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1 LEGOLAND DR; DUPLO; CB982948; Permit
., B U .I L _ D I N G. : P .E R .M I T . · 10/21/$'8 09; 40 Page -1· of 1 Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Permit Type: COMMERCIAL BUILDING Parcel Nb: 211-622-16-00 ·valuation: · 25,000 Suite:. . L,ot#: Occupancy Group: Referetice#: Des·cription: PUP?ET THEATER .ATTRACTION : DUPLO-LEGO LAND . CITY OF CARLSBAD _ P?rmit No: CB:982948 J;>roject No: A9'6·03436 D·ev~·J.opment: No: F1:3-05·001 · 2075 Las Palmas Dt., Carlsbad, CA 92009' (619) 438-1161 . \ • PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ON>:?: (')( I ir) PLAN CHECK NO. '::J1i_ er°{ '-i;;Y CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. ________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit __ ..,,,.-,4-____ _ Validated BY,,--,~,--.-+fr"I--.,.---.---- Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision 'Name/Number Unit No. Total II of units Asaassor's Parcel # Existin~ · Q ~,,,., '::L. )A Proposed Use 'Du(?LO~ Pueter I\1EATeJ?.. ~IN-. ~'---,.,,Lrr.2 Description of Work SQ. FT. #of Stories ' I ofBitdroorils I of Bathrooms Name Address City State/Zip Telephon!I I ·6. '· '."'CONTRACTOII :--COMPANY.iNAI\IE;:r.:6'~'1':'.";'i~~t:,·:!-/i<I1~J: :·:; ~:/i.:,: ?:';_:-.' -·;_;-,_ ·.: , (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City cir County which requires a permit to construct, alt!lr, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant· for such permit to ·file a signed statement that he is ·licensed pursuant to the provisions of d1e Contractor's Ucense Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) :or that he is exempt ·therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any epplicant for a permit subjects the.applicant to a civil ~ity of not mQra than five.hundred dollars-1$500)). Nema Addr11I License-Class---------- City State/Zip Telephone I State Ucenae I _________ _ Clty·Busin!l51 Ucense "----------- Designer Name Address City ,state/Zip Telephone State Ucense I ________ _ re. ;". ,,.WORKERS· .,COMPENSA TIONi,~dt:!!i:Jl~il.:::li:::::tt:.-.. :'. :~~ :1. i:\,.1.t::..~~·: !:: .. : 1.:u I 1:. , , ... ·M: .. , ! M,-, ... 1, ::.:_.;: :. • .. ..: ·:,!-·,::; ... ~ ::~:,~:...·:,.: " ... :' : .. ~~~?: -.. ~: ,;' !:-L ~.:~~~ :.:,~·ji ,: :; .. , .. ~ ,::::: 11 , : , Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following·declarations: 0 I heve and will maintain a certificate of consent to.self-insure for workers' compensation II provided by Section 3700 of the Llbor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit 11 issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, es required by Section 3700 of the Llbor Code, for the performance of the work tor y.,hich this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company______________________ Policy No. ______________ _ Expiration Date ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERM!T IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICA,TE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner-so es to become sutiJ4i.~. to the Workers' Compensation lewa of California, · WARNING: Faili!'e to aecure workeri' compenaation coverage la unlawful, and shall •ubJect III employer to crlnllnal penaltlu and civil flnH up to one hundred thouland dollar• ($100,000), In llddltlon to the coat of COfflPlnSl!tlon, ~n,agea u prov!ded for.In Section 3708 of the Labor code, Interest end attomey'a fNa. SIGNATURE ..... _____________________________ ..,..____ DATE ____________ _ ·1. · ,owNER~BUILDER·1>EC1:ARATIOftir\1'N:,~.~1:1:'1.1,i~'1:·'•:"--:r·=·:··!_:~·,j_.:,····· ..... , .. • .• , ....... ···:.·····. · · .... ·'. ,. -:, -·· · ·'"" · ···-... :.-... :,·~:··•· ':.'. . .... , .. I hereby affirm that I am-exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following ruson: 0 I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as thefr sole compensation, will do the work and t_he structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Busine111 and Profe11lons Code: The Contractor's Licenae L•w does not apply to 1n owner of property who builds or improvaa thereon, and who do11 auch work himaelf or through.his own employ11a, provided that 111ch lmprovem1nt1 ire not intended cir offered for sal_e. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one y11r of completion, the owner-builder will have the burt9n of proving that he did not bulld or improve for th4t purpoae of sale). 'ft2" I, aa owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with llcertsed contractors to construct tht project (Sac. 7044, Business and Profe11ion1 Codi: The ~tractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or lmprov11 thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's Ucenae·Law). 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Buslne11 and Prote11ions Code for this r111on: 1: I personally plan to provide the major-labor and mtterials·for-construction of the proposed property im-prpviment. 0 YES 1)1,o 2. I 9iave not) signed an application for a building permit tor the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the foll I parson (firm to provide the proposed construction (include name / addre11 / phone nuinber / contractors licensa number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the followin11-per1on to coordinate, superviae and provide the major work !include n~ma /address/ phone number/ contractors Ucenae number):. ___________ ...., ______ ,..,_ ____________________________ _ 5. I will provide soma of the work,,but I have contractac~ (hiridl the foliowing·per1on1 to provide the work !ndlcatad (Include name/ addr111 /.phone number/ type of work):, ________ q:=1iir--....,i.-...---::-:--r---t----.-----------------:i,---:i,------------- QAT~...,._,_,__.,_......,c:;;. ___ _ :ll~JIU>ING 1P£RNilTS;QNLY!i';~:;:~}i::,;·,··~· ·;-:. : . ''.;-_,.; :1,~:i,_b_, ·.i· ;',./1.1::'t ;;i,.3(,~_,JJ.bt,fi:.L; . Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit I business plan, acutely tiazar!fous miteriais registration fQrm or risk management and· prevention program under Sections 26605, 25533 or 25534-of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air_pollution-control district or air quaijty mantgemant district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer bound1ry·of a school site? 0 YES tJ, NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS :rHE.APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. !.8 •. ~ dco.~sTI1uCTiQN'·LE.NP!.N*-•ctt:&~1~;,(~~ti'.i!f:::;.~~:;:;;~i:tr;\::;1iti;~,:,.=;i;·:f:?!.;·i~;;m:;i:;, \!:;:i,;:;;:;.;.1/,·\,.;::~,g1 . :. ·::.,_, :: ;: ,: :;:,. ,, ··,: ... ,_,:,:ii',\::'.:,.,:.·:::;,:::·. ,· I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of tha work for·which this permit is i11uad (Sac. 3097(1) Civil Code). I certify that l have read the applicatiQn and state that the above Information Is correct and that the information on the plans 11 accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby Iuttiorize repre11ntativai of the Cltt of Cari1bad to enter upon the above mentioned property for Inspection purpo11s. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY ~D KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH M.AY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST $AID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE-GRANTING-OF THIS'PERMIT. ' OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over s•o• deep and demolition or constructjon of structures over 3 Itori11 In hilght. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by tht Building Officlil under the provisions of this.Coda shall expire by limltation and ~acome null and void if the buifding or work authorized by such permit 11 not commenced. within 365 days from the data of such permit or I! the building or work authorized by such permit 11 suspended ' :P::::::;.: ·~l::A~~:E -the work la ommence~ fora riod of 18 d1y1 (Section 10~~4,4 Uniform Bui!di~A~:d: CJ /~1_? --~ ---~ ---~-, ,I City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 3/2/99 Permit# CB982948 Title: PUPPET THEATER ATTRACTION Description: DUPLO-LEGO LAND Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot Location: l:\.PPLICANT : DAWN ROLLINS Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Stru.ctural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Comments Inspector Assignment: PD Phone: lnspecIDr~ Requested By: KEVIN Eritere<;I By: ROBIN -----------------· -· ----,---'---------'-------'------------------..,.._- Inspection History Date Description Act lilsp Comments 12/3/98 11 FtgiFoundation/Piers PA PD BLEACHERS 11/2/98 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 6 COLUMN FTGS ,,,.,;..----~~=;;:--·, . RECEIVED • ·,;;~ CHI of Carlsbad . ~·;.Final Building Inspection ~ .. ,. - CITY OF CARLSBAD "" G!NEERING ~WJMEN,I. Dept: Building Engiffeeflog Planning CMWD St Lite Fire uE~W/,,ll.~- Plan Check#: Permit#: 0B982948 Project Name: PUPPET THEATER ATTRACTION DUPLO-LEGO 'LAND Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: KEVIN Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Lot: Date: 2/22/99 Permit Type: COM Sub Type: ••••••• II 1111 IIIIIIIIIICIII ............ ,1!111111•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1111111•••••••·~······-III 111111.•••••••••_I Ill llllll I•••••••• 1111111111111111 Inspected ~ Date /4 . ~sapproved: __ . By: Inspected: ?/?-'I' 1' ~ Approved: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved:. Disapproved: __ . . .......................................................................................................................................................... , Comments: __ ~~-------------------,------,----------- ~f ,. • -,.,;i.,~--CilY or Carlsbad ~ ·; Final Building Inspection 4 ,_,111.... .. I • Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD· St Lite Plan Check #: Permit#: CB982948 Project Name: PUPPET THEATER ATTRACTION DUPLO-LEGO LAND Address: 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: KEVIN Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Lot Date: 2/22/99 Permit Type: COM Sub Type: a a I II I I I I 111 II I I II I I II II 111II111111 II I 1111 I I I I I I I I I II 11111 II 11 II 118 II ii Ill 11 iii Ill I_I I I I I I I 11I11111111 I I I I I I I I I 111111111I1111II11111_1111111 I I I I 11I11111111a'11 Da10-- --::;,...P.~:¢==-......i&...a...e:::::...=-,...::::,-~spected: d,.-;;)..,f r9J-: Approved: .~ Disapproved: __ In By: _________ _ ______ Approved:--,--~-Disapproved: ___ _ Inspected Date By:-----------,-lnsp~cted: -~--",---· Approved:----,,-'--,..,. Disapproved: __ II 111111I111111 II II II Ii Ii 111 I I 1·1 II I II lllil I I I I II I I I I I II ... II II II I I I I I 1111 II 11111 II II I I I II I I 11111 Ill I 1,!1 I I I I I I 11111 I I 11 I I I I! I I I I 111111 I I 11 I I I I I I I ii I I 111I11111 Comments: __________ .;.__ ______________________ ...;. CltY or Carlsbad · Final Building 1ns1ecuon Dept: Building l;:ngineeri~g Planning CMWD St: -;1; Fire Plan Check#: Pennit#: Project Name: Address: CB982948 PUPPET THEATER ATTRACTION DUPLO-LEGO LAND · 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: . KEVIN Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Date: ';./22/99 Pennit Type: COM Sub Type: Lot: •111111111111 •••••••••••• 111111 II•••••••••••• IIIIIIIIIIWllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllljllllll 1~111111111111111 Iii••••••.••••••••••• 1111111111111111 Inspected Date [ 1-. By: ___ ...,t==-""",11-'A,,,..---:'~_~-----Inspected: ~ 23,Lqq Appro~ed: ~ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: inspected: ______________ Approved: ___ Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: ______ Approved:--'--Disapproved: __ I I 11 I 11 I I I I I I 111 I I II II II I I I I I I I I I Ill! I I I II 1111 I I I I I_I I II I II I I II II II I II I I_I Ill II _I II l~I I I I I I I I Iii II I II I II I I I I I II I Ill II 1111 II I I I I I II I I I I 1111 II II I I I II I I II 111111111 Cornments: _______ ....._ ____________________ .__ ____ _ '·· \ ·, ... · Chi of Carlsbad ~ ; ·Final· Building lnspecuon ""\..,,.. . Dept: Building Engineering PUitifiiifgr CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Pennit#: Project Name: Address: CB982948 .PUPPET TH!=ATERATTRAGTION DUPLO-LEGO LAND 1 LEGO DR Contact Person: KEVIN Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA Inspected Date By: Inspected: . Inspected Date By: Inspected: Date: 2/22/99 Permit Type: COM Sub Type: Lot Approved: Disapproved: __ Approveq: Disapproved: __ ························································~·········••i!•••········ .. ·········································································· Comments:------------------,.------------------------------- • cnv ar,carlsbad · Final Building lnspecuon Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite ~ Plan Check#: Permit#: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: Inspected By: Inspected By: CB982948 PUPPET THEATER ATTRACTION DUPLO-LEGO LAND 1 LEGO DR KEVIN CA Phone: Water Dist: CA Date Inspected: Date Inspected:. Approv!;ld: Approved:· Disapproved: __ Disapproved: __ ·········································,·······································~··················-······················································· Comments:-----~----------------------....--,------------------------ SEE MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS . SCANNED SEPARATELY '~ CB972·027 IS THE· . . PLAN CHE·CK NUMBER FOR MANY OTHER CB'S -ALSO SEE ' CB971460(OUTER PARK) CB971465(ADMf N BLDG) L l •/ lrifonnati01i • ®To Build On . Page_1_of _l_ Engineering • Consulting • Testing INSPECTION REPORT , PROJECT (Name)---"-&-----"-_,,(d~o=...L/4...;..1,.,-,_..;...~j=---_· ____ (Address)_--p--;---~-------A""T-- CLIENT Le.~ 0 DATE~L~2~--i~'--~7-~------ Architect __ ___,_tf__._--=O:;......L.:/C=--c.·---'------~-- Engineer __ _,.}IVle~-~~M----'--------- Contractor. __ }3~,.__,73'-""'-_(1__~-~----- INSPECTION MAT'L SAMPLING QTY _OSHPD __ Concrete Cylinders --_OSA __ Cement --__ Specialty __ Mortar Samples --__ Mechanical _Grout Samples -- __ Electrical _ Masonry Prisms --__ Roofing _ Masonry Block --__ Concrete . ~-Fireproofing --__ Masonry ·-. Units (block or brick) _y_struct Steel __ Asphalt Concrete -- __ Prestress Cone · __ Roofing -- __ Pile Driving ·--. Reirif. Steel -.-Fireproofing __ Steel --__ Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolts -- __ Non-Destructive __ Tendon (PT Strands) --.. __ Soils Technician __ Other -- __ Batch Plant __ Other -- __ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other -- REMARKS WsJ?>+? o· G+ REPORT No. __ "7~0=--2c ..... c.,..., _z_-_·/i_t2~->....,.c.~I-., Building Permit No. _____________ _ Plan File No. ________________ _ Govt. Contract No._· _____________ _ CSA-or OSHPD #-------------- Other-------'-'-------------,,------- MATERIAL DESCRIPTION INSPECTION CHECKLIST . _ Rinf.: Rebar _ Plan & Specs _ Rinf.:W.W.F. _ Clearances _ Rinf.: Tendons _ Positions " ._ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Sizes _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _Laps _ Cone.: Mix #/psi _ Future Continuity #/psi -. _ Grout: Mix #/ps[ _ Consolidation _. Mortar: Type/psi _ Mortar Batching -. Units: Block .....:iJ.. Electrode Storage _ Units: d{;;k _ Torque Applied B _'.)0.-Steel c t:Y\. t4: S::) _ H.S. Bolts . \9 Metal·Decking ...J()_ Electrodes tf7Q /( _ Fireproofing 1 Other ~"'[~ Y-l--:Sl.:. _ Corrective action required __ _ Corrections completed CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: To the best of our knowledge, all of the reported work, unless otherwise noted, substantially complies with approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the building-e:odes. This report covers the locations of the work inspected only and does.not constitute engineering opin- ion or project control. · 1NSPECTOR.NAMF })14,.-, ~~~ CERT.No._9~E~7-=0=--:::;. ..... ')t___ ________ _ (P~,.-..-,, INSPECTOR SIGNATURE~~--«'· PSl·B-900-170(2) {) DATE __ ,_/_2_-_...4""-'/'--~--y-5--'-''8'.''------- EsGrl C-orpo,ration 'l.n Partn.ers~ip witft. (jovemmeti.t for '13ui{aing Safetg DATE: October 15, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad ~C~NT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2948 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr·. PROJECT NAME: Puppet Theater Canopy D D D D D D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where nec~ssary c:i'nd substantially comply with the jurisdiction'$ building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the Jurisdiction's building codes when minor-deficiencies identified bel'ow are resolved and checked by building department staff. ·' . The plans transmitted .herewith have significant deficiencies identified -on the enclosed check list and should be corrected arid resubmitted for a complete.recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for yotir information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck.· The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sen(t~: J . . .;_ Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the'. applicant 'that the plan check has been completed. . . Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Tel·ephon~ #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax.#: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: --~ By: Kurt Culver . Enc_losures: . Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ 0 PC 10/12/98 trnsmtl.dot • I 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ~- EsGil Corp-oration 'l.n Partntrsliip Witli {jo'tlt!rnment for '.Bui{ding Saft!tJ DATE: September 15, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-2948 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Puppet Theater SET:I Fabric .Ca,nopy D APPLICANT OPNREV!EWER ~ .0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the juri$diction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. · IZJ The check list transmitted herewith is for your informcltion. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. ~ The applicant'·s copy of the. check list has been sf:lnt to: Dawn Landon 5342 Armada Dr. Carlsbad 92009 Fax= (760) 804-7959 (g] Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the ~pplicant that the plan check has been completed. · D Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted: C?/tb (by:~) Fax #: Mail v'Telephone. Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D CM D EJ D PC Enclosures: 9/8/98 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 9?123 + (619) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 ( Carlsbad 98-2948 September 15, 1998 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION UST COMMERCIAL . PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-294$ OCCUPANCY: A-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION; V-N? ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 6000 SPRINKLERS?: ? REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 9/2/98 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: S~pte:inber 15, 1998 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICflON: Carlsbad USE: Theater ACTUAL AREA: -1000 STORIES: 1 . HEIGHT: --18' OCCUPANT LOAD: -100 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY· ESGIL CORPORATION: 918/98 PLAN REVIEWER: Kurt Culver This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in. the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state ·1aws regulating energy conservation,· noise attenuation ·and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances· enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance. from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3., 1994 Uniform Building Code,. the approval of the plans does not _permit the violation of any state, county or city ·law. To speed up the recheck process, please note· on thi's list (or a copy) where each correction item tias been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, spetification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised _plans.. . LIST NO. 22, GENERAL COMMERCIAL WITHOUT ENERGY OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1994 UBC ) comforw.dot Carlsbad 98-2948 September 15, 1998 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corpora~ion, 9320 Chesapeake. Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468. • PLANS 2. Provide a Building· Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code . information for each building proposed: · · • Occupancy Group • Description of Use • Type of Construction • Sprinklers: Yes or No • Stories • Height • Floor Area 3. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centeriines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. · 4. Specify on the plans the following. information for the roof materials, per Section 106.3.3: a) ICBO approval number, or equal. · DOCUMENTATION MUST BE PROVIDED TO SHOW THAT iHE FABRIC WILL SAT.ISFY THE FIRE-RESISTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF THE UBC. THIS DOCUMENTION MUST BE MORE THAN JUST THE MANUFACTURER'S CLAIM. 5. On the ·cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, in a format similar to that shown below. -REQUIRED SPECIAL-INSPECTIONS In addition to. the regular inspectio'ns, the ·following checked items will also require Special Inspection in accordance with Sec. 1701 of the Uniform Building Code. ITEM REQUIREO? HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTS PILES/CAISSONS FIELD WELDING Rl;MARKS Carlsbad 98-2948 September 15, 1998 6. When special. inspection is required; the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. Please complete the attached form. • FRAMING 7. The calculations use a live load ofonly 5 psf. Please justify this, citing UBG Sections. • AODITIONAL 8. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 9. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are Other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are locateo in the pl~ns. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: D Yes D No 10. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If ·you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Ku,t Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. t Carlsbad 98-2948 September 15, 1998 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROG_RAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: _____ OWNER'S NAME: . I, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of re·cord, will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Unjform Building Code (UBC) Section 1701.1 for the construction project located at the site listed above. UBC Section 106.3.5. Signed ----------------------- I, as the engineer/architect of record; certify that I have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106.3.5 .for the construction projectlocated at the site listed above. Signed -------,.----,.;.--------------------------- . . 1. List of work requiring special inspection: D Soils Compliance Prior to Foundation Inspection D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI D Prestressed Concrete · D Structural Masonry D Designer Specified D Field Welding Engineer's/Architect's Sear & Signature Here D High Strength Bolting D Expansion/Epoxy Anchors D Sprayed-On Fireproofing D Other ______ _ 2. Name(s) of individual(s) or firm(s) responsible for the special inspections listed above: A. B. C. 3. Duties of the special inspectors for the work_ listed above: A. B. C. Special inspectors shall check in with the City and present their credentials for approval prior to beginning work on the job site. . SIP 4997 ..{ Carlsbad 98-2948 September 15, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN. CHECK NO.: 98-2948 PREPAREO BY: Kurt Culver DAT~: September 15, 1998 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY; A-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N I BUILDING PORTION II BUILDING .AREA I · VALUATION VALUE .. {ft.2} MULTIPLIER ($) Theater Canopy 1000· .. . 25 2s;ooo ... . . . Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 25,000 D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee [gl Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance:$ 244.83 D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee [gl Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 159.14 Type of Review: [gl Complete Revi'ew O Structural Only D Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 127.31 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc·5196 PLANNIN'G/ENCINEERlNG APPROVALS- PERMITNUMBERCB 9?J-Z9l/8_ _ DATE q--/C°-98 ADDRESS 1 Lif GO ()~/l/e _ RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR ( < $10,000.00) LE'GOL,4\//) . PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES -VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC OTHER LJ U/JLO fJU/J/JffTll:64-r&~ =Oij PLANNER .1Li 7k«. DATE 9-/-S=-9,:Y ENGINEER -DATE ------------------------ oocstMlstorms/Plannlna Engineering Approvals ,_ October 8, 1998 LEGOLAN1) Estates A.G. 5600 Avienda Encinas Suite 130 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn: Dawn Landon Project: LEG_OLAND Cluster: Duplo and Castle Re: Shade Structures Dear Dawn; Bernards Bros. Construction LEGOLAND, Carlsbad -Project 5342 Annada Drive Carlsbad, California, 92008 Tel: 760-930-0099 Fax: 760-930-9162 License 302007 Attached please find Shade Concepts' responses to the plan check comments. Regarding the response to item 1, the testing and ,certification is preformed on each lot of materiaJ after it is manufactured. I have enclosed a copies of certificates for the products that will be used in Legoland. Please note that the faxes were barely legible and the sheets attached to the faxes ate BBC's best guess. The certificates for the material µsed at . · Legoland will be supplied upon installatiGrt of the fabric. This process is similar to that of the submission Mill Certs. for structural steel. Should you have any questions or concerns let me know. Respectfully,. Bernar · Bros. Const · . ction, Inc. cc: File C:\Legoland\Letters\LEGO\Lego0 131tr.doc 180D1 SKY .PARK CIRCLE, SUITE F IRViNE, CA. 92614 TEL: (149) 250•9525 FAX: (949) 250-9022 SHADE CONCEPTS ctober 6) 1998 Mike Turi . Bernards Bros. Construction 5342 Armada Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mike, · Pleas~ find attached Fire Certificates for Ferrari .Soltis 86. We will.supply you with certificates for all of the material used op. the project, these certificates will be sent to us with the fabric. s~ Bella Stack For ~hade Concepts·. CONTRACTOR'S .LICENSE: I\\ 746488 OCT. ~06' 98!TUE) 14:01 MACKELLAR ASSOCIATES Fdx e1111S pu; • 33 1 '.i'i !:11 1:i·~ 2a. FEJIRl'IJH TEL:248 335 5·449 P. 002 l ~ 1llilij':f.lt;la 1S :G2 "4 NORM i'a ·. JI'? Df~•A•• .. ·1aa . T'l•'T_ j II 1,,Aar;l~-*'TAfllll••, IN_.1, .,....,.i.,jiiitiili.,.....,..._., .• ._..,. _ _,.-_.., ___ "W• Ten P'lr Y,ur ft,qum" • 3H w•i FR?NT aT,.Jt:T . . P,0; 10. if004 . . . IUR!,.IN .. TON. N.01::iTH CAR0L.-INA a1i1& (330) 2, p7710 · '.r ,, rri11Mcit ,e F""11-"n.~,tr ~RWt $~ p, :J4 v.~'ll ~·Lo 'rol.4r. t,-y 11.n Cod•" ~ 1'f\U'Q, f ta:ni:,e · l .. i,.t~r.tn;11 l.,Qbor;-11,r;ory 1'1~ ~p~t-.t ~-~ fd•n~i£;g4 icn Nq. i~s• invoto• Ho. 4 O 11te·tadht'1l. \ .. ~II:' Ml", ·Jl'CN:rnh~: \ ,~: -U) f~r:ie Hff~l •. 1 Lcl~tU1e~ 1• IJOL'UI U, WO reqtiVtd aml ~411tod. jn !IC:Ccl:"a•nee Wi~J1 1~,·.H•~~liltwk~ lh• l!rtvantLF· .\UOci1,t:.i.~n Ng, ?o.i, 1 r1o1rn. Jtc•t,tan~. iJ!1~U11~ tnd Pilm11, :.11116 lt~ k°Jl'I, ITHt l., S"'*+l, !lct),t ! ft , 'I'hll'I :ril•\l.!.CI air, ~B tQHOWl'r ~S,,MQ, MM.mu I Ret~dull r~~llll! l'ldlfht tioos \ · l~Wl (,-f.Uim.l ~ Ii 4 7 8 ' iQ A-VQ, I I : I ,, I l ' f ' o,a Q,O 0,0 0°'. Q . 0,0 0,C 0 ,,(I o.o g., 0 .u r,, C s,o 8 '2IJ . ?,112 6,Qf ~AU ,.s11 5.0i if.,,U. · · s .~o L,.M s, a·, r ':t1~r.~o .• .,.~, 1Hab'ln~;i:~;I me1t1, !!lie!' R\l1UriNm ·,,q,.inNii;, of the •bQve .,i:anda.d, T~ 1;-.-;,, s,er~ont wet~~!! ii::11~ ~ln&\Ot '"a-4 1'0t •net tl'IJ w,i;~ l.a111a t:i, ind1vtc!\l~l ape0t.mcan11 iol:Jt 1-!(Q•d· m"an -.,.,:,u., plj\ie th.re. 1t.~u~ ~nhUon•. Th• 4Y4tr:19'1! ~•.dd\Ja~. n.111mc:i canno~ 1.,~ i , 0 IPCIQM4.I , ! i i;lJn, u, any q,.iu~icn1 •r whcr:i "le ~an ce ot eijrtl'le:r •••h.1:c\nqc,, pla:uc,, 1,e 1.i11 k:li0\I, i i<if!r:•lY, ~~. ,_, , .. :W, 1 P\ifCit u~ 1to;I\IRJ~ e I DIVERSIFIED Testing Laboratories, Inc. 368 West Front Street P.O. Box 4004 Burlington, North Carolina 27218 (336) 297-7710 . July 30, 1998 Mr. Francoise Fournie Refer:ence: Laboratory Test Report Lab Identification No. 1180 Invoice No. 4148 (Attached} Dear Mr. Fournier: ( 1) Fabric sample, identified as mltie 86, was received and tested in accordance with National Fire Prevention Association No. 701; "Flame Resistant Textlice and Filma. 1996 (test 1, small scale). · The results are as follows: . Number Residual Flame Weight toad (Percent) 1 0.0 5 .. 42 2 0.0 6.28 3 0.0 · 7.92 4 ' 0.0 6.06 5 0.0: 6.61 6 0.0 5.59 7 0.0 5.05 s· 0.0 6..41 9 0.0 5;60 10 ,0.0 5'.08 - Avg, 0.0 6.08 Fabric sample submitted meets the minimum requirements of the above standard. The average percent weight load cannot exceed mean value plus three standard deviations. !he average residual flame cannot exceed 2.0 .seconds. If there are .any questions or when we caa be further assistaric~, please let us know. Sincerely, Mr. Puett P. 003 OCT -06' 98 (T~E: HI C: MAC'.·<ELLAR ASSOC I ATS:S TEL: 2.48 335 5H9 . -~- . . . ' ~r.i Na, 20030 · l03lH FIM'lri, I, I\. ABSTRACT Alffl·ES-l•JIS ltaAdarcl TIM& M:eeboct far SVUACB llVRNJNG CHAJWJ'JEBIST?C• 01' lmtJ>INO MATl!QALi (ANSI 8.6; NJl'PA saa,ti"'aC $·1, t1L '7a3) Teat Dat.o:· Tes~ Spobaor: . · Te,t &aultt: April ae, 1ssa · O '•,' -·~·.· •:: .. ·;·M· .. ·:.··t·~·: .... ' ... ~ '! ..... ·'"""'!,~ ........ ,.. ··r··-_,,.,. .. , • ... , • 10 · i= 881 I \' :,:i 'I 011 , o /i I .. ~,, •• "4 t• 'I > II" o " 0 ..... ,,,,, II' I I,, ·, ·, 'i I Report No. 10030-10382 Ferrari, B. A. Test Material: Test Standard: Test Date: Test Sponsor: Test Results: ABSTRACT Soltis 86 (PVC Coated Polyester Fabric) ASTM E84-"95·StandardTest Method for SURFACE BURNING CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING MATERIALS (ANSI 2.5 NFPA 2.56, UBC 8-1, UL 723 April 29, 1998 Ferrari, S.A. FLAME SPREAD lNDEX. SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX =10 =385 The descriotion of the procedure and specimen evaluation, as well as the observations and result~ obtained , contained herein are true artd accurate within the limits of sound engineering practice. These results. are valid only for the specimen tested and may not representthe performance of other specimens from the same or other production lots. Omega Point Laboratories, Inc. authorizes the client named herein to reproduce this report only if reproduced in it's entirety. The test specimen identification is as provided by the client and Omega Point Laboratories accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies therein. L. Schmidt Jr. Manager, Small Scale Testing William E. Fitch, P.E. No. 55298 Executive Vice President Date: May 1,1998 Date: May 1, 1998 ro o Ill J_ I E~l ·~ --.. r~elTllntlna rnnOYll'IMI Building Ted'nolo;y - Ad11,ncec1 S1ructur11 Incorporated . 1&4019t't Street; S.nta Monica, CAQ0.4C.4 310.828.0IIIU Ill . . : .1®-4~ Fax Letter (Total# of pages_)) To: Project: Subject: Dear Claude, Claude Centner Shade-Concepts 18001 Sky Park Circle, Suite F Irvine,. CA 92614 ·(877) 887-4433 (949) 250-9022 F~ Legolalld-Carlsbad Plan ·Check Cottecti<>~ • Clarification September 23, 1998 ·• Ple~c refer to the· following responses to the plan check correction items #4 and#7, dated September lS,1998. Item #4 -Fire Resistive Requirem~nts See the product i:panufacturcr's test literature for the ICBO approval number, or equal. · · Item #7 -Live Loadin& Currently, the tTJ3C d9es·not have a designation for live loads on fabric structures. As ·a practical consideration, this office designs all fabric structures to a mhumwn live load of S psf found under the desii!lation of &'ft-llin&:s within the UBC Table 16-C~ Item 4. , . -, Wil Shepp•· Project Engineer Encl.: UBC Table 16-C File: C:\PROJECTS\9625'4\Corresp\WPf.1Cle17 YV.:I 91: 91 <ra.~ 86i~i!/60 * •.. ,-.., , .... ,. ...... 7.00[l] 199.fUNFORM BUILDING CODE 15-8-16-C FOQT'Nt;)TESTO TABL! 14•8-(Continued) •1111crmcdiatc ntils, pancffillcrnnd tliclr connections sh~II be capable of withstandln1 • lolld·of 2' pounds per square I foot(l.2 kNfml} appllcd·horizontally III rilht snclcs over the entlie tr!burary area, lncloohif· openinp and spi!cu \)et ween ntila. Reactions due lo this loltdlng need noc.be combined with ~ of F00ln9lc , to A horizt>ntal load in potnls (N} applkd at right 1n&f e.s to th.vehicle burier it a hci11h1 of 18 inches ( 457 IIV11) above the paitina ~urfacc. The force,may be lliatributtd ow:r a 1-fool-iquaie (304,8-milimelcr-tquarc) ~ •. ,.. It Tiic motnin& o( handrails sball be such JIIR!. t~e ccmpletecfhandrai!Ar.d supporiin& IINCl"re arc c,pr.blt or with• -~11111din1 • load ofat lc:a.st 200 pounds (890 N) ipplled ln any dlrec1lon·11t any point on the mil. TheJa l01.d1 lhall ' I , ll0I bt usurncd lo act cumulatively_ with ltcnr9. · 12Vcrtic:al memben o( s1enf·, rtclcs sliall be protc'\.1ed 'from imp;ict·forces or opcr1dn1 ettlilfl!llCnt, or racks shall be de.signed ,o 1hat failurc.o one verticill-member will nol came collapse or rnorc·1hiln the bay or bii)s dlretlly sup- ported by 1h11 member. · l.ltJ1c 250-pound (1.11' kN) load 11 to be applied to any 1i11gle'fire spinkler ,11ppon poinrbut n011lmulusneowly 10 11II support joints. · TABLE 1&-C-MiNIMUM ROOF LIVlii LOADS1 ME'nt001 ·unHOD2 .. ll'IIIYIII)' l.Dadld Arllll In '4u-l'MC"fot ·_ Any IClllftlrtfMIITlller, . X 0.0821 tar ml ui:r Olo-200 I· 201 lr>IOO : 0¥erto0 . (pl!Ulda 'ptr , Rataol lollxtmum Unit~ L-,i fpaLftl~ ~ aquara toot) aquaNloolJ lhduo-........ IIOOFlll.OPE ,,_ O.Oofft tor JiHnnl · uonr uon If "(l>,itC*l!agt) ~canw;el I. Fia1l or rise leu Jhcln 4 ~nitnet1ic1d:in J 2 Unil5-horizonuil . CB.391i 3~). Arch 20 16 12 20 .re 40 or dome with rise leu than one ei&h(h of J sp_an 2. Rise 4 units vertical 10 Im than 12 uni!! veit:cul .i_n J t units horizontal (33%.10 lcss.llwt lOO,, · lC'i 14 12 16 ,06 2S I sltri· An:h or dome wi, l ri1e·0110 •ieh of span IO less 1 1nn three e!ghlht of span l Rhe 1211nitncrticaf . in 12 units horizontal (I~ slope) and 12 1rca1cr. Arch.or dome 12 12 '12 widt rise dtrec eighths of 8p!l,'1 or -· greater 4. Awnings except cloth 5 5 ~ 5 . No reduction, pennitletJ covcred4 ,I s. Greenhouses, lath houses lnd 10 10 IQ 10 ~2ricuhur~I buil<:lin&55 I ... 1Where tnQW loads occur, die l'QOf slrticture shull be dcsillJ1C(Hor &uch load~ as deietrn,ned by tho bu1la1ng <>tfi.ial. , Sec $ecticn 1605.4. For tpccial-parpose-roors, ,ee SccJicm 160:1-3, I ·S(e Section-lfiQs-for llve·loild reuuc:ions. TI1e r111c o( reduction rin Sr:c1ion-l 606 Foonula (6-1 )·shall be.u irdic~ted in the rable. The maximum rcd~c1ion R ch:i.il not e~eud the val~ indic.tlcd in lheJablc. l A lhtt roo( is iufy roof with ·a jlope of leu th.t!I 1/4 u:111 ,..enical In t:2 uniu h~rlzonrnl (2% il11pc), The Ji,c lond for . ,,- 001 roof3 is in llddi1ion ro.Jhc pondll!J load requlretl by Seclion 1605.6. . , ~ A1 defined in Section 3206. · - · 5sec Scciion 1605.5 for co11Centrated la.d requ:r:mcn!t for in:ciillou,e roar membc~. 2-31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 Document 98264ER_l> Engineering Report LEGO LAND-CARLSBAD FABRIC CANOPY August, 1998 AS/ . 1640 Nineteenth Street, Santa Monica, ·california, 90404 Tel: (310) 828-0884 Fax: (310) 828-1504 JllJE((jffll'.lfVlfflID} Al I~ ? S ·10.~H~ Bernards Bro&. ~onst. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 Table of Contents Description Design & Engineering Overview Calculations 2 .1 Design Loads 2.2 Fabric and Cable Design 2.3 Members and Connections 2 .4 Foundation Design Appendices Appendix A Drawings Analysis Methods Legoland-Carlsbad Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Fabric and Component. Specifications Computer Results I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 Legolan4-Carlsbad 1.0 DESIGN & ENGINEERING OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION The objective of this report is to present the engineering design methodology and structural analysis of the Puppet Show fabric canopy· structure design~d for Lego land-Carlsbad located in Carlsbad, California. Presented in this report is a description of tbe structural system, the materials, the design loading criteria, the computer model used to perform the structural analysis, and the member and connection selection procedures. STRUCTURAL SYSTEM A permanent outdoor amphitheater is shaded by a fabric canopy. The structure consists of a prestressed, six sided fabric mesh canopy which resists external loads through anticlastic membrane action. The shape of the mesh is derived from edge cables terminating at low points and a single ridge cable terminating at high points. The canopy is supported both vertically and laterally via steel pipe masts which cantilever from cast-in place concrete pedestals. The fabric and cable terminations connect directly onto the masts. MATERIAL The fabric material is "Sunsure" mesh ditribued by UI).itex corporation of Doth.an Alabama. The material is a PVC coated polyester yarn. The weight of'the fabric is 14oz./sq. yard, with a tensile strength of 345 lb.fin in the warp and 150 lb.fin in fill directions. The specifications for this material is presented in Appendix C of this report. The fabric may be substituted with Ferrari mesh fabric #350 or equivalent. The cables are "Class A" zinc-coated wire rope with normal breaking strengths as recorded in Appendix C of this report.. The fittings for the cables are forged .sockets with a working capacity to match the cables. The mast and welded pipe material is ASTM A-53 standard steel or extra strong steel pipes with a minimum yield of 35,000 psi. The connection, hardware plates are made of A36 steel and the bolts are A325 high strength bolts. /, 0, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1· I I I I I 98264 Legoland-Carlsbad DESIGN LOADS The design loading criteria is based on the 1994 edition of the Uniform Building Code. The faptic is a light weight structure with an approximate assembled weight of 1.0 psf. Due to the light weight of the structure the seismic loads can be neglected. A superimposed live load of 5.0 psf on the fabric shall be considered. See the appropriate following .pages for the design load calculations. COMPUTER ANALYSIS The shade canopies are analyzed as a prestressed fabric structure. The computer analysis is carried out using a "Nonlinear Analysisflprogramutilizing the dynamic relaxation technique. This method of analysis is explained in the paper presented in Appendix B of this report. The analysis is carried in two steps: a. Prestressing: In this phase the shape of the structure is determined by assi_gning the proper prestressing forces to the fabric network, and applying the self weight. The initial shape of the fabi:ic is approximated and the prestressing run will establish. the rmal shape of the structure. The fabric is modeled as a cc1ble net with the different properties in warp c1nd fill direction. The mast is modeled as a rigid link,. b. In Service Analysis: After the final shape of the structure is compute, the structure is loaded under the wind and live load cases. The following load cases were considered: 1. Prestress + Dead Load 2. Prestress + Live Load 3. Prestress + DL + Wind (X & Z) 4. Prestress + DL + Wind (Y & Z) Due to the nonlinear nature of the problem, the principal of superposition does not hold. Hence the load analysis should ·be carried out independently. The computed forces in the cables and fabric from this analy~is is compared against _the allowable values. Critical reactions from the computer analysis should be used to design the members, hardware and foundations. The allowable stresses can be increased by 1/3 to account for the temporary nature of the wind loads. The following is a brief explanation of the various sections of this computer output: /, 0, ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 Le~oland-Carlsbad Nodal Displacements: Computed nodal displacements correspondin~ to each active load case are reported in this section of the output. Peak Displacements: For each load case, and each global direction, the n,odes which have undergone the largest positive and negative displacement in Z-direction ate listed in this section along with corresponding displacements (in inches). Element Forces: Each elements cross section type, firud and prestress forces, and .the initial and the final lengths are reported in this section. Reactions: Reactions are computed at.the support nodes and are presented in this section. The sign convention for the reactions are to be used as the applied forces the support stru:ctures. Static Check: The su:tn of all the applied forces along each global direction, and the corresponding total reaction forces. The sum of the applied forces and the sum .of the reactions in each direction should be almost identical. Member Checks: This section presents the capacity checks for the fabric and cable members. The program computes the maximum, minimum, and average forces with the safety factors and the location of the elements. The safety factors are computed by dividing the allowable (ultimate) capacity of members by the actual cap~city. A minimum safety factor of 2.2 for cables and 5.0 for fabric should be satisfied. SUPPORT REACTIONS The reactions are tabulated from the computer results. The un,its are kips. NODE Fx Reaction in X Direction Fy Reaction in Y Direction Fz Reaction in Z Direction /. 0,; I 98264 I 2.0 CALCULATIONS I I 2 .1 Design Loads 2.2 Fabric and Cable Design I 2.3 Members and Connections I 2.4 Foundation Design I I I I I I I I I I I I I -;_-.- -.,.. . - Legolam;l-C,arlsbad . ·, ·"'.'.: :: 1 .;::. ,, __ ,: ,_ .. ·· -'-, .. ,.. ··: ' -,•' ' -:·t . . ,,_ ~ ~ .. ' -... ,, --~---. .. :--··. . . ~-. ,• -~·, ' ·-· -: .... ..... ,-~_:': . --__ -:·-~ --:-~:;:_~/ ---__ : ~--:::;:>:-· -12~·/or1?~; -._ ' ·:.. •• --,.,.::_;->. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 DESIGN LOADS From Uniform Building Code 1994 DEAD LOAD DL := 1.0 psf LIVE LOAD LL :=5 psf SEISMIC LOADING Lateral Any Direction Table 16-C, Category 4 V = (Z x Ix CI Rw) x W Section 162 8 Z :=0.4 Table 16-1, Zone 4 I :=1.0 C :=2.75 Rw:=3 WIND LOADING Lateral Any Oirection P = Ce x Cq x qs x Jw qs := 12.6 psf Iw := 1.00 Ce:= 1.13 Cq := 1.3 Ph :=Ce-Cq-qs,Iw Vertical P = Ce x Cq x qs x lw qs := 12.6 psf Iw := 1.00 Ce:= 1.13 Cq :=(0.7 + 0.5) Pv :=Ce-Cq-qs·Iw Table 16-K, Category 5 Table 16-K, Category 5 Table 16-N, V = 0.367 x W Section 1618 Table 16-F, @70 mph Table 16-K, Category 5 Table 16-G, 20ft Height, Exposure C Table 16-H, 20ft Height, Ph = 18.5 I "))Sf Section 1618 Table 16-F, @ 70 mph Table 16-K, category 5 Table 16-G, 20ft f{eight,·Exposure C Table 16-H, one story structure, Pv = 17.09"):)sf · Legoland-Carlsbad :2. I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 DESIGN LOADS (Cont'd) SEISMIC FORCES Lateral Any Direction A:= 1058 ft2 · W:=DL·A W= 1058°lbf BASESHEAR :=V-W BASESHEAR = 387.93 °lbf WIND FORCES Lateral (N-S) Al :=246 ft2 BASESHEAR :=Al·Ph·0.85 BASESHEAR = 3870.32 °lbf Lateral (E-W) A2 := 114 ft2 BASESHEAR :=A2·Ph-0.85 BASESHEAR = l 793.56,0lbf Upl[ft UPLIFT:= A·Pv·0.85 UPLIFT= 15365.08 °lbf Note:Thefabric mesh is)5% open. Governs Governs Legoland-Carlsbad 1,/, ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,..._. ·-~· --~ -. Advanced Structures Incorporated • 1640 19th Street; Sarita Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 jlll PROJECT: t£6rOtltN(}-~tJJAP fax.1504 1iu~ SUBJECT:· otUYoey ,wm~ . JOB No: DATE: b,'):(J, 18 Wf2.5 BY: ____ _ SHEET:_OF: __ ' ,---. ·. AP.-tA5 PvfrN f<F--tA ').. -10517 fT ~~-(N->) W6Y\ ( t;-w) .... = 1-fla P-1 ~ I It f(7-- Gsf117 ~Tl ON t-1 ~ D-l c-.l ,A ""2 .~ t'--l C.-3 f-}elG,rHT J2.'·ou U,', 0 11 10',eo" I II I 'b. G /J, /, , I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~ ...... Advanced Struqt~rea Incorporated • 1MO 19th Str~etrsan~ Mo~1c.:, CA 90404. 310.828.0884 . . . . ... . fax.1504 ----·· PROJECT: tfrqt;k&!Vf) -.CA-;RU MP q%26.1 SUBJECT, WNC.C. vRlw.i. . .. JOB NO: DATE: g,w-rB BY: __ Vv_f_S __ SHEET:_OF: __ OANPtY fWrN ·~·~· • Cf>(NO f'f J,Ai lrP 5 I t>L = /, O fff X /Ort M ~ =-/: I /c. / tis "' M{)lf I t,i == s10 !jJ x /o s-1b r/' = s, 3 ~ I 11-s -=_ o,of2- . . ~ . Ol0$"/ I (~) WINlJ il·S = /~,SJ 1sf ll ~ ff )< &!,ff " -; , ~7 ~--/ /1-5 -= d,f)?J w1f:4J ,,\I/ = I i,s / t.sf x 111 rr'l ~ o,f J ;::: 1, 7_j · 1=-/1"v5-== o, 011--I (t,J I (J) I vr/4 f T = /7, 07 t4 x llfS'f p,/ ~ ~ es-= !G. ~b fa-/1""5 -= 0,11.."3 i, /, 'f C:\PROJECTS\ 0) i111t I !I II I JI ! I I I . A~I . I I Adv-ed StruotUI'-lnoorporated 1840 19th beet, a.lb! Monica, CA 90404 Tel 310 828 0884 Fax 310 828 1504 d -1~ u 0.0 -111 0.0 o.o -ct ,. Sl.lM(Rx) = .. d -~ ,. .. ,. ,. o.o •l3 11,$'~ EB 00 116 ,. gj @~ _g~ o.a\[7'9-,0 •• -,'il,L. D.O •2,1 -0.1 -0.1 3.2 ,0.0 -0 001 SUl'l(Rf) =- LEGO LAND-CARLSBAD PRESTRESS + DL ,-;)51; K 1, ~ !e- ll. ,"-...:' 1 °"@@·UO 0.0 01 0.'J 0.0 @-OI " ., DRAWN BY W R S DATE DATE SCALE N.1.S. DWG-NO. ?-,I, 5 Any proprietary Information Included In this dacumont' romaln1 tho oxcluslvo and confldontlal property of Advanced Structures Incorporated. Copyright 0 1994. C:\PROJECTS\ lf <I,t<Jt ., d -~~ 3..:1-00 -01 -01 ...C.t' 2, d -:~ •01 OJ) •• OJ) , • -0.1 -3.0 -i"tlL ... , 0.0 -3.l -u -0.l M -0.1 Sv~CRx> = 0.000' Sc,MCRy) = 0.000 S,mCRz> = -6.375 i /I i I • .. r·ll· .. " o.s .. , -oz 7.:t .. , :I ' ., '~I .. .. 0.0 •OJ •QI -'JB I I I 1.-..--------------------,------------------' ~~I I I Actvanoed atruotur-1noorpor11tec:1 1940191h 8treet, .._ lotDrma, CA 90404 Tel 310 828 0884 Fax 310 828 1504 LEGOLAND-CARLSBAD PRESTRESS + DL + LL DRAWN BY W R S DATE DATE SCALE N.T.S. DWG. NO. Any proprietary Information Included In this document remains the exclusive and confidential prope,rty of Advanced .Str"!clures Incorporated. Copyright Cl 1994. 11 C:\PROJECTS\ q b> "Jtbf I I l1 ! !I !1 I ii ! ;I I I I I . . . A~I .. I I Adv-ad 8truotl.r-~iltecl 1940 19th 81reet, a.nta Manloa. CA !l(),404 Tel 310 828 0884 Fox 310 828-1!504 d .,[! .. e• 00 -a.1 -o.e 0.1 . :S'J SuM.(Rx) = J .. •12 o.t 0.1 .. .. 01 OD -1~ o,L -14.7 01 0.0 . •?.:! -0.? -0,1 !57 O,l 1.750 Sun(Ry) = 0.000 SunCRz) = 14.250 J ~~ DI ~ DC DI D.O .... LEGO LAN D-·CAR LS BAD -PRESTRESS + DL + W (XZ) DRAWN BY W R S DATE DATE SCALE N.T.S. DWG. NO. ~. /. 7 Any proprietary Information Included In this document remains the exclualve and' confidential proper!}• of Advanced· Structur11 lncorporalod, Copyright 11:1 1994. ~ I I I ii j !1 I j I ! 11 11 !1 i ! ;1 i ' :1 I i I I I I I C:\PROJECTS\ '1'1,% 01 !56 ~ 01 0-C 30 O! o• ll5 01 l\~, I O ..... :.d '---· ----' AdYaioed 8truotl.r-lnoorporllted 1MO 19th 8lr'..t. .... Minoa. CA 90404 Tel 310 828 0884 f'ax 310 828 1504 • -,i~ 1,9 0,1 OD o.0 01 -0,1 :S.6 d o.o -0.7 0,0 DO 0.0 0.1 0.1 , , 0.0 -0,9 -,!.~ • ,., -t.9 DO O.D -0.1 0.1 S.6 0.000 SUM(Ry.l = 3.874 SuM_(Rz) = 14.247 f LEGOLAND-CARLSBAD PRESTRESS + DL + W (lfZ) . r~ -0.1 ,.,.-1s6 3.0 gi -0,4 115 01 DRAWN BY W R S DATE DATE SCALE N.T.S. 'DWG. NO. 1-, /. ~ Any proprietary Information Included In this document -remains the exclualv1 and confidential property of Advanced StructurH Incorporated. Copyright ~ 1994. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 LegolancJ-Carlsbad 2.2.0 FABRIC and CABLE DESIGN From the summary computer reports the following critical loaa·s are computed and compared to the ultimate capacities of the cable and fabric. A minimum safety factor of 2.2 for cables lP}d 5.0 for fabric is satisfied. Fabric Wa,p Direction -I Ultimate Capacity for a 48" strip = 345 pli x 48 in/ 1000 = 16.6kips Load Case Ultimate Peak Safety .Average Safety Capacity Load Factor Load · Factor Prestress + PL 16.6 0.73 22.7 0.70 23.7 Pre+ DL + LL 16.6 ·0.82 ,. 20.2 :Q.69 24.1 Pre + DL + W X&Z 16.6 1.48 11.2 .1,21 13.7 Pre + DL + W Y &Z 16.6 · 1,49 11.1 1.25 1~.3 Fill Direction -2 Ultimate Capacity for a 48" strip = 150 pli x 48 in/ 1000 = 7.2 kips Load Case Ultimate ·Peak Safety Average Safety Capacity Load Factor Load Factor .. Prestress + DL 7.2 0.77 9,4 0.75 9.6 Pre+ DL + LL 7.2 1.03 7.2 . 0,92 7.8 Pre + DL + W X&Z 7.2 0.75 9.6 ·Q.60 12.0 Pre + DL + W Y &Z 7.2 0 .. 76 9.5 · 0.59 12.2 i., '1-, 1) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 Cables Legoland-Carlsbad Ridge Cable :. 3 Ultimate Capacity for a 5/8" dia. wire rope = 18.0 tons x 2 = 36.0 kips Increase Capacity for Wind Load 36.0 kips x 1.33 = 47.9 kips· Load Case Ultimate · Peak Safety Average Safety Cap&city Load Factor Load Factor Prestress + DL 36.0 9.60 3,8 7.91 4.6 Pre+ DL + LL 36.0 9.71 3.7 7.58 4.1 Pre + DL + W X&Z 47.9 . 17.31 2.8 .. 10.3,8 4.6 Pre + DL + W Y&Z 47.9 17.26 2.8 · 10.66 . 4..5. .. Edge Cable -4 Ultimate Capacity for a 1/2" dia. wire rope = 11.5 tons x 2 = 23.0 kips Increase Capacity for Wind Load 23.0 kips x 1.33 = 30.6 kips Load Case Ultimate Peak Safety · Average Safety Capacity : Load Factor Load Factor Pres tress + D L 23.0 6.3,3 3.6 5.89 3.9 Pre+ DL + LL 23.0 9.08 2.5 8.61 2 .. 7 Pre + DL + W X&Z 30.6 .. 1.52 20.1 0.93 32.9 Pre + LL + W Y &Z 30.6 1.75 17.5 . 0.97 31.5 ~, 'Ir, I I I I I -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 · Legoiand-Carlsbad 2.3.0 l\1EMBER AND CONNECTION DESIGN From the summary computer reports, the following component and connection design is performed. The components are designed using the allowable working stresses for steel construction. The cable and fabric terminations are designed to a working str~ss level defined as the breaking strength of the cables divided by a safety factor of 2.2. The connections Were also designed with the aforementioned criteria. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~ --~ ..,,--, ----' -, --- Advanced_Stnictures Incorporated a 1Mo 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 -fax.1504 ........... POOJECT: ~:g\N/41?AD JOB NO: qi1tt1f: · SUBJECT: vt) ~Filfk'N . _ - DATE: ~, ~ 1 ~ 71 BY: yY P..-S SHEET:_OF: ----'- CJJ~MN ~ &'MD D-1 t -=-} 'J,-,. 0 tr ~= ')..,0 p~~/{(N WAD1 M ~ (0,1 r(1i,0 1)(11/l1) = 1 = 6i{ le-. V = l b1 I ~ (! ~t; .,_.-_ - rb .=(o ,b~ 1 is-X 1,11J =-10,1'l-ks1 , _________ ~~~-- I I ·~ --.. Adv~nced Structures Incorporated a 1640 19th Street; Santa Mol"!lca, CA 90404• 310.8~8.0884 ----PROJECT: ·vr;r(D~-?A:f1bMP . . tax. 1504 I ::~o: 115 'fl SUBJECT: ___ . --~--------------- I BY: Vy f-(5 1· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHEET:_OF: -~ OOWMN@, ()fp,1 D f;-2. .t -=-J O t, 0 ll f--:_ i-. 0 '1Pl,'1f1: '3,V~ . t "7"7 f rM,l :: ,z./,} i<-( ft D -t V'ly-.) I I II I I b f, &C/}ftDVL,€ 1-0) -f:r.-O,S-U-V J AS) &ft'~ 1 F1 =: 15 ~1 I= 7JiVb ~ /: ~ 1,S ~), A~ it,1s~ "4- , Pt;i1Gfrv [fa/rDS NI ;: ~l/3 r-( /01S 1 X11-) -= # 1, ,i ~ f~WJ T ::: 3, 1/ ~ V ::: -YL)/c rt bl\SE Jb = '}I,,$ J, 'l, ,-,,;.,. -1M' ;J bi' °1/,5 ~;) 1o ~ ~ ~ 0113 f-.$ i 'if(;S . Flo.= (o.hh 135 j 1,7)) . ~ 3V,7'b Jc,si I jo, S1 > 011:J 1/1,}; h1 C O,eJ:~ < J.,-,; H fJ t ~ ==-%(>5) t 3(),71, f<si A -j__ f J/: L 'vJ,)/c-{I O,~?ni-z {.:, -~ ·,;:f 3 -Vj;dll) h-~t) ~ 0,fl < V,'oO I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JOBNO: g_</J~ DATE:_ft __ ~_g;u_(, ___ t)_ Bv: __ W_f:.___5 __ SHEET:_OF: --- Advanced Structures Incorporated ii 1640 19th .Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 fax .1504 SUBJECT: _ ____.,._ ____________________ ------____ _ f'JO~: 1/71\p ok{IIIG .S.~, fOf-~t11i( 1,7,7 I I Advanced Structures Incorporated• 1640·19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 l ~I~ A') r&lU , · fax .1504 I ~::~o: 1~1·$ • ::::::_Wi_lJIY_l/[jlW-:, __ -~· v_H,·1/4 _V_IDP __ --,,--__ _ I BY: ----41-'-VV--'-+-) r-'-+-) s,..;..._, - SHEET:_OF: __ I fvf\TB I ~ l)f:1fDL A I I I I I I I I I I (t) . .lb,+ ~ -L ,;, (o.vid o,qy'?b) It = o,io ll -l, 12- 1/~JJ A v.)~ V It- ,,__ __ ------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Advanced Structures Incorporated • 1640 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 ~A-\ fax . 1504 PROJECT: l&l112 l1rDff) ~G-AMi" LI SHEET:_OF: --'-- wtvo S((llt55 1,:~ '3] I< (t1t+t).[v,i5) 4tis ~ 1 v1t1 4 i 16 lM)_ Jiw =-(o,:i )( 10) Jc} b ~ ( 0, 4-)( 1 ~) &'~J I\Uf1)) ~ ~ _, i . l,,L 1/ ~ 11.J i r/ . ., = 7,15 fSj I I !~ Advanced Structures Incorporated• 1640 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 I J-r A1 1 LYt.. th r ...tX17 L 02 £YT) tax . 1 so4 I --q~·'vh·~-PROJECT: Vt;:;vµ,l/r~l.'U/-VN~f\Y , JOB NO: /2. SUBJECT: ____ _....___._ _________ --------,._ DATE: ~,tli j I Bv: __ t/\f_._._1f......,,,..~'z- SHEET:_0F: _ __... I C-0 w~ r cror-5 I .Dt:ik) ~ A I T ~ ~, k-- 1 I I I I ~ T r~ /Yz/ L 111 ,~ 1 ') ~ C I 1,.~t--- 1 I I -.,.L-f-~~ i ~ n vP-Osl3 y '' ., 1/4 XI~ O'f--1i flt G1 l/\!.1\f-b'-f G N VT wof¥1~ 1,,i f ( 5 ) IJiJKP =--- '2,, 'L -= 47,7 "- 11:(,fos~ V ,, .pt··fO~~s~ wo f-ffVur :f1Jf© -- . :=;(B,t 1 Yi)t1) -· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~ . .......... Advanced Structures ln.corporated • 1640 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 ----· PROJECT: v@117flffND-Cfil:vSA'W . . . fax.1504 JOB NO: 0 z '1,,-h4 · SUBJECT:.__. ------------------------------- DATE: ~ :vL 11 BY: w /:) SHEET:_OF: -- TKN~ Fl/f\~ p~v A ~ so+ fx f-... , 0 T1-/ Fx ~ 1>1 J-·lt"O 5° =: 3 o, ii 1'-- 1' fz"' 2,j"-SNS" = 1-.1V i. Vf I . b . /c:. 12 Fx ~ 3 l f ~ u ~ 1-.. 7 , 31 F 2. -:=: 3-l I:-~ 1-9/ ~ -I 4 I 5.5 ~ p O w ;J ,, DESll(]'J Yf@1) fO ~ dJ{y1 BJ NFl) Wf\X/ tvW W1 = ~1tt V~E-7/0 11 fl;fl7E 1,-, ,., 7 I I Advanced Structures Incorporated• 164019th Stre,et; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310,828.0884 ----PROJECT: .Lffi12lfO!b~ CA1LfM:D fax .1504 I Joe No: q JS u: SUBJECT:-· ---------------------------- DATE: Qi ,1,,1,.:1_i_ . 1 BY: VY P:z SHEET:_OF: __ I I I I I I I I I I I TAN'Gt fU\tE ---=--~· I Pt; Ttt-i v A C vtJN-f t>) wrvo s1f-bS50 -i-H · rl T I d'd ~ ~ lo,, )ho) I S)-1,,-= lo,+)(7~J I I -1>/ fJ f := lfi+-~si I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J_ I I I A~ --.. Advanced Structur~s Incorporated • 1640 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 -------PROJECT:-W(ff{)IJmtV-~~ fax.1504 JOBNO: qiu4 DATE: en, 11, 1 ~ BY: W/2:2 SHEET:_OF: __ II ~1~ -- 5~ SUBJECT:----,-,-------,-------,----- S/fb If 1 ~ ~ ~15, ~ '3b, u" ~rh~ ]~ -Jb,41=- i,,, v I I ·~ -· .. Advanced Structures Incorporated • 1640 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 fax .1504 ----PROJECT: vt7.i0l4rt~-Me-l/4~Al2 . I JOBNO: qi1,,,~ DATE: ~, 1-r,q :b SUBJECT:--,---,-------a..a..--.,..-----'-----'----- I BY: YV, E 17, . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHEET:_OF: __ YA1l{; ~IN A~ D~Tf\ll,, 13 PUJT2. . I! . ' . T ~ S/t; o/ C{xYU5 I -·-, B, ~ I == .( J i, o )( "") = / ~. Lf-~ . /).,-,1,. . fx = I 6. 4--~ . L . • b ~ f 2 = ·I bl t I ¥YYl 1Jb ::: I. 7 D~1 lef1'J WtMJ f1JP-C{J W!J31fV6IJ . MA I l1NJ' YYl f h, ~f-t ~ . == Oil) VSG 3/t11 f{;Aff; . ( 0, btlsx D,~ Y"1b) I\(, ;:: 1,( lb,tf-) = /.I:, list; ) 'If/ . (51)( os) 18)51 OrJ ON ~ (J -=-~) ~7 56CJ1/V('v ff; = lb,t I<--= 1 ,bZ fs) ~ 'v(V1lSfl,J';) . , mw 1~Jrt-0N ( J ~ fa,) ft _ lh,f le-. . . = /1.ftfti < o,t5 Fl N ( 1'X l,1 -0,bt1S)( D-15) I I I I I I I· I I I I I I ·~ ....... - Advanced Structures Incorporated • 1640 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 ----· PROJECT:. WG(vvAVP -Cf<P-l4 Mt> Joe No: '?1 Z U4-: · SUBJECT:__ ----,------------------- fax .1504 DATE: lb, i1.11i Bv: __ 1/Y~;g_; ~----/ _ SHEET:_OF: -~ yYrvl) 71rf ½f7 I\ 1- f-z_ I k111-~ fv ::: '-1 ( 4+o,7s) jk, 717 r: ( 1,;'f) :::: 1-, 1f v.,)) . ) ~ J (LVSX 4,~) -( o,,s)( 4J 11 A.. ; II -. . . . -y 71 ~ l,'t5 . -V ( 4-) . --I rm~ .. [JJ~) I Jr := ( L 77-i t s .0?) -s, ii b 1 I I I I I f o v = ( 0, 3 Y l O) ( L 7?) ::: 1--f ~:/ f ~6 == ( o,+)( 1~) ::: lf1f ~1 ·~ al!l, .... ·I I I I I Advanced Structures Incorporated• 1640 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 · · · · fax, 1504 I I I I --PROJECT: ~~(,{l}lh{/), G/>rP:~PrP : · . JOB NO: q Z ~~--SUBJECT: f'Wf,i. C. Pt TJrl(,,7 . . . . . DATE: 9 .. 1' I, ~ C/J BY: \Ii It: I C,, SHEET:_OF: -- rAs,-i c ~~L. DIThi L-~ 1' · /-'ksiy" (71& x .ti) fflI ~ _______ ___,,-----~l,ftf{ ~lff tqf; I; r ~~ fn'WW~ WW :::-S x 1.t-'1.: ~ . ~.~ i i . . Gt 't-15 Sttf!Uf,!£ ,..( }( ) II ~f ?,~-1,-b I Ir )115 I, $,0 ,1'.ru.t>W,trJ 11; Wlr.D :; 't-1,- ~ + -rm-::.,-.,..-,.,,...,-.--..... l If I~ _ ~ o,ii I J _ 11ns" l ·. :o~ t ~-__,,___... I I I ,0 O,bJ11 ti / -241c, -. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·~. - • .J Advanced Structures Incorporated • 1640 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 Iii 310·;828.0884 · Wt.. fax .1504 -----· PROJECT: . (j1}/JrN) .:.-qfrf-{x)J:trl) . JOBNO: qgy,1, DATE: ~' 11, !ts SUBJECT:-..a.....-..... ____________________________________ _ BY: vr f5 SHEET:_OF: __ F-A$f-10 ~iNAt -bsTAi L t -t;'JJC'/E • V~'' WI /2'f: fAJf G J3 ,S, = . -i-~.o ·~ ~Wl$li = 1<?, o t-_ I o,fS' /<-- ·i. ,:"2. 11 .. • 1 / y W S5J) Sf flt;7t?--" 7 ~ fSrV1 l; cA1f A01 M I' \I WNv wKBir. 5,V}c-X 5 Jl,cgF-, 3/4-X 0 (iflV~B 'f ---- ( <j P(YY ~ \) KY'f ~ WfW '/,, ~ (1 /i 11 t:f FIN \c -J bi O }=_ • S/rt; 1/v'l(&B ~fE ~J. > mM·~w -3h1 0 I::. lh,41:--~ --- ()Ok!J t,,J v I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 Legoland-Carlsbad 2.4.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN The design for the cast-in place concrete pedestals uses the loads derived from the component design and the following soil bearing pressures from the following reference. Leighton and Associates, Geo technical and Environmental Engineering Consultants Supplemental Geotechriical Inve~tigation Lego Family Paik Carlsbad Ranch Carlsbad, California Project No. 4960151-001 Date: July 23, 1996 Allowable Bearing Pressure: 2500 psf (m.in.) Allowable Lateral Bearing: 350 psf (passive pressure) page21 page 25 ~-1-, 0 I I I I I· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 Design of Drilled Pier Type Foundation, Criteria: 1994.UBC, Paragraph 1806.7.2./, page 2-51 Input Variables h = height of pole P = Applied lateral force h2 = Distance from ground swface t.o point of application of load 1'P11 C = Class of material per Table I 8-1-A S = Allowable lateral soil-bearing pressure per soil engineer (Leighton & Associates, 4960151-001, page 25) kl= Increase factor per footnote 3 Sp:= S-kl · l.33 bl= Diam. ofroundftg. or diagonal of sq.fig. d = depth of em'/;Jedment, 121 Max. for SJ Ca/9. Footnote 4 in Table 29~B allows a maximum soil pressure of 15 times the tabulated value. Computations for a Non-Constrained Footing d SI := Sp-3 d = 12 1 max depth for SJ Cale. 2.34-P A :=sil,T Legoland-Carlsbad GrP-1 /) rOCAf ION$ /-8 3t /-() h := 12.S·tl P :=21.3 kip h2 :=h C:=5 S :=350-~ kl :=2 psf Sp= 931 °ft bl :=3.0,ft d := IJ.it Spmax := l'S·S SI = 3413.667oµsf A= 4.87•ft psf Spmax = 5250 °ft A [ · 4.36-h2 .s] di :=2 · I + I + A dl = 10.93 oft Computations for a Constrained Footing S3 :=Sp·d d= 12'maxdepthforSJ Cale. h2 · .s d2 := 4.25·P·"SJ1j'J', $3 = 10241 oµsf d2 = 6.07oft 1-. f. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 Legoland-Carlsbad Design of Drilled Pier Type Foundation Criteria: 1994 UBC, Paragraph 1806. 7.2.1, page 2-51 ~IP Uc.Ai/ON '3-C Input Variables h = height of pole P = Applied lateral force h2 = Distance from ground swface to point of application of load "P" C = Class of material per Table I 8-1-A S = Allowable lateral soil-bearing pressure per soil engineer (Leighton & Associates, 4960151-001, page 25) kl= Increase factor per footnote 3 Sp := S-kl -1.33 b I= Diam. of round fig. or diagonal of sq. fig. d = depth of embedment, I 2' Max. for SJ Cale. Footnote 4 in Table 29-B allows a maximum soil pressure of 15 times the tabulated value. h := 18.5-ft P := 11.5 kip h2 :=h C:=5 psf S:=350-ft kl :=2 . psf Sp= 931 °ft bl :=3.0•ft ·d := 10-ft Spmax := 15-S Computations for a Non-Constrained Footing d SI := Sp·J d = 12' max depth for SJ Cale. S1 = 3103.333 "})Sf 2.34-P A :="'sTlj] A= 2.89~ft A [ 4.36-h2 . .s] di :=2 -I+ I+ A ; d1 = 9.22oft Computations for a Constrained Footing S3 := Sp-d d = 12' max depth for SJ Cale. S3 = 9310 "})Sf I h2 . .5 d2 := 4.25-P-~ d2 = 5.69oft psf Spmax = 5250 °ft 'J., f, :2.. I I Advanced Structures lncorpor~ted • 1 &40 19th Street; Santa Monica, CA 90404 • 310.828.0884 Ir:,~ 1 M h :r V'D J ,t ~A--h rax.1s04 ----· PROJECT: .IMCJUJ ·VfVVJ( -. <A!QOP~Y . I Joe No: CZ,$1M SUBJECT:-·-----,..---------------,----a------------ DATE: a 'Z1Z 't'O · _..;_··------..______;--------,-----I BY: __ SHEET:_OF: __ I {J)Wlff1~ C A1s~J ')., 'J.., . A"!! (~i,f-(ii)"' Zlt,f 141~ t ... f f~f ~ D ,VO t 'b I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A ~fl) r, =-( 01 h, f ii,..,_ 'fo.ooH) ""' /. 1-fo1 liVJ > $ ::: o, IH ~ -t- fl'JB Z -#t V~1iufYL W1111 #-~ ~ I 'b'\ o.c,, ft0~11{Jl\f(Af, w; Vlrr I 98264 ~goland-Carlsbad I APPENDIX-A I Drawing List I Drawing FSl.O Description Revision Date General Notes 0 8/21 I FS2.0 Plans and Elevations 0 8/21 FS3.0 Structural Details 0 8/21 I FS4.0 Fabric Details 0 8/21 I I I I I I I I I I I I I --- ---- ---- - ---- GENERAL INIOTIES L-SI- A. GCNCIU.l II\Jll.DING COO£, 1. UNlrtHtW 81Jt1.0fHG COOE. tH• EOfTION. •• SltEl 1. SPCCtrtCATIONS FOlt ST£Cl 9UILDINGS, AllDWUU: STR£:SS DtSIGN. NINTH [OfTION 19H. A.W[RICAN INSTITUTE or STtEl CONSlRUCTION. 11----· A. O£A0 LOI.OS: I, sttr WEtGITT • , •••••• , ••• , 1.0,Psr ,PLAN AR(A I. SOSll1C LOAO. t. l'tlt U9C 1HC sttsWtC ZONE ,t SPCCW. OCCUl'ANCY sl'RUCT\JR£ (l=.4,l:t.D,llw=3, C:2.75) , , V•ZIC/Rw""' 0,317W UH0.l57W, C.WtMOLOAO 1. PU U8C ltU 70 MPH IASIC WIND SPtED CXl'O$Ult[ •c• 1:1,0, Os:12,1. 'C•=1,1J, Cq'=1.l (LATERAL) ·Cq:0,7+0.5 (UPLln) P:1;:(Cq11Cexl)110•, 2, WINO PlttSS\IJtE ON PRIWAJl'Y' STRUCTURE: !~:~ ~ ti'J~AL 1;::1::::: ;r:m!~',.:~Ja) O. Cl'.OTECHNtCAl M:COUW£NDATIONS i..fghfon end AHk1ot••, Profed No. ,4H015t-001. oa't•: Jul7 23, 19915 AU.OWMLC 1£,'RIHG: 2500 PSr (MIN.)' Al.LOWABLC lATCRAL: 350 PSF' lit.SUUCIUUI.STttl A. $THC Pl.ATE SHAU. C0Nf1>N io ASTW All 1¥1'.S A53 Git. IMtM Fy:35 ICSI' S. ALL li&ATCltlAL. SHAU. IE DCTAH..EO, FMRK:AT£D AND INSl'AU.tD IN ~=~w,,l~t~TE~':." ALLOWAILE 5TR£S5 DE51GN,, NINTH [DfltOJit 1989,, AMERICAN IHSTITUTC or ,5TEEL CONSTRUCTION, C, All WORK SHAU ,COfff'OfN TO THE M:OUIMMENTS OF THE IH4 UNtrORM 8Utl.DING CODE ANO CITY or CMILSBAO otl'MTMENT or IULOINO AND SAFETt CODES. •D. JNSTN.J.ATk>N SArE1Y MUST W[a Alt. ·LOCM. ANO NATN>NAL lltQU1REMt:NT5, DUlllHG 5m: INSTAU.ATIOH, All. O,CHINGS WHYCH COOLD ENDANGER 'l'CRSOHNEL SAFETY Al£ TO IE OLOCl<:£0 Ofl Cl.~ALY MARKED. £. IOl.f ASSEIIIUES TO CONfOftW. TO, ASTII Al255C HOT DIP GALVANIZCD, tHftEAOS EXClUDED ntOM SHEMt Pl.AH[ UNLCSS OTHEltWISE NOTED. F, FIELD TOlCIUNCES AM :t: 1/4 .. FOR THE OVERALL Pt.AN DIMENSIONS roR EACH PIPE COLUMN. G. All ATTACHMENT DETAILS TO IE APPNOYEO IN WRITING 8Y ASI, LOADtNC OF' STRUCTURE WITH ITEMS NOT INCLUDED IN' SECTION II OF GENERAL NOTES IS PAOHl9JTED WITHOUT APPROVAL IN WRITING BY ASI H. All WELDS TO IE IN CONfORWANCE WITH lris cgi:~1 _!f:) WJ.U?;~f l:ctf ~~t~81~tT~~~~OT~ £70-XX ,ELECTRODES, BY CERTIFIED WELDERS. I. AU. HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS TO BC INSPECTED AS REQUIRED BY U.8.C,1H4 STANDARD NO. 27-7, J. All EXPOSED STEEL TO BE HOT DIPPCD GALVANIZCO OR PRIMED WITH li[AVY ZINC PRIMER I: PAINT. (U.N.O.) I(, :~~E:~r~ :~~T;l~~O ;g_~~~Cl~JS H~t:t~l::H:t"J[e~l~ :~iH NUTS SHALL BE CLEARLY MARKED AS REQUIRED BY AISC SPECIFICATIONS. CONN[CTIONS MA'DE WITH tJNMARIC[D BOLTS ANO NUlS Will B( R(J(CTCO. L. PROVIDE ACCESS FOR INSPECTION or All SHOP AND nno CONNECTIONS rOR PROPER MATEIUALS AND WORKMANSHIP, M. ALTERNATE CONNECTION OESICNS SHALL ONLY or ASI. If SUCH APPROVAL IS GRANTED, ALL Pl[C(S NOT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONJRACT RCOESIGN) SHALL er O[SIGNCO BY THE FABRIC WITH' PRIOR APPROVAL ICES ANO INSTAUER TOR REGISTERED IN THE PROJECTLS JURISDICTION. CALCULATIONS ANO ~~0:AT~':tr~NCS SHALL BE SUBMITTED 9£:'RING THE ENGINEER'S S[AL ,AND N. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIMING ANO PAIHTI.NG REOUIREM[NlS TOR STRUCTURAL STEEL All EXPOSED STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL BE fREE or ANY ,&URRINC, POWER-;_TOOLCD CLEAN AND ,PERFORMED IN A F'ASHIOH -:~~:r~:-~c~0oJ:N·~fN~~c~~~rtr:~~~~TUR[S PAINTING COUNCIL PAINTING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION NO. f .09, o. CtRTlrlEO COPl[S or MILL TEST REPORTS "sHALL BE SUBMITTEO TO ASI. P. ,cRWAfif[NT FRAMINC AND FINAL CONNECTION DETAILS ARE SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. THE FABJtlCATOR AND IHSTAtlER ARE RESPONSIBLE F'OR THE DESIGN or T[MPORARY BRACING ANO R(COMMCNOED IN'STALL.AT)ON PROCEDURES, Q, WtLOIHG ELECTRODES, WELDING PROCESS. MINJMIJM PREHEAT AHO INTERPASS TEMPERATURES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCt WITH THE AISC AHO AWS SPECIFICATIONS, NOTIFY lHE CONTRACTING ornctR Ir ANY STRUCTURAL SJEEL IS DAMAGED IN WELDING. IT SHALL 8£ REPLACED OR REIHTORC[O AS ACC[PTABL£ TO TH[ STRUCTURAL ENGINEER, R. WCL0£RS, SHALL HAVE ctiRRENT EVIDENCE ,oF PASSING THE APP,OPRIATE AWS •QUALIFICATION TESTS. TH[ CONTRACTING ,ornc[R MAY REQUEST SUCH [VIDEHCE AT •ANY TIM[ DURING THE PROJEC~. GAS CUTTING TORCHES SHALL NOT 8[ US[D FOR MODIFICATIONS or ANY STRUCTURAL STEEL, . IV., FAllltC / CAile A, F'ABRIC MATERIAL TO BE FERRARI f702 FABRIC MANUFACTURED BY f"ERRARI, WITH STRIP T[NS!LtCAPACITY or 3-4Sf/lN. IN WARP AND 150f/lN. IN fill OIRtCTION. 8. ALL WELDING 10 BE 2" WIDTH AND TO HAVE A Mli,,ll~Ulil CAPACITY Of -'-40f/lN. C. ALL CABLES TO·BE STAINLESS STEEL OR riAtV-,NIZEO CLASS A WIRE ROPE WITH E MIN, 18,000 KSI ANO WITH FITTINGS TO MATCH THE CABLCS CAPJ\CITY 1 /2 .. WIRE ROPE • • • BREAKING STRENGTH = 23 KIP MIN 5/8" WIRE ROPE •• , BREAKING' STR[NGTH :: 36 KIPS v. na,[CTION ANO TESTING A. STRtj:CTURAL ST[[l: 1' VISI/ALLY INSPECT, All FILLET WELDS ANO BOLTED CONNECTIONS, 2 EACH FULL PENETRATION BUTT OR ·GROOVE W[LO AND FIFTY-PERCENT or PARTIAL P[N[TRATION WELDS SHALL BE TESTED BY THE ULTRASONIC METHOD OR MAG PARTICLE. RADIOGRAPHIC TESTING MAY BE USED AT 20X or FULL P[N. WELD. T[STING SHALL, BE P[RFQRM£0 AT A RANDOM JOINT. 3 TEST ANY WELD FDR WHICH VISUAL EXAMINATION INDICATES AN UNUSUAL CONDITION ANO/OR POOR OUAUTY. -' WELDING INSPECTION AffO T[STING PROC£DURES SHALL BE IN. ACCORDANCE' WITH THE AWS CODE. 5 All ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL HAVE CONTINUou's SPECIAL INSPECTION P-ER uac CHAPTER 17, VI. CONSTIIIJCTIOH I. G[N[RAL: A, All SI-IDP DRAWING$ :SHALL BE SUBMITTED USING DIMENSIONS AND MATERIALS, AS SPECIFIED' OH THESE DRAWINGS, SHOP DRAWlt,IGS OTH[RWISE SUBMITTED Will BE REJECTED AND RETURNED. 8. SHOP DRAWINGS SUBMITI£0, FOR STRUCTURAL REVIEW SHALL CONSIST or TWO S(TS or PRINTS AND ONE SET or :SEPIAS. OHLY ONt MARKED UP SET OF 'SEPIAS WITH A.SI'S COMMENTS Will BE PETURNED TO THE FABRICATOR. C. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS AT LUST t5 DAYS BEFORE tiATE REVIEW£0 SUBMITTAL$ WILL BE NEEDED. D, THES[ DRAWINGS REPRESENT THE CIJMPtETEO PROJECT WHICH HAS BEEN D[SIGNEO' fOR lHE WEIGHTS or THE MAlCRIALS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AND F'OR, THE SUPCRIMPOS[D LOADS INDICATED ,IN THE DESIGN DATA. IT IS lH[ INSTALLER'S RESPONSIOIUTY lO DETERMINE ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCTION LOADS ANO T,O PROVIDE PROPER DESIGN ANO CONSTRUCTION Of FALS[WORIC. F'ORMWORIC, STAGINGS, BRACING, SH[EllNG AND SHORING, ETC, £. IMPLEMENTING JOB SITE SAFETY AND CONSTRU,CTION PROCEDURES ARE THE SOLE R[SPONSIBtlllY or THE INSTALLER, F, All COSTS fOR INVESllGATION ANO/OR "EDESIGN. OU£ TO INSTALLER MISLOCATtON or SlRUCTURAL ELEM[NlS OR OTHER t:ACK or CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROJECT DOCUM[NTS, SHALL er AT THE INSTALLER'S EXPENSE. G, INSTALLER SHAU RtrER TO ARCHITECTURAL. MECHANICAL, PLUMBING 'AND [ltCT~ICAL DRAWINGS f"OR SIZE AND LOCATIONS or OPENINGS,, SLEEVES, CONCRtTE HOUS[KEEPING PADS, INSERTS ANO DEPRESSIONS. H, THE INSTALLER SHAlL 'SUBMIT, FOR REVIEW DRAWINGS AND CALCULATIONS FOR All or THE fOUOWING ASSEMBLIES. THE DCSICN or THESE ASSEMBLIES IS THE RESPONSIBILITY or THE INSTALLER'S ENGINEER RECilSTERtD ,fN Tl-IE PROJtCT'S JURISDICTION. ALL SUBMITTAlS SHALL SEAR THIS ENGINEERS SEAL AND ,SIGNATURE. REVl[W SHALL BE FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE' PROJECT PARAMETERS AS INDICATED ON nu:; DRAWINGS ANO IN THE GENERAL NOTES. J. IN CASE OF', CONFLICT BtTWEEN THE GENERAL NOTES, DETAILS, ANO SPECIFICAllONS, THE CONTRAClOR SHALL NOTIFY THE ·CONTRACTING OFFICER AHO TH[ MOST RIGID REQUIREMENTS SHALL GOVERN, VN. DIIAWING UST FSI.O GENERAL NOTES' rs2.o PLAHS AND ELEVATIONS FS3.0 STRUCTURAL DETAILS rs,c,o F'ABR.IC 'otrAtLS --- .... __ ....... ......,._ _______ _ ~:.:c:-:::---......... ---... -::=..==-=-:~-::=:~ ________ _,,__,,~4.11. ~==:~.:::-:::,:-.:,......-.....:·--- lllevi'Ml'ltl I .... ~ o 1ro11~N.. 08/11/tll'll'IS j1111211NI"" T I .. I I .. ASI, Advancod Slruclurw In~ , .. o IINltUIITK sta(l,.SUffA 110N1CA, CA ..... T,ti )Ila!.,_. r .. 1 Slltlff.llk ::.t' I LEGOLAND-CARLSBAD .FABRIC STRUCTURE GENERAL NOTES . ..... , 98264 "''"I FS1.0 1--·-~ .. 10 - -- -- -,.-... ........ -............ ,,.~~,.... CWOIIII 'tO ,,C ....... tNC ~ rOl ~-CINCW"I", A0 Jll.wmtNWIC:&,_.AS~•NCCNl'IIIIICt~ t,CllltlC1l W91Ml ltltlaO lfA ......... UIMlTOllt' -~ WNCINI. 1'MlC8IIDl(Tt ___ ......_s,.1,'l'(N(SOUlllaOl'"K ...... tt, .. ~IC\..:,,,.,,,_,_, '""'' TH[ MClllll(CATI: ""°' ~ Of ~ DtDIICM.LY N:'*"C_,.M.. II AN &IT..,Yl'T '1 NOT ..... D T>C ...... tt ~. nsru FIM "'1.0fflM. 111(.r,(TMl'f ~ tl ~-QN. nc ICWU PUr11.L N: ~ C01te11(f'( 1#11 NSICIII TO IC ~ ,o'"' ~ v.ac,,""' lllW• ll(foal "0l,l9NI. 111.TIIMTt iMaMI 'Snl(IC1M ,..._ 11111,aMN MIi At • 9ATS M1l -31.UW P!9 (!ltM1 {!C>t) ,..._,_ ... --1""""'9U'll(llt',..._ '*"-,._,. C-1-T'l'fl( I MT'l'flt 1, l09'' .....,_ - 1. ...... 11 ,_ ~ ~ Qlll C-U, tlllCflil'YIONS llt,,1,Y K U'StO M.Y ...,.. P(-. 1Mt ~ o.c:ta. . L _, Nat -_, --.-uJ .._ .... ,U,Ttl, ,U. l'U,IIS, UC.. llll --.. CNOl[ff: -tf'tlllATlllf., nc.. ~-~YD C•t•. 1. ,._.... e, ~,,..._,~Ye.act ...... CONnlfC7 , *'-"'I. ~ M.l, QllllCll(T'[ ,,,,.,ai,ca .-.-st~ COJC11t11 II to .,JIUiCD. --' a. NI fllU.RIIS --C8IClll:1'I a,,,n INilrll K ,....D rOII 'tllW'OaCOllllf f'I..ICU .. C-lill•Jllf-"UCI: Cl*Ollttr IIIIMfUlt ..,.,._, A. ~ael'.-..,.MI J ~., .... ,.fMTK,. a. ~...,._.nttMnt•won«:1:-,.r...-.,11.,. . J fllillll,WJl•Nt ..... --.UIII 11/2 C. a.;lllffNCl'l't9"0lt'ITS-.Unc:ltM•eowtACT • Wini .... -... .-...-,s: S ,,.... ll/J --""'1.DI I ..... ....Iii.IS ....,. lll'.WCIIICUlllff, nu. ST...._,., ---.s: fl .....,_ I" I 1/2 fHl .. ,11.... 11/J 1.*1---=--111M.#IC:la•TS-~'*'Clnfllfl(ffl....._l ' • .at. :KCVM9,N "°"'*",_TO J\.ACMC C:0..:Tt, ti.,~ 9lDWS r.-....... Ml NCTMClll WPM:s • C9ClllTE ..... fUIC*C. .. ""'a,r ""' ....... aCN W.'I' t.OWUCT. ~ • caclll'fl: • .r ~ IJICV'f AS,_ ,cyn nc: 5"IIIIJt'I\IIIW DCN[n -~--~W ...... •THC~ tt. ~ c.ca __ .,._ 1Mlll. COUMilS. trc.. 1Kll1. llllllll(t"'"' , ,,~ • .._ tMIWtll.'.·..,_ one .... ...-rio • MC14rTtCT&lllll ......-s. tl ..... tHlll.t.K_M ___ ..,_9MtoiionDWITOIIINWK CMt11S .. ,_.. MJM ~AL TO STIUt1VML,t:IIG!Nlat n:111 ~. U • .....,_..,,s.,-,-.,UMM'WGlkllJ.N:,OIMO(,AHO liCMQMM'I' f9 ... TK snio.nt Of" lHt ~ wtt[II( A IOlff a • .... nc _.AC( W lME totrcll(tt,SIW.J. K TH0NUQfl,,Y a.r»ta> AND Ml UfflillX JIOIO¥l1L -I. ,u. --..c. 91111. 11111.1. • KTl!llt9 .. "'-'Cle • aNnMWfC[ WITM net._.... COIIC,.~'FOII 110W011tU twtllnt' (ict~J11), -"41; 'IMlilUM,. ,Of" STNDVIO l'IIAC'tJC[ rolll -.-.cm CONCIClt CGtdTM.ICllOJt' fT TtlE, c.l.S.1. AMD mt W.C.llSJ..JOII AS IIOCIIFIP:l,lf TWl ~ IOCUY[HTS. 1. ...... ...., ---,,s ... --A-1N --'° l*t.[SS ....... -. J.1M1.IIIMrOIICNIMt•,-9"MJ.alMKCOIA ._~Sl'UCl:SIIW.LKM.lot.Ullfl!'CATt:DOlllfNr L Ml IIIJIS,IMAU K -.O,• Tlftlll lklfflf1CA'10JII CM W WM' MO'PCnMM.IN-P'l.lallllf"[C110IIIS..... . 1, 1.0.S 1.0.s I I ~,:, • I NI furm.1 z :i .. :, .' ~' cuv. • o·-o· (REF.) I I 0 I ! -, : I~ ,;ti;1 fOU I .t • I ... ~ I -:, - --- 0 ~-~ONOMETRIC 1i::, :iii: I l'I I idjU ,!!!, :w: tJjU tlil I :rn:--- 1 Pl \ '--CONC, CAISON idjU roUNDATION ~ T.O.S a;z II ~~~~'f ~IJ~py J_.9_.S ~r;t e6~u'aij"rl~.0-;1 ; ELEY. + 7'~S"' ,-;-~,,'i ' (RH.) 1, l 11 11 : 15"111 1 • o• HI i ~ ~:~'s-j~p~c~ I I l I I YP. 111: 11 ~ 1<_·~- ~P. -- - - -- - W? cl'J~f I •o•c IM, fh-=LLt=i=lt }i I ~~~'l!r t','if.\'.v t.o.~ rA9R!IC MESH SHADE. CANOPY 1._q_.1 ~l"Jl~m,R £LEV. + 7'-6'" (REF,) tl£V. $ o'-o" (REL) 0 155 158, 160 0 ~l- 0 ~ !! PLAN 0 ~ff 2~.1'~1"'0r~'f.·lrlf rJ~~~i~aMUwrNGS roR AOOITloH~L 1NfhiMi110H. L 22·-a L 22·-a (. ., ., ., 0f-~~~_8ATION PLAN Ml?crm ROPE 'a~-;, cT:C, ROPE lo '~ ,,. ~IMH e,~ --- --=-~:::.::.."='='..:::... ... .:-::. E.!'::::'=-..~..:::::-=-..=:=.=--.. -.. -n .. · _, __ ... ...,..,.,. .... __ ..., __ _ ____ ,.. ___ ..._., ........ UJ..,.._.,_,__,._..,. _____ _ , ___ .,._.,,._,.., __ . .,._ OlrO!'~N.. .. 08/::itfN!~ =- Ill/JI/NI .. ASO Advancod Slruclurn · 1nc:a,poraled 1.-0 N•NUUMTM St11f.U, llilfTA lfDNICA, C4 tcl4N Tai: )111.Ua.... ,_ JIU)l.lJN LEGO(AND-CARLSBAD FABRIC STRUCTURE PLANS AND ELEVATIONS ... , 98264 -·-.... , FS2.0 •10 - ------ -- 2 StDES/ I/A lft~-c~ it'l'.'~~1:!.._t_ ~U8!nl'i"l,&o • I I I I ' I 1 --~._,t=_, ~.l'.'!:lft._P~. ~ -1 ·-·f--:,, '-• t\f/Hu'l.i~~c!'Jtt PIN ~"":-.-"=,~":.,,J::~ I I • I j,1 i i : i I ' 8. I ~ ~ ELEV. w: ClOSURE 0. SEAL WELD AROUND p~~17J;.,'l,~1.£ J,"w'/-l;g'# ANO B'l~t RbVATION •.•.) 112 I\ 0 ~~~L~~TAIL a !EAL Wno ALL '.I.ROUND 0 PIPE DETAIL A 1 1;2·=1·-0· ~ ~ ~ -f.ii"'9 ELEV. 4C PLAN ' ' """a ,hi7 ,1lYP. "-a 1/4." (tVP. J~t COLUMN '1:l~ ,o5~1P[ ---,, , ;.1, (SEAL - - •P,·H~l l<l~~SEAPf. VARIES ~b ADoYftO~AL 1N18~MAnoN ~'lll.ci:1,c.·1,1~.r·,o/F"ON: FIB(RBOA.fh ~f' fR9~~9o'i.0VER• WA,[RP~oof1HG INFO. ·----- AEr. E,i[Y~--$- z :i z :i •., z 0 "i ----- _...A 'K (r.P. ~r.P. fif'r:~11~.::., •. it;1-coNc. CAtSSON foi'EJ, "c,,;sgkc. ~ I ,. VERTICAl it=fl ! ~ -f3 HOOP O HI,. O,C., TYP, ~,~I .... -0 W-' I W-< •• ::r:z: N "'O "7 wE WO "'0 .. ff'"· ClEAR "' I< IJ-1, -~4 VERTICAL 53. J I i ., i ,. i I .M . j . . ==-~~:: 0 ~;;,!~.~0~ CONCRETE PIER 3&'"1111 "H~-il~ko';Ai:vf/!' ~!flso'il'""· f.tp, IJ-14 VERTICAL ti HOOPS t 18" O.C, b~P,~Ull p OESTAL tf t,ffU1~fgE~tl[-CONC. WfJt ai~r.i~rr 0 !~;.)~.A"~ CONCRETE PIER -- - ,..,. __ ,.,. ____ ....._ __ _ 5.b ~-=-=...'=:t~~:h":! =--.....::,::.,::rz:· ... ~ ..... ·:.:::.. .... ~ .. -=:- ~:: !:' :-.:::-;:;.:-.,..,_-:..:=!.,, - - - Revl.:on. .. ·~ o 1ro11t APPltOY'At. 08/71/181""5 .,.,,. ASO Adwonctd Sfnlclurn inca,porattd IUD IM(lltfffil STMU, SANlA ~ CA I06N f.11 JIO.IM.-.S ,_ Jill.lH.ISN :::!:'ILEGOLAND-CARLSBAD FABRIC STRUCTURE DETAILS """" 98264 .... I FS3;0 -·-.... , 0 - - - --- U,U. Pt.Al[ TO RtCUV[ TURNBUCKLE OVERSJZE HOLES fOR TURNBUCl(L[ PREOltlLU:0 HOLES FOR CA.Bl£ CLEVIS --- ---- -, .... II l1'!)!,.A~ .• -,;===+,==;,, JAW [NO nTTING CUT LCNGl'H A.rT[R TENSIONING @ .1·.::.1· !.. ~ DETAIL~ 7 /S.. l SHAPrD CUSSCT NOT£: Pl.ATE SHAPE VARIES SHOWN FOR INFORMATION ONLY 'S±=---2· 'OVERUP AT .. "IC\ l -~ CANOPY CENTER LINE NE:SH SlfJCHEO AND . , ttr WELDED rABRIC ~ 22 oz. EDGE --~ rABR!C REINfO!!CING 4f g-'J.~iN~6'Js ~l~~Lw~~M ,. rAMK:\ ~ 22 OZ. ADP[ SLEEVE MESH rABRIC REINfORCING J/e"• NYLON ROPE rABRIC ... wtLD ,.~ wrE smcH ROPE rD EDGE RE1Nr0RCING FABRIC PRIOR -~ TD Rr WELDING ,. ~ 1• OV£RlAPAT r::c\ · F'ABAIC SEAMS STITCHED ANO -->-----=!,!~----,----Rr WELDED ~ Ff=j : __ , ' t i ~ ;m ~,.,[?.2" JI 2 1/2" G1'LV, lURNBUCKLt 5/8" "CROSBY" SHACKLE 3/4" JI g" '.JAW AND JAW TURNBUCICL[ GALV. '5/8,. J1 I"' TURNBUCKLE MIN. e.s. = 7 .9 kips CALV, 5/8~ SHACKLE WJRi: ROPE £OGE CABLE GALV. AND• PRESTRElCH[D /·+I .. ,.,, ---l1~tRA1!VE BALL l CAP I ' -~ .~~~ ARCH. FABRIC . SEAM .o!C 22 oz. FABRIC RCIMFORCINC ON TOP SURFACE \ I i ~-&ShAN \. i ,/ -·•-Ii, ,ol r-lC MESH CABLE EDGE -48 CABLE SLEEVE 22 oz. I I FABRIC REINFORCING CAl.V. WIRE ROPE ---:i• OVERLAP AT fABRIC EDGE STITCHED AND "" r =:c\j =-rA~B:,;R:;;IC;:::::::=======:..--' REINF • RF W[LO[D I LAYER OF' SOLID F'AIRIC REINFORCING RF WELDED 10 90110M SURF' AC[ .o!A 0 FABRIC DETAILS HALF SIZE CAUTtoN: Rr" SCAL -BAR SHOULD NOT TOUCH MESH ~--·-·-' --------,-------- ! I i i i ! ~ 0 TE~_M!~~L DETAILS NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HARDWARE CLEARANCES -- 0 F ~-~R_I_G__ DETAIL 8 -- CALV. CLOSED SPEUtR CAPACITY, 10 MATCH CABLE M,IN. e.s. __r:: ~ )-JARDEN ED NUT AND' WASU[lt CALV, 1 1/'-"" THREADCD JAW END MIN. 8.S. = 1.7.7 klJi• 0 FA_B_RI_C __ DETAIL A tl"tl PIPE, TYP. --- """ __ .,...._ ____ .__ ::.=-~..it:..~~---::u"':'! =--=--=-~---~-··:.,:;::.-~ .. .:tr .... .,, .... _,.. ___ ... ..., _____ _ . ._ .... _.,_.,_,."' __ Raov;SrQnl o 1ro11 APPStOVAL 09/7•/ttllWltS .,,.,. ASO AdYonced Sfnldum· lncorporofed 1l40 N'Mllttllllf STIIEU, S&N'l'A M0NCA. CA tftN Ttlr lllO..,.,_. r..: Sll.ffl 19M =" I LEGOLAHD-CARLSBAD FABRIC 'STRUCTURE FABRIC DETAILS ...... , 98264 .... , rs•.o -·-i ... 1111.1 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 .~goland-~arlsbad APPENDIX-B Program Description ___________________ .... .._ ______ .._._....,!Ma~-------,__ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FOR/1-FINOING, ANALYSIS AND PA'M'tRNIHG or TENSION ST!lvc.-ruJI!! H.R. IL'JIN!:S, II.Se., H.Se •. , H.A., J>h.D Lecturer, Ot!part111ent of Civil Engineering, The City University, and, Consultant, lluro Happold, llath The paper, briefly revhwa methods approprhte for th• non-linear analysis of tension ·atruetures indicating the controls neeeuary to achieve convergence. For interaett.ve· form-finding in whJch large but local residuals may be 11idclenly imposed, the method of Dynamic relaxation with kinetic damping h efficient since disturbances an not propogated t_hroughout the 1tructure. The llJ'plication of the ~thod to or.i!stres~ed cable network, steel llll!Sh. and membrane structures 19 then d!!ICUS!led. , , or tl'::'11-1.1m rJ> er11.11·n~·t1r> rr•str•••ed two-way caLle networks forming anti-el~stic •ingle layer surfaces, and cable girders without shear bracing, are characterized as !ltructural mechans!ms in that they contain insufficJent members to form properly t.r iangul ated st.ructural system•. Their stab! 11 ty of form l! dependent on prestressing, and under live loading the variations in form are directly related to the variations In stress distribution induced by -the loading. '.This ""'chanlcal flexlbillty is the principal source of non- linear behaviour • .t.nother cause of non-lin@arity is due to gPomPtrlc ill-conditioning: cabl@ n,ets may be • xtr ea,p l y 9h11 I J ow or @ven flat In CPr t11J n areas, and thu1 tor d•!ormation, normal to th@ surrace the "geometric" stiffne,s •••ociated with pre,tr,ess is very significant. ror prestretched cables, material non-linearity may be •llqht. How,ever, 1f pre1trei11 hveh are lqw· for curvature, high! ,ome cable• ot the network may go alack under partJcul•r loading conditions; giving rise to on/oft material non-linearity which must be accounted for in n..-rlcal analyses •• Prestre11ed woven fabric membrane,, although containing s ccatlnq matrix betwe~n fibres, ar@ subject to 1imilar n•·11-JinearttiB ainc" the atH!ness of the coating matrix ~·1 b'! very low, giving ri1~ to high bia1 delor~tion•. 1•• .,M1tlon, the fabric materlftl h highly non-linear due •h• "Hects of crJ.,p interchange b~tween the warp ·and ·· '' -trr•ctlon, of ,,,~ w~1tve. ror eY.11mple, in u•ing ' ':~,, gliln fitbrlc~ at "'orkln•J rr•~·-,,.~. l1vel1, an_ • · •I fncrH,ent or 91.ress In both "'MP and .,,ft dir1etion1 -··, result in a contrite ti on or u, .. ""rp direction. H.t.TJIIX AHO V!CTOJI HrnlOOS or ANALYSIS Two principal group• ot Nthod1 for non-linaar itarativa analyaie of tenelon etructure1 ar• HAtrix and Vector -thode (lie!. )J. The_majorfty of matrix methods can be characterized by t~e general recurrence equation: where ( ti J is the v@etor of nodal displac,ements 11t iteration 1 [Kil it a matrix accounting for elastic and geometric sti·ffn,ess (RiJ 1• the vector of residual nodal forces [Oi) llnd 1si1 are diagonal r.orrection ""'tr-i c,es and {Ci) is a correction vector which MIY depend on previou1 rl!Bldu11ls and projrct~d str~ss~s. The 11101t widely lised and st.able analysh for geometrically non-linear problems is th@ Newton-Raphson method in which (K1 J h the current tangent ,stiffness matrix, (cl 1s null and, unles1 abnormal defll!ctlon increment• or re~idual~ are •ncountered, (ol and (8)· are identity 11atricu (Refl. 1,B,9) .• More rapid .c:onvergence 11ay in 101111! cases be obtained fR@f, 81 by u1ing eorr@ction factors: Q 1 .• j for the jth degree of fre~dom Hl wher• th• diagonal_ 1tiffne11 tarm kjj 11 computed after determining the deflec:tion1 (4iJ u1ing the tangent 1tiffna11 at iterition .1. In other c:a,e1, when very low 1tiffn••••• occur, it uy be n1c:a11ary to 1pacify a Mxi•1111 perai11ible daflac:tion i~c:re11ent and 1cale down ill il'.len .. nta if thh 111ada111 !• e111c:udad {lief. 9). The IIOdifiad Havton-llaph1on Hthod, in Vhic:h the 1tiffne1s is hdd c:on1t1nt,' aay be ll!)n dfic:ient for 1oftening 1truc:turil 1y1tn1 or where non-lil'.ltarity !1 1111111. ror 1tiff1nin9 elhia f'.let 1y1tem•, however, the initial out of balance fore•• aay be too· 11r9a lmd•r typical working ioad• and t~e analy1i1 than divar9e1. Thi• problem can be countered if eatiaat•• of tan1ion chanq•• can be -..de to artificially tncreaaa th• overall atiffn••• (Ref. 101. In .. ny e••••, however, it .. y not be convenient to aake th••• ••tiutas. ··--I I tor •thod9 of nWDerical analysis vhic:h have been rPlJed to ten•Jon structures fall into tvo categori111 1111.iution and uluation aethod•, IJoth can be recterized by the general recurrence equation, (61+1). Uil .. ojl6J-6i-l} .. ei,s1J{Ri) (2) Ind 8 are scalar Jteration paraaeters which depend on choice of solution aethod and (SJ is a diagonal or !block diaoonal matrix. Thus at any stage the solution may ·r.roc,.Pd n;,d• by nod" in numerically uncoupled form. ·,s<?qu~ntl y storag" and couplt!d solution of _an overall . ffn•~· ~atrix is not required. 111n ~, •. 1 • • mlnlmiation prr>Cl!SS !$ t.hr m1?th,:,'.l of . · ,..,.., · ---:-,..r1l in which o~c,, f is thr, cur,,,11._ 11tep .,.-, ,, thf" prc-c!"':~ , ... un!-caJ'?rJ. 1"~1 fr-,u, ideontii:y I Ii• C}..,!;ir:Jca] r• .. 1 pt_ ffi'?t)1'1rl~ ('/ j f rr/lttiOJl O iS I i' -I th , ... ~l'?m~nti: c-! f~ J ,uc-sjj ,. u~JJ ·, e th~ curr~nt dla?~na) ,;t-iffne,~r oi?_!:~t et the , J t~ra-:.ion 1n s1r.-ul :.bn{)ous m,.,thod~), and e rrut}' II ,~Ja~atJon paramet,.r. A c6mpariaon of the above r.-• od• '-l th thos" outline:: be;!,...-has shown thetr, to be 1 !Jc,ent for 9eomet:1cally non-linea: problems (Re!.11). 7hr 11>0st widely used vector me:hods for analysis of t~lon stru~tures arP the Scaled ConJuqate Gradient I{' dill,!. 4) and Dynar:>ic Relaxation !Refs. E,i,2) ·which. ro ptim1Zed conv,.rc;,,.nce !Re!. !: car, 'both be expres!!ed n the {orm of £qr •• 12). n'e scaled con~ugate ~rad1en: method the elements of s re th• inverses o! th• d1rec~ Stif!ness components s • 1/~-jJI !which for c;,rosslr,non-linear problems may ~ up-dated at reinitial;zatic~. stages), and I e1 11 RJ II 61-lllpl-lll ,r.r'!' th~ current step Jengtr f 1 may be deter~ned either l ~•r search methods !Pe~. 11) or by solving a cubic ,r e t:!~rivatlve or th• total potential energy wi-th " t tc th~ st~p J,.ngth !Pef. 4). • -;-un rr" , ... ,p,J forrn of dynamJc relaxation !Ref. 3) the .. ,. .. ~ · 1,, t11.,~-:,nal m..1trJ >' f SJ a.rr• ' I ; l/1-Jn I .f ~ f fr<>r:J·,r •' a notlr h,1•:111•: ! displace- .. I ~,,rJ I. 11 -C/2) ll+C/2) e C Ja the critical viscous damping ptr unit .. ,,. -IIV! 101111-FJHDlHG AHO PArTE:IIHlNG 1rJ1on vith for11-tindin9 using i.nitJal data d only fro• a crude phy1ical ll(?del ·or architect- tch, the proc••• of non-linear analy1i1 of cable 11branea, starting fro~ a defined 9eoaetry and ' d state, preeent• few probl•M• and can be -,ing 1t.andard non-linear package•. Any of th• •d ri,.fly revJewed u,ov" can be uaed for the latter • thr '"fttriJ, "'•thoda beJng probably l'IOre efficient i,., .. ,.,, dU, probh•~ an'!i ti•• vector 11ethodft l•n! f· • "irl~ ln•ndwldth rrolill'lftn. Jn form-!intli1tg, I 731 . ··---~-----·---·---~ - hovever, boundary 1hape1 and internal 'avpport •r,teaa My be radically changed during the n-rical imeati9atJon so that topology aay bt continuously altered, i11p0aJn9 very high r11.l,dual forces. rrequently also aero eti'ttneas ai tuationa usoeiated vi th teapor.arUy flat_ 11urtace areu aay occur .• '11,e Ntrix Nth°"• thus require. a cioaplete re- ordering of the atfffne11 Ntrix and all of the aethods .!Sliy require conditional control• ori i,,e u9nitude of deflections and re1idual1 at each .l,teration. In patterning, the form 11 110re finely adjusted, but specified liru: lengths 'near all support ar~as will be reset vhich, although not radically ·affecting the overall shape, will entail al!ddenly iq>01ed.high re1iduala, For the dynamic relaxation IN!thod an effective-dalllping procedure augguted-by Cu_ndall (Ref-. _6) for unstable rocl: w,ec:ha_nica problems, tenned ".kinetic_ da111pln9"·, has been found to be entirely atable and rapidly conver9ent when deal.! ng With .l,arge local diatw:blinc:es. In this procedure no viscous damping terms •re U!!ed1 thus a recurrence equation for the velocity coaponents of any nod~ i in direction x at tiltlf! t+bt/2 May be set as1 VUbt/2 ix Rt · ix bt is II small time interval, HJ>< h 11 "fictitiou~ mas~" component, and th!!' rauo bt/Hix is. 9overned by th" atabiH ty cc;>ndi tion (Re!. J), b't ~ / 2H1x' V 5iT ()l where SJ,: 1s the row ·SWt. ·or the sti·ffness eor.,ponents a~ node 1 in the x direction. The new geQmetry at time t•tt !s then: "~-+ltn lX (4) The ne,, tension in anr l-ink rr. !cl!lblP or side· o! membrane elements) is: Tt-+t.t • T 5 -+ r 1r....S_J i-AL,, J t-+bt m m ''"' e / elements e with \ (~ides m containing mJ anc;l th!!' riew residual for,ct!'s are gi.ven by: DX t+At t-+6t t 0 s 1 t + l17)m (Tin "'111 links 1n connecu·ng to J. whence updated velocity components are determined from Ec:jn. 131 and the _iterative process continues. (5) (6) in :!qns. (S) and 16 I aU factor:s with iupencripts s can · be •pecified controh during the .process which may be applied to alter the form and atre•• di1tribution, ror ~able tlemenh ~ ii a·iaply.•V./Lo where Lo is the apecHied 1'laek length, and for triangular 11embnne elellients (Ret:2i(1Cit,J,. ia the row natural atiffntas corresponding to aide•· T: is the toree in aide• due ·to preatre11 in the 1l11Nnt, Att+At is the current Htendon of Unit n fra a apeci?Jed· inftial atatt, (DX/Lf~-+At i• th• current direction cosine ~nd o: uy be a traction force in 'link •· 'l'tle latter factor ii of use -vhen determining IIOMn~l••• boundary •h•ar wall• of· fairly arbitrary shape, Alori9 co11prenion funiculars, the contribution of all link force• to r1aidual1 i• rever1ed1 th• boundary betn,9 •ff•ettvely deterained as a tension funicular to the in91 of the adjacent surface (Refa.2,121. D~ring the proc••• r•present•d t,y Eqns, (3)•16) the ~Jnetic energy ii trac1d. When.a local peak 11 dttect•d all velocity co11pon1nts ar• ••t to aero and.the process Js r•-•tart•d ho111 th•, current 910111etr.y and continued lhrouc;,h further ldecr11sin9) ptaks until the ·•n•rlJY of all 910des has .,._n dJ11ipat1d and atatic equiUbriua 11 achieved. '• .( ., . . , ~- •. .. ' r \;; .•. ' -· :. i: ., (1 .... -- ,. ., ;, I t, ., /.; r~ ·:• I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Th1~ vect:,r proces5 ii ideally suited to int~ractiv~ I :-ro,-I1nd1 no wJ U. r11d1 cal boundary c:h11n?@S i:inct< initial ,-.. ~ray d1sslpatJ011 and conver,;,enc:r in thf' altered zones •· ,·~t)' r11pld and thu~ d1sturba11te~ lltf' not si,;,nificantly • · · , ...... , .. ,,.cJ throu':l'h" 1t un,,)tf't"~ r~~Jr-n!';. .. ,., fll ;Ii, GI 1·1 I'. Iii/I· 1·1·111·. JJ'/,1 ttJJ1':IITUllt /lI:Tf. rn---!"4• c-ornn:>nJ :· u~c-C type o! cllbl f' ne-; ic tht-uni·!orn, ... ~,, n,:, n ~·h1ct, tyrjcollr th! gnc ,sp11cin;: u o.5n .. 11• fc,ee-!1nd1n= o! such nPt~ preferabi;· starts "i'th a ==-n=ei:::ua: ph)·s1ca1 model which, afte:-!ibreolasSing, 1111}' sUbsequen:l )' b~ used for wind tunnet t!!stin?, Tht !>h)'Si::a: model iE alsc use!u! in pro,·i:!in~ an initif\l e!:ur,al! c! link tO!>olog: for numerica: forn·-findino. 'le s1mc-li!y automatic daU oeneratior. tn!! may conveniently cor:nien<:~ !rom b flat net in wh1.ch thf .interna1 C!'ic: l1nr.s nav• L h1oh ela~ti: sti!fnesr (K~ ir. ~or.. !Sl 1r. orde: :: ""'1r.:~1r. th~ uniforn. ?ric! l!>ac1nc, Tnf' linr.r ac,11cen: tc b:>unoar: or interna! sup!>:·:-: systems, whi::l, :.:-.!:1e:~: 1i:.:~: b! oiosfsl:· ~~:tenOeC t< rn@e: ~1t:. supports, r:.!: tii tne: bt· cer.:ro11·!!'c b;,· sp~ci !yin:-i const.!r.: t@~s10:: Ii:~ r r l ~ E.::t,. '5' o:-b:: Usln_~ L iO\-' V~l,U~ C'~ !:laS~l C' s:; ~!n.l!!i! an~ a:::u~:1n~ the1: sla:,: ier.::n~ ~= e:>n:.ro: :n• f-=:-r.. U~ul!::: 1. com.c1nn:.J.01 .. o! b:-:1. con~rc.l~ "-"il: s1-.: .. ! ~-tu· :-roces.t. l:soundar:: sca:..i::.:-~ c2r1 t>t s1rnila!'1:· ::.·u!'t!t~ u:s.1n-JO\. £1-. v~lu~s an=. .soe:.:.:1et len::-ni ant :! --:;s.:. ::~: ""'·.: c: a=: =r~ ""-".:. :l. :.ht rP:;~.:. !'f :· s:uj, J.:;;i, .?"a:i1._ ~n=. ::• --:,~, S! :1 ~r,, !=".!~t~':" 11,-.t-..·:.!"~:. :: :: :-• .:~! :.c :::.:s: JC • ' -: -;••, I ; r • •, f-'• !:-,l f r.11 •1fl:' : =~:""!"JI!.'-t.,l :''::.!]'!. • '•• •r• ,.. ·••,I ! : ::Jr.,! j •:-''' ,t:1. ~-' :,· ... !.;:1:-: ll<!JU~!- • ·,· , , • ·.-: t • :.--: , nu· 1 ·::, ':-"'---: ! j n~~rul.l: ....... : ~ . ma:· c~ n£>ln!u_ --~ --r ,,.., -~.":'i----+....__ , . I,~-. I. (~ I I -• ------·--... -,-~--- 732 .in aimple.casea, but 110re conatonly the overall shape, prestreu distributi:on, topology and boundary cablt' connections liust be interilctivdy ad~usted, ror large nets, or clo1ely 1paced •t•el 11e1he1, such as that utied for Munich 1wi'ary (lihown during construction in .ric;r. 1), the n11111erical idea'Hi:ation frJ.9.2• aust be comparatively coarse: each linr.. repreaent1n~ a ntnber o! aesh lines. If spatia~ eo~ordinates .for •ettino out ·thE boundary wall have beer. apec:if.f.ee ~· th~ architect ther. the auh must be adjusted durin~ fom-f.fn1:hn~ anc patt~rr·- in;: to matt wi-th lc:ubtc' splines !i ttec throuoh ,the!I,. .cc--ordinates, .Additionallr th~ perpenc!ic:1::.1:-o!fsetF !ror all boundary nodes tc: ad~acen: 9rio linr.s must be ad~u!liel tc c:o111pl1· w.i.tti the grid spa:::ing~ 1. au:::h lir.:?ler procedt:r•-. 11111r -be followed if. onlr the pla:-. c;,etimetrr c! bounda:·r we!H is apec;rified ·toc;rether with approY.imet~ vertical· ord1nete~. lr, this case -the mes~. car. b, c:o::':.inue::: be:;onc the s:.ru:::tur! plan to a ficti tiou! boundary. Subse,:iuer.:::.:· thE-re .. : boundary tan be projtctec: ve:-:1¢ell,: tc-ot::Ur. the st>,1:111: cc,-ordinatei :o! the bounoar:· in:erse::tion£, ·ro:-precin patte'rnin;, corre::t!:>n~ tc tht ~ric leno:hr e ~ tne nU111erical idealizat1or. rr.us: :her. bE madE to allo•· f::r c:1:rvatures. Thls 11111r DE aoh1evi:: t>:: f1 t:1::: sp!int"r throu?t: tht-c;rrll:l traverseF an:: 11n::rter.1n;, tn~ ala :::l: o:-J:: lenc;rthF by thE-difhren:::e b@twee~. S'-1:fac~ e.r: anc chore len;:~h£. Tne final s~a?t c~ pf-~terr.-in:-e::-:.1.i.?F-r,cr& pr@clsf b_ow,darr anC mas~ 1up~:r~ %on! ar.~:::ses, r. ':y?1e11 .. exam!>lE of· "!hich is sho~·r. u. !1;,. ::. Th~ ::::,E eY.:rer.: :Jt"! it. this casf car. ht' oe!:.nec b:· :::::1: :.nter;: .. a:1O, thl"t-':.I"' tnt ~od~ poin:r: o! tn! c,\'era:.-.: e:1~.::•s11. ":':1! vec:::-c: r~ae~iont a! th~ mas~ tor sup~:::, ct:6!~~~ !roff ~~, l::A. zonf 11nal)•sis, car. the:. b~· pr:,e::e::: tt c~~~n~ tilfc rn.e~: besf. cr--,crdinat«~. I! 'th~S! Ci!!e: ~ro:: :~.::St a~!it:T',:o:· fc-:-tht OVflrul: anft?~'£!~, t.hr· 'sj,a:•: Jcne~:H ::: t:I', r,·J:u,.f' asswn~C for the ,suppor~ tie!' .Ce:-. I>! a::~us:.,:: un!.~ .. ,:11\ zonE analysi~ mSte~ 1i1·! :r ~h£-::~:@::t.:: ~r,a: ··t :.s. -·- ~~-~··-~~~ -· ..... ..... ! ,I i ,~1 • ... I I I I I 1· I I I ln ol!odl'Bit nl!tl, cllhlt!a follow linu ·of •inbn• dhtance over the sur fact! ao that thl!re f's no ahurin9 coilpon~nt bf!t-en conal'cutiv• link• in any cabll'. Such.net• can be dl!rivl!d by holding the apecified, cable tenaion• conatant 1n Eqn. IS) !with K. aet to uro). ln practical terms they may be leas useful than unifon, •e•h nets. However, gt>odes1c1 are aho thou lines'which a flat tape of .. terial can follow over the surface without 1hearin9, and this has relevence in the context of cladding systems. I 133 _Principal curv•ture nat• •uffer the ••me dr•wback of non constant 9rid -len9t.h1 as 9eodeai"c nets, However, by definltion the tviltin9· curvature in panel• fonied by the cal:>h 9rid b ~ero, which aay be helpful when ati-ff cladd- ing panel!' are to ·be und,. riv, 4 1hov1 thl' atructural 1che111e for the enclosed •caacades"-botanic 9arden1-at Ventnor, To achie~e the level of transparency required polycarbonate cladding is propo1ed, The structure 11 sited in a land-alip area and thus differential aettlefflenta auat be allowed for; 1'1111, together with the inherent flexibility of the network.1y1tem,requires that the junctions between panel• •u•t aecoanodate shl!aring and 1epar1tion1 the panels theffiaelves, however, will IIIOVI! •• rigid body eleinenta. One approach to obtaining-a principal curvature nl!tvork is to derive, initially, a ainimwn.aurface· 1tructure (away from 11aat point supports) by idealizing the 1urface into tr1·an11ular membrane elements in Which stress is held co~stant. If the triangular elements are then asa19ned t>hstic 1tiffness and a unHonn dhj:,lacement is applied at each node of the structure in a locally normal direction, the resulting principal atrains coincide with the direct- ions of principal curvature. The princiP.•l trajectorJes can then be dra~n on thP surfa,c:e -in auch a way that <,ach panel tenda to be square (with mesh Hnes cro•sinq approximately at right anoln as in 1 •now-net"' l. The ,Spacing of the grid must obviously vary but the tension J~ any link ii approximatelr proportional to tt,e crosi< spacing. Thus tension coe!ficients CT/Lin £qn, 151 I throughout the net st,ould ,be constant·and, using the topology 10 foWld, a cable· net analysis can 'be carrJed out to obtain the equilibriwr. shaj,~.-In ·prac.tice certain areas o( the network will be required to depart from either tht> minimWII surface shape, particularly in mast zones, or from principal c~rvature trajectories, for example where apac- ing becomes too ·Wide -usually in flat or inflected surface areas. These alterations can be 111ade b}' suitable adjust- ment of-tht> specified tension coefficients. I Tig, 2 I .. I I I I -I I I I I I I I I ' ,-.. - I' \ •,. ~- Th, shap-, of minimum surCace membranes can be determined · us1n? a sul!lc1Pntly fin• idealization of warped ~uadrl- la~pnal i,JpmPnts IRef.91 or trLanoular elenients in which l'tr~s~,;s are held constant. ln UH, latter case the t'?:-i"=J'='n!: alon~ rcl:n• lJn~!= art:? gi\'rn t.,y: -:• (J y. ,, ... · ,,. r,. "1 )~ 11,, ~l'nl< ~Jl'.J}t ''l'l .. :•Ll_p side L (7) r,,, v~ri11ble !'t1nss eJpn,ents, wlth •treste• Ox and oy corruponding to the intended fabric: W,Hve directions, the sid~ tensions are: V,fG)T {:; l 1,ry Cwhere txy • o for f~rm-!indingl (8) V 11 the eleMnt volwne and jG Ji• a tran•for111&tion •atrix relating orthogonal tx,y) •trains tot.he elainent •ide strain• (lief. 2 l. 734 I ..... ! ' ... , .. ,~ tt·r•U ..... .., .... , ... a, I.,.._ Tor analysis of the derived -membrane unde! live loa,Hn:;, the (3x3) elellf!nt "niri:.ural-'' •1;if!nesses are given by: T fkeJr V,fG][D}IGJ ":l where (DJ aust ~ a simple orthotropic stress aatrix. To account for crimp interchange effects, h0"ever, the stresses may be expressed as polynomial functions o! strains: Ox• C.1+ Cztx + Cfty + C~tlltY + Cstx2+ ..... in th~• caae, u1in9 a vector 11ethod (in which equilibriwn and compatib~llty condition• are aepara.tedl, tqn. 18) can be .u,ed to update tide tentions. If one vaavt direction correapond1 with a aide in each d1111ent., and a111ain9 •!'!Hr a't1·ffnH1 ii ne91i9ible, cMputln9 ti111 and ator•9• can be cc,,n1lderably reduced, In order to account for the orthotropic behaviour of the weave durin9 ~oad analy1e.s/'the .i.dealization of the surfac.e durin9 for111-findin9 should be adjusted to achieve this: the ll!lin ai• l;,ein9 to. simultaneously derive t.he overall .fon, and patterning arramJeMnt~ .. .. I I I I I . ' .. \ ,_, ' \ '. \ \ '. \ ,. \ . \ \ ·, )~, \ \ \ \ \ ', .... ,,., ,,~_)... 1 1 • , . ) . 1 l "' ,-'-' •• • .1--• ~' \ \ \ ') .a. I \ \ I I ,1 -' _._.>--'. ' ' I I \ .,., ' . \ .... -•·\·\f, ···.· '•ill\\\ \ \ i \ _J ttMJilfWi I.,, I:! I I: . '; I 11 : I! I ' I I I I : ,_'. . 1,' . ~-1 I ,., -< :.,~ ~·_., ' --------. • • L,._.__, ~. ...... ____ ·--. ---- I I 1 J':. r I I 1 I: I I 735 l· f rig. s Fig. s-ahowa an elevation of the •l••nt ideali&ation for one of the-PTFE 9las1 pre•tre••ed aeillbranea used in th• -Diplomattc Club in IHyadh. The arran9eitenl of reinforcing radial cable• i1 ahown in Fig. 6. 'nlia figure also 1how1 the weft direction o! the weave in each panel which was adju~ted during fonn-finding to lie alon9 hoop directions. ~dju~tffl!!nts were aade by fitting. aplinei through-the ridge lin!' and wall intucept nodes and aaending thdr positions !11ncl the ridge link lengths)· ao that tht! bilieeting angh between a particular control hoop line and ·ridge lines was equal on each .~ide of each panel. The other hoop lines wnrr-then adjusted along the ridge 1pilnes 10 that the prrr•~ndicular distance, within the· 1urface, between adjac- ent hoops was constant:. Tl)is process was carried out .automat·ically 10 that there was no need for interact! ve conbrol, The program ·1y1te111, however, had to allow for changes in topology during the process. The above procedure achieves cutting patterns which for each radial panel {away from the ·wan intercepts) are as nearly as possible ,aymmetric. !laving obtained the final fonr. correspondin9 with the specified membrane and ridge cable prestress, the panel and edge scalloy shapes mutt then be compensated to allow for curvature! and the stretc~ that must occur from-the initially flat uns:ressec stat~ !Fig. ?), Biaxial tests. fr;,r each batch o! materia~ are necessary in order to obtain these stre,tch cr;,mpensations., f"or_ 1110re arbitrary shapes than essentially r_adia: systems, patterning in which panel edqes foUow 9e_odesic hnu over the sudace are idt!al fron, the-point o! vu••· o! structural function and pat-terninq econon:y. A procedure for obtaining 111tmbrane forms and pattern£ in suer, cases has been 91 Vt!n by Williams !Re!. l3i. Jn this process equi-librium equations are set -only ir, direc:ion! normal to the surface with the in plane ar_rangelll!!nt o! ncdes being adjusted, geometrically tc achieve qeodesic control line!" -over the surface.. An alternative procedure suooested by Haug is to incorporate elastic-or constant """"ion strings w~ thin the 111el!lbrane surf ace. The~r !'ttj11rr~ will then slir into oeodeslc JY.>Sltlons ;,rovldrd Lhnt thPy have adequ3te tehsion i~ compariso~ with thP n,~rnbrar,e stress resultants, f"or the case o! un1!onnly ,:tre!l~ed mernb_ranes, howe_ver, the ltr~ng ten-sions must t,,. ·:rq• low in order not to affect the overall form. lr. thi ~ '-"~" convergence wtl1 be slow or not possible. W<!k~!i .. ld has auggested a procedure to counter this problem which corysists of iJSing f!lastii= strips tc i=oritrol the in plane movement of nodes, but subtracting their compc,nents of force normal to the surface when cali=ulating nodal residuals, \ ., ;, . ~ .. - I ,, I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I 98264 Legoland-Carlsbad APPENDIX-C 1. Specifications for Sunsure Fabric 2. Cable Specifications 3. Cable Fitting Specifications ~. I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I bet-hlehem st-ruc'tural wire rope Belhlel1ern Slruclurol Wire Rope conslsls or six strands mode from zinc-cooled wlte wllh sltonds lold·hellcolly otound o·cote; such os onolher slrond or srnoller wire rope. Slruclurol wire rope provides greoler llexlblllly when compoted wllh coarse slrorid conslrucllons tind Is generally lhulruclurol coble or choice where bending oblllty Is 011 lrnporfonl requflemenl, such os rormlngJlemlsfi,eye ends (drop fermlnols). WWW monuroclures Belhlehem Slruclurol Wire Rope lo meel AST M Speclrlco!lon A603, and hos lhe copoblllly lo monuroclute wire rope os forge as 7" diameter. Reier lo Tobie 2 lor Bethlehem Slruclurol Wire Rope dulo. lcsbJe 2 befhlehe~ zlnc-coafed sfruc'furcil. vvlre rope Homlnol Welghl Melolllc lrtaklng Slrenglh I Nomlnol Waight Melolll~ -l11aklng s11,nglh I Dlomerer per If Area ·(Ions) Dlam1111' "''" A11a (Ions) (lnchu) approx approx sq Cla11A Ciani Clau c (Inches) approx approx sq Class A Clan I crau·c lb. In. Coating Coating_ Coating lb. In. Coating Coating coating " 0.24 [0.065 6.5 6.2 5.9 2¾ 9.61 2.69 261.0 249.0 237:0 " ¼. 0.32 i 0.091 8.8 8.4 8.0 2½ 10.60 2.97 288.0 275.0 262.0 \I, 0.'12 0.119 11.5. 11.0 10.5 2¾ 11.62 3.27 317.0 302.0 288.0 '!., 0.53 0.147 14.5 13.8 13.2 2¾ 12.74 3.58 347.0 331.0 315.0 •;. 0.65 0.182 18.0 17.2 16.4 2¼ 13.90 . 3;91 379.0 362.0 344.0 '¼. 0.79 0.221 21.5 2p.5 '19.5 ·3 15.11 4.25 412.0 393.0 374.0 ¾ 0.95 0.268 26.0 24.8 23.6 3¼ 18.00 5,04 47/j.0 453.0 432.0 ' '¾, 1.10 0.311 30.0 28.6 27.3 3¼ 21.00 5.83 555.0 529.0 504.0 ,, 1.28 0.361 35:0 33.4 31.8 3'/, 24.00 6.67 640.0 611.0 582.0 " '¾, 1.47 0.414 40.0 38.2 36.4 4 27.00 7.59 730.0 696:o 664.0 1 1.67 0.471 45.7 43.6 41.5 4¼ .JO.SO 8.58 828.0 . . 1 ¼ 2 11 0.596 57.8 55.1 52.5 4½ 34.70 9;~2 926.0 • • 1¼ 2.64 0.745 72.2 611.9 65.6 4¾ 38.00 10.74 1Q36.0 · • • 11/, 3.21 0.906 117.6 63.6 79.8 5 42.20 11.88 1146.0 . • 1 'I, 3.82 1.076 104.0 99.2 94.5 5¼ 46.50 13.09 1263.0 . • 13/, 4.51 1.270 123.0 117.0 112.0 5½ 51.00 14.37 1387.0 . . 1¼ 5.24 1.470 143'.0 136.0 130:0 5¼ 55.80 15.7 '1515.0 . . - 1¼ 6.03 1.690 164.0 156.0 149.0 6 60.70 17.f 1650.0' . . 2 6.85 1.920 186,0 177.0 16~.o 21/, 7.73 2.170 210.0 200.0 191.0 21/, 8.66 2;420 235.0 224.0 214.0 Ii monuloclu,es Belhlehem Slrnclulal Wl,e Rope up lo-7" dlameler. ror Jnrormollan an dlamelers lorg111 lhon 8", please cansun WWW's Englneerlng·cieportmenl. ow rm htovlfl coofln9s. pteo11 con1uH WWW I Engtnu,Jng 01 Seil•• Dtpotlmenr. · I breoklng shength lnlormollon on lhe ro,ge, dlomet1111; consu!f OUl Englnt111lng and Soles Dtporlmenl. Based on Clo11 A coallngs, lht mlnlmu'" modoN or tlolllclly ollht obove rope, when preshelchtd, 01t shown to,. dtomoltr, 20,000,000 pit: 4Y," lo 41/, • dlomtltr, H,000,000 psi: I" to•· dlam1Jtr, 11,000,000 pl_l . · · I lh• h1poklng shength 1n10,morJon conlolntd In lhls roblt It lor Closs A. 8 and C cools lhtoughoUIJht wlle rope. ror breokh1g srrenglh lnlormollon on comblnollons Of coats, please consull www·s Englnee,Jng I \ .~-9~ . HG-228 JAW &JAW Meets the requirements of Federal Specifications FF-T-791b, Type 1, Form 1 -CLASS 7 ¼x4 1032493 .500 .36 !¥16 X 4½ 1032518 800 .52 %x6 1032536 1200 .81 112 X 6 1032554 2200 1.50 ½x9 1032572 2200 1.74 1,2 X 12 1032590 2200 2.40 . %x6 1032616 3500 2.72 %x9 1032634 3500 3.24 %x 12 1032652 3500 3.74 ¥4 X 6 1032670 5200 4.11 :}°4_X 9 1032698 5200 5.10 :Y4x12 1032714 5200 5.65 ¥4 X 18 1032732 5200 7.00 718 X 12 1032750 7200 8.17 ~ X 18 1032778 7200 9.96 1x6 1032796 10000 8.50 1 X 12 1032812 10_000 12.00 1 X 18 1032830 10000 14.00 1 x24 1032858 10000 17.00 11/o 12 1032876_ 15200 21.50 1¼x 18 1032894 15200 24.25 1¼x24 1032910 15200 28.00_ 1½x 12 1032938 21400 30.50 1½x 18 1032956 21400 ' 36.75 111.!x24 1032974 21400 40.67 1¥4 X 18 1033018 28000 55.04 1i'4 x24 1033036 28000 63.36 2 X 24 1033054 37000 94.25 2½x24 1033072 60000 165.00 2¥4 X 24 1033090 75000 198.00, • Hot Dip galvanizecl steel. J OPEN K CLOSED M OPEN N CLOSED • Ehd fittings are Quenched and Tempered,bodies heat treated by normalizing. • TURNBUCKLES RECOMMENDED FOR STRAIGID OR IN-LINE PULL ONLY. • Forged jaw ern;ls are fitted with bolts and m.its for¼" -through 5/s", and pins and cotters on %" through 23/4" sizes; - • Modified UNJ thread for improved fatigue properties. - • Lock Nuts available for all sizes (see page ll4). • Comprehensive end fitting d~ta provided on page }12. .25 .41 1.58 .62 _ 10.90 6.90 11.90 7.90 4.00 .31 .47 1.98 .87 1-2.36 8.36 13.90 9.40 4.50 .38 .50 2.12 .87 16.14 10.14 _ 17.38 11.38 6.00 :50 .63 2.75 1.06 17.50 11.50 19.00 13.00 6.00 .50 .63 2.75 1.06 23 .. 50 14.50 25.00 16.00 9.00 .50 .63 2.75 1.06 29.50 17.50 31.00 19.00 12.00 .63 .75 3.50 1.31 -18,80 12.80 20.88 14.88 6.00 .63 .75 3.50 1.31 --24.80 15.80_ 26.88 17.88 9.00 .63 .75 3.50 1;31 30.80 18.80 32.88 20.88 12.00 .75 .94 4.18 1.50 20.00 14.00 22.60 16,60 6.00 .75 .94 4.18 1.50 • -_ 26;00 17.00 28.60 19;60 9.00 .75 .94 4.18 1.50 32.00 20.00 .. 34,60 22.60 12.00 .75 .94 4.18 .1.50 44:00 26.00 46.60 28:60 18.00 , .88 1.13 4.85 1.75 33.36 . 21.36 36.32 24.32 12.00 .88 1.13 4.85 1.75 45.36 27.36 48.32 30.32 18.00 1.00 1.19 5.53 2.06 . 22.12 16.72 26.06 20.06 6.00 1.00 1.19 5.53 2.06 34.72 22.72 38.06 26.06 12.00 1.00 1.19 5.53 2.06 46.72 28.72 50.06 32.06 18.00 1.00 1.19 5.53 2;06 58.72 34.72 _ 62.06 38.06 24.00 1.25 1.75 7.21 2.81 37.34 _ 25.34 _41.54 29.54 12.00 1.25 . 1.75 7.21 2.81 49.34 31.34 53.54 35.54 18.00 1.25 1.75 7.21· 2.81 61.34 37.34 _ ·65.54 41.54 24.00 1.50 2.06 7.88 2:81 38.50 _26.50 ·43.50 31.50 12.00 1.50 2:06 7.88 2.81 50.50 _ 32:50 55:50 37.50 18.00 1.50 2.06 _ 7.88 2.81 62.50 38.50 '-67.50 43.50 24.00 1.75 2.38 9.40 3.38 53.38 35.38 '59.18 41.18 18.00 1.75 2:38 9.40 3.38 65.38 41:38 71.18 47.18 _24.00 . 2.00_ 2.50 11.86 3.69 69.54 45.54 76.72 52.72 24.00 2.50 2.88 13.56 4.44 7.2.98_ 48.98 82.18 58.18 24.00 2.75 3.50 15.22 _ 4_.19 74.75 50.75 85.50 61.50 24.00 • Proof Load 2 times Working Load LimH. Ultimate load is 5 times Working Load Limit. Cor11~ilhl © 1994 The Crosby Group, Inc. Al 'R,vht• Rpqm,ed 109 I I I I I I I I I HG-4037 JAW END FITTlNG~ . . 1 ! -@-+-~ Y. -Joor MM C B -----H -----. -------t------- • Hot dip galvanized steel. • Quenched and Tempered. • Forged jaw ends ate fitted with bolts and nuts on sizes ¼"thro11gh 5/2,", and pins and cotters on sizes 3/4" through 23/4'.'. • Modified UNJ thread for improved fatigue properties. - ·1. _:.1/.-=-4;.c.X..;._4=+..;._1 O:...c7..:::2..::..29'-84----C1-=--07:..::2:.:.9..::..11:..+-___;:__;;_::_-+-=-:..--+___;..::.._;_--'c---+-'-..:..:...-+-__;_--+-'--'..C..:--+--'---'---f--'-'-'---+------f---'-'--'---+------f--,---'----I ,_5/16 X 4112 1072314 1072939 500 .12 .25 .41 .90 .30 .63 2.55 3.58 3.95 1.12 1.41 .25 800 ;20 .31 .47 1.00 .30 :69 2.92 4.30 4.70 1.39 1.41 .25 .56 .36 3.80 :Vs X 6 1072332 1072957 1200 .29 .38 1.08 .81 5.22 5.69 1.49 1.58 .31 --.57 .50 .63 -1.36 .42 1.00 4.05 5.94 6.50 1.81 1.86 2200 .38 .50 ½ x 6 1072350 · ..:...1 O:c.:7..:::2..::..97c...:5-1-....:::.:;;.::..::_----l-___;..:..:...-1-____;.c:....:;_+-~-+-'--'-'::....;;.....+-..:..._:.--+_c..;._:....:;_+---'--+--'-'-'-'--+----'---+--'-'--+---'-'--+-c...c.......; I ' ½ X 9 1072378 1072993 2200 .63 .63 1.36 .42 1.00 5.55 7.44 8.00 1.81 1.86 .38 I ½ X 12 1072396 1073019 2200 .71 .50 :63 _ 1.36 .42 1.00 1,05 8.94 9.50 1.81 1.86 .38 ! % X 6 1072412 1073037 !-· I % x 12 1072458 1073073 3500 1.07 .63 .75 1.68 _.55 1.31 4.30 6.64 7.44 2.35 2.44 .50 3500 1.20 .63 .75 1.68 .55 1.31 5.80 8.14 8.94 2.35 2.44 .50 3500 1.33 .63 .75 1.68 .55 1.31 7.30 9.64 10.44 2:35 2.44 .50 I ! % X 9 1072430 1073055 5200 1.72 .75 .94 1.97 .69 1.62 4.55 7.31 8.30 -2.80 2.56 .62 [ % X 6 107247-=-6+-10:c.:7..::.3..::..09:...:1-1-....::..:;:.::..::_----l--'-..:...cc...--+..,.....;c....::.._+----+,-C-.'--+-~--+-'--+----+----'+----+--'--+----+---I :Y4x9 1072494 1073117 I ~ 12 1072519 1073135 3/4 X 18 1072537 1073153 _2_~x 12 1072555 1073171 °0l..!<J8 __ I 1 x6 1 X 12 1072573 ~---~ 1072591 1072617 1073199 -·· 1073215 1073233 5200 5200 5200 7200 7200 10000 10000 1.81 .75 .94 1:9.7 2:09 .75 .94 · 1.97 2.46 .75 .94 1.97 3.31 .88 1.13-2.43 3;81 .88 1.13 2.43 3.90 1.00 1.19 2.63 4.56. 1.00 1.19 -2.63 .69 1.62 6.05. 8.81 9.80 2.80 2.56 .62 .69 1.62 · 7.55 10.31 11.30 2.80 2.56 .62 .69 1.62 10.55 13.31 14.30 2.80 2.56 .62 .81 1.88 7.80 -11.05 12:16 3.23 3;09 .75 .81 1.88 .10;80 14.05 15.16 3.23 3:09 .75 . 94 2.12 . 5.05 8.80 10.03 3.73 3.44 .88 · (.94_) 2.12 8.05 '11.80 13.03 3.73 3.44 .88 1072635 1073251 10000 5.16 1.60 1.19 -2.63 ,94 2.12 · 11.05 14.80 16.03 3.73 3.44 .88 17.80 _1 _x 1_.:::8_ ....+-:..::..:..:=.::...i-..:...:c.:-==--+--'-::..::..:.--=--1--:;;__:..;._::...._.J...-..:..:..:..::.....j...--'-'-;..;:._+-==-1-----"':...;_;_+-=c.:...:..::-+-'-..:..:...+--'-"-.:..+_;_..::....:..:...+-=:.;.;_;:-+-=-.;...;_+-.=.;c--i 11/4 X 24 I 1½x12 1½ X 18 1½x24 1:V4X 18 1072653 1072671 1072699 1072715 1072733 1072751 1072779 1072813 1072831 1072859 1072877 1072895 1073279 1073297 1073313 1073331 1073359 1073377 1073395 1073439 1073457 1073475 1073493 1073518 10000 5.76 15200 7.43 15200 8.37 15200 9.46 21400 12.39 21400 13.89 21400 15.39 28000 19.74 28000 21.10 37000 36:35 60000 62.33 75000 94.64 1.00 1.19 2.63 .94 1.25 1.75 3.60 1.22 1.25 1:75 3.60 1.22 1.25 . 1.75 3.60 1.22 1.50 .. 2.06 3.96 1.47 1.50 2:06 3.96 1.47 1.50 2;06 , 3.96 1.47 _1.75 2.38 4.66 1.72 1.75 2.38 4.66 1.72 2.0Q -2.50 5.60 2.09 2.50 2.88 5.82 2.38 2.75 . 3.50 6.56 2.88 2.12 14.05 19.03 3.73 3.44 .88 2:62 8.28. 13.22 14.77 4.91 4.53 1.12 _ 2.62 11.28 16.22 17.77 4.91 4.53 1.12 2.62 -14.28 19.22 20:11 .4.91 4.53 1.12 3.12 8.72 13.96 15.75 . 5.31 5.12 1.38 _ 3.12 . 11.72 16.96 .18.75 "5.31 5.12 1.38 3.12 14.72 19.96 21.75: 5:31 5.12 1.38 3.50 · 12.16 18.49 20:59 ,6.28 6.00 1.62 3.50 15.16 21.49 23;59 6.28 6.06 1.62 4.19 15.59 23.76 25;35 7.28 6.88 _ 2.00 5.62 17.20 · .25.61 29.09 9.04 7.50 2.25 6.12 -17.35 26.75 30.75 9.56 8.44 · 2.75 Copyright ©"1994 The Crosby Group, J11c. All Rights Reseroed Forged Eye Bolts ' I I REGULAR NUT EYE BOLTS J . -~-------,-1 --9-. t ··----G I I I I I 1/4 X 2 1/4 X 4 5/15 X 21/4 5/15 X 41,,4 3/a X 21/2 3/s X 41/2 %x6 1/2 X 31/4 Yz X 6 1/2 X 8 1/2 X 10 1043230 1043258 1043276 1043294 1043310 1043338 1043356 1043374 1043392 1043418 1043436 I ----------112 X 12 1043454 -~------- %x 4 1043472 %x6 1043490 I %x 8 1043515 5/ex 10 1043533 %x 12 1043551 I 3/.c X 41/2 1043579 3/.cx6 1043597 % X 8 1043613 -----·--3/4 X 10 1043631 3/.cx 12 1043659 3/4 X 15 1043677 71a X 5 1043695 71sx8 1043711 71ax 12 1043739 1 X 6 1043757 1 X 9 1043775 I ::::----·---- 1043793 1043819 1¼ x8 1043837 1/4 X 12 1043855 11/o 20 1043873 650 6.00 650 13.50 1200 18.75 1200 25.00 1550 24.33 1550 37.50 1550 43.75 2600 50.00 2600 62.50 2600 75.00 2600 88.00 2600 100.00 5200 101.25 5200 120.00 5200 131.00 5200 162.50 5200 175.00 7200 185.90 7200 180.00 7200 200.00 7200 237.50 7200 251:94 7200 300.00 10600 275.00 10600 325.00 10600 400.00 13300 425.00 13300 452.00 13300 550.00 13300 650.00 21000 750.00 21000 900.00 . 21000 1150.00 ltinrnle Load is 5 ti1nes the Working Load Limit. I l t D 8 C .25 .25 .31 .31 .38 .38 :~6 .50 .50 :so .50 :50 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .88 .88 .88 1.0Q 1.00 1.00 1.6_0 1.25 1.25 1.25 • Recommended for straight line pull. · • All Bolts Bot Dip galvanized after threading. · · • Furnished with standard Hot Pip g11lvanized hex nuts. • Forged Steel -Que:nched arid.Tempered. A SEE APPLICATION AND WARNING INFORMATION G-291 On Pages 90 -91 .50 1.00 .25 1.50 2.00 3.06 .56 .50 1.00 .25 2.50 4.00 5.06 .56 .62 1.25 .31 1.50 2.25 3.56 .69 .62 1.25 .31 2.50 4.25' 5.56 .69 ;75 1.50 .38 1.50 2.50 4.12 .88 .75 1.50 .38 2.50 4.50 6.12 .88 .75 1.50 .38 ?.50 6.00 _7.62 .. 88 1.00 2.00 .50 1.50 3.25 5.38 1.12 1.00 2.00 .50 3.00 6.00 8.12 1.12 1.00 2:00. .50 3.00 8.00 10.12 1.12 1.00 2.00 .50 :3.oo 10.00 12.12 1.12 LOO 2.00 .50 3.00 12.00 14.12 1.12 1.25 2.50 .62 2;00 4.00 6.69 1.44 1.25 2;50 :62 3:00 6.00 8.69 1.44 1.25 2.50 .62 3.00 8.00 10.69 1.44 1.25 2.50 .62 3.00 10.00 12.69 1.44 L25 2.50 .62 4:.oo 12.00 14.69 1.44 1.50 3.00 .75 2.00 4.50 7.69 1_.69 1.50 3.00 .75 3.00 6.00 9.19 1.69 1.50 3.00 .75 3.00 8.0Q 11.19 1.6~ 1.50 3.00 .75 3.00 10.00 13.19 1.69 1.50 3.00 .75 4.00 12.00 15.19 1.69 1.50 3.00 .75 5.06 15.00 18.19 1.69 1.75 3.50 .88 2.5$ 5.00 8.75 2.00 1.75· 3.50 .88 4.00 8.00 11.75 2.00 1.75 3.50 .88 4.00 12.00 15.75 2.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 10.31 2.31 2.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 9~00 13.31 2.31 2.Q0 IJ.00 1.00 4.00 .12.00 · 16.3·1 2.31 2.00 4.00 1.00 7.00 18.00 22.31 2.31 2.50 5.00 1.25 4:06 8.00 13.38 2.88 2.50 5.00 1.25 '4.00 12.00 17.32 2.88 2.50 5.00 1."25 6.00 20.00 25.38 2.88 Cofly•ig/11 © 1994 Tfte CrosbyGro11p, I11c. _ _ All Ri:;1/lls Resm,ed ( I I I I ; . 1 1: ,~ I I . i ) Crosbyl/1 Forged Chai11 Sl1ackles 1 ,_ SCREW PIN G-210 S-210 Screw pin chain shacklL>s meet the require· mrnls nf Federal Specification RR-C-271 D, Tri"' IVB, Grade A, Class 2. ¼ ½ 1019150 o/16 :}'4 1019178 % 1 1019196 7116 11,'2 1019212 ½ 2 1019230 % 31/4 1019258 :}'4 4~'4 1019276 7Ai ·5112 1019294 1 8½ 1019310 1¼ 9112 1019338 1¼ 12 1019356 1¾ ~/2 1019374 1½ 17 1019392 H14 25 1019418 2 35 1019436 2112 t55 1019454 1/4 112 .47 .31 o/16 :}'4 .53 .38 ¾ .66 .44 7116 1½ .75 .5_0 112 2 .81 .63 % 31/4, 1.06 .75 o/4 4:}'4 1.25 .88 718 6½ 1.44 1.00 1 8½ 1.69 1.13 1118 9½ 1.81 1.25 11/4 12 2.03 1.38 1% 13½ 2.25 1.50 f½ 17 2.38 1.63 w. 25 2.88 foo 2 35 3.25 2.25 21;.i t55 4.13 2.75 t Furnished in Screw Pin Only. • Working Load LimHpermanently·shown on every shackle. • Forged -Quenched andTempered, with alloy pins. • Capacities ½ thru 55 tons. • Look for the Red Pin™ ... the mark of genuine Crosby quality. • Shackles can be furnjshed proof tested with certificate~ to designated standards, s1,1ch as ABS, PNV, Lloyds, or other certification. Charges for proof testing and certi- fication available when requested at the time of order. • Hot Dip galvanized ·or ~If Colored. • .Fatigue rated. 1019169.· 10188-10 1018829 .11 .10 1019187 1018838 1018847 .17 .18 1019203 1018856 1018865 · .24 .25 1019221 1018874 1018883 · .40 .38 1019249 1018892 1018909 .59 .50 1019267 1018918 1018927 1.21 1.21 1019285 .1018936 1018945 2.2s: 2.00 1019301 1018954 1018963 3.16 ··_ 3.28 1019329 1018972 1018981 4.75 4.75 1019347 10,18990 1019007 6.75 6.30 1019365 1019016 1019025 9.06 9.00 215 1019383 1019034 1019043 11.63 12.00 1019409 . 1019052 1019061 15.95 .16.15 1019427 1019070 1019089 26.75 29.96 1019445 1019098 1019105 42.31. 43.25 1019463. 71,75 -- .25 .25 .97 .88 1.59 .19 .31 . 31 1.16 .1.03 1.91 . .22 .38 .38 1.41 .91 1.25 2.36 :25. .44 .44. 1.63 1.06 J.44 2'.66 .3j .50 .50 1.81 1..19 1:53 3.03 .38 .62 .63. 2:31 1.50 2.00 3.75 .44 .81 .75. 2.75 1.81 2.38 4.53 .50 .97 .88 3.19 2.09 2.81 5.331 .50 1.00 1.00 3.69 2.38 3. 9 5,94 .56 1.25 1.13 4.06 2:69 3.58 _6.78 .63 1.38 1.25 4.53 3.00 3.94 7.50 · ;69 1.50 1.38 5.00 3.31 4;38 8.28 .75 1.62 u,o 5.38 3.62 4.81 9.06 .81 2.12 1.75 6.38 4.19 5.75 10.97 1.00 2.00 2.00. 7.25 4.81 6.75 12.28. 1.22 . 2.62 2.62 9.38 5.69 8.00 14:84 1.38 ROUND PIN G-215 S-215 Round pin chain shackles meet the require- ments of Federal Specification RR-C-271 D Type IVB, Grade A, Class 1. K 70, 1.38 1.34 .06 .06 1.66 1.59 .06 .06 2.03 1.86 .13 .06 2.38 2.13 .13 .06 ·2.69 2.38 .13 .06 3.34. 2.91 .13 .06 3:97 _ 3.44 .25 .06 4.50 3.81 .25 .06 s:01 4.53 .25 .06 ·5,59. 5.13 .25 .06 6.16 5.50 .25 .13 ,6.84 6.13 .25 .13 7.35 6.56 .25 .13 9.08 7:75 .25 .13. 10.3A 8.75 .25 .13 13.00 .25 .25 • NOTE: Maximum Proof Load is 2.2.times !he Working Load Lirnit. Minimum Ultimate Load is 6 times the Working Load Limit. For Working Lo11d Limit reduclion due lo side loa1;1ing apf,lications, see page 65. ½'!l'!J.'i8l!I <Q 19_94 pie Cros!iy Group, luc. 61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 98264 Legoland-Carlsbaci APPENDIX-D Computer Printout I 1tvh1 I I ILAYER E I 1 2.0 2 2.0 3 18000.0 4 18000.0 I 5 29000.0 6 29000.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION AREA PRE 48.000 0.720 48.000 0.720 .182 .000 .268 .000 .019 .000 .413 .000 PROPERTIES CODE CAPACI-TY 1 16.56 1 07.20 0 36.00 0 36.00 2 20.00 2 20.00 MEMBER Warp Fill 5/8"DIA.edge cable 5/8"DIA.ridge cable SPRING X Y SPRING Z 3. 3, 1 ~ETWORK (Ver:2.60) [Reactions + DL I SUPPORT REACTIONS INOD: CODE X-COOR Y-COOR 111 0.000 0. 0"00 3 111 0.000 -12.000 I 4 111 -12.000 0.000 6 111 270.000 -66.000 7 111 258.000 -66.000 I 8 111 270.000 -54.000 10 111 540.000 0.000 11 111 540.000 -12.000 12 111 552.000 0.000 I 14 111 387.000 498.000 15 111 375.000 498.000 16 111 375.000 510.000 I 18 111 270.000 498.000 19 111 258.000 498.000 20 111 270.000 510.000 I 22 111 153.000 498.000 23 111 165.000 498.000 24 111 165.000 510.000 I STATIC CHECK I SUM OF THE APPLIED LOADS SUM OF THE SUPPORT REACTIONS I NUMBER OF SLACK MEMBERS I I I I I I Page: 10 Date:l:l.-AUG-98 Z-COOR X-REAC Y-REAC Z-REAC 204.000 216.000 216.000 300.000 312.000 312.000 204.000 216. 00'0 216.000 144.000 132.000 144.0QO 180.000 J:92.000 192.000 144.000 J:32 .000- 144.000 0.0000 0 .. 0000 0 0.019 0.013 0.14'7 7.510· 10.990 0.145 0.002 -0.147 -0.002 0.000 0.003 11.571 -0.019 0.013 ~0.147 7.510 -10.992 0.145 -2.757 -0.050 -0.0J:6 -0 .,059 -0.048 -10.063 0.000 0.027 0.002 0.000 0.000 -6.443 2.756 -0.050 0.016 -0.059 .o. 048' -10. 063 b .. 0000 -0.0005 0 .9>!7 -CJ.OlJ, ~0,011 -7.006 -0,009 0.001 0.928 -0.0J.l -0.011 -0.009 3.212 -0 .·008 -2.291 -0. 009' -0.011 -0.009 3.211 -0.008 -L 1250 -,1.1257 11 C/8tb1' NETWORK (Ver:2.60) [Member Statistics 11 Project : PRESTRESS + DL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MEMBER STATISTICS -------MAXIMUM------- TYPE FORCE S.F. AT 1 0.731 22.67 190 2 0.771 9.34 140 3 9.597 3.75 107 4 6.333 5.68 211 5 10.993 1. 82 9 6 3.221 6.21 11 Minimum Z-Displacement (at Noc;le: Maximum Z-Displacement (at Node: -------MINIMUM------- FORCE S . F. AT 0.687 2L,l:, 12 112 0.735 9.80 54 2.440 14,75 90 5.$05 6.54 201 -11. 571 1. 73 6 -6.998 2. 8.6 4 45) -1.365912 78)° = 0.063508 Page: 11 . Date: 11-AUG-9.8 ---AVERAGE --- FORCE .S.F. 0.702 0.749 7.191 5.889 4.793 -0.161 3, 3. 3 23.593 9.612 5.011 6.11 4.17 124.19 I NETWORK (Ver:2.60) [Reactions ~roject: PRESTRESS + DL + LL 'fPTflL- 1 SUPPORT REACTIONS 'NODE CODE X-COOR Y-COOR 2 111 0.000 0.000 3 111 0.000 -12.000 I 4 111 -12.000 0.000 6 111 270.000 -66.000 7 111 25B.000 -66.000 I 8 111 270.000 -54.000 10 111 540.000 0.000 11 111 540.000 -12.000 I 12 111 552.000 0.000 14 111 3B7.000 498. 00.0 15 111 375.000 498.000 16 111 375.000 510.000 I 18 111 270.000 498.000 19 111 258.000 498.000 20 111 270.000 510.000 I 22 111 153.000 498.000 23 111 165.000 498.000 24 111 165.000 510.000 I STATIC CHECK I SUM OF THE APPLIED LOADS SUM OF THE SUPPORT REACTIONS I NUMBER OF SLACK MEMBERS I I I I I I Page: :LO 1· Date:il-AUG-9B Z-COOR X-~EAC Y-REAC Z-REAC 204.000 216.000 216.000 300.000 312.000 312.000 204.000 216.000 216.000 144.000 132 .. 000 144 .. ODO 180.000 192.000 192.000 144.000 132 .. ODO 144.000 0.0000 0.0000 0 . 0. 013 0.00B 0.155 7.279 -11. 924 0.1,51 0.004 -0.275 -0.001 0.000 0.006 15 .. 6·61 -o. 013 0.00B -0.155 7.279 --11.933 0.152 -3.259 -0.061 -0.017 -0.056 -0.058 -10 .. 357 0.000 0.050 0.006 0.000 -0.001 -9. 3"68 3.254 -0.061 0. 0·17 -0.056 0.058 -10.354 o .·oooo ~o.0005 0.544 -0.053 -b.054 -9.773 -0.051 -0.031 0.546 -b.053 --0 .·054 -0.051 2.946 -0.050 -2.978 ~o.051 -0.055 -0.051 2 .. 943 -0.050 -6.3750 -6.3754 3, i, 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NETWORK (Ver:2.60) [Member Statistics Project: PRESTRESS + DL + LL MEMBER STATISTICS -------MAXIMUM------- TYPE FORCE S.F. AT 1 0.820 20.20 190 2 1.029 7.00 140 3 9.707 3.71 107 4 9.082 3.96 211 5 11.934 1. 68 9 6 2.998 6.67 11 Minimum Z-Displacement (at Node: Maximum Z-Displacement (at Node: ____ ,_ __ MINIMUM------- . FORCE S . J;7. AT 0.621 26.67 112 0 .835 8.62 54 2.897 12.43 89 8.224 4.38 202 -15 ,661 1.28 6 -9.726 2.06 4 45) = -6.288172 78) -0. 000047 . .Page: 11 Date:ll-AUG-98 ---AVERAGE --- FORCE S.F. 0.688 0.916 7.583 8.608 4. 9·47 ·-0.911 3,3.S 24.063 7.862 4.751 4.18 4.04 21. 95 I C/$Uf I Minimum Z-Displacement (at Node: Maximum Z-Displacement (at Node: ,>SETWORK (Ver:2.60) [Reactions Project: PRESTRESS + DL + W (XZ) rrrr )(Z- I SUPPORT REACTIONS INOD: CODE X-COOR Y-COOR 111 0.000 0.000 111 0.000 -12.000 4 111 -12.000 0.000 I 6 111 270.000 -66.000 7 111 258.000 -66.000 8 111 270.000 -54.000 I 10 111 540.000 0.000 11 111 540.000 -12.000 12 111 552.000 0.000 14 111 387.000 498.000 I 15 111 375.000 498.000 16 111 375.000 510.000 18 111 270.000 498.000 I 19 111 258.000 498.000 20 111 270.000 510.000 22 111 153.000 498.000 I 23 111 165.000 498.000 24 111 165.000 510.000 I STATIC CHECK I SUM OF THE APPLIED LOADS SUM OF THE SUPPORT REACTIONS I NUMBER OF SLACK MEMBERS I I I I I 78·) -3.6881:85 108) 15.659617 Page: 10 !late:ll-AUG-98 Z-C00R X-REAC Y-REAC Z-REA,C 204.000 216.000 216.000 300.0QO 312.000 312.000 204.000 216.000 216.000 -144. ODO 132.000 144 .·coo 180.000 192.000 192.000 114·. ooo: 132. 000 144.000 1. 7500 1.7497 0 0.087 0.063 0.373 i-3.34"8 l:5.260" 0.356 0.013 -0.030 0.192 0.002 0 .·013 5.382 -0 .. 055 0.060 -0.298 12.407 -14.222 0.310 -2.267 -0.061 -0.-007 -0.150 -0.040 -14.708 0.!)14 0.003 0,.132 0.000 0.014 -1.157 2.430 -0.069 0. 037. -0.164 0.074 -15.592 O. 6000 --o. 0002 2. 75·3 0.108 0.107 ~2.90() ·0.114 0 .116 2.814 0.1:).0 0.109 !).114 5. 716 0.115 -1.343 0.114 0.114 0.114 5.861 0.115 14. 250'0 14.2505 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NETWORK (Ver:2.60) [Member Statistics Project: PRESTRESS + DL + W (XZ) MEMBER STATISTICS -------MAXIMUM ---------·-----MINIMUM TYPE FORCE S.F. .AT FORCE S.F. 1 1.475 11.23 25 0.637 26.01 2 0.753 9.57 166 0.258 27.94 3 17.314 2.08 199 2.048 17.57 4 1. 518 23.71 211 0.418 86.11 5 15.592 1.28 18 -5.382 3.72 6 5.749 3.48 ;I. 7 -3.014 .6 .64. _____ ..;._ AT 190 56 90 2·01 6 4 Page: 11 Date:ll-AUG-98 ---AVERAGE --- FORCE S.F. 1. 205 0.599 10.380 0.938 7.194 2.037 3.3, 7 13.743 12.012 3.471 38.36 2.78 9.82 I Minimum Z-Displacement (at Node: 78) - 45) = -4.44:;3552 15.727024 Maximum Z-Displacement (at Node: &ETWORK (Ver:2.60) [Reactions I f Project : PRESTRESS + DL + W (YZ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PfT?Y~ SUPPORT REACTIONS NODE CODE X-COOR Y-COOR 2 111 0.000 0.000 3 111 0.000 -12.000 4 111 -12.000 0.000 6 111 270.000 -66.000 7 111 258.000 -66.000 8 111 270.000 -54.000 10 111 540.000 0.000 11 111 540.000 ..,12. oo·o 12 111 552.000 0.000 14 111 387.000 498.000 15 111 375.000 498.000 16 111 375.000 510.000 18 111 270.000 498.000 19 111 258.000 498.000 20 111 270.000 510.000 22 111 153.000 498.000 23 111 165.000 498.000 24 111 165.000 510.000 STATIC CHECK SUM OF THE APPLIED LOADS SUM OF THE SUPPORT REACTIONS NUMBER OF SLACK MEMBERS ] Z-COOR X-REAC 204.000 216.000 216.000 300.000 312,000 312.000 204.000 · 216. 000 216 .. 000 144.000 132.000 144. 00,0 180.000 1~2.000 192.000 144. OO·O 132.000 144.000 0.0000 0.0000 0 0.083 0.372 15.642 0.000 -0.004 0.001 -0.083 -0.372 -15.638 -1.896 -0.017 -0.044 0.000 -0.002 0.000 1.8~37 0.017 0. 0-45 Page: 10 Date:ll-AUG-98 Y-REAC 0.102 13.508 0.399 -0.011. 0.031 6.486 0.102 13. 5-08 0.399 -0.020 -0.118 -14.868 0.032 o. 0.31 -0,700 -0.020 -0.1.18 -14.870 3.8750 .3.8739 Z-REAC 3.043 0.108 0.107 -3.436 0.114 0.116 3.042 0.108 0.107 0.114 5.592 0.115 -0.936 0.114 0.114 0.114 5.593 0.115 14.2500 14.2468 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NETWORK (Ver: 2. 60) [Member Statistics Project: PRESTRESS + DL + W (YZ) MEMBER STATISTICS -------MAXIMUM --------------MINIMUM TYPE FORCE S.F. AT FORCE S.F. 1 1. 491 11.11 126 0.614 26.98 2 0.760 9.47 21 0.401 17.97 3 17.255 2.09 118 1. 605 :22.43 4 1.752 20.55 211 0.214 168. 24 5 15.646 1. 28 3 -6.455 3.10 6 5.481 3.65 17 -3.550 5.63 ] ------- AT 190 140 196 201 6 4 Page: il Date:ll-AUG-98 ---AVERAGE --- FORCE S,F. 1.248 0.585 10. 6-62 0. 9"67 7.176 2.037 13.273 12.302 3.381 37.24 2.79 9.82