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1 LEGOLAND DR; TI; CB980872; Permit
05/07 /98-16: 17 Page 1.of l Job Addiess.~ i L8GO DR B U I L D I N G . P E R M I T suite: PermJ t·· No: CB9·80872 Projec~ Noi A9~03436 · pevelopm.entNo: F'.l.305001 . _Permit Type: COMMERCIAL _TENANT IMPRQVEMENT Parcel No: 211-022-16-00 Lot#: j.Valu.ation: 40 1 000· Con-struction Type: N.l;:!W Occµpancy ·Group: . Reference#~ c.&~11'-I~ Status:. LS.SUED Descrip_tion: INSTALL RACK SYSTEM-A-DMIN BLDG: Applied: 0 3/Z4/98 . : · LEGOLAND CAR;LSBAD FAMILY PARK . Apr/Issµ.e: · 05/07/98. Entered By: J'M 6:19,-4:38:-5,570 -APPR-OVAl ~~-=-_oATe 5 .. / · :tL CLEARANCE _________ ~-=::;;=:=i Cl!TY OF CARLSBAD . 2075 Las Pahnas. D~., Carlsb~d~ CA 9i009 (619) 438-1\61 PERMIT APPLICATION , ,-FOR OfFfCE USE ON<% · PLAN CHECK NO. tJt!)f37z_,, EST. VAL. Lf:0v·v" . · ·z ~ .. , < ' CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsl:u.id f.!1' '92009 , • / (760)_438-116~ /VP ~5 /Y0vvd Plan Ck. Deposit ----...------- . · Validated Bv--:.--=--...:.=-r=---:-'"?!:==r7t :Date_..,.... _______ __;~-==-if+--'-~ 1. Address (include Bldg/Suite-#) Legal Description Lot No. · Subdivision Name/Number Unit.No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # Existing Use· @mMaJ~ Ma~ Pol? Al?t11!'\. W~H:PU'2t:- Description of Work SQ. FT. Proposed Use lot Stories I of Bedrooms # ·o( Bathrooms :4,-· PROPERTY OWNER -:-:-:-l,f!;~I'·~'" :_;---:. .'i.;;., ... ·,-:.-•• .,.- .Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# :S. ''·'cdNfRACToR ·,-coMPANY NAME ... -=:-·-·--· .. '"::;· ~;-'' ~,--·f:':"';'":·:-::; ·':CT";.:,:'::;';?°':~·~:::-:::,,~'.:'-£,_:·:~'~ '.:.:::=:I-:;:-"::-:,: ~R:'~~~:-71.7 ;-~"'~;~~'.::~"."~--"-; .. ,, :· . ·' . ' .- !Sec. 7031. 5 Business and Professions Co~e: Any City or· County which ·requires a permtt· to construct, alter, improv.e, demolish or repair any· structure, prior to Its · issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed· pursuant to the provisions of .the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with .Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom·, and the .basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by-any applicant.for a permit subjects the ·applicant to a civil penalty of·not more-than five hundred dollars l$500)1. Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # ________ _ Licens!I Class __________ _ Citf~usiness License I ... · ______ _ Designer Name Address CiW State/Zip Telephone State License # ________ _ 6. '1WORKERS' COMPENSATION " , . ·. , ,' ·: .... , : .· ,, :·,; ... ;: ·.:: :" ?'.>"--:;·.,·.:_-·_,,.:._;, .. ,:' :;:;·i\.:.~J.::'i.: 'f?,.,:;,(l.,r.>:§'.;·.-.~~,;l' \.:.··. •,. ,., -~>·•·; -~,:"•.·.: ·:.; .. Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under-penalty of perjury one of the following declaretions: O I have and will maintain a certificate (!f consent to self-insure for wQrkers' compensation as' proilided·by Section 370!) of. t_he Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and p9licy number are: · ln{u;;nce Company ________ ...,.. _____________ -__ Policy No •. _,___,.__________ E_xpiration Date _______ _ {THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF. THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1$1001 OR'LESSI O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: 1-certify that in, the performance-of the work for which this permit is' issued, I st-,111 not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' CQmpensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage 11 unlawful, and ahall aubject an employer ·to criminal penaltlea and cMI flnei up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), In addition to the cost of compen_ailtlon, dam,ages u provided for In Sect1011_.3706 of ,the Labor code, lnter111t:and attorney's fH1. !SIGNATURE / DATE;_-'----------- . 7. ·. OWNER~BUILDER DECLARATION · · · ,: ..... --·--._:·."·:: _;, .«· '':" : . :-. · -,.·· · ...-._. ·-:,-:-·:··. ·; ·,.-·---, ... •\,;,;:'·~,:··-:,J·'.',_.-T.'':i::,~; .. , "! ..• -.,;~.>:r,:·,,.-rr-:·-~,,-"',o·f.!,:,·:~~;:''.1 .Y1.-:,;-i ·,;!,··~ :" .. _ I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contr~ctor's License Law fqr the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole -compensation, will do .the work ·arid tile structure is not intended or offered for 111111 (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Coritractor'.s License Law does not apply to an owner of·property who-builds or improves thereon, and who does . such work himself or through his own employees; provided that ~uch improvement1,are·not'-intended or offered for 1111. If, howavar, tho building or.lmprovemint Is sold within one year of completiQn, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he·dld not build or Improve for tile pur~o111 of 11111). O i, as owner of the property, am exclusiveiy contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project !Sac. 7044, 'Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who l>uilds or· t111prov11 thereon, ·and contracts for 1uch projects with contractor(s) llcen111d pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). · · O I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Coda_ for this reason:- 1. I personally plan to ,provide the major-labor and matari~ls for construction of the propoud property Improvement; 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an api:,lication for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to.provide thll .proposlld con~truction {Include name / ·address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, ·but i have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide-the major work {Include name./ address/ phone number / contractors license number): · · 5. I will provide some of the work, but I lisve contracted lhirad) the following peraona to provide the work inc!icated {Include name/ address/ phone number/ type of work): · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _______ __,..-,-----,---'--------,.-----,--,.-DATE __ --,-...,....----.-- fCciMPLETE·THIS ·s~ctiON FOR'.NON4iESJDEimAl.'iliit:iiiNO' PEiiMits;ONLY0'.~!'.<;7.Tifte:~~~trrJ~'.1':'f.::;;r1~:~~mt7f,::T~-;,~:.r0:/-'···_";-::-r ·':?'J.ir:.:;:=-~:':-:. ;-:::::;; :.!:~ Is the !IPPlicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan; acutely hazard_ous materials registration form .-or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, -25533 or 25534.of the Presley,Tanner Hazardo~s Subst!lllCI Accouri! Act? 0 YES O NO Is the epplicant or future building occupant required to.obtain a permit from the air pollution-control distri_ct Qr'air quality minagement district? 0 YES O NO · 1s the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of ~he outer boundary of a school-site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE.YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLIC_ANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POUUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. fa;'-coNstRtictioNi.Eiiib1NG AGENc\•·:f?"t':'."-'t-P". ''. .. "'"t:;f;-:'\~;.:'f'.'f?~?r~~:~~1,,';:'.'i\·'.~r:''?'.7:n'._7/?'.?:'??\F'.'.-':-f?~'.''·:-!? t·0:,·····,,:::-c.:·-:· ''.'" ,. ·····: ;" .:. · '~-:r· ... ,·' I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the w.ork .for which this pirmit-is issued {Sec •. 3097{0 Civil Coda). LENDER'S NAME ____ -,-____________ LENDER'S ADDRESS _ _,_--,---,---..-...,.---.,...,.-------------- f![ ... 'APPLICANT CERtiFICATiON ·i T;_,o·. ,, ·--;:· .. , :·" c·::;~-:::c'!',''.:·· 7' ·-;:-:-;r::Z:,:;~:r::f:'.:_~-~"!:7r1".":'. t?~~";t'.:.iif.'f-/7,f~~~l=BfF.::--:s.:~f'~·~~.,.i·',)I{ :::•:,. ··,-; ,. : -:;-:·,:-'' ·,:-.,,c,, -:: :'' ;- I certify that I have read the application-and state that the above information ls corr!lct and that the inio;mitlon on the plans i~ accurete. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I l)ereby authorize represent!ltives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND ·KEEP HAR~LESS THE _CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH'MAY IN.ANY'WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING-OF THIS PERMIT: . OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction:of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions-of this Code shall expire l>y limitation end become null--alft1v!lidif1ne building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced itlliri 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by Sl.iCh permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is com ((tor a pario f 1_80-day .( t n-106A.4-Uniform-Building Code). , · . APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ~ c-DATE g_ Z1:·<J"z1 PINK: Finance FO.R OFFICE USE ON(,. Y I> PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. ____ _ ,. ff ., ( . CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr.! Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. ________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit__, ______ _ Validated By _______________ _ . Date._.,,.___,, ___________ _ 1. PROjECT INFORMATION Address Unclude Bldg/Suite II) B4siness Name lat thi11 address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Numbir Unit No. Phase No. Tot,I II of units Assessor's Parcel II . Existing Use Prciposid Use Description of Work SQ, FT. lot Stories II of Bedrooms II of Bathrooms Name Address City State/Zip Telephone II Fax II f3; :· APPLICANT .. D Contrictor ··o Agen~ for ·coirtriictor''· / 0 OWrieV{[J}~genfiiif~her"-'·p= ·~:~7'.'" 7::::'.'~;·::" ., :~~·7' ., .. ", ··-· , Name Address City State/Zip Telephone II ·4, ' PROPERTY OWNER .... ,. ...... , .. Name Address City · State/Zip Telephone 11 · .s. · · cot.iTiiAcToR ~ col'APANY NAMir···-·····:'. ··· :·---~·-,~-,. ---~···,-:··:··:~:::':'.":"'''.' :~.:··-~:'.".Jr.:~::-:1?:1F:::.;·~:-:r:?'.:~~;;;.'.1:.; .~ -:"';~::-:::~~··T,·-·· ·: ·· {Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City·or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, Improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to Its issuance, also requires the applicant for such, pe_rmit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant. to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with· Section-7000 i>f Division 3 of the Business. and Professions Code) or ~hat tie Is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section-7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the a.PPlicant t.o a. clvll penalty of not moril than five hundred dollars IS 5001). BERNARDS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION 5342 ARMAD*.DR CARJ.SBAD, CA 92QQS,?6Q-93Ck:0099 Name · Address City State/Zip Telephone II State License I 302007 · License ClasA B City Businei1 L!cense I 1205610 HOK 1655 26TH ST. SU!TE 2QO SANTA MONICA, CA 9.0404 310-453-0100 Designer Name Address · · · City· Stete/Zlp Telephone . State License I ________ ____ 6 .... WORKERS' COMPENSATION . ... . ... . .-._,, ... , . .. ·''"'"• .... ;'., '...,-_. ... ~,--.--~:··. ::;.:;·.~,~':·i:f'.;~::',":: ·,·p-~~.:·.'.'.,?i::";,;~;· '.'::·., ·,.:.:·,.: · , ..... "' . ·: Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of tmi following· declarations: 0 . I have and will maintain II certificate of consent to self-Ins-Ure for-workers' compensation-as provided by Section 3700 of'tha Labor Code, for the p11rformanc11 of the work for which this permit is issµad. lti I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as requir.e!i by S!9ction 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performince of the work for which this permit is ~ued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy-number ire: . Insurance Company lJLICO CASUALTY CO Policy No,WQ6Q40227QO · Expiration Date6-3Q 98 ITHIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE·HU.NDRED DOLLARS [$100)'0R LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the pilrformance of the work· for which this. permi_t is issued,, I shall not employ eny person In 1ny manner 10 as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of·California. WARNING: Failure t aecur workers' compensation .coverage 1.• unlawful, and 'shall subject an employer t_o criminal ~t Ii and civil fines up to one. hundred thousand dollars ($10 0 In addition to the cost of co · , dilmegu u provided fqr In Section 3706 ,:,f the erest and attorney's fNa. SIGNATURE'----l~~b'-----if--,,~;;...,.--'----__,;,----..,....-----'----DATE .... i:,.,c.t--,<-J-+-fr--- '7. OWNER-BUILDER DEC . . . . ... ··.:-·; •.. · '"."'·· , .... "· ···::·. ·'.''.:.,,;,t t:Ct}:·;7-~··,;-;,-, .:··,S·t' .I'. \,1f'lrl!·1.~·]'1,f_;J'..-;fi,:-I'·j•1·<1' ;fl·r.,:y::;::,•: ;·:·: ::r., tractor's Lic11n111 Law for the following reason: 0 rty .or my · ployees with wliges as their sole compensation, will do· .the work .and the structure Is not Intended or offered for .sale {Sec. 7044, Business ind P fessions Code: The Contractor's Ui:enae Law does not apply to an owner of property .who build• or Improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own •niployns, provlctethhat such Improvements ere nqt Intended or ·off•rad for sale. If, however, the l,luildlng· or lrilprovem1nt 11 sold within one year of completion, th• owner-builder will have t'1e burden of proving that he did'not build or Improve-for the purpoH-Of 11111). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licilnsed contractors to cons1ruct the project {Sec. ro44, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an ownir qt prop1rty who ·builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractorl1) licensed pursuant to the Contractor'• License Law). · 0 I am exempt urider Section _______ _, Business and Professions.Coda for-this reason: 1.' I personally plan to provide the major labor an<! materials for ci>nstr1Jction of the proposed pr9perty Improvement. O YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for i building permit for the propo:sed work. 3. I have contracted with the following' persqn (firm)·to provide. the pr9posed construction (Include name'/ address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. · I plan.to provide portions of-the work, b!lt I have hired the following person to coordinate, supjrvise ind provide th1 major work (Include name/ address/ phona number/ contractors licenie number):. _______ ...,.. _____________________ ...,.. ___ ......, ___ .,.... _____________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I heve co~t~acted {hired) the following persons to prQvlde the work·lndi~tecf'On«ilude name / addresi / phone number / type of work): · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ___________________ ..,..._...._..,..._ ·DATE ___________ _ !COMPLETE THIS 'SECtibffFOR lioiMEsloiitt'w.' BOILDiNG PEfiMifs'ciNi:Y,~-i''ff!..''?1':ry?t;:-r:".f•i-~~'!'T'~~J.J~.1~:11~~!~~!,:m';~:~;,,':"?:','".' ,'T ··": 1' ~ :.r:::·:-:-t:-'. :/c; ~: ~: :~ Is the !1PPlic11nt or future building occupant requira(! ·to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous mitilri1ls r'9i1tratiol"! form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanr,ir Hazardous.Sub.stance Acco4nt Act? o· YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a P!lrmlt from the air pollution control ·dlstri_ct·or air quality management district? D YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary oh schoc:,I site? 0 YES CJ ,NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE oF·occuPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION PONTROL DISTRICT •. fa,., .. coNstliucTioN i.ENDiNcfAGENCY .,.,·,.::'J_'':' ·0n:1·.,;~-r:!·'.1;-:·~:,:?1iI;?1''::':E"{::lf.-;!,?;t7'.:~:-"~'.!'···/':+;:".'"'::?~'.·'.',~:r?-·7,:7'.7':''~:-;;·-:·,..1:0~'·~-·•t•·7:: ·· '·:· ·· ·· · ( · · -~-; -.'' , ... · • I hereby affirm thet there is a construction lending agancy for the parformance of the w.ork for which this-1,errnit Is issued {Sec. 3097(i) Clvll Code). LENDER'S NAME----'------,-'-"'------LEfiPER'$ ADDRESS _ f9'.",""'APPLICANT CERTIFICATitii'L~''-'.'"'.",-·', ,,-,.,:.-:-; '.1~:-r:_=-:'·:·':~·'"',:"')""'!,!::":'::·.,.;~::;::vt';'&."';:'•,'.':< =".•::r:r,:'1:,T,'''!"'.':":'t.?,~'f~"?~i.·;tsi_,.,,e,;..";'.:;~F'~E,l~'"'I·' ·,;.;· ·.: .. · ·. 1'° ', "• ., ........... ,,._, ., I certify that I have read the application arid state·that the above information is correct and that the lnformatlori on the,pians 11 accurate. I agree to comply with ail City ordinances and State laws relating to building ·construi:tion. I hereb·y authorize representativei of the Cltt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO A~REE TO SAVE, INDEM.NIFY ·AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST AU LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY AC(;:RUEAGAINST SAID ,CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over-5'0" d!'IIP and diinolitiein.or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit lssuad by the Building Official under the. provisions of this Coda 1h1II expire by limitation and become null and void If the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 366 days fro;n the date of sqch permit or If the building or work 11uthorlzed·by such permit Is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work Is commenced for a period of 180 days {Section 108.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE __________ _,, ____ _,__ ____________ ...,__ DATE ___________ _ WHITE: File Yl;Ll,O~; Applicsnt ~INK: Fin1111~11 MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS _ l SCANNED SEPARATELY CB972027 IS THE PLAN CHECK NUMBER FOR MANY OTHER CB'S ALSO SEE . CB971460(OUTER PARK) CB971465(ADMIN BLDG) cn:v 01 Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building l;ngineering Planning CMWD St Lite ~ Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: C8980872 INSTALL RACK SYSTEM-ADMIN BLDG LEGOLAND CARLSBAD FAMILY PARK 1 LEGO DR JIM Phone: 7609300099 CA Water·Dist: CA Date: Per:mirType: Sub Type: Lot: 2/23/99 CT~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ff§: ijl I I, FEB 2 5 1999 I Ji . L.:) . By'.::::::=~===:::::::::::::::=;::;::::_ ·l~~~:~~:~···········;···························~~;:························;····················1···········7································ By: h~ Inspected: \ ¥' Approved:_....._ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By:-------"'--,--,-----'. Inspected:---'-----'-· Approved: __ Disapproved: __ Inspected bate By: . lnspe<;:ted: _____ Approved:---'--Disapproved: __ • -i"/ · cnvor Carlsbad ~ ·; · Final Building lnspacuon - " ~ ... "' -' Dept: Building · Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire -.~ Plan Check#: Permit#: CB980872 Project Name: INSTALL RACK SYSTEM-ADMIN BLDG LEGOLANb·CARLSBAD FAMILY PARK Address: 1 LEGO .DR Contact Person: JIM Phone: 7609300099 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Date: RermitType: Sub Type: Lot: .2/23/99 CTI .............................................................................................................................. , ........................... . Inspected Date ~ ~~~~"tt{, Approved: / By: ,\!J?? Inspected: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: .Inspected: __ Approved: Disapproved: ____ Inspected bate By: ·Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ············································~·······································································•••'!I••!•••••••••••••••••••············· Comments:---'-------'---,---------...----------...,....-------------- CHY Of Carlsbad ~ ·: Final Building lnspecdon ~ ~ ....... Dept: Building Engineering Planning · CMWD Ji¥11k: Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: CB980872 INSTALL RACK SYSTEM-ADMIN BLDG LEGOLAND CARLSBAD FAMILY PARK Address: . 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: JIM Phone: 7609300099 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot: 2/23/99 CTI ·········································~·························································~·······••!••·········································· Inspected ~ Date z/ue By: Inspected: Approved: . <---6isapproved: --. _ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproveq: __ ······················································••·····················•·····················•··············•········································· Comments: ___________ .,........ _______________ --,-_____________ _ City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For; 2/23/99 Permit# CB980872 Title: INSTALL RACK SYSTEM-ADMIN BLDG Description: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD FAMILY PARK Type: CTI Sub Type: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot Location: A.PPLICANT : LEGOLAND CARLSBAD, INC Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing. 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Act Comments Inspector Assignment: Phone: 7609300099 lnspecto,£1: Requested By: JIM Entered By: CHRISTINE -----------,-----------------'---,,-----.......,..---,,--......... ---.........a.--,-- --------------'-----·--...,.'-------...,.--"------------------. Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Commentl, • *'-+ , CltVaf Carlshad ~ ·; Final Building Inspection .,~ .... " ~' :,,i,,,i.~ ue -==~ !RECEWED I FEB20~] Dept: ,Building Engineer:~ng Planning CMWD St Lite Fire <:~i~" ~ :.r CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMF.NT · Plan Check#: ''"st Permit#: C8980872 Project Name: INSTALL RACK SYSTE:M-ADMIN BLDG LEGOLAND CARLSBAD FAMILY PARK Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: JIM Phone: 7609300099 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: <;;A Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot 2/23/99 CTI ···················································c·······••1!1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••!1•••···················,······························~·-· Inspected Date .~u~L11 ~ Disapproved: __ By: ?© Inspected: Approved:. Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approv:ed: Disapproved: __ Inspected Oate By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ......................................................... , .................................................................................................. , Comments:---------------------------.-------------------------- 510 559 1039 +1SOU001SZ' T Ma':I, 07 1998 02:34PM P2 •S4b ~-U1/Ul r~4db - SPECIAL INSPECTION PRCGMM AOCRESSORLEGALOSSC~IPTION: iNf?t,$,U?GAU,rB(Nfel~ 1 ieee ta'JVk. _ PLAN CHECK _NUMBER: ef 99 .. PSJt. OWNER'$ NAME: --~-E1:&i~-.c. 0.:.111£~---- !1 as ·the owner, or igent or ina owner (contractorS m~y am ernpl_ot tha special inspecior). certify ?hat r. or the arebltecr1an;ineer of reccrd, wm be respon$lble for employing the speetal insp,ec:tcr(s) as requ· -!:) U iform BL.1ildini Code {USC) S&c:Uon 1101.1 for the ccnstrucuon project roeat It~ lilte b_O\re, use SKtion ,oe.3,5, Sisn• I, as the engineer1arcn1tad df reccrd, certify that I nav• prepared, the foilOWlng sp~al iNpe~tian prqgr $ req 'red by uac Section , 08.3.5 for tha construction project Jacaled at tne Sita liited a ve. 1. List of work teq1.1irin9 spec:i•I inapectJon: D Soils Compliance Prior ta F~undiUiC)n Jnspectiar, CJ Struotural Concrete Over 2500 PSI' D Pr~reaead Concrete 0 StruoturaJ Masonry Cl Cesl;ner Spet:iflea 0 Field Welding 0, Hl;h S~ength Bolting B ExpansJon/Epo~~ Anchors D Sprayvcf•On Fireproofing Cl Other _____ _ 2. -Name(s) of lndlvidual(s) or firm[s) r11&p0nsible for the Jpocial inspections liatcd 'above: A. ~~~~ s. c. . . 3. Cutlas of the special inspectors far the work.listed ab~v•: B, C. / ·~ • ' ,..S EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersft.ip witfi. (jovunmen.t for '13uili£ing Safety DATE: 4/2/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-872 PROJECT ADDRESS: l Lego Drive SET:I D APPLICANT ,a?JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE PROJECT NAME: Storage Racks for Legoland Maintenance & Storage Building D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building cqdes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected· and resubmitted fora complete recheck. ~ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Gina Yu 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad CA 92009 ~ . Esgil Corporation staff did not advise th$ applicant that the plah check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the. applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person· D REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D. EJ D PC 3/26 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite208 + San.Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-872 4/2/98 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Drive DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 3/26 REVIEWED BY: David Yao FOREWORD (PLEASl: READ): DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: 4/2198 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other qepartments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change .. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. 1. Please make c;1!1 corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORP.ORATION. 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sh~et has been· made and return this sheet with the revised plans. · 3. Please indicate here if any·changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? O Yes D No 4. Only the storage racks are .included in this plan review. 5. The beam,column and br$ce size and connection details shall be on the final approved plan.(Esgil Corp. did not receive any rack construction plan.) 6. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 24 and 1994 UBC. Carlsbad 98-872 4/2/98 7. Provide a hate. on the plans indicating if any hazardous materials will be stored and/or used within the building which exceed the quantities listed in UBC Tables 3-D and 3-E. 8. The tenant .space and new and/or exi_sting facjlities serving the remodeled area must be accessible to and functional for the physically disableq. Can the bathroom fit in 5' circle?(door can not encroach into the 5' circre) 9. Obtain Fire Department approval for groups F, M and S occupancy storage per UBC Sections 306.8-, 309 .. 8 and 311.8. 10. Indicate the clearance from the new racks to the existing building walls and building columns per Section 1631,2.11. The clearance must be at least 3Rw/8 times the deflections of both the rack and the building. 11. Note on the plans that the rac;:k design loads will be posted per Section 1604.5. 12. Provide forklift protection: per Section 2231.5. Recheck the "pallet" racks as follows: 13. Include the 25% increase in vertical loading for impact per Section 2237 .2 14. What is the live load for each bay? Why the live loads are different between the interconnected units.and single row units? 15. The seismic;: analysis appears to show the C=2'.3 for the force in longitudinal direction. Provide comment to show why C is not 2.75 in longitudinal direction. 16. Recheck all connections as follows: a) The rivet bearing capacity· is only dtFu = 0.406(0.07 47)65 = 2 kips. b) Provide calculations for all beam to bracket weld capacities per Section 2230 (allowable weld stress is the member thickness times 26 ksi times 1.33, or the weld stress,. whichever is rower). 17. Indicate the safety pin size and verify .it is adequate for the 1000# load. Section 2236.1. 18. Recheck the base plate anchors as follows: a) The special inspection may be required for the expansion anchors based on the city policy. 19. Provide calculations for the column weak axis bending plus axial for transverse seismic loading. The axial load is the maximum compression load at the base from vertical plus seismic overturning._ The column moment wili probably be maximum for the lateral load from the base plate to the first diagonal brace (not only to the first horizontal member). 20. Show the slab thickness on the plans per the calculati~ns. Carlsbad 98-872 4/2/98 21. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; tel~phone·number of 619/560.-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have _any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 98-ij72 4/2/98 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-872 PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Drive DATE: 4/Z/98 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATiON VALUE (ft. 2) MULTIPLIER {$) racks Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers 40000 TOTAL VALUE (per city) ~ 1991 UBC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 349.5 ~ 1991 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 227.18 Type of Review: D Complete Review 0, Structural Only O Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 181.74 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNINC/ENCINEERINC APPROVALS PERMIT N.UMBER cs· 9 8 0 8-7 z ADDRESS ...J_ L£<;a . <Jri ve DATE . 3-2.t/-9'5: RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDJTION, MINOR < < $10,000.00) .PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE "'· COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC OTHER .s-to~~e ro.cl;s :fu:: L£Go Ac/,.,Jr1 .. ~re.hovse: PLANNER JL, ~ ·. DATE 3~z'/-'jc5' ENCINEER J1!122tteL~ DATE. Doc:s/Mlstorms/Plannlng Engineering Approvals City of Carlsbad . . . p~ 97156-1 . . Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention :rr ·,, . ·.;~.-:.Plan Re.vi.ew:_. Require!flents Category: High Piled Combustible Storage "~t~:e ~; ~ep6:~;~~~,s~y.JUne18, 1998 Reviewed.by: M~ . ~~ . . -~ ' ,,-, I ;;i6ontii{::~;-:-T::·:,N,~~~~\;r ,'_ ·: s·chlrmer Englneer,n_ g .· ' .. , ,, ·,, ·'. _____ ....__-_.....,.._...__-'---'-'---,-------'---,- . ' ~ Address 11770 Bernardo Plaza Ct #112 _ City, State San Dieog CA 92128 Bldg. Dept. No. CB980872 Planning No. Job Name Lego Admin/Rack . Job Address 1 Lego Ste. or Bldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved -The· item you have submitteo for review has been approved. The approv~I is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by'this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements.· D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please mak~ corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. -Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use_ Only Review 1st ~--3rd __ _ 2nd --- Other Agency ID CFD Job# ----~ 97156-1 File# ___ _ 2560 Orion Way· Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 ' ' ,; Carlsbad 98-872 4/2/98 GENERAL PLAN CORRECTION LIST· . JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Drive.· DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION; 3/26 REVIEWED BY: Dav:id Yao FOREWORD (PLEASE READ).,: PLAN CHEC.K NO.: 98-872 DATE REVIEW COMPLETED: 4/2/98 This plan review is limited to the technical· requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, l}niform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation .and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced ·by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Enginee,ring Department or other departments. · · The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied ¼ before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the api;,roval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. t 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: '-.... · ESGIL CORPORATION. · · . . u 2. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which e~ch correction on this sheet has be~n made and return this sheet with the revised plans . . 3. Please. indicate here if any changes have been made to· the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, plec:1se .briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? D Yes · rf No 4. Only the storage racks are included in this plan review. '(l0 5. The beam,column and brace size ·~md connection details shall be on the final approved plan. (Esgil Corp. did not receive any rack cons.truction plan.) 0at 9 ke, f$ ~{) ~ I j,,< SI . I) 6. Provide a statement on .th~ Title Sheet or the plans. th?t this project shall comply with Title 24 and 1994 USC. A./;,p ~t) Mti?'t --ritk Z.4 So . .\ -f.99+ UBC Carlsbad 98-872 ~ 4/2/98 7. ! Provide a note on the plans indicating if any hazardous materials will be stored and/or I used within the building which exceed the quantities listed in USC Tables 3-0 and 3-E. ;9t( l~tt~-fr~W\ \...~ ~Ab . ·. . . . . . · ot-o-viM1-od~ 8. l The tenant space and new and/or existing fac11lt1es serving thet;;meeetecl-afea. must be l accessible to and functional for the physically disabled. Can the bathroom fit in 5' circle?(door can not encr9ach .into the 5' circle) A6\rf\4A ~. \, ~'fY\\t\:.e.d \Ard~ az;-\91-l4S7b I Pet<-.97-s; '~. {o~tt-..,.,.~V\ f-.(J.. '" ;/ t:,.hrck.:JS,'flQ. A2c~ tJO A1S5' 9. \Obtain Fire Depa:rtment approval for groups F, Mand S occupancy storage per USC ;sections 306.8, 309.8 and 311 :8. 6a,· ~ttw .frl/N\ &tMfyY-,t,V ~~' CtJvp, 10. Indicate the clearance from the new racks to the existing building walls and building columns per Section 1631.2.11. The cl.earance must be at leas,t,.3Rw/8 Jimes the def!ections of both the rack and the building. 1"1*.4l.ftahQII\-;: (o/PJ Rw"l<<._.oos,K 1i'--l<rz..\1 1}.3.'311 fn",\N..4 j 11 tfv\i\, t\{~<4 -~ $~.e... Y~Jk,s. ~ ~ld.R wtt\l~ \ 0.a.AZtiS"' t'I() 42.-07 11. Note on the pians that the rack.design io~ds Will be paste~ per Section 1604.5. . f:;ll ~vt~ 'If~ /.H\ 00. I 12. Provide forklift protection per Section 2231.5. gae..,. t4 ~t~ * 10 {If\ .9o. t Recheck the "pallet" racks as foUows: 13. Include the 25% increase-in vertical loading for impact per Section 2237 .2 6~ t\,\11\.lw\ ~~q,.e,t~ .1· fv ·+. . 14. What is the live load for each bay? Why the live loads are different between the· _ _ interconnected units and single row units?~ Al_c~~ UfNi 1--v\ of .{:\11&:¥\ r;6_~ (u;-0 IAX\rl~ \->~™Ju\ f'M ;(kir. ~(ti;i,.:rdt+t:.«Yit'h ~MM o,} .l'v--~~vV\G~~YG:, -)~v ~-r-) 15. The se1sm1c analysis appears to show the C=2.3 f<hr the force in longitudinal direction. Provide comment to show why C is not 2.75 in longitudinal direction. ~ :;.\~-ifl.lh.L..'-l '?~, rs ~ to 2~. · 16. Recheck all connections as follows: a) The rivet bearing capacity is only dtFu = 0.406(0.0747)65 = 2 kips.~£(. S~\-2h b) Provide calculations for all beam to bracket weld capacities per Section 2230 (allowable weld stress is the member thickness times 26 ksi times 1.33, or the weld stress_, whichever is lower).'7,U vl.-~th..t~t\ ~t '2b. 17. Indicate the safety pJp siz;e a~d verify it is adequate for the 1000# load~ Section 2236.1. 0e.t-10r (4-f,vv,t t .?1.·+tAllr~f 6~,1' -2-J, 18. Recheck tlie base plate ?r'lchors as follows.· a) T_he sp~cial inspe?ti~:m_may be required for the expan$_ion a~chors based on the · city policy. ?P¢uifu 1trv:f'_~h"{/\A. VS\l\ kx:.,, tr/S"!l\lW:\, ·t7y-l'iM/\ r.J { 4-\i\ S .(4 , t 19. Provide calculations for the 'column weak axis bending plus axial for transverse seismic loading. The axial load is the maximum compression load at the base from vertical plus seismic overturning. The column moment will probably be maximum for the lateral load from the base plate to the first diagonal brace (not only to the first horizontal member). ~ tt-tbchul 4'-~r z.<p . . 20. Show the slab thickness on the plans per the cafculations. · Aw~ po 6-u7 Multiframe4D 1.04 ... Rt,;<; p i;,J-;e t I 3 . ~re /~AT fALLtqG /,)Zt,-l-PM?ro Cl) A1 A 11~~ . · 18.75 . "11111111111111111111111111111111111111m1111111mmmumm1mm1mm1mmmumm1mmm1m1mmmnua · .. a Left Pallet Multiframe4D 1.04 V • . . JIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUimr irnrnmn1111mmnm111111nmnm1111nn111111nma Right Pallet Multiframe4D 1.04 . 1-8.75 . · . . . 23 44 ~mmmmmmmnnmmmmnmnnm11mn11m11nmmn11111111nnmmmmm11m11nmmmnm11wmmmmmmmmmm11mnmmnmmmmmnimmnmmmmmmnmmmmunmmmmmm~ LP+ i .25RP (Combined) Multiframe4D 1.04 ~b ~ 1j?oo,. 'So-.. fb t j'5)(~t,) 788) ,:::. -~5 L l, p , . O~-_. LP+1.25RP Mz1 (lb-in) LATERAL LOAD DISTRIBUTION; INTERCONNEctED UNITS LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION V = (ZIC)(Wdl+ Wll/2)/Rw = 783.75 LEVEL Widl ·will 10 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 .. 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 100 3600 2 100 3600 1 100 3600 300 10800 TRANSVERSE DIRECTION V = (ZIC)(Wdl+Wll/2)/Rw = 1045 LEVEL Widl Will 10 0 0 9 0 6 8 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 100 3600 2 100 3600 1 100 .. 3600 300 10800 Wi 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 3700 216 .. 3700. 144 3700 72 11100 Wi 0 . 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 3700 216 . 3700 144 3700· 72 11100 .. Z= 0.4 I= 1 C = 2.75 Rw= 8 Wihi VlWihi/LWihi) 0 0 0 ,0 .. 0 0 .0 799,200 532,800 266.400 1,598,400. Z= 0.4 I= 1 C= 2.75 Rw= 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o 391.9 261.3 130.6 783.8 Wihi V(Wihi/}:Wihi) 0 o .. () 0 0.0 0 o.o 0 0.0 0 0.0 . 0 b.O 0 0.0 799 200 522.5 532 800 348.3 266 400 · :174.2 . 1,598,400 1045.0 Multiframe4O 1.04 2:--------~·~9~. ------'-------'----'--4~--'------,'-----1~5~---,------12 4 LM30 72 LBF404 LBF404 96 96 q LM30 72 \2 LM30 72 e~-------'----"'-a_·~·-------a~----'---'----------1~4~ _______ 11 ~ LM30 72 LBF404 LBF404 96 9& fj LM30 72 1,1 LM30 72 5~-------------'--~7.,__ __________ 7~--'--------------1~3.,_ ____ -'-__ 10 1 LM30 72 1 .& LBF404 LBF404 96 96 ~ LM30· 72 3 .& 1,0 LM30 72 9 .& Multiframe4D 1.04 98 .00 ... .-----------,.---'--------196.0Q-tii---~------------------'-· 98.00 65 ,30.-...-----------------.....,a--1'30. 10-. .-------=---------------65.30 32. 7Q-l,li--------------------65.30-ll~-------'-------------'---32.70 Load Case 1 Multiframe4D 1.04 ~& Joint Coordinates (in) TYP,e Joint X o.ob z 1 0.00 0.00 Rigid 2 9.00. 216.00 0.00 Rigid 3 96.00 0.00 0.00 Rigid 4 96.00 216.00 0.00 Rigid 5 0.00 72.00 . 0.00 Rigid 6 o.oo· 144.00 0.00 Rigid 7 96.00 72.00 0.00 Rigid 8 96.00 144.00 0.00 Rigid 9 192.00 0.00 0.00 Rigid 10 192.00 72.00 0.00 Rigid· 11 192.00 144.00 0.00 Rigid 12 1~.00 216.00 0.00 Rigid Member Geometry (in,deg) JoinU Joint2 ?oo Slope -Orient. Member 1 1 5 90.00 0.00 2 3 7 72.00 90.00 0.00 3 5 6 72.00 90.00 0.00 4 6 2 72.00 90.00 0.00 5 7 8 72.00 90.00 0.00 6 8 4 .72.00 90.00 0.00 7 5 7 96.00 0.00 0.00 8 6 8 96.00 . 0.00 0.00 9 2 4 96.00 0.00 0.00 10 9 10 72.00 90.00 0.00 11 10 11 72.00 90.00 0.00 12 11 12 72.00 90.00 0.00 13 7 10 96.00 0.00 0.00 14 8 11 96.00 0.00 0.00 15 4 12 96.00 O.od 0.00 Member Types 0x' 0y' 0z' Self Weight Member 1 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 2 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 3 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Bigid Static.& Dynamic 4 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 5 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 6 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 7 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 8 Rigid/Rigia Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static.& Dynamic 9 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 10 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 11 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 12 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static;: & Dynamic 13 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid . Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 14 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 15 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic Member Sections Member Group Section 1 S-Col LM30 2 S-Col LM30 3 S-Col LM30 4 S-Col LM30 5 S-Col LM30 6 S-Col LM30 7 S-Beams LBF404 8 S-Beanis LBF404 9 S-Bearns LBF404 10 $-Col LM30 11 S-Col LM30 12 S-Col LM30 13 S-Beams LBF404 14 $-Beams LBF404 15 S-Beams LBF404 Section Properties Section A Ix .. )Y J E G in2 in' m in' psi psi LM30 b.86 1.37 1.16 1.00 2.90e+7 1.12e+7 LBF404 1.12 2.66 1.11 1.00 2.90e+7 1.12e+7 Total Mass (lb) . 102.00 Joint Restraints and Prescribed Displacements-(in,rad) Joint dx cy dz 0x 0y 0z 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 ·~·· **** .... 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 **** **** **** 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 **** **** **** Multiframe4D 1.04 ~'-1j ihere are no springs Joint Loads(lb,lb-ft) Load Ca.se 1 Py Joint Px pz Mx My Mz 7 65.30 5 32.70 10 32.70 8 130.70 6 65.30 11 65.30 4 196.00 2 98.00 12 98.00 There are no membe(load~ in Load Case 1 There are no thermal loads in Load,Case 1 Joint Displacements (in,rad) dx o.~ dz 0x 0~ 0z Joinr Load Case 1 Load Case 1 a.Ob 0.00 0.00 -0.02 2 Load Case 1 1.76 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 -0.00 3 Load Case 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o:oo -0.02 4 Load Case 1 1.76 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 5 LqadCase 1 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00· -0.01 6 Load Case 1 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 7 Load·case 1 1.14 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 8 Load Case 1 1.55 -0.00 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 9 Load Case 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 10 Load Case 1 1.14 -0.00 0.00 0.00 · 0.00 -0.01 11 Load Case 1 1.55 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 12 Load Case 1 1.76 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 Joint Reactions {lb,lb-ft) Rz Mx Mz Joint Load Case Rx RY My 1 Load Case :t -239.18 -685.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 2 Load Case 1 -0.03 -0.00 0.00 · 0.00 0.00 -0.00 3 Load Case 1 -305.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 · -0.00 4 Load Case 1 0,09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 5 Load Case1 -0.02 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 Load Case 1 -0.03 0.00 0.00 O.bO 0.00 0.00 7 Load Case 1 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 8 LoadCase1 0.06 o;oo 0.00 0.()() 0.00 0.00 9 Load.Case 1 -239.18 685.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 10 Load Case 1 -0.02 o.op 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 Load Case 1· -0.03 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 Load Case 1 -0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 Sum of Reactions (lb,lb-ft) LoaclCase 1 Rx -784.00 Ry -0.00 • Rz 0.00 Mx 0.00 My -0.00 Mz 10975.80 Member Actions (lb,lb-ft) Vi.'· Tx' My' Member Load Case Px' Vy' Mz' 1 Load Case 1 -685.99 239.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 685.99 -239.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 1435:10 2 Load Case 1 0.00 305.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0:00 -0.00 · -305.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 1833.80 3 Load Case 1 -288.86 160.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 346.62 288.86 -160;30 0.00 0.00 0.00 615.16 4 Load Case 1 -84.13 107.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 261.69 84.13 ·-107.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 381.14 5 Load Case 1 0.00 332.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 956.85 -0.00 -332.71 O.OQ 0.00 0.00 1039.41 6 Load Case 1 -0.00 177.72 0.00 0~00 0.00 462.58 0.00 -177..72 0.00 0.00 0.00 583.75 7 Load Case 1 -46:20 -397.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1781.72 46.20 397.13 0.00 ·0.00 0.00 -1395.32 8 Load Case·1 12.11 -204.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 -876.85 -12:11 204:73 0.00 0.00 0.00 -760.99 9 Load Case 1 <9.17 -84.13 0.00 ·o.oo 0.00 -381.14 9.17 84.13 0.00 a.Ob 0.00 -291.88 10 Load Case 1 685.99 239.18 b.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 -685.99 -239.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 1435.10 11 Load Case 1 288.86 16Q.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 346.62 -288.86 -160.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 615.16 12 Load Case 1 84,13 107.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 261.69 -84.13 -107.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 381.14 13 Load Case 1 4620 -397.13 0.00 O.OQ 0.00 -1395.32 -4620 397.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1781.72 Multiframe4D 1.04 14 15 No joint masses Load Case 1 Load·Case 1 . A dynamic analysis.has not been performed -12.11 12.11 9.17 -9.17 -204.73 204.73 -84.13 84.13 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 f'~r IP legoland "760.99 -876.85 -291.88 -381.14 Multiframe4D 1.04 Load Case 1 Defl. (in) : 1.7(/\ ---1-· __ ,, .. ,- ' I I ; PERIOD OF STRUCTURE LEVELS wi 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 -1 --fi . cH wioi"2 tiai 0 0 0 0 O_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 _o o: b 0 0 0 0 ; .o 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 -o-O_ 0 3700 -391.9 _1.76 3700 261.3 1.55 3700 130.6 1.14 T = 211[ (IWioi"2}/(g(l:fiai)) ]".5 1.44 C= 1.25S/T".67 1.96 11461.12 8889.25 _4808.52 25158.89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 689.744 405.015 148.884 1243.643 SCOPE ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Project: _ 98-212 Date: 4/16/98 Designer: __ ""--'A'--'-'.T ''---- Page: .... -__ __,1=8 __ PROVIDE ANAI-YSIS OF STORAGE RACKS UNDER SEISMIC AND STATIC CONDITIONS. ANALYSIS SHALL BE .IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 1994 SECTION 2231 -2238 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. GENERAL SPECIFl:CATIONS -STEEL STRENGTH Fy = 50 KSI -ANCHORS ICBO APPRV'D TYPE= 1/211 X 3-1/2i' MINIMUM EMBEDMENT TENSION-CAPACITY= 500# SHEAR CAPACITY= 920# - -SLAB THICKNESS = 611 STRENGTH= 3000 PSI -SOIL STR~NGTH 1000 PSF ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES · Consulting Engineers, Inc. · 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94709 lNT~RCoN~~crfD UN 1·:cs SEISMIC ANALYSIS V = ZIC/Rw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 2 Tel: (510)559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Rw ,(Longitudinal) = 8 Rw (Transverse) = 6 V (long) = OAO .X 1.0 X 1.96 X ( 300 + 10800 / 2 ) / 8 V= 558.6# V(trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X( 300· + 10800/ 2 )/ 6 V = 1,045.0 # Project:_~__.9-=-8·=-21=2- Date-· __ ...... 4/'"""16=-/9a..a.8_ Designer:_--'--. ,..:..:;f'+'-'':r.,....__ Page: ___ 1-=t+--- Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wihi/ LEVEL HEIGHT ·wDL wLL w Wihi l';wihi I.wihi 12 0.0 0.0 _, 1 1 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 ,' 0.0 7 0.0 O.Q 6 0.0 0.0 5 0-.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 3 216.0 100 3600 3700 799200 279.3 522.5 2 144.0 100 3600 3700 532800 186.2 348.3 1 72.0 100 3600 3700 266400 93.1 174.2 300 10800 1598400 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Column = V long total / 2 = 279.3 # DETERMINE COLUMN FORCES · Project: __ --"-'98...,·2::...:.1=-2 _ Date~· __ ___.4:...:./1=6/=98=---- Designer: __ ...,.A ____ .T ____ . ____ Page: ___ +19;:;;.._· __ THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTAL METHOD, WITH THE POINT OF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-HEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS. Mupper + Mlower = Mconn 'L '+Mconn 'R Mconn 'L '= Mconn 'R :. 2Mconn::; Mupper+Mlower Mtipper + Mlower Mconn = · 2 Mbase = 8000 11# (SEE B'ASE PLATE ANALYSIS) Sec Ht. Pcol Mcol · Mconn . 1 I .. .?..~.:9-........ \ ...... ?..?..?.~ 112 ~.1.9 ... J·--·:ro244···· 2 L ...... .?..?.:9-..... ) ...... ~.?.gg ..... f .. ~~?.~ .... ~ .s1os .. 3 i 72.0 i 1850 i 5027 ~···---1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECTION IS 1 Pcol = 5550 .# Mcol = 1211 0 "# 72 Mupper Mlower BEAM TO GOLCONN. ) Mconn'R' BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTOR COLUMN AN·ALYSIS Pcol = 5'550 # Ix =72.0 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineer$, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Mcol = 12 t 1 o "# ly =51.0 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (51Q) 559-1039 (w/t) = 0.105 -0.075 = OAO 0.075 · Fb =.60 Fy Fb = 30.000 KSI Q = Fb = 1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 69.2 kl/ry = 53.2 kl/r = 69.2 cc= f# = t01.o Q Q Fa = .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494]"2 Fa= 20.740KSI Fe'= 121t2 = 23 (kxlx / rx )2 31.21KSI fa= Pcol = 6,461 psi. fb= Mcol = 1-3,235 psi. Area · ~= 0.31 Fa fb Fb 1.:..-. [ fa]- Fe' fa -=0.21 Fe' Sy [1-~]= 0.79 Fe' 0.56 COMBINED STRESS = fa + fb Fa Fb =-0.87 Project: __ --=9-8=-=-2=.-12 __ Date-· --,-__ 4.,__/1...,,6=/9=-8 _ 0eslgner: __ ..,,..,...A,.....T~·-- Page: __ ___,. .. I-it--- 311 t , L J~ ·.~ 3/4' 3x3x12GA. Area= .859 FLANGE WIDTH= 0.105 THICKNESS= 0.075 Ix= 1.373 ly:;: Sx= .915 Sy= rx= 1,249 ry= 1.164 .752 1.15 <1.33 THEREFORE 0.K. ARTHURTAN &.ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany,. CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559,1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 SHELF BEAM 411-14 GA. STEP BEAM (LBF404) IN SOME OASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BEAMS USED. IN SUCH A CASE THE ANALYSIS WILL BE PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. LENGTH= 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF= 3600.0# W = LOAD/ SHELF __ 2xLENGTH 18.75 #/" 2 WL2 18.75 X 96.0 _ 21 600· "# Mcenter = --= -----,---_ , . 8 8 (wit) = 1,000 -. 0.075 = 12.39 0.075 , Fb = Fy[0.767 -(2.64/1 OOO)(w/t)Fy1\5] Fb = 26.788 KSI fb Mcenter . 21,600 - = -_...,....... _______ _ Fb SxxFb 0.95 X 26.788 X 1000 = 0.85 0.343" <1.0 THEREFORE O.K. 5 L4 Amax= w = 384EI CONNECTION Mconn = Mseismic + .25Mstatic 1384411# Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= 2,066 # < U180 THEREFORE O.K. CAP. STUD= .15x.4x50000 psix1 .33 = 4,009# ~ 2,066 # Project:.,-. _ __....98"'-'·2=--1=-2 _ Date· ___ 4-/1-=,6/=98"--..... Deslgner: __ ,_,.A.T..:..:.·-- Page: __ __._I !z..__ __ 1 3/411 111 r-··--····--t·--··-. - ~ 2 3/411 THICKNESS=·0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx=0.948 Ix= 2.051 P1 se It) ,- 7/16"0 STUD ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite203 Tel: (510l 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 ,Fax: (510 '559-1039 TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS: BRACING Vdiag = 1,553 # kl/rmih = 154.52 Cc = (2I1'\E/F:Y)".5 =. 1'07.00 Fa = 12Il"2E/[23(kl/r)"2] Fa (ksi)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 0.85 Project: ..... --=98-=·2::..:.;12=--- Date_· ___ 4=/.:.,:16=/9=8 _ Designer: _ _,_--;A,....,.T,..... __ Page: ___ _.,-h __ / 51 ~-J t= ,0747 II Area = .288 11"2 r min= .404 11 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIAiES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR (V) HEIGHT Vihi. 12 0.0 0 1 1 0.0 0 10 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 8 0.0 0 .. 7 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 5 0.0 0 4 0.0 0 3 522.5 216.0 112,860 2 348.3 144.0 50,160 1 174.2 72.0 12,,540 Moverturning. = 175,560 1.1 S*Moverturning = 201,894 Mstabilizirt_g = 232,155 P uplift = (1.15M6f-Mst)/Frame Depth = 0 Shear/Allow + Tension/Allow = 0.14 CASE 2: TOP SHELF LOADED V TOP SHELF= 348.3 1.15*Moverturning = 86,526 Mstabilizating = 80,955 Puplift = 133 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.1-1 Project:---''---"9=8·=-21=2- Date~· ____ 4/ ........ 16 ...... /9:.=8_ Desigrief: __ ~A-.T.,____ Page:.;....--__ __._I 1-- ANCHOR TYPE 1/2" X 3-1/211 MINIMUM EMBEDMi=NT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 920# TENSION CAPACllY 500# FRAME DEPTH 42 ARTHUR TAN· & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA.'9470(? Fax: (510) 559-1039 SLAB AND SOIL a)PUNCTURE Pmax = 10,357 # Fv = 2-Jfc = 109.5 psi. 2 Shear Arec3: = 2t(B+D) = 192.0"0 in: ~ = Pmax = o.4g Fv AreaxFv b) SLAB TENSION . Pmax 2 Aso1l = . = 7 .79 ft. 1. 33fsoil 2 = 1,121.4 in. L = ~ Asoil = 33.49 11 B = ~BxD +t = 14;00 11 l=L-B= 9.74 11 2 Mconc = 1,33wl2 -438.4 i•# 2 1x t2 · 3 Scone = -·-= 6.00 in. 6 <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. Fbending = 1. 6~f' c = 87.64 psi. fb Mconc --= 0.83 Scone x Fbending Fb <=.1.33 THEREFORE O.K. Project: __ -=98:....:-2:....:.·1=-2 _ Date . ._,· __ __,_,_4/..:..:16::...::/9=8- Designer:. __ ~A=.T~· -- Page:. ___ +-l fJ.,,_· -- 1}--B-} L----- BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8.00 11 DEPTH= 8.00 11 CONCRETE THICKNESS = 6" STRENGTH = 3000 PSI SOIL STRl:NGTH = 1000 PSF ARTHURTAN & ASSOCI_ATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 · Tel: (510).559-1038 Fax: (510)559-1039 51 ~G[IA~ Ro W UN rr S SEISMIC ANALYSIS Project:. __ ....,9=8·-=-21=2- Date·-____ 4"--'/1=6/=98'--- Designer: __ ""'"'A:,;,,:..T.:,.... _ . Page:~--+-11-1---- V = ZIC/Rw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 1 Rw (Longitudinal) = 8 Rw (Transverse.) = 6 V (long) = 0.40 X 1.0 X 1.9.6 X ( 300 + 48.00 / 1 ) / 8 V-= 499.8 # V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 300 + 4800 / 1 ) / 6 V= 935.0# Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wihi/ LEVEL HEIGHT w-DL wLL w Wihi Iwihi Iwihi 12 0.0 0.0 1 1 0.0 ·o.o 10 0.0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 -- 3 216.0 100 1600 1700 367200 249.9 467.5 2 144.0 100 . 1600 1700 244800 166:6 311.7 1 72.0 100 1600 1700 122400 83.3 155.8 300 4800 734400 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323SolanoAve., Suite203 Albany, CA 94706 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS. Column = V long total / 2 = 249.9 # DETERMINE COLUMN FORCES Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559°1039 Project: __ --=98"""'·2=1=2- Date,~· __ ___,:;!4~/1~6/~9::::...8 _ Designer: ____ A_....T"'--.-- Page: __ ___,;2-"--t? __ THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTAL METHOD, WITH THE POINTOF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-i-lEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS. Mupper +Mlower = Mconn 'L'+Mconp 'R Mconn 'L '= Mc6nn 'R :. 2Mconn = Mupper + Mlower . Mupper + Mlower Mconn = · · 2 Mbase = 4000 "# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) Sec Ht. Pcol Mcol Mconn 1 i ........ ?.?:.Q ...... ) ...... ?..~.?-9 ...... [ ... 1 .. ~ 9.~.? ... (··1·0.745"" 2 i 72.0 ! 1700 i 7497 !i .................. , .. .. s i ... i~Ui ...... T ...... asc5" ..... f ··449~f--·:f ...... ~.~.~-~······ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECTION IS 1 Pcol = 2550 # Mcol = 13993 "# 72 Mupper Mlower BEAM TO COL CONN. ) Mconn'R' BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTOR COLUMN ANALYSIS Pcol = 2550 # Ix =72.0 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323SolanoAve., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Mcol = 13993 "# ly =51.0 (w/t)= 0.750-0.10~ =-6_17 0.105 Fb = .60 Fy Fb= 30.000KSI Q = Fb = 1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 70.2 kl/ry = 41.5 kllr= 70.2 .G"h Cc= ....:..~_fy_ = 107.0 Q Q Fa= .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494]A2 Fa= 20.573KSI Fe·= 12n2 = 23 (kxlx / rx )2 fa= Pcol = 1,842 Area 30.26KSI psi. fb.= Mc.ol =9,875 psi. Sy . ~=0.09 Fa fa =-0.00 Fe' [1-~]= 1.00 Fe' - fb Fb[1-~] = 0.33 Fe 1 COMBINED STRESS-= fa + fb Fa Fb =·0.42 Prqject: ____ __..,.,,98.....:·2:..l.1:::..2 _ Date--· ___ 4..:.:..l.:.;:16"""/9=8- Designet: __ ...,,;A.:.;...T:...:.-·-- Page: ___ ~__._1 ..... __ 311 ,... -~ ='-"~----'\,- · ~ 3/4" 3x3x12GA./3x1-5/8x14GA. Area= 1.384 FLANGE WIDTH= 0. 750 THICKNESS = 0.105 Ix= 2,126 Sx = 1.417 rx = 1.23 ly = 3.052 Sy= 1.094 ry = 1.473 <1.33 THEREFORE O.K. ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Sol~o Ave., .Suite 203 Albany, CA94706 SHELF BEAM 4-1/211-14 GA. STEP BEAM Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 IN SOME CASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BEAMS USED. IN SUCH A CA_SE THE ANALYSIS WILL BE PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. LENGTH= 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF:;:: 2000.0 # W = LOAD/ SHELF = 10.42 #/" 2xLENGTH Mcenter = WL~ = 10.42 X 96 ·0 2 = 12,000 11# 8 8 (wit) = 1.000 -0.075 = 12.39 0.075 · Fb = Fy[0.767 -(2.64/1000)(w/t)FyA.5] Fb = 26.788 KSI fb Mcenter 12,000 -=---"--=------------Fb SxxFb 1.14 X 26.788 X 1000 = o·.39 <1.0 THEREFORE O.K. 5wL 4 •0.14211 t:.max = . · = 384EI CONNECTION Mconn = Mseismic + .25Mstati9 = 1274511# ' Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= 1,902 # < U180 THEREFORE O.K. CAP. STUD= .15x.4x50000 psix1 .33 = 4,009# ~ 1,902 # Project: __ ......,9=8-=·2=12=--~ Date-· ___ 4.._./1-=6/._;98...___ Designer: __ ..,_A..._..T...,__. __ Page: ____ ~_z. __ 1 3/4" 1" J. - 2 3/4" THICKNESS= 0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx=1.141 Ix= 2.753 P1 (\J ~ LO ..- 7/16110 STUD ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 132.:3 Sqlano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS: BRACING Vdiag = 1,390 # · kl/rmin = :154.52 Cc = (2llAE/Fy)A.5 = 107.00 Fa = 12llA2E/[23(kl/r)A2] Fa (ksi)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 0.76 Tel: (510) 559-1038 F;:ix: (510) 559-1039 Project: __ -=98:..::·2~12=----- Date_· ___ 4..:.:...11.:..:::6=/9.::..8 _ Designer: __ _.A..:.:..T"""'"·. __ a.~ Page: __ -----':..,=..-- / 51 t= .0747 II Area = .288 11A2 r min= .404 11 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 132~ Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR ,(V) HEIGHT Vihi ... 12 0.0 0 1 1 0.0 0 10 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 8 0.0 0 7 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 5 0.0 0 4 0.0 0 .. 3 467.5 216.0 100,980 .. 2 311:7 144.0 . 44,880 1 155.8 72.0 11,220 Moverturning = 157,080 1.15*Move·rturning = 180,642 Mstabilizing = 106, 155 P uplift= (1.15Mot-Mst)/Frame Depth= 1774 Shear/Allow + Tension/Allow = 1.01 · % l 00 · CASE 2: TOP SHELF .LOADED V TOP SHELF= 311.7 1.1 S*Moverturning ;:: 77,418 Mstabilizating = 38,955 Puplift = 916 Shear/Allow + Tension/Allow= 0.50 Project: __ .....,9=8·=21=2- Date-· --'----'4~/16:<:..:/9=8- Designer: __ ~_-"-'-Aj'*'·..____ Page: __ ----'-'--r.J---- ANCHOR TYPE 1/211 X 3-1/211 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 920# TENSION CAPACITY 500# FRAME DEPTH 42 ARTHUR TAN. & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite.203 Tel:(510) 559-1~ Albany, CA94706 . -Fax:(5.10) 559-1®9 SLAB AND SOIL a) PUNCTURE Pmax= 6,85.1 # Fv = 2-lfc = 109.5 psi. . 2 Shear Area= 2t(B+D) = 192.00 in. ~= Pmax == 0_33 . Fv AreaxFv <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. b) SLAB TENSION Asoil = P max = 1.33fsoil 2 5.15 ft. 2 = 741.8 in. L = "1Asoil = 27.24 11 B = "1B xD +t= 14.0O 11 l=L-B= 6.62 11 2 Mconc = 1.33wl2.... 202.2 u# 2 ·. 1xt2 · 3 Scone= --= 6.00 in. 6 Fbending =:: 1. 6"1.f1 c = 87.64 psi. fb Mconc - ----'----= 0.38 Fb Sconc·x Fbending <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. Project: 98-212 Date· . 4/16/98 Designer: A.T. Page: '::29 I _l __ 1 B-r BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8,00 11 DEPTH= 8.00 11 CONCRETE THICKNESS = 611 STRENGTH = 3000 PSI SOIL STRENGTH = 1'000 PSF ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510)559-1039 ! 1 I ' ' I ' ' ! l ' .. ,, I I I : ' ,. . ' ! j I l ': 'f: . ' I ; I J • ! ! l _ ........ ; ...... : ................ .. pe~rb. G.61 '.fltl~ I·!--·. / ! ·· !-i ·:· /---i---: I ! :::I j · ; i _ .. 1 i ' .. ' I .• , I .... ' I : . I . ! -1· ; I ' : :· ! j· 1 • 1--I, Project: __ --t>-"f--,.;;.-1-.,......- Date: ___ ..:;:...r..'--:r+,s.., Designer: __ ----:,..-,,..-t---- Page:·..:...---=-=--- --~----::7: J l j __ f.-_ rr-0ir--i, .r:--::·. - ....... , __ jJ_~,_B°_).;_rgJt-44:(_~J.~f' ·: 4 l __ Ji_~J .: ~ J __ i~d · i -----~--; ,_, __ : __ ;__~----·------~---: ________ , ....... "'" .. _ 1 • L' =JI l .,-. I ' •• I '~ . I-·-' . ' ' ' .. -t-··-: :-TL_:·:--H2".,f/c:J!?j,ft.lo"fb)((p~,ooti) - . ,, ... ' ""';"'":" .... _ ...... : ":· ·:-i--·r-·· .; ..... ,;--·-·--:--=k ; .. ~-o-t2tl;-4/·~-·--i---.. ~-. --·o .l,4. \ . -·~ I., -··1 .. , .... '! ! : ,.,. /1. ·1:, ,T, ,., . i' 'I ' . : --_f_: -i '. -i : ~;--k ~ 1J~!---i-~ +----l-i-----+ :---: ---: __ :_ . 4i~-... ,. ,---,-~ ....... W1 .... 1 o'r·1, ~ .. ; , . , ., .. , , . . ___ ::: _U_7~~bll~]ih1 _: __ ~~-J~-.LJ_J: __ , -~:~( ~c I ' I fl-; i ' ' , ij ~ · I I 1 , ; , i ' < < l ' • __ , .... , , .... , .... -···---1 '" ----i--: ,rn·:-,;-·i,(p, .. · ')cr-·,o···--1 :--,-:---·-· -1-i-········-·i . --·---·-; ---------. :· .,. ...... I . ' ' \.!I O OQ . '3, ' ' ' I I ' • ' • , 1 ; • 1 • --·· ,-r--· .. ! , , ; = ·-·; 7 ; ,. /' . i : 1 · i ~: -1 ·i · ;· · · t· · · ; ~ · ! · ~ · ·-. ,. .. --·· ·-· ., . ·--. . :' .... ~ . ';" ........ . .. -:·-·-·~ .. . . .. ~ ·! . ' /H MO N' M, ,0 '" N t"' . ;'""'' NON' 0 ••• ~N ,;._, , '1, . r · -I, -----·v -.. -1 • -1 • . , . , --~::::_~-r~rH+-~i~:+1-Ii./~L_;-t! +:-;-: -, _ · · j I , I • I j ! , • I ; . 1 ! , ! · . I I · -1 -!·--·-----1---:--. --·t·---.--··1·,--·····. ·-1 : 1--:------1-r··-··---·--· . : ·. · -fill K L E I Ki F t L D E R ( ,. PROJECT Ni..tJSW!F-:.hfJ'-j-,A;~_Jill\.~r--- PROJECt_L 001 b:1§:IAL TeQ-1-_ R1w11:wso .sltffli~~~~-H SUBJECT5NAPLO~K PtN T;STEP, Wt-raf,050# LOAP 81\\-,~-"-'.i~~~-ff' , 1• • ... • • ••• • ' • •' • • l • •••• • lo , ' • • . ' ·-: -~. PlA1'l View_ · .. ;. ·, ···Non: . I "tesno·o ,c I • 1. WlTHOUi ANY j OSS!:RYED 11050 LBS, VSRTIGAL.. M-OYEMSNT, .. j ~ ;I ~4 -~ 6i 11 j~!f ~l· .fNve:i-re:o ,L-eP35.+ 'e,E/\M 1,b 6e 6(!)· ·'' .. WltH ~N1.."( ~.N~'P l.,.OG~ PlNS .. J ARE! SUPPORTING. THa i:.oAo~ z·,1 l INVERT'E.O UPR\6HT FRAME J .. (LM'ZO) LM·Z0-1 '""III Project: -+-'---,--=-~,z __ Date: ___ .,._.,i----__ ,..___ Designer: --• Page:· g&. · • APR-07-98 14:37 FROM-LEGOLAND CALI.FORNI A 760·438-9499 July 25, 1997 Mike Smith Fire Marshall City of Carlsbad 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, Califomia 92008-7280 Dear Mike, ·LEGOLAiJiD CARl....5BAP T·Z47 P.OZ/03 F-493 With r~ference to the use and storage of hazardeus materials on the site at LEGOLAND Carlsbad, I am pleased to confmri the following information. Having carefully reviewed the m~mum allowable-quantities ofFlamniable and Combustible Liquids, Toxic and Highly Toxic Compressed Gases, Flammable and Oxidizing Gases, CarcinogellS,. Corrosives and Irritants, I can confum that while we may use hazardous materials such as these in the daily opera~on ofilie Park, the quantities kept on-site will be less than the.maximtgnS allowedfor in the occupancy classifications currently applied to the buildings-on sit~. This confinnatic>n is based on my experie~ce as Direcior of Operations at LEGO LAND Windsor and a review of the quantities and f)'pes of materials allowable with our Facilities Director at the Windsor Park. Even µi cases ·where total yearly volumes of cenain materials might approach the maxinium. allo:Wal:,le~ it will not be· our practice: to store large quantities of any consumables on-site, ourpurchasing philosophy follows a just-in-time approach.· In any case, our storage practices will include approved storage cabinets for many prodijcts, regardless of the quantity, in.order ti> manage inventory corr~ctly and control staff access to materials. As we approach completion ot'the·Park and details of our operadQn are finalized, supplier$ appointed and we take oc·cupancy of the buildings, it will then be possible for us to create a complete list of the Hazar4ous Materials t~t will be used for carrying out th~ tasks associat~d with the various Departments within the Park, Additionally, as staff come on board, training in. material handling ~d storage will be a critical part of their orientation and education. LE.COL.ANO ~rlib,CI. lr)c SbOO A,en,aa.Enc.llb. s .. ,c.,. 130· •. C:.r~ • .,; C", ~2008 ·• uSA T;I. tl>l9)43S-SS70 • fax· (619)438-91?9 • APR-07-98 14:37 FROl,HEGOLAND CAL 1-FORN I A 760-438-9499 T-247 P.03/03 F-493 ., I hope this satisfieg uie Ctm"ertt requirements of confumillg to your office that no buildings on site would be considered ··H" cl~s occupallcies. If you require any more information at this time, please do ~ot hesita~ :ro t;:ontact me. Best Regards, Christine Kerr Project Manager, OperatiollS cc. Mike Peterson, .City Of Carlsbad, Building Dep~e~t Kyoko Adachi, HOK Bill Pridgin, LLEAG City of Carls_b:ad 1 . · Fir~ Department ; i 971S6•1 ·• Bureau of Prevention j Plan Review: Requirements Category: Date of Report: Thursday, .AprU 9, 1.998 High Piled Combustible Storage Reviewed by: 11,;Q -ArA Co-ntact Name :schlrmer. Engln•e.rlng Address , 1770 Bernardo Plaza Ct #1.12 City, State San Dieog CA92128 Bldg. Dept. No. CB980872 Pl.annlng No. Job Name Lego AdmirvRack Job Address , Lego Ste. or B.ldg. No. ____ _ ~ Approved • ihe item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or ,specifications provided in yovr submittal; · therefore any changes to these items aiter this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comment$ attached, as failure to comply with instructions in thi.s ·report can result in. suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved • Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corr~e:~ions to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance With applicable codes and standards. Submit corr~cted plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st______ 2nd. ____ _ 3rd,-,--__ Other Agency ID CFO Job#_---"-97'-1~5~8-_1_ File# .... ·~--"--- 2560 Orion Way • . Carlsbad, CalifornlEl 92008 (619) 931-2121 Z!Z · d 8 8 8 9 · o N f'j\i[ 0 : l l 8 6 6 l · l Z · J d'if LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA: SUBMITTAL ! j General Contractor: le-rna,d, Bro,. Con/truotion l I l Date: 3/18/98 l Narn~ of Subcontractor: Atlas Equipment j, Name of Reviewer: ,il LEGOL . 5342 Armada Drive, C~·--.Speeification Section: 10000 Equipment - l -Storage Racks I 10000.003 STORAGE ~ S~~mittal Number: ! Co~p~nent: A205 . ' '. Structural Ca~------;--··---------.---------- Job No. ·98-212 MARCH 2, 1998 · Prepared by: SCOPE ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., SUite 203 · Albany, CA ~706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510)·559-1039 Project: __ -----"9=8·-=2..:..:12=--- Date_· ___ .,,.,3=/2=-/9=8==----- Designer: __ ---'-'A"'"'. T-'-. __ Page: _ __,__..04f~l-l,1.-- PROVIDE ANALYS.IS OF STORAGE RACKS UNDER SEISMIC AND STATIC CONDITIONS. ANALYSIS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 1994 SECTION 2231 -2238 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE RE;QUIREMENTS. GENERAL SPECU=ICATIONS -STEEL STRENGTH Fy= 50 KSI -ANCHORS ICBO APPRV'D TYPE= 1/211 X 3-1/211 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT TENSION CAPACITY= 500# SHEAR CAPACITY= 920# -SLAB THICKNESS = 611 STRENGTH= 3000 PSI -SOIL STRENGTH 1000 PSF CONFORM.AN:CE REVIEW OF SUBMITTAL Prime Consuitar;t .~c.tion Component No. ~~--·---.A ....... -"A" Approved Spec. Section I 6rff). r y-e, "B" Approved as Noted Prime Firm ____ ,,_,..,,un :.--~ "C"· Revise and Resu.brnit Signed ~'D" Not_ Approv.ed* Oat~· Sub-Consultant Action Discipline Firm Date · Signed Action· l<AB CD*' . I '. . *Refer to attached letter of explanation Notations do not authodze changes to contra~t sum or fime: S~bmltials are r~viewed, processed and exec1._1ted per division one specificatio_ns. Review is for design conformity . and gen_e~~I conform,~ with t~e coptract documents only. It is the contractor's r~spons,b11tty to coordinate, with sub contractor~ and to coordinate-dimensions ;3t the job Site· for to)erances, clearance_s, quantities, .fabrication process, and techniques of the constructron. The contractor rs solely responsible for the coordination of his work with other trades and for full compliance with the contract. documents. ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIA iES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323SolanoAve., Suite203 T(ill, (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 9470(:l Fax: (510) 559-1039 I ~11~ rzC-ONN ~t-f eD UN if 5 SEISMIC ANALYSIS V = ZIC/Aw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 2 Rw (Longitudinal) = 8 Rw (Transverse)= 6 V (long)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.30 X ( 300 + 10800/ 2 ) I 8 V= 655.5# V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 300 + 10800 / 2 ) / 6 V = 1,045.0 # - Project: . 98-212 Date· 3/2/98 Designer: A. T. Page: . .:;i. Of I l Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wihi/ LEVEL HEIGHT wDL wLL w Wihi I,Wihi I,wihi 12 0.0 0.0 -1 1 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 9 .. 0.0 0.0 I -· 8 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 4 O.d 0.0 3 216.0 100 3600. 3700 799200 327.8 522.5 -- 2 -144 .. 0 100 3600 532800· ·-3700 218.5 348.3 1 72.0 100 3600 3700 .266400 109.3 174.2 300 10800 1598400 ARTHUR TA~ & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 . Fax: (51 Ci) 559-1039 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Column = V long total / 2. = 327.8 # DETERMINE COLUMN FORCES Project: __ ~98~-2~1=2 ~· _ Date:. ___ -=3/=2/-=-98=--------''- Designer: A.T. Page: . ~ Of I 7 · THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTAL METHOD, WITH THE POINT OF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-HEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS. Mupper + Mlower = Mconn 'L '+Mc;::onn 'R Mconn 'L '= Mconn 'R :. 2Mconn = Mupper + Mlower . . Mupper + Mlower Mconn = · 2 Mbase = 8000 11# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) Sec Ht. Pcol 'Mcol · Mconn 1 l ........ ?..~.:9. ........ [ ...... ?..?..?..Q ... ) .. 15598 ("{2ffs"" 2 ! 72.0 .) ...... ?..?..9.9 .... ) 9833 ~ 7866 3 i 72.0 . i 1850 i 5900 if"""··· ..... , ........ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECTION IS 1 Pcol = 5550 # Mcol = 15598 "# 72 2 n B~Mro COL CONN. Mupper ) Mconn'R' Mlower !3EAM TO COLUMN CONNECTOR COLUMN ANALYSIS Peal = 5550 # _ Ix =72.0 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323SolanoAve.,Suite203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: '(510) 559-10~9 Mcol. = 15598 "# ly =51.0 (w/t) = 0.105_ -0.075 =0.40 0.075 Fb = .60 Fy Fb = 30.000 KSI Q = Fb = 1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 69.2 kl/ry = 53.2 ~ Cc =_._i_fy_= 107.0 Q Q I kl/r = 69.2 Fa = .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494]"2 Fa= 20.740KSI F 1 121t 2 31,21 KSI 9 = 23(kxlx/rx)2 = fa= Pcol = 6,461 . psi. Area fa -= 0.31 Fa fa -=0.21 Fe' fb= Mcol =20,742 psi. Sy 1--, -= 0,79 [ fa] - Fe' fb Fb[1-~] = 0.87 Fe' COMBINED STRESS = f_a +~ -Fa Fb ::;· 1.18 Project: __ -=9=-8·=21=2- Date-· ----=3/=2/'"""'98=---- Designer: A. T. Page: 4= Of 'l t ~ r r=,--- 311 l J~ ~ 3/4' 3x3x12GA. Area= .859 FLANGE WIDTH= 0.105 THICKNESS= 0.075 Ix= 1.373 ly = 1.164 Sx= .91'5 Sy= .752 rx= 1.249 ry= 1.15 <1.33 THEREFORE O.K. BASE PLATE DESIGN DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD SEISMIC/WIND LOAD I . AXIALFORCE (K) 5.55 .0 01 I MOMENT CK) f'c (ksi)= 3 Fy (ksi) = 36 b (11 } = 8 d ett. C') = 8 b1 ( 11)= 3 d' (")= 3 c ( 11 dist. from edge to ctr. of hole)= 1 . . . CASE COMBINATION 1 1.4D + 1-.7L 2 1.4(D+L+E) 3 1.7(D+L) . 4 1.3(D+L+E) 5 .. 1.0D+1.3E NOTE:(+) DOWNWARD,(-) UPWARD. CASE TO BE ANALYZED = 2 BASE PLATE DIMENSION f bearing (.850f'c) = 1.785 Area niih. (in.A2J = 4.353 aA2 -{2d-6)a+[(d-6)Pu+24Mu]/.85f'cb =0 aA2 term= 1 & term= 2d-6= -10 Constant= [(c!-6)Pult+24Mu]/.85f'cb = 1.87 SOLVING THE QUADRATIC EQlJATION to FIND a a =[-term2 +-sqrt(term2A2-4*term1 * term3)]/(2*termi) a1 = 9.81 a2 = 0.19 a= 0.19 Tult = -~.89 0 0 0.671 RE_SOLTS min. req'd area ("A2) = 4.35 ·PLATE THICKNESS(")= 0.360 Tult(k) = -3.89 AXIAL LOAD MOMENT .. 7.77 7.77 .. 9.435 7.215 5.55. Pult (K) = 7.77 Mult ('K) = 0.938 0 . 0.938 0 0.871- 0.871 THICKNESS CHECK Fy(ksi)= 36 c (dist.from edge to ctr. or hole)= 1 d'= 3 b'= 3 COMPRESSION fbearing = .85*f'c = 2.55 overhang = 2.5 moment arm = 2.40 Mbase ult= Fy*tA2/4 = 1.l7 -t1 = 0.36 TENSION Tult = o.oo Mbase ult :; Tult (overhang-c)/b = o.oo . t2 = 0.00 BASE PLATE THICKNESS= 0.36 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting E·ngineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: {510) 559-1038 Fax: {510)-559-1039 SHELF BEAM 4"-14 GA. STEP BEAM (LBF404) Project:~--=-98:..:-2:..:.1=-2 _ Date:, __ -,----=3=/2=/9=--8 _ Designer: A. T. Page: _ b of q IN SOME CASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BEAMS USED. IN SUCH A CASI; THE ANALYSIS WILL BE PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. 1 3/411 111 , . ~ LENGTH:;:: 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF= 3600.0# W = LOAD/ SHELF = 18 __ 75 #/' 2xLENGTH 2 WL2 18.75 X 96.0 = 21,600 "# Mcenter = ---= ----------8 8 (wit)·= 1.000 -0.075 = 12_39 0.075 Fb = Fy[0.767 -(2.64/1 000)(w/t)Fy".5] Fb = 26.788 KSI fb Mcenter 21 ,1300 =--,-~=---,,-"""""'"----,,------------Fb SxxFb 0.95 X 26~788 X 1000 = 0.85 <1.0 THEREFOR!:: 0.K. 5WL 4 .0.34311 Limax= . . = 384EI CONNECTION Mconn = Mseismic + .25Mstatic = 1631511# Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= 2,435 # < U180 THEREFORE O.K. CAP. STUD = .15x.4x50000 psix1 .33 = 4,009# ~ 2,435 # ,: OK. - l 2 3/411 _ 1 THICKNESS= 0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx=0.948 Ix= 2.051 . ' • fz rz = v~ ra LO ..-- M = (Pi)((/)+ (Fz)(z'') = (fi) ('7")-i-(t/~FiX-z.') M = b, 07 f1 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Sulte203 Tel: (510)559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax:.(510) 559-1039 TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS: BRACING Vdiag = 1,553 # kl/rmin = 154.52 Cc = (2Il"E/Fy)".5 = 107.00 Fa = 12Il"2E/[23(kl/r)"2] Fa (ksi)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 0.85 / 42 Projedt:_-"---=98:...::·2'-'-'12=----- Date:_----'-_-=3/=2/.=98=---- Designer: A. T. Page: 1 Of '7 51 t= ,0747 II Area = .288 11"2 rmin = .404 11 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 . Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR (V) .HEIGHT Vihi 12 0.0 0 11 0.0 0 . 10 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 8 0.0 0 7 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 5 0.0 0 4 0.0 0 3 522.5 216.0 112,860 .. 2 348.3 144.0 50,160 1 174.2 72.0' 12,540 Moverturning = 175,560 1.15*Moverturning = 201,894 Mstabilizing = 232,155 P uplift = (1.15Mot-Mst)/Frame Depth = 0 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.14 CASE 2: TOP SHELF LOADED . V TOP SHELF = 348.3 1.1 S*Moverturning = 86,526 Mstabilizating = 80,~55 Puplift = 133 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow::::: 0.11 Project: 98-212 Date· 3/2/98 Designer: A. T. Page: . B of ·17 ANCHOR TYPE · 1/2" X 3-1/2" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 920# TENSION CAPACITY 500# FRAME DEPTH 42 AR1HUR TAN & .ASSOCiATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. SLAB AND SOIL a)PUNCTURE 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Pmax = 10,357 # Fv = 2,/fc = 1-09.5 psi. 2 Shear Area = 2t(B+D) = 192.00 in. · Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 _!':.=. Pmax = 0.49 Fv AreaxFv <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K b) SLAB TENSION Asoil = Pmax. = 7.7e2tt.. 1.33fsoil - 2 = 1,121.4 in. L = ..J Asoil = 33.49 11 S = -vBxD +t = 14.00; 11 I= L-B = 2 - Mconc = 1.33wl2 = 2 1xt2 Scone=--= 6 9,74 II 438.4 11# .3 6.00 in. Fbending = 1.6,vf'c = . 87.64 psi. fb Mconc = ~..,____,.. _____ - Fb Scone x Fbending 0.83 <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. Project: __ ~98 ___ -2""'"'12=--- Date· 3/2/98 Designer: A.T. Page: 4 Of 17 i. ,,..._k __ 4 B--+ L----'--"-----,f BASE PLAlE WIDTH= 8.00 11 DEPTH= 8.00 11 CONCRETE THICKNESS = 6" STRENGTH = 3000 PSI SQIL STRENGTH = 1000 PSF SEISMIC ANALYSIS ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (5.10) 559-1039 V = ZIC/Rw [ ·woL + wLUn ] n = 1 Rw (Longitudinal) = 8 Rw (Transverse)= 6 V (long) = 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.30 X ( 300 + 6000 I 1 ) I 8 V= 724.5# V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 300 + 6000 / 1 ) / 6 V = 1,155.0# Project: __ ---=9=-8·=21=2- Date: 3/2/98 Designer: .A.T. Page: I O Of I 1 Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wi'hi/ · LEVEL HEIGHT WDL wLL w Wihi Iwihi Iwihi 12 0.0 0.0 1 1 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 .. 9 I 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 3 216.0 100 2000 2100 453600 362.3 577.5 2 144.0 100 2000 2100 302400-241.5 385.0 1 72.0 100 2000 2100 151200 120.8 192.5 300 . 6000. 907200. ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES --. . Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323SolanoAve., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 . Fax: (510) 559-1039 LONGITUDfN.AL ANALYSIS Column = V long total / 2 = 362.3 # DETERMINE COLUMN FORCi:S Project: 98-212 Date· 3/2/98 Designer: A. T. Page: II Of '7 THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTAL METHOD, WITH THE POINTOFCONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-HEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS .. Mupper + Mlower = Mcohn 'L '+Mconn 'R Mcorin 'L '= Mconn 'R :. 2Mconn = Mupper+Mlower Mconn = Mupper + Mlower .2 Mbase = 8000 "# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) 7 8 9 10 11 12 THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECTION IS 1 Pcol = 3150 # Mcol = 0 18082 "# 72 2 72 BEAM TO COL CONN. Mupper ) Mconn'R' Mlower BEAM IO COLUMN CONNECTOR COLUMN ANALYSIS Pcol = 3-150 # Ix =72.0 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Mcol = 18082 "# IY=51.0 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 (w/t)= 0.750-0.105 =6.17 0.105 Fb = .60 Fy Fb = 30.000 KSI Q = Fb = 1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 70.2 kl/ry = 41.5 kl/r= 70.2 Cc;~ =107.0 Q Q I Fa = .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494]"2 · Fa= 20.573 KSI Fe'= · 12 1t 2 · 2 = 30 .. 26KSI . 23 (kxlx / rx) · fa= Pcol = 2,276 psi. Area ~= 0.11 Fa fa =0.00 Fe' fb= Mcol = 16,528 psi. Sy 1--= 1.00 [ fa J· Fe' fb 0.55 Fb[1-fa_]= COMBINED STRESS = fa + fb Fa Fb Fe' = 0.66 Project: __ --->=9=8·=21-=-2 -'-. _ Date·~ ----=3=/2=/9-=-8 _ Designer: A. T. Page: 1-z-of . I 7 3" L L l . l a== ~ ,.___,__ ,-- 3/411 3x3x12GA./3x1-5/8x14GA. Area= 1.384 FLANGEWIDTH= 0:750 THICKNESS = 0.105 Ix= 2.126 Sx = 1.417 rx = 1.23 ly = 3.052 Sy= 1.094 ry= 1.473 <1.33 THEREFORE O.K. BASE PLATE QESIGN DEAD LOAD LIVE LOAD· SEISMIC/WIND LOAD I AXIAL FORCE (Kl' 3.15 Q 01 I MOMENT('K) f'c (ksl)= 3 Fy (ksi) = 36 b (")=a d eff .. (")· = 8 b' (")= 4.625 d' (")= 3 c ( "dist. from edge to ctr. of hole)= 1 CASE COMBINATION 1 1.4D + 1.7L 2 1.4(D'f-L+E) 3 1.7(D+L). 4 1.3(D+L+E) 5 1.0D+1.3E NOTE: (+) DOWNWARD, (-) UPWARD. CASE TO BE ANALYZED = 2 BASE PLATE DIMENSION f bearing {.850f'c) = 1.785 Area min. (in.A2) = 2.471 a"'2 -(2d"6)a+[(d-6)Pu+24Mu]/.85f'cb =0 aA2 term= 1 a term= 2d-6 = -10 Constant= [(d-6)Pult+24Mu]/.85f~cb = 1.54 SOLVING THE QUADRATIC EQUATION TO FIND a a =(-term2 +-sqrt(term2A2-4*term1 * terni3)]/(2*terni1) · a1 = 9.84 a2 = 0.16 a= 0.16 Tuft= -1.23 0 0 0.671 RESULTS min. req'd area ("A2) = 2.47 PLATE THICKNESS(")= 0.327 Tult(k) = -1 .23 AXIAL LOAD 4.4:1 4.41- 5.355 4.095 3:15 Pult (K) = 4.41 Mult ('K) = 0.938 THICKNESS CHECK MOMENT 0 0.938 0 0;871 0.871· Fy(ksi) = 36 c (dist.from edge to ctr. or hole) = 1 d'= 3 COMPRESSION b' = 4.625 fbearing .= .85*f'c = 2.55 overhang = 2.5 moment arm = 2.42 Mbase ult = Fy*tAZ,4 = 0.96 t1 = 0.33 TENSION' Tult = 0.00 Mbase ult= Tult (overhang-c)/b = 0.QO t2 = 0.00 BASE PLATE THICKNESS= 0.33 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIA res Consulting ·Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 SHELF B·EAM 4-1/211-14 GA. STEP BEAM Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Project: __ -=98.:..,-2""'"1=-2- Date.~· __ ......,3-/2~/9~8 ~ Designer: A. T. Pa90: 11 of q IN SOME CASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BEAMS USED. IN SUCH A CASE THE ANALYSIS WILL BE PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. } 1 3/4" 1" } ~ l.,ENGTH = 96.0" MAX. LOAD/$HELF = 2000.0# W = LOAD/ SHELF = t0.42 #/" 2xLENGTH M WL 2 10.42 X 96.0 2 1·2 000 ''# center= -· -= ----------= , . 8 8 (wit) = 1.000 -0.075 = 12_39 0.075 . Fb = Fy[0. 767 -"(2,64/1 000)(w/t)F"y".5] Fb = 26. 788 KSI Mcenter 12,000 .-.. = -~~~---..--fb Fb SKxFb ·1.14 X 26.788 X 1000 = 0.39 <1 :0 THEREFORE O.K. 5w,L4 timax= . = 0.142 11 . 384EI CONNECTION Mconn = Mseismic + .25Mstatic = 1647511#. Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= 2,459 # CAP. STUD = .15x.4x50000 psix1 .33 < U180 THEREFORE OX. = 4,oo9# ~ 2,459 # !: OK l 2 3/4" l 1 1 THICKNESS= 0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx = 1.141 Ix= 2.753 • ·----r, ri = v~ ri l!) T"" M ::: ( Ft ) ( (," ) + ( F.t )( :/) = (fi) U,")-t-(1hriX2.1') M = 0, 0 l fi ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES . ·-Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323SolanoAve., Suite203 Tel: (510) 559-1938 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS: BRACING Vdiag = 1,717 # kl/rmin = 154.52 Cc= (2I1AE/Fy)A.5 = 107.00 Fa = 12I1A2E/[23(kl/r)A2] Fa (ksi)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 0.94 Project: 98-212 Date· 3/2/98 Designer: A.T. Page: I tz Or q / 51 42 t= ,0747 II Area = .288 11A2 r min= .404 11 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite.203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR (V) HEIGHT Vihi 12 0.0 0 1 1 0.0 0 10 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 8 0.0 0 7 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 5 0.0 0 4 0.0 0 3 577.5 216.0 124,740 .. 2 385.0 144.0 55,440 . 1 192.5 72.0 13,860 Moverturning = 194,040 1.15*Moverturning = 223, 146 Mstabilizing = 131 ,355 P uplift = ( 1 .15Mot-Mst)/Frame Depth = 2186 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 1.25 CASE 2: TOP SHELF LOADED V TOP SHELF = 385.0 1.15*Moverturning = 95,634 Mstabilizating = 4 7 ,.355 Puplift = 1150 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.63 Project: 98-212 Date· 3/2/98 Designer: A. T. Page: It, cf q ANCHOR TYPE 1/2" X 3-1/2" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 920# TENSION CAPACITY 500# FRAME DEPTH 42 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. SLAB AND SOIL a) PUNCTURE 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Pmax = 8,463 # Fv = 2-{fc::;: 109.5 psi. 2 Shear Area = 2t(B+D) = 192.00 in. Tel:(510) 559-.1038 Fax, (510) 559-1039 ~ = p max = 0.40 <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. Fv AreaxFv b) SLAB TENSION . . A .1 Pmax SOI=---= 1..33fsoil 2 6.36 ft. 2 = 916.3 in. L = -J Asoil = 30.27 II ~ 14,00 II B =-vBxD +t = I= L-B = 8.14 11 2 Mconc = t33wl2 = 305.6 "# 2 3 1xt2 6 00 · Scone = -----= · in. 6 Fbending = 1.6...Jf'c = 87.64psi. fb Mcone = ""----------,.--Fb Scone x Fbenc;fing b.58 <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. Project: __ -=98...,,·2::..:.12=--- Date: ___ _:,3/=2/=98=------ Designer: __ __,A=.T_,_,_. __ Page: . il Of 17 I _l, __ 1 B-+ t L-----.r BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8.00" DEPTH= 8.00 11 CONCRETE THICKNESS = 6" STRENGTH = 3000 PSI SOIL STRENGTH = 1000 PSF I.' v?;JcfY:- , ,' ~-· 06/23/98 16: 13 ·BU IL D.I .NG p. E RM t T· P.GR No: PCR9809·4 Prbject NO! A9603436 Deve·lopment No:· F:1,$05001 · Page ,;!, of 1 , , Job .Address: ·1 LEGO DR Permit Type: ,PLAN CHECK REVISION Parcel No: 211-022-16-00 Valuation: 0, suite! Lot#: Occupancy Group: Reference#: Description: REVISION-FROM 3 RACK SYS'11EJv,I · Construc;tion Type: Status: : TO 4 ~ACK S.YSTEM-LEGO ADMINISTRATION BLD · Applied: , · Apr/Issue.: NEW ISSUED 06/04/98 ·o:6;23j9a · 760 , CITY OF CARLSBAD Entered By: 804-,8355 207~ Las Paltnas Dr., Carlsb~d, CA 92009 ·.(619) ·438-1161 JM . ' I ' . I . I, a~.s.~. CB. 9i.~ ~~·12. PERMIT APPLl'CATION FOR OFFICE USE ON~ PLAN CHECK No.;?<_(&,flf I·. 'EST. VAL. _________ _ Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase·No. Total # of units Name Address City· State/fiP Telephone# ~-~~,1'q'.6i~:tM~TIJ,ff!~~~4,,.y~~-·tt~~i~rm=tiA~1t~~:~t~J:~~t4-:'.:~~;,>U~~~a~~~~~~;~i~-:~¼\:Z:}':1~:*:~~~k~~~£h~-Mfa;,~£;!:t~/$j~fl&Th~:i~~;f,J¼1;~ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code; Any City or County which-requires a pe"rmit to-construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a· signed statemem that ·he is· licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Divisiqri 3 cit the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis tor the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$5001). Name Address· City State/Zip Telephone# State License #-------~--License Class----;-,------City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name State License # Address City: State/Zip Telephone ~.ftW'O.Rl(.J:.ll~I4P.9MP-E.N.SATIA!ll:~~~~~~i.~~J;~~'*fai&:'~-i~;;.£:i~;-. ..,~~-·tAi:1%•:".t;;ti~~J,;;;i:,,94Jti~~~~~)B?J'~~~~~~,f.[;;;£:t£:.:4j:;~:i;:,.~d-~~:;:J Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penaity of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent·to self-insure tor workers' compensation ·!IS provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, tor the performance of the work tor which this permit is issued. · 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as-required by Section 3700 _of the Labor Code, tor the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insur;mce carrier and policy number are: · Insurance Company ___________ ~-~-~---~~-Policy No. __ ~----------Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED D'OLLARS [$,.100] OR-lESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I .certify th~t in the performance of the work tor which this·p'ermit is issu_ed, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensatiqn coverage Is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and clvll fines up to one hundred- thousand dollars ($100,000), In addition. to the cost of compensation, damages as.provided for in-Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE ________ -'-~---~----'-------------DATE _________ _ f1,~~0JivtlEli~B_QiDDl8!Pt~~~AtfQ~~z:~i~}~~~\f-f!.2f't~~~1S~};:tt3:~~1?!i~~~;~-:~tf~&1~/~tf1~~~ff;1lt~~~x;}1JJ~tfJf~tt?tti:i~ft~l'.~ft~:f~~~~it1:T::hfi~1 I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: · 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the $tructure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions ·code: The Contractor's License Law does. not apply to an owner of property wh·o builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his owri-employe·es, provided that-such improvements-are-not intended or otferecf'for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve tor ·the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am ·exclusively contracting .with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Cqde: The Contractor's License Law does not .apply to an ownE!r of ,property who 1:>uilds or improves thereon, and contracts tor· such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). · · 0 I am exempt under Section -----~ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials. for construction of the ·proposed pro.party improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application tor a-building permit tor the proposed work. 3. I have contracted _with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (iiic;lude name / address / phone nu!Tlber / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervisE! and· provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number>=-----~-------------"~------------=,.---~------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work): ______________ ~-----'---------~--~-------~---------,....,.--------- PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE-----,------'--~--------,.---~--DATE_~------- [lfor,f~~~tfl.$f~e:¢.'.tI0,~ijl{,'q«~s/p.J«77.r£~q(fp(~g!p,#13M!:ffi@jil;Y§~l~0?iJ~~;0f~~ifi~.Qit:~..:!'.:;u_~~,j,_'i.;i:f~t~~~~i~:ll~£\!Lt'.:i Is the applicant or future building ·occupant required to submit a ·business_ plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form ·or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534-of the 'Presley-Tanner H_azardoiJs Subs~ance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTRqL DISTRICT. ra~~¢P.°t'$~tmfcitio~~P.f~g~tt~1ztf£%~r~~mm~~x!J}!~!~~i~i~~*~~~~h~~~;~~@~T~~~Jtr.~~~F.!-t~~~r~~~:~~0{:~:~;;:~:~:?~>::~ ;0J~;. =~~~-: ~·;·;" I hereby affirm that there ·is a construction Jendirig agency tor the pertorm·ance of the work for whic!i this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S_;,N;_;,,A;,M,;;E;,;;;;,;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;:;;,:;;:;:;:;:;;~;;::;;:;:;:'.;;:::;;:,. LENDER'S ADbRESS. tf!i~~°l~1C,ANTi~~Rtt£lgh,1l.~N£~i\~~4,~~&!f!~J~;~~~~ft~~{A;J;;~ii~;:1;:;:;~;::~.::.,:;:;1;:./4;:;::'L:;:~;;:;;;~:;;~:;:ffi:;:tl;;:~i~;:~:;::~:;;!!T::;·~;:;,~~;;:;rJ;:tr;:,:;;;i;::;~;;;ii.t;:,~;:;";;;~:;;;:;:f::;~::;:1:i;;;,,:;::·_t?:;;;;~!;;;:i:;;;_1,~;~;;~;;.~;:;~¼'::;l::;jr;:;;;:;[:;;~~:;:,:;;t;:;:,r-:;:::;~;:;~;;;W;:~!-:;;~;;;?":;~;;::,,_;,_;:;:,~;:~:;;~;;;~ I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and-that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorizf! representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required· lor excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or, ~or)strycti<iri of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Bi:Jil ·• ._ c...icial under the provisions of this·Cod~ shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not c oswitfiin"'B6f!Ac!YS ffom_,the dat~ of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the wo mnienced to -t-1-8,Q.d;iys (Sectjon 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE --c:,IE:::;:;,---===--.,---L-7½£__~::..___· --------_,..-'-.:-_._· -:=..,,.:o..-.;a,.:.,.,..___ DATE __ __.6;:;.-_-__ f.,___. ~...__.$3"'---'---. -;:.:..,_· PINK: F.i~f11ci~ ~::a~_ -•' "':--~---- EsG:il-Corporation . . 1.n. P~rsfi"i.p 'lllitfi (jovetrimen.t for !Bui{i[in.g Safitg DATE: 6/ 18/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-872 rev PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego ])rive PROJECT NAME: Storage Racks for Legoland SET:I ~ANT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE D The plans transmitted here,\¾i.~.have been correc~ed where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · ~ The plans trahsmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. - D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies -identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected· and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation unfil corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact ·person. · -· D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff .did not advise the applicant that the plan check ha~ been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Tel·ephone #: Date contacted: · (by: ) ~ Fax #: Mail -Telephone . Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: Provide special inspection pr· m to tfle building offi.cial prior to issuance the building permit. By: David.Yao Enclosures: original-approved plan Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC 6/8 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-872 rev 6/18/98 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-872 rev PREPARED BY: i>avid Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Drive DATE: 6/ 18/98 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA , -VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) .· MULTIPLIER ($) revision 3 rack to 4 1hr rack the basic rack same . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinkler~ . TOTAL VALUE D 199 USC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee ~· Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 108.94 Type of Review: D Complete Revi~Y" 12] Structural Only ~ Hourly D Repetitive Fee.Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review·Fee: $ 87.15 . Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 - ~<t-LEGOLAND 4-~ ~ ~ ~-· \.)~<::-?;--· 5342 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~ ~~ <:)<:,· } ~~ ~~<:, ~~<::-~ STORAGE RACKS Structural Calculations Job No. 98-212A JUNE 2, 1998 This calculation and the structural design concepts it illustrates are the property of Arthur Tan & Associates, Inc. The calculation is an instrument of service provided for use on the specified project identified. Use of this calculation without written consent and participation of Arthur ssociates, Inc. is prohibited: _ '?\\Or ESS/6,-k ~ Y'\.lR . 'l: ~( /!? -~ Cl) ~ a LLI ·o:: ARTHUR fAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., .Suite 203 Tel: (51 O) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706: F.ax: (510) 559-1039 ? <.i<.'tBift1 CVL 1 ~8 06 7 v "I ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, lno. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559'-1038 .Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 TABLE OF CONTENTS Scope and General Specilications Interconnected Units Single Row Units Previously-Approved Calculations PAGE 1 2 10 Appendix Arthur Tan, P.E. -.,.,.,---.,.,,.-=-_-,::;-.;;:;;::;.;;--ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Con$ulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 SCOPE Project:_~-..;.;98=-=-2"-'-'12=-A'-- .Date: __ ~·6=/2_/9-8 _ Designer:_--,--.,_A.'-'-'T ''---- Page:--'-____ _ PROVIDE ANALYSIS OF STORAGE RACKS UNDER-SEISMIC AND STATIC CONDITIONS. ANALYSIS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 1994 SECTION 2231 -2238 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS . . -STEEL STRENGTH Fy= 50 KSI -ANCHORS ICBO APPRV'D TYPE= 1/211 X 4-1/811 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT TENSION CAPACITY= 580# SHEAR CAPACITY= 1810# -SLAB THICKNESS = 611 -STRENGTH= 3000 PSI -sou_ STRENGTH 1000 PSF SEISMIC ANALYSIS ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting l;hgineers, Inc. 1323'Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany; CA 94706 Tel: (510)559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 V = ZIC/Rw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 2 Rw (Lo11gitudinal) = 8 Rw (Transverse)= 6 V (long)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 400 + 10800 / 2 ) / 8 V= 797.5# V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 . X ( 400 + 10800 / 2 ) / 6 V = 1,063.3 # Project: __ ....:..98=-=-2=12=-A'--- Date~· ____ 6"'""/2"-"/9~8 _ Designer: __ ~A~.T·~- Page: ___ 2 __ _ Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wihi/ LEVEL HEl·GHT. wDL wLL w Wihi Iwihi Iwihi 12 0.0 0.0 1 1 0.0 0.0 10 · 0.0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.-0 7 0.0 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 5 .. 0,0 0.0 4 210.0 100 2700 2800 588000 317.2 422.9 3 158.0 100 2700 28.00 442400 238.6 318.2 2 106.0 100 2700. 2800 296800 160.1 213.5 1 54.0 100 2700 2800 151200 81.6 108.8 400 10800 1478400 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706. Fax: (510) 559-1039, LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Column = V long total / 2 = 398.8 ,# DETERMINE COLUMN FORCES Project: __ ~9~8-=21=2~A- Date~· ___ 6~/2~/9-8~- Designer:_· _"=-'A-"-.T"-"'-.-- Page: ___ 3 __ _ THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THI; PORtAL METHOD, WITH THE POINT OF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-HEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS. Mupper + Mlower = Mconn 'L '+Mconn 'R Mconn 'L'= Mconp. 'R :. 2Mconn = Mupper+Mlower Mupper + Mlower Mconn = . · . 2 Mbase = 8000 11# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) 1 1 1 THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECTION rs 1 Pcol = 5550 # Mcot e= 12110 "# 5~ Mupper Mlower BEAM TO COL CONN. ) Mconn'R' BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTOR COLUMN ANALYSIS Pcol = 5550 # Ix =54.0 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 SolanQ Ave., Suite203 Tel: (51.0) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-10:39 Mcol = 1211 0 "# ly =51.0 0.105 -0.075 (wit) = -----= OAO 0.075 Fb = .60 Fy Fb = 30.000 KSI Fb Q=-.-· =1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 51.9 kl/ry = 53.2 Cc=~ =107.0 Q Q kl/r = 53.2 Fa = .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494]"2 Fa= 22.928 KSI Fe'= 12n:2 = 23 (kxlx /rx )2 fa= Pcol = 6,461 Area 55.48KSI psi. fb= Mcol = 13,235 psi. Sy ~= 0.28 Fa fa =0.12 Fe' [1--~] = 9,88 Fe' fb 0.50 Fb[1-~]-Fe1 COMBINED STRESS;:: fa.+~ Fa Fb = 0.78 Project: __ _.9=8--=21=2"'-'-A_ Date_· --~61=2/~98;....__ Designer: __ -". A_,.,_.T._.... __ Page: __ -+4· __ _ 3x3x12GA. Area= .859 FLANGE WIDTH= 0.105 THICKNESS= 0.075 Ix= 1.373 Sx = .915 rx= 1.249 ly = 1.164 Sy= .752 ry= 1.15 <1.33 THEREFORE 0.K. .. I I BASE PLATE DESIGN DEAD LOAD AXIAi:. FORCE (Kl MOMENT CK). f'c (ksi)= 3 Fy (ksi) = 36 b (") = 8 a eff. (") = 8 b' (")= 3 d' (")= 3 c ( " dist. from edge to ctr. of hole)= 1 5.55 0 · LIVE LOAD . .SEISMIC/WIND LOAD 0 01 0 0.671 RESULTS min. req~d area (""2) = 4.35 PLAT!; THICKNESS(")= 0.360 Tult(k) = -3.89 CASE COMBINATION AXIAL LOAD MOMENT 1 1.4D + 1.7L 2 . 1 .4(D+L+.E) 3 · 1.7(D+L) 4 . 1.3(0+L+E) 5 .1.0D+1.3E NOTE:(+) DOWNWARD,-(-) UPWARD. CASE TO BE ANALYZED = 2 BASE PLATE DIMENSION f bearing (.850f'c),;, 1.785 Area min. (in."2) = 4.353 a"2 -(2d-6)a+[(d-6)Pu+24Mu]/.85f'cb =0 a"2 term= 1 a term::; 2d~6 = -10 Constant= [(d-6)Pult+24Mu]/.85f'cb = 1.87 SOLVING THI: QUADRATIC EQUATION TO FIND a a =[-term2 +-sqrt(term2"2-4*term1 * term$)]/(2*term1) a1 = ·9.81 a2 = 0,19 a= 0.19 Tult = -3,89 7.77 7.71 9.435 7.215 5.55 Pult (K) = 7.77 Mult ('K) = 0.938 THl(?KNESS CHECK 0 b .. 938 0 0.871 0.871 Fy(ksi) = 36 c ( dist. from edge to ctr. or hole) = 1 d'= 3 b'= 3 COMPRESSION fbearing = .85*f'c = 2.55 overhang = 2.5 moment arm = 2.40 Mbase ult = Fy*t"2/4 = 1.17 t1 = 0.36 TENSION Tult = 0.00 Mbase ult= Tult (overhang-c)/b-= 0.00 t2 = 0.00 BASE PLATE THICKNESS= 0.36 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. · 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 . Albany, CA 94706 SHELF BEAM 4"-14 GA. STEP BEAM . Tel: (510)559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 IN SOME CASES, THERE.ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BEAMS USED. IN SUCH A CASE THE ANALYSIS WILL BE PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. LENGTH= 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF= 2700.0 # W = LOAD/ SHELF_ 14_06 #/" 2xLENGT'H 2 Mcenter = WL 2 = 14·06 X 96·0 = 16,200 "# 8 ·8 (w/t) = 1.000 -0.075 = 12 _39 0.075 Fb = Fy[0.767 -(2.64/1 000}(w/t)FyA.5] Fb = 26.788 KSI fb = _M_ce_n_te""-r = -----,--_1_6_,2_0...,...0 ______ _ Fb SxxFb 0.95 X 26.788 X 1000 = 0.64 <1.0 THEREFORE 0.K. 5wL4 0.257" Llmax= -_ = 384EI < U180 THEREFORE 0.K. CONNECTION Mconn = Mseismic + .25Mstatic = 14120".# Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= 2,107 # CAP. STUD= .15x.4x50000 psix1 .33 = 4,009# ~ 2,107 #. :, OK Projecti __ --"-9=-8·=21=2A-'--_ Date: ___ 6=/2=/9~8 __ Designer;_~-'-A=.T'-'-. -~ Page: __ --"-b----,- 1 3/4" 111 J 2 3/4" ·.i THICKNESS =0,075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx=0.948 Ix= 2.051 P1 .C\J C\I ,- 7/16"0 STUD ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Sqlano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS: BRACING Vdiag = 1,580 # kl/rmin = 154.52 Cc = (2IJAE/Fy)!'.5 = 107.00 Fa = 12IlA2E/[23(kl/r)A2] Fa (ksi)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 0.86 Tel: (510)559-1038 Fax, (510) 559-1039 / 42 Project: __ __,9=8·-=21-=2:.:....:.·A_ Date:--'-,-'-'---· -=6/-=2/-=--98=---- Desigrier:_-':-"--'A-"-. T"-'-. __ Page:_~---- 51 t= ,0747 II Area = .288 "A2 r min= .404 " ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA94706 Tel: (510l 559,1038 Fax: (510 559:.1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1 :. FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR (V) HEIGHT . Vihi 12 0.0 0 1 1 0.Q 0 10 0.0 0 " .. 9 0.0 0 " . 8 0.0 0 7 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 5 0.0 -0 4 422.9 21·0.0 88,81"2 3 318.2 158.0 50,275 2 213.5 106.0 22,628 1 108.8 54.0 5,873 Moverturning = 167,588 1.15*Mover:turning = 192,726 Mstabilizing = 233,940 P uplift= (1.15Mot-Mst)/Frame Depth = 0 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.07 CASE 2: TOP SHELF LOADED V fOP SHELF= 265.8 .1.15*Moverturning = 66,033 Mstabilizating = 63,840 Puplift = 52 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.04 ,. Project: __ ~98~-2~12=A'--- Date:~-~6=/2-/9~8 _ Designer:_~-'-'A'-'-.T,__. _ Page: __ ~8~--'-- ANCHOR TYPE 1/211 X 4~1/8 11 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 1810# TENSION CAPACITY 580# FRAME DEPTH 42 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES. Consulting Engineers, Inc. SLAB AND SOIL a) PUNCTURE 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Pmax = 1 0, 189 # Fv = 2~ = 109.5 psi. 2 Shear Area= 2t(B+D) = 192.00 in. Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559°1039 ~ = Ptnax = 0.48 Fv AreaxFv <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. b) $LAB TENSION Asoil = Pmax. = 7.6lft 1.33fsoil . 2 = 1, 10$.1 in. L ~ .JAsoil ~ 33.21 " B=-VBxD+t= 14.00" L-8 I=--= 9.6·1 11 2 Mconc = 1.33wl2 = 426.2 "# 2 1xt2 Scone=--= 6 3 6.00 in. Fbending = 1..6.Jf' c = 87.64 psi. fb Mconc -= = 0.81 Fb Scone x-Pbending <=1.33 THEREFORE OX. Project: __ ~'-'--'9=8-=-2..:.::12"-'A- Date.~· ---'-------""6/=2/=98"'--_ Designer: __ _,A_,_,_.T-'-'-.-- Page: ___ ,-1---- I _k __ 1 B-+ t L------.r BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8.00" DEPTH= 8.00 11 CONCRETE THICKNESS= 6" STRENGTH= 3000 PSI SOIL STRENGTH = 1000 PSF ---___,...~,iFii"~..., ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., ~uite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Sl~GrL.r3. RoW UNl-fS SEISMIC. ANALYSIS V = ZIC/Rw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 1 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 . Rw (Longitudinal) = 8 Rw (Transverse) = · 6 V (long)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 400 + 6000 I 1 ) / 8 V= 880.0# V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 400 + 6000 / 1 ) / 6 V = 1,173.3 # Project: 98-212A Date: 6/2/98 Designer: A.T. Page: 10 Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wihi/ LEVEL HEIGHT WDL wLL w Wihi Z:wih.i I,wihi 12 0.0 0.0 11 0.0 0.0 .. 10 0.0 0.0 -· 9 0.0 OiO 8 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 -· 6 0.0 0..0 5 0.0 0.0 4 210.0 100 1500 1600 336000 350.0 466.7 3 158.0 100 1500 1600 252800 263.3 351.1 2 106.0 100 1500 1600 169600 176.7 235.6 1 54:0 100 1500 1600 86400 90-.0 120.0 400 6000 844800 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES ConslJlting Engineers, Inc., 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Column = V long total / 2 = 440.0 # DETERMINE COLUMN FORCES . Tel: (510) 559°1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Project: __ _,9=8·-=2.:..::12'"-'-.A_ Date·~ -~-6=/2=/~98"--_ besigner:_~~A~.T=·-- Page:..,,.. .. ---'--......,_ __ _ THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTAL METHOD, WITH THE.POINT OF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID.:HEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS. Mupper + Mlower = Mconn 'L '+Mconn 'R Mconn 'L'= Mconn R :. 2Mc6nn = Mupper + Mlower Mupper + Mlowe:i; Mconn = --.----- 2 Mbase = 8000 11# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECTION IS 1 Pcol = 3200 # .Mcol = 15760 "# 52 2 M B~Mro COL CONN; Mupper Mlower BEAMTO COLUMN CONNECTOR COLUMN ANALYSIS Pcol = 3200 # Ix =54.0 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA94706 Mcol =15760 "# ly =51.0 tel: (510) 559-1038. Fax: (510) 559-:1039 (w/t) = 0.750 -0.105 =6.17 0.105 Fb = .60 Fy Fb = 30.000KSI Q = Fb = 1.,000 .6Fy kl/rx = 52.7 kl/ry = 41.5 Cc=~= 107.0 Q Q kl/r = 52.7 Fa= .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494JA2 Fa= 22.99:1 KSI 12n2 Fe'= ------c-= 53.80 KSI 23{kxlx / rx)2 fa= Pcol = 2,312 Area psi. fb= Mcol = 11,122 psi. Sy ~= 0.10 Fa fa -: =0.00 [1-~]= 1,00 Fe". fb Fb[1-~] -0.37 Fe' Fe' .COMBINED STRESS = -fa + fb -Fa Fb =0A7 Project: __ ~9~8-~2~12-A_ Date: ___ -;....--=6/-=2/"""'98=---- Designer:_~__,A...,_,__.T-'---'-.-- Page: __ __,_f~Z-__ _ 311 L L ,.... -3x3x12GA./3x1-5/8x14GA. Area= 1.384 FLANGEWIDTH = 0.750 THICKNESS= 0.105 Ix= 2.126 Sx = 1.417 rx = 1.23 ly = 3.052 Sy= 1.094 ry = 1.473 <1.33 THEREFORE O.K. BASE PLATE DESIGN DEAD LOAD I I AX[AL FORCE (K) MOMENT ('K) f'c (ksi)= 3 Fy (ksi) = 36 b (")= 8 d eff. (") = 8 b' (")= 4.625 d' (")= 3 c ( "dist. from edge to ctr. of hole)= 1 .. CASE COMBINATION 1 1.4D + f.+L 2 1.4(D+L+E) · 3 1.7(D;-L} 4 1.3(D+L+E) 5 1..0D+1.3E NOTE: (+) DOWNWARD, (-) UPWARD. CASE TO BE ANALYZED = 2 BASE PLATE DIMENSION f bearing (.850f'c) = 1.785 · Area min. (in."2) = 2.510 a"2 -(2d-6)a+[(d-6)Pu+24Mu]t:85f'cb =0 a"~ term= 1 a term= 2d-6 = -10 Constant= [(d-6)Pult+24Mu]/.85f'cb = 1.54 SOLVING THE QUADRATIC EQUATION TO FIND a a =[-term2 +-sqrt(term2"2-4*term1 * term3}]/(2*term1) a1 = 9.84 a2 = 0.16 a= 0.16 Tult = -1.28 3.2 0 LIVE LOAD ... .. SEISMIC/WIND LOAD 0 01 0 0.671 RESULTS min. req'd area (""2) = 2.51 PLATE THICKNESS(")= 0.328 Tult(k) = -1.28 AXIAL LOAD MOMENT - 4.48 ,o 4.48 · 0.938 Q,44· 0 4.:16 0.871 3.2 .. 0.871 Pult (K) = 4.48 Mult ('K) = 0.938 THICKNESS CHECK Fy(ksi) = 36 c ( dist. from eqge to ctr. or hole) = 1 d'= 3 COMPRESSION· b' = 4.625 fbearing = .85*f'c = 2.55 overhang = 2.5 moment arm = 2.42 Mbase ult = Fy*tA2/4 = 0.97 t1 = 0.33 TENSION Tult = O.bo Mbase ult;::: Tult (overhang-c)/b = 0.00 t2 = 0.00 BASE PLATE THICKNESS= 0.33 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 SHELF BEAM 4-1/211-14 GA. STEP BEAM Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 IN SOME CASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BEAMS USE;D. IN SUCH A CASE THE ANALYSIS WILL-SE PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. LENGTH= 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF= 1500.0# W = LOAD I SHELF= 7_81 #/" 2xLENGTH 2 M WL 2 7.81 X 96.0 _ 9,000 "# center=--=--......... -------8 8 (wit) = 1._000 -o_.075 = 12.39 · 0.075 Fb = Fy[0.767 -(2.64/1000)(w/tfFy".5] Fb = 26.788 KSI _fb=_M_ce_n_te_r=--------9~,0~0-0 __ __ Fb. SxxFb 1.14 X 26.788 X 1000 5wL4 ~max=--= 384EI CONNECTION = 0.29 0.106 11 <1.0 THEREFORE O.K. < U1.80 THEREFORE O.K. Mconn = Mseismlc + .25Msta:tic = 1451511# Mconn = 6.7 Pt P1= 2, H56 # CAP. STUD = .15x.4x50000 psix1 .33 = 4,009# ~ 2, 166 # ,', OK Project: __ -=9-=-8·=21=2A'""-_ Date_· -~~6/2=/9"'""8'---_ Designer: __ .,.:.-A=.T_._. __ Page: __ ~,--t-t--- J. 1 3/4" 1" i - l 2 ;3/4" l 1 1 . THICKNESS-= 0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx = 1.141 Ix= 2.753 P1 C\I P1 ~ l!) ,... 7/16110 STUD ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 132q Solano Ave., Suite~03 Tel: (510) 559-1Q38 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 TRANSVERSE .ANALYSIS: BRACING Vdiag = 1,744 # kl/rmin = 1-54.52 Cc = (2IlAE/Fy)A.5 = 107.00 Fa = 12IlA2E/[23(kl/r)A2] Fa (ksi)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 6.95 Project: __ __,9=-8·=21-=2A"-'-_ Date_· ___ 6=/2=/=98~- Designer: __ ..... A...;.:...T.,__,,._-'- Page: __ ___.!-'-!:?' __ _ / 42 1 1/211 ~ Ri t= ,0747 II Area = .288 11A2 r min= .404 11 51 ARTHUR TAN & 'ASSOCIATES Consulting Engine~rs, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 · Tel: (510).55~·1038 . Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADE:D LEVEL. SHEAR (V) HE-l'GHT Vihi 12 0.0 0 1 1 0.0 0 10 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 8 0.0 0 7 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 5 0.0 0 4 466.7 210.0 98,000 3 351.1 158.0 55,476 2 235.6 106.0 24,969 1 1.20.0 54.0 6,480 Movertuming = 184,924 t. 15-l!Movertu rn ing = 212,663 Mstabilizing = 133, 140 P uplift= (1.15Mot~Mst)/Frame Depth = 189S Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.90 CASE 2: TOP SHELF LOADED V TOP SHEl-F = 293.3 1.1 S*Moverturnipg = 72,'864 Mstabilizating = 38,640 Puplift = 815 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.37 Project: __ -=-.98"'""'·2~12=-· A,___ Date_· --...,...,.=6/=2/-"--98~- Designer: __ ~A~.T~. ~· _ Page: __ ...._! 0~-~ ANCHOR TYPE 1/2" X 4-1/8" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 1810# TENSION CAPACITY 580# FRAME: DEPTH 42 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, ·tnc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510)559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (51 O) 959-1039 SLAB AND SOIL a) PUNCTURE Pmax= 8,263 # Fv = 2--/fc = t09.5 psi. 2 Shear Area= 2t(B+D) = 192.00 in, ~ = Pmax = 0_39 Fv AreaxFv b) SLAB TENSION . Asoil = Pm_ax = 6.2?ft. 1. 33fsoil 2 = 89.4.7 in. L = -.JAsoil = 29.91 11 B = -.JBxD +t = 14.00 11 I= L-8 = 7.96 II 2 1 33w,2 292· .3 11# Mconc= · ·. · '""' 2 . 1xt2 · 3 Scone=--· = 6,00 m. ·6 <=1.33.THEREFORE 0.K. Fbending = 1. 6-vf c = 87 .. 64 psi. fb Mconc = ------,-------= 0.56 <=1.33 THEREFORE 0.K. Fb Scone x;Fbending . Project: __ ___.9=-8·-=21=2A"-'--_ .Date-· ----=6/-=2/-=--98~- Designer: A.T. Page: 17 1 _L __ 1 B~ t L~·-----.1' BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8.00 11 DEPTH= 8.00 11 CONCRETE THICKNESS= 611 $TRENGTH = 3000 PSI SOIL STRENGTH = 1000 PSF APPENDIX Previously-Approved Calculations / L.EGOLAND 5342 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008 STORAGE RACKS Structural Calculatio·ns Job No. 98-212 MARCH 2, 1998 Prepared by: SCOPE AATHURTAN & ASSOCIATE$ Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Te!: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Project: __ ~9~8·=21=·2 _ Date-· --~3~/2~/9~8 _ Designer: A.t. Page: . I Of I 7 PROVIDE ANALYSIS OF STORAGE RACKS UNDER SEISMIC ANO STATIC CONDITIONS. ANALYSIS SHALi-BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 1994 SEQTION 2231 -2238 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. GENERAL SPECIFICAT·IONS -STEEL STRENGTH · Fy = 50 KSI -ANCHORS ICBO APPRV'D TYPE= 1/211 X 3-1/211 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT TENSION CAPACITY = 500# SHEAR CAPACITY= 920# -SLAB THICKNESS = 611 STRENGTH = 3000 PSI -SOIL STRENGTH 1000 PSF ' SEISMIC ANALYSIS ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559·1038 Albany, QA 94706 Fax, (510) 559-1039 V = ZIC/Rw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 2 Rw (I,.:ongitudinal) =' 8 Rw (Transverse) = 6 V (long)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.30 X ( 300 + 10800 / 2 ) / 8 V= 655.5# V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 300 + 10800 / 2 ) / 6 V = 1,045.0 # Project: __ --=9=8·=21=2- Date~· ----'3"'""/2~/9..;....8 _ Designer: . A. T. Page: ":l--of ·17. Vlong*wihi/ · Vtran*wihi/ LEVEL HEIGHT wDL wLL w Wihi Iwihi Iiwihi 12 0.0 0.0 1 1 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 6 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 3 216.0 ' 100 · 3.600 3700 799200 321.a 522.5 2 144.0 100· 3600 3700 532800 218.5 348.3 1 72.0 100 3600 3700 .; 266400 ·.109.3 174.2 .300 · 10800 · 159"8400 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, lno. 1323 SqlanoAve., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510)559-1039 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Column = V long total I 2 = 327.8 # DETERMINE COLUMN FORCES Project: ___ 9~8~,2=12~- Date_· ___ 3-/2=· /9~8 __ Designer: A.T. Page: 3 Of 17. THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTAL METHOD, WITH THE POINT OF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-HEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS. Mupper + Mlower = Mconn 'L '+Mconn 'R Mconn ',L '= Mconn 'R :. 2Mconn = Mupper+Mlower . Mupper + Mlower Mconn = · · . . · 2 Mbase = 8000 11# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) Sec Ht. .PooJ Mcol Mconn 7 8 9 10 11 12 THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECTION IS 1 Pcol = 5550 # Mcol = 15598 "# 72 Mupper Mlower SEAM TO COL CONN. ) Mconn'R' BEAMTO COLUMN-CONNECTOR COLUMN ANALYSIS Pcol = ·5550 # Ix =72.0 ARTHUR ·TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. . 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Mcol = 15598 "# ly =.51.0 Tel: (510) 559-1038· Fax: (510) 559-1039 0.105 -0.075 (w/t) = 0.075 =0.40 Fb = .60 Fy Fb = 30.000 K81 Q = Fb . = 1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 69.2 kl/ry = 53.2 kl/r = 69.2 j2 ic2 E Cc= , Fy = 107.0 Q Q Fa= .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494]A2 Fa= 20.740 KSI 12n2 Fe'= · . = 31.21 KSI 23 (kxlx / rx )2 . fa= Pcol = 6,461 Area psi. fb= Mcol =20,742 psi. Sy · ~=0.31 Fa fa =0.21 Fe' ·[1-fa]= 0.79 Fe' fb 0,87 Fb[1-~]-. Fe' · · fa fb COMBINED STRESS=-+-. . Fa Fb = 1.18 Project: __ __,,9""""8·=21-=-2 _ Date.~· __ ........=3/=2/=98"--- Designer: . A. T. Page: 1 Of 17 t r r=,___,__ L J~ w3/4" 3x3x12GA. Area= .859 FLANGE WIDTH= 0.105 THICKNESS= 0.075 Ix= 1.373 Sx= :915 rx= 1.249 ly= 1.164 Sy= .752 ry = 1.15 <1.33 THEREFORE O.K. BASE PLATE DESIGN .. DEAD LOAD · LIVELOAD · SEISMfC/WIND LOAD I AXIAL FORCE (K) 5.55 0 ol I MOMENT ('K). f'c (ksi)= 3 Fy (ksi) = 36 b (") = .8 d eff. (") = 8 b' (")= 3 d' (")= 3 c ( " dist. from edge to ctr. of hole) = 1 CASE COMBINATION 1 . 1.4D + 1.7L 2 '' 1.4(D+L+E) 3 1.7{D+L) 4 1.3(D+L+E) 5 . 1.0D+1.3E _ NOTE:(+) DOWNWARD,(-). UPWARD. CASE TO BE ANALYZED = 2 BASE PLATE DIMENSION f bearing (.850f'c) = 1.785 Area min. (in.A2) = 4.353 aA2 -{2d-6)a+[(d-6)Pu+24Mu]/.85f'cb =0 aA2 term=· 1 a term= 2d-6 = -10 Constant= [(d-6)Pult+24Mu]/:85flcb = 1.87 SOLVING THE QUADRATIC EQUATION TO FIND a a =[-term2 +·$qrt(term2A2-4*term1 * term3)]/(2*term1) a1 = 9.81 a2 = 0.19 a= 0.19 Tult = -3.89 0 0 -0.671 'RESULTS min. req'd area ("A2) = 4.35 PLATE THICKNESS(")= Q.360 Tult(k) = -3.89 AXIAL LOAD 7.71 . 7.77 9.435 7.215 -5.55 Pult (K) = 7. 77 Mult ('K) = 0.938 THICKNESS CHECK MOMENT 0 0.938 0 0.871 0.871 Fy(ksi) = 36 c (dist.from edge to ctr. or hole)= 1 d' = 3 b'= 3 COMPR~SSION fbearing = .85*f'c = 2.55 overhang.= 2.5 moment arm = 2.40 Mbase ult = Fy*tA2/4 = 1.17 t1 = 0.36 TENSION Tult = 0.00 Mbase ult= tult (overhang-c)/b = 0.00 t2 = 0.00 BASE PLATE: THICKNESS= 0.36 s-· of t7 ARTHUR TAN, & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite2Cl3 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 ,Fax: (51 O) 559.-1039 SHELF BEAM 4"-14 GA. STEP BEAM (LBF404) Project:~·. __ 98"-'-2"""12==---c,_. _ Drue·~ --~3/2=/9~8---a-_ Designer:. A.T. Page: b of q IN SOME CASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BE;AMS USI;:D. IN SUCH A CASE THE ANALYSIS WILL BE PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. 1 3/4" 1" £e LENGTH= 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF= 3600,0# W = LOAD/ SHELF== 18_75 #/' 2x·LENGTH 2 WL2 1-8.75 X 96.0 = 21,600 "# Mcenter = --= ---------8 8 ( /t) = 1.000_ -0.075 = 12 39 w b.075 . Fb = Fy[0.767 -(2.64/1 000){W/t)Fy1\5] Fb= 26.788KSI Mcenter 21,600 -. = =~=.-------'-fb Fb SxxFb 0.95. X 26.788 X 1000 = 0;85 <1.0 THEREFORE O.K. Llmax = SwL ~ = 0.343 11 384EI CONNECTION Mconn === Mseismic + .25Mstatic = 1631"511# Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= .2,435 # CAP. STUD = .15x.4x50000 psixt.33 < U180 THEREFORE O.K = 4,00S;J# ~ 2,435 # ,: OK. -~ 2 3/4" THICKNESS= 0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx=0.948 Ix= 2.051 rz == v~ ri l!) ,- M ;:: ( ft ) ( '=," ) + ( f i) ( 2-'') = c ri) ((/) t ('/7; rix 2.'') M = 0, 0 7 fi ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., SUite 203 Tel: (510)559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 . Fax: (510) 559-1039 TRANSVERSE ANAL YS·IS: BRACING Vdiag = 1 !553 # kl/rmin = 154.52 Cc= (2Il"E/Fy)".5 = 107.00 Fa = 12Il"2E/[23(kl/r)"2] Fa (ksi)= 6 .. 362 fa/Fa= 0.85 Project: 98-212 Date· 3/2/98 Designer: A.T. Page: l Of 11 / 51 42 t= ,0747 II Area = .288 11"2 r min= .404 11 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATf:S Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559,1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR -(V) . HEIGHT 12 0.0 ' 1 1 0.0 10 0.0 9 0.0 '' 8 0.0 7 0.0 6 0.0 5 0.0 4 0.0 .. Vihi 0 0 0 ,, 0 0 0 ' . '' 0 0 0 3 522.5 216.0 112,860 2 348.3 144.0 50,160· 1 174.2 72.0 1.2,540 ' Moverturhing = 1'75,560 1.15*Mover:turning = 201,894 Mstabilizing = 232, 155 P uplift= (1.15Mot-Mst)/Frame Depth = 0 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.14 CASE 2: TOP SHELF LOADED V TOP SHELF = 348.3 1.15*Moverturning = 86,526 Mstabilizating = 80,955 Puplift = 133 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.11 Project: __ .....,,9=-8·=21=.2 _ Date:, __ .....;·:_.:3=/2=/9=8 _ Designer: A.i. Page: B Of -17 ANCHOR TYPE 1/211 X 3-1/211 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 920# TENSION CAPACITY 500# FRAME DEPTH 42 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 132_3 SolariO Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA94706 . Fax: (510} 559-1039 SLAB AND SOIL a) PUNC1URE Pmax = 10,357 # Fv = 2-Jfc = 109,5 psi. 2 Shear Area= 2t(B+D) = 1.92.00 in. ~ = _Pmax = 0.49 Fv AreaxFv b) SLAB TENSION -A ·1 Ptnax 7 792ft SOI= . = . . 1.33fsoil 2 = 1,121.4 in, L = -J Asoil = 33.49 11 s = ~sxo +t = 14.00 11 l=L ..... B= 9.74 11 2 1 33wl2 438,4 11# Mconc= ··_ = 2 1xt2 · 3 Scone = -_ ---= 6.00 in; p' <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. Fbending = 1.6-Jf c = 87.64 psi. fb = Mconc = 0_83 <=1.33 tHEREFORE O.K. -Fb Scone x Fbending Project: . 98-21-2 Date: 3/2/98 Designer; A.T. Page: 4 Of 17 1 _L, __ 1 B-+ t L-------.f BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8.00 11 OEPTH= 8.00 11 CONCRETE THICKNESS= £3" STRENGTH = 3000 PSI SOIL STRENGTH = 1000 PSF SEISMIC ANALYSIS ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany; CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559.~1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 V = ZIC/Rw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 1 Rw (Longitudinal) = 8 RW (Transverse) = 6 V (long) = 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.30 X ( 300 + 6000 / t ) / 8 V= 724.5# V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X( 300 + 6000 / 1 ) / 6 V = 1,155.0 # Project: __ -"9-=--8·=21=2 -,-- Date: __ ~3=/2~/9-=-8 _ Designer: A. T. Page: ID Of I 1 - Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wihi/ LEVEL HEIGHT wDL wLL w Wihi Iwihi Iwihi 12 0.0 0.0 11 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 - 7 0.0 0.0 - 6 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 - 4 0.0 0.0 3 216.0 100 2000 2100. 453600 362.3 577.5 - 2 144.0 100 2000 2100, 302400 241 .. 5 385.0 1 72.0 100 2000 210ff 151200 120.8 192.5 300 6000 907200 -. ' ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite203 Tel: (5:10) 559-1038 Albany, CA94706 Fax:.(510) 559-1039. LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Column = V long total / 2 = 362.3 # DETERMINE -COLUMN· FORCES Project: __ -=--98'""'-2"-"-1=-2 _ Date· -3/2/98 Designer: A.T. Page: II Of 17 THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTALMl;:THOD, WITH THE POINT OF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-HEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS. . Mupper+Mlower == Mconn 'L'+Mconn 'R Mconn 'L'= Mconn 'R :. 2Mconn == Mupper + Mlower . Mupper + Mlower Mconn = -. -. 2 Mbase = 8000 11# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) Sec Ht. · _ .Peal Meal . Mconn 1 i ..... ...?..?. .. Q: ...... { .... ~.!.~.Q ..... ; .. :1 .. ~-9.~?. ... [··'· 1 ~475 2 i 72.0 : 2100 : 10868 it···--'-· --i s · 7if:o" ...... -r--1-050 ·--r---·ss:ff'·J ..... ~,?.-~.1 ...... 4 10 11 12 THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECTION IS 1 Pcol = 3150 # Mcor = 1.8082 "# 72 2 n B~Mro COL CONN. Mupper ) Mconn'R' Mlower - BEAMTO COLUMN CONNECTOR ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES. Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510)559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 599-1039 COLUMN ANALYSIS Pcol = 3150 # Meal =18082 "# Ix =72.0 ly =51.0 (wit)= o.750 -o·.105 =6_17 0.105 Fb = .60 Fy Fb = 30.000 KSI Fb · Q = -.-= 1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 70.2 kl/ry= 11,5 Cc= w = 107.0 Q Q kl/r = 70.2 · Fa= .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494)A2 Fa= 20,573 KSI F 1 12 7t 2 30.26KSI e = 23 (kxlx / rx)2 ;;: fa= Pcol = 2,276 psi. fb= Mcol = 16,528 psi. Area fa -=0.11 Fa fb Sy •[1 -fa ] = 1 . 00 · .. Fe' ~=0.00 Fe' COMBINED STRESS= fa+~· . Fa Fb p 3/4" Project: __ -"9=-8·=21=2- Date·~ --~3/=2/=98"--- Designer: A.T. Page: ! '2-Of 'l 3x3x12GA./3x1-5/8x14GA. Area= 1.384 FLANGE WIDTH= 0. 750 THICKNESS= 0.105 Ix= 2.126 Sx::: 1.417 .rx = 1.23 ly = 3.052 Sy= 1.094 ry= 1.473 Fb[1-~] = 0.55 Fe' = 0 •. 66 <1.33 THEREFORE O.K. I I BASE PLATE DESIGN DEAD LOAD AXIAL FORCE (K) MOMEN'.r l'K) f'c (ksi)= 3 Fy (ksi) = 36 b (") = 8 · d eff. (") = 8 b' (")= 4.625 d' (")= 3 c ("dist.from edge to ctr. -of hole)= 1 -.. LIVE LOAD. 3.15 ·o . SEISMIC/WIND LOAD 0 .01 0 0.671 RESULTS min. req'd area ("A2) = 2.47 PLATE THICKNESS(")= 0.327 Tult(k) = -1.23 CASE COMBINATION AXIAL LOAD MOMENT 1 1.4D + 1.7L 2 · 1.4(D+L+E) · 3 1.7(D+L) 4 1.3{D+L+E) 5 1.0D+1.3E .NOTE: (+) DOWNWARD, (-) UPWARD. CASE TO BE ANALYZED = 2 BASE PLATE DIMENSION f be~ring (.850f'c) = 1.785 Area min. (in."2) = 2.471 a"2 -(2d-6)a+.[(d-6)Pu+24Mu]/:85f'cb =0 aA2 term= 1 a term= 2d-6 = -10 Constant= [(d-6}Pult+24Mu]/.85f'cb = 1.54 SOLVING THE QUADRATiC EQUATION TO FIND a a =[-term2 +-sqrt(term2A2-4*term1 * term3}]/(2*term1) a1 = 9.84 a2 = 0,16 a== 0.16 Tult;,, -1.23 4.41 4.41 5;355 4.095 3.15. Pult (K) = 4.41 Mult ('K) = 0.938 THICKNESS CHECK 0 0.938 0 0.871 0.871 Fy(ksi) = 36 c (dist.from edge to ctr. or hole) = 1 d'= 3 COMPRESSION b' = 4.625 fbearing .= .85*f'c = 2.55 overhang = 2.5 moment arm = 2.42 Mbase ult = Fy*tA2/4 = 0.96 t1 = 0.33 TENSION Tult ::;: o.oo Mbase ult= Tult (overhang-c)/b = 0.00 t2 = 0.00 BASEPLATE THICKNESS= 0.33 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA 94706 Fax: (51 0) 559-1039 SHELF BEAM 4-1/211:.14 GA STEP BEAM Project:-'--._ ---"-'98:..::·2....,1.2=--- Date:..a..-----=3=/2/=98,.___ Designer; A. T. Page: . lfJ: of q IN SOME CASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE Of SHE;LF BEAMS USED. IN SUCH A CASE THE ANALYSIS WILL BE PERFORMEO ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. > I 1 3/4" 1" Q2 LENGTH= 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF= 2000:0 # W = LOAD/ S_HELF = 1 o .42 #/' . 2xLENGTH 2 2 WL 10.42 X 96.0 Mcenter = --= · = 8 . 8 ( /t) = 1.000 -0.075 . = 12 39 w 0.075 . Fb = Fy[0. 767 -(2.64/1 000)(w/t)FyA.5] Fb = 26.788.KSI 12 000 11# ' fb Mcenter 12,000 --=---~--'---Fb SxxFb 1.14 X 26.788 X 1000 5wL4 .limax = 384EI = CONNECT]ON = 0.39 0, 142 II <1.0 THEREFORE O.K. < U180 THEREFORE 0.K. Mconn = Mseismic + .25Mstatic = 1647511 # Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= 2-,459 # CAP. STUD= .15x.4X50000 psix1 .33 = 4,oo9# ;a:_ 2,459 # :. OK. j 2 3/4" J THICKNESS= 0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx= 1.141 Ix= 2.753 • rz = v~ r: - LO· ,- M == ( fDU/) + (F1-)(-/) = cf,) ( (," )-r (1h rix 1.'') M = 0, 0 l fi ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineer$, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave;, Suite 203 Albany, CA ~706 TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS: B'RACING Vdiag = 1,717 # kl/rmin = 154.52 Cc = (2II/\E/Fy)A.5 = 107.00, Fa = 12Il"2E/[23(kl/r)A2] Fa (k$i)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 0.94 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax:.(510) 559-1039 Project: __ -=98~-2~12~- Date: ___ ~3/=2/~98~- Designer: A. T. Page: 11:z: of '7 / 51 42 t= ,0747 II A 288 IIJ\2 rea =. - r min= .404 11 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES. Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323SolanoAve., Suite gos Tel: (510) 559-1038 Aloany, CA94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR (V) .. HEIGHT Vihi 12 0.0 0 1 1 0.0 0 10 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 8 0.0 0 7 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 5 0.0 0 4 0.0 0 3 577.5 216.0 124,740 2 385.0 144.0 55,440 1 192.5 72.0 13,860 Moverturning = 1'94,040 1 .15*Moverturning = 223, 146 Mstabilizing = 131,355 P uplift= (1.1-5Mot-Mst)/Frame Depth= 2186 Shear/Allow + Tensi'on/Allow = 1.25 CASE 2: TOP SHELF LOADED V TOP SHELF= 385.0 1.15*Moverturning = 95,634 Mstabilizating-= 47,355 Puplift = 1150 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.63 Project: __ ~9~8--21=2- Date: __ ~3~/2~/9~8 _ Designer: A.T. Page: /0 Of Ii ANCHOR TYPE 1./2" X 3-1/2" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 920# TENSION CAPACITY 500# FRAME DEPTH 42 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. SLAB AND SOIL a) PUNCTURE Pmax= 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 8,463 # Fv = 2-vfc = 109.5 psi. 2 Shear Area = 2t(B+D) = 192.00 in. Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 ~= Pmax = 0.40 <=1.33 THEREFORE 0.K. Fv AreaxFv · b) SLAB TENSION Asoil = Pmax = 6.3(f ft. 1.33fsoil . 2 = 91'6.3 in. L = .J Asoil = 30.27 II• B = .JBxD+t = 14.00 11 l=L-B= 8.14,. 2 Mconc = 1.33wl2 = 305.6 II# 2 1xt2 · 3 Scone= --= 6.00 in. 6 Fbending = 1. 6-Jf' c = 87.64 psi. _fb. = Mconc = 0_58 . Fl;> Scone x Fbending <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. l I 4 Project: __ ~98~-2~1·2~- Date·~--=·3=/2~/9~8 _ Designer: A. T. Page: 11 Of 'l B~ t L-------.r BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8.00 11 DEPTH= 8,00 11 CONCRETE· THICKNESS= ff" STRENGTH = 3000 PSI SOIL STRENGTH = 1000 PSF ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 S9lano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (51 0) 559-1038 Albany, CA94706 Fax: (510)·559-1039 .Response to Plan Check Correction Plan Check # 98-872 LEGOLANO-CARLSBAD 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 ATA Job #98-212 April 17, 1998 Structural Corrections: 1. Understood. 2. Understood. 3. Understood. None tiasbeen made. 4. Understood. 5. Understood. Detail drawings and elevations are to be submitted with this response. 6. Understood. To be handleq by Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc. (HOK). 7. Understood. To be handled by HOK. 8. Understood. To be hanqled by HOK. 9. Understood .. To be handled by HOK. 10. Maximum deflection ::;:-(3/B)Rw*(,005*18'*12"/'):::; 3.3" Provide 8" minimum distance between storage racks and the building walls. Plans to be revised per HOK. 11. Understood. See note #3 on S0.1. 12. Understood. See note #10 on S0.1. 13 . .Done. _s·ee attached sheets 1. to 4. 14. The design capacity of the single row units is limited by the slab and tension capacity of the anchors. Load signs indicating the design capacities will be posted for both single row units and interconnected units. 15. Done. See attached sheets 5 to 25. Arthur Tan, P.E. 16. Connection. a) Done. See attached sheet 26. b) Done. See .attached sheet 26. 17. See test report attached sneet 27. 18. Special inspection will be provided. Drawing revised. 19. Done. See attached sheet 28, 20. Understood. To be handled by HOK. 21. Understood. Should you nave any questions., please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Arthur Tan, P.E. Principal • Multiframe4D 1.04 R~~r"J.:;e ti 3 J,re tttA1 p ALuq, f~I,-1.-P~ SD A1 A If~{:; - · 18.75 .. mmmmmmmmmmmnmmmm111111mm11111111mm11111111111111mm11m111m111mmmmm11ma a Left Pallet Multiframe4D 1.04 a . 18.75 DIIIIIUUlllllllllllllllllllllUUIUUUHllllUIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIHIUIIIIIIIIUIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUllla Right Pallet Multiframe4D 1.04 ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111u1i1111tt11111111111mmmmm111111111111m11mm11m11w1111mmm1m1m11mm1111mm1mmm11m11ff 1mi1mmn111mmm111mmumumnummmmmma LP+1.25RP (Combined) Multiframe4D 1.04 ~1 _ ~ {-300 ,,:. fb C: 1"Jc~(,, 188) -::::. -~~ ~ l, p . o IL. .,_, LP+1.25RP Mz' (lb-in) LATERAL LOAD DISTRIBUTION: INTERCONNECTED UNITS LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION, V = (ZIC)(Wdl+ Wll/2)/Rw = 783.75 LEVEL Widl Will :10 0 0 9 0 .o 8 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 3 100 3600 . 2 100 3600 1 1.00 3600 300 10806 TRANSVERSE DIRECTION V = (ZIC)(Wdl+Wll/2)/Rw = 1045 LEVEL Widl Will 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 .5 0 0 4 0 0 3 100 .3600 2 100 3600 1 100 3600 300 10800 Wi .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 6. 0 0 0 0 . -0 3700 .. 21·6 3i<io 144 3700 72 11100 W1 0 0 b 0 0 0 0 .0 .6 6. 0 ... () 0 0 0 3700 216 3700 -· 144 3700. 72 11100 Z:::; 0.4 I= 1 . C= 2.75 Rw= 8 Wihi . V (Wihi/I.Wihi) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 799,200 532,800 266 400 1,598 400 Z= 0.4 I= 1 C= 2.75 Rw= 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .391.9 .261.3 130.6 783.8 Wihi V(Wihi/I.Wihi) 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 () 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 799,200 522.5 532 800 348.3 266,400 174.2 1 598,400 1045.0 Multiframe4D 1.04 2=---------9~-----~--4~--------~1~5 ________ 12 4 LM30 72 LBF404 LBF404 96 96 q LM30 72 1,2 LM30 72 6~---------8=-----'----------'8~--------~1~4,_ _______ 11 ~ LM30 72 LBF404 LBF404 96 96 ey LM30 72 1.1 LM30 72 5=---------,--7~·--------7~-~------~1~3 _________ 10 1 LM30 72 1 .8. LBF404 LBF404 96 96 ~ LM30 72 3 A 1.0 LM30 72 Multiframe4D 1.04 98.QQ, .... t--------..,.,.--...;..,..-----196.0'0,•_,.._ ______________ 98.00 65.30~------------'---'------130. 70•"-...... ---------------65.30 32. 70--111------------"-----65.301-llt---------------32.70 Load Case 1 Multiframe4D 1.04 ~-~ legoand Joint Coordinates (in) Type Joint X y z 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rigid 2 0.00 216.00 0.00 Rigid 3 96.00 0.00 0.00 Rigid 4 96:00 216.00 0.00 Rigid 5 o.oo 72.00 0.00 Rigid 6 0.00 144.00 0.00 Rigid 7 96.00 72.00 0.00 Rigid 8 96.00 144;00 0.00 Rigid 9 192.00 0.00 0.00 Rigid 10 192.00 12.00 0.00 Rigid 11 192.00 144.00 0.00 Rigid 12 192.00 216.00 0.00 Rigid Member Geometry (in,deg) Joint 1 Jolnt2 Length Slope Orient. Member 1 1 5 72.00 90.00 0.00 2 3 7 72.00 90.00 0.00 3 5 6 72.00 90.00 0.00 4 6 2 72.00 90.00 0.00 5 7 8 72.00 90.00 0.00 6 8 4 72.00 90.00 0.00 7 5 7 96.00 o.oo 0.00 8 6 8 96.00 0.00 0.00 9 2 4 96.00 0.00 0.00 10 9 10 72.00 90.00 0.00 11 10 11 72.00 90.00 0.00 12 11 12 72.00 90.00 0.00 13 7 10 96.00 0.00 0.00 14 8 11 96.00 0.00 0.00 15 4 12 96.00 0.00 0.00 Member Types 0x' 0' 0z' Self Weight Member Rigid/Rigfd 1 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 2 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid. Static & Dynamic 3 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 4 .Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 5 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 6 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 7 · Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 8 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 9 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 10 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 11 .Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid . Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 12 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid. Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 13 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 14 Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic 15 Rigid/Rigid Rigic;f/Rigld Rigid/Rigid Static & Dynamic Member Sections Member Group Section 1 S-Col LM30 2 S-Col LM30 3 S-Col LM30 4 S-Col LM30 5 S-Col LM30 6 S-Col LM30 7 S-Beams LBF404 8 S-Beams LBF404 9 S-Beams LBF404 10 S-Col LM30 11 S-Col tta~ 12 S-Col 13 -S-Beams lBF404 14 S-Beams LBF404 15 S-Beams LBF404 Section Properties · Section A Ix lyi J E G in2 in' in• in• psi psi LM30 0.86 1.37 1.16 1.00 2.90e+7 1.12e+7 LBF404 1.12 2.66 1.11 1.00 2.90e+7 1.12e+7 Total Mass (lb) 102.00 Joint Restraints and Prescribed Displacements (in;rad) Joint dx dy dz 0x 0y 0z 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 **** **** **** 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 **** **** **** 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 **** **** **** Multiframe4D 1.04 fcbt· 1 goland There are no springs Joint Loads(lb,lb-ft} Load Case 1 Px Py Pz Mx My Mz Joint 7 65.30 5 -32.70 10 32.70 8 130.70 6 65.30 11 65.30 4 196.00 2 98.00 12 98.00 There are no member loads in Load Case 1 There are no thermal loads in Load Case :t Joint Displacements (in,rad) dy dz 0x 0y 0z Joint Load Case dx 1 Load Case 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 2 Load Case 1 1.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 3 Load Case 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 4 Load Case 1 1.76 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 5 Load Case 1 1.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 6 Load Case 1 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo -0.00 7 Load Case 1 1.14 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 8 Load Case 1 1.55 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 9 Load Case 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 10 Load Case 1 1.14 -0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 -0.01 11 Load Case 1 1.55 -0.00 O.QO 0.00 0.00 -0.00 12 Load Case 1 1.76 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 Joint Reactions (lb,lb-ft) Load·Case Rx Ry Rz Mx My Mz Joint 1 Load Case 1 -239.18 -685.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 2 Load Case 1 -0.03 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 3 Load Case1 ·305.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 4 Load Case 1 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 5 Load Case 1 -0.02 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 LoadCase1 -0.03 0.00 0.00 O.QO 0.00 0.00 7 Load Case 1 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 8 Load Case 1 O.Q6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9 Load Case 1 -239.18 685.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 10 Load Case 1 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11 Load Case 1 -0.03 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12 Load.Case1 -0.03 · 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 Sum of Reactions (lb,lb-ft) Load,Case 1 Rx -784.00 Ry ·0.00 . Rz 0.00 Mx 0.00 My ·Q.00 Mz 10975.80 Member Actions (lb,lb-ft) Load Case Px' Vy' Vz' Tx' My' Mz' Member 1 Load Case 1 -685.99 239.18 0.00 o.oo 0.00 -0.00 685.99 -239;18 0.00 0.00 0.00 1435.10 2 Load Case 1 0.00 305.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.00 -0.0b -305'.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 1833.80 3 Load Case 1 -288.86 160.30 o.oo 0.00 0.00 346.62 288.86 -160.30 o.oo· 0.00 0.00 615.16 4-Load Case 1 ~84.13 107.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 261.69 84.13 -107;14 0.00 0.00 0.00 381.14 5 Load.Case 1 0.00 332.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 956.85 -0.00 -332.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 1039.41 6 LoadCase1 -0.00 177.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 482.58 0.00 -177.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 583.75 7 LoadCase.1 -46.20 -397.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1781.72 46.20 397.13 0.00 o:oo 0.00 -1395.32 8 Load Case 1 12.11 -204.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 -876.85 -12.11 204.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 -760.99 9 Load Case 1 -9.17 -84.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -381.14 9.11 84.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -291.88 10 Load Case 1 685.99 .239.18 o:oo 0.00 0.00 -0.00 -685.99 ·239.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 1435.10 11 Load Case 1 288.86 160.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 346.62 ·288.86 -160.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 615.16 12 Load Case 1 84.13 :107.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 261.69 -84.13 ·107.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 381.14 13 Load Case 1 46.20 -397.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1395.32 46.20 397.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1781.72 Multiframe4D 1.04 14 15 No joint masses Load Case 1 Load Case 1 . A dynamic analysis has not been performed -12.:11 ·12.11 9.17 ,9.17 -204.73 204.73 ~.13 84.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 o:oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 f't'.,::,1, IP legoland -760.99 -876.85 -291.88 -381.14 Multiframe4D 1.04 P&\-tJ fegoland Load Case 1 Defl. (in) PERIOD OF STRUCTURE LEVELS wi 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 fi c)j -• wioi"2 0 0 Q: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 Q. 0 0 o:. 0 3700 391.9, 1.76 3700 261.3. 1.55 3700 130.6 1.14 T = 2TI[(IWioi"2)/(g.C£fiai))]".5 1.44 C= 1.25S/T".67 1.96 11461.12 8889.25 4808.52 25158.89 fjc)j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 689.744 405.015 148.884 1243.643 SCOPE ARTHUR TAN & .ASSOCIAiES Const,.ilting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Project: __ ~9~8-=-21=2- Date:. __ ~4/~16=/9~8- Designer: __ ~A.'"'"'T.'---_ Page: __ __.1_8 __ PROVIDE ANALYSIS OF STORAGE RACKS UNDER SEISMIC AND STATIC CONDITIONS. ANALYSIS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE 1994 SECTION 2231 -2238 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. GENERAL SPECIFiCATIONS -STEEL STRENGTH Fy= 50 KSI -ANCHORS ICBO APPRV'D TYPE= 1/211 X 3-1/211 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT TENSION CAPACITY:::: 500# SHEAR CAPACITY= 920# -SLAB THICKNESS :;: 611 STRENGTH = 3000 PSI -SOIL STRENGTH 1000 PSF ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 IN1~RCoNNGCf6D u N 1:cs SEISMIC ANALYSIS V = ZIC/Rw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 2 Tel: (510) 559-1038 F~: (510) 559-1039 Rw (Longitudinal) = 8 Rw {Transverse) = 6 V (long) = 0.40 X 1.Q X 1.96 X ( 300 + 10800 / 2 ) / 8 V = 558.6 # '. V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 300 + 10800/ 2 ) / 6 V = 1,045.0 # Project:, __ ......;:9=8·-=-21=2- Date:. __ __,4'""'"/1 =6/9=8- Designer: __ ""'""!;l:+-'J.,_. _ Page: ___ 1---=t+--- Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wihi/ '. LEVEL HEIGHT wDL wLL w Wihi . Iwihi Iwihi 12 0.0 0.0 11 0.0 0.0 .. . ' 10 0.0 0.0 . ' 9 o.o 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 7 0-.0 0.0 6 ,. ' 0.0 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 3 216.0 100 . 3600 3700 799200 279.3 522.5 2 144.0 100 . 3600• 3700 532800 186.2 348.3 1 72.0 100 3600 3700 266400 93.1 174.2 300 10800 1598400 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA94706· Fax: (510) 559-1039 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Column = V long total / 2 = 279.3 # DETERMINE COLUMN FORCES Project: ___ 98~-2~12~- Date . ._· -----'4"""'/1=6/=9=-8 _ Designer: __ ...,.A~.T-·-- Page: ___ -+,9;;c._ __ THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTAL, METHOD, WITH THE POINT OF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-HEIGHTBETWEEN BEAMS. Mupper + Mlower = Mconn 'L '+Mconn 'R Mconn 'L '= Mconn 'R :. 2Mconn =Mupper+Mlower Mupper + Mlower Mconn = .. · · . · 2 Mbase = 8000 11# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) THE MOST CRITICAL: COLUMN SECTION IS 1 Pcol = 5550 # Mcol = 12110 "# 72 2 n B~Mro COL CONN. Mupper ) Mconn'R' Mlower BEAM TO.COLUMN CONNECTOR COLUMN ANALYSIS Pcol = 5550' # Ix =72.0 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. · 1323 Solano Ave., Sulte203 Albany, CA 94706 Mcol =12110 "# ly =51.0 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 (w/t) = 0.105 -0.075 = 0 _40 0.075 Fb = .60 Fy Fb = 30.000 KSI Q = Fb = 1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 69.2 kl/ry = 53.2 kl/r = 69.2 Cc=~= 107.0 Q Q Fa = .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/1494]"2 Fa= 20.740 KSI Fe1= 12n2 = 23 (kxlx / rx )2 fa= Pcol = 6,461 Area 31.21 KSI psi. fb= Mcol = 13,235 psi. Sy ~= 0.31 Fa fa -·-=0.21 [1-~]= 0.79 Fe' Fe' fb [ ] -0.56 Fb 1-~ Fe' COMBINED STRESS=~+~ ·. Fa Fb = 0.87 Project: __ --=--98--2=12==---- Date: ___ 4~/1~6"""/9-=-8- Designer: __ ,-,,A,.::...T.:...:.·-- Page: __ ~l t+--- 311 ~=~__,._ L J~ 1=+3/4" 3x3x12GA. Area= .859 FLANGE WIDTH = 0.105 THICKNESS= 0.075 Ix= 1.373 Sx = .915 rx= 1.249 ly = 1.164 Sy= .752 ry= 1.15 <1.33 THEREFORE O.K. ARTHURTAN ~ ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel:·(510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559•1039 SHELF BEAM 411-14 GA. STEP BEAM (LBF404) IN SOME CASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BEAMS USED. IN SUCH A CASE THE ANALYSIS WILL !3E PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. LENGTH= 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF= 3600.0# W = LOAD/ SHELF= 18_75 #/' 2xLENGTH 2 WL2 18.75 X 96.0 = 21,600 11#· Mcenter = --· = ------8 8 (w/t) = 1 .ooo -0.075 = 12_39 0.075 Fb = Fy[0.767 -(2.64/1 000)(w/t)FyA,5] Fb = 26.788 KSI fb = Mcenter = _ ___,._2_.1 __ , 6_0 .... 0 __ _ Fb Sxxi=b 0.95 X 26.788 X 1000 = 0.85 0.$43" <1.0 THEREFORE 0.K. 5wL4 !}.max= -384EI CONNECTION Mconn = Mseismic + .25Mstatic = 13844"# Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= 2,Q66 # < U180 TH~REFORE O.K. CAP. STUD = .15x.4x50000 psix1 ,33 = 4,009# ~ 2,066 # Project: __ ___,9=8·-=2=12'--_ Date~· ___ 4"-'/1=6/=98=--- Designer: __ ,...,.A=.T..,_. __ Page: __ ~l....,.2 __ I 1 3/4" 1" 1-··1-· J 2 3/4" THICKNESS= 0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx=0.948 Ix= 2.051 ' C\I C\I ~ LO ,- 7/16"0 STUD ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIAtES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS: BRACING Vdiag = 1,553 # kl/rmin = 154.52 Cc = (2ITAE/Fy)A.5 = 107.00 Fa = 12l1A2E/[23(kl/r)A2] Fa (ksi)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 0.85 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Project; __ -=98,.._.-2'-'-'12=--- Date-· ___ 4..:.:../1"-"6=/9=-8 _ Designer: __ _.A...:.:,.T,_,_. __ Page: ___ --il=h'--_ / 51 42 t= ,0747 II Area = .288 11/\2 r min= .404 11 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 OVERTURNING . ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR (Vl HEIGHT Vihi 12 0.0 . 0 ( 11 0.0 0 10 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 8 0.0 0 7 O.Q () 6 0.0 ' 0 5 0.0 0 4 0.0 0 3 522.5 216.0 112,860 2 348.3 144.0 50,160 1 174.2 72.0 12,540 Mov.erturning = 175,560 1 .15*Moverturning = 201,894 Mstabilizing = 232, 155 P uplift = (1.15Mot-Mst)/Frame Depth.= 0 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.14 CASE 2: TOP SHELF LOADED V TOP SHgLF = 348;3 1.15*Moverturning == 86,526 Mstabilizating = 80,955 Puplift = 133 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 0.11 Project: __ ~9~8--21=2 _ Date· ___ 4/~16~/9~8- Designer: __ ..:..:.A.~T·'--- Page; ___ ..,_[ 1-+--- ANCHOR TYPE 1/211 X 3-1/211 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 920# TENSION CAPACITY 500# FRAME DEPTH 42 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. SLAB AND SOIL a)PUNCTURE 1323 Solar:io Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Pmax = 10,357 # Fv = 2-ffc = 109.5 psi. 2 Shear Area= 2t(B+D) = 192.00 in. Tel: (510) 559-1038. Fax: (510) 559-1039 ~ = Pmax = 0.4H Fv AreaxFv <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. b) SLAB TENSION 2 Asoil = Pmax = 7.79 ft. 1.33fsoil ' 2 = 1,121.4 in. L = ~Asoil = 33.49 11 B=~BxD+t= 14.00 11 I= L-B = 9.74 11 2 Mconc = 1. 33wl2 = 438.4 u# 2 1x t2 · 3 Scone= --= 5.oo rn. 6 Fbending = 1. 6~f c = 87.64 psi. fb Mconc = = 0.83 -Fb Scone x·Fbending <=1.33 THEREFORE 0.K. Project: __ ~98~-2"""12~- Date_· ___ 4.,,_/1=.6=/9~8 _ Deslgner: __ ----'A-'!-.T.:..:.·-- Page: ___ j....._t} __ t l~B-+ L----- BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8.00 11 DEPTH= 8·.00 11 CONCRETE THICKNESS = 611 STRENGTH= 3000 PSI SOIL STRENGTH = 1000 PSF ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATes Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323SolanoAve.,Suite·203 tel: (510) 559-1038 Albany, CA94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 s1~ey-L--~ ROW. LIN1,s SEISMIC ANALYSIS V = ZIC/Rw [ wDL + wLUn ] n = 1 Rw (Longitudinal) = 8 Rw (Transverse) = 6 V (long)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 1.96 X ( 300 + 4800 / 1 ) / 8 V= 499.8# V (trans)= 0.40 X 1.0 X 2.75 X ( 300 + 4800 / 1 ) / 6 V = 935.0 # - Project: __ _,9=8·-=-21=·2_ Date_· ___ 4~/16_/9~8- Designer: __ ..,_,A:,,:...T,__. ---'- Page:_. ---11+--- Vlong*wihi/ Vtran*wihi/ LEVEL HEt·GHT wDL. wLL w Wihi Iwi.hi Iwihi 12 0.0 0.0 1 1 0.0 0.0 10 0.0 0.0 9 0.0 0.0 8 0.0 0.0 7 0.0 0.0 6 0.0. 0.0 5 0.0 0.0 4 0.0 0.0 3 216.0 100 1600 1700 367200 249.9 467.5 2 144.0 100 . 1600 1700 244800 166.6 311.7 1 72.0 .. 100 1600· 1700 122400 83.3 155.8 300 4800 734400 ARTHUR iAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS Column = V long total / 2 = 249.9 # DETERMINE COLUMN FORCES Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 Project:, __ ~98_-2_1_2 _ Date.-· ___ 4~/1_6_/9~8- Designer: __ __,A-"-. T..:...e.·-- Page: ___ 2-_t? __ THE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON THE PORTAL METHOD, WITH THE POINT OF CONTRA FLEXURE OF THE COLUMNS ASSUMED AT MID-HEIGHTBET\NEEN BEAMS. Mupper +Mlower = Mconn 'L'+Mconn 'R Mconn 'L '= Mconn 'R :. 2Mconn = Mupper + Mlower Mupper +Mlower Mconn = . 2 Mbase = 4000 "# (SEE BASE PLATE ANALYSIS) THE MOST CRITICAL COLUMN SECrlON IS 1 Pcol = 2550 # , Meo! = 13993 "# 72 2 n B~Mro COL CONN. Mupper ) Mconn'R' Mlower BEAM TO COLUMN CONNECTOR ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-.1038 F~: (510) 559-1039 COLUMN ANALYSIS Peal= 2550 # Ix =72.0 Mcol =13993 "# ly =51.0 0.750 -0.105 (wit) = -----= 6.17 0.105 Fb = .60 Fy Fb = 30.000 KSI Q = Fb = 1.000 .6Fy kl/rx = 70.2 kl/ry = 41.5 kl/r = 70.2 Cc -~-107.0 --' -Q Q Fa = .522FyXQ-[(QXFyXkl/r)/t494]A2 Fa= 20.573KSI Fe'= 12n2 = 23 (kxlx / rx)2 30.26KSI fa= Pcol = 1,842 Area psi. fb= Mcol =9,875 psL ~= 0.09 Fa fa · -=0.00 Fe' Sy 1--= 1.00 [ fa] Fe' fb 0.33 Fb[1-~]-COMBINED STRESS = fa fb ~ Fa+ Fb Fe1 = 0.42 Project: __ ----=-a98a...-2:..,..12=---- Date,-· ___ 4_,,_/.,_,.16=/9=8 _ Designer:_~-==A,-r.T-'-'-.-- Page: ___ :;2.__._] __ 311 L L ~=~--- ,- ·i=+ 3/4" 3x3x12GA./3x1-5/8x14GA. Area= 1.384 FLANGE WIDTH= 0. 750 THICKNESS = 0.105 Ix= 2.126 Sx = 1.417 rx= 1.23 ly = 3.052 Sy= 1.094 ry= 1.473 <1.33 THEREFORE O.K. ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers; Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510) 559-103~ Albany, CA94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039 SHELF BEAM 4-1/~"'..14 GA. STEP BEAM IN SOME CASES, THERE ARE MORE THAN 1 TYPE OF SHELF BEAMS USED. IN SUCH A CASE THE ANA.L YSIS WILL BE PERFORMED ON THE WEAKEST BEAM. LENGTH= 96.0" MAX. LOAD/SHELF= 2000.0# W = LOAD/ SHELF = 10.42 #/" 2xLENGTH 2 WL 2 10.42 X 96.0 . _ 1.2,000 "# Mcenter == --= -------- 8 8 (w/t) = 1.000 -0.075 = 12_39 0.075 · Fb = Fy[0.767 -(2.64/1-000)(w/t)Fy1\S] Fb = 26.788 KSI fb Mcenter 12,000 =-,---=--------Fb s'xxFb 1.14 X 26.788 X 1000 = 0.39 <1.0 THEREFORE O.K. 5wL4 0.142." /:..max=--= 384EI CONNECTION Mconn = Mseismic + .25Mstatic = 1274511# Mconn = 6.7 P1 P1= 1,9D2 # < U180 THEREFORE O.K. CAP. STUD= .15x.4x50000 psix1 .33 = 4,009# ~ 1,902 # Project: ___ 9~8~-2-12 __ Date_· ___ 4~/1=6/=98"'--_ Designer: __ __,_A=.T~. __ Page: ____ ..z_Z. __ 1 3/4" 1" i ~ 2 3/4" ~ THICKNESS= 0.075 FLANGE WIDTH= 1.000 Sx=1.141 Ix =2.753 C\J C\J ~ I!) ,- 7/16"0 STUD ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consl,llting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 TRANSVERSE ANALYSIS: BRACING Vdiag = 1,390 # kl/rmin = 154.52 Cc = (2IJAE/Fy)A.5 = 107.00 Fa = 12IlA2E/[23(kl/r)A2] Fa (ksi)= 6.362 fa/Fa= 0.76 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 / 42 Project: __ ......:.;:98:....:·2"-"12:......._ Date~· ___ 4""'"/1.,_,,,6=/9=-8 _ Designer: __ ......:A...:.:..T-'-'-.-- Page:----' __ -;i.:.....:o::c.-__ 51 t= .0747 II Area = .288 11A2 r min= .404 11 ARTHURTAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Albany, CA 94706 Tel: (510) 559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS CASE 1: FULLY LOADED LEVEL SHEAR (V) HEIGHT Vihi 12 0.0 0 1 1 0.0 0 10 0.0 0 9 0.0 0 8 0.0 0 7 0.0 0 6 0.0 0 5 0.0 0 4 0.0 0 3 467.5 216.0 100,980 2 311.7 144.0 44,880 .. 1 155.8 72.0 11,220 Moverturning = 157,080 1.15*Moverturning = 180,642 Mstabilizing = 106, 155 P uplift= (1.15Mot-Mst)/Frame Depth= 1774 Shear/Allow+ Tension/Allow= 1.01 ~ I. 00 · CASE2:TOPSHELFLOADED V TOP SHELF= 311.7 1.15*Moverturning == 77,418 Mstabilizating = 38,955 Puplift = 916 Shear/Allow +Tension/Allow= 0.50 Project: 98-21.2 Date· 4/16/98 Designer: :lf Page: ANCHOR TYPE 1/211 X 3-1/211 MINIMUM EMBEDMENT # OF ANCHORS/BASE PLATE 4 SHEAR CAPACITY 920# TENSION CAPACITY 500# FRAME DEPTH 42 ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. SLAB AND SOIL a) PUNCTURE Pmax= 1323·SolanoAve., Suite203 Albany, CA94706 6,851 # Fv = 2-ffc = 109.5 psi. 2 Shear Area= 2t(B+D) = 192.00 in. Tel: (510)-559-1038 Fax: (510) 559-1039 ~ = Pmax = 0_33 Fv AreaxFv <=1.33 THEREFORE 0.K. b) SLAB TENSION Asoil= Pmax = 5.1s2tt. 1. 33fsoil 2 = 741.8 in. L = -JAsoil = 27.24 11 B = -JBxD +t = 14.00 11 l=L-B= 6.6211 2 Mconc = 1.33wl2 = 202.2 u# 2 1xt2 · 3 Scone = --= (;LOO m. 6 Fbending = 1.6-)f'c = 87.64 psi. fb Mconc. =------= 0.38 . Fb Scone x Fbending <=1.33 THEREFORE O.K. Project __ -=98'-"·2:..:..:12=--- Date·._ __ 4..:..:../1=6=/9-=-8 _ Designer: __ -"A'""'".T--'-.-- Page: __ --=-~-=!3 __ _ I ,_k __ 1 B--+ t L----- BASE PLATE WIDTH= 8.00 11 DEPTH= 8.00 11 CONCRETE · THICKNESS = 611 STRENGTH = 3000 PSI SOIL STRENGTH = 1000 PSF ARTHUR TAN & ASSOCIATES Consulting Engineers, Inc. 1323 Solano Ave., Suite 203 Tel: (510).559-1038 All,Jany, CA 94706 Fax: (510) 559-1039_ Project: ---4'«£--.-:...a~,__ Date: ___ _;;_!-=-,+-'=r--+-- Designer: ___ *~+-- Page: ___ __:::.....,,e:..... __ _ ' I' ·I-I ; I. i ; ! j' ; / i 1· I ~I l i I I I :·, ! i .... ,...... . . .. , .... j ........... -...... -... ! ..... ,·-··---·-"'"'"·---I'·-..... 1 ·-.--· -·,--..... ,.. ... '"·-i-·---,--. -....... i' .. ··1-""'"''"'"···•-'"'"··-,-""' ..... ·-··j·""!"'"···" "' ..... ,. : • I ! ' I l I I • • ' ! ' ' ! I I . I I f' 1 , ... .;.;,d .. ·i,-~ .. ·1·-1• .. -· ' ..... l .. -+·r-+ ..... ; ........ 1 ........ 1 .. ··!· .... , ..... 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