HomeMy WebLinkAbout1 LEGOLAND DR; ; CB983148; Permit<?1~· .,}It .B ~· 10/02/9'8 11: 01 Page 1 bf 1 Job lddtess: 1 .LEGO DR u I L D Permit Type: GOMMERCIAL BUILDING Par~el.No~ 2~~-100-09-00 Va;luation:. 28,000 ; ( I N G p E ;., R M I T St,tite: · Lot#:,· Permit No: C:898314.8 Pr6j~ct No: A9B0~091: Developinent Wo·: Occupancy Group: Reference#: ConstrU<::tion Type: VN Status: -ISSUED Applied : 0 9 /:1 6/9'8 Apr/Tssue :. 10/02/98 Ente:red By:· MDP 804:,-79!;>9 Descri,ptio/'.].: PARK WIDE TOPIARY ARCHES ' I I 760 . "r::~A1 --...... --..:,..,,,.0' ">VAL I ::.&JO· ?J_ I 0LEARANCE ==::=% =·"'=--=:;=:::====·· _7 ~---.. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Qµ-lsbad·, CA 92009 (619) 438-11(:il • • PERMIT APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONJ.X "PLAN CHECK No.fr, .. CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. ____________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit _________ _ Validated BV.---------- Date __________________ _ Legal Description Lot No. Subc(ivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total II of units Pr9po1ad Use llof Stories II of Bedrooms II of Bathrooms Botf.J9S'9 Telephone II I Fax 'u~ ' so-~ ...... ,, Name Address Cit',' State/Zip Telephone II ·fi.' .:·coNTRACTOR'-,COMPANY.iNAMG'l\'1'7:i:~~ti'.'..!hI':i::'.'.'.';'.~'C:;,;::~·:::.:-,' ····,;·,,-... ·•;:,,. (Sec. 7031.6 Business and Professlona Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct; alter, Improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a sjgned statement that he is licensed pursuant to tl:le provisions of the Contractor's License Law !Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Busi.nus and Profusions Code} or that tie is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the.applicant to a civil penalty of not.more than five hundred dollars l$60011. Name Address City. State/Zip Telephone II State License II _________ ___ License Class---,----------City Business ·ucense 11 ______ __ Designer Name Address City Sfate/Zip Telephon!I State License II _________ _ fa.·;,.: .. WORKERS~ .. COMPENSA TlQN,;;~~r;;;:J:~:.:,Sj~~.t~-;.-_~~2; ~1.:i·\ .. 1~.~~~~:~ .. : .:.i, .. ,_ .... : __ ...... -.... r.:-~,--·. ;. : ~..:~ .. r_ ·,.:; .=-:? ;\-.~: :: ". :r : .. ::~~.:; :: · ~: .. ::: t :~~~~::.::~~if. ~~ :,:~ w.. ._ Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury-one of the'following declatitions: O I have and will maintain a certificate-of consent to 11lf-lQSur1i for workers' compepsation II provided by-Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. O I have and will maintain workers( compensation, 111 required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No •. _____________ _ Expiration Date ______ _ ITHIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1•1001 OR LESS) O CERTIFIC~TE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, l1hall·not-1inploy.any person in any manner so 11 to become subje~ to the WQrkers' Compensation Lewi ()f California. -. WARNING: Fall&Ye to aecure workers' c:ompenaatlon c:overege la I.Nllawful, end ehall 1ubject en employer to crlrilklal penaltlea end civil fines up to one hundred thouaand dollar• 1•100,0001, In addition to the coat of compenntlon, demagea II provided for In Section 3708 of the Labor ®de, lnt.,.st end attorney'a fHe. SIGNATURE. _______________ ..,... ______________ DATE ________ _ ·1. -:OWNER~BUILDER!l>ECCARATIOH•;j••l-'.;::ti:!:~'.f"'.'.·':···"'""·'·'·:··: :~ '.i :···• .· .. ·' ,. ·: .• ,. .. ,. ·-"' .. •·• , ., • ,I • ~: I,; I•, , • '•' , , l, • '11,,,::/1 :1•;..:1.,1' • ::. I : -:· .. , .. I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: O I, as owner of 'the property or my employees· with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for 1111 (Sec. 7044, Business end Professions Code: The Con,ractor'1 Ucense U1w does not apply to an owner of property who builda or Improves thereon, and who do11 such work himself or through.his own.1mployae1, provided that such Improvements are not Intended or·offered for 1111. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one yur of completion, the owner-builder will have the bur~n of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of 11leJ. ig' I, u owner of the property, am 1xcl!l9iv1ly contracting with llc1ri11d contractors to construct the project ISec. 7044, Busln111 and Prof111ion1 Code: The ~tractor's License Lew does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, end contracts for 1ucfl projects with contractor(1l liceriled pursuant to the Contractor's Ucense Law). 0 I am exempt under Section _________ ·Bu1in.11s and Professions Code for th)s·reaaoh: 1; I personally plan to provide the major labor end materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. O· YES l)ltlo 2. I @ave not) signed 1n application for a building permit for the proposed work. . . 3. I have contracted with the foll I person (firm to provide the proposed construction (include-name / addr111 / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / addreas / phone number / contractors license number):. · ·--------------,.---------------------------,.-__,.._ -----'------6. I will provide some of the work,.but I hav.e contracted lhir1d) the following per1on1 to provide-the work Indicated (Include narrie /address/ phone number/ type of work):, ________ ==t~r------i._,.~~-=--.----t----T"------=----......:..-----~+r.-+-.:-"'T"..-.,.....------- DATE __,,~r...i....-:.,....-1-...w.-- ( IU®IN.Q 1P£RNIIT$::oNL Y,:i,i'~;:'.:\'.d:: {'.;·, i.: //;,/, '·l i ;:\(:'.·,G -~··.f,? ,t:::i :, ,;·, .. ~: ,i:;;,)jJ ;Ji .. ,=,',1:-.:,.:: :: . · Is the applicant or future building occupent ·required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous m1terlals· registration form or risk niinegement and prevention program under Sections 26606, 26633 or 26634 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the elr pollution control district or eir quality management clistrlct?. 0 YES O NO is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? tJ YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is.a cona,ruction lending a111ncy for the performance of the-work for which this·permi_t is issued !Sec. 30971il Civil Codel, LENDER'S NAME _________ -'-----LENDER'S ADDRESS_,.._,_,_ __ __..,_--,--------------- •9.:-... : APPLICANT-' CERTIFICA noN i!f Hc~tt!:~!}~~~~~riJ1! ;;;J1~~~,.:,·/:J:~::{ :~~;1t~:;~~~)~·il~~~ ::-;~,}i\!J~\. ,1t.-:·::.:;:;i! :::t~··:.: ·.:: .. =:::-. -, r.~,~·l!.t ·:.; .-.'.1~· • ~~:·::~ '::::.:.i::-: ·: ,: ·:1.::;._. ...... ; ~ 1 !:1-..: ,:.-: '.. -;;.; i· h·: :. · .. I certify that I have reed the applicati\>n·end state that the above Information-ls cQrrect and that the-lnformatlon,on the-plans 11. accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby 1uthorli1 r1pr11intativ11 of the· Citt· of Carlabacl to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purpo111. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY-IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over s•o• deep and demolition or constru~lon,of 1tructur11 over 3 1toriu In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit l11u1d by the ~ulldlng Official \lnder the provisions of thl1 Codi shall expire by limitation and .,_come null and void if the ~ulldlng or work euthorized by such permit Ii not commencad within 385· daya 'from the date of such permit or If the building or wcifk.1uthoriz1d by such permit is 1i11pl!nd1d :P::::::~.: a~ 1 ::A:::E the work 11 ommence~ for• rlod of 18 days !Section 108.4.4 Uniform Bulldi;A~;-1· 'f. /. , / J. t!{' . ____ /1~'1 ... City of Car[sbad Inspection Request Permit# CB983148 Description: For: 1/5/99 Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot Inspector Assignment: APPLICANT : LANDON DAWN Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO Remar.ks: Total Time: Requested By: KEVIN Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 11 flg/f oundation/Piers 1/-yJ -------,-~,.....----.'-I-,----'---------- ____ .......... _ .......... __ .,........____. ___ --· -----'----------'------- ... ,.=;;::. atttn nf (!tarlsbah ' REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECORD • . /) e, . /,. .L TIME: \'d.,',\ \ ~,ro . \-z_.\-z_q . INSPECTOR_--"-t-c_,-_i_'f_ ~,---,. __ PERMITNO. __ Q.,..., '""'S?._ ... ...,.~ .... \-':::\_..._g_..._, __ ,. ____ DATE: \W2C> . ADDRESS \ La'jf> ;\)4 REQUESTED BY~\c;..-<2J.>::S,ow::,,.CS>c'=· a.·=--· ___________________ PHONE NO. to\9\SM-<2.~<0 CODE STRUCTURAL 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers (rebar) 12 0 Steel/Bo.nd Beam 13 0 Shear Panels/HD's (o.k. to wrap) 14 0 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding (Decks) 15 0 Roof/Reroof (Patio) k 16 0 Insulation 17 0 Interior Lath/Drywali 18 0 Exterior Lath/Drywall (Nall/Screw) 19 0 Final CODE PLUMBING .. 21 D Underground/Under Floor 22 0 Sewer/Water Service 23 0 Gas/Test/Repairs 24 0 Rough/Topout 25 0 Water HeatersN~nts 26 0 Plumbing Repairs/Sprinkler 29 0 Final CODE ELECTRICAL 31 0 Underground/Conduit-Wiring 32 0 Const. Service/Agricultural (Temp Electric 33 0 Service Change/Upgrade 34 0 Rough Electric 38 0 Signs 39 0 Final CODE MISCELLANEOUS· 71 0 Set Ups (Mobile Home) 77 D Under Floor Bracing (Mobile Home) 0 Other-Specify PERSON TAKING REPORT: ... c..,,.,...(_9.._) ______ _ CODE MECHANICAL 41 0 Untlerground Ducts 42 0 FluesNents 43 D Air Cond/Furnace Set 44' D Rough/Duds/Dampers 45 0 Hoods 46 D Repairs 47 0 Fireplace/Chimney · 48 0 Exterior Appliances 49 IJ filial CODE SWIMMING POOLS/SPAS ,, . 51 . D Excav/Steel/Bonding/Fenc;e 52 D Underground Plumbing · 53 D ElectridConduit/Wiring 55 D Fence/Pre-Plaster 57 ·O Gunite 59 D Final CODE COMBINATION Bi · 0-Underground Combo (11, 12, 21, 31) 82 D DryWall, exterior lath, gas test (17, 18, 23) 83 : D Roof Sheathing-exterior shear (13, 15) 84 D Rough Combo (Ceiling T Bar) (Grids) (14,24,34,44) 89 D Final Combo (19, ~9, 39, 49) CODE MASONRY 61 D Footing (Masonry) 62 D Steel/Bond Beam (getting ready to grout) 65 ti Retaining Walls Special Instructions: ---------:e-----,----------.----------,,-------,.---- Ready for Inspection: D Monday D Tuesday Wednesday D Thursday D Friday DAM 0 PM !---,-• ·., EsGll Corporation 'l.n Part~tsli.ip witn {jove.rnment for 'lJuifaing Saftt9 DATE: September 25, 1998 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO,: 98-3148 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego D.r. PROJECT NAME: To,piaey 4rcbes • SET:I Cl APPLICANT ce: JURJg---::..J Cl PLAN REVIEWER Cl FILE ~ The plans transmitted :herewith .have been. cor.tected where necessary and stJbstantially comply with the jurisdicti'on!s building codes. , D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor d~ficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department ·~ . D. The plans transmitted herewith have si'gnificant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and -should be· corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check· list transmitted herewifh is for yo1:;1t information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are s11brnitt~d for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the_judsdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: ~ Esgil C~rporation staff did ·not advi$e·the ·applicant that the plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil Corporation staff did advise tl;le ap~licant that.the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: ' · · . Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: , ~--. Fax #: Mail Telephbn~ Fax In Person , ~ REMARKS: Special inspection is re d for the caissons. By: -K'lJl't Culver Esgn·corporatton D GA D MB CJ EJ D PC izl")(?losures: 9/17/98 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + $i,mDjegQ,. California 92123. + (6i9) 560-1468 + Fax (619) 560:1576 ,., Cadsbad 98-3°148 . September 25, 1998 VALUATION AND PLAN CH~CK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK Nb.: 98-3148 PREPARED SY: Kur.t Culver DATE: .$ep1;ember 25, 1998 . BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ,. ,j ,. BUILDING PORTION BUil.DiNG AF{EA VALUATION. VALUE (ft.2). MULTIPLIER ($) - .. . . .. -. . . . - .. -·' . . ., ' · . .. ,. ' . . . .. . .. .. Air Conditioning -Fire Sprinklers . - .• TOTAL VALUE ·-·· D 199 UBC Building Perr-nit Fee D Bldg. Permi~ Fee _by ordinance:$. D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee-D Plan Check Fee PY ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete ~~view O Structurc:3I:·Qn_ly ' :[gl Hourly D Repetitive· Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Pla·n Review Fee:_ $ 305.03 Comments: Review of plans for topiary arches:-Esgil fee = _3½ hrs. @ $87.15/hr. · Sheet 1 of 1 . macvalue.doc 5196 .. PLANNIN·G/ENCINEERI.NG APPROVALS PERMIT NUMBER CB 98-3/t/6 ADDRESS . ..:1.. L&-G:o t)Rlt/.£ RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR < < $10,000.00) ·L_£CqL-A7V.(J- OTHER 7'o/?/tzz€ y· A tfetfES . PLANNER.~~ . ENGINEER ooCS/Mtsforms/Ptannlng Eoolneenng Approvais DATE <J'-/7-<Jcf TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD COMPANY STORES VILLACE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDINC DATE 9-/7-9£ DATE ---------- City of Carlsbad. . .. 98324 , ·· · Fire Department • Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements C11tegQry: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Friday, September 25, 1998 Contact Name Dawn Rollins Reviewed by: __ ~-----''-A ..... ~ .__A_,,____ ( Address 5342 Armada Dr ~-----------------~- City, State Carlsbad CA 92008 . Bldg: Dept. ·N0; C-B983148 Planning No. Job Name Topiary arches Job Address _1_L_e..._go_· ---'----------------------''-------Ste. or Bldg. No. -------'----- ~ Approved -The item you have submitted for review has been approved, The approval is ba.sed on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; · therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply With instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. D Disapproved -Please see the attached report of oeficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1st~~-2nd~.'-,---_ Other Agency ID CFO Job# 98324 File# ______ _ 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 To Building Department City of Carlsbad Mike Peterson From Dawn Rollins Landon, P.E. . LEGOLA~D E ..ST.ATE~ Copy to D320, D321, C349, R330 cc: CR, HOK; SS, BBC; ecc: DC, JP, IS, BC, RA, MZ . . . Memo/Report ~. -j;. Date 9/16/98 Page-1 .1 · Extension· .·157 Re: New Permit Application -.OUPLO, Castle Hill, Ridge Topi~ry Arches Dear Mike: Please find attached a permit application with drawings ·tor plan check to review and issue a foundation and structure permit for topiary arches .. The rel~ted permits already issued are: >" CB 97-2027 DUPLO Cluster permit >" CB 98-2267 Fairy Tale· Brook turntable foundation >" PCR 97-106 Fairy Tale arook Maintenance building· >" CB Ridge Maze & Overlook Platform >" CB 97-3356 Castle Hill Cluster permit >" CB 98-2696 Breath Taker Queue Structure Included are the following documents and drawings, 3 wet stamped copies of each: • Structural Calculations, Topiary Arch Frame, prepared by David Smith; 15 pages (blue tab). ~ • Structural Calculations, Jack in the Beanstalk Topiary Frame, prepared by Prestige -;:I-· Performance, 14 pages (redtab). • Structural Calculations, prepared by OuterSpace Landscape (white tabs), for: Safari Ride (D320) both.located in DUPLO.; the Amazing Maze and the Ridge Tunnel, both located ih the Ridge R330; Fairy Tale Brook (0321).; and the Breath Taker C349 (2 ea) located in Castle Hill. Sheet No. • PW001 • D321-00-L332.2 • C349-00-L552 • R330-20-L360 • D320-00-L331 • D321-30-V901 • D321..,30-V905 Comment Site Plan, with Legal Description, to show the _location in the park. DUPLO FTB Model & Prop Location Plan for all topiary items in this cluster: Castle Hil_l Breath Taker Showscape/Landscape Plan Ridge Nature Maz~ Showscape/Landscape Plan DUPLO Safari Ride Showscape/Larndscape Plan DUPLO FTB Topiary Arch Frame . DU PLO FTB Jack in the Beanstalk Topiary Frame Please let me know if you have .any questions: Best Regards, r------- LEGOLAND Californialnc. 1 LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA Tel: (760) 804-8355, Fax: (160) 804-7959 U0 ,, • D.\ \"ID D. S\IITII Cl\IL L'.\Gl:\fl·.R C.K # 4ll25 -----32681/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 , . -- ·P,g~l!~£NAME.: ,Cd)~,,,,~ . PROJF;(:TNO: ·. 7~-Z. T SHEET NO: / 01 /5 ·BY: Sf'-z.t/~ ......... ·, . • • •• ..-1 • D.\\'ID D. S:\Hl'II CIVIL E'\GI'\CU< CK II :.lJ125 ---3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 Jrax (619) 224-6747 PROJ'ECTNO: 9ic-z.."=t-' SHEET NO: iA - BY: 5/~w"9e ; •• II .: ... • 1 >1 h -. ) x---_ J _ x ,J?-0, c;o10.'Shzl • • D,\ VID 0. S:\HTII en IL E:'.\Gl'.\LER CF. It ~]125 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Uiego, CA 92110 Ph {619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 ,_, .., ... I ' • i ~RQJi,t:~1%1AME: . :·-: _ PRQJEC;;~O: ~Dl.-~ SHEET NO: 2,.. BY: 15/d>J/}e . .. ..· ... . .... -----------===~==------c---~,__...,;.;.;==-;;,a;::-'-=--=·=-------...;;a;;.,;; ,, t -• D.\ \'JD D. S\HTH CIVIL E'.\G1'\l-LR C.F, ;± H 125' :rio1icifo~AME:. ·,~oJEc¥No: °{O:>-z_ -=t- 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, C~ 921-10 suEET No: · 3 Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 · BY: 5/-aJ/~6 z;-= 0.4D ;J: :z:-/r-D Cz~~ ~ LI- • • D.\ YID D. Sl\llTH CIYIL l·.:\G[\EER C.K /.I .:J 1125 . 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 ;~~~it£~]~A;~:-: . ·Pto~ct NO: ~ SHEET NO: L/ Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax.(619) 224-6747 BY: 5/;;;i.Jj?~ I .1' ""':::>.1"""".""-~x /~., 9~-c::ct 'l--' ~A-~ ·~··; 6~ -:z-.·--''/-7 I I • . Se/9'4k--~>: 5'7 tx. ... ~ts:" =-. /-& ~ ·' se1~,~ ~= 3Sf~,;z.~.s "2. .·10 i . ... ~ ,,_d LJ -;z_ l ~ lf ~ .. ;( J ~ = ;;t,6 ~ < c-.sfaJ& . ' /4k%. ·";,t:?:. .. Grt.cA 'r I • µp "::2 .2.i·~.x J"'3 '+'Hk .... ~ .. i Hb~i si!LJ * . .~ fat: 2 26~X.. IS-... z-;;7,}''i>;?-~' .A#~:·r· "-?._ t.Jj~· \J =-= "3ci~:s£~x~'z ~-:... .J:;, . . , .. ' i ' ... . I • \ \ . ..... • • 0,\ VID 0. S\II 1 H CIVIL E:\GJ:\1·.LR C.K # .!1125 3268 1/2 Rqsecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 71 -:z O _'70 -z_· ;~ --z.. ~ ~ 0,534:' iN '3 ;r =-. O,S34 i A:J '-I r 2.. c;, , ~,,. ; t0 , . ' 'pJipJt~~k~ME: .: . ?'. .. PRQJ:t~tNo:: c,~-i.."+- sllEETNO: 5 . · BY: 5/2-¥98 .I .• I•·, • > 0 \ YID 0. S)HTH Cl\ IL l•.'.\Gl'.\EER C.E. # ~1125 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-285S Fax (619) 224-6747 --.. --·-/·. ,! ..,.. ,- r:-;,~-$~/ ... f .. -""t .. ~~:.;--~~'..-:-•. -, --. : :.\: ::eH~JJJ!~]t-N~ME: ·,: - ::PR6Jt~t:~o: -~T SHEET NO: ~ BY: sjz-z../~e -· . , .... ~ , 0.\ VID D. S'\ff.l JI CIVIL L'.\GI'.\LI· R l'.L It -lll?.5 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 :~iOJJttf~AME:;-:.,.-: ... ii61JJ~"~o: C,3c,-i,-=,-.- SHEET No: --=,- BY: s,'1 L->/>--~ &>c/za:::.J.3;,,Jb ¾F . vf''t=,~ :-::v~ *A--.I -4 ... ' I e,-0s/or::> . z. ~ 7~ , ):S"b'/f ~ <:.--.:z ~-00 , ~Aeerz 'f~~~o11-. ~b~-z: ?--J4Jl+7.! =-c; };_/~ . . . -Z--->k-ac:/2~6;-f ~:?f;; )~f ~· Jo/;_ 6,~~ I, 6 ~J. . , .... cle-__ ..:......;c ______ _ "3 h . V>e. # -1/-¥ ix15~L,J3t;Jf1 . _ .. .:· . ; ~ D,\ \'ID 0. S\JITH Cl\'lL E'.\GJ'.\EER C.F. # -11 I'.:~ 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 ,rioilicf~irvm_:;, . - :~jo1t~1"No= c.,~Q..-=;- sHEET No: ~ . BY: '5, /~-z../°IB /: . ~. / .: ' . . . ' . . ...· .... ,~ ·i .. . ~· \ .. > . . . • . . : " .. :~ • O;\VJD D. S".\BJH CIVIL t-:1\G.t~U R C.I·,. II ~1125 · · 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 . Fax (619) 224-6747 ··--':.' 1iJioij~'.F":~~ME: · .· . . tf~(1!k¢iNo: _ ~~~ · SHEETNO: Cj .BY: ~~~ . ~-;/;~ar j ~~Fi'/1 ~-. 4?/3_5t> &o!I) f 3 H&t,ys/6AJ Cm & -1i5 Reh:<: CS:-G?et1e.-B\ ,verl; 'Gec-6D ' ' . ' .. @ • • D.\ \'JD D. S:\IITH CI\ IL l·.:\(;1'.'.U•.R C.E. ti ~l 123 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 ;1.JI /~"{~ I ;_c/1 ~ e"E,) . /I •• ::. :.),( .> ' ' . ' ------~ ,/ , . . . ..~ . :.. - ......_ • 0,\ VID D. S\HTH CIVlL E'-.<;J'.\lf.H C.E.#41125 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, ·CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax {619) 224-6747 . I I I I I ·,.. t:"':" ,-..-,-, ... , ._ • :PROJECT-NAME:. ·. ;:;~i.,ifi{&o::. C ~~~ SHEETNO: j j BY: 6/~/9,~ .. . . . • D \ VID D. S:\IITH Cl\ IL E'.\Gf\ELR C.K # 41125 -··· · · 3268 1/2 Rosecran~ Street San Diego, CA 92UC) Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 Jiio'.ii~i'.~AME;~ .· · :·~~QJE~'f'NO:: . <nc~-=r- . SHEET NO: I '"'::2..- BY: s/2-0/'7 e ,I ;J JI o--, . .. · •. : . I DAVID D. S\11 lH CIVIL I·::\GJ:'\1,,l•J? C.1·:. # 4112:- 3268 1/2 Rosecrans Street San Diego, CA 92110 Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (6l9) 224-6747 OP.R9J~t'.f.-NO; q?;,o~ SHEET NO: j ::J BY: 5/~~/9'2, / DA \'ID D. S'.\UTH 'P:)ttlJECt NAME: . ~: '-... ,, ,'-:,.,' ·, "'.. . . , Cl\ IL K\<;J~H·.R CE. It .:111~:- 3.268 1/2 Rosecrans Street Sa.n Diego, CA 92110 · . SHEET NO: / ~ BY: · .z:::::-/-. a_ t le:u:~ Ph (619) 224-2855 Fax (619) 224-6747 .:-.;.;-i/ ~/ ,~ .Plt(lft~Ji NO: C:,?:J:;;"2_-=>,-. 75--wvme B' ud ~6,lfl}s J3:..s-e-F?-Dec,9;::) , ~y; . . A-Nck.r-isoH-s \J • o/~ Jf i .. · . ~ :· •. < • I ---~~--------·· ---- t. t- $-+ • •• .I ! ·:, 1_;_ ,.•. . . ~;,. ':"'---:· ···:.,i . ••• 1 . .-.. ·::---, ·--·.:. t---t. :.:.:--::- ... • . .=~ . :,,. '' ... ' . ~-:· .. •·,: i ..... ··. ,·_. . .· ; ·.,· ···, .:. ::: : ~ .. ' ... ~.. .· '...i---t...-, ' . .; .. · -: .. ·' ~ / ' - ·- \, -· • • Engineering Analysis _ Jack in the Beanstalk Topiary Frame LEGOLAND Prepared for : COBURN topiary & MANIFESTATIONS 20182 Questbaven Road Elfin Forest, Escondido, CA 92029 Prepared by: Michael R. Johnson, J_>.E. Prestige Performance 2350 Mountain Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214-3134 Telephone -(818) 541-1057 Fax -(818) 541-1057 Submitted September 8, 1998 . . ·-. ·-·--· ·-·y.-\::'--.. --::. -.. 0" . 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' -----·-· . _______ __,.. _____ ---- ·--·-·-~--···--·-... , ... ..,......_ . ....,........,.~--~. ·~-:, ..... ······ ,_ ·-··· . - -. • I I 'i 11 I: I ' .' Ii ii 1, !l ' l i! i · :: '' : I ! ; '' ' 'i Ii . I . ' : . t-o~iL\J ·. . -~~ .· ....... . . .. . . .. . . . .,.. L* ~ 1 n \ . . . . ' '.::;:, . ,'• ' .. ,.,s::. ' ' . . '', ,, .' " ~- ' ' . "k-z_ 0 65] .1h .. -.. ,.... ·:---' ~-' 'is·. -.; , .• 0 • • OuterSpace Landscape Furnishir.1gs, Inc. 7 5 3 3 Dr a p.e r Av e . L a J o 11 a CA 9 2 0 3 7 Web: fences.com, erlau.de Email: outerspace@znet.com. Tel: '80.0.338.249~. LA N o s c A p E Fax: 6i9.45'9.3622 FURNISHINGS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. TABLE OF C_ONTENTS 2. MATERIAL U$T 3. SPECIFICATIONS 4. AMAZING MAZE 5. BREATH TAKER-2 UNITS 6. FAIRYTALE BROOK 7. RIDGE TUNNl::L 8. SAFARI R,IDE PLAN VIEW 9. SAFARI RIDE; ELEVATION· 10. SAFARI RIDE DIMENSIONS 11. FOOTING DETAIL 12. BASE ANCHOR ALE&i3 ErlauAG MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES SINCE 1979 SUBM.ITTALS 13. LEGIFLOR COMPONENT, HARDWARE ANO CONNECTIONS 14. LEGIFLORMESH AND ATTACHMENT 0 OuterSpace Landscape Furnishings, Inc. 7533 Draper Ave. La Jolla CA .92037 Web: fences.com, erlau,de Email:.outerspace@znet.com LANDSCAPE FURNISHINGS Tel: 800.J38.2499 Fax: 619.45~.3622 • • MATERIAL LIST 5 LEGIFLOR STRUCTURES ALL STRUCTURES COME WITH HARDWARE. SE~ DETAILS . CONSISTING OF: AMAZING MAZE 8 TYPE AD BAS~ ANCHORS-2000mm 8 COLUMNS-3800mri1 4 BEAMS-3800 (2 REINFORCED) 22 MESH PANELS-SEE DETAIL BREATH TAKER (ALL QUANTITIES x 2) 6 TYPE A BASE ANCHORS-260mm 6 COLl)MNS-700mm 6 90° ARCS, INSIDE RADIUS-2060mm 8 . MESH PANELS-SEE DETAIL FAIRY TALE BROOK (ALL QUANTITIES x 6) 2 TYPE AD BASE ANCHORS-850mm 2 COLUMNS-850mm 2 90° ARCS, INSIDE RADll)S-1940mri1 RIDGE TUNNEL 12 TYPE AD BASE ANCHORS-850mm 12 COLUMNS-2000mm 6 BEAMS WITH WELDED ANGLES-5580mm/400mm · 25 MESH PANELS-SEE DETAIL SAFARI RIDE 10 10 4 1 16 TYPE AD BASE ANCHORS-1.400mm COLUMNS-1400mm ANGLES 400/2395/400mm ANGLES 400/2121/400mm MESH PANELS-SEE DETAIL I. A LElf Et1auAG MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES SINCE 1979 LEGIFLOR SPECIFICATIONS BASE ANCHORS: Square Tube steel 80 x 80 x 3(3.15" square x .12" wall), with two straps flat steel 250x40x5 mm(9.84" x 1.57" x .20") welded to sides. Minimum four bolt connections for attaching col- umns to base anchor. COLUMNS/BEAMS (TRIANGULAR PROFU .. E): 8 mm (.31") double-drawn steel wire-rod with 12 longitudinal wires and welded horizontal rings spaced every 200 mm (7.9"). Available in lengths from 200 to 6000 mm (7.87" to 19'8") in increments of 200 mm. Sections may be bolted together and reinforced for greater lengths and spans. ARCS (TRIANGULAR PROFILE) Curvec! to 90°, 1-80°, and other arc lengths. Minimum inside ra- dius 570 mm(22.5") . • ANGLE SEGMENTS (TRIANGULAR PROFILE) Angled as specified .. HARDWARE: Attachment hardware shall be supplied per manufacturer's instructions. Hardware shall be hot-dip galvanized and powdercoated. Bolts to be hot-dip galvanized only, then touched up with paint provided. FINISH: All material, unless otherwise noted, shall be hot-dip galvanized afterfabrication with mini- mum zinc layer of 80 µm (1.8 oz./sq. ft). Surface to be then mechanically cleaned and roughened with stainless steel sandblast for optimum powdercoating adh~Sion. Non-lead, UV-stable, RAL poly- ester powdercoating shall be electrostatically applied and thermally set in RAL 9005 (Forest Green). ALL LEGIFOR COMPONENTS AND HARDWARE.ARE BUil T AND DESIGNED USING THE MET- RIC SYSTEM. WHEN POSSIBLE use THE METRIC SYSTE:M DURING SITE LAYOUT AND • ERECTION. ALL MEASUREMENTS IN MM, UNLESS NOTED MM TO INCHES, DIVIDE BY 25.4 . LEGIFLOR OuterSpace Landscape Furnishings 7533 DRAPER AVENUE LA JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F: 619/459-3622 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA AMAZING MAZE tl ~ f-oci £:!, • 3800(149.6") . ~ ~-.:a.:;"_~-.:..: i=-· ;:i---.::.:-."""I...:.-. ·_.i - MESH. 24Q0(94._9~)x57'2(??.5") ~·a BEAM TO COLUMN ATTACHMENTS, USE WA-II CONNECTION • ~ MESH i40~4-~")x~I2 22.5") Ell HI Ill co N ro N ~ en 11nn1, 0 ~ t::. a a co .,... :r: REINFORCl;:D BEAM (I) UJ ~ -11111111111111111..: ,. Hf ' •· ~ .......... r,--... ~~~~ ~ co ~ N CO ~-l+t1i.fl N ~~ r--- f'-.,,.u.1-H<1Hl '~ A· f-~-~ co ~ t::.~--1 g .g BASE ANCHOR ·~ ~-~-~PE~ ~ ~-2000(78.7") ~w.u&lt w -~ ·~+fftffl~ 11-41111""' .... ~~i:.~: • ..,. 11-1 ... IIJ. -LL -W illl.l-lia..U "'-~'-------------------------~ -----~-----1 SEE FOOTING DETAIL BY . .ENGINEER ~-«> ~ .,... a 0 co (') '~ [ " i"--. -, ~- I -Q -,.____ COLUMN I l ~ L ___ i J §, c·1; ·• ,--•~ ~ I l l I It" ~~~~~-..-,----.---;---··---- ME~l~~;9")~2'?_.(20.:,.5'.') MESH_.?-!0_D(9~.~'lx5~0(2_D.5") jP~N·E_LS 9NLY.. . = 11 - -I •· . --1 ...--,, ~ ·, _ :1 . i :_g I ~ACK I"• I.:_ ___ I I _ic:., __ 1 F50(29.5") __ .. 50_00(196.9"). ' ~ I I ,_;..I-----------------, I -~ r750(29.5")-~-rLEGIFLOR I ALL MEASUREMENTS IN MM, UNLESS NOTED MM TO INCHES, DIVIDE BY 25.4 OuterSpace Landscape Furnishings .7533 DRAPER AVENUE LA JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F: 619/4!:i9-3622 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA • • ~ VL-1 CONNECTION . BREATH iAKER -2 UN\TS 4-MESH PANELS TYPICAL, 2 AT 13oornm(51.2")X WIDTH 2AT 18oomm(70.9")xWIDTH------..._ SEE LE.G\FLOR MESH AND ATTACHMENT DETAIL VL-1 coNNECTION ~ A f:1 '"" 0 ~ MESH PANELS TYPICAL, SEE LEGIFLOR MESH AND ATTACHMENT DEl"AIL 290° ARCS R=2060(.81.1") VL-1 CONNECTION ----... BASE ANCHOR TiPE.A 260(10.2") I 300(11.8") + NOME.SH l TYPICAL - SEE FOOTING DETAIL BY i::NGINEER 4310(169.7") \ ELEVATION ---..;. ---...,._ &;' - co lO i' '<;j" . .-' -. fl,,t---·-----.? 0 _./ COLUMN '!! . _..-< · / . BACK .,,/·_..-< _..-<./"' _.,,.-~ . --~-.,,.-- ,.. . LEG\FLOR .ou~erspace l,.andscape furnishings 7533 DRAPER AVENUE ALL MEASUREMENTS IN MM, UNLESS NOTED MM TO INCHES, 01v10E B'V 2s.4 LA JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F·. 619/459-3622 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA FAIRY TALE BROOK-6 UNITS VL-I / CONNECTION · VL-I CONNECTION -~ • r,.. -. ·-- --,. 2438(96") 2 90° ARCS R=1940(76.4") 4060(159.9") - BASE ANCHOR TYPE AD . 850(33.5" SEE FOOTING -DETAIL BY ENGINEER J -(_ VL-I CONNECTION ~ t 0 0 0 ~ ELEVATION PLAN VIEW --1 /. I~ •.• ,. .... ....,..._ .. =.,..,..._ ... .._:=•--•._.• _ __,,,~ .......,,~._..,..,. .. _...,.,._._ . ..., .. cao,,,..,o1.,.,. .• •Jl ,:' .. , ..... , .. ,,., ..... ,...,.,._. .. _,......,. ..... _____ _.... .. __,. .......,......,.. -.,. .. .....,. ....... ___ .. ___ ..,._...., ____ .,... ........ :., I --,_ COLl.,JMN BACK ALL MEASUREMENTS IN MM, UNLESS NOTED MM TO INCHES, DIViDE BY 25.4 :-LEGiFLOR OuterSpace Landscape Furnishings 75~3 DRAPER AVENUE ' LA JOLLA CA 92307 .800/338-2499 F: 619/459°3622 -LEGOLANi> CALIFORNI~ T 'i RIDGE TUNNEL ~ (.) ci ~ r I!) ~ ~ 'St (") ~ 0 ra ---... ' ''--1-.J I - • .., -· 5580(219.7") WELDED ANGLE VL-1 'CONNECTION 380(15") . 1600(63") 10(,39") 1600(63") ~, l• -1-. ~. . 5410(213") ALL MEASUREMENTS-IN MM, UNLESS NOTED MM TO INCHES, DIVIDE BY 25.4 • ~1 BASE ANCHOR -1 TYPE AD 850(33,5") . SEE FOOTING DETAIL BY ENGINEER T 400(15.8") ..t __ 10(.39") R re 0 0 0 N • ~00(11.8"). ' MESH ,_·-11_: ~ 2000(78,7")x416(16.4") . ~ TYPICAL SIDES.iSEE ' -. ·; · LEGIFL,OR Ml;SH AND ATTACHMENT OETAIL SIDE Vll;W · E;LEVATION -----,__,.. _________ .__ ___ PLAN VIEW ' ,. ''. -1-' MESH 1600(63") X 416(16.4") TYPICAi:. TOPsSEE LEGIFLOR MESH AND ATTACHMENT DETAIL --... ~ COLUMN BACK . ,l I - -_I 10(.39") 1600(6~") . 380(15") ··I· •I I· ... 1· -I LEGIFLOR OuterSpace Landscape furnishings 7533 DRAPER AVENUE LA JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F: 619/459-3622 · LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA "· • • SAFARI RIDE DIMENSIONS "' C\/ .;,, 'b 0.,· K' ~ ~ 'v \ I c· ~ '-.;.. f ,_LC -----. I --------. ~-a: .---I -----. . I -------. \ \ t .2e.o l . I -:-, . . 'i')< . ' (\/ ·I~ 's;::j -~ . ......___ J /r;v I --: "'-- / '2.9. 15'7/. "" r 7 70 ·._:>) "' "' .. " / ~ct,, I i ~ -I "' \ I / / /. /4~n.,1· . ' .-..:..i;:)~ '?:P . ALL rJIEASUREMENTS IN MM, UNLESS NOTED MM TO INCHES, DIVIDE BY 25.4 "'\i/ / "'~// 4311(169.7") LEGl.:R FENCE AND GATES OuterSpace Landscape Furnishings 7533 DRAPER AVENUE LA JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F: 619/459-3622 LEGOLAND C~LIFORNIA • • SAFARI RIDE PLAN VIEW '\ \ -\. '. "' '\ I _/ "" . -I / -"-\ l . ./:· "'~/ COLUMN BACK ~ KS-II EVERY 16", SEE HARDWARE DETAILS LEGI-R FENCE AND GATES OuterSpace Landscape Furnishings 7533 DRAPER AVENUE LA JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F: 619/459-3622 LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA ~ ». ~ 0 lO m C') ~.,. Cl) tL 0 0 ~' SAFARI RIDE ELEVATION i- t UNIT ~ /' VL-1 · · . . CONNECTION _ ' .. BASE ANCHOR AD 1400(55.1 ") ' 2750(108.3") --1 ALL MEASUREMENTS IN MM, UNLESS NOTED MM TO INCHES, DIVIDE BY 25.4 • L(), •-& N N R t 0 0 ~ 400(15. 7") ,. '10(.39") MESH'TYPICAL TOP AND SIDES, ~ 0 ~ • 4 UNITS MESH TYPICAL TOP AND SIDES, SEE LEGIFLOR MESH DETAIL VL-1 lfl~;;/. -CONNECTION-· ·- ~ m R! a ~ ID, ci (0 a '<I"· lO ,., ~ -~, ~ ' 400(15.7") ' 10(.39") SEE LEGIFLOR I ~I MESH·DE;TAIL C') O,, ,('I BASE ANCHOR AD 140Q(55.1 ") a 0 0 N 300(11.8") ,--~ .,.,_J.k.•"-- $1;E FOOTING DETAIL BY ENGINEER I-.3500(137.8") -1 LEGIFLO.R . O~terSpace Landscape Fur"ishings 7533 DRAPER AVENUE • LA JOLLA CA 92307 -800/338-2499 F: 619/459-3622 LEGOLAND CAL:IFORNI~ 6 -NO. 8 VERTICALS SPACED AS SHOWN SPIRAL TIE (SEE SECTION BELOW) 24"¢. :z :::;E_J <( ~u wo._ _J >-U 1- 'n MANUFACTURES ANCHOR EMBtDMENT FOR ARBOR COLUMNS. SHOWN FOR RtFERENCE ONLY. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDATIONS AND SPECIFICATION DETAIL FOR 24" DIA. DRILLED PIER • FINISHED GRADE • SCALE 3/4" = l'-0" . MANUFACTURES. ANCHOR EMBEDMENT FOR ) ARBOR COLUMNS. SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURES r RECOMMENDATIONS AND SPECIFICATION I I NO. 3 SPIRAL TIE AT A 6" PITCH. ' -. p. <I.... • ... • ..., I.,. > ~ • • ,, ~.:===1==1==.== -.' r ~~ .i;;,.~;r-4 _, ~ I 't> ·~I 1> • ,, t--· , I , t. -. 1?' --": • _,, . ·-~ ~ ~:r ->-r' I, • --~ 4 • ~ , ..L-.-'-. , 1 V • ·.'\t~,$"°:-1:t....:..-~::L:..:...:· J> ' I> • • -J.. 1 • ,,_ , -~ • .-.-r· :, ..,. ~-_:.!.--t-.::-.. I ','9 T~~-._P' . ~. ,,'9 . 6,. . . It> , .. -------:..+, ~ ,1 . 4 _,,~ ">--, ,, . 1"., . --;,,. , E-. ::::or-~ J>. ,<I·/\· ... • ·----'t> -~ · 1-I> . -;;-rv-..:: . J.. . ' I ... , .... ' ~~::T . I> • 4. ---... .. \ ..L--.... , .. ~ t>-I> • <1t) '9 ... · T--._, ... , .,. I .... ! t.. ~' ~-..-;-· ... ~~ I> • I,.,._. • .,. • ~ ..... r ... , ~ , f ~ ' ~ . ..,._...-1> · I " • • 4 l , ~ ~-:; . ' . ' -, _ . ~ . r+---:---:-.!...'li ~ , ' ~' I> • ,4 I~•~ f? • . \ . ... . ' ... NOTE: 3 EXTRA TURNS AT TOP . AND ONE EXTRA TURN AT BOTTOM. VERTICAL REINFORCING (SEE DETAIL ABOVE) SECTION FOR 24" DIA. DRILLED PIER SCALE 3/4" = 1'-0" LEGO._:jD GAR L..5 BAt:, Component ID . Drawing Number C-000 00 00000 BULLETIN NO. (714)588-8801 • (714)588-7216(/ax) 6E. JN. 9Wl5-~2 P:\LEG0LAND\98015-02 d -27 9-14-98 8:37:24 am • • BASE ANCHOR TYPE A AND AD BASE ANCHORS FOR CONCRETE FOOTING TYPE AD BASE ANCHOR ~ TYPE A BASE ANCHOR ._ DISTANCEAS SHOWN ON STRUCTURES -T:-r 500mm FOR EMBEDMENT IN _J_ .._ CQNORETE FOOTING, SEE -,-:;---1.-. · SEPARATE FOOTING DETAIL ·O H COLUMN BASE ANCHOR ATTACHMENT KS-II ----,---------+--+flttO SEE ,HARDWARE· ELEVATION DETAIL 0 ' ..... ~ f" ..... ~~~~mNG ---f=~~l::J-~~~+ ' ' ' ' I.,_ ..,_,..,_,.,_.., ........................... ,.. -.,I PLAN VIEW LEGIFLOR OuterSpace Landscape Furnishings 75~3 DRAPER AVENUE . ALL MEASUREMENTS IN MM MM TO INCHES, DIVIDE BY 25.4 LA JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F: 619/459-3622 . LEG.OLAND CALIFORNIA LEGIFLOR COMPONENT, HARDWARE AND CONNECTIONS • • LEGIFLOR COMPONENT FOR COLUMNS, BEAMS, ARCS, ORANGLES . SIDE; AND SECTION VIEW 200 .. LEGIFLOR HARDWARE VL-1 • • 200 WA-II . JI!D ~ I I I 200 $ ·.· cqn j-:-~ rn :tl 1~ 110nim(4.3") -~-crtD LEGIFLOR COMPONENT CONNECTIONS VL-1 CONNECTION .._ g -~ ?:'. 0 ' --"' () "' - PLAN VIEW BACK V ~ACK TO FRONT VIEW, ELEVATION ALL MEASUREMENTS IN MM MM TO INCHES, DIVIDE BY .25.4 -I PROFILE g ... FRONT. 8mm DIAMETER KS-II ALL HARDWARE.USl=S 12mm ·BOLTS ANb NUTS, SUPPLIED HOT-DIP GALVANIZED ONLY; FOR FIELD TOlJCH~UP, WITH PAINT PROVIDED. WA-II CONNECTION FRONT l ------...C:O· LU 3 3 ..... -m ELEVATION LEGIFLOR ·. OuterSpace .L-andscape Furnishings 7$33-DRAPER AVENUE LA.JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F: 619/459-3622 LEGOLAND -CALIFORNIA • > i • • LEGIFLOR MESH AND ATTACHMENT -- TYPfCAL LEG I FLOR MESH 50mm WIDTH x 200mm LENGTH MESH OPENINGS ATTACHED ro COLUMNS OR .BEAMS USING KS-II HARDWARE MESH TO LEGIFLOR COMPONENT ATTACHMENT PLAN VIEW LEGIFLOR COLUMN, BEAM, ARC / OR ANGLE . FRONT ~ BACK / KS-II ATTACHED EVERY. 400mm(16") x LENGTH ALL MEASUREMENTS-IN Mivl MM TO INCHES, DIVIDE BY 25.4 KS-II CKAMP OVERALL DI MENSI , LEGIFLOR OuterSpace Landscape Furnishings · 7533 DRAPER AVENUE L,A JOLLA CA 92307 800/338-2499 F: 919/459-3622 LEGOLAND CALJFORNIA LEGI architectural fences, gates and LEGI-Flor in welded steel wire and rod. Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and powdercoated. 0 LANDSCAPE FURNISHINGS E Manufacturer's representatives since I 979. 7533 Draper Ave. La Jolla CA 92037 Ph: 800/338-2499, 619/459-6994 F: 619.459.3622 www.fences.com E-mail: legi@fences.com :,.-)c-• • • II. ',. ~ tJ P1inted on Recycled Poper I/ I I 11 ,l ) ~ I l 111 • Ti ief ·································· .................................... Steel Fences, Gates, Trellises and Structures ·························································································································· n 0 ~ rt- (D ~. "' Ill \ "., 1, I ',,~ .;;,;;.,.if ' ~ ! ! ~ / lj. /-~, .. -~ .,. J t SI ,~ , ?" '\ , ' I ">,jl '{'·' <,~ " ~' f ~ ff .~.~~ fl~ . r ~-·-,i r ;!'.I' >iv.~.,; LElii • i ,.._ • ,,_ ,' ,,\. i-1 ',,.. :·z ~ '.,.;• ' j ' ''·~· " , f'·'' -~-, ' ' ' ':,. /" J. / ,....., ' f \-, : "<--'f --.,.\. ;, "' .... j r •.:;..v '·-\ -" , l ' r '\ ' ,, """"-· ,, • \ ·?' '· "" ·; , , I ·:.~ r-- .._ . ~,.,,, ',. \ ... ~ -......... ~) ·-,.:i"~ ( s,~. \ • ' 1 . // :";,,.~T _/f If ""..,.,, \· ·',. ' ·'/ l'.",r,,,11:':·~ ·"' •..., _' ... ,.,. + .,_ \ \..,_ ~ 'v.,;_, ' • ,«•.,,~; ·• ,..,..,,~:."'. I ;~~-,'f°«' \ \1,. \ (.' . .._ ) .~-,.,t,,i.., .,,.........-,', ?~ ~ " ~ \' . ·., . "· " r;,-'· f .1-.. ,.'fN; ~\ J~EGI is a manufactufef bf archit~ctural feni::ing and gat~ as;w~if as niodul~r ~f"Dpot<eri~,fe½; z¾. . -..-'ti'<\ " , _ • ... \:: • , ·~ ..-t ,r t .... ~ trellises ~and-.s~tu5.tures fofpu~iic; CQ!l}mer~lal arid re~jdent(a{'ptojEicts .. A.tiJ:o!11a1:._ed/welcVn.i ; ij!...--::~ ~ystems _§'re:~"~ed inthe"fa_~~Ycafipn C>f dl~S~ aestheti~fand f~n~~naf he~vr-~_uty¢eel~wj~e /t/ t '.products. Loc~ed in the:RuhrVall~x in Gennany, LEGI has;been~~mjly-6:Wne9 sih,ce,.194.9// . · ~ V: ', , ~ · , · · 1 • . : P · , f . . , :.-1 t i \( , -1 . ; ~·. ; ~ i t i ~ ,, : I <"'!· ' 1. 1 ff I '\ I ' .. , l 1 ' i' '' '' J ' / ., .... \ · . Page · f , · ' · \I if· 0 { i : _ ,". _I < ~ • ) l ' . ~. \... \ \ ·/ ,~_,...:.. .. -,/ FIT-FENCE_., .~. 'K~ 3; . I 1 -.. '-. ' ':, . I. ' --,' ,; . R-FENCE '-, \ ~3:t-¾! ' ' l V ~ ~\~~~;; ;, 1 ' ! } 1, i A, ... ,..,~> LITE-FEJl1ICE -...., 4 !' ._J ..... ~ .-:i /,,..., ·"'-... ~ ... ..1 t ,_i"°'\ 'n ~·· B-FENCE H~W-FENCE ~-f '- 4' 4\ .· ~ '. I -~,l:::,,, Jr-~ ; 'i '• \:, r-··, I, ::J;~~= \ ··)r:.· "''t ,~·1: GATES: SWl~GING, ROLLING, CANTILEVER ·s:~l ' I , ' I ,•i '' -.. l t'; :-.. ,.\' l < 'f' \ .: , ' LEG I-FLOR ·, FENCE DETA.LS HOWTO SPECIFY/ORDER FENCE HOWTO SPECIFY/ORDER GATE$ LEGI-FLOR DETAILS 1, HOWTO SPECIFY/ORDER LEGl~FLOR f_ MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOGRAPHS ,, ~ ...... ,.:._ f ·, SPECIFICATIONS / / i f ' ,6, 1 · j ) . 1 , ' ; : t ~ t n~ I ; : ,. , a· . : ~ : ' t ' ! ! : -' l ' l -~ ~-.. ~a-',/-~ •, ., l-\i ii f ! ; 8 ' -: t ;•. :d '. 9 <'; t ' "'· 1·0 ,· '· · 11. { 11 ,, --~""-......... ~ ,., ~' ~-l 7 '' ' RECENT PROJECTS f,-• ...,.,n,...--... \ '{w<. ~=• f lit I North American Importer/Distributor: / l ,· 't { (' t i ' ~ \ ·, / . '' '\-:, ~ ' ("' _~.,, ~ ' ) ( l ., ; \' ' t."' i,, '•,~,i ~-.~ 14·1. ,f. '#-:' • ' ~ '\ z,.., ... ,i; f ·,_ .,; ·, '',. ' ..,_. :'rt' j ,;} -,-.. '·· i t ,,\! ', t ·i .OuterSpace J www.fences:com / ,, ,:. ~ LElii MESH: Shall be high tensile, double-drawn welded steel wire and rod. R, Fit, B-Fence: Vertical wire to be 6mm o,d,, double horizontal wire rod to be 8mm o.d. Standard mesh openings shall be 52X200mm o.c. or I 04X200mm o.c. Lite-Fence: Vertical wire to be 5mm o.d., double horizontal wire to be 6mm o.d. Standard mesh openings shall be 52 x 300mm o.c. All mesh panels for fencing shall have vertical wires which project 30mm below bottom horizontal members. FENCE POSTS: Fit-Fence: patented system to be rectangular steel tube post 60X40mm with 20X40mm pressure plate. 8mm o.d. welded mounting hooks inside for hanging mesh, Curved top cap shall have I 0mm hexagonal or one-way countersunk bolt & 30X60mm interior counterplate for tightening posts and securing mesh, R-Fence: to be rectangular steel tube posts, 50X40mm or larger, with welded top plate 40X90mm, backing plate 40mm wide X length of mesh and interior threaded inserts spaced every 200 mm inside post to receive bolts. B-Fence: I-beam style post, 80mm or larger, for acting as ball stopping screen. Post sizes per site and height requirem~nts. For above fence systems, posts to be spaced at 2500mm (98.4") on center. Lite-Fence: Patented truss-style post, I 50X20mm, manufactured from 8 & 6mm rod, Posts are spaced at 2490mm (98") on center. GATES: Swinging gates: posts shall be I 00mm or larger welded square tube steel; gate wing frames shall be 60X40mm or larger welded rectangular tube steel. Gate wings to be infilled with mesh per above, welded to inside center of gate frames. Base bolt to be contained within gate wing frame. Mortise cylinder locks are galvanized and shall have anodized latches and plates. Cantilever and rolling gates: specifications shall be per above and per site, height and width requirements, LEG I-FLOR TRIANGULAR MODULE: Shall be 190mm (7.5") per side, composed of 12 longitudinal wire rods with welded horizontal rings spaced every 200mm, using 8 mm o.d. wire rod. ·I-FLOR BASE ANCHORS: Shall be 80mm square tube steel with 40mm wide steel straps welded to sides. Height of anchor to be per manufacturer's recommendations. HARDWARE: All bolts and nuts shall be hot-dip galvanized or stainless steel. Fit-Fence: hexagonal or vandal-resistant 12mm bolts. R-Fence: hexagonal or vandal-resistant bolts, type 2VA, 8X45mm. B-Fence: hexagonal 12mm bolts. LEGI-Flor: various hot-dip galvanized and powdercoated attachment hardware shall be supplied per manufacturer's instructions. For safe transfer of load, all hardware shall be attached to longitudinal rods. FINISH: Unless otherwise indicated, all parts to be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication with minimum layer of 1.8 oz./sq. ft. zinc, Surface shall then be mechanically cleaned and roughened with stainless steel sandblast for optimal coating adhesion and polyester powdercoated per German Industry Norm 50976 in non-lead, UV-stable, thermally-set polyester powder paints. This process shall afford maximum durability with minimal compromising of surface smoothness, Matching liquid paint to be provided for field touch-up. Bolts and nuts shall be hot-dip galvanized or stainless steel only, for field painting. COLORS: Shall be RAL 6005 (Forest Green), RAL 7023 (Stone Gray), RAL 9005 Oet Black--limited option), RAL 7016 (Anthracite) or RAL 90 IO (Winter White), Custom colors shall be liquid paints. Also available in hot-dip galvanized only. OTHER PRODUCTS: Fence with posts spaced@ 3020mm o.c. (118.9") is available for orders larger than 250 linear meters (820 LF) for installation cost savings. For material cost savings, fence panels using all 6mm wire (3 gauge) is available for orders larger than 500 linear meters ( 1650 LF) . • sh panels with other mesh opening sizes are available: I 00mm square, 200mm square, 35X200mm. Please inquire. To convert from mm to inches, divide by 25.4. Recent Projects APL Lines, Port of Los Angeles CA DMJM, Los Angeles CA Blue Cross/Blue Shield Data Center,Waukegan IL Fischer Wisnosky Arch., Inc., Springfield, IL Jacobs Ryan Associates, Chicago IL Boston Women's Shelter, Boston MA Carol Johnson & Associates, Cambridge MA East Carolina University, Greenville NC Lee & Liu Associates, Washington DC Eli Lilly Company, Lafayette IN Flad & Associates, Madison WI Fletcher School, Cambridge MA City of Cambridge, MA Lakeshore Trails, Muskegon Ml Becket and Rader, lnc.,Ann Arbor Ml Microsoft, Redmond WA Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership, Portland OR New Veterans Home, Barstow CA KTU&A, San Diego CA Ohio State University, Columbus OH OSU Facilities Planning, Columbus OH Omaha Botanical Gardens, Omaha NE Alden Aust, LA, Omaha NE Port of Long Beach/Hanjin Shipping, Long Beach CA Pamela Burton & Company, Santa Monica CA Price-Costco, Sacramento CA Mulvanny Partnership, Bellevue WA Ravine Park,Yonkers NY IQ Landscape Architecture, Bedford Hills NY Museum of Contemporary Art. La Jolla CA Venturi Scott-Brown, Philadelphia PA Garbini & Garbini, San Diego CA Santa Barbara Zoo, Santa Barbara CA Lenvik & Minor Architects, Santa Barbara CA Target Retail Center, Chicago IL Jacobs Ryan Associates, Chicago IL University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC Ross Murphy Finkelstein, New Bern NC University Park Mall, South Bend IN Kiku Obata Associates, St. Louis MO University ofWashington, Seattle WA Bruce Dees, FAS LA & Assoc., Tacoma WA Virgina Beach Amphitheater.Virginia Beach VA Oculus,Washington DC u, "'C (D n -· ::::n n ~ -· 0 ::::s (I) '"~ ~-"' g (I) -'lEGiH; Stepped fence 2230mm (88") high LEGI-R fence and double-wing gates at ampitheater entrance, 3.0 meters (IO') high LEGI-Flor base anchor inside column /u~• ::_·: ,:;:•»- / >.,.) .. /' ,, f' )< u ..,, ~ · LEGI Fence. LEGI fence systems, consisting of posts, mesh panels and hardware, have been carefully designed for clean lines, structural integrity, good looks and ease of installation. Applications: Commercial, industrial, residential, sports facilities, public works, gardens, high security areas requiring tall or deflector fence, architectural screening, projects in high corrosion environments, and as complementary elements to LEGI-Flor; Standard panels may be stepped to allow for slope of approximately one inch per foot (4.5°). Fence is also available with factory-radiused panels. University ofWashington, Seattle WA. Fit-Fence 2230mm (88") R-Fence. R-Fence posts have bolts spaced every 200mm (7.9") to secure mesh. Available to I 0.7m (35') high using stacked mesh panels. Posts can include single or double deflectors, for mesh or wire infill. This unique fence system uses single-bolt assembly and is unmatched in speed and ease of installation. Available to 2230mm (88") high. ,-(°"'' ra-' k• L t.tlli~ [:_:_ __ ~~': .. ' ' ,,,;,' ' £ ' "..-' :;,__::.·,' ,I" j: 2030mm (80") high R-Fence with 200mm (7.9") double deflector --~;r.r·, ;~:,"""'r'~~~< ~-~.: l j I l j j ~ """" flt· l'I 71 @ :J n fl) .. ~ 711 @ ~ n @ f,l_ "° ' -r! LE&t1 Lite-Fence. Patented truss-style posts manufactured with 8 and 6mm rod. Mesh for this style fence is 6+5mm, lighter gauge and more economical than standard mesh. Lite-Fence, I 030mm (41 ") high H,W-Fence. ., --------------... ::-----.... -.. -------~ B-Fence with 50 & I 00mm openings, 4080mm ( 13'5") high B-Fence. The B-Fence is designed as a ball-stopping barrier, with mesh panels attached to "I" beam shaped posts. B-Fence panels are specially • manufactured to provide extra flexibility for sport-related contact. Various hardware attachments can accommodate need for extra strength, rigidity and vibration dampening (Legi-B.i.). Available in specific heights only. Inquire for details. Ornamental mesh panels used with Fit and R posts distinguish this style of fence. Finials shown on page 8 are pop4lar options for use with these panels. W-Fence 1030mm (41") high w- H 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 H-Fence with R posts, 1830mm (72") high ~ :_1 •• \ 'd =, ~· ~-_,-a,sa,<o-;' -=..---------·---- 1, # .; .'tc · How to specify/order: LEG I-Flor ~ ~ 1--I 1111 1111 I I I I I ~ 1mu_ ~ . 200 I 200 1 • 200 • 1 7.9" ;-----------·1 r------------1 i===c~j===r-: _____________________________ _ • Base Anchors Columns & Beams Available to 6000mm (19.7') in increments of 200mm (7.9"). Plan View of triangular module for columns, beams, angles and arcs, 6.7" x 7.5". & ~190~ Angles Available from 30° to 90°. 0 gi 0 ;!: 0 0 Q ·-o-JJ Finish Bolted inside columns in varying lengths per manufacturer's instructions. Footing or baseplate attachment. Anchor with baseplate; plan view 0 0 O=Emm 0 0 Hot-dip galvanizing Sandblasting Powdercoating w' LE&t1 3000 ------- Mesh Sizes available to 3000mm x 2200mm ( I 18" x 87"). Standard on-center mesh opening dimensions are 52x200mm and I 04x200mm. Other mesh openings available. ~· las I (95)1(95) RAL Powdercoated Colors Arcs Available in radiuses greater than 570mm (23") and in any arc length. Maximum 180° arc is 8020mm (26') diameter. 90 I 0-Winter White (limited option) Custom colors in liquid paints available. __, __ c":" -~-_.,..,....,....,_;;:~~ -~,B"',--::.lrGJ:J}~ t - -- --"~-----------''-----~--~----------------,._c__ ____ _,;..____.,___ __ _ f : I .·· .·• . 1·i ;1 f L-·E-li ,j r -. r '" ' ----_,.,, .,. -~-~-""• i ' > ': { ; ' :: .• ' r How to specify/order: Fence Specify per the components shown below for all styles offence. {,J] ~ (!,l n '''''"' :t 0 a @ ~ : Fer;ice, ;1iistt11i~tri:;t.i -,; ',,,, , __ ,,...,!1,,,_,' r' .., -M~sf{ ''""" -•,, c'616r. Plan Views: Posts and Mesh Views· Not to Scale R A G 2230 s N RAL 7023 X , .. '':h'<',',1" -,-, .. !--·: 40mm Post Installation Fit I 1f ~ ~ ~ lJ r I R ~~-} !!.:-~ F ~~ ~-If Corners field-angled meshs- no post,no hardware hardware only ...._ ____ w , rcr· 630-25" 830-33" 1030-41" 1230-48" 1430-56" 1630-64" 1830-72" Height (mm -inches) 2030-80" 2230-88"* 2480-98" 3080-10.1 '** 4080-13.4'** 5130-16.8'** 12280-40.3'** * Tallest single panel. ** Typical heights. Heights available to 12280mm in increments of 200mm. How to specify/order: Gates Our quality welded-construction swinging, rolling and cantilevered gates may be specified and ordered in heights to match fence and in widths to I Im (36'). Swinging gates have one, two or three wings. Rolling and cantilevered gates have one or two wings. Special locks and other security elements are available. Specify inside gate opening desired. post & hardware I I \. ,$ __ __,J Mesh • iQi 52 x 300mm openings (Lite-Fence only) l.Ei •• 52 x 200mm openings 104 x 200mm openings Finials [fil [fil R, [nl B 46mm• i . ]E , # , • • .,~ E f'iY''.'","J IVYO< .. ,,. ·. i'; al ' .. .· "·', .-:·.-.: J -. -.,_ ·"'· '-' ., ' ·-~ ,1: :. ' ' •,,' .. ' B.i • or larger, depending on height Orders of Fit/R/B Fence over 250m (825 LF) available with on-center post spacing of 3 meters (approx. IO'). Orders of Fit/RIB Fence over 500m ( 1650 LF) available using mesh panels manufactured with all 6mm wire. • To convert from millimeters to inches, divide by 25.4 • To convert from inches to millimeters, multiply by 25.4. >{s "..---. "-1"" .,,. t..,,,,,.~~~-,.....,....;.. .,..;..,.-;.....,.,._,,_,,~---·~ .. : ~-?.¾J,; -----_______ _. __ ,_,_.~ ........ --...... -------------- ..; LEGI Gates. Our quality, all-welded construction swinging, rolling and cantilevered gates have been developed for parks, gardens and commercial/residential security. Intelligent design, along with hot-dip galvanizing and powdercoating, make them both attractive and sturdy. Gates are available in most heights, widths and in multiple configurations. Custom hinge, closing and locking options are available. Double-wing gate 2030mm (80") high Typical gate hardware Double-wing gate 2230mm (88") high Note mesh is welded to gate frame --a,~----,, --·,----__ ...,....___._..._..,....,~--,---.,;-~-,.~·~-._ ~~ .... ... J~wf). j . ··jB··:.· l r. ~ ; . . ~ LL~liLJ t:J?) ~ •=o :, O'Q -· :i1 O'Q ... ~ 0 --,_,. :; (tQ ... n f» :l r} ...,,,. -~ ti$ Q.. Cl ~ tD ti) ___,......., ..... ,-~-----·----~----~""""""-....,,......_.,. ..... --__ ,,. · ___ _ LE&i3 LEG I-Flor. Legi-Flor is a modular system of triangular open-frame components consisting of columns, beams, angles and arcs, with mesh, base anchors and hardware. These heavy-duty, welded steel wire-rod products are hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and polyester powdercoated for superior corrosion resistance. -r r1 t• Applications: Classic or contemporary, linear or dimensional gazebos, pavilions, arbors, trellises, porticos, pergolas, murals, decorative fencing and sculpture may be created. In tight spaces or open sites, LEG I-Flor introduces greenery and ornament to landscape design and architecture. Torchiere planters, University Park Mall, South Bend IN -~ . · .. -~o/?' --:-: ... i;~·:::-~;·, \, i { / / . 'Jj I ,.,_~~"-.. .· ,,. .. ,.··,,.•: :-: : ~-:·:f.}~ft-~."":~ .. ~; ;.) .. . : , . , . .-.!'Ji,,, titf1 ._ :,..-'"'· ·: . . j l ... 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' • • User ID: BUlZGES8 ENGlNEJ:ilUNGGlWUP ************************~************************* * * * s T A A D -III * * RcvisioJl 22.3 * * Proprietary Progra of * * Research Engineers, Inc. * * Date= SEP 1 0 , 1998 * * Ti e= 10:16:48 * * * * USER ID: BURGESS ENG.I N]):ERI NG GROUP * ************************************************** STAAD PLANE FRAME INPUT WIDTH 7'2 UNIT FEET KIP JOINT COORDINATES 1 . 2. 3 . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 . 9. 1 .000 2 .000 3 0. 0 4 5. 7 4 5 11.480 6 11. 4 8 7 11.48 10. 1 1 . 12. 13 . 14. 1 5 . 16. 17. 1 8 . MEMBER INCIDENCES 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 19. START USER TABLE 20. TABLE 1 2 1 . UNIT INCHES 22. GENERAL 23. LEGI .000 6.590 7.94 12.96 7.94 6.59 0. 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 24. 0.936 5.94 25. 1 1.17 1.32 0.25 6.54 0.175 0.936 0.936 0 4.14 0 0 26. END 27. UNIT INCHES KIP 28. MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN 29. 1 TO 6 UPTABLE 1 LEGI 30. MEMBER RELEASE 3 1. 1 END MZ 3 2 . 2 S TART MZ 33. 5 END MZ 3 4 . 6 S TART MZ 35. CONSTANT 36. E 29000. ALL 37. PRINT MEMBER INFORMATION ALL 4. 3 2 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 0. 0 PAGE NO. 1 • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME --PAGE NO. 2 MEMBER INFORMATION ------------------ MEMBER START END LENGTH BETA JOINT JOINT ( INCH) (DEG) RELEASES 1 1 2 79. 080 .00 000000000001 2 2 3 16.200 . 0 0 000001000000 3 3 4 91.506 .00 4 4 5 91.506 .00 5 5 6 16.200 .00 000000000001 6 6 7 7 9. 0·8 0 .00 000001000000 ************ END OF DATA FROM INTERNAL STORAG:(-: ************ 3 8. SUPPORT 3 9. 1 FIXED 4 0. 7 FIXED 41. DRAW JOINT MEMB SUPP PROP • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP ***************************j********************** * * * s T A A D -III * * Revision 22.3 * * Proprietary Progra of * * Res carclt Engineers , Inc .. * * Date= SEP 1 0, 1998 * * Ti e= 10:16:48 * * * * USER ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. STAAD PLANE FRAME 2. INPUT WIDTH 72 3. UNIT FEET KIP 4. JOINT COORDINATES 5. 1 .000 6. 2 .000 7. 3 0. 0 8. 4 5.74 9. 5 11.480 10. 6 11.48 11. 7 11.4.8 12. MEMBER INCIDENCES 1 3 . 1 1 14. 2 2 15. 3 3 16. 4 4 l 7 . 5 5 18. 6 6 19. START USER TABLE 20. TABLE 1 21. UNIT INCHES 22. GENERAL 23. LEGI .000 6. 5 9 0 7.94 l 2 . 9 6 7.94 6.59 0.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 24. 0.936 25. 1 1.17 5.94 0.25 6.54 0.375 1.32 0.936 0.936 0 4. 14 .o 0 26. END 27. UNIT INCHES KIP 2 8 . MEMBER PROP ER TY AMERICAN 29. 1 TO 6 UPTABLE 1 LEGI 30. MEMBER RELEASE 31. l END MZ 32. 2 START MZ 33. 5 END MZ 34. 6 START MZ 35. CONSTANT 36. E 29000. ALL 37. PRINT MEMBER INFORMATION ALL 4.32 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 0.0 PAGE NO. 1 User ID: BURGESS ENGINEE.RING GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 3 -10 H> N z z z z z Ul Ul -< X C -I -I ::i: -I ::i: ::i: ::i: z r Ul· m ::i: L, -< :a mm :a > > > H -0 C m -I Ul X X x -I II II II II II m C) <: II II II -I > -m IS) -0 ...... II C z :a N > C) -0 m N :c r 0 01 IS) Ul w IS) N IS) 01 ..., > w 0 Ul ..., :>s z > I>. -. 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PRINT MEMBER FORCES.ALL • 10:16:48 10:16:48 10:16:48 10:16:48 10:16:48 User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME - -PAGE NO. 6 ************** END OF LATES'T ANALYSIS RESULT'*******·*·****** 56. PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONS • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME - -PAGE NO. 7 SUPPORT REACTIONS -UNIT KIP FEET STRUCTURE TYPE PLANE ------------------ JOINT LOAD FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM z 1 . 3 8 1.. 31 . o·o .00 . O·O - 2 . 5 0 2 -i.01 - . 2 3 .00 .00 .00 4.72 3 -.63 1.08 .00 .00 .00 2.22 7 1 - . 3 8 1 . 3 1 .00 .00 .00 2. 5 0 2 -,. 3 6 .23 .00 .00 .00 2.40 3 - . 7 4 1 . 5 4 .00 .00 .00 4. 8 9 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT************** 57. DRAW MSD 3 MZ VAL • • • • FRAME :i: 0 X 3 C 3 II CD (Q 0 :0 )> ::E: :::i:: lfl 0 w 3: N < )> ' --! 0 >-<> :i:--! rn rn l/1 -rn !SI "1J a, !SI 1>. -(I) ID ID (I) 'W N -< X C z :i: :i: :i: z r > -> > H X X X --! 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DATE: '7 -/tJ -~5- NAME: ..,lJt;.f,./r ~-~--~ -~4 .. --i...,,... -....... -. ·---·· ;--...... _,. ______ --· ! . ~ .. -----·· ~. .. ,4..8'1'(:;-;» IZ/f,//(~ s'S$·/;1 i .,,,. 6'9, 1oi ty;h z.-< 6--Z 6 '%),.t!.-4~~, ~ 4//4.NJ }!s ~r~,.,,. cl71f~ ~ 5 :; 6,0~/1 ;! -~~- 4. 81-;1/1.fA /Z,Y-f+ X ~4--/,11 ~ 414/;1~---34. I & 1~; .t-t)_li. ~ -=;;_; -- ,l::> :A / f-£_ 1 t-I Mm~/ : .;;.,s f?./1- c ---....-rb ~· ~:: )C ;If!_. /. 7~ -i ' I I ·--,--.. -.-____ ,., ___ +· ...... l ~ • I • ! i • I ' ; ' ..... __ l ____ :~ ....... ----· i • • ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP ,, ~-/,iA1' 1· / ---;.,---.... .. ~ // ;,· _(._ ftM~ PAGE: ___ of __ _ JOB#: 9~/6---L'J Z.. DATE: 9'-/,? -" f'8 NAME: H$_/..-- A,-'J .7 4-. a 1 tf.1-:: ~ J<-~~6-Yf-r% )(, ~ ~ ,,.,.-z:-3 4. & '7 kt9~ ::::-$, /c'e /1"1~ ,P° l'?t;ir?,fa' ::-. 4. 8 J ~tr ;.: &', 5, ~.r-8:, IC,ff..zt.- j , I . ·--.. '. ·--"'. --1-~-----... . I --'~ User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME - -PAGE NO. 4 42. UNIT FEET KIP 43. LOAD 1 DEAD + LIVE 44. MEMBER LOAD 45. 3 UNI GY -.172 46. 4 UNI GY -.172 47. LOAD 2 WIND FROM LEFT 4 8. MEMBER LOAD 49. 1 UNI GX .088 50. 2 UNI GX .088 5 1 . 3 UNI GX .088 52. LOAD COMB 3 DL+ LL 53. 1 1 . 2 1 . 54. PERFORM ANALYSIS PROBLEM S 7,A TIS TICS NUMBER OF JOINTS/MEMBER+ELEMENTS/SUPPORTS 7/ 61 2 ORIGINAL/ FINAL BAND-IDTII = 1 / 1 TOTAL PRIMARY LOAD CAS-ES 2 , TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM 15 SIZE OF STIFFNESS MATRIX= 90 DOUBLE PREC. ORDS REQRD/AVAIL. DISK SPACE= 12.01/ 221.4 MB, EXMEM = 1963.9 MB ++ Processing Element Stiffness Matrix. • ++ Processing Global Stiffness MatrJx. ++ Processing Triangular Factorization. ++ Calculating Joint Displacements. ++ Calculating Member Forces. · 5 5. PRINT MEMBER FORCES ALL • 11:41.:59 11:41:59 11:41:59 11 :. 4 1 : 5 9 11:41:59 User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME • • PAGE NO. 6 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT************** 56. PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONS • • • • FRAME :I 0 X 3 C 3 II w CD ...J 0 :0 )> :E 3: U) 0 w 3: N < )> r -f 0 H )> :I -f rn rn U1 -rn -"1l b. --51 U1 -(0 (0 (0 CD N -< X C z :I :I :I z r )> )> )> H X X X -f II II II II "Tl rn rn -f w w (0 ;,;; H 51 51 6l "1l z z z z U1 rn :I L, II II II II N 51 ITT ...J 51 ITT User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE -f U1 -f -< :0 "1l C rn C1 -f II C :0 "1l rn r )> 0 z )> rn -f )> NO. :0 rn < N N w U1 -f )> )> 0 H H H :I 0 :I rn z -f :I N r z II w 8 User lD: BURGESS ENGINEERING GRO"\JP FRAME PAGE NO. 9 58. FINISH ******"*******·** END· OF STAAD-III *************** **** DATE= SEP 10,1998 TI ME= i 1 : 4 1 : 5 9 * * * * **********************************•****************.***** * For q'\lesticins on STAAD-111, contact: ., * Research Engineers, Inc at * * We s·t Coast: Ph-(714) 974-2500 Fax-( 714) 921-2543 * * East Coast: Ph-( 5 0 8) 688-3626 Fax-( 5 0 8) 685-7230 * ********************************************************* • / j . •• u.J \J1 0 a -q-100 ·I 3950 ~, -2000 _1~_,tO~-.. 1540 ... , 3950 :2000 10_1':_oo,... 1540 .. I j ' i ·I ! t I ' I I i . i i ! i ; I ; . I I i I ' ! i I I ; I ! 11-09-1998 09:37 LEG I CimbH f'loer·:;: +49 2841 78'310 S.[13 •• • -... & ~ ..t:: v ( --~ t" ff ~ .._,, ~ r &i I..,, ........... • • I I ~ . I ./,.,, . \ 1<'. ~ j,,·/ \ ~ ~ ~-------~-. I 0 \ • ..........____. > ~ . ""--.... . 0 \\. ·"·~~ .. (9 "'--..._ \ -~6a~ ." __ __.__~~/ ~-. \ \ 09/08/1998 10:58 •:•,'''' tr~---~-- · .. :.··.; .. ·1' . !~.· . 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MEMBER RELEASE 25. 1 END MZ 26-. 2 START MZ 27. 2 END MZ 28. 3 START MZ 29. CONSTANT 3 0 . E 2 9 0 0 0 ·. A~L 31. PRINT MEMBER INFORMATION ALL 842.4 842.4 100 56.16 5 6 . 16 • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING'GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 2 MEMBER INFORMATION ------------------ MEMBER START END LENGTH BETA JOINT JOINT ( INCH) (DEG) RELEASES 1 1 2 150.000 .00 0 O·O O O O O O O O O 1 2 2 3 226.800 .00 000001000001 3 3 4 150.000 .00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 .0 0 O·O ****"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'. END OF DATA FROM INTERNAL STORAGE "'"'"'"'***·***** 32. SUPPORT 3 3. 1 F IX~D 3 4. 4 FIXED 35. DRAW JOINT MEMB StJP'.P PROP User ID: BURGESS ENGINE~NGGROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 3 -t 0 Ul ..... :,,. x c:: z z z z -t . Ul N -< z -t :i: -t :i: :i: :i: ? r Ul rt1 :i: <..., -< :0 :0 rt1 rt1 :,,. :,,. :,,. ..... -0 rt1 -t C X X x· -t II II II II II rt1 ('") <: Ul II II II -t :,,. rt1 ..... II C (D -0 z :0 N :,,. ('") in . rt1 N N-N :c -0 0 tD -U1 N ISi N s w b. :,,. w 0 s <Tl :>s •('") :,,. H rt1 -t ..... -.J tD s s CD -0 :,,. H tD ..... CD 'l LEGI2 -.i N • 0 :0 )> ~ r rt1 GJ L., ~ 0 1-t z -; 3: rn 3: CD UJ C ll ll • ll :0 0 ll LEG I 2· w • • User1D:°BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME 36. UNIT FEET KiP 37. LOAD 1 DEAD t LIVE 38. MEMBER LOAD 39. 2 UNI GY - . 0 6 4 40. LOAD 2 WIND FROM LEFT 4 1 ; MEMBER LOAD 42. 1 UNI GX .03 43. LOAD 3 WIND FROM FRONT 44. MEMBER LOAD 45. 1 UNI GZ -0.03 46. 2 UNI GZ -0.03 47. 3 UNI GZ -0. 0 3, 48. LOAD COMB 4 DL + LL + WIND LEFT 49. 1 1 . 2 1 . 50. LOAD COMB 5 DL + LL + WIND FRONT 5 1 . 1 1 . 3 1 . 52. PERFORM ANALYSIS S T A T I S T I C S NUMBER OF JOINTS/MEMBER+ELEMENTS/SUPPORTS 4 / 3 / ORIGINAL/FINAL BAND-IDT:II = 1 / . 1 TOTAL PRIMARY LOAD CASES 3, TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM SIZE OF STIFF-NESS MATRIX = 144 DOUBLE PREC. ORDS· REQRD/AVAIL. DISK SPACE= .12.01/ 220.9 MB, EXMEM = i963.9 ++ Processing Element Stiffness Matrix. ++ Processing Global Stiffness Matrix. ++ Processing Triangulir Factorization. ++ Calculating Joint Displacements. ++ Calculating Member Forces. 5 3 . PRINT MEMBER FORCES ALL 8:29:17 8:29:17 8: i 9: 1 7 8:29:17 8:29:18 PAGE NO. 4 2 12 MB User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING.GROUP FRAME - -PAGE NO. 5 MEMBER END FORCES STRUCTURE TYPE "" SPACE ----------------- ALL UNITS ARE --KIP FEET MEMBER LOAD JT AXIAL SHEAR-Y SHEAR-Z TORSION MOM-Y MOM-Z 1 1 1 .60 ,oo .00 .00 .00 .00 2 - . 6 0 .oo .00 .00 .00 : 0 0 2 1 .00 .30 .00 . 00· : 0,0 1 . 4 7 2 .00 .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 1 .00 .00 .66 - . 0·4 - 5 . 8 9 .00 2 .00 .00 a , 2 8 .04 .00 .00 4 1 .60 .30 .00 .00 . o·o 1 . 4 7 2 -.60 .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 5 1 .60 .00 .66 - . 0 4 -5.89 .00 2 -.60 .00 - . 2 8 . 0·4 .00 .00 2 1 2 .00 .60 .00 . o·o .00 .00 3 .00 .60 .00 , 00 .00 .00 2 2 .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 -.07 .00 .00 .. 0 0 .00 .00 3 2 .00 .00 • 2 8 .00 -.04 .00 • 3 . 0 0. .. 0 0 .28 .0Q .04 .00 4 2 .. 07 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 - . 0 7 .6Q .Q0 . o.o ,00 .00 5 2 .00 ,60 .28 . o.o -.04 .00 3 . 0 0 .60 .28 .00 .04 .00 3 1 3 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4 - . 6 0 .00 .00 . 0-0 .00 .00 2 3 .00 .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 4 ,00 -.07 .0Q .00 ,00 .88 3 3 , 00. .00 - . 2 8 .04 .00 .00 4 .00 .00 .66 -.04 5.89 .00 4 3 .60 .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 4 - . 6 o. - • (J 7 .00 .00 .00 .88 5 3 .. 6 0 .00 - . 2 8 . 0 4 .00 .00 4 - . 6-0 .00 .66 -.04 5. 8 9 .00 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYs1·s RESULT ******~******* • 54. PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONS FRAME SUPPORT REACTIONS -UNIT KIP FEET STRUCTURE TYPE JOINT 1 4 LOAD 1 2 3 4, 5 1 2 3 4 5. FORCE-X .00 - . 3 0 .00 -.30 .00 .00 -.07 .00 -. 0 7 .00 ll'ORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X .60 • O'O , 0-0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .66 5.89 • .60 .00 .00 .60 .66 5 . 8 9 . 60 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .66 5.89 . 6 () .00 . 0 0, .60 .66 5 . 8 9 SPACE MOM-Y .00 .00 -.04 .00 -.04 . 0 0 . .00 .04 .00 : 0 4 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT******"**•**·** 55. DRAW MSD -5 MY VAL • • MOM z .. 0-0 1 . 4 7 :oo 1. 47 .00 .00 .88 .00 .88 .00 • • FRAME ::i: Q X 3 C 3 II Ul (II (0 0 :::0 J> :.:: 3: CJl c::J CJl 3: -< < )> r -i 0 1-1> N :z -i !Tl !Tl :z > X Ul !Tl II (II "11 N- (0 - (II (0 '51 (0 (II U1 QJ (0 U1 QJ (0 -< X C: z :z :z z r > > 1-t X X -i II II II "Tl !Tl !Tl -i U1 N (II " 1-t U1 (0 "11 N w en N w en User Ip: l3URGESS ENGINEERINGGROUP PAGE No.· 7 z· Ul z z z -i -i Ul Ul !Tl ::i: ... -< :I] :I] "11 C: !Tl -i II II II II !Tl n < -i > II ·C: :I] N > Ul !Tl N "11 0 N '51 w ·b. > 0 w n > !Tl -i 1-t > 1-t 1-t '51 b. w '51 b. .:J: 0 :z !Tl z -i ::i: -<. r z II U1 UserlD: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME • • PAGE NO; : 8 56. DRAW MSD 4 MZ VAL • • • • FRAME :I a X 3 C 3 II I\J CD ITT 0 :a )> ::E: 3: U1 0 b. 3: N < )> r -i 0 H> :I -i mm Ul m CD "'ll "" -!O - CD !O !O CD N -< X C :I :I :I z > > > H X X X -i II II II "Tl m m -i "" CD ;,; H ISl Ul !O "'I] '" z z z z z r Ul m :I t... II II II II II Ul I\) ISl w b. User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE Ul -i -i -< ::!l "'I] C m C, II -i C ::!l Ul m "'I] > 0 C, > m -i > NO. ::!l m < .. "" "" w liJ -i > > 0 H H H :I a :I m z -i :I N r z II 9 • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEER)NG GROUP FRAME • -PAGE NO . 1 0 57. FINISH *************** END OF STAAD-111 *************** **** DATE= SEP 11,1998 TIME= 8:29:18 *"'** *************-***********************************'***•**** * * * * For q u e s. t i on s on S TAAD-I I I , con tac t : Researc~ Engineers, Inc at West Coast: Ph-(714) 974-2500 Fax-(714) 921-2543 * * * • • ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE:. ___ of __ _ JOB#: 1/t,t)/'6-0:Z... DATE: 9-/~-f',5 I ;// NAME:.__,J./..,._.__,,E--,,,/JL.<,:....,. ___ _ "" { '1, 16f+ ~d L<!t'crd' r L,·vt.. /~d .L, k /4erc/-~cr;Yr/ ~ ,.;c E. ~~ lj/ -= t.2.re1/z-. 1:1a 3/-rt,!,x z.~ Wv ~ Lf!/' /;,c;n-1 u)i.;,.,,J; 1MJ"' r ; L1£ t!. o; 9 ::-. .z'1J I := 11,Y(,J z. X _$. d e,ft ! 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PAGE,NO. ::._:·1-,<· ******************~******************************* • • * s TA AD -III • • Revision 22.3 • * Propriet~ry Pr•gra of • • Research Eng i n e e r s , Inc . * • Datea SEP 10, 1998 * • Ti e=-16:58:11 * • • • USER ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP * *******************************~********~********* STAAD PLANE FRAME INPUT WIDTH 72 UNIT FEET KIP JOINT COORDINATES 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 6.56 0.0 3 17.75 6.56 0.0. 4 17.75 o.o ·o.o MEMBER INCIDENCES 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 START USER TAI!LE TABLE 1 UNIT INCHES GENERAL LEGI 0.936 5.94 .25 6.54 0 0 0 0 END UNIT INCHES KIP .375 4.14 4 .. 32 1 MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN 1 TO 3 UPTABLE 1 LEG! MEMBER RELEASE 1 END MZ 2 START MZ 2 END MZ 3 START MZ CONSTANT E 29000. ALL PRINT MEMBER INFORMATION ALL 1.17 1.32 .936 .936 • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME --PAGE NO. 2 MEMBER INFORMATION -----------------... MEMBER START END LENGTH BETA JOINT JOINT ( INCH) (DEG) RELEASES 1 1 2 78.720 .00 000000·000001 2 2 3 213.000 .00 000001000()01 3 3 4 78.720 .00 000001000000 ************ END OF DATA FROM INTERNAL STORAGE************ 3 2. SUPPORT 3 3. 1 FIXED 34. 4 FIXED 35. DRAW JOINT MEMB SUPP PROP User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 3 -t 0 H )> :z t/1 :::i: -t N -< X C z z z z -t -t t/1 rT1 rT1 :::i: ::r :::i: z r t/1 rT1 :::i: <-. -< :D :D .... > > > H -u C rT1 -t t/1 X X X -t II II II II II rT1 (1 <: -rn II II II -t .. > (J) -u H II C z :D I\) > .. (1• -u I\) UJ-rT1 I\) :c r . 0 CD ISi -.J -ISi I\) ISi w b. > 0 w ... CD w :,;; z I --> I\) !O ' . . H rT1 -t H !O ISi -.J ISi -u > H CD .. H " f.EOI --1 --"' • 0 r ::lJ m "' M J> :E "' L, 0 H z -; 3'. rn 3'. CD U1 C 7J 7J • 7J ::lJ 0 7J " !,.EG! --1 ,. w w • ++ ++ ++ ++ FRAME 36. UNIT FEET KIP 37. LOAD 1 DEAD+ LIVE 3 8 . MEMBER LOAD 39. 2 UNI GY -.049 40. LOAD 2 WIND FROM LEFT 4 1 . MEMBER LOAD 4 2 . 1 UN I GX . 0 2 3 43. LOAD COMB 3 DL + LL 44. 1 1. 2 1. 45. PERFORM ANALYSIS P R O B L E M S T A T I S T I C S ----.. -.... -------~ -------------------.. User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP • · PAGE NO. 4, NUMBER OF JOINTS/MEMBER+ELEMENTS/SUPPORTS 4/ 3/ 2 ORIGINAL/FINAL BAND-IDTH = 1/ 1 TOTAL PRIMARY LOAD CASES 2, TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM 6 SIZE OF STIFFNESS MATRIX= 36 DOUBLE PREC. ORDS REQRD/AVAIL. DISK SPACE= i2.00/ 221.0 MB, EXMEM = 1963.9 MB Processing Element Stiffness Matrix. Processing Global Stiffhess Matrix. Processing Triangular Factori~ation. Calculating Joint Displacements. Calculating Member Forces. 4 6. PRINT MEMBER FORCES ALL 16:58:12 16:58:12 16:58:12 16:58:12 16:58:12 User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME • -PAGE NO. 5 MEMBER END FORCES STRUCTURE TYPE = PLANE -----------------ALL UNITS ARE .. KIP FEET MEMBER LOAD JT AXIAL SHEAR-.Y SHEAR-Z TORSION MOM-Y MOM-Z 1 1 .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 · . 4 3 .. 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 1 ,00 . 12 .00 .00 .00 .31 2 .. 00 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 1 .43 .12 .00 .00 .00 . 3 1 2 · . 43 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 1 2 .00 .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 .00 .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 2 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 · .03 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 3 2 .03 .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 · . 0 3 .43 .00 .. 0 0 .00 .00 3 1 3 .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4 • .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 • 2 3 .00 . 0.3 .00 .00 .00 .00 4 .00 · . 0 3 .00 .00 .00 .19 3 3 .43 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 4 • . 4 3 · . 0 3 • O·O .00 .00 .19 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RES.ULT ************** 47. PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONS • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 6 SUPPORT REACTIONS -UNIT KIP FEET STRUCTURE TYPE PLANE ----------------- JOINT LOAD FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM z 1 1 .00 .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 - . 1 2 . 0,0 .00 .00 .00 . 3 1 3 - . 1 2 .43 .00 .00 .00 .31 4 1 .00 .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 -.03 .00 .00 .00 .00 . 1 9 3 -.03 .43 .00 .00 .00 . 1 9 *********-***** END OF LATES'T ANALYSIS RESULT************** 48. DRAW MSD 3 MZ VAL • • User IO: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 7 --i 0 H '.> N -< X C z z z z z --i U] Ul --i :i: --i :i: :i: :i: z r Ul m :i: <..., -< :n mm :n :,. :,. ,:,. H "I] C m --i X X X --i II II II II II m n <: Ul Ii i, :,. -m II --i a, "I] "Tl II C m :n "' :,. nJ, "I] m "' tn ---i r 0 ro tSt w "' !St w b. :,. w 0 a, --1 ;,;: z :,. "1 ID H m --i ID !St a, ro "I] :,. H H ro :i: 0 X 3 C 3 II ID w !St w • 0 :u )> :E 3: U1 0 w 3: N < )> r • :i: 0 :i: m ID !St z ID --i :i: N r z II w User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 8 49. FINISH *************** END OF STAAD-III *************** **** DATE= SEP 10,1998 TIME= 1~:58:12 **** * For questions on STAAD-JII, contact: * * · Research ~ngineers, Inc at * • West Coast: Ph-(714) 974-2500 Fax-(714) 921·-7543 • • East Coast: Ph-(508) 6~8-3626 Fax-(508) 685-7230 • *•******•••·····························••••************* • • ',, =: .• :,~ ,,:. . :-· :'· ,•'," • .:: ·: ·. ::,·· •• ~·1· ,., 1:·· • !,•• ' .. . , ,,. ,,. '•, :• .. . ' . ' . . ' . ,--{°' ' -:~ ·.: . : ' -·, . ''.· _:. · .. -: -~· .. ·.:-:t <l ; 11 · . fl.. . . . ... ·. : . . 1· . . r . .. · r :::: 1 .L • ' : .. ':.:<·.' ' t ·~ : '·: .... '' t -I' '.\;f~! .. : '' · .. ··:· ·,~,\ f •• 'I.., ' . . . ~ ' i 3 VL·\ ·q ·9-'*'f)I'') J'\, 1a.1 A.. r· \. . ,, :· I l ' ' ! ~BlOOO , (.110"'· I. ~ ,)t· 1 l . •,,, i ·15 1111 .J_.,.· i_,4,L .·.•:. .,. 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Date= SEP 10, 1998 Ti e= 21:21:13 * * * * * * * * * USER ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP * * * * * * * * * ************************************************** STAAD PLANE FRAME INPUT WIDTH 72 UNIT FEET KIP JOINT COQRD.INATES 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0.0 3.28 0.0 3 0.89 6.61 0.0 4 3. 3 3 9.05 0.0 5 6.66 9.94 0.0 6 9.99 9.05 0.0 7 12. 4 3 6. 61 0.0 8 13 . 3 2 3 . 2 8 0.0 9 13 . 3 2 0.0 0.0 MEMBER INCIDENCES 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8. 9 START USER TABLE TABLE 1 UNIT INCHES GENERAL LEG! 0.936 5. 9 4 .25 6.54 .375 4.14 4.32 1 1.17 1.32 0 0 0 0 END UNIT INCHES KIP MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN 1 TO 8 UPTABLE 1 LEG! MEMBER RELEASE 1 END MZ 2 START MZ 4 END MZ 5 START MZ 7 END MZ 8. START MZ CONSTANT PAGE.NO. 1 . 9.3 6 .936 User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP . ", ~~ \ ,, . . FRAME --PAGE NO·,i ,C • ', 2 42. E 29000. ALL 43. PRINT MEMBER INFORMATION ALL • • . User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME --PAGE NO. 3 MEMBER INFORMATION ------------------ MEMBER START END LENGTH BETA JOINT JOINT ( INCH) (DEG) RELEAS-ES 1 1 2 39.360 .oo o o o o o o o o o o·o 1 2 2 3. 4i.363 .·OO 000001000000 3 3 4 41.408 .oo 4 4 5 41.363 . o·o 000000000001 5 5 6 41.363 .00 o o o o o 1 o o·o o o o 6 6 7 41.408 .00 7 7 8 41.363 .00 000000000001 8 8 9 39.360 .00 00000f000000 *+++++++*+++ END OF DATA FROM INTERNAL STORAGE+++***++++++ 44. SUPPORT 45. 1 FIXED 46. 9 FIXED • 47. DRAW JOINT MEMB SUPP PROP • ,• User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING G,ROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 4 --10 H> z -I Ul Ul N --< X C: z z z z -I :I -I :t :I :I z r UI 111, :I I., -< Jl Jl mm > > > H 1J -c:: m ---1- X X X -I II II II II II m C1 < Ul II II II > -I Nm H II -1J C: z Jl N > C1 1J m N N-:i:: r 0 -ISi U1 ISi N ISi CD ID > w 0 ID ID " z > H m -I H W ID -ISi w CD 1J H ID > H CD Li:,G I • 0 :::rJ )> ::;: L, 0 f-1 z -l 3: rn 3: OJ Ul U1 C 7) 7) • 7) :::0 0 7) LEGI ID CD CD • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME - -PAGE NO. 5 48. UNIT FEET KlP 49. LOAD 1 DEAD + LIVE 50. MEMBER LOAD 5 1 . 2 UNI GY -. 19 6 52. 3 UNI GY - . l 9 6 53. 4 UNI GY - . 19 6 54. 5 UNI GY -.196 55. 6 UNI GY - . 196, 56. 7 UNI GY -.196 57. LOAD 2 WIND FROM LEFT 58. MEMBER LOAD 59. 1 UNI GX . 0·9 4 60. 2 UN-I GX .094 61. 3 UNI GX .094 62. 4 UNI GX .094 63. LOAD COMB 3 DL + LL + WL 64. 1 1 . 2 1 . 65. PERFORM ANALYSIS P R O B L E M S T A T I S T I C S ----------------------------------- NUMBER OF JOIN.TS /MEMBER+ELEMENTS I SUPPORTS 9 / st· 2 ORIGINAL/ FINAL BAND--IDTH = l / 1 TOT~L PRIMARY LOAD CASES 2, TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM 21 SIZE OF STIFFNESS MATRIX= 126 DOUBLE PREC. ORDS REQRD/AVAIL. DISK SPACE= 12.01/ 220.8 MB, EXMEM = 1962.9 MB ++ Processing Element Stiffness Matrix. ++ Processing Global S,ti ffness Matrix. ++ Processing Triangular Factorization. ++ Calculating Joint Dis~lacements. + + C a l c u l a t i n g Me mb e r F o r c e .s . 66. PRINT MEMBER FORCES ALL 21:21:14 21:21:14 21:21:14 21:21:14 21:2-1:14 User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME • • PAGE NO. 6 MEMBER END FORCES ST.RUCTURE TYPE -PLANE ----------------- ALL UNITS ARE --KIP FEET MEMBER LOAD JT AXIAL SHEAR-Y SHEAR-Z TORSION MOM-Y MOM-Z 1 1 1 2.03 • . 7 7 .00 .00 . 0,0 -2. 51 · 2 -2.03 .77 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 1 - . 3 0 ,98 ,_O 0 .00 .00 2.70 2 .30 • . 6 7 .00 .00 :oo .00 3 1 1. 7 3 . 2 1 .00 .00 .00 .19 2 • 1 . 7 3 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 1 2 2. 16 - . 2 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 - 1 . 5 0 . 3 9 .00 .00 .00 -1.05 2 2 - . 4 7 . 5 7 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 . 3 8 -.26 .oo .00 .00 1 . 4 2 3 2 1 . 6 9 .35 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 · 1. ·1 2 . 13 . .00 .00 .00 . 3 7 3 1 3 1 . 5 0 . 4 1 .00 .00 .00 1.05 4 - 1 . 0 2 .06 .00 .00 .00 -.44 • 2 3 -.46 .03 .00 .00 .00 -1.42 4 .23 .20 .00 .·O 0 .00 1 . 1 3 3, 3 1.04 .44 . ·o o .00 .00 - . 3 7 4 - . 7 9 . 2.6 .00 .00 .00 .69 4 1 4 .91 .45 .00 .00 .00 .44 5 - . 7 4 .20 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 4 - . 10 • . 2 9 .00 .00 .00 - 1 . 1 3 5 - . 21 .. 3 7 .oo .00 .00 .00 3 4 .. 8 2 . 1 7 .00 . 0 0 .00 - . 6 9 5 - . 9 5 .57 .00 .00 .00 .00 5 1 5 .74 .20 .00 .00 .00 .00 6 - . 9 1 .45 .00 .00 .00 -.44 2 5 . 3 7 - . 2 1 .00 .00 .00 .00 6 - . 3 7 .21 .00 .00 .00 - . 7 4 3 5 1 . 11 -.02 .00 .00 .00 .00 6 -'l. 2 8 .67 .00 .00 . 0 0 -1. 1 8 6 1 6 l.Q2 .06 .00 .00 .00 .44 • 7 -1. 5 0 .41 .00 .00 .00 - 1 . 0 5 2 6 .43 .00 .00 .00 .00 .74 7 - . 4 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 - . 7 4 3 6 1.45 .06 .00 .00 .00 l . 1 8 7 - 1 . 9 3 .41 .00 .00 .00 - 1 . 7 9 7 1 7 1 . 5 0 ; ~ 9 .00 .00 .00 1.05 8 - 2 : 16 - . 2 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 FRAME MEMBER END FORCE'S STRlJCTURE TYPE -----------------ALL UNITS ARE --KIP FEET MEMBER LOAD JT AXIAL SiiEAR-Y 2 7 .37 . 2 1. 8 • . 3 7 - . 2 1 3 7 1 . 8 7 .61 8 -2.53 - . 4 3 8 1 8 2.03 .77 9 -2.03 • . 7 7 2 8 .30 .30 9 - . 3 0 • . 3 0 3 8 2,33 1 . 0 7 9 -2.33 - 1 . 0 7 67. PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONS • • ,PLANE SHEAR-Z .00 . 0 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 User ID: BllRG~S ENGINEERING GROUP TORSION .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PAGE NO. 7 MOM-Y .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 MOM-Z .74 .00 1 . 7 9 .00 .00 2.51 .00 .99 .00 3. 5 0 User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME - -PAGE NO. 8 SUPPORT REACTIONS -UNl'.f KIP FEET STRUCTURE TYPE PLANE ----------------- JOINT LOAD FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM z 1 1 .77 2.03 .00 .00 .00 -2.51 2 - . 9 8 - . 3 0 ,00 .00 .00 2.70 3 - . 21 1 . 7 3 .00 .00 .00 .19 9 1 - . 7 7 i.o3 .00 . 0,0 .00 2 . 5 1 2 - . 3 0 .30 .00 . 0,0 .00 .99 3 -1.07 2.33 . 0-0 .00 .00 3. 5 0 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT************** 68. DRAW MSD 3 MZ VAL • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEER,JNG GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 9 -I 0 U) H> N -< X C z z z z z -I -I U) :I -I :I :I ::i: z r U1 IT1 :I .... -< :a :a mm > > > .... "'O C: IT1 -I X x. )( -I II II II II II m C'l < U) II II II > NITl -I '11 II C -"'O IT1 N > :a IT1 "'O m N N--I r 0 -s w N s CD [O > 0 w [O w ;,;: z > .t>. [O 1-1 IT1 -I 1-1 s [O w "'O H [O > 1-1 CD :I 0 X 3 C 3 II w U1 ISi [O ISi w • 0 :0 )> ::E: :3: (J] 0 w :3: N < )> r • :I 0 :I m -.J z U1 -I. :I N r z II w • • FRAME 69. FINISH *************** END OF STAAD-Ili *************** **** DATE= SEP 10,1998 TIME= 21:21:14 **** *************.**•***************************************** * F o r q u e s t i o-n s on S TAAD-I I I , con t a c t : * * ~esearcb Engineers, Inc at * * West Coast: Ph-(714) 974-2500 Fax-{714) .921-2543 * * East Coast: Ph-(508} 688-3626 Fax-(508) 685-7230 * ********************************************************* • • ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP ,,,t / J/~ ,,bd ,c;I d .c &?cY-/t'A4 ~ ;; 6-hf /;;ef::, .,4,;,mt., M };c/-LP.t1a!. /'-= t'.G ~? 1$ I,v / Je91.V 7 &,,p,,-e_ ,P/A/ "9-/ e°'_5 )C ,Y I &.o /),() I '2-t).o ~.3{) 3 o, 'fo ~84 4 $,SIJ-~ ,4-Z,,: 7. 37 l <S" '7.c?7 : ~ /p,t,/ 8,4-Z... 7. -/3,to £84-1 , ' I B. /4-,/4 ~-~b. .. , <j 14:14--(9,'.(> t:.. 19,0 C), () tJ. D J.o t),D. o. 0 c),'.0 .. __ b,o tJ, o; PAGE:_..,_ __ of __ _ JOB#: .7'$.?' /.s-pJZ. DATE: "J' ~ / .tJ -9g NAME: J.I SI./,,.. t).,P z; .I ffe,;- 0, tr?J4-'7/r- I ,; .. · ~ :. ·:. fr:·.:; < • f' ;t' :' r·· ,· i:·.· ,: " . . , ,t· :· !•' ,., / . •, ). ,• :!.'i /: .. yr. i.: ,. ~/', ;~ .... ' .. ~ .. ' j·: le·.·:· ;:;·, ;:_,,, j~ ,: :r·. l.1:f/11·-· ·. -1:.J/ l '::i'it:.:: J. ( • :.. 1. S::: .,. .... .. User ID: I}URGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE NO. 1 ***************************4****'****'************ * * * s T A A D -II I * * Rev i s I o 11 22.3 * * Proprietary Progra of * * Research Eu g· 1'11 e er s , I 11 C • * * Date= S.EP· 1 0 , 1998 * * Ti e= 16:25:58 * * * * USER ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP * ***********************~****~*'****'************** 1 . STAAD PLANE FRAME 2. INPUT WIDTH 72 3. UNIT FEET KIP 4. JOINT COORDINATES 5. 1 0.0 0. 0 0.0 6. 2 0.0 2.30 0.0 7. 3 0.95 5 . 8 4 0.0 8 . 4 3. 5 4 8.42 0.0 9. 5 7.07 9.37 0.0 1 0 . 6 10.61 8.42 0.0 1 1 . 7 13 . 2 0 5.84 0.0 • 12. 8 1 4. 14 2.30 0.0 13. 9 14. 14 0.0 0.0 14. MEMBER INCIDENCES 15 . 1 1 2 16. 2 2 3 17. 3 3 4 1 8 . 4 4 5 19. 5 5 6 20. 6 6 7 21. 7 7 8 22. 8 8 9 23. START USER TABLE 24. TABLE 1 25. UNIT INCHES 26. GENERAL 27. LEG! 28. 0.936 5. 9 4 .25 6.54 .375 4.14 4.32 1 1.17 1.32 .936 .936 29. 0 0 0 0 30. END 31. UNIT INCHES KIP • 32. MEMBER PROPERTY AMERICAN 33. 1 TO s·UPTABLE 1 LEG! 34. MEMBER RELEASE 35. 1 END MZ 36. 2 START MZ 37. 4 END MZ 38. 5 START MZ 39. 7 END MZ 40. 8 START MZ 41. CONSTANT User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME • • PAGE NO. 2 42. E 29000. ALL 43. PRINT MEMBER INFORMATION ALL • • • • User lD: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME - -PAGE' NO. 3 MEMBER INFORMATION _____________ .. ____ MEMBER START END LENGTH BETA JOINT JOINT (INCH) (DEG) RELEASES 1 1 2 27.600 .00 000000000001 2 2 3 43.983 .00 000001000000 3 3 4 43.869 .00 4 4 5 43.867 . o·o 0 0 0 0·0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l 5 5 G 43.983 .00 000001000000 6 6 7 43.869 .<HJ 7 7 8 43. 952 .00 o·o o o o o o o o o o 1 8 8 9 27.600 .00 000001000000 ************ END OF DATA FROM INTERNAL STORAGE ************ 4 4. SUPPORT 4 5. 1 FIXED 4 6. 8 FIXED 47. DRAW JOINT MEMB SUPP PROP User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 4 -l 0 U1 ,-,:,,. N -< X C: z z z z ·z -l -l U1 ::i: -l ::i: ::i: ::i: z r U1 rn ::i: '--< :n :n rn rn > > > .... -0 C: rn -l X X X -l II II II II ,11 rn n < U1 Ii II II -l > -rn .... II C: 01 -0 z :n "' > n -0 rn "' N-J: r 0 Ul SI 01 SI "' SI CD lD > 0 w "' !!I ;,; z > U1 -.... rn -l CD lD 51 .t,. -.J -0 > .... !!I .... CD (,!> 6'.,... • 0 :IJ )> ::::: L, 0 1-i z -j ::s:: rn ::s:: m tf1 U1 C Li Li • Li :IJ 0 Li 01 LEGI !!I CD CD • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME --PAGE NO. 5 48. UNIT FEET KIP 49. LOAD 1 DEAD + LIVE 50. MEMBER LOAD 5 1 . 2 UNI GY -. 19 6 52. 3 UNI GY -.196 53. 4 UNI GY -.196 54. 5 UNI GY - . 19 6 55. 6 UNI GY - . 19 6 56. 7 UNI GY -. 19 6 57. LOAD 2 WIND FROM LEFT 58. MEMBER LOAD 59. 1 UNI GX 0.094 60. 2 UNI GX 0. 0 9 4 6 1 . 3 UNI GX 0.094 62. 4 UNI GX 0. 0 9 4 63. LOAD COMB 3 DL + LL 64. 1 1 . 2 1 . 65. PERFORM ANALYSIS P R O B L E M S T A T I S T I C S NUMBER OF JOINTS /ME,MBER+E:LEMENTS I SUPPORTS 9/ 8 / ORIGINAL/FINAL BAND, IDTII = 1/ 1 2, TOTAL DEGREES OF FREEDOM~ 12 6 DOUBLE J>llEC. ORDS 2 TOTAL PRIMARY LOAD CASES SIZE OF STIFFNESS MATRIX= REQRD/AVAIL. DISK SPACE= 1 2 . 0 1 / 2 2 1 . 2 MB , EXMEM = 1 9 6 3 . 9 MB ++ Processing Element Stiffness Matrix. ++ Processing Global Stiffness Matrix. ++ Processing Triangular Factorization. ***WARNING -IMPROPER LOAD WI LL CAUSE INSTABILITY DIRECTION= MZ PROBABLE CAUSE MODELING PROBLEM ++ Calculating Joint Displacements. ++ Calculating Member Forces. 66. PRINT MEMBER FORCES ALL 16:25:58 16:25:58 16:25:58 AT JOINT 9 .000E+00 16:25:58 16:25:58 21 User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME --PAGE NO. 6 MEMBER END FORCES STRUCTURE TYPE PLANE ----------------- ALL UNITS ARE --KIP FEET MEMBER LOAD JT AXIAL SHEAR-Y SIIEAR-Z TORSION MOM-Y MOM-Z 1 2.15 -. 8 1 .00 .00 .00 -I . 8 7 2 -2.15 . 8-l .00 .00 .00 .00 2 1 -.32 .93 .00 .00 .00 1 . 8 8 2 .32 -. 7 1 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 1 1 . 8 3 . I 1 .00 .00 .00 . 0 1 2 -1 . 8 3 . 1 0 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 1 2 2.29 -. 2 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 -1 . 5 9 .41 .00 .00 .00 -1 . 1 8 2 2 -.49 .60 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 .40 -.27 .00 . 0,0 .00 1 . 6 0 3 2 1 . 7 9 .. 3 8 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 -1 . 1 9 . 14 .00 .00 .00 .43 3 1 3 1 . 5 9 .44 .00 .00 .00 1 . 1 8 4 -1. 0 8 .07 .00 .00 .00 -.49 • 2 3 -. 4 9 .03 .. 0 0 .00 .00 -1. 6 0 4 . 24 . 2 1 . 0 o . .00 .00 1 .27 3 3 1 . I 0 .47 .00 .00 . 0 () -. 4 3 4 -.84 .28 .00 • O·O .00 .78 4 4 .97 .48 .00 .00 .00 .49 5 -. 7 9 .21 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 4 -. 11 · . 3 0 .oo .00 .00 -1 . 2 7 5 -. 2 3 .39 .00 . 0-0 .00 .00 3 4 .87 .. 18 .00 .00 .00 -.78 5 -1.01 .60 .oo .00 .00 .00 5 1 5 .79 .21 .00 .00 .00 .00 6 -. 9 7 .48 .,0 0 . 0,0 .00 -. 5 0 2 5 . 3 9 -. 2 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 6 -. 3 9 .23 .00 .00 .00 -, 8 3 3 5 1 . 1 8 -.02 .00 .00 .00 ·. 0 0 6 -1 . 3 6 . 7 I .00 .00 .00 -I . 3 3 6 1 6 1.08 .06 .00 .00 .00 .50 • 7 -1 . 5 9 .·4 4 .00 .00 .00 -I. 1 9 2 6 ,45 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,83 7 -. 4 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 -.83 3 6 1 .54 .06 .. , 0 0 .00 ,00 1 .33 7 -2. 0 4 .44 ,00 .00 .00 -2.03 7 1 7 1.60 >42 .00 .OQ .00 1.19 8 -2.29 -. 2 3 .00 .00 . 0 0 .oo User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME - -PAGE NO. . 7 MEMBER END FORCES STRUCTURE TYPE PLANE .., _________________ ALL UNITS ARE - -KIP FEET MEMBER LOAD JT AXIAL SIIEAR-Y SiIEAR-Z TORSION MOM-Y MOM-Z 2 7 .39 • 23 .00 .00 .00 .83 8 - . 3 9 - . 2 3 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 7 1.99 .65 . ,O 0 .00 .00 2. 0 3 8 -2. 6 8 -.46 .00 .00 .00 .00 8 1 8 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 9 .00 .. 0 0 .QO .00 .00 .00 2 8 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 8 .00 .00 . o·o .00 .00 .00 9 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RE.SULT************** • 67. PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONS · • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME --PAGE NO. 8 SUPPORT REACTIONS -UNIT KIP FEET S'j:'RUCTURE TYPE -PLANE ----------------- JOINT LOAD FORCE-X FORCE-Y FORCE-Z MOM-X MOM-Y MOM z 1 . 8 1 2 . 1 5 .00 .00 .00 - 1 . 8 7 2 - . 9 3 - . 3 2 .00 .00 .00 1 . 8 8 3 - . 1 1 1.83 .00 .00 .00 .01 8 1 - . 8 1 2. 15 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 - . 3 2 . 3 2 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 - 1 . 1 3 2.47 .00 .00 .00 .00 ************** END OF LATEST ANALYSIS RESULT************** 68. DRAW MSD 3 MZ VAL • • User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME PAGE NO. 9 -i a c.n H)> N -< X C z z z z z -I c.n :::i: -I ui :i: t... -< -I :i: :::i: :i: z r rn :n :n rn rn > > > '1J rn -I C X X X -I II II II II II rn (') < c.n II II II > -I -rn "11 II m -o C rn :n N > rn '1J' rn N N--I r a Ul tSI ..., -w N tSI CD lO > w a lO b. ;:,;: z > Ul -rn H lO lO '1J -I tSI b. > lO H CD ::i: 0 X 3 C 3 II N ISl w tSI tSI m • 0 :n )> ::;: 3: U1 0 w 3: N < )> r • :::i: a :::i: rn lO tSI z w w -I ISl w :::i: N r z II w User ID: BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP FRAME • •