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r ,,~~ \ ~~r City of Carlsbad 07/29/1999 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No: CB991816 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: 1 LEGO DR CBAD COMMIND 2111000900 Sub Type: Lot#: Status: ISSUED Valuation: $400,000.00 Construction Type: COMM 0 NEW Applied: 05/10/1999 Occupancy Group: Reference #: Entered By: JM Project Title: LEGOLAND Plan Approved: 07/08/1999 WATER CAROSSEL lssu~92 o79'M))3#9@§o1 01 Applicant: BURGESS JOHN 227 22921 TRITON WAY LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653 760-918-5469 Total Fees: Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee BTD #2 Fee BTD #3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Inspect Area: PD C-PRMT Owner: _.LiGGbAND CARLSBAD INC <LF> LEGO . -~ C/O FINANCE~E>EPT / ~ 5600 AYENIDA,ENCl~AS #130 / ~ /~~08~ / A @~ ~<20),_\ $0.00 $2,126.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00 $110.00 $15.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,986.28 lnspectod~----- FINAL APPROVAL Date: 1 · f } · o/) Clearance: _____ _ NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your projecUncludes the "Imposition· of fees,_ dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest-imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and.any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cartsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest.the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or.service fees in connection with tnis project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv othetwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Or., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 02 2126u01 PERMIT AP~J-ICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 {760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ~1/<? JI PLAN CHECK NO._l2J..-.... _ ..... tf..,_ l{Lj_~_ .EST. VAL. ____________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit-===-----,--,..._ Validated By_~~~~._-.~..,.....,,__- Date __ ~------.H--V<W--r-:?'l Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total # of units Assessor's Parcel # Exjsting Use Proposed Use Name Address City· State/Zip Telephone# ilf.~N~iaW't1Al1~11iiiZ.~~if.i!l;~!';:&1~£~;'l~~qf~:§,~i.'l:~<@%\'1i0'~.f.&,JJ,,,;,fa;#;~J.;.;~~~¼fJl½!i~~ (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is· licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000.of Division 3 of the Business and Professions C9del or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). Name ,,, ·Address : . ·,1, ,, City State/Zip Telephone# State License # _________ · _,,. license 1Class _'_•· __ .,..... _____ _ City Business License # _______ _ Designer Name . State License•#: ·" ,; llr Address ~ --eJ ·-,·;, ·~ .. ·t, .. > City .. ::-. Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby},ftirm under penalty of,p~_rjury one of the following.declarations: State/Zip Telephone D I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to seJf,insure for workers' pompen5ation as provided by·Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. D I have and will maintain workers' compensation,·as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company __________ ~---------Policy No·-----~------Expiration Date _______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERNIIT IS FOR-ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($.1001 OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEl't'IPTION: I certify that In the performailce of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the.Workers' Compensation Laws'ofCalifornia. WARNING: FaUure to secure workers' compensation coverage la unlawful, !In~ shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to ·one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), In additlon·to the cost of compen_sation, damages aa provided tor·ln Section 3706 of the Labor-code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE __________ -'-:,----.,..---,---,----------------~---,--DATE ___ ~-'------- ;~~li(«IJ:QE.i{DJ~)\tfprli.i,J~~-~tZ,:i;~~~pJ,~\~~~~~~~?f~f{~'!f?~~b~~\~~':i~~t;~J:~\i¾'~!~t{~\\?f~~::f1:l I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the· Contractor's License·_Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property: or my employees 'with wages -as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License t.:aw. does not apply to an owner of property w(lo builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or-offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving .that he did not·build or improve fpr the purpose of sale). OZ[ I, as owner of the property, am exclusiyely contracting with licensed c;ontractors to constwct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an own.er of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D I am exempt under Section ----'----Business and Professions Code for this reason: ,. 2. 3. ~o 4. I plan to provide portions of the work;but I have hired the following-person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number/ contractors license number): · 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have co of work): _________ /I-J~-l--/....l----,~-1------./-,~4-'+--...,.<;1----,t.'./------'-----+---~-~---------- Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the-Presley-Tanner·Hazardoils Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to olitain 1 permit from the air pollution control' district or air quality management district? 0 YES O NO . ' . Is the facility to be constructed within _1,000 feet,of the: outer_ boundary, of a school site?. 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. fs~~(lN$1iWAI§~ ~~--~. ., ~ t~f ~-. ~'i:~W~K-~~~!~~&~E~~f~~t~~~~~:5;:f!:*~~~~~~~Jff;x:i~~~;~;t~~.,-;:{~i:~~:,1 .~~~~~~~-;~f-~F::- 1 hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the· performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS ls'~ASl~W"~§8:t.ifJ¢'A1®.~~~™~'B-~~~~~i1~4iffi~~-~:l!tJ'.1$'~fJi'~/;f;~;r~~~~~~i:~t1 I certify that I have read· the application and state that the above. information is correct and that the information on the plans Is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO ·SAVE, INDENINIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH.MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSl;OUENC!: OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over s•o·· deep and demolition or. construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the B er the provislons of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permi · enc within 365 days· . t~e date ot such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any tim er th com enced for a period of 18 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). t I _,_7 ,__-'-;:::::::::;;;;;---=;..-----------'-· DATE 1..9 {:) ? o/ I ; /-/ YELLOW: Applica~t PINK: firian9e "' To Don Neu City of Carlsbad Building Dep From Jim Fend Copy to Mike Pet LEGO._:JD. CALIFORNIA Memo/Report Date 5/19/99 Extension Initials. 460 GP RE: Response to Planning Department Building Plan Review Checklist. 1) The Water Carousel is replacing the Construction Site attraction (1-360), which was part of the original site development package previously submitted by LEGOLAND. 2) Site Plan: Please see the attached three (3) copies of the site plan with the Water Carousel located and clouded in red. 3) Please see attached ride manufacturer's spec sheet showing ride height.elevations to scale. Also please refer to the previously submitted structural drawing, S 100, designating height elevation of proposed shade structure. (Approx. 8' 6" in height) 13133-B LEGOLAND California Inc. One LEGO Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 USA tel: (760) 918-5300, Fax: (760) 918-5459 ' fnspection List Permit#: CB991816 Type: COMMIND COMM LEGOLAND Date Inspection Item lnspect9r Act Comments 9/2/99 38 Signs TP co NOT·COMPLETE 8/31/99 89 Final Combo TP PA FINAL PNDING SIGN APPVL 8/26/99 19 Final Structural PD co 8/26/99 39 Final Electrical PD co 8/25/99 39 Final Electri9al TP CA PER CONT. 8/12/99 34 Rough Electric PD AP 8/6/99 24 Rough/Topout PD AP 8/6/99 61 Footing PD AP 8/5/99 31 Underground/Coriduit-Wirin PD AP 8/3/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 8/3/99 12 Steel/Bond Beam PD AP 8/3/99 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD AP 7/30/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Pb AP 7/28/99 12 Steel/Bond Beam PD PA 7/26/99 12 Steel/Bond Beam PD AP 7/23/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD CA 7/22/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers SP PA RET. WALL 7/21/99 11 Ftg/Foundatiori/Piers PD AP 7/21/99 34 Rough Electric PD · AP BONDING 7/20/99 63 Walls PD CA 7/19/99 65 Retaining Walls PD AP 7/16/99 61 Footing PD PA WALL 7/15/99 63 Walls PD AP 7/14/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP SLAB 7/14/99 12 Steel/Bond Beam PD AP 7/9/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP PARTIAL 7/9/99 31 Underground/Conduit-Wirin PD AP PARTIAL Wednesday, October 20, 1999 Page 1 of 1 .. --. City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 8/25/99 Permit# CB991816 Title: LEGOLAND Description: WATER CAROSSEL Type: COMMIND Sub Type: COMM Job Address: 1 LEGO DR Suite: Lot _Q Location: APPLICANT BURGESS JOHN Owner: LEGOLAND CARLSBAD INC <Li=> LEGO Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments Inspector Assignment: PD --- Phone: 6199219289 Inspector:£ Requested By: WES Entered By: CHRISTINE 39 Final Electrical bl /%.Jt.?fmlf._ 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical - - Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 8/12/99 34 Rough Electric AP PD 8/6/99 24 Roughffopout AP PD 8/6/99 61 Footing AP PD 8/5/99 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring AP PD 8/3/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 8/3/99 12 Steel/Bond Beam AP PD 8/3/99 31 Underground/Conduit-Wiring AP PD 7/30/99 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers AP PD 7/28/99 12 Steel/Bond Beam PA PD 7/26/99 12 Steel/Bond Beam AP PD 7/23/99 11 Fig/Foundation/ Piers CA PD 7/22/99 11 Fig/Foundation/ Piers PA SP RET._WALL 7/21/99 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers AP PD 7/21/99 34 Rough Electric AP PD BONDING 7/20/99 63Walls CA PD 7/19/99 65 Retaining Walls AP PD ~6/~1/1999 1~:59 I:,.!. '.:C9~[177 l ~11-:.:: -.:::: -.. _ n -=· -.mc:-:;:Qm\>I!•~. RECEIVED JUN 211999 Leighton and Associates GEOTECHNICAL CONS UL. TANTS .... To: Attention: Subject: • References: Legoland Estates AG 1 Lego Drive June 21, 1.999 Carlsbad, California 92008 Mr. Richard Apel Ans'd .••••••••••• -Prqject No. 4960151-009 Plan Review, Wacer Carousel, LEGOLAND, Carlsbad, California Leighton ~d Associates~ 1996, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation, Lego Family Park, Carlsbad Ranch, Carlsbad, California.-Project No. 4960151-001, dated July 23.., 1996 .Burgess Engineering Group, Legoland Water Ca-rou:;eI, Civil and Structural Plans, dateq June 4, 1999, Sheets CIO0, C200, SlO0, SH>l, Sl02, Sl03, and S200. In accordance with your request, we herein provide our c;;.omments regarding the review of the civil and structural, plans for the Water Carousel for Legolmld, Carlsbad, California. Based on our review, it is our opinion that the plans are in general confonn.ance with the recommendations presented in our above-referenced report. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. Respectfully .submitted, ····· LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~4~ (fa G. Franzm1e, RCE 39S52 Director of Engineering Distribution: (2) Addressee (1) Burgess Engineering Group, Attention: Mr. fohn Bws:ess FAX 949.588.7216 3934 MURPHY CANYON RO.AD', SUITE B205 S A N D I E G O , C A 9 2··"1 2 3 • 4 4 2 '5 (619) 292~8030 -FAX (61,9) 292•Q771 SEE MULTIPLE SPECIAL INSPECTIONS SCANNED S,EPARATELY PLAN CHECK NUMBER FOR MANY OTHER CB'S ALS,O SEE CB971460{OUTER PARK) CB971465(ADMIN BLDG) in\l level Jollhoehe Min t4S t -BO +ll." Profile Schnitt A-B ill. Anchoring device Ankervorrichtun ArMouring ArMi~r!Jllg r roMing 'Noll RondMouer F oundotion ririg r undoMentring I 2 ,3 TNDDE . 4 TNDDE TNO~ TNDDE 6 '·,::·: Detail X Einzelheit X H 1:10 Foundatlqn ring to be based eorthqlJl)ke ond frost proof Border wa~ to be based· earthquake proof DiMensions in CM Elect,rica\ supply pipe !eyed Into ground fol.llilotioo ring to· be node centricly to the riddle .end even ofter levelled After 'foundo.tioo-ring is hardened, bolt together anchoring device centricoll· to. the Middle end right angled to drection of star <Dromg 58 ·30 02 Oil Adjust anchoring device centricnlly, vertical end witKiolS·c_n hight toleroncf 0:rl!l fix it on top of fO!Jldation mg by dowelling Cost border wall of· the Island. ATTENT!O~ Position of the ,orl!=horlng device hos to be "oi'ltoined After border ·wall is hardened and water .bosri is cooted, drop the delivered flat bar pieces vertical on the ~reeded ends r o{ of lla~ri hos to be extended to the edge of the border 101! end fixed to, the upper edge 1 • u • • • • • . I • j I I jl ljl 11 1111 I I ij II --B-Funclonentring erclbebensicher uncl frostf~ei 9r?nden Ronclnouer erdbebensicher ousf?hren! Mooe 1n CM · I StrOl'lzuleitung verlegen. TNDDE 2 rundonentring zentrisch ~ur Hitte e~en und in 'w'ooge herstellen. 3 'w'em F undoMentring obgebunden Air!AAG,lilfrichtung zentrlsch zur Mitte und rec_htwinklig zur T reppenrichtung wsoi>Menschrouben. ( Zeichn. 58 30 02 01 > 4 Ankervorrlchtung zentrisch , senkrecht und Mit IO,Scn H1hendifferenz einjustieren und ouf del'I Fundonentring festdlbeln. 5 Rondnouer der lnsel gieiien. Achtung! Loge der Ankervorrichtung erholten 6 'w'enn Rondnouer obgebunden und 'w'osserbecken nit F olie hergestellt wird Mitgelieferte rtachstohlst?cke senkrecht ouf die Gewindeenden schieben. 7 folie f1r Folienbecken bis on die Oberkonte der RondMouer f?hren und on oberen Rend bef estigen. None Do.tun ,.,, Zonder 20l!Jm ZIERER Lego Corlsbod USA Ride, and Pam Gmb: ·~;r "'· Vildwosserrondell WR3/6 ?d?IO !NNO-Heege _ _[undo_f'l_entplon _,oundotion pion GnbH fu, 8eri. Ile•. Pr9'ecf?IJ600l I CAO-l-lo_4~C0600l\z""Cr'rb\~80016 t '*"" 58 00 16 _l ,,;:;~t t:f~ jl :;,t'/1:? ·,1i' w, ./.-- { \ Independent Testing & Engineering Services for Energy Systems August 4, 1999 City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Attention: Mr. Pat Kelly San Diego Area Office 9835 CARROLL CENTER RD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126-6507 (619) 695-9551 FAX (619) 695-0861 AM~OP g-e, GLOIAL ENERGY s.r.mcu Subject: Equipment Labeling Evaluation of a new ride, Aqua Zone, located at Legoland. ETI Reference No.: 229-4991 Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is to advise you that Electro-Test, Inc. (ETI) has been retained to perform an equipment labeling evaluation on the electrical systems for the following equipment located at Legoland: · <· · ·, ..... · . ·. . . . .. Type Mfg. Model No Serial No's Rating .. ,,. ,- Two (2), Aqua Zone Amusement Ride Control Panels Heega WWR3H 5899-2 and 5899-3 208 VAC, 63 amps, 3 phase, 60 HZ. We visited the jobsite on August 4, 1999 to visually examine the equipment and found it to be generally in conformance with applicable electrical standards with the following exceptions: Equipment rating information is to be added to the nameplates, non-listed fuses are to be replaced, EMO buttons require a yellow background, disconnect power and fuse replacement signs are required and the electrical schematics require corrections. When the above discrepancies have been corrected, we will submit a final report for your review and approval. ETI requires power to the equipment so that we may complete our testing with the equipment under normal, full .load operating conditions. ' • ' •, : '. ,P, '."' • • •' ' ~, ( • ' •, -· .... , .. . '-· .. ' - If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please give either Leif Hoagberg or myself a call at (619) 695-9551. Best regards, ELECTRO-TEST, INC. :D(S'"?Aw~ Don Weber Senior Compliance Engineer Copy Mr. Pete Kowny Legoland AUG 04 '99 12:06PM ET! SAN DIEGO Independent Testing & Engineering Services for Energy Systems August 4, 1999 City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department 2075 Las Pa!mas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Attention: Mr. Pat Kelly P.2/3 San Diego Area Office 9835 CARROLL CENTER RD. SIJITE 103 SAN DIEGO. CA92128~507 (619) 695-9551 FAA (619) 595.oee1 Subject: Equipment Labeling Evatuation of a new ride, Aqua Zone, located at Legoland. ETI Reference No.: 229-4991 Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is to advise you that Electro-Te.st, Inc. (ETI) has been retained to perform an equipment labeling evaluation on th~ electrical sy$tems for the following equipment located at Legoland: Type Mfg. Model No $erial ~o's Rating Two (2), Aqua Zon~ Amusement Ride Control Panels ~~a . WWR3H 5899-2 and 5899-3 208 VAC, 63 amps, 3 phase, 60 HZ. · We visited the jobsite or, August 4, 1999 to visually examine the equipment ahd found it to be generally in conformance with applicable electrical standards with the following exceptions: Equipment rating information is to be added to the nameplates, non-listed fuses are to be replaced, EMO buttons require a yell0w background, disconnect power and fuse replacement signs are required and the electrical-~chematics require corrections. When th~ above discrepancies have been corrected, we will submit a final report for your review and approval. · ETI requires power to the equipment so· that we may complete our testing with the equipment under normal, full load operating conditions. AUG 04 '99 12:06PM ETI SAN DIEGO . P.3/3 If you have any questions, ,or if we can be of further service, please give either Leif Hoegberg or myself a call at (619) 695-9551. Best regards, ELECTRO-TEST, INC. :D~w~ Don Weber Senior Compliance Engineer Copy Mr. Pete Kowny Legoland Page f of __ --~ -, -- CLIENT ~o/qnd DATE C) r·z:...8-99 INSPECTION REPORT PRO~ECT (lllamQ) z~~ (A_. ddress)-C:);,e, l~(f) -£lr.~-(4; /sr:Jj[J.. : . Archite.ct __ --'-'----------'---'----------'-'--,-- REPORT NO.-,--....,.....,-_,.,....--.........,.-__,--"-'-~ Building Permit No. C l3 _'t<:f,ej.6 Engineer ~tl·f'f/~fl> i?rlfl'r1eectwr kroclf? . -Contr~ctor. D pjZ, W?"1$ fucf-fe;a - Pl.an .File No. __ ...:.· ..... -__ ------''-=-=-----__,--,,-- -Govt: Contract No. -"-~-----··-,-c--~-~-'--'--',-'-'-'---'--'-- 0$A·or OSHPD-#------~~~_____,...,...,.,.__,.,,--,.---,,-',-----,-~~---,- . -INSPECTION , _-Ql3HPD _QSA _Specialty _fv1echanlcal _ Electrical __ Roofing .6C6ricrete _M1:1sionry _-·struct Steel __ Prestress Cone ___ Pile0Driving ___ ---f=ireproofing __ Waterproofing, _____ Noh-Destructive _ Soils Technician ·__ Batch . .Plant ____ Bolt Pull-Out -MAT'L SAMPLING L Concrete Cylinders _ ___ C(;!me11t __ _ _ ___ -Mortar Samples -_._Grout Sam·ples __ Masonry Prisms _ Masonry Block ___ :Fireproofing -• Units (block or brick) __ Asphalt Concrete ____ Roofing ._Heinf, Steel ___ Steel ____ J,1.S. Bolts .-----Ten~on (PT Strands} - _-Other_ -: Qther ____ "'"' ____ Other-'---~- O)l _ -M~T~RIA~.DESCRl~TION ~ _ Rinf.. Rel:>ar _ ---_ -_· __ --Pian & Specs~-~--...,....~-~ ___ __ __ __ Rinf.: W.W.r=. _ ___,,.-,---,----~-C1_earances -l2b,~ · -__ --__ -Rinf.: Tendons ---. ~ ·pq~itions ~ ~ ."t:> g.;.,: --- _____ Gone.: Mix#/psi-At2J:i@ ---:_:__.;$izes· :~A;:: -- _ _. ___ Cpnc.:.Mix #/psi 4-'_~0pi;j -_ ~ laps_--~-"""'---.,..,..,.~.-a-----,,-'--" =1NSPECTION CHEC~UST _____ -___ <Jone.: Mix~/psi ___ .j=yfureContinuify#Jps,.i_~----, ____ -Grout: Mix #/psi : -_ -.---_ ·-co:nso)id!l-tion -it:>)!--. __ -: __ M9rtan type/ps/ -_ -~ .Mortaj'Batt:hing_.,,..,... __ _ -- __ ·--_ Units: Block __ ~_---__ ......,..'---~--~t;!ectroge $tor!l-ge .. ~:_-"_ -a.....--'--"'"-= __ __ -_ l;Jnits: Brick _ -~ · : .. 'fc_<:irque Applied·_· -',-a--,---''o,---'--,-- --_____ Steel._~~-'--.....,-'~-~ ______ H:S. Bolts-_____ ~....,,..-,--~ __ ____ MetalDeckin!;! ~--~----'-'-,-.,..._~- -.---: l;il:)ctrodes_--,-_______ ~ _ ___ -Fireproofing-'""-·-........ -'-,---...,. ____ -__ 6th.er· -___,.-C~rrec\iveactjon'reqµired~ --'":_ -~ - ..,.........,...-~~---.,....--_-____ Qonectiomrcomptet~i:le-· --'---"--- REMARKS - _ . _ -. '. Oh~ :pkc;emt;W+ q,;,'4 _ q.;~saltJ;;. fkJo p_JJ lrofJV:Ji?s/ · _CEJ_~F~*c: _ @/ lv4-kr Z:c_~t/~e.--f. -:Gve.ue, Q('eq-_ q;t16 /4/e,/ PL/nl-& sh£.~;;:. __ - ~ue;u~qreq sla.b zs~ l,t' &&~ with ~--tfw/:@·<-., J ,/4/4),Jb S>_f~ eJ~ tetn~ _ /3 kc/_ c/~a;rtei;L-~ ~-_'f?(epdc __ -___ -_c,;,,,,ade_ ct>-vec.J:1/'to.r k el~~I---r/)._co4~ Qr'l·d• .mt21'rt,:/4&i~l----- -~ - -, -------de:erctr1ce w/2rl£ ~uctr1y,, CERTIFICATION·Of COMPLIANCE: To-the oest of-our knowledge; allqfthe-reported work, unless,citherwi~f;l:noted, substariti~llycomplles with appi:9vedplans, specifications and.applica_ble sections of·the building codes. This report c9vers·the-locations of the worl< inspected .only and-does not-constitute engirjel:)ring opin, ion orpr<;,ject·control: · -· - INSPECTOR SIG-NATURE 'PSl'B·~_OO-t'70(2) _z_,a-c;c; DATE_ -Or:-----~-:_ .... ,.. . ' -P~gea...1-.of.'"'::'-· INSPECTION REPORT _ . -_ ._ ---·L · · ·t· · -1 PROJECT (Na·rn~} . . 0ca5 0 : · ~FJ.' (Addres~) /·· L.:il.-~-9 ·/Jr--¥ -<3r/J:6~cl) -. Architect-;-·-----~-----,-'-,----,-~----'--'--- REPORTNO. --- - Building Pentiit No .. · -C: 11· :1 f/-. -I fl'I ., Engineer=· ._____,· 8;;;;._· __ -<Ar-__ --'-j"-'-'--e..-_S. ___ : _'S __ ~---'-'-"--"""'"'--~',-- t) f /(_ - · Contraqtor""'"-----~-'-=-'"'-,--~~--'-----~-- Plan File No. ~>·c,,,._-'-=-,--,----,'----,--..,....,.~-,---,--~-~---:-e-'- ' Govt. Contract No. "--'",.....,,~=-,----,--...,..,...~-....,.,.,-,---__,....,. OSAor. OSHPD #·------------'---~---,c.~---~--'- Qther .... · ---=--~---'-------'----~~~---'~"--'-"-'---- . -· --.. INSPECTION -· MAT'L SAMPLING -~ ~ATERIAL DE).!BlrlON _ ·. INSPEC~ION CH~.vst: ·. . -: __ OSHPD · , .$ Concrete Cylinders _ Riilf;: Rebar . -l'cJ::. ••• . -Plan & Specs . .. . -. . ---- -:v .. __ OSA __ Cement __ . _. __ _-__ Rinf.: W.W.F. _._. . Clearances --. -tt. .•. -.. y .. .. - ____ $p~gialty __ Mortar-Samples _ Rinf.: tenpons •. Po§itions - --... v . _-_ Mechanica.1 __ Grout SaiTJples ----~ Cone,: Mix #/psi q~JJ.'S-~o __ Sizes .. ,V . . · _._ Electrical __ Masonry Prisms -Conc.~_Mix #/psi -___ Laps, -. Roofing __ Masonry Block -. .-·· Future Continuity #/p1>i ~Concrete .. __ -__ Conc.:.Mix-#/psi. ~-__ Fireproofing __ --Grout: Mix #/pi;il .. ___ C6nsolidati9n_ .. ---___ Masonry. __ Units (block or brick) --.--__ Mortar:::Type/psi -, . -·. · --. _ M_qrtar.Batching . .. , . . . _-_ struct Steel . _-_-_Asphalt Concrete ·--Units: Block . -_-.-_ E_lectrode Storage --. _ .. ___ Prestress Cone ___ Roofing ,. ·_. ___ Unih:,: Brick . ------__ . Torque Applied ... . ------·- ___ . Pjle Driving __ . Reinf. St!;lel _Steel· .. . . .. . . ___ Fireproofing __ $teel _H.S.Bolts ' .. --.. --- , :---Waterproofing __ H.S. Bolt~ ___ Metaroeckirtg -,, --. .. --.. _ .. _-_ Non-Destructivt? __ Tendon (PT Strands) _ Electrodes _ . ------------ ---. Soils Technician __ Other -·---_.. Fireproofing .. . ~,Batch0Plant ·_ .. _Other ·-·-. Other .. . \ ~--.-C¢frectiVel:lctfon required~ .. -·- _. _ Bolt Pull-Out __ Other------. -:_ Q9rr$CttOl')S compl~fec! --~ --. .. .. ·r . .. . ... ---· . s ~rt. ~"' ~r~ ~ ,~ '-.1' w <,.., // ~---<.r d' ..e-'r-~ // _ 4 /c I a o 4' 1-~:J7l25 ~ .... ··.· , .•. -, ~ --" - CERTIFICATION ·OF-COMPLIANCE: To the· best-of our l<nowledge; all of the reported work, unle;s,otfierwfse.noted, .substantially-complieELWifh appr,oved-pl!l~s, - specifications and·applicable sections of the,building.codes. Tliis report covers the· locations of the-work inspected.only and·does-not.constitµt~ ehgineering opjn- ·ion or projectcontrol: · · .. ·_&/ S&LJM/4'-. INSPECTORNAME .· . /7. w~ ·. . INSPECTOR SIGNATURE:~~ ' -.... 7 '--Z-a,-,.; ~-·9 "DATE.,-,--,-c.--'--.,...--,-,-=-....,.,----,,--~-,-~__,.----.~,..,...-"--·'-"-'-- PSl·B-900-170(2) l · · ;Jirifomtation ,... . ~ . • :ToBuild On l;ngineering • Consi,lting •-Testing INSPECTION REPORT .-· · H -=- . CLIENT l.Lt;,c. /~d DATE--: _/-'---___ --J_./_-_Cj---L7 ____ PROJECT (N~rne) le3 .O ~-~ ~~- (Address) l l ~ fj :o_ Pi'-, . _ --.Crlr-6~.d/ 4.c;_ . I Architect _____ -,--'---------'---------'--------------'------~--'- Rl;PORT NO----,,.---,----..-------"-,-,=--'-- Bllilding Permit No. Cls'/l.'l I B: I~- ~ngiri~er_. ~t_t.-r-____ "'""': .-r5T"""'-i--'=-.$_S=.:----_ --"--,-----',-----' -b.PR Plan File No, __ -----"--"-~--------'---,.,__ _______ ____. " .-- Govt._ Contract No,"""'. --------,-.,'----,,---,-"---'---.,.+----,--,,,;...,..a,..- t>SAor OSHPO #:--,-----,c,--..,.......,........,-=--,------,----'------------....,.....___._ Contractor_,..,.--,-.....,.,.-------~---"----,-~ Other ________ ...,,....~~--,a--,--------,---'-'----".-'--"'----'--------- INSPECTIGN· ___ · OSHPD .·_· ___ OSA __ Specialty ___ Mechanical ____ . Electrical · --1v-Roofing . ...:t::i. Concrete __ ._Masonry _. __ Str.uct Steel . · __ Prestress Con·c __ Pile Driving ___ Fireproofing _____ Waterproofing . ---. Non-De5.tructjve ___ Soils Tectmician ___ Batch Plant . . --· · M[i'L SAMPLING · -Concrete Cylinders __ Cement . ___ Mortar Samples __ Grout.Sampl_es _ .. _Masonry Prisms ___ Masonry Block __ Fireproofing __ Units (block-Or brick) ___ :_ Asphalt Concrete ; _. _Roofing -: __ Reihf. Steel ._._Steel. __ H.S. Bolts __ Tendon (Pt Strands) _-_ .. _Other __ Other. ·.: gµ-·. M~T~RIA!,. DESCRIPTION. , I)\ IN-SPl;CT.ldNQ~l;CKLIST · .L _ R1nf.. .Rebar . :: . . -·. __ Plan & Specs -. ---·--· ; ___ .Rint.:.W.W,F-._..a·-~· .,......-..-,,'--·,.. __ ~c°"'·"'":,A Clearance.s -= -· 0 _ Rinf;: Tendons. _ -~ · K Po.sitions . . ______ Cone.: Mix#/psi •..... _ A Sizes • . .. .. -- ::Z::::.conc.: -Mix #/psi-¢''1JJS-c:ro :J( -Laps _ · _ . . __ -· --. -. _Cone.: Mix #/psi _____ ·__ __:Future Continuity:#/psi,-=-;.-:.....,. ___ . __ Grout: Mix #/psi -~-Corisoliq~tion, __ ----,----',--'--'--"--· --:·-_. _ Mortar: Type/psi _ .:..-=..:.... Moi:tar:Eiatqhing ________ . · -----_· Units: Block -.. . -• Electrode Storage.~: ---'-'--I _ Units: Brick ~-Torque Applied--~--~---, ___ . -_ .Steel,_· ------"----,-"-~ · -· --:--· H.S .. Bolts,_· ---'-,--.,....a---'- ______ Met~!:Decking_~--~-- -· _._Electrodes_~-:..----'---_-;-__ , __ . _ FireproofinQ---,-"------,--'-:- I. ___ ._Bolt Pull-Out ___ .. _Other . __ •__ __ Other . . . .. -~-Corrective acfion require<;!~ : --'-'-----~--~--'---'-'-,--,. ~ ·corrections c6~p1Elti3d ·_ · •-· · ! t . . .. r. r t:t>--.r 'To / ~ c--e m .,eh,,_ r-0 rP. Vo .d o [" X. .r::; ~ ~ -c..r-%f=e . , CERTIFICATION·OF COMPLIANCE:· To·th.e ;best-ofour knowledge,· all-of the r!:lported work; unless <;>therwise-noted, sub~tantially•cc;,mpli!:)s with· ~pprovet;I plMs, 0 • · ·specifications.and.applicable sections of the. building codes. This report covers· the· locations of .the work-inspectect-only anq-doe~ not-con~titute, engineering opih-:: · ion or project controJ; · -· -· INSPECTOR NAME -- C,·VZ'-cERr. NQ. __ .;....a.......a...,___.a'---,-----=-------'-'---'--~--,--,.,,.....~ INSPECTOR SIGNATURE:_~~~~~::::~~~~ DATE-----'-'--'-----''i"--'--' :~~_J____,-1...,....--~ :~7---9_-. _..,.,.,.-..,..,.......,________,.,- PSI-B-900-170(2) Independent Testing & Engineering Services for Energy Systems City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 Attention: Mr. Pat Kelly San Diego Area Office 9835 CARROLL CENTER RD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126-6507 (619) 695-9551 FAX (619) 695-0861 August 20, 1999 AIH. .. '-uo, -~ :::11"~- aLO•AL ENIEHY SEIIVIC&S Subject: Equipment Labeling Evaluation gf a new ride, Aqua Zone, located at Legoland. ETI Reference No.: 229-4991 Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is to advise you that Electro-Test, Inc. (ETI) has completed its evaluation and testing of the following equipment at Legoland and an ETI Field Evaluation Label has been attached to the inside of each control enclosure. Type Two (2), Aqua Zone Amusement Ride Control Panels Mfg. Heega Mod~I No WWR3H Serial No's·. 5899-2 and 5899-3 Rating 208 VAC, 63 amps, 3 phase,·60 HZ. All discrepancies have been corrected and ETI will submit a final report to you next week. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please give either Leif Hoagberg or myself a call at (619) 695-9551. Best regards, ELECTRO-TEST, INC. J)cruv~ Don Weber Senior Compliance Engineer Copy Mr. Pete Kowny Legoland ····-::1 ., , , • . ··. .,1~ncorporat<."d San Diego Area Office 9835 CARROLL CENTER RD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126-6507 Independent Testing & Engineering Services for Energy Systems (619) 695-9551 FAX (619) 695-0861 City of Carlsbad August 24, 1999 Building Inspection Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009 · Attention: Mr. Pat Kelly Subject: Equipment Labeling Evaluation Final Report of two, Aqua Zone Ride Control Panels located at Legoland, One LEGO Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92008. eti Reference No.: 229-4991 Dear Mr. Kelly: Enclosed please find the final report as prepared by Electro-Test, Inc. (ETI) Compliance Engineer, Mr. Don WebE;ff. The equipment evaluated in this report has been inspected and tested for general compliance with applicable codes and standards with regard to general electrical safety. Details of this evaluation are provided in this report. Should this report be approved, please sign and date the report cover sheet in the space provided and return a signed copy in the enclosed envelope. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate calling me at (619) 695-9551. Sincerely, ELECTRO-TEST, INC. ' Leif Hoagberg Area Manager LH Enclosure ® -: -~ I ----, ·-I 1nco, Pvl'O,Cl'd , -::::,, ,,,--~, ,~ .c-1 . :..., ~ . r, -A . : !, , - Independent Testing & Engineering Services for Energy Systems CLIENT Legoland INSPECTION AUTHORITY Mr. Pat Kelly City of Carlsbad Building Inspection Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009 San Diego Area Office 9835 CARROLL CENTER RD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126-6507 (619} 695-9551 FAX (619} 695-0861 AllltlllJl!IO, g'e.s ~- Dl.OUL IENIERGY S!IIVICU eti Reference No.: 229-4991 SubmittedBy: ~~ Don Weber Sr. Compliance Engineer \. Date: August 24, 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE 1 2.0 SUMMARY 1 3.0 GENERAL CONDlllONS OF ACCEPTANCE 1 4.0 REFERENCED l=LECTRICAL STANDARDS 2 5.0 EQUIPMENT INSPECTED 2 6.0 INSPECTION AND FIELD TESTING PROCEDURES 2 0 Component Inspection 0 Visual Inspection 0 Grounding 0 Guarding of Live Parts 0 Field Testing 7.0 EQUIPMENT EVALUATION 4 0 System Description 0 Overcurrent Protection 0 Wiring 0 Installation & Equipment Discrepancies 8.0 TEST EQUIPMENT 8 APPENDIX A. EQUIPMENT PHOTOGRAPHS B. ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS C. REFERENCES o UL-508, TEMPERATURE RISE TABLE 43.1 o NFPA-79 REFERENCES D. TEST DATA SHEETS 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of these inspections and tests is to provide assurance that custom or non-certified equipment meets the requirements of the appropri'ate codes, safety orders and industry standards. These tests are normally required by local building inspection agencies when equipment has not been certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) or .other recognized testing agencies. These inspections address only the electrical system on the subject equipment. 2.0 SUMMARY This project was inHiated at the request of Mr. Pete Kowny of Legoland. Inspection of the equipment was performed between August 4, 1999 and August 20, 1999 by Mr. Don Weber of Electro-Test, Inc. Some electrical discrepancies were observed as described in Section 7.0 for each piece of equipment. All discrepancies were corrected. Field measurements were taken by ETI as detailed in Section 6.0. These measurements were Within manufacturer's specifications. We consider thi.s equipment to be in compliance with. electrical codes and standards listed in Section 4.0, pursuant to the conditions of acceptance described in Section 3:0. Note that final approval is under the jurisdiction of the City of Carlsbad. 3.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ACCEPTANCE In the event of modifications resulting in a change in the materials, manufacturing methods, loading or environment that would affect the use of the accepted product under the provisions of the noted electrical-standards, this acceptance will be considered automatically canceled. The applicant will be required to request re-examination of this product to determine acceptability. eti's acceptance of the equipment referenced in Section 5.0 does not assume or discharge the responsibility of the equipment manufacturer, installer or other relevant parties. Equipment evaluation is based upon adherence to sound engineering practices, and upon compliance with the specific sections quoted from the electrical standards referenced in Section 4.0 of this report. This acceptance applies to the electrical circujts and components only, as referenced in this report. Unless noted otherwise, it specifically excludes examination for suitability of use for equipment involving toxic or corrosive gases, steam and locations defined as hazardous by the National Electrical Code (NEC®). ETI Reference No. 229-4991 Page 1 4.0 REFERENCED ELECTRICAL STANDARDS 4.1 ANSI/UL-508, Industrial Control Equipment, 17TH Edition, January 28, 1999. 4.2 UL-508A, Outline Investigation for Industrial Control Panels, October 12, 1993. 4.3 ANSI/NFPA-79, Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery, 1997. 4.4 ANSI/NFPA-70, National Electrical Code (NEC@), 1996. 5.0 EQUIPMENT INSPECTED Type Mfg. Two (2), Aqua Zone Amusement Ride Control Panels Heega Model No Serial No's Rating Label No's WWR3H 5899-2 and 5899-3 208 VAC, 35 amps, 3 phase, 60 HZ. M222595 and M222596 6.0 INSPECTION AND FIELD TESTING PROCEDURES 6.1 Component Inspection The following major power co!'Tlponents were verified to be listed by a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL) or were evaluated to a NRTL Standard (see Section 7.0): 0 Circuit breakers 0 Indicating lights 0 Fuses 0 Cables 0 Fuse blocks 0 Disconnect 0 Terminal blocks switches 0 Switches 0 Industrial control 0 Pushbuttons panels 0 Relays 0 Industrial control 0 Wiring enclosures 0 Receptacles ETI Reference No. 229-4991 Page2 6.2 Visual Inspection The equipment was visually inspected with particular attention to the following areas: o Use of "approved" components o Properly sized overcurrent protection o Wiring ampacity o Grounding o NEC wiring methods o Guarding of live parts o Damaged components o General engineering practices 6.3 Grounding Exposed, non-current carrying parts of the, equipment were verified ( electrically and visually) to be effectively grounded. Ref. NEC Article 250. 6.4 Guarding of Live Parts All internal components were enclosed in a grounded, screw closed, metal enclosure, and were effectively guarded per NEC Article 110-17. 6.5 Overcurrent Protection Overcurrent protection installed in this equipment was evaluated for compliance with the applicable codes and standards referenced in Section 4.0. Protective devices were verified to be of the proper size and rating, and of a type suitable for branch circuit applications where required. 6.6 Internal Wiring Internal wiring and wiring methods were evaluated for compliance with the applicable codes and standards referenced in Section 4.0. Wiring was verified to be properly sized and rated, with a temperature rating suitable for the installed application. ETI Reference No. 229-4991 Page3 6. 7 Field Testing 6.7.1 Current and Voltage Measurements The input currents and voltages were measured to verify that the equipment is operating within its ratings under full load normal operating conditions. Results of these tests are identified in Appendix D. 6.7.2 Temperature Rise Test Unde.r conditions of normal full load operation, temperature rise testing was performed on the enclosure surfaces and the interior components to verify that their temperature rise was within the maximum temperature rise noted in UL-508, Table 43.1. Results of these tests are identified in Appendix D. 6. 7.3 )nsulation Resistance Test The power conductors on the load side of the equipment mounted service disconnect were tested for insulation resistance by applying 500 voe line to ground for 60 seconds. The motors and their supply conductors were tested for insulation resistance by applying 500 VDC to ground for 60 seconds on the load side of the motor controller. Results of these tests are identified in Appendix D. 7.0 EQUIPMENT EVALUATION 7.1 System Description This equipment consists of two identical control panels intended to operate two separate rides in the same physical area. 7 .2 Grounding Exposed, non-current carrying parts of the equipment were verified (electrically and visually) to be effectiv~ly grounded per the applicable provisions of NEC Article 250. ETI Reference No. 229-499.1 Page4 7.3 Guarding of Live Parts All internal components were inspected for installation in a suitable enclosure and were effectively guarded per NEC Article 110-17. 7.4 Overcurrent Protection This equipment is protected by a remote, 80 amp, 240 volt, 10 kAIC panel mounted circuit breaker. 7.5 Wiring This equipment is suppliEJd with 3, #3 AWG, 600 volt THHN, THWN, MTW type wiring. Internal power wiring is #14 AWG or larger. 7.6 Discrepancies and Corrections 7.6.1 Incomplete equipment nameplate. All equipment is to have a nameplate with the manufacturer's name, model number, serial number, the rated input voltage, full load current, phase and frequency. ihe nameplate on this equipment was missing the rating information. Correction: The missing rating. inforr:nation was added to the existing nameplate. Reference: NEC Articles 110-21 UL-508, Section 63 LJL.:508A, Paragraph 20.2 7.6.2 Drawings do not match the equipment. Electrical drawings are required to match the equipment. The electrical. arrangement of two of the motors on the each of the rides, as shown on the drawings used for the initial inspection, did not match the actual installation. Also, there were some other minor differences between the drawing$ and the equipment in the control circuits. ETI Reference No. 229-4991 Pages Correction: Updated drawings were provided that show all of the components in their proper circuit location and are included with this report. Reference: NFPA-79, Section 4.2 UL-508A, paragraph 20. 7 7.6.3 Components not listed by an approved independent testing agency. Equipment and components are to be acceptable only if listed or labeled by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). Each panel has 4 small fuses that were not listed by a NRTL. Correction: These components were replaced with a NRTL listed component. Reference: NEC Article 110-2 7.6.4 EMO Buttons without yellow background colbr. EMO buttons are required to have a yellow backgrounds. The EMO buttons on this equipment did not have the required yellow backgrounds. Correction: Yellow backgrounds were added behind these buttons. Reference: NFPA.a79, Section 13.2.3 7.6.5 Disconnect power sign required. Entrances to enclosure accessing energized components are to have a disconnect power sign. This equipment did not have the required sign. Correction: The following sign was added to the front of each enclosure or cover accessing energized components: "WARNING, Risk of Electrical Shock, Disconnect Power Before Servicing". Reference: NEC Article 110-17(c) ETI Reference No. 229-4991 Page6 7.6.6 Fuse replacement sign required. Equipment containing fuses are required to have a fuse replacement sign adjacent to any fuses or fuse blocks. This equipment did not contain the required sign. Correction: The following sign was added to interior of the control panel: "CAUTION, For continued protection against risk of fire or injury, replacement fuses are to be of the same size, type and rating". Reference: UL-508A, paragraphs 13.3 and 20.2 Inspection Dates: All equipment discrepancies identified during the evaluation were reported on August 5, 1999. Verification Dates: All equipment corrective actions were verified to be completed and meet the workmanship requirements of the applicable standards on August 20, 1-999. · ETI Reference No. 229-4991 Page? 8.0 TEST EQUIPMENT 8.1 One (1) AVO International Insulation Resistance Tester Catalog No. BM400/2 eti Asset No. '22-01097 Calibration Date: 2/99 8.2 One (1) Fluke 87, True RMS Multimeter eti Asset No. 20-00829 Calibration Date 2/99 8.3 One (1) Fluke 87, True RMS Multimeter eti Asset No. 24-00459 Calibration Date 2/99 8.4 One .(1) Fluke AC Current Probe eti Asset No. ,20-00563 Calibration Date PCNR 8.5 One (1) AEMC Split Core Current Transformer eti Asset No. 24-00369 Calibration Date: PCNR 8.6 One (1) Raytek Infrared Thermometer eti Asset No. 22-1116 Calibration Date: 2/99 ETI Reference No. 229-4991 Page8 APPENDIX A EQUIPMENT PHOTOGRAPHS i I "l \ ' I ' I l i • I i 1 j I, J/j l[J /0 . r:»,,,., ... ; .i'...,{.f' ~i(I •• •• •• J ••• ·-· ••• Ll~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ APPENDIX 8. ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS LI l2 l3 PE r··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··--·-··-··-··-:-··-··-··7 l I I l : · AC-Inverter WFC HT ! !i . · I -· ·· ii :lls.l r r : I~ t1 j 12 I l3 I I -~ I w1.I uz I M3 I wttl +24 j 2e I z~ 30 I ~ I fWDI RlV I PSI I~ I : .,---1'---L L = 1-1 .J. _______ = .I-1-.1 __ u_L 1-I :r ~ 1-L.J .,, .... ~ I I I J .f1 .f .ts I I r&J .F ,r 1G 11• +~ ' ' ~ "' ~ AE ·cx J ,"!Zti ,··-··-1·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··7 _____ C2.17,'i'C2.19,lC2.21 ·.,. -.. -.. -.. ---, I . __ .. ---: .. --. : 1 · i:i:tJ,i:1:, 1.18 s,3,1mre I 6,3,1 Ill fl2 PE K2 PE A.35 A.36 826 825 5 6 8 10 11 Schaller Schiitze S1 ffaopl,choKer KOO Nebschlilz/Cl S2 Fohl\ KOi l,islungssdtii!z I. Hauptonlriebe Kl llllsxhlilzS4/'51Slop K2 Brems,d,ulz K3T frtljohe ,I: fcluwl ~:i $,tor~ K5 Ceschwmglceien K6 lm=hiitz f. S5 K7 --KB Drdlzahlii>enloclu>g S3 U-slorlcn S4 Slop 55 Venogonmg + Stop wf Posiion S8 Nol-!os S7. f,._ Ope,utcr S81-S86 ~ hochqc(ohren S9 Ei>gongsbriid<eobgesenld S10 Mbitl,6ngang,lwiiclcewf0l S11 fcmn Zllf Woi\ll>IJ 512 Drdnohii>erm1119 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 lo 1 - Sicherungen fA re fl..8 FTl;FTl.1 fT2 • QO 01 • Q8 Sichenmg llm,lrieb 16 A Sicbeor>gQ-emse6,31 Sichenr,g,n ~ 16 A Si:h<n.,,gfing<nJSl!uerlrofo 4A SidieMg ""',J<J,g Sleverin,10 6,31 llol~erHIA>oalrieb3,!iA llalorsd,ut2"holter "'1bieb!mot0ffll 1111 CS.I~ 19 20 21 Betriebsmittel A leisbl1qsl,i B Sleuerlei Cl • C6 v..toler <11 Eingiingen NC Sleu..trofo L1 Slartmiiglich l2 Mloge einge,chdltt l3 Sb! Le\ldrttosler l4 stop l<Udilloster SHI Sq-.Slal 22 IO llotor ~en-llubonlrieb M1-M8 lloloren Hol¢,nlrieb t, t l :l =··1. l l · I. t l i ! ! Cl6 ~---~.--i\ F2 C16 ~---~.--1 F3 Cl6 1--~.--~ 1 f4 . ! · J, .r, } r-r·.-:-·+r.·-t-\ ,·.· :~r:-·-t.··J~ hr------• I I .~---• I I ~~rilir11 j.,J,~ i! LI> I> J>: : LI> I> I>:: LI> I> I> ]! • I_J'" 1 4 S f 7 4 I ., • "' . L:2.. .. . _J ~.. .. . :J L:· .. ( 2.l 24 25 26 27 28 29 ;» Contactors Switches S1 --KOO 11oins Conloctor IC3 S2 Rido . .KOi -Caitotior-for Main Dm,o Kl Deloy Slop1"1hS4"S7 K2 BmieContoct.r KlT ~ t Rong rime ~:) ~BrioJellolor K5 Speeds K6 -Conlaclor I. 55 ~ ~r S3 Slorl c..,,,,t,i S4 Slop ,. 55 Deiay/stop\nPooition ~ &:.,"'r-l ?.r's.itch' SBt-586 Enlr""° Bridges Roioed S9 -Bridges Lowe,,d S10 Enl!ancel!ridgeinT.D.C.Pcoiion S11 _,., __ S12 ~ lim~ 31 32 ·33 34 35 36 fuses FA· ra Fl..8 fTt;FTl.1 n2 QO 01. Q8 r ... Lifting Ori¥e 16 A fu,ellra<e&;l,\ r._ Driwe llolilrs 16 A fuse ~ Conlrd Tnmlonner 4A Fu,e Ovtpui Con&ol Tron,!-6,3,\ llctc.Pro!eclionSoildtlilti,g00..3~ llolor Prolec6on Swilth OriYe llolors IOA • j 1<2\ B13 ,43 3 ., ~ 1 53 tJ B14 KOO\-531 54 4 815 . 89 .,~I l ·r 21 • 13 31 512\ K4M1) 14 BIO B18 849 13 Kt\ 14 !2) ~850 I Al r~ rre KB] 1 A2 A7. 37 38 39 40 41 I I I 38 . S2 .. . ----. ~qu~~ BContn,ll'ort Cl. C6 listril>utors al Enlton<e NC Control Tronoformcr L1Slor1Enailed 12~R<O<iy ll -Pu,h-lliton stl1tl L4 l......,, Puoli-autton Slop SHI Signcl Hom Slort WO Entn>nce &idge Hoisting Orne lloior Wl-118 MainDrnellolors ~:lf~ .. t;12J 44 CU& B7 I u53 i2, ,22 t'58 Ir ~ t.1· ·,. 'I . ~ .. t K6 21 ~57 582 1111 !21 \ !21 k. 1(2 M = = I 422 I ~22 43 l t14 1r1 .~ KS\ I K7\13 ,44 Cl.74· Cl24 2 ~ 14· C5.l6 C5.23 510 I 7 Ii i: 21 l~-S11 C6.16 y1 I ,:-p2 22 848 I I I &,.,, I ,-i31 43 44 13 L...J J. f Kl R: t2~ 2 44· 43 14 cai4 B.lO 22 $6. t'!i 822 55 32 B11 511 13 4 K3 K6 st r 56 31 -1,14 I B12 I loo KOO\ r.-y14 I 1851 31 I (/3) I I KB ( ~ 1844 ·32 ' B32 Al~~ I .. I .. L. t B28 I •• A2 I, ; 44 42 I 45 46 47 48 49 so 51 S2 5l 54 55 I I I I I I II -54 21 --1 -44 -. 1 I 53 51 45 ---53 ---- -~- I t1omaliiat.l ZIERER ,,;g. lle/R 117.8.99. I Lego Corlsbod USA Rldoso,IP,nQ,111 I I Seale =·wild-Water Carousel ! <--<--INNO-Heege <--f--Manual Control GmbH I 1-: IR .... I w.1ght 5!l'io 03 11 I APPENDIXC REFERENCES JANUARY 28, 1999 INDUSTRIAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT -uLsoa Table 43.1 Maximum acceptable temperature ri~es Material• and components •c •F 1. Knife-switch blades and CC>ntact jaws 30 54 2. Fuse clip when tested with a dummy fuse that represents a fuse intended 30 54 to provide branch circuit protection 3. Fuse clip when tested with a fuse intended to provide branch circuit 85 153 protection° I ' 4. Rubber-or thermoplastic-insulated conductors : a a 5. Field-wiring tarminafsc,k h,IJ h,iJ 6. Buses and connecting straps or barsd I I 7. Contacts Solid and built-up silver, silver alloy, and silver faced e e All other metals 65 117 8. Insulation systems Class 105 insulation systemf Thermocouple method 65 117 Resistance method 85 126 Class 105(A) Insulation systems on single-layer series coll ~ 90 162 exposed surfaces either uninsulated or enameled, thermocouple method Class 120(E) insulation systemf Thermocouple method· 75 135 Resistance method 95 171 · Class 130{B) Insulation systemsf Thermocouple method 85 153 Resistance method 95 171 Class 155(F) insulation ,systemsf .. ···-. Therm~uple meth~d 95 171 . . . .. ... . .. Resfsfance method 115 207 Class 180(H) insulation systems1 ThermoQOUple method 115 207 Resistance method 135 243 Class 220(R) insulation· syatemsf J Thermocouple method 155 279 ' Resistance method 175 315 9. Insulating ·materlatsb p p 10. In the issuing air, 1 inch (25.4 mm) above the enclosure 175 315 11. On the embedding material of a resistor, a rheostat, and a wall-mounted 300 540 dimmer with an embedded resistive element 12. ON the embedding material ·of a rheostatfc dimmer having embedded 350 630 resistive conductors, and arranged for mounting on a switchboard, or in a noncombustible frame 13. On bare resistor material, thennocouple method 375 675 14. Capacitor g g 15. ·po~r switching semiconductors m m 16. Printed-wiring boards n n 17. Any component or material 110t specifically Identified irt 1 -16 q q For insulated ·conductors 1he maximum temperature rise shall not excaed the maximum operating temperature specified for the wire In question minus an assumed ambient (room) temperature of".40°C (104°F). b For compounds which have been Investigated and found acceptabie for particular temperature ratin~, the maximum temperature rise shall not exceed the temperature rating minus an assumed ambie11t.of 40°C (104°F). c The temperature on a wiring tenninal or lug Is measu111d at the point most likely to be contacted by the Insulation of a conductor installed as In actual service. d The limit does not apply to connections to a source of heat, such as a resistor and a currant element of an overload relay. e Temperature limited by the temperature llmltationa on 1he material for adjacent parts. See 43.18 •. There shall be no structural deterioration of the contact assembly, loosening of parts,_ cracking or flaking of materials, loss of temper of spring, annealing of parts, or other 'flsible damage. f See 43.19 -43.25. · 9 For a capacitor, the maximum acceptable temperature rise Is the marked temperature limit of the capacitor minus an assumed ambient temperature of40°C (104°F), . h In equipment·marked for 60°C (140°F) supply wire, the tennlnal temperature rise shall not exceed 50°C (90°F). ··· ·, 1In equipment marked for 75°C (167"!=) supply wire, the tennlnal temperature rise shall note~ 65"C (117°F), If the· rise is 50°C (90°F) or less and an aluminum bodied connector is used or aluminum wlre,is Intended, the connector shall be marked AL7CU or .AL9CU; H the terminal temperature rise exceeds 50°C but (foes not exceed 65°C, the connector shall be marked AL9CU. j Equipment ma~ for 60/75°C supply wires shall comply with both h and I of this table. k -. See 63.3. 1 The limit applies only to bus bars and connecting straps used for distribution of power to Industrial control devices. The limit does not apply to short plec;:ea of copper located with.in industrial control devices and used for the support of stationary contact assemblies or factory or field wiring terminations. Toe maximum acceptable temperat\.lre rises for 1hls type of construction are d~tennlned by the temperature limitations on the support material, adjacent part material, or 100°0 (212°F) temperature rise on the copper material, whichever Is lower. There shall be no structural deterioration of the assembly, loosening of parts, cracf<ing or flaking of material, Joss of temper of spring, annealing of parts, or other visible damage. m The maxim~ acceptable temperature ri~ on the case is the maximum ~ temperature for the applied power dissipation recommended by 1he semiconductor manufacturer minus an assumed ambient of 40°C_(104°F). n The maximum acceptable temperature rise of the printed-wiring board Is the operating temper:ature of the board minus an assumed ambient of -40°C (104°F). o See63.2S. . I' See Tables 15.2 and 37.1. q The maximum acceptable temperature rise of any component shall riot exceed the temperature limit of the . component minus an assumed ambient temperature of40°C (104°F). . ;·:: : . %Jff;0· JANUARY 28, 1999 INDUSTRIAL CONTROL EQUIPMENT· UL 508 127 ·.., Table 62.3 Ratings for magnetiC? motor ~ontroller sizes ·single phase horsepower .... lngs, volts AC Continuous current rating, 60 hertz Size of controller amperes 115 230 00 9 1/3 1 0 18 1 2 1 27 2 3 1P 36 3 5 2· 45 3 7-1/2 NOTE -As specified in Table 2-4-2 of ANSVNEMA ICS2-1993. 62.6 The ratings of equipment intended to control a motor load rated more than 500 horsepower (373 kW output} or the ratings of equipment tested in accordance with footnote a of Table 42.2 shall, in addition to the horsepower ratings, include the maximum full-load current for each rating. 62. 7 With reference to 62.1, the rating of the device controiling an external load shall have the load designation marked in accordance with Table 62.4. Table62.4 Ratings of a device controlling .an external load Load General Purpose Resistance (heating) Incandescent lamp Ballast {electric discharge lamp) Coil Motor Capacitive Switching MARKING 63 General Load designations Amperes Amperes, resistance, only Amperes or watts, tungsten Amperes, ballast Code designation, volt-amperes, standard or heavy pilot duty Horsepower (also see 62.4 and 62.5) I kVar, Full-L,oad amperes (FLA) 63.1 Industrial control equipment shall be plainly marked with: a) The manufacturer's name, trademark, or other descriptive marking by which the organization responsible for the product may be identified -hereinafter referred to as the manufacturer's name; b) The electrical rating; c} The catalog number or equivalent. All marking shall be located so as to be visible after installation. . ( Subject 508A 37 May, 1992 C. Wiring -All internal wiring of the secondary circuit shall be reliably and positively routed away from ~II uninsulated live parts of different circuits arid all secondary circuit insulated wiring shall be routed away from insulated coriductors of other circuits unless the secondary circuit wiring al~q has insulation that would be suitable for primary circuit use. Separation of insulated conductors may be accomplished by clamping, routing, or equivalent means for permanent separation from insulated or uninsulated live parts of a different circuit. , D. Field Wiring Terminal ~ Field ins_tallation conductors of any Class 2 circuit shall be segreg~ted or separated by barriers from: . 1. Field installation and factory-installed conductors connected to any other circuit, unless the conductors of both circuits are or will be insulated for the maximum voltage of either circuit. 2. Uninsulated live parts of any other circuit of the device except that a construction in which field-installed conductors inay make contact with wiring terminals (or associated wiring diagram) are marked to indicate that Clas_s _ 1 conductors shall .be used .. E. The limited .energy circuits described in item A shall comply with the field wiring requirements that are investigated for the interided use. Markings 20.1 General -Markings as specified below are proyided either qn or in the enclosure of enclosed units and on the subassembly panel of open units. The markings specified io paragraphs 20.2A, 20.5 to 20. 7 below may be provided on wiring diagrams. prints. or instriJctions-provided loose or in the "print pocket." If required instructions ;are on diagrams .. the diagram number is referenced on the nameplate. 20.2 Nameplate - A permanent nameplate is provided. The nameplate information may be separated into several sections .. Information includes but is not restr-i<;:ted to: manufacturer's name or authorized designation, voltage rating, total full load ampere rating, ampere or horsepower rating of largest motor (if multiple motor control). number of phas?s.if other than single phase. and frequency. All fuseholders shall have fuse replacement marking. 20.2A Marking of Wire terminals -All field wiring_terminals must be m~rked to irid!cate to use copper, 60°C wire insulation if rated .less than 100 A or 75°C wire if rated.100 A or more. This marking does not pertain to control circuit termir1als or terminals rated 1s· A or fess and which do not have a HP or FLA and LAA ratings. 20.28 lnpustrial control panels sh.c;1ll be provided with a marking indicating the tightening torque for wire connectors which are wired ji1 the lield. The product-shall be marked with the specific value, or range of values as appropriate. such as "T9rque screws. to 45 lb in." If different connectors are used for line, load, neutral or ground. the torque marking shall include r~ference td the specific connector and its corresponding torque value. The marking may be provic,led ia a written format or pictorially. )"he torque marking does not apply to components such as motor starters, fuseholqers and the like, or to wire binding screws. · 20.2C The torque to be marked for eath individual coilpector shall be determined as follows: 1. If the wire connector is supplied with an instruction sheet from the wi're connector manufacturer that specifies torqt:1e values, then the torque marked on the industrial control panel shall oe the appropriate torque for the connector as determined by the instruction sheet. UL SUBJECT*.SD8A 'J3 • 9275795 0S!7324 4&0 - INDUSTRIAL CONTROL PANELS -SUBJECT 5G8A OCTOBER 1Z 1993 20.3 Multiple Supply Source -Maridng on controls Intended to be connected to more than one source includes all of paragraph 20.2 above for each source and unless each Is provided with an lnterfocked disconnect switch also Includes a cautionary statement Indicating that mutlple sources are provided and each should be dlsccnnected fer ;servicing. 20.4 Overtoad Relay Element Charts -The overload relay element selection charts ("Heater Tables1 provided with motor starters are provided. These are permanently adhered on endosed panels and may be adhered or loose with open panels. Exception: Heater tables are not needed for adjustable overfoacl relays. 20.5 Individual Load Ratings -The ratlhg of each lnc:IMdual external load In volts and amperes or volts and horsepower is provided. · 20.6 Customer Provided Equipment -Cevices or components, other than leads, included on the wiring diagram and not provided as an integral part of the industrial-co~ panel are marked to indicate that they are provided by others. This marking may be direct. or may be by code or.note on the wiring diagram. 20. 7 Diagrams showing all of the electrical circuits within ~he panel are provided. These diagrams Include details as specified elsewhere in this Procedure. The load rating 9f each motor is indicated on the diagram, nameplates.ortabulation elsewhere on the panel or if the panel Is an integral part of~e machine. elsewhere · on the machine. Devices not provkfed In or on the panel but shown on the diagram for clarity or user convenience are ldentffled by note or other Indication that they are to be provided by customer or are not in the panel. 20.a If the rating of the load 'Is ldentffled In horsepower. It Is necessary to refer to Table V for full-toad ampere rating to be utilized in the subsequent determinations. C0PFight Ii,! the IJIDEHWRITEIIS IalllllATDHIES INC CU l) rue 11ar '6 03: 12:oa 1996 79-10 INDU~TRIAL MACHINERY 3.81 subpanel: An assembly of electrical devices connected together that forms a simple functional unit in itself. 3.82 switching device: A device designed to make or break the current in one or more electric circuits. (IEC 50-441.) 3.83 tight (suffix): So constructed that the specified mate- rial is excluded under specified conditions. (IEEE 100.) 3.84 uncontrolled stop: The stopping of machine mc:>tion by removing power to the machine actuators, all brak~s or other mechanical stopping devices being activated. (IEC 204-1.) 3.85 undervoltage protection: The effect of a device that op- erates on the reduction or failure of voltage to cause and main- tain the interruption of power. NOTE: The principal objective of this device is to prevent au- tomatic restarting of the equipment. Standard undervoltage or low-voltage protection devices are not designed to become effective at any specific degree ofvol~ge reduction. 3.86 ventilated: Provided with a means to permit circulation of air sufficient to remove excess heat, fumes, or vapors. (1\TFPA 70.) 3.87 wet location: Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the earth, and loca- tions subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as vehicle washing areas, and.locations exposed to weather and unprotected. (NFPA 70.) 3.88 wireway: A sheet-metal or flame retardant nonmetallic trough with hinged or removable covers for housing and pro- tecting electric wires and cable and in which conductors are laid in place after the wireway has been installed as a complete system. (NFPA 70.) 4 Diagrams, instructions, and nameplates 4.1 General 4.1.1 The following shall be included with the electrical drawings where required in 4.2. -Complete schematic diagram -Sequence of opez:ations · -Block diagram (where appropriate) -Equipment layout -Panel layouts -Interconnection diagram -Electronic schematics (where appropriate) -Parts list -Instruction and service manuals -Information for Safety Lockout Proced~re (where ap- propriate); 4.1.2 The following shall be furnished for reference only where appropriate.· -Lubrication diagram -Pneumatic diagram -Hydraulic diagram · -Miscellaneous system diagrams ( e.g., coolan~ refriger- ant, etc.). · 4.1.3 Where appropriate, a table of contents shall appear prominently on the first sheet and· shall refer to all major sec- tions of the electrical drawin_gs. · 1997 Edition 4.2 l)iagrams 4.2.1 Diagrams of the electrical system shall be provided. Any electrical symbols shall be in accordance with IEEE 315. Jui.y electrical symbols not shown in IEEE 315 standards shall be separately shown anp. described on the diagrams. The sym- bols and identification of components and devices shall be· ·consistent throughout all documents and on the machine. Pertinent information such as motor horsepower, frame size, and speed shall be listed adjac~nt to its symbol. NOTE: See Annex D for examples of electrical diagrams. 4.2.2 A cross-referencing scheme shall be used in conjunc- tion with each relay, output device, limit switch, and pressure switch so that any contact associated with the device can be readily located on the diagrams. 4.2.3 The functional description for each d~ce shall be shown. NOTE: See Annex E for examples of devices and component designations. 4.2.4 Switch symbols shall be shown on the electrical sche- matic diagrams with all utilities turned off ( electric power, air, water, and lubricant), the machine and its electrical equip- ment in its normal starting condition, and at 68°F (20°C) am- bient Control settings shall be shown on the drawings. 4.2.5 Diretµy connected conductors shall be uniquely desig- nated with the same alphanumeric reference. Conductors shall be identified in sequential order and in accordance with Clause 16. ' ' . Exception No. 1: Conductors of 18 AWG or less used in electronic assemblies shall not be required-to be identified by an alphanumeric designation. Exception No. 2: Whm a plug is attached to a multiconductor cable, color coding shall be permitted to be substituted for the alpha- numeric designation only at the plug end. 'Where color-coded multi- conductor ca6le is used to wire identical components (e.g., limit switt~), the color shall be consistent throughout. Whe7l1 color coding · is used, it shall be clearly indicated on the-electrical diagrams. 4.2.6 Circuits shall be shown in such a way as to facilitate the understanding of their function as well as their maintenance and fault location. Control circuit: devices shall be shown be- tween vertical lines that represent control power wiring. The left.vertical line shall be the control circuits common and the right line shall be the operating coils common, except w}:lere permitted by Clause 9 design requirements. Control devices shall be shown on horizontal lines (rungs) between the vertical lines. Parallel circuits shall be shown on separate horizontal lines directly adjacent to (above· or below) the original circuit 4.2.7 An interconnectioD: diagram shall be provided on.large systems having a number of separate enclosures or control sta- tions. It shall provide full information about the external con- nections of all of the electrical equipment on the machine. · 4,2.8 -Interlock wiring diagrams shall include devices, func-. .tions, and conductors in the ~ircuit where used. · 4.2.9 Plug/receptade pin identification shall be shown·on the diagram(s). .... .. .;. - 79-26 INDUST~ MACHINERY 12.5.2 Exposed, nonarcing, bare, li:ve parts within an enclo- sure or compartment, including conduit fittings, shall have an air space between them and the uninsulated walls of the enclo- sure or compartment of not less than½ in. (12.7 mm). Where barriers between metal enclosures or compartn)ents and arc- . ing parts are required, they shall be of flame-retardant, non- carbonizing insulating materials. . 12.6 Machine-mounted contr~l equipment 12.6.1 Control equipment, such ~ limit switches, brakes; solenoids, and position sensors, shall be mounted rigiq.J.y in a reasonably dry and clean location, shall be protected from physical damage, and shall be free from the possibility of acci- dental operation by normal machine movements or by _the op- erator. Such equipment shall be mounted with sufficient clearance from surrounding surfaces to make its reinovaf and replacement easy and shall have a suitable enclosure for the termination of conduit as well as provisions fQr making electri- cal connections. Exception No. 1: A solenoid seal,ed in an individual oil-.fill,ed con- tainer shall be permitted. Exception No. 2: Prewired devices,. such as limit switches and prox- imity switches, provided with an identified (see 3.49) cable shall not be required to be equipped with -provisions for tennination of conduit. 12.6.2 All lipiit switches or p9sition sensors shall be installed so that accidental overtravel by the machine will not damage the limit switch or sensor. . 12.6.3 . Solenoids for. operating devices shall be mounted so that liquids shall drain away from the electric;al component enclosure. . 12. 7 Rotary control devices Devices such as potentiometers and selector switches having a rotating member shall be mounted to prevent rotation of the stationary member. Friction alone shall not be considered sufficient. 13 Operator's control stations and equipment 13.l Pushbuttons, selector switches, indicatm.g lights 13.1.1 All pushbutton and selector switch operators, indjcat- ing (pilot) lights, and illuminated pushbuttons shall be of the oiltight type. I Exception: Machines identified ( see 3. 49) for the environment. 13.1.2 Pushbutton operators, indicating (pilot) light lenses, and illuminated pushbutton lenses shall be color coded in ac- cordance with Table 8. -The color RED shall be used for Stop, Emergency Stop, or Off operators only. · -The preferred color of Start o~ On operators is GREEN~ except that BLACK, WHITE, or GRAY shall be p~tmitted. ~ Pushbuttons that, when pressed, .act alternately as Stan; and Stop or On and Off shall be BLACE., WHITE, or G~ RED or GREEN shall not be used. -Pushbuttons that cause movement when pressed and stop movement when they are released (e.g.,jogging) shall be 1997 Edition, BLACK, WHITE, GRAY, or BLUE with a preference for BLACK. -Reset pushbuttons shall be BLUE, BLACK, WHITE, or GRAY except when they also act as a Stop or Off button, in which case they shail be RED: Exception: Stop function operators of the '!J)Obbl,e.stick or rod- operated-types in the bottom of a pendant.station shall not be required ·to be colored red. 13.1.3 Pushbµtton operators used to initiate a stop function shall be of the extended operator or mushroom-p.ead types. 13.-1.4 Pushbutton operators used to jnitiate a start function or moveint;nt 9f machine elements (e.g., slides, spindles, and carrjers) shall be constructed or mounted to minimize inad- vertent operation. Exception: Mushroom-head type operators shall be permitted to ini- tiate start functions where instal!,ed .in accordance with 9.15. 13.2 Emergency stop devices 13.2.1 Emergency stop pushbuttons shali be located at each operator control station and at other operating stations where emergency shutdown shall be required. 13.2.2 Stop and emergency stop pushbuttons shall be con- tinuously operable from all control and operating stations where iocated, 13.2~3 Actuators of eme::rgency stop devices shall be colored I. RED. The background immediately around the device actua- .. · tor shall be colored YELLOW. The actuator of a pushbutton- operated device shall be of the palm or mushroom-head type. 13.2.4 The emergency stop actuator shall be either, a mo- mentary or self-latching type • 13.3 Foot-qperated switches 13.3.1 Foot-operated switches shall be protected to prevent accidental actuation by falling or moving objects and from un- intended operation by accidental stepping onto the switch. 13.4 Control station enclosures .. .All -operat9r control · station enclosures shall be dusttight, rnoisturetight, and oiltight. Exception: Non-oiltight control station enclosures shall be permitted on machines where suitable for the environment. 13,5 Arrangement of control station components All Start pushbuttons sh;tll be mounted above or to the left of their associated Stqp pushbuttons. Exception No. 1: Start pushbuttons in series, such as operating pushbuttons on punch presses. Exception No. 2: Wobble-stick or rod-operated Emergency Stop push- buttons mounted in t!J.e bottom of pendant stations. i3.6 Legends A legend shall be provided for eacp. control station compo- nent to identify its function and shall be located so·that it can be read easily by the equipment.operator from the normal op- erator position. The legends shc1:ll be durable and suitable for the operating e?viromp.ent. ·""'": -:?: .· .--; .:i • =i- .·s ,. •f, ., ••• f -·~ • •• t"•;;,.,J.,,,~ : .. ·.:t:: ... _.: .... ·. APPENDIXD TEST DATA SHEETS ,FJELD EVALUATION TEST DATA CLIENT: , ENGINEER: PHASE TO GROUND PHASE TO PHASE CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATION A B C A-B. B-C C-A .-- 0 PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE PHASE A-G B-G C-G A-8 B-C C-A A B C I> / 2--/ / 7--/ '>-I~ 2.,,/4) 2,,/o ~" zy u REMARKS: C1 ~.«If COMPONENT IDENTIRCATION COMPONENT TEMP TEMP RISE TESTMETHOD - NOTES: L C ETI 1993 F/6001 PAGE CLIENT: . CIRCUIT lDENTIFlCATIQN PHASE A-G />/ REMARKS: NOTES: L. © ETI 1993 F/8l01 PHASE B-G /2-/ PHASE C-G /7,/ COMPONENT IDENTIFlCATlON A PHASE A·B FIELD EVALUATION TEST DATA PHASE TO GROUND B PHASE 8-C .ENGINEER: C t Or;,.Jt.l PHASE C·A COMPONENT TEMP PHASE TO PHASE A·B. 8-C C-A - FULL LOAD CURRENT PHASE A TEMP RISE - PHASE 8 2 PHASE C ·z,..c. TEST METHOD PAGE __ EsGil Corporatlon 1.n Partnersli:ip witli (jovernment for 'lJuiftfing Safetg DATE: July 6, 1999 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad, ~CANT ~-- CJ PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Water Carousel SET: Struc. D D D D D D D D The plans transmitted herewith have heem corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building cod~s. ' ' ' ' The plans transmitted herewith will substanti~lly comply with. the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified pelow are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies -identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are ·submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant. contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise :the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the :Plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#; Mail Telephone Fax In Person [Z] REMARKS: As discussed with Mike Peterson, the plans ar~ being forwarded to the City for the issuance of a "str':-lctural'' permit By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC .log. Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Dieg?, California 921i3 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 ri EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersli.ip witli. (jovernment for '13uiUing Safetg DATE: July 26, 1999 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Water Carousel . SET:VI ~~ANT ~EVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. [Zl The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted :herewith have significant deficiencies identifi$d on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is .for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submittee for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applic~nt that the plan check has been completed. ~ Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan Check has been completed. Person conta · ed: John Burgess Telephone#: {949) 588-8801 Date cont ·_ Jr 1: 7/27/99 (by: kc) Fax #: ~ ~ • I ' Mail Fax In Person [g] REMARKS: . The designer stated that the building official would allow the exit configuration / shown {iJe.:., ·separation of exits) for the queue ~rea. 2. On sheet Q103, a gate should be shown in-thefra''il.'system at the location of the thirc;l .exit. Note to City staff: The permit applic~tion should be revised (the queue area is no longer covered with a roof). · By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC Enolosures:. 7/1'3/99 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego1 California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (85~) 560-1576 E:s·Gil ·c·orporatlon 1n Partnersliip witli <j'ov~mment for '.Buiuling Safety DATE: July 2, 1999 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad O~T ~ 0 PLAN REVIEWER CJ FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Water Carousel . SET:V D D D D The plans. transmitted herewith have been correGted where necessary and substantially ·comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially con:iply with the judsdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below ~re resolved_ and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted hetewith have significi:mt deficiencies identified _on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and· resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans-are being held at Esgil Corporation until coi-recte<;f plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's .copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: faxed to John Burgess Esgil Corporation staff did not advise tile applicant that the plan check hi:is been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. . . Person contacted: John Burgess LM Telephone#: (949) 588-8801 Date contacted: 7 \ L (by:15> ) Fax #: -7216 Mail telephone_ Fax-ln'Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation o GA O MB D EJ D PC '6/30/99 Eilclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-1816 V July 2, 1999 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsba,d PROJECT ADDRESS: I° Leg~ Dr. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 6/30/99 REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver FOREWORD (PLEASE READ):· PLAN-CHEGK NO.: 99~1816 SET: V DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: Jµly 2; 1999 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements Gontaihed in the Uniform. Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, N~tional Electrical Code _and state laws regulating en·ergy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification~ modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and Tegulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any - state, county or city law. A. Please make.all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects. For expeditious processing, corrected . sets can be submitted ih one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports dlrectly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 438-1161. The City will route the.plans to EsGil Corporatiol'.l arid the Carlsbad Pl_anning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/teports to EsGil-Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560--1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only Will not be reviewed .by the City Plan~ing, Engineering and Fire Departments until rev.iew t>y ~sGil Corporation is complete B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next-to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and" return thi$ sheet with the revised plans. Carlsbad 99-1816 V July 2, 1999 . C. The following items have not been resqlved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have ·enclosed ·those pag·es containing -the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions .regarding these items. D. Please indicate-here if any changes have been made to the plans-that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? OYes ONo Carlsbad 99-1816 V July 2, 1999 7. T,11..1.r-. ...... ,~;~.,... "'.,...,,..,. !&" ....... #"'YI! ,;t-<" ....... ...--' .f' .... .-.~ ,hh.-.. ~1,,...,1 • .,.... ...... Y,r"\~ ..... (i-,-.f. t,,~,-.__ J<'"'\'1....,r.,~ r,.,-.,...V"">"", .J....-.. -..-..1,, -h>"\.11',I • ,,.....,, ....,,.._ ... __ -..-1 ...... -..... t .... ~·· ...... ~ ., ·-·~. ~~ •. ..., ~__.. ____ -· --: J ,._,. ...... ·-t""'',.,..'' ,0 ---··· ._,._. .._. ..• , ._,,, ·-,, ,.,.....,_......, ,....,,,......_...,....,,~,;-,,..., r--.,~i.f. L)I,-.........,.-,...-,. ;,r,-.+~,S:,, f.,JA I\.Df"L.JtTCC"T'f,fDAl Oi /\hi~ \/\fCD,C -··---···,..,.-~,-, .... ::,-,I"'''"" • ,0---J---.. ··J" , ~--,,lo ................ --• -· .. ,, .. ..._, -· ... ,..._.. .. ,,_, ..__ '.'~0\f!f"\C:!:)_ rhree exits (properly separated, with adequate width) must be provided from the qoeue area. NOTEt Based on·the floor area: of the queue, the occupant load will greatiy exceed 500, so three exits (properly separated, adequate width, complying pathfslope, etc.)must be provided. Only one exit seems to be shown. Listing the occupant load as 499 on sheet Ti00 is unacceptable ... 1t must be based on floor areai per Tabl~ 1,0 ... A. The exits rnust be revised: A. Three exits are required, but only ONE exit is shown ... The "asphalt emergency exit" path shown on sheet C100 loops around and joins with the main exit walk. This convergence of exits causes them to be treated as a single exit path. Similarly, the two exit paths shown on sheet Q103 merge at the single main exit waik. The plans must be revised to show ;three ex;its, all separated by an adequate distance as prescribed in the Uniform Buifding Code. B. Revise sheet-Q103 to show·a break in the rail. system (exit gate) wherever the third ·exit is added. 14. EsGil Corporation will advise the City that tf:ie scope of work has been revised (no more queue structure). 21. Complete architectaral plans are needed, showing all requirements from ritle 24. Additionally: b) Please specify the slopes along the path providing access to this facility on sheet C200. !'!C: .1\~~~!T!=~T'..!?..AL ~!....".~~:2 \A}c~= ~~0'.'!~::!::. 1 can't find on the plans the slopes of the various paths leading to and from the proposed area. Sheet C2DO shows that the access path to the queue area has a slope of 8.33%: Complying handrails must be showfl on each side of the ramp .(the details on the plans don't comply since the guardrail is too high); additionally, a level landing (with proper dimensions) must be shown at the top/bottom of the ramp. At the top and bottom of the ramp, a level landing must be shown (1/4/foot maximum slope in any directicm). Carlsbad 99-1816 V July 2, 1999 . 22. Please submit complete electrical and plumbing plans, along with associated designs .. PLEASE VERIFYWITH THE BUILDING OFFICLAL THAT THESE MAY BE SUBMITTED AT A LATER DATE. No olootrioal:plans have boon submitto_d yet! SEE BELOW FOR COMMENTS. + ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW + 1993NEC + PLAN REVIEWER: Eric Jensen 1. Show the location of all new electrical equipment fncluding:· panelboards, motor control centers, motor disconnects, and -receptacle and lighting fixture· outlets. 2. Describe the location, on a site plan of the source power for this ride (all voltages). Include all electrical: dedicated ride circuits as well as new lighting · circuits. 3. Include the connection of new (remote source, not fed from equipment presently .installed iii the vault) electrical equipment instc;1lled in the vault to the vault grounding system .. 4. Revise the single line diagram: a) Show all feeder conductor sizing b) 'WC" is described on· the single line as the .new panel.. lt is shown as 400 ampere on the single line., 225 ampere on the panel schedule. Please correct. c) Feeder conductors to. the 400 ampere ma.in are not described or sized correctly. (Either for the 225 or 400 ampere· above mentioned sizing)Please revise. . d) Include the equipment grounding conductor sizing for 'WC". 5. Include on the electrical $heets th~ note-that this-ride feature shall cornply with the City of Carlsbad Policy 98-51. Include the following designs from this policy with the electrical sheets: + Installation of a grounding electrode. . + The method of disconnection for the all of the ride electrical. · · + Underwater lighting shall comply with NEC 680:-20. + Light fixtures installed within 5 and 1 O' of the waters eqge shall be GFCI protected. + All metal within 5' of the water's edge shall be bo_nd~d to the water feature's bonding system. + Light fixtures shall not be installed within 5' of the water's eoge· unless they meet the Policy's specifications. EsGU Corporation 'l.n Partnersliip w;.tli (jovernment for '13uilaing $q.fetg DATE: June 29, 1999· JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 . PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 _Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Wat~r Carousel _SET:IV ~NT ~ D PLAN REVIEWER D. FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction''s buil9ing cod.es. '·', D The plans transmitted herewith will $Ubstantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes wh~n minor deficiencies :identified below are re$olved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant oeficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a coml)lete recheck. i:gj The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for .recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the juri$diction to forward to the applicant contact person. i:gj The applicant's, copy of the chec.k list has been sent to: faxed to John Burgess D Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. i:gj Esgil Corporation staff did advise the _applicant that the ·plan. check has been completed. Person contacted: John Burgess Telephone#: (949) 588-8801 Date contacted: <o/~o (by:/Z,.-) Fax #:·-7216 Mail Telephone Fax In Person D REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation_ - D GA D MB D EJ -D .PC . Enclosure$: 6/22/99 tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego; Califomi_a 92123 + (85~) 560~-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-1816 IV June 29, 1999 RECHECK PLAN CORRl;:CTION LIST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: l Lego Dr. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 6/22/99 , REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver· FOREWORD (Pl-EASE READ): PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 - SET: IV DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: June 29, 19.99 · This plan review is limited to the tecrmical requirements-contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Unif()rm Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise· attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other correc~ions b_ased on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification-or chahge. All items must be satisfied· before the plans wm be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations, Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code_, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any _ state, county or city law. · , A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects. For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets -of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Pl~nning, Engineering and Fire Departments. · 2. Bring one corrected set-of plans and calculations/r~ports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San. Diego, CA 92123, (858) 5"t30-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to· EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments-until· review by EsGil Corporation is complete B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next. to each item, the' sheet of the plans upon which e.ach correction on this sheet h~s been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. Carlsbad 99-1816 IV June 29, 1999 _ C. The following items have ndt been re$olved from the previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, pJease briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made· not resulting from this list? DYes DNo Carlsbad 99-1816 IV June 29, 1999 . 7. Two e*its .are required from tho quouo area, yet tho plans seem to only show one oomplying exit. -Ploasejustify. NO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS WERE PROVIDED. ·Three; exits (properfy separated, with adequate width) must be provided from the queue area. NOTE! s·ased ·on the floor area of the queue, the occupant load will greatly exceed 500, so three exits· (properly separated~. adequate width, complying path/slope, etc.) must be provided. Only one exit seems to be shown. Listing the occupant load as 499 on sheet TtOO is unacceptable ... it must be. based-on floor area, per Table 10-A. 14. EsGil Corporation will advise the City tnat the scope of work has been revised (no more queue structure). . 21. · Complete architectural plans are needed, showing all requirements from Title 24. Additionally: a) lt appears that vvheelchair access to the "carousel" is not being provided! Please justify this. PLEASE V,ERIFY'THAr THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ACCEPTED THE PROPOSED METHOD OF PROVIDING ACCESS. ADDIT!(,)NALLY, OBTAIN APPROV1-\L TO SUBMIT ALL SUCH DRAWINGS AT A LATER DATE. 6/29199 Notes: 1. Verify with the building official tbpt the ''inclined wheelchair -lift" mentioned on sheet S200 i.s an acceptable means of providing access. 2. Verify with the building official that complete detailing for this lift, and the detailing for the accessible ride itself, may be submitted at a later date. b) Please specify the slopes along the path providing access to this fadlity on h t C2,QQ fl.It, i\ Di"Lli~Cr'Tl ID A I. DI f\ 1\1-C \/\/CDC 0011\ /IT,Cn J can't ~J"nd s,ee _ ... _, ... ..,,. .... _..,..-...... -· .. ·-··-··-····--··----Ji on the plans the slopes of the various paths leading to and from the proposed ar~a. · Sheet C200 shows that the access path to the queue area has a slope of 8-.33%: Complying handrails must be shown on each side of the ramp (the details on the plans don't comply since the guardrail fa too high); additionally, a level landing (with proper dimensions) must be shown at the top/bottom of the ramp. 22. Please submit complete el-ectrical and plumbing plans, along with associated designs. PLEASE VERJF'lWffH THE BUILDING OFFICIAL THAT THESE MAY BE SUBMftTED /\TA LATER DATE. No electrical plans have bee.rt submitted yet! EsGil Cor_poratio-n· 'ln Partne.rsliip -Wi.tli .fjove,rnment for iJ3uifaing Safety DATE: June 18, 19~9 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: -9-9-1816 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Water 'C~rottsel SET: Ill 0 APPLICANT ~ Cl PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected wh~re necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies _identified below arf? resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted .herewith have significant -deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. r:g] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until -corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's_ copy of the check list ,is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. r:g] The applicant's copy of the check list has· been sent to: John Burgess · 22921 Triton Way, Suite 227 · Laguna Hills 92653 D Esgil Corporation .. staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. r:g] Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: John Burgess Telephone#: (775) 831-7158 Date contacted: Co(, l-/9~ (by:fAx:) ·Fax #: (949) 5'88-7216 Mail 0elephone D REMARKS: ,Fax V In Person By: Ku:w:-t.Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ . D PC Enclosures: 6/15/99 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + Sari Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax_ (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-1816 III June 18, 1999 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION J..IST JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADORES$,: 1 Legq Dr. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 6/15199 REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver FOREWORD (PLEASE READ}: PLAN ·cHECK NO.: 99-1816 SET: Iii DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: June 18, 1999 This plan review is limited to the technical reC:juirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation,. noise attenu:atiori and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the .Building Department. Yoti may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning ,Department, Engineering .Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or ch~nge. All items must be satisfied before the plans will :be in conformance with the cited qodes a_nd regulations. ·Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested i'n the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial pmj.ects. For e~peditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: · 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil .Corporation, and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. . 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and cal¢L:Jlations/reports to EsGil Corporation, '9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San_Diego., CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Buildi.ng Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted: directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire· Departments until review by EsGil Corporation ·is complete B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans-. Carlsbad 99-1816 HI June 18, 1999 C. The following items have .not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original. correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of. the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing. the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any qu~stions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have cha_nges been made not resulting from this list? DYes DNo .• Carlsbad 99-1816 III· June 18, 1999 7. Two exits ate required from tho queue area, yet the .plans seem to only sho1.a.i one oomplying exit. Please justify. NO ARCHITECTURAi,.. PLANS 'A'ERE PROVIDED. Three exits· (ptoperly separated, with adequate width) must be provided from the queue area .. 8. Provide complete details of the stairs, showing rise/tun, handrails, etc. DETAIL THE HANDRAILS. The stair details on the plans don't show Title 24 requirements (23 11 handrail extension, contrasting-color strip at treads, etc.). . . 10. . Provide a letter frorn the soils engineer confirmlng that the foundation plan, gFading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the· soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (required by the soil.report). PLEASE SUBMIT THE LETTER. 14. EsGil Corporation will advise the City that the scope of work has been revised (no more queue structure). 21. Compl~te architectural plans ar~ needed, showing all requirements from Title 24. Additionally: · · a) It-appears that wheelchair access to the ''.carousel" is hot l:)eing provided! Please justify this: PLEASE VERIFYTHAT THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ACCEPTED THE PROPOSED METHOD OF PROVIDING ACCESS. ADDITIONAL.LY, OBTAIN AP_PROVAL Tb SUBMIT ALL SUCH DRAWINGS AT A LATER DATE. b) Please specify the slopes along the path providing access to this facility on sheet C200. NO J'.RCHITECTURAL PLANS 'NER!z PROVIDED. I can't find on the plans the slopes of the various paths leading to and from the proposed' area. c) OPEN STAIR RISERS ARE NOT PERMITTED, PEH TITLE 24. This problem still exists! 22. Please submit complete electric;3I and plumbing plans, along with associated designs. PLEASE VERIFYWITH THE BUILDING OFFICIAL THAT THESE MAY BE SUBMITTED AT A LATER DATE. " ' _J EsGil Corporation 'l.n Partnersnip w.itn (]o-aernment; for 'lfu.lfi.ing Sq,fetg DATE: June 14, 1999 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad CJ APPLICANT ~Ju§)> PLAN REVIEWER 0 FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 ~go Dr. PROJECT NAME: Water Caro.usel SET:Il D D D D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected Where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will sLlb$tantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified bel,ow are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and. resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted h.erewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation u·ntil corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: John Burgess 22921 Triton Way,. Suite 227 Laguna Hills 92653 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant thatthe,plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check-has been ·completed. -Person contacted: John Burges$ Telephone#: (949) 588-8801 Date contacted: <D [rL[/q9 (by:(-p,.-f-) F~x #.: -7216 Mail i....-Telephone D REMARKS: Fa)(l.../' In Person By: Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 6/7/99· Enclosures: trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858) 560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-1816 II June 14, 1999 RE-CHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST. JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 6/7/99 REVIEWED BY: Kurt Culver FOREWORD (PLEASE RE,:AD): PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 SET: II DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: June 14, 1999 This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code; Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noi·se attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the 63uUdin,g Oepartment. You may-have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans-does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please mak~ all correction~ on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans .for commercial/industrial prqjects. For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all correcteo sets of plans and caiculatio0s/reports directly to the City of Cgrlsbad Building Department, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad, CA 92009, (760) 438-1161. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San,Diego, CA 92123, (61'9) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Pla·nning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engi'neering and Fire Departments until rev,iew by EsGil Corporation is complete B. To facilitate rechecking, plea$e identify, next to each item, -the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet nas been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. Carlsbad 99-1816 II · June 14, 1999 C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews. The original. correction number has .been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclos.ed tho$e pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if yo·u have any questions reg.arding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? DYes DNo Carlsbad 99-1816 U June 14, 1999 C 2. The $Ubmitted plans were basically structural. ar:id civil only. Please provide architectural plans,. showing uses; handicap.requirements, etc., etc. NO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS ·WERE PROVIDED. 7. Two exits are required from the queue area., yet the plans seem to only show one complying exit. Please justify.· NO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS WERE PROVIDED. . . 8. Provide complete details of the stairs, showing rise/nm, handrails, etc. DETAIL THE HANDRAILS. 10. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (required by the soil report). PLEASE SUBMIT THE LETTER. 14. EsGil Corporation will advise the City that the scope of work has been revised (no more queue structure). 20. Guardrails (Secti'on 509.1 ): a) b) c) Shall have a height of 42". Shall be detailed showing adequacy of connections to resist the horizontal force prescribed in Table· 16 B. Openings between railings shall be less than 4". The triangular openings formed by the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6'' .. THE RAILS. SEEM TO BE MORE OPEN THAN THE CODE ALLOW$. · 21. Complete architectural plans are needed, showing all requirements from Title 24. Additionally: · a) It appears that wheelchair access to the "carousel" is not being provided! Please justify this. Pl,..EASE Vl;:RIFYTHAT THE BUILDING OFFICIAL HAS ACCEPTED THE PROPOSED METHOD OF PROVIDING ACCESS. ADDITIONALLY, OBTAIN APPROVAL To SUBMIT ALL SUCH D.RAWINGS AT A LATER DATE.. . . b) Please specify the slopes along the path providing access to this facility on sheet C200. NO ARCH.ITECTURALPLANS WERE PROVIDED. c) OPEN STAIR RISERS ARE NOT PERMITTED, PER TITLE 24. 22. ·Please submit complete electrical and plumbing plans, along with associated designs. PLEASE VERIFY WITH THE BUILDING OFFICIAL THAT THESE MAY BE SUBMITTED AT A LATER DAT~. -~- EsG:il Corporati-on 1.n !Pf!-rtners/iip wit/i (jov~mment for '.Buifaitt.g Safety DA TE: May 20, 1999 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad 0 FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. PROJECT NAME: Water Carousel SET: .J -· D D D D D rhe plans transmitted herewitn have-been-corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. · The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply·with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are r~solved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected .and resubmitted for. a complete recheck. ' . The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck ... The applicant's copy of the ct:ieck llst is er:iclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant · contact person. · · The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: John Burgess 22921 Triton Way, #227 Laguna Hills 92653 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise tbe applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that.the plan check has been completed. Person contacted·: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax#: Mail Telephone Fax· In Person . REMARKS: By: Kurt Culver. Enclosures:_ Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ 0 PC 5113/99 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive? Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619) 560~1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 99-1816 May 20, 1999 PLAN REVIEW CORRl:CTION LIST COMMERCIAL · . PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-18.16 OCCUPANCY: A-A TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ? ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: ?. SPRINKLERS?: ? REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: 5/10/99 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: May 20, 1999 FOREWO.RD (PLEASE READ): JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: Amusement ACTUAL AREA: ? STORIES: 2 HEIGHT: ? dCCU"PANT 1-0AD: ? DATE PLANS R!=CEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 5/13/99 PLAN REVIEWER: Kurt Culver This plan review is 'limited to the techn_ic~I requirements contained in the Uniform Builaing Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Nationa·1 Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Buil~ing Department. Yow may have other corrections based on laws anc;i ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments.. Clearance .from those departments may l:>e required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections· cited are based on the 1'994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform. Building Code, the approval of the plans dqes not· permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each -'• -- correction item. has. been addressed,. i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 99-1816 May 20, 1999 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the .original ttacihgs :and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite· 208, San [)iego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468. • PLANS 2. The submitted plans were basically structural and civil only. Please provide ·architectural plans, showing use~, handicap requirements, etc., etc. 3. All sheets of the plans are required to be signed .by the California licensed architect or engiheer·responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 4. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following· code information for each building proposed: + Occupancy Group • Description of Use • Type of C9nstructjon + Sprinkl.ers: Yes.·or No + Stories + Height • Floor Area 5. Provide a note on the plans indicating if any hazardous materials will be stored and/or used within the building which exceed tt,e quantities listed in USC Tables 3-D and 3--E. • sire PLAN 6. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, and from _all adjacent buildings.and structures on the site plan. -~ EXITS 7. Two exits are required from the qu.eue area, yet the plans seem to only show one complying exit. Please justify. 8. Provide complete details of the stairs, showing ri$e/run, ·handrails, etc. Carlsbad 99-1816 May 20, 1999 • FOUNDATION· 9. Show adequate drainage behind each retaining wall. 10. Provide a ·Ietter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed ;;md that it has been determined that the recommendation$ iii the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (required by the soil :report). • STRUCTURAL 11. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, In a format similar to-that shown below. • REQUIRED 'SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the regular inspections, the follow1ng, checked items will also require Special Inspection in accordance with Sec. 1701 of the Uniform Building Code. -. - ITEM . REQUIRED? SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2500 PSI FIELD Wl=lDING HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTS EXPANSION/EPOXY ANCHORS STRUCTURAL MASONRY REMARKS 12. When special inspection is required, the architect or engineer of record sha·11 prepar~ an inspection program which shall be submitted to the· building .official for approval prior to issuance of the building permit. Please review Section 106.3.5. Please complete the attach.~d form. 13. Parts of the ''Roofing Plan" on sheet S101 were cut off. Please revise. 14. Specify on the.plans the slope of the concrete roof. 15. Some of the details on ·sheet S 1 Ot refer to sheet S 1,03, but that sheet wasn't provided. 16. Provide connection detailing/design for sheet S20"0. 17. The structural plans don't specify the wall rebar, etc.! Carlsbad 99-1816 May 20; 1999 , , . . 18. Detail on the plans the bracing from page· 11 of the calculations. 19. Note: There are many items in the ·calculationi:, that-aren't shown on the plans. (Why did the engineer sign the plans??? This implies they are ready for permit, and that the engineer actually· reviewed them!-!) • MISCELLANEOUS· 20. Guardrails (Section 509, 1 ): · a) Shall have a height of 42". b) Shall b~ ·detailed-showing adequacy of connections t9 resist the horizontal force prescribed in Table· 16-8. . . c) Openings between railings shall be less than 4''. The triangular openings formed py the riser, tread and bottom element of a guardrail at a stair shall be less than 6'\ • TITLI; 24 OISABLEO AC.CESS 21. Complete architectural plans-are needed, showing all requirements from Title 24. Additionally: a) It appears that wheelchair access to the "carousel" is not being provided! Please justify this. _ b) Please specify the slopes :;:ilong the path providing access to this facility on sheet C200. . . • AD.DIJIONAL, 22. Please submit complete electrical and plumbing plans, along with associated designs.' 23. To speed up the review process, note oh this fist (or a copy)where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation-page, etc. 24. Please indicate here if any changes have been. made to the plans that are not a result .of corrections.from this IJ_st. If there are other changes, please briefly describe. them and where they are located in the plans. Have ·changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate-: O Ye$ O No 25. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, s·an Diego; California 92123; telephone m1mber of 619/560-1468, to perform the,plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Kurt Culver at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad 99-1816 May 20, 1999 ·SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PLAN CHECK NUMBER: --,---------OWNER'S NAME: I, as the owner, or agent of the owner ('contractors may not employ the special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsible for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Ur1iform Building Code (USC) Section 1701.1 for the construction project located at th~ sit$ listed above, .UBC Section 106.3.5. Signed -----,------------------------,- I, as the engineer/architect of record, certify that I have prepared the foll:owing:special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106,3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. Signed ----------------------------------------.----~ 1. List of work requiring special inspection: D Soils Compliance Prior fo .. Foundation Inspection D Field Welding Engineer's/An:hltect's Seal & Signature Here D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI • · · D High Strength Bolting D Prestre.ssed Concrete D Expansion/Epoxy Anchors D Structural Mason·ry Q. Sprayed-On Fireproofing D Designer Specified D Other _____ _ 2. Name(s) of individual(s) or firm{s) responsible for. the special inspections listed above: A.-------._,. ___ ..,......__... _ __,.__... ....... _______ -----;------------------ 8. ----------------------------------,----,---,-,--------- c. ---------------------------,-----------------,...----,-.----- 3. Duties of the speci'al .inspectors for the work listed above: A. B. C. Special inspectors shall check in with the City and'present their creqentials for approval prior to beginning work ori the job site. Carlsbad 99-1816 May 20, 1999 -· VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK F-EE: JURISDICTION: Carlsb~d PREPARED BY: Kurt Culv~r BUILDING ADDRESS: 1 Lego Dr. BUILDING OCCUPANCY: .. BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA (ft.2) Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers _ TOTAL VALUE -- .. PLAN CHECK NO.: 99-1816 OATE: May 20; 1999 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: VALUATION I VALUE fy1UL TIPUER ($) " " -- .. D 199 USC Building Permit Fee D Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee D Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ Type of Review: D Complete Review D Structural Only [g] Hourly D Repetitive Fee Applicable D Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 261.45 Comments: 3 hrs.@ $87:15/hr. Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 I BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP 98040-02 July 7, 1999 Mr. Kurt Culver Esgil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Drive #208 San Diego, California 92123 RE: Legoland Water Carousel City of Carlsbad Plan Check No. 99-1816 Dear Mr. Culver: First, I want to thank you for your prompt response to our plan submissions. Time is of the essence on this project and you have certainly done your part to keep the ball rolling. We are submitting, herewith, revised site and grading. plans showing a new configuration for the emergency exit ramp. We have chosen to extend the walk to the south and east rather than towards Miniland, for two reasons. The first reason is so that people who exit the Water Carousel will be returned to the vicinity where they entered the ride. Many parents and grandparents send their children on the rides by themselves. They make the assumption that the kids can easily make it back to the place where they parted company and we make a diligent effort to make it easy for groups to re-connect. If we direct the emergency exit to a different area of the park (towards Miniland in this case) we make the re-connection process more difficult and ifwe try to impose this burden at a time of increased stress, we feel we don1t really help the situation. The Park will soon be expanding into the vacant area in the southeast comer of the site. We intend to route the emergency exit from the Water Carousel so as to join with the eventual alignment of the main access to the new area. We propose to construct it as shown on the plans until the expansion area can be developed. We appreciate your prompt consideration in this matter. Please call me if you have any questions. Yours truly, cc: Jim Fend w/attachments; Mike Peterson w/attachments 22921 Triton Way• Suite 227 • Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 588-8801 • (949) 588-7216 (FAX) City of Carlsb~d · M=J!ht#hh~i•l4•biihit=hii JUNE 23, 1999 JIM FEND . DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE LEGOLAND ONE LEGO DR CARLSBAD CA 92008 RE: ACCESS @WATER CAROUSEL, CB~9;_1816 The proposal dated June 22, 1999, as I understand it, is for.each carousel car to be accessible by means of a ~e~ting device which may be readily installed at the point of service· to the ·tide. This concept is acceptable, and meets the intent of _the State access regulations. The ride loading areas need to be accessible as well. These access details will need to be incorporated into the approved plans m:iQ.c to issuance of the building permit for the ride. The latest correction list dated June 18th from EsGil Corporation notes this requirement as item 21. The importance of having this settled prior to permit issuance is so that there is no conflict during construction attempting· to adapt access devices with ongoing construction. Complete electrical plans neeq to be packaged with the ride permit so the field inspector has the opportunity to use those plans as soon as the project construction is underway. Thank you for promptly providing this information so the permit process can be con ed and the per.mit issued. Pat Kelley Principal_ Builqing Inspector c: Plan Check File EsGil Corporation 2075 Las Pal mas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 4~~,,.1161 • FAX (760} 438-0894 @ ( June 22, 1999 Mr. Pat Kelley City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 LEGOLAID CALIFORNIA RE: LEGOLAND Water Carousel Plan Check No. 99-1816 Dear Mr. Kelley: This letter addresses your Plan Check Review comments, dated May 20, 1999, item #21 (Disabled Access), in addition, referencing the letter to you from John Burgess, dated June 4, 1999, whereas LEGOLAND has agreed to modify one ride vehicle to accommodate the disabled person. Modifications to this attraction include all ADA access ability, entrance to the ride load platform, as well as stairwells to provide lift access for our handicapped guests. These modifications to the Water Carousel are in the redesign phase. As soon as details are received we will submit these changes to you for your review and approval. Attached with the previous letter, dated June 10, 1999 was a drawing from the Ride Manufacturer, Zierer, showing the "seat addition for disabled person" currently being fabricated to be included with the shipment and installation .of the ride. This seat, by design, can be inserted (hooked) into any gondola of the Water Carousel Ride. It is not a permanent device but is to be inserted whenever needed. With this commitment we are asking that you allow LEGOLAND to proceed with construction of the structural aspect of this attraction as per ou.r proposed plans. Should you require any further clarifications please do not hesitate to contact me. irector of Maintenance LEGOLAND California cc: Kurt Culver EsGil Corporation One LEGO Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 USA Phone (760) 918-5300 Fax (760) 918-5459 within frtt zone merhcllb f reroun VAter levri Vos5'!'_stand .eigeluke Inside fiet in hatch " ,/ SeG t for disGbeled person ...... ~ below r ree zone 1.11terhcllb f rercui, ....... ... Lego Cllrlsbod USA Sitz f?r bennderte Person - Antriebsrw,g drive ring, ZIERER -· IPHl-Heege ~ 58 02 02 LH >, .0 "' 'It -"' 0 Q) .c (.) C: "' 0:: @'ttJ_ D PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB 99/8 IC. Address / L£Go LJrive Planner /ba Ney Phone (61 9) 438-11 61, extension L/l/t../C.. APN: 21/-/00-Of? . -. Type of Project & Use(Zbe-me--fqrk-.~et Project Density: A,t/A-DU/AC Zo~in·: C-T-9. · General Plan: pg Facilities Management Zone: 13 CF (in o_ut) # _/ Date of patticipation:/2-2/-93 Remaining net dev acres: 2S: · le One , · · (For non:--residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: Alloiher CDm.....eteig/ uses ntt+-::tder,iiB'ecl ) on -He chO\f't- Legend: ~ Item Complete {[) Item Incomplete -Neeois your action Environmental Review Required; YES No· TYPE ---- DA TE OF COMPLETION: --'----------.-------'---'-- Compliance with conditions of approval? ll not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES NO TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. ___ ____,._ DATE~--- PROJECT NO.----'--'-~----- ~:leo10THER RELATED CASES:-------------~-~--,---------- Si-\e , Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. A+'t<'olc,itW\ Conditions of Approval: ;IYJdic:cc{e= i-£ repkciV?J qn o/Proved @)j D o.±frc,e,--h'cn-canal ,·£--~0 _wh,ch · OY'.Je.-XrvJjk?C-is clecr's:c'wJ Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance ...., -See epvvtwt~~ful/2. Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES.l( NO_._ · CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES__ NoK If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at -3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) q21-8036 Determine status (Coastal. Permit Required or Exempt): Coastal Permit .Determination Form already completed? YES NO. If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit_ Determination Log If, Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Pl·ans as "Exempt"_ or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastc1L:Permit Determjnation l.,og as heeded. @~o DBD D 0-D @)?J D )(~ D lnclusionary Housing Fee required: YES __ NO X {Effective date of lnclusionary Housing Ordinance -May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO {A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. .s}:iQW loccd-iCVl OV\ q roved t'b...vice. I Cl:r') • . Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Showv1 ov\ f<'kw1'ole. Front: -Required _____ _ Shown ------Interior Side: Required ------Shown ------Street Side: Required ------Shown ------Rear: Required _____ _ Shown ------ 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: ' Required _____ _ Shown ------Interior Side: Required ------Shown ------Street Side: Required -------Shown ------Rear: Required _____ _ Shown ------Structure separation: Required _____ _ Shown ------ 3. Lot Coverage: Required ------Shown ------ 4. Height: Required Shown ------ 5. Parking: Spaces Required Shown ------ Guest Spaces Required Shown ------ Additional Comments Jhivde... e.-/eva:h'ons with o/1mev1s1oneo/ .sto.,,c--fvre h~hti dro.wn :to -Sccde. JYJcl,:de e~±icns :Ge: anv IJrotJoseo/ OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER Carlsbad Fire Department 990260 2560 Orion Way Carlsbad, CA 92008 Fire Prevention (760) 931-2121 Plan Review Requirements Category: ijuilding Plan Reviewed by: Date of Report: 07/07/1999 ------"--------- Name: Burgess Engineering Address: · 2~921 Triton Way #227 City, State: Laguna Hills CA 92653 Plan Checker: -------------------''----Job#: _99_0_2_60_. ___ _ Job Name: Legoland Bldg#: OB991816 ------------------------,-- Job Address: 1 Legoland DR $te. OF Bldg. No. [g] Approved D Approved Subject to D Incomplete Review FD Job# The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/ or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after thi$ date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes and standards. Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. The item you have submitted for review has been approved subject to the attached conditions. The approval is based oh plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Please resubmit to this office the necessary plans and./ or specifications required to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards.· The item you have submitted for review is i·ncomplete. At this time, this office cannot adequately conduct a review to determine compliance with the applicable codes ancl / or standards. Please review carefully all comments attached. Please resubmit the necessary plans and/ or specifications to this office for review and approval. 1st 990260 2nd FD File# 3rd Other Agency ID June 10, 1999 Mr. Kurt Culver EsGil Corporation 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 San Diego, CA 92123 RE: LEGOLAND Water Carousel Plan Check No. 99-1816 Dear Mr. Culver: This letter addresses your Plan Check Review comments, dated May 20, 1999, item #21 (Disabled Access), in addition, referencing the letter to you from John Burgess, dated June 4, 1999, whereas LEGOLANO has agreed to modify one ride vehicle to accommodate the disabled person. Enclosed with this letter is a drawihg from the Ride Manufacturer, Zierer, showing the "seat addition for disabled person" currently being fabricated to be included with the shipment and · installation of the ride. This seat, by design, can be inserted (hooked) into any gondola of the Water Carousel Ride. It is not a permanent device but is to be inserted whenever needed. Should you have any further ql)estions or comments regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, 1 enclosure cc: Pat Kelley Principal Building Inspector One LEGO Drive Car,lsb<1d, Califor.nj~ ?~008 USA P-~qn!! (760) 9 ~ ~.5~Q0 Fax (760) 918-5459 7. JUN. 1999 13:50 006217000029Z1ERER NEUHAUSEN NR. 6979 S. 2 I l City of Carlsbad • •=diitsihi·1•#$·iU4il,t4h_l June 7, 1999 STATE OF CALli=ORNIA DIVJSION OFTHI; STATE ARCHITECT-ACCESS COMPLIANCE SUITE 1Cl1 1130 K STREET SACRAMENTO CA 95814 RE~ ACCESS TO AMUSEMENT PARK RIDES The City of Carlsbad is currently processing an application to construct a ride at an amusement park. The ride, as proposed, does not meet the criteria for.barrier free design as contained in CBC Section 101.17.11 2. The applicant has selected a ride which is not easily modified to allow access and states that the ride may not be suitable for use by the disabled due to forces exerted upon the riders during the use of the facility. This jurisdiction's interpretation ·of the a1qcess provisions is that the amusement . park must provide access to the ride facility and allow riders to choos·e whether they wish to participate in the ride experience .. The proposed ride is accessed by a stairway leading to a passenger loading platform. Riders stand inside individual "jet ski" styled passenger cars. The rider then circles around the loading platform and may maneuver the apparatus with hand controls to a limited degree. This jurisdiction has sugg_ested that .a reasonable accommodation may be allowed by the use of a chair lift to the loading platform and converting one of the twelve "jet ski" passenger cars to allowed seated 'Use by the disabled. Is it the apinion of the Division of the State·Architect's Office -Access Compliance th~t amusement park rides are required to be accessible? Thank you for your attention to this request. My telephone number is (760) 438-1161 extension 4503. Piease call if you need clarification or for questions. C: ... >\ Patrick Kelley . Principal Building Inspector c: DSA-AC San Diego Regional Office ceroJe:-ct~ 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 · @ ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: I of __ _ JOB#: qtoLfD---D 2- DATE: 4 -.2.7-f?'J I NAME: .. t/~ ../r 6 r,,e11.1 r ~£4,1,-Z>$.s.; ~ WA-7F/Z ~&a:;;e./4'.' S~,ep~ /'"'2/..e.& - ---- / / .. ---~--~----... ·----·--------- MR., =-&./.so//.;f ,<_Jfi-JC ~ft r /,~ ~ ~.t;7s~/,,1-,;~ -..; /J.t~¼r;;.;(j ;5'ff. _,, i,5/i-, -=--·--J.iit/lj;_;4:t----------------------· ------ -+ I. It,/~;_ 1;?5{:rJ ~ 7''2.1t2Sft =-f_](-f ·:{+;!ft 4-741+/?- . s = 4,M-.. : · . · · ----------------------~ _. --~--i~ri1 P?=------------ sr-1-lwff!!!!:; s/ZJ;..Q S ,5°' 1 "-#-)_6, __ P,"14r;t,\4, ./g /lli~ ;,;.s=J~,, 1 fi/:14;:. 5,r.;f,x,< 1-:f,1.. __ (J. ... ~t.Fl+=- -:;;--,;rs-7tt-7 x?f+/+·/+:;2: 7,s:f-F ----w-;r'f.1---- -. -. -.. ±...!.:!l:.~r.-f#l-i.1.--JfM-xe.-1:7/:1 ,i. M1ef1 - -.:S.8:¥+ ~-' -~ 4~ =_, { .z/-D -------. ----·. ---... --e.6'?-'ilfl/J~ ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: 1:--· of __ _ JOB#:------ DATE: _..;._:_4,_--=.'2,..L.'7_-~fz£.___ NAME: _ __,,_./4-"'-J".='15c.,...;, J"'-',,-'--- I, 134-. {)IL - tf?.GtJk s/~/277 dt,;:<£/') ------ .... ------...... . .. MV ~ /.1 (!~:;f )'_4!(-:J_~ ---f~tf!IL_ ~ . u~ ~'4 4. ½,1 ./f-::: ~o¼;z.- -.. ---·----·-- r-:::), d t'--1=> :-12.'-, ~&d ---------·--_____ .., -. ------ K '11~ ~k -:. e,.t,,..)- 0, I F =-~.I e -;::-, t?b/3,,X t 33 ::: ,1?. t:>0/; - -----------. -----· -------------------------- As -==-t}.0017 )C IZ;t,/C> :: ~-?G? ;;J .t.- [Js f._ · :tt.: 4.-E Mr h 1 tP h (§ J z/lJJ i,, -.. ·----------. -------------- l11J /, "7 / t!Y, If /11_1/211->Jl.f.~ //1- , c> ,'7 ' -~'7,!J~ . F ~-0, / ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: 3 of ___ _ JOB#: ?$Mo -o :'Z-: DATE: 4-Z-8-fz NAME: ______ _ 5';-,ev a T v,eAv P$:5/ ~A/... W k715P-. .'S(!.6,::; 7£/Z. ...:: .. .-/cf:. v c.::-v,€,c I / · . / I . ·-----.... 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C, t?:??-7 /1--'6 --t1).a:::>Z..7X: I z,;, X/01:-i -:: t2 .J'Z.1% 1/s& aZ. 5@ 12-'iJjC-t - ~r -..-- ----------~------··-·-----·-----------...... ~----------~ ____ ,._.._-____ .., ----------- ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE:-Gr-_of __ _ JOB#: __,__71""~-""'t;J.'-.L.'4i)...__.-z>"-=Z-__ DATE: ~4-_-_.t--_-$'--_f'...____._7 __ NAME:---->0:...a.'Ju..:f?,...,.....c:.J'--'-c--- S;;JZ,:1/t!, ,rp,eAL 2?F£.JGV h,JA-7£fl, S/Jtio7"ei2. .ST!Z/Jl.T!)p:;;e._ -------·----------------·-· h = l ZI+- - Mo -:: f:J. t;b-1/li o/ I~ ,X IZ.;-f . = /g/7;$/4/f+- .~ ---1--1~ -1-r::;.;i:7;?1~ I IN·.:_ 1,N < 1~l!-;<. 10-k- + O ii Zo/fr. ;e I# ;,c. 8ff Y-I &?I:-X 5', ~ -=-ZJJ, IC?¥ /4- .. ·---· -F-.-,.:5_,_~..,,_t(;_!:ft:__.._ -· /;, tY7-·· ------· . ./.,&~ _lZ/'Jf .. /fk I-?/,'7 &1:r!J /' _;_ f~y . f/:/~d /4J-;,{ / /bW? ...___., I . -/(If'<;-=-.. -_:_~cJ-,(__ ¥~::;.-/ .-::;-:U _____ -----··. -····. -·------ / ~, 7 Z,, ./ • I ,?ICft°,,at ~~;,6'-/ ~er~H -:-----= I · ·· --·· ··· · · ·· 7 forf-ev/ .. _l<~-Mr-.. 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I ___ .. _____ ·-------·-------=:.· :--' ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: /() of __ _ JOB#: ,f,#b.¢-tJ.,~d- DATE: £'"-& ' 'f"J NAME: /J,l£J/ ~ e!6.!)/4d Vt?/Yr ;5'~,,4-,v . D .?n ~ ;z-;p-.stf p; Ce~ ;I al) Mm&,e = @,~l't)( t,,4-,t-£--l-,1.-(,P.1?-+£/vk :1-t', 9z.e) -:. 14. 7.t-"'"( ?,,~-r/lJ _-s-1, 5z_«-Ji- )&1-.:: 3. 5 /f- #/4/ &,~;, /tJ,:1d ~ µ,/ ,;::._ /~?~//.'.~ /~Q? ~ -/Sa£ = a,oB" F .. l?.~,-_d_ ___ : -. //, g~ I~----------- 9 - 1 f"t"'~V -= 3b IC--t!> IL V.:s ~ a I tP -;,t:/~;\3 ..4,,,.. s t~ 1r ~ ;,Lr,,-;,~ 1 r-.s rb», ~;a~ > l{;;t / <,/ . '3-" _ ~ s/4,,,..-;-__ dr/4/rr5-______________________ _ ------~------,---· ----- I i . ' ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP SiP/;.. ,.?,-,.....A'a/.s - /4 ::-1/.J/Z- D PAGE: //1 of. __ _ JOB#: 9804-LJ-!:J Z- DATE: 5-u-y'f NAME: .f../ ,S s,/ - j =:-7/ {./,/: tJ, / .S-"4" ./-- ~ tJ, 9£./''H-_' =-//, ZJZ-/~ /'SP--··· ::s--,,-:;-,y d = ,:P. 4-S-/ ,; .3 w/ s ,x 3 x/,1--' _.):.. 5 /Dr&Jv -:::. 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V/-7,;?:) ~ O, 4-?,;, ffiJ IL ---·------- -- d,,,--A,i_ PA-y ) -·· . -----~----~-'"'"----" / / --+-l--- ..... --__ ........,__ ... _________ __.i:;i__,,- -----------··------------··- L 2.--;,<-Z-/-/4---' )( .,6,cu~ wu.K-1 /58~ --~ --·---------------·····-----· -------------·-··----·--·· --. -----------. ------- ' ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP ~ tPt Id,/ (I- t), /4,4,X-0.9 -= S': oc; PAGE: /Y of __ _ JOB#: ~fi~#-DZ- DATE: ~--(,,-'79 NAME: .,bif5';Jr -----V.se: -~,;..,.r;,;-~--s--h~/--· -----·--·-··· 11:5.f #4@ IZ ''t;.l,, ~,..._-------.. ~----~-' ~ ·-·-----------~---------·· ------------------·-- -~--.~-----.. -------------~----·-·-·---------------------~-----·--·--------· -·-------·-- l __ J -----------~-- ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: ,. 7, of __ _ JOB#: 7J_gatf.1) --t z_ DATE: ..S---/O -'77 NAME: ~.J, ---------... ;.!39.W ;z. &!Jit-- -----.9, ()lbt<ff- lZ.. 77 . M,-, = (!_. ;t:;;(b.tC) 5,q;< €. o/.z-~ · --· · · -;;.. ·(J: o}co J~ ~ i:f) (7;-~j -:: .z. 3 4' 'i'-r :e.-ce·'o/3---- -1-o,1z.(1.i~j(3,.0)(3.,5") : 1/. (/:>- ; l,/Cf7 .. F.s. :=· I {,,,o7 .. --·-· ---... ---------···-----=-------==-=--.Z.-&-3·--------- 7,efJ . _______ /11(. '::. ___ J,1(?•139~/i-J_::. _1~41 1it__ 7=;_ /4.-d~;------·--·--___________ _ i,? ()!JV . -::; . I 'Z-i;cf!fj} e... ----· /.,? ()(Jl) /(_ v. ~ I$. l/4 .JI =-() ,1/M) -------·----------·10. vr:;o'c::. ·,j4/1~cc....·------------ ..... .. '\,. . 'j; . ~ --: tJ/~t?Z,,7 ~/, 33 :::-·~--tflC!.8 (,, _ /4s --;. IZ y: / a;.y-. t?,. P.{!_ -s e, ::_ t),, (I .5 I /1 »tf-' . ------·-------½~-~-4§ ___ &~1 t2_,,~.--ds:.:=-IJ._L,t:z~:/&:-._ ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: /4-of. __ _ JOB#: -"----'1'8,t)=--~-·-0_-1J_Z... __ DATE: ..!:;--/O -/P7 NAME: tb /.t?;, /.,,- ~"' ._ ~ (.? ¾"r ~ )< .?f'c! ~ . ~-ZS-H-x .. /. o ~.J-{I. V --£?. <S' /'W- ·--·· .. --.. ,-------~-------- ' ----· --,---·------- ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: /5 of __ _ JOB#: 9,f36J4-tJ-OZ- DATE: o-/tJ -f9 NAME: /J6,..J/ ,Fl.a;/-:,/4-6 #~&it --:-/ti&-/04,/: /~??~ ~ ;;:;:)" '154>,0 ~i,/4r7y£$ er;/ 8 ,. ,?, /4--3/.&- tf, i.5.,-71rz.. -ft). 3'€'/Jr z- /I(!.. ~ ~-z_, ~. ~ --··· -· -·----------· --------..•. -· . I/. ---·· -·· --------· .... dv ==-. --~0~ ;:: -2:> ,;, .:s/4,.6,, ~~ /:...p/ 1/ i,-,£-,, 64>d?r ?'~a.,, o/ - -·-·-·. --. -/~j_ @ ··&·~; ·-;" ·-~·-:·o~-~~z-~ ;&- ,_, r/ f"7t9 t r 1 . 7 ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP PAGE: /ti:; of __ _ JOB#: ~-PZ-:: DATE: 0-/0-97' NAME: t/jf!i, v FeM , t? 13.3 {kJ) iz. ~ V -··--·· --_t!i4_~ .. C? .. S:- //' y ~I/ 6/a,b w <,L = a ~f'S 1"f4'~ r~ ~,r,h~~d ______________ --··· ______ k_,t_ct.d"----4?~~ h<Su~~ F. 3-,b . ,, '-- ;C-£/0 =-?>,, s-9~A5,-7 '<_.&/:t-J(g-/-l) '0$~ A---3 ., J &.~ o.~J ' -2,6 F<;-· -·-Z8 A-4---;t!3,4-t- D,·,c. -,1:t:I -i-ZB,4-4--t:i -t9 -rZ-8 ,c.;a-- l o -rt I ___ -i a. u; +-N--z,.z..,, -----______ :;;,:;,r:-z_ --D --·. ---4£~tL_. -f 4-_z;J.YU 1-;q~ -------',"'-----··-------- _______________ -----~ ____ ,{fr:E~L --~--/--.J&7 __ ,4d./47n.t!:.t:d.. _/e..1fUJ£ _ ,,C,£/i/J J:C J.3 ~ -z.a ,4-?'IGµ_ ·-··---~--~-···~-------·-·------·"-·---~ -_...,__.,.,_ -··-----------· ~--·-----·--·------------- A- . J:),~-:,~f ···---~§ /M------· .. - (j__,o :!!_, p,5:tt,z_ -.. -----------·---------------. J3 o,s-o.~ -Z:,8 ,14--;-1-7. 0 8 ~(, ~=-~-¾.-. ~-!~== .. -/4-, z,z_ 'f--.!,-: oq- f 4, :Y'I ..,-4-. 67 Z#.er/ ~,Efl'/r -/0,,?t, ..... -------· ---------------------. -----·· ··-··------------ ___ __.. _____________ _ I .,, : I ,, 1 · I 0!:16 1 wo-W ay ::,labs TABLE 10.9. Moment Distribution Factors for Slab-Beam Elements (Flat Plate with or without Column Capital) ~ 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 o .20 I o .25 0.30 1 M 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.083 0.00 k 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 c, 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 M 0.083 0.084 0.084 0.084 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.05 k 4.000 4.047 4.093 4.138 4.181 4.222 4.261 C1 0.500 0.503 0.507 0.510 0.513 0.516 0.518 ~ M 0.083 0.084 0.085 0.085 0.086 0.087 0.087 0.10 k 4.000 4.091 4.182 4.272 4.362 4.449 4.535 c, 0.500 0.506 0.513 0.519 0.524 0.530 0.535. M 0.083 0.084 0.085 0.086 0.087 0.088 0.089 0.15 k 4.000 4.132 4.276 4.403 4.541 4.680 4.818 Ci 0.500 0.509 0.517 0.526 0.534 0.543 Q.550 M 0.083 0.085 0.086 0.087 0.088 0.089 0.090 0.20 k 4.000 4.170 4.346 · 4.529 4.717 4.910. 5.108 . c, 0.500 0,511 0.522 0.532 0.543 0.554 0.564 M 0.083 0.085 0.086 0.087 0.089 0.090 0.091 0.25 k 4.000 4.204 4.420 4.648. 4.887 5.138 5.401 _CL 0.500 0.512 0.525 0.538 0.550 0.563 0.576 M 0.083 0.085 0.086 0.088 0.089 0.091 0.092 0.30 k 4.000 4.235 4.4;88 4.760 5.050 5 .361. 5.692 c, O.qOO 0.514 o_.527 0.542 0.(>56 0.571 .. 0. 58(> X = (l -c2/l2)3 1.000 , 0 85(? 0.729 0.613 0.512 0.421 0.343 FEM= Mwl2112 ! (1 -c2112l21El5 K=kEI5 1l1with bdC . · I = l h3/12 · t11E1s I S 2 ~ I C.O.F.·= CF 1112 • I tcol. The use of these tables and the calculation of K,c and the distribution factors make up a rather involved process which needs some formalizing to maintain clarity of presentation. An example is developed in the next section using a columnar form (Fig. 10.24) suggested by Ref. 10, but paralleling this with the detailed number calculations. ' ~ ~ BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP {<~-=-~ 3 7 V-/j}(_I ~iJ~J2_£!i; --Z-8, (3'j 'A- .. ' ··-·----~- .. ~ / 7/.J.- --·--·---·--··-- PAGE: 4' of __ _ JOB #: 7.& t-J 4-tJ .-ti -Z.... DATE: 6-/c? -'17 NAME: JJB ,./--r ·-'"··-···----·---···-------1----"-s:--•'-........ ····---···-----·----- -----·-----------····. ·-···-·-·. ----:r/Ef/. M(l,4vt. .. _!!!.&11~-f: :-1-/.-tb rJ-- . . ... -__ ;____ tf..; ?,f.. F.:: bl;(~ C, ~f ( & ) t. . . I .f tZ1000 .. ,. . ' ····------··----------~------- ---i--··· ----.. - i BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP ~ 6; 1-/1/ ,!,,-/4-i?7?fht../- Mr :: Z9,? 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' < ., J Table of Contents ... www.garaventa.ca . ·· Table of Contents Introduction ··········································································1!!········ .. ···································· 3 System Overview .... -............................ ~····································1111········· ................................... 5 Reference Diagrams ............................... , ...•............. : ............... · .............................................. 5 System Operation ..................................................... , .......................................................... 6 Drive System ........................................................................................................................ 6 Mains Power ....................................................•................... ~ .................... , .......................... 6 Overspeed Safety .........................................•...................................•.•..........................•..... 6 One Touch Call Stations ...•......................................................... : .............•............................... 7 Xpress II Platform ....... ~ .......................................................................................................... 7 Attachment Methods ··············1!1····················1!···············~···········'!·········································· 8 Direct Mount to Solid Walls (solid concrete, .............................. , ............•............................... 8 concrete block, wood or steel reinforcement) ............................................................ : .......... 8 Direct Mount to Wood Stud or Thin Block Walls ..................................................................... 8 Tower Mount to Wood Stud or Thin Block Walls ........................•............................................ 9 .. ~ Freestanding Support Towers (solid concrete, steel pan filled-concrete, '.~; wood stairs/landings over 76.2 mm (3") thick).: ............•...................................................... 9 Open Balustrade (towers in the core) .................................. , ................................................ 9 Outdoor Applications .•................................................... , ..................................................... 9 Standard Features ................................................................ : ........................................... 1 O One Touch Operating System .................................................... , ....................................... 10 Under Platform Sensing ...................................... .' ......... , ......... : .......................................... 10 Ramp Sensing ... , ..................•................. : ...............•.....•.................................................... 10 Emergency Stop Button .................................... : ........•.. : ...................................................... 10 Grab Rail ..........................................................................................•................................ 10 Outdoor Applications ...................................•.............. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Optional Features ............................................................................................................. 11 Folding Seat Assembly ......................................................................................................... 11 Curved Safety Arms ...........................•..........•........•..................•....................................... 11 Attendant Remote Control Unit ....................................•.. , ......... , .... : .................................... 11 Audio-Visual Alert .............................................................................................................. 11 Side Load .............. , .........................•..•.............................................................................. 11 Fire Service ................................................................... ,,,., ................................................ 11 Battery Back Up ........................................•....................................................................... 12 Auto Fold ................................................•.......................................................................... 12 Hour Counter ................................................ , .................................................................... 12 Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -1 -© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada Table of Contents Garaventa Qesign Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 Ramp Extension·························································~····································'.················· 12 Stainless Steel Towers ......................................................................................................... 12 Technical References ...................................................................................................... 13 Platform Projections ............... , ............................................................ ,: ............................. _. 13 Rail Exte·nsions ...................................................... ,. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . 13 Stair Width Clearances ............. ,............................................................................................ 13 Overhead Clearances for Platform Folded up (with arms) ........................................... : ....... 14 Overhead Clearances for Platform Folded·up (no arms) ..... -.............. , ................................. 15 Overhead Clearances required for Cana<;lian Code ............................................................. 15 Wall Heights ............................................................. , ......................................................... 16 Loading Diagrc;1m ... : ................... : ...................................................... , ................................ 16 Finishes .................................. ~······························································"···························· 17 Finishes .................................................................. , .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ... . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . 17 Outdoor Applications ............... · ...... ~ .............. , .................................................................... , 17 Xpress II Design Specifications .................................. -. ...................................................... 18 Codes and Standards ....................................................... : .............................•................ 23 Elevator Codes and Standards ..................................... ~ ............... : ......... .' .............. : ........... 23 Key Design References.from CSA and ASME Standards ................................................... 23 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ................... , ............................................................ 23 Architectural Accessibility Standards .................... , .................. , ......................................... 24 Building Codes and Standards ........................ · ...... : ............................................................ 24 Licensing Procedure .............. : ............................................................................................. 24 Reference Sources ........................ , ......................................... , ......................................... 24 Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -2-© Garaventa (Canada)Ltd. Printed in Canada t Introduction .. , www.garaventa.ca ... Garaventa -the world's #1 choice in accessibility sol.utions. Garaventa has been dedicated to developing safe and reliable accessibility solutions since 1978, and is now an industry .leader worldwide. Years of hard work and ah uncompromising commitment to. quality have enabled us to perfect the .internationally renowned Garaventa Stair-Lift. In our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, Garaventa Stair-Lifts are precision engineered to exacting standards using only the highest grade components. Attention to strict quality controls every step of the way ensures that each unit leaves in excellent condition. Our expertise in providing accessibility solutions has enabled ow design team to take on the most challenging access .situations, ~nd develop innovative solutions for schools, places of worship, offices, hotels, airports, subways and a Wide range of public and private buildings around the world. To meet accessibility challenges of the future; our certified team of designers, technicians and maintenance engineers are continu.ally upgrading their skills. By staying in the forefront of technology, Garaventa brings you the best accessibility products available today. Providing access to the world. TM ©1999 Garaventa. As we are continuously improving our products, specifications outlined in this guide are supject to change without notice. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -3-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd, Printed in Canada ... ( Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -4- Garaventa Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 © Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada • '' . ' System Overview .. www.garaventa.ca The Garaventa Xpress II is a safe, reliable and cost-effective access solution. It can be installed on your site, either indoors or outdoors, with little or no structural modifications. Curved Safety Arms (optional) Fold Down Seat (optional) Platform Conveyance Side Load Ramp (optional) Grab.Rail Tower Lower Rail The Garaventa Xpress II -Tower Mount Configuration Overspeed Safety .Pinion Gear The Garaventa Xpress II -Conveyance ancl Drive system Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -5-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada System Operation ... Garaventa De$ign Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 -t."• System Operation The conveyance of the Xpress II travels along two custom designed aluminum rails that can be mounted either-directly to the wall or to support p_osts (towers). The upper rail houses a gear rack and a travelling cable while the lower rail provides lateral support to the conveyance. the platform · conveyance is propell.ed by means of a cardage mounted rack and pinion d~ive system. Curved Safety Arms (optional) Platform Conveyance ===7. --------=(= II II II II II The Garaventa Xpress it ,. Standard Configuration Drive System The carriage mounted drive system consists of a .75 H.P. motor, a gearbox, pinion gear and flexible travelling cable. Mains Power The mains power requirement is 208 to 240 · VAC, on a dedicated l5-amp-circui1=._A lockable supplementary mains disconnect switch is mounted at the end of the upper rail. Overspeed Safety The Xpress II is provided with an overspeed governor and brake on the upper carriage drive unit which consists of a mechanical overspeed sensor, lock and electrical cutout. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -6- Pawl Safety Switch Overspeed Wheel Detent Brack~t Overspeed Safety Actuator Bracket © Garaventa.(Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada • t) System Operation .. · · One Touch Call Stations The Xpress II utilizes a one button 'keyed call station at each landing. In order to call the platform, the user must depress the call button and hold. When the platform reaches the landing the user releases the button and the platform and ramps automatically open. If the platform is equipped with optional curved safety arms, these will also open automatica_ily. Call stations may be either wall mounted or mounted to a pedestal. Xpress II Platform The platform for the Xpress II is available in lengths of either 1000 mm (39.4") or 1220 mm (48"). The platform for the Xpress II is designed for independent operation. With one touch control, the platform controls are user friendly and easy to operate. Curved safety arms are available as an option for both platform sizes. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -7- Directional Button · Fol!'.] Down Seat Key Switch Curved Safety Arms Platform Controls www.garaventa.ca Grab Rail © Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada Attachment Methods ... Garaventa Design Hot Line: 1-800-.663e-6556 Attachment Methods The custom aluminum extrusions can be directly mounted to the wall or attached to steel support towers. The following is a variety of attachment methods used to support the Xpress II. Direct Mount to Solid Walls (solid concrete (152mm (6") thick minimum), concrete block (203mm (8") minimum without reinforcement or 152mm (6") minimum with .reinforcement), wood (4" x 6" minimum) or steel reinforcement (76mm x 76mm x 6mm wall (3" x 3" x 1/4") minimum) In these cases, the extrusion may be direct mounted to the wall, although nylon anchors must be used for concrete or concrete block work. For steel post supports, the posts should be drilled for bolting. Through bolting may be required on some walls to achieve adequate fastening. See loading diagram on page 16. Direct Mount to Wood Stud or Thin Block Walls The upper rail must be attached to a 211 x 811 board that is secured to the wall. For the lower rail, a 2" x 411 board can be used, Each b·oard must be fastened into every available wall stud with minimum two screw fasteners. Se.e loading diagram on page 16. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -8- 4 4 4 . . 4 . . . Thin Structural Wall (Through Bolting maybe applied) Direct Mount to Wall 2"x 8" Board Wood Stud Wall or Thin Block Direct Mount to 2" x 8" Board on Wood Stud or Thin Block Wall © Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada ., i•i . .. Attachment Methods ., Tower Mount to Wood Stud or Thin Block Walls These conditions require that support towers be lag screwed to the floor or stair treads. The tops of. the towers can be attached to the wall with lag screws and nylon anchors, or be fastened through the wall. The tops of the towers must be cut above the upper rail to allow for the drilling and counter- boring of the tower. · Freestanding Support Towers (solid concrete, steel pan fill~d concrete, wood stairs/ landings over 76.2 mm (3") thick) These are required where there are no existing support walls, or when the lift must be located away from a wall structure. The towers must be lag screwed to the floor orto the stair treads. For concrete-filled steel pan treads, the towers must also be either bolted through the treads (where ._ accessible) or screwed to a steel stringer: which has '91 been drilled and tapped. The tower base can only be p~sitioned in the orientation shown. Open Balustrade (Towers in the core) In situations where the stairs cannot support freestanding towers and where direct mo1,mting is also not feasible it may be possible to install support towers in the open core. These towers may be a solution where there is insufficient clearance with towers on the treads. The towers are fastened to the walls, stringers or the sides of concrete stairs, as well as to the floors. Special brackets and towers must be ordered from Garaventa to use this installation method. (Please contact Garaventa for pricing). Outdoor Applications In outdoor applications, the Xpress II may either be direct mounted or mounted to stainless steel towers. Stainless fasteners must be used to attach the extrusion to the wall or tower. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -9- www.garaventa.ca Tower Tower Mount © Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada Standard Features Standard Features One Touch Operating System The One Touch Control System activates the platform and access ramps with the press of a single button. Located on the ca!I. station, as well as on the platform, it fs easy to use by passengers with limited dexterity, or by attendants with a remote control unit. Under Platform Sensing These sensors detect obstacles and automatically stop the lift upon contact. The platform can be backed up, allowing the obstruction to be removed. Ramp Sensing These sensors detect pressure from the outside of the platform ramps to en~ure that the platform will stop immediately ,if an obstruction is met during its' travel. Emergency Stop Button Located on the platform control panel, this ·red button is used to stop the lift in. an emergency. Grab Rail A grab rail is supplied as a standard feature of the Xpress II platform lift. This safety feature - increases the ease with which passengers may load and unload from the pl~tform. Outdoor Applications . The hanger and platform are made of zinc plated mild steel. The cover of the lift is made of high quality ABS/PVC. By using stainless steel fasteners and towers, the Xpress II can be used in outdoor applications. Garaventa Design Hot Line: 1--800-663-6556 Emergency Stop Switch Touch Sensitive Ramps Platform Directional Travel Buttons Grab Rail Under Platform Sensing Plate Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -10-© Garaventa (Canada).Ltd. Printed in Canada f I Optional Features Optiona.l Features Folding Seat Assembly Designed for use by ambulatory passengers, the folding seat comes equipped with a safety belt. Curved Safety Arms Fully automatic curved safety arms are available to further increase the safety of the Xpress II inclined platform lift. Easily retrofitted, curved arms are available for both sizes of platform. Attendant Remote Control Unit The remote/attendant control allows the Xpress II to be operated independently of the platform mounted controls. In this way an attendant can walk beside the lift as it travels up- or down a stairway. · • Audio-Visual Alert The flashing light and audible alarm will alert other users of the stairway that the inclined platform lift is in use. This safety feature helps to ensure the safety of pedestrians on the stairway. Side Load Designed for confined lower landing areas, this feature opens a side ramp simultaneously with the end ramp. This allows the passenger to wheel onto the platform diagonally, offering easier access. Fire Service Designed to interface with a building's fire safety system, this service interrupts power to the lift when a fire alarm sounds. This ensures that the lift will not obstruct the stairway traffic during a building evacuation. If the lift is in use whe_n the alarm sounds, it will continue to a designated · landing. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -11 - Curved Safely Arm www.garaventa.ca Plug in for Attendant Remote Control Unit Side Load Ramp Attendant Remote Contrc,I Unit © Garaventa {Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada Optional Features Battery Back Up Often used with the Fire Service option, this ensures that the lift continues to travel to a designated landing during a power outage. The self-contained battery unit is located on the Wall or floor at one of the landings. Aµto Fold This feature will allow the lift to automatically fold if left unattended for a period of time at a landing. The time delay is adjustable in the field by an authorized Garaventa technician. Hour Counter The hour counter enables the owner to determine the amount of time the Xpress n inclined platform lift has been used. This is ,a helpful tool in determining times for preventative maintenance. Ramp Extension In cases where it is not possible to properly land the platform (shallow angled stairs), it may be necessary to utilize the ramp extension. This option is also useful in situations where the landing slopes or is uneven. Stainless Steel Towers In applications where the Xpress II is to be used outdoors or in a harsh environment ( e.g. near swimming pools, hot tubs, chemicals, etc.) it is necessary to use stainless steel towers and fasteners. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -12- G~raventa Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 Ramp Extension Standard Ramp Ramp Extensions © Garaventa (Canada) Ltd, Printed in Canada I, I,, Technical References '" . www.garaventa.ca A Platform Projection B t l -Rail Extension ·" 11 01 1-1-I I 0 f .. ~ ........... . . _,, :,,_ .. ------------------------ _.,, ,ti w ,~ ~Qi) LL (!J ~ ., ,1/IPO !u .. ! __ Side Load (Optional) __ ! I ' Platform Projection and Rail Extensio~s • Stair Angle 10° 15° 20° 25° 3 0 35° 40° 45° 50° Dimension A -Platform Projection ---1000 x 800mm Platfonn 2618 2154 1918 1.n6 1679 1609 1554 1511 1475 • (39.37" X 31.50") 10~.07 84.80 75.51 69.9? _6.tl.10_ 63.35 61.18 59.49 58.07 1220 x 800mm Platfonn 2833 2369 2133 1991 1894 1824 1769 1726 1690 (48.03" X 31.50") 111.52 93.27 83.98 78.39 · 74.57 71.EU 69.65 67.95 66.54 Dimension B -Rall Extension 1000 x 800mm Platfonn 2430 1976 1745 1604 1504 1426 1360 1301 1246 (39.37" X 31.50") 95.67. n,a 68.70 63.15 59.21 56.14 53.54 51.22 49.06 1220 x 800mm Platfonn 2538 2086 1855 1714 1614 1536 1470 1411 1356 (48.03" X 31.50") 99.92 · 82.13 73.03 67.48 '. 63,54 60.47 57.87 55.55 53.39 Note: The above table is based on a first riser height of 190mm (7.5'') for shallow angles below 25° with shorter first risers the platform projection and rail extension will be shorter than indicated. For these cases please consult Garaventa or the local representative. St . W'dth Cl air I earance D' f D"ff . t Att h 1mens1ons or I eren ac meu t M th d e 0 S Clearance Width C Dimensions mm in mm 1000 x 800 mm (39:37" x 31.50") Platform Direct Mount 81 3.19 260 Direct Mount w/ 2• x a• 119 4.69 298 Towers --145 5.71 325 Towers w/ 2· x 8" 18~ 7,?1 363 1220 x 800 mm (48.03" x 31.50~) Platform Direct Mount 81 Direct Mount w/ 2• x 8" 119 Towers '145 Towers w/ 2• x a• 183 Xpress II Design and Planning ·Guide Revised May 25, 1999 3.19 260 4.69 298 5.71 325 . _7.21 _363 D ,. E \ F I in mm in nlfl.1 . Jn ·-\/ 10.24 1020 40.16 i ~ 11.73 1058 41.65 1 ' 12.80 .. 1084 42.68. 9 . 44.17 14.29 11-22 ' 50.28\ 10.24 1020 40.fS 1175 46.26 11.73 . 1058 41.65 1212 . 47.72 12.80 1084 42.68 1239 48.78 14.29-1122 44.17 12n 50.28 -13- G mm in 1040 40.95 1078 42.44 1104 43.46 -1142 · 44.94 1040 40.95 1078 42.44 1104 43.46 1142 44.94 © Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada Technical References .. Garaventa Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 Overhead Clearances Required - Stair Angle 10° 15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50? Dimension H -Overhead Cleara·nce Platf(?rm Folded Up (No Arms) 1000 x 800mm Platfonn 1386 1483 1588 1701 1827 1969 2131 2323 2554 {39.37" X 31.50") 54.57 58.39 62.52 ~6.81 71.93 77.48 83.9 91.46 100.55 1220 x 800mm Platfonn ·1424 1542 1668 1804 1954 2123 2316 2543 2816 (48.03" X 31.50") 26.06 60,.71 65.67 71.02 76.93 83.58, 91.18 100.12 110.87 Dimension I -Overhead Clearance Platform Folded Up (With Arms) i-- 1000 x 800mm Platfonn 1876 1968 2066 2172 2288 2419 2568 2742 2952 (39.37" X 31.50") 73.86 77.48 81.34 85.51 · 90.08 95.24 101.1 107.95 116.22 1220 x 800mm Platfonn 1914 2027 2146 2274 2415 2573 2752 2962 3215 (48.03" X 31.50") 75.35 79.80 84.49 89.53 95.08 101,3 108.35 116.61 126.58 Dimension J -Overhead Clearance For Canadian Code (1500mm above Platform) 1000 x 800mm Platfonn 1779 1874 1974 2081 2198 2327 2474 2645 2849 (39.37" X 31.50") 70.04 73.78 77.72 81.93 86.54 91.61 97.4 104.13 112.17 1220 x 800mm Platfonn 1818 1933 2054 2184 2325 248.1 2659 2865 3111 (48.03" X 31.50") 71.58 76.10 80.87 85.98 91.54 97.68 104.69 112.80 122.48 Please note: If the platform is equipped with curved arms, dimensions from Chart I must be used. / Overhead Clearances Requited For Platform Folded Up (No Arms) Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -14-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada ' . ~) ·I I •• Technical References www.garaventa.ca / Overhead Clearances Required For Platform Folded Up (With Arms) .. :.i) / _.-(::_-·.::_-f: /, . ~ ... : . . . • .. ,.. ... / / Overhead Clearances .Required For Canadian Code Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -15-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada Technical Referencqs Garaventa Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 •• ,1 Wall Heights Required for StructL1ral Support Wall Heights .. Stair Angle 1 ()!! 152 202 252 .. 302 351! · 402 451! 502 Dimension K-Wall Heights* 1000 x 800mm Platform 707 761 819 883 -955 1038 1133 1247 1386 (39.37" X 31.50") 27.84 29,96 32.24 34.76 37.6 40.87 44.61 49.09. 54.57 1220 x 800mm Platform 726 790 ··859 935 1019 1115 1226 1357 1517 (48.03" X 31.50") 28.5.8 31.1 33.82 36.81 4Q.12 43.9 48.27 53.43 59.72 * K dimensions are to top of upper rail for placement of 2" x 8" (if required). True wall height is dimension K plus 35mm (1.38"). Xpress II Loading Diagram 1220 Platform F1: 121 kg (center of gravity of conveyance) 1179N (265 lbf) F2: 225kg (max. loading capacity) 2207N (495 lbf) d1: 362mm (15.5") d2: 678mm (26. 7") Moment at center of tower M= Force (F) x distance ( d) M=F1 xd1 +F2xd2 Maximum Moment M= 1923.1 kNmm 17022.1 in.lbf Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -I ! Platform -t6-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada ~l { Finishes www.garaventa.ca Finishes The Xpress II rail extrusions and loading ramps are fabricated of aluminum With a bronze anodized . finish. The non-aluminum components of the lift, including the optional· arms are powder coated RAL 7030 -Stone Gray. The conveyance cover is made of beige cblored ABS/PVC. Outdoor Applications Because most components of the Xpress II are made of anodized aluminum they are already prepared for outdoor use. Any components that are not made of aJuminum are zinc plated. If the Xpress II is to be direct mounted if") an outdoor appHcation, stainless steel fasteners must be used. If the Xpress II is tower mounted in an outdoor location, stainless steel towers and fasteners must be ordered. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -17-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada t..:..._ ... Xpress II Design_ SpeGifications Garaventa Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 Garaventa (Canada) Ltd~ 7505-134A Street, Surrey, B.C. Canada V3W 7B3 Phone: (604) 594-0422 Fax: (604) 594-9915 Toll Free: 1-800-663-6556 www.garaventa.ca email: designhelp@garaventa.ca GARAVENTA STAIR-LIFT XPRESS II DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS XPRESS II DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Attention is directed to the General Documents, as listed in the table of contents, and to applicable portions .of Division --which are herewith made a part of this section. 1.02 WORK TO BE PERFORMED A. The work under this section consists of furnishing and installing an inclined wheelchair platform lift unit with all the accessories as specified. The scope of work is shown on the drawings and as specified herein. ;1.03 RELATED WORK A. The following work is to be performed under the designated sections and coordinated with the work in this section: · 1 ) Section 03300 -Concrete 2) Section 04000 -Masonry as required 3) Section 06100 -Carpentry , 4) Section 15000 -:'=lectrical 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Data: 1) Submit the manufacturer's specifications arid installation instructions for each complete system. 2) Include a complete-listing and description of performance and operating characteristics. 3) Show maximum and average power demands. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 ~18-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada t ,. '· t ( Xpress II Design Specifications www.garaventa.ca B. Shop Drawings: 1) Include shop drawings for each platform lift system, including typical details of assembly, erection and anchorage. 2) Include wiring diagrams of power distribution, controls-, and signals for the entire system. C. Samples: 1) Submit samples of each exposed .finish required for platform lift work. D. Maintenance Manual: 1) Submit one copy of bound maintenance manual. 2) Include full maintenance and operating instructions, parts lists, recommended spare and emergency parts inventory, sources of purchases and similar information. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. The wheelchair lift shall not be used for the hoisting of materials or personnel during the construction period. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE · A. Manufacturer: Must be a firm with a minimum of 20 years experience in the manufacturing of inclined platform lifts, with evidence of experience with similar-installations of the type specified. B. Installer: Must be a contractor licensed to install equipment of this scope, with evidence of experience with this equipment. The installer must also employ competent personnel, maintain an adequate stock of replacement parts, have qualified people .available to ensure fulfillment of maintenance and cail-back service without unteasonable loss of time in reaching the job site. C. Regulatory Hequirements: Materials and construction shali comply with the current edition of the following codes, stand~1rds and guidelines. . 1) ASME/ANSI A17.1a-1991 "Safety Code for Elevators arid Escalators", Part XX (Commercial and Public Buildings) and Part XXI (Private Residences) and applicable supplements and addendum. 2) CAN/CSA-8355-M92 "Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities:' 3) ANSI A117.1-1986 "Providing AGcessibility and Usability for Physically H_andicapped People." 4) NFPA No 70-93 National Electric Code. 5) ADAAG Americans: With Oisabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines. 6) Electrical testing has been performed by a nationally recogni,zed testing laboratory eg. UL, CSA etc. 7) __________ Building·Code. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Warranty: Manufacturer shall warrant the wheelchair lift materials and workmanship for one year following completion of the ·installation. B. Extended Warranty~ Manufacturer shall warrant the wheelchair lift materials and workmanship for three [five] years following completion of the installation and execution of a Preventive Maintenance Program Agreement for three [five] years. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -19-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada Xpress II Design Specifications Garaventa Design Hot Line: 1-800-663-6556 1.08 MAINTENANCE A. The cost of renewals or repairs caused by reason of negligence, misuse, or accidents beyond the control of the Stair-Lift contractor shall not be his responsibility. 8. If call-back service is required between regular inspections, and is necessitated by defects which are not covered by the warranty, this contractor will be reimbursed. Call-back service necessitated by defects which are covered by the warranty ·shall be provided without charge. PART 2 EQUIPMENT This section covers the supply and installation of one inclined wheelchair .lift system. [Optional equipment and features are printed in italics, and are extra cost] 2.01 MODEL TYPE: Garaventa Stair-Lift Model XPRESS II: an inclined wheelchair platform lift that travels on two extruded aluminum -rails along the edge of the stairway, installed either indoor or outdoor, to serve one flight of stairs, with two landings and two stops, with storage as described below. 2.02 PLATFORMTYPE: A. Platform and ramps to be folded and unfolded electrically from the call station adjacent to the occupied landing. 8. Platform Size. Standard width is 800mm (31.5"). Two platform lengths are available: • "1000" Platform (39.4" long) • "1220" Platform (48" long) • Add 1-SSmm (7.3") to each end for platform ramps .. C. Platform to be rated for a load of 225kg (495 lbs.), with minimum SX safety factor. D. Non-slip surfaces on the deck and ramps. E. Ramps are 152mm (611) high when foldeq up to prevent accidental wheelchair roll-off. F. Sidewall, 175mm (6:911) high,. also functions as vandal resistant cover to protect platform control switches when in folded position. G. Clearances. When folded, the platform should not protrude more than 260mm (10.2") from the mounting surface. When unfolded and in use, it should not protrude more than 1020 mm (40.2") from the mounting surface for a unit without a sideload ramp and 1175 mm (46.3") for a unit with a sideload ramp(basedupon direct mountto attachillentwall·-add 65mm (2.6") if self-supporting towers are used to support the system). H. Platform to travel at a speed of 4m (13 ft) per minute. I. Platform to have travel safeties that will cause the lift to stop if an obstruction, causing four pounds of pressure, is met. Two main sensing devices will ca.use the platform to stop: a Touch-Sensitive Plate under the platform and Multi-Directional Touch-Sensitive Ramps, which operate from both the inside and outside of the platform $Urface. When traveling in either the folded or unfolded position, contacting the ramp plates will automatically stop the lift. The lift must be capable of "backing away" from any obstruction encountered without the requirement to first clear the obstruction. This important feature ensures that an independent operator can return safely to an unobstructed landing. Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -20-© Garaventa (Canada) ltd. Printed in Canada 0))1 0 Xpress II Design Specifications www.garaventa.ca J. Fold-down Seat, with 1;1 safety belt, to be provided on the platform. K. Wrap-around safety arms, to be provided at both _ends of the platform. 2.03 OPERATING CONTROLS -24 Volts de A. Platform: 1) Key switch, constant pressure directional t>uttons, emergency stop switch and plug-in extension control for passenger or attendant operation. Platform ramps and platform underside equipped with obstruction sensitive cut-off safeties. Ramps and arms (if so equipped) must cycle automatically when the directional control switch is released at the desired landing. 8. Call Station at each landing: 1) Key switch, constant pressure platform call control. 2) One Touch Control System to automatically fold/unfold the platform and access ramps. 3) One Touch Control System to automatically fold/unfold the platform, access ramps and wrap-around safety arrns. 2.04 DRIVE SYSTEM A. Motor to be . 75 HP, 208-240 VAC, controlled by a frequency inverter and positioned within the conveyance .. B. Power Transmission: Worm gear reduction to a pinion moving on a fixed gear rack. (. 2.05 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM A. Rail System: Main Upper Rail: Bronze a:nodized aluminum extrusion weighing 8 lbs. per foot, · with integrally mounted zinc plated gear rack. Lower Rail: 1.5" x 2.5" bronze anodized aluminum extrusion. 8. Overspeed governor and brake on upper carriage drive, containing mechanical overspeed sensor and lock, with electrical drive cut-out protection. 2.06 AUTOFOLD This option will automaticallylold the platform into the storage position ifleft unused in the open position at a landing tor a period Dot 1-10 minutes· (field adjustable). 2.07 FOLD FROM OTHER CALL STATION . This option allows the platform to be folded into the storage position from the opposite call station. 2.08 AUDIO VISUAL ALERT • ___ Audio-visual Alert(s) to be installed in the stairway. Alert units must be wall mounted in sufficient numbers to be visible frotn all flights and landings whenever the platform is operating in the stairwayin either the folded or unfoldedposition. (May be required by local building authorities in some situations.) Xpress II Design ?Jnd Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -21 -© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. . Printed in Canada Xpress II Design Specificotions Garaventa Design Hotline: 1-800-663-6556 2.09 FIRE SERVICE • Fire Service to be provided, to ensure that the lift is not used for emergency egress and that it does not impede stairway traffic. When the building fire alarm system is activated, the lift will not operate if the platform is folded and the key is turned off. If the lift_ is in use when the fire alarm is activated, it will travel only in one direction -towardthe Ian.ding that has been designated as the emergency exit. This feature is programmable in the field. This feature includes the circuitry andconnectiohs within the lift system only; connections from the lift system to the building alarm system and any alterations to the building alarm system required to accommodate this feature are the work of other trades and are specifically excluded from this section. (May be requiredbylocal building/fire authorities in some situations.) 2.10 EMERGENCY EVACUATION DEVICE •Supply_ emergency evacuation devices housed in steel storage cabinets located adjacent to each Stair-Lift landing·floor above ground level. To fully comply with the following specifications: TYPE: Garaventa "Evacu-Trac" CAPACITY: 1 person, 163 kg (360 lbs.) with minimum 1.5 times safety factor. MAXIMUM STAIR ANGLE: 40 degrees. SPEED GOVERNOR: Piston brake. STOP BRAKE: By manual mechanical brake, attendant must release for descent. STORAGE: Steel cabinet and door paneLAvailable only in Sahara Sand, left hinged only. * SURFACE MOUNT CABINET DIMENSIONS: Height 1180mm (46.5"), Width 576mm (22.7"), Depth 331 mm (13.0") * FLUSH MOUNT CABINET DIMENSIONS~ Height 1 t80mm (46.5"), Width ?76mm (22.7"), Depth 331.mm (1.3.0"). Height overall (including flange) 1-290mm (50.8"), Width Overall (in- cluding flange) 636mm (25.0"). Width of flange 30mm (1.2'') Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -22-© Garaventa (Canada) ltd. Printed in Canada ti .. ,, f' f • ()_ Codes and Standards ,_ www.garaventa.ca In Canada, Garaventa Stair-Lifts are called ''unenclosed stair platform lifts". In the United States, they are called "inclined wheelchair lifts". For simplicity, the term "platform lifts" will be used in this section. Elevator Codes and Standards Note: The same standards used for elevators apply to the installation of platform lifts. Garaventa Stair-Lifts fully comply with both Canadian, American and International standards: they are; respectively, CSA-B355-M94 Lifts for P~rsons with Physical Disabilities and ASME A 17.1 1996 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. Given that standards are. interpreted <;fifferently from one jurisdiction to another, the latest copy of local standards should always be the final reference ... Key Design· References from CSA and ASME Standards Capacity: Maximum one person. A seat may be provided to accommodate a non-wheelchair passenger. Maximum rated ioad is 225kg/4951bs. · Travel Length and Stops: Contact your local Garaventa representative, or call the Garaventa Design Hot Line for more details regarding applicable codes in your area. O Key Operation: Virtually all jurisdictions in Canada require that a public platform lift be key operated, even though it is not formally specified as a CSA standard. In the United States, key op_eration is a designatedASME standard. (A 17.1 Rule 2001.1 Oa) · Independent Operation: Either a passenger or an attendant can operate the Garaventa Xpress II Stair-Lifts. In jurisdictions that only permit attendant-operated platform lifts, it is necessary to include attendant call switches at all call stations, and a lockout cover may have to be installed over the operating controls. (A 1-7 Rule 2001.1 Ob) Emergency Signal: An emergency signaling device must be proviae.d if the lift is to be operated without an attendant, or if the lift-is not highly visible to other building occupants. (8355 Rule 8.3 and A 17.1 Rule 2001.1 Ob) Pedestrian Alert: Neither CSA .nor ASME standards require an audio-visual alert warning pedestrians that the lift is in operation. However, it is a requirement in many local jurisdictions and is highly recommended by Garaventa, especially for high traffic stairwells. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Garaventa Stair-Lifts meet all the requirements of the ADA.-(Note: A minimum platform size of 1220x760 mm/48x30 inches is required. If this size is technically infeasible, a smaller platform may be used.) Xpress II Design and Planning Guide Revised May 25, 1999 -23-© Garaventa (Canada) Ltd. Printed in Canada : ' 't !" FOR OFFICE USE O~~ PLAN CHECK NO. (UL'\°{--(9~ PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING OEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 EST. VAL. ____________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit _________ _ Validat~d By _________ _ Date. _______________ _ 1, PRoJECT INFORMATION Address (include Bldg/Suite II · Business Name.I~ this address) Legal Description Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total II of units Propostd Use I of Bedroqms I of Bathrooms Name Address· · City State/Zip Telephone II ti • ." CONTRACTOR:.;; COMPANY.:NAM~tJ,·;.,\1,;t.J'=."::C''.t'":t''.:,; /;"";\•;,_::,,::,-'. ·: .. : ·. · .. ·:· · .... : .... .,_-!. -,··. •-~• • •• ~-: ~-.,: _ _. I :4,"' •: -: (Sec. 7031.6 Business and Professions-Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair· any stn,cture, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis tor the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.6 by any applicant for a permit subjacts the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($6001). Name Address City State/Zip Telephone II State License I ________ _ License Class-----,.--,.----City Business License II _______ _ Designer Name Addriss City State/Zip Telephone State License II ________ _ ·a .... WORKERS'.COMPENSATlON~~i¾.::,:;.;L::J.:G::::..'.':~~----' .~ .•. -.... .",:,, .... ··-.. , .................. :·::.. , .::: :·:, .... ·. · ... ,:. . ---· . •. , •• ~ .-t'!. -l ~· I •• ,,..'"'••• Worker&' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the-following declaration•.: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compen11tion ~· provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued. ' 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700··of the Labor Code, for the· performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company____________________ Policy No .. ____________ Expiretion Data ______ _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100) OR LE~SJ 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I cartify t.hat in the performance of th• work tor -which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any parson in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Fallura to secure workers' c:ompenaatlon coverage 11 unlawful, and ahall aubjact an employer to c:rtrnlrlll penaltlu and clvU flnH up to one hundred thouaand dollars 1•100,0001, In addltlon·to the coat of compensation, damag1111 provided for Jn Section 3708 9f the Labor code, lntareat and attomay'a f111. SIGNATURE ____________________ ...,.... _________ DATE _________ _ ·1. · OWNER•BUILDER1>EC1:ARATION~,d\:·::::,:~.:/½:'•.·:-,..~,,-·,. '·• :,··•. · . ' ........ -.. '' · ·· ·. · · .. , ... . I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: D I, as owner of the property or my employees with· wages es their sole compensation, will do the ·work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Profe11ions Code: The Contractor's Lic1n11 L•w does not apply to an owner of property who bl,lilda or lmprov11 thereon, and who does such work himHlf or through.hi• own amploy11s, provided that such improv1m1nt1 are not intended or offered tor 1111. It, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or imp,rove for the purpoae of 11le). V I, 11 owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licenaed contractors to· construct the project .(Sec. 7044, Busin111 and Prot111ions Code: The ~rector's License Law doea not apply to an owner of property who builds or improv11 thereon, and contracts for such-projects with contractor(sl licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). · · 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Buaine~s-and Protesalons Code for this reason: 1 ; I personally plen to provide the major labor and materials for conatruction of the proposed property Improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. e have not) signed an application for I building permit for the proposed work. _ 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed constru_ction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired t number/ contractors license number):. ___ ..,..._--;,"r"-r--,.-+---------------------------------------- 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have co the following·persons to provide the work indicated (include name/ eddress / phone number/ type of workJ:: _ __: _________ --::::::::~~:,l:::.:::::::;"{::.===:::~..------,--.---------:::-~---;---:::-::::--~-----~~ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE__,~:.....,.c-----1.C---.......f.-------,,--,!-:...._-. ____ · _____ ·_ DATE <k I Z:()l 91 'COMPLETE THIS. SECTION FOR'N .. ;·!,:,;:::;::;:,' ,· . · ·;· ... 'r,:_ · H'.~; ,'.·-: . .-.,.-.:· ·:;:,:~;'..[. , .. :_. :'..}·~' ... : ._:: : , ,. · Is the applicant or future building ccu ant req ired to submit a uslnass-plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 26606, 26 3 or 26634 of the Presley-Tanner H1z1rdous Substance Account Act? 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or future building oc upant required to obtain a permit from·the air pollution control district or air quality management district? 0 · YES O NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000·feet of the outer boundary of ,·school site? (j. Y.ES o· NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ·s •... :;CO!"STRUCTio'N ·LENDING~-1'.;Y.{~ik~J'.~~~\;'"1:}~.:,lt]f;'.-'.!ii);::;:~;t•;,.,\:.;.:-:;_'./·. ~·: -;~: ,.;.';. ;·, :_-·· .. _:.-_::·.-;:,., . :-c',.~i/:, . -~ ·'. .. ,; . '\. : :· ..... , . -:' , . . . . . ::. : I hereby affirm that there is a construction.lending agency for the performance of the work for Which this permit is issu.ed [Sec. 3097(i) Civil CodaJ. LENDEf\'S NAME ____________ ~_ LENDER'S ADDRESS:----------------------------- •9. APPUCANT·CERTIACATION:~r:6'·,/:~it:•,:_;·,:1;·1·,;1;~'.-~::_:;f.;,:' .. ;:;_; .. ;):·,:,iJ~:,'; r:··,0::-. --~:_._-.;.'. '·:.'-.: ·:, ... _..,_: __ ;•:; •• • ••• ,,.,: ,_.:· •-::::··-:· .... ,-•::, .. • I certify that I have read the application and state that the above-information·ls correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the Citt of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAi[.) CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS P!ERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over s•o• deep and demolition or-construction of structures over 3 stories In heir;ht. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit Is not commenced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit ia suspended or abandoned at any time after the work la commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 106.4,4 Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ___________________ _ DATE L PLANNINC/ENCINEERINC .APPROVAL·S PERMIT NUMB&R=CB-k~ 99-/99 . .DATE 8-2<:._/-?'? ADDRESS One . LEGO .,(}riue RESIDENTIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT RESIDL=.NTIAL ADDITION MINOR (<$10,000.00) ENGINEER DDCS/MlsformslPlannlng Engineering Approvals PLAZA CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD·COMPANY STORES ViLLAGE FAIRE COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING DATE ------- PAGE: of BURGESS ENGINEERING GROUP JOB#: f1!3#H --z;~ DATE: d-/$-99 NAME: JJ/5, JI" -----------·-··-·-----------;-------~-------- ! .. -· -t-·-·· ' i ' ·----+-·-----· --. i : I ,l i ' . --~-- . 1 ; . : • I ! · t td,),d_ ~/2'7-'. ---l _/&f_ ___ ~~~-___,1.-,7.----1-----'~-7 e i I 1 --~--' ----·· .. _: __ 1;.-----~-/ . --. -· --·---. ·-------.. .. ir_.i--=-~ ~'.~%-~ ~ - £--·-. ·-·-·-~;-~£,_~go/./t_z-_____ ·-+-----·---i~ =_/,J:3~, ! : __ .,___ ' ------·----,...-,-,---[ -+--.·-··· __ J_~dtS~~~ : I I 1 -l -------------------'---,---~---,;.------~-----~- ?:J = /,4-I I ---------·----4 ----··--~------t--- .(6-f= ,t~-n-,~ L~L ' l ! I ! ; r I t ! 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