HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; FOUNDATIONS MULTI-PERMIT FILE; CB981269; PermitVARIOUS FOUNDATION & FOOTING I PERMITS ------.----------------------- SEE MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SCANNED SEPARATELY CB972027 IS THE PLAN CHECK NUMBER FOR MANY OTHER CB'S ALSO SEE CB971460{OUTER PARK) CB971465{ADMIN BLDG) vZJ35 P(?I"'nllt 11~l£)(?: c·~_,:!"!i'1!E.R(:IAL ?-:JrLr,I:·1•• Parcel No:'.: :--:1:,u-1,::1-uo Valuat iotl: 1 ~) , U U O ()CCll_!,)c¼.!.-1 Cy ,-.=;r-(".i~l r> : Descri ion: H2EGE TOWER RID£ AF,•t=·l/'-.::.·1.,rnr: YU, GINA Ad ~i u.::: tmen cs: rr 1:)t,.~. l F' ~s-<2 2 : 5342 ARMADA DRIVE CARL'.:,EA~), CA. 920r.:9 i. ()!1 .. , G '· ;_"-·ferer,_,-··e:ff-: ;-:DA''ION Pe :t~rr: 1 ~:: tl (1 : c:E, ·9 :'=1, 12 6 9 Pr'(>7ec:t !\J,_;: A9Bo:l677 [if.\ v el ()prner: t~ N c~ ! 8430 06/25/98 i~~1 02 190-00 .cn'.::truction '"'yp1::,: VN A?p~ied: 04/29/98 Apr/l~sue: 06/25/98 En.terec By: MDP :1ected & Credits .00 '; .. ,,· 1. 9 '.) . 0 0 *** Ext fee Data 1.14.00 74.00 2.00 APP~·10VAL INS ~------DA-, E 2-2 '3 ~ i 9 : CLEARANCE _________ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OFFl~E USE ONLY ~ C PLAN CHECK No.fc?--/ L--'O ( CITY OF CARLSBA0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palm as Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. ___________ _ _Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ Validated By _________ ---'-- Date ______________ _ 1. ·PROJEcr, INFORMATION::· ! li¼~ l?gll/~ ... ;. >~·-::· :,: .) .,~-::·:;.:.;:i:,!i·i.--, .. ~.j_f;;~~;,,~i~~i.J::};~:i;~~E .tr-r~~;\:~Hi~i½:~t~;:1-.*'~ .. _____________________ _ . . _·. '!&ht?&,A:Nt2 ress (include Bldg/Suite #I Business Name (at this.address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Null'\ber Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Proposed Use # of Bedrooms · # of Bathrooms Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# ·4; · .'' ·PROPERT'f.\OWNER:·~~-.. ,_ •:. · .-: ,,;: Name Address City State/Zip. Telephone# ·,s:·~·-~~~oNTRACif0R4l:coMHP,ANVi'NAME,~~.~~~~¼~t~f..~~ii1-?:?lfE~J,;;~~~-i=)rt~~~~~J:~ffliE~~gf~~t~~~~fffeti~~l~Vf.Emtl~t->7;.~~r;f~0iR:~s .: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant tor such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the !=ontractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 ·of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to II civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)). Name ·Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License# _________ _ License Class-----------------City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License# _________ _ :a.· . ·_ WORKERS'-:doMPENSA TJON)~~;~~~_::;: ·~,,;.~~ ~;·~;~~-~~Zi:} i .. ::/2J~1!2:~:~:~:~t;~~~:t;!~'~ftt~!):.[\.~ ;11J~!~i]~f~J~:k~1e1~~~rzJf~f;ff@fl~~;Jf:~~J~~~f:i1~i~~?5t;;(.;;~1£J?~J~1S:t·i· Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: l 0 I liave and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure tor-workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work tor which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which th_is permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are:. · Insurance Company _____________ ..,....________ Policy No.______________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) OR LESS) tJ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is jssued, I shall not employ any person i_n any !"•nner so~as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. · WARNING: Failure to ·secure ·workers' compensation -coverage i1 unlawful, and 1hall 1ubject an employer to crlmlnal penahlea and civil flnea up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), In addition to tha cost of compensation, d11m11911111 provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor code, lntaraat and attorney's fea1, SIGNATURE _____________________________ DATE _________ _ :/.. . ~WNER.;suitt>ERm~c~RATIOtt .. ,-~=-~:·~1:-.:~-;~~.::_··~r-~~~~~~i~--~>;;.~;;.::f~:L~;i~·~\~iI~t1t~~i:i.t~:t:;~s~.:~~:f\~·:z!:\sf~{):~~If~dftt~tt:·~.i~~~J~'.~:iftf~,zj~{1;/f/:t!{f.:~~~1w~~~~:(i,;~}1 I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law tor .the-foliowing'reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and P.rofessions Coda:'The Contractor's License Law does nbt apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employeas, provided that .such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am excluslv~iy contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner .of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s). licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). · 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Business.and Professions .Code tonhis reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major·labor and materials tor construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for II building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (Include name·/ address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I-have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number):_·----------------------------------------------------- 5. I will provide some of the work; but I have contracted (hired) the following parsons to provide the work Indicated (include n!lme / address / phone number / type of work): · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _____ ..._________________ DATE ___________ _ ,COMP.tET(:THIS;'SECJiO~:F0RiNP/f,=/iES/DENT/Ai.1B):J,ll;jj_!N.Gj~~.q'N~ii:1timr~u;;-;..,l1~t:f~1ii¥i:l~f;~\~iiti'!?e~~&rl~~j(i?Ji'.Jf;'fkmD¥t1XlF~fq{f;)':ft;· Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit II business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-T11nn6r Hai:lirdous Substance Account Ac~? tJ YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required-to obtain a permit from ·the air pollution control district or air quality management district? O YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of .11 sc!lool site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF, OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPUCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS Of THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT-. isl 'll:<;Qti~'!'!l:V9rt9.~-'~E!-!P!~.ti~'$:~J;yJ~i~'.~;\~~1ti~l,l~~!l'it.rM~~~'f.{~~~~ti11J~~&1!~,!.lP.Qt~liM7iiffii\tJ:J:)1;~A-tir~,?i-t ,;-;i· t;~:;,.-,:.;·1~:>~:r >: I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending a·gency for the performance of the work tor which this permit 1s issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME __________ ....____ LENDER'S ADDRESS ______ __. __ ...... ________ ~------- r9~~-·1~PPif1CANJ?:cERTif.lCA-Tt0rJR,/ti~~·.rf~~.~~~~';J~~;;,%?~if.{ifi~~~fv~]i!Wf~~:~~~i{~ft~~~~~~~~~l,li'~fif~15:~.~:~fl~f;.~~~il~~; I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans ·is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction: I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AN,;> KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required tor excavations over 5'0w deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by t 11 ng Official' under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is no nced·w· hin 365 d fro the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the . -(_· ~peri 80 day_s (Sec:tion 106.4,4 Uniform Bµilding Code). .A, ' ,~ "?-c:.J-~ ':7.i!, DATE ____________ _ PINK: Financ, P~ APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY· PLAN CHECK NO. _________ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUIL131NG DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Pal mas Dr.,·· Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL.--------------- Pla.n Ck. Deposit----------- Validated By ___________ _ Date . ._. _____________ _ 1. PROjECT INFORMATION Address (include Bldg/Suite II Business Name I.It this iddre,,i) Legal Description Lot No. ·-subdivlsion-Nime/Number Unit No. Phase No. Tot~I I of units Assessor's Parcel II Existing-UH Propose~ l!se Description of Work SO. FT. #of. Stones I of Bedrooms I of Bathrooms Nam, Address City State/Zip Telephone I Fax I 13;· ". · AiiPLICANT ·, · · D Contrictor ·:o Agent for t~ittractoF ,' Clc>wri,r:"~? Cl :A;ianffofciwiiir ;, r~ .: ····~;--:-,,,q :.<·' · ··:~·~ _,. ........ :· Name ~ddress ·city State/Zip Telephone I ,4,' '·PROPERTY'OWNER Name Address ·city State/Zip Telephone # .fi. '.: ·coNTiiActoR • COMPANY NAME ..... ~. . .. _,_.. ··:· ··' .. , ·r-•·:,·-·:-,~,,..., .• ::".''.:::':,: ~~;:-·~:1~::-:':'.".::7'.:':!.7~'.'r"~-;,;:-;::y'T:'~~:'.,?.;7,}, .. ·. ·:'..'\:· ~::'::: ~-..... , ... '. : (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Codi!: Any City or County which requires a permit to constru~. alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, Jirlor to Its issuance, also requires tha applicant for such permit to file a· signed statement _that he ls licensed pursuant to the provisions of. the Contractor's License _Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section-7000 of Division 3 of tha Buslneis ·and Professions Code) or that he :Is exempt therefrom, ind ·the basis tor the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penIlty~f not-more than five.hundred dollars ($50011, BERNARDS BRDTRERS CONSTRU:C'I'IQN. 5342 -ARMADA _P,R CART,SBi\O, CA 92QQ8 760-930-0099 Name · -Address City State/Zip Telephone I State License I 302007 _ License ClasA B City Bu1lnus License I 1205.610 HOK 1655 26TH ST. SUITE 200 SANTA MONICA, CA Q0404 310-453-0100 Designer Name Address · City · -Stati/Zip · Telephone State Llcensa I _________ ....,._ 6 .... WORKERS' COMPENSATION .. ··-.. ·: .. _.,_ .. ,., ... . ,-~. ··--;--•·'.--... , .. :•· ,~--,::--:·::;·:;·:··-·:·i\';'.!;';,";~"!"T,; ;;:r~T;~:··~·,::.· ·:·:;·:.·;·\::·:/ · ; . ·---,: .. ';. Workers' Compen11tlon Declaration: I hereby.affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following.declarations: O I have and will maintain I certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation II provld•d by ·Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the· pilrformance of the work for which this permit-ls issued. M I have and will maintain workers' compansat!on, 11 ·;equired ·by Section .3700 of the Labor Coda, for the performance of the ·work for which this permit Is "isfued. My worker's comp1nI1tion insurance carrier ind policy number are: . . lnsu_rance Company TJLICO CA.SIJ.ALXY CO _ _ ·Policy No,WD6040227QQ Expiration Oate6-30-98 ITHIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE P~RMIT IS-FOR ONE HU.NORED DOLLARS lt100JOR LESSI 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I cartify that 11'1-the performance of the work for which this permit ls issued, I-shall not employ any person .in any manner so 11 to become subject to-the Workers' Cornpensat!on Laws of California. WARNING: F1llure to 11cu11·worti1r1' co~11tloi1 cov11a11e Is unlawful, ·lllit ~-1ubJect a/1-employar to cri~al thou11nd doll111 lt100,0 1 Hlon to-the coat of conipena1tion, damage, 1i proYlded forln Section :,101 of ttie civll fin11 up to one hundred and 1ttomey'1 fNs. SIGNATURE·------==t-7'1-"7"=:...-~-,...:::;.'--.,..-------,.-_...__,_______ DATE ~~~"-f++-,~-- '7, . OWNER-BUILDER DEClARA I hereby afflrin th1t I am exempt I om the Co tr tor's License Law for·the following reason: 0 I, 11· owner of the property or my em y111 with wagl!• 11 their sole compIn11tlon, will do the work and the 1tructu11 is not intended or offered for 1111 (Sec. 7044, Bu1in1111 and·Profe lon1-Cod1i Th1 Conlractor's Ucen11 Llw does not apply .to In owner of property who bull!!• or improves thereon, ind.who does such work hlm11lf or through his own 1mj)loy11s, provldid that such Improvements are·not intended or off1red·for 11le. If, how1v1r, th1 bulldlng or lmprovem1nt 11 sold within one y11r of completion, the owner-builder will have. the burden of proving that he did.not build or lmprov1 for the.purpo11 of Hie). 0 I, as owner of the property, 1m exclusively contracting with .licensed contractors to i:onstruct the project ISec, ro44, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner-of property who builds or improves ther1on, and contract, for euch projects with cont11ctor(1I llcen11d pursu,nt to the Contractor's Llcen11 LIwl, · · -· 0 I em exempt under Section ______ Bu1ine11·and Professions Code-for ttil_s reason: 1. I personally plan to provide th1 major labor and materials-for constructlo_n of-the propoiId-property lmprove·ment, O· VES QNO 2. I lh~ve I have notl slgn-ed 1n appiic1tlon for I building permit for thi proposed wqrk. 3. I have contracted with the following. person lfirml to provlde·the proposed conitructlon Unclude-n1rile / 1ddres1 / phOfle number/ contractors license number): 4. · I plan.to provide portions of the,work, but I have hired the followlrig·person to coordlnete,-supirvi.e ind provide the mijor work (Include name/ address/ phone number/ contractors license number):_....,. ___ ....,.. _____________ ....,. ____________ __, _____ ....,.._...,.. ______ _ 6. I wlll provide some of the work, but.I. have contracted lhiredl the fi>llowlrig persqn1 to provide the work l_ndlcatecfllnclude name/ 1ddre11./:phone number/ type of workl: . .. · . -· . · PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE _________ ......,. ______________ ....,.._______________ DATE----,.------ iCOMPl.miHIS."SECtiON,FORliON-RSIDB'l7W.· iUli.b.iNG PERMitifotil. m~r-;:::7'i(:-J''.:-t.';~.'=~(r~t':!~·~;':'~1tfi~~~~:~:~:.,:~-'f.·.·· ',.,, ._ . ., ··'·'.' 'J1~-:-:.-;-t~·-: ·~, , •. ~~-~ Is the _eppllcant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous m1teriIls rilgist11tl011 form or risk m1n1gement and prevention program under Sections 25605, 25633 or 25534 of the Preslily•T1nner H1111doili Substance Account Act? ·o YES p NO Is the applicant or future bulldlng·occupent requlredto obtain-a pe;;i,1t from the 1lr pollution-control dlstrl_ct or air quality mane~emant district? tJ YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feat of the outer boundary of a school site? O YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION C!)NTROL DISTRICT. . - fa • ., ..... CONSTiiiJCTiOfflENDiNG·AGENCY.,f~\r.·i~,:~_1!firh.~"~r/~ir·r··::f~tr~·;1;??·!~·~r.~;'tr~;~;~··~~~--~~~1::r:,!.!!"!.'~'!:t:'.::~1!r.~:~1~,~-:~r .. 11."~r.:~·j1',ll!)-"_ ... !, ... !,11f"!':l'1:-!':t . r •' ~' ' ... ,,., ;· _ _.:~)': I hereby affirm that thera Is a constructlon:lending.agency·for the performance of the work for which this.permit is l11u1d 1sec. 30911il Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME---------------lENDER'S ADDRESS rs:· .. -'APPLICANT CERTIFICATibN :·-;i-=;:: r·:··::A,'l':'i~r• .. 'I :'-·~.;-:,·ri~'!.":_..:.:1'.";': 7 :::·•·.1·~"r.~1:t<r 1i;i~~-=~~il;11P~·:::,~::._::.,f:::.,r~=:.~:::.:~-'::~::,1,::~,::?:::.':~=. ~=~~--::,J!:11"::J,:1'."".:-l:--;~:: .. ? ... J-r"!-1:~~--.: --~~-r,;;-,,,r:;..,.~-L~-F-"".,,.,_ -,,"'"',l!'·,-.. ,..-ll!-1?;-,:;"-,.-.----. -·:~--,-,-,_ -.,.-.-.. -.--.!'"-, I ?ertlfy _that I have resd the 1pplic1tlon and state that the eb~ve lnform1tlon 11 correct and that the Information on the plans is accurate. .I agree to comply with 111 City ordinances and State laws relating to building_ co~ructlon. I hereby euthoriz!I repc111r'it~tlve1 of the -Cltt of Cirfsbid to enter upon the above mentioned property for Inspection purposes, I ALSO AGREE TO· SAVE, INDEMNIFY ·AND ,KEEP .H~RMLESS THE .CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID.CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE-GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or constrllction of structurl!s over 3 stories In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions -of this Code 1hail expire by limitation and become null end void if the buildin or wor~ •~thor~ed by s~ch permit is not commenced within 385 days fro;n the date of .such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspen~ed or a an one at any time after the work ls commenced for I period-of 180·d1ys (Section 108.4.4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE --~-----,------------,-------- WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance DATE· ___________ _ II l .-. ~ •J lnJormatzon I:!!..~• aTo Build On Page_1_of_ · Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name)_ ..... L_c_GQ=-· ............. 1~...,__,_~J......,___ (Address)_...,....----'-----....i4'--- CLIENT_-"""[ ~C.-fu.._O=-· --------- DATE---/_,-,_,1,.k:-7-C/ __ _ c: ~ {s13 A 'a l~ , Architect ___ H_ ...... (_,1~(-. __ · ________ _ REPORT NO. __ ____,'1_0=-----7.......,6'..__' '---=-j__,_;/l_'O--'-Jt......,c Building Permit No. _____________ _ Engineer ___ """'yV]'---'-_a..__.;..VV)_'<--. --------------'- Plan File NO . ...:.·---------------- Govt. Contract Ne.~------------'--- OSA or OSHPD #-------------- Contractor. ___ ]$_,\ __ ]5-+<.· -~C ..... ---------'---Other _____________ --'------------ INSPECTION _OSHPD _OSA __ Specialty __ Mechanical __ Electrical __ Roofing \/ Concrete __ Masonry __ Struct Steel __ Prestress Cone __ Pile Driving __ Fireproofing __ Waterproofing __ Non-Destructive __ Soils Technician __ Batch Plant __ Bolt Pull-Out MAT'L SAMPLING __ Concrete Cylinders __ Cement __ Mortar Samples __ Grout Samples __ Masonry Prisms __ Masonry Block __ Fireproofing __ Units (block or brick) __ Asphalt Concrete __ Roofing ___ Reinf. Steel · __ Steel __ H.S. Bolts _··_Tendon (PT Strands} ___ Other __ Other_.,... ___ _ -__ Other ____ _ QTY . MATERIAL DESCRIPTION.. . INSPECTION CHECKLIST ___ Rinf.: Rebar _______ ·,_ Plan & Specs _____ _ __ · ___ Rinf.: W.W.F. k ~¥ _ Clearances _______ , ___ Rinf.: Tendons ..)L Positions ______ _ ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _k. Sizes _______ _ ______ . Cone.: tylix #/psi .;kl-Laps ________ _ ___ . Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi, __ _ ______ Grout; Mix #/psi _ Consolidation,~-_____ _ ______ Mortar: type/psi _ Mortar Batching'-. ____ _ ___ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage ____ _ ___ Units: Brick · _ Torque Applied ____ _ ______ Steel---'--------~ ______ H.S. Bolts_. ______ _ ___ _ Metal Decking _____ _ ___ Electrodes ___ ~--- -. ____ Fireproofing-'-~---- --_ Other _________ Corrective action required __ ~---------_ Corrections completed __ _ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans. specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This repor\ covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE--:::!:~~=Jf-:i--=!-~==:\--,l~- PSI-B-900-110{2J CERT. NO. . 3 S:J '7 F DATE_--+,f-~~~=---r..s.......+-r---'------ l ... ~ ii l lnJOrl1UltlOn ~.:11• ~To Build On Page_1_of -1. Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT PROJECT (Name)_L~e~G __ , o___,__/'4-1,t.,...._ ~j _____ _ CLIENT_...,,,l;;....;c=-~-e __ Q'---- DATE_~l _-~2-<~0~--5~9:- Architect _ ___.t/.....,.__6"""'-'/C _____ -'------- Engineer ___ yv/~_1-_JtV/~---'------~---'--- Contractor. ___ ]3_._.._."-""'/3.__,C._·_~------- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _QSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders ------ _QSA __ Cement __ Specialty ___ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --__ Electrical ___ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing ___ Masonry Block -- ~Concrete __ _ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block orbrick) ---·- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -__ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --- __ Soils Technician . __ Other __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out ____ Other -- REMARKS (Address)_..,,....,._---=----....-=i.-C~ {S {5 Jt z) a REPORT NO. __ _..#7_6=--=2:;._d=-:,,Z.:.....___;-/t._~_-:8s_; _ Building Permit No. ___ q~ff.__~l-=2~b.___.C/ ____ _ Plan File No . .;..-_______________ _ Govt. Contract No.-------------- OSA or-OSHPD #-------------- Other-----~'-------------- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ Ririf.: Rebar _)!_ Plan & Specs ')'1 Rinf.: W.W.F.l.1'.) )l.\,a _ Clearances- __ Rinf.: Tendons )I Positions __ Cone.: Mix #/psi Jsizes __ Cone.: Mix .#/psi _&!Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ ___ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _._Steel __ H.S. Bolts ___ Metal Pecking -- __ Electrodes ___ Fireproofing _ __ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved planf specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers lhe locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. - CERT. NO. J ~3 ~ ]' INSPECTOR SIGNATUnc;.~::::.__-=-__:=-1--..g_.-=,l~=--~~W' DATE J -::Z.6 -CZ~ PSl-8-900-170(2) fni!Fil ln]ormation ,~ lToBuild On Page_1_of _J.. Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECflON REPORT PROJECT (Name) l P(;Ql"d-yt.d -cuENT~L~·· ___ c ...... G~~ _o'------ 0ATE_~1_-_1~9_-_____ '7 ........ 9 __ (Address) . -/l- C~{<;J3t4D. (A I i. c;;,,,/ REPORT NO._· ______ JJ-....c ..... , _"Z,G...,.-.....,L_-~-~~'v_t:._,i-,_y-_ Building Permit No. ---,---9'"----"'1?_...._I_.Z-=--=-~~?.__--7 -Architect __ --t-6--l)~O----(----~--- Plan File No,--~-------------- Engineer ___ V\ll.__-t-¢~"--;IV]___._ ___ -'--_____ _ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ Contractor. __ -_']3-' -D--~C----~..,.....---"---.. OSA-or OSHPD· #,....._ -,---------a-..----- ·Other~-------------------- INSPECTION MATLSAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD ___ Concrete-Cylinders --~ Rinf.: Rebar~ )'tJ Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement _ Rinf.:.w.w.F.i;,{p __:)!!, Clearances __ Specialty _._Mortar Samples ---_ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples --Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Sizes __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~Laps __ Roofing __ Masonry Block --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi -· )l_concrete _._ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units (block drbrick) --_ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --· _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone _._Roofing _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --_Steel __ Fireproofing _-_Steel --_H.S. Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --_ Metal Decking __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --____ Electrodes __ Soils Technician _·_other --_ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant _ . _Other ___ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ .other _ Corrections completed REMARKS CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTORNAME Di:\:::h,,J:~ftG (;; CERT. N0.~~3"-'S"""--'='3'---9-L--V-Y _______ _ ~/)(Pri~n INSPECT.OR SIGNATURF ~~.{ PSl-8-900-170(2) DATE _ __,_/_--=-/_9~-___,__o/-+'f------ l ft~iJlnjormatton -~w11•_To Build On · Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_of _L INSPECTION REPORT cu ENT Lt-" Ga PROJECT (Name) l-e (, O l ~ d · DATE ( -I :i -9 9 (Address) --v c:;,s:i)~~ C ~ Architect ±::\ b lL REPORT NO. --~__,__,,0..,__.7---=C'-'1,, ___ :.-...;..:/2_V_8-=u=:...~_ Building Permit No. ___ q __ y~-~l ~""2..-~Ll-A ___ _ Plan File No, _______________ _ Engineer V'V\. Cl-LY\ Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ ~ 6C. OSAor~P,~ . Contractor. Other ( l C.:?.. JL . . ~ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL-DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST __ OSHPD __ Concrete-Cylinders --_ Rinf.: Rebar -)0 Plan & Specs _OSA _._Cement --_ Rinf.: W.W.F .. _ Clearances __ Specialty __ . Mortar Samples --___ Rinf.; Tendons _)SJ Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples _ Cone.: Mix #/psi ~izes __ Electrical __ Masonry-Prisms --_ Cone.: Mix #/psi .. aps __ Roofing __ Masonry Block --_ Con9., Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ _ Consolidation __ Masonry ___ Units (block or brick) --_ Mortar: Type/psi __ Mortar Batching J::1 Struct Steel ___ Asphalt Concrete --__ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --_ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied _· _ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -·-~Steel l\<;I"""-A-"3~ __ Fireproofing __ Steel ----' ___ H.S. Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --__ _ Metal Decking . __ Non-Destructive · __ Tendon (PT Strands) )Q_ Electrodes ~~'{.~ \...-.n,, ,.., ., __ Soils Technician __ Other --_ Fireproofing __ Batch Plant __ Other & Other A-::, t M. il:S:::~ _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --_ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of e>ur knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plam specifications and applicable sections of the building codes .. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAM~ ~J<l"l:::w,...::¥-· · (Prin~ INSPECTORSIGNATIIR ~r~ PSI-B-900-170(2) CERT. NO, __ CrJ...c...=._._7-=0'--3~---------- DATE---,-___._f......,·n....,.·.._--'-.5:9'-1-· ·-t------- II l,.~ii,lYIJOmzanon ~~• ®To Build On . Engineering • Consulting • Testing Page_1_ofL INSPECTION REPORT cuENT __ l~e==· ....,,G~c ___ _ DATE_---'-(_--=Za.....;1.:;;_-_'1__,__,9.,__-----'- Architect. ___ ¼-rf--=--· _0=---=:((_=----,------ Engineer ___ ..,_r(\ __ q,"---'VV\,L..=-.--"--------- Contractor. ___ :l3 ____ }3 ___ G=--------'----- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- __ OSA __ Cement. -·-__ Specialty ___ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing ___ Masonry Block -- __ Concrete __ Fireproofing . -- __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --_,LSl struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --·- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --__ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -·- __ Soils Technician ___ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name) l-e GO bd (Address)--c:.~----,--------,,...--- ~( ~ B A·P , Ci . REPORT NO. ------__,...+7_.,.o:......,W-._.,.'2..~"--l!-D~g-,<,7'--- Building Permit No. __ Cf......._.7,__....,/-=Z;::;.....;='=-'--S+·----- Plan File NO,------'------------ Govt. Contract No.----,------------- O$A·or Qfil:LPD # ~-:::-1 Other._~ { ~=--...i..;i:~~~1s,£.>----=----- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar ~ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W:W.F. ~Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons .-YPositions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _2!sizes ____ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps ___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi -. _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching ___ Units: Block · 21 Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied .JQ_ Steel""'~ ~1k _._ H.S. Bolts ·-Metal DeckiG; ';() Electrodes ;<7 O k'.'.,~ ~; __ Fireproofing L Other )4\'S~ &s;::3 _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed ld ' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the be.st of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. INSPECTOR NAM;]:)111--,,,._~A,--<; 9. CERT. No. __ ~..::....:::_f.!-::::.0_3_,,_ ________ _ (~~ INSPECTOR SIGNATURf J:::::Lit.~ e_ -DATE_-_ __,( ... · -__;:2.,=..;:::z._=---__.<:;._~_,__ ________ _ PSI-B-900-170(2) -~ CLIENTff ~A.14o/,'. -·---.. DATE0: ... /~~ 7$ Architect __________________ _ Engineer __________________ _ Contractor. _____________ -'--___ _a,_ . INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __..k. Concrete Cylinders -.L _ _OSA ___ Cement _specialty ___ Mortar Samples __ Mechanical ___ Grout Samples -- _Electrical __ Masonry Prisms __ Roofing ____ -Masonry Block -,- Xconcrete ___ Fireproofing -- _Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --- _ struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete _ -- _ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -,- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive ___ Tendon (PT Strands) -- _Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Qther - '' -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS -Page.J..;of_- REPORT No.as--9 w A:J2o 2.---a«--= B1,1ilding Permit No . .,.._~----~--------- Plan File No, _______________ _ Govt. Contract No.~-------------- OSAor OSHPD #~------------- Other_-'------------------ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & ~pees _ Rinfa: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions -_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes k Cone.: Mix~~ _Laps :-><-Conc.!-MiX"#/psi ~ ~ e> _ Future Continuity #/psi _ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batchinn _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied __ Steel _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Decking ___ Electrodes _ Fireproofing . _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed 1?1<2?k'Z':?~ G?..v~ ~ ,~cc .-...,E...vZ:£lt#.e %~.,e c6-C4.r;CICWf"t &~J 6;, . ~Lfo~~-~roC~~z?"~ -6.,.k mGc¥(4/V',CszL v,_,_6'~, ~A°' &N¢!! S<:r7a ;::-//i:Ye C,VL! MV'd~x..c .. c~_..r4-y~n/ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE:_ To the t;>estof our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies-with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations-of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTORNAMF,t;;'tt:l~ /:, l?;o~. (Print") INSPECTOR SIGNATURE~~~ PSI-B-900-170(2) CERT. NO--------'----------- l ;pnfonnation ~ • ,.To Build On Page_1_of_f_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION RE:PORT PROJECT (Name) ___ L ..... c;..:;...,=a,'-"'o'+i""""W""""__;;:·~-CLIENT_ ... L..:::...:,:~:::.,G:~O...__ ___ _ DAT,_E_--';;;>~---...... S-:_-_9_9,--'--'-__ Architect ___ ...... l±~~Q~C~------'------ (Addr'ess) ____ .,__ ______ __ ~t¼-b r 2a-- .REPORT N0.--'----.7-t:J---=?(Ja..=....a:Z-=----'-~-'O_~_?,_ Building Permit No. __ -49_.g,"--_/-=2"-"l,..-C.....,<z,__ ___ _ Engineer ___ __.111, _____ "__,_af__._-______ _ Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. _________________ _ Contractor. __ ~/3 ..... ~~-~~--=c~----------OSAorOSHPD# ~ ~ Other IL 1c/d,i INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders ---__ _ Rinf.: Rebar _Jg_ Plan & Specs _OSA __ Cement --_ Rinf.: W.W.F. _ Clearances __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples ___ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --___ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Roofing __ Masonry Block -:--_ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ concrete __ Fireproofing --_ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) --·--__ ___ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching istruct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete --_ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing ----A~:==~ Jfn 6 _ Torque Applied __ Pile Driving ___ Reinf. Steel __ Fireproofing __ Steel --_H.S.Bolts __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts --Metal Decki~ __ Non-Destructive _"_Tendon (PT Strands) 7 Electrodes ,_ AA~ __ Soils Technician __ Other --_. _ Fireproofi_ng - __ Batch Plant __ Other --__ Other _ Corrective action required __ __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other --Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless-otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This-report.covers the locations of the work.inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · PSI-B-900-170(2) CERT, NQ._9.L..->,<;.~.....<Z......:CJ=--'~-------- DATE-.,,....,,_2~_ --..... -=-r-__._97+----~-- l •J Information • .. ToBuildOn Page_1_of _/_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT_/4_""-··e_...,b...,,_._Q'---- DATE, _ __.d.,..__-_3a:e...-_9__,_____9'--- Architect. __ _,t-/'---"_O...;...__,__/L ________ _ Engineer ___ ~-----<--c/..~/YI._____._ ____ -C-_----'- Contractor. ___ ?3"'""l=-.;f3=~=· _· {'_ __________ _ INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING· QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- __ OSA __ Cement -- __ Specialty --.-Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block " --__ Concrete __ Fireproofing -- __ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) · --_1!... struct Steel -. _Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands). -- __ Soils Technician __ Other --·- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out _·_Other -- REMARKS ' PROJECT(Name),~Lr,,=.,e--~~~~~/4~~~·-=-~d..L-. __ (Address) 7'4 ~/4zieo~ CA. REPORT N0. __ '--47--'-a"'-'· 2:.::'LL..t>_._Z'"""'~--...:...;,A_t?_9._J_ . Building Permit No. --...j.:Z~"'F"'-· /'-""2.<-i./4.M.-r..'7 ____ _ Plan FileNo,--'---------------- Govt. Contract No. ______________ _ ~~:,or 9.7~/ . Zc/ji MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _ Rinf.: Rebar ..A2· Plan & Specs _ Rinf.: W.W.F .. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons Positions _. _ Cone.; Mix #/psi _Sizes _. Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi -.-. Grout: Mix #/psi. _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied J2_steel M'Tff1 17-5"3 __ H.S, Bolts _ Metal Deckin" · .22._ Electrodes/~-'?~~,,,,._ '\,.,,,.P"," _ 'Fireproofing _Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed ' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report.covers the lqcations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · INSPECTOR NAM•b"""'-~~ (Pri~ ~~;,;!~;r.~,R SIGNATURF~+~ CERT. NO. 9 ~ 7d 3 l ;'Information I:!. • .. ToBuildOn ,· Page_1_of __l_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT CLIENT_ ...... Le~--..-e, __ p=------- DATE--'d~-_._/_-_fl,_,_ __ _ Architect. __ -'t-/__,___;:;;CJ__.__t_C_. ---------'- Engineer ___ .._Y(!. __ 4-_ _,_/Y1---'.'---------- Contractor. ___ -_l-'-B--'6'--_{2_.c:,__---=------'--- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPL,ING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders -- _OSA __ Cement --__ Specialty ___ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples __ Electrical __ · Masqnry Prisms . -·--__ Roofing __ Mas"Onry Block __ Concrete __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry · __ Units (block or brick) ---- .2!LStruct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving __ .Reinf. Steel -- __ Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ rendon (PT Strands) __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ . Other __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other REMARKS PROJECT (Name).__.k:~:..>::0,;;.:::0::..~~<-:ad~-- (Address) __________ ~-+-1---- REPORT Nb. __ ~~~~0~~-,;:__~_~....:::..~.=:..~~7y'~· _· _ Bui I.ding Permit No. ____ _,,<-4&_.._-..... /....,2,._.,,.(;.:;;......L1 ___ _ Plan File No.""' .. --'--------------- Govt. Contract No.--~----------- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST _Rinf.: Rebar ~ Plan & Specs ___ · Rinf.: W.W.F .. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi . . _Laps _.Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi ._ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation _ Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching _ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage _. _ Units: Brick _ Torque Applied .....2!...Steel AStM A-~3 _H.S.Bolts _ Metal Deckt ~ Electrodes .::_2._o~JC _ Firepri15: _ . _ ~Other 'rM $4, _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all.of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · CERT. NO._..L..9'~-g> ...... 2~0...,,3~-------- DATE _ _,,~')__--1-/---___,C/'-'7.,___ ______ -,--__ _ PSI-B-900-170(2) l '·;, Infomilltion ~ • ®ToiBuild On Engineering ~ Consulting • Testing FINAL REPORT FOR SPECIAL IN~PECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING February 18, 1999 City of Carlsbad Community Director 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009-4&59 PSI Project# 059-70202-1102 SUBJECT: SATISFACTORY COMPLETION OF WORK REQUIRING SPECIAL INSPECTION AND MATERIAL TESTING· PERMIT NO.: 98-1269 & 98'-1576 PROJECT ADDRESS: Heege Tower 1 Legol)rive Carlsbad, California I declare under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge, all the work requiring special inspection, material sampling and testing, includingJhe off-site fabrication of building components for the structures constructed under the subject pennit is in conformail.ce with the approved plans, the inspection and observation program and other construction documents, and the applicable workmanship provisions of the Uniform Building Code. Executed on this 18th day of February, 1999. Comments: PSI's Scope of Services included the following: Concrete and Welding Inspection TESTING LABORATORY OR SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY: Professional Service Industries, Inc. 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, Ste E San Diego, CA 92121 State of California Registration Number: RCE 49661 Expiration Date: 9/30/2000 Professional Service Industries, Inc.• 6867 Nancy Ridge Drive, $uite E • San Diego, CA 92121 • Phone 619/455-0544 • Fax 619/455-1170 City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 2/17/9'!) Permit# CB981269 Title: HEEGE TOWER RIDE FOUNDATiON Description: "RIDGE CLUSTE~" Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot Location: !\PPLICANT : YU, GINA Owner: LEGOLAND CARJ_SBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Comments Inspector Assignment: PD --- Phone: Inspector~ Requeste<;I By: JIM. Entere<;i By: BARBARA --·---------,.---"'-----------'-------------------- Inspection History Date Description 9/25/98 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 8/20/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers. Act lnsp CO PP AP PD Comments Clb of Carlsbad · Final Building lnspecuon Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite ,Eirg Plan Check#: Date: 2/17/99 Permit#: CB981269 P~rrnit Type: COM Project Name: .~!~~: ;~~s~:::.DE FOUNDATION Sub Type:~!""'~--~---·((;-~ -~-~-W/----~--, Address: 1 LEGO DR Lot IJnl FEB 2 2 1999 ~! Cootact Person: JIM Phone: U C !YI ·::~::~ ......... ~~ ........................ ~:;;: .... ~~ ......................................... 7~Y. ................. ~,~ By: M ,,7G . Inspected: . 1 ~ Approved: __ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date· By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved:-. _ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ aa I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 II Ill I I I I I I I I I I Ill iii I II I II I I I I I 11 I 111 II al I I I I I I_I I I I I I I 11811•1 I Ill II I I II II II I II II Ill I I I I I I I I 1111 I Ill II I I I I I I 11 ~ I Ill 1,-1 I I II I I I I I 111111 II Ill 11 Comments:---------------,-------"---~--------------------------- EsGi:I CoJporation .'l.rt PartM.rsfiip witfi (jovemme.nt for 'lJuiUing Safetjj DATE: May 8, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1269 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. SEt:I PROJECT NAME: Foundatio~ for Heege Tower Ride D APPLICANT ~J D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will -substantially ,comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and ohecked .by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for. recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for th~jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did .not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the appltcant that the.plan check has been completed. -- Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: {by:' ) Fax #: Mail Teiephone · Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: This plan is for the ride's foundation only. No plans were provided for the ride itself. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM . D EJ D PC 4/30/98 Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-1269, May 8, 1998 VALUATION,ANP PLAN.CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: C~rlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1269 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver DATE: May 8, 1998 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Al UI DING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (.ft. 2) MULTIPLl~R ($) Foundation 10,000 . -. . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers . ~ TOTAL VALUE 10,000 D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee [81 Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 113.58 D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee [gj Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 73.82 Type of Review: ·(gl Complete Review D Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Pl_an Review Fee: Comments: $ 59.06 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNING/ENGINEERING "APPROVALS . PERMIT NUMBER CB 98'-/2G·o/ DATE . .S--13-90 ADDRESS _:t_ LEGO 4c,·-ve RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (<$10,000.00) . . _PLAZA CAMINQ REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE i=AiRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER ~ 1d3e Clu~-ler 11-ee(J e ]:owec tf,ole Found9:+io(1 PLANNER ~ ~ DATE S--/8-98 ENGINEER ~-----.....) DDCS/M1Storms1Plann1no Engineering .Approvals :,; ,,;. .... . z I- 0: <( ~ z I-~ ~-MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers ~ 7801 Mission Center Ct. #400 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Legoland Carlsba-d (M&M PROJECT NO. 960240.00) Ridge Cluster Heege Tower Ride Foundation Architect of Record: Hellmuth Obata & Kassabaum For Bulletin No. 311 April 21, 1 998 - ' JOB LEG:O l~ MARTIN & MARTIN, INC. Structural & Civil Engineers . SHEET NO. _______ l_ OF _~z._.~--- 7801 Mission Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 CALCULATED BY --'----___,;:j)v,)=----DATE _4_L '\'-"-& __ Phone (619) 497-2118 Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY _______ DATE ____ _ \2.~f: LOM c.P,-LGUV~NS Bi \J\\J~.J, ~'Jn~ \lfll'i ~ P,)y:)(,t1/i)lJ ,\µ.t 1 4( 2-d ~6 f'( -1i-~0 -IV\ ---.-1+---'--~f:~ ~-tG0 == 32.~ ~ f \-\ --7.. ti, 0 \L~ ;:::: 7, ~ lL\f> -1,7 k/P.S fv\;;; 03.~ + 7.4o~(,c;4-b)=-Gi..% 1.t.\J-\A ~, f-,O"\\'OJ/\ or-fro"nuv-i \'-\-or::: 41a,~ +l.1i 3,o .::. - 4.~ .~ n-l'- Sir l.) Pf-tt- sru,.u.c.. FJ-tGJ -::·3 8, 6 /(\J ~ i, 1 l'-lfS f~;: \0, \ lLtJ ---2.~ lLtfS \A-= S2 ,'? ;,-lO,Ot..o-{_,4b)=-5\3,0tLtJ-V\ .::.. 42,gfT--l'- ~ &JTTV.r\ Ot2 -fo0)7t-'G-•. Hvr~ 4i,g +t.?,)('~,O ::::. -4~,1 fr-?- •. JOB W,aLw-tl MARTIN & MARTfN, INC. Structural &.. Civil Engineers 7801 Mis.sion Center Court Suite 400 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 - Phone (619) 497-2118 SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY : k: _ OF_2.=---- ovJ DATE _4_\_q_-ei __ Fax (619) 497-0429 CHECKED BY -DATE ____ _ see: \2.\DG-E ~ \Am~ §)vJet @\J.Optltt-t I '' I '-\. CD"t\ s tt?a '3 -0 \'<I\ a( --1-lo -0 o c,~~ JJ K ~J01o:-4 \ _ \f--J f OtJ · ~ , 1'5 ¥ 3 ,o -.;.. lo -t,/u 'I , q, 2 ~ = , 1. ~ /i. F..J + G0 :::; 1 ' , '-?-' 9;, ~ 5., ~ 4 ;,-, I 1" rr~.or= 2.ri/c:,i;4 ~ 4rllj )/,\ Oft. -\ C> :=: ~ \'? -:~ '·4 --;),00 \ 4;r\ ~XJtL= OIL- \ '-\ \ '-\ v S[ ~ -0 ""®oL x lo ...v-_ oCTJ:4tJJJK ?PO ft)N '-f1 I a-o et i. IJ cc_ ~A,. v~~ , rvP ~ eo-noV\ I' VKK & ASSOCIATES '· ID:310828109? PPR 21'98 9:17 No.001 P.02 VINCENT KEVIN KELLY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. IHRUCTURAL l:NGINEER NG C(lN!W!.'IANTS CLIENT --------.-,--------- PROJECT I ,;f!l',al.,6/JO ,C.f:i.JZ.($~/..'f?. ... ... i, l±SE:b&. Ji?'A.I e.re. ,, J::~(.)N.OA.1l-O~ .. ·• .. •, ' : .... ,,. .. . ,_ ... ~. . .. •· ...... -' . F. • ~· I ~·" ........ ,.~ • I ~ I V. . . . I ••f I• ti I I • .. • .... • 1 •• : • t.M ..... I a,, f., I !-tt•llt 3435 OCEAN PARK BLVD., SUITE 210 SANTA MONICA, CA 90405 310•11211•3431 TEL 310-82$•1097 FAX OATE__k.R.lt.. '2.J, /~ --~·-··--- ENGR. ---------------- SHEET ___ _,;__·----'-·OF-···-·---· .. ··ko·Ebtnt .. ~ ..... ·~-· . ----· 1.: Ii : J-1so J • F/"2...orl : f~E.l~E-1 '$1rlLJ ~Ar Oft~N BeT~l!!1:!">S &r,'ib H- ii~ .. ,..~Tlc... ~-ALGV L,...-ATI .::>~H ... : · -p.:;:::;-~ H a.e:a:-ia jowt:iFZ.-11 .... , ... '. ,._,_ ....... , .. --···-.. , .. ,., ....... ········"'' ",,, ... , ., ......... ' . , .;JKK & ASSOCIATES ID:3108281097 VINCENT KEVIN KELLY ~ ASSOCXATES, INC. ST'F\UOTURA!. fNG!NE!:RING CON~~LJI.TANTS CLIENT _ ... _ __,,.... PROJECT J-;t~........:::G' ~··Ui'-& .., ... . I.. APR 21'98 9:18 No.001 P.03 3435 OCEAN PARK BLVD., SUITE 210 SANTA MONICA, CA 90405 310·828-3431 TEL 31P·828·10P7 FAX Cl.ATE ___________ ~.._-__ _ ENGR. ~--------- SHEET ___ .,_2..=-____ OF ___ _ -....; e.;..11.,:jt (.~(... : ltott.-l-&?t--'11>!.-: t--1 o r1 F-.h.rr ~ L Y-~~p~t-~ . ..:..A.J I t-J I? ~7, 'Z-S, l4~J w,n~vr ~. }=, '.2.1,00 k.,f-J ... . .... -1G-L0. .. ... 4-1;$..7~ 1<-iJ w/o .r,;f, ... ~"?,a.o !L-IJ .. . . ! .. \j..J1r-Jp. l I, ID ""-..J w(o ~if,·· .7, 4-0. ~~ I ,z. ' ~ 4-lLJ,,..) . . ' .................. , .. \. .ADO· 0.12-fv~ 4· 4, c;:,~ k-N (..,. &;; o( ,, ~~) J ~ '2, 1 .& D ~i-J r -f' '7' 0] -s~,~f ~N {~-5,0L1,~~)J ~S, C,o l"'--0 :.'[~?,DJ \1:7,0~ l~hJ (-+-!,S~;:(1,-,)J Iv, O<P i4Lr--..J [+I, S,:s.?] _,..,. , c:. .. VKK-& ASSOCIATES ID:3108281097 HPR 21'98 10:56 No.005 P.02 VINCENT KEVXN KELLY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $TR UCTURAL EN~lNfF.RlNG CONS LIL TANTS CLISNT ------'--------' PROJECT _ _._l::1:...i...=~-~ .... ~=...-::~ ..... :t:-"o::;,..._v-J.:......;;..;E;.=--'-"~=---,.- e,g. z.o k.t--J-rv, 3435 OCEAN PARK BLVD .. SUITE 210 S~NTA MONICA, CA 80405 310·828·3431 TEL 310-828•1097 FAX DATE _______ _ ENGR. ____________ _ SHEET ---.ir2=-----0F __ _ +11,l(o.~'~) · . . ~ Oi z. o..q ¥--,J :..IQ._ se, Bo kN--i'Yl +,. 4-( 0, ~~) . ' ::; G:,_ 1_, ~91 t:'::~'-2- 7 6 , '7 .z k-t-J--f'V'I. I .'1"' l-:z,:3+(o,~..;) -= 9"?·,04 ~--w, ? -z I 4 8, ~i--.J _. rV'1 . .f-e, '1-'$, co, '3~) . :::_. ?:::;.. 3Go. k_i-J .. VV7 -i-I t!::i'Q-;1(0.~?J_t,?) S4,00.:· ~t-J-1-v1 + l; 6?l:SL.0,'3-$") f:;;>0, -0 i:;:, ; . l,,::JJ ... /Yi ··--·------·-.. ·---·-.. ·----·-· .. -··-"-------------- t'-JO'f"'~ ~ (p r--,Ji:2.i::-l?cD, j'S,j::;..01'2-1 >-__,t:~ f'OI NT l.-oDO~ .b-1 ec~1-1 op ;HF~ z:,· ~e.,u~1t.J(:;:, f 01 ~--JT""'..,. ~w f ~9 v , l? 8? r-::-o t2.. '-1<J , t-....i o A r-J o e. / Q. .. ~---~--..---··' ---.... _ _..._ ... ----,-------.---' ·-. .. B:T.) IL DIN~ P E R ·M I T. Permit !,\lo~ CB981577 Project No: A9704324 Development No: 07/21/98-07:56 ,Page 1 of 1 . J·ob Address : 1 LEGO I>R .. ·. Permit Type: COMMERC!AL BUILDING Parcel No: . Valuation: . 0, Suite: Lot#: Constr.uction Type:. NEW . · Occupancy Group: Reference#; CB973356 Status: I.SSUED Description: HORSE,RID~-CASTLE HILL-LEGO ' ·: FO~NDAT,ION ONLY' Applied·: 05/-2~/'98 . . Apr/Iss.ue: 07 /21/98 ' ! , l \ j · Ent~red By: RMA 7 6 o 8 o 4-8 3~~0 07 /21/98 OOO;f. oi 02 . · C-PRHT . 109-00 a~L/' . . . ' ' . , ': . ' ' ·-=·~ . ! .CLEARANCE--~_,,__--~-.......,, CITY OF CARLSBAD· 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA .92009. (619) 438-116t PERMIT APPLICATION M-5'~ ~7.,53~ FOR OFFICE USE ON!}__ PLAN CHECK NO. J / 57 7 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. __________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit --~"t\--+----- Address (include Bldg/Suite #) Business Narrie (at this addres·s) Le~al Description Lot No. Subdivision. Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # l-lo2.SE. IUDE. Existing_ Use -GA-SILE HILL- Proposed Use Description of Work . SO. FT. #of Stories # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms Name · · Address City · State/Zip T11lephone # Fax # ;3~r;_rNti G9iitr.~6;o~::;c:S!fil:4iJ~nNP1~~Y~i°~ifttJlw&~l~~::.~E~t!;;;r~~:,~4:~:~,,.~~s Name · Address City · ' -State/Zip ·Telephone.# Name . Address . City State/Zip Telephone# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County :which requires a perrpit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applical"!t for such pern\it to fil!3 a signed statement that he is licens·ed pursuant to tl:le provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of .the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hun·dred dollars [$5001). !ERNAQl)S 8'lo"tHE'£S CoAISTtuc:..·no'4 , , , , , , , Name Address City State/Zip ·Telephone # State License#-----------License Class ---,.---------City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # ------'---'--- i6. · .woRKERS'. COMPfl\!SA,;(oN~'-~'--·::: .. y~,, ... c · ,-,,1;.,·, ... -.,.-:,::.,, :·_:_:~~;';_:;;,-'.'Y'>)~;.:::::;_Ti;'"];'I':::»::i:~':f.:T.::T.s2'-:,,;,;, Workers: Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: . !l(" I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation· as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of y;ie work for which this permit is issued. , . · e' I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as ·required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work .for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy·number are: Insurance Company _______ -'------------'-~'-,---Policy No. ____ -'--~-------· Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLl,ARS [$100) OR LESS} 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in ariy ·manner so as to become subject to the Workers' ·Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure ,workers' compensation coverage is unlawful., and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition·to the cost of compensatic:m, damages es provided. for in Section 3706 of the.Labor i:ode,:interest end·attomey's fees. SIGNATURE. ___________________ -'----'-----,.---------'-DATE _______ -'----- ·1. owNER·BUILDER',DEcLA~~T,oN,_,! .. .-, :_· .. : ,,::.::-~ ·':,:0·"f::-t~:::-::-_ :~, ---~F-;'.:::,\::·:K:~':'-;'.\:i::'.fri:·:\ii.:.:))::;,":t? .. <:,n:=:'.~;;:;,\J::i:.:,::.-:: I h eby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the foljowing ·reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the:w.ork a_nd the structure is not intended or offered for sale . 7044, Business and Professions <;)ode: The-Contractor,'.s License Law does not apply tq an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have.the burden of proving that he.did.not build or improve for the purpose of sale}. !'!St I, as owner of the property, <!m exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044,_ Business and Professi,ons Code: The crc;;;,tractor's License Law does .not apply to an owner ,of property who builds or improves thereon, and' contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License·l!aw). 0. I am exempt under Section ______ .Business and:Professions Code for this reason: , 1. 2. 3. I personally plan to provide the· major labor and materials·for constructic:m of the proposed property improvement. 0· YES ONO ~ have not) signed an applicatjon for a building permit for the proposed work. 'J-~ontracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction-(include name/ a!ldress / phone number/ contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license numberl=---------------~-----,--------,-------------------- 5. I will provide some of ·the work, but I have contracted (hired) .,the folloy.,i g persons to provide the work indicated (include na.me / ·address / phone number / type of work):. ________ -'---+--".,__-~~-t'+~l-7,n------'-t------tf---,---------:::-+-,,---:-""""1/---------,------ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, ac~ely hazardous materials registration forin cir risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance ·Account Act? 0 Y!=S O NO Is the applicant or future building. occupant required to obtairi-a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer·boundary.of a school site? 0 YE~ 0 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE·OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY'SERVICES A_ND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the perform11n.ce of the work for·which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information-is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to tiuilding construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt ,of Carlsbad to enter upon tl)e above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDl:MNIFY AND KEEP· HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE·AGAINi;T SAID CITY IN-CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. WHITE: File Y~~~QW: Applicant PINK: Finapce Es·Gil Corporatio-n 'J.n Partne.rsfiip witfi (government for 'lJuiUing Safetg DATE: June 18, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1577 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Horse Ride SET: I D APPLICANT ~ ~REVIEWER D FILE ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building· codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building· department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is,for your information. rhe plans are being. held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for r:.echeck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D · Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by:. ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ -REMARKS: Based on Carlsbad Policy 98-51, only the foundations ·were reviewed. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation ·D GA O CM O EJ D PC log Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 EsGil ~-orpo-rati-o.n 'l.n Partnus/i.ip wit/i. (jovern.tnl!nt for '.BuiUing Safety DATE: June 9, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1577 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Horse Ride SET:I 0 APPLICANT r@JURIS. 0 PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's .building codes when minor deficiencies identified ,below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficienci~s identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck .. [gl The transmittal comments below are transmitted herewith is for your ·information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for r_echeck. D . The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Gina Yu (fax) D Esgil Corporation staff did riot advise the applicant that the plan ¢heck has been completed. [gl Esgil Corporation staff did advise the appli9ant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Gina Yu ·Telephone#: -Date contacted: (by: fax) Fax #: (760) 804-7950 Mail Telephone Fax In Person [gl REMARKS: There is insufficient information on the plans to provide a complete structural review. Please show all members sizes, connections, etc. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC Enclosures: 5/26/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, Californi~ 92123 + (619) 560~1468 + Fax (6l9) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-1577 June 9, 1998 VAL.UATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING POn 1 1v1 . INGAt<.t=A (ft. 2) . Air Conditioning . .. Fire Spri,nklers . TOTAL VALUE P~AN CHECK NO.: 98-1577 DATE: June 9, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ($) . . D 199 UBC 'Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC P.lan CheckJ=ee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: , D CQmplete Revie~ rgj· Structural Only ~ Hourly -D Repetitive Fee Applic~ble D Other:- Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 87.15 Comments: Esgil fee = 1 hours @ $87.15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 City of Carlsbad . M#hi·hli44ihi-1•24·ki4h,i401 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: 6,../5'-7!5 . . -;JPLANCHECKNO.: CB f'6 /577 BUILDING ADDRESS: 0AL: ~,:::> ,,t:/.,,-----.. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:~ 114;//: ~-r"C &d'e ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: ______________ EST. VALUE: El\lGINEE.RING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL The item you have ~ubmitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications j)rQvided in your submittal; therefore any changes ·to these ·items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: Please. see the ·attached report of deficiencies marked with O. · Make ,necessary cprrections to plans or specifi~tions for compliance with applicable · codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. By: Date: By: Date: By: Date: ..;;..a.. _______ _ .· .·.. . .._ , . · .... ··'.·'. _:. _ _ ·.. . ·FO~OFFICIAL'USEO~LY By: ·· ENGi RING:AUTHORIZATION-:tO'JSSUE BUILDING Pl;RMIT: .. :;. ·:· ·.::.-·:··::: .. ···:~. :-... :·:·>· ··, ,. ~::·.--... ·. ·· .. >;~.---:_~at~:·~ /5 _,,9t3 ATTACHMENTS Dedication Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: Frank Ji_m~no. City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 _Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 Phone: (619) 438-11(>1°, ext45P1 CFO INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: A-4 \\LASPALMAS\SYS\LIBRARY\ENG\WORDIDOCSICHKLST\Build,nq Plllncheck Cklsl BP0001 Form FJ.doc ti Rev.913197 2075 Las Palm.as Dr.• Carlsbad, CA 92009-~576 • (61~).438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-0894 ® ' • , l ~' t• I, PLANNI.NG DEPARTIVIENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST I / --9 · /S77· -. Lr/'. A Plan Check No. CB 8 ' .. '. . . Address One-t:::=00 -<Jr/ue Planner ·..600 ·. 1\/ey . _ Phone (.6'1 9) 438-11 61 , extension L/L/t/G APN: 2//-/m :()9 . · .. . . PT . ;, Type of Project arid Use: t,bcse-~ic/e. '0'.'~1el{oer1sity: Al /A Zoning: C.,_T-9 · Genera~ '.'Ian: · .T-~. Facilities Management Zone: lr .. CFD~~~·!!. # . <·~_Date of ~qrtl_cip~t~.?~_:::~/~J Remaining net dev acres: 2:t:: 'f • , ' ••• • \ \ -~-\ .. fif • • ·.· -~ · " ' · · -.(Fo~ ·.h~n-r~sid~-ntial, aevelopment; Type of land used creat~d by 'U QJ ,c (J C: "' a: this permit: A-/1 o-i-k.r-ee,,,,,.,;...,erc/q/ v.ses-no+ 1V9rlfi6dJ' - -0 n +he .Mc:u--+--· Legend: ~: · Item C~~pi~t~ (QJ item bicorriplete -Needs your action/ Environmental .Review Reguirecl: YES·_-. _· NO ·L TYPE _-______ _ DATE OF COMPLETION, s::.-_20--.97. Compljance with conditions df ap·proval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: · -----"------------------------,----- Discretionary Action Required:-· YES ___ -_· NO _X_ TYPE · · · c.c.~ 97-G70 _ ~20-0f7 ---- APPROVAL/RESO. NO. Ac #4{@1:'~0ATE L/-ffe, ... C/1 . PROJECT NO. Sf)f) C/G-1% . ,-. OTHER RELATED ·CASES: ,---·~C._....() ..... /J __ 9J~.·b;;.;...·· -...;.;.<t't...,,b,.__ ____ -,---_______ _ Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval:_ ~~--------"---~~------------- Coastal Z9ne Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? · ;ES ·x: NO CA Coastc;1I Oomrnission Authority? YES __ ·NO Z If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego -CA 92108-1725; (619) 52.1-8036 · · Determine status (Coastal Permit Required_ or Exempt): · £ece/vGd C()/0 9 t;-1~ Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coas~al Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: . -· ~ - Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coa$tal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans).1 . ·, 2) Complete Coastal Pe_r.mit Deterrni11ation, Log as· needed. lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES __ NO X (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES N.O .. (Enter CB#.; UACT; NEXT12; Construct housing Y/N; Enter Fee Amount (See fee schedule for amount); Return) Site Plan: '• 1. Provide a fully dimensional ,sit~ plan--drawn to scale. Show: Nor.th arrow, p_roperty lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, exi.sting street improvements, r.ight-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical line~:· ·· ShCMJ -!:-he /00:;t-h'C¥1 o--F .,/!~C{/~fov~ . an ~ si-fe ,()/1Jtn o-P---H,e. en-fire /Je:fl'A.., 2. Provide legal description of property ancl assessor's parcel number. Zoning: S/J f' C/G-lc/ 1. Setbacks: s~ Front: Required Shown Interior Side: Required Shown Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Required Shown ~Jxf' D 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required ______ _ Shown -------Interior Side: Required . -------Shown -------Street Side: Required -------Shown -------Rear: Required _;__ ____ _ Shown -------Structure separation: Required ______ _ Shown ------- %1:s'f D 3. Lot Coverage: Required _____ _ Shown ------- ~ ~ D 4. Height: Required _____ _ Shown ------- b('~ D 5. Parking: Spaces Required _____ _ Shown ------- Guest Spaces Required -------Shown ------- D fr.D Additional Comments _______________________ _ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTE~ DATE 7-IG-ere Horse Ride • • • Statical calculation for the supporting framework of a horse riding-ground Producer; Metallbau Emmeln, Eichenstr. 58, D-49733 Haren/Emmeln Basis of Calculation { German Standard) DIN 1055 Design Loads DIN 18800 Steel Construction DIN 411 2 Flying Buildings Construction Materials • • • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG ING.-80RO DIETER HOER, RHEIN ER STR. 59, SEITE 2.. 49809 LINGEN, TEL. (05 9t) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS . -l\,,.;1 -cc..lc""-lc..\-:;o,.,. Co""-~"'-h t\...t. ptot+ · cleo-.~ \oo-:cl o( {-l,. t. ~\)vii:_ ; l,v.c .. \C)a_h ·. +l.lo cl.-..:lrh~~ ·, ll -:. l, os :. o.-Ov.t. ~J.. ..... t+ ; Q ~ spQeel.: w..r-.~ V ~ 4, ~ J,i_ /1,._ " tc,./11,,.i,. f){ H..e.. ~"';ae. re..:\: vv,.;"' r : 'too ,._ r ~, ec.. , o,, w i •;. cl ; ... cl . ii c~ t.., : t;. 0 ,fo l,,.1--) ),Ov I...~ 0,'\( I,,, .- • • • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG ING.-B0RO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, SEITE 1 I 49809 LINGEN, TEL. (05 91) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS. A 0.b"I Ml.lO,l") :. O,tO. t 0.41 i -+ o,~i. ~ 'l'l. 1 6,&a. lf1 0,'!.'t(O,'H.) Ll'L t 0,Sl\ LFl f o,u + ;1 o,~1 111' * v..ppt., ~"'tr"·~---~ S.4~v-t.+v.•e.. TL..~ \..i.o,-.a. loo.tl.l:. wQ~ l~hoch.,.cecl. c.,l~·IA..+ O~c.~\\'e>..hty f:: A. L tel · ~ ~ ) , t · 1, l '1 :a. '2 1 + ~ \....1-l hr e1>-<.!.,.. ro~ ..... {; r / :: l.i-1 / '-t = O ,1o; "-~ (loc..clcc..~c Le. -1.) lC o ..... e. cul"'-l.\... i~ s.~¼-;¢ ove~ H.~ $ ~'t"•\;o.,p ~-... .f tQ·....,\. ( L c.. 2.): · ;-1.,J.~ J.,\S.·0,ftJ·}1l/4 ~ ).~-J/ti ·),lfl.;: v,~1..l..."-l rL, rJ. :. ),\ ~ · O,<o · ),1 l'1 ; OJ.11 1...1..l l~o.,..:lov..lo.! lo~cL LLC.1.) I,..);,.,, e,L H::;1,1·0,1.o•O,tv~ o,~J\t. \..!-l (e,,,J~f ..... '\...,l iorc.e..: \I 'I -1./ Ht-;: ~r·v r 1.1,f : )1,0 · ),u.1.11,o ·= .fB. 'N : t,o~l l..~ i l-ttl = )1'!.s: ( c,;," ~ o,~~~); o,.u ki.:> {o~· 120..c.~· ~~;"',i. : 1 ' l1 tL. == o"'s:~-14 =-o,~i.. kll \Je,-hc~\ \~c.~ (~....,{ll"<e.i~c""l) .Le-. \L..e.. \M..01.Mt--\.-o.f -\.1,.,c.. ~oin ~1A.~o..l \o(l.c.l. C-t.iA\.t.., o.C. ~, 0..11;+.,..( o1u.,-Q... \l,c.-S.t\1A.Ch..,~ cc. . lf'c.., ~ ~ o,c~-012.\ ... o,,n k~- I Av =-t 01Al /o,A"-· t ~ : o,~°' '--.'-1 • • • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG ING.-BORO.DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, SEITE 49809 UNGEN, TEL. (05 91) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS . ~oH l.... .. le. / 1¥&,i-- [J i' lo ~- L~ 1) AJ. .. 01b~ -lo1U -o.,ottr) /0/·1~ ~ D,~o 1....1'l it~O,~~-(O,H.,+O,~li)/01~~::: o,qe ' ~'7',cl. = Q,<.0' 0,A~ ~ 0,0(o4 ~~- \, ty,c1-= -~,(o°'. o,01tr-~ -o,o,.,, ... ltl) --Ail-:. l 01~:t ·O,l!. -Oit't · o,o'<~) lo,~ q hJ.:: ( o,°'1 · o.~~ 4 01l't ·O,r~r)/o,<., · 1Mc.,:1.cL:. (o,"~. o,,1o J,. o,,r2.-o, ~n-) /o.~ ~ : J,oo .. ~l ~ O,r,o. 0,-'~ -:a 0,M.Co t;.k_ ~~,:-0.01l.-o,oi.r =-0,0~~ .. L c.. 1.) ,A~ "" O.t~ · ( O.\~ -0,04s) /o.~, -=-0, :,~ l...k.i la."" 01s.;. {o,.~~ ~o,r1~)/o,~, = o,~'t ~'7J. :: 0)'<. 0,A'4 -:. o.o~, ~N- \i ~,,/cl :;. -. 0 t ~ 1 ' 0 t O 'tS : • 0 IV l).. - h~i, rJ.. -= -0,Al . O,ll ;,. -o,04~ ... iecC\..1:.--sc o~ +ke. etlA+;\N\e,li..;co.l loQ~; .. 1 tr'" ,¼~ C. \.V.O\Me""-~ ~ti, .t., ~~ et.ls. O ,\ L..e.. IN,,OIAl\l'"'~ ~e::.~~ .... c.L-1>:.t"''· o ~o -,c ~o )C,. l. -- l.j ~ ),e.; r::---..\ , . l;. l..ll. r ...... , 1' 2.. ::. (.,,.., -l· o,a:r -0,1.. ·,C4 =-2.or /1.,r:; --.A,lt-!:.'-.J I.Jr-:::. 1,ito c,_1. °t<. tt \ :>r · ( -1.8 , L ::. 0 , U. ,c. A ---,-·-... ''. • • . • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG o.:18 • ,,t.o~ 4 -~O,U / ING.-B0RO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STA. 59, SEITE 49809 LINGEN, TEL. (05 91) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS. o.~ t ).~ ~o,u /. 4 \-+\...e. .tfO..'-'\ .' 0,U. +S.1.t/),1~ · 11.t,1.. -::. 01s;o -c:::1 5.v.er" .. ,.. 1.: (4-1 +l1-+4.).)/,A.g-1 • 118,L -::.D 1t~ <-1 . +o,).1t>'--'.: 4~/"l,/\· .. r2.1.:. -::. 0,1111 -c. .-1 .\l ~ Atu""t/.. slo... ..... ~-Cl .. ,:t. ~ 1t-.J 4,,i 2.. C~lci-..\o-k i...,,;{-~ S,,t.-es.-:, ~tO""r Ow,.tl-I W\ ?C. c.+ nt i~ { °""' C e \,( I+ : b! \Ae.~ l c...d e' ct. ~ C1..::i s.) Alo"'li-~1~ tin1,-\e..~\c.. A,,: • (&) 1:-i:-Q.. r~~ :. (g't{. l-:)/........_ ....... "-"> O,ll-l-,t,l/A,H .. =i1,l V l , iJ... ~ :. 0, ~ 1.t 1,,,~ ~ ll -:: ! 2 ' ~ ~ / 0,A,t -::. t L· 0,0lil/O,A-1. ': "i D,1-€ ~ ho"""'-Vt•~ co-.l \~c..cl : '--r-.7 -= ).,.Oro• O,0~ ~ ( 0,~<t · 0,,,_, · 0,0't/0,AC.,) -:: 0 . O !, L t...~-- • • • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG I ~ ' \ 0 { . .Alf . 11. ING.-B0RO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, SEITE I l,e 49809 LINGl;N, TEL (05 91) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS. .( ~ ,.to \ ~ l:-: 0,H · 0,A'1·0,0½ (O,A~ ::: 0,0-1& \...~- -~:'> :. -1 ~,oeot+ o,:>-<l = t,oeor l~- d ... .,.t"'., s~:,,._&\c. fir 10 -.._ w ~ -;;-. 2,oj /1t = O,+~ c, ..... ,_l A/1/(),\~· 2~&,L ~ O,ito .c. ..-i \40-..\...~"'\ S.{Hv,~\\,.. ~ (LJO/t:i~) 1-,:.Q.. \;I.IS. ~ l'-0 Nf--'L ;, 0,A0·21,2,1i),li""--)b,l.. ~hV\.t-lv.-re 0~ tl...e.. s.""fr~·;- 1 kc. <hc..c:L li,o,..l. o{ ~l..« ko•!.C-.\-~e-~Jo.,,e._ ,\: C-~ D,r.oo IL ::. O, ~a k~ +-t1.;:: (),l~·v,lo ~ ).£· 0;;r)·J1l.:. ;,gr.,, 1....~ ~-== ;l,~~·0,0'-lt /1 ~-0,01;1 t--.~- U..o~e '"'-·, -q. I.to 'I.. -€ """'"""' I") "' '--t · 0 1 &, • / b ~ (), ~ 1 C ....._.. ..l 41 / 0, .... :. Z..-1J. l -~ 01 <tr, <: ,f W¢t\,,.i""'\ .S.~n: ..... ~tl.-.; -~ l"'-"fc.r.~ r-e-li::.+o...i..c<:-i .. ~-\....Q. co .... ptts.t;ve. 2-,oi,,e (j) fw.1.::. ib,¼ \.JI--~ ,._ Q,'t<o•'l.11~,L/),t+ft> ... ~,.~ ~e~i~"' 0~ \.I..~ ~\Arr~+-~l't,\~tr-. ..... ) {).\Acl {\...11... ~ow L!f!~oic:t.-.... ) Ct> .... ::..\.,v,..c.hve.1 S.ec .d,,.eh'-. lol-hl l.J'H,._ 4-~~ (u •. -.e. ""-" \L.. 'L 'r:.-,\h ~ i """-. ~c:c..r"i~t clo H""' ; IA.t \:) '20't b:,.Q.. t ~ {,1\. \.s.i-.> l~\o ... cl. ?tOti1Attof) "'> Q><(:.~. t • • • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG ING.-B0RO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, SEITE 49809 LINGEN, TEL(05 91) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS . 1 J 1 I t \/2, ti :. :. 0, ,€4 l...N ~ H-,,d.. ~ 2 · 0,A1 :. 0, H.. L..~ \-1~.-\I ~ :. ~ 0 I\,€ "'"' tro""'-hro-.k: .... ~; Hi4,'-; ?..~+/1--2.. ::. 0,<v \,,.N i.t,e!>> \-CS.'-"-\{c..'""-~1 ( " ~ ,.. fl ' l 't\'"//J_ "'-V-,u,, t;,l.,. ~~ l-,J. : {o,lo +o,~~) .o,ti ~ 6.. = -J,t:,b -O.l't ~es;J"' -=-O,o~o =-o,ur- :. -).~o l.-.1-->-: ... L..~ s'--'fp&• ~ : t t,,_.,~I'---n l+o , 1.o l( l """'-- ' Wt :. 1,io~ r._ A-.,_ l. ~ c,_L I WI.;~ I = ;C~t c-- Ni),,,j. ~ ~,~. lt.. / )JI ;. +<! ,~ kN _ X.k :. 'l., H /).,tit· '\1..0... -:. 0Yt -==> ~ #= 0,~11t .. · (~ /1Lo"' -4-h~ h,n) /21)..,L ~ ,A.°' /o,c.;t-1J1, \ t o..v...:. o ........ c. ko.i.c.111 •• Cl Ito ~ lo )It. 1 ""'- S tre. s..:. 01.Aly io....... ~y <oo h,o',, 2-,t, l. =-O,oa_ -c. -1 • • 0 .. ' • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG ING.-B0RO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, SEITE .g 49809 LINGEN, TEL. (05 91} 41 41, FAX: (05 91} 4 85 87 POS. ,1_ l. I:r-, I II L--'1 '-~t '""-L 1 , ~t ~f g so ..:: 1 -.. +, .,._ \1,,,..,..c t<Arro.,,t/ ·hc.-.... ~o-~tl.,.. f\c.__{ ,r-.,,... o.. ..... J.... -\-wo ~o l h ,w .f Y~11~.c. o.c.. ~"·"'~"'\ ~\\t ..... ".1~1... ~ \ ~tl)u+ ()v,.ly fo.., ~k.t~ ot ve•~c .. l loo..cl. o.. .... cl ce ..... ~ ~rV\~O,.l +o.-ce \'\c;: = 0,O·U., o,nh .. :;: 0,0-10 ~-Cr.t.('. , .. ~~ 1) f . G"' --)o (?.o&, -+ ).O,v, /Ai1~r, 1trr. =-\,li \.J:/.__ .. r-: L. <t!! b.:.t liwi.::. Co1,~ ~f-- ~~a ltt ~f()1,q,,ci, pt~"" !~ -. -·. -. .v,e~. t~zo .... _:r __ .. - .... ; ie. --reo.i t Wi~ko.,.+ .t.•h"-'t.l. ~,~ ~(' • • .. • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG 1 '!.,O I 'I II \ J.( 1 1 ING.-BORO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, _ SEITE q 49809 LINGEN, TEL. (05 91) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS. A,U t I 1 locx.cL."'~ L, QG--1,.l... ~tQ......, 1-;:.7 o..l::.ov-.,.cl,_i .... -:; q :ril: 1C1.~ · O,fuo/1t +-~.~ · D,H· :::.. ).lU \..."-l 1M..c..1r. ~7,il::: 1(.-U · 0,AlJ · O,S'!:./O,v,s,;, ::. 0,Al+ "-."3- IM"-~ lnT,.i_ ;. ,t U · 0,AvS · 01~1 / O,<,i~ =-0,1t11-.... loo..tl, ..... 1 ~'/ rJ.r-:.,..,·"~ Q t~;. ),U· 0,'oo{lt +.A,S· 0,":tr /7. :. OJo~ l~ ~y, oL ~ O,!ob· 01~~,g · o,~o ( O,~i~ =-0,o'\'¾ \...~- 1e);\"" Ct..."~,,.., "0 t~ '( 10 X 4 ""'"'°' \ t..) ~ L,f..f.. C,._• / J"::: \/'Ii-C,-ly L~~T = ) I w' : 2,t 2.. / .,., -r-= ;,.s.e r,.._! ,A.11-/;1,.e~· z-,,.i.. -=-o,n <. ,1 ,rn-/ ~."~ . .,n~ =-o. n-£ ..., (J) ~Q_ "ws -=-<ol,½ 't-J f-_: .,. 0\1~· 't-1d,t /;1,1t~ -=-l.i2,'t- ~..t.=-),U \i\."-' ~d-.: ),U · O,.({"-=-0,2.o .\...N- l'~ ·. t:i · 1o "~o. x l """'- } ~ = l.\~ c-- 'l~ I 2J'1' 11.8,·' ::. 0, ~°' C. A 0,10i, ?.1&,L/),1..a-=-.n-.\ >.J/ __ .. .c. <Dt" • • • STAT!SCHE BERECHNUNG 0,1.0 :f -r ' I ING.-B0RO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, SEITE Ao 49809 LINGEN, TEL. (05 91) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS. L ~'" 00£-~..._;cl e. .f..o. ...... ~ o-..... ~1.-e.. s~-\-c. \!,..;al. -ho. ...... e,.. \..-.o.:,.. 4o i..,J.-oc9-IA,e. ..1-t..c.. '-'oi-; 'to""'J, • ..l · \ oc..et.:. , v-4-!..e. ~ 1/\; ti. c. re..; I 14r1-; 0,Sl l,._"1-,.;) (w, ..... :l °'"' C.e\,\.~~.(:. {o,ce. f c.·~. l) ~cl.::. 0,~1· 0,~o/L -:. 0,02.t-l....\..i- +ooH~o.or!. bt .......... loo-.e,l; ..... i (o...,e. Si chol} ~a.,,. O,lo ~~- 2. ~r1. ~ O,ot\,;. 0,10:.,0,11,-L...~- \j t : lt, 'i~ e ._ 1 ~., '4o~l..-. ~c:.o-.-~·, lr,-/~.~~ -l, '21~,t ~ 0,,.,,, ..:: ,1 ~roo+ io.,.. ~ =: --1 c-:-.Q ~w.s."' 1.2,L ),.Jl'-""-L '? Q.I.A·l-f.g,l/),4~ -e--,.(ID,2.. • • • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG ING.-BORO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, SEITE 49809 LINGEN, TEL. (05 91) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 PO$. A,.,~o,'t (,HoOt,;1,r) & ~ )10 ( .{(go1, ;i.,i) l ~ 1.~ ( .,H,01 · 1.1) -0 ,. " 11~ 0 ~ I · =-,01~ · <.. -::.. ,O:i.C, l)~O~ 4.A,t) t,~ ·A ... ii :: 0, l.t ::. 1.~. 0,lt '2,r ==-=--=- l.J ~ 0,'1> .,. A10 : )1fo ~~ 'v = 0,1-t · )1'-o =-0,b4 l...~ ~'"'--ot. o..l\ \oD..cl~: { el~c..el lo~ I l,·..,t.. lolllc.l o.. ... cL .tlllrfl."~t.\o.l<c. \-,o.c.t.) 2 V 1:. 01Co + J,O + D,<olt = i,t'i l,,_l,.l Alo"'r.L ~ I~ .A:8~0O ( tie-.. r--11.t) w~ ~o.vc. {o cl:t.J.i•,"" ~{'-" ..i.>F =-)10 -::.> VrJ.. :. 2.t«t ~J..l ~ ~ ~e~~:\"' \oo..L 1Alo,.,.cl_ IM.°';""' Co-lc .... ltt-ho--,; \l v"'-=-.A,\~. o,<c» (G-) +-),r· ).a· c Q) = 2,s-1 L,.},) ., l.1l't • • • STATISCHE BERECHNUNG ING.-B0RO DIETER HOER, RHEINER STR. 59, SEITE •fL 49809 LINGEt>J! TEL (05 9_1) 41 41, FAX: (05 91) 4 85 87 POS. 11.,,."'-ec,,.-H"\ v-.o..l..c.. ll!lc-. ol..s. clo ..... 1 +-L..c.v e.. I ~ ; "" C l IA x. -to \.1... c. cl e.:. 11 v< • ~ Tbv rc!>S.si'o\e. ~-,ll ~Or'\c<!l1-J-,,._l_ )oQ..ol~ i.:. "'-o ? r-00 t-IA t..C -c. S so..•)' , IQ e e o.i...~ e. JI,,~ re... Q..rc_ S,e__ki-,!. 6/ ~L..c.. ~tArfo•h ot ,A,o/011.t4 (~.~-'2.°') -=-l,it· '> A . -.BU IL DING PERMIT 08/07/9@ 16:04 F'a!~e · 1 of J. .Job H.ddre-:-:,-:-:,: :l·LEGO DR Permit T~p~: COMMERCIAL BUILDIN~ Par.ce·1 No= 211-100;_09-00 UaluetioR~ 0 , Oc r;t,J,P<~ncy tr 0·1 .. 1,p = _ Referenct-'!ff: DescriptioRU FOOTINGS-LAGOcrN~coMPONENT # : L361-SCENE 3 & 5-LEGO CITY Of CARLSBAD Perini t :1+oft CB982UM _ - Pro iect -Mo: · A980-Z882 Deve ·1 op·~e.nt:: N:o :: 9857 08/07 /98 0001 01 02 . ---·c.:.PRl1T 109-09 Canstruotinn Type: Stat,n=-,: Applied: Apr/I.ssue·~ Enten~d-By g NI; tJ I$SUH)· 07/09/98 0.8/0-7:/98 - -Rt"ln - 2075 Las -Palmas _Dr., Carlsb!ld, CA 9i009 (619) 4~8-1161' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. 1( J_ / ob CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. _________ _ 1, PRo.iECT INFORMATION ., · '. ~ ... ··: :<:~, .. -: .. I I %0 Dl2NE". Address (include Bldg/Suite #I Business Name lat this address) Legel Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total II of units Existing Use sa. FT. 804--r,t.O Name Address City State/Zip Telephone II Fax# =CArlo~~"~~Wltgt,:g~;t,,·ti~gem~eR,···· ·CA.··91-009 · Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# •4, '' PR0PERTV'OYfflER ,;,, \,•, ''Li..'.~f{"j'::f,!t,(ff:\; '.i\'lhi' 'T'[f ;:,y ,t.,' Name Address City State/Zip Telephone II :S •. '"':CONTRACTOR:;oCOMPANYfNAMEW;~~~.:::<•:c:tt?. "·"•' (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires I permit to construct, alter, Improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, elso requires the applicant for such permit to file e signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Codel or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to I civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($50011. Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License# _________ _ License Class _________ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _________ _ ;a~,,, :WORKERS'.COMPENSATION;~;L;.:.•~~;:.:.:,;:t;;;;:~'.:•; .· , ~,.. "·"······· Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company_____________________ Policy No .. ____________ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to aecure workera' COmpHSatlon coverage 11 unlawful, end shall 1ubject en employer to crlrnlnel peneltles end clvll flnea up to one hundred thou1end doller11$100,0001, In addition to the coat of compenaetlon, demegea •• provided for In Section 3708 of the Labor code, lnt-•t end ettomey'1 f881. SIGNATURE_____________________________ DATE ________ _ '7. · i, ·oWNER-BUILDER1>ECl:AIIATION'tt:s:.h~r t ': . .;,l-:"'• ·· ._ .. ,.,. ... ''':"' I hereby affirm that I em exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for 11le (Sec. 7044, Bu1ineas and Profession, Code: The Contractor's License Law doe, not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or Improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpoae of 1111). )! I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law doe• not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for 1uch projects with contractorlsl licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I em exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: L 2. 3. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ,O!!{No 16)have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): :ro BE Dt;CTE,g.M11.,\ f'-=tD 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license numberl: _________ -,---,----------------------------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted lhi~ed) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address/ phone number/ type of work):. ________ ~~.-----f"=f""~--..a..--'-4-----:.---------------t--l~.------------ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain I permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of I school site? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. i8½;;,~;1:QN$111U~QN,LElil1>1N~<l!Nc:f~~~:.,~\~041Giii•;ii,Jli~:;s:;1:t:;:t:1:i\.:;:(;:t::J,•::·t:.\1;•••1·••1 I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued !Sec. 30971i1 Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME _____________ _ LENDER'S ADDRESS. _______________________ _ '9~-.; :•.i'APPLICANT:CERTIACATION~!ii//f::!•:1t:i~1)11!'"b't::t;;\;B•itiYfL•L/'t'L,\)::'fr;\·~,::tc:/'.':t·i.\t:,, · ··· ,.,,,+, · · ·· .. , •· ·< · ··:r• ,/,';' : I certify that I have read the application end state that the above Information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code 1hell expire by limitation end become null end void if tha building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 385 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time I ork i1 com for a p~od of ~ 80 day, (Section 108.4.4 Uniform Building Code). l J APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE -\''e;il-d..U::::==::.;f--.,ll,,lt,.l,l:...e.,~g..~---~ ..... w.c;~::.._ ....... ---DATE 1 \ 4 I :i 2, WHITE: File PINK: Finance City of Carlsbad Inspection Request , For: 2/25/99 Permit# CB982186 Title: FOOTINGS-LAGOON-COMPONENT # Description: L361-SCENE 5 SA-LEGO Type:COM Job Address: Suite: Location: Sub Type: 1 LEGO DR Lot I\PPLICANT : LANDON, DAWN Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: AM PLEASE Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Comments Inspector Assi~nment: Phone: Inspect.or:~ Requested By: LARRY Entered .By: CHRISTINE -----------------,-, --''--'---'--------,------------------ Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments LEGOumD E-'TAT £.-' o {"('\ \ \c.E f>e"taiboAJ From . · vf . -' . Ct4-c.. of ~Sir/)· Dawn Landon, P.E. PROJBh : LEGOLAND California -· . . . Ta~. Tr11s111na1 . ~-·--·,10•11 • s11< -,}J!{/tii Owner: LEGOLAND Estates AG PtancheckN~.: · ·· · q.;R ·;-;J/g{i We are enclosing the following materials :- 0 For information Only ~ your review & comment· D Peryoui' reque~ Cl Reply requested CJ Other : Transmitted Via :- 0 USMail 0 Federal Express q Hand Delivery ~ick Up 0 Other:_ Document(s)Description:-. O General Plan Correction List Dated:· _________ _ a;--'site Plan ~cc-1 ir"Legal Description ·U:.> R&f~ , 11-\-er 012.((;fNH- \~ M rJT/i( '-. Drawin No. \UIT)\, ~t~ CtJi: TH>< ~L .. . CilY of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning· CMWD I I SU!;; Fire Plan Check #: Permit#: Project Name: Ado:,ess: Conta;t Person: Sewer bis!: \ CB982186 FOOTINGS-LAGOON-COMPONENT# L361-SCENE 5 SA-LEGO 1 LEGO DR LARRY CA Phone: Water Dist:. CA Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot: 2/25/99 COM \ -. ···········,·······························.······················••••!!1•••!!1•~··············································································· \ lnspecte1 ;J 11 /J. By: \u;e(__ Date ···kle_ Inspected: b.~ Date Approved: ~Disapproved: __ Inspected\. By: ----",----------"--Inspected: ~-,,,,-'---'----'--,--Approved: .,.... -~ Disapproved: __ Inspected \ Date r By: · \ lnspected:_~~ ___ Approved:~·~-Disapproved:. __ \ . ····················~·····\····· ..................................................................................................................... : .. ···· Comments:· .. ·. . . . . \ \ I PLANNING DEPARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST /) .. , ROUTI~ BLDG.---=,.,...---;__~- M. HARD"\'--22:tL! PLANNER~- LBLACK~. __ MBLACK M. HARDY----,..1tv-¼V¼-,-" 11 BLDG ___ _ p . tN <.../L~ 77, roJec ame: -, . ~. -~-~r1.~~-Plan Cheek No. CB C/u/~6' Address: (~tNfl XJ,"\·, -u Project Number: -u Project Planner: . Extension Contact Person Phone No. Drawing }fo. Inspections Final Inspection Items 1st 2nd Approved All Items below Conform, with Approved Site Plan ' --- 1. Project Planner confirms conditions are met 2. Building elevations . . 3 . Building m?terials .. '4. Bµilding colors 5. Rooftop equipment screensr - 6 .. Fe:o.ce/wall height, location, and matyrials .. 7. Size, number and location of parking spaces ~ompact, regular, handicap 8. Outdoor recreation :facilities 9. Employee. ea:ti1:g areas 10. Trash en.closure and location 11. Pavement treatment ·12. Landscaping installed (under separate contract) LIST BELOW ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTION 13Y MIKE BLACK: .. 13. .. 14. 15. 16. 17. Project complies With all conditions, including above-listed items. Final inspection is complete. @ ·<2-• "2 l:? A q .. Mike Black Date (H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\Final Insp Check) 01/22/99 ·-.. Citv of Carlsbad · · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering -~ CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check #: Date, 2/25/99 Permit#: L Project Name: FOOTINGS-LAGOON-COMPONENT# Permit Type: COM Sub Type: L361-SCENE 5 5A-LEGO Address: 1 LEGO DR lot: Contact Person: LARRY Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA •••1111111111•••••• •••••••• 111 II 111111111 II I II llllll•••••••••111a1i:111•••••••••••• 11111•••••••••••1111S1111lllllllltl111111111I•••••••••••1111111 I 111111111 Inspected Date ti],,,, • ~~ .qipproved: -~isapproved: __ By: ~ Inspected: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: . Approved: . Disapproved: __ 1111111111•••••••••••••11111111111181111111111111 ••••••••••••1111! ICIII 111111111111111 •••••••••••!I Ill Ill I •••••••••••••all 111111111111111111111111111~11111 Comments:------------"------------,-------~------'----------------- Clb of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection. Dept: Building E,qp1,1eering,) Planning CMWD. St Lite Fite Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: CB982186 FOOTINGS-LAGOON-COMPONENT# L361-SCENE 5 5A ~!,.EGO . Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: LARRY Phone: Sewer Dist: CA WaterDist: CA Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot: 2/25/99 COM ............................. ·············· ····· ········••!••• ••··················· ~···~····••!1•••!1••······················ ii, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Inspected ~ Date . 3/y/4,: By: Inspected: Approved: ~ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: . Disapproved:_._ Inspected Date By: . Inspected: Approved: Disapproved:_ .. _ .............................. ·················• •• 1!.••·················· ·········•·!••·-·················!1 ·•···~--~ ....................... _ ..... -!••••··········· Comments: ________________ ........._.__ ______ .....;..;. ______________________ ...,..... __ . Cltv 01 Carlsbad · , Fina[Buildinu Inspection Dept: Building f:ngineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check #: Permit#: Project Name: Address: CB982186 FOOTINGS-LAGOON-COMPONENT# L361-SCENE 5 5A-LEGO 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: LARRY Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Oist: CA '\ Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot: 2/25/99 COM •111111111 Ill••••••••••••• 1lll II 111111111111_1111111~11111111111 I II 1111111111111111111111 lllli••••••! 11111 I 181•••••••••• 111111111111111111111 I 11111111111111 lnsp~ / Date . 'L.';:>~ qJ --~ By: ~~~ted: ~ . //Approved: ___ Disapproved: __ ln~ctsd Date By:--------,----"---Inspected:~--'-~ ___ Approved: ___ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By:------=---"-,-~---Inspected: ______ Approved: ___ Disapproved: __ 11111 ••••••••••••••••••••• 111111 •••••••••••• 111111111••••••••1111111111111~1111111111111111111,111'!11 Ill Ill 1~1111111111I1111111•••••••••••111111111111111111 Comments: ______________________________ -----------'----,- --/ "'O \ \'. .. EsGil Corp-oration J 1.n Partnersft.i~ witft. (jovemmint for $1,1,iulingSafetg DATE: July 31, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad. PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2186 PROJECT ADDRESS:· 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Foundation SA .!" _;',f S.ET:ll . (Lagoon Footing) ---""!:.---..... D FILE \ cg] The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith i_s for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to th_e applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: cg] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corpor9tion staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax· #: Mail Telephone Fax . In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ. D PC Enclosure$: 7/24/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San.Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 PLANNING/ENCINEERING 'APP:ROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 98z/8G. ADDRESS · -2... I €GO_ /)rive RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR ( < $10,000.00) DATE. 7-/3-98 · TENANT .IMPROVEMENT PLAZA CAMINO REAL .. CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLE:TE OFFICE BUILDING L£GoLA-N.6 OTH~R LA~ R:x:JT1NG~<;(/¥l-Kr18L) _ Scene .3 r S CorvJjbnf;:rl-f-::#-L%/ . . . PLANNER Jn21w DATE 7-/3-98 ENCINEER -------------DATE -----,-_____,;,---- Oocs/MlstormstPlannlng Englneerlng·APprovals ";~~ ","\ ... '~.: .. · PAGE: ____ of ___ _ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP JOB#: 9e;:,~- DATE: " -2.-6-9,6 NAME: _ __.::::...J../..;_.a..~~../-.~-;..,. __ _ I 1- _j l 1 ·•· I ! i I I ! ______ ! __ . __ _,,! __ , -··-----··---• --.-·------· ··-----------···--·---·----:--: ' ' ! : ' ' · -·-i ·--.---------------------lls~1& = z~:-6tJ-;------~-=--~~ tt,• 2 .. z.s-__ .,__ . . ,, wJ . .;::-=-/, t)t) ----·---·-· ··1,-----... --·-· ... ----------··--:-·-' • ' ",,bf j ' --~----·; V,_ I -_;.. __ ~ . ··-· -... ~--------tJ,,: /,~: __ :;;,·_ . ----------. --,-----~--::> i--, // ;-z ~/.s l/' ... ,., :7 , c :e« c-· cLL.:C /,' . -. -,! ~df;t.S-=-------Z~-"-'4:,_ ______ _ / 7 --:--7F--::--~t)'~y/4-: --1,~1~'-' -~- --·--~--------...... -----------. 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' I ~------~ ···· ··-···----··· ·---.. ···-··--··-·---·--·· _______ /4/.2.~~---.. .. . ..... --·. . Z;>z;-.G{;!?-,.~:bk5 .. ;?r .. ____ _:_~_:::~$.,_9.~--5.(!---·--· . . _______ ;Ps/. t)gt.,_/~b'-·-'--.Z, .I---.-----· ;;--;.Lc...-~~_:~--~L ~dt.-,.,t-:-_ _. _____ _ --.-------.. ··----·----~~i,,. ,br =:: ___ .€~'"-. . .. ----· -· --·-·- _____ 7_;1 .. -'2L'iibL,~....1Jb~t:..tf!L_,a1 .:a = . ~ "26" rl't. ·-! .... ___________ ··-------·--------· ·---·---------------·-~-:: /.S:_1/E-t-~. ··------··-··-· -----~----···------·· ---~~--&-.3±_C6:.':J-~-·--··· s;4~t,7 -· --··--·-·-· --------··. --·· .. . ... --· --···-·-tsr1-rj-b-::------. -. . . . . -...... ----- ! ···----d_~_-...;.._;-;._. ~(!_~ _l-1 ~~~-Vu---. --i"'~~~/2~: ~-,_ ~~~--~-·-: ' ' . ' ' . ~ --, ·------·----····-·· ····---~-!~.4-?;&7 7ir f ,/ /-1-4-.dcP;<.16fr7f; -·-···· ·· ··- -Z t--=~ v-. 3'.4--e,t,17; ___ __,,_ -------------------------~------· --··-------··· __ __, -... --=--··-8-.-JJ:e -4-<::...--JO :--# i o-Lf!:';::__ --·-··--·----------· ···-··-··-···---.. ·-.. ···--·---·-~...--- ---------- f --· ----------· -------·-··---. ..... -.. ····----·---···· ............. -----·-.. -·-.. -·. --··------. . . -·-·--· -·-.•. --------'-- ~------------------------__;, __________ _ ; ·-······------------L- 7 I --"'--'-------- ------------~~-----------------.-------- BU IL DI ~.G· PERMIT Ol /31/98. 14"a~o .. f~ag(:-i l of .1. . lob Address~ 1 ·LEBO ~R Permit.Typ~~-Q0MMERCIAL B~ILDIMG Paree~ No~ 211~100-09-00 Valuc1t1on:. 0 .,.,,.;. L Ci tA~ :: ' --~ : . Occupene:St Gro1.Jp; Referemce#= Dc::>e,cr ·i pt: 1 on: .FAIRY Tf-lLE BO.AT JU DE-·FONOATION . ~.0NLY--~--DU~LO VILLAGE .· ~.-' .: : Permit No g. C-S982267. Project No= 851803013 ··Development N'iig C~n~ttuctioh Typ~: Statu~: Applied: Apr /I =--~su~: ·"' Ente?1"ed By n NEW ISSUED 07/17/98 07/31/98 .:w1 760 80 4 ·-'8 ~'.) 5·5 ; · F'IN· L.A.PPROVAL· - ;,.,,sP,M; . . DATE J'tt-tJ . I !CLEARANCE > I . CITY OF CARLSBAD . 2015 Las -Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA n009 (619) 438-1161 ' ., J:o .r.ooo e~\.t&wo 'i' .ti'? TM,ll-!l' , t:: . . \· ·1 ~-.: .. "; ""', • ••-•iltllll_,... .. _ .......... 1r""·--· 3TAO· ._ .. _____ .,.,, .. -, .. ~ .. · .. ~ ... --.. , ....... ---.... : y ·--..... } . ' \' . FOR OFFICE USE 0~ - PLAN CHECK No;"tfiZ:-W/7 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL ---------,--,---- Plan Ck. Deposit ------.-...... --,---. 1Qk· ~=·'"i /(L {CC l Address (include Bldg/Suite #) · Business Name (at·this·address) Legal Description Lot'No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # 1)/Ll#bL # of Bathrooms Name Address City State/Zip · Telephone # Fax # :a"'>APl!UCANi"-'./•~: co""~a icir..\::t11':'.'1:11"'ilfiHorlconfra·ciori :;:,;,. ow~er'=/::'1'"".'.A' -enUSi ,o'wn~r·: ::" :.:; .'>-: _; /!:::>:.:':;,{;:f i,.:;'.···:t:. -: :, · -: ',:: · ·. , : · : . -. · -PAWkf' ~ow"b1SlAS~-~z-AWM ·-te:·g_ tARLSeict,-.. lA·91@ -----804:-e?M ,t. fs-=1- Name Address · City · · State/Zip · Telephone# Name Adclress City .State/Zip Telephone# (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which ·requires a permit to construct, alter, Improve, demc>lish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursual1t to the provi!iions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cod11J or that ha is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500)). Name Addres11 City State{,Zip Telephone# State License # --------'---License Class--~-------City Business License # ... · ______ _ Designer Name Address· City State/Zip Telephone State License # ___________ _ (8';:,:)i; WORKERS.t ,coMi>ENSA TiQr(i..:Zi~:;;k)j,i:J,i~['..;:.C::/:,' ·:·~~:~;5:_;.1:~::.:~1.:;:: ':ttL:.;i::;.~:::'.,E:~:;::0:,;;:;_:2~Z:_~·?:~:<:'.. f:,~:. ,: .: ::X.:f_}:t: ;. '~ ;,-;?".:.":, ; :~··: .:, '' ::,::: '5_; : . • -j •• I ;, .. .,_,~' .'' .:.~ Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: D I have and will maintain a certifi_cate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as.provided 'by SectiQn 3700 of the La.bar Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and·policy number are: Insurance Company _________ -'-----,----,-----Policy No. ________ ,,____ Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED·IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the -work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California, WARNING: Failure to aecure workers' compensation coverage la unlawful, and shall subject an employer to crlmlnal penaltlH end civil fines up to one hundred thouaand dollars ($100,000), In addition to tha cc;,at of companaatlon, damages aa provided for-In. Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE. _________ __,,_______________________ DATE __________ _ :1 ._;+ ;ow.NER~i:i11:oe_{i:i>ecJ:AMrtQNiii;i,'.:~f it:,,,:?:::.'·/~:i::>:;-_:·;:;y".:k~rt:': ~·::'·0?1,:'·:~i'); .::?!' -;::: :. : ·. · · -:( '-,~~ · I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following raason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work an·d .the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec, 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License L•w does not apply to an owner of. property who builds or improves thereon, and·who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offerad for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of provijlg that he did noi: build or improve for the pur_pose of sale). 15a1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with .licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec, 7044, Business and Professions Coda: The &tractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or ·improves thereon, a_nd contracts for such projects with contractor(sl licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section ------Business and Professions Code for this reason: ,: 2. 3. I ally plan to provide the major labor and mate.rials for construction of the-proposed property· improvement. o· YES [)NO have not) signed an application for a building permit. for the propoi;ed work. ontracted with the following pers_on (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name I addr11ss / phone number / contractors license number): 4, I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have.hired-the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide th11 major work (include-name/ address/ phone number I contractors license number):. ______ ,_. ...... ---.,---------------------,,........,..-----'-'------------- 5. I will provide some of the work,-but I have contracted (hired) the· following-persons to provide the-work indicated (include name/ address/ phone number/ type of work):. _________ ...,....::,,.._ __ -+.-+-+-....---1;,.--+-----;,-------,-.-----------+--=--+------------ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE-'~L:lJl.l=.U~~U...ai...:::2.L'ilc::::~6~~:::._-....,.,.~ OATE _ _._-+-...._,."""'--f-"-'==:c;,_- (COMRLi;rs1Ti:IIS,SEOTI.ON):oR;Hii~i,)~ '1,1itQiNCt~RM1J~'.o..fil,t,;:;;,t~::-i?{,·;:'·/.'f.,:::,;;;,jj:_,):t:,;:·::·_;:,::';_t'-i;.:,,~~::~·~-· Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous.Substance Account Act? D YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the ·air pollution control district or air quality management district? D YES D NO Is the facility to be-constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer bound!!rv of a schQol site 7 D YES D NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR·IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF-EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO THE AIRPOLLVTION CONTROL DISTRICT •.. ts.{~~;¢g~~~uc.Ti~N}t;jtili,tt{(ji~~Ni;f'@k.~'tM1~{:~D11{;::;;~~~}tJ·;.-:,i,,:i~if'.'.-;?~·:;.;,;t·:, :'f ;:;-;\; ,.<t.:?~\',1l-7 '.::.'::·: ,_ , , ·,': .:, ·: > I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the·performance of the wprk for .which this-permit is issued (Sac. 3097(i) Civil Code), I certify that I have read the application,and state t!'!at the above informatio11 is corr~ct and that the inform!ltlon· on the plans Is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I here!)y -a4thorize r(!P,f!ll!!!!ltatives of ·iht Citt of Carls~ad· to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP l:fARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST Ali.. LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5•0• deep and demolition or construction c,f structures over 3 stories in lieight: EXPIRATION: Every permit Issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall .expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time a the work is co cad for e,period of 80 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). } / APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ~~~,:J::::.~~~~~:!!::::::2-..1..r,;&,:::J6~~!::::::::::::.___ DATE 1 t 1 b[':YB GITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB982267 FOR 11/0.2/98 DESCRIPTION: FAIRY TALE BOAT RIDE-FONDATION ONLY-----DUPLO VILLAGE TYPE: COM STE: INSPECTOR AREA PD PLANCK# CB982267 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW LOT: JOB ADDRESS: 1 APPLICANT: ROLLINS CONTRACTOR: LEGO DR DAWN PHONE: 760 804--83.55 OWNER: REMARKS: C/KEVIN/ SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: PHONE: PHONE: ~· INSPECTO-tl# . • CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS _1_1 __ s_T _F_t_g_J_F_o_u_n..,..d_a_t_i_o_n_J_P_i,,_e_r_s _____ i ------'-------'-~--'--------'--'--- -------------,..-'----------'----,-.- ----------------,----~ ***** INSJ;>ECTION HISTORY***** DATE 102398 090898 090398 082098 081998 080598 DESCRIPTION Ftg/Foundation/Piers Steel/Bond Beam Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers AC':P PA co. PA AP CA AP INSP PD PD PD PD PD PD COMMENTS LIGHT POLES \ ,, ... DATE: July 27, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad EsGil Corporation 1ti Partttersliip Witli {joV~mtfl!.nt for '.Buift#ngSafety PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2267 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. SET:I ~T ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Found~tion Only; Fairy Tale Boat Ride Turntable D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. C8J The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. · · D The plans transmitt~d herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed ·check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the Jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: [Xl Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant .thatthe plan check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: I Telephone#: Date contacted: (.by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: 1. Note on the plans that special inspeqtion is required for the concrete. . A special inspection "program" should be submitted to the building department. By: Kurt Culver Enclosures: / Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC 7/17/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego; California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 .... r . fl' Carlsbad 98-2267 July 27, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEJ= JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2267 PREPARED BY: Kurt CulvE,r .-DATE: July 27, 1998 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: Wall TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Concrete lrsOTi:DING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2)_ MULTIPLIER ($) - - --- -- --- Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE - D 199 UBC Building P-ermit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance:_ $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only IZ! Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil-Plan Review Fee: $ 130.73 Comments: Foundation review: Esgil fee= 1-½ hrs. @ $87.15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNINC/E.N-GINEERINCi .APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 98. 22" 7 . DAtE 7-2o--<t rf> AD[)RESS _:j_ . L~~O-/Jc,~ve RESIDENTIAL TENANT IM.PROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR· . < < $10,000;.00) . . PLAZA CAMINO REAL , . . CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE' FAIRE ~OMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING L &00 ~.fJ -.(} U/JL.o u ll-t-AG.F · _ OTHER ,CA-1~Y 77fl£ -&:A-T ~ltJ~ --ru&ifm&E -:FovAJ/JMO/J OAJLY PLANNER JL. .~· ----------:...-------,-"----"-DATE 7-2o-?8 ---,------------ ENGINEER ---------------· DATE _.......a.....;___,;. ___ _ Doc:s/MlstormstPlannlng Engineering AJ>provals fl J _, PAGE-· ------of __ _ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP JOB#: _9.e,~- DATE: " -Z-6--9<!3 NAME: .J./ ~ .j-,- -. . -·----.. ·----------·-· -----. ·-· -____ ;_&,1$>~~4--¥~ ---···--------,.--_____ L _________ _ ~;_4-~l!fkt_~~s~~:. ··---· --'. --- ' ' --. -. ----··----------------------------------·-----------------------~---- . . ------------.. --_.., ------. ---------------------------·----------------- _.__ --------------------------------------·--· ' . -1.-------------------· ·-----------------_........,_ ________ --· . I .. t --------·-------------· ...... 1 1 ,,, • . I ·,,..~ L11:?) _ _,_ ____ ---c;::;--,1-,,~=~ ...... !-7-t:__,,1:.t.!,e>:""''71---------:ae!S~---.,f1+1,-b----------- . o/5" I i -. ···----·· -... ·---·-··---·-·-t!J-JIJ.J-~-~---- ----·i---~ ·-eb:~-0.(-1-.i>-:---·-; __ --~-j __ -- . I -. ·---· ________ · _t,,_zt,JD. _-_______ · . -~-------------------·--·. --------------'---~-08 ; ~a ~~ d ¼di..s I I i ' . . .. -----· ---·---; . ' -' ' i ·--• . ____ v.s$,s _=. .... ,~;A-J~uQ). ,, ~· 1§:1~~~130.t;rwJ---------· ---- ' . ' ' . . ___ '·----------~~ -' -: ------r------.-' .., -~ -~ ,; __ --_-/ __ ~----.. ,~ •-··---~-------·----------------··------~----!--'·-----·-·- I -----l-----··-.. --·· l ·-.,,. l.w».l>L>.,/4/.... . ,.,c.~i..m',f~~~~:-,,;...,.~n .. ¥-,-";;.-...,,,_, ... ·-11~_':,,.-.*·~~-1l": ... ...,~·;;..,·,;~-;, , . ...,. .J I i r°? ~-BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE; ___ ,of __ _ JOB#: ______ _ DATE: __,_/,""---'.., $=~=· -_-"""f.-}3,e.._.._ NAME:_---'J. .... '.J ...... E..__,J.=,,..-- ----7-·------------.-. .. ~--- ' ! ----------------~--~--.; .. ·-.. ok;n!,!!£--.. a~yj,,L __ _;;~~~~------------------!·-----------·---· ........ ____ ___ ___________ ./hrrl d-------· ____ · ______ _ ------------ . . ZJ¥°.Gf3/----~~~ _ li'r . ____ :M ;--~5.< ... 9#-..21::-__________ -_________ .. . . ;~/. vgt,_ -l~Dt,,., __ 7. __ z, :t ___ .. ------·-qL,t;;,... ___ ~/~_/4L __ -4,-~~-~...1::::_ ___ · ____ _ -------· ------·---------;rA~ -*7' ~ -€~~ ---- --~------z;.-f .. .12, 1;:bL,A'h-~t:./i!J _ _1,a1 _ .6 = ~ -zs /t · ___ _ ----· .. ·--.. -- ------·-----------·-· ---· ---____ $#-_:"_J.-S'.1/-£~------~ , · -------· -· ---·-----------_/).~---~-$~_{6.~':;J-"'. ------&>-41;,-_b 7-~---·----1 ·-------------------·--· ·--~5'ff.rj--b---------, · : . : ___ ~ _____________________ .,_,..__ ______________________ _ I ·r ' -' ---. -·f . -d~-'1-.(1r:{-1-r-~~-----___ dm_-~_-·~ _ __l,J*-)o=--" __ --· " 3:14-r-t-Li 1-r ---------··-------------- .. -=---. -8-,.J1:e.--1t=----<--Jtt:J-#---s-o-----t::J.)L._ - ---------- -------------... --t/6~--__ /.LL:r --~Pzd~k&.-F_" --~-- . ' ... -. _____ · -. . . ··--·-.... --~ ·-· . -p-,J!;;;---~k---------~---,..- --------------··--··-·"""""'---.,... __ -==--=......,.,,,,..,.,.,,..,,,,=== _______ ..._ __ ----· .. _____ , ___ --... ·--------------- ......... -.... ·-. ···-----------------···-·--------____ ....,_ __ _ . -~ ------------------------------------ i ---1 --···· ------··--··- ----·-·--------------------_________ , .. _________________________ _ ... ----· -·-----------'-~·-- ,. 0B/lL~/98' 08:3'9 Page 1 of l Job Add~e~s= 1 ~EGO OR g U I L D I N G PERMIT Su1te: Permit No: -CB9l:l2487 Pro }<==ct Mo: f.W8·016.77 · O-eve1oprne.nt No= Permit Type~ COMMERCIAL BUIL0ING P~rcel N-0= 211-lD0-09~00. Lot#n Ualuattonn. . 0 Construction Ty~e: NE~J ISSUED .. 08/05/98. 08/14/98. ,livl Occupancy Groap: Reference:lt= Cf.,9Bl,269 St;..atus= · O.e~,eription= ro:.o·G'E TOWER RIDE F'0UMDATIOM A:ppl 1ed~- :: :1 RI !):(;E n. tJS T E:R II A pr/ l 51:.t.J e : . . Ent~red Byn . ? 6-o ~-o.5-a~) !7!;!· · . .. .--.... -~~~~-~------~-llft!:II-• . ~-----AP:P.ROVAL . . . : ' -. , 1NSR..,,,.· ...................... oATE l/o f/7 I CLEARANCE I ' CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 .Las Palmas Dr.:, Carlsbad~ CA 92QP9-(619) 43s:..116I .. Pl;RMIT"' APPLICATION .FOR OF;FICE .USI; :Q~ . . , Pl-AN CHECK. NQ. . . z;c/(f37 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT · 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 ~n~~., Plan Ck. Deposit ~ ·. (760) 438-1161 .__._ Valfdated By :JWi;'?fik f=l ~~mue-. ~------.,--._ -~.:_,"." __ ,,_;,,.,.~.;,... ; Date -Y-j t° ~Jip~~.rol\TJJ)},l:, , "';_·-'·:\:~,,t.. -~,:. 'L,_ .\:.-i':':.c: :,_.,: .. ~'--~-: .. , . .:.'.;:,..;t.:~:Ab-~ ~-. --c----B=>-ffi--~d-'M--..... r-----......... -- Address (include Bl<;lg/Suite #) Businesi; NameJat this· address)" · : ., · · . Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision· Name/Number· ··Unit"No • ·Phase·No: • · Total'# of·units Assessor's Parcel# · J ({JD6E -The..m.e . Existing Use 1ov.J41k· F,ouAlDA-1"1 olJ . Proposed Use· ... Description of Work · · SQ.. FT. · .. #of Stories: #·of Bathrooms· Name · · Address· City St~te/Zip · Telephone·# ·Fax #· 13;,->,l\l,i,PlliCAN.i,,., ~,(;antrMtot:,,., BAg"ilrit;fot .Contractor·::. -:O'b.wner~:r:-;r Agent:fof-Qwrfor :-> ,:,,: .··.,:: ' ,'..';' ,;:,::.-r::J~., :.·;,: ,;'.:,.,',, -::z.:.-.. , :,,, ;,,;,2_'> :,,.,'. ,,.,,,-, -v,;;;s::t'~C2c1'Jc; --·-·J?J.:ii·"Air~Qr-···· .. z;;;;;ost;·~:~·~u;4i=f~:>,sf~ ·-·',Jov::R~,s 1 'Name · Address· · · City ·$tats/Zip··-· · Telephon.e # · · · \4'.{·:7:.&8..QPJ:.m~#!'.R::'.:;;,~lD·:..;.::...-;L;:'""'.:.:·'-:.,:..;_J;,::,:., .,.,··.'._:....:::-•• ,....:.-. ;,,, .. ~ ~-.-~.,---~------'""" .. ~:'.:;.:'~. Name Address · City S,tate/:i/'.ip ·· Telephone .# ~2:~C..9.NJ'AA.Qlm.lJ::;~Oh'!Ji~ll!Y'NA\111.~ ..... .:::;..::~,;, . .,,;;,.,;.;,,,._..,, ,,: =ti<~~:,,~,.?,.,-w ~~MM,, v<'~ " ,;~,:M:: ';, ~~~ ', ' ,.;,):::~"-~~-::; \, •_,,,~,}:~~~ > ,i 'D~ ;:/~ ~:~=-~\;,,',;,,, '] (Sep. 70.31,.5 Business.and Professions Code: Any.City o.r County which requires a.permit to cor:istruct, alter, improve, <lemolish or repair any.struciure,;prio(to its issuance, also requires the· applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant· _to the .,P'r.ovi~ions qt the Contr11ctor's licen~'il· Law ,[Chapter 9,. commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he 'is exenipt therefrom, and the. basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to,a civil·p_enalty of not more.t~an five himdted,-<lollars [$500]). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone# State License # ---~--'--~--Lic'ense Class-----~----City Business ·License'# -----,,--- Designer Name ·state License.# Address City State/Zip Teleptiorye· 1.~.~~Vl<l1J.KE..1t$EcJmPs.N$~1l.Q~..:,.:,;:,L:1~ .. ~~-.;;...:L.,, --~-,.,;.,,.:.,~~.:.:: .. \:.,.;.:..-.~~ ..... :;;tu~~~::::. ,,;:,,,,,:, ... ~""-····""'"·~·....i Workers' Compensation Declaration: I liereby affi~m under penalty of perjury-one of the folloyving declar\ltions: · D I have,and will maintain.a certificate of consent to.self-fns1,1re for workers' compensation.as provided by Sectiqn.3700 of the. Labor Code,. fo~ the performance ·of the work for which this permit-is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as ,required by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance. of the work for which this permit is 'issued. My worker's compensation insurance-carrier and. policy number are: Insurance Company . _ ·Policy No.. Expiration Date~-~----- {THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE'COMPLETED·IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLlARS [$1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance-of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person·in any manner so as to become subject to th~ Workers' Compensation Laws of California: · · · · .. · WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties· and civil· fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in.addition to the cost of compensation,·damages-as provided fqr in S~ction ~?06_ of the Labor code.Jnterest·and attorn!ly's fees·: SIGNATURE. ________________ ~--------'-----DATE ___ --'----...,...."-- kTu&bW~EJl!!lt!l.!l.P..l~R:J,igg_~MJQ,~,i:..,:.,;_;'.ic:: ... ~·,.: :':..:,£:.": 2 ...:x. · · .,.:. ;"; /f · ':.tL~. :.-.:,:.~~:".:. -~.: .. ::-,.:,;, .:.;j:.:::·-~~l~::).:::2! :::..<..-,,G;,:,_;;;:;"~;.,}~.-::,. ,,:,:~ ,,;;;,~ ~::~.1~fi:..,,,:,L:...::3 I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 1 D I, as owner of the pr~perty ·or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the wprk and the struct1,1re is nC>t int1;1rtd~d or offered for sale (Sec. 7.044, Business and. Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who .builds or .improves-thereon,.and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements.are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, tlie building or lmprovement·is sold within one year of·completion,the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did·not build or improve-foi t,he purpose-of saleh · · )d' I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. ~044, Bus~ness a'ld Professions Code: The . Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who .builds or improves thereon, ·and contracts for· such projects with contrabtor(s) licensed pursuant to the Co.ntractor'.s License Law). · 1 ·o I am exempt under Section----~-Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1 • I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposer;! property· improvement. 0 YES ~O 2. I ~ have not) signed an application for a ·building permit for the proposed work: · · 3. · I have cont cted with the-followi g pars n firm)-to provide the proposed construction,(include,nam!! /address/ phone numberlcontractors license number): 0 e:: -, E; ,, , -. ,. , , 4. f plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, sup~rvise and provide th~ ~ajor work (i~clude ~ame / addr!!SS / phone number / contraqtC>rs license nuq\ber): · · 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted {hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ address,/.phone number'./ type of work): · · · ·. · · : ·--·: • ,, PROPERTY OWNER,SIGNATURE O"")\. ..... DATE loofflnt~~T!ON FOi:,'<rilfP"':am~'rili ·1iur•owo~DEftMIT$'~ci'ii(y;· .,,.,...,.~'?:''1":""'.-~~,.·,-.:~~""":'""~'":;~!·;;:;":i~. ~ •. ,;~t~' :f;,;;~~-'T-""';!· .~:,,.-:;;-,,::;:._,.::-::., s;:;::.;-:·e~·...,,"'.'''C"o/-':>,~ _,:,...at•.w::."'u,..., ,.,.Jii.~'I<\ ~.,rn; Y¥1',.,~<,M· .. :,= ·;,_,-'"':"'_.N",sw , . ~ i~.:.,;~;,;,,.._", .. : '"".s~ ..... :.;, ,.;: ... ;,,,;,4.-0,~~.;~ .. ":~ ... ~.: •. · 'Is the applicant or future building occupant required to. submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration fo,rm or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Prei;ley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act?· 0 Yes· ''·O NO .. ··. · · .' · • · Is the applicant or_ future b1,1ilging occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air qualify IT!anag¢ment district? 0 YES .D . NO Is the facility to be' constructed within 1,000 feet of the· outer bo1,mdary of a school site 7 D YES O NO · IF ANY OF TH!: ANSWER!:> Al'IE YES, A Flr,IAL·CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA~CY MAY NOT BE IS~UEP UNLESS THE APP~ICANT_HA$ MET Ofr1$ MEETING :rH!: ·REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 1§:. ·-~f~.m'.:t!lJtQJ!!§IDt;,i;Np~N!;V.,?0-:'.>"'' -~77';'."c:~-~-;,;::...,.' '' .:· __ , .. ::···_::'::~,I,,"':;',:.: ¼~::-0··~7-~~-:::-~::,;:0 .ff:'.''.:;?Y::J I hereby affirm,,that .there is. a construction lending agency for the -performl!nce of the w91k .for which this permit,JsJss.ued {Sec •. 309'7 (i) Civil <;:ode). .LENDER'S NAME LENo'ER'S ADDRESS ~J;~.!IB!;t.C~J&~.RT.Jf.JPA:T.19.~s.>.2:. ~~~-~,,~,,;;:.,:;,.;;:_,,', ; ~ ,.,,_,,;;....:....,;:_;_ J.::..::.:..:."0',..::,,,_;,;,.,.:.,;,..:,;.,£..~;;,,:::.:,:~ .. ,~-.. :.:i;;...-~.; ~,;.;;;; ';;;::.,_,;:_,;v:i.'.:.;J I certify that ·I have-read tf,e application and state tliat the above information is correct and that'the information 011 the plan~ is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to bui,lding construction. I hereby authorize representatives Qf the -Cit~ of .:Carlsbad to· ·entE!r upon the above ri)entioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST .AtL LIABILITIES, ,JUDGMENTS, ·cosTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OFT.HE GRANTING Of, THIS PERM.IT: OSHA: An bSHA permit is require<l for exc~vations over 5'0~ d"'ep and demolition or c,oiistruption of stn.icfuies over 3 stories in height. ' ~ ' . . -, EXPIRATION: Every permit issued .. by·the-Building Official under the provisions of this Code· shall· expire by· limitation and become null and void if the building or work ·authorized by S\JCh p · is not COJTimenc:ed within 365· days frQm the date of i;uch permit or if the building or work authorized by S!Jph permit is suspended :rp:~;~::n;,: :i::A::·:;fter work is.co c d fora peri ~f 180 days (Seftion 106.4.4 Uniform Buildi,n:A,~:de_)!>,=;:.-.-tlfi'.SJ'!".·c-.t,1,--,,,..~'-'--'¥;:_ --'---"'--,----- YELLOW: Applicant · PINK: Finance · ~ ' ! List 1 :. Permit-Type \ ' " -- From the following list, determine the permit-type tjlat'best describes the work you propose to do. Please put the code of t~t ..__ ~rmit-type in the blank at the top of the page on the fro:p.t ofthis application. Residential permits (only) also require the identification of the stntcture-type to be associated with the permit. Choose a structure-type from "List 2 -Structure-Types" and put its code in the appropriate blank on the front of this applicatioi:,.. · · .. Re~idential Permits I Code . D~scription .. l \ ~ -I ! . \ ' ·,' 'i~ \ ' .... ' \ . '\·-. I ., , APT Apartme-nts -rrew cbnstruction. CONDO Condominiums -new construction. CVNNR Conversion. Convert all or a portion of a non-residential building to residential use, creating one or more new residential units. . Conversion. Convert one or more residences in1a builclirtg to nort-resicle~tial ilsage. .. ' CVNRN . CVNRR Conversion. Increase or reduce the number of dwelling units in a residential structure through interior modifications (i.e.: a four bedroom house converted to a duplex, with 2 bedrooms each). \ -\ ,. ·Demolition oermit. (Also specify type of structure from List 2). \ (DEMO ., DUP Duplex -new c~mstruction •. MOHO. C' 'M"~bile home, ·rJ~ovation, re1pair, -or ~dclition of 8.(:(:E!$$0ry ~trlicture•n\,t yielding:~ new livirig unit;• \ I MOHON Mobile home, pre-fabricated house, or trailer installed (plumbed, wired) in a mobile home park (see distinction from single-family residence, below). RAD Residential addition/alteration, creating no new dwelling unit(s). RREISSUE Residential permit re-issue. RREPAIR Residential building repair. Damage, fire, etc. RREPLACE Residential building replacement (no additional units). SFA Sµigie-family, attached -new construction. A one-family house attached to one or more other houses, with one or more common walls extending from foundation to roof at, or forming, a lot line. Has own plumbing and heating system (e.g.: townhouse, row house, half-plex) SFD Single-family,_ detached -new construction: A one-family house with open area on all four sides. May have an attached or detached garage, or a business. May be a detached "granny flat". May be a mobile home or trailer on an individual lot, but not in a mobile home park. Non-Residential/ Accessory Permits Code Description COM Commercial structure, new construction. CREISSUE Commercial permit re-issue. CREPAIR Co~ercial building -repair. Dl:!_mage, fire, etc. CREPLACE Commercial building -replacement. CTI .commercial tenant improvement. DEMO Demolition permit. ELEC Electrical oermit, for electrical work only. HOTEL Hote~ or motel (including Managed Living Unit hotel) -new construction. HOTELR Hotel renovation. INDUST Industrial structure, new construction. ITI Industrial tenant improvement. MECH Mechanical permit, for mechanical work only. ' MISC Miscellaneous·;. Use only if proposed work doesn't fit another activity type, PATIO Patio and/or ~eek. PLUM Plumbing permit, for plumbing work only. . . ' : \ ' '. ' POOL Gunite pools and spas. RETAIN Retaining wall permit. SIGN Sign construqtion/i,rlstc!llation permit. -L_ ' .. I ·-SOLAR Solar energy system installation permit (specify structure type to be served). I SPA Factory-made or Gunite. List 2 -Structure-Type (Use with Residential Permit Only) From the following list, determine the type of residential structure that best describes the structure on which you will be working. Please put the code of that structure-type in the appropriate blank at the top of the page on the front of this aoolication. Code Description SFA Single-family, attached. A one-family house attached to one or more other houses, with one or more common walls extending from foundation to roof at, or forming, a lot line. Has own plumbing and heating system (e.g.: townhouse, row house, half-plex). SFD Single-family detached: A one-family house with open area on all four sides. May have an attached or detached garage, or a business. May be a detached "granny flat". May be a mobile home or trailer on an individual lot, but not in a mobile home park. MF2-4 Multi-family, 2 to 4 units. A residential structure on a single lot, containing two, three, or four dwelling units. Units may share master heating, plumbing, or electrical service (e.g.: duplex, triplex, quad-plex). MFS+ Multi-family, S or more units. Same as MF2-4, except the bu,ilding has a t least five attached, units on the same lot. MOHO Mobiliho{IlJ,, pr~-fa.bricated house, 0r trailer installed (pltl.l!!.~, .~~d) in a rilo,bile _hpme P@rk (see distinction from single-family residertce, above). _ . · : .,. To Building Department City of Carlsbad Mike Peterson From Dawn Landon Copy to Re: New Permit Application -Ridge Themed Tower, Foundation Dear Mike: Memo/Report , Date 8/5/98 ,Page 1 I Extension l'nitials. 157 DRL Please find attached a.permit application with drawings for plan check to _review and issue a· permit for the Themed Tower,. found~tion. We have the following'related permits issued: . 7· > CB 98-1269 fleege Tower Ride, foundation > CB 98-1576 Heege Tower Ride, structural > CB·98~1645 Ma~e (attraction) and Overloqk Platform The drawings included in this package show some details for theHeege Tower, the Themec! Tqwer, and the Maze, Perhaps an explanation of terminology·,s,in order. TheHeege_ is the company that manufactures the Tower Ride, and physically is the INSIDE column, with a head. The · Themed Tower is a four-legged structure that fits over the Heege.Tower head, but it does not physically touch the Heege Tower. At times, it is convenient to refer to the entire attraction as the Maze Tower. In fact: Maze Tower= Themed Tower+ Heege Tower. The Maze Tower sits inside the Maze attraction. Included please find the following-documents and-drawin~s: Sheet No. • PW001 • Structural Calculations • ROOO-OO-S100, partial • Special Inspection Program • R33044-S20Q Comment Site Plan. Shows the location-of the ride in the_ Ridge cluster, -and gives the Legal Description. Themed Maze Tower Foundat.ions, pr.eparecl by M,utin.& Martin,. wet stamped. , ~eneral Not~s-specifying Special Inspection. For the Ridge cluster . Maze Tower Ride Foundation/ Details. Note.that thefounqation for the Heege Tower has been previously permitte<;I. Only-the Themed Tower. is subject.to review. The following vendor drawings a~e included: • R330-63-V301 • R330-63-V302 . • R330-63-V3d3 Maze Tower Elev/ Plan. Shows·the,elevation of-the Tower. The Heege Tower is less than 35', and the Themed Tower is less than 45'.. · Nature Maze Base+ Maze Tower.Ride/ Plan View.· Mai;e Tower 30 General Arrangement. Shows the structural steel for-only the Themed Tower, and is included solely for clarification. Please let me know if you ~ave any questions. Best Regards, 13133-B L~GOLANQ California Inc. 1 LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA Tel: (760) 804-8355, F<:ix: (760) 804'-7959 --RELAT~ED PERMITS--PERMIT# TYPE STATUS AS980082 ASTI ISSUED AS980126 ASC ISSUED AS980144 ASC ISS{lED CB980207 COM ISSUED CB980208 COM ISSUED CB98.0215 COM ISSUED CB980221 COM ISSUED CB980224. COM ISSUED AS980127 ASTI ISSUED CB980225 COM ISSUED AS980065 .ASTI J;SSUED CB980227 COM ISSUED CB980241 co~ ISSUED AS980;L43 ASC ISSUED CB980242 COM ISSUED CB980243 COM ;tSSUED CB980244 COM ISSUED CB980245 COM ISSUED WM980005 WMETER ISSUED CB980623 COM ISSl:JED CB980625 COM ISSVED CB980626 COM ISSUED CB980818 CTI ISSUED CB980916 ·coM ISSUED CB980:919 COM ISSUED CB980921 COl-1 ISSUED CJ3980923 COM ISSUED CB980926 COM ISSUED FAD98013 FADD ISSUED GB98'1109 COM ISSUED· ca981269 COM ISSUED CB981504 COM ISSUED US980019 TU ISSUED FAD98028 FADD ISSUED CB981645 COM ISSUED CB981720 CTI ISSUED CB98218·6 COM ISSUED CB982267 COM ISSUED CB982369 .ELEC ISSUED CB982571, PLUM ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 11 ST Ftg/Foqndation/Piers tp-tf PA--.P F7?J, t ----.f -----·- ---- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS .. EsGil c,o,rporation './.TJ-P~rsfiip wit/,,.(Jovtfmnent for 'lJuififi-iig Safet:g ' '. ' ' DATE:. August 12; 19-98 .. JURISDICTION: C~rlsba'd PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2487 PROJECT ADDRESS-: 1 Lego Dr. SET_:'.l PROJECT NAME: Foundation -for Themecl: Tqwer d APPLICANT · ~JURIS. D PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE 0 The plan_~ transmitted herewith have been corrected where 11ecessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · · D The plans transmitted herewith wm sub·stantially comply with thejurisdi'ction's building codes when minor deficiencies _identifi'ed below are resolved. and .checked by building department staff. D The plans tran·smitted herewith 'have sigr,iificant ·deficiencies identified on the enclo.sed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted .for a complete recheck .. ' . D The check l_ist transmitted ·herewith ·is for your information. The plans clre being heid at Esgil Corporation until ·corrected plans are submitted for recheck. · · · . . D The applicant's 6opy of the check list is. enclosed for the jurisdictiC?n tcfforward to the: applicant' cont?ct person. D The applicant'.s .copy of the check ljst has been sent to: ' . D Esgfl Corporation staff did not actvrse tne applicant that the plan check. has been completeq. 0 Esgil Corporation st~ff did advise. the applicant that the plan check has· been completed. Person contacted: Dawn Lanoon . UV' ' Telephone#:. (760) 804-8355 x157 . Date contacted~ t IC:>·.· (by:~ ) . Fax.#:. Mail Telephone/' Fax . In Person . D REMARKS:' By: Kurt Culver Ehc!osures: . Esgil Corporation 0 GA 0. CM ... D EJ O PC · 8/6/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesape~e Drive,. Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123, +· (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-,1576 \ Carlsbad 98-2487 August 12,· 1998 ' . . VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-24.87 · DATE: August 12, 19.98 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr~ BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION .BUILDING AREA VALUATION VAL,.Ul= . (ft.2) . . .. MULTIPLIER ($) . . .. ., '"' ,, .. . ' . . . . . ., .. . ' .. . . . . -· .. , ... Air Conditioning ,,-,- . .,., . .. ' . Fire Sprinklers .. -•· ,, : .·. , TOTAL VALUE .. 0 199 · UBC Building Permit Fee O·Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$· D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: · $ Type of Review: D Complete Review ·o -~ttucfural Only . . . ~~L Hourly . ,•, . D Repetitive FeeApplicable . . D Other: · -.· Es_gil Plan Review Fee: Comments: Review of foundations for Themed Tower:. Esgil fee = 2· hrs: @ $87.15/hr. ,: ' ' Sheet 1 of 1- macvalue.doc 5196 . .. BUILDING ,08/~6/98 1.2,:25 Pe:1(.Je 1 of 1 J·o t, A d d r e =· :::: : 1 . L E G O 'D R . F'e'rrn i t: Tv:FH:.~ :: !"II S CE: L Lf)Nt OU S Pcircel Mon· 211-1OO··09·-OO Ualu~tlon: · 0 . P E R 1"1_ -I T -Lot:!:!:u · PermH, r-1-o ii CEJ982 !514- Pr oj~ct Not R9802882 De~elopment No= (Jcci.1par,c~y ~r.oup: . _ Referer:1ce*P· HEW lS~UED· 08/11/98 08/26/'913 Rl"IA Descr,ption=.FOOTINGS-LAGOON~COMPONENT # ·:·_ L36.1-$CEME 3~6~8,9· ,;r IV'IIII..........__ APPRovAi:~- 1Ns . . DATE 5 · /· fJ_ 'Jjlli,,---=-!====-- C LE AR AN CE_. -~-----~~~ ., · CITY OF CARLSBAD 207~ ~s ·Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA. 92009 (619) 438~1161 d - i: ·_ • • C~~-:UBb·(S~S-A) · FOR OFFICE USE ONl;X · · PLAN CHECK NO. fB ... 2 5"'{ i PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA. 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL ____ ...;..;.... ____ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ... · _______ _ 'Validated By ____ '-------- Date __ ...., ______ _,,. _______ ...,... Address (include Bldg/Suite I) · · · . . · Busine~s Name· ta, this iddr11sl Legal Description Lot No. · Sub!fivision· Name/Number Unit No. Phase.No. Total # of units Proposed Use I of· Bedrooms #, of· Bathrooms 804-795"9 Telephone# fa)(# Name ·Address City' State/Zip Telephon·~ # •ti. :· :··coNTRACTOR :--COMPANY.tNAMEt:ri:tt,.i;)'.~~i':t:~;ti:'.i,~'.=;.:~ (-;';,:,/:::~: ',:: ·: :., .. : .;_ .''.')::'' ... ·. ,;· ... :··,:,;'. ;_1,;·::';;,:':., ... = ,;:. ,\;''::' :" : ::··:. ·-:::::::~:-':..:.:: ~:-:·.,:::: ' (Sec. 7031,5 Business and Professions c;odil: 'Any City cir County wliich requires a permit· to construct, alter, improve, demolish.or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed •tatemen, tnat he is lic.nsed pursuant tr:i the provisions of the Contractor's License law • (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 .of Division 3 of the Buslnus and Professions Ccxltil or that he. ts exempt ·therefrom, and the basis for .the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by .any-applicant for I pi(miuubje,i:ta:the 1pplic1m to-a civil P!'niity Clf not more than five hundred dollars ($50011, .. Name Cjty State/Zip Telephone I State License I ________ _ Address License.Class:-.-----------:City Business Lli:1ns1 , ___________ _ Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License# ________ _ :a.,;,,' . WORKERS'·.,COMP.£NSAT10NJ,Lli::::,t:i~;j':.:!:S'.:~~:;:;~::::.i:·~JtL:,::::.::.:::; .. ,,.: ... :., ,.: .• ;._ .. ,.::.::./:::;~;.: :;:: ;:.J;,:;;~~!".'/~: :,'t~l.:.:S:; · .:;' ~-:~:.-iti/:,.::'tt. ,:.<, . : . . Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby "(firm under penalty of perjury cine. of·the following declaration~: O I have end will maintain a certificate of consent to silt-insure for workers' compensation IS provided by· Sili;tion 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. O I have and will maintain workers' compensation; ·IS re'qui.red by Section-~700 of the· ta.bof Code, for tlie performilnce of. the work for. whic!J this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and poli~V.. number are: Insurance Company ____________ .....,_...__,.--.,.....--·Poiicv No·--.....,.-------------Expiration Date. ______ _ !THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF TtlE PERMIT 1$ FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR$ lt100J OR LESS) O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I-certify-that in the perform11nce of the wc,rk for which this:per_mit is is,ued,.1 shall not employ any perse>n i.n any manner·so as to become subject to the Workers' Compina11ti0n !;ews· of C11iforni11, WARNING: Failure to HCure workera' cornpenAtlon coverqil .la LK!lewful, and-ahllft .aubject an employer to ¢mlnlll peneltlu end clvll flnH up to-one hundred thouaand dollar• 1$100,00Q); In edclltlon·to the coat of compenntlon, damages.•.• provided for In S1ciK111.37<>'8 ohhe·.Labor code, lntereat.end attom1y'1 f111. SIGNATURE'------------------"'"'""---,--------------------,-----.DATE------------- '7. ·:.·owNER~BUILDER:t>ECl:ARATION\r;}'.'.~f:,;,;\;,~:.'~?'.'•'."~."-=·:-·: . ..;,J-_,,., ... ,' .. •, .. , .. ·-., :,; --· .,_:·,·,. · ... , ":·--._.,,. , ... ;,.,• .. ,; · · ,., .. :,..,,., :.: ... -.::=·:'"''."" · :'.' · ,: ·' · · I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contr11ctor's Lic1rise,L1w,for the-following riason:. . . . O I, as owner of .the propl!rtY or my em~loyees with wages IS their ,sole compensation, wi,11..d'o the .'work and the structure is-not :intended or offer'id for sale (Sec. 7044, Business end Profe11i'ons Code: The Contractor's License Law do.e~ not apply to an owner.of prope_rty who builds.or-improv11 thereon, and who do11 such work himself or through.his own employ111,_provided that:such improvements are not inttinded·or offired.fci'r·sale. If, however, the building· or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the ownir·bl!ilder will l)ave the bur~n of proving that he dfdj'ii:it build-or im_prove-for tha purpoile of 11111. ·: l(' I, IS owner of the property, am exclusively contracting. with licensel! contractors to construct the projact !Sec. 7044, Busln111 and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Lew do11 not apply· to -an ,owner of property who· builds or Improves· thilrio.n,. end .contracts for auch projects with contractor(&) licensed pursuant to the Contractor.'s License Lew). ·, · · · · · · 0 I am exempt _under Section -------· Business and ·Profesiions'.Codl! for this r1as90:: ,: 2. 3. I personally plan to provide the major-labor and materials for·constn,1ctiori of'tha proposed property im_p·rovement. 0 YES. ~O I @ave not) sl_gned an-application for • ~uilding per'~i·t for tpe propo·sed work. r _ . . : . . · , . I have contracted with the foll I · person (firm to provide _the propo11ed.construction (include namf! /' l!ddress / pho_ne· number / .contractors license number}: 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but: I have hired tha following perso.n to coordinate, supervise and provide tha major. work (inciiide name / address / phone number/ contractors llcanH number): ___ ...,........,,_--.....,.------· ---------,-----,._-..... .,....a..... _______ ,,....---.;., ___________ _ 6. I will provide some of the work,.but I have·contracted lhirildl the following persons .to provide the work Indicated (lncludi n1m1 /address/ phone-number/ type of work): _______ __;q::i.,,..-"."""---1.-r-::--;:--+---t---'-'-...,...,....-....:.--;..----'-----'--"""'"'.=-f.:-::-iL-::;;:--::;.-------'---- Is the applicant or future building occupant req\!ired to submit· .ii business plan, acutely hazardous material.s registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 26533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner 1-!•zard,ous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future buildin1j-~ccup1nt required to obtain~ permit fr/jm·the0iiir·pollutjon control.district or air q!Jality manlg!'niilnt district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed-within 1,000 feet, of the outer0bound1ry of a school site? 0 YES, ·o NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF _OCCUPAN«;:Y··MAY NOT BE ISSUED·UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING· THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF'EMER~ENCY SERVICES AND·THE AIR POLlUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. . 18.;, ,:i:~o.NSTI(UCTIQ~'~tllij~_~c;t&t&.,:.t{~~MLfJ.'ii[if P~:.tJ~:':;\t'.tig;;~:'.1:fk:=.iJ.~;J;{:JJi;:::)\ :::; ::iii, i,!ii}.; =·. ·· .. , ,• .. ;,:: :.IJ:;;::. ::,.; .. ";'.~. :;-,,,.: I hereby affirm that there is a construction·11ndlng egill')cy· for tlie·performence· of ,the work for wfiich this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME _______ ....,.______ LENDER'S ADDRESS ________________ -,-____ ......,;.,__ ________ _ ,9~·; . _; APPLICANT'CERTIFlCATIQNf~J:ti:~r:,;;~A:t;;.i:,~!;:,':i').fr.,::ii':c!./t"/(L,.:,:tj;·:i:b:;::~:··,f:,f:';"..:-:;_::-:;6:f::<::.::,::j_;;'fr?;"-::.;' ., ~ ,!:"~'-;c ,:::::-·~::;:;_--;:;,')I!.····::.' ,' : . ·::•,::::. .. ·. I certify that I have reed the application and state· tl)at the above information ls0¢orrl!!Ct and ,thauhe in.formation Qri tha plans is accurate. I agree· to-comply with all City ordinances and State· lawi relating to building construction. I' heriby eutliorlie :r•present~tives. of the Cltt: of ·c1rl1b1d, to enter upon thil above mentioned· property for inspection purposes. I ALSO. AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND· KEEP t!ARt.\Ll;SS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY·ACCRUEAGAINST'SAID CiTYIN CONSEQUENCE OF THI; GRANTll'!IG OF THIS PERMIT. • OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over s•ow deep and demolition or·constructi(?h:of structure!:over 3 1to.rl11 In height, EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Offlcil!I under the provisions of this Code. 1~1ii expire ~Y 'liinl~ation and 'become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit la not commenced within ·365 ·deys from th!'·!l•t• of·suc~ permit or if t~e bui!gl~g or work authorized by such 11ermit Is suspended :,:=: :,::. :::, th• worl< 1, omm,-~ fw , ,.,, of 18 ,.,. ISoctlon /°'···~ Uoifo<m ei;ldin;,,.~••g (II /1& YELLOW: J.1-pplicant P.!r-:!~: Financn City of Carls·bad lnspecti9n Request For: 2/25/99 · Permit# CB982514 Title: FOOTINGS-LAGOON-COMPONENT # Description: 1,.361-SCENE 3,6,8,9 Type:MISC Job Address: Suite: Location: Sub Type: 1 LEGO DR Lot !\PPLICANT : LANDON; DAWN Owner:· LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Act Comments ·-·- --·-· Inspection History Date Des·cription Act lnsp Comments 2/3/99 89 Final Coinbo PA PD OKTO USE 1/19/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 1/15/99 34 Rough Electric; AP PD 1/12/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD inspector Assignment: PD _....;.._ Phone: lnspecio,(j .L · Requested By: LARRY Entered By; CHRISTINE 12/22/98 1.7 Interior Lath/Drywall AP PD FOR !'v1AINTENANCE BLDG 12/10/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers· AP PD 12/4/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 11/25/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers .AP PQ QUE FTGS 10/26/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD I. l •J lriformation _• ~To Build On Page_1_of-/- Engineering • Consulting • Teiiting INSPECTION Rl:PORT cuENT ___ L-t!..__.._G ...... c_,---'--- /. "') / l/_ e:.7., o/ DATE _ ___,_,_at~~ ---1/:~-_,,,__L __ Architect __ ___,y,-1'---=0,,____,_/C~· ----+-----'-- Engineer ___ --"-ffl--'--'----""1"".'--'m'-<-_,_ __________ ~ Contractor. ___ ..... 73_t '--'-"'3"--,_,.....,e~----,----'---'- INSPECTION MAT'LSAMPLING QTY __ OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders _OSA ___ Cement ---- __ Specialty __ Mortar Samples -- __ Mechanical __ Grout Samples -- __ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing __ Masonry Block __)_.z_concrete . __ Fireproofing --__ Masonry __ Units (block or brick) -- __ Struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone __ Roofing --__ Pile Driving __ Reinf. Steel --- __ Fireproofing __ Steel -- __ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) -- __ Soils Technician ___ Other -- __ Batch Plant --_·other --- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS PROJECT (Name)_...o:;:L~c-""G:::_:o~~-'---'--'---'='c/._· -- (Address)~~=r---r-----~-~/4~~-z; J -:-. ; /<J REPORT N0, __ ...,.7r.......=;,.c1_.2""'.,,,-""o~? ...... , --~/2_1.'.'._, -~ ...... / ·'--·- Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File No, ________________ _ Govt. Contract No. _____________ _ OSAor OSHPD #------------- Other-----'------------------ -MATERIAL'DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST i Rinf.: Rebar km,, /t-'1..Jt'A° ~ Plan & Specs . __ Rinf.: W.W.F .. _ Clearances __ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions __ Cor,ic.: Mix #/psi _S.izes __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps __ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi __ Grout: Mix #/psi _ Consolidation __ Mortar: Type/psi. _ Mortar Batching ___ Units: Block _ Electrode Storage __ Units: Brick _ Torq1:1e Applied __ Steel _H.S. Bolts ___ Metal Decking __ Electrodes __ Fireproofing . __ Other _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans specifications and applicable sections of the building codes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · DATE---,---,-~/.-=~"---~/__,·c:,/_-___ J_,,_L_' ____ _ PSI-B-900-170(2) CilY of Carlsbad ~ ·; Final Building Inspection 4 .ctl\,.7""''" ~ Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite CEiri) Plan Check#: Date: 2/2/99 Permit#: CB982514 Permit Type: MISC F00TINGS-!-AG00N-COMP0NENT # Sub Typg: ~ , L361-SCENE 3,6,8,9 . irra ·s; fro r~:_:; n \\ 'i '"-;' L' / ::~a.on: ~~:; ::a Phone: 7609300099 EXT Lot f ~ ; E; -9, 199~ , '11 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA . L, / . ! Rv. ~;;:=~~~=:.: I •l•~~~~~~~~,.. .. ,.. .. .., .. ,. . .., .... .., . .,..., . ..,.~:;~•m ...... ..,~•; .. im•mmm .. m•m .. .., .. 7u~ .. ::,..~:::::::::::•-m~• By: Mv-:1w Inspected: _...;.1 __ -'---_ Approved: ___ Disapproved:_. __ Project Name: Inspected Date By: .. Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: . Approved: Disapproved: __ . . . •• I 111111111I11111 I I 11 I I I I I I 11111 I I Ill Ill Iii II II I I I I I I I Ill! 1111111 I~ I I I I I I I II Ill II II Ill I I II I I Ill II Iii 1111 I II I I I I II II I 1~11 II I II I I I I I I I II I II I I I I~ I I 111 I I I Ill Ill 111 Comments: __________ ____. __________ ......... _________ _ CIIJOI Carlsbad ~ ; Final Building lnspa_ction -~ .... 't I• Dept: Building Engineering Plan,ning CMWD Stllllillllrh Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: CB982514 FOOTINGS-LAGOON-COMPONENT# L361-SCENE 3,6,8,9 1 LEGO DR LARRY LAMB Phone: 7609300099 EXT CA Water Dist: CA Date: 2/2/99 Permit Type: MISC Sub Type: ~ot: ~q+~cq ........................................... ~························-························································································ Inspected lUL.-: Date z:4:9q By: Inspected: Approved: ~ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: ____ aaa a I a 11 a la I I aa la aa aa a Sia a IS I I I a a all aa1 I I la I a aa I I I a I a11a11111 I a I I a I a 11 al a a111 SI 111_1IIaII1111111 I I! I• I 11IIII111111118 18 I I I I I I 11I111111 I 11 I I I I a aa I I 18 a•••••• 1 Comments: _______ ...,._ __________________________________ _ PLANNING DEPARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST .. .. Project Name:. /-e>o-h'N G s-LA-<;; 0 <> /\.J Plan Check No: CB q_<7.?--01V Address: / LE'&:>0 -:J:> IC Project Numher: ... Project Planner;. -· Extension .. Contact Person Phone No. .. brawingNo. . . _ Inspections Final Inspection Items 1st 2nd · Approved All Items below Conform with Approved Site Plan -. . . 1. Project Planner Confirms conditions are met . "' .. • . 2. Building elevations .· 3. Building materials .. -- 4. Building colors. . . . .. 5. Rooftop equipment screens 6. Fence/wall height~ location, and materials 7. Size, number and location of parking spaces compact, regular, handicap_ .. 8. Outdoor recreation facilities .. .. - 9. Employee eating areas ,-. 10. Trash enclosure and location . . . . . . . 11. Pavement treatment 12. _ Landscaping installed (under separat¢ contract) - . LIST BELOW ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTION BY :MIKE BLAC:(~: 13. .. ·-. . 14 . . . . 15. .. 16 .. . . 17. Project complies with all conditions, including above-listed items. Final inspection is complete. ~ rz._. ~~97 Mike Black Date . (H:\ADMIN\COUNTJtR\Final Insp Check)_ 02/02/99 CilV or Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Bµilding Engineering iltlannlng' CMWD St. Lite Fire Plijn Checl< #: Permit#: Project Name: CB982514 FOOTINGS-LAGOON-COMPONENT# L361-SCENE 3,6,8,9 Address: 1 LEGO DR Lot: Contact Person: LARRY LAMB Phone: 7609300099 EXT Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: GA Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: 2/2/99 MISC ·,·~~~:·~~:~ .......................... !••······· .. ;:;:············· ................... ! ..................... 7···~ .......................... . By: ~--:Z Inspected: . 2-~ ~" ~ Cz Approved~ . Disapproved: __ . _ Inspected Date By: ln~pected: Approved,: Disapproved: __ lnsp~cted Date By: Inspected: _ Approved: Disapproved: __ ._ S SS as I I II 111 I 11~111 II Ill I II I I I I I Ill II I II Ill i I I I ~I 1,1 II Ill II llil II I I I I I Ii IIISI II Ill Ill I I I 1,1 I II II I II I I II I I I I I I I i:1ii11 I 118 I I I I I I I I I 11111 Ill Ill I I I I I I !I 11111.11111 Comments: ___________ ........, __ ........ ____________________ __,. ______ _ , ,•<:S-«- \ I . EsGH Corporation 'l.n Part,itr~liip wifli(Jov.e~nt for iJJuilifing Safety DATE: August 21;1998 ._ JURISDICTION: Ca.rlsbad PLAN CHECKNO.: 98,-25.14 PROJECT ADDRESS: l tego Dr~ · · .SET:I D APPLICANT . · ;lSF'JURIS. O· PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE PROJECT NAME: Fou,ndation,s·for Lagoo~ Model -(SceJies 3, 6, 8 & 9) ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the.jurisdiction's building codes.· D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially'comply with thejurisdictio'n'sbuilding codes when •minor deficienci'es identified below are. reso1¥ed and.checked by building department ··.staff.· · · · · D ·_ The plans transmitted h~r~wUh have significant deficiendes identifi~d on the encl~sed check list . ~_. __ and should be :corrected ~nd reSUbmitted for a (?OrTiplete recheck.· .. ' . . 0--·_ -T~e check .iist t~an~mitted. her:ewlt~ ·I~ ;~r you/i~f~r~·ati~~-.~~he pl:ans are being held at Esgil ·. ;>::.Corporatiqn _untH ·&orrected plans afe"submitted fo·r recheck .... .-:.>. : ... -.. · -. ·_ . Q\t~;~f-~if !itpy :f}he ch:r1itLs,ihj~;e11~:t.'.r1~~l,fut?t~~-#;d,toh~J~~l#;{j· · .. · ,· .. D The applicant's copy of the ·qheck list has been se't1t to:_:.· ... -· ·· · ··: · ·. · .-·. . -. . ~ ~ . . ~ ~ . ~ .. -·:. ·. . ~ Esgit.Corporation· ~taffcU~-~~t advise the appl1~ant that the pla,n check has t:>een coniplete_d .. 0 · Esgi·I .P"o'rP,oratio;· staff 9id. advise t~e applicant that thei plan ~h'?Ck_ has: bee~ ~qmpleted. . . . ~----\ -~ . · .... -~ .. ' . ' '-·· : .· . ' ... ,:_ ..... -._-. :::, ,' -, ' ~··~;,;, ,· :-.. -' . -,--.-·.·_·. -}~ . Person contacted: Tel~phone #:. ·. · · '· . Date contacted~ . -, (py: ) Mail . Telephone · Fax · lil Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil·Corporation . 0 GA O · CM' 0 EJ E] PC Fa~#: ';,,. •. . ~ncrosores; 8/12/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive~ Suite 208 + San Diego, Califotnja 92123 ·+ (6l9) 560-1468 + Fax(619) 560-157(> , . . . --' ' ' ' : ---... ·, '· ~: Carlsbad 98-2514 ~ " . . . ~ugust 21, 1998 . . VALUATION. AND PLAN CHECK FEE· JURISDICTION:· Ca:dsbad PLAN,CHECK NO.: 98-2514 PREPARED BY: Kurt_Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: DATE: August 21, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION , BUILDING AREA . (ft.2) .. ... _: ... '· · .. " ·. :.:·.r. :, _ _.: ... · "·· . . ·.-. . : .. :: , ... .... VALUATION MULTIPLIER VALUE ($) .. . . -:: --- .' ' .'.. trS~:J·._ :·Gs~ ·:~~~i-~fi~~-P~r.mi{: F~~: .· . o . Bldg~· .Pe.Im.it t~~ ~y_:~rdinan6e: $ · -. : · : ~ : :. : . ·. · :; [J--\~g. ·: u·s'c ·P.la~··c,ti~ck·. fe·e ·'· .. ~:; 0: ·:Plan Che~k. F~~---ti{~rd,lnJnc~:-. $.: ,: .: . . . . . .. . . , :-. . . . ' . . , . . . . . ' ' ' ' -'; -, . Type'of~~vi~w:~ .. '. ·o-. Complete Review ~--. D. Str_uctur?I Only . -.:'"fJ-'c~~J~~KN!)e~ Ap~ric~bfe·,_·. ~ ... · -o.\5th.er:-:::_ :<:· (·.<i _·,.,: . .-.> ·. ·· · E$gil Plan Revi~-~ Fee;·· Comments: -~oundation· review:; ~sgil fee= 2½ hrs .. @ $~7.15/hr. . .. :· ~-Hourly . : . . · . . · ·. ::,·:.> ·-~·~:·;::~ :/~'::. ;~ ·::./.. :,::.i; . $ 217.88 Sheet 1 of 1 rnacvalue.doc 5196 PLANNING/ENGINEERING .APPROVALS -. PERMIT NUMBER CB 2a 2,S'/'-/ _ DATE 8 -/7-98 ADDRESS :1.. L£GO /Jriue RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR ( < $10,000.00) PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING L£GOL4NLJ OTHER Lcwoo-,-, -r"laie/ fvundc,.--fic,,1£ {See.re ,~'3-~ ~ PLANNER JL ~,u DATE 8--/7-9!? ENGINEER ----------DATE -----------'----- oocstMlstormstPlannlng Engineering Al]provals ----~-i ' .., BU IL DING ·p ERM I. r. Permit No: CB982561' _ ~roj·ect No: _A96Q:3436 Development -No: F130;i001 09)04:/98 12: 33 .Page ·1 of_ 1 Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Sui t-e: - ,'' Permit Type:_ELECTRICAL Parcel No: 211-022-16-00 .. Lot#: 1' Valuation: o Occupancy Groµp: Reference#: Description: P-A:RKWIDE LIGHT POLES & : FOUNDATIONS-LEGO.FAMILY PARK It ' • . Gonst_ruc;ti<;m Type:-NEW CB9714q0 Status: ',ISSUEI;> Applied: -08/13/98 -_ ·Apr/Issue: 09/04/98 _ Entered By: RMA. 7 6 0 8 0 4 --ia :3 ®o, 09/04/98 0001 01 02 . C-PRMT -10 .. 00 li I :--~F·~·· ~L-. --A·:\ , ' ~ , -' . , ' : . -•. -> : ~ ' • _, ... \NSP. .· : . . . . . I CLEARANCE:'~-;__-==-=--___ ..:.,~_..;..,,_--=.=::.=:.=:::. -~~-""' -CJTV OF CARl,.SBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619} 438~1161 • • -FOR OFFICE USE 0~ y> t"'\ 5 / r PLAN·CHECK NO. V( () d-b ___ _...., ___ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad· CA ,92009 (760} 438-1161 EST. VAL---------- iPlan Ck. Deposit __ .....,.. __ .,__+"T- Address (include Bldg/Suite II .. BusmessN1m1 (at th1111ddre11) Legal Description Lot No.· Unit No, Phase No. Total I of units · Proposed Use · I of Bedrooms I of Bathrooms 8o4-J9r9 TeJephone I Fax /I Name Address <:;ity State/Zip Telephone I '6 •. ·: ·coNTRACTOR · •. COMPANY.iNAMlm::/:'i'f'7i?.~t;::r,·,;:~:,r\t'.':'t:.-1/,\'.·:·=::0::; ·: ::·;;, ·.;_ : ··::~::: • ·:. ,: ··.;::;:.;,, t .;" ::: ... ,·, : ?. : ,_.;·~ : .. -: T .. :'.':";:;, ,.:;-:·· •.;' . ,. ~: .. : (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Cod.a: Any·City or County which.requires• permit to.construct, alter, improve, demolish or· repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such _permit io file a signed at11tement ·'thlit· he-is licensed' pursuant· to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law !Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and .. Professions Code) or that l)e is exampt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by·any applicant for a permit.subjects·the applicant to a civil.penalty of !lOt more than five hundred dollars l$500)). Name Address City Stilte1Zip. Telephone I State License I --------,--,-License Class-...---"---'------City Business License ,. ______ _ Designer Name Address. City StateJZip ·Telephone State License I ________ _ ie,.,,, ... WORKER$'· ,COMPENMTIONJ,il::1t.::l~;:l:::.:,~t:'.~~:.: L:::.:'t,: ·i::"1!:::;,:;;::,_: : ~ .......... : .'.. ..... ;._, ___ .. :::~.:'-:.: ~: .. ::::.'.: i.. ,i,tD,::·_:·::·::.,:~'.'.::: ...:; ' ::~i ::·(:1:.'..:.'.'i,: ·; ... : .. ;,,." ... : . . Workers' Compensation Declaration: I nereby affirm under penalty of Pl!rjury one.of"the following declarations: O I have and will maintain a certificate of CO!lserit to·self~insure for workers! compinsation as provided by .Section· 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, IS requirtd by SectiO!l -3700 of the. Labor C.o!fe, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurence carrier and.policy number.are: · · · Insurance Company . . . _ .Policy N~. . . _ _ Expiration Date ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT B~ COMPLETED·IF. THE·PERMIT:IS FOR ONE HIJNDREO DOLLARS [$100) OR LESS) O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that'in the,performance of the,.work for w.hich-this permit is issued, .. ! shill·not.employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compeniation Laws of Califo_rnia, WARNING: Failure to 11cure workera' COIIIPllftlltk!n coverage II unlawful, ,nd shan .sub~ct an employer to criminal penaltlp and civil fines up to one hundred thouund dollars ($100,0QO), In addltlon to the-coat of comp1ns1tlon, d1m1gas •• provided.for-In Siii:tlon.3706 of the Labor code, lnt1rut and attomey'a fus. SIGNATURE. ____________________ ....,.. ______ .._,-,-----,,--.,..,...-DATE ________ _ '1: -OWNER;SUILDER:t>ECl:ARATIONirhi'\'!; ~:: (1·'':i:.1,..;+:;· ::··',:•"'!'' ... ,:,: :".:·.i :•:·'"· · .. ., •: · • , ... :, .. ' ... ·'·'·':. ;_._ · , · ·· .. · · .. , · ... , ... :,. · .. , ·., : , ·'· · ·,. • .... :_. .. ·.:; "·, · I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License law for:the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with .. wages IS their sole comp·ensation, will do the wor!c and the structwe is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Profe11ions Code: The Contractor's Ucense l_•w doe's not· apply to !Iii owner of property who builds or'lmproves thereon, and who does such work himself or through.his qwn,1mploy111s,·pr_ovided that 11;1ch·improv.emant1 are not intanded or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement ia sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder, will have the burJi!n of proving that he di.d not build,pr-improve for the purpoH of sale). l(' I, 11 owner of the property, am exclusively· contractin~ wi_th lica~ed co.ntractc;,ra ·to con~truct the proJa.c;t (Sec. 7044, Busine-. and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to-an -owner of -p'roperty who builds or improves thereon, ind contracts for ·such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License-Law). · · 0 I am exempt under Section. . Business .and Profes.11ipr\~ Code for this·reason: 1; I personally plan to provide the major-labonind materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. 0 YES ~O 2. I @ave not) signed an,application for •:building permit for tlie pr_ciposed work, . 3. I have contracted with the foll i person !firm to provilje tl:le propc;,sed. construction (includ!I name / address 1 phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following·perion to coordinatl!, suparvise and provide the. major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license numbar): · · · 5. I will provide some·of the work,,-but-1 have ~ont_r1cted (hi~edl tha fc;,llowing perions to·provide,the work indi~ated (lncl1;1de nam, /address/ phone number/ type of work): _______ _.;:;;:,;"'"'-....,...,..,.--1.,,...,._--~-r'----,,..,._....,..,,.--:r------...:..-'--.;.... __ ...._ __________________ _ DATE _____ .._ __ _ . · .. B!Jli..t>iNti:PEIWITlfONl;Y.:-/,::.i';..:/r. ·r::·=ir' .::-:::: .. ·., :: ;:::-:':' ::: ::-: 1/,'.':::i: :-.::, , .. :=::,,!; .. ::;.:,j.[.,)t'.;,= ,. ·,: : Is the applicant or future .building occupant required to .submit i business. plan, . .-cutely 'h1i1rdc>,us materials. registration form or risk managament and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533-or 25534-of the P.resley-tariner Huardous Substance Account Apt? [) YES O NO , Is the applicant or future building _occupant rl!quired to-ob~ilin-a permif-from tha iir pqllution control diii,rict or air q!J~lity management district? O YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed-within 1,000 feet of'ttie outer boundary-·of I school site 7 0 YES O NO - IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLE$S THE APPl,ICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE.AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIST_RICT. !8•JJ 1i~~ico.NJTRUQTIQ.,.~1Jf:4P.1N~:-.Nltt"~£.";oc\~~~£~~::j~~~-t~'.~:l1~~iir11~Ktt~:1~i:!:~1:~*t~~:::.(~t~f~~~;: :;t:?:{;=~::/,:;~,;f/,-t-~::::~, i:~.1 .. :~ ·:~::-., ::::~ ~::;: .-:.! ·'\ -~~ 1.f ::1~?.~.:::-~~:-·. · ;:;. ·: ~ .... ·. I hereby affirm that there is I construction·lending.agency for the performenc, of the work for which this permit·is issued (Sec.'30970) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME ____ ..,... ....... .....,._ ....... ___ ~ LENDER'S ADDRESS ..... ----...,.,..---------------------- 19. ·; ··.-rAPPUCANT(CERTIFtCA nQN?f:B~~ ~~,~ .. { ti;~i~'.!':~-:1{~ i~~'l:~l(~;.:·~ :~{(~~~1{ ~~;:!;1/::::j.:~~j;·;::.~i~l?~~1i:;;--;:·:/i,t~-~~-~.'.:f ~;·:::._.:·,\.~:: '.~ .. ;. ;-... \-:: -::~·:"~ ·:·:=--~~ :i•·:·:::,~-. ·:: 1 • • :~·:·: •• :~. I certify that I have read the application aricf state that'the· above 'informa,ion is correct and that the .tnformation on-the plans 11 accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building conattuc,ion. I hitreby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to inter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE_, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARM!,E.SS THE. CITY .OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH M_AYIN ANY WAY ACCRUE.AGAINST SAID·CITY IN'CONSEQUE'4CE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations ovedi'O"-deep and demolition or construction of 1tr1;1ctures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by .the BuUdlng Official under the· pi'6visions of thli <:;ode shall .expire. by limiiatlon and become null and void if the ·bulldlng or work authorized by such permit is not .commenced-within ~66 days fro·m the-date of such permit or if the bullding.9'r woi'~ authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time the work l1 ommence~ for-a · rlod of 18 days.(Section 10~.4.4: Uniform Bullding Codi!),. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE .. DATE ____________ _ WHITE: File YELLOW: Appljcanf -·pir,f~: Financ~·· -:'':'• ...... EsG.H Corporation ' . 'l.n Pa:rtne_rs/iip 'il!it/i (jov,emment for $uiUing Safetg DATE: 9/' 1/98 JURISDICTION: Cadsbad. PLAN CHECK NO.: 98~2561 PROJECT ADDRESS: .Leg<>land SET:I ~~ 1 ~ANT ~- D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PROJECT NAME: Park Interior Pole Eight Fixtµres, Foundation Only ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building_ departm~nt staff. D The pl'ans transmitted herewi_th have significant deficiencies identified oh the enclosed check list and should.be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith :is for your information-. The plans ·are be·ing held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. · D The applicant's copy of the ch$Ck list-is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy .ofthe check list has been sentto: D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise· t~e appli9ant that the-plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the_ plan check has b~en completed. Person contacted: Dawn Rollins Landon Telephone#: Date contacted: 9/1198 (by: ej) Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Eric Jensen Esgil Corporation 0 GA O cM D EJ . . 0 PC Fax#: Enclosures: 8/17/98 . trnsrntl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive; Suite 208 + Sail Diego; California 92123 + ((519) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576_ if· -,. . EsGU. Corp·o.ra-ticfn 1n P~rsliip wftfi {jovt~ftt for '13uiUing Safe.ty DATE: 9/1/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2S61 PROJECT ADDRESS: Legolancl SET:1 PROJECT NAME:, Pole light b:istallation -Interior of tl:le park, ,, ~Ae.~{NT -Cf]~ Cl PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE D The-plans transmitted·herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantia!IY comply with the jurisdiction''s building codes. · · D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply-With the ju,isc:liction's building codes when minor deficiencies identifiecl below are resolved and checked by building department staff. -' D The plans transmitted herewith ·have significant defic,iencies ic;ien~ified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ~ The check list transrnitte.d herewith is for your informati~n. The plans. are being held ·at Es~il Corporation until corre.cted plgns .are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the. check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the· appfo:;ant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D Esgil Corporation staff dicfno.tadyise the applicantthat tt:le plah check has been cqmpleted. ~ Esgil Corporation $taff did advise the applicant that the _pl~n check has been .completed. - Person contacted: Dawn Rollins Landon · ·. ,Telephone #: Date contacted: O,(r·jq r-(by: FA;Q· F·ax #: 760 804-7959 Mail Telephone Fax~ In· Person ~ REMARKS: Electrical. and bas~ (structl,Jral ) plan ch.eek for pole lights instatred interior of the park. By: Eric Jensen Esgil Corporation D GA D CM O EJ O PC Enclosures:_ 8/17/98 trnsmtLdot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + S@ Di~go, Califomia 92123 + (pl9) 560-1468' + Fax (619) 560-1576 ,_ ~-' ~ -,,_ l • ' ' ' ! , ~ + ELE:CTR.ICAL PLAN· REVIEW · + t99.3N'EC. +. JURISDICTION: Carlsbc;1.d + PLAN REVIEW NUMBER: 98-2561'. + PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen DATE: 8/31/98 I. If the pole light circuiting is shown on other sheets, identify the sheets for the respective areas on the submitted plans. II. Include the following notes on the plan sheets: Light fixttJres· installed within 5' of water features shall be bonded to :the common bond grid and shall be GFCI protected. (More corrections may be necessary upon review of the electrical circuiting plans) · Note: If you h.ave any questiohs regarding this electrical· plan .review list please contact the plan reviewer.listed above at (619) 560:..1468. To speed the.review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected jte,rns have been addressed on th~ plans. VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Cailsbt;1d PREPARED BY: Eric.Jensen PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2561 DATE: 9/1/98 BUILDING ADDRESS: Legoland . BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CON$1RUCTION: BUILDING PORTION BUILOING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft.2) MUL TIPUE,R ($) ' 2 hours plan check .. .. $174.30 .. ., . . . ;_ I.._ .. Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers " .• . ,· TOTAL VALUE ' .. .. .. D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee. D Bldg. PermitFee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D· Complete Review x Structural Only D Repetitive Fee Applicable X Other: Electrical· Esgil Plan Review Fee: Comments: X Hourly $ 174.30 Sheet 2 of 3 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNINO/ENCINEERINC -APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER .CB 9°'8 2. S--(; / DATE 8-/7-98 ADDRESS 1 L£Go {Jr/ve RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR ( < $10,000.00) L£GOL-r17'\I ,() PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC OTHER ~K.W1¥ : t-lGHT /bL£S Av<) FouA1M-7ZoA/S PLANNER~ 'Th DATE 8-/7-o/cr ENCINEER ---------DATE ______ _ oocstMlstorms/Plannlng Engineering Approvals "< ,..J/P B lJ I L D I N G 08/31/98 1!;;-09 P{::Jge 1. of 1 Job Address: 1 LEG.O DR . . ~erm,t Type• MISCELLRN£DUS F'ai~,ce l No_: · Va liJat ion'= · 0 PERFIIT Penn 1 t No: C.139826'08 ... Project·=f-.lo• A97042;>7 Deue l_opment-No: Si.Ji t.e: ·,Lpt.-4:~: I ' . cJh~:tru_ct~q:~1 ·typ~~ UN Oct:,.upar.rcy G 1~ oup = Reference#~ . (;89732.86 . Statu:::, 1r I SS tJED. ii Oe_':f.,Or'ijit:icrn: 6 :PA'RKIM.G ICON FOUNDATIONS-·A·•·F . f.FppUed: 0-8/17/98 .. " '•• . , . : COMPONENT # 0-1.03 ."LEGOLAND 11 .' .• f!pr/l·s_:::,i,;i~: 08/31./.98 . __ 7 6_ 0 · · · · ri r-: "·· 1:31 Mr~r1~8oob1 1~t) 02· · . · . ': 8 o l -.6 .. ,~' ··· · .· C-PRft'f-. 398-00 . !. Cl.EARANCE · CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Pa4nas Dr., Carlsbaq, CA 92009 (6i9) 438--1161 . rn::1t,:r,1,;,I t· ' ;;,. / ,r,, ' ,, .W l(•')O St\.tr\Ev f.>.\O Tt'.~-;;.:1-j • 1 .:r, -..t I A 4t•~llillMliJ UC&$,.. ~" Ji~ .JAVOAClqA-JA~l=t ~ FOR :OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN.CHECK NO. C/J~ o<f PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING OEPARiMENi" 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 ·:EST.VAL,·--------------- Pl~n Ck, ,Peposit ------+1-+....- Vali.dated By ___ ,,..... ____ _.___..___ · Pate __ ..... ..,,...,..,+--;-+::::;;::i>+-+,,4<~--- Address (include Bldg/Suite I) Business Naine·li~ this.addr111) Legal Description UriitNo. Phase No. Total I of units . ~s-· J?ropo11d Use . :, of,Badrooms I of Bathrooms Name Address City · State/Zip Telephon·a # ,5_:·-.:··coNTRACTOR ~;CQMP,ANY.tffAM~,~~-"t:1!-tt~'itit:D~::,:-1,-~t~:'::\ ?·:, ~-.:.r\ ·, (Sec. 7031.6 Business and Professions Code: Any·'City or County··which·,requires a·parmit·to construct, altar, improve;.d~molish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant ,for such permit tQ file a signed statement _th1,1t ha is.-licansad purs.uant to the· provisions of the Contractor's Ucansa Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division· 3 of the Business and Professions· Coda) or ·that he is exempt therefrom, -end the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.6· by any applicant for a permit.subjilct1,the applicant to.a civil.penalty of not more-than·five·h1,mdred dollars ($6001) •. Name Addfess City Stati/Zlp Teiephoni # State Ucense # ________ _ UCIJ'ISI Class----,------C!tr Business License /( ________ _ Designer Name Address City. · State/Zip ·Telephone State License # _________ • ,8,,, i .. :WOR~ERS\COMP.Et,1$A TION,.~~1;;:_:,;,:i;,t,.:'~~~-~;~.:.::::_~'.'.~t\ \..ii.~ .• i ::I.':~ ... ~, .. : ... , .. :, •-··· ,:.,:::, :':: ... :::/'.' ·.:: i , -~\: ::': '::::"'.:/: ,.:~:_!:;. :,.'.,. i 1. 'i:t'.: ;;,:-;:;:,_:, .. ~· :. ;._ · . Workers' Compensation Decla_retion: I hereby affirm under penalty of _perjury one of ~he following-d,clarations:· · · . 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation-as provid.ed by Section 3700 of·the Labor Code, for tha performance of the work for which this permit is issued. O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as -required by Section 3700 of the ·Labor C:ode, for the performance of tlie work for which, this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance,carrier_andpolicy number are: Insurance Company _ _ _ Policy·No, _ . " Expiration Date ______ _ ITHIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS fOR ONE.HUNDREQ DOLLARS l$1QOI OR LESS). O CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that In t!le performance of the work for which this permit is.issued; I.shall not employ any person in any manner so 11 to become subject to the Workers' Compen11tion Laws of Callfornla. · WARNING: Fallura to aacura worlcar1' compenaatlon coverage 11 unlawful; and ahall subject en employer to ·crtmlnal ~--and ,civil finaa up to· ona hundred thou1end dollara 1•100,000), In addition to the coat of comp-atlon, damage1·u provldl!d fcir In Section 3708 of t,ha·Labor i:ode~ ·1ntara1t end ettomey'1 feaa. SIGNATURE. ______________ ,;.,,----'---------'-'---....,..-DATE·---,----~-- '7,' "OWNER;BUILDER'DECL'.ARAJION1rti{~:~.''.i'.('.) . ./,~·:•.·,;,r,.t"···:::!·":'.·;-·· ,.,.,,. ' .. ,_.., ..... "".-· · ... •·. -':-: ·_. · .... < ...... ,;, ... _. .. _-,,;:"''·'· .. ,. I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contrac;tor's License,-Law -for the following reason: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees· with wages IS -their sole compensation, will do the work arid the structurl!.i• not intended or off~red for 1111 !Sec. 7044, Busin111 and Profeaalons--Code: The Contr1ctor'1 L:lc1ri11 L•w d011 ·not apply· to an owner of property who bullqa.or improves thereon, and who-doea such work himself or through.his own amploy1ils, provided that such lmprov•ments:are not'intended or offered for sale; If, howaver; the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving-that he did-not'bulld or Improve-for tbe purp011 of sale). J!t I, IS owner of the property, am exclusively contracting wltl)·licen11d contractors to. construct ,the. proje~t (Sec. 7044, Bu1in~11 and Professions. Code: Thi Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or lmprovea tllereon, and contracts for -such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Ucense Law). D 1; 2. 3. I am exempt under Section _______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: I personally plan to provide the major labor and materiils for constr~ction.of the·prop011d·propirty i~provement. 0 YES ·•o ~ have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. . . ~con c with the folio i ersol) lfir to provide the proposed construction (incluae Oll!l\8 / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I havi .hired .the1f9llo~ing person to-cQordinata, supervise and provida·the major work !include name/ address/ phon_e number/ contractors license numb1r):. __ ....,. _________ _,,, __________ --____ ..,.... _____ ..;... ________________ _ 6. I will provide some of the work, but I have CQntractad lhiredl the followinrpersons ~o provide the work indicated lirjclude name/ address/ phone number./ type of work):. ________ ....:p111r-------::;,-=;;¼-,----::-::;;--.a.+--..,,....;;---....:,aa--,-.....:.-f----....,....---...,"""-f-:-::::-,-l-::ar:::~--------- PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE,_. ---'--,t-"-+-...,_,-.. __ 'COMPLETE.'.THl$;SECTION'.FOff'NOIHlffll)SiT/N, !JIU>ING:P.J:RMIT$'.QNtY."Jl ,(:;.-;:_,:;,;., :: ~:,;;:;,.·.:,._-: .'F'.Ii;'.'it't-:!:°.·;. i.'-: ;;:, ;·\;f':fi,,·//.;ii .. ::1;1 f 'J':1A:,:J,:t ;'.. ·: : _; · ,_ Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, .acutely hazar!lous tnatar_ials registration form or risk management and· prevention program under Sections 26606, 26633 or 26534 of the Presl .. y-Tanner·Hezardous ·substance Acco.Ont Act7 0 YES O NO · · Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a.permit from-the·eir pollution control district or air quality mena~amentdjstrict7 D YES · D NO is the facility to be constructed within 1,000-faat ohhe out11r boundary of a s¢hooi site? 0 . YE$ tJ. Nb IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE-APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL PISTRICT. j8,;;/:co.,.,TRUc:n,QN'.LeND!N~-¢Xl')}l)1tt~tl~~i~1f..:(rU;'tf,r:ttt1~:::~1,?~i'\T,'.'..~,:,::~./Zf;}{::.::,;:.i ii.}.;;:\~ a:ii7-::.2;'·,::::;,·_.,y:::~,.i:i(~:}::;;:.':,. ';t':;:; •. ,:. I hereby affirm that there is a constructiQn landing l!gency for the performance.of the work .for which this permit is issued· ISec_. 309711) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME _____________ ...,. LENDER'S ADORESS ______ ..,_ ........ ....,..,.,....,...,-,----,,..,....----------_,. '9.· ·. -·APPLICAN'.t'CERTIFlCATION1r,f!'/;.'i,:b~fJ\1;~;;;~1'.1:i }iii,V~':f(;;;<i:i.t,t.t\ii:}l'.,: /;:/i,f:.".'\~.;:)t(,·.:::-~t:./·/';:I(!:. ·<·;·,~:·'.1;)_, ,;:-;,.:•-::.;:,i;~~:_:_:{,:i::i :: . .-:, . : :···: .. :f'.·.· '.: . I certify that I have read the application and state that ·the above lnformatio.n is correct' and that the information on the plans 11 _accurate. I agree to comp!y with 111 City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize repre11ntativ11 -of the .Cltt of-Cari1bad .to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGR~ TO SAVE, iNDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE. CITY OF CARtSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit Is required'for excavatio~ over 5'0~ deep anq df!molltion c,r construction of. structures-over 3 stories in h11ight. EXPIRATION: Every permit inued bY the Building Officlal under the. pr~liisions of _this Codi ahall expire by !Imitation and become null end void if the bulldlng or work authorized by such p it la not commence within. 365 days from the date of iuch permit or If thj building or work.authorized by such permit iii suspended or abandoned at any time aft e work Is com ed for ape~ of 1 d•Y• ISectl :108.4.4 Uniform Bullding_·code): l· . __ .,- APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE _ . .. ,, ... . . . QA'!'; . 8 _ \, _ ct a. . ~-- . - ·EsGil Corpotat-i-on · -.. 111, !Partners/ii], .wit/i.(jov~rriine.nt fot:'1Juiti(i11fJ Sa/tty DATE: August 26, 1998. JURISDICTION: Cadsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2609 PROJECT ADDRESS: l Lego Dr. - PROJECT NAME: .Par~i~g Ict>u F.oundations SET:I -Outer Park 0 APPLICANT -~ JURIS. . _ · 0 .. PLAN REVIEWER . D FILE , .. ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdictibn's building·codes. D The plans tran$.rnitted herewith will substantially comp!y with the jllrisdictiort's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked .by building depaftmenf staff. · · · · · · D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficl~ncies identified on the enclosed check list and should be_ corrected ~nd resubmitted for a complete_ recheck. . . ' D .The :~h~ck. li~t'irans-~itt~~~,-~~re~ith ,is,:for your ~nf ormat~o~:-___ T~_e ~;~-ns a;e b~lng heid ai' E~;B .. ,•~ ••,r-,, ••.'.:-,..,:_·"-.,:.{-•.-•• :.-•.--~ ,''••,: ·., • • ,.:. .-.• ·,.·,.;~ _. _ _..; .•: : '•....,, • •< ~ · . :. Qqr80r?t!C?[f\1ntil q9rr~~~~d; pl~p~_ are ~uqr:rntted for_ rec~~ck._ ·~:~. -~:. :,.i · · -:/ . ·_ , . . . -· '· ·· · · ., _ ,. / ' • •, -_.. : ~ !~,;. "~ _· .::-· -.. ~( -~:· ·.::: ~-,._-·t;· ~-. _:.'. . -:·-: ~ ::<. ··-:,.~ --..-.: -' -~----:-.:. :· ,: ' .. -~ ._ -,· ... :· _., ... ~:.~·;~-. ···.: .. .;!.:~"';;-:.• .. ::--i,--' *~·:·~ .• -~· .. -~·-·: .. ~... : ; . . . ,<: l ,:·::, -... DJ(r½i,;t>pi",~aht·~' :6bi5fotthftne~~Ji;tj~' ~ni1~s·ed f6r\hi)ofi§d1~t18~i t6 tdrw~rd·-to 'tt1~·'ap·p1icaht· ,:--· -. ~~ \~1~~a'ct ·P.ef;:0:1:\~~-:-·: ::.-.~~\--:~~-:: ~ ..... ::~ ~ ~~-~:~:~::··::·-~.~:''', .,:~-'. ;.~,:,"~:~-}~;:/(\\·\'~::·_-'; . -~<:\::t~,t :\::.;:::-?]/<J\t/:·; .-.-:.-- D '.: _rt1e· ap.plicanFs ~opy" ofthe ~heck list ha;s be-~n senf tc( · ':. :.' · -·· ' · -· .. . --: .... -.. - _, ·, .. , fZ] ~sgil Corporation staff did not ad~ise the applican~ that the .plan· -~heel/has be~n -complete~. •• < • ---; ,• D . E'sgil Cotpora~io~,~~{aff.did.advis_~ th:~ :appHca~t that',tfie pl?~ 6hec~ -~'as_b~~~id6~ii1~te~~::.,,~:·---;, ~--. . ' . ' -.. • ' . ' . ·. --. . '. ~ ~ : :l ·: ·: . . : -. ' . ' ' -. '-, - Person contacted: -Telephone#:, -_ Date contacted: (by: · ) Fax #: Mail Telephone F~x In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corpor~tion D GA D CM D EJ . D PC E:nclosure§: 8/18/98 . . ' ' . trnsmtl.9ot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, Califomi~ 9~1i1 + (6l9) 5(?0-1468 + Fax. (619) 560-157-6 ,..,, Carlsbad gs·-2609 August 26, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE . JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: l l,eg9 Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION . . ,~ .... < -• ·. :J, Air· Cbiiditi6n1ntf ··: : . BU.ILDJNG AREA . .(ft. 2) PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2609 .. DATE: August 26, ~ 998 ~ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION MUL llPL!ER. '!•.' .•. ' -• • VALUE ($) ::D ·1:~ .use· Buif~i-~~ .Per~i.t ·F~e ,.. o· Bldg:· PerrTiit F~;-by:o_rdina~c~: .i( . [j 199 . UBC Pl~~ Check F·ee. . . D Plan Che~k Fee 6~-~~d;riail~~.t. i:~----: . . Typ·~ of Review:-< [L .Complet~ R~vi~w . :: .: D: Stru~tG.ra;t Only\4\;· ·: ., . rzt= tl~~rly . .'~,: D ~~petitive F:~AppH~abl~ -~·. ·_:·: · cj Qth·e/ ;_;· ,_. ... _. '..?.·:·_;::· > )·.·.::\· "~:. C ··> ... ·.· .. -.·: ... · . Esgil Pl~~ Review·Fee:· ·: . '$ 174.30 .. Comments: P'?rking icon foundations: Esgil fee ;:: 2. hr$. @ $87.15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1·. macvalue.doc 5196 • -~·.1-:, .-' :- 2 "' Cl t: C: C: "' "' "' a: 0::: 0::: . PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Address .::i UGO ()~lf/E ·' Plan Check No. CB 93 2c;;.og Planner L)OIJ Neu . Phone (619) 438--1161, extension f'f"«;' APN: 211~ Laa -.a Cf Type of Project and Use: ________ Project Density: __ M_0_~------,---- Zo~in : C-1-9 Ge11eral Plan: T--~ Facilities Management Zone: 13 · CF li_n n11tl # _;f_ Date of participation: /2/2!/?J.3 Remaining net dev acres: ZS: cle One • ti Legend: · (For non-residential develo·pment: Type of land used created by°. this permit: /tl{cdt,er .CoP11'f1e('C,{~ I uses: nor/dentifre;}, [gJ Item Complete (Q] Item .Incomplete -Needs your action ~ .lZ:f D Environmental Review Required: YES NO TYPE --~- . -r' .J· t . ·-.. \,'\ DATE OF COMPLETION: ________ __ Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO. NO. • PROJECT NO. St) /J o/~ -IE/ .......... -.. :-__ _ YES_. _ NO¾_ TYPE_. __ _ DA Tlz ...... · _______ ...... /JS 98--18 OTHER RELATED CASES:-----,---------------,.------ Compliance with conditions or approval? :If not, state cor:,ditkms which require action. Conditions of Approvc;1I: --------'-------------------------------------- Coastal Zone Assessment/Corriplian~e Ptojept: -~ite' 'l'o~~~e~ in. CcYcistaL?d~~?\J \Es··\(':: NO ,r·. ·-1: :. ' .. ; ;; <~' .. _-': ' CA Coas~a(Cotrim.is1°ioti:· Authbrityf,; . ~t:ES~t",Klo __j{__·· · .;,--· · ; ... . If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at • 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619} g21-8036 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): kc:eived c:tJ/J 96-IG Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form.now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: YES NO Al/4- 1) Stamp Building .Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal ,Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans) .. - 2) Complet~ ·C,oastal f.?~rmit Determination Log -a~ needed. Mpo ' . . . ~. . ~l71 D lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES (Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) NO )( Data Entry Compl~ted? YES __ NO__ . -!~ter CB #; UACT; NEXT12; Construct housing Y /N; Enter Fee Amount (See fee schedule for amount); Return) Site Plan: 1, .f.rovide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. · Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, . existing and proposed .structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Required ______ _ Shown -------Interior Side: Required ______ _ Shown -------Street Side: Required ______ _ Shown ------- Rear: Required -------Shown ------- -B-fil D 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required _______ Shown ______ _ Interior Side: Required ---~------Shown ______ _ Stree(Side: ·. Required ·Shown -------Rear: Required Shown -------Structure separation: Required Shown ------- -D · G D 3. Lot Coverage: Required -------Shown ------- Guest Spaces Required ______ _ Shown ------- D D D Additional Comments. _________________________ _ DATE ----- I LEGOumD Memo/Report To Building Department City of Carlsbad Mike Peterson From Dawn Rollins Landon, P.E.. E.~TAT E.~ Copy to 0103/62; ecc: SS,. BBC; CR, HQK; DC, JP, IS, LLE Re: New Permit Applicati9n--Outer Park· Pa·rking lco.ns Dear Mike: Date ,8/17/98 Page 1 J Extension· 157 Please find attached a .permit application with drawings for plan check to revi.ew and issue a permit for the foundations. The six parking icons·are supplied from our vendor as a unit, with the pole and the LE.GO letter as a single piece. The 'peer review for this structure will qe submitted soon. Some of the relate·d permit numbers are as follows: · )-CB 97-1460 Outer Park Lighting · )-CB 97-3286-0uter Park cluster permit. Included please find the following documents and drawings: . • Structural Calculations, Outerpark Parking Icon Foundations (wet stamped), Sheet No. • PW001 • O000-00-A004.3 • O201-00-S120 Comment Site Plan, with Legal Description, to show the location of the icons relative to the park. Outer Park Signage Layout, showing the location of the Icons in the parking lot. Detail 13, Footing Detail for Parking Icons (wet stamped) We have also included :the following information, for reference only: ./ Carlsbad LEGO Models sheet, showing height and weight of each letter . ./ Parking Icons, showing· the relative orientation . ./ Car Park IGons, $howing detaii of the wor&t case scenario (letter A). Please verify that this completes the plan check process. Let me know if you have any questions. Best Regard~, 13133-8 LEGOLAND Calif9rnia Inc. 1 LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 .USA Tel: (760) 804-8355, Fax: (790) 804-7959 · B U I L D I N G P E R M I T Permit No: CB982818 Project No: A9803675 Development No: 09/18/98 14:56 Page 1 of 1 Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Permit Type: COMMERCIAL Parcel No: 211-100-09-00 Valuation: o BUILDING Suite: Lot#: Occupancy Group: Reference#: 1Description: WATER WORKS SCENERY & FOUNDATI : : ON-DUPLO Appl/Ownr: LANDON DAWN 5342 ARMADA DRIVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 *** Fees Required Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description Other *** 760 CITY OF CARLSBAD Construction Type: NEW Status: ISSUED Applied: 08/26/98 Apr/Issue: 09/18/98 Entered By: JM so1-654b6a 09/18/98 ooo1 o1 o2 C-PRMT 218-00 Credits ,00 .00 218.00 *** Ext fee Data 218.00 PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICA Tl-ON FOR OFFICE l:.ISE ONg, · Pl.AN CHECK NO. uilBI 8 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUll • .DING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST .. VAL. __ . ____________ _ Address (include Bldg/Suite II · !lusinliss Name lat this address)· Legal Description Lot No. ··subdivision Name/Number Unit No. ·· Phase No. Total I of units # of Bathrooms Name · Address ' Fax # :t)~~1iNT·· ::DJ~9mr;j~~ffg~r;.tor·co~i(!~.-,;~? ·-,60• 3 i:~~~PROPERTY,oWNER ".~,~~,(i!t':n~fif/'if~'fli.~:,:,~;:;;Jf>Ei~--:i''.r.'t):~r:'::~/}}tl,:,:;-:;NJ:i;.;·:Y:,,1'''.'.(~i;;,:::r:_-,:·: ·&.-:··-:;,;~:.-;•:'~-~·s;:~t:_~l'.::·>·· .:: .,i:'i =6::::;:.:,"° .. 6o4 -7159 Name Adi;lrass City State/Zip Telephone# :5.· ·::··coNTMCTOR,:.'cOMP.ANY.iffAME~1i~~';t:.ti/t;'.:(:\f '.':\';.:;)t::,:,·P:,·~-~:.;~::,:.'.·~:t:·.;:·~·:-, .. ·:.:: :;r(~~-.'.':.(.~·-·sstt;:;t: /i·. · . (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Coda: Any City or County which-requires a permit to-c;onstrui:t, alter,.iniprova,:demolish or repair any.struc.ture, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicint for such permit to file. !I signed statemel)t that he is licensed .pursuant to the provisions of· the Contractor's Licen!le Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 70QO of Division 3 of the Business and Profes.l!ions ·Godel or that 'l)e is exempt therefrom, ·and th!! basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant tor a permit subjects the applicanuo a civil parialty o.f not.more than·five hundred dollars ($50011, Name Address S~ate/Zip ; _Telephone I State License # __________ _ . Licens~ Class-______ ..... ....., ___ . City Business Lic111nse I _______ _ Designer Name Addril~s City State/Zip Tel!lphone State License # ________ _ :6 •. ;.:. WORKERS'-,COMPENSA TION~.J:1'.;';:i_:.:::..;~~,·ji,{;;:i::_;:;_:,_'.'_'. /~5,\ :·;-~:,,::::.::·~ ~.: .,'.· .,: : •...• :-•• ,.~-_; .. :~:, .• :'::::·.\:/.CU:,:;:::,::·;-\.:.:-:;.!.·.,,'.:'.'.;, :: ,:,: ;::::f.•:·:,=.,,t;\:-.• :.'::·~ .. :. · Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of.perjury one of the following declarations: · D I have and will maintain a certificate of con!!ent to selMnsure fqr workers' c6mpens11tiqn as.pro11ided,by·Saction 370Q of the ~abor Coda, tor the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. . D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, -~s required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, fqr the performance of the work for 'Which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carder and.policy number are: Insurance Company--------------"----,----Policy No,-~xpiration Date ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE.COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDREQ·DOLlARS ($1'001 OR.LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in tt,e performanc111 .of the work for wtiich thi_s. Pll!rmit ,is issued,. I .shall not employ any person. in any manner so es to become subject to the Workers' Compensation ·_Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compenaatl.on· cove~av•. 11 unlawful,. end 1haff 1ubject-~n· employer. to criminal penaltlH an~ civil flnH up to one hundred thou1and dollar• ($100,000), In addition to t!H co1t.of,compe111itlon,-dam19i11 u provided for In Section 3708 of the i.a~r code, interHt and attomey'1 fe11, SIGNATURE ______________ ..,.. ___ ..,.,.., ______________ ....,.~--,--..,..,.. DATE------------,.,...,.--- '7.' .. : ·"OWNER,BUIU>ER'DECl:ARATJON1rd•~i,ti ::';'~:~·:~"fi·'.·f·•,:,<·--:·i·i'.1 .. ·,;·•·' ,.,.-._, .. ;. "'.· ,,· .. '· ... ,_; ::: .. ~:,. · .. : .. : --::'·' ·-.-: i,-:•· . .-· .. ··' · ;:'-· · ,., .. ·. :·-·.:;,.':°-'+-"~·{,·. · · · ... : · .. ,·, .. ,: . ·;.. I hereby affirm that I em exempt from the Contragtor's License·l.aw for the following reas!m: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole conjpensation, will do th.a work and the structure is not intended or.offaraci for iale (Sec. 7044, Busine11 and Prof111iona Coda: The Contractor's License U1w doea n_ot apply to an owner of p_roperty who· bullda-or Improves thereon, and who doea such work himself or through.his own employees, ·provideil that such h'nj:>rov,mtints are riot·lnt'ended·qr ottered for.51le. If, h,owever, the-building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did:not build·or·improve for the purpose of sale). 1' I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contrac:.ting with licensed contragtors ,tC? construct ,he project. (Sac. 7044, Busine11 and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(&) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section ______ Business and Professions Code-to.r this reason: ,: 2. 3. 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have-hired thli·following person·to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include·name /address/ phone number/ contractors license number):. ________ ...,.,,----..-..-..,........,..-.....:.------------------------------ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the ,folfpwing persons to provide the work .in_dicated !include name /address./ phone number / type of work): ________ q~.---------',-:;J-,--::-::;.----+----,~-----------~"3d-::::-'"T-1,-..ll'"'lll.._. _______ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE . DATE--' ... '-'""~'""'*__.._.,.___ ·coMP~la '.THIS.SECTiOf(FQIJ'IJQMS/QEifflA.«. uit:QiN.Q -Pi:~trs:.p1'~v.:;l':~)f ~.,;f.;::i!,:i,.~'~:1 i.:: .... 1.H:.01·.: ;,',~'./-/'t:~r.t~<-.:C ,j/i,! ii):_/:, ;l'~i:,;,. · :. · : ... :; . .•,,. Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely' hazardous m_aterials-registration form qr risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of thf Presley-Tanner Hazardous Subst~mca Account Act? D .YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain Ii permit from the air·pollutiqn control district or air q!Jality management district? D YES D NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1 ;ooo feet of the outer·boundary of .a schpol site? d -YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR,IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERV.iCESAND THE·.AIR·f!OLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 1-9~;, i~;·~O.,.S:r6Uc:rJ_Qij"$DIN~~:c;~'@t"~jt,4iiM.fi~~~:'l:t]:~:;J:t:'.:::i~J;r~~-~J!ltf::i'./Jir~·; ~!:'.'.::'. ·-~~!-if:,:;;;,is,, ,:!:'i:·': ~~-//''.;!:.'.:: /?L,:·p.'.'!:'~'.: _;., . I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work-tor which this permit is issued-(Sec. 309710 Civil Code). < LENDER'S NAME______________ LENDER'S ADDRESS-,-,--:-:---------""---------------'--- '9/ · .. :·APPLICAN:r:CE8TIFlCA'1JON~j::li?£:t~;t.~1;~\t;i:~~i±it{1 tj:?~i1ti!~~;·?ii.~,~~~1·r~i'.:f::.~:i~:[{ ~f;/·.;.:~t~_;~i::1.;:J .)}}rJ~\,;::i;: ·:·'.;:;:;·~:~;-:~: t-:·.·/;t~J:· .. · ":r,·,!· ·· ... :·:-:.:.if~·:··.\ :_. · · I certify that I have read tt,e applicatiqn and state that the·above Information is correct and th11t the information on the plans is accura~e. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State .laws relating to building. construction. I hereby authorize rapresenta~ivei of' the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVI;, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE. CITY OF -CARLSBAQ AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY "CCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is require_d for excavations over 5!0# (leap· and demolition.or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the ·euilding Official' undar. the provisions of.,thii Coda shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such P mit is not commence within 365-days from tl!.e date of such.perrrii~ or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time aft e work ·11 .com ed for a· perft5d of 1 ·clay~ (Sectio 10.8.4A Uni.form Building-Coda). D~-~-~ APPLICANT'SSIGNATURE _ _ DATE l_, __ q, ' -' ' . YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Fin~nca lnspe·ctidn List Permit#: CB982818 Type: COM WATER WORKS SCENERY & FOUNDATI ON-DUPLO Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 2/4/99 19 Final Structural RI 2/4/99 29 Final Plumbing RI 2/4/99 39 Final Electrical RI 2/4/99 49 Final Mechanical RI 2/4/99 89 Final Combo RI 2/4/99 89 Final Combo PD co 2/1/99 19 Final Structµral RI 2/1/99 29 Final Ph.1_mbing .RI 2/1/99 39 Final Electrical RI 2/1/99 49 Final Mechanical RI 2/1/99 89 Final Combo RI 2/1/99 89 Final Combo PD co 1/11/99 17 Interior Lath/Drywall RI 1/11/99 18 Exterior Lath/Dry,waH RI 1/11/99 23 Gasrr est/Repairs RI 1/11/99 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test RI 10/16/98 11 Ftg/Founqation/Piers PD AP 10/16/98 31 Underg round/Conduit-Wirin PD AP 9/23/98 11 Ftg/Founc;lation/Pi~rs PD co 9/22/98' 11 flg/Foundation/Piers PD ·NR 9/21/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD NR Monday, May 17, 1999 Page 1 of 1 CIIY of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite ~ Plan Check#: Date: 2/1/99 Permit#: CB982818 Permit Type: COM Project Name: Sub Type: /rn-fc-~'-(1-·-::-. r-,=-:1 ,, · ,17 -..:, ;:1 '')\/=-:..•1 _-,:) \, i-,-,i ON-DUPLO //1/ ·-. . 1'~:::, /:\/ Address: 1 LEGO DR Lot: /fli FER -g 1999 , i'/ Contact Person: KEVIN Phone: 7609300099 EX 2 . L [) ! ·::::~ ......... ~ ........................ ~z::~; .... '.'.'.: ........ i .... : .......................... ;t·~x .......................... ,.,_J By: M..J:: Inspected: 9 8" . Approved: . Disapproved: __ WATER WORKS SCENERY & FOUNDATI Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date· By: lnspectec;I: Approved:. Disapproved: __ ........................................................................................................................................................... Comments:--------------------.---.,......,.-----,--------------- :,""~{~;-:::?r!~i7~·' i~, .b. .:.d.a~··---ii-(-;; . ._j<.,...,,, Citv or Carlsbad FEB -11999 · Final Building lnsaaction. Dept: Building 1:rtiffi~ri1g Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: CB982818 WATER WORKS SCENERY & FOUNDATI ON-DUPLO 1 LEGO DR KEVIN CA Phone: 7609300099 E)( 2 Water Dist: CA Oate: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot: 2/1/99 COM ••••••I• I I I• I•••••••••••••••••••• •ii•!••••••• a•••••••••••••••••••••• i: • • • ••••••• ••••• •.• 1• • I••••• 1•••• • • •• •••• ••••• •••• 1• • 1• I I••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Inspected ~ Date /Disapproved: __ By: Inspected: 9 .·; .... -9'? Approved: Inspected Date By: ·. Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ····························································••i••·············~··········-···································~······························ Comments: ----------------------.......... -------------------- ,·,.,~ CIIY Of Carlsbad ~ ·; Final Building lnspecdon ~, .... ~ , Dept: Building Engineering Fllitrining CMWD · St Lite Fare Plan Check#: Date: 2/1i99 Permit#: CB982818 · Permit Type: COM Project Name: WATER WORKS SCENERY & FOUNDATI Sub Type: ON-DUPLO Address: 1 LEGO DR Lot: Contact Person: KEVIN Phdne: 7609300099 EX 2 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA ·,~~~~~~:~················· .. ····················~:;:·······················:·······~·················7································ By: ·Jl"'.P:? Inspected: <::2_ ' ~ .q ~pproved: __ Disapproved: Inspected Date By: lnspecteo: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ •II I I 111 I I I I I I I II I I I I I I 111 I I I I I I Ill I llii 1111 I I I I I •!II I I II II I II II II I 11IIIII11-1111111111 I I II I Ill Ill II II I I II I I I a I I Ill I Ill Ill II 1118 II 11111 I II II I I a I I I I I I Ill I I II 111 Comments: __________________________ ~------------- Citv of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check #: Permit#: Project Name: CB982818 WATER WORKS SCENERY & FOUNDATI ON-DUPLO Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: KEVIN Phone: 7609300099 EX 2 Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Lot: Date: 2/1/99 Permit Type: COM Sub Type: ........................................................................................................................................................... By: ---==---......_......_ ____ Inspected: --'----,-,-----Approved: lns~e Date Ins~ Date ~i~approved: __ By: Inspected:"-. _____ Approved: ______ Disapprove_d: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: --~--Approved: ___ Disapproved: __ ·······································••!••••··································•••!••····································································· Comments: ---------------------------,------ CIIY of Carlsbad · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building ~ngineering Planning CMWD ~ Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: C8982818 WATER WORKS SCENERY & FOUNDATI ON-OUPLO 1 LEGO DR KEVIN Phone: 7609300099 EX 2 CA Water Dist: CA Date: 2/1/99 Permit Type: COM Sub Type: Lot: ··········································111·································································~············································· Inspected ~~ ; _ ,,., . By: z-z_-Cj'Cf .. Inspected: ~Approved: .. ~pproved: __ Inspected Date By: . Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..................................................... i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Comments: _________________________________________ _ ,. EsGiJ Cor.p.oration· . . . 1n Partrters/iip 'tf)itli (joVemnient for·']Juilaing Safetg DATE: September 4, 1998 JURISDICTION: Car.If.bad · PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2618 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 :Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Waterworks Scene SET:I Foundation ~!52ANT ~ 0 PLAN REVll=WER ti FILE i:gj The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantiaily comply _ with.the jurisdiction's building codes .. ' -. , . D The plans transmitted herewith will substantiaily comply with the juri·sdictron's building -codes when minor deficiencies identified below are reso'IVed and checked by buil_ding department staff. · · · D The plans tr~hsmitted herewith have significant defidencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be _corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck.· . . D The check -list transmitted herewith ·is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. ,, • .!, ' ' ' ' D The applicapt's·copy of the check list_ is enclosed for the juri~diction .t6 f~rward to the applicant contact persori. D The applicant's .copy of the check list-has been sent to: i:gj Es,gil Corporation -staff did not.advise .the appl_icant that the pl.an check has been completed. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been c~mpleted. Person contacted: T~lephone ~: · Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone -Fax .In Person i:gj REMARKS:. Foundatiori Onlt By: Kurt Cu,lver Enclosures:· Esgil Corporation 0 GA O CM O EJ O PC 6/27/98 trnsmtl.dot ' .. 9320 Chesapeake Drive, .Suite 208 + S~Diego, Californi.1;t 92l23 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 . ' ' ' ' ' \ \ Carls~ad 98.-2818 September 4, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE. JURISDICTION: Cadsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS:_ i Lego i:>r. DATE: ·September 4, 1998 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: . -- I BUILDING PORTION -· BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE -(ft. 2) 'MULTIPLIER ($) ... ' . --- -- - ' . -' -- -. ---~ . ' . Air ConditioninQ --. -· Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE ., D 199 UBC BuildirJQ Permit !=ee D Bldg._ Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee --0 Plan Check Fee by -ordinance: $ · Type of Review: D· C~mplete Review _ D. Structural Only. _[gl Hoµrly D Repetitive Fe~ Appl1cable O Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: -$ 174.30 Comments: Waterworks. Scene: Foundation review. Esgil fee = 2 hrs. @ $~7.15/hr. She~t '1 of 1 - macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNING/ENOINEERINO APP·R.OVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB Cf 8 28/ 8' DATE 9-/0-98 ADDRESS _t_ L6Go. ,(}/?/(/£ RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (<$10,000~00} L£"GOL.-AN6 -.{JU/JLQ PLAZA CAMINO REAL ' CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC OTHER \N A-T£-J!. wo,e1c,r; ~£ .2.. { /=a UA/,(J/fTlON PLANNER_~~-___ · __ -'Z7e&, __ -·=: ____ -'-- ENGINEER -----'-------. QATE ______ _ oocstMlstorms/Plannlng Engineering Al)provals To Building Department City of Carlsbad Mike Peterson From Dawn Rollins Landon, P.E. Copy to 0322 cc: ss, BBC; CR, HOK ecc: DC, IS, JP, BC Re: New Permit Application ... DUPLO Scenery: D322/52.1 Waterworks Centerpiece $cene· 1 Dear Mike: Memo/Report Date 8/26/98 Page 1 I Extension · 157 Please find attached a permit application with drawings for plan check to review and issue a permit. The related permits already issued are: ~ Plan Check No. CB 97-2027 ~ Inspection Card CB 97-3749 Play Town Maintenance Bldg ~ Inspection Card CB 97-3750 Play Town Storage Bldg Included please find the following documents and drawings: • Tab 1 Peer Review-for Crystal Fountain Structure, prepared by Burgess Engineering • Tab 2-Seismic Analysis-Water Feature, for Structural Review • Tab 3 Calculations for Scene 1, for Structure • Tab 4 Tables for Structural Elements Sheet No. • PW001 • D322-52.1-V100 • D322-52.1-V101 • D322-40-V901 Comment Site Plan, with Legal Description, to show the location in the park. Waterworks-Scene 1 Centerpiece Fountain Details Waterworks-Scene 1 Centerpiece Fountain Details · Scene #1, Foundation Details prepar~d by Crystal Fountains, peer reviewed and .stamped by Burgess Engineering Please let me know if you have any questions. Best Regards, 13133-B L!:GOLAND California Inc. 1 lEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA Tel: (760) 804~8355, Fax: (760) 804-7959 ., -· - B U I L D I N G 09/18/98 14:57 :Page 1 of 1 I Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Permit Type: COMMERCIAL Parcel No: 211-100-09-00 Valuation: o BUILDING P E R M I T Suite: Lot#: 1Occupancy Group: Reference#: 1Description: MAYPOLE WITH FOUNDATION FOR ' : CASTLE HILL (C-147/20 Permit No: CB982819 Project No: A9803676 Development No: Construction Type: NEW Status: ISSUED Applied: 08/26/98 Apr/Issue: 09/18/98 Entered By: BT Appl/Ownr: LANDON,DAWN 5342 ARMADA 8 O 1 -6 5 4 3 1268 09/18/98 0001 01 02 CARLSBAD CA 92009 *** Fees Required Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description Other *** CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 C-PRMT 109-00 .00 .00 109,00 *** Ext fee Data 109.00 PERMIT PERMIT APPLICATl6N . -FQ~ OFFICE USE ON~ ()/ 4\ <>"/th PLAN CHECK NO. ~ ~ £0:. / CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Cadsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST, VAL.--------~-- Plan Ck. Deposit_........, __ .../.,~:;;... __ Valiclated BY...,..:....-::""11""--r-~~'¥--- Date .... ____ --;,A""l~lcF-f-.J-..;.;...-- Address (include Bldg/Suite II . . . -. Bu.slneas 'Name (1~ ttiis addr111) Legel Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number ', . Unit No.· Ph11e No. Total # of units # of Bidrooms # of Bathrooms Telephone ii Fax I/ -,.t,;. 3 [:~:~PROPERTY'OWNE;R ',: ,:;,;,g, ;C::;f-,t,·:f.i'!,(1lff)t~f.;;;~:;~~~~H:;f.'.;l~.';~, (,'tifl,:~{;::Y:\•' ,:;_,~;;:-,:~~-i~;H:1:f:;:-,:::\;;'.;';.·"·?=·~:~::.::ri.~,·~ -:j/_i·6=8°?4'0 • 6o4 • 7'f 59 Name Address City: Statii~ip Telephone II 16,· · .:'-CONTRACTOR:::;.;COMPANY.•NAME~E'~~t.:t:%t.\:;tt::;t,}Y:;:\:\.-~.; ';';; t -'/(';'.::" .. : •. ;;"-;,,_:,:;;·;>:~·.;'·:~,: -~·:i· ,;:::: ··r-'.-, :·'· ~~:.:'.~:;'i:'..:L;::.;.;: .,:;·.: . /': · ··. (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Arw Citv ·or Countv which-requires a permit:to c.onstruct, alter, improve, demolish-o_r repair any structure, prior to Its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file _a signed statement that ·he is licensed pi;lf~uant to the provisions. ot the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Prof ... iona Code) or ttlat ha ia exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Sec~ion 7031-.5 by·any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not mora than five hundred dollars ($50011, Name Address ·city State/Zip Telephone# State License # ________ __,, License Ciass ______ .....,.. ___ ..,.... C!ty-Bualnesa Ucerile '------'""""- Designer Name Address' <;:ity. State/Zip Telephone State License#_________ / :8.;,: :,_ WORKERS'.,COMPENSATlON1.~i;:i:'.::::i,,L:t;.tlt:~:'..:B~.-·~. 0::,-'.::..,.::::,:.':..i. .. , .: .. ; .. , ... :,.;,_ ...... : .• ' :. :· ~-~:/0::.,,,;': .. :'.·t}.:'.·: :::--,.::~)::; ,:.'. ;-::i ::?:::,-:ih-,. · .: ,.. . Workers' Compensation Declaration: l her~by affirm under penalty of-perjurv one of the fol!owij,g,declarations: , . , O I have and will.maintain a cartiflcate,of cofls!lnt to-self0insure for workers' compensation as provided:by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued. · _ _ _ . - O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3100 of the Labor Code, for· the .. jierformanci of the· work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and.policy number are: Insurance Company _ Policy No. · Expiratio_n Date ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FO~ ONE HUNDRED DOtLARS (UOOJ OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that ln·th!' performance,of the work for which this permit isi,sued, I sh,11 not empioy eny person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Corilp1naation Liwa:of Califorril1, WARNING: Fallura to 11cure workera' compenaatlon cov1rege··11 unlawful, and ahaft 1ubject an employer tC! C!'lmlnal penaltlea and civil fin11 up to ona hundred thouaand dollars ($100,000), In addition to the co~t of compensation, demag11 u PfOVkl~ fqr In Sectf!!ri.370.J,of-thl Labor·code, lnter11t and attomay's fua. SIGNATURE . . DATE . ....... ,........----,-----·1: ·. ·oWNER;BUILDER'DECl:ARAJION~;ti·::i:;.:J,:·,;·: . .:/'.~:-'··''."'"''.t"· · ·::.~':_:i-;:• ··,·.;.,,'.·•:· .. a..•·· ..... ,:.·.·· · · · ·-·-· :' ·: ·:-: ·-· · ,., •·· ...... , ·" .. ·.:,-.:,,:, ·:----. , , , ,: .... , , · .I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor~, License:Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my. employee, With wag,s a~ their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure ii not intended or offered for Ille (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's Ucanie L•w doea-not apply to an owner of·property who builds or Improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through.his own einployHs;-provided that 1.uch Improvements l(e hot Intended or offered for 11le. If, however, the building or improvement ia sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of provil'!g that he did not build or·imprcive for the purpose of 1111). • I, 11 owner of the property, am excluaivaly contracting with licenaid ccmtractcirs to construct the proJact (S_a_c, 7044, Buslnua and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of pr~perfy who builds· or lmpr(!ves thereon, ilnd contract, for such projects with contractor(s)' licensed pursuant to the Contractor'• License Law). 0 I am exempt under Section _____ _ 1: 2. 3. 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I hav~·hirlid jhe following,person to coordinat~,.,11pervise ind provide the major work '(include name/ address/ ph~ne number / contractors license number): ' · 5. I will provide·some of the work, but I ~ave contracted (hired) the.foilowirig persons tQ·provide·the·work indicated (Include n,me / addres~ / phone number/ tvPe of work): · DATE"-' ..,..a:a.,-=--"""'-1-4~<---- Ult1>ING ;P£RMn:,~0Ntiv.1::~:~iif1::~.:?. ;~·:.::~:;,· ::.:i,~lri-: i.Y ::,;t·r·t1::~ .t ·:.1'. ~-;~\ :i1::~11:;-~,~:-:!:i1 ,~:::;jiJ':.f~~:1'1~1::=.:r::. :.: · .-._: · .-·1.· Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit I bu·siness plan, acutely hazardous .materials reglstratl9,n form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or ~5534 of the Presley-!enner Hazardous Substance Acc11unt.Act1 O ¥ES ·o .NO Is the applicant or future building occui,ant required to obtain a ·permit from the air pollution control district or air qualit't' management district? q Y~S O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1',000 feat of the outer-boundary of a schopl·site?· · 0 · ¥ES 0. NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A 'FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT. BE iSSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFiCE Of EMERGENCY Si;'RVICES AND THE AIR-POLLUTION CONTROL PISTRICT, - ta~~-~~!;qqtf sTRUQn.QN~~D~N~••ctt:~&.\t~l~t~~fj~~[;~,;n~i·,~~;l~f!;~:~;~i::;~;~;~'.'.-~tr;i:~~;:t~:;)f:i :;:{;·~::~~~;;i:}~ .. ~;.D;~ }1 ~ ,: \~~~:t}::;:::..:.t~ ~-i~: ~!: ~~-;~·.:'.;):-\-:;,+,j: . .:..·. I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which thlspermit Is issued (Sec'. 30971il Civil Code). I certify that I have read-the appllcation· anc! ·state that th~ above !nformation,is correct .ind that the lnfQrmatlon ori the plana la accurate. I agree to comply with 111 City ordinances and State laws relating -to b11lldirig cons,ructlon. I· hereby aµ~hori.ze repre11ntatlvea of the Cl\t -of Carlsbad ·to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAiNST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY, IN ANY WAY ACQRUE AGAiNST SAID-CITY IN:CONSEQU!;NCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit la required for. excavatio~ over 5•0• d!9ep and demolltiol! Qr .i:onatructlon, of atruct~rea over 3 atoriea in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit laaued by tht ,Building Officlal· under tha provision, of thia Code ·,hall expire by limitation and become null ant! void if the building or work authorized by such p mit la not c.ommance within 365 days from the,dlt'! of auch permit .or If. the liu_il_ding,or work authorized b\l' such permit 11 suspended or abandoned at any time ah e wor~ la com ed for ·a perftld of 1 daya (Sectl · 106.4,4 Uniform Bull~i~~-~ode). tO I""\ c ! ~ -~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE -1:::f'~~l!!!~~~!!!~~!!!liL~:!!!~!Wlf!!!~~~!!!!.......,_ 'DATE l!>-,L of-0 t!J(L EsGil C,orporation 1.n Partnt.tsliJ.p Witli (joverrunent for fJJuililing Safety DATE: September 4, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2819 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Maypole Foundation SET:I CJ ~~NT ~ d PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE D The-plans transmitted herewith have beeh corr.ecte~ where necessary ahd substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. , ~ The plans transmitted herewith will substc;intial!y comply with the jurisdiction!s building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building-'departrnent - staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have sigriificant·deficiencies identified on the erick>-sed check list - and should be correGted and resubmitted for a complete recheck. ' - D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at E·sgil- Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for'recheck. -· D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: · ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been complete.o. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has beeh completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: The last sheet of the calculations is the actual "plah" for this proposeq foundation. That sheet should be signed/sealed by the responsil:lle designer. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation 0 GA _ 0 CM O EJ -0 PC Enclosures: 8/27/98 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California·9212J + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ' . To Building Department City of Carlsbad Mike Peterson From Dawn Rollins Landon, P.E. Copy to . Ill . LEGOLAND E..5TAT E..5 Re: Submittal of Plan Check Corrections f CB as-2819 Memo/Report Date . 9/2/98 Page 1 Extension Initials. 157 DRL Exhibit-Maypole Foundation, Attachme ___ ral Steel Dear Mike: Attached are items required to satisfy the minor deficiencies identified by EsGii-for the referenced plan check. These items are: • Replace the last sheet of the calculations with the one attached here, it is the actual "plan" for the foundation, and is wet stamped by the responsible engineer. This should qomplete the plan Gheck process. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best Regards, 13133-8 LEGOLAND California Inc. 1 LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA fe1: (760) 804-8355, Fax: (760) 804-7959 ,. .. ·" I Pole Embedment in Soll Paee 1 · 1 Description MAYPOLE FOOTlNG-ISOLATED·PIER FOOTING (DOUBLED PASSlVE PRESSURE) 1!9nerat Information Allow Pnsive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Round Diameter No Surface Restfalnt Summary I Moments Cl Surface. .• Point load Distributed load · Without Surface Restraint.- Required Depth Press·@ 113 Embed ••• Actual Allowable 400.00 pcf 3,000.00 pcf 1.330 24.000 in 19,423.80 ft-# 0;00 5.738 ft 1,019.07 psf 1,017.$4 psf AppJied·Loads .•• Point load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral With Surface Restraint. .. Req'dOepth Pressure O Base ... Actual Allowable Surface Resµ-aintForce 1,308.00 lbs 14.850 ft 0.00111ft. 0.000 ft 0.000 ft 19,423.80 ft-# 1,308.00 lbs 0.000 ft 0.00 psf O.OOpsf 0.00 fbs • ' ' . . ,- ,. ·EsGtl CQipor,ation. 1ft Pq.rtnersliip Witli fJo'TJemme.nt for'.Buifding $afety · DATE: September 4, 1998-· JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2819 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 ~ego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Maypole FoundatiQn SET:1·· · " CJ~ Sf.NT ~ CJ PLAN REViEWER · .CJ FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where ·necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · · ~ The plans transmitted herewith will·substantially comply w.lth theju_risdiction's. building codes when minor deficiencies identified.below are resolved and checl<.~d by building department - staff. · · · . . . D The plans transmitted herewith have ·significant deficiencies ,iqenlified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected-and resubmitted for a compiete recheck. · . . D The check list transmitted herewith is· for your-information. The ·plans are being helc;i ~t Esgil . · Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for re¢heck. ·. · · · · · D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdictioh to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant'~ copy of the check list .has been sent tm [8J Esgil Corporation staff did a:iot advise the applicant that the plan check has been complete~:L D Esgil Corporation staff did.advise the.applicantthat the plan check ~as been completed. Person contacteo: Telephone#: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone . Fax In Person ~ REMARKS: The .last sbeet of the-calculations is the actt1al "plan":for this proposetj foundation. That sheet should be signed/sealed by the responsible desi·gner. By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA . D CM D EJ D PC · -Enclosures: 8/27/98 trnsmttdot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 9212~ + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1516 Carlsbad 98-2819 . September 4, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE . '', ~ JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Kurt C-µlver BUILDING ADDRESS: ,'J Lego -Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: BUILDING PORTION BUILDING.AREA . (ft.2) " .. - ... . ,. Air Conditioning . Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE . ' ., " PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2819 -.. ' ~J •, • DATE: September 4, 1998 TYPE ,OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION -VALUE · . MULTIPLlER ($) ' .. . . . ... '•', .. . . .. ', D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee · D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 0 199 UBC Plan Check Fee . 0 Plan Check Fe.e by ·ordinance: $ Type of Review: ·o Cc;,mplete Review . . D Structural Only' ~l Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicabl.e ·. D Other: Esgil Plan Revi~w F.ee: _: $. 87.1'5 Comments: Foundation review: Esgil fee = 1 hr._ @ $87'.1 S~hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 PLANNING-/ENCINEERI-NG APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 9 8' 2ff / <J . ADDRESS _t LEGO .-<)~Ju£ DATE. 9-IS--98 RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR ( <$10,000.00) PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC LEGot..A-NtJ -cA-STl-E" #ILL OTHER ~ount£~Y /1A-Y Kl~£ _ Wm/ HJVAl(//f-770,1/ PLANNER~~ PATE -9-/C---9cf' ENCINEER ________ _,__ _ ____,.. __ DATE ______ _ oocstMl~torfflS/Plannlng Enolneenng AJ>provats ·. B U I L D I N G 10/28~.98 .1~:17 Page 1 of 1 . . Job Address:. 1 LEGO DR. Permit Type: MISCELLA~EOUS Parcel No: 211-1·0-0-09-00 . Valuation: fr Suite: Lot#:· Occup~ncy Group: Reference#: Des·cri.ptiop.: ·11 FUNTOWW' FIRE ENGINE SHOW . . . : FOUND:ATION ~ -~~-- v§t- ·~ 760 ~' ' --·-· . Permit No:. GB-98-3522 -· Pi,oj~ct· N.o-~ .'A9:80·45a9- -.pevelopmep.t· No:. F-1-30:·!~(001 .· , I\ . ' Com:itructioq. Type: _ _vN . . Stat·us: ·· ISSJJ-ED AppJ.}{ed: l0/i4/9°8 .Apr/Issiie.: .·· 10/28/.9·8· . ·Enter.ea By: MDP ·, .; . •· · 804-7"9:59· • • / ·FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK No.q<&,. :>S°"Z..L PERMIT APPLICATION , . CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL.------------.- Plan Ck. Deposit _______ ___ Validated By __ ___...,.. _____ _ Date ---------------------- Address (include Bldg/Suite II · B~iness N1m1 (It thi1 1ddr~11) Legel Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit.No. Phaie No. Total I of units lot Stories II of Bathrooms So4.J9~9 Name Address City State/Zip Telephone I Fax, :3. APPLICANT· ·:oc ntractor··, rr;,·.,A;,-en··1or·co ...... fior-.:o··owner ·:o·Agentfor-'Owner· <·,:_'. -·,:'1.i.::r.,,·•!'i\i•::• ,. ! sol-615lf~ · bAv·-~"tkow~$--~ ..... ->j~2· ii&M~o1c·' DR~ a.Rl.SMIS'·a9~2009 a s ILL 111 Name Address City State/Zip Telephone I · .4. . ~ .. PROPERTY~ OWNER 'f;. :/~,.~~~i)~ ~:.;;~}J.t.~~!!.~ti~\~~1E~~~i.Jf ·!~~ii:i~} ;~-:r_·!·r.11t ;;·,,~· '.~'!!-f ;::;~ l :'. t :.:: ··::?~i~-~ · · 1X-;_~t ·· '. ·. ~' i.:: . .,1• ( 11 .:·. • ·:: ~-·_: • :-:.-'; •• ; 1 :~--:·. ,, ;, Jlf i ,:;;t·::i ·1· • :t i · .. Name Address City State/Zip· Telephone I ·6. · :· ·cONTRACTOR ·-COMPAN'f.iNAMErfi}:i.:t':J;'!,:~f/::!. •i=::r:i;'.i_:·:·~~;·;;;: :,:-:-·,•;:· ,, ·-· ::·_ :. -, (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Profeuions Code: Any Cjty or CountV which requires a permit to construct, alter, Improve, demoliah or-repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicent for such permit to file • aign1d itatement that he ia lic-.d pursuant to the provlaions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the ·eua1n111 and Profeasions Code) or that hi 11 ll(tmpt ttie,efrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any 1pplic1nt for a permiuubjects the applicant to I civil.penalty of not.more than five hundred dollars ($5001). Name Addre11 City State/Zip Telephone ti Stet• License I _________ _ License Class __________ _ City Buslnen Uc-.'------- Designer Neme Address City State/Zip Teliphone State License I ________ _ 18.,,-,. .. ,.WORKERS\COMPENSATIONi.:i:r,i.;~;:i:.t.J.::2,~~;tt'.-.::t::.~t •• 1~:. .. ::1,.: •. ;_,~. -·----. : •. ,-... ~:.:_. • :.: ~ .. ::.:.',:; .. :; ::'.i'.L.:'.·" .. =: ·<;.!?', .. :.:· :.!·i. :'\(f;::,;':'.:.\-: ... : .'.;.i, .. · Workers' Compensation Oecleretion: I hereby affirm-under penalty of pii'jury one o.f the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintein • certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' comp1ns1tion II provided-by s·ection 3700 of the Labor Code, for th1.p1rforminc1 of the work for which thi1 permit is issued. · : · O I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Gode, .for the performance of the work tor which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance c1rrler·and policy number are: Insurance Company ___________________ --Poiicy No. ____________ _ Expiration Dete _____ _,,__ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1*1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFIC,\TE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that In the performance of the work for which this permit i1 i11u1d, I 1h1II not employ eny person in-any manner 10 ei to become auti}e~. to the Workers' Compenaation L1w1 of Calitornie. · WARNING: Fall'7e to 11cur1 workara' c:ompanaatlon coverage la unlawful, and •hall eubjact an employer to crlmlriai penaltlu and clvll flnH up to one hundred thouaand dollar• 1t100,0001, In addition to the coat of c:ompenutlon, demagH II provided for In Section 3708 of the Lal!or code, lnt .. ,t and attomey'a fna. SIGNATURE'-------------------------,------DATE _________ _ ·1. ·--owNER;&UILDER1>ECL:ARAT10ftir{ifi;_,i(!'.1 .. ',!-/':'.:""··:"r:-r·: ... ::·w:,··· · -., : .. · ·•:-•···· "'.--··-·. · · .... ·'. -· ...... -. · --·-· , .• "-.:_-..:·,·~:'·'·"':.··, -.· . :· . :' .. I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's Lic4!nse-Law for the following reason: O I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their 10111 comp1n11tion, will clo the work 1nll the structure is not intended or offered for 1111 (Sec. 7044, Busine11 and Prof111ions Code: The Contractor' 1 Ucense L•w doea not apply to an owner of property who !)ullda or lmprov11 thereon; and· who d011 such work himself or through.hi• own amploy111, provided that such 1mp.rov1m1nt1 are not Intended or offered for 1!111, If, however, the bullding,or·lmprov1in1nt is sold within one year of completion, tM owner-builder will-have the bur~n of, pr9ving that·he did not build or improve for the purpo11 of 1111). 'Sl' I, 11 owner of the property, em 1xclualv1ly contracting-with llc1rii1d-contractors to construct tM project (Sec. 7044, Bualneas and Prof111ion1 Code: The ~tractor's License Law does not epply to !Iii owner of property who builds or linprov11 thereon, and contracts for such-projects with convactor(sl licensed pursuant to the Contractor'• Licenae Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Busin111 end Profe11ions Code for this· reason: 1 : I personally plan to provide the mejor labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improv·ement, 0 YES l)Jt,o 2. I @ave not) signad 1n application for I building permit tor the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the foll I person (firm to provide the proposed construction (include :name / addr111 / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, ·but I h1~~ hired the following person to coordinete, super,vise and provide ttie,major work (include name/ addr~as /phone number / contractors llc1n11 number): · · 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contrected-(hi;ed) the following persons to provide the work Indicated (Include name/ addr111 / phone number/ type of work): _______ ...:=,==~-----...-9t--:;-.--..----t---'----:;r----=------------:--"""'1,-..~~~ ........ -....,.-------- DATE _a..;;:;;'4...L-.f--#---.lLIL- : IUIU>ING 1PERNUTs·:0NtY,;t ,~),::,.:c: ;·':::i'.:. _; .:ii.:., :1 ;;:/,;~,h,,, · .. ;· ;.;,t;:::·i:, ;-,1:,,.-,it(,,j.i,1J,Ji;;',' Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit •· business plan, icutely hazardoua material, registration form or rl1k management and prevention program under Sections 25506, 25633 or 26534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicent or future building occupent required to obtiin a permit from the air pollution.control district or air q1,1ality m1nagem1nt district? O YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of·a_school site? 0 YES CJ NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES,A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT, I hereby affirm that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of the-work for which this permit is i11u1d ·1s1c. ·3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME _________ .,..... __ _ I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the Information e>n the plaos ii 1ccur1t1. I igr111 to comply with all City ordinances and State· laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representativea of the Cltt of Carl1b1d to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARI.SIAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY'IN CONSEQUENCE OF Tf'.1£ GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. . ' OSHA: An OSHA permit 11 required for excavations over s•o• deep and demolition or construction of itructures over 3 1torl11 In height. EXPIRATIO~: Every permit i11u1d by t~ Building Offi~al under the provisions of this Code 1h1II expire by llmltetlon and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit ii not commenced within 386 days from the date of 1uch permit or If thl building or work.author by7ch permit Is 1u1p1nded or abandoned et anytime the work·la omm1nc1~ for a _rlod of 18 days (Section 108,4,4 U!'llform Bull~ng c;ode).A It/$> · APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE C.&t..i!ll!~~~ll~Lt.-a. .... ..aa~!!!!.-........ -------~DATE . ___ .. City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 3/1/99 Permit# CB983522 Title: FUNTOWN FIRE (:NGINE Sl-f OW Description: FOUNDATION Type: MISC Sub Type: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: L<:>t Location: !\PPLICANT : LANDON DAWN Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Act Inspector Assignment: PD _...__ ____ Phone: lnspeciotif::.__ Requested By: JIM Entered By: BARBARA ' --· --------,-------,---.;...._--,------------ Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Co)Timents 11/24/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piet's AP PD ·-Citv 01 Carlsbad · · Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite 'Fire:> Plan Check#: Date: 3/1/99 Permit#: CB983522 Permit Type: MISC Project Name: FUNTOWN FIRE EN~INE SHOW Sub Type: FOUNDATION Address: 1 LEGO DR 1Lot Contact Person: JIM Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA ............................... ··································· ·· ·············· ·· ·····~············! ..•.................. ·····················••!I•••••• Inspected Date By: 11'.lsp~cted: . Approved: Disapproved:_. __ Inspected bate By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ ._ ···················································••_!!••••••••,•···························································································· Comments: -------'----------=------,-----,,-----'----------------------'------ ~·· EsGll Corporatio·n '.ln. Partnersliip Witli (jovernment for '.Buifaing Safety DATE: October 23, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-3522 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. . ~• .. SEr;I PROJECT NAME: Foundation for Fire Engine Show D APPLICANT &1 JURIS s; :::> D-PLAN REVIEWER D FILE ~ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where .necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. . ' D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ·' D The applicant's copy of the check_ list has been sent to: ~ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the app·licant that the plan check has been com_pleted. D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan ch9.ck has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: (by: Mail Telephone Fax In Person:· D REMARKS:- By: KurtCulver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Telephone #: Fax#; Enclosures: 10/1:5/98. trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ,. Carlsbad 98-3522 October 23, 1998 ' f VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE· JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-3522 PREPARED BY: Kurt Culver BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: DATE: October 23, 1998 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: BUILDING PORTION-BUILOING AREA VALUATION VALUE (ft. 2) ' MULTIPLIER ($) -· . .. -. . . . ' . .. '. Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers . . .. TOTAL VALUE .. .. . D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee D -Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Struct1;1ral Only ~ Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 130.73 Comments: Foundation review: Esgil fee-= 1.5 hrs. @ $87.15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue:doc 5196 I PLANNINC/ENCINEERINC .APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 98 .... :SS-,?.2 .. ADDRESS .:t. L£~o (j~/tJe. RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (<$10,000.00) · LEGO Vhvd -/7(JAJtOW'A/ DATE /O--/f(-9? tENANTIMPROVEMENT PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES ViLLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTH~R A~£ 6UG"/AJ£ -Slfow' i(oUN-44]7CW. PLANNERk~ DATE /Q --/1/-98 ENCINEER DATE -------....----,--- O0CS1Mlstorms1Plan111ng Enolneenng Approvills