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/ Ool OJ 0(.c,. 01/29/98 09:04 Page 1 of 1~· Job Address: '.I,. LEGO DR Permit Type: CQMMERCIAL BUILDING Pare-el No: · V_a4-uation: . 1,478,071 P E R M I T Suite: Lou#: Occ.upemcy G+oup: · . Reference#: Desc~iptiorp flCASTLE HILL" -'COASTER . fLd_ ·. · . · : 9., 6-06 SP PLA~ C}IECK C;f>'l'1$~l"' :.·permi·,t: No: ·c:s9ao2os froje,ct No:· A.9800280 DeveJ_opment No: '. ConstruGtion Type: VN Status : . LSSUEI) -Applieo: 01/27/.98 Apr/Is·su.e: · 01/29/98 Erit_e'reo·.· By: MDP -. Appl/Ownr: ADACHI,· . KYOKO 310 453-0190 . . ·1655 26T.H STREET #200 SANTA MONICA·,. CA.·: 90404 *** Fees· Req.u_ired *** *** Fees·c61l~~ted ~ Credits *** -----------' --' -----··-------------------• --,----. " r ,_' ' r • --• " --i -. ----' -• - · F~:I ~-.. AP.P_ROVAL , . · .. · . · -~ . · ·. ~3 ·/J·t fi' · 1NS. "#~--D/\T l-. _ .-~-- CLEAR/.\: ~C.:2_, -_ ........ _,.,. ----- CITY OF CARLSBAD · 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 3/5/99 Permit# CB980208 Title: CASTLE HILL -COASTER Description: 9,606 SF PLAN CHECK Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot Location: l\PPLICANT : ADACHI, KYOKO Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Comments 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical .49 Final Mechanical --,---·-- --· Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 3/3/99 89 Final Combo NR PD 2/22/99 89 Final Combo co PD 2/22/99 89 Final Combo co PD 2/1/99 89 Final Combo PA PD 1/15/99 84 Rough Combo AP PD 1/15/99 89 Final Combo WC PD 1/14/99 84 Rough Combo co PD 1/8/99 34 Rough Electric PA PD 12/31/98 34 Rough Electric PA PD 12/28/98 39 Final Electrical NR PD 11/5/98 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP PD INT SHR 10/26/98 1 ffExterior·Lath/Dr:ywall NR PD 10/16/98 16 Insulation AP PD 10/16/98 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP PD 1017/98 13 Shear Panels/HD's PA PD AT TOWER 10/6/98 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP PD WALLS 10/6/98 24 Rough/Topout AP. PD 10/6/98 34 Rough Electric AP PD Inspector Assignment: PD ----- Requeste9 By: JIM PAYTON Entered By: ROBIN Inspection List Permit#: CB980208 Type: COM CASTLE HILL-COASTER 9,606 SF PLAN CHECK Date Inspection Item . · Inspector Act Comments 3/5/99 89 Final Combo PP AP 3/3/99 89 Fina! Combo. PD NR 2/22/99 89 Final Combo PD ·co· 2/22/99 89 Final Combo PD· co 2/1/99 89 Final Combo PD PA 1/15/99 84 Rough Combo PD AP 1/15/99 89 Final Combo PD WC 1/14/99 84 Rough Combo PD co 1/8/99 34 Rough Electric PD PA 12/31/98 34 Rough Electric PD PA 12/28/98 39 Final Electrical PD NR 11/5/98 13 Shear Panels/.HD's PD AP INT SHR 10/26/98 18 Exterior Lath/OryWall PD NR 10/16/98 16 Insulation PD AP 10/16/98 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PD AP 10/7/98 13 Shear Panels/HD's PO PA ATTOWER 10/6/98 14 Frame/SteellBolting/Weldin. PD AP WALLS 10/6/98 24 Rough/Top9ut PD AP WALLS 10/6/98 34 Rough Electric PD AP WALLS 10/6/98 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers PD WC 10/2/98 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PD PA 10/2/98 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall Pb PA 9/30/98 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PD PA 9/30/98 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PO PA 9/28/98 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall . PD PA 9/24/98 18 Exterior Lath/Prywall .PD PA 9/14/98 13 Shear Panels/HD's PD PA· 9/10/98 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall .PD PA 9/4/98 34 Rough Electric PD AP 8/24/98 15 Roof/Reroof DH AP 8/24/98 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall DH AP NORN & 2 EAST WALL ONLY 7/28/98 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting't'Neldih PD NR 7/22/98 12 Steel/Bond Beam DH AP FORMING & STEEL ON QUEVE 6/9/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA FOOD $TAND NORTH 6/5/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD WC 6/5/98 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/weldin PD PA FLR 6/1/98 61 Footing PD AP CAISSONS 5/6/98 11 Ftg/Foundl:!tion/Piers PD PA RUINED TURRET 5-6-98 5/5/98 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers PD NS RAINED OUT 5,5-98 4/30/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/ Piers PD AP 4/22/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD co 4/20/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA 4/15/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers .PD PA . WAI.LS 4/9/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP Monday, March 08, 1999 Page 1 of2 4/3/98 11 , Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 3/30/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP WALL 3/24/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD NR 3/19/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP LINE F CONT & PADS 3/18/98 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin . PD PA 3/13/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers TP AP CONT FTN @ 1 LN· & f.:.2 LN 3/11/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP WALLS AT RIDE 3/9/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA OK TO CLOSE WALLS 3/6/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PK NR MUDDY ROADS~INACCESSIBLE 3/4/98 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD PA 3/2/98 21 Underground/Under 'Floor PD AP ICE CREAM CAFE 2/27/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD PA 2/23/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers :PD CA BYJIM 2/19/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 2/19/98 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD WC 2/17/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD NR 2/13/98 21 Underground/Under Floor PD AP 2/10/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 2/6/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 105,F-7 2/5/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 9 PIERFTG$ Monday, March 08, 1999 Page 2 of2 SEE MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SCANNED SEPARATELY · CB9-72027 IS THE . . PLAN CH.ECK NUM.BER FOR MANY OTHER CB'S ALSO SEE ( CB971460{OUTER PARK) CB97146S{ADMIN BLDG) C,~°11~3.5,b CHY of Carlsbad .~ ; Final Building lnspacuon ~ .. w ,. Dept: Building Engineering ~lanning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Date: 1115/99 Permit#: CB980208 Permit Type: COM Project Name: CASTLE HILL -COASTER Sub Type: 9,606 SF PLAN CHECK Address: 1 LEGO DR Lot: Contact Person: JIM Phone: 6198432928 Sewer Dist: Water Dist: aa I 111111111 I II 11111 I II I I I I I I I I I 81 8 II Ill Ill I I I I II I I I II 11111 Ill I I I I I I II 1'118 II 1'1 !'II I I I I I II II I lllli11i I 11 I I all I 8 I I !I Ill I II II I I I I I I I I II I II I II I la I I I II I II I I II II II I Inspected Date r . '1.--"2-• C, ~pproved: v'' Disapproved: __ By: 1/\1\S lnspecteq: Inspected Date By: . Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: · Disapproved: __ .........................................................................................•.................................................................. Comments: _______ __,_.,...... _________________________ ....,... ____ _ CltV Of Carlsbad ~ ·; Final Building lnsaaction ...,.7'... ... . . . ...~ RECEIVED JAN I 81999 CITY OF CARLSBAD _ Dept: Building E,nginB:et.ing-:::: Planning . CMWD $t Lite Fire ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Plan Check #: Permit#: Project Name: CB980208 CASTLE HILL -COASiER 9,606 SF PLAN CHECK Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: JIM Phone: 9198432928 Sewer Dist: Water Dist: Lot: Date: Permit Type: _ Sub Type: 1/15/99 COM ······················································~·········································· ........................................................... . Inspected /.'\ ~ Date By: -------"ts;t.::I"=-----------Inspected: Jl ---/ .,_e;i 47 Approved, ~ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By:-----------,-~---Inspected:~---'----: Approved: _____ Disapproved:_. _ Inspected Date By: -Inspected: _ __,; ___ Approved:-------'-Disapproved: __ ···································································································~··························-····························· Comments:--------------,--..---------,---------------------------- Cltll of Carlsbad · Final Building lnspacuon_ Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD UL@. Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: CB980208 CASTLE Hl!:.L -COASTER 9,606 SF PLAN CHECK 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: JIM Phone: 9198432928 Sewer-Dist: . WaterDist: Date: 1 /15/99 Permit Type: COM Sub Type: Lot: ........................................ i·································································••t!•••!••········································ Inspected LR~---bate Ji !cf<:t ~Disapproved: __ By: Inspected: / Jq Approved~ ' Inspected Date By: ln~pected: _ Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: ____ ······························································~····································••!1••··················································· Comments: ___________________________________ _ Clb or Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite <f;i.Ee;;i Plan Check #: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: Inspected By: Inspected By: CB980208 CASTLE HILL -COASTER 9,606 SF PLAN CHECK 1 LEGO.DR JIM · · Phonei: 6198432928 WaterDisf: Date Inspected: Date · Inspected: Lot: Date: 1/1!5/99 Permit TY,pe:_C.QM . ·- Sub tyi>JPQ 1 ~ (r; !T:_: f1 \ ? :~~~· [\ I I' .:::-· . . ~ . 1 I • ::--I ',1 t . l'rl JAN 1 0 1999 . ;f L L L...,• . I . _By~·-----·--·-· i Approved: Disapproved: __ Approved: Disapproved: __ ····· ······················· ··············••!••• ......•................•....•.... ····-····················· ..•..•...•....................................... Comments:-----------------,---------.......... --------------------------- r,;;-;;/Fil lnjonnatzon ,~IToBuildOn Page_1_of_t_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name)_L-e____,G,_·--o ...... l ..... ~=------cueNT_...;:l=--=e---G"""""-'o=----- DATE I -\ S""" .,.. 9 5: (Address) /r C~l~B~~ ~ Architect \::l CJ \ (_ REPORT NO. ---'-"-o/ ____ 0 ___ "'2-__,.......0---'t_.--,,-~/2_'2~~-2-_ Building Permit No. ___ 9....._..F.__ __ 2_-_,._~_-"""'"t--'-. __ _ Plan File No, _______________ _ Engineer __ ~ri)~--c.t:~~VV\~------------Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ Contractor (?~ (2 OSA-or °nPD # Other -~ T(--r' ·r """"' ,~,~ c" ~ . ) INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING-QTY-MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -··--__ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs · · _OSA __ Cement --___ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Rint.: Tendons _ Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ .-. Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Roofing __ Masonry Block --· __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units (block or bdck) __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _astruct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing --__ Units: Brick . _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ H.S. Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ . Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Electrodes . __ Soils Technician __ Other --__ --Fireproofing __ Batch Plant __ Other --·-___ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed REMARKS--- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of. our knowledge, all of the reported w0rk, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the-building c·odes. This-report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. V · INSPECTOR NAME-~ ~~ CERT. No._9,_g::.--t:.P..:cJ:......5~---------~ n(r~ 1 ;~;;,"!t;;,~R SIGNATUR~J::.[L.¥ DATE_-4--{-_.._I ........ S::_-_:f+-:f~---~- APR-ZZ-98 17:27 FROM-lEGOLAND PROJECT,OFFICE t11\\L1.MWTI-I, OIJ'ATA-,. KASSABAUM, INC:. HOIC Jot> ~,lo Tr..itcr $341 Arm•4" Prlvtt, Cartabalf, CA t~t Voice 760 804 •:sss Fu T60104 T960 Attention Pete Dreibelbis firm N•m11 City of Carlsbad Fu Numb11r 483-0894 Telephone 483-1161 from Chris Rooney Copies To K.R.. MZ, KL, £11, 8C, JF,MS. Pete, 760-804-7959 T-895 P.01/0Z F-058 II Fax Transmittal Projeei-LEGOLAND P~c11 Prop;ared April 22, 1998 · Projeei Number 96-0634-00 Filer L le, Total Pages include. m11 $heet 3 , , I If·:. Dan Wemgut and myself visiU?d the site of the Casije Coaster and observed the temecUal measures performed by Bernards Brothers on the tops of,the Coaster foundation C~ons Pan prepaied the attached field report wluch outlmes the rerna:mirtg action required t(>,complete. the foundation modificati(?ns. Dan found no strUctural problems that would prevent Bemarcls brothers from pouring the concrete floor slab. Please call if you hav~ any questions or concerns. Thanks, ~kv~. Chris Rooney / P111a.1e notify l4S ,mm.:4,a~ll' ff ate, mess,,e ,s unclear or intompl~ Tile mformaqon ccmtiinc:4 m m,s facs1m1le 15 privrlegl!<f aiid confidarii:ia.l rnfimn•tiorr lntc:nd,:<I for tlle'uSe ohhe iddrusH lim.cl .ibc;i~c. If yo11 ~re m:1U'lcr me mwnde<t r11C1p,em: nor dii: C!Pploycc: or :agent-responsible.for <1eb~er,ng mis m-ci;oagc, yo.. ;an: hereby notified ~nae an, d,scloswrc, cc,,py,ng, dis.nbution, or ~l<:in11: of any aetton tn r•lian~ on me ci>n~nts of lllc: tc!ecopied 1nform11tion ,s smct17 prohi!litc:d. If you have rec:Br,11<1 tll!li tclccop, ,n error pleue ,mmecl1:i.fAll1 noflf)' us !ly tcl!:phC)ne to arnn1e for in, rai:<im of ffl• orlglm11 doCllment to llS ·i ' .'a l l} 11 IJ' ,. 'I ,. '" !ii ,, li •ll ', ,, i, APR-22-98 17:28 FROM-LEGOLAND PROJECT OFFICE Martin & M21rtin, Joe. ~ ~r~ctural & Civil En1inHrt . , 1eoi Missicm C!r1"14!f Coi,rt Sune 400 : SAN Cl~GO. CALIFORNIA 92l0S 1 ' : (619) 497·2118 .. , FAX (619} 497-~29 760-804-7959 t-895 P.02/02 F-058 TO __ C..\¼l__ c; !2,wNt''( l TH•" · •:it \-\0~ _ ~o ··at_ ;> _ * WAifU. C}'.)M.FS Oi:,; Ef<;)tAA-,ts l#l, -~~lvM~ hv j\jf TO~ (F_ _ ~ ~ ,-;C-I \G.i°M-OJ£ lv.:> ~t-fJ\M'7.A#.. 9'i ~ ~ -t<J·.,JN I!? A: (91~1 , . . . wUrl.,U. cru-e~.s /iL(t tJ.O U#Jl)U. -J\' ~,u , ~AJ..1P r~l>rr-T~ TOJf ~Ah:J.J2., . ce=-,es 'T'O -------------------------"---~--- -l I I I II l •rnformation • ~To Build On Page_1_of _/. ' Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT__,fL6'-.·-· '--'"'=0 ___ _ DATE __ 3_,f_S~--_,....._,__, __ _ Architect ______ t(.._...--=C;'---"-K-,=------------'- Engineer_-.~._--'-4---9--~/11.__.__ _________ _ Contractor. __ )_,_,__ ...... 23=---C=------------- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY __ QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _QSA __ Cement --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ---·- __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- __ concrete __ Fireproofing ---- __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --A Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel ---- __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ $oils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- PROJECT (Name) L~w~ (Address) _ _,..~_,----~- REPORT NO._=-""l,,.._1.~:......i..:""--=.-2,::.,,.::~i~:=<--·~--'-~'-=$~· Building Permit No. ___ '7~8~---=2.==-q?~------ Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.--------------- OS~·orz:;7% ~-~~I Other _ , lflea. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar :E_ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes ___ Conc.:·Mix #/psi _Laps --Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick -(!1:--Steel •/r/(w,.. \1·S:~ 't5 Torque Applied _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking . .t!.L Electrodes 6,o~ _ Fireprooffng. _JZ_ Other ,4;. ~ IM-A-3 '-_ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This rep<;>rtcovers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME /) /4-,,, ~~ · (P~early) INSPECiORSIGNATURE~ l':(l.;__~ PSI-B-900-170(2) . _ CERT. NO._..L·i~-g~71:...;:0~5~-------- ,-1s-=-~Q DATE ____ __;__.:___~/:..__i_L ________ _ -: l iiJ Infomiatiori • aToBuildOn Page_1_of _f_ ' Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION ·REPORT cuENT-L_.._c""a ..... -?'-"o...__ ___ _ DATE __ 3_-__.J_/_-_'74,-'f_,_' __ Architect._ __ ..... /c_~.,__<J __ t:_ _______ _ Engineer ___ ~f!Yt'--~4-=-;@,.___,_ _________ _ Contractor. ___ ~_"---"5-=---'c~-~------- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders --·- _OSA -. _Cement --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- __ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --__ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -·--__ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --·- PROJECT (Name)._ ..... lc~ .... <b¢___,,=-/2 ...... ~..:......;..· ....:...J=-- (Address) .. _7"'1-_.,.--------7"f-- w~73&b z;. REPORT NO . ..,.. _____ £__,6=---Z..=:;...;6:::c..Z...:oo=-_.._//._-<-=-::a_c Building Permit No. ______________ _ Plan File NO, .... ·---------------- Govt. Contract No.--~----------- OSAor OSHPD #-------------- Other · Q (. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar . .)'l Plan & Specs -. Rinf.: W.W.F. -. _ Clearances -· Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions _._ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps -. Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless ,otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · · · INSPECTOR SIGNATURE-\-"7'f--..P.~~-fa.""~~~~ PSl-8-900-170(2) CERT. NO. _______________ _ -. --~-~-+--._~, 11 DATE_3-1) -S:i I l •1 Information ~ • ~To Build On Page_1_of _( .,:. Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT __ le.........,.,...G_Q _____ _ DATE_--..3_-.....,{lp_~Cf...._9' __ _ Architect ___ ....,./p/.....__~ O~ ..... ~-=---------- Engineer ___ ,~~--"-----/1{__,_ _______ -'--__ _ Contractor._ __ ~}3.,...c-_,,.f_?;'"---'C"""'---------- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical _· _Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry·Block --__ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other--- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other _ ---- REMARKS ul,Ll~ ±;L ~o/fisl½ PROJECT (Name),_.£:;L_· .,..ctk=:..=..=o+lt...;.~....;.._...;.d=-_ (Address)_>""'r---A-----~-C+Jsis 11c» , C REPORT NO, _____ ~_e,_-e_._Z ___ 6-'--2_CJ-=2..,'--_ Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File NO . .:...·---------------- Govt. Contract No. _______________ _ OSA-or OSHPD~ Other . _ Ci p · MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances : __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick . _ Torque Applied __ Steel _HS.Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes ___ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · CERT. NO. ______________ _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE-t-::~=--,..,-l-31,-.;;=;--->=:,--¥--- . PSI-B-900-170(2) II l ii/ Infonnation -• .To Build On ' Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENTk;YrtGANa! (£.r'!A U:J' ..tk-'c.- DATE 'J-.2. -9 7 Architect. __________________ _ Engineer _______________ '--~-- Contractor. ___________________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLIN'G QTY __ OSHPD __ Conc~ete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Mal:lonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- __ Concrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --__ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) 4-.Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name4;aa?wo( p(~t:' /4'"'-< (Address~L~~ l'A REPORT N0.06z -"70:2.d 2--' ..-///7 ' Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No.-------------- OSA-or OSHPD #------------- Other __________________ _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST -_ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.:W.W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix·#/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi . _ Future Continuity #/psi _. Grout: Mix #/psi. _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed &f~,,,,,._Jv\.s c/~ c~~~,<J c...7;:-11'~ os£ z; Ar R6 ~ tJA~..-v ,,.e,, ~ -t..v ~ c~ ~ . .., . . ~ l?o'K' 76.r r.I l::::y;,j-.£:c~d· 9 o '>o /Ge?? ¼ ~·n..,i;· ~ e .n/7: CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME£~ -ud /: t4Cdd7];;__ CERT. NO. _______________ _ . . (Prlnt Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATURE= ~r, ~ DATE::r_e-9 _7 PSl-8-900·170(2) l ;/ Information • ~To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT,., OF FIELD COMPACTION TESTS TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: March 02, 1999 OUR REPORT NO.:059-70202-1119 TEST DATA: (1103) Red ·Brown Silty SAND PS~ Lab# 99-061 OPT. MOIST. = 11.5% MAXIMUM COMMENTS• TEST TEST SOIL ID I..AB DRY * WATER WET DRY PERCENT Spec. NO. DEPTH ELEVATION NUMBER DENSITY CONTENT DENSITY DENSITY COMPACTION 13 6. 0 11 SUBBASE 1103 l25.5 8.5 1:n.3 117 .3 93.5 1 -A 14 6. 0 11 SUBBASE 1103 125.5 11. 9 127.8 114.2 91. 0 1 - A TEST LOCATION: 13 WEST END OF WALKWAY@ RED BARON RIDE 14 EAST END OF RADIUS -WALKWAY@ RED BARON RIDE 90% Mir: NOTES: TESTS PERFORMED PERASTM D2922-91 &ASTM D3017-88l!COMMENTS: I. FILL MATERIAL A. TEST RESULTS COMPLY WITH SPECIFICATIC DENSITIES SHOWN: Lbs. per cubic foot WATER CONTENT: Percent of dry weight PERCENT COMPACTION: Based on maximum dry densl!Y obtained on sample indicated by soil ID number. * (1103) 2. BACKFILL 3. BASE COURSE 4.SUBBASE 5. SOIL CEMENT 6. OTHER B. PERCENT COMPACTION DOES NOT COMPLY WITH SPECIFICATIONS C. RETEST OF PREVIOUS TEST D. MOISTURE IN EXCESS OF SPECIFICATIONS E. MOISTURE BELOW SPECIFICATIONS TEST INSTRUMENT: TROXLER, 3430, 28343 REMARKS: SfANDARD COUNT M: 595 ADJUsrMENT DATA M: 12:71-5 D: TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE: TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPE:CIFmCATIONS NOTED·AND MAY NOT REPRESENT ANY OTIIRJOCATIONS OR E:LE:VAT,IONS. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, Wl1:HO\11R!TIEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE: lNOUSTRIEl&C. PSI A· I 00-2 (3)F Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc DAVID J. RYAN, RCE DISTRICT MANAGER Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~ 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, -Suite.E • San Diego, CA 92121 •-Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 Page_1_of _J_ 1INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Le 70 DATE G-,-'f-9'? Architect H C) JC Engineer tyJA::P ft~ o/ ra~-t:) . Contractor. ~~ C..., -· .. '"' INSPECTION · MAT'L SAMPLING _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement __ Specialty __ Morta,r Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples _ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms _Roofing . __ Masonry:Block · _Concrete __ Fireproofing _Masonry __ Units (block or brick) ....,-Struct Steel . __ · Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing _._ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT·Strands) __ Soils Technician -. -.-Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS QTY -- -- -- -·- -- -- -----·-- ·-·-- -- -- ---- PROJECT (Name) h(!!7.o/~ ·d - (Address) ____________ -- D.eb:s,t;-,\ I Q REPORT NO. .,, OZ.OL -t::, 7/ Building Permit No. 7§',: Z Cl.?f_ · Plan File No. _______________ -'--___ _ Govt. Contract No.---------------- OSA or-OfoylPQ.J1 77.. , . Other CM/k Hll/ .. L5"£S ~ a/::T~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ -.. Rinf:: Rebar /Plan & Sp~cs _ Rinf:: W.W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psr ../sizes _. _ Cone.: Mix #/psi-_Laps _. Cone.: Mix #/psi . _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar:. Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units:-Block v"' Electrode Storage -. Units:~_:_ . V Steel A1 ka·c, '3 _ Torque Applied _H.S.Bolts _. Metal Decking ,/' Electrodes -~A',. -"},l _ Fireproofing . v Other l't<'l:.l!::1. ll~ _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best.of our knowledge, all of the.reported work, unless otherwise noted; substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building-codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTORNAtv1J:)Ft:!::--~~~ 9 ~~ INSPECTOR SIGNATUR---"1~ PSI-B-900-170(2) . ~-s~ s CERT. NO. ~ "JO DATE __ ....::,t,,:;._-_4_,_-_4'.......,1? ______ _ Page_1_of_ · INSPECTION REPORT cuENT____.L~· e __ 1__,__o'------ 0ATE_--=5_-___ ,_5_,_-_g _____ 2'---_ Architect ___ (--:_/ ~Q__,h-=-----'----'----------,--- Engineer _ _,_VY}---'---'_._A-......,~~l ...;..,v1.,__9--=--· _f{J-'-,_4--'M~_ """'·-"-'-'f-'---'l ~c.....,__ _ __,_ Contractor._·33~-""e....,;;~=-a.Y\_._t\-t~~==---'E:_. '--'2.=0-=--S ..... _ --- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD ___ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement --- __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical ___ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -- __ Roofing ___ Masonry Block __ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry _. _. _ Units (block.or brick) -- Lstruct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --·- __ Pile Driving ___ Reinf. Steel --- __ Fireproofing ___ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.RBolts -- __ Non-Destructive _-_Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out . _._Other -- PROJECT (Name},____._k-=-e,_,__o=--( 4-r\_..._ ___ d ___ · -- (Address} /V . Ce-Jse B:::D lA. REPORT N0. ___ 7'""""0_2._o ___ '?...-=-----&_2j, __ ~ Building Permit No. ___ q--#--{,,z,.,_-_.2.Q8-==-.._..·---'-·:----- Plan File No·---------------------- Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSA or OSHP!?u. Other-c~s:rre l:-fj(/ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ·__ Rinf.: Rebar .L Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. \/"clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons ~ositions _ Cone;: Mix #/psi ·/sizes ___ · Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi -_ future Continuity #/psi ___ Grout: Mix #/psi. _ Consolidatio _ Mortar; Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block ..:LElectrode Storage _ Units; Brick ,_.....Steel A-Sf,.,, A~B _ Torque Applied ./H.S. Bolts ti4,'T.f'V\ A32.S:: .. __ Metal Decking · . ~ Electrodes [::zc,,<x ~;2Jis _ Fireproofing .:r.L... Other :14;St M 6fl:a~ _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed REMARKS v! ~ I.) el 1a, 1 .; s ~,__(!fed --Ue \A rkl :..,5 £ ±/,e_ _Q, I lo\<'.) 1 ~ s CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the besfof our knowledge, all of the _reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAMF 'l:>~ A-3/ (Print Clearly) · INSPECTOR SIGNATUR<l) <Zr ?a... 4- ps1-s-soo-170(2) ., :tu3o CERT. NO. J:'6]03 S::D°*3S-/ DATE ___ ~c:;-_-.!...I '?-!.---~.l.....W.------ .. l •I · Professiol;l•I Service Industries, Inc. · • · American Engineering Division · · Page Z.of-.k - INSPECTION REPORT Project Name (per plans) _~L=c.=--7.-.0 ....... /1+11_,_.__d...,,..·. _·_-_ _,.._Cs __ ............. t'---"/4 __ e~-_J.,....¼~{__,__~ ( __ ~~~t;~L~----- Inspection Date - Inspector's Name-.:::6._L:.~=i---f!'-~~~~~---__:__ __ PSI 8·900-171 - Page_1_. of~ · INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Lr:10 DATE 5-ZO-n: Architect __ i_t'--/-'0=-+:C.,,_._ ___ -'---------'-- Engineer VVl~'tl -t r{]~ Contract0r~ oi4:::?d s :-BJ<O!:> INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING __ OSHPD . _Concrete-Cylinders _OSA __ . Cement _Specialty _ Mortar Samples _ Mechanical ___ Grout Samples _Electrical _Masonry Prisms _Roofing _Masonry Block _Concrete _ Fireproofing _Masonry _ Units (block qr·brick) ...,LStruct Steel _.Asphalt Concrete _ Prestress Cone _Roofing _ Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel _ Fireproofing _Steel _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts _ Non-Destructive _Tendon (PT Strands) _Soils Technician _Other _ Batch Plant _Other .L Bolt Pull-Out _Other QTY ------- -------- -·-- -- -- -- PROJECT (Name)_L..,.._ ~----+-7 .... 0 ..... / H-t,t'--'-__,._d __ _ (Address)_"7">---~------r]~~-{_1;;/~b u~ REPORT NO,.,_. ----,:-,--<7i:.-' o~z:.,,oa~Z-----lt{;---~-f-7_ Building Permit No ..... -___ :(__.__,$.._-___ 2__,0~f8.,__ __ 1 __ Plan File NO,-------,------------ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ os_A or ~,.De' Otner _ {_Jts[tt:; -f.{; tf- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ __ Riflf.: Rebar Vp1an & Specs _ Rint: W:W.F. ----. .,......-Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions _. Cone;:.: Mix #/psi ~Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi . _ Future Contintiity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _. _ .Consolidatio _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block ~Electrode Storage _ Units: !;3rick . . _0orque Applied v" Steel A".5l.(!1 ~~ 6 ~ H.S. Bolts,t}SZ::M ./1-22,~ _ Metal Decking ~ Electrodes/370&· s;;,.LIGS __ _ Fireproofing ~Corrsctive ·action required __ ..,.....Other .t-1)/..// i-1,V.JS,-() rhit-l .J,~ AJl--fir ... ·· Corrections completed REMARKS T.r.q,e,;:LJ -fl,_ e:;=25 rfflfelfq.t~ cf' '-r'fc-~e1;.e:, CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, alof~e reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAMF}) h-n 2,i?-n·v9: G,£ · ·c~. INSPECTORSIGNATU~~G S2. .. PSI-B-900-170(2)y 1.c:.80 . CERT. No.9:f'7o3 3S3'7<l / I DATE ___ S-:...-_-...,.2_,Q_-_,:.z._<g _____ -,--__ _ Ii -, Envimnmental . .,. I Geotechn{cal •-• Construction -Page_1_of L Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT(Name)__,,,./_.c=>C.=fu-=o~b!-'/4""1,ll..._~d=---_cuENr_L-==-=e"'-,?f--"O--· __ _ DATE __ ;:,_-_-0~---1_)' __ Architect __ <-H&....-Jla~/c ___ .:...._._, _ _....~--- Engineer___,/l/,<-----L,;'/Jd!,,:...:;..'"""'t'-'-~,<.;;;:;;·--<.+----,_td~A:t?L,L.;· ::c.1.:t._._,~=· .. _. _ _...;._ Contractor._-{$....,,,.._aAft=_.._._..(!4_d=c-....,B .... · ·.....,J2..,_'.,,=.D..,..$'_·_------'-'--- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete,Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement -- __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- _ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -- __ Roofing __ Masonry Block --- _concrete __ Fireproofing -- _Masonry _._ Units (block or brick) Lstruct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone _·_Roofing ----- __ Pile Driving ___ Beinf. Steel __ Fireproofing ·~teel --- __ Waterproofing __ H:S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ tendon (Pr Strands) -- __ Soils Technician --. Other ---- __ Batch Plant __ Other --·- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other ---- REMARKS (Address)_..,....._--,-____ ...,...._ c;;/2819-t> a-. · REPORT NQ.~_7<-.::0~2.4-=-:-Z,-----_~--,;,1/ __ Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File NO,----------------'------ -Govt. Contract No.-----';'------------- OSA or OSHl;P #/7 Other -(,J.t-, II!'. 7-l// ,_ MATERIALDESCRiPTiON ~SPECTION CHECKLiST _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ___ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone:: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ _ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block . -_ Electrode Storage _ . . ____ Units:~ /b-o~ ,:__ Torque Applled ~$tee! -'fJ"-- _H.S.Bolts __ Metal -Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing - _ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERT. NO, _ _Jq~e~?i!:...!CJ:::...,..£.s _______ _ > DATE _ __._s--="'--_...[_-__,:)~~'---------- Page_1_of_ · INSPECTION RE;PORT CLIENT L€loo L,, ~t> DATE 5-,,-9$ Architect 14. o \(:_ Engineer Wl ~ r2---"II ,y INSPECTION _OSHPD _OSA ...k..Specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing ~Concrete __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS MAT'LSAMPLING __ Concrete Cylinders ___ -Cement __ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms _. -.-Masonry Block .. __ Fireproofin9 __ Uriits (block .or brick) __ Asphalt.Concrete __ Roofing ___ Reinf. Steel __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts· . __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Other __ Other __ Other t 6-1S1>ITTe:CZOl:'Y _Tltc4 s 'l1-? ) Q QTY -- -- ---.-·- --·- ------ -- -- -- -- ----- -- ----- PROJECT (Name) '-~ o <-/4:tYS> (Address) M-4,-"?3?>,::Y> CA, REPORT No. o~C\-10'1..0't-..--57'~ G- Building. Permit No. __._Cf .... f?:...-_i.o;c__-s.;;;...._ ________ _ Plan File No·------~~-------- Govt. Contract No.---~----------- OSA or OSHPD #--'---------,---- Other -~4!,~ \¼t l..""" CP,Y-,:n.i'Y½: nM i:s-~ ~"=> .. . MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf.: Rebar. _2:!:" Plan & Specs . __ Rinf.: WW.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone:: Mix #/psi _Sizes ___ . _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: _Mix #/psi __ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _. Mortar Batching __ -Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts .. __ Metal Dec~ing __ Electrodes ____ Fireproofing ~ Other /:!'Po-,t. "1' :l,!11..-'rl _ Corrective action required __ \-\ ..._ \4-0 _ Corrections completed Sk\fiHJ'::5 -5::z-ooJ a<-t±o L fi'S e-?c:xY A,a,,. ,:p \SO CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME ~-Ob: :? Y~,-,> (Print Clearly) _ h INSPECTOR SIGNATUREy_} ? 2:::? ~ PSl-8-900-170(2) CERT. NO. QOOoGG 1-6-'3 DATE 5-1 1-'i S Page_1_of _L , INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT----,U.c::r.. ..... b-....O<------ DATE_~:5":__,~ / ...... /_-_,_Cf..,..$? __ ___ Architect __ +-;J-t-_,.{J"---'-(._,-=--------------,--'---- Engineer-.L-tt/4~~.....,.__=:;,.LJ.,,,_· _9:.._, --"'lf/,""-f-l,d,.-1-'-=, =<-Lt..;.::,A..)::;.... --'---- Contractor. __ R __ -4'::B~i2-==J..2""'-L4~c...a.::=--, _}?i~"""Z?=CfS-, _.._ ---- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA ___ Cement -- _Specialty _· Mortar Samples -- _ Mechanical _ Grout Samples --- _Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -- _Roofing _ Masonry Block: -- _Concrete _ Fireproofing -- _Masonry _ Units (block or brick) --- _l!:: Struct Steel -. _ Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone · _Roofing -- _ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel . -- _ Fireproofing _Steel -- _Waterproofing ·--_H.S. Bolts _ Non·Destructive _Tendon (PT Strands) --- _$oils Technician _Other _ Batch Plant _Other -- _ Bolt Pull·Out _Other --- REMARKS PROJECT (Name)_. _./_ __ ld,....bo___.J ..... /tn...___._ __ d ...... ___ _ (Address)_7'-7-,,,c.'\-----e------74""""'""7'"=t--~~ B A-o, (A .. REPORT-NO. __ 7,....,0"'-2 __ 0 _____ 2,.___ _-6/---""3=---o7- Building Permit No. ___ _.'f .... Z_,,"""2.~p'-"~"'------- Plan File No,---~------------- Govt. ContractNo._---,-------------- ~~~ror OSHPC#ffik, 1-l/(, 4/kiL (;;sk MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar LPlan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ___ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons __ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi / Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: 'Mix #/psi : _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block /Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick -_ Torque Applied v' Steel Jll.sr~ A-:1"2, _H.S.Bolts _. Metal Deckinn . v"" Electrodes ~ 7b.,,," <.:~A, ... ~ __ Fireproofing . ·v-other l}.sw Asm a /" /corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed I~SfV;kJ ::tl..t. t:.-r?.02G~ &!>LC:C~] ¾?:e-\ .~of:G~"~ ~ 1\/,,-/e , bl k-1-=-;J;_ 0 ,,£ T.5 1.e X 1,, ~ eak"'." $74f./.-.7 11,k~--/,, _7e,,:ft&<-- tJ11t i¼ §f=Jttm £/to/n;;= ,. T/u's. /'.J't1?.tJ :ei}Zr:cb--:: ;t 12:oa~ -~, Mj 1.;s hbks A-t-12 th:tst+h7~ and -d~tt;J. Jb ee-l)~ud &R ffe +lei/ Cf27LJ/f;; CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAMS J>io,-,-,~ . (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATUR::I)~~ PSI-B-900-170(2) CERT.Nb.IC!Jd'1111761' DATE __ ___:S-:;__-..!.,;/1~--9~'"S~-------- l •1 Infonnation • ®To Build On Page_1_of _/_ Engine_e..-ring • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT ________ _ DATE __ O~l_-~t)_S_-_9'----'-7 __ Architect _________ -,--________ _ Engineer-----'f11i'--the/7----'-·__,_rf.....,,f-{_· ---"t'1"-'kr"-'-· W.;_;.N--'------ Contractor ~A-,eOJ tf.edJ INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _QSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA _Cement -- _Specialty ___ Mortar Samples -- _ Mechanical _ Grout Samples -- _Electrical _ Masonry Prisms -- _Roofing _ Masonry Block --- ........--Concrete _ Fireproofing --- _Masonry _ Units (block or brick) -- _struct Steel _ Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone _Roofing -- _Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel -- _ Fireproofing __ Steel " _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts -- _ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- _Soils Technician _Other -- _ Batch Plant _Other -- _ Bolt Pull-Out _Other --- REMARKS / VM .tJ .4-'t O / -OS -9 7 ~ O~J~ D&PTfl I ~JN&IJ , A-r M4l£ ~ I? r <I H C!!t¥-' 6ovs ~ox '1 61c.,,(_, o >i 0/-oG-~-1 ro A- PROJECT(Name},__,&'"-if6i_,,,~e...:CJ:;....;~:;:.:..:_-'--'iP ___ _ (Address) __ /_U_6---=· (!)==------==-/,).-~_. __ Vr.:ew 1;A-O CA . REPORT NO.---'-'---....::tJ_..!'"_9'_-_____ _ Building Permit No. ----' _ __,_o/-'-'<f'--~/<--..:::..?..<:e.~..Lf ____ _ Plan File NO . ...;.·------'--------'----- Govt. Contract No.-----'----------- OSA-or OSHPD #.-------------- Other------------------ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar -61an & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances . , _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions - _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ·_Lci.ps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batchinn _ Units: Block -_ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied · __ Steel. _._ H.S. Bolts ___ . Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing -. Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed our or=/Ow ./ Be; ~OK Y ~ · I;/ ?(/l77-/- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. e /LAJ,.., ,. ,P_ Ji:eh'tf?-l'Pl§Z . INSPECTOR NAME---'''T'---~-----------'-----tM /lcaJ,z:, f/2 CERT. NO. ________________ _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE d,~,0<'/ &V PSl-8-900-170(2) o/ ~ 0 1-tJ J"'-7 e; DATE _______ ~/ __________ _ i.. -, Environmental ·a,SI Geotechn~c~I •-"Construction Page~of_ · Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPO.Rt DATE __ 7~--1_·--e.~1~~0-------- Architect ___________________ _ Engineer __ -s-=--'°'---"'------------------ INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY __ OSHPD :--Concrete Cylinders --· _QSA __ Cement ..2!..... Specialty __ . Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- Z-Concrete _·_ FireproofiriQ __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -·- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf-. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts ·--·- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant _-_Other __ Bolt Pull-Out ___ .Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name} klifh9 L:Aa, ,J:> (Address) C:,Y'\ :2-L-s B·a--1':::> C'.k\ REPORT NO. Q"::.':\·':1 Ci"l-i:?:Lr Buildi,:ig Permit No. -9-'--'f.,_,_._'2.."'"--'':::l ..... ",.;..-__ ----'-________ _ Plan File No;_. ------,.------------------- Govt: Contract No.------------'---:------- OSA or OSHPD #-------'-------------- Other ~--,n c-::: H1 \..(.... tb ffiY':-W Ac:.. 1i. v A lA LT. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST > Rinf.: Rebar A<c\"5. ~,:?~("'C . x Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. . .x Clearances ___ Rinf.: Tendons -~ Positions ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi : >< Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Consolidation ___ Mortar: Type/psi ___ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage. ___ Units: Brick __ Torque Applied __ Steel -· -H.S. Bolts ·w ___ Metal.Decking ___ Electrodes __ Fireproofing. __ Other __ Corrective action required __ ______ Corrections-completed En·,?-... J:\-ILL OV!;;'."ft-.A <.c., P !. A ¢.. r-;:xvz ,~---.y t: l"r-L: c..,. P.tL'J> 1 c-d,o . . . . ~-. ~ ~ ..... CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To.the best ·of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otheiwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, speci{ications and applicable sections ofthe building codes. This report covers the locations of the·work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME 0 1:."""l't..\;--,'= 3? -Y ~::TI::m,..?-t,a , . ..J . ;Clearly)_ J INSPECTOR SIGNATURF °3) . .1-\ 'i?h:::::::::i PSl·B-900-170(2) DATE __ 1...:...·--..:.\_-_5~·~%.~--------a.------ Page_1_ofL INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT U°GQ DATE 6:-#t,-5 <f Architect_~H--o~ .... "-=---------- Engineer ___ l(V1_~4;2-· _:"C_-0_,__-t:::.._tY\~"-'-M~ili ..... · --'~=-__ _ Contractor_~-----.·y:A:£=~-=cl:..oa!>c...,...._J)__,,_'""'-":R""'0 ... --'-,-"2..,_._, --"'-- INSPECTION . MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA _._Cement -·- _specialty __ Mortar Samples -- _ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- _ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms -·- _Roofing -_Masonry Block --· _Concrete _ Fireproofing -- _Masonry _ Units (block or brick) -·-...L. Struct Steel -: Asphalt Concrete _ Prestress Cone _Roofing -- _Pile Driving _. __ Reihf. Steel -- _ Fireproofing _Steel _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts -- _ Non-Destructive _Tendon (PT Strands) _Soils Technician _Other --_ Batch Plant _Other -·- _ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other. -- PROJECT (Name) £ G°(;;Obd (Address) ~ · C;eAa&J) l 0_-~ REPORT NO. ___ 7,_,_,,,o:....,;2_--<o~z,_..::;.._ ___ _ .Building Permit No. ________ <j.,_"'i'....__~2-<=6.....,9 ......... ___ _ Plan File No,------"'------'--------- Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSA or 9,HPD p Other L',.,..~f l-e MATERIAL DESCRIPTION _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _. _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Units: Block _ Units: Brick / Steer -,!M1)!1. A ~-'5 ~H.S.Bolts .,.:~;:..... /l~z~A, _ Metal Decki? . / Electrodes _·zDa ~!S _ Fireproofing _L Other -"<I""" ,q ,;=a :t~ · INSPECTION CHECKLIST L°Plan & Specs -_ Clearances _ Positions /sizes _Laps _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar Batching _ Electrode Storage _ Torque Applied _LCorrective action required __ , _ Corrections completed REMARKS _ \J~suall3 :n~ ±,k ~<½] c,f: jL._ ~e-w,~ ce.. .. iJ, ~ t,,;w; l5 -/rt f, ~£ M G9&,,, r )fl oob -fk-m '"''.Jt we.fi 21y 111-~"!!4 5 71e frnove nofed L;>c:.{d,~5 1S )2::Ec,:rou=. ,fe-fVls eJdposSed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTORNAMF~-!J::!,c-w . · (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATll~ID~ c.._.,.,. PSl·B-900-170(2) 0 <::: ~ CERT. NO. j''8l0'3 I SD~~s-, DATE_-----::-~=---_,_(_-_,...._R""'. _____ _ Page_1_of .z_.... · INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name)-h--==-..;:;:e._/...,,t)~L~.ri;....;. .. ..3'J,C...· __ (Address)_--=-----.-------- CLIENT_.-::::Le=-,/,-&:,c;_ __ _ DATE _ _..(q_,_z.._-....,_'7_,' __ _ CtH/s 8Ai) u , Architect __ __,J"--/....___.a"""'-,Kr-=----------'- REPORT NO.--'------· 4-7.-0 .... 2..:-0,.,___L.___ __ _ Building Permit No. _____ (£_,..?: .......... 2..0-=-...,,8'..___ ___ _ Engineer_.&,...nt~d:£.:..L..~t ........... ~ _o/'....___~"""'-L.tf:£.~ ..... ·""""/;-'-': V=· ·;.,,_. __ Plan File No .... ·-----"------------- Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ Contractor. _ _,'3'-"'_3,,..."""--."""C_~=------'---------'--'---OSA or OJ.tf PD # · · r. IT Other c~f"IG Hilt -CJ%-. ~ 6~ . INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders --_ Rinf.: Rebar ~Plan & Specs _OSA _Cement --_ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _Specialty _ Mortar Samples · --_ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions _ Mechanical -. _ Grout Samples --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ .. _Sizes _ Electrical _ Masonry Prisms --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _Roofing _ Masonry·Block --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _Concrete _ Fireproofing. ---. Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _Masonry _ Units (block or brick) --_ Mortar: Type/psi -·-Mortar Batching ~Struct Steel _Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Prestress Cone _Roofing --_ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _ Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel / Steel /f:z.'r'lrl A-l:52C> /5 _ Fireproofing _Steel ./ H.S. Bolts Mr;,_, 1412-2# _Waterproofing _H.$,Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Non-Destructive _Tendon (PT Strands) ~ Electrodes /;-:,c,cx Con,~ _Soils Technician _Other _ Fireproofing _ Batch Plant _Other --v' Other It$ r,.;, It;~~ .~ Corrective action required __ .. _ Bolt Pull-Out _Other. --_ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME ~ ~w (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATUR~ ?<1, k_ 1, PSI-B-900-170(2) . X :t'-Bo CERT. NO. 1'8 )() '.? 1 DATE_.,..,..···,,__ 4?=---=z'-~__,7~<;? _________ _ r.:u:;;J I,~ Professional Service Industries, Inc. American Engineering Division · INSPECTION REPORT Page 2-ot-Z.t . Project Name (per plans) _ __..a""-"'-L..::;.7 ...... fk~7"-'--. ..L.f./..L-L-:, 1i:......:.1_· ----#i,E,,,.c.z+,ifS,,.;,,"1..,._"'-'-. ...::,a"""'~'-'---,----------,---- Inspection Date Inspector's Name-~:...=~~~..,.6e!:=.L..::...~------- Ps1 B-900-171 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 920'08 May 05, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REV;I:SION #1 Ol)R REPORT NO.: 059-70202-544 ---~~-·=--··:.---:-::-_-_. ----·-·----.. ::.·==================:-===-==========· FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILDING .,. CQLUM!:-l' FOOTINGS ON "C" LINE BETWEEN 7 & 9 PERMIT# 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY April 20, 1998 01:45 pm 5 1/2 73 78 April 21, 1998 PSI\ROLAND ROOT NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO./fRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 691341 1386 NOTE:.AP.eLICA8LE.hSTM.S.TAl'lDARDS,UNLES.S_QJHEBlMS.EJND.ICATED.~SL_UMe;_C_1,!;la9.D.fl:Alll_C_O.NIENI:..QZl~eEBAlUBE:.Q10.6H§.(S.'lJ;_<;f;eflN~C.1ZU:i3 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 SPECIME N TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICA TION AGE DATE-OF NUMBER OR SET N 0. (DAYS) TEST 16799 A 7 04/27/98 16799 B I 28 05/18/98 I 16799 C 16799 D i 28 I 05/18/98 i I I i i ! I i ____ _J_ ------·-- SPECIFICATIONS --+~ I 28 · --1. I ---------·----- REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made tiy Architect's or Contracto(s representative. TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 11.2000 6.00 126000' 6.00 119000 9.00 ' Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SO. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 396'0 Cone 28 .27 4460 Cone 28.27 4210 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable _:K, specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. :itvadt&~ DISTRIC~AGER V Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, C(>, 92121 • Phone 619/455-'0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES.INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 May 05, 1998 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL CAISSON CAPS DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. . AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F May 02, 1998 09:00 am 4 1/2 61 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 77 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY May 04, 1998. PSI\DEREK PETERSON NELSON & SLOAN. PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CAR~SBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-541 SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN DELIVERY TICKET NO.FrRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS 816 CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE Al:>MIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS LABORATORY NUMBER 16862 16862 16862 16862 16862 16862 16862 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: SPECIMEN TEST IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST A 3 05/05/98 B 4 05/06/98 C 7 05/09/98 D 28 05/30/98 E 28 05/30/98 F 28 05/30/98 G 28 05/30/98 28 X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. ASTM C39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 120000 6.00 167000 6.00 16100~-6:00 200500 6.00 17500,0 6.00 180000 6.00 Cylinders picked up by-PSI X representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 4240 Cone 28.27 5910 Cone 28 .. 27 5700 Cone 28.27 7090 Cone 28.27 6190 Cone 28.27 X Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test 'results.do not comply with applicable specifications. Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD ~t~ THESE TEST RE SUL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A·20Q..4 (4)F DISTRIC~AGE~c1t1 Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-'0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: ·--· .. ---------- FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 May 05, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-553 . ---. --··;.::··===-====-:._-_-__ -_-==--:===============------ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE -BUILDING SLAB-ON-GRADE BETWEEN D & E LINE SOUTHEAST OF Z LINE DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % April 23, i998 01:00 pm 5 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 71 CONCRETETEMPERATURE, °F 80 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB April· 24, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\ROOT ROLAND MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN . SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCI< NO. .MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINEAGGREGATE COARSE:: AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSQN & SLOAN 692546 1386 NOTE: AP.fLICA8LIU.S1.M.S.Tl\l'IDARDS.UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED: SLUMP.: Cl 43·90e; AIR COl'ITENT:'C231:91b:.1EMPERI\Tl.!81;~ Cj06A.-Jlij(93}; CAePJtlG; .CJ,23J:!1.~-------_ ----. -------------------------------=--=:·:-:::.=-=--=-==== COMPRESSION TEST RES UL TS I SPECIMEN TES; - LABORATORY I IDENTIFICATION: AGE : NUMBER OR SET NO. ' (DAYS) ------· i---------.. -;. ·! DATE.OF TEST 16843 16843 16843 16843 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: 'A B C D ----1-- ----------1..-- 7 28 28 04/30/98 05/21/98 ; 05/21/98 --~ -- 28 ; X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cyllnders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. ASTM C39-94 TOTAL LOAD (LBS.) 95000 111000 102000 -----,-------·-·· '----------· ----~-~------- CYLINDE~R?YLINDER ! COMPRESSIVE DIAMETER AREA I STRENGTH ' _ _ _ (IN:) _ _ {SQ.~ .. 1 (PSI) __ :1;~E OF BREAK ., 6 • 0 0 ·, 2 8 • 2 7 ! 3 3 6 0 Cone 6 • o o j 2 8 • 2 7 l 3 9 3 0 Cone 6. 00 I 28. 27 ! 3610 Cone ' J 'c'.~f -----~----: -----+-----------------! 2500 Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. X Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. Test results do not comply wilh applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C6l7-94. TECHNICIAN: ROOT ROLAND cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERV!CE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. &aw!~-~ DAVID J. , RCE DISTRICT AGER t Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES.INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: May 05, 1998 ----------···-··-. FIELD DATA: PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-552 . --------------------=:..-.----=-=-·· .. -:. ==================-- LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILDING SKAB-ON-GRADE 15' WEST OF C LINE 10' NORTH OF SOUTH END DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F April 23, 1998 08:20 am 5 65 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 7 5 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB April 24, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\ROLAND ROOT MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER . . DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK j\jO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-94 NELSON & SLOAN 692333 1386 1 ··--;~~~IMEN. ~ TEST ! LABORATORY I IDENTIFICATION• AGE ; NUMBER , OR SET NO. (DAYS) : DATE OF TEST TOTAL LOAD (LBS.) '. ----------l~ --------------~ : . CYLINDER CYLINDER I COMPRESSIVE l DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH (IN.) (SQ. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK --------1------., : --· 16850 16850 16850 16850 IA IB IC I 1D I ! 7 '04/30/98 28 05/21/98 28 05/21/98 . _______ _! _____ _ ,. _ __ j_:_ __ ; SPECIFICATIONS ' 28 ; I ·-----------····--· ----·- REMARKS: ~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. 93000 101000· 95000 Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. 6.00 6.00 6.00 Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. . . i ----··-·· - 28 .27 ! 3290 Cone I 28. 27 ! 3570 Cone • I 3360 Cone 28 .27 1· X Test results comply with applicable specifications. • Test results do not comply with appl1cable.specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM 'C617-94. TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED. EXCEPT IN FULL. WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A·200-4 (4)F _Respectfully submitted, ~t·~ DISTRIC~GER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite -E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-b544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES.I~C 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 9'2008 -~ay_ ~~ ,_ ~998 ----------··--------·--·----·----··---·-· FIELD DATA: PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-551 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BAS·E BUILDING SLAB-ON-GRADE 10 'WEST OF C LINE 16' SOUTH OF Z LINE DATEP~CED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY April 23, 1998 12:15 pm 5 71 79 February 24, 1998 PSI\ROLAND ROOT NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.frRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-94 NELSON & SLOAN 692512 1386 SPE-;;M;-·:· .TES~ 71· ··---...... ,·.. TOTAL --CYLIN~E~---~~~~;;·1 1 COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATIONj AGE DATE 'OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA· STRENGTH _NU_M_B_E_R_-+-_O_R_S_E_T NO. ; (DAYS) I TEST {LBS.) . (IN.) . . {SQ. IN.) ! (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 16839 16839 16839 16839 A ---~ ... ; 7 · ~~-;;-~;9·~-; 1~~~~~-6. 06 28. 27~0 Cone 2.8 0 5 / 21/98 11 0 0 0 0 6 . 0 o 2 8 . 2 ~ j :: ~: 0 Cone B C D 28 05/21/98 109000 6.00 28.27 I 3860 Cone •. 1 0 ~--oRlA i I. . I , ' I . I . . I I 28 2500 : __________ _J_ _______ : ___ j---"-----......... __ I ____ --------~-- 1 SPECIFICATIONS II I--------·--~-------·-·---------·-·------·--------~----~--------~ REMARKS: X Cylinders mad_e by PS I representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto~s representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI ~ repre~entative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. Test results.comply with applicable specific_ations. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORD,?;NCE WITH ASTM C617-94. -TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD Respectfully submitted, :z;:;:;:;;_•rvi:e Industries, Inc. DAVIDJ~!. RT THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE.INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL. WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200·4 (4)F DISTRIC~GER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-'0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORi OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAV;ED CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES.INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 May 05, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-550 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE. BUILDING SLAB-ON-GRADE BETWEEN LINES E & D; 3 & 4 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % April 23, 1998 10:15 am 6 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 63 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 78 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB April 24, 1998 FIELDDATASUBMITTEDBY PSI\ROLAND ROOT MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE tiQJJ;:AeeLICAB.LEASIMMM,IQABD™Ellll OTHERWISE INPICA~Ll/Me;_cill~9.0a· AIR c_ONTENI' C23_1·91b· TEMPEfl!',TURE· C1064-§6/93)· CAPPING· C1231- COMPRESSION TEST RESUL ts ASTMC39,94 NELSON & SLOAN 692431 1386 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY NUMBER 16842 16842 16842 16842 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST A 7 04/30/98 B 28 05/21/98 C 28 05/21/98 D 28 X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architeci's or Contracto(s representative. LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) 92000 106000 111000 Cylinders picked up by PSI ~ representative. (IN.) 6.00 6.00 6 .00· Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 3250 Cone 28.27 3750 Cone 28.27 3930 2500 X Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not' comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. TECHN;ECIAN: ROLAND ROOT cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD- Respectfully submitted, 5;::;;_serv'.ce Industries, Inc. DAVIDJ 1!.T THESE TEST RE SUL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE' CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-1 (4)F DISTRICa:.GER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-'0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 · ·· i ·· .. ; . •1 Iftldfniaffdi{ _;~~ > .. -~ -·- ' -~-·-~l. ·---' ; .,,iii:111. -~---. , . ,,---·'-· . •-.To°Build On f Page_1_of J_ · Engineering ~ ConsuHing • Testing -. ..,., .... INSPECTION REPORT cuENT--=L::.;;;e;._?-+-=o'------- DATE __ ?_-_L/:_-_J'{:-----=--- Architect __ ___._H__._O-=-__.K-~--------- Engineer __ yY1 ______ "-'fl-Jitc'-'= ......... ~---C/:---LWJ___,,_,_~_,_~=-'--_i.;1-~'-"'' """'-_ Contractor. __ l3-=--_B ____ '----'c=--------'------ INSPECTION MJ:'L SAMPLING QTY __ OSHPD ___ Concrete Cylinders ~ __ OSA __ Cement. __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples· __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing ___ Masonry Block ---- ~Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -.- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone _-_Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts ----· __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician ___ Other --- __ Batch Plant __ Other --__ Bolt Pull-Out ___ Other -- PROJECT(Name) Lec:;o hn d (Address)---~------=r-- {;,Jdsg 14))' Q., I REPORT N0. _ ___.7'"""o~2-0..,.__,'Z...""'---_6"---:J---o=-~- Building Permit No. ---9+---!'<i?.,____-_· =2,__0;;;;;;___J".?...._ ___ _ Plan File No,-~-----------'----- Govt. Contra.ct No.----'------------ MATERIAL DESCRIPTiON ~PECTION CHECKLIST ./ Rinf.: RebarlfST'm IJ~rs'-_ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. =21earances I _ Rinf.: Tendons :;,-:::osit~ons L Cone:: Mix #/psi ;.;-.,, ' ll -"-Sizes ____ Cone.: Mix #/psf t /Laps __ _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ M9rtar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing · _Other · _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the-reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations-of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin· ion or project control. · INSPECTORNAME µ_~ INSPECTOR S!GNATUR~ ?a,,y PSl-8-900-170(2) . --~ , CERT. NO. 3£3 ~ DATE -. Y-L-f --~ { . Page_1_of_l ·1NSPECTION REPORT CLIENT~L:.~=j-,.. . ...-0.___ __ ____ DATE_~ ___ -5:_..,.__-_._j....._g __ Architect __ ~H ______ o_ ...... 1': ___ __._ _______ _ Engineer_-+V}1___.""""'~_.___,· ...... W'-:~· ...... _.._(Y/----a.L~~ . ..,_,,LJ=·-----'--- Contractor. ___ }=~'---JS_,_.I .L.-_(!___,,.._· '------'------"---,-----,-- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Ceme11t --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical ·-.-Grout Samples · -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -·-__ Roofing __ Masonry Biock -- __ concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) ~Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete) --__ Prestress Cone . __ Roofing -·-· __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --·-__ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -·-- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other. __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other PROJECT (Name) L<!.<J O /f'+':/\ d (Address) . . . . ·au.Lsrsan ( a. , REPORT NO. 70 °2:02.. Building Permi.t No. q;g -2 Oi Plan File No. _____________________ _ Govt. Contract No.----------------- OSAor ~HPJ4!1 · · · · · ~ . . . --; Other . L~Sl e. fb lf-(w;f{e 6&>e f?ki . -·. ( MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~SPECTiON CHECKLIST _._ Rinf.: Rebar Plan &Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. · 'V"Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons ~sitions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi zes -. Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi -. Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick lfsio _ Torque Applied ·..Lsteei ~T'f'\1 R ' 4 _. H.S. Bolts . _ Metal Decking . . V Electroc,tes t;:1n ,q l u"' f.l. ""2,Fireproofing . (_} Other t:3:$ Tl'"'I'\. fA. '3L, _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANC~: TQ the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work.inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · rc..130 ~10? c:o-::A= 1s-1 CERT. NQ. _ _;__:....::....J..1----4.;l,.;~ ... _,:;.___,,,'--'-'""---.,_ ____ _ . DATE __ ---'2.....__-____ 5":"'--'"_crn-<-=----- PSI-B-900-170(2) ~age_1_of _j_ Engln~ring • Consulting • ·Testing INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name) Le70 !11tn d cuENT-.c:L=--e_,""""'p"----- DATE_~?---1~2~--cz~<g __ _ Architect __ .f-t/_._----"'O~,._K: ______ .::....-, ___ _ Engineer~/1i--'--f-.._.._/tC,_.-.....,h..&-"A) __ , _cf..__az__..-_-,4£ ....... ·/· ___ t.......,·''.~=-, ,· _ Contractor. __ ?~ ___ -B ___ c~--------,----'- (Address) ?: ~litJU REPORT NO. ---,--;zr,;.-=e,'-'z ...... a--.....Z...----..;...£3_~.;:::;.rs---,- Building Permit No. ---,-.-C'/+--''K"'-'--_2......,,6~2'--------- Plan File No,---'-----~-~-------- Govt. Contract No. ________________ _ . OSA·or~.!.J!J Other~-/('fl INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY -MATl;:RiAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD _-_Concrete Cylinders --_ Rinf.: Rebar $.._ Plan & Specs _QSA __ Cement --_ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples . --____ Rinf.: Tendons _Positions _Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi -X-Sizes _ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _Roofing __ Masonry Block ---_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi ·_ Consolidation Masonry __ Units (block or brick) _ Mortar: Type/psi · _ Mortar Batching -Z Struct Steel __ Asphalt Co!lcrete --_ Units: Block ){... Electrode Storage _ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing --_ Units: Brick "B. _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -----_)'f... Ste~I /t5'T',n /fs?lb __ Fireproofing __ Steel --_H.S.Bolts _waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts ---_ Metal Deckino _ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) L Electrodes!'~ ?t> n h,b.) /.ti -I __ Soils Technician __ Other --_ Fireproofing . ll_?~ _ Batch Plant __ Other --·-, .)L Other /li1:m_ _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans. specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report.covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin· ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAIAS :u~/9:=,~ ::z:U/Z' INSPECTORSIGNATLJ. ~~~ PSI-B-900-170(2) ~~~----=~c.=cg:..._7=0..__3,L____..Sbc,,oe__=d_3 ___ s:......,/1---- 0ArE ____ _,,~"'-----'-(-=L_-_:f~2~----- _, __ .~-..:_ ....... ~. ~ ,,.-.·. ·- ,.., ..... '• _ Page_1_of $c' · INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT __ ,=.L::Jc:_7..,.__,,.a ___ _ 0ArE __ -g~-~'-'--~7_v __ _ PROJECT (Name)__,L-=-~--.7r-:=0c;..!~-<-14"kl-'-"'-'~d..,___· __ (Address)_.,.....----r------..--{Jrdsui'-tP ~' Architect __ H-_o __ --'--_ --'-'t::..=-------,----------'---- 'REPORT NO. _ __.:Z~o ..... :z-..,,.::co_--z.._=----""-0__,,_4...,,.7_ Building Permit No. ___ q._-__ ,Z'--_2.1)"""""'-%------- Engineer _ __.W1~'-L.1+.1...C½--=:t.:....:.( .;;..;;~'---\-_,___,_[G____,__.·L.>.·-r--i+~~=---~ /Os-9 i.JJ Plan File NO,---,------------------ Govt. Contract No. ________________ _ Contractor. __ J:? ... · ....... _-R ...... .__...;:C=-----:-----'------'---,---'------- OSAorO Other_· _.,...;:...,.;,,_,_.~""'--'--~....c..c-----1..__.<--==---~=---- INSPECTION _OSHPD _OSA __ specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing __ Concrete __ Masonry V Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out . MA T'L SAMPLING --. Concrete Cylinder~ ___ Cement · ___ Mortar Samples __ mout Samples __ Masonry Prisms ___ Masonry Block __ Fireproofing ___ Units (block or brick) ___ Asphalt Concrete __ Roofing ___ Reinf. Steel · __ Steel __ H.S.Bolts __ Tendon (PT Strands) ___ Other __ Other ____ _ __ Other,_. ______ _ l~SPECTION CHECKLIST -: ____ Rinf.: Rebar_----'-----~n & Specs_----'-. ___ _ ___ Rinf.: WW.F. _ Clearances _____ _ QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ___ Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions ______ _ _ . __ .Conc.:Mii<#ipsi ~es _______ _ ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Laps _______ _ ____ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Contint,iity #/ps,_· __ _ ____ _ GrolJt: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _____ _ __ --. Mort~r: Type/psi .t__ Mortar Batching ____ _ __ __ _ Units: ·Block ?'Electrode Storage_· ___ _ _;;-.;.:;-.,.---,,r---'---.-.i-Torque Applied ____ _ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, uniess otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. -x~~ ~ CERT. No._S'Z'-l--"'L7..L:D=----3'----S~1>___.J"'""$:__,_{ __ ~ DATE __ q __ -_( _( --:l-1-2..-. _____ _ Page ~of-Z- INSPECTION REPORT ProjectName(perplans) Gt/~ t/,'/1-Cstk ~ 5/d(F -. Inspector's Name-l--A.k~-6~~~~J::=.=-----'--'----__: PSI B-900-171 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: May 05, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-553 . ------. --·····-------·-.:..·.::=.::.·:.-.=------_-_-___ -.,.:.-.:~::..:·=--=· ··=====================:..:::.:::..:....:.::::·:.:-=-=·=· =-:..:·==·-·:...:··=-·:::··=····· .... --• FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILDING SLAB-ON-GRADE BETWEEN D & E LINE SOUTHEAST OF Z LINE DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % April 23, 1998 01:00 pm 5 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 71 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 8 0 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB April 24, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\ROOT ROLAND MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER- DE;LIVER.Y TICKET NO./fRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER 'FINE AGGR,EGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-94 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ.IN.) (PSI) --- 16843 A 7 04/30/98 95000 6.00 28.27 3360 16843 B 28 05/21/98 16843 C 28 05/21/98 16843 D i I I I I I L .. ___________ J _____ ·····-----· I SPECIFICATIONS -~9-J 2500 NELSON & SLOAN 692546 1386 TYPE OF BREAK .. , Cone REMARKS: ~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylihder.s picked up by PSI -~ reP.resentative. Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. _ Cylinders delivefed to PSJ'laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: ROOT ROLAND cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPL_ES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MA y NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES: INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 ! t ' ., Etlviroruneptal • Geotechn,cal ., Construction Consulting • Engineering • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION· TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES .INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 May 05, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 0-59-70202-552 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILDING SKAB-ON-GRADE 15·1 WEST OF C LINE 10' NORTH OF SOUTH END DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY April 23, 1998 08:20 arri 5 65 75 April 24,. 1998 PSI\ROLAJ.'IT) ROOT NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.frRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMEN:r WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGA:rE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-94 --- SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYUNDER · COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO_ (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ.IN.). (PSI) .. 16850 A 7 I 04/30/98 93000 6.00 28.27 3290 16850 B 28 05/21/98 16850 C 28 05/21/98 16850 D ····------ SPECIFICATIONS 28 2500 NELSON & SLOAN 692333 1386 ' TYPE OF BREAK''' Cone REMARKS: X Cylinders made·by PSI representative. Cylinders pick~d up by PSI ~-representative. Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by,Arch1tect's or Conlracto~s representative. __ Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AsrM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: ROLA.NP ROOT cc : LEGOLAND ( 4) , BERNARD BROTHERS, H. 0. K. , CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES-TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED. EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSl9N BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, @:?{;;In~ DISTRICT MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CC>N.CRETE COMPRJ=SSiON TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES. INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: May 05, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-551 FIELD DATA: LOCATIONOFPLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILDING SLAB-ON-GRADE· 10 1WEST OF CLINE 16' SOUTH OF Z LINE DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY April 23, 1998 12:15 pm 5 71 79 February 24, 1998 PSI\ROLAND ROOT NELSON & SLOAN $UPPLIER . DELIVERY TICKETNO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGG~EGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NEI,.SON & SLOAN 692512 1386 NOJ.E:J.1eeLLC1'13J.U.SIM..SIANOABD..S.\J.NLE.S.S..9Il:il=BWli>EJNDlCJ.1IfD..:_S.1.U.ME;_Clli·l10~_;_AJR.C.QNIENI:.C.Z.U,.W!:.IEMeEBAJ.UBe:..<.1064-86/93)· CAPPING:.C12.3.1:.9.:l SPECIMEN LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OR SET NO. 16839 A 16839 B 16839 C 16839 D SP ECIFICATIONS I .. -··---. -- TEST AGE (DAY~} 7 28 28 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETE.R TEST (LBS.} (IN.} 04/30/98 101000 6.00 05/21/98 05/21/98 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked-up by PSI X... representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative." Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH TYPE OF BREAK'' (SO.IN.} (PSI) 28 ._27 3570 Cone 2500 Test results compfy with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617~94. TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFl9 SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONQRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SEl<VICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 {4)F , RCE DISTRICT MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES·INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 May 05, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-550 ·----------------------======--=============================-=========-=---·-··---- FIELD DATA: LOCATIONOFPLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILDING SLAB-ON-GRADE BETWEEN LINES E & D; 3 & 4 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F April 23, 1998 10:15 am 6 63 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 78 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB April 24, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\ROLAND ROOT MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ITRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINI; AGGREGATE COARSE AGGRl;GATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39-94 NELSON & SLOAN 692431 1386 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER' CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST - 16842 A 7 04/30/98 16842 B 28 05/21/98 16842 C I 28 05/21/98 I 1681_ I I I I 1 -------- SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: -~-Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractots representative. LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) 92000 Cylinaers·picked up by PSI -~ represertative. (IN.) 6.00 Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. · AREA STRENGTH ,•'I (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 3250 Cone 2500 Test results comply w1t.h applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN A(:CORDANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN:· ROIJWI) ROOT cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED ANO MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE.OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT, REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION ·sy PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200,4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, Professf onal Service Industries, Inc. fJJf{aAN: ~ DISTRICT MAN ER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E .• San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 l -,~, i ., I Geotechn{cal •-s Construction Page_1_oL.l Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT __ k: ____ 7--....t> ___ _ DATE _ _..t;,...__-...... 9_-__.'7?........__ __ _ Architect __ ..... H_._O_K._· ------------,--,- Engineer _ __._/1__.___A-P-.~J;'-'-,--=j'--'..,. __ -...L,./1_....,_,+g_"--'="-i ...... · _J=· -'--' --'--- Contractor __ ___..lf..,_.__. ~~"""· -~-----------------'-- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD _._Concrete Cylinders -·- _._OSA __ Cement -- __ Specialty _. _ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- __ Concrete _._ Fireproofing --__ Masonry -. _ Units (block or brick) --.L. Struct Steel _· _. · Asphalt Concrete --__ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- PROjECT (Name)_Le-=-----7'--<'..-/4-J.?-1'1-..... _ __.J __ (Address)_...,_.--,-------=---aJs~ M(J c;. REPORT NQ. __ ~7i-=~C-9UJc,.=-..;i..,=-" ,--...-_...;;:;..(;-=$'--~.,_____ Building Permit No. ________ ...,_tf ..... g.__-_2'"""0'-6..._.. ____ _ Plan File No, ___________ .,,--______ _ Govt. Contract No.--,--------------- OSA or OMPD,.f -,,,.-· Other Cifffle. fl/{ -&s~ 7J;j-µ_ .. f?¼ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION . INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar. 01an&Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~izes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation ___ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _. Units: Brick _ Torque Applied v Steel A51"'m ~ Q ___ H.S. Bolts ~etal Decking ·_ Electrodes /::701~:x. ~-t:!--te.,~. -. _ Fireproofing ~!her esfM J"rJ~ _ Corrective action required __ . _ Corrections completed i V'.l$18LG CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the bestof our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless·otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locatio_ns of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME 1:) n-,,. ~fl:"$,2 'n" INSPECTORSIGNATURF~ 'r'/, ,4. PSI-B-900-170(2) , IC~ 5't) :/, J~) CERT.NO. :tl703 __ _ J DATE_,--....c..,&,"'-:-+r-1..5/'.~.~------- l · ;pnformation ~ • ®To Build On Page_1_of 2. Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CL_IENT i.£Gof.AtUD DATE Ji,/oLf/ qg • PROJECT (Name) Lt:GCt.AAJ)) (Address). _________ _ (;9,fLS&,.} ~ CtJ . Architect---.;Hc....:..._D_/< ___________ _ REPORTNO. OS'j--7D20Z. Building Permit No. _9_.·=g:._-_z.==o&-=-· _______ _ -/()33 Engineer /)1-1 /?1 Contractor. VAL-Lt:)" Wt:-vultlfJ. INSPECTION _OSHPD _OSA _Specialty _ Mechanical _ Electrical _Roofing _Concrete _Masonry -2C.struct Steel _ Prestress Cone _Pile Driving _ Fireproofing _Waterproofing --2(_ Non-Destructive _Soils Technician _ Batch Plant _Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS MAT'LSAMPLING _ Concrete Cylinders _Cement _ Mortar Samples _ Grout Samples _ Masonry Prisms _ Masonry Block _ Fireproofing _ Units (block or brick) _Asphalt Concrete _ Roof!ng _ Reinf. Steel _Steel __ H.S. Bolts _Tendon (PT Strands) __ Other _Other ____ _ _Other~---- Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.------'------------ OSAor OSHPD #------------- Other--------'-------------- QTY . MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ____ Rinf.: Rebar ___ ---'--__K Plan & Specs ______ , _____ Rinf.: W.W.F. ________ c·1e8.rances ___ -____ 1 ____ Rinf.: Tendons _-_ Positions _______ , _____ Conc.:Mix#/psi _Sizes _______ _ ____ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Laps _______ _ _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/ps.,._·-__ _ ____ Grout: Mix #/psi ______ Consolidation _____ _ ____ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching ____ _ ___ _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage ___ _ ____ Units: Brick ___ Torque Applied--'-· ___ , .2£. Steel /J,;S4?/Asac 2{_ "1A(J/.0}c /Jt~cg ~ ____ HS. Bolts. ______ _ ____ Metal Decking ____ _ X Electrodes fr$; J J €'7olS? • ____ Fireproofing ______ , _ ___ Other _ Corrective action required __ ---. -----------'--__ Corrections completed ___ , lll?£1t€b o/11 ..S.1"1c n:, /?Bfet'JJ J1->llA'-,&N) &,:4~c..&/?77e?C ...;?;i/"fcfZ7ZU::0t,,.= 7i2&-~ ffAd, 5ujfMV> TD ~~,A1'6.) eA) ~ /,0LL. ffet,u;:;e., ~~, #{.;L L.r.,t'A-?7,.,,¢.;> ~-i:, 7ol>Ay ~ ..;;p;,;lJ€ dLYw1AJC~ NO AlvtV&i72~ t1~~ 7t> 77163.c ~Lvm/VS, So ..P:-::l-$mt?.,t3 &r ,4,5-JO A,,.,'h N'vmAatSjYIDCfle-~S 77/11QJStf &0-. V!.5ottuy ~ /)jd<i-: kncur ~5fta..nm thLu&A.'> .f_..J 2J 11,f: I~ /¢,1 171 !& 17; '2-DJ 21; ¼ '2-3./~' zs:; z~J 4113{]; A:_1,/l) 3 s-, NcL/JS --IJJeer-.YISul}L, 4CCe-(Jll-}&{{,e-; 4fi7e?IA-lf #J.S L)I, l 199 0, MT , · :::C~ci,tl htb /llOt ,fevettL d,f ~. A /J'J/£-~ //filJci.e-~~w A'~.er JS ;Alew,~e 1tS LJA66 2 OF P/6 /~ I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers.the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME i<..J1 l,l,/~ L V <t:J/.l~S ~ :i::-e&o 4'1713 CERT. NO.lflvS ewz:-9Soc;ostl ) J ~ )!rint ciean1 1/ J INSPECTOR SIGNATUR.h 'p'£(_,, -~ ~- ps1-s-soo-110(2J ?./ DATE Jv/otf /9rt TESTED FOR: LE<9o41J/f/ b REPORT OF MAGNETIC PARTICLE IN$PECTION PROJECT:4"0DlA,t.1c CrJ~lS&?ll Cl'-/. ·';/ DATE: /z./o '1-/CJf . OUR REPORT NO.: D 5 q-7 o L,bl.., Client Order No. ' Lab No. {!)5C/ Production Stage In Process Test Method Standard Final AS-rfrl F /JD9 Othe.r: Acceptance Standard For Welds . /.)S,7rn r /JD 9 Root Pass Equipment Identification jl,flj&-A,'.4.Ft.<.',X Model No. V-:'..7 Ac/lJ C.. I Serial No~S~/ 7 7.S:D Product Form IType of Mp.terial !Drawing No. Intermediate Technique: 1--~t~~~-==-=-Ch=·-"----'-i'-'IJ,,3::.,G,;,_...!)J.,,4_,.,l5'.X=>=r=--·:;:..· -.--r-"4---.-------'-~----'-'Fi.:.;.;na"-I P'-'a'-'-ss'---------'X=---1 Complete Applicable Sections Product/Weld Identification 2. I"\- 'X JS )( 17 .. 'X J'j y 2.o IX Defect Location or Remarks . I Wet Method Dry Method Fluorescent Visible Coil/Cables Head Shot Prod Method Yoke Method Current .. I ACX. DC_ Amperage r.!/4. UV Meter No . .L..~'-;'1/,,_,_~C..L------ t------f--~-~~~--;l~')(')(_-+--t--+-t--t--1r--1--+--r------t---,-----t----------1. Set-Up/Location Sketc~v l---l--.Mt!2.___:__.L~4/-U..-l-l-+-+-L-l--l--,---~---+----~---71,::::::;7!A-:-r)-:-:L ~ ,5 IX 24, [)< 1-$, 7./i i) V 35 X ///// \,/ *The UV Intensity was verified at the prescribed intervals: _Yes _No lS,.__Not Applicable j Technician: h. /Ju,1An,, LVD,<.JS, Level...12= Interpreter: h/,LvD/41S Levet:::t;c::--' Technician: / Level / REMARKS. I '0!:.uA~'--7 J;il~ lfll, w~..s f/f1DIL' 70 MT: Respectfully submitted, ~~~ PSI A-500· 14 (2) . Non•Destructive · · Testi:ng· Group_ Qµqlity 'by l~tegnty an_~ :Knowledge REPORT OF TENSILE TEST TESTED FOR: 'PSI . DATE: . 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive Ste·E San Diego, CA 92121 Attn: Charles Carter October 30, 1998 PO: SS FORM ~ · PSI.059:70202.La~. -}0c11 Lab No .. 98147A . WORK ORDER NO.: 98A-8333 Description Original Yield Maximum Yield Tensile Elongation Reduction Sample Area Load Load Strength. Strength In/2 Of Area ID Dim. Inch Square Inch Pound Pound ' Psi Psi In/%. % Samples received October 28, 1998. · 1) 0.5050 X 0.2980 0.1505 . 9060 11,140 _ ·60,200 74,000 0.54/27.0 - Rockwell Hardness B Scale: 88.9 '87.5 .·84.6 86.7 87.5 . .. . . 2) . " ' 0.5050 X 0.3180 0.1606 9000 10,890 : 56~000 67,800. '0.51/25.5 - Rockwell Hardness B Scale: 84.3 · 87.1 84.1 84.9 85.2 .-· • • • 1 .... -.. Xield strength determined _at <>.~¾ offs~t. · .. ·.· Test Method: · · · . ASTMA370 , Equipment Used: · ·, TM 220. REG 201 EXT '!63. MIC 434 Test Witnessed By: .. Test Technician: Reviewed By: · .Not Required : Euge~e ~_apu'tso; ~~el II · ' l Peter Merther;_PE, !,.eve~ II ··' . . . . ..... · -.. . . ... "'. .,',· 7 :: ~ .:4 ' .. \ .•. .. ·. . . . Resp¢ct~lly, submitted, ', a• /YI • A Al)_ • • ll"'.:"v _~......___ eter-Merther, PE __ -_ .. ', ~: • •• • • ~•',~w,~.;·: :-.', ', •• •• • I'• • • • • ~. 1 •• ' -•• • ·.. . . -· -. ·_ N n:bestructive Testing Group, Inc,. . ·: .... .-• j.' ·• :, .,_ • ' -. : ' • ' • • -• . --·-... ~~-~::"": -:-·.•·: .· .. , .. -· .. · ,.· .·: . ·--··-·-· .. _.. . . . ·--·, ...... ~ . ,• .. ··: ... -· ... · -... : ... -,.. ... ·-.. ~-~ .... ~ ~-•. ~ ' :, ' . Fracture M/3 M/3 ·' . · CORPORATE. . . . ' : _.. NORTHERN MICHIGAN . . · · · · . · ,· · ' · 'NOT EAST . NDTWEST 8181 Broadmoor S.E. · . 346 'E. State Street._ Suite G · · 108 Parky.ray View Drive · Caledonia, Ml 49316. · .' . · Traverse Clty, Ml 49684 . , . Pittsburgh; PA 15205 616-891-3570 : . · ·• · . 616-941-5583 · . · 412-788-1207 FAX 616-891-3565. · . FAX 616-941-5584 ·· ·. FAX 412-494-9792 . 633 Putnam Drive . · Eau Claire, WI 54701 715-832-4551. ·l •'11 .£!!' iJ Information ~.;;,,• .To Build On Page_1_of "I- Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION ·REPORT ' . CLIENT Le-Go{/MID DATE J/k,3/CJf I # Architect _ __.._/2 ..... 0_0_/<_~--------~- Engineer_/11 ___ ·/J? ___ ----------'--------,- Contractor. l/4.UEy ~1A./G- INSPECTION ,,_~-~ MAT'L SAMPLING · QTY __ OSHPD ___ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA _.Cement -- _Specialty _ Mortar Samples -- _Mechanical _ Grout Samples --_ Electrical _ Masonry Prisms -·- _Roofing _ Masonry Block -- _Concrete _ Fireproofing -- Masonry _ Units (block or brick) X Struct Steel _Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone _Roofing -- _Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel _ Fireproofing __ Steel -- Waterproofing _. H.S. Bolts --$ Non-Destructive _Tendon (PT Strands) -·- _Soils Technician _Other -- _ Batch Plant _Other -- _ Bolt Pull-Out _Other -- ~ REMARKS PRQjECT (Name) LE~!:> (Aodress) _________ _ {h~~l)J C4 REPORT NO. 05q_ "702.d-z._-/023 Building Permit No.----'-------------- Plan .File No. __ .;.__ ____________ _ Govt. Contract No. _____________ _ OSAor OSHPD #-------------- Other __________________ _ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION X INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar . _ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances - _ Rinf.: Tendons. _. _ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mi~ #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ .Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching ___ Units: Block X Electrode Storage Units: Brick Torque Applied 1 Steel ,4,L 1 d,St~b .,X Mt}G-fp.1meu::-~., _H.S:Bolts _ Metal Decking .X,.. Electrodes £']_0 I 'i_ _ Fireproofing _ Other _ Corrective action required_. __ _ Corrections completed 41f'&II@ oAI ~ TD ffe?--h>ezi J2s,.,/lt:..,, .&~ $4a,,,ref:JZ1c, ,.AezzcU:= ~~<D.-, (Pp ·77:i¾" 9}.:?:.c.. ~~ 4~...zi; . :·71.) ~~e't-~ ~ fhszu: #4:, d>U,6X.,·~-zue .. ld~41 :;i;;z,~ f'k.lD PIA-G-/J1Jt2,-a4sr 7Eh7el> W BJ;?<; A----r t!.owmA/ s, ·31) 32/:449 47; 4'8, 4:] J SoJ S }; S:Z, i 98\ 9.9I l/01 Ill; II 2;, I /3;;/ Ma /It/ • #t,L-/4/@5 /JJa:r: MsuA:t. Ae~ce: t:!41na111t· w= fiCJ& dw< LJJ//, /111;;:z:;vr,tcZ?J0,1/ iJ/J lv'Dr /fa10tt Avy J>&rB73. A &AGtJ;T;c kucu: -4-vy?&-z:770/1/' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To.the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. ,_ · !NSPECTOR SIGNATUR~~{&.~Ci«~t,.._..~:;!:E~~-DATE-.:l:....:._l.:...;:ha~A~9J?=--------- PsI-s-soo-110<2l TESTED FOR: L£"G-DLA-N.l:> DATE:// lza/CJf J • Client Order No. TestAsd Standard >J/Y) E '709 Acce/Lnce Standard 9 .. 67">Yl r-:-'70 Pk/4ctForm :=LuC:. ·· l Type of iaterial A.¾ /-. 9)/j CA'$T/£H1u., t<~l-~ ~YL <I> "O <I> roduc e 0 "O "O Identification ';;; 8 <I> ·ffi cti "O Q) J!2 ,:: ·ns. 77M<IL .~-n Cl. <I> :::i ~ ~ <I> ,:: 0 '119 B_A_,. -Ji, A a: :::i a: /lv L;,'J-1 A j 3i X 37... X 4iD X 41 )< j.19; ) uA )< 50 > 51 )( ~-j >( ct<J? )< ~Ci >< /10 [)< l ll X 117~ X 11?_ X ~ I I It.I. X REPORT OF MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION PR?JECT:L6:--z;o.L.,4,..c12) 41'-' ~q; C/) . OUR REPORT NO.: 0f50i--_ .702.~Z,_,. ILabNo. £50 Production: Stage Equipment Identification . 0 In Process -MA fJ#A-PL-,,_y Final 4 Model No. Y--/'/ Acb:,c,, Other: For Welds Serial No. 5) 7 "7..~-0 Root Pa·ss -I Drawing No. Intermediate -Technique: Final Pass X ~omplete Applicable Sections Wet Method - Dry Method 2< (1) g Defect Location or Remarks Fluorescent 1 -{g Q) Q) Visible x "O 5 :::i ,:: 0 en :::> ;11/) ""J#)>JCA--7JD.1/S' £le~ Coil/Cables -I , r Head Shot -I Prod Method I .. Yoke Method ,x . . I Current t/2 Ac'>< DC_ Amperage ~ UV Meter No. : 1/A- . ' Set-Up/Location Sketch __,/ .__/ l.,. I ~v~l.) •4;; • f,t(' riv fcJ.J II. I 'I .~ ,1.,., "P,f)(= ['.{)LtJ11uJ *The UV Intensity was verified at the prescribed intervals: _Yes _No XNot Applicable Technician: t.J J 1.-t--1 A-n-1 L\/'l)p', Level ·--rr-Interpreter: Technician: / Level REMARKS: V I.SO/.JU<-f ::z:;j,o/'0-llED /OD ":b o,,; ~$l-t.)~ Mr .:i;-~~ Joo% or wa.,r.y;. PSI A-500-14 (2) l·il, L.1 / /J ,,1.1 <... Level".# (' ~~~pectfully Jbmitted, 0.(7~ l -,Envmvnentm ------·"·· --··------------------------------as: Geotechn~cal •-.. Construction Consulting • Engineering • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: July 28, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-788 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILIDNG QUE FOOTINGS PERMIT# 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP,IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY July 16, 1998 10:00 am 4 1/2 75 85 July 17, 1998 PSI\DEREK PETERSON NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ITRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 NELSON & SLOAN 714600 1386 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSNE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 17433 A 7 07/23/98 53000 6.00 28.27 1870 Cone 17433 B 28 08/13/98 17433 C 28 08/13/98 17433 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 3000 REMARKS: K. Cylinders made by PSI represenlative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratOI)'. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F --------------------------··-·---··----------- Respectfully submitted, :/!f ~~usMes, Inc. DAVID J. RYAN, RCE DISTRICT MANAGER Inf01mation -------- Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 L ;/Information ~ • cTO Build On Page_1_of Z. Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT LG"Go(Az<I...IJ DATE/0/2,3 /qt ,-, Architect_/2 ___ ½._f);;.._.:./(,__._ ____ "--______ ____ Engineer f2 +@ Contractor.-'£t~_C. _________________ _ INSPECTION .MATL SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD _ Concrete Cylinqer~. -- _OSA -·-Cement" _Specialty _ Mortar Samples -- _Mechanical _. _ Grout Samples -- _ Electrical _ Masonry Prisms -- _Roofing _. Masonry Block -- _concrete _ Fireproofing -- _Masonry -. _ Units (biock or brick) · . -- Xstruct Steel _Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel -- _· Fireproofing __ Steel -- _ waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts ---A-Non-Destructive .--Tendon (PT Strands) _soils Technician _Other -- _ Batch Plant __ Other -- _ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS PROJECT(Name)L€Gt:>(A;.</.g _(Address) _________ _ 0J.~LSA@, 91 REPORTNO. oG'l-70-icz..-582. · Building Permit No. _q .......... g_-_z,_o-"-'Z_. _______ _ Plan FileNo, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No.-------------- OSA·or OSHPD #------------- Other ::;:;;,.!f>,1:>e' 1?~ ~-9572;2t. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _· Rint:: Rebar _ Plan & Specs __ R1nf.: W.W:F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons_ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi . _ Future Continuity #/psi _. _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied X stee1.A~~"J/1.50 C> x· IHJl;Ak:71c.. ~ _H.S.Bolts -~~-v _ Metal Decking X' ElectrodesAS', I /E-?OI'-. I _ Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed 4,t?R'l/ld DAI ..Slll;. ::z:p /~ /J1A.62&n-c z#&zC?e: ZlJ~6-o7o,J. OP ~ ~-i, ~~~-ON _:::!!Ocif' CDwJ?J,lls ,'o/f2c&mt/C- 7/2/ldL rp-Z. C!A-SJUF #LL . {1/967en. .,_,Ai¥e:;~ ,11-U-_ ~~-;,~ ~j2447lZ"' Af-u--;;s Mm @ -?c~~.,, fid-z.,.1>1;d6!-A-Or ~~-t.;, p)(.) M<-CoU/;-nA/..s A--r-77:I/S nme, /H'e-/e;,;,&Al~G?<-o.,c. eou--;?;f"'-6 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the.best of our knowledge, all of ,he reported work-; unless otherwise noted,substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of.tt.ie work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. , .. . Af~'J . . :Z::-G6 u ...., 4 c./ 7 I:'.:) . . L.c:"1/cji::: ci:Rr..No.4-ili Cc..cJ.1: qso90S<.f1 DATE~l..;,.O+f-=2-=2>:;;;..,/1--· ..... <i;'"""g,__ ________ _ PSl-8-900-170(2) TESTED FOR: l:,.€-6-ot,,1A.Ji::> DATE: /0 /23/ '1$ • Client Order No. REPORT OF MAGNETIC PARTICLE INSPECTION PROJECT: LGG-oCA,v.J C1 £ t.6&1-?J / e/-1-. OUR REPORT NO:: (!) 5CJ ,.._ 7 0 2,0 2,,-, Production Stage Equipment Identification 'Lab No. 059 In Process -~ AGAl,4-R..(.I K Test Method Standard Final K Model No. )c-? Ac/pc:_ //6rm e "'70 q • Other: Acceptance Standard For Welds Serial No. 6/ 7 '7S--0 A.Slfrl c 70o/ Root Pass - Product Form I Type of Material I Drawing No. Intermediate Technique: ,v1=~_,\ \ /13& /4-isoc Final Pass x Complete Applicable Sections &JW/l'J# Wet Method - ~tM& (I) Dry Method k reduct/Weld "C (I) 0 "C "C -Defect location or Remarks Fluorescent Identification (.) 0 (I) I ::, CJ) (.) ;._ ai -g CJ) f:::! --~ -"" (I) ci5 Visible K ~va-0..s m .!!l ~ ::, e ~ .:5 ~~ (I) ~ ::, 0: :w (.) en ::::, 0 IAIA.1rJ 7t1L. *°.3TI'Al '7 X M) ::z:;v ))1 C/f"f7 <))I::, n,.., __ 7 Coil/Cables -~ -!.MA,,., ilJL.-:f:.11-, ~,~ )< I . ,._ I , I Head Shot -.. . !l!JJJt ~It. -il-2. 3 L/. 5' 'x I . l . I .. Prod Method - A,f,4,;t) -nz.1(-::,:."4 '* 3 .,(__ '-I/ . '-f \J/ Yoke Method K... -. Current · AC X DC_ Amperage IV~ UV Meter No.-~ ... Set-Up/Location Sketch . fAP..'N ~l. .·. -.. , .. . "(:>, .)".I,... I 1 -.. 4, ·The UV Intensity was verified at the prescribed int~rvals: Yes fl!p 4Not Applicable 4/n ... 5" Technician: W/t.,(,,._/A,,,y, /. vD~ Level ]I:.. lnteroreter: W, Lva1,. Le\'el -zz::::-'-'{ 3 ~ J =~<.r Technician: / Le\'el / 2- REMARKS: . E 5'1G1AJ1,&/£':;:. Ui>W#I#':, .sm,,a;Alc-,,+-r b'?lSr re-w,,d~. ' W S1G.,,u1nt2:, Cbwm.-1".5 ~,,<) r;.. .4r /'lie:,,;-ojJ6lfhAJC:.. Respectf~lly submi ed, PSI · ~r- PSI A·S00-14 (2) REPORT o·F CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 13.0 CARLSBAD, CA '92008 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME,PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA . REVISION #2 DATE: February 13, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-278 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CAISSONS .@ CASTLE HILL COASTER PERMIT# 98-208 SUPPLIER DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. February 0.6, 1991? 11:00 am 4 DELIVERY TICKET NQ.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND-PROPORTIONS NELSON & SLOAN 677429 524 AIR CONTENT, % 55 CEMENT WATER AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETETEMPERATURE, °F 63 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY February 09, 1998 PSI\CARLOS HERNANDEZ SUPPLIER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE ~9IE:.AePJ.ICAl¼Ll1..Arn18NOAB.0.S.Jlli!J;§~Qil:!EBWill.EJND.ll<AI.EO: SLUMP· CU3-90a· AIR CONTENT· C231-_91b· TEMPERATURE· c1064-86(93)" CAPPING· 01231-93 SPECIMEN LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OR SET NO. - 16365 A 16365 B 16365 C 16365 D SPECIFICATIONS TEST AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS .ASTM·C39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.) 02/13/98 103000 6.00 03/06/98 138000 6,00 03/06/98 135000 6.00 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by-PSI X representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratoiy. TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNAND:iJ;Z CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 3640 Cone 28.27 4880 Cone 28.27 4780 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable X specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. f'QNl:aR~<i cc, LEGOLAND (4)' BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K.' CITY OF CARLsM . ~~na/Serv:c•rlndustries, Inc. DAVID J AN, RC THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED ANO MAY NOT BE INDICATI\/E OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. DIS TRI C MANAGER REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL. WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID cArTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130· CARLSBAD, CA 92008 February 18, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #2 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-293 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CAISSI01'1 ·F-106 (17 TOTAL PLACED TODAY) @ CASTLE HILL Permit # 98-208. DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F February 101 1998 12:20 pm 3 3/4 64 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 70 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB February 11, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY ·PSI\CARLOS HERNANDEZ SUPPLIER SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.frRUCK NO. MIX Nl)MBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WAT~R FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 677752 522 COMPRESSION T_EST RESULTS LABORATORY NUMBER 16369 16369 16369 16369 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: SPECIMEN TEST IDENTIFICATION AGE. DATE OF OR SET NO. (DAYS) · TEST A 7 02/17/98 B 28 . 03/10/98 C 28 03/lQ/98 D 28 X Cylinders made by PSI representati~e. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractors representative. ASTM C39-9.4 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (lBS.) (IN.) 90000 6.00 125006 6,00 123000 6.00 Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. · __ Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNAND~Z CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SO.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 3180 Cone 28.27 4420 Cone 28 .2·7 4350 Cone 3000 X Test results comply with applicable sp_ecifications. Test results do not comply with ~~NfORl\1\5 C Respectfully submitted, o:~es~. ic;,n Jal Serv 1 ice~ndu tries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND ( 4) , BERNARD BROTHERS, H. 0. K. , CITY OF CARLSBAD ~~~. DAVID J YAN, RC THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SA',1PLES TESTED AND MAY NOT·BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT, REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. DIS TRI C MANAGER PSI A-200·4 (4)F Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 ' I •1 Environmental ., I Geotechn{cal . •-s ·Construction Page_1_of J_ Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Le&o LRi-v1::> DATE 3-9-96 Architect __________________ '--__ _ INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD _k, Concrete Cylinders ....!L __ OSA __ -Cement· -- ~Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical _-__ Grout Samp)es -- __ Electrical __ M.asonry Prisms -- __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -2::-Concrete __ Fireproofing ----__ Masonry __ Units (block or'brick) __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel ---- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts ' . __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ _ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS t:?7 I k -:# 13/QS -4 000 j:>,;; ~ • u ,, ... ,,-?> lf]L 14e h Gu; 0 rv tT S (-ff oC- PROJECT (Name) L-eITPo L,.,,~ui;> (Address) U'{LU a-'h~ en .. REPORTNO. OS"l -7 Oj!.D 'L Building Perm_i_t No. ----"2 .... 6"---..... z..:::::o ..... :s.,_,. __________ _ Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.--------------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- Other . &sn-C'f tf,c..c... b<...t£LIP-t'-tt4-- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ___ Rinf.: Rebar -_ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances . __ Rinf.: Tendons __ Positions ...k. Cone.: Mix #/psi l~d.J fe~o I _Sizes ___ Cone.: Mfx #/psi-_Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _· Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi->--consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi· _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units, Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel __ H.S. Bolts ___ Metal Decking __ Electrodes - __ Fireproofing . _Other __ Corrective action required __ .. _ Corrections completed - Br H14<... . 'Dt..t ,:,_, ,.._,, (z . , . > CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reportedwork, unless otherwise noted, sub_stantially complies with approved-plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations ofthe work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR SIGNATURE~~~--+-----,'--~-1-~=;:;,....- Ps1-s-soo-110(2) CERT. NO. o~S0 ~ :8 t -8 S DATE 3 -7-c; ';S Page_1_of_1 INSPECTION REPORT DATE 3-J/-?S Architect Engineer /J?,:U?:.-72 l!.! ,d 'iA,,...,,.., Contractor. a~rvJ412--b 5, 'f3,;;o.o 11±. c,{'),L. Si. INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _QSHPD __ Concrete Cylin_ders __ OSA __ Cement -- ~ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ . Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- X Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -·- __ struct Steel __ Asphait·Concrete -·- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --· __ Pile Driving · · __ . Reinf. Steel -.-·- __ fireproofing __ Steel -- _·_waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -·- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ $oils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant ____ Other --· __ Bolt Pull-Out __ .. Other -- REMARKS 2?<-L{ t9' I /v S 2C:IT 7Z o/\J f3 TC £ -Z.. , J i) TI:: t -'2. , $ , :., QV (;)'.L,4; L 1.. S ·2.00 S 520 :;::::,,L-~ z.. , l~, 8 ,7. ;r ... PROJECT (Name) L*,o Ll1N1'> (Apdress) . &iu s ot1 ?> CE j REPORT NO. CS'i • 7 O:z a l Building Permit No. 98-2C':8 Plan File No Govt. Contract No. OSA or OSHPD # Other CA-e.nu-H:1LL & r1 s rz.;i,i._ (:._:?.-, LL "J MATERIAL DESCRIPilON INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ Rinf.: Rebar 4-bl5 -:-(:I.. (:,O .X Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. . _!::. Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons __::_ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _?:_Sizes ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _2:_ Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: B!ock _ Electrode Storage ___ Units: Brick . _ Torque Applied ___ Steel _. _ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking ___ Electrodes _._. Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action-required __ __ Corrections completed sz:::&J.-fL TR ,CJ . ' IOU) €,)12-!C::. P<;f"?L: -PLA:&?S i CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME _:J)._.,___._l;{YZ,...'-='=t:nc.-'-="----"j>_-_Y~efT7.:ixLJ~-· ~s:..-=a~µ __ CERT. NO. oe e Oct £2 I -6?:, (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATUR!; Yd 1> 2 h DATE __ '3=-_-_I_J_-_9.L..><S,._ ____________ _ PSI-B-900-170(2) .. Page_1_of _'1 INSPECTION REPORT. PROJECT (Name) Lt;,zzp LA; Ni':> (Addr~ss) C>,1.£.Ls_~A-t-,,. t!4' DATE s-,:z_.. -cz e, REPORT NO. Q'.2·C/-JQl Q:l., Architect Building Permit No. 98-z.oa Plan File No. Engineer /r7t9:.f2-:rJ6,2. €1. i.)u~;1-1 Govt. Contract No .. OSA or OSHPD # Contractor. 13 l.:f't'l--l'v ~ <"":::, i=&~I:ttl:i"2--~ Other (#;·a£::-II,"'-'-&;d_e:; T:.l.7~ .. ~,UL.~ . INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING OTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD ...:2S... Concrete Cylinders 1-~ Rinf.: Rebar 4~6 :{if, o 2!:.. Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement _._ A.inf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances t,< Specialty __ Mortar Samples -·-__ . Rinf.: Tendons ..,._ Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --. .x Cone.: Mix #/psi 138(;, • ~!31 ~Sizes __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --·--.-Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps __ Roofing __ Masonry Block --· _._. Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi >' Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Grout: Mix #/psi . _ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) ----_. __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete ---:-Units: Block · _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing --_._ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel -.. -H:S. Bolts .. __ Waterproofing __ H.S, Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon:(PT Strands) --·-_._ Electrodes __ Soils Technician __ Other --__ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant __ Other --___ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed REMARKS :5:pc-iL..i A:'-11--J ';>?(£CTI 01"-..l y ,p..g V .i D c -N;'\ NY? . "'5? , A < .H)'.1,:J Ci"J:',,11 q_c;:-G,.t..,, p,-o~t V::,?1\..:> tAL\57].j -£ L.-r't L. b"W1 (;D'\J T_ . tl::T <i -4 c-;;;, TL 6 tt l u__ LyfrU .5 Cs:? Fl s t:w:B-.) C, t2-, :t:> LINl;i'"'S;, -C.,,-'Z...5r <. ,"i. B -.1.. re (;. -z. 1· 33 D?t -2.. ,d J3 n;, E-2., ..S . .J , ) (J<~t\:(L j>~\Wf Qi A'$\., '::r: I N ~, f> G:1 -D-:n'>),. Co"-'~ A c..zt?,'2:.. Ct....«-< 1-1 U ~ >!>•1 0-t>_) YL4 (,. l-:::::-,:::, c.o '{\..Jc.... ,{L 1.:,-:J":¼-. M\.)<.. # \"?, 'Bio' -,.3cpo :;>s i . f\-2 t;:;'"LS t: !.:) 5\.,-Q•"i:~ ,-v1. \.X A-T Wt4:t.S.-;;, e--v n---D, .... QQ':;,',;;i""'<l-N (3'"\':) J. ) YY1, QN ITU-2-.l£I> -6:-r\..)'\;;> n-,'c,D:fl> e,.c_ t-..J L~ lf:D"!i" J-) u~\ NS..-, v 1..-,j (..1.,"WI ( <!:)(\.) ,.g-:5HT ox S::ou !L ~T 5 '?cg__, -IY! < MY '=> cP<-f"'2.-l£ CA-5:, T Duo.., Nb 'I> (.. ,4< .(;-'YH (:' ::oz__d--G,)Q , I i±-T-i\: G.ze."-? <:, 5 32 $1..-IA. Y'::':P -Y,o ,, , V::fYl1 PS-A:-kO I c,-ZQ' 41 c.-3 l-l4L$: l.v 14'-<'. , ;,' , , CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the.reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering .opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME ~ ? . ?~~ f::::2 CERT. NO. oe~os ~, --f3-l:r':, (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATURE~~~ ~s~ DATE "3-n .... -c:, '3 PSl·B-900· 170(2) L ,..,0 ;,·Environmental .,...,,. Geote_chn~cal •-.. Construction Page_1_of _J_ Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Ll:kQ L,1-;v"D DATE 3 -13-c, 1-, Architect __________ -'------..:..,....-------- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING aTY _OSHPD ..s._-Concrete Cylinders J_ _OSA --. Cement --· ~Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block ·-·-- ';,<:"" Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --__ Struct Steel ___ · Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone _· _Roofing --__ Pile Driving _· _ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -·-- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other --__ Batch Plant __ Other ---·- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name) Lt-rr-zt2 /.AN7> (Aodress) {:ALt s ~AD CA. REPORT NO. 0$9-10:LO't.. . Building Permit No. _C/..:..=8_---'2o;;=..,.'°.__ ________ _ Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.----------'------- 0$A or OSHPD ·#---------------- (!..o,45rzrn-£rou,,,-)c,-i) Other . {klsrr~ Hi ~c · MATERIAL DESCRIP1ION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ><"Rinf.: Rebar _At.!$-(,$~ bO · ').-. Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. -. ---k:.. Clearances --. Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions X Cone.: Mix #/psi :$2.".-3 0c:> o . _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi "><°Laps _: Cone.: Mix #/psi _. Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ l:Jhits: Block _ Electrode Storage -·-. Units: Brick -_ Torque Applied __ Steel ·_ .. ___ H.S: Boltll ___ Metal Decking ·-.-Electrodes _ Fireproofing ___ Other _ Corrective action required __ . _ Corrections completed . . 7 -J > 4-tl/4-lirS I &tYD 7 Pc.Aws 'S 7-o o f :5 'S/0 7;:>rz..:;:1/ I ., S: S 2../ . 'l:>TT.--j{ 7 . S $1 C> -1 ,-, ; J . 52e;z..,,.H6"YS kU~%--15: er<s:r:, lt:T-E·/· S . ;r!?--k&tl-·!?2~ . -z:g:r:41.o,g•-wso -:>q1mP-1../,.:; / "t2((1'1f':-l4-67;:C!..- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the lqqations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE~:::::..-."--'-''-+.--'--~,...-.:::=;.._;._-e--- Pst-s-eoo-110(21 CERT. NO. ~6 'f ~ 1-$~ DATE 3 -1 ::S-<z:S l ., Enllil'OIJffle!1fa/ . ,, :· ._, • , Geotechn~cal . •-~ Construction . ,_ -- .;: ~--·' ~ ff._:y-~~ ::-:.:.. -?;-~ "-·· ...;..,-~. Pagel of _J_ Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT LS??O lA7 • ./D DATE Z~'l..t6-1 s PROJECT (Name) L c:,:teo Le....,,2> (Address) 41:a..«s a .o C'4 REPORT NO. -=o_..s .... ,__.-=--?'--'0 ..... 2....,c> ........ "l-""'"·. _-_.3_1/,~~--- Architect _________________ _ . Building Permit No. _.:!:!!F!!.~-::!!«ie!ll&i. !lffS:T'.:...S2t(6S...::..-z.z_~o?_JBa_ __ _ Engineer ,!142:r,rJi DutvtY 11'Jt-. INSPECTION MAT'!., SAMPLING _OSHPD ~ Concrete Cylinders _OSA _. _Cement ~Specialty _. _ Mo~ar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block _,::,..:...Concrete __ Fireproofing . __ Masonry __ Units (block. or b,rick) __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing ___ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other . REMARKS H/.L.-4-Fo<':lXUV( .. 5 LA ? :S Pc.., c, vs; . > OTY ~ -- -- -- --·- -- -- -- --·- -- --·- -- ---- -- Plan File No·-------,----'---~------- Govt. Cc:;mtract No.--,-------------- OSA or OSHPD #-----------'--------- Other · 4tnn:.-tE: lh L.L MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST L:-Rinf.: Rebar ~ li'S: . ~Q >----Plan & Specs _·_ Rinf.: W.W.F. 2!'.:. Clearances _. _. Rinf.: Tendons· ~ Positions >c Cone.: Mix #/psi Szt.. -:J ooo ~Sizes -. _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps --. Coric.: Mix_ #/psi __ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi -. _ Cons9lidation __ Mortar: Type/psi --. Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _· _ Electrode Storage I -.-Units: Briqk __ Torque Applied l __ Steel --H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decklng · __ Electrodes _. _ Fireproofing . · __ Other __ Corrective action required __ . __ Corrections completed a~,2>.L-,AJ,cs -B -7 n;;, 8 . A -Z rp S . S -An:, D.: ;:.,r 7 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless,otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does hot constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME= ~ p timm-s.:M.2 CERT. NO. 088098 I-6'ti (Print Clearly) (\, INSPECTORSIGNATURF-::e J.p ¢2. S.. 2 DATE-~7...=.--7-...._.§..__-~,~~,.,_ ____________ _ PSl-8·900· 170(2) CLIENT L,'fl{.,,o LAN;;, DATE 3-J 8 -9 ."ft INSPECTION REPORT Page_1_of_l_ PROJECT (Name) _ I eJ?C? lAN 4> (Address) ~-"17? CA , REPORT NO.· OS<r-2c2zo 2... Architect__,.--------'-------------'-Building Permit No . .;;.;,..#'-'--_.2 ... 8,.__--=·4=-..... )_._5,__ _______ _ Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No.---,,;-,--------------'--- OSA orOSHPD #-'-------------- Other &-snGr: u,u., · 4-ufU S INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY· MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD ___ Concrete Cylinders --~ Rinf.: Rebar t!l.6.l 2._-(be. (-,_-Q. _?:.. Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement ----Rinf.: w.W.F. ~ Clearances ..2s:::...Specialty __ Mortar Samples .--__ Ririf.: Tendons ->-Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi >: Sizes __ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi .x Laps __ Roofing __ Masonry Block .. __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry ___ Units (block or brick) -·-__ Mortar: Type/psi ., __ __ Mortar Batching. __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Units: Block __ _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Steel . __ Fireproofing __ Steel --_. _. _ H.S. Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --___ Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Electrodes . __ Soils Technician __ Other --__ Fireproofing _ __ Batch Plant __ Other --_ . _._Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed REMARKS ? 12--Q ,,, ( t::. <..::::::Q E,aa;_ dT H 11..-L-,4-t5zp/ 1-,&ruF .. ¢ . .) , P -t n, I , 7 5' , R <:i1&.U---ot<:t:.1tvw :s: oaflc , ,;:; es 9KH1'2--6C< P< AL ¢ab. c:t?Y1': A--c-L. p[L-Q tl\tl :Z:O zlUC i> ILD v6'"?'..-r: ro CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work.inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME D@~ ? ½-TT7:i72 ... 5-.:::,,..._) 1--2L). INSPECTOR SIGNATURE2 ?~ CERT. NO. 05809 st-6-S OATE __ 3:.J._-..:..i..:::8_-.....!9:....'S:::::_ __________ _ PSl·B-900-170(2) I Page_1_of_l_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT l.,.(l(po lA,YP DATE 3-J9-9S PROJECT (Name). Lez,,o ?dtY() (Address) &1-use&o C¼., REPORT NO. OS9-ZQ2,.,D\,, -3q7 Architect ___________ .,..,,,... _____ -Building Permit No. =/F,...__---'9""'8:....--=-z"""o'""'P. .... ·, ________ _ Contractor. -e&7'-Nft(t.. cs &.ovt-_exs - INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING __ QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement ~specialty _._ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical -. _ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ .Masonry Block __2LConcrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving -.-Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant -.-Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS -C-t t'.Y c., s n:D-c:t- ,, 'DD--# Pt /4 <-,i:H) <::> rY QTY -- -- -- -- --·- -- -· -- ---- -- -- -- -- -·- -- J::Z Plan File No,---------"----------- Govt. Contract No.-------,--.-------- OSA or OSHPD #-----'------------ Other CdzTt.tr: @":'-,Eooryµ6$. MATERIAL DJ~SCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ . Rinf.: Rebar 11.-6/S ~ '2& 6fJ ..,_. Plan & Specs __ . Rinf.: W.W.F. · ~ Clearances __ Rinf.:. Tendons ~ Positions _._ Cone.: Mix #/psi -:,?Sizes . __ Cone.: Mix #/psf ~ Laps ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi -. _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: type/psi -. Mortar Batching _._ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _._Steel. __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking -. _ Electrodes __ Fireproofing ___ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed Ar ;, ,d_ t>rc,d. lb CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of ourknowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of th~ work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME~---~-..__.. _ __,_? __ '?;.....,_...:;:r_._t...._,:w._so ..... b,),___ __ CERT. NO. ose,09 6 t-BB ?"3.~. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE K~.::;,Ll:a.....,.~· -t----_r:::::.,___,_...:;.~.,......,,'--"=--- PSl-8-900-170(2) DATE-~3~-L/~9~-~2~':S-------------- CLIENT t..,g.,o l-11 &O Page_1_of~ INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name).....,?e<;;,p...::::::=¼'1=&1':1=.t.----- (Address) ¢.d12..Ls'atf!Q CM, Architect ________________ _ REPORT NO. OS '1::7QUJ k _,, 3'78 Building Permit No$,:::"--,9~B.::i..:-~Z~O..i..:\5'.~------- Plan File No·-------,---------- Govt. C_ontract No.-------------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- Other (!#;n.K H/t,l-N,;qt.u; d r:i;,onAJ(;S Engineer (Y) 4 a-n C\-2. el :V u 1,,1 .,) INSPECTION __ OSHPD _OSA ~Specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing Y Concrete __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS MAT'LSAMPLING ~ Concrete Cylinders __ . Cement __ Mortar Samples ___ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms __ Masonry Block __ Fireproofing __ Units (block or brick) __ Asphalt Concrete ___ Roofing __ . Reinf. Steel __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Tendon (PT Strands) ___ Other ___ Other ____ _ __ Other ____ --"--, 3,000 j?", I QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST II :...15-..:,.,--Rinf.: Rebar ,?<:,ts-,~-60 ~ Plan & Specs ______ 1 ____ Rinf.: W.W.F.______ '>.:. Clearances ' ___ Rinf.: Tendons .),.,-Positions 1 __ 2S.'.:.... Cone.: Mix #/psi ~zv3c,c,0~1 -i Sizes _________ ! __ ~ Cone.: Mix #/psi I~$~ --3f(t?pz1 _ Laps ! __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ______ · _ Future Continuity #/ps.i ____ ! _____ Grout: Mix #/psi . ...2!C Consolidation i ____ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batchin,,., _____ _ ________ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage I __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied I _____ Steel. ________ _ ____ H.S. Bolts, ______ -'-- --__ Metal Decking _____ _ I ____ Electrodes,·_-----""--'- --__ Fireproofing ___ --'-----'-- x Other q-Po'f-.'( _·_· #tLTI I{'( l5C> NJ5 ., __________ I --------'---! Corrective action required __ ! __ Corrections completed ___ [ HILL m,v ' uJA;U.-S F-2ro 7.s , ] ,$ -·1-z::p lf: . d 7, $ rP \$ -C. ;t . ,.11 ,12....0 u (!,.ff a u:r: rrl a: ONN CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections-of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · CERT. NO. Ofl'acA'.BI -ee DATE _ __:;3~-~2~o::_-~5~~L------------- PSl-8-900-170(2) ~., I,~ . Professional Service Industries, Inc. American Engineering Division INSPECTION REPORT Page Z of z.. Project Name (per plans) -1.?:-<lkl!.!l~LZ:2D!,;o!· ..i.kd'1:i...tY=-.t.'i:>.L..-___ ----1t. .... A=Si...i:rWi"_s.c-_;·...t:.H1.· .L, _,,u,,!c:· ·~----,------------- Inspection Date -,-_JI_, Inspector's Name __ ~~~---il-====J~:::z=====,;;;;,.,,~::--------- Ps1 B-900-171 • Geotechnical l ·1 Environmental K • . Construction Page_1_of _l_ Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT L..ezea lA::ttii> DATE 5'.-Z-7-9 IS Architect __ _.J.f'-'-'o...;...JJL=-------------'-- Engineer 01,n, VfJ ef bwvzV Contractor. Ew,vtta.r:,s :B.12:0:nt ,-ri..s INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _QSHPD __ ConcretEi! Cylinders -- _QSA __ Cement --· ..K..Specialty __ Mortar Samples -·-- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -->< Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ Struct Steel _._ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel --·- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT(Name)_.k=Rf.=?-0~k=*-=·-bo...-____ _ (Address) C!Arz.11;:d&) <'4, . REPORT NO. &S9· ?_o 2.02... -i/JJ IJ Building Permit No. _1 .... 8 .... --Z .... a ... £,.__ _________ _ Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.--------------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- Other 6tszt <£ Ha L-C.Od:S u-,72-- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _t:S_ Rinf.: Rebar a~1~.-C.1t...~O ::..--Plan & Specs --. Rinf.: W.W.F. 2::5:.. Clearanc.es __ Rinf.: Tendons ><-Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi . ><Laps -.-Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _. Mortar Batching ·-· _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel _. _. H.S. Bolts ·--Metal Decking . __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed t NSi>trr norv Pt?,--0 v l()<f"P e,-Bro G . · B-tzrcd2 . F-l/,-p 7.:, . 2,5-P aur. f/ a-7, s z:t2B 1 1 7 :> (t2A:S i"JA&-. s , z t£ 7 t1, (l..14 ,')If' .,, LA/> .51Jcnrrs -5 z. o o J 5'$2.Q -])t:L-:z. IS, ll;,,. 17_.,¢s110-i>T1.·' 7 • CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of. the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers.the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME ilu4¥ 2 tf-r:zz.rn..s-?,V CERT. NO. o eeo9e1--s B (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATURF 7. j t? ?....A-"<..5. PSl·B-900-170(2) REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE. LEGOLAND ESTATES .INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: L~GOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: February 26, 1998 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-315 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT STAIRWELL FOOTING @ 2·-B. 5 @ CASTLE HILL COASTER PERMIT# 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F February 19, 1998 08:20 am 4 60 SUPPLl!=R DELIVE_RY TICKET NO./TRtJCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 64 FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGR\::GATE ADMIXTURE DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY Februa-ry 20, 1998 PSI\CARLOS, .HERNANDEZ NELSON & SLOAN- COMPRESSION TEST RESUI,. TS ASTM C39-94 NELSON & SLOAN · 679441 522 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDE.R CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN:) 16407 A 7 02/26/98 73D_00 6.00 16407 B 28 03/19/98 113000 6.00 16407 C 28 03/19/98 199000 6.00 16407 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI r~presentative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. Cylinders.delivered to PSI laboratory. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNANI:>EZ AREA STRENGTH (SQ. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 2580 Cone 28.27 4000 Cone 28.27 3860 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable X specifications. Test results do not com;'~R ~ I s ,e"'~Fu 1wn Respectfully submitted, cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD §~~~nal Se~ice,T/ndustries, /n:: THESE TEST RES UL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MA Y,NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRiES, INC. PSI A•200-4 (4)F DAVID J AN, RC DIS TRI MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST · TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 February 26, ·1998 PROJECT: LEGOLA.Nb THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 0.59-70202-314 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FOOTINGS @ C-4 @ CAST.LE HILL COASTER P~RMIT # 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY February 19, 1998 09:35 am 3 3/4 61 66' February 20, 1998 PSI\CARLOS HERNANDEZ NELSON & ~LOAN SUPPLIER. DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRl.;CKNO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 679479 522 NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERW)SE INDICATED· SLUMP· CH3-90a· AIR CONTENT· c231-11ji,· TEMPERATURE· C1Q64-IIB{93l· CAPPING· C1231-93 LABORATORY NUMBER 16408 16408 16408 16408 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: SPECIMEN TEST IDENTIFICATION AGE OR SET NO. (DAYS) A 7 B 28 C 28 D 28 COMPRESSION' TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.) 02/26/98 78000 6.00 03/19/98 123000 6.00 03/19/98 124000 6.00 . . X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SO.IN.)· (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 2760 Cone 28.27 4350 Cone 28.27 4390 Cone 3000 X Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made·by Architect's or Conlracto(s representative. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED . Test results do not comply with Ms Cylinders delivered to PSI labora\Aorys. TM ~C6·._i oappl4i~r~aoi R _ IN ACCORDANCE WITH ~ ~~ r TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNAND]l;,Z cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD Respectfully submitted, ~I Service Industries, Inc. DAVID 1!~,~ THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A•200-4 (4)F DISTRI~~AGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 February 26, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-316 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ELECTRICAL E:t,CASEMENT @ WEST SIDE OF ·CASTLE HILL COASTER PERMIT# 98-,208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY February 19, ~998 02 :·SO pin 8 1/2 62 68 Febrm~:i;-y 20, 1.998 PSI\CARLOS HERNANDEZ NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCKNO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT V\IATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ·ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 679641 J:408 NOTE· APPUCABLEASTM STANDARDS UNLESS qrHERWJ~E IN_DICATED·SLUMP·. C143·90!' ".IR SONTENT· C231 .. 91b· TEMPERATURE· C1064·8B(93l' CAPRING: C1231·93 LABORATORY NUMBER 16409 16409 16409 16409 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: SPECIMEN TEST IDENTIFICATION AGE OR SET NO. (DAYS) A 7 B 28 C 28 D 28 COMPRESS!ON TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (l:BS.) (IN.) 02/26/98 121000 6. 00· 03/19/98 148000 6.00 03/19/98 15:j.000 6.Q0 . X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI · X representative. . CYLINDER , COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) .(PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 4280 Cone 28.27 5240 Cone 28.27 5340 Cone 3000 • ;f X "rest results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto~s representative. ALL CYLINDERS. CAPPED Test results do not.comply with s Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratAorys. ~6· 1 :~;_ bcecoificatioRM IN ACCORDANCE WITH \..,Vf~\f- TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNANDE;Z cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD Respectfully submitted, &'~ Service Industries, Inc. DAVID(!,~ THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRIT.TEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200--4 (4)F DISTRI~AGE:cf. . Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC. 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 March 10, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-352 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL LINE 8 LAST 2.5' FROM WEST END DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY F~brua~y 28, 1998 02: 30 pm 4 66 72 March 02, 1998 PSI\ROLAND ROOT NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERYTICKET fljO.frR!:JCK NO. MIX NUMBER.AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 NELSON & SLOAN 52:2 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE· LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST 16461 A 7 03/07/98 16461 B 7 03/07/98 16461 C 28 03/28/98 16461 D 28 03/28/98 SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: Ji. Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) 78000 63000 93000 90000 Cylinders picked up by PSI _K representativ.e. · (IN.) 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 _ Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 2760 Cone 28.27 2230 Cone 28.;l? 3290 Cone 28.27 3180 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable X specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS; ~.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAI> THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED ANO MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-1 (4)F DAVID J. RYAN, RCE DISTRICT MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: March 10, 1998 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-351 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL FOOTINGS ON 11A11 LINE DATE PLACED February 28, 1998· SUPPLIER TIME 01:10 pm DELIVERY TIC.KET NO./TRUCK NO. SLUMP, IN. 4 MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS AIR CONTENT, % C:EMENT AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 67 WATER CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 72 FINE AGGREGATE DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY SPECIMEN LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION March 02, 1998. COARSE AGGREGATE PSI\ROL~ ROOT ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN TEST AGE DATE OF COMPRESSION TEST RES UL TS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER CYLINDER ·AREA C~~[f~JJ~VE NELSON 681060 522 & SLOAN NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS:) (IN:) (SQ. IN.) (P,SI) TYPE OF BREAK 16460 A 7 03/07/98 80000 6. o·o 28.27 2830 Cone 16460 B 7 0)/07/98 82000 6.00 28.27 2900 Cone 16460 C 28 03/28/98 103000 6.00 28.27 3640 Cone 16460 D 28 03/28/98 103000 6.00 28.27 3640 Cone . SPECIFICATIONS 28 3000 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSl·repre~entalive. Cylinders picked up-by PSI ]l representative. · Test results comply with applicable X specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractofs representative'. _ Cylinders deljvered to P~l laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCO~DANCE WITH ASrM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT {(' cc: LEGOLAND ( 4) , BERNARD BROTHERS, H. 0. K. , CITY OF C~~ THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL 'sERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-<I (4)F Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 March 20, 1998 PROJECT:. LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR_REPORT ~O.: 059-70202-393 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT COASTER WALLS C·-2, 5 TO 6. 2, B-2 TO 6. 2·, B TO E-2, B TO E-2. 5 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY March 12, 1998 ll:00 am 4 67 70 March 13, 1998 PSI\PERE~ PETERpON NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.frRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS GEMENT WATER' FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSION TEST Ri:SUL TS ASTMC39-94 NELSON & SLOAN 683653 1386 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST 16567 A 7 0'3/19/98 16567 B 28 04/09/98 16567 C 28 04/09/98 16567 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) 80-000 Cylinders picked up by PSi X representative. (IN.) 6.00 Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. AREA STRENGTH (SQ. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 2·830 Cone 3000 Test resulls comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON cc: LEGO LAND ( 4) , BERNARD BROTHERS, H .. 9. K. , CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. <t?-~25:::--- DISTRICT MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 l 1/ lnfonnation ~ • .. To Build On Page_1_of_i Engineering • Consulting • Testing .INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT_ ...... L-=-~-1-0 ___ _ DATE __ A._~---~ ...... ~_,d-.__-__.:/ ...... g.__ PROJECT (Name) __ L,:...;e=-1-i-0 ..... /4,:...;H-1-;..;;....;._J_· -- (Address) _ __, _ ___,,. ______ _ (!_f/s3,+:-r') Ga.. Architect __ ~/-. ___ /--=(j-&=-·-____ _.__ _ _.;.... REPORT NO. --=-=--7....<-e::·t::J=-=2_e,_1,_.=-----<-7i....c.~ ..... 9'-- Building Permit No. ___ 9''"""'8..__---=-'~a'-1r _______ _ • ,~f.. Engineer_-,-_ __...yY/__._....._.a _____ fr/ __ . --'-------'-'--,---.-__ ~"-·. Plan FileNo,------'-------------- Govt. Contract No. _____________ _ Contractor. ___ 6~3_( ____ C ________ _ ~=ror cJ::1/4. j/;'t{ INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION. INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD __ . Concrete Cylinders -·--__ _ Rinf.: Rebar. j/_ Pia~ & Specs -· OSA __ Cement ---· Rinf.: W.W.F. _!!.._ Clearances __ specialty __ . Mortar Samples --_ Rinf.: Tendons 1Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples _ Cone.: Mix #/psi Sizes I --__ Electrical __ Ma~_?nry Prisms --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps I __ Roofing __ Masonry Block~:---_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --_ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batchinn 1struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block _t, Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --_ Units: Brick -_ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving · __ Reinf. Steel --_J_ Steelf\S"t't'\I\ '4~ R __ fireproofing __ Steel _. H.S, Bolts .. I --__ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --_Metal De~ 7l;j, __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon-(PT'Strands) ~ Electrode~/8 Co M __ Soils Technician __ Other _ Fireproofing . __ Batch Plant __ Other .}!_ Other ~ It l<.e _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --Corrections completed - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTORNAME b ........ ~ INSPECTOR SIGNA~URE~:W::/1a'· ~ . PSI-B-900-170(2) , · Q5--fo'Z. ~ CERT. NO.-L----'----------'-.__ _____ _ l ;/ Information • .ToBuildOn Page_1_· oL.L . . Engineering • Consulting • Testing .INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT __ -/_a;._e_,_--"-C'!> __ ____ DATE __ /._o_--"-::J.~t_-_'7,_7'.,__ Architect ___ ..... f/~_O_/C~----------- Engineer _____ /Y/ ___ 9--_ _._/V/_.__ _______ _ Contractor. ______ ~_..__..73 __ c ____ ---'-__ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING oTY __ QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _QSA __ Cement --__ Specialty _---_ Mortar Samples ---- __ Mechanical ·--Grout Samples .. . __ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms ---__ Roofing __ Masonry Block --·-__ concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) . -- ...)L Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -·--__ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -·- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --· PROJECT (Name) ,Le) C:, / ......._ d (Address) ~ ~frBA-iJ L~. REPORT N0. ____ 7"---D--="2,..---CJ----,-.:=G~--Cj_f;._8_ Building Permit No. _ _____,___ __ <f~8:'---'·Z .... ~=()'--~"'------- Plan File NO,--~--------------- Govt. Contrac:t No.----,------------ ~!:r0~2 #di( ~ ~tf~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rint.: Rebar ~ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances ·_Rinf.: Tendons _Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi ___ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied JL Steel /Ha:..,., !:l:s-!ibl'3 _HS.Bolts _. _ Metal Decking . !") Electrodes II.']6(:l_ l.ai.:. ~ _ Fireproofing . _Qther _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed .. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME 'b~ =2·tr,.-... ~ " . (Print Clearly) ~'j :~~~~~R SIGNATURF DGlr7c....ty CERT. NO. 9€7 0 J DATE__,_ __ /_o_-_;2--'J'-------'-n----. ____ _ l •J lnfotmation • .. ToBuildOn Page_1_of ...1. , 'Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name)-L,:;.;:e:;;_i-,....:."::...l/4~A--'>-,..:._::..;;;d_· _. __ CLIENT !era DATE /0 ... ;?t:J Architect._ __ _,_/-l~_O___.K _________ _ Engineer ___ -c.J/Yl_#---q1_..c./t1_._.,_· ------+·:·.;;,.'..~\iff.';J:"',,,.~------ Contractor ____ f5-,..Z3-..;:{!,=-· -----,.------ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders ··- _OSA __ Cement --__ specialty __ Mortar Sam~les --__ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ---__ Roofing __ Masonry Block ---__ concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) ·- L Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone · ____ Fioofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel ---- __ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other --__ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- (Address) _ __,, ___ --.--___ __,7'9-l'--f--a2= /SB.+b . L4 · . REPORT No. ____ -L.7--'=o'--':U,..__· -=L_.!..._9i'--~-· ·,,_7_ Building Permit No. ---~T-1..._ __ · ..... #c...x<2'--\,1'8'-.---- .·~·-Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.---------------OSAo?r=' 77 Other .L/J::$ Z&. l,(ti MATERIAL DESCRIPTION _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _. Rinf.: Tendons _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _. _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Mortar: Type/psi ._ Units: Block . _Units:zk k..Steel 1M lkao '8 _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking ..}[_ Electrodes ~7o I 'ii /.~ // _Firepr~ I A;te -1!!...0ther W1 INSPECTION CHECKLIST }:2_ Plan & S~ecs _ Clearances _)l_ Positions 1Sizes _Laps _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar Batchinn _a:_ Electrode Storage _ Torque Applied _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the r~ported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report cov_ers the loca!ions of the work inspected only and does not-constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · · #. CERT. No._f:_?_?_o--'-J_, ____ S: __ 2)...__1_s:.....,/ ______ _ DATE,..,.,_ __ /_0_--~~0_.s:;':,._;:..~------ REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: February 26, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-315 FIELD DATA: LOCATIONOFPLACEMENT STAIRWELL FOOTING @ 2-B.5 @ CASTLE HILL COASTER DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY February 19; 1998 08 :20 am· 4 60 64 February 20, 1998 PSI\CAR40S HE~ANDEZ NELSON _& SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKETNO.frRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT -WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 679441 522 NOTE.J\1:PLICABLIUnM...STANDA8D.S,!J~EBWISE INPICATED·SLUMP· C143-90a· AJB CONTENT· C231-9Jb· TEMPERATURE• C1Q64-86(93l· CAPPING· C1231-93 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 16407 A 7 164.07 B 28 16407 C 28 16407 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 -- TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF ·LOAD DIAMETER TEST .(LBS.). (IN.) 02/26/98 73000 6.00 .03/19/98 03/19/98 -- REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Cyhnders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER ·COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 2580 Cone 3000 Test results comply wilh applicable specifications. Test results .do not comply with .applicaole specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN A~CORE>~CE wiTH ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNAND~Z cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT-BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, f!§lFnc. DISTRICT MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Sµite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 February 26, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-314 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FOOTINGS @ C-4 @ CASTLE HILL COASTER DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F February 19, 1998_ 09:.35 am 3 3/4 61 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 66 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB February 20, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY P$I\CARLOS HERNANDEZ MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSO:t-J lie SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TIGKET NO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND·PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE A~GREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 679479 522 J\IO.TE:.AeEUC[18J.E.ASIM_SI[IND118Ql;J.llil.E~.ItllffiWl~E IND_ICATED·SLUMP· CJ43-90a· Al~ ccm;reNJ· C23)-~1b• TEMPERATURE· C1084·88/93l· CAPPING· C1231-93 SPECIMEN LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OR SET NO. 16408 A 16408 B 16408 C 16408 D SPECIFICATIONS TEST AGE (DAYS) 7 28 28 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYUNDER DATE OF . 'LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.), 02/26/98 78000 6.00 03/19/98-' 03/19/98 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractofs representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYl:INDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28-.27 2760 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN-ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNAND?~ cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K._, CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RES UL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. . PSIA-201)..4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, ~ervice Industries, Inc. DAVID :.ff:~ DISTRICT MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, $uite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ~STATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008· February 13, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAl'iI) THEME PARK CARLSBAD,· CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-278 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CAISSONS @ CASTLE HILL COASTER PERMIT # 98-2-08 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F February 06, 1998 11:00 am 4· 55 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 63 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY February 09, i998 PSI\CAR40S HERNANDEZ SUPPLIER Sl:JPPLIER Dl;LIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 677429 522 NOIE:Aee.LLCA6LEASJM..SJ.ANDABQS.V.NLESS .. OIHEB~JilllDlCATI:12:..sLU.Me;..Cjj3:.9Qa:.AIR.C.QliT.El!l'U:23~.:.Q.1b;.Il;~E~Q1J).0.4:ll.6.(i3);J;Aeell'lG;J,j;m.:.9a COMPRESSION TES.t RESULTS ASTM C39-94 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) ---- 16365 A 7 02/13/98 J.03000 6.00 16365 B 28 03/06/98 16365 C 28 03/06/98 16365 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: ,X_ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSt X representative. . Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: CARLOS HERNANDE~ CYLINDER COMPRESSIVI; AREA STRENGTH (SQ IN.) (PSI) • TYPE OF BREAK -----------·-· ----- 2.8.27 3640 Cone 3000 Test results comply wilh applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. Respectfully submitted, Professio_naI .Service Industries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD »~(.1· ·1-- THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT eE INDICATIVE·OF THE.ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVI.CE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F DAVID J:. Y~, R DIS TRI MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • Sari Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOL!lliD ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJl;CT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: February 13, 1998 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-276 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CAISSON @ F-23 @ CASTLE HILL PERMIT# 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY February 05, ~998 12:30 pm 3 3/4 February 06, i998 PSI\CARLOS HERNANDEZ SUPPLIER SUPPLIER, DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER· FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE N~CABLE ASTM STAtm.ABQ.$~ OTHERWISE INDICATED· SLUMP· C143-9Qa· Al);l CONTENT· C231-91b-TEMPERATURE· 01064-86!93)· CAPP IN · COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM C39,94 . NELSON & SLOAN 677243 522 SPECIMEN TEST DATE OF TOTAL CYLINDER CYUNDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST 16363 A 7 02/12/98- 16363 B 28 03/05/98 16363 C 28 03/05/9? 16363 D -· SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: -~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto~s representative. -LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) 97000 Cylinders.picked up by PSI X repre_sentative. (IN.) 6.00 Cylinders delivered to PSi laboratory. TECHNICIAN: CARLOS. HERNANDEZ ·, AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN:) (PSI) . TYPE OF BREAK 28 .27 3430 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with _ p applicable-specifications. Respectfully submitted, fessi~nal Service Industries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNAAD BROTI:iERS, H.O.K., CITY QF CARLSBAD \-__ -~ ~ ~ THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRiES, INC, PSI A-200-4 (4)F ~,' DAVID J AN, RC DISTRIC MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Servic~ Industries, )nc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, ·suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 February 18, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ~EVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-293 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CAISSION F-106 (17 TOTAL PLACED TODAY) @ CASTLE HILL Permit# 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY February 10, 1998 12:20 pm 3 3/4 64 70 February 11, 1998 PSI\CARLOS HERNANDEZ SUPPLIER SUPPLIER . DELIVERY TICKET NO.frRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER ANP PROPORT!ONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 677752 522 _-COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS · ASTl\1 C39-94 -· SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST -- 16369 A 7 02/17/98 16369 B 28 03/10/98 16369 C 28 03/10/98 16369 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS; X Cylinders made by PSI representativ13. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER (_LBS.) (IN.) 90000. 6.00 Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. · Cylinders delivered tq P!ll laboratory. TECHNICIAN: CARLO$ HERNANDE;Z CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STREN.GTH (SQ. IN:) (PSI) . TYPE OF BREAK - 28 .. 27 3180 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable speqifications. - Test results do not comply with · applicable specifications. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD Respectfully submitted, ~~nal Service l~ndustries, Inc. THESE TEST RESULTS APPL V ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE RE~RODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY-PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F DAVID J. AN: RCE DISTRIC AGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 68"67 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: April 14, 1998 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-7020-2-477 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ROLLER COASTER -CONTIUNOUS FOOTINGS B. 7 ( 9 TO 9 . 5) DATE PLACED April 04, 1998 SUPPLIER TIME 09:30 am DELIVERY TICKET NO.frRUCK NO. SLUMP, IN. 2 MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS AIR CONTENT, % CEMENT AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 6.6 WATER CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 70 FINE AGGREGATE DATE RECEIVED IN LAB April Q6,. 199'8 COARSE AGGREGATE FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY ADMIXTURE MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF COMPRESSION TEST RESUI.,. TS ASTM C39-94 .. TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE I AREA , STRENGTH , NELSON 688135 1383 & SLOAN ,,, NUMBER OR SET NO, (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ. IN.) .(PSI) TYPE.OF BREAK 16711 A 7 04/11/98 16711 B 28 05/02/98 16711 C 28 05/02/98 16711 D . -· ------------··-·-· --·-· ~ -· SPECIFICATIONS 28 ----· REMARKS: ~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. 92000 121000 126000 Cylin.ders p1cked up by PSI Jf. representative. 6.00 6.QO 6.00 Cylinders delivered to PSI laborat9ry, ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM 28 . .27 3250 Cone 28.27 4280 Cone 28,.27 4460 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable X specifications. Test results do not comply with C6{)0';~f OK MS Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. cc : LEGO LAND ( 4) , BERNARD BROTHERS, H. 0 .. IC , °C;:ITY OF CARLSBAD ~t.~ THESE TEST RE SUL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE Ei'fflRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFES.~IONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F DISTRI~~AG~:cf Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES ·INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE: FIELD DATA: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 April 21, 1998 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-476 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE. HILL Coaster Base WALLS @ GRID LINES 8 TO 10 along A. 5 Line DATE PLACED TIME April 10, 1998 12:00 pm SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN SLUMP, IN. 4 1/2 AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 61 CONCRETETEMPERATURE, °F 70 DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS 13 8 6 CEMENT WATER DATE RECEIVED IN LAB April 13, 1998 FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\DEREK PETERSON MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN NOJE;j\~LJC~J.!;.A&IMJ!J A['ID/>,ROl>.I.J['ILEfilLOJJ:JERWl!l.lUl'IOJCAIE;O_;_$.L\)_ME;_Cli3:ll.Oa;.A[B_C011Il:~3.1:W>;.IEMeEBAilJ.8E;_Cj.O_o¼~WJ;_¢AEf'lli..G.:..Q12.a.t:i3 COMPRESSION TEST RES UL TS ASTM C39-94, - SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) - 16758 A 7 04/17 /98 $3000 6.00 16758 B 28 05/08/98 143000 6.00 16758 ~ 28 05/08/98 132000 6.00 16758 D ' SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: Jf. Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Cylinders made by Architect's o'r Contractor's representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE · AREA STRENGTH (SQ, IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 2940 Cone 28.27 5060 Cone 28.27 4670 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable X specifications. Test results do not comply wilh applicable specifications. ,·'I TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETER$0N Respectfully submitted, cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O:K., CITY OF ·CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE.INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERl\!ISSIQN BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200--4 (4)F »:=t11:na/ Se~ice~Jndustries, Inc. DAVID J AN, RC DISTRIC MANAGER · Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION Tl:ST TESTED FOR: DATE: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-479 April 14, 1998 ·===========================~===================-=====-=------____ .:.:._-___ . FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ROLLER COASTER -GRADE BEAM LINE' A. 5 ( 9 TO 10) DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % April 04, i998 11 :30 am. 3 1/2 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 66 CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 68 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB . April 06, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN. SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.fTRlJCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE COMPRESSI.ON TEST RESULTS ASTM:C39-94 NELSON & SLOAN 688154 1383 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CY~INDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF NUMBER OR SET NO, (DAYS) TEST ·----- 16710 A 7 04/ll/98 16710 B 28 05/02/98 16710 C 28 -05/02/98 16710 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative, Cylinders made by'Architect's or Contractor's representative. LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH i·~ (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ.IN.) (P_SI) TYPE OF BREAK 91000 6.00 28.27 3220 Cone 114000 6.00 28.27 4030 Cone 118000 6.00 28.27 4170 Cone I 3000 Cylinders picked up by PSI _X-_ repres$ntative. · Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. Test results comply with applicable X ::::::t::;QoOitnN FORM s applicable sp~tf~ • _ •• ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617-94. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OE' CARLSBAD· THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC, PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. :uaw1.1,1-r DAVID J. , RCE DISTRICT AGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive; Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 t : ..... , ~· • Geotechn,c~I .. Construction Consulting • Engineering • Testing REPORT OF CONCRET,E COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES -INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: May OS, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059..-70202-544 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HIL~ BASE BUILDING -COLUMN FOOTINGS ON "C" LINE BETWEEN 7 & 9 PERMIT# 98'-2Q8 DATE PLACED April 20, 19!38 SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN TIME 01:45 pm DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. 691341 SLUMP, IN. 5 1/2 MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS 1386 AIR CONTENT, % CEMENT AIR TEMPERATUR!=, °F 73 WATER CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 78 FINE AGGREGATE DATE RECEIVED IN LAB Apr:j..l 21, 1998 COARSE AGGREGATE FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\ROLA.Nb ROOT ADMIXTURE MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN NOJE;Ael:l.tCA6LE.hSIM.SIANDAR.O.$J.I.NLES.li..Qil:ilIBWi~EO;.ID.!.!Me:J;.li:1:llQ";.Allli'_Ofill=NI·_c2:i1-91b:T~MPEm.uBE:.,~~J;..qAeelNG~m~ COMPRESSION TEST RES UL TS ASTM C39-94 I TOTAL CYtlNDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE ATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH .. , LABOR NUM BER SPECIMEN I TEST OR SET NO. , (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 167 167 167 167 99 99 99 99 A B C D 7 04/27/98 28 05/1?/98 28 05/18/98 ·---------------· -- SPECIFIC ATIONS 28 REMARKS: X_ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. 112000 Cylinders pickea up by PSI ~ representativl!, 6.00 Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. 28.27 3°960 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with .applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C6~7-94. TECHNICIAN: ROLAND ROOT cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOJ BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE-PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRI_ES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, Prof~ Service I ~-l, DISTRICT MANAG Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 May 05, 1998 PROJECT: -LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR.REPORT NO.: 059-70202-543 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL COASTER -C. I. P. WALL LINE B@7 2ND LIFT DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F March 30, 1998 10:30 2 63 am CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 74 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB Aprii 01, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\DAN RAMAGE NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.rfRl:JCK NO. MIX NUMB)=R AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 687213 1386 N.QIE:.Aeel.lCABI.E.ASIM.SIANOABD..S~U~LaS.S.9IJ:IJ:R'lllLSJ:JM~CATED.:..SJ.VMe:_ci4.33.l!a;.AIR.C.p.NIE~ViLIEMEERAIUBe:..G10.=6.(W;_CheefNG:_Cj~9.3 __ ----___ . ··----------··-------- COMPRESSION TEST RES UL TS ASTMC39-94 SPECIMEN TEST TOTAL CYLINDER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE ' LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER AREA STRENGTH :·'I NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 16688 A 7 04/06/98 75000 6.00 28.27 2650 Cone 16688 B 28 04/27/98 96000 6.00 28.27 3400 Cone 16688 C 28 04/27/9'? 97000 6.00 28.27 3430 Cone 16688 D ___ _L__ ----------------------··--· ------ SPECIFICATIONS 28 3000 ·- REMARKS: ~ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X ·representative. : ·x Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Architect"s or Contracto~s representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AStM TECHNICIAN: DAN,RAMAGE cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, {;§flir'ic DAVID Jt:AN, DISTRICT MANAGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 ---·------· · .. Page __ 1_of _!_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT ~o f..d-tY t:> DATE ~-3o .-96 Architect __ /./...,.. __ O_~----------''--'----- Engineer PldP..'CTN ti, Zu ;vJV INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY __ OSHPD .2!c... Concrete Cylinders __!L_ _OSA ___ Cement ...kSpecialty ___ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical ___ Grout Samples --__ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -·- _k_Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --__ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing ___ H;S. Bolts ---·- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- _ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name) tei1r> LA&,-:> . _ (Address) Cd¢< .:.MP Cd, REPORT NO. OS't-202'~H~. Building Permit No. -"-'11.;.....a?L-'$ ... __ -=Z.0=-'H....__ ________ _ Plan File NO,----~--------------- Govt. Contract No.-------------- OSA or OSHPD #---------------------- Other CA:srt.« /fill-eQd'$f'C.[n.. l,,Al L,,.$ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION· INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ Rinf.: Rebar A-(p_fS • C-~ o ).:-Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. .k Clearances _ Rinf;: Tendons k-Positions k..... Cone.: Mix #/psi· L3Bb· :/COO .J,.--Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~ Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi ___ Grout:·Mix #/psi _.!S:. Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block . _ 1;:lectrode Storage _ Units: Brick __ . _ Torque Applied _Steel __ H.S. Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing . _Other _ Corrective action--required ___ _ Corrections completed ' . ~e::vu;;,u Sk Y 1&1,:is ,"::,,,,-ru-vP • 1-# ffu'ftaftdt?°i;> CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantialiy complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations ofthe work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin• ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAM~ j> /?enn:z,_c; PN (Prtnt Clearly) J\ INSPECTOR SIGNATURl=---:L:2 • ..Jti? · ~,IA DATE 3-3 o..-96 PSI-B-900-170(2) Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT L«..o Ld&cl> DATE 3-31-f JS PROJEeT (Name) L.-mao LA,ui') (Addr~ss) 1!$tU-6 ,?,c7 /') CA . REPORT NO. <2SS·· io:z. o ·, Architect __ t/_O_K. ______ -______ _ Building Permit No ..... :lf,__~f ... B..._: __ -=z_=o_.,S:;.._ ______ --'-_ Engineer P/,4;u--zrv 4 UuA.1tv Contractor. °i31,!11..JY t4 "-:I> s INSPECTION · MAT'L SAMPLING _OSHPD . __ Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement ~Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical -. _ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ . Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block ...KConcrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ Struct Steel ___ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving • __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing _._Steel __ Waterproofing · __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out . _._Other REMARKS Q,-Y ---- -·- -- ---- --· -·-- -- -- -- -- ------ Plan File NO,--------------~---- Govt. Contract No.----------------- OSA or OSHPD #~· ------------- Other Cthit:< <r . /./IL'--C.OA-S~ 1-Qaruut., MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST .x Rinf.: Rebar Jl&:t'S-tJuz .. ,o ..K Plan & Specs -. _ Rinf.: W.W.F. x Clearances _. _ Rinf.: Tendon$ ~ Positions ..1:!... Cone.: Mix #/psi· 13At...-3co0 ~-Sizes _ Cone:: Mix #/psi ~Laps. ·_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _. _. Grout: Mix #/psi ...11C-Consolidation ·_ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching ._ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage ._·_ .I.Jnits: Brick _ Torque.Applied _. _Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing ·_other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed 'Pt?<2 VI A(;-{) ~ao z:::z NC-as_. -z.-ro,. :SHB"l:&S Fom::z~eo-s &a:2re:D r 0"84kmtfi.'.n 010,v,rQr",J,{£1) Btk'.I> Tt£5Ufi>('/u<lll?@:T8 c .... nrH M5'ft/£ . ~ 4,:JC::,~ 'l>lih't-. 'P<-A~-: . . ' ,~/\,:J, CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME ~L ? ?erz::zo?.so ~ 2 (Prtnt Clearty) INSPECTORSIGNATURFg --A? {)!~ PSI-B-900-170(2) CERT. NO. Ofzf-zP9fV-Bf:$ L .1 Environmental f Geotechn{cal • Construction Consulting • Engineering • Testin~ Page_1_of J_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT ?tfl? o :LA NU DATE L/-'-f -, $ Architect tfoJ<,, Engineer_-'--/J1.-'-"-''4 .... f?.r7= . ........,iu'-------=d _______ i> ______ u"""'JV..._· _._,y ________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders __ OSA __ Cement -- ...k..Specialty _. _ Mortar Sampl~s -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --·- __ Electrical -. _Masonry.Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- z:_concrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -·-- __ struct Steel __ Asphalt Cqncrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing _._. Steel -- __ waterproofing -.-.-H:S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ .Other. -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS a(- !31 l> I Sl:ZLC <? I/ l.,QZ.. A , c: PROJECT (Name) I. c:rt'?O L 61:tYi:::> (Address) &t4-J S n Ab (!,d., .REPORT NO.' as Ci. :zc::n: Q 1 -t/15 Building Permit No.'#: o/ ts -205 · Plan File No,--------'----------- Govt. Contract No.---------,------- OSA or OSHPD #-----'---------------,--- Other 6,srLtr w ti--'-C!-c ,,q s O:£>L -,:;-,t,.. s MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST .>c Rinf.: Rebar A{;,_I.S · &12-6_0 ~ Plan & Specs 5z.ao _ Ririf.: W.W.F. ~Clearances _ Rinf.:Tendons k Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Sizes -· Cone.: Mix #/psi · ><"taps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi. _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block -. _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied. _Steel _H.S. Bolts __ _. Metal Decking _ Electrodes __ _ Fireproofing ._Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed EofL ,:s, z..-Dn. .. 3 ~ t.;..t Z LI' S:S:6 Z-l'>n.,-e.. -SICJ~ l':>rL·2 '4 . .f woi-z.,£ j?(DZ S>t,q ~s 'ti t:A ~rnr -~ Cb'"">l1 e:r-,vv .e,o v ~-:n...~'i:> ~ -~ 'DI"\-1'.J R... (.. ?-5 t J R-<,,:~. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge. all of the reported work, unless otherwise noteq, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and doe_s not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME :v~ p V ~s.oz5,..) CERT. NO. Ci:!:,'?, or.t 12 I ~s,s (Print Clearly) • }\_ INSPECTORSIGNATURE=:i)~? ?~ PSI-B-900-170(2) Page_1_ofJ:. INSPECTION REPORT DATE 3/-~-?fJ Architect tloJ<. Engineer r11etr1tL1 ,f Z?,uc ,,,v INSPECTION _QSHPD __ OSA >r Specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing )C" Concrete __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS S'PG?t,q, MATt SAMPLING ___ Concrete Cylinders __ Cement __ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms __ Masonry Block ___ Fireproofing __ . Units (block or brick) ___ Asphalt Concrete __ Roofing _._ Reinf. Steel __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Other __ Other __ Other A:T eo@-- A-l' PLc1'1:4t&n lD\ 11" QTY -- -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- ----. -- -- PROJECT (Name) Ltrt..,o Lo&:J;> (Address) 4.-rt :L<--$ &, 4 Z> (4, REPORT NO. 059~7.-;,7,o 7~ -?he/' Building Permit No. __ d""'---+2"""8""'·-:z=o ..... s ........ __,,.------ Plan File N6, ... ---.c...------------- Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSAorOSHPD#------------- Other Cezrt.J': -HtL'--COA5TTm--. ~ov,~.:c,;1, MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST .,..l!....Rinf.:.Rebar Af,el~· ~~~f;, ><" Plan & Specs 5 2,_.,, c;, _ Rinf.: W.W;F. ,J,c-Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons .><-Positions ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi .....a:._Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _z Laps ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching ___ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel. __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ . Fireproofing ~ Other Se:G: Nor-rs >< Corrective action required 7 - QI.J ?<,,. 2:. -Corrections completed i),:1a. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the repo_rted work, unless otherwise noted, substantially compiles with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME72<Dt-H:U_. ? V r,{77£n. $ o,.._J w,mo, .. ,}\ INSPECTOR SIGNATURl=---::u J Y 2~ PSI-B-900-170(2) CERT. NO. OGBD2Bl=85 DATE o/'-3 ~rs ~.,. ·~ Professional Service Industries, Inc~ American Engineering Division INSPECTION REPORT Page Z-of-£ ~ '16-~8 Project Name (per plans)-L~GIZ,,"'--·"""O,c._.aLA:<Z..L-.LCN=-o,L'>:c;.._ _____ C!A-=-5.L.L.n,.......,_,c;.._r _____ . ..!.,t/L...:...l=e..._;;<-;____,.ee-==·;:.._ ,,,.,l:('-'S""'Tt;'--""-·ryL.:..=:_--L.e:-L-n .. ~...,. S...,,,,_ ___ _ Inspection Date - Inspector's Name-i""::.,__o,,:~"-"-'=-,L7>_.,........i>~,.;-_, -......,, ........ ...., .... "'-',.._.....,_,_,,,,. "-'---'---- PSI B-900-171 e-C • ~- -t..J-9. Page_1_of _L INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT ___ L~e, __ 6=-...... D.___ ______ _ DAT._E __ L/..._~_'/_-_,_7-=-~--'-- Architect __ /_'d:,__0~/(=----·'"""'5~Zv-=t..,-=~::c...:../--=O::,-~ _ . ._£,c...._.. ______ _ Engineer __ //Y/4~~,4,_U}~-/~_·_._"f-.....,""...,/)_· _'-"_"'-_"'-_. __ ......... ---- Contractor. _ __,_}:?~li::.=EJ2,~n:..L.e-:~P=d~j~-B4'· .,L.11::i?D=.!e!:!S'--.L.. __ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD ..Lconcrete Cylinders -$.-__ OSA __ Cement __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical · _._ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- ...-'concrete _._ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --. __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing ___ .Steel -- __ Waterproofing ___ H.S'. Bolts --__ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician ___ .Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS · PROJECT (Name) /2Cta:0/>9-!3d (Address)_----,,-....._ _____ -,--_ &z/sa11-:A 1 a· REPORT No. ___ :Z .......... 0_2..0~=~---v_o_ Building Permit No. ___________ -q._~_-_z._o_~~---"'-- Plari File No,----,----'------,.-------''-------- Govt. Contrac;t No.--------------- ~~~ror OS~l/2J/ -Gtts~ J,ATERIAL DESCRIPTION . INSPECTION CHECKLIST Rinf.: RebarAtJ;:?1 ";4£.,-r _ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _. Clear.ances _ Rinf.: Tendons ~ _-Positions L Cone.: M'.x i/ps~/~t:;lJ ·_Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi . . . . _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi· _· Grout: Mix #/psi · _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi -. Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage. .. __ Units: Brick . _ Torque· Applied __ Steel _. H,S. Bolts _ Metal Decking _._ Electrodes _ Fireproofing _Other _. _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed ltJ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless·otherwise noted, substantially complies With approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report-covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control, INSPECTOR NAMF DB:n :z,., .. ·~ JNSPECTORSJGNATUR~.,.~ PSI-B-900-170(2) sv#JD -i-L/-J?? -1 DATE __ ____. ___ _.__,_._., ___________ ___J TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5·500 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 March 20, 1998 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #.1 OUR REPORTNO.: 059-70202-393 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT COASTER WALLS C-2, 5 'I'O 6. 2, B-2 TO 6. 2; _ B TO E-2, B TO E-2. 5 DATE PLACED March 12, 1998 SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN TIME 11:00 am DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. SLUMP, IN. 4 MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS AIR CONTENT, % CEMENT AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 67 WATER CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 70 FINE AGGREGATE DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY -- BORATORY LA N UMBER 1 1 1 1 6567 6567 6567 6567 -·-- SPEC IFICATIONS ·-- SPECIMEN IDENTIFICATION OR SET NO. A B C D March 13, 1998 COARSE AGGREGATE PSI\DERE:K PETERSON ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN TEST AGE (DAYS)' 7 28 28 28 COMPRESSION TEST RES UL TS ASTMC39-94 -' TOTAL CYLINDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.) 03/19/98 80000 6.00 04/09/98 123000 6.00 04/09/98 120000 6.00 . CYLINDER AREA (SQ. IN:) 28.27 28.27 28.27 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) 2830 4350 4240 3000 683653 1386 TYP~ OF BREAK Cone Cone Cone REMARKS: ~ Cylinders made by PSI.representative. Cylinders_ picl<ed up by P~I _ X representative. X Test results comply with applicable specifications. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. _ Cylinder~ delivered to PSI laboratc;,ry. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM Test results do not comply with C6l?:,;:~.bCON f 0 MS TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON Respectfully submitted, cc : LEGOLAND ( 4} , BERNARD BROTHERS, H. 0 .. K. , CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED' AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED. EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMIS~ION BY PR9FESSIONAL SER.VICE INDUSTRIES. INC. PSI A·200"4 (4)F Professional Service Industries, Inc. iYawf'~,fr' DAVID J. '.AN, RCE DISTRIC AGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 Page-1..of_1 INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT LQ;"c..o LAyy S:> . DATE t..J-l <2>-~'€> Architect ·H iQ l4-, Engineer vVI A-t2-::s::, n 2 ci b u vv zJ Contractor ];cDbll, , :r?t:G---~ :s, INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING _OSHPD __ . Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement >-Specialty · __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block _¾_concrete _. _ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing _._ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant _._Other __ Bolt Pull-Out ___ Other REMARKS 1 b--1.->f" IR r:t Qn--,1 g_ ITT lY<:,-a" C: ' d,) C 1.2 A e> j> <-•eHY~ ,::o QTY -- ------ '' -- --· ------ -- -- -- -- -- PROJECT (Name) L@:1.oq .Lf"hwx'.> (Address) C!.d-L.1...c;,?;.I':} p CA REPORT-NO. 9$"1 ·) £&.o·:z Building Permit No. _.::tf:'-'--'-___..1_~=-~-=z.=o__._~ .... , ----,--------,-------- Plan File NO,-----------'------,--'------- Govt. Contract NO.·----,--,------------ OSA or OSHPD #~. ----------------- Other <:A,ll-G >+ I u.,. ?:. fl$./.£ n>kP_, MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST 2-Rinf.: Rebar .A(:.1-$ -(.., £cf& O ~ Plan &, Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. . k Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions __ Cone.: Mix.#/psi ~Sizes -. _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _2::Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation .-:-Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ . H.S. Bolts '' __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes ___ Fireproofing __ Other .-Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed " ? l, ,4 ( clXl::1 •-h'-:::t: .,- d:T \ ,..., 11? £:: 'ct 4 < l -0 t2-7). I Cw (., f::Q CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the rE!p6rted work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes: This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME CERT. NO. '7$1:b act "i!;, l -Bf', INSPECTOR SIGNATURE pAtE_,,..,._...,.,_,.,,.,.,~.,:,..1_-~1wg~~---t1,_...,:s'------------ "'Si-B-900-170(2) l -, Environmental f Geotechn~cal · Page_1_of_ a Construction Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT L(&.o l.Arv,') Architect_..._l/,__0 ..... 1. .... <:' ________ ,---__ ---'-__ Engineer ('YJ.4-t2,, rzµ ef L:>kt"--"lY Contractor. 73 6Y2..£Ytt?D $ :-.,. INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Cqncrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement -·-- ~ Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry·Block --~ Concrete _. _.Firepro9fing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --· __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving _._ Reinf. Steei __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing _ .. _ H.S. Bolts --__ Non-Destructive -. _Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant _._Other -·--. __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS W/1:lcL. $ PROJECT (Name) L..¢r6tJ ~ (Address) ~-fBdD U REPORT NO. as:~-::zv:z_.c:rz,, Building Permit No. '"'7#:..._..._2s ..... ---'t=o'-''3"'----------- Plan File No.--------=------------------- Govt. Contract No.---.....;._ _________ _ OSAorOSHPD#---------'----------- OthP-rC#sri.c: t/FU . (h1sl@L: i!dfi.t:r" aw. . MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION. CHECKLIST -Y-Rinf.: Rebar d.'2.I~ -&tL ~ o ~ Plan & Specs __ RinL W.W.F, . '><-Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons >--Positions . __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~ Sizes ·--. Cone._: Mix #/psi · >-Laps .. __ Cone.: Mix #/psi . -. _. Future Continuity #/psi -·-Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation . .. -.-Mortar: Type/psi . -·. Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied --. Steel __ H:S. Bolts __ Metal Decking .---Electrodes __ Fireproofing. __ Other Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed _B,u,.tJav b . a v,-t>z-&-:<.c &:s CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted. substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAMF ~'Y--"P ? C;IT"tfl'.l--»:>:& ~.,,a_ ~ INSPECTORSIGNATUREU.? ':?-~ PSl·B-900-170(2) DATE i.../-5 -t:j ,g . ,' , , a~:· Page_1_6f_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Lcz.,a LA &d> DATE '-t-9-9ti Architect 1./o I<: Engineer l>1A-12,n6d #' Y-f,yµ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING -OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders . _OSA __ Cement ..!::£.._specialty ·---Mortar Samples __ Mechanical -__ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ Masonry-Prisms . -· __ Roofing ___ Masonry Bloc!< '>< Concrete ___ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive ____ tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician . __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS S:71~ t+)d-S Q,LAD (-C I > 1.(-10-9B oTY -- ---- -- -- -- --- -- -- --- --- --·---- -- -- -- PROJECT (Name} k6'(. .. a Lt-c--il> (Address} C'A-t4 s e,-a,p &l, REPORT NO. 059· 7cR2.Q2 Building Permit No.;q'.-._..__,...'7...,f'"""'--=Zc:>~:S----------,- Plan File No,--,----------'---,------- Govt. Contract No.--------------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- .Other _&m;s:: ffe>:C ~:SZW:s--64$£ 8Li>. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ Rinf.: Rebar :.B.'2i"S -~a., be) ~ Plan & Specs -___ Rinf.: W.W.F. -~ Cle~rances __ Rinf.: Tendons ->-Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi .).. Laps _. _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi -. Mortar Batching __ Units:-Block . _ Electrode Storage -.-Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts ___ Metal Decking _-_ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective acti9n required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the rer,orted .work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the !;uilding codes, This report covers-the locations of the worl< inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project coritrol. - (Print Clearly) INSPECTORNAME~ -P,~ INSPECTORSIGNATUR=1~= = PSI-B-900-170(2) CERT. NO. ,at3g-,q9 0 f -es DATE 3/~ 1-2 !'; l ·1 .Environmental • Geotechnical • c-· t ,· .. ons rue ,on Page_1_of. 1.- Consulting • Engineering • Testing ·INSPECTION· REPORT CLIENT Lt&a l-A,v-p DATE ~-10-9,e, Architect_ ..... /./ __ o~~""'~---~---'----_.;.--..._ Engineer l21Ate-r11U 4[ j;;y,v.v Contractor. ~bs t3i?Pnt:c-DLJ INSPECTION MA T'L SAMPLING QTY __ QSHPD YConcrete Cylinders _;L _OSA __ Cement -- X Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block --· )of' Concrete -. _ Fireproofing -.-·- __ Masonry ___ Units (block or brick) --__ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -·- __ Prestress Cone ._._.Roofing -- __ Pile Driving _. _._ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing _. _Steel --__ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --·- __ Non-Destructive _. _Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Soils Technician ._._Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --- .. REMARKS A:t: COLu,n,tJ G?ot:7N'25 PROJECT (Name) Lqt.,o I A,v'D (Address) ~ :s ~ C. . REPORT NO. PS•r-202 u:z. Building Permit NO. ::o:-#L--Z ......... .-S'---....,Zo=...,f!i.___ _______ _ Plan File No, __________________ _ Govt. Contract No.-----,---------------- OSA or OSHPD #-------------. , ... CJD~~ '6.r?~ )3.:.Z> I@ to :zz::s MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST v' Rinf.: Rebar 4bl':. -lha-~o ~ Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. >---Clearances .. I __ . Rinf.: Tendons ---2: Positions ~ Cone.: Mix #/psi i 3&<,,-11cc:•v _!::_Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi Ylaps. __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi '>" Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi -. Mortar Batching I I __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _. _ Units: Brick -. Torque Applied ____ Steel __ H.S. Bolts .. __ Metal Decking . __ Electrodes I __ Fireproofing I __ Other .-Corrective action required __ / __ Corrections-completed ! s tlt£&rS-S '20 (,'.) ·, ) - 7 , . C -0 NC fl.-Ci'":CU:: A-:C:: t3:tY' D . 42/4 LL'> -CA,t:-cc- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our·knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise.noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the builcjing codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME 72li'UlX--Y~...:) · (Prfnt~ INSPECTOR SIGNATURF~,? ~ PSl·B-900-170(2) CERT. NO. e:>i;,e C>l St-$ S r.ut;;J IK:!i!/!U Professional Service Industries, Inc. American E;ngineerihg Division INSPECTION REPORT _ Page..k.of "2.... Project Name (per plans) _,4fl.:2=--=V:;;__L:.:;,,_E4~&P<-=...z::;... __ ..._c_..-.Jc'-"""A5 ........ 7j ... z_<t!Ci..a--_--H........,c'--'c...=L-_--'--'--d-Cl ... t4:..i...aS. .... raVZ---'-"' "'--<--'=--BdS-=-----.... ~.....___,,_~,,.0""0-'__,'-+)-....:.. Inspection Date Inspector's Name-~---'--if--=:=J==,=e,~.......,i:::----;::;::::----,------,---'------ PSI B-900-171 -3000 ,~ .. Page~of~ INSPECTION REPORT DATE 1,./ ... 1'-I -? S Architect_.a..,J./...,.Q~~---------'--------'--- Engineer m A::!2--T/ ,v f[. J:? u .v 0 INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY __ QSHPD _. _ Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement -- _z_specialty _._ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical __ . Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -- _._Roofing -. _ Masonry Block -- .25:_concrete --. Fireproofing -- __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ struct Steel __ .Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --· __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing --. H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ OthertJa? -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS (,-I IV 15:. -b ::n:, l PROJECT (Name) t.t-TGQ LA11-2b (Address) CAtu<aoA() C4, REPORT NO. <2S q -7a ·2, D :? Building Permit No. """#'""-'f:....d..e.----=2.,..,o~<e,=-· _______ _ Plan File No. _______________ _ Govt. Contract No.-------------- , O$A or OSHPD #-------------- Other 4#sn,.;.;c 1-1,, -'-· MS<£ a L:?>. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST >-"'Rinf.: Rebar ~C:,\j, e...a...1.::.0 ~ Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. 2s_ Clearances ___ Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Sizes _._ Cone.: Mix #/psl .2::, Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _. Future Continuity #/psi __ . Grout: Mix #/psi .. ·-Consolidation _. _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _._steel __ H.S. Bolts _. _ Metal Decking . __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing >< Other ~~ Y . #-Lj. _ Corrective.action required __ H1L:t] l:!'r ''5'0· _ Corrections completed Hlu 4-::r-kzN{:$"' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowl~dge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved·plans, specifications and applicable sections ofthe building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAM~e:?2-e:JL \'.> Y8IZo/!'.2-6:??,;::) CERT. NO. oref':;PC:t l<p\ -'05 }\~e~~- INSPECTOR SIGNATUR~ ~ L ~---=-- Ps1-s-soo-110(2J Inspection Date C ~-· I,~ -::;- / Professional Service Industries, Inc. American Engineering Division INSPECTION REPORT Inspector's Name----f'----'._"-+-+-~i---\;;;::;,,.,__.., ___ ~ ____ _ PSI 8-900-171 Page ~:of 'Z l •1 Environmental I Geotechn{cal Page_1_of_ .. Construction Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION RE:PORT PROJECT(Name).__,L--=-b~~~?c~d'--~1~--cl"'-"":t'=:~·D_,__ __ DATE ..., REPORT NO. -1!.2"2"£~ 2Q,a2 _?1JZ,_µ Architect l+-c~ tL Building Permit No. % 9$ -? o t3 Plan Fil~ No . Engineer (IV\ ~~T7 t-..:) . A.. ~t l i\-l Ll Govt. Contract No. OSA or OSHPD # Contractor. :Bi::::,:"iLN:":\ IL~~ . t3 lb-,Tl±:!,.'.2:!., ·:2 Other f #1.·~ Hit. '-Bi1155:. i=:sL..:i::;2 INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _QSHPD ~ Concrete Cylinders ~ ~ Rinf.: Rebar1:K212 ---~ ,1...t,.J ::<" Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ::...--Clearances ~Specialty __ Mortar Samples -·-·-___ Rinf.: Tendons ):.--Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -->< Gone.: Mix #/psi 1'3,f.b>~oc,0 ~ Sizes __ Electrical -·-.. Masonry Prisms --___ Cone.: Mix #/psi >-Laps __ Roofing _. _._ Masonry Block. --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _:s:::..concrete -.. _ Fireproofing --·-__ Grout: Mix #/psi ~ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units {block or brick) --_._ Mortar: Type/psi -. Mortar Batching __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Units: Block-_ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel _._Steel __ Fireproofing _. _Steel --__ H.S. Bolts __ Waterproofing --H.S. Bolts -·-__ . Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon {PT Strands) _. _. Electrodes __ Soils Technician ·_._Other --__ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant . __ . Other --___ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other ___ Corrections completed REMARKS SJ?:c.zt ;A<-i N5.t? b"T-L-TI p,--.) }> &--QV I D (~ 9::o{L :t:l+:s..~2 PL&<:, (""'0'.}:'.1 ~'/ ~ yY;;;.-----, ~ro::i2 c. ,~ C E:lc.X .~ s;,..;.r ,. 1~-~-J:: ::r 1* '::r-~_c¥;.TLt~ 1·1 l I._(._ ~ tt,~~ r!:.~-b· - l! 2t4 c < s &ti ,t;>. L-11V~ -0 "f::::O ( -,-1--n;:, C..,S 4rvh <E::o {? 7::1 " ' C? >~ L-IN (:f°" ., -I ,S :r::o"-..., A ,$ "';-O G, 5 . C12,:V:i72---t4c rtt:2,L-:?, d:C er·o C:DY< 11-1:D""-i-1 CYI \ )Cl .t! 1'°$:?k, - 3 oo<=> ?r-,1 3J; 11 l'3 . §'4?'-'< , fVl$L-$ ON ScoA..I",.) yYl\)c, DB5!-~~LC-d) ' J VY\A"' ru , t:O R r-;.,/). J t:\.vb -nx:s,n:,"t:::> C-,01'-, I ( fl...kfS'JS--t)c" (L, I\ ·~ f:> < A < 1-'Y!:1 c:S>V l • 0(1,,tS :s,:er: ,, s:- n.pu(L C:.,o N c 0,--:w::cr-r ~· 0 ~ CJ,!),, fL.t-.'.:SS. l v,-< S '\::Y2--H:,v < -P¾T -Il:?:S,'T:-s ?> b-'.t j .-yt (:{'N( . ' (A;) l-?"tLi~r C'.-rt::-,, 'I oi.~a I ~.H::::, ~ l.,...A-i:, !~ '=-~' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all' of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved.plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin· ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME V(~1 ~'-~ 7> ("",-, -V .. _., .. \ CERT. NO. Q~7',0 j £i\ ' 9B INSPECTOR SIGNATURE ,::> (A1:> -;?,·A DATE '-/-l&-1~ ' '-PSl·B-900-170(2) Page_1_of + INSPl:CTION REPORT CLIENT L1$.sa LeJ ND DATE 4-IS -czS Architect_~l:/:-o~I"= _____________ _ Engineer MA t2-;-, iu ~ l>u N -t-,J Contractor "s'Si-:r::!?--:N::::A:<?-.J-:::. S INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders --· __ OSA __ Cement -- ~Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical __ Grout ·Samples -·-- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing ___ Masonry Block -- ~Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ ·Units (block or-brick) -- __ struct Steel __ Asph?lt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ ,Other --·- __ Batch Plant __ ·Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --· REMARKS KJ•c t, t& <-c..s I, 5 ro 2-LJ ,·S 'TT;:> (!.. I s. ? 4-o P l-D:'.L 0 V lb"l1---d--LC.. 4 :$\IQ :::s:::':s'.r, c. fl LS • (..!,;? Q (2,dL. PROJECT (Name) L,6-7:.,.q l t9 N µ (Address) ~'$B!4 C.rl • REPORT NO. OS':'!-:::, 02 o 1 Building Permit-No. -'.""";f/...___._9_.&~2 ... ,""'"~.e:.i .... , ________ _ Plan File No,---,..--------------- Govt. Contract No.-'------'----------- OSA or OSHPD #-------------- · Other 64,;,..-u;-1-1 t t...L 011~::,l'ji' ::C,t-p. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST X. Rilif.: Rebar ~!al CS -(!ag,,~a .2c Plan & Specs -.-Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions __ . Cone;: Mix #/psi _::_sizes _. _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching ___ Units, Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ . H.S. Bolts · _._ Metal Decking - __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ -Other. Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed A, /L--A--TI:!r~ . t':> tt TT5' •. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report <;:overs the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME ~7 B"JL.. '"? 1\~?:0¢ CERT. NO. 0$5<2'1 'o 1-R,'e'., (Print Clearly} INSPECTOR SIGNATURE :y__}\'j? y .A ' ~ DATE l-/-I~-'1 '6 PSI-B-900-170(2) Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENTU~Ao& ~Cif' DATE 1/-..2 -:f., 18 Architect ___________ -_____ _ Engineer __________________ ....,... Contractor. ____________ "'""-'------ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD L Concrete Cylinders _/_6_ _OSA _Cement -- _Specialty _ Mortar Samples -- _ Mechanical _ ~rout.Samples _Electrical _ Masonry Prisms · -- _Roofing _ Masonry Block -- ..k..concrete __ Fireproofing -- _Masonry _ Units (block or brick) -- _Struct Steel _ Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone _Roofing -- _Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -·- _ Fireproofing _._Steel -- _waterproofing __ . H.S. Bolts -- _ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) -- _soils Technician ,_Other -- _ Batch Plant _ Other -- _ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other .. -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name)C:d:.s:_ot..,c1.Ntt c?c"'."t!-fY4z... (Address~6_,., ~ G,. .,, REPORTNO.OSZ--~2-c/'2.--50f Building Permit No.--'---------------''-- Plan File No·------------~------ Govt. Contract No.----......,...---------- OSA or OSHPD #----------'--------- Other _______ -'------'---'---------- .. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _. Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons .a?'f;,o __ .-Positions _ Cong.: Mix #/psiin6/~. ._·Sizes _·cone.: Mix #/psi _._.Laps. _ Conc.:Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _. _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching __ _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage -. Units: Brick _ torque Applied _Steel _t,1.S.Bolts ._ Metal Decking _ Electrodes ·_ Fireproofing _Other .. _.. C9rrective action required __ _ Corrections completed /'??c}A/ ~ t?~ r/ u:INC~ 1i" ~ CC""?:5 ~ Ar CA .f\7c6~ /-,,f u /3,,,.a,r,t! ff C?i.-~ e~ ,:>-,b(lq '.56 "h te-76,_1/??ttp, ///A~ C(J.lf,'{, £<f'°lrd r ~~ C,J, ?~t'½-C, /-le-,!_ .S-~ Gv(;,_,« CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best cifourknowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building· codes. This report covers the ·1ocations.of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME:L;t:'~ K ~ (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATURE£~~~ ·;,&- PSl·B-900-170(2) CERT. NO. ________________ _ Page_1_of __ _ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT M/e/v"'1~~ /~d.r DATE Y-2°-9 cP. Architect __________________ _ Engineer __________ ---"-,-------,.....,.-__,;_ Contractor. _______ ~-----~--,---~--- PROJECT (Name)~,cio G<r~ ~~ /4-e. (Address) C-4'~ ~er. C'4 REPORT NO. c>s-17'-70.2.02--So8 Building Permit No. 9~·.2 O 6' · · Plan File NO,---------------- Govt. Contract. No.--------------- OSA or OSHPD #-----,,-----'--------- Other-~---'---------------- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING atv. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD ;b Concrete Cylinders -k-_ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement _ Rinf.: W.W.F, _ Clearances .. __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples ---, Ririf.: Tendons , ~~ . _Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples .Z Cone.: Mix #/psi /~~ ,r°'1c) _Sizes __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi· _Laps __ Roofing __ . Masonry Block -·-_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi .lz... Concrete · -.-Fireproofing _· _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Corisolidation . __ Masonry _._Units (block or brick) --· _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Struct Steel ___ Asphalt Concrete _. Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing -·--_ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ .Reinf. Steel --_Steel. __ Fireproofing . __ Steel --_H.S.Bolts __ Waterproofing --· _ H.S. Bolts --_ Metal Decking . __ Non-Destructive ·--. Tendon (PT Strands) -·-· ___ Electrodes __ Soils Technician ___ Other -·--_. Fireproofing __ Batch Plant ___ Other --· _Other _ Corrective action required_ .. __ __ Bolt Pull-Out · __ Other --· __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the,reported worl<, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locatiomi ofthe work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. CERT. NO·-----'------------- DATE-,-~_--..!i!O=--; --~5)-==~=------------- PSI-B-900-170(2) I ' • Page_1_. of _k. INSPECTION REPORT DAT-E __ ~_/-_-z.._o_-~7-m-~--------- Architect J-lo IL Engineer fYJ&z.-n '° ti o u u ,v INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING _QSHPD ~Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement ::::..-Specialty -.-Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ · Masonry Prisms __ Roofing _. _ Ma·sonry Block ~Concrete _. _._ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units,(block or brick) __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone _._Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S . .Bolts __ Non-Destructive -. _Tendon.(PT Strands) __ Soils Technician . __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS &Z: ;-; ff ?·r:zrrs .,.. :S z. on ?.4-D Dr'--5 Gi?NW'AC z::t?a.. QTY -=L. -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- -- -·-- -- PROJECT (Name) '-lf7.2cJ ( A:N 1> (Address) CM ,y__.c, B&:D CA. REPORTNO. os•-r702.o-i. -5/'i) Building Permit No. --::1efF:::,___<J:+--1-<A'-~=2-:;..:o:::....=!;,,._ ___ -'--__ _ Plan File N0._· _________________ _ Govt Contract No.-,----~--~-------- OSA or OSHPD #-~-------------- Other f'Asnt£ t11c.e,,.. 23'.nsG" MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ->< Rinf.: Rebar ~c.,1·5 -C,,a-C., o ~ Plan & Specs _. _ Rinf.:W.W.F. ~ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons . ,.,_ Positions Y Cone.: Mix #/psi ,"?,eC? -3000 ~Sizes -. -. Cone.: Mix #/psi ..2:_ Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi .=s::.. Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _. Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking _._ Electrodes . ___ Fireproofing 2S:. Other J;l'.'.i22{"\ ' ~ L:::i _ Corrective action required __ \~,L-II tl::i'. l -S 0 _ Corrections completed BA s,, S,,,;.97-rr-;s-S2.oo .d S~-a.1-J CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially·complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opins ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAM~ ±> }\o::ID:i::&--o u (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATURF ~ A= X J2 h, PSl-8-900-170(2) . . Professional Service .Industries, Inc. American Engineering Division INSPECTION REPORT Page -:z. of_.:z Project Name (per plans)-=L-&::t......,.. -2 .... 0.__.,.-'. C~t4~iY~·-i":>~~-C~fl-JA~s .... o~· .......,,;::;:~. ~H~"-' ~~n~tt= ...... ·-s ..... cr~~B'-"-"r~t ~' 4-D~'~&"'""""b~_4_~9_8~·-=2"""Dc...,..,8 .... ).,,,__ Inspection Date t.. -zo-<;8 ,,,., l-1 (U - -'Z. -c.... -C. ,7 4,S C, <O Inspector's Name-~~'.._,..L.!~--4:_ __ 4;.---d~~=~::::'.:::S~--- Ps1 8-900-171 Page_Lof_ INSPECTION RE;PORT DATE 4-23-2:s Architect-------~--------..c--,------ Engineer 0281?--VtY d _u, ,,.__,tu INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders --·- _OSA __ Cement --· ..Z!LSpecialty __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples ----- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block --25:..Concrete _ __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) ---- __ Soils Technician _._Other --__ Batch Plant __ Other --__ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other ---- REMARKS PROJECT (Name) Lffbo Ld&k? (Address) C:-e H~ ?$ccP C!.A . REPORT NO.: o s •1 • 7 oV?'L .,,,,. , 9:5J3 Building Permit No. __ . .:#-'-'---. __,9"""6"--·2.=o~s""---------- Plan File NO,--.....,....----------------- Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSAor OSHPD #-'------------~ Other Cr1sn ff . HILL l:>eo:.G . 'i;S u, l..-7::>,,v G MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ Rinf.: Rebar At:15 -~ g,, ~r:2 X Plan & Specs ___ Rinf.:W.W.F. ~ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons · ~ Positions ·2!:.. Cone.: Mix #/psi !3£:.l.-· 3 0!.,20 ><-Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity·#/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi ___ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block . __ Electrode Storage _ .. _ Units: Brick _ Torque.Applied ___ Steel ___ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking. _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing _ ___ Other: ___ Corrective action required ____ ___ Corrections completed 15u,c...D1/\./b o;<..) Cbt?-dq A c:J" -4, &1 D <--, "-' c-r:s.-ft: r::o 1-;> ... to ro 8 1 d e: t:P A. -I n? B s tz-n-n... . -l.U# $· $ I '?cf, ., cse s f?kl c. (8 ;>cA&:::S 5 H-t-f7.iT5 -S '2..0 0 d 5 I_/ 0 -I ? t c1:< c-::i> CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations or the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME 3:)Wd,Z'lL :P °?<=>:n-m:--s::>,.;J CERT. NO. oBSO<t e 1-S-8 (Pjama.."1 ;)~ INSPECTORSIGNATURE :7)--= -1?-J~ PSI-B-900-170(2) ~ -, Environmental DSI Geotechn~cal •-. Construction Consulting • ·Engineering • Testing CLIENT L G::::bo < d?Yi> DATE '-I· -z..~-5 $ Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name) I g7~0 k:9--..vu (Address) ~LL,S ort:f> LA r REPORT NO. ose-1-:Zo1.,D z --SJ</}/ Architect 1-1 o IL Building Permit No.-~'""'"-_S..._._:6._· .... ?,_o'--"-r?, _________ _ Engineer __ m_,4 ___ 12.__,v'--'---,u-----'~J_-=D_{.,(-'---/V---'-P _____ _ Plan File No. __ ----'----'------------ Govt. Contract No.---------------- OSA or OSHPD #---~--------- Contractor P0f'U\./..t4il--r-:> ~ Other_ C..:¢4<;,tt c;--l::::l l c.~ . n e:1 s ,..- .. INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY-MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD __ -Concrete Cylinders ----.k Rinf.: Rebar S.~r/J~t5 ('d.'-1[ >< Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement --__ Rinf.: W,W.F. .,.,\,;;:,. Clearances >:: Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ Rinf.: Tendons ~Positions ' I __ Mechanical ___ Grout Samples --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi dSizes I __ Electrical ___ Masonry-Prisms --____ Cone.: Mix #/psi-?Laps I __ Roofing ___ Masonry Block ----____ -Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi I ...2{ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Grout Mix·#/psi - _ Consolidation I __ Masonry ___ Units (block or brick) __ Mortar: Type/psi I --_ Mortar Batching I ' __ Struct Steel ___ Asphalt Concrete __ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone ___ RoofinQ __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel ·--, __ Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel --___ H.S. Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts ----__ Metal Decking ; __ Non-Destructive _-_Tendon (PT Strands) __ Electrodes i __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant _._Other ---____ Other _ Corrective action required ___ , __ Bolt Pull-Out -__ Other _ Corrections-completed ' -- REMARKS 5i?r-rr t61'-I !'.YS i? C;>;"'L. IT o <">< ?.12-0 VI ',:::,h':)I';;> -Fo~ TrH.f" 2 4-'1:c:. LJ>"fn (-D'.\,,-r <)C.?- tz ~ 6,:,C'-r> lit. C £ A,., ( -~ f;., 7:::sr-:·n:. 61:.7 'L H--r.::-(:A ?. rrL r.::: _tf(,_{.,,_C... 13d:.S!£ CC:l.{.L~/r,..., 6 -. 5c t98 QIU (f:,f?-40/:;' --c:;,a: .. :' i:> ( t tYfa> -,4 :z::p]) -I 0 :r:n ~? a £: to 14 -I TC s ' ~ID ~ C--o~ s:~' ~'-,) !.2 "S--rp;i..,:::i w el :::. C. \-~ (;:!.~ ( :::-~ (r--{")Q__ ? :&:!.=::! ~ ~ -iVL ~'\A-(<. ' ,-s. '\ °LI..? I C'.q <LAO½ I l 4:P <,Qt \ C c-{$, ) C... L S:·C)4:(2&4 "-' ( < -§ &r:'--:::5:) 0 V:<::D'.t v<J--:(<,, ' ) ?'-Li C c..--vv, c-::YY :t: &c < ,.., a \'?::), IA i-C:2 D-::2 t}-h::::--\> VLs:'),:2!,;;,""t,___r P1. A::-:1') s <; \:t::f.;il IT" .. s 2--0 0 ::Ft-:::S @ 'e " -OC-h"'l,v ~ s 110_ -\ ?'L.A-;:Le;,vvt (:)Y°',,.,\ ~~Q"J -~ ~::r: I c..o v'\A £ !. ~-=:o:; • _\"(_;;)_ ~£ C..0-~ !..,(--CT] ~~ '-\ -"2... 2:, ~ '7 'n P..,vv-,... t CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the'1,est of our knowledge, all ofthe reported work, unless ~theiwise noied, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections 6f the building codes. This report covers the locations of the-work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAMEv~,--n.L =? V\d-n--Nl.,_~N CERT. NO. O£:i'?105 £:i\-<'<:i~ (Print Clearly) ~ INSPECTOR SIGNATUR~Jy 3) DATE ~~. • 1. 'L :s '1i , ' PSI-B-900-170(2) 0 ' li -, Environinental ... ~• · Geotechnicai IAl.:i'l/1• C .. •-. onstruct,on Page_1_of_ Consulting • Engineering'• Testing INSPECTION REPORT DATE Y<t-J-9g Architect _ ___._)J_._,,a-"'------'------'-'-----''---'---'---- Engineer MA a..,-1 ,u t1 "Du iuN- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD . __ Concrete Cylinders -·-- _OSA ___ Cement -·- .2s::.Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --'S:.."?'" __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing ___ Masonry Block --__ Concrete ___ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing ___ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Ten<;lon (PT Strands) --·- __ Soils Technician __ Other --__ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out _._Other , __ , REMARKS PROJECT (Name) L<:,7t;,o Ld Nb (Address)_ C:b4 a-v..i!-Al> CAA, REPORT NO. c,se,· 10:i.o'- Building Permit No. _C,,...;8:.-· ...,,1-=o:;..5..._ _______ '--_ Plan File No., ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.--------------- OSA or OSHPD #--------------- Oth~r CA-sn.a: 1-1,Lc... li>d"4G'. ~us.'--J::>•N <,;, MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf.: Rebar _ Pian & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. __ Clearances __ , Rinf.: Tendons __ Positions ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Laps _____ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage -:-. Units: Brick __ Torque Applied _Steel __ H.S, Bolts _ Metal Decking . _ Electrodes ___ Fireproofing >-'. Other~,~~&! • _ Corrective action reqi1ired __ x~. _ Corrections completed L 12.. M uJ?..?,Ai2--t> uS:' _Or os.=- kOOSC?i Vl $LI 1:9:L NO o'.E,vlou,$ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the-building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. CERT. NO. ________________ _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE__,....,_ ___ ...._ _ _,___~---DATE .._, -,1-9 'l? Ps1-s-soo-110(2) Page_1_of _(_ INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name) leGD LJ CLIENT_,._/_e ____ e--, _____ {) ______ _ DATE_s::_-2, ____ -__ 7 __ £ __ __ INSPECTION 'MA T'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders ---- _OSA __ Cement -- __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Mason_ry Prisms __ Roofing ___ Masonry Block --. __ Concrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ _ __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Struct Steel ___ Asphalt .Concrete __ Prestress Cone . __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing __ Steei -- __ Waterproofing _._._H.S. Bolts -- __ . Non-Destructive --. Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -·-- __ Batch Plant ___ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other (Address) fr ~/sii~ LL REPORT N0; __ ~-2:~9 ........ z ______ o.....,_z_.-_5_3-+2- Building Permit No. ----1--1-.__ _________ _ Plan File No, __________________ _ Govt. Contract No.-----.,..------'--------- OSA or~-• • Other _ -~ Y,// MATERIAL D.ESCRIPTION ~PECTION CHECKLIST -_L_ Rinf.: Rebar /Mvnr //fi?l,C" _ Plan·& Specs __ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons · . ~ ~sitions ~ Cone.: Mix #/psi&d/ Sizes __ _ Cone;.: Mix_ #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi . _ Consolidation __ Mortar:. Type/psi -. Mortar Batching -. Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _. Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel __ __ H.S: Bolts __ Metal Decking _ Electrodes- ·_· Fireproqfing . ·.....,,L Other bHJt"~ &J7< Corrective action required __ 1~--Jf'~ci7 _ Corrections completed I _,I _,,. ' , ·- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, ! specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This repqrt covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. I CERT.NO. ~-=f~j'7<i7 DATE_,.....:,y~--=t==---~......._ ______ _ ., .. ,- PSl·B-900-170(2) , · 7 Environmental • Getitechnical .. . . •-• Construction Page_1_of_ Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT L®D Lt1:wt'> DATE 5-1-'1.S Architect_=......_ ______________ ____, __ _ Contractor. 5-m:w,..;-14-/U;>.s e&o'TI::1 w'.X::-S INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -·- _QSA __ Cement --·-· Jl!s..._Specialty ___ Mortar Samples --· __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Pri~ms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -·-~ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- __ struct Steel -___ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -·-- __ Pile Driving __ . Reinf. Steel _· _ Fireproofing __ Steel __ waterproofing ____ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) , __ __ $oils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant ___ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS »ug._,,,,? _WAS PROJECT(Name) L-~o Y"lt:-:'i> (Address) C-+14--s,..S?> A'.) C.A, -~EPORT NO, D~9 -:-, o:z_,,o3, -538 Building Permit No. -s.9_,S........,-1,....,u,._"'S...,_ _________ _ Plan File No, __ -______________ _ Govt. Contract No.--------------- OSA or OSHPD #--'--------'----------- Other ~"'i.T"Le" HH,..t.. <l,o,!\:;.n-o,, :BAs,.cr °BLJ>. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _._ Rinf.: Rebar X' Plan & Specs _._ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions ____ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ·_Laps __ Cone:: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity .#/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ _ Consolidation -·-: Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage ___ Units: Brick. _ Torque Applied _Steel _H.S.Bolts _._ Metal Decking _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing x Other ~Q., '-"-, t,.H,. ' -2£..·Corrective action required __ . ~Ct6:~ :tsa,,TS _ Corrections completed H:,I V A&-l cue; . L QC...!'in OCW'? AT T);-1.r IYOT l t:? :co E:e, '--9<&-2 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: Tp the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME "D (;'"'~'U.?)c_ :? Y<!tTJ;.')•L';,0-,., ) (Print Clearly) . k, INSPECTOR SIGNATUREY~ ? XJ)>.-, . PSI-B-900-170{2) CERT. NO. oee,o:i e,1-f35 /ps.•1 Professional Service· lndu$tries~ Inc. American Engine~ring Division Page..Z:..of -z.. INSPECTION -REPORT Project Name (per plans) _l,.(ftp_..!,2,!0~5...L~A,y~_:...il:>----1-(~c-R-=----::a.J:.uL ... -.i::IS"'t._-tH:LUll..s.L-_JwlU=.,:IV,e:___~,!;,,\ ;l.J'""'-<'--1.\").2..)-+---"-------'------- Inspection Date .. i.:z .. cc Inspector's Name-~~.....J.L~---:::'=""'~~~====~s:::::----- Ps1s-so0-111 l' -, Environmental f Geotechn~cai Page_1_of_ 9 Construction Consulting ~ Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Ltctoo LA ivS'> DATE '5-l -Sfl .. ,~ .. -- PROJECT (Name) L~---coo t..:19&:t> (Address) C-l4 4:i> B fl P ~A , Architect ________ ~----'-----'---- REPORT NO. o§S-:Zo:J.-03,. .-5"t½s J3 Building Permit No. _9.,_· ... s'--...,2-_o=-'-g._. -~-------- Plan File No,--------'----------------- Govt. Contract No ...... -------------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- Engineer MA ,g..3::1 f-) e: r,c.., ,,,,µ Other 4,c\ST< er: HI LL. ,(;µ;...,n,'"YL. e--Ast:-:a-c...t> - INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTiON INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders --...?S:... Rinf.:·Rebar A-fu!Si -C-2 jj?. ~o X" Plan & Specs _OSA __ . Cement --__ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances ?< Specialty __ . Mortar Samples ---·.-Ri_nf.: Tendons -A-Positions __ Mechanical . __ Grout Samples _ Cone.: Mix #/psi --2!:.. Sizes __ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms __ Cone.: -Mix #/psi ~Laps __ Roofing _-"_Masonry Block --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __25...Concrete __ Fireproofing ----. Grout: Mix #/psi . _ Consolidation __ Masonry ._. _ Units (block or brick) _. _. _ Mortar: Type/psi -. Mortar Batching __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Units: Block _· Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --. __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving ___ Reinf. Steel __ Steel __ Fireproofing ___ Steel --_._. H.$. Elolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S.Bolts --__ .Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) ---. _ Electrodes __ Soils Technician __ Other --·-__ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant _. ___ Other -·-__ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other. _ Corrections completed REMARKS s~~~ · I ~~:i?~D Qb,2 P~ni...l1~,~ ~ :o:i:6"' y~~-{;,'l'.!::J ti~, ~$:: ~~~f-D~}~ ~Q ;j;<' ' SJ:15'"!:f'-Arv:i:> A-t\:>c,H:c,a Ba, :cs 1$:r :t:H <£ ct#:s:cur: HILL e,..o A _7SJ:15?t.-BAS<S' 'e,L,J:? C.B:!SSoN .:To?s t'i:dT (&16?\-6 A<,...;m OVt,".'"O . Eot'.b Au:;..HQ~ '.e,QL...TS -2,,<$,~ C,J)\l(p ...:::n,-.73J,.., -&Yb i?-g,t .a::<? lt-lcm-e: C,.'t;\-!5t--)C..(tj;) €-0'1:: Pe-oi'l'D'.2-'RY\:4-,'§,\"'U,=£,, a,Mf (1.,..~AlA 1 tqJy(?,c,zi:>M 6'>YT c~::p:s A J>Y':\I:eiS) .· 1 · A:t0i> ov~u.--{?LA '-E:5l14~ AC...LQO--b I N \o TI:> 'D:\l;-" p 4-0 ~<::n.::r:-?LBb-6 s µ. \:ll-U::S. s,oo J -&'52. \ -o,L--"' At,.J't> :$:r:R-U( 'I1..\ i44L d)\){41 kllalm-';a · r;\ eJ.:-t> 0~>9:TIQN NQ·ret;. ]?A-~ vL.l-2.:z.-s:- s '-l --}O -q '8 p u;,o'4:::\L P©'.l-:: . 'PY:h\, ria ~ t Q CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of6ur knowledge, all of the reported-work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans specifications and applicable sections of the building.codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute-engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME 1J'3"a..b"¼-,, y ?~~Q~ CERT. NO. ~f:i:'.1·~~ '""' ""'"'' b DATE-5·-1-"fig INSPECTOR SIGNATURE \:2<-,:0,,l .? ~ __,.. " PSI-B-900-170(2) .. ------·-- ! :professional Service Industries, Inc. American Engineering Division. INSPECTION REPORT Page.:...Lof ~ Project Name (per plans) __ _.,_'----~=,..."""<o"'"o=-1.,='-,.r,..,_, a...."'-'=----D.__-'-__ (!._>1..,_<-..:.,...T,.L..,lE'...__-"H"'-· .... t .... <-.,,.J-,~__,.,<.!.,.C"""·" .... ~-n....,· .... n ...... '-__ ·...,~'"",q""<:...,lf:..______,~=-"L"".)>.._ ____ _ Inspection Date -,.., c... Inspector's Name__1::,~~iY..........!L--..LS:LU:11:'.!,;~ll!,,,,.L._:;::t:!:::::=~~~-~~.;;;;;;;=- Ps1 8-900-171 . . ·. z•,.a•J Professional Service lndpstries, Inc • -~.a• American Engineering Divisio_n INSPECilON REPORT Pageiof ..!::L Project Name (per plans)-~-... L.,,_p .... _ (!.=o~-ka.r4:L.1CAJ ........ t>.1.--,-----','--=-""~S:.,._...b,...,uf\.,..1cc:t4L._,.,-'--'-'oZ.L:NK..:..---'-'NLCb>e.=ri.: ... 1:u.H:.L..-~tl'-s,...ou""'"'"',_,:t....,1-1"'--_..._r-... o'"'" ..... vlyP'""'L""P;:1.....,._ ___ _ Inspection- Date l... Inspector's Name-12a::a:ti5lt:.-\~~rn~~1J!...L-'--~~I.L.-.:\.-t'.'.::...._-\.c~...L;.:S::: PSI 8-900-171 f ,f ra~•1 .. ••••ru11UH::nU11 1K .... ---.•-. t:::~,t"c~~~:' . Page_1_of -I-. Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT cuENT __ L__.e,a;.-<d::) __ -"-""C..---- oATE _ _,,s..._-'---', o"'---'1'-+-2----__...._ Architect _ _._H--+,J'o __ · ..... ,c.=· '----:----,----------~ Engineer C1At£GN i: dleJ°,~. · Contractor. ·1se~ e,ed :SUJS INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders --_QSA _·cement --· _Specialty _ Mortar S~mples . - _Mechanical _Grout Samples -- _ Electrical · ___ Masonry Prisms --- _Roofing _ Masonry Block ·-- _Concrete . -.-Fireproofing _Masonry _. . Units (block or brick) -- LStruct Steel _Asphalt Concrete -·--_ Prestress Cone _Roofing ---- _ Pile Driving ___ Re.inf. Steel --_ Fireproofing . _Steel _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts _ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- _Soils Technician _Other _ Batch Plant _Other _ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- PROJECT(Name) Lew~d (Address) . c:b(sa&o C,.:, . REPORT N0, __ 7,.....;o=-=2-:;.;::;o;....,2.., ___ -----'-_='-5-'"?;'---V_ Building Permit No. ____ 5.......,.'l'----..... -2,_. -"'e:;"'"fB .... ·,__ ___ _ Plan File No, __ ----'-..__ _____________ _ Govt. Contract.No.---------------- OSA or 9?HPO # Other ~s!{e MATERIAL DESCRIPTION __ Rinf.: Rebar _. __ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Rinf., Tendons __ _ Cone;: Mix #/psi _ Cone.: Mix #/ps, _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi . _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Units: Block _ Units: Brick LSteel lfcST."' ~560]3 __ H.S. Bolts . _ Metal Decking . ..L E!e~trod~s.e:zo I?! k, -JI;;. _ Fireproofing - ~Other /t57:m lf'5.."2. . ~SPECTION CHECKLIST _ Plan & Specs _ Clearances _ Positions _Sizes _Laps _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar Batching _ Electrode Storage _ Torque Applied _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed .. ·$e, H: 161.<o ue .. ~ '-{SQ n u.L~;:, -p:e-e rnhn o:fucl;;4e ;Sp ec.,5_"' locft ~ ,, -:h..~cx.. SEc:aco:nS e spl ((t'· S· ~ \ J nt:. A TO F ( { Tc:B) CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unles$ otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTORNAMf J')~. (~ INSPECTOR SIGNATU~~•" ~:··. PSI-B-900-170(2) . DATE_,_.5':c....--'-·:..;:_/_O_ .. -_·-=--'J"E-=-------- , ,... ·1 Environmental ..,Sf Geotechn~cal . •-e Construction -Page_1_of.-1 Consulting • Engineering • Testing_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT_-=L,,,,_E-...<: ..... -,-0....._ ___ _ DAT._E_~s--~-"-----_.4,__g:-_____ _ Architect __ ~±::_! ...._(:_1___.b:-=· -----'-----.:·-_· .'--. __ Engineer_-1\:f\i----+:f\~~~-~\·~',;)-·--~--'-~m;----.... _~--'--""'IT0'--'-t'-'. 0=-,-__ -"---- Contractor. =aE"'€..ll\Pt:12cj :B,~ INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders _OSA _Cement _Specialty _ Mortar Samples _ Mechanical _Grout Samples,---- _Electrical _ Masonry Prisms _Roofing _ Masonry Block -- ""'concrete __ _ Fireproqfing _Masonry __ _ Units (block or brick) -- _struct Steel _ Asphalt Concrete . . _ Prestress Cone _Roofing ---· _Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel- _ Fireproofing _Steel -- _ Waterproofing _H,S.Bolts -- _ Non-Destructive _Tendon (PT Strands) --· _Soils Technician _Other _ Batch Plant _ Other -- _ Bolt Pull-Out · __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Nam~)-l,....c.""""G~C ..... /.;...,.~~d_=---- (Address) ___ ....;.... _____ _ c;.:lsBl\:o , C1 . Rl;PORT NO. __ __._7-=0'--2..-::;..z:O~k=---_-___...S4_&__,·c.,__/ Building Permit N9. -"-____ 9_· ... z_--2~0-=--~-----'- Plan File No·----'---'---'-----'--------- Govt. Contract No.---'------------ CSA 9r O~HPD, # · Other .. Casile Wz\\ - MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -~PECTION CHECKLIST _LRinf.: Reoar ~~ ~ts;"' an & Specs. _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons · . /Positions ?cone.: M'.x #/ps'. ) 3<il(1¢CC ::;,;;,Sizes ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi -_Laps ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi ·V Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching __ Units: Biock -_ Electrode Storage ·-Units: Brick _ Torque Applied ~Steel ~r,vi'.' II -·~ _H.$.Bolts _ Metal Deckin_g _ _ Electrodes -: Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed T ~ec~ jk ~/Me...e..d-_&.-d c~,J,,._t~ ~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This repqrt covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAMF~l't:ir,o.~ ~M INSPECTOR SIGNATU~~~ PSl-8-900-170(2) DATE ____ ....,5:,,__-_7__.__-_.:::;:.J-~--------- Page_1_of_ .INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT l-6""bO l&,:vD DATE 7-Z-Z--96 Architect Jl.o IL Engineer m41L-77/V INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders _OSA __ Cement __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples _ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing __ Masonry Block K-Concrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone _._Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other. __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS QTY -- -- -- ---- -- -- --· -- -- -- -- PROJECT (Name} L.ot!:,o u?x.,;D. (Address} Mµ..sct&i) Cd. REPORT NO. 0S9~7c:x20, Building Permit No. __,_7-=B"-----'z..C-o--"~---------- Plan File No.--'-___,.___,. _____________ _ Govt. Contract No.·'---------,------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- Other rAsT(,1£" tf1l,L-'i3d5tr !JLZ>, &µ'IS"" Mm~ _ MATERIAL DESCR/t.TION INSPECTION CHECKLIST >< Rinf.: Rebar-41:,/5 -~&0 ..:::S:.. Plan & Specs I _ Rinf.: W:W.F. ~ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi .!'.5"__Sizes _ Cone,: Mix #/psi kLaps ._ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi ' . _ Mortar Batching _._ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts _ Metal becking _. Electrodes _ Fireproofing ::>.---Other ,&;PO.'l5.. Y _ Corrective action required __ #/L.-77 t,IY 1"50 Corrections completed ;, ;,. l:n'"::o"t<'r ON:,-rHOl.>S , $ t.volt..-t::-Pe7'-c..~ ;11<-'b s/>0"'L r+-n::..A T7c.:?A--$". o CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To-the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwjse noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. DATE 1 . ?-.,____.,,e, PSI-B-900· 170(2) Page_1_ of _j. INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT _ _,,..µ;,=:;_.-,,'j<--1,!).,,__ _____ _ DATE_~5'_,_z_~_-_<f7° ______ · __ Architect __ '"""f-6_.· __._0'-"-& ____________ _ Engineer_....,1,_tr/4--..._A-£-..._.,=i=/ .... ~~-<f,__.._m"""'.'-L#'~-'--<-=-:-u.Ln...:. '---'-,---'--'--- Contractor_3....,,....e,...£d4_..:&..· _,t,e:........u._J_· _6'--',et;.='"'"'~"---------- INSPECTION M.A T'L SAMPLING QTY __ QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement --·-· __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -.-.- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --. __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms " __ Roofing __ Masonry Block __ Concrete · __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) _Lstruct Steel ___ Asphalt Concrete --- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) --·- __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name) ___ . -F=u'"""'·--,~__,_/4 ....... ~~d'-- (Addre$s) _________ _ C'1-£MJJel) c~. REPORT NO. ;;,:70,~~ Building Permit No. (:-7--::z.-;~J.-""-"~=:.-'2::;;....;;;.X2_-=------ Plan File No, __ .,.._ _____________ _ Govt. Contract No . ..,.._-----,-----'------ bsA.or O~PQ p ~ Other f#6tfr, {-l'Jf-&t 73k£J MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar ./ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.:-W.W.F. _ Clearances __ __ Ririf.: Tendons ___ Positions ·_ Cone.: Mix #/psi Zsizes _. Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi . _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi ~ortar Batching _ Units: Block Electrode Storage ___ Units: Brick . 1 Steel ih:f 1!1.: ~ a _ Torque Applied _H.S.Bolts _. _ Metal Decking · ..L. Electrodes ~Ztl.~ h!J lry· _ Fireproofing ·. - ..L Other f}$TM A %k_ _ Corrective action required __ -__ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise-noted, substantially complies with approve~ plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. 1NsPEcroR NAME Un -~11:6~ (Print Clearly) :ic~o 9~70 3 ~'1> ::#39 CERT. N0.---1._~-~"""-~---~-:...,_~_L,._""--L. ____ _ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE¼~ PSI-B-900-170(2) . , . <-z"l-ex:7 PATE-,... __ ~v~ __ __._LQ_:...:~--------- Page_1_of _i_ INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT·(Name) Lfko t. tV•·'·i'> (Ad9ress) C· +A (L.;, '¥cl'>,.., t> (; it, • REPORT NO. ·C'.>SA ·:ZQ'LP:J. Architect_.1.u.w:=....---------------------'---Building Permit No. __,.."'1._· ,.,..-_-_.,·;-:z. ... s-·c.;, __________ _ Engineer ,'V\ t'\sL-TI P Plan File NO,--------------------- Govt. Contract No.-------------- OSA or OSHPD #-------------- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -->tt Rinf.: Rebar t'rls;;~ "1 • r,2'1., r...o ~ Plan & Specs _QSA ___ Cement ___ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances ...2L Specialty __ Mortar Samples --___ Rinf.: Tendons ><-Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout 'Samples __ Cone.: Mix #/psi -::,.. Sizes -·- __ Electrical __ . Masonry Prisms --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi z_ Laps __ Roofing __ Masonry Block --· __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi >-Concrete ___ Fireproofing --______ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Struct Steel · __ Asphalt Concrete --__ -. _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving ___ Reinf. Steel ---__ Steel __ Fireproofing , __ Steel --_H.S. Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ Metal becking __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) --__ Electrodes __ Soils Technician __ Other -·-· __ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant __ Othet ----__ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out _-_other --_ Corrections completed REMARKS d pa, 'P½At:::S · e\ 5\?~l~\c.~n °"'-l~ -o _ ... --- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of o_ur knowledge, an· of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with _approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of thework inspected c;,nly and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR SIGNATURE-~:;...::::::...i::::::...\,---4--L--..:;::::.,~ PSI-B-900-170(2) CERT. NO. oeeo5 f, 1-s 5 \ I ' ' ' ; Page_1_of_ · INSPECTION· REPORT CLIENT L e:z.,o <..Ac-::::C> DATE :,·t..o-· 9:-6 Architect_..._Ho"-"'-'J=Z.-------'--------------------,--- Engineer Ml4t1-T1N d 'Z? u ,y ,\.., INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING ·OTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ .Cement --..L.. Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical _ .. _ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical _. _ Masc;mry Prism$ --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block >< Concrete __ Fireproofing __ Masonry ___ Units (block or brick) __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel' -- __ Waterproofing --H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Qther REMARKS 'Sl".i-'iI, ,Ac,... &3671y6 s 5 2 o -'O rL--'-I • Ye:ms.1 L(_.tj') .4tL PROJECT (Name) 4n,o '-d4:&:f> . (Address) 4'44-c...&"eA: D CA, REPORT NO. 05 ,,-"7 0"2.-C'L -~oz.I> 7 Building Permit No. -·""£ ... 8.._-"2-=o"""S..__ ________ _ Plan .File No,-------,,------------ Govt. Contract No. _____________ _ OSA or OSHPD #~· ------------- Other . &tfstt .. Jr: Jflt..L <'...oA$n.f1'.-:'Btts e:::: J?:. <-A>. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST l __ Rilif.: Rebar >< Plan & Specs I I _._. _ Rinf.: W.W.F. . _. · Clearances i ._. Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes ! __ . Conc.:·Mix #/psi _Laps ! __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi I ___ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation. I __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching --. Units: Block _ Electrode Storage I __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied I __ Steel I _. _ H.S. Bolts I __ Metal Decking ·_. _._ Electrodes __ Fireproofing . ~ Other H llrT• l:l:l'. 1$Q _ Corrective action required __ ~C:::i,::z'. __ Corrections completed i oC- U"':> b-'O \:\ I LT) H'\' \ 5 0 F!OLT$ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building.codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME Yd)'l..bTIC..... "'? Yl:f'TE.'>'l.~01-......> (Print Clearly) -~ INSPECTORSIGNATUREY J\;:e -~ .CERT. NO. ae{?oe, e,J -~.,g DATE ~-.-'2.o ~ ,; :f> PSI-B-900·170(2) Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT_/_.r==-?)~01!..--..,... ___ _ DATE _ _.5"~--'-<g~--,-J ...... ~<g _______ _ Architect ___ H;..i......;,-0-=-'=+=. =·=-------------'---- Engineer_rY},,___............_~.....,· _l_~.,___-=t-____.r(l,..._· ·-.14rl:K...........aodi~....\-t ~-'----- Contractor._13 .... • ..,.<..>,,e_$f'-\=-_,__~,,___,__,i....=,._:R__,.__-..... P-b=· =_....,$......__~_ INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLl!'JG QTY _QSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders --_QSA _._Cement -- _Specialty ___ Mortar Samples -- _Mechanical _ Grout Sa_mples -- _ Electrical __ Mi:!.sonry Prisms -- _Roofing __ Masonry Block _Concrete ___ Fir~proofing. -·- _Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- ..,.--Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing .. _ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- _ Fireproofing __ Steel _Waterproofing ---H.S. Bolts _ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) -- _Soils Technician __ Other --· _ Batch Plant _ -_Other --- _Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- PROJECT (Name)-~--.c.-'-0_{..,../ft:V'J........_.a=-d __ _ (Address)---,,..,._----,,-------...--- Gi{s 13ru),. Ci.~ REPORT N0._~7:.....;:0=-:Z.0--==:....o.:Z-"'"'-='&~;)-s---=·:;____;fr_ Building Permit No. ______ __.7''-V..__-_,,,2.. ..... o~_,...-~------ .Plah File No,--,-------'~--------- Govt. Contract No.----'---'------------ OSA or ~HPD l - · · Other 04<:l e Hi l \ MATERIAL. DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _._ Rinf.:.Rebar ./ Plan & Specs ___ Rinf.: W.W.F. _...-Clearances ____ Rinf.: Tendons __..Positions --·-Cone.: Mix #/psi -_Sizes ___ ·Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ ._ Cone.: Mix #/psi' _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grc;,ut: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units:-Block ..L'"Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied ~ Steel 1'Krni ,4-,:,,,cro l3. ~ H.$. Bolts ~ ;,n A~':>~ . . ___ Metal Deckin_g • _ - '--'Electrodes t;. 70X,X. ~e i,,. __ ---Fireproofi_ng ~ Other ~STl'Vl A-JLe _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed u ~, 13o\:b.v.,, -£1:A:r> W2.. ~ dds\ -l 4 K /s .s-2 o A± v 1"-12.100.s l 00A Ir P1"5 e '(VI F. B:&01 YV2 tl.t::ci~ fk 19-:!:N "'3 ' we.kl j n-5 or,,-50~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections-of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME J) 19::n~~ . . INSPECTORSIGNATU~~ PSl·B-900-170(2) : :tc:.~ CERT. NO. 9'48Jo') : DATE-;..,..~~s::"-.-_,_/....._2$_----15'-"<(!.__ ____ _ l •/ Information .. • .ToBuildOn Page_1_of~ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT __ /_..--"""t:::"'""ful>a:;..· ~--- DATE ___ '7 ___ --=Zc-=~-------fii'----- Architect ___ __.H ........... _o~-~-=:.-------- Engineer ___ VV)_~_· t:t-_-}lyl_~------------- Contractor. __ J3 ___ (....,· '-IB ____ c-=---'-----~-- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLIN9 QTY __ QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -·- _QSA __ Cement --__ specialty ___ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing _. _·_ Masonry Block __ concrete ___ Fireproofing -- Masonry __ Units (block or brick) ---W Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing __ H.$. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other --- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- (Address)_~-------=-- ("'~tj {2, REPORT NO. {:)<;7--?o z.ez.-9.;!g Building Permit No. . 3/g 2,Q :iL ti-cr-- Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No. _____________ _ OSA·or~D,.h Other ~ fie,; MATERIAL DESCRIPTION _. _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Rinf.: W.W.F. · _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ·_ Cone.: Mbc #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Units: Block _ Units: Brick ~Steel ~'.Tm Pt.S-00 'R _H.S.Bolts . ..)(\ INSPECTION CHECKLIST I _ Plan & Specs _ Clearances _ Positions l kSizes I I _Laps I ._ Future Continuity #/psi . 1 _ Consolidation _ Mortar Batching _ Electrode Storage _ Torque Applied r _ Metal Decki~ ~ Electrodes ,·,. '."'>,..._-,c,c ~-~"V'l _ Fireproofing ~GB: £ Otherff$1':" r'h _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, al.I of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work-inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · CERT. NO. ___ . ·_,_9 2"'--7..s...:.~~.3....____.S""'D __ -=H__,,3:....:,,s:c.....,/;___ __ INSPECTOR SIGNATU . DATE __ t:f...L-.-'---=-Z;,-=£--_7.:..-? _____ _ PSI-B-900-170(2) Page_1_of_ INS.PECTION REPORT CLIENT LGJaO (._4µ7:) \ Architect_.cz..:o:<.<lo.· _________ ..;._--'---'-----,,---..;._---'- Engineer m&.erztY INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD ><" Concret~ Cylinders _"/_ _OSA __ Cement ~Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical _.-.Grout Samples --__ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- ~Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --__ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing· --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Ste¢! -- __ Waterproofing __ H.$. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive .--Tendon {PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other --__ Batch Plant -.-Other -·-- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS £ l::GJO., IA A :S C. H <IL1L..,ffi Q v \::D'.l A \.: '- d S S:::z.. \ ~ ~:r L -\ PROJECT (Name) L<£=,q $:-d:C·d) (Address) l'.af?&s ta ,:; o REPORT NO. o:s<1-2.:iz..c;2 -/45/73 Building Permit No .. ____ ~..,.p"---"-0..,,8...._ _________ _ Plan FileNo,--,----------------- Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ OSA or OSHPD #------------'----- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ Rinf.: Rebar ..0. btS -G1t. ~ u . -'<::" Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons -} Positions >< Cone.: Mix#/psi 5z:z -sooD _Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi . .-Grout: Mix #/psi ~ Consolidation _ .Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching -. _ Units: Block Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes _ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed rv 9Ib'"i> . 1:>£.Ul.-\1'-'I.? Y'-~(..lbY\'t~I 8 L,.)Oll-\<( Pe,,t.. '?l.-f'.\r,:..,<;. 1'>,f',..,!l:)' ~l)~l~c..A-T?O/\..J~~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME Y5lL6"\C.... 7 y<f:7l2:?L:SC~ CERT. NO. Cll36Q9 f',t -'f";,~ (Print Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATURE J ,J, J> · 7 ~ DATE 6-'t--'i 'il PSI-B-900-170(2) l r11~ iiJ, lnformation ~..,. ®ToBuild On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR .. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 . . REVISION #2 DATE: July 28, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-788 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILIDNG QUE FOOTINGS PERMIT# 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT,% July 16, 1998 10:00 am 4 1/2 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 7 5 CONCRETETEMPERATURE, °F 85 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB July 17, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\D~REK PETERSON MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER · DEL.IVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE · ADMIXTURE NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STAN DAR PS UNLESS OTHERWJSE INPIOATEP· SLUMP· 0143-ROa· AIR OONTENJ' 0231-Rjb• TEMPERATURE· 01081-1$8(i31· 0APPING· 01231 ,93 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 17433 A 7 17433 B 28 17433 C 28 17433 D 56 SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTM.C39-94 DATE OF TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) (IN.) ·07/23/98 53000 6.00 08/13/98 76000 6.00 08/13/98 79000 6.00 09/10/98 96000 6.00 CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN.) (PSI) 28.27 1870 · 28.27 2690 . 28.27 2790 28.27 3400 3000 NELSON & SLOAN 714600 1386 TYPE OF BREAK Cone Cone Cone Cone REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Test results comply with applicable X specifications. Cylinders made by Archltect's or Contractots representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. 56-DAY BREAK MEETS 28-DAY SPECIFICATION REQUIRMENT c.o FOR TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON Respectfully s_ubmitted, s Professional Service Industries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CI+Y OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT, REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A,200-4 (4)F ~d.(jk DISTRICT~AGER Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 · L ·'·~•1 Information ~.,. *To Build On Engineering • Co~sulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: August ll, 1998 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-824 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT RETAIL SLAB-ON-GRADE -CASTLE HILL :BASE BUILDING PERMIT# 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % August 04, 1998 09:20 am 4 AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 71 CONCRETETEMPERATURE, °F 90 DATERECEIVEDINLAB August 05, 1998 FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PS I\DAN RAMAGE MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.rrRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMiXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 719221 522 .;.. __ NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED· SLUMP· C143-9Da· AIR CONTENT· C23J-9W TEMPERATURE• CJ06HB(i3)' CAPPING· Cj23J-R3 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) 17515 A 7 17515 B 28 17515 C 28 17515 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 COMPRESSION TEST Rl;SULTS ASTMC:39-94 ,. TOTAL CYUNDER DATE OF LOAD DIAMETER TEST (LBS.) C (IN,) 08/11/98 55000 6.00 09/01/98 90000 6.00 09/01/98 86000 6.00 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders picked up by PSI X representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH (SQ.IN,) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK - 28.27 1950 Cone 28.27 3180 Cone 28.27 3040 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable X specifications. Test results do not comply with appUcable specifications. Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CI-TY OF CARLSBAD ck-!11~, RCE THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED ANO MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PR9f'ESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC, PSI A•200-4 (4)F DISTRIC;~A ER Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 l ;/ Information • .ToBuildOn Page_1_of_1 Engin11ering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Na,me)·-· L=--=e.-=G6:..=-} ....... }4:Y\_,__;;....;d:::::r.· __ cuENT __ L ..... e-=-=G-i-=-O------- oAT._E _ ...... t:_---=-z.._s-_-_c,_,_52 __ _ Architect __ __,__H.....__-0::;........b--=..· ________ _ (Address) ""r Y .. -Lrt2'.sB~n. L14. . REPORT NC).., 70 =c, ?_:..-tf'Zgp Building Permit No. _-ef-=-~--9.......::«_· __..2:~0 ......... ~----- Engineer_vYl,___._~14-fZ-~J-l.-', ..... :,J....l -'---1:-'----IV(/~~14:'2~.i...:f W:=:::· ____ _ Plan File Np, _______________ _ Govt. Contra,ct No.--,--..'----------- Contractor. __ :n ___ ~J3-~C--~--------'-----"--- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL D1;:SCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST I _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders ·--_ Rinf.: Rebar __.)t} Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement _ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances --i __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples --_ Rinf.: Tendons ~Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ _ Cone.: Mix #/psi Sizes I __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps i __ Roofing __ Masonry Block ·_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi I --__ Concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation ! __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --___ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching .:t.-struct Steel ___ Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block ~ Electrode Storage ; __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing _.Units: Brick _ Torque Applied I --An -73 __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --___.:!_ Steel ~ l'V\. I __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts f ---- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --_ Metal Deckina __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --_x_ Electrodes r-_ rJ«J I l( /,.,,'LL ·-I __ Soils Technician __ Other _ Fireproofing _ -_Batch Plant __ Other -¥1-Other lfST.:h? /I J~ _ _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE_: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NMAE ~:e/"1::1::v:-~ :w::~ INSPECTORSIGNATU ~ ~ ~g PSI-B-900-170(2) . · :[CY3 D C/'8 7" 3 S \ -:fi-'"}~I CERT._NO._...J_:.....::::....!..---'-~---..,,,u/J.,.,1-_ _;__~~-,--- DATE___,,....,,_-~._-....... Z_S:~------._91.f:-+4.I'----'--------- · Page_1_of_L INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name) ___ . -·-=-L_e_7F--o__.· l ....... ~,._._ a-=-.·_. _· CLIENT___.Le"""""""""-"-"1'--"'·0..____-,--_ DATE----'~=--.._/4--=------9.L..~--""'-- Architect ___ _,_l--f___,_ _ _,.Q_-+,C=-_· --'------- Engineer__,fYl.____-'-'-"*1?--a=j,_,_..,_I -._' _cf--=----=-(Vl~_ ...,~ .... d .... · """'·~ .. ~~ Contractor: __ :]3_~_75~:....· _{'..::::=--"-----'---- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD . ___ ConcreteCylinders -- _OSA __ Cement -- __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Ble>ck --__ Concrete . __ Fireproofing .. Masonry --. Units (block or brick) -- Kstruct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing ___ Steel . ' __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --·- __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other --·- __ Batch Plant __ Other --__ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKSJ .. ... /S _(Addre$s) .LJ . / 77_ L SBA::i>, ~ , ' REPORT N0. __ '7.......:CJ'--'> .... <=b-2_ .... _,8"'""'5'0~-- BuildJng Permit No.· ____ q ___ ~"--'2~6-"8"-·---- Plan File NO,------------'------- Govt. Contract No.-----,------------ OSAor °:!:~ Other ~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTlbN INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _ Rihf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions _._ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mi~ #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _. _Steel _. __ H.$,. Bolts _. Metal Decking _ .. _ Electrodes _ Fireproofing _ . Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed .. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections ofthe b1,lilding codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAME ~~. INSPECTOR SIGNATUR~"?o. · ~ PSl-8-900-170(2) · .. zc,13o CERT. NO. c:z''8 '10 3, j S"b ~ 1~1 • DATE....:-.,... ___ 7_..__·----=-/__,'f'---.~-z:?,o___:;:. _____ _ -:~-... ~ . , __ ·----. -... -.-.. '·'' -; •, ~. Page_1_of _f INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT __ /_.__e.__?-+--0"--.a..--- DATE __ ?~---/_5_-_J'.___.~--- Architect ___ _,t-/~_0-=--"K--'--_ "---"'---'------ Engineer ____ rJ/l'---.......... lf#-,___;j;~v-· '"--,'+'"-..... IV/4--+=ff.........,~~ ....... .,-'; __ Contractor. __ -75 __ :L3~_L~--------- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING dtY _QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement -- __ specialty ___ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples _ Electrical _·_ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- _concrete __ Fireproofing -- _Masonry _____ Units (block or brick) -- -Jt_ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Prestress Cone _-_Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing __ Steel -·- __ waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts· -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other --__ Bolt Pull-Out _-_Other PROJECT (Namei le 70 LJ (Address)_=--------==--- REPORT NO._~_o_~~~!~--$-~- Building Permit No.~-~-__ ,:g_.___ __ ----'2~D~-'?? _______ _ Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No.----'--------------- OSAor O~PD # Other -c~Tle MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ___ Rinf.: Rebar ___ Rinf.: W.W.F. ____ Rinf.: Tendons _._ Cone.: Mix #/psi ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi ___ Mortar: Type/psi _ Units: Block _ Units: Brick .)!L Steel· .i>r'n4 /1.~t> B _H.S.Bolts __ -_ M19tal Decki£: 1Electrodes ___ Fireproofing ,tJ...... Qth~r '5.r'IY\. -A ~ £,._ INSPECTION CHECKLIST _)L Plan & Specs ______ , _ Clearances ______ _ _ Positions ______ _ _.zs.2.. Size_s_~-~----_ Laps ________ _ _ Future Continuity #/p!>i, __ _ _. Consolidation _____ _ _ Mortar Batching. ____ _ .)2.. Electrode Storage ____ _ _ Torque Applied ______ , _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed __ _ ~~~ si:s,o 3 S')):::; ~s-/ DATE_--'-_~--'--'-·-...._1·~1_-__,c:;'----~------ CLIENT lGJo o LA;,v T:> DATE 5'.-l S -9 f, Architect \.{OIL. Engineer 01,vn u INSPECTION __ OSHPD _OSA .../!£specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing __ Concrete __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant X Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS OU D:IG: -z. 'TJ2 e Page_1_of~ · INSPECTION REPOAT MAT'L SAMPLING __ Concr~te Cylinders __ Cement _____ Mortar· Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms ____ Masonry Block __ Fireproofing __ Units (block or brick) __ Asphalt Concrete __ .Roofing __ Reinf. Steel __ Steel _ __ H.S. Bolts , __ Tendon ,(PT Strand~)- __ Other __ Other ____ _ __ Other ______ _ PWL\. QTY PROJECT (Name) Y3\?o kd:6-,,,t;, (Address) <'M.-c <;,?a® CA • REPORT NO;-oL-"s--=c._, -..... :z'""c...,'L ... o.......,:z-a,-__ -«"'_3_~.__~_._f} __ 1;3uilding Permit No. _c"*1 .... e.,__-...,:z,..o_'""u,,..._· --------- Plan File No,---'--------------~ Govt. Contract No.-'-------------'---- OSA or OSHPD #-------....,.....----- Other CrtsUE H1 LL c..c,,1::5D:Q'.L-?.>d:S£ ?,,~D, MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST I __ . __ Rinf.: Rebar_______ x Plan & Specs '.'5100 t->ctt;-.f-131 __ .. --Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _______ ! I _____ Rinf.:·Tendons _ Positions _______ _ __ . _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Sizes 1 1 ___ , __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ______ Laps· ________ _ ___ _ ___ Cone;: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi I _____ _ __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation : , __ . ____ Mortar: Type/psi~----_ Mortar Batching _____ _ ____ Units: Block---------'---__ Electrode Storage ____ _ __ __ Units:. Brick _ Torque Applied _____ _ ______ Steel,_----'-------- --__ H.S. Bolts ____ ----'--- -. ___ Metal Decking_~----i ____ Electrodes_--'------'-l ____ Fireproofing_______ J __ ,-.--Other Kcorrective action required 7 ; -----------___ Corrections completed ___ / --: CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best ofour knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections ofthe building codes. This report covers the loc:ations of the Work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · CERT. NO. of,Boc, fl I~ S9, DATE __ ~.L;:_-J\~5~~~c~,~e;i.._ ___________ -,-- PSI-B-900-170(2) Professional Service Industries, Inc. American Engineerit.19 Division INSPECTION REPORT Page_t._of---3... · Project Name (per plans) ---"\..=G!,;;,=· ,.,"'=o'----"L...,t41,,;.......,. .... ~~-__..~ ... -=-.._:n..___.e:: ...... ·· __,14_,_l""'L,..,,L"'--'--'C .... 4)_.__,r't'::,: ...... _ .... :::nm-......... --=-___,?,......,_,rt.__s ..... e:~-1"> .......... ,=-3>__,_, ____ _ Inspection Date Inspector's Name--::J~-LL-_.\..:-------4=---=::,~-'----,,~__,,.--=::====.;;:...-- PSI B-900-171 Page_1_of_L INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT Ll&a «AAJ> DATE ?-1-S -'i'.% Architect_ .... ;.t..'--"'o..,K,.. _____________ ....,......------- Engineer M A::2--TJ Q -.. INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLiNG QTY _OSHPD _._. Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement -- ~ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical --. Ma~onry Prisms. __ Roofing -. _ Masonry Block -- ~ Concrete ___ Fireproofing --__ Masonry -. _._ Units (block or brlck) --__ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --. __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing ___ Steel --· __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive _._Tendon (PT Strands) .. __ Soils Technician -. -. Other -- __ Batch Plant __ . Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out ___ .Other REMARKS PROJECT (Name) 11ne o L:A1vh (Address) CAu.-sM!i> . CA, REPORT NO. Q$c:1 ·::Zct.cr:z Building Permit No. __._"1 .... 8 ..... -.... J. ... o ....... <:;.__ ___ .....,.. _____ _ Plan File N0,---~-----------'--- Govt. Contract No.--,---------------- OSA or OSHPD #------------- Other 61sr;u,;:: tt, Le, C..l:>flS:O:i'.YL °Qlr1:S £ E,t..h .. MATERIAL D~SCRIPTION INSPECTION.CHECKLIST ..K.. Rinf.: Rebar ac..15-~!?,. ~..::, ~ Plan & Specs -. Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances ·- _ .. -·-Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ls: Sizes --. Cone.: Mixlf~psi ~Laps _. _. Cone.: Mix #/psr _ Future Continuity #/psi ·_:_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation .. __ Mortar: Type/psi . _ Mortar Batching _._ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _. _._ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied .--· .steel __ H;S. Bolts __ · Metal Decking __ Electrodes _._ Fireproofing __ Other _ Corrective action required __ . _._ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the wqrk-inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin-. ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME J::>l;Dt-#).'-:: Y ?~~ · Wrim O,ariy) & INSPECTORSIGNATURE:c,__J J? Y ___ PSI-B-900-170(2) · . DATE __ e,,.;a_ .-,...: -_,-:c;:...-_'i.J...,C.~2-------------- i Page_1_. of~ INSPl;CTION REPORT CUENTLe,~o Lr,,.~ DATE 5-\"b-5 Q Architect _______________ -'--'-----'-'-'----'-'-.:,..___,,. Engineer ___________ '------------- Contractor _______ --'---'-:------'--,---..,..-'---'--'- INSPECTION MAT'L ·sAMPLING QTY _OSHPD _ Concrete Cylinders _OSA _Cement -·- _Specialty _ Mortar Samples . · -- _Mechanical _ Grout Samples _ Electrical _ Masonry Prisms -- _Roofing _ Masonry Block -·.- _Concrete _._ Fireproofing -- _Masonry _ Units (block or brick) _ Struct Steel _ Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone _Roofing -- _Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel -- _ Fireproofing _Steel -- _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts -·- _ Non-Destructive _. _Tendon (PT Strands) _Soils Technician _Other -- _ Batch Plant -.-Other " ~Bolt Pull-Out _Other --TT -- " REMARKS (Address)C:Nl-\b'oPM) Cs,, .. j REPORT No.o<;°l"'/ o~~~ -S9z Bui!ding Permit No. -~..!...Ji:9,;J...-.:;__Jl;)LO~~.L--------'---- Plan File No. ______________ _ Govt. Co,ntract No.-------------- OSA or OSHPD #-------------- Other C.,t:rl i!. \l,\LL Q:i~e,,i\... ~l:: kiJc MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _._ Rinf;: W:W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: i:endons _ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _. Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi -. Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel __ _ H.S. Bolts . _ Metal Decking -. Electrodes _ ·Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ ._ _ Corrections completed ~·~~ ot\..~(6~ 'Q:-c:,\...::! ~ Y'\...\.., 0~ ~\' ~m,,&. \:.\,\.\..\.... Cc:-c~£tl,-.-'ot>,Stc: -'oLl~. l fo«..,- \J\f,{r..). Q.N~~c,.~ ~ so. ,o,\.,l(b"l.\,.,s_ C-'lN\1¢-'?'.\C. 're> \S:So k\os; ('aJ ~-..;)ts~e~c:., Oj~O,§ . , f ,, \ I , 1 , I t i ~ t..».-.~......._<e. ~ ~""'-L. aiM: t>-..> l: .. ~ r,.s ~ "To \> Js: \ :1'0 CE, , ~ D o~ L~ .._., <:> c.:.. f l'o ~ ~ ' • I ) ~ L·.:::,.l&.~ \ '"T'o").. m.s';)..oO.(>w~~~ '°'tl<>.;\':N~ .s?o d)~ boLts ~n_ [',J(>{'d;: \'l ~ o-ci.. ~by·, ""L ·, r?kt:t,..0 ~ :;.b"""'\"'s ~ \.b~ • ueo~ ,~ F~\...v..~~ ::Th>~(.a.,lL {l..,'-o.-rr.-1'~~C:) CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our Rnowle9ge, all·of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This. report covers the locations of the work ·inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME~ ~. Q_pO\S"-CERT. NO. _____ _.__ _________ _ !Prtnt Clearly) INSPECTOR SIGNATUR~~ ~-~ PSl·B-900-170(2) Inspection ·Professio.nal Service Industries, Inc. American engine~ring Division.. : ·· . · · · . INSPECTION REPORT Page.A-of~ · Date I\.-.. cL ~, ., ~e,,._\ l Hi>.£-' ...... \ t-rL'-! Oc::.C..•-""" 0 \...._ , \....,it\~ t.!.l-N 4~ol..-bi. '"'-\T'W-1 Lkt . ~-\".,-~(c \ jOOII .... ... ""'t"\,;.D.. .. tl.. ll.lB.°-o.~ .... -~l,,.b.1>. ~~8 ft. .... ~~"') \....~L.""i"c: ~ ~it.J.. n,':'t"' Q~ \40 . .. ~ee-""'rl-¥l. ""c:a..~ \~ ~ •• e1""-.l.. \.,,. "' C\.. r, "' .._, ~ b ~ CLJ,,l. · -c...l"~~ . Tec:.T\~..,,. \o . .. .. .. .. Inspector's Name------------'-'----------- Ps1 B-900-171 ( . . .. I Page_1_of _z. · INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT L.s'rao '-~ DATE <-1=1 • 5 ~ Architect_.=>,._..... _______ ----'-------- Engineer MA a ,-, t>--'> Contractor. "oi-~a,,,.:r>& _ :::e, <2.oiltl QL"> INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement -- ...2S'...Specialty ___ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical · __ Gro_ut Samples -.-- __ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisirls --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block ~Concrete ___ Fireproofing --- __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving ___ Reinf. Steel --- __ Fireproofing ___ Steel -- __ Waterproofing ____ H.S. Bolts ---__ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other --__ Batch Plant , __ .Other --,_ _:zs::. Bolt Pull-Out ___ Other -- REMARKS olJ Ci"t i c..2 •TH TP 3>, "2 <..u SS . TH:ss:::: ' )~ PROJECT (Name) L/UP at d,~*'D (Address) c 11\4-+-~~in-» ~, 'REPORT NO. · O<', ~ • ::i O )..!,,i:J,,. --S9L Building Permit No. _9.J;_""f...,.._·-"'t.-c..;:oc..'2 ... 2 __________ _ Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No.----"--,-------------- OSA or OSHPD #-------------- Other 1~M ... n CF" 11-, LL-: CD,'\':'?:n:5)L b tt<?.ae:::· \"';, '--1'.:>. MATERIAL Dl=SCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf:: Rebar __ Plan & Specs _. __ Rinf.: W.W:F, __ Clearances -.-Rinf.: Tencjons __ Positions __ Coric.: Mix #/psi ___ Sizes ___ • Conc.:·Mix #/psi _Laps ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Consolidation - ____ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching _ .. _ Units: Block __ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick __ Torque Applied __ Steel _-_ H.S. Bolts ___ Metal Decking _____ Electrodes- __ Fireproofing - ___ Other __ Corrective action required __ __ Corrections completed Y\20T CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise. noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. - CERT. NO. _______________ _ DATE 5->-'-1 ~ 2 :S PSl-8-900-170(2) .. ·:-z••.;•1 ·.:p,ofes·sional Service l11austries, Inc. ~.,,,• American Engineering Division . Page "2-of ...l.... INSPECTION 'REPORT Project Name (per plans)---L .... eJ,___e""":P .... · -.;=·L-=A-"'---~-"'"":t::, _____ c _,A;A:a,_. .... n..~t'5;"...___._H....,,....,w _ __,_(!...,..o .... t't ........ '¾ .... 'J3;:M...-~..,,,_ :....... ..... P.::o""'-'""'-iA-C-........,.1._._,;-:_~X':>~L-'.t>~, ___ _ Inspection Date . -- Inspector's Name...k:::'.k!'.:~f:D.!~.t:....---1:.Ja.i:U::{~:,...:J.£::::.:__-'-----1,~~-~ PSI 8-900-171 DATE :$ -,:22-s 6 Page_1_of_l_ INSPECTION REPORT· PROJECT (Name) L-~ Lr"t::r--! 'S> (Address) . ~~;:yp (!4, REPORT NO. CM':\.-, c:,i.o::i. -Sfi Ii= Architect __ \.\-.,_...__ __ ---' ____ __._-,--_____ _ Building Perrjlit No. __,<\i..;,f,.:.,.?.c.' ?--""""o'""'-a....__ ___ ~------'---- Engineer oo A::,:t,,d'o N INSPECTION _OSHPD _OSA ~Specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing __ Concrete __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant X' Bolt Pull-Out REMARKS ,,,,, MAT'L SAMPLING QTY __ Concrete Cylinders -- -.-· Cement -·-- _. _ Mortar Samples --__ Grout Samples -·-· -.. -· _ Masonry Prisms -- __ . Masonry Block -- .--Ffreproqfing -·--__ Uriits (blo9k or brick) __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Roofing --· __ Reinf. Steel -·-- _._Steel --__ H.S. Bolts -- ___ Tendon (PT Strands) -- _. _Other --__ Other --__ Other Plan File No·--'---------------- Govt. Contract No.-----------'------ OSA or OSHPD #----------'----'---- Other &t-..,.-n...<r. r\ t 1..-.._ e.a"°'...,Tl;>-"')'\... . ~:t"t$ t:r '?'--J?, MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Rinf.: Rebar >< Plan & Specs __ Rinf.: W:W.F. ___ Clearances .-·-Rit'\f,: Tendons . _ Positions . - _. _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes .-. _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps ·_._Cone.: Mix #/psi _. _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ . _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching -. _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ ·un,ts: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ . Electrodes __ Fireproofing .. : ~ Other ~O}fl\;-t> ~,s X Corrective action required~ _ Corrections completed '? -~ s s 1 ;0 -bTI--:½I: Y: , . Te5.--o µ le iA c c 0::0-.-l? \ "-' ½ :::r::o .s lb-:;i'l:ft:-S \ 0 Q s \:' ffC.... \ b \ i3 e:::c.-s e,, ,.;r:e, ):::wvc,.1 o,w a..c,n;,Lq1:s::JWU-:ivt:S (l, "2.-"5 % IJ5"':i01'Y½, C&wtuuu..<:"'Q:. ::rtas..n N½? <2-:t<YnA:-YN :cu:"'6-::, A$s 1stJ;N> °S '-t" · (l..o 1...-t'\ ,.._.~ ~'1 °\=' S \ '2-<:n). ~ "'M IV le ~TO£> ~ ~~ ~ o "C-'D ~ G"" -ro ~rl I LU(l.(;:r"!. · CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the.best of our knowledge, all of the reported work. unless otherwise noted. substantially complies with approved plans. specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering or:,in- ion or project control. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE~:......::-~---t,----t=--"=---DATE "5--~ :.; -5-'$ Ps1-s-900-110(2J Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT DATE :5-i '2-9.'*- Architect-==L=---------------- Engineer M A-~:s:::, N Contractor. ~J-"'(l..Nl'.9:{L? s ?>1u.::rn±< £&'> -· INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement -- ..1:L Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical ___ Grout Samples -·-- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing _. _ Masonry Block -- .l5.._Concrete _. __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick)· -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving _. _ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing _-_ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ TEmdon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name) L<&;,c;;, L r¼--D (Address) C&'.Lk>l¾r?s!i> CA , REPORT NO. 0$C::i· 20:z 03,.--597 ' Building Permit No. _9 ........ 8 .... ---'-z.----'o"-Sc=-_________ _ Plan File'No, _______________ _ Go~. Contract No.------------'------ OSA or 0$HPD #----~--------- Other C1,A;,-,TLE[ l+-t µ... l;.otl!',:U:fl:L-bAS iZ" '?.>Lb MATERiAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST ~ Rinf.: Reb.arli{i;t~~-g,~ I£ o ~ Plan & Specs _. Rinf.: W:W.F,. , >-. Clearances __ Rinf:: Tendons 25.... Positions .2:S_ Conc.: Mix#/psiCT,6b -3000 ><-Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Future Continuity·#/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi )<" Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block · _. _. Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _Steel --H.S. Bolts --Metal Decking __ Electrodes -__ Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Corrections completed l>U:)4 s-...'°o (, E> :5"2..0 -1::>I:L :W::Y @. :ETies -l. 5 -r:,,".5J c....";5., G ,76; 1 ,:z.:s ,.. e..., -z. s 1 , , s -4., s, 1,, '.5 - A. 7... 1 A , ? 1 I • 8 --J'.l .-JS ) ff. e, , '2.-S -. 4, '$ ,1 4 i:J:5 • Ct:½ ec,.IYtP S::n,_-=s,.7-$-o-4----? 8--l?x' <=M--'e,:d-0,. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections· of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. DATE $_~Jk ~ :5 PSl-8-900-170(2) · l•,~•1 Information I:!.._,• .To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing- Rl;PORT OF CONCRETE COMPRl;SSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES -INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 DATE: August 11, 1998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-824 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT RETAIL SLAB-ON-GRADE -CASTLE HILL BASE BUILDING PERMIT# 98-208 DATE PLACED August 04, 1998 SUPPLIER TIME 09:20 am DELIVERY TICKET NO./TRUCK NO. SLUMP, IN. 4 MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS AIR CONTENT, % CEMENT AIR TEMPERATURE, °F 71 WATER CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F 90 FINE AGGREGATE DATE RECEIVED IN LAB August 05, 1998 COARSE AGGREGATE FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY PSI\DAN RAMAGE ADMIXTURE MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY NELSON & SLOAN NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLE§S_O.Jl:iEBWlSE.INDlCATl<~}J,/Me;_c.lil,.9~~'. AIR CONTENT· C231-91 b· TEMPE!lAil/BE' C1064-86C93l:.CAPPIOO:.J SPECIMEN TEST DATE OF LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH NELSON 719221 522 & SLOAN NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SO.IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 17515 ·A 7 08/11/9!3 17515 B 28 09/01/98 17515 C 28 09/01/98 17515 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Conlracto(s representative. 55000 · . Cylinders.pickl!d up by PSI X repre·sentative. 6.00 .,. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: DAN RAMAGE 28.27 1950 Cone 3000 Test results comply wilh applicable specifications. Test results do not comply wilh appljcable specifications. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O,K., CITY OF C1µ<LSBAD Respectfully submitted, .fti.nal se,Vlce Industries, Inc. DA9.1, THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED'AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT, REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE.INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F DISTRIC~G Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 · L,.. ~ •J Information ~.:,• ®To Build On Engineering • Consulting • Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES -INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK C~LSBAD, CALIFORNIA CARLSBAD, CA 92008 ~EVISION #1. DATE: July 28, 1.998 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-788 . . FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILIDNG QUE FOOTINGS PERMIT# 98-208 SUPPLIER DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. July 16, 1998 10:00 am 4 1/2 DELIVERY TICKETNO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS AIR CONTENT, % 75 CEMENT WATER AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB . FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY 85 July 17, 1998 PSI\DEREK PETERSON NELSON & SLOAN FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANDARDS UNLll.®_Q]ljEfil\{JS.EJN~D;.st.UblP' C143-90a· AIR CONTENT· C231-91_b· TEMPERATURE· C106~,86{93l· CAPPING· C1231-93 LABORATORY NUMBER 17433 17433 17433 1.7433 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39·94 SPECIMEN . TEST IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST A 7 07/23/98 B 28 08/1.3/98 C 28 08/13./9$ D 56 09/10/98 28 X Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. TOTAL CYLINDER' LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 53000 6.00 76000 6. 0.0 79000 6.00 Cylinders pic!<ed lip by PSI X representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI laboratory. TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON CYLINDER AREA (SO. IN.) 28.27 2·9 .27 28.27 X cc: LEGOLAND ( 4) , BERNARD BROTHERS, H. 0. K·. , CITY OF C~LS.BAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE'OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFES~IONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (PSI) 1870 2690 2790 3000 NELSON & SLOAN 714600 1386 TYPE OF BREAK Cone Cone Cone OT RM Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc, Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone-619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 l ".i='i/ Iriformation ~.,. ®ToBuild On Engineering • Consulting •· Testing REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES .INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA DATE: FIELD DATA: CARLSBAD, CA 92008 June 10, 19.98 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-674 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT CASTLE HILL BASE BUILDING CAISSONS PERMIT# 98-208 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. June 02, 1998 12:45 pm 4 1/2 SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKETNO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND-PROPORTIONS NELSON & SLOAN 522 AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, ° F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY 71 75 June 03, 1998 PSI\DEREK PETERSON NELSON & SLOAN CEMENT ·WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NOTE· APPLICABLE ASTM STANOABQS UNLESS OTHERWISE INQIQ.ATEDl.Sl.l.JMP· CH3-90a· AIR CONTENT· C231-91b· TEMPERATURE· c1oa4:ea193)· CAPPING· C1231-93 SPECIMEN TEST LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 TOTAL CYLINDER LOAD DIAMETER CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST (LBS.) (IN.) (SQ._IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 17115 17115 17115 17115 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: A 7 06/09/98 B 28 06/30/98 C 28 06/30/98 D 60 08/01/98 28 ~ Cylinders made by PSI riipresentative .. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contracto(s representative. 55000 69000 70000 ., Cylinders picked up by PSI ~~ representative. 6.00 6.00 6.00 Cyhnders delivered to PSI laboratory. 28.27 1950 Cone 28.27 2440 Cone 28.27 2480 Cone 3000 X Test results.comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with _ · applicable specifications. 28-day break does not meet specificatio~ ~~~s .NOT Will hold 1 cylinder for 60-day break UQ!.!.- TECHNICIAN= DEREK PETERSON co N F o ~m!f ~~a;~~:~::industries, Inc. ~~~::.:oo,::~::::::.~~~:~m~:~:.::AD~, _ a~ t &-· REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE IN_DUSTRIES, INC. • ··n rs TRI:C~lf,.f},JcEf ' --"-....,.... __ _ PSI A-200-4 (4)F Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San.Diego, CA 92121 • Phohe 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 ~ -, Environmental · .... ~• Geotechnical ... Q.' . ' •-. Construction Page_1_of_ · Consulting • Engineering • Testing l~SPECTION REPORT CLIENT Lmea L,lfl tY? Architect___,_\.\-'-=o....,\L,~--------,------- Engineer fu A n,.:·n tJ PROJECT (Name) Llrt:;HO. \ d:N\::> (Address) CA 12..~:sl?-, Ai> ~ · REPORTNO. ·ofb·:zo+-oL Building Permit No. _9~£.....,.:--2~P-'"'1~--------- Plan File No. _________________ _ Govt. Contract No.--------~------ OSA or OSHPD #--,---------'-----,--,----- Other C-rl"¾t:i. ta:: H \ u.-1!:is-s. n INSPECTION MATt SAMPLING· QTY. MATERIAL DESCRIP°TION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders --..2s;:.. Rinf.: Rebar af.21~ -C:.1...-~ti ~ .Plan & Specs - __ OSA __ ·Cement --___ . _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ~ Clearances ~Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Rinf.: Tendons ..:::::... Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --___ Cone.: Mix #/psi · >.;--$izes __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi ><Laps __ Roofing -: _ Masonry Block --__ Cone.: Mix #/psi __ Future Continuity #/psi ~ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry ___ Units (block or brick) --· __ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar·Batcbing _ __ Struct Steel ___ Asphalt Concrete --__ Units: Block . _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Heinf. Steel --___ Steel __ Fireproofing : _-_Steel ---__ H.S. Bolts - __ Waterproofing _____ H.S. Bolts --__ Metal Decking 1 __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) -.-__ Electrodes __ Soils Technician __ Other ---___ Fireproofin~ .. ' . __ Batch Plant ___ Other --__ Other. _ Corrective ~ction required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Co.rrectioris completed REMARKS -·· J':>:.. !,,J., H,_: \°::> I ·t::J ~ C...\\;:-f'\<Li'\1\;>t..G':""i:,.i AN~ n,11~L<,.. ?a.o,'.2!o::I ,_ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: Tb the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report 9overs the-locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin-- ion o_r project control. · INSPECTOR SIGNATURE--!.,L.___.~-+---\-~:;..--.::::,,-- Pst-s-eoo-110(2) DATE -z.,,-":>-'1$ ,• · .,lflf Geotechn~cal Ii.., •1 Environmental •-3 Construction Page_1_of-J- Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT _ ____,;L_.e~7,__o.;;;;..._ ____ _ DATE __ ~/a=----l=0~--5~·~~~--- Architect __ -,.;-1 __ 0 .... _=--C,_-""-~------------- Engineer f11,t£1;_.,~ "f-/Yk2Jz.:_;, Contractor. ~ 'J3 G PROJECT (Name)..,.._-· .... &,'-'--+ . ..;;;;o..;.../4.....:A..;...~=~d=,-_ -'--- (Address) ___________ _ c,.,J,?!tl, ~- REPORT NO. ___ ~_-a_z.o_~2.-~---Zi1_,__ ..... ~--=- Btiilding Permit No. ---~'i~~---Z=o~Y~----- Plan File No . ...a.-~---------------- Govt. Contract No.---,----------'-'-----'----- OSA or ~HPD # . . Other l.k.fk /£1/-{Ztl:, d,nr~ -Br~; INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY· MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders --___ . Rinf.: Rebar ,/ Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement --_ Rinf.: W.W.F .. _ Clearances __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples --_ Rinf.: Tendons· _ Positions __ Mechanical _·_Grout Samples --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes. __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi ·_Laps __ Roofing _. _ Masonry Block --_ Cone., Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi . __ Concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi ·_ Consolidatio __ Masonry ___ Units (block or bri9k) --_. _ Mortar: Type/psi -. Mortar Batchin!;J /struct Steel -: _ Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block ._ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --_ l:lnits: Brick _ Totque Appliecl __ Pile Driving ___ Reinf. Steel /steel d:1.rr,1 A i l." .. __ Fireproofing _._Steel --_ H.S. Bolts. __ Waterproofing ___ H.S. Bolts --_ Metal Decking . I __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) -·-._LE1e9trodes . £ Z~~. <i:',.i:Lt!!S __ Soils Technician ___ Other _ Fireproofing . __ Batch Plant ___ Other --· _Other _ Corrective action required ____ . .. __ Bolt Pull-Out _. _Other _ Corrections completed v-\Srr> LE CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, allofthe reported work, unless otherwis~ noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the. building codes. This repo_rt·covers the locations of the work inspected-only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAME Di':!::n:: ~~ ,J--~ \ INSPECTOR SIGNATI ~n;, ,b,(. 5I PSI-B-900-170(2} . r. :t.C::80 <?' .::J/:. :!>5"/ CERT. NO. 5:8 703 .2..!2 ~ - DATE __ ----={,,,=---~...::;5_:0:::..._r-'-_...L.9..,5,,,g.__ ____ _ · Jp;;;Jinformation , --· .;,• .. To Build On Page_1_of_ Engineering,• Consulting • Testing \ . INSPECTION REPORT CLIEN~~P..~1' ¥>Q..o·~ , DATE ::) .... 3> .. '1 f, Architect __________ -_______ _ Engineer __________________ -____ Contractor. ___________ -'------""'"- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD X. Concrete Cylinders ~ _OSA _Cement _Specialty -. Mortar Samples --· _ Mechanical _ Grout Samples --· _Electrical _ Masonry Prisms -- _Roofing _ Masonry Block -·- -X-concrete _ Fireproofing -- _Masonry _. Units (block or brick) -- _Struct Steel _ Asphalt Concrete -- _ Prestress Cone _Roofing -- _ Pile Driving _ Reinf. Steel _ Fireproofing _Steel -- _Waterproofing _H.S.Bolts -- _ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -·- _Soils Technician _Other -- _ Batch Plant _Other _Bolt Pull-Out . __ Other ·-- REMARKS PROJECT (NamebE".jOL~._d 'Tb~?@ (Address)C.~Ql.$\cno:11,dJ G:-A. REPORTNO.OS'J-10:)..0)...,-7£'2- Building Permit No.<"1 ..... .-8'-----· _l,,...,o .... ~--------- .Plan File No. __ .....,......,...... ___________ _ Govt. Contract No.---'--------------- CSA-or OSHPD #..,.... ------------- Other ________________ ---'------------'---- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST -. Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _. _ Rinf.: W,W.F. _ Clearances _. _ Rinf.: Tendons -. _ Positions _$.. Cone.: Mix ._i 1'6~!P ._Sizes ..X.. Conc.:'f~i!t#/psi '¢ <:,00 · . _. Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi· . _ Future Continuity #/psi -.-· Grout Mix #/psi _._Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _._ Tor.qua Applied _Steel ·-.-H.S. Bolts . _ Metal Deckin~ _._ Electrodes _ Fireproofing -. Other Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed "'°'a,..,{~ .. ~e;.d coNC0.0-£1.., QL.;-..c.e ""-e."N'\ ~ C ~~ ~·,l.L sT~~ct.wE:LL-d..;·C ·45 To I::: ~~~~;::;t--\o,, l.:). ~\A.~ J C.th.J soL.,s!~,~ bv t-A~~ ·.ct-L-v ;b~ClP~~- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report.covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · · CERT. NO. _________________ _ (Print Clearly) INSPECTORSIGNATURF\<.~ E \L,~o: DATE_7-1,-Rj} PSI-B-900-170(2) Page_1_of_ INSPECTION REPORT Architect_=""-"'------,--------'------'---- Engineer htfltLDtu INSPECTION · MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD -___ Concrete Cylinders -- __ OSA _._Cement -- ~Specialty __ Mortar.Samples -- __ Mechanical . __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing · __ Masonry Block ---- ..l!,£._Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry · __ Units (block or brick). -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --__ Prestress Cone . __ Roofing --· __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing ___ Steel -- __ Waterproofing -. _ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive _-_Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician ___ Other -- ___ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ . _Other -- REMARKS A:T 0,c...,:S O C-d 2> ri Tl< 2 A.I PROJECT (Name). t-ew.;, <...A&P . . (Address) ~""91>-U RE;PORT NO .. os-1-zo2q2 Building Permit No ..... 9'. .... 6"--,...._.,2 ... at;...._.._-"---------.-- Plan File No ....... --'"--------,-----------~ Govt. Contract No. ---'-,---,-----,---,--,------------ OSA or OSH PD#---~------,-------'--- Other (!A,tur: flt<--<-'iSA:z <-a: o<--,:> MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPEQTl(?N CHECKLIST .,,,!s-__ Rinf.: Re~arA.t.z.t.~· ~-~t..O . ~ _ Plan & Specs _. _ Rinf.: W.W.F. ..:....._ Clearances __ -Rinf.: Tendons > Positions ..:::!s::.. Cone.: Mix #ipsi 52:i.· 3 OQo ·_. Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi -. Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Gro1,1t: Mix #/psi .2s:::.. Conse>lidation . via.-<.-:? ZJ'2d.. __ Me>rtar: Type/psi-__ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: 'Brick _. Torque Applied __ Steel-.. __ H.S. Bolts __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes ·--.Fireproofing __ Other. _, Corrective action required __ ·_ Corrections completed . SQ&, " ?L-cU::-d??? c--c>vT, bwo,2-1, ?:Gt?:?-i:-tA:tYs .,,,,.,;v'J> s.e-o~c;_l_ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans; specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations.of the work inspected only and-does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAMF----:t:::?U'l(...s:2J4-. p ?e::n-D:1-::5,0 µ ·- . (Prlnt Cle~y) -\ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE 7> AE.J ) 5:::2 CERT. NO. Q6Gc;A P,t_-es DATE k -z. '-t -5~ PSI-B-900-170(2) . ~ ... ·1 Environmenial ·a,Sf · Geotechn~cal •-. Construction Page-1., of_ Consulting • Engineering • Testing INSPECtlON 'REPORT CLIENT L.trraa t -dc-::2:> DATE ta-17--f-5 Architect~M ... .::? ... Jt;.=----------------- Engineer rv1A-&n u INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement --· __ Specialty ____ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block -- 2!:_Concrete __ Fireproofing ---- __ Masonry ___ Units (block or brick) __ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician __ Other --·- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name) ,t..g.o_ Ld--4-0 (Address) CAc4SM-a> a..,, REPORT NO. 059: zoz.o '.'c -_7o 2- B.uilding Permit No ..... -4"-~..c.._-__.z,..,,asa..L.· ----'--,------ Plan File No . ..a.--__,....__ ____ '---'-------'-- Govt. Contract No.-------;--------- OSA or QSHPD #-· ---------,,,_---- Other &1$.n.c> t(u .... 1.. .. MATERIAL DESCRIPTiON INSPECTION CHECKLIST ..:l!!C..,.. Rinf.: Rebar t/.~2.-dz,d-~ D ~ Plan & Specs _ __ Rinf.: W:W:F. ..ds:. Clearances ·___ Rinf.: Tendons ~ Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~ Sizes __ Cone.: Mix #/p~i -ls:"Laps- __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi __ Consolidatjpn __ Mortar: Type/psi ____ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick ___ Torque Applied ___ Steel __ H.S. Bolts - __ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing __ Other _ Qorrective-a:ction required ___ . _ Corrections.completed --_ ~-\.__/··v V \___ CERTIFICATION OF-COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all.of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building-codes. This report covers the locations of the work fn$pec~ed only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · · · INSPECTOR NAME O s::J,2--<;DG-r Yt57:\:,'"l'L-S._Q t'.:J INSPECTOR SIGNATURE___.Y::.,_-=~""'-::....1.-<~...,rtn--tc-,e-art.,4?_J\=--·~---- PsI-s-eoo-110{2) DATE_~b~--1_,_-_G~t~.;;,.__ _____________ _ Pagekot'2..'...- INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT----.,,::=k~,-.:::6"------'--- DAT-E ---C,_-~/_'9_-_7'~1[ __ PROJECT (Name) k-1 obd (Address) ·. Ck./4J11t;t\) a. .,A~chitect ___ /-/ ___ , _() ___ ·_.~----'----,--.'-'-----'--- REPORT NO. 70 ?0 2 Building Permit No. · · ':2 8" -2 C) CZ Engineer-+d~· ---~~~~-· .,,..,._+---~"""-~ ...... · -'-"-7i,_,_~u=-:'-----'-- Plan File No. __ ____;... _______________ _ Contractor. _ ___,Z3:-,::;.--,,.3~· Jo,,{:_ ____ --,-___,..,. ____ -'-- INSPECTION ·MAT'LSAMPLING QTY MATERIAL.DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders · _. ____ Rinf.: Rebar. _______ Plan & Specs..,._--'----- _OSA __ . Cement --_ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances _____ _ __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples __ -.-Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions ________ _ __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ _ Conc.:Mix#/psi _Sites..,. _______ _ _ Electrical -: _ Masonry Prisms ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Laps ________ _ __ Roofing __ Masonry Block __ -· Cone.: Mix #/psi _· Future Continuity #/psi, __ _ _Concrete _ . _ Fireproofing ___ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation, _____ _ _ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) ___ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching ____ ___ __ struct Steel --. Asphalt Concrete . ___ .. _. tlnits: Block _ Electrode Storage ____ _ __ Prestress Cone __ . Roofing _. ___ ._ Units: Brick ._ Torque Applied ____ _ __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel ___ Steel _______ -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel --_ H:S. Bolts-=------;.,.- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -·-. _ Metal Decking _____ _ __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) ___ ._ Electrodes. ___ --'----• __ Soils Technician __ Other ___ Fireproofing_----------- __ Batch Plant ___ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other. --_ Other _ .9orrective action required ___ _ ...U Corrections completed . REMARKS TA e -GI(~ 1',,. c:/'t!ems a-fl lvtW-c;,.,,, ~thtee.:---u;,ai/;;J (p-1/-cm:. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To tt,e best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building.codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAM~ri 4,t:,-G:fj-L . INSPECTOASIGNATUAE ~~ PSl·B-900· 170(2) DATE __ __,~,;;c;__,....J_/-'7'.'----1-1'f'-'----'------ REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 March 24, 1998 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FOOTINGS GRID LINES F-J,. 5 PERMIT # 98-20,8 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY ·March 13, 19·98 04:00 pm 4 67 71 March 16, l998 PSI\DEREK PETERSON NELSON & SLOAN PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-408 SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS GEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 684150 522 COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASTMC39-94 SPECIMEN TEST DATE OF LABORATORY IDENTIFICATION .AGE NUMBER OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST " 16566 A 7 03/20/98 16566 B 28 04/10/9.8 16566 C 28 04/10/98 16566 D SPECIFICATIONS 28 REMARKS: X Cylinders made by PSI represenlalive. Cylinders made by ArchitecJ's or Contracto~s representalive. TOTAL :CYLINDER LOAD' DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 76000 6.00 Cylinders picked up by PSI -~ rti!presenta_tive. Cylinders delivered to PSI.laboratory. CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STREr-lGTH (SQ. IN.) (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27. 2690 Cone 3000 Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with applicable specifications. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C617~94. TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON· cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H.O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD THESE TEST RESULTS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT· BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN_PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. ~dt(i;-- DISTRICT eGER Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • Sari Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 REPORT OF CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: DATE: FIELD DATA: MR. DAVID CATTLE LEGOLAND ESTATES INC 5600 AVENIDA ENCINAS SUITE 130 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 March 24, 1998 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FOOTINGS GRID LINES F-1. 5 PERMIT # 98~2.08 DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN. AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, °F CONCRETE TEMPERATURE, °F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX DATA SUBMITTED BY March 13, 1998 04:00 pm 4 67 71 March 16, 1998 PSI\DEREK PETERSON NELSON & SLOAN PROJECT: LEGOLAND THEME PARK CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO.: 059-70202-408 Sl,JPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET NO.ffRUCK NO. MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE NELSON & SLOAN 684150 522 NPIE..AeELLCABLE ASJM SJANDARl?~!J~LJ:.S.S._Qil:fEBWJ$JilllDJCAIEO: SLUMe; C143-9D a· AIB CONTENT· C231 :91 b· TEMPE~ATURE: .c10.o.4&6(93)::.CAPPJN..G.:..m:tt;\! LABORATORY NUMBER 16566 16566 16566 16566 SPECIFICATIONS REMARKS: COMPRESSION TEST RES UL TS ASTMC39-94 SPECIMEN TEST IDENTIFICATION AGE DATE OF OR SET NO. (DAYS) TEST A 7 03/20/98 B 28 04/10/98 C 28 04/10/98 D I 28 .K_ Cylinders made by PSI representative. Cylinders made by Architect's or Contractor's representative. TOTAL CYtiNDER. LOAD DIAMETER (LBS.) (IN.) 76000 6.00 "9500.0 6.00 93000 6.00 .. Cylinders picked up by PSI ~ representative. Cylinders delivered to PSI.laboratory. ALL CYLINDERS CAPPED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM TECHNICIAN: DEREK PETERSON -------- . CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE AREA STRENGTH ($O. IN.J (PSI) TYPE OF BREAK 28.27 2690 Cone 28.27 3360 Cone 28.27 3290 Cone 3000 .. X Test results comply with applicable specifications. Test results do not comply with c~11::'"4CQNFORMS. Respectfully submitted, Professio_nal Service Industries, Inc. cc: LEGOLAND (4), BERNARD BROTHERS, H:O.K., CITY OF CARLSBAD S-aw!~-~ THESE TEST RE SUL TS APPLY ONLY TO THE SPECIFIC. SAMPLES TESTED AND MAY NOT BE INDICATIVE OF THE ENTIRE CONCRETE PLACEMENT. REPORTS MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, EXCEPT IN FULL, WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION BY PROFESSIONAl SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. PSI A-200-4 (4)F DAVID J. , RCE DISTRICT AGER / Information To Build On Professional Service Industries, Inc. • 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Suite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170