-17 0.5324 0. 5324 0.5259 0.5191 0.5121 0.5049 0.0044 17 17-18 o.~434 0.5434 0.5351 0.5266 0.5178 0.5088 0.0054 I 18 18-19 0.5743 0.5743 0.5409 0.5073 0 .4735 0.4395 0.0224 19 19-20 0.5605 ·0.5605 0.5199 0 .. 4791 0.4381 0.3973 0.0271 20 20-21 0.5371 0.5371 0.4968 0.4561 0 .4153 0.3.846 0.0270 I 21 21-22 0.5306 0.5306 0.4876 0.4444 ·o. 4010 0.3621 0.0287 22 22-23 0.5549 0.5549 o·.4853 0.4155 0.3455 ·o.3947 0.0461 23 23-24 0.5185 0.5185 0.4435 0.3684 0.3153 0.3909 0.0496 I 24 24-25 0.478:S 0.4785 0.4037 0.3286 0.2891 0.3646 0.0496 25 25-26 0.4555 0.4555 0.3769 0.2982 0.2533 0.3326 0.0520 26 26-27 0.4598 0. 459·8 ·o.3550 0.2500 0.2470 0.3524 0.0692 27 27-28 0.4007 0.4007 0.2919 0.1829 0.2268 0.3363 0.0718 I 28 28-29 0.3370 0.3370 0.2358 0.1343 0.1735 0.2754 0.0669 29 29-30 0.4852 0.3124 0.1415 0.1422 0.3136 0.4852 0 .11.26 30 31-32 0.5152 0.0000 0.12{39 0.2577 ·o.3865 0.5152 0.1690 I 31 32-33 0.2466 0.1323 0.0803 0.1397 0.1933 0.2466 0.0538 32 33-34 0.3658 0-. 3558 0.2349 0.12.58 0.2460 0.3658 0.0794 33 34-35 0.4087 0.3357 0.2369 0.2067 0.3001 0.4087 0.0724 I 34 35-36 0.4262 0. 352-9 0.2454 0.2843 0.3531 0.4262 0.0826 35 36-37 ------0 .4634 0.3777 0.3029 0. 3-154 0.3895 0.4634 0.0575 36 37-38 0.5084 0.4055 0.3337 0.3663 0.4375 0.5084 0.0551 37 38-39 0.5204 0.4163 O·. 374:J,. 0-. 4283 0.4745 0.5204 0.0652 1 ... 38 39-40 0.5468 0.4294 0.3'921 -0 .4440 0.4955 0.5468 0.0400 39 40-41 0.5766 0.4448 0. 43:J.4 0.4801 0.5285 0.5766 0.0376 C[J 40 41-42 0. 5978 · 0.4705 0.5297 0.5586 0.5783 0.5978 0.0493 41 42-43 0. 60.66 0.50:1;2 0.5280 0.5545 0.5807 0.6066 0.0206 I 42 43-44 0.6191 0.5241 0.5483 0.5722 0.5958 0.6191 0.0186 43 44-45 0.6366 0.5484 0.5709 0. 593.l 0.6150 0.6366 0.0173 I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 I George R. Saunders Associates Job 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 Page B~o . . San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Date . I Ow NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C =========================-==· = ·=~===· ==-===================================== . . I . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nodes Me.mber Quarter Points I No I J Maximum 0 1/4 i/2 3/4 L Shear ---------------------. ---------------------------------------------------- 44 45-46 0.6285 0.5923 0.6285 o .. 6198 0.6108 0.6015 0.0316 45 46-47 0.6027 0.6027 0.5998 0.5966 0. 5931 0.5893 0.0030 I 46 47-48 0.6047 0.6047 0. 59·92 0.5933 0.5871 0.5806 0.0051 47 48--49 0.6084 0.6084 0.6017 0.5948 0.5875 0.5800 0.0059 48 49-50 0.6371 0.6371 0.6304 0.5936 0.5565 0.5191 0.0287 I 49 50-51 0.6192 0.6192 0. 58'65 0.5534 0.5200 0.4864 0.0258 50 51-52 0.6001 0.6001 0.5647 0 . .5291 0.4931 0.4710 0.0278 51 52-53 0.5830 0.5830 0.547/4: 0.5115 0.4754 0.4408 0.0280 52 53~ 54 0.5975 0.5975 0.5477 0.4827 0.4175 0.4671 0.0503 I 53 54-55 0.5503 o .. 55-03 0. 4879· 0.4251 0.3817 0.-4451 0.0487 54 55-56 0.5098 0.5098 0.4449 0. 379·6 0.3491 0.4150 0.0506 55 56-57 0.4717 0.4717 0.4075 0.3430 0.2994 0.3645 0.0500 I 56 57-58 0.4676 0.4676 0.3754 0.2830 0.2805 0.3734 0.0715 57 58-59 0.3968 0.3968 0.2999 0.2086 0.2440 0.3359 0.0707 58 59-60 -0.3631 0.3631 0.2460 o· .128·6 0.2370 0.3551 0.0775 1-·:--·-59 60-61 0.2444 0.2444 0.1942 0.1437 0.0865 0.1311 0.0542 -~:./.} 60 61-62 0.5111 0.5111 0. 3.835 0.2557 0.1279 0.0000 0.1677 61 1-32 0.9108 0.6994 0.3317 0.1753 0.5430 0.9108 0.1780 62 2-33 0.8905 0.8905 0.4757 .0.0610 0.4357 0.8503 0.2240 I 63 3-34 0.8372 0. 8339 0.4188 0.0066 0.4219 0.8372 0.2243 64 4-35 0.7942 0.7877 0.3974 0.0138 0.4040 0.7942 0.2108 65 5-36 0.6940 0.6940 0.3508 0. 0075 0.3452 0.6883 0.1854 I 66 6-37 0.6433 0. 6425 0.3217 0.0013 0.3223 0.6433 0.1734 67 7-38 0.5947 0.5883 0.2976 0.0136 0.3042 0.5947 0.1570 68 8-39 0.4919 0.4919 0.2497 0.0074 0.2441 0.4862 0.1308 I 69 9-40 0.4393 0.4385 0.2197 0.0014 0.2204 0.4393 0.1182 70 10-41 0.3865 0.3791 0.1935 0.0156 0.2010 0.3865 0.1002 71 11-42 0.2724 0.2724 0.1405 0 .-0085 0.1343 0.2661 0.0712 72 12-43 0.2231 0.2224 0.1114 0.0010 0.1120. 0.2231 0.0600 I 73 13-44 0.1906 0.1899 0.0949 0.0004 0.0955 0 .. 1906 0.0513 74 14-45 0.1325 0.1253 0.0678 0 .. 0179 0.0752 0.1325 0.0310 75 15-46 0.0080 0.0080 0.0078 0.0077 0.0075 0.0074 0.0000 I 76 16-47 0.0426 0.0426 0,0218 0.0010 0.0216 0.0425 0.0113 77 17-48 0.0761 0. 07°61 0.0384 0.0007 .o. 0374 0.0749 0.0203 78 18-49 0 .1752. 0.1752. 0.0965 0. 0_178 0.0905 0.1690 0.0425 I 79 19-50 0.2728 0.2686 0.1350 0.0059 .0.1393 0.2728 0.0721 80 20--51 0.3072 0.3071 0.1540 0.0009 0.1539 0.3072 0.0828 81 21--52 0.3426 0.3426 0.1721 0.0016 0.1704 0.3408 0.0921 82 22-53 0.4471 0.4471 0.2320 0.0170 0.2285 0.4434 0.1161 1.:,. 83 23-54 0.5377 0 .53·47 0.2678 0.0042 0. 2.709 0.5377 0.1441 84 24-55 0.5715 ·O. 5713 0.2860 0.0008 0.2861 0.5715 0.1542 ·\j 85 25-56 0.6085· 0.6085 0.3056 0.0027 0.3032 0 .-6059 0.1636 , ..... ......... 86 26-57 o .. 7146 0.7146 0.3648 Q. 0'151 0.3646 0.7142 0.1889 I 87 27-58 0 .-7940 0.7919 0.3962 0.0029 0.3984 0.7940 0.2137 88 28-59 0.8231 0.8201 0 .. 4119 0.0063 0.4147 0.8231 0.2206 I ---·-·· I I I I I I I I I I·· .. =:·-~ .· . __ ,' I I I I I I I 10 I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 6"90 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job ____ _ Page_·"---5-'-"2;,_,_/ __ Date ____ _ --------------------------------.------------------------------------------ -----. ' .. Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 29-60 90 30-61 0.8733 0.8987 I Load Combination is 1 Nodal Displacements 0.8733 0.6881 DL+LL 0. 4672 O·. 3258 0.0612 0.1737 0.4272 0.5362 0.8331 0.8987 0'.2193 0.1754 -------------------------·--------------------------------------------- Node ·Global x Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)---~~------------(in)-~--------------(rad)--------- 1 -0.19559 -0.11089 -0.00725 2 -0.19429 -0.30537 -0.00798 3 -0.19189 -0.50076 -0.00771 4 -0.18840 -0.68948 -0.00738 5 -0.18.388 -0.86780 -0.00695 6 -0.17846 -1.03484 -0.00650 7 --0.17219 ,;_1.1900-0 -0.00596 8 -0.1651:S -1.33017 -0.00535 9 -0.15748 -i.45515 -0.00474 10 -0.14922 -1.56467 -0.00406 11 -0.14048 -1.65577 -0.00332 12 -0.13139 -1 .. 72901 -0.00263 13 -0.12201 -1.78575 -0.00194 14 -0.11238 -1.82475 -0.00115 15 --0. lQ259 -1.84278 -0.00033 16 -0.09281 -1.84148 0.00041 17' -0.08308 -1. 8228·0 0.00111 18 -0.07345 -1.78594 0.00191 19 ·-0.06403 -1. 72826 0.00271 20 -0. 05496--1.65236 0.00339 21 -0.04629 -1.56054 0.00403 22 -0.038;07 -1.45236 0.00474 23 -0.03042 -i.32.582 0.00541 24 -0.02347 -;:I..18440 0.00595 25 -0. 017'28 -1.03078 0.00643 26 -0.011.88 -0. 8·6495 0.00695 27 -0.00741 -0.68573 0.00740 28 -0.00398 -0.49755 0.00767 29 -0.00162 -0. 30·349 0.00793 30 -0.00034 -0.11027 0.00721 31 -0.00000 -0 ,. 00000· -0.00943 32 -0.00000 -0 .1-0890 -0.00836 33 . -0. 00130 -0.~0648 -0.00778 34 .. Q.00370 -0.5006:L -0.00773 35 -0.00719 ... o .. 68976 -0.00742 36 -0.01171 -0.86793 -0.00692 I I I I I I I I I 1·<}) I I I I I I I .. I ·\J I R~SA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job ____ =-=--- Page B~'2.. Date. ___ _ =--------=============-=-=============~===================================== -------------------------· -------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation -----------------~---(in)----~--~----.-----(in)----------------(rad)--------- 37 -0.01714 --1. 03481 -0.00650 38 \ -0.02341 -1.19028 -0.00599 39 I -0.03044 -1.33030 -0.00532 40 -0.03812 -1.45512 -0.00474 41 -0.04637 -1. 56499 -0.00410 42 :...0.05511 -1.65592 -0.00329 43 -0.06420 -1.72$99 -0.00263 44 -0.07359 -1.78575 -0.00195 45 -0.08322 -1.825:;1..3 -0.00119 46 -0.09300 -1 .. 84291 -0. 0-0031 47 -,-Q.10279 -1.84146 0; 0·0040 48 -0.11252 -1.82281 0.00111 49 -0 .122·15 -1.78635 0.00188 50 -0 .13157 -i. 72836 0.00273 51 -0.14064 -1.65234 0.00339 52 -0.14931 -1.56056 0.00402 53 a..0.15752 -1.45278 0.00472 54 -0.16517 -1. 3.2589 0.00543 55 -0.17212 -1.18438 0.00595 56 -0.17832 -1. 03082 0.00642 57 -0.18371 -0.86536 0.00695 58 -0.18819 -0.68578 0.00741 59 -CL 19162 -0.49740 0.00769 60 -0 .. 19397 -0.30460 0.00772 61 -0 .19526 -0.10831 0.00831 62 -0.19526 -0. 0.0000 0.00938 Load Combination is 1 : DL+LL Reactions -. - - - -- -- -- -----.· -- ----'4-----~---- ------- --- -- ---- - - -- -- Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)-----------------(K)--------------(K-ft)--------- 31 0.00000 18.65698 0.00000 62 0.00000 18.51658 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 37.17356 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I 1·:··:-, I I I I I I 1 .. ·. ") 1~·. 1· RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108.;.,!,707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job __ -=--- Page (;-;'", Date ___ _ Dr,...; ====================='===============================·======================= Load Combination is 2 : DL ONLY Nodal Displacements Node Global X Global Y Rotation --------------------~(in)----~-----~-~------(in)------~---------(rad)--------- 1 \ -0.13684 -0.077·64 -0.00507 2 -0.13593 -0.21378 -0.00559 3 -0.13424 -0.35050 -0.00540 4 -0.13180 -0.48247 -0.00516 5 -0.12863 -0.60721 -0.00486 6 -0 .12483 -0. 72404 -0. 00454 7 -0.12045 --0.83250 -0.00416 8 ~0.11552 -0.93052 -0.00374 9 -0.11015 -1.01790 -0.00331 10 -0.10438 -1.09443 -0.00284 11 -0.09826 -1.15815 -0.00232 12 -0.09190 -1.20940 -0.00184 13 -0.08534 -1.24~00 -0.00136 14 -0.07860 -1.27615 -0.00080 15 ---0.07176 -1.28877 -0.00024 16 -0.06492 -1.28789 0.00028 17 -0.05812 -1427478 0.00078 18 -0.05139 -1.24891 0.00134 19 -0.04420 -1.20863 0.00189 20 -0.03246 -1.15561 0.00237 21 -0. 03240 -1. 09137 0. 00282 , 2 2 -·0 . 0 2 6 6 5 -1 . 015 6 7 O . 0 0 3 3 1 "- 23 -0.02130 -D.92727 0.00378 24 -0.01644 -0.82846 0.00416 25 -0.01211 -0.721-03 0.00450 26 -0. 00833 -0. 60502 0. 00486 27 -0.00520 -0.47978 0.00517 28 -0.002~0 -0.34823 0.00537 29 -0.00115 -0.21245 0.00555 30 -0.00025 -0.07721 0.00505 31 -0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00661 32 -0~00000 -0.07624 -0.00585 33 -0. 00091 -'-0. 2i-456 -0. 00544 34 -0.002EO -0.35040 -0.00541 --··35--0. 00504 -0. 48266 -0. 00519 36 -0.00821 -0.6072g -0.00484 37 ---0.01201 -0.72402 -0.00454 38" -0.01639 -0.83268 -0.00419 39 -0.02132 -0.930EO -0.00372 40 .-0.02669 -1.01789 -0.00332 41 -0.03246 -1.09464 -0.00286 42 -0 .038·58 -1.15825 -0. 00230 43 -0.04494 -1.20939 -0.00184 I I I I I I I I I I:·_() I I I I I I I~ ·'"J f I RISA~2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92·108-5707 NORTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS B & C Job __ .......,.. __ Page· 6-5;+ Date ____ _ =====-=--================·=-===============·==-===========---================ Node Global X Global Y Rotation --------------------(in)·----------------(in)----------------(rad)--------- 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 -0.05150 -0.05824 , -0.06508 -0.07192 - -0.07872 -0.08545 -0.09204 -0. 0983-8 -0.10444 -0.11019 -0.11554 -0.12040 -0.12473 -0.;12851 -0.13164 -0-.13404 -0 .13569 -0.13659 -0.1~659 Load Combination is 2 : DL ONLY Reactions -1.24900 -1.27640 -L 28885 -1.28788 -1.27478 -1.24917 -1.20869 -1.15560 -1.Q9139 ~1.01594 -0.92732 -0.82845 -0.7210-5 -0.60528 -0.47981 -0.34813 -0.21324 -0.07583 -0.00000 -0.00136 -0.00083 -0.00022 0.00028 0.00078 0.00132 0.00190 0.00237 0.00282 0.00330 0.00379 0.00416 0.00449 0.00486 0.00518 0.00538 0.00541 0.00582 0.00657 ----------------------------.---------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ---------------------(K)-------------~-·-{K)---------------(K-ft)--------- 31 o, 00-000 · 13. 09180 o. 00000 62 0.00000 13.00177' 0.00000 Totals Q.00000 26.09356 0.00000 ------------ I I I : I I I I I I I I \ j I I I I I I I - I :~:.:>), -;::".- 1 . JQB , '.lz)bo L ~AvJ SHEET NO. ~?,? OF ____ _ MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engin~ers . 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 9210a CALCULATED·BY ---~· '--D \J-"-=-)_ DATE 0\\ en Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497•0429 CHECkEDBY ___ ---'-~-DATE---- CONS10fJ2 LMf5?J{.. FoP.CEs 12,€:{/S.\t),) F~'j CONCiN~l {'::))?A® ~[S tN ·tN---s ~~{) 8-V-( Dl~tflln,K, (NOTE! N-c; 01Q..F__c.,roN t~ pMJ.t1.e.L w 12-0Jf ~y;se.s) V-t \~v? P= Ct_C~ is,I\/J ( ' ' ) ~~ = \;..Q~ EiP,c. L.lS ~~\.-\) '· ..r_ \f--1 .:::. ! rO C. re ::: \ ' ?., \v\ ~o 2. 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Structural & CivH Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. B 3~ OF----'--- CALCULATED BY -~O_vJ _____ DATE q h 1 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY...,.... _______ DATE-~--- ~ ~t,W ~~~ s. B~ ~f. ~v..,\ I oi? Lf = 0,lv /LLF A-:::. 5.S~ l1-J2- f _:-2 I~"? ll•.J ~/06 0~ ~ ~\-v\l t A '-o t\ l ~ ~v''.,L / l-A, 't-\ \f . .{ v\A rot.€. Fvlle. =--i , s 'i i. ?: C.O :; ~s tt-, ~ > -~ -::._I_ L + is,$. · 2(111'.6) ~"'->: /,),i-,'7'2..i°"l..p~ '\"2-/Lli~) iS, ll\fS ~ 0si -rs 6i-bi-1 ft, ~ f~-0\;:. -1,4:i ¢;.. \,';> ~~ Q!.f e.= ?..D/i.-~;?1 = ~/l~ - 61-:{4.~-?~q) /4~µ ~ ;,,71, \ . . .0.Jf.S ta;?€ MI 0/) l£ l/ '!;J ~S'Oll ~ "zj ~~.o~. ,:._. '.\,'i~f.L~F c~.-?~ll~f Ole:. ~~~~~~ . - :q ',v l\j. \j ~ 1a. 2.-'-o . '/-8--0 i-"ZO~ ~ OJ\H·J Cr ,,) I I I I I I. I 7 I 0 -\ .._S) .,. .J) -_, MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 VJ{)L iJkJ-J 1 JiJLt.J 1 · <" /o 0 , 9 J JOB L:::&oL~~o SHEETNO,,.-""_ --~-=B_L\;,_t> ___ OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY -~D-'-"itJ'------DATE _q_>.;( ....... ~_,_'7 __ CHECK~D BY _______ DATE ____ _ ~--~N~Q@.-: __ :TTA~"~O~P-0~./J~l~C:'i~·~ ~r.~· 2_(o_,()~---- ~~. RJ~ ; l'e>,A; "f 1~/'1 :: ~?. 2. \LlfS [-o,u '""'" TS b--1-r.:, ~ ;/'?, . A -= S. 0~ 1 N t. \ = 2.-t--'7-/N ~L/r:: I/O·,dt°>~tl2 /z.17 = \06 Lt-o~ ~ 0~ I ~\~ i--L\t ?0-. ~ \\S IL\~ 5 $' ,., -\ I I ·,, N-'{....---_ ·---,-------,--_ ___. F~ S!\JGL€.. 'B~ ) f-> ~AQOL ·u) ! 5''."~J 10'-c:>' Jsid.'l r-\ or ?-\2G.9 M -o-,;,:s1e,r-:,,. <c,12M£ I I I I I- I I- :.;J I ~:?/) I -,. -' < C 1 l I p.o/L ~--I gvi k, f A tj'O{t ! -:-( '?) '(.. 'o/ ~ )i--'3 5·. 2. -;;. j O Ct, IL) p S. 'Fo:::>",l~ · \ u I '-I \ \.\ CDl:-lSLOf.&-2--v i-~ -v y:: '2.. 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SHEET NO.~--~~~---OF-....,...-~-- Fax (619)· 497-0429 CALCULATED BY ----~O~vJ-· _ DATE-~-'~'-'-°' 1--=---- CHECKED BY----------DATE----- ~~ f\9¥f! Colvt~~ \ I \.f \)S€. S,}-J...t\f ~£-S!C~ ~ All ~ ~£.S: lv.J¥ .:::db~ '?, -::. , Io i-1/2,. + I °> .• Co:\?)(~ ~w/!6) =-Co '2::> /L,pJ l. Pi ::: ~01 --{lr.:{ i--+ 1 ~-A --l-i~ 'tC-; '::: °)o /Lt,b> < G-0J.~.S ['O ~'? = \\+.:: \, A + '2.0,_~ '1-l ~ 'I-~ . -=-6 ~ ll-l PS (~/Q1 O:iNSlr?(L ,s ~ y.1.c ~ Y4 : A=-.s, 5 °'l n-l 2. ~L{( ~ ):o"fll.'1.\t( 2..,,= ~i.,Ai 'PCA. =-°> °} lL.ltS Po..~ ::: I, 3 3-,( q '\ .::: P, 2: ~ t q,0 t. ~ USE. TS 6 '/.lo ~l/4 . B,~<;£ P~: -\p ~ ti?.: ~ ~ 4 l'2:. i, 12-M = ~ °)o //?..-~!?.. :::: O,~ '?~ I f'p.::. , ";>~~\ =-1 ,_D'?l4<,1 /, . . " lf ~ 3,o-,.j'o"/,,s-1-~~'A,~?·=-o.CoO) 1 ., - . \t ,, . 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Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 ~PL= \~.A -\-rOS'!I ~ :. Ou.,-=-1.1 ~ b ::. j z_2-k0 =" f-L-11.J_ SHEETNO. ___ _;:::"'"t::c.......,_, ...:......1 __ OF----'---- CALCULATED BY ____ Q"'-'l/V'---DATE~-_CJ\_\_D\1 __ _ CHECKED-BY----'-------DATE----~ t \ ,-. ~ ....._ \ r ~ .J. f.! 1-;. ---/ , J_--:, I -, ~ 1"-·-..i\:_. '"':'°: l !.../ \ "f \. ~-,. • -;:.. 'C'-' /4. '2./4 F»1 L;::. i, ?I?~ 2 OL+L-l=-21. lL . \ \\ : !t . -'3, OS!£. t_-b y. 4-0 ~ f~\1\Jlr-'Nj 5-~S ~1-1 wJ,..~ ;~L a_-: 14. 2/ 1.,, 0 7.. :;. 'C)/?i°) ~Sf! TI~ I ~l.. ~-trf.fi.. \ vfi. ~M c:it \J }.I~ \::v:,nN G- 'A ==-'8 1' S4)1-== 21 lo Pr '2. _ LL::. / 1o PsP 'OL-= ~o-t\'.~) r-2\l_o ...\-100-y..'?4/z. +::;o11s-; S,\ K- LL =-I~ r-'2./~ -==-3,s,li . ~Ol +U..: l\. '-a ~ .rw-:: I b = j .. f-Z.., "l :::. 2 , I ~ . \ \.1 \ \\ l ~ \)~E_ i-1.o '{-. p-0 ~ R:Di7,Jt,. 'w ~-c:; ~ lt-i!:J ~ a l['l.o 1..=-o.¥~~f · :to/~°) 0K-So1L i)L,.:: .',;\ -::::=- D eJi) tow ~~.SVfES ~"{.;" EE>JM... 70 Vi_~ \VJ 1'2.e. SETT\..-'tl--<-f:Ni I • • . 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I I I I I I I 1::·-:::-; I I I I I I 1 .. -... \) I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN BRACED FRAME NO. 1 DESIGN DATA---- Allowable Soil Pressure Short Term Factor Seismic Zone . 2500.0 psf 1.33 4 Live Load Acts With Short Term f' c : Concrete 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing 60000 psi Concrete Weight 159,pcf Overburden Dead Wt. · 0.0 psf Min. As % = 0.6010 Column Size ... #1 = 6.0in #2 = 6.0in ... Base Height #1 = O.Oin· #2= O.Oin Rebar CL to Soil Dist. 3.50~in APPLIED LOADS ---,-- At Col #1: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 0.70 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.00 k 6.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =-21.00 k 9.8 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead 0.7 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =21.00 k 9.8 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS ----,--,-- Ftg Dist left of Col #1 Distance Between Columns= Ftg Dist right of Col #2 Total Footing Length Footing Width Footing Thickness V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 3.00 ft 14.00 ft 3.0b ft 20.00 ft 8.00 ft 24.00 in Oate_: 10/09/97 Page: G4(a ()W SUMMARY Service Allow ACI Fa·ctored Left S_.P.: Static D + L 308.7 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1 432.2 psf Short D+L+S = o.o psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 = 0.0 psf 9-3 0.0 psf 'Right S.P.: Static D + L = 308.7 psf 2500.0 psf 9-1 = 432.2 psf Short D+L+S .-1264.7 psf 3325.0 psf 9-2 1770.6 psf 9-3 1138.2 psf Resµltant Ecc.: Static -0.00 ft Stability Short Term 6.74 ft Ratio 1.41 :1 ...... Col #1...... ...Between... .. .... <;:ol #2 ....... Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Mu from ACI 9Ji = 0.1 psi 0.2"9 in2/ft 0.7 psi -0.29 in2/ft 0.1 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-2 4.2 psi· -0.29 in2/.ft 29.0 psi -0.29 in2/ft 11.8 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-3 = 2. 7 psi -0.29 in2/ft 20.8 psi -0.29 in2/ft 7 .6 psi 0.29 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft <if width), negative--> As@ top of footing MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY-------- ACI 9c1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 Mu @ column # 1 0.05 k-ft -1.59 k-ft -1.02 k-ft Mu btwn columns -0.27 k-ft -10.97 k-ft -7.88 k-ft Mu @ column # 2 -0.05 k-ft 4.48 k-ft 2.88 k-ft One-Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn=2(f'c· .5) -109.54 psi 109.54 psi 109.54 psi Actual : Vu / .85 ... Left of Column #1 0.06 psi 2.09 psi 1.35 psi Between Columns 0.30 psi 15.26 psi 9.14 psi Ri'ght of Column #2 -().06 psi 6.26 psi 4.02 psi Two-Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn=4(f'c· .5) = 219.09 psi 2.19.09 psi 219.09 psi Actual @ Column #1 0.50 psi 14.28 psi 14.82 psi Actual @ Column #2 ~ 0.50 psi 14.13 psi 14.77 psi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW-060361 I I I I I I I I I 1U£i I I I I I I 1.S)-:.'.·. ', ·.: .. ~-;-:. I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 LEG OLAND IMAGINATION 96240 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN BRACED FRAME NO. 2 DESIGN DATA--~- Allowable Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Short Term Factor 1.33 Seismic Zone = 4 Live Load Acts With Short Term f' c : Concrete = 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing = 60000 psi Concrete Weight = 150 pcf Overburden Dead Wt. 0.0 psf Min. As% = 0.0010 Column Size ... #1 = 6.0in #2= 6.0in ... Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2= O.Oin Rebar CL to Soil Dist. = 3.50 in APPllED LOADS ---- At Col #1: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 0.40 ·k 0.0 k O.o· k-ft Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =29.40 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Mqment Dead = 0.4 k 0.6 k 0.0 .k-ft Live 0.0 k 0.0 k 0,0 k-ft Shrt Trm = 29.40 k 18.4 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS .....,_ __ _ Ftg Dist left of Col #1 = Distance Between Columns;= Ftg Dist right of Col #2 - Total Footing Length Footing Width = Footing Thickness ..... V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 5.00 ft 10.00 ft 5.00 ft 20.00 ft 8.00 ft 24.00 in Left S.P.: Static D+L Short D+L+S .Right S.P.: Static D + L Short D+L+S NORTH COMPLEX TMB Date: 10/09/97 SUMMARY Service Allow 305.0 psf 2500.0 psf = 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf 305.0 psf 2500.0 psf 1262.4 psf 3325.0 psf Page: B47 ACI Factored 9-1 427 .0 psf 9-2 = 0.0 psf 9-3 = 0.0 psf 9-1 427 .0 psf 9-2 1767.4 psf 9-3 = 1136.2 psf Resultant Eco.: Static 0.00 ft Stability Short Term = 6.78 ft Ratio = 1.33 :1 ...... Col #1 ...... . .. Between... · ...... Col #2 ....... Ru/Phi As Ru/Plii As Ru/Phi As Mu from ACI 9-1 = 0.2 psi 0.29 in2/ft 0.2 psi 0.29 in2Jft 0.2 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-2 12.5 psi -0.29 in2/ft 25.5 psi 0.29 in2/ft 31.6 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-3 = 8.1 psi -0.29 in2/ft 12. i psi 0.29 in2/ft · 20.3 psi 0.29 in2'/ft As(in2:/ft/ft of width), negative--> As @top of footing MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY-------- Mu @ column # 1 Mu btwn columns Mu @ column # 2 One-Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn=2(f'c· ,5) Actual : Vu / .85 ... Left of Column #1 Between Columns Right .of Column #2 Two-Way Shears ..... Allow.: V:n=4(f'c· .5) Actual @ Column #1 Actual ~ Column #2 . ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 0.08 k-ft -4.74 k-ft 0.08 k-ft 9.64 k-ft = 0.98 k-ft 11 .93 k-ft = 109.54 psi 109;54 psi -0.10 psi: 6.11 psi 0.11 psi 14.63 psi = 0.10 psi H5,55 psi = 219.09 psi 219.09 psi = 0.28 psi 20.87 psi 0.28 psi 20.77 psi ft;,o,,_ ~J,2~ l~F <' /.Z7~ B~P~'S NZ>. I ~Iv':. /2e) ,jp ~-{fJ-6:1-.J . I JJ 11?.-.A:?v5 \/ e-rlo-e X>, 02. f:ClTro1v · -3.05 k-ft 4.58 k-ft 7.67 k-ft 109.54 psi 3.93 psi 8.36 psi 10.00 psi 219.09 psi 21.35 psi . 21.31 psi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361. I 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. ·_. ~jj) I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 LEGOLAND IMAGINATION 96240 (619) 497-21 lS (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN BRACED FRAME NO. 3/4 DESIGN DATA---- Allowable Soil Pressure Short Term Factor Seismic Zone 2500.0 psf 1.33 4 Live Load Acts With Short Term f'c : Concrete = 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing = 60000 psi Concrete Weight 1 sq pcf Overburden Dead Wt. = 0.0 psf Min. As% = 0.0010 Column Size ... #1 = 6.0in #2= 6.0in ... Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2 = O.Oin Rebar CL to Soil Dist. 3.50 in APPLIED LOADS ---- At Col #1: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 2.10 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live "" 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =-21.20 k 10.4 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead 2.1 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =21.20 k 10.4 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS---- 3.00 ft 15.67 ft Ftg Dist left of Col #1 Distance Between Columns= Ftg Dist right of Col #2 3.00 ft = 21.67ft 8.00 ft Total Footing Length Footing Width Footing Thickness 24.00 in I 3 V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Left S.P.: Static D +·L Short D+L+S Right S.P.: Static D+L Short D+L+S Resultant Ecc.: Statjc Short Term = = = = = Ser.vice NORTH COMPLEX TMB Date: 10/09/97 SUMMARY Allow 3;24.2 psf 2500,0 psf 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf 324.2 psf 2500.0 psf 1119.3 psf 3325.0 psf ACI Factored 9-1 453.9 psf 9-2 0.0 psf 9-3 0.0 psf 9-1 453.9 psf 9-2 1567.1 psf 9-3 = 1007.4 psf 0.00 ft Stability 6.65 ft Ratio = Page: ~4'& 1.54 :1 ...... Col #1...... . .. Between... . ..... Col #2 ...... . Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Mu from ACI 9-1 0.3 psi 0.29 in2/ft 2.5 psi -0.29 in2/ft 0.3 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-2 = 4.2 psi -0.29 in2/ft 30.8 psi -0.29 in2/ft 10.3 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-3 = 2.7 psi -0.29 in2/ft 22.2 psi -0.29 in2/ft 6.6 psi 0.29 in2/ft As(in;!./ft/ft of width), negative --> As @ top of footing Mu@ column #1 .Mu btwn columns ·Mu @column #2 One-Way Shears ..•• Allow.: Vn =2(f'c" .5) Actual : Vu / .85 •.• Left of Column #1 Between Columns Right of Co,lumn #2 Two-Way Shears ...• Allow.: Vn=4(f'c· .5) Actual @ Column #1 Actual @ Column #2 l t:;, r..-1 I MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY-------- ACI 9-1 = 0.13 k-ft = -9.95 k-ft = 0.13 k-ft = 109.54 psi --0.17 psi = 0.99 psi -0.17 psi = 219.09 psi 1.50 psi = 1.50 psi· ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 -1.59 k-ft -1.02 k-ft -11.65 k-ft -8.40 k-ft 3.90 k-ft 2.51 k-ft 109.54.psi 109.54. psi 2.09 psi 1.35 psi l4.85 psi 8.93 psi 5.39 psi 3.47 psi 219.09 psi 219.0"9 psi 13.37 psi 14.22 psi 15.49 psi 15.70 psi /,!2.~tt./,1.,,7 /:-SF .. ~PAe--eb~e Nt)., I Wl~S GEORGE R. SAUNDERS-ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBJECT Framing Design Truss at Grids "D" & "E" SECTION C SOUTH COMPLEX INDEX Lateral Analysis and Roof Diaphragms Braced Frames Column Design Foundation Design SHEET NO . C1-C2 C3-C18 C19-C21 C22-C24 C25-C26 C27-C32 I I I I I I I I I I .-'.':-:)i ··:..:,-/ I I I I I 1- 1~ I /1 MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB . LSGOL~~ VJ SHEET NO. 'i OF _:>::;...2-~~-- CALCULATED BY --'-. _O vJ_-~·. ----DATE ~ I q 1 CHECKED BY-"'-~--,------DATE ____ _ \ ''"" p.;(.;; \ N. ~11.Q~ ~l'E£. :::OJ 11-\ CQ µf L£i ;_ 1: -z_1_o \ \2.G.:k-LO~S 'DEM L0f>-{) ~Iv st~ \N( G~\JtL \! \\ . ~ i---ior:::,~ 0£(X. C.€\LING !WS0l~ON ~ ,~e. ( Ml~C.. --6,o fSF -'2.. ~ =. A,o -:::: 5~0 ::. z.. 7 i =-20,0 f SP. ~OOF itJSS'L$. ~ \~ c~:n(S 'I( 112. C'tb/21)~ 'l'-1/ i~ &t~4 'f. 114 \Jf,/2-'TlCM_;:, bEIJ)f/ "TS ~ ~ ~ y. l/4 'J'-{ I v...f ta "i-£ 0 P:lo CJc.lN G . 'l.. \2-cOf ~~ = 40 il~ '/-?... "t46'{.l<.a~':, "i" .,~ --1-!~~l= '3 Cf)~O Fl \l~"\¾se:s = ~ I, M "I. z. + l ?,b~2.1/z,o. ~~,~( ~to,o -=") i.~ 91 \CP{(f W~-'Sf..S ::. 100'1,( 4Z-~2.. +4~'!-?+ /.aO-f..'t-) /,~1{0:. 1,'?. f:?f __ . ··- ~ ~~! CcNSt()a 'N'~)!to W~0,4 ~ ~ /. o i. l\o i( i 'f 1.. ~ 1)-, S *la 'f-l) / s % °)~ =-Ll PSP W,oc.,+L-L ~ 1..D +W.::. 4v 'f~ \J~~ l')~'.i-?.iJG-A 't'ieE. .. t\S~-3(p k1~~ 'PEC¼- .YJL ..+ LL , <s~s~; W-NA-1 :=..5bfSf ~ l.L. I f>t f-L'\i_ c;rl~ ~, (tJ W .=.. 2'6,,Psf ~ I -•• ---• ~ '· ;:. -r~ ~ ..,, .: .:. • ,~ = -T, -. -.: .:: --. ~ -:. n -,, ,.:; :-,.. ::::: -h I"' '<: ~-• ..:. • :. -~ ~ ... ._. ::; .,_ ~ -~ • to" -~ .1.' .._ r: -,,_ r: I I I I I I I I I I ::L) I I I I I I 1· -~Y I ~.>J I JOB LfGo L ~~{) MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO,, CA 9.2108 SHEET NO. C 2.-OF----- CALCULATED BY ___ {)_vJ_-'----DATE °) /a; 1 Phone (6-19) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECK&D BY ---'-....c.....-----DATE ____ _ L= fl/ ... o '' VJ:::.. .(20 +io) 'f. t .J. \o :::. ~~~ p L.F::. 0,.. ,Z, ll-<..-F' '=>y.. :. , , ?;-4-/ 6 1 '/. ~ =-S,2~ l ~ °?:? . 'b 1-4 n2-'( \N s-t-co ~::: ,, ~( , rt 1 r 'f = ?,q 6/l'/i .4 3, l\ · .L:::iol+L-L =-Si-·?.=> i-H,.D '/-1i-.::::. O,'?Z-\ =-L/ 3~z... o~ '½ 3-4-'{.. 2;°)000 ~ ¾~ · _... c...\\~ ~s t>~G µ__5-t062. f0l ~~MlC... FOl2a-s.: p ~ lb,~ lLI~,.$ ( ~f ~ .\) y._\ ~ )Clu •, ~ ~ 2,qb IN 2 I-A~ ~o..=-.l'o..'t>/2.,.°''<:.=-5.7 JLS\ \10:0L ::: '2. 0 1-~ +lo :a. DA 1 ILLF \ b .::: i \7 'it~ t~ l1::_ =--~.A-~s \ <@, 7,~\ lll f(i =. / ~-.././2~2,?.:: C:,u Fa__ =. 17, 4: lLS I f"'~::: 4\ ,SILSj ?11:. + , ~5)l ~-.. + -= o,~+ q:4-.=. 0.67 L. I,,) ote- nA ( t-·5.1/41,c,) )( 2-A . -= \N _@, '/2( o . 0(~ AS ~Ll£C1DR,. I I I I I 1, I I I 1.-·}·.::; ··-:-·.,i - I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, IN.C. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 TA.-=- i? I I t? '1 ; \ ' PL / ( -, -I,-, 0 -, -, I .J. ,.,...) / 1 -~ ,,.-Ir.-/ I I......-1 ~ ~ (h & CJ t.,A(I.J 0 JOB---------=-=-=--"-'---'-'----'--"'--'::;...._---------C:, .SHEET NO. ----''-----=:....::,,:;.---OF ______ _ CALCULATED BY ----,--------=lbc=-._ DATE -..:..·'1_~.;_/.._t _' ~_, -.:..../ __ DW CHECKED, BY---,---------DATE ______ _ . ,., -;~ r., ... --,.e , • t,·½----• .;:-1-,,. I =-/, J'7 /(. ..,. di' ~II f- /,is} . ·-< -~ -I-c~ , \ ' • , 1 ... /"'; -. ; •• r> ./-...pl' ·-~ .... ,,,,~/'/::::-'";::,, \. ~- /Z(l )(;1,;,) "' I. 04K. /2. {e,,,.)(1~):=-. /.r~·k. T -,, i; , I .... Of 'r' l2=of , I<::-,&;-< S ~ .2. {rr1e:,r; ~$ -&o) cJ.-·t ' ,..:;i, C.-,1-J-ofl,OS ' G-fvO Ver<LT : ~rs t.a-:-. 4.x ~Js {rt. ?mcfii?f.. s. &! 41 q o) ~ o O; o 9 8 '-I. o o q- fl.. %1 ?>fVe-f2...-T)(,A:;i __ _13 T,e,. w.x4-_;_1/4--(tr'!£7r.J6f¾.S. 6?2--8:) e,q: O,BBo&./.oo c.11::- L-J 4--oo /, 1 8 -1.1/5" = O. ':!> '? 11 ( /J, 5Jt-1>1.) Q'2,"tf4. PL-) I I I I I I I I I 1-::·~:::·: I I I I I I I ... 0J I I ~ . --~ \ I -'-~\ • I ! I -I :" I • .. ? I -~1 ~j i Ii -!', t"l i' '' I i'- c-i ~ -cs\ \.fr ~ ~ ~ -,.. Q I ~ \I) ('('\ I).. ~-- "1 tt! Cl IL ~ ~ t! (.l -\ -\~ ow 0 -· ]-\J N -~ -~ tJ'I ~ z J. 0 ~ --()I 1--I <IL N c( Q > I ·N LIJ ..... ::t ..J UJ -I (/J ·• 0 ' UJ Ir-• .. ::) . co .... ... a: &ii ..a I-~ co I I I I I I I I I 1.-.... -.. : -'·.-_.··, I I I I I I 1 ... : .. <d I I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associat~s 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108~5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS,_ P .& E Job_· ___ _ Page C'? · Date ___ _ 'f) (}J ==============~-====== ========= ====·========~=-============ ============= Units Option AISC Code Check$ US Standard 9th Edition ASD Shear Deformation: No P-Delta Effects Redesign Edge Forces A.S.I.F. \ NQ No No 1.333 ------------------------.------------------------------------------------ Node Boundary Conditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof · Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)-----(in,K/in)----(in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 1 1.00 0.00 0.00 2 3.00 0.00 0.00 3 5.00 0.00 0.00 4 7.00 0.00 0.00 5 9.00 0.00 O.OQ 6 11.00 0.00 0.00 7 13.00 0.00 0.00 8 15.00 0.00 0.00 9 17.00 0.00 0.00 10 19.00 0.00 0.00 11 21.00 0.00 0.00 12 23.0Q 0.00 0.00 13 25.00 0. 00· 0.00 14 27.00 0.00 0.00 15 29 .·00 0.00 0.00 16 31. 00 0.00 0.00 17 33.00 0.00 0.00 18 35.00 0.00 0.00 19 37.00 0.00 0.00 20 39.00 0.00 0.00 21 41.00 0.00 0.00 22 43.00 0.00 0.00 23 45.00 0.00 0.00 24 47.00 0.00 0.00 25 49.00 0.00 0.00 26 51.00 0.00 0.00 27 53.00 0.00 0.00 28 55.00 0.00 0.00 29 57.00 0.00 0.00 30 59.00 0.00 0.00 31 0.00 2.50 R R Q.00 I I I I I I I I I 1---:·:::.·:1 I I I I I I I -.· I (J I RIS~-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders .Associates 3131 Camino Del Riq N, Suite 690 Job_---,,.....--- Page <Jo San Diego, CA 92108-570'7 Date. ____ __ SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E -----------.------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Boundary C'onditions No X-Coord Y-Coord X-dof Y-dof Rotation Temp. -----------(ft)--------(ft)---~-(in,K/in)~---{in,K/in)---(r,K-ft/r)-----(F)- 32 1.00 2.50 0.00 33 3.00 \ 2.50 0.00 34 5.00 2.50 o. o·o 35 7.00 2.50 0.00 36 9.00 2.50 0.00 37 11.00 2.50 0.00 38 13.00 2.50 0.00 39 15.00 2.50 0.00 40 17.00 2.50 0.00 41 19.00 2.50 0.00 42 21.00 2.50 0.00 43 23.00 2.50 0.00 44 25.00 2,50 0.00 45 27.00 2.50 0.00 46 29.00' 2.50 0.00 47 31.00 2.50 0.00 48 33.00 2.50 0.00 49 35.00 2.50 0.00 50 37.00 2.50 0.00 51 39.00 2.50 0.00 52 41.00 2.50 0.00 53 43.00 2.5·0 0.00 54 45. 00 -2.50 0.00 55 47.00 2.50 0.00 56 49.00 ~.50 0.00 57 51. 0-0 2 • .50 0.00 58 53.00 2.50 0.00 59 55.00 ~.50 0.00 60 57.00 2.50 0.00 61 59.00 2 .50 0.00 62 60.00 2.50 R 0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Material Elastic Poisson Is Thermal Weight Yield Stres.s Label Modulus Ratio Coeffi¢ient Density (Fy) ---------------(Ksi)------------------~----(F)--------(K/ft3)------(Ksi)---- STL . 2~00~.00--.. 0.30000 0.65000 0.490 46.000 --------------------------·.---------.-------------,_. ______________________ _ Section Database Matl. Area Moment of As y/y Label . Shape Set Inertia· Coef - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - -· . -- - - - - - - - ( in"' 2 ) - - - - -. --- ( in"' 4) - - -------- - - ----- CHORD TU6X5X8 STL 9.36 42.900 1.20 VERT TU6~4X4 $TL 4.59 22.100 1.20 ENDVERT TU6X4X6 STL 6.58 29.70.0 ·1.20 I I. I I I I I I I 1-:-.:-\ I I I I I I •a I 1· RISA-2D {R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio ·N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS .b & E Job __ .,----,. __ Page CJ Date ___ _ ====-=---=======---------==-==-----------=--=---------------------------- ----------------------·----------------------·-----·------------------------ I J I Releases J End Offsets No Node Node Section x y z x y z SeG Sway I J Length ---------------------. -----------·. ---------.---.-----(in)----(in)------(ft) 1 1 - 2 CHORD 2 . 0 0 2 2 - 3 CHORD 2 . 0 0 3 3 - 4 CHORJ:? 2 . 0 0 4 4 - 5 CHORD 2 . O.O 5 5 -6 CHORD 2 . O O 6 6 -7 CHORD. 2 . 0 0 7 7 - 8 CHORD 2 . 0 0 8 8 - 9 CHORD 2 . 0 0 9 9 -10 CHORD 2 . 0 0 10 10 -11 CHORD 2 . 0 0 11 11 -12 CHORD 2. 00 12 12 -13 CHORD 2. 00 13 13 -14 CHORD 2. 00 14 14 -15 CHORD 2.00 15 15 -16 CHORD 2. 00 16 16 -17 CHORD 2. 00 1 7 1 7 -18 CHORD 2 . 0 O 18 18 -19 · CHORD 2 . 0 0 19 19 -20 CHORD 2.00 2 0 2 0 -21 CHORD 2 . 0 0 21 21 -22 CHOR,I) 2. 00 22 22 -23 CHORD 2.00 2 3 2 3 -2 4 CHORD 2 . 0 0 24 24 -25 CHORD 2. 00 2 5 2 5 - 2 6 CHORD 2 . 0 0. 26 26 27 CHORD 2. 00 27 27 28 CHORD 2. Ob 28 28 -29 CHORD 2.00 2 9 2 9 - 3 0 CHORD 2 . 0 0 3 0 31 - . 3 2 CHORD 1 . 0 0 31 3 2 - 3 3 CHORD 2 . 0 0 3 2 3 3 - 3 4 CHORD 2 . 0 0 3 3 3 4 - 3 5 CHORD 2 . 0 0 3 4 3 5 -3 6 CHORD 2 . 0 0 3 5 3 6 - 3 7 CHORD 2 . O 0 3 6 3 7 - 3 8 CHORD 2 . 0 0 3 7 3 8 - 3 -9 CHORD 2 . 0 0 38 39 -4'0 CHORD 2. 00 39 40 41 CHORD 2. 00 40 41 -42 CHORD 2. 00 41 42 -43 CHORD 2. 00 42 43 -44 CHORD 2. 00 43 44 -45 CHORD 2.00 44 45 46 CHORD 2. 00 4 5 4 6 - 4 7 CHORD 2 . 0 0 I I I .I I I I I I I :-::>-, .-.·. -... I I I I I I I .. I {i) I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 ·George R. Saunders Asso-ciates 3131 Camino bel Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 921.08-5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job_-.,,., __ _ Page C~. Date. ____ _ ==================== ====================== ==========~====-===--:======== -----------------------------------------------.---------------------------- I J I Rel~ases J End Offsets No Node Node Section X y Z X y z Sec Sway I J Length -------------------------------------:------·-------(in)----(in)------(ft) 46 47 -48 CHORD 2.00 47 48 -49 CHORD 2.00 48 49 -50 CHOR.I;> 2.00 49 50 -5i CHORD 2.00 50 51 -52 CHORD 2.00 51 52 -53 CHORD 2.00 52 53 -54 CHORD 2.00 53 54 55 CHORD 2.00 54 55 -56 CHORD 2.00 55 56 57 CHORD 2.00 56 57 -58 CHORP 2.00 57 58 --59 CHORD 2.00 58 59 -60 CHORD 2.00 59 60 -61 CHORD 2.00 60 61 -62 CHORD 1.·00 61 1 -32 ENDVER';r' 2.50 62 2 -33 VERT 2.50 63 3 -34 VERT 2.50 64 4 -35 VERT 2.50 65 5 -36 VERT. 2.50 66 6 -37 VERT 2.50 67 7 -38 VERT 2.50 68 8 -39 VERT 2.50 69 9 -40 VERT 2.50 70 10 -41 VERT· 2.50 71 11 -42 VERT 2.50 72 12 -43 VERT 2.50 73 13 -44 VERT 2.50 74 14 -45 VERT 2.50 75 15 -46 VERT 2.50 76 16 -47 VERT 2.50 77 17 -48 VERT 2.50 78 18 -49 VERT 2.50 79 19 50 VERT 2.50 80 20 -51 VERT 2.50 81 21 -52 VERT 2.50 82 22 -53 ... VERT .. 2.50 83 23 -54 VERT 2.50 84 24 -55 VERT 2.50 ·as 25 56 VERT 2.50 86 26 -57 VERT 2.50 87 27 -58 VERT 2.50 88 28 -59 VERT 2.50 89 29 -60 V:ERT 2 .50 90 30 -61 ENDVERT 2.50 I I I I I I I I I I{:.::::: I I I I I I -:·:::. ·o I 1· RISA-2D (R) Version 3.-03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N,. Suite 690 San Diego, CA 921D8-5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job _ __.,,,.,,,,---- Page C°) Date ___ _ =================== ====== == ====~~=== ==== ============================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I J Unbraced Lengths K Factors Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le In Out Cm Cb --------------------(ft)----(ft)-----(ft)---------------------------------- 1 1 -2 24.80 2 2 3 \ 24.$0 3 3 4 \ 24.80 4 4 -5 24.80 5 5 -6 24.80 6 6 -7 24.80 7 7 -8 24.80 8 8 -9 2'4.80 9 9 -10 24.80 10 10 -11 24 .. 80 11 11 -12 24 .. 80 12 12 -13 21.60 13 13 -14 21.60 14 14 -15 21. 60 15 15 -16 2'i.60 16 16 -17 21. 60 17 17 -18 21.60 18 18 -19 21. 6-d 19 19 -20 21. 60 20 20 -2·1 21.60 21 21 -22 21.60 22 22 -23 21.60 23 23 -24 13.60 24 24 -25 13.60 25 25 -26 13.60 26 26 -27 13.60 27 27 28 13.60 28 28 -29 13.60 29 29 -30 13.60 30 31 -32 1.60 31 32 -33 6.0d 32 33 34 6.00 33 34 -35 6.00 34 35 36 6.00 35 36 -3.7 6.00 36 37 38 6.00 37 38 -39 6 .00 - 38 39 -40 6.00. 39 40 -41 6.00 40 41 -42 5.20 41 42 -43 5.20 42 43 -44 7.20 43 44 -45 7 .2-0 44 45 -46 7.20 45 46 47 7.20 --·---·~·--- I I I I I I I I I . _::.-· .. : I ·.·': I I I I I I I .· .. ·-· lu 1· RISA-2D (R) _Version 3. 03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job _ __,..~-- Page C..lO Date ___ _ ---------------------------.------------------------------------------------ I J Unbraced Lengths K Facto.rs Bending Coefs No Node Node Lb-in Lb-out Le In Out Cm Cb --------------------(ft)------(ft)---(ft)--------------------------------- 46 47 -48 47 48 49 48 49 .50 49 50 51 50 51 52 51 52 53 52 53 54 53 54 55 54 55 56 55 56 57 56 57 58 57 58 59 58 59 60 59 60 61 60 61 62 61 1 32 62 2 33 63 3 34 64 4 35 65 5 36 66 6 37 67 7 38 68 8 39 69 9 40 70 10 41 71 11 42 72 12 43 73 13 44 74 14 45 75 15 46 76 16 47 77 17 48 78 18 49 79 19 50 80 20 51 81 21 52 82 22 53 83 23 54 84 24 55 85 25 56 86 26 57 87 27 58 88 28 59 89 29 60 90 30 61 ' I 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 6.80 6-. 80 6.80 6.80 5.20 5.20 5.20 1. 60 I I I I I I I I I 1:/() · .. - I I I I I I I_ l<:Y I -RISA-2D (R) Version 3. 03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108"'"5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job __ ....,,---_ Page C(\ Date ___ _ ------------------------------~-------------------)----------------------- ------------------------------·---, ----------------------------------------- BLC No. Basic Load case Description Load Totals Nodal Point Dist. -----------· ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 DEAD LOAD 2 LIVE LOAD \ I Member Point Loads,BLC 1: DEAD LOAD 10 10 30 --- - -------------------------------. ---. ------------------------------------- Memb I J No Node Node Direction Magnitude Location -------------------------------------(i,~-ft,F)----------------(ft)------ 31 32 -33 Y 0.740 0.600 34 35 -36 Y 1.170 0.600 37 38 -39 Y 1.700 0.600 40 41 -42 Y 1.950 0.600 42 43 -44 Y 2.140 1.800 46 47 -48 Y 2.460 1.000 50 51 -52 Y 2.460 0.200 53 54 -55 Y 2.400 1.400 57 58 -59 Y 2.080 0.200 59 60 -61 Y 1.180 1.400 Member Distributed Loads,BLC 1: DEAD LOAD --------------------------.------------------------------------------------- Memb I J Start End Start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location ------------~---~--------(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft;F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 31 32 33 34 35 36 . 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 32 -33 Y 33 34 Y 34 35 Y 35 36 Y 36 37 Y 37 38 Y 38 39 Y 39 40 Y 40 41 Y 41 42 Y 42 43 Y 43 44 Y 44 4:5 Y 45 46" Y 46 47 Y 47 48 Y 48 . 49 Y 49 50 Y 50 51· Y 51. 52 Y: 52 53 Y 0. 02.0 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0~020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0 .. 020 0.020 --· 0-.020· .0. 020 0.020 -o. 020 0. 02.0 0.020 .0 .. 020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.0~0 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0 .020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 1· I I I I I I I I I ·-:_·:·_·::/ I I I I I I I .,::· ·o ·.· .. 1 · .. · I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates . 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, ·cA 92108-,-5707 SOUTH COMPL.EX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job-'-.--==-,,.--- Page Cl'z: Date ___ _ ===================-=========-========-=-==================================== Memb I J Start End Start End No Node Node Dir Magnitude Magnitude Location Location. -------------------~-----(K/ft,F)-----(K/ft,F)---------(ft)---------(ft)---- 52 53 -54 Y 0.020 0.0~0 0.000 2.000 53 54 -55 ~ 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 54 55 -56 y\ 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 55 56 57 Y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 56 57 -58 Y 0.020 0.020 ·0.000 2.000 57 58 -59 Y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 58 59 -60 Y 0.020 0.020 0.000 2.000 59 60 -61 Y 0.020 ~~020 0.000 2.000 60 61 -62 Y 0.020 0.020 0.000 1.000 Member Point LoadS,BLC 2: LIVE LOAD ----------------------------------------· ----------------------------------- Memb I J No Node Node Direction Magnitude Location --------------------------------------(K~~-ft,F)·-----------------(ft)------ 31 32 -33 Y 0.39-0 0.600 34 35 -36 Y 0.650 0.600 37 38 -39 Y 0.920 0.600 40 41 -42 Y 1.080 0.600 42 43 -44 Y 1.190 1.800 46 47 -48 -Y 1.380 1.000 so 51 -52 Y 1.380 0.200 53 54 -55 Y 1.340 1.400 57 58 -59 Y 1.150 0.200 59 60 -61 Y 0.610 1.400 ----------------.------:---------------------------------------------------- Load Combination No. Description 1 DL+LL 2 DL ONLY Self Wt BLC BLC BLC BLC BLC Dir Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae Fae y -1 y: -1 1 -1 1 -1 2 -1 W E DYNA S V I I I I I I I I I 1-?t; I I I I I I I .··.:: ::·-·:.--; I-~/ I RISA-2D (R) Version 3. 03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job-----,...,......--Page __ C_t_.3 __ Date ___ _ Ow -------------------------------·-----·-. ------------------------------------ Load Combination is 1 : DL+LL AISC Code Checks -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nodes No I J ·Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 . . L Shear ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 29- 31- 32- 33- 34- 35- 36- 37- 38- 39- 40- 41- 42- 43- 44- ' . 2 0.473'.7 3 0.3086 4 0.3689 5 0.4209 6 0.4518 7 0.5001 8 0.5090 9 0.5225 10 0.5597 11 0.5518 12 0.5532 13 0.5664 14 0.5298 15 0.5222 16 0.5346 17 0.5338 18 0.5570 19 0.5378 20 0.5399 21 0.5749 22 0.5508 23 0.5223 24 0.5014 25 0.5021 26 0.4511 27 0.4168 28 0.4072 29 0.3467 30 0.4868 32 0.4461 33 0.2196 34 0.3259 35 0.3643 36 0.3926 37-----0.4305 38 0.4756 39 0 .493'2 40 0.5223 41 0.5540 42 0.5445. 43 0.5566 44 0 .. 6037 45 0.5790 0.4737 0.2559 0.3064 0.3287 0.3489 0.3734 0.3652 0.3757 0.3935 0.3720 0.3931 0.4231 0.4808 0.4821 0.4920 0.5338 0.5570 0.5378 0.5399 0.5749 0.5508 0.5223 0.5014 0.5021 0.4511 0.4168 0.4072 0.3467 0.3132 0.0000 0.1216 0.3184 0.3039 0.3262 0 .3545 0. 3·830 0. 3'972 0.4134 0 .4312_ . 0 .42.24 0.4292 0.4888, 0 .5424. 0.3046 0.1609 0.2054 0.2299 0.2564 0.280-S 0.2892 0 .3212 0.3569 0. 40.59 0,4335 0.4593 0.4934 0.4925 0.5030 0.5268 0.5320 0.5136 0.5133 0.5215 0 .-4912 0.4637 0.4376 0.4176 0.3665 0. 3.303 0.2995 0.2423 0.1417 0.1116 0.0613 0.2101 0.2142 0. 23.43 0.2815 0.3123 0.338-% 0.3613 0 .40.14 0.4554 0.4615 O·. 5220 0 .5520 0 .13:57 0.1199 0.1680 0.2245 b.2680 0.3162 0. 35-83 0.3886 0.4247 0.4548 0. 473-6 0.4952 0.5058 0. 5027 0.5138 0.5196 0.5069 0.4891 0.4865 0.4678 0.4314 0.4048 0.3737 0.3328 0.2818 0.2436 0.1917 0.1377 0.1426 O·. 2232 0.1165 0.1:1,10 0 .1824 0.2474 0.2859 0. 33,59 0. 3945 . 0.4153 0.4)326 0. 490.~ 0.4935 0.5548 ,O. 5613 0.1332 0.2144 0.2686 0.3228 0.3600 Q.4083 0.4337 0.4557 0.4923 0.5034 0.5135 0.5309 0.5179 0.5126 0.5243 ·0.5122 0.4815 0.4644 0.4595 0.4139 0.3713 0.3457 0.3095 0.2883 0.2665 0.2297 0. 217·6 0.1743 0.3146 .Q.3347 0.1682 0.2186 0.2666 0.3173 0.3584 0. 4,059 0.4440 0.4689 0. 5034 0.5175 0.5252 0.5873 0.5703 0.3015 0.3086 0.3689 0.4209 0.4518 0.5001 0.5090 0.5225 0.5597 0.5518 0.5532 0.5664 0.5298 0.5222 0.5346 0.5045 0.4558 0.4394 0.4322 0.3861 0.3913 0.3680 0.3564 0.3735 0.3517 0.3168 0.3259 0.2793 0.4868 0.4461 0.2196 0.3259 0.3643 0.3926 0.4305 0.4756 0. 493-2 0.5223 0.5540 0.5445 0.5566 0.6037 0.5790 0.1008 0.0623 0.0663 0.0590 0.0552 0.0552 0.0453 0.0403 0.0406 0.0293 0.0241 0.0216 0.0076 0.0063 0.0066 0.0046 0.0154 0.0149 0.0163 0.0323 0.0360 0.0354 0.0423 0.0559 0.0559 0.0572 0.0710 0.0689 0.1129 0.1463 0.0447 0.0711 0.0653 0.0707 0.0562 0.0543 0.0623 0.0417 0.0395 0.0489 0.0248 0.0254 0.0074 I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 I George R. Saunders Assoc-iates Job ~J1 3131 Camino Del Ri;o N, Suite 690 Page· San Diego, CA 92108-5707 Date. I SOUTH COMPLEX Ov) TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E ============================~-====·==-, -=======· ========----===-==---------- I ---------------------·-------------------------. --·------------------------ Nodes Member Quarter Points No I J Maximum 0 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 45-46 0.5782 0.5445 0.5534 0.5620 0.5702 0.5782 0.0069 45 46-47 0.5782 0.5562 0.5622 0.5678 0.5732 0.5782 0.0047 I 46 47-48 0.6088 0.5740 0.5915 0.6088 0.5801 0. 5512 0.0222 47 48-49 0.5932 Q.5932 0.5768 0.5600 0.5430 0.5256 0.0134 48 49-50 0.5856 0. 5856 0.5661 0.5464 0.5264 0.5060 0.0157 I 49 50-51 ·o.5791 0.5791 .o .5591 · 0.5387 0.5181 0.4971 0.0161 so 51-52 0.6000 0.6000 0.5711 0.5238 0. 476.1 0.4616 0.0368 51 52-53 0.5694 0.5694 0.5247 0.4798 0.4344 0.4490 0.0350 52 53-54 0.5435 0.5435 0.4957 0.4475 0.3991 0.4303 0.0374 I 53 54-55 0.5145 0.5145 0.4732 0.4316 0.3808 0.4130 0.0663 54 55-56 0.5071 0.5071 0.4370 0.3666 0.3346 0.4056 0.0546 55 56-57 0.4599 0.4599 0.3874 0.3146 0.3033 0.3767 0.0564 I 56 57-58 0.4159 Q.4159 0.3427 0.2692 0.2589 0.3331 0.0570 57 58-59 0. 40'51 0.4051 Q.3108 0.2089 0.2238 0.3290 0.0743 58 59-60 0.3587 0.3587 0.2404 0.1218 0.2285 0.3479 0.0783 I_, 59 60-61 0.2431 0. 243.1 0.1892 0.1350 0.0754 0.1300 0.0524 .;:\\.:--60 61-62 0.5067 0.5067 0.3802 0.2535 0.1268 0.0000 0.1663 61 1-32 0.7987 0.6174_ 0.2942 0.1519 0.4753 0.7987 0.1565 62 2-33 0.7945 0.7945 0. 422·9 0.0514 0.3893 0.7607 0.2007 I 63 3-34 0.7555 d.7527 0.3778 0.0054 0.3804 0.7555 0.2026 64 4-35 0.7274. .Q. 7239 0.3640 0 .·0079 0.3677 0.7274 0.1944 65 5-36 0.6663 0.6663 0. 335.3 0.0043 0.3321 0.6629 0.1788 I 66 6-37 0.6306 0.6300 0.3;1.53. 0_.0008 0.3157 0.6306 0.1701 67 7-38 0.5907 0.5856 0.2956 0.0111 0.3009 0.5907 0.1566 68 8-39 0. 5056 0.5056 0. 2558 0.0061 0.2513 0.5009 0.1349 69 9-40 0.4606 0.4599 0.2303 0.0011 0.2309 0.4606 0.1241 I 70 10-41 0.4148 0.4088 O .2076 0.0128 0.2138 0.4148 0.1086 71 11-42 0.3158 0.3158 0 .161.3 0~0067 0.1558 0.3102 0.0834 72 12-43 0.2608 0.2576 0:1288 o·. 0033 0.1321 0.2608 O. 069-6 I 73 13-44 0. -l804 0.1804 0.0~72 0.0139 0.0936 0.1767 0.0449 74 14 .. 45 0.0943 0.0943 0.0477 0.0011 0.0465 0.0929 0.0251 75 15-46 0.0602 0.0602 0.0307 0.0012 .0.0305 0.0601 0.0160 I 76 16-47 0. 0·194 0.0115 0.0102 0.0133 0.0163 0.0194 0.0017 77 17-48 0.1208 0 .112.8 0.0589 0.0133 0.0670 0.1208 0.0291 78 18-49 0.1620 0 .1620 0.0816 0.0012 0.0814 0.1619 0.0435 79 19-50 ·O .1982 0.1982 0.0997 0.0012 0.0983 0.1966 0.0532 I 80 20-51 0.2944 0.2944 0 .155.1 0.0159 0.1511 0.2901 0.0752 81 21-52 0.3814 0.3783 0.1896 0.0044: 0.1929 0.3814 0.1019 82 22-53 0 .41.66 O·. 4162 0.2086 0.0012 0.2089 0.4166 0.1122 I 83 23-54 0.4673 0.4673 0.2380 0.0086 0.2317 0.4609 0.1238 84 24-55 0.5818 0.5744 0.2912 0.0157 0.2988 0.5818 0.1530 .. 85 25-56 0. 6319. 0.6314 0.3160 0.0007 0.3163 0.6319 0.1704 '8 1 ·::.;-.. 86 26-57 0. 6679 0.6679 0. 334.5 .o. 0011 0.3332 0.6664 0.1801 87 27-58 0 .. 7502 0.7502 0.3819 0. 0136 0.3785 0.7466 0.1989 88 28-59 0.8205 0.8:1,44 0 .4070 0. 0054 0.4130 0.8205 0.2201 I . --~------------ I I I I I I I I I l{i) I I I I I I 1 .... ·.·. ·J I ... I RISA~2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E . . " - Job---.~-- Page Cl'? Date. ___ _ --------------------------.------------· ---------------------------------- Nodes No I J Maximum 0 Member Quarter Points 1/4 1/2 3/4 L Shear --------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 29-60 90 30-61 0.8797 0.8797 0. 89·7'9 0. 6905 ' Load Combination is 1 Nodal Displacements DL+LL 0.4695 0.3279 0. 0593 0.1724 --. -' . 0.4302 0.5351 0.8402 0.8979 0.2216 0.1755 Node Global X Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)------------------(in)-----------------(rad)--------- 1 -0.18583 -0.10278 -0.00685 2 -0.18468 -0.28527 -o·. 00750 3 -Q.18256 -0.46896 -0.00728 4 -0.17944 -0.64722 -0.00701 5 -0.17538. -0.81731 -0.00666 6 -0.17045 -0. 97.805 -0.00627 7 -0.16468 -1.12825 -0.00578 8 -0.15815 -1.26502 -0.00523 9 -0.15096 -1.38794 -0.00467 10 -0.14317 :..1. 49~53 -0.00404 11 --0 .13485 --1.58811 -0.00335 12 -0 .1,2612 :...1. 66258 -0.00265 13 -0.11705 '-1.71951 -0.00191 14 -0. 1()7·76 -1.75701 -0. 00115 . 15 -0.09835 -1.77707 -0.00047 16 -0.08886 -1.77995 0.00028 17 .-0.07936 -1.76328 0.00107 18 ,-0,01000 -1.72719 0.00181 19 · --0 .. 06086 -1. 67418 0.00248 20 -0.05197 --1. 6-0403 0.00323 21 -0.04345 -1.51469 0. 00395. 22 --0.03543 -1.40901 0. 00456' 23 -0.02796 -1. 2889.8 0.00515 24 -0.02109 -1.15386 0.00576 25 -0. 014·97 -1. 0.0354 0.00630 26 -0.00968 -0.84170 0.00672 27 -0.00526 -0.66966 0.00714 28 --(). 00182 -0.48704 0.00748 29 0.00054 -0.29710 0.00776 30 O.OOI83 -0.10794 0.00704 31 -0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00873 32 -0. 0000:0 -0.10103 -0.00780 33 .-0.00J,.15 -0.28620 -0.00733 34 -0. 00327 -0.46885 -0.00729 35 -0.00638 -0.64738 -0.00703 36 -o·. 01045 -0,.81739 -0.00664 I I I I I I I I I I·:::-:=:: -·. I I I I I I 1 .. 1® I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job _____ _ Page CLG Date ____ _ ow ==================·======-=----------= ---.. ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation ---------------------(in)-----------------(in)~---------------(rad)------~-- 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 -0.01538 -0.02115 -0.02768 -0.03486 -0.04266 -0. 05098 -0.05971 -0.06878 -0.07807 -0.08748 -().09697 -0.10647 -0.11583 -0.12497 -0.13386 -0.14237 -0.15040 -0 .1578·7 -0.16474 -0 .1708.6 -0.17615 -0.18056 -0 .1840"0 -0.18'637 -0.18766 -0.18766 Load Combination is 1: DL+LL Reactions -o·. 97803 -1.12848 -1.26512 -1.38791 -1.49680 -1. 58822 -1.66262 -1.71984 -1.75703 -1.77705 -1.78019 -1.76353 -1.'72716 -'-1.67419 -1.60441 -1.51476 -1.40-897 -1.28914 -1.15419 -1.00352 -0.84172 -0.66999 -0.48696 -0. 29-818 -0.105-98 -0.00000 -0.00627 -0.00581 -0.00521 -0.00467 -0.00407 -0.00332 -0.00267 -0.00189 -0.00115 -0.00046 0.00024 0.00111 0.00181 0.00248 0.00320 0.00396 0.00456 0.00511 0.00580 0.00630 0.00671 0.00712 0. 0075-1 0.00756 0.00812 0.00919 ------------------. ------------------------------------------------------ Node Global X Global Y Moment ----------------------(K)-------·----------(K)--------------(K-ft)--------- 31 0.00000 16.15595 0.00000 62 0.00000 18.35761 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 34.51357 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I 1.-: .. ... : .. · .. -~ I I I I I I I_-:-:· l<i> I RISA-2D (R) varsion 3.03 George R. Saunders Associates 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-57·07 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job __ .,._.. __ Page C\7 Date ___ _ Ow =================== ·=========-====== -=-=====--=============== . ================= Load Combination is 2 : DL ONLY Nodal Displacements ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Rotation --------------------~(in)-----------------(in)----------------{rad)--------- 1 \ -0.13091 -0.07260 -0.00483 2 -0,13009 -0.20135 -0.00529 3 -0.12858 -0~33089 -0.00513 4 -0.12~37 -0.45648 -0.00494 5 -0.12350 -D.57626 -0.00469 6 -0.12000 -0.68936 -0.00441 7 -0.11593 -0.79493 -0.00406 8 -0.11132 -0.89103 -0.00368 9 -a.10625 -o.97733 -0.00328 10 -0.10076 -1.05347 -0.00283 11 ~0.09490 -1.tl768 -0.00235 12 -0.08875 -1.16985 -0.00186 13 -0.08237 -1.20969 ~0.00134 14 -0.07584 -1.23596 -0.00081 15 -0.06922 -1.24992 -0.00032 16 -0.06255 -1.25171 0.00020 17 -0.05587 -1.23986 0.00076 18 -0.04930 -1.21442 0.00128 19 -0.04287 -1.17703 0.00175 20 -·o. 03663 -1.12757 o. 00227 21 -0.03065 -1.06477 0.00277 22 -0.02502 -0.99047 0.00320 23 -0.01977 -0.90603 0.00362 24 -0.01495 -0.81101 0.00405 25 .•0.01065 -0.70541 0.00442 26 -0.00693 -0.59167 0.00472 27 -0.00383 ~o.47070 0.00502 28 -0.00141 -0.34238 0.00526 29 0.00025 -0.20890 0.00546 30 0.0011~ -0.07590 0.00495 31 -0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00617 32 -0.00000 -0.07134 -0.00550 33 -0.00081 -0.20202 -0.00517 34 -0.00232 -0.33081 -0.00514 35 -0.00453 -0.45658 -0.00495 36 -0.00741 -0.57631 -0.00468 37 -0.01,090 -0.68935 -0.00441 38 ~O.Oi498 ~0.79508 -0.00408 39 -0.01959 -0.89110 -0.00366 40 · -0,. 02466 -0. 97731 -0. 00328 41 -0.03015 ~1.05364 -0.00285 42 -0.03601 -1.11775 -0.00233 43 -0.04216 -1.16988 -0.00187 I I I I I I I I I I .... -:._;·:, I I I I I I I .:.·._:) I .. ~.:.::· I RISA-2D (R) Version 3.03 George R. Saunder$ Associates . 3131 Camino Del Rio N, Suite 690 San Diego, CA 92108-5707 SOUTH COMPLEX TRUSSES AT GRIDS D & E Job---.....,....,...,..--Page· Cl'6 Date ____ _ ow =========================-== -~---------=------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------_______ , ----------------------- Node Global x· Global ¥ Rotation ---------------------(in)--~-----------~--(in)·----------------(rad)--------- 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 -0. 048·54 \ -0. 05507 , -0. 06169 -0;06836 -0.07503 -0.08161 .,.o.08803 -0.09427 -0.10025 -0.10589 -0 .111·14 -·o .11s96 -'O .12026 -0.12398 -0.12708 -0.12949 -0.13116 -0.13206 -0.13206 Load Combination is 2 : DL ONLY Reactions -1.20991 -'-1.23597 -1.24990 -1.25187 -1.24002 -1.21441 -1.17704 -1.12782 -1'.06481 -o .. 99046 -0.90613 -0.81122 -0.70540 -0.59168 -0.47092 -0.34233 -0.20965 -0.07451 -0.00000 -0.00132 -0.00080 -0.00032 0.00018 0.00078 0.00127 0.00175 0.00226 0.00279 0.00321 0.00360 0.00407 0.00443 0.00472 0.00501 0.00528 0.00531 0.00571 0.00646 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Node Global X Global Y Moment ---------------.. -----(K) · __________ ------(K)---------------{K-ft)--------- 31 0.00000 11.49915 0.00000 62 0.00000 12.92442 0.00000 Totals 0.00000 24.42356 0.00000 I I I I I I I I I I :::-= •. : .·· ·) ;. ·:;: ·~ I I I I I I. 1· , o MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 921-08 JOB L-a(,OL ~-- SHEET N9. C. \ ~ OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY _O_N _____ DATE 0\. \ °' l Phone (619) 497-2118 CHECKED BY--~----DATE ___ _ Fax (619) 497-0429 L ~ ltl f:¾\_ -~ ~ ~,{.. \./ S-1 S C.D-t~S,0Et-L~ f"b~5 ~s;{,,:frr1\ 13'/ CbNC'i-'N~ ~~. ~(S L~ N--> 'AN~ ~-v..f 0t4fcrtoN~- l~urlt ·-t--\-~ O\eft"f\DN / 1;. PJf2AlLf:-L jU. ~ "f\2.__)5'.~cs) \NIN'() f -:::. Ce CY) ~ s T' v--1 Ce = l,O(o (~if,C .( 1s1 ~68) Ct).= lr ~ \'-A.~~,a Z.. bs::.. /2rG(Sf-(-7og/JH) p-=-!,OG~l.1i-I ?,b'f l,O-:. \7,4 (-JSf \J~-s-==-P-,4'-*/i'f,,l (14-l,/2. ') ~ .t6,°> .s~ LO) l'-'PS .. V £-V-f ::::. \,,4 'i-0 0 '/. (\ 4 \Sl"b ') =. 6.6) ~.~---l "') ~p; ' ? .::; o, 4 (z.0~[ 4) r: =:.\ro C.::. 2., ls µJ...J. \2 ""' :::. g \] ;:: ,4'{ \~ }'2,/ 5 '{ \Lt = I\ ~~'ti Cl . \\2-~ YJL:=-( ?.0 .. -+ l,~A\,1) c:,;,'60)0~ 112. \L\(>S. ~-~ V--f·~~ -::. 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I I I I· I I I .:_:,-:'::.l I :_.;9 - MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 BOCW Fe.AK€. NO,Z.. JOB -/_;--=~_-_CJ..._~_~_'{) __________ ~'------ c2'3, SHEETNO, ___ · -~-----OF ____ _ CALCULATED BY-'-'<-· 'rJ_W ____ DATE ql ~( CHECKEb BY _______ DATE~---- NvTir: Br~ i. \.\-A) $Wi2. Cwf-iG-~.ON f...;S ~ ~ ( \):: \0,7 :~If.!':> f. 20,? ll \J > ~ \~ b?< b i--; Ji B 12Atf ~]N{r ,, t t\ , \\ CONS10fR. i~ --f.. ~-o 'I-t 8 ~o l:"coTINtr v--t =, 1 \ '?'{. r ~S)( \\, ~ r lC, )( 2. i \C!'t-Lb=: ~ ?, \ ~ µ~ ~ ~ ?, \ i. ltjz_,::;. 2-°'8. 1~ (\.\01 :=. \o,')ji1,~-( ~· \~S ,~ f.S, or-= 2°' % / l 'b 7' -::. \. k> r 7 1, ';,u oe.. -.:::::-I d.'::: ( 4--0\ ~ -ti<b J / ~/J.;, \ -= '? .A1' e = 1-ef 2-...:._ ?;,4\· = ? .. SO) ) bh r -2.Y...~~1 \ffi\/'·· , ~tl. -,1 e, ii.A\ ; -~ '° \'-S'F L 3, s'>, li~f-o~ u ~ 2, ~ '-l "{.. ~>' ...0 l-\)( l 'D '--a I\ fcoilJJ c.. -' . 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite· 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (6i9) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB L '660 L~...0 SHEET NO. C. '2~ OF ____ _ ---,-,.-.---D,,<..:.·--~ \ DATE fl-\.~ f . CALCULATED BY _W _"\~-- CHECKED BY _______ DATE ___ _ IJ(_,E-1 SA-0E. ~tsU.,N 'fat PAL r':fcACJ;j ~S:. · •. LJJ.N..: Lb ' .... 0 'I~ \\= ,\.'b 'f.l'V/z_ +(iQ,3>~ l?.iS/1~)'1-(?-/~"/t'-J)=-7olL1PJ-<- p 2 =-z l'B 1-C its N oT c(2.,rnC)..{ G,o\Jf5W> ?~.::-~4 =-1,A +\~s,o '1-lf.7'?/14,4) Y. ,~ SI /LIP~ 1/.lfr ::_ \rO'/.l~_i-l~/2.~?:, ~ :g2/4 -~"'-=-q_ q trP.S P~d =I,~, i q °\ ~l; 2. ttPS '715 tr ps ~ \JSE T~ 6t<~t<-114- I\ '\ . . '-\ 8:>Mt_ P(N'E ~ 8> "i-1 l. @ f-;{~€ M :;.~,v \p: 1 Po('& yJ 2. :.. O, ~ l• ~Sl -\f ~, ~9if ~.:: /,~ ~i~ tp:: '?r0 "ff'f>'V, irt3fo-~\.57 =-·· O,'l'Bv 0 S~ ~~ y.t .. '\ ,, i I 2--" 'll 2.-,, AT ();~: ~ StO~ 'o l 1'j)'2.,"' t. MC. 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Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DI.EGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 JOB l s1,.o L ~ l~--0 SHEET NO. ____ C..:;._·_'2. l-'----OF----- CALCULATED BY_. _______ Q'-'-'vJ'---_ DATE _L/\_\0~1 __ CHECKED BY~-------DATE ___ _ Fw~OP\10~ _DE'.>l l-~ ,~-' ~.OL:: \\,4 -\-r05'/I S"· :. /4, 2.14 F$Jl L::::.. 2-,Slt-~ Pu:=-1. '1 ~ 2 OL-rl--\..::-21-lL b :;:::. j '2.c3/1,,0 :;:::. l \\ \ li ~ ose_ t -b } 4 -o ~ FOO\I\J(r 'N/ 5-s OCt-\ w )...~ ~~L a_~ 14. Z/ 4:r O 2. ::;. 'Oi 9>°} '?.<ff, ~~10-<l ~i!f.fi..\vft. ?,H ():)tvµ~ \~Nl'I"' 1 A=-'S 1-S4)~ == 2.1 (.o Pr i. LL=-l\a PsP . 0 l: ~o -+\,~) y.. 2.\\o -4-100 "(--c;4/i + =;011 s ~ 8r' '!:- LL .::. 1 <c. r-?...l~ -=-· 3.s/' ~oL +U.: I\, lo ~ 'o = 1\ "4 ( 'le, r = 2 • 1 ":> 1 \ \.I \ \\ l . 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Inc G,o:~r. r.i:is: ~1.:11 Tc-C,r,:;e1?t.O!JEiO:..-r;iEfHQJ-225-6300 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1,i ,J I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 LEGOLAND IMAGINATION 96240 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN BRACED FRAME NO. 1 DESIGN DATA---- Allowable Soil Pressure 2500.0 psf Short Term Factor 1.33 Seismic Zone = 4 Live Load Acts With Short Term f'c : Concrete 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing = · 60000 psi Concrete Weight 150,pcf Overburden Dead Wt. = 0.0 psf Min. As % = 0.001 O Column Size ... #1 = 6.0in #'J,.= 6.0in ... Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2-= O.Oin Rebar CL to Soil Dist. 3.50 in APPLIED LOADS ---- At Col #1: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 0.80 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =--25.80 k 20.3 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 0.8 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live 0.0 k 0.0 k Shrt Trm = 25.80 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS -------- Ftg Dist left of Col #1 = 4.50 ft Distance Between Columns= 1-2.00 ft Ftg Dist right of Col #2 4.50 ft Total Footing Length -21.00 ft Footing Width = . ·8.00 ft Footing Thickness = 24.00 in V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC Left S.P.: Static D+I:. - Short D+L+S 'Right S.P.: Static D+L -_ Short.D+L+S Service SOUTH COMPLEX TMB Date: 10/09/97 SUMMARY Allow 309.5 psf 2500.0 psf 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf 309.5 psf 2500.0 psf 1150.8 psf 3325.0 psf Page: C:2~ AC! Factored 9-1 = 433.3 psf 9-2 0.0 psf 9-3 0.0 psf 9-1 = 433.3 psf 9-2 = 1611.2 psf 9-3 = 1035.8 psf Resultant Ecc.: Stati_c = -0.00 ft 6.73 ft Stability Ratio $hort Term = 1,42 :1 ...... Col #1...... • •. Between... .. .... Col #2 ....... Ru/Phi -As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Mu from ACI 9-1 0.3 psi 0.29 in2/ft 0.3 psi -0.29 in2/ft 0.3 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-2 = 10.0 psi -0.29 in:2/ft 1-6.3 psi 0.29 in2/ft 23.6 psi 0.29 in2/ft AC! 9-3 = 6.4 psi -0.29 in2/ft 10.4 psi -0.29 in2/ft 15.2 psi 0.29 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft of width), negative--> As@ top of footing -MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY-------- Mu@ colµmn #,1 = Mu btwn columns = -Mu @ column # 2 = One~Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn=2(f'c·.5) Actual : Vu / .85 ... Left of Column #1 Between Columns = Right of Column #2 = Two-Way Shears .... Allow.: Vn=4(f'c· .5) = Actual @ Column #1 - Actual @ Column #2 = AC! 9-1 0.1-2 k-ft -0.12 k-ft 0.12 ksft 109.54 psi 0.16psi 0.27 psi 0.16 psi 219.09 psi 0.57 psi 0.57 psi ACI 9-2 -3.79 k-ft 6, 18 k-ft 8.93 k-ft 109.54 psi 5.11 psi 13.24 psi 12.28 psi 219.09 psi 17.84 psi 18.28 psi ACI 9-3 -2.44 k-ft -3.95 k-ft 5.74 k-ft 109.54 psi 3.28 psi 7.65 psi 7.89 psi 219.09 psi 18.41 psi 18.74 psi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I u MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 (619) 497-2118 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN BRACED FRAME NO. 2 DESIGN DATA~·---- Allowable Soil Pressure = 2500.0 psf Short Term Factor 1.33 Seismic Zone 4 Live Load Acts With Short Term f' c : Concrete = 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing = ·60000 psi Concrete Weight = 150, pcf Overburden Dead Wt. = o:o psf Min. As % = 0.0010 Column Size .•. #1 = 6.0in #2 = 6.0in ... Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2 = O.Oin Left $.P.: Static D+L Short D+L+S Right s:P.: Static D + L Short D+L+S Resultant Ecc.: Static Short Term = - = Service LEGOLAND IMAGINATION 96240 SOUTH COMPLEX TMB Date: 10/09/97 SUMMARY Allow 314.8 psf 2500.0 psf 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf 314.8 psf 2500.0 psf 1058.0 psf 3325.0 psf ACI Factored 9-1 440.7 psf 9-2 0.0 psf 9-3 = 0.0 psf 9°1 440.7 psf 9-2 = 1481.2 psf 9-3 952.2 psf 0.00 ft Stability 5.43 ft Ratio Page: (~0 1.54 :1 · ., .... Col #1...... . .. Between... .. .... Col #2 ....... Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi As Rebar CL to Soil Dist. = 3.50 in Mu from ACI 9-1 0.2 psi 0.29 in2/ft 0.8 psi -0.29 in2/ft 0.2 psi 0.29 in2/ft APPLIED LOADS--~- At Col #1: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 0.80 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =-13.60 k 10.7 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead 0.8 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live 0.0 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm = 13.60 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft DIMENSIONS ------- Ftg Dist left of Col #1 = 3.00 ft Distance Between Columns= 12.00 ft Ftg Dist right of Col #2 = 3 .. 00 ft Total Footing Length = 1.8.00 ft Footing Width 6.00 ft Footing Thickness = 24.00 in ACI 9-2 4.2 psi -0.29 in2/ft 14.7 psi -0.29 in2/ft 9.3 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-3 2.7 psi -0.29 in2/ft 11.1 psi -0.29 in2/ft 6.0 psi 0.29 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft of width), negative--> As@ top of footing · Mu @ column # 1 Mu btwn columns · Mu (\P column # 2 One-Way Shears •• ,. Allow.: Vn=2(f'c· .5). Actui!I :. Vu 1 .85 .•• Left of Column #1 Between Columns Right of Column #2 Two-Way Shears ...• Allow.: Vn=4(f'c· .5) Actual @ Column #1 Actual. @ Column #2 MOMENT & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY-------- ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 0.08 k-ft -0,31 k-ft 0.08 k-ft 109.54 psi = 0.10·psi· 0.42 psi 0.10 psi = 219.09 psi = Q.55 psi -0.55 psi -1 .59 k-ft -5.57 k-ft 3.53 k-ft 109.54 psi 2.09 psi 8.99 psi 4.93 psi 219.09 psi 8.59 psi 9.06 psi -1 .02 k-ft -4.20 k-ft 2.27 k-ft 109.54 psi 1.35 psi 5.17 psi 3.17 psi 219.09 psi 9.16 psi 9.51 psi /I / / V4.40 (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC -r~,i_ a /,(JG,~~/. 'Z ~ i'-'W= e /JO,;/+ .i No, ~/'f--/3(t~ rHt(Yl& p-r;-iJij ~t:, ~N 6-P-AJS 1(2,,1iVS.'Vf:rt-f;,~ fZ.e"I Nf, C,,11.-C {res-rt-~.lo /IJ}~e'° ;:.-~ p 6) J s,e-e neJC/-P~e. GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I I I I 1·->J I I I I I I I c~ MARTIN & PUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 I r.gY I 4-·--------1-------' If. "f •1 //--e-: c.o·mf7cJTtCJZ oirrt:?u-;r j,?otL--= ( '7-'?of '?'F-~ S -P'ZS fSP- t.~f7b CJ C-r-1..-1-.... )/:) JOB---------'------------ SHEET NO. ---'---C_?'--1 _______ OF------ -f::h DATE _/_CJ_,q.,_,.....;.q-'-·7 __ f) vJ CHECKED BY----'-------DATE _____ _ CALCULATED BY SCALE __ ;;.....-"-':."--'i])/:'--','-'--''i---._: _Ct"""'?fi'-'-n,,_,_/_7'{,.._.,;,-_:;:).._./-_'-'-.-:::_; _z_{;,_/ ____ _ /½~tc? :::-O,?,.P/111~/(+ ~0,'8/,,:11-/.f-f -#5<?/'J-. ~ ( {..;f)1.Jc.-) ch.e.-d(, TtZA-tos\!H-Se /Z-0tJ,c:-, t F ~ I?--( 1,.-c, )_ 7--o, 1-o /?,_.1 --?-o a_;; -==--4--i 4-S /2,.e,-o~ - As~ p,o(J,-;'-'):::: 0,/1-,n~ll+ ~ f),1-{)1~°<-/r-+ 1f 4-te/l'))oc., SH17-tO .'tt'r'S ( ~) Ir-'~ •ri I .....__ -,.-----_-_ -. -.. -~---,-. M-. -, -.-.-. ~-~---,, -~-~"""',"""'"'---~ -~ ---~----~ __ ,...,.¢.-"-~---., ..... _ ..,.."-~-~---. -~ ---N--,---.--,: -._-~---~---_ -,-.-.-_ -~ ---, --J PR0DU::1" l:ji.f 'Nif?e~, ,"t. G:oton, Miss {'l~il T:..OrGerFr!ON: iOLl FREE: ~-t.:i:-t~f-t~s:,. I I I I I I I I I I\}) I I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92108 (619) 497-2118 LEGOLAND IMAGINATION 96240 (619) 497-0429 fax COMBINED FOOTING DESIGN BRACED FRAME NO. 3/4 DESIGN DATA----,- Allowable Soil Pressure Short Term Factor Seismic Zone 2500.0 psf 1.33 4 Live Load Acts With Short Term f'c : Concrete 3000 psi Fy: Reinforcing 60000 psi Concrete Weight = '150 pcf Overburden Dead Wt. = O.o' psf Min. As% = 0.0010 Column Size ... #1 = 6.0in #2,= 6.0in ... Base Height #1 = O.Oin #2 = b.Oin Reba,r CL to Soil Dist. -3.50 in APPLIED LOADS ---- At Col #1: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 2.10 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Live = 0.00 k 0.0 k 0.0 k-ft Shrt Trm =-16.40k 7.5 k 0.0 k-ft At Col #2: Axial Shear Moment Dead = 2.1 k 0.0 k Live 0.0 k 0.0 k Shrt Trm =16.40 k 7.5 k DIMENSIONS Ftg Dist left of Col #1 - Distance Between Columns= Ftg Dist right of Col #2 = Total Footing Length = Footing Width Footing Thickness V4.4D (c) 1983-96 ENERCALC 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 0.0 k-ft 3.00 ft 14.40 ft 3.00 ft 20.40 ft 6.00 ft 24.00 in Left S.P.: Static D + L Short D+L+S Right S.P.: Static D+L Short D+L+S SOUTH COMPLEX TMB Date: 10/09/97 SUMMARY Service Allow '334.3 psf 2500.0 psf 0.0 psf 3325.0 psf = 334.3 psf 2500.0 psf .1230.3 psf 3325.0 psf Page: C. ?:-2. ACI Factored 9-1 468.0 psf 9-2 = 0.0 psf 9-3 0.0 psf 9-1 = 468.0 psf 9-2 172-2.4psf 9-3 = 1107.3 psf Resultant Ec.c.: Static = 0.00 ft Stability Short Term = 6.50 ft Ratio 1 .48 :1 .... -.. Col #1...... . .. Between... . ..... Col #2 ...... . Ru/Phi As Ru/Phi _ As Ru/Phi As Mu ffom ACI' 9-1 = 0.5 psi 0.29, in2/ft 2.9 psi -0.29 in2/ft 0.5 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-2 = 4.2 psi -0.29 in2/ft 29.8 psi -0.29 in2/ft 11 .6 psi 0.29 in2/ft ACI 9-3 = 2.7 psi -0.29 in2/ft 21.4 psi -0.29 in2/ft 7.5 psi 0.29 in2/ft As(in2/ft/ft of width), negative--> As@ top of footing Mu@ column # 1 Mu btwn ,columns Mu @ column # 2 One-Way Shears ..... Allow.: Vn=2(f'c" .5) Actual : Vu/ .8,5 •.. Left of Column #1 Between Columns Right of Column #2 Two-Way Shears .••• Allow.: Vn=4(f'c" .5) Actual @ Column #1 Actual @ Column #2 MOM.E~T & SHEAR FORCE SUMMARY-------- . - = = = = ACI 9-1 ACI 9-2 ACI 9-3 0.18 k-ft -1.11 k-ft 0.18 k-ft 109.54 psi 0.24·psi 1.2·6 psi 0.24 psi 219.09 psi 1.46 psi 1.46 psi -1.59 k-ft -11.27 k-ft 4.39 k-ft 109.54 psi 2.09 psi 15.60 psi 6.09 psi 219.09 psi 9.73 psi 11.65 psi -1.02 k-ft -8.10 k-ft 2.82 k-ft 109.54 psi 1.35 psi 9.36 psi 3.91 psi 219.09 psi 10.58 psi 11.93 psi GEORGE R. SAUNDERS ASSOCIATES, KW060361 I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION D PUBLIC TOILET BUILDING INDEX SUBJECT Gravity and Lateral Loads Roof Framing Lateral Analysis and Roof Diaphrams Shear Walls Foundation Design SHEET NO. D1 D2-03 D4 D5-D7 D8-D13 I I I I I I I I I 1.-.-.• -~ .\<~~· -:: .. I I I I I I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 JOB SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY · CHECKED BY U0or...,A,JtJ D\ -tJJ ~\J I MA {;,~/i,./ A/i:;:>,\) C::-:Jt;-·S.T 1D/ !-£.TS ---~-, -· -· -- _E_ oo;:-l-&AOS ------------.--~-- \ 8/ u .Ccc-,~ ~'-11 &t2-/~·r :?':..- '3 / .f11 f Uy vJ D, Ff!-, 1lv'I ~ // ,,..__)S V !.,fa. 7: Di0 !rJP/f: f'Y/ !SC LA TC/2-,.---tL-v..AaS 5',o 2,o 2.7 'fE--1 -3, c:> ps:F J /<!..20VC-7/D1US. -\ . _.,· . use 2-C?, o 17sF vv/r,.YD ~o fYI-P'71 .f? '£-p, C., p::::: Ce.C'~ is J:: S£)$rvJ!C- \/~ ?:-IC VJ ~ ::= 0, 4-{_ /,0)(1...75) w B -(). 138 vv· Cee -:-/,o~ OF l2 DATE '1•2"?-·07 DATE I •T •1 ------.-.. --~---~-.. -, -. -,,-< -~-~ -_-, --.-<-,.-,-. .,.~ -,-.. -,-------.-, ---------------_-,-,,-T-." -.,,-,. -.-.-,.-,-, -0-,-~-.-. -_.....aa---' ?~0cv::12~i-1 !YFfa..7!. •"c G·~n·r !/t;H o•.:i1 1~ crcr~rr:.:..•.:. -~---::;:e:: ·-s:i: .. .:~~-t:3:... I I . ·- I I I I I I I I.-/-:·-_ ·1 ·....:.··' I I I I I I I ,·. ·. :_._ ~ I r::.·-: -~- I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil -Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 . Phone (619) 497-2.118 JOB f/EbOLA-f-JO -------------------- SHEET NO. ______ __.Dc_Z.;::..._ __ OF------- LI A -n 17 CALCULATED BY ------~Ll::?=----,--DATE _ _.7_,_t.-'~'--->_·_, __ Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED-BY~-..a..· _______ {)_~--DATE---,----- '/2-0oP JOISTS -;z...f I (114 X. . SPA--f.-/ --~--------·. --------f~ L---- /+1'-µ&e:/1-S: I tu-r:_11 /e,s e, /f7/f? II I / J l1 -r I( ',:;..,,-.r -· 4 0 1!0 . .r /'1 I ,,-,"? i.._... ,;'.:1,.,. I • - . I .. V' I f<= IS't:J'i--1)-.:: i&r?o i:/-~ ZCt·s.,# ".2- L /&c>;7cr ,' I . I s, r; !J-'S:;..;-1-.J rrn rs s; 1-- T,F, ,t-1--A..-f~J C..-,,.}~ .... r,· / / " J '"',... -,....!;)· qj,., ,..:._ -,.:. r, { ,2 \ -• , . , ,, i -'·,.<.. :;:::;, : - I I < /45t?+ 51r'nPS::;), . ..) T 77 ?.,S,//,55 ./ T, F, H--A--t...J r.[-:;.,.;;.-,,;?... I I .. I I I I I I I I _. . -. -.... ·.--i·-) I I I I I I 1- ,.,_·,:: -~ I .: .. I JOB . L fC--0_ L/:\~'i? MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 SHEET NO. D ;:> OF ____ ,_, __ __, CALCULATED BY ____ _..;.{)_v.J __ DATE _">~--~_7 __ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax {619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY---------DATE ____ _ I, () L -tLL ' (,:::.\7 (;.) :::. Q ~ ~i.o) ~ 4)7. -t 1._o 'f-C-; =-ll lo \0LF r~ = , lo l, ~ c,oeoo =--'?:,~o:,op~ j c.. '?, ") l ~/ . ::;>'f-: , ) 1 \_i '/-.i11 ."""' J t. :.·. '2. 7:) l{N -;-~ .=. • \ (.o I tl Jd..S f & ~ . ~ Sy:;_ I,; 0\ s Ii" J:_)! :: 5r}~ ( I~ t-f -OIL - 2. DL..1,,~1NO VJ\J = l~(Q PCf w\;_ ~ I h '{. ~/z. . .::=. 32. PLP Mt\~ ;0~2. 'ini = l-·l9' '~ M~:!:: .r,to---n12 = 4,~l \+ 0 ~ ·eo~stOEJ2.: 0 ~ ... (/"f.l~G~ ~> Al?i)J\ ~0/4. kl> . Si-/~ ,blA..t:,::;;.. 1~~4-rN' .I~::: l,:S4-,c>:::~t;2...-1Nl\' ~M::; tt~---fl?../1.'6qc::-l,lo~5I !.~ Fbt~ ~ ,b6.,c33.::: 2.l,'e,/tiJ +.\J::: 4,0,,,\ -f-1'2.(t. z_,q5~z..:::: 22, 7 /L\I . ' 4: . I</ . ' ~:;; _? Y. ,03 2. 'f-{7 ~/7~ _ 0, ~~ :: L/c;4D oft_ 3~2..~0'v01 s-~;2..· -. : .._ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1'2 I MARTIN & DUNN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO,.CA92108 Phone (6.19) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 (/,) I 1._) [) P . .::-I 7, 4-t f:,f= , 1 --.1 = 11 4-{1 f 12=. ')fl ss~ = 4?oo if' JOB f~Eboc...A-f-->D --'--'-----==--=-=~;_;__--,---~-------- SHEET NO, ______ t>_4_,__ __ OF _____ _ I! ~ --rt.---. ...,. "' ;:;. :...,7 CALCULATED BY ---~---J _ __.._ DATE a-· __,_/ '-=:.,-="-· '_1..:.___ 00 CHECKED ElY _________ DATE------ \)[Z.I\~ ,o,u,e Q. CD·. DF = ':l; 2-c;o-f.. rr = & lo'!t- . ~A -z,. zj .( l11-? '0~ vs£.. STG:,Z!5 srfN V '; $ . " :;:,c.. / ·~ ..,.- \/ e:-/w =-/7, 4-(7,o)(-fS.5) -= -:.$5:?.;;if <S e: r·sm I e, \/t: o.l '?>8 //V ;z..00F PL J B('?:,s)C 4-·s,s"') -:::-i B ;oo if '. / tJ/~ v.>f¼,,{S, ?-o {?) ( 45.,.:;) (-:_~: -t i e> ( (p )( 1--s,) {';) = /8/ r;() # G / (/.,) (,,v~v.__ $ ?-0 ( 7) ( ~ 5.,) (: .. ) -f ( p { b) ( 'b =) ( 1..) ::: / foDO it v tv/e:.. = o, 1 3 ~( '7. g7 oo f-11ocn:i, ~ 51 oo # '? +:b~o rt _,. 1/ '5et.Stril c Gc>/&CJ-.iS Vr?/v'G> :::. 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